" AM . i AV . 2.MN . SOLLTE ha . PO . 1 i THE Muhammad AN WA MARKO UN . . 27 . . 2 * . ! 14. 2 AY . 56 1 . " d , w IY 2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL .. : . . . w > / . - - : I re 'I C 14 TOF2 .. Y . 11 .0 ...AN S . 11 6 il 7 14 I . ri" $2 . . . . W : 11 . H . 1 17 . . . M . ANNA KI CON % 1 ' ' 12. S. . : ".. " P . 7 WWW 1. Kul R M A 4 - . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . . $ : 1 . 1 .. . ! wi. . . 11. !! ! JH . 4 . " I HT ! '. JO 11 "Y " ... ' IN H ' ".. NI .. . 1 PA + SUN K. . " . '.'. . . THUY YA KWANI 2. S t YEN ** ephen ** WH YLL . * WYN th NA , M . TA VU. WWL 7 2 ULTUR 4 W 120 LICY . T." A X . W3 4 . le T ivi LE 2N TOUT Sping ir A . 1 > : .. . , 24 S. - - . : DTIE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE " 1. , ir. ' N A . ;' 0 . I ' 'Y YK :. MY sehing 1 . . - - - . . . 8/ 18 3 ? 4 A . ' - 1 :14 - - TU -.- - . 2 . ... - .. - >r, and separated by a medium having a specific resistance of p. Devay (24) has pointed out that the shielding caused by the capillary itself prevents the current lines from the D.M.E. from extending out radially in all directions and has derived a shielding correction factor of 16/9 to account for the higher onserved values of Rinner: An empirical correction factor of 3/2 was proposed by Kolthoff et al. (14). This correction is also discussed by Schaap and McKinney (17, 18). The data obtained is discussed in some detail elsewhere (12), and will not be repeated here since the primary objective was to investigate the degree to which error due to iRinner can be prevented by appropriate location of the tip of the potentiostat reference elec- trode above the drops from a Smoler D.M.E, in solutions having very high specific resistances. It was found that the above Ilkovič equation is a practical guide for estimating the magnitude of iRinnor inner errors for known p, 1 and r values. In solutions having specific resistances up to about 20,000 ohm-cm., polarograms recorded with the tip within 0.1 r had insignificant amounts of 1R error. Since supporting electrolyte is desirable for the usual reasons, and ions are required for transport, organic media probably can be found for most analyses of interest that have specific resistances well below 20,000 ohi-cm. Molten Armonium Bifluoride In 1958, H. P. Raaen performed a cursory evaluation (25) of the polarography of niobium in molten ammonium bifluoride at about 150°C by means of an ORNL model Q-1988 controlied-potential dc polarograph (7) and a platinum wire Q.R.E. This work was limited by the lack of a satisfactory D.M.E., a satisfactory Teflon D.M.E. (26) having not yet been developed. Application of the Q.R.E. in Controlled-Potential AC Polarography Satisfactory polarograms have been obtained by R. W. Stelzner (27) with a platinim wire Q.R.E, using a controlled-potential ac polarograph. The polarograms are reproducible with respect to the height of the wave, although the observed half-wave potential is subject to small and unpredictable deviation from the accepted value. Applications of the Q.R.E. in Molten Salt Solvents The selection of a true reference electrode and the establishment of its reliability, reproducibility, and thermodynamic significance in molten salt systems at high temperatures is difficult but is required if certain thermodynamic data is to be gathered by means of potentiometric measurements. Other useful thermodynamic data can be obtained by observing only changes in cell voltage rather than its absolute value. There are situations where it is not required to know the thermodynamic significance of cell voltages; for example, concentration can be measured by voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, or other electrochemical methods without knowing absolute values of the cell voltage. The determination of the concentra. tions of impurities such as the corrosion products, iron, nickel, and chromium, and of other species, directly in the molten state, in corrosive molten fluoride systems that are compor.ents of reactor fuels is of practical importance. At Oak Ridge ilational Laboratory, work has been in progress since 1962 to develop instrumentation and methods for this purpose; this work has been done with the Q.R.E. Chronopotentiometry Mamantov has used a Q.R.E. to investigate the chronopotentiometry of uranium in molten fluoride melts (28). A precision chronopotentiometer was used that was fabricated (9, 29) from operational amplifier systems. A voltage follower system prevents any significant amount of current from being drawn through the Q.R.E. Chronopotentiometric studies of iron in molten LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %) eutectic by means of the precision chronopotentiometer (9, 29), an indicator electrode made from pyrolytic graphite which was properly oriented and insulated in boron nitride and a platinum Q.R.E. have been reported by Manning and Mamantov (30). 32 Controlled-Potential DC Voltammetry D. L. Manning has investigated the voltammetry of silver in molten equimolar sodium nitrate - potassium nitrate eutectic over the tempera- ture range of 246 to 326°c (31). The voltammograms were recorded by means of an ORNI. model Q-1988 controlled-potential de polarograph (7), a stationary platinum microelectrode, a 0.5-mm. diameter (24 gauge) platinuni wire Q.R.E., and an isolated platinum counter electrode. The parallel-T, RC filter was useful in this work. The redox reaction properties of silver in this molten salt solvent are known from pre- viously published work. Manning's objective was to find out whether information obtained with the Q.R.E. would agree with the known redox behavior of silver before applying the Q.R.E. to the study of other moiten salt system electrochemistry. Manning found that with the Q.P.E. the reduction of Ag" to Agº proceeds reversibly, the observed half-wave potentials are reproducible and the limiting current is proportional to the concentration of silver so that the current-voltage curves are analytically useful. From the results the activation energy for the current-limiting process is calculated to be approximately 6.4 kcal./mole, the effective thickness of the diffusion layer is about 0.1 mm., and the average n value is very nearly 1 and has no particuler trend with temperature. The latter three values are in good agreement with those obtained by others who did not use the Q.R.E. Reverse scan, stripping curves were also recorded and the stripping curves did not hesitate as they passed through the zero-current axis. Current-voltage curves were recorded at rates from 25 to 100 mV/mi.n. and the limiting current was essentially independent of scan rate; evidently, steady- state conditions were achieved very rapidly in the melt. The scope and results of these investigations show that the Q.R.E. performed satisfactorily. Manning has investigated (32) the voltammetry of Iron in molten LiF-NaF-KF (46.5 - 11.5 - 42 mole %) eutectic over the temperature range of 470 to 545°C by means of the ORNL model Q-1988 controlled- potential de polarograph (I), an isolated platinum counter electrode, a platinum micro electrode, and a 1 mm. diameter (18 gauge) platinum wire Q.R.E. The Q.R.E. performed satisfactorily in these investigations. Manning and Mainantov have used an ORNL model Q-1988 controlled- potential dc polarograph (7), an isolated counter electrode, one of several micro electrodes, and a p.latinum Q.R.E. for voltammetry of zirconium and uranium in molten LiF-NaF-KF (46.5 - 1.1.5 - 42 mole %) (28). The performance of the Q.R.E. was satisfactory for this work. Manning and Memantov have reported (30) the use for voltammetry of an ORNL model Q-1988 controlled-potential de polarograph (7) that was modified by means of design information furnished by H. C. Jones to add current ranges up to 5 ma., electronic scanning (33) rates from 0.05 to 20 volts/min. and voltage dividers to drive an XY recorder. The other apparatus included an indicator electrode made from pyrolytic graphite which was properly oriented and insulated in boron nitride, ar. 1solated platinum counter electrode, and a platinum Q.R.E. Results were reported (30) for rapid scan voltammetric studies of iron in molten LiF-NaF-KF (46.5 - 11.5 - 42 mole %) eutectic and in molten LiF-BeF, 166 - 34 mole %) eutectic. At scan rates above about 1 volt/min., at 500°C, the reduction of Fe(II) to the metal in LiF-NaF-KF was diffusion controlled since a plot of 1 peak V8. (scan r vs. (scan rate) 1/2 was linear. From the slope of this line, the diffusion coefficient of Fe(II) in molten LiF-NaF-KF was found to be 1 x 10-6 cm /sec. In molten LiF-BeF, eutectic, at a scan rate of 5 volt/min., the peak current was propor- tional to the molality of Fe(II) in the range of 2 to 5 millimolal. The diffusion coefficient of Fe(II) in this medium was found to be 5 x 10-6 cm /sec. The relative average deviation in ineer for the anodic peak stripping voltammetry of iron was 3.5%. The stripping curve revealed no hesitation as it passed through zero current which is evidence that the reaction at the pyrolytic graphite electrode proceeds reversibly. Generally speaking, the current-voltage curves were well defined, especially at faster scan rates where the transport process is more nearly diffusion controlled. The Q.R.E. performed satisfactorily in this investigation. Manning has reported results on the rapid scan voltammetry and anodic stripping voltammetry of nickel in molten LiF-NaF-KF (46.5 - 11.5 - 42 mole %) eutectic (34). An ORNL model Q-1988 controlled-potential de 35 polarograph (7) (modified as just described to add fast electonic scan rates and higher current ranges), an isolated platinum counter electrode, a pyrolytic graphite indicator electrode sheathed in boron nitride, and a platinum Q.R.E. were used. To purify the eutectic by pre-electrolysis, an ORNL model Q-2005 controlled-potential coulometric titrator (35, 36) was used with a platinum Q.R.E. Rapid scanning (3 v/min.) anodic stripping voltammetry was the more sensitive method. The reproducibility of the area under replicate anodic stripping curves is about 5%. As little as 1 ppm of nickel can be detected and the areas are a useful measure of the concentration of nickel. The observed E, 10 for the reduction of N1(II) to Ni(0) 18 about -0.2 volt vs. the platinum Q.R.E. The voltammograms are well-defined and have a peak at faster (up to 10 V/min.) scan rates indicating that the transport process is essentially diffusion controlled at faster scan rates. The peak current at faster scan rates is directly proportional to the concentration of nickel. From data consisting of observed peak current vs. scan rate, the diffusion coefficient of nickel was calculated at 500, 570, and 600°C. The activation energy of the current-limiting process was also obtained. The performance of the Q.R.E. Was satisfactory for this work. Results accomplished by means of controlled-potential voltammetry with an ORNL model Q-1988 controlled-potential dc polarograph (7) using three molten fluoride solvents (LiF-NaF-KF, 46.5 - 11.5 - 42 mole %; LiF-BeFg, 66 - 34 mole %; anú LiF.-BeF, -ZrF, 65.6 - 30.7 - 3.7 mole %) 36 have been reported by Mamantov, Manning, and Dale (37). Well-defined and useful voltammograms were obtained, particularly at rapid scan rates that are available with the niodified polarograph. Ions studied include iron(II), nickel(II), zirconium(IV), and uranium(IV). Rapid scan anodic stripping voltammetry was found to be more satisfactory for concentration measurement than direct vol.tammetry. Diffusion coeffl- cients and other parameters were measured satisfactorily by the latter technique. The performance of a platinum Q.R.E. that was used for this work was satisfactory. DISCUSSION The Q.R.E. is a bright platinim wire or other inert conductor immersed without isolation directly in the solution and used with potentiostatic or other circuits that prevent the drawing of cell current through the Q.R.E. It may have a very small surface area. The most essential requirement of a simple electrode that is to be used instead of a true reference electrode is that it have a constant potential for the duration of the experiment. However, a slow drift in Q.R.E. potential does not adversely affect the measurement of the heights of regular polarograms, or, at fast scan rates, of derivative polarograms. That the Q.R.E. is a satisfactory simple electrode is shown by its successful application in controlled- potential polarography and voltammetry and in chronopotentiometry iri aqueous, organic, and molten salt solutions that have an unspecified but relatively constant overall composition. It must be remembered that the potential of an unstrained Q.R.E., though stable, is thermodynamically meaningless in that its value in various solutions cannot be calculated. The Q.R.E. has been shown to have the 'following advantages. It is convenient to use, cheap, simple to construct, and rugged and can be physically small. It can be used in aqueous and in non-aqueous media including organic solvents and molten salts for which true reference electrodes are difficult to obtain. It can be used, for example, in corrosive electrolyte solutions since it is constructed from a relatively inert conductor. It does not introduce impurities such as k*, c1", Hg++, Ag+, or water. There are no junction potentiaïs, which may be variable, at interfaces of different solvents. It will operate at high tempera- tures. The Q.R.E. has a very low resistance. The Q.R.E., like other simple electrodes, is not meant to compete with true reference electrodes if they are necessary or available and equally convenient to use. There are, however, a number of recognized occasions in the application of electrochemical techniques where the use of a true reference electrode is not required because the thermodynamic significance of the magnitude of potential relative to that of a standard hydrogen electrode is irrelevant; the quantity of interest in many techniques is the 38 change of emf between the working electrode and the electrode used as a reference or the change in current at a constant or scanned Applied cell voltage as a function of concentration or some other variable. In other cases, a true reference electrode is not available. The predominant consideration leading to the choice of a simple electrode, e.8., the Q.R.E., rather than of a true reference electrode is the relative convenience of use of these electrodes. When used in appropriate situations, the results obtained by use of a Q.R.E. are like those obtained with a true reference electrode except for the lack of thermodynamic meaning of the Q.R.E. potential; hence, the electrode is called a quasi reference electrode. This paper summarizes a number of successful applications of the Q.R.E. which have been made since 1958 in aqueous, organic, and molten salt solutions. REFERENCES CITED 1. Ives, David J. G., Janz, George J., "Reference Electrodes ., Theory and Practice," Academic Press, New York, N. Y., 1st. Ed., 1961, pp. 17-21, 578-579, and 591-592. 2. Nobe, K., Baum, E., Seyer, W. F., J. Electrochem. Soc. (1961) 108, 97. 3. Garrett, A. B., Hogge, E., Heiks, R., Science (1940) 92, 18. 4. Willard, H. H., Boldyreff, A. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1929) 51, 471. 5. Müller, E., 2. Physik. Chem. (Leipzig) (1928) 135, 102. 6. Black. E. D., DeVries, T., Anal. Chem. (1955) 27, 905. 7. Kelley, M. T., Jones, H. C., Fisher, D. J., Anal. Chem. 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Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C., issued 1964, p. 2. 30. Manning, D. L., Mamantov, G., J. Electroanal. Chem. (1964) 7, 102. 42 31. Manning, D. L., T-Lanta (1963) 10, 255. 32. Manning, D. L., J. Electroana 1. Chem. (1963) 6, 227. 33. Kelley, M. T., f'i sher, D. J., Jones, H. C., Anal. Chem. (1960) 32, 1262. 34. Manning, D. L., "Voltammetry of Nickel in Molten Lithium Fluoride - Potassium Fluoride - Sodium Fluoride," J. Electroanal. Chem. (in press). 35. Kelley, M. T., Jones, . C., Fisher, D. J., Anal. Chem. (1959) 31, 488 and 956. 36. Kelley, M. T., Jones, H. C., Fisher, D. J., Talanta (1960) 6, 185. 37. Mamantov, G., Manning, D. L., Dale, J. M., "Voltammetry in Molten Fluorides," Third International Congress of Polarography, Southampton, England, July 19-25, 1964, work performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory operated by Union Carbide Nuclear Company for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. END # .com ..