C 383.265 TABLES For THE Recevise a st *A*s of Gaou D Courts \974 card viside. - º - | | º º ascº anºn easº. - | - ---- UNITED STATES, GREAT Bºlº, º ANCE SPAN, PORTUGAL. ººziº, Mºxico & Co.Loº; - ºn tº sº or Tº Gº Coºs oº lºss tº ºssº & Hºº These Tºlºs show at one º, the actual value in the United States. according to the Laws of Congress passed in June 1884–0ſ the above named Coins of their present standard value; and also of any quantity of Gold of similar standard value from one grain up to 1000 pennyweights. act of congress, in the year sº, by ºn Cº. º. in the clºs once ºutered, according to ºn of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. - º os Tº Nº. ºn ºn 10 NATHAN HOWE, No. ºº, MERCHANTS Row. soºn by ALLEN & Co. No º STATE Sºlº. --- - º - - - * * * -- i : . ‘’’ j : , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; I 3 7 ºu.… º ess e. --> \ - ...I...Tº ſº * ſh T.I...I. ART tS S- }; |É. y V & R iTAS * * * M.IHRARY - Sº (XF THIE tRNERsm *- C E CA O J C & .3 c. 29, 3 ſº J. J. wº, ſº, º ſº ſº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . Illſllilllllllllll a º 'º - º e º º ºs ºr e º se - º * * ſº RECEIVE D IN Exchan GE FROM William Le Clements -------- º | | | | | | | | * J. N. ‘. ... • H. G. 3 &A 6 7/2. SHOWING THE STANDARD WEIGHT AND A T A B II, B 9 CONTENTs IN PURE GOLD, of THE PRINCIPAL GOLD coins OF THE WORLD, AND THEIR VALUE IN THE UNITED STATES, COMPARED witH EAGLEs, old or NEw. Table, the is number of grains it may have lost in weight, multiplied b whose standard weight is 7.4, should be found to weigh only 7.2 the {. ss is 2 grains; and this, at 3,939-1000 cents each, is 7,878-1000 cents, (or nearly 8 cents) loss. (G°These calculations are based on the Tables published in KELLY's Cavibist, and approved by John HuMBLE, Esq. of the Bullion Office, of the Bank of England; and are from assays made by Robert Bingley, Esq. F. R. S. the King's Assay Master of the Mint, of Coins, brought into London, for commercial purposes, (furnished by the Bank of England;) and other Assays, made in PARIs, by Preaks FREDERic Bonneville, Essayeur du Commerce, as published in 1806, in his work on the coins of all nations. N. B. By this table the real value (pure gold against pure gold,) of any Coin named in it, will be shown at once, by deducting from its standard value, as given in the the value of each of those grains, as given in the right hand column. Thus, if an Austrian Sovereign, Value in weights. Contents in TValue || ~ *-*. º Warne in WEIGHTS. Contº TVºlus NAM II: O 9 COINº. tºº. dwt. gr. grs. ". ºl. Pºº". NAMIE OF COINS. *č. s. dwt. gr. grs. pººl. Pººl. AUSTRIANTDOMINIONS. Double Sovereign, ....] 577,57.Tor IZ.TT1573 T 3.535 | ENGLAND.TGuinea, .......................... 5.11,5| 5. 94 or 129,5] 118,7 3,950 Sovereign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 3.38,7| 3. 14 86 78.6 3,939 Half Guinea, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.55,5| 2. 164 64,7| 59,3 3,950 Double Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e o e o e º e º e º 'º 4.58,5|4. 12 108 106,4 4,245 Seven Shilling Piece, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.70,6 1. 19 43 39,6 3,950 Ducat, . . . . . © e º O © e º e º & © tº e º & © tº º © e e g c e º e & e o 'º dº 2.29.2 2. (; 54 53.2 4,245 Sovereign, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.87,4| 5. 33 123,2| 113,1 3,956 Ducat Kremnitz, or Hungarian, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29,7| 2. 5: 53,7; 53.3 4,276 || FRANCE. Double Louis, coined before 1786, ....... 9.69,310. 11 251 224.9 3,862 AUGSBURG. Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24,0| 2. 54 53,2| 51.9 |4,210 Louis, 66 $6 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.84,4| 5. 54 125,5] 112,4 3,860 BADEN. Ducat, ........... ſº tº e º O s e o e º e o O e º & © & e º 'º 2.02,1 1. 234 47,5| 46,9 |4,254 Demi Louis, 66 $6 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.42.2 2. 143 62,7| 56.2 3,860 BASIL, Ducat, . . . . . . © e º e o e e º 'º e o e o e o 'º e º e o O & © e º e e 2,07,3| 2, 4, 52,5| 48,1 3,948 Double Louis, since 1786, . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.16,3] 9. 20 236 212,6 3,882 Pistole, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.52,9| 4. 22 118 105,1 3,838 Louis, 66 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.58,1| 4, 22 118 106.3 3,882 BAWARIA. Carolin, (the half and quarter in propor.). 4.95,6] 6. 54 149.2 115, 3,322 Double Napoleon, or piece of 40 francs, . . . . . . . 7.71,4|8. 7 199 || 179, 3,876 Max d'or, or Maximilian, e e g º e º O e º e º ºs e s tº & © e º 'º º 3.31,8|4. 4 100 77, 3,318. Napoleon, or piece of 20 francs, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,85,7| 4. 3, 99,5| 89.7 3,876 Pistole, (See Manheim). Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27,5; 2. 5: 53,7| 52,8 4,217 || FRANKFORT, on the Mayn, Ducat, ............... 2.27.9 2. 5: 53,7| 52.9 4,242 BERN. Ducat, (double & quad. in propor.) assay varies, 1,97,8 1. 23 47 45.9 j4,208 || GENEVA. Pistole, old, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98.6 4. 74 103.2 92.5 3,862 Brazi; (See Portugal.) ... . . . . . . . . {e e e º e º 's e º 'o e º e 4.55.5 3.886 GENo."; new, .. Pistol. ( he bieces of3, 4, an 㺠3.44,8. 3. 15: 87,7; 80, 3,932 istole, (the Double Pistole in proportion,) . . . . . .55,5|4. 21 117,2| 105,5 ,886 A. Doppia, or Pistole, (the pieces of 2, 4, an ; Brunswº • Carl d'or before łº". in pro.) 3.98,6|4. 64 102,5| 92.5 3,888 5 Pistoles in proportion, 4.02,5; 4. 7, 103,5| 93,4 3,889 Carl d'or since 1802, (double in proportion,) ....] 3.965. 4. 6 102,5 92, 3,868 Sequin, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30,1} 2. 5: 53,7; , 53,4 || 4,285 Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23.2 2. 5: 53,7| 51,8 || 4,156 Genovina of 100 lire, (3 &c. in proportion,) ....|16.99,018. 3 435 | 394.2 3,906 - Pistole, |. in proportion,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.55,6] 4. 213 117,21 105.7 3,877 New Genovian of 96 lire, (or 4 $. piece,) ...[1541,616. 4 388 || 357.7 || 3,973 COLOGNE. Ducat, . . . . . . © e o e º e º e º e º e e s tº e º 'º e º e º e 2.26,7| 2. 5: 53,7| 52.6 4,221 Do. do. of 48 lire, (pcs. of 24 & 12 lire in propor.) 7.71,0| 8. 2, 194 || 1789 3,974 COLOMBIA. Doubloons, (shares in proportion,) .....|15.51,617. 9 417 360, 3,721 || HAMBURG. Ducat, (the Double Ducat in proportion,) 227.9 2. 5: 53,7| 52.9 || 4,242 DENMARK. Ducat Current, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.81,8] 2. 0 48 42.2 3,787 || HANOVER. George d'or, (double in proportion,)....j 3.99,1] 4. . 6; 102,5| 92.6 3,893 Ducat Specie, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26,7| 2. 5: 53,7| 52.6 4,221 Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29,7| 2. 5: 53,7| 53.3 4,277 _ _Christian d'or, . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º a c e º e º & © e º 'º 4.02,1| 4. 7 103 | 93.3 3.903 Gold Florin, (the Double Florin in proportion,) ..] 1.68,0; 2. 2 .50 39, 3,360 EAST INDIES. , Mohur, or gold Rupee of 1770, 8.05,1| 7, 22; 1902, 1868 ; 4,232 || HESSE-CASSEL. Pistole, ... ................... 3.96,5; 4. 73 103.2 92,0 3,842 : Mohur, of the same, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.12.4 7. 23, 191 1885 4,253 William d’Or, of 1815, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.96,8; 4. 6; 102,5| 92,1 3,871 Half Mohur, of 787, ......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.05.1, 3, 23# 95,5| 94, 4,309 || HESSE DARMSTADT. Carolin, ................ 2.49,9| 3. 3 75 58, 3,332 Quarter Mohur, of 1787, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.02.5 1. 23: 47,7| 47, 4,309 Ducat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29,2| 2. 5: 53,7| 53,2 4,268 Sicca gold Mohur, of Bengal, dated 19th Sun, .. 8.18,0|7. 23 191 1898 || 4,283 || HOLLAND. Double Ryder, ..................... 12.20,512. 21 309 || 2832 3,950 Old Bombay Mohur, still in circulation, . . . . . . . . 7:32,7| 7. 10; 1783. 170, 4,109 Ryder, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.04.2. 6. 9 153 || 1402 || 3,949 Rupee, Bombay, of 1818, .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,09,8; 7. 11 179 1647 3,971 Half Ryder, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.02,1j 3, 4} 76,5; 70,1 3,949 * Madras, of 1818, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,11,1| 7. 12 180 | 165, 3,950 Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27,5; 2. 5: 53,7| 52,8 4,236 Surat Mohur, of the latest coinage, . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11.1| 7. 11 179 | 165, 3,974 Ten Guilder piece, (and five in proportion,) ....| 4.01.9 4, 7} 103,7| 93.2 3,875 Tippoo's gold Rupee, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.82,2} 8. 20, 212,5| 1815 3,680 || JAPAN. §. East Indies,) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mohur, of the Dutch East India Company, 1783, 790,4|10. 2 242 | 1834 3,266 || LIEGE. ucat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 2.25,4 2. 54 53,5] 52,3 4,213 $6 & 44 & tº & 1797, 7.52,0| 9. 20 236 174,5 3,187 || LUCCA. Pistole, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.35,7| 3. 133 85.2 77.9 3,940 Half Mohur, 44 & 66. 66 1801, 4.14,4| 5. 34 123,5] 96.2 3,355 || LORRAINE. Leopold, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.78,4| 7. 5; 173,7| 157,4 3,906 Saik Sai, a Mahratta coin, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99,9; 6, 22; 1665. 1392 || 3,603 Francis, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.03,4} 4. 73 103.2 93.6 3,894 Pagoda, Star, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.81,0| 2, 4: 52,7| 41,8 || 3,434 || MEXICO. Doubloon, shares in proportion, . . . . . . . . . 15.51,617. 9 417,0| 360, 3,721 Pagoda, Old Arcot, . . . . . tº º & © & © & © tº gº e º e º ºs e e º 'º e 1.74,5| 2, 4: 52,5| 40,5 3,324 || MALTA. Double Louis, ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.27,910. 16 256 215,3 3,625 Pagoda, New Arcot, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.39,6] 2, 4: 52,5| 32,4 2,659 Louis, variable, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.65,4| 5. 8 128 108, 3,636 Pagoda, Onore, . . . . . . . . . . * * * * Q ſº tº º º º tº º e º 'º e º e 1.90,5] 2, 4: 52,5| 442 3,628 Demi Louis, ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.34,8; 2. 16 64 54,5 3,668 Pagoda, Mangalore, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1922, 2, 4: 52,5] 44.6 3,661 ||MANHEIM. Carolin, half and quarter in proportion, 493,0| 6. 4; 148,5] 114,4 || 3,320 Pagoda, with a Crescent and three Figures, ....] 1.92,6] 2. 5: 53.2 44.8 3,620 Pistole, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398,6; 4. 6; 102,5| 92.3 3,889 Pagoda, with a Crescent and one Figure, ...... 1.827 2. 4 52 42,4 || 3,515 Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227,5] 2. 5: 53,7| 52.8 4,236 Pagoda of Pondichery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.60,3| 2, 4, 52,5| 37.2 3,054 || MENTZ. Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27.9 2. 5: 53,7| 52.9 || 4,242 Pagoda, or Hyderee Hoon, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.86,6] 2, 4: 52,7| 43,3 3,540 || MILAN. Sequin, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29,2] 2. 5: 53,7| 53.2 4,268 Pagoda, or Sultannee Hoon, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,00,8| 2. 43 52,7| 46,6 3,813 Doppia, or Pistole, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.81,0| 4, 13 97.5, 88,4 3,907 Tippoo's Faruki, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.93,0| 2, 4, 52,5] 44,8 3,676 Forty Lire piece, (kingdom of Italy,) 1808. . . . . . 7,74,5| 8, 8 200 1797 3,872 Japan Copang, old, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,05,011. 9 7: 233.2 3,673 # NETHERLANDS. Gold Lion, or 14 florin piece, ....] 5,04,7| 5. 73 127,7| 117,1 3,952 Japan Copang, new, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,796| 8, 9, 201,7| 131,5 2,878 Ten Florin piece, of 1820, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.01.6l 4. 7: 103,7| 93.2 3,870 - * tº ſº. U 0 NTINUATION OF THE TABILIE. 1-2-4--, - - Value in - - --------- - Contents in Value TT - - - --- - --- NAMIE OF COINs. º lºº. º º NAME or coins. yº º ". º ºº NAPLES. Six Ducat piece, of 1752, vari - - - - - - -- :--ºº: D. cus." " " ' " ºrain. "Cº. Six Ducat piece, ºf"; º º varies, … § : | or | 1187 § SALT4BURG, Pucat...…..------------ ...ſºlº. 5 or 53.7ſ ºf Tººl Six Ducat piece, of 1783, a .. . . §53 5. 16 i: ; - ; .§ sampº º º (the half piece in proportion,). 9,47,310, 74 247,5| 210,8 8,827 | Four Ducal piece, or Pistole, of 1752, “ .....] §tiº 3. º, ºf s a vº"... "... tº ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 1.88,3| 2, 1+ 49,2| 4:3,7 3,827 Four Ducat º of 1767 º º “. . . . . . §. : § ; ; § saxo, - º:º 1784, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226,7| 2. 5: 53.7 sº 4,221 | Three Ducat piece, or Oncetta, of 1818, “ ..... §50'ſ 3. ioi 5sº § ſº ''. of 1797. -------------------------- 2.28,02. 54 53,7| 52.9 || 4,246 Two Ducat piece, or Sequin, of 1762, “ 1 gi'i I. 90; ". º º: ugustus, of 1754, ------------------------- 3.93,1] 4, 64. 102,5 91,2 3,835 - NUREMBERG Bucai, (the double & hirin propor) ºf 3. 5. º § ; SICIL *"º. of | 784,...; . . . . . . . . --------------- 3.97,4|4. 64 102.5 92,2 3,877 PARMA. Quadruple Pistole, (the double in proportion,)|16 §315. 3 4. - 30 ºf: - unce, of 1734, (much variation,) ....... 2.63.8 2. 204 8,5 61,2 3,851 ºf # *. § 3. . º . . … §§ 2. 204 68,5| 607 || 3,819 º “ of 1796, ................... £133 1. it ii.) | gº £757 lººr 1758. ....... * * * $5 º º! pippº"tº ". º: in Fijii t `i;85. --- § 4. 34 º 89.7 3,885 || ST. GALL. Duca, -------'..................... º * º 5 }} 9 º | Pistole, coined since #;"ºf &c. . º § . sº #;" ; § spam, º . ". le, #º 1772, 1617517. 84 Miº 375; *sº Sequin, (the half Sequin in proportion,) . . . . . . ...] § 37% ± 54 5.7 sº ſº º! ; ; ; ; 3,886 Carlino, coined before 1785, ... . . . . . "... "...”..." ... ." * º uarter isºle, or gold Dollar; before 1772, ... 1.04,311. 3 27 24.2 3,853 º; ; ; ; ; ºf , ſº . ºf - - - - º *** :*::: le, 'scudo de Oro, of 1772, ...... ,000 2. 4 5. 46.3 3,846 polaº ºº º Mºngº ---------- § : : º sº. º Quarter Pistole, or golden Dollar, of 1772, ..... 103.01.1, 3 27 º § PöRTÜGAL & BRAZIL. Dºraon, 34,000 rees, ...lºiºſ. ſº sº jº ; §. º 801, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º º ". 417 - 3605 || 3,726 Meio Dobraon, of 12,000 rees, . . . . . . . . . . . . tºº. 6 in ºf ºn Pistole, or D ---------------------- 79,018, 164. 208,5] 1803 || 3,736 - ------------ - - ‘’’. º oubloon, of 1801, ................ 3.88,34. 8+ 104, ºt) º,7: k !'...}} . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º º º, § 5 § § swº" or golden 'pºiſºr, of 1801, .......... 0.98,3| 1. ; !” º § ------------------------ ** ***** v- - º º N. Ducat, ------------------------------ 2,23,7| 2. 5 5 - - Sºs Half Joanese, of 3200 rees,...... : - - - - - - - -...| 4:37.4 4: 15 111 101.5 3,940 || SWITZERLAND, Ducat of Lucerne, ............ 2,26,7| 2. * 53,7 º : N M. º. º &c. in proportion,) 6.55.9 6, 22 166 | 152.2 3.951 Double Ducat of Lucerne, 4.056 114 107.5 ;" º;7; 1ece O estoons, or TeBS, ... . . . . . . . . . . 2.12,4| 2. 6 54 49.3 3,933 piece of five Ducal of Lºcºme. ............" iºnſ. ". - - º, tº - - - - ---------------------- ------------- --- 11. - . - ;: . º or 1200 rees, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.58,1 1. 16+ 402 㺠3: Ducat of Schwitz, ........... ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 2. : *: º º º Old C d º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.12,0| 1. 44 28,5 26,0 3% Ducat of St. Gall, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19,812. 5. 53,7 31' º $º §.º.º.º.................... ºff 9. 15, 15, 13.6 º Dueat of Ury, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºi's 3 º' º' .4 ſº - usage 9 rees, ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.63,71 0. 164 16.2 14,8 3,932 Pistole of Lucerne, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.56.4 4, 214 117,5 idº º ~ Milree, (coined for the African Colonies, 1755,) - 0.78 | 0. 194 19,7| 18.1 3,959 Pistole of Sol º - * Iº 3,8 ` PRUSSIA. Ducat, of 1748 - y 3.375 3. 5 ...” º, º 2 1stole of Soieure, ... . . . . . :--------------- 4.56,914, 22 118 1060 3,872 $º Ducat, of 1787 * ---------------------- º! 3. º : ; §. ; Tarvº"; the Helvetic Republic, of 1800, ..... 4.56.4 4, 214 117,5| 105.9 3,884 - * ---------------------------- º, º' tº oº'ſ º' º º; Pucº º-, -º-º:::::::::::::::::::::: ºf 3, 5: 537 ºf ºl §: º : § - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º i. ! *: 'ºs § Tukkº sº º, Constantinople, of 1773 Hº! 2, 54 § º º - - **, *.' ' ' ' ' ... . . . . . . . : ' ' ' ' … ." - * | "… equin Fonduci, of 1789,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84,9| 2, 54 53,7| 4-2.9 || 3,443 Rowº, "º. º in proportion,) § . # º: º ; º: jº" Constantinople, 1773, 3.15,013, 4+ 7.62 73. º 134 | : *'. *… - : - - - - - - - - - - - - ******* { *P. - 2 -- equin Mahbub, of 1789, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,246 1. 1: º - ". %. of Pius VII. 1802, (half, &c. in propor.) | 3:30,1] 3, 13 85 76.6 3,883 §. of Cairo, of 1773. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - }: } #, º * º S º º,º º i." before 1760, . . . . . . ; . # ; §§ § i. º of Cairo, of 1789, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15.9 i. 15: 392 ºg º 7 ºv, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ******* | *- º - ------ 11016/1. ------------------------------------ 0.42,7| 0, 12 2 9 || 3.416 - RATI §§ "...º. --------------------- º 17. 04 408;2| 36,7 ; Half Missier, of 1818, ...................... 0.52,4 0. * #: º º º Rüssi A iſſueat, of ; piece, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - § 8. 21 213 208.5 4,219 Sequin Fonduci, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.83,11 2 5 53 º; 34%; - foubled **** --------------... . . . . . . . . . # * : ; ſº | };" |TusCºººººº… ºn tº 174 1612 tº lº 5. e º St Andrew, of 1756, ... . . . . . . 4.49,9. 4, 10 106 104.4 4,244 Zecchino, or i. ------------------------ *310 2. 54 53,7| 53,6 º #. . #tº ........................... 2.292. 2. 6 54 532 4,244 Ruspono of the kingdom of Etruria, . . . . . . . . . . 6.93.9 6, 17+ 1612 101 º: #",º *1735. ........................ 226,7|2. 54 53.7 º 4,221 UNITED STATES." Eagle, Coined before Aug. 1834,1066,711. 6 270 247,5 3,950 Gold #. º . 173. ------------------------ § 1. 14; 38.5 §l #37 Half Eagle, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,33,4 5, 15 135 | 12:32 3,950 tº Rºjº. ºf iº. ........................ § 1. Q# 24.5 ºz.5 º Quarter Eagle..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.06,7| 2, 194 675 018 3,050 Čºlipoin. . I ź. ------------------------ § 0. º º º § vºsº. º º and quarter in proportion.). 2,310 2. 6 54 53,0 4,278 - 2. ------ ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ***** - - oppia, or Pistole, -------------------------- 4.069 4, 8, 1 ºn 1. #. coined before 1763, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 10. 16 256 234,7 3,951 Scudo d'oro, or gºld Crown, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 26. 23 º: º º #. º: *:::: ----------- -------------- 7.96.0 8, 9, 201,5] 184,7 3,950 Ducato d'oro, or gold Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.43,51. 94 33.5 º º #. , or, ; :::... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.97.5 3. 11 203 1855 3,929 Osella d'oro, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:24.5' 8, 234 215.5 2145 || 4,200 alf Imperial, of 1780, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.87,9|-4. 2; 98,5 90 3,939 || WIRTEMBURG. Carolin, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.000 tº. 3, 1475 º ºlº Imperial, of 1801, .… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.84,017. 174 1852, 1819 4,233 Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23,7|2. 5 º º º Half Impºrial, of 1801, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.91,7| 3. 204 92.5 90,9 4,235 || WURTZBURG. Ducat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220,7 2. 54 53.7 52.0 4,221 of 1818, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.93.5 4. 3; 99.5 91.3 3,955 || ZURICH. Ducat, (double and half Ducatin propor). 225,712. 5: 53.7 º º * The Act of Congress of June 28, 1834, requires that each Eagle shall contain 232 grains pure gold, orf258 grains standard gold; each HalfEagle, 116 grains pure, or 120 standard; - or 64 standard; and that Eagles shall pass for $10; alves at $5; Quarters at $2.50. No new Eagles have as yet appeared. If the ºmni. of 25, * º ". re º: al º - º $º ". standard for gold Coins, fired by the law of 1792, at 11-12 fine. has beçº reduced to 10 and 79-100 twelfths; or from 22 carats to carate 21.581-1000 which makes it less fine than the law require ºf En ºn and pººl º, º for a legal tender; and although more fine than is required of the Coins of F rance and Spain, yet it agrees with neither of them. I see nothing in the law of 1834, to warrant this change: it only º the ºld º - º - standard bullion carriº to the mint for coinage, shall be paid for in coin, (without fixing the rate per dwt.) Now if the new standard is tº be carats 21,591 instead of 22, then the old Eagle being ºarutº wºuld ------- ºl-tº- $10,66,5 because the 247% grains pure gold in it would make it so much better than the new standard as to bring its value up to 96,545 ct-, per dwt. or *1087.1 for each Eagle of 270 an ºld ºn ----- than If the intention of the law was to reduce the weight of the new Eagles, and not the standard, this would be completely effected by making them weigh only ºrains standard; and the pro º ºf mºn the new Eagle, would then bear the same proportion that it does in the old one, which would not be the case in a new Eagle of 250 grains. +The law says “and” instead of “or." - pro- tº pure ºn § {| | | | | | | | | | | º w sº tº Yº (, , \º tº (... Sº ſ's | |º]}}} |...}}ºś * M # * * * 3. | º, , | º º º | ſº º rº. V. º ºº: |. º º | %ºº º | * |. º, 5 ſºº (; 5 (6.5% 5 ($ 5 (6.5% 5 (6 & º Aº & º w & A. sº tº - ºr Nº. 2 $6.5 } |\cºſ() { |). }{6} ºf º } | { ºf * ºf • *. º |}}} " Å. º / |. ſº tº º (e)(a) tº (º) (, )(C) (sºº (s OO (CºO) (OO © S © O (OOOC @o © C. º © S @º (Q S @ S (s Sº º OO º coins of THE U. STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, Portugal, AN * * AZIL. Fineness 22 Carats........Walue 94 8-10 cts. pr. Dwt. - 4: . . ºf . º: Dr. To ascertain the value of a Coin weighing 18 dwts. and 6 gra. look to the Square formed by the Intersection of 18, in the left hand Column, with 6 in the top Line, and it will be found to be 17.30. § 22 86.9 1 || 2 3 || 4 sº ousoiss 5 0.19.7 6 0.23.7 7 || 8 02760.316 13 0.51.3 16 63.2 9 0.35.5 11 0.43.4 192 0.47.4 14 0.55.3 21 82.9 23 90.8 15 59.2 19 75.0 2O 79.0 IO 0.39.5 18 71.1 Grains. :*: : £º * i i CTs. ºAſ .sº § º * sºsº 1.26.4 94.80 (98.75 |1.02.7| 1.30.3|1.34.3|1.38.2|1.42.2 1.46.1|1.50.1||1.73.8|1.77.7|1.81.7|1.85.6 Aſ. º ». § C2 S. *Tº 1.89.6 1.94 | 1.97 2.01 || 2.05 || 2.09 || 2.13 2.17 | 2.21 2.25 2.29 2.33 2.37 2.41 2.45 2.49 2.53 2.61 || 2.65 2.69 2.73 2.76 2.80 & sº ſ: ºss AE~ º $º: 2.84 2.88 2.92 || 2.96 || 3.00 3,04 || 3.08 || 3.12 || 3.16|| 3.20 || 3.24 || 3.28 || 3.32 || 3.36 || 3,40 3.44 3.48 3.55 3.59 3.63 3.67 3.71 3.75 : : *Es .* 3.79 || 3.83 || 3.87 || 3.91 || 3.95 || 3.99 || 4.03 || 4.07 || 4.11 || 4.15 || 4.19 || 4.23. 4.27 | 4.31 || 4.34 || 4.38 || 4.42 4.50 || 4.54 4.58 . 4.62 || 4.66 4.70 &w s -: Sº Sº *& 4.74 4.78 || 4.82 || 4.86 || 4.90 4.94 || 4.98 || 5.02 || 5.06 || 5.10 || 5.14 || 5.17 | 5.21 || 5.25 || 5.29 || 5.33 || 5.37 5.45 5.49 5.53 5.57 || 5.61 5.65 § 5.69| 5.73| 5.77| 5.81 5.85 5.89| 5.92 5.96 || 6.00 | 6.04 || 60s 6.12| 6.16|| 620 6.24 6.28 6.32 6.40 || 6.44 || 6.48 || 6.52 | 6.56 6.60 6.64 6.67 6.71 6.75 6.79 6.83 6.87 | 6.91 | 6.95 | 6.99 || 7.03 || 7.07 || 7.11 || 7.15 7.19 7.23 7.27 7.35 | 7.39 || 7.43 || 7.47 7.50 7.54 7.58|| 7.62 || 7.66 || 7.70 || 7.74 7.78 || 7.82 7.86 7,90 7.94 || 7.98 || 8,02 || 8.06 || 8.10 8.14 || 8.18 8.29 || 8.33 || S.37 8.45 8.49 8.41 8.53 8.57 || 8,61 || 8.65 8,69 || 8.73 || 8.77 8.81 8.85 8.89 8.93| 8.97 || 9.01 || 9.05 9.08 || 9,12 9.20 9.24 || 9.28 9.32 9.36 9.40 | 9.44 . *:&º:4.4.ºsºº:*| sº T º º º: E-3 :* * ~ * | :4:4: . . H -- j||19 1 O 9.48 9.52 9,56 9.60 9.64 9.72 9.76 9.80 9.84 9.87 9.91 9.95 9.99 10.03 1 1 10.43 10.47 10.51 10.55 10.59 10.66 10.70 10,74 10.78 10.82 10.86 10.90 10.94 10.98 10.07 | 1.02 10.15 10.19 10.23 10.27 10.31 10.35 10.39 11.10 11.14 11.18 I 1.22 11.26 11.30 1 1.34 1 2 11.38 | 1.41 11.45 11.49 11.53 11,61 11.65 11.69 11.73 11.77 11.81 11.85 11.89 11.93 11.97 12.05 13 12.32 12.86 19,40 12.44 12.48 12.56 12.60 12.64 12.68 12.76 12.80 12.84 12.88 12.92 13.00 12.09 1303 *:--- 14 13.27 13.31 13.35 13.39 13.43 13.51 13.55. 15 |16. 14.22 14.26 14.30 14.34 14.38 14.46 14,50 13.59 14.54 13.63 13.67 13.71 13.75 13.79 13.82 13.86 13.94 13.98 12.13 12, 17 12.21 12.25 13.07 13.1 1 13.15 13.19 13.23| 14.02 14.06 14.10 14.14 14.18 14.57 14.61 14.65 14.69 14.73 14.77 14.81 14.89 14.93 14.97 15.01 15.05 15.09 15.13 15.17 15.21 15.25 15.99 15.33 15.40 15.44 15.48 15.52 I 5.56 15.60 15.64 15,68 15.72 1576 15.84 15.8S 15.92 15.96 16.00 16,04 16,08 4. 17 16, 12 16.16 16. 19 16.23 16.27 16.35 16,39 16.43 16,47 16.51 16.55 16.59 16.63 16.67 16.71 16.79 16.83 16.87 16.91 16.95 16.9S 17.02 17.06 17.10 17.14 17.18 17,22 17.30 17.34 17.38 17.42 17.46 17.50 17.54 17.58 17.62 17,66 17.74 17.77 17.81 17.85 17.89 17.93 17.97 18.01 18.05 18.09 18.13 18.17 18.25 1S,29 18.33 18.37 1S,41 18.45 18.49 18.53 18.56 18.60 18.68 1S.72 18.76 18.80 18.84 18.88 18.92 *º-saºpºrºsseºwººmºsºrº’s “º 18.96 * * * * * * * * § . . . " ...,' . . ; , , , º | *. t ... * ... ', ... " ſº . . . . ; , g - ~ c & " ", º C G º K. Ç º & & C. 3. * * º * | * : * | * : * | * : * | * | * : * : * : * : * : * * * * * * * : * | * 1900 19.04 19.08 19, 19 gºº & Jººl wºº. Jº S * * * * * * | * º 19.20 19.24 tº "Sº Q A e ſ tº º º 19.28 19.32 19.35 19.39 19.43 19.47 19.51 19,55 19.63 19.67 19.71 19.75 a tº * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 * | * : * º 19.79 º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 19.83 sº " *. & " A * * : * : * : 1987 ; ##3. ºººº&,"Kººº," ºÇ ººº* ,i .ssNs:::T. Fº-*- . .SºFºº:s**ºFº#*:# ; ; p' º S.Ass‘ssº* .5 -cºS-C- :º | Cº-º-º-Mº Nº. * f | * - gº- s * * * * * * - a Y_i. , ^- . . - º - E. - *-* * --- º - # sº 2 * d d * - * , ; ; ; ; , ; * } ~ w - - - - - - ‘. ... als | | ti | ) º }{T, \{ |\ºf X(t) \; "| } { | (f) \tº \ |\ \{ | \, | ºf ' | \, ', , , , ) \, , ; ) . . . | Y, ſº Ål ( ), | \, , , ), , , ºf yºu º gº º Aº , , ºf A . . . . . . . . . . . . . * | y, ' | * | º º t d º Ży \{ || -/WY.M. ZWN tº ºw º, AM AV tº AA || || ". A\| A * , A' | | || A. * A A. ºf A. A || || A' | A N' ' ) W . W. . A AV d º - : - . Sº , \ ^ º ſº º º º º * zº f º º º º º wº º A. º & º & º º |s º |. C A 9. º / & º /* - , º ºf a * |. p º º A. º º º º sº A 9. º º |. C |, * |. | C - P. f º | C ºf ſº * | C | o º | * O * * O º C º C º º º º º C C º O º º ſº º d Sº a & 2 × N a & , * * º, a * is 2 * & a § 2 * * is , * º §s . tº". AS". x * & 4 is . * * & 2 & . * * * * ºf is . tº * * J . & & . - 8-& & º g-g N . * º - º º sº • * R -. - º º K. º bºº)OOOOOOOOOOOO S OO © S OO (OOOOOOOO (OO (OO (OCS (3 S Sº tºº (SQ (QºS (SG (§ºº tºº (ºgº tºº (º) º (º) (6 (SP 6 (C) O (s)0 OO (º) (O. QQ @O ſº Q QQ (OO (Odº tºº ſº)(`Y tº O ſº gº tºº ſº Q tºº ºGº ºGºº Gº º, .º *, *, , , º : # COINS OF THE U. STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, PORTUGAL AND BRAZIL., ... : GOINTT ICTU. Bil De ſ | ; Fineness 11-12, equal to 22 Carats; or 22 grains pure to each Pennyweight of standard. . ; PENNY WEIGHTS. ... £g 21 #19.91|31 29.39|41 38.87|51 48.35|61 57.83|z1 67.31|st 76.79 91 86.27|101 95.75||111 19533||132 12324 || 3:2 38139 , . 㺠22 20.86||32 30.34|42 39.82|59 49.30|62 58.78||72 68.26|82 77.74 || 92 87.22|102 96.70||112 106.18||142 132.72 || 422 379.20 ± . ; 23. 21.8033 31.28|43. 40.76||53 50.24|G: 59,73|z: 69.21|s: 78.69 || 23 88.17|103 97.65||113 107.13||152 14220 || 45° 426.60 . . # 24 22.75||34 32.23|44. 41.71||54 51.19|64 60.67|74 70.15|84 79.68 || 94 89.11||104 98.59|114 108.07||130 151.68 || 528 474.00 = ; 25 23.70 || 35 33.18|45 42.66||55 52.14|65 61.62|7.5 71.10| sº 80.58 || 95 90.06 || 10: 99.54; 11; 109.02 122 161.16 || º 521.40 * T sº 26 24.65%36 34.13|46 43.61||56 53.09||66 62.57|76 72.05|S6 81.53 || 96 91.01 || 106 100.49||116 109.97|180 170.64 || 3:00 588.80 * * * @ 27 25.60||37 35.08||47. 44.56||57 54.04|67 63.52|77 73.00|87 82.48 || 97 91.96 || 107 101.44||117 110.92||190 180.12 || 722 683.60 g : ; 2s 26.54||3s 36.02|4s 45.50|5S 54.98|6s 64.47||7s 73.95|ss 83.43 || 9s 92.91 || 108 102.39||118 111.87|222 18960 | 899 758.40 × . 3 29 27.49|39 36.97.|49 46.45||59 55.93||69 (5.41||79 74.89|89 8437 99 93.85 ||109 103.33||119 112.81.1250. 237.00 || 900 853.20 * . . º: 30 28.44|40 37.92|50 47.40||60 56.88||70 66.36|SO 75.84|90 85.32 || 100 94.80 || 110 104.28il 120 113.76;300 284.40 || 1000 948.00 . . : A Sovereign should weigh 5 dwts. 34 grs, which gives for its value, $487; but they usually hold out only 5.3 ... : A Guinea should weigh 5 dwts. 94 grs. which gives for its value, £5 12; but they usually hold out only 5.8. i. *- –S. S. A Portuguese Dobra of 12,800 Rees, should weigh 18 dwts. 06 grs. which gives for its value, $17 30-. sº s A Johannes of 6,400 Rees, should weigh 9 dwts. 64 grs. which gives for its value, $8 79. ... A Half Johannes of 3,200 Rees, should weigh 4.15. which gives for its value $4 38. ! An American Eagle, coined previous to July 31, 1834, should weigh 270 grains, or 11 dwts, and 6 grs. and its value is now fixed by law, at $10 66,5 ! .. if of full weight. : The law of June 28, 1834, fixes the weight of the Eagles to be coined, after July 31, 1834, at 258 grains of standard gold, or 232 grains pure gold; and , ſº ; i* * isº -:º..* : * s ; Halves and Quarters in proportion. Now as 258 grains, (or 10 dwts. 18 grs.) give us by this table $10 19, we must conclude that the standard of these new Eagles 3 - ; is not so good as the old ones; or that the law intended the weight to be 253 grains, instead of 258. At 258 grains each, their value is equal to 0.8,87 per grain, ; , being about the same as French gold. At 253 grains each, (10 dwts. 13 grs.) their value would be $9.993, or 0.3,95 per grain. * . The following Coins being of the same fineness as the above, (viz. 22 carats) their value may be found by this table. They are not, however, a legal tender, viz. tº . Russia Imperial, coined before 1763, weight 10.16; coined in 1763, weight 8.9%; Ruble of 1756, wt. 1.0%; Poltin of 1777, wt. 9 grains. * . . Holland, Double Ryder, wt. 12.21; Ryder, 6.9; Half Ryder, 3.44. : BASIL, or Basle Ducat, wt. 2.44. * Ducats....The following Ducats appear to be from 1 to 13 carats finer than the English (or American) Standard of 22 carats, viz. Austrian, (Double and " " : single); Baden; Bavaria; Bern; Brunswick; Cologne; Denmark, (Specie Ducat); Frankfort, on the Mayn; Holland; Hamburg, (Single and Double); Hanover; † - Hesse Darmstad; Kremnitz, or Hungarian; Leige; Manheim; Mentz; Nuremburg, (Double and Single); Poland; Prussia; Russia; Saltzburg; Saxony; Sweden; - ; Lucerne, (Single only); Ury; Venice; Wurtemberg; Wurtzburg and Zurich. Ducats generally weigh from 2 dwts. 5 grº. to 2.5%; but those of Baden weigh only § 1.233; and those of Venice only 1.93. º sº º*ºº Ç-ºº º º * {{*) (C. ? Sº Sº sy (S º S ºn tº D. Sºº & S) (90°, tºº & S) QC tº dº o A º, gº º º' wº f S. º S. 9. S. º) S. 8) º 9. S. º S. 2. S. 9. " A a ſ ſ' " a 4 º' a a A a " Aſ . ſº A , t , ſº º : . A " . A a A. A § 2 - S. ſºlºſ ºf 1:... […ſºſ.ſºſºſ ( ; ; ; ; ; ; | ... . . J. C. J. & © & sy Q'. Sº Q^*} {2}º 9(º) (90° tºº Qº) (Qº) 00s) wººj Jºs, ººs, Jº (º) ºſ ºn tº (º) º ºr ºſ ºf \º (ºn le)(s , s \{s, tº (a tej ( : , tº X • , s , , , , X • , X * * * * * * * * 3 ºr a tº: - ºººº (29 &º A ºs ºr ".. º. º.º. sº * Z. tº º ºſº" º ** *** *** * * * * * * * º º º sº * : * º º º g C Q D. S. º 'S f º º - | 4 & / , /; 4. º A , a A P A A A. º a A g # y [. A # & A * { ºf * { º | ? ºf º * * º | * | V | * | * † * | " * { C | * { * O * C : * º ſ " . * : * ſ 3. ſºº* i | .c. [IT To ascertain the value of a Coin weighing 7 dwts. and 11 grs. look to the Square formed by the Intersection of 7, in the left hand Column, with 11 in the top Line, and it will be found to be $6.94. ; Grains. 5) Jº tº 1 tº tº 2 5 tº as © º ſº (s , ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) (Tº *"..." º , , i. º ºſt º Xºlºtl . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; };"| "lºº"lº. - - º ºg ~ * º ex º a ſº ſº, º (ºS (; 56.565% 5 (66% e) ſº 5 (65% C O (OC) º & 2 º & - od (663 dºod (663d 35 (95.66% tº jº'ſ 9%, ºtºi Yºi. º * |}| §º'ſ fºrtſ ºf º º º cºcº, º * 9. g º | * º |}| § | º }. ſº º º, º > º/*. /* Aº jº º º º § º º Å. º f º g N º ſº ~ lºw , * A ~ . . .” tº º tº , * * § º is , . Sº a N a is 2. gº º º & 2 is , º, a Sº S º @º QºS ( º Ö O (OO (ºC tº O (OO GO (OC 6.5% ºf 35% OC C tº Q GOLD COINS OF FRANCE, Fineness 9-10; or 21 & 6-10 grains pure gold to each dwt. Standard...Value 93,1-10 cts. pr. dwt. # : s: 3 § 3 4 6 7 8 || 9 10 11 12||13 14 18 19 2O 21 cts. 0.3,88,0.7,760.11,6 93,10 0.15,50.19,4, 1 | 0.31,00.34,9. 1.86,1 97.0 1,01 1,04,7 5 1.0S,61.12,41. 0.38,8 0.42,6 * 120,2124,1 1.28,0 1.90 1.94 1.9S 2.02 as e 1.31,0 1.35,7 i 0.46,50:50,4 0.54,3 69,8 737 77,6 81,4 1.39,6 1.43,5 1.47,4 1.62,9 1.66,8 1.70,6 1.74,5 2.13 2. 2.17 2.21 2.25 2.29 2.38 2.37 2.40 2.56 2.60 2.64 2.68 2.79 2.83 2.87 2.91 2.95 tº e 3.06 .14 3 3.10 3.72 4.65 5.59 3.76 3.80 3.84 3.SS | 3.92 3.18 3.22 3.26 3.30 3.34 3.49 3.53 3.57 3.61 sºmesº- 4.00 || 4.0:3 4.07 4.69 4.73 4.77 4.81 || 4.85 4.11 4.19 4.23 4.27 4.42 4.46 4.50 4. 5 4 ss=s* 4.93 || 4.97 5.00 5.63 5.67 5.71 5.74 5.78 5.04 5. 12 5. 16 5.20 5.35 5.39 5.43 4 7 5. 5.86 5.90 5.94 6.52 5.98 6.06 6,09 6.13 6.29 6.33 6.37 6. 4 0 648. 6.56 6.60 6.63 6.67 || 6.71 6.79 6.83 6.87 6.90 6.9S 7.02 7.06 7.22 7.25 7.20 7.33 7.37 7.45 7.48 7.52 7.56 7.60 7.64 7.76 7.80 7.84 7.91 7.95 7.99 8.15 S. 18 8.22 8.26 8.:30 8.3S 8.42 8.46 8.50 8.53 || 8.57 8.69 || 8.73 8.77 8.84 8.8S 8.92 9.08 9, 12 9.15 9. 19 9.28 9.31 9.35 9.39 9.43 9.47 || 9,50 9.62 9.66 9.70 .78 9,81 10.01 10.05 10.08 10.12 10, 16 7.41 : º ; sº § L; : º: i A4 . * : # 3yº4.2%* *&NG> sº.§ º º º i É | Sº:iºº:*-SºB:B:º:*:º *AC s ſº 1 O 10.24 10.29 10.33 10.36 10.40 10.44 10.55 ||0.59 1 1, 17 11.21 11.25 11.29 11.33 || 1.37 10.63 10.71 10.74 10.94 10.98 | 1.47 || 1.51 11.55 11.64 12, 10 12 *e 14 12 tº e 18 12.22 12.26 12.30 12.41 |12.45 12.49 12.57 11.68 11.87 11.91 11.02 11.06 11.09 11.95 I 1.99 12.03 12.61 12.6S 12.80 12.84 12.88 12.92 12.96 ºY ~s4.N. : 1 1 º, i º 1 2 1 33 13.03 13.07 13.11 13,15 13, 19 13.23 13.34 |13.38 13.42 13.50 13.54 13.62 13.73 13.77 13.81 13.85 13.89 1 4 13.96 14.00 14.04 14.08 14.1% 14:16 14.28 ||14.81 14.35 14.43 14.47 14.55 14.66 14.70 14.74 14.78 14.82 | 5 14.90 14.93 14.97 15.01 15.05 || 5.09 15.21 | 15.24 15.28 15.36 15.40 15.48 15.59 15.63 15.67 15.71 15.75 1 6 15.88 15.S7 15.90 15.94 15.98 |16,02 16.06 16.14 |16.18 16.21 16.29 16.33 16.41 16.52 16.56 16.60 16.64 16.68 i. 1 7 | 16.76 16.80 16.84 16.S7 1691 (1695 16.99 17.07 || 7.11 17.15 17.22 17.26 17.84 17.46 17.49 17.53 17.57 17.61 *& 1 S 17.60 17.72 17.76 17,80 17.84 17,88 17.92 18.00 18.04 18.07 18.15 18.19 18.27 18.39 18.43 18.47 18.54 18.66 18.70 18.73 18.77 | 18.81 18.85 © tº $º . . . . 18.93 (18.97 *} \º Jº º • --- . . g ". . . . . . . . " 19.01 19.09 19. 12 19.20 19.36 19.40 19.47 E. º ºS | .. i º--w :º GOLD COINS \ \º ºf ºf . "A ,l, *, *, *, * * * * * * * °, tº - - & }ºlº "lºlº . . . . . . . . . . . . *º-º: tº ſº tºº tºº (sº tºº º ºs tº .*, sº te ºf a - | | | | | | | | || , ' , , Ç sºº (; 5 (. º ºgs OF FIRANCE, Fineness 9-10; or 21 & 6-10 grains pure gold to each dwt. Standard...Walue OOINTINUIEID, 93,1-10 cts. pr. dwt. º-*.[. ºº Exº: º º{.* , ; tº º º tº .2 # of standard gold; each Quarter ſº four and a half grains of standard gold. *3 dollars; every such Half Eagle shall be of the value of five dollars; and every such Quarter Fº: Eagle shall be of the value of two dollars and fifty cents. And the said Gold Coins shall be is...} received in all payments when of full weight, according to their said respective values; and tº when of less than full weight, at less values, proportioned to their respective actual weights. # thirty-first day of July shall be paid for in coin, within five days from the making of tº such deposite, deducting from the amount of said deposite, one half of one per centum : **: Provided, That no deduction shall be made, unless said advance be required by such de- ; positor, within forty days. - § to the thirty-first day of July s & º four and eight-tenths of a cent per pennyweight. * * : Y The FRENch Louis, of 20 francs, coined since 1786, should weigh dwts. 422, making its value 84 58. coinage, should weigh dwt. 9.20, making their value $9.16. The Napoleon, (also 20 francs,) should weigh 4 dwts. 34 grs. ; making its value $3 86. The new Louis are the same weight and fineness as the Napoleons. making their value $7.71. # PENNY WEIGHTS. :: *lºgº ºsº |41 .17 ± 47.43|81 36.7221 (ºlº's 75.41 || 91 84.72 101 94.031114 103.34ſ 130 121.03 || 3:0 325.85 ; :: 20.48 ± 29.79 |4: 39.10|52 4.4 |G: 57.73|2: 67.93|82 76.34 || 92 85.65 ||10x 94.96 || 112 #3, #2 ºf || 422 º à ºf 21:41: 3072,43 4%|º 49.34|º 5:5:2; 7.9% ºf 773. ºf 80.53 10: 95.89; 113 105.20:1:2 59.6; 450 41895 § 3 ;4|#4 #3; #4 40.93||34 50.3% ºf ºğ|24 ſº S1 is 30 || 24 87.5, 194 Q0.82114 100.13||130 14898 || Bee 465.50 # tº #3; #: ;|4; 4:3; #30|º iſºl |z; º; S. 79.13 || 2: 97.7; 11; 107.06:120 15827 | dº 512.05 § 3; #}}|† :#|4; ;|º #|º º|ſº ſº; sº tº ºg º 125 ºil; 108.00% 180 16758 || Gee 558.60 #3 27, 25.14||37 34.45|47. 43.76||37 53.07|67 62.38|27 71.69|87 81.00 || 97 90.31 107 99.62 || 112 108.93||190 176.89 || zoo 651.70 : 28 26.07|3s 85.38|4s 44.69||5s 54.00|ºs 63.3428 72.62|ss sig; 53 digijios 100.55 is io9s ſºoo isºo | Soo 74 iso ; :º 37.093° 30.39|º 45.62 ± 54.93|82 Ł34|zº 23.55:9 &S6 |_º 92.17 lion 101.4s. iii. 110.79 ºn 322.75 || sco sº.90 # so 27.93||40 37.2:150 46.53|go 55s;|xo Gºiº |so 71.4s bo sº | 100 gig iro iºni |iso iii ºtºoo goºd || 1000 jº §§ REMARKS, The Double Louis (40 franc pieces,) of the same The Double Napoleons, (40 franc pieces,) should weigh 8.7. The Double Louis, and Half Louis, coined before 1786, not being quite 9-10ths fine, are not a legal tender; but as the deficiency is only about 1-10th of a grain per dwt. it may not be considered of any consequence in a single coin. The following Coins are of about the same fineness as the French, but they are not a legal tender, viz: Double Fredericks of PRussia, coined in 1800; these should weigh dwt. 8 14, and single in proportion. The Double Fredericks of 1769, weight dwt. 8.14. Single Frederick, of 1778, weight dwt. 4.7, are a shade finer gold, say * a 4 grain, (carat grain) per carat. Ten Guilder pieces of Holland, which weigh 4.73, are worth $4 02. Ducats of Holland, are better than other Dutch or French Coins; those * - - - - - - - - - -se-... . . . . . . . . . . … -2. - - - - - - - - - - - --~ * * *** - - - - - - - -****** *** * ~ ** to take effect after the 31st of July, 1834. The first Section provides that, each Eagle shall contain two hundred and thirty-two ins of pure gold, and one hundred and twenty-nine grains agle, shall contain fifty-eight grains of pure gold, and sixty- Every such Eagle shall be of the value of ten agle, one hundred and sixteen The second Section provides, that all standard gold deposited for coinage after the The third Section provides, that all gold coins of the United States, minted anterior hall be receivable in all payments at the rate of ninety- The fourth Section provides for an Assay annually. º “º º 'º º 'º º 'º º 'º º 'º' Sº S. A tºº tº ºf º 'º sº º 'ºZ º' º, º 'º *} as tº ** ***, Sºº A G '. º ºf # . A ºf , ºf . , , , , * A A º º ºf | * : * : * | * : * | * | * : * . * • A ". . - * . • * '', " : * - * P º, * ..., , C º § º º º *} 49.9% ºf º tºº tº º wº º '' , | * , , , , , , , º , , , , a g; a wº Five Guilder pieces, which weigh 2.3%, are worth $2 01. of full weight, viz. 2,5}, are worth $2 274. º Substance of the Act regulating GOLD COINS of the UNITED STATES, Il Substance of an Act of Congress, passed the 28th day of June 1834, roncerning FOREIGN GOLD COIN S. The first Section provides that, from and after the thirty-first of July next, the ſol- R * É. of pure gold, and two hundred and fifty-eight grains of standard gold; each Half lowing Gold Coins shall pass current as money within the United States, and be receivable in all payments, by jº. for the payment of all debts and demands, at the rates following, that is to say: the Gol the Gold Coins of France, nine-tenths fine, at the rate of ninety-three cents, and one-tenth of a cent per pennyweight; and the Old Coins of Spain, Mexico and Colombia, of the ºne- ness of twenty carata, nine cents and nine-tenths of a cent per penny weight. The second Section provides, that it shall be the duty of the of the ury, to cause assays of the aforesaid Gold Coins, made current by this act, to be had Mint of the United States, at least once in every year, and to make report of the thereof to Congress, tº A * *.*.** º * , ºg º ºf 3 º * ſº a º' 'º' º * | * ſ * v. : #" d • º º º-ºº> - º| Coins of Great Britain, Portugal and Brazil, of not less than twenty- two carats fine, at the rate of ninety-four cents and eight-tenths of a cent per pennyweight; ree grains and seven-sixteenths of a grain, at the rate of eighty- Treas. *: T º 2. :&, ,T *iE:- tºCſº sºº - . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * . . .A. . A º º i º º º “…" '4' º * * } & "&" *. -º zº Fº R. º “º º: º º, º 3. º sº º [. § º w º * I : * * * , | d " . * : * * * * . . 3: * ... x-* . . . . . . . . . sº & , , º, . sº t w \s . | º | . | s º º ºy tº tº (; S (sº (5 º tºº | | | | | | . . . . . . . (Sº @º ſº | | | | | || * | *". '','º' "| Aſ & | | | | | | | | | | § { ºf * | * , ) || 3 || || || "...]."ºlºlº l ; ; , ; };"| 8 || | | | | | | | | | C º º ſº 5 © S 6. R ſº O & S @ S º S (s Sº S 6. 5 (e. S (s S. (3 sº tº 5 tº S (s 5 (6 S ſº S ſº S(3. S º S ſº º ſ W º , º , º * | º |: , ; ; ; ;&l lº OLD COINS OF SPAIN, MEXICO AND COLOMBIA. | At , "| 8 || || . . . . º |º]} }} / wº ſº , , º, . A || * /* . Zº | 9 |,4° Fº & ſº & ſº * 2 & P & A is a * * is a s & is , is , * º is . Sº 2 5 (QQQQ (QOLOOOOOO (OO (OOOO. KO S (6.5 (66.9666,666 S3 Of the fineness 20 Carats, 3 & 7-16 gr. ; or 20,859-1000 grs. pure, to 1 dwt. Standard...Walue 89,9-10 cts. pr. dwt. TP To ascertain the value of a Coin weighing 7 dwts. and 11 gra. look to the Square formed by the Intersection of 7, in the left hand Column, with 11 in the top Line, and it will be found to be $6.71. | 3 || *ºsºAl ## º: : * ~ * sº's sº sº º S. tº ſº Sº º sº ..". º Sºº' Sº *' S * , , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; , , , ; * * * , # * * ºf * * | * { , .." , .. .." º .." .* Y [..." , ... Y. , , , . . * | * | * : * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * : * | * | * | * | * | * | * . . . . . . . . . K» • | º - * | * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i loan. 1 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 | 11 |12 || 13 || 14 | 15 16 || 17 |18 |19|20 |21 |22 23 ; ; cts. 0.3,740.7,490.11,210.14,90.18,70.22,40.26,2029,90.33,70.37,40.4120.44,90.48,70.52,4, 56,1 59,9| 63,6| 67,4| 71,1 74,9| 78,7| 82,4|86,1 ; 1 |89.90/93,65. 97,3|101,1104,,11.19,81.23,6127,3|1.31,1134,81.38,6142,31.46,01.49,81,53,51.57,81.61,0164,8|168,51.72,3176,0| 1 2|1798 is, 1st 191|195| 199|202|206|alo 2.14|2|17|221 225 2.29|232 236|240|248 2.47|251|255] 2.58| 2.62| 2.66| 2 3| 2.70 || 2.73 2.77| 2.81 2.85 2.88| 2.92 || 2.96 || 3:00 || 3:03 || 3.07 || 3.11 || 3.15 3.18 || 3:22 || 3.26|| 3:30 3.33 3.37| 3.41 3.45| 3.48| 3.52 | 3.56|| 3 4 || 3:00 || 3.63| 3.67| 3.71 || 3.75 3.78| 3.82 | 3.86| 3.90| 3.93| 3.97.| 4.01 || 4.05 || 4.09| 4.12| 4.16|| 4:20 || 4.23 4.27| 4.31|| 4.35| 4:38|4.42| 4.46|| 4 5| A.50 |4.58||4.57| 4.61 4.65 || 4.68|4.72 4.76|| 4.79 || 4.83| 4.87| 491 4.94 || 4.98 || 5.02 || 5.06 5.09| 5.13| 5.17| 5.21 5.24| 5.28, 5.32| 5.36|| 5 6|sso 5.43 || 5.47 5.51 5.54 || 5.58|| 5.62 || 5.66 5.69 || 5.73 || 5.77|| 5.81 || 5.84 || 5.88 5.92 || 5.96 || 5.99 || 6.03 || 6.07 || 6.11 6.14 6.18 6.22 || 6.26 6. 7 6.29 |.6.33 6.37 6.41 6.44 6.48 6.52 6.56 6.59 || 6,63| 6.67 6.71 6.74 6.78 6.82 6.86 6.89 || 6.93| 6.97 7.01 || 7.04 || 7.08 || 7.12 || 7.15 7 8 || 7.10 7.23| 7.27| 7.30|7.34 || 738|| 7.42| 7.45||7.49 7.53| 7.57| 7.60 7.64| 7.68|7.72 7.75||7.79| 7.83| 7.87| 7.90|7.94 7.98|8.02 || 8.05 || 8 9 || 8.09 || 8.13 8.17 | 8.20 | 8.24 8.28 8.32 || 8.35 | 8.39|8.43 | 8.47 | 8.50 8.54|| 8.58|| 8.62 8.65 8.69 | 8.73| 8.77|| 8.80 || 8.84|8.8S sºlsos 9 10 || 8.99 || 9.03 9.07 || 9,10| 9.14|9.18|9.22 9.25 | 9.29 |9.33| 9.36|| 9.40 | 9.44| 9.48 || 9.51 9.55 9.59| 9.63| 9.66 9.70 || 9.74 9.78|9.81 9ss|1o 11 9.89 9.93| 9.96 |10,00|10.04|10,08|10.11 10.15|10.19 |10.23|10.26|10.30|10.34|10.38|10.41 10.45|10.49|10.53|10.56|10,60|10,64|10.68|10.71 10.75||11 12 10.79|10.83 |10.86 10.90 |10.94 ||10.98||11.01 |11.05||11.09|11.13||11.16||11.20 |11.24|11.28 11.31 |1135||11.39|11.43 |1146||11.50 |11.54||11.57 11.61 |11.65 12 13||11.69||172|11.76|usoils, 1187|19111.9sings|1202|1206/12.101214|12|17|1221|1225/1229|1232 1236/1240.24,1247|1251.1255||13 14|12.59|12.62|12.66|12.70 |12.74 12.77|12.81 |12.85|12.89||1292 |1296 |1300||13.04|1307||1311||1315||1319||13:22||1326|14.30|13.34|13.37|13.41 13.45|14 15||1349||13.52|13.56|13.60|13.64 13.67|13.71 |13.75||13.79||13.82|13.86|13.90 13.94 |13.97 |14.01 |14.05|14.08|14.12|14.16|14.20|14.23|1427|14.81 |14.35| 15 16|14.38|14.42|14.46; 14.50 14.53 |14.57|14.61 |14.65 (14.68|14.72|14.76|14.80 14.83 |14.87|14.91 |14.95 |14.98|15.02|15.06|15.10|15.13||15.17|1521 |15.25 | 16 17|15.28|15.32|15.36||15.39||1543 1547|15.51 15.55|15.58||15.62|15.66|15.70|15.73|15.77|15.81 15.8515.88|15.92|1596,1600|16.03 |16.07|16.11|16.15|17 18|16.18|16.22 16:26|16.30|16.33 16.37 (16.41 16.44|16.48;16.52 |16.56 |16.59 |16.63|16.67 |16.71 [16.74 16.78|16.82 |16.86|1689|16.93||16.97|17.01 |17.04 | 18 19 |17,08||17.12 17.16|17.19 17.23 (17.27 17.81 17:34 1738 17.42|17.46|1749 17.53 |17.57 |17.61 [17.64|17.68|17.72|1776|17.79|1783|17.87|17.91 |17.94 |19 20 17.98|18.02 18:06:18.09|18:1818.17|18:21 ils.gills28 1832/183618.39||1848 l847|1851 18.5418.58||1862|1866.18.69|1873 h6.77|1880 18.84.120 º-º-º: g AT ſº3.º : :&E- i >: : 2 º-teſ-ºººTºººº:.Çp'ºdº&º º >----iº-*.- *- i - 2****cº- ſº* *ſº. º-->C: º*- * * s Sºº Ç.Lººs.a & " Sº . . - ; : : © , ºf A ..." ... . . . . . 3. Y. * † - º º | . º ‘. Fºll|||||||"ºfflº - º | }º tº S tº gº º S (; S s R tº S tºº tºº tº S (e. S Sº Yºº lº tºº tºº tºº yº sº., º 'º .º.º. tºº, , , , sº s \ sº Sº, . . . . º, tº dº tº º, º | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | tº (ºN (ºS (ºN (ºS (; S (sº tºº gº tºº 66 (6 S tº º tº tºº (º Cº-S fºr S ſº * } , " | * ºf f \ . . . SN2 (f)( , XC 'N' A' | | X". A |º] *.\ | 8. \ | º |, º (66.666 (666: º & wº C ~ O º º Lºw tº jº s ) ºlº )'ſ ºl, º º, & SN . S 2-CŞ @5 (65.63 \ J º Q \,: * C C. 2 º *- º: º # Of the fineness 20 Carats, 3 & 7-16 gr. ; or 20,859-1000 grs. pure, to 1 dwt. Standard...Value 89,9-10 &. pr. dwt. OLD COINS OF SPAIN, MEXICO AND COLOMBIA, GOINT, NINTUE. D. :*:º sºſº - g- # | PENNY WEIGHTS. . . ºë •. . Eºg 21 $18,88||31 27.87|41 36.8%|| || 45.85||61 54.84|71 63.83|81 72.82 || 91 81.81 || 101 90.71 ſ 111 90.79ſ. 130 116.87 || 350 314.65 : : 㺠22 1978|32 28.77|42 3776||52 46.75||92 55.74|22 64.73|82 73.72 || 22 82.71 ||102 91.70||112 100.69||140 125.80 || 400 359.60 × . § 23; 20.68||33 29.67|43 38.66||53 47.65|G: 56.64|2: 65.63|8: 74.62 || 2: 83.61||123 92.60 11: 101.59|| 1:2 134.85 || 450 404.55 . . =º 24, 21.58||34 30.57|44 39.56||54 48.55|64 57.54||74 66.53|84 75.52 || 94 84.51 || 104 93.50||114 102.49||130 143.84 || 500 449.50 tº # 25 22.47|35 31.46|45 40.45||55 49.44||6; 58.43|7; 67.42|8; 76.42 || 2: 85.41 || 10: 94.39||11; 103.39||130 152.83 || ºe 494.45 . :: 26 23:37|36 32.36|46 41.35||56 50.34||66 59.33|76 68.32|S6 77.31 || 96 86.30|106 95.39||116 104.28||180 161.82 || 609 539.40 ºf sº 27 24.27 ||37 33.26||47. 42.25||57 51.24|67 60.23||77 69.22 sy 78.21 || 97 87.20 || 107 96.19||117 105.18||190 170.81 || 7oo 629.30 ºr . E.; 2s 25.17|3s 84.16|4s 43.15||58 52.14|GS 61.13|28 70.12|ss 79.11 || 98 88.10|108 97.09|118 100.08||200 17980 || Soo 719.20 * : E.; 29 26.07|39. 35.06|49 44.05||59 53.04|69 62.03||79 71.02|89 80.01 || 99 89.00||109 97.99||119 106.98||250 224.75 || 900 800.10 . . =}| so 26.97||40 35.96 |50 44.95||60 53.94||70 62.93|80 71.92||90 80.91 || 100 89.90||110 98.89||130 107.88,300 209.70 || 1000 899.00 . : IREMARKS. ... : DOUBLOONS of Old Spain, coined before 1772, should contain 4173 grs. Standard, (17.9%,) or 375,4-10 pure gold, and halves and quarters in proportion; this ! .." : makes them equal to dwt. 0.21,578 grs. pure gold to the dwt. Those of 1772, should contain 4163 grs. St. (17.84,) or 372 pure, being equal to 0.21,434 * . gº grs. pure to the dwt. ; so that, although they are a legal tender, for an amount equal to the price of their real wt. as given in this table, yet they are worth * - : more money as bullion, because they are better than the Standard. Other Coins of Spain, of these dates, do not vary much in quality, from the above. r: DOUBLOONS of 1801, should contain 417 grs. (17.9) standard, or 360,6 grs. pure; this would give only 0.20,752 grs. pure per dwt. being a little less than the X law requires, (viz. 20,859 grs.) so that strictly speaking, they are not a legal tender. Those coined since 1801, were probably intended to be of the * - same standard and purity as those of 1801. º DOUBLOONS, as usually found in Commerce, vary in weight from 17.06 to 17.9%. When received by tale, they are considered merchantable, if they do not Ç weigh less than 17.6; but if they weigh less than that, they are rejected. The halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths, are seldom found of full weight. DOUBLOONS, of South America, vary some in purity; those of Bogota, have generally been ſound to conform best to the standard of 360,6 grains pyre. *...* The average quantity of pure gold, contained in the Doubloons, now in circulation, may be estimated at 360 grains. º s ; : Q} \ºº J. C *} ºº'ſ ºº “º | º ‘. • • º * , | * * 3) Sºº (262) (29 (29 (29 (29. D Sº Sº QQ 99 KS Sºº Kºº Kºº $9 ſ A ( , , , , | " (, ; ( ' ' ' ' ', " | º) QQQ º 3) C ſº 9) º º º &Q º $ A ſº ºf , , ; y T. W. ( ' ' ' | * º | & #: @ OO (OC) (OO C. OO (OC) (OC 0 OOOC C º OO (OC) (QQ (QC QQ (QQ (QQ (QQ *) (º S) (OC) (OOOC C Q (Q) (OQ (Qº) (Qº) C * , " ? * *. & Sº * Yº * * * * * * ºf ºn a º * … ‘. . . ‘. Sº, ‘. . . ºf s *-*. ſº º ºf- a wº ºf , d hº M' , * * ſº * * * - - 2 º º Sº iº Mºº ºf . gº º a , , ºº ń ºf ºf . , , , , , , , X_1 , || 4 || || 0 || 3 | // A / A / A. ºf A. A A ſ A ſ "I & ſ / . | */ d ſ ºf ºff ºf ººl ºf º | 4 º' Aſ º A f * * * : : º'ſ º | V. | W ſ º W. º º | * | V. º ſº | ? ſ º | º | º, | º ſº ſº ſº ). 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