an 2 . I OFI ORNL P 299 mi " FFEFEEEE 425 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. . ... . 1. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . . . . 'ORNLY 299 DIE MASTER SEP 2 1 1984 NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL NUCLEON-MESON CASCADE EQUATIONS* R. G. Alsmiller, Jr. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee J. E. Mirphy**; J. Barish Central Data Processing Facility (Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Oak Ridge, Tennessee 112 dana This paper was submitted for publication in the open literaturo at least months prior to the issuance date of this vicio- card. Since the 1.8.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pe- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. - LEGAL NOTICE The report mun mereu AC aw o ne wert. Matthar Od mets, the coasta, me My Mrron iting a ll of the Continua: A. M amy warranty or topentation, expired or loped, mida roupect to the accur. ruey, culture, or w el of the formation conta or porten or what the ang buruation, name, mother, or proces declared to report wym tuturo patrately owned righto: n. A muy Lamudios ou roupect to the wool, or lor d resultes Iron the was worthna, yunta, method, or presowe dlacloundwo report, Ao wd the whou, person scoth a total of the Commission" mchuda M . minywa w contractor of the Co t on, or prey of wel contracte, to the action that wch supaya or outructor of the Commission, or payu wel contractor propers, dom m e, or provides access to, w wormation permetto Me au ploy or contract will be cor uniesion, or Me oployment will ch contractor. *Research sponsored partially by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and partially by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA Order R-104. **Present address: Arthur D. Little Company, Boston, Massachusetts. TIF.P. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL NUCLEON-MESON CASCADE EQUATIONS* R. G. Alsmiller, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee J. E. Murphy** J. Barish Central Data Processing Facility Oak Riäge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Oak Ridge, Tennessee Abstract In shielding calculations for high-energy accelerators it is nec- essary to solve the nucleon-meson cascade equations numerically for very large distances. For the case of a 10-GeV proton beam and a set of quite special physical assumptions, an analytic solution has been obtained and compared with the numerical solution. The two solutions are shown to be in excellent agreement for thicknesses as large as 30 collision mean free paths (w2800 g/cm). -*Research sponsored partially by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and partially by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA Order R-104. **Present address: Arthur D. Little Company, Boston, Massachusetts. ' -3- I. Introduction In a series of reports numerical solutions to the equations describing a one-dimensional nucleon-meson cascade have been given for a variety of cases of interest in the shielding of manned space vehicles and high-energy acceler- ators.114 In the case of accelerator shielding where very thick shields are involved, the numerical calculations are quite extensive and the truncation error could be excessive. For a very special case an analytic (quadrature) solution to the cascade equations has recently been obtained.5 In this paper the numerical solution : and the analytic solution are compared for the case of a 10-GeV proton beam and are shown to be in excellent agreement after a shield thickness of 30 col- lision mean free paths.* In Section II the cascade equations are given. In Section III the assump- given. In Section IV the comparison between the analytic and numerical solu- tions is shown. II. Cascade Equations In writing the cascade equations we shall neglect neutral pions since they decay very rapidly into two photons and photons are not included. Further- more, no distinction will be made between positively and negatively charged pions, and charged pion decay will be neglected.** Under these circumstances the one-dimensional cascade equations for the particle fluxes may be written®: ? , j = N, P,05 , (2.1) . FICE d STEJ = r o (2.2) 0031831) + e(€) 0,318, 1) - de ($ (3) Og(8,v] - Jos 12") ©_ca"(165,3 +6"]=", Fik(E', E) Qiel sklE',r) + z3(E', 3, k = N,P, a , (2.3) where .... N,P,1 = neutron, proton, and charged pion, respectively, ..... en .... .. . --*...*.. 0,,(E,r) = primary flux per unit energy range of particles of type j, OS (E,r) = secondary flux per unit energy range of particles of type 3, .* *-.- E = kinetic energy, ?- : ! r = dimensionless distance variable defined by the relation r = SR, üdwesty o = density of medium, in g/cms, R = distance, in cm, S nemen i do = an arbitrary constant with dimensions g/cm2 which determines the units in which r is measured, Q; (E) - SAMO O,(E), No - Avogadro's number, 0,(E) - nonelastic cross section for particles of type j in the medium being considered, A = atomic weight of medium being considered, S; (E) = 0 €, (E), € (E) = stopping cross section for particles of type 3, F(E', E) LE = the number or secondary particles of type j in the energy interval E to E + de produced by the nonelastic collision of a particle of type k with energy E'. . III. Physical Assumptions and Analytic Solution To reduce the equations to soluble form, we introduce the assumptions Q:(E) = Q = constant, j = 1,P, 17 , (3.1) S,(E) = S = constant, j = P, , (3.2) Sy(E) = 0, (3.3) F13(E',E) = Chi Yz els eV(E'-E) (E' - E), 1, j = 1,P, .. (3.4) Olgy ?, v = constant , (E' - E) = 1 E' ? E = 0 E' < E . These assumptions are, of course, introduced for their simplicity and represent only very approximately a real physical system. In particular, Eq. (3.4) is not very realistic. With appropriate choice of v the E dependence may be made physically reasonable, but the resulting particle multiplicity varies much too rapidly with E'. With the assumptions of Eqs. (3.1) to (3.4) a quadrature solution to Eqs. (2.1) to (2.3) can be obtained. The details of obtaining the solution are given in Ref. 5, so only the solution itself will be given here. Furthermore, since only the case of a monoenergetic initial proton flux is of interest here, only the solution «ppropriate to this case will be given. Using the initial fluxes R(E) = Po 8(Eo - E) , 03(E) = 0, j = N,5 , (3.5) where Po = constant and Eo = energy of incident protons, the solution may be writ- ten - - - Qap(E,r) = Po 8(E. - E - Sr) ell , (3.6) Øsp(E,F) = Po app et K(E. - E,r), (3.7) Srt (E, r) = P. On peut K(E. - E, r) , (3.8) sy( 8, z) • Po ? • ਬ(zo • E,r) KE • ) , (39) where v(En-E-Sr) • 6(E) • # • sr) ਲ, ਵਰ · ਗ਼ਵਰ 1, ਪਾਲ - - - - | • 1928 de, - ਝ - 6:) * ਵਾਂ , - : - az #ar) { w[V - 1 - it is a [: : : : : : : * 3 ਆਜ - - : • ਬਟਾਂ ਦਾ ])} , • ॥ . Sr + on E - Sr of Sr' - S r By(s • : • Sr + Sr' - Sr" r . (zo • • Sr + Sr' • Sr") (r . (3.10) ਗੱਲ - ਜੇ - Jਵਾਂ , -ਸ: -1 - · 1. [e Vya - - r) (r - ] y(so-E-Sr') (z • # - Sr') , (31) ਖ਼ = % ੧ ,. . * ( ? + , ( 4 , (3.12) and Io and Iq are the usual hyperbolic Bessel functions.. -8. IV. Comparison of Numerical, and Analytic Solutions In doing the numerical computations the constants appearing in the equa- tions were chosen to be Q; = 1, j = N, P,R , S, - 187.6 Mell, J = P,n , Sn = 0, v = 7 x 10-4 ag = 10^2 j = N, P,R , 1y = 1/v. j = N, P, T , 10 = 93.8 z.'coma o and the constants in the initial flux were chosen to be Po = 1 pro./comsec, . Eo = 10 GeV . Before giving the comparison, it is perhaps worth while to make one point. In obtaining the numerical solutions all calculations are done in terms of a lethargy variable, u, defined by u = 108 [! u = log --- and in terms of lethargy .... w... stw = 1.e., the stopping power 18 not constant. *** Thus in doing the calculations a variation of the stopping power in lethargy was taken into account. Prom Eqs. (2.1) and (3.6) It follows that the calculation of the primary flux in the present Instance is quite trivial. The two calculations give for all practical purposes the seme answer, and therefore a comparison of the primary flux is not given. In Fig. 1 the secondary neutron flux as a function of energy for various r values 18 shown, and in Fig. 2 the secondary proton flux as a function of energy is shown. The solid curves represent the numerical solution, while the plotted points represent the analytic solution. Because of the manner in which the con- stants are chosen, the comparison of the pion fluxes 18 exactly the same as the comparison of the proton fluxes and is therefore not shown. The two solutions are in excellent agreement at all energies and all r values considered. At the very high energies' (all. curves go to zero at 10 GeV) the numerical solution for the proton flux tends to be slightly higher than the analytic solution, but, since the spectrum is decreasing so rapidly at these energies, the error 18 of no practical importance. Acknowledgement It is a pleasure to thank Dr. F. S. Alsmiller for many helpful discus- sions concerning both the numerical calculations and the analytic solution. 10. Footnotes *The IBM code which was used in doing the numerical calculations reported here 18 an improved version of the code used before;24 however, it does not give appreciably different results from those obtained previously. **This decay 18 neglected here because the analytic solution can be obtained only under this assumption. In general, our numerical solutions include this decay and the resulting muon component. ***The cascade equations written in terms of lethargy are given in Ref. 2. -11- References 1. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., and J. E. Murphy, Space Vehicle Shielding Studies: Calculation of the Attenuation of a Model Solar Flare and Monoenergetic Proton Beams by Aluminum Shields, ORNL-3317 (1963); Part II, The Attenuation or Solar Flares by Aluminum Shielde, ORNL-3520 (1964); Part III, The Attenua- tion of a Paz ticular Solar Flare by an Aluminum Shield, ORNL-3549 (1964). 2. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., F. S. Alsmiller, and J. E. Murphy, Nucleon-Meson Cas- cade Calculations: Transverse Shielding for a 45-GeV Electron Accelerator, Part I, ORNL-3289 (1962); Part II, ORNL-3365 (1962); Part III, ORNL-3412 (1963). 3. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., and J. E. Murphy, Nucleon-MeBon Cascade Calculations: The Star Density Produced by a 24-GeV Proton Beam in Heavy Concrete, ORNI- 3367 (1963). 4. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., and J. E. Murphy, Nucleon-Meron Cascade Calculations: Shielding Against an 800-MeV Proton Beam, ORNL-3406 (1963). 5. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., A Solution to the Nucleon-Meson Cascade Equations Under Very Special Conditions, ORNL-3570 (1964). 6. H. Messel, Progress in Cosmic Ray Physics, Vol. II, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York (1954), p. 197. 7. B. Rossi, High-Energy Particles, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey (1956), p. 232. .12. figure Captions Fig. 1 Secondary Neutron Flux vs. Energy (Ep = 10 GeV). - Numerical solution; * analytic solution; r 18 measured in collision lengths ( = 93.8 g/cm2). Fig. 2 Secondary Proton Flux vs. Energy (E. - 10 GeV). — Numerical solution; X analytic solution; r 18 measured in collision lengths ( = 93.8 g/cmt). Ns (E, 7) {(neutrons/MeV-cmsec)/(proton/cm?-sec)] 10 102 - - E (MOV) 103 AN NO ORNL-OWO 64-6243 UNCLASSIFIED 104 NG (E,) ((neutrons/] 10-19 L 10948 1017 10916 10-15 109 102 E (MeV) 00000 - ORNL-DWG 64.6244 UNCLASSIFIED INO 000 Ps (E, ) [(protons/²-sec)] to 100 10°12 . . -. -. :.! 10² CON E (MeV) 103 UL ORNL- OWO 64-6148 UNCLASSIFIED 104 Ps (E, ) [(protons/Mev.cm²-sec)/(proton cm²-sec)] 10*20 109 E (MeV) . C ORNL-OWO 64.6147 UNCLASSIFIED HIIN 111 . END T- DATE FILMED 18 / 31 /65 " - .