1 • . ob 10 IOFI. ORNL P 262 . the . 1933:331 EFE . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 > . ' con mi mente This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. . , T- - TEL e intensievenu : - - . .*wsis.. - *eis Pr - - rirane mwine. Krit.** de mais demonst - - . : . . .. .. . . -- ser mais n a m . 1 . ul IN . WT DEN . . N . .. al ZI i . : .' *X . . . . ... ::: : . ., - - 3, La . LEGAL NOTICE, This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting som the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. M * - 1 LL HT ORNL-P-262 Drie-P SEP 2 1 1969 MASTER EFFECTS OF POPULATION DENSITY ON GROWTH RATES P . OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS JAMES T. TANNERI Radiation Ecology Section, Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee TAI. . EZAT RUNNING HEAD: Population density and growth rates This pappen lite guance E. c. bobed, the LEGAL NOTICE – prior since thens been pu in Micro- This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least honths prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. The report was prepared wu sccount of Comnuvat spound worth. Walther the Owned htu, nor the consola, nor wy porno iting a ball of the Commission: A. Mit may maruty or reprenata don, expressed or implied, wd roapect to the accr- racy, completa , or wafalmose of the lasormation coutaload la mala roport, or that the we of my taformation, appenatu, wethod, or proces dixcloued in the report may not latring prinuly on the Of B. A s may labuua mit rospect to the we of, or for den reality trom the um ol y buformation, appunto, method, or procou declared in the report. Ao wed in the above, pornon acte oa taal of the Commisslon" tecludne way plogne or contractor of the Conglou, or aployus ol mel coatractor, to do and the feel employee or contractor of the Co uston, or waployu of me contractor frepurna, diomasius, or provides access to, way Information purmaat to Wo eployment or contract via da Corunluulon, or Me employment nuk mca contractor. . 1 1 Permanent address: Department of Zoology, University of . Terinessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. :1 Parts of this research were sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. = . C Abstract. The growth rate of a population 18 defined as the change in numbers per vnit population at the time of the change per time (r+ = dN/Nat). The objective of this study was to determine whether the growth rate 18 or is not a function of the population . . : - 32 - density. :- In most mathematical models of populations whose changes re- semble those of actual populations, the growth rate is a decreasing function of population density. The relation between the growth rate and population density of actual animal populations was determined from the records of 111 different populations representing 71 species. Growth rates were calculated for each interval of time; regression methods were then used to calculate a coefficient of growth rate on population density and to test whether or not this coefficient was significantly different i . from zero. Of the 71 species represented, 7'were eliminated from further analysis because their census records were not significantly different from a series of random numbers, 42 had negative coefficients signifi- cantly different from zero, 21 had coefficients not significantly different from zero (all but one of these estimated coefficients were negative), and one, the world's human population, had a positive coefficient significantly different from zero. There were no differ- A ences between taxonomic groups (insects, other invertebrates, fish, t * birds, mammals). The primary conclusion 18 that in most animal species a population's growth rate is a decreasing function of density. This . 3 explains the relative stability of animal populations, which rarely continue to increase at rates their fertility would allow and rarely decrease to extinction. Tentative conclusions are presented regarding the processes regulating population numbers. Populations of herbivorous insects at low and moderate levels are regulated by predators and parasites causing mortality that is an increasing function of density Favorable con- ditions may allow an increase in insect numbers so rapid that the popu- lation temporarily escapes regulation by its enemies. Nonterritorial species of vertebrates are normally controlled by predation and, when that fails, by competition; 4.n both cases juvenile individuals are most affected. In territorial vertebrates competition for suitable territories determines the size of the breeding population. Populations of vertebrate species (excepting man) are in general regulated by the production of adult individuals being a decreasing function of popula- tion density. INTRODUCTION Changes in size of animal populations usually follow seasonal and other variations in the environment. An important question 18: Are these changes determined solely by the environment, or does the density of the population itself affect these changes? This study aimed at determining the relation between the rate at which a popula- tion grows or declines and the population density. Two approaches were used: (1) an examination of mathematical models of populations, and (2) an analysis of the records of many dirferent animal populations. In the second approach, data were obtained from the literature and statistically analyzed to test whether the growth rate of each popu- lation was or was not a function of population density. The change in numbers of a population with respect to time, an/at, equals rn, where N is the number in the population and r is the rate of change per unit population: r = an/nat. For conciseness r will hereafter be called a population's "growth rate," even though it can measure a decrease as well as an increase in population size. The growth rate equals the conventional birth rate (number horn per unit population per time) minus the death rate (number died per unit popu- lation per time), and the growth rate will be positive, negative, or zero depending on the relative values of its two components. If r is a positive constant, the population will grow exponen- tially; if it is a negative constant, the population will decline exponentially; and If It is zero, the size will not change. Since populations never do any of these for an indefinitely long period, the value of r must vary from time to time. If its value is determined solely by the environment, r is inäependent of the population density. Otherwise r 1s some function of the population density. If r 18 a decreasing function of density, declining as the density increases as in Fig. 1A, and if the environment is relatively stable for a suffic- iently long time, the population vill stabilize at the density where r 18 zero. If r 18 an increasing function of density, as in Fig. 1B, the population will increase to infinity or decline to extinction, again assuming that the environment does not change. This research was completed while I was working in the Radiation Ecology Section, Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; members of this section helped me to clarify many of the ideas expressed in this paper. Most of the statistical calculations were performed by the Mathematics Panel of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. RATES IN MATHEMATICAL MODELS Mathematical models for animal populations present the popula- tion size, N, as a function of time, or the derivative of this with respect to time, an/at. The growth rate of the population, r, equals this derivative divided by N. The relation between r and N in these 1 equations can be determined by differentiating f with respect to N. If the resulting derivative is negative, r is a decreasing function op N as in Fig. 1A; if it is positive, r'is an increasing function as in Fig. 1B; 18 It is zero, r 18 independent of N. The only models examined here are those which have been found to describe the changes in actual populations. The logistic equation, widely used in population studies, 18 discussed by Allee et al. (1949, Ch. 21), who give numerous examples of this equation fitted to the growth of actual populations. The derivative, dr/an, of the logistic equation is negative, showing that the growth rate decreases with increasing N, as in Fig. 1A. Several persons (Gause and Witt, 1935; Smith, 1963b) have modified the logistic for one reason or another, but in these modified forms r remains a decreasing function of N. Neyman, Park, and Scott (1958) constructed mathematical models for Tribolium populations besed on extensive experiments in rearing these beetles; one model is for the numbers of a species living alone and another consists of two equations for two species of Tribolium living together. Nicholson and Bailey (1935) developed equations for . - . --.. are. .. - .... - - - the numbers of a host and its parasite; the first part of the oscillating curve predicted by these equations was followed by seven generations of a host-parasite population (De Bach and Smith, 1941). In all of these equations the derivative of the growth rate with respect to numbers is negative. Utida (19570) presented different equations which predicted the course of his oscillating host-parasite populations. The derivative for the parasite population is negative; that for the host population is positive or negative depending upon conditions other than the density of the host. In summary, in mathematical models which have been shown to parallel the changes of actual populations, the derivative of r with respect to N is usually negative, 1.e., the growth rate is a decreasing function of the density. RATES IN ANIMAL POPULATIONS Few persons have appraised the effect of population density on population growth rates. Errington (1945, 1954) plotteà per cent gain in bobwhite and muskrat (scientific names are listed in Appendix B) populations &s a function of density and obtained curves showing smaller rates of increase with higher densities. Smith (1961, 1963a) found that in populations of thrips the growth rate over a month was nega- tively correlated with the population density at the start of the month. He also (1963b) showed that cultured daphnia populations possessed growth rates that were non-linear, decreasing functions of density. For this part of the study, I obtained from the literature the records of many different animal populations, calculated the growth rates from the recorded aumbers, and tested the hypothesis that these rates were independent of the population densities. Sources of data The data were obtained from censuses of animal populations that met the following requirements: (1) actual counts of a population inhabiting a definite space so that density was directly proportional to the number, or a reliable index of the density of the population; (2) counts or estimates made periodically so that the growth rates were based on constant intervals (at); (3) a sufficiently long series of such counts to enable a meaningful test despite random variations. About half of the populations reported in Table I were censused., For the remainder an index of density was available. This index for the fish populations was calculated from the annual commercial catch corrected for variations in fishing intensity. Fur returns were used as indexes of density for some northern mammals ; Keith (1962) gave reasons for believing that these were valid indexes of density when the returns came from constant geographic areas where fur prices had not failed. Hunting kill statistics were not considered to be a reliable index of density because of variations in hunting pressure with periods of war, changing economic conditions, and changing recre- ational habits. Exceptions to this were some bag records made on British game preserves which had been managed intensively for decades; Keith (1962) believed that these were reliable indexes of density. Fur returns from the Hudson Bay Company and game bag records for some British preserves supplied the longest series of records for this study. I found records of all populations, representing 71 species, that met the requirements of this study. Methods of analysis A population at time t has a size it. Its growth rate propor- tional to population size at this time 18 ft Expressing this rate in terms of the meas ured change in numbers, N., over a definite period, At, M Hypothetically, rt 18 a function of the environmental conditions and the density of the population at this time. Iet: 2 x a constant Et = the suitability of the environment at time t (climate, predators, food, etc., but not numbers of the same species, all combined into one value). Dop the coefficient of regression of rt on Et i N = the number in the population at time .t; the density will be directly proportional to N. 1f the popula- tion inhabits a definite area or volume. bp = the coefficient of regression of rt on N = a random variable (the difference between an actual rt measured as AN./Nat and an ideal 17, a function only of Et and Nand the parameters a, bg, and Dp). It = a + but + bnNE + 6 • (2) EL 18 unknown, but the following possibilities exist: 1.) E18 constant. This could be true in short term studies and in cultures of animals 'Where physical conditions are regulated and food 18 constantly renewed. It is obviously not the case in most natural situations. If E: 18 constant, (a + b ) 18 a constant and equation."., ecomes · Ft * &' + bnNt + 8 . (2a) 2) Et fluctuates randomly so that there is no correlation be- tween successive values of Ex. If the successive values of E. are independent, but can be considered as part of 6 and equation (2) becomes ft = a + bytt +6 (20) 3) For many species periods of abundance alternate with periods of scarcity (e.g., rainy and dry seasons). In such cases we can assume that E has one value, En, during periods of high numbers and another, Es, during periods of scarcity. Let a + b = en and a + b F. - &g, then equation (2) becomes two equations : rt = n + bxN+ + 6, when populations are high; (3) r+ = a + bylt + 6, when populations are low. This idea could be applied to more than two population levels, but that 18 not attempted in this paper. ܂ ܢܐ The question of whether r18 or 18 not a function of population density was answered by the following argument and procedure. In a population inhabiting a definite space and censusod at regular inter- vals, an equals Nt+1 miilus N. The density 18 directly proportiona.). to N, and at can be calied 1. The record of population censuses pro- vides a measure of rt (equation 1) for each N., except the last; the number of paired values of rt, and N. 18 one less than the number of censuses of the population. If the environment fits either possibility (1) or (2) described above, equations (1) and (2a) or (2b) can be com bined into the regression equation = a (or a') + BxN+ + € : (4) equat Ch tih Sene coeIILC coeppich If the environment has changed as hypothesized above in possibility (3), the same procedure can be followed except for calculating two regression ... equations (equation 3) with the same coefficient, Bro The null hypothesis to be tested 1s that bp = 0. If the null hypothesis is accepteå, rt 18 considered to be independent of N. If the null hypothesis is rejected, rt 1.8 a decreasing function of N. (Fig. 1A) 1f by 18 negative, or an increasing function (18. 2B) 18 by 18 positive. Linear regression methodh were used to estimate by for each species listed in Table I. When two or more censuses were available for one species, a single weighted mean coefficient (weighted by the inverse of the variances of the separate censuses) was calculated for the species. To test the null hypothesis, the distribution of Student's t was used as a test of significance. 12 In the above discussion, rt was assumed to be a linear function of population size. Smith (1963b) has shown that in Daphnia magna the population growth rate 18 a non-linear, decreasing function of density (Fig. 10). Ricker (1954) hypothesized a series of "reproduction curves" from which it can be calculated; the curve which he considered · best fits the data from a number of fish and invertebrate populations has the non-linear, decreasing relation between rt and density shown in Fig. ID. It can be seen from Figs. ic and ID that these curves can be approximated by straight lines which will indicate correctly that It is a decreasing function of density. Therefore for the purposes of this study, rt can be assumed to be a linear function of density. Before performing the regression analyses, it was necessary to prove that the values of Nt for each population are serially correlated or are non-random, because a series of random numbers analyzed by the, method used for the populations will produce a b significantly dif- ferent from zero. The reason for this result is that if N.+ 18 independent of Nu, for each Nt the expected value of N+1 18 its mean value, Nt+2Then 8+ = (NH+1 - N_)/N4 = N4+1/4 - 1. Since N4+1 18 a constant, this is the equation of a hyperbola, and a regression of rt on No will necessarily result in a value of by different from zero. If on the other hand N 47 18 correlated with N, by will be different from zero only if AN/N. changes approximately linearly with changing Each series of population counts was tested for non-randomness by the method of runs. Any in which the probability of randomness was not less than 5% was eliminated. To enable comparisons of the relative sizes of the coefficients (bn) among the different species, the coefficients must be adjusted · for several factors, because the absolute value of by depends upon the length of the time interval between censuses, the number in the popu- lation, and some relation between the animals' size and habits and the effect of density. Adjusting by to the generation time of the species gave values of the same relative size for species censused at different intervals. Generation time 18 here defined as the age at which a female usually first reproduces. The generation times included in Table I were com- piled from a variety of sources. : . bx for generation time = bx for at x (generation time)/At (5) Each population cens used was believed to inhabit a constant area or volume so that the population density was proportional to its numbers. In most cases the actual space inhabited was unknown, but it was probably proportional to the mean size of the population, N; 1.e., area = kſ. Let De be the population density at time t and by be the coefficient of regression of rt on Dt; then De = N//area = Nz/KT It = a + burnt + 6 = a + bp Pt + 6 = 8 + b(Nz/KN) + 6 by T = bg/l . . (6) . .24 This coefficient, by/k, 18 independent of the size of the population on which the regression is based and 18 characteristic of the species. An attempt to evaluate k did not add any meaning to the value of the adjusted regression coefficient, so the coefficients reported in Table I have been adjusted only for generation time and the mean size of the population. This adjustment of by, the coefficient of regression in equation (4), 18 summarized in a combination of equations (5) and (6): , · by x (generation time)/at x Ñ = bx/k (7) Results and discussion of results The results of the regression analyses are presented in Table I. For each species the table contains information on the populations and on the censuses or other measurements. The regression coefficient, by/k, has been adjusted by equation (7) for generation time and the size of the population censused. The probability of the result under the null hypothesis (the regression coefficient equalling zero) 18 in the last column. The populations eliminated because their records were not significantly different from a series of random numbers are listed at the end of the table. The results in Table I were obtained by using equation (4), based on the assumption that the environment either was constant or varied in a random manner. Equations (3) and the associated explanation shows how it is possible to allow for two levels of the environment, and this equation was used for two species. The number of thrips (Davidson and Andrewartha, 1948) increased each year to a high level during the Australian spring and then dropped to a low level during approximately ten months of drouth and low temperatures. The starling population inhabited an area where the death of many trees beginning about the sixteenth year of the series (Kendeigh, 1956) produced many more nesting sites and a period of relative abundance of these birds. For each of these records two regression equations were calculated with the same coefficient of regression but with different constants representing different levels of the environment. The regression coefficients for the thrips calculated in this way 18 -0.278 with the probability of this under the null hypothesis being less than 0.001; that for the starling 18 -0.738 with the probability being less than 0.001. Thus these regression coefficients are very significantly different from zero while those calculated from a single regression are not so (see Table I). This procedure was used only for these two species; for all the others the coefficients as calculated by a single equation were significantly different from zero (at the 0.05 level or better) or there was no direct evidence of environmental changes to justify using equation (3). Some of the populations for which the coefficient is not sig- nificantly different from zero exhibited characteristics helping to explain the lack of significance. The wax scale insect and the four lepidopterous insects showed marked and occasionally very sudden changes in population size; the causes of these changes are not known. The • 16. blowfly had a time lag between population density and the response to density, resulting in oscillating numbers (Nicholson, 1954). The lake trout population became almost extinct with a sudden and accelerating decline in numbers (Eschmeyer, 1957). species remaining after 7 were eliminated, 42 species had coefficients thrips and starling, for which the use of equations (3) as described above produced a coefficient significantly different from zero, are counted here. Only one, the human population of the world, which has been increasing at a greater rate with the increase in population density, has a coefficient that is significantly positive. Furthermore, of the 21 species for which the regression coefficient did not differ significantly from zero, only one did not have a negative estimated value (see : Table I). Population rates of change are usually, there- fore, a decreasing function of population density; as can be seen from. Tables I and II, this conclusion applies to animals which are taxonomi- cally very different. . .. - Changes between spring and fall Spring and fall censuses over a number of years were made for the four species listed in Table III, enabling a test of whether or not the population rate of change is a function of density during a period of increase, from spring to fall, and during a decrease, from fall to spring. The procedure is the same as that described for 17 equation (4) except that, when considering spring to fall changes, Nt becomes the number in spring and N+ the number the following fell; there is a parallel procedure in studying fall to spring changes. In adjusting the regression coefficient by equation (7), the generation time for all four species 18 one year, At is six months, and Ñ is the The results of the regression analyses are shown in Table III and are the same for all four species. For the spring to fall changes, the coefficient with respect to density is negative and significantly different from zero; for the fall to spring changes, the coefficients are not significantly different from zero: Possible explanations for the seasonal differences are discussed in the following section. CAUSES OF POPULATION CHANGES . The analyses described in the preceding sections have shown that in most of the species tested the population growth rate is a decreas- ing function of density. Different ways of saying the same are (1) that as a population increases, its growth rate decreases, or if it 1.8 declining the negative rate increases toward zero, so that a curve depicting its rise or fall will flatten as it approaches a certain level; or (2) thet as a population becomes more dense the probability of a further increase becomes less and that of a decrease becomes greater, and vice versa. The net result is that population numbers tend to remain stable, rarely increasing to excessive numbers and : rarely decreasing to extinction. It is true that many animal populations in constant environments do fluctuate in size, but fluctuation within limits 18 a degree of stabilization. Many fluctuations or oscillations of animal populations result from a delay or time lag in the response of growth rate to density (Frank, 1960; Wangersky and Cunningham, 1957). My purpose now is to discuss the causes of population change, the processes that affect the size of a population, to determine which are responsible for the growth rate being a decreasing function of density. I am avoiding the use of the term "density-dependent factor" which has been used frequently in connection with this subject but with different meanings by different ecologists; see Macfadyen (1963, p. - - - - - - - - - . - - 152-157) for a review of the literature concerning this term. The phrase "increasing (or cecreasing) function of density" 18 explicit and is used here for any change whose rate increases (or decreases) with increasing population density, and for the processes causing such a change. The term "density-independent" is used in the absence of any relation between rate and density.. The growth rate equals the birth rate minus the death rate. If the growth rate is a decreasing function of density and only the birth rate varies, the birth rate must also be a decreasing function of density. Ecologists often assume that each species has a potential reproductive rate determined by its physiology and life history, and • that environmental factors reduce the actual rate to something below the potential. These factors reducing the birth rate at higher densities must then be operating as increasing functions of density. If, on the 19 other hand, only variations in the death rate are producing the changes in the growth rate, death rates are increasing with greater population density and so must the effectiveness of the processes producing the mortality. In summary, the growth rate 18 usually a decreasing function of density, but the causes of population change operate as increasing functions of donsity. The statistical analyses of population changes do not give any clue as to which processes are producing the changes, except that in four species (Table III) changes that were functions of density occurred only between spring and fall and therefore the processes must be con- fined to that season. The most frequently suggested processes that may operate as increasing functions of density are competition, pre- dation, and disease. Competition results when the supply of some resource is inade- quate for the population, or if interference or struggle for a common resource results in harm to individuals. Competition 18 obviously an increasing function of density. Examples of scarcity of a resource, usually fooå, limiting a population, lowering fertility, or increasing mortality are many (Andrewartha and Birch; 1954, p. 368-376; Andrewartha and Browning, 1961; Armstrong, 1964; Gibb, 1960; Klomp, 1964; Lack, 1954, Ch. 7 and 11; Slobodkin, 1954). Among vertebrates, competition for food frequently results in higher mortality of juvenile individuals rather than of adults; examples of this are known for fish (Beverton, 1962; Ivlev, 1961), for owls (Southern, 1959), for voles (Hoffman, 1958), and for deer. (Leopold, Sowls, and Spencer, 1947). . 20 20 Individuals of some species defend a territory against encroach- ment by other individuals, and in these territorial species the amount of suitable habitat may be a limiting resource. Examples of vertebrates where the size of the breeding population appears to be limited by the number of suitable territories are golden eagles ( Brown and Watson, 1964), red grouse (Jenkins, 1963), titmice (Kluyver and Tinbergen, 1953), chaffinches (Glas, 1960), song sparrows (Tompa, 1962), several bird species nesting in the spruce-fir forest (Hensley and Cope, 1951; Stewart and Aldrich, 1951), and muskrats (Errington, 1946). Dragonflies (Odonata) offer one example of this phenomenon in insects (Moore, 1964). The amount of suitable habitat for a territorial species may limit the population in another way. Errington (1946, 1956) has shown that in muskrats mortality from predation is much higher among Indi- viduals that fail to establish themselves in a suitable territory than ..do not obtain territories In suitable habitats (Jenkins', 1963; Jenkins, Watson, and Miller, 1963). The information included in Table III 18 consistent with the hypothesis that the populations of these four species are regulated by competition, either by territoriality determining the size of the breeding population or by competition for food and perhaps other re- sources determining the survival of the juveniles through the summer and early fall. The growth rate for these four species was a decreasing function of density only during the period from spring to fall; it was density-independent for the rest of the year when no reproduction was o wie weiteren occurring and when young animals were becoming mature. Of the species listed in Table III, the bobwhite and muskrat are territorial, the first only during the nesting season, and the pheasant and grouse are territorial only in the sense that the polygamous males defend a dis- play area during the breeding season. Interference between individuals affects population growth, as is illustrated by the following examples. Allee et al. (1949, p. 349- 352) summarize the detrimental effects of interference on the repro- ductive rates of a few species of insects. The food intake of individual fishes in a crowded situation decreased because of interference from others, fright, or actual fighting (Ivlev, 1961, Ch. 5). Titmice fought over food most often in midwinter when they spent the greatest proportion of their time searching for food (Gibb, 1954). As a result of stress from increased social contacts, the birth rate of rodents and hares decreased, and the mortality of infant rodents increased because of failure of lactation, with increasing population density (Christian, 1959 and 1963). Predation is a cause of mortality that may be an increasing function of density under some conditions and density-independent or even a decreasing function under others. Holling (1961), in a review of the effects of predation on insect numbers, concluded that the number of prey killed per predator generally increases with prey density, until prey density becomes so great that either the predators are satiated or the prey obtains protection from the large group; pre- dation may therefore be an increasing function of density at low prey 22 densities and a decreasing function at high densities. Holling's conclusions are supported by studies of predation on insects by birds made by Gibb (1962), minbergen (1960), and Tinbergen and Klomp (1960). The role of predation among vertebrates appears to be more complex. Errington (1946, 1956) was convinced that in territorial species those individuals that failed to establish good territories were removed by predation, which therefore removed only the surplus, but in nonterritorial species whose behavior allows crowding, predation may determine the size of the population. Deer are nonterritorial species and deer populations were at least originally controlled by predators as all overpopulations of deer in the United States followed, and none preceded, the disappearance of large predators or the initi- ation of predator control (Leopold, Sowls, and Spencer, 1947). The effects of predation on populations of small mammals were studied by Craighead and Craighead (1956) on an area in Michigan for two fall and winter seasons. Their publishec. results do not contain an estimate of the mortality rate due to predation, but from some of their data I have estimated this rate for four species of small mammals preyed upon by nine species of hawks and owls; mammalian predators appeared to be insignificant. Appendix A describes the method of estinating the rate. Table IV summarizes the results. Large mouse populations were present in the 1941-42 fall and winter, smaller num- bers in the 19147-48 season. The rate of mortality due to predation on the two species of mice was about the same for each year, or density- independent. The rabbit and fox squirrel populations were, on the other 23 hand, lowest in 1941-42 but suffered the higher mortality rate from predation this year; for these two species predation was a decreasing function of density. The obvious reason for this is that the large numbers of mice present in 1941-42 attracted tu the area many more hawks and owls than normal, and this increased the probability of an attack upon an individual rabbit or squirrel. The results presented in Table III indicate that for these four species predation is a density-independent cause of mortality. In the period from fall to spring population changes result solely from mor- tality, and predation is responsible for most of this. During this period the rates of population decline were independent of population density. Young or juvenile individuals are more likely to be killed by predators than are adults. Beverton (1962) concluded that populations of plaice are regulated by varying mortality from starvation and pre- dation of the larval fish. Murie (1944) reported that predation on caribou and Dall sheep was concentrated on young animals. Cannibalism is a special case of predation, resembling compe- tition in that the process is intraspecific. It appears to be an increasing function of density in flour beetles, Tribolium (Allee et al., 1949, p. 370-371; Neyman, Park, and Scott, 1958), and it is at least an important cause of mortality in planarian worms (Armstrong, 1964). Ricker (1954) discusses the hypothetical effects of cannibalism on population size. 24 Mortality due to parasites or disease is an increasing function of density for insects and does regulate population size according to Macfadyen (1936, p. 263). For birds and mammals, however, lack (1954) believes that disease is with few exceptions not a cause of mortality increasing with density. The evidence for both of these conclusions was obtained from a few cases, and the conclusions may not have general validity. Disease often follows starvation, and then starvation should be considered the primary cause of mortality. There are two other possible mechanisms for regulating population size, although few observations and measurements pertain to either. The secretion of substances into the environment which inhibit the activities of other organisms would have results similar to those of competition; this subject is briefly reviewed by Rose (1960). Fiynne- Edwards (1962) describes a number of behavior patterns which he sug- gests can reduce reproductive rates in dense populations. che The processes regulating natural populations of herbivorous insects and some vertebrates are beginning to be understood. Herbi- vorous insects are normally regulated by their predators and parasites. When favorable conditions for reproduction and survival exist, the numbers of insects may increase so rapidly as to "escape" their pre- dators and parasites and an outbreak occurs. The peak population is subdued by the favorable period ending or by parasites and disease overtaking the dense population. The hypothesis that fluctuating insect populations are regulated only when at their lower levels 13 supported by the data in Table V. The five species of insects listed here had populations which' fluctuated greatly. The statistical analyses based on their entire series of population counts indicated that their population changes were independent of density (Table I). When each population record was divided into periods of scarcity and abundance, however, and a test was made only for the periods of scarcity, the regression coefficient of growth rate on density was negative and significantly different from zero (at the 0.05 level or better) for three of the five species. This is evidence that the low or "normal" levels of these populations were being controlled by processes oper- ating as increasing functions of density. In vertebrates, the processes controlling population size are different between non-territorial and territorial species. Non-territorial species, including probably most fish, deer, hares, and most rodents, are normally regulated by predation. When this fails, as when pre- dators of deer are removed by man, competition for food becomes in- portant. In deer and probably in fish, this results in starvation of younger individuals. In hares and some rodents the reproductive rate drops and the mortality of juveniles increases. The numbers of ter- ritorial species are determined by competition for suitable territories . Those that fail to obtain territories, usually immature individuals, are not able to reproduce and are the first to be eliminated by pre- dation or starvation. Because the processes regulating vertebrate populations either lower the birth rate or increase the mortality of young individuals, the general result of increased population density in vertebrates 18 a lowering of the production of young adults. Hairston, Smith, and Slobodkin (1960) inferred from some obvious facts that populations of herbivores are generally controlled by pre- dators and those of predators by competition. This generalization 18 supported only in part by my conclusions presented above. Although herbivorous insects and some herbivorous mammals are nornally controlled by predators or parasites, competition is important for territorial herbivores like muskrat and red grouse and also in some rodents whose reproductive rate falls with increased crowding. Competition does appear to be the regulating process in predaceous birds and mammals, largely through the mechanism of territoriality; by far the majority of species known to be territorial are carnivorous birds and mammals. The processes regulating natural populations of animals other than herbivorous insects, birds, and mamma.ls are still mostly unknown. The statistical analyses .summarized in Tables I and II indicate that these processes, like those discussed in this section, must somehow regulate by varying the population's growth rate so that it is a decreasing function of density. APPENDIX A Data published in the book by Craighead and Craighead (1956) were used to calculate the mortality rates due to avian predators shown in Table IV. Because this calculation involved drawing data from scattered parts of the book, and because the conclusion drawn from Table IV loes not agree with their conclusion (p. 309) that the predation observed tended to regulate the prey populations, the pro- cedure I used is here outlined. Lable and page numbers cited below refer to Craighead and Craighead (1956). Let: W, = grams of food consumed by each species of raptor during fall and winter (from Table 90). W, = average individual weight for each prey species (from Table 100). Bar = number of individuals of each prey species (8) consumed during fall and winter by each species of raptor (r). N = total number of all prey individuals consumed by each species of raptor, - gener for = frequency of each prey species in food of each species of raptor, = n/N, (estimated in samples reported in . Tables 25-28). : Wo sr". = & Nofors = No fare N. can then be calculated since the other factors have been estimated. Total number of each prey species consumed = & Near The rate of mortality due to predation is this number divided by the size of the prey population (p. 356-357). APPENDIX B Scientific names for species named in text and tables. PELECY PODA. Clam Tivela stultorum. ARACHNIDA. Herbivorous mite Eotetranychus sexmaculatus. Predatory mite Typhlodromus occidentalis. CRUSTACEA. Daphnia Daphnia magna (unless otherwise stated). INSECTA. Thrips Thrips imaginis. Florida wax scale Ceroplastes floridensis. Chaff scale Parlatoria pergandei. ordered white moth Bupalus piniarius. Pine spinner moth Dendrolimus pini. Pine hawk moth Hyloicus pinastri. Pine beauty moth Panolis griseovariegata. Rice weevil Calandra oryzae. Bean weevil Callosobruchus chinensis. Broad-horned flour beetle Gnathocerus cornutus. Red flour beetle Tribolium casteneum. Confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum. Granary beetle Trogoderma versicolor. Parasitic wasp Heterospilus prosopidus. Sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina. Housefly Musca domestica. Sewage fly Spaniotoma minima OSTEICHTHYES. Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush. Goldeye Hiodon alosoides. Northern pike Esox lucius. Yellow perch Perca flavescens. Walleye Stizostedion vitreum. Freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunnlens. Plaice Pleuronectes platessa AVES. Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis. Gannet Morus bassanus. Heron Ardea cinerea. Stork Ciconia ciconia. Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos. Appendix B, continued Ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus. Red grouse Lagopus scoticus. Sharp-tailed grouse Pedioecetes phasianellus. Prairie chicken Tympanuchus cupido. Bobwhite quail Colinus virginianus. Partridge Perdix perdix. Ring-necked Pheasant Phasianus colchicus. Pied flycatcher Muscicape hypoleuca. Coal tit Parus ater. Blue tit larus caeruleus. Crested tit Parus cristatus. Great tit Parus major. House wren Troglodytes aedon. Wood thrush Hylocichli mustelina. Sterling Sturnus vulgaris. Red-eyed vireo Vireo olivaceus. Ovenbird Selurus aurocapillus . Hooded warbler Wilsonia citrina. Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia. Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea. MAMMALIA. Wo.lverine Gulo luscus. Fisher Martes pennanti. Mink Mustela vison. Weasel Mustela vulgaris. Arctic fox Alopex lagopus . Coyote Canis latrans. Wolf Canis lupus. Gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus. Colored fox Vulpes fulva. Lynx Lynx canadensis. Fur seal Callorhinus ursinus. Fox squirrel Sciurus niger. Levant vole Microtus guentheri. Meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus. Mus krat Ondatra zibethicus. White-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus . Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus. European hare Lepus europaeus . European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . Cottontail rabbit Sylvilagus floridanus. Caribou Rangifer arcticus. Reindeer Rangifer tarandus. Pronghorn Antilocepra americana. Dall sheep Ovis dalli. - - - - ... LITERATURE CITED - - - - . .. .-. Allee, W. C., A. E. Emerson, 0. Park, T. Park, and K. P. Schmidt. 1949. Principles of animal ecology. Philadelphia: Saunders. 837 p. Andrewartha, H. G., and L. C. Birch. 1954. Distribution and abundance of animals. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press. 782 p. and T. 0. Browning. 1961. An analysis of the idea of "resources" in animal ecology. J. Theoret. Biol. 1: 83-97. Armstrong, J. Ť. 1964. The population dynamics of the planarian, Dugesia tigrina. Ecology 45: 361-365. Beverton, R. J. H. 3.962. Long-term dynamics of certain North Sea - * ***. - -. A - -- - - ** :.. .... fish populations. In the exploitation of natural animal popula.. tions. Eds., E. D. LeCren and M. W. Holdgate, 242-259. New York: Wiley: Birch, L. C. 1953. 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Ecology 38: 136-139. Williams, A. B. 1947. Climax beech-maple forest with some hemlock (15 year summary). Audubon Field Notes 1: 205-210. _. 1948. Census 8. Audubon Feld Notes 2: 231. - 1949. Census 14. Audubon Field Notes 3: 262-263. -. '1950. Census 7. Audubon Field Notes 4: 297-298. Wynne-Edwards, y. C. 1962. Animal dispersion in relation to social behavior, Edinburg: Oliver & Boyd. 653 p. o . .so . .. -- ---- - - - - - - - Fig. 1. Graphs of r, population growth rate (1 • aN/Nat) as a function of population density. A. r is a decreasing linear function of density. . r 18 an increasing linear function of density. r is a decreasing nonlinear function of density, found in growing daphnia populations (Smith, 1963b). D. ris a decreasing nonlinear function of density, from the repro- - - -- - . duction curves of Ricker (1954). - - - - - - - - - - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64-5930 B AX DENSITY O DENSITY T F O DENSITY DENSITY Ī TABLE I. Populations subjected to regression analysis, the regression coefficient (coefficient of r, on population density), and results of tests of significance on the regression coefficient. Column A: Nature of population and source of data. Scientific names are in Appendix B. B: Number of populations combined. . . C: Average size of population(s). D: Interval between counts or measurements generation time (see text) - - - E: Number of intervals (average number 1f two or more populations have been combined). F: Calculated value of (bp is the regression coefficient of rt on popluation density, see text for meaning of ky. G: Level of significance; the probability is less than this figure that the null hypothesis (Ho: bp = 0) is true. * - see also further analysis in text. B C D E F G 5 day Herbivore mite in culture. (Huffaker, 1958) 2586 10 day 30 - 1.69 0.001 Predatory mite in culture. (Huffaker, 1958) 27 5 day 20 day 30 - 3.00 0.02 Daphnia magna in cultures. (Pratt, 1943) 4 day A day 53 -1.27 0.02 Daphnia obtusa in cultures. (Slobodkin, 1954) 284 10 days ag - 1.54 0.001 Thrips in roses in garden. (Davidson and Andre- wartha, 1948) month 1 352 20 hay 80 -0.24 0.20* · Table I, continued - 2 B C D E F G Florida wax scale on citrus leaves (Bodenheimer, 1958). month 1 322 4 month 95 - 2.67 0.50 Chaff scale on citrus leaves (Bodenheimer, 1958) 1 282 month 4 month 87 - 1.71 0.001 Bordered white moth pupae hibernating in forest floor. (Varley, 1949) year year 2 127 - 0.24 0.30 . Pine spinner 'moth larvae hibernating in forest floor, (Varley, 1949) year I' 672 year -0.11 - 0.11 0.50 Pine hawk moth pupae hiber- nating in forest floor. (Varley, 1949) 11 1 : 38 year year 49 - 0.23 0.40 Pine beauty moth larvae hibernating in forest floor. (Varley, 1949) year 43 year 59 -0.58 0.30 Rice weevil in culture. (Birch, 1953) 4 week 6 week 533. - 1.55 0.001 Bean weevil in culture. (Utida, 19578) 1 382 382 gener- &tion - lila 0.001 Red flour beetle in culture. • (Park and Frank, 1950) 1 30 day 45 day 157 68 - 1.06 0.01 . Confused flour beetle in culture. (Park et al., 1941; Park and Frank, 1950) 1361 30 day 45 day 43 . 4.50 0.001 Parasitic wasp in culture. (utida, 19578) gener- ation 111 - 0.61 0.001 Sheep blowfly in culture. ( Nicholson, 1954) 2 day 15 day 32 - 3.61 0.10 Housefly in culture. (Pimentel et al., 1963) I 7 day 4 week 82 -1.92 0.20 Table I, continued - 3 C D E F G month Sewage fly in sewage beds. (Hoyd, 1943) 1 1703 43 day 79 -0.67 0.01 Atlantic salmon weight of · catch (Allee et al., 1949) (56,300 year year Lake trout abundance index based on fisheries catch (Eschmeyer, 1957) (2218000 pounds) year 5 year 25 + 1.74 0.10 Goldeye abundance index based on fisheries catch. (Smith and Krefting, 1954) 1 year (66,659 pounds) 2 year 23 - 2.37 0.30 year ( 39,100 pounds) 5 year 23 - 2.07 0.05 Northern pike abundance index based on fisheries catch. (Smith & Krefting, 1954) 1 Yellow perch abundance index . based on fisheries catch. (Smith & Krefting, 1954) 1 year (212,365 pounds) 3 year 23. - 3.16 0.05 Walleye abundance index based on fisheries catch. (Pycha, 1961) 1 ( 258,034 pounds) year 5 year 28 - 2.17 0.02 Freshwater drum abundance index based on fisheries catch. (Smith & Krefting, 1954) 1 (17,108 year 3 year 23 -0.51 0.30 5 year 23,000 year 14 -0.36 0.20 Fulmar breeding birds in Britain. (Fisher, 1962) 1 Gannet estimated world popu- lation. (Fsher and Vevers, 1944) i 202,600 5 year 5 year 24 -0.06 0.20 year Heron nesting birds. (ack, 1953) ("ack, 1953)**8 3 423 -0.59 0.01 Stork nesting birds. (Lack, 1954) year 4. year's 24 - 0.10 0.80 Ruffed grouse census in habitat. (Hickey, 1955; Marshall, 1954) on w year 278 year 30 - 2.46 0.05 Table I, continued - 4 .. . A B C D E F G Red Grouse game bag records (Mackenzie, 1992; Middleton, 1934) 6 year year 66 - 1.20 0.001 Sharp-tailed grouse census in habitat (Hickey, 1955) year year 34 -0.33 0.05 Prairie chicken counts of displaying males. (Shelford & Yeatter, 1955) 1: year year 17 - 0.35 0.10 Partridge game bag records ; breeding birds. (Middleton, 1934; Severtzoff, 1934) year year 86 - 0.92 0.001 Pheasant introduced popu- lation ( Lack, 1954) 難 ​無 ​數顯 ​數顯 ​數顯 ​數顯 ​顯 ​year year 5 -0.89 0.10 Pied flycatcher breeding population (Lack, 1954) year year 9 -0.86 0.05 Coal tit breeding population (Kl.uyver, 1952) year year - 1.32 0.01 Blue tit breeding population (Kluyver, 1951) year year 3.1 -1.90 0.001 Crested tit breeding population (Kluyver, 1951) 1 year year 31 -0.81 0.02 House wren breeding bird census (Kendeigh, 1944; Kendeigh et al., 1948-63) year year 24 - 0.62 0.001 Wood thrush breeding bird census (Williams, 1947-50) 1 year year 18 - 0.56 0.10 TABLE I, continued - 5 А B C D E F G Starling breeding bird census. (Kendeigh, 1944; Kendeigh et al., 1948-63) year year 23 - 0.21 0.30* Red-eyed vireo breeding bird census. (Kendeigh, 1944; Kendeith et al., 1948-63; Williams, 1947-56) 38 year year 20 - 0.36 0.05 Indigo bunting breeding bird census. ( Kendeigh, 194/4; Kendeigh et al., 1948-63) 1 . 44 year year 23 -0.51 0.02 Wolverine fur yields. (Buckley, 1954) 1 311 2 year 41 -0.31 0.20 year Fisher fur yields. (Keith, 1962) 860 2 year 38 - 1.12 0.001 Mink fur yields. (Keith, 1962) 10,570 year year 43 -0.05 0.70 Weasel game bag returns . (Middleton, 1934) year year 49 - 0.52 0.001 Arctic fox fur yields . (Buckley, 1954) 4772 year year 41 -1.15 0.01 Coyote fur yields. (Keith, 1962) 18,600 year 2 year 34 -1.18 0.001 Wolf fur yields. (Buckley, 1954) 325 year 2 year 41 -0.52 0.05 - - UV Gray fox bounty records. (Richmond, 1952) 8724 year year 34 - 0.15 0.20 Colored fox fur yields. (Keith, 1962) year year 7927 36 -0.17 0.20 Lynx fur yields. (Buckley, 1954; Eton & Nicholson, 1942b; Keith, 1962) 1932 year year 55 • 0.23 0.001 TABLE I, continued - 6 , A B C D E - Fur seal census on breed:ing grounds. (Scheffer, 1955) year 1 547,300 3year 19 -0.69 0.01 month 1 8 1.5 mo 82 -0.06 0.30 Levant vole census in habitat. (Bodenheimer, 1958) . Muskrat census in habitat, fur yields. (Buckley, 1954; Elton & Nicholson, 1942a; Errington, 1954 and 1957; Keith, 1962) 6 207,379 year year 48 -0.41 0.001 Snowshoe hare fur yields. (Lack, 1954; MacLulich, 1957) 2 112,682 year year 37 -1.90 0.05 European hare game bag records . (Middleton, 1934) 2 209 year year - 0.52 0.001 year 5,071 8 month 66 -0.20 0.001 302 year 2 year - 0.20 0.01 European rabbit game has records. (Middleton, 1934) 2 Reindeer introduced population. (Scheffer, 1951) · Pronghorn census in habitat. (Shelford, 1954) tete z Human population of the world. (various sources) year 545 year 18 - 1.14 0.02 1 844x206 17 year 6 +0.11 0.05 NOTE: The following censuses were eliminated from the analysis because the . series of counts were not significantly different from a series of random numbers: Clams in ocean beach (Coe, 1957). Broad-horned flour beetle in culture (Park et al., 1941). Granary beetle in TABLE I, continued - 7 culture (Park et al., 1941). Lake trout fisheries catch (Fry, 1949). Walleye fisheries catch (Smith and Krefting, 1954). Bobwhite quail census in habitat (Errington, 1957). Ruffed grouse census in New Jersey habitat (Hickey, 1955). Great tit breeding population (Kluyver, 1951.). Ovenbird breeding bird census (Williams, 1947-50). Hooded warbler breeding bird census (Williams, 1947-50). Arctic fox fur yields (Elton, 1942). Mink fur yields (Buckley, 1954). - - - - - ... - u -.. : . . . . . . TABLE II. Summary of results in Table I. .. Colum A: Total number of species. B: Number of species eliminated because their popu- lation record was not significantly different from a random series. C: Coefficient, by/k, not significantly different from zero, probability of the null hypothesis exceeding :05. D: Coefficient positive and significantly different from zero. E: coefficient negative and significantly different from zero. A_ B C_ E . Invertebrates other than insects 1 . i Insects m Fish 7 - 3 - w Birds a Mammals * . 29 72. 3 2 7 13 42 Totals "The human population of the world. TABLE III. Results Based on Spring and Fall Censuses of Wild Populations. Column A: Species and source of data. B: Number of populations combined. C: Average size of spring population(s). D: Number of intervals (average number for the six mus krat populations). E: Calculated value of b/k. F: Level of significance; the probability is less than this · figure that the null hypothesis (H : D = 0) 18 true. : B C D Spring to Fall Fall to Sprin FD E Bobwhite Quail, 1 145 17 -0.47 0.01 18 -0.01 .40 (Errington, 1957) 1 405 | 6 -0.50 0.05 5 + 0.01 40 - Phasianus (Lack, 1954) - - ...-. - - Ruffed Grouse, Bonase (Bump et al., 1947) 1 177 23 -0.44 0.05.12 -0.07 .20 - - + + Muskrat, Ondatra. (Errington, 19 283 16 -0.46 0.02 15 -0.01 .90 1957) - - and owls during fall and winter, estimated from the data of Craighead and Craighead (1956). Meadow Vole Prey Species White-foot Cottontail Mouse Rabbit FOX Squirrel 1941-42 . . Population Lost by predation 300 300 303,000 55,600 0.184 33,000 8,066 10 162 0.540 Predation rate 0.244 0.033 1947-48 Population 1,000 75,000 13,500 0.180 27,000 6,200 1,200 234 Lost by predation Predation rate. ll 0.230 0.195 0.011 = - - + - = - - - - · TABLE V. Insect species from natural habitats analyzed during their periods of scarcity. See Table I for more information. Column A: Species. B: Average size of population (during period of scarcity). . C: Number of intervals. D: Calculated value of b/k. E: Level of significance. _ Florida wax scale 54.7 ô - 0.12 - 2.12 47.3 ô w & Bņģle . -- - 0.42 15.9 ô Bordered white moth Pine spinner moth Pine hawk moth Pine beauty moth ** 8.7 - 1.32 0.20 . 4.9 - 0.89 0.01 . 2 A ..EY END - sy * . 27 DATE FILMED 1.8 / 30 /65 el V 2 .. . " WW. . . . . 02 . WA " YT . . . ".