M . 4.14 Ke Y .: - .. 1 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . Hat . A . BUS . *: $ $ 1 Mi ? 1. F v han... 829 as .. 1. .. WC ht ORNU-P-829 ... ATIES+P! JAN 2 1965 Natl. Cancer Inst. Monograph MASTER FINE STRUCTURE OF LAMPBRUSH CHROMOSOMES conf. 234-4 0. L. MILLER, JR., Ph.D. From the Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. . . > LEGAL NOTICE - 2 - Two report me prepared uu soconut of 30monument sponsored work. Neither the Uwind Milas, por the Commission, por nu pornou acting a bowall of the Com alaston: A. Makut my warruat or reprodution, expressed or implied, with respect to the accr. racy, completenee, or wafalme of the labormation contained in to report, or that the wine of way lalormatica, appunto, machod, or procesu daclound la to report may not infringe Minuoly one more or 1. Asmunu liabilite med respect to the wes of, or for dearu rooding from the ure of Any laformation, menutus, method, or proces drolound la was report As wood to the above, "person actus a bhall of the cowashao" includes may on. Noyw or couinctor of the Countou, or aupyth of nich contractor, to the extent that Euch anployna or contractor of the Conglasloo, or waplogue of much contructor propurus, dornbucion, or pronto socombo, way tulonnaton pursuant to Na emplywoot or cootruct wu the Comunalea, or to employ wat mul such contractor. TO EXY . . Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Corowad. 88100 mder contract with the Union Carbide Corporation .* TAX 0 F NTYI. T Y ' " " "TV 1.1. . . MAX ' WW. ' ' . Running head; 0. L. Miller, Jr., Lampbrush Chromosomes Send proof to: Dr. O. L. Milier, Jr. Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. 0. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 - - - . TAPI . · *---.. . * - .- -- .. - . . DO . * * - -. - . . 7212 The lampbrush chromosomes of amphibian oocytes can readily be 18olated in a condition which closely resembles their appearance in the living cell. These meiotic chromosomes are relatively uncoiled and in a highly extended state when compared with chromosomes in other cell types. In addition, labeling with radioactive precursors shows that continual, rapid synthesis of both RNA and protein 19 occuring on these chromosome 8. Thus, the lampbrush chromosome offers a wique opportunity for critically examining both basic chromosome structure and structural aspects of at least oue chromosome function - the transcription of RNA. CURRENT CONCEPT OF STRUCTURE .. -. - - The summation of a number of investigations of lampbrush chromosomes (see 1, 2 for reviews) has given rise to the concept of structure depicted in text-figure 1 and allows the following brief description. Campbrush chromosomes are long (up to 1 mm in length) diplotene bivalents joined by one to several chiasnata. The main axie of each homologue contains two chromatids and consists of a series of closely-spaced chromomeres connected by a thin fiber. The chromatids in the main axis separate in the chromamere regions to form the axes of pairs of lateral loops which are coated with a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) matrix. Paired loops are similar in morphology, but the loops mely vary in morphology from one pair to the next. Each loop 18 asymetric, having a thick and a thin end at the point of Insertion into the main chromosome axis. The loop axes and interchromomeric threads can be broken by DNase but not by proteases or RNase. The loop matrix material can be removed with proteases or RNase but 18 not de formed by DNase except through the ultimate destruction of the axis to which this material. 18 '- - . . * attached. . AL . * * U TEC AB SAVO PREPARATION OF LAMPBRUSH CHROMOSOMES FOR EIECTRON MICROSCOPY Techniques for handling laupbrush chromosomes for light microscopy have been described in detail (1, 2). The techniques pertinent to this report involve innovations in preparing these chromosomes for electron microscopy. Since these have not been published, they are described in detail here. Iwo preparative procedures are used: Surface Film Method Wita the aid of jewelers' forceps, the nucleus of a lampbrush-stage oocyte 18 isolated in suline and washed free of yolk with a braking, mouth pipette. At this point, the nucleus can be treated with various agents, changes in på or molarity, etc., which affect the structure of the chromosomes while still in the nucleus. After the nucleus has become somewhat swollen and turgid, it is pipetted into a small drop (2-5 mm diameter) of saline or sucrose solution on a clean microscope slide. When sucrose is used, the nucleus usually will rise wtil the nuclear envelope attaches to the surface film; with saline, the drop 18 pulled down until the surface film contacts the nucleus. In both cases, surface tension forces butst the envelope and pull it, as well as a portion of the chromosomes and nucleoplasm into the surface film. It is important to keep surfaces of all solutions free of oils or other süstances which reduce surface tension or no spreading effect occurs. After a nucleus has spread on the surface, the material in the surface film is picked up on a carbon-coated electron microscope gria by lightly touching the grid to the surface of the drop. The preparation then may be treated with enzymes and stained, etc., before drying and viewing in the electron microscope. Since soluble proteins and pazticulate materials from the nucleoplasm, as well as sheared-off chromosomal matrix material, also are ift 27 2 . ti tissu C . . retained on the grids by this procedure, an objectional background noise prevents optimal viewing in preparations obtained by this method. Hayat Micro-centrifugation Method three components (text-fig. 1). An upper chander (A) 18 made by attaching a short length of glass tubing to a coverslip with epoxy resin. The middle chamber (B) 18 constructed by glueing a funnel into a 7 to 10 mm length of glass tubing. The funnel can be made from the highly tapered section of a disposable Pasteur capillary pipette. The wide mouth of the funnel 18 flush with and exactly fills the glass tubing at one end, providing a top funnel opening of about 4 mm. The bottom end of the funnel, with an opening of approximately 1.5 mm, should extend 1 to 1.5 mm below the end on the glass tubing. A 2 mm-long collar of glass tubing is glued on top of the middle chamber. The bottom chamber (c) is made by glueing to a microscope slide a 5 to 7 roma length of a rigid, this-wall, plastic centrifuge tupe which precisely accomodates the middle chamber. A 5 to 6 m section of rubber tubing is slipped over the plastic section until about 1 ma of the tubing remains above the top of the plastic chamber. The tight rubber lip acts as a gasket and prevents liquid from being forced from the bottom chamber during centrifugation. The components of the centrifugation apparatus are thoroughly cleaned, --- - - - and a washed oocyte nucleus 18 placed in the medium of choice in the upper chamber. The chromosomes are manually isolated in the usual manner and the dispersal of the nuclear contents followed with an inverted phase scope. Next, the bottom chamber 18 filled with the centrifugation medium of choice ånd an electron microscope grid (3 mm) centered in the bottom of the chamber. The middle chamber 18 inserted into the bottom chamber until the narrow end of the funnel 18 in contact with and centered on the grid. The level of the centrifugation medium is adjusted watil the surface is slightly rounded above . . . - Ti- . - . - the top of the midate chamber. ' - - 11 - - -- - - ! After the chromosomes and nucleoplasm have sufficiently spread across the surface of the coverslip of the upper chamber, the surface of the medium in the top chamber 18 adjusted until it is slightly rounded above the rim of the glass tubing. The top chamber then is inverted and quickly slipped into the top collar of the middle chamber, taking care to prevent air bubbles from entering the apparatus. The slide holding the assembled components is placed into a flat cardboard holder mounted on the top of a multiple centrifuge tube carrier. The chromosomes then are centrifuged in a Size 1 Type 8B Internation Centrifuge or equivalent for 3 to 4 minutes at a speed of 1000 to 2000 rpm. The two top chambers then are removed and the grid with attached chromosomes treated as desired before viewing in the electron microscope. With this method, the chromosomes can be separated from essentially all of the background noise inherent in the surface fllm technique. In addition, the loop matrices can either be kept intact during the procedure or partially removed during or after centrifugatiosa Following both methods, preparations were dehydrated in EtOH and dried out of isopentane to minimize surface tension distortion. Most at the observations reported here were obtained from preparations precipitated with K-biphathalate buffer, pH4, and stained with 1-2 % VO2-acetate, på 5, for 15 to 60 minutes before dehydration. OBSERVATIONS ON BASIC CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE When the surface film method is used, chromosome breakage occurs during the spreading action, preventing identification of specific chromosomes or lateral loops. However, long portions of main chromosome axes and associated -- Na . loops can be obtained on grids. (fig. 1). In addition to breaking chromosomes, 2 UR the surface film action removes RNP matrix material from loops, providing a (fig. 2) gradient ranging from loops which have retained most of their matrix to those hearly devoid of matrix material (fig. 3). Removal of loop matrix reveals ! . 1- Li. .. PA thet the continuity of each loop is maintained by a thin axial fiber (= one chromatia). This fiber is broken by DNase but not by proteases or RNase. When the matrix is cleanly removed from portions of the loop axis, this fiber shows intermittent thick and thin regions (118. 4), with the -- thinner regions being more prominent when severe stretching has occurred in - * . - the surt'ace film. Tae diameter of the thicker regions ranges from 75 to 200 X i. . . . while the thinnest regions resolved by this technique are 30 to 50 X in diameter. . . . E The thick portions of the axial fiber apparently consist mainly of protein since trypsin digestion results in a general decrease in diameter and 2068 of ZN electron opacity after uranyl staining. The interchromameric fiber (= two chromatids) which does not have RNP matrix is similar in structure to the doop axes, but, on the average, is slightly wider, ranging from 50 to 75 Å in the thin regions and up to 200 A in diameter in the thick portions. Although The chranсmeres along the main axi.s generally are too compact and opaque to resolve internal structure or to observe how loop axes or interchromoneric libers are inserted. In a few instances, however, chromomeres are found partially spread by the surface film action and the se show a basic fibrillar lunit similar in structure and diameter. to denuded loop axes (fig. 5). Background noise from nucie oplasm precipitation can be eliminated in microcentrifugation preparstions and better resolutions of axial fibers obtained. During centrifugation, the interchramomeric fibers often are pulled or stretched until the chronomeres become spaced some 2 to 10 microns apart on the main chromosome axis (fig. 6). In many instances, a bead-like structure some 500 to 700 Å in diameter 18 Pound on this fiber and usually is located approximately midpoint between adjacent chromomeres (fig. 7). As in surface film preparations, the interchromomeric threads, show alternating thick and thin regions. Before protease treatment, the main axis measures some 50 to (Pigs. 8)) 150 X in diameter. After partial trypsin digestion, the thinner regions . . _ A of the main axis measure 40 to 50 Å in diameter (ligs. 10, 11) while the thinner regions in loop axes exposed by digestion of the Loop matrix material are 20 to 30 Å in diameter. In no case has doublene 68 of either loop axes or main axes been observed even though the latter fiber 18 known to contain two chromatids. OBSERVATIONS ON THE RIBONJCIEOPROTFIN MATRIX OF LATERAL LOOPS Three types of matrix material have been observed in centrifuged preparations. The first type is found on a large majority of the lateral loops and consists of clusters of ribosome-like particles interconnected by a network of thin Bibers (fig. 12). The basic granular unit appears to be 250 to 300 Å in diameter and la favorable configurations appear to be spaced 1200 to 1500 Aapart on the fibrous componente Granules up to 800 Å in diameter are observed in this type of matrix but these may result from co-precipitation of two to several of the basic granular units. Estimates ofithe number of granules in a single matrlx unit near the thick insertion end of typical loops indicate that one matrix unit would be 5 to 8 microns long ii the granules are attached to a single fiber. (fig. 13) A second type of matrix can be correlated with the fuzzy loops located near the middle of chromosome 10 and terminal on one arm of chromosome 4 in light microscope preparations from Triturus viridescens (1). In this type, tre basic matrix unit is composed on long thin librils which range up to 20 microns in length when stretched in surface film preparations (fig. 15) and up to 7 microns in centrifuged preparations (fig. 15). When these fibrils are stretched in centrifuged preparations, they appear to have granular units similar to those found 1005ely spaced in typical matrix units. In the fuzzy loops, however, the particles are closely packed on a thin' axial Piber(fig. 15). Daypsin digestion removes the granular component from loop matrices (electron microscope observation) while RNase breaks the fibrils found on fuzzy loops . (phase contrast observations). These observations indicate that matrix units are composed of a RNA PIber which either has a protein coat along its entire length or has protein granules spaced periodically along its length. The similarity between the granular units of both types of matrix material may be more apparent than real, however, since typical locp matrices precipitate between pH 3 and 5 while fuzzy loops precipitate below pH 3. A third type of matrix, which has only occassionally been observed, appears .. . . .. .. - . - - -- same what intermediate in structure between the typical and fuzzy-type matrices (fig. 17). When both thin and thick insertilon ends of the same loop can be observed (figs. 18, 19), the increase in loop diameter from the thin to the thick end appears to be due to an increase in size of length of the matrix unit rather than a change in overall morphology of the wit. This is especially clear in l'uzzyLoops where the matrix fibrils show changes only in length as one travels from the thin'to the thick insertion end. (fig. 13). In addition, there appear to be no abrupt change in matrix unit size along the loop axis but rather a gradual transition from a very small cluster to a large cluster on typical loops and from a short fibril to a long fibril on fuzzy loops. In surface film preparations in which loop matrices have been partially removed, matrix units at the outer turn of loops often are found still attached to the loop axis and partly to completely uncoileds and atraightened byth the action of the Isurface film (fig. 20). Meacirements of favorable prepširations show matrix units to range from 5 to 20 microns in length. When junctures of matrix units and loop axes can be observed, the points of contact are marked - by only a slight thickening along a very short length of the loop axis. IN preparations where matrix material has been almost completely removed from long stretches of loop axes, granules ranging from 100 to 700 X in diameter are found on loop axes, as well as in the background precipitation of . . . * - - - - WWW 10 nucleoplasm. In sorge cases, several granules may be attached to the loop axis with a periodicity of about 1000 X (fig. 21). DISCUSSION In previous electron microscope studies on lampbrush chromosomes, estimates of the diameter of the Interchromomeric fiber (two chromatids) have ranged from 200 Å (3) to nearly 2000 Å (4) whlle the lateral loops (one chromatia) have been considered as having a single axis between 200 and 500 X in diameter (5) or composed of a bundle of fibrils, each about 500 X in diameter (6). The observations reported here indicate that the minimum diameter of the loop axes is 20 to 30 Å while the interchromameric strands measure 40 to 50 Å. These diameters are similar to those obtained by other methods for single double-helix DNA (7) or DNP molecules (8) or for two double-helices of DNA precipitatea together (9). These results strongly sugeest that the chromatid, of lampbrush chromosomes consists in width of a single DNA or DNP gmolecule. They also corroborate the conclusions drawn by Gall (10) from the kinetics of breakage of loops and main axes of lampbrush chromosomes by Drase, 1zez Labeling with RNA and protein precursors show immediate incorporation of label into both substances over the entire length of both typical and fuzzy type loops. Gall and Callan (11), however, reported that the giant granular loops on chromosome 12 of Triturus eristatus show sequential labeling with time from the thin to the thick insertion ends for RNA but imediate being synthesized at one site near the thin insertion end ther being carried around the loop by movement of the DNA axis of the loop. The increase in width of the loop from the thin to the thick end was ascribed to a rotein . . - synthesis. - Recently, Gall (12) broke typical loops by X-irradiation before labeling the RNA and found incorporation to occur on both sides of breaks. His results indicate that RNA. synthesis occurs alsong the entire length unless one makes the assumption that the breakage itselt initiates I new sites of RNA synthesis on the thick insertion side of the loop. These results combined with the observations of matrix fine structure described bere suggest that the synthesis cf RNA molecules starts at the the thin insertion and or loops and continues and by a zipper-like action around then entire length of a stationary loop axis. At any one moment, then, only a very short segment of the newly-synthesized portion of each. RNA molecule vould be in contact with the loop axis while the older portions of the molecules (the oldest region being at the unattdched end) would extend into the milieu of the nucleoplasm. The similarity of structure along the length of the RNP molecules on fuzzy-type loops and throughout the clusters on typical loops indicates that the protein component of loop matrices is synthesized or incorportted onto the RNA molecules at the juncture of the loop axis and newly synthesized Iportion of the RNA molecule. The relatively large number of matrix units per loop indicates that a may should correspondingly high number of RNA polymerase molecules must be present on the loop axes. Counts of units along fuzzy loops, as well as the periodicity of granules sometimes observed on loops stripped of matrix, suggest that the polymerase molecules are spaced approximately 1000 Å apart along the entire length of each loop axis. The longest RNP un:its from fuzzy loops so far measured have been about 20 microns in length, whereas the lengths of I uzzy loops floating in solution (i.e., unstretched) range up to 200 microns in length. If the postulated zipper-like synthesis of RNA molecules is correct, a comparison of the relative lengths of loop product and loop axis indicates that the RNA polymerase molecules may not be reading the entire length of the DNA in the loop axis, or, alternatively, that the length of the loop axis does not consist entirely - . = . - 2 AC of DNA. Since DNase digestion appears to disintegrate the entire loop axis, the latter alternative seems less probable than the first. als Rough estimates of the number of RNP molecules per loop and the average amount of RNA per unit length of DNA in loops can be made as follows. The average length of lateral loops on lampbrush chromosomes of f. viridescens has been reported to be 50 microns (5). The average length of matrix units is estimated in this study to be about 10 microns and the spacing of units ..SE - along the loop axis to be approximately 1000 Ă. Under these conditions, the number of RNP molecules per average loop would be 500 and there would be 100 times as much RNA (on a length basis) as DNA in the lateral i dops. One is also tempted to speculate on the significance of the length of the RNP fibrils with respect to the function of messenger RNA. Assuming a triplet code and an axial length of 11 Å per triplet, an RNA molecule 10 microns in length would be sufficiently long to template code for the largest known protein molecules (e.8., glutamic dehydrogenase, MH = LØ®ØZzzzØ 1 x 106). In view of the fact that most proteins are considerably smaller than this . 1 . - - and that RNP molecules longer than 10 microns are present on lampbrush - chromosomes, it appears that fully-transcribed RNA molecules may contain more RNA than required for their function as templates. Three explanations are suggested: 1) The chromosomal RNA remains intact, butt the entire length of the RNA molecule is not used during the templating process. However, estimates of messenger length ( microns) in the largest polysomal clusters so far $13) observed seems to argue against this possibility; 2) Each complete molecule of chromosomal RNA is subdivided into portions which have been transcribed by an operator plus one or more structural genes within a single loop axis. These Z . subunits of RNA would be separated during transfer to or in the cytoplasm 2 . . 2.FP analogous to the subdivision of ribosomal RNA reported by Perry (14); 3) Each chromosomal RNA molecule has a common subunit which is involved in the * * movement of zessenger portions to sites of protein synthesis but which is * ' ' .' E- 232 - . 1 . E detached and degraded the templating processo begins. M oti . 1. - 1r WEE HY. WILL 3 REFERENCES (1) GALL, J. Go: Chromosomes and cytodifferentiation. In Cytodifferentiation and Macromolecular Synthesis (Locke, M., ed.). New York, Academic Press Inc., 1963, pp. 119-143. (2) CALIAN, 8. G.: The nature of lampbrush chromosomes. In International Review of Cytology (Bourne, G. H., and Danielli, J. F., eds.). New York, Academic Press Inc., 1963, pp. 1-34. (2) CALIAN, 8. G., and LLOYD, L.: Lampbrush chromosomes of crested newts Triturus cristatus (Laurenti). Phil Trans Roy Soc B 243: 135-219, 1960. (3) TOMLIN, S. G., and CALIAN, H. G.: Preliminary account of an electron microscope study of chromosomes from newt oocytes. Quart J Micr.Sci 92: 221-224, 1951. (4) GUYENOT, E., and DANON, M.: Chromosomes et ovocytes des Batraciens. Rev suisse zool 60: 1-129, 1953. main en (5) GALL, J. G.: On the submicroscopic structure of chromosomes. Brookhaven Symp Biol 8: 17-32, 1956. (6) LAFONTAINE, J. G., and RIS, .: An electron microscope study of lampbrush chromosomes. J Biophys Biochem Cytol 4: 99-106, 1958. (7) WILKINS, M. 8. F.: Physical studies of DNA and nucleoproteins. Sympos Quant Biol (Cola Spring Harbor) 21: 75-88, 1956. . . - . . . . (8) ZUBAY, G., and DOTY, P.: The isolation and properties of deoxyribonucleo- protein particles containing single nucleic acid molecules. J Molec Biol 1: 1-20, 1959. (9) HALL, C. E., and CAVALIERI, 1. F.: Four-stranded DNA as determined by electron microscopy. J Biophys Biochim Cytol 10; 347-351, 1961. ... (10) GALL, J. G.: Kinetics of de oxyribonuclease action on chromosomes. Nature 198:36-38, 1963. (11) GALL, J. G., and CALLAN, 8. G.: 13 uridine incorporation in lampbrush chromosomes. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 48: 562-570, 1962. ... . . (12) GALL, J. G.: Personal communication. (13) RICH, A., PENMAN, S., BECKER, Y., DARNELL, J., and HALL, C.: Polyribosomes : size in normal and polio-infected He la cells. Science 142: 1658-1663, 1963. (14) PERRY, R. P.: Role of the nucleolus la ribonucleic acid metabolism and other cellular processes. Nat Canc Inst Monogr 14: 73-89, 1964. V - P1 WIU AN Mur ING 1 K . IL . . 1. 16 FIGURE LEGENDS - FIGURE 1.Portion of main axis (MA) of lampbrush chromosome with chromameres (6) and associated lateral loops (L). Surface film. X FIGURE 2.-Cluster of lateral loops partially stripped of RNP matrix material (M) with exposed loop axes (IA). Surface 111m. X FIGURE 3.-lateral doop denuded of most of RNP rastrix material exposing the loop axis (IA). The main chromosome axis (MA) also is shown. Surface film. S. IT FIGURE 4.---Lateral lopp partially stripped of RNP matrix. The loop axis (IA) shown alternating thick and thin regions along its length. Surface film. X FIGURE 5.- Partially spread chromamere (c) and portion of loop axes (IA) showing similar librillar structure. Surface film. X FIGURE 6.-Main axis of lampbrush chromosome showing interchromomeric fiber (MA), chromomeres (c), and lateral loops (L). The opaque clusters in background are core portions of peripheral nucleoli. Micro-centrifugation. X own.masin in their FIGURE 7.-Main chromosome axis showing granule (G) which occasionally observed . 1 on the interchromomeric thread. Alternating thick and thin regions of the i mitroller for this thread are evident. Micro-centrifugation. X D FIGURE 8.--Main chromosome axis showing interchromomeric thread (MA). Micro-centrifugation. X mir a FIGURE 9.-High magnification view of interchromeric fiber shown in figure 8. S - - XL - + - - = Minimum diameter of thread is approximately 50 A. Micro-centrifugation. X . 1 27 FIGURE 10.-Iampbrush chromosome which has been imcompletely digested with trypsin. Chromomeres (c), interchronomeric thread (MA), and loops (L) - ". - are designated. Micro-centrifugation. X FIGURE 11.-Hi.gh magnification view of portion of main axis shown in figure ..0. Minimwa diameter 18 approximately 40 Å. Micro-centrlfugation. FIGURE 12.-Lateral loops showing typical type of RNP matrix material. The smallest, well-defined particles are 250-300 Å in diameter. Microcentrifgation. . ... .-- FIGURE 13.-Fuzzy type loops with well-defined microfibril as basic matrix unit. The fibrils gradually increase in length from the thin insertion side (A) ü to the thick insertion side (B). Microcentrifugation. X - - ter - - - - FIGURE 24.-Microfibrils (F) of fuzzy lopps uncoiled by surface film action. Iateral loop axes are designated (L). Surface film. X FIGURE 15.-Fuzzy loop. The extended microfibril (F) measures 4.5 microns from loop axis to turn in fibril. The contorted fibril at the end presumably is a shorter, unconnected piece of fibril which has been sheared off of the loop. . .. Micro-centrifugation. X is . - FIGURE 16.-High muignification view of portion of extended microfibril showa in figure 15. Microcentrifugation. X . . - . . 1 . FIGURE 17:1-Lateral loop showing a type of RNP matrix intermediate in structure between the typical-type matrix clusters and the microfibrils on fuzzy loops. , Microcentrifugation. X * :. y! . . 11. * Whi YL M 11 . 16 W FIGURE 18.-Lateral loop with typical RNP matrix showing gradual increase in size of matrix units from the thin insertion end (A) to the thick Insertion end (B) of the loop. Microcentrifugation. X FIGURE 19.-Lateral loop with typical RNP matrix showing transition in matrix size from thia (A) to thick (B) Insertipa ends Microcentrifugation. FIGURE 20.- Iateral loop (L) with RNP matrix units uncoiled by action of the surface film. The fibrils (F) range from 4 to 20 microns in length. Surface film method. X FIGURE 21.-Lateral J.oop axis (IA) stripped of matrix but showing attached granules which occassionally have a periodicity of about 1000 Å (arrow). Surface film. X -. - . . 1 . , . . . 13,652 woning 813***...odern sowillida ...pullinen VOO000 0000000000 non 100% 1110000 Common 000 104 TEXT-FIG. 1 Text-figure 1.-Upper left: Diagrammatic sketch of a pair of lampbrush chremosomes joined by two chiasmata. Upper right: Drawing of pairs of loops showing differences in morphology and length. Bottom: Concept of continuity of chromatids in main chromosome axis with those forming axes of the lateral loops. (From Swanson, 1957, after Gall, 1956). . : . .....--*** mom estrenaria --------- 41 1 1 TJ " FAC wa 5.7 NA 10. KKM . " iu .* RAW ALUE VI TEXT: Figure 2 - - * * . . - 7 mm - ..YETE 1 و . - - - - - - :: ا م ا --- | 5 کر - .. - - : . -* . . . ... .:. " ت نرم - 1 . , | | : : - . .::. .:: ه: . . . . :. -س نسنننننن " . . . . / " ط عمه .. . . . -، . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... نه ... .. ..... : ... م. . . * ا | . . . . کی . : : - . - : : -- -- او ' ' ، ' PLATE 2 .د ممسنی: ع .. .. .. ...... . .. " " | | | ..... .: :. . . ... . . .. .. • . ... 4 - مدله : سما تی مال " . ام و . این . :. : : Х : : : : : : : : :.:.: . *.* : : : . . ..а/; • . . л: . . . • "... . . . 4 Арда : А . . :. • . 1.. . . 11 ... ... А су .*. . . . . 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Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Coinmission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. - - 4 3 ty 3":7: *'* 7 . . 5. . 3.1. 40503 . *.-* 7*** 2 - ' ' 2H . 2 . .2x . END * TAT e