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As ww w , perishen wall of Domain " belum my M. ployee or vetraetor of the Commission, at napleren of much contractor, to the entent that mucha empleyne umrlor w who O l im, o ptegne et meie comentator popurus. weet, of met een bo, ang mormation purnum Norwent contract nedenie, of Mouptoyu mu meel comt. W *Research sponsored in part by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commdssion under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . " r . RNA 16 thought to play several roles in protein synthesis. Ribosomes + and ribosomal RNA are looked upon as the sites of protein synthesis while the role of soluble or transfer RNA 18 to carry activated amino acids prior to their incorporation into protein. (see, for example, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia for quantitative Biology, 26, 1961). Jacob and Monud (1961) proposed the existence of a third type of RNA involved in coding the amino acid sequence of induced enzymes. This latter type of RNA, called messenger or mRNA, should have a base sequence 11ke the DNA of the induced cell and, . .-. - -. .. - . :- at least in the case of induced enzyme synthesis, should turn over rapidly. The presence of a type of RNA having these properties has been shown in many systems (see, Volkin, 1963). Since bacterial spore formation and germination are thought to involve considerable induced enzyme syathesis, it would seem usefu to investigate the types of nucleic acids syathesized during these 4 - / : RV periods NA Mtz-James (1955) studied the phosphorus containing fractions of germinating bacterial spores and observed an increase, during germination, in the total RNA phosphorus. Woese (1961) observed the appearance of RNA particles having unusual sedimentation properties during germination and postgerminative development while woese and Forro (1960) proposed the turnover of a large part of the spore RNA a8 & result of their studies on the kinetics of RNA . Agar synthesis during this period. The absence of DNA-like RNA in bacterial spores has been suggested by Doi and Igarashi (1964) from their studies on the fractionation of spore nucleic acids on methylated albumin-keselguhr colums . These authors showed that spore RNAs differ only quantitatively from the RNAS in vegetative cells. The present paper represents a study of the synthes 16 2242 of nucleic acido found in bacterial spores during germination and postgermd native development. Materials and Methods Spores of the Marburg strain of Bacillus subtilis were prepared from a chemically defined medium as described by Donnellan, Nags, and Levinson (1964). Spores were separated from vegetative cells and debris by a polyethylene glycol-potassium phosphate system similar to that described by Sachs and Alderton (1961). After several water washes, the spores were lyophilized and stored in vacuo. Microscopic examination indicated the preparations contained greater than 95% free spores . Por studies on germination and postgerminative development the synthetic medium described by Donnellan, Nags and Levinson (1964) was used. Suspensions containing a known weight of spores were incubated on a reciprocal shaker at 35°C. At appropriate time intervals, aliquots were removed from the suspensions , diluted and the turbidity measured at 440 mu in a Beckoman DU spectrophotometer. At simlar intervals smears of the cultures were prepared on microscope slides and later scored for spores, germinated spores, emerged cells and dividing cells as previously described (Donnellan, Nage, and Levinson, 1964). Figures 1 and 2 show the results of measurements of turbidity and microscopic examination of several samples of spores and germinating spores during germination and postgerminative development. The points represent averages of cultures measured at simdlar times during this period. : At appropriate times during germination and postgerminative development a suspension of cells was poured over a frozen salts solution to stop further growth. The celle were collected by centrifugation and washed at 4°c. Subsequent extractions and precipitations were al80 carried out at 4°C. Samples were ground in a mortar with acid washed sand and the nucleic acids extracted with phenol by a method similar to that of Gierer and Schramm (1956). Dae tenth mm. MgCl, and 0.2% Dupanol in 20 mm tris buffer (på 7.4) were present during the grinding and extraction. The nucleic acids were precipated two or three times in 70% ethanol. Following the last ethanol precipitation the nucleic acids were dissolved in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer (PR 667) containing 0.1 M Naci. 1.9 to 5.7 ml of this solution containing approximately 2 mgm of nucleic acid (50 optical density units) were applied to methylated albumin-kieselguhr colume. Columns 0.8 cm in diameter by 14 cm high were prepared using the simplified technique of Monier et al. (1962). Elution was performed using a linear NaCl gradient from 0.1 M to 1.2 M in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) with the colums maintained at 20°c. 3.5 ml fractions were collected and analyzed in a Beckman DU spectrophotometer for W absorption at 255 mu. In radioactivity studies, 1 to 2 mc of $20, were added for the five minutes immediately prior to the collection of cells. One ml samples of fractions eluting from the colums were counted in a liquid scintillation counter wing a Dioxane, Naphthalene, Cellosolve, PPO, POPOP scintillation fluid (Bruno and Christian, 1961). Results and Discussion Figure 3 18 a typical elution pattern of nucleic acids from a methylated albumin-kieselguhr colum. In this case the spores had been grown for 165 min before they were fractionated and analyzed. RNA determinations by the orcinol method (schneider 1957) and DNA measurements by the Keck modification of the Ceriotti reaction (Keck 1956) indicate that peaks I, III, and IV contain RNA while peak II contains DNA. Sueoka and Cheng (1962) have shown that peak I contains transfer RNA wille peaks III and IV contain 168 and 238 ribosomal RNA, respectively. A series of elution patterns was obtained for samples fractionated after various periods of germination and postgerminative development. The relative amounts of transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA and DNA were determined by suming the optical densities of the fractions in each peak and subtracting a baseline contribution for a similar number of fractions. From the relative amount of each nucleic acid in the elution patterns and the total yield of nucleic acids per mg of spore inoculum, the amounts of each type of nucleic acid per mg of spore inoculum were determined after various periods of growth. These data are shown in Mgure 4. It is clear that the synthesis of DNA 18 delayed for about 120 minutes at the start of germination and postgerminative development, while the synthesis of ribosomal RNA commences immediately. These results are similar to those reported by Fitz-James (1955), Woese (1961) and Woese and Forro (1960). In addition, these data indicate that the synthesis of transfer RNA commences at the same time as synthesis of ribosomal RNA. The relative amounts of ribosomal RNA ( rRNA.) and transfer RNA ( 8 RNA.) in the elution patterns were bed to determine the ratio of rRNA to BRNA at various times dwing germination and postgermd nation development, as shown in Figure 5. From these data there appears to be a differential synthesis of these two types of RNA. Figure . 6 18 a typical elution pattern of extracts from spores exposed to peo, for 5 minutes after growing for 60 minutes. For growth periods less than 60 minutes the spores are synthesizing a large amount of RNA that elutes after peak IV as shown by the broadening of the radioactivity peak in the 238 region. In addition, a large amount of material eluting in the region of peak III (168 ribosomal RNA) 18 synthesized during this period. 50% growth periods of 90 minutes or longer the material formed during the five minute p32 pulse appears similar to the total nucleic acids of the cell (Figure 7). Midgley and McCarthy (1962) have shown in vegetative bacteria that a 5 minute p32 pulse yields elution patterns of radioactivity closely approximating the pattern of the total nucleic acids of the cell as shown in Figure 7. At all times during germination and postgerininative development pulses shorter than 5 minutes yield elution patterns with radioactivity in regions beyond the 235 ribosomal RNA peak as observed in several vegetative bacterial cells (Midgley and McCarthy, 1962) and in cells of B. subtilis Just prior to sporulation (Doi and Igarashi, 1964). The nature of the radioactive material eluting in fractions 10 to 25 (0.15 M NaCl) and the material eluting between the transfer RNA and DNA peaks was not determined in these studies. From these studies we canclucle that a differential synthesis of nucleic acids occurs during germination and postgerminative development of bacterial spores. Initially and almost immediately in germination the synthesis of ribosomal and transfer RNAs occur, fallowed at 120 minutes by the synthesis of DNA. The data of Figure 5 do not permit a more accurate determination of the kinetics of the change in the ratio of ribosomal RNA to transfer RNA. From these data 1t 18 not clear whether this ratio increases gradually throughout the early stages of germination or whether the change occurs as late as 120 minutes when DNA synthesis commences. It is probably a coincidence that, in this system, DNA synthesis starts at the same time as the cells emerge, although other types of metabolic activity, such as an increase in the rate of oxygen uptake, have been shown to coincide with emergence (Mandels et al. 1956). time omast i ne committee bazen onl In addition, early in germination, types of RNA are produced which differ from those formed later in germination and during vegetative cell growth. This difference is either in the amount of material produced during the 5 minute labeling interval as seen in peak III of Figure 6 or the difference is in the elution characteristic of this material as seen by the broadening of peak IV in Figure 6. Since bacterial spores apparently do not contain DNA-like RNA (Doi and Igarashi, 1964), it would not be surprising that germinating spores must produce larger amounts of this material than vegetative cells. Different interpretations for the appearance of the type of RMA observed in these studies are, of course, possible. References Bruno, G. A. and Christian, J. E. 1961. Determination of carbon-14 in aqueous bicarbonate solutions by liquid scintilation-counting techniques. Application to biological fluids. Anal. Chem. 33 1216-1218. Doi, R. H. and Igarashi, R. T. 1964. Ribonucleic acids of Bacillus subtilis spores and sporulating cells. J. Bacteriol. 87 323-328 limo Donnellan, J. E., Jr.; Naga, E. B.; and Levinson, H. S. 1964. Chemically defined, synthetic media for sporulation and for germination and growth of Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 87 332-336 Fitz-James, P. C. 1955. The phosphorus fractions of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus Megaterium II. A correlation of the chemical with the cytological changes occuring during spore germination. Can. J. Microbiol. 1 525-548 Gierer, A. and Schramm, "Q. 1956. Infectivity of ribonucleic acid from tobacco mosaic virus. Nature 177 702-703 Jacob, F. and Monod, J. 1961. Genetic regulatory mechanism in the synthesis of protein. J. Mol. Biol. 2 318-356 Keck, K. 1956. An ultramicro technique for the determination of deoxypentose nucleic acid. Arch• Biochem. Blophys • 63 446-451 Mandels, G. R.; Levinson, H. S. and Hyatt, M. T. 1956. Analysis of respiration during germination and enlargement of spores of Bacillus megaterium · and of the fungus Myrothecium verrucaria. J. Gen. Physiol. 32 301-309 Midgley, J. E. M. and McCarthy, B. J. 1962. The synthesis and kinetic behavior of deoxyribonucleic acid-like ribomucleic acid in bacteria. Biochim. et Biophis. Acta 61 696-717 Monier, R.; Naono, S.; Hayes, D.; Hayes, F. and Gros, F. 1962. Studies on the heterogeneity of messenger RNA from E. coli. J. Mol. Biol. 2 301-324 Schneider, W. C. in Colvick, 8. P. and Kaplan, N. 0. editors. Methods in Enzymology. Academic Press Inc. New York. 1957. Volume III, p. 680 Sueoka, N. and Cheng, T. 1962. Fractionation of nucleic acids with the methylated albumin colum. J. Mol. Biol. 4 161-172 volkin, E. 1963. Blosynthesis of RNA in relation to genetic coding problems. Molecular Genetics, J. H. Taylor, editor. Academic Press Inc. New York. Part 1, p. 272-289 Woese, C. R. 1961. Unusual ribosome particles occuring diring spore germination. J. Bacteriol. 82 695-701 • Woese, C. R. and Porro, J. R. 1960. Correlations between ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid metabolism during spore germination. J. Bacteriol. 80 812-817 Figure Legends Figure 1. Turbidity vs. time curve of Bacillus subtilis during germination postgerminative development. Turbidity determined at 440 mu after diluting a sample of culture 1:6 in phosphate buffer. Points are avereges of several determinations. Figure 2. Germination, emergence, and first division of Bacillus subtilis spores as determined by scoring, microscopically, slides made at various times during germination and postgerminative development. Points are averages of several determinations. Figure 3. Hution pattern from a methylated album, n-kieselguhr column of nucleic acids extracted from germinated Bacillus subtilis spores after 165 minutes growth. The presence of nucleic acids was determined by measuring the absorbance of the fractions at 255 m. Figure 4. Total of each type of nucleic acid per mg of spore inoculum after various periods of growth during germination and postgerminative development of Bacillus subtilis · Figure 5. Ratio of ribosomal RNA to transfer RNA at various times during germination and postgerminative development of Bacillus subtilis. Figure 6. Elution pattern from a methylated albumin-kieselguir column of nucleic acids extracted from Bacillus subt1118 spores after 60 minutes growth. Total nucleic acids determined by their absorption at 255 mu po incorporated during a 5 minute pulse at the end of the growth period om determined by counting samples of fractions in a liquid scintillation counter. - ** * San n ita Yata". 1 :.'.:;: * ..' . ; ci . . . ULUMUT www www MM 3!1! NANDINI hulle: MINI LABLE !!!!! ! WILL mmnm TM. TO THAT 1:10 . M iili bildi! wwwdiwum Wild TRIMIDOIANUAUTUNUT WwwAll! . AUTUMU TOKH80i Wiwwi bildirildi Hit RID RIM BUN UTHI 10.MO DIBI DITA wwili Hull! 0:00 DUTTIMTTT !!!! انااااااااااابناتنا . UMIRITTTTT A LDO 30BBBBBBB EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EBEBASABBORROZZEREPBEDROOEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BLEIBOULEUREURBON WEDERE BEEAABBER BUURIALI E: EEBIETEEB EEEEELEMihvit IEEE UlinAL1177 LAND NOWiTUTT s uiwinilillllll L illi Inunu MuuMTUUM 2.Q: HWD10Adil LOUHLARIUMITI du ATTidulill! wa lluinullllllllll 11111:111:111:11100MH uitdildi Adid 1110Humili MBA HII Al d ulmilli ilu !!! 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Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such empioyee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. - -. END