: UNCLASSIFIED 1. " N Jh 1 . ." D. . 4 . . . ORNL . : 0 782 . .: 1 N ATO24S, vann ordonap=782 DEC 30 1984 Krista . CONF-641110-2 . CONVERSION OF A CALUTRON INTO A 180° SECTOR SEPARATOR WITH 0.8 INHOMOGENEITY* t e chimisan T. W. Whitehead, Jr. W. K. Dagenhart W. A. Bell, Jr. L. 0. Love Seneste inimitabilmen 'Oek Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee love this sondern Aviation The electromagnetic plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was built in download to their the early 1940's for the chief purpose of separating the isotopes of uranium. During 1944-45 more than 1000 separators, which are called calutrons and bear a resemblance to the Dempster mass spectograph, were in operation, but by the clo:a of WW II the gaseous diffusion process, also at Oak Ridge, had proven to be a far more efficient method for uranium separations and the EM process at Y-12 was phased out. In the latter part of 1946, the AEC, recognizing the value of the EM process for separating the isotopes of most elements, directed that a program of stable isotope separations was to be carried out by ORNL using the 4 machines which had originally served as a pilot plant for the entire separations process. Since that time the availibility of enriched stable isotopes has stimulated a steadily increasing demand for more and more isotopes at higher purities to be used in many areas of physical and medical research. Very frequently an enriched stable 21 *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. figures not available " O " 1 . i ri ! within the commercial it -- 1sotope is used as the basic building block for providing a high purity radioisotope. For example, since 1960 more than 16 separator years have been expended to enrich 46Ca--an isotope whiich, when converted by neutron capture to 47ca, has considerable medical value for the early identifica- tion of bone cancer. In the early part of 1960, because of the inability of the four separators to meet the demand for enriched material, 30 more separators were reactivated and since that time they have been in continuous operation to satisfy the requests for enriched isotopes. The first slide shows the separations facility located in one of the original uranium separations buildings at Oak Ridge. Originally this track, as it is called, was not subdivided as you see it here. The entire track weighs about 3000 tons, and these cross members each represent about 100 tons of low carbon steel which has been used to subdivide the system magnetically. This subdivision permits the simultaneous separation of a different .. element in each of the four sections and gives the process a high degree of flexibility. For example, calcium separations can be carried out in one section while tungsten, which requires more than twice the calcium field strength, can be separated in the next section. The next slide shows the control room for the separators. Each separator has an independent electrical supply which provides a high stability ion accelerating voltage to impell the ion into the magnetic field, heater power supplies to vaporize charge materials, a high ampere current supply to heat a tantalum fllament to provide electrons for ionization and meters to monitor ion currents to the collector. WY INI 1 . . .W IN NM . n. :.: :.; . 3 The next slide is a picture of a calutron ion source. This section where the arc 18 formed by accelerating electrons from a heated tantalum filament here at the end throụgh charge material vapor, 18 operated at 35,000 volts. The potential difference between the filament and the arc chamber 18 usually about 100 v and 1t 18 adjustable. Also, the are current is adjustable, usually being between 2 and 4 amps, and 18 automatically maintained at a set value by & regulɛtor which raises or lowers the filament temperature thus controlling the electron supply. The ions formed in the arc are extracted from a slit in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. A second electrode at about 20,000 volts negative is used here to aid the extraction and with the third electrode here provides an electric lens which simulates a line object. The actual width of the ion source exit slit may be 3/16" to produce large ion currents of up to 150 ma, hut the effect of electrode system provides the magnetic field with an apparent width which is much less than this. The next slide schematically shows the location of the calutron ion source and collector. The tank walls are made of low-carbon steel and with non-magnetic top and bottom sections form part of the vacuum system. At the rear of each tank there is a manifold with two 20" oil diffusion pumps backed by mechanical pumps which evacuate the system to operating pressures of 2 x 10-5 torr. Linear magnetic shims are used in this region on each side of the tank to improve the focus of the ion beams, and without these shims the calutron would lose most of its effectiveness as a high current separator. In a completely uniform magnetic field, the beam divergence customarily accepted by the calutron . . . . . . . RA I N C . . ib . F would result in an image width at the collector of about 1/2" which in most separations would not be of any practical value. The chief advantage of the linear shims as compared with other methods of correcting the va field is that they allow the simultaneous operation of several ion sources stacked parallel with the shims. This feature was used in . uranium separations when as many as four arcs were operated in the . . sama system. However, .xperience with multi-arc operation since then . 1 . has not been very favorable due to overlapping of the mass spectra and . . . . beam plasma instabilities. Consequently, most separations have been . -.-' made using only one arc. . ..** The next slide shows an ion collector used in the separation of .. . . . ... .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . calcium isotopes. Part of the defining plate has been cut away to show the collector pockets. 40ca is by far the most abundant isotope and during normal operations about 120 ma 18 collected in this large water- cooled pocket. 46ca, which is collected in this pocket, has a natural abundance of 3/1000 of one percent and it takes about 80 hours to collect 1 mg of 50% material. This is an enhancement factor of 35,000 over the naturally occuring concentration. The next slide shows the focused 1on beam entering the collector pocket. This is 120 milliamps of 40ca and if it were allowed to go into the 46ca collector pocket for 1 second each day, the 46ca assay would drop from 50% to 43%. The calutron has been a reliable and flexible system for the separation of moderate quantities of isotopes. However, it does have some disadvantages. The linear shims provide a reasonably good image but there is room for 1. improvement. One of the most serious disadvantages is the systems limited #lippine wh i le the MPV M mass dispersive power, which, although it gave an adequate separation of 3/20" between 2350 and 238U, provides a rather cramped 0.115" between 206pb and 207P0. The difficulties involved in stopping and holding 35%v ion beams 1/10" apurt are obvious. To improve this condition the possibility of converting a calutron to a sector separator with a high field inhomogeneity have been carefully studied. . The term inhomogeneous magnetic field is being used to lable system which has circular symmetry and a radially decreasing field strength. The next slide shows a cross section of a set of circular iron shims that would be used to produce a field of this type. This is the region that would be used by the ion beam. As you can see from this force diagram, an ion which deviates from the midplane is restored by these force components. If the field obeys this approximate midplane relationship B B. () osasi the centrifugal force on the lon will decrease more rapidly than the field strength and the orb:it will be stable about the r. position. An ion source can be imagined here at r which ejects ions of a constant energy directed into the plane of the diagram. Tons of different isotopes will have different momenta, and they will be in equilibrium at larger or smaller radii if they are heavier or lighter. These ions will oscillate about the radial equilibrium positions as they travel from the source to the collector and the amplitude of this oscillation will depend on the constant n--large values of n resulting in large amplitudes. For certain values of n such as 0.5 and 0.8 the frequency of radial oscillation 18 an integer multiple of the 1. - 7. oscillation back and forth in this direction and this is known as a double-focusing lens. The significance of the amplitude of the radial oscillation is that a n = 0.8 separator will produce five times more separation between the beams of isotopes than a calutron. The next slide shows the 0.8 sector separator that can be made by converting a calutron to an inhomogeneous field system. The source and receiver are now outside the main magnet which is one of the distinguishing features of sector separators. The beam enters here, travels on approximately a 24" radius (the same as a calutron), and 18 collected here almost 7 ft. in front of the main magnet. The theoretical angular acceptance shown here is $2.50 and 18 considerably less than the calutron angular acceptance. This reduced beam acceptance 18 related to the high field inhomogeneity and it is the price that must be paid for high mass dispersion. The next slide shows a comparison between the amount of separation in a calutron and the separation that will be available in a 0.8 sector separator. This increase in separation will greatly facilitate the construction of collectors and the enrichment of a particular isotope districte inste scommes the the Greate should be dramatically improved--particularly in the heavy mass range. One of the major obstacles to be overcome in developing the 0.8 sector is the achievement of a precisely shaped magnetic field. This international and initiation necessary precision is a result of the high dispersion of the instrument ti and deviations from an Ideal field shape cause considerable image defocusing at the collector. Unfortunately, due to the effect of the fringing fleld at the magnet boundaries, it is not possible to obtain a complete theoretical solution before the machine 18 built. The fringing field of a calutron was measured and the results were extrapolated to the m . . . 0.8 sector by means of a computer program which calculated trajectories - 1 ti . **** **** Karyaw mo " cam-************v * --- in the field representation. The results shown on an earlier slide which located the source and receiver were based on this calculation. This is not an absolutely correct picture of the 0.8 sector due to the approximations made in the fringing field region, but the overall appearance of the machine will not change much and the field 'shape used in this calculation represents the best point from waich to begin the development of this system. The next slide shows how a computer program is used to calculate jhe exact pole piece shape necessary to produce the required magnetic field. Since the iron will have a high permeability over the range of field strengths used, the shim surface may be considered as analogous to an electrostatic equipotential without much loss of accuracy. The midplane is also an equipotential since symmetry has been assumed and all field lines are normal to this plane. The computer makes potential assignments in this net and then adjusts these values until the Laplace of the potential is zero. This potential mapping permits the calculation of the midplane field strength and the shim boundary may be changed until the desired field is obtained. It is anticipated that about two years will be required to fully develop this system and that an extensive series of magnetic field measurements and reworking of the shim contour will be necessary in order to realize the full potential of the separator. However, when the development is complete, the resulting improvement in the purity of the isotopic sample should more than justify the effort. It is felt that * vorisants, trist s . ip ! 1. this machine will be able to meet the demands for small quantities of extremely pure isotopes in the high mass range that cannot be supplied · by tire calutron in a single separation. --wis.ba msinstruiter ....' i ta'sini -LEGAL NOTICE - ident and necesamiento de The report m. preporod u an account of Governeol spookOrod work. Nellbor Abe Vallad Buates, por the Canaission, DOT any pornoo acung on boball of lado camission: A. Makes may warranty or reprosoution, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complelonesı, or usofulo.us of the lalorcauon coalalood in Wo report, or that I w, of any informatioo, apparatus, movod, or process disclosed in two report my not talriago prinuoly owood richte; or B. Autudes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages rrowung Iron whe ure of day laformation, apparatus, ambod, or process dlaclound la is repo:i. As vuod in we above, "persoo acung oo beball or who cunoassosoo" includes may em- ployee or corrector of Abe Commission, or employee of sucb contractor, to be extent that Such employer or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such coauriclor propres, disseminater, or provides accou. W any laformation purewnt lo we employacat or coatract with ebe Commissloa, or his employment mub ouca cools acor. the tar to be time to them with trait La I ALD mannen When the . . he was well maintain i and clear the city and the aroma a ..rn.. . .... ... . . DATE FILMED 2 / 25 65 mira Ganti warm eli - LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored 'work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or reprcsentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the usc of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the vse of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any formation pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his empioyment with such contractor. itrin '1 rinn " ' END -'. 12