P12 ? TI 12 ; EXISTEIXE AYTINA IN 17 E . T AS L" PRET WEBESSTILSTAND TV WALL 3. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 4 . Mai T IWA 2. 19A , 1www .7 . PA 2 2 . PERS * * _* 1092 2 . - .--:- : N Orph-P-1092 Griet Cong -654-54 MAR 23 1065 MEASUREMENTS AND CALCULATIONS OF ENERGY AND ANGULAR DETAILS OF FAST NEUTRON FLUX IN WATER FROM A POOL-TYPE REACTOR* V. V. Verbinski and M. S. Bokharit Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee out responsaboratory · MASTER ABSTRACT printly owned rhota; or racy, cotapletosout, or w with the couraglan, or de oraploymutat vith such contractor. dienalmate, or pronoun now to, any taforation pursued to be explotant or contract mech amployee or contractor at the Commisslon, or employee al such coatractor preparme, ployu or contractor of the Countedion, or employee of wch contractor, to the aleat that As word la the abo", "paruou acting a bowall of the Cowaluobo" includes may wo of way lafortation, appsrat, wethod, or proceu discloud 3. Acousas day los futhat with repect to the wes of, or for damascus rotters from the of may taformation, appunto, method, or procura dincloned to this report may sot latring tulongs of the fasortation a tined to als reports or that the one A. Makes any warranty or represetation, pred or Itapled, with respect to the accu- Site, vor the Comuulon, nor way peru acting on bold the Coualaston: Thla report wo progured on account of Government ponsored work. Neither the Vallad LEGAL NOTICE -- tulu port, Measurements have been made of the spectral, spatial, and angular details of the fast-neutron flux at one position within the Bulk Shielding Reactor I (BSR-I) and at several positions in the water medium surrounding the reactor. A shielded-diode spectrometer, developed especially for these measurements, was used to obtain the angular flux. The measurements were made in a gamma-ray flux that was as high as 10° r/hr. The spectra for the oº (forward) angular flux initially harden with increasing neutron-penetration depth in water up to about 30 cm, after which the spectral shape re- mains nearly constant. The spectra at 40.5° and 51° are much softer and are nearly constant at depths in water where the spectrometer does not view. the edge of the reactor. The reactor power was calibrated against thin uranium foils, and the spectral data were compared with predictions of two neutron transport codes, NIOBE and DTK, all normalized to a reactor power of 2.4 x 10-11 watts. The experimental and calculational results were everywhere within about a factor- of-two agreement with the measurements over a range of PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROFEDURES ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEIVING SECOM. attenuation of about 104 for angles of 0° - 52° and energies of 1.5 - 12 Mev. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Lahore, Pakistan. -3- Introduction A knowledge of the spatial, spectral, and angular distribution of neutrons in the water shield of a standard pool-type reactor is partic- ularly useful for testing neutron-transport calculations, and is generally of interest for a wide variety of experiments and instrument calibrations that can best be performed in a neutron flux of known intensity and spectral shape. This paper reports spectral measurements of the fast- neutron angular flux at various positions and angles within the water shield of the Bulk Shielding Reactor I (BSR-I).? The geometry of the reactor core and its water shield is simple in that water acts as both reflector and shield. It should be relatively easy to reproduce this geometry for a variety of shielding calculations which one night wish to compare with these measurements. The experiments were carried out with a shielded-diode spectrometer developed especially for this work. Although the spectrometer efficiency is low, it is particularly suitable for spectral measurements of reactor neutrons, where both the neutron and garma-ray intensities are high, because the shielding arrangement makes the spectrometer quite in- sensitive to the high gamma-ray flux from the reactor. The response of the spectrometer to monoenergetic neutrons is a simple Gaussian, and the average pulse height varies linearly with energy. With this response, the energy spectrum is obtained directly from the pulse-height spectrum by a simple correction for the spectrometer efficiency whose energy by dependence has been calculated. The efficiency, resolution, and garma- ray tolerance are sensitive functions of instrument design and cost, and all three could conceivably be improved by a large factor over the present design, which should be considered as a pilot model. These factors will be discussed below in appropriate parts of this communication. Experimental Arrangement The general arrangement of the reactor and the spectrometer in the Bulk Shielding Facility pool is shown in Fig. 1. In the reactor loading used for these measurements (Fig. 1), the control rods and regulating rods have been moved back from their normal, more central location to leave the area near the front face of the reactor homogeneous and un- cluttered. The reactor is a rectangular 38 x 38 x 60 cm configuration, except for the two additional elements in the rear that were required to attain criticality and to restore some of the symmetry lost by moving back the control and regulating rods. The shielded-diode spectrometer was positioned in the horizontal midplane of the reactor and the data were obtained as a function of e, the horizontal angle between the pro- longed center line of the reactor and the center line of the spectrometer, and of r, the distance from the reactor face to the end of the air-filled spectrometer collimator. Sulphur pellets positioned 20- and 40-cm from the plane of the reactor's face, 38-cm left of the reactor's vertical midplane, and 35-cm above the horizontal midplane, were used to monitor the relative power of the reactor for various runs. The relative power level from one run to another is known to an accuracy of 2%. This rela- tive power was converted to absolute power with a reactor power cali- bration which was performed for the core configuration shown in Fig. 1. This calibration is discussed below, near the end of this paper. Shielded-Diode Spectrometer As shown in Fig. I, the shielded-diode spectrometer essentially consists of a 580-ug/cm2-thick 'LiF layer on 70-ug/cma-thick formvar, UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-844R4 BSR LOADING 96A : - . :- . ALUMINUM AIR -20 cm - 20 cm - -50 SULFUR FOILSL LEAD 1111111111 ! TUNGSTEN LINING CONTROL RODS EQUAL TO 12 FUEL ELEMENT A SILICON DIODES SILICON DIODES F LAYER 'liF LAYER A > VACUUM INCHES LEAD - Fig. 1. Experimental Arrangement. The relative positions of the reactor, spectrometer, and sulphur pills are shown. The latter were placed 38-cm to the left of the reactor's midplane center line and 35-cm above the horizontal plane shown. The dotted circle represents one of the spherical source regions used with the calculations. which is supported in vacuum between widely spaced silicon-gold surface. barrier diodes. To shield the diodes against intense gauma-ray fields and very fast neutrons, a lead shield and a tungsten-lined 18-in.-long lead collimator is used. By further shielding against slow neutrons with 'Li on all sides, the count rate from very low-energy neutrons is drastically reduced and the spectrometer is found to work satisfactorily for the fast-neutron angular-fJux measurements above 1-1.5 MeV. A neutron, after passing through the lead collimator, impinges on the 'Lif layer and produces an alpha particle and a triton emitted in opposite directions in the center-of-mass system. These charged parti- cles share between them the energy of the incoming neutron plus 4.78 MeV, the Q value of the Li(n,a)T reaction. The two diodes placed on opposite sides of the 'LiF, but in the shadow of the collimator, must each detect a charged particle simultaneously before an event is accepted as a true neutron count. This scheme greatly reduces background counts from gamma- rays and from fast-neutron reactions produci the body of the diodes. The remaining background is determined by substituting a 'Lif layer for the 'LiF layer, and proper background subtractions are thereby made possible. Electronics The block diagram of Fig. 2 shows the pulse routing from the two diodes. The output of diode A is sent to the charge-sensitive preampli. fier A, whose output is split and sent to the side-channel amplifier A and to a swmming circuit feeding amplifier C. Pulses from diode B feed the other leg of the summing circuit. The circuitry is completely symmetric about diodes A and B. Each of the side-channel amplifiers A UNCLASSIFIED 2-04-058-781RI 0.001 PRE-AMP DD-2 AMPLIFIER DISCRIMINATOR A VARIABLE DELAY 31 Meg TEST PULSE GENERATOR AND CUR- RENT SIMULA- TION CIRCUIT MIXER CIRCUIT DELAY 220 K DD-2 AMPLIFIER SIGNAL 000 PULSE-HEIGHT ANALYZER 0.22 GATE COINCIDENCE CIRCUIT 100-V POWER SUPPLY A Meg VARIABLE DELAY PRE - AMP 11 mo DD-2 AMPLIFIER DISCRIMINATOR OscRimarok – 0.004 Fig. 2. Block Diagram of Shielded Diode Spectrometer Electronics. Ti .. . - . and B has double-delay-line differentiation and a crossover pickoff discriminator feeding the fast-coincidence circuit of 75-nsec resolving time. This resolving time was chosen conservatively to avoid timing drift problems during long runs. This long resolving time was poorer than that of the DD-2 amplifier and discriminator, which, when properly adjusted, have a walk of about 15 nsec for the factor-of-ten range in pulse height in these measurements. Therefore, about a factor of 3 to 4 improvement in time resolution is easily attainable with any good drift-free coincidence circuit and a properly adjusted commercial ampli- fler with about a 10-nsec walk. The expected improvement in performance, if coupled with improved shielding of the diodes, would significantly extend the capabilities of the detector. A delay line is placed be- tween each discriminator and the coincidence circuit to adjust for fixed timing differences. An event that fires both discriminators causes the coincidence circuit to activate the analyzer which then re- ceives a pulse from the summing amplifier C. The delay line between C and the analyzer ensures that the coincidence pulse and the pulse from C arrive in the time sequence required by the particular analyzer in use. The side channels must, of course, be biased below the smallest alpha pulses; otherwise, the efficiency of the spectrometer will be very unstable and difficult to calculate for all neutron energies. Figure 3 shows a thermal-neutron pulse-height distribution from only one diode. The dotted line represents the true alpha-particle pulse-height distri- bution. It is obtained by feeding the output of only one diode to the analog input of the analyzer and triggering the analyzer with a pulse UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-785 - WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION Doo ALPHA PULSES OBTAINED BY GATING THE ANALYZER WITH TRITONS FROM THE OTHER DIODE TRITONS 600 600 - ...... NUMBER OF COUNTS ----- - -----.................... .......------ - - H ALPHA PARTICLES Ochase 0 20 40 60 80 100 PULSE HEIGHT Fig. 3. Response of a single diode to thermal neutrons. O from the opposite diode whose side-channel amplifier has its discriminator set just below the triton peak, i.e., above the alpha pulses. This scheme allows the experimenter to set both side-channel discriminators optimally, e.g., just below the alpha peak and above most of the smaller noise pulses. Spectrometer Response The response of the shielded-diode spectrometer to three groups of monoenergetic neutrons is shown in Fig. 4. It 18 linear, and as can be seen in Figs. 5, 6, and 7, displays a Gaussian-like peak whose full width at half height, a measure of the resolution, is a function of the energy The spectrometer energy calibration was obtained by removing the vacuum-tight housing from the lead and ºli shielding and placing the diode-end of the housing near neutron sources of thermal, 3 MeV, and 14.7 Mev, since these sources CORNL Graphite-reactor thermal column, and 0 to 300 keV accelerator using ?(, n)>He and 3H(d, n) *He reactions] were too weak to be used with the long collimator and thermal shield. Figure 5 shows the thermal peak, Fig. 6 the 3-MeV peak with a contamination of thermal neutrons, and Fig. 7 the 14-MeV peak. The contaminating pulses associated with the 14-MeV neutrons become important below channel 130. They arise mostly from (np) reactions in one diode, the protons then proceeding to the opposite diode to give a coincidence count. These pulses reached an intensity of about 2-1/2 orders of magnitude greater than the 14-MeV peak, but were almost identically produced in the back- ground run L1 replaced by 7.1). Although the present scheme of background subtraction is very accurate, because the same diodes are employed for both foreground and .rar UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-782 R1 tow e chiamatinis . - - * - rec . . . NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) -11- 20 40 60 80 100 120 PULSE HEIGHT 140 160 180 200 Fig. 4. Neutron energy versus pulse height when both alpha and triton are detected by the diode pair. -12 . (x103, UNCLASSIFIED 2-04-058-783 NUMBER OF COUNTS caccccccccco 20 I bound 40 60 PULSE HEIGHT 80 100 Fig. 5. Pulse height spectrum from thermal neytrons with the two diodes operating in coincidence, and utilizing the Li 31 reaction. -13- UNCLASSIFIED 2-04-058 - 784 3-MeV NEUTRONS NUMBER OF COUNTS .. . SLOW NEUTRON PEAK 100 20 40 60 80 PULSE HEIGHT Fig. 6. Pulse height spectrum from 3-MeV neutrons, spectrometer shielding removed. -14- UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-822 R1 . . NUMBER OF COUNTS _ C 160 Leccecooldoo 170 180 190 PULSE HEIGHT 200 210 Fig. 7. Pulse height spectrum from 14.7-MeV neutrons after back- ground subtraction ('LiF foil replacing LiF foil). The spectrometer was unshielded because the low source intensity made it necessary to place the Li foil (and diodes) very near the source. --15- background measurements, shielding of the diodes is necessary in measur- ing reactor spectra because the backgrounds are simply too high to be subtracted with good statistical certainty, and also because the diode characteristics change under the heavy gamma and neutron irradiation. Subjecting the instrument to intense gamma radiation resulted in both an increase in the width of the peak for monoenergetic neutrons and a channel shift that is a constant for all pulse heights (1.e., a "baseline shift"). Both the width increase and the channel shift were measured by sending pulses from a pulse generator through the spectrometer preamplifiers in the actual operating environment. It was found that both were constant (channel shift = 0) at low reactor power levels but began to rise linearly when the rector power was raised past a critical level P... This behavior is illustrated in Fig. 8. The value of P. increased with distance of the spectrometer from the reactor face. The increase followed the gamma-ray attenuation much more closely than the neutron attenuation and is therefore, W9 mi?! " attributable to gamma-ray background. For all measurements reported here. the reactor power was held below Pa. It should be pointed out that po was <10% of the reactor's capability of 1 MW for • = 50 cm and 8 = 0° (Fig. 1), whereas it was >1 MW for 2 = 41° and 52°, where the collimator did not directly view the reactor. Better shielding of the diodes could conceivably raise P. to 1 MW, for 0 = 0, so that the oº spectra could be obtained at a 70-to 80-cm water depth with good reliability. The simplest improvement would be that of increasing the diode separation and thus improving the shadow shielding. One should also move the ºli disk out of the throat of the collimator, farther from the diodes (Fig. 1) to minimize the effects of gamma-ray and neutron scattering into the " .,,, 1:15:;:-..:.:* :* ".. . . . . .. .. ... . . UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-845 A PULSE HEIGHT (EPITHERMAL PEAK) (a) A, WIDTH AT HALF-MAXIMUM OF EPITHERMAL PEAK (PHS CHANNELS) 0) 1 5 6 Pc 7 8 REACTOR POWER (kw) 9 10 Fig. 8. Response of shielded diode spectrometer at r = 10-cm and = 0o. ) position of the epithermal neutron peak vs reactor power and (b) width at half-maximum of the epithermal neutron peak vs reactor power. The value of Pe is the reactor power below which the data are taken at r = 10-cm and = 0°. P. increases with both r and 0. -17- diodes. A thin wafer of unclad - B,C could probably be used to better advantage. Spectrometer Efficiency For the sake of simplicity, the overall spectrometer efficiency is divided into two parts: 6, the collimator-independent part, and ec that part due to the spectrometer proper. €, is numerically equal to the solid angle of the collimator subtended at the center of the ºli foil, and gives the flux at the center of the detector produced by an angular flux of 1 neutron/cma-sec-steradian at the end of the collimator. 6. = 1.07 x 10-2 steradians for the collimator geometry of this experiment. € (E) is the coincidence count rate for a flux of 1 neutron/om-sec on the Oli foil. € (E) = No (90°) lw for thermal neutrons, where N 18 the number of ºli nuclei lying within the projected area of the two diodes, 0(90°) is the Oli(n,a)r cross section at 90°, and tw is the average solid angle of the diodes at the 'Li surface. Due to the coincidence requirement, the effective solid angle for a point on the 'Li surface increases from zero, at the rim of the diodes, to a maximum at a point along the common axis of the diodes, for the simple case of thermal neutrons. In Fig. 9 is shown the construction for integrating over the ºli surface to obtain € (E) for circular diodes: 6 60 - $*()2trds Sacs) 068, 0u(x) = No(Eng), where N(r) is the number of “Li nuclei per cma at r, o is the angle between the incoming neutron and the element of solid angle dw subtended -18- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG 64 - 10796 AA12 I DIODE DIODE GLIF DIODE AA/2- R = 0.9 cm, 2D = 1.79 cm, LIF THICKNESS = 580 kg/cm Fig. 9. Geometric construction used in describing spectrometer efficiency calculation. R = 0.9-cm, 2D = 1.79-cm, Lif thickness = 580ugr/cm2. - 192 by a small increment of diode area da, and AA/2 is that part of the area, lying on one of the diodes, that 18 defined by the overlap of the dotted circle and the diode area. The dotted circle is the boundary of the upper diode projected through point r. R is the effective radius of the diodes. The dotted circle, shown in the lower part of Fig. 9, describes the area into which a triton may fall for an alpha striking any part of the upper diode. Because of the coincidence requirement, only that area AA/2 of either diode can contribute to the solid angle subtended at r. For thermal neutrons, ole) = Comotor/451 = constant, sw = 1.35 ster- adians, in which case a numerical integration yielded € = 3.2 x 10?. Calibration of the instrument with neutrons from a thermal column yielded €. = 3.5 x 10–3 (+10%). The instrument was calibrated against a gold foil whose diameter and thickness to neutrons was the same as the 'Lif layer so that the flux depression cancelled. The gold foil activity was obtained for various sizes of discs punched out from a large disc that replaced the material of the 'LiF film. The two sep- arate exposures (Au activation and Lif counting) were each monitored with gold foils exterior to the detector chamber. The detector efficiency € (E) for neutrons in the Mev region of energy was similarly calculated and the results are given in Fig. 10. The average differential cross section for the 'Li(n,a)T reaction, where known, was taken as o(1/2 - A) in the laboratory system. Here A is the angle of inclination of both alpha and triton, where both are emitted at equal angles to the incoming neutron. The value of A is zero for thermal neutrons, about 50 for 1-MeV neutrons and 10° for 14-MeV neutrons. UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-854 III **** counts -20- I FISSION SPECTRUM = (CRANBERG et al.) FISSION SPECTRUM OBTAINED WITH THE SHIELDED DIODE + SPECTROMETER 40 50 60 70 80 90 PULSE HEIGHT 100 110 120 130 Fig. 10. Shielded-Diode Spectrometer Efficiency vs Neutron Energy. This is the part called Es in the text, which is the probability of -21- It has no effect on the calculation of tw, to first order. The effec- tive area of 'LIF 18 the same, except that this contributing circular disc moves to the left in Fig. 9 by D x A. For this reason, the LIF disc was made larger than the diode. The differential cross section for the Ol1(n,a) reaction is known at 14 MeV and below 2.5 mev. In these regions, ola/2 - A) is nearly equal to Totalin,C) This value 13.3 was taken for all energies with some degree of assurance because Omotay displays no noticeable resonances between 2.15 and 14 MeV. In calibrating the efficiency of the spectrometer, no correction was made for double-charged-particle emission in ºli that would supple- ment the ºu(n,a)r reaction, or for double-charged particle emission in "Li that would overestimate the background when the 'Lif foil replaces the 'LiF foil during a background run. There are two almost indis- tinquishable side reactions in ºLi which are leading candidates for study because they have the least negative Q value: “Li(n, an ")*He and Li(n, a)>He-*He + n(10-21-sec lifetime). Similarly, with 7-1 we have ?Li(n, Tnº)*He and PL1(n,)He-*He + n. These reactions have been studied in some detail by R. Batchelor and J. W. Towle. They all yield an effective three-body breakup with the neutron taking off about 1-MeV energy, on the average, for an incident neutron energy of 5-MeV. Assum- ing this holds true at higher energies, an 8.3-MeV neutron producing the contaminating 'Li(n, dn")*He reaction and its counterpart will, on the average, give as much energy to the d and “He as a 1-MeV neutron will give to the *He and T in the principal reaction of the spectrometer, the Oli(n,Q)T reaction. With ?Li, a 9.3-MeV neutron can deposit the same energy in the two diodes, on the average, as a 1-MeV neutron in -22- the 'Li(n, a)t reaction. The combined cross section for the two reactions in 'Li is more than half of the combined cross section for the interfering reactions in ºli, so that there should be a reasonable amount of cancel- lation of effects from these side reactions when 'Li is used in a back- ground measurement. The effects of the side reactions can be summarized as follows: (1) In general, the spectrometer is useful in the Mev region only for a spectrum that has few neutrons above about 8 MeV; (2) However, if the biases on the side channel amplifiers are set to just accept the Q + T in the 'Li(n,a)t reaction, the competing reactions in 'Li and 'Li are biased out to a considerable extent because a) the 3-body breakup will reduce the probability that the two charged particles will strike both diodes since they are not emitted in opposite directions in the center- of-mass system, b) the 8- or 9-MeV incident neutron in the side reactions brings in much more momentum than the l-MeV neutron in the 'Li(n, a)T reaction, so that the charged particles in the side reaction are much more forward peaked. They will therefore be less likely to strike the diodes and they also will lose much more energy in the 580-48/cm2 °LIF plus 50-4g/cm? formvar; (3) In the case of a reactor spectrum, the flux at 1-MeV and the side reactions are unimportant for any bias setting. However, the spectrum is quite flat for the special case of the for- ward-directed flux at 50-cm water penetration, i.e., blu = 1, 50-cm, E) is roughly independent of E from 1- to 8-MeV. One would expect the measured spectrum at 50-cm to be too high in the l- to 3-MeV region because of the side reactions since 'Li has a more favorable Q-value and cross section for their production than has "Li. But a comparison of -23- the measured spectra with the NIOBE calculation (Fig. 16) shows about the same degree of disagreement of the two for ølu = 1, 10-cm, E) as for Ølu = 1, 50-cm, E). This strongly suggests that the side reactions in ºli and 'Li are biased out by the spectrometer. Several independent checks of both differential and integral effi- ciency have been made. Figure 11 shows the results of two independent measurements of the fission spectrum of 2350; a measurement with the L1 spectrometer, and a time-of-flight measurement made by Cranberg et al." There is reasonably good agreement within the statistical limits of the present experiment. This spectrum was obtained by placing a 1/32" 2350 foil in front of the cylindrical spectrometer vacuum-tight housing, all covered with ca, all located at the end of the graphite thermal column of the ORNL graphite reactor. The count rate was very low, requiring about 32 hours to obtain the data from this low flux source. Therefore, the statistical uncertainty remains large as shown. In Fig. 12 the spectral intensity at the BSR-I core-shield interface (r = 0 and 0 = 0°) has been compared with that measured at the same position with a proton- recoil telescope by Cochran and Henry." The agreement in shape and magnitude is excellent. Data Treatment A typical pulse-height distribution for the spectrum at the core- shield interface is shown in Fig. 13. In this plot, background has been subtracted. At the end of each foreground run, the background was measured by replacing the Lif film with a 'Lif film of almost identical size and mass. By filling the spectrometer's collimator (Fig. 1) with water, it was established that the background from the neutrons leaking through the sides was negligible with the collimator geometry employed. UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-885 R1 · 5X ') .W . steradian . sec. MeV -24. El (neutrons.cm SHIELDED DIODE OLI SPECTROMETER DATA + PROTON RECOIL SPECTROMETER DATA: FROM R. G. COCHRAM AND K. HENRY, ORNL-CF-53-5-105, (1953) 8 10 12 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) Fig. ll. Uranium-235 Fission Spectrum (from thermal neutrons) obtained with Shielded-Diode Spectrometer compared with Spectrum Measured by Cranberg et al. -25- UNCLASSIFIED 2-04-058-846R EPITHERMAL NEUTRON PEAK ; : F p=0 0 = 0° 6.- 1 - - counts - - - ........ .. 2-- . .. 100 ! - 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PULSE HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) Fig. 12. Comparison of the BSR-I Fast Neutron Spectrum Measured with the Shielded Diode Spectrometer and with a Recoil-Proton Telescope, both normalized to a reactor power level of 1 watt, both given in terms of neutrons/ster-see-MeV-watt. :*::* * V **** ** * * hon w , 1: . ..' - 26. As can be seen in Fig. 13, the peak due to epithermal neutrons extends to about 1 MeV. The subtraction of this peak (solid line in Fig. 13) resulted in a large error in data below 1 MeV while it had negli. gible effect on the data above 1.5-Mev. Therefore, only the data above 1-MeV have been report here. The net pulse-height distributions were converted to absolute spec- tral intensities by correcting for the efficiency shown in Fig. 10, and for the solid-angle factor of the spectrometer (, = 1.07 x 10-2; see above). All spectra were normalized against sulphur-monitor activation, and the sulphur monitoring was used to tie in the spectral measurements with the absolute reactor-power calibration that is discussed below. Results and Discussion A. The NIOBE Transport Calculation The NIOBE (Numerical Integration of the Boltzmann Transport Equation) code was developed by S. Preiser, et al. several years ago and was designed to handle multilayered shells of shielding material. It solves a series of integro-differential equations by an iterative method, and is semi-analytical. The code utilizes differential cross sections to the P-8 approximation and can be used only with spherical geometry. Certain precautions must be observed in applying the NIOBE code.' The source radius must be large enough to intercept the first angular mesh point (about 80 from a radial line for the 16-angle mesh size used in the present calculations, and the radial mesh must be large enough so that at a shield penetration of one radial increment, the perpendicular to the first engular ray does not pass through the inner shell if the relaxation length in the inner shell is very different from that of the adjacent shell. The UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-853 10-5 i E, DETECTOR EFFICIENCY 10-6 -27- 10-> 02 6 8 - NEUTRON ENERGY (Mev) 10 12 Fig. 13. Pulse-Height Distribution of Neutrons from the BSR-I at r = 0-cm and 0 = 0°. -28- running time for a single problem on an IBM 7090 computer was about 45 minutes for a reactor-source region of 26-cm radius and 80-cm thickness. We used 60 radial mesh points, 16 angular points, and 36 energy points for this problem. B. The DTK Calculation The DTK code is a version of the DSN code having more rigorous conversion criteria. It has very recently been run by G. E. Whitesides (Central Data Processing Facility, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant) and employed 21 energy groups above 1 MeV. He used the GAM-II code to generate cross sections tº (1t has a cross-section library of 99 groups), interpreting the GAM-II cross sections in terms of cross sections accept- able for the DTK code. The P-O and P-l scattering cross sections that were used were ad- justed by the P-2 cross sections in a manner that "preserved the second spatial moment of neutrons moderated from a point source in an infinite medium and preserves all energy loss moments." The problem discussed below (26-cm source radius, 80-cu-thick water shield) took 11 minutes to run for an energy grid of 26 groups, an angular grid of 16 angles and a radial grid of 60 points. C. Comparison of NIOBE Predictions with Experiment A NIOBE calculation that was performed to compare with experimental .. results had assumed a spherical fission source, 26-cm radius. The radial .. . * source distribution was the same as that measured along the BSR-I mid- - * . plane center line (Fig. 14). This calculational source matched the power of the 38-cm x 38-cm x 60-cm high reactor as determined by the power cali- bration discussed below. The two are normalized at 2.4 x 10-4 watts. R . . - 2 RA UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-10797 @ MEASURED SOURCE DISTRIBUTION s(r) (fission neutrons /cmº) -29- .. .. ..- .. Oo 8 12 16 20 24 RADIAL DISTANCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE (cm) Fig. 14. Calculational Source Distributions vs Distance from Center of source. This represents the distribution measured along the reactor's mid-plane center line. -30- Figure 15 shows a comparison of the measured oº flux, Ølu = 1.0,r,E) and the NIOBE values of Olu = 0.989,r,E), with r measured from the surface of the source regions in each case. The overall agreement is quite good everywhere above 1.5 MeV, where the spectrometer is most reliable. At r = 50-cm, the reactor power was 70 KW and the gamma flux was 7 * 10* r/hr. In Figs. 16 and 17 are shown $10.755,r,E) and Ø(0.617,r,E) respect- ively for both NIOBE and measurement. The overall agreement is very good, except at smaller values of r where, in the experiment, the corner of the reactor may be an important additional contributor. For the 6(0.618,40-cm, E) measurement, the reactor power was 5 x 10% watts and the gamma flux at 50-cm was about 10° r/hr. Comparison of DTK Results with Experiment In Figs. 18, 19, and 20 are shown the predictions of the DTK code for 26-am-roddu -radius source whose radial distribution is identical to that measured along the BSR-I's mid-plane center line. In Fig. 18 the values of d(u = 0.978,r,E) are everywhere within a factor of 2 of the measured oº flux, 01.0,r,E), for energies above 1.5 MeV where the spectrometer should be quite reliable. The measured angular. flux at 41° and at 52° is compared with DTK results for $10.745,r,E) and $(0.650,r,E) shown in Figs. 19 and 20 respectively. Overall agree- ment with the experiment is very good at 30- and 40-cm from the source region, where the corners of the reactor are far from the spectrometer's "line of sight," and at energies above 1.5 MeV, where the spectrometer is most reliable. Neutron Spectrum Within the Reactor A measurement was made of neutrons leaking from a region 7.8-cm inside the reactor by removing the front, central fuel element in Fig. 1. - 31. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG 64-2936 R38 oglo r = 0 cm odpoqu002609co 10 cm boo EXPERIMENTAL 7 ... NIOBE CALCULATION 20 cm 000 Kool orlog. 0010 OD 30 cm . . . . . ofio . •14=1,1, E )(neutron.cm-2. sec. Mev.steradian' per 2.4 x 10"W) On one on one on one or 10 cm 1: . ., . - i . . .. 2 4 1012 6 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) Fig. 15. The NIOBE Calculated Values of Alu = 0.989,r, E) compared with measured values of (1,r,E), both normalized to a power of 2.4 x 10-11 watts. -32. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG 64-108888 10-6 . .. .. .. . ::, - -20 cm i . .. L do 1 -EXPERIMENTAL .sec-. Mev.steradian' per 2.4 x 10-"W) " ' ..... . NIOBE CALCULATION ----...... ...... L S . . ..... ..... . ...... .--. 40 cm .... ... . .. .. . ... , .. . . .. . l.. . . $14=0.755, 7, E ) (neutron.cm .. . . - m. ...ochen 10-12 0 2 4 6 8 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) 10 12 Fig. 16. Measured and NIOBE Calculated Values of Cu = 0.755,r,E) (410), 26-cm Radius Calculational Source. -33. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64 - 108878 . " ... poo dog pooooooooooo Ti - 10 cm 20 cm EXPERIMENTAL - Ó ............. .:-NIOBE CALCULATION . . . . . . . . . . 9. 30 cm .. . .... - Q .--. 20000 2000 2003 40 cm (p=0.617,1, E ) (neutron.cm?. sec'. Mev S. steradian' per 2.4 x 10-"w) 1 . .. . . . -. . - . . .. - - - - - - - . 10-12 2 1 8 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) 10 12 Fig. 17. Measured and NIOBE Calculated Values of ølu = 0.617,1,E) (520), 26-cm Radius Calculational Source. -34- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL OWG 64 - 2936 R3A 1 Lil Oecomposite r = 0 cm 1.10 cm . S EXPERIMENTAL b $ 20 cm . So DTK CALCULATION osobe 9.900 . steradian' per 2.4 x 10"W) * " ... of... - 30 cm non or an owo wo :I I. . . cm - .. . ooo . sec. Mev . . :. . . .......... ............ .. $18=1,r, E) (neutron.cm ........ www. - O** . . .!- - - ...... .. .. 2 4 8 6 B NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) 10 12 Fig. 18. DTK Calculated Values of Olu = 0.978,r,E) compared to measured values of 0(1,1,E) for a 26-cm Radius Calculational Source. - 35- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG 64 - 10888 A . . ..... . .. .. 1 boogpunt r = 20 cm . . .- .- - teradian 'per 2.4 x 10 - - 1 00%,0 o - EXPERIMENTAL --. -... o ---- ----- OLDTK CALCULATION 40 cm Sec. . ..... . . ... ...- .. - 1 El (neutron.cm .. O . . - - ... . . .. oo... . .. to...-- -.. . .. ... - - - .. 10-12 2 4 8 1012 6 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) Fig. 19. DIK Values of ølu = 0.745,r,E) and experimental values of Olu = 0.755,r, E). A 26-cm radius DIK source was used, and the calculational source density duplicated that measured along the reactor's mid-plane center line. - 36- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64 - 10887A 9000 0000 soorten DawodooDoo p= 10 cm EXPERIMENTAL lobo o . 20 cm 0!. DTK CALCULATION Ti 30 cm 190000 4000 1. Oooo bong pool $18=0.617,1,E) (neutron-cm2. sec. Mevr.steradian' per 2.4 x 10-"W). - - - - - 10-12 O . 2 2 4 6 - 8 NEUTRON ENERGY (MeV) 10 12 Fig. 20. DTK calculation of 0(4 = 0.650,r,E) compared to measured values of Olu = 0.617,r, E). -37- This can be denoted by Ø11, r = -7.8 cm,E). The results, shown in Fig. 21, are compared with a f1ssion spectrum and with $11, r = 0,E) of Figs. 15 and 18. As expected, the shape of spectrum inside the reactor is inter- mediate to the other two shown. The measured reactor spectrum is a reason- ably accurate representation of both the scalar flux spectrum and the spectrum of angular flux. Both became identical over a region where the flux gradient is zero, and from Fig. 14 it is seen that the flux gradient is rather small at -7.8-cm from the reactor's edge. Since the reactor . contiguration was different for this measurement, the reactor power cali- bration described below does not apply. The spectra in Fig. 21 are therefore arbitrarily normalized. . . Reactor Power Calibration The power density was mapped throughout the reactor volume by copper- wire-activation techniques combined with an absolute calibration of the copper activation by means of very thin layers of uranium. The folls, which were of the same enrichment as the reactor fuel elements, were exposed both in the reactor and in a standard pile. All power-density measurements were related to the sulphur pellet monitors used in the spectral measurements so that the measured spectra could all be normal- ized to a single, absolute value of reactor power. Further details of the power calibration are given in an ORNL-TM in preparation, and in the ORNL Neutron Physics Division Annual Report. In both the NIOBE and DTK calculations, the spherical source region . 1 . * . : F that mocked up the reactor was given a power density identical to that along the reactor's mid-plane center line. With this constraint, the radius of the calculational source region was increased until the power UNCLASSIFIED 2-01-058-851 --- AT r=0; 8 = 0° AT r=-7.5 cm; 0 = 0° - FISSION SPECTRUM $ (v=1, E) (arbitrary units) -38- C 12 6 8 10 - NEUTRON ENERGY (Mev) Fig. 21. Comparison of Uranium-235 Fission Spectrum with BSR-I Spectrum at r = 0(0 = 00) and at 7.5-cm within the Reactor (r = -7.5, 0 = 0°, along horizontal mid-plane center line ... see Fig. 1). . -39. of the calculational source was equal to a reactor power of 2.39 x 10 db watts; 1.e., comparisons of NIOBE and DTK results with experiment are normalized to an absolute reacter power of 2.39 x 10- watts. This value is an arbitrary value that has only historic meaning of no importance to this presentation. Conclusions The shielded-diode spectrometer developed for these measurements can successfully cope with the intense gamma-ray flux (up to 3 x 10°R/hr) and low-energy-neutron flux in measuring high-energy-neutron spectra near a reactor. The side reactions in L1 and "Li, which would place 8. to ? 9-MeV neutrons in the 1-MeV region of the spectrometer, can be completely ignored in all cases except at deep penetrations where the spectrometer 18 aimed at the reactor core. If the side-channel biases are set suffi- ciently high, as in these measurements, the comparison of calculation and experiment indicates that the side reactions are biased out. This spectrometer should be considered as only a pilot model.. The resolution can be improved by decreasing the LF and formvar thickness and the sensitivity increased by increasing the detector area. A mosaic of detectors could be used on each side of the LIF, each element of the mosaic going to a separate preamplifier and amplifier with circuitry to eliminate low gamma pulses (a "rug sweeper") before sending the pulses to an adder circuit. The 1-Mw reactor could not be run above 70 kW for the oº spectrum at 50-cm penetration because of excessive gamma noise in the diodes. At angles of 41° and 52°, a 1-MW power level was used. Therefore, improve- ments in the spectrometer collimator alone should increase the capawility -40... 11 of measuring the oº spectra at greater depths by an intensity factor of 14 for the present reactor. Measurements of directed flux that were made over a range of in- tensity of 104 were reproduced by two calculations within a factor of 2 of the measured intensity. Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Dr. F. C. Matenschein for helpful dis- cussions, continued Interest and encouragement, to T. A. Love and R. E. Zedler for their part in spectrometer design, and to H. A. Todd for assembling the circuitry. S. K. Penny and D. K. Trubey helped clarify the shielding problems. G. E. Whitesides adapted the DTK code to give a detailed spectrum in the MeV region, ran the codes, and helped remove errors in source strength. Henna Francis ran the NIOBE code. G. T. Chapman and T. V. Blosser have contributed generously to the success of of the power calibration. One of us (M.S.B..) is grateful for the support received from the v. S. State Department and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. ..!41- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1. Goldstein, H., Fundamental Aspects of Reactor shielding, Addison- Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass. (1959). Chap. 4 con- tains a description of the ORNL (alumimm clad) Bulk Shielding Reactor. Goldberg, M. D., et al., "Angular Distributions in Neutron-Induced Reactions, Vol. 1, BNL 400, pp. 3,6,9. Batchelor, R., and Towle, J. H., Muclear Physics 47, 385 (1963). Cranberg, L., et al., Phys. Rev. 103, 662 (1956). Cochran, R. G., and Henry, K. M., Fast-Neutron Spectra of the BSF Reactor, ORNL CH-53-5-105 (May 29, 1953). Preiser, S., et al., A Program for the Memberical Integration of the Boltzmann Transport E uation, A.R.L. Technical Report 60-314, u. s. Department of Commerce, Washington, D..C. (December 1960). Penny, s. K., ORNL Shielding Irformation Center, private comunica- tion. The DTK code was obtained from J. W. Warlton of Los Alamos Scien- tific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Carlson, B., Lee, C. E., and Warlton, J. W., "The DSN and DC Neutron Transport Codes," LAMS 2346, Feb. 12, 1960. Joanou, G. D., arid Dudek, J. S., "GAM-II, a B 3 Code for the Cal- culation of Fast Neutron Spectra and Associated Multigroup Constants," GA 4265, Sept. 16, 1963. 11. Lee, C. E., "Discrete S. Approximation to Transport Theory," LA 2595 (1962). 12. Klema, E. D., et al., "Recalibration of the X-10 Standard Graphite Pile," ORNL-1398 Toct. 1952). 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