MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEw YORK - 253 T H E M O NOT Y PE What it does and how it does it HE Composing Machine or Keyboard of the MONOTYPE is in all essentials a typewriter con- trolling two hundred and twenty-five characters and is as easily operated as a Remington or a Smith Premier. Having no direct connection with the casting mechanism, the Keyboard can be placed wherever is most convenient and likely to prove best adapted to the comfort of the operator. Good work is thus assured from a workman who finds himself at ease and free from annoyance. Apart from this, the entire attention of the operator is concentrated on his copy and the keyboard he manipulates. He has not to pause for a moment for the type which he has set to be cast, nor has the subsequent operation of casting this to be interrupted by the stoppages attendant on the reading of copy. WOOD & NATHAN CO., Sole Selling Agent No. 1 MAD ISON AVENUE HADWEN SWAIN MEG. CO. W. P. GUNTHORP. J.R. Representative for Pacific Coast NEW YORK CITY Chicago Representative SAN FRANCIsco, CAL. CHICAGo, ILL. MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEW YORK T H E M O NOT Y PE HE Monotype Casting Machine provides a thoroughly equipped and up-to-date type foundry, and yet occupies a floor space of only three feet four inches by four feet two inches. The force of condensation can go no further. It may be used to cast type for general use in the office as well as to produce, in connection with the Keyboard, type composed and ready for the press. It is entirely automatic in its action and one operator can easily run two machines. | HE operations of the Casting Machine are directed by means of the strip of paper, in which suitable perforations have been made by the Composing Machine or Keyboard. As these perforations are in turn presented to the Casting Machine, they admit compressed air to the controlling mechanism and cause the matrix of the character desired to be presented to the mould and the type is instantaneously cast. In brief, the Casting Machine is, as has been said, a complete type foundry, only the type it casts is furnished already set in justified lines, not merely ready to be printed from, but as capable as a galley of hand-set type of correction and alteration by means of sorts which the machine itself has previously cast. In order to run the Casting Machine even to the best advantage, the operator does not require the ability to spell, punctuate, or read copy. Accuracy in the type product is assured by the continuity with which machine and mould are kept in operation. MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEW YORK OT T HE paper ribbon, once perforated by the operator at the Keyboard, can be transferred either complete or in sections, to one or as many Casting Machines as it may be desired to use. The ribbon may be run through the Casting Machine any required number of times. Re-orders, therefore, cost nothing for composition; and yet, there are no expensive forms of type or cumbersome plates to store away in readiness for the problematical re-order. Even if Monotyped matter is kept standing, it is only the cost of the metal that is locked up. HE matrices for two hundred and twenty-five characters are contained in a matrix-case that lies easily in the palm of one's hand. When inserted in its place in the Casting-Machine the matrix-case has a compound movement to right, left, front and back, so that any desired matrix may be instantly presented to the mould. To change from one face of type to another, one matrix- case is simply slid out and another substituted. This change can be made in less than one minute. - MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEW YORK T H E M O N OT HAT the Monotype has effectually and successfully disposed of the type problem with its by-products of type-founder's bills and exaggerated rents for the floor space required for “cases,” is evidenced by the fact that a matrix case, 3% inches x 3% inches, is the equivalent of a type case occupying 1,935 cubic inches of space. HE MONOTYPE Matrix is a small block of hardened copper, two-tenths of an inch square, and one-half of an inch high. In one end of this is driven by means of a steel punch the impression of the character to be cast. The unusual depth of the drive, fifty-thousandths of an inch, gives to the resultant type a high, clear face that renders it unequaled for printing and electrotyping. The simple but effective mechanism for positioning and centering the matrices to the mould is so adjusted that perfect alignment is not only provided at the outset, but is also easily maintained. HE mould is automatically adjusted by the mechanism of the Casting-Machine, so that, as the matrix of each differing character is presented to it, a body of the correct width is provided. To change from one point of type to another, one mould is removed and another inserted in its place, an operation that, including all necessary adjustments, occupies but a few minutes. MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEW YORK T H E M O NOTY PE HE type produced by the Monotype, on account of the rationality of the mechanical principles involved and the technical perfection of construction exhibited by the machine, is not excelled by the product of the standard type foundries. It is unequaled in respect to its uniformity, solidity of body, sharpness of face, and precision of its height to paper. The alignment is as perfect, the lock-up is as tight, and the metal from which it is cast may be as hard as in the case of the highest grade of foundry type. It will be readily comprehended that this absolute accuracy and evenness of type- length produces a scientific perfection of type surface. The problem of tedious and expensive make-ready is not one which affects Monoty PE users. Stress must also be laid upon another very practical advantage arising from this uniformity of the type-product of the MONOTYPE. Nothing is more remarkable than the constant precision of the faces it casts. It is seldom that a character has to be rejected on account of any imperfection in the casting. ACILITY of correction is of equal importance to facility in the composition itself. The MONOTYPE allows a letter or line to be changed or transposed with greater ease than if the matter were hand-set. Customers are apt to make changes in the proof. These present no difficulty to the MONOTYPE. It is obvious that the correction of individual types is quicker and less liable to the introduction of new errors than the correction of “slugs” or bars of type. Monotype corrections, too, are made with sorts cast by the machine itself in what would otherwise be its idle moments. Equally obvious is it that time, and therefore money, is saved when the work of correction is not occupying the machine itself to the exclusion of other and more directly profitable work. In the case of newspaper and other “rush” work, too, the advantage of being able to correct an error here and an error there by the simple substitution of a single letter in place of recasting a whole line need not be here dwelt upon. And yet, the MONOTYPE is the only type casting and setting machine on the market which can claim this advantage. N > MONOTYPED BY THE WIN THROP PRESS, NEW YORK T H E M O N OTY PE | Z č, C P Q. V X M P CE | | | S + 3 F B Y U Z F. A. i : " 6 f { L O G K Q R w i ; 2 & 3 T E R N G B V. l ; c. I Ó A D H 0 E. D t j r g { } a fi fi & L T A || S v š + k u fl J C & ff. || || 6 b + , y in p S w Q ji iſ | ) g : - d. S fi º V m X * : ( 0 9 $ºh X fi º f B. Y. > 2 * 7 8 a q k fi P G U. * I 5 6 J b v || F O R. r Z 3 4 g p y Z L E N s c 1 2 ou h C T A D t e 0 a n d fi ae w Ce HE Keyboard, with its 225 characters, each controlled by a separate key, affords unequaled advantage for the most intricate job-work. Two, and even three, varying faces, with upper and lower case characters, figures and references, may be run at the same time. ſ HE printer's most unproductive investment is “standing matter.” Multiply the number of pounds of matter you have standing in your own office by the cost per pound of foundry type and you will see what the Monotype will unlock for you. MONOTYPE standing matter consists of rolls of perforated paper a few inches in diameter, stored in an office drawer. *- MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEW YORK N OTY PE HE separation of the Monotype into two distinct though interdependent parts carries with it many contingent advantages. It allows of the composing-room being placed where the surroundings are most conducive to good work and the type-foundry in such a position as to minimize any unpleasant effects arising from the fumes or heat of the molten type-metal. , IT may finally be pointed out that the investment for an extra Keyboard is so comparatively trifling that one may be readily installed to cope with the “rush-job” when it comes in, the attendant Casting Machine being easily run “overtime” to take care of its product. Nor, as the operation of casting is so purely automatic and mechanical, is the supervision of a foreman required when it is working overtime. The significance of this is obvious. MONOTYPED BY THE WINTHROP PRESS, NEW YORK T H E M O N OT Y PE Monotype Advantages HAT the pre-eminent advantages of the Monotype over all other mechanical compositors, and of its work over the highest class of hand composition may be the more readily recog- nized, those advantages are here presented in as condensed a form as possible. T H E M O NOTY PE Sets straight work—of better quality—cheaper than any other machine. Sets intricate composition as readily as straight matter. Raises the standard of quality on all its prod- uct. Affords facilities for speedy, easy and econ- omical correction. Saves time in “making ready” for the press. - Supplies new foundry type for each job. Casts and composes all sizes, from five to twelve point. Sets all measures up to 42 ems pica. Eliminates the expense of electrotyping. Dispenses with composition in the case of a re-order. Avoids entirely the necessity of distribution. Does away with type-foundry bills. Supplies types and sorts at the cost of the metal. Makes quads and spaces up to pica in size for all fonts in the office. Provides type better than foundry type-used only three times. Spaces more evenly than the best hand com- positor. Justifies with mathematical uniformity. accuracy and Centres type lines automatically with abso- lute precision. Casts any sized face on a larger body if re- quired. Offers a choice of 225 characters in the font (upper and lower case; small caps, figures and references; Italics, upper and lower case). - Sets several styles of face at one time. Handles matter around cuts well and easily. Economizes on night work. Makes and composes individual type. Enables any length of line to be broken into various measures, and justifies each por- tion separately. Costs less, as compared with output, than any other machine. Produces at less cost what sells for more than the product of any other machine. FINALLY renders the printer capable of making more money with less out-go than ever before known in the printing business. WOOD & NATHAN CO., Sole Selling Agent No. 1 MAD ISON AVENUE HADWEN SWAIN Representative for Pacific Coast MFG. CO. SAN FRANCIsco, CAL. NEW YORK CITY W. P. GUNTHORP, JR. Chicago Representative CHICAGo, ILL. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN