274 .. ORNL UNCLASSIFIED .. SIMILAIT DES AND PITTARKHIS IN TIX PECITIC IMMINOLVICAL SREDOV: IVENESS ANTE NETICALLY TOLERANT UCE AND MIQSA MDE TOLERANT AT BIRTIR Jan Wright cairan Hion 3 Divisix, Qui Ricije? Yae! amil Libor.tur: Quk Ricst, 18:nesia LEGAL NOTICE ....... . : ....:. :. 'NO.... .... .. . tom Ind.m ... ! in . :... ..... rit. . . ..... . . .... ..... !. ib..... ... u ' .4 . . not ithe ". . .pa . .. ... ... ... . ..waii mnie :..wo...." ,n' . nm u r...n nomine ...... Research spansored by the U. S. Atanic Berøy Cunnission under cuntract with tbe Union Carbide Corporation. The unresponsiveness of an I, hybrid jouse to skin grasto of either parental type can be allod natural or genetic talerance, and uther states of unresponsivenesa, including induced, o: actively-ucquired, tolerance rawy profitably be capared to it. Time posolbility that in antigen or antigens exist in i parental strain that fail to be expreciou In an P, lwybrid is an interesting one, but it is in direct caiflict with the abservation or canetic tolerance to skin crafts. Thio possibility of parant-specific witigens 'de's boon invokord to explain experimental results not directly predictable fru. the so-callid lave of transplantaiian (Celad:r and Walshans, 1942; Cudkowicz, 1961, 1964). The folloding experiments were designed :o search for purental antigas not expressed in Flybride and to compare responsive_jess of tolerant parental mice with that of genetically tolerant , hyhrids. Results concerning induction by my spleen cells of tolerance to parental skin, together with data an serum antibody production, have been published elsewhere (submitted for publication, coatiman). The results presented here deal primarily with the histology of wresponsive or tolerant mica that have been given spleen injections. METHODS Parental otruin mice, within 12 hours of birth, were dich givan intraperitoneally approximately 20 million splavan calls in .05 m? saline from I, hybrid malos. Some of the nice, when they were 3-9 months ald, were given rull thickness car granto on the dorsal portions of the lateral thoracic walls. Others, presumably-tolerant, were not given skin grafts. Mouse strains and Hyorlds usod included C57BL/6 Cum (cullod Blo), DB/2 cm (2), (B) + x 2 + (BOT): c57BL Ca (B), c3N/An cưa (23), 18 + xc3 os)?, (BC #P), A.CA, aró A.31. jerrizm ves obtained from tail artery or heart blood trust had boun slovod to clot at room temperature. Hangasglutinations and cytotoxic activities wore determired by the stadard nothioco (vorer and Mikulaka, 19543 Marer and O'Dortuuli, 1950). wplec. coll juopancions were propard by prusoins the organ through a screen and then dispersine mall cliems by gentle topiration with a syringe through a 25-gauge needla. Cells were counted in a ham aytameter and were appropriately dliuted for intraperitoneal injectim in a volume of 1 milu liter per adult puude. Individual paly weights vore recorded two or thron times a week in experiments in which wasting diocase might be anticipated. Mice were decapitated before necropoy. Tissues were fixod in zankor-formol solution, and sections were stained with Sonataxylin and dain. RESULTS AND DISCUBSION The graft-varsus-bost diacuse that nogults from the injection or parental oploen cells into I, hybrids has been described several timeo (Doogerove ot al., 1968; Barer and Boyse, 1959; Kaplan and Rooston, 1959; Plocus et al., 1966). ja ymeral, the same findings were made ia the wasting disease arter receiving 20% oploce collo from either parental strain. The reason for this failure 18 not understood, but the finding 18 not altogether unexpected, inasmuch as variability in incidence and coverity of secondary dlugabe among different para..), jwybrid combinations has been reported. The other lybrid studied here, Beiber, cid undergo wusting diocase aster receiving purental Ef...en cellu. Body weight be. ....." began within the second week aftor injection and amounted to 20-40% or the initial valucz by the t.lme nice were found doun or woru kilied for further study, usually 3 to 5 weeks after receiving spleen. Anenia accompanied the weight loss, end hematocrito at the time of death were in the range of 20.37%. Moreover, heaaeglutination studies with specific anti-parent sora on these animals indicated that many of the red collo vore derivad from the donor spleen coll inocule. Consistent with this anemia, marrow was either hypoplastic wr completely aplastic (P18. La). Severe atrophy occurred in the lymph nodes and spleen white pulp of recipients of parentai spleun (Fig. lb, c). To erant or presumably-tolerant paren, 1 mice, after receiving second parental spieen colls, did not all behave o imilarly. Many appeared to dovelop wasting disease, but others showed no weight loss at all. Some of the inaryocted ones, presumably-tolerant but not skin grattad, may not have been tolerant at all. But 13 of the group not showing wasting disease carried second parental car grafts. The inconsistency of these resuits 18 perplexing. It is, of course, possible that despite persistence of foreign skin grafts, a degree of histoincompatibility existed permitting rejection by the host of donor spleen cells. However, factors that are not inunnalogical muy isloo influence tiw tuirsicturce of colls, and, 11 tive abocnce of definitive evidmoo, it would thorcroru ucom 111 -udviwari to uscribe the failure to an lumologic seclusion at thio time. Thore tolorunt juarenta) nice that did devi:lop wuotinus dineuse bugun to lose weight within two to thate wecke 1..or receivinas oscand parental splorn, and they praygrossively Luot iu a wivy comparable to similarly trusted P, kidults. 'irouo nico aluo vecuma soverely anamic bofora doath. However, thro were soveral striking histological different noted between the tiro grupo. intherous narrov spucos of P, 's were usually empty or nearly 30, those of tolerant mico word only slightly hypocollular and være regularly 'yperkrinulocytic (F18. 24). Parental nice, although they had doplotou lyzwh nodes and spioon white pulp, as a rulo did not show Buch extremo lyphoid urophy as did analogous ? hybride. Occasionally some regeneration could be l'ound In lymphatic trasue, and gorum cantero, although not cannon, were sometimes sot (818. 20). Agyloidosis, often soon after a chronic infection or other proionged from inte atimulatia, was a frequent finding in sploons (P18. 2c) and livers of tolerant parental nooipients of second parental apleea cells but not in tissues ut !, recipients. in general, parental Ace witiba wasting discaso save the impression of having undergone a more protracted Inume response, presuably graft-voraus-/1087, than rad P, hybride'. Hybrids appeared to have ouflared an acute, ueruotating attenk from which no recovery was possible. Tolerant parental noe, either were subjected to a look severe attack, poweibly by virtue of offering a loss hospitable wvironment to the oploma cell grant, or were able to rocover to form extorit fran the dumpir inflicted. One theoretical possibility CC9108 to mind to demont for the histological differances Boon between genoticully and inductively tolorant mice. Perhaps second parontal oploon cells, toloratod by the othor parental strain at "irat, in tho proceso of grutt-verouo-liunt reuction doutroy the progony of I, hybrid cells that were injectyd ut birth. With the dotruction of these cells, tolerance would be broken, and the host could then reject the donor spleen colls and their descendenta. No stronger cubo cv de w e for the probability of this lvypothesis than to gint out that it is: consistent with the histologic findings and vitli the lack of erythrocyte chimerion among tolerant parental mice. SUMMARY In the course of a search for parental anticeno not expressed in P, hybrid mice, observations were made on two kinds of wresponsiveness: genetic, or that of a hybrid toward ito parents, and induced or actively- acquired, exemplified here by a parental strain made tolerant to a second parental strain by receiving bybrid cells at birth. Both groups of nice failed to pruduce circulating bemagglutinins to second parental cella, and this failure was specific. Mice from both groups inderwent wasting disease when given an injection as adults or second parental aploen cells. Histologically, lymphatic tissues of tolerant parental mice appeared less Beverely atrophic than those of genetically tolerant P,'s. Their marrow was regularly more cellular than that of hybrida sirdlarly treated. A theoretical possibility, involving the breaking of tolazance in parental mice, 18 offered to explain the abaorved differences been between two groups that szight have been expected to behave similarly. ACKNOWLEDIMENT The author 18 grateful to Dr. C. C Congdon for invaluable help in evaluating and photographing histological material. RETERXNCES 1. Colada, Franco, and Welshans, W. J. 1962. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 48: 326. 2. Cudkowicz, Gustavo. 1961. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 107: 968. 3. Cudkowicz, Guctavo. 1964. Fed. Proc. 23: 202. 4. Goodman, Joan Wright. A search for parental antigens not expressed in ? hybrid mice. (Submittes for publication). 5. Gorer, P. A., and Mikulska, 2. B. 1954, Car.cer Research 14: 651. 6. Gorer, P. A., and O'Gorman, P. 1956. Transpl. Bull. 3: 142. 7. Cosgrove, G. E., Upton, A. C., and Congdon, C. C. 1962. A. J. Pathol. 40: 455. 8. Gorer, P. A., and Boyse, E. A. 1959. Immunol. 2: 182. 9. Kaplan, Henry S., and Roseton, Barbara H. 1959. Stanford Mod. Bull. 17: 77. 20. Piscus, W. G., Morris, B. T., Jr., 348810a, J., and Trentin, J. J. 1962. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 99: 355. PICURE LEGENDE Pig. l. Sections from un adult B6D2r, hybrid male 17 days after receiving 10° B6 sploen cells intraperitoneally. 4. aplastic femoral marrow space. X. 290. b. atrophic lymph node. X 290. 6. severely depleted spleen. X 115. Fig. 2. Sections from three different tolerunt parental mice tú veeks after receiving 100 second parental spleen csils intraperitonealiy. a. cellular, hypergranulocytic fcrcrul nrrow. X 290. b. depleted Lymph node with glicna cells and area of regeneration. X 290 6. Extreme amyloidosis of spleen. X 115. C : T . DATE FILMED 11/ 20 / 64 ...neste relations. . LEGAL NOTICE Thix report was prepared as an account c: Goverament sponsored work. Neither the United Stales, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu. racy, completeness, or usefulness of the falorralion contained in to report, or that the use of any informauon, apparatus, molbod, or process diacloud in wis report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the uue of any information, apparatus, method, or process discloned in this report. to word in Use abuuc. "peran acting on behalf of the Commission" includes may em ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, lo he extent that such empinyee or contractor of the Commission, or employer of such contractor prepares, dismeminatea, or provides access lo, any 11.formation Jurruant to his craployment or contract with the Commission, or his employmcat with such contra:tor. : . END