LISA 72 DES 2 .7. . .. . 1 1 PA 11 PL ACUM! ALTERA . . : . TYP Vitu SA 5 M . ::. ... .. - 1 .. : .." LIN 21 . YA HEN A4 2.23 7 . . ,--. ; ' H.,' E- LE AI UNCLASSIFIED ORNL P 1127 ir . ! !" I " . . . . 4 . . : - LY ATLE AT3 I tre RR ** ***r ORNn-Pullah CONF-650408's APR 27 1966 THE EVALUATION OF COLPUTER PROGRAMS FOR Y-RAY SPECTROMETRY IN ACTIVATION ANALYSIS* J. F. Emery F. F. Dyer T. Alexander** E. Schonfeld Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT The present trend in activation analysis is to non-destructive analysis. Satisfactory performance of such analyses requires very complex and expensive instruments. When one uses hand resolution LEGAL NOTICE - techno ya o imated, wo roupact to do near revert bo No wployment of contract uployee a mucha contractor proper o plosna nd contractor, to the one that ad the combination duke u proces declourd to the report may not to stay die oond t ctor. This report was prepared as an account of Government uponsored work. Neither the Vatted do formation porn 3. Assumon any Habilities with respect to the une ac, or for damages rosulting from the Momo, wr the Creaton, more porno schug on behalf of the Council moy, oplote, as weten of the worsham contafond tout sport, or the rrentadon, spre d, or proor t, play at, As and we the stone, person why we h long or connector of the Coundhon, or , or pronto town i, a o tyd mets or dan, Images ar autoctra O Contatom, months, Colton, or to A. Mat tetor 2 Iwo dent much no - of complex gamma-ray spectra to calculate the percentage of some component, he soon finds himself spending most of his time doing calculations with the result that much of his "expensive instru- mentation" is in standby. The answer to this problem is, of course, to use computers both for resolution of gamma-ray spectra and for calculations. The analyst wants accurate results with the least amount of effort and, of course, the management wants to hold down the cost. With these criteria in mind, three operational computer programs for resolving gam-ray spectral data have been evaluated. Two of these programs use linear least squares methods and the third, a non- linear least squares method for resolving the spectra. Some problems considered are: ability to make gain shift corrections, the effect of zero activity nuclides on other nuclides present, and the significance and reliability of computed "standard deviations." Results are pre- * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. **Present address: Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED: REEEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROGEDURES ARS ON FHE HY THE RECOVING SECTION, ... . . . . . . ! . 2. sented for a series of samples with five replicates each analyzed by the three programs. Computer programs for resolving gamma-ray spectra require a number of computer control data, such as peak channel, gamma-ray energies, gain shift, et al. The number and complexity of this control information depends largely upon the versatility of the program and upon the purpose for which the program was designed. Each of these programs was evaluated for its simplicity of use with a large number of samples. The computer cost per analysis for each program was also determined. Introduction The present trend in activation analysis is to nondestructive analysis. This technique is ideal for processing a large number of samples by automation. The resolution of the gamma-ray spectra obtained and the calculation used are easily programmed for a computer. Replacement of an obsolete analyzer system with a more advanced system offered an opportunity to study a number of gama-ray resolution programs. Three least squares analysis programs were selected for study. Program I was developed for the CDC 2604A computer and written by E. Schonfela'). Program II was written for an IBM 7090 computer by R. G. Helmer et alls) and compiled on the CDC 1604A. Program III was written by L. Salmon 5) and adapted to the CDC 1604A by E. Schonfeld. The solution of activation analysis gamma-ray spectra and presentation of the analysis require a very versatile program. The program should be able to correct both the standards (library spectra) and the sample (composite spectrum) for background, different live time count intervals (oth), and decay. Each SPECrhum speetra should also be corrected for any instrumental drifts such as threshold (zero energy calibrations) and gain shifts. . . 3. The results of the analysis should be presented in units and dimensions that are useable. The time to prepare the spectra for computer analysis as well as the time to compute the problem should be a minimum. . Comparing these programs using the above criteria requires separate examination of the library and composite spectra control parameters. Control Parameters 1. Library Background subtraction: Most multichannel analyzers are capable of subtracting background, and analyzers with data reduction systems can select a fraction of a background that has been accumulated over a long period of time and subtract this fraction from a standard spectrum. However, it is more convenient if these subtractions can be done by the computer. Programs I and II can make these subtractions. Table I compares these and other features. A th: Count rates of the various standards will vary considerably; therefore it is not practical to count every standard for the same live time. Proe 'anas I and III can normalize the standard spectra to some unit live time, for example, c/m, a/m, etc. Intensity: Usually activation analysis results are reported in ppm or mg/ml. To compute these values each standard must have intensitys in units of micro- grams or milligrams. The standard spectra of Programs I and III may have any assigned value and units. Decay: Standards are frequently short lived so that significant decay has occurred from reactor discharge time to the counting time. This necessitates & decay correction to some reference time. Only program III can correct the standard spectra for decay. Gain and Threshold: Shifts: Standard spectra should always be corrected for gain and possibly threshold shifts. Gain shifts may arise from small fluctu- ations in temperature and voltage at the detector. High intensity count rates may cause gain shifts of several percent in the multiplier phototube. Only Program II can correct the individual standard spectra. Program III uses the first spectrum in the library as a reference for making gain corrections to the composite spectrum. Component Selection: The selection of different library spectra for each composite spectrum or group of composite spectra should be accomplished in a straight forward and easy manner. Program I's component spectra are called from the library for each composite spectrum while in Program II the entire library is used for the composite spectrum. If a composite spectrum requires a component that is not present in the original library, then a new library must be used. The component spectra in Program II are designated by indicating the spectra that should not be used. This is accomplished by setting the intensities for these spectra equal to zero. 2. Composite Spectra Background Subtraction: All three programs can subtract background counted for any time interval. Gain and Threshold Shifts: Composite spectra should always be corrected for gain and threshold shifts. A correction of 0.1% may be very critical when two of the components are very close in gamma-ray energy. A different approach is used by each program to show this problem. Table II summarizes these features of the programs. Summ Program I requires a library very carefully prepared. All of the component spectra should be on the same energy scale. With this condition met or assumed the program includes the gain and threshold shifts as varibles along with the components in the least squares analysis of the composite spectrum. Program II requires an exactly determined pulse height (gamma-ray energy) vs channel scale. This requires that the gamma-ray energy of the nuclides be precisely known. All of the components in the library are gain shifted to correspond to the previously determined pulse height scale. A well defined photopeak of known garma-ray energy is used to determine the gain shift and the program then corrects the composite spectrum accordingly. Frogram III also requires a library that has been very carefully prepared. A component of the composite spectrum that has a well defined photopeak is selected and placed first in the library. This component spectrum is now used as a reference to determine the gain shift in the composite spectrum. A th: Programs I and III normalize the composite spectra to some unit time. Both programs require the stl to have the same units i.e., seconds, minutes etc. Decay: A number of composite spectra will require decay corrections and only Programs I and III can unake these corrections. Sample Fraction: Some means must be provided to account for sample weight and concentration or dilution factors. Only Program I will make these calculations. Problem Setup 1. Input The problem presented to the computer for analysis consists of cards containing spectral data and control parameters. The number and complexity of these parameters vary considerably in these programs. The number of control cards and some of the control parameters are discussed below for a hypothetical problem that assumes one composite spectrum to be gain shifted and a library with five standard spectra for each program. Program I: The first card. specifies the data format. Cards two through six The second card lists the number of standards in the library, the number of channels of data, the type of input, the region of fit, and the count interval of the background spectrum. The third card names the various stand- ard spectra in the library. The fourth lists the half: lives of the standard - BA spectra, the fifth, the Atz's of each of the standard spectra, and the sixth specifies the intensity of the standard spectra. The remaining three cards are used only for the composite spectrum. The seventh lists the sti, the decay time, and the weight of sample or dilution fraction. The eighth is the identification card for the composite spectrum, and the last specifies gain shift options and identifies the various components used in the analysis of the composite spectrum. Program II: The first card is a problem identification card. The second. lists the region of fit, the number of standard spectra, the number of back- ground spectra, and input-output options. The third identifies the composite spectrum, the fourth identifies the background spectra and the fifth specifies the intensity of the background spectra. The sixth lists the standard spectra. Normally there are only two cards required for each spectrum, however, a third card is required when a spectrum needs to be gain shifted. The first card identifies the composite spectrum and lists the upper and lower channels of the photopeak that is used for gain shift corrections. The second lists the new position for the photopeak. The last card inciicates the end of the spectrum; the last spectrum of the problem requires two cards. Program III: The general directions for this program are contained on two cards. The first lists the number of standard spectra, the region of fit, and the reference time for decay corrections; the second specifies the data format. The background, standards and composite spectrum each requires a card listing the str, the time of count, the upper and lower channel of the photopeak used for gain shift corrections, and the title of the spectrum. The standard spectra require an additional card specifying the intensity, the units of the intensity, and the half life. 2. Output The computer output of the three programs vary considerably. The CDC 1604A costs #30.00/hour and 41.10/thousand lines; therefore, the computer time and the time per problem. should be minimized. Program I: A problem consisting of one composite spectrum ard five library standards each having 200 data points will require 12.5 seconds of computer time and 45 lines of output. The cost of this problem is 0.15. Program II: This program, using the same problem as above, requires 23seconds of computer time and 274 lines of output. The cost is $0.50/probien. Program III: This program requires only 7.1 seconds of computer time but the output has 154 lines. The cost of $0.23/problem is due to the large number of lines in the output. Table III summarizes the input and output of these programs. Accuracy and Precision Table IV compares the results from the three programs on five replicates from each of several samples. The standard deviations listed are the standard deviation of the mean. The computed standard deviation of an individual analysis was usually a factor of 2 or 3 smaller than the standard diviation of the mean. The computed standard deviation is only a measure of the internal agreement of the data, but the standard diviations of the mean includes external errors such as sample inhomogenity, geometrically positioning of the sample for counting, variations in irradiation time and the neutron flux, and inaccuracies in the decay time. Another test to demonstrate the effects of count rate consisted of an experiment in which five radionuclide 884, 1370s, 8oco, 244ce and 203Hg were counted individually at a given geometry and used as standards for the library. A composite spectrum was obtained by.counting all of the nuclides at the given geometry at the same time. The plotted points in Figure 1 represent the composite : 137Cs nuclide in the composite spectrum had a count rate of 10,000c/s and accounted for 83% of the total activity. The composite spectrum was analyzed by each of the three programs (Table V) using a 1370s standard with a count rate of 200 c/s. A count rate of 10,000 c/s woula be expected to produce a random sum count rate of 100 c/s. The random sum count rate results in a photopeak at 2 x 0.662 Mev or 1.3 Mev, which is in the region of the two 60C0 photopeaks. Random summing from 157Cs woula be reflected in erroneously high results for 60co analyse. The count rate for boco was 520 c/s and an error of 100 c/s amounts to an error of 20% in the value of 60Co. The observed error was 25%. Analysis of the above problem by use of a 137Cs standard spectrum with TYO a count rate similiar to that of the sample eliminates the random summing error and the answer shows the expected agreement for BoCo (Table VI). Conclusions The above results demonstrate that all three programs resolve complex gamma-ray spectra equally well. Programs I and III have the added advantage of performing a number of additional calculations necessary in neutron acti- vation analysis. The higher cost of Programs II and III might be reduced by changing the output format to provide fewer lines/problem. One source of error in resolution of complex gamma-ray spectra is the high count rate of one or more of the components of the composite spectrum. The proper selection of standard spectra for a composite spectrum with a high count rate will certainly improve the results. References E. Schonfeld, A. I r and W. Davis, Jr., "Determination of Nuclide Concentrations 'in Solutions Containing Low Level of Radioactivity by Least Squares Resolution of the Gamma-Ray Spectra," ORNL-3744 2. R. G. Helmer, D. D. Metcalf, R. L. Heath and G. A. Cazier, "A .Linear Least Squares Fitting Program For The Analysis of Gamma- Ray Spectra Including a Gain Shift Routine," IDO-17015, 111. Sept. 1964. 3. L. Salmon, "Computer Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra from Mixtures of Known Nuclides by the Method of Least Squares," in G. D. O'Kelley Editor, Proceedings of the Symposium on Applications of Computers to Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Gatlinburg, 1962, NAS-NS-3107. Table I Program Capabilities of Library Program Parameter III Sub Background Yes Yes Yes Yes Ath Intensity Yes Yes Decay No Yes Gain Shift No NO Component Selection Yes NO Table II Program Capabilities of Composite Program Paraneter II III Sub Background Yes Yes Yes Gain Shirts Yes Yes Yes sti Yes NO Yes Decay Yes Yes Sample Fraction Yes No NO Table III Problem Set Up for One Composite with Five Library Spectra Program Input: 1. Control Cards 2. Control Items r w woh Additional Compositers 1. Control Cards 2. Control Items - 20 Output: E 274 1. Lines/problem 2. Time/problem 3. Cost/problem 12.5 sec. 7.1 sec 23 sec. +0.50 50.15 0.23 u i ... . . . .. . . . . . - - - . Table IV Determination of Al and Ti Using Three Least Square Computer Programs for Data Resolution II III Chemical Sample pom ppm שסט ppm AL 3029+20 15467+97 302120 15486+127 3030_21 15449190 3150 16800 Al 3039+17 25516+81 3033+15 15514+91 3040416 15495795 3270 16900 Al 2025+21 16998+145 2022+20 16952-143 2026+12 169334140 11 2657+60 10451310 2652:60 204430314 i 70624295 8339+425 2657757 104313335 7054266 8287+420 6487+226 7712+278 6560 8300 Al Ti 64904220 7763+269 6430 8000 Table V Gamma-Ray Spectral Resolution by Least Squares Computer Programs Composite 914578* % Error (T-F) x 102 Nuclide III Counts 884 9.0 137CS 30 144ce 10.8 -2.9 25.3 16.5 11.1 -3.2 25.1 13.0 59.1 12.7 -3.1 30.2 -10.9 56.1 2.8 72.0 0.7 69.7 *composite and standards corrected for gain shifts. . Table VI Gamma-Ray Spectral Resolution by Least Squares Computer Programs Composite 914578* (T-F) x 102 ror Nuclide I II Present Counts III 884 137CS 9.0 3.6 83.0 4.5 2.8 -0.65 0.45 10.6 71.2 3.1 -0.90 0.22 11.). 71.2 144ce 203Hg -0.65 0.45 68. golo 2.8 0.7 * Composite and standards co Composite and standards corrected for gain shifts. Hot: 137Cs used as standard Fig. 1. Composite Spectrum Showing High Count Rate in Channel 120-140 From137Cs Suraming VERA SEW SLATOR .. - - : . . . WYTW2R2 1 4 # ! 7 - . .. . - " ! " " . 1 " . . - ' ' ' 4 6 : 14: *. - , 1 2 > TVDIN10 - JIY - INDO obedienti ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 1E+05 914578. ORNL-DWG. 65-947 COMPONENTS PRESENT 88Y @ 137CS © 60 Co © 144 Ce © 203 Hg 1E+04 COUNTS/CHANNEL -COMPOSITE : 1E+03! - Hist o ria . .' . r . . ... . 1E+02 40 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 CHANNELS . - --- !... * ОINI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNL - ABC - OFFICIAL A 1. ' . 1 V Y . r 1 . . . - HL DATE FILMED 5 / 26 /65 . TRW -LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any porson acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END 3