VR "11 TN * * N 119 .. 19 . 20' UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . = = - . * • ** *. - - - - V IN' T ' 815 L2... 1 ORNA-P-815 JAN ATIES . CONF-650202-/ REFINEMENT OF THE STRUCTURE OF g-D-GLUCOSE FROM NEUTRON DIFFRACTION DATA* MASTER George M. Brown and Henri A. Levy Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee From a crystal weighing 31.7 mg., 1656 intensity data were measured, corrected for absorption, and converted to Fol2 values for use in least-squares refinement. The starting param- eters used (including those of the 12 hydrogen atoms) and the o unit-cell data (P2,2,21, a = 10.36 $ 0.02 AO, b = 14.84 0.02 A, c = 4.97 $ 0.02 Aº, Z = 4T were from the work of McDonald and Beevers (Acta Cryst., 5, 654 (1952)). In the final refinement the 37 data of highest intensity were omitted from the set of observations because they appear to show extinction errors. The discrepancy index Rx - F.*-|FC|1/8|F1* is 0.060 for x - 1 and 0.059 for x = 2: The standard deviation of an observation of unit weight is 1.10. The atomic coordinates and their least- squares errors (both fractional x 104) are as follows: -772(3 Atom (1) 3329(1 600701 C(2) 4184(1 6746(1 C(3) 5611(1 6514 (1 C(4) 5860(1 5569(1 C(5) 4956 (1 4886(1 C(6) 5141(1 3953(1 O(1) 3470(2 6007(1 0(2) 3880(1 7598(1 0(3) 6334(1 7154 (1 0(4) 7176(1 5348(1 0(5) 3654(1 5154(1 0(6) 4458(2 3311(1 154(3 1200(3 -123 (3 1026 (4 -3541(4 -657 (5 1634(5 688(4 369(4 -518(5 Atom H(1) H(2) H(3) H(4) H(5) H(6) H(7) H(8) H(9) H(10) (11) (12) 2327(2 6124(2. 395813 6776(2 5888(3 6543 (2 5677(3 5565(2 5136 (3 4865 (2 6172(3 3792(2 4804(5 3947 (3 2753(4 5674 (3 4485(3 7776(2 7247(2 7137(2 751703 5082(3 4127(3 2861(2 -154(9 259907 -1995 (7 3385 (6 -2312(7 1032(12 3116 (9 -4299 (9 -203109 1178(8. 2326(8 699(10. . . . All bond lengths and a selection of bond angles are shown in Fig. 1. The six conformation angles about the pyranose ring bonds (see Brown and Levy, Science, 141, 921 (1983), for defini- tion) are: C(1)--C(2), 54.T; 0(2)-13), -51.3°; C(3)--C(4), 53.3°; C(4) -- C(5), -57.5°; C(5)-0(5), 62.2°; 0(5) --C(1), -60.9º. The oxygen-oxygen separations and the angles at the hydrogen atoms in the five different hydrogen bonds are as follows: 0(1) H(8)...015), 2.847 A°, 161.0°; 0(2) --H(9)...0(6), 2.776 A, 170.1°; 0(3)—H(10)...0(2), 2.707 A°, 164.8°; 0(4)—H(1l)...0(4), 2.773 A°, 167.7°; 0(6)-H(12)...0(3), 2.711 Aº, 169.7º. The computed standard errors of these distances and angles, includ- ing contributions from errors in the unit-cell parameters, are as follows: C-C and C-O bonds, about 0.003 A0 (except 0.006 Aº for c(1)-0(1)); C-H and 0-H bonds, 0.004 Aº to 0.006 Aº; bond angles involving only carbon and oxygen atoms, 0.1° to 0.2°; C-O-H angles, 0.2° to 0.4°; conformation angles, 0.2° to 0.3°; 0-0 distances and 0-H-Q angles in hydrogen bonds, 0.004 Aº to 0.009 Aº and 0.3° to 4°, respectively. - LEGAL NOTICE The report mo popare u L Account of cornment sponsored work. Molther the Vallad main, nor the comboioa, hor my person sou on behalf of the Commission: A. Maar my vorreoty or repremuu, .. Qxprend or lopund, nu respect to the acro- racy, completo, 01' wefalms of the labor mauon contained la W, roport, or the wee of my tutoratom, imenduo, anthod, or procw. dixcloudlu we report na Box Intriago peintly mad righto; or A. Aww way liabiliter mit nepect to the wes of, or for damages moeuling from the m amy Internation, apparato, wobod, or moceur declined in ws report. As westhe homewrno scono il of the Commission" wolne my . close or canctor de Coaninou, or employee of weed contractor, to the ormt ut med flere or contrector of Connials, or uplone ol must contractor propr., da , of mortdw nocWw ho, w halorealio pirmat to Woorlopinat or contract mu the Commission, or MI Omployant muni contractor. Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Fig. 1. Bond lengths and bond angles in a-D-glucose. No corrections for thermal motion have been made. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL. DWG. 64.5559A 112.40 107.0° 110.99108.3• 110.64-108.99 111.2• 109.80 108.7° 111.10 112.3° 12.1° 2,17 T U 110.4. 108.10 > 7110.8° 113.8° 110.00 109.40 (14) OH (1C) H(11) 0 0.974 10.973 O014) 0(3) 1.425 1.415 LOH(3) H(6) H(4) Quozy 1.51991.106 1.5281 1.525 C(5) H(5) H(2) C12) H7, Q-1.510 P Page 14250 11.413 1.427 11.534 H(9) 11.095 0.98 1.096 in C/6) O(2) De 0.964016 1.426 MCCA _1426 0(5) 1.095 1.389 Dom 0.969 014) H(12) Hlay OH (8) is W . . BA --:-. DATE FILMED 4 / 14 /165 etc .. ... a 3 15 PA i IS .ainos - ------ - --. - - A w s --. . - -. -.- - TAO mi .- - - --- - - - 2 - - - - A - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expregsed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting ou behalf of the Cummission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . .. * .. * 7 - A : . + END . .. . . ! "