(Not To Be RELEAsed BEFoRE MARCH 1, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON MAR 10 1919 (W. T. B.R. 619) - MARch 1, 1919 SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE NO, RAC-42 FOR CERTAIN IN-TRANSIT SHIPMENTS AND PROCEDURE FOR FILING DOCUMENTS WITH COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE REV is on of REGULATIONS UNDER WHICH 5H P- MENTS OF CERTA in OR G IN AND DEST INATION, THE IMPORTATION OF WHICH HAS BEEN OTHERWISE LI CENSED, MAY BE EXPORTED WITHOUT AN IND | V | DUAL EXPORT LI CENSE, WHEN THE SAME ARE CONVEYED IN TRANS T THROUGH THE TERRITORY OR VIA ANY PORT OF THE UNITED STATEs. TH is REGul At on, EFFEct ve MARch 1, 1919, REsc 1 Nos W. T. B. R. 544, issued JANUARY 28, 1919, (1) SPECIAL ExpoRT License RAC-42 HAs BEEN issued THRough THE Customs SERV I cº AND Author |zes THE ExPortAT I on of shi FMENT's OF ALL comMOD IT Es OF CER- TA N OR 1 G | N AND DEST NAT | ON, AS NOTED BELOW., WHEN THE SAME ARE ConVEYED IN TRANs T THROUGH THE TERR ToRY or v A A Port of THE UNITED STATEs. (A) SH1 PMENTs or i G INATING IN ANY FoRE on count RY AND DEST INED To GREAT BR TAIN, FRANCE, TALY, BELG UM, or JAPAN or THE IR colon Es, Possessions, or PROTECTORATES, - (B) SH1 PMENTs or G NAT ING IN GREAT BRITA IN, FRANCE, TALY, BELG LUM, or JAPAN or THE R colon Es, Possessions, OR PROTECTORATES DESTINED TO ANY count RY of THE WoRLD PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT No sh PMENT DEs.T NED To EUROPE shALL BE Licensed UNDER TH is PARAGRAPH UNLEss such shi PMENT is cons GNEd to GREAT BR TAIN, FRANCE, ! TALY, or BELG UM, - (c) SHIPMENTs FROM one Pol NT IN MExico To ANOTHER Pot NT IN MExico PAss ING THRough THE UNITED STATEs EN RouTE, (2) IN-TRANs T shi PMENT's ARR v ING AT THE UNITED STATEs BY RAIL or vessel. For REExpoRT UNDER RAC-42 MAY BE cons GNED To THE ULT IMATE cons GNEE AT Point of DEs.T INAT I on or To AN AGENT N THE UNITED STATEs For REsh PMENT, AND IF con- signed To AN AGENT THE RAILROAD WAYB LL or vessel's MANIFEs.T Must BEAR THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ULT IMATE CONS GNEE AT PQ I NT OF DEST | NAT | ON, AND SUCH NOTA- T Lons shALL BE TRANscR BED THEREFROM To THE carr ER's customs MAN FEs.T or coPY of vessel's MANIFEs.T PRESENTED To THE col_LEctor of customs. (3) UP on Arr VAL of such N-TRANs T shi PMENT's AT Port of ENTRY THE RA ill- roAD AGENT or THE vessel's AGENT shALL PREsent to THE col_LEctor of customs a copy of THE CARRIER's Customs MANIFEs.T., FoRM 75.12, or a copy of THE ship's MAN I FEST OR PORT | ON THEREOF, UPON WH | CH SHALL BE CLEARLY NOTED THE SH | PMENTS which ARE IN TRANs T, TH is coPY shal_L BEAR– (A) THE NAME AND ADDRess of THE ULT IMATE consignee, in Accordance witH PARAGRAPH (2) HERE IN. M-502A (Over) - (W. T. B.R. 71.) March 3, 1918. * WAR TRADE BoARD - º - "Ask NGron EXPORTS OF MANUFACTURED RUBBER 600DS * On February 6, 1918, THE WAR TRADE BoARD PLACED ALL common IT Es *Nraining Russer on the conservation List in accordance witH its UAL FRACT cº N CASEs or A S MLLAR CHARACTER, AND TO PROVIDE A ADY METHOD FOR L CENSING SHIPMENTS IN TRANST THE Board HAS RULED AT CERT - nº Gº-FMENTS OF COMMOD T | ES CONTA N NG RuBEER MAY BE NFOR- Ll censed sº tº Brancº of E ces of the WAR TRADE Board when such MENT's ºr DEST NED TO THOSE COUNTR ES MENT | ONED IN THE SECOND * or tº proclamation of August 27, 1917. To ALL on HER DEst NA- s these coops have needed A License For some Months. THE sº P- sº wºn Cº M-Y BE LI CENSED IN ACCORDANCE W L TH THIS RUL NG ARE THOSE CH ARE COVERED BY (1 Ocean sºul of Laoi No pared FEBRUARY 13, 1918 or EARLIER, or 2) Dock Rece. PT DATED FEBRUARY 13, 1918 or EARL ER; or \ (3) THRough ExpoRT B LL or LAD NG DATED FEaru ARY 13, 1918 or (4) Bill of LAbing Market. For expos' O OETA N A - CENSE, SH PPER'S OF GOODS COVERED BY THE ABOVE SHALL PRESENT THE IR EXPORT DECLARAT ONS IN QUADRUPL-1 CATE AT THE NEAREST BRANCH office of the War Trade Board, using sºn PPERs export beclaration Customs Catalog No. 7525. As Descrised in Journal No. 4 of THE WAR TRADE Boarp. No Formal application NEED BE M.Abe on shi PMENTs of this character. The sRanch office will License the sºn PMENT on THE DEcLAR: AT - ON BUT THE DE CLARAT I ON, WHEN i I CENSED WILL BE OF USE ONLY I F THE Goods are actually exported ex March 15, 1918. All shipments Not SPEC F CALLY COVERED BY THE FOREGO NG WILL REQU- RE A REGULAR EXPORT L I CENSE WHICH MUST BE FORMALLY APPLIED FOR ON THE CUSTOMARY AFFL I CA- T ON FORM. - |T shoul to Be Norto THAT TH is Rul No Does Not APPLY To sº PMENTs of cºupe or scrap Russer which have Required Formal export Licenses s Nce Novemeer 28, 1917. pated FEBRUARY 13, 1918 WANce C, McCormick. CHA RMAN º War Trade Board Washington REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE EXPORTATION OF IN PLATE AND TERNE FLATE THE WAR TRADE Board Has Puel isºep New Rulings Governing THE ExpoRT at ion of T in PLATE AND TERNE PLATE. UNDER THEse New REGULAT ions L CENSE's MAY BE GRANTED TO MANUFACTURERS OF T | N PLATE AND TERNE PLATE OR TO PERSONs O THER THAN A MANUFACTURER, PROVIDED, THE PURCHAs: OF THE PLATE Has BEEN Made D RecTLY FROM A MANufacture R PR or To Novemeer 12, 1917, AND ALso Provideo, such Purchase Has BEEN MADE To Ful-Fi LL A contRAC T OR F I RM or DER FROM A PURCHASER ABROAD PLACED WITH A F I RM 1 N THE UN TED STATEs, A copy of which Must BE ANNExED. To THE APPLication. ExpoRT Licenses For T | N PLATE or TERNE PLATE MAY BE GRANTED only For sH PMENT to Canada, South AND CENTRAL AMER I can countries, including Mexico AND THE WEst ND i Es, CHINA AND JAPAN, AND on Y when THE PLATE | S TO BE USED E L THER (1) To MANUFActure contal NER's For EDI BLEs For HuMAN consumption BY THE PEoPLE of THE NAT I ons AT war witH GERMANY or HER ALL les, or (2) To MANUF Acture oil cANs, PRovi pep, THAT THE PLATE HAs BEEN orderer. From THE MILL on or BEFoRE August 27, 1917. IN TH is case THERE SHALL BE NO D ST INCT | ON MADE BETWEEN PURCHASES FROM MANUFACTURERs AND PURCHASES FROM OTHERS, OR (3) WHEN THE PLATE is To Be sº PPED To ANY of THE ABove MENT lowed countries Except CANADA, it is to BE used For purposes which shALL con- TRIBUTE D-1 RECTLY TO THE SUCCESSFUL PROSECUT LON OF THE WAR, OR - (4) WHEN THE PLATE is best NED For CANADA IT is To BE used For PURPOSES FOR WH | C++ T | N PLATE OR TERNE PLATE IS NOW PERMITTED TO BE used in the United States. |N all cases THE Application should Be Accompani ED BY AN AFF pavit VER FY ING ALL THE STATEMENTS IN THE APFL I CAT I ON . Evidence satisfactory to the War TRADE Board to THE EFFEcT THAT THE T in PLATE or TERNE PLATE TO BE ExPORTED WILL BE USED FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE PURPOSES ABOVE STATED MUST ALSO BE SUBM 1 TTED WITH THE APPL CAT I ON TOGETHER WITH A GUARANTEE EXECUTED BY THE CONS GNEE OR THE ACTUAL RECIPIENT OF THE GOODS AT DEST INATION, TO THE EFFECT THAT THE PLATE WILL BE USED ONLY - (1000) (M-73) -- FOR THE PURPOSE SET FORTH | N THE APPL CAT I ON. TH is Guarantee MAY BE ExECUTED E L THER BY A DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT 1 VE IN THIS count RY OF THE FOREIGN cons GNEE OR REC PIENT, OR IT MAY BE FILED BY SUCH CON- signee of Recipient witH THE AMER I can Consul NEAREst to THE DEstination. ExpoRT Licenses will not BE REout RED For Fi LLED T in containers. CONTA NERS L | NED WITH T | N, OR FOR T IN FOIL USED AS A WRAPPER ON OR AS CONTA 1 NERS OF LI CENSED GOODS. Licenses MAY BE eran TED For THE ExPortAT 1 on, Except to EuroPEAN AND AFR I can count R Es of T | N LANTERNs, T in LAMP Founts, T NNED Rivets, T INNED w RE, PR NTERs' TYPE, T IN ki Tchen uTENs Ls, T N TABLEwARE Not S I LVER - PLATED, T IN SUNDRIES, TIN TOYS, AND T | N SPECIALT I ES, SOLDER, AND BABB TT METAL. |F satisfactory Evi DENcE is PREsented to THE WAR TRADE BoARD THAT THE GOODS WILL BE USED IN SUCH A WAY AS TO CONTR BUTE DI RECTLY TO THE SUCCESSFUL PROSECUT ION OF THE WAR, L I CENSES MAY BE GRANTED FOR PHOSPHOR- ZED T | N. WHITE METAL, AND OTHER T | N ALLOYS, AND EMPTY T | N CONTA NERS. Licensess MAY BE GRANTED For T N-Foi L col_LAPs BLE t in Tuees A-D Bo TTLE CAPS, INCLUDING T | N-Fo I L T | SSUE, T | N-FO I L SHEETS, TI N-FO L AND PAPER SHEETs, COMPOSITION FO L., AND PURE TI N-Fo I L., PROVIDED, THE GOODS WERE ORDERED, compu-ETELY MANUFACTURED AND READY FOR SH 1 PMENT PR toº. To November 12, 1917. Licenses MAY ALso Be GRANTED For THEse commodities REGARDLESS OF WHEN ORDERED AND MANUFACTURED IF SAT I SFACTORY EVIDENCE is PREs ENTED to THE BoARD, THAT THE Goods will L BE used in A way to Di Rectly CONTR BUTE TO THE SUCESSFUL PROSECUT I ON OF THE WAR. No Licenses will BE GRANTED For TiN scrap Except, THAT Licenses MAY BE GRANTED For cRusHED oil cans For shi PMENT FROM THE Pacific Coast to JAPAN when satisfactory Evil DENcE is PREsented THAT THE cans Have BEEN Received from JAPAN. - No ExpoRT Licenses will L BE GRANTED For T IN, PT G T | N., METALL I C T | N, BLOCK T | N., METALL I C T | N F I PE, EXCEPT FOR SUCH SH 1 FMENTS AS PASS THROUGH THE UNITED STATEs FROM ENGLAND, IN BOND, FOR RE-EXPORTAT I ON TO OTHER COUNTRI Es. No Extension or RENEwAL will BE GRANTED of ANY License issued on or BEFoRE FEBRUARY 15, 1918, FoR THE ExpoRTAT I on of T in PLATE or TERN- FLATE AND IN ALL SUCH CASES WHERE EXPORTAT I ON CAN NOT BE MADE DURING THE VAL ID 1 TY OF A LI CENSE, NEW APFL I CAT I ONS MUST BE FILED IN - THE REGULAR WAY. WANce C, McCoRMick, CHAIRMAN. (1000-2} / (M-75s) H P ForM X-102 2, oº, O MARc8 11, 1918. A * * SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET For ExpoRTs to Hot LAND To Be usee N APPLY NG For L1 censes to ExpoRT ANY common TY To Hot LAND. F. LL out completel Y AND PAste securel Y on Back of Regular ForM X, which ALso should BE Ful-LY FILLED our N. Accord ANCE witH N- GTRUCT | ONS STATE-2 HEREON. APPLſ cat ſons For THE ExPort of ANY commod 1 TY To Holt Art will NOT BE G | VEN CONS 1 DERAT I ON UNLESS THE FOLLOW ING ADD | T ONAL INFORMAT I on is G | VEN . 1, THE MaxiMUM GRoss we GHT of THE PROPosed shi PMENT specified in THE ANNEXED APPL I CAT I ON | S : (PLEAse speci FY IN Pounes or Tons of 2240 Pounds) 2. |N THE Event THAT | T is premed pºst Rael E. BY THE WAR TRApe Board, it is HEREBY REouested to Forward THE Parriculars to its representa AT - VE AERO Ato BY --- -- (HERE insert El THER THE word "cABLE" or "MA L.") ( | T is UNDERsroop that F THE word "cABLE" is Nserreo N *ARAGRAPH NuMBEREp 2 THAT THE Applicant will PAY upon receipt of A MEMORANDUM FRom THE WAR TRADE BoARD, ALL castle chasees RELAT Ng to such APP cation. APPL cANTs should Not Forward Funds unt L. THEY REce 1 vs such A MEMORANDUM). 3. THE seri Al NuMeeR of THE cert F cate of GuARANTEE For THE NETHER- LAND's Overseas TRust CoMPANY For THE Goods speci Fi ED IN THE ANNexen APPL i Ca. T 1 on is - (S1 GNEp) BY - - - - - - - ---------- -- - - --------- (APPL can r 's Appress) -------- Special Instructions: - FIRST : APFL I cat ſons For LicensEs. To ExpoRT To THE Government of THE NETHERLAND's Do Not NEED To Be consigned to THE Netherlands Overseas Trust Company. SEcono; ALL other shi ements Must sº consicned to tº Mºtºr LAND's Overseas Trust CoMPANY AND THE ºr cert F. cATE Nurser given. 1048 M78 (W. T. B.R. 77) MARCH 15, 1916. WAR TRADE BoARD WashingtoN PROCEDURE FOR LICENSING SHIPMENTS TO HOLLAND THE WAR Trade Board ANNounces THAT THE Following Procedure Has BEEN Adopted For Licensing shi PMENTs to Hol-LAND. PRosPective importsrs in Holl-AND should ceta in From THE NETHERLANDs Overseas Trust CoMPANY an import cert F cate. Upon REce PT of THE CERT | F I CATE, THE IMPORTER SHOULD NOT | FY THE FROSPECT IVE EXPORTER THAT such A CERT | f | CATE HAS BEEN OBTA | NED AND Aov I SE HIM OF THE SER AL NUMBER THEREOF , THE EXPORTER SHOULD THEREUPON APPLY TO THE BUREau of ExPorts, No. 1435 K street, N.W., , Washi NGTon, FoR AN ExFort License, using APPL cat on ForM X AND such SuppleMENTAL INFormation SHEETs concerN NG THE commool TY as ARE REqui RED, AND, IN ADD IT lon, Furnish on SuppleMENTAL SHEET X-102, THE GRoss we GHT of THE Proposed sH PMENT, THE ser AL NUMBER of THE IMPoRT ceRT | Flicate oF THE NETHERLANes Overseas TRust CoMPANY. Upon Rece PT BY THE BUREAu of ExpoRTs of such APPL lication For ExpoRT License, ProPERLY Executed, AND AFTER due consideration BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD, THE PART culars the REoF, IF T is DEEMED AdvisaELE, MAY BE ForwardED to THE WAR TRADE Board's represent AT i ve Aso ARD. TH is NForMAT 1 on wn LL BE sent BY mail unless THE APFL I cant REouests on SuFFLEMENTAL SHEET X-102 THAT IT RE cABLED AT His ExPENse. UPoN RECE | PT of REFLY, THE APFL I- CAT I ON WILL BE GIVEN FURTHER CONS 1 DERAT I ON AND WHEN A DEC LSI ON IS REACHED, THE APPLICANT WILL BE FROM-TLY ADV SED. APPL ic ANTs should Not Forward Funds witH THE IR APPL ications. |F cABLE CHARGES ARE INCURRED, THEY WILL BE ADVISED IN PUE COURSE OF THE AMOUNT THEREOF . ALL shi PMENTs to Holland, ExceFT THose consi GNEe To THE Government of THE NETHERLANDs, Must BE cons GNED D RecTLY to AND only to THE NETHER- Lands Overseas Trust ComPANY. EveRY Export License HEREAFTER issued For shi PMENT to Hollano will HAve, in connect on witH THE L censE NUMBER (As "999,999") AN IDENT F1 cat ion LETTER Ann NuMERALs (As "D-37"). ATTENT 1 on is cal-LED to TREAsury Decision No. 37541 WHL CH REQUIRES THAT TH | 5 L I CENSE NUMBER INCLUDING THE APFENDED LETTER AND Numerals (As "999,999-D-37") BE PLAcED BY EAch shi PFER upon ALL Four cof Es of THE SHiPPER's Export DEcLARAT ion cover NG such shi PMENT, AND THAT THE same NUMBER witH IDENT FY ING LETTER AND NuMERALs BE ENTEREp upon the shi P's Manifest opposi TE THE Description of THE Goods dest ineb to Holl-AND. THE MAN i Fest Must Also Bear THE usual Custom House NuMBER of shi FreeR's ExpoRT DEcLARation. ALL APPL GAT ions For Licenses to ExpoRT ANY commod 1 TY to Hol-LAND Must comply w TH THE rules AND REGul AT I on set ForTH Aeove. AT PREs ENT APFL I ca- TIONS FOR ONLY THOSE COMMOD IT | ES SPECIFIED IN THE PRESS NOT I ce. RELEASED FOR Puslication on February 20, 1918 will BE cons DERED, WANce C, McCormick, (1051) (M-77) - CHAirMAN, H. F. 3 tº 0 A : * (W. T. B.R. 78) - MARCH 15, 1918 War Trade Board WashingtoN TO PERFORM CONTRACTS WITH "ENEMIES". THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAs DETERMINED THAT, 1 N general, BRANCHEs of UNITED STATEs corporations AND other AMER I can Houses Established | N. NEUTRAL TERRITORY OR N THE TERR I TORY OF COUNTR ES ASSOC I ATED WITH THE UNITED STATEs N THE war, shal-L obtain an Enemy TRADE License FRow THE WAR TRADE BoARD BEFoRE PERFoRMi Ng contRActs, THE PERFoRMANCE of which involves TRAD ING witH AN "ENEMY" or "ALLY of ENEMY". As ANNounced on JANUARY 4, 1918 (WAR TRADE BoARD Journal No. 5 P 6), THE WAR TRADE AUTHoR zED BRANches of AMER I can Houses | N. Foreign count R Es. To PERForM ALL LEGAL oral GAT ons ENFORC I BLE IN THE courts of THE count RY IN WH cłł such BRANCHEs were Establish-ED, Not- W THSTAND NG THAT SUCH PERFORMANCE SHOULD 1 NVOLVE TRAD ING W T TH AN "ENEMY" or "ALLY of ENEMY". TH1's AuTHoR ZAt on Has BEEN REscindep AND IN General, such BRANCHEs Must HEREAFTER ostºn a seee, Ai Enemy TRADE LI CENSE COVER ING THE PART ICULAR TRANSACTION BEFORE PERFORMING ANY contract which involves TRAD ING witH AN "ENEMY" or "ALLY of ENEMY". THE Foregol NG RULE is sueuect to Two exceptions, as announced on JANUARY 28, 1918, AND Puel shed on PAGE 9 of WAR TRADE BoARD Journal lo. 6. UNDER THE AUTHoR zAT I on of THE BoARD, ANNounced on THAT pate, Fore GN BRANCHEs of AMER I can Houses are Licensed to DEA in ENEMY COMMERC AL PAPER WHEN REFUSAL TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN FALLURE TO col_LECT THE DEBT, or w LL BE A viol AT 1 on of Local Law, AND BRANCHEs of AMERI can EANKS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECE | VE ENEMY PAPER FOR COLLECT ON AND TO PART ic PATE in clearing House TRansactions in the orbinary course of BUS INESS, NOTWITHSTAND ING ENEMY MEMBERSH 1 R N THE CLEARING HOUSE IN- volved. THE FoRE i GN BRANches ARE ALso authorized to PAY or Receive RENT under Exist NG LEAses to or FRom "ENEMies" or "ALL LEs of ENEMies", AS THE CASE MAY BE . THE ANNounceMENT of JANUARY 4, 1918, which Has BEEN Rescu NDED, FOLLOWS IN FULL : (1052–1) - (M-79A) - -- - –2– "The War Trace BoARD HAs Authorized Branches of AMER can cor- Porations and of HER AMER I can Houses Est ABL she D AND ENGAGED IN Bus NEss in Neutral countries AND IN countries assoc ATED witH THE UNITED STATEs | N THE WAR. To accept AND PAY DRAFTS, TO DEL VER GOODS, WAREHOUSED OR or-le-Rw set store D, AND TO PERFORM OTHER 5 MILAR ACTS, No TWI THSTAND ING such acts may involve TRAD ING witH "ENEMI Es" or "ALLEs of Enemies, " when such Acts ARE NECESSARY TO PREVENT A BREACH OR V OLATION OF A LAW of com/MERC AL CeL GAT I on ENFORC I BLE IN THE COURTS OF THE COUNTRY in which such sRancº is Est ABL skep: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, (1) THAT NoTH ING HERE IN conſ A NED SHALL BE HELD OR CONSTRUED TO AUTHORIZE SA ID coRPoRAT ons, Houses of THEIR BRANCHES To HERE AFTER UNDERTAKE OR ENTER INTo contRacts of BUS 1 NESS OR COMMERC I AL TRANSACTIONS WHICH will involve trap ins witH "ENEM Es" or "ALL Es of ENEMies" in order to carry our or PERFoRM THE same: AND (2) THAT EveRx case involving Transactions of TRAD ING witH THE "ENEMY" or "ENEMY ALLI Es" BE REPoRTED To the WAR TRADE Board witHiiN THIRTY (30) pays AFTER THE occurrence THEREof, upon a Form To Be FuRNished BY THE WAR TRADE Board." WANCE C. McCormick, CHA ||RMAN. (M-798) (1052-1) (W. T. B.R. 79) MARCH 16, 1918. War Trade Board Washington PORK AND PORK PRODUCTS TO CANADA THE WAR TRADE BoARD, IN Accord ANCE witH ITs Policy PROMUL.GATED on MARc4 5, 1918, RELAT ING To THE ExpoRT of Pork AND Pork PRoducts To THE BRIT ish West IND Es, CENTRAL AND South AMER I ca. AND WEst AFR ca, ANNounces A simi LAR RELAxAT I on of REs.TRI cT ons on THE EXPORT of such Products to CANADA. APPL cants to whom THE Bureau of ExpoRT's Has HEREToroRE REFused Licenses to ExpoRT THEse Products to CANADA MAY Now RE – APPLY PROMPT ACT LON MAY BE EXPECTED ON-APPL-1 ºr ONS Now ºf cºst-sºries. Licenses will L BE issued valid For sixty DAY's on Y. Nasmuch as No EXTENS LONS WILL BE GRANTED, THE ATTENT ON OF EXPORTERS IS CALLED TO THE NECESS IT Y FOR PROMPTLY F 1 L I NG NEW APFL I CAT I ONS IN THE even - THEY ARE UNABLE TO complete ANY SH 1 PMENT WITH | N THE SIXTY DAY PER OD. WANce C. McCoRMick, CHA RMAN, (1065) (M-83) (W. T. B.R. 80) - MARch 20, 1918, WAR TRADE BoARD - Washington OLEONARCARINE to CANADA THE WAR TRADE Board announces THAT, on AND AFTER APRIL 1, 1918, APPL car ions For Licenses To ExFort OLEoNARGARINE To CANADA WILL BE cons DERED, BUT THAT, 1 N ORDER TO FAC I L I TATE THE GRANT- |NG OF SUCH APPLICATIONS , 1 T WOULD BE ADV SABLE THAT A Canadian | MPORT L CENSE BE SECURED AND ATTACHED TO THE APPL CAT I ON FOR UNITED STATEs ExpoRT LicensE PR for to THE FIL ING of same witH THE Board. |N FoRMER YEARs CANADA Has Not PERMITTED THE IMPortAT on of OLEoMARGAR INE, HAvi Nc suffic ENT supplies of BuTTER of HER own to MEET HER REoul REMENTs N TH is Direction. THE object of THE RELAxation BY CANAoA of Restriction on the importation of OLEo- MARGAR INE was For THE Purpose of ENAEL ing CANADA To ship Butter to THE ALLI Es in Europe. | Nasmuch as on Y LIMITED quant it Es of OLEoMARGAR INE will BE PERMITTED to CANADA, THE CANAD AN Bureau of Imports and Ex- Ports will co-operate witH THE UNITED STATEs WAR TRADE Board in THE MANNER ABOVE DESCRIBED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSUR ING EQUITABLE Distri But ion of TH is OLEoMARGAR ine in Canada. WANce C, McCormick, (1093) - CHAIRMAN. (M-84) - \ a P- - - - º, tº 0 : w (W. T. B. R. 81) MARch 21, 1918. War Trade Board Washington EXPORTATION OF CORN TO CANADA FOR FEED ING AND MANUFACTURING PUR- POSES ONLY. Supplement inc THE ANNouncement, RELEAs ED FEERUARY 19, 1918, (W. T. B. R. No. 46) conceRNING THE ExpoRTAT I on of corn to CANADA, THE U.S. WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounces THAT, AFTER FURTHER consul-TAT I on witH THE U.S. Food ADMinistration AND THE CANAD 1 AN Food ControLLER, AND, IN ORDER TO ExPED ITE THE GRANT ING OF EXPORT LI CENSES, ARRANGE- MENT'S HAVE BEEN PERFECTED AS FOLLOWS : ON AND after APR it 1, 1918, applications For the Exportation of corn to CANADA For FEED ING AND MANufacturi No purposas Must es Accompanied ex A CANAD An import License, PERMitt i Ne THE consicNEE NAMED IN THE APPLICAT I ON TO IMPORT THE QUANT 1 TY SPEC I ºr LED THEREON. ExpoRTERs should Not APPLY For AN ExpoRT License until they HAVE RECEIVED FROM THE PROSPECTIVE IMPORTER SUCH IMPORT LI CENSE, WHICH SHOULD BE SECURELY PASTED TO THE BACK OF THE APPL I CAT I on *OR AN ExPORT L-1 CENSE. ExpoRT Licenses will BEAR THE Notation AND Must BE Accompanied BY THE ENDORSED GRAIN INSPECTION CERT IF I CATE REFERRED TO IN W. T. B. R. No. 46 of FEBRUARY 19, 1918. THE PRocepurE spect F : ED IN such RUL ING RELATING TO THE EXPORTATION OF SEED coRN is NoT CHANGED. VANce C. McCoRMick, Chairman. | F. º ºt, A3 tº (W. T. B.R. 82) MARCH 23, 1918, War Trade Board WashingtoN LIST OF RESTRICTED IMPORTS N0. UNDER THE Power confer RED upon H IM BY THE TRAD ING WITH THE ENEMY Act, THE PREs DENT, on FEBRUARY 14, 1918, issued A Procl AMAT I on which REQU RED AN MPORT L I CENSE FOR ALL ART | CLES FROM ALL COUNTR E.S., THE can EF Purpose of this was to ENABLE TH is Government to EL imi NATE LESS Esse NT | AL | MPORTS TO THE END THAT TONNAGE M-1 GHT BE CONSERVED, And ADD | T | ONAL SH | PF | NG BE MADE AvA LABLE FOR THE TRANSPORTAT I ON of TRoof’s AND suppl Es to EuroPE, SIMI LAR steps Have BEEN Found NEcEssary BY THE other ALL Es, AND ENGLANſe FART cul-ARLY HAs Found | T NECESSARY TO MPOSE MOST DRAST I C | MFORT, RESTR CT | ONS IN ORDER TO I Most EFFECT VELY DEVOTE HER SH | PF | NG T G THE SUCCESSFUL PROSECUT | ON OF THE WAR. For MANY weeks Past, A corres of spec AL ists HAve BEEN G | V | NG THE CLOSEs T STUDY AS TO THE MANNER IN WH | CH TH | S I MPORT RESTR CT I ON OULD BE EXERC I SED SO THAT THE GREATEST SAV NG COULD EE ACCOMPL | SHED ... I tº the LEAst NJury to our oro INARY commerc AL Act 1 v i t . Es. THE QUEST On ºas ST LL FURTHER COMPL I CATED BY THE EARNEST DES I RE OF TH is Government to AFFEct as Li TTLE As Poss I BLE THE INDustRY AND comme Roe of - TH OUNTRIES ASSOC I ATED WITH US IN THE WAR, AND TO WORK AS L TTLE º HARDsh P As Poss BLE to Neutrals. THE quest on involves close cooperation witH THE SH PP Ng BoARD AND consul TAt on witH THE STATE DEPARTMENT, THE REAsury DEPARTMENT, THE Food ADMINI stration, AND other BRANCHEs of THE Government. As well. As THE WAR TRADE BoARD, witH N whose Province FALLs THE Actual ADMIN stration of THE control. As A REsult of THEse DEL tetrations. THE WAR TRADE BoARD THRoush its Bureau of MPorts Pust lishes THE FIRst List of REstricted MPorts. APPL lications For License to IMPORT THE ART clies APPEAR ing on THE List WILL NoT BE GRANTED EXCEPT UNDER THE FOLLOW ING CIRCUMSTANCEs: (1) WHEN THE ART icles MENT ioned ARE Actual LY shi PPED From AsRoAD PRI or to APR L 15, 1918. (2) WHEN coming sy. RAIL From Mexico or CANADA when THE GOOPS IN QUEST GN OR G | NATED IN THOSE COUNT - R Es CR N OTHERS FROM whº I CH such GOODS ARE BE | Nc L censED FOR IMPORT. (3) WHEN coming As A RETURN cargo From EuroPEAN Points AND THEN only (A) when coming From a convenient Port (B) when Loaper witHour DELAY AND (c) when the MPortAT I on FROM EURoPE is Not speci Fi cal_LY PRo- His TED IN sale List, 1122–1 M-87 - A -2'- In the Future, THEREFoRE, APPL cants For Li denses To MPort ART icles Ment oned in THE List will BE ost ord to show in THE R APFL I cat ions THE Ex Is TENCE OF SUCH OF THE FACTS ABOVE OUTL | NED AS WILL WARRANT THE GRANT ING of such censes. |N THE case of sº FMENT's From EuroPEAN Pot NTs, THE Most SAT I sº ACTORY EV DENCE WILL BE PROOF THAT SHI PP NG SPACE HAS BEEN ACTUALLY Engaged. THE PREsent Form of APPL cat on For MºoRT LicensE w LL GENERALLY BE FOUND ADEQUATE FOR THIS PURPOSE, AND WHERE TH | S IS NOT FOUND TO BE THE CASE, A LETTER SETT | NG FORTH THE ADD T LONAL FACTS SHOULD ACCOMPANY SUCH APPL I CAT I ON . THE UNITED STATEs Consulis Have been instructED Not To issue consul AR Nvoices on AND AFTER APR 15, 1918, FoR THE ART I clies MENT oned in THE List w Tour F Rst BE No FuRN shed witH THE NUMBER of THE IMPoRT License of Be no G ºven other Evil pence of THE issuance of such License. SHiPP NG Agencies ARE AL SO ADV SED NOT TO ACCEPT FOR SH 1 PMENT CONS GNMENTS OF THE ART I CLES MENT oned N THE List witHouſ simi LAR Evi DENCE of THE issuance of THE MPort License. TH is APPLEs on Y to THE ART clies MENT ioned in THE List No PRoof of THE issuance of THE IMPort License For ART I clies Not so MENT | One-D S TO BE REQU RED E L THER BY CONSULS BEFORE I SSU NG CONSULAR Invoices of shi PF Ng Agencies in accept NG FRE GHT IT will DEvolve UPON | MPORTERS, THEREFORE, TO ADV SE THE IR SH | PPER ABROAD BY LETTER OR CABLE OF THE NUMBER OF THE IR IMPORT L-1 CENSE SO THAT SUCH SH | PPER WILL EE AELE TO FURN | SH THE SAME TO THE CONSULS AND THE SH 1 PP NG AGENC E.S. TH is will L MEAN THAT importers Must Be Đi Li GENT IN APPLY NG For import L CENSES A SUFF 1 C 1 ENT TIME N ADVANCE OF THE SH 1 PMENT SO THAT THE NUMBER OF THE IMPORT L CENSE MAY BE COMMUNI CATED AEROAD N AMPLE TIME. | T should BE Borne in Mino BY MPorters THAT THE Puel cat ion of TH List in no wise REL Eves THEM of THE NEcess Ty of APPLY inc For License To import ART clies Not on THE List. As ALL common iT Es Reoul RE AN MPort L-1 CENSF EXCEPT SUCH AS ARE NOW PERMITTED TO BE IMPORTED UNDER GENERAL L-1 CENSES. THE Following is THE List of Restrictep | MPoRTs, No. 1 , AGR cultural IMPL ments. Animals, Live Except For BREED inc Purposes. ART works Assestos. Beaps AND or NAMENTs. Bulack Ng, AND ALL PREPARAT ions For cleaning AND POL SH 1 NG SHOES . Manufactures of Bone AND HoRN. ALL BREAbstuffs Except wheat ANE, wheat Flour, including iMPorts FRow EuroPE. 9, BRoom corn. 10 CANDLEP Tch, PALM, AND other vegetABLE stEAR N. | | | CARs, cARR AGEs AND other vehicles. 12, ALL Acids, 13, MUR LATE of AMMon A. º 1122-2 M-87 - B (O-Z8-W) (8–22 I) sNo I.Lvºv-Hºa Laº Lol GNv so I Lawsoo A&Ewn=833 sNād GNV sºadioHN3d sqvan ºil on ad any sºil onsd sahs ineva GNv sini wa Tvºn Iw-NoN no Nowan ATNo adoana woºla sºlo answlaoan Gass=8exa TTW ‘ssooria tºos. Whamon in GNv Hloho T10 ºxivo T10 "Taxio IN BoºBHL slava GNV SLNBWnels M . Two Isrºw - Gsänlovanny W So Hanso "wnwhoss H3N 'sivaw HS383 **E* ſonn GNw No Lot 83 'ssholvº 'sºnana svo 803 SATINVW * I Toc. 18L CINV Hlava snoºow'Wolv q GNw TV Sosn=N] sadh ABNoH "AVH HSvasiº slooa HA1 To Ho 11 O &nha InS A&T=Maſ on anion 'Saanilovannwyn 83AT is GNV GT09 Bao'an: Woºla TV ONI annon Ho383H1 Saanilovannyw GNv HN 11v-130 30383HL slongoºd any sinnwoooo LaBox3 'sinn TTV SVNVNVG GNV Saldavian I d 1 daoxia s.l. Inèla TTW ºvaSºon"- 11 vs TV Lola I lºv 'snº GNV sqoºl "syſooH Hs 13 "E.L.ſlſº Lc Box.E. 'Sassvēlē 3-111Xal. GNV S388 = 378w.1303A =O SaanilovannWW - slºws ałinnwº - TV 16 13118w GNv TvänlvN “saahlva- 83d Moe, Nno GNV salvº ºnna LaBox3 'saw sonax: sawvi o 18103-13 *A*L*inod do sob- sa Ho 83×od 's Tiva Gºv. Tita "Nãw ssa+o 'slºenvad Ho IC 'siv 10 ‘8 161 &v=A BHL aloa snol eno". 000 2 daaoxia ol low Laaoxa all Tokºło Nolloo 30 SBanlovannwº q=&nlovannvy, so q38wasad alvºloooHo dMv woodO =on&ahl slava GNv sałłolvM GNv syſoo 10 dalsvoº so Mv8 Looe. Asoo HO GNnosonſ to GNnose 'ovyºns * VCIOS do. 3G 1 Nºv.A.-) GNV woos =o alval in LaBoxa vaos =o slºws TV awl T 30 alw8110 Tohoonw of TAWv Mo To Tasn- ‘ool GN of LaHLNAS Laaoxia salvºli is a swl. Twoo TTW -8- 19 "99 39 º "99 23 19 "09 '67 '87 17 ‘97 37 Wy '87 27 * 17 *07 '69. '89 "A9 '99 '99 29 "99 "22 19 '09 62 '82 "Az ‘92 ‘92 “W2 ‘92 22 12 02 61 ‘81 Z1 '91 '91 71 º –4– 58 PHonographs, GRAMAPHones, GRAPHAPHoNEs, AND PARTs THEREoF. 59 PHotographic goods. 60 PIPEs and smoker's ART clies. 61 PLANTs, TREEs, shRuss AND v NEs. 62 PLATEs, ELEcTRoTYPE, stEREoTYPE AND L THog RAPH ºc, ENGRAVED. 63 PLUMBaco or GRAPHITE (uNT il July 1, 1918: THEREAFTER Not Exceep No 5000 Long Tons For REMA inder of 1918). 64 P*R TEs (ExceFT Not Exceep No. 125,000 Long Torus To October 1, 1918. ) 65 RENNETs. 66 ART Ficial silk and MANUFActures THEREof. 67 Soap, 68 MALT Liquors, including ALL FROM Europe. 69 Wines. 70 OTHER BEveRaces, including ALL FROM Europe. 71 CANDY AND confectionery including ALL FROM Europe, 72 TAR AND F : Tch of woop, 73, Toys. 74 UMBRELLAs, PARAsols, sunshADEs, AND sticks For. 75 BEANs, AND LENT Ls, FRow EuroPE on Y. 76 DR Eb PEAs From EuroPE on Y. 77 ALL vegetABLEs, Except BEANs AND LENT Ls, and FEAs. El THER IN THE IR NATURAL STATE, OR PREPARED OR PRESERVED, including ALL FROM EuroPE. 78, VinegaR. 79 WHALEeoNE, unmanufactured. 80 MANur Actures of wool. 81 MANufactures of HAIR of cAMEL, GoAT AND ALPacA. 82 Zinc. VAnce C. McCormick, CHAiRMAN. 1122-4 M-87–D | 2, b = 0 A ºn- WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (*.T. F.R. 83) March 23, 1913. PROCEDURE FOR LICENSING SHIPMENTS TO SWEDEN The War Trade Board announces that the following procedure has been adopt- ed for licensing shipments to Sweden, Prospective importers in Sweden of com- modities from the United States should obtain the appropriate Handleskommission, or other import certificate. The importer should then advise the prospective exporter in the United States that such Import Certificate has been obtained, giving him the serial number thereof. The exporter should thereupon apply to | the Bureau of Exports, No. 1435 K Street, Washington, D. C., for an export li- cense using Application Form X and such other Supplemental Information. Sheets concerning the commodity as are required and in addition furnish on Supplemen- tal. Sheet X-104 the Gross Weight of the proposed shipment and the serial number of the Import Certificate, if any. Applicants should not forward Import Certificates to the War Trade Board. Upon receipt of such applications for export license, properly executed, and after due consideration by the War Trade Board, the particulars thereof may be forwarded to the War Trade Board's representative abroad. This informa- tion will be sent by mail unless the applicant requests on Supplemental Sheet - X-104 that it be cabled at his expense. Upon receipt of reply, the application will be given further consideration and when decision is reached, applicant will be promptly advised. Applicants should not forward funds with their appli- cations. If cable charges are incurred, they will be advised in due course of the amount thereof. Every export license hereafter issued for shipments to Sweden will have, in connection with the usual license number (as 999,999) an identification letter and numberals (as B-37). Attention is called to Treasury Decision No. 37541 which requires that this license number, includine, the appended letter and numerals (as 999,999–B-37), be placed by each shipper on all four copies of the export declaration covering such shipment and that the same number with identifying letter and ºriumerals be entered upon the ship's manifest opposite the description of the goods destined to Sweden. The manifest must also bear the usual Customs House number of shipper's export declaration. Exports to Sweden should be made on vessels flying the Swedish flag. All applications for licenses to export any commodity to Sweden must com" ply with the rules and regulations set forth above. At present applications for only those commodities specified in the press notice released for publica- tion on February 20, 1918 will be considered.” Wance C. McCormick, Chairman (1124) * F º, º 'º () A * * (W. T. B. R. 84) MARCH 23, 1918 War Trade Board WashingtoN PROCEDURE FOR L CENSING SHIPMENTS TO GREECE THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounces THAT THE Following Procedure HAs seen Adopted For Licensing shi PMENT's To GREEce. ExpoRTERs should APPLY FoR ExpoRT Licenses To THE Bureau of Exports, 1435 K, STREET, WAsh NGTon, D. C., using APPL cAT on ForM X AND such other suppl.-EMENTAL INFORMAT ON SHEETS CONCERNING THE COM- MOD 1 TY AS ARE REQUIRED, AND IN ADD I T | ON FURN | SH ON SUPLEMENTAL SHEET X-101 THE Gross we GHT of THE Proposed shi PMENT. Upon REce PT of such APFL I cat ions ProperLY ExEcuTED AND AFTER Due conside RAT I on by THE WAR TRAbe BoARE THE PART cul-Ars THEREoF MAY Be Forwarded to THE WAR TRAbe Board's REPREsentative Aero AD. TH is in- FORMATION WILL BE SENT BY MAIL UNLESS THE APPLICANT REQUEST.S UPON suppleMENTAL sheet X-101 THAT iT BE cael-Ed AT His ExPENse. Upon RE- CE | PT OF A REFLY, THE APFL I GAT I ON WILL BE GIVEN FURTHER CONSIDERATION. WHEN A decision is REAcheb THE APPL loant will BE PRomptu Y Advised. APPL cants should Not Forward Funds witH THE R APFL I cation. |F cable chargEs are incurrep THEY will Be Advised in Due course of THE AMOUNT THEREOF . Every Export License HEREAFTER issuep For shi PMENT's To GREEce will HAVE IN connection wº TH THE usual License NUMBER (As 9,999,999) AN IDENT FY ING LETTER AND NuMERAL (As G-37). ATTENT 1 on is cal_LED To THE TREAsury DEcision 37541, which REoul REs THAT TH is License nume=R, NcLup NG THE APPENDED LETTER AND NuMERALs (As 9,999,999-G-37) BE F-ACED BY THE SH | PFER ON ALL FOUR COP ES OF THE EXPORT DEcLARAT I on COVER ING SUCH SH 1 PMENT, AND THAT THE SAME NUMBER INCLUDING | DENT I FY 1 NG LETTER AND THE NUMERALs APPENDED THERE to BE ENTERED on THE shi P's MAN FEst of Posi TE THE pescrl Pt 1 on of THE coops best in Ep. For GREEcE. THE MAN! Fest Must Also sear THE usual Customs House NuMeeR of the sh PPER's exports declaration, WANcs C, McCormick, CHAIRMAN 1123 M-89 * F 30° 0 A 32- - (W. T. B.R. 85) MARCH 23, 1918 War Trade Board WAshingtoN COFFEE ADDED TO THE CONSERVATION LIST. THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounces THAT CoFFEE HAs BEEN ADDED To THE Conservation List. Ex- PORTERS ARE THEREFORE ADV SED TO F I LE APFL I CAT I ONs AND secuRE ExpoRT LicensEs BEFoRE MAK iNG ANY Final comMt TMENTs. As to THE shi PrºENT of CoFFEE out of THE UNITED STATEs, WANcE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN. (1126) (M-90) H. F. º, bº tº A3 - (W. T. B.R. 86) MARCH 24, 1918. WAR TRADE BoARD Washington COTTON TO SPAIN Pursuant to THE AGREEMENT witH SPA in THE conclusion of which was ANNounced on March 8, 1918. The WAR TRADE BoARD AN- NOUNCEL TO-DAY. THAT I T HAD GRANTED ExPORT - CENSES FOR RAW COT – Ton To SPA N in suffic ENT quantity to Loap Four of THE SPAN sh vessels THAT HAVE BEEN waſ Ting in UNITED STATEs Ports For some Months PEND ING THE conclusion of THE AgreeMENT THEsº ships wi LL BE PERMITTED to clear when Loaded This Action of THE WAR TRADE Board will Provide THE cotton necessary. To Fu Fill The Normal REout REMENTs of THE SPAN ish MiLLs and should REL Eve ANY FEARs THAT MAY HAve Existed in SPA in as to THE Possi e i Lity of a cotton SHORTAGE . UNDER THE AGREEMENT, it will Be REMEMBERED, SPA in PERM its FREE ExFort to the ALL Es of certain cowºop it Es in Return for which THE UNITED STATEs PERMITs in so FAR As it is consistent witH its conservation Policy, THE ExFort to SPA in of THE Nec- Essa RY SUPPL ES OF COTTON AND OTHER COMMOD T | E S TO NSURE THE continuance of HER Economic Li FE AND to cover GENui NE SPAN isº REQUIREMENTS. WANce C. McCormick, CHAirman (1128) M-91 A 3 ºr (W. T. B. R. 87) MARCH 31, 1918. War Trade Board Washi NGToN SPECIAL POSTAL EXPORT L | CENSE FOR REPAIR PARTS TO AGRICULTURAL |MPLEMENTS THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounces THAT THERE HAs To-DAY BEEN issued, THRough THE Post AL SERV I ce. A spec AL ExFort LicensE, No. R. A. C. -50, AUTHoR z NG, UNTIL APRIL 15, 1918, THE ExForTAT on, THROUGH THE MA LS, OF REPA I R FARTS FOR AGR CULTURAL I MPLEMENTS To GREAT BR TAIN, FRANCE, TALY or JAPAN, or THE IR colon Es, Possessions or ProTEctoRATEs. TH is w LL PERMIT ski PPER's To send To THE count R Es ND cated, UNT L APR L 15, 1918, THRough THE MA LS, SUCH REPA I R PARTS TO AGR CULTURAL I MPLEMENTS W I THOUT SECURING IND | V | DUAL L I CENSES FOR THE SAME, AS HAS HERETOFORE BEEN NECESSARY. WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN 1179 M-99 H. F. 3 O - 0 A3 2- W. T. B. R. 88 - MARCH 31, 1913, WAR TRADE BoARD WAsH NGTom CONDENSED MILK TO GREAT BRITA |N THE WAR TRADE Board wishes To ANNounce THAT THEY HAVE BEEN ForMALLY AD v i set By THE ALL ED PRov is ions ExFort CoMMission THAT THE BR T ish Government HAs issued AN orpe R Pºoh is it NG on or AFTER APR L 1, 1918, THE IMPort of conDENsed Mi Lk, Except BY THE BR T sh Government. TH is order ALso PRov pes. For THE REquisit on BY THE BR T ish Government on ARR v AL of ANY Mºuk Now on THE way. To GREAT BR TA N which MAY ARRive on or AFTER APR L 1, 1918. | N. v . Ew of TH is FAct THE WAR TRADE BoARD states THAT No FURTHER EXPORT L I CENSES OR RENEWALS OF EXPORT L CENSES FOR CONDENSED Mi Lk cons GNED To GREAT BRITA N will Be GRANTED, witH THE Except on of THose APPL cAT ons BEAR ING THE APPRov AL of THE ALL ED PRov is ions ExPort CoMMission, it would Aiso APPEAR Naov is ABLE For THose SH 1 PPERS AT PRESENT | N POSSESS ON OF EXPORT | I CENSES FOR TH IS COM- Mob TY consigned to GREAT BR TA N To ATTEMPT to MAKE sº PMENT, UNLEssº-THEY DESTRE TO HAVE-SAME REQUIST Tºronet, UFON ARRIVAL . WANce C. McCormick. CHAIRMAN H. F. 2 o'º () A * * (W. T. B.R. 90) APR L 6, 1918. war Trade Board WASHINGTon Llu-NSES FOR IMPORTS SHIPPED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 14, 1918 PURsuant to its announceMENT of MARCH 23, 1918, THAT No Lice Nses will BE issued Except under certa | N cond iT tons, FoR THE IMPort AT 1 on, AFTER APR L 15, 1918, of commod T | Es on THE "List of REs.TR cTED IMPorts NUMBER 1 " Fuel ish- Ed on THAT DATE, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ForMALLY Not F Es ALL Hol-DERs of ourst AND- | NG LI CENSES FOR THE IMPORTAT | ON OF ANY COMMOD I T | ES CONTA 1 NED 1 N THE SA | D RE – STR CTED L | ST, THAT SUCH L CENSES WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS SH 1 PMENT THEREurºper is MADE on of BE Fore APR L 14, 1918, SH 1 PMENT As REou RED BY TH is RUL | NG CONS ISTS OF ACTUAL DEL VERY OF THE GOODS L I CENSED TO THE CARRI ER ON A THRough ExpoRT AND/or ocean B LL of LAD ING. In order to sat isfy THE WAR TRADE BoARE AND Customs AuTHoR T | Es THAT sºil P- MENT UNDER THE IMPORT L I CENSE REL ED UPON HAS BEEN MADE W I TH | N THE FRESCR EED T ME, THE IMP of TER w LL BE REoul RED To PREs ENT A coPY of THE carr ; ER's THRough ExpoRT AND/or ocean B LL of LAD ING, showing DELive RY To THE carri ER of THE Goods Licensed, on or BEFoRE APR L I4, 1918. The sat p B LL of LAD NG st-ALL BEAR THE ENDoRsMENT THEREoN of THE UNITED STATEs Consul AT THE Fol NT of ExpoRT sH | PMENT IN ANY case where DEL very is MADE To THE CARRIER AFTER APR L 12. |9|8, or THE c Roumstances ARE such As To ND I cate sº PMENT AFTER APR L 14, 1918. FAI Lure to ost. A N such ENDoRsement wil-L BE TREATED As A c RcuMsTANce REQU R NG THOROUGH EXPLANAT 1 ON AND WILL PRO EABLY ENTA L CONS I DERABLE DELAY IN THE DEL VERY OF THE GOODS TO THE IMPORTER, 1 F SUCH DEL VERY IS PERMITTED AT ALL. As ANNounced on MARCH 23, 1918, THE IMPoRTAT I on of Most of THE commop it Es on THE REsrR cTED L 1st FRom EuroPE is Not Aesolutel-Y PRøH B TED, BUT w LL BE PER- M. 1 TTED UNDER CERTA N C RCUMSTANCES, SUCH C RCUMSTANCES BE NG GENERALLY THAT THE GOODS MAY BE SH 1 FPED F | T W LL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE SPEEDY OFERAT I ON OF vessels carrying TRoof’s AND suppli Es FRom THE UNITED STATEs For THE EuroPEAN BATTLE Fronts. For License to MAKE such MPort AT tons New APFL I cat ions Must Be MADE AND THE APPL I CANTS MUST SHOW T N SUCH APPL CAT I ONS THE FACTS UNDER WH | CH T S cLA immed THAT stal FMENT can EE MADE witHouT DELAY to vessels. THEse APPL cAT ions WILL BE ESPECIALLY CONS 1 DERED AND A PPL I CAT I ONS GRANTED WHERE | T APPEARS THAT No DELAY WILL OCCUR. WANcE C. McCoRMick, CHAIRMAN 1232 M–112 A F º tº 20 A3 - (W. T. B.R. 91) APR L 11, 1918. WAR TRADE BoARD Washi NGTon THE WAR TRADE BoARD, AFTER consul-TAT I on witH THE Food ADMIN is TRA- T LON, ANNOUNCES THE RELAXAT I ON, TO A L MITED EXTENT, OF THE RESTR CT ONS HERETofore iMPosep upon THE ExpoRTAT I on of CoRN MEAL AND CoRN FLour FRom THE UNITED STATEs. To cert A N count R Es N THE WEst IND i Es AND CENTRAL AMER I ca. ExpoRTERs who N THE PAs T HAVE HAD THE R APFL I cat ions For ExpoRT Licenses For THE shi PMENT of CoRN MEAL AND Corn FLouR To THE ABove | ND I CATED COUNTR ES REFUSED, ARE NOT | F 1 ED THAT NEW APPL CAT I ONS COVER- |NG BONA F | DE F I RM ORDERS MAY BE SUBM TTED AND WILL RECE | VE PROMPT CONS I DERAT I ON. VANCE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN, M119 A/A 30 30 A 2: W. T. B.R. 142 June 19, 1918. WAR TRADE BOARD Washington COMMOD |T|ES INCLUDED IN LISTS OF RESTRICTED IMPORTS NOS. 1 AND 2 |N INTERPRETAT ion of EARL ER ANNouncements on REstrict 1 on of IMPoRTs into THE UNITED STATEs, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounces THAT , As to shi PMENT's MADE From ABroAD AFTER JULY 1, 1918, THE Following Art icles w LL BE i Nculuded unDER THE TEMs set ForTH IN List of Restrict ED IMPorts No. 1, Puellished MArch 21, 1918: | TEM 3 - ART WORKS BRAss candles Ticks AND TRAYs CArvings - JADE JEwell BoxEs of wood Lacquered shri Nes METAL vases Picture FRAMEs of wood | TEM 7 - MANUFACTURES OF BONE AND HORN Bone crochet Hooks - NEEDLES KN 1 TT 1 NG | TEM 9 - BR00M CORN Pi Assava (BRoom corn) Item 57 - PERFUMERY, COSMETICS AND TOILET PREPARATIONS ALMono FLour - ALMonD MEAL |TEM 71 - CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY, INCLUDING ALL FROM EUROPE G1 NGER IN syRur- | TEM 73 - TOYS BALLs, Base BALLs, wooden Bowling CEL-L-U-O ! D FLAGs, to Y, iF of silk -- GoLF, - Gutta percha RAckets tennis -- TENN is | TEM 74 – UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, AND SI ICKS FOR - UMBRELLA HANDLEs As To shi PMENT's MADE ARRoAp AFTER July 11, 1918, THE Follow- |NG ART I CLES WILL BE CLASS IFI ED AS COM I NG UNDER THE L TEMS MENT | ONED in List of Restricted IMPorts No. 2, issued APR il 22, 1918, THE PARAGRAPH NuMBERs REFER to THE PARAGRAPH or PARAcRAPHs N THE TAR FF Act of 1913, upon which THE cl-Ass i Fi cation of THE RESTRICTED COMMOD I T LES MENT | ONED IN THE QFF 1 C 1 AL L- I ST I S. BASEE), M–184A *NWWA WHO ‘xo twºooow 'O Bonv/\ 878 1-N * CIEEMVES GNV SSow Leaoxs 299 Havsºvava sadnn dà i = |ssvio SHONVLSans TTV OSTV G/ I Havelevève 83GNn G3 l = |ssvºlo so N q= 1 = oads Mvals =o sano I lºv ostv G87 Hawsevava NI da a loads dass=&d so q=TYovkº Lon Mvals xvia ; siv. I salvº LVR GNw slvº Laaox= 898 Havčevsva MacNn q33M so MVºls ava" Wºlved 'ssweis) di Ho - O s=&nlovannwyn !g 12 Havelovève N G3 a loads sv Mvals sadnion] –03AEHL SEMſ).I.OW-ſīNWW GNW GEMſ).I.OW-ſīNWWNſ) SSWAQ (INW MVIAS - 871 Wall G89 Havelovève 83GNn Sv Taho is an is GNV alsva anno osºv : 899 Havaevava MagNn sv an is an 18ww ostv #8 Haves –vève N i da i = 1 osas SV =Z is an is GNV Hniº)- BZ |S 3019 (JNV EſhTO – 28 I wall 9/ I GNV G/ | SHavčevºlve 83d Nn 63 l = | SSVTo HenlvN AMRAB =O s=To Lev TTV OSTV 9/9 Havelevava sadnn G= 1 = | SSVTo Hänlı N —ºn= anol LNW inv osºv : 899 alo '819 g/l. "AS I shave evºlve 243 CNſh EnTVA 33 I Ho - O TV 1 ºz. Lºw LNENOcºnoo EHL. O.L. 5) N-1 Cº-O'C) -ow a law Is Tssvio asnii Nºna ao sailo Flºw nºw-ºnly Nyjnº-08 I wall 2/7 GNv ' || G '80g ‘927 SHavadvºva sadnn oa a lºssvºlo so NI da a loads S=To lèv TTW - OEMſ).I.OW-ſīNWWNſ) SNAOH GNW S-100H 'SEN03 -82 wall ‘OO! GNV ; 19 SHelvºevºlve Had Nn on HLA-3As os-iw 67g dnv 18 shav sewave aqnn anav I = –SSVTo Swso- N i sãNols on 1 dºll nº osºv : NI sºakłl da I – I ories sv SENOLS Sno loa-e-I Was 83HLo Ado TvlsAxio xiods H.Lvov -O EſhTVA -E HO N 30 ATIOHM QBs Odwoo SETIO I Lºv LedEOXE '86 Helvºevºlve 83GNn G= 1 = |ssvio so NI da a loads satio law Tiv osºv : 66 GNv /8 shavaevava Maqnn q= 1 = |sswºlo so N. d= | = | Oscis S=Tio I lºv TTW - 303-3H1 SEMſ).I.OW-ſīNWW (INW ENOLS - 121 Wall - 293 any '617 '6'22 "ZZZ shavajowave 83GNn on HLA-HAB osTV 229 Haw80V -ava MagNn da i = issvio sv Moinvi iwaw osºv : 829 Havaevava 83CNn q= 1 = |ssvio Ao N1 as a loads on 1 HLA-3Aa osmv : (1 ON SIMOJW | 0310| AISBN 30 IS IT N i Gädnion Haw Ho HM) 'sivaw Hsawla LaRoxa Gyg Hawaovava Aadnn G3 l = |sswºlo so N q= | = | -baas on H1A33A3 822 Havaevºlve: NI da a oads 1 way 30 slow81x3 = Hi Tiv - SIVEW GEAAESEAld CNW S10ſ)00A;d LWEW - A || W31 /91 Havaevava sadnn q-antion s=To Lºw Gwan TTV onw '091 GNv 'gg Zg I shavaevava 83GNn G3 i = 1 SSVTo 80 N G= 1 = 1 oz. as ON | H1A-3AE - GVBT - G | | WB 1 /9 Havºevºlve 83GNn sv GaN i = 38 xvasoa so vaos =o alvāoa GNv ‘627 Havaevava &=GNn as = |ssvio & O N q= 1 = oads satio lav TV - XVMO3 - 601 WHL * Sºs I advº No I.L.O.3a -800 Hons hoa No i svooo – “ao I LoN oahs "lane. As dialoºsoo as "in M GNv q8vog Havell ºvº, 341 Noan on GN a LON S No I.Lv1384-431N S HL 'Til Vlad A-3AB N alvānoo v i i <=ons: ol daaveis Naaga svº Laos-sa on HonokiLTW Sºº lºodW =O HON3 (N3ANOO 3HL 803 asſilva- 3A LvMIS IN TWGw NV SV Gaëlva Hºld N333 Sv H SNo I iv.138.483.LN Bo LNBWHLV1S S H1 - 2 - º' º ºf ºr ſº A ºn (W. T. B.R. 151) June 28, 1918. VVAR TRADE BoARD WASHINGTON ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADD T on of THE Following commod T Es to THE ExFort Conse RVAT on List, EFFEctive June 28, 1918: CELLULoip NewsPAPErs, old WALER I AN THE Mob F cAT ions To THE ExpoRT Conservation List, As shown BELow, HAve BEEN Apor. TED, ALso EFFEct ve June 28, 1918. | TEMs ListED IN col_UMN 1 NoLupe THE NEw MoD F cAt ons AND sHoulip BE sussti TUTED For THE correspond NG TEMs in col UMN 2: COLUMN_1 COLUMN 2 EFFECT VE JUNE 28, 1918. ExpoRT Conservation List, MAY 17, 1918. CAMERAs, PHotoGRAPH ic (valued At CAMERAs, FHotographic over $25,00 EAch) ENG INEs. MARINE, AND PARTs (IND vis- UAL LicensEs Not REquired to CAN- ENG | NEs, MAR NE ADA AND NEWFoundLAND For ENG INEs of 60 H.P., AND UNDER) GLAss, optical (Except BLANKs AND GLAss, optical D 1 SCS FOR SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES, AND READ ING GLAsses) LENses, optical (Except spect AcLE, LENses, GRoune ANB optical- EYEGLAss, AND READING-GLAss LENses) (M-194–A) - | W. L. D., IV, I oº) JULY 1 1 0 1 0. - 3 dºº tºº - –2– º (B) THE NoTAT I on "SPEc AL ExpoRT LiceNse RAC 42, " (C) THE NUMBER of THE IMPORT LicensE UNDER WHI CH THE sh (PMENT is To BE MPorted into THE UNITED STATEs. |F THE shi PMENT is NoT coverED BY A spec AL (PBF) MPoRT LiceNse, AN IND - V | DUAL | MPORT L I CENSE IS REQUIRED, (4) F THE shi PMENT is BY RAI L., THE coll-EcToR of customs WILL, UPoN G | V- |NG ENTRY, ALLOW THE SH1 PMENT TO PROCEED TO PORT OF EXIT ACCOMPANIED BY THE cARRIER's MANIFEs.T. (5) THE coll EcTor of customs AT Port of Ex T W i LL ALLow THE Goods To-BE - ExpoRTED UNDER RAC-42, AND Forward THE Extra copy of ForM 75.12, or THE Extra coPY of THE shi P's MANIFEs.T., To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, Washi NGToN, D. C. THE ATTENT I on of sh PPERs is cal_LED To THE FAct THAT Goods G | VEN ENTRY NTo THE UNITED STATEs As N-TRANs T shil PMENT's MAY Not BE D1 vert ED For DomEs- T I C CONSUMPT | ON OR RECONS I GNED TO A CONS I GNEE OTHER THAN THE ONE NAMED ON THE ENTRY Documents DEscR1 BED IN PARAGRAPH (2), UNLEss AUTHORITY FOR so Do ING HAs BEEN oet Aimed From THE WAR TRADE BoARD, THE ATTENT 1 on of shi PPERs is FurthEr cALLED To THE FAct THAT RAC-42 is AN ExPORT L I CENSE AND DOES NOT L I CENSE THE ENTRY OF ANY 1 N-TRANSI T SHI PMENT or Authorize ANY shi PMENT IN conFL cT w TH THE TRAD ING W TH THE ENEMY Act, For THE INForMAT 1 on of shi PPERs, THE R ATTENT I on is DRAWN To W, T, B.R. 540, issued JANUARY 23, 1919, ANNounc NG THE issuance of GENERAL IMPoRT LicensE PBF No. 31, TH is GENERAL IMPoRT LicensE covers ALL IN-TRANs T shi PMENTs of UNRE- stricted commodities where shi PMENT FROM ABRoad Has BEEN MADE AFTER JANUARY 21, 1919. THE REMoval of THE REs.TR cT ions on commod T Es Now REs.TRI cTED will Auto- MAT I CALLY BR ING SUCH COMMOD I T | ES UNDER THE EFFECT OF THIS GENERAL L I CENSE. REFERENcE is MADE IN W. T. B. R. 540, N connect ion w TH shi PMENTs MADE AFTER JAN- UARY 21, 1919, THAT PBF No. 31 wil-L supersepE GENERAL IMPORT LiceNsEs PBF No. 12 AND PBF No. 25 N so FAR As IT MAY conflict witH such other GENERAL Licenses, VANCE C. McCormick, – CHAIR ONE, l l l , 5. * M-502B º (Over) - 3 º º Aº (W. T. B.R. 151) June 28, 1918. WAR TRADE BoARD WASHINGTON ADD|T|ONS AND MOD | F |CATIONS TO THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADoi T ion of THE Following commoot les to the Export Conservation List, E==ective June 28, 1918: CELLULoip NewsPAPERs, old VALER AN HE MoD F1 car ions. To THE ExFort Conservation List. As shown BELow, HAve BEEN Abof TED, ALso EFFEctive June 28, 1918. | TEMs ListED IN column 1 NoLupe THE NEw MoD F : cations AND sHoulip BE susst TUTEp For THE correspond NG TEMs N col UMN 2: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 -------- ------- - - ExPort Conse RVAT on List, MAY 17, 1918. EFFEct VE JUNE 28, 1918. CAMERAs, PHoToGRAPH c (valued AT CAMERAs, PHotographic over $25,00 EAch) ENG INEs, MARINE, AND PARTs (IND vis- UAL Licenses Not REquired to CAN- ENG INEs. MAR NE ADA AND NEWFoundLAND For engines of 60 H.P., AND UNDER) GLAss, optic AL (Except BLANKs AND GLAss, opt cAL D I SCS FOR SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES, AND READING GLAsses) LENses, of T cAL (Except spect AcLE, LENses, GRound AND optical EYEGLASS, AND READ ING-G-ASS LENses) (M-194–A) HAT 3 dºº Asa –2– (B) THE NoTAT I on "SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC 42, " (C) THE NUMBER of THE IMPORT LicensE UNDER WHIch THE shºt PMENT is To BE MPorted into THE UNITED STATEs, |F THE sh PMENT is NoT coverED BY A spec AL (PBF) MPort License, AN IND - V DUAL | MPORT L I CENSE IS REQUIRED, (4) F THE shi PMENT is BY RAI L., THE coll-EctoR of customs wil-L, UPon Giv- |NG ENTRY, ALLOW THE SH 1 PMENT TO PROCEED TO PORT OF EXIT ACCOMPANIED BY THE cARRIER's MANIFEs.T. (5) THE collector of customs AT Port of Exit will ALLow THE Goods To Be ExpoRTED UNDER RAC-42, AND Forward THE Extra copy of ForM 75.12, or THE Extra coPY of THE shi P's MANIFEs.T., To THE WAR TRADE Board, WashingtoN, D. C. THE ATTENT I on of sh PPERs is cal_LED To THE FAct THAT coops Given ENTRY NTo THE UNITED STATEs. As N-TRANs T shi PMENT's MAY Not BE Diverted For Domes- T I C CONSUMPT | ON OR RECONS I GNED TO A CONS I GNEE. OTHER THAN THE ONE NAMED ON THE ENTRY Documents DEscrised N PARAGRAPH (2), UNLEss AuTHoR Ty For so doing Has BEEN oet Ai NED From THE WAR TRADE Board. THE ATTENT 1 on of shi PPERs is Further cALLED To the FAct THAT RAC-42 is AN ExPORT L I CENSE AND DOES NOT LI CENse: THE ENTRY OF ANY IN-TRANS T SHI PMENT or Authorize ANY shi PMENT IN conflict witH THE TRAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act. For THE INForMAT 1 on of shi PPERs, THE IR ATTENT on is drawn to W. T. B.R. 540, issued JANUARY 23, 1919, ANNounc NG THE issuance of GENERAL IMPort License PBF No. 31, TH is GENERAL import License covers ALL IN-TRANs it shi PMENTs of unre- stricted commodities where shi PMENT From ABRoad Has BEEN MADE AFTER January 21, 1919. THE REMoval of THE REstrictions on commodi Ti Es Now Restricted will auto- MAT I CALLY BR ING SUCH COMMOD I T | ES UNDER THE EFFECT OF THIS GENERAL LI CENse. REFERENcE is MADE IN W, T, B.R. 540, in connection witH shipments MADE AFTER Jan- UARY 21, 1919, THAT PBF No. 31 wil-L supersede GENERAL IMPort Licenses PBF No. 12 AND PBF No. 25 in so FAR As T MAY conflict witH such other GENERAL Licenses, Wance C. McCormick, - CHAIRMAN ONE, l l l ; 5. M–502B (Over) (W. T. B.R. 154) June 30, 1918, \/\/AF TRADE EO/AFD WASHINGTON TANNING MATER ALS ON LIST OF RESTRICTED IMPORTS T ANN ING MATER ALs HAVE BEEN PLAcEp on THE List of REstrict ED IM- Ports BY A NEW RuL ING of THE WAR TRADE BoARD (W. T. B.R. 154). HEREAFTER No LiceNses For THE IMPortAT 1 on of TANNING MATER ALs will L Be issued For THE REMAINDER of THE calender YEAR of 1918, except as To- 1, SH 1 PMENT's From ANY source of ANY TANN ING MATER ALs Not other- wise REstricted, where ocean sht PMENT is MADE on or BEFore Jul Y 10, 1918. 2. (A) SH1 PMENTs of TANN NG MATER AL of CANAD 1 AN or MEx I can or G in NOT SPEC I F I CALLY RESTR CTED, WHEN COM I NG FORWARD FROM THQSE COUNTR ES BY OTHER THAN Oct:AN TRANSPORTAT I ON, (B) SH1 PMENTs of ANY TANNING MATER AL Not otherwise spect F 1 - cALLY REstricted when comi NG From EuroPE, when sh PPED From A conven i ENT FORT WHERE LOAD 1 NG CAN BE DONE W I THOUT DELAY . 3, SH1 PMENTs of A Li MITED quant TY of soul D queeracho Extract, of MANGRove BARK From CENTRAL AND SouTH AMErica, of D v I-D i v i , AND of WATTLE BARK, THE ALLocation of TANNING MATER LALs covered BY THE LAst PARAGRAPH w LL BE MADE IN Accord ANce witH THE REcoMMENDAT I ons of THE TANN ING MA- TER ALs Section of THE CHEMical Division of THE WAR INDustri Es Board, TH is REstrict on Does Not in ANY WAY AFFEcT THE REGULAT ions Now in FORCE REGARD | NG THE IMPORTAT I ON OF QUEBRACHO LOGS OR WOOD. WANce C. McCormick, CHAirMAN. M–197 (1751) AE 30.30 A 32 (W. T. B.R. 155) June 30, 1918. VVAR TRADE EOARD WASHINGTON EXTEND ING THE BACK.-HAUL PRI WILEGE THE WAR TRADE BoARP HAve BY A New RuL NG (W. T. B.R. 155) ExtENDED THE BACK.-HAUL PR 1 v I LEGE UNDER THE GENERAL POL | CY OF RESTR CTED IMPORTS, H THERTo APPLY ING on Y To conven ENT Ports N EuroPE, To APPLY UNDER THE same cond T tons To conven ENT MED TERRANEAN Ports N AFR cA. THE SHiPPing Control CoMMITTEE will DETERMINE what Ports ARE to Be consib- ERED AS CONVEN ENT WITH IN THE MEANING OF TH is REGULAT I ON. FuRTHERMoRE, IN INTERPRET NG THE List of conven ENT Ports For sh PMENT's FRoºm EuroPE, ANY SPAN isła or Portuguese Port MAY BE construED To NCLUDE ADJAcENT su-ANos 1 N THE MED ITERRANEAN SEA or N THE ATLANT ic 0cEAN noRTH of THE Grand Canaries BELoNG ING To THose count R Es. West | TALIAN or Sicit. An Ports MAY BE construED As NcLup Ng Ports in SAR- D IN IA AND other | TALIAN is ANDs LY ING To THE westward of THE WEst coast of | TALY. WANCE C. McCoRMick, CHA RMAN. (1752) M–198 - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- (COLUMN 1 - Cont NUED) (COLUMN 2 – Conti NUED) Mar NE ENGINEs AND PARTs (IND v D- MAR INE ENG INEs UAL L I CENSES NOT REQUIRED TO CANADA AND NEwfoundLAND For ENGINEs of 60 H.P. AND UNDER) Opt I call GLAss (Except BLANKs AND OPT I call slass D | SCS FOR SPECT ACLES, EYEGLASSES, AND READ ING GLAsses) OPT cAL LENses (Except spect AcLE, Ground LENses EYEGLAss, AND READING-GLAss LENses) OPTi call LENses PHoTographic cameRAs (vaLued AT PHoTographic eam=RAs over $25.00 Each) ARMs AND AMMUN i t on APPEAR N THE ExpoRT Conservat 1 on List of MAY 17, 1918, AND THEse GENERAL HEAD INGs ARE INTENDED To NcLUDE ALL ARMs AND AMMuN | T on, such As R FLEs, cARB | NEs, shotguns, RE- VOLVERS, P 1 STOLS, ETC , , AND CARTR DGES, SHOT GUN SHELLS, $HOT IN BULK, FERCUS$ 1 ON CAPS, ETC. UNDER THE HEAD ING of Wood (AsH, B Rch, CHEstnut, F I R T IMBER, MA-og ANY, Oak, QueerAcHo, SPRuce, AND WALNut), As i T APPEAR’s iN THE ExpoRT CoNservat on List of MAY 17, THE Fol Low NG ARE INCLUDED: L06S – T | MBER, Round, HEWN, sawBD, sº DED or squaRED, LUMBER - MANUE ActureD IN ALL D MENs on sizes For commeRo AL uses, | NCLUDING WOODS SU I TABLE FOR GUN STOCKS, AI RPLANE PROPELLER BLADES, VENEERS FOR A RPLANE AND HYDROPLANE BOD ES, AI RPLANE AND HYDROPLANE FRAMES, ORDNANCE CONSTRUCTION, AND WOOD HANDLES FOR TOOLS NECESSARY FoR WAR suppl Es; WALNUT, MAHOGANY, OR B RCH WooD CUT FOR PARQUET FLOOR ING . PARTLY MANUFACTURED ART ICLES IN AN UNF 1 Nished shAPE THAT ARE to BE COMPLETED INTO A F | N I SHED ART I CLE AT THE POI NT OF DEST NAT 1 ON when MADE FRow THe speci Fi ED woops, such as K/D DEsks AND BARRELs, FURN | TURE STOCK, PARQUET FLOQR NG, COOPERAGE, ETC. |ND v DuAL Licenses ARE NOT REqui Red For CoMPLETELY MANUFActured Art I clies MADE of woods speci Fi ED Above, such As DEsks, FURNI TurE, BARRELS, CASKS, ETC , , WHEN EXPORTED TO CANADA AND NEwFoundLAND. WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. (M-194-s) (W. T. B.R. 153) 1918. War Trade Board WASHINGTON EXPORTS TO CERTAIN "ENEMIES". IN SWIZERLAND AUTHORIZED Owing To THE FAct THAT THE RAT I on 1 Ng AGREEMENT of DEcEMBER 5, 1917, RELAT ING To ExPorts From THE UNITED STATEs To SwitzERLAND, Provides THAT THE D is TRIBUT 1 on 1 N Swi TzERLAND of THE ART I clies ExPort ED UNDER THE AGREE- MENT shal-L BE governed BY THE RULES AND statutes of THE Societe Suisse DE SURVE LLANce (usual LY REFERRED To as THE S.S.S.); AND owing to THE FuRTHER FAct THAT ceRTA N Swiss F I RMs, who UNDER THE RULEs of THE S. S. S. ARE ENT TLED To REce i ve sh PMENTs of AMER I can Goods, FALL witHiiN THE DEF 1 - NIT low of "ENEMI Es, " witH WHOM TRAD ING is PRoH B TED BY THE TRAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act ExceFT UNDER LicensE FROM THE WAR TRADE BoARD, THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAs issued A GENERAL LicensE PERMITT NG AMER I can ExPorters to MAKE sH | PMENTS TO SUCH F I RMS QF RAT | ONED COMMOD | T | ES W I THOUT OETA 1 N NG AN IN - Div 1 DUAL ENEMY TRADE L cFNse cover NG THE TRANs Act 1 on, PRov DED certa | N cond IT ſons ARE compli ED WITH. TH is AUTHoR zAT I on is set ForTH IN THE WAR TRADE BoArD rul I NG (W. T. B. R. 153), which Fol Lows: "A GENERAL LicensE is GRANTED To ALL PERsons, F I RMs, or corporations N THE UNITED STATEs. To TRADE (BY ExpoRT ING MERCHAND I se To such ENEMY PERsons, F I RMs, or corporations AND BY RECE i v i NG PAYMENT THEREFor ) witH, For, or on Account of such ENEMY' PERson, F1 RM, or corporation As BY THE TERMs of ART cle 3 of THE statuTEs of THE S. S. S. MAY Not BE ExcLupe D FROM THE BENEF it of receiving commodi Ties From THE S.S.S. - "TH is License shALL BE sueuecT To EACH of THE Fol Low ING conDºi Tions: "A. THE ExpoRTAT 1 on or shi PMENT of ANY such MErcHAND ise out of the UNITED STATEs shal-L BE AUTHorized BY A Dul-Y issued Export License; "B. Such PAYMENTs shALL BE MADE To THE PERson, F1 RM, or corporation N THE UNITED STATEs ENT TLED THERETo on Y THRough A DEALER DULY LicensED BY THE FEDERAL REserve BoARD Pursuant To THE Executive ORDER of January 26, 1918; "C. Such TRAD ING shal-L BE LIMITED To THE DEL i very To such enemy' OF COMMOD I T | ES OR ART I CLES ENUMERATED IN THE SEVERAL Scº-EDULES ANNEXED To sa D MEMORANbum of DEcEMBER 5, 1917, sus.JEct To THE cond it ions of said MEMORANDUM, AND THE REce PT of PAYMENT THEREFor; "D, PR or to REce PT of PAYMENT BY THE PERson, F , RM, or cor- Poration IN THE UNITED STATEs, A cert F1 cate shall. BE issued N puplicate E THER BY THE S. S. S. or BY A DEALER on Y. Licensed BY THE FEDERAL REserve BoARD Pursuant to THE Executive ORDER of JAN- uary 26, 1918, or BY A Fore GN correspondent of such DEALER, who HAS S GNED THE DECLARAT I ON REQUIRED TO BE S I GNED BY SA D ORDER, cERT FY ING THAT such ENEMY' PERson, F I RM, or corporation is Entitler, TO RECEIVE AND HAS RECEIVED OR WILL RECEIVE DEL VERY QF SA | D com" MoD TY Pursuant To THE PRovisions of said ART I cle 3, AND specifying THE DESCRIPTION, CHARACTER, AND VALUE THEREOF, AND STAT ING THAT No OTHER CERT IF GATE HAS BEEN ISSUED cover NG THE SAME TRANSACTION: "E, THE PERson, F1 RM, or corporation in THE UNITED STATEs RECE | V | NG PAYMENT OR ENGAG ING IN SA D TRANSACTION SHALL RETA-IN on E of said DuPL cate coP Es AND Forwarp THE other coPY To THE FEDERAL ResERVE Board For Filing." WANCE C. McCormick, (1754) CHA RMAN. M-196 in --- - - - - - - (W. T. B.R. 156) July 1, 1918, VVAR TRADE BoARD #ASHINGTON REVOCATION DATE OF CERTAIN EXPORT LICENSES FOR UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, TALY, AND BELGIUM POST PONED TWO WEEKS T THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce ( IN A NEw Rul NG, W. T. B. R. 156), THAT ALL outstanding ExpoRT Licenses GRANTED on of BEFoRE MAY 14, 1918, FoR shi PMENT's To THE UNITED Ka Ngoom, FRANCE, ALY. AND BELG 1 una (Excluding THE IR co-ow Es, Possessions, AND PRorector An Es) will Not BE REvoked on July 1, 1918, As ANnounced on May 13, 1918 (W. T. B.R. 104; , But I Nsire Ao w LL BE Revoked on July 14, 1918. THEREFORE, L censes To ExPort To THE ABove MENT lowºp TERR ToR Es which we RE GRANTED on or Before MAY 14, 1918, Must BE used on of BEFoRE Jul Y 4, 1918, AFTER which they will Not Be v Aull D. Such Licenses shall BE DEEMED To Have BEEN used W TH IN THE PER Ot, OF THE 1 R VAL | D TY I F THE SH | PP NG DOCUMENT'S CONFORM TO THE FROM is ONS OF THE REGULAT I ONS GOVERN NG THE EXP I RAT I CN DATE OF EXPORT L I CENSES AS ANNounced June 29, 1918 (W. T. B.R. 152). ON AND AFTER JULY 15, 1918, Licenses to ExpoRT to THE ABove MENT oned tº RR Tor Es MAY BE used on Y PRovi pep THEY HAvs. eBEN issued on of AFTER MAY 15, 1918, Steamship compani Es ANd other cARR ERs shoul D Protect THEMselves sº DE- MAND ING FROM EXPORTERS SAT I SFACTORY EV 1 DENCE THAT ALL L-1 CENSEs FOR Sh; i PrºRNTS ro THE ABove MENT onep TERR toº Es which ARE to se used on of AFTER July 15, 1918, were GRANTED on or AFTER MAY 15, 1918. To cev 1 ATE DELAY's it is succested THAT sHIPPERs show on AL Four coPIEs of rBE R "SHIPPER's ExpoRT DEcºARAT ion." THE pare of the issuance of the License as well as THE Exei Ration DATE THEREOF. |F Licenses issued PR or to MAY 4, 1918, ARE Not To Be used BEFore July 14, 1918, ExpoRTERs MAY make APPL lication For New Licenses. In such cases APPRo- PR ATE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEETS MUST BE AT TACHED, AND THE APPLICATION Fºll ED THRough the Mission N THE UNITED STATEs of THE country to which the Exportation is To BE MADE, IN THE MANNER PREscR1 BED sy. THE WAR TRAbs BoARD |N THE ANNounceMENT of MAY 13, 1918 (W. T. B.R. 104), ATTENT on is cal_LED To THE ANNounceMENT MADE MAY 15, 1918 (W. T. B. R. 113), witH REspect To small shi PMENTs of Less THAN $100 IN value. To THE UNITED KINGoom, FRAN-E, TALY, AND BELG UM (Excluding THE IR colonies, Possessions, (1753-1) (M-199A) 3º (W. T. B.R. 162) JULY 10, 1918. War Trade Board WASHINGTON PART | AL SH | PMENTS ON EXPORT LI CENSES THE WAR TRADE BoARD DIRECTs THE ATTENT on of shi PPERs to THE FAct THAT THE NEW PROCEDURE COVER NG PART I AL SH | PMENTS ON EXPORT L CENSES AS ANNOUNCED N THE Rules AND REGULAT ſons of THE WAR TRADE BoARD No. 2, MAY, 1918, WILL BE operative on AND AFTER JULY 10, 1918. IH is PRocedure was F I Rst ANNounced As BE ING EFFECT ve June 1, But TH is tº ATE HAs BEEN changed to Jul-Y 10, As NoTED ABove. HERETofore PART AL shi FMENTs FROM NTER or Po INTs, or AT PoRTs of EXIT WHERE THE LI CENSE | TSELF COULD NOT BE READ LY PRESENTED I HAVE BEEN MADE BY MEANs of A spec AL PART AL sº PMENT ceRT F cate sworn To BEFoRE, A NoTARY Public or A CERT F cate oF TRANsfe R DRAWN BY A Col Lector of Customs. THE use of THEss ForMs, EAB-23 AND WIB - 176, wi LL BE Disconti NUED, AND on AND AFTER JULY 1.0 PART I AL SH | PMENTS AGA NST EXPORT L I CENsº S MAY EE MADE | N THE FOLLOW ING MANNER EXCEPT IN |NSTANCES WHEN THE L I CENSE ITSELF CAN BE PRESENTED AT THE PORT OF EX I T : IHE shi PPER will L PREPARE A SHiPPER's ExPort Declaration N ouauru- PL CATE AND WILL END ORSE UFON THE BACK OF THE L E CENSE : N THE SPACE PROVIDED FOR THE Purpose THE FULL DETA Ls of THE PART AL sha PMENT He pest Res to MAKE, HE will THEN PREsent THE DEcLARAT I on (4 coP Es) AND THE L iceNss (w TH THE PART 1 AL sh P- MENT ENDorseMENT on THE BAck) to ANY PostMAster of THE First or secono class or to A Collector of Customs, THE PostMAster or collector to whom THE PAPERs ARE PRESENTED WILL COMPARE THEM, AND F THEY AGREE N FACT, THAT OFF , C I AL WILL COUNTERS GN AND DATE THE PART AL SH 1 PMENT END QRSEMENT ON THE BACK OF THE L H CENSE AND will stamp ALL Four coP ºs of THE SH | PPER's ExFort DEcLARAt on witH AN or - Fict At PARTIAt-shi PMENT stamp AND sign AND FLACE Hits seal on such stamp, Hs- will then Return THE LicensE AND ALL Four coP Es of THE DEcLARAT I on to the sH PPER. THE Col LEctoR of Customs AT Port of Exit will ALLow THE PART 1 AL ski P- MENT To Proceep UPon PREsent AT I on of THE DEcLARAT I on, so staMPED, si GNED AND SEALED. Sai PPER's Located in cities where THERE ARE No Col Lectors of Customs, BUT WHERE THE POST OFF I CES ARE OF THE FIRST OR SECOND CLASS, MAY COMMUNI CATE W 1 TH THE IR POSTMASTER AND ASCERTAIN AT WHI chº POST-OFF , CE STAT I ON, F MORE THAN one, AND At which winbow TH is service will Be RENDEREp, THE ATTENT ion of sH | PPERS is cal_LED TO THE FACT THAT POSTMASTERS IN C T | ES WHERE IN ARE LOCATED Collectors of Customs will Not ExERcise TH is AuTHoR iTY, SH1 PPERs in such c | T Es MAY apply to a Col LEctor of Customs. WANcE C. McCoRMick, CHAirMAN. - AF -2'- 30.5 ° º: - AND PROTECTORATES , . THE DATE of THE W r HoRAwal of THE Author TY of Collectors of Customs. To License such sh, PMENT's HAs KEwise BEEN Postponed For A PER od of Two weeks. Licenses of TH is chARAcTER issue D BY Col LEcTors on or BEFoRE JULY 14, 1918, shALL BE DEEMED To HAVE BEEN use D witH IN THE PER (op of THE R v AL it TY |F THE SH | PF | NG DOCUMENT'S CONFORM TO THE PROV S | ONS OF THE REGULAT | ONS GOVERN ING THE ExP RAT I on DATE of ExPort L ice NSEs, As ANNounced June 29, 1918 . . . . . B. R. 152), THE ATTENT on of ExPort ERs of cotton is call_ED TO THE FACT THAT THE WAR TRADF BoARD HAVE L | KEW SE POST PONED FOR A PER OD OF TWO WEEKS THE EX- P RAT I on DATE of THE SPEc AL cFNse Issue D THROUGH THE Customs SERV I ce, UNDER which sh PMENTs of RAW cotton, ExceFT ING SEA su AND AND Egypt AN coſton, HAve BEEN Proceed ING To THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, AND JAFAN. T.H is spec AL License. Now E . P : REs on Jul Y 14, 1918, RAw coTTon shALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN SHIPPED witH IN THE PER lop of THE VALID TY or TH is spec AL L cFNse IF THE SH | PP | NG ſ O.J. UMENT'S CONF ORM TO THE PROV S I ONS OF THE REGULAT | ONS GOVERN | NG THE ExP IRAT I on DATE of ExPort LicensEs As ANNOUNCED June 29, 1918 (W. T. B. R. 152). SH | PMENTs of RAW coſton which cannoT BE sh PPED AGA NST TH is spec AL LicensE UNDER THE ABove PRov is ſons will REQUIRE i ND V | DUAL L CENSEs, APFL I - cAT ions For such Licenses to shi P. To THE UNITED KINGDom of To France Must Be AG COMPAN ED BY APPROPRIATE Su FFLEMENTAL | NFORMAT | ON SHEETS AND Muss T B E F LED THRough THE Mission N THE UNITED STATEs of THE count RY. To which THE ExPORTATION IS TO BE MADE, IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD in THE ANNounceMENT of MAY 13, 1918 W, T, B, R, 104). PART | cul-AR ATTENT I on Is D RECTED TO THE FACT T-AT THE ANNounce MENT of MAY 13, 1918 W. T. B. R. 104), REFERs only To sh PMENT's To THE UNITED KINGDom, FRANCE, TALY, AND BELG | M. (Exclub ING THE IR colon Es, FossEssions, AND PRotector ATEs), SºMMAR z ING THE Forego NG, THE REvocation of LicensEs which will TAKE PLACE on Jul Y 14, 1918, UNDER TH is RULING AFFEcTs on LY- (1) ALL LicensEs GRANTED on or BEFoRE MAY 14, 1918, To ExpoRT To THE UNITED Kingdom, FRANCE – FALY, or BELG LUM (Exclub ING THE IR colon Es, Possessions, AND PRotector ATEs), (2) THE spec AL LicensE issue D THRough THE Customs SERV I ce unpER which sh PMENTs of Raw cotton HAVE BEEN PRoceed Ng to THE UN TED Kingpom, FRANCE, AND JAPAN AND THE IR colon Es, PossEssions, AND PROTECTORATEs. THERE HAs BEEN No MoD IF cAT I on of THE RU No issued on MAY 31, 1918 (W, T, B. R., 122 , which REvoked TH is spec AL L. Ice Nse so FAR As conce RNED EXPORT's of Raw cotton To | TALY. (3) THE LIcewsEs issued THRough THE Customs SERV I ce. To ExPort sH | PMENTs or Less THAN onE Hunprep pou LARs in vaLus To THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, TALY, AND BELG LUM ExcLUDING THE IR colon Es, PossEss I ONS, AND ProTector ATEs). VANCE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN. (1753–2) M-199-B *— ==> º º (W. T. B.R. 167) WAR TRADE Bo ARD JULY 16, 1918. WASHINGTON ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST . THE WAR TRAt E. BoARD ANnounce THE ADD T on of THE Fol Low NG commod 1 - TIEs to THE ExpoRT Conservation List, EFFECT ve. July 16, 1918: BEveRAGEs, NoNALcohol ic, conta Ning sugar. º FILMs, As Fol Lows: - Movi NG-P cTURE AND other PHoToGRAPH ic FILMs, UNExPos=D, ExPos=D BUT UN- DEVELoPED, AND EXPoseo AND DEVELoPED. ( IND v DuAL LicensEs Not REoul RED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For Exposed AND DEVELOPED FILMs. ) Movi NG-P1 cTURE AND other PHoToGRAPH1 c FILMs, UNExPos=D, Exposed BUT UNDEveL- of ED, AND Exposed AND DevELoPED. ( Individual Licenses NoT REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For ExPos=D AND DEveLope D F : LMs. ) NoNALcohol- 1 c BEveRAGEs, contain NG sucAR. PHosphorous SEsquisul-PHIDE, X-2. ProtoGRAPH ic F LMs, incLUD ING Mov NG-F cTuRE FILMs, unexposed, ExPosed BuT UNDEVELoPED, AND EXPosed AND DEVELoPED. ( IND I v. DuAL LiceNSEs NoT REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For ExPosed AND DEVELOPED F : LMs. ) PHoToGRAPH1 c PLATEs, UNEXPosed, EXPosed BUT UNDEVELOPED, AND EXPOsgD AND DE- veloped. ( IND i v i DuAL Licenses NoT REou RED to CANADA AND NewFoundLAND For Exposed AND DEVELoPEp PLATEs. ) PLATEs, PHorocRAPH | c. UNExPos=b, EXPosºp BUT UNDEVELoPED, AND EXPosep AND DEveLoped. ( INo vidual Licenses Not REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For Exposed AND DEVELoPED PLATEs. ) SEsquisul PH IDE, PHosphorous, X-2. STEARINE, X-1. THE MoD IF cAT ions to THE ExpoRT Conservation List, As shown Below, HAve BEEN ADoPTEp, ALso EFFECT we July 16, 1918. TEMs ListED IN column 1 NcLupe THE NEW MoD IF i cat ions AND should BE susst i Tuted For THE cor- Responding TEMs in column 2: - - COLUMN 1. - COLUMN 2. - - EFFECT i ve July 16, 1918. - ExpoRT Conse RVAT on List, MAY 17, 1918. MED 1 c 1 NEs, PATENT or otherwis , F MED 1 c 1 NEs, PATENT, CONTAIN ING ANY INGREDIENT ON ExpoRT Conservation List other THAN ALCOHOL , PATENT MED lic INEs, IF contal NING PATENT MED cines, ANY incred ENT on ExpoRT Conser- v.AT 1 on List other THAN ALcohol, PROPRIETARY compounds, IF contal N- PROPRIETARY compounds, ING ANY INGREDIENT on ExpoR CoN- sERVAT I on List other THAN ALcohol, VANCE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN, M–212 ºr is, T. CURRECTED COPY is sis. ºr War Trade Board 30.30 43 º WASHINGTON - ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST. THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADD IT ion of THE Fol Low ING commod 1 - T Es. To THE ExPort Conservation L is T, EFFECT i ve July 16, 1918: BEver Aces, NoNALcohol ic, conta N ING sugaR. Films, as Fol Lows: Mov NG - Picture AND other PHoToGRAPH ic FiLMs, UNExPos=D, ExPosed BUT UN- DeveLopFD, AND EXPos=D AND DEVELoPED. ( IND I v IDUAL LiceNses NoT REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For ExPos=D AND DEVELoPED FILMs. ) Movi Nc-P cTURE AND othº R PHoTographic F LMs, UNExPos=D, ExPosed BUT UNDEveL- of ED, AND Exposed AND PEve-of-ED-(+NDIVIDUAL LicensEs NoT REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For Exposed AND DEveLoped FiLMs. ) NoNALcoholic BEveRAGEs, contal Ni NG sucAR. PHosphorous SEsoul sul-PH DE, X-2, PHorocRAPH ic FILMs, INCLUDING Mov NG-P cTURE FILMs, UNExPosen, ExPosed BUT - UNDEveLoped, AND Exposed AND DEveLoped. ( IND I v i puAL LicensEs NoT REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEwFoundLAND For Exposed AND DeveLoped FILMs, ) PHotographic PLATEs, UNExposed, ExPos=D BUT UNDEVELoPED, AND Exposed AND DE- veLoped, ( IND v DuAL LicensEs Not REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For ExPosed AND DEVELoPED PLATEs, ) PLATEs, PhotocRAPH ic, UNExposed, Exposed But undeveloped, AND exposed AND DEve LoPED. ( IND vidual LicensEs Not Reoul RED to CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For ExPos=D AND DEveLoped PLATEs. ) SEsquisul PH ide, PHosphorous, X-2. STEAR in E, X-1. THE MoD IF cAT ions To THE ExpoRT Conservation List, As shown BELow, HAve Bren ADoFTED, ALso EFFEctive Jul Y 16, 1918. TEMs ListED IN col_UMN | | NoLupe THE NEw MoD Fications AND shoul D BE sues.T TuTED For THE cor– REs Pond iNG | TEMs N column 2: - COLUMN 1. COLUMN 2. EFFECT ve July 16, 1918. ExPort CoNSERVAT I on List, MAY 17, 1918. MED icines, PATENT or otherwise, F MED icines, PATENT . CONTAIN ING ANY INGRED 1 ENT ON ExPort Conse Rv At 1 on List other THAN ALCOHOL . PATENT MED lic NEs, IF contal NING PATENT MED lic NEs. ANY INGRED ENT on ExpoRT Conser– v.AT I on List other THAN ALcohol. PRoPR ETARY compounds, 1F contal N- PROPRIETARY compounds. NG ANY NGREDIENT on ExPort Con- sERVAT I on List other THAN ALcohol, VANCE C. McCoRMick, CHAIRM N. M–212 - - - - º 4 3 2. (W. T. B.R. 178) July 29, 1918, WAR TRADE BOARD WAsH NGTon REGULATIONS GOVERNING EXPORTATION OF MANUFACTURES OF GOLD THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADoPT I on of THE Fol Low NG REGULA- T ions witH REs PEct To r-E ExPortAT I on of GoLD JEWELRY, GoLD WATCHEs, GoLo PLATE, AND ALL other MANUFActures of GoLo: 1. ON AND AFTER Jul-Y 29, 1918, No LicensE will BE issued AuT, R- iz NG THE ExpoRTAT I on of GoLD JEWELRY, GoLD WATCHEs, GoLD PLATE, or : THER MANUFActures of GoLD UNLEss Evi DENCE sat isFactory To THE WAR TRADE BoARD | S SUBM 1 TTED SHOW ING THAT THE F. O. B. SELL ING FR CE OF THE ART I CLES TO BE EXPORTED IS NOT LESS THAN THREE TIMES THE VALUE OF THE FINE GO C. CoNTA 1 NEP | N SUCH ART | CLES, 2. However, ExceFT ions MAY BE MADE To THE ABove ...EGULAT I on, iF Evil DENcE sat isf Actory. To THE WAR TRADE BoARD is sueMi TTED show ing THAT THE GoLD JEWELRY, GoLD WATCHEs, GoLD PLATE, or other MANUFactures of GoLD To BE EXPORTED WERE ACTUALLY MANUFACTURED FOR THE SOL PURPOSE OF EXPORT, PRI or to July 29, 1918. Licenses MAY BE issued For THE ExPortAT I on of SUCH ART I CLES PROVIDED THE F , Ø, B, SELL ING PR CE OF SUCH ART I CLES IS NOT LESS THAN TW I GE THE VALUE OF THE F | NE GOLD CONTA | NED THERE IN AND THE EX- PortAT ion of same is MADE on or BEFoRE SEPTEMBER 1, 1918. 3. Notwi THst AND NG THE pate oF MANUFActure For Ex or T, THERE MAY BE ExpoRTED AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 1918, only such MANUFActures of GoLo THE F. C. B., SELL | NG FR I CE OF WH | CH IS NOT LEs S THAN THREE TIMES THE VALUE OF THE F | NE GOLD CONTA INED THERE I N. 4, APPL cat ions For License to Export DENTAL GoLe ANo ALL MANu- FACTURES OF GOLD WHEN THE SAME CONTA IN PLAT | NUM, RI DI UM, RHODI UM, OR FALL ADI UM MAY RE CONS 1 DERED ONLY WHEN THE REGULATIONS GOVERN ING THE EX- PORTAT I ON OF THE LATTER NAMED METALS ARE COMPL I RD WITH, WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. M–228 (W. T., B.R. 179) July 29, 1918. VVAR TRADE EOAFD WASHING ON RESTRICT ON UPON |MPORTATION OF BANANAS AND PLANTA|NS THE WAR TRADE BoARD Have DEc DED THAT No License will HEREAFTER BE ISSUED FOR THE IMPORTAT I ON OF BANANAS OR PLANTA I NS EXCEPT UPGN cond T | ON THAT THEY BE BROUGHT FORWARD ON A VESSEL APPROVED FOR THAT PURPOSE BY THE CAR BBEAN Commi TTEE of THE SHiPP NG Control CoMMITTEE of THE U. S. Shippi Ng BoARD. WANCE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN. (M-229) VVAR TRADE EOARD - WASHINGTON AUGUST 3, 1918, COMMOD | TY L | ST FOR EUROPEAN HOLLAND AND DENMARK PROPER THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADoPT on of THE Fol Low ING REGU- LAT I ons w TH RESPECT To THE ExPortAT I on of cert A N commD | T | Es. To EUROPEAN Holl AND AND DENMARK PROPER: (1) THE L 1st of commod T | Es which w LL BE cons DERED For ExPort A- T on To EuroPEAN Hol LAND AND DENMARK PRoPER HAs BEEN REv is ED. APPL cat ſons FOR L J CENSES TO EXPORT THE COMMOD | T | ES AS L | STED BELOW WILL NOW BE G | VEN CONS I DERAT I ON, PREvious ANNounceMENTs w TH REs PEcT To such commod T | Es (W. T. B.R. 50, FEBRUARY 20, 1918; W. T. B.R. 96, APRIL 20, 1918; W. T. B.R. 118, MAY 22, 1918; W. T. B.R. 146, June 20, 1918) ARE HEREBY w THDRAWN. (2) THE List of commod T | Es WH ich w LL Now BE cons DERED For ExpoR- . TAT I on to EuroPEAN Hol LAND AND DENMARK PROPER ADD ING AND calcul-AT ING MACHINEs ALABAstER For statuary ART ists' MATER ALs, ExcLUDING O LS AND TURPENT | NE ATHLET ic Goods, NoT contal NiNG RUBBER OR LEATHER AutoMoB LEs (PAssenger), Bicycles, MOTOR CYCLES AND SPARE PARTS OF . But No T REs AND No Accessor i Es BUTToNs, Bone of HoRN CARPETs, or ENTAL, of H 1 GH vaLue CAsH REG I stERs CH INA CHINA clay CLocks, INCLUDING clocks For TIME chEck NG CLoTHING MADE UP of silk or Mixed si Lk CoRAL Cutlery; KN lives - TABLE, DEssert, º ButchERs', cooks', BREAD, CARV ING, POCKET, HUNTING, PA INTERs', PALETTE, sHoeMAKERs', PRun ins, BUDD ING, AND BOW IE ScissoRs STEEL Forks, TABLE AND carvi NG RAzors, NcLUDING safe.TY RAzors AND BLADES NOT CONTA N- NG NICKEL OR T | N - M-233-A | S AS FOLLOWS . AcETYLsAL cyLic Ac D Aconi TE, PURE AGAR ic N ALTHAEA Root AMi Dol AND suest ITUTEs ARGENTAMINE ARse Noel L N ARsenous Acid BAR I UM sul PHUR ic, PURE, FoR X-RAY BETA NAPTHoL BROMINE BUTYLCHLoRALHYDRATE CAMOMILE CHROM c Ac D D ETHYLEARB | TuR ic Acid DiG | TAL is EucAl NE FERR lic compounds FRU T of FENNEL HYDRoeRomic Acid | chthyol | NULA Root | Ron, REDuced KHARsev AN LEAVEs of HYoscy AMus METol NITRATE of silver 0P I UM ALKALoids PARALDEHYDE PHENAcET in E A/º DRugs - conti Nued SAL cyLic Acid Soo I UM ARseNATE Sod UM ERom DE SoD UM cacopyLATE SoD UM N TRoPRuss I DE SoD UM salicyLATE Sul-PHUR ic Acid WERoNAL DENTAL BURs, DENTAL FILL | NGs OTHER THAN SUCH AS CONTA N PL-AT | NUM OR OTHER RARE METALs D I AMONDs, other THAN INDUSTRIAL DYEs AND DYEstuffs EARTHENWARE ELEcTRoPLATED Goods AND s Lver- WARE CONTA IN ING NOT MORE THAN 5 PER cent Nickel or coPPER FEATHERs of H 1 GH vaLue FILMs, c | NEMA Flowers, ART IF c AL - FLower seeds, Except seeds of O || L-BEAR ING PLANTS Fount Al N PENs FuRs of H. GH vaLue GAUGE GLAsses GLAssware HAIR or NAMENT's AND comes, ExceFT SUCH AS ARE MANUFACTURED FROM CASE | NE OR COROZO HARDWARE For But LDERs F of RoN OR STEEL HATs, TRIMMED READY FoR use HATs, straw HouseHold FURNish NGs, FixTUREs, AND EQU FMENTS I F MANUFACTURED OF WOOD, I RON, OR STEEL JEWELRY, IMI TAT I on LAcEs, HANDMADE, such As MALTEse LEDGERs, Loose LEAF, AND slim LAR STAT | ONERY LEATHERs, M1 TAT I on, MADE UP For HATS Li GHT ING Flixtures F of RoN or STEEL MAcH | NERY: Cotton Goods MacH NERY LAUNDRY, NoT contal NING RUEBER OR COPPER SugaR REF Ni Ng MacH NERY SPARE or REPLACEMENT PARTs of PRINT ING FREsses Not contal N- |NG AN UNDUE PROPORT | ON OF COPPER, NICKEL, OR ANT IMONY TYPE-setTING AND TYPE-cast NG, EXCLUDING TYPE METAL a- --- tº -2- MARBLE For statuary MED cAL AND surgical APPLIANCEs, OTHER THAN THOSE CONTA 1 N | NG RUBEER MoRocco LEATHER, smal-L FANCY ART clies Music AL INSTRUMENTs, ExceFT when com- POSED ENT | RELY OR MA | NLY OF METALS OFF ce. FuRN TURE, Eou PMENT, AND SUPPL ES 0.1 L PAINT | NGs OPERA GLAsses For Use IN THEATERs PAPER MATER ALs, FAN.cx, FoR Book COVERS PHoNoor APHs, PHoNographic REcoRos PHotoGRAPH ic Goods PIANos PEN N Bs PERFUMERY, BUT NoT Essent AL o is P cTUREs, REPRODUCT ons of PREC ous stones, REAL AND IM TAT 1 on R BBon s : LK SILKs AND MANUFACTUREs THEREoF, Ex- cEPT GAzE A BLUTo R AND As AT ic S LK OR S I M LAR S I LK WHEREVER MANUFACTURED SALT cake SANI TARY WARE, PLUMBERs' Goods F QF | RON, STEEL, OR EARTHENWARE ScREW sR ANNER's For cyLE's SEw NG MACHI NEs ScALEs AND BALANCEs, NoT Ncuud NG WE GHTS OF COPPER OR BRASS SHRuss SPEcTAcLEs ToBAcco P : PEs TEETH, ART IF ic AL, ExceFT such As CONTA IN PLAT | NUM, I R L DI UM, OR OTHER RARE METALS Tooth BRUSHE's To LET PREPARAT I ons (Excuud NG soap) NOT | N T | N OR LEAD CONTA NERS AND NOT CONTA N ING MORE THAN 1 PER cent of GLYcER in E TR MMINGs, si Lk Toys TRUFFLEs, FRESH OR PRESERVED TYPEWR TERs AND spare PART's AND Ac- CESSOR ES, EXCEPT TYPEWR H TER R BBONS NOT CUT FOR USE AND EXCEPT R BBONS OVER TWO I NCHEs W I DE WALL PAPER WiNEs (3) (4) –3– PRosPEctive MPorters in EuroPEAN Holl AND should obta I N FROM THE NETHERLAND's Overseas TRUsT CoMPANY AN IMPORT cERT IF i cATE, UP on REce PT of THE cert F cate, THE IM- PORTER SHOULD NOT | FY THE PROSPECT | VE EXPORTER THAT SUCH A CERT | F I CATE HAS BEEN OBTA | NED AND ADV | SE HIM OF THE SER I AL NUMBER THEREoF, THE ExPort ER shoul-D THEREuPon APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, Bureau of ExpoRTs, WASHINGTON, D. C., FoR AN ExpoRT LiceNse, using APFL I cat I on ForM X AND such sup- FLEMENTAL INFORMAT | ON SHEETS CONCERN ING THE COMMOD 1 TY AS ARE REqui RED, AND, IN ADD IT on, FURN (sh on SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET X-102 THE GRoss WE GHT of THE PRoposed shi PMENT AND THE sERIAL NUMBER of THE IMPORT CERT IF cATE of THE NETHERLANDs Overseas TRust CoMPANY. - ALL sh PMENT's To EUROPEAN Hou LAND, ExcEFT THose cons GNED To THE Govern MENT of THE NETHERLANDs, MUsT BE cons GNED D RECTLY To AND only To THE NETHERLAND's Overse.As TRUsT CoMPANY (W, T, B, R. 77, MARCH 15, 1918). |N THE case of PROPosed sh PMENT's To DENMARK, THE PRosPEc- T | VE IMPORTER ABROAD F | RST SHOULD OBTA | N AN | MPORT CERT | F | -- cATE FROM THE MERCHANTs' Gul Lo of CoPENHAGEN or THE DANI sh CHAMBER of MANUFActureRs, WHEN TH is cert IF i cate is RE- CE | VED, THE FROSPECT | VE IMPORTER SHOULD ADVISE THE EXPORTER N THE UNITED STATEs of THE serl AL NUMBER. APPL cat on For ExPort L censEs should BE MADE on APPL cAT I on ForM X, AND THE AFPL | CANT SHOULD ATTACH THERETO THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLE- MENTAL INForMAT I on sheets, AND ALso SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEET X-105, upon WHich should se NotED THE MERCHANTs' Gul LD of CoPENHAGEN, or THE DAN ish CHAMER of MANUFActureRs' IMPORT CERT IF cate SER AL NUMBER. Such sh PMENT's NEED Not BE cons GNED To THE MERCHANTs' Gut LD of CoPENHAGEN or THE DAN is H CHAMBER of MANUFActure Rs, suT MAY BE cons GNED To AN IND | V | DUAL . (5) LicensEs will BE VALID only For shi PMENT on vessels FLY ING THE FLAG OF THE COUNTRY TO WH | CH COMMOD I T | ES ARE DEST | NED . WANcE C. McCormick, CHAirMAN, M–233–C (W, T, B.R. 184) Aug 21 1918 August 3, 1918, VVAR TRADE EOARD WAsH ING Ton REVISED PROCEDURE FOR LI CENSING SHIPMENTS FOR EXPORTATION TO OR THROUGH THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, I TALY, AND BELGIUM EFFECT . VE AUGUST 12, 1918 (1) THE WAR TRADE BoARn, AFTER consul-TAT I on W1 TH THE UNITED States Food ADMIN 1st RAT I on, THE UNITED STATEs WAR INDustri Es BoARD, AND THE WAR Mission" of Tºg respective EURoPEAN ALL i ED Governments, Announce THE Apoption of A simpli F ED PRockDURE, EFFEcT i ve August 12, 1918, FoR THE issuance of ExpoRT Licenses For shi PMENTs which ARE- (A) DEst into To THE UNITED KINGDom, FRANCE, I TALY, or BELGIUM (ExcLUDING THE IR coloni Es, Possessions, AND PRoi EcroRATEs), El THER DI REcTLY or BY WAY of ANY or HER COUNTRY OR COLONY : OR (B) DEsri NED to ANY count RY or coLoNY BY WAY of THE UNITED KINGDoM, FRANCE, I TALY, or BELG UM, ExceFT ING sHiPMENTs. DEsti NED To SwitzErLAND BY WAY of FRANCE or | TALY. (2) The Purposes of THE New Procepurs are to save ship tonnace AND TO PREVENT THE USELESS CoºlSUMPſ I ON OF MATER I AL AND LABOR BY PRE- VENT ING THE MANUFACTURE QF ART I CLES WH | CH MAY Not Bº EXPORTED OR which THE Government of THE count RY of pºsſ I NAT I on does NoT wish to HAVE IMPORTED, (3) WAR TRAPE BoARD RULING 104, DATED MAY 13, 1918, DEscR IB ING THE OLD PROCEDURF, WILL BE RESCI NDED AND SUPERSEDED BY THIS NEW PROCEDURE on August 12, 1918, APFL I cat lons F I LED PRI or To THAT DATE IN AccordANCE WITH THE OLD PROCEDURE WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR CONSIDERAT I ON, (4) APPL lications For Licenses Filso on AND AFTER AUGUST 12, 1918, To EXPORT ANY COMMOD 1 TY TO THE DEST INAT I ONS AND I tº THE MANNER MENT | ONED Aeove in PARAGRAPHs (A) AND (B), wil-L BE REFused if THE APPL cant, subsequently to August 12, 1918, AND PRI or to THE issuance of THE License APPLIED FOR, SHALL PURCHATE OR OTHERWISE ACQUI tºº. OR COMMENCE TO MANUFACTURE or PRODUCE OR F | T THE ARTICLES SPECIF I RD IN THE APPL I CAT I on FOR THE FULF LL- MENT OF A SPECIFIC EXPORT ORDER, (5) ON AND AFTER August 12, 1918, APPL car ions For Licenses to EXPORT ANY COMMOD 1 TY TO THE DEST INATIONS AND IN THE MANNER MENT | ONED ABove in PARAGRAPHs (A) AND (B) Must include one of EACH of THE FOLLOWING PAPERS, PROPERLY EXECUTED : M-232-A _ - -2- */ (A) AN APPL cat on on ForM X, To WHich shoul-D BE ATTACHED 3. (B) Such SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT 1 on SHEETs. As MAY BE REqu RED BY THE RULEs AND REGULAT ions of THE WAR TRADE BoARD To BE USED IN CONNECT I ON WITH SH | PMENTS OF CERTAIN COMMOD | T | ES or shi PMENTs to cerTAIN count R Es (As ForM X-1, X-2, ET.c.); (c) A NEW SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT 1 on SHEET, FoRM X-115. (6) IN FoRM X-115 THE APPL cANT is REQUIRED To Give ceRTA IN INFORMA- T | ON AND MAKE CERTAIN AGREEMENTS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PURPOSES ABOVE MENT 1 on ED, APPL cANTs Must ALso show THEREoN THAT PERMI ss I on To IMPORT of PURcHAse (I F REoul RED) HAs BEEN DULY GRANTED BY THE Government of THE ALL | ED country To or THROUGH WHſ ch THE sh PMENT is To BE MADE, AFPL cAT I ons For Licenses To ExPort To FRANCE MUsT HAVE ATTAcHED THERETo A coPY of THE FRENcH Government "ATTEs.TAT I on". (7) APPL cAT ſons F LED witH X-115 ATTAcHED SHOULD BE MA LED Di RECTLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, Washi NGToN, D. C. THEY wil-L THEN BE REFERRED BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD To THE WAR Mission of THE ALL ED country To or THRough WHIch THE shil PMENT is To BE MADE, AND To THE UNITED STATES WAR INDUsTR Es BoARD or To THE UNITED STATEs Food ADMIN is TRAT I on, F NEcEssary, AND THESE APPL licAT I ons wil-L BE cons DERED BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN Accord ANce witH ITs RULEs AND REGULAT ions, TH is will L REL I Eve A PPL I CANTS FOR EXPORT L I CENSES FROM THE NECESS TY OF APFLY ING TO THE WAR Missions, to THE WAR INDUsTR Es BoARD, or To THE Food ADMIN 1st RAT I on, As REout RED BY WAR TRADE BoARD RUL ING No. 104. (8) ExpoRT LiceNses issued UNDER TH is PRocedure will BE VAL ID For N i NETY DAY's. IN UNusual cases THE WAR TRADE BoARD will GRANT LicensEs FOR LONGER PER ODS F FROM THE NATURE OF THE BUS INESS A REAL NECESS I TY | S SHOWN TO EX | ST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH L I CENSES, (9) REAPPL cAT ions For LiceNses to TAKE THE PLAcE of ExF I R ING or EXF I RED L I CENSES, ISSUED E | THER UNDER THE REVISED PROCEDURE ABOVE DE- scrl BED or UNDER THE PRocedure ANNounced in WAR TRADE BoARD RULING 104, DATED MAY 13, 1918, should NcLUDE THE PAPERs MENT Ioned IN PARAGRAPH (5) ABOVE AS NECESSARY FOR AN OR I G | NAL APPL CAT I ON, WI TH THE EXCEPT | ON THAT ForM X-115 should BE om TTED AND ForM X-8 (As REvised on August 1, 1918) SHOULD BE ADDED, - (10) | T is THE Policy of THE WAR TRADE BoARD to Discourage AND PRE- VENT EXPORTERS PURCHAS ING, MANUFACTUR ING, OR PRODUC ING ART | CLES FOR THE FULF LLMENT OF SPEC I F 1 C EXPORT ORDERS UNT | L AN APPROPRIATE EXPORT L I CENSE HAS BEEN ISSUED. . THE ATTENT | ON OF THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAS BEEN DI RECTED TO A NUMBER OF INSTANCES IN WH | CH MANUFACTURERS BEFORE OBTA|N ING EXPORT L I CENSES HAVE MADE ART I CLES FOR SPECIFIC EXPORT ORDERS WH | CH WERE USELESS For Domestic consumption But which UNDER THE REGULAT ions of THE WAR TRADE BoARD could Not se ExPorted, T is Essent AL For THE PROPER conservation of commod Ti Es in THE UNITED STATEs THAT TH is PRAct ice BE stopFED, AND IT Is THE Purpose of THE WAR TRADE BoARD To REFuse LicensEs To ExpoRTERs WHO V OLATE THIS POLICY. WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. M-232–B //~ 703 & A3. VVAR TRADE BOARD Washington (W. T., B.R. 181) August 5, 1918. |ND| V | DUAL |MPORT LICENSES REQUIRED FOR SUGAR, WHEAT, AND WHEAT PRODUCTS For THE PURPoses of Fac L TAT ING THE ENForceMENT, N THE STATEs ALong THE CANAD 1 AN BoRDER, of THE REGULAT ſons of THE Food Administration witH REspect to sal-Es of sugaR, WHEAT, AND WHEAT PRoducts, THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAve issued THE Follow NG RULING: ON AND AFTER August 1, 1918, sugar, wheat, ANC witHAT PRooucts MAY Not BE IMPoRTED INTo THE UNITED STATEs Except unpER AN i No 1 v DuAL MPort License issued BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD; AND, Accord Nº Y, THE GENERAL LI CENSE HERETOFORE ISSUED, AUTHOR | 2 | NG THE IMPORTAT QN WITHOUT ND | V | DUAL LI CENSES OF SMALL QUANT | T | ES OF THESE COMMOD ! T | ES, HAS BEEN REvoked As of August 1, 1918. THE CANAD AN AUTHOR T Es Have taken s : M LAR Act 1 on BY PRo- His it NG THE ExPortAT I on FROM CANADA NTo THE UN red STATEs of sucAR, wheat, AND wheat PRobucts Except under AN i No 1 v DuA CANAb An ExpoRT LicensE. VAnce C. McCormick, CHAirMAN. (W, T, B.R., 185) August 5, 1918, NEW IMPORT RUL|NG WITH RESPECT TO COUNTRY OF JR G|N THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAve issued THE Following rut. , Ng witH ResPEct to the or i G IN of THose ART icles NcLUDE IN THE L ists gF Restricted IMPorts WHICH, WNDER CERTAIN COND I T | ONS, MAY BE_1 - - From convent ENT EuroPEAN or MEpi TerrANEAN North African ports: |N EveRY case where it is Provideo By the Mport Restrict ions that Licenses MAY BE issuer, FoR THE IMPORTAT 1 on of Restrictet, ARt clies From CANADA or Mexico or conven ENT EuroPEAN Ports or convent ent MEpiteRRANEAN North AFR I can Ports, such censes shall ge. Issued only when THE ARTICLES PROPOSED TO BE IMPORTED HAVE OR G | NAT5E OR, N THE CUSTOMARY cour*SE OF TRADE, HAVE BEEN MANUFACTURED OR SUBSTANT HAL.E.Y RNHANCEO N VALUE BY MANUFACTURING PROCESSES- (A) | N THE case of IMPORTAT tons FROM CANAoA. IN CANADA; (s) |N THE case of IMPortAt ſons FRQM Mexico, in Mexico; (c) |N THE case of MPortAT tons From convenient Euro- PEAN Ports AND conven ENT Mept TERRANEAN North AFR cAN Ports, in Europe or MediterraNEAN Nort AFRica. WANGE. C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. M-235 EA OR MEX co or VVAF TRADE EOARD WashingtoN (W. T. B. R., 191) August 9, 1918, EXPORTS TO SWEDEN THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THAT APFL I cat ſons WILL Now BE cons DERED For THE ExpoRTAT on of ALL commod T | Es. To Sweden, ExpoRTERs N THE UNITED STATEs BeFore F | LING APPL cAT ons FOR EXPORT L. CENSES MUST OBTA | N FROM THE PROSPECT | VE IMPORTER N Sweden Advice that THERE HAs BEEN issued BY AN APPROPRIATE MPort NG Assoc AT on, or BY THE STATENs HANDELs KoMMI ssion, a cERT F cATE cover NG THE Proposed cons i GNMENT, THE NUMBER of THE cert F cate should BE FoRwardED BY THE IMPort ER IN Sweden to THE AMER I can ExPorter. TH is NUMBER should Be spec F ED on SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEET X- 104, which Must BE DULY Ex- ECUTED AND ANNEXED TO THE APPL. I CAT I ON FOR AN EXPORT L I CENSE, - APPL cAT I ons For L iceNses to ExpoRT To Sweden commod T Es For which A HANDELs KoMMI ss on cert F cATE or AN · MPort NG ASSOC I AT | ON CERT | F I CATE IS REQUIRED WILL BE CONS I DERED ONLY | N THE EVENT : THAT THE SA | D CERT | F I CATE HAS BEEN ISSUED SUBSEQUENTLY to June 14, 1918, CERT IF cATEs issued PR or To THAT DATE will. BE TREATED AS VO l D, - WANCE C, McCormick, CHA RMAN, M-242 º WAR TRADE BOARD º º WASHINGTON - 52. (W.T.B.R. 199) - AUGUST 19, 1918 SPECIAL EXPORT L CENSE NO. RAC–42 FOR CERTAIN TRANSIT GOODS THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE REv is on of THE REGULAT ions UNDER WHI ch SH 1 PMENTS OF CERTAIN OR I.G IN AND DEST INAT I ON, THE IMPORTAT I ON OF WH | CH HAS BEEN OTHERWISE L I CENSED, MAY BE EXPORTED WITHOUT AN IND | V | DUAL EXPORT L I CENSE WHEN THE SAME ARE BEING CONVEYED IN TRANSI T, E | THER IN BOND OR OTHERWISE, THROUGH THE TERR Tory or v A ANY Port of THE UNITED STATEs. THE REGULAT ions which were ANNounced on MAY 4, 1918 (W. T. B. R. 101), ARE Now witHDRAWN AND THE Fol Low ING ARE IN SUBSTITUTION THEREOF : 1. 0N July 3, 1918, THE WAR TRADE BoARD REvised SPEc AL ExPort LicensE RAC-42 which PREviously HAD BEEN issued THROUGH THE Customs SERV I ce. UNDER TH is REv ised LicensE Col LEctors of Customs ARE AUTHOR zED To ALLow To BE ExpoRTED sH | PMENTs of ALL commod T | Es of THE or i G IN AND/or DEs.T INAT I on spect F 1 ED IN PAR- AGRAPHs A, B, AND C BELow WHEN THE same ARE convey ED IN TRANs T THRough THE TER- R ToRY or v A ANY Port of THE UNITED STATEs, EITHER IN Bond or otherwise, AND WHEN THEY ARE PROPosed To BE ExPorted FROM or TAKEN out of ANY Port of THE UNITED STATEs, A. CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND, CoMMOD iT Es or i G INATING IN CANADA or NEwFoundLAND AND DEst NED To ANY country iN THE world ExceFT SWEDEN, EUROPEAN Hol-LAND, DENMARK, Norway, SPA in, GREEcE, AND Swi TzERLAND, B. GREAT BRI TAIN, FRANCE, TALY, AND JAPAN AND THE IR Coloni Es, Possessions, AND PRotector ATEs, (1A) CoMMoD IT Es or i G INAT ING IN GREAT BRITA IN, FRANCE, | TALY, or JAPAN or ANY of THE IR coloni Es, Possessions, or PRo- TECTORATES, WHEN DEST INED TO ANY OF THE SAME, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THIS LI CENSE DOES NOT COVER SH 1 PMENTS OF COMMOD I T | ES WH | CH HAVE crossED or which T is PRoPosed shALL cross THE UNITED STATEs FROM AN ATLANT ic or A Paci Fic or Gul F. Port, FROM A PAct F ic to AN ATLANT ic or Gul F. Port, or FROM A Gul F. Port To AN ATLANT ic or PAct F ic Port. (2A) CoMMoD IT Es or i G INAT ing N or DEst ined to GREAT BRITA in, FRANCE, or ITALY, ExcLUDING THEIR coloni Es, Possessions, AND PROTECTORATES, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THIS LI CENSE DOES NOT COVER SH 1 FMENTS OF COMMOD I T | ES WHICH HAVE CROSSED OR WHICH IT is PRoPosed shALL cross THE UNITED STATEs FROM AN ATLANT ic To A PAct F ic or Gul-F Port, FROM A PAct F ic To AN ATLANT ic or Gul F Port, or FROM A Gul F. To AN ATLANT ic or PAc IF ic PoRT. - M-250A //E- Gºº A 32 VVAR TRADE EOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 206) August 21, 1918 COMMODITY LIST FOR EUFOPEAN HOLLAND AND DENMARK_PROPER THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADoPT on of THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONs witH ResPEct to THE ExpoRTAT I on of cert Al N commod T Es to EuroPEAN Hot LAND AND DEN- MARK PROPER: (1) THE List of common IT Es which w LL BE cons DERED For ExPortAT on To EuroPEAN Hol LAND AND DENMARK ProPER HAs BEEN REV ised, APFL I cat ions For Licenses To ExpoRT THE COMMOD T | Es As Ll stED BELow W LL Now BE G | VEN cons DERAT I on. PREvious ANNounceMENTs witH REsPEct To such commod T Es (W, T, B, R, 50, FEBRUARY 20, 1918; W, T, B, R, 96, APRIL 20, 1918; W, T, B, R, MAY 22, 1918; W, T, B, R., 146, June 20, 1918; W.T.B. R., 180, August 3, 1918) ARE HEREBY witHDRAWN. (2) THE List of common T Es which will Now BE cons DERED For ExpoRTAT I on to EuroPEAN Hou LAND AND DENMARK PRoPER Appi NG AND calcul-AT ing MAcHiNEs ALABAstER For statuary ART ists' MATER ALs, Excluding Q LS AND TURPENT | NE ATHLET | c. Goods Not conta i Ni Ng RUBBER OR LEATHER AutoMost LEs (PAss=NGER), B I cycles, MOTOR CYCLES AND SPARE PARTS QF, BUT NO. T RES AND NO ACCES- SOR ES BiLL ARD BALLs (1vory) Buttons, Bone, HoRN, or Mother-of- FEARL- CARFETs, or ENTAL, of High value Cash Registers China China clay CLocks, including clocks For Time CHECK 1 NG CLothing MADE UP of silk or Mixed S I Lik CoRAL M-253A IS AS FOLLOWS : CutleRY: KN i ves— TABLE, DEss=RT, BUTchERs', cooks', BREAD, CARV NG, PoCKET, HUNT ING, PA INTERs', PALETTE, shoBMAKERs', FRUN NG, BUDD NG, AND BOW E Scissors STEEL Forks, TABLE AND carvi Ne RAzors, NcLup NG saEETY RAzors AND BLADES NOT CONTA N NG N CKEL OR T 1 N DRuss: AcETYLsAL icyLic Acip Aconi TE, PURE AGAR ic N ALTHAEA Root Ami Dol AND susst i Tutes ARGENTAMi NE ARsenos I LiN ARs=Nous Acid BAR UM sul-PHuRic, Pure, For X-RAY BETA NAPTHol- - 2 - (3A) CoMMoD IT Es ori G INATING IN ANY SouTH AMER I can country or in Costa Rica, GuATEMALA, Honouras, Nicaragua, SALVADoR, or PANAMA, DEst INED For JAPAN AND carri ED on JAPANESE vessels Touching AT ANY UNITED STATEs Port. C. SPA in To CueA v A Porto Rico. CoMMoD IT Es or i G INATING IN SPA (N, ITs coloni Es, Posses- sions, AND PRotector ATEs, AND Destined For CusA v A Porto Rico. 2. BEFoRE ALLow NG ANY of THE ABove-MENT oned sh PMENTs, THE Coll- LEcToR of Customs AT THE PORT of ENTRY WILL REQUIRE, IN THE case of RAIL sHIPMENTs, THAT THERE shALL BE NoTED on THE Customs CARRIER's MAN IFEst, ForM 75.12, THE FULL NAME AND ADDREss QF THE ULT IMATE cons GNEE ABROAD AND A state MENT To THE EFFEcT THAT THE SH1 PMENT is MADE UNDER Lt CENSE No. RAC-42, A TRUE coPY of such Customs CARRI ER's MAN FEst, FoRM 7512, Must Be DELivered BY THE carri ER To THE Col LEctor of Customs AT THE PoRT of Exit, IN THE case of shil PMENTs BY vessel, WHEN FoRM 7512 is Not used, the Col Lector w LL REquil RE THE FIL i NG of A coPY of THE shi P's MAN FEst QR PORT | ON THEREOF, ON WH | CH MUST BE CLEARLY SHOWN THE PART | CULAR TEMS - the REoN which ARE LicensED UNDER RAC-42, THE coPY of ForM 7512 or the copy of THE shi P's MANIFEs.T WHich is FILED WITH THE Col-LEctoR AT THE Port of ENTRY AND Exit shALL BE ForwarpED IMMEDIATELY BY THE Col LEctoR to THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WASHINGTon, D, C, 3. | T should BE PART cul-ARLY NotED THAT LicensE RAC-42 AuTHoR 1zes THE ExpoRTAT on of No commod 1 TY which is Not "I N TRANs T" THRough THE TERR toRY or v A A Port of THE UNITED STATEs. SH1 PPERs shoul D ALso UNDER- stand THAT LicensE No, RAC-42 is AN EXPORT LICENSE AND DoEs Not Authorize the IMFoRTAT I on INTo THE UNITED STATEs of ANY commod 1 TY witHouT AN import LicensE, AND ALso does Not AUTHORIZE ANY shi PMENT FROM or to ANY IND vip- UAL, PARTNERSHI P, ASSOC I AT I ON, OR CORFORAT I ON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE ENEMY TRAD ING List. 4. SH1 PMENT's TRAveling in TRANs it BY Rail on Customs CARR ER's MAN IFEst, FoRM 75.12, Must BE covered BY IND i v idual import AND ExpoRT L I CENSES WHEN SUCH CARRI ER CUSTOM'S MAN I FEST DOES NOT SHOW AT THE TIME OF ENTRY. THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ULT IMATE CONS I GNEE . WANce C. McCormick, CHAirMAN. M-250B 30.30 WAR TRADE BOARD 432. WASHINGTON (W. T. B., R., 211) August 31, 1918 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO NORWAY THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADoFT I on of THE Fou Low I NG REGULAT | ONS GOVERN | NG THE PROCEDURE W TH RESFECT TO THE | SSUANCE OF LI CENSES FOR THE ExForTAT I on of commod | T | Es. To Norway, PREvious RUL INGs w TH REs PEcT To such REGULAT I ons (W, T, B, R, 103, MAY 10, 1918; W, T, B, R., 126, June 3, 1918) ARE HEREBY : W THDRAWN, 1, APFL I cat Ions For L CENSEs To ExForT commod T | Es which ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY A QRWEG 1 AN | MFORT ASSOC I AT | ON WILL NOT-EE-cons I DERED UNLEss THE PRosPEcT VE IMPORTE HAs G | VEN A GUARANTEE cBRT | F 1 ED BY THE Norweg AN FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND FuRTHER cert F | ED BY AN AMER I can consul IN Norway, who w L.L FURN is H THE IMPORTER AN IDENT F cat on NUMBER. THE RUL ING REau R NG TH is DENT F cAT on NUMBER TO BE AccomPAN ED BY A CODE WORD HAS NOW BEEN WITHDRAWN, AND THIS CERT | F I CATE wi LL HEREAFTER BEAR on Y AN IDENT | F cAT I on NUMBER, TH is DENT | F cAT I on NUMBER sHoul D BE Forward ED BY THE IMPORTER To THE PRosPEcT VE ExPort ER IN THE UNITED STATE's AND spect F ED on SUPPLEMENTAL | NForMAT I on SHEET X-106, which should BE AT TAcHED To THE APFL I CAT I ON FOR AN ExFORT L I CENS E. . 2. APFL cAT | ONs For L1 censEs To ExForT commoo i t . Es which ARE contRol LED BY A Norweg I AN IMPORT Assoc AT I on w LL NoT BE cons DERED UNLEss THE PRosPEcT ve MPort ER IN Norway HAs secuRED A cert IF i cATE cover NG THE PROPos =D sH PMENT FROM THE APPROPRIATE Norweg AN MPort Assoc AT I on, TH is cert F cATE Must BE E L THER issued or conf RMED sussequent LY To MAY 10, 1918. THE I DENT I FI cat on NUMBER of THE CERT | FI ca'ſ E SHOULD BE FORWARDED BY THE IMPort ER IN Norway. To THE PRosPEct ve ExpoRTER IN THE UNITED STATEs AND spec F | ED on Suffºl EMENTAL | NForMAT I on SHEET X-106, which shoul-D BE DULY ExEcuTED AND ANNExED. To THE APPL cAT on For ExPort L I CENSE . |N FIL ING AN APPL cAT I on For A LicensE To shºt P comMoD IT Es CONTROLLED BY AN IMPORT ASSOC I AT | ON, THE SH | PMENT MUST BE CONS GNED TO THE ASSOC I A- T | ON WH | CH HAS ISSUED THE CERT | F | CATE, AND THE EXPORTER IS REQUIRED TO STATE ON THE APPLICAT I ON THE NAME OF THE PERSON OR F I RM N WHOSE FAVOR THE IMPORT CERT | F I CATE WAS ISSUED, AS, FOR EXAMPLE- CoNs GNEE 0 L AND Colour MERCHANTs' Assoc AT on, CHR ist AN IA, Norway, Purchaser ABRoad (HERE state PERson or F I RM To WHOM - cERT | Fi cate was issued) ADDREss of such PERSON or F I RM, 3, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ARE Advised THAT THE Fol-Low ING | MPort Associ AT tons N CHR 1st AN A will AccEPT, on BEHALF of THE Norweg AN MPort ER ACTUALLY INTERESTED, CONSI GNMENTS OF THE ARTICLES MENT | ONED BELOW. M-261A STV LBW 38 V8 SEHlo MO Wn G.I & I "wn!N i Lvºled N vinoo sv Hons 1339x3 iv o a 18w H1331 s= - 4° Formic acid and its salts. Guaiac resin. Bunus. Hydrochloric acid. Hydrocyanic acid, Hydrofluoric acid, Hyoscine and its salts, Hyoscyamine and its salts. Hyoscyamus. Hypochlorite, calcium (bleaching powder). Hyposulphite of sodium. Lactose a Land plasters Manganese, chemical compounds thereof. Menthol ſilk, sugar of , Muriatic acid. Mustard oils. Nux vomica and products, - Oils, as follows: China-wood; Mu stard; Santalwood. Oxide of zinc (zinc white). Ozokerite , Peroxide of barium, Phosphate of sodas Pilocarpine and its salts. Plaster, land. Poudrette. - Resin, guaiac. Sal soda. - Saits, as follows: Atropine; Belladonna; Bismuth; Emetime; Epsom; Formic acid; Hyoscine; Hyoscyamine; Pilocarpine; Strychnine; Uranium; Zinc - Santalwood, oil of . Scammony, Sodium compounds, as follows: Bisulphate; Bisulphite; Fluoride; Hyposulphite; Phosphate; Sulphate; Sulphide; Sulphite • Soot . Strophanthine and its compounds • Strophanthus and its products, Strychnine and its salts. Sugar of milk • Sulphide of sodium, Sulphite of sodium. Thorium and afticles containing thorium. Thymol and its compounds. Titanium compounds. Tolu balsam, Tungsten, any chemical compound thereof, Uranium salts. Valerian, Vanill in - Warnish. Veratrin. Vitriol, blue . Zinc oxide (zinc white). Zinc, salts of . Zinc white (zinc oxide). Zirconium compounds (2-63-8) - - -- - -- -9- Hair. (Removals.) Animal hair, as follows: Manufactures of; Raw, Hair, as follows: Animal, manufactures of; Animal, rew; Horse, manufactures of . Horse hair, as follows: Manufactures of; Raw, MODIFICATIONS. The War Trade Board announce the modification of the following items on the Export Conservation List, effective November 27, 1918: Iron and Steel, (Modifications.) (1) Plates (all classes, 1/8 of an inch and heavier and wider than 6 inches in diameter. This includes No. ll U.S. gauge, but not No ll B W. gauge). Has been modified to read as follows: Plates (all classes, # of an inch thick and heavier, and wider than 6 inches, or over 6 inches in diameter), (2) Rails and splice bars. Has been modified to read as follows: Rails, over 50 pounds per yard, (3) Shapes, including angles, channels, beams, tees and zees. Has been modified to read as follows: Shapes, 3 inches and larger (plain, i.e., not punched or formed), including angles, channels, beams, tees and zees. Fibers, (Modifications}) (1) Fibers, as follows: Products manufactured from vegetable fiber, except cotton - Has been modified to read: Fibers, as follows: Products manufactured from vegetable fibers, except cotton, hemp and manila, (2) Hemp and products manufactured therefrom, Has been modified to read: Hemp - (3) Manila fiber and products manufactured therefrom. Has been modified to read: - *. Manila fibers (4) vegetable fibers, products manufactured therefrom, except cotton- - Has been modified to read: Vegetable fibers, products manufactured therefrom, except cotton, hemp and manila, The effect of the foregoing modifications will be to remove from the ( * Conservation List the products manufactured from hemp and manila. 2863-9 // ºn 3 º' º, A33. - - -10- º - Rubber. (Removal and Modification.) The War Trade Board announce the removal of the following commodity from the Export Conservation List, effective November 27, 1918: Rubber, articles manufactured therefrom. The War Trade Board also announce that, effective November 27, 1918, the item rubber has been modified to read: Crude rubber. - - - (2863-10) -4- Cºustic Scdº, Flectricel Apparatus, Etc. (Fenovels.) Carbon electrodes. Caustic soda. Cells, electrolytic . Electrodes, as follows: Electrolytic cells, Fºery, as follows: Flcur, emery, Generators, sº itable for searchlights, Grain, emery . Radio and wireless apparatus and all accessories. Searchlights and parts thereof and generators therefor . Soda, cºustic. Wireless and redio apparatus and all accessories . Telegraph apparatus. Files; Flour; Grain, Carbon; Graphite (plembago). Metals. (Modifications.) The War Trade Board announce that as a result of the removal of gertºn items of aluminum, copper, lead, and nickel, effective December 6, 1918, the following items under these headings are included in the new Export Conserva- tion List, as modifications of the original classifications: Aluminum ingots, Xe2. Anodes, nickel, X-2. Bars, copper, X-2. Copper, as follows: Bars, X-2, Pigs, X-2. Ingots, as follows: Aluminum, X-2. Lead, X-2, Nickel, X-2. Lead, as follows: Ingots, X-2. Nickel, as follows: Anodes, X-2 . Ingots, X-2. Shot, X-2. Pig copper, X-2. Copper ingots and pig lead (individual licenses not required to (Individual licenses not required to Canada and Newfoundland .) Canada and Newfoundland) are retained on the list. (2305-4) Vance C. McCormick, Chairman, //F - 3030 -3- - 432 - Rods, copper- Scrap, copper- Searchlight reflectors, She elite. Sheet lead. Silver, as follows: German (nickel silver and alpaca metal), and articles containing sº." Manufactured, and articles containing silver- Nickel (German silver and alpaca metal), and articles containing *. Silverware containing no tin. Silverware containing tin. Spelter . Strontium ores. Thorium and articles containing thorium- Titanium, and its compounds. Titanium ores. Tubes, as follows: Brass; Copper- Tungsten ore and any metal or ferroalloy thereof. Uranium, as follows: Alloys; Ores; Wanadium. Wire, brass. Wire, copper . Wolframite . Zinc or spelter. Zirconimm, , as follows: Alloys; Metals; Ores or concentrates' Leather. (Removals.) Belting, leather (Leather belting). Glove leather, as follows: Calf and kip . Cattle side. Horse. Harness leather . Leather, as follows: Belting, leather. Glove leather. Cattle side . . Calf and kip . Horse . Farness leather. Leather belting. Rough tanned leather. - Shearlings. Shoe upper leather, as follows: Cabretta. - Calf, veal, and kip- Cattle side. Horse and colt . Strap leather. Rough tanned leather- Shearlings. Shoe upper leather, as follows: Cabretta. Calf, veal, and kip. Cattle side- Horse and colt . Strap leathers (2906-3) HF 5.030 , A 32. -2- Diamonds, industrial. Ferroalloys, as follows: Ferrocerium, . Ferrochrome . Ferrocobalt . Ferroºnganese - Ferromolybdenum. Ferrotitanium. Ferrotungsten. Ferrouraniºn. Ferrovanadiuſ. Ferrozirconiuin. Gerºn silver (nickel silver and alpaca metal) and articles containing safe Glass, optical . - Graphite (plumbago) and articles tram factured therefrom . Industrial diamonds. Instruments, as follows: Contºining lenses; Optical . Leºd, as follows: Pipe; Sheet. Lenses, optical, mounted or unmounted, including lenses forming part of a apparatus. Machines, as follows: Oil-well drilling, and accessories • Magnesite . Magnesium. Mºnganese ore and any metal or ferroalloy thereof. Manganese oxide. Metal, as follows: Cedrium; Zirconium. Nickel, all articles containing 10 per cent or more (in weight) of nickel. Nickel alloys. Nickel silver (German silver and alpaca metal) and articles containing sºme , Oil-well drilling implements, machinery, and accessories. Optical glass- Optical instruments. Optical lenses, rounted or unºcunted, including, lenses forming part of apparatus - Ore, as follows: Antimony. Chronium end any metal or ferroalloy thereof. Cobalt and any metal or ferroalloy thereof. Manganese and any metal or ferroalloy there of . Radium. Strontium. Titanium. Tungsten and any metal or ferroalloy thereof. Uranium. Zirconium. Oxide of manganese. Photographic cameras, other than moving-picture cºmeras. Photographic plates, tº nexpesed, , exposed but undeveloped, and exposed and developed. Pipe, as follows: Bress; Copper; Lead, Plates, as follows: Frase; Copper. Plumbago (graphite) and articles ran factured therefrom. Pyrites. (2906-2) 30.30 A32 - - WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B, R, 348) November 28, 1918 SPECIAL LI CENSE FOR CHRISTMAS G|FTS TO THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, ITALY, BELG|UM, AND THEIR COLONIES RAC-60 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THERE HAs BEEN issued To THE Post OFF Ice DEPARTMENT A spec AL. ExPort LicensE, kNowN. As RAC-60, To PERMIT THE ExpoRTAT 1 on, BY MAIL, of CHR I stimas G FTs To IND I v | DUALs N THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, TALY, AND BELG | UM AND THE IR colon Es, Possessions, AND PROTECTORATEs. (SHIPMENT's To THE MEMBERs of THE AMER I can ExPED IT onARY FoRo Es, or of THE Forces of THE ALL Es ABRoad, or To ND v DuALs serv NG ABRoad N THE RED CRoss, Y.M.C.A., KNIGHTs of Columbus, or other organizations of A simi LAR chARAcTER oper AT ING w TH THE AMER I can ExPED IT onARY FoRCEs, or w TH THE Forces of THE ALLI Es, ARE Not NcLUDED UNDER THIs LiceNse, Such sh PMENTs Must BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL LicensE RAC-43, As ouTL | NED 1 N WAR TRADE BoARD RULING's Nos. 304 AND 305. ) SH1 PMENT's UNDER SPEc AL ExPort LicensE RAC-60 Must BE MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 1, 1918, AND DEcEMBER 15, 1918, AND THE wrapper of EAch PAck AGE Must BEAR THE FOLLOW ING | NFORMAT I ON . 1. NAME AND ADDREss of PERson MA 1 L ING THE PAcKAGE, 2, DETA I LED L 1st of contents. 3. NAME AND ADDREss of PERson To RECEIVE THE PAckage. 4, THE state MENT "CHR 1stmas SHIPMENT LicensE RAC–60, " THE ATTENT I on of THE PUBLI c is cal-LED To THE FAct THAT ALL sh PMENTS MADE UNDER TH is L1 censE Must BE MADE IN AccordANcE WITH THE REGULAT I ons of THE Post OFF ice DEPARTMENT, AND THAT THE sh PP NG of ANY ART cl Es of HER THAN G FTs UNDER SPEc AL License RAC-60 is A viol-AT 1 on of LAw, THE PUBLI c is ADvised. THAT, UNDER THE Exist ING customs MPort REGULAT ions of the UNITED KINGDom, sh! PMENTs MADE UNDER TH is LicensE MAY Not conta N ANY ART icles of GoLD or si Lver or REAL Jewel-RY, or N Excess of 10 Founds of TEA or 1 Pound of sugaR, UNLEss PERMITs HAVE BEEN osta NED FROM THE BoARD of TRADE, LoNDoN, AUTHoR z NG THE IMPortAT I on of such shi PMENTs, N such cases, APPL I- cat ions should se MADE To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For ND I v DuAL ExpoRT License on APPL cat on Form X AND SuppleMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEET K-1 15, PAck AGEs Not | N. Accord witH THEse BRIT is H customs REGULAT I ons ARE sus.JEcT To confiscat on ON ARRIVAL ABROAD, WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN, A32. VVAR T FADE ECAFD WASHINGTON (W, T, B, R. 355) NovemeER 29, 1918 EXPORT LI CENSES NOT PRIORITY CERT | FICATES ** THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE witHDRAwal of W. T. B., R, 291 of October 23, 1918, REGARD ING PRocedure witH RESPECT To ExpoRT L I CENSES, PR OR ITY CERT | F | CATES, AND PERM I TS OF THE D REcToR of STEEL Supply For THE ExPortAT I on of commod T | Es To ANY DEs.T NAT 1 on, PR or TY cert IF cates AND PERMITs of THE D : REcToR of STEEL SUPPLY ARE No LoNGER REQUIRED BY THE WAR INDUSTR Es BoARD; AND THEREFoRE SuPPLEMENTAL in ForMAT I on SHEET X-26 HEREAFTER will L NoT BE REqu RED BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD. VANCE C. McCoRMick, Two, | | | 12 CHAIRMAN, M-386 |- - - - - A/AT 3.030 A32 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 357) December 2, 1918 EXPORT LI CENSES VAL | D UNT |L USED The was TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT W., T. B. R. 328, Issued Novemeer 19, 1918, HAs BEEN AMENDED To READ As Fol Lows: THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNoUNcE THAT, Exceſſ T As HERE NAFTER set ForTH, ALL ExpoRT Licenses issued on or AFTER November 15, 1918, AND ALL ExPort LicensEs which were UNExP RED on THE 15TH DAY of November, 1918, wi LL BE VAL ID UNT | L USED, UNLESS REVOKED , NOTWI THSTAND ING SUCH L I CENSES ARE STAMPED As ExP R NG on November 15, 1918, or subsequently THERETo. Coll_Ectors of Customs AND THE Post OFF ice DEPARTMENT HAVE BEEN ADvised Accord NGLY: AND THEREFoRE THEY wil-L AccEPT L cFNses (ExceFT ING THose HERE- | NAFTER set ForTH) WHEN THE ExP IRAT I on DATE is spec | FIED on THE LicensE As November 15, 1918, or LATER, THE FoREGo | NG RULE DoEs Not APPLY To LicensEs For THE ExPortAT I en of ANY commod 1 TY To Norway, Sweden, DENMARK PRoPER, EURoPEAN Hou LAND, IceLAND, FARoe Is ANDs, or Sw Tzerl_AND; AND Col LEcTors of Customs AND THE Post OFF Ice DEPARTMENT WILL Not Accept LicensEs For THE ExPortAT I on of ANY commod TY TO SUCH COUNTRI E.S EXCEPT IN ACCORDANCE W I TH THE REGULAT I ONS W I TH RESPECT To THE ExP IRAT I on DATE of ExPort L censEs (W. T. B. R. No. 241, Issued SEP- TEMBER 27, 1918), - W, T, B, R, No. 32, issued FEBRUARY 8, 1918 (RULEs AND REGULAT I ons of THE WAR TRADE Board, No. 2, PAGE 43), Is HEREs). REsc 1 NDED. THE REGULAT ions w TH REs PEcT To THE PREPARAT I on AND FIL i Nc of SH | PPER's ExpoRT DEcuARAT I ons REMA IN IN EFFEcT, (Journal No. 4, WAR TRADE BoARD, , PAGEs 11 AND 12; RuLEs AND REGULAT ions of THE WAR TRADE BoARD, No. 2, PAGEs 29-31; W. T. B. R. No. 26, issued JANuARY 31, 1918, conceRNING ExForTAT I ons BY RAIL To CANADA AND MExico; W. T., B, R, 162, issued July 10, 1918, PREscR IB NG THE PRocedure For PARTIAL sh PMENT's UNDER ExPort L liceNses; AND W, T, B, R., 219, issued SEPTEMBER 23, 1918, ) - WANce C. McCormick, M–384 CHAIRMAN, º 3.03.2 - A 3- WAR TRADE BoA R D - WAshing.TON (W.T.B.R. 353) December 6, 1918. PEMOVALS FROM AND MODIFICATIONS OF THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST The War Trade Board announce the removal of the following commodities from the Export Conservation List, effective December 6, 1918: Alloys. Metals, Etc. (Removals.) Alloys, as follows: Cadmium; Nickel; Titanium; Uranium; Zirconium. - Alpaca metal (German silver and nickel silver) and articles containing same. Aluminum, all articles containing 10 per cent or more (in weight) of metallic ºluminum. Antimony: Articles containing antimony; Ore . - Binoculars. - Black lead, and articles manufactured therefrom . Brass, and all articles containing 10 per cent or more (in weight) of brass. Brass pipe - º Brass plates. Brass sheets. Brass tubes. Brass wire. Bronze, and articles manufactured therefrom . Cadmium, as follows: Alloys; Metal. Cameras, moving-picture. Cameras, photographic, other than moving-picture cameras. Cerium, and articles containing cerium. Chromium ore, and ary metal or ferroalloy thereof. Cobalt ore, and any metal or ferroalloy thereof. Copper, as follows: All articles containing 10 per cent or more (in weight) of copper. Pipe . Plates. Rods - Sheets- Scrap * Tools. Tubes. Wire - Crucibles, as follows: Graphite (plumbago); Platinum. (2806-1) A/º 3.030 - A 32. (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE DECEMBER 8, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 363) DECEMBER 8, 1918 PROCEDURE FOR OBTA|N|NG OCEAN SHIPPING PREFERENCE FOR EXPORTS TO THE EAST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA 1, AFTER A REcons I DERAT I on of rhE ExPort s TUAT I on As AFFECTED BY THE s GNING of THE ARM1st Ice, AND AFTER consul-TAT I on witH THE SHIPP ing Control. CoMMITTEE of THE U. S. SH | PP NG BoARD, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT IN FLACE of THE PLAN of ocean shi PP. NG PREFERENCE's MADE PUBL ic on Novemee R 11, 1918 (W, T, B, R, 301), THE Follow ING PRoceDURE HAs BEEN ADoPTED, EFFECTIVE DEcEMBER 8, 1918, FoR THE Ass I GNMENT OF ocean shil PP NG PREFERENCE FoR ExPorts of ANY commod 1 TY (Except NG coal AND Fuel of L) which ARE DEs.T NED v A THE EAst CoAst of SouTH AMER I ca. To ARGENT INA, BRAz I L., PARAGUAY, or URUGUAY, - 2, TH is PRocedure HAs BEEN MADE NEcEssary BY THE GREAT shortAGE of shi P- P NG TonNAGE To THE EAs.T CoAst of SouTH AMER I ca, 3. "SHiPF ING PREFERENCE No. 1" wil-L BE AwardED, in ExceFT onAL cases, when, iN THE of N on of THE WAR TRADE BoARD, PROMPT shi PMENT is of THE UTMost | MPORTANCE . -------- THE SHIPP NG ControL CoMMITTEE will L G ve FAc I L IT Es For shi PMENT of comMoD IT Es coverED BY Licenses MARKED "SHIPP Ng PREFERENCE No. 1" IN PR for TY TO ALL OTHER SH | PMENTS, - 4, N order To ExPED ITE THE completion of ExPort contRActs ENTERED INTo PRI or To THE RECENT RELAxAT I on IN THE GRANT ING OF LicensEs, THE SHIPP ºng Control. CoMMITTEE will L Give PRI or iTY IN LoAD ING To shi PMENTs, Except of cement AND LuM- BER, covered BY ExpoRT LicensEs DATED PRI or To November 12, 1918, 5, SH1 PMENTs, Except of cement AND LUMBER, covered BY LicensEs DATED FROM November 12 To DEcEMBER 7, 1918, inclusive, will AutoMAT I call_Y TAKE PRI or 1 TY FoR sh PMENT AFTER THose covered BY SHIPP ing PREFERENCE No. 1 AND THose Licensed PRI or To Novemeer 12, 1918, 6. | T will. NoT BE NEcEssary For THE Holbers of Licenses To MAKE ANY FuRTHER A*FL I CAT ION OR SECURE ANY INDORSEMENT ON THE IR LI CENSES IN ORDER THAT THE IR COM- MOD IT ES SHOULD RECEIVE THIS PRI OR I. T.Y. (OVER) M-391A –2– 7, Holders of Licenses ALREADY issued AND APPL cANT's For NEw Licenses who BELIEVE THAT THE IR sº PMENT's ARE ENT TLED To A "SH PP NG PREFERENCE No. 1" MAY FILE A REquest For AN Award of 0cEAN SHIPP Ng PREFERENCE (FoRM X-123) w TH THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WHo, AFTER cons DERAT I on of THE REQUEST, will send To THE APPLI cant El THER A SHIPP Ng PREFERENCE or AN IND cAT I on THAT SUCH PREFERENCE HAS NOT BEEN ALLOWED . 8, Hol. DERs of BLANKET Licenses who BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE ENT TLED To A "SH | PP Ng PREFERENCE No. 1" on ANY PART cul-AR sh PMENT MAY FILE A REquest For SHIPP ing PREFERENCE on ForM X-123 cover NG such shi PMENT, 9. THE ATTENT on of ExpoRTERs is cal-LED To THE PROBAB I Li TY THAT, UNDER PRESENT SH | PP NG COND IT IONS, THERE MAY BE CONSIDERABLE DELAY IN axPort Ng commop T Es LicensED subsequent To DEcEMBER 8, 1918, AND Not coverED BY "SHIPP NG PREFERENCE No. 1 . " | T is THE PURPose, However, of THE WAR TRADE BoARD To cont INUE TO SSUE L I CENSES, SO THAT EXPORTATION MAY BE MADE PROMPTLY AS AND WHEN SH | PF | NG COND I T | ONS IMFROVE, 10, SH | PP Ng PREFERENCEs, As ND cated ABove, WILL BE ADHERED To, IN SO FAR AS PROMP T LOAD 1 NG AND PROPER STOWAGE OF VESSELS PERM IT . 11, LicensEs ALREADY issued MAY BE HELD PEND ING RECE | PT of shil PPING PREFERENCE DEcision (1 F such sº PP NG PREFERENCE HAs BEEN APPLIED For), AND, IN THE INTER IM, SUCH - I CENSES WILL HAVE THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS HERET OFORE, 12, APPL cAT ions which HAVE BEEN sent To THE WAR TRADE BoARD PR or To THE DATE of TH is ANNouncement witHouT A REQUEST For Oce AN SHIPP NG PREFERENCE ATTACHED WILL BE cons DERED ON THE BAs is of THE INFORMAT 1 on which Accompanies THE APPL cat on, F "SH | PP Ng PREFERENCE No. 1" seems To BE NEEDED, T WILL BE MARKED on THE LicensE. 13, ExForTERs MAK NG sº PMENTs on AND AFTER THE 8TH DAY of DEcEMBER, 1918, Must NoTE on THE B LL of Lab NG THE DATE AND SER AL NUMBER OF THE ExFort LicensE AND THE Ocean SHiPP NG PREFERENCE, F ANY. CARRI ERs N MAK NG THE IR MAN IFEs.T Must ENTER THESE PART cul-ARs of Posi TE EACH ENTRY OF Goops coverED BY such ExpoRT LicensE, CARRIERs ARE REQUI RED TO F | LE, MMEDIATELY AFTER THE SAI L I NG OF THE VESSEL, AN ExtRA copy of THE MAN FEsm witH THE SHiPP Ng Control CoMMITTEE, 45 BRoad- way, NEw York C TY, WANcs C. McCormick, M–391 B CHAIRMAN, ºr 3A 3-0 A32 (W, T, B.R. 368) November 22, (Not To BE ELEASED BEFORE DEcEMBER 9, 1918) VVAR TRADE ECAFD WASHINGTON DEcEMBER 9, 1918. WAR TRADE BOARD D | SCONT | NUES USE OF CERTAIN SUPPLEMENTAL |NFORMATION SHEETS Follow NG THE ANNounceMENT MADE BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD on 1918, W, T, B, R. 339, THE BoARD Now ANNounce THAT THEY wil-L No Long ER REoul RE ExpoRTERs To F | LL ouT AND F : LE THE Follow NG SUPPLE- MENTAL INForMAT I on SHEETs, AS THE USE OF THESE IS NO LONGER NECESSARY : M-394 ART I clies conta N ING wool, CAustic sopA IN Exchange For GLYcER INE, CAustic sopA For use of sugaR MILLs, ETc. Wool, MoHA 1 R, ETc, , To UNITED KINGDoM, FRANCE, AND THE IR COLON | E.S., Journal WASTE, CAustic sopA To FAR EAs T, ETc, CoMMoD IT Es on Schedul-E "XP", PHENoL (CARBOL c Ac ID), SPAIN, Portugal (CoPPER AND I Ts PRODUCTs), OcEAN SHI PR ING FREFERENCE To ARGENT INA, PARAGUAY, URuguay, AND BRAz I L. QUEST on NAIRE; STEEL FLATE To CANADA MiNERAL of L. REFoRT on cAustic soda contRActs, QuestionNA RE: CHLoRATE of Pot Ash. REPoRT on cAustic soda cARR ED IN stock For ExPort, STATEMENT of commodº TiEs containing GoLD. WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. º ſ º A º º JAN 18 1919 -2- In view of the foregoing, the War Trade Board has issued a special export license, effective immediately, "No RAC 62" authorizing the exportation, with- cut individual export licenses, of the commodities on the above list - Shippers should note that it is unnecessary to apply to the War Trade Board for permis- sion to export under Special Export License RAC 62, and no special document issued by the War Trade Board is necessary in connection with such shipments, *t is necessary merely to note on the package, if shipment is made through the mails, or on the export declaration, if shipment is made by express or freight, the following: (1) "Shipped under special license FAC 62" (2) Name and address of shipper. (3) Marie and address of consignee. (4) Statement of contents. Shipments under RAC 62 may be made only when the goods are destined to , and for consumption in, the United Kingdom, and it does not apply to any ship- inents to the colonies thereof. It should be further noted by exporters that, while it is not at present necessary for them to procure a British import license or a British permit to purchase number on this list of commodities, the British Government may at any time in the future withdraw this privilege as to a part of or the whole of this list, and exporters should keep carefully informed as to the British import requirements before making shipments; as otherwise, if the goods are shipped in contravention of such import restrictions, the goods are liable to be confiscated on arrival, Information as to the British import restrictions may be obtained by applying to the British War Mission, Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. Exporters would be well advised to make the necessary freight arrangements before moving exports of the above-mentioned commodities to seeboard . A shortage of shipping still prevents a free exportation from the United States to Great Britain, and the fact that an individual license is not required should not by any means be regarded by exporters as an assurance that shipping space cºin or will be provided. Vance C. McCormick, (3013-2) Chairmans A/F º º war TRADE Board JAM 18 1919 - A - WASHINGTON *, (Not to be released before DECEMEFF 9, 1918) (W.T.B.R. 390) December 9, 1918 - EXPORTS TO GREAT BRITA IN The War Trade Board announce that the controller of Ipport Restrictions, London, has temporarily suspended all import restrictions on the following articles: Aerated waters Mineral and table waters (Unsweetened) Almonds Mops Aluminum, manufactures of Nuts, fruit, not oil crushing or metal Aluminum powder Oil cloth Apparel not waterproofed - Perfume Apples, rew only, not canned or dried Photographic apparatus Art, works of Photographs Bananas Pictures; prints Baskets Plated Ware Basketware of all kinds Ranges | ºaths of metal Salt | Birds, live Scales, and balances of all Bonnets descriptions - Brooms Sewing machines 3rushes Skins, raw, and manufactures of, when Cement not hides or leather Cocoa, raw Soap Diator-ite or infusorial earth Spectacles, complete (not containing Engravings gold) - Eyeglasses, complete (not containing Stereoscopes - gold) Stoves Fatty Acids traw envelopes for bottles Fire extinguishers Sugar cane Flowers, fresh Tire-recording instruments of all Furs, raw and manufactures of kinds, and movements and parts (when not hides of leather) thereof (not including watches) Gilt wares Toilet preparations (not containing Gloves of leather sspirits) Hats Vacuum cleaners Hoofs Weighing machines Horns Wood flour Incandescent gas mantles Wringers Ivory, vegetable Tabulating machines Lawn Mowers Linen yarns and manufactures of Mangles Methyl alcohol (3013-1) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON, D.C. official Business 1-926 ºv. T E 310 OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FIRST-CLASS MAIL PEna-TY FOR PRivate use to avoid Payment of Postage, -3oo (W. T. B.R. 472) (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFore DECEMBER 30, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON JAN 16 1919 December 30, 1918 REMOVALS AND MODIFICATIONS OF THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE Board Announce THE Follow NG REMovALs From THE ExpoRT Conservation List, EFFEctive JANUARY 4, AsH wood BALATA Birch wood Book PAPER CHEstnut wood CRUDE RUBBER F I R T IMBER GuAYULE GuTTA-Jool-ATong GuTTA-PERcHA GUT TA—s i Ak Logs LUMBER MAHogany wood METALL ic T IN Mica MicA split TT ING's 0AK WooD PAPER, As Fol Lows: Book Post ER t P G T | N h PINE, YELLow, MEAsur ING 12 Nches BY 12 Nches AND LARGER size, or 25 FEET LONG AND LONGER PLATE, As Fol Lows: TERNE T IN PLYWooD AND VENEER of ALL ki NDs PostER PAPER Pulf wood QUEBRAcHo wood RuBBER, As Fol Lows: BALATA CruDE GuAYule THE WAR TRApe BoARD ALso ANNounce v.AR lous TEMs on THE ExpoRT Conservation List, "BAGG ing, vegetABLE Fiser, Except cotton BAGG ine, " To READ : "0Akum" to READ: "0Akum, JuTE. " M–4:36 1919; RuBBER – CoNT INUED GuTTA-Jool ATong GUTTA-PERCHA GUTTA—s i Ak SEEDs, As Fol Lows: CoTTon SPL TT INGs, Mica SPRUCE wooD TERNE FLATE Timber T N, as Fol Lows: BLock METALLI c ORE P I G PLATE VENEER AND PLYwood of ALL k l NDs WALNUT wooD WooD, As Fol Lows: AsH B1 RCH CHEstNUT F1 R T | MBER MAHogany 0AK QUEBRAcHo SPRuce WENEER AND PLYwood of ALL ki NDs WALNUT YELLow PINE, MEAsur NG 12 Nches BY 12 incHEs AND LARGER size, or 25 FEET LoNG AND LoNGER WooD PULP YELLow Pi NE, MEAsuring 12 Nches BY 12 NeHas AND LARGER size, or 25 FEET LoNG AND LoNGER THE FOLLOW ING MOD IF I CAT I ONS OF EFFECT ve JANUARY 4, 1919: "BAGG ING, JuTE, WANCE C. McCoRMick, CHAIRMAN. JAN 16 1919 (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE DECEMBER 31, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 463) DEcEMBER 31, 1918 EXPORTS TO GREECE THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT A simpl F 1 ED PRocedure HAs BEEN ADoPTED, EFFECT i ve JANUARY 1, 1919, FoR THE cons 1 DERAT I on of APPL cAT I ons For Licenses To ExpoRT commod T Es. To GREEcE. W. T. B. R. 84, issued MARCH 23, 1918, is HEREBY w THDRAWN. ExpoRTERs DEs R i No To obta i N. LicensEs For shi PMENT's To GREEcE sHoul D F : LE APPL ic AT ions witH THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WAsH1NGToN, D, C, , or ANY of Ts BRANCH OFF ces, on ForM X, To WH ich THERE shoul-D BE ATTACHED such SuFFLEMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEETs. As MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE RULES AND REGULAT ions of THE WAR TRADE BoARD To BE used N connect 1 on witH THE SH | PMENT OF CERTAIN COMMOD I T | E.S. No other SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEETs wil-L BE REQUIRED, As T WILL NO LONGER BE NECESSARY TO FORWARD THE FART I CULARS OF THE APPL I CAT I ON To THE WAR TRADE BoARD REPREsent AT ve ABRoad. LicensEs HEREAFTER GRANTED For shi PMENT's To GREEcE, AS WELL AS THose HERETofore issued which contal N AN ExP IRAT I on DATE of November 15, 1918, or LATER, shALL BE vali D UNTIL used or REVOKED, AND MAY BE USED FOR sH PMENT's To GREEcE E L THER BY DIRECT shi PMENT or OTHERWISE, AND WITHOUT RESTRICT I ONS AS TO THE FLAG UNDER WHICH THE SAME IS CARRI ED . THREE, !W. WANce C. McCormick, M–437 CHA RMAN. - TAM 16 1919 (Not To ee RELEAsep seroRE DECEMBER 24, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 457) DEcEMBER 24, 1918 REVISED SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE FOR SAMPLES, NO, RAC–55 ----------- THE WAR Trape Board ANNounce THAT W., T. B. R. 323, issued Novemser 23, 1918, AND THE SPEc AL License. No, RAC-55, issued IN Accord ANCE THEREw TH, HAVE BEEN w THDRAWN, AND THAT A REvised SPEc AL LI cºnse, UNDER THE SAME NUMBER (RAC- 55), EFFECT VE DEcEMBER 24, 1918, HAs BEEN Issued, THE REvised SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE No. RAC-55 HAs BEEN GRANTED To THE Post 0FF ice DEPARTMENT AND To THE Customs SERV I ce, AuTHoR 1z NG THE EXPORTA- T | ON, WITHOUT IND I V | DUAL EXPORT LI CENSE, OF SAMPLES OF ANY COMMOD I TY AND ADVERT | S ING MATTER TO BE USED THEREWITH, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE SAME ARE sH PPED BY MA L (sus JEcT, However, To THE Post AL REGULAT tons), BY FREIGHT, or BY ExPREss, IN Passengers' Baggage or otherwise, WHEN DEst NED To ANY country. UNDER TH is LicensE THE TERM "samples" is construED To MEAN ART icles OR PORT | ONS THEREOF INTENDED FOR USE IN SOL I C | T | NG ORDERS, AND IS NOT CON- STRUED TO | NCLUDE ANY ART | CLE OR PORT | ON THEREOF WH | CH IS I TSELF INTENDED TO BE SOLD AS AN ART I CLE OF COMMERCE , SHIPPERs should NoTE THAT IT is UNNEcEssary To APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For PERMIssion to shil P UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE No, RAC-55, AND No spec AL Document issued by THE WAR TRADE BoARD is NEcEssary N connection witH such shi PMENTs, IT is on Y NEcEssary To NoTE on THE PAckAGE, IF THE SH | PMENT IS MADE THROUGH THE MA LS, OR ON THE EXPORT DECLARAT I ON, F THE SHI PMENT IS MADE BY EXPRESS OR FRE GHT, THE FOLLOW ING: (1) "SH | PFED UNDER SPEc AL ExForT License No. RAC–55". (2) THE NAME AND ADDREss of shi PPER. (3) THE NAME AND ADDREss of consi GNEE, (4) A state MENT of contents, | T should FuRTHER BE NoTED THAT SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE No, RAC–55 is NOT A LicensE To TRADE witH THE ENEMY AND DoE’s Not AUTHoR zE ANY shi PMENT N contRAVENT 1 on of SEcT on 3 or THE TrAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act, THE ATTENT on of ExpoRTERs is cal-LED To THE FacT THAT THE use of SFE- c 1 AL License. No, RAC-55 DoEs Not REL Eve THE shi FPER of THE REs Pons e i Li TY of comply NG WITH THE IMPORT REs TR cT lens of THE count RY of DEs.T INAT I on, IN order THAT AMER I can ExpoRTERs MAY APPREc ATE THE IMPortANce of INForMiNG THEMSELVES IN THIS REGARD, THEY ARE ADVISED THAT AT PRESENT THE CUSTOMS RE- strictions of THE UNITED KINGDom Forst D THE ENTRY INTo THAT country, as samPLEs, OF GOLD, SILVER, AND REAL JEWELRY, MOTOR CYCLES AND AUTO-FEDS, COMPLETE MOTOR cARs AND PARCELs of TIMBER Exceed NG 50 pounds, Also Tobacco samPLEs in unMAN- UFActured ForM, IN we chTs Exceep Ne 24 Founds. (Tosacco samples of ANY size ARE on LY ADMITTED Te APPRoved Tosacco importERs, ) 07:HER countri Es HAVE RE- STRICT LONS SIMI LAR TO THESE, AND IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ExPORTERS AVAIL THEMSELVES of THE FAct Li T LEs of THE BUREAU of Fore GN AND Domestic CoMMERCE of THE DEPART- MENT of CoMMErce, WAsHINGTon, D. C., in osta iNing inForMAT I on ResPEct inc THE CUSTOM'S REGULATIONS OF FORE I GN COUNTR i Es, WANce C. McCoRMick, M–429 CHAIRMAN, A/º 305 J A ºn Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE DECEMBER 24, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 454) DEcEMBER 24, 1918 CANCELLATION OF CERTAIN COMMOD | TY AGREEMENTS THE WAR TRADE BoARD announce THAT I N AL-L- CASES WHERE L I CENSES FOR THE EXPORTAT I ON OF ANY COMMOD 1 TY HAVE BEEN GRANTED IN CONS 1 DERAT I ON OF AN AGREEMENT THAT THE CONS I GN- MENT OF SUCH COMMOD 1 TY SO L I CENSED WOULD BE USED ONLY FOR CERTAIN SPEC I FI C FURFOSES, THE FART | E.S EXECUT ING SUCH AGREE- MENT ARE HEREBY RELEASED THEREFROM, EXCEFT IN THE CASE OF AGREEMENTS WHICH AFFECT COAL OR COKE, MOT | ON-F | CTURE FILMS, or NEws PRINT PAPER, ExForTERs should NoTE THAT TH is RELEAse DOES NOT IN ANY WAY REL | EVE THEM FROM THE REQUI REMENTS OF THE TRAD ING WITH THE ENEMY Act, VANCE C. McCormick, Two, ||. CHAIRMAN, M–428 –2– (A) APPL cat on For ExpoRT License, FoRM X; (B) Such Suppu-EMENTAL INForMAT on SHEETs. As MAY BE REQU RED BY THE RULES AND REGULAT I ONS of THE WAR TRADE BoARD To BE used N connec- T ON W TH SH 1 PMENTS OF CERTA' | N COMMOD | T | E.S., ON Form X THE APFL I cant should ENTER AT A Pol NT IMMEDIATELY to THE LEFT OF H S S GNATURE THE NUMBER OF THE IMPORT CERT | F | CATE OR PERMIT REou RED BY THE Gover NMENT of BELG UM, No 1 v DuAL APFL I cat ions For THE EXPORTAT | ON OF FOODSTUFFS, FODDERS, OR FEEDS WILL BE REFERRED TO THE UN TED STATEs Food ADMIN 1st RAT on AND will BE conside RED BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN Accord ANCE witH Is RuLEs AND REGULAT tons. ExpoRTERs shoul D BE VERY careful BEFoRE sº PP Ng To acqua NT THEM- sELVEs THoRought Y witH THE IMPORT REou REMENTs of THE BELG an Government, AND THE R SPEC 1 AL ATTENT | ON | S HEREBY CALLED TO THE FACT THAT AUTHORT TY To sº P UNDER RAC–65 or UNDER No 1 v Dual License poes Not cARRY witH IT ANY Assur ANCE THAT THE Goops wil LL BE ADM ITTED INTo BELGIAN TERR Tory UN- LEss IMF or TAT on HAs BEEN LicensED BY THE BELGIAN AUTHOR IT Es. | NFoRMAT I on As To BELGIAN MPort RESTR CT | ONS MAY BE OBTA | NED BY APPLY ING TO- THE BELGIAN CoMMission, Room 202, Council NAT I onAL DEFENSE BLDG, , WAsH NGTon, D. L. ExPort ERs shoul D ALso Be cAFEFut. To MAKE THE NEcEssary FRE GHT ARRANGEMENT's BEFoRE Moving coops To sº ABoARD. THE short AGE of sº PP NG w LL st LL PREVENT PROMPT ExpoRT at on ExoM THE UNITED STATEs to THE coun. TRY NAMED, AND THE FAct THAT an Nov dual. License is No Longer REquit RED For ANY commob T | Es Except Those NAMED on THE ExpoRT Conservation List SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN BY EXPORTERS AS AN ASSURANCE THAT SH | PP NG SPACE CAN OR W LL BE PROV DED . WANcE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. (OVER) - - - - - - JAN 16 1919 (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE DECEMBER 23, 1918) - WAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 442) DEcEMBER 23, 1918 THE WAR TRADE BOARD DISCONTINUE THE USE OF CERTAIN SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEETS | THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce (suPPLEMENT ING W. T. B. R. 339, NovemeER 22, 1918; W. T. B. R. 368, DECEMBER 9, 1918; AND W. T. B. R. 410, DEcEMBER 18, 1918) THAT THEY will No LoNGER REQUIRE ExpoRTERs To F i LE THE Fol Low I NG SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEETs: - X–3. LEATHER, HIDEs, ETc, X–4. T IN PLATE, X-22, FLAx PAck NG. To CANADA, NEWFoundLAND, MExico, Etc. X-24, Moving Pictures (UNITED KINGDOM, Etc. ) VANGE. C. McCormick, M–423 CHA RMAN. º JAN 16 1919 (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE DECEMBER 23, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 455) DEcEMBER 23, 1918 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO BELGIUM AND THE BELGIAN CONG0–SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE RAC–65 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT A SPEc AL ExPort LiceNse, EFFEC- Tive iMMEDIATELY, No, RAC-65, Has BEEN GRANTED To THE Customs SERV I ce AND To THE Post 0FF ice DEPARTMENT, AUTHOR 1 zl NG THE ExPortAT I on, w THOUT individual ExPort LicensE, of ANY comMoD I TY DEst INED To BELGI UM AND THE BELGIAN Congo, Except THose commod T | Es NcLUDED IN THE WAR TRADE Board Export Conservation List as T Now stands or As T MAY HEREAFTER BE AMENDED FROM T | ME TO TIME, SHiPPERs should NoTE THAT IT is UNNEcºss ARY To APPLY To THE WAR Trade BoARD For PERMission to ship UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC–65, AND No spec AL Document issued BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD is NEcEssary iN con- NEcT on witH such sh PMENTs. | T is NEcEssary on Y To NoTE on THE PAckAGE, iF THE shi PMENT is MADE THRough THE MA Ls, or on THE ExpoRT DEcLARAT I on, IF THE SHI PMENT I S MADE BY EXPRESS OR FRE I GHT, THE FOLLOW ING: (1) "SHiPPED UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC–65. " (2) THE NAME AND ADDREss of shi PPER, (3) THE NAME AND ADDREss of consi GNEE, (4) • A state MENT of contents. - For THE conven ENCE of ExpoRTERs, THE Fol Low ING is PUBLI shed As THE PROCEDURE HEREAFTER TO BE FOLLOWED IN APPLY ING FOR L J CENSES TO ExPORT COMMOD I Ti ES TO THE ABOVE DEST INAT I ONS : (1) To ExPort ANY commodi Ti Es THAT Do Not APPEAR UPon THE ExFort Conservation List, No 1 NDividual License is REoul RED AND shi PMENT can BE MADE BY MA ill, FRE i GHT, or Express under SPEc AL ExFort LicensE RAC–65. (2) To ExpoRT ANY commod it Es THAT Do APPEAR UPoN THE ExpoRT Con– sERVAT I on List, APPL cat ions For Licenses Must include one of EAch of THE Fol Low I NG PAPERs PRoPERLY ExEcuTED: M-430A (Over) {JAN 16 1919 (Not To Be RELEAsed BEFoRE DECEMBER 22, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 452) DEcEMBER 22, 1918 REMOVALS FROM THE EXPORT CONSERVAT |ON LIST THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE REMov.AL of DExTR 1 NE FROM THE ExPort Conservat 1 on List, EFFEcTive DEcEMBER 26, 1918. | T is ALso ANNounced THAT THE Fol Low I NG commod it Es will L BE REMoved FRom THE ExpoRT Conservation List, EFFEcT ve JANUARY 15, 1919: GLucose: Si RuPs, As Fol Lows: BEET, cANE, coRN, | NVERT SUGAR, MAPLE. |N ADD I Ti on To THE Forego NG, T shoul D BE NoTED THAT AFTER JANUARY 15, 1919, GLYcER INE susst TuTEs, GLYPHo, MALT sh RuP, NuLoMoll NE, REF NERs' s RUF AND syRLINE No LoNGER should BE cons 1 DERED As NcLUDED IN THE ExPort Conservation List. SH1 PPER's ARE ADvised THAT THE v.AR lous LARDs ARE still L on THE ExpoRT cºnservanes List AND were Not included in THE REMOVAL OF ANIMAL FATs. WANce C. McCormick. CHA RMAN. M-426 - - - /ºr º, ºn Aº JAN 10 gig (Not to be released before TECEMBER 21, 1918) WAR TRATE BOARD *ASHINGTON (W.T.B. R. 453) December 21, 1918, SHIPMENTS TO THE UNITED KINGTOM The War Trade Board have been requested by the British War Mission to make the following announcement; "The Controller of Import Restrictions, Board of Trade, London, has, with effect from December 19, 1918, dispensed with the Permit-toe- Purchase system for purchases in the United States. Perſuits to Purchase are, therefore, no longer required, but articles which are prohibited imports must be covered by import licenses which can only be obtained by the consignee . - "Owing to changes being constantly made in the British Import Re- stricted List, the British War Mission is unable to keep exporters ad- vised at all times and with any degree of accuracy of the articles re- quiring import licenses. Exporters are strongly advised, before they make shipment, to obtain from their consignees in the United Kingdom definite assurance that they have obtained an import license or have been informed by the Controller of Import Restrictions or other interest- ed Department, such as Agricultural Machinery Dept., Paper Controller, etc., that an import license is not necessary. All goods shipped in contravention of import restrictions or for greater weights and values than are authorized by import licenses are subject to confiscation on arrival , "Exporters will be in order in making shipment of goods covered by British Permits to Purchase already issued, provided the weights and values authorized are not exceeded, as import licenses for such shipments will be issued on arrival of the goods in the United Kingdom." In view of the foregoing, the War Trade Board announce that in- dividual applications for export licenses will no longer be referred to the British War Mission, Vance C. McCormick, Chairman, (3151) . –2- |N ADD IT I on To THE Foregol Nº., IT should BE NoTED THAT THE Foulowing shoul D No Long ER BE conside RED As NcLUDED IN THE ExpoRT CoNservat 1 on List: CASE IN, cream AND FREsh Mi Lk, MANUFActureD GUMs AND FAstE (ExceFT DExTRINE), AND Rice starch. THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE Fol Lowl NG MoD F1 cations of TEMs on THE ExPort Conservation List, ALso EFFECT ive DEcEMBER 20, 1918: MoD IF i cat ions ---------- "BREWERs' GRAINs" HAs BEEN MoD IF ED To READ; "BREWERs' GRAINs, ExceFT Rice." "CoAL TAR AND I Ts DER vAT ves" HAs BEEN MoD IF ED To READ: "CoAL- TAR DER I v AT I ves." "Rice." HAS BEEN MoD IF ED To READ: "Rice, ExceFT scREENINGs." WANCE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. M-405B (OVER) (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE DECEMBER 20, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 395) DEcEMBER 20, 1918 REMOVALS FROM AND MOD F | CAT |ONS OF THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE BoArd ANNounce THE REI.:ov AL of THE Fol Low ING comMoD T | Es FROM THE ExPort Conservation List, EFFECT ve DECEMBER 20, 1918: REMov ALs ART | F 1 c 1 AL si Lk, MANUFActureD BEANs, As Fol Lows: WELVET BEEF PRoducts, As Fol Lows: MEAT JU ice Buckwheat Buckwheat FLour CARTR pce cloth, si Lk, su I TABLE FOR USE AS POWDER BAGS CLoTH, As Fol Lows: SILK cARTRIDGE, su I TABLE FOR USE AS POWDER BAGS CoRN Homi NY CoTToN, EGYPT I AN CoTTon AEroPLANE Duck Cotton LiNTERs DENTAL suppl Es (ExceFT DENTAL GoLD) DRY "As TE FLouR Duck, cotton AEROPLANE FLour, As Fol Lows: Buckwheat DRY FAstE Rice GRA Ns, As Fol Lows: Buckwheat Homi NY, corn HoNEY LiNTERs, coTTon No Ls, As Fol Lows: SILK Pi Ns, worstED RAW s Lk Rice FLouR RUBBER zED s Lk, su I TABLE For USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A 1 RCRAFT SchAPPE (si Lk) SILK, As Fol Lows: ART IF ic AL, UNMANUFActured CARTRIDGE cloth, su I TABLE For use as Powper BAcs' No Ls RAw RuBBER zED, su I TABLE FoR USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A 1 RCRAFT SchAPPE SPUN WAstE SPUN si Lk WELVET BEANs WAs TE si Lk WoRsTED P Ns 0THER common iT Es HAve BEEN REMoved N ADD IT on To THE Aeove, As will L APPEAR From THE NEw ExpoRT Conservation List DATED DEcEMBER 20, 1918. SHI PRERs ARE REM | NDED THAT |ND | V | DUAL LI CENSES FOR SH | PMENT TO CANADA or NewFoundLAND of TEMs Not on THE ExFort Conservation List ARE NOT REQUIRED, M-405A (0VER) (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE DECEMBER 19, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 411) - DEcEMBER 19, 1918 REMOVAL OF RESTRICT |ONS ON PURCHASES FOR EXPORT THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT ExpoRTERS WILL No LoNGER BE REQUIRED, IN MAking APFL I cat ions For ExpoRT Licenses, ſo AGREE THAT THE APPL I CANT HAS NOT AND WILL NOT , FR I OR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE L I CENSE APPLIED FOR, PURCHASE, OR OTHERWISE ACQU RE, OR COM- MENCE TO MANUFACTURE, PRODUCE, OR F | T THE ART I CLES $PEC I F | ED IN - THE APPL I CAT I ON FOR THE FULF | LLMENT OF A SPEC | F | C EXPORT ORDER, Purchases For ExPort MAY Now BE MADE WITHouT REs.TR cT on so FAr As conce RNs THE WAR TRADE BoARD's PREvious Policy witH REGARD TO OBTA IN ING LI CENSES BEFORE MAK ING PURCHASE OR SALE FOR EXPORT. THE ATTENT I on of ExPorters is CALL-E.D., HOWEVER, TO THE FACT THAT THE SHORTAGE OF TONNAGE ST | LL FREVENTS THE FREE EXPORTAT I ON OF COMMOD I Ti ES TO MANY COUNTRIES, AND THAT, IN MANY COUNTR ES, |MFORT RESTRICT | ONS ARE ST | LL | N FULL FORCE AND EFFECT . ExPort ERs SHOULD BE CAREFUL, BEFORE MOVING EXPORTS TO SEABOARD, TO SEE THAT THE NECESSARY FRE I GHT ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE, AND TO SAT I SFY THEM- SELVES THAT THE IMPORT REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST | NAT I ON HAVE BEEN COMPL I ED WITH . WANCE C. McCormick, M-409 CHAIRMAN. (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE DECEMBER 18, 1918) VVAF TRADE EO A FD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 410) DEcEMBER 18, 1918 WAR TRADE BOARD DISCONTINUES USE OF CERTAIN SUPPLE– MENTAL INFORMATION SHEETS - SUPPLEMENT ING THE ANNounceMENT MADE BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD on November 22, 1918, W, T, B. R. 339, THE BoARD Now ANNounce THAT THEY wil L. No Longer REqui RE ExPort ERs. To FILE THE Fol Low ING SUPPLEMENTAL | NForMAT I on SHEETs, As THE use of THESE is No Long ER NEcEssary: X–6, CoAL AND Coke. X-14, Wool_EN RAGs, X-15. Second-hand Clothing, X-23, News PR NT AND STANDARD NEws. X-115, UNITED KINGDom, FRANCE, TALY, AND BEL- G UM (suPERSEDED BY X-122). X-202, NEws PRINT AND STANDARD NEws AGREEMENT. VA-ce C. McCormick M–407 CHAIRMAN. HYDRox DE of sopA |op NE |PEc Ac AND LAcouers MANURE, As Fol Lows: CATTLE GUANo Pot ATo SHEEP MED cAL GAUzE MERCURY AND I Ts compounds METALL ic Pot Ass I UM MiRsane, oil of Mixed FERT Lizers I TS DER I VAT I VES MoELLoN DEGRAs - MoLYBDENUM AND chEMI cal- compounds THEREOF NAPHTHALENE AND I Ts DER 1 v AT I ves NAPHTHALENE BALLs NITRATEs, ALL NITR ic Ac D AND NITRo compounds Novocal N 0 L of cloves 0 Ls, As Fol Lows: B1 TTER ALMOND, ART F 1 c 1 AL ol L of CAs Tor, sul-PHONATED–– CLovE MiRBANE, o L of RAFEseed RED of L TuRKEY-RED of L 0x I DE of ANT IMONY PARAFF N WAx PERcussion cAPs PHENoL (cAREolic Ac D.) AND I Ts DER I VAT I VES PHospi-ATE, As Fol Lows: Ac D Douel-E Ac D PHosph. DEs PHosphor ic Ac D PHosphorous sesou sul PH DE PHosphorus AMoRPHous YELLow Pot Ass UM, METALLI c | TS SAL-TS SH PPER's ARE REMI NDED THAT CANADA or NEwfoundLAND of NOT REQU RED . Pot Ato MANURE PRoca i NE Quicks Lver RAPEs EED of L RED of L Root, senegA SABAD LLA SAL cyLic Acid SALTPETER SALTs, As Fol Lows: ANT Mony BENzoic Acid CHROMic Acid Nºt TR ic Acid RADI UM Sul PHUR ic Acid SENEGA Root SEsquisul PHIDE, PHosphorous SHEEP MANURE - SILVER NITRATE SoDA Ash SoDA, compounds of (SEE SoD UM compounds) SoD I UM compounds, BENzoATE B I chroMATE AS FOLLOWS / BRoMi DE CAREoNATE CHLoRATE HYDRATE HYDRox DE NITRATE Sul-PHATEs, ALL SULPHoNATED castor ol L SULPHUR SULPHUR 1 c Acid AND SUPERPHosphaTE TANKAGE TETRAcHLoR DE, careoN TETRAcHLoRMETHANE Tol-UENE AND I Ts DER 1 v AT I ves Tol-uol AND I Ts DER vat I ves TURKEY-RED of L WAx, PARAFFIN Wood Ashes YELLow PHosphorus | T S SALTS M–401B | ND | V | DUAL. L J CENSES FOR SH | PMENT TO TEMs. Not on the ExpoR Conservation List ARE VancE C. McCormick, CHairman. –4– BEEF PRoducts--Continued MEAT Juice 0x Tongue - PickLED AND BARRELED SuET - (3) "PEAs." Has BEEN MoD Fiep To READ : PEA.s, As Fol Lows: DR1ED (Not sero) SEED (lno i v Dual Licenses Not REou RED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND For 50 Pounds AND UNDER) SPL T (4) "Pork, AND Fork Propucſs" HAs BEEN MoD IF Ep to READ : Pork Products, As Fou Lows: BA.com BARRELED AND MEss Pork CoARse Hog BELLI Es CANNED Pork FAT BAcks FREskº Pork HAMs PickLED Pork SHoul-DERs SPARE R Bs STAG BELL Es |N APPLY NG For L1 censEs For THE ExPort of ALL of THE Fore- Go NG commod T | Es, APPL cAT I on Form X AND SUPPLEMENTARY FoRM X-1 SHOULD BE USED, WANCE C. McCorwick, M–3980 CHA RMAN. /-/- 3-0.5 ° –3– 4 ºn PEPPER Pickles Pigeons, carr ER PLum Pupping Poºcoºn, Pork chops, canned Pork AND BEANs, cANNED Poul TRY, OREssed Poul-TRY, Live Postum Post Toast Es Pot Ato FEcu-E, F.Lour AND st ARCH Pupping, PLUM PUFFED R ce. PuFFED WHEAT RED oil- Rice AND MILK, cANNED Rice Powder Rice, PuFFEp Sago and Products Sago Flour SALAD pressing Sal Mon, kiPPERED SALT SAuerkraut Sausage, cANNED AND DR ED SEA Biscuits JAN 18, 1919 So AP AND soap Powder Soups, cANNED Soup Paste SP ces SPAche TT STEAR c acid TAMALEs TAP loca AND PRobucts TAP loca FLour TEA ToMATo PastE ToMAToes, cANNED Tongue, Lunch TRIPE, INCLUp NG PickLED TRUFFLEs TUNA Fish, cANNED VEAL Loaf VEGE TABLEs, canned WEGETABLEs, FRESH WERM celli Wines AR WAFERs, communion WHEAT, PUFFED WHEATLEss crack ERs YEast cakes YEAst, compressed THE WAR TRADE BoARD Also ANNounce THE Follow No Mop Fications of v.AR ous TEMs on THE ExpoRT Conservation Li sr, EFFEctive DEcEMBER 16, 1918: -------- MODIFICATIONS (1) "BEAMs" Has BEEN Mooi F ED To READ : Cocoa - - Color=D (Not INCLUDING castor, van LLA, AND LIKE v.AR ET iss of seans) SoYA WELVET WHITE, NcLup NG LIMA AND Navy –BEANs. As Follows: - - - == (2) "BEEF products (cANNED, Preserved, AND FREsh)." Has BEEN Mob F , ED to reap: BEEF PRobucts. As Fol Lows: BEEF Loaf CANNED CoRN seer Hash, canner º Dried DR PR ings FREst of Frozen seer (Over) - - -- d=NNvo 'swad Mo i Ho 'swad BAB-Movis 'swad G3 ſºld 'salvad *Ellna LnNY33 olwynol 'Blsvg anos "31svg d=8 | T 10 s=A 1-10 a low o 1370 LnNoooo Laaoxa 'son 1 × TV 's LnN saidoo N -Yons 9N IN v1Noo saevsaaaa o 170Hoovno N SBNoa Moan sailloa NI swoo-Hsn'N lv=WaoN W dannwo so I a GNv ×n W Sain!N SBTVWv1 Nvo Ixaſ Galloa 'siva W da" Aaq 's LVFW Savºlos Lv3W Hlozlv W anoa Mosavº &no-13 LTwº lovel»3 ITVW Nouvov'ſ 83A T sºn LNAT as Mals 'skand ly sa Innaſ swVſ. Mals Hs 1 & ola 'MT ºr dal-ww 's, ails=N sv Hoſh's 'S COO−. A8V8 Gººſh. Lov- -nNYW GNv , slnaosanvanoo , slnvaN (MBGNn GNV 831 1 LNao sad OW) sasvase Tww1Nv anal dan sashio- sao H sºil v1 , sooH slnoNs , sooH STMoſ' sooH (dBAowaa Lva Hl (M) sqvah , sooH s&v= , sooH SNI was , sooH Savals wova sooH s=Noaxiova , sooH son I swo bok slav BH ×vals bangwVH Avon WVH SNIM3Ho 'Whº) agee-w (83AO) SLVož9 sinn Havsø EN 1830ATO *Iſho IB NBLſ. TO LVEW =WYO BA | T BWVO HSB8- 'sl na– Snell o 'sl ºne- (sanna a da 8G GNw 'sa-ovaa da 18q 'sandav da ºld Laaoxa) da I & G GNv q=Hsnąło GaNNvo 'sl nº- Senº is L nº- diſha Ll ſh? - SN Is Ivº Sºlvad So I - salv[] Sloo 8c+W : SMOTTO= Sv da ad 'I na– - - Hoëlo- (, sinvaN | Has) assnlovannw 'Scoo- wool awl 'ºnol- oovs 'snoºl- LTww anon- NHLſ. To Anon- q==SNOlloo 'Anon- Nvas 'Anon- ss=11val{M s, ww I Waſ LNny Anon- slovaLX3 on 1 MoAvT- dan Nvo ‘wnn.1 Hs 1 - (Nowºws q=NNvo Laaox3) Livs GNv Hsaw- 'dal ad 'dan'Nwo nºw Hs 1– So I - so lov Allvº wn ºv- oN 80Avºla 'slow ºlx3 saxvo OoG slivaw aan ABC LnNoooo Galvoo Sa[] sNvas Galvoo Isaſ] Salv[] and Mod qāv Isno lva HM Ho Wv380 ABTsva ao Wv380 ss=11va-M 'ssaxovs) ss=Xovº O anola da3SNo.1100 (gooa Isvaxvass) sax,via N800 q=NNwo 'N800 (, SLNVBN aas) Gäänlovannwyn doo- , slnaosariv ANoo sINEWI CNOO sè33v M. No NnNWOO A83No los-NOO - - Aº JAN 18, 1910 (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE DECEMBER 16, 1918) wAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 372) DEcEMBER 16, 1918 REMOVALS FROM AND MOD |F |CAT |ONS IN THE FOOD D | V |S|ON OF THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE Board announce THE REMovaL FROM THE ExPort Conservation - | List, EFFEcT ve DECEMBER 16, 1918, of A NUMBER of commod T | Es, PR Nc PALLY Foods.TUFFs, N THE PAs T | T HAs BEEN customARY To NcLUDE MANY commod | T | Es cLAss IF LED, BUT Not NAMED IND I v | DUALLY, UNDER HEAD INGs such As "BEANs, " "BEEF PRobucts, " AND "Pork PRoducts. " | T Now BEcoMEs Poss I BLE To DEF N TELY ELIMINATE FRom THE ExpoRT Conservation List MANY of THESE commod | T | Es, such As "cANNED BEANs, " "BEEF Essence, " "Hogs' HEADs, " AND "Hogs' BRA Ns, " | N THE LIST OF REMOVALS WH | CH FOLLOWS, THE | TEMS E | THER HAVE HERET OF ORE BEEN SPEC I F 1 - cALLY MENT one D IN THE ExpoRT Conservat on List or HAVE BEEN cons DERED As I N- CLUDED UNDER THE VARI OUS CLASS F I CAT I ONS . SHI PPER's ARE REMINDED THAT IND I v | DUAL LicensEs For shi PMENT's To CANADA or NEwFoundLAND of TEMs Not on THE ExpoRT Conservat 1 on List ARE NoT REou RED, THE List of REMovaLs Fol Lows: - REMOVALS Ac D, stEAR lic B I scu Ts - Ac Ds, FATTY B I scu Ts, seA Ac D, ou E ic BLAck-EYE BEANs ANIMALs, As Fol Lows: BLAck-EYE FEAs HoRses BREAD Mul-Es - BUTTER, cocoa - APRI cots, DR ED BuTTER, PEANUT Aunt JEMiMA's WHEATLEss FLour CANDLEs | BABY Foops, MANUFActureD (sEE INFANTs') CANDY BARLEY, cream of - CARAMEL BEAN FLour - CARAMEL color NG | BEANs, BLAck-EYE CARRIER P GEdNs BEANs, canned CATsuf's BEANs, DEs ico ATED CHER zoEs BEEF Bou I LLoN cuses CHEw NG Gum BEEF cast Ncs CHick PEAs BEEF Essence CHicken, cANNED - BEEF NuTR Tive Extract CHicken Loaf BEEF, Potted CHILE con-cARNE BEER Coco A BUTTER BEveRAGE's, NoNALcohol- c, contal NING Cocoa Powder - SUGAR Coconut, DEs ccATED - (OVER) M-398A (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE DECEMBER 18, 1918) wAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 391) DEcEMBER 18, 1918 REMOVALS FROM THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE Board ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THE FOLLOW ING COMMOD | T | Es FROM THE ExpoRT Conservat 1 on List, AcETAN L DE AcETATE of cFL.LULos E AcET | c. Ac D, GLAC I AL Ace T lic ANHYDR DE Ac D PHosphaTE Ac ps, As Follows: Acerre, glacial CARBoulic (FHENoL), AND I Ts —per Ivatives NITR c, AND I Ts sal-Ts PHosphoric SAL icyLic SULPHUR c, AND I Ts sal-Ts ALMono (BITTER), ART IF ic AL ol L of ALUM AMMon A CHROME FERR lic Pot Ash AMoRPHous PHosphorus ANT Mony, as Fol-Lows: BLAck 0x DE SALTs ANT | PHLog Ist INE AsH, sopa AsHEs, wood BALLs, NAPHTHALENE BENZENE (FROM coal TAR) BENz NE oil BENzouc acio AND I Ts salts BENzou AND I Ts DER 1 v AT I ves BichroMATEs, ALL BLAck ANT | Mony Brom DEs, ALL BRomil NE AND I Ts compounds CAPs, PERcussion CARBolic acid (PHENoL) AND I Ts DER IVAT IVES M-401A EFFECT ve DECEMBER 18, 1918: CARBON TETRAcHLoR DE º CARBONATE of soda CAs Tor of L, sul-PHONATED CATTLE MANURE CELLULose, AcETATE of CEvap LLA CHLoRATEs CHLori NE CHLoRoFoRM CHROME ALUM - CHROMic Ac D AND I Ts sal_Ts CHROM UM, cHEMI call compounds THEREOF AND THE IR PRODUCTS CLovEs, of L of Coca LEAVES AND PRobucts CYANAMIDE DEGRAs, MoELLON Douel-E acio PHosphaTE FERR lic ALUM FERT I L IzERs, As Fol Lows: Ac le PHosphate CYANAMIDE - MANURE Mixed SuperPHosphaTE TANKAGE Wood Ashes ForMALDEHYDE AND I Ts DER I v AT I ves ForMAL in GAUzE, Hosp TAL AND MED cAL GLAchAL AcET ic Acid GLYcER INE GREAses, As Fol Lows: MoELLoN DEGRAs GuANo HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE HExAMINE Hose I TAL GAuzz HYDRATE of soda savº (Over) || 30.30 - ... A 3- -4- Applicants who desire to ship any of these commodities to any one of these four countries should apply, using application for export license Form X and - such Supplemental Information Sheets as are required for the commodity in question Supplemental Information Shoot X-119 is no longer required for this list of cºn- moditics. Export licences will be granted without the usual reference to the representative of the War Trade Board abroad, applicants should send their ºp- plications to the nearest branch offico of the War Trade Board, or directly to ºshington, whichev or is nearer. Applicants are cautioned that no shipments should be made in violation of thc Trading with tho Encrºy Act. In so far as the War Trade Board is concernod, the regulations as to con- signments to associations, cte. , will no longer be in force as to this list of commoditios, and shipments of those commoditics may be consigned directly to the consignec named in the export licenso, or they may be consigned "to order", pro- vided they are shipped for account of a firm not on the Enemy Trading List. The attention of cxporters is called to the fact that in some of the countrics above montioned thorc may be still import rostrictions which must be considered by the oxporter bofore shipment is made. Information as to import rostrictions of the country of destination may be obtained by reference to the following: Donnºrk: Mr. N. P. Armstedt, Danish Trade Office, 1838 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. ; or The Danish Consul Goncral, 8-10 Bridge St., Now York. - - Norway: ºr. W. T. Aunthe de Morganstierne, Commercial Attache, Norwegian Legation, Washington, D. C.; or Norwegian Government Food Gommission, 291 Broadway, Now York. Sweden; Mr. A. R. Nordvall, Special Commissioner, 1325 18th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. ; or Swedish Commission Trade Office, 60 East 42nd St., New York. European Hollard: Dr. W. H. de Beaufort, Counsellor of Legation, 1800 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. , Washington, D. C. Vance C. ºcCormick, (50.75-4) Chairman. º ſº 3 0.3 º 4.31 -3- *dicines, proprietary and pºtent Mineral waters Morocco leather Small fancy goods made of leather or imitation leather Musical instruments Office furniture and stationery (excluding rubber erasers) Onera glasses Pºintings &nd pictures Pen ºibs Perfumery, including essential oils Phonographs Phonographic records Photographic goods, but not chemicals therefor Piano; Precious stones, real and imitation Printing presses Pumice stone Razors, safety and blades Ribbons, silk Salt , table Sānitary ware, plumbers' goods, if of iron containing not more than 5% copper or Scales and balances, not including weights Screws Spanners Sewing machines for domestic use Shrubs Slates, writing or drawing Slate pencils Spectacles Theatrical properties, wigs and cosmetics, footwear Teeth, artificial Tobacco pipes Toilet preparations, excluding soap Tooth brushes, beard brushes, and mustache Trimºings of silk Truffles, fresh or preserved Turners' wares of wood Type setting and type casting machinery, excluding type metal Typewriters and spare parts Wall papers Walking sticks Wines of all kinds Umbrellas or steel or earthenware brass of copper or brass excluding costumes and brushes In so far as this list of commodities is concerned, the regulations and procedure hitherto in effect governing all exportations to these four countries are hereby rescinded, namely: (30.75-3) Denmark - 7, T. B.R. 259, issued October 9, 1918, and "...T. B. R. 569, issued December 9, 1918, Norway - ".T. B. R. Cll, issued August 31, 1918. Sweden - ", T.R.R. 236, issued September 23, 1918, European Holland - ". T. B.R. 365, issued December 5, 1918. -2- Eucaino Torric compounds Ferrum rodacturn Folia hyoscyanig Fructus ſomniculi Hydrobromic acid Ichthyol Inula root Kharsovan Motol - Mitrate of silver Opium ºlkºloids Paroldohydo Phonacot in Salicylic acid Sodium arsenate Sodium bromido Sodium nitroprus side Sodium salicylate Sodium Woronal Duplicating machinory and supplic: therefor Dycs and dyestuffs Earthonward Electropic tod, gildod, or silver gºods (cxcept those of solid silver or gold) Fans ºnd hand scroons - Fºncy goods, of paper, ivory, mother of pcarl, tortoise shell, ombor or amboroid - * Foothors * Flower seeds (oxcopt soods of oil-bearine, plants) Flowers, artificial Fountain pons Fruit (except dried apples, poaches, and pºunds) Fresh fruit juice (unswoctoned) Furs, dressud, dyed, or manufactured Gºuge glasses Glassware Hair or ments and combs air mots of silk or hºir - Hardware for buildcrg (if of iron or stool) - Household furnishings, sets of all sinds, fixtures and cquipment (if monufactured of wood, iron, or stool) Ink (other than printers' ink) - - Jewelry (cºcopt jewelry containing in cºcoss of 45% gold) Jowelry (imitation) Jowelry, real, mounted with precious stories (excluding articles of solid gold, silver, or platinum) Lacos and guipuro Laundry mºchinery Lodgers, loose-loaf, and similar stationery Lighting fixtures (if of iron or steel) Marble, row and mºnufactured Mats ºnd matting mºde of guinco and prºvic.cº. (5075-2) - 303 p - - A32 (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE DECEMBER 15, 1918) WAF TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 419) DEcEMBER 15, 1918 EXTENSION OF SPECIAL LI CENSE FOR CHRISTMAS G|FTS TO THE COLONIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, ITALY, AND BELGIUM THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THAT THE SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE KNowN As RAC-60 (DEscR1 BED IN W. T. B.R. 348, issued Nov. 28, 1918), issued to THE Post OFF ice DEPARTMENT To PERMIT THE MA 1 LING OF CHR 1st MAs G FTs TO IND | V | DUALS IN CERTAIN COUNTR ES, WH | CH L CENSE WAS VAL ID ONLY TO PERMIT such PAcKAGEs To BE MA LED UP To AND INCLUDING DEcEMBER 15, HAs BEEN ExTENDED so As to ALLow such CHR is TMAs PAckaces To BE M.A. LED To ND 1 v DuALs in CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND, AND ALL other coLoNi Es, Posses- sions, AND PRotector ATEs of GREAT BRI TA N, FRANCE, TALY, or BELG UM, UF To AND incLUD inc DECEMBER 24, 1918, THE ATTENT 1 on of THE PUBL I c is cal-LED To THE NoTAT I ons which Must BE MADE UPON THE WRAFPER OF EVERY PACKAGE MA I LED UNDER THIS LI CENSE. Such NoTAT ions ARE As Fol Lows: NAME AND ADDREss of PERson MA 1 L ING THE PACKAGE . , DETA I LED L 1st of contents, NAME AND ADDREss of PERson To RECEIVE THE PAcKAGE. THE statement "CHR istmas SHIPMENT License RAC-60. " i - THE ATTENT 1 on of THE PUBL I c is CALLED To THE FAct THAT ALL SHIP- MENTS MADE UNDER THIS LI CENSE MUST BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE - REGULAT ions of THE Post OFF ice DEPARTMENT AND THAT THE shi PMENT of ANY ART icles other THAN G FTs UNDER RAC-60 is A viol AT I on of LAw, - º WANcE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN. M–410 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 418) º EXPORT LiCENSES FOR SHIPMENTS OF CERTAIN COMIOLITIE3 TO (isot to be released before DECEMBER 14, 1918) / December 14, 1913- DENNIARK, NORAAY, SWEDEN, AND EUROPEAl HOLLAND The War ºrado Board announce that licenses will be issued freely for the exportation of the following list of commodities, when the sºme arc destined to Donmark, Norway, Sweden, or European Holland: - Adding and calculating machines Alºbastor Artists' mºtorial (excluding oils sm Athletic goods Bicycles (list of accossories will b Buttons Cash registors Cigar and cigarotto holders Ch. ina China clay Clocks - Coral Cutlery Dontal burs Dontal filling materials Drugs: Acctyl-solicylic acid Aconito Agºric Althaea root Amidol and substitutes Argentamine Arsenobillon Arsonous acid Borium sulphate Bota no phthol Bromino Butylchloralhydrºte Cºcodylicate Camomilo Chromic incid Diethyl-barbituric acid Digitalis Dubois ind sulphate (3075-1) d turpentines) a specifică later) - 7. 2. - (Not to be released before DFCFMBER 14, 1918) TAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 413) - December 14, 1918, ADDITION TO PROCFDURF FOR ORTAINING OCFAN SHIPPING PRFFERENCE FOR EXPORTS TO THE FAST COAST OF SOUTH AMFRICA, The War Trade Board Lake the following announcedent with reference to certain special cases which will arise in connection with the administration of the Shipping Preference to the East Coast of South America announced in W.T., B.R. 363, issued December 8, 1918. - In paragraph 4 of W, T, B, R. 363, reference is made to the desire of the War Trade Board to give preference in loading to commodities (except coal, fuel oil, cement, and lumber) which have been covered by export licenses dated prior to November 12, 1918. Many licenses were granted which expired prior to November 12, 1918, and for which new applications were not immediately filed, the exporter, for one reason or another, having deferred the filing of his application for a new license until a later date. Other licenses dated prior to November 12, 1918, have been renewed by new licenses dated November 12, 1918, or subsequently. To protect exporters who still have business alive and goods unshipped to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, or Uruguay and to give them the proper Shipping Preference, the War Trade Board is prepared to issue a new license for the unshipped portion of the goods, which license will be marked in a manner to give the same Shipping Preference to which the shipment would have been entitled had the new license borne the date of the original license covering the business. Such new license ; will be unlimited as to date of expiration. All exporters who have actual business on their books unshipped, which was covered at one time by an export license, may apply to the War Trade Board (using Forms X and X-8) for a new export license claiming the Shipping Preference which would have been due to the original license, Applicants for such new licenses must set forth the facts in the case fully and submit proof, satisfactory to the War Trade Board, that the business is still alive. wance c. McCormick, (3073) Chairman, –2– (2) To ExpoRT ANY common IT Es THAT Do APPEAR UP on THE ExpoRT Conserva– T 1 on List, APPL cAT ſons For Licenses Must NcLUDE one of EAch of THE Fol Low- |NG FAF ERS PROPERLY EXECUTED : (A) APPL cAT I on ForM X. (B) Such SUPPLEMENTAL INForMAT on SHEETs. As MAY BE REqu RED BY THE RULES AND REGULAT ons of THE WAR TRADE BoARD To BE used in ONNECT | ON WITH SH | PMENTS OF CERTA | N COMMOD | T | Es, ON FORM X THE APFL I cant should ENTER AT A Pol NT IMMEDIATELY to THE LEFT OF HIS S I GNATURE THE NUMBER OF THE IMPORT OR PURCHASE FERM IT REQUIRED BY THE Government of THE EURoPEAN ALL Ed count RY To or THRough which THE shi PMENT is To BE MADE, IND v | DUAL APPL cAT ons, when REqu RED, wi LL cont Nue. To BE RE- FERRED To THE Missions of THE REs PEc T live EUROPEAN ALL ED Governments; AND F º - THE APPL I CAT | ONS ARE FOR THE EXPORTAT I ON OF FOODSTUFFS, FODDERS, OR FEEDS, THEY!. wil-L BE REFERRED To THE UNITED STATEs Foob ADM Nistration AND wil-L BE consib- ERED BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN AccordANCE WITH ITs RULES AND REGULAT I ons. ExForTERs shoul D BE VERY care Ful BEFoRE sh PP NG To Acqua NT THEMSELVEs THOROUGHLY WITH THE IMPORT REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, AS IN SOME OF THESE COUNTR ES REGULAT | ONS WH | CH WERE I N FORCE DURING THE WAR ARE ST I LL IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT . - | NForMAT I on As To BRIT isłł I MPort REstrict ions MAY BE obta I NED BY APPLY I NG TO : BRIT ish WAR Mission, MUNse Y Bu LD 1 NG, WAsHINGTon, D. C. fe. As To FRENCH IMPORT RESTRICT | ONs: THE FRENCH HIGH CoMMission, 15TH AND M STREETs, WAsHINGTon, D. C. As To | TAL 1 AN IMPORT RESTRICT | ONS: THE | TALIAN H GH CoMMI ssion, 1712 NEW HAMPsh RE Avenue, WAsHINGTon, D.C. ExFor TERs shoul D ALso BE CAREFUL TO MAKE THE NEcEssaRY FRE I GHT ARRANGEMENTS BEFoRE MOV NG ExFor T's To THESE COUNTR E S TO SEABOARD THE shortAGE of shi PP. NG WILL ST LL PREVENT THE FREE EXPORTATION FROM HERE TO THE COUNTR ES NAMED, AND THE FAct THAT AN IND v DUAL L CENSE is NO LoNGER REQUIRED FOR ANY COMMOD 1 TY EX- CEPT THOSE NAMED ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List shoul D NoT BE TAKEN BY EXPORT- ERs As AN Assur ANcE THAT SH 1 PP NG SPACE CAN OR W H LL BE PROVIDED . Vance C. McCormick, M–408B Chairman. (Not To BE R LEASED EEFoRE DECEMBER 13, 1918) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON DECEMBER 13, 1918 (W, T, B.R. 412) SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE FOR SH | PMENTS OF CERTAIN COMMOD IT |ES TO UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, ITALY, OR JAPAN, THE IR COLONIES, POSSESSIONS, AND PROTECTORATES-RAC-63 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT A SPEc AL ExpoRT L cFNse, EFFECT VE 16, 1918, No. RAC–63, Has BEEN GRANTED To THE Customs SERV I ce. AND DEcEMBER |ND I - To THE Post OFF ce. DEPARTMENT AUTHoR z NG THE ExpoRTAT I on, WITHouT v DUAL ExpoRT License, of ANY commod 1 TY DEs.T NED To THE UNITED KINGDoM, | TALY, or JAPAN, THE IR colon Es, Possessions, or PRotector ATEs, Ex- NcLUDED IN THE WAR TRADE BoARD ExpoRT Conserva T on | T MAY EE HEREAFTER AMENDED FROM T | ME TO T | ME, FRANCE, CEPT THOSE COMMOD | T | ES List As T Now stands of As A NEW AND REDuced ExpoRT Conservation List Is Now on THE PREss AND w LL BE issued on DEcEMBER 20, 1918, ON DEcEMBER 9, 1918, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounced GENERAL License RAC-62, W. T. B.R. 390, which PERMITTED THE FREE ExpoRTATI on To THE UNITED KINGdom on LY WITHouT IND I v | DUAL LicensEs of A List of comMoD I T | Es As To which THE ContRol LER of IMPort REs.TR cT Ions N LoNDoN HAD TEMPoRAR LY suspenDED ALL IMPoRT REs.TR cT tons. TH is LicensE RAC-62 is Now supersedED BY RAC–63, WHich is A MUCH BRoapBR LicensE, ANY sh PMENT's WHich HAVE BEEN MADE UNDER RAC-62 wil-L BE PAssed BY THE Customs witHouT DIFF cul-TY, SH. PPERs shoul D NoTE THAT IT is UNNEcEssary To APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For PERMI ssion To shi P UNDER SPEc AL ExPort LicensE RAC–63, AND No spec AL Document issued BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD Is NEcEssary N connect on w TH such sh PMENTs. T is NEcess ARY on LY To NoTE on THE PAcKAGE, IF THE sH | PMENT is MADE THROUGH THE MALLs, or on THE ExPort DEcLARAT I on, IF THE SH 1 PMENT | S MADE BY EXPRESS OR FRE I GHT, THE FOLLOW ING : (1) "SHiPPED UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC–63". (2) THE NAME AND Appress of shi PPER. (3) THE NAME AND Appress of consicNEE. - (4) A state MENT of contents. - For THE conven ENee of EXPORTERS, THE FOLLOW ING IS PUBLISHED AS THE PROCEDURE HEREAFTER TO BE FOLLOWED IN APPLY ING FOR L I CENSES TO ExPORT COMMOD I T | ES TO THE ABOVE DEST INAT I ONS : (1) To ExpoRT ANY commop T : Es THAT Do Not APPEAR UP on THE ExFort CoN- sERVAT I on List, No 1 ND I v DuAL LicensE is REQUIRED AND SHIPMENT can EE MADE BY MAIL, FRE 1GHT, or ExPREss UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC-63, M–408A (0VER) º º - ºn JAM 16 1919 º (Not To BE RELEASEB BEFoRE JANUARY 8, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 486) JANUARY 8, 1919 RESUMPT ON OF TRADE WITH ALSACE–LORRA|NE THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT ALL PERsons in THE UNITED STATEs ARE AUTHoR zED, sus.JEcT To THE RULEs AND REGULAT ons of THE WAR TRADE BoARD, To TRADE AND communicate witH PERsons REs D ING IN THE STATEs of ALsAce AND Lorra i NE. | N. Accord ANCE WITH TH is AuTHOR zAT I on, APPLICAT I ONS WILL NOW BE CON- s DERED FOR L I CENSES TO EXPORT OR IMPORT ALL COMMOD I T | ES TO CONS I GNEES or FROM cons GNors N THE STATEs of ALsAcE AND Lorra i NE. * For THE ExPortAT I on To ALsAcE AND Lorral NE of ART I clies WHich ARE Not on THE ExpoRT Conservation List, IND I v. DuAL Export L cFNses wil L NoT BE REqui REp. Such commop IT Es MAY Now BE shi PPEE, UNDER SPEc AL LiceNse No. RAC–63, which AUTHoR zEs THE ExPortAT on, w THouT IND I v | DUAL LicensE, of ART icles Not on THE ExPort Conservation List To THE UNITED KINGDoM, FRANCE, I TALY, AND JAPAN, (SEE W. T. B.R. 412, issued DEcEMBER 13, 1918.) APPL cat ſons For THE ExpoRTAT I on To ALsACE AND LORRA NE of comMoD T Es which ARE on THE ExPort Conservation List shoul D BE F LED IN THE sAME MANNER As APPL cat ions For Licenses To ExPort To FRANCE, For importAT ions into THE UNITED STATEs From ALsace-Lorra i NE, IND I – V DUAL MPORT L I CENSES WILL BE REQUIRED UNDER THE SAME COND I T | ONS AS FOR IMPORTAT I ons FROM other EUROPEAN NoNENEMY countri Es, Except where THE SH | PMENTS ARE COVERED BY THE L | ST OF GENERAL I MPORT L I CENSES FREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED, WANcE C, McCormick, THREE, XXIV, 1, M–448 CHAIRMAN, (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE JANUARY 7, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 483) JANUARY 7, 1919 REMOVALS FROM THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNOUNCE THE Follow ING REMOVALs FROM THE ExPort Conservation List, EFFECT vB JANUARY 7, 1919: BEANs, so YA CAMPHoR GRA Ns, MALT GUM of 1UM AND I TS PRODUCTs MALT MALT sprouts MoRPH NE AND DER 1 v AT I ves 0 L, olive PAPER, As Fol Lows: NEws PR int. PRINT - SALTs, As Fol Lows: HERo N MoRPH | NE TANNING ExTRAcTs, As Fol Lows: CHEstNUT Queer Acho THE WAR TRADE BoARD ALso ANNounce THAT coRN sucAR is No LoNGER cons DERED As UPoN THE Conservat on List UNDER THE GENERAL HEAD ING "S -- UGAR . THE WAR TRADE BoARD ALso ANNounce THAT "FEEDs." AND "FooDERs." HAVE BEEN REMoveo FROM THE Conservation List, THESE TERMS HAVE BEEN USED TO COVER CATTLE AND AN I MAL FEEDS, ALL OF WH | CH ARE NOW REMoveo FROM THE Conservat 1 on List wi TH THE ExceFT I on of THose which APPEAR UNDER THE IR own T TLE, such As "cottons=ED cake, " "Lunseed MEAL, " Etc. WANce C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN, M-445 Hº 30.3 ° ºz. JAN 16 1919 (Not to be released before JAITARY 6, 1913) TAR TR". DE BOARD Washington º, T.I.R. 476) Jaruary 6, 1919. ADDITIONS TO AND RICVALS FRCM THE EXPORT CONSTRVATION LIST . 3 * The Tſar Trade Doard announce that eggs and 9&G products have been added to the Export Conservation List, effective January 6, 1913, The "ſar Trade Board also announce the removal of the following commodities from the Export Conservation List, effective January 6, 1919: Arsenic cºnd compounds thereof; Arsenate of lead; Arsenate cf soda, Arsenite of soda; Tead, arsenate of; Sodium compounds, as iollows: Arsenate; Vance C. cºormick, -- ^ - - (5230) C. a. irman. - JAN 16 1919. (Not to be released before JANUARY 4, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD "ASHINGTON (V, T.B., R. 477) January 4, 1919. SUPPLEMENTAL INFormation shºrt z_2 NO LONGER REQUIRED The War Trade Board announce that applicants for export licenses will no longer be required to attach to their appli- cation Supplemental Information Sheet X-2, except in the case of applications for the exportation of arms, ammunition, or explosives. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. | - Hº º A 3-2 (Not to be released before JAITUARY 3, 1919) WJAR TRADE BOARD Tashington (W.T.B.R. 474) January 3, 1919. OCEAN SHIPPING PREFERENCE FOR SAIPLES The Tſar Trade Board announced on December 24, 1918 (`. T. B. R. 457), that Special Export License RAC-55 had been issued covering the exportation from the United States of - commercial samples. W.T. B. R. 363, issued December 8, 1918, described the manner of determining Shipping Preferences for exports to the East Coast of South America. In order that shipments of samples made under this special license (RAC–55), destined to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, may receive prompt shipping facilities, the War Trade Board have instructed Collectors of Customs and steamship companies that Shipping Preference No. 1 is to be accorded all such shipments. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3215) –4– THE ATTENT 1 on of ExPorters is cal_LED To THE FAct THAT in some OF THE COUNTR ES ABOVE MENT | ONED THERE MAY BE ST I LL I MPORT RESTRICT LONs WH | CH MUST BE CON'S 1 DERED BY THE EXPORTER BEFORE SH 1 PMENT is MADE . |N- FORMAT I ON AS TO IMPORT RESTR CT | ONS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT 1 on MAY EE ©BTA 1 NED BY REFERENCE TO THE FOLLOW ING . DENMARK : -------- MR. N. P., ARNstEDT, DAN ish TRADE OFF ice, 1838 Connect cut Avenue, WAsHINGTon, D. C. ; or THE DAN is H Consul GENERAL, 8–10 BRIDGE STREET, NEw York. Norway: - MR. W. T. MUNTHE DE MoRGAnst ERNE, CoMMERC I AL ATTAcHE, - Norweg I AN LEGAT I on, WAsHINGToN, D, C, ; or Norweg AN Government Foop CoMMission, 291 BRoadway, NEw York, SWEDEN MR. A. R. NordvaLL, SPEc AL CoMMI ssionER, 1325 EIGHTEENTH STREET NW. , WAsHINGTon, D. C. ; or SWED ish CoMMission TRADE OFF ice, 60 EAst ForTY-second STREET, NEw York, Euro-EAN Hol LAND: DR. W. H., DE BEAUFoRT, Counsel LoR of LEGAT lon, 1800 Connect I cut Avenue NW, , Washi NGTon, D. C. WANce C. McCormick, M–444D CHAIRMAN. (Over) º - º A. 2 -- JAN 16 g|9 SLATE PENc Ls SMALL FAncy Goods MADE of LEATHER SPEcTAcLEs THEATR cal- ProPERT | Es, WI Gs AND cosme T ics, Exclub ING costumes AND FOOTWEAR TEETH, ART | F 1 c 1 AL ToBAcco P : PEs To LET PREPARAT I ons, ExcLuo NG soap Too TH Brushes, BEARD Brushes, AND Must AcHE BRusHEs TR IMMINGs of s Lk TRUFFLEs, FRESH or Preserved TURNER's' war Es of wood - TYPE set T ING AND TYPE cAst ING MACH | NERY, ExcLup NG TYPE METAL TYPEWRITERs AND spare PARTs (ExceFT TYPEWR TER R BBons) WALL PAPERs WALK NG sticks - WINEs of ALL k NDs WIRE MATTREsses UMBRELLAs º ATTENT 1 on is cal_LED To THE FAct THAT I Ron AND stEEL AND MANU- FACTURES THEREOF AND PORK AND FORK PRODUCT'S HAVE BEEN ADDED TO TH | S L | ST, |N so FAR As TH is List of cowoo I Ti Es is CONCERNED, THE REGULA- T | ONS AND PROCEDURE H 1 THERTO N EFFECT GOVERN | NG ALL EXPORTAT I ONS TO THESE Four count R Es ARE HEREBY REsc 1'NDED, NAMELY: DENMARK –W, T, B, R., 259, issued October 9, 1918, AND , T, B, R, 369, issued DEcEMBER 9, 1918. Norway -- W, T, B, R., 211, Issued August 31, 1918, Sweden – W. T. B. R. 236, issued SEPTEMBER 23, 1918. EUROPEAN Hol LAND –W, T, B, R, 365, issued DEcEMBER 5, 1918, APPL cants WHo DEs RE To shil P ANY of THEs E commod T | Es To ANY one of THEs E Four count R Es shoul D APPLY, us NG APPL cAT on For ExForT LicensE Form X AND such SuFFLEMENTAL | NForMAT 1 on SHEETs as ARE REquil RED For THE com- MoD TY IN quest on, SuFFLEMENTAL INForMAT I on SHEET X-119 is No Longer REou RED F9R THIS L | ST OF COMMOD I T | ES, BUT WILL ST | LL BE REQUIRED FOR COMMOD | T | ES NOT on TH1's List, ExpoRT LicensEs w LL BE GRANTED WITHouT THE usual. REFERENCE To THE REPREsent AT vs of THE WAR TRADE Board ABRoad, APPL cANTs should send THE IR APPL lºcations To THE NEAREst BRANCH of F ice of THE WAR TRADE BoARD, or o RecTLY To WAsH NGTon, whichEveR is NEARER. APPL cants ARE cautionED THAT No shi PMENTs should BE MADE IN v ot- LAT I on of THE TRAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act, | N. so FAR as THE WAR TRADE Board is cence RNRo, THE REGULAT tons as TO CONS GNMENTS TO ASSOC I AT I ONS, ETC, , WILL NO LONGER BE | N FORCE AS TO THIS L | ST OF COMMOL, IT ES, AND SHIPMENTS OF THESE COMMOD | T | ES MAY BE CONS GNED D ! - RECTLY TO THE CONS GNEE NAMED IN THE EXPORT L CENSE, OR THEY MAY BE CONS I GNED "ro orpe R, " Provided THEY ARE sh PPED For Account of A F I RM Not on THE ENEMY IRAD ING List. M-444C (Over) –2– FuRs, DREssed, by Ep, or MANUFActured GAUGE GLAsses GLAsswarE - HA R or NAMENT's AND comes HA R NETs of s Lk or HAIR HARDWARE For But LoBRs (IF of RoN or stEEL) HATs of ALL k NDs House Hol-D FURNI sº NGs, FixTUREs AND Equ PMENT ( F MANUFactured of woop, Ron, or stEEL) (Except UPHoustERED FuRNI TurE) | NK (other THAN PRINTERs' Nk) - | Ron AND stEEL AND MANUFActures THEREoF (ExceFT H IGH-SPEED stEEL) |M1 TAT I on LEATHER coops JEWELRY (Except JEWELRY contal N. NG IN Excess of 46 PER cent GoLD) JEWELRY (1 MITAT on) JEWELRY, REAL, Mount ED witH PREC lous stones (ExcLUDING ART - cLEs of soul D GoLD, s LVER, or PLAT I NUM) LAces AND GUI PURE LAUNDRY MACHINERY LEDGERs, Loose-LEAF, AND si Mu LAR stat onERY Li GHT ING F | xTUREs (IF of RoN or stEEL) MARBLE, RAW AND MANUFACTURED MATs AND MATT ING MADE OF GUI Nco AND PAv 1 ERA MED 1 c | NEs, PROPRI ETARY AND PATENT MI NERAL WATERs (UNSWEETENED) MoRocco LEATHER Mosaic, FANCY WARE Music AL INSTRUMENTs - OFF Ice FURNITURE AND stat IoMERY (ExcLUDING RuBBER ERAsers) OPERA GLAsses (FoR Use IN THEATERs) PA I NT INGs AND F cTUREs of ALL k l NDs PEN N Bs PERFUMERY, INCLUDING Essent AL o Ls PHoNocRAPHs PHoNographic REcoRDs PHoToGRAPH ic Goods, BuT Nor cREMI calls THEREFOR PIANos Pork AND Pork PRODUCTs PREc ous ston Es, REAL AND IMI TAT I on PRINT ING FREsses PUM. ce ston E - RAzors, saEETY, AND BLADEs R BBons, sº LK SALT, TABLE SANI TARY ware, PLUMBERs' goods, F of Ron or stEEL of EATHEN- wARE conta N NG Not MoxE THAN 5 PER cent coPPER or BRAss ScALEs AND BALANCEs, NoT NcLud NG WE GHTs of coPPER or BRAss Screws SPANNERs, FoR cycles - SEW NG MACHINEs FoR DomesT c use SHRues SLATEs, writing or DRAw NG M–44.4B -- - (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE JANUARY 3, 1919) A ºn WAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 473) JAN 16 1919 JANUARY 3, 1919 FREE LIST EXPORT LI CENSES FOR SHIPMENTS OF CERTAIN COMMOD |T|ES TO DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, AND EUROPEAN HOLLAND THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNoung E THAT W., T., B. R. 418, issued DEcEMBER 14, 1918, HAs BEEN AMENDED To READ As Fol Lows: THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT Licenses wil-L BE issued FREELY FOR THE EXPORTAT | ON OF THE FOLLOW ING LIST OF COMMOD | T | ES, WHEN THE SAME ARE DEst NED To DENMARK, Norway, Sweden, or EUROPEAN Hol LAND: ADD NG AND calcul-AT ING MAcHi NEs ALABAs TER For statuary Purposes ART ists' MATER AL (ExcLUDING of Ls AND TURPENT INEs) ATHLET ic Goods Bicycles AND Accessor Es (Exclub NG T REs) But Tons of ALL kinds (Except Mi Li TARY BUTTons, HoRN BUTToNs, AND VEGE TABLE ivory Buttons) Cash REG stERs C GAR AND c GARETTE Hol. DERs CHINA CHINA clay - CLocks, Not Up NG clocks For Time check NG CoRAL CUTLERY, ALL ForMs DENTAL Burs DENTAL FILLING MATER LALs DRUGs, various DuPL cAT ING MAcH NERY AND supplit Es THEREFor DYEs AND DYEstuffs EARTHENWARE ELEcTRoPLATED, G | Loso, or si Lver Goops (ExceFT THose of sol D st LVER or GoLD) --- FANs AND HAND screens FANcy goods, of PAPER, Ivory, MoTHER of PEARL, Tortoise shel L., - AMBER OR AMEERO I D | FEATHERs, MADE UP FiLMs, PR in TED Positive or NEGAT live, sue JEcT To censorshi P Flower seeps (Except seeds of ol L-BEAR ing PLANTs) FLowers, ARTI FI c 1 AL . Fountain PENs FRul T FREsh FRuit Juice (UNsweet ENED), Except For Hol LAND (Over) M–444A (Not To BE RELEAsed Before JANUARY 2, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W.T.B.R.466) JANUARY 2, 1919 WAR TRADE BOARD D | SC0NT INUE THE USE OF CERIA|N SUPPLEMENTAL ||NFORMAT |ON SHEETS THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce (suPPLEMENT ING W, T, B.R. 339, issue D November 22, 1913; W. T., B.R. 368, issued DEcEMBER 9, 1918; W. T. B. R. 410, issued DEcEMBER 18, 1918, AND W. T. B. R. 442, issued DEcEMBER 23, 1918) THAT THEY will NQ LONGER REQUIRE EXPORTERS, WHEN APPLY ING For ExpoRT LicensEs, to FILE THE Fol Low ING SUPPLEMENTAL | NForMAT 1 on SHEETs; X-1, FocesTUFFs, X-117, BRIT sR AND FRENoH WEst AFR Ica AND LIBER A. * X-120, Russ 1A, FINLAND, AND SIBER A. X-121, BELGIAN Congo, X-122. UNITED KINGDom, FRANCE, AND ITALY, VANCE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. M–440 (Over) –2– CONS GNEE OF EACH SUCH SH 1 PMENT, AND I F THE SH | PMENT is MADE TO A BANK, BROKER, FACTOR, OR OTHER AGENT, THE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ACTUAL CONS GNEE ON WHOSE ACCOUNT THR 5H | PMRINT 1 S MADR . 4. THE Extra cer'Y of ForM 7512 or THE Extra coPY of THE shi P's MAN FEst which is F LED w TH THE Coluector AT THE Port of Exit wi LL se Forwarded imme- s ATELY BY THE Collector Te THE WAR TRADE BoArp, Washi NGTon, D, C, 5, T should se NoTEE THAT SPEc AL Export License No, RAC-42 Authorizes THE ExPortAT I on only of sh PMENT's IN TRANSIT THRough THE UNITED STATEs AND THAT sh PMENTs cons GNED To cons GNzes N THE UNITED STATMs, To Be Recons GNED TO CONS I GNEES IN A FORE I GN COUNTRY, ARE NOT CONS I DERED IN TRAN$ | T UNDER TH is L I CENSE. 6, ATTENT I on Is Further cALLED To THE FAct THAT License No. RAC-42 is AN EXPORT LI CENSE AND DoEs Not AUTHorize THE IMPoRY AT I on 1 NTo THE UNITED STATEs of ANY commod 1 TY w THouT AN MPort L license, LicensE No, RAC-42 ALso DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY SH | PMENT FROM OR TO ANY IND | V | DUAL, PARTNERSHIP, AS- soc AT I on, or corporat I on WHose NAME APPEArs on THE ENEMY TRAD INo List. 7, SHiPMENT's TRAVELING IN TRAnst T sy RA L on Customs CARR ter's Mant- FEs.T., FoRM 75.12, Must BE covered sy ND v dual ExpoRT Licenses when THEY ARE NCT MADE | N ACCORDANCE WITH THE REGULAT | ONS DESCR BED IN PARAGRAPH 3 HEREOF . VANCE C, McCoRMick, (PT, ONE, ART, ||, SEc. 5, F, 130 G, I, ) M–438B CHAIRMAN. º º 4 ºn (Not To se RELEAsko BEFore JANUARY 2, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B, R, 465) JANUARY 2, 1919 SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE NO, RAC-42 FOR CERTAIN TRANSIT SHIPMENTS THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THE REv is on of THE REGULAT I ons UNDER WHICH SH | PMENTS OF CERTAIN OR G | N AND DEST INAT I ON, THE IMPORTAT | ON OF WH | CH HAS BEEN OTHERWISE LI CENSED, MAY BE EXPORTED WITHOUT AN IND | V | DUAL EXPORT L I CENSE WHEN THE SAME ARE CONVEYED IN TRANS | T THROUGH THE TERR | TORY OR V J A ANY PORT OF THE UNITED STATEs. THESE REGULAT ſons, which were ANNOUNCED IN W. T. B.R. 199, issued August 19, 1918, AND W, T, B, R., 349, Issued DECEMBER 3, 1918, ARE, THEREFore, WITHDRAWN, AND THE FOLLOW ING ARE IN SUBSTITUTION THEREFOR . 1. SPEc AL ExpoRT License No. RAC-42 HAs seen RE issued THROUGH THE Cus– Toms SERV I ce, EFFECT ve. JANUARY 2, 1919, TH is LicensE WILL Now AUTHOR zE THE EXPORTATION, WITHOUT IND | V | DUAL EXPORT L I CENSES, OF SH | PMENTS OF ALL COMMOD | - T Es or i G INAT NG IN ANY FoRE GN country AND DEs.T NED To ANY FoRE 1GN country WHEN THE SAME ARE CONVEYED IN TRANS T THROUGH THE TERR I TORY OR V | A ANY PORT OF THE UNITED STATEs when THEY ARE Proposed To Be ExpoRTED FROM or TAKEN out of ANY Port of THE UNITED STATEs; PRov DED, However, 2, THAT TH is LicensE Dogs Not AUTHoR zE THE ExpoRTAT I on of shi PMENTs or G NAT ING IN countri Es N SouTH AND CENTRAL AMER I ca, other THAN BRIT ish or FRENcH colon Es, DEs.T inED To ANY count RY other THAN ENGLAND, FRANCE, TALY, or JAPAN, THE IR colon Es, Possessions, or ProTEctoRATEs; Nor shi PMENTs or i G INAT ING N ANY PLACE other THAN ENGLAND, FRANCE, TALY, JAPAN, AND THE IR coloni Es, Pos- sEssions, or ProTECTORATEs AND DEST INED To ANY Pot NT IN SouTH AND CENTRAL AMER I ca, other THAN THE colon Es of ENGLAND or FRANCE, 3. BEFore ALLow ING ANY of THE Asove-MENT Loned sh PMENT's To BE ExForTED, THE Col LEctor of Customs AT THE Port of ENTRY WILL REqu RE, IN THE case of RAI L sHiPMENTs, THAT THERE shal-L se NotED on AN Extra copy of Customs CARRIER's MAN – FEst, FoRM 75.12, THE FULL NAME AND ADDREss of THE Actual cons GNEE of THE ship- MENT, AND IF THE SH1 PMENT IS MADE TO A BANK OR OTHER BROKER, FACTOR, OR AGENT, THE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ACTUAL CONS GNEE ON WHOSE ACCOUNT THE SH | PMENT is MADE; AND A state MENT To THE EFFECT THAT THE SHIPMENT is MADE UNDER LicensE No, RAC-42, . A TRUE copy of such Customs CARRI ER's MANIFEs.T., FoRM 75.12, Must se DEL Ivered BY THE GARRIER to THE Coul-EctoR of Customs AT THE Port of Exi T, IN THE case of shil PMENTs by vessel when ForM 7512 is Not used, THE Col LEctor will reoul RE THE FIL i Ng of AN Extra cer Y of THE shi P's MANIFEs.T or A Portion THERE- OF, ON WHICH MUST BE CLEARLY SHOWN THE PART I CULAR ITEMS THEREON WHICH ARE L I – cENsed UNDER RAC-42, Together witH THE FullL NAME AND ADDREss of THE Actual M-438A (Over) (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE JANUARY 1, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R., 467) JANUARY 1, 1919 REMOVALS FROM AND MOD |F |CAT | ONS OF THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR IRADE Board ANNounce THE Follow NG REMovaLs FROM THE Ex- Port Conservat 1 on List, EFFECT ve JANUARY 4, 1919: APPLEs, DR ED SEEDs, As Fou Lows: BEEF DR PP NGs GARDEN CoRN GR Ts MAMMOTH clover GARDEN seed PEAs MAMMOTH clovER seep SugaR BEET - PEACHEs, DR ED VEGE TABLE PEAs, As Fol Lows: SugaR BEET seed SEED WEGETABLE seed PRUNEs, DR ED - THE WAR TRADE BoARD ALso ANNounce THE Follow ING MoD F cat ſons of v.AR ous EMs on THE ExPor Conservation List, EFFEcT ve. JANUARY 4, 1919; "CLover see L, MAMMOTH AND RED, " To READ : "CLovER seed, red, " "SugaR" To READ : "Sugar, Except MEx cAN sugars, NcLUDING PANELA, PANocra, PAPELoN, AND P. Lonci LLo, X-1." WANcE C. McCormick, M–43) CHA RMAN, (Over) /// ºf a A so (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE JANUARY 10, 1919) - WAR TRADE BOARD JAN 18 1919 WASHINGTON (W, T, B, R, 496) JANUARY 10, 1919 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO SWEDEN THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE ADoPT I on of THE Fol Low I NG REGULA- T | ONS GOVERN ING THE PROCEDURE WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF L J CENSES For THE ExpoRTAT I on of cert A N comMoD IT Es To SWEDEN, PREvious ANNounce- MENT witH REs PEcT To such REGULAT ions (W. T. B. R. 236, SEPTEMBER 23, 1918) Is HEREBY WITHDRAWN, Except For THE commod T | Es speci Fi cal_LY MENT ioned in THE "FREE List, " WAR TRADE BoARD RULING 473 of JANUARY 3, 1919 (or N "FREE Lists" which MAY BE PUBLI shed LATER), THE PRocedure HERE N set ForTH APPLIES IN ALL CASES. 1, SPEc AL ATTENT I on Is HEREBY cALLED To THE FAct THAT THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAs ARRANGED A simpli Fi ED PRocedure w TH REs PEcT To APPL I- cAT ons cover NG shi PMENT's To Sweden, BUT THAT No cons DERAT ion w LL BE G | VEN TO SUCH AFPL I CAT I ONS UNT | L THE COND I T | ONS MENT | ONE HERE | N- AFTER HAVE BEEN COMPL | ED WITH, 2, ExForTERs shoulo APPLY FoR Licenses To THE BUREAu of ExPorts, WAR TRADE BoARD, WAsH NGTon, D, C, , or ANY BRANCH of F ice THEREOF, using APPL ic AT I on ForM X AND such suppl =MENTAL INForMAT I on sheets conceRNING THE COMMOD I TY AS ARE REQUIRED, 3, ExPort ERs in THE UNITED STATEs, BEFoRE FIL ING APPL ic AT ions For ExpoRT LicensEs, Must ost A N FROM THE PRosPEcT Ivº IMPortº Rs 1 N Swºpen ADV CE BY MA L OR CABLE THAT THERE HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN APPROPRIATE MPort Assoc AT I on, or THE STATENs HANDEL's KoMMI ssion, A cert IFI cate PERMITT ING THE IMPortAT ion of THE PRoPosep cons GNMENT, THE NUMBER of THE cert F cate shoul D BE FoRwarpED BY THE IMPoRTER IN Sweden To THE AMER I can ExpoRTER, El THER D REcTLY or THRough THE Swedish CoMMission N WashingtoN, TH is NUMBER shoulp BE specifi ED on SuPPLEMENTAL INForMA- T on SHEET X-119, which Must BE DULY Executed AND ANNExEd to THE APPL i- CAT I ON FOR AN EXPORT L I CENSE . 4, APPL lications For LicensEs To ExpoRT to Sweden commod it Es For which AN MPort Associ Ation certi Fi cate or A STATENs HANDEL's KoMMission CERT | F I CATE IS REQUIRED WILL BE CONS 1 DERED ONLY IN THE EVENT THAT THE sAID cert F1 cate HAs BEEN Issued sussequently To June 28, 1918. THE coRREcT serl AL NUMBERs of such cert I FI cates wil-L BE Hi GHER THAN 10832. M–454A (Over) –2– 5, HENcEFoRTH THE DETA Ls of ALL THE IMPort cert i Fi cates lissued N Sweden will L BE TRANsMITTED BY THE Swedish CoMMission N THE UNITED STATEs To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WAsH NGToN, WHERE same wil-L se Usko To verſ FY THE APPL cat ions THAT ARE PREsented For considerAT I on, TH is METHop wı LL EN- ABLE THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN Most cases To cons DER APPL lications witHout REFERENCE TO THE I R REPRESENTAT I VE ABROAD, AND SHOULD AVO ID DELAY AND EX- PENSE . 6. ALL | Nou R Es REGARD ING Swedish MPort REGULAT tons AND IMPort CERT | F I CATES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO- MR. A. R. Norov ALL, SPEc AL CoMMissioner, 1325 18:TH STREET NW. , WAsHINGTon, D. C. , or THE SWED lish CoMMI ssion TRADE OFF ice, 60 EAs T 42D STREET, NEw York CITY, ALL SWED lish MPort quEst ions or DIFF cult Es RELAT ING THERETo shoul-D BE sETTLED BEFoRE FIL ING APPL cAT Ions w TH THE WAR TRADE BoARD. 7. |N FIL ING APPL cAT Ions For LiceNSEs TO SH | P COMMOD I T | Es WHL CH ARE controLLED BY A Swed lish IMPort ASSOC I AT | ON, THE APPL I CAT I ON MUST SHOW AS THE CONS I GNEE THE ASSOC I AT | ON THAT I SSUED THE CERT | FICATE, AND THE EXPORTERS ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO STATE ON THE APPL I CAT I ON THE NAME OF THE FERSON OR F : RM | N WHOSE FAVOR OR ON WHOSE ºr HALF THE IMPORT CERT IF I CATE WAS ISSUED ; AS, FOR EXAMPLE- CoNs GNEE: Wool | MpoRT Assoc AT I on, StockHol-M, Sweden. (HERE state PERson or F I RM Toº PURCHAs ER ABRoad: WHOM CERT | F I CATE WAS ISSUED, AND ADDREss of such PERson or F1 RM, ) 8, THE IMPORT-cert HF cates For commod T | Es which ARE not controLLED BY SWED lish IMPort Assoc AT ons will BE FURNished BY THE STATENs HANDEL's KoMMI ss I on AND THE Goods MAY BE cons GNED DIRECTLY to THE IMPorters. 9, CoMMoD IT Es. To BE ExportED To Sweden MAY Now BE shi PPED on ANY VEsse:L, INSTEAD OF onLY on VEsse Ls FLY ING THE SWED sh FLAG, 10, THE WAR TRADE BoARD DEs RE to cALL THE ATTENT ion of ExpoRTERs To THE FAct THAT THE "Frºz List" (W. T. B.R. 473) Has BEEN ENLARGED AND THAT ADD I T | ONS MAY BE MADE THERETO FROM T | ME TO TIME: ALso THAT UNDER THE PRESENT PRocedure THE TRANs Act 1 Nc of Bus NEss IN Sweden should Be creat LY FAC I L | TATED, 11. THE WAR TRADE Board HAv= BEEN advised THAT THE Following import Assoc AT I ons N Swºpen wil-L Accept, on BEHALF of THE Swedish importer ACTUALLY INTERESTED, CONS GNMENTS OF THE ARTICLES MENT I ong. D BELow when M–454B (Over) 43. THE shi PMENT is covered BY A cert F cATE of THE said Assoc AT on, OTHER | MPORT Assoc AT I ONS MAY BE FORMED IN THE NEAR FUTURE i ! N. WHICH CASE DUE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE MADE , (1) - Wool IMPort Assoc AT on, –Wool- AND of HER RAW MATER HAL FoR THE WOOL | NDUSTRY, (2) Cotton IMPORT Assoc AT on, -CoITON AND cotton YARN, ExcLUDING SEW NG COTTON. (3) JuTE AND HEMP MANUFActure Rs' |MPORT Assoc AT on, -Jure, HEMP, MAN | LA, FLAX, SI SAL, AND OTHER SOFT AND HARD F | BERS, B I NDER TW | NE, COCONUT YARN, AND SIMI LAR COMMOD | T | E.S. (4) TExT LE IMPORT Assoc AT on, -SEWING cotton, si Lk YARN, TEXT LEs OF S I L.K., WOOL, COTTON, AND QTHER MATER I ALS, AND SUNDRY MANUF ACTURES OF HAIR AND FEATHER, MANUFACTURES OF BONE AND HORN, OTHER MANUFACTURES FROM VEGETABLE MATER I ALS (ExcLUDING TANNING MATER LALs), AND simi LAR commod T Es. (5) Corkwoop Import Assoc AT on, -CoRK AND MANUFActures THEREOF. - (6) LEATHER TRADE IMPoRT Assoc AT I on, -HIDEs AND LEATHERs, FURs, MANUFACTURES OF HIDES AND LEATHER, TANN ING MATER AL, CHROME , ALUM, CHROME SULFHATE, BI CHROMATE OF SOD I UM AND POTASS I UM FOR TANN ING FURPOSES, AND SIM LAR COMMOD | T | ES, * (7) METAL IMPORT Associ AT ſon, –Mica, GRAPHITE, METALs Not worked, METAL MANUFACTURES, LEAD, T , N., T | N PLATE AND TERNE FLATES, GRAPH | TE CRUC I BLES, ALUMINUM, N CKEL, AND g |M|| LAR COMMOD | T | E.S., (8) RAW PHosphaTE IMPORT Assoc AT on. --Aw PHosphaTEs. (9) BRusH MAKERs' AND Horse HAIR SPINNERs' Raw MATER AL MP of T Assoc AT I on, -HA R AND FEATHERs, BAst, BAMBoo, RATTAN, CANE, RI CE ROOT, AND Si M I LAR COMMOD I Ti ES , (10) MARGAR INE MANUFActurers' Raw MATER AL MPort Association, – ED I BLE on L AND FATs. For THE MANur Acture of MARSAR NE. | | | | | | NE AND SP R Ts import Association, –W. Nes AND sº Rits, * (12) lobacco IMPort Associ AT on, – osacco, - - - (13). CHEMical INDustR Es import Assoc AT tons, - Ecºnic AL oils, - - CAMPHOR, PARAFFINE WAX, OTHER WAXEs, VARN SHES, FATs, AND TALLOWS FOR TECHNI CAL USE, ASBESTOS WASTE, DYES, WooD Pul-P, PAPER, stone, ANP clay (Exclub ing Mica AND coal) PHosphaTEs, Rosin, sopa, ANopes, PAINTs, ANT MONY SULFH | DE, SULPHUR, AND SIM LAR COMMOD | T | Es. M–454C (0VER) (14) (15) (16) (17) * (20) M–454D –4– RuBBER IMPost Associ AT ion.-RuBBER AND Russer Goods, 01 L MANUFActurers' MPort Assoc AT I on, –LINse Ep, RAPE seed, BEET SEED, L INSEED O L, RAFE-SEED Q 1 L, SWED lish MED cAL BoARD,--DRUGs, MED cAL AND surgical supplies. Swedish VicTuALL ING CoMMI ssion, --Live ANIMALs, Foodstuffs From AN I MALS, BREAD, CEREALs, AND PRODUCTS OF COLONIAL PRUL Uce (ExcLuping Tosacco), Fruits, GARDEN PLANTs, salt- PETER, seeps (Exclub NG RAPE seed, Li Nse ED, BEET seep), O 1 L- CAKES, AND S T M I L-AR COMMOD I T | E.S. LUBRI cat ING 01 L IMPoRT Assoc AT I on, --LuBR cANTs, vase NE, And S |M|| LAR COMMOD | T | E.S., Swed sh 0 | L CAKE AND SEED MPort Assoc AT I on. --0 it cakes AND GRASS SEED . SWED lish MAcH | NE IMPort Assoc AT on, --MACHINEs, cARR AGEs, APPARATUS, INSTRUMENTS, IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS, RON AND - METAL MANUFACTURES, I RON P 1 PEs, OPT I CAL AND PHOTO GRAPH | C ART | CLES, ART | CLES OF LUXURY, AND GOODS THAT CAN NOT GO UNDER ANY OTHER IMPORT ASSOC I AT I ON . VANCE C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. JAN 24 1919 A ºn (Not To Be RELEAsep BEFoRE JANUARY 11, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 497) JANUARY 1 1, 1919 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS 10 NORWAY THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THE ADoPT on of THE Fol Low No REGULA- T I CNS Gove RN MG THE PROCEDURE WITH RESPECT TO THE $5LIANCE OF L J CENSES For THF ExFor TAT I on of certa i N common it Es. To Norway, PREvious ANNounce- MENTs witH REspect to such REGULAT ſons (W. T. B.R. 103, MAY 10, 1918; W. T. B. R. 126, June 3, 1918; W. T. B.R. 211, August 31, 1918) ARE HEREBY witHDRAWN. Except For THE commop T Es speci Fi cal_LY MENT ioned in THE "FREE List, " WAR TRADE BoARD RULING 473 of JANUARY 3, 1919 (or in "FREE Lists" which MAY BE PUBLI shºp LATER), THE PRocedure HERE IN set ForTH APPLIEs in ALL CASES, 1. SPEc AL ATTENT 1 on is HEREBY cALLED To THE FAct THAT THE WAR TRADE BoARD HAs ARRANGED A s MPL F ED PRocedure w TH REs PEct To APPL cAT ions COVER ING SH 1 PMENT$ TO Norway, BUT THAT NO CONS 1 DERAT I ON WILL BE G | VEN TO SUCH APPL CAT | ONS UNT | L THE COND | T | ONS MENT | ONED HERE I NAFTER HAVE BEEN COMPL | ED WITH . 2. ExpoRTERs should APPLY For Li cºnses To THE Bureau of ExpoRTs, WAR TRADE BoARD, WASHINGTo N, D, C, , or ANY BRANch of Fice THEREof, using APPL cAT I on ForM X AND such suppu-EMENTAL INForMAT I on sheers conceRNING | THE COMMOD I TY AS ARE REQUIRED, 3, ExpoRTERs N THE UNITED STATEs, BEFoRE FILING APPLications For ExPort Licenses, Must oet A N FROM THE PRosPEcT VE IMPorter N Norway Ab- VI CE EY MA L- OR CABLE THAT THERE HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN APPROPRIATE IMPORT Assoc AT on, or BY THE Norweg AN FINANCE DEPARTMENT, A cert F cATE PERMIT- T NG THE IMPortAT I on of THE FRoPosen consicNMENT, TH is cert F1 cate Must BE E iTHER issusp or conF RMED subsequently to MAY 10, 1918, THE NUMBER of TH is cºrt F1 cate Must BE ForwarpED BY THE IMP or TER IN Norway. To THE AMER I can ExpoRTERs, El THER p REcTLY or THRough THE Norwegian LEGAT ion in Washington, TH is NUMBER should be specified on Supel EMENTAL INFormation SHEET X-119, which Must ee out Y. Executed AND ANNExet. To THE ARFL car ion FOR EXPORT L-1 CENSE, - 4, HENcEForTH THE parat Ls of ALL THE IMPort certi Fi cates issued in Norway will BE TRANs Mi TTED BY THE Norweg AN LEGAT on To THE WAR TRADE BoARD in Washi NGTon, THE same will BE used to verify THE APPL car ions THAT ARE PREs ENTED For cons per AT ion, TH is METHop will ENABLE THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN Most cases to consider APPLications witHouT REFERENce to THE IR REPRESENTATIVE ABROAD, AND SHOULD Avo I.D DELAY AND EXPENSE, M-455A (OVER) - - -- - 5. ALL | Nou R Es REGARD | No nºte Norweg AN Mºort Assoc At ions' Recu- LAT | ONS AND THE I R CERT | F I CATES SHOULD BE A-LR-ºs-D TO- THE Norwegº AN Leo Arion, CoMMERc AL DEPARTMENT, Washi NgtoN, D. C. ALL QUEST ons of Norweg AN IMPORT cor-Hºo-oº-º-º-º-tºut-ft Es-RELATING THERE to should BE set TLED BEFore Filing APPLications witH THE WAR TRADE BoARD, 6, N F : Ling APPL cº, ions For Licenses To sºil P commod T | Es which ARE control Leo BY Norweg AN MPort Assoc At ſons THE APPL cat on Must show As THE CONQi GNEE THE ASSOCAT I ON THAT I & SUED THE CERT | F | CATE, AND THE ExPORTERS ARE ALSO REGU ' RED TO STATE ON APP-I CAT I ONS THE NAME OF THE PERSON OR F I RM 1 N WHOSE FAVOR OR ON WHOS- BEHALF THE IMPORT CERT | F I CATE WAS ISSUED. . As , FOR EXAMPLE- (0.1L AND Colour MERCHANTs' Association, CONSIGNEE, , , , , , , , , , ( CHR st ANIA, Norway. HERE state PERson of F RM. To whom ( PURCHASER ABROAD, , , , , ( cert F1 cate was issued, ) (Appress of such PERson or FIRM. 7, APPL cAT ions For Licenses to Export commob tº Es which ARE Not control-LED BY Norweg AN MºoRT Assoc AT Lons Must sº covered BY A GuARANTEE car T F ED BY THE Norweg AN FINANCE DEPARTMENT and FuRTHER cert F ED BY AN AMER cAN consul in NoFWAY. SHIPMENT's FALLING witHIN THIs class MAY BE - consigned D FREcºTLY TO THE IMPORTER, - 8. Conwºod T | Es. To Be ExpoRTED To Norway Max Now BE shi PPED on ANY VEssel, NstEAD of only on vessells FLYING rºle Norweg AN FLAG, 9. THE WAR TRADE BoARD DEs RE to call the ATTENT on of Exporters to THE FAct THAT THE "FREE List" (W. T. B. R. 473). HAs seen ENLARGED AND THAT ACD I T | ON5 MAY BE MADE THERETO FROM T | ME TO TIME ALSO THAT UNDER THE PRESENT PRocedure. THE TRANs Act | No of Bus NEss in Norway should BE GREATLY FA- C I L I ATED . Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. *// (Iot to be released before JAITARY 11, 1919) 34.5% - A WAR TRADE COARD WASHINGTON - (7.T.B.R. 500) - - January 11, 1919. PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO HOLLAND AIT DEMARK tº-- - - The Tar Trade Board announce the adoption of the following regulations Gover- * the procedure with respect to the issuance of licenses for the exportation of certain commodities to Hollani and Denmark. Previous announcement with respect * such regulations (in the case of Holland º.º.B.R. 365, December 5, 1918, in the *e of Denmark "..T.T.R. 259, October 9, 1918) is hereby withdrawn. - Except for the commodities specifically rentioned in the "Free List," War Trade Board ruling 473 of January 3, 1919 (or in "Free ſists" which may be Published later), the procedure herºin set forth applies in all cases. 1. Special attention is hereby called to the fact that the War Trade Board has arranged a simplified procedure with respect to applications covering ship- ments to Holland or Denmark, but that no consideration will be given to such *pplications until the conditions mentioned hereirafter have been complied with. 2. Exporters should apply for licenses to the Bureau of Exports, War Trade -r - - - - - - Board, Washington, D. C. , or any branch office thereof, using Application Form X. *nd such supplemental information sheets concerning the commodity as are required, 3. Exporters in the United States, before filing applications for export licenses, must obtain from the prospective importers in Holland or Denmark advice by mail or cable that there has been issued by the Netherlands Overseas Trust in the case of Holland, or by the Danish Chamber of Manufacturers, or Merchants Guild of Copenhagen, in the case of Denmark, a certificate permitting ºe importation of the proposed consignment. The number of the certificate sº-culd be forwarded by the importer in Holland or Denmark to the American export- er, by cable or mail, either directly or through the Netherlands Legation, Wash- ington, if for Holland, or the Danish Trade Commission, Tashington, if for Der- tark. This number should be specified on Supplemental Information Sheet X-119, which must be duly executed and annexed to the application for an export license, No import certificates or numbers are required by the War Trade Board for commodities on the "Free List, " - 4, If application is made by forwarding agent under import certificate Granted to an exporter or manufacturer in the United States, the applicant should state the name of such exporter or manufacturer directly after the import number given on Form X-llº, (Txample: The Serial Number is ------- --- Issued to 5. Hencefºrth the details of all the import certificates issued in Holland or Denmark will be transmitted by the Netherlands Legation or Danish Trade Commis- sion intthe United States to the "Far Trade Board, "ashington, where same will be used to verify the applications that are presented for consideration. This method will enable the lar Trade Board in most cases to consider applications without reference to their representative abroad, and should avoid delay and expense. (C232–1) (Over) -2- º: all inquiries recºrding Import Regulations and Import certificates should be addressed tº -- For Hol.ithd: Dr. W.H. de Beaufort, Counsellor of Legation, 1800 Connecticut Avenue, N.Y., Tºshington, D. C. For Donmark: Iſr. N. P. Arnstedt, Dr.h..sh Tºº Cºf ice 1838 Connecticut Avenue, N.Y., Tºshington, D. C. or The Danish Consul General, 8–10 Bridge Stroºt, - Nºw York. All Dutch or Dºnish import questions or difficulties relating there to should be settled before filing applications with the War Trade Board. 7. In filing ºpplications for licenses to ship to Holland commodities which ºre act on the "Free List;" the application must show as the consignee The Neºcºlºlº. Overgens Trust, and tho exporters ºrc also required to state on tile nº lºiº is the name of the person or firm in whose favor or on whose beheat the import certificate was issued; as, for example-- Consignee: Netherlands Oversons Trust, Hague, Holland. (Here state person or firm to whom Purchaser Abroºd: Čertificate ºn 5 issued, ºn nddress of such person or firm. ) 8. Shipments to Denmark may be consigned directly to the importer. 9. Commodities to be exported to Hollºl or Denmark may now be shipped on any vessel, instead of only on vessels flying the Dutch or Denish flag. 10. The ºr Trade Board desire to ca.11 the attention of exporters to the fact that the “Free List” (7.T. B. R. 473) has been onlºrged and that ºdditions may be mºde thereto from time to time; tılso that under the present procedure the trans- acting of business in Hollard or Denmark should be grently focilitated. ll. The ºr Tradio Board have been advised that the Netherlands Overseas Trust will accept consignments whom chipment is covered by one of its certificates. ance C. IcCormick, Chairman. - - º A// Gº O 3 O A 3-2 (Not to be released before JAMUARY 13, 1919) WAR TRADE BOAnD WASHINGTOII (VI.T.T.R. 506) January 13, 1919. EXPORTATIONS TO NCRTY, STEDEN, DIYAF.K. HOLLAND, ICEL/AID, AND --- THT TAROE ISLANDS. The Tſar Trade Board announce that it will no longer be a require- ment of licenses issued for exportation to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands that the shipment shall be made on a vessel flying the flag of the country of destination, If such condition is named in any outstanding licenses, the same may be dis- regarded, and the Collectors of Customs have been so notified. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. JAN 24 1919 (Not to be released before JANUARY 14, 1913) WAR TRADE TOARD WASHINGTON (7.T.B.R. 502) - January 14, 1919. SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE FOR PERSONAL BAGGAGE The War Trade Board announce that Special Export License RAC-49, previously issued to the Cºnstoms Service, has been revised, "I, T, B.P. 195, issued on August 13, 1918, is therefore rescinded. Collectors of Customs are now authorized under Special Export License RAC-49 to permit the exportation, without individual export licenses, of personal baggages including household effects, when carried as personal baggage or when shipped by or to the owner who has journeyed or is about to journey to the country of destination, Collectors of Customs are further authorized to permit the exportation under this license of reasonable quantities of foodstuffs when carried as baggage for the personal use of the passenger This license does not authorize the exportation of arms or arºunition. Attention is called to the fact that Special Export License RAC-49 does not relieve the shipper or passenger of the responsibility of cºmply- ing with the import restrictions of the country of destination. In order that the importance of obtaining information concerning such restrictions may be realized, it should be noted that at present the customs restrictions of England forbid the entry into that country of silver, gold, and real - jewelry, and of more than one pound of sugar or ten pounds of tea. The in- portatiºn of other commodities is also restricted by England, and other countries have similar import restrictions. It is suggested that shippers avail themselves of the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce, "ſashington, D. C. , in order to obtain information respecting the customs regulations of foreign countries. - It should be noted that the exportation of samples intended for use in soliciting orders which was formerly authorized by this license is nºw authorized by Special Export License RAC-55, described in W.T.B. R. 457. Wance C. McCormick, One, W, l Chairman. (~235) º º JAN 28, 1919 - 4.32 (Not To Be RELEAsep BEFore JANUARY 16, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W.T.B.R. 505) JANUARY 16, 1919 REMOVALS FROM, MODIFICATIONS OF, AND ADDITIONS TO THE EXPORT CONSERVAT |ON LIST THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THE Fol Lowl NG ADD T Lons To, REMovaLs From, AND MoD IF cations of THE ExpoRT Conservation List, EFFEcT I've on THE DATES NAMED : Applitons EFFEct 1 vs. January 13, 1919: BRANs MIDDLING's EFFEcT live JANUARY 16, 1919: JuTE Ni TRATE BAGs JuTE YARNs - ReMov ALs EFFEcT ve January 13, 1919: CoPRA HERo N LiNEN G LL NETs LINEN G LL THREADs Rice (FoRE GN AND Domestic). EFFEct 1 vs. JANUARY 16, 1919: BAGG ING, JuTE JuTE Fleer JUTE AND PRODucts MANUFActureD THEREFroM (INCLUDING CLOTH BAGS, GUNNIES, TWINE, ETC , , EXCEPT ING YARNS AND NITRATE BAGs) 0Akum, JuTE MoD Fications "Cottonseeb of L." Has BEEN Modi Fi Ep to READ "Cottons=ED on L, HYDRogenATEp, " EFFEctive JANUARY 13, 1919. "BAGs, as Foulows: JuTE, " HAs BEEN Mool F. Ed to READ "BAGs, As Follows: JuTE NITRATE, " EFFEctive JANUARY 16, 1919. WANcE C. McCormick, M–457 CHAIRMAN, (Not To BE RELEASED BEFoRE AFTERNoon of JANUARY 16, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 518) JANUARY 16, 1919 EXPORT LI CENSES TO MEXICO - THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE REGULAT ions ANNounced | N. W. T. B. R. 320, issued November 19, 1918, To THE EFFECT THAT APPL i- cAT I ons For ExPort LicensEs To MExico shoul D HAVE ATTACHED THERETo - THE ORDER FROM THE consi GNEE BEAR ING THE v i se of AN AMER I can Consul-, HAVE BEEN witHDRAWN, ORDERs For shi PMENTs to MExico will No Longer REquire such Consul-AR v i se AND NEED No LoNGER BE AT TAcHED To THE APPL1- CAT I ON FOR EXPORT L I CENSE. WANcE C. McCormick, M–459 º CHAIRMAN. (OVER) (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE JANUARY 17, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD AJAN 28 1919 WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 524) JANUARY 17, 1919 PROCEDURE GOVERNING THE EXPORTS OF CERTAIN COMMODITIES TO EURO- PEAN H0 LAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, AND Sº I Tz-RLAND THE WAR IRACE BoARD ANNounce THAT, NoTwº THst AND ING FREvious REGU- LAT ions conta NED IN W. T. B. R. 496, DATED JANUARY 10, 1919 (REGARD ING Sweden), W. T. B.R. 497 (REGARD ING Norway) AND W. T.B. R. 500 (REGARD ING Hou LAND AND DENMARK), Both of JANUARY 1 1, 1919, To THE EFFEcT THAT | MPORT CERT | F | CATES ARE REQUIRED FROM THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, Ex- cEPT For commop T | Es on THE FREE List, THE METHop of PRocedure contal NED N. W. T. B.R. 457 of DECEMBER 24, 1918 (REGARD ING same Es), AND W. T. B.R. 468 of JANUARY 4, 1919 (REGARD ING sº PMENTs to AMERICAN Consuls, Etc.), REMA 1 N IN FORCE, |N Apo IT on, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THEY will No Long ER EQUIRE i MPORT CERT | F I CATES FOR THE FOLLOW ING CLASSES OF SH | PMENTS : (A) SH1 PMENTs of ALL commop T Es, incLUDING Foodstuffs, which Do Not Exceed $200 IN value; (B) PERsonAL EFFEcts; (c) HouseHold Goops AND, other ART ic Es of PERsonAL PROPERTY: (p) REAsonABLE quant T Es of ANY common ITY INTENDED For D PLo- MAT ſc, consul-AR, MILITARY, or NAVAL officers of THE UNITED STATEs or of FRIENDLY count R Es, or For EMPLOYºss of THE UNITED STATEs serv NG ABRoad (SPEc AL License RAC-64 covers shi Puents when cons GNED To AND FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF tº PLCMAT I C, CONSULAR , OR OTHER OFF , C I ALS CR EM- Ployees of THE UNITED STATEs stationed Assoap, and No | No 1 v dual ExpoRT Licenses ARE REQUIRED FoR such sh! PMENTs - see W. T. B.R. 468 of JANUARY 4, 1919); (E) ART ic Es of smal-L VALUE To BE Usee sole LY FoR ADVERT is NG FUR- POSES : (F) MAGAzines, Books, PAMPHLETs, ETc. Applicants who desi RE To sº F ANY OF THE COMMOD IT Es NCLUDED IN The Aeove PARAGRAPHs should apply For License. To THE BUREAU of ExpoRTs, WAR TRADE Board, WAshington, D. C., , or ANY BRANCH of F ice THEREof, us NG APPL car ion Form X of X-A, M–461 A (Over) –2– SH 1 PMENT's DEst NED For EuroPEAN Hou LAND, DENMARK, Norway, AND Sweden MAY NOW BE SH | PFED ON ANY VESSEL, INSTEAD OF ONLY ON VESSELS FLY ING THE FLAG OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, AS HERET OFORE. ATTENT I on is cal_LED To THE FAct THAT NoNE of THE REGULAT ions MEN- T | ONED IN THIS RUL | NG REL | EVE THE SH | PFER OF THE RESPONs B I L I TY OF COM- PLY ING WITH THE IMPORT REGULAT I ONS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, As EMPHAs Izee N WAR TRADE BoARD RUL INGs HERETofore issued cover NG shi P- MENTS TO THESE MARKETS , WANce C. McCormick, M–461 B CHAIRMAN, - (Not To BE RELEAs ED BEFoRE JANUARY 20, 1919) WAR TRADE E3OARL WASHINGTON (W, T, B. R. 526) JANUARY 20, 1919 RELEASE OF CONTRO OVER D | STR EUTION OF RAW MATER ALS |N THIS COUNTRY THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE supervis on HEREToFoRE ExERc sed BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD THRough various Assoc AT ons N THE SEVERAL TRADES OVER THE D | STR i BUT | ON OF RAW MATER I ALS IN TH | S COUNTRY HAS BEEN REMOVED, EXCEPT AS TO THE FOLLOW ING COMMOD I T | ES : Pi G T | N T IN ore AND concentrates JUTE AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF EGYPT I AN cotton As To ALL other commob T Es, THE DI stri BuT on of WH ich N THIS COUNTRY HAS BEEN CONTROLLCD THROUGH TRADE ASSOC I AT I ONS, | MPORT L I CENSES MAY NOW BE SSUED WITHOUT REQU R NG | NDORSEMENT of s LLs of LAD ING To ANY Assoc AT ion, AND Col LEctoRs of Customs HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO PERM T ENTRY UNDER OUT STAND I NG L I CENSES WITHOUT INDORSEMENT TO THE ASSOC I AT ONS, IRRESPECT i VE OF THE CLAUSE ON SUCH L I CENSE , | T W LL NoT BE NEcEssary, THEREFoRE, FOR IMPORTERS HOLD ING L I CENSES CONTA N NG SUCH A CLAUSE TO return THEM To THE WAR TRADE BoARD or ANY of Ts srANches For CANGELLAT I ON OF THIS CLAUSE, WANcE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN. M–467 - - º (JAN 28 ºn º º (Not to be released before afternoon of JANUARY 20, 1919) - º º - WAR TRADE BOARD Washington (W.T.B.R. 530) January 20, 1919. RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH PALESTINE AND SYRIA The War Trade Board announce that all persons in the United States are authorized, subject to the rules and regulations of the War Trade Board, to trade and communicate with persons residing in that portion of Palestine and Syria which lies south of the line from Alexandretta to Alleppo, inclusive, and west of the Hejas Railway. In accordance with this authorization, applications will now | be considered for licenses to ºexport or import all commodities to consignees or from consignors in such territory. For the exportation of commodities to such territory, applications should be filed on Form X or X-A. No supplemental information sheets will be required unless the commodity be - manufactures of gold, in which case Supplemental Information Sheet X-29 should be attached, For importations into the United States from such territory, individual import licenses will be required under the same con- ditions as for importations from European countries, except where shipments are covered by the list of General Import Licenses previously announced. Wance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3342) ºr - - (Not to Be RELEAsep BEFore JANUARY 24, 1919) º oº o - A so WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 531) JANUARY 24, 1919 MODIFICATION OF THE EXPORT CONSERVATION_LIST THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THE Fol Low ING MoD F cAT on of THE ExpoRT Conservation List, EFFEct ve. JANUARY 24, 1919: "CofFEE" to reap: "CofFEE (Except HAIT I AN AND Porto Rican CoFFEE)” WANce C. McCormick, JAN 28 1919 CHAIRMAN. - (W. T. B.R. 532) - JANUARY 24, 1919 NEW FORM OF APPLICATION FOR EXPORT LI CENSE, X-A THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THEY HAve AUTHorized THE use of A NEW AND simpli F. Ed Form of APPL cAT I on, FoRM X-A, which MAY se used N APPLY ING For ExpoRT Licenses To shil P To ANY country iN PLAcE of ForM X H 1 THERTO IN USE . - CoP Es of TH is New ForM MAY BE oet Al NED UPoN APPL car on To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WAsHINGTon, D. C., , or ANY of Ts Branch of Fices, IN order, However, THAT ExpoRTERs MAY MAKE use of such cop Es of APPL cAT I on ForM X As THEY MAY HAVE on HAND, AFPL cations will BE Accepted F FILED on Form X, | N F LL | No out Form X, However, ExPort ERs w LL Not BE REou RED To G ve ANY –FuRTHER-t information that is Required on FoxM X-A. - - WHEN ForM.X-A is used, it will No Long ER BE NEcEssary to use Supple- MENTAL INForMAT on SHEET X-119 For shi PMENT's To DENMARK, Holl_AND, Norway, or Sweden, As suank spaces ARE Provideo on THE Back of Form X-A For G i v NG THE INFormation pest Rep. THE on LY SuppleMENTAL INFormation SHEETs which Are Now REout RED To Be Attached To THE APPLication ARE Form X-20, FoR THE ExPortation of Moving-º ºcture FiLMs To cert A. N. DEstinations, AND Form X-29, FoR THE Exportation of MANUFActures of solo. VANGE. C. McCormick, M–468 CHA RMAN. (Over) (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE JANUARY 25, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON - (W. T. B.R. 534) JANUARY 25, 1919 REVISED SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE FOR SAMPLES, MD. RAC 55 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT W. T. B. R. 457, issuen December 24, 1913, AND THE SPEc AL ExpoRT License No. RAC-55, Descreep THERE in Have BEEN w THDRAwn AND THAT A REvised SPEc AL License unpER THE same NuMeer (RAC–55), EFFEcrive JANUARY 25, 1919, HAs BEEN issued. THE REvised SPEc AL ExpoRT License. No, RAC-55 Has BEEN cRANTED to THE Post OFF , cE DEPARTMENT AND To THE Customs SERV I ce. Authorizing the EXPORTAT I on W I THOUT IND I V | DUAL ExPORT L I CENSE OF SAMPLES OF ANY COMMOD- | TY, ADVERT | S NG MATTER, INCLUDING BOTH PRINTED MATTER AND ARTICLES OF SMALL VALUE, AND ELECTROTYPES, WHEN SUCH ART I CLES ARE INTENDED FOR USE | N SOL I C | T | NG ORDERS AND ARE NOT IN THEMSELVES : NTENDED FOR SALE As AR- T I CLES OF COMMERCE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE SAME ARE SHI PPED BY MAIL (sue JEGT, However, To THE Post AL REGULAT ions), BY FREIGHT or ExPREss, N PAssengers' BAccAGE or otherwise, when DEst NED To ANY country, SH | PPERs should NoTE THAT T is UNNEcEssary to APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For PERMission To shal P UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT License No. RAC-55, AND No ºf Ec AL Document issued BY THE WAR TRApe BoARD is Neces- sARY IN connection witH such sh PMENTs. | T is on Y Necessary to note ON THE PACKAGE, ! F THE SH 1 PMENT IS MADE THROUGH THE MA (LS, OR ON THE EXPORT DECLARAT I ON, F THE SH | PMENT Is MADE BY EXPRESS OR FREIGHT, THE FOLLOW ING : - (1) "SH | PPED UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT License No, RAC-55, " (2) THE NAME AND ADDREss of sº PPER. (3) THE NAME AND ADDREss of consignee. (4) A state MENT of contents. | T should FURTHER BE NoTED THAT SPEc AL ExpoRT License. No, RAC-55 is NOT A License. To TRADE WITH THE ENEMY AND poes Not Author: zE ANY sº P- MENT IN contRAVENT 1 on of SEcT on 3 of THE TRAD Ing witH THE ENEMY Act, THE ATTENT on of ExpoRTERs is cal_LED To THE FAct That THE use of SPEc AL License No. RAC-55 DoE’s NoT REL Eve THE sº PPER or THE Respons - B I L I TY OF COMPLY NG WITH THE IMPORT RESTR cT | ONS OF THE count TRY OF DES- T NAT I ON, AND I T H S SUGGESTED THAT EXPORTERS AVA L THEMSELVES OF THE FA Li T | Es of THE BUREAU of Forf cn AND Domestic Commerce of THE DEPART- MENT of CoMMERCE, Washington, D. C., , in obtaining information Reseecting THE CUSTOM'S REGULATIONS OF FOREIGN Counſº I Es, - Vance C. McCormick, M–469 - Cºal Rºan. SESSVTSEAE GNY SETIowlose S Salo Ao Ao- SºlannvaS 3G sº Ni W –W181 GNV SNOEG & Mºll S ES tº O LSEWOd 803 SENT HOVW SNI MBS Sº-Lº-Tied CNV 83dvº GB211 ISNBS SESS383 SN LN 8d Sºlvo Wºłło LON Ina 'sqoob of HavaSolohe TV LNassa 'sºl 10 gay sow any Mws anasww. S.L. I & I d'S GENE.L.E.EMSNſ) SN Gnion | LON sºono IT ooooºow '83HLv3"| N sqoob AoNv= '83HLva T No Lyl twº 'sqoob Mahiwa" s=NIHowW Asannvºl ºqvº Ex. HOVW JNV onv4 asna nº 'saovº A&THM3ſ No Livi Iw son X TV =O SIVH HIVH 80 ×T IS 30 SLBN 8 VH SGN X TV Ho CNo.11n H C13-iſºll OV-iſh NVW 80 dBAO 'dass 380 "Sun- 33) I ſhſ' L ſh?-- GENE. Lºt MS –Nn drºv Hsaw- 'll nº- S.LNVT1c3 9N ºf 33–T O – O SQ3 ES LaBox3 sq==S HEMO 13 AHavºol OH- Moa SWT I – an Egvw SºHLv33 W2/7-W (MEAO) - CITIOS) - O *EAT I S. G. TiOS - O ESOHL Leisox= ‘soooº sawn is so 'dacºn is oalvºlaos losing - NO-G ºn H.L. S3 (Teens GNY ASBN Hºvº ON IVol Tenſ |Tſho I N303 Sll nº- Nº 130YNEHC, BGAHHGTVºvc -O &NO L -vºlve 38e GNV sq OTVX TV CINV Nn do BG | SSmºłdoºl. IN Nn CIOS SEAT IS HO SHLY 81 N HNI von: aq Wosa ºn GOS Toº LaVNV13g asſ, TVN | O ORW 803 SlTV's Two INHS&W -10 sq Oºvyi TV Ho SNO Lvºveable. GNV 31 Noow N &Agod IWW q1 ov of TAO | TVS q ov of WołłgoºdAH q ov of WoºHo : smon-lo-' sv 'son&G SHclvº ONJoi-ch dNY SHNOHaOHavao MOE SM3CN | TAO CNY SMS G sºv galvº on lini - Tivinaſ, sºng TVINEG SWT = Haw8001 VWBN 10 - AVTo VNIHO =sn TV5 Inaovº Ha 80- Slongoº - Twº WBHO saav M G onſ. THQ SGN IX TV HO SNOLLng S38 1 on I dºnºloxa 'slave. Hºwe's CNV Salo Ao G 831swaving saw How/N ºn Ivºnoivo GNV SN 18.0% : GNVT83Z1 MS 01 dBN 1s2d Hºv EWvs HHI NHHM ' ººciºlo N ES M-3HLO ºf SNO | LVO | "Ice W = H L = | "Sº I L I (10WWOO 6M MC"i"|Cº- ºkºl – O NO J.W.180 dx3 3HL goa Anaa8= danss I as TT IM S3SN30 T Lv Hl 30Nſhow Nº Gºvºg adv81 ºvº 3-1 GNVTM-71 || |S 01 SE | | | COWWOO N WIAJ30 -10 SLNEW-1 |HS X104 SESN30 || |\!0d)(3 --------- ISI T1 EEM- 616 ZZ A&vnnivſ, 16 & 83- (Zyg's '8' I'M) NO15)NHHSWM CºVO8 ºr CIV* L 2+WAA rºº (616 ZZ ºwnNVſ Bao'aas Gasva-138 as ol. LoN) pºvº dº –2– TYPE—se TT NG AND TYPE-CAST ING MACH ! NES, NCLUQ NG TYPE METAL TYPEwr TERs AND DUPL. I CAT I NG MACH | NES WINEs ... Lice Nsks w LL ALso Bs issued FREELY FoR SH | PMENTs of THE Follow NG - DESCR PT I ON . ALL common T | Es, I NCLUDING FooD$TUFFS, WHEN THE shipment Does Not Excked $200 in vaLUE; PERsonAL EFFEcTs, House Hold GooDs AND OTHER ART | c.ES OF PERSONAL PROFERTY, THE SH | PMENT of WH | CH is NOT A PART OF ANY COMMERC I AL TRANS- AcT | ON, WITHOUT ANY LIMITATION AS TO VALUE, ART cº-Es of SMALL vaLue. To BE use D sol ELY FoR ADVERT IS ING PURPOSES : MAGAz NEs, Books, PAMPHLETs, ET.c.; ART icles For shi PMENT To THE AMER I can RED CRoss º AND simi LAR organizations AT BERNE, Swi Tzerl-AND. | N so FAR As shipments of ALL THE ABove-MENT oneo commob T | Es ARE con- CERNED, T W LL NO LONGER BE NECESSARY FOR THE IMPORTER TO SECURE A PERMIT FROM THE Soc ETE Suisse DE Surve LLANcs, AND sh; PMENTs should not BE con- s GNED To THE Soc i ETE Suisse DE SURVE LLAnce. |N TH is connect on APPi— cANT's ARE caut one D THAT No shipments should Be MADE | N viol AT on of THE TRAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act, AND PART icular ATTENT 1 on | S CALLED TO THE FACT THAT TH | S RELAXAT | ON LOES NOT MEAN THAT GOODS shi PFED UNDER TH | S RUL | NG MAY BE REEXPORTET), | T will st LL B& NEcess ARY For THE Exporter to secure AN IND vidual License cover NG Each shºt PMENT. APPL cat ions should ee F | LED on Form X-A, ANſ should se sºnſ, Noſ. To THE LEGAT on of SwitzERLAND As HERETofore, But To THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN WASHINGTon, or its NEAREst BRANch office, which– EVER I s GONVEN 1 ENT, WANCE C. McCormick, CHA RMAN. (Parr THREE, ART, IX, SEc. 4, PAGE 1540–1541A, G. I.) M–472B –2– * | No 1 v DuAL LicensEs NoT REQUIRED To CANADA ANo NewFoundLAND, SHIPMENT of THEse commod T | Es To THose DEst INAT 1 ons MAY BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL ExFort License RAC-63. WHERE shi PMENTs of GRA N ARE MADE For see D Purposes, sh PPER's ARE CAU- T 1 ONED TO STATE THAT FACT ON THE SH 1 FF NG PAFERS. | N PUBL I shºt NG THE Conservation List IN TH is FORM, T | S ANNOUNCED THAT HEREAFTER NO CROSS REFERENCES WILL BE MADE IN THAT L | ST, EACH COM: MOR 1 TY BE | NG MENT | ONED UNDER ONE HEAD ING ONLY . THE omission of ND y IDUAL REFERENCE TO ANY COMMOD 1 TY DOES NOT MEAN I TS REMOVAL FROM THE Li ST | F THE SAME IS COVERED THERE | N BY A GENERAL CLASS F I CAT I ON . WANcs C. McCormick, M–475B CHAIRMAN. (Over) º ------- - -- - - - ---------- --- FEB 3 1919 (Not To BE RELEAs=D BEFoRE AFTERNoon of JANUARY 27, 1919) 3A 32- -- WAR TRADE BOARD º - Aº WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 548) JANUARY 27, 1919 CHANGES IN THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE ExpoRT Conservat I on List As of JANUARY 27, 1919, is As Follows. CAKE, AND MEAL5, AS FOLLOWS, COTTONSEED (| T will L BE NoTED THAT PEARL BARLEY, or L L | NSEED, O | L CAKE, PEANUT AND SOYA BEAN, HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE L | ST, EFFECT | VE TH | S DATE, ) *AMMUNIT on, X-2; "CARTR IDGEs AND shel Ls, LoADED AND UNLoADED, X-2 "SHoT, N BULK, X-2 BUTTER BRAN BEANs, Except seed BEANs, As Fol Lows: CoLoRED (Not NcLUDING castor, v A- N | LL.A., AND L I KE VAR ET | ES OF BEANs) WHITE, 1 NcLUDING LIMA AND NAVY *CoAL CoFFEE, ExceFT Porto Rican AND HAIT I AN "Coke CHEEse C1 NchoNA BARK AND Products Cottonse ED or L, HYDRogen ATED Eggs EGG Products "ExPLos Ives, X-2 F LMs, Movi Ng Picture, As Fou Lows: UNExPosed, X-20 Exposed BuT UNDEVELoPED "Exposed AND DEveLoped, X-20 "Fire ARMs, ALL TYPEs, X-2 FLour, As Fol Lows: BARLEY CoRN RYE WHEAT GoLD, MANUFActures THEREof, ExceFT DENTAL, X-29 GRA Ns, As Follows: BARLEY, Except seed AND PEARL BARLEY Brewers', Excer T BREwers' Rice Corn, Except seed corn 0ATs, Products of, Except seep oATs RYE, Except seed RYE WHEAT, Except seep wheat M–475A (Over) JuTE YARN JuTE Ni TRATE BAGs LARD, NEUTRAL LARD compound LARD substitutes MEAL, As Follows: BARLEY CoRN RYE Mi DDL NGs Mi Lk, As Follows: CoNDENsed DEHYDRATED Evapor ATED PoWDERED PRESERVED (ALL k NDs) PEAs, ExceFT seed PEA.s, As Fou Lows: DR ED SPL T Pork Products, As Fol Lows: BAcon BARRELED AND MEss Pork CoARse Hog BELLI Es CANNED Pork - *- FATBAcks FREsk Fork HAMs PickLED Pork SHoul DERs SPARER IBs STAG BELLI Es Qui Ni NE AND its compounds Qui Ni NE salts SEEDs, RED clovER SugaR, Except MExican sucARs, | NCLUDING PANELA, PANOCHA, *APELON, AND P I LONC LLO H- , , 30.30 FEP 3 1919 º 43- (Not To Be RELEAsep BEFoRE JANUARY 28, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 544) JANUARY 28, 1919 SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE NO, RAC-42. FOR CERTAIN IN–TRANSIT SH | PMENTS AND PROCEDURE FOR F | LING DOCUMEMTS WITH COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THE REV is on of THE REGULAT ions under WH | CH SH | PMENTS OF CERTAIN OR G | N AND DEST NAT | ON, THE IMPORTAT | ON OF WH | CH HAS BEEN OTHERWISE L J CENSED, MAY BE EXPORTED WITHOUT AN IND | V | DUAL EXPORT LI CENSE, WHEN THE SAME ARE CONVEYED IN TRANS 1 T THROUGH THE TER R ToRY or v A ANY Port of THE UNITED STATEs. TH is REGULAT on, EFFEc- T ve. JANUARY 28, 1919, REsc 1 Nos W. T. B. R. 466 As issued JANUARY 2, 1919. (1) SPEc AL ExpoRT License No. RAC-42 HAs BEEN issued THRough THE Customs SERV I ce. AND Au THoR zEs THE ExpoRTAT I on CF sº PMENTs of ALL COMMOD I T | ES OR G | NAT | NG IN ANY FORE I GN COUNTRY AND DEST | NED TO ANY FOR- El GN COUNTRY WHEN THE SAME ARE CONVEYED IN TRANS | T THROUGH THE TERR I TORY or v A ANY Port of THE UNITED STATEs, Except THAT shi PMENTS FROM or To MExico, CENTRAL AMER I ca, SouTH AMER cA, AND THE WEst ND i Es ARE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOW ING . (A) SH 1 PMENTs N E THER D REcT on BETWEEN ANY coloni Es of ENGLAND or FRANCE in SouTH AMER I ca, CENTRAL AMER I ca, or THE WEst |ND Es AND ANY other country iN THE world; (B) SHiPMENTs in E THER D RECT on BETween ANY Pot NT IN CENTRAL AMERica, SouTH AMER I ca, MExico, or THE WEst ND iss AND THE UNITED KINGoom, FRANCE, TALY, or JAPAN (I NcLup NG THE IR COLON | ES, POSSESSIONS, AND PRotector ATEs) , AND SH1 PMENT's FRom one Po NT IN Mexico To ANoTHER Pol NT IN Mexico Pass NG THRough THE UNITED STATEs EN Route, ( C ) 2. N-TRANs it shi PMENT's ARR v NG AT THE UNITED STATEs BY Rail of vessel For REExpoRT unpER RAC-42 MAY BE consign=t To THE Ultima TE con- s GNEE AT Pol NT of DEst NAT I on or to AN AGENT N THE UNITED STATEs For REshi PMENT, and F consigned to AN AGENT, THE RA LRoAD ways LL or ves- sells's MAN FEst Must BEAR THE NAME AND Appress of THE ULT IMATE con– S GNEE AT PO NT OF DEST INAT 1 ON, AND SUCH NOTATIONS SHALL BE TRANscR BED THEREFRom to THE carri ER's customs MAN Fest or copy of vessel's MAN - FEs.T PREsented to THE Col LEctor of Customs. M–474A (Over) - - –2– 3. UP on ARR 1 v AL of such N-TRANs T shi PMENTs. At Port of ENTRY, THE RA LRoad Ace NT or THE vessful's AGENT shal L present To THE Col LEctoR of Customs. A copy of THE CARR ER's Customs MAN FEs.T., FoRM 75.12, or A coPY of THE shi P's MAN IFEs.T or Port on THEREoF, upon which shALL BE cLeARLY Note:D THE shi PMENTs which ARE IN TRANs T. TH is copy shal-L BEAR- A. THE NAME AND ADDREss of THE ULT IMATE cons GNEE, IN Accordance witH PARAGRAPH 2 HERE IN; E, THE NotAT I on "SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC-42, " AND c, THE NUMBER of THE IMPort LicensE UNDER WHIch THs shi P- MENT is to be iMacRTED INTo THE UNITED STATEs. |F THE sha PMENT is Not coverED BY A spec AL (PBF) import License, AN IND I V | DUAL MPORT L I CENSE IS REQUIRED, 4. F THE shi PMENT is BY RAIL, THE Col LEctor of Customs will L, UPON G | V | NG ENTRY, ALLOW THE SH 1 PMENT TO PROCEED TO PORT OF EXIT AC- comfAN ED BY THE CARRI ER's MAN IFEs.T. 5, THE Col LEctoR of Customs AT Port of Ex IT will ALLow THE Goods To BE ExForTED UNDER RAC-42, AND Forward THE Extra coPY of ForM 75.12, or THE Extra coPY of THE shi P's MAN FEs.T., To THE WAR TRADE Board, WAsH- NGToN, D. C. * THE AT TENT on of sh PPERs is cal_LED to THE FAct THAT Goods given ENTRY | NTO THE UNITED STATES AS IN-TRANS | T SH | PMENTS MAY NOT BE D VERTED FOR DOMEST I C CONSUMPT | ON OR RECONS GNED TO A CONS I GNEE. OTHER THAN THE onE NAMED on THE ENTRY Documents (DEscR BED IN PARAGRAPH 2), UNLEss AUTHoR TY FoR so Do I NG HAs BEEN ostAl NED From THE WAR TRADE BoARD. THE ATTENT 1 on of shil PPERs is FuRTHER cal-LED To THE FAct THAT RAC-42 | S AN EXPORT L CESE AND DOES NOT L | CENSE THE ENTRY OF ANY N-TRANS T sH | PMENT or AUTHoR zE ANY sh PMENT IN conFL cT WITH THE TRAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act, For THE INFormat on of sºil PPERs, THE IR ATTENT 1 on is drawn to W. T. - B. R. 540, issued JANUARY 23, 1919, ANNounc NG THE issuance of GENERAL |MPort L cºnse PBF No. 31, TH is GENERAL IMPoRT LicensE covers ALL IN- TRANS | T SH | PMENTS OF UNRESTR CTED COMMOD | T | ES WHERE SH | PMENT FROM ABROAD HAs BEEN MADE AFTER JANUARY 21, 1919. THE REMoval of THE restrict ions on cowºop Es Now RESTRICTED WILL AUTOMATICALLY BRING such commop! Ties UNDER THE EFFEct of TH is GENERAL LicensE, REFERENCE is MADE | N. W. T. B. R. 540, N connection witH shi PMENT's MADE AFTER JANUARY 21, 1919, THAT PBF No. 31 will sufzRsEDE GENERAL IMP of T LicensEs PBF No. 12 and PBF No. 25 |N SO FAR As I T MAY CONFL || C T W L TH SUCH OTHER GENERAL LI CEN.sºs. WANcE. C. McCormick, ONE, ||, 5, M–474B CHAIRMAN. - FEB 13, 1919 (Not to be released before JAMUARY 29, 1919) *AR TRADE BOARD | Washington (W.T.B. R. 553) January 29, 1919. CHANGES IN THE EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST The War Trade Board announce that jute yarn and jute nitrate bags have this day been removed from the Export Conservation List, effective February 1, 1919. Applications for licenses for the exportation of these commodities will be considered on and after February 3, 1919. Wance C. McCormick, Chairman. ("...T.B. R. 559) January 29, 1919. IMPORTATION OF JUTE AND JUTR PRODUCTS On and after February 1, 1919, licenses will be issued, where the applications therefor are & therwise in order, for the importa- tion of jute and jute products from all countries. Licenses so issued will not require the indorsement of the bill of lading to the Textile Alliance (Inc.). Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3390) ºf ºn 30 A32 WAR TRADE BOARD EtB 13 1919 *ASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 552) January 29, 1919, EXCORTATION OF CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS T. S"1Tºº LAND On January 27, 1919, the War Trade Board in their ruling W. T. B. R. 542, announcing certain commodities on the Free List for exportation to Switzerland, included the item "Cenematogramh. Films . " Shippers are now advised that the inclusion of this com- modity in such list was incorrect, and that Cinematograph Films must still be consigned to the Societe Suisse de Surveiliance, Bºrne, Switzerland. Wance C. McCormick, Chairman, º º º º º- ) Mouth organs Oilcloth Perfumery and toilet preparations Photographic apparatus Pictures, prints, engravings, and photographs Plaiting, all descriptions Plated and gilt wares Revolvers and pistols Salt - - Sawing machines Skins and furs, manufactures of Slide rules for engineers and draftsmen - Stereoscopes Stoves and ranges Straw envelopes for bottles Soap - Spectacles and eyeglasses complete, not containing gold Time-recording instruments of all kinds, and movements and parts thereof - Wringers and mangles - Weighing cachines, scales, and Balances of all descriptions Vacuum cleaners General licenses admitting the irºportation into Great Britain of the following commodities without special license will be continued until July l, 1919: Aerated mineral and table waters, unsweetened Almonds Apples - Art, works of Bananas Bladders - Casings and sausage skins Cocoa, raw Coffee Fruit from all sources, bottled, or preserved Gun 30 pal Gum kauri Hides, wet and dry Horns and hoofs canned, Ivory, vegetable Marble Nuts Onions Piºnentoes Run Sugar cane Timber (Dunnage used as temporary ships' fittings and not entered on bills of ladings) Tobacco, unmanufactured and manu- factured, including cigars and cigarettes Wood flour, cassia and lignea. - Wance C. McCormick, Chairman. - -Guns -carbings and rifles - - 3 1919 AºA FEB 30.5 O º - - (Not to be released before JANUARY 30, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 557) - January 30, 1919. BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTION The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been inforced of the following announced changes in the import regulations of Great Britain: The Sugar Supply Commission have announced the removal, from February 24, 1919, of all restrictions limiting the importation and sale of sirup, molasses, and other articles of like nature, The following articles, as to which the British import prohibitions have hitherto been removed, will again be on the list of prohibited imports after March 1, 1919, and can then only be imported under special license: Aluminum, manufactures of Aluſuinum powder Apparel not voterproofed Baskets and basket ware Baths of metal, all kinds Cartridges, all kinds and parts thereof machines, boring machines, centering inachines, slotting machines Machinery driven by power and suitable for use in cutting, working, or cperating on Cement wood, including saving Diatonite, or infuscrial earth machines of all descriptions, Electrotypes general joiners, mortise, tenon, boring machines, lathes and rºunding machines, Fatty acids Fire extinguishers box and cask making ºachines, and all machines access oxy thereto, scraping and sand- papering machines, wheel- wright machinery, firewood making and bundling machin- Tats and bonnets Lawn iaowers Linen yarns and fanufactures thereof Machine tools, and machinery driven by power and suitable for use in cutting, staºping, or working metal, including ery, wood, wool fiber, and lathes, grinding trachines, ſaillºg machines pulp trachinery, saw sharpen- boring and turning mills, drilling machines, ing and setting machines, power presses, planers, punctiºns and saw stretchers, and brazing shearing machines, shapers, forging apparatus machines, screw madhines, cutting-off Machines for grinding, planing, machines, chucking machines, gear-cutting or molding irons Mats Matting Methyl alcohol (33.39–1) Mops --- - - - * * * * * ~ * ~~~~~. ºr , ºr a . . . . . . . . . . . . . - A/º - (MoT To Be RELEAsep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 1, soº 3 100 17.2 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 545) - FEBRUARY 1, 1919 SHIPMENIS BY MAIL UNDER SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE RAC 52 THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce THE REv is on of SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC-52 cover Ng cer TA N ºr PMENT's To Fofº ign count R Es BY MA L. W. T. B. R. 246, issued October 9, 1918, is HEREBY REsc NDED AND IN PLAcE THEREoF THE FOLLOW ING BECOMES EFFECT . VE . (1) SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC–52 HAs BEEN issued to THE Post OFF ice DEPARTMENT To PERMIT ANY Local PostMasTER To accept witHouT No | V | DUAL Ex- FORT L I CENSE-- (A) ALL shi PMENTs of coºoo T Es NOT ON THE ExPort Conservation List: (B) SHIPMENTs of common iT Es ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List where THE VALUE OF No one common iTY Exceeds $200; (e) SH1 PMENTs witHouſ Li MIT of vaLuº To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND of cERTA in commeo | T | Es on THE Export Conservation List as NoTED IN THE List; WHEN DEST | NED TO- ABYss N A GREAT BRITA in OMAN AFGHANI stan GREEcE - PANAMA ARGENT INA GuATEMALA PARAGUAY BELG UM HA T PERs A Bou I v A Honour.As PERU BRAz I L | TALY Portug AL CH INA JAPAN - SALvApoR CHILE - Li BER A SAN MAR No Coloma a MExico - St AM Costa Rica Monaco SPAIN Cusa MoRocco URuguay Domi Ni can REPuel c NEPAL VENEzuel A Ecuador NicasAGUA EGYPT THE colonies, Possessions; FRANce AND PROTECTORATES OF THE NETHERLAND's NCLUDING THE IR colon Es, Possessions, AND PRotector ATEs, (2) RAC-52 is solely AN ExpoRT License and not a License to TRADE witH THE ENEMY, AND SH | PMENTS MADE THEREuNDER MAY NOT BE CONS GNED TO FERSONS ON THE ENEMy TRAD ing List or to Persons set Even sy. The sender of the WAR TRADE BoARD To BE Act NG For or on BEHALF of such ENEM Es. SHiPMENT's Mabe under (Over) M–476A - –2– SPEc AL LicensE RAC-52 ADDREssed to cons GNER's Not on THE ENEMY TRAD ING List, BuT UNs AT isfactory To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For THE REAson ABove stated, wi LL BE RETURNED To THE senDER, SH | PPER's DEs R NG to sueM T THE NAME of ANY PRoPosed cons GNEE For THE AFPRov AL of THE WAR TRADE BoARD BEFORE SH | PMENT | S MADE ARE | NV TED TO DO SO, ADDRESS ING THE IR COMMUNI- cAT I on To THE BUREAU of WAR TRADE INTELLIGENCE, WAR TRADE BoARD, Wash- |NGToN, D, C, , or To ANY WAR TRADE BoARD BRANCH of F ice, (3) IN MAK iNG sº IPMENT's UNDER TH is spec AL License (RAC 52) it is NOT NECESS ARY TO MAKE ANY APFL I CAT I ON FOR L J CENSE NOR TO PRESENT A L- I - cEnse of ANY k No To THE PostMasTER, IF THE shi PMENT is of A commodity WHIch MAY BE shi PPED UNDER subREAD INGs A, B, AND c of PARAGRAPH (1) Aeove, AND F THE SH | PMENT | S CONS GNED TO A CONS I CNEE | N ANY COUNTRY NAMED IN PARAGRAPH (1), THE PAckage, IN so FAR As THE WAR TRADE BoARD is concerNED, NEED ONLY BE DEL VERED TO THE FOSTMASTER WITH THE FOLLOW ING FACTS NOTED UPON THE WRAFPER: - "SHI PPED UNDER ExpoRT LicensE RAC-52, " . , List of contents, NAME AND ADDREss of shi PPER, . NAME AND ADDREss of cons GNEE. - - - : (4) ALL sº PMENTS MADE UNDER SPEc AL ExPort LicensE RAC-52 Must BE MADE EY MA L AND ARE sue JEcT To THE REGULAT ions of THE Post OFF ice DEPART- MENT . (5) THE ATTENT 1 on of shi PPERs is D : REcTED To THE FAct THAT RAC–52 DoE’s Not PERMIT ANY sº PMENT's To MEMBERs of THE UNITED STATES ARMY, UNITED STATEs NAVY, UNITED STATES MARINE CoRPs, or organizations AFF LIATED THERE- w TH, BUT THAT ALL such shi PMENT's Must BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC-43 AND in compli Ance witH WAR DEPARTMENT AND Post OFF ice DEPARTMENT REGULAT I ONS. (6) PERsons DEs R Ng To ExForT BY MA L ANY commod 1 TY which MAY Not BE ExpoRTED UNDER RAC–52 or ANY commod 1 TY To A country not covered BY RAC 52 Must APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For AN IND vidual ExpoRT License, AP– PL cat ſons should BE F LED on ForM X-A, coP Es of which ARE oetal NABLE FROM THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN WASHINGToN or ANY of its BRANCH offices, WANce C. McCormick, ONE, , 4 CHA RMAN, M–476B - --- -- - - - ------- - - - - - - - - º 3 os a A 3- (Not To BE RELEAgep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 1, 1919) FEB 13 1010 - as waR TRADE BoARD - WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 546) - FEBRUARY 1, 1919 SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE FOR SHIPMENTS OF CERTAIN COMMOD |T|ES TO THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, ITALY, OR JAPAN, THEIR COLONIES, POSSESSIONS, AND PROTECTORATES-RAC-63 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE spec AL ExpoRT License known as RAC- 63 Has BEEN Revised AND HAs Now BEEN GRANTED To THE Customs SERV I cº, EFFECT ve FEBRUARY 1, 1919, AUTHoR z NG THE ExpoRTAT I on to THE UNITED KINGDom, FRANCE, | TALY, or JAPAN, THE IR colon Es, Possess ons, or PRoſe croRAFEs, WITHOUT IND I - V DUAL ExPORT L I CENSE, OF- A. ALL shi PMENTs of commop T | Es NOT ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List. B. SH | PMENTs of commod T | Es ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List where THE vaLUE of No one commop ITY Exceeds $200, c. SHiPMENT's To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND of certain commoo T Es on THE Ex- Port Conservation List as NotED IN THE List. SHI PPERs should NoTE THAT | T is UNNEcºss ARY To APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For PERMission To shil P UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC-63 AND No spec Al Docu- MENT issued BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD Is NEcEssary iN connection witH such ship- MENTS, THE ATTENT 1 on of shil PPERs is cal_LED to THE FAct THAT shi PMENTs of THE cHARAcTER ouTu NED Above BE Ng DisPATched ex MA il Must Be ExpoRTED UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC-52 (W. T. B. R. 545). For THE conven Ence of ExpoRTERs, THE Fol Low I Ng & PUBL I shºp As THE PRO- CEDURE HERE AFTER TO BE FOLLOWED IN EXPORT | NG COMMOD I Ti ES BY FRE GHT OR EXPRES5 TO THE ABOVE DEST I NAT I ONS . 1. To ExPort ANY comMoD TY NOT ON THE ExpoR Conservation List, or ANY com- MoD TY ON THE ExpoRT Conservation list valued AT $200 or Less, or cERTAIN commop T | Es on THE Conservation List For CANADA AND NEWFound- LAND AS NOTED IN THE L | ST, NC) ND | V | DUAL LI CENSE IS REQUIRED, AND sHiPMENT's MAY BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC–63 BY PREs EN- TAT on of shi PPER's ExpoRT DEcLARAT on (Customs CAT, 7525) in QuaDRU- PL cate To THE Col LEctor of Customs AT Fort of Ex T FROM THE UNITED STATEs. 2. To ExpoRT ANY commod 1 TY ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List of A VALUE Ex- cEED ING $200 (Except THoss on THE List For which No 1 v Dual License is Not REQUIRED For CANADA or NEwfoundLAND), APPL carſ on For ExpoRT License Must Be MADE on Form X or Form X-A AND such suppleMENTAL IN– ForMAT 1 on sheets used THEREw TH As THE REGULAT ions of THE WAR TRADE BoARD MAY REqui RE IN connection witH shipments of certain commodi Ties, ExpoRTERs should se care Fuu To MAKE THE NEcEssary FRE icht ARRANGEMENTs BEFORE MOV NG EXPORTS TO SEABOARD AND TO ACQUAl NT THEMSELVES W L TH THE IMPORT REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, AND IT IS SUGGESTED THAT EXPORTERS AvA L THEMSELves of THE FAct Li Ti Es of THE BUREAu of Fore GN AND Domestic CoM– ERce of THE DEPARTMENT of Cowmerce, Washington, D.C., , in osta Ni Nc NFormation RESPECT ING THE IMPORT REGULATIONS OF FORE I GN COUNTR Es, VANCE C. McCoRMick, M–477 CHA RMAN, ---- - -- -- - ------- ----------------- º - º, º (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 1, 1919) F 43: EB 13 1919 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 547) FEBRUARY 1, 1919 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO BELG|UM AND THE BELGIAN CONGO— * SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE RAC-65 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE spec AL ExpoRT LicensE KNowN. As RAC-65 Has BEEN REvised ANP HAs Now BEEN GRANTED To THE Customs SERV I ce, EFFEcTive FEBRUARY 1, 1919, AUTHOR zing THE ExpoRTAT 1 on To BELG UM AND THE CELG 1 AN Congo, w THouT | No 1 v DuAL ExPort LicensE, of A. ALL shi PMENTs of cowmob it Es NOT ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List. B. SH | PMENTs of commod it Es ON THE ExPort Conservation List where THE VALUE of No one common iTY Exceeps $200. SH PPERs should Not E THAT | T is UNNEcEssary. To APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For PERM ission To sº P under SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC-65 AND No sPEc AL Document issued BY THE WAR TRADE Board is NEcºssa RY | N connection | W I TH such sh I FMENTS, THE ATTENT 1 on of sh; PPERs is cal_LED To THE FAct THAT shi PMENTs of THE CHARACTER OUTL | NEC, ABOVE FRE | NG D SPATCHED BY MA i L. MUST BE EXPORTED UNGER SPEc AL ExFort License RAC–52 (W, T, B.R. 545), For THE conven ENcE of EXPORTERs, THE FOLLOW ING ! 3 PUBL I SHED AS THE PROCEDURI: HEREAFTER TO GE FOLLOWED N EXPQRT | NG COMMº) T | ES BY FRE i GHT OR ExPRESS TO THE ABOVE DEST I NAT I CNS 1. To ExPoºr ANY commop TY NOT ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List, or ANY comMod TY ON THE ExpoRT Conservat on List valuep AT $200 or LEss, NO | ND | V | EUAL LI CENSE 5 REQUIRED, AND SH 1 PMENTS MAY BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL Export License RAC-65 BY PREsent AT on of shi PPER's ExPort pacLARAT ion (Customs CAT, 7525) N QUADRUPL care to THE Col LEctor of Customs at Fort of Exit From THE UNITED STATEs. 2. To ExPort ANY common iTY ON THE ExPort Consa Rvation List of A vaLue Excago NG $200, APPL cat on For ExpoRT License Must Be MADE on Form X or Form X-A AND such suppl-EMENTAL INForMAT I on sheets used THEREw TH As THE REgul-AT ions of THE WAR TRAoE BoARD MAY REqui Rs | N CONNECTION WITH SH 1 PMENTS OF CERTA N COMMOD I T | ES, ExpoRTERs should be careful to MAKE THE NEcEssary FRE i GHT ARRANGEMENTs BEFORE MOV | NG EXPORTS TO SEABOARD AND TO ACQUA NT THEMSELVES W H TH Tiiº IMPORT REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, ANG | T is SUGGESTED THAT EXPORT- ERs Ava i L THEMsFLves of THE Fact Li Ti Es of THE Burkau of Fore GN ANd Domestic CoMMERCE of THE DEPARTMENT of CoMMERcE, Washi Ngton, D. C., , in osta in NG in- FORMATION RESPECT | NG THE IMPORT REGULAT I ONS OF FORE I GN COUNTRIES, VANCE C. McCormick, M–478 (Over) CHAIRMAN. (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 1, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON - (W. T. B.R. 549) - FEBRUARY 1, 1919 REVOCAT |ON OF SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE RAC-8 THE WAR TRADE Board announce THE REvocation of Special Ex- PoRT LicensE RAC-8, DEscR BED IN WAR TRADE BoARD Journal 13 (PAGE 25). SPEc AL LicensE RAC-8 was issued To THE Customs SERV I ce. To PERMIT THE Exportation to CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND of ALL ARticles Not on THE ExpoRT Conservat 1 on List, AND such ART cles on THE Conserva- T 1 on L is T As THE List spec F I cal_LY ENUMERATED, witHouT IND I v DuAL EXPORT L I CENSE . |NAs Much As THE WAR TRADE Board HAs issued SPEc AL ExPort LicensE RAC-63 (W, T, B. R. 546), PERMITTING THE ExpoRTAT I on of commod 1– T Es Not on THE ExFort Conservat I on List To GREAT BRITA N, FRANCE, | TALY, JAPAN, AND THE IR colon Es, Possessions, AND ProTector ATEs, such sh PMENTs. As ARE ouTL | NED ABove pºst Ngo To CANADA AND New- FoundLAND MAY Now se ForwardED UNDER THAT spec AL License (RAC–63). WANce C. McCormick, M–479 CHA RMAN. (Over) º TER 13 1010 (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 1, 1919) - - TWAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B. R. 553) February 1, 1919. REVISION OF SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSES RAC-53 The War Trade Board announce that Special Export License RAC-53, issued on June 7, 1918, to the Post Office Department (W.T.B.R. 128), has been re- vised and reissued, the revision being effective February 1, 1919. On and after February 1, 1919, Special Export License RAC-53 will permit the exportation by mail, without individual export license, to all countries of written matter and printed matter. The attention of the shipping public is called to the fact that Special Export License RAC–53 is not a license to trade with the enemy and does not authorize the mailing of any matter in conflict with the Trading with the Enemy Act. - The Special License RAC-53 has been issued to the Post Office Department and authorizes any local postmaster to accept shipments of the character out- lined above without the presentation of an individual license of any kind , When making shipments under RAC-53 it is not necessary to note that li– cense number upon the wrapper of the package; but all persons are cautioned against attempting to export any articles under the authority of that license other than those enumerated above. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (W. T. B. R. 555) February 1, 1919. REVOCATION OF SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSE RAC-57 The War Trade Board announce the revocation of Special Export License RAC- 57, issued December 14, 1918 (W. T. B. R. 380), covering the exportation of raw cotton to Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. Inasmuch as raw cotton has been removed from the Export Conservatiºn List and since the ºar Trade Board has issued Special Export License RAC-63 (". T. B. R. 546) to permit shipments of all unconserved commodities to the above- named countries, Special License RAC–57 is of no further service. - Vance C. McCormick, (3386) - - Chairman (W., T. B. R. 554) FEB 13, 1919 (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 1, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON February 1, 1919, REVISED SPECIAL ExPORT LICENSE FOR SMALL SHIPMENTS BY - FREIGHT OR EXPRESS - NO. RAC-54 - The War Trade Board announce that Special Export License RAC-54, which has been issued to the Customs Division of the Treasury Depart- ment and to the branch offices of the War Trade Board, permitting the exportations of small shipments of unconserved commodities to certain destinations, has been revised and reissued, The revised Special Export License RAC-54 becomes effective February l, 1919, and permits the exportation via freight or express by indorsement of the shipper's export declaration and without in- dividual export license of shipments as follows: - * vided $100; Shipments of commodities not on the Export Conservation List, pro- a. The value of no one commodity, including its container, exceeds b. The shipment is consigned to a consignee not on the Enemy Trad- ing List, and c. The shipment Abyssinia Guatemala Oman Afghanistan Haiti Panama Argentina Honduras Paraguay Bolivia Liberia Persia Brazil Mexico Peru China Monaco Portugal, its colonies, Chile Morocco possessions, and Colombia Nepal protectorates Costa Rica Nicaragua Salvador - Cuba The colonies, posses- San Marino Dominican Republic sions, and protecto- Siam Ecuador rates of the Nether- Uruguay Egypt lands Venezuela (3385–1) (over) is destined to one of the following countries: -2- - Shippers should note that Special License RAC-54 pertains only to shipments by freight or express and that it is unnecessary to apply to the War Trade Board for permission to ship under that license, and no special document issued by the War Trade Board is necessary. Exporters who desire to make shipments of the character outlined above need only present their shipper's export declaration (Customs Cat. 7525) in quad- ruplicate to a Collector of Customs or to a branch office of the War Trade Board for indorsement to permit the shipment to proceed under RAC-54, Shippers are informed that in cities having both a Collector of Customs and a branch office of the War Trade Board the authority to indorse declaratiºns under this ruling will be exercised by only one of the before-mentioned agencies, the authority varying in different cities. Thus in New York the work is dºne by the Collector of Customs, whereas in Chicago it is done by the branch office of the War Trade Board. It is suggested that all shippers in other cities having both a Collector of Customs and a branch office inquire at either office and obtain information as to the procedure being followed in that city . The attention of exporters is called to the fact that the use of Special License No. RAC-54 does not relieve the shipper of the responsi- bility of complying with the import restrictions of the country of des- tination, and it is suggested that exporters avail themselves of the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington, D. C., in obtaining information respectiº the import regulations of foreign countries. Shipments of the character outlined above to be shipped by mail may be forwarded under Special Export License RAC–52, as described in W. T. B. R. 545, Wance C. McCormick, One III, 4. Chairman. (3385-2) (over) 303 o + 3 + (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 10, 1919.) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W.T. B.R. 589) February 10, 1919, EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST The "ar Trade Board announce that the Export Conservation List as of February 10, 1919, is as follows (it will be noted that butter, cheese, eggs and egg products, and milk of all kinds are no longer on the List): *Ammunition, X-2 *Cartridges and shells, loaded and unloaded, X-2 *Shot, in bulk, X-2 Cinchona bark and products *Coal Coffee (green), except Haitian and Porto Rican *Coffee (roasted), except Haitain and Porto Rican *Coffee (soluble), except Haitian and Porto Rican *Coke *Explosives, X-2 Films, moving picture, as follows: Unexposed, X-20 Exposed but undeveloped *Exposed and developed, X-20 or X-30 *Firearms, all types, X-2 Flour, as follows: Wheat Gold, as follows: Manufactured, except dental, and rticles containing more than 45% of fine gold in value, Form X-29 Lard Grains, as follows: Wheat, except seed wheat Jewelry, containing more than 45% of fine gold in value, X-29 Lard, neutral Lard, compound Lard substitutes Pork products, as follows: Bacon Barreled and mess pork Coarse hog bellies Canned pork Faubacks Fresh pork Hams - - Pickled pork, except ears, snouts, lips, tails, jowls, heads, and back straps Shoulders - Spareribs Stag bellies Quinine and its compounds Quinine salts - Seeds, red clover * Individual licenses not required to Canada and Newfoundland, Shipment of these commodities to those destinations may be made under Special Export License RAC-63. Where shipments of grain are made for seed purposes, shippers are cautioned to state that fact on the shipping papers. (3468) Vance C. McCormick, Chairman, A-/- –3– 3 O 3 O PHoNographs A 3 - PHonographic REqords PHotographic goods, BUT Not c-EMI calls THEREFor Pi Anos PREcºlous stones, REAL AND IMI TAT I on PRINT | NG Presses PUM. cº stone RAz9Rs, saEETY, AND BLADEs RIBBons, sº LK - SALT, TABLE SAN TARY WARE, PLUMBERs' goods, 1F of Row or stEEL or EARTHEN- ware conta i Ni Ng Not MoRE THAN 5 PER cent coPPER or BRAss ScALEs AND BALANCEs, NoT INCLUDING we GHTs of coPPER OR BRAss Screws SPANNERs, For cycles SEw NG MAcH | NEs For Domestic Use SHRuss SLATEs, WR T NG or DRAW ING SLATE PENc Ls SMALL FANCY Goops MADE of LEATHER SrectacLEs T -ie ATR call ProPERT | Es, w Gs AND cosme T ics, ExcLup Ng costumEs AND FOOTWEAR TEETH, ART F ic AL ToBAcco F | PEs To LET PREPARAT ions, ExcLUDING soap Toot H BRusHEs, BEARD BRusHEs, AND Mustache BRusHEs | RIMM Ngs of $ Lk TRUFFLEs, FREsh or PREs ERVED TuRNERs warEs of wood TYPE-set T NG AND YPE-cAst NG MACHINERY, ExcLup NG TYPE METAL TYPEWR TERs AND spare PART's (ExceFT TYPEWR TER R BeoNs) WALL PAPERs WALK NG sticks WINEs of ALL ki Nos W RE MATTREsses UMBRELLAs SHI PMEN is of ALL commou T Es, NcLup NG Foodstuffs, Provideo THE v ALUE of No one commod 1 TY Exceeps $200 in vaLue. PersonAL EFFEcts, HouseHold goods And other ART cues of PERsonAL ProPERTY. REAsonast-E quant T | Es of ANY commod 1 TY INTENDED For D PLoMAT ic, consul-AR, MiL | TARY, or Naval officers of THE UNITED STATEs or of FR ENDLY countries, or For EMPLoyees of the UNITED STATEs serving ABRoad (SPEc AL License RAC-64 COVERS SH 1 PMENTS WHEN CONS I GNED TO AND FOR THE PERSONAL USE QF D | PLOMAT I C, consul AR, or other of F ic ALs or EMPL&YEEs of THE UNITED STATEs stationED ABRoad, AND No ind v Dual ExpoRT Licenses ARE REoul RED For such sh PMENTs; see W. T. B. R. 468 of JANUARY 4, 1919) ARTI clies of smal-L value. To BE used sol-ELY FoR ADvertising PURPOSES, MAGAZINEs, sooks, PAMPHLETs, Etc. VANCE C. McCormick, W–490C CHAIRMAN, - - - - - - - - - - - Hº º, 3.0 (Not To Be RELEAsgD BEFoRE FEBRUARY 1 1, 1919) A 32. WAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 590) FEBRUARY 1 1, 1919 RESUMPT |ON OF TRADE WITH F | NLAND THE WAR TRAoE Board ANNounce, suppleMENT ING W. T. B. R. 577, issued FEE- ruary 5, 1919, THAT ARRANGEMENT's HAVE Now BEEN MADE where BY Both ExPort shi P- MENTs to AND MPort &H PMENT's From F | NLAND MAY BE REsumED, ALL &H | PMENT's For Export To THE ARove-MENT 1 on ED country Must BE covered BY AN MPort cert F cATE issued BY THE INTER-ALL ED TRADE CoMMITTEE AT HELs incfors, Except shi PMENTs of THE commod | T | Es ListED BELow, THE PRocedure For THE ExpoRTAT I on of commop T i Es. To F 1 NLAND is, I N ALL CASES, AS FOLLOW3 : 1, ExpoRTERs should APPLY FoR Licenses To THE BUREAu of ExPorts, WAsH- NGTon, D, C, , or ANY BRANCH of F ice THEREoF, using APPL cAT I on ForM X or X-A. 2, ExpoRTERs in THE UNITED STATEs, BEFoRE FIL i NG APPL i cAT ions For ExPort Licenses, Musſ RECEIVE ADV lice FROM THE PRosPEcT vB iMPort ER IN F 1 NLAND THAT THERE HAs BEEN issued BY THE INTER-ALL ED TRADE CoMMITTEE, AT HELs NGFors, A cERT F cate star Nc THE R APPRov AL of THE PROPosed consicNMENT. THE NUMBER of TH is cert I FI care should BE ForwarpED BY THE IMPORTER IN FINLAND To THE AMER cAN ExpoRTER, WHo shoul-D spec FY such NUMBER on THE APPL cAT I on For Ex– FORT L I CENSE, - THE DETA Ls of ALL IMPoRT cert F caſes issued N F | NLAND WILL BE TRANs— MIT TED BY THE AMER cAN REPREsent AT VE on THE INTER-ALL | ED TRADE CoMMITTEE To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WASH NGTon, D, C, , where THE same will BE used to veri FY THE APFL I CAT I ONS THAT ARE FRESENTED FOR CONS 1 DERAT I ON, |MPorts FRom Finland To THE UNITED STATEs will L BE sue JEcT To THE same RULES AND REGULAT! ONS WH | CH GOVERN THE IMPORTAT I ON OF COMMOD | T | ES FROM OTHER count Ries in EuroPE, THE Following commop it Es, REFERRED To ABOVE, DO NOT REQUIRE IMPORT CERT | Fi CATES AND WILL BE LI CENSED FREELY I F THE APPL CAT I ONS ARE otherW I SE i N ORDER . Apping AND calcul-AT ing Machines ALABAster For statuary Purposes ART ists' MATER AL (ExcLuping oils AND TuRPENT INEs) ATHLEric goods Bicycles AND AccEssor Es (ExcLup NG T REs) Buttons of ALL ki Nos (Except Mi Li TARY Buttons, HoRN Buttons, AND VEGETABLE Ivory Buttons) - CAsH REG stERs C! GAR AND cigaret TE Holpers M–490A (Over) –2– CH INA CH NA clay CLocks, including clocks For T | ME check NG CoRAL Cutlery, ALL ForMs DENTAL BURs DENTAL FILL | NG MATER LALs DRUGs, v AR ous DuPt cAT NG MAcHi NERY AND suppl Es THEREFoR DYEs AND DYEstuffs EARTHENWARE ELEcºRoPLATED, G LDED, or si Lver coops (Except THose of solid silver or GoLD) FANs AND HAND screens FANCY coops, of PAPER, Ivory, MOTHER OF PEARL, Torto sº. SHELL, AMBER OR AMBERO | D FEATHERs, MADE UP F LMs., PF NTED Posi T L VE OR NEGATIVE, suBJECT To censorsh IP Flower seeps (Except seeps of ol L-BEAR ING PLANTs) Flowers, ART IF 1 c 1 AL Fount At N FENs FRESH FRU T FRESH FRU T JU ice (UNsweet ENED) FuRs, DREssed, DYED, or MANUFACTURED GAUGE GLAsses GLAssWARE HA R or NAMENT's AND comes HA R NETs of s LK or HAIR HARDwARE For But LDERs (IF of RoN or stEEL) Hars of ALL k l NDs Household FuRNishi NGs, FixTUREs AND Equi PMENT (1 F MANUFActured of woop, RoN, or stEEL) (ExceFT UPHolstERED FuRN 1 TURE) |NK (other THAN PRINTERs' Nk) | Ron AND STEEL AND MANUFActures THEREOF (Except H'ſ GH-speed stEEL) | M. TAT on LEATHER Goods JEWELRY (ExceFT JEWELRY contain NG IN Excess of 45 PER cent GoLD) JEWELRY ( i MITAT 1 on) Jewel-RY, REAL, MoUNTED WITH PREC lous stones (ExcLUDING ART icles of solo GoLD, si Lver, or PLAT I NUM) LAces AND GUI PURE LAUNDRY MAcH | NERY LEocers, Loose–LEAF, AND SIMI LAR stat onERY LIGHT ING FixTUREs (IF of iroN or stEEL) MARBLE, RAW AND MANUFActured MATs AND MATT ING MADE OF GUI Nco And PAV ERA MED c | NEs, PRoPR ETARY AND PATENT M. NERAL WATERs (UNSWEETENED) MoRocco LEATHER Mosaic, FANcy waRE Music AL Nst RUMENTs OFF , CE FURNI TuRE AND stationERY (ExcLuping rueBER ERAsers) OPERA GLAsses (For use N THEATERs) PA in T | NGs AND F cTUREs of ALL ki NDs PEN N tes PERFUMERY, NcLup NG Essent AL o Ls M–490B (Over) 323 & FEB 28 1919 A 3- (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 13, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD Washington (W.T.B.R. 594) - February 13, 1919. RESUMPTION OF TRADE TITH CZECHO-SLOVAXIA - The War Trade Board announce that all persons in the United States are authorized, subject to the rules and regulations of the War Trade Board, to trade and communicate with persons residing within the territory under the control of the Gzecho-Slovak National Council. Pending further announce- ment, the territory now opened to trade is the area constituting the Provinces of Bohemia and Moravia as existing on August 1, 1914, In accordance with this authorization, applications will now be con- sidºred for licenses to export or import all commodities to consignees or from consignors in Czecho-Slovakia, For the exportation of commodities to Czecho-Slovakia, applications should be filed on Form X or X-a. No supplemental information sheets will be required unless the commodity be manufactures of gold, in which case Supplemental Information. Sheet X-23 should be attached. For importations into the United States from such territory, individual import licenses will be required under the same conditions as for importations from European countries, except where shipments are covered by the list of general import licenses previously announced. The War Trade Board have received no official advices as to what the import regulations into this territory, if any, will be, Prospective ex- porters should therefore communicate with their customers abroad before making shipments, in order that the importer may comply with any import regulations that may be in effect . Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3.486) (over) - _ - - FEB 28 1919 (Not to be released before FEBRUARY lºº, 1919). *AR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W.T.E.R. 602) February 15, 1919. RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH RULGARIA, TIRKEY, AND BLACK SEA PORTS. The War Trade Board announce that all persons in the United States are authorized, subject to the Rules and Regulations of the "ar Trade Board, to trade and communicate with persons in Pºlgaria and in the Turkish Fmpire, both in Europe and in Asia Minºr. In addition to previous announcements of the War Trade Board re- opening trade with Syria and Palestine south of the line from Alexandretta to Aleppo, and with Mesopotamia, trade is now open with the entire ter- ritory embraced within the boundaries of the Turkish Empire as the safe existed on August list, 1914, To clarify the situation in the light of this announcement and previous announcements regarding Russian Black Sea ports and Roumania, the 'ar Trade Board announce that all ports on the Black Sea are now open to trade with the United States. In accordance with this authorization, applications will now be considered for licenses to export or import all commodities to cºnsignees or from consignors in such territory. For the exportation of commodities to such territory, applications should be filed on Forta X or X—a. No supplemental information sheets will be required unless the commodity be manufactures of gold, in which case Supplemental Information Sheet X-29 should be attached. For importations into the United States frºm such territory, in- dividual import licenses will be required under the same conditions as for importations from European countries, except where shipments are covered by the list of general import licenses previously announced . The War Trade Bºard have received no official advices as to what the import regulations into this territory, if any, will be, Prospective exporters should therefore communicate with their customers abroad be- fore making shipments, in order that the importer may comply with &ny import regulations that may be in effect. Vance C. McCormick, (3581) Chairman. - - (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 14, 1919). "WAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON (W.T.B.R. 599) February 14, 1919, REMOVALS FROM THT EXPORT CONSERVATION LIS The War Trade Board announce the following removals from the Export Conservation List, effective February 14, 1919: Coffee (of all kinds) Lard compound and lard substitutes. Wance C. McCormick, Chairman, Hº - º - - - A3+ FEB 28 1919 (Not To Be RELEAsep seroRE FEBRUARY 14, 1919) waR TRADE BoARD - WASHINGTON (W. T.B.R. 591) FEBRUARY 14, 1919 BELGIANT IMPORT RESTRICTIONS - -----------------------º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce, For THE INForMAT I on of ExPorters N THE UNITED STATEs, THAT THEY HAVE BEEN INForMED THAT ALL commodi- TiEs MAY Now BE IMPorted FREELY into BELGIUM Except THE Fol Low I NG, which reoul RE BELG 1 AN IMPort LicensEs: ALL cere ALs From WHIch BrEAD is MADE, INCLUDING BARLEY AND oArs, Potato FLour, sugar (RAW AND MANUFActured), ToBAcco, wines, spirits, MAL.T., AND COAL: , As ANNounced in W.T.B.R. 585, issued FEBRUARY 7, 1919, No BELGIAN IMPORT L I CENSE IS REQUIRED BEFORE SHI PR ING OATS, SUGAR, TOBACCO, AND wines F such coops are sent to pusLic Bonded WAREHouses in ANTwerP or Brussels, But IMpoRT LicensE WILL Have to BE ostal NED BEFore the RELEASE of 'such goods. From THE WAREHouse, WANCERC, McCormick, M–491 | CHAIRMAN, - (Over) - - - - º - º |FEB 28 1919 -- - (Not to Be Released aerose FEBRUARY 15, 1919) - - WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON } (W. T. B.R. 593) FEBRUARY 15, 1919 |NTERPRETAT |ON OF THE "FREE LIST" THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce, FoR THE INForMAT I on of ExPort ERs, THAT CERTAIN COMMOD I T | ES DESCR BED IN GENERAL TERMS IN THE SO-CALLED "FREE List" For DENMARK, Norway, Sweden, Hol-LAND, AND FINLAND (SEE l W. T. B. R. 473, JANUARY 3, 1919, AND W. T. B. R. 590, FEBRUARY 1 1, 1919) HAVE BEEN INTERPRETED To NçLUDE of HER SPECIFIC commop IT Es, As Fol-Lows: 1. "DuPL cAT ING MACHINERY AND suppl Es THEREFoR" | NoLUDE ELEc- TR C PHOTO-COPY ING MACH | NES AND SUPPLIES THEREFOR, AND WAX PAPER AND VARN | SH PAPER . 2, "OFF ice FURNITURE AND suppl Es" NcLUDE TYPEWR TER R i BeoNs. 3. "MATs AND MATT ING of Gui Nco AND PAv ERA" | NcLUDE cane MATT ING. 4. "CLocks" | NcLUDE watchEs. 5. "SPECTAcLEs" | NcLUDE spect AcLE FRAMEs, Mounts, AND cases, | 6, Loose-LEAF LEDGERs" | NcLUDE REPAIR PART's For Loose–LEAF | LEDGERS. | 7. "L! GHT LEATHER GooDs, Iml TAT I on LEATHER Goods, Etc., " | NcLUDE | HAT LEATHERS, - 8. "LACES AND Gul PurE" NCLUDE LACE cuRTAINs AND CURTA in NET, MOSQU | TO NETT | NG, AND TULL-E. 9, "ELECTRoPLATED Goods" incLUDE FANCY silver—MountED Goods AND N CKEL-S I LVER GOODS, VANCE C. McCormick, M–492 CHAirMAN. */ - |- Uſ, 3 O 433 - FEB 28 1919 (Not to be released before FFRRUARY 17, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD Washington (T.T. B. R. 597) February 17, 1919 BILLS OF JARING TO ORDER" During the war it was the practice of ºny steamship companies in issuing bills of lading "to order" to require of the shipper that he add to this "Notify John Doe (the consignee abroad) ". This has not affected the negotiability of the bill of lading, but the War Trade Board is advised that it is causing complications in certain foreign markets, where the government of destination is ºreventing the delivery of the goods to any one other than the notified party, which action is causing serious embarrass- ment to shippers whose purchasers abroad may have gotten into financial difficulties subsequent to the dispatch of the shipping documents. The War Trade Board feel that the requirements of the Trading with the Enemy Act are sufficiently well known to exporters, and that the state- ments in the shipper's export dejlaration, which is filed by the shipper when shipment is made, are a sufficient safeguard to make it no longer necessary for steamship comranies carrying exports to Latin America and the Far East to require shippers to put on the bill of lading the name of the consignee, Shippers should understand, however, that this ruling is no way affects the requirements which call for the consignee and/or purchaser abroad being specified on the application for export license, the export license itself, and the export declaration. This notice refers merely to the ocean bills of lading covering shipments properly consigned "to order" and has no bearing as to those shipments which under certain regulations of the War Trade Board must be consigned directly to a named consignee or as to those shipments which are consigned direct to the purchaser abroad. Wance C. McCormick, (34°1) Chairman. (over) | - - - /-/ſº 3 ºn | 4 - > FEB 28 1919 (I'ot to be released before Fººlſ/RY 20, 1919) WA. Tº BOARD *A3HINGTON (W. T. B.R. 604) - February 20, 1919. ºCIAL CO'ſ UNICATION IITH THE GRAID DUCHY OF LUXETEURG Commercial communication between the United States and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg may from this date be resumed. Arrangements have not yet been made for the resumption of commercial shipments ºo or from this territory, and it is therefore recommended that merchants, in communicating and arranging for business in this territory, keep closely in touch with the official announcements of the War Trade Board in order that they may not make definite commitments to ship or receive goods before the resumption of trade is authorized. - Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (º, T. B. R. 606) - February 20, 1919. Tº OVAL OF AUSTRALIAN IPORT RESTRICTIONS The "War Trade Forró announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed that the Australian proclamation of November 10, 1917, prohibiting the iºnoitation of certain articles made of tin plato, and ºpods when packed in tin-plate containers, has been revolved, and these commodities mºy now be imported into Australia. Vance C, lºcCormick, Chairman. (3500) | (Not To EE RELEAsep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 20, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 607) FEBRUARY 20, 1919 CUBAN |M|PORT RESTRICT |ONS THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce, FoR THE INFORMAT on of Ex- Port ERs N THE UN TED STATEs, THAT THEY HAve BEEN INForMED THAT THE Government of CUBA HAs PLACED AN EMBARGo upon ALL IMPORTAT ſons of WHEAT FLOUR FOR SIXTY DAYS, THE PART cul-ARs of such EMBARGo HAVE Not As YET BEEN com: MUN cATED To THE WAR TRADE BoARD, AND ExpoRTERs N THE UNITED STATEs sHoul D consul-T THE IR cons GNEEs in CUBA As To such PART cul-ARs, VANCE C. McCormick, M–495 CHA irMAN. (OVER) (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 24, 1919) WAR TRADE ROARD Washington - February 24, 1919 PROCECURE GOVERNING Exports TO SWEDEN. The War Trade Board announce that a new series of import certificates are being issued by the Statens Handels Kommission in Sweden, º serial numbers beginning with us, ico. These certificate numbers will be honored by the war Trade Bears notwith standing the ruling in paragraph 4 of º, T.B. R. 496, issued January 10, 1919, that the correct serial - numbers of certificates will be higher than 10832, Vance C. McCormick, (3520) Chairman, H. R. * tº D Aº - (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 21, 1912) "AR TRADE ROARD Washington February 21, 1919. ("..T.B.R. 609) RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH THE GERMAN COLONIES The War Trade Board announce that all persons in the United States are authorized, subject to the rules and regulations of the War Trade Board, to trade and communicate with persons residing in the colonies owned or controlled by Germany on August 1, 1914. - In accordance with this authorization, applications will now be considered for licenses to export or import all commodities to consignees or from consignors in such territory. For the exportation of commodities to such territory, applications should be filed on Form X or X-A. For importations into the United States from such territory, individual import licenses will be required, except where shipments are covered by general import licenses. -- The War Trade Board have received no official advices as to what the Prospective import regulations into this territory, if any, will be . exporters should therefore communicate with their customers abroad before making shipment s, in order that the importer may comply with any import regulations that may be in effect. Wance C. McCormick, Chairman. (over) (35.15) MAR 12 1010 (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE FEBRUARY 22, 1919) WAR ſº ADE EOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 610) FEBRUARY 22, 1919 RESUMPT |ON OF TRADE WITH THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY OF GERMANY THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT TRADE HAs BEEN REsuMED WITH so Much of THE RHINE PRovinces of GERMANY As is NcLUDED WITH IN THE AREA of Mi Li TARY occupation BY THE AMER I can AND ALLIED ARMI Es. ANNounceMENT WILL shortl-Y BE MADE As To THE METHODs of PRoceDURE BY WHICH EXPORTS TO AND IMPORTS FROM SUCH TERRITORY WILL BE GOVERNED, THE DETA I LS OF WH | CH FROCEDURE HAVE NOT YET BEEN COMPLETED . IN THE MEANT IME, PERsons DEs IRING To ENGAGE IN TRADE witH such TERRITORY SHOULD communicate WITH THE WAR TRADE BoARD, WAsHINGTON, D. C., AND such INFORMAT I on wil-L BE Given THEM As MAY HAVE comE to THE KNowLEDGE of THE WAR TRADE BoARD. VANCE C. McCormick, M–497 CHAIRMAN. H F º, b > 0 A * > (Not to Be Releaseo BeFore FEBRUARY 26, 1919). MAR 12 1919 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 608) FEBRUARY 26, 1919 SPECIAL EXPORT LI CENSE FOR SHIPMENT OF CERTAIN COMMOD |T|ES TO THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, TALY, BELG|UM, OR JAPAN, THEIR COLONIES, POSSES- SIONS, AND PROTECTORATES, OR GREECE–RAC–63 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC-65 (W, T, B, R, 547, FEBRUARY 1, 1919) HAs BEEN REsc 1 NoFD AND SPEc AL ExpoRT Li- cEnse RAC–63 ExTENDED To PERMIT shi PMENT's ForMERLY covered BY RAC-65 To BE MADE THEREUNDER, THE WAR TRADE BoARD ALso ANNounce THE INCLUsion of GREEcE IN THE countries To which shi PMENT's MAY BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC–63, | N. AccordANce witH THE ABove, RAC-63 HAs Now BEEN GRANTED To THE Customs SERV I ce, EFFECT ve FEBRUARY 26, 1919, AUTHoR iz NG THE ExPortAT I on WITHOUT IND | V | DUAL EXPORT L I CENSE OF- (A) ALL shi PMENTs of commop IT Es NOT ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List; (B) SHIPMENTs of commop IT Es ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List where THE v.ALUE of No one commod 1 TY Exceeps $200; WHEN pest INED To THE UNITED KINGDom, FRANCE, I TALY, BELG UM, or JAPAN, THEIR colon Es, PossEssions, or PRotector ATEs, or GREEcE, PRov DED THAT No shil P- MENT's UNDER TH is L cFNSE shALL BE cons GNED To PERsons on THE ENEMY TRAD ING List; AND - (C) SHIPMENT's To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND of cert A N comMoD IT Es on THE ExpoRT Conservation List As NoTED IN THE L is T, IN ADD T on To sHIPMENTs. As ouTLINED IN (A) AND (B) ABove. SHIPPERs should NoTE THAT IT is UNNEcEssary. To APPLY To THE WAR TRADE BoARD For PERMission To ship UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC–63, AND No spec AL DocumENT issued BY THE WAR TRADE BoARD is NEcEssary iN connection W I TH SUCH SH | PMENTS, THE ATTENT on of shi PPERs is cal-LED To THE FAct THAT shi PMENTs of THE CHARACTER OUTL | NED ABOVE BE ING D.I SPATCHED BY MAIL MUST BE EXPORTED UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT LicensE RAC-52 (W. T. B.R. 545). - For THE conveni ENCE of ExForTERs, THE Fol Lowing is PublishED. As THE PROCEDURE HEREAFTER TO BE FOLLOWED IN EXPORT | NG COMMOD IT | ES BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS TO THE ABOVE DEST INAT IONS: M-496A (Over) –2– 1. To ExForT ANY commod 1 TY NOT ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List, or ANY commod 1 TY ON THE ExpoRT Conservation List vaLUED At $200 or LEss, or cert Al N comMoD IT Es on THE Conservation List For CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND As NoTED IN THE List, No IND I v DUAL LI- cENse Is REQUIRED, AND shi PMENTs MAY BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL Ex- PoRT LicensE RAC–63 BY PREsent AT I on of shi PPER's ExpoRT DEcLARA- T I on (CUsToMs CAT, 7525) IN QUADRUPL cATE To THE Col-LEctor of Customs AT Port of Ex T From THE UNITED STATEs. º 2. To ExForT ANY commop 1 TY ON THE Export Conservation List of A vaLUE Exceed NG $200 (ExceFT THose on THE List For WHIch ND1 v DUAL License is NoT REQUIRED For CANADA or NEWFoundLAND), APPL ca- T on For ExpoRT LicensE MUsT BE MADE on ForM X or ForM X-A AND SUCH SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMAT I ON SHEETS USED THEREW I TH AS THE REGULAT I ons of THE WAR TRADE BoARD MAY REQUIRE IN connection W I TH SH | PMENTS OF CERTA | N COMMOD I T | E.S., ExPort ERs shoul D BE care FUL To MAKE THE NEcEssaRY FREIGHT ARRANGE- MENTS BEFORE MOV | NG EXPORTS TO SEABOARD AND TO ACQUA | NT THEMSELVES WITH THE | MPORT REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTRY OF DEST INAT I ON, AND I T | S SUGGESTED THAT ExPort ERs AvA L THEMsFLves of THE FAc Li T LEs of THE BUREAU of Fore GN AND Domestic CoMMERCE of THE DEPARTMENT of CoMMErcE, Washi NGTon, D. C., IN OBTA IN ING INFORMAT | ON RESPECT | NG THE IMPORT REGULAT I ONS OF FORE I GN COUNTRI E5. WANCE C. McCormick, M–496B CHAIRMAN. (Over) (W.T.B. R. 612) - - - MAR 12 1919 (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 26, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD Washington February 26, 1919 REMOVAL OF FRENCH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS - The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that the French import restrictions have been removed from the following list of commodities. This is the same list which was announced in the Commerce Reports of January 31, 1919; but as the description in that announcement was only by numerical reference to the French customs tariff, it has seemed desirable to describe the commodities more specifically. - - - " Live Animals Horses Horses for slaughter Mules and Mulets Asses - Cattle - Game, poultry, pigeons; and rabbits Animal Products and By-Products Fresh meats Hams and salt meats Manufactured pork products Beef muzzles Killed poultry and pigeons - Killed roe, rabbit, deer, and other game Fresh and salted goose liver - Canned meat . Extract of meat in loaf and others Tripe, fresh, raw, dry, or salt Raw hides Horsehair Hair, raw, combed, or carded in boxes Feathers Silk in cocoons, festooned worked, or milled; wadding Unworked human hair Messina hair Fats of animals other than fish Margarine, oleomargarine, alimentary fats, and similar substances Hide scrapings Animal wax Eggs of game and poultry and sweetened and Unsweetened yołł's -2- (3523–2) Silkworm eggs Milk Pure condensed milk Condensed milk mixed with sugar in the proportion of less than 50%; milk flours mixed with sugar in the proportion of less than 50%. Cheese Butter Honey Animal fertilizer Bones, white calcined Animal black Ears - Other animal products and refuse in raw state Fish Fresh fish, of salt and fresh water Fish, dried, salt, and smoked Fish, canned, pickled, or otherwise prepared Oysters Lobsters and crabs, fresh, canned, natural, or prepared Mussels and other full shells Fish fats "hale meat Cod and mackerel roe Raw whalebone Raw skins of sea lions and seals Raw coral - Swimming bladders of fish, raw or simply dried Raw Animal Substances useful for Medicine or Perfumery Sponges of all kinds, raw Other raw substances (musk, muskrat rails, dried cantharides, civát, cast or ambergris, etc.) Hard Products for Cutting Elephant tusks, tortoise shells, imitation ivory and shell, hardened caseine, seashells, raw bones and hoofs of cattle, horns of cattle. Alimentary Flours Malt (germinated barley) Sea biscuit and bread - Oatmeal, serioule meal; grains, pear led and cleaned Millet, husked and cleaned Gluten, dry, moist, and flour mixed with gluten, Semoule in paste and Italian pastes Sago salep, manioc flour Manioc, raw or dried –3– MAR 12 1919 Alimentary Flours, (continued) Rice in straw, entire, flour semoule and scraps. Dried vegetables. Chestnut g and horge chestnuts. Flour of chestnuts and horse chestnuts Dari millet and canary grass in grain and in flour Potatoes Fruits and Grains Table fruit, pressed or dried Table fruits, preserved or prepared - Fruits to be distilled, green anize, juniper berry, fennel berry, whortle berry, prunellos, cactus fies and myrtle berries, - Figs intended exclusively for distillation or for the manufacture of wine, dry grapes, dates intended exclusively for the manufacture of wine. Seeds for planting. Colonial Products Molasses Sirups Sweetened biscuits (except those manufactured from bread flour) Preserves - Cocoa |-- Pepper Pimento - Quaking grass and cardamoms Cinnamon Cassia lignea Nutmeg Mace Cloves - - Vanilla -- Tea - - Oils and Vegetable Extracts - Fixed aromatic oils Edible vegetable oils Wolatile oils or essences Synthetic or artificial perfumes, pure or mixed, with natural products or essence; vanilline and its derivatives. Carnauba wax, myrica wax and others Gums (other than turpentine, resin, colophony, pitch, resin - cake, and pitch pine) Vegetable tar Resin oil - - Resin and other resinous foreign products, except of pine and spruce Balms Natural camphor, raw and refined; synthetic and artificial camphor (3523–3) (Over) _mm- (3,523-4) –4– oils and vegetable Extracts (continued) Caoutchouc, balata, gutta percha, raw or remolded in bulk Bird lime Manna Aloes Opium. Iicorice juice Sarco colla, kino, and other desiccated vegetable juices Medicinal Species Roots - - Herbs, flowers and leaves Bark - Lichens Fruits and medicinal seeds ºr Wood Logs, faggots, brushwood Charcoal, ords Fine woods, tropical and 8 gubtropical woods Dyewood Fibers, Stems, and Fruits to be Prepared Hemp New Zealand flax, abaca, aloes, and other vegetable fiber not elsewhere mentioned - - Ramie or China grass - Rushes, reeds, dogs' grass (Broomroot), piassava, istle, mat weed, cocoa fibers "illow, barked, rushes; reeds, called Chinese Rattan, for basket making - Lindentree bark for cordage Coconut shells and empty gourds Hard seeds to be cut Dyeing and Tanning Materials - Roots, herbs, leaves, flowers, berries, seeds, fruits, and bark for use in dyeing and tanning. Various Products and Wastes Vegetables, fresh, salted, preserved or dried Cabbage for sauerkraut Hops and lupinine of hops - Beets, fresh, dried, whole, powdered, or rinded Chicory root Fodder, turf for bedding, and dried beet pulp Yeast - - Millet straw for brooms Cereal straw, cleaned, bleached, or dyed, with or without clusters . - –5- (3523-5) . O Various Products and "astes, (continued) MAR 12 1919 Bran of all sorts. Oil cake other than oleaginous seeds and malt Drill Peat and clod for fuel Fruit tree or forest tree plants Vegetable products and waste matter not mentioned, other than fresh natural flours Beverages Mistelles Vinegar, other than perfumery Ciders and perry Beer Mead Orange juice Crushed apple's and pears Marbles, Stones, Farths, Combustibles, Minerals Alabaster, rough, quarried, or sawn Rough precious stones - - Agate and other similar rough stones Worked stone, including worked building stone, cut or sawn with plane surface; lithographer stones Grindstones, Levantine or Arkansas stones for polishing and grinding tools, rough, worked, cut, polished, rough hewn - Kaolin Rough alum-stone Natural phosphates, mica, crude asbestos Infusorial earths or kiezelgum Pumice stone, crude, in pieces, or pulverized Slates - Common building stone Rough building stone, paving, crushed stone, and plaster Pipes and molded objects, in cement, concrete, or reinforded concrete - - - Tiles of compressed cement Marl Ice Unrefined sulphur, including the ore, pyrites, triturated, refined, purified, or sublimated Mineral tar made of distilled pitcoal Bitumen - - Bitumen and asphalts, in stone or in mastic; flagstones, pavings, or tiles Mineral wax or ozokerite Jet Yellow amber Petroleum oils, sihist oils and other mineral oils for lighting; crude, refined, and essences Heavy oils and residues of petroleum and other mineral oils (Over) = -6- Metals Iron ore Iron scrap Iron filings - Copper ore - Lead ore Tira ore Zinc ore Nickel ore - . ." Native mercury Arsenic and it s ore Cadmium, unrefined Bismuth, water-glass Ores not above mentioned (except those of chromium, molybdenum, and wolfram) --- Chemical products except those mentioned below, the importation of which is not permitted: Liquid bromine Bromides - - Acetic acid of animal origin Deglycerated oils Potassium and carbonate of potassium Caustic soda - Sodium carbonate, crude or refined Ammonium sulphate and nitrate . Sodium, acetate Methyl alcohol Formaldehyde Calcium carbide Liquefied chlorine Glycerine - - Calcium cyanamid Pyrolignite of lime Acetone - . . . . . Copper sulphate - - Chemical derived from coal tar as listed in paragraph 3 of article 280 - Celluloid Prepared Dyes Prepared dyes (except those derived from coal tar) Colors Colors (except varnishes) (3523–6) Taºi pºs_ſomnositions - - Facing fºr ºf ºing of threads and textile fabrics and preparatiºn ºf fabrics Commºnd a mediciner: - (a) Distilled water, nona coholic º MAR to toº (b) Nonspecified figuring in an official pharmacopaea Chicory, burnt or ground, and by-products Starca, properly speaking - Cormistarch, potato starch, and others Tapioca, foreign and native, raw, pulverized, and granulated Dextrine and other starch products Sealing wax - - - Fish glue, whale glue, and similar products Animal alºne - - - Celºtine in powder, leaves, or sheets tº ºrial for copying with gelatine and glycerine base, with cr without the addition of sugar Album en Casein, pure, a dissolved state vigar of milk rease from sheep's wool º º Earthenware "aste §ipes - - or combined with alkali either in a solid or Other ear thenware of corron earth, unglazed and unenameled Baked earthenware products, such as apparatus for chemical manufacture; pines of all forms; other cormon pottery of all sorts, sanitary apparatus, household objects, bottles and other material Cºrºnic tile and blocks of common earths, fine earths, baked in sandstone Percelain of common and tin-bearing earths Artificial teeth of porcelain, enamel and similar interial without addition of precious metals Glass and Crystals atch and clock glass Spun glass, balls and corals made of gla beads, glass stones for jewels, gla or uncolored sia and broken glass ss objects not mentioned sº - Pºi Gle ebbing Blades and twisted iron for textile work Transmission pelving covered with camel's hair with or without an oily coat ss; glass pears ss triºts, colorº. - --- - Paper and its Mºnufactures - Newspapers and periodicals Skins and Furs (worked) - -- - Skins, prepared, tanned, tawed, curried, polished, shamoved, parchmented, split, and otherwise prepared Ordinary artificial leather or pasteboard leather Artificial leather with base of balata, calcutchouc, or similar substance - Straps for wooden shoes, cut soles, heels, counters and similar material, entire or in pieces, of natural leather Upper and leg for boots, short-legged boots, half boots, gaiters, leggins, putties, uppers, clogs, heel pieces in varnished or unvarnished leather Harness material Leather belting, thongs, transmission cords, leather tubing, straps and cut pieces, disks and bands for cord engines; casings and leather material for tires, for spinning mills, weaving mills and machines, all in natural leather, Straps, bands, and thongs for belting and other similar material in artificial leather , Furs, prepared, or in sewn pieces Manufactures of Metal Machines for paper manufacture Machines and presses for printing, typography, lithography, phototypy, copper-plate, and for all other forms of printing on paper, cardboard, wood, metal, celluloid, plastic material, in black or in colors, flatwise, in grooves or in relief Machines for folding, linotypy, and goffering; machines for coating, pºlishing, pasting, bronzing, automatic machines, machines and material for book binding . Ruling machines, perforating machines, envelope making machines wood and tubes for trimming, cutting, stamping, lathes for setting and boring sterotype plates Presses and machines for stereotypy, other than hydraulic presses and machines, drying presses, crucibles and furnaces for stereotypes; presses for casting cylindrical stereotypes ; cylinders, laminating machines; linotypes, and other composing machines, Machines for rinsing, corking, capping, and filling bottles Machinery and tools for refrigeration Stereotypes, plates and dies for printing on paper, other than coloring, with or without drawings, obtained by photo- mechanical processes or others Sewing needles; sewing machines needles - Needles for lace, tulle, and wool trades; modeled and jointed Hooks and awls for embroidery, button hooks Office and store punches for perforating paper and cloth Pins Buckles, clasps, hooks, eyes, and fasteners for garments, suspenders, belts, gloves, shoes, and all other such imaterial of iron, steel, copper, brass, and other common metals in whole or in part - - (3523-8) ºn 12 toº Manufactures of Metal, (continued) Hocks Umbrella , ovntings Household articles of iron, steel, and black sheets not listed Coffee grâaders, with wooden receptacles of cast or sheet metal household articles, meat presses, meat choppers, jelly presses; small household pumps 9terless toilet apparatus; flushing tanks Prooms of sorghum, or cameline and common brooms of birch - and o her material Button pa , terms Wooden shoes Wooden syring rollers "ood for saddles Turnery Rims of bent wood, not grooved or shaped, for velocipedes Shuttle s for looms of all sorts, finished or nonfinished Wooden aardles for agricultural instruments Other woodwork - Cylind ers and disks of wood, engraved for printing on painted Pi pers, cloths, oilcloths, and linoleum **rufactures of various Materials Shiº's implements and apparatus not listed Mica in sheets or leaves; articles of mica, micanite, and Fixtures of mica, micanized paper and fabric, even when mixed with other materials Packings Furners, branched, for acetylene illumination 3urners, single, for acetylene illumination; detached parts of Šame Ivory chips, resulting from preliminary preparation, sawing or other manipulation, not polished or smoothed; disks, sheets, tubes; lumps not over 3 centimeters in diameter. Amber or amberoid pieces, cut or molded, but not drilled, mounted, polished, not entirely shaped. Ordinary brushes founted in wood Paint brushes and other brush material Buttons Vance C. McCormick, (3.525-9) - - Chairman. MAR 12 1919 (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 26, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 613) FEBRUARY 26, 1919 GENERAL |MPORT LI CENSE PBF N0, 28 THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT GENERAL IMPoRT LicensE PBF No. 28, "Cover ING THE IMPORTAT I on NTo THE UNITED STATEs of ALL ship- MENTs of sucAR cons GNED To THE UNITED STATEs SuGAR Equalization BoARD, c/o THE UNITED STATEs Food ADMIN 1st RAT I on, WAsHINGToN, D. C., , or 111 BRoadway, New York C1 TY, " As PUBLI shed November 7, 1918 (W, T, B. R., 306), HAs BEEN REsc 1 NDED. HEREAFTER ALL sh PMENTs of sucAR wil-L REQUIRE IND I v DuAL IMPoRT L I CENSES, AND THE CONSULS HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED NOT TO CERT | FY INVO I CES FOR SUCH SH | PMENTS UNT | L THE LI CENSE NUMBER SHALL HAVE BEEN CABLED BY THE IMPORTER, |MF, 466 WANcE C. McCormick, M-500 CHAirMAN, (OVER) (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE FEBRUARY 26, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B.R. 614) FEBRUARY 26, 1919 |MPORT RESTRICT |ONS LIFTED AS TO CERTAIN SHIPMENTS OF FERROMANGANESE THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT LicensEs w LL Now BE issued, WHEN THE APFL I CAT | ONS THEREFOR ARE OTHERWISE | N ORDER, FOR THE IMPORTA- T | ON OF FERROMANGANESE FROM ALL COUNTR ES WHEN | T HAS BEEN SHOWN BY GON- cLus vF Ev pence THAT such FERRoMANGANEse was contRAcTED For BY AMER I can consumERs PR of To APRIL 6, 1917. |MF, 468 VANcE C. McCormick, M–498 CHA irMAN. (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE FEBRUARY 26, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W, T, B, R,615) FEBRUARY 26, 1919 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ON FEATHERS LIFTED --- THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT FEATHERs HAVE BEEN REMoved From List of RESTR cTED IMPORT's No. 1, ITEM 29, AND THAT Licenses will now Be GRANTED FREELY, WHEN THE APPLICATIONS THEREFOR ARE of HERW i se N ORDER, FOR THE IMPORTAT | ON OF FEATHERS OF ALL K NDs, THIS BRINGs such ART ſcLEs As HAVE BEEN INCLUDED UNDER TEM 29 of List No. 1 WITH IN THE scope of GENERAL License PBF No. 27, AND such shipments OF TH is commod 1 TY As or G | NATE IN GREAT BRITA IN, FRANCE, ITALY, or BELo ſum MAY BE ENTERED WITHOUT THE NECEss ITY OF AN IND I v | DUAL IMPORT LI CENgE, |MF, 469 - VANCE C. McCormick, M–499 CHAIRMAN. (Over) H F (Not to be released before FEBRUARY 26, 1912) 3 tº o Tºº TRADE BOARD A*- ºashington (º, T.R. R., 616) February 26, 1919. tº FREE LIST ti EXPORT LICFNSES FOR SHIPMENTS OF CFRTAIN COºopſ.TIES To DENMARK, º NORWAY, STEDEN, EUROPEAN HOLLANT, AND FINLAND The "ar Trade Board announce that the "Free List" for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and European Holland, as published in 7. T. F. R. 473, issued January 3, 1919; for Finland, as published in º.T.B. R. 590, February 10, 1919, has been amended to read as follows: - - , - - "The "ſar Trade Board announce that licenses will be issued freely for the exportation of the following list of controdities when the same are destined to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, European Holland, or Finland: Adding and calculating machines (including spare parts). Alabaster for statuary purposes : Artists' material (excluding oils and turpentires). Athletic goods . . . . . . .” - Bicycles and accessories (including tires, when same aré shipped as part of the bicycles) Buttons Cash registers (including spare parts) : Cigar and cigarette holders China China clay Clocks, including clocks for time checking Coral Cºtlery, all forms Dental burs . . . . Dental filling materials Drugs, various -- - Durlicating machinery and supplies therefºr; including electric photo- copying machines and supplies and was ºper and varnish paper Dyes and dyestuffs -- - - - Farthenware Flectroplated, gilded, or silver gººds, including fancy silver-mounted goods and nickel-silver goods, but nºt solid gold and silver goods Fans and hand screers - - Fancy goods, of paper, ivory, ºctºr-ºf-pººrl, tortoise shell, amber, amberoid, and leºther, including hat, leather - Feathers, made up . . - Films, printed positive or negative, subject to censorship Flower seeds (excep seeds of oil-bearing plants) - - Flowers, artificial - - Fountain pens -- Fruit (except dried fruit) to Norway; Sweden; Denmark, and Finland only Fruit juice (unsweet red) to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland only furs, dressed, dyed, or manufactured (Over) (3524-2) Gauge glasses Glassware Fai º or naments and cºats Hair nets of silk or hair Hardware for builders (if of iron or steel) Hats of all kinds - - - Household furnishings, fixtures and equipment (if manufactured of wood; iron, or steel) (except upholstered furniture) Ink (other than printers' ink) Iron and steel and manufactures thereof (except high-speed steel) Imitation leather goods - Jewelry (except jewelry containing in excess of 45 per cent gold) Jewelry (imitation) - - Jewelry, real, mounted with precious stones (excluding articles of solid gold, silver, or platinum) - . . Laces and guipure, including lace curtains, curtain net, mosquito netting, and tulle. Laundry machinery, including spare parts Ledgers, loose-leaf, and similar stationery, and repair parts Lighting fixtures (if of iron or steel) Marble, raw or manufactured - Mats and matting made cf guinco and paviera, including cane matting Medicines, proprietary and patent Mineral waters (unsweetened) Morocco leather Mosaic, fancy ware Musical instruments Office furniture and stationery (excluding rubber erasers) Opera glasses Paintings and pictures of all kinds Pen nibs Perfumery, including essential oils Phonographs Phonographic records Photographic goods, but not chemicals therefor Pianos Precious stones, real and imitation Printing presses, including spare parts Pumice stone Razors and razor blades Ribbons, silk Salt, table Sanitary ware, plumbers' goods, if of iron or steel or earthenware con- taining not more than 5 per cent copper or brass Scales and balances, not including weights of copper or brass Screws Spanners, for cycles Sewing machines for domestic use, including spare parts Shrubs Slates, writing or drawing Slate pencils Spectacles, including frames, mounts, and cases Theatrical properties, wigs and cosmetics, excluding costumes and footwear Teeth, artificial - - Tobacco pipes MAR 12 100 Toilet preparations, excluding soap Tooth brushes, board brushes, and mustache brushes Trimnings of silk Truffles, fresh or preserved Turners vivres of wood. Type-setting and type-casting machinery and spare parts, excluding type metal Typewriters and spare parts, including typewriter ribbons Umbrellas Wall papers Walking sticks Wines of all kinds Wire muttresses "In addition to these commodities, the War Trade Board announce that they will no longer require import certificates for the following classes of shipments (this ruling superseies W.T.B.R. 524, issued Jan, 17, 1919): "Isolated trade consignments of all commodities, including foodstuffs, which do not exceed $25 in value, "Personal effects, household goods, and other articles of personal property, the shipment of which is not a part of any commercial transaction, without any limitation as to value , "Articles of small value to be used solely for advertising purpose G. "Reasonable quantities of any commodity intended for diplo- matic, consular, military, or naval officers of the United States and friendly countries or for employees of the United States servi ing abroad (Special License RAC-64 covers shipments when consigned to and for the personal use of diplomatic, consular, and other officials or employees of the United States stationed abroad, and no individual export licenses are required for such shipments . See " .T.B.R. 468 January 4, 1919). "Magazines, books, pamphlets, etc. "Gifts of all commodities, including foodstuffs, which do not exceed $200 in value, "In so far as shipments of all the above-tentioned commodities are con- derned, it will no longer be necessary for the importer to secure a permit from an import association in the country of destination, and shipments should be consigned directly to the consignee named in the export license of "to order " , "In this connection applicants are cautioned that no shipments should be made in violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act , "It will still be necessary for the exporter to secure an individual ex- port license coverinº each shipment. Applications should be filed on Form X-A and should be sent tº the War Trade Board, Washington, D. C., or any branch office thereof, " Vance C. McCormick, (3524–3) Chairman, MAn 12 gº (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE FEBRUARY 26, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 617) FEBRUARY 26, 1919 "FREE L | ST" FOR SW ITZERLAND THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE "FREE List" For Switzerl AND As Pus- LisHED IN W. T. B. R. 542, JANUARY 27, 1919, HAs BEEN AMENDED As To THE PRov is on on PAGE 2, which st ATEs, "Ll cFNses wil-L Also BE issued FREELY FoR ski PMENTs of THE Following DEscr PT ion, " so THAT THE SHIPMENTs ARE As Fol Lows: sol-ATED TRADE cons GNMENTs of ALL covMoD IT | Es, Nct-Up NG Foods.TUFFs which Do Not Exceed $25 in vaLUE, PERsonAL EFFECTs, House Holp Goods, AND of HER ART cl_Es OF PERsonAL PROPERTY, THE SH | PMENT OF WH GH IS NOT A PART OF ANY COMMERC I AL TRANSACT ON, WITHOUT ANY L-1 M TAT I ON AS TO VALUE . ART icles of SMALL VALUE To BE used sol_ELY FoR ADVERT is NG PURPoses. REAsonABLE QUANT | T LEs of ANY commod 1 TY INTENDED For D PLoMAT ic, consul-AR, MILITARY, or NAVAL of F cFRs of THE UNITED STATEs AND FR ENDLY countri Es or For EMPLoxEEs of THE UNITED STATEs serving ABRoad (SPEc AL LicensE RAC–64 covers SH | PMENTS WHEN CONS I GNED TO AND FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF D | PLOMAT I C, CONSULAR, AND other of F | c. ALs or EMPLOYEEs of THE UNITED STATEs stationED ABRoad, AND No | No | V | Dual ExpoRT LicensEs ARE REQUIRED For such shi PMENTs, SEE W, T, B, R, 468 of JANUARY 4, 1919), MAGAZINEs, Books, PAMPHLETs, ETc, GIFTs of ALL commod T | Es, incLup NG Foodstuffs, which Do Not Exceep $200 | N VALUE, * N so FAR As shi PMENTs of ALL of THE ABove-MENT ioned commod T Es ARE con– CERNED, T WILL NO LONGER BE NECESSARY FOR THE IMPORTER TO SECURE A PERMIT FROM THE Societe Suisse DE SURVE LLANcE, AND shi PMENTs should Not sº cons GNED To THE Societe. |N THIs connection, APPulcants ARE caution=D THAT No sh! PMENTs should BE MADE IN viol Ation of THE TRAD ING witH THE ENEMY Act, |T will still BE NEcEssary For THE ExpoRTER To secuRE AN IND i v i DuAL Li- cENSE cover Ng EAch shi PMENT, APPL cAT ions should BE FILED on ForM X-A AND sHoulip BE sent, Not to THE LEGAT ion of SwitzERLAND As HERETofore, But To THE WAR TRADE BoARD IN WAsHINGTon, D. C., , or its NEAREst BRANCH office, whichEveR | 5 CONVENIENT . VANcs C. McCormick, M–501 CHAIRMAN. - - - - –2– MAR 12 1010 -- ------ - dland of - º, t or value to Canada and Newfoun - - - - - (C) Shipments *::::::::::: Conservation List as noted in the list; .*.*.*.*.*::::...! as eith ind in (A) and (B) above. (2) Rao gº tº eclely an expert license and not a license to trade with the elemy, and shipments made thereunder may not be consigned to per- sons on the Emery Trading List or to persons believed by the sender or the War Trade Board to be acting for or on behalf of such enemies. Shipments made under Special License RAC–52 addressed to consignees not on the Enemy Trading List, but unsatisfactory to the War Trade Board for the reason above stated, will be returned to the sender. Shippers desiring to submit the name of any proposed consignee for the approval of the War Trade Board be- fore shipment is made are invited to do so, addressing their communication to the Bureau of War Trade Intelligence, War Trade Board, Washington, D. C., or to any War Trade Board branch office, (3) In making shipments under this special license (RAC-52) it is not necessary to make any application for license nor to present a license of any kind to the postmaster. If the shipment is of a commodity which may be shipped under subheadings (A), (B), and (C) of paragraph (1) above, and if the shipment is consigned to a consignee in any country named in paragraph (1), the package, in so far as the War Trade Board is concerned, need only be delivered to the postmaster with the following facts noted up- on the wrapper: - l, "Shipped under Export License RAC–52, " 2. List of contents. 3, Name and address of shipper, 4. Name and address of consignee. (Where a package bears a customs tag or an invoice describing the contents, the list of contents need not be written upon the wrapper of the package.) (4) All shipment made under Special Export License RAC-52 must be made by mail and are subject to the regulations of the Post Office Depart- ment , - (5) The attention of shippers is directed to the fact that RAC-52 does not permit any shipments to members of the United States Army, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, or organizations affiliated there- with, but that all such shipments must be made under Special Export License RAC-43 and in compliance with War Department and Post Office Department regulations, (6) Persons desiring to export by mail any commodity which may not be sixported under RAC-52 or any commodity to a country not covered by RAC-52 must apply to the War Trade Board for an individual export license, Applica- tions should be filed on Form X-A, copies of which are obtainable from the War Trade Board in Washington or any of its branch offices. One, III, 4. Wance C. McCormick, - (353.1-2) Chairman, (Not to be released befora FEBRUARY 28, 1919) (W, T, B.R. 618) tº AR ºf BOARD "ASHINGTON February 28, 1919. - SHIPMENTS BY MAIL UNDER SPECIAL_EXPORT LICENSE RAC-52, The Tſar Trade Board announce the revision of special export license RAC-52, covering certain shipments to forei ºn countries BY MAIL, " .T.B.R. 545, issued February 1, 1919, is hereby rescinded, and in place thereof the following becomes effective: (1) Special Export License Rac-52 has been issued to the Post office Department to periit any local postinaster to accept without individual export license-- (A) All shipments of commodities NOT ON the Export Conservation List; (B) Shipments the value of no one when dest ined to-- Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Great Britain, including their colonies, possessions, and protectorates: (3,531–1) Greece, Gautemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland (except cereals; individual license required on all shipments of cereals to Iceland), - Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Nepal, Nicºragua, of commodities O'N the Export Conservation List where commodity exceeds $200; The colonies, pos- sessions, and protectorates of the Netherlands, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, San Marino, Siam, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela, and º 3030 MAR 10 1919 (Not To BE RELEAsep BEFoRE MARCH 1, 1919) º, WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 624) MARch 1, 1919 REMOVAL OF | TALIAN IMPORT PROHIBITIONS THE WAR TRADE Board ANNounce, FoR THE INForMAT I on of ExPort ERs N THE UNITED STATEs, THAT THEY HAve BEEN INForMED THAT THE ProH is 1- Ti on upon THE IMPortAT I on of LEATHER AND shoes NTo | TALY HAs BeEN RE- Moved, AND THAT such commod T | Es MAY Now BE IMPort ED INTo | TALY UPon oBTA NI NG AN | TALIAN import LicensE THEREFor, Such AN IMPORT LicensE | S REQUIRED FOR ALL SH | PMENTS, INCLUDING THOSE MADE BY PARCEL POST, WANcE C. McCormick, M-504 CHAIRMAN. (Not to be reliased ºfors Fººtſ. RY 28, 1913. AR TRATE ºn D *ASHINGTON (W.T.B.R.3 633) February 28, 1919, RESUMPTION OF TRADE witH AIFIATIC Ports, AL:Arºſa, ANT ONTººgºo, - ‘. . - The "ſar Trade 3oard announce that trade has been resumed with all ports of the Adriatic, including all territory adjacent theretº under the military occupation of the associated Gºvernments, and Al- bania and Montenegro. - º The naval blockade of all ports on the Adriatic has been raised, and shipments may be rade thrºugh such ports in transit to other countries from which trade restrictions have been hitherto removed. For the exportation of commodities to this territory, applica- tions should be filed on Form X or Form X-A, For importations into the United States from such territºry, in- dividual import licenses will be required under the same cºnditions as for importations ºf rot, European cºuntries, except where shirtents are covered by the list of Gººleral Inſport Licenses previºusly an- nounced, - The War Trade Bºard have received nº official advices as to what the impºrt regulations into this territºry, if any, will be , Prospective exhort Crs should, the refºre, communicate with their customers abroad before ſmal in , snipºtents, in der trait the iºr criter may comply with any import rº rulations that ºr be in effect, - ------ --- --- Vºice C. McCormick, ºr airiſºn. (3547). - (Not to be released before Fººtjºf 28, 1913) MAP 10 tº WAR TRADE BOARD "ASHINGTON ("I, T, B, R. 622) - February 23, 1919. RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH BLACK SEA FURTS The War Trade Board announce, in explanation of the public announcement, W.T.B. R. 602, dated February 16, 1919, authorizing the resumption of trade with Bulgaria, Turkey, and the Black Sea Ports, that the "ports on the Black Sea" includes such contiguous territory as shall be determined by the icilitary authorities of the associatád Governººnts, a The "ar Trade Bºard has received no advice of what limits have been decided upon, Merchants will be well advised to corºumi- cate with prospective consignors or consignees in this territory bºfors making definite cotºrºitments, Vance G. McCºrrick, Chairman. (3546) - Over) MAR 10 1919 (nºt to be released ºf ore Mºcº 4, 1918) an nate ºn -º-º-º-º: (*, *.*.*. Geº) March 4, 1-1- Bºlºº Iſº Rºsºl CTIONS - The ºr Trºl Bºard -uncle, fºr the infºr-ation of ex- pºrt-r- in the United States, that tº have been infºrmed that the fºllºwinº dº stuffs cannot be in nºrted intº the United Ying- - withºut individual in ºrt licenses: All tº rivatives ºf cºal tar, ºnerally knºwn as intermediate prºductº, cºn-blº of being used ºr -ad-tº-d for use as ºne-tuffs ºr - b in dified ºr furthºr -nufactured intº dive stuffs, all --- ºt-in cºlora, all uniºn colºrs, all acid woºl colºrs, all ºr - nº ºrd nº cºlºrs, all alizarinº cºlors, all b-sic cºlors, ºil sulphiº colors, all vat colors (includinº synthetic indigo), - il - rit and - cºlors, -ll lº cºlor-, and nº other -ºn-tic ------, -º, st-ins, cºlor acids, colºr o-seº, cºlºr ---, lºud cidº, lºuco bººs, ºn tº ºr in paste, pºwder, sºlu- -- r ºf ther tº ru. The ºr ºr de Board have also been infºrmed that the impºrt- -n + -u-nº-nºts intº the United in ºn is not prºhibited, ºut tº t -- ºn-tº requir- an in-rt license, as they are ----------- ºne n- - - - -nut-cºur-. V -nce C. McCºrmic-, C-i-nan. T- H. P. 3, 6-0 - A 3. - (Not To BE RELEAsed BEFoRE MARCH 5, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON, (W, T, B.R. 620) MARCH 5, 1919 º- EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE BoARD ANNounce THAT THE ExpoRT Conservation List As of MARCH 5, 1919, is As Follows (ATTENT 1 on is cal_LED To THE FACT THAT INDIVIDUAL LI- CENSES ARE No Long ER REQUIRED FOR SH | PMENT OF UNEXPOSED MOVING-P CTURE FILM To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND): *AMMUNIT on, X-2 - LARD - *CARTRIDGE's AND shel-Ls, LARD, NEUTRAL Loaded AND UNLoADED, X-2 - Pork PRobucts, As Fol Lows: *SHot, N BULK X-2 BAcon C NchoNA BARK AND PRobucts - - . BARRELED AND MEss Pork *CoAL - CoARse Hog BELL i Es *Coke - CANNED Pork *ExPLos Ives, X-2 FATBAcks FiLMs, Mov NG-P cTURE, As Fol Lows: FRESH Pork *UNExPoseo, X-20 HAMs Exposed But UNDEveLoped - PickLED Pork, Except EARs, *ExPos=D AND DEVELoPED, X-20 or X-30 SNOUT's, Li Ps, TA Ls, *T REARMs, ALL TYPEs, X-2 -" - JOWLS, HEADS, AND BACK FLour, As Fol Lows: - - STRAPS WHEAT - - SHoul-DERs GoLD, As Fol Lows: - - SPARER Bs - MANUFActureD (Except DENTAL), AND STAG BELLI Es ARTI clies conta NING MoRE THAN 45%. Ou ; NINE AND I Ts compounds of F | NE GoLD IN value, X-29 QUIN INE salts GRA Ns, As Fol Lows: SEEDs, RED clovER WHEAT, ExceFT SEED WHEAT JEWELRY, contal NING More THAN 45% of Fine GoLD IN VALUE, X-29 "|Not vioual LicensEs NoT REQUIRED To CANADA AND NEWFoundLAND. SH 1 PMENT of THEs E. common IT Es. To THose dest NAT ions MAY BE MADE UNDER SPEc AL ExpoRT License RAC-63. WHERE shi PMENTs of GRAIN ARE MADE For seed PURPOSES, SH PPERS ARE CAUTIONED TO STATE THAT FACT ON THE SHI PF 1 NG PAPERS, M-503 - WANce C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN. (Over) (Not to be released before MARCH 6, 1919) war TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 621) - - March 6, 1919. BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The War Trade Board announce, supplementing W.T.B.R. 628, is use March 4, 1919, that they have been informed that the British prohibition against the importation of dyestuffs does not apply to dye stuffs of bona fide French, American, or Swiss origin, and that these Iſlay be imported into the United King- doin under general import licenses, Any communications as tº the import regulations applica- ble to dyestuffs should be addressed to the Secretary, Dyes Department, Board of Trade, 7 Whitehall Gardens, London. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman, (Not to be released before ºncº 6, 1918) R TR-Dºº Rººn "-shington (-, -º- ºl) March 6, 1919. EXPORTATION OF Pºº-ºººº PORK_PRODUCTS The ºr Trade Board have been advised that the Allied Provisions ºrt Commission has been dissolved, and that purchases of foodstuffs for ºniºnt to Great Britain, France, and Italy will no longer be usade - -- Co-º-on. The ºr Trade Board announce that pork and pork products have been removed from the Export Conservation List effective March 6, 1918, and tº at said commºdities may now be exported freely to the United Kingdom, Frºncº, Italy, Belgium, Japan, or Greece, or their colonies, possessions. ºr protectorates, under special Export License Rac-63 (º.T. B.R. 608, issued February 25, lens). The commodities included under the term "pork and pork products" are the following: Lara. Fresh pork -----1 1-ra Hans Bacon Picº led pork Barreled and mess pork Shoulders Conrºe not bellies Sparerib's Canned pork Stag bellies F-tº-s The ruline, that all applications for licenses to export pork or porº products to European destinations must be accompanied by a certificate ºf the Unit a states Food ºdministration, to the effect that the commoditiºs --ribed in such applications have been sold for export at Prices anºrºvºº by the Food administration, has been withdrawn as of March 5, 1815, and - -- T.B. R. 566, issued January 31, 1918, "...T.E.R. 587, issued February 7, 1919 (sº ºr as said ruling concerns pork and pork products), and T.B. R. 69*. - February 14, 1919, have been rescinded as of said date. ºrters should acquaint themselves with the import restrictions of - countries ºf aestination before ºaking definite and unconditional -------tº for export sºles. "ance C. McCormick, Chai --- - (-577) (over) (not tº be re-sea before lºcº 5, 1915) -- Tºº ºl) -º-º-º-Toº ---, -º) ºrch 6, 1913. - -º-º-º- ºr mºnº ºn tº ºn 1 ºn tº ºccur tº Tºlº ºr Cºn-Ty in effect for trade with º any ºich is include: -- - - - ------ --------- Tº ºr Trade Board annºunce the following prºcedure - ºur and with that ºortion of the Rhine prºvi-º ºf - in tº area of military occuration by the American an a commonities contained in the so-called "free list" fºr the Northern ------, -, -t forth in "...T. R. R. 616, issued Feºry ºf , 1 lºs and in the ºr list" for ºitzerland, as set forth in nº R. 542, January 27, lºlº tºy * ---tº to ºuch territory without restriction. For licenses to export any other co-modities to such territory the consiense ºr in sºuld ºly to the allied military authority in the particular occupied on for termission to nº such importation. This allied military authority ºil -- tºº ºli-ion, with recommºnastions, to the Inter-allied Economic Cou it - Lºurº. Tº comittee, if the application is apprºved will issue ºn in ºrt ---, -ni ill cºole the particulars thereof to the ºr Trade Board at a sº- D. C. The proposed consiºnee in the occupied territory will also furnish culars of such license to the exporter in the United States, whº will state tº on for export license the serial number of such import license. l - --- - - To impºrt into the United states commodities from such territory, applications ºliviºl import licenses should be made to the ºarea ºf Imports, ºar Trade ---, -in-ton, D. C. License to expºrt such coºlity frºm the above terri- - nºt be ºbt-in-1 from the Inter-Allied F-on-ric Cº-º-º- at Luxemburg no 11 - the particular there of to the ºr ºrºus ºr a hington, D. C. The ----a consinor in the above territory will alsº ºniºn particulars of such -- to the importer in the United States, who will state ºn his anniication import license the serial number of such export lic nº. The "an Trade board also announce that commercial co-unication with the ----------- d -cribed is now authorized. - - vance C. McCorºnic-, Cº-i- ---, (Not to se Released seroRe MARCH 7, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 633) March 7, 1919 EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST Tue Man Taane Board announce that the Export Conservation List as or March 6, 1919, is as Foulows (it will be noted THAT Laro, neutral- Lard, and pork and eonº products are no longer on the List): *Awunition, X-2 *Cartºlogies and shells. Loaded and unloaded, X-2 "Snot, in Bulk, X-2 Cincºlona earx and products *Coal- *Conce "Explosives, X-2 Films, moving Picture, as Follows: "Unexposed, X-20 Exposed ºut undeveloped "Exposed and developed, X-20 or X-30 "Firearms, all types, X-2 Flour, as follows: ºne at Gold, as Follows: Manufactured (except pental), and articles containing more than 45% of Fine gold in value, X-29 Crains, as follows: Wheat, except seed wheat Jewelry, containing More than 45% of ºne coln in value, X-29 Quinne and its compounts Quinne salts Seeds, Red cloven * no vioual licenses not required to Canada and Newfoundland. Salement or nºse co-op ties to those bestinations may se made under Seecial Export License RAC 63. ºne snººnts or GRATN ARE MADE For seep Purposes, shºp-ERs --- CAUT ----- T - - - - -- on THE SH-PP-NG PAPERs. Vance C. McCormick, M-507 CHARMAN. (Over) MAR 15 1919. (not to be relo-ced before lºcº 10, 101. tº ----- […"----- ~~~) ºrch 10, 1919. º 1 0 tº The ºr ºdd Doº ºnnounce that they have been informed tºt, by Government rocºrmºtion of February 27, 1919, the im- portation into ºst-i- or -li dyes is rohibited unless upon --ton consent of thu ini-te- or Commercu -a -de. This rulinº toº not ºnly to dºes of Britiºn origin. W-ince C. ſcCormick Cº- l --- Leas-- before ºrch 12, 1919) -- T. D. Bººl --I Cº. ("..º.º.º. ººc) March 12, 1913. Cºll Fººtºººº Pºlº Pººl) For the information of the sipping tº blic, the War Trade Board ºnno- tº that it -- in-fºr- tº-t the Pºrtuguese norts in the nort-ºn rart of Pºrtuº-1 -tº-en ºveirº and cºmina, recently closed to nºt ºn tº the Port-secºvernment, as announced on February 14, have ºn rºom nº to n-viºtion. - vance C. McCormicº, ºn---ºn. (*, *, *, *, *º March 12, lºlº Cººl lºº" RESTRICTIONS - - The "an ºr de Bºard announce, ºnlºn enting ".T.E.R. 507, issued --- lºº, tº at they have been informed that the Cuban Government -- a------ ºn- ºr viºus rulin re-tricting the importation of lººr ill -- it ºn tº t all flour ºped ºn evious to February 30, ---, -ill be it tº i to cº- without re-triction. It will be necessary - -nºrt- tº--- sº nº-tº prior to this date to furnish their --------, ---------tiº-, or -ents in Cuba certillied conies of bills ºf l-in a proof of the late of snipºts. Vance C. McCormicº, Chairman. º to be released before ºn nº 12, 1918) "AR TRADE ºn "ashington (-, -n. -- March 1-, 1-1- ºulºlº ºn Tºc TR-DT Tº sºnº, no-nºia, Euºlº, Tº , ºn Cº-C-O-51C Vºl. The ºr Trade Board announce, fºr the information of the business pºlic in tº United States, that they have received the llowing informa- ºn tº in the procedure for making shipments to vario is countries with - ºr-- nº recently been resumed: -- - 11 imports into and exports frºm servin to the United * - subject to the joint contrºl and regulatiºns of the servian -------nt nº of the Inter-Allied Trade Committe-a lº-fi established ºr to be established for this purpose. Shipments or northern ºr ºld tº routed via Trieste or Fiume and hiº-ents for southern -- ºld be rºuted via Saloniki. For more cºmplete information as to tº procº inquiry should be made of the serviºn ºission, "ashington, C. -- ºl. As to the rºles and re-ulations cover in linents frºm * - *-i- ºr sons in the United States should con-lt -i tº the Rounºnian tion, in-ton, D. C. ºulºlº all imports into and exports from Bulgari ill be controlled by the Bulºrian Government, and persons in the United St tes ºld ºn-lt with the Bulgarian Legation, ashin-ton, D. C. Tº ºil in norts into and exports from. Tº ill be controll- - *-* by the Allied Committees at Constanti-ple ºn the Blºck 5- ---, --tº-º with local Inter-Allied Trºie Committees ---n will be --------- in all such ports. Cº-slºº In All shipments to and from Czecho-Slovakia should be -- ºr or Fiume. If not routed tº ºth eit-r of thºse tºrt -- -- tº routed via French or Italian ports. Vance C. McCornick. Chairman. |- lºt to be released before ºncºſ 12, 1919. ) º ºn Tºº Bºnº, --~11-0. -º-º-º-, 5- ) arch 12, 1919. º Tºtº's to Bulgaria, rumºry, and ºne black sº poºns. The lar trade Board announce that, although trade has been resumed with ºu lººri-, -º, and the Blºck -e- pºrtº, as set foºth in .T. B.R. 502, sº ºry " . . . . . nºt ºne ºrie wºn the ºil-ºn and Ottoman ºr tº still rººs -e- to the control of the Allied and lºaval authorities. with all the non-equennes which existed under was conditions. Every facility will be ºven to import ºne-handise of all kinds into *** * ºn and tº an ºo is on the -e-it-ºn-, as well as into the ºrts ºf ºne ºlº ca. The in ºr ºtion intº -- ºne-mentioned ports of Fºllºwing cº-les, however, will, for military reasons, be restricted, and repºrt censes for the same will be ºranteu only in exceptional cases: ºir craft of all kinds including aeroplanes, airships, balloons and the ºr commºn pºrts, tºgether with ºnes-ories and ------ ºn tº usc in ºn-ºtiºn -i-, -------, Apparatus ºn ºn tº used for the stºrage or proj-tion of con- ------ or 1 -field ºases, flane -ºs, or cºner destructive --> ------- or use in war live operations and their con- ºn-t ºn tº . ------ -----. ----- mºtºr ----. ºrms of all ºrds - including arms for sporting purposes and their --------- t- Barbed wire a d implements for fixing and cutting same. ---, -ºn- Cº. ººlºmºnt, articles of , and their component parts. - nº ºn ºn of a distinctively military ºn aracter. -------- an ºes adºpted for use in the war and their con- - tº . lº-es, especially prepared for use in war. - lºse- - fºr ºr purposes. -- C- - --- ºne, ºn untinº-, -º-r-, -nd military wºons of all descriptions. ºr ºrº - nºt of a military character. Lºlº tº ºn-tº lesiºned exclusively for the manufacture ºf ºn t-nº of , or for the mºnºcture or repair of --- ºr ºf ºr mºtºrial, for use on lººd or sea in- ºr--, and ºr coºr-t parts. Pro cº-, ------, cº-ºridges, and ºr-les of all kinds - tº-- - - -nent ----. * nº find re nº ºr cºnent parts. * -- and their cº-onent parts. ºrinº ºn signaling apparatus and meteriºus for wireless --------. Tº ºr -r-, including boats and their compºnent parts of such - nºtºre tº it ºne can only be used on a vessel of war. Tº lººr-tion intº Fulcaria of the followin articles will also * -tricted, and export licenses for the same wall be ºranted only in --------1 cº-s: ºrticles for use in transportation on land, including sadale ºr pºck animals, vehicles, motor cars, bicycles, and their ºponent pºrts, locomotives, and rolling stock, | rººm and telephones and their component parts, and -------- for use the rein. Vance C. McCormicº, C-i-º-n. ------ (Not to Be Released seroRe MARCH 13, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 644) March 13, 1919 COMMITMENTS FOR EXPORT Instances awe recently come to the attention of the War Trade Board a cºntain American exporters Have seen embarrassed ex reason of the -- - - - - - -------, 1-TO DE-- TE COMM. Twº-NTS FOR EXPORT SH-PMENTS ----. Tº T-E -----T -- THE NECESSARY EXPORT - C-NS-5. -- "an Trade Board take this opportunity to Renew the ºr warnings to exporters that, although the importer in the country of pestination may have ---------, - F------- ~~~-- - - - - ------ THAT HE POSSESSES THE NEC essary import certificate, the prone tons of the Trading witH THE Enemy Act -- T-- -------- - - --------- THE -------- ~~~~ ONS MAY PREVENT THE --uance of an export cense in view of the Present policy of the Asso - ared Covernment- w tº respect to salements to the countries contiguous to Cean in War Trade Board are unable per inteux to assure exporters in ad vance that censes will as granted. For their own Protection, THERefore, --------- ------ (---- -----T -------- E-FORE MA-NG DEF - N - TE AND UNCOND -- ----- ----------- Vance C. McCormick, M-50.9 Chairman. (W. T. B.R. 645) March 13, 1919 SHIPMENIS 10 IHE OCCUPIED "HINE TERRITORY - - War Trade Board announce that they have seen informed that certain -** -- -- ºut Esº-c-A-Lº. To THE LAck of ADEquate TRANspoRTAt on Faci Li Ties, - - - tº REFERENCE to sº ºvents to that Portion of the RHINE PRovinces of ºn wºuca is included in the area of mutary occupation ex rºe Awest can * AL- en Anºles Recently opened to trace (W. T. B.R. 630, MARch 6, 1919). is anticipated - N THE NEAR FuTuRE, ARRANGEMENT's MAY se Man- -on-Nº sº. Pºnts to such tº Tony via Rotte RDAM AND THE Raine, AND --------> -- Tºº-ºº: AD-sto or T-s situation in orpe R THAT THEY May -º-º-º: THE SAME N ARRANG No For the Rout. No or rºle in sºn PMENTs. Vance C. McCormick, M-510 Chairman. MAR 28, 1919 Not to se RELEased aeroRe MARCH 14, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 646) March 14, 1919 AUSTRALIAN MºoRT RESTRICTIONS | He war Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that tº have seen informed that the importa --- or L---on-- - - - --R-T TED BY THE -u-TOM- AuTHOR - T -E- or Australia to the extent or 10 per cent of the average ouantity ºw ported wearly ex each importer during the three years ending June 30, 1918, or, at tº option of the importer, to the extent of 10 Per cent or the cuant tº imported ex the importer during the rear ending June 30, 1918. Under this ruling importations must be made prior to June 1, 1919. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. --511 - (nºt tº *- : 1-sea before ºn 15, 1915) - - * ºr sº MAR 28, 1919 ºni-ton * Iºn º lº ºn nºnº, Noºy, ºntº, ſº toº Tº-D, "I Lººn, Lºº ºld ºr occººn Rºlº Tººl toº. T - ºr nº ºri announc tº the ºr List" for Dºnºrº, Norway, - 11 , and Finland, a pºliº in . . º.º. ºº issº -- ºn, nº ºne ºr List" for sºil ºr nº. -- published in . . . , is ºn tº 27, 1912, nº ºn cºin a nº ºn tº re-º-º-o-o-º: " - tº is now ºn lic le to e-º-º-º-tiºns to ºn-arº, Norºv. 5-ºn- - - - - - - - - - -, -in º, 5-it-ºrlºnd, Iº nº the occupied ºnline Tºrritºry - - 1 -lº-'l-tin chines tº or -t-t-ry purposes - - - - - tº-1 (excludin oils and turrentines) in on - a cº-º-o-º-º: - p 1 runº-r - ºint a material ------ a co-t cus -- ºn tº as --- (- - ---- - 11 --- ºn tº , ºr - - - - - ------ tº ºn ill- -- (-in clºcºs for time cº-e in na -ten-s) - * - 1 - - - - -r-ºn-thºn-- nº ºn-ºn- -- --- - ---, - ºr---tº nº lºloids of - --- -- nºt ºut- - ------ -- " -t- ºr al-in-l - -- ------- ----- - - ----- - - - -) (over) --tº-1 -------- ----- --to- --------nºr-tº- ------- - silver - - -------- opiº, ºn alºcº º ------ prep ations ºf --- - - P-------e. ---------nic ---- ºn--- ------- G-licylic acid in ºnºura- sure (sººt to speciº -- con-itions) ----- ~~nºn-- so-º-º: --- r -----n, 5-i-º-º-º-º-te - Hººic Co-i- ºr-i- - -- ------11 - ----- nº-oº-º-º- ---------- -i-. so-iºn a 1-cyl-te Lººtºol so-i-in veronal -- roºt ºlic tin mºchinery and supplies tºr-to- - -------- ------ -------- -------tº , ºil-ºd or silvered tºo s inclv in nicºl silver and -nit- -- " --- (except those of solid silver or ºld) - nº hºn scre ºne * - sº of p ºr, ivory, mºther ºf re-ri, tortois shell, amºr ºf ºro , rºle an other stoº, ºniºr mºre, bone, nºrm, cell loid, --in ºn plºt-r t , i.e. up ---, -i- tº sitive ºr negºtive, ºbject to censorship - *-* - ºr of all -in- lººr - (-cºt ce--- ºf oil-bearinº plants) ---, ------ ----- frº-h. --- ºne ---, --- -* ----, -ºn-tened * -, -----, -º- or mºnufacture a - --- -------------- -- nºt ºr -l or n- ----- or bull-in-, if of iron ºr ºt-l --- ~~ 11 in. -- ºrnishinºs, fixtures and ºnt, if nºn-factured of wood-, iron ºr stºl ( cent ºn listered ºrniture) - tº n ------ nº - roºt (or--- rºot) --- Iron and steel (except high-speed steel) Iron and steel manufactures (except highspeed steel mºnufactures ºne arms and ammunitions and their components and accessories but in the case ºf machinery subject to the definition under that heading below) ---, imitation *-i-y, real, mounted with precious stones (excluding articles of solid gold, silver or platinum) Laces and guimpure, including talles, lace curtains, curtain net - fine nets, fency nets, mosquito nets and articles made entirely or ºnly ºf lace. Laundry machinery -º-º-º-º-, orocco Leather, ºn-11 fancy ºoods of Led erº, loose-leaf, ºne similar stationery ºnting 1-ture--- it of iron or steel ------- Lithour-phic stones achinery of all kinds and parts (except textile machinery and ºnlinery wholly or mainly made of copper or brass) -ble. -- -nd manufactured intº and matting of grass, fibre or cane -------- n-p- ºdi-nº-, proprietary and patent Lineral waters, unsweetened ----- ------- instruments Office furniture ºund stationery oils, essential - Operº ºsses, for use in theatres - intinºs, nº pictures of all kinds P-1 of citrus fruits in oriuſ ---n --- Perambulators, complete with tires ºr funer. ºn-nºr ºn- Phonºr pnic records hotographic goods, but not chemicals there for --- - ----- --- ------ ------> -ton- real and imitation ----- ºr----> - tº º * ----, -º-y nº blººd-s ---, -lº. ----- ------- - - -t fºr No-y - --- re. plumbers' ºoods. it ºf iron or steel or ºrthen-re ºntaining not more than 5 percent ºr cººper ºr **** ----- nº tº lances (excluding weights of cººper and brass) ------anners, or cycles ---------- ºr and plates --in ºnlines, for domestic use ----- --- ºr--- and 1--- slates, ºriting or drawin- --- pencils spectacles ind eye-lºsses spirits (potable - º over- - ºt-ºn-, -- ------, --- and tiles ºt- ºl-it- and clip plates Tººth, ------ - ºn-trical properties, wigs and cosmetics (excluding costumes and footwear) Tob -- pip- Toilet preparations (excluding soap) - Toº, dolls and games of all kinds (including rubber toys) Triº inº, of ºilº - Truffl-, fresh or preserved Turn--- war--- of wood. Tº setting and type castine machines (including type metal) Tºrºriters and spare parts - --- 11- "elvets of silk and silº mixture "--ºuth ºil-in- sticks "all papers hips in-s of all kinds --- ºf art - Licenses for the exportation of the commodities included in the foregoing List will be issued freely when the same are destined to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland, ºwitzerland, Luxemburg, Finland or the occupied Rhine provinces. In addition to the commodities mentioned in the foregoing "Revised Free List", the ºr Trade Board will not require import certificates for the following classes ºf ºnipments: - 1. Isolated trade consignments of all commodities, including foodstuffs, which not exceed $25 in value, 2. Personal effects, household goods, and other articles of personal property, he shipment of which is not a part of any commercial transaction, without any 1. it tº ion as to value. 3. Articles of small value to be used solely for advertising purposes. - Reasonable quantities of any commodity intended for diplomatic, consular, ºilitary, or naval officers of the United States and friendly countries or for emi- ºyees of the United States serving abroad (Special Export License RAC-54 covers hiºnts when consigned to and for the personal use of diplomatic, consular, and ºther officials or employees of the United States stationed abroad, and no individ- . º licenses are required for such shipments. See "...T. R. R. 468, January 4, 1-1-). 5, Gifts of all commodities, including foodstuffs, which do not exceed $200 ---. - so fºr - ºintents of all the above mentioned commodities are concerned, ºn-iºn a directly to the cºsiºnee named in the export license or "to - - - - - - [Not to be released before LAPCH 15, 1919 | *-i- ºr --RD º [.º.º.º. 549) -arch 15, 1919. Pºcº sovº Fºohºº To 5 ºn The war Trade board announce the adoption of the following regulations *****n the procedure with respect to the issuance of licenses for the ex- portation of certain commodities to sweden. The previous announcement with respect tº such regulations (W. T. B.R. 496, issued January 10, 1919) is super- *ded by this announcement, in so far as the procedure therein set forth is ºn any ºy in conflict with the procedure described herein. 1. All commodities contained in the "revised free List" (see wer. B.R. º: issued ºrch 15, 1919), or any amendment thereto, may be exported freely to cºdºn, as described in said ºn...e. a. sae. * Hººlººn List. The following commodities are those for which a fixed ration has been provided under the terms of the agreement with the Government ºf Gººden. alloys, white metals luminum Anti-fouling cºmpºsition anºde- ºntinºmy Sulphide Antºny -------- Bºlbºos. rºttºn, games Binder twine, -sal ---, ºr -o acid ºr- ce-le Cºnor Cºnned fish - Barºnes, canned salºon, lobster Canned fruit & Jama, Canned provisions ------ -º ------nº preparations ------ --- ºn Co- ºr and copper alloy- ------- ------- Rºw cotton, inters and ºn sto ºrnº, thrº- and twine ºther manufactures, except clothinº. ---------, -d- and underclothing for ladies' -r ------ and tar-tº-o acid ---- *-*. - Editle ºil and fate. excluding lard's except ºn pound lard Eºº yolº, albumen -vapºrated, powdered milk (5-1- ſever, -- - - --- - - --- --- --- --- -------- ------- --- - - - ----- - ------ ºr--ºn-- - - --- * - nº --- nº ºn-f-t- *-i- ºr nº ºur-tº- --- -- - t º -- º -- -- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- -------- - --- - - - - -, -nit - nº ºn factures - - - - - ---. - - - - ----- - - - - -t-. - - - -- nº ºn 1. - - - - ------- - - --- ----- - - ------ T- nº ºn-tº- - - - -- - ºut ºr ºf oºls other than pedan rºbbers and brº the cºs ºf rºle- for bi-lº - - ---- ºr-sers 5 ------ - - - - -- ºln-i- - ºilº, ºr tº rºw and vºte, braids, laces and welvets ºn una-relatiºns - lº- ºr - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---n - ºntº st ºn tº sº. nº ºur - |-ºn-ºn-tº- -- tº--- -- " - " - - - --- -- nºt t-r-plates - - - - - - ------- - - - -3- Applications for licenses to export these "Rationed." Commodities tº ºn will be considered by the ºar Trade Board only when such applications ºr accº ºn a by the numbers of the Import certificates issued by the sºdiºn its ºn assion upon the guarantees of the ºppropriate ºpert- ºne associations, and shipments of such "Rationed" commodities may be - consigned only to the Importing Associations. 3. "ith respect to the exportatiºn of all commodities other than - - - - - * cºnt-r- in the ºnevised ºr List º and in the above mentioned ºtion a List" (which commodities, for convenience, will be referred to -- "Non-Rºtioned cºalities"), arplications for export licenses will now b considered at they are accoºr a by the numbers of the Import Certifi- ºtes is a tº the sºaiah Handel's Komission upon the undertºs ºf ºne indiviºl importers, and here ºfter shipments of such commodities need not be co-siºn a to any Importing Association. For the convenience, how- ---, -- --- --- whº, n- already received, -- n_d - ºr-nºnents tº ---Tº ºrs ºf Import certificates issued by the Importing Associations, the ºr Trade Board will, until further notice, receive and consider applica- tions fºr shipments of "Non-Ratiºned commodities", in accordance with the - prºcedure nºr-tofore applicable to shipments to Sweden. vance C. McCormick, Ch- --- - - - - ------- - - - - - . - - --- - - - - - - --- Cº. v. L. Llºr * -º- ºr nounce that the Export Cºnservatiºn Li- ºf . , 1 s is fºllºws (it will be not a tºt red a lºver - - - - - - - -t-. -n. -- - - - -n 11- - in-d, ºº - -, - -- tº nº products - - - - - - - - - -- fºllºws: - - --- lººd - - - - - * . --0 or x-vo - - - --, --- -- - - - --- ---, ----- --- (-cent ºnt-, and -- in irº - thºn tº * - - - in v-u-, -º ---, -- - - - -d ºn-t ---, -º- ºr in mºre tº n -5,- or - in v -e, -º- - cº-nº- - - - -- " ------s nºt r -- tº C-n dº nº --d-lººd on- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - ºn the sºlº-i- ºr-. (Not to be released before MARCH 17, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T.B.R.652) RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH LUXEMBURG To remove any uncertainty as to the effect of W. T. B.R. 630, issued March 6, 1919, with relation to traps between the United States and Luxemburg, the War Trade Board announce and confirm that all persons in the United States were authorized in said W.T.B.R. 630, suavect to the Rules and regulations of the War Trade Board. to trade and communicate with Persons residing in Luxemburg. Vance C. McCormick. M-512 - Chairman. (Over) (W. T. B.R. 650) (Not to Be ReLeased seroRe MARCH 19, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD - WASHINGTON 1919 March 19, REMOVAL OF BRITISH IMPORI RESTRICTIONS -- Lº Was Inape Board announce. For tºe-information of Exporters in the United States. Covernment as issued a general ------ ºr--- I -- Cº-º-º-º-º-º- -- T-AT THEY --- ---- ---ORT ------ T -ON-- informed that the British --ORT ------- Yºº -CH Ex-Mº-T's A-L- RAW The following - - - - - - - MATER ---> ----- - - ---- PRO-E-1 TED FROM T-ME TO ---. ANT-Mony one Casinos and sausage skins Gum co-au- Wet and tº undes vegetae woº Sora stans Sudan came Univer into tall ow Hand woods and sleepers. - N'------ ST-V-- * * * -----, --- º T WOOD M-515 (Over) ºut may now ee imported into Creat Britain Freely: Blabbers Diatown tº or infusorial eart- Cum kauri Horns and Hoors Jute Stones and suates, including sawn AND HEWN, BUT NOT -------- Wood and timeer, Hewn and saw- PLANED AND DRESSED, -- - - - -N-- Vance C. McCormick. Chairman. (not tº released b-tor ºn co, nº lº) "º Tºº Bººn ( ---, -, -º) March -6, lºlº- - ººl LCL". Tº T ºlcº's - Tº ºr "r-e Bºri no-no-, for the information of exporters in tº ºn tº ºt-tº-, that tºy ºne been informed that the Belgian Government - nº rºw ll r-strictiºns upon the in ortation of ºlt ºn hors. "ºnce C. --Cºrnicº, - C-in- Man 29 1919 (Not to Be Released eefore MARCH 20, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (M.T.E.R. 656) March 20, 1919 RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH TERRITORY ADJACENT TO THE ADRATIC - Man Trade Board announce that W. T. B.R. 623, issued Feeruary 28, 1919 -as ºn avenwoºd. Errective lºwed late-Yº, to Provide tº at au Persons ºn tº United States are authorized, sueuect to the Rules and Regulations on tº War. Tº ape Board to trade and communicate with all ports of the An ºld ºn tº toº abuacent thereto, including ALBANIA, Montenegro, Cºoat a Slavonia, Bosnia. Herzegovina, and Daumatia. As a result of the removal of the Blockade of the Adriatic ports, as announced in W. T. B. R. 623, and in order to avoid any misunderstanding, the Man Tºad Board praw attention to the fact that American traffic with the Aon at c ºoºrs still remains sueuect to the control of the ALL led naval- -------- W - - - - - - -----------> w- (-- Ex-ST-- UNDER WAR COND - T - ONs. Even each tº will be given to import merchanoise of a kinds into ºn at c ºoºrs and into the aeove-mentioned territory aduacent thereto. Tº lºor-tation into the a-ove-mentioned ports and territory of the Follow |- ----------> w-. However, BE RESTRICTED FOR MIL-1 TARY REAsows, AND ExPort ------- - - - - - ---------- w L-- - - -RANTED ONLY -- Ex-E-T-C-- -->Es. A lºcaart or all- K-ND5. NCLUDING AEROPLANEs. A Rs-P-, E-A-Loons AND T-E-R COMPONENT - ART-, TOGETHER wº TH ACCEs-or--> --D ART-C-Es su-T- ---- FOR USE IN CONNECT ON w TH - RCRAFT . Apearatus which can be used for the storage or projection of compressed -R --------D -As--, FLAME AC-DS, OR OTHER DESTRUCT ve. AGENTs car-ABLE -- ~~~. Lºw WARL--- OPERAT LONS AND THE-R COMPONENT PARTs. Aºmon plates. Arºorºo Motor cars. An or a kinos, including arms for sporting purposes and their --------- PART- Bºuto wine and implements for fixing and curring same. Caº tour ºvent. Cº- ºut ºnt, articles of , and their component parts. C. on- and equipment or a distinctively ºn tary cºasacres. -------- are ances adapted for use in the war, and their component ---. Ex-o-wes, especially prepared for use in war. |-ºld classes. cases tºok was punºoses. M-51 SA (Over) –2- - - -acaine guns. -- wount-nos. Laweers, and military wagons of al-L pescriptions. ----- on acrºse tour pºwent or a mall-tany character. -- and apparatus designed exclusively for the manufacture of -- T-O-- OF WAR, OR FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR REPAIR OF ARMS OR OF -- --------, -º- --- - - --- OR. -- M-, submarines, and their component parts. -------, changes, cartridges, and grenades of au kºinos, and the in --------T PART- º- tº inders and the in component parts. Searcial cars and their component parts. Su-ne sound signal ind apparatus and waterials for wireless tele. ------. Toºedoes. ºn-º- including soats and the ºr component Parts of such a nature - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ON A vis--- OF WAR. Vance C. McCormick. Chairman. (Not to ee released seroRe MARCH 22, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (M.T.B.R. 660) March 22, 1919 EXPORT LICENSES VALID UNTIL USED ºut was Taape Board announce that W. T. B.R. 357, issued December 2, 1918, Has been ºwned to READ as Follows: "Tº man Taape Board announce, and have so advised Collectors of Cusrows and rºle Post Cºlce DEPARTMENT, Tºat. Except those Licenses. For exportation to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and European Hou-ano, which are - tº-- tº L. M. Tºp to a PART cul-AR DATE ALL Ex-on-T L-cºnsis issue:D on on arren Novemeen 15, 1918, and all export Licenses which were un- ex-lººd on tº 15 tº pay of Novemeer, 1918, will be valid until used, un- ---- Rºwoºn, Norw-stand-Nº such L-cºnses ARE STAMPED as Ex-RIMG ON Novemeen 15, 1918, on subsequently theneto." vance C. McCorwick. M-517 Chairman. (W. T. B.R. 663) MARch 22, 1919 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORIS 10 SWEDEN Tº Wan Trade Board announce that the List or rationed commonities -or Sweden, set Foºtº ºn W. T. B. R. 649, issued March 15, 1919, was in- ------- N C-N PART -------, --> --O--D -- CORRECTED A- FO-L-Ows. Tae tº Dnied ºut should ee eliminated. The new "Fueen should reap "Fleers, vegetaeue". - tº Russein manufactured coops other than penal Russers and ºn-locks or ºuseen toº encycles and Russex erasers" should read Rºn Manuº actured coops, other than Russen rººts and ruses, PEDAL ºuse-ºs and enº elocks or ruseen toº encycles, and Russer erasers". Vance C. McCormick, M-518 Chairman. (Over) | (Not to ee releaseo BeroRe MARCH 22, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (M.T.B.R. 660) MARch 22, 1919 EXPORT LICENSES VALID UNTIL USED - ºne was Teace Board announce that W. T. B.R. 357, issued Decemeer 2, 1918 -s ºn avended to READ as Fol-Lows: "Tºº Man Taape Board announce, and have so advised Collectors of Cusrows and rºle Post Cºlce DEPARTMENT, THAT exceet Those Licenses. For exportation to Norway. Sweden, Denmark, and European Hou-ano, which are - tº-- Tºº L-M-TED to a PART cul-AR DATE ALL Ex-ORT - CEN-E5 issue:D on on arren Novemeen 15, 1918, and ALL Export Licenses which were un- exºned on the 15 tº pay of Novemsen, 1918, will be valid until used, un- tº ºvoº, no-tº-stand-No. -ucº L-cºnses ARE STAMPED as Ex-R-NG on Novemeen 15, 1918, on subsequently theneto." vance C. McCorwick, M-517 Chairman. (W. T. B.R. 663) MARch 22, 1919 PROCEDURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO SWEDEN - Wan Trade Board announce that the List of Rationed cowoo ties -or Sweden, set Foºtº ºn W. T. B. R. 649, issued March 15, 1919, was in- ------T N C-RT-N PART-Cu-R- AND SHOULD BE CORRECTED As FOLLOWs. Tae new "Dº to ºut should be eliminated. Tº new "Fees" suould reap "Fleers, vegetaeue". - tº Russen wanufactured coops other than penal Russers and ºnal elocks or ºuseen ºon encycles and Russer erasers" should Reap Rººn manufactured goods, other than Russen tires and ruses, pedal- ºuee erºs and sº elocks of Russer sor e-cycles, and Russer erasers". Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (Over) APR 91919 (Not to be released seroRe MARCH 24, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W.T.B.R. 664) March 24, 1919 IMPORIAION OF DIAMONDS INTO THE UNITED KINGDCM Tae Man inadº Board announce For tºe information of ex-or-ters in rºle United States, rºar tº Have seen unroºved that the Proclamation or July 28, 1915, Pro-e-ting the importation of unset on amonds into the United Kingdom, Has eeen revoked. Vance C. McCormick, M-519 Chairman. (W.T.B.R. 665) MARch 24, 1919 RESTRICTIONS ON TRADE WITH CERTAIN PORTIONS OF TURKEY ----------- - The War Trape Board announce supplementing W. T. B.R. 602, issued Feenuary 15, 1919, which announced the resumerºon of trape witH THE TERR Toº EMeRaced witHun the Former soundaries of the Turkish EMPIRE, THAT TRADE --- - - ---Tº-CTED - T- and THE --~~~ADE ST-L-- EE MA-NTA - NED AGA NST, a CERTAIN -ORT |ON OF SUCH TERR TORY DESCR LEED As Fol -ows: That portion of the coast of Arael a between Hall Point on the west coast and Rasmakau-a on the south coast, both inclusive Raswakau-La is on the Arabian Sea, east of the town of Makau-La. The only poºr on ---------- a-------------> T-NO FROM wººl--------------------T-NUE TO BE MADE 1 - THAT S-A-L ----. On OF THE COAST AND TH- coun-TRY ADJACENT there to watch includes the Ports or Apen and the towns of Schenkºothman and Lane. Vance C. McCormick, M-520 CHA RMAN. ------ APR 91919 (Nºt to be released before lºch 27, 1919. ) W. R. Tº LL ELARL was HIN-TUN. B.R. 5-5 arch 27, 1915. Bulº Riº 1 toº Rºsºl Cºlºs The ºr Trade Bºard announce, for the information of expºrters in the United States, that they have been informed that the Bulgºrian ºvernment have prohibited the importation into Bulgaria of the con- ºditiºs cºntained in the following list. The only exceptions to th--- prºhibitions are that any ºf such commodities may be impºrted by natiºnal institutions, military authorities, or the Red Crºss fºr their ºwn use, and that such commodities may be brought in by travelers if it is clear frºm the quantities there of that the goºds are fºr ºrs nº use and nºt for purposes of sale. --> ºf all kinds ---- * - 11 -nd- ------- - - 11 kind- ---- nuts with r with ºut shell- ---, -ºf-n -- ºr und ºr ºther-is-, -thºut sugar ºl-r-, leaves, moss, and ºther plants fºr decºratiºn ºr-nº-s: Grºpe, plum, mastic, etc., in kººs, bºttles and ºther r-cººt-ºl- ºn c. run, pic-n, bitters, absinthe, etc. (with exceptiºn ºf --in--- in lººs and ºther receptacles Liquºr- ------. ters, with the exception of those used for medical ºut-º-º-º: Cºndiºs and preserved fruits Turkish Deliºnt --- - - - -nd- -----tº and c-co-, pºuered or in cakes with sugar --- --- Bºreal spicy - is and artificial odoriferous preparations Fºrº pºd mºtºr, pomºde, tooth paste, sºlve, and -- " -- -------- ------- - - Cº- O-º-y turniture -vº turniture -------- ----, -m-- Hºts ºf all rinds, trimm-d with flowers, fe-tners, and ºther ºrnaments Hºnd-wºrk mºde of coral, hoofs, and bones, with the exception of but- tºns, combs, and cigarette holders - Pr-out ºt-nºs --- G-d cartºre or decorated in colºrs, in relief or otherwise Pºlain, ºilded or decorated in colors, in relief or otherwise Handlºriº made of plaster, with exception of that needed fºr schººl purposes Small rticles made of clay, porcelain, and terra cotta, with the ºptiºn of buttons -rticles made ºf ºrdinary and crystal glass which are not absºlute- ly necessºry, such as vases, fancy dishes, fruit dishes, etc. Glass and enamel bends bracelets, artificial coral, crystal, with the exceptiºn of buttons - ºut ºl' sº and init-tiºn ºf precious stones - Clºs nº pºrcelain floºrs and ornaments; wreaths and other glass and pºrcel-in articles with or withºut metallic decºrations Wall p-pººr Pºst-1 picture cards and ºther fabricºtiºns. --~ ºf the Customs Tºri ºf sh-dºs and fans (ºven if made with cºmmun ºud), tin fºil fºr ºuts and cºnnies, flowers, leaves, and other similar articles mºde of paper, with the exception or cºllars, cuffs. and all kinds of wearing apparel made of pºper Albums, baskets, bºxes, pocket-books, and other articles which come under article cºe ºf the Customs ºrit" Pictures, snºpshots, mounted on pººr cardbºard ** articles which come under ºrticles 302,303, 304, such as nºndbags, sº tººls, pºcket-boºks. albums, -tº- - 1-tº-r -r-ticles -nºu, --ther articles: Silºs, cº-t-ins made ºf pure or part silk sººn nteriº ºf pure or part silk Lºcºs nu trimmings mºde of silk and part silk aiº nº mºde of silk ºr part silk - - ºn thºs and ther articles made of silk or of silk embrºideries. which come under article Lºn. ºr innin lºcºs. etc. Hatº made of felt, beaver, and other material, trimmed with flowers and other -- rations -----n --- and embroid-ri-g Fancy work made of laces, trimmings, or ºf cºtton --n ----- and moroid ºries with sillº tº reas ----- and abroileries made of pure linen All articles which come under article 40- of the Customs Tariff, such as -ocket-books, nurses, ladies' handbags, and satchels, etc. All articles a la mode, and all other articles which come under article -ll ºf tº Customs Tariff ºvures of preciºus metals Hºnºli work made of old and silver, ºld and silver plate, not decorated with ºr--- st- Hanºi work made of old and silver, cold and silver plate, decorated with ºr cious ston- ºn-ork male of precious metals decorated with precious stones Imitatiºn devels -- and silver lear ºld and silver, and old and silver plated chains ºtch-, with the ºxception of those made out of common metal Clocks made of precious metals or decorated with precious metals, or with chim-- ºrticles which come under article 128 of the custºms Tariff irºn fixtures, with the exception of uledical Piºn- and or ans Pianolas, harmonicas, and harmoniphones ºn organs and hurdy-gurdies and lºor made of amber, with or withºut other at-rial, even if adorned with precious metals ºr stones nº ºne ºf ivory, tortoise shell, ºther-of-pearl, combined with other mºtºrial, including precious metals and stones Jºlº ºne ºf mººr, i-ory, tortoise shell, with or without decoration, cºin a with other ºat-rials, including precious metals and stones ºn-ork whether me - ºnly of leather, silº, plush, or adorned ºith amber, --tºi- shell, ivory, mother-ºf-pearl, precious stones Hºli or ºne of wood, canº, strº, ribºr, cardboard, bronze, steel, class, nor-lain, adorned with amber, tortois shell, mother-of-pearl, ivory, ºther, silk, plush, ºrecious stones, and nºt als ---, - of celluloid and similar artificial articles ---, --------- - -t-rial ºil ºn part ºil parasols, as well as rare sºls unde of lace or trimº with -- and eubroileries; parasols with handles made of materials includin ºld, silver, ºr--iºs stones, and ivory Fanº, nº ºf wood, cloth, ºr feathers, whether mounted or not vance C. McCormick, (- -º) Chairman. ºn to ee rºleased aerone APRIL 1, 1919 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON * I B. R. 575. - April 1, 1919 RESUMPION OF TRADE WITH POLAND - - co-cum-enri w tº trie coºperent authore tº es of the otºer As-o-º- Co-º-º-º- tº War. Trave Boºt ºunce rºar al-L ºersons |- ºne un-red States are authorized on and after April 1, 1919, sueuect - tº ºut tº ºn re-ul-ons or tº Maº Tºpe Board to trade and cow ºur care ºne wºrn ºersons residing in Poland. |- ---------- - - - -s autº-o-º-º-º-o-, -º-c-ows wil- Now Be con ------- (- -------- To Ex-ORT OR --- Al- Co-OD-T-ES TO CON------> --R now cons anons in Poland. For ex-o-o- or co-wop rºles to Polano, applications sºovud ee ---- on Foº x * No supplemental information. Sheet wºu ee required, ºn ess tº co-won tº a manufacture or solo in which case Supplemental- Lºcºa on Saee ( 29 should be attached. ºn can ex-owners are advised tº at venouanose is permitted to ee -º-o-º- to Pol- or upon the understand no rºar it is intended to --- - -------- Do-E-C NEED- OF THAT COUNTRY AND THAT THE REExPOR- - on on su - ºncºnd se from Poland to countries commercial relations - - - - - - - -OR- ZED -S FOR-DEN, -ND THAT Sucº R.E.Exº-on-TAT LON cons ºut-- - -o- on of the Treat nº win tº the Enemy Act. A snºments to Poland should ee routed via Danzig. Foº lºor-tº-ons into the United States From Poland. not viouau tº - ------- - - - - -----RED. N ACC-NCE w TH THE REGUL-AT-CNs arº-L- cable to lºor-tations ºrom the neutral countries of Europe. - Wan Trade Board nave received no official advices concerning rºle ºut-ons coverning mºortations into Polano, and prospective exporters ------ " -------- (------- w TH TH-R --------> --ROAD. BEFORE --> ------ - - - - - THE Mº-º-º-º-º- - - -o-º-Yº w TH ANY -MPORT º--------- - - - - - - EFF--- Vance C. McCormick, - 527 Cºat Rºman. APR 9 1919 Not to se released serone APRIL 1, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD MASHINGTON B. R. 576. APR - 1, 1919 RESUMPILON OF TRADE-W H ESTHONLA -- concurºn-- w tº rºle co-º-º-º- autº-on-T LEs or THE or HER --o-rº covernments the War Trape Board announce that au Persons ºn tº United States are authorized, on and after April 1, 1919, sus- lect to ºne ºut es and regulations of the War Trade Board, to trade and colºunicate ºreely with eersons Residing in Estºonia. |- accordance witH TH is aut-of-zation, arºl cat lows will now ae --------- FOR -------- TO Ex-ORT Cº --ORT -- Co-on-T -- To co-- GNEES on tºo consignors in Estronia. The procedure for the ex-ortation or cowoo ties to Estºona is -- - - - ----- - -------- | Exporters should arºux For censes to tº Bureau of Exº-orts, Masancton, D. C. on any Branch office thereof, using APPL lication Form X-A. 2. Co-op rºles contained in the "Free List" For the Northern Neutral countries (see W. T. B. R. 648 issued March 15, 1919). Max Be Ex- ------ ºr El-Y - THOUT THE NECE--- OF O-T-N-N- MPORT CERT-F-CATEs. - For the exportation of all other co-woo ties the exporter in - United States before ºn Lºng as arºucation For export License, must receive advice from the eros-ective importer in Estºon a that there as ºn issued ºn tºe Au to Blockade Co-tree in London a cert lºcate stating the in approval of the proposed consignment. The numeer or trans cº-cate should ee torwarded ºn tº importer in Estºon a to the ----- ------n wºo sº-ou-D sº-c-f- suchı. NuMetrº on tº A-P-car on on export cense. The War Trade Board have seen unroºved that there |- in London a delegation representing the Estºonian Government, and twº- ------ - - ----on- -- D------- - - - ------- ----R-T --- RE-R-N- ---- --------- ------- H -- --------- * The details of all import cent ºn cates issued in London For ------ to Estºon a will ee trans-red ºn the American representative on tº Al-ºn Blockabe Coºl tree to tºe was Trape Board, was annoton. D C wºre tº same wºu se used to venue tºe are car ions that are --------- FOR -------------. |-oºrs tºo. Estºon a to rue United States will se suedecr to rue -- ºut--- - ----------> w- ----- T-- ----------N or co-o-º-º- -- or tº countries in Europe. Vance C. McCormick, M 520 Cºat Rwan. --- º Tºº Lº ºn --~. 1. º ºu. ------, -7- -pril 1, 1919. nº-ºº-º- ºr CTIONS ºn 1 ºn 1 ATION OF FERRO. G.L.E.S.E alſº --IL-1-Li. ºn- ºr Trade Board announce that the restrictions neretº- fore -isting upon the importation of ferromanganese and spiege leisen, as included in List of Restricted Imports No. -- item 114, have bººn removed, effective upril 1, 1919, and licenses to import tº commoditiºns will now be issued freely ºnen the applieations - ------- - ------ Importation of these commodities from the United Kingdºm, ºrance, Italy, Belgium, or Japan, or from their possessions. protºctoratºs, colonies, or dominions, may now be made under Cºntrºl Import License PBF No. 34. Vance C. cºormick, C-airman. Not to at Released e-roº APRIL 1, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD ASHINGTON - B R 572. APRIL 1, 1919 PROCELURE GOVERNING EXPORTS TO NORWA a de Board announce the adoption of the following regula ---- - - - --------- - ------- T - T-- -------- or L-C-E---> on tº exº-at-o- ºr cºntain co-woo ties to Norway. The Previous announcement - tº respect to such regulations (W. T. B.R. 497, issued January 1919, is superseded a tals announcement, in so far as the --------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------T - TH THE -R-C-ED-RE -------- ------ AL rºse coºoo ties contained in the "Reviseo FREE List" (see M. I. B. R 648 issued Marcº 15, 1919) or any awenament tºene to Max Be exported ºur to Norway, as described in W. T. B.R. 648. 2 RA-10MED -ST. The following commoories are those For which - * -- ~~--- - - ---- *-----D ----R THE TERM- OF THE AGREEMENT W - TH the covernment or Norway. Anti-on- A set-to- Borax and so-c acid - Bºe an orans are earley, wheat oars and Products, and Rice Ceres in carnauea wax Coccº. Coºee Coºper el-tes, ears, enees, wire and caele Conºwood - Corrow. Raw inters and waste Yann, twine and thread ------- wers Dºen manufactures -- roux. a-euwen Flsº cannen. S-me- and anchovies S-on and Loe-ten - - - Hº June and row ---- ean ---- ºn- or - - - in an coºn. D. seeds (ºr seen cºus-nº el ants D. s. not sº-c-º-º-º: Pan-ºw wax, steanne, steanne acio, and Pauw acup M 525A (Over) -- on- |-- Rocº ºncºnate -----, excº ºupºn rººts, ruets and e-cycle Penals, e-cycle ----- ~~~~~~. Gas TUE ---, -------. To Ys, and orº--- suº-P-Es Caucts and tº cººl tº ---, -o --sºuts Sºur- Cº---- Cºncºs Sudan anning extracts I- ºn, nºw wºn ºuts Wººtºut and Mineral turrent ºne and waite sº tº it Wederable and animal rats Wool wool yarn and Products --- one row censes to export tºese nationed cowool tº Es to Norway will as considered ex the War Trape Board only when such applica- ----- - ---------, - THE NUMBERS OF THE IMPORT -E-T L = ---TES issue:D - - ---------- --- a-----T-C-N, OR -- ~ Asso-AT --N HAS BEEN FORMED wº-- ----- ----------> FOR THE PART ---L--R --- Tº N out-ST LON, THE nuº or nº lºor cent lºcate issued ºn the Norwegian Finance DEPART- went --- or such nationed cowoo ties way be consigned only to THE -- ----------N 1-su-NG THE CERT ------, -- ANY SUCH Assoc ATION - - ------- rºº Tºº F-------- ~~--- T - 3 º' tº ºsºt to the Exportation of all commonities other than nose co-ºp in the "Revised Free List" and in the above-mentioned "Rat loºd List" (whicº coºwoo ties. For convenience, will ee referred to as "Non Rationed Coºoo ties"), the Mºorter in Norway is no longer -------- - - - - --ORT CERT ------- F- - -MPORT ------AT-CN, BUT the "on- undent alºng onven to the Noºwºon an Finance Department and cent ºn tº an American Consul wºu ee sure cent, even though there is an ºn association toº such cowool tº Tae numeer of this "ordinary under- ºust be ºurnished on the application For export License. Henea-tºn - ºne or "non-nationed cowoo ties" need not se consigned To º 'º - ---------, - …Y. Gº co------ TO THE IMPORTER - RECT . For tº convenience nowever, or saleºers wºo have already received, or MADE ----------Tº T- ---URE THE NUMBERS OF Mi-oº-T CERT-E-CATES issue:D - tº ºn associations tº War Trape Board wºu until Further no- ce. --- and consider applications roº sº ºwent or "non-Rationed co-o-º- in accoºnance with the procedure ºne-to-ore are casus to ------ no non- vance C. McCormick. Cºlºn. (not to be released before ºil 1, 1918.) "An T-Dº Bººn "ashington (-º-º-º. 675) April 1, 1913. Eºn-tº-nº rºtº-ºn-Tºº on Tºº Fºº IIST" It has been brought to the attention of the "ar Trade Board that some inconvenience has been caused exporters, due to the fact that in shipment of certain co-olities which are on the "Free List" for -- rtain countries (see "...T.B. R. 648, issued March 15, 1919), incrt -º-º-tes have to be obtained to cover the bags and packing of ---, ----------- To re-edº this situation the war Trade Board announce that, in the case of shipments of commodities on the "Free List", the normal packine of such con-on-i-les will alsº be considered as being free from the necessity of obtaining import certificates. Vance C. ºcCormick, Chairman- (over) (not to be released bufotº ºil 3, 1919.) - Tº-Dº cº-ºp ºn inton IT ALL-N. I-PORT RESTRICTIONS Tº ºr ºr de Fºrd announce, for the information of eºpºrters - Unit a st-tes, that they have been inforced that the followin it nº be lºorted into Italy by private in porters when in ºrt liºn-- nº been ºbtained covering such shipments. Formerly tº ºr ºlti- ºre ºne those which private importers mint not --- into Italy. ------ Naphthaline --- ºbsorbent cottºn T- "o-1 ------, ------ Sºln on - - - Horses - ºul- ----- - - - J- ------- - ther -- - Vancº C. McCºrmic-, Cºn- --- –2- - ------ ---, -u tº clous stones unset. ------anos, cºo- Pulcº stone and pumice powder. Raº anool and wool-en. Rosaries. |- a covened tºol lens toº clotºes wºuncers. Ruº ºcclaimed. S-1 screws, ºrass earts for use on telephones. Scºrneº. Sº cº-ºs. cannonundum. Sººners, careorundum knife. Soups containing sugar. Sºlº r Levels. Staves. Stones and slates. Cº-es, medical or au kimos. a low. - no extracts, cºstnut, Hewa—ock, mangrove, oak and --------. Teleºnone switcheoards and parts. -- and telepºone parts, exceet telephone exackets and earts. ºnal erass. For electric Fuse sorros. ---------, exceet cºuns in anime. ---, --ven on ease Metal not out on covered with colo, ------ F - 1 TED - Tº G-LT Mov-MENT - - - HAND-, ------, ------, - . OR NOT. * - utwº- or us wºu woules, unset covered ex central License For ----- ---- - ----- PR-O-- ------- -- movements and earts, exceet gºerºins or silver or ease metal- - ------- - - - - --------> ----------- "…s. tº a num, not -- w tº precious stones. Moon and ºn ºwn and sawn, planto and pressed, all ºnus, not -------- - - ----- - - - ----. On ºx -----> --- - - - -----> - - ------ - - - - - - ºn ºn tº anovº announcement tºe War Trade Board wish to call- ------ T- ºr º- T-T T-Y AR- N-T -- - -o-T-CN TO -----, -º-º-o-TA- - - ------- - - ---Tº-T-C-NS ºuT ARE -----Y TRAN-TI-NG TH- -o-, -on for the convenience on tºose on the War Trape Board's --- - - mounts with regard to Foreign import Regulations should -- ºne- to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Department was noton, D. C. as that Bureau endeavors to keep posted on tº ºr ºut at low- or Foreign Covernments. Vance C. McCormick. Cº., ºan. (Not to be released aeroRe APRIL 3, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 680) APRIL 3, 1919 BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS Tºº Man Trape Board announce, for the information or exporters ºn tº United States, that they have seen informed of the following cances in the import regulations of Great Britain: Tº so-owing commonities, which have Heretofore seen importable - ----- ------- - CEN-E, MAY Now BE-MPORTED FREELY UNDER GENERAL ------- Aerº as wes. Aunas we cloths. Acer c acio, ALL kinds. Aloxi te nones. Antimony one. Anºt works. Anºt lºcal teeth containing gold. Barºnes. Deans, eaked. Beans eaked with pork and tomato sauce, tunneo. Beans and ºork, tunned. Belt Laces, Leather. B- and cºal-k. But Let Molos. Cºvent for Leather eel-ring. Caewºng gum. Cinematograph films. Coºte. Denists' accessories of all kinds. D-row re. D. crating machines, parts and accessories. --cºopes. |- stones. - tº canoles. --- cº-inders for water ºn-tening. F-owers, ºnesia. Foº-c acid. Fºurs, canned, sort-ep, and preserved. Cºnnº stones. ---. wº. Macnes re. ºccinal pre-arrations containing sugar. Nickel. Oxide. 5-0. (Over) lºt to be released ºf ºre ºl. 2, 1919 | -- Tº Lº L-RI) --- --- - - - ------ - - - - - - ------- tº April - lºlº. ºno-1-1-1 LIST or Exponºs To cºnnail, co-Riºs In "...º.º. ººl, issued arch 12, 1919, regarding ex- portations to Bulºriº, Turkey, and the Black Sea ports, and in - |--|-- tº , issued arch -, 1-19, regard in trade with ter- - tury adjacent to the Adriatic, was contained a list of com- mºditiºs the importation of which into said countries would, for ºil tary r-sonº, be restricted. - ºne war ºrade beard noºn announce that it is to be uniºr stood that the ºortation of the follºwing articles, viz., bºroud ºre and mºlements for fixing and cutting the same, rticles of cann equipment and their component parts, clothing and ºn-lºnt of a distinctly military character, electrical ap- ------ fºr use in the ºr and their component parts, military ºne of all descriptions, and harness and horse equipment of - itary character, is only for biºen on account of the military -sºº to nich such articles can be ºut. - It ºr tºrs have information snowing that tº articles ºr rººt in d for civil lººses, tº sºme sould be submiº with tº pºlications for e-port license. Vance C. -cCormick, Cº-airman. (not tº ee re-ºsed sºone apºll 2, 1919. To-º-o- WAR TRADE BOARD * - nº-------- and tº -------- *-- ~~ --- - ----- - tº-- -- or--> -- ~~~~ASHINGWGN--- of war. (W. T. B.R. 579) April 2, 1919 | - - - - - ---------- - - ---------- - - ------- --------- ---, -º- ºr -nº-Suºrº--ºn-Tº-Hº save ºuts of -- - - - - - -o-o-º- + --- (------ - -------T OF - - - --------------º-º-º-Lº-wºº. ººººººººº-ºº-ºº-ºº-ººººººººoch- cº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºwº Pºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-rººtſºn rep -º-º-º-º-º-º-BY bºast ºf reasºn ºntº-oº-ºººoººº tºº tººl and rºuse tºwawanºeseawe, as oºº-elºxºscºekºetºwn ºn - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-Ausº. Anºt for cº- ºoses ºf sº sº-P - -------- - - - ------------ - - --- -------- |- --------- - - - - - -o-º-o-, ------ -- nºw -- ~~~ snoekºetº ºutsºo-ºº-oº-ººp-ºoººººººººººº-ºº-ººººººººº, ºnees 5x -eabºcº hºsteºavsº Tºcºbº tº rºsewºº suº cº-º-º-º-Auºrºººººoº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-Lºse º- tºº-ºº-ºº ºt ºutersºnages ºn tº wºnº Exeteor sºqoºt-º-º-º-º-o- Gºan Austra to countees cowº a re-atoºs w tº --- - - - --------- - ---------, --- *------, ---T --- R------------ constitutes-º-autonºsºintegense wereºseºntºtes eau-oons and ------------------. To-ETHER ------------------T-C-Es su-T For age-ºn-use ºn eºnsºrentwººeº Austra aeº-ºcations sºul pastºnes an Easº Ae Jºgosºphºnsºletoºt-on-Swiss ºf ecºssessee auren unºssºs, ºbºe ºngoºsººrsºsie Mºntal lººse on Sºnºsºsºs tº co-oºr -aºrs. Arºom ºl-s. Fºeºsakºto the United States Fºom GERMAN Austra ºbvioual- |Mºoºººººººººº-ººrºsºsºlelºng ºrº Hº-ANbººk"— casue to wºoººººom the neutral countries of Europe. Barºn ºe and MPLEMENT's For ºxºns and cut tº sº Fºotnºard Have Recºver No oºcal advices concerning THE Resul--tº-sºº ºtºs ºs ºººººººººº-ºº-ºose-cºlve ex- -on-Teºtº ºnº ºbºis***** * *************E**** Max No Evº-º-º-Lº. ººº-ºº-ºººººººº-ºº-ººººººººoººoºººººº." Rºu--Toº Mº ºf N EFF-ct. Ex------ sº-c- ºr--anec ºn use - nº-Lº-º-º-º-º- tº succester Routes Foº rostal and castle colºur-ca -o-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºººººººº-sº sº-º-º-º: Gun - -- nº guns. Fºllºwershoºt at rººsseous ºffence escºpatrons. Switzen ºne-º-ººse ºutsºenrºssº, º anºn Liness carºund |- a -- - -tus de-on- ex----- - -nue acture of -- - - - - - - - -------- --- - --- or- or C***********Foºººººººººººº-º-º: --- - - Frences ----- ------ º Nº. --NE-AN-E-R cº-o-º-º-º-º-º: - Fºº-ºººººs, sºrrºsºsºsºsºs pºss Assºc **** ****º-Asrs. Raw----- and rºle in co-ower-e-r- Sea--- and r- comeonent earts M-5295, --- -------- --------- - -------- - - --------> ----------- Vance C. McCoº-cº, Cºat Rºwan. -5-9A - (ovetºve-) - - ot to b r-1 sº before ºil 4, 1919. -- - - -º -----. . --- - L7- ºl. 1 ºn 10 ºr no. 36. * * * * * *d ºn- ºr a ºne- ºr license, to be ºn 5 º' -- ºn tº ºn 1----, --tive -- " - . 1-, covering ºn lºor-tºtion into tº United ºt tº from ºxico, Cub-, Haiti, Santo Doninº. -d all countri - of Cºntral and south ºn rice, except British nº ºr ºn poss-sions, of all commoditi-s except nose sº-cified in the - 11- 1. ºlº tin - - T -- or- - - in concºntrº-tº- * - all metal alloys containing tin -- " --- ºr -- 5. En rº, except tºt minºd in Canada 7. Gºlvºrsºn, nºosalvºrsan, arsphenºmine and all substitutes ºn refor and equivalents whereof - Suºr -. ----- - ºn-t flºur - nic- 1- P--- lº. Nitrºt of pot-sh - C ---- 15. C- -- ºut---- - ºut----n -- - ºn first tºn common it is nºd on tº above list comprise the present r -t-t- in-rts that ºr ºxcluded from the provisions of this as tº prºv-on- ºr -ll othºr ºn-rºl import licenses, with the ex- ºn 1 ºr nºn is cover d by G-n-rºl Import License Pºº lºo. 33. - Tº Cub -------d to the Unit -d -t-t-s Suºr Equalization Board. 11 lº nº lºº, tric , pºuts, and nitrate ºf pot-sn) are licensed free- -- in-du l-in-t lic----- ºn-in co-nº frºm the country of origin or | rºw -- mºrº - but ºr excluded frºm the provisions of all general ------- ºn tº r cºmmoditles nºn-dº -lthough excluded from this |--|-- (over _ ºr 1. . -- --- --- -- -- --- --- -ºl-cº- --- - ºr ºn ºn ºne in Cºntrºl and - - - - - - -------s - - - -- " - - - - -- . . . . - -- " - . 1-, -, -, -ºº ---n ---n 17, --- - - - - - - - - - lºt Li-nº- ºr lºo. ºº is - --- - --- - - - - - tº - nº n -, - - - - - - - - ºn- C - cº-or-i-. - *- Cº- to ºr rºleased aerone ºn 4, 1919) 4PR 19 1919 WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON B. R. 582) APR-L 4, 1919 -º-L Cººl A EXPORT LCENCE NO, RAC 54 FOR SMALL SHIPMENTS BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS. Tº ºn Tºue Board announce rºar Special Export License RAC-54 (W. T. B. tº win on was sºued to the Customs Division of the Treasury Depart- - - - - -a-ca one ces of the Wan Trane Board, Permitting the ex- ------- - - - --------- - - -----------, ----------- T- (---T-N DEST - -- - - - - ------ - - -------- sº Special Export License RAC-54 becomes effective April 7, |- nº ºn tº ºne ºx-on-tº-on via Fre loºt on ExPREss, ex Indorsement -- expon usic anation and without individual export License, -- - - - - ------- -- or co-woo ties NOT on the Export Conservation List Provideo: A, ºr value or No one co-woo tº including its container, Exce=ps -100. |B) Tº sºlº ºr is consigned to a constones Not on THE ENEMY TRAD no - - Tº salement is best ined to one of the following countries: Aerº- Oman A-stan. Perºs a C-in- Portugal, its colonies, Licen. Possessions, AND PROTECTORATES Monaco San Marino Morocco Siam Neº- Spain Tae co-o-º-, possessions, and pro- tº cro- or tº Netaeruanos. excel in South America. Salººs snout note that Special License RAC-54 pertains only to ship- -- a-- on exºness and that it is unnecessary to apply to the War - Co- ºr ºtºss on to sºlº under that License, and No special pocu- - - - - - - Taane Board is necessary Exporters who desire to - - - - - - - --------- (------- ~--- ºw--- On-L-- ºr-----T THE-R -----> -ºoºº tºol ºr low (Cusrows Cat 7525 in quaprut-cate to a - to on to enancia or ce on tº War Trape Board For in- -------, -, -, -, -ent to proceed under RAC-54. on of ex-oº-ººs is called to rue ract that the use or Special ------ Nº º 54 poes not relºve tº salesex or the Resºonse Lity of - - - - - - - - ---------> -- THE coun-TRY OF DE-1 NAT on AND IT - -------- tº- ºx-on-º- tº--ee-ves or rºle raci Lºries or tº Bureau -- a-- Co-stic Co-ºnce or tº Dee annºt or Commence, Washington, D - - - nºoº-ow respecting tºe lºoki Regulations or Foreign -------- - S--- or tº cº-acter our unen aeove to se saleºen ex mall may ee ºw-ºn unner See- Exeonºr License RAC 52, as pescreep in W. T. B.R. 618. Vance C. McCorwick, M-5-1 CHA RMan. -- tº be released befºre ºntº 4, 1-18) ºn T Lº -- -ºn in tor. ºn tº º April 4, 1919. Sº-C- ºr LIC -- nºt-77 ºn ºtº -- ºr ºn-Tº co-ººrºº's To * Iº, Cº., H-1T 1, sº ºn 1 ºn, ºn to ºr roº In cººl, ººlºº on toº ºrcº, ºn ING Tº Cºlo-Tºº ºn ºn-T ºn 1-11 ºn Fºº The ºr "rºle ºri announce that special ºrort License Rºc-77 has been -- tº tº Cº-º-º-º-, -º-º-º-º-ºril 7, authorizin the exportation - - - -- or -ºr-º-, withºut individual ºport license, of all co-oliti-s, -- ºt tº entioned belº, ºn destined to Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, San Dominic, ºr tº ºn cº-ºrº in centrºl ºrca or south America (excluding the colonies of - - - Fr-, tº ni- snipments of certain coºdities are no- Lºuie - r ºr ºil ºrt Liºnee Rºc-º). ---, -unition, and -cºlosives |anufactured old (except --- int- ºr -- ºr nu- dent-l) and rticles con- -ture of n-nitions --in in ore then º of t-r- intended for tº a nu- fine cºld in value --tºr ºf unition. Je-lny containin more triºn ºn- nº in 45, of fine old in value - a co- Jute and ºute b-s Cº-º-º-º-º- and rols -cn-te- ---------- nºr-tor- ºr ~~ --tº-c -nil fibur ºl--trical ºtors over 25 ºr--poºr Fuel oil na - as ºil -------- ºr--or, e-cºver no ºilo-it- Radio nº wireless - paratus ºr-it- ºr-in-le- he tº except seed wheat -in-cº- + -- ºn-t flour Tº sººn nt of nº cº-ity -r-tiºn a in the precedin list ºn destin-d tº tº cºntrºl entioned ºne will nºt fºll within the provisiºns of ºr ci- -- rt Liºns Rºc-77, but will require an individual export lic ºnse, application ºr icº ºld be nºt to ºne ºr Trade Bºard at shin-ton, n, C., or my of it ºr nch ºffices, on ºpplication Form x-, to either with supplemental Form ſº ºr r-, unition, nº -plc-i-, 5-ºple n-1 ºr Y-3.0 for exposed ind -loºd in -picture filº destin a to -ico; and Supplemental Form º for tºr-i ºld and l- as specified in the above list. ºn-tºrs nº dº irº to ship-ºn-- under Sºcial ºrt License Rºc-77 - - --- nºt tº ºr shºr's ºr ºl-ration (Customs ºut, 7525) in in lºt tº tº collector ºf Cº-º- tº the pºrt of exit for indorse at to -- *- : * -- ºr--- -- " -- ºl l n -ort --- nº not a license to trºle ith the enºuy, - - - - - - - - - -------- to persons on the F-nº Tradin. - on n- or - ºn-ntly ended. ------- ºr- ºr--d to acquaint then-lves with the import requirements of º - a -tiºn, nº i + - - -sted that they avail theºselves ºr tº - - - - - tº ºur- ºr For-n and Do-stic Coºerce of the Department of - - -, -, -on, D. C. , in obtainin inform-tion re-ruin the import re-ul-- -- ºr tº n --------- - ºnce C. --Cornick, (-) Cº-i-n- (over) -- to be rele---a --for- ºl. 4, 1-13. -* Tº Lº wººl, ºil-º-º-º: -------- - - April 4, 1913. Fºot Cººlºº Lº The ºr ºr -e ºrd announce thºut the Exporº Conservation List us ºf 1 -, --, -º º 'ollº 'ºt - 11 be noted that -inchona bark and prº-tº nº in ºne nº lºs currºundt and quinine salts are no lºnger ºn ºn 1 - d tº rºll-on set for ºn ºn º-B. R. 537 issued February 1, 1-, - bººn withdrawn. These products may now be shipped under any ------ nº lic nº- -mºnition, X-2 -Cºrt-dººs and shells, -----a -nd unloaded , ...-2 *-nº-, in bulk, -2 ---. --- -º-o-º-º-, 2-2 -º-, -in-picture, as fºllows: -Unexposed. A-20 ------, -ut undeveloped -----a -d developed, A-20 or A-30 -º-º-ºns, all types, A-2 ºlour, -s fºllows: ----- ---, -s follows: -anufactured (except dental), and articles containine more than 45% ºf tin- ºld in value, x--9 ---, -s tº 1--- nº ºr ex-ºt sº ºn-at Jºlº, containing more than 45% of in ºld in v-u- ~~~~ -Individual licenses not required tº Canada and Newtoundland. Ship- it ºr cº-dities tº those dest-in-tºs may be tº dº under special - rt lº n C-º- ºr- shlºnts or ºn in ºne mºde for seed ºur- ---, -nºrs ºre cautioned to state that fact on the ship, ing papers. Vance C. --Cornicut. 3- C-i-m- --- -- - * ---- ----- -1. º, 1-1+...) - --- -- Tº-Dº T-ºn ºn-ton -- - -º) ºr-l * , -- --- - - - - -- In ºr ºn tº ºn-tº ºntº-Tºº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nº ºr Trº ºr nº- from ti - to tin-, since tº --------- ------ *- :- --- ºf t-ith certain co-tº- in it. *ich tº proºt a during the ºr by reason ºf tº blºcº In order that ºn business rublic ºy now have a cºlºt lºst - - -ntr-, -º- ºr T- ºrd announce tº it tº - a tº ºria (sº "...º.º. 470, is a January 3, Lºlº), ----- Lorrain (see ...º.º. ºº, i-º-a ºr a, lºne), Palest in and tº (- - - **C. ºn Jºnº º, lºlº), -ºn-tºi- (5- - - - -º-, --- February 3, ºne) seria and Rºunania (see ..."--- ºl. a ºbrº , tº 1-1 tº territory included in tº line sº --- in article 3 of the ºlitary clºse of the armiºtice Protocol of ºr -, 1-18 (s , i.e. º. 574, issued February 4, 1919) Fººl-d ( , , , , ºo, is a rebruary in, lens), cº-crº-sloº (º- - ---- ºr i-u º bºur lº, lºlº), Bul-ria, Tºrº -nº º - Pºrt (5- - - - toº, i-º-n ºrnarº is, 1919 and T. F. º. -- arch -, 1-1-), ºn Colonies (see "...º.º.º. toº tº ---ºr ºl, ºlº), tº occupied territory of Gorºn (5- - - - ---, -º- ºr--rº zº, lºº, Mariºtic ports, alºniº - ºr " - - (* - sº, sº a bºnary 28, leis), Luxºr (se . . --, -º- ºrch 17, 1-1 ), the territory ºacent to nº ºr " -- tº ºr tº P- -------- Al-i-, out-n-rº. -- - a cº-º no i ºr ºn and D-lººtie (see .T. º. º. º. ºº ºn ºn lºº, ºn n (se .m. º.º. ºº, issued april 1 is lº), April 1, 1919), and tº nºn-tº- -1. ----- (sº- ------ º). --- (*- - - 57-, |- . ºr º, l -). - C. --Corº---, --- - C-i-n- APR 19 1919 |-ot to be released before ºil 8, 1-1-. ) - an ºn-L- L-1-1. --- --- - --- ºlºl. Tº sºlº NL The ºr ºradº Board announce that they have been ad- ºlº thºt, by cºlºn of the military author - i.e.- of the as- ºci-tº-d Governººntº, the Rhine River has now been opened for traf- flº ºth sº tº land, and shipments from the United States may be -u to sº tºur land via that route. Vance C. cºormick, ºn-irºn-n. (W. T. B.R. 691) (Not to Be ReLeased seroRe APRIL 11, 1919) war TRADE BoARD *Hºº APR-95 1919 APRIL 11, 1919 EXPORTATIONS TO POLAND The War Trape Board announce, supplementing W. T. B.R. 675, issued April 1, 1919, in Regard to the Resumption of trape with Poland. that all salements made to Poland via Danzig should ee consigned to the order of the "Relief Acministration, Danzig". For the account of the actual Polish importer as susconsignee. Duel care shipping documents should ee Forwarded to the ReLieF Administration at Danzig. Upon the arrival of the shipment the Relief Administration will, as promptly as possieue. Forward the same to Poland, and will indorse over and Forward to the Polish consignee all shipping documents in its possession. M-533 Vance C. McCormick. Chairman. APR 25 1919 (nºt tº be released ºre ºil 12, 1919.) -R TRADE POARD Tashington ------ --- April lº, lºlº. ºCº L - Lºcº º, nº-º ºn cºmmºn I-TRºsiº ºſºlº Pºlº ºn II. Inc roctºrs ºn tº cotº-cºns or custº -- ºr "rºle ºrd nºunce the revision of regulations under which ship- -** ºf ºrt-in origin and lestin ition, the import-tion of which has been ºther- tº be export d - thºut an individual export license, when the tº in tº it through the territory or via any nort of the united * - This reºlation, erective ºril 12, hens, rescinas ºt, P.R. 61°, issued . . . . - (1) Sºcial Fºrt License Rac-12 has been issued through the customs service * ºriº tº export tion of shipments of all corrodities of certain critin tº iºn, as nºted be loº, when the sºme are conveyed oin transit through t-to- or -- ºrt of the United States. (º) ºntº originatin, in any foreign country and destined to Great - ºr ºr , tº lº Peliº, J-pºn, or Greece, or their colonies, possessions, -- " ------, ºntº ºri inatinº in Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, 3-pan, ºr -, -- tº ºr cºloni-, possessions, ºr protector-t-s, destinºd to nº ºr ºf the oria, Pºowººn, toº, that no sººn destined to Europe shall nº under this nºr-rººn unless such ship ent is consiºned to Gre t in rº, Italy, Belium, or Greece. (c) sººn nº from one point in Mexico to another point in lexico passing ºn tº ºt---s ºn rºute. (-) -------- ºniºnts arriving at the United States by r-il or vess-1 for ---- uniºr ºn tº ºn be consiºned to the ultimate consin-e at point or ---n ºr to ºn nt in the United st-tes ºr r sºi -nt, and it consiºned ºn tº ºilº - ºil or v. ss lºs in ni---- mºst bear tº ºne and consi -- at pºint ºf destinatiºn, and such rotºtiºns ll ------, ------ tº the carriºr ºtºs a nifest or copy of vess-l's - ºr -t- tº ºn Coll---- - -------- ) ºr -l of such in-tº-neit sººnts -t rort of entry the railroad tº l'º -t = -l ºr -- tº the coll cºor of ºustoms - copy ºf ºr - - - - - - - -- 75lº, ºr copy ºf the slin's ºnifest ºr ºf , ºr ºn sº ll be clearly noted the shinents icº ºr in - - - - - - (*) ºn ºrd address of the ultimate consigned, in accordance with (over) -- (*) The rotation "ºrial Fºrt tie ºne- ºr ºn. - - - - - - - (c) The nº ºf icense under ºn the shºt is tº be ºrted into the unit a sº - - - tº lºor- If the shipment is nºt *red by a special (tº lººt li-, -- l - --- - º - l import license is required. (4) ºf the shipment is by tº the collector or custºn. ºil, ºn -- - - - - - -ntry, allow the shipment to proced to port ºf exit accoºn led tº tº - - - -n-i-st. (5) The C * under Rºc-42, and forward the sºp's manifest, to tº llector of Custº- * * * of it will allow the ceae tº a cº- **** *-ºſ ºf ºr ºne, ºr the ºr --- ºr ºr "radº Boara, ----, - C. - ----- T- -- - tention ºf shinners is lºt --- ºn the United States as in-tº-nºit shinººnts tº nºt ºn tº for ------ - - **** * * consiºned to a ºn sººn etnºr ºn- tº- -- nº ºn tº n----- -----in-a in ºrºph (2), unless *hºrity for so do nº has been -------- the ºr Trade Bºra. --- called to the ſº- +. ----, ---- Thº ºttention of shiºn |- s is further called tº tº -- *-* ---- ºrt license and does not licers tº -------- - - - - ºr ºf nº in-tº-nºit ------- ºr * shirºnt in conflict ºn - Tradiº ºn tº --- For the inforºtion ºf shºers their nºt entiºn is dº issued ren lº, lºne, announ. --- This G re- In nºrt - - - *- . . . . - -. *** - ºf º-, 1-ºrt Li-º ºr - - - * cºnse coºrs ºne ºrt-t-on into tº unit a ---, - - ºf all nºn-orities which are ºr nº-dº to º ºn tº thrºugh the unit a sº- -- ºf tor-iºn ºuntry. "an-e ". -Corº-- ºn --- (Not to Be RELEaseo BeFore APRIL 14, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (M.T. B.R. 694) APRIL 14, 1919 The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed that the Prohibitions against importation into the British Leeward Islands have seen Removed, -ND THAT ALL COMMOD-T-Es MAY now EE MPORTED - NTO - such TERRITORY w THOUT ---Tº-º-º-o- Vance C. McCormick, M-534 Chairman. (not tº be released - tore ºil 14, 1919/ an ºn-Le Board WACHL Gºol. - ºf 24 ſº .T. B. R. --5 ºlº of TRºº. 11th Latvia and Llºuania Actinº cºncurrently with the cºmpetent authorities of the other Associated ºvernments, the War Trade Board announce that all persons in the United states at . thºrized, on and after April 14, 1919, subject to the rules and regulations of -- ºr Trade Board, to trade and communicate freely with persons residing in - tº-- -nd Lithuania. - In accordance with this authorization, applications will now be considered fºr cºnses to export or import all commodities to consignees or from consignors in L- and Lithu-nin. The procedure for the exportation of commodities to Latvia and Lithuania is . in ºil cases, as fºllows: 1- Exporters should apply for licensus to the Bureau of Exports, Washington, D. C. - or any Brºnch Office thereof, using Form x-A. - Cºmmodities contained in the "Free List” for the nºrthern neutral countric- see "T-E-R. 548, issued Larch 15, 1919) may be exported freely without the neces- sity of obtaining import certificates. 5. For the exportation of all other commodities the exporter in the United states befºre filing his application for export license, must receive advice from the prospective importer in Latvia ºr Lithuania that there has been issued by the illi-d Blockade Committee in London a certificate stating their approval ºf the prº- -- cº-º-ºnent. The number of this certificate snuuld be forwarded by the in- porter in Latvia or Lithuania to the merican exporter, who should specify such unbºr on the application for export license. - The details of all import certificates issued in London for snipments to tº nd Lithuania will be transmitted by the American representative on the -- Blockade Committee to the War Trade Board, Washington, D. C., ºnere the sam- will tº us d tº verify the applications that are presented for consideration. Impºrts from Latvia and Lithuania to the United States will be subject to the -- rulº's nº regulations which govern the importation of commodities from other --tº-1 cº-ntr-lºs in Europ- Vanoe C. LoCormick, Chairman- 370- (ºver- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Not to be released before ºr 14, 1918. -- - - - : . - - - - - - - "º TRATF Fºº Tashington - - - - - - - - - - - - ("..º.º.º. 596) April 14, lºlº. - - - - - - - - ºfºrsº Tºm Rºbºtºniºns - - The ºar Trade Boºra annºunce, for the information of exºrters in the United States, that they have been ºn thºt ºne ºr 1 ºr license mentioned in "...T.R. n. 621, issued ºn tº lºº, ºriº tº importation into Gre ºt Britain of dyestuºſº -- ºn- --- ºr º ---, or Swiss origin, has ºn rºoked as of date of ºil 14, lº- - - - All consignments en route from the place of ºrigin tº ºr * * * * ºn thrºugh ºniº ºf lading, tº an ºr ºf sº, ºn admitted into Great Britain without special -itº, tº ºn all ºr cases it will be necessary for Britiºn put ºne-º- ºr tº ºne dyestuffs abroad, to obtain a permit for ºucº º- frºm tº º Licensing Sub-Committee, whose ºress is Dº alºe ºilº, bºrº -------, Manchester, ºne land. - - - - -- - - - - - - "ance C. McCormick, - (3709) a - Chairman- (Not to Be Released seroRe APRIL 14, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON - (W.T.B.R. 697) ** 14, 1919 & . - % Further modification of the Bunken Rules and Regulations are - | announced by the was Teace Board, eeeective at once. The enactice “º º of issuing Bunker Licenses. For each voyage to vessels of the follow ºf ing classes Has seen piscontinued: (1) ALL vessels fºund tº Funds of countries associated with the United States in the war; (2) ALL - - - - - - ſº º - - MODIFICATION OF BUNKER REGULATIONS vessels owned sº the United States Saleeing Board Emergency Fleet Corporation; (3) ALL vessels under the American Flag watch are en XCO. cased exclusively in the transportation or mineral oil. Hence-or-tº- | ime Bunker Licenses will be issued to all such vessels, val-up until Revoked, and will authorize wor-o-wide trading, excepting to Germany and Soviet Russia. From the Foregoing it will be observed that a ma TER AL DEPARTURE HAS BEEN MADE FROM THE OLD PR-C-E-R- - - - - - ---- A TR-1 P - CEN-E FOR ---- ------ WA - RE-------, -- A ------- F-- - ------ Fied PER iod of time for Limited trading Limits was issued. Fox run- ther information regarding the ºil-ing or applications for Time Bunken Licenses, those interested should confer with Agents of the Bureau of Transportation of the War Trade Board on Collectors of Cusrows at Ports where thers are no such Agents. - Vance C. McCormick. Cualauan. M-535 (Over) May 13, 1919 (not to a rºle is a for abºut 14, 1919 ) "AP Tºº Rººn "ashin-tºn ---. Fºº April 14, 1918. ºr sºlº ºr ºn ITF Latvia ºn IITFººl". Actinº concurrently with the competent authorities of the other Associated -rmºntº, the ºr Trade Board announce that all persons in the Unit a states ºrº, on and after April 14, 1813, subject to the rules and regulations ºr the ºr Trº Board, to trade and communicate freely with persons residine in - - - -na Lit-nia. In accordance with this authorization, applications will now be considerº ºr licºn- to export or imºort all commodities to consienees or from consºrs n -t- and Lithuani. The procedure for the exportation of composities to Latvia and Lithuania is, ºn 11 ca--, as follows: - 1. ºorters should apply for licenses to the Bureau of Exºcrts, "ashington, D. C., or nº Franch office ther-of, usine. Form X-A. 2. commonities contained in the ºree List tº for the Northern Neutral ºuntries (sº ºn, R. R. 548, issued March 15, 1913) may be exported freely without tº nº--sity of ºbt-inine innort certificates. -. For the ex-ortation of all other commodities the exporter in the United st t-s, before filing his application for export license, mºst receive advice rºº the pro-rective importer in Latvia or Lithuania that there has been issued by the all-a Blockade comeittee in Lºndon a cºrtificatº stating their amºroval ºf - proposed ºn signment. The number of this certificatº should be forwarded by importer in Latvia or Lithuania to the American exporter, who should specify ºutbºr on the application for export license. - "nº details of all in nort certificates issued in London for shipments lºvia and Lithuania will be transmitted by the American representative on the - Floºd Committee to the ºar Trade Board, "ashington, D. C., where the will be used to verify the applications that are presented for consideration- ºn-rts from Latvia and Lithuania to the United States will be subject to -- rules nº regulations which govern the importation of con-cºities from ºutral cºuntri - in Europ- Vancº C. McCormick, Cn-in-n. (over) (nºt tº n -------- * *--- ºn tº 1-, 1-1- --> -ºº ºn "-shinº-ton (*, *, * - º ºn-l --. ---. ERITISE INºt Fººl"Iº The "ar ºr-- to ra announce, for the information ºf * -- the United stº, tºt they have been inter-that tº º- º license mentioned in .º.º.º. ºol, issued ºn tº lºº. ****** - importation into crºt Frit-in of dyestufts ºf ºn tº º - -, or sºise origin, has been revoked as of date of ºil - 1-1 . on through bills of lºaing, issued on or h-fore Arril 9, ---, -1 tº aar attea into creat Britain withºut special lic n-, but ºn tº cases it will be necessºry for British purcu ---, prior tº -º-º: ave stuffs broº, to ºbtain a permit for ºn tº Frºm º 'º' Licensing sub-cºmmittee, whose ºress is ºnle Fºº º Manch-stºr, ºn land. All consien-nºs en rºute from the place of ori in tº º variº C. McCormic-, - ( ºCº. ) -------- - - - - - - - - - º (Not to Be Released eeeone APRIL 15, 1919) war: TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (M. T. B.R. 698) APRIL 15, 1919 BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The War Trape Board announce for the information of exporters the United States, that they have been informed that general im- port Licenses have been issued permitting the importation into Great Bº rain, witHour no-vidual Licenses, or THE Fou-owing co-ºwoo Ties: Learºº scº, Nc-up No uºr LEATHER - Ects and sol E. LEATHER, NAMELY - T - FT-- Coun-TER --v NG- AND CUT TOP- -EATHER - F ---ET --D ----, ---------- Co-º-º-º: OR-S AND -w---NGs. AND RE-Du-> CON- ------ ~~-- DY-D. Co-OR-D - AND -R-NTED COTTON GOODS ORANGE's. The general License aerºto-one issued permitting the importation of ant works into Gaeat Britain has been REVOKED - AND IND-1 v Dual- M- ---T L------- - - - - - ------- FOR. --- ------ T ---. In making the above announcement the War Trade Board wish to --- -------N TO THE - THAT THEY AR- NOT - N - P.O- T-1 on To sº-Ax -T-C- T --- ON ------- --ORT RE-TR-CT-on-, -u T ARE MERELY TRANs- Mitrºng rººt as ove. Nºor-at-on row tº conventence or Those on the WAR Trade Board's mail ling List Nouries with Regard to Foreign import regulations should be appressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commence. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., as that Bureau Endeavors to keen posted on the import Regulations of Foreign Govern- ---T- Vance C. McCormick, M-536 CHAIRMAN. (Not to as RELEasto BeFore APRIL 18, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 699) APRIL 18, 1919 REAPPLICATIONS FOR EXPORT AND IMPORT LICENSES - The War Trade Board announce that the many relaxations which ave been made in tºne export and import regulations of the Board since the Armistice, and the recent changes and reductions in the Enemy Trading List, have made it possiele that applications For ex- --R-T -- --ORT -------- - Now -- ~~-----RED FAvo-E-- whº cº- 1 N THE -ast it has been necessary to REFuse. APPL cants, the REFoRE, WHO HAVE HERE-TOFORE -------- REF---- NOT CE- or Ex-ORT OR IMPORT -------, --> w- -R- - - --- Rov- - - --N- --PMENTS. MaY RE- -----, -ND THE - R ------------ w L-L BE - VEN PROM-T con-DERATION. Vance C. McCormick, M-537 Chairman. May l b tº (Not to be released Before APRIL 19, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD ASHINGTON (- T.B.R. 701) APRIL 19, 1919 FURTHER RELAXATIONS IN EXPORT REGULATIONS FOR SHIPMENTS TO HOLLAND AND DENMARK The War Trade Board announce that further relaxations have seen --- W - TH RE------- TO THE Ex-ORTAT-1 on OF THE COMMOD 1 T --> MENT 1 on-D Below to Ho and and Denmark. Applications for export Licenses will now be considered by the War Trade Board for the shipment of these --------- TO THE ----Tº-E- MENT ONED 1 = -COMPAN E- BY THE PR-FER ------ (----------- ~~-L-- HOLLAND. Burre- Calves' stomachs and Renner Cheese Calcony Clucose Jaws and marmal ape Meats of all kinds and poultry Milk, compensed and Powdered Seeds, vegetable Seccotine and similar preparations, such as rasant glue Salces Vegetables DENMARK- Calcony Mears of all kinds Vegetau is Vance C. McCormick. -538 Chairman. lºt tº be rele--ed we fore ºn 1. 21, 1-19. ) -n -- ~~~~ --L--. -- 7"-- April 21, 1919- - - - - - - - - - -- º ºr ºliº Cººl ºn Gs - The ºttention of the ºr Trade Board having been cºlled to a st tºnt ºppº ring in the "-eekly dulletin" of the Anerican ºlanu- -turer Export -------tion of ºrca cº, 1919, to the effect that "ºl tº certain r-corº's nich have been secured by the Bureau of War ºr dº int-liººnoº (ºf the ºr Trade Board as the nucleus for the -viºle. It is propºd tº build up a new and distinct bureau ºf the G -t ºn- solº duty it will be tº furnish American exporters ºth ºr it rºutinº ºn frº in foreign countries ºn purch-se ºrican --" tº y hºvº -th rived the following statement: --- r ºr--- ºr n-ve no kno-lºdge of the establishment of bºrºu ºf the ºn rºctºr ºvu described, nor have they ever cºn- --- d - ºr p -1 tº nº available for such purpºse the records of ºn Bºrºu º ºr ºr de Intelliºnce." ----- C - lºcCºrmick, Cºn--- Mº º 1919 General license, effective lay 1, 1919, has been issued all-in the trº- importation of cottºn warns and Erºy ºud bleached cloth, other tº n cotton -u- ºne general license heretofore issue for the inportation of orº-- nº been suspended. ºn mºking the above announcement the war ºr at Loara wish to ea. ---------- to the fact that they are not in - position to speak ºutnor it-tively on for ºn ** restrictions, but are merely transmittiº ºne º ºr tº: ºnvenience of those on the lar Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with re- ** tº foreign import regulations lould be addres a tº the ºr ºr . . . and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, ºn in-ton, D. C., º that ºur- *** tº keep posted on the import regulations or for in ºr tº: ºrce C. cºormick. - --------. 37 ---- Mº a gig - as a before ºr 22, 1918) * -- ºn D --1-GTON - - - º - April 22, 1919. * D - T5 Tº "º L1. Tº "nº ºn "-- *-r- ---. fºr ct- ºr 1 --, . 1- the follow- ºlº, ºn tº nº ºu nº ot, tº is ºr List ("...T.B. R. 548, Lillanºl, Switzerland, -- ºr , º, º lºn, cº-an in lº ºur , ºn tº ºccupied ºnline Tºrr ºry Additions Initºtion I-ther Goods, T- * - -. --- Plºt -, C-------- --- -- |-tºur s tº r-i. - - ------- - Tº it "ºncº o-ºº of nºn-r, ivorº, nother-of-nearl," etc., has * r * tº r , "ºn code of pººr ivory, other-of-pearl, - - - - - - - - - - -, -rol ºr oth ºr ston-, nºn-r-machº, - ºn lººd ---, 1-tº-, -ºlºnitº, bonitº and vulcanitº, - - - - - - - - ---, * " -- or all - in-s, " - nº be ºn end d to r-i. 11 - and parts (--- ºtile ºil tº and ºnlinery of coºr or bras -), includin tractors fºr a ricultur- - - tº "salt, except ºr Nor-y, " has been -nied to read "salt." "ºil - ºn rations (--in soºn)" - as been ºnd a to * - ºr --- and r quisites (-xcludin- scº. - "anº C. --Cormick. Chairuan. - nºt to be released before --RIL 22, 1919. ºn TR-DE 30-ºd wº-ºil-Gºon. -----R. 70- -pril 23, 1919. "Fºº Lisº" FOR Sº ITZººlººl, The attention of exporters is called to the fact that shipments to Switzerland of commodities on the "Free List” (see .T. B.R. 548, issued March 15, 1919) should be consigned not to the S. S. S. - but to the actual purchaser in Switzerland. Applications for export licenses for such commodities should show the actual purchaser as the proposed consignee. Vance C. lºcCormick, Chairman. |-7-7) APR-28 gig (Not to as Released seroRe APRIL 23, 1919, war TRADE Board ASHINGTON (W. T.B.R. 707) - Aºn 23, 1919 SHIPMENT OF FOODSIUFFS IO GERMANY The War Trade Board announce that, at the request-or-tº-Food Section of the Supreme Economic Council and in accordance with tº provisions OF THE *** * use. is and 14, 1919, setween the R-PRESENT-T vº- or THE Associated cººrs -- T-- R------------- of the GERMAN Government (known as the "Brussels Agreement"), whereby GERMANY MAY MPort certain specified ouantitles of Foodstures, sº Ments of Foodstuffs Frºm the United States to Germany will ee ºn mitten under License of the War Trade Board within the Limit ºne- -CR --- -Y THAT A-R-E-MENT . Execures. should file their applications with time Bureau of Ex Ports, War Trade Board, Washington, D. C. No other roºm-º anº- PR-------D FOR THESE SH 1 PM-N-T- This announcement does not apply to snipments or food-runº into that Portion of THE RHINE Provinces of Germany occupieſ, sº tº Avenucan and ALL led Armies, ALL shipments into those provinces sº tº -- subject in au respects to the procedure set out in War Trade sº Ruling 630, issued on March 6, 1919. wance C. McCoºlcº. M-540 Cº. ºn. Iºt to be released before APRIL 24, 1919. van ºn-LE Boºl. --~11-º'- -º-º-º. 708 April 24, 1919. The War Trade Board announce, for the tinformation of ex- porters in the United States, that they have been informed that the Dºrees of August 5, 1914, and arch 15, 1919, which prohibited the temporary importation into France of raw sugar of foreign ºrigin, have been abrºgated. As a consequence of this abrºgation, raw sugar for refining and for the manufacture ºf chocolate, confect-enery, preserves. biscuits, dry cakes canned fruits, liqueurs, and all products for human consumptiºn can now be temporarily imported into France ºr reexportation under a special guaranty that the gºods will be reexpºrted. In making the above announcement the War Trade Board -wish tº call attention to the fact that they are not in a pºsition tº speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are nºr-ly transmitting the above informatiºn for the convenience ºf those ºn the War Trade Board's mailine list. Inquiries with recºrd tº foreign import regulatiºns shºuld be addressed to the Bureau ºf Foreign & Domestic commerce. Department ºf Commerce. ºn inston, D. c. , as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed ºn the import regulatiºns of fºreign Governments. ºn- C - cº-ºrmick- Cºnair- [373- to be released before Apºll 25, 1918) ºn "nanº ºn "ASHINGTON ("..º.º.º. 709) April 25, 1919. BºITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The ºar Trade Board announce, for the infºrmation of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed that the Controller of In ort nºt-ictions of Great Britain has issued notice that British in- port licenses will be issued admitting into Great Britain automobiles up tº 50 per cent of the number (or shipping measurements) of the quantity imported up to September 1, 1913. Each importer must apply for an individual import license and submit a sworn statement as to his imports during 1913. Under this ruling the term "automobile" covers motor vehicles of all ºniº, including cycles and accessories. In m-king the above announcement the war Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmittine the above information for the convenience of those on the war Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, "ashington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keen informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. MAY 15 gig (Not to se Released seroRe APRIL 25, 1919. WAR TRADE BOARD ASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 710) - APR - 25, 1919 RALION LIMITATIONS an expºrts TO NORIEERN NEURALs suspended The WAR TRape Board announce tºat, pursuant to the action on tº Associated Governments. ALL quantitative Lºw rations Heretorone tº Posed on ExPorts From THE Associated countries to Ho-Land No- Sweden, and Denmark Have seen suspended, exceet with Reseect to en- shed Munitions of war. Accordingly, applications for censes to Exºcºſ A- cowoo Ties, exceet F in sººn Munrºons of war, to rue countries above Mºnt onto will now ee considened by the Man Taane Board w THOUT L-M-TAT LON as To QUANT TY -- ~~~~------, -, --- ------ * ATF MPort cert Fºcate NUMBERs: AND ALL such Licenses ºn issued will be valup until revoked. The importing associations and the other coºperent autuosities in the above west losed countries Have seen non-led or tº rosecond Act on, and THEY wºul-, THEREFor E. Now issue lºoºr cent tº cates wºr- ouT REFERENCE. To THE Quant TAT ve. Lºw Tattons wºulcº Have -------on- ExistEd and which Have now aeºn suspended Refeº Ng to W. T. B.R. 649, issued March 15, 1919, ºn B. R. 672, issued April 1, 1919, au commoories, exceet ensued ºn tons of war. Have BEEN Trans-ERRED From the "Rationed List" to rºº Nº. Rationed List" and May, therefore, now se exported to Sweden and Norway ºn Accordance with the erocedure are casue to the execºration of "Non Rationed Commoottes", which is descreed in said nºt bºr. 649 and W. T. B.R. 672, Respectively. Vancº C. McCorwick. M-541 Caataan. (Over) |MAY 13 1010 (nºt tº be released before nº II, 2-, 1-1- * T -nº Cº. In --tºn 5T ICTL Cººl L ºl. lºt ( - ". . . 711) April 2, 1919. Llsº Actin concurrently with the coºpetent ºuthorities of the Associated ºn ºntº, tº r ºr a card announce that, on April 29, 1919, all ºn- ºr-in. Liºts ºr to fore issued or co-piled by the ºar T-de no-ri ill tº it hºur-ºn. Cº. and after ºn-il 29, 1919, all lis bilities herºto- ºr attºchºn to trea una cºmic tien with persons included in such Lists shºul cºse tº operate and all persons in the United States will * -ºrizº, subject to the other rules and re-ulations of the "ºr ºr a ºn nº except -- ºre in-fter provided, to trade and co-unicate -n all ºr ºne outside ºf the Unit a st-tº-s with whº trade and ºn unicatiºn is prºhibited by the ºr dinº with the Enemy Act. The ºr oil action does not clify or affect in any respect tº present restrictiºns inst trade and con-unication between the United St tº and Ger ºr ºn ary, nor does this actiºn authorize ºr nº ºth rºot to any property which heretofore, pursuant to the ºr-lºng ºf the Trºlin with the ºn Act as an ended, has been --nºrted tº the Aliºn ºroper tº custodiºn or should have been so reported tº ni-, ºr ºn propºrt ºich heretofore, pursuant to the provisions of - Act - tº Ali ºn roºt Custodian nº seized ºr has re uired to - cº-, transferred, assi nei, delivered or paid over to hiº- " * -t-il Gover-nºs, in tº in the fºr rinº action. - *-ar-ºl tº r + nº tº re-issue tº ºne Trººdinº List and to -- ºn liºlities nºr-in-above entioned, should such actiºn ------ "ºnce C. McCormick, Cn i- --- The commodities named above comprise the present list of controlled gºodities and are excluded from the provisions of this general import license. All outstanding general import licenses are superseded by this nºw Eeneral import license except ºr no. º, PEF No. 19, ºr No. 33, and Fºº No. 35. General Import License ºn No. 2 (nureau ºr rººts Raiºn, No. 446, "*" ºr No. 555, issued January 28, leio, covere importations of all commodities int- Alaska, the Canal Zone, Philippine Islands, Gººn, Hawaii. Tutuila, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, ºn for consumption in tº countries, or for transhipment to destinations ºther than the United Stat- General import License tº No. 19 (ºureau of Tºrts Ruling No. 379, "...". P. R. No. 417, issued recºmber 19, 1818) covers the importation intº the United States of Wheat and wheat Floºr when such meat and ºn at Flour is consigned to the United states Food administration drain corporation. General Import License Pº No. 33 (Bureau of Imports Ruling No. 47. - T.B. R. No. 629, issued March l, lºlº) covers the importation into the United States of Sugar from cuba when consigned to the United states Suºr Equalization Board. - General Impºrt License Pº No. 35 (Bureau of Imports Rulin No. 481, "...T.B. F. No. 645, issued March 12, 1913) covers the importation intº the ºnited States in bond of all coºlities which are propºsed to be ºniº in transit through the United states to any foreign country, provided that the rules and regulations concerning exportations are observed and provid- further, that the regulations or customs authºrities concerning entries - bonds are complied with, Individual import licenses covering the importation of the coºlities enºmerated above as being excluded from the terms of this Leneral ºr license (PBF No. 37), if issued at all, will be issued under the rules and retulations ºf the War Trade Board now in force or which nº be pro-te- thereafter. It is to be expressly noted that all shipments of coºditiºn ºniºn are covered by this new general license tº be entered under autºcrit - such license if such shipments arrive in the United states ºn ºr after April 29, 1919. Vance C. McCormicº, Imp. 497, Chairman. (M-439) (3762-2) --- ------ --1- - - - - MAY I º 1010 -- Tº-Dº nº-ºn - - --in-tºn ºf Ilº LTC-- tº ºn. -7 - -- nº tº at a nº rºal import license tº be - - - - - - - -, ºr nº ºn issued effective ºil 1 - tº ºr tº intº tº ºut a states from all countries tº ºld ºn ºrº-nº (-lºng tº ºne Prºvinces), ºr , ºn tº a tº ºf º-i- under Bolº -i- control, of all cºoliti- -- tº n -- nu------- - - - - - - - 1. Tº fºllowin food stºre: -- - - -. -- - - - - - -- ºllº in coºliti-s, the ºr ºtion of which continºs to - - - - - - - - ºxintº a rºnts: - 'i tin, tin -r-, tin concentrates and all metal alloys -------- tin, in-1 in tin ------, tin oxides, soldier ---, tº tale, ºn-ºiction tºtals, ºst-metals - - - - - -t. ining --- b. it tº ºr sºda and nitrate ºf nºt ºn - nº ºr -r-, except that mined in Canada. * * *-n, nº sºlºr ºn, arºphenºmine, and all substitutes tº re-ºr - --------- ---. - it be in --- ºr nºn-fºur-d in irr-i- - - -- nº lºcation of ºurn cº-it- - - in ºn-lit tº cºnt-l ºr ºn- ºrt tº nº --- is --- - - - -n + º- - - - - --------------in co-it-in-l-m- - in is ºr ºlt tº nºrtºn, ºnlºº tº - a ºr ºr nº , Ital , ººlºi- or - tº ºr ºl---, -------> -- ºr---ºr-, in ºniºn - - - - - - - iº tº ºn r this -l ºrt - - - - - -, -i- d -----, --d- ind ---. -- - --- --- (over) --- (5) all shipments made unae. Special Fºort Licens nº sº must be - by mail and are subject to the regulations of the Post office in partment. Special attention is called to the fact that there is no parcel roºt service at ºr ºnt between the United states and certain of the countries ºntiºned in para rºn (1). (4) The attention ºf shinners is directed to the ract that nº-º does not * * * shipments to ºber ºf the ºn tº sº Ariº, United Stat-e Nº. United States Marine Corps, or or anizations arrini at a thºrºith, but that all such shipments must be rºad under Special Export License Rac-13 and in complian- ºth Post office Department. (5) Persons desirin, to export by mail any commodity which may not be export- ed under RAC-52 or any commodity to a country not covered by Rº-52 must apply to the ºr Trade Board for an *ividual export license. Applications should be filed on Form X-A, copies of which are obtainable from the war Trade Board in a shin-ton ºr any of its branch offices. "ance C. McCormick, Chairman. tº be released ºre ºil cº, 1918) ºn Tº-Dº ºn MAY | 5 1919 --in-ton ( , º, .. 715) Arril 29, 1919. ºlº ºf ºil, UNDER SPººl L ºr T LICENSF Rºc-tº- - - - - - - - - * ºr Trade Foºd announce the revision of special export license Rº-ºº: --in cºrt in ºntº tº fºreiºn countries ºf wººl. º.º.º.º. 618, issued -- *, lºº, is herº rescinded, and in place thereof the followine becomes -------- - Special Fºrt License Rºc-sº has been issued to the Post Office -------nº to pºrºit nº local postmaster to accept without individual export -------- (*) all shipºnts ºf commodities not on the Export conservation List; (5) Sniºnts or co-calities on the Export conservation List where the --- ºf no ºr cºodity exceeds $200, --- ------- ºn country in the Western Hemisphere or Africa. - country in Asia (including Mesopotamia, Palestine and Syria) ºx-ºt Arabia and Turkey in a sia. ºne follo in countries in Furope; Great Britain, France, Italº, Heliº, ºr -ce, Spain and Portugal, their colonies, rossessiºns ºn prºtectorates, also Icelanº (except for cereals) and the - I -nd- (c) ºniºnts without limit of value to canada and Newfoundland of certain --- ºn the ºrt Conservation List as noted in the list; in addition to -- a- -t lined in (n) and (R) above. (-) In ºn shipments ºncer this special license (Rºc-52) it is not ºn tº nº an application for license nºr to present a license ºf any tº tº roºt-ter, it tº shipment is ºf a commodity which tº be shipped - - -in a tº , (-), and (c) of nºr-raºh (l) abºve, and if the shººt ** - - - - - - in ºn country nºd in ºr ºn (l), the packa-e, in - - ºne ºr ºrane Bºard is concerned need ºnly be delivered to the post- tº ºn toll-in facts nºted upon the wrap-r-, 1. "Shipped under Export License Rºc-tº-" - - - - -------. -- ºne and ----- of snººr. - - - - ------ of cº------- (ºre a packa bears a customs tº or an invºice describinº the cºntents, the list ºf cºntents need not be written upon the manner ºf the packata.) –2- (5) THE Collector of Customs at Port of exit will allow the goods to se exported under RAC-42, and Forward the extra copy of Form 75.12, on Form 7525, or the extra copy of the ship's manifest, to the War Traps Board, Washington, D. C. The attention of shippers is cau-ed to the Fact that goods at wºn Entry into the United States as in-transit shipments may not be overted For Dove-stic consumº T- on, OR REcon-LGNED TO A count-Y OF DE-T-NATON OTHER THAN THE ONE NAMED ON THE ENTRY DOCUMENT - --------- - --------- (2), unless authority For so poung Has BEEN obtained from the War Trap- Board. For the information of shippers their attention is drawn to W. T. B.R. 643, issued March 14, 1919, announcing the issuance of General lºw- Port License. PBF No. 35. This general import License covers tº impore- ration into the United States, under such Bond as may be prescreen ey the United States Customs Service, of all commodities which are proposed to ee shipped through the United States to any foreign country. Vance C. McCorwick. M-542B Chairman. (Over) MAY 1 tº gº Not to be released aerose APRIL 29, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD ASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 714) APRIL 29, 1919 SPECIAL ExPORT LCENSE NO, RAC 42 FOR CERTAIN IN TRANS T SHIPMENTS AND PROCEDURE FOR FLING DOCUMENTS WITH COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS Tue Man Trade Board announce the revision of regulations under ---- --------- Orº CERT-N OR 1 - N --- DEGT-N-T LON - THE IM-ORTAT ON OF -- - --- OT-E-W-SE - CENGED. MAY BE EXPORTED w THOUT AN IND v Dual- --- C----, wº THE SAME ARE CONVEYED IN TRANs T THROUGH THE TERR- ro- ºr - any Poºr or rºle United States. This Regular on, EFFEcrive Apºll 29, 1919, Rescunos W. T. B.R. 693, issued APRIL 12, 1919. Special Export License RAC-42 Has Been issued THRough THE Customs Service and authorizes the exportation of shipments of all com ------ - - - - - --------> -- TR-- T ------- THE TERR- TORY OR v A. A -- or rºle United States wºn on is nating in any Foreign country and Les Lºu to any country of the world: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT No ship Ment best into to Europe shall Be authorized under tº is License unless such salement is consigned to Creat Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, or Portugal or the ºr possessions in Europe. (2 ºn transit salements arriving at the United States ex Rail - we see tºok reexport under RAC-42 may ee consigned to the ultimate best-nation on to an agent in the United States For Resniement, and if cons ºned to an agent, the railroad wavelu or vessel's manifest must --------- THE U------ DE-T-NAT-ON AND suc- NOTA-T-I-ON's sº-ALL BE TRAN- scº-eed tºo to the carrier's customs manifest or copy of vessel's manºeist presented to the Collector of Customs. º Ueon area was or such in transit snºwents at sort of entry the ºal woºd agent on the vessel 's agent snau present to the Collector of Customs a copy or rºle Carner's Cusrows Manifest, Form 75.12, or a coey on tº ºne s manºest on portion thereof, upon which snau ee clearly wo- ºne salements which are in transit. This copy shall sear- *) The ultivate best nation, in accordance with Paragraph (2) ----- (B) True notation Sºcial Export License RAC-42". 4) tº the sºlºent is ex Rail tº Collector of Cusrows will. -- - - - - - - - - ---ENT TO =Roc-ED TO P-ORT or Ex-T Acco- ºaned ºn the carrier's manifest. -5-2A The commodities named above comprise the present list of controlled commodities and are excluded from the provisions of this eneral import license. All outstanding general import licenses are superseded by this nº general import license except Prº iſo. 2, PBF No. 19, ºr No. 33, and Fºº No - 35 - General Import License ºn No. 2 (Pureau of Imports ºnline No. 445, "...T. R. R. No. 556, issued January 28, lºº, covers importations of all commodities into al-sºa, the canal zone, Philippine Islands, ºr ºil. Tutuila, Porto Rico, and the virgin Islands, ºn for consumption in ºn- countries, or for transhipment to destinations other then the United Sºº- General import License tº No. 19 (ºureau of Tºrtº Rulinº No. 379, "...T.R.R. No. 417, issued necember 19, nºis) corers the importation intº the United states of wheat and wheat Flour when such ºne at and "heat Flour is consigned to the United states Food administration Grain Corporation. General Import License Par No. 33 (Bureau of Imports ºnline No. 47- - T.B. R. No. 629, issued March 1, 1919) covers the importation intº --- United States of sugar from Cuba when consigned to the United Stººs ºr Equalization Board. General Import License tº No. 35 (Bureau of Imports Rulin Nº. ---, "...T.R.R. No. 643, issued March 12, leis) covers the importation intº the United states in bona of all corºanties which are propºsed to be ºniº in transit through the United states to any foreiºn country, provided that the rules and regulations concerning exportations are observed and provºº further, that the regulations of Customs authorities concerning entriº - bonds are complied with. Individual import licenses covering the importation ºf the --------- enumerated above as being excluded from the terms of this Leneral ºrt license (PBF No. 37), if issued at all, will be issued under the rules ºn- regulations ºf the ºar Trade Board now in force or which tº be pro-tº- thereafter. It is to be expressly noted that all shipments of commoditiº ºn are covered by this new general license tº be entered under ---------- such license if such shipments arrive in the United States ºn or after April 29, 1919. vance C. McCormicº, Imp. 497, Chairmºn. (M-439) (3752-2) MAY 1 tº gº Not to be released aerose APRIL 29, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD ASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 714) APRIL 29, 1919 SPECIAL EXPORT | ICENSE NO, RAC 42 FOR CERTAIN IN TRANST SHIPMENTS AND PROCEDURE FOR FLING DOCUMENTS WITH COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS ºne ºn Trade Board announce the revision of regulations under ---- -------- or CERT-N OR --- AND DEST-N-T LON - THE IM-ORTAT-1 ON OF --- - - ---N OTHERWISE - CENSED, MAY BE EXPORTED w THOUT AN IND v Dual- ---, ------, --- T-- - - - - - -------- I - TRAN-T THROUGH THE TERR- toº ºn via any Poºr of the United States. This regular lon, effective Apºll 29, 1919, rescu Nos. W. T. B.R. 693, issued APRIL 12, 1919. Special Export License RAC-42 has seen issued through the Customs Service and authorizes the exportation of salements of all com ----- - - --- ~~~Y-Y-O N TRAN-1 T THROUGH THE TERR TORY OR v A. A -- or ºne United States wºen originating in any Foreign country ano Lºst ºn to any country of the world: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT No sºlº went best into to Europe shall be authorized under tº is License unless such salement is consigned to Creat Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece. Spain, on Portugal or their possessions in Europe. (2. ºn transit salements arriving at the United States ex Rail ºn vessel for reexport under RAC-42 may be consigned to the ultimate best-nation on to an agent in the United States For Resniement, and if consigned to an agent, the railroad wavelu or vessel's manifest must -------- T-E ------- DE-T-NAT 1 on AND suchı. No TAT-ons sº-ALL BE TRAN- ---eed tºo to the carrier's customs manifest or copy of vessel's manifest presented to the Collector of Customs. º Ueon arrival or such in transit snºments at sort of entry the Rail no an agent on the vessel 's agent shall present to the Collector of Cusrows a coex or tºe Carrier's Cusrows Manifest. Form 75.12, or a coey on tº ºne s manºeist or eosition thereof, upon which snau se clearly wo- tº salements which are in transit. This coºr shall sear- *) The ultivate best nation, in accordance with Paragraº (2) ----- (B) True notation Seecial Export License RAC-42". 4) - the salement is ex rail the Collector of Customs will. -- (- - - - - - - ---ENT TO = Roc-EU. To Poºr or Ex-T Acco- ---n ºn the carrier's man rest. -542A (Over) may is go lºt to be rºle---a before ºil 30, 1919. nº ºn LL LO ºn --~~1-To- --- 712. April 30, 1919. - ------. Tº ... -- ~79 - RE- 10, or ºn Dº ITH Gº-Tº Aus"RL. The ºr ºr de Bºard -nnounce tººt ºr Trade Board Ruling tºº, --d-pril 2, 1919, nºt been nºnded by the addition there to of ºn follºwing clºuse and proviso: "ºn for-in- ºtiºn does not authorize trade with rººt to my propºrty ºnion, prior to April 2, 1919, ºur ºut-nt to the provisions of the Irºding with the Enemy Act ºn-nº-d, nºs been reported to the alien Property Custº-iºn ºr thould hºw been so reported to him, or any prº-rºty ºnion, prior to April 2, 1919, pursuant tº the ºr-lons of ºld act, the liºn Property Custodian has sº lººd or nºs requir d to be conveyed, transferred, ºs- -º-d- tº liver-, or ºn in over to him." --nce C. LºcCormick. Cºn-irºn- - - easºn aeroke APRIL 29, 1919 WAR TRADE BOARD May 1, 1919 MASHINGTON - T.B. R. 715) A-R-L 29, 1919 SPECIAL Expº CENSE MC RAC 77 -0. SHIPMENTS OF NONCONSERVED COMMOD ES AL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD EXCEPT THOSE COUNTRIES ALREADY COWERED BY SPECIAL ExPORT LLCENSE RAC 63 AND EXCEPT ARABLA - URKEY - ASA AND CERTAIN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Tae º Tape Board announce rºar Seecial Export License RAC 77, whic- was ºn tº to tº Cusrows Service, Errective AP-L 7, 1919, W T B R 683, -as utiºn extended and -e issued to tae Customs Service to seconne erºective Aer 29, 1919. Special Export cense RAC 77 as now amended authorizes -- Ex-O------ - ------ or ºx-º-º- w THOUT No 1 v Dual- L-1 CEN-Es. To THE count-= ºne nee-ow wentioned or a cowoo ties whatsoever, exceet (a) co-wop tº included ºn tº Export Consºrwar on List and (s) macral NERY or -------- -------- (- - - ----------- or M-N-O-S and RAD-O or w RE-E-5 aer-anatus con-ºned to Mexico. A ºn country in the Western Hemi seriere (excluding the Possessions of Eno and and France to was cºa statements may now at made under Special Export License RAC 53 B any country in Africa (excluding the colonies, ºossessions and ero rectorates or Creat Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium, to which salements Max Now -- ºne under Seecial Export License RAC 53). C any country in Asia (excluning Japan and the colonies, possessions, and erotectorates of Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, and Japan, to wº-cº sºlºs Max Now at Mape under S-ecial Export License RAC 63) and ex cluding Turkey in Asia and anae a D. The rol-owing countries in Euro-e: Sean Portugal. The salement of any cowoo tº mentioned in the Exeorr Conservation List wºn best nº to the countries included within tee Provisions of RAC 77 will ------ - - - - - - --OR 1 ------, --------. On FOR whº cº- shoul--> -- MADE To tº Wan Tºº Bººn on any or tº erancº offices on Aeºlication Foº x A, to ------ w vº. -----------, -ORMS MAY BE RE-CR BED ON THAT L --- The attent on of exeosters is called to the Fact that inasmuch as the ºw son on Sºcial Exeont cense RAC 77 now include au countries which were on-º-º- overed tº Seec a Ex-oºr License. No RAC 54 runs arrer L. ----> w- - -oº on Aer 29, 1919 and salements ereviously made under RAC 5- - - - - -ane unpº RAC 77. -------, -, ----- to make salements under Seeic au Export cense RAC- 77 ºn tº ºn tº º sº ºpen s ex-oºr beclaration (Cusrows Cat 7525) -- to tº Co-º-o-o- or Customs at the poºr or exit toº noonse ---, -, --- - - - - ------- Ex-o- ºr --- to -- tº--sel ves - tº the twº-oºr Requirement -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - suº-º-º-º-L - T--- - - ---- -- we's on tº its or tº Bureau or Fore on and Lowest-c Co-ºrce or -e D- Co-ºnce was a noton, D. C. in oetaining information -------- " -- ~~- ----------- - ------- ---------. Vance C. McCorwick. M 543 Chairwan. - (Over) 1-12) "ashington (-, -º-º- 717) Maº 1, 1-1-. Bºl"Iº Ilº RT RESTRICTIONS Tº ºr Trade ºrd announce, for the information of exporters in the United 5tatº, that they have been informed of the following chances in tº impºrt rºstrictions of Great Britain: All restrictions upon the importation of the followin list of coºlities have been rºved, and the same may now be imported freely uniºr -r-l li-n- *-lt hooks for machin-ry and sewing machines. Bolt-, nuts, and wood screws. Chiºs an ºilstles, Cy--- ni--- Edison cºlle (and component parts) for electricity -o-led vehicles. Enamellº st-el tanks with lass linings. Hºddle steel, strip iron, hook strip, tube strip- and ground flat steel stock, Machine tools and parts. - Toºls, appliances, and parts, as follows: Abrasive wheels, Adjustable clamps, Anvils. ºr bits. Bºnch drills, Bºlº clippers. Boring nº ads, Cºlºrs, - Carpent ºr tools. Cha-rs. Crucº. Cooner toºls. Cuttin nipper- Dial ºs. D- and li stocks. Di- n-. Drillº. Drill ºr ----, Drill sleeves and socket- ºn-ry ºn-1 dressºrs. ºn-in-r-s" namers. ºr ºnline mandrºls. Expansion bits. Farriºr sº tools. Furniture and dow-tail bits. Gau class cutters. H----- b-e- (over) (-7-7-1) -º- Hana and brea-t drill- Hºni rinders. Hand screwin machines. id- hºnºrs. - Iron hºnºr hºads. Join-sº tools. Latº carriers. Lathe do-is- Lead humºrs. - -in- viº- Mason tools, Measuring ten-s and rules (except woºd-n --), and includinº ºrniers. Microm-tº-s. Lillinº cutters. ºiter blocks and scrapers for metal mitº" ---. Nail nullars. - Piº cutters. Pipe wises. Pipe wrenches. Pliers. Polishinº heads. Punches. Rºumºrs. saws, band, -ircular, crosscut, kitchºn, ºne º Screwin tackle (i.e., chºre, di-, * ------, taps, and thrºad millin ... }. Shipwrights' tools. slide rules of n-tals. sº the tools. nºn-ºr-º- Swagº shapers. Tailors' snººrs and trimers ºf inch- ºr tº in 1-tº- Tarpinº attachments. Taºs. Tan wrºnches. Tool holdiers. T--nºn strºnt-, Tube expanders. Upholsterers' hºrs- ºedit plows, deacon- "ood-borinº bits. "ood scrºpºrº. - Treaſilº lath-s of 3 inch cºnt-r- -nºl ºv- wire hocke (other than coat and nºt hooke). moea working machinery and parts thºreof. Rolled gold, sheet, wire, and chain. gola manufactures (except a welry and ºld minº). Liquid old. Gold leaf. Priciºus stones (unset), real and **** Mats and ºr a tin- Musical instrº º sº - º --- The nºrt-ºn of ºne following commodities 111 be, or remains -----, --- under ------1 license: --> --- - - -º-º-º-º-º: thereºf. -- rºl- tº ºut ºn of 1-nºr cº- + ----. lºtter to be admitted by license when necessºr, --- ru- ~~nºr ºn met-1, Cºles ºne- tº nºtor cycles. -or-tº-ble plºt form we ninº ºnlines. 11-e pins nº wire sº fety pins. ------ The ºt-on ºf the following ºn-diºles will be restricted ºr --- license-, as follows: Carpets of all descriptions to be admitted at rate of 25% of 1917 lººr-tº- Cotton duº is to be dmitted at rate of 25% of 1913 imports. old rºller steel strips to be admitted by license according to needs. Sºlid drººm ºld less tubing to be admitted only in very special ------------ Ball be rings, rºller bearings, ball ret-iners, ball-bearing bolts, and steel bºils to be allowed to be imported only under limited licenses. Pre-ent rººtiºn of ºld pen nibs to be continued. Ration of imitation jewelry of 25% of 1916 imports to be continued and extended to 11 countries, the permissible percentage of ºld content being increased to 4, by value. For pilºted ind ºil wºres, a ration of 25. of 1-15 imports tº be allowed frºm all -llied and neutral countries, the permissible percentage of ºld content being increased to 4% by value. The prºhibitiºn heretofore in effect against the importation of ranges ºd lines nºt been remºved, and such commodities may now be imported under ----- lic- In n- tº nºn-uncement, the ºr Trade Board wish to cºll attention tº fººt ºn tº they are nºt in a position to speak authoritatively on --- ºn in ºt. --- ions, but are merely trºnsmitting the above informa- for the cºnvenience f thºse ºn the ºr ºr de Board 's mailing list. -- tº rid tº fore ºn impºrt regulations ºn-uld be addressed tº ºne ºre u + º-º-º- and mestic Commerce. Department of Cºmmerce, sn- nºt n. D. C. , s ºn tº reºu endeavors tº keep informed ºn the import regula- -- ºr 1 - ºn Gºvernments. ºnce C. Locurºnicº. |-- Cºn-rºn-n. -- ºn ------ ºn tº a n ------, -------, --- ºn--- - - - - - ------ ºuis- a 5-illanº- - - ----------------- ºf- -- tº-- ~~~~ -------or -t- and nºt has nºw oeen suspend--- (not to be re-ºr- ºr 1, 1919) º Tºº ºn ºur ºn - - --- --- - - - - - In Lººs º ºs º ºr 1 ºn tº Dº ºn- ºr nº-ºo--a -- that pursuent to the action - -- - - -t-t-ons heretofore - tº---ies tº Switzerland ºe - - - - - - ----- - - - ex-pº ---n -------- ºr shed munitions of ºr- ---------, -ºlic---s for licenses to export all -- ºr ar, to switzerland will ºn ar. -- thout limitation as tº -------, - tº a ºf ºne inſort certificat- - ---, -ese a veil-nº-, all such licenses -a -- be wall-n-1 re-or-di. in Switzerland nº ºn ------in ac--, and ill- therefore, now issue tº ta-i- 1-i-tions -ºn vance C. McCormicº. Cº-º- º (Not to sº. RELEased seroRE MAY 2, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 719) May 2, 1919 IMPORIANI MODIFICATION OF BUNKER REGULATIONS As a further modification of the Bunker Rules and Regulations, the War Trade Board announce that the issuance of trip Bunker Licenses to vessels of all flags has seen discontinued and that Time Bunker Licenses are now being issued to all vessels Regardless of Flag, valid until revoked, authorizing such vessels to secure in the United States or its possessions sunker Fuel, Port, sea and ship's stores in appro- PRI a TE QUANT | T LEs, when EveR 5A D VEsse-S ARE ENGAGED OR ABOUT TO ENGAGE in trade to any Part of the world, exceet Germany and Soviet Russia, unless a Permit to trade with said countries is issued ex the War Trade Board or ex the Inter-ALL Ed Trade Committees at Copenhagen. The Hague, Christiania, or Stockholm or by the ALLIED Blockade Committee at London. The War Trade Board also announce that the Execution of Bunker Form B-4, which is an agreement Required by Sec. 5 of General Rules No. 1, and Bunker Forms B 5-A and/or B 5-c, which are agreements that vessels will return to the United States, Has seen discontinued. Fur- THERMORE, owne RS AND T-ME CHARTER-Rs or vess--> ARE NOT - F -ED THAT ALL OUT-TAN-NG COM TºeNT's AND GUARANT | Es PREVIOUSLY MADE EY v RTUE OF THE Ex-cut on of -A-D -GREEMENT's ARE HEREBY -ANCELED AND RELEASE-, AND --- ~WN-RS AND CHARTERERS ARE HEREBY REL-Evº- OF ANY AND ALL THE IR -B-C-AT I OMS TH-R-UN--R . Vance C. McCormick, M-544 Chairman, (Not to he released before way 3, 1918) |- ſº º, º 'º - ºn TR-DE BOARD A 3- Washington - (*.*.*.*, 7-0) - May 3, 1919. SPECIAL Fºoºº Licºrsº. For sºlº or crºra Iº coºopiniº's To TFF "Tºp Tºom, Fºº, Italy, nºrm, Jºº, on cºcº, THEIR - CoIONIES, Pºsºsºſºs ºn pronºcroRººs--Rºc-53. The ºar Trade Board announce that special ºpert Picense Rac-53 ("..".R.R. son, February 26, 1916) has been amended and reissued to the Cºtons service, effective ºril 23, 1813, authorizing the exportation * freight or express without individual ºxport license of -- (A) Ann shipments of corrodities ºot on the Export conservation List; (n) Shirments of commodities on the Export Conservation Jºist where the value of no one commodity exceeds ºcC, when destined to the unit a Kingdom, France, Italy, Belgium, Japan, or ****, their colonies, possessions, or protectorates. (c) Shiptunts to Canada and Newfoundland of certain corrodities on the Export Conservation List as noted in the list, in addition to shipments as outlined in (a) and (B) above. Shirrºrs should note that it is unnecessary to apply to the War Trºtte Board for permission to ship under Special Export License RAC-53, and no sºcial document issued by the ºar Trade Board is necessary in connection **n such shirments, shipments may be made under special Export License º-sº by presentation of shipper's export declaration (customs cat. 7525) in ºrwºlicate to the collector of customs at port of exit from the United States, To extort any corrodity on the Fºrcet conservation List of a value **cºding 20 (except those on the list for which individual license is ** **ired for Canada or N-foundlºrd), application for export license ºst be made on Form X-A and such supplemental information shººts ºsed *here with as the regulations of the ºr trade Roard may require in connection with shipments of certain commodities. - The attention of shippers is called to the fact that shipments of the ºracter outlined above being disretched by mail rºsst he exported * ºr Sºcial ºxport License Rac-52 (º.ſ.º.º. 715), Fºrorters shoºld be careful to rare the necessary freight arrangements before owing exports to seaboard and to acquaint themselves with the in ort requirements of the country of destinction, and it is sºlºsted that exnort-re ºil thºselves of the facilities of the Rºrº or Fºr iºn and non-stic ºr ree of the Dºrtºnt of co-ºrce, rashin-ton, D. C., in chtaining in- fºr a ºn r sº-c tº the in ort --- latiºns of ºr 3 in countries. -- - - - - ºv-ºn- - - - (Not to be released before May 3, 1918) -- -- - - -- WAR TººnF to Ann Washington ("...T.R.R. 721) - Mº 5, 1918. Revisiºn special rººt LIcºnsº for sºlºs, Nº. ººº-ºº: The ºr Trade Teard announce that "...t, R. R. 534, issued Jºmºry 25, 1919, and the special Export License No. Rac-55, described therein, hºe been withdrawn and that a revised special License under the same *r (FAC-55), effective April 23, 1919, has been issued. The revised special Export License No. Rºc-55 has been ºranted tº tn- Post office Department and to the Customs Service authorizing the exportation without individual export license of samples of any councility, advertising matter, including both printed matter and articles of small value, and el-trº- types, when such articles are intended for use in soliciting orders º are nºt in themselves intenaea for sale as articles of commerce, recºrdless of whether the same are shipped by mail (subject, however, to the Post- Regulations), by freight or express, in passengers' bassage or other” when destined to any country. Shinners should note that it is unnecessary to apply to the ºr Tri- Boºrd for permission to ship under special Export License tºo. Rºc-55, and no special document issued by the war Trade Board is necessarº in connection with such snipments. It is only necessary to note on the nacº if the shipment is ºne through the mails, or on the export declaration, if the shipment is made by express or freight, the following: (1) "shipped under special Fºort License No. Rºc-55" (2) The name and address of shipner. (3) The name and address of consignee, (4) A statement of contents. The attention of the shipping public is called to the fact that Special Export License Rac-55 is merciº an export license and not a license to **** with the enery. Therefore, it does not apply to shipments destined to Germany or Hungary, except that portion of the Rhine Provinces of Germany waich is included in the area of military occuration by the Arerican and Allied Armies, with which trade has beretofore been rººd, ºs announced in "...T.P.R. 530, issued March 6, 1919. special Licens - No, Rºc-55 does not relieve the shire of the responsºr bility of complying with the infort restrictions of the country of destinº- tion, and it is suggested that exporters avºil themselves ºf the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Doºstic Coºerce of the Departººn" of Con-ºrcs . Washington, D. C., in obtaining information respecting tº cºº regulations of for iºn countries. - * - C. Co- - F. * - ºt A. - - (not to be released before May 3, 1919) ºn TRADE BOARD Washington (º, T. B.R. 722) May 3, 1919. REVISION OF SPECIAL ExpoRT LICENSE RAC-53 The War Trade Board announce that special Export License RAC-53, issued on February 1, 1919, to the post office Department (".", F.R. 553), has been revised and reissued, the revision being effective Arril 28, 1915. on and after April 28, 1918, special Export License RAC-53 will Permit the exportation by rail, without individual export license, to all countries of written matter and printed matter. The attention of the shipping public is called to the fact that Special Export License RAC-53 is merely an export license and not a license to trade with the enemy. Therefore, it does not apply to ship- ments destined to Germany or Hungary, except that portion of the Rhine Provinces of Germany which is included in the area of military occupation by the American and Allied Armies, with which trade has heretofore been resumed, as announced in "...T.R.R. 630, issued March 6, 1919, The Special License RAC-53 has been issued to the Post office Department and authorizes any local postmaster to accept shipments of the character out lined above without the presentation of an individual license of any kind. When making shipments under Rac-53 it is not necessary to note that license number upon the wrapper of the package; but all persons are cautioned against attempting to export any articles under the authority of that license other than those enumerated above. Vance C. Mc Cormick, Chairman. (37-4) (over) MAY 1 0 1919 (Not to be released before May 3, 1919) TAR TRADE POARE Washington ("..º.B.R. 723) - May 3, 1919. FRENICH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United states, that they have been informed that the restrictions of the Decree of May 11, he is, which pronibited the importation into Frºce ºf certain actº it len, have been relaxed, so that they do not now anply to such cºal-les if they are irported for the purpose of reexºtº on after tº sºormation. Such commodities may now be in- ported ºut special license, but the manufacturer or reworking importer mºst ºrºe to reexpºrt the same within six months. The list of commodities referred to was rublished in Comºerce Reſorts of May 23, 1916, beiº No. 121, rage 1716, and information regarding the same may be obtained from the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Cormerce, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman- (3785) (Over) (lºt to be relºsed before lºy 5, 1919. ) WAR TRADE 30-ºd …SHI.GTON (7.T. B.R. 724) Lay 5, 1919. ITA.I., Illºon" REST?ICTION The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed by the Hith con- missioner for Italy of the following regulations overning the in- portation of cotton into Italy: "The importation of cotton into Italy is still subject to in- port licenses, which are granted to Italian spinners upon their ap- plication to the ºinistero Commercio Ufficio Cotoni, Rome, and in proportion with their stated requirements. "Italian spinners before applying for import license have to obtain permission to purchase, so that all cotton shipped to Italy must appear to have been sold before it is loaded. "Cotton may be sold c. i.f. Italy to Italian spinners, also throuºn ºuts. It is, however, important that no snipment of unsold cºtton be unde, and American shippers before sendinº cotton to Italy should be convinced that said cotton was actually sold to the Italiºn con- since, and that it is not join instead to be sold upon its ºrrival in Italy, in order to avoid delay and inconveniences which will de- rive from the application of the existin re-ul-tions in Italy." Wance C. -cCormick, Chairman. (3789) MAY 29 1010 (Not to Be Released Before MAY 7, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W.T.B.R. 728) May 7, 1919 REGULATIONS GOVERNING EXPORTATIONS TO CZECHO-SLOVAKA The Wan Trape Board announce that W. T. B. R. 642, issued March 12, 1919, has been amended so as to permit shipments from the United States to Czecho Slovakia to be made via the German ºort of Hameurs upon con but on that such salements are consigned directly to the American Re tº Administration at that Port for the account of a named consignee in Czecho-Slovakia. The Foregoing ruling does not. However, apply to shipments of F ------- Mun-T LONS OF WAR. Outstanding export Licenses which Reouare statement to se made via Tº Este, Fiume, or French or Italian Ports will not be vaLip For ship Ment via HaMeurs, eur, upon APPL cation to THE WAR TRADE Board, New Licenses will be promptly issued authorizing shipment via Hamburg in ---------- w TH THE FOREGO --G rul-NG. - - Vance C. McCormick, M-545 Chairman. (W.T.B.R. 729) May 7, 1919 TRADE WITH LATV A AND LITHUANIA THE WAR Trape Board announce that, owing to the unsettled cond tions in Latvia and Lithuania. Licenses for the export of cowool rºles TO THE GE DE-1 NATIONs will-- BE GRANTED ONLY in Exceptional cases. The Procedure For obtaining export Licenses, as outlined in W. T. B.R. 635, issued April 14, 1919, is still in effect. Exporters 5-0---, -w-v-R - suº-1 T w TH THE R Aerº-car -ons any NForwar on what cº- THEY MAY Have which would warrant special action ex the War Trape Board. Vance C. McCormick, M-546 CHAIRMAN. [...ot tº rul-sed before lºy 7, 1919. ) AR TR-TE Boº lastill-Ton. ( J. T. B.R. 727) ºy 7, 1919. FURTH REL-TIONS VITH REFERL,CE TO TRADE INH Luº-BURG all Tºº OCCUPIED TLRRITORY OF GER. L. Y. The War Trade Board announce that the r-ulatious governin- the export of commodities from the United States to Luxemburº and to that portion of the Rhine Provinces of Germany wºuich is in- cluded within the area of the military occupation by the American and Allied armies, and the importation of commoditius into the United States from that territory, -s snown in TER-939, issued ...arch 6, 1919, are amended as follows: It is no longer necessary for exporters to submit with their applications for licenses to export to the above-mention-d terri- tury the number of the import certificate issued by the Inter-allied Economic Comittee at Luxemburº. 1-pplications for export lic-uses should be filed with the ºur ºr de Loard on Furia a -. W-ince C. ...cCormick, Cn-irºn- (3.789) (º-r) to be released before lºy 3, 1812.) º Tº-Dº BC ºn Washington (*.*.* R. 725) Maº 8, lºlº. GºIFE. I. IºT LI Cºcº ºf Nº. 2 TDTD The ºr Trade Board announce that General import license PPF No. 2, as described in . T. P.R. 556, issued January 28, 1919, has been extended to permit tº infortation into Alaska, the Cºnal Zone, the Philippin- Islands, Gºn, Hawaii, Tutuila, Porto Ricº, or the virgin Islands of all corrodities and to further allºw transship, nºt into the continental United States of ill ºxcºt those controlled controalities nºr-in-ſter enu er tºd. 1. The following foodstuffs: (…) Sugar (b) wheat (c) "heat flour. 2. The following corrodities, the infort-tion of which continues to be controlled by reason of existina agreements: (R) Pia tin, tin cre, tin concentrates, and -ll all ºtal alloys containing tin, including tin drosses, tin oxides, soldier drossºs, type metals, antifriction tºtals, waste retals, and other metals containine tin, except tin plate and tin plate scran, (b) Nitrate ºf sod and nitrate of potash, (c) Fºry ina ºnery cre, except that mined in Cºnada. 3. Salvars ºn, neosºlº ºr sºn, ºr sphenevine, and all substitutes there for and equivalents thereof. -- All convioditius what solº r which have been produced or manufactured in Gºrº an or Hungary, irrespºctive of the present location of such co-odities. - The following cºodlities, the control of whose in ortº- tion by individual in nort license is necessary to insure an effective control over the importation of certain commoditi-s included under tº 4 above whose or 1-in is ºfficult to ascer-in- (a) Dºes and as astuffs, including dye bases, crudas, and inter-di-tas; (b) Potash. "arc C. McCormick, ºn hi-an. (Nºt to be released libefore Lay 8, 1919. ) - aſ TRALL BO.R.D. W. Gill-To. ("..º.º.º. 725 Lay 8, 1919. Gºl Ilºit LIC SE. PBF No. 27 ºf En The ºr Trade Board announce that General Import License PBF | lºo. 37 announced in W.T.E.R. 713, issued April 29, 1919, has been amended so as to exclude from its provisions potºsh, dyes and dye- stuffs, includinº dye bases, crudes, and intermediates, when coming from Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan or 3ºlium, and their post- sessions, protectorates and colonies, as set out in Item 5 thereof. as now amended, PBF No. 37 authorizes the importation intº the United States from all countries of the world, except Germany (in- cludinº the Rhine Provinces), Luxemburº, Hungary and those parts of Russia under Bolshevik control, of all comodities except those herºin- after enumerated, to wit: 1. The followinº foodstuffs: (a) Suºr (b) "hºt (c) Wheat flour 2. The followin: commºdities, the importation of which continues tº be controlled by reason of existing agreements: (a) Piº tin, tin ore, tin concentrates and ºll metal alloys containing tin, includinº tin drosses, tin oxides, solder drºsses, type ºn "als, antifrictiºn metals, was he metrºls and other metals cºntaining tin, except tin plate and tin plate scrap. (b) Nitrate of soda ºnd nitrate of potash. (c) Emery and emºry ore, except that mined in Canada. 3. Salvºrsan, neosalvºrsºn, ºr sphenºmine, nnd all substitutes therefur and equivalents thereof. 4. All commodities whº tsouver which have been prºduced or manu- fºctured in Germany ºr Hunºry, irrespective of the present location - ºurn cºmmºdities. (3797-1) (over) --- 5. The following commodities, the control ºf whose impºrtation by individual import license is necessary to insure an effective ºn- trol over the innurºtion of certain commodities included under Item 4 above, whose u-1 in is difficult to ascertain. (n) Dyes and dyestuffs, inciud nº dye bases, crudes and int-run-di-tec. (b) Potash. The foregoing amendment provides that hereafter individual import licenses ºill be required for all importations of pºt-sh, ºes, ºr dyestuffs, including dye bases, crudes, and intermediates, frºm every source ºn-te-ºwer. - All applications for licenses to import dyes ºr dy-stuffs, in- cludinº dye bases, crudes and intermediates, must be accºmpanied by supplemental information sheets as set forth in w.º.B. R. 570, issued March 27, 1919, (Bureau of imports Ruling 489). - American consuls abroad have been instructed to issue certificatº of nomenemy ºr 1-in before certifying invoices coverinº-ship ºntº ºf potash, dyes, or dyestuffs, for impºrtation into the United state. Vance C. Lººrinº. Imp. 595. ºn-rºar. (amºn-2) MAY 2 (Not to es ReLeased Before MAY 8, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 731) May 8, 1919 -PECIAL EXPORT LICENSE MO MAC 78 FOR SHIPMENTS OF NONCONSERVED COMMODITIES DESTINED TO HOLLAND WHEN SUCH SHIPMENTS ARE CONSIGNED TO THE METHERLANDS OVERSEA TRUST The War Trade Board announce that Special Export License RAC 78 as seen issued through the Customs Service. Effective May 8, 1919, - PERMIT THE Ex-QRT-T ON - Y --GHT OR Ex-RES- W - THOUT IND 1 v Du Al- export censes, or all articles not included in the Export Conserva on Lºst when pºst into to European Houliano, PROVIDED such sºlºvents are consigned to the NETHERLANos Oversea Trust. The War Trade Board have seen informed that the Netherlands Over se Trust is prepared to act as consignee of all shipments consigned to the Trust, and, accordingly, under the procedure announced in this RU-MG, - No LONGER NECE-SARY THAT ND v DUAL MPORT -ERT º CATES be issued ex the Netherlands. Oversea Trust eefore shipments consigned to the Trust are exported from the United States. Cowoo ties included in the Export Conservation List may be ex Poºted to Hollano only under individual Export Licenses, application For which should ee made to the War Trade Board, Washington, D. C. The salement of any commodity destined to Holland which is not consigned to the Netherlanes Oversea Trust wºu ee passed ex the Customs Service only tº accompanied sº an individual export License, the A-P-cation for which should be made to the WAR TRADE Board, Washington, D. C. Exporters who desire to make statements under S-ecial Export Li- cºnse RAC 78 need only present their Shipper's Export Declarations (Customs Cat 7525) in duapruplicate to the Collectors of Customs ar tº ports of Exit for indorsement. On such pecularations it should se clearly sºown that the consignment is made to the Netherlands Oversea Trust. W. T. B.R. 648, issued March 15, 1919, Remains in effect, and the War Trane Board will continue to issue FREELY Licenses for the exporra tion or co-woo ties included in the Revised FRee List or any amendments tºne of to ALL consignees in Hou-ano other than the Netherlanos Oversea Trust. Vance C. McCormick, M-547 CHAIRMAN. (Over) (Not to be released before May 8, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD Washington (W.T.B. R. 730) May 8, 1919. SPECIAL ExpoRT LICFNSF No. Rºc-79 For SHIPMTNTs of NON-CONSERVED COMMOTITIES II sº tºp To Sº ITZººl, AND "TFN SUCH SHIPMENTS ARF CONSIGNED TO THE SºcIºm SUISSF DE SURVEILIANCE ECONOMIQUE, The War Trade Board announce that special Export License RAC-79 has been issued through the customs service, effective May 8, 1919, to permit the exportation by freight or express, without individual export licenses: of all articles not incºniaea in the Export Conservation List when destined to Switzerland, Proviſiºn such shipments are consigned to the Societe Suisse de Surveillance Economique (ºs. s. 5, 9), Although it is no longer necessary, under the procedure announced in this ruling, that the War ºrade Board be notified of the issuance of permits by the *s-s, ş, tº exporters are warned that shipments consigned to the "S.S.S., " shºuld not be sent forward under Rac-79 until the exporters have been advised that the importer 3 in Switzerland have made proner arrº ments with the "S. S. C. " for the acceptance of the consignment by the "S. S. S. and for the subsequent release of the goods after their arrival in Switzerla. Commodities included in the Export Conservation List may be exportede to Switzerland only under individual export licenses, application for which should be made to the War Trade Board, "ashington, D. C. The shipment of any commodity destined to Switzerland which is not consigned to the "S.S. s. n will be passed by the customs Service only if accompanied by an individual export license, the application for which should be made to the War Trade Board, Washington, D. C. Exporters who desire to make shipments unde, Special Export License RAC-79 need only present their Shipper's Export Declarations (Customs Cat- 7525) in quadruplicate to the Collectors of Customs at the ports of exit for indorsement. On such declarations it should be clearly shown that the consignment is made to the *5. S. S. ". W.T.B., R., 648 issued March 15, 1919, and "...T.B.R. 706, issued April 23, 1919, remain in effect, and the ºar Trade Board will continue to issue freely licenses for the exportation of commodities included in the Revised Free List or any amendments thereof to all consignees in Switzerland other thah the "S.S, S. ", Vance C. McCormick, (3800) Chairman. MAY 2, 1919 * (Not to be released before LL.Y 9, 1919, ) WAR I'R.L. BQ RAE WAS. II, J.T01. (W.T. B.R. 732) - Llºy 9, 1919. Bºo. TATION OF GOLD set ºf Agiºs intº of: The ºr Trade Board ºn nounce the following regulations ºoverning the exportation of manufactures of gold, effective Iny 9, 1919: All manufactures of ºold, the bullion value of which does not exceed 65% of the total value, may be exported, without in- dividual export licenses, under the special export licenses ap- plicable to the exportation of commodities not on the Export Con- servation List. The shipper must, however, state in his Export Declaration (Customs Cat. No. 7525) the bullion value of each item in the shipment and the total value of such item, and that no item in such shipment has a bullion value in excess of 65% of the total value of such item. Every manufacture of Gold, the bullion value of which ex- •eeds 55% of the total value, is now regarded, for the purpose of exportation, ºs old bullion, the exportation of which is under the exclusive control of the Federal Reserve Board, all applications, therefore, to export manufactures of gold, the bullion value of which exceeds 65% of the total value, should be- filed with the Federal Reserve Bank of the district from which the shipment is made. On such applications must be stated the value of the gold content of the articles proposed to be exported, as well as the total value of such articles. - Vance C. lºcCormick, Chairman, - cº- (Not to BE RELEAsed BEFoRE MAY 9, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD WASHINGTON (W. T. B.R. 733) May 9, 1919 EXPORT CONSERVATION LIST THE WAR TRADE Board announce that the Export Conservation List As of May 9, 1919, is as Follows: *AMMunition, X-2 "CART Ridges and shells, Loaded AND UNLoaded, X-2 "Shot, in Bulk, X-2 *Coal- "Coks *ExPLos Ives, X-2 FiLMs. Moving-Picture, as follows: "UNExposed, X-20 Exposed, But undeveloped *Exposed and developed, X-20 on X-30 - "FireARMs, ALL TYPEs, X-2 Flour, as Follows: - . WHeat - - - . . Grains, as Follows: - - -- - WHeat, Except seed wheat * Individual Licenses not reoul Red to Canada and NewfoundLand. Shipment of THEse commodities to those destinations may ee Made under SPEcial Export License RAC-63. WHERE shi PMENTs of GRAt N ARE Mapº. For seed PURPoses, shi Pººrs ARE CAUTIONED TO STATE THAT FACT ON THE SHIPPING PAPER5, - M-548 . Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (Over) º - ºut ºn 1919 º (Not to be released before May 14, 1919.) WAR TRADIT Rººp "Aºi NCTOx (r,m, E.R. 735) May 14, 1913. ºustº pºlaxations. In sºrºrts to scºpiºia ºn Oſlº P The war Trade Board announce that henceforth applications will be considered for licenses to ship coal to Norway, Sweden, Denmarº, or Holland without requiring the importer to proc” an import certificate. Applications for such licenses should be filed with the ºar Trade Board, "ashington, D. C. The details of ºn applications will be cabled to the Inter-Allied Trade ce tº in the country of aestination, and with their arºroval a license will be issued. Under the foregoing ruling, shipments of coal need not be consigned to any association, but may be made directly to individuals in the countries of destination. vance C. McCormick, - - - - Chairman- (3:28) Iyu- ~~ ºut. (Not to be released before May 15, 1913) TAR TRADE BOARD "ashington - -- - ("..º.B, *, 736) May 15, 1919. BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The "ar Trade Board announce, for the information of exſerters in the United States, that they have been informed of the following changes in the inºort restrictions of Great Britain: - - The restrictions upon the importation of the following commodities have been removed, and the same may now be imported without individual license: - - - - Drawn thread work. - Men's and boys' clothing, . Cotton-duck packing and other descriptions of packing. - Granite setts and kerbs, - Hand cultivators, Potato planters, Hand drills, furrows, and rect weeders. Seeders, Pea harvesters. Seed-cleaning machines. Manure scoops, Horse hoes. Hay racks. Potato diggers. Corn planters. Maleable tube fittings. Pressure regulators, . Tubricators. Grease cups. - Injectors and ejectors. ºur and engine governors. i. Pressure and vacuum gauges." Fxpansion joints. - Iron or brass pressed steel union couplings. "ater gauges fittings. -- Steam traps, - - Metallic steam packing. - Brass wire. - - Copper wire. Copper clad wire. - Phosphor wire. Connºred steel spring wire. * , º - Tinned mattress wire leading in nickelºd corner steel. "irº connºred and flattened. ºir rope sockets. - Drop-forged steel. - Corner rods and stºl and iron wire rods, Antimony crude regulus and sulphide amºnhoºls wires, (3350-1) (over) -2- Lead capsules for whisky and other bottles. Gas irons, - Cattle-dehorning instruments, Mathematical instruments and screws for same. Oil cans. Spectacle cases of metal. Hand stamps for numbering and dating and stapling press. Tinned iron spoons and forks, Rat and mouse traps, wood, with wire springs, etc. Electrotypes, Zinc plates for manufacture of printing plates and zinc, also copºeir ºlates and brass plates, Fºoty fruit and vegetable baskets. Bronze powder. "aste or scrap rubber. - - Gramophones and all musical instruments except harmoniums, organs, pianos, pianolas, and instruments of a similar nature- The following commodities may be irported, only under special license, which will be granted only in exceptional cases as and when required: Binder twine. Dressed granite. Tractors and tractor plows. - - - - Arch supports, - - Bolts for bags and cases. Chains. - Cycle bells. Levers for braces. Hooks and eyes and press bºttons, Printed iron mosquito gauze. Taper pins. Metal tips for nenholders. Brass rods, Tape and strip brass-coated tubes. - Brass or comper tubes and brass hose clarºps. Nickel wire. - "ire paper clips. Wire nails and extras. - - Barb wire, - - "ire ºrotector studs. - - º Horse shoe nails. - "ire shoe nails. "ire hob nails. Fºlt nails (iron or steel) Cut nails (iron or steel) Iron and steel valves. Cocks for gas, water, and steam ºf irrr foot valves. Metal fittings for corsets and sºusºund ºrg. Scissors of all descriptions. - - Under pinches. Surgical and medical instruments. Spring washers, Semirotary pºps, MAY 28 1019 -º- Steel and iron wire. "ire bale ties and galvanized wire. Guns and rifles. Cartridges. Methyl alcohol. Gin. Following kinds of glass and glassware, scientific: Machinery, ºptical, Miners' land glasses. Miners' electric lamps. On certain commodities the import restrictions are as follows: Rºstrictions on oilcloth are to remain, but licenses are to be given freely for all but table baize, blind cloth, and leather cloth, Restrictions on woolen goods are to be maintained, but licenses are to o given freely for cloth one ounce and over and 54 inches wide. - Ladies' apparei, including corsets, is to be admitted at rate of 25 per cºnt of 1915 importations, 8 attons are to be admitted at rate of 100 per cent of 1916 importations. Trimmings, webbing, fringes, braids, wicks, galloons, tapes visca plait ºriolstery, and dress cords are to be admitted at rate of 100 per cent of 1916 ºportations. "orked marble is to be admitted at the rate of 100 per cent. Licenses are to be issued beyond those which have been recommended by, t e ºricultural Machinery Department for binders, rowers, ºcultivators (horse), ows (horse), cultivators (tractor), reapers, sprayers, rearing attachments, ºls, silo fillers, hay loaders, tedders, harrows, notato tractors, hitches, -----> (disk), trussers, harrows (spring). IGPortation of gun steel, brass or bronze valves for gas, water, and * ºn is to be restricted as 100 per cent of 1516 imports. Farºoniums, organs, pianos, pianolas, and instruments of a similar ºture should be admitted at the rate of 25 per cent of 1915 irºports, the ration - on has ad on number of instruments. Glassware (including bottles and jars) other than scientific glass and ssware machinerº, glass and glasswºre, optical glass and manufactures thereof, ºrs' lar elasses, and miners' electric lamps are to be admitted at the rate to per cent of 1913 interts. The importation of the following ccºrodities is prohibited except under ºrial license: *32-3) (over) -4- Potash salts, as follows: Potassium carbonate. Bicarbonate. Cºlorate. Perchlorate. Chloride or muriate. Chromate and bichronate cyanide. Ferrocyanide, or yellow prussiate. Hydrate" or caustic nitrate. Permanganate sulphate, including rotash- Alums and potash manurial salts and mixtures containinº any of these substances. Saccharine and mixtures containing saccharine and other sub- stances of like nature and use. - - - In making the above announcement the ºar Trade Board ºism to call attºrtion to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively ºn fore in import restrictions, but are rerely transmitting the above information for the convenience of thos on the ºar Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreiºn in port regulations should be addressed to the Bureau ºf Foreign and Domestic domerce, Department of Corºerce, "ashington, D. C., as tnºt Bureau's, deavors to keep posted on the import regulations of foreign Governººnts- - vance C. McCormick, - - - - - - - - - - - ( 33-4) - - Chairman- º - MAY 28 1919 -- - *- (not to be released before May 15, 1919) TAR TRADE ROARD was ºn ton ("...T, B.R. 737) May 15, 1918- sºcial, ºxtort iſ crºsº wo, Rac-42 row cºn In-Trºst'ſ sºlº "s ºn - PRocºntrº Foº FILING Doctºrs witH Co.LECTOR'S OF CUSTOP 5. The War Trade Board announce the revision of regulations under which shirº of certain origin and destination, the importation of whº ch has been ºtº licensed, may be exported without an individual export license when the same are cºnveyed in transit through the territory or via any port of the United States, This regulation, effective May 15, 1919, rescinds ºt.P.R. 714, issued April ºf lºlº, and extends the scope of sºcial ºxport License Rºc-42 as hereinafter “º ed. - (1) Special Fxport License Rac-42 has been issued through the Customs Servi and authorizes the exportation of shipments of all cormodities whicharare corº in transit through the territory or via a port of the United States when critinº ing in any foreign country and destined to any country of the world, PROVIDED FC º, that no shipment destined to Europe shall be authorized under this license unless such shipment is consigned to creat Britain, France, Italy, Pºlgium, ºr-º- Spain, Portugal, or their possessions in Turope, or Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Serbia or Roumania, or to the Netherlands oversea Trust when destined to Holland, or to the Societe Suisse de Surveillance Foonomique when destined to Switzerland. (2) In-transit shipments arriving at the United States by rail or vessel for ree cºort under RAC-42 may be consigned to the ultimate destination or to an agent in the United States for reshipment, and if consigned to an agent, the railroad wa bill or vessel's manifest must designate the ultimate destination, and such nota- tions shall be transcribed there from to the carrier’s customs manifest or copy of vessel's manifest presented to the Collector of Customs, The foregoing will not apply in the case of shipments destined to Holland and Switzerland, such shipment must show at point of entry the fact that the consignment has been trade either to the Netherlands oversea Trust, if destined to Holland, or the Societe Suisse de Surveillance Foonomique, if destined to Switzerland. (5) U. on arrival of such in-transit shipments at rort of entry the railroad agent or the vessel's agent shall present to the Collector of Customs a copy of tº Carrier's Customs Manifest, Form 75.12, or a copy of the ship's manifest or portio- tnereof, upon which shall be clearly noted the shipments which are in transit. This colº shall bear -- (*) The ultimate destimation, in accordance with paragraph (2) herein, (B) The consignee when destined to Folland or Switzerland. (d) The notation "Special Export License RAC-42". (4) If the shipment is by rail, the Collector of Customs will, upon giving entry, allow the shipment to proceed to port of exit accompanied by the Carrier's ºnifest, The Collector of Customs at the port of exit will allow the scous to be exported under RAC-42. (3-33–1) (over) The attention of shiºners is call-u wo ºne lacu --- ----> ------ entry into the United States as in-transit snipºrts may not be diverted for domestic *ion, or reconsiºned to a country of destination other than the one named * the entry documents described in paragraph (2) unless authority for so doing ** been obtained from the war Trade Boara. For the information of shi pers, their attention is drawn to "...T.R.R. 643, issued March 14, 1918, announcing the issuance of general Import License PBF - No. 35. This eneral lºort license covers the importation into the United Stºt *** sººn bond as may be prescribed by the United States customs Service, cf. al- commodities which are ºroſ osed to be shipped through the United States to anº foreign country, Vance C. McCormick, (3833–2) Chair un- º MAY 28 191. ("ct to be released before May 15, 1919) - "AR TRADE ROARI) - "ashington (º, T.R.R. 738) - May 15, 1919. SºFCIAL FXPORT LICrºſsº Mo, Rºc-77 For sºrrºrs of ºoº-consººn coºopſ.TIFS TO ALL COUNTRIES OF THE "ORLD EcºPT TFosſ Cotſmºs AIFF ºpy coºpFD BY SPTCIAL FXPORT LI- CENSE RAC-63 AND EXCFPT ARARIA AND Trºy ºf ASIA AND CERTAIN EUFOPEAN COUNTRIES, The "ar Trade Board announce that special Export License EAC-77, granted through the Customs service, effective April 29, 1919, ºr, T.R.R. 716, has been ex- tended and reissued, effective May 15, 1919. Special FXrort License RAC-77 as now amended authorizes the exportation by fréight or express, without individual license: , , to the countries hereinbelow rentioned, of all commodities hatsoever, except (A) commodities included in the Export conservation List, and (5) machinery or materials intended for the manufacture of rºunitions and radio or wireless fºr apparatus consigned to Mexico. - A. Any country in the Western Herisphere (excluding the possessions ºf ºne- land º to which shipments may now be made under Special Export License *AC-63, - - - B. Any country in Africa (excluding the colonies, possessions, and protecto- rates of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium, to which shipments may roº be made under Special Export License RAC-63), - C. Any country in Asia or oceania (excluding Japan and the colonies, Poºr sions, and protectorates of Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, and Japan, to . which shipments may row be made under special Fºrt License RAC-63), and excluding Turkey in Asia and Arabia, - - D. The following countries in Furope: Spain, Portugal, Roumania, Serbia, Iceland, Faroe Islands: The shipment of any corrodit: mentioned in the Export Conservation List when destined to the countries included within the provisions of RAC-77 will require an individual export licensº, application for which should be made to the "ar Trade Board, "ashington, on Application Form X-A. The attention of exporters is called to the fact that inasmuch as the : º si provisions of Special Export License FAC-77 now include all countries which wºre originally covered by Special Fºxport License, No, RAC-54, this latter license ºas revoked on Arril 29, 1918, and shipments previously authorized by RAC-54 may now be made under RAC-77, - - Exporters who desire to make shipments under special Export License RAC-77 - need only present their shirper's Export Declaration (customs cat. 7525) in tripli- cate to the Collectors of Custons at the ports of exit for indorserient to permit the shipment to proceed. Exorters are advised to acquaint themselves with the import requirements of the countries of destination, and it is suggested that they avail themselves of the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Comdrce, "ashington, D. C., in obtaining information regarding the import regula- tions of foreign countries, vance C. lºcCormick, (º) Chairman, (0-r) (Not to be released before May 15, 1918) TAR TRADE FOARD Tashington ("..T, B, R. 740) May 15, 1919. REVISED Rºculations commºnic shipwººts to noºººº. The War Trade Board announce the following revised regulations governing the export of commodities to Norway: 1. All the commodities contained in the "Revised Free List" (see "...T. F.F. 648, issued arch 15, 1919), or any amendment thers to, may be exported freely to Norway, as described in "...T, B, R. 548, - 2. All commodities not included in the naevised Free List" may be exported to Norway in accordance with the procedure described in Paragraph 3 of "...T. F. R.67°. issued Arril 1, 1919. That is to say, the importer in Norway is no longer require- to ºbtain an import certificate from an Irºport Association, but the "ordinary under- taking" given to the Norwegian Finance Department and certified by an American Con- sul will be sufficient, even though there is an Import Association for such commodity. The number of this "ºrdinary undertaking" must be furnished on the - application for export license. Shinments of "Non-Rationed Commodities" need not be consigned to any Immort Association but way be consigned directly to the importer. 3. "ith respect to commodities for the importation of which lºorvetian Import- ing Associations have been formed, applications for licenses to export such coºrdities will now be considered by the ºar Trade Board without requiring the pro- duction of an import certificate number, upon condition that all such shipments shall be consigned directly to the apprºpriate Importing associations for the account of a nasa sub-corsiºns in Norº, For a list of the corrodities which are handled by the Norwegian Importing Associations, exporters are referred to "...T.B.R. 211, issued August 31, 1818. 4. With respect to con odities for the importation of which no Norwegian In- porting Association has been formed, applications for licenses to export such commodities will now be considered by the ºar Trade Board without requiring the pro- duction of import certificate numbers, upon condition that all such shirtents shall be consiºned directly to the Inter-Allied Trade Committee at Christiania for the account of a named sub-consiºned in Norway. The attention of exporters is directed to the fact that these revised regula- tions offer three methods of consignments of "Non-Rationed Commodities" (that is, all commodities not included in the "Revised Free List".) Although it is no longer necessary, under the procedure described in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Ruline, that individual iſ port certificates be issued and confiriº to the "ar Trade Board as a condition precedent to the issuance of extort license - exporters are warned that shipments made rursuant to said Paragraphs 3 and 4 should not be sent forward until the exporters have been advised that the importers in lºor- way have rºade proper arrangements with the Importing Associations or with the Inter- Allied Trade Colºnittee for the acceptance by them of the consignments and for the subsequent release ºf the goods after their arrival in Norway. "ance C. McCormick, MAY 2 & 101C - (Not to be released before May 16, 1913) TAR TRADF ROARD Tashington ("..T. R. R. 739) May 16, 1919, ſ:FNERAL INTORT LICFTSE PRF No. 37 AMENDED The "lar Trade Board announce that cºneral Irºport License PFF No. 37, as described in ", T.R. R. 713, issues April 28, 1919, and later amended, as described in ", T.P., R. 726, issued May 8, 1919, has been amended to include within its scope anipments of ºmery and emery ore, Shipments of enery and emery ore when coming from any country in the world, except Germany (including the Rhine Provinces), Luxemburg, Hungarº, or those portions of Russia under Bolshevik control, inay hereafter be entered under said General Inſport License PBF No. 37 without the presentation of an individual import license. Vance C. McCormick, T º º 5 ; 506 Chai rºam - º, 30 - - - (Not to be released before May 17, 1913) "AR TRADE BOARD Washington ("..T.R.R. 741) May 17, 1919. CONSOLIDATION OF BURFAU or ºn MY TRADE AND EURFAU OF TAR TRAIF, INTELLIGENCE The "ar Trade Board announce that, effective May 12, 1919, the ºureau of War Trade Intelligence has been merged into the Bureau of Enery Trade. Such work of the Bureau of War Trade Intelligence as is still being carried on will be conducted in the future by the Bureau of Enerº Trade. Wance C. McCormick, Chairuan. (3837) (over) (Not to be released before May 17, 1919) TAR Tºnº ROARD Tashington (W:T.R.R. 742) May 17, 1919. FURTHER RELAXATIONS IN RECT, TTOM'S Govrº TNG TRADE "ITF GERMAN AUSTRIA Amending "War Trade Board Ruling 679 issued April 2, 1919, the War Trade Roard annºce that º will now he con- sidered for the exportation to German fºr it. of all commodities incºme the "restricted" cºmmodities mentioned in said ſºuling. cº se the revºlutiºns contained in War Trade Board Ruling 679 continue in effect. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3844) (over) (Not to be released before May 15, slº) TAR TRATI ROARD Washington ("..T.R.R. 743) - May 19, 1910. NITRATE OF SOTA AND MITRATP or potasſi TC ºn Rºſovºſt, FROM controſ LED LIST ON JULY 1, 1919. - The War Trade Board announce that en and after July 1, 1913, nitrate of soda and nitrate of rotºsh will be permitted to be imported into the United States without restriction under a general Iºcrt License when doming from countries with which general trade is authorized. Importers are advised that any shipments of nitrate of soda or nitrate of rotash which arrive ºr is: to July 1, 1919, will not be released for entry until such date, except under individual import licenses as now required, and that such licenses will be issued only in accordance with * present rules and regulations tºoverning the immortation of these commodities. "ance C. McCormick, Chairman, )5. º - * l : -- (Cºrer) - Jun ºn gig (Not to be released before MAY 19, 1918) WAR TRADE ROARD "fashington (*, *, F.R. 744) May 19, 1913. Rºsstrºn RFGUIATIONS INT normºn ºurs AI, PORTS- The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters, that commodities may be reexported from scandinavia and Holland to countries which have been opened for trade with the Associated Govern- ments under the same regulations which govern the exportation of these coratodities directly from the United States to the ultimate destination, - These regulations are administered by the Inter-Allied Trade Corinittees at Christiania, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and the Hague. Expºrters who desire to ship via Scandinavia or Holland may now do so, but they showid direct their agents in these countries tº apply to the ºf ropriate Inter-Allied Trade Committee so that they tº act in coºpliance with these regulations. Vance C - McCo rtick, Cn ad Tººl- - JUN 30 1919 (Not to be released before ºny 23, 1919) "AR TRADE ROART "ashington (º, T.R.R. 750) May 23, 1919, BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The ºar Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed of the following changes in the import restrictions of Creat Britain: All restrictions upon the importation of the following listed commodities have been removed, and the same may now be imported freely under ten ral icense: (537c-1) Photographic apparatus Hersotºpe plates Camera shutters Positive papers Kinematograph cameras Fox boards cut to length for packing cases for foodstuffs, except those packed in tins and bottles Motor-car jacks and track jacks Pronze castings (machine or phosphor bronze) Files Foundry flanks Sºrinºs for the upholstery trade "ire hooks for hams and coats Collapsible tubes, tin or lead, for medicinal and other purposes Combination molds and ladles Friction clutches Piercers Punches and round-hole perforators Adjustable nine tongs Flexible metallic tubinº, Food chopners or mincing machines (hºnd driven) Brºad-making machine (hand driven) Frºad and meats slicing machines (hand driven) Enamuled hollow ware Steel ferrules - Plaiting of all descriptions, incºrding sºrterie, but excluding "isca plait, as from May 51, 1919. Untiaz a spectacle ºre of all kinds Straw envelop s "atches of all kinds and parts thereof Time-recorder parts Rubber manufactures other than tires, except boots and shoes and stationery articles Typewriters and narts thereof Soºn and soºn stock (over) -2- Iicenses should be freely given for the following commoditiºs: All medicinal bulbs and herbs Hyacinths, early single and double Tulips Crocus Spanish iris Gladioli Chionodoxa. Scilla Sibirica All other bulbs The following articles are to be rationed for importation in the proportions stated: Photographic apparatus (except that mentioned in the list given above) to be admitted at rate of 33 1/3 per cent of 1913 importations in proportionate quarterly amounts Rations of 75 per cent of 1913 importations of cut box boards to be granted for packing edible goods in tins and bottles and all other commodities in proportionate quarterly amounts - - - - Rubber tires at rate of 50 per cent of 1913 importations Sewing machines (domestic hand and treadle) and parts thereof at rate of 75 per cent of 1913 importations In making this announcement the war Trade Roard wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above informa- tion for the convenience of those on the War Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Division of Foreign Tariffs, Bureau of Foreign and Tomestic Consºrce, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., as that Pureau endeavors to keep informed on the import regulations of foreign Govern- ments, Vance C. McCormick, Chai riſian- (3870–2) UN ºn 1919 (Not to be released before way 23, 1919) "AR TRATE BOARD "ashing" ºn ("..T.B. R. 751) May 23, 1919. *RITISH ºrport tº sº ICTIONS The "ar Trade Board annºunce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed of the issuance of a general license authorizing the free importation into Great Britain of vegetables, canned, bottled, and preserved, and pickles- In making this announcement the war Trade Roard wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are rerely trans- mitting the above information for the convenience of those on the War Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Division of Foreign Tariffs, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments, Vance C. McCormick, Chairman, (3871) º - - (Not to be released before May 24, 1919) ſº - A TAR TRADE BOARD "ashington ("..", P. R. 752) May 24, 1919. IMPORTATIONS FROM IUXFMTURG ANT THE OCCUPIED TFRRITORY OF CºRMANY The "ar Trade Board announce that the portion of "..T.R.R. 630, issued March 6, 1919, which deals with imprtations from Luxemburg and that portion of the Rhine provinces of Germany which is included within the area of military occupation, has been rescinded. As soon as the necessary arrangements have been completed the "ar Trade Board will * the regulations governing the importation of commodities from these regions. vance C. McCormick, Chairman. - (3375) (over) - - - - - UN 1919 (iſot to be released before ...ay 24, 1919) WAR TRADE BOARD was HINGTON --- (W.T. B.R. 753) ..ºy C4, 1919. ITALIAN I, lºor." Rºb TRICTIONS The War Trade Board ennounce tact they have been informed that the importation of foodstuffs into Italy, by parcels post * *herwise, is now permitted without import license, when the total weignt of the shipment is not over 100 pounds and when such shipments are made by Itº linn iami-ºrants to their families in Italy. ance C. lºcCormick. Chairman. (3375) * 1919 -- (not to be released before May 26, 1918) "AR TRADE BOART, "ashington (º, T.B. R. 754) May 26, 1919. *TATION OF COMMODITIES of rººm º or nºiſy or ºr n onic In - The "ar Trade Board announce that "ar Trade Roard Ruling 686, issued April 7, 1915, has been *****ed and that in lieu thereof the war Trade Board have pro- *gated the following regulations Governing the importation of commodities of "enemy" or "ally of enemy" origin, (1) Commodities Produced or manufactured in territory which formerly had the status of "enemy" or "ally of enemy n territory, but with which general trade has ºn authorized in previous announcements cf. the ºar Trade Board (such as Czecho- Slovakia, Poland, German Austria, etc.), may now be imported into the United States without reference to the fact that such commodities were nroduced or manufactured in such "enemy" or "ally of *nemy" territory. (º) Commodities produced or manufactured in Germany cr Hungary may be import- * into the United States from any one of the countries contiguous to Germany or Fungary, if said corrodities were purchased by citizens of the United States and :** raid ºr by ther, and shirº a rºom Germany or Hungary into one of said con- tiºn ous countries, all prior to April 6, 1917. (3) Co. redities produced or manufactured in Germany may be imported into the United States from any one of the countries contiguous to Germany, if said commodities were purchased by citizens of the United states and partly paid for by ** shºred from Germany into ºne of saga cº-ºcus countries, all pricrº to April 6, 1917; subject, however, to the condition that effective arrangements shall be leade whereby the unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be deposited in a bank in the country from which the shipment is proposed to be made, to the credit ºf the local Inter-Allied Trade Counittee, under terms insuring that the funds so deposited will be made available for the purchase of foodstuffs for Germany under the direction of the Food Section of the Supreme Economic Council, (4) Applications may be filed for licenses to import commodities purchased * * actured in Germany or Hungary from any one of the countries contiguous to *any or ºungary, if said correàities wers purchased by citizens of the United States and said citizens of the United states became irrevocablº bound to pay the Purchase price therefor and said congredities were shipped from Germany or Hungary into one of said contiguous countries, all prior to April 6, 1917, and if said citizens of the United states are stiin irrevocably bound to pay said purchase ****** All applications filed pursuant to this paragraph (4) will be considered by the ºar Trade Board and disposed of according to the merits of each particular case. The term "Gerranº" in the forescing regulations is intended to include that portion of Germany occupied by the military forces of the Allied and Associated - Governments as well as all parts of Germany outside the area of military occupation. Vance C. McCormick, (º) Chairman. (Over) - ºn ºn 1010 (Not to be released before May 26, 1918) "AR TRADE ROARD Washington (º, T. B.R. 755) - May 25, 1919. REGULATIONS cowººm ING THE EXPORTATION or FooDSTUFFs To Gºº The "ar Trade Board announce that the Assºciated Governments have agreed that, for the time being and until further notice, foodstuffs within the limits provided by the Brussels Agreement may be exported or reexported to Germany from the contiguous neutral countries without, as heretofore, securing the formal consent of the Inter-Allied "reº Colºumittees in said neutral countries, The attention of exporters is called to the fact that the procedure outlined in this Ruline permits the shipment of foodstuffs from the United States to Germany via the Border Neutral countries. wance C. McCormick, (3878) Chairman. (over) JUN 7 1919 (Not to be released before “ay 27, 1919) ("..T., a .R. 756) "AR TRADE TOARD "ashington -- - FRTNCH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that a Ministerial Decree published May 21, 1919, revokes the general prohibition against the importation into France of the following articles, effective May 25, 1819 (the numbers referred to are those of the French Custºms Tariff); 23 57 cC 88 115 115 128 129 130 131 132 133 133 135 136 1.37 139 lºl lºl 142 143 156 158 170 170 174 175 175 175 177 177 177 178 (3888-1) bis. bis. bis. bis. quat -I- bis, ter. bis. tºr. Wool Pearls fire Prepared sponges of all kinds Oil seeds and oil fruits Pine saps (turrentine, resins, rosin, pitch and resin lumps) - spirits of turpentine "oods rough, squared or sawed Paving blocks - Stavre wood Splits Hrop wood and prepared poles Perches, poles, and staffs rough Woods injected or having received a chemical preparation Resinous woods in logs Excelsior Other common wood Scented woods Cotton "aste of cotton yarn unbleached, bleached or dyed, unfit for use as yarn, washed, degreased or bleached. Flax, hackled combed cras tow Jute Oil cake and dregs of olivºs Paper pulp Plants Flowers Mineral waters Marble for statuary and other Alava stºr carved or otherwisekwºrked Cut precious stones other than those liestined for jewelry Stones worked, including building stone worked, carved, modeled or polished (except lithographic stones) Staff and plaster mouldings not colored Stone marbles Millstones (Czer) 178 179 181 181 181 lol 191 l64. 185 191 199 2OO 291 2O2 205 2O6 2O7 2G7 208 209 209 21C 210 2lQ 2ll 218 219 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 273 367 405 . (3888-2) –2. bis. Corundum in the grain and emery pulverized ter, Rough natural corunium, stones and earths not designated, capable of being used in fine arts other than phos- phates of natural lime, mica, crude asbestos, natural crude corunium Brick, solid common of any former dimension bis. Brick, solid fine or pressed of any form or alºneiºn, hollow brick ter. Tiles, common pressed and without flanges quater Mechanical or interlocking tiles and accessory roofing material quin. Brick tiles and common building material of stoneware bis, Lime Cement Graphite or plumbago Lignite wax, vaseline Gold, platinum Silver Goldsmiths' dross Cast iron - Iron and steel, crude, in ingots and bis. Iron and steel, rolled or forged Iron or steel-rods and bis. Hoop iron or steel Sheets of iron or steel bis. Sheets of nickel steel ter. Hot rolled bands known as large plates Iron tinned, coated with copper, lead or zinc Iron or steel wire Waste and scrap iron which can be utilized only for resmelting - bis. Scrap of tin plate of a thickness of 5 millii eters maximum Slag and scoria Copper, pure or alloyed with zinc, tin, aluminum, manganese or with copper ore Lead in crude lumps, pigs, bars or slabs, alloyed with antimony in lumps, hammered or rolled, filing and scrap Tin in lumps, pigs, bars or slabs, pure or alloyed, hammered or rolled or drawn into wire of any dimen- sion and sheets, filings and scrap Zinc in lumps, pigs, bars or slabs rolled, filings and scrap - Nickle product of first fusion, cast, matte, and speiss pure, alloyed with copper, with or without zinc. Antimony Copper sulphate Binder twine Canvas for harvesters In making this announcement, the "ar Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritative- ly on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience of those on the war Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Coumerce, "ashington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed of the import regulations of foreign Governments, Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3888-3) (over) WAR TRADE BOARD was HINGTON (Not to be released before May 27, 1919) ºn Tºnº RCARD "Washington (7.T.B. R. 757) May 27, 1919. SHIPMTºº S IN TRANSIT THROUGE HOLIANTD The "ºr Trade Roard announce, effective May 27, 1919, that shipments from the ºlive ºates in transit thronº Rojºng, destined for Belgium, Alsace Lorrains, ºwitzerlºº. 1 ºr tºe territºry occupied by the Allied Forces on the left bank of the ºre, must be consigned to the Inter-Allied ºne ºn in tee at The Pºgº, ſcraccount of a sub-consignee in the cºntry of ult-rºte destination. Although it is ºrderºtoca that the eforesaid inter-Allied Trade Committee will acceº cºlºnments of this claracter, the war Trade Board is unable at this time to giºre ºrde a details regarding the arrangements which have been made. Further information will be published as soon as it is received by the Tar Trade Board, Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (38.89) - Not to be released before tº 28, 1913) *** Tºtº poºr D "ashington ("..º.º.º. 758) May 28, 1919. Sºpºtºns by MAIL ºn Tºp spºol ºr, Typopt LICTNSF RAN-52 The War Trade Board announce the revision of Special Export License RAC-52, covering certain shirmentº a fores ºn cº-º-º- ºr ºf . * * B. n. 613, isºmeº February 23, 1919, and "...º.º.º. 7.5, is sº April ºn 1913, an revy rescinied, -- - - --- - - ne and in place there of the following becomes ºf ective: (1) Special ºpert License nº.52 has been issued to the Post Office Depart- ment tº permit any local postmaster to accept without individual export license -- (A) All shipments of commodities Not on the ºxycºt Conservation List; (*) Snipments of commodities on the Export, conservation List where the value of no one commodity exceeds ºcco; - when destined to -- Any country in the Western Hemisphere or Africa; Any country in Asia (including Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria) except Arabia and Turkey in Asia; The following countries in Furope: Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, and Portugal, their colonies, passessions, and protectorates also Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. (C) Shipments without limit of value to Canada and Newfoundland of certain cºmmodities on the Export Conservation ſist as noted in the list, in addition to shipments as outlined in (A) and (B) above. (2) In making shipments under this special license (nac-52) it is not necessary to make any application for license nor tº present a license of any kind to the postmaster. If the shipment is of a commodity which may be shipped under subheadings (A), (B), and (c) ºr paragraº (, ) abore, an ºf the shipment is cor- signed to a consignee in any cºlºry named in garagraph (l), the package, in so far as the "ar Trade ºceri is concernea, need only be delivered to the postmaster with the following facts noted ºn the wrapper: l, 55.hipped under Expºrt ficense Rac-52." 2. List of concerts, 3. Name and address of shipper. 4. Name and address of cºnsignee. ("here a package bears a customs tag or an invoice describing the contents, the list of contents need not be written upon the wrapper of the package.) (3832–1) (Over) (3) All shi mail and are attenti betwee pments made unier Special Export License RAC-52 must be made by subject to the regulations of ta Post office Department. Special on is called to the fact that thire is no parcel post service at tresent ºn the United States and certain of the countries mentioned in paragraph (l). (4) ** attention of shippers is air cted to the fact that Rac-52 *** * permit ** shipments to member of the "nited States Army, United states º, *nited States fºr. Corps, or organizations affiliated there with, out that al. such shipment - 5 must be made under Special Export License RAC-43 and in compliance with Post of rice Department, - (5) Per º under RAC-53 or *nº commodity to a cowntry not covered by RAC-52 must aſ ply to the "ar Trade Boar * for an individual export license. Applications should be file ºn Form X-A, copiº - - - - s of which are obtainable from the ºar true hoard in ashington ** **, of its branch offices. Vance c, ºccermick, (2892-2) Chairman. **s desiring to export by main any commodity which may not be export (Not to be released before May 28, 1919. ) WAP TRADE BOARD - Washill. GTO. ("..º.B.R. 759) IIay 28, 1919. SPECIAL LºonT LICE, or Rac-80 FOR SHIP, ENTs of no cºsºvº.I., COLOLIºlº Do 1,05 AY. The War Trade Board announce that Special Export License RAC-80 has been is- sved through the Customs Service, effective May 28, 1919 to permit the exportation by freient or express, without individual export licenses, of all articles not in- cluded in the Export Conservation List when destined to Norway, Shipments need no longer be consiºned to importinº associations in Norwº-yº but ºy ºo forward consiºned directly to the individual importers. Shippers should note that it is no longer necessary to apply to the War Tride Bºard for permission to ship under Special Export License RAC-80, and no special document issued by the ºr Trade Board is necessary in commºtion with such ship- ments, Shipments may be made under Special Export License RAC-80 by the presenta- tion of Shipper's Export Declarations (Customº Cat. 7525) in triplicate tº the Cul- lectors of Customs at the ports of exit from the United States. The attention of shippers, is called to the fact that shipments of the characte: outlined above, when dispatched by mail, should be exported under special Export License RAC-52. commodities included in the Export Conservation List may be exported to Norway ºnly under individual export licenses, applications for which should be made to the war Trade Board, Washington, D. C. Exporters should acquaint themselves with the import requirements of the country of destination, and it is suºested that exporters avail themselves of the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Com- merce, Washington, D. C. to obtain information respectin; the import regulations of Norway. So far as Norway is concerned, this Ruling rescinds War Trº de Board Ruling 747 issued lºy 21, 1919, and War Trade Board Rulinº. 749, issued May 15, 1919. The regulations governinº trans-shipment in, or reexportation from, Norway are not af- re-rea by this Rulinº, and the provisions of War Trade Board Ruling 744, issuer º lºy 19, 1919, continue in full force and effect. Vºnce C. lºcCormick, Chairmºn. (3593) (ºver) *Not to be rºleased before May 28, 1819) "NP Tºtº Brººp "astºing", on ("..T.R,R. 751) May 28, 1919. I'PCRT RESTRIC” Ion's Rººp on TI* ºr ºn tº coºrºtºtº on JULY 1, 1919. The "ar Trade Board announce that, on and after May 28, 1919, applica- tions will be considered for licenses to import tin ores and tin con- centrates, subject, however, to the following conditions and limitations: - l. That such licenses will permit the importation only of shipments made from points of origin on or after June 8, 1913; and - 2. That sºch import licenses will not be valid for entry until July 1, 1919. - - - Wance C. McCormick, (3895) Chairman. (ºver) º to be released - 28, º º º "AR TRADE BOARD * - Washington ("..T.B.R. 760) - May 28, 1919. 5°ECIAL EXPORT LICENSF No, RAc-42 For crptAIN IN-TRANSIT SHIPMENTS AND PROCEDURE FOR FILING DOCUMENTS "ITH COLLECTOR'S OF CUSTCMS The War Trade Board announce the revision of regulations under which shipments of certain origin and destination, the importation of which has been otherwise licensed, may be exported without an individual export license when the same are ****** in transit through the territory or via any port of the United States, This regulation, effective May 28, 1919, rescinds "...T. B.R. 724, issued April 29, 1919, and "...T.B.R, 737, issued May 15, 1919, and extends the scope of Special *port License RAc-42 as hereinafter described. - (1) Special Export License Rac-42 has been issued through the customs service and authorizes the exportation of shipments of all commodities which are conveyed in transit through the territory or via a port of the United States when originat- *ng in any foreign country and destined to any country of the world, PROVIDED, HO"E"ER, that no shipment destined to Europe shall be authorized under this ****nse unless such shipment is consigned to great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, ******, Spain, Portugal, or their possessions in Eurºpe, ºr Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Serbia, Roumania, or Norway, or to the Netherlands oversea Trust when ***ined to Holland, or to the societe suisse de surveillance Economique when dastined to Switzerland. (2) Intransit shipments arriving at the United States by rail or vessel for reexport under RAC-42 may be consigned to the ultimate destination or to an agent in the United States for reshipment, and if consigned to an agent, the railroad waybill or vessel's manifest must designate the ultimate destination, and such **tions shall be transcribed therefrom to the garrier is customs manifest or copy of vessel's manifest presented to the Collector of Customs. The foregoing will not apply in the case of shipments destined to Holland and Switzerland. Such shipments must show at point of entry the fact that the consignment has been made either to the Netherlands oversea Trust, if destined to Holland, or the Societe Suisse de Surveillance Economique, if destined to Switzerland, (3) Upon arrival. of such in-transit shipments at port of entry, the rail- rºad agent or the vessel's agent shall present to the Collector of Customs a copy ºf the Carrier's Customs Manifest, Form 75.12, or a copy of the ship's manifest or ***ºn thereof, upon which shall be clearly noted the shipments which are in transit. This copy shall bear -- § The ultimate destination, in accordance with paragraph (2) herein. B) The consignee when destined to Holland or switzerland. (c) The notation "special Export License fac-42." (4) If the shipment is by rail, the Collector of customs will , upon giving *ry, allow the shipment to proceed to port of exit accompanied by the carrier is Manifest. The Collectºr of customs at the port of exit will allow the goods to be exported under Rac-42, (3894–1) (Over) - -- - -- - - -- ---, - - - - - - - - - -3- - - - - " - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - . * - - - - - -- - - - - - * * - . The attention of snipers is cºunsa to ºf at tº ºccas given entry intº the United States as in transit shipment's may not be divorted for demestic consump- tion, or reconsigned to a country ºf destination other than the one named on the *** ***umºnts described in paragraph.(?) unless authority for so dºing has been obtained frºm the War. Trade Board. . ------ . - - - - - For the information of shippews, their astention is drawn to ".".5.5. 643, ºssº arch 14, 1919, announcing the issuance of General Inſport License Pº No. * * *is general import license covers the in-ortation into the ºnited States, under such 'boni as may be prescribed by the ºrited states customs service, of all cºmmodities which are proposed to be shipped through the United States tº any foreign cºuntry, - - - - - - - - - - º: - ". - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - | Wance C. McCormick, - (3 -- - - * ~~~- ) - 3894–2 Chairman - - . . - * f : . . . . . - . . . . - - - - - -- - - T. - - - . - " . - - - - --- - - - -- - . - - - º - - tº --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - . r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - ". . ." . , -- - - - - - --- - r * : - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - * - - - º . - - - - - ///~ nº mo º 5 A * * (Not to be released before May 23, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD "ashington - - ("...T.B.R. 763) - May 29, 1919. - E: ITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The "er Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed of the fºllowing changes in the import re- strictions of Great Britain: - - All restrictions upon the following articles nº been renoved: Printing inks Oil-lamp burners Gas burners Metal parts and accessories of pedal cycles, except those mentioned below - Painters' colors and pigments, as follows: Asphaltum Earth colors Bitumen for black varnish Farth sienna Bone black Gamboge Bone pitch Gambºge tºm Brunswick black Inºat...ºn gold leaf Bur-, sienna Indian ink Carºon black - Lime green - Carmine Ochre China ink Orpiment Chinese ink Umber Cinnabar Native zaffer Cobalt Oxide Aluminum powder Fancy goods Jewelers' findings - that is, chain brooch catches, pins and joints, snaps, bolt and split rings of base metal or gilt paints and enamels Aerated mineral and table waters (effective July 1) - (3897–1) (Over) intº º * 1010 * . (Not to be released before May 29, 1919) "AR TRADE ºn D Washington ("...T.B.R. 762) May 29, 1919. FRTNCH IMPORT REGTRICTIONS The "ar Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that a Ministerial Decree dated May 13, 1919, and published May 14, 1919, prohibits the importation into France and Algeria of alcoholized grape must (mistelles), except that imported for the account of the state or that having been shipped directly for France or Algeria before the date of the above decree- In making this announcement the war Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience of those on the War Trade Board is mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. - (Not to be released before May 30, 1919) ("..T.B.R. 764) May 30, 1919, IMPORTATION OF SUGAR RFET STFD FRCM GºRMANY The War Trade Board announce that applications for licenses to import into the United States sugar beet seed from Germany, or which originated in Germany, will be considered. Licenses covering such importations, however, will not be issued until the importer in the United States has made effective arrangements to make the pur- chase price of such commodity available for the purchase of foodstuffs for Germany by depositing said purchase price with the American Relief Administration for remittance through said Administration to the persons thereto entitled. The dupli- cate receipt issued by the American Relief Administration must be submitted to the Bureau of Imports of the War Trade Board when applications for licenses are filed. Vance C. McCormick, Imp. 518 Chairman. (3898) (3898) (Over) - - The importation of the fºllowing articles will be licensed ºnly ºcentionally and when required: Umbrella frames, tubes, and fittings Furniture casters of all kinds "ickless stores, gas stoves Indoor oil lamps of all kinds Hurricane lanterns Blow lamps Metal parts of lamps - - - Oil cooking and heating stoves with wicks, including tº blue flame atmospheric stove Steel studs for motor-car tires Boot and shoe rivets Hob nails and shoe nails Snoe studs and metal boot protectors Shoemakers' tools Metal parts and accessories of pedal cycles, as follows: Frame lugs Hubs, including ceaster hubs and hub shells Variable speed gears Free wheel clutches Cranks Pedals Rims Frames Forks Handle bars Chain wheels Bells Lamps, other than electric lamps Painters' colors, as follows: Litharge Ultramarine Blue white lead Satin white Lamp black Metal fittings and frames for bags and trunks Raw spirits for industrial purposes Reclaimed rubber The importation of the following articles is to be restricted as snoºn: The present ration for pencils (50 per cent of 1916 importation) is to be maintained Toys (other than electric toys), including parts thereof, games, and playing cards are to be admitted at the rate of 20 per cent of lºlº importations Silver manufactures (other than silver watches and silver watch cases) and electroplates are to be admitted at the rate of 50 per cent of 1913 importations. ( 3. º 9. - - º JUN 20, 1919 -3- General licenses have been issuedrpermitting the importation of the following articles: Cocoa butter Oleo, stearine Olive oil Fresh fruit, except pears and grapes Articles of food containing Sugar Aerated mineral and table waters Sweetened gherkins in brine * Proclamation issued under the custon's consolidation Act prohibits the im- ******n into the United Kingdom of the following articles; provided always that this prohibition shall not apply to any such gºods which are imported under license given by or on behalf of the Board of trade and subject to the provisions and cor- ditions of such licenses: Potash salts, viz: Carbonate Bicarbonate Cnlorate - Perchlorate Chloride, or muriate Chromate Bichromate Cyanide Ferrocyanide or yellow prussiate Hydrate or caustic Nitrate Pºrtranganate Sulphate, including potash alums and potash Manure salts Mixtures containing any of these substances Saccharin and mixtures containing saccharin and other substances of like nature and use In making this announcement the war Trade Board wish to call attention tº the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience ºf those on the "ar Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, "ashington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments, Vance C. McCormick, (389.7–3) Chairman. (Not to be released befºre Jºnº. 3, lens) was nºt roºt "ashingtºn ("..T.B.R. 755) June 3, 1918. FooDSTUFFS TO NORTHERN NEUTRALS AND STITZEFLAND º In answer to a number of inquiries, the War Trade Board announce that War Trade Board Ruling No. 147, issued tº 21, 1919, in no way affects ºf Trade Board Ruling No. 592, issued April 11, 1919, which continues in full force and effect. wance C. McCormick, Chairman- ("..T.A.R. 767) - June 3, 1915. F. - -- REGULATIONS Gourºnſºr, THE SHIpºm of AL CoºnºoDITIFs oth ER THAN FOODSTUFFS Tº Cºtºcºo-SLOTA". IA The "ar Trade Board announce the following amendment to "..T.B.R. 728, -º-º: (1) Shipments ºf commodities other than foodstuffs, when dºined to * Slovakia via the German port of Baºyurg, may be consigne' tº he lºsiºn Commerciale Czecho-Slovaque at Hamburg, for account of a named sub-consiºnee tº Czecho-Slovakia, (2) Shipments of foodstuffs to Czecho-Slovakia via the German port ºf 5 - must be consigned, as heretofore, to the American Pelief administration at tº for account of a named sub-consignee in Czecho-Sloºria. The foregoing ruling does not apply to shipments of finished munitions of . The war Trade Board will continue to accent applications for shipments of a comiciities to czecho-slovakia via Trieste, Fiume, cº ºrenº, ºr it alian forts *** * out requiring consignment to either of the Associations mentionet above- Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. - | 1010 - (Not to be released before JUNE 2, 1919) - ºf trapp roºt "ashington ("..T, B,R, 766) - - June 3, 1919. -- ITALIAN IMPORT RESTRICTIONS - - - - -- --- The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed of the following regulations governing the importation of cotton into Italy: - - - - - - - - - - "The Italian Ministry of Commerce in Rome no longer require from Italian spinners a permit to buy in order to demonstrate that the purchase ºf said cotton had been completed prior to the delivery of the cotton, on. bºard the vessel, provided that the quantity of cotton purchased remains" within the limits already established for the total yearly importation of cotton into Italy. - - --- - - - - - "From now on, therefore, Italian spinners are authorized to buy cotton afloat or lying in bales at warehouses in Italian parts. "American, firms are, therefore, notified that the arrival of unsold cºtton in Italy will be permitted; but it can be released from Warehouses only when it has been ascertained that it was sold to Italian spinners and upon the exhibition by said spinners of a regular permit to buy, to be secured from the Ufficio Cotoni of the Italian Ministry of Commerce in Rome. Import permit would then be granted to Italian buyers. - "The contracts of sale must be stipulated directly with the Italian spinners in dollars. Therefore American firms making shipments of cotton. on consisment cannot draw up on their agents for the purpose of getting the payment of the cotton prior to the final settlement of the sale." * -- - “. In making this announcement the "lar Trade Board wish to call attention tº the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on - foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above informa- tion for the convenience of those on the "ar Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic commerce, Department of Commerce, "ashington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed on the infort regulations as foreign Governments, - - - . Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3901) (Over) (Not to be released before jurº 4, 1919) "AR TRADE SOARD "ashington ("..T.B.R. 768) June 4, 1919, EELGIAN INT20RT RESTRICTIONS - The "ar Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, the following clauses in the Royal Decree of April 5, 1919, setting forth was conditions under which the importation of live stock, such as oxen and cows. *=p goats, and hogs, into Belgium may be effected through the ports of Antwerp, Ghent, Ostend, and Zeebrugge: - "The Royal Decrees of October 13, 1890, January 22, 1897, March 31, 1909, and January 7, 1911, are repealed, "Importation of animals of the bovine family - sheep, goats, and hogs - frºm overseas countries is permitted, but must be effected direct through the ports of **p, Ghent, Ostend, and Zeebrugge, where; these animals will be subjected to sanitary inspection. "If on arrival unfattened animals intended for milch stock or breeding stock are found to be suffering from aphthous fever, they will be segregated in special quarantine quarters at the port of disembarkation. - "Consequent to the report of the veterinary inspector, the Minister of Agriculture will decide as to the duration of the period of quarantine- "Animals destined for consumption, found to be suffering from the same disease, will be taken in closed conveyances under the supervision of the local police tº the nearest slaughter house, where they will be killed immediately. "Animals suffering from aphthous fever may not be offered for sale. "The Minister of Agriculture will specify the particular conditions relating - tº the circulation and sale of animals exported from the various overseas countries. In making this announcement the War Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience of those on the War Trade Board's mailing list, Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman- (3905) (over) –2– Electrican measuring instruments of all kinds, except* those with four inch dials and under Electrican cocºring, heating and domestic laundry appliances, except electric washing machines and electric vacuum cleaners Elect--a cables and wires other than flexible wires for tele- phone and house wiring Batteries for pocket lamps Electric rotors and parts thereof, other than for renewals, except gºall motors up to 1/4 H.P.B. Rolling mall motors for auxiliary driving, up to 250 H.P.C. Single phase repulsion induction motors Electrical accessories and parts thereof, including fan motors The following articles are to be rationed for importation as follows: Pen nibs, other than gold enamels - present ration of 33 1/34 of 1916 imports to be maintained- Eraseºs - present ration of 33 1/3% of 1916 imports to be main-ained Painters cºlors and pigments, as follows: - present ration or 50° of 1916 imports to be maintained Brº 1": a*, *, crize blue Chrºme green and yellow Chºnate ºf lead Coº'er oxide Minimum oxide of tin Steel blue Parisian blue Powder cºlors Red lead Verºni lion Lawn mowers – the quantity to be admitted in eight months ending September first not to exceed 50% of imports of whole year 1913 Dry cells and primary batteries, except those for pocket lamps, to be admitted at rate of 20% of 1916 imports Bulbs for electric lamps, admitted at rate of 50% of 1913 imports In making this announcement the "ar Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign Amport restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience of those on the "ar "rºde Boara's mailing list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign an. Domestic Commerce, Derartment, of Comº erce, "a shington, D. C., as that Bureau enleavors to reep informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments. - Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. - - (aº-2, º 7 º' -- * - - - ("..º.º.R. 770) JUM 1919 (Not to be released before June 4, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD "ashington June 4, 1919. BPITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS - The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that they have been informed of the following changes in the import restrictions of Great Britain: - - The restrict removed: - - ions on the importation of the following articles have been Slate"pencils - - Hardºower-ee-eream freezers - Hardºower cºrree roasting machines "--- -- Wacº dº sailers, including electric vacuum cleaners Door and gave springs, all kinds, including spring hinges, diºcº ºne cºrs Fine balance spring balances Safety razor bºades Brass and electrobrassed chair and trunk nails Hoop iron over one inch wide and thicker than 20 " G Small electric motors up to + h.p. Rolling mill electric motors for auxiliary driving up to 350 h.p. and single phase repulsion induction motors Electrical measuring instruments, all kinds, with four inrºn dº als and under Flexible wºres for telephone and house wiring Cash registers The importation of the follºwing articles will be licensed only exceptionally, as and when required: - (3-03-1) Potato chipping machines "eighing machines and scales Carpet sweepers Automatic machines for retail sale of any article "ire rope Drop forgings, other than wire rop sockets Fire extinguishers - Cutlery, other than safety razor blades Casket hardware Box strapping and fasteners - Tachometers or speed indicators-, -other than those required for use on motorcars Steel barrels or drums for containing oil or chemicals Pistols Electric incandescent lamps, meaning complete lamp bulbs with filaments and filament supports, contacts and tubes Electric house service meters. (Over) UUM (919 º - (Not to be released before JUNE 4, 1919) *AR TRAnº hoard washington (*, *, *, *. 762) June 4, 1919. ºf ITISH IMPORT pºstºic"IONS The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the Unitei States, that the item "Unglazed spectacle ware of all, kinds", contained in the list of commodities which might be imported freely into great Britain under general *port licenses, as stated in war Trade Board Rulin 750, issued May 23, 1919, should be interpreted to mean, "Frames or parts there of without lenses". Lenses Without frames are, considered as optical glass, which may be imported only under individual licenses. - - - - in making this announcement the war ºr de Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not an a position to speak authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience ºf those on the "ar Trade Board's maining list. Inquiries with regard to foreign infort regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Conterce, Department of commerce, washington D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to **p informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments, vance C. McCormick, Chairman. - (Not to be released before JUNE 5, 1919) (º, T. R.R. 772) - * June 5, 1919. nºtations of turnºt, intrºl sonvin, Tºrºna, precious stoºs, ARTIFICIAL FLO"FRS, AND ARTIFICIAL RA* SILº FROM GTRºany The War Trade Board announce that applications for licenses to import into the United States luminal, luminal sodium, trianal, precious stones, artificial flowers, and artificial raw silk from Germany, or which originated in Germany, will be considered. Licenses covering such importations, however, will not be issued until the importer in the United States has made effective arrangements to make the purchase price of such commodities available for the purchase of foodstuffs for Germany by depositing said purchase price with the American Relief Administra- tion for remittance through aaid Administration to the persons thereto entitled. The duplicate receipt issued by the American Relief Administration must be sub- mitted to the Bureau of Imports of the War Trade Board when applications for licenses are filed. Vance C. McCormick, (3907) Chairman. (390.9) (Over) (Not to be released before June 5, 1918) ºf trane soºn washiºston (º, T.R.R. 771) June 5, 1919. Bignations compring sºmeºs in transit tº hotºu The War Trade Board announce the following regulations governiº - shipments in transit through Holland, These regulations are in addition to those prescribed in "ar Trade Board Ruling 757, issued May 27, 1913, (l) Shipments from the United States in transit through Hollani, destined for Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine, Switzerland, or the territory occu, ied by the Allied forces on the left-bank of the Rhine, rust be cor- signed to the Inter-Allied Trade committee at The Hague, for account of + mained sub-consignee in the country of ultimate destination, (2) Exporters should designate on the bills of lading the name of the forwarding agent who will handle the transshipment in Holland, and to whom the indorsed bills of lading should be delivered by the Inter-allied Trate Committee at The Hague. (3) If the Inter-Allied Trade cormittee is not in receipt of any instructions, either from the shippers of the goods or from the "ltimate consignee thereof or from the bank of person who makes delivery of the bills of leading to the I, A, T, c, , as to whom the indorsed bills of lading are to be delivered, the Inter-Allied Trade Committee, without assuming any responsibility whatever for the merchandise, will hand the bills of lading to a forwarding agent of its on selection in Rotterdam. (4) The right is reserved by the Inter-Allied Trade Committee to require the person to whom the indorsed bills of lading are handed to - furnish a satisfactory guaranty that the goods will reach their intended destimation. - ((5) The right is reserved by the "ſar Trade Board to request the Inter-Allied Trade Committee to withhold indorsement of bills of lading, should any unforeseen circumstance occur. (6) No charge will be made by the Inter-Allied trade committee for its services in indorsing bills of lading. - wance C. McCormick, Chairman. (Over) - - JUN 20, 1919 (Not to be released before JUNE 10, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD Washington ("..T.E.R. 773) June 10, 1919. AMTNDºn't or "...T. R. R. 772 The War Trade Board announce a correction in ºr T. B.R. 772, issued June 5, 1919, by substituting the words "artificial silk straw" in place of the words "artificial naw sillr." Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3914) (Nºt to be released before June 11, 1919) "An TRADE BOARD Washington ("..T. º., R. 775) June 11, 1919. FXPORT CONSTRVATION LIST The War Trade Board announce that the Export Conservation List as 2: June 11, 1919, is as follows (it will be noted that films, moving picture, are no longer on the list): *Ammunition, X-2 - *Cartridges and shells, loaded and unloaded, X-2 *Coal *Coke *Explosives, X-2 *Firearms, all types, X-2 Flour, as follows: Theat Grains, as follows: Theat, except seed wheat * Individual licenses not required to Canada and Newfoundland. Shipment of these commodities to those destinations may be made under Special Expºrt License RAC-63 - Where shipments of grain are made for seed purposes, shippers ** cautioned to state that fact" on the shipping papers. - Wance C. McCormick, (3917) Chairman- // º (Not to be released bet ore TIME 11, 1919) - "AR TRADE BOARD - - - ("..". B.R. 774) "**** ºn, 11, 1919. EBITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The "ar Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, *t they have been informed of the following changes in the impºrt restric- tions of Great Britain: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The restrictions on the importation of the follºwing articles have been renºvº Canes, all descriptions - Corposition blocºs for manufacture of billiard balls, manufactured and unmanufactured - Sorghum, Carpet Whisks Clotheshorses - "ood heels - - - Shanks and regs required by bºot and shºe industry "ooden hoops and ends for barreis - Boat cars and rickers "ood wool - Bee-keeping appliances "ooden cedar pencil slats Small turned wood boxes and tubes "ood skewers and match splints Compo, board Button molds (wooden) Plywood chair seats (perforated) . . . . . Reels and spools, wooden, required for textile trade Wood blocks and unfinished turnery parts for toys Hickory squares for golf-club shafts . Persimmon blocks for gºlf-club heads - Embroidery hoops (wooden) - Hickory handles for miners' picks - - Mangle roller blocks, rough sawn . Celluloid in sheets, rolls and rods "oodware for drawing offices and schools Bungs, tits, spiles and shives for barrels Cornice pole ends - - Turned º: rails and general turnery for furniture trade Door handles - - - "coden plywood Wooden boot trees - - All other wood manufactures not specifically mentioned Trunk locks - - Aluminum sheets, foil, circles, rods, bars, ingots, ameles, wire, tubes, and strips All hardware not otherwise specifically mentioned Peat Moss - Litter (3913-1) Salt - (over) - - * - - - - - - - - - - - -2- The in ortation of the following articles will be licensed only exceptionally *s and when required: - - - Dowels - Broom handles and brush stocks Curtain rods Spring blind rollers "ooden clogs and clog soles Pulleys, wooden Fº'. (as distinct from picture frame moldings and builders' moldings) - Turned shafts for golf clubs - - "looden tool ...; of all descriptions (excepting Hickory shafts for miners' picks) Tashboards and rºsteboards Clothes pegs Shuttles and bobbins, wooden "ooden plugs for paper reels "ooden ice safes and refrigerators Tennis racket frames (unfinished) Boot and shoe lasts, wooden Stereoscopes, without lenses Cornice poles and {..., i moldings) Builders' joiner including builders' molding - - - Office ºna". furniture (including roil-top desks, cabinets, etc., and chairs) Domestic furniture, all kinds Mangle rollers -- - Wooden wheels and component parts, other than warner whº is Manufactures of celluloid, except sheets, rolls, and rods b. *anufactures of aluminum, except sheets, foil, circles, rods, bars, ingots, angles, wire, tubes and stripº powder, and hollow ware - Lºcks, including radlocks, but excepting trunk locks Stoves and ranges Poor bells, other than electric bulls Cºst-steel pins for textile purposes Metal parts for loose-lear ledgers Perfumery and toilet preparations Electrical toys Dairy machinery, wooden Roofing slates The following articles are to be rationed for importation as follows: - Stationery articles, as follows (present ration of 33 1/3% of 1916 imports to be maintained): Rubber-faced hand dating and numbering stamps Stamp inking pads Stamping outfits complete Sealing wax Indorsing ink Perholuers "ax crayóns - Rubber bands for stationery purposes, admitted at rate of 75% of 1916 imports in proportionate quarterly amounts (391.5-2) -3- "arner wheels and component parts, admitted at rate of 50% of 1913 imports in quarterly amounta Mill finished furniture and cabinet parts, not assembled, admitted at rate of 50% of 1513 imports in quarterly amounts Manufactures of bone, horn, and ivory, admitted at rate of 100% of 1913 imports Fountain pens containing no gold (present concession of 24 tons per annum distributed among importers to be maintained) Gas mantles, admitted at rate of 100% of 1916 imports in quarterly amounts - Gas mantle rings and supports (earthenware), permitted at rate of 100% of 1916 imports in quarterly amounts "ringers and mangles, admitted at rate of 25% of 1913 imports in quarterly amounts - Insulating cloths and tepas (including warnished cambric and ciled º, admitted at rete of 25% of 1913 imports Carbons for arc lamps, cinemas and searchlights, admitted at rate of 20% of 1916 imports Brooms and brushes, admitted at rate of 100% of 1916 imports Machine-made lace, admitted at rate of 50% of 1916 imports In making this announcement the "ar Traie Board wish to call attention to the *** that they are not in a position to ºpen authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the convenience of those on the Tar Trade Board is mailing list, Inquiries with regard to foreign *Pºrt regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of commerce, Washington, D. C., as that bureau endeavors to keep informed ºn the import regulations of foreign Governments. Vance C. McCormick Chairman. A/ - - - - Jºº JUN 20, 1919 A 32. (Not to be released before JUNE 12, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD Washington ("..T.B.R. 778) June 12, 1919. RFGULATIONS GomºRNING THE SHIFºr of FoonsTFs TO FINLANT The War Trade Board announce that applications for licenses to export foodstuffs to Finland will now be considered by the War Trade Board without requiring the production of the numbers of import certificates issued by the I.A.T.C. at Helsingfors. Applications should be filed with the War Trade Board, Washington, on Form X-A, - Exporters are advised that they should acquaint themselves with the import regulations of Finland before making unconditional commitments, This ruling amends ºut.R.R. 590, issued Fevruary 11, 1919. Wance C. McCormick, Chairman. (3921) (Over) (Not to be released before JUNE 12, 1919) "AR TRADE BOARD "ashington ("..T.E.R. 777) June 12, 1919- SPFCIAL EXPORT LICENSE FOR SHIPMENT OF crºtary commonſtirs to mºp ºn ITFD "INGto." FRANCE, ITALY, HELGIUM, JAPAN, OR GREECE, THEIR colourts; Possrssions, AND PRO- TECTORATTS – RAC-53 The "ar Trade Board announce that special Export License Rac-63 (".", B.R. 69°. February 26, 1919, and "..T.A.R. 720, May 3, 1919) has been amended and reissued, through the Customs Service, effective June 12, 1919, authorizing the exportation by freight of express, without individual export license, of - (A) All shipments of commodities Not on the Export conservation List, when destined to the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Belgium, Japan, or Greece, their colonies, possessions, or protectorates, or to the territory included in the line set out in Article 3 of the Military Clause of the Armistice Protocol of November 3, 1918, (*) Shipments of commodities on the Frport conservation List where the value of no one commodity exceeds $200, - - - - - - - - when destined to the United Yingdom, France, Italy, Belgium, Japan, or Greece, the cºlonies, Iossessions, or protectorates. - (c) Shipments to Canada and Newfoundland of certain commodities on the Export Conservation List as noted in the list, in addition to shipments ** outlined in (A) and (B) above. Shippers should note that it is unnecessary to apply to the War Trade Board fo permission to ship under Special Export Licenase#Ac-63, and jeo special document issued by the "ar Trade Board is necessary in connection with such shipments. sº ments may be made under Special Export License RAC-63 by presentation of shipper's export declaration (Customs Cat, 7525), in triplicate to the Collector of Customs at port of exit from the United States, To export any commodity CN the Export Conservation List of a value exceeding $200 (except those on the list for which individual license is not required for Canada or Newfoundland), application for export license must be made on Form *-A and such supplemental information sheets used therewith as the regulations on the War Trade Board may require in connection with shipments of certain commodities. - The attention of shippers is called to the fact that shipments of the charact outlinea above being dispatched by mail must be exported under Special Fºxport 11 License Rac-52 (*, *, B.R. 758). Exporters should be careful to make the necessary freight arrangements before moving exports to seaboard and to acquaint themselves with the import tequirements of the country of destination, and it is suggested that exporters avail themselves of the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commorce of the Department of Commerce, "ashington, D. C. , in obtaining information respecting the import regulations of foreign countries. Vancº C. McCormick, (3922) Chairman. - ///- º As a JUN 2' 1919 (Now to be released before jurº 13, 1919) TAR TRAN7 ºn PD "ashington ("..T.E.R. 778) - June 13, 1919. TRºº IMPORT RESTRICTIONS The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United **tes, that they have been advisa of the publication of a Ministerial Decree: *ated June 6, 1919, affective June 10, 1919, abrogating the prohibition gainst the importation into France of sugar of foreign origin, powdered, ra", ºr refined. In making this announcement the ºar Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to speak authoritatively on foreign in- Pºrt restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above information for the *nience of the se on the ºar Trade Board's mailing list. Inquiries with * ºrd to foreign import regulations should be addressed to the Bureau of Foreign ** Pomestic commerce, Department of commerce, washington, D. C., as that Bureau **ors to keep informed on the import regulations of foreign Governments. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman- ("...T. H.R. 779) June 13, 1c10. I'PORTATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC ROC’s FRCM GREMANY The "ºr "rade Board announce that applications will be considered for licenses to import into the United States from Germany or elsewhere scientific books and Jºurnals which were printed in Germany. Licenses covering such importatiºns will nºt, hºwever, be issued until the importer in the United States has rºmae effective arrangements to make the purchase price of such books or journals available for the purchase of foodstuffs for Germany, by depositing sºid rurchase price with the American Relief Administration for remittance through said Administration to the persons thereto entitled. The duplicate receipt issued by the American Relief Administration must be submitted to the Bureau of imports of the "ar Trade Board when pºlications for such licenses are filed. In cases where the rurchase price has been paid prior to April 6, 1917, payment of the purchase price to the American Relief Administration above referred to will not be required. Conclusive Proof of such prior payment must be furnished. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. !!!N ºn 1919 (Not to be released before nºt is, lºng) *AR TRATF ROARD Washington (*.*, *, *, 780) June 16, 1919. IMPORT RESTRICTION's Rºot70 on FIG TIN AND ºr ºt, ALLoys cº-TAINING Tnt of AUGUST 1, 1919 The "ar Trade Board announce that applications will nºw be considered for licenses to in ort pig tin and all metal alloys containing tir, incluj- ** tin Grosses, tin oxides, solder drosses, type metals, entifriction ****, waste metals, and other metals containing tin, subject, however, to the following conditions and limitations. 1. That such licenses will permit the importa- tion only of shipments made from points of origin on or after June 30, 1919, and 2. That such import licenses will not be valid for entry until August l, 1919. Vance C. "cºormick, Imp. 522 Chairman. (392-) (over) (Not to be released before mintº 16, 1919) TAR TRADE BOARD Washington ("...T.R.R. 781) June 15, 1919. Rºo"AL OF IMPORT REGULATIO's Rºsmarctric THE TºonTATION of Foonsºrs INTO NET FOUNDLAND The War Trade Board announce, for the information of exporters in the United States, that the regulations restricting the importation of food- stuffs into Newfoundland, including the regulation of November 26, 1915, - were canceled on May 20, 1919. The foregoing relaxation, however, does not apply to the importation of wheat flour, the regulations covering the importation of which still remains in effect. In making this announcement the "ar Trade Board wish to call attention to the fact that they are not in a position to º authoritatively on foreign import restrictions, but are merely transmitting the above informa- tion for the convenience of those on the "ar Trade Board's mailine list. Inquiries with regard to foreign import regulations should be addressed tº the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, "ashing- ton, D. C., as that Bureau endeavors to keep informed on the import regula- tions of foreign Governments. Wance c. McCormick, Chairman. (3927) ºn ºn ºn (Not to be released before Jº 18, 1918) - A 3- A "AP Tºº TF ROARD - "ashington ("..T.R.R. 782) June 18, 1919. - - FOR FILIC DOCUMTT3 ºr TT COLLECTOR'S OF CUSTOR'S SPECIAL EXPORT LICFNSF No. Pac-42 For cºratº In-TRansºm SRTPºſts AND PROCEDIRE The "ar Trade Board announce the revision of regulations under which shipments of certain origin and destination, the importation of which has been otherwise licensed, may be sºorted without an individual export license when the same are Sºº-yed in transit through the territory or via any port of the United States. This regulation, effectivº June 18, 1919, rescinds m.T.T.R, 714, issued April 23, ***, "..T.E.P. 737, issued tº 15, 1:13, and º.º.º.º. 736, issued May 28, 1919, and **tends the score of special Export License RAc-42 as hereirafter described: (1) Special ºrport tº cºnse exc-42 has been issuea through the customs service ***hºrizes the exportation of shipments of all commodities which are conveyed in transit through the territory or via a port of the United States when originat- *** * *m' foreign country and destined to any country of the world, provinº, Fº", that no shipment destined to Europe shall be authorized under this license º *h shipment is consigned to creat Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, ºpºn, Portugal, or their possessions in Furope, or Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Serbia, Roumania, Norway, or Denmarº, or to the Netherlands oversea Trust ºhen ***ned to Holland, or to the sociate suisse de surveillance Economique when destin- ed to Switzerland. (2) In transit shipments arriving at the United States by rail or vessel for reexport under RAC-42 ray be consigned to the ultimate destination or to an agent * ºne "nited States for reshirtent, and it consigned to an agent, the railroad way- bill ºr vessel's manifest must designate the ultimate aestination, and such rotº- **ºns shall be transcribed therefrom to the carrier is custors manifest or copy of vessel's manifest presented to the collector of customs, the foregoing will not apply in the case of shipments destined to Holland and switzerland. Such ship ats mºst show at point of entry the fact that the consignment has been radº ºither to the Netherlands oversea Trust, if destined to Holland, or the societe Suisse as Surveillance Economique, if destined to Switzerland. (c) Upon arrival of such in-transit shipments at port of entry, the railroad agent or the vessel's agent shall present to the Collector of Custons a copy of the Carrier's Customs Manifest, Form 75.12, or a copy of the ship's manifest or portion thereof, upon which shall be clearly noted the shipments which are in transit. This copy shall bear - (*) The ultimate destination, in accordance with paragraph (2) herein, (B) The consigner when destined to Hollani or Switzerland. (c) The notation "Special Fºxport License Rºc-42." (4) If the shipment is by rain, the connector of customs win, ºr or givine entry, allow the shipment to proceed to port of exit accompanied by the Carrier's Manifest. The Collector of customs at the port of exit will allow the grods to bes expºrted under RAC-42. (3534-1) (Over) -2- the ºn ºf shippers is called to the fact that goºds ºiven ºry into tion ... .º. º in-transit shipments may rºot be diverted for dºtic consump- º a.º. ºned º a country of destination other than the one * on the º "ººnts described in paragraph (2) unless authority for so doing has been *ained from the war Traa E. - For the information of shippers, their attention is drawn to *.*.*.*, *, *** March 14, 1919, announcing the issuance of General Import License Pº No. * This Eºral import license coyers the importation into the United States ºnder such bond as may be prescribed by the United states customs service, of all ºvies *hich are proposed to be shipped through the United States to any Fºreign country. Vance C. McCormick, ººz -º - (333-2) - - Chairman. A/F JUN 0 tº 1919 --- A 2- (Not to be released before JUNE 18, 1919) - "AR TRADE BOARD "ASHINGTON ("..T.B.R. 783) June 18, 1919. SHIPMENTS BY MAIL UNDER SPECIAL EYPORT LICFNSE RAC-52 The War Trade Board announce the revision of Special Export License PAC-52, *Yering certain shipments to foreign countries by MAIL, "..T.B.R. 618, issued February 28, 1919, "...T.B.R. 715, issued April 29, 1919, and "...T. B.R. 758, issued. May 28, 1919, are hereby rascinded, and in place thereof the following becomes ef- fective June 13, 1919, - (1) Special Export License Rac-52 has been issued to the Post office Depart- ** tº permit any local postmaster to accept without individual export license - (A) All shipments of commodities NOT ON the Export Conservation List; - (*) shipments of commodities on the Export conservation List where the value of no one commodity exceeds $200; when destined to - Any country in the Western Hemisphere or Africa; Any country in Asia (including Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria) except Arabia and Turkey in Asia; The following countries in Europe: Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, and Portugal, their colonies, possessions, and protector- ates, also Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway and Denmark. (c) shipments without limit of value to Canada and Newfoundland of certain cºmmodities on the Export Conservation List as noted in the list, in addition to shipments as outlined in (A) and (B) above. (2) In making shipments under this special license (RAC-52) it is not neces- sary to make any application for license nor to present a license of any kind to the postmaster. If the shipment is of a commodity which may be shipped under sub- headings (A), (5), and (c) of paragraph (1) above, and if the shipment is consigned ** a consignee in any country named in paragraph (l), the package, in so far as the War Trade Board is concerned, need only be delivered to the postmaster with the rol- lowing facts noted upon the wrapper: "Shipped under Export License RAC-52." List of contents. Name and address of shipper. Name and address of consignee, - i ("here a package bears a custors tag or an invoice describing the contents, the list of contents need not be written upon the wrapper of the package.) (3235-1) ( ) Over –2- (3) All shipments made under Special Export License RAC-tº must be tº by tail and are subject to the regulations of the Post Office Depºrtment. Special -t- ention is called to the fact that there is no parcel post service at present be- ween the United States and certain of the countries mentioned in parºrº (l). (4) The attention of shippers is directed to the fact than RAC-53 *** ** Re- mit any shipments to members of the United states Army, United tates tº "nited - - - - - -- -- -- 5tates Marine Corps, or organizations affiliated there with, but that all such sº Hents must be made under Special Export License RAC-43 and in coºpliance with Post Office Department. (5) Persons desiring to export by mail any commodity which may not tº expºrted under RAC-52 or any commodity to a country not covered by RAC-52 rust arily tº tne "ar Trade Board for an individual export license. Applications should be ºn Laº on Form X-A, copies of which are obtainable from the War Trade Board in "ashingtºn ºr any of its branch offices, vance C. McCormick, Chairman. JUN 1919 (not to be released before June 18, 1919) º "AR TRADT BOARD - A ºn - "ASHINGTON, (". T. B. R. 784) June 18, 1919. - - SPFCIAJ. TYPORT LITIST PAC-31 FOR SHIPMTNTS OF MON- COMSº coºronitºr's To Dºmºny. The "ar Trade Board announce that special ºxport License RAC- 81 has been issued through the customs service, effective June 18, 1918 to permº the expºrtation by freight or express, without individual ex- pºrt 1' cºnses of all articles not included in the ºxport Conservation List when destined to Denmark, - Shipments must be consigned directly to the individual im– Porters in Denmar)-, - Shippers should note that it is no longer necessary to apply tº the "ar Trade Board for rermission to ship under special Export License RAC-81, and no special document issued by the war Trade Board is necessary in connection with such shipments. Shipments may be made under Special ºxport License RAC-81 by the presentation of Shipper's ºxport Declarations (Customs cat. 7525) in triplicate to the collectors of Customs at the ports of exit from the United states. The attention of shippers is called to the fact that shipments of the character outlined above, when dispatched by mail, should be exported under Special ºxport License RAC-52, "..T.B.R. 783, issued June 18, 1919. " - . Commodities included in the ºxport Conservation List may be exported to Denmark only under individual export licenses, applications for which should be made to the "ar Trade Board, Washington, D. C. "xporters should acquaint themselves with the import re- Tuirements of the country of destination, and it is suggested that exporters avail themselves of the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce, washington, D. C., to obtain information respecting the import regulations of Denmark. So far as Denmark is concerned, this Ruling rescinds War Trade Board Ruling 747, issued May 21, 1919, and War Trade Board Ruling 500, issued January 11, 1919. The regulations governing trans- shipment in, or reexportation from, Denmark are not affected by this Ruling, and the provisions of "ar Trade Board Ruling 744, issued May 19, 1919, continue in full force and effect. Vance C. McCormick, Chairman. (Over) (3938) be released before Jº 18, 1919.) "AR TRADE ROARD "ASHINGTON ("...m., H.R. 785) - - June 18, 1919. CARIE COMMUNICATIONS VITH GFRMANY The War Trade Board announce that they have been advised that all cable companies and censors have been instructed that cablegrams relating to the supply of foodstuffs to Germany under the terms of the Brussels Agreement, may now be accepted for all destinations in Gerary wer such messages are otherwise unobjectionable. -- With reference to the foregoing Ruling, the attention of ex- rººters is directed to War Trade Board Ruling 707, issued April 23, - - - - - - . - - - - - - - 1-19. - - - º - - - - - - - - - - " . . . . . . - * - Vance C. McCormick, - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chairman. (3937) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - tº - - - - - . - - - - -- - - - - --- * * * --- - - - -- - - - - - - - --- º - - - - - - . - (not to be released before June 24, 1918) "AR TRATT ROARD WASHTMGTON (". T. R. R. 7co) June 24, 1919. SHIP” FNTS TO C7FCHQ-SLCV"YI. The "ar Trade Board announce that hereafter all shipments to Czecho-Slovakia via the port of Hamburg rust be consigned to the Commission Commerciale Czecho-Slovaque at Hamburg, The "ar Trade Boºrd will continue to accept arp icºtions for shipments ºf commodi- ties to Czechn-Slovakia, via Trieste, Fiume, or French or Italian Ports without requiring ºny special method ºf cºnsignment ºpplica- tions should be filed with the war Trade Board, "ashington, D. C. The foregoing ruling amends "ºr Trade Board Ruling 7-8, issued "y 17, 1919, and "ar Trade Board Ruling 757, issued June 3, 1-19. ºnce ". McCormick, Chairman. (v4-7) - º º º - º: (lot to be released before JUICE 24, 1919) war. Tº DE 30 ºld Washington (º. T. B. R. 791) June 24, 1919. *I* ºr Poºt LICElº Rºc-82 For ship.ºrs or non-colººwººd co-opiºiºs Io e LDºr The war Trado Board announce that spooial ºrport Liceneo RAC-82 has been issued **º the Customs service, effective June 2, 1919, to permit the exportation by ***** * *press, without individual export incansºs, of all articles not includ- ad in the Export Conservat lon List when dostined to Gweden. - *Pººnts may now be consigned directly to the individual importers in Sweden. - **ppers should note that it is no longer necessary tº apply to the war Trade *** for permission to ship under spocial Export License Rºc-82 and no special **ºnent issued by the war ºrcas Board is necessary in connection with such ship- *** Shipments may be rºads under special Export License Rac-82 by the presenta- **ºn of Shipper's Export Declarations (custors cat. 7525) in triplicate tº the Cºllectors of Customs at the prts of exit from the United States - The attention ºf shippers is called to the fact that shipments of the character ºutlined above, when dispatched by mail, should be exported under Special Export *ense R.C-52, W. T. B. .. 794, issued June 24, 1919. cºrodities included in the Export conservation List may be exported to Sweden ºnly under individual export licenses, applications for which should be made to the War Trade Board, washington, D. C. ºporters should acquaint themselves with the import requirements of the cºuntry of destination, and it is suggested that exporters avail themselves ºf the facilities of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic commerce of the Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. to obtain information respecting the import regulations ºf Lºaden- So far as Swedin is concerned, this ruling rescinds War Trade Board Ruling 747, issued lay 21, 1919, and War Trade Board Ruling 649, issued Iarch 15, 1919. The regulations governing transshipment in, or ree-portatiºn frºm, Sweden are not af- fºoted by this rulin, and the provisions of War Trade Board Ruling 744, issued lºy 19, 1919, continue in full force and effect. Wance C. l.cCormick, Chairman. (349) - T T-T A/º º ("ot to be released before JUNE 4, 1919) - º WAR TRADE BoARD --> was HINGTON As a - ("..T.R.R. 793) * June Cº, lºlº, - - Fºllº TIONS Govºrº; Tºr Tºo-TATION OF COTTON INTO GETICE The "ºr Trade Board announce, for the information of ºf ºrº * they have been advised that the Greek government has prº hibited, effective May 25, lºlº, the importation into Greece of Seed or ginned cotton Cotton yarns, soft or tight rolled up to size No. 24 Colored and Fnglish cotton prints, drills - *nd "aladza" (gingham) of Class one 5* * of Greek Customs Regulations. ºf sciºl intº ort licensus ray be issued at the discretiºn ºf --- - -- - - - -- --- * * * ºr of Nation-l ſcorory for goods purchased and sºil tº prior to May 3, 1-15, - In making this announcement the war Trade Roard wish tº rºll ****tion to the fact that they are not in a position to st *******ively on foreign import restrictions, but are tº transmitting the above inform, tion for the convenience of tº "ºr "rºde Board's mailing list. In uiries with reference to ºreign im ort regulations should be addressed to the Bureº 6 Fºreign na Domestic commerce, Department of cond erce, Washington, º C. , s that Bureau ende vors to eep informed with respect to ** in ort regulations of foreign governments. f varice C. McCormicº . Chairman. (3:48) (lot to be released before June 24, 1919) wºn tape Boºp Washington ſ T. B. R. 193) June 24, 1919. sºciº ºoºº Licº no. Ac-42 for car in In-mansiºn ship, gºs in procedure Foº FILIJ LOCU, uT, ITH collections of CUSTOis - The War Tradio Board announce the revision of regulatiºns under which shipment: ºf certain origin and destination, the importation of which has been otherwise licensed, may be exported without an individual export license when the same are ºvºyed in trºme it thrºugh the territory or via any port of the United States. This resulation, effective June 24, 1919, rescinds win, B.A. 714, issued ºpril 29. 1919; W. T. B. R. 737, issued lay 15, 1919; win. B.R. 760, issued lºy 28, 1919, and * * *** 78°, issued June 18, 1919, and extends the socpe of special Export Liaºns' 3.0-42 as heroinafter described. - - (1) Special Export License Ric-42 has been issued threugh the customs service and authºrizes the exportation of shipments of all commodities which are cºnveyed in transit through the territory or via a port ef the United States when originat- * in any foreign country and destined to any country of the world: PROVIDED, Hº- º, that no shipment destined tº Eurºpe shall be authorized under this license ºn- loss such shipment is consigned a Great Britain, CFrance, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Portugal, or their possessions in Europe, or Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Servia, Roumania, lºor way, Denmark, or Sºeden er to the Netherlands oversea Trust whº destined to Holland, or to the sociate Suisse de Surveillance Econºmique when destined to Switzerluid. (2) In-transit shipments arriving at the United states by rail or vessel fºr reºport under RAC-42 may be consigned tº the ultimate destinatiºn or te an agent in the United States far reshipment, and if censigned to an agent, the railroad waybill or vessel's manifest must designate the ultimate destimation, and such ºcta- tions shall be transcribed therefrom to the carrier's custºms manifest or copy ºf vessel's manifest presented to the Cºllectºr of Customs. The for egoing will not apply in the case of shipments destined to Helland and Switzerland. Such shipments must show at point of entry the fact that the consignment has been made either tº the Netherlands oversea Trust, if destined to Helland, ºr the Societe Suisse de Surveillance Loonomique, if destined tº Switzerland. (3) Upon arrival of such in-transit shipments at port of entry the railroads agent ºr the vessel's agent shall present te the Collecter of Customs a cºpy ºf the Carrier's Customs anifest, Form 75.12, ºr a copy of the ship's manifest or portiºn thereof, upºn which shall be clearly noted the shipments hich are in transit. (3350-1) (Over) -2- This copy shall bear - (a) The ultimate destination, in accordance with paragraph tº herº” (B) The consignee when destined to Hollard or Switzerland. (c) The notation "Special Export License RC-42-" (4) If the shipment is by rail, the collector of customs will, ºpen sº entry, allow the shipment to proceed to port of exit accompanied by the Carrier's Iºanifest. The Collector of Customs at the port of exit will allow the goods to be exported under RAC-42. The attention of shippers is called to the fact that goods given entry º the United States as in-transit shipments may not be aiverted for domestic consump- tion or reconsigned to a country of destination other that the ºne ºned ºn the entry documents aescribed in paragraph (2), unless authority for so *s has been ºbtained from the War Trade Board. For the information ºf shippers, their attention is drawn to W.T. B. R. 743. issued arch 14, 1919, announcing the issuance of General impºrt lººse PBF Nº. 35. This general import license covers the importation ºn tº lººted States: under such woºd as may be prescribed by the United states ºustoms service, or ºil commodities which are proposed to be shipped tº ºis United States tº any foreign country. - Wance C. McCormick, - , Chairman- - - - - (3950–2) - - º - - - -º- 2. List of contents. - * Name and address of shipper. 4. Name and address of consigneo-, - (whºre a package bears a customs tag or an invoice describing the contents the list of contents need not be written upon the wrapper of the package.) (3) in shipments made under Special Export License Rºc-52 must be made by º ºil and are subject to the regulations of the Post office Department. Special ºttention is called tº the fact that parcel post service at present between the 7 United states and cºrtain of the countries, mentiºned in paragraph (i) has not yet . / been reestablished, . . . . . . - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - (*) The attention of shippers is directed tº the fact that Rºc-52 dºes not / Pºit any shiºnºs to nºnpers of the United states Army, united States ºv. United States arine Corps, or organizations affiliated therºith, but that all such shipments ºust be made under special Export License Rºc-4E and in compliance ºitº rºst ºffice Department Regulations, ºf - - - - - - - --- - -- * * * ** tº ". - Vanco C. lºcCormick, Chºirmºn, ºr -- - |- - * - º º - lot to be released before JUNE 24, 1919) - - WAR TRADE BOARD Washington June 24, 1919. - * * - SHIPlus!'s 3: ...IL UNIVER SPECIAL EPORT LIGENSE RC-52. - The War Trade Board announce the revision of special Export License RAC-52, ºvering certain shipments to foreign countries By in 11; W.T.B. R. 618, issued February 23, 1919; wº. B.R. 715, issued April 29, 1919; W.T. B.R. 758, issued *y, 3, 1919, and W.T. B.R. 783, issued June 19, 1919, are hereby rescinded, and in place thereof the following becomes effective June 24, 1919: (1) Special Expert License RAC-52 has been issued to the Post Office Depart- ment to permit any local postmaster to accept without individual export license - (*) all shipments of commodities not on the Export conservation List: (B) Shipments of commodities on the Export conservation List where the value of no one comedity exceeds ºoo; when destined to - ºny country in the Western Hemisphere or Africa; Any cºuntry in ...sia (including lesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria) except Arabia and Turkey in Asia; The fºllowing ceumtries in Europe: Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, and Portugal, their cºlonies, possessions, and protectºr- ates; also Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. (C) Shipments without limit of value to Canada and Newfoundland of certain commºdities on the Export Conservatiºn List as noted in the list, in addition to shipments as outlined in (a) and (B) above. (2) In making shipments under this special license (RAC-52) it is not necessary tº make any applicatiºn for license nor to present a license of any ºnd tº the postmaster. If the shipment is of a commodity which may be shipped wºnder subheadings (-), (B), and (c) of paragraph (1) above, and if the shipment is ºn signed tº a consignee in any country named in paragraph (1), the package, in so far as the ºar Trade Board is concerned, need only be delivered to the post- master with the following facts noted upon the wrapper: 1. "Shipped under Expºrt License RAC-52." (3951-1) (Ove "Shipped under ºort Liºns Rºc-52." List of cont ºntº. Nº ºnd address ºf ºper. ºne ºud address ºf consi mº. - - - º her a package bears a customs tº or an invoice describing the ºn-ºn- the list of contents need not be written upon the wrºtºr of the ººº- tº ill shiºnents made under special ºort License º-dº nºt ºº by ºil ºni are subject to the regulations of the Post Office Dºrº - + Special attentiºn is called tº the fant that parvel post sºrº º' between the United st-tes and certair of the countries mentional in nº (l) has not yet been established. (4) The attention of shippers is directed to the fact that tº º not pºrºiº any shipments to members of the United States army, United º ºy, United Lºves arine Corps, or organizatiºns ºffiliated tº tº º that all such shipments must be ade under sºul ºort Liºns tº º in compliance it. Post Office Department Raºulºna. º (not to be released before JULY 4, 1913) - - D.P., x', ºil or 31…, U ºw. R. Tº co-ºp section -> - - - - - Washington (..T.E.R. sco) - July 4, 1319. Sº Iºlº BY iſ IL UNDER SPECIAL ExpoRº LICElº v.C-5° - The war Trade Board section of the Department of state announces the revision of Special ºpo 't License ac-52, covering certair shipments to fºreign countries by iſ ali, º, T. B.R. 618, issued rubruary 23, 1919; º' -- 71°, issued a ril 23, 1413; W. J. B.R. 753, issued lay 28, 1939; W.T. B. R. 78%. issued June 18, 1919, and W.T. B.º. 794, issued June 24, 1919, are hereby rescinded, and in place thereof the following becomes effective July 4, 1919: - ---- (1) special Export license Rºc-52 has been issued to the Post office Department to permit any local postmaster to accept without individual export license - - (a) shipments of all corrodities not on the ºx, ort Conservation List, ºxcºt whº at and host flour. For wheat and wheat flour see º: ". . . 797, issued June 30, 1919. (3) shipments of commodities on the Export conservation List where the value of no one commodity exceeds a 200; when dostined to - ºn country in the Western Hemisphere or Africa; any country in Asia (including losopotamia, Pºlestine, and Syria) ºcºt ºrabia and Turkey in asia; follo in countries in Europe; Great Britain, ºrance, Italy, Belgium, Greece, sº in, and Portugal, their colonies, mossessions, and protector- atºs: -lºo Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and toun uniºn. T (c) shipments ºithout limit of value to Canada and as foundland of certain commodities on the ºort Conservation List as noted in the list, in additiºn to shi ments nº outlined in ( ) and (B) above. - (2) In making shipments under this special license (*C-52) it is not necessary to nº any a lication for license nor to present a license of any - rinº to the ostnºtºr. If the shipment is of a co-odity which may be shipped under subºeadings ( ), (3), and (c) of paragraºh (1) above, and if the shipment is co-siºned to consince in any country named in parºraph (1), the package, in so fºr as the ºr "rade Board is concerned, need only be delivered to the postºn-stºr ºith the following facts noted upon the wrapper: (º-1) 2. (Over) - º - º - º (not to be rºlonsed before JULY 4, 1919) - DLPART IT OF STATE º TRADE BOARD SECTIOI. Washington (W. T. B.R. 301) July 4, 1913 ship ºns of Foot parcels to gº…? The ºar ºradº Board Section of the Department of State ºrd advised that shipments of food parcels to Germany, if consigned to the German Food linistry, Hamburg, for the account of a named sub-consignee in Germany, will be forwarded by the German Food inistry to such consignees, in which event the ultimate consiºnes will be expected to pay to the German Food ºinistry the charges for transportation and insurance in Germany. (3969) - - Trade Board Wºoton - - - REPORT on GENERAL POLICIES OF THE "º ºne ºn Tº general so clºs ºo owed ºn tº our- or the Board's Lºons roº 1917 in tº ºn tº ºr trape are intº caten ºn tº rºst nº ºn to Pºrts - ºut which the Board now wakes public. The woe, Lization or tº economic aº on tº ºn tº ºn tº ective use or rean ºr sº intº up on tº C as a º Revealed in act on The anguage or nºt ºn tº ºne --~~EED BY AGREEMENT --D Nº-Gº - A T Cº- w T- ºr ºn tº on ºven the appearance or cºol on on ºn tº s -- - - --> w- TH MEuTRAL- - - "TH GERMAN TRAttºs ºn Gººn coºroºs in ºr countries. -º-º-º-º: THERE IS No COMPROMISE MD ºr ºn ºur * - sº toº. º ANGUAGE OF THE REPORT - VES THESE INT-T- ºr - C - ºn ------- - - - - "The activities or rºle Poºrn are Rougºu º nºte -------, THOSE RELAT ING TO THE CONTROL OF Exº-º ºr C. Tº Tºº CONTROL OF IMPORTS AND THC-E RELAT tº TO E-- I - - - "THE Board Has SOUGHT --- TO CON-------- - --D -Cº- ----- Assoc a TED w TH -- N --- ºr ºut---0--- ------- - to º, . Nº ºn Abeou are rºle ecolºne Ee or rºle sºvº º ºs º- canº out Tºe R war prognº ºther oeuects sough nº ºn to --NT OUR COMMOD T ES REACH NG THE ENE MY - R - O -- ºr CT Y. -- tº RELEAS ING LI ºr GOODS FOR THE ENE MY AND TO ºn co-º-º-C Al- tº ansactions Between Persons wºn the Uniten. Sº ºn tº ce. As a lº or the Essº- - - - - - In unpER taking to suºlº Tºº Foot ºn orº - - - - or - a Peo-Les unner careºul in consººn agºns tº Doºn lºs ºn to PREvent acute surrºund in mºose count ºn to ºne vent tº rºom Fault No unper the economic sowen or tº tº - These TRADE agreements tº Boº --- Rºº-º-º- ºn 1 Nº ºn T CU -- Mºtt N THE CASE OF THOSE tºº Nº. 5 - ºf N ºut Relations with tº ºn Against tº Fººtº ºurnals. The ----' (-O-S ON TO sº tº ºf Fºº Fºº Fº Nº. ºr sequel Nº or lºoººoº ºbsºn's ºut to ºn tº Boºn to issue cºnses" sº An agree ºr Has seen coºl ºn tº S. ºr or otº ºss tº eer on tº rece ºr or a stºut ºn tº ºr is stoun *=p to ºn tº econº sº sº ºr Sºland. - 300) - - "The Swiss Covernment, on the other Hand, gives satisfactory assur- A rººts AGA NET Ex-Of-TAT ow. To our ENEM ES OF IMPORTED COMMOD T | ES AND agrees to Limit, in certº in other respects, HER Trading witH THE Enemy. A still More per in Te Achievement is discoveraale in THE Board's R-F-R-C-E- TO THE Northern European NEUTRALS, wºº RE reme orary EMEARGOES ARE tº FORCE, PEND ING THE CONCLUSION OF COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENTS. The Report continues: "The ºr exports of Foodstures to THE CENTRAL Powers Have declined From Last year's corresponding exports in AMounts estimated at From 65 to 85 per cent, nepending on the neutral, and there Has been a becrease in the Export of Many other important commodities. In No- vemeer, 1917, we secame Party to Great Britain's tentative agreeme wn tº Norway, as a result of which Action on our PART 1, 400,000 tons, Dead weight, of Norwegian sºil PP Inc wers charterED into the service of the United States and Great Britain For THE PER top of the war. Shortly Following, temporary Agreements were concluded with Holland and with Sweepen. That witH Hot LAND gives us THE use, For PER obs ur- to 90 pays, of 450,000 tons, beap weight, of Her shi Pº ºng which Hap Heretofore, For a long Period, Lain idle. THE AGREEMENT witH Sweden, gives us the use For THREE months of Tonnace Estimated at 250,000 tons, Dead we loºr, which Had Not THERETofore seen Employed N sº-Rw CE.- USEFUL TO US . "Specific Accomplishments of this character ARE. However, FAR From constituting a Full measure of the Results Achieved ey. The WAR TRADE Board. THE ELMINAT on of ENEMY AdvantAGE From our TRADE AND. to a consiberael E. Extent, From that of THE world. THE securing and CONSERV NG OF COMMOD T Es ESSENT I AL TO OURSELVES AND THOSE ASSOC I ATED WLTH US IN THE WAR, THE BRING ING OF SHLPPLNG GENERALLY NTO THE SER- v CES MOST - SEFUL TO US THESE RESULTS CANNOT BE ACC-RATELY STATED OR A-PRA --D AT THE PRESENT TIME, NOR HAVE THEY BEEN ACCOMPL-1 Słº-D EY ANY S NGLE ACT OR AGREEMENT . - THE report Explains the use of sunker coal Licenses, as Being intended to assure the utilization of AMERica's Restricted supply of Fuel Primarily. By states PERForming services useful to the United States and its Associates in the war. Aeolition of calls at Hall Fax. For shares sailing setween United States and European neutral Ports, which is Foreshadowed in a para- Graeta neau inc witH THE Endeavors of the Board to reduce the necessary control macºl NERY over sailings has now seen accomplished. Letters of assurance issued by the British EMsassy ARE ALso no longer Required. THE Extent of the Business under the control of the Boarp may ee sarºenen From the Fact that the Bureau of Exeorts Has Hanol et approxi Mately 425,000 Aeºlications. For Licenses to ExpoRT AND was, at the pare OF THE REPORT, PASS No UPON BETWEEN FOUR AND Flve THOUSAND APPLICATIONS --- D - . M-52's - The Bureau of imports, of MoRE Recent Formation, Has received to January 1, 5,279 Aeºlications For Licenses to import, upon which 4, 719 Licenses, covering commodifies of AN AGGREGATE value of $237,810, 949 HAD ACTUAL-L-Y BEEN 1-55uED, In order to guide MERcHants in THE R transactions witH Foreign=Rs there was Fuel-is-ed in October an "ENEMY Trading List" containing the Names of individuals and Associations in NEuTRAL cou tries who were Enemies or al-Lies of Enemies. This List is not Fixed and unchanced classification, But is subject to constant REvision, AND THE Board Has BEEN AELE TO REMOVE FROM THE OR I. G. I. NAL L ST MANY F I RMS WHO HAVE CLEARED THEMSEL v. Es OF THE TA NT OF ENE MY CHARACTER. THE PERsonnel of THE WAR TRADE Board AMounts to 1,526, THE Report sºows. The total Financial obligation incurred up to December 31 is *541,498.80. THE Board Is Now Housed in A NuMBER of Detached eunupings. BUT A NEw Two-STORY BUILD ING IS NEAR NG COMPLET LON, WHL CH WITH | Ts 204,552 FEET of FLoor space, will Presently House ALL THE Bureaus at A GREAT ADºw ANTAGE | N T | ME AND LABOR. THE MEMBERsri º of the WAR TRADE Board AT PREsent is as Follows: Vance C. McCormick, CHAIRMAN, REPREsentative of the Secretary of State ALBERT Strauss, representative of THE Secretary of the Treasury Alonzo E. Taylor, representative of THE SEcretary of Agriculture CLAREnce M. Wool-LEY, REPREsentative of the Secretary of Commerce John Beaver WHITE, REPresentative of THE Food Administrator Frank C. Munson, and Edwin F. Gay, REPREsentatives of THE United STATEs Sº ºn 1 No BoARp. - THomas L. CHADBourne, Counsel Lor, AND REPREsentative of THE Sec- Retary of State WArce C. McCormick, Chairman