This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. L E G A L N OT ICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or - • t B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ſº-º-ººmma- \\\\ 2. A933 SAMPLING DEVICES USED IN NUCLEAR SAFETY PILOT PLANT* * T A *. Peter P. Holzkº jº, ) Thomas H. Row, Sponsor% $9 . * : * : */ i4. : gt§§ Fººt W: : ; * i. *ººl ; Ce/~ & 32.222 -/2 R CO PATENI CAEARANCE OBTAINED. P GEDURES SECTION. ; § - pUBLIC is APPROVED PRO ### # ; 3. Elif IN THE RECEIVING # # º º 5 : 3. #### #!" - ### j; i ; # : The Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant, constructed in 1961, at the Oak ### —" " ' # & - 'd # = Ridge National Laboratory, is an experimental facility for evaluating # # # the transport behavior of fission products in a 1350-ft” simulated # -- - - - 5 § containment system. 1, 2 The facility consists of a plasma torch for ## melting fuel materials, a stainless steel containment vessel into § { \ _2^ - P. t. - AJ - \ which the fission products are released, and a variety of sampling | -> devices for determining the time and Spatial distribution of the - ^ * various chemical and physical forms of the released fission products, | º * - •Ü QP This paper first describes the original sampling equipment and then # * rri discusses the evolution of five newer devices for more thorough and . \ - O detailed analysis. –0 \ 2 • * All samplers are either inside or on the periphery of the con- }* - * tainment vessel, and the actual taking of a sample is a remotely ; - I- º controlled operation. In most instances the "taking of a sample" in- º: - 2 volves passing a sample of the containment vessel atmosphere through °s. special channels and filter media. Samplers are removed from the vessel with remotely controlled techniques prior to system decontami- / nation and transferred to a hood, glove box, or hot cell, as required, ſ r / º - f ! / . Af s - / for decontamination, disassembly, and preparation of samples for I analysis. • W. º { *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commis wº tº: - contract with the Union Carbide Corporation, º: º: & **Oak Ridge National Laboratory - 3% & / º º . § ..” ºr º *S* * ) ::::: 2 Initially, aerosols generated within the containment vessel Were § observed by measuring the condensation nuclei concentration with a ; condensation nuclei counter, sampling the vessel atmosphere with i tape air samplers using various filter media, using suspended deposi- tion coupons, making collections on tape fallout samplers and fallout - cups, and analyzing vessel decontamination and rinse solutions. In- terpretations of the early experimental data obtained by these means indicated a need to differentiate the chemical form of the iodine associated with the samples, the desirability of studying diffusion . phenomena in connection with the various forms of iodine, a need to consider the time dependence of fallout sampling, and a requirement, N \ N for sample protection during purging and unloading operations. Five - - ***~.. • * types of sampling devices have now been adapted or developed to satisfy these needs. The devices are a May-pack cluster, a combina- tion May-pack and diffusion-tube sampler, a carousel-type fallout i. sampler, a multicomponent sampler designated "Nu-Star," and a ferris-wheel-type multibucket sampler. The May-pack cluster was developed for taking a series of time- dependent chemically identifiable samples at a given location. As shown in Fig. l the May-pack cluster has 12 separate channels. Each .*S. channel is loaded with the following filter elements: (1) silver or silver-plated copper screens, (2) membrane filters, (3) charcoal- /impregnated glass fiber filters, and (l) activated charcoal beds. Vacuum is applied to the respective channels via an integral valve for sequential channel sampling. The combination May-pack and diffusion-tube sampler now avail- able was designated to collect possible unique constituents in the aerosol. It consists of five pairs of May-Pack channel housings with diffusion tubes inserted between the two housings in each pair. Part of the May-pack filters can be loaded in each of the channels so that the diffusion tube is located between different filter element units in each channel. º The carousel-type fallout sampler" permits eleven time-dependent fallout samples to be taken. A slow-speed vibratory meter, including 2 a shaft-mounted programmer, provides precise indexing of the fallout- N. -- " ' ) N SS sampling coupons. An alternate version of this sampler substitutes ~ test tube cups for the coupons for use in liquid deposition experi- 4 *-** * __. -** sº \s, mentation. The samples are protected during purging and unloading operations • º ' shown in Fig. 2, was de- The multicomponent sampler "Nu-Star,' signed to combine the three major sampling methods required within the containment vessel into a single, self-contained unit. It includes ...e. “” If desired, total-time fallout and deposition samples can also be .../ obtained by attaching' suitable samplers directly to the sample-carrier housing. This sampler was designed for operation in a steam environ- ment at temperatures up to 500°F. The remote-handling requirements /are simple because the unit has self-contained vacuum, electrical, and calibrated flow-metering •ument to eliminate line disconnects. The sampler housing is permanently installed within the containment vessel, and only its top rotating-plate assembly is normally removed after removing a single, centered eyebolt. A substitute plate cover assembly serves to seal the sampler during vessel decontamination, If required, however, the complete sampler can be removed. The unit requires a minimum of in-vessel and in-cell piping. The self-contained indexing and rotation equipment, which has a carousel-type drive, is simple and reliable. A blanking feature is provided whereby the sampler can be isolated before and after exposure and during installation and removal from the containment vessel. The requirements for "glove-box" or "hot-cell" handling of samples have been minimized, and there are - provisions for integrated sequencing of May-pack, deposition, and 1.% \ fallout awler during removal. Solenoid-actuated "on- station" flow passage sealing is available to permit uniformity in precalibrated **-es- e sº sampling of the respective channels. - me fifth new sampler, a ferris-wheel-type multibucket unit pro- grammed to scoop time-dependent consensate samples from the containment vessel bottom, is now being developed for use in a steam environment. - The new samplers provide complete time-dependent data on fallout 9 as well as the characterization of the physical and chemical behavior - of iodine within the model containment vessel. The data that have been - obtained are reported in a paper w L. F. Parsly et al. **, \,... A Asºleisen: - - * - • * / The authors acknowledge sampler design contributions by - G. M. Smith, Jr., instrumentation assistance by c. Brashear, and criteria Support by L. F. Parsly, Jr., all of the Oak Ridge * National Laboratory. \ References 1. C. J. Barton et al., "Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant," pp. 77-84 in Nuclear Safety Program Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 1961, USAEC Report ORNI-3691, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. t 2. C. J. Barton et al., "Behavior of Radioiodine in the NSPP," in Nuclear Safety Program Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 1961, USAEC Report ORNL-3776, Oak Ridge * National Laboratory. ... --º-º-, * * -- a-- * *-* * - N, | •& N \ * 't ****..., º Y - -Ass * \ \ v \ - ... ... sº * * _--~~~ ...~~~~ . ~~~~ _2. ~~. \. - - , / / / - 'u34SnIO MODE KDW 2} |- ~ XHOVE WWWBATV7/\ /\\+\/LO}} • • •-> <!--- «-» - «-» «…» «…» «…» «…» -, → «…» «…» «…» «» - «º «-» -> … • • •• •-> --> <--- «-> • - <---> 9984-479 9MQ-TNAJO· ,- CJE 1-BISSVT10Nſ)·-(~) F # * 62 142• " !— / ! Aº-)_…:-) --~--~ {、qºº5°/ſ)622g5 c5%_^ØC/nººg��42/3 (Y9/1/6 2/29 712747\,\! !; Ģ • „<!TUL w №ws ! '& *>.) . “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . *...*.*.*.*A*t, *k, **a*.*.*.*.*xüºk-rºw i uta -, * * * - •. ... 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