§§ %% / | ||7 ," - / - º; §iº § zº ; i §§§ º § ; | º § §§§ § § ;! § # *i #- | § º bºrrºſ º §: §§ sºw ºn Jº W& i | VERSITY, MICHIG GENERAL LIBRARY - - - t . ..." ºr “w tº ". . . . . . . . . . .”.. ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. DIGEST OF ALL THE ACCOUNTs RELATING TO THE ONS, REVENUES, ATTATUTAL DIPABANIDATS, MANUFACTURES, SHIPPING, COLONIES, COMMERCE, &c. &c., OF THE UNITED KING DOM OF (5reat ºritain ami] fºrtlamij, DIFFUSED THROUGH MORE THAN 600 VOLUMES OF JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, Presented to Parliament during the last Thirty-five Years. IN TWO PARTS. WITH A SEPARATE INDEx To EACH. PART I. contains a Geographical and Statistical Displayof the Locality, Relation, Superficies, and Population of each County, Section, District, and Colony of the BRITISH DOMINroNs; the natural influence of each, as indicated by the number of Births and Deaths, in each year through a Period of more than Half a Century, and the Resources and Condition of each, as exemplified in its Production, Rental, Taxation, Pauperism, and Crime; with a like Display of the Geographical Position, and Relation, Superficies, Population, and Revenues of the several Provinces and Districts of RUSSIA, PRUSSIA, FRANCE, the NETHERLANDs, Swed EN, the Peninsula of SPAIN and Portug AL, the United States of NoFTII AMERICA, and CHINA. PART II. is a Statistical Display of the FINANCEs, NAVIGATION, and CoMMERCE of the United Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, exhibiting the Revenue in all its various Items of Receipt and Expenditure in each year, since the commencement of the War in 1793; the value of the ExpoRTs to, and IMPORTs from, each different part of the World in each year since 1693; the employment of SHIPPING, both British and Foreign, between the United Kingdom and each part of the World in each year since 1786; the official and Declared Value of each Article Exported and Imported in each year since 1813; and the quantity thereof, in Weight, Measure, or Tale, to and from each part of the World, whereby the Real Value may be determined, in each year since 1826; with a complete view of the rise in 1672, and annual progress since that date, of the NATIONAL DEBT, SINKING FUND, and For EIGN LoANs, so arranged as to show the effect which the Great Money Operations have had upon the Commercial Transactions of the Country, and the relative degree and extent of advantage resulting from each of its Coloni AI. Possessions, and from its intercourse with each different part of the World; affording a solution to the Problem of the BALANCE of TRADE and Exchanges; containing also a complete view of the CoRN TRADE, showing the Quantity of Grain and Flour Exported and Imported, and the Annual Average price thereof, in each year since 1699; the Quantity of each kind Imported from each different part of the World, and the Annual Average price of all the great articles of PRoduction and CoMMERCE, in each year since 1780, &c. &c. &c. §: &” 3. ** ; § $3 ARRANGED BY J. MARSHALL, And Printed pursuant to the following Recommendation of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on * - Public Documents, March 1, 1833:— “Your Committee think it right to observe that Mr. MARSHALL's Digest of Information, derived from Parliamentary Documents from 1799, has been made with great labour, and contains important information which cannot be obtained from any existing work, nor from the Compilation about to be made under the direction of the Board of Trade; the Committee therefore recommend the attention of the House to the Evidence before the Committee, and that 1250 copies of the work be placed, when complete, at the disposal of Parliament.” Confirmed by a Vote of the Whole House, on the 29th of April of the same year. LONDON : PRINTED BY J. HADDON, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY square. , 1833. § : ; GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DISPLAY LOCALITY, RELATION, SUPERFICIES, AND POPULATION co UN TY, s Ect 1 o N, DIs TR 1 CT, A N D Co Lo NY OF THE - gº - º ... sº tº ... ." Nº. - - - - - º - |P º - -> W \ .. º Alſº sº. " - .* º gº wº. 4, 2..." . . . . ºr ' ' ' . .” z S.A. º. ºw. tº . . . . . . . . . . t * º § . º:::::::: * * ** *** ... ** . . . . . . . . * * THE NATURAL INFLUENCE OF EACH, AS INDICATED BY THE - Number of Births amb Deaths, In each Year, through a Period of more than Half a Century, and the Resources and Condition of each, as exemplifted in its - PRODUCTION, RENTAL, TAXATION, PAUPERISM, AND CRIME, GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND RELATION, SUPERFICIES, POPULATION, AND REVENUES OF THE SEVERAL PROVINCES AND DISTRICTs OF RUSSIA, PRUSSIA, FRANCE, THE NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, AND THE PENINSULA OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, AND THE UNITED STATES OF North AMERICA, AND CHINA. Every line a lesson—every page 3. history. - “Statesmen and legislators should be men of superior intellectual attainment, and sound education; they should be profoundly versed in history, especially the history of their own country, and more especially that portion of it to which the least attention has hitherto been paid, viz. riorating that condition: they should be conversant with STATISTICs, familiar with the details of numbers, extent, occupation, &c., of the different Provinces of the British Empire, and of the countries with which she has intercourse, whether commercially or politically: they should be able to select, combine, and arrange all these materials with the master-hand of true philosophers, - - PRINTED BY J. HAD DON, castle STREET, FINSBURY SQUARE. 3 +º, ºf 8. **, ** &-º. º *… SUMMARY of the 82 Pages 9 – 90, shewing the proportion of the PopULATION of GREAT BRITAIN : engaged in, and - dependant on, each great branch of PRODUCTION and OCCUPATION. The first Lord Ellenborough in his place in parliament once stated that there were upwards of 3,000,000 Persons in Great Britain, engaged in, and dependant on the Woolen Manufacture; the Edinburgh Review more recently asserted, that upwards of 1,000,000 Persons were so occupied and dependant; from the Statement below, it will be seen to be doubtful, whether in all its varied operations, more than 250,000 (certainly not 300,000) Persons, are engaged in, or dependant on that branch of industry:--similarly mistaken notions almost universally prevail, in regard to the greater or lesser extent and importance of each great branch of Production and occupation : in a work entitled “Results of Machinery,” published in 1831, under the superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, it is stated that “in consequence of Machinery having rendered productions of all sorts cheaper, and therefore causing them to be more universally purchased, it has really increased the demand for manual labour,” and in support of this assumption, at page 93, it is asserted that “Richard Arkwright, a barber of Preston, invented in 1769, the principal part of the Machinery for spinning Cotton, and by so doing, he gave bread to about two millions of People, instead of fifty thousand; ” and at page 106, in adverting to the Siſk Manufacture, it is further asserted that “the higher pride of the present day, is, that we buy three millions and a half ponnds of Raw Silk from the Stranger, employ half a milliont of our own people in the Manufacture of it, by the aid of Machinery, and sell it to the Stranger, and our own people at a price as low as that of the Calico of half a Century ago. In refutation of the false assumption and equally false assertion here set forth, the attention of the advocates and friends of truth is directed to the Analysis of occupations below ; at the period of 1769, and for 20 Years subsequent thereto, the habita- tions of Nos. 1–2 and 4–5, noted with an * were so many Manufacturing Establishments, earning on an average from 21 to 61 º’ Week, which earnings supplied the means of domestic comfort and tended to social and moral order ;--the introduction of Machinery has concentrated the operation of Spinning with an imposing effect upon the minds of superficial thinkers, but it & as annihilated the domestic operation, and deprived from 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 Families of the means of comfort, wºrld Sztüstituted in the habitations of the Farmers, mawkish pretensions for appropriateness of manner; and in the coſtages of the Labourer, recklessness of purpose for the social order, which heretofore prevailed.—For the immoral effects which have for lowed the introduction of Machinery and destruction of domestic industry, -see the Statement relating to Crime, which shews a progressive increase from 4,263 in 1806, to 19,647, in 1831. Districts of PR opuCTION AN's OccupATION. Numbers of Number of FAMILIES, as returned in 1821, , is Téference to the - chiefly employed in Total Number of S. § * Nos. 4 and 6, include a considerable Number of DISTRICTs, - - q ‘sº º: º 13 "Nº, '. the other T in *i. l wº ?’éS - PERSONS, in Sº 3. hand include proba a greater Number engaged Opographica icultur wagº ll other TOTAL e - s g .." ii. iſ, '...", ºft 6 do in #jj. ''}; Agriculture or Handicraft Qll 07 Ilê7'S 1821. 1831. & $ ſ 1 Coal District of the North . . . . . . . . . . I — 69 3,318 30,076 20,441 58,835 235,525 277,662 | 18 3 2 Do. . . . . Gloucester and Somerset | 1.42 — 156 1,254 1,966 1,394 4,614 22,232 26,033 17 # 3 Do. . . . . Derby, Nottingham, &c. 339 — 350 1,606 . . . 2,639 819 5,064 25,756 30,761 20 à || 4 Coal and Iron ... Warwick and Stafford 70 — 106 3,595 | * 54,859 4,702 63, 156 || 287,482 389,852 35 S. 5 Do. . . . . . . . . Leicester and Salop | 113 — 126 || 1,318 . , 6,591 | 1,302 9,2] I 43,200 47,166 9 #6 }}o Sheffield, Rotherham, &c. 127 — 141 2,260 | * 13,997 2,835 19,092 91,139 120,007 || 31|| § 7 Do. . . . . Monmouth and Brecon | 157 — 206 2,203 9,745 2,213 14, 161 | 74,684 108,488 45} * | 8 Tin, Copper, &c. . . . . . . . . . . Cornwall 207 — 293 9,963 11,287 | 13,492 34,742 164,419 240,006 || 46 (9 Copper, Lead, Slate, &c. . . . . Diverse 294 — 338 3,837 6,215 7,130 17, 182 83,641 99,881 20 'otal MINING DISTRICTS, 29,354 || 137,875 54,328 221,057 || 1,028,078 1,339,856 || 30 3 ſ 10 The Pottery. . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 107 — 112 296 6,696 | 1,023 8,015 39,107 49,643 27 * | 11 Woollen District ... West of England 851 – 406 6,452 20,851 5,115 32,418 155,875 171,483 10 º: | 2 Worsted, & Mixed Stuffs IVorwich, Kendal 407 — 47.6 | 2,416 * 17,570 3,374 23,360 102,353 S. 125,853 23 s 13 Woollen, Linen, &c. West R. of York 417 – 640 || 13,071 | * 85,096 || 14,932 113,099 560,068 # 12,131 27 #3 14 Hosiery Leicester, Notts, Derby, &c. 641 – 790 || 1 1,922 || 41,918 || 6,691 60,531 280,232 || 339,264 21 § : } 5 Siſk * * g. Coventry, Congleton, &c. 79] º 835 3, 176 15,876 1,176 20,228 95,328 $. #123,783 30 § 16 Salt Spring District . . . . . . Cheshire | 836 -- 859 1,115 2,670 i,178 4,963 || 23,956 | * 31,649 32 § 17 Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lancashire, &c. 860 – 1270 || 21,701 |* 163,046 18,696 || 203,443 || 1,042,125 |+1,337,127 281 5 i 18 Linen, Gloves, Silk, &c. W. of England | 1271 -— 1315|| 6,154 7,566 2,422 16,142 79,319 | 93,148 17% Total MANUFA CTURING Districts. 66,303 361,289 54,607 || 482,199 || 2,378,363 2,984, 101 25; The METROPOLIS,--see Page 15,455 208,234 122,885 346,574 || 1,528,301 | 1,805,587 18 20 Sea Ports & Git. Naval Stations Liverpool, &c. 1316 –– 1375 7,489 55,528 48,331 111,348 504,816 630,770 25 21 Places of Fashionable Resort Bath, Brighton | 1376 – 1360 || 2,701 } 5,508 8,981 27,190 129,914 179,666 || 384 22 Minor Sea Ports, and Fishing Towns ... 1361 – 1781 || 42,538 || 65,083 69,548 177,169 741,235 847,265 14} - - — F- -j- - T{} 7"A L | 68,183 : 344,353 249,745 662,281 2,904,266 3,463,288 19 ——ll ———| -- 23 Inland Towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1782 – 4900 || 61,034 145,101 63,222 269,357 || 1,268,034) ºf 24 Populous Parishes . . . . . . . . ... [specified 298,392 112,139 57,930 468,461 || 2,300,866 }; 25 Villages, exclusively Agricultural, not º' 324,691 59,721 5,659 390,071 || 2,099,268 J jºiº. T{}TA L 684,117 | 316,961 126,811 1,127,889 || 5,668,168 6,102,430 | 73 Total ENGLAND and WALES. 847,957 1,159,975 || 485,491 2,493,423 || 11,978,875 | 13,889,675 16 do. SCOTLANT). 130,699 || 190,264 126,997 447,960 || 2,093,456 2,365,930 13 - }. – *--- — — Total GREAT BRITAIN, in 1821. Eaclusive of ; 978,656 |1,350,239 612,488 2,941,383 ||14,072,331 16,255,605 || 15% do. do. 183}. Army & Navy. - - | The following STATEMENT shews the progressive increase of the Population in England, Analysis of Number ºf ... Total Wales, and Scotland, ut each of the Sia: Ten Yearly Periods, since 1780 ; and the annexed State- OCCUPATIONS. FAMILIES, in #ös; ment shews the estimated proportion of the Population in 12 Classes, instead of under three heads 1821 1831. 1831 only, as eachibited in the return made to Parliament. Notwithstanding, the prevailing notion of --º $96,44- e © Manufacturing, being the predominating interest of Great Britain ; by these Analyses of the 1 Agricultural Occupiers * 250,000 250,000 || 1 ,500,000 Population, it is seen, that five-sixths of the Number are dependant on Agriculture for subsistence. : Mi do. Laborers | * 738,956 800,000 4 sooooo 3 Mining do. . . . 110,000 120,000 || ,000 Years |Army & Ny. Eng land Wales Scotland Great Britain Ireland 4 Millers, Bakers, ºtá. * 160,000 180,000 º *-* * =t - * -- K- 5 Artificers, Builders, &c, * 200,000 230,000 650,000 1781 250,000 7,473,000 || 480,000 1,470,000 | 9,673,000 - 6 Manufacturers • . . . . . . 340,000 400,000 || 2,400,000 9 | 200,000 8,175 000 500 000 1,500 {}00 : H () 165. {}{}{} No accurate §§. Shoema., & Hat. 150,000 180,000 1,080,000 - *:::: 3. º ...'... ... º. Return, Shopkeepers. . . . . . . . . . 310,239, 350,000 || 2,100,000 1801 470,958 3,331.4% 541,540 | 1,599,208 10,942,646 prior to 1821. 9 Seamen and Soldiers ... 319,300 277,017 || 331,000 ! I 640,500 9,538,830 611,785 1,805,688 12,596,803 - 10 Clerical, Legal, & Medl. 80,000 90,000 450,000 21 319,300 11,261,437 717,438 2,013,459 || 14,391,631 6,802,093 41 Qisabled Paupers..... 100,000 || 110,000 || 110,000 31 277,017 | 13,089,338 805,286 2,365,807 | 16,537,398 || 7734,365 tº Proprietors, Annuitants 192,888 316,487 || 1,116,898 TOTALS. 2,941,383 3,303,504 ||16,537,398 4 STATEMENT shewing the Geographical Position of each County of ENGLAND and WALES, with Numbers of reference to the Principal Towns and Parishes in each County as exhibited in the Population, &c. &c., of 5000 of the Principal Towns and Parishes in the Kingdom; together with the distance in Statute miles, and bearing of the Chief Town of each County from the Metropolis, and also the Superficies of each County in Statute Acres. *...* The places printed in Øſt atoman are Cities and Ecclesiastical Sees, and those noted with a || are Sea Ports ; for the other notations, see Note to the Midland Counties. York, Newcastle, and Carlisle being only 174, 247. and 261 miles, instead of 195, 270, and 303. CHIEF TOWNS, with reference to their Topographical Number. .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*- C O U N T I E S arranged in Geographical order, with Nos. of reference to. the principal Towns and Parishes in each. 1 MIDDLESEx, the Metropolitan County 2 Surrey 3 Kent . . . . 4 Sussex . . ( 5 Southampton . . . . .3421–3525 6 Wilts + . . . . . . .385, 3304–3420 7 Gloucester * . . .351, 3121 – 3230 8 Dorset . . . . . 3526 – 3595 Riv. Thames; and Kent and Sussex, are bounded on the South by, the English Channel. The Topographical arrangement of these 4 Counties is distinct from the rest, and precedes the Coal Districts at Pag ; For the Maritime Towns of Kent and Sussex,-36e Nos 2 6 : 1391 – 1433, of the General arrangement. west of the METROPOLIS: Southampton, is bounded on # south of the METROPOLIS: Surrey, is divided frºm Middlesex, on the North, by the | S. by the English Channel; Wilts, is an Interior Co., and Gloucester is only Maritime, as far as the River Severn gives it that character; Nos. tº $ 8 & 9 8 to 11, form a Promontory projec- 9 Somerset % + tº 9 375, 3596 – 3743 .#.º.º.º.º. |; Devon . . . . . . . . . . 3744 – 3918 and North by the Bristol Channel. U 11 Cornwall; . . 207, 3919– 4626 worth East to North of the (12 Essex . . . . . . . . . . 1766 – 1864 METROPOLIS; and all bounded W 13 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . 1865 – 1961 §§ º: 14 §. f : . . . . . . . 1962 – 2084 of an interior, than a mariti Iſle is: 15 ambridge . . . . . . 2085 – 2140 ºve" " "-(i, ii........ 2172 — 2305 2. A % = } #Tº 3 & 4 r17 Hertford e g º e & © e tº 2366 – 2422 $ 3.5-533-#. . ; 18 Bedford + . . . . . . . . 2423 – 2457 § 2; #5533 2.É | 19 Huntingdon 2141 – 2171 § ###3.5 #### gClOn . . . . . . § 33: ######, 20 Rutland, . . . . . . . . 2306 – 2323 is 3 & #####je 3 21 Buckingham t . . . . 2458-2528 § 533i: gägå 22 Berks. . . . . . . . . . . . 3231 – 3293 # 37.3.3. E1.3 Jº Qxford f : . . . . . . . 2666 – 2740 s ########## 24 Worcester t ...... 2816 – 2890 s = ######35 | 23 Northampton f... 2529-26% 2: E * > 3; ...: lº 26 Warwick ºf .... 70, 791, 2741 s #########3 27 Leicester t . . . . . ; ; ; 685, 2634 S ºš #35 #343 ||3: Nottingham * f... 641 – 84, 2324 S #########| || 29 Derby ºf . . . . . ..., 756 – 356 E: 53 k = 3 & 5 # U20 Stafford; f.... 73,2891 – 2950 31 Monmouth *... 157, 3109 – 3120 The Marches, bounded on the W. by Wales: Chester, by the River tº - i – §:...'...º.º.) 32 Hereford . . . . . . . . 3046 – 3108 Salop, Hereford, and Mommouth, 33 Salop : to e º & e & E e & 2966 * 3045 into the Bristol Channel, by the Rivers Severn and Wye. The chief Seat of the COTTON and WOOLLEN Marzufacture. Northern COUNTIES : all ex- ſ cept Westmoreland, participating | 3 39 Durham : largely in maritime affairs, and with the exception of the East Ri- ding of York, interspersed with Mountains, in altitude from 2,000 to 3,500 feet above the level of the Sea. 34 Chester f... . . . 921 – 990, 2951 35 Lancaster; [.. 991 – 1261, 4298 36 York, W. R.: T 417–610, 3946 40 Northumberland? 58, 37 do., East Riding 4021–4095 do., North do. gº de B & © . 25 – 57, 4453 1 — 24, 4491 41 Westmoreland . . . . 4251 – 4297 42 Cumberland; 4096 – 4250 4347 – 4452 Total ENGLAND r (Anglesea, *Isle of 1616–1635 Carnarvon” . . .304, 1606, 4706 Flint * + . . . . . . 349, 869, 4655 Denbigh . . . . . . . . 4651 – 4705 Merioneth . . . . . . 4765 – 4788 UMontgomery + . . 4726–4764 ſRadnor . . . . . . . . 4784 – 4794 Brecknock; 182, 4795 – 4819 Cardigan . . . . . . 4820 – 4853 Carmarthen” . . . . 4854 – 4916 Glamorgan; 198, 295, 4876 *- U Pembroke... 1341, 1570, 4604 tra : i i3. º : : |Sº, ; < Total ENGLAND and WALES £QP}{BGBſ, KINGSTON * 160 MAIDSTONE * 385 HORSHAM # 838 gºal:NGT3933s:013:13 3,503 $33,3:533!.3% 3,393 Q53.03030345013:33 3,165 DORCHESTER 3,578 TAUNTON 1,305 35X3:03:13 || 1,489 BODMIN 3,942 CHELMSFORD 1,814 BURY ST. EDM. 1,888 INQB1*033}{GT3% 407 CAMBRIDGE 2,120 31}{NGTGB319. 2,269 HERT FORD 2,371 BED FORD 2,446 || HUNTINGDON 2,149 OAKHAM 2,313 AYLESBURY 2,492 READING 3,271 GPx3FQPłęſa 2,697 &Kägp33013:50ſº 2,831 || NORTHAMPTON 2,566 WARWICK 2,754 LEICESTER 685 NOTTINGHAM 641 DERBY 756 STAFFORD 2,939 MONMOUTH 3,109 #33333333; gp33}|B 3,067 SHREwsBURY 3,013 (T3:33:3:03:33 || 1,654 LAN CASTER || 1,255 LEEDs 496 #30933%t 4,036 NORTHALLERTON 409 B艱 ſh 4,475 NEWCASTLE || 18 APPLEBY 4,255 (Tä33313:343; 1,262 BEAUMARIs || 1,632 CARN ARVON || 304 MOLD 861 RUTHIN 4,672 DOLGELLI 4,776 MonTGOMERY 4,726 PRESTEIGNE 4,784 BRECON 4,809 CARDIGAN || 1,579 CARMARTHEN 1,561 CARDIFF || 1,542 PEMBROKE 1,341 Distance in Statute Miles, and bearing from LONDON. N. Lat. 51 31 11 W. S. W 34 S. E. 36 S. S. W. 62 S. W. 80 W. S. W 102 W. N. W 119 W. by S. 144 W. S. W. 166 do. 234 do. 28 E. N. E. 70 N. N. E. I 09 do. 51 N. by E. 129 N. by W. 21 N. by E. 50 N. by W. 58 N. 95 N. by W. 39 due W. 38 do. 54 W. N. W. 111 do. - 66 N. N. W. 92 N. W. by W. 98 N. N. W. 124 do. 126 do. 136 N. W. 128 W. by N. 135 W. N. W. 154 N. W. by W. 181 N. W. 240 N. W. by N 193 N. N. W. 195 N. by W. 220 do. 255 do. 270 do. 270 N. N. W. 303 do. 249 N. W. 247 do. 201 do 210 do. 208 do. 169 do. 151 W. N. W. 166 do. 231 do. 216 W. by N 158 W. 248 W. by N. The distances imply by the Mail lines of road, some of which make considerable detours : the mean distances respectively of Superficies 272, Statute Acres 180,486 485,120 983,680 936,330 1,041,920 882,560 803,840 643,200 1,050,080 1,650,560 849,280 980,480 979,200 1,338,880 549,120 1,758,720 337,920 296,320 236,800 95,360 473,600 483,840 485,280 466,560 648,880 577,280 514,560 535,680 656,640 734,720 318,720 556,400 858,240 673,280 1,171,840 1,568,000 819,200 1,311,187 679,040 1,197,440 488,320 945,920 32,332,000 173,400 348,160 156,160 405,120 424,320 536,960 272,640 482,560 432,000 623,360 506,880 390,400 37,084,400 5 STATEMENT of the Counties of ENGLAND and WALES, arranged in Alphabetical order as an Index to the Topographical arrangement of the 6,000 Towns and Parishes: shewing also the annual Value of Property, assessed to the Property Tax in 1814; the amount of the PARoch IAF AsSESSMENT and EXPENDITURE; and Number of Select Vestries, and Assistant Overseers, in each County, in the Year ending the 25th. of March 1830.- Wide Parliamentary Paper, No. 219, Session 1831. COUNTIES, arranged in Alphabetical Order. -º-º-ºs- Bedford Berks . . . . . . . . Buckingham Cambridge Chester . . . . . . . . Cornwall . . . . . . Cumberland . . . . * @ e º ſº º ºs - e - e. e. e. e. e. e. tº e º e º e º is T)urham Essex . . . . . . . . Gloucester Hereford Hertford . . . . . . Huntingdon . . . . Kent. . . . . . . . . . Lancaster Leicester Lincoln. . . . . . . . Middlesex Monmouth Norfolk . . . . . . Northampton Northumberland Nottingham . . . . Oxford . . . . . . . . Rutland Salop . . . . . . . . Somerset . . . . . . Southampton Stafford Suffolk Surrey . . . . . . Sussex . . . . . . . Warwick . . . . . . Westmoreland . . * @ e e e g * , s tº e 9 e e º ºs G. & 4 tº gº & © tº & © 2 tº º e Number of reference to the Topographical arrangement. Wilts Worcester . . . . York, West Ri. do., East do. ao., North do. ſ Anglesea . . Brecon . . . . Cardigan . . Carmarthen Carnarvon Denbigh Flint . . . . . . Glamorgan Merioneth. . Montgomery Pembroke.. JRadnor... . . : Total ENGLAND and WALES • e s s a • e e '. Page Number 41 2423 – 2457 52 3231 – 3293 42 2458 – 2528 37 2085 – 2140 20, 21 921 – 990, 2951 12, 61 207, 3919 – 4626 9, 67 58, 4347 – 4452 19, 21 756, 866 – 920 29, 59 || 1475, 3744 – 3918 26, 56 1271, 3526 – 3595 17, 68 25 – 57, 611, 4453 33 1766 – 1864 14, 51 351, 3121 – 3230 50 3046 – 3108 4} 2366 – 2422 38 2141 – 217 i 28, 80 1391, *291 – 693 22, 66 991 – 1261, 4298 18, 44 685 – 745, 2634 32, 38 1717, 2172–2305 76 *1 – 144 11, 50 157, 3109 – 3120 32, 35 | 1733, 1962 – 2084 43 2529 – 2633 9, 69 1 – 24, 4491 18, 40 611 – 684, 2324 45 2666 – 2740 40 2306 – 2323 10, 49 118, 2966 – 3045 26, 57 375, 1290, 3596 28, 55 1436, 3421 – 3525 10, 48 73, 2891 – 2950 32, 34 1753, 1865 – 1961 78 *145 – 290 28, 86 1421, *694 – 994 20, 46 70, 791, 2741 66 4251 – 4297 14, 53 385, 3294 – 3420 10, 47 89, 2816 – 2890 15, 62 417 – 610, 3946 32, 63 | 1698, 4021 – 4104 31, 64 | 1661, 4105 – 4250 Total ENGLAND 31 1616 – 1635 11, 73 | 182, 4795 – 4819 30, 73 1579, 4820 – 4853 30, 73 1558, 4854 – 4916 30, 71 304, 1606, 4706 - 71 4651 – 4705 71 349, 869, 4655 11, 74 198, 295, 4876 30, 72 1597, 4765 – 4788 72 1595, 4726 – 4764 30, 70 1341, 1570, 4580 72 4784 – 4794 d An Account of the Annual Value Amount of Proportion Earpended : fo $ Assessed to the PROPERTY TAX, parochi, º ſº the | 3 | # s: in the Year 1814, ending the 5th. of A t 25th. of March 1830. ... : s § 2. s s . SSessment || - ‘S’.3 || S $ $3 S. C. § April 1815, under each of the Schedules in the Year fºr j ::$3| *ś A. D. and E. ending For . . purposes, is § s # .# sº s (Wide Par. Pa. 337, Session 1831. ) || 25th. Mar. º º # is 2. § # s: (A) (D) (E) || 1830. poor. poºr. || 3 | < | # * —-É——-É— —— £--|--—£-———--|--|--|-e--— 364,277 94,797 | 1,481 || 96,994 | 84,514 || 9,818 18 31 134 719,890 299,704 || 3,218 || 129,533 111,643 | 16,309 || 21 45 176 662,872 222,981 1,998 || 158,484 || 135,239 19,757 || 44 53 151 705,372 239,687 5,110 || 115,164 || 101,147 | 12,622 || 19 43 147 1,114,928 289,309 || 4,207 || 144,102 || 106,238 39,637 || 135 | 103 || 534 922,259 230,112 || 3,233 || 121,203 || 103,369 15,482 || 47 || 31 193 737,438 179,753 || 3,447 || 58,856 46,081 12,027 || 80 69 '74 883,370 210,583 2,908 || 108,303 80,060 30,092 || 60 82 194 1,924,912 757,444 9,471 || 250,713 222,381 25,675 # 90 102 || 494 726,264 241,634 4,003 || 104,823 90,949 11,321 || 34 || 48 205 885,580 253,631 3,771 || 100,647 | 84,209 | 16,646 85 63 | 103 1,584, 108 603,935 | 8,631 ft 320,541 281,133 40,982 || 39 81 || 491 1,315,726 367,243 2,898 || 201,402 | 165,192 29,584 || 50 81 709 629, 156 61,851 2,790 || 70,001 || 59,711 || 10,045 || 40 || 53 | 1.45 583,657 262,989 || 4,319 || 115,093 99,680 15, 193 16 || 37 274 325,964 108,401 || 4,156 || 50,092 42,128 6,737 12 22 36 1,687,443 1,626,229 19,343 || 399,687 358,461 57,122 || 52 181 649 3,139,043 2,292,080 || 39,020 || 418,530 297,674 113,210 |202 || 231 |2,028 951,908 || 319,608 5,829 || 152,594 | 130,026 || 23,845 || 68 || 49 196 2,096,611 373,672 6,551 || 228,953 179,204 || 49,211 || 148 119 258 5,765,374 |15,255,246 |1,174,865; 779,126 |675,285 | 161,075 || 13 55 |3,390 298,981 102,571. 437 || 32,090 24,628 7,119 || 15 22 | 126 1,516,651 523,011 | 16,506 || 338,868 299,211 35,541 || 69 94 || 429 947,578 185,204 | 1,421 ; 173,018 153,031 20,181 || 71 | 68 152 1,291,413 436,404 || 5,763 || 88,036 || 74,288 || 13,346 50 || 37 82 751,626 314,501 || 2,073 || 106,707 || 78,242 27,283 || 40 56 300 790,867 312,809 || 4,815 # 151,235 | 130,597 17,975 || 62 45 193 138,216 30,939 800 || 12,873 9,644 2,949 || 33 12 15 1,083,702 279,933 4,862 # 99,666 83,989 14,783 || 42 71 || 225 2,308,723 1,329,265 13,827 209,566 174,424 || 32,533 || 82 | 104 || 643 1,240,547 923,714 || 10,752 || 239,123 212,380 24,993 || 45 | 67 || 424 1,200,325 516,721 10,826 || 171,578 133,670 | 40,351 || 63 | 84 563 1,151,305 || 453,485 | 11,973 || 299,685 268,623 30,617 || 63 | 127 362 1,589,702 | 1,564,533 21,023 || 321,305 265,499 || 58,581 || 15 37 708 919,350 372,059 || 4,611 ||289,051 256,142 || 33,427 || 50 88 || 360 1,269,757 | 669,370 | 12,967 || 192,304 || 170,189 || 34,506 || 43 56 691 299,582 52,575 | 1,184 || 32,044 25,512 5,604 || 57 27 22 1,215,619 || 376,071 6,981 || 220,932 198,008 21,734 || 25 56 || 418 820,021 273,303 | 1,137 || 97,178 80,014 | 16,060 || 45 63 26.4 l - 358,461 281,158 79,882 || 161 | 160 4,760,425 | 1,719,887 *} 124,969 99,500 25,526 || 98 || 29 1,20- § - U 102,696 || 82,367 18,746 || 116 || 43 51,320,544 34,727,245 | 1,467,627 || 7,781,228 6,553,443 | 1,278,127 2,518 2,925 17,759 94,767 3,998 || – || 19,196 | 16,007 || 3,203 || 23 14 | 1.4 161,990 22,783 560 || 20,928 17,450 3,201 || 15 II 20 | 146,817 13,727 282 20,685 17,214 || 3,361 || 15 8 12 282,091 30,320 5,361 || 37,957 || 30,864 || 7,115 || 31 9 42 131,213 20,641 220 || 23,440 | 19,608 3,397 || 15 16 19 312,577 19,678 305 || 41,140 34,273 7,038 || 13 26 28 175, 115 11,666 795 || 25,513 20,990 || 4,438 || 12 18 31 372,603 || 103,204 || 3,149 || 42,301 || 36,154 6,970 || 33 46 89 112,517 7,262 68 || 16,761 14,543 1,849 2 || 1 || 12 212,084 18,749 794 || 38,665 31,743 6,899 || 19 18 40 220,241 45,349 | 1,531 || 28,309 || 24,005 || 3,970 || 20 10 24 101,956 3,430 40 || 15,298 || 12,688 2,679 6 7 17 53,644,515 35,028,052 1,480,732 i 8,111,422 6,829,042 | 1,332,239 || 2,725 || 3,119 -*. *-*. 6 and of the Land and Assessed Taxes, in each County, in 1829. STATEMENT of the Superficies, in Statute Acres, of each County of ENGLAN D and WALes, shewing the proportion of each County, in a state of Tillage, in Pasture, and in Wood, Unproductive, &c.. The Rental of each County, according to the Property Tax Returns of 1815, together with the average Rate ºf Acre of the entire Superficies, the amount of the Parochial Assessments, &# The proportions in a state of Tillage, Pasture, &c., does not profess to be founded on any very accurate data. The Total Superficies of York is 3,815,040 Acres, but the subdivision of the three Ridings is probably not accurate COUNTAES arranged in Order of their TOTAL SUPERFICIES, with Wumber of reference to their Topographical Position. 1 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 Devon . . . . . & © e s e e º e s e ... 10 3 York, West Riding. . . . . . 36 4 Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5 York, North Riding 38 6 Northumberland . . . . . . . . 4() 7 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 8 Somerset * @ . 9 9 Southampton © s º º 5 10 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . & e e s tº e e 3 11 Essex. . . . . . . tº e & e º e º e a wº . 12 12 Suffolk . . . . . . . 6 o' 40 e º 'º sº e . 13 13 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 14 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . • 4. 15 Wilts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 16 Salop . . . . . & e e s tº e t e º e e º 'º 33 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . © tº Q 2 b & © † : 18 York, East Riding . . 36 19 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 20 Stafford . . . . . . © tº e < * * * g e tº 30 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 22 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 23 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 24 Northampton . . . . , , , , , , 25 25 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 26 Warwick . . . . . . . . tº in º º e & 26 27 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 28 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . . 15 29 Nottingham . . . . . . tº º tº gº tº ºs 28 30 fleicester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 31 Westmoreland . . . . . . . . . . 41 32 Oxford . . . . . Q & 6 º' a tº º º º A & 23 33 Berks . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 22 34 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 35 Buckingham. . . . . . . . . . . . 2} 36 Worcester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 37 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 38 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 39 Bedford . . . . . • e g º & © e º e 18 40 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 41 Middlesex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 42 Rutland . . . . . . * a e º ºs e º a 20 TOTAL England ſ Anglesea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carnarvon . . . . . . . . © e º e º 'º e ºs § J Denbigh .............. o * \ Flint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ǻ Merioneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s: ſBrecon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . st s Cardigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § Carmarthen . . . . . . . . . . . . . * r 3 Glamorgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Pembroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radnor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e Q TOTAL England and Wales " *** **** ~~~~"------------ ----------------------------------...- ...--- 37,084,400 15/10; Superficies in Statute Acres, deduced from the § 3. Parochial, Land and Trigmometical Survey. Repetals §§§ 2 | Assessments Assessed #3° Proportions in a state of according to § § 3. § for the Year TAXES, Wood, wrºpro- TOTAL Property Taa. Šiš ending the 25th. in the Year Tillage Pasture ductive, &c. Superficies *g 1815. º Sº of March 1829. º: 400,000 1,100,000 || 258,720 1,758,720 || 1,581,940 18/0 228,976 i 18,904 400,000 800,000 450,560 j 1,650,560 || 1,217,547 14/9 245,045 || 137,941 350,000 700,000 || 518,000 1,658,000 || 1,555,608 18/9 345,370 | * 109,576 730,000 263,000 || 345,880 1,338,880 931,842 13/11 308,565 || 141,623 273,000 596,000 || 442,180 1,337,820 || 1,053,010 | 15/9} 103,513 65,498 150,000 650,000 || 397,440 1,197,440 906,789 15/1% 84,884 82,515 450,000 || 350,000 || 371,840 1,171,840 || 1,270,344 21/8 398,743 184,583 330,000 524,000 196,080 1,050,080 || 1,335,108 25/5 190,202 | 202,860 380,000 620,000 || 41,920 1,041,920 594,020 | 11/5 219,978 109,368 400,000 200,000 || 383,680 983,680 868,138 17/7] 384, 143 || 178,454 380,000 520,000 || 80,480 980,480 904,715 18/5} 303,237 133,422 250,000 500,000 229,200 967,680 694,078 14/2 273,266 111,022 *r---º * -s ----- 945,920 469,259 9/11 57,888 23,243 280,000 345,000 || 311,330 936,320 549,950 11/9 267,459 || 116,321 150,000 250,000 || 482,560 882,560 810,627 | 18/4} 199,214 80,958 300,000 500,000 || 58,240 858,240 738,495 17/2} 96,557 66,487 250,000 255,000 || 344,280 849,280 566,472 | 1.3/4 118,629 48,647 150,000 350,000 319,220 819,220 500,000 —— 123,617 89,305 300,000 450,000 53,840 803,840 805,138 20/04 204,325 | 126,357 500,000 100,000 || 134,720 734,720 756,635 | 20/7 155,649 76,45} 100,000 200,000 || 379,040 679,040 506,063 || 14/11 98,996 with Northumberla. 200,000 450,000 23,280 673,280 676,864 20/1 137,887 66,254. 100,000 400,000 | 156,640 656,640 621,693 18/11 103,706 51,830 290,000 235,000 | 123,880 650,880 696,637 21/5] | 160,089 81,324 250,000 330,000 || 63,200 643,200 489,025 15/24 96,544 57,544 200,000 308,000 || 69,280 577,280 645,139 22/4 161,512 95,633 300,000 250,000 6,400 550,400 453,607 | 16/4 68,943 37,030 140,000 160,000 249,120 549,120 453,255 16/6 111,497 54,293 200,000 100,000 || 235,680 535,680 534,992 | 20/0 94,471 59,543 65,000 450,000 514,560 702,402 || 27/3% 129,897 61,953 30,000 130,000 || 328,320 488,320 221,556 9/1 . 30,738 45,684 150,000 230,000 105,280 481,280 497,625 20/6 139,992 60,448 260,000 120,000 | 103,840 483,840 405, 50 | 16/9 125,416 71,288 80,000 400,000 5, i20 485, 120 369,901 | 15/4} 292,256 272,538 253,000 170,000 50,600 473,600 498,677 21/04 146,543 56,807 200,000 150,000 || 116,560 466,560 516,203 22/13 94, 107 69, 166 225,000 50,000 | 62,920 337,920 342,350 20/3 107,436 66,726 100,000 155,000 63,720 318,720 203,576 | 12/9 31,837 41,050 40,000 168,000 || 88,320 296,320 272,621 18/5 86,949 35,662 100,000 60,000 76,800 236,800 202,076 17/1 48,941 24,003 43,000 100,000 i 37,480 180,480 349,142 38/9 740,778 1,340,643 ***-ya-ass 95,360 99,174 28/10 12,667 with Northampton 9,749,000 13,689,000 8,806,940 32,332,400 ||27,890,358 17/3 7,330,461 4,865,191 -** — –––. 173,440 75,936 8/9 19,486) 100,000 148,160 || 100,000 348,160 96,621 5/6; 23,188 150,000 250,000 5,120 405,120 || 237,182 1 1/8% 39,730 20,000 110,000 26, 160 156,160 131,504 || 16/10 24,300 50,000 || 300,000 || 74,320 424,320. 93,250 4/5 16,613 - 60,000 180,000 296,960 536,960 180,320 5/8] 29,062 39,226 50,000 || 246,960 | 185,600 482,560 || 131,307 || 5/54 20,228 ; 100,000 145,000 | 18,700 432,000 107,169 5/24 20,261 **** v- ! I 4,000 228,000 281,360 623,360 229,689 7/4} 36,988 43,000 262,000 | 201,880 506,880 220,219 8/8 40,299 with Monmouth 140,000 | 160,000 90,400 390,400 || 168,665 | 8/7] 27,087 85,000 | 150,000 37,640 272,640 88,617 | 6/6 14,468 J -w | 10,661,000 |15,869,120 jio,125,080 |29,476,856 7,642,171 1,950,110 7 STATEMENT showing the PopULATION of each County of ENGLAND and WALEs in 1700, compared with the Number in 1831; and the Number of Houses Assessed to the House Tax in each County, at each of the 5 Periods 1690, 1708, 1781, 1823, and 1830. - *...* A Return made to Parliament in the Session of 1822, represented 492,282 Houses only in all GREAT BRITAIN, charged with duty on the Assessed Taxes in the year 1821; but in the Session of 1825, the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated that there were 527,649 persons chargeable to the tax, 171,739 of whom were assessed at Rentals under £ 10 #' annum, which he then proposed to exempt: supposing the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Statement and the Return of 1823 both to be correct, it left 187,981 Houses (including the total number assessed in Scotland) chargeable to the Tax assessed at Rentals of £ 10 to £ 20 d?' annum. According to the Return of 1830, the Number assessed in England and Wales at Rentals of £ 10 to £ 20 was 182,424; and 17,915 in Scotland in addition to 17,787 in Scotland at above £20, and 139,806 Farm Houses in all Great Britain occupied by Tenants (exempt.) CO UNTIES, - Houses Assessed Houses at £20 iP Annum, and upwards, Houses *:::::: Window in Order of their Total Population in to Hearth Charged & Chargeable No. Assessed Rentals, - - º Total POPULATION, Taa, in - 1823. 1830. | 830. in 1700 1700. 1831. in 1690. 1708. 1781. 1823. 1830. º º 10 & upw. 11 & upw. || 8 to 10. 1 Middlesex. . . . . . . , 624,200 1,358,330 | 1 | 1,215 47,031 74,704 75,702 || 87,263 |4, 122,884 |4,739,148 # 69.333 67,552 22,256 2 Devon . . . . . . . . . 248,200 || 494,478 ; 56,202 | 16,686 28,612 3,518 3,977 | 110,963 122,533 5,165 4,360 || 4,912 3 York, West Riding 236,700 976,350 121,052 44,779 76,224 5,888 7,378 192,929 248,570 10,908 || 9,808 10,274 4 Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . 210,200 390,054 56,579 12,097 | 20,056 1,160 | 1,549 || 34,343 49,076 : 4,890 4,258 || 3,469 5 Somerset . . . . . ... 195,900 404,200 : 45,900 19,043 26,407 8, 186 || 9,105 || 388,567 411,819 9,169 8,126 5,189 6 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . 180,000 || 317,465 : 45,019 17,571 24,951 # 1,206 1,505 || 35,568 46,565 : 3,597 || 3,104 2,877 7 Lancaster . . . . . . . . 166,200 1,336,854 46,961 22,588 30,956 11,469 15,372 428,985 621,531 9,487 | 10,233 8,903 8 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,200 || 317,507 40,545 16,250 18,389 : 2,380 2,469 88,513 91,290 ft 6,038 4,852 3,378 9 Gloucester . . . . . . 155,200 || 387,019 28,557 14,331 15,820 3,597 4,291 151,052 190,342 : 5,463 5,303 || 3,567 10 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . 154,900 || 486,334 40,610 14,071 | 19,381 16,325 | 19,687 | 648,734 768,483 15,007 || 13,982 8,240 11 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,800 479, 155 46,674 21,871 30,975 : 5,710 5,983 142,862 213,178 # 10,894 || 9,193 6,217 12 Wilts. . . . . . . . . . . . 153,900 240,156 27,418 11,373 || 12,856 1,331 | 1,242 35,992 || 37,518 3,289 2,706 2,216 13 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . 152,700 296,317 47,537 15,301 || 19,584 973 997 || 27,888 28,989 4,259 || 3,444 || 3,053 14 Northampton .... 119,500 179,336 26,904 9,218 10,350 674 698 || 20,288 20,994 : 2,706 || 2,149 2,076 15 Southampton . . . . 118,700 314,280 28,557 14,331 15,820 i 3,355 3,508 || 1 14,767 | 122,153 : 6,256 5,183 || 3,740 16 Northumberland ... 118,000 222,912 Durham. 6,787 | 12,431 1,821 1,947 61,822 65,672 2,221 1,823 1,942 17 Stafford. . . . . . . . . . 117,200 410,512 26,278 || 10,812 16,483 : 1,474 1,840 44,581 55,178 : 3,386 2,858 2,986 18 Chester . . . . . . . . . . 107,000 || 334,391 || 25,592 || 11,656 17,201 1,195 | 1,672 43,844 53,223 # 2,618 2,182 2,697 19 Cornwall . . . . . . . . 105,800 || 300,938 26,613 9,052 15,274 737 696 || 20,646 | 19,849 : 1,794 | 1,439 1,936 20 Salop. . . . . . . . . . . . 101,600 222,938 27,471 11,452 | 12,895 982 1,139| 29,121 33,270 2,987 2,502 2,214 : Yºº ; ;} All included in the West Riding. 23 Warwick . . . . . . . . 96,600 || 336,610 , 22,400 ſ 9,461 | 13,276 i 2,545 3,326 83,889 110,718 || 4,844 || 4,419 3,577 24 Durham. . . . . . . . . . 95,500 253,910 53,345 6,298 || 10,475 881 | 1,028 24,418 28,572 : 1,549 1,233 1,711 25 Derby . . . . . . . . . . 93,800 237,170 24,944 8,260 14,046 705 760 24,286 25,783 : 1,744 1,569 1,732 26 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . 91,400 272,340 23,451 9,429 10,574 ; 2,497 3,598 || 103,492 | 160,672 5,828 5,698 || 3,264 27 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 | 159,252 : 17,859 4,133 11,132 928 | 1,049 28,294 || 31,961 : 2,048 1,858 1,381 28 Worcester . . . . . . . . 88,200 211,365 24,440 || 9,178 8,791 1,676 1,873 || 53,707 || 61,010 # 3,334 2,809 2,226 29 Hereford . . . . . . . . | 80,900 111,211 16,744 6,913 | 8,092 550 661 14,649 17,668 1,495 | 1,219 1,188 30 Buckingham . . . . . . 80,500 146,529 18,688 8,604 || 8,670 527 545 | 18,027 18,814 : 2,263 | 1,811 | 1,587 31 Leicester . . . . . . . . 80,000 197,003 20,448 || 8,584 12,545 971 1,117 | 30,350 || 33,691 : 2,605 || 2,212 2,313 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . 79,000 | 152,156 19,627 | 8,502 || 8,698 840 878 27,230 28, 174 : 2,356 || 3,153 | 1,813 33 Cambridge . . . . . . 76,000 || 143,955 18,629 7,220 9,088 796 892 25,443 27,845 : 1,816 2,628 1,426 34 Berks. . . . . . . . . . . . | 74,700 || 145,389 16,996 || 7,558 8,277 1,505 | 1,706 || 48,790 57,539 3,053 2,639 1,706 35 Hertford . . . . . . . . 70,500 143,341 17,488 || 7,447 8,628 1,301 | 1,394 || 42,422 || 44,226 2,874 2,562 1,784 36 Nottingham . . . . . . 65,200 225,327 17,818 7,755 10,872 964 | 1,267 || 31,392 || 41,404 2,386 2,180 2,093 37 Cumberland . . . . . . 62,300 | 169,681 15,279 2,209 || 13,419 579 645 18,244 | 19,374 904 796 | 1,216 38 Bedford. . . . . . . . . . 48,500 95,483 12,170 5,479 5,360 158 183 5,228 5,853 : 1,107 942 938 39 Monmouth . . . . . . 39,700 98,130 Wales 3,289 4,454 442 709 | 12,057 || 19,012 667 530 64} 40 Huntingdon . . . . . . 34,700 53,192 || 8,713 3,992 || 3,848 273 263 8,129 7,857 '764 607 504 41 Yºland . . . . . 28,600 55,041 6,691 1,904 6,144 321 365 10,200 12,404 470 533 616 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . 16,600 19,385 3,661 1,498 || 1,445 75 79 2,421 2,526 332 291 264 Total ENGLAND. 5,108,500 || 13,091,005 : 1,241,294 | 473,267 677,928 166,417 | 194,687 || 7,357,108 || 8,694,814 222,056 204,746 134,122 ſ Denbigh . . . . 39,700 82,800T ſ 4,753 5,678 236 245 6,533 6,609 487 419 325 ; : Montgomery | 27,400 65,700 | 4,047 5,421 14 56 363 1,380 291 298 447 É Carnarvon ..] 24,800 66,500 1,583 || 2,675 : 89 97 2,275 2,686 193 159 262 . . ; Merioneth .. 23,800 || 34,500 | 1,900 2,972 40 61 1,335 1,739 147 156 208 É Anglesea.... 22,800 48,300 || 1,040 2,264 61 65 2, 103 2,125 144 121 124 - J -Flint . . . . . . 19,500 .9%.99 - 77,291 -: 2,653 2,990 59 || 21 1,950 2,049 234 158 163 •º: Glamorgan . . 49,700 | 126,200 2 5,020 5,146 488 650 10,808 || 17,961 557 466 574 > || 2 | Qarmarthen... 49,700 100,800 3,985 5,126 124 194 3,153 2,692 28H 247 259 # Pembroke .. 41,300 80,900 2,764 3,229 153. 226 4,061 6,301 350 323 282 3 Bregon ....| 27,200 47,800 3,370 3,407 100 133 2,811 3,503 200 15] 144 Cardigan . . . . . 25,300 64,700 - 2,042 2,444 34 9 || 794 210 189 66 65 Radnor ....] 15,300 24,700 J U. 2,092 2,076 14 8 282 175 84 79 131 º ſ - - Total England and Wales. 5,475,000 | 13,894,005 | 1,319,215 508,516 || 721,351 167,829 196,362 7,357,108 8,742,244 225,213 | 207,389 | 137,106 STATEMENT showing the Total Number of Houses Building, Uninhabited and Inhabited, the proportion thereof Assessed to the House Tax, and Number of Farm Houses OC- cupied by Tenants exempt; the Total Number of Families, distinguishing the proportion under each of the three usual heads; Total Number of Persons, distinguishing Males from Females, in each county of England in 1831 ; showing also the Annual Value of the Houses in each County Assessed to the Property Tax in 1813, and Rental of the proportion Assessed to the House tax in 1830. with the Total Amount of Land and Assessed Taxes levied in each county in the same Year: *** The * in column 12 denotes a preponderance of Males in those Counties, the increase of Uninhabited Houses, and compara- tive inconsiderableness of the Rental of Houses Assessed to the House Tax in Lancashire, and contribution to the Assessed Taxes, are the features which most deserve attention in this Statement. 3. HOUSES in 1831. - i FAMFLIES in 1831 chiefly employed in PERSONS in 1831. PRO PERTY. COUNTIES' º All others Ratio to Proportion. Value of arranged in order of Total Building. º Inhabited. ſº #. Agriculture. Tºº º: TOTAL. TOTAL. 1.%. .#; £º. R º of Co- *::::: %; Population in 1831. e Howse Tar. eacempt. Handicraft. Č. 2milies. Males. Females. perºr im 42477-72 4. £n 1830. 1-—|——2 3 4———5—4––––6——7 8 9 10 11 12—— —13—#–E £–––––£—— 1 Middlesex. . . . . . . . 3,919 || 14,413 | 180,493 || 116,279 || 495 9,882 173,822 || 130,335 || 314,039 || 1,358,330 || 432 631,410 | 726,920 4,868,421 |5,143,340 1,340,436 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . 2,842 11,266 228, 130 28,406 6,706 # 24,696 || 173,693 61,636 260,025 # 1,336,854 || 514 650,389 | 686,465 1,415,890 795,832 184,583 3 York, West Riding 1,676 | 12,147 | 190,484 || 20,189 11,075 : 31,188 || 118,733 48,725 | 198,646 976,350 || 491 485,812: 490,538 825,636 || 415,539 109,576 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . 1,381 || 4,220 | 81,909 | 12,397 || 7,471 35,505 || 33,339 || 33,067 || 101,911 494,478 || 485 235,789 258,689 : 387,147 || 237,000 || 137,941 5 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . 1,073 6,102 80,070 33,865 939 14,647 49,616 || 44,814 109,077 486,334 || 445 230,860 |255,474 1,024,525 | 964,438 || 272,538 6 Kent . . . . . . tº e e º e 842 3,818 82,144 16, 129 3,065 : 31,667 29,419 || 36,056 || 97,142 479,155 493 234,572 244,583 : 515,706 || 347,110 || 178,454 7 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . 573 || 4,088 78,049 6,122 || 3,037 18,156 43,648 21,789 83,593 410,512 || 489 | *206,921 | 203,591 237,088 || 108,507 76,451 8 Somerset . . . . . . . . 939 3,632 71,325 | 16,568 6,936 30,452 28,230 25,889 | 84,571 404,200 || 477 194,316 || 209,884 656,697 || 512,909 | 202,860 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . 439 2,868 74,793 5,333 || 4,668 # 37,610 28,871 17,751 | 84,232 390,054 || 463 189,323 200,731 251,599 97,067 || 141,623 10 Gloucester. . . . . . . . 794 || 4,263 71,254 9,080 2, 160 21,185 || 33,179 || 29,082 83,446 387,019 || 463 185,118 201,901 266,172 251,974 126,357 11 Warwick . . . . . . . . 782 3,882 68,253 9,368 || 3,432 15,880 43,291 || 13,186 | 72,357 336,610 || 465 165,576 171,034 284,625 | 190,602 95,633 i2 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . 406 || 2,818 60,748 4,784 || 7,599 : 16,397 34,997 || 13,561 64,955 334,391 || 514 164,133 170,258 150,928 92,854 66,254 13 Essex. . . . . . . . . . . . 354 1,860 57,152 6,264 2,597 : 34,589 18,282 | 12,448 65,319 317,507 || 486 | *159,015 | 158,492 250,372 | 139,806 || 133,422 14 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . 268 1,968 61,615 4,026 5,265 : 35,749 17,284 || 12,870 || 65,903 317,465 || 48 I | *158,858 || 158,607 144,134 78,694 | 118,504 15 Southampton. . . . . . 522 2,017 56,526 9,362 2,093 22,761 20,983 || 20,908 || 64,652 314,280 || 486 152,082 162,198 337,575 198,321 109,368 i 6 Cornwall . . . . . . . . 758 2,538 53,521 2,852 6,982 : 18,351 13,382 28,033 59,816 300,938 503 146,213 154,725 118,564 48,117 48,647 17 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . 259 || 1,141 50,139 3,573 || 3,729 31,491 18,116 11,926 61,533 296,317 || 481 145,769 150,548 211,035 61,909 || 111,022 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . 620 | 1,859 45,505 6,818 1,673 22,450 17,489 12,777 52,716 272,340 || 516 135,333 || 137,007 || 165,268 202,837 116,321 19 Durham. . . . . . . . . . 354 || 1,570 | 40,740 4,269 4,230 8,408 18,511 27,817 | 54,736 253,910 || 463 121,748 132,162. 101,904 69,471 with Northbla. 20 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 1,897 46,281 3,622 1,245 25,045 15,627 | 10,987 || 51,659 240,156 || 464 117,622 || 122,534 138,741 | 68,577 80,598 21 Derby .......... 357 | 1,989 || 46,098 || 2,287 3,249 13,324 20,788 14,208 || 48,320 237,170 490 117,740 || 119,430 93,928 45,633 || 51,830 22 Nottingham . . . . . . 456 | 1,701 || 41,936 || 3,597 | 1,217 13,351 25,578 || 8,188 || 47,117 § 225,327 478 || 110,457 | 114,870 119,461 || 71,396 || 59,543 23 Salop. . . . . . . . . . . . 253 | 1,415 || 42,633 || 3,402 2,343 17,096 16,210 13,121 46,427 222,938 480 | 111,017 | 111,921 ; 136,754 63,090 | 66,487 24 Northumberland . . 220 | 1,509 || 35,726 6,140 2,963 10,127 14,246 || 23,991 || 48,364 222,912 || 460 | 106,147 116,765 188,591 120,424 82,515 25 Worcester........ 302 2,066 41,646 || 4,872 2,252 14,654 | 19,030 | 11,828 45,512 211,365 474 || 103,383 || 107,982 145,652 100,826 69,166 26 Leicester . . . . . . . . 174 1,841 40,354 3,357 2,447 12,352 22,984 6,806 || 42,142 : 197,003 || 467 || 97,556 99,447 116,346 || 62,748 || 61,953 27 York, North Riding 117 | 2,026 38,116 with W. R. 17,964 11,298 || 11,498 || 40,760 190,756 468 93,203 || 97,553 with west Riding. 65,498 28 Northampton 154 882 36,922 2,237 3,398 18,334 12,895 || 7,934 || 39,163 179,336 450 | 87,949 91,387 78,150 | 40,327 | 81,324 29 Cumberland . . . . . . 213 | 1,512 31,017 2,400 7,159 10,630 12,026 | 12,164 34,820 169,681 || 487 81,971 87,710 89,224 42,040 23,243 30 York, East Riding 268 1,970 32,681 with W. R. 13,025 10,825 | 13,110 || 36,960 168,891 || 456 82,142 | 86,749 with West Riding. 89,305 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . .310 1,200 29,307 3,051 1,948 # 14,601 10, 106 8,907 || 33,614 159,252 441 76,536 | 82,716 86,619 57,868 57,544 32 Oxford . . . . . . & © tº º 197 849 29,334 3,628 983 : 15,304 9,454 7,012 || 31,770 152,156 478 |* 76,387 75,769 104,513 61,869 60,448 33 Bucks . . . . . . . . . . 134 807 || 28,159 1,894 925 § 16,893 8,395 6,561 31,849 : 146,529 460 | 71,734 74,795 82,134 || 35,655 56,807 34 Berks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 975 28,032 3,313 389 14,047 9,884 || 7,150 31,081 : 145,389 || 467 | 72,553 | 72,836 134,633 83,572 71,288 35 Cambridge. . . . . . . . 161 634 26,712 2,645 2,118 16,093 8,213 5,904 || 30,210 143,955 476 | * 72,031 || 71,924 61,815 49,781 54,293 36 Hertford . . . . . . . . 119 || 699 || 26,549 || 3,490 948 # 13,268 8,552 7,430 29,250 ft 143,341 490 71,395 71,946 113,358 || 70,299 || 66,726 37 Hereford . . . . . . . 159 869 21,907 1,714 2,331 : 12,888 6,105 4,572 23,565 111,211 || 471 | * 55,838 55,373 54,873 31,424 37,030 38 Monmouth. . . . . . . . 170 987 18,612 1,688. 1,490 5,614 8,626 5,671 19,911 98,130 492 | * 51,095 || 47,035 40,836 31,572 41,050 39 Bedford. . . . . . . . . . 171 324 17,978 723 | " 601 11,364 5,137 3,515 20,016 95,483 || 477 46,450 49,033 32,294 12,619 35,662 40 Westmoreland . . . . . 44 421 10,353 | 1,039 || 3,973 4,454 4,116 2,414 || 10,984 55,041 501 | * 27,576 27,465 28,793 || 21,120 45,684 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . 40 290 9,990 945 930 6,231 2,940 2,107 || 11,278 53,192 || 471 26,377 26,815 30,122 16,791 24,003 42 York, Ainsty . . . . 74 | 453 6,404 with W. R. 1,326 3,890 2,488 7,704 35,362 459 16,510 | 18,852 with East Riding. 43 Rutland. . . . . . . . . . 22 99 3,935 241 313. 2,299 1,102 '790 4,191 19,385 462 9,721 9,664 5,340 4,621 with Northptn. TOTAL . . . .1831 23,462 113,885 2,326,022 369,163 130,672 761,348 1,182,912 801,076 2,745,336 13,091,005 477 6,376,627 6,714,378 15,339,075 11,048,580 4,865,191 21 18,289 66,055 1,951,973 773,732 1,114,295 454,690 2,346,717 11,260,555 480 5,483,679 5,733,358 11 : 15,188 47,925 1,678,106 697,353 923,588 391,450 2,072,393 9,538,827 470 4,575,763 || 4,963,069 ºmºsºmsº ſº 1,467,870 —- *ºy —— 1,778,420 8,331,434 469 3,987,935 | 4,343,499 1801 &O STATEMENT of the No. of Savings Banks established in each County of England, and in Wales, between 1815 and Nov. 1830, showing the No. of Depositors; No. of Accounts, Total, and Mean Amount of Deposits, and Ratio of Depositors to every 1,000 of the Population in each County, exhibited in comparison with the Total No. of Families, and of the Total g Male Population 20 years of age and upwards; of Male Servants under 20 ; and of Female Servants of all ages; together with the state of Crime and of Pauperism in each County. S *...* The accumulation of Deposits in Savings' Banks, has been assumed as evincing growing prudential habits, and increasing comfort and independance of the Working Classes ; another Statement will show the fallacy of such a conclusion; and S. # ºf wn objectionable such Institutions 7mgy be; as affording the means of facile and safe depºsit fº. small sums, ãf a right applicatiºn was made of the deposits ; and çommendahle (13 their economy of detail has been Žn England ; the deposits by s g placed in the hands of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for investment in the Public Annuity Stocks, have resolved themselves into a National absºrgetion as completely as though an Invading Force had landed and leveed a contribution to KS the same eastent, inasmuch as the amount placed in the hands of the said Commissioners has aided and facilitated the transfer of a corresponding sum from British to Foreign investment. e Sº, COUN TIES, - - No. of Males in 1831. º Number of Depositors in Savings Banks in Nov. 1830 § *: §§ No. of Committals * º persons em ployed Prºſºft ºuw € š. arranged in order of Total 20 Servants. Female $ 3. §3 |$ * , | # & & § § §§§ for Crime. & * !???, Parochial labor * & Total Population No. ºf Years of age under 20 Serrants. §§ S # 5 #3 s $| Total Total is §s. ". . ; S- in 183i. Maints; *. * * Families and up" ||Years of in 1831. Hº ; º żs |ss; Nº. of Amount § - S $ 3 As 9 @ § es nance of the all other * * > in 1831. - in 1831. wards. agé. ſº Sã |$* " | Sºsº | Account. of pºsits. s's ššš HS05, 1832. Š Ks Roads all other Pogº. purposes. § -: • r i *º- º —£– **-amº- - —w £-— S Middlesex.........Jalaoso |356,521 5,923 ºn 28 ||66,988 || 11a | 153 67,205 | 1,853,894 Tºp 50 1,217|3,739 16 || 153 | 1,079| 671 688,igi |298,384 * 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . 260,025 313,097 | 1,034 33,509 24 26,147 || 374 159 26,680 965,144 || 38 20 | 371 2,624 24 151 808 || 317|301,373 || 120,398 ‘S, 3 York, west Riding... 198,646 231,666 | 1,025 |22,167 17 | 15,426 298 || 99 || 15,861 || 492,104 || 31 | 16 || 245 1,537 |103 || 311 | 1,023 194 282,624 93,468 Ü 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,911 | 116,188 || 752 20,886 : 4 || 26,564 378 || 138 27,080 965,643 || 33 55 96 || 481 || 42 144 744 284 225,299 || 25,624 S 5 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,077 | 119,565 2,101 |24,540 || 19 13,389 || 76 38 13,503 || 393,511 29 28 199 || 943 39 215 2,104 || 685 233,285 90,362 § 6 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97,142 115,655 | 1,574 19,250 21 | 16,885 171 100 17,156 556,719 |31 || 36 210 || 773 || 2 || 145 || 2,738 1,568 364,861 | 73,040 § 7 Stafford............ 83,593 || 101,632 594 | 12,739 15 || 7,387 172 53 || 7,612 264,173 ||32 | 18 91 698 || 16 || 70 | 208 || 201 || 133,071 45,965 § 8 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . 34,571 95,556 | 1,160 | 18,333 9 || 12, #41 170 70 12,381 563,414 || 42 31 i06 696 || 53 97 961 428 191,688 29,088 s 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,232 93,498 || 588 14,490 10 || 6,168 || 69 18 6,255 198,554 31 | 16 163 532 78 || 119 2,850 46ſ 318,412 39,815 S. 10 Gloucester.......... 83,446 94,234 973 || 17,311 ; 12 || 13,660 185 77 | 13,922 563,524 || 39 || 36 141 882 49 127 657 647 172,562 37,099 S- 11. Warwick . . . . . . . . . . 72,357 | 83,239 884 || 13,089 || 6 || 6,266 59 55 6,380 184,589 28 20 | 160 | 705 24 || 42 | 408 || 173 168,413 || 42, 175 § 12 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,955 78,940 | 642 11,847 10 || 7,647 | 104 2 7,753 321,846 39 || 23 30 572 | 16 || 58 662 146 105,139 43,231 § 13 Lincoln . . . . . .* * * * * * * 65,903 || 79,535 | 707 | 16,011 || 17 | 7,017 | 74 46 7,137 225,630 || 30 22 58 299 || 52 59 || 5,090 | 114 || 177,671 || 51,917 s 14 Essex. . . . . . . * gº º sº º º ºr 65,319 || 79,023 | 846 11,876 15 8,157 163 90 8,410 || 301,545 34 26 144 | 683 || 51 i 19 2,840 | 846 277,663 || 46,758 Sº, 15 Southampton. . . . . . . . 64,652 74,711 972 12,724 11 7,860 104 53 8,017 318,516 38 25 147 464 19 i31 2,626 918 230,686 33,828 Ş 16 Cornwall . . . . . . . 39,816 || 69,737 || 364 9,201 | 8 || 5,513 93 || 14 5,620 249,874 || 42 19 45 195 || 36 54 467 87 | 101,629 | 16,515 s 17 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,533 71,376 690 11,483 # 12 || 5,371 || 114 37 5,522 190,567 32 19 109 || 453 58 98 || 2,391 644 279,490 || 33,915 §: 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,716 67,077 | 725 | 13,366 12 8,506 || 51 42 8,600 276,793 || 3 ||37 || 105 283 | – | 189 3,552 2,232 284,687 44,022 $º 19 Durham. . . . . . . * @ Q tº 54,736 59,045 427 8,438 # 10 4,578 54 22 4,654 158,298 || 33 18 27 i58 23 59 # 93 357 | 86,087 15,454 š. 20 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . * 51,659 58,039 || 396 || 7,623 10 | 6,612 76 45 6,733 266,076 37 28 75 || 346 18 || 71 | 1,574 683 | 199,088 30,615 S. Derby . . . . . . . . . ... 48,320 58,178 || 349 7,231 # 6 5,513 123 21 5,657 220,182 37 24 39 218 | – || 79 547 14} | 81,403 30,639 § 22 Nottingham ........] 47,117 | 56,582 | 409 || 7,886 || 6 || 7,725 256 15 7,996 || 242,752 29 35 74 343 19 44 532 55 74,377 27,092 s 23 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,427 56,474 500 11,371 ; 13 9,234 111 || 26 || 9,371 391,964 || 38 42 79 || 261 || 38 || 106 | 126 42 | 89,162 19,846 § 24 Northumberland . . . . . 48,364 53,210 261 10,263 || 5 || 6,987 90 19 7,096 || 307,772 42 32 38 80 || 6 | 40 159 38 78,087 17,476 § 25 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 45,512 52,796 || 446 | 8,162 : 8 6,953 74 45 7,072 265,997 37 33 51 316 44 92 || 254 || 34 87,054 22,291 Sº, 26 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . 42,142 || 49,812 || 338 5,944 || 5 || 3,366 58 27 | 3,451 | 100,601 || 28 18 47 248 || 17 | 27 | 790 338 || 116,241 20,393 s 27 York, North Tiding 40,760 47,396 - 229 || 9,264 10. 5,677 21 12 5,704 197,411 35 30 - ===s * wº- 530 222 | 85,526 18,738 s 28 Northampton . . . . . . 39,163 43,793 417 5,678 # 3 || 4,845 44 34 4,923 || 177,577 || 34 27 42 195 || 35 | 49 2,358 666 154,120 22,433 S 29 Cumberland . . . . . . ... 34,820 | 40,614 | 181 6,789 | 6 || 4,016 || 22 21 || 4,059 131,913 || 32 23 18 75 15 39 43 8 47,846 || 9,263 gº 30 York, East Riding ... 36,960 || 41,184 234 8,285 # 3 || 5,939 40 9 5,987 220,665 | 37 35 sº mº — – || -- 325 172 105,640 || 23,345 s 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . ...] 33,614 || 37,861 || 489 5,574 9 5,526 58 35 5,619 250,370 42 36 38 166 25 43 || 642 157 92,680 15,108 S 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,770 39,023 381 5,571 5 || 5,201 || 46 36 5,283 || 157,606 || 28 35 | 38 217 | 18 53 2,253 | 1,017||136,685 20,990 . s 33 Buckingham . . . . . . . . 31,849 || 35,504 || 702 || 4,174 ; 4 1,857 26 14 | 1,897 60,911 || 30 | 13 § 133 54 90 |2,346 || 912 144,588 27,697 jº 34 Berks.............. 31,081 37,084 810 6,022 10 || 7,138 || 67 || 49 7,254 260,639 |34 || 50 62 193 28 95 1,356 495 | 121,217 | 20,709 S. 35 Cambridge . . . . 30,210 || 35,715 937 5,386 || 2 | 1,678 46 22 | 1,746 69,799 || 37 12 40 | 201 || 23 28 1,742 329 || 103,922 | 16,148 š 56 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . 29,250 34,910 503 || 5,263 # 5 || 3,177 80 90 3,347 | 166,726 45 23 43 293 44 102 | 1,213 558 96,044 17,286 & s 57 Hereford . . . . . . . . . 23,565 29,342 261 || 5,512; 4 3,892 || 14 | 15 3,921 | 130,712 || 32 35 31 || 147 58 97 || 144 19 || 63,468 9,738 s 58 Monmouth. . . . . . . . . . . I9,911 26,910 | 122 3,741 # 4 1,232 32 10 | 1,274 38,870 27 | 13 20 | 110 ; 13 || 44 57 8 28,079 10,135 s 59 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,016 || 22,571 448 2,588 3 | 1,765 38 22 | 1,825 69,661 30 20 20 100 | 19 27 | 2,390 307 || 77,236 || 13,526 Sº 40 Westmoreland . . . . . . 10,984 || 14,020 66 2,586 1 674 || 3 || – 677 24,041 35 | 12 6 28 || || 2 | 18 33. 5 26,154 4,307 gº 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . 11,278 || 13,00! 138 1,941 1. 747 30 25 802 26,394 || 31 15 15 34 7 i8 71.4 199 || 41,150 7,810 s 42 City of York & Ainsty 7,704 8,730 76 2,161 ; 1 2,974 16 16 3,006 119,874 39 || 85 * assmºgº. I tºº *º- with the East Riding est 43 Rutland. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,191 4,940 103 879 4 — *-ºmºms — — •=== | *-* 4. 10 3 6 176 13 9,064 3,726 §" - ; ENGLAND. 2,745,336. 3,199,984 || 30,777 || 518,705 || 384 || 367,812 || 4,117 | 1,787 || 374,448 13,085,255 3 97. 4,527 | 20,486 |1,196 || 3,609 || 51,705 17,390 6,731,131 | 1,585,520 § Totals & WAEES.... . 2 10,303 161 39 10,494 340,721 31 | 12 78 343 | 158 | 408 1,131 | 109 || 305,837 60,973 P England and Wales. e * ... 4 (Y & Cº. 3.16|| 4.278 | 1.32% 384,852 13,420,976 || 33 27 | 4,605 | 20,829 |1,354 || 4,017 | 52,836 17,499 || 7,036,968 1,646,493 g º; * |...} p * º pain. º g ...! º: *:::: *::: : The Total Number of Persons in the 4,140 Friendly Societies 36,919 - S STATEMENT showing the Superficies in Statute Acres, and Rental, of each County of ENGLAND; the Number of Persons returned as dependant on Agriculture in 1801; the Number of Families so dependant at each of the three periods, 1811, 1821, and 1831; and the Number of Male Persons at the latter date, 20 Years of age and upwards effectively employed in Agriculture ; shewing also the average of Superficies to each occupier, or average extent of the Farms; of Laborers to each occupier; and the proportion of the Total to every 100 acres in each County. The average extent of the Farms in Col. 12 has been deduced after deducting from Col. 2 an average of 10 acres for each occupier not employing Laborers. In looking at the relative No. of Laborers in each County there are two things to be considered,—Viz., the proportion of unproductive Land, and the greater or lesser extent of Tillage. Persons § - 6 Male Agriculturalists, 20 º ºr y rº 㺠. “s s' 3 COUNTIES Superficies in Statute Acres. RENTAL, returned Famiº #. * loyed ‘. wpwards, in lſº of age s: .# § 3 § s ; Š Š 3 # § • * according to the according to as employ- * § 3 ; R sº $ $3 ||3: st S arranged in order of their Property Taac {ed in Agri- rººm octºrs, Total of the § s § s : § º sº $3 §§ Eacient of Superficies. Trigmometri- Details of Pa- Returns in culture. ty ºlomºn, 3 preceding; S ; S s : S $º 2 | S. S. tent of Superfi †: "...” “..." "... tail. sel. lesſ, ººlºo...ſºlºisſºis |&##|- |# —£ ** tº-ºº- I Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,758,720 1,663,850 1,581,940 60,584 29,881 34,900 || 35,749 : 6,901 6,204 || 32,167 45,272 232 || 4 .66 2.72 119 112 2 Devon . . . . . . . tº dº ºr º & © e 1,650,560 1,636,450 | 1,217,547 96,208 || 33,044 37,037 35,505 9,328 3,356 35,31 i 47,995 173 3.77 2.93 || 81 99 3 York, West Riding. ... 1,658,000 | 1,629,890 1,555,608 55,695 || 30,868 31,613 || 31,188 7,096 || 10,636 24,502 41,234 214 || 3 .45 2.53 142 172 4 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,338,880 1,292,300 931,842 : 61,791 || 31,454 36,368 37,610 , 5,229 2,718 37,466 45,413 ; 241 7.16 || 3 .51 58 104 5 York, North Riding ... 1,337,820 1,275,820 856,010 : 44,061 | 16,570 16,737 17,964 4,950 4,334 14,646 23,930 249 || 2 .95 I .87 III 47 6 Northumberland . . . . . . 1,197,440 1,165,430 906,789 23, 190 10,945 11,567 10,127 : 2,376 1,268 10,441 14,085 485 || 4 .39 I .20 || 48 58 7 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,171,840 1,117,260 | 1,270,344 : 52,018 23,305 22,723 24,696 || 6,658 9,714 20,949 37,321 151 3.14 || 3 .34 191 252 8 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,050,080 | 1,028,090 1,335,108 61,434 27,472 || 31,448 || 30,452 6,032 3,731 28,107 || 37,970 164 || 4 .65 3.69 || 71 116 9 Southampton . . . . . . . . 1,041,920 | 1,018,550 594,020 i 50,696 21,401 || 24,303 22,761 : 2,774 1,234 24,675 28,683 362 8.89 2.81 42 77 10 Kent . . . . . . tº ſº gº tº tº e. g 983,680 972,240 868,138 54,124 27,077 30,869 || 31,667 4,361 2,152 || 36,113 || 42,626 218 || 8 .28 4.38 43 186 T 1 Essex. . . . . . . . . . tº sº e º º gº 980,480 979,000 904,715 # 65,174 28,517 | 33,206 || 34,589 4,561 888 38,234 43,683 212 || 8 .38 || 4 .46 35 82 12 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . © & 967,680 918,760 694,078 55,744 26,406 || 30,795 || 31,491 4,526 1,121 33,040 38,687 200 || 7 .30 || 4 .21 44 117 13 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . 945,920 969,490 469,259 ; 21,062 10,868 11,297 10,630 3,617 | 2,839 9,010 15,466 260 l 1 .49 3 .59 90 86 14 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 936,320 907,920 549,950 38,925 | 19,778 21,920 22,450 3,160 | 1,330 26,125 30,615 # 283 || 8 .26 1.37 31 87 15 Wilts. . . . . . . . . º, º is a e º e 882,560 869,620 810,627 53,517 22,657 24,972 25,045 : 3,387 1,239 24,708 29,334 # 253 7.29 || 3 .37 24 66 16 Salop. . . . . . . . . . , gº tº º 858,240 864,360 738,495 : 45,046 16,693 18,414 17,096 3,832 2,139 17,296 || 23,267 219 || 4 .77 2.68 43 79 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 849,280 854,770 566,472 #42,687 17,465 19,302 18,351 4,608 || 3,613 16,243 24,464 # 177 || 3 .52 2.86 37 41 18 York, East Riding . . . . | 711,360 | e; sº 6 13,025 3,331 1,661 12,727 17,609 - 190 3.41 || 2 .47 ğ.A..... } 819,220 || 32.Éio ! 700,000 : 31,538 14,517 | 15,480 | 1,326 340 || 253 1, 184 1,777 ; 154 3.48 || 3 .38 } 90 43 19 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . 803,840 790,470 805,138 : 49,420 20,782 23,170 21, 185 # 3,675 1,846 20,927 26,448 # 210 5 .69 || 3 .34 || 44 85 20 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 734,720 736,290 756,635 # 43,930 | 18,361 18,285 18, 156 3,781 3,649 16,812 24,242 185 || 4 .44 3.29 60 97 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679,040 679,530 506,063 18,217 | 10,288 9,427 8,408 ; 2,229 | 1,544 7,556 11,329 297 3.38 I .66 86 68 22 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673,280 649,050 676,864 38,823 16,396 18,120 | 16,397 ft 4,374 / 4,059 15,094 || 23,527 139 3.45 3 .62 119 || 119 23 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . & 656,640 663,180 621,693 : 31,743 14,283 14,582 13,324 : 3,320 4,257 | 10,593 18,170 186 3.19 || 2 .73 56 73 24 Northampton . . . . . . . . 650,880 646,810 696,637 : 29,303 15,235 18,974 18,334 3,015 1,117 | 17,775 21,907 : 210 || 5 .89 3.38 55 67 25 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643,200 627,220 489,025 # 28,204 12,982 14,821 14,601 || 2,243 967 14,056 17,266 270 || 6 .56 2 .75 25 48 26 Warwick . . . . . * Q gº tº 577,280 567,930 645,139 34,756 15, 131 16,779 15,880 : 2,838 1,142 | 15,644 19,624 196 || 5 .51 3.45 37 53 27 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . 550,400 543,800 453,607 : 31,261 12,599 || 13,558 12,888 2,505 | 1,679 12,213 | 16,397 210 || 4 .87 3.01 38 55 28 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . 549,120 536,853 453,255 28,054 12,831 15,536 16,093 : 2,421 | 1,266 15,698 || 19,385 216 6.48 || 3 .61 14 50 29 Nottingham . . . . . . . . . . 535,680 525,800 534,992 23,904 || 12,293 || 13,664 13,351 2,643 2,414 11,799 || 16,856 181 || 4 .46 || 3 .20 30 65 30 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 514,560 511,340 702,402 23,823 11,700 | 13,028 12,352 2,656 2,145 || 10,542 15,343 180 3.96 || 3 57 46 31 Westmoreland . . . . . . . . 488,320 485,990 221,556 12,141 4,613 5,096 4,454 1,435 | 1,685 3,474 6,594 # 326 || 2 .42 H .33 59 32 32 Oxford . . . . . . gº ºn e º e º º 481,280 || 467,380 497,625 33,109 13,646 15,965 15,304; 2,054 458 15,998 || 13,510 # 224 || 7 .78 || 3 .96 || 42 50 33 Berks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483,840 472,270 405,150 38,155 13,409 || 14,769 14,047 1,711 458 14,802 | 16,971 273 8 .65 3.59 23 47 84 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485, 120 474,480 369,901 : 2,746 | 12,417 | 14,944 14,647 1,873 727 | 16,761 | 19,361 249 || 8 .94 || 4 .08 || 12 39 35 Buckingham . . . . . & 473,600 463,820 498,677 25,083 13,933 16,640 | 16,893 : 2,152 453 16,743 19,348 213 7.78 4.17 43 62 36 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466,560 459,710 516,203 : 38,865 13,818 14,926 14,654 2,636 1,260 14,590 18,486 169 5.53 4.04 || 43 69 37 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . . . 337,920 400,370 342,350 20,611 11,998 || 13,485 13,268 1,518 399 || 14,700 16,617 § 261 9 .68 4.15 12 38 38 Monmouth . . . . . . . & 318,720 324,310 203,576 12,871 5,315 6,020 5,614 1,648 1,143 4,845 7,636 189 || 2 .93 || 2 .35 | 16 28 39 Bedford. . . . . . . . . . . º gº 296,320 297,632 273,621 18,766 9,431 || 10,754 || 11,364 # 1,330 474 11,588 13,392 : 220 | 8.71 4.49 9 40 40 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . . . 236,800 241,690 202,076 # 9,536 5,361 6,435 6,231 857 397 5,967 7,221 270 || 6 .96 || 2 .98 || 10 I9 41 Middlesex . . . . . q, Q 180,480 179,590 349,142 # 13,417 | 9,088 9,393 9,882 # 1,050 490 | 11,376 12,916 166 10 .83 || 7 .19 14 52 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . 95,360 97,500 99,174 3,995 || 2,025 2,410 #| 429 424. 1,910 2,763 215 4.45 2 .83 || 30 13 TOTALS. 32,332,400 31,770,615 27,890,358 1,524,227 | 697,353 773,732 76} .348 | 141,460 | 94,883 || 744,407 980,750 225 5.25 || 3 .08 |2,234 3,134 Number of Column. 1. - 2. | • 4. 5. 6. 7 8, 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14, 15. 16. t A Comparative View of the Number of Families in each County of England in 1821 and 1831, returned under each of the three usual heads, viz. – 1st, Employed in Agriculture; 2nd, in Trade, Manufactures or Handicraft; and 3rd, all others not included in either, of the twº preceding classes; and also a Statement of the Male Population in each County, 20 Years of Age and upwards in 1831, under each of six several heads of Occupation or Service ; the Counties in the first instance arranged in order of their 'Fotal Number of Families, whereby the relative proportion of each class in each county * y tº & ~~~ ge e * w * r = * g * * * * , & & is the more readily discernible; and in the other case, the Counties are arranged in reference to their Manufacturing Predominance, and the Manufacturing Male population placed immediately in comparison with the Agricultural; another Statement exhibits the Retailers and Handicraftsmen in column 11, under each of 120 heads of Occupation or Service in each County, so classed as to show their extent, relation, and importance to each other, and inconsiderableness of the manufacturing operation in its external point of view, when compared with the interesting combination of •,• The comparison of the Number of Families in 1821 and 1831, under each of the three usual heads is remarkable for the increase under the third head as exhibited in column 8, mortant : but the comparison is not correct ; the Miners, which in the previous Returns were in general entered under the second head, in the last Retarn have add been entered under 2n the Mining Counties, numbers of other Occupations or Service, also, which in the previous Returns were entered under the first and second heads, have in the Return of 1831 been entered under the third Read, all conclusions t the total result as here eachibited winder, a supposition of the comparison being just, will be fallacious. internal interests. contain, as eachibited in this aud contiguous pages. The absence however, of fair comparison, vºnder these three heads, is more than compensated for, and supposing the comparison to be just, the result would be im- the third head 5 and the greatest increase will be seen herefore, drawn from to prevail, by the ample details which the Returns of 1831 Male Persons 20 Years of Age and wpwards in & Wunsö Proportion of FAMALIES, Returned as employed in f zºº)eſ." or & g COUNTIES, } Tota of Trade, Manufactures, or All others, not included isol, engaged in Occupations as wnder. covnTIES, 20 y; º, arranged in order of their - ºS 3 • * #7°6’. ic?"aff. in ing. ital?, - * arranged in referenc and upwards, Totat. Wumber of Aft FA milies 272 Agrâcesłture *º-sº-º Handicraft in the two precedin cariº Sts #. Retailers º:hº fo ºr. € employed in 1. 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9—i----10———11——12– 1 Middlesex........ 261,871 314,039 || 9,393 || 9,882 | 161,356 173,822 91,122 || 130,335 49,457 22,549 163,220 79,735 ſº I Lancaster .... 97,517 | 37,321 2 Lancaster ........ 203,173 260,025 22,723 24,696 || 152,271 173,693 28,179 61,636 17,614 1,229 86,079 60,546 2 York, W. Ridg. 74,669 |41,234 3 York, West Riding 161,466 198,646 3,613 || 31,188 || 108,841 118,733 21,012 || 48,725 8,354 10,366 60,109 || 33,685 || 3 || 3 Chester, ...... 13,305 || 23,527 4 Surrey .......... 88,806 || 109,077 14,944 14,647 || 46,811 || 49,616 27,051 || 44,814 14,285 10,756 44,139 24,878 || 5 || 5 || 4 Nottingham 14,260 | 16,856 5 Devon .......... 90,714 | 101,911 : 37,037 35,505 || 33,985 33,339| 19,692 || 33,067 5,907 9,078 || 35,784 || 14,307 || $ # 35 Leicester ... 12,240 | 15,343 6 Kent ............ 85,399 || 97,142 30,869 31,667 || 30,180 29,419 24,890 36,056 5,503 14,570 || 34,257 15,245 jū & ſ: IB&fl134H2, City of, and + University.. 1 do. County . . . . . . . . Balbrigan -- Town of 2 Louth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ardee 8 Meath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . £eatſ), Navan & 4 § Westmeath . . . . . . . . . . . . Kilbegan S. ( Partly in Roscommon, No. 28.) Town of Ş. Y 6 & Kildare... Athy, Naas, and Maynooth § 7 § King's . . . . . . . . ... + Portarlington S 8 $ Queen's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QBg50rp | 9 $ Carlow . . . . . . 3Leightin, with Ferns 10 $ Kilkenny . . . . . . Gowram, Durrow City of | 11 Wicklow ... . . . .e. q is g g º e º sº e Arklow U12 Wexford, £erms, with Leighlin + Ross Total Province of LEINSTER. ſ City of 13 Waterford . . . . . . ... Tallow, Lismore § 14 § Tipperary ... + (Tä5:39 and Emly § 15 Cork, East . . . . . . . . QTIopme, ºf Mallow s 4 do., West . . . Baltimore, f Kinsale 2: City of S 16 Kerry Ardfert & Aghadoe, Killarney s | 17 Limerick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rathkeale City of {-18 Clare. . . . . . . . . . . . #iſłaſne, f Ennis Total Province of MUNSTER. ſ19 Down . . . . . . . . [Brontore, º f Newry 20 Antrim . . . . . . . . + Lisburn, ANTRIM º Town of § 21 S Cavan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #iſmore § ! 22 S Armagh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lurgan & 23 S Monaghan . . . . . . . . Carrickmacross S 24 Fermanagh . . . . . . Maguires Bridge | 25 § Tyrone . . . . (TIOgúct, it Duncannon | 26 Donegal . . . . 33apūde, Ballyshannon U-27 Londonderry. . . . . . . . . . # # Coleraine Total Province of ULSTER. s [28 & Roscommon . . . . . . &lphin, Boyle SS 29 Leitrim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drumsna S J 30 Sligo ... . . . . . Ardnaree, Ballymote s: º 31 Mayo, 3&iſſala, and Achonry : Westport : 32 Galway ºncºmfºrts Riinaeigh. S U33 Town of Total Province of CONNA UGHT. - TOTAL I R. E L A N D . | Assize Town. 53° 23° North Lat. Swords : # DROGHEDA * f DUNDALK TRIM MULLINGAR + Athlone LONG FORD #iſlatz PHILLIPSTOWN MARYBOROUGH + CARLOw Knocktopher + KILKENNY WICKLOw : # W ExFor D ; : 333dterfort, f Dungarvon f CLONMELL f Youghall + Bandon * I (Torf: # TRALEE Kilmallock * + 3Limerict: CLARE f ſāotumpatrick * + Belfast + Carrickfergus CAvAN + 3134H.305% MONAGH AN + ENNISKILLEN OMAGH DONEGAL * + £ontantſerrp ROSCOMMON CARRICK * + SLIGO CASTLEBAR Ballinasloe * + GALWAY Lough Neagh, surrounded by Nos. 19, 20, 22, 25, and 27. -- - º | Superficies Proportion to [] Acres to Distance and bearing e each Sgure Mâle each of ASSIZE TOWN, %. *:::: ſº H i. i*i; - |Inhabitnt from DUBLIN. | e 207? A: Cº'68. ouses Izzhabit.}| ??? 1821. 6° 20' W. Long. - 7 due N. } 224 142,050 || 161 520 .42 2 f $ºf ; : } 173 || 110,750 || 123 688 || 1 .07 22 W. by N. 512 327,900 || 54 31 1 || 2 . 38 f ; , } 361 || 231,550 || 63 357 || 1 ,83 59 // | 209 134, 150 || 90 514 || 1 .20 25 W. by S. 369 236,750 || 44 268 || 2 .40 38 due W. 440 282,200 || 51 298 || 2 .16 40 W. S. W. 367 235,300 || 63 366 || 1 .71 39 S. W. 214 137,050 || 61 369 || 1 .75 63 / 57 } 469 300,350 || 63 || 388 || 1 .66 24 due S. 486 311,600 || 35 | 228 || 2 .81 33 J/ 535 342,900 || 54 319 || 2. 4,356 2,792,550 || 64 403 || 1 .95 75 S. by W. 95 S. S. W. } 410 262,800 || 58 381 || 1 , 66 75 S. W. | 867 554,950 || 63 400 || 1 , 55 115 f} - 137 f/ } 1,638 | 1,048,800 || 70 446 || 1 .42 124 // - 144 W. S. W. 1,012 || 647,650 || 35 213 || 3 . 107 W. by S. A 604 386,750 || 70 459 || 1 .33 94 m § 476,20 I 2 m as 476,200 || 47 |280 || 2:30 5,275 3,377,150 || 58 || 367 || 1.70 74 N. N. E. 544 || 348,550 || 109 || 598 || 1.06 *N. by E. } 605 || 387,200 || 78 || 447 || 1 .38 54 N. by W. 470 301,000 || 73 || 415 || 1 .50 62 due N. 283 181,450 || 128 697 .90 62 N. by W. 280 179,600 || 115 624 || 1 . 79 N. N. W. 448 283,450 || 50 292 || 2 .16 87 f/ 724 463,700 || 63 362 || 1 .77 1 11 // 1,061 | 679,550 32 234 2 .75 164 N. by W. 479 318,500 || 72 | 405 || 1 .60 4,894 | 3,143,000 || 73 | 408 || 1 .60 69 W. by N. 541 346,650 || 69 385 || 1 , 60 77 W. N. W. 400 255,950 || 54 312 || 2 . 103 # 386 247,150 || 70 378 || 1 .66 114 W. by N. 1,235 790,600 || 43 237 || 2 .66 72 W. by S. . . . . 103 ſy $ 1,546 989,950 || 37 218 || 3 , 4,108 2,630,300 || 48 270 2.86. - 11,943,000 61 365 iſ 1.75 18,683% - • & & 58,200 15 --~ sTATEMENT exhibiting the Counties of IRELAND, arranged in Alphabetical Order, with Number of reference to their Geographicai Position, shewing their Numerical Order of Superficies; Total, and Density of Population in 1821, with the Total Population of each County, at each of the four Periods 1813, 1821, 1828; and 1831; and also of the Counties arranged in Order of their Total Population in 1831, with the Superficies and Ratio thereof to each Individual in that Year. . Ratio of , Cotſwººs, g Order T tal Den. TOTAL PopULATION, Rate of Superfici arranged an Alphabetical O •e Popu-sity of at each of the four Periods. increas. CogyTIES, Total, ºft, Swperfic. Order, with Yº: of Sºper. “..." ##. 1813 1821. 1823 4 *}” cent. “ſº tº” Population, Plantation ::::::: cººpºn. ficies. * * e º te 1831. . ºn-st in 1831. in 1831. Acres. Inhabit??? Antrim. ... . . . . . . 20 | 9 || 8 || 8 || 231,548 261,601 || 262,860 314,608 20 I Cork . . . . . . . . . . . 807,366 | 1,048,800 1 .30 Carrickfergus sºme sº º ºsmºs i &iº 6,136 8,255 8,023 8,698 | 84 2 Galway . . . . . . . . 427,407 989,950 2 .3} Armagh ...... 22 || 27 | 14 || 1 || 121,449 196,577 | 197,427 220,651 11% 3 Tipperary . . . . . 403,393 | Sºo | 1.3% Carlow . . . . . . . . 9 30 32 17 || 69,566 81,287 78,952 | 81,576 || 3 4 Dublin . . . . . . ... 366.69. ſº 37 Cavan . . . . . . . . 21 || || 7 || || 5 || || 0 194,330 195,076 228,050 17 5 Mayo . . . . . . . . . . 367,956 790,600 2.15 3. © º & º ºs . . . . . 13 || 7 || 13 26 || 160,603 || 209,595 208,089 || 258,262 24 6 Down . . . . . . . & 352,571 348,356 .99 º §. tº gº º *l 9 } 523,936 702,000 || 629,786 ;}l O 7 Antrim . . . . . . . . 323,306 || 387,200 1 .20 o., west . . . . 292,424 8 Tyrone . . . . . . . . 302,943 463,700 || 1 , 53 do. City ... . . . ~ | – || – || 64,394 | 100,535 | 100,658 107,007 64 9 Limerick . . . . . . 300,080 386,750 | 1 .29 Ponegal . . . . . , 26 4 10 29 249,483 248,270 298,104 20 10 Donegal . . . . . . . . . 298, 104 679,350 2.23 Down . . . . . . . . 19 II | 5 || 4 || 287,290 329,348 || 325,410 352,571 | 84 11 Clare . . . . . . . . . . 255.263 ſºoo ºf Dublin . . . . . . . . } 29 4 5 || 110,437 | 160,274 150,011 | 183,042 22 12 Roscommon .. 239,903 336.650 | º do. City . . — –- —- || 176,610 | 186,276 185,881 203,652 93 || 13 Cavan . . . . . . . . 338.050 goi'ooo i .32 Fermanagh . 24 19 25 25 || 1 , 1,250 130,399 || 130,997 || 149,555 14 14 Londonderry . . . . 233.his 318:500 | 13 Galway . . . . . . . . 32 || 2 || 3 || 3 || || 140,995 || 286,921 309,599 || 394,287 27} 15 Armagh . . . . . . ... 320,651 | 18.450 84 do. Town — | – | – || 24,684 27,827 27,775 33,120 | 19 16 Kerrv . . . . . . . . . . gig ogo ºo 2 on Kerry . . . . . . . . 16 || 5 || 11 || 32 || 178,622 205,037 216, 185 219,989 | 1. 17 Monaghan ..... 197.53% | 179,600 º Kildare . . . . . . . . 6 || 24 31 27 || 85,133 101,717 | 99,065 108,401 9} 18 Kilkenny . . . . . . ibºoga 300 so | 1.33 Kilkenny . . . . . . 10 | 18 17 | 13 || 134,664 157,097 | 158,716 169,283 6; iſ wºrd ...... isºgi joo sº do. City . . sºmºsºma “ . . ; ** – 23,230 || 23,230 23,741 2} || 26 Meath . . . . . . . . 177,033 ºoo | I gº King's County .. 7 | 20 24 24 || 113,226 132,319 131,088 144,029 93 21 Waterford . . . . . . 17639; 363 soo | so Leitrim . . . . . . . . 29 22 || 27 22 || 94,095 || 105,976 124,785 141,303 || 13 22 Sligo . . . . . . . . . . iii.306 || 347.150 | 1.4% Limerick . . . . . . 17 | 10 7 7 || 103,865 214,286 218,432 233,505 7 23 Fermanagh 149,555 333.350 | .96 do. City . . — — | – || – | 66,042 59,045 | 66,575 | 13 24 westmeath .... iłgigi 231.3% i is Londonderry 27 | 15 16 || || 1 || 186,181 | 194,099 || 193,869 222,416 15 25 Queen's County its,843 233.soo l 6i Longford . . . . . . 5 31 || 30 || 6 || 95,917 | 107,702 || 107,570 112,391 || 43 26 King’s County ... 144,029 283.300 i g; Louth . . . . . . . . 2 32 28 || 2 || - — | 101,070 101,011 108,168 7 27 Leitrim . . . . . . . . iii.303 255.950 so Drogheda .... — | – | – || 16,123 18,118 18,118 17,863 || || 28 Wicklow . . . . . . i22,301 || 311.600 || 3 ||3: Mayo . . . . . . . . 31 || 3 || 6 || 23 || 237,371 297,538 293, 112 || 367,956 25% 29 Longford . . . . . . 112,391 134.1% 1 ſº Meath . . . . . . . . 3 || 14 20 || 23 || 142,479 174,716 159,183 177,023 || 11 || 30 Kildare . . . . . . . . ios. ſoi 256.750 2 is Monaghan 23 28 18 || 3 || 140,433 178,183 || 174,697 195,532 || 12 31 Louth . . . . . . . . . . ios, fog iioºn | 1 0. Queen's County 8 ||25 || 23 18 || 113,857 | 129,391 || 134,275 145,843 8; 32 Carlow . . . . . . . . gi.ºrg | 137,050 i ög Roscommon . . . . 28 12 12 || 14 || 158,110 |207,777 208,729 239,903 15 2 < * ~ | * ~ * > vºv a vs Sligo ... . . . . . . . 30 || 23 22 | 16 || 127,879 || 146,229 171,508 18 TOTALS. 7,734,365 lºsooo | 1 .54 Tipperary...... 14 || 6 || 2 | 12 || 290,531 |353,402 |346,393 |402,598 || 16 The anneaced Statement ſ †— Tyrone . . . . . . . . 25 | 8 9 || || 9 || 250,746 259,691 261.8% 302,493 154 shews the Population º Years ###$!!. Authorities. Waterford ... 13 21 | 21 15 119,457 | 127,679 127,842 148,077 | 16 land at different periods, Tig, ------ do. City zººms º ºs-ºr-sºº **** 25,467 26,787 28,679 28,821 — since 1792; with the Author | § }; fººt, Westmeath . 4 26 26 20 136,043 123,819 136,799 || 6 || "...ſ.º.º.º. ". . ; "...” Athlone — -— | – || see Note:preceding page. 11,362 — º ºriº ; , ; ; Wexford . . . . . , 12 13 | 19 || 2 || || -- ſºlºiºsos | 183,391 || 7 || ºrº i ! :º eaſia c. W. ...... . . . . . . ..., || 9,100 tº Hº; ºf || mºniº || | | #| fºº" |--|-- es be regarded as one of the g *:::::::: 3. ToTALs. 6,801,827 (7,734,365 13, ºft. #: | c. p. ºne - - vancement during the same . . ; #...”. PRO VINCES of period. * 1805 3.393.456 i. sººn SUMMA R Y. - Ratio of Ages to every 10,000 of the Total Population in 1821. of Famiº. &c, Ulster. Leinster. Munster. Connaugt TOTAL. PRO VINCES of Con- All Lan- Great * ---. —— Ages. Ulster. Leinster. Munster naught. Ireland. cºliº. Number of FAMILIES 390,709 || 352,320 357,366 211,637 1,312,032 --- - * Arººms, Number ( inhabited 359.80i 278,398 || 306,996 || 197,408 1,142,602|Under 5 1480. 1307. 1560. 1614, 1582. 1472. 1647 - of {vº 9,801 9,080 10,972 5,393 || 35,251 || 5 to 10 1319. 1300. 1407. 1419. 1355. 1300. is85. Houses. Building 239 479 398 234 | 1,350 10 m 15 1248. 1189. 1216. 1218. l 12H8. II ig. ignº. Proportion } Males 988,061 | 859,798 || 960,119 553,948 3,341,926 ; : ; #; #. ;: # ; 1000. 1046. ofoº sº. Females 1,030,433 |897,698 |975,492 |556,281 |3,559,901|sº º|ióño. |iº. #: ||... [... #; ; § Agriculture 328,793 252,608 || 320,069 |236,605 | 1,138,069|40 * * | * | ** | 738.8 º' | . ºl. 878. š, ; } Trade, Manu., &c. 584,127 |215,835 | 145,917 |224,165 1,179,044. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §§§ all other occupat. 143,818 173,215 150,079 || 61,519 || 528,702|32 " .9 | * | *. | 3:... 3%. , 373. go. 348, Ç Total occupied 1,056,738 || 641,658 || 616,054 522,361 2,836,815||70 " 89 123. 94.5 78.7, 77. 96. 226.7, 160.5 Number of ( Males 60,400 15,516 80,225 i also 265,000l. ſº *: * º, ; ; "... ". each Sea: ) Females 35,244 38,788 40,070 15,105 | 129,207|ab. Too 5 3 & ge 3. 5.5, 3,4 e.g. ) sºul º';|*. 46,486 || 394,813| º * .5 .9 .5 .8 .i & {{{{Cia.W 3 CIAOOH$, 6 - *** *mºsex- y s: 125,272 20,790 5,663 5,459 157,184 Radix lioooo...10000. 10000. woolwolow 3. Geographical Position of each County of Scotland, shewing the Superficies, Live Stock, Annual Value of Property, and Rental of each, &c. &c. * Superſºcies in g - & * & ſ Annual Value The Statistical part of this Statement, (eaccept the Column shewing the Value of Property in 1815 J | Number in each Coºnry of -operty as G iſ has º ja %. the Agricultural Report of Scotland. The Rentals ºf Kinross & K####! Square English Statute Acres | º ºnal are palpably erroneous; in Alphabetical order those two Counties follow each other, it is probable that %. les * e | Horses Hormed sheep |Prº Tax LAND, the Amounts were inadvertently transposed by the Printer, and that Kircudbright should be £ 183,488, ( 'ultivated uncultivated - Cattle lil º IIl ºt - . ſ 1 # 3. e º 'º gº tº a ſº tº ſº &. 1,253 232,537 569,363 || 8,000 || 42,252 200,000 272,178 ſ 246,002 These 13 Counties form the South Lowlands of Scotland, 2 * Kircudbright . . . . . . . . 821; 168,243 357,517 195,759 *22,752 dar ated from the Highlands by the Isthmus be s :% Wºſ . 2 2 ! 9,845 80,000 204 200} º º *... . of Forth on the East, and the mouth of the § 3 Wºº. * e s e g º e º 'º - e. e. tº 451; 101, 136 187,824. 5 5 2 tº 1.42% 123,837 river Clyde on the West. During the jº º S. 4 I i. & k o e & © º º 8 & 6 & cº. gº 1,039 || 325,830 339,130 || 9,888 58,384 || 313,250 | 393,609 || 336,471 by the Romans, that enterprizing people erected a Wall an ": 5 ałł&rk, COunt art, * sº tº ºr %. across this Isthmus, as a barrier to protect Š f do 3. ..". - } 942 271,296 331,584 || 12,500 || 30,000 | 122,000 } ; } 298,019 }. Lowlands ſº tº i.” of the **** º: 6 f Renfrew Co nti * art º - habitants of the Highlands ; Since , in a IIne - - .* {!!}{I’ ſº te - tº ºf *>U 3 º wº; . . . . . Paisley's 8." } 225 72,000 | 72,000 || 3,378 | 1,000 10,000; 127,631 ! 127,069 t all ha.S Oeen for ſhed Whil Cin UIllie e « ar * - + º, º, with those of the Western Coast,- § ſ 7 § Roxburgh * e º e º e g e •º gº 715 i 205,920 25;,680 4,996 14,483 266,370 253,127 230,663 ºś| # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 10, 100 | 158,220 || 554 1,810 | 112,000 || 39,325 || 39,775 Agricultural State of Scotland’’ published. In , the S # . * - we lº êºeiºhºmºmº"thºse with | * } º i. Qº º gº g º ºs & © & © tº gº, 312 24.5% 79.0 | 1.12% ººgº 12,800 | 84.3 |...}º: a Ś Agricultural; and those with a f Manufacturing. $ 0 Š Ber Wiek . . . . . © 9 & © tº e sº 442 137,197 145,683 || 4,928 16,418 133,284 241,382 231,973 The Waters of Nos. 1-3 run South intº Solway Frith; of Š 11 § Haddington e e º 'º e º e gº | 262 139,264 34,816 8,000 9,720 || 41,250 242,492 | 180,054 4-6 West, or N. W. into the Erith of Clyde; of 7–11 East $2.3 12 § Edinburgh Country pt. - 161,217 Fº * North Sea; and of 12–13 E. N. E. into the Frith of § do City & Environs 354 144,999 81,561 6,800 11,820 | 72,000 393.276 277,828 Orth. Sº |-º: -- 3. U 13 $ Linlithgow . . . . . . . . . . 120 57,600 19,200 || 2,496 8,500 3,633 100,679 82,947 CENTRAL DISTRICT.-The County of Bute, is formed , of ſ 14 Bute . . . . . . . . . . . 9 e & e º 'º º 161 ; 29,440 73,600 with Skye 22,540 18,591 the Isles of Bute, Arran, & Cambrae, i. the * # º: 15 Dumbarton . . . . . . . . . . . . | 228 53,990 91,930 1,500 9, 120 28,500 71,584 56,973 tº 16 Stirling. Cºuntry part ... 489 195,600. 117,860 || 3.565 | 19.225 37.077% º' 177,499 º: º i. º ſº º, Wº: º cº St. Ninians & Falkirk 9 , 30t ex3 2 3. 74,511 . 3. of Stirling fall into the Clyde; those of the East part ºf 17 Clackmannan . . . . . . . . . . 43 23,040 7,680 || 1 , ; 25 1.390 8,000 || 31,109 || 32,048 Stirling, and of all Perth, fall into the Eastern or North - : * 3. º 5 5 zº, '-. §."à....."kjºisºtºpiº, 18 Perth . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * o 2,588 530,022 | 1,126,298 || 15,976 79,089 222,000 554,984 460,739 the S. E. part of Perth; and Fife, is a ſeninsular District, 19 Kinross . . . . . . & © e º e tº e g & © 72 27,648 18,432 || 1,060 5,400 6,100 20,017 | *83,488 lying between the Friths of Forth and Tay. U20 Fife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sº 467 209,216 | 89,664 || 12,800 60,000 25,092 || 371,393 || 335,291 (21 Forfar, Country part. . . . . . - 291,275 North East Low LANDs, lying between the Tay, on the | do. 3. º } 888 || 369,408 198,912 || 9,000 || 45,400 60,000; .. $20,191 South, aud Murray Frith ºn the North; and bounded on the 22 Ki dine ... . . . . . . © e o 6’s pe * 2 East by th; Nº Sea. º and sº §: 22 A. ..c* * * * o e s e a e e s - | 380 92,416 150,784 || 3,587 24,825 24,957 82,799 || 159,896 the Don, the Yethan, an gºe rivers, which water Nos. 23 €I'Clé º' 2 sººn s. E. or E. into the North Sea; and the Deveron, 4 ºr pºtº } 1,960 451,584 i 802,819 || 21,448 110,000 100,000; º } 233,827 the Spey, the Findhorn, and the Nairn, which intersect * *-* * * * * * * * e º e o sy tº - Nos. 34:6, run N. or N. E. into the Murray Frith, between 24 Banff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 123,840 288,960 || 8,400 24,764 58,200 75,131 || 79,396 * Head and Fort George, see Note at Head of 25 Elgin * & © tº g & ſº º & e 9 * * * g e º e 473 121,088 181,632 5,410 | 16,900 36,880 65,444 62,312 page 44. 26 Nairn 195 || 37,440 87,360 || 1,640 6, 1 1 0 | 12,000 || 12,324 || 11,726 * \ , 4-V 1-Y & 11 11 s • e o e < * * * * * * * * * * , & e 5 º - 2 5 5 5 3 s 4- Glen-more-na-H’Alabin, or the great Glen of Caledonia, ſ27 Inverness, Mainland . . . . te 11,159 || 42,016 || 50,000 121,762 in a direction from the head of Murray Frith S. W. to Loch do. Harris Uist, &c } 2,904 448,686 1,709,875 . * * * 2 2 24,597 $ 195,844 Hinne, through which a chain of Lakes have been, formed - • 5 & - 20,000 | 120,000 10,000; 33' 5 into a Canal for Vessels drawing nearly 20 feet of water, do. Isle of Skye, . . . . 1, 150 95,680 640,320 5 33,380 - º º: ..". lº.º." J 28 Ross and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,069 120,378 1,203,782 || 10,896 || 41,957 45,266 78,603 || 91,090 art.S.–Sè62 & • 3 Cré 4-5, r ^ * e &Y. & O Nº. 3:3i'ār āji'North of this Gien, and form another | 29 Cromarty. . . . ... . . . . 256 20,480 143,360 1,736 f 3,477 5,680 30,120 | 10,860 %; diº, of º: º . º Nº. S do. º of Lewis. . . . 56() 30,117 328,283 with Skye - 525 ighlands. The County of Argyle is composed, of Several 30 Sutherland. . . . . . . . ge º 'º 1,754 63,045 | 1,059,515 || 7,736 24,827 | 37,130 || 33,575 28,457 Peninsular Districts and Islands Westward of Ayr, Dum. e * @ Q 2 5 3 2 2 3. ...” ...” 3. º º º º's ſº ºã........ tº º ºſ ºº ºl; º º Division of the Kingdom ; its islands form the Sou iWi- f : r € alil 18,11Cl . . . . . . . . - 2,200 163,970 1,244,030 9.409 54, * 7 - re sion of the Hebrºops, which flank the whole of the West i. Hebridean Islands '939 107 º '137.5% with Skue t ... } 227,493 | 192,074 Coast of Scotland, between the Latitude of 55 22 and 58 35 • J o $: S 3 v 4–1. *: $/ North. The Orkneys and Shetlands are other Clusters of ) 33 Orkney * * * * * tº e º p & & ge Q & 9 & 440 24,480 247,524 19.300 44,500 108,000 11,293 9,495 Islands, extending North to the Latitude of 61 15. Shetland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855 21,288 525,312 ** 3 5 - 2 7,928 6,741 - . *--- - - - - | * sº ! . º TOTALS. 29,605 5,342,831 | 13,900,557 | 243,490 | 1.038,141 2.851,327 6,427,310 4,792,243 17 STATEMENT exhibiting a View of LIFE and MORTALITY, in each of 13 of the principal Towns of ENGLAND, in compa- rison with the Counties of ESSEX and RUTH, AND, and the METROPOLIS, during the 18 Years 1812—1830. º § e e 's “Ś - & 's s & § § § tº © § o s s §s © § § . . . AGES. § § §§ § § § § §: 3. § § § | #: § § | # * 3. S Q} *S* Q & Qe & $. S $. S S‘S, Qe Q SA) - S SS S © º: S RQ Q R kN RS tº s RS § Q §p Total of all Ages. 93,333 5,955 453,146 13,186 20,947 7,165 17,345 10,136 || 9,498 || 8,025 6,525 10,749 9,480 18,366 2,122 978 • S C - § 3 ; r above 9 || 63,850 4,248 280,737 8,806 | 12,109 || 3,770 8,782 5,206 || 4,799 || 4,181 | 3,467 6,017 | 5,250 | 8,658 | 1,042 596 sº S. a 14 59,797 || 4,059 262,701 3,291 11,389 || 3,448 || 7,923 || 4,752 4,301 || 3,805 || 5, 162 5,486 || 4,787 7,894 956 542 §3, 3- , 19 57,064 3,904 255,391 || 7,954 11,033 3,284 || 7,401 || 4,429 4,027 3,581 2,927 5,133 4,354 7,474 877 515 .# 3 's's , 29 53,483 || 3,719 245,718 7,494 | 10,554 || 3,103 || 6,745 || 4,037 3,719 3,282 2,678 4,693 3,898 || 6,957 810 471 ºf . s : , 39 45,528 3,295 || 213,870 6,459 9,398 || 2,630 || 5,491 3,295 3,025 2,765 2,264 3,838 3,185 5,785 683 397 $ $ $3 , 49 || 39,232 2,939 176,297 5,498 || 8,278 2,201 || 4,409 2,717 | 2,410 2,314 | 1,918 3,093 2,560 4,702 565 339 §: s 5 < , 59 32,991 2,638 134,376 4,564 || 7,080 1,782 | 3,467 2,091 1,885 1,826 1,578 2,358 1,974 3,602 442 285 2. co º , 69 26,064 2,185 93,417 | 3,656 5,801 | 1,389 2,536 1,645 | 1,352 | 1,428 1,211 1,653 1,422 2,501 324 221 is . Sº a 79 17,057 1,477 50,165 2,487 3,966 904 1,457 994 827 900 7 18 926 804 || 1,412 202 119 $ $ // 89 6,611 627 15,428 1,057 1,661 383 498 313 322 363 260 284 294 471 74 45 * m 99 735 68 1,684 1 O7 203 59 55 24 39 43 42 3 5 57 5 tºrts U100 & upwds. 28 2 102 11 8 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 -º- 3 1 º-EP s 3 ſ Under 5 29,483 1,707 || 172,409 || 4,385 8,838 3,395 8,563 4,930 4,699 || 3,844 3,058 5,732 4,230 || 9,708 || 1,080 377 “. Sp 5 to 9 4,053 189 18,036 510 720 322 859 454 498 376 305 531 463 764 86 54 §§s | 10 m 14 2,733 155 7,310 337 356 164 522 323 274, 224 235 353 433 420 79 27 § 3 ; 15 a 19 3,581 185 9,673 460 479 181 656 39% 308 299 249 440 456 517 67 44 S$ $ 2 | 20 , 29 7,955 424 34,848 1,035 | 1,156 473 1,254 742 694 517 414 855 713 | 1,172 127 74 ‘ss ‘s s 30 m 39 || 6,296 336 37,573 961 1, 120 429 | 1,082 578 615 451 346 745 625 | 1,083 118 58 s & s S. < 40 a 49 6,241 321 - || 41,921 934 1,198 419 942 526 525 488 34() 735 586 1,100 123 54 is 3 S. 50 , 59 6,927 453 40,959 908 | 1,279 393 931 546 533 398 367 705 552 1,101 | 18 64 s sº $ " || 60 m 69 9,007 708 43,25% 1, 169 1,835 485 | 1,079 651 525 528 493 727 618 1,639 1% 102 2. s is | 70 m 79 || 10,446 850 | 34,737 | 1,430 2,305 521 959 681 505 537 458 642 510 941 128 74 's sis 80 , 89 5,876 559 ! 3,744 950 | 1,458 324 443 289 283 320 218 250 289 414 69 45 š's 90 , 99 707 66 1,582 96 195 58 53 23 26 42 | 40 29 5 54 4. * S U100 & upwds. 28 2 102 1 1 8 i 2 1 3 1. 2 5 -- 3 1 B-g TOTAL 93,333 5,955 453,146 13,186 20,947 || 7,165 17,345 10, 136 9,488 8,025 6,525 | 11,749 || 9,480 18,366 2,122 97.3 's ſ Under 5 10,000 || 10,000 | 10,000 10,000 || 10,000 | 10,000 || 10,000 || 10,000 10,000 || 10,000 10,000 || 10,000 || 10,000 || 10,000 | 10,000 || 10,000 5 s 2 . 5 to 9 6,841 7, 135 6,195 || 6,675 5,781 5,262 5,061 5,136 5,053 5,210 5,313 || 5,121 5,538 4,714 || 4,910 6,125 § 3 5 §. 10 , 14 6,407 6,814 5,796 || 6,288 5,437 4,812 4,566 4,688 4,529 4,741 || 4,846 || 4,669 || 5,049 || 4,298 || 4,505 || 5,570 .s $ 2 s; 15 , 19 6, 114 6,554 5,634 6,032 5,267 || 4,584 4,265 4,370 4,241 || 4,462 4,486 || 4,369 || 4,592 || 4,069 4,133 5,292 sº,” s.'s 20 , 29 5,731 6,244 5,420 5,683 || 5,038 4,332 3,887 3,983 3,917 | 4,089 4,104 || 3,995 || 4,111 || 3,787 3,817 || 4,840 .s 6 § : 30 a 39 4,880 5,532 4,717 4,898 || 4,486 || 3,671 3, 165 3,251 3,186 || 3,445 || 3,469 || 3,267 3,359 3,149 3,219 || 4,079 is ‘s & § { 40 a 49 4,205 4,969 3,889 || 4,169 3,951 3,071 2,541 2,681 2,538 2,883 2,939 2,633 2,700 2,559 2,663 || 3,483. s & S P 50 , 59 3,535 | 4,432 2,963 || 3,461 3,379 2,485 | 1,998 || 2,162 1,985 2,275 2,418 2,007 || 2,082 | 1,960 2,083 2,928 § - 32 60 a 69 2,792 3,670 2,059 2,772 2,769 1,937 | 1,462 1,623 1,424 1,779 1,856 | 1,407 | 1,500 | 1,361 1,527 2,270 s's # Š 70 / 79 1,829 2,481 1,104 1,888 1,893 1,260 34() 981 871 | 1,121 | 1,100 788 848 768 952 1,222 : s $ $ 80 , 89 710 | 1,053 338 801 793 533 287 309 339 452 398 242 310 256 349 462 § 3 s = | 90 , 99 80 | 115. 36 81 97. 31 32 24 41 53 64 29 5 31 24 —. S5 U 100 & upwds. 3 3 2 8 4. 1 1 1 3 1. 3 4 —— 2 5 || – S. ſ Under 5 3,159 2,865 3,805 || 3,325 || 4,219 || 4,738 || 4,939 4,864 4,947 4,790 4,687 4,879 || 4,462 5,286 5,090 3,875 § 5 to 9 434 321 399 387 344 450 495 448 524 469 467 452 489 416 405 555 Qo 3 | 10 a 14 293 260 162 256 17 () 228 301 3I 8 298 279 360 300 457 229 372 278 .# 33 sº | 15 a 19 383 310 214 349 229 252 37.8 387 314 373 38% 374 481 282 316 452 'S: sº 20 m, 29 851 7 12 703 || 785 552 661 722 732 731 644 635 728 752 638 598 761 is ss S 30 , 39 675 563 828 729 535 600 634 570 648 562 530 634 659 590 556 596 is 8's 3 & 40 , 49 670 537 926 708 572 586 543 519 553 608 || 521 626 618 599 || 580 || 555 § 3 ; ; ; 50 , 59 7.43 7.62 904 689 610 548 53 539 561 496 562 600 582 599 556 658 s" & 5 || 60 , 69 963 1,189 955 887 876 677 622 64% 553 658 756 619 652 593 575 | 1,048 $ .s ; 70 a 79 1,119 | 1,428 766 | 1,084 1,100 727 553 672 532 669 702 546 538 5] 2 603 760 §. Sº i 80 , 89 630 938 302 720 696 452 255 285 298 399 334 213 305 225 325 462 s 90 m 99 77 112 34 73 93 80 31 23 38 52 61 25 5 29 19 — Q- v 100 & upwds. 3 3 | 2 8 4. 1. 1 1 3 1 3 4 : —- 2 5 —- BA DIX 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ſ Under 5 || 32 29 38 33 42 47 49 49 49 48 47 49 45 53 51 39 3. 5 to 9 6 4. 6 6 6 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 10 $ 2. 10 m 14 5 4 3 4. 3 5 7. 7 6 6 7. 6 9 5 8 5 § s sº 15 a 19 6 5 4. 6 4 5 9 9 8 8 9 9 10 7. 8 9 J is sº 20 , 29 15 11 13 14 11 15 19 {8 19 16 15 18 18 17 16 16 s's 30 m 39 14 10 18 15 12 16 20 18 20 16 15 19 20 19 17 15 ; # 3 & 40 - 49 16 9 24 17 14 19 21 19 22 21 18 24 23 23 22 16 S Ś s 50 a 59 21 17 31 20 18 32 27 25 28 22 23 30 28 31 27 22 #P.s 3 60 a 69 34 32 46 32 32 35 43 40 39 37 44 44 43 44 37 46 .s " ..., | 70 a 79 55. 58 69 58 58 58 66 69 61 60 64 69 63 67 63. 62 § - 80 / 89 81 89 89 90 88 85 59 92 88 88 84 88 98 88. 93 100 §: 90 a 99 96 97 94 90 96 99 , 97 96 93 99 95 86 100 94 | 79 - J00 & upwds. 100 100 100 10() 100 100 100 100 } 100 100 100 100 mummie 100 100 *A C 18 STATEMENT shewing the PopULATION of each County of ENGLAND and WALES in 1801, and the Number of MARRIAGEs, BAPTISMs, and BURIALs, in each of the same, in the Ten Years 1801 – 10 ; distinguishing the proportion of Males and Females in each County; the Counties being arranged in Order of their ToTAL POPULATION, in 1801. **.*.*.*-* COUNT IES ss'; ſ Tº Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in the Ten YEARS 1801–1810. arranged in order of ; # O'S cº isol. REGA STEREAD UNENTERED. TOTAL POPULATION # § §§ - – Mar- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | Mar-ſº ** ºn in 1801. * - QS Males | Females | TOTAL | riages | Males Females | Males Females | riages|Baptisms Burials 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 373,655 444,474 818,129 |100,774 115,237 |114,174 105,195 |101,609 || 340 |11,470 |54,570 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 | 322,356 350,375 672,731 || 76,172 132,603 |127,405 || 81,747 | 83,727 | 70 |21,150 5,390 3 York, West Riding .... 36 276,005 287,948 563,953 52,745 96,546 92,369 || 59,871 60,424 230 |17,007 7,470 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 157,240 185,761 || 343,001 || 33,800 57,392 || 54,209 || 36,141 || 36,992 || 10 3,560 680 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 151,374 156,250 307,624 || 31,559 62,249 59,194 51,608 || 39,035 30 3,580 800 6 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 126,927 146,823 273,750 23,523 41,494 | 40,137 27,041 28,117 | 10 3,630 || 2,180 7 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . g 14 | 129,842 143,529 273,371 22,702 || 48,063 45,663 28,615 28,814 10 930 360 8 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | 127,138 || 141,905 269,043 24,749 || 42,721 || 41,919 34,906 || 32,833 90 4,900 | 3,460 9 Gloucester . . . . . . . . g ii 117,180 133,629 250,809 || 23,540 38,303 || 36,882 21,918 22,233 80 4,100 2,580 10 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 118,698 || 120,455 239,153 24,292 45,325 43,037 28,206 27,756 | – | 1,990 240 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . tº & 12 11,356 115,081 226,437 | 19,675 36,219 || 34,994 | 29,559 || 26,208 20 5,030 2,010 12 Southampton . . . . . . . . . 5 | 105,667 113,989 219,656 23,229 || 39,551 37,507 || 25,727 23,977 | – | 1,020 300 13 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 | 101,091 109,340 210,431 18, 135 36,098 || 34,351 21,610 21,634 30 3,910 830 34 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 i02,445 106,112 208,557 | 18,888 38, 175 36,649 23,177 23,019 10 || 780 500 15 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 99,942 108,248 208,190 19,663 32,535 31,182 25,314 26,176 10 | 1,480 2,710 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 92,759 98,992 || 191,751 17,375 32,569 30,858 21,931 22,233 -— 4,930 1,460 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 89,868 98,401 188,269 15,455 33,647 32,295 17,626 17,024 10 970 | 80 18 Wilts . . . . . tº º 'º 9 tº e º e º e º 6 87,380 97,727 i85,107 14,198 || 26,980 26,118 16,346 18,281 iO 2,760 *00 19 Salop . . . . . . . . . & e º º º a . 31 82,563 85,076 167,639 || 13,536 27,688 26, 188 | 16,977 | 16,669 30 740 190 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 79,401 81,741 | 161,142 | 13,749 27,108 || 26,193 15,407 || 15,926 10 || 2,880 | 1,480 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 74,770 85,591 | 160,361 | 13,782 25,932 24,891 18,204 18,570 120 2,900 590 22 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 78,797 80,514 159,311 14,611 || 31,209 || 30,058 18,259 | 16,000 20 2,100 500 23 Northumberland . . . . . . 42 73,357 83,744 157, iOI 11,989 19,499 || 18,734 15,959 16,275 600 | 8,440 530 24 York, North Riding 38 74,904 80,602 || 155,506 | 12,088 24,635 | 23,305 || 14,367 | 15,132 40 1,290 520 25 Nottingham . . . . . . . . . . 26 68,558 71,792 140,350 13,721 25,005 || 24,198 || 4,965 15,439 || -- 1,420 580 26 York, East Riding . . . . 37 67,457 71,976 139,433 15,845 27,442 25,779 || 17,726 17,313 30 1,860 220 27 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 67,631 71,702 || 139,333 12, #65 23,865 || 23,175 15,004 || 15,298 || – | 1,740 540 28 Northampton ........ 22 63,417 | 68,340 || 131,757 0,555 19,217 | 18,323 12,664 13,801 || 10 2,450 690 29 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 63,943 66,138 || 130,081 | 11,544 19,811 19,148 || 12,758 13,094 | – || 2,320 660 30 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . 40 54,377 62,853 | 117,230 9,666 | 18,648 17,602 || 11,615 ii.,850 30 1,450 600 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 53,667 6i,652 115,319 9,251 17,686 16,945 10,386 || 11,303 || 10 | 1,400 240 32 Oxford . . . . . & e º $ tº e º 'º & | 8 53,786 55,834 109,620 8,649 17,682 | 16,717 | 10,672 10,971 20 750 | 70 33 Berks & º º tº & 4, º º tº e º & © a tº a 17 52,821 56,394 i09,215 8,223 17,573 16,890 11,221 11,095 — 270 | 80 34 Buckingham . . . . . . . . . . 16 52,094 55,350 107,444 9,140 17,313 16,685 11,165 12,145 || 1 0 | 1,530 690 35 Hertford tº e g º a c e º e o e & 15 48,063 49,514 97,577 6,844 15,831 15,728 9,816 9,991 — 1,190 410 36 Cambridge . . . . . g . 33 44,081 45,265 89,346 7,953 16,625 | ió,792 || 11,182 | 10,942 — 850 350 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 43,955 45,236 89,191 6,315 13,086 12,424 7,890 7,751 — 420 390 38 Bedford . . . . . . . qº e º ºs º º º 21 30,523 32,870 63,393 5,560 10,346 10,025 6,448 6,970 30 1,260 800 39 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . . . 29 22,173 23,409 45,582 4,058 6,215 5,619 4,607 || 4,225 | – | 1,350 830 40 W estmoreland & # 3 tº e g º e 39 20, 175 2 i,442 41,617 3,373 || 7,192 7,011 3,92] 4,346 20 320 240 41 Huntingdon . . . . . g • 23 18,521 19,047 37,568 3,257 6,117 6,016 || 4,350 4,020 10 940 320 412 Rutland J & © tº e 4 & a e s a s s a 24 7,978 8,378 16,356 1,110 || 2,545 2,409 1,456 | 1,575 *msmass 120 30 Total ENGLAND 3,987,935 | 4,343,499 || 8,331,434 || 787,074 |1,391,977 |1,338,998 || 33,397 920,707 |1,950 | 133,860 | 97,900 ſ Denbigh . . . . . . . . . . 4. 29,247 31,105 60,352 4,581 9,444 9,049 6,036 6,011 || – 970 270 s Wºry tº º º & 6 22,914 25,064 47,973 3,459 6,939 6,528 4,070 4,185 || – 900 30 s arnarvon . . . . . . . . 2 19,586 21,935 || 41,521 3,607 || 6,966 6,457 3,673 || 3,589 -— 570 60 º Flint . . . . . . . . . . 3 19,577 20,045 39,622 3,010 7,406 || 7,206 || 4,471 4,196 || – I 30 30 3 Anglesea. . . . . . . . . . . 1 15,775 18,031 || 33,806 2,667 4,712 4,467 2,465 2,616 — 570 30 § UMerioneth . . . . . . . . 5 13,896 15,610 29,506 2,391 || 3,797 3,648 2,450 2,504 — 210 20 : ſGlamorgan . . . . . . . . 1() 34,190 37,335 71,525 7,006 || 10,077 9,098 || 7,076 6,531 | – || 3,780 2,180 R.S. | Carmarthen tº * > * * * 11 31,439 35,878 67,317 5,894 8,062 7,311 5,355 5,597 | – || 2,690 1,360 $ J Pembroke . . . . . . . . 12 25,406 30,874 56,280 4,471 6,249 5,856 4,305 4,599 — 1,860 640 & | Cardigan . . . . . . . . . . 7 20,408 22,548 42,957 3,555 5,776 5,119 3,389 3,271 || – | 1,260 140 | Brecon . . . . . . . . . . 9 15,393 16,240 31,633 2,927 4,306 3,883 3,109 || 3,051 | – | 1,590 | 720 URadnor . . . . . . . . . . 8 9,347 9,703 19,050 1,459 2,966 2,629 1,793 1,743 — 210 180 Total ENGLAND and WALES 4,245,113 || 4,627,867 | 8,872,980 | 832,101 1,468,677 )1,410,249 981,589 968,600 1,950 | 148,600 ſ 103,560 i 19 The STATEMENT below, which is a Continuation of that on the preceding Page, shews the Ratio of MARRIAGEs, 100 of the PopULATION in 1801, in each County of England and Wales, and of BAPTISMs and BURIALs, to a MARRí in the 10 Years 1801-10, to every AGE, during the same period, also the excess of BAPTISM's over BURIALs, and the increase or decrease of PopULATION in 1811, over and above, or under and below, the excess of BAP- TISMS over BURIALs. COUNTIES s S arranged in order of *: # TOTAL POPULATION # §§ in 1801 Žiš. 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . . . l 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3 York, West Riding .... 36 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 || 10 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 Southampton . . . . . . . . ... 5 13 Suffolk . . . . . tº a 3 e s e e º e 13 14 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 15 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 18 Wilts . . . . . . . . . #3 & © dº ſº tº e. 6 19 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 22 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 23 Northumberland . . . . . . 42 24 York, North Ridin 38 25 Nottingham . . . . . . , . . . 26 26 York, East Riding 37 27 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 28 Northampton. . . . . . . . . . 22 29 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 30 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . 40 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . º 7 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 33 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 34 Buckingham . . . . . . . . . . 16 35 Hertford . . . . . • . . . . . . 15 36 Cambridge. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 37 Hereford & © Q & e º e s e e 30 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 39 Monmouth. . . . . $ 8 & e s a s 29 40 Westmoreland . . . . . . . . 39 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . 23 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Total E N G D AND ſººnbigh e e s p s e s a s 4 Montgomery . . . . . . 6 § J Carnarvon . . . . . . . . 2 > Flint . . . . . 8 & & © & a s 3 Cº Anglesea. . . . . . . . . . I § Merioneth . . . . . . . . 5 § ſGlamorgan . . . . . . • - 10 is Carmarthen . . . . . . . . 11 i. Pembroke . . . . . . . . 12 3 Cardigan . . . . . . . . . . 7 |; e tº gº tº gº & © tº e 9 Radnor . . . . . . . . . ... 8 Total ENGLAND and WA LES §§§s. § 3 S$ Excess in the TOTAL Increase | TOTAL Increase | * ºf Barrisms s sº gº sº ‘ss & 10 Years isoil islo. *. exceeding the Excess over BURIALs s'ss śā §§§ $3; of BAPTISM's over in the 10 Years of BAPTISM's over exceding the § §§§ § § Š §§ § BURIALs. 1801 – 1810. BURIALs. TOTAL Increage. s's s:- Sº S SQ Males | Females Males Females Males | Females | Males | Females 12.36 2.38 2.58 - 11,508 || – 8,985 60,978 || 74,169 72,486 || 83,154 || – || – 11 .25 || 3 .68 2.24 58,736 || 51,558 71,748 || 83,830 13,012 || 32,272 | – || –– 9.4 3.90 || 2 .43 || 41,820 | 37,090 45,832 43,530 4,012 6,440 -— — 9.9 || 3.37 || 2.25 22,691 | 18,657 22,313 17,994 | – || – 378 663 10.27 | 3.96 || 2 .90 | 12,031 21,549 || 32,126 33,345 20,095 11,796 — — 8.6 3.61 2.43 15,178 12,745 14,522 14,908 — 2,163 656 — 8.3 4.17 2.54 19,733 17,134 8,247 | 10,381 *=== — 11,486 || 6,753 9.24 || 3.60 2.87 8,535 9,806 24,673 30, 135 | 16,138 20,329 || – || – 9.4 3.36 1 .98 || 17,145 || 15,409 | 16,012 | 18,693 || – || 3,284 1,133 — 10.15 3.72 2.31 || 17,994 | 16, 156 29,375 26,625 11,381 10,469 — — 8.7 || 3 .87 2.93 8, 170 10,296 || 13,483 12,553 5,313 2,257 -— . --- 10.6 3.36 2.25 || 14,184 || 13,890 13,188 12,236 — *-e-ºr-a 996 || 1,654 8.6 4.09 || 2 .43 16,028 || 14,207 || 10,897 | 12,883 $ºmºsºme — 5,131 | 1,324 9 . 4. 2.47 | 15,138 || 13,770 14,577 || 14,757 — 987 561 | – 9 .45 3.31 2.70 || 6,606 || 4,391 || 9,597 10,948 2,991 6,557 iº-. 9 . 3.93 2.63 12,373 10,360 | 18,082 17,998 || 5,709 || 7,638 — — 8.2 || 4.33 2.25 | 16,416 15,666 || 13,442 14,956 — — 2,974 '710 7.7 3.93 2.48 || 11,634 8,837 || 4,180 4,541 - —— 7,454 4,296 8 . 4.03 || 2 .50 | 10,986 9,794 || 13,279 13,380 2,293 3,586 — — 8.5 4.17 | 2.43 | 12,401 10,967 12,003 || 12,252 1,285 398 || – 8.7 3.89 2.69 8,881 7,476 8,901 || 8,363 20 887 | – | —— 9 . 4.33 2.37 13,750 14,858 15,391 | 15,381 1,641 523 —— —sº- 8 . 3.71 2.60 7,495 6,414 || 7,028 8,032 —- 1,618 467 — 8 . 4.06 2.45 10,788 8,693 6, 172 4,828 — — 4,616 || 3,865 9.8 3.69 2.26 10,460 || 9,179 || 10,499 || 12,051 39 2,872 * ºntºs-rººs 11 : 5 || 3 .47 2.22 || 10,536 9,286 13,748 || 14,172 3,212 4,886 | – | — 8.7 4.01 2.53 9,446 8,462 10,402 10,811 956 2,349 — — 8 . 3.78 2.57 | 7,433 5,402 || 4,862 4,734 — — 2,571 668 8.87 || 3 .57 2.29 || 7,883 || 6,884 || 9,423 || 10,915 1,540 4,031 — —- 8.27 | 3.89 2.48 || 7,458 6,177 || 9,056 7,458 1,598 1,281 | – || – 8 . 3.90 2.37 7,880 6,222 || 4,050 5,324 — — 3,830 89 7.9 4.05 2.52 7,300 6,036 5,346 4,225 **º-sº — 1,954 1,811 7.5 || 4.22 2.73 || 6,397 || 5,840 || 4,539 || 4,523 — — 1,858 1,317 8.5 3.88 2.62 6,568 || 4,960 4,114 6,092 || –— 1,132 2,454 || – * . 4.78 2.99 || 6,405 || 6,127 | 6,960 7,117 555 990 —— — 8.9 4.18 2.82 5,693 5,100 | 6,675 5,088 982 — —- 12 7.08 4.11 2.54 5,211 4,688 2,449 2,433 — — — 2,762 2,255 8.8 || 3.87 2.54 || 4,128 3,285 2,648 || 4,172 *** **** 887 1,480 | –— 8.9 || 3.25 2.41 | 1,868 1,654 8,814 || 7,731 6,946 6,077 | – | — 8.15 4.28 2.51 3,311 2,705 || 2,663 1,642 sºme sº-ss-sº-sº — 648 1,063 8.7 || 4 . 2.66 2,077 2,306 1,881 2,759 --— 453 196 || –- 6.8 || 4 .57 || 2 .75 1,134 879 || -- 47 6] —— — 1,181 818 9 .47 3 .64 2 .48 478,393 || 435,930 594,128 628,026 170,919 220,203 || 55,184 28,107 7.6 || 4.03 2.68 3,858 || 3,388 1,882 2,006 || – | — | 1,976 1,382 7.23 4.15 2.39 3,304 || 2,778 2,459 | 1,494 - —— | 845 1,284 8.6 3.88 2.03 3,548 || 3,808 3,793 4,022 245 214 | –— —- 7.6 4.9 2. 9 2,985 3,060 3,155 3,755 170 695 | – | — 7.9 || 3.65 || 1 .91 2,527 2, 121 1,669 | 1,570 * *Irºnºmºus 858 551 8.1 || 3 .2 2.08 1,442 1,239 412 1,006 — —---— 1,030 233 9.8 3.27 | 2.24 3,801 || 3,367 || 7,175 6,367 3,374 3,000 — — 8.76 || 3.06 2.09 || 3,372 2,379 4,641 || 5,259 1,269 || 2,880 — — 8 . . 3.12 2.13 2,554 1,867 2,047 2,288 *== 421 507 — 8 .27 | 3.10 | } .89 2,947 2,408 || 3,351 3,953 404 || 1,545 —— — 9 . 3.34 2.35 | 1,632 1,267 || 3,114 2,988 1,482 | 1,721 — — 7.66 4 . 2.55 1,268 901 777 | 1,073 —- 172 491 || – 9 .4 || 3 2 .46 511,631 || 464,513 628,603 | 663,807 || 177,863 60,891 31,557 230,851 20 STATEMENT shewing the PopUIATION of each County of ENGLAND and WALES in 1811, and the Number of MARRIAGEs, BAPTISMS, and BURIALs, in each of the same, in the Ten Years 1811 – 20 ; distinguishing the proportion of Males and Females in each County; the Counties being arranged in Order of their TOTAL POPULATION, in 1811 COUNTIES ‘s SS arranged in order of ; # ToTAL PopULATION #### - ºR. ºn 1811. * * ºb 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3 York, West Riding .... 36 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 6 Surrey . . . . . . . . . 2 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . & 14 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 Southampton . . . . . . . . 5 13 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 14 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 15 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 18 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3] 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 21 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 22 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 23 Northumberland . . . . . . 42 24 York, East Riding 37 25 York, North Riding 38. 26 Nottingham . . . . . . . . . , 26 27 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 28 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 29 Northampton . . . . . . . . 22 30 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . 40 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 8 33 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 34 Buckingham . . . . . . . . . 16 35 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 36 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . 33 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 39 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . . . 29 40 Westmoreland . . . . . . . . 39 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . . . 23 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Total E N G LAN ID ſDenbigh . . . . . . . . . . 4 ... Montgomery . . . . . . 6 § | Carna s d.Tild.TVOIl . . . . . . . . 2 # { Flint . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cº. Anglesea . . . . . . . . . . l s lsº © e º e º º 5 s ſGlamorgan . . . . . . . . 1() | Carmarthen . . . . . . 11 § | Pembroke ..... © 12 § º Cardigan 7 Ǻ ** was e e a e s e e e • | Brecon . . . . . . . . . . 9 URadnor º º ... 8 Total ENGLAND and WALES BopULATION Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in the Ten YEARS 1811-1820. -* *- as enumerated in 1811. –. REG ISTERED. . UNENTERED. * - - Mar- BAPTISMS BURIALS. Mar- Males | Females | TOTAL | riages Males | Females ( Males Females riages Baptisms Burials 434,633 518,643 953,276 ||109,475 |135,803 |133,962 110,597 106,070 170 37,190 31,750 394,104 434,205 828,309 || 85,318 ||140,478 |134,072 | 89,083 89,764 10 |56,100 15,420 321,837 331,478 653,315 62,062 110,318 104,743 62,213 60,768 60 |20,840 || 9,640 179,553 203,755 383,308 || 35,264 | 67,655 63,103 || 35,968 || 36,169 10 || 7,630 | 1,170 183,500 189,595 || 373,095 || 33,502 | 68,767 | 66,293 45,545 39,628 —— 7,020 | 1,050 151,811 172,040 || 323,851 27,450 49,607 || 48,985 38,263 || 36,062 —— 2,650 3,180 141,449 | 161,731 303,180 24,366 48,777 || 47,025 27,867 28,944 10 | 1,680 530 148,073 || 147,080 295,153 27,093 54,283 || 51,374 || 32,041 30,216 10 2,510 380 138,089 153,910 || 291,999 || 25,752 52,323 || 49,936 27,994 28,648 30 4,210 490 133,192 || 152,322 285,514 28,884 || 46,064 44,607 || 25,603 || 25,790 10 2,770 2,090 124,839 || 127,634 || 252.473 || 19,726 40,624 39,168 24,559 23,508 10 4,100 1,620 118,855 | 126,225 245,080 || 24,561 45,197 || 42,973 || 25,421 23,697 90 2,100 31() 117,022 | 120,869 237,891 20,892 || 44,909 || 42,711 23,410 22,963 —— i,370 350 111,988 || 122,223 234,211 19,885 33,655 37,672 | 19,585 20,949 — 2,810 800 109,539 I 19,196 228,735 22,786 38,308 || 36,044 26,599 || 26,152 30 2,020 620 110,841 | 116,190 227,031 20,305 || 38,288 36,724 || 24,631 24,993 —— 1,780 59() 103,310 | 113,357 216,667 17,363 38,383 || 36,228 18,698 || 18,279 20 | 1,990 | 200 95,842 98,456 194,298 || 13,613 || 29,743 28,799 || 18,216 17,707 | – | 1,140 370 91,560 102,268 193,828 15,654 29,841 29,004 16,263 17,726 —— 2,040 550 91,494 93,993 185,487 || 14,226 30,084 28,720 17,005 | 16,481 10 2,930 84() 94,188 95,895 190,083 15,779 35,169 33,539 || 16,846 15,959 10 2,430 360 83,671 93,954 177,625 14,787 29,839 28,383 | 18,834 18,911 || 50 4,480 830 80,385 91,776 172,161 | 12,997 || 23,554 22,317 | 15,157 15,223 030 860 4,670 81,205 86,148 167,353 15,313 28,970 26,636 17,162 | 16,482 40 670 430 81,076 | 85,430 165,506 | 12,422 || 26,401 || 25, 145 || 14,463 14,969 || 10 | 1,030 100 79,057 83,843 | 162,900 14,296 28,502 || 27,015 16,033 16,365 — 1,850 680 78,033 82,513 | 160,546 13,178 27,457 26,381 | 16,819 | 16,722 1() 750 190 73,366 77,053 150,419 13,366 24,075 22,938 14,504 || 14,217 30 3,100 | 1,520 68,279 73,074 141,353 12,346 21,615 20,721 | 13,459 14,368 10 || 3,270 940 63,433 70,311 133,744 10,299 || 23,154 21,931 13,430 | 13,731 || 70 2,180 380 57,717 66,976 124,693 9,554 19,996 | 19,064 10,421 11,446 10 1,910 360 59,132 60,059 119,191 9,131 20,373 || 19,260 | 11,588 11,404 **** 860 30 57,360 | 60,917 | 118,277 9,301 | 19,969 18,872 11,565 11,493 *** 610 250 56,208 61,442 117,650 9,505 18,987 18,531 11,231 | 12,155 20 | 1,920 | 1,950 55,023 56,631 111,654 7,386 18,163 || 17,578 10,670 || 10,514 20 2,690 1,800 50,756 50,353 | 101, 109 9,894 | 18,884 18,607 || 10,715 10,460 —— 1,180 370 46,404 47,669 94,073 6,202 || 14,159 || 13,750 8,408 8,340 10 170 70 33,171 37,042 70,213 6,536 11,601 || 11,270 6,324 7,027 10 | 1,180 530 30,987 31,140 62, 127 4,586 7,012 6,399 4,803 4,577 110 2,030 900 22,838 23,084 45,922 3,385 7,604 7,284 4,345 4,713 ** 80 20 20,402 21,806 42,208 3,776 6,895 6,738 3,898 3,803 —— 640 220 7,931 8,449 16,380 1,286 2,624 2,501 1,473 1,518 —— 190 50 4,582,153 4,969,735 9,551,888 863,502 1,583,148 |1,517,113 961,703 949,271 1,910 |206,960 87,700 31,129 33,111 64,240 5,071 9,797 9,296 6,172 6,013 —— 1,740 330 25,373 26,558 || 51,931 3,832 7,671 6,908 || 4,598 || 4,686 — | 1,600 | 70 23,379 25,957 49,336 3,960 7,183 6,505 4,194 3,889 — 2,060 380 22,712 23,800 46,518 2,893 7,989 7,423 4,325 4, 194 ** 870 20 17,444 19,601 37,045 3,165 5,122 4,576 2,692 2,720 — 1,520 160 14,308 16,616 30,924 2,154 3,647 3,366 2,488 2,700 —— 1,210 50 41,365 43,702 85,067 6,564 || 10,131 8,929 6,664 6,450 — 4,850 1,900 36,080 41,137 77,217 6,481 8,374 7,256 5,427 5,385 — 5,040 2,960 27,453 33,162 60,615 4,768 7,387 6,740 4,128 4,361 — 1,680 570 23,759 26,501 50,260 3,729 6,811 5,927 4,151 4,206 --— 2,010 100 18,507. 19,228 37,735 2,820 || 4,053 3,547 3,109 3,013 *º- '780 550 10,124 10,776 20,900 1,487 3,244 2,944 1,764 1,693 ** 340 240 4,873,786 5,289,884 | 10,163,676 910,426 1,664,557 11,690,510 1,011,417 998,581 | 1,910 |230,660 95,030 ;i 2I. The STATEMFNT below, which is a Continuation on ...at on the preceding Page, shews the Ratio of MARRIAges, in the 10 Years 1811-20, to every 100 of the PopULATION in 1811, in each County of England and Wales, and of BAPTISMs and BURIALs, to a MARRIAGE, during the same period, also the excess of BAPTISMs over BURIALs, and the increase or decrease of PopULATION in 1811, over and above, or under and below, the excess of BAp- TISMS over BURIALS, *--— COUNTIES 'ss's #54 Šs. §s Excess in the TOTAL Increase | TOTAL Increase *::::::::::::: arranged in order of ºilºš;| ≤ || 3: "Mº" mºnovº º 'º' TotAL Population is; §§§s j | # s BURIALS. 1811 – 1820. BURIALs. | TOTAL Increase. in 1811. zig's §§sis §s § Males | Females Males | Females Males Females | Males , Females 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 | 11 .5 2.8 2.26 27,926 30,612 98,940 92,315 71,014 || 61,703 || – || – 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 | 10.3 3.87 2.27 | 71,735 | 64,648 |118,372 |106, 178 46,637 || 41,530 -— —- 3 York, West Riding . . . . 36 || 9.5 3.8 2.13 53,765 49,575 75,705 || 70,337 22,000 | 20,762 | – || – 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9.2 3.93 || 2 .07 || 34,917 30,164 28,676 27,056 — — 6,241 3,108 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 || 9 . 4.24 2.58 26,207 || 29,650 26,333 26,588 126 — —— 3,062 6 Surrey . . . . . & e e o e s e e e | 2 | 8.47 3.69 2.82 11,079 12,658 38,060 36,747 26,981 24,039 || --— — 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 || 8 .03 || 4 . 2.35 | 21,485 18,656 28,750 23,384 7,265 4,728 || – || – 8 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 9 .18 || 4 . 2.31 23,307 22,223 23,595 22,292 288 69 — — 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8.83 || 4.13 2.22 26,189 || 23, 148 28,803 || 23,566 2,614 418 — — 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 10.01 || 3.23 | 1.81 20,801 | 19, 157 27,259 || 23,070 6,458 3,913 — — 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 || 7.82 4.25 | 2.52 | 17,305 | 16,900 | 20,070 | 16,881 2,765 | –--| ––– 19 12 Southampton . . . . . . . . . 5 10.05 || 3 .25 2. 20,671 20,171 19,518 18,700 ––– 1,153 1,471 13 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 8.78 4.26 2.24 22,009 | 20,258 24,548 20,619 2,539 361 || --— | – 14 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8.5 3.98 || 2.09 | 20,075 17,728 20,442 15,909 347 — — 1,819 15 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | 10. 3.35 | 2.34 12,409 || 10,592 || 24,288 21,369 || 11,879 10,777 | – | –– 16 Chester . . . . . . © e º 'º e º e e 32 || 9 . 3.78 2.47 14,252 | 12,326 22,111 || 20,956 7,859 8,630 | – || – 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 || 8 . 4.95 || 2 .14 20,580 | 18,844 21,507 | 19,273 927 | 429 || --— — 18 Salop . . . . . . . . & © e º e s e e 31 || 7 . 4.38 || 2.66 11,912 || 11,477 | 6,214 || 5,641 — 5,698 || 5,836 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 || 3 . 3.89 || 2 .21 14,323 12,023 16,653 || 11,676 2,330 | ––– 347 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 | 7.67 4.34 2.28 14,124 12,924 14,379 || 13,467 255 543 — | – 21 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8.3 4.5 2.1 | 19,358 18,615 22,517 | 20,419 3,159 | 1,804 — — 22 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 8.35 | 4.36 2.6 | 12,830 | 11,297 || 15,429 || 14,619 2,599 || 3,322 — — 23 Northumberland . . . . . . 42 8 . 15 3.76 2.5 9,492 || 8,189 || 14,969 11,835 | 5,477 3,646 — — 24 York, East Riding . . . . 37 9.1 3.79 2.22 | 12,928 11,274 11,556 11,540 || – 266 1,372 || – 25 York, North Riding .. 38 7.51 4.23 2,37 12,403 || 10,641 || 9,077 8,798 || – || -- 3,326 1,843 26 Nottingham . . . . . . , . . . 26 || 8 × 77 4 . 2 .31 13,054 11,235 | 12,434 11,539 — 304 || 620 || – 27 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 8.21 || 4.14 || 2 .56 10,918 9,939 12,226 i 1,652 1,308 || 1,713 | –— — 28 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8.9 3.73 || 2 .25 | 10,361 9,511 || 13,024 || 11,128 2,663 1,617 | — —— 29 Northampton. . . . . . . . . . 22 || 8 .74 3.69 2.34 9,321 7,518 11,296 || 9,834 1,975 2,316 || – | — 30 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . 40 || 7.75 4.56 2.66 | 10,624 || 9,100 | 12,167 10,213 1,543 1,113 || – | ––– 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7.67 || 4.28 || 2 .32 10,350 | 8,393 || 1 1,217 | 8,589 867. #96 — — 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7.5 4.43 2.52 9,200 8,271 9,685 8,095 485 — — 176 33 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 || 7 .86 || 4 .24 2 .5 8,584 || 7,559 8,186 5,514 — — 398 || 2,045 34 Buckingham . . . . . . . . . . 16 || 8 . 1 || 4.14 2.56 8,191 6,811 8,659 7,759 468 948 —— 35 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6 63 || 5 .19 || 3.24 7,938 || 7,509 || 9,098 || 8,962 1,160 | 1,453 | – | — 36 Cambridge. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 9.78 || 3.91 2.18 8,574 8,552 9,545 11,255 971 2,703 -— 97 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 || 6 |6 || 4 .19 || 2 .71 5,801 5,460 5,148 || 4,022 || – — 653 1,438 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2i 9.33 3 .68 2.12 5,602 || 4,568 7,214 6,289 | 1,612 1,721 | – || – 39 Monmouth. . . . . * * * * * * * 29 7.56 3.29 2.19 2,774 2,387 6,291 || 3,415 || 3,517 | 1,028 *-***- 40 Westmoreland . . . . . . . . 39 7.37 4 .42 2.68 3,289 2,601 2,675 2,762 * 16] 614 —- 44 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . . . 23 8.94 || 3.78 2.15 3,207 || 3,145 || 3,618 2,945 41 i — | — 200 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 || 7.8 || 4 - 13 2.37 1,221 | 1,053 1,292 815 71 —— —- 238 Total E N G LAND 9.06 || 3 .82 || 2 .3 681,031 627,362 901,526 | 808,023 ſ 240,570 202,063 20,075 21,602 ſ Denbigh . . . . . . . . . 4 || 8 . . 4.1 2.47 3,625 3,283 || 6,656 5,615 3,031 2,332 — — ... ' Montgomery . . . . . . 6 || 7 .38 4.22 2.44 3,073 2,222 4,370 3,598 || 1,297 | 1,376 —— — § Carnarvon . . . . . . . . 2 8 . 3.98 || 2 .14 || 2,989 2,616 5,033 3,589 2,044 973 || – | — 3 Flint . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6.22 5.6 3. 3,664 3,229 4,021 3,251 357 22 -— — {Z} lº . . . . . . . . . I 8 .54 3.55 || 1 .75 2,430 | 1,856 4,340 3,678 1,910 | 1,822 — — s Merioneth . . . . . . . . 5 || 7 . 3.81 2.43 | 1,159 666 2,171 1,287: 1,012 621 | – | — § {Glamorgan . . . . . . . . 10 || 7.7 || 3 .64 2.3 3,467 2,479 || 9,062 7,608 5,595 || 5,129 — — = | Camarinen........ 11 || 8 4 || 3 .19 2.13 2,947 1,851 || 7,497 5,525 4,550 3,674 — —— § | Pembroke o º & © & G e º 12 7.87 3 .31 || 1 .9 3,259 2,379 7,077 6,317 3,818 3,938 — —— §§ Cardigan . . . . . . . . . . 7 || 7 .41 || 4 . 2.27 2,660 1,721 4,139 || 3,385 1,479 || 1,664 —— — |; C & © tº Q . . . . . 9 7.47 3. 2 .36 944 534 3,346 2,532 2,402 || 1,998 || — ——— Radnor . . . . . . . g 8 7.11 || 4.39 2.49 1,480 1,251 I, 142 41% — —--- 338 834 Total ENGLAND and WALES 7 67 3.8 2 27 | 712,728 651,449 | 960,380 854,915 268,063 22,436 assals | 20,413 ; ;i‘S, ! 22 STATEMENT of the TotAL PopULATION of each County of ENGLAND and WALES, at each of the 5 Periods, Viz. 1700, 1750, 1801, 1811, of Burials, in th 120 Years being 931,267 by i for eactremes i Numerical importance in 1700, compared with its relative Number at the present time. and 1821; shewing the Total increase, and Rate of increase # Cent, in each County, since 1700, as well as the Total Number of Baptisms, and e 40 Years 1780–1820; and the excess of Baptisms over Burials in each County, during that Period: *** The Total increase of Population in the 6,744,200, and the eaccess of Baptisms over Burials in the last 40 Years having been 3,456,489, and there having been an increase in the last 20. Years, of mmigration from Ireland, and other parts; it leaves only 2,356,552, as the increase in the 89. Years 1391–1780. ś- The Counties most deserving of attention in the Statement below, are Lancashire ( No. 2.) for its vast increase, and Northamptonshire (No. 29.) for its inconsiderable increase, and for its relative 1 Middlesex COUNTIES arranged in Order of their in 1821. 2 Lancaster . 3 York, West Riding 4 Devon 5 Kent 6 Surrey 7 Somerset 8 Norfolk © 2 gº 9 Stafford . . . 10 Gloucester 11 Essex 12 Southampton 13 Lincoln . . . 14 Warwick 15 Suffolk 16 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Sussex #9 Wilts 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salo e ‘º e tº it a * e e º e º E © e º e tº a & © º e º 'º • 6 c e o e 6 24 York, East Riding 25 Nottingham 26 Worcester . . tº 4 ºr tº sº tº so tº e º & tº 27 York, North Riding 28 Feicester 29 Northampton. . . . . . 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Buckingham 34 Berks 35. Hertford 36 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth . . 40 Westmoreland 41 Huntingdon 42 ºutland . . . . . & © 2 e º e tº e º º o o º º º & e º gº tº e & is º º ToTAL POPULATION, e º e º ºr tº * 9 @ e º & tº e º sº e º a g º e º 'º e º 'º & tº e º 'º º º tº º tº gº tº e tº ~ & © e º * * * * tº a e º 'º e º e a tº e & © e e tº $ tº tº p & © & © e º e e tº e e º º e º 'º º tº & G & º o e - © tº e º tº e g º e º ſº tº Q tº & e º e º e Q tº a 9 & 3 e & G to s tº e e g º e º ſº a sº e º º e tº e e g c q e g º e º e 6, 9 & & 9 e º e º e º e s e e º 6 e º & e a * a 4 & a e g º e º $ tº e º & & a e º gº tº e º 'º dº º e º a tº 6 4 & 6 & e s > * * * * * g e º e e e • * tº 9 @ & tº º e º 'º 9 tº e < e º e • * * ~ e & © & © & © tº e 9 w e º e º º O & © e º º t e º e o a & s p & 9 @ Q sº e º 2 & 4 tº º gº 3 & © e e º ºs e º 'º º e º cº - s * * * * e a & 8 & 6 tº e º e º is tº * g ∈ G e s a gº e º 'º e g º P & © 4 gº tº g e e º º & e º gº 9 e º & Gº tº * * * * * * * Q & e º O - s 6 * e º t e º & e < e < * * 9 p. * * * tº e & © tº º 0 < *; • * ~ e º s © & e & © e Total EN G D A N D ſDenbigh | Montgomery J Carnarvon | | Flint Anglesea UMerioneth . . . . . . ſ Glamorgan tº ºr e g e º 6 * * * * * o a s e e & e e º 'º e e & e º & & 0 & 6 @ a g º e a * * * * * * Carmarthen . . . . . . . . . . ! { } Pembroke } Cardigan | Brecon URadnor • * 6 c e Q * * * * * * Total ENGLAND and WALES e 3 e º e & *— TOTAL POPULATION, TOTA L ...] ToTAL TOTAL | Ercess of in each of the undermentioned Years, Viz. increase ºft * of Number of Baptiºns .. § { } aptisms, Burials, over Burials, Sº?!C6 § § #5 in the 40 Yrs. 37, the 40 Yrs. in the 40 Yrs. 1700. 1750. #801. 1811. T 321. 1700. ** 1781-1820. 1781–1820. 1781-1920. 624,200 641,500 | 845,400 985,100 1,167,500 || 543,300 87 961,106 || 951,945 9,152 166,200 297,400 695,100 | 856,000 | 1,074,000 || 907,800 546 972,513 623,869 348,644 236,700 361,500 582,700 675,100 815,400 || 578,700 244 754,314 || 481,171 273,143 248,200 272,200 || 354,400 396,100 447,900 || 199,700 80 438,307 282,229 156,078 153,800 | 190,000 || 317,800 || 385,600 || 434,600 || 280,800 180 445,763 318,937 | 126,826 154,900 207,100 278,000 || 334,700 | 406,700 || 251,800 | 160 324,406 273,965 50,441 195,900 224,500 282,800 313,300 362,500 || 166,600 85 319,268 215,809 || 103,459 210,200 215, 100 282,400 301,800 351,300 || 141,100 67 363,3} 5 || 233,526 129,789 117,200 160,000 247,100 304,000 || 347,900 || 230,700 | 197 || 335,194 212,341 122,853 155,200 | 207,800 || 259,100 295,100 || 342,600 || 187,400 | 121 304,581 196,492 || 108,089 159,200 | 167,800 || 234,000 260,900 295,300 || 136,100 85 281,915 211,517 70,398 118,700 | 137,500 226,900 253,300 289,000 || 170,300 143 285,869 186,001 99,868 180,000 | 160,200 215,500 245,900 288,800 || 108,800 60 287,097 183,885 | 103,212 96,600 140,000 || 215,100 236,400 280,000 || 183,400 190 260,389 194,441 65,948 152,700 156,800 217,400 242,900 276,000 || 123,300 8 272,482 165,195 107,287 107,000 131,600 | 193,100 || 234,600 275,500 || 168,500 157 240,983 | 167,454 | 73,529 105,800 135,000 | 194,500 223,900 262,600 || 156,800 || 148 251,711 || 139,210 112,501 91,400 107,400 | 164,600 196,500 237,700 || 146,300 160 226,837 | 121,439 105,398 153,900 | 168,400 191,200 200,300 226,600 || 72,700 47 205,513 || 134,782 70,731 93,800 109,500 | 166,500 191,700 217,600 || 123,800 132 206,520 125,626 80,894 95,500 || 135,000 | 165,700 | 183,600 211,900 || 116,400 122 197,940 150,674 47,266 101,600 | 130,300 172,200 200,800 210,300 || 108,700 107 208,530 131,900 76,630 1H8,000 || 141,700 162,300 177,900 203,000 85,000 '72 163,489 | 124,965 38,524 96,200 85,500 144,000 | #73,000 | 194,300 98,100 102 || 177,443 119,811 57,635 65,200 77,600 145,000 | 168,400 190,700 || 125,500 192 187,989 118,544 69,442 88,200 108,000 143,900 | 165,900 | 188,200 || 100,000 || 113 182,852 | 123,875 58,977 98,600 | 117,200 | 160,500 171,100 187,400 88,800 90 187,766 117,689 70,077 80,000 95,000 || || 34,400 155,100 || 178,100 || 98,100 | 123 158,974 108,398 50,576 119,500 123,300 136,100 146,100 165,800 46,300 39 151,494 112,644 38,850 62,300 86,900 | 121,100 138,300 159,300 97,000 | 156 144,785 93,366 51,419 90,000 96,400 119,100 128,900 147,400 57,400 64 133,323 84,833 48,490 79,000 92,400 113,200 123,200 139,800 60,800 77 | 137,117 87,354 49,763 80,500 90,700 | 111,000 | 121,600 || 136,800 56,300 70 132,584 93,811 38,773 74,700 92,700 112,800 122,300 || 134,700 60,000 80 || 137,949 90,818 47, 131 70,500 86,500 | 100,800 | 115,400 132,400 61,900 88 121,824 81,963 39,841 76,000 72,000 || 92,300 | 104,500 | 124,400 48,400 63 123,239 87,079 36,160 60,900 74,100 92,100 97,300 105,300 44,400 73 97,327 60,736 36,591 48,500 53,900 65,500 72,600 85,400 36,900 76 80,016 56,047 23,969 39,700 40,600 || 47,100 64,200 72,300 32,600 82 44,645 32,623 12,022 28,600 || 36,300 43,000 47,500 52,400 || 23,800 83 53,234 34,309 18,925 34,700 32,500 38,800 43,700 49,800 15,100 41 43,933 35,613 13,320 16,600 13,800 16,900 17,000 18,900 2,300 14 19,721 12,772 6,949 5,108,500 6,017,700 8,609,000 || 9,870,300 |11,486,700 || 6,378,200 || 125 |10,629,237 7,379,667 3,249,57C 39,700 46,900 | 62,400 | 66,400 78,000 38,300 96 74,028 47,535 26,493 27,400 37,000 || 49,300 53,700 61,100 || 33,700 | 123 54,649 32,390 22,259 24,800 36,200 43,000 51,000 59,100 34,300 139 52,103 28,506 23,597 19,500 29,700 41,300 || 48,100 54,900 || 35,400 180 54,704 33,453 21,251 22,800 26,900 35,000 38,300 46,000 23,200 iO2 39,416 21,902 17,514. 23,800 30,900 30,500 32,000 || 35,100 || 11,300 47 || 30,278 || 19,966 10,31: 49,700 55,200 74,000 || 88,000 | 103,800 54,100 109 71,782 56,915 14,867 49,700 | 62,000 | 69,600 79,800 92,000 || 42,300 85 | 66,242 46,767 | 19,475 41,300 44,800 58,200 62,700 75,500 34,200 83 51,874 34,689 17,785 25,300 32,000 44,100 52,000 59,000 33,700 | 1.33 44,668 27,264 17,404 27,200 29,400 32,700 39,000 || 44,500 17,300 63 32,786 24,698 8,088 15,300 19,200 19,700 21,600 23,500 8,200 54 22, 176 14,302 7,874 5,475,000 || 6,467,000 || 9,168,000 10,502,500 liz,219,200 || 6,744,200 | 125 (11,223,943 7,767,454 || 3,456,489 23 STATEMENT shewing the Total Number of BAPTISMs and BURIALs, in each County of ENGLAND and WALES, in each of the 7 Years 1798 – 1804. *...* The Baptisms and Burials for these Years, have been distinctly exhibited in consequence of its appearing to have been one of the most remarkable periods in the History of the Country; a period in 20hich the whole World, either openly or insidiously were in hostile array against Great Britain?, Yet, as appears by the General Statement of the Baptisms and Burials, ºn all England and Wales, after the first effects of the War had subsided, contrary to all received opinion, as to the effects of War upon the progress of Population ; England and Wales eachibits an unprecedented increase ; the excess of Baptisms over Burials in 1798, considerably exceeding the like eacess in any fºrmer Year, which progress of increase however was very sensibly checked, by the unprecedented high money price of subsistence in the Years 1809 and 1801: but, the increase since that period is still more remarkable, and the inequalities of the effect of the priée of subsistence in those two Years is a feature of the account that deserves particular attention : some of the Counties appear to have felt the effects in 1800, and others not till 1802 and 1803. Hºt The Returns ºp to 1800, were incomplete, the Numbers affiaced to some of the Counties, 3mply the Number of Parishes, or Chapelries, whose returns were deficient : from those noted with an * they were considered complete ;-see Note to General Statement of all England and Wales - - COUNTIES ſ 1 Lancaster . . . . 74 2 York, W. R. 11 cº 3 Devon . . . . . . 33 # 4 Somerset . . . . * : 5 Stafford. . . . . . 22 s 6 Gloucester. . . . * s 7 Lincoln . . . . . . 33 § 8 Warwick . 39 sº 9 Suffolk . . . . . . 17 ## 10 Chester ... 32 s's # 11 Wilts. . . . . . . . 48 §§ 12 Salop . . . . . . . . # §§§ 13 Northumberland 24 §§ 14 York, E. R. . . 47 is § 15 Nottingham .. 36 j is 16 Worcester. ... 17 § 17 Northampton $ : 18 Oxford . . . . . . * 2. 19 Buckingham ... * § 20 Cambridge.... * § 21 Hereford . . . . 51 Q 22 Bedford . . . . . . * 23 Monmouth. ... 33 U24 Huntingdon ... * ſ25 The Metropolis 7 _; 26 Kent . . . . . . . . . 3 27 Surrey . . . . . . 19 s 28 Norfolk ...... 111 Q2 29 Essex. . . . . . . . 15 ©A) - §g 30 Southampton 44 "Sº 3] Cornwall 7 § 32 Sussex . . . . . . * j 33 Derby . . . . . . 28 $ # 34 Durham . . . . . . #; ## 35 York, N. Riding * § 3 || 36 Heicester ... 30 # 3 ||37 Cumberland .. 4 : 38 Dorset . . . . . . 78 § 39 Berks. . . . . . . . * § 40 Hertford . . . . 17 S’ 41 Westmoreland 19 42 Rutland...... 2 Total ENGLAND r:Anglesea . . . . . . . . 18 Brecon . . . . . . . . . . 46 Cardigan . . . . . . . . 27 | Carmarthen . . . 3 2 | Carnarvon . . . . . . 10 s J Denbigh . . . . 34 sº Flint . . . . . . . . . . 5 Glamorgan . . . . . . 13 Merioneth. . . . . . . . 8 Montgomery . . . . . . . . Pembroke. . . . . . . . 16 -Radnor . . . . . . . . . . . Total ENGLAND and WA I, ES BAPTISIMS | BURIALS. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. |} {798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. i804. 19,975 20,522 19,644 18,877 24,710 27,936 27,252 || 14,749 || 13,983 || 15,965 19,363 16,570 17,371 14,670 17,064 | 16,805 | 15,334 14,976 17,954 19,518 19,430 || 11,336 11,091 | 11,731 || 13,200 | 12,271 12,468 13,260 9,668 || 9,942 9,582 3,903 || 10,653 11,958 10,754 || 6,708 6,902 || 7,232 7,623 7,225 | 7,110 || 7,019 7,230 7,074 6,924 6,340 7,924 8,436 8,077 || 4,783 5,060 5,228 5,699 5,397 || 5,918 5,009 7,418 7,202 6,708 || 6,611 8,192 || 8,883 8,913 || 4,492 4,618 5,586 6,592 5,318 5,696 || 5,112. 7,090 6,761 6,532 5,718 7,226 7,614 7,749 || 4,460 4,355 4,944 5,301 4,587 || 4,352 3,829 6,818 6,535 | 6,476 6,578 6,965 7,334 || 7,616 || 4,028 3,979 3,988 || 4,387 |4,938 4,832 || 4,16] 5,960 5,980 5,660 5,187 5,981 6,909 6,547 || 3,787 3,862 4,347 5,672 5,256 5,253 4,826 6,339 6,094 6,059 6,417 | 6,534 7,322 7,181 || 3,743 3,734 3,801 || 4,578 4,389 || 4,987 4,382 5,034 4,898 || 4,920 5,195 6,021 6,491 6,424 || 3,494 3,860 4,147 4,680 4,701 || 4,595 3,832 4,601 || 4,472 4, 184 4,244 5,008 || 5,725 5,497 || 2,796 || 3,051 3,239 3,881 3,855 3,689 3,261 4,994 || 5,071 4,594 4,400 5,171 5,540 5,490 || 2,889 || 2,971 || 3,465 4, 168 3, 157 3,771 3,071 3,470 3,287 3,213 3,198 || 3,459 3,666 3,979 || 2,550 2,817 | 2,807 || 3,152 3,549 3,711 2,902 3,588 3,620 3,513 4,382 4,863 5, 187 5,466 || 2,468 2,408 2,561 3,553 3,527 3,512 3,663 4,462 4,408 4,444 4,371 4,932 5,174 5,125 || 2,687 2,874 2,555 3,569 3,120 3,043 2,946 4,237 4,193 3,964 || 3,408 || 4,397 || 4,815 4,741 || 2,655 3,327 3,163 3,689 2,960 2,888 - 2,467 3,407 || 3,393 || 3,085 3,321 3,680 4,0i i 3,887 || 2,444 2,592 2,484 || 2,817 | 3,081 2,901 2,455 3,168 3,262 3,021 2,981 3,244 || 3,458 3,624 || 2,115 2,179 2,177 2,385 2,412 2,342 2,032 3,031 2,928 2,902 2,966 3,222 || 3,281 3,550 || 2,203 || 2,332 2,233 2,560 2,265 2,523 2,244 2,857 2,599 || 2,665 2,911 || 3,132 3,390 3,341 || 1,992 | 1,924 1,933 2, 142 2,417 2,239 2,044 2,199 || 2,281 2,200 2,128 2,464 2,570 2,503 || 1,296 | 1,392 | 1,299 || 1,703 | 1,723 i,666 1,427 1,870 1,825 | 1,731 1,878 1,936 2,164 2,071 || 1,214 || 1 183 1,182 | 1,226 1,556 | 1,407 1,269 816 837 817 878 1,108 1,176 1,250 648 578 691 811 830 983 367 1,225 | 1,191 | 1,083 1,120 | 1,196 1,291 1,260 815 792 801 899 975 882 "#59 22,381 22,343 21,776 20,774 23,358 24,438 24,767 || 23,583 22,993 29,361 22 373 23,105 || 23,043 | 19,651 10,537 10,309 || 10,145 || 10,519 11,023 11,521 12,167 || 7,064 || 7,487 | 8,798 || 8,460 8,246 8,525 3,580 7,323 7, 182 6,838 7,301 || 7,975 | 8,162 8,517 || 6,187 6,701 || 7,327 6,530 7,013 6,956 6,103 9,026 8,079 || 8,525 | 8,562 9,373 || 9,754 9,776 || 5,464 5,547 6,060 5,708 || 6,020 6, 139 5,531 6,678 6,391 || 6,311 5,938 6,536 7,172 7,408 || 5,125 5,242 4,979 5,234 6,716 6,204 5,623 6,507 || 6,912 6,594 6,854 7,338 7,340 7,685 || 4,611 4,405 || 5,015 4,853 || 4,719 || 4,652 4,534 5,819 5,893 5,788 5,300 6,335 | 6,723 || 6,627 || 3,217 | 3,402 3,025 3,074 3,615 3,615 || 3,419 5,594 || 5,166 5,152 4,993 5,465 5,617 | 6,283 || 2,871 2,986 3,025 2,776 3,056 3,659 3,636 4,665 4,716 || 4,401 || 4,326 5,133 5,523 5,547 || 2,891 3,088 3,177 3,290 3,105 || 3,814 2,916 4,525 4,243 || 4,223 4,124 4,764 5,209 || 5,229 || 3,413 || 3,902 || 3,941 3,926 3,755 4,005 3,613 4,565 4,463 4,074 4,205 || 4,739 4,772 4,999 || 2,709 || 2,558 2,846 2,974 2,838 3, 185 2,941 3,800 3,677 3,612 3,275 3,720 3,999 || 4,135 || 2,583 2,532 2,705 2,889 3,088 || 2,685 2,154 3,179 3,038 2,849 3,084 || 3,432 3,505 || 3,590 || 2,113 2,066 2,419 2,170 2,159 2,379 2,151 2,842 2,865 2,712 2,923 || 3,229 3,624 3,542 || 1,832 | 1,959 1,922 2,083 2,277 2,236 1,994 3,289 3,241 3,154 2,964 3,266 || 3,462 3,540 || 2,262 2,091 2,327 2,318 2,370 2,390 2,095 2,707 || 2,708 2,525 2,600 3,020 3,218 3,244 || 1,796 1,788 1,947 1,996 || 2,277 2,230 1,838 1,236 1,211 1, 100 1,178 1,379 1,444 1,531 '796 803 850 786 792 957 '719 512 || 484 477 462 502 546 502 345 327 301 299 363 314 285 202,243 |236,857 227,093 |225,199 |259,666 |278,787 279,588 || 167,749 |169,822 185,970 193,850 | 190,099 |193,959 172,060 986 898 821 896 783 872 845 457 £60 435 560 574 458 443 747 739 7OH 657 º/89 930 *92 502 535 752 740 648 655 596 977 938 896 861 | 1,073 1,116 | 1,022 676 5.99 707 786 599 || 690 6] 2 1,514 | 1,349 1,189 | 1,088 1,466 | 1,692 1,642 984 913 | 1,039 || 1,011 | 1,019 1,259 1,175 1,190 1,191 | 1,036 | 1,068 1,295 1,294 1,434 578 590 605 || 773 807 805 || 6.96 i,709 | 1,707 | 1,495 | 1,544 1,763 | 1,976 1,854 || 1,073 | 1,069 1,163 || 1 363 1,257 | 1,145 1,084 1,303 | 1,245 1,178 | 1,162 | 1,373 1,502 | 1,517 || 695 | 667 | 732 | 1,058 | 1,034 | 845 804 1,352 1,374 1,136 1,498 1,884 1,884 2,004 972 965 971 1,260 | 1,337 1,365 1,372 74.1 720 603 620 '719. '749 727 || 438 466 473 || 536 52} 485 463 1,232 1,332 1,184 1,065 1,284 1,428 1,383 637 737 918 | 1,208 74.1 747 723 1,213 1,260 | 1,117 948 1,192 | 1,309 | 1,235 675 763 862 913 853 955 831 514 507 486 421 550 569 549 284 332 497 376 401 360 318 262,337 258,685 247,147 |237,029 273,837 294,108 294,592 183,267 201,128 1204,434 .199,889 |203,728 181,177 181,313 24 STATEMENT shewing the ToTAL PopULATION in each County of England and Wales, as enumerated at each of the Three periods 1801, 1811, and 1821. The Counties arranged in Order of their Total Population in the latter Year. The Total Num- ber of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in each County, in each of the Ten Years ending with 1790, 1800, 1810, and 1820. The Ratio of Marriages, in each of the 10 Years ending with 1800, 1810, and 1820, to every 1,000 of the Population in each County, as enumerated in each of those Years, and the Ratio of Baptisms, and Burials, in each County to every 100 Marriages, in each of the Ten Years ending with 1790, 1800, 1810, and 1820, together with a Column shewing the rate of increase on every 100 of the Population, in each County, in the Twenty Years ending with 1820. ---------- Counties TOTAL POPULATION, ToTAL Number of MARRIAGEs, | TotAL Number of BAPITSMs, * ta, as enumerated in each of the in each of the ºº: ºº at each of the Three Periods Ten Years ending with Ten Years ending with in 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. || 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. || 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . 818,123 953,276 1,144,531 || 79,160 | 86,689 || 101,114 || 109,645|202,067 211,203 |240,881 306,955 2 Jangaster . . . . . . . . 672,731 828,309 | 1,052,859 || 46,585 55,995 || 76,242 85,328 ||165,549 |195,156 |281,158 |330,650 3 York, West Riding .. 563,953 653,315 799,357 || 40,489 45,293 52,975 62,122 ||148,350 |163,388 |206,675 |235,901 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . 343,001 || 383,308 || 439,040 || 27,151 27,422 || 33,810 35,274 || 90,211 94,547 |115,161 |138,388 º to e º 'º 6 - e º e s tº e º e 307,624 373,095 426,016 || 21,110 || 24,962 31,589 || 33,502 || 81,951 96,709 125,023 |142,080 6 Surrey . . . . . º & e ºs e e e 269,043 || 323,851 398,658 || 17,220 | 19,912 24,839 27,450 || 62,769 || 70,855 89,540 101,242 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . 273,750 303,180 355,314 || 19,633 20,523 23,533 24,366 || 65,297 71,228 85,261 | 97,482 §§.i. e tº 9 e & . . . . . . . 273,371 291,999 || 344,368 || 20,378 21,282 22,712 25,780 || 77,017 | 85,173 94,656 |106,469 9 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . 239,153 295,153 341,040 || 18,350 | 19,172 24,292 27,103 || 65,592 || 71,083 90,352 |108,167 10 Gloucester e tº e º e s e º a g 250,809 || 285,514 || 335,843 || 19,426 20,210 |23,620 28,894 || 63,057 | 68,798 || 79,285 93,441 11 #. * * * * * * * * ~ e g º e 226,437 252,473 289,424 || 16,599 || 17,541 19,695 | 19,736 || 58,263 63,517 | 76,243 83,892 12 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . 208,557 237,891 283,058 || 16,623 17,740 18,898 20,892 || 57,798 || 64,705 || 75,604 || 88,990 13 Southampton . . . . . . . . 219,656 245,080 |283,298 || 16,434 18,734 23,229 24,651 || 55,518 62,003 || 78,078 90,270 14 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . 208,190 228,735 | 274,392 || 17,704 | 18,228 19,673 22,786 || 56,883 61,937 || 65,197 || 76,372 15 Suffolk . . . . . . * @ e º G & 210,431 234,211 270,542 || 14,717 | 15,917 | 18,165 19,885 || 57,202 || 61,784 74,359 79,137 |6 ghester • * * * * * 9 s s is . e. e. 191,751 227,031 270,098 || 13,940 14,494 17,375 20,305 || 46,708 || 49,126 | 68,357 | 73,792 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . 188,269 216,667 257,447 || 13,064 14,864 15,465 17,383 || 51,095 57,103 | 66,912 || 76,601 18 Sussex ſº º P tº e º 'º -, º is e & 159,311 190,083 || 233,019 || 10,610 | 12,196 || 14,631 15,789 || 43,353 48,979 63,367 71,138 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185,107 | 193,828 222, 157 || 13,045 12,875 14,208 || 15,654 || 43,203 || 45,627 55,798 || 60,885 20 }. © 6 & dº e E & e & e º º 161,142 185,487 213,333 || 10,434 11,528 13,489 14,236 || 42,793 || 45,792 56,181 61,734 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,361 177,625 207,673 || 12,078 13,083 || 13,902 || 14,837 || 39,443 42,072 53,723 62,702 22 Salop . . . . . . . . . . ... 167,639 194,298 |206, i53 || ii.ogg|Iiziº || 13,566 |13,613 || 45,284 || 48.54s 54,616 || 59,632 23 Northumberland . 157,101 || 172,161 | 198,965 || 10,336 || 10,858 12,589 14,027 || 31,431 || 32,654 46,673 52,731 24 York, East Riding ... 139,433 | 167,353 190,449 || 8,632 10,241 | 15,875 15,354 || 29,984 || 34,102 || 55,081 58,276 t 3. 5 3 - 2 5 3. 3. 3 5 : Nº. ë e s a gº ºs º e 140,350 162,900 186,873 || 9,942 11,734 13,721 14,296 || 36,327 43,672 50,623 57,367 - Orcester . . . . . . . . . . 139,333 160,546 184,424 || 9,935 | 10,478 12,165 | 13,188 || 37,967 41,547 || 48,750 54,588 27 York, North Riding 155,506 | 165,506 | 183,381 || 11,059 10,853 | 12,128 12,432 || 42,586 43,374 49,230 52,576 : º & º 6 e º e º e º ſº 130,081 150,419 174,571 || 9,099 || 9,784 11,544 || 13,396 || 30,423 37,159 || 41,279 50,113 Orthampton. . . . . . . . 131,757 || 141,353 162,483 || 9,672 9,947 | 10,565 12,356 || 32,900 32,998 || 39,990 || 45,606 39 Cumberland . . . . . . . . 117,230 133,744 156,134 || 7.899 || 8,056 9,696 10,369 || 28,752 31,068 || 37,700 47,265 * 8. e - © e º e e s a c- e. e. 115,319 124,693 144,499 || 7,535 | 8,075 || 9,261 9,564 || 27,931 28,391 || 36,031 40,970 32 Qxford . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,620 | 119,191 || 136,971 || 7,323 7,833 8,669 || 9,131 || 30,292 || 31,183 || 35,149 | 40,493 33 Buckingham . . . . . . . . 107,444 117,650 | 134,068 || 7,601 || 8,081 || 9,150 9,525 || 28,026 29,592 || 35,528 39,438 34 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,215 118,277 131,977 || 7,401 || 7,553 8,223 9,301 || 31,216 32,549 || 34,733 39,451 : §º, • * * * * * * * * * § ; łºś. 5,784 ; º: 7,406 : 25,933 32,749 || 38,431 - 'e , . . . . . . . . . 2 101,109 ,909 || 7,261 ,428 ,953 9,894 || 24,283 27,018 33,267 38,671 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . 89,191 94,073 || 103,243 || 5,240 5,138 6,315 6,212 || 20,851 22,467 25,930 28,079 : . th...... . . . . 63,393 || 70,213 83,716 || 4,936 5,344 5,590 6,546 || 16,473 17,861 21,631 24,051 * OſłIllOUltſ! . . . . . & 45,582 62,127 71,833 || 2,627 2,736 4,058 4,696 || 7,851 8,169 13,184 15,441 40 Westmoreland . . . . . . 41,617 45,922 || 51,359 || 2,881 2,975 3,393 || 3,385 || 11,845 11,898 || 14,523 14,968 41 Huntingdon 37,568 42,203 || 48,771 || 3.366 || 3,407 || 3.357 3,776 || 10.33i ii.256 || 1307; i3. 7 e º e º gº º , 9 3. 2 9 2 9 3, 3. ,256 13,073 ,273 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,356 16,380 18,487 || 1,116 1,213 1, 110 | 1,286 || 4,509 || 4,823 5,074 5,315 Total ENGLAND 8,331,434 || 9,551,888 11,261,437 -ºs- •=- -* 787,074 863,502 ---> --- 27sons 3,100,261 ſIDenbigh . . . . . . . 60,352 64,240 76,511 || 3,933 3,890 || 4,581 || 5,071 || 16,842 | 16,890 | 19,463 20,833 *S* | Montgomery . . . . 47,978 || 51,931 59,899 || 2,861 2,794 | 3,459 3,832 || 12,538 12,565 14,367 15,179 is . J Carnarvon . . . . . . 41,521 49,336 57,958 || 2,902 2,846 3,607 3,690 || 11,149 11,213 13,993 15,748 3 Flint . . . . . . . . . . 39,622 || 46,518 53,784 || 2,810 2,499 3,010 || 2,893 || 11,173 | 12,513 14,736 16,282 3 | Anglesea. . . . . . . . 33,806 37,045 45,063 || 2,338 2,511 2,667 3,165 || 9,178 || 9,271 || 9,749 11,218 s UMerioneth . . . . . . 29,506 || 30,924 34,382 || 1,904 1,848 2,391 || 2,154 || 7,426 6,974 7,655 8,223 § ſGlamorgan . . . 71,525 | 85,067 | 101,737 || 3,999 || 4,025 7,006 || 6,564 || 12,076 12,841 22,955 23,910 š i C © º º 2 9 - 2 3. 3 va. 2 < . 3. - 2 3. 5 9 *. | Carmarthen...... 67,317 | 77,217 | 90,239 || 4,997 || 4,865 5,894 6,481 || 13,539 13,970 18,063 20,670 § J Pembroke ...... 56,280 60,615 74,009 || 3,663 3,827 4,471 4,768 || 10,541 11,561 | 13,965 15,807 * Cardigan . . . . . . . . 42,957 50,260 57,784 || 2,811 2,887 3,555 3,729 || 8,437 9,328 12,155 14,748 | Brecon . . . . . e 31,633 || 37,735 | 43,613 || 2,229 2,278 2,927 2,820 || 7,257 || 7,370 9,779 8,380 U Radnor . . . . . . . . 19,050 20,900 22,459 || 1,276 1,264 1,459 1,487 || 4,852 4,991 5,805 6,528 ToTAL England and Wales 8,872,981 10,168,676 |11,978,875 || 672,535 | 722,583 832,091 910,426. 2,324,498 2,558,434 goºses sºa5.727 '. g#;j;#.|i 25 *...* The Statement below, will be seen to be a continuation of that on the preceding Page, and to contain an exhibition of the progressive change in the procreative and de- cremental state of the Population of England and Wales, in thc Forty Years ending with 1820. The Parish Register Returns up to 1800, were more or less defective, those from the Counties only noted with an * in the first Column of the Ratio of Marriages being considered complete. The Totals for each of the Ten Years ending with 1790, and 1800, contain 162,243 Baptisms, and 113,454 Burials, more than the details, a Summary of additional Returns to that, amount being included in the Totals, this defect in the Returns will be seen to affect the fair comparison of the Numbers in the Counties with one another, but not the Ratios, which is the Inore and most important feature of the account, and one which will be aeen to deserve in a very high degree the attention equally of the Statesmen, Physiologists, and Moralists, of all Countries. It has been a generally received opinion that Marshy Countries or districts, are unfavorable to an increase of Population, as well from their tendency to retard or check fecundity, as accelerating Mortality. The Counties of England which wholly or par- tially come under the demomination of low Countries are Numbers 8, 11, 12, 36, and 41, which Counties will be seen to exhibit the greatest changes both in the increase of Births and decrease of Mortality, but it is a fact worthy of being known to the patriotic and philosophical enquirers of all Countries, that during the period of the important changes which the account below exhibits, the Marshes in the Counties in question have been converted by drainage from dreary and pestiſential Wastes, to the most productive tracts in Europ & ToTAL Number of BURIALs |Ratio of MARRIAGEs, º . . #3 Couniies in each of the to every 1,000 of the Ratio of BAPTISMs, Ratio of BURIALs, # arranged in order of their Ten Years ending with PoPULATION, to every 100 Marriages, 27? each to every 100 Marriag es, in each #: ToTAL POPULATION in each of the 10 Yrs. of the 10 Years ending with of the 10 Years ending with §: in 1821. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1800. sº 179041800, 1810, 1820, 1790, 1800. 1810.|1820.|*ś 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . 216,771 225,392 || 261,374 248,417 || 106 |106 || 96 255 244 238 280 || 274 260 258 226 39 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . 113,392 || 145,346 || 170,864 194,267 || 83 92 | 81 || 355 350 368 387 || 243 259 224 || 227 56 3 York, West Riding 104,384 || 116,401 | 127,765 132,621 80 | 81 78 || 366 361 || 390 380 258 || 257 243 213 || 42 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . 66,009 || 69,095 | 73,818 73,307 || 80 | 88 80 || 332 || 344 337 || 393 243 25% 225 | 207 || 28 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . 66,857 74,414 || 91,443 86,223 || *81 79 || 79 || 388 || 389 || 396 || 424 || 317 | 300 290 258 || 38 6 Surrey . . . . . . . . . 59,761 65,500 || 71,199 77,505 || 74 85 69 || 364 || 356 || 360 | 369 || 347 329 || 287 282 || 48 7. Somerset . . . . . . . . 50,534 50,596 || 57,338 57,341 || *75 77 | 69 || 333 || 347 || 36|| | 400 || 257 246 243 || 235 | 30 8 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . , 61,406 || 57,199 || 57,789 57,132 || 78 || 78 || 73 || 378 | 400 || 417 || 413 || 301 || 269 254 222 26 9 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . 45,318 || 48,184 || 56,202 62,637 || 80 || 78 || 79 || 357 || 371 372 | 400 || 247 251 231 || 231 || 43 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . 49,723 46,555 || 46,731 53,483 || *81 | 82 86 || 325 || 340 336 || 323 || 256 230 198 || 181 | 34 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,638 || 51,415 || 57,777 49,687 || 77 78 69 || 351 || 362 || 337 || 425 || 317 | 293 293 252 28 12 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . 48,490 || 41,976 46,696 46,723 || 85 79 7 348 || 365 | 400 || 426 || 291 || 231 247 224 || 36 13 Southampton . 40,027 | 46,542 50,004 49,428 || 85 95 87 || 338 334 || 336 || 325 || 243 || 249 225 | 200 29 14 Warwick . . . . . . . . 43,911 42,959 54,200 53,371 88 || 86 || 83 || 316 339 331 || 335 || 248 || 236 270 234 || 32 15 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . 41,268 || 38,469 |44,124 || 41,334 || 76 || 77 | 73 || 388 || 390 | 409 || 398 || 280 | 242 243 | 209 || 29 16 Chester . . . . . . . ...| 33,442 38,174 || 45,624 50,214 || 76 || 77 || 75 || 335 | 339 393 || 373 || 240 263 263 247 || 41 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . 33,768 || 33,435 | 34,830 37,177 79 || 71 || 67 || 391 || 384 433 || 495 || 258 225 225 214 || 36 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . 25,291 28,224 || 34,759 || 33,165 || *76 || 77 | 68 || 4 || 0 | 402 433 450 || 233 23i 237 210 || 46 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,808 || 32, 108 || 35,327 | 34,539 || 69 | 73 || 70 || 330 354 393 || 339 || 251 249 248 221 20 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . 27,469 || 30,658 32,813 || 34,686 || 71 || 73 || 67 || 410 || 399 || 417 434 || 263 266 243 228 32 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . 36,445 38,290 || 37,364 || 38,575 || *81 || 78 || 71 || 326 || 321 389 || 436 || 300 292 269 260 30 22 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,347 || 31,424 33,836 || 36,293 || *70 | 70 | 66 || 410 || 413 403 || 438 || 275 268 250 266 23 23 Northumberland . . 28,403 || 28,748 || 32,764 35,050 || 69 | 73 || 70 || 304 || 301 || 371 || 376 || 275 | 265 260 250 | 26 24 York, East Riding 25,127 25,351 35,259 34,074 || 74 95 80 || 347 || 333 347 379 || 291 247 222 222 || 36 25 Nottingham . . . . . . 26,537 27,945 30,984 || 33,078 || 84 | 84 75 || 366 372 369 | 400 || 266 238 226 231 || 33 26 Worcester . . . . . . . . 29,699 || 29,603 || 30,842 33,731 75 76 || 70 || 382 400 401 || 4 || 4 || 299 || 282 253 || 256 || 33 27 York, North Riding 29,482 28,926 29,749 29,532 || *69 || 73 || 67 || 385 | 400 406 || 423 || 266 266 , 245 237 | 18 28 Leicester . . . . . . . . 24,957 26,688 26,512 || 30,241 || *75 77 77 || 334 380 357 || 373 || 274 274 229 225 | 34 29 Northampton ..] 30,062 26,660 |27,155 28,767 76 || 75 76 || 340 || 332 378 || 369 || 311 268 257 234 23 30 Cumberland . . . . . . 19,964 21,796 24,065 27,541 68 || 72 | 66 || 364 || 386 / 389 || 456 || 253 270 || 348 || 266 33 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . 21, 156 | 19,521 21,929 22,227 || 70 || 74 | 66 || 371 351 390 428 || 281 242 237 || 232 25 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . 21,225 21,294 21,813 || 23,022 || *71 | 73 | 66 || 414 | 400 405 || 443 || 290 272 252 252 25 33 Buckingham e º a e e 23,233 22, 142 24,000 || 24,436 75 78 71 || 369 366 388 || 4 || 4 || 305 || 274 262 256 25 34 Berks 6 * * * * @ e 9 tº * * * 22,428 22,586 22,496 || 23,308 || *69 69 || 71 || 422 || 431 | 422 || 424 || 303 300 273 || 250 21 35 Hertford . . . . . . . . 19,862 18,900 |20,217 22,984 61 | 6 || || 57 || 427 435 478 519 || 343 317 | 299 || 324 || 33 36 Cambridge . . . . . . 23,217 | 19,843 22,474 21,545 || *83 || 79 81 || 334 || 364 418 391 || 320 267 282 218 || 37 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . 13,983 || 13,906 | 16,031 16,818 || 58 || 67 || 60 || 400 || 439 || 41 || || 419 || 266 270 254 271 16 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . 15,046 | 12,902 || 14,218 13,881 || *84 || 79 78 || 334 || 334 387 368 || 305 241 254 212 || 32 39 Monmouth . . . . . . . 6,344 6,337 9,662 | 10,280 60 65 65 || 300 300 325 329 || 240 231 241 219 58 40 Westmoreland 8,216 8,508 || 8,507 || 9,078 || 71 | 72 | 66 || 411 | 400 428 442 || 285 286 251 268 || 23 41 Huntingdon ... ... 10,773 || 8,229 8,690 7,921 || *90 || 77 || 77 || 307 || 330 | 400 || 378 320 241 266 215 30 * Rutland ......... 8,531 3,139|| 3,061 3,041 || 74 || 67 || 69 |404 |400 457 || 415 || 305 286 275 |237 18 Total ENG LA ND — —– 1,854,104 || 1,910,976 || - 82 77 — — 364 382 - – -— 248 || 230 35 ſDenbigh tº tº e º 'º s 11,764 || 10,939 12,317 | 12,515 64 || 71 | 66 || 428 || 434 403 || 410 || 300 281 268 247 27 *S. | Montgomery ... 7,340 7,411 8,285 9,354 58 | 66 | 64 || 439 || 449 || 415 || 422 256 265 239 244 25 s Carnarvon . . . . 6,856 5,865 7,322 || 8,463 68 || 73 | 68 || 384 394 388 398 || 236 206 || 203 214 || 39 * Flint . . . . . . . . 8,591 7,626 8,697 8,539 63 65 55 400 500 490 560 || 306 305 209 || 300 35 3 f Anglesea . . . . . . 5,894 : 5,325 5,111 || 5,572 74 | 72 70 || 393 || 370 365 355 252 212 || || 9 || | | 75 33 hº UMerioneth . . . . 4,952 4,807 || 4,974 5,233 62 77 63 || 390 377 320 381 260 260 208 243 | 16 s ſºlamorgan . . . . 16,384 9,730. 15,787 | 15,014 56 | 82 64 || 302 || 317 ) 327 364 | 410 252 224 230 42 s | Carmarthen.... 10,707 9,976 | 12,312 13,772 72 76 || 70 || 271 287 306 || 3 || 9 | 214 205 || 209 213 || 34 is 4 Pembroke . . . . . 7,518 7,968 9,544 9,059 68 || 73 || 64 | 288 302 || 312 33 205 | 208 213 | 190 31 º Cardigan • * * * * * 5,929 6,078 6,800 8,457 67 || 7 || || 65 i 300 || 323 310 | 400 || 211 210 - 189 227 34 Brecon . . . . . . 5,436 5,710 6,880 | 6,672 71 77 || 65 || 326 323 334 || 300 244 || 250 235 || 236 38 URadnor . . . . . . 3,307 || 3,582 3,716 || 3,697 || 66 70 | 66 || 380 400 | 400 || 439 || 259 283 255 249 18 _Total England and Wales | 1,822,902 1,889,574 |2,053,749 |2,105,099 81 || 32 76 || 346 351 363 s80 || 2:1 261 246 227 36 l S.; ;ft 26 STATEMENT shewing the Total Number of Baptisms, and of Burials, in each County of ENGLAND and WALES, in each The Counties arranged in Order of their ToTAL POPULATION in 1821. of 14 different Years from 1700, to 1820. selected for exhibition have been as follows, Viz. - *...* The Years 1700, as the first Year of the Period, and in which the Baptisms exceeded the Burials by nearly 20,000, whilst in 1710, 1720, and 1730, the Burials exceeded the Baptisms in the latter Year by upwards of 15,000. In 1740, the Baptisms exceeded the Burials by only 1,984; In 1750, by 25,498; In 1760, by 31,431 ; In 1770, by 32,577; In 1780, by 29,826; the four following Years exhibit an increase of 3 to 7,000; and in 1785, the Year of Peace after the American War the excess of Baptisms and Burials amounted to 51,759.--see Continuation of Note on following Page. * * COUNTIES 1700. 17} {}. #720. 4730. iº92. 1795. }”98. arranged in Order of Žº *— ToT º * 5 Baptisms Burials | Baptisms | Burials | Baptisms Burials | Baptisms Burials Baptisms Burials | Baptisms | Burials | Baptisms) Burials * † º B-- '- 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . 7,325 || 9,057 6,372 10,552 7,931 12,073 3,324 | 12,779 || 13,614 13,899 || 12,933 || 14,811 13,423 14,364 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . 4,743 4,522 || 4,573 4,265 5,867 4,903 || 6,025 | 6,754 20,979 14,769 18,606 || 15,974 19,975 14,749 3 York, West Riding ...| 6,628 6,342 6,286 5,310 || 7,160 6,265 8,339 |6,979 || 17,941 11,777 | 16,209 || 11,589 i7,064 11,336 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,710 5,772 5,562 6,126 6,223 5,862 6,411 | 6,617 | 9,724 || 5,775 9,370 8,753 || 9,668 6,708 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,897 4,078 4,958 5,231 || 4,719 6,028 5,251 || 5,492 || 9,355 6,220 9,308 8,127 | 10,587 7,064 6 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,016 || 4,400 4,054 5,344 4,748 5,675 4,544 6,074 || 7,027 6,496 || 7, 100 6,745 7,323 6, 187 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . 4,905 || 3,906 || 4,225 4,163 4,916 || 4,487 4,880 5,879 || 7,500 4,792 || 6,674 || 5,225 | 7,230 || 4,783 8 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,411 5,286 5,570 | 6,656 5,870 6,469 6,250 6,242 | 8,829 5,673 8,243 5,864 || 9,026 5,464 9 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,381 2,637 3,045 2,458 3,657 2,837 3,704 || 3,595 || 7,486 || 4,743 6,920 5,087 || 7,418 4,492 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . 4,102 || 3,341 3,969 3,768 || 4,708 4,492 || 4,931 4,542 7,328 4,631 | 6,615 4,919 7,090 4,460 II Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,353 3,666 3,867 4,291 3,781 5,553 || 4,495 5,217 | 6,411 || 4,600 6,115 5,813 || 6,678 5,125 12 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,451 || 4,189 || 4,760 4,131 4,195 7, 193 5,260 5,912 || 6,523 3,999 || 6,161 || 4,361 6,818 4,028 13 Southampton . . . . . . . . 3,376 2,252 3,223 2,677 || 3,409 2,902 || 3,224 3,093 5,798 || 3,299 || 5,964 5,501 6,507 || 4,611 14 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . 2,670 2,004 || 2,461 2,566 2,820 2,372 2,782 3,226 | 6,681 4,330 8,140 4,291 5,960 3,787 15 Suffolk . . . . . . } e º tº e Q 4,337 3,240 || 3,816 3,798 3,915 4,813 4,205 || 4,568 6,453 3,698 || 5,830 || 4,098 || 6,339 3,743 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,690 2,571 2,513 2,201 2,734 2,565 2,688 || 3,480 5,053 4,351 4,863 3,880 5,034 3,494 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . 3,148 2,316 2,748 2,503 || 3,159 2,683 3,523 4,033 5,618 3,177 5,822 3,814 5,819 3,217 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,845 1,999 || 2,494 | 1,978 2,677 2,819 2,906 2,710 || 4,772 2,354 4,759 3,156 5,594 | 2,871 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,614 2,839 3,015 2,616 3,375 2,970 3,504 3,683 || 4,965 3,162 4,356 3,769 4,601 || 2,796 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,614 2,358 2,377 | 1,898 || 2,627 2,031 2,714 || 2,563 4,463 2,927 | 4,533 3,267 4,665 2,891 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,462 2,215 2,489 2,471 3,197 2,475 3,054 3,300 4,272 3,947 || 4,219 || 4,019 || 4,525 || 3,413 22 Salop . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 2,869 2,509 2,586 2,349 3,231 2,542 3,167 3,509 5,159 || 3,113 || 4,724 3,594 || 4,994 | 2,889 23 Northumberland . 2,423 2,050 2,249 2,392 || 2,742 2,224 2,571 2,261 3,369 2,794 3, 182 3,109 || 3,470 2,550 24 York, East Riding . . 2,376 1,811 2,025 | 1,808 1,850 2,936 2,277 2,366 3,173 2,570 3,239 2,638 3,588 2,468 25 Nottingham * @ e º 'º e º e 1,989 1,530 i,817 | 1,431 1,826 2,031 2,158 2,415 || 4,320 2,592 || 4,320 3,150 4,461 2,687 26 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 2,521 2,135 | 2,248 2,132 2,629 2,363 2,346 2,720 4,403 2,661 4,021 3,031 || 4,237 2,655 27 York, North Riding 2,683 2,212 2,504 || 2,056 2,603 || 2,451 2,763 2,572 4,404 2,783 || 4,277 3,070 4,565 2,709 28 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . 2,215 1,537 1,819 1,430 2,057 1,919 1,962 2,068 3,874 2,617 | 3,632 2,833 3,800 2,583 29 Northampton. . . . . . . . 2,922 2,376 2,518 2,233 2,722 || 2,888 2,887 3,136 || 3,635 | 2,780 3,243 2,792 3,409 2,444 30 Cumberland . . . . . . . . 1,581 1,478 1,626 1,147 | 1,861 | 1,484 || 2,008 || 1,629 2,991 2,097 2,957 2,312 3,179 2,113 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,216 | 1,912 | 1,926 1,805 || 2,236 | 1.928 2,226 2,499 || 2,873 1,816 2,844 2,525 2.842 1,832 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,205 | 1,790 1,918 1,966 2,253 1,809 2, 177 2,281 3,109 2,072 2,962 2,326 3,168 2,125 33 Buckingham # & Q & & © e a 2,128 1,811 | 1,968 2,017 | 2,005 || 2,091 2,075 2,569 2,979 2,105 || 2,789 2,219 3,031 2,203 84 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,147 | 1,503 || 1,852 | 1,865 2,199 1,974 2,163 2,226 3,398 || 2,167 3,186 2,695 3,289 2,262 35 Hertford . . . . . wº . 1,809 1,648 1,748 1,720 2,007 | 1.753 1,860 | 2,345 2,713 | 1,902 2,576 2,099 2,707 1,796 36 Cambridge & © & © tº e o e º e 2,200 | 1,679 1,995 || 1,199 || 1,973 2,702 2,090 2,226 2,729 || 2,091 2,658 1,955 2,857 | 1,992 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . 1,474 | 1,143 1,256 , 176 1,621 | 1,306 1,469 | 1,552 2,348 1,354 2,198 1,507 || 2,199 || 1,296 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,340 | 1,156 | 1,486 | 1,281 1,265 i,528 1,284 1,758 1,767 | 1,251 1,680 | 1,330 1,870 1,214 39 Monmouth. . . . . & 688 513 657 562 '706 643 685 629 811 563 797 669 8}6 648 40 Westmoreland * & © & e e 786 843 ºf 59 663 855 622 983 932 | 1,314 880 1,227 916 1,236 796 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . 1,031 7.58 34? 375 841 i,259 942 | 1,213 | 1,183 794 | 1,020 833 1,225 815 42 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 277 378 234 373 395 387 359 485 282 465 324. 512 345 Total ENGLAND 138,979 121,299 || 126,318||129,197 140,986 148,406 146,743 162,111 || 239,370 168,251 226,380 | 188,232 240,243 | 167 ,749 ſIDenbigh . . . . . . . 1,071 | 1,002 954 929 | 1,098 || 1,121 1,205 | 1,139 1,744 | 1,024 1,613 | 1,214 | 1,709 | 1,073 *S | Montgomery 700 8} 2 653 63; 808 529 840 855 1,340 764 1,250 743 | 1,232 637 * | Carnarvon ...... 664 571 | 735 | 517 | 806 || 587 874 789 1,123 || 510 | 1,101 || 636 1,190 578 § | Flint . . . . . & 603 477 6{}} 576 567 767 || 715 759 || || 266 828 1,227 914 i,303 695 SA) Anglesea. . . . . . . . 600 || 435 | 612 || 430 | 665 463 617 | 689 949 578 || 935 | 491 989 || 457 § UMerioneth . . . . . . 539 526 502 || 411 580 416 || 542 544 '753 494 646 460 741 438 s ſGlamorgan . . . . . . 883 || 725 | 892 || 779 || 905 || 745 889 976 | 1,259 976 1,287 962 1,352 972 rSº | Carmarthen...... 1,001 || 919 919 || 787 998 || 784 1,101 || 978 1,421 | 1,012 | 1,396 918 1,514 || 984 § 1 Pembroke ...... 851 671 974 747 977 | 673 || 909 || 658 1,175 | 1,154 | 1,095 || 720 | 1,213 675 & } Cardigan . . . . . . . . 560 504 574 513 603 466 665 468 928 528 883 507 977 676 | Brecon . . . . . . . . 618 459 617 420 579 443 592 547 765 617 757 529 747 502 URadnor . . . . . . . . 396 383 372 353 418 344 443 468 539 319 455 392 514 284 TOTAL England and Wales | 152,540 1 132,728 139,379 140,308 || 155,060 160,424 176,493 261,262 | 182,689 247,218 1203,328 262,337 | 181,313 161,468 27 •,• From 1785, to 1792, the increase was progressive, the excess of Baptisms over Burials in the latter Year having been 78,653. , The War declared in February 1793, appears to have diminished the Number of Baptisms, and increased the Burials, so that in 1795, the excess was only 43,890, while the excitements occasioned by the high money prices in 1796 - 8, increased the excess again in 1798, to 81,024,-the next Year exhibited is is01, which exhibits, the greatest change of the whole, occasioned doubtless by the unprecedented high money price of Subsistence in the preceding Year. In 1801, in the Metropolis, and the Counties of Lancaster, Warwick, and Worcester, the Burials will be seen to have exceeded the Baptisms, whilst on the other hand, the Agricultural Counties of Norfolk, Lincoln, Suffolk, Cambridge, and Sussex, appear not to have been at all affected by the change, an exception which deserves particular attention, inasmuch as at a Jater period they appear to be Counties in which the pressure of Parochial burthens have been the most severely felt. The Peace of Amiens in 1802–3, appears to have produced the usual effects of a considerable increase of Baptisms, and 1804 exhibits a sensible decrease of Burials, so that the excess of Baptisms over Burials in that Year amounted to 113,315. During the Six following Years the Number of Burials gradually increased, so that the excess of Baptisms over Burials in 1810, was only 90,669. The general Peace in 1815, again produced an increase of Bap- tisms exceeding 25,000, and the excess of Baptisms over Burials in that Year, will be seen by the aggregate Statement of all England, and Wales to have amounted to 147,523, which in 1818, was reduced to 117,760: on comparing these results with the Money Rate of Wages, and price of Subsistence, which will be found in other parts of this Work, they appear to have produced a sen- sible effect upon the Physical, and Social condition of the People, as far as such evidence warrants any conclusion being drawn on the subject. *-ā- COUNTIES - 3801. 1804. 1810. 1814. 1815. 1818. 1820. arranged ºn Order of their - -º -e - tºº* Baptisms Burials | Baptisms Burials | Baptisms | Burials | Baptisms | Burials | Baptisms Burials | Baptisms Burial, Baptisms | Burials 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . 19,603 || 21,133 23,542 18,430 23,560 22,396 |25,317 23,553 |28,002 || 21,648 |28,308 22,622 28,905 |22,698 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . 18,877 | 19,363 27,252 14,670 26,955 17,743 |27,407 | 18,128 |29,760 | 17,476 |27,571 21,045 29,348 |18,279 3 York, West Riding 14,976 13,200 | 19,489 11,200 | 19,716 13,211 20,570 11,596 |23,035 | 12,149 |22,128 13,375 22,463 |12,822 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . 8,903 || 7,623 10,754 7,019 11,819 7,535 (13,088 || 7,668 ||14,078 6,705 |12,768 || 7,693 |13,455 7,547 5 Kent . . . . . . . . ... 10,519 || 8,460 12,167 8,580 | 12,833 9,827 |13,083 8,928 ||14,382 9,206 |13,445 8,817 |13,757 8,265 6 Surrey * * * * * a e e Q 7,301 || 6,530 8,517 | 6,103 || 8,858 7,683 || 9,242 7,681 10,273 || 7,124 |10,373 8,113 10,596 || 7,990 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . 6,340 5,699 || 8,077 5,009 8,321 5,750 9,321 5,537 9,868 5,469 || 9,896 || 5,562 |10,502 || 6,616 8 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . 8,562 5,708 || 9,776 5,531 || 9,412 5,720 | 9,820 5,779 |10,471 5,477 |10,938 || 5,505 |11,224 5,949 9 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . 6,611 6,592 8,913 5,112 || 9,604 || 6,594 |10,569 6,041 || 1,726 6,943 |10,435 | 6,838 11,210 6,277 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . 5,718 5,301 || 7,749 3,829 7,628 4,483 8,552 || 5,165 || 9,643 4,772 9,425 5,414 9,743 5,751 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . ... , 5,938 5,234 7,408 || 5,623 7,470 5,338 || 7,970 5,018 8,182 4,639 8,265 5,072 | 8,157 || 5,043 12 lincoln . . . . . . . . . . 6,578 4,387 || 7,616 || 4,161 7,820 | 5,520 | 8,626 4,732 9,056 |4,381 || 9,082 |4,720 9,318 4,902 13 Southampton . 6,854 4,853 7,685 |4,534 8,129 5,615 8,876 5,587 9,653 5,019 8,746 |4,639 8,752 4,704 T.4 Warwick . . . . . . . . 5,187 5,672 6,547 4,820 6,518 6,004 || 7,466 5,269 || 7,998 || 5,332 7,639 5,834 7,539 5,279 15 Suffolk .......... 6,417 4,578 7,181 4,382 7,039 || 4,318 7,614 || 4,163 7,758 4,050 8,059 |4,068 8,109 || 4, 164 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . 5,195 4,680 6,424 3,832 6,646 || 5,001 || 7,458 |5,127 | 7,813 5,027 7,476 5,305 8,132 || 5,357 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . 5,300 3,074 | 6,627 | 3,419 6,825 3,606 || 7,43 3,964 7,988 3,578 || 7,570 3,618 8,256 3,915 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . 4,993 2,776 6,283 3,636 6.587 3,847 | 6,667 || 3,430 7,018 3, 135 6,976 3,386 7,469 || 3,481 #9 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,244 3,881 5,497 3,261 5,294 | 3,446 5,491 3,471 6,294 3,283 6,182 3,329 6,478 3,621 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . 4,326 3,290 5,547 2,916 5,381 3,646 5,775 3,609 || 6,461 3,207 || 5,756 3,583 6,081 3,519 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . 4,124 3,926 5,229 3,613 5,395 3,695 || 5,686 3,826 6,174 3,854 5,923 || 4,024 6,317 3,740 22 Salop tº e º e º e tº 6 & 9 @ 3 4,400 4,168 5,490 3,071 5,552 || 3,439 5,819 3,769 6,356 3,218 5,700 3,659 5,924 3,598 23 Northumberland .. 3,198 3,152 3,979 2,902 || 4,158 3,103 || 4,493 3,094 4,749 3,190 4,748 3,106 || 4,991 2,981 24 York, East Riding 4,382 3,553 5,466 3,663 5,621 || 3,407 || 5,616 3,200 5,712 3,516 || 5,654 3,547 5,599 || 3,287 25 Nottingham gº 4 g º º o 4,371 3,569 5,125 2,946 4,793 3,578 5,410 3,358 6,014 3,195 5.911 3,900 5,758 3,246 26 Worcester . . . . . . . . 3,408 || 3,689 4,741 2,467 5,020 3,735 5,222 || 3,58 5,827 3,191 5,352 | 3,454 5,791 3,503 27 York, North Riding 4,205 2,974 4,999 || 2,941 4,797 2,875 5,101 3,026 5,397 2,893 5,294 3,027 5,394 | 2,984 28 Heicester . . . . . . . . 3,275 2,889 4,133 2,154 4,058 2,736 4,573 2,885 5,178 2,808 || 4,885 2,919 4,705 || 2,863 29 Northampton . 3,321 2,817 3,887 2,455 3,869 2,599 || 4,122 || 3,015 4,309 || 2,704 || 4,527 2,869 4,581 2,877 30 Cumberland . . . . . . 3,084 2,170 3,590 2,151 3,966 || 2,459 4,519 2,766 4,807 || 2,742 4,442 2,698 || 4,687 2,911 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . 2,923 2,083 3,542 1,994 || 3,453 2,195 3,796 2,152 4,087 2, #80 4,062 2,114 || 4,304 || 2,505 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . 2,981 2,385 3,624, 2,032 3,557 2,347 3,846 2,481 4,072 2,218 4,178 2,398 || 4,312 2,391 33 Buckingham ... e. e o e e 2,966 2,560 3,550 2,241 3,520 2,532 3,626 2,457 3,947 2,235 | 3,889 2,357 || 4,015 2,481 34 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,964 2,318 3,540 2,095 3,569 2,349 3,828 2,299 4, i52 2, 152 3,963 2,465 4,031 2,427 35 Hertford . . . . . . . . 2,600 1,996 3,241 1,838 3,239 2,012 || 3,446 2,063 3,878 2,042 3,613 2,285 3,787 2,291 36 Cambridge . . . . . . 2,911 2,142 3,341 2,044 3,312 2,371 3,609 | 1,990 3,966 || 2,321 3,973 2,372 4,141 2,199 37 Hereford • 6 & © o is 6 e 2,128 1,703 2,503 | 1,427 2,656 1,685 2,679 1,789 2,968 1,570 2,722 | 1,759 2,832 1,741 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . 1,878 1,226 2,071 1,269 i,987 | 1,295 2,158 1,295 2,405 | 1,401 || 2,441 1,483 || 2,403 | 1,426 39 Monmouth . . . . . . . 878 812 1,250 867 1,334 953 1,412 925 | i,394 843 | 1,293 1,091 1,490 933 40 Westmoreland . 1,178 '786 1,531 719 1,505 835 | 1,437 883 ,551 785 1,475 944 1,663 | 1,069 4.i Huntingdon * {3 tº & © & 1,120 899 1,260 759 1,204 || 850 1,300 329 | 1,468 717 | 1,454 849 1,459 786 42 Rutland , . . . . . . . . . 462 299 50% 235 469 293 472 3% 55 i 295 534 322 512 291 Total ENGLAN ID 225,199 |193,850 |279,588 172,060 |283,430 | 198,418 302,486 || 196,460 | 328,421 188,186 || 317,171 202,180 || 328,230 | 198,634 ſBenbigh . . . . . . 1,544 1,363 | 1,854 | 1,084 1,961 | 1,359 2,036 1,124 2,042 | 1,266 1,823 1,355 | 1,997 | 1,261 Montgomery ... 1,065 1,208 1,383 | 723 1,423 971 1,595 816 1,530 816 3,235 1,119 1,424 871 § J Carnarvon ....| 1,068 || 773 | 1,434 696 || 1,369 | 724 1,453 794 1,442 672 1,264 944 1,253 791 si Flint . . . . . . . . 1,164 1,058 i,517 804 || 1,551 920 | 1.467 834 1,667 894 | 1,460 i896 1,976 1,393 tº Anglesea . . . . . . 896 560 345 443 980 397 | 1,007 566 i,001 526 9(3) 653 | 1,008 56; S UMerioneth . . . . 620 536 j 727 463 76i 503 7.3 435 ºf 59 444 6 6 624 629 484 s ſGlamorgan . . . . 1,498 1,260 2,004 || 1,372 i,932 1,450 1,976 1,393 1,955 1,217 | 1,837 1,338 1,924 1,323 -> | Carmarthen . . . .] 1,088 | 1,011 | 1,642 1,175 1,542 | 1,068 1,703 i,948 1,373 992 | 1,340 1,272 1,511 959 § 4 Pembroke 948 913. i.,235 831 i,265 745 1,504 962 i,506 795 1,391 950 | 1,447 902 & Cardigan . . . . . . 36 i 786 | 1,022 6] 2 #,241 536 | 1,355 897 1,409 768 1,102 | 1,248 1,274 763 - | Brecon . . . . . . 657 740 ‘792 596 827 706 80ſ) 626 826 543 645. 684 7 i 4 552 URadnor . . . . . . 421 376 549 318 601 382 64 i 338 '700 289. 600 361 672 358 TOTAL England and Wales 237,029 |204,434 (294,592 i 181,177 298,853 29sis, 318,806 206,403 344,931 197,408 331,384 |213,624 343,660 l 208,489 28 STATEMENT of the Total Number of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in each of the Five Divisions of the METROPolis of GREAT BRITAIN, in each of Nine Years from 1700 to 1780, and in each of the Forty Years 1781–1820 *...* The Topographical eachibition of the Parishes which compose the British Metropolis, will shew the extent of its Population at different Periods, and the direc- tion in which it more particularly inclines to eactend, the Numbers in the CITY OF LONDON within the Walls, appear to have sensibly diminished, to which diminution, various causes have contributed. The Scite of the New Post Office completed in 1829, occupied a space which in 1801, contained more than 1,000 Inhabitants. The Bank of England, and other Public Buildings, at earlier Periods displaced proportionate Numbers, but the main cause of the seeming diminution of Numbers in this division of the Metropolis arises, from the tendency, which has prevailed for many Years past, to desert it as a permanent residence, by which most ºf the Largest Houses are now used only as Offices for Business during the day, ºr It will be noticed that from 1801, there appears a sudden diminution in the City of London without the Walls. This arises from the Parishes of St. John Horsley Down, and of St. George, St. Olave, St. Saviour, and St. Thomas, in the Borough of Southwark, up to 1800 inclusive, having been included in that division ; but subsequent to 1800, in the division of Out Parishes, within the Bills of Mortality, which reconciles at the same time the otherways seeming disproportionate increase subsequent to 1800, in that division. The relative difference between the Baptisms and Burials in each of these divisions is a feature that deserves attention. ****** City of LONDON Out Parishes City and Liberties of Out Parishes Within the Walls Without the Walls Within the Bills of Mortality || WESTMINSTER alºft, Years Marriages Baptisms Burials : Marriages | Baptisms | Burials || Marriages | Baptisms Burials Marriages | Baptisms Burials || Marriages | Baptisms | Burials 1700 2,287 2,645 4,888 || 5,887 5,761 7,377 3,445 4,429 204 289 1710 2,169 2,835 4,470 6,983 5, 198 || 8,275 3,433 4,975 194 || 443 1720 2,193 2,711 5,984 7,441 6,185 9,362 4,328 5,936 216 || 526 1730 1,861 2,455 5,851 || 7,180 || 6,559 10,124 4,202 || 5,550 407 | 890 1740 l,515 2,538 4,398 || 7,534 | 6,815 13,067 4,672 6,565 379 | 1,381 I'750 1,429 2,031 4,508 5,758 | 6,606 || 11,098 4,039 || 5,312 498 1,364 1760 779 | 1,507 | 1,724 1,350 4,375 4,747 || 2,387 6,802 9,433 || 1,583 3,949 || 4,833 212 523 1,264 1770 677 | 1,596 1,683 1,439 4,824 5,211 || 2,923 7,880 10,078 || 2,043 4,289 6,017 476 1,200 1,959 1780 615 1,437 1,655 ; 1,368 || 4,499 || 4,598 || 2,959 || 7,638 9,654 || 1,883 || 4,075 5,604 642 | 1,599 || 2,340 1. 609 | 1,400 | 1,477 ; 1,428 4,750 4,470 || 2,948 8,327 11,231 || 1,977 4,317 | 5,682 647 1,646 2,255 2 624 | 1,382 1,358 1,369 |4,714 3,872 || 3,085 8,184 || 9,253 || 1,954 4,267 || 4,788 673 1,669 1,957 3 652 1,382 | 1,362 : 1,536 || 4,793 4,459 || 3,502 || 8,609 || 10,111 || 2,163 || 4,402 || 5,317 720 | 1,688 2,233 4 689 | 1,494 | 1,301 1,575 4,916 || 4,013 || 3,403 || 8,806 || 9,568 || 2,203 || 4,251 5,123 722 | 1,773 2,255 5 694 | 1,400 1,457 1,536 || 5,077 3,988 || 3,405 || 8,826 10,134 || 2,189 || 4,870 5,262 758 1,906 || 2,154 6 667 1,492 | 1,455 1,538 4,920 4,306 || 3,529 || 8,948 || 10,751 || 2,351 4,544 5, 133 758 1,904 || 2,174 7 687 | 1,487 1,475 1,462 5,041 4,103 || 3,488 || 8,640 || 10,677 || 2,394 || 4,575 5,259 805 || 1,891 2,297 8 722 | 1,503 1,441 1,540 || 4,883 3,926 || 3,344 8,983 || 9,353 || 2,376 4,635 | 5,096 836 2,090 2,250 9 700 1,500 | 1,475 1,606 || 4,640 || 4,344 || 3,414 || 8,717 10,783 || 2,486 || 4,458 5,529 817 | 2,122 2,389 Hº Q0 741 | 1,468 1,269 1,544 || 4,948 3,634 || 3,729 9,344 9,701 || 2,561 |4,786 4,755 829 2,320 2,146 1 | 735 | 1,527 | 1,336 1,556 4,807 || 4,182 || 3,716 || 9,166 10,258 || 2,545 4,712 || 5,298 887 2,345 2,689 2 777 | 1,473 | 1,281 1,731 || 4,917 | 4,097 || 3,865 9,677 | 10,809 || 2,700 4,795 5,138 || 1,047 2,571 2,586 3 731 1,330 1,568 1,626 4,944 4,571 || 3,426 ig,288 11,286 || 2,652 4,544 5,728 983 || 2,738 2,901 4 753 1,389 1,244 1,595 || 4,566 4,022 || 3,679 || 9,482 9,885 || 2,564 4,347 5,186 || 1,028 2,633 2,598 5 677 | 1,285 1,507 1,524 || 4,768 || 4,537 || 3,579 || 9,245 10,964 || 2,595 || 4,270 5,696 973 || 2,576 3,044 6 715 1,317 | 1,229 1,551 4,638 4,049 || 3,609 || 9,635 | 10,467 || 2,654 || 4,597 || 4,916 999 || 2,779 2,866 7 726 1,272 | 1,167 1,470 4,609 || 3,424 || 3,563 10,084 || 9,049 || 2,455 4,501 || 4,418 964 2,724 2,575 8 734 1,236 | 1,321 1,568 4,484 || 4,092 || 3,635 | 9,582 10,515 || 2,538 4,296 || 4,827 987 2,783 2,828 9 791 1,344 1,259 1,718 4,578 || 4,009 || 3,815 9,412 || 10,386 || 2,729 || 4,247 4,722 || 1,011 || 2,762 2,617 1800 752 1,247 1,546 1,661 4, 134 4,717 || 3,578 9,645 12,817 || 2,513 4,151 6,490 || 1,041 2,599 || 3,691 Ti 788 1,261 | 1,177 1,070 2,475 2,132 || 4,134 10,615 10,949 || 2,495 3,924 5,181 || 1,022 || 2,499 || 2,939 2 954 1,176 1,360 1,252 2,801 || 2,245 || 5,549 || 11,740 11,499 || 3,073 || 4,694 || 5,156 || 1,343 2,947 2,845 3 | 1,007 | 1,253 | 1,351 1,215 3,130 2,141 || 5,250 12,151 | 10,868 || 3,080 4,774 5,443 || 1,232 3,130 3,240 4 994 | 1,233 1,110 1,091 3,148 || 1,768 || 4,677 12,618 9,354 || 2,839 || 4,770 4,587 || 1,171 2,998 2,822 5 915 1,215 1,162 1,065 2,870 | 1,971 || 4,377 | 12,332 9,512 || 2,792 4,670 5,217 | 1,081 3,008 || 3,166 6 930 | 1,257 | 1,034 1,061 3,045 1,740 || 4,479 || 12,650 9,672 || 2,865 4,703 || 4,684 || 1,147 3,032 2,991 7 983 | 1,211 | 1,276 1,169 2,941 2,082 || 4,676 | 12,491 10,911 || 2,741 4,634 5,050 || 1,328 3,277 3,222 8 961 | 1, 166 | 1,239 : 1,160 2,979 2,093 || 4,600 | 12,696 || 11,397 || 2,905 || 4,535 5,339 || 1,362 3,004 || 4,635 9 1,068 1,219 | 1,221 1,182 | 2,998 || 1,786 || 4,773 || 13,108 || 9,851 || 2,903 || 4,783 || 4,455 || 1,290 3,318 3,117 1810 | 1,139 1, 164 1,328 1,113 2,820 | 2,003 || 5,195 12,735 | 12,572 || 2,939 4,569 5,044 || 1,339 3,373 3,701 I1 | 1,073 | 1,143 | 1,073 1, 183 3,209 2,005 || 4,983 || 13,679 i0,096 || 2,982 4,701 || 4,153 || 1,328 3,542 3,396 12 | 1,041 1,234 1,208 1,155 2,985 2,245 || 4,635 | 13,589 11,075 || 2,770 4,718 4,552 || 1,372 3,818 3,358 13 | 1,062 1,246 1,140 1, 160 3, 121 | 1,992 || 4,623 || 13,977 || 10,533 || 2,533 4,670 4,275 || 1,327 3,878 3,559 14 | 1,200 | 1,223 1,316 1,336 3,098 || 2,314 || 5,256 14,008 || 11,889 || 3,003 || 4,523 5,752 || 1,573 3,876 4,212 15 1,235 | 1,324 1,208 1,435 3,291 2,229 || 5,579 15,445 11,229 || 3,010 5,211 5,155 || 1,436 4,246 3,516 16 | 1,225 | 1,158 1,171 1,283 || 3,467 2,086 || 5,256 14,756 11,651 || 2,946 4,911 5,249 || 1,502 || 4,168 3,789 17 | 1,020 | 1,288 1,118 j 1,255 || 3,739 2,051 || 5,339 15,180 || 11,248 || 2,744 || 5,145 || 4,892 || 1,618 4,525 3,651 18 1,068 1,262 1,195 1,318 3,554 2,224 || 5,511 | 15,710 | 11,669 || 2,924 5,143 || 5,020 | 1,608 (4,421 || 4,026 19 | 1,058 1,175 1,200 1,325 3,643 2,309 || 5,837 15,615 11,847 || 3,033 5,170 4,869 || 1,688 4,691 4,198 820 956 1,167 1,199 1,306 | 3,476 2,271 || 5,862 | 15,948 || 11,800 || 2,885 5,068|4,817 || 1,748 I 4,763 || 4,280 29 ## The Columns below shew the Total Number of Baptisms and Burials in that part of the Metropolis included within the Bills of Mortality, which comprise the first four divºsions of the account on the preceding page. The Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks Publish annually, a Bill of Mortality, which is copied in general into all the Newspapers, but as inaccuracy involves no penalty, the details are not deserving of any very great confidence, although one Year with another, they are perhaps tolerably near approacimations to correctness. 53- For the Diseases which occasioned the great Mortality in 1762–3, as well as generally,–see Statement of the Mor- tality of the Metropolis. The Assize of Bread was dis- continued in 1815,-see Statement relating to the Importation and Earportation of Grain. The Weight of the Quarterm Floaf was 4 fp. 5 Oz. 10 drs. *...* The Statement below shews the aggregate result of the Parish Registers of the METRoPolis, composed of the five Divisions, as exhibited on the preceding page, and disting- uishes the proportion of Males and Females, both Baptised and Buried, and the excess in each Year of Burials over Baptisms, and the converse. Although in the aggregate of all England and Wales, the Baptisms have considerably eacceeded the Burials in each Year since 1740, the eaccess of Burials over Baptisms in the Metropolis, will be seem to have continued down to 1801, since which Year a striking change has taken place in the relative increase of Baptisms, and decrease of Burials in every part ºf the Country; it deserves attention that whilst in Lancashire, the West Riding of Porkshire, and some other parts of the Country, the Burials in 1801, very considerably increased, there was in the Metropolis contrary to what might have been eacpected a very considerable diminution. The Statement of the Total Number of Baptisms and Burials, in all England and Wales, in each of the Seven Years 1798–1804, will shew more clearly the Counties and the Years in which they were affected by the high price of Subsistence in 1809–1, in some it seems to have produced its effect in 1800 ; in others, in 1801 ; and in others, not till 1802 – 3; and in Norfork, and one on two other Counties, but little on no effect appears to have been produced. 14,988 23,159 | BA PTISMS | B URIA LS º Eaccess of Marriages. According to the excus ºf Highest - . Burials over ~ * according Bills of Mortality Burials over and Lowest years Males Female | Total. Total L. males Females | *::::..?” year, ‘hºinºſ Bºrus "ºtº, 1700 8,495 8,070 16,585 || 20,587 10,353 10,234 4,002 * | # #; #; § 1710 || 7,997 || 7,467 15,464 || 23,701 || 11,997 || 11,704 || 8,237 6 | 1.357 iſ sº | 20:872 6,038 1720 9,728 9, i28 18,906 23,976 10,890 || 13,086 5,070 7 5,057 14,053 21,312 .# I 1730 9,423 9,457 18,880 || 26,199 12,812 13,387 7,316 ; ; ; ; ; #| # * : *; 1740 9,050 | 8,729 || 17,779 || 31,085 15,289 15,796 3,309 1760 6.15i iſ 95i ig 830 4,879 § 3; 1750 | 8,645 8,435 | 17,080 || 25,563 | 12,520 | 13,043 | 8,483 - 3. 2 6,06 1. tº 1760 | 8,857 | 8,299 || 17,156 || 22,001 || 10,847 11,154 4,845 ; # {:} | #1; ; ; ; 1770 || 9,939 || 9,850 | 19,789 || 24,948 12,351 | 12,597 5,159 3 7.1; § ; '...}} | . ; -- &. 6 ‘. f - 885 6,801 ,202 || 0, 5; 7 1780 9,799 || 9,509 10,248 || 23,851 11,879 11,972 |4,608 : #; 15,474 23,230 7,756 § 6; . 3 6 7.350 16,257 23,911 7,654 6 8 1 | 10,387 10,093 20,480 || 25,115 12,500 | 12,615 4,635 Å 7 | 6,652 5,979 ºl? § § 7% 2 10,249 || 9,967 20,216 || 21,228 10,717 | 10,511 | 1,012 s. ; | }}; # | ##| # | } }} 3 10,311 10,563 20,874 || 23,482 | 11,918 11,564 2,608 § #770 ; : 17, io9 22.434 5,325 § 7 4 10,776 10,464 21,240 || 22,260 | 11,313 | 10,947 | 1,020 - & - *. 4,708 & 71. 5 11,444 10,635 22,079 || 22,995 II,446 II,549 916 & * | #. # #; § 3 # , 6 10,965 10,843 21,808 23,819 11,958 11,861 2,011 S3 3 7. Aij 16,805 21,656 4,851 S. 8; 7% 7 io.832 10,812 21,634 || 23,811 | 11,976 11,835 2,177 .S : #: #; ; §§§ # . 8 11,134 11,010 22,144 || 22,066 11,067 10,999 — 78 Š | }. iº || 1:... is 1.76% s : * , 9 || 10,749 || 10,688 21,437 || 24,520 | 12,363 | 12,157 3,083 sº £ ſº ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; 1790 11,493 || 11,373 22,866 || 21,505 || 10,863 10,642 ; – 1,361 sº ; ; #| | #}; ; ; ; ; 3 its # ičí 5.5; Ississ & # I 11,164 || 11,393 22,557 || 23,763 12,129 || 11,634 1,206 3 3. 2 5 … 3.68 SS 2 11,719 || 11,714 || 23,433 || 23,911 | 12,070 11,841 || 478 S | | # ##| ||*; ; ; ; , 3 11,508 || 11,336 22,844 || 26,054 || 13,316 || 12,738 3,211 3 8.5% 17,051 | 19,029 1,938 Š 8; 7% 4 || 11,249 || 11,168 22,417 || 23,135 | 11,672 11,463 718 : j | # | #; 1; ; § {, 5 | 11,056 11,087 22,143 25,748 || 13,190 | 12,558 3,605 6 §§43 išiiş 20.45% 2, #5 § g 6 11,694 11,272 22,966 || 23,527 | 12,075 || 1 1,452 561 7. 8,836 17,508 || 19,349 º § 7 7 11,808 || 11,382 23,190 || 20,633 10,422 10,211 — 2,557. } | . # | }; 2: § {} 8 || 11,165 11,216 22,381 || 23,583 || 11,936 | 11,647 | 1,203 1790 jo, isºso | Isogs – 942 s” # 9 10,980 | 11,363 22,343 || 22,993 || 11,973 11,020 650 1 1. 264 § { 1800 10,849 10,927 21,776 || 29,361 14,822 14,539 7,585 * | 1:. . ; ; ; § 3; 1 | 10,327 | 10,447 | 20,774 || 22,373 || 11,219 11,154 j 1,599 § jiš i ijios 2.74. 2,641 73 ºi - 4. 9,619 18,689 19,241 2.É º 8% 2 11,806 || 11,552 23,358 || 23,105 || 11,720 11,385) 253 § | }; # #: ‘ī; 1. º 3 | 12,191 | 12,247 24,438 || 23,043 11,858 11,185 1,395 7 9,178 ; {:}; -ºl © 19; 4 12,518 12,249 24,767 || 19,651 || 10,083 || 9,568 . 5,116 8 || 9,462 ,927 | 18,155 8; 7; 2 2 5 10.06 18,970 18,134 - 836 8% is; 5 | 12,055 12,020 24,075 || 21,028 10,744 10,284 $ 3,047 lsº 'º'; #} | ...; as " ... ; 6 | 12,456 | 12,231 24,687 || 20, 121 10,204 9,917 's 4,566 I 9,509 || 17,814 | 19,376) 1,560 22; 10% 7 | 12,262 | 12,292 24,554 || 22,541 11,420 | 11,121 : SS 2,013 12.171 19,918 1937; 539 12# 93. à | 12,391 || 11,989 24,380 || 24,703 12,202 | 12,501 |-| 323" : # 26.583 # §§ # , ; 9 12,686 12,740 25,426 || 20,430 10,578 9,852 § 4,996 4 10,772 21,543 17,038 sº 3. 05 8%. 10; 2 * * ,730 1810 | 12,453 | 12,218 || 24,671 || 24,652 | 12,424 | 12,228 & 19 * | };} | ...; ##|###| }} }; . • § 7 10,897 19,416 18334 & 982 || 13%. 10; 11 || 13,082 13,192 26,274 || 20,723 10,604 || 10,119 $ 5,551 łłº. #; #; sº }}, {} 12 || 13,167 13,177 26,344 || 22,438 11,548 10,890 s 3,906 isio ii.73; ióð30 iº; Ś "37 iº" it; 13 || 13,619 13,273 26,892 || 21,499 || 11,014 || 10,485 | Sº 5,393 549 || 20.6: ki woºl is is 14 | 13,645 || 13,083 26,728 || 25,483 || 13,196 || 12,287 | *s 1,245 }} | {:} | .; #fff; | #; ; 15 14,805 14,712 29,517 || 23,337 11,983 || 11,354 2 6,180 is ió705 ; in 33i § *:::: iš iſ 16 14,161 14,299 28,460 || 23,946 12,221 11,725 $ 4,514 14 | 12,368 30,179 | 19,785 J. 13} 11: 2 Key - * 3 - 3,844 17 | 15,125 14,751 29,876 || 22,960 11,789 || 11,171 | is 6,916 # # #}} | #| : : - ..., 18 15,168 14,922 30,090 || 24,134 12,250 11,884 5,956 17 # ; 19,966 § ; ::::::::: gº Jºe - Aſ A 6): tº 18 2,429 ,293 19,705 2 p KHä” 19 15,137 15,137 º! || 4:4: º żº: 5,871 ; , ; ; ; ; ;|* : º, . 1820 15,434 30, 422 24, 367 T 2, 369 11,998 J 6,055 1820 12,757 19,348 J 3,811j ported, 30 STATEMENT shewing the Number of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in the Counties of LANCASTER, and in the West Riding of YORKSHIRE, at Periods of 10 Years from 1700 to 1780, and in each of the 40 Years 1781–1820; distinguishing in the Baptisms and Burials the proportion of Males and Females, and the excess of Baptisms over Burials. *...* The Population of these 2 Districts in 1820, was as 10} in Lancashire to 8 in the West Riding, whilst the Deaths as indicated by the Burials in the 10 Years 1811–20, will be seen to have been in the proportion of 18 in Lancashire to little more than 12 in the West Riding. This is an additional confirmation to the numerous others shewn in various parts of this Work, of the deleterious effects upon Human life of the Manufacturing operations of Łancashire, notwithstanding which, numbers seem to press towards the vortex with accellerating force; and the difference of the Mortality of these 2 Districts from the similarity of their pursuits is remarkable and merits investi- gation. The results exhibited of the Baptisms and Burials of Lancashire prior to 1780, imply its being naturally favorable to health and longevity. The effects of the high Money price of Subsistence in 1800–1, appear to have effected Lancashire in a far greater degree than any other part of the Kingdom, the result together with the great reaction in the 3 following Years deserves attention. —see Notes to the other Statements relating to this same subject. - ſ § 7 9 # 800 14,976 14,372 29,348 JAN CASHIRE. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE, - BAPTISMS BURIALs Excess of J% - BAPTISMS BURIALs Excess of #. Males | Females Total. Total. Males Females. rº. Tº Fºma, ToTTE!ToTALTſai, Pºmºl. 2,427 2,316 || 4,743 4,522 2,270 2,252 : 221 3,210 | 3,418 || 6,628 6,342 3,156 3,186 || 286 2,336 2,237 4,573 4,265 2,197 2,068 308 3,225 3,061 6,286 5,310 2,734 2,576 976 3,019 2,848 5,867 4,903 || 2,481 2,422 964 3,716 || 3,444 7,160 6,265 3,312 2,953 | 895 3,085 2,940 6,025 6,754 3,530 3,224 ––– 4,301 || 4,038 8,339 6,979 3,586 3,393 || 1,360 3,814 || 3,521 7,335 # 6,910 3,528 3,382 425 4,583 || 4,342 8,925 6,630 || 3,293 3,337 2,295 4,293 || 4,192 || 8,485 # 6,666 3,341 || 3,325 1,319 5, 187 4,933 10,120 6,741 || 3,395 || 3,346 3,379 3,055 5,006 || 4,655 9,66; 6,629 3,322 3,307 || 3,032 2,986 5,446 5,266 || 10,712 6,926 || 3,448 || 3,478 3,786 3,415 || 5,937 5,678 i 1,615 10,110 || 4,963 5,147 1,505 3,438 6,065 5,836 | 11,901 i 8,231 || 4,016 || 4,215 3,670 3,827 7,280 6,889 14,169 9,219 4,781 4,438 4,950 3,606 || 7,131 6,845 13,976 8,998 || 4,468 4,530 4,978 4,020 7,464 7,121 || 14,585 10,344 5,037 5,307 || 4,241 3,430 7,146 | 6,610 || 13,756 9,331 4,742 |4,589 4,426 3,766 7,426 7,239 14,665 9,939 4,840 5,099 4,726 3,591 6,845 6,910 || 13,755 10,351 5,126 5,225 || 3,404 4,380 7,292 6,925 14,217 10,663 5,162 5,501 3,554 3,620 | 7,028 6,772 13,800 iO,182 5,051 5,131 3,618 5,030 8,296 || 7,789 16,085 10,412 || 4,971 5,441 5,673 4,244 7,316 || 7,121 14,437 9,417 | 4,558 4,859 5,020 5,066 3,482 8,472 16,954 11,550 5,640 5,910 5,404 4,360 7,669 7,375 15,044 10,369 5,045 5,324 4,675 4,887 8,641 8,088 | 16,729 : 10,639 5,145 || 5,494; 6,090 4,130 8,002 || 7,620 15,622 : 10,390 || 5,022 || 5,368 5,232 4,776 8,972 8,672 17,644 12,052 5,852 6,200 5,592 4,106 || 7,643 7,431 15,074 11,422 6,098 || 5,324 3,652 4,773 9,345 8,976 18,321 : 12,484 || 5,878 6,556 5,887 4,168 7,812 || 7,418 15,230 10,959 5,335 | 5,624 4,271 4,756 9, 101 || 8,799 || 17,900 12,719 6,163 6,556 5,181 4,311 || 7,983 || 7,713 | 15,696 10,391 || 5,244 5,147 5,305 5,131 9,434 9,015 18,449 i 12,640 6,028 || 6,612 5,809 4,329 8,073 7,863 15,936 11,572 5,556 6,016 || 4,364 5,765 9,734 9,376 | 19, 110 13,834 6,821 7,010 5,279 4,553 8,087 || 7,905 15,992 10,746 5,356 5,390 5,246 6, #66 || 10,781 10,198 || 20,979 14,769 7,393 || 7,372 6,210 4,916 || 8,821 8,220 17,041 11,777 5,900 5,877 5,264 5,319 || 9,059 10,079 19,138 14,647 7,270 7,377 ; 4,491 4,469 8,450 | 8,345 16,795 12,324 6,074 6,250 4,471 4,855 ; 9,701 | *8,471 18,172 15,074 7,516 7,558 3,098 4,421 8,015 7,780 15,795 12,659 6,152 6,507 || 3,136 4,800 || 9,481 || 9,125 | 18,606 || 15,974 || 7,616 || 8,358 2,632 4,157 8,164 8,045 16,209; 11,589 || 5,539 6,050 4,620 5,751 9,703 || 9,059 | 18,762 13,632 6,732 6,900 5,130 4,509 || 7,967 7,670 15,637 11,294 5,564 5,730 4,343 5,942 10,338 || 9,910 |20,248 12,824 6,453 6,271 7,524 4,803 || 8,484 || 8,232 16,716 1 1,854 5,860 5,994 || 4,862 5,921 10,172 9,803 19,975 14,749 7,592 || 7,157 5,226 4,828 8,646 8,418 17,064 11,336 5,618 5,718 5,628 6,216 10,491 10,031 20,522 || 13,981 6,893 7,088 # 6,541 ; 4,728 8,621 | 8,484 | 16,805 11,091 || 5,489 5,602 || 5,714 5,560 9,921 9,723 19,644 15,965 8,150 | 7,815 # 3,679 3,909 || 7,871 7,463 15,334 11,731 5,913 5,818; 3,603 6,119 9,543 || 9,334 18,877 19,363 9,335 | 19,928 — 4,059 7,581 7,395 14,976 13,200 6,519 || 6,681 1,776 9,660 12,588 12,122 24,710 16,570 8,301 | 8,269 ; 8,140 5,619 9,096 || 8,858 17,954; 12,271 6,157 6,114 || 5,683 9,766 14,258 || 13,678 27,936 17,371 8,632 8,739 10,565; 6,108 || 9,993 || 9,525 | 19,518 12,468 6,224' 6,244 7,050 7,597 13,963 | 13,289 27,252 14,670 7,254 7,416 12,582 5,233 9,948 9,482 | 19,430 11,260 5,570 5,690, 8,170 7,016 || 13,843 13,279 27, 122 15,743 7,701 8,042 11,379 5,214 9,980 || 9,414 | 19,394 10,715 5,293 5,422 || 8,679 7,246 13,828 13,527 27,355 ; 15,236 || 7,601 || 7,635 12,119 5,240 9,809 || 9,473 | 19,282 11,622 5,840 5,782 7,660 7,491 13,937 || 13,427 |27,364 15,955 7,911 | 8,044 11,409 5,639 10,326 || 9,709 20,035 | 11,796 || 5,814 || 5,982 8,239 6,656 13,559 13,092 26,651 15,691 7,791 || 7,900 10,960 4,893 9,881 9,599 || 19,480 10,754 5,374 5,380 8,726 6,812 lºſs tºo gººd 17, 132 8,473 8,659 8,654 5,030 9,716 || 9,414 | 19,130 12,998 || 6,475 6,523 6,132 7,809 1970s later 26,955 17,743 | 8,748 8,995 9,212 5,710 10,216 || 9,500 19,716 13,211 | 6,605 || 6,606 || 6,505 7,299 || 13,361 | 12,942 26,303 15,506 || 7,691 7,815 # 10,797 5,671 10,298 || 9,573 || 19,871 11,433 5,706 || 5,727 8,438 6,611 12,414 | 12,199 24,613 15,995 || 8,033 7,962 8,618 5,381 10,174 9,588 19,762 11,089 5,511 5,578 || 8,673 7,168 12,654 12,184 || 24,838 16,779 || 8,187 | 8,592 8,059 5,672 | 19,036 || 9,705 | 19,741 11,005 || 5,571 5,434 8,736 9,104 13,998 || 13,409 27,407 18,128 9,074 9,054 9,279 6,247 10,506 || 10,064 20,570 11,596 || 5,838 5,758 8,974 9,800 15,273 14,487 29,760 17,476 8,703 8,773 12,284 6,862 11,833 11,202 || 23,035 | 12,149 6,123 6,026 10,886 | 9,094 14,642 | 13,808 || 28,450 19,117 9,525 || 9,592 9,333 6,554 II,565 il,010 |22,575 12,806 6,499 6,307 || 9,769 8,013 ; 14,082 13,573 27,655 18, 187 || 9,134 9,053 9,468 6,049 || 11,560 | 11,034 22,594 || 13,431 6,966 6,465 9,163 9,110 ; 14,008 || 13,563 27,571 21,045 10,471 10,576 6,426 6,618 11,303 || 10,825 22,128 13,375 6,776 6,599 || 8,753 9,602 || 15,070 13,535 28,605 18,335 | 9,199 || 9,136 10,270 6,492 11,518 10,804 22,322 || 13,275 | 6,669 || 6,606 || 9,047 9,517 18,279 9,066 || 9,213 11,069 6,516 11,525 10,938 22,463 12,822 6,554 6,268 I 9,641. 31 STATEMENT of the Total Number of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in all ENGLAND and WALES, at each of nine Ten Yearly Periods from 1700 to 1780, and in each of the Forty Years 1781–1820; shewing the excess of Baptisms over Burials in each Year. *.* In the first Return of Abstracts from the Parish Registers of the Kingdom made to Parliament in 1801, much difficulty was eaperienced in obtaining Returns from several Parishes, but after repeated applications 280 Places only remained from whence Returns could not be procured. (Wide Folio 449, of the Abstract printed in 1801.) and those on enquiry proved to be principally Chapelries, whose accounts were probably included in the Returns made from the Registers of their respective Parent Churches, and the Totals of the 20 Years 1801–20, include the unentered Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, as well as the Registered, so that the account below may be considered as eachibiting a tolerably near approacimation to a correct view of the progressive increase of Numbers since 1740. The Years most remarkable for change are noted with + plus, or — minus. Peace which followed the War in the Reign of Anne) seems to have been a period of depopulation. The period 1710 – 40, (comprising the 27 Years of The decrement however appears not to have been general over the whole Country ; in Yorkshire and the Four Northern Counties, as well as in the Counties of Derby, Stafford, Gloucester, Hants, and Sussea, the Baptisms exceeded the Burials ; the parts of the Country in which the Burials more particularly eacceeded the Baptisms, were the Metropolis, Wales, and the Counties of Lancaster, Lincoln, Chester, Bedford, Berks, and Somerset. –-----º-º: B.A. Pº’ſ.SMS A3 JF HAM.S Eaccess of Baptisms Years Marriages Males Females TOTAAL TO TA L Males Females Bºis. 1700 77,786 74,754 #52,540 132,728 65,752 66,976 19,812 1710 70,921 68,453 i89,379 140,308 70,606 69,702 929 — 1720 79,322 75,738 155,060 160,424 81,156 . 79,268 5,364 — 1730 82,475 78,993 161,468 176,493 39,085 87,408 || 15,025 –– 1740 86,783 82,174 168,957 166,973 33,706 83,267 1,984 1750 91,962 38,222 380,184 154,686 77,149 77,537 25,498 1760 56,714 95,229 91,839 187,068 155,637 77,750 77,887 31,431 1770 60,159 105,163 101,797 206,960 174,383 85,952 88,431 32,577 1780 61,760 112,509 109,053 221,562 191,736 95,845 95,891 29,826 i 61,146 114,928 109,195 224,123 189,372 94,505 94,867 34,751 2 61,834 111,280 106,742 218,022 180,914 90, i89 90,725 37, iO3 3 64,988 109,789 104,790 214,579 181,989 90,606 91,383 32,590 4 67,583 1 13,691 109,018 222,709 187,921 92,851 95,070 34,788 5 + 70,146 121,424 115,805 237,229 185,470 91,548 93,922 51,759 6 67,639 120, 193 115,130 235,323 179,058 88,330 90,728 56,265 7 69,067 121,164 116,489 237,653 178,718 38,123 90,595 58,935 8 67,559 123,979 119,106 243,085 181,345 89,227 92,118 61,740 9 69,310 124,198 118,803 243,001 179,334 88,411 90,973 63,617 1790 73,263 127,123 121,651 248,774 iſ 8,731 87,954 90,777 70,043 T 71,167 126,610 121,155 247,765 i80,452 90,895 89,557 67,313 2 74,450 133,840 127,422 261,262 182,609 90,963 91,646 78,653 3 71,451 129,726 126,301 256,027 196,865 98,560 98,305 ||— 59,162 4 70,390 127,849 121,180 249,029 191,149 95,511 95,638 || 57,880 5 67,489 125,843 121,375 247,218 203,328 102,086 101,242 43,890 6 71,674 127,831 121, #69 249,000 184,534 92,289 92,245 64,466 7 73,526 132,771 127, 193 259,964 i84,929 92,292 92,637 75,035 8 77,919 133,962 128,375 262,337 181,313 90,657 90,656 ||+ 81,024 9 76,036 131,477 127,208 258,685 183,267 92,078 91,189 75,418 1800 68,481 125,360 121,787 247,147 201,128 101,686 99,442 46,019 1. 67,228 120,521 116,508 237,029 204,434 101,352 103,082 ||— 32,595 2 + 90,396 139,889 133,948 273,837 199,889 99,504 100,385 73,948 3 + 94,379 150,220 143,888 294,108 203,728 102,459 101,269 90,380 4 85,738 150,583 144,009 294,592 181,177 91,538 89,639 ||+|113,415 5 79,586 149,333 142,868 292,201 181,240 91,086 90,154 110,961 6 80,754 147,376 144,553 291,929 183,452 92,289 91, 163 108,477 7 83,923 153,787 146,507 300,294 195,85i 97,996 97,855 104,443 8 82,248 151,565 i44,509 296,074 200,763 102,614 98,149 95,31H 9 83,369 152,812 147,177 299,989 191,471 97,894 93,577 108,518 1810 84,470 152,591 146,262 298,853 208,184. 104,907 103,277 90,669 11 86,389 155,671 149, 186 304,857 188,543 94,971 93,572 116,314 H2 82,066 153,949 148,005 301,954 190,402 95,957 94,445 111,552 13 83,860 160,685 153,747 314,432 186,477 93,726 92,751 127,955 14 92,804 163,282 155,524 318,806 206,403 103,525 102,878 112,403 15 + 99,944 176,233 168,698 344,931 197,408 99,442 97,966 ||+ 147,523 16 91,946 168,801 161,398 330,199 205,959 103,954 102,005 124,240 17 88,234 169,337 162,246 331,583 199,269 101,040 98,229 132,314 18 92,779 169,181 162,203 331,384 213,624 107,724 105,900 ||—117,760 19 95,571 171,107 162,154 333,261 213,564 106,749 106,815 119,697 1820 96,833 | 167,349 208,349 104,020 135,311 176,311 343,660 104,329 32 STATEMENT shewing the amount of the PA Roghi AL ASSESSMENTS in each County of ENGLAND & WALEs in the Year ending Easter 1803; and the Expenditure thereof, distinguishing the proportion expended for the Maintenance of the Poor, from the proportion expended for all other Parochial purposes; shewing also the proceeds of the Labor of Paupers in each County *...* The Counties arranged in order of quality of the Parochial Assessments and Expenditure is more immediately discernable. P A R () GH IAI, EXPEND ITURE. | ---tº-- - their Total Population in 1801, by which arrangement, the ines COUNTIES Parochial • a n. º 2 TOTAL |Assessments, Rate For Mainten - Amount Expended; &?"? *; t i.” Population ??? º Year in the £ ºf ºnce cº, & !! other # ToTAL | º,"º *:::::::gſ - - Żn. ena???g at which Hemovals, *zyl iºn 41 º Tow." ºlos, - 1801, Easter 1803. Zevied. morºus. W.###. º º £ mºs. ###. mºs. º. : . & e s is e s tº º $18,129 ºlº 3/54 || 224,048 || 125,152 18,084 111,691 || 478,976 || 3,281 24 11,302 2,017 $ºw, ſºlº; #|##|##|};|##|##|##|*||... lī; , 4 Devon 10 ing º; 179.359 º; ºf ºf 14.33 ± |º || 4 || 3% º! | #8 5 Kent"........ * @ G → §§ 335.453 ; 22,37; 121,646 4,542 28,241 176,896 ||, 382 373 1,497 || 133 6 somerset ........ 2 ... i.º. º º: 118,239 8,889 |42,070 |237,467 || 8,191 401 5,990 |2,601 7 Norfolk.......... § |º ; ###! #|##|...}}|...}| ſºlº : 8 surrey .....' .... ... [º] } |...} 124,766 6,032 29,854 205,619 || 1,270 190 4, 159 582 sº......." ;|iº || ; : ; ; ; ; ; *... . . . . . . 10 sºil.’....... ºliiodº %, i5.325 2,727 tº ºf tº || 31|| 3: . . . . º. ii Essex............ 3.4%|218,683 4%, 40.631 ſº 5,399 |20,795 109,393 ||, 453 25 1,039 || 4:1 12 Southampton & e º º q & 21. 65 183439 5/11; 358 36,460 7,288 || 32,965 217,394 || 2,353 57 1,919 432 13 Suffolk ptOn . . . . . . ; iſºgº 4, ; 84,461 5,102 || 21,339 150,460 || 2,410 || 5 || || 3,642 | 1,567 in Lincoln .......... £10,43, its gag 4/10} ; 69,291 4,693 ||37.99 || 32.5% 2,712 99 5,334 1,187 i5 war wick ........ ; isãºo; 3/7 #. 2 30,638 5,820 46,695 ||47,500 ||, .39| 249 , 403 218 16 Chester & © tº e e s p a ; 90 84.99. 4%, *::: 97.53, 3.399 30, 130 1339. 1,841 169 ; 1,715 452 17 Cornwali gº tº ſº e e º 'º º & #. 73.136 3/5, .2 5 63,394 3,171 16.7% 86,566 10 || 60 233 102 iá wits.... . . . . . . łº 1; ; 3:22|,51,433 3,947 ||3,909 |,71.3% || 0 | . , 8. 7 is saion ............ #; 35.447 4/7] *::::: 113,889 3,683 ||3,080 1303.9 ||, ... . . . . . 1,799 jº...... tº e 9 e º a ; 77.31i ##|29; º; ; º; ; ;|*|†. . . . . 21 b.........' 160.361 #% 4|| || 3: 49,071 4,205 || 19,554 78,219 37 182 463 218 32 Sussex .......... iśī, gº ź 7,125 1: 2,720 | 13,262 67,949 || 2,353 57 1,919 || 432 23 Northumberland . işºioi *::::::: º *::::: 32,299 || 3,747 |21,173 206,780 2,486 968 # 2,882 | 1,682 24 York, North fidg. 155.306 º !; º º: 2,150 | 12,328 66,895 3 — # 1 50 8 25 Nottingham ..... i40,350 || 333io /6; ºis | 34. * | ** 23,423 73,639 || 132 || 3 || 2:3 20 26 York. East Riding 139.433 º 3/19 9,31 º sº 3,231 16,519 63,972 15 349 737 557 27 worcester. ... iś ; 2/. 7,897 3,721 2,947 |####| 7: || 9 || 3 |, ...? 4 28 Northampton...... 131.757 1%. 5/9} | 1.9% ºli; º! |...}}|...º || || 2 ||º º 26 ileicester'....... iãoogi ; */. 12,812 1,793 3,287|39,921 18,313 || 3 || 337 1,24; 339 30 Cumberland ...... #. 30| 34. 3| 3/2; 1977; gº º 24.1% ſº | 137 172 tº ºl ãi Dorset .......... iiššić #. º, º| º żº. º. º. || || || |, ..] º 32 oxford .......... 106620 1. 4; ºf #3; ###|}}º 73,010 || 1:0 24 1,009. , 465 33 Berks . º io9315 ; 4/8 || 12,124 76,595 2,615 11,837 | 103,141 838 559 : 1,271 1,221 34 Buckingham ......] io.11% ſº 4|| || 4 || ºf 3. !º º || 2 || 2:2 tº 1,300 35 fierſtoºd ....... 37.5% º 4; 17:29, ºf 3:2; º; lºº. : tº jº, 1.3% 36 Cambridge..... º º 4; |*: 35,298 2,253 11,798 || 70,406 || 708 || 4 |2,073 || 312 37 Hereford . . . . . ...] jºi º 3% º! ºf Fºº 13,093 || 69,166 16 || 6 || 759 150 36 Bedford..........] §§§ ſº ; 4.1% 42,386 lºgº lºgº tº 72 | 163 55 123 39 Monmouth. . . . . . . . 45.58% 25,049 /*, * | *ś| "... 8,430 46,450 || 459 11 862 177 40 Westmoreland .... ii.617 | 17.59 7/4}|| || || 3:0 1,428 4,393 || 24.7% 184|8/8 260 12 41 Huntingdon . . . . | 3.6% 30's, * | ** | * | *º , . . . . . || ||73 ||... . . . / 42 Rutland ..] ſº *:::::: ! 3,340 20,327 | 1,093 3,993 30,938 || 11/219/9 222 14 & © e º e º e º 'º º 3 ,674 || 3/5 2,061 6,215 399 4, 180 || 12,855 9 || || 8 || 103 || 40 Total ENGLAND. 8,331,434 | *,161,814 || 4/4} ||1,009,360 2,920,165 183,639 |1,003,881 |5,117,045 || 39,538 7,560 70,971 22,227 ſ ſpenbigh . . . . 60,352 24,480 5/73 || 1,194 | 18,285 474 4,277 24,230 || –— — 32 32 | Montgomery 47,978 22,989 5/1 iſ 2,601 || 17,680 577 2,186 23,044 || 387 || – . . . " § j Carnarvon . . . 41,521 9, 138 3/0;" 360 6469 328 1.3% gº sº 14 70 12 3 º e e º e º e 39,622 | 16,130 5/43 º, 13.3% gº 2,713 | 18.5 || || || 3 || – || – # tº #| #|*| – | #| || #| #|L = |-|-- Kel -- • sº. 3 3. *...** 3 s a v . 1,4Uo 5 * : *** * : *-* I tºº -r-, -ºx s ſººn... º. 37,789.7% || 1:2) ºf 1,139 º' º –| 8 || – | 10 RS: gº. 67,317 | 17,047 |12/9 362 | 12,397 692 || 2,823 16,276 || —— — — | – is 4 º e e . 18,213 |11/8% 303 || 13,975 741 2,988 18,007 || – || 6/ — | 84/ |*||...] § {};||, | " ... . ; ;|I|| || |I| I & & e & 9 º' 9 - -, # **s 2 9 12.458 || — 14 — i. ----- U. URadnor 19,050 | 10,983 || 5/84 405 8,333 36% 1,484 | idio || – | | | – || – Total Engi,AND & WALEs, 8,872,980 '5,348,205 4/54 ||1,016,446 3,061,447 190,073 |1,034,106 5,302,071 || 39,925 7,598 71,079 gº 33 STATEMENT shewing the Number of Persons Relieved out of the PAROCHIAL Rates, in each County of ENGLAND and WALEs, distinguishing the proportion Relieved permanently, from those Relieved occasionally ; and also the proportion in Workhouse; the Number of Friendly Societies, and Number of Members therein; the Rate djº head, at which the Number in Workhouse were maintained; and the amount of Charitable Donations for the benefit of the Poor, in each County. - -a-seasºn- COUNTIES, arranged in order of their ToTAL PopULATION, in 1801, | Middlesex . . 2 Lancaster tº a e º 'º o 0 g º e º e 3 York, West Riding 4 Devon . . . . . 5 Kent 6 Somerset 7 Norfolk . . . . + 3 e 2 o & tº 49 8 Surrey . . . . . . . . 9 Gloucester . . 10 Stafford 11 Essex 3 * * * * * @ e º O ºr * * * * * * 12 Southampton . 13 Suffolk 14 Lincoln I5 Warwick 16 Chester . . . . 17 Cornwall 18 Wilts 19 Salop . . . . 20 Derby. . . . . . 21. Durham , 22 Sussex * G - «» & © 4 tº © e º e 9 e e - e º gº e * * * * * * e e e ſ tº e e e i e º e 23 Northumberland 24 York, North 25 Nottingham 26 York, East Riding 27 Worcester 28 Northampton 29 Leicester 30 Cumberland .. 31 Dorset . . . . . 32 Oxford . . . . 33 Berks • * * @ 9 34 Buckingham . . 35 Hertford 36 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford tº º Ridg. * B tº º q e 4 & e G Ǻ º q e e a 6 & e º e • * e º te e © e º e º e 40 Westmoreland . . . 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland . . . . • v e e º 'º Total ENGLAND. ſ ſpenbigh . . . . i Flint | | Montgomery S I Carnarvon . . º Anglesea . . . . ſGlamorgan . . | Carmarthen.. Pembroke . . Cardigan. . . . Brecon. . . . . e URadnor . . . . * - § { UMerioneth s: s 'S S 4. Total England and Wales Number of PERSONS Relieved ‘S’ s : ‘S S S.Š " - - Charitable Donations Tyr, ºr S. S. 3 Sº 's S’s S. S. (27°2/00/€ LV0% (1120?? Permanently §. TOTA Z, *º ; Ś § § § § S š §§§ *...* for the benefit of - - of the four Relieved by perma- Non- - § † : š s S §§§§ ". tained the POOR, in In Work-] Out of Under 5 | From 5 preceding occasion- ment ill- Parishonºrs; º; S. & § $ sisgs || maintaine how je Workhouse # Yrs, 0.4d. to 14. Columns. ally. 726 SS • Relicved. § § s *śās in Workhouse. Money tº: †-º- -e {- ** - !- —S- * : * * - L. “A rºwe *** * -º-º-º-º-º- 15, 186 12,185 || 4,347 | 6,690 38,408 || 24,765 | 8,407 || 32,506 1,132 | 72,741 2,613 || 14 15 0 || 4,785 | 16,467 2,719 14,448 # 6,151 9,707 : 33,025 | 13,175 6,928 10,731 : 1,053 | 104,776 1,704 12 12 3 2,522 6,723 2,534 || 20,149 7, 119 |10,602 || 40,404 || 13,961 9,867 7,343 : 492 || 59,558 795 || 1 0 3 10 # 1,953 13,634 2,713 | 18,237 5,449 || 7,504 33,903 || 9,776 || 0,100 3, 120 412 31,792 || 989 || 8 4 0 2,329 || 6,105 6,337 || 9,227 4, 103 || 6,836 26,503 | 15, 129 || 4,567 14,075 198 || 12,633 | 1,062 | 13 18 7 || 1,816 || 9,395 1,902 || 12,944 3,973 || 7,016 25,835 | 8, 144 || 7,079 || 4,823 285 19,848 670 9 19 0 || 1,590 | 8,802 3,996 || 13,668 3,827 | 7, 177 ; 28,668 14,114 || 7,366 4,035 401 || 14,821 384 11 5 0 592 5,671 5,268 5,173 : 3,303 5,229 19,973 || 17, 167 3,720 | 6,895 241 19, 199 860 | 1.4 5 I : 2,814 || 7,424 1,857 | 11,85 4,750 | 7,549 26,007 || 10,893 5,094 5,840 263 | 19,606 | 1,518 || 8 16 0 2,232 5,145 1,828 6,829 2,949 4,296 15,802 || 6,608 || 3,863 || 9,419 372 32,853 359 || 8 6 6 1,084 || 5,058 2,969 11,219 3,576 7, 161 24,925 | 13,412 || 4,850 6,780 353 14,890 846 || 13 14 0 || 915 5,659 3,537 7,959 3,691 6,016 21.203 || 1 1,378 3,756 | 13,846 62 4,733 614 || 1 || 3 8 # 2,428 3,502 4,098 || 8,066 : 2,745 5,351 20,260 | 15,850 4, 115 | 1,999 325 11,418 635 12 12 I 387 12,037 1, 112 || 6,609 1,830 || 3,473 13,624 5,821 || 3,294 3,091 113 7, 530 177 | 13 8 9 588 7,279 1,981 | 10,624 3,673 5,871 22, 149 || 6,4U6 || 3,922 3,605 417 | 17,000 | 1,064 10 0 0 855 | 10,205 273 || 7,504 2,549 4,428 14,754 7,398 || 3,392 || 4,078 166 14,828 74 I I I 7 0 || 1,446 2,647 399 || 6,415 || 1,097 | 1,363 ; 9,274 3,581 3,988 1,962 201 | 16,736 298 || 8 0 1 696 || 1,050 1,617 | 12,500 6,371 ||10,529 31,017 | 11,111 || 5,219 4,536 186 11,330 372 9 2 4 || 1,888 || 5,442 1,586 5,644 1,628 2,681 11,539 || 5,767 2,936 2,826 206 | 19, 144 | 802 || 13 2 4 838 2,744 462 4,699 : 1,736 2,240 9, 137 4,030 2,588 1,513 267 22,681 267 11 13 2 | 1,068 3,865 746 7,099 : 1,844 3,022 12,711 2,596 || 3,494 3,756 178 11,556 271 9 1 1 0 381 | 1,076 3,823 || 9,415 # 6,798 |10,149 : 30, 185 6,891 3,231 2,619 41 || 4,418 499 || 12 8 10 # 1,247 2,318 600 || 7,801 1,139 2,146 1 1,686 2,618 4,613 1,676 160 1 1,606 | 205 || 9 4 11 § 723 749 506 || 5,643 1,702 2,781 10,632 3, 183 2,829 1,348 69 || 9,719 149 : 10 14 () 725 3,520 965 || 3,467 1,234 1,690 7,356 2,450 | 1,692 || 2,692 247 15,202 131 9 13 0 374 3,070 614 || 3,991 1,129 1,673 7,407 2,074 1,759 1,869 93 || 1 i,248 240 12 9 11 : 1,331 5,025 1,136 6,236 2,499 || 3,970 : 13,841 5,055 2,720 2,963 220 | 12,845 457 9 14 6 820 6,060 1,394 || 7,314 : 2,502 || 4,597 15,807 || 4,800 2,982 | 1,561 169 || 8,062 230 9 2 10 692 6,444 954 || 6,446 3,278 || 4,557 15,235 | 3,919 2,617 2,268 ; 172 10,889 133 | 11 6 0 || 1,024 || 4,878 602 || 3, 170 1,225 | 1,525 6,522 1,923 | 1,686 1,596 83 || 7,788 26 8 4 0 252 | 457 930 || 5,734 1,694 2,935 11,293 4,490 3, 179 || 3,843 37 3,795 409 || 13 8 7 386 4,475 1,243 6,539 3,214 || 4,841 15,837 6, 148 2,912 2,800 69 5,010 290 | 9 || 5 || 707 3,347 1,169 5,620 # 2,740 || 4,793 14,322 || 8,266 2,872 2,749 47 2,843 305 | 12 6 3 905 || 6,576 1,260 6,505 # 2,502 || 3,991 ; 14,258 5,392 || 2,529 | 1,090 74 4,079 331 13 13 0 663 4,307 1,754 4, 197 : 1,014 | 1,735 8,700 4,619 1,890 8,190 201 || 8,622 391 | 12 0 () 899 || 3,360 892 || 3,870 : 1,151 2,013 7,926 3,368 1,579 834 78 3,173 || 142 | 11 3 8 481 5, 164 303 || 4,515 1,369 2,050 7,937 || 3,542 2,083 1,703 4I 2,811 188 || || 3 || 3 () 506 | 1,792 674 2,516 693 1,321 : 5,204 || 2,072 | 1,172 761 75 2,730 196 || 12 10 5 196 || 2,187 133 1,943 : 350 699 || 3,125 1,354 996 | 1,226 54 || 3,799 79 || 8 15 0 || 230 | 1,357 I 52 1,934 637 991 3,714 9 : 1 906 | 1, 177 27 2,435 } || 8 || 8 || 2 198 837 353 | 1,588 # 472 | 1,011 || 3,424 1,322 611 143 || 45 1,740 | 111 || 10 0 6 || 339 95 H 169 498 99 201 967 393 || 268 220 23 1,704 || 83 12 4 10 268 500 82,746 || 311,991 #114,142 | 184,410 # 693,289 295,912 | 153,571 190, 10" | 9,347 | 674,220 21,087 12 4 6 5 46,173 206,301 98 3,083 894 | 1,611 : 5,686 1,982 1,409 63 18 2,221 57 | 12 3 8 438. 931 188 || 3,233 : 1,223 1,992 || 6,636 1,227 | 1,681 66 13 | 1,139 35 13 16 7 221 337 71 1,279 319 627 2,296 395 573 57 7 715 96 || 5 1 6 160 393 25 I, 572 443 878 ; 2,918. 781 925 1 || 8 18 3,307 62 14 16 0 309 346 —— 1,145 239 552 1,936 387 593 82 2 161 25 —— 149 175 ——— 1,775 452 905 3,132 | 245 | 1,010 63 || 4 145 38 —-- 184 166 151 2,000 454 572 3, 177 1,352 1,435 607 123 12,178 53 13 18 2 152 338 66 2,826 458 667 4,017 | 1,373 1,425 | 1,058 77 5,676 12 5 9 10 92 164 71 2,851 585 918 4,425 743 | 1,630 508 21 1,628 60 4 9 4 H 38 38} 7 | 1,720 333 628 2,688 456 967 365 1 i 300 12 || 4 5 11 16 46 -— 1,503 241 417 2,161 677 997 750 22 1,555 52 •-e: 15i 579 45 1,221 413 737 2,416 369 613 208 9 605. — 9 0 0 59 310 85,468 336,199 : 120,236 194,914 : 734,817 305,899 || 166,829 194,052 # 9,672 || 704,350 21,589 12 3 6 || 48,244 210,467 —' ~~ *** Assuming, that those Relieved occasionally, to be the heads of Families, and on an average of 3 Children to each, and including the Nott-Parishoners, it makes the proportion of Paupers to the Total Population, abotit 28 tº Cent. E 34 STATEMENT shewing the Amount of the Parochial Assessments in each County of ENGLAND and WALEs, in each of the three Years ending Easter 1813, 1814, and 1815; the Rate ºf £ at which levied; and the Number of Persons relieved out of the Poors Rate, distinguishing the pro- portion relieved permanently, from those relieved occasionally; and the proportion of those relieved permanently, in Workhouse, from those out of Workhouse in each County;-the Counties arranged in order of their ToTAL POPLULATION in 1811, whereby the inequality of the Assessment and Relief is rendered the more readily discernable. - Total Amount ºf Number of PERSONS Relieved. COUNTIES, - : - e arranged in order TOTAL Parochial Assessments, in the Rate Permanently. toº *. * Years ending Easter - . º à . In Workhouse. Out of Workhouse. Occasionally. - «in 1811. I 811. 1813. 1814. 1815. Zevied. § 1813. 1814. | 1815. 1813. 1814. 1815. | 813. 1814. 1815. *a*- £-—l—£-——£-—l-s-d 4 * 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . 953,276 627,853 686,291 |675,167 2/4; #16,698 |16,115 |16,026 17,296 | 18,333 18,241 75,541 | 84,774 83,988 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . 828,309 : 460,420 450,591 || 389,248 2/10; ; 5,138 || 4,445 3,655 ; 25,553 23,923 19,811 22,617 | 18,517 | 15, 126 3 York, West Riding 653,315 463,566 444,756 395,935 3/7% 4,021 2,969 2,548 24,088 || 23,274 22,126 20,939 18,419 15,805 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . 383,308 305, 188 284,831 260,267 3/0 3,045 2,996 || 2,980 19,142 | 19,283 18,600 11,510 || 11,273 || 10,573 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . 373,095 || 402,229 425,417 | 394,754 4/11; 8,077 8, 185 8,275 14,166 14,579 || 1 1,414 | 18,317 | 19,472 20,295 6 Surrey . . . . . . . . . ... 323,851 280,327 287,110 || 264,517 3/64 6,382 | 6,491 6,224 8,138 8,665 8,603 7,778 8,275 8,207 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . 303, 180 254,969 240,139 203,876 2/54 2,052 2,176 1,855 15,711 | 15,861 | 15,265 12,344 11,809 || 9,682 8 Stafford . . . . . . . . . 295,153 169,810 | 165,714 | 153,286 2/10 ; 1,906 i,833 1,562 10,310 | 10,479 10,452 : 13,365 11, 179 11,045 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . ... 291,999 || 361,633 308,254 246,243 : 3/11 3,490 || 3,489 || 3,231 18,019 16,923 || 15,927 15,762 14,548 12, 182 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . 285,514 212,954 219,330 202,609 2/10; ; 1,871 1,780 1,576 || 13,258 13,259 12,610 14,173 || 10,817 | 10,715 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . 252,473 || 367,237 || 332,860 |283,996 : 4/2} 3,233 3,228 3,065 14,595 || 14, 143 || 13,010 17,768 17,589 | 16,646 12 Southampton . . . . . . 245,080 260,335 233,474 193,307 || 4/0; 3,717 | 3,747 || 3,689 || 10,934 10,357 9,462 9,028 9,738 9,822 13 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . 237,891 227,681 234,391 || 228,502 2/2; ; 1,354 1,385 | 1,406 || 7,603 || 7,790 7,925 i 8,841 6, 194 | 6,829 14 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . 234,211 279,925 255,563 209,026 4/4; 3,888 3,852 3,624 12,305 || 11,891 10,932 13,918 13,664 11,659 15 Warwick ........ 228,735 220,575 210,397 190,537 3/4} : 2,255 2,078 1,718 12,830 12,645 12,148 # 7,397 7,289 6,334 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . 227,031 ± 159,510 | 156,506 || 142,409 2/93 539 580 609 || 8,901 8,915 8,422 : 10,939 || 9,860 8,924 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . 216,667 || 133,889 | 121,999 || 105,820 2/7% 566 584 578 : 7,501 || 7,538 7,430 ; 5,856 4,726 4,321 18 Salop . . . . . . . . . . ... 194,298 || 137,895 136, 185 119,783 2/6; ; 4,393 || 4,057 2,701 7,870 8,016 || 7,917 : 8,448 8,439 7,821 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,828 272,493 229,046 172,690 i 3/10; ; 1,331 1,155 | 1,090 16,009 || 15,144 13,355 14,947 13,335 | 1 1,405 20 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . 190,083 : 350,610 || 327,939 274,462 : 6/11 4,568 || 4,431 4, 163 I 4,472 14,099 || 13,058 # 8,077 8, 189 7,928 21 Derby. . . . . . . . . . . . 185,487 | 126,892 126,609 || 107,862 2/8% 705 650 525 6,653 6,783 6,415 # 7,858 8, 128 7,104 22 Durham ......... 177,625 || 104,475 108,964 105,226 2/8% 788 744 691 8,737 8,818 8,727 4,097 4,227 4,058 23 Northumberland 172,161 ; 99,519 102,362 91,813 1/7 755 791 748 8,925 || 9,040 8,874 3,573 3,584 3,204 24 York, East Riding 167,353 || 130,363 || 138,071 | 124,787 2/2} 800 830 817 5,631 5,644 5,449 4,714 4,738 4,44. 25 York, North Ridg. 165,506 113,834 117,052 113,894 2/0 667 655 611 6,298 || 6,274 6,123 3,638 3,603 || 3,341 26 Nottingham . . . . . . 162,900 127,562 | 123,209 || 113,615 3/3; 1,202 | 1,167 | 1,024 5,075 5,083 4,844 7,208 5,481 5,478 27 Worcester ........ 160,546 124,956 | 121,859 105,691 2/114 1,068 || 1,098 || 1,049 6,771 6,856 6,428 5,448 || 5,592 || 4,865 28 Leicester . . . . . . . . 150,419 154,410 159,159 139,436 3/4} 1,310 1,244 997 || 7,796 || 7,938 7,345 7,165 7,082 6,092 29 Northampton...... 141,353 173,317 | 168,225 156,567 3/6% 960 981 954 || 8,699 || 8,594 | 8,365 6,680 6,524 6,373 30 Cumberland ...... 133,744 i 67,390 | 66,241 61,756 1/10} 658 676 657 4,246 4, 194 || 4,039 1,865 1,874 1,748 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . ... 124,693 : 130,046 114,314 || 95,369 3/3 983 994 | 1,053 8,485 8,226 7,278 ; 7,684 6,773 || 5,579 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . 119,191 170,614 | 162,222 || 136,258 4/4; 85 820 841 || 7,792 || 7,635 | 7,134 7,215 7,386 7,056 33 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . I 18,277 188,418 156,335 | 122,353 4/9 1,433 1,394 1,322 9,453 || 9,079 || 7, 175 # 10,128 9,016 || 8,048 34 Buckingham . . . . . . | 117,650 162,376 151,960 | 129,948 # 4/7 1, 191 | 1,331 1,292 6,960 | 7,206 6,586 6,783 6,525 6,946 35 Hertford . . . . . . . . 111,654 : 113,622 109,924 95,966 : 3/8; ; 1,559 1,511 | 1,416 5,471 4,678 4,324 5,941 6,267. 5,658 36 Cambridge. . . . . . . 101,109 106,661 99,925 | 86,519 2/11; 777 740 729 4,973 || 4,861 4,579 5,898 || 5,618 5,359 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . 94,073 i 103,567 | 97,480 85,437 3/1; 280 305 330 5,810 5,721 5,560 4,666 4,570 4,001 38 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . 70,213 80,788 75,128 | 68,432 4/4} 923 867 849 3,040 3,024 2,875 : 3,459 3,103 || 2,953 39 Monmouth. . . . . . . . 62,127 : 37,939 36,950 38,650 2/6; 121 90 87 : 2,296 || 2,346 2,314 1,669 1,857 1,587 40 Westmoreland . . . . . 45,922 28,946 29,696 || 27,392 : 1/1 I 303 268 236 2,074 2,109 || 2,105 1,062 | 1,002 866 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . 42,208 || 48,534 45,952 41,302 2/10 374 383 346 1,961 1,919 1,838 3,286 3,197 2,730 42 Rutland. . . . . . . . . . 16,380 18,241 20,349 18,679 2/10 134 127 125 593 618 619 298 304 311. Total ENGLAND. 9,551,888 8,342,570 8,082,779 7,173,389 3|2 96,416 || 93,242 87,274 406,440 401,758 378,709 424,870 414,553 387,113 ſ ſ Denbigh .... 64,240 40,000 | 40,281 || 36,379) 294 295 282 2,756 2,902 2,928 2,327 2,414 2,135 eº | Montgomery 51,931 36,443 36,626 33,488 163 79 184 3,923 || 3,948 3,887 1,469 1,438 1,319 $ ) Carnarvon . . . 49,336 16,308. 16,765 15, 197 47 48 46 1,547 | 1,575 1,590 964 959 971 3. n Flint . . . . . . 46,518 26,578 25,897 25,313 77 9 i 104 1,963 2,023 2,021 1,812 1,844 1,570 &; t Anglesea.... 37,045 12,523 11,441 10,261 --> -º — ; 1,279 1,346 1,296 5 12 480 470 s º UMeriorieth ..] 30,924 14,536 15,512 14,254 - 2/9} Flint . . . . . . . . . . 3 A Anglesea . . . . . . . . . . I § UMerioneth . . . . . . . . . 5 : ſGlamorgan . . . . . . . . 1() | Carmarthen ... 11 #: . . . . . . . . 12 ; ) Cardigan . . . . . . . . . . 7 | | Brecon . . . . . . . . . . 9 URadnor . . . . . . . ... 8 Total E N GL AND and WALES Total Parochial Assesment in do. Annual Average Price of Wheat [Years 3 Years Years 3 Years Years ending Easter €ndźng end *g end º: 2– ... " -N- * W #;" | #;" | #. Teos, 1913. Tieia, 1915. | lºº. 187. tºº. —£--—£–-l——£–-l—£-- £—-|-É—-|——£–-—£---|--É- -]—£–- 81,030 |174,274 195,527 | 349,200 502,967 543,333 505,601 || 519,164 540,235 634,703 21,236 50,985 69,118 148,282 306,797 265,347 213,047 222,115 336,485 372,964 20,218 48,749 63,207 186,467 || 328,113 302,526 257,624 259,178 || 330,866 || 337,395 34,953 61,027 | 76,862 | 124,022 217,757 | 203,481 | 183,646 198,608 215,173 247,910 41,997 || 78,830 102,645 206,508 || 317,990 || 329,319 |295,280 309,282 345,176 398,886 26,598 || 48,510 || 62,945 133,874 217,757 225,733 201,646 216,709 247,717 | 271,067 25,596 || 49,181 62,248 || 121,790 | 185,407 | 180,188 150,258 159,544 180,987 | 200,323 30,464 || 63,171 91,776 169,733 291,501 || 247,427 | 199,192 214,211 291,212 || 327,665 9,812 || 31,089 38,535 | 83,411 | 124,765 122,101 || 111,642 | 116,758 || 148,520 170,778 25,687 52,873 62,665 | 109,045 | 165,575 159,974 135,580 141,879 | 162,493 | 189,119 38,233 || 72,568 90,611 || 137, 140 || 312,230 276,046 226,252 252,174 312,635 | 318,415 | 20,521 || 48,598 || 55,400 | 124,019 |225,601 || 198,135 | 163,150 | 171,272 221,446 281,637 14,790 31,267 40,856 95,575 129,343 || 130, 184 128,360 144,943 157,761 | 169,671 10,445 42,586 56,677 117,353 | 157,932 147,700 | 127,684 124,483 169,831 194,458 28,063 55,839 || 67,294 | 119,963 225,714 || 197,415 || 155,289 170,696 || 257,719 291,262 14,741 28,922 || 37,361 | 66,627 | 114,370 110,983 || 100,689 98,578 119,535 | 127,460 9,660 | 21,997 27,027 54,648 || 103,736 88,976 78,090 | 85,210 || 103,149 127,254 24,343 53,499 || 70,136 179,858 314,270 282,152 230,866 236,058 281,069 || 331,070 22,938 52,714 | 60,392 | 128,635, 234,352 | 189,065 | 137,626 143,364 202,508 || 234,134 7,677 | 16,771 20,978 || 54,459 93,963 | 89,036 | 72,179 || 76,981 | 97,742 108,540 7,143 14,057 | 18,478 || 51,966 81,752 | 84,826 78,726 83,660 90,670 | 101,790 7,925 21,549 32,313 | 66,747 | 106,318 106,742 90,839 92,524 120,988 135,760 | 3,796 || 14,085 | 19,922 52,416 || 72,821 74,229 69,236 77,994 | 83,777 94,437 4,110 | 10,804 14,569 || 41,388 83,752 83,539 75,438 81,035 | 89,786 111,834 4,375 11,665 | 16,420 44,222 88,013 | 84,354 71,419 || 77,991 || 108,362 | 101,522 9,134 26,156 33,009 || 71,235 | 101,109 || 97,595 83,540 | 85,091 110,523 123,639 5,581 | 12,155 17,993 48,702 || 70,861 71,489 65,536 || 70,582 79,478 91,876 7,549 23,581 29,209 79,911 | 110,560 | 113,521 95,200 | 103,198 || 143,572 154,104 12,367 34,632 44,271 94,607 || 139,675 134,924 123,038 133,116 147,151 | 162,357 2,450 7,402 || 10,812 27,603 || 44,985 43,616 || 40,916 44,148 || 48,383 57,023 12,226 24,045 29,826 64,771 109,304 || 93,770 75,678 79,690 96,009 119,044 12,831 28,131 34,613 88,689 || 143,108 || 128, 199 || 106,495 117,802 || 138,905 || 156,410 17,139 31,130 43,598 86,151 133,949 122,347 | 101,814 | 169,776 | 129,865 147,911 15,971 35,989 45,384 81,994 | 160,872 129,668 || 100,297 105,814 || 141,870 157,959 16,452 25,241 35,512 56,380 || 76,701 || 92,165 77,991 || 81,658 90,583 || 101,196 9,171 17,729 || 25,130 54,484 || 85,884 77,111 || 65,951 73,870 94,685 102,972 5,056 || 9,921 15,669 46,471 82,981 || 79,117 | 67,063 67,904 || 79,031 94,579 8,276 16,310 |20,326 36,894 | 61,273 57,360 50,370 53,678 63,521 74,162 2,898 || 5,433 7,341 18,283 28,247 28,508 27,050 27,943 31,035 | 35,561 1,802 2,767 || 5,320 | 13,836 22,338 22,331 20,320 21,560 26,462 29,666 3,306 || 7,514 11,729 23,867 35,413 || 34,997 31,470 || 33,092 || 37,242 | 40,473 862 2,641 3,443 | 8,276 11,168 i 12,374 10,843 | 11,505 12,753 13,077 679,462 |1,489,228 1,855 ogil 3,929,524 6,441,225 6,058,906 || 5,202,931 5,494,788 || 6,656,982 7,552,089 1,139 ) 5,365 9,762 | 19,480 || 32,427 32,660 29,768 || 32,539 || 33,646 41,529 1,383 5,509 8,971 20,281 32,297 31,521 28,831 29,498 30,584 || 41,057 tº-sº 472 | 1,579 6,830 | 12,493 || 12,370 | 12,041 13,277 13,900 18,603 873 4,044 7,076 | 12,784 || 19,454 19,454 18,589 | 19,832 21,402 || 23,060 *-* }69 930 6,167 9,278 9,390 || 3,447 | 11,324 12,709 | 15,019 311 1,037 2,256 7,776 12 280 12,528 12,096 || 11,439 || 11,947 16,385 2,224 5,301 8,818 21,968 33,287 33,854 30,022 34,725 43,287 || 51,314 1,279 2,948 || 5,671 12,760 23,548 24, 178 22,204 || 23,588 25,135 | 34,414 1,009 || 3,049 5,151 14,278 20,390 20,060 18,024 18,626 19,100 23,895 302 | 1,085 2,248 7,118 12,386 11,621 11,293 11,269 13,288 18,644 1,032 2,408 || 4,238 10,170 14,976 15,480 13,840 15,364 18, 104 22,702 957 2,254 3,889 8,757 12,065 | 12,560 | 10,759 10,811 | 12,210 15,792. | - 689,971 1,521,732 (1,912,241 4,077,891 || 6,676,105 6,294,584 || 5,418,846 5,724,507 || 6,918,247 7,890,148 730,135 (1,721,316 |2,167,748 5,348,204 || 8,646,841 || 8,388,974 || 7,457,676 6,937,425 | 8,128,418 9,320,440 27/11 || 48/4 49/9 63/2 128/8 98/0 70/6 61/10 87/4 90/7 --~ | <-- -- \-º-º/~ |\-ºr-y-/ Sea-y-Z 1750. 1776. 1785. 1803. 1813. 1814. 1815. I816. 1817. 1818. i | f - g 6% 7 * . *** This account up to 1821, has been compiled from the Appendia to the Report of the Select Committee on the Poor Laws, Wide Folio 517. Vol. 5. of Papers, See. sion 1822, and the remainder from accounts laid before Parliament annually since that time, the average Price of Wheat in this Statement, will be seem to differ from those in the accounts relating to Grain, the reason is that these are made up from the 25th. of March, to the 25th. of March, whilst the others are made up from the 1st, of January, to the 31st. of December, see further, Summary of Parochial accounts. . - Years ending Easter - —ºf —A. à. - *— -N 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. \ 1830. 1831. —£-——£ £ £––––£-——£-- £ —£- £--——£-———£-———£-——£-— 1 | 634,746 |625,665 615,494 || 582,055 527,625 523,387 541,402 || 555,797 ||612,148 || 659,484 |G59,925 675,235 | 681,567 2 322,059 || 317,057 |288,688 249,585 219,411 203,399 |213,838 |236,173 || 347,912 |289,335 |260,981 297,674 293,226 3 || 311,214 || 346,814 || 330,510 |273,301 || 232,228 226,866 221,240 228,653 298,483 270,890 |263,362 281,158 274,586 4 |260,191 249,968 234,096 207,686 201,887 | 200,735 | 199,590 |208,388 213,539 207,781 |207,500 222,381 223,074 5 396,515 394,619 392,059 370,711 349,878 || 345,778 337,840 329,342 337,833 || 330,030 |340,525 | 358,461 345,512 6 |287,523 277,271 277,602 |242,921 219,177 |216,194 | 214,221 215,635 | 241,582 236,063 |243,452 265,499 |265,389 7 196,718 191,887 176,773 | 153,906 || 147,430 145,557 146,788 151,422 163,225 | 159,811 155,206 || 174,425 || 178,047 8 278,715 272,932 267,869 |256,044 |250,634 262,393 || 262,854 266,635 297,156 281,122 || 275,859 299,211 |299,357 9 155,209 | 153,132 151,177 || 133,702 || 111,948 || 109,944 107,635 | 108,259 | 124,959 | 128,467 119,978 || 133,670 132,887 10 | 189,901 | 182,791 164,913 | 152,994 | 138,247 | 130,061 | 130,838 || 137,627 152,238 149,856 146,895 165,192 | 168,288 11 || 318,774 312,037 288,921 254,837 238,485 247,290 |251,144 255,012 261,278 247,387 262,215 282,133 272,593 12 |252,480 |229,566 210,523 193,294 | 174,067 | 184,062 | 189,721 | 194,034 184,929 | 186,456 193,371 212,380 215,229 13 || 172,427 172,971 172,879 | 168,786 156,184 || 156,553 156,618 157,915 167,988 | 169,890 171,565 179,204 || 174,055 14 || 175,079 | 181,984 164,799 || 146,185 | 125,788 || 127,450 | 126,467 132,575 144,582 146,354 141,579 170, 189 | 161,212 15 248,460 245,076 244,807 |240,384 231,052 246,830 || 238,651 233,522 223,037 216,056 242,056 268,623 |270,651 16 || 117,959 121,169 || 113,239 104,081 91,790 86,821 | 85,082 87,513 108,753 100,602 || 98,106 || 106,238 || 103,572 17 | 122,218 115,254 111,779 || 104,178 || 97,165 95,152 95,437 92,930 99,109 || 101,538 98,520 | 103,369 102,151 18 315,163 286,066 276,469 262,246 246,827 241,073 || 236,605 |240,139 239,779 228,938 235,745 256,142 |263,908 19 200,600 | 188,808 || 172,409 | 163,168 139,852 150,892 | 163,257 | 160,724 165,443 | 158,110 || 173,480 | 198,008 || 198,194 20 | 103,579 || 103,764 || 97,374 86,756 | 73,785 70,145 || 69,165 | 68,878 || 75,569 || 76,035 | 74,800 80,060 | 78,717 21 | 101,066 | 101,756 | 97,618 91,182 80,073 || 76,702 || 74,692 || 75,742 76,703 || 78,966 80,770 81,209 || 81,862 22 || 117,543 || 111,617 | 101,656 92,907 || 80,089 77,569 || 77,611 || 76,826 80,754 80,196 || 80,063 83,989 || 87,111 23 92,743 82,030 | 84,186 77,505 | 72,371 69,467 67,218 67,049 69,290 | 70,639 || 72,275 74,288 74,092 24 || 114,313 || 105,867 || 100,870 | 97,522 93,435 | 89,486 || 87,473 87,832 95,629 95,420 98,011 || 99,500 100,976 25 | 94,847 | 105,348 87,573 | 73,315 60,522 || 58,694 || 57,048 60,292 || 71,936 71,535 | 69,137 || 78,242 | 72,717 26 111,343 107,260 98,172 83,761 70,530 | 68,146 68,929 || 72,766 76,954 || 74,029 || 75,863 80,014 | 83,513 27 93,222 91,733 | 89,429 || 82,638 75,871 | 73,651 | 72,447 | 72,409 || 76,566 || 77,602 || 80,322 82,367 83,931 28 || 146,369 159,678 143,535 | 124,244 96,398 || 85,481 | 87,267 98,628 117,962 110,502 || 106,862 | 130,026 113,951 29 | 165,480 162,546 156,021 145,093 || 130,136 | 121,586 || 124,477 132,603 || 148,176 140,585 140,926 || 153,031 150,816 30 58,169 59,064 56,637 52,352 45,709 || 43,610 44,679 || 42,036 45,719 45,971 43,784 46,081 46,166 31 108,749 || 104,825 95,857 | 85,647 78,124 78,677 79,908 || 81,984 82,795 80,492 || 82,462 90,949 90,667 32 150,801 || 143,230 131,846 115,647 | 105,198 || 106,390 107,045 115,961 119,739 122,074 123,399 || 130,597 || 130,042 33 144,547 133,165 | 129,107 || 117,477 105,782 | 104.921 113,848 125,697 || 132,677 | 124,199 || 124,498 || 135,239 || 137,356 34 143,242 123,280 112,669 || 104,388 | 84,918 91,110 | 95,189 || 101,279 99,527 96,258 105,624 I 11,653 115,070 35 | 101,115 100,667 98,002 | 89,129 83,835 | 82,313 | 84,823 87,804 || 93,065 | 89,909 91,796 99,680 94,366 36 | 97,418 91,163 | 89,924 87,872 83,599 || 83,888 87,948 90,291 90,007 91,308 94,369 || 101,147 98,522 37 88,803 || 81,108 || 72,224 62,729 55,327 54,403 55,731 56,547 57,423 57,501 57,060 59,711 62,622 38 77,094 | 73,465 69,236 | 68,826 63,219 || 64,937 67,374 || 74,989 81,960 | 77,967 77,554 | 84,514 81,016 39 34,848 33,022 29,261 26,040 24,262 23,237 22,558 22,612 23,734 23,338 || 22,976 24,628 26,612 40 29,679 29,412 28,288 27,207 || 24,387 || 23, 141 23,117 | 22,854 27,114 27,365 24,793 25,512 26,586 41 41,693 || 38,798 || 39,192 || 39,427 37,720 || 37,655 39,290 40,391 i 42,127 | 38,841 || 41,557 42, 128 40,474 42 | 13,884 12,425 | 11,295 10,575 9,591 8,824 8,120 8,563 9,480 9,292 9, 139 9,644 8,809 7,186,613 || 7,020,365 | 6,674,938 6,102,253 5,534,554 5,494,467 5,535,191 5,676,327 6,179,878 6,031,200 6,332,411 6,553,443 6,509,466 41,491 || 39,921 36,362 32,658 29,556 30,213 32, 104 || 30,537 32,306 || 32,634 || 32,307 34,273 || 35,126 42,388 || 38,403 || 36,878 33,273 27,419 26,325 | 27,733 29,555 29,998 || 32,006 || 30,994 || 31,743 | 84,815 20,514 18,030 17,370 16,225 | 15,029 15,365 17,349 17,938 19,331 20,038 19,868 19,608 21,205 23,563 23, 182 22, 186 19,470 17,328 17,605 || 17,895 18,343 | 19,037 | 19,911 20,216 20,990 20,559 16,340 14,837 14,245 13,332 || 13,445 || 13,304 || 14,200 14,625 15,285 15,684 || 15,831 | 16,007 | 16,247 17, 150 | 16,291 15,385 14,559 13, 100 13,265 14,031 14,282 14,477 14,747 || 14,220 14,543 14,865 49,015 43,558 39,487 36,179 34,222 || 33,984 || 33,419 32,973 32,972 33,392 || 32,871 36,154 || 38,751 38,124 || 35,942 30, 184 27,283 26,442 27,368 29,119 28,435 | 30,353 30,228 29,992 30,864 || 33,598 26,688 25,467 22,716 20,245 19,976 20, 197 21,688 21,982 22,506 23,371 22,897 24,065 24,552 20,416 18,214 16,327 14,885 14,419 14,577 | 16, 109 i5,571 15,905 || 16,450 | 16,517 i7,214 17,591 22,289 20,270 18,665 16,366 16,376 16,249 16,461 | 16,404 17,019 | 16,172 | 16,265 17,450 18,542 16,185 | 15, 180 | 13,701 | 11,974 11,092 i 1,275 11,696 || 11,482 12,021 | 12,167 | 12,163 12,688 18,571 7,531,651 7,329,594 | 6,958,445 6,358,702 5,772,958 5,734,216 5,786,989 5,928,504 6,441,088 6,298,000 |6,332,411 6,829,052 6,798,889 | 8,932,185 8,719,655 8,411,893 7,761,441 6,898, 153 6,833,630 || 6,972,323 6,965,051 7,784,352 7,715,055 |7,642,171 8,161,281 8,279,218 82/9 69/5 62/5 53/0 || 41/11 || 56/8 62/9 || 64/8 56/ | 54/2 63/3 64/3 66/4 1819. 1820. 1821. } 822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832, -- * *-* § STATEMENT shewing the amount of the PAROCHIAL ExPENDITURE for all other purposes than the Relief of the Poor in the Year ending 1776; annually on an average of the three Years ending Easter 1785, in the Year ending Easter 1803; and annually on an average of the three Years ending Easter 1815; and the Number of Persons relieved out of the Poors Rate at each of the two latter periods, distinguishing the Number relieved permanently, from the Number relieved occasionally; and of those relieved permanently out of Workhouse, from the Number in Workhouse; and also the Number of Persons in Friendly Societies, in each County of England,-the Counties arranged in order of their Total Population in 1801. COUNTIES parochial expenditure, Number of Persons relieved arranged in Order | Total for all other purposes than Relief of the Poor. * P - • Number of Members - * : *- - ermanently. Relieved in Friendly of their º Population, Law Charges, Removais, &c. Church, Bye Highway, County Rate, &c. In Workhouse. Out of Workhouse. Occasionally. TOTA L. Societies, in Total Populaiton, in - * *-- *=s_-s - -- in 1801. 1801. 1776. |iº. 1803. 1813-15. 1776. 1783-5. 1803. 1813-15. 1803. 1815. 1803. 1815. 1803. 1815. 1803. 1815. 1803. 1815. ——-£—l—--£—l——£–|——£– H---É–|—-É—!--—£——l——£—— º **- 1 Middlesex .. 818,129 #11,147| 4,629 |18,084 |23,432 8,514 | 8,861 |111,691 |163,066 £15,186 16,279 |12,185 |17,956 24,765 & 1,433 52,136 115,668 72,741 60,579 2 Lancaster .. 672,731 1,387 4,245 |12,743 |28,811 2,590 6,937 || 70,651 |144,398 2,719 || 4,412 ||14,448 23,096 |13,175 18,753 |30,342 46,261 104,776 | 137,655 8 York, W. R. 563,953 1,939 || 3,488 11,528 20,756 1,773 || 3,338 81,234 108,824 || 2,534 3,179 |20,149 |23,163 |13,961 [18,387 || 36,644 44,729 59,558 74,005 4 Devon . . . . 343,001 || 1,454 3,819 4,542 9,060 5,554 |5,124 28,241 || 72,769 2,713 3,007 18,237 |19,008 || 9,776 11,119 |30,726 33,134 31,792 || 48,607 à Kent . . . . . . 307,624 1,320 3,961 8,888 17, 113 ; 5,778 6,454 42,070 86,969 i 6,337 | 8,179 9,227 ||14,386 |15,129 |19,361 30,693 41,926 12,633 15,640 6 Somerset .. 273,750 1,310 || 4,019 5,072 || 9,048 4,811 || 4,778 21,983 || 51,101 1,902 2,027 |12,944 15,612 8,144 || 1,278 22,990 28,917 | 19,848 || 23,883 7 Norfolk . . . . . 273,371 1,000 2,894 6,031 || 9,548 6,700 6,317 | 29,854 50,364 3,996 || 3,403 |13,668 16,956 |14, 114 14, 164 31,778 34,523 14,821 | 13,587 8 Surrey . . 269,049 : 1,233 3,210 | 8,536 |11,169 ; 5,570 8,983 || 37,177 60,585 5,268 6,366 5,173 8,468 |17,167 8,087 27,608 22,921 19,199 21,805 9 Gloucester . . 250,803 || 939 || 2,230 || 4,370 || 7,544 2,807 || 4,219 29,036 52,050 1,857 | 1,745 || 1,851 13,042 10,893 11,891 24,601 || 26,678 || 19,606 || 24,567 10 Stafford . . . . 239,153 999 || 2,428 5,389 |10,545 3,314|4,440 | 20,794 || 36,431 1,828 1,767 6,829 |10,414 | 6,608 || 1,863 15,265 24,044 32,852 41,213 11 Essex . . . . . . 226,437 1,499 || 3,958 || 7,287 |13,595 || 3,255 8,685 32,965 45,541 2,969 3,175 11,219 |13,916 |13,412 17,334 27,600 34,425 14,890 34,425 12 Southampton 219,656 1,330 3,556 5,101 || 5,999 || 4,512 7,045 21,338 31,406 3,537 3,717 | 7,959 10,241 11,378 9,529 22,874 23,487 4,733 11,013 18 Suffolk . . . . 210,431 965 2,113 || 4,694 | 8,374 4,064 |4,877 27,889 || 51,405 4,098 || 3,788 8,066 11,709 |15,850 13,080 28,014 || 28,577 || 11,448 || 13,335 14 Lincoln . . . . . 208,557 645 2,168 5,320 |10,964 2,742 |4,166 46,694 95,083 1,112 | 1,381 | 6,609 || 7,773 5,821 6,288 13,542 | 15,442 7,530 8,658 15 Warwick . . 208,190 1,484 || 2,880 5,599 |10,658 3,860 | 6,125 || 30, 129 56,886 1,981 2,017|10,624 12,541 6,416 || 7,006 | 19,021 21,564 17,000 26,330 16 Chester . . . . .191,751 737 1,931 || 3,171 || 7,891 980 | 1,556 | 16,766 40,642 273 592 7,504 || 8,746 7,398 || 9,908 15,175 19,244 ; 14,828 19,626 17 Cornwall 188,269 601 | 1,504 || 3,046 4,015 # 2,749 2,461 | 13,900 25,003 : 399 || 576 6,415 || 7,489 3,581 4,967 10,395 || 13,032 16,736 21,390 18 Wilts . . . . . . 185,107 1,307|2,501 || 3,682 5,705 2,579 3,530 | 18,800 || 33,404 || 1,617 | 1,192 |12,500 ||14,836 || 1,111 |13,229 25,228 29,257 11,330 | 15,302 19 Salop . . . . . . 197,639 767 1,624 3,136 4,415 # 2,574 3,111 || 14,510 || 25,082 : 1,586 3,717 5,644 || 7,934 5,767 8,236 12,997 | 19,887 19, 144 23,638 20 Derby...... 161,142 # 670 1,946 4,025 6,493 881 2,048 19,554 35,014 462 626 4,699 || 6,617 || 4,030 7,696 || 9,191 14,939 22,681 22,412 21 Durham . . . . 160,861 384 | 1,052 2,720 || 4,834 || 4,411 2,171 13,262 20,795 746 || 741 7,099 || 8,760 2,596 || 4,127 | 10,441 13,628 11,556 | 13,115 22 Sussex . . . . 159,311 1,235 | 2,741 5,746 9,489 5,613 4,568 21,174 30,741 3,823 || 4,387 9,415 |13,876 6,891 | 8,065 20,129 |26,328 || 4,419 || 4,790 23 Northumbla. 157,101 i 613 | 815 2,149 || 4,927 181 525 | 12,328 19,593 : 600 || 765 7,801 || 8,946 || 2,618 || 3,453 11,019 || 13,164 || 1 1,606 | 12, 193 24 York, N. R. 155,506 547 | 872 2,509 || 3,902 246 911 25,427 44,544 506 | 644 5,643 6,231 3,183 3,527 | 9,332 10,402 9,718 8,885 25 Nottingham | 140,350 249 1,648 3,230 6,945 2,530 | 3,451 | 16,518 36,038 965 | 1,131 || 3,467 5,000 | 2,450 | 6,056 6,882 | 12,187 15,202 | 19,149 26 York, E. R. 139,433 232 || 930 2,946 || 4,710 251 || 335 23,493 47,227 614 || 815 3,991 || 5,574 2,074 || 4,633 6,679 || 11,022 11,248 || 11,371 27 Worcester ... 139,333 750 | 1,500 3,543 4,309 || 2,024 3,625 | 13,103 || 20,459 1,150 | 1,071 6,236 | 6,685 5,055 5,301 | 12,427 | 13,057 | 12,845 | 13,458 28 Northampton 131,757 i 600 | 1,808 || 3,287 4,621 2,709 is,543 | 20,921 || 31,401 1,394 | 965 | 7,314 | 8,552 || 4,800 6,526 13,508 16,043 8,062 | 10,150 29 Leicester 130,081 i 818 1,596 || 3,895 || 6,400 1,966 2,742 24,137 40,370 954 1,183 6,446 7,693 3,919 6,799 || 11,319 15,655 # 10,889 15,425 80 Cumberland 117,230 || 627 | 875 2,064 3,586 158 || 315 5,512 | 19,663 i 602 | 663 3,170 || 4,159 1,923 | 1,829 5,695 || 6,651 7,788 || 9,807 81 Dorset .... 115,319 493 1,702 2,209 || 3,408 1,706 || 3,091 11,028 16,041 930 1,010 5,734 7,996 4,490 | 6,678 11,154 15,684 3,795 5,952 32 Oxford 109,620 : 619 1,496 2,614 || 4,457 : 1,548 2,239 II,836 24,771 1,243 837 6,539 7,520 6,148 || 7,219 || 13,930 15,576 5,010 5,922 33 Berks . . . . . . 109,215 729 1,622 || 3,610 || 4,205 ; 1,954 2,640 | 10,863 17,954 1,169 1,382 5,620 8,567 8,266 9,064 15,055 19,013 : 2,843 3,558 84 Buckingham | 107,444 | 668 1,742 2,623 5,820 i 3,328 3,680 15,233 || 23,271 1,260 1,271 6,505 6,917 | 5,392 | 6,750 | 13,157 14,938 4,079 5,917 35 Hertford 97,577 245 1,122 2,257 3,540 4,949 || 3,854 || 1 1,767 15, 106 1,754 1,495 || 4, 197 || 4,824 || 4,649 5,955 10,600 || 12,274 8,622 10,477 86 Cambridge... 89,346 363 | 1,045 1,588 3,530 2,036 2,662 | 13,093 | 19,901 892 || 748 3,870 4,805 || 3,368 5,625 8,130 1 1,178 ; 3,173 || 4,524 37 Hereford .. 89,191 272 | 1,058 1,596 || 3,664 927 | 1,259 | 12,662 18,095 i 303 || 305 || 4,515 5,697 3,542 4,412 8,360 | 10,414 : 2,811 2,854 38 Bedford . . . . 63,393 || 352 651 | 1,175 | 1,805 ; 1,333 | 1,660 | 8,429 || 17,318 : 67 880 2,516 2,979 2,072 3,171 5,262 j 7,030 2,730 3,647 99 Monmouth. . 45,582 142 767 1,478 1,962 1,456 | 1,881 4,993 10,090 133 99 || 1,943 2,319 1,354 1,704 3,072 4,122 : 3,799 || 7,923 40 Westmoreld. 41,617 67 296 459 911 166 140 3,353 6,340 i52 269 1,934 2, 196 || 91 I 977 2,997 || 3,442 # 2,435 | 1,278 41 Huntingdon | 37,568 146 || 433 | 1,098 || 1,135 : 1,273 | 1,727 5,992 9,556 353 || 368 1,588 1,906 | 1,322 3,071 3,263 5,345 1,740 | 2,470 42 Rutland . . . . 16,356 23 94 || 398 || 474 ; 247 318 4,180 || 7,058 # 169 | 128 498 610 || 393 || 304 || 1,060 | 1,042 1,704 1,398 WALES .. 541,546 1,136 3,365 6,433 |13,610 6,268 6,573 || 30,225 58,198 || 722 || 830 |24,208 28,042 9,987 |14,313 34,917 | 43,185 30,130 |45,097 TOTAL, 8,872,980 35,071 91,996 | 190,072 327,585 ; 137,655 163,511 1,034,105 iſ,834,523 85,468 93,141 336,199 423,678 305,899 || 423,158 725,566 | 939,977 i 704,350 | 861,657 39 STATEMENT' shewing the Amount of the Parochial Assessments in all ENGLAND and WALEs, and the proportion thereof expenged for other purposes than the Relief of the Poor, annually on an average of the three Years ending Easter 1750; in the Year ending Easter 1776; annually on an average of the three Years ending Easter 1785; in the Year ending Easter 1803; and in each cf the 18 years 1812–29, ending Easter 1830; shewing also the Amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor, distinguishing the pro- portion thereof, so expended in the County of MIDDLESEX, in each of those Periods and Years, together with the Number of Committals for CRIME in the County of Middlesex, in each of the 25 Years 1805-30, the annual average price of Wheat, with the amount of Money expended in each Year, for the Maintenance of the Poor, converted into Quarters of Wheat. - - *masam- Proportion Proportion § §§ | §§ *s * TOTAL Earpended for Ea'pended for Relief s §: §§ s 3. §§ Year's 4” ºf other purposes of the Poor. §§ k s's §§ §§ STATEMENT of the Number of Quarters of Parochia! than Relief Bngland County of §§g §§ js; OATs; BEANs and PEAs; and of MALT; and of Assessments. of the Poor. and Wales. | Middlesea. #: §§ RiS' S Sacks of FLOUR, brought to Mark Fane Market —£--|--& ...T. j. § - in London, in each of the 19 Years 1812–1830. 1750 730,135 40,164 689,971 81,030 §§§ 27/11 58,051. 1776 1,720,316 172,728 1,530,800 174,274 $35 | 45/0, 77,453 Quarters of 1785 2,167,749 255,509 || 2,004,239 195,527 is 46/6% 84,022 iT —i. T-- sº 1802 – 3 5,348,205 | 1,224,177 4,077,891 || 349,200 | ### 64/8 108,000 Oats a.i.as Mult Flour 1812 — 13 3,646,841 2,185,304 || 6,656,106 || 502,967 1,602 | 125/5 80,205 || 597,028 118,183 134,324 289,002 1813 — 14 8,388,974 2,213,480 6,294,581 543,333 1,707 108/9 99,992 755,630 | 123,370 164,840 || 388,955 1814 — 15 7,457,676 2,087,002 || 5,418,846 505,601 | 1,646 | 73/11 136,803 || 725,009 || 135,773 171,987 399,502 1815 — 16 6,937,425 | 1,214,071 5,724,839 || 519,164 2,005 || 64/4 | 161,000 || 842,572 | 158,632 177,804 || 362,828 1816 – 17 | 8,128,418 1,210,720 6,910,925 540,235 | 2,226 75/10 142,480 838,133 157,349 146,115 338,049 1817 — 18 9,320,440 | 1,432,332 7,870,801 634,703 2,686 94/9 134,000 716,689 154,690 151,123 319,480 1918 — 19 8,932, 185 1,408,905 || 7,516,704 634,746 2,665 | 84/1 150,982 1,232,767 219,735 | 183,964 369,733 1819 – 20 | 8,719,655 1,342,658 7,330,254 625,665 2,691 73/0 171,045 # 887,705 207,490 162,402 381,986 1620 — 21 | 8,411,893 1,375,868 6,959,251 615,494 2,773 || 65/7 187,825 1,150,833 124,856 193,966 : 406,849 1821 - 22 || 7,761,441 | 1,336,533 6,358,704 582,055 2,480 54/5 213,925 748,045 159,241 216,220 447,759 1822 — 23 6,898,153 1,148,230 5,772,962 527,625 2,539 || 43/3 246,300 || 801,079 | 160,021 241,393 440,991 1823 — 24 6,836,505 | 1,137,598 || 5,736,900 523,387 2,503 51/9 202,275 856,809 || 129,885 212,239 489,973 1824 – 25 | 6,972,323 1,212,199 || 5,786,980 541,402 2,621 62/0 174,645 964,827 144, 182 243,208 486,493 1825 — 26 6,965,051 | 1,246,145 || 5,928,505 || 555,797 2,902 | 66/6 167,157 1,142,817 | 159,874 266,885 521,365 1826 –– 27 | 7,784,351 | 1,362,377 6,441,089 612, 148 || 3,457 57/0 214,500 || 1,244,056 186,397 266,534 466,715 1827 –– 28 7,715,055 1,372,433 6,298,003 659,484 || 3,381 55/0 235,000 1,225,012 162,642 215,288 419,789 1828 – 29 7,642,171 1,280,328 6,332,411 || 659,925 3,516 ió8/8 224,975 : 1,530,425 | 164,448 246,905 523,106 1829 — 30 8,111,422 1,322,239 6,829,042 675,825 3,567 64/3 210 373 || 1,145,754 || 147,401 | 219,478 || 368,888 1830 —– 31 901,440 131,637 234,137 412,876 1831 -- 32 : i832 — 33 | 1833 — 34 silº, County of lupplesex. City of LONDON, of MIDDLESEX, distinguishing the proportion for the 97 Parishes - within the Walls of the City of London, in each of the four Years 1803. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1803. 1813. 1814. 1815. ending Easter ——-£——- -º-Hº- —-38—||——£-——-—£-———£-—l—-38— TOTAL Amount of Money raised by Parochial Rates 490,144 627,853 | 686,291 |675,167 || 59,741 | 72,172 79,444 | 73,781 Being in proportion to the Real Property d? Cent . . . . - - || 11 4 5 | 12 5 1 | 12 T 4 — i — *** * Or, in the £. (on £5,595,537, in 1815.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/5} 2/3 2/5: 2/5 3/2 — — ſºlºssºmsºmºsºs Proportion Expended for Relief of the Poor. . . . . . . . . 249,200 502,967 543,333 505,601 || 48,789 | 56,643 59,829 55, 186 In Suits of Law, Removals, and Overseers Expences. . 18,084 22,472 23,726 24,100 || 2,417 3,259 3,596 3,588 Maintenance of the Wives & Children of Militia Men ! 15,991 17,835 9,874 § 1,846 2,432 178 All other Militia Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... }. 111,692 1,160 466 385 - 14,449 * ºsmºsºsºsºmsº- i4 Church, County, Bye Highway Rates, &c. . . . . . . © e l135,145 | 154,946 º! l28,889 |30,298 |25,91. TOTAL PAROCHIAL EXPENDITURE £ 478,976 677,735 | 740,309 || 693,356 | 65,656 85,637 96,121 | 84,880 - - - |- ~~~~~ & Number of Persons In Workh., including Children 15,186 16,698 || 16,115 16,026 1,888 1,451 1,458 1,412 permanently ...} Out of do, , exclusive of do, 12,185 17,296 18,333 18,241 2,582 2,734 2,807 2,703 Relieved Occasionally. . . . . tº º e º e º º * e º 'º e º 'º e dº e º 'º a s e e 24,765 75,541 | 84,770 83,988 || 1,512 1,847 | 1,936 1,721 Persons relieved, not being Parishioners . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,506 smºs---a * * * 3,403 . TOTAL Number relieved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,642 109,535 | 119,218 118,255 9,385 6,032 6,201 5,836 Number of Persons in Friendly Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . 72,741 57,340 57,213 | 67,186 '' 4,047 ' 3,753 3,944 4,535 The Number of Children in the County ºf Middlesea belonging to those permanently relieved out ºf Workhouse in 1802–3, was 4,347 under 5 years of Age ; and 6,690 from 5 to 14, and out of the Total Number relieved 8,407 were above 60 Years of Age, or disabled from labor by permanent illness or other infirmity : of the amount expended for maintenance of the Poor in the same Year, ºf 224,048 was the proportion for those maintained in Workhouse, being at the rate of £13 14 io # head. On referring to the Statement of the Assessment and Earpenditure of the several out Parishes of the Metropolis, the rate # head for maintenance of the Poor in Work- house, in the Year ending Easter 1803, will be seen to vary from £6 18 0 in St. John Wapping, to £44 13 9 in St. Mary Islington ; accounts to be correct ) bespeaks eactreme insufficiency on one side, or great profusion on the other ; but, the probability is, that the disparity arises more fr method and competency in making up the accounts than front any actual difference in the scale or cost of subsistence; items which in one case will be charged will in another case be charged under other heads, precluding all fair comparison, and thereby shewing and enforced into practice, in all the parishes of the Kingdom. this disparity (admitting the om the want of g - wnder one head, the desirableness for some uniform mode of account being adopted 46 STATEMENT shewing the amount of Money Expended for the Relief of the POOR, in the Cities of LonDoN and WESTM INSTER, and in each of the principal Parishes and Districts, within the County of MIDDLESEx, in the Year ending Easter 1776; annually, on an average of the three Years onding Easter 1785; in the Year ending Easter 1803; and annually, in each of the 17 Years ending Easter, or the 25th. of March 1829. City of LONDON. City St. Giles, & St. Andrew, Saffron - St. James, St. Mary •y- zºátház, without of St. Mary- St. St. Geºrge Holborn, & Hää and St. Mary, St. Luke, St. Luke, St. Mary, & St. John, Matfeioſ, Years //ye Pya ZZs the Walls || Westminster le-bonne | Pancras Bloomsbury St. George |Eły ge * Chelsea Old Street | Islington Clerkenwell. Whitechap --—£-—|———£--—||——£-— — — -- || -- - -º,--— —-a ºr, − |—s---º,---------, --- i.--—ººl — — — i-—- Ç ** - , ºsmºsºmas 1775–76 30,582 | 18,791 44,969 4,914 | 1,296 || 5,156 || 4,551 | 1,455 | 1,807 | 1,310 5,130 1,126 2,863 4,060 | 785 32,492 | 20, 166 || 48,856 8,724 | 1,568 4,559 5, 131 | 1,466 2,351 | 1,936 || 4,217 | 1,937 || 4,174 || 4,115 1802 – 3 || 51,206 || 30,739 || 75,982 29,954 || 9,192 || 14,034 || 9,086 2,965 3,903 || 4,675 11, 106 || 6,226 8,779 6,565 1812 — 13 56,643 40,095 98,014 || 38,251 16,124 22,911 | 11,628 4,793 || 4,758 8,526 13,938 7,627 | 9,640 9,115 1813 – 14 59,829 || 41,450 || 103,038 45,036 | 19,191 24,514 | 12,210 || 4,235 4,847 || 9,188 13,734 || 9,401 || 11,735 | 9,920 i814 – 15 55,186 || 39,367 98,498 |40,016 | 18,673 || 23,326 10,788 || 4,023 4,545 8,888 i4,072 9,235 | 11,871 8,320 1815 – 16 57,672 31,153 || 105,669 || 45,062 | 16,295 || 25,375 15,759 || 3,417 || 4,619 7,393 || 13,740 | 10,903 || 14,653 7,891 1816 – 17 58,909 || 37,707 99,216 50,648 || 16,489 || 25,278 14,242 4,651 4,274 7,646 13,552 || 9,006 || 15,390 8,602 1817 – 18 60,251 42,329 || 108,882 | 67,713 18,259 || 39,116 16,086 || 4,796 || 7,200 9,773 | 16,032 11,094 | 16,020 10,962 1818 – 19 62,964 || 39,106 || 125,971 || 45,328 21,042 || 41,151 | 18,542 4,872 6,122 || 9,912 || 14,704 || 1 1,826 17,054 || 14,016 1819 – 20 | 69,857 40,375 || 117,146 || 41,344 24,880 39,594 || 14,467 || 4,940 6,495 || 10,688 15,272 | 10,056 13,283 || 10,530 1820 – 1 || 62,500 || 39,403 || 121, 172 43,218 24,538 || 36,303 || 14,996 || 4,841 9,313 | | 1,909 || 14,971 || 9,905 | 12,581 9,747 1821 – 2 | 62,890 39,040 || 118,028 || 41,182 23,560 | 34,677 || 1 1,870 4,364 5,907 11,257 14,383 10,057 || 14,000 || 9,036 1822 – 3 || 58,248 33,338 || 106,993 || 34,153 24,686 32,042 | 12,809 || 4,174 5,075 11,380 || 13,632 9,216 12,376 8,830 1823 – 4 || 57,647 || 33,309 || 105,370 38,104 || 21,882 34,840 | 11,814 || 3,240 || 4,893 8,317 | 13,643 || 7,555 | 13,991 8,213 1824 – 5 54,276 32,016 || 107,086 || 37,316 || 23,520 | 37,000 | 12,679 3,384 || 5,067 11,540 J4,388 10,070 14,146 9,270 1825 – 6 58,561 || 37,151 || 105,511 || 41,258 24,743 || 31,500 11,707 || 4,282 6,266 10,608 || 13,214 || 9,812 14,731 9,948 1826 – 7 61,428 43,898 || 105,911 || 51,043 27,823 30,844 12,973 || 4,598 || 6,331 || 13,352 | 18,562 11,212 16,079 || 10,192 1827 – 8 64,611 || 42,751 || 114,473 58,395 29,983 || 36,067 | 12,728 4,304 || 7,665 14,437 20,344 14,763 || 17,225 | 11,491 1826 – 9 || 64,555 || 37,348 || 111,807 || 58,773 35,786 36,093 15,009 || 4,684 || 7,799 || | 1,289 20,481 14,338 16,289 || 10,638 1829 – 30 1830 - 1 1831 – 2 -º- A GRICULTURAL DISTRICTS SILK MANUFA CTURING DISTRICT ſ MARITIME PARISHES ſ TOTAL Hundreds of § St. Eleozzard *#. Mile end ºf St. John St. George, St. A 2002, Pop! County I k) & 6 #2) #, a 2 || > t > Urzu is t > º 3. Poplar & of Years Edmonto?? º: Isleworth Elthorne Spelthorne || Sptlyields Shoreditch e.g. old ſº nºw ân the fºast| Limehouse] Blackwall|| Middlesea: 1775 – 76 2,505 | 1,802 2,313 2,966 1,776 || 2,595 3,738 2,826 885 1,726 2,710 | 1,080 631 || 174,274 1785 3,451 2,375 2,527 4,077 3,069 || 2,674 4,777 2,688 | 1,076 2,376 1,860 | 1,068 845 || 195,537 1802 – 3 8,146 3,091 5,710 | 8,015 5,702 || 5,322 7,928 || 3,484 || 2,945 5,158 4,210 | 1,770 1,387 || 349,200 1812 — 13 ;|...}. 9,303 11,528 7,569 || 9,030 | 12,073 || 6,675 4,057 | 12, 157 9,847 || 3,909 5,888 || 502,967 1813 – 14 9,815 5,164 8,553 12,150 8,563 || 9,441 12,968 || 9,288 4,817 | 13,383 || 11,265 4,713 7,741 || 543,333 1814 – 15 9,204 || 3,889 8,741 11,418 8, 192 || 8, 105 || || 2,212 5,427 | 4,054 11,002 9,858 4, 184 7,367 || 505,601 1815 – 16 || 9,127 3,904 || 7,520 | 11,169 8, 120 || 5,710 || 14,407 5,278 3,649 12,353 || 10,804 3,217 | 9,709 || 519,165 i816 — ? 7 9,924 || 4,538 || 9,053 11,956 8,776 || 6,673 18,601 || 9,363 3,964 9,405 || 11,535 5, 110 8,732 || 540,235 1817 – 18 10,753 5,385 7,867 13,446 9,321 || 7,231 | 18,291 10,552 | 6,653 10,297 || 20,720 5,542 10,156 || 634,703 1818 – 19 11,005 || 5, 130 || 9,172 13,843 9,928 || 7,468 18,597 || 9,212 5,797 12,578 || 15,851 5,388 11,140 || 634,747 1819 – 20 | 12,234 5,480 | 8,250 | 13,605 || 10,594 || 7,901 || 19,205 || 9,212 7,492 || 11,844 || 14,052 7,529 10,584 || 625,665 i820 – 21 | 12,604 || 5,613 || 7,633 | 12,413 ; 9,553 || 6,695 | 18,417 | 8,439 7,626 13,171 || 13,502 || 6,400 10,763 || 615,495 1821 – 22 11,083 5, 191 7,060 | 12,129 8,487 || 5,239 || 17,469 || 8,122 6,823 12,015 || 11,612 4,385 10,322 || 582,055 1822 – 23 10,640 5,405 8,404 || 9,557 8,179 || 3,095 16,026 9,21 1 6,153 || 10,338 9,748 4,060 9,213 || 527,625 1823 – 24 10,834 5,227 5,595 8,989 7,504 || 4,094 15,753 || 9,085 5,749 10,656 || 10,658 4,933 9,028 || 523,387 1824 – 25 | 13,432 5,565 5,904 || 8,794 8,148 || 4,841 17,991 || 10,174 6,839 || 10,225 || 11.151 i 5,302 || 8,611 || 541,402 #825 – 26 12,053 5,548 5,540 || 9,439 7,599 |: 19,539 || 9,023 8,315 10,510 || 16,227 | 5,707 8,502 || 554,797 1826 – 27 | 13,432 5,916 6,021 | 10,051 8,191 || 5,581 24,486 || 14,247 10,062 12,459 || 12,788 5,700 || 9,338 || 612,148 1827 – 28 12,937 6,142 5,920 11,436 7,866 5,787 25,514 15,767 11,459 10,647 || 16,913 7,152 9,353 || 609,484 1828 – 29 || 13,598 || 6,136 5,970 10,712 7,578 || 5,541 28,934 17,103 || 11,229 12,388 || 14,948 || 4,921 10,024 || 609,980 1829 – 30 1830 – 31 1831 - 32 | The feature first deserving of attention in the above Statement, is the large amount expended for the relief of the Poor within the W. which relatively, very considerably exceeds, the amount expended for the Iike purpose in any other place in England; the Church, alls of the City of London; Bye Highway Rates, Lavy Charges, and other local Rates, also exceed in the like proportion, the similar charges in any other place; it is deserving of attention, how far so many small Parishes, might be formed into five, or fewer Divisions for Parochial purposes; Bristol, Norwich, and other places afford precedents, and reference, for the con- sideration of adopting such a measure: most of the out Parishes exhibit extraordinary increases since 1776; but, the Population of those Parishes, has, since that date increased in corresponding proportions, whilst the City of London within the Walls, has progressively decreased in Populatiºn, (see Note to Statement of the Population of each of the 97 Parishes.) The operative part of the Silk Manufacture, prevails more particularly in the Parish of St. Matthew, Bethnall Green; and Mile End, Old Town; partially in St. Leonard, Shoreditch; and very partially in the Parish of Hackney : Christ Church, Spitalfields, is the original seat of the Manufacture, and in which many of the principal employers still reside, but the Parish being circumscribed, it precludes any extension of Population, within its limits, and occasions the spreading of the operatives over the adjoining Parishes. For 60 Years previous to 1823, the Rate of Wages for Weaving of Silks in this District had been regulated by ſegislative enactments, and during the whole of that period, the District exhibited, relatively, less poverty and Pa- rochial burthen, than any other Manufacturing District in the Kingdom; in the Session of Parliament 1823 all those enactmens, Were repealed, whereby the employees became more directly subjected to the will of the employers, see the effect, as exemplified above, in the difference of Parochial Expenditure. #3 For the Population of each of the out Parishes, see Statement of the Topographical Position thereaf. 4 i STATEMENT shewing the Amount of Money expended, for the Relief of the Poor, in each of the 14 Parishes and Districts, forming part of the METROPOLIS; and the Total thereof: and also of the amount in the like manner expended for the same purpose, in each of 15 of the principal Cities and Towns in different parts of the Kingdom, in the Year ending Easter 1776; annually, on an average of the three Years ending Easter 1785; in the Year ending Easter 1803; and annually, in each of the 17 Years ending Easter, or the 25th. March 1829; shewing also the Estimated Value of the Real Pro- perty according to the Property Tax Returns of 1815; and the Population of each Parish, District, City, and Town, at each of the 3 Periods 1801, 1811, and 1821. The following features of this account deserve attention, Viz; 1st, the inconsiderable amount in Liverpool, being only in the proportion of 1 to 6, as compared with the City of London within the Walls; 2nd. the sudden diminution of Amount in the Town of Sheffield since 1821–2; 3rd. the great fluctuations in Nottingham and Leicester, between 1815 and 1823; 4th. the large amount of B are strongly manifested in Manchester. *** *** **** irmingham, as compared either with Sheffield or Manchester; 5th. the Panics of 1816 and 1825 County of SURREY. --as-s -º-º-º- B Four Parishes in KENT, Borough of ghrist St. Mary, St. Mary, St. Mary, St.Mary, , Cam., | Wºº.” #. - - . | TOTAL Years Southwark Church Lambeth Newington Bermondsey * berwell #º Croydom º Deptford Greenwich Woolwich º z' £ # 175 –– 6 || 9,154 1,015 2,252 894 || 2,294 | 1,701 | 1,266 3,297 900 o,322 2,062 2,080 | 1,299 676 34,213 1785 10,393 | 1,379 3,146 1,839 2,244 1,858 1,872 5,227 | 1,142 7,006 2,424 3,011 | 1,568 784 43,893 1802 – 3 22,019 2,949 || 10,436 || 6,684 6,140 3,268 3,890 9,600 2,916 || 11,237 4,952 5,177 2,100 2,543 83,892 :312 – 13 || 31,550 3,707 19,179 || 14,244 8,380 7,242 5,673 || 13,451 || 4,118 || 17,020 || 7,970 || 9,314 || 7,320 4,000 || 153,169 1813 — 14 34,181 3,631 21,047 13,648 || 9,484 || 8,948 || 5,711 || 14,080 5,707 || 17,838 || 9,807 || 9,220 7,077 5,100 || 165,480 1814 – 15 30,269 3,599 || 21,572 | 10,942 || 9,064 || 9,266 6,298 || 12,946 4,631 || 17,529 || 7,942 9,726 6,396 || 5,494 || 155,872 1815 – 16 || 30,229 5,666 27,821 | 13,297 || 11,186 6,363 6,102 || 11,572 4,941 || 19,254 7,062 6,124 || 3,458 || 6,636 || 159,712 1816 – 17 | 33,974 6,272 41,726 16,338 10,744 6,321 6,527 | 13,317 | 3,828 || 22,255 8,029 || 7,041 5,274 6,803 || 188,450 1817 — 18 || 39,072 7,081 35,348 16,901 | 12,264 7,494 | 6,400 14,927 5,768 || 22,741 || 10,364 || 13,149 || 7,179 6,891 || 205,580 1818 – 19 || 36,002 || 6,247 || 42,553 | 18,232 17,317 | 9,193 8,183 | 16,584 || 6,444 || 26,087 8,363 10,293 6,838 6,836 || 209,172 1819 – 20 37,277 6,464 |40,374 || 17,498 || 14,850 6,176 6,805 19,069 6,903 || 25,464 8,411 | 12,334 6,593 3,864 || 212,084 1820 – 21 || 41,109 7,502 || 39,614 || 19,120 | 15,954 6,906 || 7,952 16,163 5,747 || 20,291 || 8,231 11,318 6,401 || 3,734 || 210,042 1821 – 22 || 37,979 6,052 28,888 15,530 *17,302 || 7,140 || 7,160 14,605 || 4,622 || 17,039 || 7,276 9,311 5,144 3,195 || 181,243 1822 – 23 35,238 4,864 || 25,206 || 13,457 | 13,669 6,874 || 10,953 | 12,201 4,229 || 16,481 || 7,304 || 10,114 5,480 3,068 || 168,228 1823 24 30,724 4,670 31,538 || 13,543 || 13,743 5,515 7,472 12,303 || 4,219 || || 5,804 7,966 10,322 || 6,068 3,154 || 165,043 1824 – 25 30,550 5,333 28,112 | 12,240 15,572 5,301 || 9,153 | 12,259 || 4,129 || 15,544 || 6,810 8,494 5,691 3,116 || 162,306 1825 – 26 31,031 5,214 23,913 | 12,267 16,511 5,358 8,752 12,016 || 4,513 || 15,638 || 7,548 7,684 5,711 || 3,338 || 159,494 1826 – 27 | 37,290 5,507 || 32,600 14,283 18,271 5,629 || 8,012 | 15,598 || 5,354 || 17,928 7,813 || 7,701 || 5,963 3,567 || 185,516 1827 – 28 36,420 5,832 30,844 13,584 17,039 || 6,054 8, 15? | 14,548 6,130 || 18,269 9,218 8.554 7,029 3,682 || 135,356 1828 - 29 || 37,600 5,754 31,828 15,184 17,438 5,807 || 8,743 | | 5,400 tº: 18,893 9,283 8,444 || 7,076 || 3,462 || 181,450 ! 329 — 30 - $830 — 31 | 1831 -— 32 *...*... "el 227,408 || 56,060 220,618 84,223 65,131 || 51,261 | 84,392 || 133,734 47,012 140,1s' seaso diss' also 27,007 || 1,261,619 801 || 57,515 || 9,933 27,985 14,847 17,159 10,296 || 7,059 16,429 || 5,743 || 20,885 18,282 14,339 9,826 4,007 234,316 Popu- ) 1811 61,069 11,050 41,644 23,853 19,530 12,114 13,369 20,394 || 7,801 26,675 19,833 16,947 17,054 || 6,625 297,958 lation. ) 1821 || 72,566 || 13,339 57,638 || 33,047 25,235 | 12,523 17,876 || 23,819 9,254 31,233 20,818 20,712 || 17,008 8,185 363,253 1831 77,796 | 13,705 | 87,856 || 44,526 29,741 12,875 28,231 25,821 12,477 34,809 21,350 | 24,553 || 17,661 9,659 441,060 Town of Town of Town of Town of Town of City of Out § Tººn of City of Town of Town of city of Plymouth Years *gº Manchestr. Salford JLeeds ||Birminghm *g. wº Bristol, of Bristol *:: *** Nottingham. *gºr Coventry & Davenp. 1775 – 6 3,044 3,323 393 || 3,693 5,894 | 1,453 2,007 || 10, 135 | 3,287 1,144 10,949 2,152 2,510 || 4,256 1,971 1785 6,118 || 4,770 557 4,397 || 11,384 1,891 2,825 | 13,627 2,429 1,872 | 13,397 || 3,343 3,052 5,596 2,494 1802 – 3 || 25,419 15,999 || 1,490 19,274 18,681 3,614 || 9,722 || 11,402 || 4,366 5,524 17,048 || 9,939 || 7,477 9,764 8,194 1812 – 13 30,320 38,533 6,413 ; 29,281 33,298 || 6,622 21,610 | 15,013 || 7,952 14,708 || 19,989 || 23, 113 | 11,748 9,725 | 13,957 1813 – 14 26,204 27,684 5,059 27,229 30,214 6,935 | 16,714 || 14,096 || 9,506 || 14,906 | 18,456 16,782 14,315 8,829 15,219 1814 – 15 24,344 16,636 4,037 21,397 30, 139 5,822 || 13,104 || 74,468 7,508 || 12,710 | 16,543 15,616 11,803 || 7,202 | 16,220 1815 – 16 25,952 20,176 3,804 | 18,174 23,873 || 5,210 || 14,823 15,500 9,873 || 13,289 17,296 | 16,513 | 12,747 7,642 | 16,708 1816 – 17 | 34,932 || 48,846 7,783 20,963 37,523 || 6,699 || 22,062 15,500 | 10,547 14, 187 23,043 22,689 18,693 14,415 || 17,411 1817 – 18 || 46,862 39,947 7,813 || 21,641 47,958 8,587 28,414 20,500 | 12,158 22,209 || 25,158 15,895 | 19,347 || 17,572 22, 156 1818 – 19 |42,328 27,436 || 7,110 |20,677 38,222 5,830 | 19,967 27,500 | 12,666 23,992 || 17,874 15,240 17,155 12,952 24,048 1819 – 20 || 38,314 25,614 6,794 29,884 47,651 7,444 || 32,067 27,500 11,906 || 15,618 17,540 |22,966 10,882 14,084 23,032 1820 – 21 || 33,732 23,421 5,149 28, 147 | 40,521 6,416 || 32,386 24,621 11,739 15,369 | 16,608 || 14,943 9,230 | 13,856 23,978 1821 – 22 || 36,754 23,252 3,668 22,682 33,854 5,523 16,787 25,567 10,556 14,659 16,432 || 9,862 17,155 12,494 18,991 1822 – 23 29,492 | 19,754 4,651 20,824 27,549 |4,491 11,750 |25,669 || 9,788 || 14,306 || 17,336|| 7,143 10,822 || 10,782 58,778 #823 — 24 26,937 18,848 3,649 21,813 || 33,848 3,926 i 1,918 21,882 9,710 13,296 | 16,863 7,535 9,230 10,725 21,783 1824 –- 25 28,028 21,371 3,529 20,308 || 32,820 4,871 || 10,369 |22,165 9,868 || 13,996 || 17,118 7,818 || 9,182 || 9,259 |20,728 1825 – 26 27,352 25,134 3,949 21,739 37,153 5,444 9,846 23,85 | | 10,241 14,763 22,482 10,014 || 9,393 || 9,917 23,293 1826 – 27 29,760 42,166 7,140 |26,547 38,607 || 7,620 | 10,887 25,504 || 10,778 15,429 39,284 || 12,874 18, 108 || 12,257 22,046 1827 – 28 29,256 || 32,054 6,766 27, 136 45,884 6,073 || 12,071 22,683 || 11,573 15,048; 36,240 14,508 || 14,673 || 10,888 21,583 1828 – 29 27,201 29,501 6,253 27,717 || 41,111 || 5,699 || 12,621 20,151 | 11,100 15,210 17,347 13,604 || 13,464 11,624 21,090 1829 — 30 - - 1830 -— 31 1831 – – 32 Estimated Value of *. 6 * - 88 03,772 72,481 42,336 57 ext *. #) R. A. *; º; º;|###| "...# *;| #| ##|*::::: "...] § #| : ; ; ; Popu- ) is iſ 94% ºg is iid 62,533 70.207 || 14.366 35.840 46,392 || 3:04, 2,299 || 3.23% ºš 2.46 17.923 || 56.0% lation. , iggi 118.972 103.016 || 25.772 83,796 85,716 19,189 42,157 52,889 || $4,890 28,391 || 30,28; 49,417 39,125 21,242 61,212 * {iji ičí; iº;' tº 123,393 | 114,868 32,118 59,011 59,074 44,812 32,958 61,110 50,680 39,306 27,079 66,173 F. 42 STATEMENT shewing the Number of Houses, assessed to the House and Window Duty, with the Rental at which the Houses were assessed, in each of 16 Classes, from l. 10 to l. 400 P annum, and upwards; and the Houses in 10 Classes, having 8 to 180 Windows, and upwards, in each of the Eight Great Metropolitan Divisions, within the County of Middlesex, and the total of the Jounty, in the Year ending the 5th. of April 1830; shewing also the Total Number assessed in the County of Middlesex, at Rentals of l.264; annum, and upwards, and having 10 Windows, and upwards, in the Year ending the 5th. of April 1823, and the Rate at which assessed for the House Duty. . *...* According to this Statement, the Number of Houses in the County of Middlesex, assessed to the House Tax at Rentals of L20 #' annum, and upwards, have increased iz,561, since 1823. In 1821, the Total Number of Houses Inhabited in the County of Middlesex, was returned at 152,969, which in 1831, will probably have increased to 180,000; 495 of which being Farm Houses occupied by Tenants, are exempt, -leaving upwards of 63,000 Houses below Lio #'an- Hum Rental : The Return of Housés assessed to Window, Duty in 1823, was in Six Classes only, as follows, Viz; having from 10 to 14 Windows; 15 to 19; 20 to 29; 30 to 39; 40 to 49; and 50, and upwards.; this Classification precludes a fair comparison being made with the Return of 1830; but, as far as inference ber appears not to have increased.—see following Page, and Note thereto., 3- The Figures at the head of the Columns refer to the Number of serves, the Num - - --see the same, for Value of Property, Population, &c. of each. the Parishes in the Topographical Arrangement of the Metropolis : —-sº - tº Window Duty: Holborn St. Giles, & Finsbury Tower Kensington, St. Mary- ſ Inns of TOTAL County of Af - * * Division. St. Geºrge. Division. Division. and Chelsea le-bonne. Court, and | Remainder Middlesea, in the Years § Cities of Nos. 26, 72, Bloomsbury Nos. 25, 34, 36| Wos. 13, 35,40 Divisions. Divisions. Chancery. of ending the 5th. of April Rentals of London wº 73, and 105. No. 28. |39, iO7-9, 114. to 60, 134-5. Nos. 74 - 5. No. 71. No. 2. COUNTY. 1830. 1823, ſf, IOT) ſeiß 940 | 1,239 || 1,059 || 230 2,351 7,920 55 265 117 | 1,747 15,928 *=s=rwº. 15 20 948 1,279 || 1,835 303 1,656 4,868 357 522 109 | 1,216 13,093 —-- 20 30 2,264 2,271 || 3,094 648 || 4,939 7,029 | 1,012 | 1,011 260 1,510 | 24,038 20,829 tº 30 40 2,026 2,762 || 3,045 782 3,090 3, 169 883 | 1,789 348 840 | 18,734 15,777 Rºj | 40 50 1,759 | 2,378 || 2,238 || 496 || 2,040 1,690 522 1,728 272 426 13,549 || 11,491 3 50 s 60 | 1,289 1,653 || 1,380 || 372 777 617 375 | 1,127 192 254 8,036T 5 60 s 70 | 1,012 1,247 999 259 501 391 26() 859 150 194 5,869 s 70 s & 80 561 743 654 || 174 214 204 |00 428 62 .87 | **7 - 20,198 ‘s, 80 s 90 543 643 365 228 174 115 118 452 81 13} 2,850 f **** ... 90 S 100 I 85 261 200 116 57 60 26 136 24 19 iº * | 100 } | {} 605 692 239 | 26 118 | H 10 5 i 454 55 97 3.17. is 110 | 50 598 849 376 261 I,07 61 89 444 34 44 2,863 | *3,371 * || || || || "...] § {: ; ; ; "| || || ". º al t 4ts' ë — 8 l, 43 300 J U 400 '75 220 | 1 6 w.e- l 5 164 —— 5 487 3,045 U.400 & upwards 53 277 | 6 3 ** l I 77 —— H 4}9 Total No. of H. --- `-- *** •ºy saw-wº-ºº-ºº-ººs º- *------- 0. ***}ºw 17,681 || 15,711 || 4,272 16,084 26,282 2.9071012, 1,710 | 6,611 116,279 || 74,702 £ £ || £ £ £ £ .# £ £ £ e ſºlo) ſºlā 10,762 14,539 || 12,823 2,686 27,813 92,613 723 3,046 1,339 19,652 | 185,996 || 1 /6 * 15 20 | 15,789 21,259 || 29,053 5,007 || 28,153 81,729 6,518 8,871 1,826 | 19,991 218,196 $ 20 30 50,969 || 51,058 || 67,814 || 15,175 121,536 154,249 25,745 23,426 6,027 | 33,282 549,280 o, 30 40 65,167 90,292 || 99,078 25,629 || 103,034 || 101,158 31,250 57,823 11,497 || 26,755 | 611,683 2/3 ... 40 50 | 73,230 99,652 || 93,908 21, I 14 | 84,406 || 69,688 23,376 71,778 11,441 17,564 566,157T s s 50 a 60 65,741 | 84,857 || 70,442 | 19,332 39,672 31,341 19,668 57,349 || 9,792 12,838 411,032 | # 3 60 | 3 || 70 61,649 |76,757 || 61,288 15,957 30,725 23,741 16,584 52,218 || 9,118 11,574 359,611 .# F - 70 } s - 80 39,922 52,955 || 46,768 12,551 15,220 14,541 7,439 30,332 4,400 || 6,055 230,283 § sº 80 s 90 43,807 52,397 || 29,549 18,585 14,065 || 9,235 9,581 || 36,511 6,524 10,561 |230,815 his § 99 || 5 || 100 | 16.794 |24,947 || 13,221 |10,614 3,196 || 3,413 2,458 2,333 2,177 | 1,723 98.9% 2/10|s & 100 110 |60,758 || 70,613 || 24,217 | 12,734 11,863 | 11,060 5,100 45,580 5,569 9,715 257,209 ſ / § 119 150 74,173 ſº 46,200 31,958 13,222 7,746 11,114 55,718 4,063 5,496 || 355,115 º 150 200 | 68,529 92,483 || 26,705 25,954 7,055 4,420 4,987 76,282 966 5,500 || 312,881 200 300 | 68,813 133,750 || 10,667 24,983 || 3,200 3,790 4,934 111,261 | – || 3,920 | 365,318 300 J U.400 24,019 || 71,186 || 5,370 1,906 ****s 350 | 1,673 || 52,834 — 1,040 | 158,978 400 & upwards 31,493 159,797 || 880 1,798 * 600 400 36,390 i — 450 231,808 J Total Rental Assessed £1771,614 |1,200,977 || 643,073 245,983 505,160 611,676 tºo 7sº 74,739 tº Tsºs.so *ssºrasamºa § ſ ºn s ſ 11 || 3:33, 3.2| 2,879 || 484 || 3,484 || 7,035 | 1,031 1,025 || 802 .399 22,256 — : 11 s 16 3,863 4,327 || 4,505 | 1,188 5,292 || 5,407 | 1,123 2,481 92 1,352 29,630 27,083 s 16 5 21 2,602 || 3,627 || 2,644 819 1,605 1,635 762 2,359 14 729 16,796 || 13,882 § ºl s | 26 1,410 2,147 || 1,252 516 552 519 367 1,276 11 406 8,456 § - iº r + š, ; ;|| 7 || 2: 248 222 177 780 2 242 4,966 ; 19,948 - . # . º º 400 252 175 138 74 763 : 263 || 3,481 4,479 3 30 's 75 is, * . º: º º 29 340 1 || 144 1,563 i,635 & §s - +: *~ º, - 23 26) 202 | –– 123 989 § 75 J R U 100 39 103 || 5 4 5 6 5 12 | –— 29 208 1,306 S (-100 to 180 & up. 27 59 1 || 1 || – 3 3 || 3 | — 24 121 j - |——— - ------ Total of Hººd: 12,086 lºilº 3,739 11,543 | 15,068 3,591 9,241 1,774 4,911 | 89,808 69,333 • *-e----- *a*The difference of 1,342 in the Number of Windows, under the head of Inns of Court and Chancery is so many Chambers Assessed in those Institutions. 43 STATEMENT of the Number of Houses, assessed to the House and Window Duty, in each of the four remaining Divisions of the METROPOLIs, in the Counties of SURREY, KENT, and ESSEX, and the Total of the Metropolis; shewing also the Number asses- sed to the like Duties in each of the Counties of Lancaster, Somerset, Gloucester, and Sussex, as containing the greatest proportion of Houses assessed at high Rentals; the Totals exhibited in comparison with the Total in each Class of assessment, in all England and Wales, arranged to correspond with the Statement on the preceding Page. - *...* The Total Gross Receipt of the House Duty in all England and Wales, in the Year ending the 5th, of January 1830, as credited in the Finance Accounts for that Year, was l. 1,241,791; the proportion of the Metropolis as eachibited below, being l. 770,166, eaceeds # of the whole; it is proper, however, to observe, in regard to this comparison, that the Duty on l. 11,154,109 of Rental, in all England and Wales, at the Rates of Duty, as eahibited on the preceding Page amounts to l. 1,327,940; whether the difference of l. 86,149 arises from arrears, awards on appeals, or from some other cause, cannot here be determined; the difference deserves consideration, in forming an esti- mate of the proportion between the Metropolis, and all England and Wales: the Rate of Duty on Windows, varies in a way to preclude which the Window Duty in the Metropolis, bears to the Duty in the whole of England and Wales, is about one-third. the forming an estimate of the proceeds of the Duty from the Statement below, but the fair inference is, that the proportion of Amount T{} TAL Brixton º Becomtreeſ ºw . Counties of Total of the County of Borough of Hundred, Hundred, Hundred, Toča º - — ~ 5 preceding ENGLAND and At Rentals of M I DD LEs Ex | Southwark Surrey A ent Essea. METRoPolis LANCAstER) So MERs et GLoucest. Sussex || Columns WALEs. ſº rels | 15,923 | 1,227 5,018 2, 176 || 397 24,741 || 8,268 || 4,410 3,145 || 2,020 || 42,584 116,030 15 | 20 i3,093 802 3,84} | 1,061 307 || 19, 104 || 4,766 3,052 1,644 | 1,200 || 29,766 66,394 20 30 24,038 1,023 5,703 914 | 400 32,078 || 6,030 3,226 1,619 1,312 || 44,265 74,499 2 30 40 18,734. 738 3, 119 572 201 23,364 || 3,734 2,192 929 697 || 30,916 44,909 gº | 40 50 | 13,549 453 1,841 299 || 125 | 16,267 || 1,966 | 1,007 483 418 || 20,141 26,027 3 50 s 60 8,036 139 995 169 86 9,425 || 1,133 629 286 395 || 11,868 14,723 Ç 60 s 70 5,869 9() 638 134 53 6,784 848 467 238 | 91 8,528 10,264 § 70 - š , 80 3,227 66 388 73 29 3,783 467 330 H69 147 4,896 || 5,640 ‘s, 80 ſis 90 2,850 51 267 81 34 3,283 353 333 157 98 || 4,224 4,81? | | 90 | S 100 ſº 13 119 25 12 1,258 176 156 85 36 i., 711 1,893 3 100 1 1 0 || 2,547 25 177 66 55 2,870 240 280 126 148 3,664 4,093 š i 110 150 2,863 21 | 40 24 30 3,078 281 289 132 94 3,874 4,091 * 150 200 1,917 3 82 16 22 2,040 95 141 43 34 2,353 2,494 200 300 1,643 I 23 10 | 1 1,688. 38 49 13 21 1,809 1,925 300 400 487 i. 6 3 3 500 8 2 6 5 521 55? ! 400 & wpwards 419 -º-º-º-º-º- **u- *mº i < *-e 419 3 5 5 2 434 438 *ºſº, 4,658 22,357 5,623 1,765 150,682 || 28,406 | 16,568 9,080 6,818 || 211,554 378,786 - £ £ #. £ £ £ £ £ £ 3. £ #: rflo- ſé15 185,996 || 14,724 59,163 24,958 4,500 |289,341 || 94,863 || 50,536 34,703 22,861 || 492,304 | 1,316,738 { 15 20 218, 196 14,363 64,745 17,653 4,951 || 319,908 || 79,438 50,554 26,929 | 19,304 || 496,133 | 1,095,127 20 30 549,280 24,201 | 127,666 20, 165 8,718 730,030 || 139,229 || 71,937 || 35,947 28,857 || 1,006,000 | 1,679,082 30 40 61 1,683 25, 117 100,247 18,088 6,323 761,458 || 122,414 || 70,696 29,861 22,249 || 1,006,678 1,455,113 ... 40 50 566,157 19,553 77,011 | 12,335 | 5,140 | 680,196 || 83, 151 41,758 20,086 17,239 || 842,430 1,087,064 s 50 s 60 41 1,032 7,259 50,793 8,517 | 4,342 || 481,943 || 58,836 32,129 14,557 19,977 || 607,442 753,346 & 60 $ 70 359,611 5,636 || 38,992 8, 193 3,210 || 415,642 || 52,442 28,662 14,506 11,691 || 522,943 628,804 S. 70 - š , 80 230,283 || 4,757 27,684 5,200 2,075 269,999 || 33,683 || 23,571 | 12,061 10,364 || 349,678 402,789 § 80 's 90 |230,815 4,191 21,558 6,536 2,731 265,831 || 28,837 |27,003 | 12,672 7,894 || 342,237 || 390,076 § 90 S 100 98,978 || 1,723 10,778 2,270 | 1,091 114,840 || 16, 148 14, 171 7,665 3,246 || 156,070 172,464 § 100 110 257,209 || 2,524 17,770 | 6,605 || 5,505 289,613 || 24,304 28,334 12,624 14,860 || 369,735 || 412,788 | | | 10 150 355, 115 2,552 17,095 3,012 || 3,745 381,519 || 34,341 35,577 16,045 11,290 || 478,772 505,293 | 150 200 312,881 490 || 13,087 2,520 3,430 332,408 || 15,327 23,347 6,888 5,504 || 383,474 405,991 200 300 || 365,318 240 5, 100 2,190 2,340 375,188 || 8,439 10,320 2,690 4,626 || 401,263 426,667 300 U.400 | I 58,978 300 1,920 | 1,040 | 960 163,198 || 2,580 600 2,045 1,625 || 170,048 179,684 400 & upwards 231,808 — — -— — 231,808 || 1,800 3,714 2,695 | 1,250 || 241,267 243,083 Total Rental Assessed £ 5,143,340 | 127,630 | 633,609 || 139,282 59,061 6,102,922 || 795,832 || 512,909 || 251,974 202,837 || 7,866,474 11,154,109 § ſ 8) is ſ 11 22,256 1,306 || 4,828 1,232 448 30,070 || 8,903 || 5,189 3,567 3,264 || 50,993 137,106 S 11 s 16 || 29,630 | 1,150 4,515 940 391 || 36,626 || 6,249 3,749 2,572 2,956 || 52,152 107,925 s | 16 is 21 16,796 || 381 || 2,013 447 211 || 19,848 || 2,171 1,807 1,134 1,333 || 26,293 || 45,386 S 21 # 26 8,456 120 '749 203 || 119 9,647 825 | 1,019 654 685 || 12,830 20,674 § J #26 × ...< 31 4,966 47 346 134 || 76 5,569 427 793 430 296 || 7,515 1 1,795 § 31 ; ; 40 || 3,481 28 221 104 || 97 3,931 295 || 464 253 222 || 5,165 | 8,445 $ 40 || $ 50 | 1,563 | 7 87 ºn 51 1,779 139 156 122 92 2,288 4,250 § 50 & 75 989 | 4 60 41 56 | 1,150 33 94 84 68 1,479 | 3,363 s |- 75 J = {. 208 i. 5 10 | 13 237 29 ; : 27 344 1,044 ( 100 to 180 & up. 121 — 1 6 J. 129 15 19 28 19 210 * 856 - - •=- "-- - —- | - -- *-*. Tºtº #;"; 89,808 || 3,044 | 12,825 || 3,188 1,463 108,986 || 19,136 | 18,315 8,870. 8,962 159,269 344,495 *** The difference between the details and Total of Houses assessed to Window Dut of Oxford; and 1065 in that of Cambridge.—Wlde Par. Papers, Nos. 123-4, Session 1833. y in all England and Wales, is, 1342 Chambers in Inns of Court in London; 1243 do., in the University t STATEMENT shewing the Number and amount of ASSESSMENTS to the INCOME TAX in 1801; and the amount assessed to the P RoPERTY TAx in 1803, ºnder each of the five Schedules A–E, with Specification of the amounts assessed in 1812, under each of the Schedules A. B. and D. Number and Amount of Assessments to INCOME TAX, in 1801. Amount Assessed in 1803, under each of the five Schedules A – E. e- ,” According to the annered ac- STATEMENT of the amount of Highway Rates, Church Rates, and Ea:- penditure for Relief of the Poor County Rate, &c., in each of the three Metro- politan Counties, and the Total in all England and Wales, in the Year ending counts; the local Assessments of the the 25th of March 1827. TOTAL wº- Cities of Remaining TOTAL Cities of Remaining part | ------esº-º- ºnes as----"* part of Go. County of - of the Count: County of - London | Westminst. of Middles X. Surrey. | Metropolis Great Britain London Westminster of Middlesex. sº © Metropolio Great Britain Under £200 9,061 10,021 23,046 10,164 52,292 || 251,699 A Lands, Tenements 628,539 || 1,052,837 2,019,721 | 1,069,068 4,770,165 38,691,394 £200, and above 8,260 || 4,003 || 7,054 2,517 | 21,834 69,060 B Occupiers of do. *** *-* *-ºsmºs. 9,889 295,553 347,338 652,780 24,279,682 - ...---------" " - : ƺa- C Annuitants. . . . . . 95,860 837,123 1,757,980 527,031 3,217,994 | 11,918,067 Total Number 17,321 14,024 30,100 | 12,681 || 74,126 || 320,759 D Trades, Profesns. 6,813,990 2,693,435 || 4,738,078 1,703,346 15,945,849 || 34,854.206 - - - -as —l—— E Servants in P. O. 410,436 1,535 27,655 *-* *-*. 439,626 5,606.603 TJnder £200 £ 29,557 33,183 69,552 28,241 160,533 | 738,348 - •-cº £200, and above 1,084,470 467,978 || 559,687 146,383 |2,258,518 5,115,282 Total 1803. £ 7,948,825 4,594,819 8,838,987 3,646,783 |25,028,414 | 115,351,952 **-* T812. 8,606,182 3,963,341 7,512,861 3,609,732 (23,692,116 130,057,746 Total Assesm.4 |1,114,027 | 501,161 | 629,239 174,625 12,419,051 5,853,629 - - Specification of the Value Assessed in 1812, under each of the Schedules A – B. Specification of Amounts Assessed in 1812, under Schedule D. Cities of Remaining part TOTAL Cities of * - | Renaiting TOTAL Schedule A. London . Westminster ; i. - gº." Metropolis Great Britain London [wºme, jº º: º f : Metropoli, Great Britain Lands . . . . . . . . — 2,320 | 381,571 430,618 814,509 || 37,666,347 Under € 50 24,976 || 63,529 || 348,668 || 43,534 474,707 || 2,744,005 Houses . . . . . 935,965 1,232,980 |2,699,476 1,024,525 5,892,946 | 15,534,499 $ 50 Y ſ 100 |300,895 || 802,487 | 830,170 |401,239 || 1,834,791 || 7,085,075 Tithes . . . . . . . . 16,510 — 20, 5 II 52,638 89,659 2,583,687 H00 150 243,014 || 211,233 || 412,695 | 194,655 | 1,061,597 3,306,934 Manors *** *-**** *-**- 1,345 2,369 3,714 68,248 150 200 || || 85,186 121,706 || 218,241 102,792 627,925 | 1,723,818 Fines . . . . . . . . — 11,865 100 — 11,965 193,487 200 300 |278,925 210,970 305,418 108,354 903,667 2,379,332 Quarries . . . . . . *= - *º-s 262 262 65,598 300 400 262,137 | 166,364 210,420 71,197 710, 118 1,689,895 Mines ... . . . . . *-sº *-*- *º-sº 465,436 400 : :- 500 189,459 | 120,701 || 147,961 | 66,278 524,399 || 1,183,116 Iron Works. . . . — * 8,406 500- 8,906 379,748 500 | * 600 265,038 || 104,205 || 143,923 || 60,228 573,394 | 1,164,113 General Profits *-ºs-e- s-s *-* 130 130 81,997 600 - = { 700 173,722 || 71,263 || 101,495 || 47,066 || 393,546 795,557 -se 700 E 800 | 130,921 43,580 71,059 || 38,660 284,220 560,580 Total 1812. e 952,476 1,247,165 |3,111,410 |1,511,042 {3,832,091 57,129,047 800 as 900 154,129 69,074 || 76,637 36,973 || 336,813 609,895 1815. 1,056,371 1,241,903 |3,297,263 |1,579,173 |7,174,710 — 900 1,000 || 50,954 || 31,503 || 39,106 22,331 || 143,894 294,583 - - 1,000 1,500 || 485,110 | 182,219 192,939 || 97,517 | 957,785 1,710,821 Schedule B. 1,500 2,000 || 307,988 || 115,271 117,209 || 45,071 645,539 1,043,099 - - 2,000 3,000 || 572,801 || 174,765 105,116 || 54,419 907,101 | 1,593,692 Lands, Houses, and 6 º - * ſº 3,000 U5,000 | 802,391 || 218,844 180,266 33,389 1,234,890 | 1,851,725 Tºº". 462,128 442,385 1,356, 166 703,264 2,963,943 33,682,052 * upwards 2,269,731 465,049 371,922 236,605 ! 3,343,307 | 4,647,395 Accordingſ Owners 78,812 | 101,835 | 437,092 266,065 | 883,804 10,373,626 - r º. 395,025 691,080 1,287,788 || 485,914 2,859,707 || 9,145,164 ToTAL e º ºſº | * *|15,007,075 34,333,633 w ~ , -** — ––– Exemptions ſ Income 22,654 | 68,849 |352,266 61,236 504,996 || 7,292,654 Total 1812. el 935,965 1,235,299|3,081,047 1,455,143 5,707,554 53,200,846 under 50l. UDuty . . 2,222 6,852 | 34,514 || 5,103 48,691 561,346 STATEMENT of the amount of Money levved by Assessment for Poor and County Rates in each of the Metropolitan Counties, and the Total in all England and Wales, in the Year ending the 25th. of March 1826, shewing the proportion levied on Land, Houses, Mills and Factories, and on Manerial Profits, METROPOLIs eaceed £1,200,000 ºf annum, and the Assessed Taa’es ea:- ceed £1,600,000, making a Sum To-3 Highway Rates. . . . tal approacimating to £3,000,000 if Church Rates. . . . . . annum of direct Tawation, within | County Rates the limits of the METRoPolitAN | Relief of the Poor.. PolicE. U Total Expenditure £ tº gº º ºs e a Middlesea: Surrey Åent England & W., Middlesea: Surrey *:: England & W. —£ - £-—l——-£— -—— t---º --- sº a -->emº- 34,246 34,086 46,693 1,121,834 Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,221 80,357 253,375 4,795,482 94,359 30,597 || 32,715 564,388 Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . 509,365 144,064 || 103,584 | 1,814,228 46,717 | 24,986 16,108 763,836 Mills and Factories 36,353 22,983 || 11,660 259,565 665, 157 266,844 376,145 7,039,629 Manerial Profits 787 2,645 3,327 96,882 840,479 || 356,513 471,661 9,489,687 TOTALS -º-º- £ 603,726 250,049 371,946 6,966,1 57 ----------------a ve & | 45 Two ACCOUNTS.— 1st, shewing the amount of the PARoch IAL Assessm ENTs, for Relief of the Poor and County Rate, in the Year ending the 25th. of March 1826; and 2nd., the amount Expended for Relief of the Poor, County Rate, Church Rate, and Bye Highway, in the Year ending the 25th. of March 1827.-Wide Pages 9 and 11 of Parliamentary Paper, No. 52, 6th. December, 1831. STA TEMENT of the amount levied by Assessment STATEMENT of the amount Expended for local purposes, under for Poors Rate, and County Rate, in the Year •ach of the undermentioned Heads, in the Year ending the 25th, of COUNTIES ending the 25th. of March 1826; distinguishing # March 1827; with the Rate in the £ on the annual Value of arranged in --wºw." the proportion levied on - Real Property, as Assessed in 1815. --- - Alphabetical Order. l j TOTAL | TOTAL | For Relief ..a Rate Dwelling | Factories, Manerial Amount Earpen- of the County Church | Highway in the —sº-º-º- Lands Houses Mills, &c. Profits | Levied. diture | Poor, &c. Rate Rate Rate 3. £-— £-——— * * '--— £-— £-—|——£----|--É-— —£-—!--— Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,920 6,298 568 183 | 84,969 || 106,230 | 84,044 7,315 6,826 8,045 6/2 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,596 || 21,014 || 2,446 839 || 113,895 || 133,964 || 106,217 | 8,753 7,015 11,979 1/1 Buckingham . . . . . . . . . . . I23,470 17,495 2,702 248 143,915 || 174,840 143,870 8,645 7,118 15,207 5/5 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,612 || 14,427 | 1,049 143 | 101,231 || 127,072 98,514 6,349 5,698 || 16,511 || 3/10; Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,606 | 20,592 5,315 1,752 116,265 || 182,708 91,911 || 55,213 || 9,135 | 26,449 || 3/4} Cornwall . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 85,979 14,016 | 1,858 7,408 109,261 || 147,611 105,410 || 10,043 8,072 24,086 3/23 Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . 40,765 | 12,378 || 714 | 1,129 || 54,986 76,277 || 43,044 15,741 3,758 13,734 2/1; Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,376 | 12,735 | 2,128 1,455 87,694 || 124,360 86,359 || 13, 159 8,793 | 16,049 || 2/9} Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180,873 || 47,898 || 3,925 3,396 || 236,092 || 304,042 217,080 27,807 || 19,567 39,588 3/24 Dorset • * * * * * * * * * * * 74,811 17,170 750 914 || 93,645 || 112,603 | 84,967 || 9,956 6,913 || 10,767 3/23 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,297 | 16,668 3,624 11,442 95,031 || 121,062 83,094 | 11,087 9,518 17,363 3/0 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243,112 || 42,761 6,829 | 1,369 294,071 || 356,046 284,667 22,127 | 19,808 || 29,444 4/6; Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . 100,117 49,017 4,962 | 1,456 155,552 || 243,911 | 165,725 | 34,871 11,560 31,755 3/4 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58,623 6,736 86 35 | 65,480 88,799 || 59,966 9,467 || 5,999 || 13,367 2/114 Hertford ... . . . º 74,927 23,110 | 2,756 512 | 101,305 || 131,393 || 102,333 5,721 || 9,305 || 14,034 4/7] Huntingdon . . . . . . . . . . 38,912 5,504 570 97 45,083 55,998 || 38,775 9,501 2,387 5,335 | 3/5: Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253,375 | 103,584 || 11,660 3,327 | 371,946 || 471,661 376,145 | 16,108 || 32,715 46,693 || 5/8; Lancaster . . . . . tº º e º e º G 168,422 118,261 50,461 | 12,525 349,669 || 663,114 || 488,843 50,545 27,111 || 96,615 || 4/3% Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,882 17,634 782 310 112,608 || 171,994 | 106,277 32,627 | 8,775 24,315 || 3/93 Lincoln . . . . . . . . q e o e g & 174,766 23,306 || 3,887 887 202,846 || 309,285 190,856 23,512 18,186 76,731 3/0 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,221 509,365 36,353 787 603,726 || 840,479 | 665,157 || 46,717 94,359 || 34,246 3/9 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,662 4,206 791 | 1,214 || 31,873 43,004 || 25,969 5,882 4,387 6,766 2/11 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240,526 49,085 8,097 || 3,924 || 301,632 || 384,426 324,560 20,390 14,236 25,240 || 4/i 1: Northampton . . . . . . . . . . . 131,644 | 12,372 536 | 1,022 145,574 || 197,370 160,817 | 6,535 | 8,577 21,441 4/2} Northumberland . . . . . . 50,834 15,233 8,774 2,981 77,822 || 100,521 70,989 8,128 5,337 16,067 1/7; Nottingham . . . . . . . . . . 52,625 24,124 2,971 291 80,011 || 133,596 || 81,277 | 18,408 6,208 || 27,703 || 3/73. Oxford . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 109,306 || 21,863 1,149 469 132,787 || 154,699 || 129,431 6,455 5,829 12,984 || 4/23, Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,960 847 75 7 11,889 18,948 || 12,134 1,739 947 4,128 2/11 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 14,515 1,227 | 2,247 90,752 || 123,358 86,357 | 10,104 || 9,865 17,032 2/4} Somerset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141,247 30,306 || 2,380 || 3,042 176,975 || 239,803 | 167,890 | 18,919 18,314 || 34,680 2/63. Southampton . . . . . . . . . . 165,602 || 46,174 3,374 666 215,816 || 236,699 || 198,813 || 11,713 | 10,077 | 16,096 || 4/73 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . jº 85,670 || 34,963 || 6,655 7,129 || 134,417 | 191,458 135,552 23,256 13,542 | 19, 108 3/6 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221,332 || 36,525 4,398 712 262,967 || 290,689 |237,214 15,069 || 13,557 24,849 5/1 Surrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,357 144,064 22,983 2,645 250,049 || 356,513 266,844 24,986 30,597 || 34,086 4/6 Sussex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,304 || 42,752 4,610 466 262,132 || 310,193 263,705 || 9,959 9,442 27,087 6/9} Warwick g . 94,842 49,393 |10,674 3,082 157,991 || 209,626 155,481 22,944 11,198 20,003 || 3/4} Westmoreland 24, 186 2,831 496 103 || 27,616 35,771 26,926 4,588-| 1,158 3,099 2/4; Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157,231 24,662 3,234 1,321 186,448 || 220,125 175,551 14,492 8,851 21,231 3/9; Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . 62,888 15,892 3,111 2,092 83,983 || 120,244 83,868 8,840 10,030 17,506 || 3/0 York, East Riding 71,530 32,414 2,338 || 3,478 109,760 || 152,641 I 14,911 8,227 24,503 2/6; do., North do. 83,523 8,205 1,208 || 669 || 93,605 || 129,614 º 6,320 26,564 2/3 do., West do. ..] 180,597 || 78,472 23,269 5,782 288,120 || 513,138 328,632 21,632 102,776 4/3, Total ENGLAND. 4,523,288 1,788,865 255,775 | 93,559 || 6,661,487 9,105,949 6,766,829 | 722,769 540,971 | 1,075,284 | Anglesea. . . . . . . . . 15,582 | 1,490 269 | 1 || 17,342 20,319 || 16,257 | 1,055 | 1,006 2,001 || 4/4; | Brecon . . . . . . . . . . 17,567 1,533 138 151 19,389 25,528 18,425 | 2,343 1,593 3,167 3/5: Cardigan . . . . . . . . . . 17,578 916 89 2 18,585 24,270 17,809 | 1,851 | 1,543 3,067 3/5 - Carmarthen. . . . . . . . 31,698 || 2,873 429 278 35,278 45,335 | 32,750 3,671 3,017 5,997 || 3/34 3 Carnarvon . . . . . . . . 17,860 3,516 166 234 21,776 27,414 21,055 2,292 1,361 2,706 || 4/4} SJ Denbigh . . . . . . . . . . 36,011 | 1,978 378 182 38,549 47,290 33,799 || 5,565 2,653 5,273 3/10% Flint . . . . . . . © 19,447 | 1,790 '745 319 22,301 27,567 20,282 2,285 1,673 3,327 3/7 F Glamorgan . . . . . . . . 30,197 4,879 1,081 2,096 || 38,253 49,810 || 33,687 5,266 3,634 7,223 2/11; Merioneth . . . . . . 16,226 2 #4 14 | – | 16,454 20,237 14,974 1,644 1,211 2,408 || 3/7% Montgomery . . . . . . 32,695 2,210 || 374 46 35,325 42,744 27,675 8,335 | 2,254 4,480 4/1% Pembroke . . . . . . . . 23,226 3,600 92. 15 26,933 35,067 24,577 3,356 2,388 4,746 || 3/23. U Radnor . . . . . . te 14,106 363 15 14,484 18,153 11,510 || 3,404 || 1,084 2,155 3/1; Total ENG LA ND & WALES 4,795,482 1,814,228 259,565 96,882 6,966,157 9,489,687 | 7,039,629 793,836 564,388 1,121,834 3|8 46; AN ACCOUNT shewing the TotAL Pop ULATION of each County of ENGLAND and WALEs, at each of the two Periods 1801 and 1821; the Amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor, in each of the two Years, ending Easter 1803 & 1828; and the Number of Committals for Crime in each County, in each of the 25 Years 1805–1829. Wide Vol. XVI, Parliamen- tary Papers, Session 1818; Vol. XVII, Session 1819; Police Report of the Metropolis, Session 1828; and Paper No. 197 of 1830. count IES, ... • poºlios. Aº º Committals for CRIME. arranged in order ot their - - -- - - - - Toratºrios, 1801. 1821. lsº tº. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811, 1812, 1813.[1814 I York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858,892 1,173,687 276,557 443,912 245 213 || 192 || 248 || 316 || 248 206 || 304 || 405 || 337 2 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . 818, 129 1,144,531 || 349,200 659,484 || 1,217 | 1,132 1,228 1,330 1,443 1,424 1,482 1,602 | 1,707 | 1,646 3 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . 672,731 | 1,052,859 148,282 |289,335 | 371 351 386 || 480 || 532 || 563 | 661 831 830 816 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . , 343,001 || 439,040 | 124,022 207,781 | 96 || 132 133 150 | 1.48 147 | 152 #79 197 235 5 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307,624 426,016 || 206,508 || 330,030 210 | 184 191 220 212 224 210 281 330 260 6 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 269,043 398,658 133,874 236,063 | 199 || 191 | 156 143 218 243 | 208 || 296 || 279 || 255 7 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . 273,750 355,314 121,790 159,811 || 106 || 105 86 105 | 124 118 108 || 201 | 153 139 8 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 273,371 344,368 169,733 281,122 | 163 119 135 | 134 129 || 118 143 | 137 | 162 119 9 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . 239,153 341,040 83,411 Tººgº 91 87 91 87 109 134 126 130 181 118 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . A- &Y tº ºr - 104 84 || 83 75 103 || 125 || 109 || 155 175 139 #. dii. 250,809|835,848 109,045 149,856; 37 52 49 41 56 49 | 68 || 78 : 68 || 70 11 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226,437 289,424 || 137,140 247,387 || 144 118 169 || 1 19 151 | 163 || 130 152 221 174 12 Southampton . . . . . . . . 219,656 283,298 || 124,019 | 186,456 147 147 148 155 | 199 100 157 234 206 228 13 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . 208,557 283,058 95,575 169,890 58 64 || 71 || 88 75 | 68 65 | 84 102 || 116 #4 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . 208,190 274,392 || 117,353 146,354 160 | 130 134 142 185 | 169 || 178 177 263 224 15 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 210,431 270,542 119,963 216,056 109 || 118 108 106 || 134 116 98 || 146 144 119 16 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . 191,751 270,098 || 66,627 100,602 80 || 101 || 78 128 130 83 99 || 155 146 136 17 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . 188,269 257,447 54,648 || 101,538 || 45 43 || 48 38 30 38 31 || 45 42 39 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,311 || 233,019 || 179,858 228,938 105 || 62 | 75 45 65 | 66 || 74 95 116 | 66 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185, 107 || 222,157 | 128,635 | 158,110 || 75 | 72 | 72 59 || 81 78 73 92 | 122 78 20 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . 161,142 213,333 54,459 76,035 | 39 38 26 28 46 37 37 60 | 71 || 38 21 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,361 207,673 || 51,966 78,966 27 29 26 40 53 35 | 37 || 33 33 35 22 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167,639 206, 153 | 66,747 | 80,196 || 79 || 72 33 59 || 67 || 60 79 53 92 69 23 Northumberland . 157,101 | 198,965 52,416 || 70,639 38 39 || 45 21 57 57 | 71 || 31 | 73 | 68 24 Nottingham . . . . . . . . 140,350 | 186,873 || 44,222 || 71,535 | 74 70 | 72 | 89 93 || 67 || 78 103 || 92 88 25 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 139,333 184,424 71,235 | 74,029 || 51 67 54 71 74 | 66 84 78 109 || 104 26 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . 130,081 174,571 || 79,910 110,502 || 47 || 32 58 55 51 55 57 65 77 42 27 Northampton . . . . . . 131,757 | 162,483 94,607 || 140,585 42 58 24 43 35 31 || 51 54 65 60 28 Cumberland . . . . . . . . 117,230 156,124 27,603 45,971 18 || 12 29 || 35 | 33 32 17 | 53 42 23 29 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,319 144,499 || 64,772 80,492 || 38 44 39 43 42 37 44 47 65 43 30 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,620 136,971 88,689 122,074 38 34 46 27 | 55 32 31 59 || 70 56 31 Buckingham . . . . . . . . 107,444 134,068 86,151 | 124,199 || 33 40 44 25 37 47 || 37 33 64 47 32 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,215 131,977 81,994 | 96,258 62 42 46 38 || 48 55 63 108 || 79 || 33 33 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . 97,577 | 129,714 56,380 | 89,909 || 43 52 51 | 68 41 || 64 50 109 || 64 61. 34 Cambridge. . . . . . . . . . 89,346 | 121,909 || 54,484 || 91,308 40 26 34 33 29 19 21 || 34 45 37 35 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . 89,191 | 103,243 || 46,471 57,501 || 31 || 41 53 || 34 40 47 | 66 83 || 79 61 36 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . 63,393 || 83,716 36,894 || 77,967 20 20 18 29 || 17 22 27 | 17 34 27 37 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . . 45,582 71,833 18,283 || 23,338 20 17 | 10 6 15 if 18 21 18 26 38 Westmoreland . . . . . . 41,617 | 51,359 || 13,836 27,365 || 6 || 6 6 8 6 1 5 9 8 6 39 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . 37,568 || 48,771 23,867 38,841 15 11 15 12 9 4 | 8 || 11 18 21 40 Rutland . . . . . . & e º e º 'º 16,356 18,487 8,276 9,292 || 4 || 8 5 4 4 2 : 5 4 9 } Total ENGLND 8,331,434 11,261,437 || 3,929,524 6,031,200 4,527 4,263 || 4,368 4,661 5,322 5,067 5,264 6,500 7,056 6,300 ſpenbigh . . . . 60,352 76,511 32,634 || 2 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 5 9 || 8 7 | 11 | Montgomery 47,978 59,899 32,006 || 15 15 11 || 8 || 12 || 14 5 13 18 § J Carnarvon . . . . . . 41,521 57,958 s 20,038 6 4 7 — 3 2 5 2 8. 3. i Flint . . . . . . . . . . 39,622 53,784 || s : 19,912 || 4 3 7 6 2 5 2 3 4 2" | Anglesea. . . . . . . . 33,806 || 43,063 3.5 15,684 I 3 || 6 || 2 I I 1 — 2 § UMerioneth . . . . . , 29,506 || 34,382 $º 14,747 -— 1 : — 6 — | 1 2 2 5 sº 's .3 - s ſºlamorºn...... ſº lºſſ. šš 33,392 | 15 | 12 16 18 || 6 | 12 | 18 || 13 26 20 ſº...... 67,317 90,239 s.s 30,228 || 8 || 16 3 7 1 10 || 11 () 6 8 s 4 ºbºe . . . . . . º żº 3 * 23,370 | 12 || 5 || 3 || 8 || 2 i 8 || 7 | 12 || 8 || 8 # gardigan........ 42,957 || 37,784 3. 16,450 || 2 || 7 || 1 2 | – || 3 || 3 || 4 || 1 || 4 | Brecon . . . . . . . . 31,633 43,613 16,172 || 7 | 12 18 || 6 2 5 5 5 | 13 | | || URadnor . . . . . . . . 19,050 22,459 12,167 6 I 1 5 4 9 6 5 6 2 Total COMMITTED 8,872,981 11,978,875 4,077,891 || 6,298,000 || 4,605 || 4,346 4,446 || 4,735 | 5,360 5,146 || 5,337 || 6,576 || 7,164 || 6,390 o, whom were: fºr: * * * * B e. e. º; 5,834,266 — 3.2% 3,129 3,439 3,333 3,806 | }.7; ; ; ;59 || 4:9) || 3,433 || 4,826 * 6 Jº EWiAL ES e s s a , , ,627,867 6,144,709 1,338 1,226 1,287 1,403 | 1,554 1,413 || || 478 1,685 1,731 || || 564 Number Executed. * * -re …"--ºsa’s 68 57 63 39 60 | 67 45 70 -i : 82 120 47 A CCOUNT Continued.— Of the Number of Committals for CRIME, in each County of England and Wales, in each of the 25 Years 1805 – 29; distinguishing in the Total, the proportion of Males and Females. *...* For the nature of the Offences, and the proportion Convicted,—see the next following Pages. & These Statements contain only the Number of those Committed for Trial at the Assizes, those Committed under Summary Process, will be found eahibited in succeding Pages. and Towns, as well as Bristol have exclusive Jurisdictions, but the from the Counties, in which they are situated. COVENTRY, and some other Cities. Number of Criminals in each, have not been stated distinct 1823. COUNTIES, 1815. 1816, 1817. 1818. 1919. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823, 1824, 1825. 1826. 1827. $829. 1 York . . . . . . . . 355 420 || 748 ego 809 95 757, 699 || 624 || 753 888 pogº ſº ºn 2 Middlesex . 2,005 2,226 2,686 2,665 |2,691 |2,773 2,480 2,539 2,503 |2,621 |2,902 || 3,457 3,381 3,516 3,567 3 Lancaster. . . . . . 959 1,212 1,946 1,771 | 1,896 || 1,963 | 1,716 1,663 1,632 1,897 2,132 2,374 2,459 |2,011 || 2,226 Devon . . . . . . . . 264 284 380 || 416 || 431 337 341 || 333 || 356 | 402 || 437 440 432 || 425 || 430 5 Kent. . . . . . . . . . 327 325 528 495 || 476 520 492 || 458 504 617 | 577 632 632 604 | 665 6 Surrey . . . . . . . . 294 || 366 || 491 559 585 525 587 428 537 558 591 699 || 663 | 680 || 716 7 Somerset . . . . . . 221 244 439 470 387 | 405 | 423 435 | 386 450 | 333 ago 646 495 674 8 Norfolk . . . . . . 185 244 310 286 || 345 382 356 389 || 349 399 || 409 || 441 || 486 || 421 536 9 Stafford . . . . . . 154 197 425 || 388 || 444 || 413 || 374 307 || 214 || 263 276 448 569 || 575 613 10 Gloucester . . . . 187 243 442 376 || 388 358 291 270 264 307 || 352 427 || 415 || 389 449 Bristol CITY 98 || 104 166 176 150 | 159 166 170 142 | 135 | 133 | 158 139 || 177 171 11 Essex . . . . . . . . 191 236 || 319 312 407 269 303 273 || 388 || 460 | 408 || 403 || 451 363 587 12 Southampton 217 | 268 || 378 || 367 312 || 315 359 || 267 260 || 321 || 357 285 341 || 354 396 13 Lincoln . . . . . . 156 133 || 232 229 220 210 | 188 179 222 226 198 221 329 || 302 || 337 34 Warwick . . . . . . 277 341 624 579 636 594 || 536 431 437 542 482 581 602 || 608 || 705 15 Suffolk. . . . . . . . 146 | 153 262 238 238 254 268 || 236 299 || 301 292 293 351 283 357 16 Chester. . . . . . . . 163 187 285 265 310 332 312 || 303 249 || 361 306 || 415 || 497 466 542 17 Cornwall . . . . . . 54 | 84 || 120 135 | 111 || 103 87 | 72 | 68 83 || 109 || || 10 | 150 | 126 122 18 Sussex . . . . . . . . 104 || 120 189 232 257 2] 5 240 225 292 || 319 273 277 309 || 308 || 378 19 Wilts . . . . . . . . 108 107 229 260 290 238 258 268 263 254 314 || 324 || 365 281 346 20 Derby . . . . . . . . 57 60 | 165 | 1 || 3 || 143 94 105 90 | 86 77 | 84 134 160 171 175 21 Durham . . . . . . . 49 55 87 76 75 ºf 5 77 61 71 84 || 103 || 117 | }.75 123 139 22 Salop . . . . . . . . 90 96 267 | 192 | 180 182 159 || 136 || 106 || 174 || 126 130 || 178 168 165 23 Northumberland 69 || 88 80 97 100 || 1 || 0 || 70 | 81 75 | 89 | 87 | 72 96 || 122 116 24 Nottingham.... 121 | 112 || 191 | 196 || 268 || 251 240 213 196 204 || 219 287 298 || 289 358 25 Worcester .... 130 | 128 239 239 259 206 || 257 207 || 173 154 165 169 250 203 282 26 Leicester ......| 71 | 125 170 | 193 193 || 150 | 209 || 137 151 | 131 148 || 237 260 247 249 27 Northampton .. 81 75 145 || 106 | 165 133 127 | 128 135 | 109 | 129 | 123 176 | 122 | 183 28 Cumberland. . . . 28 51 | 89 50 55 55 | 66 50 | 38 64 57 54 79 53 || 47 29 Dorset . . . . . . . . 62 81 | 122 | 120 | 126 78 90 97 135 | 120 | 119 || 138 167 || 144 141 30 Oxford. . . . . . . . 66 85 118 153 152 116 120 | 101 || 87 || 147 | 110 | 167 210 141 167 31 Buckingham 50 65 75 88 126 97 || 86 || 101 | 121 | 1.43 | 160 | 113 | 182 | 153 188 32 Berks . . . . . . . . 77 | 103 || 146 180 | 181 || 142 H59 || 142 | 162 | 1.48 154 || 140 208 || 190 212 33 Hertford . . . . . . . 80 81 | 123 111 | 1.47 | 1.44 128 99 || 123 138 162 | 192 | 205 | 199 || 235 34 Cambridge . 64 || 71 || 98 || 99 || 96 || 88 || 153 | 115 155 110 || 137 || 142 152 159 | 194 35 Hereford . . . . . . 54 87 174 | H4H 12| | | | 2 | 124 || 104 93 99 68 97 150 127 i55 36 Bedford . . . . . . 28 43 44 73 91 || 6 || || 137 107 || 106 || 102 | 123 83 || 108 109 134 37 Monmouth . . . . . 24 19 59 59 || 65 30 63 55 30 54 55 60 | 95 55 109 38 Westmoreland. . . 13 18 14 16 22 17 T 8 14 23 21 16 || 9 || 20 | 9 | || 39 Huntingdon. . . . 23 15 30 38 || 41 29 | 16 29 35 29 31 34 31 19 || 44 40 Rutland . . . . . . 11 | 12 9 6 8 9 10 | 1.4 8 || ||8 '7 || || 7 || || 4 || || 6 | 20 Total ENGLAND 7,710 8,964 13,624 13,234 || 13,997 || 13,495 12,948. 12,076 | 12,092 14,484 || 14,214 | 15,986 17,654 16,307 18,432 - ſ Denbigh 5 15 31 33 26 || 2 || || 17 23 || || 4 || 20 26 24 26 || 34 35 is Montgomery 9 14 49 57 || 33 21 26 19 || 34 20 || 36 20 22 || 17 | 32 § Carnarvon... 12 3 1 0 || 15 | 11 10 || 20 9 || 14 || 26 || 15 || 14 22 18 | 15 º | Flint . . . . . . 6 7 20 || 11 15 22 11 | 16 9 6 | 11 | 12 22 22 20 2 Anglesea . 2 4. 1 | | 4 || || 0 4 10 9 7 2 16 7 | 12 § U. Merioneth . . 3 6 9 9 5 7 4 3 4 5 I 2 6 7 3 s ſGlamorgan 15 22 50 | 32 51 33 28 26 33 43 24 43 54 49 54 NS: Carmarthen | 12 || 17 | 1.4 56 35 22 12 19 35 | 21 28 15 || 17 | 40 || 23 § j Pembroke ... 19 18 29 55 30 20 | 12 || 14 || 17 | 19 26 20 || 42 18 21 & | Cardigan 7 — 14 || 23 | 16. 8 || 7 || 11 2 | 16 4 9 9 9 3 | Brecon . . . . . 15 8 || 48 22 || 23 36 15 9 || 11 16 || 21 | 1.4 | 16 21 17 Radnor. . . . 3 || 13 || 13 19 || 11 11 5 | 12 8 || 13 24 l 3 15 15 8 - re---> ----- tº------1-1 * l - i. .* Total CoMMITTED | 7,818 || 9,091 ilā,932 13,567 ||14,254 |13,710 || 13,115 12,2112,253.13.60s 14,437 16,164 17,921 16,564 18,675 of whom were}}º. ... 6,036 7,347 11,758 11,335 | 12,075 11,595 11,173 || 10,369 "ºil"; 11,889 134. 15,151 13,832 15,556 - FEMALEs 1,782 1,744 2,174 2,232 2,179 2,115 1,942 | 1,872 1,921 2,223 2,548. #| 2,770 2,732 || 311.9 Number Executed 57 | 95 3 15 97 108 114. 95 54 49 50 57 70 79 74 107 1830. 1831. 3832. | 1333, 1,207 - 3,390 2,028 494 649 708 643 429 563 535 174 491 424 258 691 362 534 193 360 418 194 205 225 82 300 264 | 96 152 '74 205 # 93 15| 170 274 147 145 134 126 22 36 5 *exºse-------> {7,759 1,270 3,514 | 2,352 - 399 64() 733 616 549 644 636 | 88 607 567 307 665 371 5 13 145 314 568 202 177 228 108 316 342 181 | 168 74 177 270 31} 29 i # 94 3.65 #66 s | {}3 | #29 | H 7 85 | || *. 19,269 32 30 36 27 8 3 132 51 19 11 1 4 } 5 *A*-* - 19,647 16,600 3,047 25 * - --~~~~~~~ was.” ---ºrest, 48 STATEMENT shewing the various Offences, for which the Persons in the preceding Statement were Committed, and the proportion against whom no Bill was found, the proportion Acquitted, and the Number Convicted, shewing also the several de- grees of Punishment inflicted on those Convicted, and the Number Executed, in each of the 25 Years 1805 – 1829. *...* These Statements it must be admitted, exhibit a very unfavorable picture of British Society, more especially so when it is con- sidered, that they exhibit only those Criminals who have been committed for Trial at the Assizes; the Numbers Committed under Summary Process, exceeding those Committed for Trial at the Assizes, by several thousands annually; nor does the subject appear more favorable when viewed in comparison with the eatent of Crime in other Countries, as will be seen by the Statement of following Pages; and when viewed in comparison with the eatent of Crime in England from the middle of the last Century as far as the ac- count of the Number of Convictions in London and Middlesea; serves for a comparison, the result is fearfully unfavorable; it is some- what consolatary however to see, that the more atrocious offences against the Person, have not materially increased. - A Return of the No. of Persons convicted of Forgery, or passing of Forged Notes of the Bank of England, in each of the 33 Years 1797–1829, represents 1138 Persons to have been convicted in the 6 Years 1816–1821–Wide Par. Paper No. 442, Session 1830: whilst the Statement below represents only 767 to have been convicted in those 6 Years in all England and Wales / / / - Nature of Offences. [ Years 1805, 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809.ſ 1810. 1811.) 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817 1 LARCENY, (not otherwise described ) . . . . . . . tº 3 & © tº 3,530 || 3,689 || 4,363 4,623 4,259 5,409 || 6,123 9,396 2 do., in a Dwelling House . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 177 215 235 | 216 221 277 283 3 do., from the Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 194 214 272 || 311 277 | 402 519 4 Burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 | 1.40 156 287 163 204 || 360 627 5 Breaking into a Dwelling House . . . . . . . . 68 53 | 66 97 50 | 84 109 229 6 Robbery of the Person on the Highway 98 || 96 || 157 119 109 | 128 246 276 7 Receiving Stolen Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 || 106 || 142 184 141 194 191 335 8 Embezzlement by Servants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 42 || 44 36 50 || 51 55 80 9 Fraudulent Offences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . & “º e º 'º ey 104 92 || 130 146 102 175 || || 44 249 10 Arson, and Wilfully Burning . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12 31 18 24 || 13 33 30 11 Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . & © Q & & © tº gº | 82 '78 71 125 92 85 125 306 Stealing of | 12 Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gº º 80 80 68 107 92 91 90 T 14 13 Cattle . . . . . * © e º e º º te e º e º 17 4 17 16 14 11 20 3{} 14 Forgery, and Uttering of Forged Notes . . . . 48 59 69 83 47 || 52 82 98 15 Having Forged Notes in possession . . . . . . --- 20 | 39 || 48 || 39 51 87 124 16 Coining e e g º ºs e º e e º e º 'º º º 'º e º & e º 'º - ? e g e 8 5 9 29 21 19 28 3. 17 Uttering Base Coin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 115 130 | 198 || 189 169 223 | 199 346 18 Bigamy . . . . . . . . . . . * e º G & º g º º º * @ & & a s & e e 18 26 27 || 25 33 31 16 || 36 19 Rape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 24 26 29 35 28 35 36 47 20 Assault, with intent to commit . . . . . º 23 19 22 || 30 || 34 42 33 42 21 Sodomy . . . . . . . to e 9 & b is © e º ºs e e & e º 'º e º e s e e 12 12 8 7 7 24 8 8 22 do., Assault, with intent to Commit. . . . 41 22 37 || 33 28 15 27 | 27 23 Murder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º º e º as e 64 87 66 87 30 61 | 85 80 24 do., intent to Commit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 29 || 35 18 51 31 63 64 25 Concealing Birth of Infants. . . . . © e º ºs º gº tº tº º 12 5 6 || 8 || 9 10 9 | 0 26 Manslaughter. . . . . . . . . . © tº R e a s = e º a tº a e © e & 59 65 49 55 | 84 | 68 64 68 27 Child Stealing . . . . . . . . . . e e s • e s e, e s e e s e e fºssassº *= | *-* | * : **** 5 2 6 28 Perjury . . . . . . . . . . . tº 9 º' tº e 9 g & Cº e º e º e tº 7 4 11 9 4 10 5 14 29 Sacrilege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e e º e º e º e º g º º ºr I 3 4 I 2 2 2 7 30 Transports being at large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *= 7 | 16 || 10 9 8 7 7 31 Armed to assist Smugglers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I - I - || --~ : *- : - ; - ~ : - , 32 Sending threatening Letters . . . . . gº tº tº e º & 3 iº 5 2 1 3 2 1 33 Felony, and Misdemeanors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 47 147 191 114 166 124 245 34 Game Laws, Offences against . . . . . . . . . . . . — | – | – | – | – | –- | – | 168 35 All other Offences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * == 18 125 | 39 7 18 37 51 TOTAL Committed 4,605 || 4,346 |4,446 || 4,735 | 5,330 5,146 5,337 6,576 || 7,164 6,390 |7,818 || 9,091 13,932 No Bill found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 V 766 801 886 887 858 940 | 1,169 1,291 992 | 1,287 1,410 |2,198 Acquitted . . . . . e e e s e s & e s e e s e º 'º e 6 e s e e e º e s 6 & s e a e e . . . 1,092 |º 1,078 1,126 1,205 | 1,130 1,234 1,494 | 1,451 : 1,373 | 1,648 1,884 2,678 Convicted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2,783 2,515 2,567 2,723 3,238 3,158 3,163 3,913 |4,422 4,025 4,883 5,797 || 9,056 º º 6 Mºº º: M. © ths ... " 1,523 1,797 1,934 1,861 2,315 2,691 4,357 Q) w to ip- ) 1 Year, and above OIllſlS , , , , gº *95 - º, #: Ş...","..."... }~ 1,556 |1,545 1,747 2,045 1,9658 . . . . . . ; ; ..., |*. Hard Labor, &c. 3 to 5 Years . . . . . . . . . tº gº e º 'º e o & © -* 4. 6 6 11 8 19 26 Whipping and Fine . . . . . . . . e e s a • e s e o e < * * * * * * * * * . . . . 158 112 || 133 || 131 163 148 147 195 | 183 137 154 190 320 7 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 496 500 467 581 526 500 588 622 695 826 861 1,474 TRANSPORTATI os; 14 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 26 46 37 50 31 34 - 67 95 78 94 133 157 For Life ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I - I - 3 7 12 29 25 || 50 53 38 60 103 Sentenced to Death . . . . . tº gº º tº a nº e e º 'º º 8 * * * * * * * * s a e s e º e 282 268 280 299 332 409 359 450 593 488 496 795 1,187 Executed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 57 63 39 60 67 45 82 120 7() 57 95 i 15 - Sºº-º- i S-V- S-V-' | *-a-' | \ev- | \-A- \-v- | \-a- | \-vº-' \* ~ ; \*- | \,-- |\e-v- YEARS, 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808, 1809. | 1810, 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814, 1815. 1816. 1817 49 - The annexed STATEMENT exhibits the annual aver. No. of Capital Convictions & Ea:- ſ 7 Years subsequent to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle - 1755 61 48 ecutions, in LoN DON and M I DDLES Ex, during the 81 Years 1749 - 1829. The account for 7 do. during the War with France .............. 1756 – 1762 25 15 the Years 1749 – 1817, was presented to Parliament in the Session of 1818, Wide Vol. XVI., 12 do. prior to the War with America ............ 1763 — 1776 *67 32 of Papers of that Session;– it was at first considered that the Gonvictions applied to all 6 do. during the War with do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777 – 1782 83 37 who were not either acquited or against whom no Bill was found, but on perceiving the vast the first Year of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . 1783 173 53 disparity between the Total Number of Convictions since 1817, when compared with those of 6 do. during Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > * ~ & e s e e º e a s 1, 1784 -- 1789 121 58 previous Years, it led to a further investigation of the accounts, when it proved, that the Num- The Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 1790 67 33 ber Convicted comprised those only who were Sentenced to Death, termed Capital Convic- 2 do. preceding the War with France. . . . . . . . . . 1791 — 1792 S6 29 tions; and hence, it wººl be perceived that the annexed account affords no just criterion of - *irst Year of the War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1793 58 16 the relative extent of CRIME, at the different periods in the aggregate; inasmuch as the º: second d6. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 795 71 rit and temper of the Courts and the Times may have tended considerably to influence the third do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . , a 1795 49 22 nature of the Sentences; the Number of Executions when relatively considered will be seen 6 do. during the War ... . . . . . . e = e º 'º e º & G is a • * * * * j, 1796 — 1799 82 2 | to have greatly diminished, but whether as a cause of less atrocity of CRIME, or a less san- ; 2 do. do. extreme high price of Provisions .... 1800 -— 1801 101 17 guinary infliction of Punishment does not appear. For the Years 1811 – 22, of the account 2 do. Peace of AMIENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1802 – 1803 90 below, see Folio 282, Appendix to Report on the Police of the Metropolis, Session 1828; and 6 do. subsequent to the renewal of the War .... 1804 — 1809 73 for the Years 1823 - 9, Folio 7, Par. Pa. No. 197, Session 1830: of the Number Committed 4 do. during the War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1810 — 1813 123 16 for all other Offences in 1812, (line 35) 71 were for taking and administering unlawful oaths; partial Peace (Treaty of Paris, April) 1814 158 21 21 for Frame breaking and destroying of Machinery; and I3 for High Treason : the Numbers War renewed, May (2nd. Treaty of Paris) J 815 139 1 | in the same line, in the Years 1828-9, arise from a modification of the Law relating to Bur- 6 do. of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ... 1816 – 1821 197 27 glary, the Numbers Committed for Burglary, (line 4) shewing a corresponding diminution. U 7 do. do. --- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A822 – 1829 163 19 1918, 1919.1920ſ,821.1922.1%allºtrºwºlsº tº 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1823, 1831, 1895. 9,303 9,653 |9,160 |8,725 |8,445 8,477 |9,554 || 10,087 11,122 12,014 || 10,989 12,628 12,031 12,118 - - i - l 315 286 302 223 196 || 213 277 265 301 295 122 T19 134 169 i 2. 551 646 776 || 639 625 550 695 835 | 1,055 | 1,081 | 1,079 1,138 1,234 1,421 3 568 545 466 467 496 | 402 || 460 428 478 572 249 171 155 152 4 207 || 2 II 222 210 || 142 170 176 | 150 | 168 300 || 491 781 726 665 5 222 240 244 || 311 278 201 || 258 189 307 || 381 314 299 301 573 6 336 ſ 353 272 .304 || 256 299 || 388 289 || 406 || 531 463 611 581 559 7 60 70 66 75 103 97 116 || 105 || 143 || 153 195 180 182 T.91 8 208 280 267 330 267 237 239 302 279 || 332 310 405 427 408 9 21 22 29 26 47 28 28 22 17 14 14 37 45 10 10 277 || 318 207 | 169 I 05 || 130 155 | 166 | 190 248 199 237 297 253 11 168 206 || 149 || 173 || 136 179 150 229 171 229 | in 184 || 177 179 12 43 40 35 14 18 29 23 42 24 45 38 30 30 28 13 173 113 || 179 | 122 63 53 34 36 47 91 66 56 43 56 14 163 172 280 184 1 || – * * 5 1 *- * --> * 15 3 8 2 -- 2 3 2 3 8 21 10 I 3 10 16 321 || 367 242 279 233 230 267 210 283 280 261 313 322 320 17 29 31 25 29 27 28 31 33 42 29 46 38 41 38 18 23 25 37 39 49 48 46 4: 29 48 41 54 54 55 19 27 44 || 52 52 | 68 77 69 || 65 117 | 111 | 128 108 87 | 103 20. 16 16 15 12 i:3 18 13 9 4 14 12 10 20 13 21 23 34 27 T6 33 44 27 40 35 45 60 35 62 42 22 51 69 49 '71 85 60 73 94 57 65 83 47 65 57 23 42 41 45 60 74 63 71 57 47 82 72 115 80 104 24 11 14 10 || 7 9 II. 6 8 8 5 || 5 35 28 31 - 25 62 87 62 101 92 | 116 || 109 || 122 || 141 141 142 125 141 150 26 2 2 4 4 4. 2 1 4 2 9 4 4 5 6 27 15 13 14 14 16 8 5 11 14 16 16 10 18 16 28 9 5 10 6 11 8 6 2 4 10 12 16 8 12 29 4 7 2 13 3 4 4 4. 12 H3 7 8 8 10 30 * * - *-*. - **** -- 1. 2 I 16 11 *ress 2 *y- 31 T - 6 3 3 I 7 5 3 3 3 4 4 62 32 163 | 199 226 242 200 223 224 416 389 || 428 360 391 333 332 33 144 117 177 | 199 || 132 223 || 178 || 151 182 284 366 230 141 105 34 6 20 51 14 10 33 7 11 '74 14 |216 255 322 399 35 13,567 24,254 13,710 | 13,115 12,241 | 12,263 || 13,698 || 14,437 | 16,164 Iron 16,564 18,675 18.10, 19,647 1,987 2,109 | 1,881 1,826 1,684 1,579 1,662 1,685 1,786 1,950 1,672 1,800 1,832 2,094 2,622 2,635 2,511 2,502 2,348 2,480 2,611 2,788 3,271 3,407 3,169 3,614 3,470 3,723 8,958 9,510 9,318 8,788 8,209 || 8,204 || 9,425 9,964 11,107 | 12,564 11,723 || 13,261 12,805 || 13,830 - - - - l 4,125 4,454 || 4,089 || 3,872 3,899 || 4,040 4,861 5,408 5,819 6,251 5,991 6,646 6,458 7,012 1,026 | 1,054 1,153 | 1,117 | 1,129 | 1,074 1,218 1,193 | 1,204 1,433 1,117 1,277 1,220 1,311 259 317 355 286 376 324 339 365 297 296 245 235 209 226 7 22 15 11 13 11 12 7 12 12 12 7 1 5 235 268 252 265 244 266 214 281 310 321 322 $36 284 360 1,692 1,723 1,655 1,675 1,316 1,327 1,491 1,419 1,945 2,232 || 2,046 2,285 2,169 2,340 236 219 242 273 84 78 107 129 185 293 508 691 659 638 122 138 221 155 132 116 117 126 133 200 318 : 399 407 336 1,157 | 1,206 1,129 1,020 921 914 | 1,017 986 1,146 1,456 1,086 1,311 1,351 1,549 97 108 || 107 || 114 95 54 || 49 0 || 57 || 70 79 74 46 52 | - - --~ i S-- I -- | Q-- | \,-,-, º- Q-- | <--~ | S-- I -- I - |\-º-'l S-- I -, -}\-2- \º-Nes’; Nºvºsº.' { ſºn, 1819. 1820. 1822, 1823, 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830, 1831. 1832, 1833. 1834, 1835. 1821. 1749 1824, 50 STATEMENT shewing the Amount of the County RATE, distinguishing the proportion Expended under each of thirteen different Heads, in each County of ENGLAND and WALEs, in the Year 1823.− Wide Parliamentary Paper No. 356, Session 1824. # * # The details of this Account do not exactly correspond with the Totals ; in the Official return the details are diffused over 20 folios of Fools Cap, without any regard to uniformity; but as no point is attempted to be established upon the accuracy of detail, it was not thought worth while, in this case, to sacrifice more time in that investigation: the account, as it is, being sufficient to shew the general nature and eatent of the County Rate: The Cities of Ea:eter, Canterbury, Lichfield, and Worcester, and the Town of Poole, as well as the Cities and Towns specified below, each keep separate accounts, but the amount was deemed too trifting to insert in The Column of incidents, in some cases below, where the amounts are large, include payments on account detail, the aggregate of the five places being under ºf 2,000. of Debt paid off, &c. without being separately specified. COUNTIES, arranged in Alphabetical Order: | the Amount noted with an * is for Debt paid off, and those with a + on account of Lunatic Assylums. Bedford Berks Buckingham Cambridge Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . do. CITY Cornwall tº º is tº c & & F * * * * * * * 6 tº e º ſº gº tº e º 8 g º º es º ºs ºf e º sº e º ſº e º e * & © tº º e º 'º º e º & d e º e C & © º 'º e º e g º º & • . e. tº e e e & © & e º 'º a tº e e s tº e º 'º e º e e º g Q & ſº e º e º 'º e º gº gº tº © tº s e tº tº e º ſº tº sº e º 'º e º g sº º tº º e º 'º e º 'º • * g º e g g g º e º e º dº e º e & do. Hereford Hertford Huntingdon Kent Lancaster Leicester Lincoln do. Middlesex Monmouth Norfolk CITY of NORw ICH Northampton Northumberland NEwcASTLE Nottinghain do. Town . . . Oxford Rutland Salop Somerset Southampton do. * tº º a tº tº gº & © e º e º a tº e º e º at * * * * * tº e º ºs º e º ſº e e º is ºr º e e tº e º & tº gº e º e º ſº e o 'º a • * * * * * * * * g tº e º 'º e s º º tº e ºp • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6 º' e º º q & sº tº dº e º & © tº e º 'º º e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º e º e tº º ºr tº e º gº tº e º e º 'º e º 'º * * * * * e º dº e º e s a e s e e q e e º e < e g º ºs e º sº nº e º & tº e # * * * * > * > tº ºn tº e º e º e º e º ºs e e º & © º 'º e º e º º te e g g tº º e º e º e º a º e º º gº e e g 3 e º e º e º 'º e < e º & Q & e & e º e o e º s e º sº º e º e º e e & e e e e º e º e º 'º e º ºs e º e º 'º e s tº 3 & 8 & 6 e º e º & e º 'º º e º e g g g © e s a s & © e e is e s e e s a TOWN s • e e s a e e a • * * * * * * * * * * e e º e s e º te e º a e e º is a e s tº e s & a e e g e º e G & º ºs e e º is 6 & & e º 'º s • * g º dº e º 'º e º ſº sº e g º e º e º s Westmoreland Wilts Worcester . . York, East Riding do. North do. do. West do. . . . . . . + 1,369 CITY of YORK Town of HULL WALES • e s is gº tº sº e g º º ºs º e & © tº º ºs º º ſº e º $ tº tº º º ſº º e º 'º tº & e º 'º - e º ºs tº tº e º gº tº e º 'º e º 'º & & 3 e º ºs e º º sº e * * * * * * * * * * * * tº º $ tº e º 'º gº tº e º tº * & e º º ºs e e º 'º Q & TOTALS. # 23,518 tº e º sº tº $ tº & EXPENCES of Sºs -** = . . . ; 3 § s R; s o, s : º § §§ §§ : §§ SS e šš §§ 3 3. §§§ 3. § o: § 3. § $ §§ §§ s § §sº sš s 's § s Š § sš $C § 's s | Sº 5 || 5 || SS | 5 | is $S & s 5 —-É-——-£–––£--|--É £ £--|-É--|--É——-£-—|—£--l—-É- — 383 || 482 58 2,608 || – || 221 | – || 102 491 180 53 757 430 ; 85 2,690 | 1,520 — — | 137 714 425 143 108 || 445 ; 121 3,069 | – || – || 31 || 304 861 342 | 1,252 163 319 121 1,746 | – | 898 || 162 193 1,123 162 1,240 3,696 || 339 : 283 || 3,410 3,775 |4,051 | – || 701 || 2,753 || 471 694 ——- — — —- 560 —- — 42 112 | — 35 514 | 151 169 | 1,327 2,612 || – || 62 315 295 || 393 312 4,493 || 236 19I 5,823 155 141 34 14 480 95 298 723 | 683 164 800 533 || 350 2() — 793 || 253 | 1,365 3,405 || 397 309 | 1,898 || 3,044 || 327 14 2,008 || 3,070 | 733 1,086 1,868 490 56 3,556 | — 32 || 51 508 689 || 47 277 1,400 | 622 : — 888 2,527 | – || 39 209 | 1,272 | | 73 697 407 | 1,108 259 1,678 4,851 210 2 966 3,143 277 | 1,284 92 || 391 || 305 || 5,564 2,606 | 203 | 89 588 1,344 611 373 **ºssº 60 16 || 596 103 || –— —— 113 99 || 38 150 1,089 || 106 149 | 1,466 — 1,391 — 229 697 2 | 1,154 30 | 164 105 || 1,542 308 524 25 | 185 518 132 7 200 219 58 490 528 106 || – 57 197 | 153 518 585 | 849 589 7,696 - 16 || 88 1,600 3,378 52 | 1,227 1,957 692 1723 4,406 || — —— 86 2,809 |12,464 806 3,135 803 || 159 107 | 1,329 | 1,002 || 178 19 107 1,259 115 3,256 1,258 | 1,036 321 2,165 5,960 |7,707 || 56 | 1,053 2,252 260 | 1,413 * * *sº 23 12 189 — — — 9 50 || 7 193 1,950 || 332 1028 6,209 |15,083 1,674 307 || 859 5,906 || 788 3,298 127 532 84 | 1,094 194 || || 33 57 '72 455 7 121 780 446 270 1,913 || 5,253 42 23 || 375 1,865 30 581 — 117 § 92 95.7 469 498 || 77 82 315 | 18 477 663 | — 135 | 1,851 59 35 | 89 186 916 || 249 1,174 1,611 || 596 98 623 1,288 99 274 76 626 157 256 — | 1.48 # 41 842 637 || --— | 40 11 331 76 95 62 405 ; 140 983 || 4,314 200 7 || 527 | 1,050 239 1,014 193 || 234 112 941 | 1,847 360 | 71 | 688 1,153 7 444 1,134 481 : 137 2,814 || – | — 31 99 685 26 189 150 60 15 576 — 8 4 26 '72 31 15 2,879 180 177 2,289 — 255 172 263 678 26 607 1,063 | 885 509 2,738 6,121 | 16 | 89 877 2,267 || 36 | 1,330 1,235 | 531 201 1,348 || 4,642 53 | 151 612 1,111 || 118 1,706 *-* 78 20 221 529 21 –– 9 54 | 66 89 6,170 298 452 4,709 — 219 39 || 518 1,495 || 455 | 1,050 1,367 207 225 6,652 | 1,654 87 || 58 737 1,431 || 142 689 1,070 | 725 # 336 2,902 |20,280 782 99 || 453 | 1,993 80 | 1, 149 107 || 531 215 1,141 || 3,450 292 || 145 || 761 | 1,895 | 190 154 244 || 308 187 || 5,020 | – | 158 8 || 678 3 963 278 356 24 134 15 809 339 —— — 52 262 25 513 1,009 || 115 53 490 166 78 14 || 23 222 || 64 25? 665 387 159 1,969 2,981 — | – || 547 | 1,542 452 || 4,654 329 118 134 || 3,600 231 | 84 213 | 1,208 || 149 238 233 290 174 || 1,045 1,358 — 37 50 930 108 || 2,601 2,863 559 255 1,580 | 1,414 — — 334 1,219 || 302 | 1,039 5,282 829 || 762 | 1,722 || 3,482 | – || 171 || 792 || 7,674 1600 9,614 16 76 32 470 636 11 2 || 1 || 3 272 — 432 *-*=s* I 83 604 276 - 91 258 || 33 239 8,383 1,479 871 6,825 | 1,407 | 1,229 295 605 || 2,698 || 409 || 2,268 *. 20,483 12,213 119,873 107,913 22,836 3,122 22,978 82,600 11,888 63,540 i i 400 100 | 20 552 56,806 || 7,018 5,825 1,605 26,886 - ---— —l -——. 558,776 5 1 STATEMENT shewing the Population of each of the 28 States of NORTH AMERICA, at each of the 5 periods 1700, 1800, 1810, 1820, and 1830; with the rate of increase ºf Cent. in each State in the last 10 Years; shewing also the Number of Slaves, Aborigenes, and Tons of Shipping, belonging to, and Value of Domestic Produce Exported from, each State in 1830. TOTAL POPULATION, º: Number of Number] T Value of - - at each of the undermentioned five Periods. cent. SLA VES. of ons Domestic UNITED * ---- weh of — . fi - { tº *~ —- ağ. of Produce STATES. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1830. 1820. | 1830. genes. ||Shipping | Earported. - cº- * - I - | -- | ---i}olls.- # , ſ , Main, º' ,º ||#7. º żº º!º ºn Nos. 2.5 formed ſ — 233,939 729, 106 *i; } 2 New Hampsh. 141,899 183,762 214,860 244,161 269,533 || 103 | tº jºi. ºf Nº | – | **** 98,264 s sº 3 Massachusetts 378,717 | 423,245 472,040 523,287 610,014 !º ºngland in which 2,573 424,312 3,949,731 §§§ 4 Rhode Island 69, 110 69,122 77,031 83,059 97,210 || 174 ſ Slavery ...] "" | 43,407 337,468 §§§ 5 Connecticut . . 238,141 251,002 || 262,042 275,202 || 297,711 * tolerated | — 60,860 450,985 §§§ 6 *Vermont .... 85,416 154,465 216,713 || 235,764 || 280,769 | 19 J © U — 764 808,079 §§§ 7 New York . . . . .340,120 586,756 959,049 1,372,812 1,913,508 393 || 10,088 —— 4,820 355,535 | 12,036,561 §: ; 8 New Jersey ... 184,139 211,949 |245,555 277,575 320,779 15; 7,557 —— — 48,772 8,022 Sgs 9 Pensylvania . . 434,273 || 602,365 810,091 | 1,049,458 1,347,672 28% 211 —— 300 | 104,115 2,617, 152 §§§ 10 Delaware . . . . 59,096 || 64,273 || 72,674 72,749. 76,739 5% 4,509 2,000 — 13,213 7,195 §§§ 11 Maryland .... 319,728 341,548 380,546 | 407,350 446,913 9; 107,398 || 110,000 — 170,948 || 3,662,773 Šºš 12 *Colum BIA .. -- 14,098 || 24,022 33,039 34,588 || 20% 6,377 10,000 || –— 23,233 9I4,285 §§§ 13 Virginia . . . . . . 748,309 880,200 974,622 | 1,065,379 1,211,266 13 || 425, 153 470,000 | – || 67,302 || 3,783,493 :#; 14 Nth. Carolina | 393,751 |478, 103 || 555,500 638,829 | 738,470 15% 205,417 |260,000 3,100 54,094 546,506 SS$ 15 Sth. do. . . 249,073 ||345,591 || 415, 115 502,741 581,458 15; 251,783 290,000 300 || 33,689 || 8, 134,676 *šš i 16 Georgia ...... 82,548 162,101 || 252,433 340,987 516,504 || 51% 149,656 220,000 || 5,000 | 13,959 || 4,980,642 17 Kentucky tº e q & 73,097 220,565 | 406,511 564,317 688,844 22 | 126,732 || 170,000 - **-* .-- *-* =s--" 18 Tennesse & e s sº e > | 35,791 105,602 || 261,727 422,813 | 684,822 || 62 80,107 || 130,000 | 1,000 | —— -**** These States lie º | 19 Ohio 45,365 230,700 581,434 937,679 62 -resº == i < ***** * *s-s 1,877 2,389 2,044 º, Qºlī; W 20 Indiana . . 4,375 24,520 147,178 241,582 132 190 —— 4,050 | —— *-* *=s* ###"#"#"tº 3i filinois —— | 12,288 55,211 157,575 185% 917 | -—— 5,900 —— - *sº ####! 22 Michigan —— 4,762 8,896 31,128 14.1% —— — — 9,340 471 —— 23 Mississippi, incorporated in 1817, 8,850 | 40,352 75,448 136,806 || 81 32,814 || 50,000 23,400 —— * - “mºsºmºsºs 24 Alabama, do 1820 . . . . . c e s ] T 127,901 309,206 || 250 41,879 || 130,000 | 19,200 10,473 1,679,385 Louisiana, was purchased by the 25 Louisiana & © 76,550 153,407 215,791 40% 69,064 110,000 939 51,904 10,898, 183 #######}; Missouri ...| 20,845 66,586 140,084 110} | 10,232 30,000 || 5,631 — —— conjunction with it since that date. 27 Arkansas -***- 14,273 30,383 | 1.13% 1,617 25,000 7,200 — — •- *----- 28 Florida, ceded by Spain to U. S. in 1821.] —— * * *- 34,725 | — ——- 4,000 2,782 38,163 TOTAL 3,929,748 5,305,056 || 7,238,753 || 9,638, 191 12,751,227 32} | 1,538,036 1,987,000 98,630 | 1,741,391 || 55,700,193 Proportion Sluves 697,697 | 896,849 | 1,191,364 1,538,036 1,967,000 || – *rema aºmº || “memº Yammºn * : * *scºs -- *-*a*. *-*-********------ ~~~~~~-º-º-º: STATEMENT exhibiting the Geographical Position of each of the 19 Provinces of the CHINESE EMPIRE, and the distance of the Capital City of each Province from Pekin; with the Superficies of each in Chinese le, and in Statute Miles. – For some egregious dispari- ties which this Statement eachibits, see Notes following page. i '*------------------- ----------------. Superficies Provinces according to the Orthography of Geographical | Distance of Capital | - - English Capital Cities. – Position. City from Pekin, wn l, a st atu fe Miles, accor ding Mr. Thoms. Atlasses. Mr. Crawford. N. Lat. E. Lon.| le statin: mean ||E to WN to Sly.cºm.a. 'sº # Kwang-tung Quang-tong | Canton . . . . . CANTon .... 23 7 113, 14 || 7,570 2,720 | 1, 182 3,500 I,800 97,100 || 79,456 2 Kwang-se ... Quang-see . . Kouansi . . . Kouei-LING.. 25 12 109 51 || 7,460 |2,680 | 1,094 || 2,810 |2,960 | 87,800 78,250 3 Yun-nan . . . Yun-man ... Yunnan Y UN-NAN 25 6 102 28 || 8,200 2,946 1,312 || 2,510 | 1, 150 131,400 107,969 4 Kwei-chou Koei-tchou. . Koniecheou | Kwei-YANG.. 26 40 108 30 || 7,640 2,745 1,030 || 1,090 | 1,070 51,200 64,554 5 Foo-kéen . . . Fo-kien .... Fokien . . . . . Fou-TCHEou 27 55 1 i 6 6,130 || 2,202 || 834 950 980 57,150 53,480 6 Keang-se . . . Kiang-see ... Kiansi . . . . . NAN-CHANG 28 36 113 20 || 3,850 | 1,024 804 970 | 1,800 72,000 | 72,176 7 Hoo-nan ... l II - CHANG-SHA. . . 28 11 112 25 || 4,500 || – 848 || 1,420 | 1, 150 - - ; ii.; ...; Hou-quang |Houkouan }}º & d e e º ºs } 30 34 14 25 |3,155 1,133 ago ||2,440 | 680 ; 168,300 144,770 9 Sze-chuen | Setchuen ... Sechuen .. | Quing-roo ... 30 40 103 44 |5,700 |2,048 967 || 3,000 3,200 175,600 | 166,800 ! 0 Kan-stih Kansuh . . . . Kansuh . . . . LANCHOU. . . . 4,040 | 2, 120 2,400 o, OUU 3. 1 Chi-keang | Tchekiang ...| Chekian HANG-chou || 30 20 119 46 || 3,300 | 1,185 | 693 || 880 1,280 37,200 39,150 12 Gan hwuy tº e GAN-KING 31 30 117 20 || 2,700 —— 587 U. - - - Tº º ang-nan ..] Kian- - - U 1 -> - | 3 Keang-soo } Kiang-nan - 13.H-Ila.I) } NAN-KIN . . . . 32 4 118 34 || 2,400 862 558 ! 1,630 | 1,700 85,000 92,961 14 Ho-nan. ... Ho-nan ....] Honan . . . . . Ho-NAN . 34 44 112 9 || 1,540 553 432 || 1,120 | 1,290 62,000 || 65,104 15 Shen-se . . . . . Chensi . . . . . Shensi SIN-GAN . . . . 34 15 108 29 || 2,650 952 592 || 935 2,426 167,700 -154,008 18 Shan-tung. . . Chantong ..] Shanton | Tcl-NAN .... 36 46 116 46 || 800 287 229 || 1,640 *10 gº. 63.1% 17 ãº. . . . . Chansi . . . .] Shansi . . . . . TAI-Y UN . . . . . 37 54 111 56 || 1,200 || 431 289 880 | 1,620 || 63,500 55,268 18 Chih-le. . . . . . . . e QUANG-PING | 36 47 114 29 || — — 243 || 1,228 1,628 - - º º P tº º - = 2 2 \ y <- - : Imperial City | Petcheli.... echely } PEKING ... 39 55 116 28 || — | – , ii. ; 99,700 58,910 19 Shing-king - | ZH E-HOL . —— ––– 100 || 5, 100 3,000 I (; 48 H 6 50 | 1,372,450 1,297,999 52 STATFMENT Of the Revenues, PopULATION, Civil, and MILITARY FoRCE, and ExPENDITURE, of each of the 19 Provinces of CHINA, according to an account drawn up by Wang-kwe-shing, a Tsin-tsze graduate of Kwang-se in 1823; and printed at the press of the Honble. English East India Company at Macao, by Mr. P. P. THOMs, in 1824. *...* The Civil and Military Force, and their annual Expences, a e published from time to time in the Tsin-shim, an Official Quarterly Publication, corresponding with the Annual Court Kalenders of Europe, which accounts Mr. Thoms states he found to correspond with those in the MS. of Wang-kwe-shing. For the Superficies & Geographical Position of each Province, see page 165. - - Retained whithe District PROVINCES, REVEN UE. Granaries for the Troops, • e * , , , with Number of reference - In Sterli - * * und as a reserve in times Proportion in Tales paid into GEOGR wº"romos, Miscella- TOTAL jº, 4. of scarcity.——Shihs of National Provincial page 165. Land. Salt. 7160?!.S. Tales. Crawfurd. *:::::: Grain. Rice. Treasury. Treasury. - Shihs— - - 1 Chi-keang . . . . . . 1 1 || 2,914,946 501,044 191,840 3,607,880 1,357,593 678,320 || 1,503,605 || 615,663 || 2,287,346 | 887,277 Kiang- || 2 Gan-hwuy 12 | 1,718,824 312,440 318,812 ;}2 458,476 | 1.431 *} 864, 110 | 155,053 || 1,394,904 || 412,709 than }#}. 13 || 3,116,826 93,240 46,910 || 3,256,976 $ Tº “” *** 1,466,000 2,564,728 1,446,051 Hou- || 4 Hoo-nan 7 || 882,745 64,760 §: 738,123 96.214 || 1,433,938 72,462 944,422 265,375 quang }: Hoo-pih 8 || 1,174,110 I 19,205 1,293,315 2 * * * } 96,934 465,627 | 96,848 776, 173 || 333,543 6 Shan-tung ...... 16 || 3,376, 165 | 120,720 29,680 3,526,565 1,231,607 || 353,963 || 966,500 478,690 || 2,730,136 692,141 7 Ho-nan ........ 14 || 3,164,758 —— | 12,650 3,177,408 || 1,052,826 221,342 || 2,221,300 221,941 || 2,441,110 | 620,623 8 Foo-kéen. . . . . . . . 5 1,074,489 || 85,470 98,399 || 1,258,358 || 377,507 — —- || 1,778,887 232,547 || 1,054,209 208,052 9 Kwang-tung 1 | 1,264,304 || 47,510 |103,410 | 1,415,224 424,567 2,585 – 719,307 || 319,307 10 Keang-se . . . . . . . . 6 1,878,682 5,150 |224,821 2,108,653 || 981,374 |795,063 || 1,139,689 787,454 || 1,602,431 540,765 11 Kwang-se ...... 2 || 416,399 || 47, 150 |25,880 || 489,423 146,828 990,471 127,175 || 278,559 86,145 12 Yun-nan . . . . . . . . 3 | 209,531 34,256 243,827 | 165,306 227,626 || 750,411 188,927 55,396 13 Kwei-chou . . . . . . 4 || 102,628 6,230 i 13,690 | 122,548 36,764 || -- 157,818 - –— 53,340 13,340 14 Sze-chuen . . . . . . 9 631,094 | –— 20,520 651,614 195,484 || —--- || 1,045,179 || 9,840 216,366 13,029 15 Shen-se . . . . . . . . 15 1,658,700 —— |40,623 1,699,323 497,610 — || 2,697,620 636,523 || 1,344,543 265,498 16 Shan-se . . . . . . . . 17 2,990,675 507,028 || 42,019 3,539,722 | 1,061,916 || –— || 1,306,988 —— || 2,702,285 328,290 17 Chih-le . . . . . . . . 18 2,334,475 437,949 |306,446 || 3,078,870 923,931 869,192 91,077 || 1,939,943 || 611,811 18 Kan-stah . . . . . . . . 10 280,652 | –— 39,450 320,102 || 105,000 | 218,550 || 3,080,000 | 402,246 || 182,644 | 72,275 19 Shing-king . . . . . . 19 38,780 —— 38,780 13,000 || 111,674 || 156,810 || 139,504 - - TOTALS. 29,228,783 || 2,163,931 1,933,371 33,327,056 11,767,912 || 4,230,959 25,481,164 5,115,625 23,421,378 6,969,371 provinces, ...º.º. º. f******** ****|alſº ſº., EXPEN DITURE. § § with Nº. ºne. ‘. . .” Districts. Craufurd. Staunton. |º. officers.TMen. T Civil service Army. TOTA L. š É | N. - S —º 1 Chi-keang ... 11 11 || 1 || 76 | 18,975,099 || 21,000,000 556 468 50,000 161,850 967,402 | 1,149,252 sºs 15.3 2 Gan-hwuy . . 12 || 8 8 50 - 378 º $) tº 124,000 N . t j #####| # 3 kº, . . 13 || 8 || 3 ;: 30,405,258 32,000,000; §§ 630 || 132,000; ºr }}}2,182.70. 2,621,297 #sº § 4 Hoo-nan . . . . 7 || 9 || 7 %; 33,702 3.9% 13,000,000 438 355 || 51,000 | 154,500 | 844,940 999,490 ±T. 5 Hoo-pih . . . . 8 || 10 || 7 || 60 ””” 14,000,000 || 463 298 || 37,000 || 172,896 || 621,254 794,150 & ##### |# 6 Shan-tung ... 16 || 10 || 1 || 96 25,447.633 24,000,000 || 657 249 35,000 293,162 582,814 $75,976 sºs;3; # 7 Sze-chuen . . 9 || 12 18 || 1 12 || 7,789,782 27,000,000 || 567 451 | 85,000 | 217,230 | 1,402,162 | 1,619,392 s.si: ºl 8 Ho-nan .... 14 || 9 || 10 | 97 2,662,969 |25,000,000 || 578 181 24,000 || 260,970 || 395,613 || 656,583 s.s. 5; ; ; 9 Keang-se'.... 6 || 13 || 2 || 75 | 5,921,160 | 19,000,000 || 549 173 39,000 | 190,840 641,339 832, in 9 ; ; ; ; ; S 10 Chih-le . . . . 18 10 || 25 | 124 $º ( ) i, 869 | 681 151,000 281,148 2,470,807 2,751,955 §§ 3 ; ; PEKIN . . . . . — — *} 3,504,038 38,000,000; 207 26,000 |5,819, 123 434,272 6,253,395 §§ 3 ; ; ul Kwang-tung 1 || 9 || 10 | 68 1,491,271 21,000,000 622 || 708 99,000 | 198,440 | 1,582,654 1,781,094 sº S ; ; 12 Kwang-se 2 11 || 17 47 2,569,518 10,000,000 || 430 281 42,000 | 165, 186 728,258 | 893,444 $$ 3 ; ; ; 13 Yun-man .... 3 || 14 || 31 || 39 2,255,459 || 8,000,000 || 389 || 411 53,000 | 201,821 | 892,678 | 1,097,499 Šs ; ; Ś 13 Kwei-chou .. 4 || 14 || 34 34 2,941,391 || 9,000,000 299 || 390 || 70,000 || 117,060 | 1,161,103 | 1,278,163 #s s ; : s 14 Foo-kéen.... 5 10 || 2 | 62 1,684,528 15,000,000 471 602 || 76,000 | 159,640 | 1,228,006 | 1,387,646 s; s’s 15 Shan-se .... 17 | 9 || 16 || 87 1,860,816 27,000,000 || 512 || 385 53,000 || 296,270 875,600 1,171,870 : ; Śēs 16 Shen-se . . . . 15 || 7 | 10 | 73 257,704 | 18,000,000 | 408 || 447 | 104,000 || 144,100 | 1,759,677 1,903,777 ; ; ; ; 17 Kan-såh .... 10 || 9 || 13 15 340,086 12,000,000 || 303 635 | 123,000 || 138,500 2,040,995 2,179,495 #s $#: 19 Shing-king ... 19 || – || -- || – 486,643 || – –— | 164 — 4,000 8,527 71,872 80,397 &s såå * $ | - $ & TOTAL S. 183 225 | 1,232 142,295,734 || 333,000,000 13,136 7,552 1,263,000 || 9,442,853 20,884,203 30,527,034 s: After much deliberation on the several works which have heretofore been published relating to China, the above Statements have been adopted as most entitled to regard, at the same time the above Statements present some such striking discrepancies as to eaccite a doubt in regard to their accuracy;-for instance, the Province of Shen se, containing seven cities of the first class, and ten of the second class, contributing 1,699,323 Tales of Revenue, and maintaining a Military Force of 104,000 men, is represented as con. taining only 257,704 inhabitants ; while Yun-man a Province said to be rich in Minerals, Silk, Tea, Musk, and other choice productions, and carrying on an eactensive inter. course with Birmah and Siam, is represented as contributing only 243,827 Tales of Revenue. excite nearly corresponding doubts, yet these data were submitted to the Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company by Mr. Crawfurd, in the Session of 1830 ; and what is more unpardonable in a gentleman of Mr. Crawfurd's reputation, and general claim to respect, is, that in reference to a Geographical Statement of the travelling dis- tances of the several provincial Capitals from Pekin, he represents the distance of Canton at 2720 English Miles, while the Geographical mean distance is only 1182 English miles; all the other distances are nearly as preposterous, - see page 165: in like manner Du Halde represented the Revenues as amounting to 200,000,000 Tales, which amount has been adopted as authentic and accurate, by the compilers of the Encyclopaedia Brittannica,—so much for names. several Years at Macao, and his familiarity with the language of China, qualified him to judge correctly of the accounts which came before him, which he has stated them, leaves but little doubt of their being accurate. cases, seeming as much over rated as Mr. Crawfurd's are under-rated. The data relating to Kwei-chou and the Metropolitan Province of Chāh-le The competency of Mr. Thoms, from having resided and the circumstantiallity with The Population Statements however are palpably erroneous, Sir George Staunton’s numbers in some It is much to be regretted that subjects of this nature should have so long remained questionable. The Province of Yun-man, borders on the Birman Empire, commercial operations extended in that direction would probably be more likely to afford ficilities for pene. trating China than by its Sea Ports ; the Cambodia and Siamese rivers, as well as the Erabatty all appear to flow from Yun-man,—the ea ploration of these rivers, with the aid of Steam, would be quite as laudable as exploring of the Niger, and much more likely to reward commercial enterprize. - 53 STATEMINT exhibiting the 19 Provinces of CHINA, arranged in reference to their REVENUEs and ExPENDITURE, with the ratio of Inhabitants to each square mile; and rate tſ' head of Taxation in each Province ; the latter as exhibited by Mr. Crawfurd to the Parliamentary Committee on East India affairs in the Session of 1830, and the Revenues and Erpenditures as exhibited on the prece- ding page, the Note at the foot of which implies that however questionable the Statements relating to the Population may be, those relating to the Revenues and Expenditures seemed entitled to credit;-but which, on more mature reflection, appear equally unworthy;- it is impossible that the Provinces Nos. 1–9, could continue to contribute such an excess of Revenue as 15 millions of Tales annually for any length of time, unless aided by a Paper Circulating Medium ; and it is also improbable that Nos. 12–17, should continue to drew in specie the amounts represented; in the one case, it would lead to exhaustion, and in the other to an undue accumulation, more particu- larly so as there does not appear, judging from the relative extent of Population and Productions of the respective Provinces, to be any adequate means of due equalization by Commercial exchange. *.* The Tea Districts are indicated by an *, and the Notations which follow several of the Provinces imply their producing Minerals respectively as follows, Viz. –g Gold, s Silver, c Copper, t Tin, i Iron, l Lead. The Province of SHAN-TUNG, is North of the Yellow PRO WIN CES Ratio of River, bounded on the West by the Metropolitan Pro- ſ arranged in reference Iniyabits. sº. vince of CHIH-LE, and North by the Gulf of Leaotong; to their S * te º it is an Agricultural district. The Kiang-keou, or great REVEN UES and EXPEND ITU RE, Revenues. Earpenditure. Mile. Taxation 5 River intersects KIANG-N AN,-GAN-Hw U Y being S. with No of reference to their position at page 165. | - * I - *- of that River; it is both an Agricultural and a Manu- S$ º --> {R F. 4. facturing district in Cotton, Silk, & Porcelain. CHI- || $ §§ ſ; ſ Shan-tung 2. K. ... . . . . . . 16 *:::::::::: 875,976 || 448 | 1 KEANG, appears to be the most productive Province of is Šiš $ < *Kiang-nan } eang-soo . . 13 ,526,97 ! 2,621,297 357 1/7 the Empire; it produces Silk, as well as fabricating it $ $n 5 S 3 Gan-hwuy . . 12 2,550,976 5 3. 10 into Stuffs, and appears to be equally active in Agri- || 5 § # S | 4 *Chi-keang . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3,607,830 1,149,252 || 510 1/5 culture, Manufactures, and Commerce. SHAN-SE, is s §4 ſ5. Shan-se . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3,539,722 1, 171,870 29 1 1/4 bounded on the West for about 250 miles by the Yellow | . s.s .. 6 H tº e º 'º 14 3.17.40s '656.58. 43 7/{{ River, which separates it from SHEN-SE ; East, by the § §§ § | 10-man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 3 + , 583 o /10 Metrópolitan Province of CHIH-LE, and North by # 5 § $ 3 *Hou-quan 7 Hoo-pih. ... 8 1,293,315 794,150 200 re- 15 Tartary ; it abounds in Coal, and Salt-springs, it is a § § { | S | Q g 8 Hoo-nan ... 7 947,505 999,490 | * €5 astoral rather than an Agricultural district, and has ºf X - -sa — a 3 • 2. 5. &Y * 9 || 3 / K. of W.e.: the Yellow River separates s U U 9 Keang-se,_-g, i, l, s, t. .. 6 2, 108,653 832,179 82 3/3 it on the South from Ho-N AN, which is an Agricultural p" r - º * -- Province. The Kiang-keou, or great River divides TO TA L Tales. 24,008,950 || 9,100,797 20 Hou-QUANG into two parts, Hoo-N AN being on the - South ; it has º Lakes º º º: § /- - | 10 Foo-kéen, -i, t. . . 5 1,258,358 1,387,646 29 4/5 dred square miles of its Superficies; the bulk of its Š … º.º. - -> º 6) @., 3 ºr . jº. appears to be ğ. on the banks of: § 3. Man itime U II. Kwangtung, C, i, l, t. 1 1,415,224 1,781,094 | 15 5/{} the great River. KEAN G-SE, is South of the great §§ - do. Foreign Duty 1,670,299 - { 25 River, bounded on the East by the maritime Province § § …4 on § T2 Kwang-se . . . . C. t. 2 489,424 893,444 29 i:3 of Foo-K EEN, and South by Kw A N G-TUN G, its Waters Q) § fitterior l 13 Kwei-chou c, 9, 8. 4. 122,548 1,278, 163 57 3 run North into the great Lake of Poyang, uniting with § s sº - 14 Y t. 3 243,827 1,097,499 } ºf | 7 the great River in Latitude 30° North. - S s Western un-nan c, 9, 8, º, + 5. 3 *i ſ is is $ Tartar 15 Sze-chuen c,g,i, l, t. 9 651,614 1,619,392 45 {; Foo-KEEN, is a mountainous and mineral district, ; Ś & Frontier. U 16 Shen-se . . . . . . . . . . 15 1,699,323 1,903,777 1; 38/7 30 has Manufactures of Silk and Iron, and contains the $ $o Tartary 17 Kan-suh . . . . . . . . 10 320,102 2,040,995 Port of Amoy in latitude 24° 20' North, and 118° *: * * § - - of East longitude. The Population and Revenues o 3 Š - the Island # Formosa are i. in this Province. .# § TOTAL Nos. 10–17. Tales 7,870,719 | 12,002,010 Kw ANG-TUNG is rich in minerals, and produces both g Metropolitan 18 Chih-le .... l, t. 18 3,078,870 9,005,350 58 5/3 35 Silk and Sugar. The Island of Hainan in latitude 19° ſº Nº. Tartar 19 Shing-King . . 19 38,870 80,397 North, and 1 100 of East longitude IS included with TOTAL of Nos. 1–9. 24,008,950 9,100,797 this Province. Nos. 12, 13, are both Mineral districts, º 2- - © Kwei-chou, is mountainous; part of its Waters flow | Expences of keeping up the Banks of the Yellow River 2,000,000 North into the great River, and part through tº w ANG- do. Imperial and Botanic Gardens 1,000,000 40 SE into the Harbour of Canton. YUN-NAN, forms Excess of REVENUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,808,855 the S. W. extremity of the º P. of its Waters - run S. E. through To NK IN into the Gulf of Tonkim ; o & º - 6 one of the branches of the great River Kiang-keou in Total exclusive of Grain and Rice . . . . . . . . . . 34,997,409 34,997,400 tersects the N. W., and the main branch for about 50 Estimated Money Value of Grain and Rice . . . 6,346,438 6,346,438 45 miles forms the boundary between Y UN-N AN and Sze- º - 5 0 CHUEN, but its more important features are the Cambodia, Siamese, and Erabaty Rivers, all of which appear to flow from Thibet through YUN-N AN ; a junction of these Rivers with the Kiang-keou might be effected at about the same cost of time and labor as that of the junction of the Ohio with the great chain of Lakes in America, and thereby open a direct Water communi- cation from the Bay of Bengal with every part of the Chinese Empire; one of the branches of the Kiang-keou, having its source in Thibet, in the latitude 80 North of the Kiang-keou, or great River,-see line 58. The Metropolitan Province of CHIH-LE, extends from the Yellow River in the latitude of 35, to the latitude of 41° North ; its principal River runs North from near the City of Ho-NAN to the latitude of 39° North, where it is joined by several other streams from the West and North, when it forms the Peiho, or White River, falling into the Gulf of Leaotang in the longitude of 118° East. The City of PEKING, is seated between two branches of this River in of 35° North, and 96° of East longitude, runs nearly due South to the lati- latitude and longitude as stated at page 165. . tude of 25° where it is joined by a more important Stream from farther The Military and Marine force, specified on the preceding page is not 55 West; from this point it intersects the Province of Sze-ch UEN in a direc- 85 included in the Statement of Population, and in addition to those numbers tion N. E. through 10 degrees of longitude, from whence it flows through Chinese Tartary is stated to contain 12,000,000 of inhabitants, and the Hous QUANG and KIANG-N AN into the Bay of Nankin, in the latitude of Country of the Manchoos 10,000; of the Mongols 30,000; of Bocharia 32° North, and 121° of East longitude. SHEN-S E, is the N. W. Province of 45,000; and Thibet 6,000. Mr. THOMs further mentions an aquatic tribe the Empire ; the Hoang-ho, or Yellow River, having its source in Tartary amounting to 2,000,000, a considerable number of which inhabit the harbor 60 near the head Waters of the Kiang-keou, intersects the extreme N. W. part 90 of Canton; it is this tribe which appears to have given rise to the mistaken of SH EN-SE, from whence it makes a detour North to the ſatitude of 42° -- motion of the extraordinary density of the Population in China, which in the and 107° of East longitude; it then runs nearly due East, to the longitude aggregate is relatively more than one half less than in England; while the of 112°, from whence it runs South bearing West to the latitude of Provinces of SHAN-TUN G and CHI-KE ANG, as far as reliance can be placed 34° 30' North, and 110° of East longitude, forming the boundaries between on their Numbers, exceed the density of England by more than 2 to 1. 65 SHEN-SE and SHAN-s E, No. 5; at the last mentioned point of 34° 30' of 95 The aquatic tribes who live exclusively in boats on the Water, appear to North latitude, &c.; it is Joined by the Hoei-Ho, another large River with have had their origin in a ruthless tyrant driving them from land, and numerous tributary streams, which intersect all the North part of the Pro- habit becoming engendered among them before they dared to return. Vince; the Waters of the more Southern part running South into the For the overland Commerce of China with Rissia, see Kiatka, page 166. Riang-keou. From the point of junction just mentioned, the Yellow River The S. W. point of flie Japanese Isles is parallel in Latitude with the Bay 70 runs nearly due West, separating CHAN-SE from Ho-NAN as stated line 18, 100 of Nankin, 8 degrees East of the entrance to the Hoang-ho and Kiung- and after intersecting the Northern part of Ho-NAN, No. 6, it approaches keou Rivers. The Japanese Isles extend in a direction N. E. to the Longi- the South part of Chi H-LE, No. 18, and them in the latitude of 34° 40' N. tude of 143 East, and Latitude 41 West, the large Promontory of the and longitude of 115° to 117° East, divides the extreme S. W. of SHAN- Corea from the Latitude of 35 to 43 North, having the Yellow Sea and TUN G from the extreme N. E. of Ho-NAN, and then intersects the North Gulf of Leaotong on the W., and the Sea of Japan on the E., lies between 75 part of KEANG-soo, No. 2, falling into the Bay of Nankin about 180 miles 105 the Province of Pecheli, & Niphon the Northern & largest Island of Japan. 54. STATEM ENT shewing the GEogFAPHICAL Position of each of the 55 Governments or Provinces of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE, with the Latitude and Longitude of the Capital City, or Chief Town of each, and its distance in Miles from St. Petersburgh; with the mean price of Rye and Oats ºf Chetwert in 1826,- Wide page 97. *...* The great Geographical characteristic of European Russia is its evenness of surface, its greatest altitude not exceeding R200 feet above the level of the Sea; it is however in many parts beautifully undulated and abundantly watered, and therefore affords the finest opportunities for social improvement:--no part of the World offers greater inducements t to facilitate intercourse either by Water or Railways; the Baltic might be united with both the Black Sea, and the Caspian, at a less expence of Physical power and means than was applied to the subjugation of Poland in 1830–1831. Tauridé, is a Peninsula formed by the Black Sea, and Sea of Asoph ; it is better known to Western Europe under the name of the Crimea. Heatsch-Jenicol, is on the Western Coast of the Strait leading into the Sea of Asoph. , Bessarabia, liés between the mouths of the Pruth, and the Dneister ; Akermann, being seated at the Western point of entrance to the latter River, Cherson, lies between the Dneister and the Dneiper, and is intersected by the Bog. No. 4, is bounded on the East by the Sea of Asoph, and the Government of the Don-Kasacs, and is intersected by the Dneiper: Podolio, and Kiow, lie bet- ween the Dniester and Dmeiper, they formed the S. E. part of Poland, amneared to Russia in 1793. Pultowa, and Charcoff, lie East of the Dneiper. Volhynia, and Bialostock, are bounded on the West by the Bug, which runs West into the Vistula below Warsaw. - Lithuania, is bounded on the West by the Niemen, which divides it from Prussian Poland, and is intersected on the E. by the head Waters of the numerous tributary streams of the Dneiper : Nos. 14-16, are also intersected by the main streams of those two Rivers, and are bounded on the East by Russia Proper. Nos. 17-19, are Maritime Provinces, bounded on the West by the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland. The Dwina River rises in Novgorod, No. 33, and runs past Witepsk, Potolsk, and Dumniburg, into the Gulf of Riga, the City of that name being at its mouth. Courland, is on the West ; and Livonia, East of the Dwina,— the Waters of Coursk, and Voronéje, run South into the Sea of Asoph. The Occa, or Oka River rises in Oret and Toula, runs past Calouga and Ruizam into the Volga at Nignei-Novgorod; Jaroslau, and Costroma, are intersected by the main stream of the Voiga, which rises in Twer, and after running a very circuitous course past Jaroslau, Costroma, & Nijmet-Novgorod, it runs past Cazan, Simbirsk, Saratov, and Tsaryisyn, into the North part ºf the Caspian Sea, where it forms an extensive Delta, on one of the Islands of which is seated the City of Astracan. The City of Moscow, the ancient Capital of Russia, is seated on the banks of a stream of the same name, or Moskwa, which falls into the Occa, between Calouga and Riazam. - The Dneiper, has its source in the Government of Smolensk and runs South past Mohileff, and Kiow to Jeeatrinoslau, and Jrom thence into the Black Sea at Kherson, 120 miles East of Odessa. The Waters of Pskov, all run North to the Gulf of Finland, partly through Lake Tchude, and partly through Novgorod into Lake Ladoga, both of which Lakes discharge their Waters into the Gulf of Finland. The Waters of the Eastern part of Novgorod run South into the Wolga, those of . Olonetz and Vologda North, into the White, or Sea of Arch- angel; and those of Viatka and Perm, run South into the Volga. Finland, No.35, was a conquest from the Swedes in 1812, it is bounded on the South, by the Gulf of Finland ; and on the West, by the Gulf of Bothnia. The Waters of Tambov and Penza, run in both directions partly East into the Volga, and partly South into the Don, one of the branches of the latter River rises in Toula, and amother in Tambov, uniting at Voronéje, from whence it runs in a direction S. E. to near Zaritszyn, No. 46, on the Volga, when it takes a direction due West into the Sea of Asoph at Nova-Tcherkask, -see No. 48. The Oural, or Ural Mountains, form the Eastern boun- dary of the Governments of Archangel and Vologda, and afterwards intersect those of Perm and Orenburg. The Waters of the Eastern part of Orenburg, run East into the Obe at Tobolsk ; numerous other streams unite at Oufa, and from thence run West into the Volga below Cazan, while the Oural River, forms the Eastern boundary from Verkhouralsk to Orskaia, from whence it runs due West past Orenburg to Ouralsk in Caucassia, from whence it runs again due South into the Caspian Sea at Gowriev, Jorming in the whole of its course the boundary between Orenburg and Caucassia on the West, and the territory of the Kirghees on the East. The Waters of Siberia; the Obe, Ienicea, and the Lena, all ºwn North into the Arctic Ocean. K1ATKA, No. 54, on the Frontiers of Chinese Tartary, about 1100 miles N.W. of Peking, is the place where an eactensive intercourse is carried on betwee; the Empires of Russia and China, about 2,500,000 ihs. of Tea, with a variety of oth r choise products are annually conveyed from the gentre of China through Kiatka to Moskow and St. Petersburgh, a distance of from 4,000 in 5,000 miles. r \ 1 Tauridé GO VERNMENTS. tº e º ºs º º ºs º º º Capital TO WN. Simferopol Feodosia, or Kaffa Keatsch-Jemicol 2 Bessarabia . . . . . . . . . A kermann 3 Kherson . . . . . . . . . . $8;, 4 Ekaterinoslaw .... }};" ſ , s (5 Podolio | Camenes-Podol. S$ $ ) 6 Kiou . . . Kieff "S & ) 7 Poltava | Pultowa s 8 Charcov | Charcoff § 9 Volhynia . . . . . Zytomiers J 10 Bialystock Belostock § r. W II Grodno | Grodno § 4 ſº 12 Minsk | Minsk S. 13 Wilno | Wilma $ | 1.4 Tchernigov. ... Czernigov § 15 Mohilow. . . . . . . Mohileff § | 16 Vitepsk . . . . . . . Witepsk R § 3 ( 17 Courland Mittau # } 18 Livonia . . . Riga US$ 19 Esthonie | Revel ſ 20 Kursk . . . . . . . Coursk ; ; 21 Voroneje . . . . . Voronéje 3 22 Orel ........ Orel § 23 Calouga . . . . . . . Kaluga * } 24 Toula........ Tula 's 25 Riazan . . . . . . . Resan s 26 MOSCO W MOSCO W § 27 Jaroslau . . . . . , Jaroslaw 28 Vladimir Vladimir U 29 Kostroma . . . . . Costroma ſ30 Smolensk .... Smolensk 31 Twer . . . . . . . . . Tver .S. 32 Psicov. . . . . . . . Pskov 3 || 33 Novgorod .... Novgorod Sº 34 PETERSBURGH | PETERSBURGH s 3 85 Finland . . . . . . . Abo & 36 Olometz . . . . . . . Petrosavadok is 37 Archangel . . . . . Archangel * | 38 Vologda .... Vologda 39 Viatka . . . . . . Wiatka U.40 Perm . . . . . . . . . Perm s ſq1 Tambov .... Tamboff s * 42 Penza . . . . . . . Penza S$; 43 Nijnei-Novg. Lower Novgord. .# S º 44 Cazan . . . . . . Kasam § | 45 Simbirsk. . . . . Simbirsk S. Zaritszyn 47 Orenburgh; (46 Saratov . . . . } Verkhoural Orskaia 51 48 Don-Cossacs . . . . . . ſ49 Caucassia. . . . . . : ; 50 Astrachan . . . . 51 Georgia. . . . . . . 52 Tobolsk . . 53 Tomsk. . . . } 54 Irkoutsk ...} U55 Kamtchatka . . } Sarotov sk 53 40 58, Oufa 32 58, Orenburg Nova-Tsherkask Geogáeffsk, Ouralsk Gozzriev Astrakan Tephlis Tobolski Omsk Tomsic Irkoutsk R IA TRA Okhotsk Nijme-Kamtchatsk East Cape Geographical Position. N. Lat. E. Long. 450 12" | 340 8/ 45 6 || 35 ; 3 45 21 36 25 46 8 || 31 14 46 29 30 38 46 38 32 56 48 27 | 33 2 47 13 38 39 48 41 27 1 50 27 30 28 49 30 34 14 5(? 36 27 50 16 || 28 30 52 2 22 3() 53 40 23 50 53 43 27 4() 54 41 || 25 17 51 20 | 32 13 53 50 || 31 40 55 25 30 20 56 39 23 43 56 5 || 24 8 59 27 24 39 51 43 || 36 28 5 l 40 || 39 21 53 35 28) 54 3 || 36 5 54 11 || 37 2 54 55 40 37 55 46 || 37 33 57 37 40 10 57 45 || 41 13 54 50 31 57 56 52 35 57 57 38 27 52 58 32 31 20 59 56 || 30 19 60 28 22 7 61 47 || 34 24 64 40 || 38 56 59 13 || 41 I I 57 25 54 5 58 1 || 56 26. 52 44 || 4 || 45 53 30 45 39 56 20 || 4 || 29 55 48 49 21 54 22 || 48 34 48 42 44 28 51 31 || 46 54 42 56 18 51 46 52 31 47 14 || 39 50 52 11 52 6 47 8 52 30 46 21 47 44 42 45 62 40 58 12 | 68 H 5 55 4 74 54 56 30 84 10 52 17 | , 103 30 50 20 106 30 59 20 142 44 57 161 67 | 85 º Mean Price #. " ; "|Chetwert in 1836. from sº Rye Oats 1,458 || 4 7 || 7 1,366 4 50 || 5 60 1,429 5 50 || 7 | 1,200 2 75 | 6 1,082 || 2 2 S{} 1,269 || 3 0 || 5 1,020 5 4. 857 5 5 4 1 947 2 75 2 60 973 3. 75 3 40 829 6 4 723 7 20 4 30 605 6 50 3 || 5 623 || 12 6 70 564 7 20 5 459 || 10 50 5 401 | 1 9 368 || || 0 6 50 229 || 1 || 85 || 1 () 816 || 4 3 40 813 || 3 2 80 731 || 6 § 3ſ) 593 || 6 50 5 50 606 6 80 4 80 617 6 70 5 25 484 8 6 25 493 || || 1 50 5 68 602 9 5() 6 . 602 8 75 4 80 477 8 25 4 25 376 || || 0 6 25 2] Tº || 14 6 123 || 13 60 7 47 *sse I 5 9 50 304 || 16 10 '763 9 771 l I 60 5 827 || 5 80 || 2 20 1,424 4 2 55 803 4 25 2 8() 927 8 20 i 3 35 '784 8 25 4 86 1,034 6 5() 3 60 990 4 72 3 65 1,088 3 2 79. 1,291 || 3 75 || 3 80 1,540 4 75 3 50 1,428 4 w 3 60 2,035 5 | 3 20 2,490 1 50 || 2 40 2,990 3 25 2 20 3,994 || 6 10 40 = | a 55 sTATEMENT exhibiting the 55 Provincial Governments of RUSSIA, arranged in Alphabetical Order, with Number of reference to their Geographical Position ; shewing the Numerical order of each Province, in extent of Superficies, Population, &c. &c.; together with the Superficies, Population, Produce, and Revenue of each Province in 1825; and also the Number of Suicides and Murders in each, in 1829. *...* This Statement has been compiled from a Work published in Russia in 1825, without being entitled to any very high degree of credit for accuracy, it is believed to afford the best view of this vast Empire that has hitherto appeared. P R O W I W C E S arranged in Alphabetical Order, with Number of reference to their Geographical Position. Archangel . . . . . . . . . . 37 Astrachan . . . . . . . . . . 50 Bessarabia. . . . . . . . . . 2 Bialystock . . . . . . . . 10 Calouga. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Caucassia. . . . . . d 49 Cazan . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Charcov. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cherson . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cossacs . . . . . . . . . . . . Costroma 2 * * * * * * * * * 29 Courland . . . . . . . . . . 17 Coursk . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Crimea, or Tauride . . I Ekaterinoslaw . . . . . 4 Esthonie. . . . . . . . . . . 19 Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Georgia. . . . . . . . . . . 51 Grodno . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Irkutsk . . . . . . . . . . 54 Jaroslau . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Kamtchatka . . . . . . . . 55 Kiow . . . . . . . . º e e g º º 6 Lithuania . . . . . 17–19 Livonia . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Minsk . . . . . . . . . e 12 Mohileff . . . . . . . . . . 15 M OSCO W . . . . . . . . 26 Novgorod . . . . . . . . . . 33 do., -Nijmei. . . . 43 Olonetz . . . . . . . 36 Orel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Orenburgh. . . . . . . . 47 Penza . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Perm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 PETERSBURGH 3 Podolio . . . . . . . . . . 5 Poltava . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pskov . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Riazan . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sarotov . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Siberia . . . . . . . . 52–54 Simbirsk . . . . . . . . . 45 Smolensk . . . . . . . • . , 30 Tambov. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 T chernigov. . . . . . • 14 Tobolsk . . . . . . & 4 52. Tomsk . . . . . . . . . . . . 53. Toula. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Twer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3H Ukraine..... & © 5–8 Viatka ............ 39 Vilna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Vitepsk * * * & e º e º e | 6 Vladimir . . . . . . . . . . 28 Volhynia . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yologda .......... 38. (Oroneje . . . . . . . . . . 21 Numerical Order of each Province. - ***i 40 31 T6 34 47 13 30 19 28 25 29 3 46 22, 14 21 33. 20 # 3 # # | 8 3 # ##| || 3 || 3 || 3: * | *š £ 3 || 3 48 48 || 49 33 39 49 || 45 50 9 19 27 3 35 27 6 50 || 46 || 46 21 49 21 22 13 7 17 24 8 20 43 || 41 40 33 || 38 || 39 29 30 35 ; 3 || || 25 26 42 13 || 41 45 21 3 5 3 6 9 43 || 37 47 47 43 39 || 36 34 || 48 28 44 27 43 44 20 17 | 40 44 || 37 42 37 25 24 || 42 50 47 50 || 45 24 || 31 29 || 1 () 29 || || 3 || || 1 7 6 || 11 || 17 || 46 38 || 3 || | 40 29 4. 28 34 || 23 || 38 || 44 31 21 16 || 35 | 47 5 1 28 1. I 33 || 38 || 36 50 | 1.5 19 17 | 15 || 3 || 22 45 44 || 48 || 36 || 37 8 9 4 8 5 16 || 41 | 18 49 27 25 || 14 | *I 19 36 i 8 || 42 33 || 1 () 34 36 29 || 42 5 2 2 | 12 10 30 33 • I 4 5 || 41 || 30 34 || 3() 27 14 | }.4 15 || 7 | 12 | 15 16 14 || 39 8 4 7 23 16 9 12 || 24 20 20 17 | 26 I 3 5 H. 2 || 31 12 I () 15 30 | 18 || || 8 4 47 32 || 23 40 46 || 49 || 37 28 35 13 2 6 20 | 10 12 19 22 || 32 3 | | | 32 21 34 32 26 28 || || 9 || 16 || 48 32 24 26 46 35 22 | 16 25. 2 8 9 26 || 14 || 1 || || 38 35 43 || 39 40 || 23 4 || 23 7 22 18 31,000 Superficies # ???, POPULATION § Square ??? 3. Mâles. 1825, 43 356,400 175,000 45 450,000 190,000 16,000 150,000 14,700 160,000 17 8,500 872,500 46 375,000 | 10,000 7 22,000 937,800 20 18,700 910,000 47 36,500 450,000 48,300 130,000 24 38,400 | 1, 138,640 48 11,200 435,600 4 15,000 | 1,312,200 25 42,200 335,000 40 35,000 565,000 50 10,275 252,350 27 | 1.45,750 985,000 #50,000 220,000 49 11,000 625,000 28 1,250,000 210,000 22 14,000 867,370 250,000 - - 33 22,500 | 1,250,000 42,745 2,450,000 30 21,370 617,500 36 || 37,500 875,000 41 18,500 815,600 1 10,300 1,322,600 29 55,000 976,700 15 20,400 | 1,035,800 | 42 87,500 287,600 8 16,000 | 1,132,300 19 1 12,000 875,000 23 16,500 878,670 10 116,000 | 1,128,240 | 3 | 18,000 728,000 35 20,400 1,365,000 9 16,000 | 1,475,000 34 22,000 || 7 12,500 | 13 13,000 | 1,048,240 12 || 1 12,700 | 1,064,700 | 3,000,000 855,000 30 30,000 924,730 18 21,400 | 1,063,800 6 21,000 | 1,287,630 14 28,700 | 842,850 31 || 55,000 430,000 32 225,000 2i 5,000 21 | 12,000 | 1,063,700 I i 24,100 1,175,640 77,400 5,000,000 2 || 47,000 | 1,136,970 44 38,500 950,000 37 20,000 765,000 16 29,700 920,000 39 29,300 1,250,000 26 149,000 657,800 5 1,175,000 Produce ??? Chetzwerts. * *-*. 230,000 11,000 2,250,000 670,000 5,200,000 4,135,000 1,430,000 2,625,000 1,250,000 8,200,000 450,000 2,350,000 800,000 700,000 3,400,000 670,000 2,800,000 5,500,000 10,500,000 1,270,000 3,800,000 4,800,000 2,900,000 2, 150,000 4,900,000 360,000 8,100,000 4,350,000 9,100,000 2,500,000 1,030,000 5,600,000 7,000,000 3,000,000 5,525,000 6,400,000 5,240,000 6,200,000 4,500,000 9,080,000 2,750,000 2,600,000 2,070,000 6,700,000 4,050,000 22,235,000 4,070,000 4,300,000 3,150,000 3,300,000 5,000,000 1,400,000 6,500,000 Annual Meazz Revenue #77 Roubles, 1,300,000 1,100,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 5,500,000 3,700,000 950,000 3,500,000 | 800,000 6,000,000 3,400,000 1,700,000 551,000 3,200,000 700,000 3,000,000 3,600,000 2,500,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,100,000 1,600,000 10,000,000 2,900,000 4,250,000 1,300,000 5,250,000 3,750,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 6,500,000 2,300,000 5,000,000 2,400,000 || 4,500,000 4,600,000 8,200,000 2,800,000 3,800,000 5,800,000 4,300,000 2,700,000 2,500,000 3,700,000 5,000,000 13,500,000 7,000,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 4,200,000 1,800,000 || 5,800,000 Number ??? the Years 1819–20, sui Tºmar. cides. ders. 3% 3; 1. 5 10% 9 8% 6; 16 34 4. 17 22 22 36% 19; 22% 21 5% 6% 4 6 17; 3. 41 27 18 || || 1 14 § {} 7% | 1 1; 30% 18; 9% 19 24 | 5 | 15 31 | 1.4% 69 33 22% 4 22 9% 18 7% 24 18 7 12 | || 18 I | 1 26 24 19 19 6 I 2 17 27 37 | {} 20 8% 47% 22 13 18 25% 26 3 8 44% 49% I 4 18 31 9 23 32 33% | 1.4% 14 | 1.4% I l; 13% 19 | 2 16. 9 135 | 64% 14 | 1 | 29 14 14 #3 17 | 10 18 9 3 5; | 31 13 I N T R O D U C T I O N *~. to THE Geographical and $5tatistical 3Display - OF THE THIRTY-THREE FORMER PROVINCES, AND EIGHTY-SIX PRESENT DEPARTMENTS OF E. R. A. N. C. E. The contiguity of France to Great Britain, the similarity of pursuit of its inhabitants, and the superior natural and local advantages which France possesses, renders an accurate knowledge of its resources and power an object of the highest importance to the British Legislator; the accompanying display, therefore, of the local position, and relation of each of its eighty-six present Departments, and Statistical view of the Superficies, Population, Production, and Revenues of each, it is hoped, will be appreciated as a suitable part of the present Collection of Statistical Details. France, from North to South, extends in nearly a meridional line from Dunkirk in the Department of Nord (No. 1.) in the Lat. of 51° 2' N. to the village of Peats-de-mello, at the foot of the Eastern Pyrénées (No. 56), in the Lat., of 42° 25' N. ; this line gives a mean distance of 517 Geographical, or 599 British Statute miles. The Naval Arsenal of Brest, in the Department of Finisterre, No. 23, is in Long. 4°29'W., and 48°23' of North Lat. ; and Strasburgh, in the Department of the Lower Rhine, No. 61, is in Long. 7° 45' E., and 48°35' of N. Lat. ; the distance between these two points is 12° 14' deg. of Long., which, in the mean Latitude of 48°29', are equal to 568 British Statute miles; a line exceeding this by about forty miles, may be drawn from West to East, within the present limits of France. From Point du Ras, twenty-eight miles South of Brest, to the extreme North East limit, forty-five miles North-by-East of Strasburgh: the mean extent, however, from North to South, does not exceed 470, and from West to East 420 British statute miles; these limits give an aggre- gate superficies of 197,400 square miles, equal to 126,336,000 British statute acres, exceeding the superficies of Great Britain, in the propor- tion of more than 2 to 1, and England and Wales in the proportion of more than 3 to 1. A report made to the French Government in 1817, computed the superfices to be equal to 128,000,000 of British statute acres, of which about 36,000,000 were reported to be unpro- ductive. In addition to all the products common to the soil of Great Britain; the Vine and the Olive flourish over the greater part of France, the departments noted with an * in the South East produce silk to the extent of 8 to 10 millions of lbs. in Cocons, while the Islands of Guadaloupe and Martinique, afford a liberal supply of Tropical Productions. The five great rivers, the Rhone, the Garonne, the Loire, the Seine, and the Meuse, afford the finest possible scope for display in internal navigation, independent of the Rhine and Moselle, which still further augment the advantages. The great seats of manufacture, are Rouen, Lisle, and Lyons, in departments Nos. 1, 14, and 69. The chief Ports of entry for Foreign productions, are Havre, Nantes, Bordeaux, and Marseilles, in departments Nos. 14, 24, 49, and 76. The great Naval stations are Cherbourg, Brest, and Toulon, in departments Nos. 19, 23, and 75. The following detailed display of the several Rivers, will suffice to show more particularly the relation of the several departments to each other. The Scheldt and the Lys have their source in the Department of Nord, the former runs past Valenciennes, Tournay, and Oudenarde, to Ghent, where it is joined by the Lys, from Lisle and Courtray; the United Stream then runs past Dendermonde to Antwerp. The Somme, which gives name to No. 3, runs past Amiens, and Abbeville, into the English Channel at St. Valery, No. 4 was partly in Picardy, and partly in the Isle of France, in which Province was part of No. 12; and part of 13 in Burgundy. The rivers Oise, Aisne, Marne, Aube, Seine, and the Yonne, all in- tersect the Isle of France; the Oise rises in the Forest of Ardennes, and runs past Guise, Chauny, and Noyon, to Compeigne, where it is joined by the Aisne from the Department of the Meuse; past Grand Pre, Rethel, and a Soissons: and from Compeigne, to the Seine at Pont-Oise, * about twenty miles below Paris. The Marne rises near Langres in No. 11, and runs past Chaumont, Joinville, St. Dizier, Vitry, Chalons, Epernay, Chateau- Thierry, and Meaux, to the Seine at Charenton.” The Seine has its source in the Cote d’Or, No. 66, and runs past Chatillon, Bar, and Troyes, to Nojent, where it is joined by the Aube; below Nojent it is joined by the Yonne from the Department of the Nievre; the United Stream then runs past Fontainbleau, Melun, and Corbeil, where it is joined by other tributary b Stream s from Loiret. No. 20; it then joins the Marne," about four miles above Paris, through which City it flows to St. Denis, and St. Germain, a to below Pontoise, where it is joined by the Oise, * from thence past Mantes, and Andelys, to Pont de l'Arche, where it is joined by the Eure from No. 16; and from thence past Rouen and Caudebac into the English Channel at Havre, in No. 14; which department is North of the River, the remainder of Normandy being on the South. Nos. 17, 18, are watered by the Orne, which falls into the mouth of the Seine below Caen. The small Province of Perche is now comprised in parts of Nos. 16, 17. Nos. 21–23, are a promontary extending into the Atlantic Ocean, and form the extreme Western limit of France. Nos. 24 to 40, with the excep- ° tion of 37, * are all watered by the Maine, and tributary streams of the Loire ; the main branch has its source on the border of 78, and runs North, past Le Puy, Monistrel, Feurs, Roanne, Deuze, and Nevers, below which it is joined by the Allier, which has run parallel with the Loire the whole of its course ; from Nevers the United Stream still runs North to Gien, when it takes a N. W. course to Orleans, and from thence West past Beaugency, Blois, and Amboise, to Tours, where it is joined by the Cher, from the South: from Tours it still runs West past Lanjeais, and Saumur, to below Angers, where it receives the Sarthe and Mayenne, from the North; and from thence, after passing St. Florent and Nantes, it falls into the Atlantic Ocean. Nos. 24, 25, and 28–31, are all intersected by, and Nos. 32–43 are all South of, the main Stream of the Loire. - No. 44 is a maritime District, intersected by the Charente, which rises in No. 40, and runs past Angoulême, Cognac, and Saintes, into the Bay of Biscay at Rochefort. The Isles of Re, and Oberon, are included in this de- partment, which is bounded on the S. W. by the Gironde, Nos. 45–51, are intersected by the Dordogne, the Lot, the Tarn, and | the Garonne, and their numerous tributary Streams. The Garonne has its source at the foot of the Pyrenees, and runs past Toulouse, to Castell–Sara- gin, and Moissac, where it is joined by the Tarn ; from thence past Valence, and Agen, to Tonnien, where it is further augmented by the Lot, and from thence past Marmande, Reolle, and Bourdeaux; below which it is joined by the Dordogne at Bourg, where the United Waters form the Gironde for about 55 miles, into the Bay of Biscay. The Dordogne has its source in No. 37, c and the Lot and the Tarn in No. 79. " Nos. 54, 55, are watered d by the Adour, and its numerous tributary streams, which fall into the Bay e of Biscay at Bayonne. Nos. 51, 52, 55, 56, and 85, are all bounded on the South by the Pyrenees. No. 50 is a small department, formed out of a part of the three Provinces of Guienne, Gascoigne, and Languedoc. The rivers Meuse and Moselle, which water the former Province of Lorraine run North; they both have their source in the Department of the Vosges, the former runs past Vaucoulers, Commercy, St. Mihel, and Ver- dun, into Ardennes; in which it runs past Sedan, Mezieres, and Charleville, to Givet, where it enters the Netherlands, running past Dinant, Namur, Liege, Maestricht, and Groningen, into the Delta of the Rhine at Rotter- dam ; one of the branches of the Moselle * rises in No. 63, and runs past . Darnay, Toul, Nancy, Metz, and Thionville, into Luxembourg, past Treves, into the Rhine opposite to Coblentz. Nos. 61, 62, are bounded on the East by the Rhine, which separates them from Baden, they form the ex- treme Eastern limits of France, as No. 30 does the extreme West. The waters of Nos. 63–82, except 79, d all run South into the Mediter-d ranean. The Saone as well as the Moselle, * has its source in No. 63, and a runs past Gray, and Auxonne, to Chalons, above which it is joined by the Doubs from Besancon ; from Chalons it runs past Macon, Ville Franche, and Trevoux, to Lyons, where it is joined by the Rhone from the Lake of Geneva; from Lyons, the United Stream, under the name of the Rhone, runs past Vienne and Tournon, below which it is joined by the Isere, from Mont Blanc, past Grenoble, St. Marcellin, and Romans; from the junction of the Isère it flows past Valence, Montelimart, Viviers, and le Pont St. Esprit, to Avignon, where it is joined by the Durance, from Embrun in the Upper Alps; from Avignon it runs between Beaucaire and Tarascon, to Arles, where it divides into two branches, falling into the Mediterranean about thirty miles West of Marseilles, and twenty East of Montpelier. Nos. 64, 65, 68, 71–76, and 81, are all East of the Saone and Rhone. The waters of Tarn and Arriege, run West into the Garonne, and those of Aude, East, into the Mediterranean. From the preceding display of the courses of the several Rivers, it ap- pears that in the South of France, Cantal and Correze possess the greatest elevation West of the Alps: a mountain range which gives name to the De- partment of Cantal, has an elevation of 5900 feet above the level of the Sea. In the North-East Nos. 11, 60, 63, and 66, which are contiguous de- partments discharge their waters both West, and North; as well as to the East, and South. 57 - - . § r Y. of FRANCE; shewing the Number GEOGRAPHICAL DISPLAY of the 33 former Provinces, and 86 present Departments o 3. t of subdivisions in Arrondisements, Cantons, and Communes; and Population in 1823 of each Department º and alsº the lºse and bearing in French Leagues from Paris, of the Chief Town of each Department, with the Population thereof in 1823 and 1828. GEOGRAPHICAL RELATION. North.-Nos. 1 and 8, border on r the Netherlands.-Nos. 2, 3, 14, 18, 2nd 19, are bounded on the West by the English Channel; the re- maining Departments are interior. -No. 8, is rich in Coal, Iron, and Slate : intersected by the Meuse running North into the Rhine, and the Aisne, running West into the Seine. The rivers of Champagne ałł run West into the Seine. The Port of CALAIS, in No. 2, the chief- Port of entrance into France from England, is in Lat. 50 57 North, and l 51 of E. Longitude, being 9 miles South, and 32 East of Dover, giving a neau distance of 22 Geographical, ºr 26, Euglish Statute miles; Paris being in lºat. 48 50 North, and 220 of East Longitude, the mean distance from Calais is 128 Geogra! Plical, or 149 English Statute Miles.--The road distance by Boulogne, Abbeville, aud Beauvais, is 32 Pºstes, or 65 road Leagues of 2000 Toises, —the Taise being equal to 6395 English Feet, ºuakes the distance in English Statute miles ł78. ... By St. Omer, Aire, Doulens, and Amiens the distance is 34 Postes, or 69 (fewes, equal to : 189 English Statute Miles. 7 BRETA G NE,--is a of entrance to the English Channel in Cornwall does the Northern. 3. These five Departments are all interior, but being intersected by J the Loire, they are extensively ) concerned in Boat Navigation. | ! These are all interior Depart- therits: Cantal, is the most eleva- ted part of France, its Waters fall.< partly into the Garonme, aud partly into the Loire. -- South West Departments. Nos. 43, 44, 49, and 54, are boun. ded on the West by the Bay of Biscay. Nos. 51, 52, 55–6, and 85 are all bounded by the Pyrénees. No. 45 is intersected both by the Lot and the Tarn. The Waters of Nos. 38 and 41 run North into theº Loire. BOR D BA Ux, No. 49, on the West bank of the Garonne, is in Lat. 44 50 N., and 0 35 of W. Long., a mean distance from Paris of 311 English statute G * promontory, running into the Atlantic Ocean. Finisterre forms the South point PROVINCES DEPARTMENTS prior to | in 1789. 1833. } A rtois | Nord. . . . . . . . . . . . and 2 Pas de Calais . . 2 Picardy. 3 Somme. . . . . . . . . . 4 Aisne . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hsle of $ à Qise . . . . . . . . . . . . France. 6 Seine . . . . . . . . . . ( 7 Seine-et-Oise . . 4 Champagne, ſ 8 Ardennes ...... 12 partly in 9 Marne . . . . . . . . . . the lsle of ; 10 Aube ....... France, and 11 Upper Marne.... 13 partly in 12 Seine-et-Marne Burgundy. U13 Yonne ........ • & - 14 flower Seine .... 5 Normand 15 Eure . . . . . . . . . . . . * pan Q/ & 16 Eure-et-Loire .. 6 Parche, | 17 Orne,.... & e < e º e s 18 Calvados........ U19 Ta Manche...... 20 Ille-et-Villaine Ş. Cotes du Nord . . 22 Morbihan 23 Finisterre ...... 24 Lower Loire .... 25 Nº. and Loire ... O 26 Mayenne. . . . . . . . 9 Maine. }; gº."...: 10 Tourraine. 28 Indre and Loire 11 Orleannois. }; Hºnd Chºº as the Lands “, 8 Anjou. 19 Poitou. 42 Deux Sèvres .... 43 La Vendée ...... | 44 Lower Charente 45 Aveiron ........ 46 Lot • . . . . . . . . . . f 12 Nivernois. | 3i Nº. e tº tº tº º tº gº tº ºt & **** 32 t t’ſ • * * * * * * * * * * , 18 Berri. }: Indre . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bourbonnois || 34 #| || ºf ome .. 35 Puy-du-Dôme .. 15 Auvergne. } 36 8. • * * *s a tº e e º e º - 37 Corréze ....... º 16 Limousin. }; Upper Vienne .. 17 Lamarche. 39 Creuse . . . . . . . . . . 18 Angoumois. 40 Charente........ }} Vienne.......... 20 Saintonge. 47 Lot and Garonne 48 Dordogne 49 Gironde ....... © | 50 Tarn & Garonne 51 Upper Garonne.. 21 Guienne. tº 22 Gascoigne. {: gº...º.º. W: Longitude, a mean distance from Bordeaux 3 ©ſs • . . . . . . . . . . . of 55 English Statute Miles. \- 54 Landes ........ - No. 55 is bounded on the West § 23 Bearm. | 55 Lower Pyrénées by the Bay of Biscay, and No. 56 R 24 Rousillon. i56 Eastern do. on the East by the Mediterranean. r 57 Moselle . . . . . . . . Eastern Departments. * - 58 Meuse .......... Nos. 57–8, are bounded on the 25 Lorraine M h 59 Meurthe . . . . . . . . North by Luxembourg. Nos. 61–2 60 Vosges... on the East by the Rhine. The Y 039es::::: ...... Waters of 57–62 and 70, all run 26 Alsace } 61 Lower Rhine.... North: those of No. 67, partly into º 62 Upper do. . . . . the Loire, and partly into the 63 Upper Saône . . . Rhone: the remainder wholly into 27 Franche- 64 Doubs .......... the Rhone. Nos. 64–5, and 8, bor- Comte. 65 Jura der on Switzerland: No. 71 on Sa- - º 5:... . . . . . . . . VOy : 73-4 on Piedmont and Nice : 28 Burgundy, 66 Göte D’ór . . ‘. . . . and 75–6 on the Mediterranean. with part of 367 Saône and Loire Dauphine and Provence, and No. No. 13. &ös Ain . . . . . . ...... 81 are wholly East of the Rhone. º $ 69 Rhône .......... The Cote D'or produces the 29 Lyonnais, & 70 Loire choicest Wines in all France, they are chiefly consumed in Paris. Top LoN, in the Department of War, is in Lat. 43 7 N., & 5 57 of E. Long, a mean distance from Paris 9f 309 Geographical, or 358 English Statute Miles. 32, LANGUED0C-Nos. is an iso, the East by the Rhone: Nos. 56, 82, ièrranean. of Nos. 79, 83, and 85, West, into Lot and the The Canal of Languedoc Bezieres, Carcassone, and 84, by the Medi- The Waters of No. 77 run North, and those Tarn, both have their source in No.79. - No. 51, was partly in this Province, The 8 Departments noted with an produce annually abºut 5,000,000 Kilogrames in Cocons'of siſ. K from Cette, in No. 82, past ( No. 84, ) and Castelnaudry, to the Garonne at Toulouse, No. 51, unites the Waters of the Mediterranean with the Gironde, see No. 49. * * * * g e e. g. 71 Isère *.... { 72 Drôme * . . . . . . . . & 73 Upper Alps ... . § Lower do. .... 30 Dauphine. 75 Var * .......... 76 Bouches-du-Rh * are bounded on (77 Upper Loire . 78. Ardèche * ... 79 Lozère * * * o a 9 & 5, 9 a. 80 Gard * .......... < 81 Vaucluse *...... 82 Hérault # • 83 Tarn . . . . . . . . . 84 Aude ...... \85 Arriège ..... ... 86 Corsica 3i Provence. © º e e' o & the Garonne. The * * * * * * 9 e º 9 • * * * e tºº | 558 272 JDžsčance and POPULATION of Chief Town, in Popu- Bearing of £atio?? CHIEF CHIEF TOWN in - in Leagues - "() WN. 7°0???, 1823. TOWN pºſs. 1823. 905,764 || Lille ........ 58 N. N. E. 64,290 Giółła Arras ........ 46 N. by E. 19,798 508,910 || Amiens ...... 31 N. 41,107 459,666 Laon . . . . . ...] 34 N. E. 6,837 375,817 | Beauvais .... 17 N. N. W. 12,798 821,706 | PARIS ...... Lat. 48 50 N. 713,966 424,490 | Versailles. ... 4% S. W. 27,528 266,985 Mezieres ....] 59 N. E. 3,78. 309,444 | Chalons......] 42 E. 11,629 230,688 Troyes ..... . 39 E. S. E. 25,078 233,528 Chaumont. ... 61 do. 5,487 303,150 | Melun ....., 11 S. S. E. 6,818 332,905 || Auxerre .... 41 do. 12,065 655,804 || Rouen ......] 31 N. W. 86,736 416,178 Eyreux ......] 26 W by N 9,728 264,448 Chartres 2A S. W. 13,714 422,884 || Alençon......! 47 W. by S. 13,955 492,613 Caen ........] 55 W. by N. 36,644 594,196 || St. Lo..... ...} 70 do. 8,271 533,207 | Rennes ...... 89 W. by S. 29,589 552,424 St. Brieux ... I 15 do. 9,956 416,224 Vannes ...... 108 W. S. W. 11,289 483,095 | Quimper . . . . . 133 W. by S. 9,400 433,815 | Nantes ...... 95 W. S. 68,427 442,859 Angers ......! 73 do. 29,873 343,819 |Laval ........| 70 do. 15,736 428,432 Le Mans 50 do. 18,881 282,372 Tours ........ 58 S.W. by S. 21,928 227,527 | Blois ........ 43 S. S. W. 15,147 291.394 | Orleans 29 S. by W. 40,233 257,990 | Nevers ...... 58 S. by E. 12,280 239,561 | Bourges ....] 54 S. 18,910 230,373 || Chateauroux 65 S. by W. 10,429 280,025 | Moulins. . . . . . 72 do. 13,883 553,410 | Clermont Ferr| 97 do. 30,010 252,100 Aurillac 137 S. 9,196 273,418 Tulles ....., | 120 S. by W, 8,097 274,470 Limoges 97 do. 24,992 248,785 Gueret ...... .86 do. 4,014 347,541 Angouleme ... I 19 S. S. W. 15,025 260,697 | Poitiers...... 88 S.W. by S. 21,315 279,845 || Niort ...... ...] 108 S. W. 15,500 316,587 | Bourb.Vendeel IQ4 do. 2,792 409,477 | La Rochelle..] H.24 do. 12,327 339,442 | Rodez. ....... I48 S. 7,352 275,296 Cahors ...... 153 S. by W. 12,224 330,121 | Agen ........ 152 do. 11,659 453,136 | Perigueux ... 121 S. S. W 8,452 522,041 | Bordeaux....| 153 do. 89,202 238,143 || Montauban ... 168 S. by W. 25,357 391,118 Toulouse .... 181 do. 49,202 212,077 | Tarbes ...... 187 do. 8,035 301,336|| Auch -::.... }; ... do. 9,670 256,311 || Mont de Marsa 190 S. S. W. 3,065 399,474 Pau ........ 208 do. 11,444 143,054 | Perpignan .. 235 S. by E. 14 864 376,928 Metz ........ 79 E. by N. 42,030 292,385 Bar le duc....| 63 E. l 1,412 379,985 Nancy ......] 84 E. by S. 29,241 357,727 Epinal ...... 96 do. 7,941 502,638 || Strasburg. ... 120 do. 49,680 370,062 Colmar ...... 117 do. 14,300 308,171 || Yesoul ...... 87 E. S. E. 5,391 242,663 || Besancon .... 98 S. E. 26,388 301,768 || Lons le Saunr. 99 do. 7,796 358,148 Dijon . . . . . . . . . 75 do. 22,397 498,057 | Macon ... ..., | 100 S. S. E 10,411 328,838 | Bourg ....., | 110 do. 8,132 391,580 | Lyon . . . . . . . . 119 do. 149,171 343,524 || Montbrison ... 122 S. by E 5,486 505,585 Grenoble ...} 146 S. S. E 23,602 273,511 || Valence...... 146 do. 9,805 121,418 Gap . . . . . . . .] 172 do. 6,714 149,310 | Digne........ 193 do. 3,621 305,096 Draguignan... 225 do. 8,616 $13,614 Marseilles .. 206 S. by E. 109,483 276,830 Le Puy . . . . . . 125 do. 14,844 304,339| Privas . . . . . . 155 do, 3,878 133,934 || Mende . . . . . . 138 do. 5,370 334,164 Nismes . . . . . , 187 do. 37,908 224,431 | Avignon . . . . 179 do, 29,407 324,127 | Montpelier .. 200 do. 35,123 313,713 || Alby . . . . . . . . 199 S. 10,644 253,194 | Carcassone ...; 204 do. 15,752 234,878 Foix . . . . . . . . 200 S. by W. 4,552 180,348 Ajaccio g o O & O & Lat. 41 46 N. 7,401 399 | #101 g. 8 53 E. 10,844 1828. | 69,860 22,173 42,032 7,354 12,865 890,431 29,701 4,159 12,419 25,587 6,027 7,199 12,348 90,000 9,729 13,703 14,071 38,161 8,509 29,377 9,963 11,289 10,032. 71,739 29,978 15,840 19,477 20,920 i 1,337 | 40,340 15,782 19,500 11,010 14,525 30,010 9,576 8,479 25,612 3,448 15,306 21,562 15,799 3,129 11,073 7,747 12,413 11,971 8,588 93,549 25,466 53,319 8,712 3,088 11,761 15,357 45,276 12,520 29,122 7,951 49,708 15,496 5,252 28,795 7,864 23,845 § STATEMENT shewing the Quantity in Hectolitres of each kind of Grain produced, and of - . sº e . º & produced, and of the Number of Cattle and She and also of the Number of Hectares planted with Vines; the relative mean price {P Hectolitre; and Total Money Value jº, º of FRANCE: 76 Departments, the 10 Departments in blank not cultivating the Vine as an article of Commercial production :--the Departments arranged in ...ſº º of * €ail V a. Ule of Produce iſ Hectare, with Number of reference to their Geographical Position. 50 Meuse. . . . . . . . . . . . Pºs, . ~~~~~ - 2?? & co º g *; i. ; º 5 Produce in Hectolitres of G RAIN. WINE. - : LIVE STOCK. • ?Uſ! O. Of 7°0'ſ 67°67000 Mean | *º- º-ºm-º-º-º-º: *~~~~ Rav Produce Wheat. Rye, and * * All other Hectares Mean (TOTAL VALUE & - * c.º. º. "... ſº "" | “... * | *|† : #|*|º ºy ~ : tº J U —-y Oh 1 Seine . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 216 .00 88 475 79,122 28,685 189,715 l 23,2 ºil 10—#–––11–––––12–––13 2 Nord . . . . . . . . . . . 1 # 69.56 1,536,639 || 500,632 || 319,568 1.É. / ; *:::::::: *| – | – ||}}}|...º.º. º. 3 Seine, Lower . . . . . . 14|| | | . Tº ſºooo "º 77.3% tº º – || – 172,429 127,878 || 744,028 4. Sºo • * * * * * g ºn 18 55.38 1,152,000 228,000 || 384,695 249,960 | 722,897 gºoool | | | TT ; 54,192 ... - 5 Seine-et-Oise . . . . . . 7 || 51.11 | 1,326,600 || 335,103 || 310,000 ! 3 * ––– 5 lºss-º-º-º-º-º- 5,576 & tºo is ... 3 45.43| 2019.920 307,278|126,384 i; 30.2% 1% alº 11 .38 14,775,880 || 116,909 96,690 I 082,575 ... s. ...... 3 || || 3 || "...º 1,637,511 | isoooo goooo 61,289 || 65,000 ... - ||...} : tº 4 º' Low. ...... g. is gºooo "ºoz. 3,220 35,550 m 37,50s 556,760 || 18,886 18 sºlº; º; "... , ..."....... ſº ſo., ºr lºgs 319,900 || 1:1 ºn tºo 130,000 || || || – | ,529 || 107,450 71,716 86,467 1, ..."........... . . . . . . º. º. ºooo ſº | tºo 203 is, 1,315|22 go 1956,ood 151,120 | 84,432 390,450 11 Seine-et-Marne . . . . 12 40 .27 | 1,361,525 | 244,887 305,460 | 243,980 * ...,] ...; ; ; ; ; ; ; 12 Oise . . . . . . ... ; ; , º, ºgo 756.80%|1953; 1,117.300 19,494 is ºf 3,656 36.31 || ,600,256 || 76,835 | 65.34% 994,078 13 Rhône. . . . . . . . . . . . c. j." "136 bool grºooo || 13,533 | "121.095 | iiioooo 200,000 ||23.381 | is ... };| ≤ . . . . 14 Tarn-et-Garonne 50 38 .76 720,000 144,000 125,980 728.100 77? 264,000 70,000 3 * 8 º 3. 44,709 32,949 103,090 i; ºu.... §§ {, }oº iodºo |213.3% 39.530 || 43,660 'ssol 12,689 14. 332,609 || 40,194 17,995 || 351,912 i; A. ........ . . ; ;| 1.4.05 | 1,0ſooš 168,487 566,630 || 174,537 4...]";| ≤ a. º. º. §§ 1; 17 Lot-et-Garonne . . . . 47 34.60 885,474 218,181 | –— 31.487 miºsos: º- 61519 21 º: º 84,094 | 61,726 1,107,513 ić sººn... tº..." ... &#| | | Sºña | 1.30a | 104,904 || 178, tº |m 96.884 || 316,372 || 16.925, 20. ,552,464 || 59,086 24,750 134,275 jº. "...... , ; ; ſºoo | 333,335|io ooo tºos "350 sº 36,735||9533i is 16 º|| 92,923 | tº lºº . . i.i.e...... . . . ºf 1.3%; ſº gº gº | T | 1,035.8% ºf 30. *}}...] I. º lºº † jº. . ; ; ; ; i.rºooo "ºol fºooo "ºolmºogoo, "Tºooo 48.335||11. ;| ≤ . . ; º; § 3. . . . . . ;| "º, 21.0%| 77: 98% ºf mº, ºn ºil in 59 || 1 543,122 || 75,672 31 962 550,120 23 Saone-et Loire . . . . 67 || 30 .0 800,794 597,410 || 10,745 62580 mºosºo 3.958 37.794 16 & g 8,986,060 66,620 20 897 211,630 24 Vaucluse *. . . . . . . . § a º ſºis; in,000 || 33 gool of 134 || 756,000 |20,300 is .53 8,015,835 || 113,590 36 657 76,550 25 Orne . . . . . . . . . . . . ºil 3, § 515.0% ºg | 128,563 | 1,497.jpg | 766.931 goooo || "Tº 5,411,510 || 4,050 505 || 438,865 ... M... i.i..' ... . . . . . ºo 1,135.30, 20.000 | "tºo tº soºl 35,995 | 16.7 | 8250,0s; 110,800 64 000 || 452,657 27 Sarthe . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2, 16 || 137,228 || 377,115|560,000 || 300,000 lioogiº 7.737 ` 15 .71 º; 160,000 | 100 000 || 317,289 28 Jura . . . . . . . . . . . . * | * : ºoº; iii.2i; ſº | Tºmº || 17%;|17,606 || 1 a ;|}º º 'º. :*::::::: : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; *;| "...;|...}}|{}}|º]";|*|| º 30 War * . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 # 27 . I 7 || 438,655 13,285 3,020 8 m 3. 5 6) & (): 9 & sº s 2 3 alsº e : 5 ,912 31 Charente. . . . . . . . . . 40 26.93 291,605 || 241,000 || 77,455 sºlº; º;| "...] ºf ºl āj; ; 32 Bouches-du-Rhône * 76 26.77 387,459 13,640 || 64,665 išo is 'io 1 200,000 26,310 14 gi §: 70,270 3,395 257,225 jºyº; ; ; ; 㺠º ſº; º; lion; "...]”. . . “ºlid;|lsº ºft 34 Gard * . . . . . . . . ... 80 26 .30 351,939 134,770 43,902 5.180 5..." $ °. 2 2 ,520 35 Ain . . . . . . . . . . . : ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|...;| *|†;|}}}|";|, ... ... "...; 36 Moselle .......... 57 25.63 | 850,000 || 310,000 |200,000 500 oool lºooo 1,200,000 || Tº in '99 º: 84,064 || 46,938 68,562 ... ::::::::::: ;|##| || "...'. § 1..., |, ... *.is. . . . . .';|...] § . 38 Loire . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 24.90 57,317 33,415 15,704 29,410 J 3. 5 *' s 2 5 2 2 U-23 5 39 Mayenne ........ 26 24.78 480,095 330,688 29,060 dº joiº gº; º: 1997.| 3,517,490 ºf ººl ºf 40 Côte d’Or . . . . . . . . 66 24.60 904,384 || 511,125 | 15,400 | 120,000 m gº 1.0% oool. 24.6%| 21.94 1298576i 149,119 94,832 172,873 º, i.” "......... . . . . ºig 1,025.383 409,840 316 tºo lºſs goºool 18,000 |21 og ;|; ; ; 42 Fºlºne ... ;|31 || 635,337 io93.823 5,400 39.200 | "Tºo 30,500|23,405 || 32 go ;|}; § . 43 Loiret . . . . . . . . . . . 30 24. 12 612,288 227,897 136,205 853,825 2 2 e ºn'. •. 5 . 2 44 Meurthe . . . . . . . . . 59 24.12 | 1,100,280 71,728 147,832 | 1,094,494 *; 1,336 º ; º º º; 73. 58,514 533,449 º; ..."... ...... . . sº "spºo 287.3to 26,013 | "ºol b251,450 "goº 30.3% to is º;|...; ; ; ... .º.) ... . . . ; ºft| 33.3% isoo) ºooo hºooo ºooo |&gan | 13 gº ...;|...} : ; 47 Aude . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 23 .7 1,290,392 | 183,572 9,500 soooo |m323,675 330,000 32.j| 10 iſ º. 62 || 63,010 || 23,080 || 390,575 * ...i.N.' ... . . . .4a || "Tºo Sºo 27,000 ºooººoººoo iſſoon |T| T ,186 || 39,027 || 5,884 1,442,750 49 Gers . . . . . . . . . . . . #! 32 | 1,0ii. 855 | is 393 || 37,925 | 113,557 || 132,975 "logºgg| 9.42 10,309.62 153,690 100,665 136,850 58 # 22 , 709,600 32,400|388,800 || 433,050 Tºo; 3. ... ,309,462 || 80,992 | 40,343 190,122 3. 9 d , UO - ,205 216,000 — | 16 .63 9,093,700 142,557 i\e e i 51 Indre-et-Loire 28 52 Aube . . . . . . . ... 10 53 Doubs . . . . . . . . . 64 54 Yonne . . . . . . . 13 55 Dordogne . . . . . . . . 48 56 Marne. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 57 Morbihan . . . . . . . . 22 58 Vendée . . . . . . . . . . 43 59 Finistère . . . . . . . . . . 23 60 Ardèche * . . . . . . . . 78 61 Vosges . . . . . . . . . . 60 62 Loire, Upper . . . . . . 77 63 Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 64 Drôme * . . . . . . . . . . 72 65 Loire-et-Cher . . . . . . 29 66 Marne, Upper .... II 67 Ardennes . . . . . . . . 8 68 Nièvre . . . . . . . . ... 31 69 Pyrénées, Lower 55 70 do., Eastern .. 56 71 Cantal . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 72 Vienne . . . . . . . . . . 41 73 Ariège. . . . . . . . . . . . 85 "4 Allier . . . . . . tº e º e º e 34 75 Aveyron . . . . . . . . . . 45 76 Pyrénées, Upper .. 52 77 Vienne, Upper .... 38 '78 Cher ge e & dº º e º ºs e → c (e > * > • e s = e < e < e < e < e < f | : Š i 307 294 399 728 379 296 648 649 364 813 460 287 343 607 684 580 333 352 275 3II 558 728 352 309 327 272 209 363 440 364 §§ | 3 | # $ | #; . , s = | * | S §§ Number of § - || R. S. $ s SS H- šš | S㺠|| 3 || 5 || s $g § sº $ S º' | 3 || 's S : 3 || 3 §º ##| | | | | | | *s § Š §§ Šº || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 5 35 | 64 || 51 42 || 39 71 || 4 || 35 16 || 13 | 12 | 16 || 31 19 || 5 || 37 '74 59 || 14 57 || 74 58 || 4 || 26 84 || 81 | 15 83 || 85 69 ; 3 24 85 85 65 86 | 84 || 70 # 5 30 60 75 | 66 50 || 42 || 79 || 3 || 31 67 63 71 || 64 44 || 41 || 5 || 31 73 || 82 | 68 i 75 62 | 83 : 3 | 20 52 56 39 77 75 18 5 || 25 47 || 35 | 35 | 69 || 70 15 # 4 || 30 75 52 || 5 || 38 78 : 62 # 5 42 32 47 | 73 || 46 28 10 || 3 || 22 4 || 4 || 60 14 || 9 | 66 6 || 39 71 69 59 || 70 63 || 7 || 4 || 23 3I 32 49 || 35 46 38 ± 5 29 22 20 40 25 22 21 # 5 39 78 || 7 || | 19 || 73 80 63 || 3 || 29 79 77 53 63 57 77 || 3 || 29 86 86 || 2 | 82 86 86 # 5 60 40 15 || 6 || 33 | 68 12 || 4 || 36 48 || 37 || 13 || 7 || 14 | 81 5 47 82 79 56 || 71 || 65 | 82 || 4 || 25 55 24 || 4 || 17 || 48 56 | 5 || 47 53 || 67 || 67 || 72 61 35 | 4 || 27 64 | 66 26 62 69 52 # 4 28 10 || 7 || 52 24 | 16 || 8 || 5 || 35 20 23 44 || 65 64 || 4 || 4 || 24 59 54 23 || || 5 || 17 | 78 || 5 || 41 34 || 33 || 45 || 39 || 40 27 4 || 38 21 21 || 33 28 || 35 ; 23 4 || 39 49 | 40 || 38 53 || 5 || || 33 5 22 19 || || 0 || 1 || 9 || 53 || 13 : 6 || 48 29 22 || 36 43 45 || 9 || 4 || 36 33 28 || 31|| 8 || 11 | 73 || 5 || 43 80 || 72 22 || 78 || 8 || || 55 ; 4 || 23 5I 43 || 32 56 || 60 | 26 || 3 || 24 41 | T 7 || 8 || | | | 36 49 || 3 || 44 28 58 || 74 52 37 57 || 4 || 32 83 78 || 3 | 68 82 80 3 || 28 65 | 60 41 || 79 76 25 || 3 || 24 38 53 || 78 || 37 13 54 3 || 28 62 || 70 75 59 || 41 || 72 # 3 || 28. 45 42 | 20 19 || 33 || 6 || || 5 || 45 43 29 21 55 | 67 || 1 || || 4 || 3 || 63 | 62 | 8 || || 60 | || 8 || 5 || || 3 || 41 17 | 27 76 || 41 || 19 22 || 3 || 28 81 i 83 72 | 85 83 66 3 24 19|| MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, and DEATHS. *sº ('ommittals I 823. 1829. O#ces TOTAL Superficzes º - & against e POPULATION. Žn § º & § & •. 3 $ $. <º § º “S *S. S. §. . Hectares. Š § § s $ § § § 1790. 1827. . S § S s § S R. Sw 245,230 341,628 || 584,825 || 2,471 10,521 8,134 3,157 10,857 9,456 || 36 | 84 237,140 || 489,560 || 749,180 || 5,268 16,955 11,272 4,043 15,227 | 11,918 || 36 259 387,229 285,302 || 742,000 || 2,551 || 9,018 9,024 2,829 9,893 || 9,154 || 35 | 124 138,428 153,063 || 740,900 || 1,299 || 5,103 || 4,208 1,257 5,169 4,008 || 25 | 62 129,423 ||23,329 |553,579 || 1,164 4,393 || 3:367; 1,000 || 4,343 3,698 || | | ||7 189,867 328,419 || 549,500 || 2,704 || 10,288 6,923 2,658 11,447 || 7,980 || 108 99 184,881 281,624 || 510,210 || 2,861 || 9,091 5,484 || 2,267 8,909 || 6,486 || 15 92 193,954 247,932 || 529,540 || 1,638 7,219 4,809 : 1,926 7,541 5,042 || 82 78 207,399 || 246,762 || 610,600 || 2,134 6,423 4,680 1,980 6,769 5,452 || 34 206 272,184 265,991 || 631,700 || 1,828 7,848 6,500 : 1,913 7,567 5,869 || 39 75 227,363 |350,014 || 882,470 || 2,479 10,316 7,563 2,560 | 10,778 || 7,776 || 99 || 160 170,897 || 326,302 || 506,850 || 2,415 || 11,008 || 10,439 2,343 11,219 || 10,169 || 63 208 275,504 500,956 || 570,430 || 3,626 11,196 || 11,169 3,561 11,238 10,513 || 84 394 346,575 262,013 || 574,080 || 1,793 6,812 || 5,154 i. 1,810 7,004 || 5,195 || 25 75 463,242 353,653 || 588,080 || 2,696 9,395 || 7,181 2,841 9,464 7,042 || 45 92 287,862 424,147 || 608,550 || 3,646 12,680 9,801 || 3,454 | 12,239 9,412 || 44 257 270,789 248,589 || 715,875 || 2,669 || 9,126 7,101 || 2,341 || 9,084 || 7,607 || 21 98 249,241 284.882 || 582,020 || 2,441 9,481 | 6,628 2,725 9,305 6,916 || 32 56 124,000 | 185,079 || 980,510 || 1,300 4,914 || 4,895 1,633 7,051 4,629 || 287 107 431,337 367,143 || 872,000 || 2,649 || 10,956 7,486 3,036 10,405 || 9,630 || 35 | 160 446,761 581,684 || 744,000 || 4,867 20,504 || 13,092 4,291 19,853 16,728 || 47 292 230,550 252,932 || 579,455 || 2,294 || 7,314 5,923 2,381 || 7,798 || 5,238 6 | 40 479,809 || 464,074 || 898,275 || 3,524 13,090 9,695 3,977 14,073 10,166 || 64 149 265,349 || 254,314 || 546,450 || 1,726 7,848 6,232 1,886 8,094 5,970 || 48 146 399,928 285,791 || 675,920 || 2,235 | 9,339 || 7,100 2,224 8,872 6,815 || 49 133 274,176 421,665 || 582,755 3,105 || 9,103 || 9,747 || 80 296 212,043 277,782 || 602,750 || 2,928 8,075 6,252 1,901 7,457 6,204 || 30 231 412,035 | 502,851 || 693,385 || 4,367 18,292 || 13,923; 4,230 | 19,398 || 17,763 || 42 252 139,636 347,550 || 599,850 || 2,647 11,376 9,496 : 2,380 10,817 9,314 || 53 | 129 229,098 || 407,016 || 642,540 || 2,811 || 11,784 9,659 3,189 12,219 || 9,070 || 41 || 190 200,908 || 307,601 || 613,718 || 1,930 || 7,067 6,158 2,306 || 7,285 6,380 || 35 | 91 344,271 538,151 iO82,550 || 3,609 || 14,272 10,643 4,668 14,759 || 11,759 || 41 207 318,126 339,560 || 623,900 || 2,531 || 10,923 8,837 2,594 | 10,728 9,827 || 50 92 620,210 553,453 || 645,600 || 4,403 16,488 14,392; 4,294 | 16,307 || 17, 150 || 82 318 235,369 |237,628 || 700,500 || 2,293 || 7,845 6,483 : 2,049 || 7,950 5,717 || 12 96 302,636 290,160 || 633,430 || 2,995 || 7,592 6,038 2,491 || 7,964 6,945 || 37 131 117,834 523,667 || 835,290 || 4,200 17,636 | 12,864 4,227 17,477 12,506 || 73 220 252,560 310,282 || 503,410 || 2,387 || 9,131 6,284 2,365 8,978 || 7,491 || 33 123 123,781 265,309 || 905,310 || 2,071 8,060 7,381 2,324 8,558 || 6,612 || 44 | 153 252,056 230,666 || 605,000 || 2,651 7,614 5,866 1,881 7,439 6, 189 || 22 || 142 316,156 369,298 || 462,250 || 2,887 13,301 9,352 3,268 14,431 10,627 || 34 || 104 277,360 285,673 || 498,000 || 2, 189 8,617 | 6,807 1,951 8,634 5,894 || 36 25 329,307 || 457,090 || 710,000 || 3,226 13,077 9,961 3,240 12,441 | 12,311 || 66 160 185,282 304,228 || 705,000 || 3,290 10,169 7,906 2,320 9,549 8,225 || 46 215 256,227 280,515 || 396,500 || 1,928 7,240 5,799 2,085 7,509 5,485 || 98 || 110 287,965 336,886 || 480,000 || 2,771 8,036 6,159 2,931 º: 6,592 || 29 111 247,344 || 138,778 || 510,000 || 988 3,876 2,989 | 1,044 4,248 3,151 || 31 53 $3 Maine-et-Loire . . . . . do. Upper .. Mayenne. . . . Meurthe . . . . . . Meuse. . . . . . . . . . . . Morbihan . . . . . . . . Moselle . . . . Nièvre Nord Oise . Orne . . . . Pas-de-Calais Puy-de-Dome ... . Pyrénées, Lower . . do. Upper . . do. Eastern. . Rhin, Lower Rhin, Upper . . . . . . Rhone Saone, Upper Saone-et-1,Oire . . . . Sarthe Seine do., Seine-et-Marne . Seine-et-Oise . . . . Sèvres (Deux) . . . . Somme Tarn . . . . . * c e º e º e º gº tº © a e s - e. e. e. e. e. e e e º e s 2 & e º 'º * * * c e ºt • * * * * e e e : s e e g & e º gº - " Var Vaucluse Vendée Vienne • 4 e º e º e º ºs e tº e o e e s e º ſº tº gº tº e ‘º e º e > * * * > e e º 'º º º e e e a e o ºs & e e e & © ºt, s e e a tº a 9 o' The Number of Marriages in the City of ſ - STATEMENT of the Number of BIRTHs and DEATHs, 69 27 14 12 42 83 50 75 81 43 41 38 13 45 26 38 9 8 || 56 36 66 44 || 39 29 || 44 27 | 50 42 57 28 36 20 | 68 1 2 5 | 12 46 25 2 6 23 42 62 | 69 63 76 71 70 31 8 3() 15 75 13 33 18 '73 ſ 23 47 27 9 || 1 4 3 | 3 || 1 || 12 5 49 || 46 3 7 65 37 61 | 1.4 85 30 81 24 48 || 58 51 | 72 52 77 35 | 6] | 7 || 54 PARIS in 1824 & 1830 were as follows, Viz. ( Years Bachelors to Maidens do. to Widows Widowers to Maidens do. TOTALS. • * * * ~ * sº e ∈ to Widows .... ... , . 7,620 1824. i830. 6,052 6,311 363 383 716 || 729 230 160 7,324 *-* The Number of Natural Children born in FRANCE, is a feature deser- wing of attention, it is important, however, to bear in mind, that in France there is no Local Provision as in England for the Poor; their nec-‘ ‘’” are however met by Hospitals on an extensive scale in most of the ......'s and large Towns, where Females are received to give Birth to their Children, and when ºnable to support them, leave them in charge of the Hospital that gave them Birth, the Children as ºf when born of Married Parents are termed abandoned, as distinguished in the annexed Statement of the Births of the City of Paris. The limited proportion of Births over Deaths which the Total of France exhibits ir, comparison with the other Countries of western Perope is remarkable, more particularly so, when the superior local advantages and resources of Frauee are considered. The pressure of the Pirºt Taser is such as seemingly to counteract social improvement, 16 18 18 || 30 || 30 5 | 34 385 233,351 458,674 || 718,300 || 3,445 12,194 8,610 3,365 11,258 10,799 50 197 6 28 5 | 8 28 : 5 32 696 || 490,332 611,206 || 675,000 || 4,409 14,592 12,051 4,293 14,189 13,703 | 51 247 31 9 47 | 72 | 16 || 5 || 32 696 || 222,054 325,045 || 810,600 || 3,527 | 10,018 7,386 2,774 9,976 8,611 61 244 51 | 37 76 || 77 24 || 3 || 28 552 || 249,340 244,823 || 617,500 || 2,142 6,714 4,672 1,728 6,823 5,263 | 32 94 45 70 || 36 || 26 59 || 3 || 27 | 283 || 456,500 354,138 || 518,000 || 2,742 10,621 7,553 2,345 9,420 9,090 35 | 1.46 36 63 29 21 || 48 || 5 || 29 718 || 284,732 403,038 || 560,800 || 2,956 || 13,008 || 9,154 3,203 | 12,885 10,626 52 249 48 || 46 54 52 || 36|| 4 || 28 591 || 330,066 306,339 || 597,200 || 2,652 9,596 || 6,915 2,385 9,210 || 7,351 26 105 51 25 || 23 34 74 4 || 37 || 231 || 428,291 || 427,453 || 682,000 || 3,408 || 14,519 || 11,281 3,245 || 13,603 | 12,999 41 | 183 38 || 42 30 32 53 || 4 || 27 | 327 || 326,942 | 409,155 || 605,000 || 2,946 13,137 || 7,572 3,001 || 13,007 || 9,681 || 95 274 61 29 || 67 || 71 || 43 4 25 || 330 || 250,026 271,777 || 671,000 || 2,865 9,668 6,838 2,855 || 9,291 7,380 24 109 3 64 1. 2 39 7 || 60 | 660 | 686,906 962,648 || 560,700 || 7,801 || 34,163 || 25,326 6,746 || 32,109 || 29,733 91 548 14 54 31 27 7 : 4 || 35 | 738 || 396,552 385, 124 || 580,000 || 4,545 11,165 9,013 : 3,061 10,083 9,273 23 163 19 62 22 | 12 32 4 || 35 | 627 || 255,232 434,379 || 561,000 || 3,382 10,002 || 7,667 2,693 9,473 8,588 48 183 9 30 || 4 || 7 || 34 || 6 || 43 953 || 474,460 | 642,969 ; 670,000 || 5,257 | 19,965 | 13,736 4,510 | 18,741 16,343 || 76 || 568 18 10 6 20 | 68 || 5 || 50 438 || 163,847 566,573 || 810,000 || 4,564 16,333 12,714 4,911 | 16,754 12,762 82 157 76 || 1 || || 26 || 49 | 84 5 | 40 | 660 # 195,614 || 412,469 || 755,956 || 2,566 10,546 8,434 4,450 | 11,490 | 8,850 47 142 84 77 | 81 59 85 ft 3 26 501 || 442,791 222,059 465,000 || 1,268 6,144 || 4,129 1,569 6,117 | 4,535 || 24 64 80 80 | 84 || 79 || 45 3 || 17 | 249 || 443,674 151,372 || 405,000 || 1,075 5,326 5,328 1,104 || 5 rà0 | 5,314 || 41 || 55 30 || 79 || 12 4 || 64 || 4 || 49 || 703 || 515,534 535,467 || 450,000 || 3,513 18,274 | 12,608 4,133 18 784 || 15,158 || 111 || 341 46 || 82 32 || 6 || 60 : 4 || 37 616 || 399,068 || 408,741 # 385,000 || 2,964 || 13,944 || 9,778 3,132 15,954 | 12,056 || 144 295 26 85 27 3 14 || 2 || 25 261 || 316,456 416,575 || 280,000 || 3,497 || 14,513 11,312 3,631 15,537 | 12,760 61 302 49 69 || 48 43 46 3 7 640 || 207,083 327,641 || 520,000 || 2,441 10,193 || 6,612 2,492 || 10,886 7,713 33 || 134 II 7 | 13 38 || 31|| 5 || 48 || 609 || 280,809 || 515,776 || 857,000 || 4,664 | 16,806 || 13,722 4,774 | 16,842 14, 193 45 | 168 25 34 20 23 42 : 4 || 32 413 || 377,183 446,519 639,000 3,419 | 12,800 11,476 45 177 1 | 86 2 1 I 3 || 20 79 || 843,805 |1013,373 || 46,200 || 9,017 | 31,418 28,635 8,557 || 34,149 30,581 || 197 2496 2 || 48 3 5 5 || 5 || 50 | 987 || 476,276 | 688,299 || 594,000 || 5,933 21,111 | 16,708 5,166 | 19,907 18,586 || 123 850 12 || 4-7 || 5 || || 47 2 : 5 29 561 ; 252,200 i 318,209 || 596,000 || 3,570 10,306 || 8,057 : 2,547 9,239 8,447 35 | | 67 5 58 || 21 | 15 3 : 5 || 36 692 || 301,453 440,871 # 575,000 || 4,474 | 12,686 11,672 3,613 11,943 10,506 iſ 112 377 50 50 58 55 | 40 || 4 || 31 || 363 # 210,781 288,260 || 585,000 || 2,253 7,284 5,287 : 2,180 || 7,375 5,296 30 124 8 43 | 10 || 10 | 20 | 5 || 41 | 848 || 351,130 526,282 604,450 || 4,781 15,633 12.308 3,703 || 13,524 12,626 31 257 41 57 44 50 37 4 || 35 | 356 236,750 327,655 || 576,800 || 2,403 || 9,553 || 7,294 : 2,565 10,201 || 7,401 59 T 69 39 83 74 25 | 17 | 3 || 32 210 || 294,362 241,586 || 358,000 || 1,612 5,946 4,811 # 2,055 6,273 5,340 || 20 | 89 55 | 16 49 | 66 44 4 || 32 210 # 122,236 || 3 || 1,095 || 729,000 || 2,011 8,839 || 7,434 2,403 || 8,950 8,491 67 I 17 74 84 80 24 65 ; 4 22 150 i 197,623 233,048 # 335,000 || 1,625 8,185 7,005 ; 1,874 7,422 6,793 || 58 118 44 27 || 45 56 || 50 i 3 || 29 || 324 || 227,614 322,826 || 675,000 || 2,603 || 9,064 7, 190 2,450 9,087 8,502 || 28 106 65 24 | 66 | 73 || 47 5 || 31|| 346 || 222,208 267,670 || 690,000 || 2,031 || 7,536 5,751 : 2,229 7,903 6,041 || 40 170 73 || 61 61 54 75 # 4 27 223 218,236 276,351 : 570,000 || 2,482 8,965 8,821 2,480 9,450 9,590 || 30 | 120 68 55 34 29 || 76 5 || 30 549 || 269,653 379,839 || 580,000 || 2,849 11,792 7,557 3,017 | 12,944 8,516 || 62 132 34 17 40 || 58 29 # 5 || 37 481 || 332,356 || 342,116 || 725,000 3,999 || 9,975 7,334 2,749 || 9,434 7,922 || 29 || 104 TOTALS. \. 31,845,428 | 262,020. 964,021 744,342 isso,312| 964,343 805,723 4,662 |17,543 STATEMENT of the Total Number of MARRIAges, BIRTHs, and DeATHs, in all in the City of PARIS, in each of the 2 Years 1824 aud 1830. FRANCE, in each of the 13 Years 1817 – 1829. Males. Femls. 1824. | 1830. *xrº- BIRTH.S. pºss 'nº.';*:::::: ; #|ºlº; #. * | * |Total. DEATHS. *::::: Domiciles. Unmarried"; 2:534 2,671 5,205 5,021 | “| male. Trºia Tºmat. Trºma. | mate. Female. TOTAL. Deaths. e In the } o 2,599 || 2:417 | 5,016 || 4,986 – - I - # ***** * * * * *||###|##|####|;|###|####|##|##: §§ Total Births. 14,647 14,165 28,812 28,587 10 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i; ; *s ,8 30,463 ,121 33,915 32,434 958, ,8. 3. 3. ,2: | Q Still BO 8|| 0 || 677 | 1.48 lsº ; 463,069 #. ; :::::: ; ; ; 751,214 || 212,144 tºº. §§ 3; ; ; ; ; ############ OI if IrthS, andoned...] 3,964 3,879 || 7,843 7,749 231.6so | 47i.490 | 1. 5 2 ºil ºil 763.606 || 2:0.5 * At their Domici #|##|#####|####|##|####|####, 3 (At their Domiciles ...... 6,699 || 7,262 13,961 15,664 6 247,194 || 474,837 445,883 || 37,061 |35,410 |993,191 || 419,613 || 416,045 835,658 || 157,533 s: In the Hºspitals e tº e º 'º º ſº tº 3,865 3,93} | 7,796 || 10,754 7 255,738 469,209 || 440,219 || 36,098 || 34,670 980,196 || 399,864 391,261 791,125 i 189,071 * < Military do. ...... 573 — 573 606 8 246,839 465,745 440,098 || 35,924 || 34,780 976,547 || 421,956 || 415,189 |837,145 || 139,402 SUAt the *::::: tº e º e º e º & & 2: # * sº lsº 250,342 460,549 || 434,378 35,365 34,051 |964,343 || 406,922 || 399,801 806,723 || 157,620 5 viv * * * * * & 8 tº 0 to 30 **. TOTAL, 11,352 | 11,265 22,617 | 27,466 ! } | sºazºsaasrºsexºskºssºs, | | 64 S l'ATEMENT shewing the amount of the Excise Duties, ( Droits Reunis) in each of the 86 Departments of FRANCE, in the Year 1824 ; distinguishing the amount under each of 13 different heads. The Column of Totals includes 521,009 francs, Duty on ( Cartes) Playing Cards ; 6,934,772 francs ( Sels d'Est) Salt made principally in the Departments of the Meuse, Jura, and Upper Garonne, Nos. 22, 23, and 51 ; 1,495,145 ( Garantie des matieres d'Or et d'Argent ) Guarantee of Bullion by Public Conveyance ; 70,204 francs ( Inter ets de de*ats DEPARTEME VS, • arranges suivant le montant de leur Tofal Genera l des Recettes. . 'a -•- Voiturge | # Dixieme | Timbres | #- l Seine 2 Nord ... .. • . .. . 3 Seine, Inférieure. ... 4 Meuse . .. .. • . .. • • • . .. . . 5 Rhône ... ... .. • • • • 6 Seine-et-Oise 7 Pas-de-Calais 8 Gironde . .. .. • .... ... .. . 9 Bouches-du-Rhône ... ... I0 Finistère. .. .. • • • • • • • • • ° • 1 ! Côtes-du-Nord © e 64 $ $ $ e © º 9 12 Loire, Inférieure 13 Somme. .. .. 9 e e e e @ @ 14 llle-et-Villaine 15 Calvados. .. • ... .. • • • • • • • 16 Manche ...... ... . 17 Seine-et-Marne ... .. , .. 18 Saône-et-Loire ... . 19 Aisne ... . 20 Morbihan 21 Pyrénées, Basses. ....... 22 Garonne, Haute . .. 23 Jura , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. © 24 Marne . ... .. , ... .. ... .. • . 25 Loiret e e © © © 3 • • • 9 26 Oise ...... 27 Cote d'Or 23 Isère. .. ... ....... . Yº e 29 Maine-et-Loire, ... .. .. 30 Gard .... • • ... .. • . 6> 9 de 9 0 3 | Ardennes ... .. @ © e s @ g @ 9 © 32 Rhin, Bas . ... . 33 Hérault » e e © g © © & 5 º º º 2 s 9 45 34 Jura ... ... , ... 35 Var ... .. .. .. .. .. . 36 Moselle ... .. .. 37 Eure-et-Loire e 6 e 6 6 38 Charente, Inforieure . .. . © © © © © 4 e © © © © © © s s © © © © © s © © © 4 ® 3 6 - 6 «s e © © e 6 s © 9 6 e # © © © s © © © © © © © © © © © e g º 8 e e e s 9 e s e 9 6 e e e s e • • • > e © $ $ © © © © © © s a 4 ® © © e Q 9 9 $ e © © © m e © © 9 3 @ 6) © 39 Rhin, Haute ... ......... 40 Sarthe ... .............. 4l Loire .................. 42 Doubs .. -- . ..... .. ... ... . 43 Indre-et-Loire ......... . 44 Orne ... .... ....... ... . 45 Mayenne. ... ............ 46 Aube ... ............ .. 47 Puy-du-Dôme 48 Vaucluse & ô ê 4 @ @ @ #- 8 9 t-C--,-F-6-3 49 Vosges .................. 50 Vienne, Haute ..... ..... 5l MeuSe • • e s a s *• • e e e e 52 Dordogne ...... 53 Nièvre ....... 54 Yonne .................. 55 Loir-et-Cher ......... 56 Lot-et-Garonne .......... 57 Drôme ......... 6 a • o e , e e 6 58 Charente ...... - 59 Saône, Haute 60 Landes ............ 61 Marne, Haute............ 62 Vienne ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · . 62 Vend e ...... 62 Ain. .. ................... 65 Cher • e e © © © e e • • • •r e & 9 s e e e 8 66 Ardèche ............. 67 Corrèze ....... .. 68 Sèvres-Deux ...... 69 Allier • • • • • • • • • • • • • t e s e « 70 Cantal ...... 71 Aude. .... 72 Tarn . A t e © © © 73 Tarn-et-Garonne ........ 74 Aveyron • • e • º © e a e s e 6 e e 75 Indre. ........ • • • e e © e s e s c 76 Pyrénées Hautes ........ 77 Creuse ... ... ...... 78 Loire, Haute ........ .... 79 Pyrénées, ,\rientales .... 80 Lot. ... .. • ... • • • • • « • e o • • 81 Ariége ...... 82 Gers ......... .. 83 Alpes, Basses............ 84 Do., Hautes............ 85 Lozère .................. • e e s s s s ws ® 9 e © $ $ © © © © © © © 6 © © © © © se © © • 4e ſ$ $ © 2 6 © © © © lº • • • s s 9 e e e e , º $ º $ e º s b & @ º º © e © e 9 TOT , I S. 10 roifs Fabrication | Licences | du prix de du produit e # " ment des sur les des de toute | a#- | Navi- des Estam- | # Boissons. Tabacs. Biere c. espèce. ises. gation. Octrois. pilles. | et iits miiie. | Poudres. 16,077,680 | 6,678,174 | 419,393 | 55,848 | 1,962,108 | 290,50I | 1,881,641 | 133,246 | 123,115 | 284,014 I,837,897 | l,976,676 | 3,897,666 | 170,967 10,725 | 645,414 | 184,278 | 77,165 | 73,828 | 44,357 4,114,394 | 2,872,722 75,684 | 1 10,743 | 178,283 | 73,072 | 173,198 | 92,300 | 16,714 | 77,733 880,908 | 556,249 | I 19,624 | 51,216 36,990 | 6,066 31,981 | 32,020 | 15,372 | 22,600 3,085,430 | 1,472,440 | 129,519 | 78,862 | 244,542 | 344,342 | 198,231 | 77,315 | 30,753 | 105,500 3,086,666 | 1,734,966 51,305 | 66,585 | 158,405 | 243,027 47, I30 | 53,247 | 15,000 | 6,764 l,206,292 | 1,669,693 | 1,264,945 | 96,353 66,729 | 63,854 84,297 | 46,020 | 23,554 | 33,599 2,136,675 | 1,457,015 | 19,591 | 99,7 t i | 124,921 | 142,220 | 118,831 | 67,266 | 18,048 | 86,675 1,673,123 | 1,775,232 10,933 | 52,432 59,880 | 38,474 | 178,017 | 77,420 | 16,062 | 216,352 I,677,627 | 2,268,555 8,274 | 37,233 10,545 | 22,898 57,983 | 25,379 | 18,419 | 33,448 l,233,339 | 2, 139, 150 8,344 | 33,744 3,418 | 10,425 22,837 | 25,288 — | 22,884 I,787,062 | 959,390 16,091 | 56,096 57,523 | 185,258 78,575 | 50,737 | 9,298 | 213,032 1,393,953 | J,201,797 | 302,531 | 59,030 40,216 | 24,918 39,561 | 35,753 | 7,276 | 30,896 l,701,844 | 1,237,840 16,750 | 44,768 46 266 | 35,173 49,702 | 34,964 j 19,392 | 32,228 1,499,940 | 842,033 30,787 | 47,174 74,536 | 15,226 63,495 | 57,565 | 5,600 | 56,812 1,373,109 | 1,216,469 , 1,585 | 46,577 14,041 | 5,123 32,727 | 40,091 | 10,345 | 19,260 l,4s8,185 | 882,558 26,325 | 36,424 71,113 | 107,121 30,319 | 36,541 | 13,819 | 30,853 l,029,869 | 705,317 22,971 | 50,256 16,579 | 760,072 30,272 | 40,269 | 1,247 | 56,948 I,367,516 , 644,696 | 257,291 | 50,693 28,907 | 233,302 27,941 | 3I,041 | 1,108 | 29,065 l, 1l I,! 14 | l,421,914 3,640 | 34,056 6,688 | 7,415 31,313 | 32,011 | 8,828 | 14,039 1,073,185 | 863,409 3,168 | 34,699 36,950 | 33,437 38,562 | 29,366 | 24,218 | 42,932 l,343,377 | 763,005 12,437 | 41,679 76,585 | 79,994 99,149 | 36,776 | 26,627 | 39,598 559,560 | 497,859 23,962 | 26,74I 19,685 | 11,674 13,414 | 23,485 | 4,846 | 47,101 l,537,236 | 644,066 | 105,160 | 61,168 38,884 | 15,122 49,930 | 46,441 | 4,527 | 22,731 I,230,015 | 774,832 8,122 | 47,479 51,544 | 241,666 38,233 | 44,310 | 9,872 | 28,285 1,244,175 | 890,107 19,650 | 35,978 | 137,979 | 28,906 21,159 | 32,000 | , 5,428 | 23,420 l,244,575 | 625,742 55,893 | 54,926 23,420 | 117,156 33,104 | 40,461 | 13,873 | 107,505 I,093,265 | 853,646 10,473 | 54,042 44,585 | 60,253 34,612 | 28,694 | 12,829 | 81,900 l, 133,337 | 860,300 6,643 | 35,550 26,727 | 129,138 36,089 | 32,099 | 6,303 | 52,765 922,652 | 765,438 4,302 | 51,994 87,309 | 129,628 56,668 | 49,642 | 20,4i0 | 70,241 663,672 | 412,646 | 912,565 | 40,588 13,977 | 41,773 28,148 | 22,912 | 9,554 | 24,671 756,447 | 649,720 | 399,823 | 58,683 28,462 | 55,533 48,641 | 30,554 | 38,512 | 14,447 902,010 | 847,770 7,513 | 49,855 29,826 | 14,340 75,128 | 65,899 | 22,169 | 83,867 1,009,009 | 839,394 2,205 | 26,189 27,474 | 104,712 22,482 | 36,750 | 4,922 | 29,805 716,280 | 986,157 l,307 | 34,443 18,811 | 2,455 58,782 | 33,673 | 17,755 | 71,035 950,456 | 554,585 | 209,534 | 49,166 28,486 | 23,015 31,499 | 24,113 | 38,100 6,982 1,02 ),470 | 758,728 8,690 | 30,310 23,007 14,761 | 23,952 | 4,470 | 27,270 923,845 | 572,178 5,716 | 64,471 15,11l | 121,780 51,236 | 42,722 | 17,652 | 36,945 879,612 | 674,966 | 117,044 | 34,910 27,377 | 7,573 13,771 | 27,131 | 7,847 | 19,828 887,587 | 811,245 1,318 | 24,645 8,796 | 9,149 14,210 | 19,302 | 3,006 | 27,076 8)2,310 | 672,218 20,579 | 32,129 17,234 | 65,667 12,580 | 20,314 | 1,496 | 71,327 608,162 | 410,354 50,593 | 26,077 20,170 | 2,865 24,580 | 19,737 | 32,491 | 47,356 719,475 | 460,984 18,339 | 29,526 30,159 | 164,039 26,230 | 25,216 | 6,093 | 24,275 720,312 | 659,630 6,131 | 20,689 10,780 15,276 | 23,940 224 | 25,546 645,945 | 791,328 5,148 | 18,907 4,784 | 3,3SI 12,851 | 15,792 464 | 19,216 944,950 | 367,446 7,401 | 34,261 19,627 | 8,823 10,480 | 23,127 44 | 18,771 664,164 | 527,608 24,023 | 37,462 22,810 | 17,443 24,825 | 28,585 | 4,146 | 50,885 449,760 | 660,770 879 | 19,492 23,115 | 99,636 38,021 | 19,346 | 2,290 | 47,532 547,116 | 581,620 | 152,539 | 31.271 7,399 18| 10 227 | 15,164 | 3,410 | 23,974 722,847 | 493,122 12,169 | 29,014 9,720 | — 24,961 | 15,263 | 3,507 | 33,342 720,602 | 386,222 | 135,764 | 35,552 Q,150 | 1,871 12,419 ( 24,950 | 4,185 | 16,102 515,670 | 610,148 l,313 | 32,86i 3,555 | 39,930 11,707 | 16,268 | 5,824 | 4l,975 644,578 | 379,260 11,916 | 26,531 13,65l | 131,795 14,641 | 16,657 | 4,139 | 29,892 585,376 | 492,318 I0,081 | 31,928 35,638 | 5,908 12,427 | 17,404 89 | 26,779 529,569 | 413,440 22,385 10,817 | 111,792 16,366 | 24,984 | 5,710 | 14,071 410,675 | 421,888 1,200 | 23,628 l 1,756 | 145,787 18,078 | 18,365 | 2,498 | 35,860 353,468 | 437,988 3,940 | 23,748 15,742 | 142,977 13,653 | 13,658 | 10,870 | 51,282 476,440 | 389.562 4,310 | 35,597 3,608 | 70,790 22,042 | 23,068 | 3,503 | 34,818 533,5l5 | 360,834 I5,205 | 25,908 I2,669 | 19,298 8,757 | 18,899 | 3,300 | II,765 510,016 | 432,920 550 | 23,596 l,571 | 28,825 11,103 | 17,326 | 6,534 | 24,314 569,680 | 377,314 15,673 | 23,368 12,164 | 1,l 15 8,804 | 16,088 522 | 19,968 574,030 | 354,124 4,099 | 25,158 | 2,192 | 7,776 19,348 | 15,721 | 8,543 | 27,368 523,843 | 425,602 6,769 | 23,266 2,217 | 2,871 12,272 | 13,283 | 6,603 | 21,541 455,325 | 325,702 5,086 | 27,779 22,675 | 55,609 9,600 | 14,491 | 1,145 | 23,565 503,209 | 347,391 6,650 | 23,727 9,844 | 41,716 14,179 | 13,727 | 3,445 | 17,879- 353,830 | 335,771 — | 24,913 I,352 | 141,658 2,803 | 12,488 74,756 373, ;01 | 468,506 2,783 | 19,122 448 | 12,515 5,953 | 10,219 200 | 35,016 541,427 | 274,712 10,174 | 21,506 4,606 | 3,401 19,908 | 15,786 | 3,258 | 7,266 | 429,965 | 295,757 7,289 | 20,122 9,953 | 66,631 16,413 | 12,447 | 5,157 | 20,202 443,538 | 370,766 3,435 | 19,904 2, 117 | —- 7,856 | Il,009 62 | 26,062 367,666 | 321,767 2,311 | 21,724 I0,004 | 7,580 27,400 | 24,053 | 9,551 | 23,836 333,245 | 346,300 2,162 | 21,262 7,139 | 40,152 24,875 | 14,976 | 5,629 | 25,692 367,816 | 303,939 2,905 | 16,269 5,298 | 70,277 19,800 | 14,625 | 3,355 | 12,995 392,639 | 315,857 l,040 | 20,038 6,549 | 3,625 7,568 | 16,200 —- | 25,906 373,779 | 328,230 I2,624 | 17,686 6,990 508 10,317 | 2,666 | 1,139 | 17,918 358,383 | 325,577 356 | 14,100 5,640 | -- 12,273 | Il, 148 | 7,179 | 22,980 326,388 | 316,86l 3,775 | 17,101 239 | -- 2,294 | 7,260 — | 6,997 329,579 | 238,553 5,994 | 17,957 4,595 | 6,716 9,531 | 12,229 | 1,068 | 24,312 242,990 | 287,913 2,659 | 15,728 8,560 | — | 19,492 | 16,311 | 15,000 | 12,329 243,139 | 265,449 613 | 21,277 1,766 | 24,622 9,246 | 9,199 411 | 26,762 288,458 | 260,644 300 | 15,131 3,436 | ---- 11,291 | ll,657 | 2,423 | 17,997 230,019 | 277,118 1,164 | 16,907 3,574 42 7,973 | 11,240 | 3,797 | 27,007 156,957 | 237,508 : | 10,493 2,833 | 4,4l5 4,645 | | 7,653 778 | 20,634 176,315 202,455 446 | 11,076 6,484 817 5,993 | 6,577 | 3,500 | 13,530 156,944 | 132,222 98 | 9,502 823 1,998 | 7,040 5,703 9l,059, 173 | 66,045,667 9,252,309 | 3,175,043 | 4,402,844 |6,034,212 4,806,950 |2,472,455 | 904,406 | 3,452,542 - º^v^- | AºN/-R-/ | --Aeºv/-/ #| # •N - / | \-sºN^e-2 | NºNº ' , NºN *es ' Dufy 072 L2cences Stage Fn laatd A fenrh Military com Proceeds of Spirit «. Tobacco, Beer. of all Cvaches. Naviga- of the Totem | Stamps. r#º #. - Ac2nds · Éč0jl. D : es. Quartering. retards de versemens ) Interest on Payments deferred ; and 2,219 francs, Cash in hand at chief Office. Rºcozzv7"e- Amen- | #,l des Produit TOTAL faites par | Portion dc s G en ra l p#,|. du | "#" , des §rviees. | Tresor.|confiscatio. | Recettes. 84,805 | 21,662 | 77,153 29,631,951 77,668 | 12,532 | 30,012 | 9,231,414 20,649 | 9,297 | 40,169 | 7,959,855 6,230 | 5,445 | 16,423 | 6,586.679 29,387 | 11,044 | 5l,913 | 6,055,718 4,72l | 7,552 | 27,430 | 5,531,736 50,841 | 11,096 | 25,085 | 4,694,690 7,498 | 7,933 | 32,720 | 4,448,44S 21,512 | 7,732 | 25,273 | 4,249.710 19, 123 | 7,767 | 3,380 | 4,247,320 8,498 | 1,183 | 3,933 | 3,514,299 16,078 | 2,022 | 8,273 | 3,477,649 28,800 | 6,563 | 19,082 | 3,351,636 15,984 | 3,724 | 12,609 | 3,326,012 18,954 | 4,540 | 25, l3l | 2,795,224 3,641 | 2,576 | 9,036 | 2,778,533 18,380 | 3,820 | ll,395 | 2,766,878 4,932 | 3,510 | 14,534 | 2,752,110 24,786 | 7,297 | 19,395 | 2,727,820 8,846 | 1,467 | 5,849 | 2,717,822 6,250 | 3,510 | 7,964 | 2,700,702 9,354 | I,974 | 8,510 | 2,615,920 13,274 | 3,215 | 10,237 | 2,605,230 15,103 | 6,869 | 21,935 | 2,594,797 25,888 | 2,t07 | 8,876 | 2,536,376 l 1,400 | 4,323 | 14, l8l 2,401,495 25,021 | 4,130 | 2,567 | 2,369,923 3,504 | 5,136 | 19,556 | 2,342,712 4,316 | 1,784 , 6,376 | 2,341,827 22,153 | 2,719 | 12,900 | 2,229,924 27,369 | 2,822 | 6,058 | 2,223,254 34,068 | 4,459 | 14,90l | 2,220,220 8,924 | 2,955 | 16,870 | 2,163,450 3,608 | 2,552 | 9,163 | 2,149,936 8,311 | 2,207 | 9,089 | 2,011,924 8,106 | 2,337 | 7,079 | 1,988,778 7,622 | 1,092 , 3,696 | 1,937,732 8,592 | 3,392 | 12,656 | l,913,760 3,164 | 3,644 | 9,875 | 1,869,012 5,729 | 1,086 | 4,135 | 1,821,292 4,4 II | 3,373 | 16,766 | 1,803,524 4,793 | 3,410 | 8,220 | 1,564,345 4,2i5 | 3,574 | 4,740 | 1,536,543 2,057 | 1,892 | 7,225 | 1,500,846 2,597 | 1,577 | 6,372 | 1,499,632 2,345 | 3,613 | 8,935 | I,466,160 4,440 | 4,095 | 17,009 | 1,454,790 4,444 | 2,013 | 5,739 | 1,400,876 3,252 | 4,065 | 10,842 | 1,398,850 8,583 | 2,759 | 12,509 | 1,385,543 1,657 | 5,579 | 11,357 | 1,385,109 2,343 | 2,007 | 9,689 | 1,322,512 16,654 | 1,250 | 5,506 | 1,305,640 10,709 | 2,119 | 6,582 | 1,244,520 8,255 | 1,635 | 6,869 | 1,178,938 9,424 | 1,747 | 6,949 | 1,125,256 1,406 | 2,656 | 14,388 | 1,110,513 3,409 | 2,027 | 8,581 | 1,098,575 4,900 | 2,904 | 10,377 | I,093,932 1,359 | 1,783 | 6,680 | 1,074,973 6,642 | 3,247 | 12,103 | 1,068,736 2,627 | 1,112 | 3,324 | 1,058,297 I,540 | 1,126 | 3,704 | l,052,020 2,090 | 1,511 | 5,948 | 1,017,101 2,407 | 1,501 | 4,930 | 1,003,974 4,644 | 2,406 | l 1,614 | 972,874 919 | 1,512 | 6,823 | 940,036 2,448 548 | 3,097 | 920,480 l,825 | 1,674 | 6,448 | 912,778 5,249 | 1,291 | 4,679 | 897,880 2,984 | 2,223 | 7,297 | 841,423 2,360 | 1,001 | 5,380 | 840,032 2,442 | 1,164 | 4,421 | 834,668 1,255 | 4,850 | 16,826 | 822,513 | 1,942 | 2,146 | 6,773 | 796,273 1,298 648 | 2,873 | 774,914 2,369 | 1,273 | 3,790 | 689,650 419 | 3,782 | 14,418 | 673,874 19,408 883 | 3,202 | 662,512 10,405 | 1,644 | 7,255 | 630,404 57 l 369 | 1,635 | 616,550 2,939 | 1,374 | 6,136 | 597,464 793 | 1,247 | 3,855 | 456,205 536 715 | 2,622 | 432,826 266 978 | 3,087 | 320,150 904,140 | 288,260 1,014,603| 204,652, U30 \•N-/ | \•-N-/ | \ •NA-J | N-ºN^e-s S'undry | Seizure, produce | TOTAA. Repay- and of Receipt. meftts. l Fines. seiz?t?°es - 65 STATEMENT shewing the 44 Departments annexed to FRANCE, during the Republican, Consular, and Imperial sway, between the Years 1792 – 1812; shewing the States to which they previously belonged, or to which they have since reverted ; the Superficies of, and Population, and Number of Horned Cattle in each Department in 1812: the mean price of the Hectolitre of Wheat, and of five Hectogrammes of Bread, in each Department in 1809: the Number of Hectares, planted with Beet Root, the Number of Sugar Works, and the quantity of Sugar produced therefrom, in each of the 26 Northern, and North East Departments in 1812; and the Number of Arpents planted with Vines, and the produce of Wine in Hectolitres, in each of 16 of the Eastern Departments in 1808; the whole compiled from an exposé of the Situation of the Empire, and presented at the command of Napoleon in 1813, to the Legislative Corps by the Minister of the Interior, M. le Comte Montalivet. §3. The Departments, Nos. 27, 28, and 32–44, are productive in Silk ,--see Indea, SILK,-for reference to Statement of the produce of each Department, as well as of each of 8 of the South East Departments of FRANCE proper. 15 Establishments for the Manufact, of Irón, to the extent of 10,890 Quintals. H - * * = & • Number of |s ‘S’ s §. ** §, s - Geographical Position of Superficies POPU- Hormed Cattle §§§ {.{S} $$$3 |$ § 3 ; Śiś - - in LATION §§§§ #| ºš Šišº jº j DEPARTMENTS CHIEF - North - §§§§ #|S §§ §§§ §§§ Šºš Town | Latitude Hectares in 1812. TOTAL is "SS §'s * *s ‘s §§§. %; 1 Eastern Ems. . . . . . . . Embden 53. 22 7. 318,025 | 127,959 95,673 400 || 1 || 25,000 * 2 Mouths of the Weser Bremen 53. 5 | 8. 1,017,284 || 331,030 173,730 1,000 || 2 || 30,000 Hanover U 3 do. of the Elbe Hamburg 53. 33 9. 738,765 375,977 121,654 1,000 || 7 || 80,000 § ſ 4 Friseland . . . . . . . . . . Harlingen 53. 11 5. 278,835 | 175,350 162,205 * *-a-...-e J " ------ i. ººm-- *-d-: §§ 5 Western Ems. . . . . . . . Groningen 53. 12 6. 513,580 | 191,094 149,766 *** * * *- —. §§ 6 Mouths of the Issel . . . . . . Zwolle | 52. 30 6. 340,000 || 144,434 36,280 300 || 2 | 18,000 §§3 7 Upper Issel . . . . . . . . . . Arnheim 52. 5. 561,091 | 192,670 I 11,077 310 || 3 | 40,000 §§ 8 Zuyderzee . . . . . . . . . Amsterdam 52. 25 4. 40 950,100 505,387 197,128 640 || 4 || 100,000 §§ 9 Mouths of the Meuse Rotterdam | 51.55 4. 378,283 393,080 143,953 820 || 7 | 400,000 § U10 do. of the Scheldt Middleburg 51. 30 || 3. 63,000 76,315 28,550 276 || 2 | 10,000 : ſII do. of the Rhin . . Bois-le-duc 51. 40 | 5. 410,864 257,573 103,835 550 || 3 || 32,000 § 12 Two Nethes . . . . . . . . . . Antwerp || 51. 14 4. 285,380 284,584 84,040 400 21 60,000 § 13 Scheldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghent 51. 3 || 3. 288,870 636,438 128,102 | 1,000 || 9 || 100,000 § 14 Lyss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruges 51. 12 3. 366,912 || 491, 143 123,217 2,000 || 5 || 138,000 's J 15 Dyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brussels | 50. 51 4. 342,848 || 431,969 78,366 600 | 6 || 60,000 § 16 Lower Meuse........ Maestricht | 50. 48 5. 378,633 267,249 84,040 575 || 5 || 50,000 § ||7 Jemmape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mons 50. 27 | 3. 376,658 || 472,366 83,333 900 || 8 || 90,000 * | * Qurthe... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liege 50. 39 5. 435,754 352,264 130,917 300 11 55,000 § 19 Sambre and Meuse . . . . . . Namur 50. 28 4. 467,922 180,665 73,746 250 | 2 | 20,000 20 Forests . . . . . . . . . . . . Luaremburg 49. 37 6. 691,035 | 246,333 104,246 100 || 1 || 10,000 s 3 (21 Upper Ems . . . . . . . . . . Minden 52. 18 8. 983,803 || 420,290 191,737 190 | 1 || 27,000 .# S Ş. Lippe . . . . . . . e e is e e o a Munster | 51. 58 7. 566,913 || 237,750 100,000 -— — ——- š's $23 Roer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cologne || 50. 55 6. 522,985 621,410 164,783 800 21 200,000 § § 24 Rhin and Moselle . . . . Coblentz 50. 22 || 7. 528,420 249,010 104,284 360 || 4 || 63,000 25 Sarre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treves | 49.47 6. 493,513 273,569 116,560 400 : 3 6,000 26 Mont Tonnerre . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayence 50. 8. 359,948 || 428,988 | 106,002 3,700 13 260,000 #} 27 Trasimene. . . . . . . . . . Spoletti | 42.45 12. 36 819,753 300,709 59,794 pºff, fº.” States 28 ROME . . . . . . . . . . . ROME 41. 54 |12. 15 367,660 548,909 91,236 Vizzes. Hectolitres. Switzer (29 ſºman.... . . . . . . . º, Geneva |46. 12 6, 9 |280,000 |210,478 71,570 78,672 438,034 land 30 Mont Blanc. ... Chambery |45. 34 5. 640,427 300,239 111,452 5,029 || 132,601 U 31 Simplon . . . . . . . . . . . . Sion 46. 14 | 7. 500,000 53,533 47,195 11,086 258,380 ſ32 Doire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aoust 45. 38 7. 250,853 || 234,822 68,522 17,928 335,763 $ 33 Sesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vercelli 45. 24 8. 517,200 202,822 60,565 7,305 224,895 # 84 Po . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turin 45. 4 || 7. 414,526 || 399,237 97,902 38,318 || 484,495 § 3 ; Marengo . . . . . . . . . . A leasandria |44. 53 || 8. 348,260 318,447 83,218 65,310 591,160 §. 36 Stura. * @ & © º ºs & & © & o e º e º e º e Coni 44, 22 7. 1,127,015 431,438 116,954 39,742 428,389 37 Maritime Alps. . . . . . . . . . . . Nice 43. 41 || 7. 322,674 131,266 16,331 13,395 100,626 C38 Montenotte. . . . . . . . .... Oneglia |43. 55 i 8. 397,220 |289,823 11,870 19,276 384,474 States of } 39 Genoa . . . . . . . . . . . . Genoa 44, 25 8. 237,600 | 400,056 57, 160 36,032 || 477,796 Genoa U 40 Appenins . . . . . Chiavari |44. 22 9. 532,000 || 238,684 20,949 16,255 308,118 Duchy of Parma 41 Taro. . . . . Parma |44. 48 363,628 352,215 119,900 78,672 438,034 42 Mediterranean . . . . Leghorn |43. 33 491,000 262,368 55,087 44,932 556,675 ~}; Arno. . . . . . . . . . . . Florence 43. 47 852,376 538,452 107,122 77,670 644,279 44 Ombronne . . . . . . Orbitelli \ 42. 27 785,600 151,250 58,550 12,152 / 230,812 8 ..º. #. §* the #. 44 º in 1812, amounted to § 3 ; 272 § Š M jº. peranſnewts, is:#s warraſountai, is; º' fººtiºn ºf oran prºduced | * * * *s Manufact ºf s rºles In 1810, 64,852,171 Hectolitres. 17 Jemappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25,430 4,900 2,316,000 In 1811, 62,681,297 do. 18 Ourthe * * g e s s a e s • 17 34,350 || 6,100 3,992,200 In 1812, 70,311,174 do. - - 19 Sambre and Meuse ....] 27 82,640 6,524 4,400,000 ... The annexed is a Statement of the Quantity of IRON, produced in 1811, : Fºl. e - e. e. e. e º ſº º º ſº e o e º e s: º; ; ; in ºch of 7. Departments: Mont Tonnere, No. 26 had also 4 Furnaces, and || 3: ...'Miji......] § 4,315 || 1:13; º: || 25 Sarre 17 24,616 6,515 3,745,000 66 STATEMENT of the Geographical Position, of each of the 40 Kingdoms, Provinces, Principalities, &c., &c., of the Peninsula of SPAIN and PORTUGAL; shewing the SUPERFICIEs and PopULATION of each; increase if Cent. of Population since the close of the last Century; and Ratio of Population tP Square Mile, in 1825. *.* The Population of the Peninsula at the close of the last Century as exhibited below, has been taken from a work published in Paris during the occupation of Spain by the French in 1810; and the Numbers in 1825, have been taken from another Work recently Published in that City; other authorities represent the Population of Spain at the commencement of the last Century, at about 7,000,000 : the increase since 1799, Sup- posing the Numbers as stated below to be accurate, is remarkable; more particularly so, under the circumstances in which the Country during that period has been involved. The extreme Latitudes of the Peninsula are, from Cape Ortegal in Gallicia, in 43. 47 North, to Gibraltar in Andalusia in 36. 7 North : being a mean distance between those two Points of 533 English Statute Miles; but, as the South parts of Andalusia and Granada form a Promontary the average extent of the Peninsula from North to South will not exceed more than about 475 miles: the extremes of Longitude are, from the Rock, in 9. 35 West, 25 miles West of Lisbon; to Cape Rosas in Catalonia, in 3. 5 East, being a Total of 12 Degrees, 40 of Longitude, or 665 English Statute Miles; (the degree of Longitude between 37 and 43 of Latitude being 45% Geographical, or 52% English Statute Miles) but the average extent of Longitude will not exceed 10 Degrees, or about 525 English Statute Miles; these averages give a Total Superficies of 249,375 English Statute Miles, which corresponds, or nearly so, with the detailed Superficies below, supposing them intended as Geographical Miles. on hº * ... 6 | • 4: …: Jº I N G D O M S Geographical Position. -ºs- Superficies. POPULA THON. and North West || French English ||" - - P R O V IN C E S. Chief Town Latitude. Longitu.| Leagues. Miles. 1799. 1825. ... "...i. 1 * : Kingdom of Gallicia . . . . . . . . . . # Corunna" 43. 24 8, 20 || 1,330 | 16,060 || 1,142,630 | 1,585,419 38 99 2 * Principality of Asturias . . . . . . . . + Oviedo 43. 24 5. 55 308 3,725 364,238 464,565 27 | 124 Basque 3 • Biscay • 2 e º 'º e º e º º Bilboa" • ** 43. 14 2. 42 106 | 1,280 111,436 144,875 49 || 113 *::::: 4 * : Guipuzcoa. . . . . . . . . St. Sebastian * 43. 10 | 1. 58 52 628 || 104,491 135,838 29 216 - 5 Alava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vittoria 42. 55 2. 55 90%| 1,093 67,523 92,807 || 31 | 84 6 : Kingdom of Navarre . . . . . . . . s. Pampluna 42. 46 | 1. 42 205 || 2,475 221,728 288,244 29 115 7 Leon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leon 42. 45 5. 27 493 5,943 239,812 311,755 30 52 s S 8 Palencia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palencia 42. 6 || 4. 35 145 || 1,751 118,064 153,482 29 87 # * } 9 Zamora ................ Zamora 41. 35 | 5. 45 || 133 1,606 71,401 92,821 29 57 sº i 10 Taro . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº gº & G & © a Taro 41. 45 5. 37 || 165 1,992 97,370 | 126,581 30 63 5's 11 Vallodalid.............. ºf Walladolid : 41. 45 4, 35 || 271 3,272 || 187,390 243,607 || 29 || 74 U-12 Salamanca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salamanca 41. 21 5. 40 471 5,128 209,988 272,982 30 53 Åinadom 13 Burgos & ºn e º e º e e º e o e Burgos 42. 25 | 3. 55 642 || 7,752 470,588 611,762 29 78 Oº.." J 14 Soria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soria 41. 42 2. 30 || 341 |4,118 || 198,107 || 267,537 35 | 63 Castile.] 15 Segovia . . . . . . . . . . . . Segovia 4}. 6 4, 10 290 3,502 164,007 221,379 || 34 63 e 16 Avila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avila 40. 45 4.45 215 2,600 118,061 153,479 29 59 ſ17 f Kingdom of Arragon . . . . i t Saragossa 41. 38 I. 2 || 1,232} 14,882 || 657,376 856,219 || 30 57 ‘S’ s | 18 °t Principality of Catalon. t Barcelona” 41. 22 |2. 10 E. || 1,007 || 12,111 || 858,818 1,116,461 29 92 is § 9 19 “f Kingdom of Valencia . . . f Walencia” 39. 29 0. 23 643 7,764 || 825,059 1,255,095 52 | 161 Š § - 20 Majorca & Cabr. f Palma” 39. 30 2. 25 112 | 1,352 140,699 - Q sº new; Minorca. . . . . . . . Ciuda della” 40. 5 || 3. 15 20 242 º: 242,893 29 136 l - 22 Iviça & Formen. Ivica" 38. 53 1.29 E. H 5 181 15,290 ‘sº (23 Guadalaxara . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaudalaaara 40. 33 || 3 22 163 | 1,970 121,115 157,333 29 79 § § $: I MADRID . . . . . . . . . . . . MAD RID 40. 25 $ 33 110 1,330 228,520 297,812 30 224 $ & K 25 Cuença . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuença 40. 6 2 "16 945 11,410 294,290 382,577 30 33 sº S Q: Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toledo 39. 52 || 4 11 734 8,863 370,641 485,203 || 30 54 &# (27 Lamanche .............. Cuidad Real 39. 4 3 || 631 7,620 || 205,548 257,210 |25 | 33 28 Province of Estramadura . . . . . . ; Badajoa. 38. 49 6, 47 || 1,199 || 14,478 428,493 556,780 29 38 29 “f Kingdom of Murcia. . . . . • * . . . Murcia 37. 59 | 1. 5 659 7,957 383,226 493,192 28 61 s (30 Colony of the Sierra Morena | From 38 to 39 N. and 3 to 5 West. 108 || 1,304 6,196 * *-- *-* : *- : *---, Š - 31 Cordova. . . . . . . £ordova 37. 52 4, 46 348 4,202 252,028 327,256 29 77 - § Kingdoms) 32 Jaen . . . . . . . . . . . Jaen 37. 48 || 3. 5] 268 3,236 206,807 276,905 || 33 | 84 S. O 33 * Granada . . . . . . . f Granada 37. 16 || 3.46 || 805 || 9,720 || 692,924 1,097,093 58 112 = 34 * Seville. . . . . ... i t Seville 37. 24 |*5. 39 || 752 || 9,080 || 746,221 970,087 29 || 106 Total SPAIN . . . . . . . . . . - 15,005 || 176,627 ||10,351,075 |13,953,959 34 78 s: ſă5 * Entre-Duero et Minho ... OPORTO ". 41. 11 8. 39 || 22.1%| 3,490 907,965 š Š, | 36 Tras-los-Montes . . . . . . . . Mirandela 41. 26 6. 54 || 455 5,450 || 318,665 | S.; } 37 * Beira . . . . . . . . . . • Coimbra 40. 12 8. 25 || 753 8,725 || 1,121,595 ššišć fºrmadura’.......... LIS BON” 38. 42 9. 8 || 823 9,855 || 826,680 §§ | 39 Alentejo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estremos 38. 46 7. 23 883 || 10,575 || 380,480 s' Uno Ålgarves .......... . . . . . Cape St. Vincent 37. 3 8. 59 || 232 2,780 || 127,615 Total PORTUGAL . . . . . . . . 3,437 40,875 # 3,683,000 TOTAL Peninsula . . . . . . . . 7. 0 10. 0 || 18,442 217,502 ||14,034,075 &# The Kingdoms &c., preceded by an * are Maritime; and the t denotes the 11 Captain Generalships; or Military Govern- ments, into which Spain is divided; the Towns noted with a + are seats of Audiencia, or Courts of Law having appeal to the Coun cil of Castile at Madrid; those noted with an * are Sea Ports. i STATEMENT shewing the Geographical Position of each of the 42 Provinces of the Kingdom of SWEDEN and NOR WA Y; the Superficies of each, in Swedish Square Miles, distinguishing the proportion of Lakes and Morasses; the Number of Towns, in each Province ; the Population thereof, in 1820; the Ratio of Population to each Square Mile; and the annual Value of the Produce of all the Mines, in each Province of Sweden. * The Totag of Lakes and Morasses includes the Superficies of Lakes Wenzerza 47.93, Weſtern #7. 10, Malarm l?. 16, and Hjelm a rº 4. 25, together 81.44 Swed: Sºuare Mi The Saeedi Äſſä ºntai źsh. ** T. g - Mor * 4. - 3. 3 :". .7 a rm 4, 25, together 81.44 Swedish Square Mâles. e Swedish Mile contains 11,700 Engl Yards, being as 1 Swedish, to 6.65 English, the Swedish Square Mile, is therefore equal to 44, 2 English, which makes ine Total Superficies of Sweden, equal to 161,398 English Square Mâles. a 2 /2 ºz º.º.3 -rºw- Names of PROVINCES | CHIEF TOWNS - as at present used . . . Ancient Divisions in the Fº the Kingdom, which gºve Name as they appear j with Number of reference to their to the forms. on the English Maps. TOTAL POPULATION. Common Parlance. Schome § 1 Malmöhus . . . . . . . . 1 | Malmö C/MO%26270 & 2 Christianstad . . . . . . 8 Christianstadt JBlekingen - 3 Blekinge . . . . . . . . . . 19 || Carlscrona Halland 4 Halland . . . . . . . . . , 18 || Halmsladt | - 5 Kalmar med Oland 4 || Calmar - Smaaland, & - : }. * @ e º 'º º ſº tº | }; : 9 - Jönköpping . . . . . . 1 Önköppin East Gothland 8 ãºid . . . . 2 %;" ( 9 Södermanland .... 11 | Nyköping 10 Götheburg & Bohus 7 Götheburg * | West Gothland }; Elfsborg . . . . . . . . . . 3 | Wenersburgs R 12 Skaraborg . . . . . . . . 5 Mariestadt § * Isle of Gothland 13 Gottland . . . . . . . . . 25 | Wisby s Warmeland 14 Värmeland . . . . . . 6 Carlstadt {Z} 15 Orebro. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Orebro - - Sudermanland } 16 Capital of 20 STO CR HO LM 17 Stockholm . . . . . 13 do. Westmanland 18 Vessmanland . . . . . . 16 | Westeras | Upland 19 Upsala . . . . . . . . . . 17 | Upsala Dalecarlia 26 St. Kopparburg . . 9 || Falu Gastricland 21 Gefleborg . . . . . . ... 15 Gefle Medelpad 22 Wester Norrland . . 21 | Hermosand West Nordland 23 Jemtland . . . . . . . . 24 Ostersund | West Bothnia 24 Vesterbotten . . . . . . 22 Umea. UNorth Bothnia 25 Norrbotten . . . . . . 23 Pitea 1 Mandals og lister . . . . . . Christiansand Christiana } 2 Stavangar . . . . . . . . [gets Stavanger 3 Nedenaes og Raabygdelau Arendal ſ 4 Jarlsberg og Laurvigs ... Lawrvig 5 Smaalehnenes . . . . . . . . . . Frederikshaid • | 6 Aggerhuus . . . . . . . . . . . . CHRISTIANA P- || Aggerhuus + 7 Buskerud . . . . . . . . . . . . Drammen sº I - 8 Hedemarken . . . . . . . e 9 & = } lºº - § 10 Bradsberg . . . . . . . • - - - - Skien º - $ 11 Söndre Bergenhuus .... Bergen | Bergen \ 12 Nordre do. . . . . . . . . . | 13 Romsdal . . . . . . . . . . . . Christiansund , “ . . . . . * § 14 Söndre Trondhiem..... ..! Brontheim Trondheim * 15 Nordre do. . . . . . . . . 16 Nordland . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodöe º 17 Finmarken . . . . . . . . . . . . Tromsöe Geographical Superficies ‘sº PopULATION Ratio of Annual Position of in Swedish Square Miles. - §2. in 1820, * }; |Ç Chief Town. - - iss in the Square the Mines, - - - Lakes & S C Miles, in N. Lat. E. Long,| Lands | Morasses | TOTAL 2, º, Towns Country | TOTAL || in 1825. Ria: Dollars. 55. 37 || 13. 1 37. 85 2.70 | 40. 55 || 7 || 20,354 156,283 176,637 || 5,055 135,112 56. I 14. 9 46. 95 8. 40 55. 35 || 3 5,327 | 129,356 134,683 || 3,056 28,944 56, 7 | 15. 33 23. 80 2. 25. 80 || 3 || 15,993 62,958 78,951 || 3,754 ~— # 56. 40 12. 37 || 38. 98 || 4, 26 43. 24 || 5 5,061 75,032 80,093 || 2,205 15,912 56. 40 | 16. 26 89. 60 7. 20 96. 80 || 4 8,768 141,133 149,901 || 1,778 171,719 56. 52 14. 44 73. 14 || 13. 86. 14 || 1 1,522 94,497 96,019 || 1,398 85,090 57. 45 13. 59 85, 52 | 12. 13 | 97. 65 || 3 5,312 116,242 | 121,554 || 1,510 || 138,072 58. 22 15. 32 83. 5 13. 70 96. 75 || 5 || 16,569 155,977 172,546 || 2, 176 645,703 58. 55 | 16. 53 48. 63 8. 39 57. 2 6 7,759 93,532 || 101,291 || 2,197 || 325,746 57. 42 11. 58 40. 98 2, 33 43. 31 || 5 || 30,621 | 104,298 || 134,919 || 3,597 - 58. 26 || 12. 9 103. 30 11. 20 114. 50 || 5 || 7,379 162,691 170,070 || 1,793 243,622 58. 45 14. 0 66. 41 || 9. 2 75. 43 || 6 5,824 || 142,707 148,531 || 2,417 | 158,843 57. 39 8. 26 24. 55 3. 36 27. 91 || 1 3,767 31,797 || 35,564 || 1,550 59. 20 | 13. 9 133. 19 24. 70 157. 89 || 3 4,940 143,320 148,260 || 1,209 |1,469,616 59. T6 15. 9 62. 92 || 11. 30 74. 22 || 4 5,457 95,002 || 100,459 || 1,729 |1,451,990 59. 2 # | 18. 3 ~ || 1 || 75,569 || - — 75,569 || — —— —- 62. 39 3. 87 66. 26 || 6 4,441 93,363 | 97,704 || 1,607 223, 193 59. 40 | 16. 40 || 53. 50 | 6.97 60. 47 || 4 | 8,444 77,191 85,635 | 1,638 1,116,972 # 59. 52 || 17. 39 43. 78 3. 71 || 47. 49 || 2 5,652 74,564 80,216 || 1,848 410,263 | 60. 41 | 15. 247. 39 || 31. 37 278. 76 || 3 5,420 | 117,420 | 122,840 518 1,661,129 60. 40 i7. I 151. 69 | 19. 49 || 171. 18 || 3 || 10,046 || 81,715 91,761 633 |1,152,484 62. 38 17. 53 || #93. T8 22. 22 2I 6. 2 3,546 63,541 67,087 368 346,002 62. 14. 383. 40 || 51. 60 435. H 313 || 36,581 36,894 101 32,657 63. 50 20. 4 || 600. 89 67. 11 | 668. } 1,195 39,169 40,364 75 107,934 65. 2}. 674. 50 76. 50 751. 2. 1,995 35,147 37,142 60 87,960 3,370. 19 497. 97 3,868. 16 ||86 || 261,174 || 2,323,516 2584,690 || 816 || 10,009,065 58. 8 3. 3 45. 60 . 93 46. 53 || 5 || 11,139 || 38,458 49,597 || 1,066 -º-º-º-º- *-**- 85. #. 72 86. Tº 2 || 3 4,764 52,701 || 57,464 663 -** * ***** 94. 38 2. 62 97. 5 4,567 37,350 41,917 432 59. 3 9. 36 || 19. . 52 | 19. 52 || 5 || 7,458 42,379 || 49,837 || 2,553 59. 4 | H i. 3 32.97 2.74 35. 71 || 3 || 10,065 47,456 57,521 1,745 59. 55 10. 49 40. 21 2.94 || 43. 15 || 4 || 20,793 61,691 || 82,484 || 1,900 -*. — - || 104. 77 || 4, 32 i{}9. {}9 || 2 || 10,624 59,466 70,090 639 -** —— || 205. 36 || 2:1. 51 226. 87 || – —— 71,242 || 71,242 346 — — || 206. 50 | 8. 14 214. 64 || – — 83,103 || 83,103 387 — — | 122. 01 || 4. 71 || 126. 72 || – || 7,726 49,994 || 57,720 455 60. 10 || 7. 14 || 141. 53 | 1. 70 143. 23 || 1 || 20,844 || 74,662 95,506 667 -**** 167. 97 3. 29 || 171. 26 || – || –—— 63,789 63,789 372 63. 7 7. 43 134. 04 | 1. 20 | 135. 24 || 3 3,160 | 60,991 || 64,151 474 63. 26 || 10. 23 152. 93 8. 73 | 161. 66 || 1 || 11,630 || 59,405 71,044 440 **** | 186. 35 | 11. 20 | 197. 55 || – —— 52,494 52,494 266 — — 323. 20. 343. 1 253 || 52,578 52,831 || 218 69. 38 — 591. | 35. 626. 3 1,167 29,364 30,528 52 6022 .81 | 629 .24 6652,05 ||132 || 375,364 2,594,144 3,637, 108 547 68 *3 STATEMENTshewing the proportion of the Population of Sweden in 1820, dependant on each of the several occupations, or service; distinguishing Males from F 7 emales, and the proportion of each sex effective, from the roportion noneffective, and also a Statement of the Population in 1820, of each of the 88 Towns of Sweden, shewing the Number of Miners, and Manufacturers; of Artists, and Arti- ficers; Number of Families, or Housekeepers; and of Poor or Prisoners, in each Town. 3. (Präster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s (Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,218 i.Sº. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * § { Teachers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812 §§ {{}fningmästare . . . . . . . . . . ; 5 & Various Proffessors. . . . . . . . . . 83 jºjº e e º e < e < * > * & *i); . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,199 § Kyrko-Betjente . . . . . . . . S C Inferior Servants of the Church 3,826 11,138 ſEmbets-och Tjenstemán , ſcivil Officers of the State ºf all 4,639 ! Medici [högre och lägre S Physicians . . . . . . . . . . . . [Classes 260 Fältskärer ... . . . . . . . . . & Surgeons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 s Architecter. . . . . . . . . . . . . § Architects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 § Betjening Krono . . . . . . . . . Officers of grown e tº e º e º 'º e º se e o 981 & ſ/ Tull . . . . . . . . . . 3. do. of Customs e - e g º e º dº e º e sº 919 : // Bergs . . . . . . . . § do. of Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 † // Jägeri och Skogs š Rangers of Woods, and Huntsmen 375 S // Police . . . . . . . . Sº I Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 | W Sluss och Bro . . ; Sluices and Bridges. . . . . . . . . . . . 246 | // Dykeri . . . . . . . . § Divers , or Salvage Officers ... . 261 UVakt-Betjente . . . . . . . . . . JMessengers, and Porters . . . . . . . . 1,367 9,559 § ſ Officerare hôgre och lägre s, ſºommissioned Officers of all grades 2,020 § Under-Officerare ........ § Subalterns ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,444 § | Soldater och Bätsmán . . . . ºf Soldiers and Sailors. . . . . . . . . . . . 37,517 & Musikanter och Trumslagare 's J Musicians and Drummers . . . . . . 1,351 5 i Skepps-och Fält Timmerman sº Ship and Camp Carpenters .... 1,024 § Trosskuska och Drängar § | Artillery Drivers and Servants .. 168 § Stadsvarter........... * Town Watchmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 lirand Vakter . . . . . . . . . U.Fire Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827 45,513 s (Skeppare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Captains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,697 s ) Sjömän . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ššJ Sailors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,309 §) Hotsar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §§l Pilots . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - 691 * (Fyrbäks Vaktare . . . . . . . Š " ( Keepers of Light Houses. . . . . . . . 20 8,717 Q} Gross-och Minuthandlare, Mäcklare och &c. §§ 40 Merchants, Traders, Brokers, and Ship Agents 3,108 's Ş Caffekokare, Tracteurer och Krögare āş & Coffee º º º: º,º 7? ; § { *::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # §§ * '#'º. #; § Måns handel och rörelse § §§ Leaving of Males 3,387 Š (Handels. Betjente........ §º (Clerks, and Shop Men........ 8,054 6,441 ( Patroner och Fabriksägare som icke hafva Principals or Masters, having no other TS | #. *...*.*.*.*.* 's ſ Occupation, exclusive of Widows, W. 1,319 “s or oberäknade, som fortsätta sina S 3 who continue the Business of their 9 3 | &fiedne máns handtering cº § deceased Husbands 5 | Contorister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §§ Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976 § 3 Mästare vid Fabriker . . . . § §. 3 Foremen . . . . . . . . . . . . tº & © tº $ tº 3,308 s] Gºsalier Af // 6 g º me §§l ºmen................ 3,408 3 Lârgosser iſ f/ tº e º 'º š Š | Apprentices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,788 5 Andre hithórande arbetare RS lº." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 170 | Bod-betjente . . . . . . . . . . . . Shopmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº dº 31 27,000 §§ ºppºne : Masters exclusive of Widows &c. 17,868 §§ Gesäller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § Y Journeymen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,026 #4 Lârgossar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §§ 4pprentices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,294 §§ Verkdrängar . . . . . . . . . . . . #º.................. 2,127 § Bod-betjente ............ s Shopmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 40,320 Utur tienst gångne personer Retired from the preceding Classes • 31,966 ſº. º.º.º. ſ Miners and Farmers, (exclusive of Widows) łºś ſº ºn 2 who conduct their own affairs 47,719 på andras do. . . . . . . . . 3 | Who conduct for others ........ 49,627 § Nybyggare sedan är 1815 . . $ | New Settlers since 1815. . . . . . . . . 4,642 § 9|Pare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § | Cottagers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,637 33 Skärgårdsbönder och Fiskare s - Farmers and Fishers . . . . . . . . . . 4,182 #|Arbetsföre Backstuguhjon . . ; Labourers, species of Serf . . . . . . 26,570 t; do. Inhyseshjon . . . . * Labouring Cottagers . . . . . . . 16,830 : Āldrige Bönder och Torpare, som Aged Peasants and Cottagers .. 41,434 Bond-Drängar ſupphòrtmeg Landtbruk Farmers Servants . . . . . . . . . . . . 220,704 - Bond Gossar . . . . . . . . . . . . U do. Lads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,750 662,095 Privatorum Betjente Domestic Servants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,272 . . ( Som hafva Rhenhjordar La Who possess Rein Deer . . . . 948 , §§ { Som Äro utan Rehnar . . . . l |. ..., X Without do. . . . . . . . . 549 S5 Kringstrykande Vallhjon (173,062?"S UNonadº, or wandering Tribes 317 1,814 Towns arranged in order of the Geographical Position of Provinces #3° For Translation of Heads,--see foot of fol- Iowing Page. i | I MALMö ........ 84 2 Lund ........] 24 3 Landskrona 60 4 Helsingborg ...| 36 5 Ystad ........ 28 6 Falsterbo tº C e a - 7 Skanór ......] — 8 CHRISTIANSTAD 8 9 Engelholm .... 3 10 Cimbritshamn 6 11 CARLSKRONA....| 44 12 Carlshamn .... 62 13 Sölfvitsborg .. 4 14 HALMSTAD. .... 3 15 Laholm ...... 2 16 Falkenberg.... i 17 Warberg ...... 3 18 Kongsbacka .. 2 19 CALMAR ........ 26 20 Wästervik ....| 43 21 Wimmerby .... 18 22 Borgholm på Ö. I 23 W. EXI6 ......., | 8 24 JöNKöPING .... 61. 25 Grenna ........ 5 26 Eksjö ........ 6 27 LINKöPING......| 26 28 Norrköping ...920 29 Sºderköping ... 3 30 Wadstena ... 28 31 Skenninge .... 3 32 N.YKöPING...... 143 33 Trosa... ...... 3 34 Mariaefred ....] 23 35 Strängnäs ....] 11 36 Malmköping ... 1 37 Eskilstuna ....| 46 38 Thorshälla .... 3 39 GöTHEBorg . . . .425 40 Kongelf ......] 5 41 Marstrand .... 3 42 Uddevalla . . 34 43 Strömstad 2 44 WENERsBorg 24 45 Amál.......... 12 46 Alingsås ......] 55 47 Borås ........ 20 48 Ulricaehamn ... 13 49 MARIAESTAD .. 2; 50 Lidköping . . . . 12 51 8.T3. * * * * c s s a 7 52 Sköfde........ 3 53 Hjo ........ 4 54 Fahlköping ... 2 55 WISBY ..... . . 40 56 CARLSTAD • . . . . . . 15 57 Qhristinaehamn 9 58 Philipstad ... 4 59 Arvika........ 2 60 OREBRO ........| 34 61 Askersund .... 2 62 Nora ..........] 3 63 Linde ........ 10 64 STOCKHOLM slogs 65 SöDERTELJE ....] 8 66 Waxholm .... I 67 Sigtuna ...... 5 68 Norrtelje......] 93 69 Osthammar ....] 3 40 {}regrund a e o e i -- 71 WästERás ......| 33 72 Arboga & Q & © e º ºs ºf 3 73 Köping . . . . . . . . I? 74 Sala • * * * * > . . . . .321 75 UPSAI.A. . . . . . . . . 64 76 Enköping .... 6 77 FALUN • * * * * * > . 1362 78 Sāther © 8 tº e s tº p a 3i 79 Hedemora. . . . . 80 GEFLE . . . . . . . . 166 81 Söderhamn ....} 4 82 Huddiksvall 18 83 HERNöSA ND ....| 10 84 SundSVall ... 14 85 OSTERSUND . . . . 3 86 UM Eä . . . . . ... 3 87 PITEä ........ I 88 Luleå . . . . . . . . . 2 Total 6,744 ~& p. #| | | | §§| | | s e.Sº $$$$ Šs | # §§§§ ##| #: §§§ $5 Š §§§ |&S & 564 |1,293 236 6,723 457 607 | 120 3,550 244 443 228 || 3,488 316 || 384 83 2,391 505 || 517 94 | 3,474 8 31 | – 187 25 94 | 541 473 533 223 3,512 186 129 20 840 154 || 143 39 97! 928 |2,775 877 11,573 361 554 179 3,518 I86 142 2 912 173 230 43 1,611 109 190 | 73 854 77 110 663 128 295 103 | 1,494 40 87 | 12 439 338 959 | 189 4,762 129 564 183 2,743 113 250 6 1,154 16 24 169 254 269 70 1,522 459 648 189 3,538 67 121 2] 552 188 220 53 | 1,222 437 650 287 || 3,41° 800 |2,378 717 9,678 76 170 19 883 87 358 299 || 1,714 85 187 32 869 236 577 184 2,731 95 133 12 488 74 177 || 5 || 656 114 || 251 20 1,131 37 38 187 721 332 52 2,010 50 | 132 || 23 556 1,294 |4,787 |1,853|23,801 36 164 28 756 60 | 161 | 181 | 1,087 228 601 || 223 3,655 56 243 40 1,322 144 413 | 72 1,976 I23 196 | 40 | 1.160 135 154 54 95} 260 439 142 2,053 72 192 9 1,240 123 277 20 | 1,338 186 340 49 1,642 III 267 53 | 1,271 52 113 19 594 73 113 | 3 || 502 58 91 18 477 449 (1,086 97 || 3,767 263 || 499 || 121 || 2,583 123 281 | 67 | 1,469 36 || 119 16 || 702 36 || 39 — 186 378 657 200 || 3,448 60 160 | 20 | 757 74 122 21 628 53 131 23 624 8,090 13,281 | 8,899 75,569 74 227 15 944 73 || 201 || 52 958 45 | 101 || 20 396 105 190 47 863 95 || 113 || 7 || 497 22 167 45 683 326 669 196 || 3,093 146 314 53 1,582 117: 247 69 1,199 171 574 162 2,570 513 || 878 210 || 4,463 202 || 249 || 5 | 1,189 254 805 206 || 4,020 65 118 27 525 122 166 41 875 598 |1,495 | 186 7,027 235 | 399 || 18 1,389 325 || 362 35 | 1,630 284 || 394 || 92 | 1,826 355 356 || 36|| 1,720 25 56 3 313 113 216 || 49 1,195 160 235 28 967 83 | 162 || 37 | 1,028 26,391 (50,615 (13,607 (261,174 --- -- ~~~~ *-*... . 69 STATEMENT of the preceding page, Continued,—with the Eighty-eight Towns arran- ged in Alphabetical Order, with Number of reference to their position, in the preceding List, shewing the proportion of the Population, in each Town, under each of 5 degrees of Rank: The Towns noted with an * are Sea Ports, and Ports of Entry; and those printed in Q9IU 380man, are Ecclesiastical Sees. Pransport Som hafva Fattigdel hemma Š,\ Som lefva hos andra . . . . * Sº e § { I Fattighus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . § A På Hospitaler . . . . . . . . . . Fångar e e a e a 6 tº 3 e º 'º º -, * * & Gifta Männer. e e s a e e o & © tº e § ) Enklingar . . . . . . e e s e º º § Ogifta Öfwer 15 ar. . . . . . . . * { Ynglingar och Gossar . . . ( Hustrur svarande emot (Örestående § $ specificerade Folk Classer . . . . . .... . . . §§ Som Sköta särskildt och annat härings- Q5 § fāng fin mämmerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S f Som lefva ensamme . . . . . . (Som lefva af egma medel. Ständspersoners som sköta Landtbruk fºr Som fortsätta sina aftedne mins handtering, memligeſt af Handels-Classen. . . . . . . . Bruks och Fabriks do. . . . . . Handtverks Bönders, som haſva Gårdsskjötsel Som lefva hos sina Barn på Landet Som lefva af arbete . . . . . . . . I andras tienst . . . . . . . . . . . . Lapp och Fattighjon saint Fångar tºp Deras minderáriga Barn inråknade här of vari lº $son lefva af egna medel : * S; §§ Sombo för sig sjelfva och lefva af deras 3:0 * * - o [arbete * (Sällskaps Fruntimer . . ſ Gouvermanter . . . . . 0 g º 3 & s, Hushållerskor . . . . . . . . . . ššj Kammarjungfrur . . . . . . . 6. §§§ Bigor Ahvaribland inbegripes Bondfolkets $; Thetamavavande ogifta dèltrar . . . . UTjeństflickor . . . . . . . . . . . . Handels-Betjening . . . . . . Fabriks-arbeterskor . . . . . . . . . . m Bodbetjening . . . . . . . . Handtverkares do. Lapp och- Fattighjon Samt Fångar Summa ( Öfver 15 År Ogifta \ flickor derunder Gossar Flickor Summa minderáriga Barn, neml. } Brought forward - 871,835 Having Support at Home . . . . . . 9, 169 s Who live with others . . . . . . . . . . 5,924 § { In Poor Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,817 R In Hospitals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Prisoners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,481 18,774 Total effective ( Married Men 454,328 Y — MAA. E. Widowers 41,062 890,609 Population Önmarried above 15 329,308 890,609 do. under 66,911 § Who live with their Husbands 452,904 Nº. Who conduct a separate business 665 Utive separate from their Husb. 2,512 456,081 T Who live on their own means 11,703 do. conducting Farms 1,190 tº Who continue the business of their deceased Husbands, Viz. of Traders and Shopkeepers 1,007 § Iron Masters, & Manufactu. 260 SS 4 Artificers 734 2,001 § Peasants who cultivate ground 9,835 Who have retired to the Country 38,340 Who live by labour 36,329 In the service of others 5,420 (Laplanders, Poor, & Prisoners 28.984 133,802 This Note states that the Children under age are included in the above, but it is not very intelligible. , Who live on their own means 4,176 Who subsist by their own labour 14,275 Companions to Ladies 1,691 § ſGovernesses 263 š § | Housekeepers 3,614 is * Chambermaids 662 #4 # | Maidservants including the § s | Daughts, of Peasants at home 272,710 § S UServant Girls 72,815 351,064 " || Accountants 106 Working in Manufactories 2,573 | Assisting in do, or Shopwomen 12 do. in Handicraft 116 - Laplanders, Poor, & Prisoners 13,252 387,265 TOTAL Proportion above 15 339,875 Unmarried. wnder 47,390 } TOTAL Ineffective under § Boys 348,866 15 Years of Age. } Girls 368,067 716,933 TOTAL POPULATION, in 1820. 2,584,690 RECAPITULATION of POPULATION, According to Rank, Occupation, and Condition. | Country. stockholm. | other Towns. EFTER STAND RANK Males | Female || Males | Temal. Males Femal, - Adel ...: '................. tº tº e º º gº Wobility ........................ 3,248 3,754 71 () 869 728 | 839 Läro Ständet ...... 3 ºr e º 'º - º ſº º is a g Learned Proffessions ............ 5,550 6,246 267 219 || 1,256 1,351 £ºgºrskap * * * * * * * * * s a tº a • * * * * * • Incorporated Traders............ 1,104 1,082 || 5,294 6,461 || 23,941 25,52} §§nds personer ................ Independant Classes ... .......... 20,675 22,148 || 4,258 4,669 || 6,217 7,036 Bonde Ständet .................. Agricultural Peasants .......... 898,769 || >965,503 **** *- *-*.e. i -º Aila andra ...................... All other ............. * * * * s e e s s a e 188,963 246,474 || 24,515 28.487 | 53,476 |64,665 Summa Total | 1,118,309 | 1,205.207 ||35,044 |40595 | 86,122 100,31 Stockholm other Tow??s. Total | country. ** OCCUPATION. Males | Fema.ſ. Male | Fema, Tozens! Males | Femal. *. Slassen ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Traders of all Classes .......... 1,862 | 850 # 4,578 ; 253 || 7,554 || — — #. och Fabriks Classen ...... . Iron Works, and Manufacturers 2,214 849 || 2,967 714 || 6,744 || 2 819 || 1,282 F onstmärer och Handtverkare.... 47°tists and Artificers ".......... 7,810 280 || i7,784 517 || 26,391 || 14,726 53 attiga och Fångar .............. P00r and Prisoners ............ 933 2,966 || 3,246 6,182 || 13,607 || 21,091 44,108 Summa - Total 12,820 t 4,945 || 28,565 7,676 || 30,296 || 57,636 46,443 railº AWTAL, Number of - * Stock ther --- 47% tºes or Housekeepers. The Constitu- º - . . . Country | TOTAL * ºf the Towns of Sweden, seems amala. Riket. - CONI) (TION on J_” y #. to that of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, W Formogn .......... Wealthy...... . . . . 1,34] | 1,554 8,617 11,512 * Boºgerskap corresponding with the Incor. J. Behållna............ Middling . . . . . . . . 3,841 || 9,137 141,256 154,234 *::::::: Traders ºf those Burghs. Fattiga . . . . . . . . . . . . Poor . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,448 || 19,990 212,472 237,910 Ch; * **mber of Illegitimate, or Foster Barn A, Ut Fattiga . . . . . . . . . . Very Poor. . . . . . . . 1,651 6,953 || 70,155 78,489 hº ?ncluded among the Poor are stated 4% ºb.158 of whom 7,151 Boys 4×{ Summa Total Number of Families 13,281 || 37,334 432,500 : 483,145 ==-º-º: The 88 Towns g § º arranged in s 'S SA, Alphabetical Order, # s § , $ § with Number of ‘5 & 3. As § § reference to their Place ; s $ § § 3; in the List, ‘ā § § Š § § § on the preceding Page. ź s S SQ ę Sw sº Alingsås . . . . . . 46 i. i0 | 15 282 | 67 577 Amál . . . . . . . . 45 || 8 || 4 || 249 || 77 822 Arboga . . . . . . 72 27 | 17 || 488 || 112 || 938 Arvika ...... 59 | – | – | 127 | 13 46 Askersund. ... 61 || 3 || 9 || 287 | 72 386 Borås ........ 47 | 13 | 16 || 652 80 1,292 Borgholm .... 22 | – || – 31 35 43 * QTalmar .... 19 24 57 | 920 212 |3,549 $ Carlshamn ... 12 15 23 1,440 || 109 | 1,921 ...Carlskrona... 11 154 || 79 1870 |2,332 |7.138 9Târlătău...... 56 || 31|| 56 774 225 | iº97 * Christianstad 8 64 26 | 1,102 || 336 | 1,984 Christinashamn 57 | 20 22 || 313 109 | 1,005 Cimbritshamn 10 || 6 || 6 || 576 || 79 308 Eksjö . . . . . . . . 26 || 36|| 15 420 | 103 || 648 Engelholm .... 9 25 || 7 || 243 || 64 || 50i Enköping .... 76 | 8 || 0 || 652 56 463 Eskilstuna.... 37 || 6 || 4 || 300 27 | 1,673 Fahlköping .. 54 || – | 15 131 || 45 286 Falkenberg ... 16 || – || 6 || 301 | 95 261 Falsterbo .... 6 | – | – | 129 || – 58 Falun ........ 77 20 | 32 568 || 253 |3,147 * Gefle........ 80 || 46 79 | 1,753 366 |4,783 * Grotjeborg ... 39 183 136||3,383 959 |19,140 Grenna ...... 25 17 8 229 56 242 * Halmstad ... 14 18 12 468 210 | 903 Hºdémora • . . . 79 || 3 || 27 276 || 33 536 * Helsingborg 4 || 14 | Ti 1,130 |237 999 .#ermoãant .. 83 || 4 || 63 809 119 83i Hjo............ 53 || 1 || 11 220 29 241 Hudiksvall .. 82 | – || 46 986 64 534 Jönköping .... 24 92 | 21 | 996 || 300 |2,129 Kongelf ...... 40 || 8 || 5 || 278 || – || 465 KQngsbacka ... 18 || – || 8 || 124 34 273 Köping ...... 73 | 12 25 245 93 824 Laholm ...... 15 || 2 || 30 563 || 33 226 * Landskrona 3 ||38|| 34 529 210 |2,677 Lidköping . . . . 50 | 40 | 16 520 | 124 942 Linde ........ 63 || 3 | 15 191 40 375 #1 intopuig. ... 27 | 84 83 || 705 |225 |2,318 % Luleå & e & © tº a 88 - 8 350 44 626 31 unt . ........ 2 30 |207 | 1,569 |231 |1,513 Malmköping ... 36 || 1 || – — | 1.1% 75 * Malmö... .... 1 || 36|| 49 1,271 488 |4,879 Mariaestad .. 49 21 27 262 106 || 922 Mariaefred , .. 34 || 5 || 9 || 179 27 436 * Marstrand .. 41 || 8 || 13 | 165 88 813 Ora. . . . . . . . . 62 | 1 || 10 || 259 || 101 || 257 *Norrköping 28 60 | 116 1,497 294 |7,721 Norrtelje .... 68 || – || 7 || 339 || 51 || 466 ... Nyköping .. 32 49 || 41 || 582 136 1,923 Qrebro " ....... 60 45 35 | 960 263 |2,145 Qregrund .... 70 | – || 8 || 200 59 || 415 Östhammar .. 69 || 1 || 11 || 338 16 || 132 Östersund .... 85 | 8 || 5 | 164 33 | 103 Philipstad .. 58 || – | 12 || 170 54 466 * Piteå ... ... 87 | – | 18 529 92 || 328 Sala . . . . . . . . . . 74 24 || 25 491 178 1,852 Sather * g º e g a e e 78 * 21 146 59 299 Sigtuna. . . . . . . 67 | – | 12 208 39 137 Skanór ... . . . 7 | – || 8 || 289 | 18 226 $ftātā . . . . . . 51 19 || 71 || 380 90 || 711 Skenninge .. 31 || 8 || 12 313| 78 || 458 Sköfde........ 52 24 21 170 | 67 || 312 * Söderhamn .. 81 | 10 7 661 50 | 661 Söderköping ... 29 || 32 || 36 201 || 101 || 513 Södertelje .... 65 || 3 || 7 || 236 59 639 | Sölfvitsborg ... 13 | – || 7 || 511 || 43 351 * STOCKHOLM 64 |1,899 || 486 |II,755 s,827 53,002 $trängnäß .... 35 | 6 || 71 || 453 60 541 * Stromstad .. 43 || 6 6 || 389 || 30 891 * Sundsvall .. 84 4 7 | 1,166 77 466 Thorshälla. . . . 38 || 2 | 16 | 194 | 38 || 306 Trosa, • . . . . . . . 33 l — 5 384 10. 89 #: Umeå 9 tº e º O & 86 7 T0 475 80 623 Ulricaehamn 48 4 3 884 | 66 283 *Uddeyalla . . 42 61 || 55 774 298 |2,467 :33.3i .. 75 51 313 880 363 |2,856 Wadstena . . . . 30 || 7 || 21 || 331 142 1,213 ...Warberg . . . . 17 | 15 || 8 || 467 || 120 || 884 §§§terag.... 71 || 33 64 | 685 229 |2,082 * Wästervik ... 20 |18 || 16 || 345 || 82 2.282 Waxholm .... 66 3 4 312 16 || 623 Wenersborg . . .44 15 15 435 | 165 1,346 | &#exín . . . . . . 23 36 || 65|| 675 122 624 Wimmerby.... 21 || 7 || 7 || 261 | 167 || 712 * Glºſſiigby...... 55 19 40 1,392 || 369 2,078 * Ystad . . . . . . 5. 34 23 1,392 210 1,815 TOTAL 2.847 l. 3,087' 61.217 / 22.180' 171,548 ### Koping, which forms the termination of Eight Towns in Swoden, has the same signification as Chipping or Market, ºn England. º 0 - STATEMENT exhibiting the 24 Provinces of SWEDEN. arranged in Alphabetical order, with Numbers of reference to the Position of each Province, in the Statements shewing the Geographical Position; Superficial extent; Population; Total, and mean Value of Land; Amount of Contribution; and of Agricultural Production; and also a Statement of the amount of Loans granted by the Bank of Sweden; and on Mortgage, with the Rated (Tax) Value of the Land, in each Province. PROVINCES § - || 3 || POPULATION: Alºner, § § || > || § § with Numbers §§ § S. § S of reference, &c. § & § & Sº Carlsrkoria. . . 3 19 || 18 20 3 Carlstad . . . . . 4 || 6 || 4 4 || || 8 | Christianstad | 12 5 8 , 4 Falun . . . . . . 29 || 2 || || 0 8 20 Gefe . . . . . . 21 || 2 || || || 5 || || 5 || 19 Götheborg . . 10 || || 6 || 7 || 10 2 Halmstad . . . 4 14 || 17 | 17 | 6 Hernäsand . . . 22 | 20 || 20 | 19 21 Jönköping 7 || || 2 || 9 || 9 || || 6 Kalmar 5 || 8 || 6 6 #1 Einköping 8 || 4 || 3 || 3 || 8 Malmö. . . . . . . . . ; T. 2 1 . Mariaestad ..., |12 || 3 || 5 5 5 Nyköping 9|11 || 12 | 13 7 Orebro . . . . . . 15 15 || || 1 || 11 | 12 Ostersund. . . . . 23 23 || 23 22 22 Piteå . . . . . . 25 24 || 22 || 23 24 Stockholm #7 i{} || i4 || 14 14 Umeå . . . . . . 24 22 || 21 || 2 || || 23 Upsala. . . . . . | 9 || 7 || 19 || || 8 || 9 Wenersborg | 11 || 9 || 2 || 1 || 10 Westerås . . . . 18 13 || 16 16 || 13 Wexió . . . . . . . 6 17 || || 3 | 12 17 Wisby . . . . . . . 13|18 || 24 24 15 s's § § § § $ "S.S. Loans by the Bank. Mortgages on LAND, in 1821. ( Tºu. is S § |#$ # || 3 || Amount .. - : the L&p, in S ‘s. § § is §§ § © § g Ż72 iS24. To Przygłe aſºn, TOTAL 1821. S. § SS º |Rix-Dol. Bco. Persºzzs azzd Trzz stees Rix-Dol. Bco. Rix-Doll. Banco 18 17 3 18 21 | 20 || 113 90,040 || 1,409,713 286,344 1,396,057 || 10,353,000 5 || 6 || 1 | 12 || 8 || 10 || 275 360,310 |2,781,479 |1,753,819 |4,535,298 ||22,956,000 13 || 14 || 6 || 13 || 6 || 5 || 148 || 153,730 || 1,340,803 || 852,259 |2,193,062 || 13,861,000 15 15 8 || 14 5 9 || 291 242,710 447,661 359,765 807,426 || 12,384,000 6 5 22 16 || || 7 || || 3 35 50,430 802,382 247,010 |1,049,392 || 10,117,000 14 7 || 13 15 || 12 16 — 549,525 || 1,801,083 543,367 2,344,450 || 13,722,000 20 20 23 20 13 12 — 117,908 579,334 185,182 | 764,516 8,065,000 ºf 9 19 7 19 19 || 17 23 28,890 835,681 499,032 1,334,713 || 8,961,000 16 16 21 || 7 || 11 || 2 || 98 || 123,880 || 1,841,270 601,000 |2,442,270 || 12,808,000 7 || 8 || 2 || 9 || 9 || 4 || 148 || 167,380 || 1,628,820 | 679,916 |2,308,736 || 18,501,000 1 | 9 2 3 6 || 421 || 473,910 ||3,166,508 |2, 192,090 |5,358,598 || 29,163,000 3 || 2 | 15 || 1 || 1 || 8 || 634 || 512,010 |2,587,533 1,462,258 |4,049,791 || 22,650,000 4 || 4 || 5 || 4 || 2 || 3 || – || 492,905 ||2,983,013 | 1,508,385 |4,491,398 || 24,280,000 12 || 13 | 12 || || 1 || 14 | 1.4 95 136,400 ||2,042,788 663,849 |2,706,637 || 15,551,000 11 12 16 || 8 || 16 || 1 || 234 267,300 |2,931,246 1,243,277 |4,174,523 || 16,611,000 24 24 17 22 || 23 21 20 19,960 188,820 40,115 228,935 1,799,000 23 23 20 23 22 22 22 27,500 182,254 41,113 223,367 2,465,000 2 || 3 || 4 || 6 || 10 || 15 || 118 121,240 || 3,769,194 | 1,503,925 (5,273,119 || 24,030,000 22 22 24 24 24 24 45 70,630 262,559 26,874 289,433 2,549,000 8 || 9 || 11 || 3 || 7 | 18 || 208 187,520 || 1,848,217 | 1,082,776 |2,930,993 || 16,530,000 9 || 1 | | i 4 || 10 4. 1 — 367,540 || 2,281,512 862,008 |3,143,520 || 17,260,000 10 || || 0 || 10 5 15 19 || 187 196,600 || 1,816,006 || 628,420 |2,444,426 16,075,000 17 | 18 || || 8 || || 7 | 18 7 || 139 127,850 1,208,462 693,157 1,901,619 || 10,376,000 21 2] 19 21 20 23 33 42,900 155,793 19,559 175,152 3,633,000 TOTALS wº 38,592,131 17,957,300 56,567,431 *ºrm. Tº. STATEMENT shewing the Superficies of each Province of SWEDEN, in Swedish Tunneland or Acres, the various Tenures by which the Lands and Tenements are held, and the Number of holders in each Province; The Provinces arranged in order of their extent of Superficies, see concluding Pages relating to Sweden, for further elucidation of Loans, and Mortgages, and also of the Swedish Tunneland, and Tenures, and of Hemmantalat and Hemman. - Hemmantalet H (F J L heter, ( H. J PROVINCES, º se emnan, ( H'(trºls agenneter, ( Houses Cº § º arranged in Order of supºſsie. | Söte?? Fº Skačte i Svrnma sº Copy- Copy- §§ §§ § Superficies. Tunneland fralse Hero?0 Freehold idia Summa ||Freehold hotº summa || "S s's Š 1 Malmö . . . . . . . 257,329 || 310 | 1,618 2,151 4,079 || 5,725 || 3,789 260 4,066 || 3,189 62 3,267 || – 34 227 2 Falu . . . . . ...] 172,019. § 137 1,662 3,800 || 4,664 || 1,734 55 3,804 579 4 583 || 69 33 92 3 Mariaestad . . . . . 159,164 || 376 1,472 2,938 4,786 || 4,984 || 4,195 || 418 4,629 || 1,013 14 | 1,028 || 13 50 295 4 Linköping . . . . . 129,129 || 366 1,742 3,354 5,462 || 4,656 || 5,031 || 379 5,479 || 1,787 | 129 | 1,997 || 32 119 354 5 Christianstad... 113,096 || 182 1,125 | 1,682 || 2,989 || 4,765 || 2,746 228 2,988 || 1,061 36 1,118 1 | 186 247 6 Carlstad . . . . . . 105,482 || — 436 1,306 | 1,742 || 9,740 || 1,674 99 || 1,773 67 19 86 ||108 78 263 7 Upsala . . . . . . 93,112 || 281 | 1,275 1,986 3,542 || 4,207 || 3,020 286 3,543 462 74 563 || 10 29 208 8 Kalmar . . . . . . 87,322 || 164 756 2,438 3,358 || 8,693 || 3,121 216 || 3,360 || 1,012 21 | 1,046 || 22 || 119 631 9 Wenersborg 86,127 233 1,183 2,782 4,198 || 3,746 || 3,886 275 4,189 661 9 689 8 75 | 729 10 Stockholm . . . . 79,814 || 568 | 1,686 1,790 4,044 || 5.244 || 3,728 192 4,054 468 66 614 5 | 122 273 { } Nyköping . . . . . 69,716 371 1,403 | 1,508 || 3,282 | 4,187 || 3,048 187 3,303 || 832 70 941 || 28 62 183 | 2 Jönköping . . . . . 62,788 | 438 | 1,050 2,413 3,901 || 3,065 || 3,572 312 $ 3,907 693 10 '707 || 14 85 501 | 3 w esterås 60,181 || 96 413 2,338 2,847 4,524 2,490 | 186 2,849 242 35 332 || 98 53 168 1 4 Halmstad * * * 51,565 || 78 1,430 | 1,408 2,916 || 2,698 || 2,803 88 2,916 137 10 205 || — 11 || 106 #5 Orebro . . . . . . . 47,148 || 105 708 || 1,977 2,790 || 3,710 || 2,630 || 145 || 2,788 || 1,311 20 | 1,331 | 74 55 | 139 16 Götheborg . . . . . 46,264 || 41 445 2,426 2,912 || 3,999 || 2,567 216 2,874 || 1,467 14 1,499 || – 97 || 208 17 Wexió & © & © tº 41,777 || 173 632 2,020 2,825 || 3,355 || 2,592 221 2,816 298 || – 302 || 13 82 422 }8 Wisby . . . . . . 34,904 || — ——— | 1,098 || 1,098 || 3,251 || 1,038 57 | 1,097 62. 2 70 || -- 47 255 19 Carlskrona . . . . . 27,363 || — 120 | 971 | 1,091 || 8,360 || 1,062 24 | 1,086 || 2,671 74 2,783 3 46 176 20 Hernòsand.... 29,149 ‘. . . 6 12 1,598 || 1,616 || 4,689 || 1,561 45 1,606 || 2,172 —— 2,172 || 16 26 249 21 Gefle . . . . . . . . 24,430 1 55 2,036 2,092 || 2,781 || 2,020 53 2,073 || 1,606 5 1,632 || 57 92 || 104 22 Umeå . . . . . . . . 24,254 || – 2 620 622 || 3,247 || 611 | 16 || 627 || 698 || – || 705 || 5 || 21 91 23. Östersund . . . . 14,871 1 || --— 919 920 || 1,915 || 844 75 920 || 1,171 4 1,175 2 jºsësº 37 24 Piteå . . . . . . . . 9,124 4 54 - 468. 526 || 3,701 506 12 518 533 4 1,001 || 6 4 30 TO TA L 1,860,240 || 3,795 17,754 43,889 65,438 || 4,438 || 60,628 4,045 65,265 || 24,192 || 742 25,896 || 586 1,532 6,005 , *** The Number of Properties held as annexed are not in addition, łº, c rown -- ; — | – º; I Ti i. but are included in the Totals of the respective Columns in which they Charitable Institutions. 217 || — | — 159 2 : — 2i. are placed. Public Companies - – 2 * – ---— 1 | — ; –– 4? 71 STATEMENT shewing the Population of each Periods, from 1805 to .1825; the Rate of increase Dissolution of Marriages, Births, and D Provinces arranged in order of their TOTAL POPULATION, 322 1820; with number of reference to their 6eographical Position. ; i 13 Linköping Wenersborg Calmar Mariestadt Carlstadt Göteborg Christianstadt Jönköping Nyköping Orebro . . . . . . . . . . . . Stockholm . . . . . . & e g º ºr ºs tº º 9 º' tº º & e º e º e 6 e º º B & & © tº º º º & © tº e º & © tº & º º ſº e º 'º e º e 3 tº e g o e e e a tº e º tº e & © tº e º e * * * * p q & e & e Q & e º e e 14 15 16 17 18 Wexió * * * * * g. Gefle Halmstadt • * * * * * * * * * * * © a º ºs e º 'º e 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 Carlskrona ... * * STOCKHOLM. . . . Hernåsand Umeå Piteå Wisby © tº tº a tº 8 g º e & s tº º º 4 º' g g º 0 & de ſº e º e º º ſº tº e de tº e º 'º e g g e tº º te º 'º º 'º & e º gº TOTALS | 6 | 22 24 25 23 i:3 POPULATION in each of the Years Increase Mar- Disso- &Eº t? Cent e lution " | Births | Deaths 1751. T805. 181 (). 1815, 1820. 1825. 1751-1825. ** Marriages - 105,163 149,892 145,892 165,432 || 176,637 191,333 82 1,587 | 1,159 6,340 3,976 128,911 | 162,859 | 163,359 | 163,831 172,546 180,775 40 1,435 | 1,334 5, 188 4, 177 115,853 156,271 152,371 159,664 170,070 185,252 59 1,491 | 1,005 || 6,104 3,954 96,053 || 136,296 || 138,496 || 140,820 149,901 | 159,335 | 66 1,334 907 || 4,806 3,115 97,918 138,410 || 135,510 || 142,178 148,531 | 160,533 64 1,326 1,118 5,136 3,927 173,917 | 140,100 134,800 140,977 148,260 | 161,116 55 1,371 | 1,016 || 5,276 3,647 76,537 119,514 | 116,614 | 125,622 134,919 147,426 93 1,044 797 5,112 || 3,902 90,335 | 120,547 | 120,497 126,119 || 134,683 || 143,511 || 59 1,180 785 4,521 2,748 97,428 124,806 || 118,606 || 119,648 122,840 | 128,225 32 1,052 735 3,635 2,305 106,317 | 117,381 | 116,181 117,562 121,554 129, 116 21 1,027 705 || 3,878 2,761 79,817 | 98,761 | 98,661 99,590 | 101,291 106,789 | 84 793 853 2,885 2,460 wit, careea | 100,428 95,228 96,784 || 100,459 108,800 — 878 653 3,697 2,330 91,399 99,377 | 96,677 | 97,345 | 97,704 || 100,259 || 10 750 | 1,061 2,525 3,736 67,283 89,631 | 89,931 || 91,880 96,019 || 101,901 || 50 728 566 || 3,412 1,925 111,890 85,384 83,584 || 88, 123 91,761 96,040 | 84 778 593 2,609 | 1,733 71,952 84,808 || 82,208 83,814 85,635 | 87,666 22 663 771 2,655 2,378 63,895 | 84,141 80,541 i 80,099 | 80,216 80,926 27 576 748 2, 196 2,381 58,234 73,594 73,694 || 77,266 80,093 85,956 || 47 674 508 || 2,570 2,000 35,694 | 67,200 69,200 | 72,967 78,951 85,065 139 662 445 2,927 1,640 55,700 | 72,652 65,452 | 72,989 || 75,569 || 77,253 || 38 509 760 2,211 3,734 with gen, 59,684 60,584 66,342 | 67,087 71,341 — 626 408 2,170 1,344 36 2008 34,861 33,761 33,487 40,364 || 45,110 — 321 171 1,580 764 2 33,320 32,420 34,132 37,142 40,842 133 286 169 1,398 900 with Gail, 31,235 | 33,135 | 35,015 36,894 || 38,940 — 322 146 | 1,040 504 24,562 32,988 || 32,588 33,380 35,564 38,072 55 309 172 970 589 1,785,727 2,414,140 2,369,990 || 2,465,066 2.584,690 2,751,582 54 21,722 17,585 84,841 | 62,930 of the 25 Provinces of SweDEN, in 1751; and at each of the five quintennial dy Cent. in 1825, on the Number in 1751; and also the Number of Marriages, eaths, in each Province, in 1820. *. sº -** STATEMENT shewing the Mortality of SWEDEN, in 1820; in each of 23 Gradations of Ages, contrasted with the Number of Burials within the Bills of Mortality, in LoNDoN, in 1740 and 1816: and also a Statement of the proportion of the Population of Sweden, in 1820, in each of the same 23 Gradations of Ages, with the Ratio in each grade of age, in every 10,000 of the Total Num- ber; the Ratios contrasted with a corresponding exhibition of the Ratio, in every 10,000 of the Total Popul. of ENGLAND, in 1821. - Mortality of SWEDEN, Burials within TOTAL POPULATION Ratio of each Gradation of Age, in every Gradations in 1820, in each of the Bills of Mor- OF SWEDEN, in 1820, 10,000 of the TOTAL Pop U L.A TI O N. of 23 Gradations of Ages. | tality, in the Yrs. in each of 23 Gradations of Ages. Swed EN. ENGLAND. Ages. Males | Females. Total 1740. 1816. Males Females Total Males Femal : Total males Females | Total .-- & -- tºº sº | — Under I 7,649 6,218 13,867. 10,765 5,400 $ 37,039 || 36,032 || 33,181 || * | * | -- to 8 3,033 2,730 5,763 "..., | . , 67,287| 67,287|134,574 || 342 500 1,307||1,538 1,444 1,472 3 5 || || i.iº, º, . * *0\ ſº gº |iº || 333 ſº - 5 / 10 | 1,163 1,144 2,307 | 1,235 | 845 || 130,351 131,518 261,869 || 1,052 978 | 1,010 1,343 1,268 1,300 #2 " . . .39|| 18 1,217 917 ans; 113,187 113,626 |230,313||| 929 º ºf 1,169 | 1,039 || 1,119 . . . . . . . ; 115,465 116,868 232,333 || 930 869 | 899 988 995 | 1,000 20 m 25 910 | 845 1,755 - , , § 110,730 || 114,758 225,488 || 893 || 853 & ; : . . ; , ;" #} 2,205 1,464}}. 111,270 216,578 || 850 ...}1,711 1,470 | 1,684 1,583 0 / 35 | 937 | 1,011 | 1,948 88,115 | 97,691 | 185,806 || 719 | 726 - - . iſ 40 | 1,151 1,037 *::: 2,783 1912; 77,979 || 87,492 | 165,471 || 629 ;{1,862 1,155 1,210 1,116 iſ 45 1,319. 1,135 2,454 , so $ 73,443 || 83,021 | 156,464 || 592 || 617 o ºs ce. ; , ; };|}º :::::: 2,866 2,123; 57,873 | 66,806 | 124,679 || 467 #}1,087 941 932, 6 931 0 iſ 55 1,470 1,394 2,864 53,463 63,969 117,432 || 431 475 •= a go . ; , ; };}}. ;} 2,585 1,955 } 46,413 57,715 104,128 || 374 ;} 855 | 665 [653. 3 | 668 60 m 65 1,807 2,040 3,847 - 37,409 || 48,001 || 85,410 || 302 || 357 b = oc, a 4-, - . . . ; ; º: 1,977. 1,720; º, jog gºgº, jo 334 * : *7 4* ago iſ 75 1,738 2,203 || 3,941 - 17,469 24,436 || 41,905 || 141 182 o a loos - . . . [tº]}º §§ 1,716 1,908; §3. i. 36.3 | dº of $ 24° 222 |* *|226, 7 iſ 85 714 | 1,132 1,846 & 3,157 5,151 8,308 || 25 38 - - 85 m 90 300 521 ...} 788 791; 31|| 1.6%| 3 Gio || 7 || 13 ; 41 || 36|64, 85 || 62.4 90 m 95 80 | 156 || 236 167 362 529 || 1 || 3 || 2 | * 95 ſſ 100 10 26 : * 100 168; 22 58 - 80 | * - sº .4 l .3 ; 4. 15 5. 75 l 5. 5 - 100& all above 1 | 3 4 | 5 2 2 4 6 || – || – | 2 12 22 3 TOTALS 31,572 31,35s 62,930 30.5m 20,317 | 1,259,475 1,345,215 2,581,000 lio,000 lio,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 || 10,000 10,000 72 STATEMENTshewing the Rural Population, under each of six degrees of Rank, in each of the Twenty four Provinces of SWEDEN, in 1820, and also, the number of Iron Masters and Manufacturers, and of Artificers, in each Province; and also under three different grades of Ages: and distinguishing the proportion of Males under each respective head, from the proportion of Females. *** The Province of Falun, the Richest Mining District of Sweden, exhibits the greatest disparities; the resident Wealthy Inhabitants being very inconsiderable, and the Male Population above 60 Years of age, less in pro- portion than in any other Province: The excess of Females over Males, above 60 Years of age, over all Sweden, deserves attention : Göteborg, exhibits the greatest exception. & See page 69 for Translation of the heads of Columns. Provinces arranged in order of their Total Population in the Country with number of reference to Total Population. 1 Wenersborg . . . . . . . . 3 2 Malmö. . . . . . . . . . . . l 3 Linköping . . . . . . . . 2 4 Carlstad . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Mariaestad . . . . . . . . 5 6 Kalmar . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Christianstad . . . . . . 8 8 Falun . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 Jönköping . . . . . . . . 10 10 Göteborg . . . . . . . . . . 7 11 Grebro . . . . . . . . . . . . | 2 12 Wexió . . . . . . . . . . . . | 4. 13 Nyköping . . . . . . . . I 14 Stockholm . . . . . . . . 13 15 Gefle . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Westerås . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 Halmstad . . . . . . . . 18 18 Upsala. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 19 Hernåsand . . . . . . . . 21 20 Carlskrona . . . . . . . . 19 21 Umeå . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22 Ostersund. . . . . . . . . . 24 23 Piteå . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 Wisby . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Total Country do. Towns Total MALE Population 1 Wenersborg . . . . . . . . 3 2 Malmö. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 3 Linköping . . . . . . . . 2 4 Carlstad . . . . . . . . 6 5 Mariaestad . . . . . . . . 5 6 Kalmar . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Christianstad . . . . . . 8 8 Falun . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 Jönköping . . . . . . . 10 10 Göteborg . . . . . . . . . . 7 11 Ürebro . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 Wexió . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 13 Nyköping . . . . . . . . 11 14 Stockholm . . . . . . . . 13 15 Gefle . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Westerås . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 Halmstad . . . . . . . . 18 18 Upsala. . . . . . . . . . . 17 19 Hernâsand . . . . . . . . 21 20 Carlskrona . . . . . . . . 19 21 Umeå . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22 Ostersund. . . . . . . . . . 24 22 Piteå . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 Wisby . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Total Country do. Towns Total FEMALE Population do. of both Seaces . Folkmångden på Landet efter Aldern Folkmångden på Zaandet efter Ständ. Bruſcs . º 0ch. Płażed t- Emel/azz Jºãro Bor- | Stånds Bonde Alla Fabriſcs ve?"/cs Uzzde?" 15 Oct., Ofver | Summa | Adel |Ståmdet gare &: Ständef Andra Classe?? | Classen 15 &r. 60 &r. 60 &r. Marek 215 325 I 9 855 | 68,088 || 9,187 711 361 || 26,810 || 45,582 6,297 78,689 139 || 4:32 95 |2,164 | 66,321 8,320 606 | 1,660 || 27,263 || 44,219 5,989 77,471 314 442 54 1,676 57,215 15,059 || 1,489 1,344 || 25,479 || 43,615 5,666 74,760 I 52 | 189 I 1 1,495 58,032 9,757 || 1,981 258 || 24,225 40,423 4,988 69,636 378 418 41 1,345 56,414 || 10,516 779 371 || 23,297 | 40,324 5,491 69,112 198 || 328 192 | 1,146 || 53,201 || 13,082 953 1,353 || 24,273 || 38,367 5,507 68,147 108 || 244 105 || 1,387 54, j63 || 7,058 423 1,489 || 21,579 35,968 5,518 63,065 39 206 19 866 45,800 8,229 ||2,485 236 || 18,271 || 32,429 |4,459 |* 55,159 278 301 28 807 || 47,050 7,078 702 535 || 19,034 31,274 5,234 55, 542 108 || 169 67 657 || 43,557 | 6,775 308 229 || 17,382 30,484 || 3,467 + 51,333 146 | 162 15 721 35,670 | 8,785 || 1,631 757 || 15,948 26,161 3,390 45,499 382 239 12 605 || 38,320 5,784 647 516 || 16,233 24,835 4,074 45, 142 209 || 290 14 1,159 || 34,179 8,928 || 1,060 507 || 15,024 26,181 3,574 44,779 hº 324 || 311 . 33 1,461 || 33,022 || 9,234 888 888 || 14,016 || 27,237 3, 132 44,385 35 | 150 15 535 23,559 || 14,489 ||2,411 718 || 12,381 22,961 || 3,441 || 38,783 104 || 258 17 757 26,334 8,665 || 1,034 613 || 12,281 21,087 2,767 36,135 40 | 1.41 128 488 32,391 || 2,798 145 432 || 11,452 21,201 3,333 35,986 144 || 265 7 | 802 || 24,607 || 9,278 || 1,461 || 782 || 11,571 20,932 2,600 || 35, 103 11 | 186 22 326 25,694 3,648 746 287 9,819 17,551 2,517 29,887 | 23 70 141 274 22,752 7,409 || 330 | 858 || 11,255 17,147 2,267 30,669 | 24 92 7 292 14,547 || 4,079 || 360 73 7,186 10,603 | 1,252 19,041 14 | 119 9 349 14,376 2,882 277 59 5,711 || 10,251 | 1,787 17,749 36 67 5 167 | 12,442 || 4,313 220 93 5,849 || 9,920 1,261 17,030 27 | 1.46 || 48 || 341 11,035 | 3,610 || 172 307 || 4,964 9,042 | 1,201 || 15,207 3,248 5,550 | 1,104 || 20,675 | 898,769 | 188,963 || 21,819 || 14,726 || 381,303 || 647,794 | 89,212 | 1,118,309 1,448 1,517 |29,235 | 10,475 78,491 || 5,181 25,594 33,474 80,995 || 6,697 121,166 4,696 || 7,067 |30,339 || 31,150 | 898,769 267,454 || 27,000 | 40,320 || 414,777 | 728,789 || 95,909 | 1,239,475 J Summa T. - - Qvänk i 232 343 25 916 || 72,365 | 10,121 47 6 || 26,975 49,217 | 7,810 84,002 - 132 || 488 97 |2, 166 | 67,966 7,963 29 4 || 27,371 44,903 6,538 78,812 351 || 489 44 1,796 || 61,960 | 16,577 63 4 || 25,552 || 48,044 7,621 81,217 180 222 15 1,496 || 61,237 10,534 '72 5 || 24,099 || 42,907 || 6,678 73,684 446 495 || 37 1,538 59,647 11,432 134 14 || 22,959 43,474 7,162 | 73,595 235 | 376 202 | 1,298 || 56,203 14,672 || 162 1 || 23,924 || 42,112 6,950 | 72,986 132 266 106 | 1,387 57,652 6,748 17 1 || 21,260 || 38,774 6,257 66,291 37 237 27 938 || 51,824 || 9,198 171 — || 18,060 37,046 || 7, 155 | * 62,261 357 || 359 18 900 || 51,549 7,517 2 – || 19,232 || 34,538 6,930 60,700 149 || 200 69 || 750 44,472 7,325 90 | – || 17,605 || 31,565 3,795 # 52,965 156 192 15 699 || 38,709 || 9,732 265 — || 16,230 28,625 || 4,648 49,503 186 245 17 | 657 42,328 5,922 3. — || 16,281 27,996 || 5,078 49,355 247 | 270 | 13 |1,248 || 37,409 || 9,566 78 3 || 15,304 28,645 4,804 || 48,753 365 || 355 32 1,669 || 35,739 10,818 73 || – || 14,133 30,498 || 4,347 48,978 - 37 209 6 559 25,547 | 16,574 3 4 || 12,237 25,701 || 4,994 || 42,932 121 || 281 12 846 29,716 || 10,080 1 || – || 12,308 24,453 4,295 41,056 | 68 ió6 142 520 35,412 2,738 20 3 || 11,745 23, 189 4, 112 39,046 i.77 298 6. 893 26,800 | 11,287 H — || 11,560 24,048 3,853 39,461 12 | 194 20 325 28,917 || 4,186 2 — || 10,167 20,027 | 3,460 33,654 47 93 97 300 24,403 || 7,349 6 — || 11,169 18,423 2,697 32,289 3 114 15 338 15,236 || 4,402 *Gººgº *ge 7,016 || 11,451 | 1,661 20,128 19 116 4 322 | 15,453 2,918 35 -** 5,459 || 10,884 2,489 18,832 23 79 6 207 || 13,146 i 4,656 4 8 || 5,897 || 10,677 1,543 18,117 22 || 159 57 380 || 11,813 4, 159 4 *ssºrs 4,851 9,929 1,810 16,590 3,754 6,246 || 1,082 22,148 965,503 206,474 || 1,282 53 || 381,394 | 707.126 116,687 | 1,205,207 1,699 1,570 31,982 | 11,705 93,052 || 1,563 797 34,063 92,464 || 13,481 140,008 5,453 || 7,816 || 33,064 33,853 965,503 || 299,526 || 2,845 850 || 415,457 || 799,590 | 130,168 J,345,215 10,149 II.4,883 63,403 || 65,003 | 1,864,272 566,980 || 29,845 41,170 || 830,234 1,528,379 226,077 2,584,690 J , ºgºs sºº ; i 73 STATEMENT shewing the Agricultural Population ; and the Number of Laplanders, Poor, and Prisoners, distinguishing Males from Females, in each of the 24 Provinces of SWEDEN, in 1820: the division of Females also exhibits the Total Number of Families in each Province, under four heads, according to their circumstances or condition; The Provinces arranged in order of their Total of Agricultural Population, with Number of reference in the division of Males to their extent of Superficies; and in the Female division to their extent of Agricultural Produce. *** Circumstantial as is the analysis of the Population in Pag 351,064 Servant Maids & Girls which belong eaccess of Males over Females. º es 68–69, it here shews itself imperfect; inasmuch, as after all, it does not shew the to the Agricultural Class and the Statement below, is, for the like reason imperfect, and accounts for the otherwise seeming proportion of the K ..º, sº s § # $2 & S. §§§ {j s: § 35 s § §§ š. LA PHA { Agricultural Popula- s § §§§ 3 s § ## gº § $3 § 3 ; ; ; § Sºº JL NDERs, tºgº. º # s à sº : .# § § : se #ss == S. g- § ſ § Sºs Poor, and Prisoners. to Superficies. š § Š Ş." ~3 § §S- Cº. Cº. ‘ss Males | Females) Total ſ 1 Wenersborg 9 || 12,009 || 4,277 449 5,536 1,607 | 1,167 — 2,631 16,613 5,151 49,440 || 1,597 3,077 4,674 2 Malmö .... I 5,984 || 4,445 478 5,394 || 4,348 1,242 537 2,711 15,591 6,109 || 46,839 || 1,053 2,056 3,109 3 Carlstad .. 6 11,391 || 2,007 || 286 3,957 881 | 1,399 — 2,055 14,945 4,115 41,036 || 2,766 || 4,009 || 6,775 4 Linköping. . 4 5,950 3,803 246 7,411 | 1,892 1,152 117 | 2,348 15,427 || 4,510 || 42,856 || 1,313 3,325 4,638 5 Mariaestad 3 || 8,665 4,249 387 6,421 1,431 847 13 1,807 || 13,872 5,132 || 42,824 972 2,664 3,636 | 6 Kalmar . . . . 8 10,072 2,379 191 || 4,495 1,637 1,112 192 2,653 11,518 4, 194 || 38,443 || 848 1,992 || 2,840 7 Christianstad 5 6,011 || 3,140 || 304 || 5,678 2,503 | 841 314 2,876 | 12,438 4,759 || 38,864 || 945 1,803 || 2,748 8 Jönköping 12 8,464 3,733 265 4,042 1,270 724 — 1,987 || 9,055 3,239 32,779 956 2,234 3,190 9 Falun . . . 2 14,103 590 34 306 542 498 — 1,964 11,904 3,784 || 33,675 730 | 1,921 2,651 10 Götheborg 16 7,966 | 1,015 398 || 3,609 | 1,055 857 1,921 | 1,572 10,570 3,656 || 32,619 || 1,048 2,077 3,125 11 Wexió. . . . 17 7,829 1,762 239 3,035 979 8:31 - 2,294 6,320 2,060 25,349 790 1,545 2,335 & 12 Orebro. . . . 15 || 4,745 2,259 | 129 || 4,122 | 1,089 901 -— 1,411 8,623 2,567 25,846 702 | 1,842 2,544 § 13 Nyköping 11 || 2,322 3,298 || 135 | 4,260 756 603 || 52 | 1,43: 9,866 2,089 24,814 743 | 1,695 2,438 s < 14 Halmstad 14 3,842 4,570 262 2,144 882 357 50 | 2,032 6,980 || 2,551 23,670 728 1,624 2,352 s | 15 Stockholm 10 || 3,818 2,186 102 || 2,970 750 705 || 349 1,360 9,754 2,641 24,635 668 1,858 2,526 - 16 Gefle . . . . 21 5,091 548 49 1,926 1,407 257 54 1,718 8,480 2,203 21,733 298 896 i ,194 17 Westerås. . 13 || 4,284 1,579 35 | 1,911 972 776 — 1,623 6,487 2,366 20,033 521 | 1,740 2,261 18 Hernäsand 20 5,740 359 151 3, 142 152 283 118 1,219 6,263 2,494 | 19,921 264 693 95.7 19 Upsala 7 2,802 || 2,418 61 1,968 598 513 20 | 1, 109 || 7,198 || 2,107 | 18,794 754 2,157 2,911 20 Carlskrona 19 3,513 297 || 2 || 1 || 2,286 761 675 419 1,251 5,224 2,318 16,955 395 | 1,007 | 1,402 21 Umeå. . . . . 22 3,671 232 99 369 171 I 83 21 726 3,761 | 1,673 || 10,906 || 1,149 | 1,382 2,531 22 Östersund 23 3,225 221 55 1,315 90 260 --- 883 || 3,906 1,529 11,484 188 336 524 23 Piteå . . 24 2,818 232 63 I 80 422 363 5 914 3,089 | 1,485 9,571 || 1,61 i | 1,866 || 3,477 24 Wisby. ... 18 3,404 28 13 160 375 284 tº- 857 || 2,820 i ,068 9,909 52 3{}9 361 \- TOTA L 147,719 49,627 4,642 || 76,637 26,570 16,830 : 4,182 4) ,434 220,704 || 73,750 662,095 21,091 || 44,108 65,199 PROVINCES, CHILDREN | Aggregate of . i Hushållens Antal i Riket. ... arranged in order of - § -- - Agricultural Population, cº- || Number of Families according to condition. Agricultural Popula- #. § Illegitimate ſ of Married Women || clusive of Servant Maids & Girls. Weal --- Ver , ºf O7??6% E || Males Female Males Females || Males Females | TOTAL || thy Middling! Poor É. TOTAL gricultural Produce. -> ~ - *- - *- - sº 1 Wenersborg 4| 24,333 777 || 492 537 17,098 || 17,879 | 66,533 42,989 109,522 || 699 || 10,570 13,800 5,328 30,397 2 Malmö. . . . 1 22,514 || 349 || 171 202 17,673 17,618 || 64,512 40,471 || 104,993 || 763 8,788 14,690 4,011 28,252 3 Linköping 3| 21,758 320 || 191 186 14,851 14,765 || 57,707 || 36,843 94,550 || 478 7,247 15,233 6,406 29,364 4 Carlstad .. 8 20,521 658 || 367 359 16,144 17,616 || 57,180 38,795 95,975 || 337 8,120 | 11,340 4,247 24,044 5 Mariaestad 2| 21,587 853 || 300 286 14,123 13,971 || 56,947 || 36,411 | 93,358 708 || 9,259 || 13,713 5,126 28,806 6 Kalmar 9| 20,970 303 421 15,388 15,991 || 53,831 || 37,264 91,095 || 492 || 9,853 12,710 || 3,819 || 26,874 º; i 7 Christianstad 6 18,727 399 || 232 238 13,758 || 13,536 || 52,622 32,662 : 85,284 610 || 7,761 | 12,025 3,069 23,465 S | 8 Falun 5 17,336 |1802 || 541 558 11,352 10,912 || 45,027 30,050 75,077 76 7,264 11,992 || 3,347 22,679 § 9 Jönköping 11 | 18,085 451 || 184 252 12,090 12,581 || 44,869 || 31,117 | 75,986 || 713 7,718 10,976 4,533 23,940 SS 10 Götheborg 12| 15, 133 389 || 216 265 11,213 11,815 || 43,832 27,337 || 71,169 || 360 6,174 || 9,027 | 3,341 18,902 S 11 Orebro .... 16 || 13,519 || 378 || 278 284 10,096 || 10,219 || 35,942 24,116 60,058 || 308 || 5,948 || 8,459 3,028 17,743 § 12 Wexió . . . . 18 15,051 || 396 || 340 316 11,390 11,049 || 36,739 26,496 || 63,235 || 426 5,505 || 9,099 || 3,279 18,309 's 4 13 Nyköping 14| 12,825 202 92 114 9,496 9,629 || 34,310 |22,656 56,966 || 293 3,215 9,921 3,159 16,588 § 14 Stockholm 10 || 11,746 272 || 108 162 7,293 7,456 || 31,928 19,474 51,402 || 387 5,598 || 8,531 2,787 17,303 tº 15 Gefle . . . . 17 | 10,596 || 336 95 || 136 6,501 || 6,644 || 28,234 17,576 45,810 || 255 6,050 6,952 1,432 14,689. s H6 Westerås ... 15 10,416 237 92 || 139 , 6,739 6,932 || 26,772 17,585 44,357 || 157 3,834 7,843 3,012 || 14,846 s: 17 Halmstad 13 12,123 319 || 149 184 8,180 9,602 || 31,850 22,044 53,894 || 211 4,010 | 6,815 2,272 13,308 s 18 Upsala.... 7 || 9,177 225 91 || 103 5,796 6,041 || 24,590 15,443 40,033 || 195 3,371 8,171 2,516 14,253 § 19 Herndsand 19 || 10,363 || 487 || 165 187 6,208 6,211 26,129 17,061 43,190 335 | 5,933 5,216 859 12,140 20 Carlsrkona 21 || 7,996 || 233 || 112 || 115 6,080 6,147 || 23,035 14,376 || 37,411 || 442 4,017 5,889 1,438 11,786 21 Umeå . . . . 24 5,106 || 133 81 110 4,552 4,251 || 15,458 9,490 24,948 63 3,276 2,482 6|| 8 6,439 22 Ostersund. . 23, 5,827 187 49 31 3,267 3,052 || 14,751 9,066 23,817 98 || 2,812 2,903 819 6,632 23 Piteå . . 22 4,446 92 T 1 5 3,713 3,961 || 13,284 | 8,499 21,783 || 146 2,613 2,243 981 5,983 * Wisby.... 20 4,887 37 28 24 2,824 2,986 || 11,833 7,910 | 19,743 || 65 2,320 2,642 761 5,788 \ TOTAL 335,042 lºss; 4,682 5,214 235,820 240,864 || 897,915 | 585,741 1,483,656 |; |º: 212,472 70,155 432,530 - . Number of Families in Towns. 2,895 | 12,978 26,438 8,304 50%is '74 .* STATEMENT shewing the Quantity of each kind of GRAIN, annually required for Seed, and the produce thereof; and also the Number of Horses, Horned Cattle, Sheep, Swine, and Goats, in each of the 24 Provinces of SWEDEN. w *...* The limited return of Produce, especially of Oats deserves attention, and seems to imply, notwithstanding the Latitude of Sweden, that its Agriculture is susceptible of great improve- ment; it is probable that too great a predilection for Mining and Manufactures, diverts both Capital and energy from the more sober and legitimate, pursuit of Agriculture, a subjeet well deserving the consideration of the present enlightened Sovereign of Sweden, more particularly so, as Agricultural Productions form no inconsiderable Item, in its list of imports. -*-** Wheat Sheep Quantity (in Swedish Barrels) of Grain and Potatoes, | Horses, Hormed Cattle, &c., PROVINCES, annnally required for Seed. in the Towns. arranged in Order - - - -g of º: Produce Hvete Råg Korn Hafra |Blandsåd! Arter Spannemál | Potatis || Horses Hormed Cattle Sheep Pigs Goats of GRAIN. Wheat Rye Barley Oats Mia!ed Pease Summa Potatoes ||Håstar Oxar Kor unshots, Fär Svin Getty *-* - sºme ---> | i Malmö 3,304 26,833 58,447 24,592 || 10,158 22, 192 145,576 30,872 || 1,212 193 1,511 160 | 790. 1,273 27 2 Mariestad . . 2,066 24,668 16,210 | 63,993 || 24,904 6,988 || 138,829 16,127 || 320 196 || 797 136 371 603 || – 3 Linköping .. 4,118 27,711 | 19,591 4,794 21,790 5,207 || 83,211 14,424 || 395 || 315 785 47 || 333 712 || – 4 Wenersborg 959 || 10,361 10,031 || 67,027 22,571 3,217 | 114,166 || 42,251 || 209 || 24 614 | 82 120 || 316 || – 5 Falun . . . . . . 30 | 19,146 14,005 20,166 20,150 2,000 | 66,497 8,100 || 205 || 17 | 958 96 262 330 220 6 Christianstad 1, 184 || 25,879 29,308 9,730 || 3,505 5,248 74,854 25,963 || 319 || 50 526 127 307 || 334 — 7 Upsala 3,459 23,645 21,730 2,921 3,981 | 1,994 || 57,730 | 13,093 || 321 | | 492 6 293 | 667 || – 8 Carlstad .... 316 10,039 || 2,915 | 72,053 3, 129 877 99,329 18,239 || 191 || 32 719 32 51 | 188 || – 9 Kalmar 1, 174 || 33,567 30,457 3,051 212 802 69,263 24,733 || 238 126 498 || 43 296 || 331 13 16 Stockholm . . 3,073 24,621 13,867 || 3,505 || 2,608 2,496 || 50,170 | 18,026 || 1, 149 || 42 1,925 | 16 | 1,699 || 388 2 11 Jönköping . . . 286 15,677 | 8,335 | 39,937 11,985 690 76,910 | 19,159 || 88 || 82 297 | – || 88 | 161 || – 12 Götheborg ... 1,004 || 4,107 || 14,542 24,418 6,990 || 5,227 56,294 14,498 || 258 71 || 763 | 84 59 54 | 20 13 Halmstad . 614 || 10,539 21,160 | 16,594 | 13,227 363 62,497 | 16,676 || 295 95 710 | 80 | 78 143 || – 14 Nyköping ... 3,077 | 19,519 6,211 2,232 2,391 | 1,745 35,675 | 14,212 || 284 83 673 26 591 637 2 15 Westerås 1,010 20,383 10,113 3,289 5,781 896 41,472 7,773 444 95 | 1,157 | 1.48 938 1,232 || -- 36 Örebro. . . . . . 552 18, 131 3, 174 14,440 5,384 1,541 ;| 14,876 242 99 || 727 | f 42" | 121 347 — #7 (#efie . . . . . . 18 4,606 | 12,474 || 4,130 4,013 | 1,527 26,768 10,202 || 198 22 982 | 130 229 337 || 379 $8 W exió 217 | 11,728 18,677 3,708 6,972 | 407 || 41,709 || 5,545 || 45 12 ino | 20 10 | 73 || 19 Hiernésand § 2,225 17,165 | 1,446 2,406 785 24,027 | 6,715 || 92 8 || 586 50 | 400 || 95 223 20 Wisby g 793 || 11,540 || 7,342 405 720 159 20,959 2,825 || 202 || 70 454 8 266 238 --. 21 Carlskrona .. 520 7,219 8,835 | 1,943 729 993 29.2% 18,529 || 2: 16 | 737 47 - 30 || - 22 Piteå . . . . . . - 276 15,634 — 32 — i5,942 1,065 || 43 || 6 || 336 || 53 185 38 95 23 Östersund ... -- 676 5,443 | 1,377 | 1,336 342 9,174 3. *T* | * ! -- I --- l -ºxº~ | *-* * *s-s-s 24 Umeå . . . . . . 32 929 || 9,165 408 1,570 — 12,104 2,864 || 60 || 5 | 150 20 30 50 100 TOTAL 27,806 || 345,075 374,837 386,159 177,044 65,696 || 1,376,616 || 349,519 |6,272 | 1,660 | 15,067 | 1,553 |6,281 i 8,582 | 1,081 Proportion Towns 405 || 5,625 | 5,832 || 4,324 2,065 683 18,934 11,583 In the CO UNTRY. %, € º & Y or - Håstar Kreatur u - 2– Annual average Produce ºf GRA IN and Potatoes. Horses H.jº. sº §. º; 1 Malmö . . . . 28,514 171,393 || 305,924 91,370 || 51,423 113,932 Zººlºº 39,10474,685 69,999||13,627 36 2 Mariestad ... 10,935 | 108,198 || 62,327 | 175,034 81,231 26,792 |464,517 | 91,686 || 27,883 || 95.145 || 63.3go 36,013 277 3 Linköpings...|23,797 || 154,371 116,526 26,479 || 110,688 23,515 455,376 117,028 22, 197 79,242 50,734 43,880 1,746 4 Wenersborg | 4,184 || 51,733| 32,197 195,566 70,112 || 10,571 || 364,863 276,707 || 19,375 | iſozss 93.336||37.364 | 1.3% à Falun . . . . . ; 180 60,876 | 84,030 100,800 100,780 10,000 || 356,666 | 40,500 || 15,000 || 69,000 70,000 8,000 50,000 6 Christianstad 7,729 112,873 134,241 34,836 14,354 29,726 333,759 241,303 || 37,590 81,932 | 68,570 || 41,776 3,610 7 psala . . . . . 24,176 |113,726 || 132,333 18,232 24,335 | 10,895 || 319,697 85,430 || 17,173 49,997 || 58,181 25,655 343 * Qarlstad . . . . 1,649 91,820 9,894 || 232,647 10,182 3,145 || 318,828 118,506 || 12,232 67.857 69,793 16,700 3,550 9 Kalmar . . . . . .5,529 | 153,558 108,729 13,406 923 3,602 || 285,747 152,113 || 16,395 91,545 | 73,237 25,479 'go; 19 Stockholm ... 17,699 || 134,348 89,247 18,807 15,211 | 12,254 278,567 | 101,844 || 21,748 53,551 67,313|22.317 31, tº Jönköping ... 1,999 || 71,933 23,636 124,195 || 14,252 2,686 240,791 || 111,929 || 12,582 98,795 76,634 20,329 8,050 12 Götheborg ... 3,934 || 23.9% 59,336 90,616 26,552 22,214 || 230,866 108,963 || 17,381 || 51,302 || 63.396 || 15.066 "dºg 13 Halmstad . . 2,782 37,060 76,922 56,582 42,444 7,630 || 222,470 | 124,357 || 12,929 61,932 60.373 || 13,013 || 367 14 Nyköping .. 23,125 | 112,248 || 33,916 9,728 15,472 8,597 203,086 | 73,638 || 11,105 53,669 || 47,677 35.4% 469 15 Westerås 4,434 º! 49,979 | 12,500 29,111 || 3,447 | 198,632 38,690 || 10,936 47,337 30,293 || 17,569 3,281 16 Orebro...... 2,721 | 88,735 | 13,329 || 45,451 24,257 6,792 | 183,505 || 76,309|| 9,572 | 66,443 || 44,074 13,264 4,634 17 Gefle....... 7| || 33,828 63,931 17,991 || 17,814 5,680 | 137,815 52,027 || 11,230 56,099 || 50,672 || 3,437 30.36% 18 Wexió 673 || $4,703 | 66,484 || 11,586 21,046 1,487 || 135,981 27,615 || 7,366 78,629 || 57.338||11.940 gº 19 Hernâsand. 8 14,273 | 73,437 5,157 11,266 4,424 || 108,555 52,164 || 10,175 50.829 48,516 4.933 16137 : ... . ; - ; : 1,662 2,448 608 || 75,917 | 17,535 || 10,962 23,066 35,556 5,656 736 32 p. £O}} 3, . . *º § § 5,946 *::: 3,254 69,359 18.8% || 9,829 |46,477 22,322 32,637 1,234 23 hºrsund ..] – | 6′oºl 32,655 9.gº 9.35 − | 66,911 10,743 || 4,369 |28,390 42,613 | 1,688 1,296 * tº R. i. • 2 :-, 3. ,352 2,056 59,792 | 16,506 || 8,304 || 34,316 32,953 8,282 31,508 24 Umeå ... ... 120 7,964 35,555 1,232 6,282 — 51,153 21,124 || 4,295 21,046 24.085 2,912 1950 TOTAL 167,375 | 1,724,840 1,717,710 | 1,299,465 702,122 313,037 5,924,819 2,370,47 1.493 dº Zºº fº a ch sº Proportion Towns 2,617 33,770 33.853 16,430 ; 2,812 O :::::: • º: 370,783 º: ſº 166,269 Ratio of Produce 6 5 1. l. - 389,608 do. Young Cattle to Unity. * - 4; 3% 4 5 4. 6 | - S---' |\-ºn-y-/ - ' ' -- | <-- |S 2-ºs- /* || \*N* } \*. t - - Rye Barley Oats | Mia!ed Pease |Tºº -ºº: ‘7. Hd. an. Swine Goafs 75 1820; shewing the various Diseases under which the Mortality ensue STATEMENT shewing the MoRTALITY, in each of the 24 Provinces of S WEDEN, and in the City of Stockholm, in the Year d, and distinguishing the Number of Males from the Number of Fe- males; the Provinces arranged in Order of their Total Population. & The Column of Totals includes 30 Males and 7 Females Mur- dered: 117 Male and 21 Female Suicides; and 14 Males and 3 Females Executed. *...* On comparing this Stateme) Sweden, is considerable, but there is no correspon tº e & #yori hºuses makes the Number about 12,000, of whom, about 900 are reported as Illegitimate, and & 8 º' -- as cell, as the Murders, Suicides, and Executions, specified above, are all indications unfavorable, to the moral Character of Sweden : The legitimate STATIsTics, is, to enable the relations and conditions of Society to be correctly understood, whereby its social and moral improvement may be progres- Unfortunately the olject and end of STATISTICS, as yet, do not appear to be understood in Sweden, notwithstanding their long continued popularity, of Drunkenness, object, and end of gively advanced. at with the London Bills of Mortality, one feature which it presents unfavorable to Sweden, is the Number of Females reported to have ied in Child-bed, which are as 3 in Sweden, to 2 within the London Bills of Mortality ; The Number (1833 e o & died in Child ding data in England, on which to form a comparison; An Account of the Children annually received into all the London and 200 Foundlings : The Numbers reported Drowned, and to have died of Illegitimate Children dying under a Year Old in : 3) GGº-ºs- The Silk Manufacture is confined exclusively to Stockholm, the Cotton § is principally carried on at lfsborg, Skaraborg, & Stockholm, and the Calico Printing in the vicinity of Götheborg, and Stockholm *The Value of Mechanism for Ma- nufacturing purposes in 1823 amoun- ted to 157,576 Ria: Dollars, the falling Qſì in 1823 was owing to the break. ing up of the principal Mechanical ºlishment of the Kingdom in that €6.7° The Ea:port of IRON during the 10 Years 1816 - 1826, averaged $76,761 Skeppund £Annum, in the proportion of 239,949 Skep, from Stockholm 96,768 a / Götheborg 40,444 # m all other Ports The Woollen Manufactures an 1824 consisted of 146,707 Ells of Fine Cloth 129,549 do. Middling 197,737 do. Coarse 19,667 do. Flannel and Sundry Stuffs The Total Value of the corresponding a0count of Manufactures for 1823 Amounted to 7,572,145 Bia Dołżars i .... I Value in | Quantities Ria Dollars The following Statement shews the Number of BLAST FURNA CES, and of Iroit Work ſº ackjernstillverkning 1821 Pig Iron Skep. 472,425 ) e i () 1ng wº ShēWS the Number 0 frºm JES, and of Iſroºt Wor/CS e * and of Forges for the Manufacture of Bar, and other IRON, in Sweden in 1818, and 182i, and Stangjerns smide f/ Bar do. // 370,622 7,4] 2,741 the annexed Statement shews the quantity, and annual Value of each Mineral Product. For the Amnesjerns do. // other do. 1 41,918 1,089,879 proportion ºf Value produced in different parts of the Kingdom, see the Statement of the Geogra. Koppar 182 3. 2 #. º * * .* The COAL, is exclusively produced in Malmö, and more | K ; tº tº º is © & 6 e º e º a 4 Copper If 6,111 794,336 than half, the quantity raised, is stated to be consumed on the spot. The COBALT, is principally ObOIt * * * * * * * y - ty produced in.9eºrº, and a pºrtion in Calmar, and Nykpäings; ALUM, in Linköping, Mariaestad, Alu J. Cobalt Skálp. 46,629 155,431 £;&#$!!..." *i. º: exclusively in Westerås ; SULPHUR, in Orebro, and M Ul Il • - - - - - - - - - - - " Alum Tumnor 10,148 182,664 alug: º Płłº.ºhiºfly in Falun, considerable in Linköping, and partially in Westerås, Orebro. essi and Nyköping; SILVER and LEAD, principally in Westerås, and partially with Goii) in Falun- Sy º Ilg. . . . . . . . . tº e 1823 Brass Skepp. 471 89,566 - - Vafvel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulphur iſ 578 29,888 Masungar och Hyttor . . . . . . ... Number of Blast Furnaces 319 Stenkol . . . . . . . . . . . / Coal Tunnor 135,112 || 135,112 Stångjernsverk . . . . . . . . . . 1818 do. of Bar iron works 389 | Bºdfºrg. . . . . . . . . . . . Red Ochre m 2,769 9,597 ...Y 1 cy e *.* º & 1 & &Y Stångjerns-hārdar vid dem 1821 do, of do. Forges 999 Victriol. . . . . . . . . . . . 1824 Vitriol Skepp. 1,504 30,081 - Amnesjernsverk, . . . . . . . 1818 do. of other Iron Works 106 Bly & e º sº e g º g Q tº º tº gº tº * Lead // , 298 19,322 Amnesjerns-hārdar vid dem 1821 do. of do. do. Forges 143 Silfver * * * * * g e º e º a * Silver Skálp. 3,022 60,441 U Guld & e tº & 9 e // Gold 1,200 n : 3 77 STATEMENT of the Quantity and Value in Swedish Bank Dollars, of each of 52 articles of Merchandize, EXPORTEP from, and of 67 articles IMPORTED into SWEDEN, in the Year 1824. Skálp, signifies Skálpund, 20 of which are a Lispund; 0 Lispunds, a Skeppund ; 100 Skálpunds, are equal to 93% ibs. English ; or 42%. Kilogrames; The Skeppund, is therefore equal to 375 iń. English:- - }...; hº.. 32 Kappar, . to ...] English"Bushes, an overplus for good measure of 4 Kappar to every Barrel, is uniformly º in measuring all Grain; The Liquid Tunnor, contains 48 Kann , or 33"|g English Gallons; Kistor, signifies Chest, or Box; Ris, Reams; Krus, ºt r i. ; Alnar, Eli, of 23 English Inches; St. Styrke, Number; Tolſter, Dozen; Duss, also Dozen; Famn Fathom of 3 Ells: The Swedish Riac-Dollar, should weigh 451°), English Grains, 396"|s of which should be fine Silver, equal to 4/73. —see Earchanges Flask; Par, Pair; Fał, EXPORT. Articles l --& EXPORTED. Warornas Namn. Antal | Sv. Beo. ſ Iron, and Ore Jern och Malm Skepp. 413,463 6,964,438 3 | Copper Koppar . . . . . . . . // 5,449 | 661,849 § Brass Ordnance Metall Kanomer // 315 40,741 & Cobalt Cobolt . . . . . . . . Skalp. 56,464 174,256 is Steel Stål . . . . . . . . . . Lisp. 185,683 254,547 § Brass, and Wire Messning och Trád m 553 29,138 #4 Vitriol Victriol . . . . . . . . . 14,557 14,107 = Argol Vinsten . . . . . . . . . 2,164 11,530 's' | Red Ochre Rödfärg . . . . . . Tunnor 3,822 | 16,724 § Lime Kalk . . . . . . . . . . # do. 63,187 56,112 § Alum Alun . . . . . . . . . . Fat 8,999 || 247,240 * | Paving& Grind Stone Plan-och Slipsten st. 105,535 | 30,129 UPorphyry Porfyr . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,608 Deals, &c. Trāverke . . . . . . Tolfter 226,034 900,908 Timber, Spars, &c. do. . . . . . . . . . . st. 4,055.690 279,394 a Wooden Ware Trâdkârl . . . . . . . . m 69,758 21,022 3 J Sundry Wood Trädverke diverse 6,779 § * Furniture Flyttsaker . . . . . . 19,989 Tar and Pitch Tjāra och Beck Tunnor 48,872 317,064 Potash Pottaska . . . . . . Lisp. 3,130 5,880 JFoa, Skins Räfskin . . . . . . . . 3,155 i2,177 3 ( Sugar Socker . . . . . . . . Skalp. 76,625 | 27,712 § W Tobacco and Snuff Tobak & Snus. . . . . . . 226,024 || 178,328 § { Indigo Indigo . . . . . . • , ºf 14,313 || 39,251 § 2) Molasses Sirup . . . . . . . . . . // 40,762 | 8,212 § ( Saſt Salt . . . . . . . . . . Tunnor 2,307 || 11,066 (Silk Goods Sidentyger . . . . . . . . . . 57,128 Other Wove Fabric | Väfnader . . . . . . Aln. 325,336 113,584 Pipes Pipor . . . . . . . . . . tº e º gº 5,928 Š Books, Charts, &c. Böcker, Chartor &c. 16,358 § | Cordage Tågverke . . . . . . . . . & is 6,858 Š Paper Papper . . . . . . . . Ris 35,431 55,921 # Cards for Wool Kardor . . . . . . . . Par 19,740 22,311 S | Window Glass Fönsterglas . . . . Kistor 201 5,568 s Porter Porter * * * * * * g e Åannor 17,841 12,374 Ale Ol . . . . . . . g Fat 1,136 9,323 Oil Cake Oljekakor . . . . . . Lisp. 21,420 6,373 U Tinder Fnéske . . . . . . . . I/ 8,498 || 10,921 ſ Linseed Linfró . . . . . . . . Tunnor; 2,908 || 21,152 Grain Spannemäl f/ 18,901 || 58,425 do. do. . . . . . . Lisp. 41,890 40,665 § * * - CHIEF Tow N. Total Outwards mwards British Pro Latitude. Longitude. Population. to jrom duce & Man. Quebec 46 50 N. 71 10 W. 423,630 e. sº */ Kingstown 44 8 m 76 40 m ::::::$21,694 227,909 997,502 St. John 45 20 m 66 72,932 : 133,469 155,249 215,448 #. '45 44 m 63 36 / ! 142,548. o ouisburg 45 54 m 59 55 $ } 31,738 30,146 258,797 Charlotte Town 46 15 m 62 50 m 23,473] - St. John 47 32 m 52 29 m 60,088 31,246 17,820 294,250 Hudsons House 53 () iſ 106 2.7 m 1,247 777 ; 91,136 - 39,540 35,952 1823. IS29. 5,176 4,608 || 32 22 m 64. 33 ſt 9,251 2,256 620 40,924 10,808 || 9,268 ; 25 3 m 77 20 m 16,500 1,338 1,360 41,440 342,382 322,421 ; 18 12 m 76 45 362,421 82,558 || 85,710 1,246,995 6,460 7,787 i8 33 m 63 /* 10,252 606 1,317 3,531 9,261 9,259 ; 17 i4 m 62 35 m 11,959 1,996 1,892 16,069 19,817 | 19,310 17 15 m 62 43 m 23,922 6,804 6,224 53,085 30,985 29,839 17 4 m 62 {}9 if 35,714 9,367 9,781 92,316 6,505 6,262 #6 47 g : 62 i7 m 7,406 944 1,253 8,077 16,554 15,392 || || 5 23 m 6H. 24 m. 19,838 : . 2,921 3,01 i 14,148 73,345 81,902 || 13 50 m 59 41 m # 102,007 20,887 17,190 271,797 13,794 | 13,661 13 24 m 60 5.1 m 18,351 4,209 5,290 # 21,305 25,252 23,589 : 13 5 61 15 m 27,714 12,084 || 14,379 77,370 25,586 24,145 || || 50 m 6H 45 m 28,732 11,031 12,349 75,366 14,314 | 2,556 i i ; 6 m {}{} 30 a #4,042 6,913 6,594 41,132 23,537 24,006 : 10 m 6; 30 m 44,163 20,474 22,224 : 139,517 2,127 || || 4 || 0 m 87 51 m. 4,643 8,847 11,184 199,618 77,376 69,467 || 6 30 m 56 30 m 78,833 53,687 55,250 : 426,316 23,356 21,319 # 6, 30 m 58 // 23,022 6,070 7,711 69,442 728,509 696,918 såsjø 25,992 263,338 2,838,448 The Light House 54 12 m 7 53 E 2,500 -*- 78 The Flag Staff 36 7 m 5 19 W. 17,024 10,426 1,795 : 292,760 ALa Valette 35 50 m 14 12 E. : 119,969 7,906 2,034 189,135 Corfu || 39 40 m 20 17 m 210,000 4,532 5,326 56,963 St. Marys 16 80 m 13 30 W. 12 aga) Freetown 8 30 m ł 2 56 tº 17,426 : GTY) Annamboe 5 9 ºf i 4} iſ ſ 31,909 27,912 252,123 3 53 tº "7 40 E | - Cape Town 33 56 S. 18 23 u : 129,030 ; 7,705 8,069 330,03 15 15 m 5 49 W. 38,915 Isle of France 20 27 m 57 H 6 E 101,469 6,391 12,824 161,029 Columbo 7 4 N, 79 49 a 933,267 3,048 1,309 1 10 m 103 15 m in - 5 25 7 ||100 19 a with Bombay, Madras, and Beng Malacca 2 14 m 102 12 a J - - Hobart Town 43 S. 147 ſ/ 17,950) - ſ 94,430 Sydney 33 15 tº 151 25 a. 36,598 - 28,719 8,979: 206,205 If - I/ 850 J U. 14,042 | 2. The Fort 18 58 N. 72 38 m º º ~, Fort George 13 5 iſ 80 25 m | e i 54,383 71,911 sººn Calcutta 22 35 u 88 28 a j China. 28,577 27,915 - Indian Seas 2,220 | 1,982 234,717 Cape Hayti 19 46 m | 72 16 W. 400,000 t 7,867 4,469 321,793 Havannah 23 12 m 82 14 a 500,000) ſ371,670 The Town 18 22 m | 64 50 m 5,000 - 12,536 6,060-4 234,873 A small Island 5 If 53 5,000 J U 11,486 Colonial & IMPORTs. F. Produce. Total. ; EXPORTS, £ £-— £-———£–- 181,819 | 1,179,321 ; 682,202 1,576,020 30,592 || 246,040 # 220,094 | 276,491 34,749 293,546 66,664 || 356,163 48,392 || 342,642 # 264,032 326,745 8,244 99,380 # 32,857 90,144 2,108 2,103 ; 195,591 2,108 16,652 57,576 : 4,014 || 60,360 1,770 43,240 # 21,428 58,719 106,364 1,353,359 3,653,266 1,805,455 28 3,559 25,212 2,836 336 | 16,405 # 80,334 14,283 3,509 56,594 202,917 | 72, 167 8,199 || 100,515 # 267,655 114,290 570 8,647 32,581 7,987 2,085 16,233 149,322 | 15,902 21,495 293,292 541,708 || 358,577 3,715 25,020; 148,394 32,060 3,053 80,423 394,913 82,917 4,670 80,036 337,922 || 79,087 3,266 44,398 ; 164,736 41,340 24,553 | 164,070 : 354,788 197,631 51,851 251,469 221,855 572,383 31,878 |458,194 1,627,061 451,242 6,884 76,326 370,985 | 73,440 290,878 3,150,326 sºoo Taoso.org H 53 23| 99 275 127,361 || 420,121 24,186 674,827 49,623 238,758 # 42,463 390,544 21,075 78,038 100,570 | 93,893 133,771 385,894; 312,611 || 502,337 78,753 |408,789; 171,572 552,258 2,341 || 41,256.; 57,570 28,386 19,408 180,437 675,345 247,688 202,688 46,496 al. 12,240 | 106,670 : 49,282 | 101,891 49,603 || 255,808 # 68,276 262,833 4,119 18, 161 16,914 438,706 4,344,703 7,555,633 7,082,838 7,399 || 242,116 149,916 457,066 9,880 331,673 102,885 831,956 6, 155 377,825 # 287,446 556,385 29,203 264,076 30,352 504,343 39 11,525 i 11 748 11,261 º) STATEMENT shewing the Population, (distinguishing the proportion in Towns, from the proportion in the Villages,) in each of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, (as constituted in 1814) at each of the two Periods 1816 and 1825, the Provinces arranged in Order of their Total Population in 1816, with Number of Reference to their Geographical Position as exhibited on the preceding Page; shewing also the Total Number of Marriages, Divorces, Births, & Deaths; the increase ºf Cent.; and the Total increease; the Total excess of Births over Deaths, and the Ratio of Bir every 100 Births, in the 10 Years 1815–24. *...* These Statements relating to the Population of the WETH ths to every 100 Marriages, and of Deaths to ERLANDS, have been compiled from an Official Work of 31 Sheets, printed at the Hague in 1827, in pursuance of an order of His Majesty’s the King of the Netherlands, bearing date the 3rd. of July of the preceding Year; the first 10 Sheets purport to shew all the changes in the Numbers of the Population in each Province of the Kingdom, in each of the 10 Years 1815 – 24; the 11th. Sheet is a Summary of the 10 preceding Sheets; the 19 following Sheets purport to shew the change in each of the 19 Provinces separately, in each of the aforesaid 10 Years 1815 – 24; and the 31st, and last Sheet is a Summary of the 19 preceding ones; in this Work the proportion of the Births and Deaths to the Total Population distinguishing the Number in Towns, from the Number in the Villages, (communes rurales) is worked out to 2 places of Decimals, and the proportion in the Births and Deaths which the Males bore to the Females is worked out to 4 places of Decimals with various other minutiae of detail; with such a display of circumstantiality it was deemed fair to sºppose that some additional light on the subject of the causes which influence the changes and progress of Population might have been derived : but on investigation it proved, that the 31 Tables con- tained a greater display of calculation and detail, than Philosophy; for, it will be seen that whilst in Liege (see No. 17, in the Order of Geographical Position) the Births in the 10 Years 1815-24, exceeded the Deaths by 30,925, and only 986 in the 10 Years represented to have emigrated out of the province, the Population in 1825, is stated to be 27,084, less than in 1815; on the other hand, the increase represented to have taken place in Lwaxembourg is as irrecconcileable, as is the decrease in Ełege : and although the results of the other Provinces indicate a probabie approx- imation to accuracy; they contain several trifling errors, the less excuseable on account of the display of minutiae of calculation, Whilst a suspiscion is thrown over the whole by the results of the two Provinces here specifically adverted to. The diminution of Births, and great increase of Mortality in 1817, deserve notice ; the result was probably occasioned by the eatreme uncongeniality of the Season of 1816. #72, England and Wales in 1817, there was a dimination of Burials, without any diminution of Births ; a great increase of Mortality however enswed: in 1818 – 19 the Number of Divorces, in North and South Holland, bespeaks peculiarities in the domestic habits of the People of those Provinces. Number of Births and Deaths, in the 10 Years 1815-24. * 245,385 ) 230,831 POPULATION, 3 *- ‘ss 3 & * . PROVINCEs, g as enumerated in 1816, and 1825. Number $: Towns. Country. # º s3's; arranged in order of their —-----ºf O § TOTAL in the SS $ $ TOTAL POPULATION. Town Country | TOTAL |Marriages § Males | Females à Males Females à Births. 16 years. ** §§ 1. Oost Vlaanderen 12 || 140,370 475,319 615,689 || 43,120 | – || 26,634 25,227 86,422 || 80,547 218,830 11; 505 2 West Vlaanderen H 1 136,299 380,025 || 516,324 || 37,882 || 6 || 27,522 25,779 71,196 | 66,642 191,139 9 50} 3 Henegouwen . . 15 108,959 || 379,636 || 488,595 || 39,591 || 27 || 21,431 20,500 72,935 | 68,332 : 183,198 | 2 460 4 Zuid Braband 14 | 129,163 312,486 || 441,649 || 36,423 5 || 26,669 25,696 59,891 56,925 169,181 12 464 5 Zuid Holland. .. 8 205,078 183,427 | 388,505 || 34,942 ||148 || 42,366 | 40,140 42,611 |40,624 165,741 13 474 6 Noord Holland 7 || 248,007 | 127,250 375,257 || 34,789 1209 || 48, 189 || 45,530 # 26,892 25,133 145,744 5 4 is) 7 Luik . . . . . . . 17 72,726 285,459 || 358,185 24,387 24 || 15,690 i4,632 : 43,205 || 40,096 113,623 sº-sº-sº 469 3 Noord Braband 13 52,526 241,561 294,087 20,380 || 1 || 10,429 || 10,019 41,510 || 38,905 100,863 10; 495 9 Antwerpen . . . . . 0 97, 145 || 194,420 291,565 23,075 2 || 19,949 18,973 32,337 30,212, § 101,471 11; 419 10 Limbirg . . . . . . 16 52,307 || 235,306 287,613 22,960 5 || 10,973 || 10,316 41,522 || 38,970 : 101,781 11} 443 11 Gelderland . . . . 5 67,116 196,981 264,097 19,337 || 13 || 12,549 11,849 34,088 || 32,376 90,862 8 470 | 2 Luxemburg. . . . 19 30,639 182,958 213,597 18,740 Ti 7,468 || 7,223 40,391 || 37,160 92,242 37 492 13 Vriesland 1 43,202 || 133,352 176,554 15,327 | 46 9,042 8,416 24,786 23,321 65,565 15 427 14 Namen . . . . . . 18 19,998 || 144,402 | 164,400 | 12,592 8 5,952 5,817 24,323 22,598 58,690 15 466 | 5. Overijssel 4 29,373 || 117,856 147,229 11,629 || 13 7,037 ( 6,850 19,738 18,326 51,951 9 446 | 6 Groningen gº & 2 27,824 107,818 135,642 || 11,492 || 37 5,290 5,031 21,249 20, 103 51,673 15; 450 #7 Zeeland . . . . . . 9 36,784 74,324 111,108 || 10,645 27 8,114 || 7,751 20,309 | 19,157 55,331 16 520 18 Utrecht . . . . . . 6 50,945 57,002 || 107,947 8,982 30 9,858 || 9,297 11,285 10,598 41,038 9 457 19 Drenthe . . . . . . 3 7,825 38,634 46,459 3,954 3 1,580 | 1,465 7,110 || 6,568 16,723 15 423 TOTALS, 1816, 1,556,286 3,868,216 || 5,424,502 430,247 605 316,742 300,511 721,800 67b,593 2,015,646 468 - Increase of Eacess of is § 3. 1825. || “...º.º. Deaths |*%.” is; | East Flanders. . . . . . . 159,269 527,998 | 687,267 71,578 21,304 || 21,029 || 61,533 58,968 162,834 || 55,996 75 2 West Flanders 148,127 || 415,699 || 563,826 47,502 21,511 21,613 49,696 || 48,490 141,310 || 49,829 *}4 3 Hainault. . . . . . . . . . 116,980 429,210 546, 190 57,595 16,359 15,233 45,108 || 41,589 iſ 8,289 || 64,909 65 4 South Brabant 139,991 355,464 495,455 53,806 22,985 22.014 || 38,387 || 35,723 119,109 || 50,072 70 5 South Holland . . . . . 222,980 || 215,222 438,202 49,697 33,680 || 33,681 29,493 26,996 i23,850 || 41,891 75 6 North Holland. . . . . 259,763 134,153 || 393,916 18,659 43,786 43,434 17,994 | 16,511 121,725 || 24,015 85 7 Liege * * * * * g e Q © tº ſº, 77,804 || 253,297 || 331,101 27,084 – || 12,104 12,311 29,720 || 28,563 82,698 || 30,925 73 8 North Brabant . . . 59,516 || 267,101 || 326,617 32,530 7,322 || 7,227 28,491 26,467 69,507 || 31,354 69 9 Antwerp . . . . . . . . . . 109,961 213,717 | 323,678 32,113 15,334 14,162 21,432 | 19,695 70,623 || 30,807 '70 # () Limberg gº 8 9 tº gº º ºs e º 'º 64,176 || 257,070 321,246 33,633 7,752 7,676 27,950 27,171 70,549 || 31,544 69 11 Guelderland . . . . . 71,683 212,680 284,363 20,266 9,233 8,535 22,324 || 19,726 59,818 || 31,344 66 # 2 Luxemburg tº g º ºr 6 & & & 43,889 248,721 292,610 79,013 4,940 || 4,927 25,166 23,662 58,695 || 33,686 64 H 3 Friesland : 6 G & e º G & 51,629 150,901 202,530 25,976 6,410 | 6,609 || 13, 124 12,076 38,219 || 27,622 60 14 Namur . . . . . . . . . . 30,315 159,078 189,393 24,993 4,218 3,552 13,766 12,598 34,134 || 24,553 58 15 Overissel. . . . . . . . . . 43,276 || 117,661 | 160,937 13,708 5, III 5, 100 14,286 12,982 37,479 || 14,472 72 16 Groningen . . . . . . . . 30,151 125,894 | 156,045 20,403 4,009 || 3,882 11,752 10,896 30,539 || 21,134 60 17 Zealand . . . . . . . . . . 39,924 | 89,405 129,329 18,221 7,345 7, 185 14,699 || 13,207 42,436 || 12,917 77 18 Utrecht . . . . . . . . . . 54,226 63,179 || 117,405 9,458 7,983 || 7,920 7,350 | 6,675 29,923 || | 1,110 73 #9 TXrenthe . . . . • * * * * * 9,058 44,310 || 53,368 6,909 1,018 929 4,144 3,767 9,858 6,865 60. TOTALS, 1825. 1,732,718 4,280,760 6,013,478 252,404 || 247,019 476,415 || 445,762 : 1,421,600 || 594,046 ºf; Increase in the 10 Years, 176,432 412,544 588,976 588,976 64,338 53,492 -594,046 || 80 STATEMENT shewing the Total Population of each of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, on the 31st. of December 1814; and 31st. of December 1824; with the Number of Births and Deaths in each Province in each of the Ten Years 1815 – 24; the Provinces arranged in Order of their Total Population in 1815. –w PRO WINCES | 31st. of TOTAL Number of PIR THS. TOTAP, arranged in Order of their Đecember r— –A– —y Births, in TOTAL POPULATION. 1814, 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. || “... 1 East Flanders. . . . . , 615,689 21,302 22,391 || 19,531 | 19,431 22,329 20,577 22,076 24,100 23,205 || 23,888 || 218,830 2 West Flanders ..] 516,324 18,338 19,370 || 17,402 || 17,579 | 19,311 | 18,556 | 19,375 20,772 | 19,868 20,568 || 191,139 3 Hainault . . . . . . ... . 488,595 17,623 17,399 || 15,361 | 16,127 | 18,997 | 18,201 || 19,733 20,188 19,963 | 19,606 || 183,198 4 South Brabant . 441,649 16,140 16,022 14,509 15,084 17,362 16,335 | 18,245 18,949 18,235 | 18,300 || 169,181 5 South Holland . . . . .388,505 || 15,698 || 15,676 14,388 15,440 | 16,577 | 16,457 17,627 | 18,169 17,772 17,937 || 165,741 6 North Holland . . . . 375,257 | 13,827 | 13,544 || 13,687 | 13,709 || 14,424 || 13,997 || 15,196 || 15,848 || 14,875 | 16,637 || 145,744 7 Liege . . . . . . . . . . . 358,185 | 12,268 12,193 10,644 10,421 || 1 1,630 || 10,550 | 11,272 11,644 11,624 11,377 || 113,623 8 North Brabant . 294,087 || 10,177 | 10,507 || 8,943 || 9,238 10,461 9,207 || 10,393 || 10,516 || 10,481 10,940 || 100,863 9 Antwerp . . . . . . . . . 291,565 | 10,532 10,419 || 8,893 || 9,617 | 10,392 || 9,409 || 10,290 11,055 10,442 10,422 || 101,471 10 Limburg . . . . . . . . . . 287,613 || 9,997 || 9,763 | 8,890 9,774 10,749 9,744 || 10,604 || 10,889 || 10,521 | 10,850 || 101,781 11 Guelderland . . . . . . 264,097 || 8,928 8,881 7,766 8,422 || 9,199 || 8,567 9,512 || 9,903 || 9,673 || 10,011 || 90,862 12 Luxemburg . . . . . . . . 213,597 | 8,324 || 8,320 7,184 || 7,536 10, 110 || 9,626 9,978 10,252 10,600 | 10,312 || 92,242 13 Friesland. . . . . . . . . . 176,554 5,964 6,017| 6,204 || 5,991 6,347 | 6,695 || 7,010 || 7,235 | 6,737 || 7,365 || 65,565 14 Namur . . . . . . . . ... 164,400 5,461 5,258 4,897 5,157 6,339 6,091 6,343 6,437 6,419 6,288 || 58,690 15 Overissal . . . . . . . . . . 147,229 4,894 || 5,066 4,368 || 4,706 || 5,006 || 4,942 5,613 5,747 5,623 5,986 || 51,951 16 Groningen . . . . . . . . 135,642 5,086 4,937 4,779 4,889 5,072 5,183 5,401 5,442 5,555 5,329 || 51,673 17 Zealand . . . . . . . . ... 111,108 5,277 5,386 5,210 || 5,358 5,418 5,220 5,643 5,910 5,734 6,175 || 55,331 18 Utrecht . . . . . . . . ... 107,947 3,928 3,904 || 3,427 | 3,678 3,954 3,994 || 4,313 4,549 || 4,519 || 4,772 || 41,038 19 Drenthe . . . . . . . . . . 46,459 1,596 | 1,549 | 1,472 | 1,549 1,615 1,597 | 1,735 | 1,936 | 1,771 1,903 || 16,723 'TOTALS 5,424,502 || 195,360 196,602 || 177,555 183,706 205,292 | 194,948 210,359 219,541 213,617 | 218,666 || 2,015,646 1824. % 1 East Flanders. . . . . . 687,267 15,224 16,282 18,576 | 16,277 17,045 16,430 15,139 16,030 16,671 15,160 || 162,834 2 West Flanders . 563,826 13,198 || 13,575 15,668 14,281 | 13,565 14,248 || 13,903 || 14,964 14,252 13,656 || 141,310 3 Hainault . . . . . . . . . . 546,190 12,621 | 11,373 | 12,229 11,508 12,298 || 12,158 11,669 | 12,469 11,438 10,526 || 118,289 4 South Brabant . . . . 495,455 | 13,016 || 11,578 12,136 10,931 11,691 || 11,915 11,498 || 13,785 12,057 | 12,502 || 1 19,109 5 South Holland . . . . 438,202 || 10,530 11,301 || 13,850 12,833 12,822 12,666 12,582 13,122 11,898 || 12,256 || 123,850 6 North Holland . . . . .393,916 || 11,819 11,016 || 13,449 || 11,306 | 12,008 (12,189 12,337 14,585 11,834 11,182 || 121,725 7 Liege . . . . . tº & e º 6 º' & 331,101 || 9,015 9,090 9,623 8,743 8,782 8,443 7,349 7,319 7,218 7,116 || 82,698 8 North Brabant . . . . .326,617 | 6,523 6,914 || 7,359 6,740 || 7,424 7,423 6,914 7, 111 || 6,886 6,213 || 69,507 9 Antwerp . . . . . . . . . . 323,678 7,354 6,346 7,777 6,389 6,932 || 7,346 7,464 7,592 6,864 6,559 || 70,623 10 Limburg . . . . . . . . . ... 321,246 7,179 6,790 7,079 || 6,644 7,423 7,717 6,779 7,357 6,894 | 6,687 || 70,549 11 Guelderland . . . . . . | 284,363 || 3,412 5,677 6,381 6,138|| 6,463 6,273 6,134 6,088 6,097 5.ii.5 || 59 gig 12 Luxemburg . . . . . . . . 292,610 5,161 4,875 5,731 6,191 8,383 6, 176 5,524 5,673 5,636 5,345 || 58,695 13 Friesland. . . . . . . 202,530 | 3,419 3,933 3,833 3,884 3,498 || 3,519 3,336 4,380 4,089 || 4,328 || 38,219 14 Namur . . . . . . . . . . 189,393 || 3,752 3,122 3,363 3,054 3,775 3,882 3,391 || 3,239 3,324 3,232 || 34,134 15 Overissel . . . . . . . . . . 160,937 || 3,474 3,769 4,065 3,905 || 4,100 || 3,483 3,209 3,855 3,977 3,642 || 37,479 16 Groningen . . . . . . , . 156,045 2,785 3,048 3,237 3,118 2,925 2,899 || 2,902 || 3,313 º; 3,122 || 30,539 17 Zealand . . . . . . . . . . 129,329 || 3,466 3,505 || 3,654 4,336 *5,440 4,872 4,360 4,462 4,259 4,082 || 42,436 18 Utrecht . . . . . . . . . . 117,405 || 2,803 2,948 3,398 || 3,141 2,878 2,655 2,767 3,145 || 3,002 || 3,191 || 29,928 19 Drenthe . . . . . . . . . . 53,368 858 981 | 1,200 | 997 945 883 863 | 1,064 1,106 961 || 9,858 TOTALS 6,013,478 || 137,599 || 136,123 152,608 || 140,416 148,397 145,177 138,120 147,553 140,692 134,915 1,421,600 Excess of Births over Deaths. 57,761 60,479 24,947 43,290 56,895 49,771 72,239 71,988 72,925 83,751 594,046 \-2-/|\º-º-' | \-2- ºw-' | \-/*- : ** | *.* | \-a-' | S-2- | \le^*~ | \--~ || Town | Country TOTAL riages. S Males Females | TOTAL Males Females | TOTAL || Deaths. Hulation. "QS *# 1815 1,556,286 3,868,216 5,424,502 48,854 43 100,625 94,735 195,360 71,362 66,237 | 137,599 57,761 ——— 4 . 30 16 1,567,016 3,915 247 5,482,263 40,801 63 101,629 94,973 196,602 69,581 66,542 136,123 60,479 57,761 4 .82 31 17 1,577,784 3,964,958 5,542,742 33,881 67 91,602 85,953 177,555 80,189 72,419 152,608 24,947 60,479 5 .21 13 48 1,577,751 ; 3,989,938 5,567,689 39,218 69 94,794 88,912 183,706 71,773 63,643 140,416 43,290 24,947 4 .68 2-& 19 1,584,247 4,026,732 5,610,979 42,401 53 105,850 99,442 205,202 75,848 72,549 148,397 56,895 43,290 4 .84 28 1820 1,649,406 4,016, 170 5,665,576 43,258 66 100,551 94,397 194,948 74,246 70,921 145,177 49,771 54,597 4 .5 29 } 1,659,988 4,055,359 5,715,347 44,796 64 || 108,100 102,259 2}0,359 70,357 67,763 138,120 77,239 49,761 4 .7 37 2 1,677,404 || 4,112,658 5,790,062 46,949 66 I 13, i26 || 106,415 219,541 75,086 72,467 147,553 71,988 74,715 4 .67 || 33 3 1,693,913 4, 167,234 5,861,147 45,424 66 109,948 103,669 213,617 71,665 69,027 I40,692 72,925 71,085 4 .7 34 4 1,712, 183 4,222,367 5,934,550 44,665 43 112,317 106,349 218,666 68,712 66,203 134,915 83,751 73,403 || 4 .9 §§ 5 : 1,732,718 4,280,760 6,013 478 |} 78,928 81. STATEMENT shewing the Superficies of each of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, arranged in order of their Total Population in 1825; with the Number of Persons in each Province in that Year; and the Ratio thereof to every 100 Hectares, in each Province; shewing also the Number Educated, and of Committals for Crime in each Province. * ~ *.*. PROVINCES, Eactent of Superficies : nº sš |. P D U CATION. . | Committals for CRIME arranged in order in Heetares, § : § s: In the Primary § 2; KS Earpences of Ś s , || 's 3 . . $ 2 of their —|| s 5 : § ## S C H O O L S. š Š § Primary 3, ##|s ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ToTAL POPULATION proportion § 5 |&#; <- 2 is Q Schools $S 35|S is #| $ $5 § 5 in 1825, TOTAL | Cultivated 24 § Boys Girls S & Sº in Florins 5 §3| 3 || S < * | 3 & 1 East Flanders . . 282,361 264,988 || 687,267 259 || 25,644 22,205 6,399 || 55,782 21,065 274 || 125 3,215 1,121 2 West do. . . . . . . 316,585 296,915 || 563,826 190 || 21,028 17,830 6,888 57,122 34,681 256 79 3,267 | 1,238 3 Hainault . . . . . . . . 372,469 356,258 || 546. 190 | 155 || 32,179 21,736 6,504 60,437 || 61,379 | 1,263 60 | 1,815 1,324 4 South Brabant . . . . 328,426 316,883 || 495,455 156 || 21,993 16, 177 4,863 43,541 74,293 || 779 || 137 3,331 | 1,403 5 do. Holland . . . . 287,181 244,213 || 438,202 | 180 || 23,813 | 16,885 8,179 50,173 116,715 225 || 143 | 1,315 537 6 North do. . . . . . . 245,114 203,008 || 393,916 193 || 22,018 16,880 9,062 || 48,048 159,226 221 || 168 2,154 479 7 Liege . . . . . . . . . . . . 288,992 || 237,579 || 331,101 || 139 || 13,794 8,539 933 23,333 12,311 || 634 69 | 1,967 969 8 North Brabant . . . . 501,293 277,183 || 326,617 | 118 || 20,630 || 14,529 2,624 || 37,978 || 48,066 420 64 1,356 138 9 Antwerp . . . . . . . . 283,830 197,303 || 323,678 164 || 15,805 || 11,914 : 2,969 || 31,401 34,765 570 83 1,338 439 10 Limberg . . . . . . . . . . 466,687 || 310,514 || 321,246 || 103 || 13,493 8,795 : 1,466 23,754 22,050 | 782 99 || 2,014 812 11 Guelderland . . . . . . 509,195 289,802 || 284,363 98 || 18,881 12,243 : 2,031 || 33,155 58,245 172 74 1,254 273 12 Luxemburg . . . . . . | 650,210 |463,423 || 292,610 , 63 || 19,925 || 14,819 160 34,904 24,798 || 505 35 | 4, 146 3,126 13 Friesland . . . . . . . . 263,618 235,705 || 202,530 85 || 14,571 10,351 : 2,011 || 26,933 || 48,104 || 121 66 395 263 14 Namur . . . . . . . . . . 347,683 278,397 || 189,363 || 67 || 12,139 9,565 1,247 22,978 || 37,919 || 435 38 2, 146 | 1,029 15 Overijsel . . . . . . . . 328,712 175,863 || 160,937 91 || 13,484 || 10,587 1,582 25,872 41,824 || 113 39 3.19 5] 16 Groningen . . . . . . . 204,899 || 173,063 || 156,045 90 11,883 || 9,374 331 21,588 23,660 84 55 438 204 17 Zealand . . . . . . . . . . 158,416 || 148,029 || 129,329 89 || 7,959 || 4,813 ; 1,386 || 14,205 || 35,267 37 || 55 424 62 18 Utrecht . . . . . . . . . . 133,194 | 110,281 || 117,405 || 106 || 6,765 5,165 ; 1,468 || 13,666 27,433 119 || with worth Holland. 19 Drenthe . . . . . . . . . . . 229,266 74,229 || 53,368 || 72 || 4,770 4,039 90 | 8,899 8,572 23 with Groningen. • ~ | { * *-a-s TOTALS 6,198,137 4,653,636 || 6,013,478 129 320,744 i 236,437 60,193 633,859 | 890,373 || 7,038 1,389 | 30,894 | 13,468 The STATEMENT below shews the estimated proportion of Superficies in Hectares, appropriated to various kinds of Culture, in the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS; and the Annual Value of the produce thereof in francs between the Years 1820–30. The following STATEMENT shews the estimated Number, Annual Consumption, & Money Value in francs of Horned Cattie, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Horses, &c. &c. in the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, between the Years 1820–30. * * g º & tº gº & © º 'º 3 e e º B & © tº e º 'º 6 a e e & e º e e º 'º e º gº 6 e º e a Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buck Wheat Potatoes Hemp & Flax Kitchen Gardens. . . . . Oleaginous Plants . . . . Orchards Madder Hops tº º ºs º O e º 'º gº tº e º & © tº º, º gº ºs & * & Q - 9 @ e 3 tº e o a dº e º . & 6 @ s tº e º ºs º ºs & 6 sº * * g º gº Oxen & Cows Heifers & Calves Sheep . . . . . . . . . . Pigs Poultry . . . . . . . . Horses . . . . . . . . Colts under 3 Yrs. Dry Forage . . . . Bees . . . . . . * @ 9 g, * Vines . . . . Tobacco tº e º & e g º ºs e e Marshes & Lakes - Meadows Pasture Parks & Plea. Grounds Covered with Buildings , & º ºs e g º e º 'º º ſº gº tº dº e º e g º e º 'º º TOTA L Hectares Rate Value in francs 350,000 22 ) is 154,000,000 700,000 | 12 |: 168,000,000 280,000 | 10 § | 84,000,000 300,000 || 7 || 5 | 84,000,000 110,000 22 *| 48,400,000 200,000 || 8 || 3 || 32,000,000 130,000 || 2 J & 41,600,000 210,000 | 600 º 126,000,000 92,000 m 55,200,000 60,000 20 § 24,000,000 54,000 || 60 § 3,240,000 30,000 || 700 US 21,000,000 30,000 || 300 fiel 24,000,000 20,000 | 10 § 200,000 10,000 | 1,000 s 10,000,000 900,000 || 350 15,750,000 116,000 || 4 - 464,000 1,000,000 400,000 || “...” 306,000,000 300,000 ) 25,700 5,317,700 1, 1978,854,000 The annexed is a Statement of the Income from Taxes, and Expenditure of the Go- vernment of the NETHERLANns, in florins, in each of the Eleven Years 1816 – 1826; according to these amounts the Expenditure < has exceeded the Income by an average of about ten Millions of florins annually ; equa- lized probably by Loans, or issues of some Government Security similar to the English Exchequer Bill. Number Annual Value in Stock Consumption Rate in francs ; ** *** - I -- ~~~~... •= 200,000 | 200 | 40,000,000 1,500,000 } Milk | – || 19,000,000 590,000 260,000 15 3,900,000 1,600,000 500,000 10 5,000,000 Wool, Kilogram. 2,400,000 2 4,800,000 600,000 | 580,000 || 50 29,000,000 8,000,000 2,000,000 1; 3,000,000 Eggs 180,000,000 — 4,500,000 390,000 150,000 300 || 45,000,000 95,000 40,000 Skins 6 240,000 quintals 30,000,000 | – | 150,000,000 | gºººººººººººººººººººsaº ºs **** 2,000,000 TOTAL Value } 306,000,000 ( Years Income Earpenditure 1816 140,023,658 || || 17 | 83,416,634 111,877,561 18 83,075,521 94,8%5,409 19 80,933,971 92,361,408 1820 80,472,734 85,030,664 1. 89,311,721 91,454,256 2 85,272,108 91,423,606 3 96,150,985 93,922,428 4 81,309,677 | 101,878,147 * 95,954,765 106, 177,979 U 6 | 104,542,413 | 112,116,749 “G” The above STATEMENTS relating to the Productions and Revenue of the NETHERLANDS, have been compiled from two or three vague works on the subject, published in France; which works also represent the Manufactured Productions of the same Kingdom, to amount annually to 675,000,000 of francs, which amount, includes 10,000,000 francs for Cheese; whilst Butter and Coals are omitted in both estimates: although suffice to shew the various Items of Resource. L these accounts seem entitled to but little consideration for accuracy, they will 32 AN ACCOUNT shewing the Superficies in German Square Miles; the Population; and amount of Tax on Traders; and also the Number of Sheep, Horses, and Horned Cattle, in each of the 9 Departments of the PRUSSIAN MONARCHY, in 1816 and 1828. º." The part of the account relating to Horses, and Horned Cattle, was taken from Mr. Jacobs 2nd. Report on Agriculture and Corn of Europe. Wide Parliamentary Paper, No. 258, Session 1828. & The Totals of Horned Cattle in 1825, do not agree with the details. The Total of Bulls being 50, and Cows 10,456 too many, and the Young Cattle 4,050 too few. Number of SHEEP, in 1828. Number in 1816, of Number of HORNED CATTLE, in 1816. TOTAL -* FI DEPARTMENTS. Merinos Cross Breeds! Wałżvés TOTAL JH07'ses Colts Bulls Oaxe72 Cows Young Cattle º 1 East Prussia ; . . . . . .80,447 || 102,722 || 384,697 577,866 || 226,239 || 48,372 || 7,932 124,857 | 208,580 | 129,918 571,287 2 West do. . . . . . . . . 90,421 141,584 422,639 654,644 83,630 | 18,386 || 4,462 57,393 || 102,660 51,294 215,809 3 Posen . . . . . . . . . . ... 122,912 467,519 804,457 | 1,394,888 || 66,082 8,657 || 3,276 | 84,710 || 119,621 || 65,122 272,729 4 Brandenburg . . . . . . 373,300 947,740 798,357 2,119,397 || 139,039 || 23,420 || 5,822 | 128,276 | 153,951 142,310 430,359 5 Pomerania. . . . . . . . . 244,236 557,266 || 709,620 | 1,511,122 96,627 23,171 || 5,262 69,795 | 195,371 100,202 : 370,630 6 Silesia. . . . . . 4. . 403,095 | 1,298,841 507,620 2,209,556 || 139,323 20,979 || 8,695 || 107,200 399,531 | 168,113 | 683,539 7 Saxony * * * > * > * * * > e º 382,237 926,264 705,489 2,014,990 || 107,499 22,825 || 5,093 46,150 239,091 131,793 422,127 8 Westphalia 6 º' e e e º 'º e 26,743 64,324 || 414,248 505,315 || 102,198 || 23,550 || 4,924 13,333 275,790 142,733 436,780 9 Rhinelands . . . . . . . , 10,714 | 61,517 | 566,420 638,651 82,013 | 12,651 || 6,205 || 69,099 || 388,271 146,385 609,960 TOTAL 1,734,105 || 4,558,777 5,313,547 11,606,429 1,042,650 202,001 || 51,661 | 700,813 2,182,866 1,077.870 4,013,220 POPULATION ?? * %; 1816. 1825, Tºm Number in 1825. - A. ——a-----|r …— 1 East Prussia . . . . . . 703 || 906,752 | 1,172,314 114,912 || 275,047 ( 55,082 9,038 141,107 | 245,844 127,369 || 523,358 2 West do. . . . . . 466 560,799 752,411 96,293 || 100,199 || 16,359 || 4,484 || 62,099 || 123,090 52,152 241,825 3 Posen . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 841,121 | 1,045,947 119,761 88,814 15,160 4,526 95,478 158,193 || 85,770 343,967 4 Brandenburg * e o 'º gº ... 724 1,266,765 1,479,482 332,584 || 152,207 || 21,007 || 7,627 | 106,020 277,706 | 125,849 517,202 5 Pomerania. . . . . . . . . 538 689,681 742,306 106,638 || 105,423 24,737 || 6,652 55,168 225,272 93,889 380,981 6 Silesia . . . . . . . & 743 | 1,966,060 2,289,299 || 377,452 || 148,534 21,980 | 10,308 || 110,877 445,991 || 177,888 || 745,064 7 Saxony * = & © gº tº 9 e e 455 1,197,363 1,358,888 244,940 || 123,972 | 19,905 || 8,896 | 40,292 263,572 | 110,997 423,757 8 Westphalia s & º ºs e º º tº 364 | 1,066,141 1,190,349 156,747 || 112,345 16,930 5,633 || 13,058 300,845 ió1,955 481,491 9 Rhinelands . . . . . . . . . 480 1,889,450 2,112,616 387,072 96,101 | 12,146 5,051 80,567 413,314 192,554 691,486 TOTALS. 5,011 10,394,042 12,243,603 1,934,409 || 1,202,642 | 199,706 || 62,265 704,666 2,464,283 1,124,373 4,355,587 Increase since 1816. - 1,849,561 159,992 —— 10,604 3,853 281,417 46,503 342,377 STATEMENT or the Geographical Position of the Chief Town, in each of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom of the NETHER- LANDS, shewing the Population of each Province, as enumerated in 1816, and in 1825; the Change of Domicile; excess of Births over Deaths; and balance of increase in each Province, in the the 10 Years 1816 – 24. Geographical Position of PRO VINCES. Chief Town. ſ.s 3 ſl Friesland . . . . . . . . . . Harlingen . . $3 || 2 Groningen . . . . . . . . . . Groningen 3 is 3 3 Drenthe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assen S | Riº e * | *s-, 4 Overissel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zwolle sº | * : ] 5 Utrecht . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utrecht S §§ 6 Guelderland . . . . . . . ... Arnheim § šš 7 North Holland . . . . Amsterdam Sº § U 8 South Holland . . . . . . Rotterdam § 9 Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middleburg s + 3 ſ.10 Antwerp . . . . . . . . . . . . Antwerp | * | 11 West Flanders. . . . . . . . . . Bruges § 5 | 12 East Flanders . . . . . . . . . . Ghent ‘s $ 13 North Brabant Bois-le-Duc s § { 14 South Brabant . . . . . . ... Brussells $ | 3 | 15 Hainault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mons § | #| 16 Limburg . . . . . . . . . . . . Maestricht & § 17 Liege . . . . . . . * * * * * e º e e º e Liege U18 Namur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Namur U19 Luxembourg . . . . . . . . . . Lua'embourg TOTALS. $ & Sº S ° S $S § & . . . . .33 is § | . § is sº ..., | : ; Ś $35; §§% | #3 is #| Šišš $ $ ; ; ; #55 ºngº Pºmº #5 | Sºft | #55 jššiš Šišss * S ss * : Into Out of §§§ §§ & 3 *śs; sšš 53. 11 || 5. 25 176,554 660 27,346 25,976 202,530 1,370 || – 53. 12 6. 35 | 135,642 — 145 21,134 20,403 156,045 731 52. 58 6. 24 46,459 303 6,865 6,909 || 53,368 — 44 52. 30 6. 147,229 916 — 14,472 13,708 160,937 764 — — 52. 5. 37 | 107,947 299 || 182 11,110 || 9,458 117,405 1,652 || – 52. 6 5. 7 || 264,097 || 491 226 31,044 20,266 284,363 10,778 — 52. 25 |4. 40 375,257 573 || --— 24,019 18,659 || 393,916 || 5,360 * 51. 55 || 4, 29 || 388,505 || 3,309 || 179 || 41,891 49,697 438,202 7,806 51. 30 3. 37 || 111,108 || 1,037 828 12,917 | 18,221 | 129,329 || – || 5,304 51. 14 || 4, 22 291,565 1,540 | 127 30,848 32,113 || 323,678 — 1,265 51. 12 3. 13 || 516,234 — 1,991 49,829 || 47,502 563,826 32 51. 3 || 3. 44 615,689 || 3,872 4,877 55,996 || 71,578 687,267 —— 15,582 51. 40 5, 9 294,087 1, 159 || 131 31,356 || 32,530 || 326,617 | – | 1,174 50. 51 || 4, 22 441,649 i 449 || 138 50,072 53,806 || 495,455 — 3,734 50. 27 3. 57 : 488,595 || – || 2,378 64,909 57,595 546,190 || 7,314 || ––– 50. 48 5. 43 287,613 88 1,166 || 31,232 33,633 321,246 — ; 2,401 50. 39 5. 31 358,185 52 | 1,038 30,925 27,084— 331,101 || 30,925 || – 50. 28 || 4, 51 164,400 — | 3,447 24,556 24,993 189,393 || — 43? 49.37 6.. 9 213,597 23 | 689 33,686 79,013 || 292,610 —— 45,327 5,424,502 14,771 17,543 594,646 533,976 6,013,478 61,221 83,074 83 stATEMENT shewing the Geographical Position of each of the 26 Provincia Governments of the PRUSSIAN MONA RCHY, with the Superficies of each in German Square Miles the POPULATION, Amount of Tax on Traders Number of Sheep, &c. &c. in each Province, in the Years 1816 – 1828. POPULATION. 4,558,777 ; *- Provincial Sº § sš || | Amoniº,TA à ºrders, goverNMENTS §§ si §: TOTAL in Increase in 9 Yrs. —. with the %. 3. § § § § § - #~~ Increase Departments. position ſº princip S S | * * > || 1817. 1826. TOTAL | }. || 1824. 1828. total, T.I., | **, *-* * * - - = ...' 1 Königsberg . . . . . . 54. 42 20, 29 406 || 541,836 | 683,925 142,089 26 || 87,698 || 85,992 — — East Prussia } 2 Gumbinen . . . . . . . . 54, 32 22. 35 | 297 || 364,916 || 488,380 123,464 34 || 26,960 28,920 1,960 7 - e 3 Dantzig . . . . . . . . . . 54.21 | 18. 38 151 ||237,329 316,340 79,017|33 || 57,325 || 59,561 : 2,236 3; West Prussia } 4 Marienwerder 53. 44 18, 50 315 || 333,476 || 436,071 102,595 || 31 || 31,183 || 36,732 : 5,549 18 5 Posen . . . . . . . . . . . . 52. 25 | 16. 34 || 327 || 579,753 715,712 # 135,959 || 23 || 75,532 | 89,698 14, 166 | 19 Posen } 5 Bromberg . . . . . . . . 53. 17 | 17. 58 211 || 261,368 330,235 | 68,867 26 || 26,624 29,063 # 2,439 9 -- 7 BERLIN . . . . . . . . 52. 32 12. 22 i zºo $ 205,000 © I 10,349 |132,407 22,058 20 Brandenburg } 8 Potsdam . . . . . . . . 52.25 | 12. 5 || 370 }990,978; 19.2% 17; 92,977 |103,753 + 10,776 II - 9 Frankfort . . . . . . . . 52. 22 14. 33 353 || 569,887 | 667,344 97,457 || 14 || 85,377 96,424 || 11,047 13 10 Stettin . . . . . . . . . . 53. 26 14. 46 || 233 || 321,379 394,875 # 73,496 || 23 || 50,515 58,490 7,975 16 Pomerania & II Cóeslin . . . . . . . . . . 54, 9 || 15. 27 259 || 241,036 303,836 # 62,800 || 25 || 23,010 || 26,673 ; 3,663 || || {} Stralsund . . . . . . . . 54, 19 13. 8 || 46 || 127,266 143,595 16,329 || 13 || 20,315 21,475 ; 1,160 5 ; : BRESLAU . . . . . . . . 51. 6 17. 2 | 244 || 792,071 914,607 1122,536 | 15 ||161,425 |170,821 9,396 || 6 Silesia 14 Oppeln . . . . . . . . . . 50. 36 17. 57 248 || 529,964 | 660,756 130,792 || 25 || 66,992 || 79,228 12,236 18 - is Leignitz . . . . . . . . . . 51. 12 | 16. 12 251 || 644,025 || 713,936 69,911 11 ||106,512 127,403 20,891 20 ; : Magdeburg . . . . . . 52. 8 || 11. 39 205 || 466, 180 526,197 60,017 | 13 || 93,345 102,632 8,287 | 9 Saa.ony 17 Merseburg . . . . . . . . 54, 22 | 12. 186 || 495,985 565,632 69,647 || 14 || 79,312 94,629 15,317 | 19. 18 Erfurt. . . . . . . . . . . . 50. 59 11. 2 | 64 || 235,198 || 267,059 31,861 14 || 35,880 47,689 11,809 || 30 - 19 Munster . . . . . . . . . . 5i. 58 || 7. 36 132 || 350,274 383,269 ; 32,995 || 9 || 41,163 47,295 6,132 15 Westphalia 20 Minden . . . . . . . . . . 52. 18 8. 53 | 93 || 337,640 || 374,183 : 36,543 11 || 30,148 || 38,613 8,465 28 21 Arensburg . . . . . . . . 51. 23 8. 7 || 139 || 378,227 || 432,897 54,670 14 || 55,249 || 70,839 15,590 || || ( 22 Cologne . . . . . . . . . 50, 55 6. 56 75 || 333,795 367,580 33,785 | 10 || 56,842 79,975 23,133 40 * 23 Düsseldorf. . . . . . . . 51. 14 6, 46 99 || 392,928 660,224 67,296 || 1 ||101,379 |139,373 37,994 303 Rhinelands & 24 Coblentz . . . . . & 50. 22 7. 33 109 || 355,198 || 397,485 # 42,287|12 || 46,825 60,869 14,044 30 & 25 Treves . . . . . . . . . . 49.47 6, 38 121 || 297,537 348,208 50,671 || 17 || 38,643 47,522 8,879 || 23 (26 Aix-la-Chapelle ... 50. 52 5. 54 76 || 309,902 || 339,119 29,217 | 9 || 50,971 59,333 8,362 16 TOTALS. | 4, 55 | 16. 41 || 5,011 || 10,394,042 | 12,243,603 | 1,849,561 18 º 1,934,400 271,853 14 coºkTS, i § APO H ºws ºr was j = TA X on 7'raders, $22 ne ºr. | *jº Number of SHEEP. arranged in order of their # ToTAL Ratio |4 verage of Proportion paid by 4}/?be. 3 sº Tor AL P9 PULATION, §: #72 tº Square 5 Years, Towns of 2nd, & 3rd. Lesser Towns |General jº." ..... Cross - in i826. * 1826. Määe. 1s24-8. 1st. Class, Class. and villages. Averageºiſº. Merinos Breeds Natives | TOTAL i BRESLAU . . . . . . 13 914,607 || 3,702 | 162,114 54,111 || 37,099 || 70,904 | 664 290 219,324 642,368 || 191,139 || 1,052,831 2 Posen . . . . . . . . . . 5 715,712 2,160 82,044 — — 50,190 31,854 251 97 | 87,177 373,906 || 432,101 | 893, 184 3 Leignitz . . . . . . . . 15 713,636 2,908 || 117,084 — — 46,635 | 70,450 466 280 | 97,850 356,164 194,393 || 648,407 4 Königsberg . . . . . 1 | 683,925 | 1,658 || 85,062 38,770 23,272 23,021 | 209 57 48,848 || 64,365 215,662 328,875 5 Frankfort . . . . . . 9 | 667,344 1,791 91,083 — — 47,220 43,863 258 124 180,295 || 493,847 304,408 || 978,550 6 Oppeln . . . . . . . . 14 | 660,756 2,610 || 71,887 – – 23,232 48,655 290 | 196 || 85,921 300,309 | 122,088 508,818 7 Düsseldorf. . . . . . 23 | 660,224 6,594 | 119,830 26,008 || 52,967 |40,854 |1210 || 412 1,206 || 7,947 || 65,870 75,023 8 Potsdam . . . . . . . . 8 607,138 1,617 | 97,110 | – – 56,518 40,592 || 262 | 110 | 193,005 || 453,893 493,949 |1,140,847 9 Merseberg . . . . . . 17 | 565,632 3,003 || 86,554 — — 45,452 41,103 || 465 221 | 162,837 423,968 271,175 | 857,980 10 Magdeberg 16 526,197 2,538 96,689 24,565 40,757 31,368 || 472. 153 198,030 || 414,586 || 307,588 920,204 11 Gumbinen . . . . . . 2 || 488,380 | 1,611 26,998 || – – 11,240 14,758 91 || 50 || 31,599 || 38,357 169,035 || 238,991 12 Marienwerder 4 || 436,071 1,356 33,674 – – | 13,913 | 19,761 || 106 || 63 56,730 117,072 || 333,627 507,429 13 Arensberg . . . . . . 21 || 432,897 3,076 63,581 | – – 28,611 || 34,970 457 || 251 9,413 || 23,312 || 147,574 180,299 14 Coblentz . . . . . . 14 || 397,485 3,601 || 51,528 – – 22,267 29,261 472 268 1,650 | 13,687 | 158,889 174,226 15 Stettin . . . . . . . . 10 || 394,875 | 1,671 54,912 17,262 21,190 16,460 236 70 148,209 || 305,686 348,426 || 802,321 16 Munster . . . . . . . . 19 || 383,269 2,879 || 43,907 || – – 22,050 21,857 332 165 277 3,302 || 148,370 151,949 17 Minden . . . . . . . . 20 || 374, 183 3,969 || 33,431 – – 15,648 17,783 || 359 191 17,053 || 37,710 | 118,304 || 173,067 18 Cologne . . . . 22 || 367,580 4,851 64,257 || 32,919 || 9,962 21,376 857 285 1,947 21,543 34,095 57,585 19 Treves . . . . . . . . 25 || 348,208 || 2,832 || 42,757 — — 18,437 24,320 | 353 201 | 1,366 5,555 194,200 201,121 20 Aix-la-Chapelle. 26 || 339,119) 4,421 59,333 16,680 14,727 23,275 719 806 4,545 12,785 113,366 || 130,696 21 Bromberg . . . . . . 6 || 330,235 | 1,542 27,560 – – 14,101 || 13,460 | 130 64 35,735 | 93,613 || 372,356 501,704 22 Dantzig . . . . . . . . | 3 || 316,340 2,054 58,587 32,648 12,243 13,696 || 388 91 33,691 24,512 89,012 147,215 23 Cóeslin . . . . . . . . 11 303,836 1,151 25,128 – — | 13,716 11,412 97 44 70,974 134,807 257,792 || 463,573 24 Erfurt. . . . . . . . . . 18 267,059 |4,113 |40,539 – – 26,414 || 14,126 633 220 21,370 87,710 | 126,726 235,806 25 BERLIN . . . . . . 7 205,000 |205,000 | 120,569 | 120,569 – —– 120,569 — | ~ || 26 Stralsund . . . . . , 12 || 143,595 || 3,093 || 20,804 || – – 14,672 6,132 452 133 25,053 || 116,773 103,402 || 244,228 T{}TA LS. 12 243,603 ſ 2,443 | 1,772,370 368,932 | 638,531 725,308 | 3 : 147 1,734,105 5,313,547 11,606,429 84 STATEMENT shewing the Numerical order of each of the 26 Provincial Governments of the PRUSSIAN MONARCHY, 1828, under various Heads; the Number of Traders; Number of Looms, &c. &c., in each Province. * $ ſ o tº Workmen Annual Av. PRO WIN CES # § §§ § §§ §§ aft PRO VINCES IVumber employed of TAX, § Number of Looms sº in § § S's ; ; šā $$ sé arranged in Order of of by in the 5 yrs. sis Silk * Alphabetical Order. gº § ss §§ P. s. vu 8,087 26,702 || || 5,703 || 9,028 || 4,80 2 M- 2 5,778 4,779 § 23 Illinois. . . . . . . . . iº9 |12.000 || 6′316 || 3. 2 ,703 || 9,028 4,808 || 2,275 780 212 25 || 4 || 163,514 - § *:::::::. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ,000 || 9,246 8,053 | 12:46, 6,839 3,750 2,94. $12 3 * 279 1,772 {{|##;...............'...}} }; º; º; #| #| #| || #| #| || || || #| || || 3: (; º;::::::::::::: 2.78% ſº iſ ſº }: ;| };}| || || || || || | * | *śi 1...} ſº orida ..............| 1.307 iºi 'osi 923 | 1.447 | * 9 || 3 || – || 11,476 11 53 28 C 6 & 8 & 6 tº º - 9 o 2 848 || 484 || 247 i{}} -- 3 g Q & 8 COLUMBIA ........ 2,182 | 1,646 1,648 1,843 2,856 | 1,752 980 | 603 || 272 ; § * * º ; sº TOTAL Male . . . . . . 972,980 || 782,075 669,734 || 5 w - 2 3 * v- w - UNITED *...**i. gºij | #50; ii 73; ſº ºf 5%; 367,840 229,284 135,082 57,772 | 15,806 2,041 301 5,355,1: é -- A, a - #1;|#######|##|##|##|##|;|####| || # * : i - SLA V E States, and T º MALES. . . . FEMALES. ates, and Territories. [Ages. Under 10 24 36 45 100 & U - - nder 10 24 | * ea - io. to 24, to 36. to 15. to too. abº. Total || To..." to #4. to 36. tº toº. º Total. ... ºne. is sº ſ , Pºlayers .......:"...#| .34;|...}} —— * - I - =-e- tº ill (), 5 § 2; ; 2 Maryland ....., |17,880 17,759 8,846 6,135 2:#| || Sºlºšliº, sº sº º ji 1,486 || 9 || 11 Q Q.5 a virginia £ast 74.15s. Gº |38.403 |27, 2 ,442 || 17,002 | 16,236 || 8,331 || 5,329 2,601 || 3 || 49,552 .9% 24 jº.s irginia ; W 5 y ºo:: 27.6% 11.1%i 13; 2ſº ºff # 38.3% |2 º 1jºij || 13 |20ſ. S$:#; . .º.º.º.;|º]}}|... º.º.º. Å; Tº || || 056 34,743 106 || 393 S s ... s "S arolina... 45,991 38,099 || 20,212 14,030 5 9 2 2 257 2,723 | 1,056 13 25,937 24 .45 # 3 S 5 South d 9 2 ,848 133 124,313 || 44,847 37,508 20,095 || 13,088 5,636 114 || 1: - s's #33 ; :...a "...]; ;|##|##| ; ; }; ºft|##|; º; ; #|##| #| || Sº fº © • * * * * * * * 3. 3. © 2 4-l - sº. 3 ###| 7 Alabama;; 8,252 7,318 º º;|*| *|†, ºft|*|| 35; 13.5 || 3:35 | is is iſ sº ià s #s is sº *** South 15,555 13.335 | 6′353 || 330i ji || 2 || 36. 7.974 || 7,152 4,209 | 1,897 507 || 8 || 21,747 | 1Q | 12 šššº, J B Mississipi g;|lºſſ ||º ;| #| || | j};|##| || || || || : | 3 || 36 s sº ...s $ 9 Louisi fast || 9.354 i3.996 13. 2-ºv 22 || 33,099 || 10,860 10,841 6,983 3,173 682 21 32,560 || 2 | #1 , s 53 s 5 9 Louisiana 3 W. . . . igg | 6′ſió | 1,660 25 | 13,613 || 5,531 |13 iſſ, 16. 2: 7… . #S ºf $ . . . * †: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 4,587 1,245 || 3 || 37.79. 17 | tº * $ 2 s is 5 || 10 Ten East 3,404 || 3:03 iſºsi || Tºi 2 ,153 4,457 3,290 | 1,662 307 || 11 || 13,880 || 4 || 1: | $ 3 's j * West 24.303 20335| 9. § 24; 3 | "...ºf ºil ºn ſº ºg § g| gliº || 4 || 13  sº s II Kentucky ...... 31.500 |27.4% 1; #; §: 57 6iº ||23.29% 20 ºil 16749 || 3,636 1,566 || 32 | 63.24; 24 2; 3.53 g s = ||. Tºols......... .º.º.º is ºf ". 61 82,309 || 30,975 |27,346 13,854 8,107 2,572 50 82,904 || 46 83 s' s 25:S $ 13 Missouri . . . . . . . . 4,872 4,364 2,058 2 347 || 144 128 64 52 H2 || 3 | 400 | 9 || 6 $ S. S. ... [14 Arka 2 2 ,958 923 208 || 14 | 12,439 || 4,611 || 4,605 || 2,199 || 1 * S$ sº sco unsas. . . . . . . . . 845 814 395 | 192 47 ’9. 5 ºz. 2 ~2 ,014 || 219 || 4 || 12,652 || 8 || 10 - SS S. o. §§ | 15 Florida . . . . . . . . 2,501 2,482 | 1 -— 2,293 || 803 836 || 399 || 193 || 51 || 1 || 2,283 || 4 || 2 & -s $ 3 : Sº | 16 Columbia • 4-9 2 ,830 ; 948 224 | – || 7,985 || 2,560 2,449 1,561 768 9 § 2. Sº Scº º : “.... 794 1,024 542 375 H14 3 2.35% ׺: 2. 2 *. Ö 177 H. 7,516 6 16 § 3 ºf SS 17 All other........ 36 132 43; 397 277 || 5 | 1. 816 1,270 | 612 391 || 176 || 2 | 3,267 2 3 ToTAL, lºsſº, Tsºlmss 27] G | 12:8; 65. 152| 473] 489 854 to bºlº 1% A $. R.4 ° 333,498 i 312,567 i85,585 118,880 4,545 º- 1 - . * * * -y ºt - -* - l ..—— -—- - $5& j 5,585 118,880 alsº lºs II,012s23 jºgg; asſºol sºns; ins; 41,436 676 996,220 743 1,470 87 sTATEMENT, showing the Proportion in every 10,000. of each of the º : A. º º: ºlºs.” g * ations of Ages of the Slave Population in 1830, in each of t e 1stricts an erritories tº valu •r, º º : ; ; * . With the view § aiding the enquiry into the effect of Climate, and Locality, on human existence, there is jºbſº in juasta position, the Latitude, aud Longitude of each State, and Territory. - 90 to || - * - 100 ſ ] Go tº sº. Yeº • cº º * = & North Under 5 10 5 20 30 40 50 ſ 60 70 80 and sº Gº 3 - ? - ?: sº.ºne. Latius. 5 to ſo. to is to 20 to so. toºtoººoºoºº sº toº loo. º. # º: #3; & ... " as Tºº-Tſ also 10 E: ºšč i t . Štěš & & © ſº e º 3 & 9 1,697 | 1,432 1,272 | 1,116, 1,743 | 1,081 | 725 460 29% 131 || 41 4.63 | . *N ‘dº gº ºv ſ ſ , Nº. Hàºjī:::::: ; ; †† : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; # ##| || - |sizes ; 3 Massachusetts . . . . . . . . . 4; 23 1,319||32 ||..}}}|...}}}| 1989||1,292; 304 || 599 || 3:0 | 89 o ‘’” : § 333 33 s à || 4 Rhode Island ........ || 415 | i.185| 1276 | 1,191 i isol is;3| iſ is?| 775 476 || 318 188 58 6 35 if # | < *; % tº: 5 || 5 Connecticut .......... Ai is i.336|| i.25i | 1.234 i.i.54|iº i.ići gift 545 384 #29 |º : º º º * | ##3 - - - is 6 Vermont.............. 44 20 | 1,550 | 1.356 || 1:257| i.i.27 in 29 |i i27 743 504 || 2 | }. 44 3.35 | 36|| 5 3 | * * * ' s . North . . . . . 45 1.7% 1,488 ºft| 1,066 ±801 | 1,149 715 422 || 348 102 ||3: ; 83| 3 3 ºr T = s.sº is 7 New York } South . . . . . 49 43 1,539 1,312||1,166 | 1,077 2,012 1,297 || 747 || 437 261 116 ; , ss j|3| 2 | f |&## É § 3 8 New Jersey .......... 40 13 || 1:64 1.390 1295] 1,122 1770 fººd 7:4 42 |3}} | {: #24 || 3: ;|*| 3 || rº, - - - § { . . $ East . . . 40 1,672 1,382 | 1,234 || 1,135 | i,878 1,173 | 730 426 240 | 102 *** * º; = 5 || 3 | * : * ' Tº 9 Pennsylvania; West ... a 1,889 1,520 | 1,241 1,054 1,756 | 1,076 | 664 || 413 244 || 108 29 4.20 7|3|E|-|-- S$ ) tº ºx! º tº gº ºf iºi iº9 i.i.dº ij i.iii. 706 || 415 || 2 || 7 || 14.90 3 fi : |3|_|siggº Tºss s 19 Delaware . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10 1,645 1,42 5399 || 1 , i. 2 'º º 235 | 93 24 | 3.59 47 | | | | * | * : *; $ $º C, Cº cºo § 11 Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 21 1,611 1,319 1,214 | 1,071 1,995 | 1,238 || 75i 444 || 235 * | * x * 3: | to gº e ºf , ºf .S. ** * g e & East ...... 38 1,784 1,421 | 1,213 | 1,066 1,791 | 1,125 | 725 || 473 262 | 104 3. e so 3| P: e 3, §§ # 12 Virginia }{. * * * * * . . It #|};|};}|{:}|##| | | | | #|}; ; ; , ; ;|1}}|† º - Rº a.º. 3 & § e - sº }º ºf # tº Yº - 3 Sº 13 North Carolina..... . . || 35 30 1981 | 1.524 | 1.294 | 1,079 1,671 , 97% tº #. ; 32 22.81 5.06 | f of 5 ă jś #3 Sº 14 South do. ... . . . ; 40 | 1,925 1,552 || 2: 1,039 |}{9, 1,979 § #6 || 2 || 3 || 1 | 1. 65 |’. e |º º §§ li; Georgia .” Nä, ä #|##|##|1}}|##|##| | | | | | | | |$ºol "#| |f|###3 * .2:35 34° 3. e º s Delta Sº Alabama §§. § 30 || 3: ... i.i.d ºliº is ºn ºf ſº | * | * #| | : *|| ||sis: * 3 $.". 217 Mississippi....." 31 }}}}|{:}|*|| || |};|...} | . . . . . . .” g : 2, #| | | Eää geºg I}lissis- - s & St. 30 1,471 | 1,227 984 838 2,183 | 1,666 927 425 | 186 || 67 | 19 & º ‘5 5 : 3:38; ºf sippi. 61s Louisiana, }; If i;|1320||1138|, .35|.93||1343| 2 || 3: tº is ſº ;: , ; ; #|###3 & East . . . . . . 36 2,198 || 1,650 | 1,321 | 1,074 | 1,578 || 870 530 || 418 225 | 98 || 32 ; #. i is # P Feel rºad 3 |19 Tennessee } West. . . . . . . m. ;|};|};|};|##| | | | | | | | | | | };|##| | 4. Prº gº ºf 2 sº s 20 Kentucky * g º ſº tº º e º 'º tº gº º 37 30 2,026 1,538 1,281 1,086 1,791 | ; ; ; : º 19 • 5. 2 ºš º cº e sigáà º § 3 & 21 Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 30 |3}} # }: łº #|};|...}|† tº ;|#6, #| || £| |###### 3 ºf s 22 Indiana. e & º º is © tº gº tº gº & © tº dº & 2, 3. 2 2 i- 9 - > * * * gº } 㺠© .48 º .<> §§§ 3 , sº tº ~2. si 23 Illinois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is ; }; ; l § #: łº ; #. # º 1. º, 2 ſ: .32 ; * | *::::::: * * : &5 24 Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'º, } 2 2 Weſ) º, : © - o - s 25 Michigan ............ 42 30 | 1.664 iſºo iſotº|| $45|24is isos 678 || 362 # ; 1. º *; 55 º ; : 533 s??? U26 Arkansas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 30 2,127 | 1,425 | 1,145 || 896 || 1,997 | 1,282 | 67 || 30ſ, # 56 | 16. 2 H 5 º jº º: | ºf Florida.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 39 .888 1,302 |, 992 |, 779 2,121 | 1,599 || 742 || 426 180 52 | 18.31 .73 .73 P & §§ | U 28 COLUMBIA . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 58 1,740 1,231 | 1,089 1,115 2,055 1,331 || 783 435 g & "" |2| |*|†: ----- 1. Mº. ºf mºor 1.64% 1.401 121s 1 181 1,802 i. i27 718 472 299 || 136 || 46 6.93 15 # § §§§ | §§§ & tº e º º G is e e º sº a G e tº e O * , , U+9 - ~ 3 2 j 2. ~) - f *...* ise F. es & rº, q^ ? Sº Gº, ſ & Nºw"Hää'...... 4, 26 iſſ, i.2%i |f||129 |iºs iſsºl iſºls|| $65 Gia | 4: . . . ; ; ; ; ;|. grºg - - - & 3 Rºsº . . . . . . . . || 4 || 7 | | 1,281 | 1,119 | 1,080 1,116 | 1,960 1,236 864 598 42. 3% 8: º, ! # 16 .E|, | 3 | *; tº sº £ fºod island.......... . . . . . ii.º. iişliği'i: |iº i.iº sº; sº º gig is 1661 20 | #|* | *Tº sº. Tº s s: § Connecticut .......... 3% 5," | 1,247 1,156 | 1,130 | 1,090 1,811 | 1,224|992 || 631 458 257 ; §:"| "|5|3| 3 | ###" 33: : "Y"; Nº.: ##|####|####|}}}|##|}|#|#| || |*|| 3 |#####, # - , º, . . . . . 1.724 1,517 | 1.297 H.776 tº - ** o sº # 7 New York}}... ... ***, ºft|##|##|####|##|}; #| || || || |#2, #|#| |#His # * New Jerse: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|####|####| |##| ##| |sisga's gº * & w 61.3 | 1.345 ,2}: º, '. *..., | ; sº, ºº, ši 9 Pennsylvania {{#s'. ... * *.*, *. ºliºs; iii., iii.; fºr tº ſº | 2: . . . ; ; ; 32 g| || 3 ||3:3; #: º ylvania ; West .. 3 W. 1,89. 1,59 |! :28 'iº iº907 i.i.d6, ſix 456 226 gi 19 2.É. .35 | & 3 ; ; ; ; ; = |}} ºr ...:::::::::::::#|}}}|{:}|##|##|##|##|#| | | | | | | | | | * | 1 #| || Tº sº # *, tºº. §§º º İşi fºliº º tº 3: i. 5; 74 . # = |*|#### 33ss : ; ; ; 12 Virginia & #8', ' ' ' ' ' ' ºš|iº i.25i i.i.53 iºnio || '957| 620 | 393 |225 || 99 || 36 3.5 || 9 | E. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Ś 3 | S 8 in 18 West . . . . . . ; : |};|##|##|##|##|1%|}|}} | . . . . . ; ; ; 1. # | 333i: cºº § {: Nº Cºlina: ; ; ; ; ;|##|##|##|#: iſoº; 665 429 || 2:0 | Tö3 ||37.6 || 63 i3 5 || "...º.º.º. " S th * º º º g º º ſº e O & # - * 2 º 2 *. §§ p. .4 - s:- # ğ. & "...: 4 / 8 w 3.157 1,574 1,253 1,146 | 1,675 974 58. º 386 ". 69 18 4.5 | 1 8 cº, º ºs º ºs e º os s U15 Georgia North 8 ſt ##|};|};|};|}; ; ; ; ; , , || | | | | . 3 : 333 3:33:33 § Delta (, 16 Alabama 3 º'". 1 2.44i | 1.652, i.26 io94|igoś gé5 565 305 || 137 || 49 || 14.8i 2.56 . 2333 3333 * of the fississi South II. .# | fºliº ºf ºliº; º; ºn ºf is; # in 3.22 tº – ' ' 'Sº Sºº - § ** & e º & g J. 3 2 3. : & - & * Yºst's t Q} *~ --> • iii. ºf ºpp.; }; 1.3% ºiliº i.iº ſº; 1,iº Gº || 3:1 || 3 || 3 ||3: : º, $353, sº £3. sippi. (18 Louisiana 3 W. 17 - ||3: ; ;|}}}|}}}| #| || 3: #| || |}rol; soliº § 3 sº; 5 gº º t . . . . . . 5 / 2,080 1,602 | 1,266 1,157 | 1,691 ..? tº . º º te £ § 3. ... : S ; ; > -º 3 ſlo Tennessee }º...... " , is , ; };|##|##|}; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; s: º #|; $º.::::::::::: ; ; ; ; ; ;|};|##|}; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; sºs is; ; ; Cº. 21 io . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A/ Af 3. 5 2 9 2 - * - 1,52 .24 ‘s...} & S : O .S. Q as si; ".............::::::::::::::#|####| ||#|#| || ||##|##| ||isº (; ; ; &2 23 filinois. ... tº e º & ſº Q & & tº e s & Af f} 2 2 2 -9 3 1. | 68. 37 s 2-5 S 3. ". . . . …; • Fºrt 3.3 *se g & ſº H.647 959 || 510 280 | 1.43 42 | 11.2} | . . § S A. S. & E is ;: 3 3 24 Missouri . . . . . tº tº e º & © gº tº a 12 a 17 a 2,353 1,700 1,273 | 1,080 1, * @ | P. f. 7 || 7 .58 || 3 .79 — & S. § { it: o, 3 ºf rº - Tº Aſ * . . . * 279 1,691 ||..},923 || 1,062 551 296 || |{}6 2 “. . . . s J.S. § 3. 5-3 is .33 s 25 Michigan . . . . . . tº e º & © tº gº & 5 / 10 f/ 2,081 º 1,279 1,0ſ 2 6) 2. 6}{Y& 32 s 27 8 3. º § - Šoš & tº e. ** 3.4 £3 ..., 6 hº 302 | 1,068 1,753 947 460 262 | 93 - $ sº . P. 33 : ep U26 Arkansas. . . . . . . . . . . gº º 13 # 23 # 2,424 1,653 1, º '776 1. 04i. 594 303 124 55 12 6 *** s: SS § § rºad ofs. 3. * 27 Florida tº gº tº gº º ſº e o 6 g º sº e º 'º e º a 3 // 10 Af 2,217 1,535 1,204 1,133 1, 4 9 - 2 3 * $ 8 is sº $º & O 3.5 U28 WASHINGTON, W. of Greenwich 77.2 m 1,568 1,183 1,183 | 1,325 2,053 | 1,259 704 434 195 || 70 23 - sists 3.3 : §§ . ‘fl ( ; ºr . 8 252 108 29 || 4 .06 | **ś? §s 3 ; *::::: TOTAL - || Małe . . . . . . 1,817 | 1,460 | 1,251 | 1,071 1,786 1,107 | 687 428 252 :- § 3 s, s - Qu ustºre.8 º išlijºliº; ii;3| irrölioſal ögo 432 251 | is 34 5 .46 - . ºn Wrºn FEMA.i.E.S. The progressive º Pºlº in º: i."Nº ſ . MALES. 19 24 36 |45 to 106& America, may be regarded as one of the remar * r 7 E Staff d 24 36 45 to &#Under } | {{}{} & * fiva I as ars. D h of the three Ten Yearly Pe. SLA I ates, an Under 10 I 00& “ ("A *AA tº 45. i{}{}. labve. Fºº, º º º º º º Territories. 10. to 24, to 36. to 45. - 100. abwe. 10. to 24, to 36. to 45 - aw: or 144 in the aggregate of the 30 Years: while, in Great Britain t - . | CireaS6 i." each #. has been only about 153 # Cent, or ºl } }} º 1 Delaware ...... 3,212 4,723 1,356 460 233 16 || 3,419 4,132 #. I ; ; # #". . ." ..."; "...","...hº..”. 2 Maji ......] § 3 ; ; ; 1.1% º ºil ºrgliºsi 1, 56; as 6 the compilation of the American Official Returns is creditable to the - East 3.505 3:35 1.815 1,309 || 525 || 6 || 3,598 || 2,861 1,791 1,196 9 9 parties entrusted with their arrangement and execution: had any errors 3 Virginia } West 59 5 3.315 1.74% iſogo 376 3 || 3,679 3,218 1,641 i,050 407 5 or Typographical blunders existed, the working of the above results T yest 3,9] 2 - '626 i. i29 470 | 11 § 3,698 || 3,092 | 1,657 | 1,079 465 {} would have discovered them, but none were found to exist. It is as 4 North Carolina.. 3,699 3.96: 1,626 ||, 486 || 6 3.333 3'sſig 2,044 1,376 || 507 5 honourable to the American people to have produced so accurate a dis- 5 South do. . . 3,333 2,870 | 1,911 1,394 9: 3.i.26 Tºss i`iº, 346 7 play of their Numbers, as their amount and increase are interesting to 6 Georgia . . . . . . . . 3,525 3,148 1,787 | 1,178 || 354 8 || 3,505 2 - ’933 ’872 233 4. the Philosophical enquirers of all countries; but before they are entitled North 3,687 3,270 1,897 || 874 270 || 2 || 3,667 3,299||1, - % 5 to unqualified commendation for their regard for this interesting branch 7 Alabama } South §§§ £327 I,863 870 242 6 || 3,662 3,417 | 1,878 818 || º of Social enquiry, they must exhibit an equally accurate Account of the * @ & ºt 334 3.361 2005 I.044 255 7 || 3,336 3,330 2,145 974 || 269 4) No. of Births, and a corresponding display of Deaths in each Class of 3 8 Mississippi . . . . . . 3. º 2 6 1.36% iºd 390 i. 3.53; 3,216 2,710 1,214 32.9 3 Ages. On comparing the proportional results of the Totals of the United 9 Louisiana ; Fast 2,193 3,04 3-vºv || + 2 9 2 gº 3.2ii 2,370 1,198 221 8 States, with the Total results of the different Sections of the United * & West 2,800 i 3,234 2,349 1,328 280 Fºr 2 & 74 160 1.61% ’937 355 9 Kingdom, the Numbers above 40 Years of Age in the United States, ** Fast 3,894 3,537 1,466 816 280 7 || 3,577 3. 2 903 25i 5 show a considerable disproportion to the Numbers within that Age: 10 Tennessee; ; 3,956 3,309 | 1,623 863 240 || 9 || 3,743 3,371 1,727 || 3:0 | 6 two opposite causes, or both conjointly, may contribute to such dºo. I 1 Kentucky §§ 3,335 | 1,643 91} 277 7 : 3,732 3,300 1,671 984 º portion—a much shorter average duration of Life, or an excess of Births; **s . . . . . . §§24 3.466 2.33 1,335||113 56 3,600 3,200 1,525 | 1,300 300 || 75 ſºil probable that both materially contribute to the disproportiºn in the 12 Illinois • . . . . . . . . .” 2 sº ’742 ió7 iſ $ 3,644 3,640 | 1,738|| 802 173 3 United States: put until an equally accurate account of the Births and | 13 Missouri . . . . . . . . : 3,917 3,508 1,65. Jº- jº 3.662 1.748 845 223 5 Deaths are given, much must be left to conjecture : the migratory ten- 14 Arkansas. . . . . . . 3,685 3,550 1,723 837 205 || – 5* º’. 58 3.077 1,022 235 i dency, also, of the inhabitants of the United States, greatly augments 15 Florida. . . . . . . . . 3,132 3,108 2,292 1,187 281 | – || 3,497 3,2 . . .” iſigº 536 || 6 !...'...'... ." . . . . . . . .ia ... 37:4|3,500 fºod iſ 315|| 400 11 *;|*;|...}}|...},..., | dº , the ci f resi SIłOll e given as ... - - . . . . . tº yº. * - & * *2,2; ..". º “... º º 17 All other. . . . . . & . 281 } 1.033 3,373 || 3,105 ºne |40 | º | 2 6 7 h * * r ** th } parts of the United Kingdom. - - ! | Tº Tº §§§ R . "Yºº TOTAL. 3,491 3,086 (1,832 1,174 410 || 7 || 3,490 3,099 1,865. 1,123 41 33 STATEMENT shewing the Number of Houses, Families and Persons, distin cº-º: º - i.e. » 9. 3. guishing Males from Females, of SCO TLAND, at each of the 2 Periods 1801, and 1811; shewing also the annual "... Property; i. †. and the Number of Properties, in three Classes, in each County; and the Total Number of Persons in each at each of the six Periods 1755; 1790 - 8; 1801 ; 1811 ; 1821 ; and 1831. 2 O e SIX COUNTIES, with Number of reference to Order of Production. T801. Berwick Bute r e a e s a e s s & © 8 Caithness . . . * Clackmannan . . . . Dumfries Dumbarton . . . . . . Edinburgh . . . . Elgin, or Moray . . Fife Forfar , Haddington . . Inverness Kincardine PSinross Kircudbright Fanark Linlithgow Nairn. . . . . . . . Orkney & Shetland Peebles . . . . . . Perth . . . . . . . . . . Renfrew . . . . . . . . foss and Cromarty Roxburgh . . . . . . . . Selkirk . . Stirling tº a tº sº e 9 o e 0 ° Sutherland Wigtown . . . . . . . e e º e º e º & tº e º 'º & * & 3 & 43 e ‘º $3. © g g º º & © e º e & 8 a & e e a e e º 'º º o e e s e º e º 8 ° * * * e g º & © tº 3 s e º º & e º ſº * c e a e g º & TOTALS. COUNTIES, 11 28 1 23 18 27 31 4. 12 25 32 j 7 8 2 30 15 16 7. 26 14 || | with Number of reference to Geographical Position. 1811. Aberdeen . . . . . . . . 23 Argyle . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ayr . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Banff. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Berwick . . . . . ... 10 Bute . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Caithness . . . . . . . . 31 Clackmannan . . . . 17 Dumfries . . . . . . . . 1 Dumbarton . . . . . . 15 Edinburgh. . . . . . . 12 Elgin, or Moray .. 25 Fife . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Forfar . . . . . . . . . . 21 Haddington . . . . . . 11 Inverness . . . . . . . . 27 Kincardine . . . . . . 22 Kiaross . . . . . . . . . . 19 Kircudbright . . . . 2 Lanark . . . . . . . . . . 5 Linlithgow . . . . . . 13 Nairn. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Orkney & Shetland 33 Peebles . . . . . . . . 9 Perth. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Renfrew . . . . . . . , 6 Ross and Cromarty 28 Roxburgh . . . . . . . . 7 Selkirk . . . . . . . . . . 8 Stirling . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sutherland . . . . . . . 30 3 Wigtown e a 6 e e º 'º & TOTALS. Wetmber of Houses tº | in º ;iº, N. Number of PERSONs, ~ *#.º Powel No. of Prop ERTI Es. ** Buil-i Unin. uper - izz 1801. A. Estimated in 1811. ##, "; £º Cor. * ing habit ſº ilies. - 3. O alh - T OF • ding º: . #. # male. Females (Scº.) Rental. º Houses. : Entailed itſ” ann. 2000l. *. #. # 5 5, ,701 # 123,082 55,625 67,457 - 235,665 200,000 233,827 65,55 ...T.T.”. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..]";|..}}|#| ||#| | | * gº ºligºi º ºs ºoligºo, sº isºſ |gº; dº | | | 6 1. 6 166 7.39|| 3:. . º. |}º tº .299|..º.º.º. 5.314|| 42%; ſº | | | | | | | T 3; 5,965 Šāşşi soºn | 1.42% is 337 || 178,366|230,000 |231,373 gišs sº 153 || 3 || 2 || 2 | 90s 17 | 1,911 : 2,501 11,791 5,552 6,239 15,043 13.591 || 3.3ſo lºoſo | 6 || 3 906 140 4,433 4,652 º 19183| 12:4; ºft| 19,959 30% 1.693 13.63 14 | 11 : * {3} &mº-mºmes 3. 64. 2.foo # 2,612 10,858 || 5,054 || 5,794; 26.483 || 14,300 32,048 || 3.8%. 13,835 24 || 6 || | — — à | 246 10,785 11,839; 54,597 || 23.4% |ºlº 153,593 |199,799 246,902 ſºlº ſº; sº | | | | | *. to 3,375|| 4,418 20,710 || 9,796|| 10.914 :3,325||55,000 sº sº, 11.10%|135 | is ; ; ; ... 1,081 | 1... [*11;|##|º] tº lºº 277.823 | 400,004 || 33,683 || 369 gº | 10 | 19 80 # |’ſº | Sºgº Tºsº ||26-05 |11.763||13.94% 63,603 || 4.420 gº 2,754 jºso || 23 18 6,753 § 766 17,055 24,298 33,743 |42,933 |30,791 || 3:3.1% 174,000 333,294 35,756; ºil agi ho, 45 ||25 || 5 3 || ||*|*| #. º. 53,666 ± 171,240 122,000 : 260,197 64,108 57,079 || 491 59 | 16 || 19 ** 406 |,583; i.i.212 ºf tº ||º jº. ºf 1:2::::: º, º 133 ||33 ||3: ,251 ; 159 14,357 15,333 74,292 || 33,801 || 49,491 73,188 || 70,530; 193,844 || 9,235 24,864 57 18 12 — ; 1,306 § 303 || 3.3s; 6.1%; 26.343||13,104 || 14,245 74,921 63,743 153,896 || 3:23; 18.7so 16 |25 || 1 || 3 || To § 37 | 1,372 1,686 6,743 3,116 || 3,609. , 39,250 | 16,000; .22,752 1.333 20.25o 16i | 7 ; : 419 ‘s 161 5,600 6,433 29,211 || 13,619 || 13,592 114,597 | 167,125 183,488 jº º 46 || 7 || || 25 . 1,544 32,259 36,481 146,699 || 68,109 |78,599 162,132 127,000;298.919, 286,912 sºliº | | | | | ºia; s 160 2,796 || 3,832 17,844 8,129 9,715 75,919 64,318; 84,947 5,798 ;|''. . . . . ; ; *... § | 2 | ºf ºi º ...; , ; ; ; ºf ºf , º, 2.506 "g | 3 || 3 366 | 105 || 8,016 || 8,333 46,824 29.7% 26,931 ºg | 13,500 16,236 3,54. gº; 195 || | | | I I 3. 64 1,682 1,343; 8,733 || 41.9 |...},57; º ºf 5.3% ºš63 35, iii. 54 ºi | 3 | T : Toº 952 23,382 28,971 126,366 |58,808 || 67,538 339,892 |230,900 460,739 35,693 28,026. Gº || 33 sº 1. 198 89 || 7,857 17,217 78,056 |36,068|41,988 69,173 | 126,000 127,069 106.238 . . . . . . . . . . . 127 | 11,424; 11,836 53,343|25,494 |29,849 87,940 || 85,643 : 101,930 3,288 29.66% 55 27 13 1,237 §4. 6,156; 7,480 $3,582 |15.313||17,869 ; 314,563 |102,350 230,363 |11,508 ºssi 25 53 3 | – | .418 27 | . 98 , 1,153 : 3,979 || 3:6 |...}}|...}}}} | .26% .39,7%. , ; ; sº | | | 20 * | | || 3: 29% 7,530 11,625 i 50,825 23,875 26,950 i 108,509 | 1643; ; 177,499 |25,370 25,007 || 109 || 3 | } 1033 § 4: ‘ºf ºliº: "º “ºi"; *... i.i." | | | | | | | * 1s; ºf ji º ºſo | 12:31 ºl looooo; ſº sº lºoºl gº || | | | | | T. 9,537 294,553 : 36” 1,599,068 ; 734,581 | 864,487 3,804,219 3,087,180 & 4,792,842 (1,158,782 1,240,082 i 6,147 (1,092 396 || 143 : 44 s *::::::::/ Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the Siw Periods. *:::: 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 206 || 745 26,000 33,118 135,975|| 69,159 |74,916 33,631 116,836||132,921 |133,983 |135,075 155,3 * 119 1,602 || 15,240 || 17,368 83,585 40,675 |44,919 6,086 63,291 76.101 |37.359 ; º #: 141 :* 15,407 21,494 : 103,954 48,506 || 55,448 20,606 || 59,268 || 75,544 | 84,306 || 103,954 127%gg 1451s, 63 223 || 3:01: 3,312 sº 15.4% ºf 3,564 ºf ºf ºf ºft. 43,561 *:::: j| 30, 5,730; 6,367 sº | 1.456 | 16,313; sº gº.gif| 30,875 30,621 30,779| 333; sº, 2 33 2,047 2,518 12,033 º ºf 2,797 ºf 10.563| Tiºgi 12,033 13.79% º 45 139| 4:9, 4,744 23:41, 19.3% 1%;" || 2,535 23:31: 24.3% º|| 3:4. sºft| º . . . . . ; ºf fºol ºf ºš º 'º, º ſo;| Tºoro º jº 1;| ≤ |1};|1%; º sº, sº I ºf arºl sº sº; gº º żº 28 90 3,218 .4,934; 34,199 || 11,353 ||38.91.6,434 lºſſ |,48,498 |,29,719 |,4}º 70% ºf 143||1,167 15,789 33,043; 148,607 || 65,904 || 33,603 || 358,292 || 90,412 || 122,635 | 122,924 148,607 | 19.514 sº 93 197 6,268 6,854 28,108 || 12,401 || 15,797 5,061 28,934 26,080 26,703 || 28,198 31.162 º 137 583 17,518 26,332 191,274 |43,968||53,304 || 29,380 º º| º lº 114.556 ſº 124 505 | 16,133 24,750 107,364 |43,151 |59,113 29,812 ºf 1,001 || 9,127 107.264 its so tºod 3. no gº ºn sing tº 16.93% ºf gºog 28.90% ºf 31,164. 35.1% º jo º ſº; 15 of i is sº 33.722 |3.gif| isogi ºg jºgi ºgg|78.336|| Sºis, § * 283 ºil ºf ºligºso |13: º gº º żº º żºis sº 3| || ||sº ºf ººº 3 ºf sº gº ºsº | 3:30; sº º ºsº º 84|, 196 ºf ºi º º ºf 1.4% #3% º|,492. Lºgº 38.903 40.5% 169 1, 184 33.9% 42,510 || 191,752 88,688 || 103,004 || 170,210 81,726 125,254 146,699 || 191,752 243.387 sº 30 | 186 3,098 || 4,404 19,451 8,874 10,577 3,887 16,829 17,579 || 17,844 iº |º ſº, 17 | 68 1,943 2.92. 8,231 |...}}}|.4ſ.21 714; 3,694 | 6,954|| 3,437 8,251 good | 9.354 is 101 || 8,230 9,038 46.133 20,151 |25,002 || 1,995; 38,591 || 43,339| 46,824 || 46,153 53,124 58,339 8|| 72 | 1,749 |,4}; i. 9; ºf 5,982] 2,343 : ...Q. .8.197 .3,733|...}; io'oï6 ſo’sº 16, 835 | *gº. 29,998 || 135,093 64,934 71,059 26,834 118,903 |133,274] 126,366 || 135,093 139,050 | 1.43 sº 38|| 142 8,229 || 19.7% 92.93||1369||50,536; 37,859 26,645 62,853 78,056 || 93,596 iſºs | 133445 159 292 12,829 - 13,574 : 60,853 27,640 33,213 3,370 : 47,656 55,430 || 55,343 60,853 65.82s 71.33: 52| 243 ºf 3,37. 3.; 1741; 29.41, 3,12; 3:3: ; 33.0%| 3: ºso | Toggº 43%; 6| 35 | 1982 tº º º? ºf 1293 º|| 4:34 º jº 6,637 | 6′33. ; : ºf 1.5%i sãº. 27.75 sº ºi s㺠aºs sº sº; gºs º : 1. . . . . . . 19: §1. 553 20.774 ; 23.96 || 23,117 | 33,629 as gaol assis C) “. . .” ,863 26,891 ) 12,205 || 14,686 3,984 16,166 20,983 22,918 26,891 || 33,240 || 36,258 2,341 11,329 | 304,093 : 402,068 & 1,805,688 826,191 | 979,497 809,773 1,265,380 1,526 492 | 1,599,068 1,805,688 2.093,456 2,365 go tº. The Rental of Houses assessed to the House Tax in 1829 will be seem to be considerably bel e 24 * B & g £2 - * 3. - - y below the amount of Rental in 1811, but it will be rexe that in 1823, all H. !" less than £º Yearly Value were exempted from the House Taa: ; while previously, a considerable Number below: º '; mbered subject thereto ; Scotland however appears not to contribute a fair quota of direct Tares ; while the Land Rental is one sixth of that of England. th ue were Tazes are only one fifteenth, and the contribution of all Scotland, is less, than that of the City of Westminster. § land, the Assessed i| i tº tº i; 3 b- Number of Houses Assessed to House and Window Duty; Rental at which ssessed ; and Amount of Land and Assessed Tawes, in each County. --- A Number of HOUSES, Assessed to House Number of HOUSES assessed to window Duty Gross Amount of the COUNTIES, | * - - ‘s #. 3 e . Rental of those | 's 5 § assessd Taxes in 1829 * • r Du 9, at Rentals of from * 5 3. * 33 3 º' - º • * - . * :: * = º - Alph #: 6xper, & Vide Parºº '. iºsion iss. _A - # # g * f : º 50 8 º º wº ". #: ºft, Nº. with* No. grºrone. º is. º º, ºb. º, & TOTAL, Ž; Q9 2.5 Fº º, #" and ºve to 10 to 15. to 20. to 25, 3 above. TOTAL < T – Land Assessed Geographical position- *- : * ~ *-* ----- * erº- —--É——| –-É— n ºa - tº-sº- — — —£-——-£—!-- 6– Aberdeen . . * 962 300 288 95 || 0 |2|1,702 oº:: 30,476 3,155 || 841 || 442 | 187 55 | 118 1,643 4.7%;”: º: Y - * • - 2 è iſ * */ 3. Mºº e tº 32 279 62 47 || 9 || 1 || 3 | 401 : 117 16,059 | 5,816 270 || 188 147 || 48 29 || 39 451 || 1,485 971 3,547 3 e º 'º º e .*…* ºw * - 405 * t; - 1,6 3 2 < Ayr . . . . . . . . * 762 249 107 || 41 || 30 19 | 1,208 98; º: ! 19,256 1,350 || 361 231 94 29 75 790 2,880; |; pº Burgh 3. | 187 27 || 1 || || 4 || 1 || 4 || 234 28 8,971 2,999 || 565 || 226 63 || 23 13 | 18 343 || 898 || 393 || 2,051 Berwick ... iół 233 56 || 2 | 13 || 3 || 3 || 329 176 5,803 5,034 220 || 209 || 132 44 || 13 45 443 || 1,636 | – || 5,188 Bute 14 | 122 || 34 17 | 3 || 2 | | | | 79 6 2,205 2,697 100 || 69 || 26 || 9 || 2 || 4 || 1 || 0 || 264 202 228 Gaithness .... 3i is: 24 8 2 — — 191 15 5,319 2,536 — || 105 || 49 7 2 4 | 167 || 308 || 301 546 ößmannai, i. i*i 43 20 || 5 || 1 || 1 || 3io 43 3,145 3 196 || 80 || 66 52 | 12 || 8 || 8 || 146 || 412 200 | 1,527 3.CKIA all (18,1] 7 3. 22 || || 1 1 - 3 37 82 226 226 Cromartv . . , 29 H 8 1 3 — — — 22 I 477 310 || – * * * As a s 6 Dumbarton ... 15| 326 || 41 27 | 10 || 6 || 9 || 419 13 3,536 5,861 620 || 7 || 5 || 24 19 30 | 199 || 910; .307|2,199 T)umfries ! 676 || 91 | 84 26 || || 0 || 7 | 894 210; º: 13,250 460 || 478 | 169 47 | 13 | 40 747 1,746 'º'; ; The Burgh. . " 5 - - * 5 e ^- . . - - i 65,410 º: *** 220 ºr ºn a has nº 200% '...} 210,417 |*|2,017||1307|32 ||34 || 386 cols *{};}|. 1. i 3. 2 - , O&O - 2 3. & Fº CITY . as 184 || 4 || 35 | 6 || 14 || 1 || 288 15 gº 4,991 70 || 160 | 121 51 || 8 || 27 | 367 || 1,118 452 1,623 *::::. . . . . . . . . - - * - jºy ... ( 2, ,7 ". . . . * 186 228 || 103 || 45 28 |19||1,209; 381 } '#} 19,173 1,207 || 598 || 327 | 124 38 100 | 1,187 3,926; ;|. * 13 Burghs . . . • 5 5 * - ºr- . * * - ------ - 1,01 * . . . . . . *l 1,049 || 352 | 186 83 40 | 16 | 1,726 148;"; *|1,120 was ºn | 10a || 4 || 9 |120, 3,400;";|}. - f 2 r - ; ve - -. 5 nº tº 196 || 35 | 35 | 1.4 295 153 6,230 4,879 560 || 135 | 147 49 || 23 49 403 || 1,920 | 1,065 4,880 addington ... II : 19 *) ... ( 14. - t a ſ 804 || 3,401 rt f 3 * * * - - el/ 5 i <= k." gºi 71 26 || 14 || 4 || 7 || 2 | 124; 26 isº | 2,220 | 130 || 141 28 || 17 | 6 || 33 225 || 807 || 384 2,352 ..] ſº Ca.1 II] e * @ - - 5 - Kinross . 19 | 40 3 || 5 || 1 || – || 2 || 51 : 59 1,419 | 661 | 160 || 35 | 16 || 9 || 2 || 6 | 68 || 218 46 472 Ricudbright. 3, 289 || 36|| 23 || 4 || 4 || 2 || 359 || 55 | 6,441 4,835 | 1.40 || 184 74 27 | 8 || 34 || 327 || 1,016 614 *. 5 * v- - te - t -- | . 1,329 20,925 "...º.º. 3,650 |1,710 959 || 491 269 |488 |7,567 217; ; } 132,850 | 37,360 || 1,508 || 883 || 353 195 210 || 3,149 || 9,301 {}; 16,793 lº" City iſ 170 39 || 6 || 17 | 2 || 2 | 286 55 i 3.303 || 3,687 | 200 || 115 | 67 || 35 | 11 || 17 | 245 || 850 || 420 2,609 inlithgow .. 13 -- . 31 20 | 6 || 1 || 5 || 63 || 181 | 185 465 Nairn . . . . . . 26 35 | 6 2 2 I — 46 7 2,012 714 -— - e - loo O 64 4 l — — — 69 : 1 0 || 4,931 833 — 82 28 10 2 1 123 208 328 217 rkney . . . . . . 33 - - *: 1,162 || --— 62 24 || 4 || 1 || – || 91 || 138 380 Shetland . . . . m . 80 | 13 | – || -- || — | – || 93 — 4,245 3 ºw * i e Peebles 9 86 || 14 || 7 || 9 || 4 || 4 || 124 89 1,750 2,033 310 || 78 47 || 14 || 1 || 22 | 162 || 582 382 2,025 tº e º ºs º ºr - - - & - || | 2,226 13,584 *:::::::: *! 856 253 95 || 79 43 || 48 1,374 alsº: 22,344 4,490 || 699 || 313 || 136 43 || 136 1,327 4,756; ‘. . . nºs" of 1,080 | 683 258 96 || 2 ||25 |2,118 isoo; toº 35,711 2, 148 || 441 221 | 108 || 44 || 61 | 875 || 2,677 522 || 9,075 Rj....... 2, "160 24 || 9 || 5 || 6 || – || 204 || Tºo 13, igi 3,060 tº 71 || 0 || 8 || 2 || 319 |, 940 || 473 1,854 Roxburgh .... Tº 338 80 55 | 1 || 6 || 7 || 497; 253 6,537 7,684 478 || 206 | 167 65 22 39 499 || 1,696 | 1,389 5, 155 §.”" ... : ". 6 || 6 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 76 27 | 1,081 1,073 || 130 || 41 | 18 || 5 || 2 || 9 || 75 || 27 I | 412 980 sº i. • e º O Gº & 1. 534 || 153 || 69 50 20 10 836 146 8,984 13,781 1,000 || 294 || 141 59 34 56 584 || 2,042 666 5,550 §. ná .. 30 23 7 2 — -— | 1 33 12 4,654 452 100 45 | 15 || 6 4 5 75 || 207 I 89 || 361 butneria T 84 47 | 18 || 6 5 || 6 || 266 : 50 5,819 3,654 330 || 168 || 48 II 4 || 17 248 || 644 || 512 1,929 Wigton . . . . . . 3 5 I 995 || 8,057 45 other Buighs – - - —-lº TOTALS. 17,915 7,121 4,4s 2,330 1,350 2,505 35,702 3,612 341,474 £604,361 205,413 || 11,271 6,214 2,590 1,242 *—t tº 52,100 '247,352 90 COMPARATIVE VIEW of the Total Number of Houses, Building, Uninhabited, and Inhabited; and of FAMILIES and their Occupations, under each of three general heads in each County of Scotlan D and WALEs ; and the Total of each in all GREAT BRITAIN, and the Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man, in 1821 & 1831; distinguishing in Scotland the proportion of each, in the Six principal Cities and Burghs: Page 88 shows the Number of Houses and Families in 1801 and 1811 ; and page 13 exhibits a comparison of the Occupations in 1811 and 1821, and the Note thereto directs attention to the stationary number of Agriculturists, while the Statement below shows a diminution in 1831 compared with 1821, and an undue increase in the third Column; the Note however to the Dis the cause of that seeming disproportion. play of the Occupations in the English Counties at pages 10-11, will explain in part Proportion of FAMILIES, Returned as Number of HO US ES. TOTAL CO UNTIES Number of Employed in Trade, Manufactures, - Building. Uninhabited. Inhabited. FAMILI E.S. Agriculture, or Handicraft, All other, arranged in Alphabetical Order. * . - 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831. 18% 1. 1831, 1821, 1831. 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831. A BER DEEN . . . . . . . . . . 22 143 131 788 || 511 21,240 22, 107 22,767 23,662 : 11,751 11,553 : 7,558 5,752 3,458 6,357 Burgh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 39 208 || 196 6,339 7,395 : 12,934 16,268 2,024 1,901 8,471 8,056 2,439 6,311 Argyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 96 200 1273 || 510 | 16,059 17,146 18,309 | 19,252 8,989 || 9,116 3,468 3,241 5,852 6,895. Ayr . . . . . . . . . . . & . 9 87 105 | 406 || 439 17,842 19,001 26,645 30,501 6,207 6,967 15,008 || 15,193 : 5,430 8,341 Banff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 120 126 210 266 8,971 9,814 ; 9,885 10,855 4, 150 4,264 2,939 2,456 : 2,796 || 4,135 Berwick . . . . . . . . . . . 2 42 13 276 267 5,803 6,159 7, 165 || 7,385 3,334 2,921 ; 1,923 1,915 # 1,908 2,549 Bute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 17 6 30 38 2,205 || 2,134 2,855 2,998 : 1,314 832 730 771 811 1,395 Caithness . . . . . . . . . . . 29 58 90 39 94 5,319 6,036 5,944. 6,904 3,052 3,580 2,188 1,487 704 1,837 Clackmannan . . . . . 17 12 9 62 85 2,145 || 2,391 2,881 3,352 434 385 1,418 1,190 1,029 1,777 ; Dumbarton . . . . . . . . . 15 || || 8 42 78 109 3,536 3,785 5,341 6,343 1,168 1,099 : 2,602 || 3,571 : 1,571 1,673 Dumfries . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 | 85 71 285 341 12,248 12,365 14,458 14,096 : 4,340 4,338 4,706 || 3,788 5,412 5,970 EDINBURGH CITY . . . 12 150 95 || 616 582 | 9,159 10,179 29, 193 35,116 1,759 563 13,517 | 17,190 13,917 17,323 do. County. . . . . . . • 59 55 547 527 9,918 9,565 : 11,276 | 12,299 || 3,071 3,076 5, 183 3,864 3,022 5,399 Elgin or Moray . . . . . . . . . . 113 98 || 162 226 | 6,668 6,919 7,327 | 7,768 ; 2,676 2,605 : 2,330 2,340 2,321 2,823 Fife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 105 || 157 527 699 18,944 20,712 25,749 28,864 5,260 || 4,632 || 13,748 || 13,907 6,741 10,325 Forfar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | 95 97 471 | 721 14,161 15,705 19,014 || 21,048 # 4,807 || 4,743 11,125 | 11,448 # 3,082 4,857 DUNDEE Burgh. . . . . . 17 60 105 67 2,651 3,892 || 7,704 || 10,682 307 226 4,223 6,828 3,174 3,638 Haddington . . . . . . . . . . 3 14 33 379 || 388 6,230 6,561 7,934 8,080 3,009 || 2,811 2,947 2,627 1,978 || 2,642 INVERNESS Burgh . . . . 26 || 23 15 68 98 || 2, 149 2,125 2,963 3,210 566 529 786 1,015 1,611 | 1,666 do. County. . . . . . . . 60 | 122 || 345 || 342 14,906 | 15, 187 15,361 | 15,836 9,649 || 9,369 ; 1,661 | 1,738 # 4,051 4,735 Kincardine . . . . . . . . . 21 50 48 213 217 5,894 6,272 6,685 7,136 3,025 2,976 : 2,301 2,281 1,359 1,879 Kinross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 II 9 34 43 | 1,419 1,524 1,827 2,019 446 440 735 819 646 760 Kircudbright . . . . . . . . 7 57 48 190 | 1.46 6,441 | 6,604 || 7,912 8,283 : 3,047 2,826 2,238 2,293 2,627 3,164 Lanark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 79 78 496 | 664 15,372 17, 147 19,545 22,911 4,387 4,205 11,672 13,106 3,382 5,600 G LASGOW CITY...... 244 156 |1917 |1759 || 31,644 || 41,598 || 31,956 41,965 496 299 18, 104 26,586 # 13,456 15,080 Finlithgow . . . . . . . . . . 18 15 21 96 203 || 3,302 || 3,400 4,965 5,014 1,224 | 1,093 1,817 | 1,891 1,924 2,030 Nairn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 15 21 54 92 2,012 2,074 2,131 2,246 799 742 429 487 903 || 1,017 Orkney . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 11 41 30 135 4,931 5,437; 5,747 6,307 3,153 3,094 1,274 1,408 1,320 1,805 Shetland . . . . . . . . 31 27 30 64 76 4,245 4,859 4,736 5,498 || 3,451 4,065 250 389 : 1,035 | 1,044 Peebles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 14 51 58 1,750 1,789 1,962 2,072 837 736 651 666 474 670 PERTH Burgh . . . . . . . 11 11 309 | 182 4,984 2,049 4,984 || 4,956 52 53 : 2,374 2,366 2,558 1,537 do. County . . . . . . ... 19 || 102 | 127 651 716 21,734 23,760 25,986 26,793 7,722 || 7,351 : 10,149 10,499 # 8, 115 9,993 Renfrew tº 3 º' tº e º 'º e º ºs º º 1 I 55 42 546 786 10,490 I 1,153 23,977 28,204 2,725 2,016 15,780 21,071 5,472 5,117 Ross and Cromarty. . . , 27 | 1.46 131 345 352 13,638 15,039 || 14,506 | 16,187 7,947 | 8,498 3,356 2,611 3,203 5,078 Roxburgh. . . . . . . . . . . . I 27 42 242 226 6,587 6,732 8,639 8,930 3,613 3,134 2,822 2,942 : 2,204 2,854 Selkirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I 3 || 35 | 59 | 1,081 | 1,094 : 1,372 1,391 42H 474 409 450 542 467 Stirling . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | 66 55 338 278 8,984 10,459 13,733 15,351 2,600 2,362 : 6,641 | 6,647 4,492 6,342 Sutherland . . . . . . . . . . 28 60 76 21 88 4,654 4,821 4,822 5,005 : 3,362 3,567 642 '409 818 1,029 Wigtown . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 69 51 | 150 133 5,819 6,404 6,774 7,514 3,525 3,156 2,089 2,011 : 1,160 2,347 Total SC OTLA ND 2,405 || 2,568 12,657 12,719 341,474 369,393 || 447,960 502,301 : 130,699 126,591 193,264 207,259 126,997 | 168,451 ſ . ſ Plint . . . . . . . . . . 33 64 147 541 9,973 || 11,716 10,611 | 12,138 4,421 4,660 3,531 3,101 2,659 || 4,377 : Denbigh . . . . . . . . . 117 | 106 || 376 832 14,771 16,368 15,677 17, 150 8,625 8, 135 ; 4,399 || 4,478 ; 2,653 4,537 s: Montgomery . . . . 50 62 194 | 402 10,706 | 12,169 ; 12,056 13,407 6,594 | 6,610 3,882 4, 198 1,580 2,599 : Merioneth 2 23 53 || 230 238 6,925 6,968 7,279 || 7,358 3,570 3,583 : 1,434 1,815 # 2,275 1,960 ºf iz | Carnarvon . . . . . . 99 || 119 215 434 10,932 || 13,221 11,478 14,553 : 6,890 5,778 # 2,649 2,997 1,939 5,778 s 2 UAnglesea. . . . . . . . 73 53 174 276 8,737 9,683 9,825 10,128 6,187 5,314 1,702 || 2,141 1,936 2,673 < ſRadnor . . . . . . . . 19 18 147 167 4,121 4,437 4,779 4,879 3,182 3,135 941 | 1,028 656 716 º: : ! Brecon . . . . . & 63 84 468 540 | 8,425 || 9,373 ; 9,022 || 9,848 4,039 || 3,959 3,703 2,954; 1,280 2,935 3- Glamorgan . . . . . . 161 273 645 |1298 || 19,396 || 23,843 20,314 26,111 || 7,126 6,814 8,336 8,929 4,852 10,368 P : Carmarthen . . . . . 107 186 || 333 504 || 16,402 | 18,920 18,392 | 20,719 9,628 9,987 4,823 5,299 3,941 5,433 ? Cardigan. . . . . . . . 77 115 220 | 324 11,304 || 13,045 12,071 || 13,652 6,312 7,246 : 2,501 3,243 : 3,258 3,163 U.Pembroke . . . . . . 163 164 503 || 474 14,491 15,779 15,202 | 16,595 ; 7,651 7,974 3,779 4,519 3,772 4,102 Total WA LES. 985 1,297 3,652 6,030 136,183 155,522 : 146,706 | 166,538 74,225 73,195 41,680 44,702 30,801 48,641 - Total ENGLAND. 18,289 |23,462 |66,055 |113,885. 1,951,973 || 2,326,022 #2,346,717 2,745,336 773,732 761,348 1,118,295 | 1,182,912 454,690 801,076 Total GREAT BRITA IN. 21,679 |27,327 82,364 |132,634 2,429,630 |2,850,937; 2,941,383 || 3,414,175 978,656 961,134 1,350,239 1,434,873 612,418 | 1,018,168 British ) uernsey . . . . . . 21 114 107 221 3,083 3,804 || 4,298 || 5,333 1,676 | 1,500 : 2,175 1,827 447 2,006 Isl of Jersey . . . . . . . . . . 28 50 41 115 4,053 4,990 5,813 || 7,292 2,310 2,102 : 2,756 || 3,490 747 | 1,700 StëS Uniºn e Q & © tº # e º e º 'º tº 49 62 279 || 36|| || 6,627 6,864 7,858 8,259 3,520 ! 3,053 : 2,864 1,976 : 1,474 3,230 A CLAssified AND STATISTICAL DISPLAY | SHOWING THE PROPORTION OF THE TWENTY YEARS OF AGE AND UPWARDS, Returned under the Population Act of 11 GEO, IV., c. 30, EMPLOYEID OR ENGAGED IN EACH OF 600 VARIOUS occupations of PRODUCTION or SERVICE, IN EACH COUNTY IN 1831, ACCOMPANIED BY a General summary of the ºopulation iteturns, AT EACH OF THE FOUR TEN-YEARLY PERIODS, 1801, 1811, HS2E, AND 1831, SHOWING THEN NUMBER OF HOUSES INHABITED, UNINHABITED, AND BUILDING, THE NUMBER OF FAMILIES, AND TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS, DISTINGUISHING MALES FROM FEMALEs, B& BáA® (SOUNTºf Quº GłºśćMº BR3|Rº4"ARNI 2 AT EACH OF THOSE PERIODS, - se &c. &c. tº ALPHABETICAL List of 124 various Occupations, exercised in GREAT BRITAIN, arranged as an IND Ex to the following Classification. Alphabetical List of OCC U PATIONS, ; arranged as an Index to the 3 Columns, in the following Ş CLASSIFICATION. g - * Auctioneers . . . . . . 7. 99 Bakers . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Barbers . . . . . . . . . . . . | {}{} Basket Makers . . . . . . 77 Biacksmiths . . . . . . . . 22 Block Makers . . . . . . 113 Boat Builders & Shipwrights III Bookbinders . . . . . . . . T ()6 Booksellers . . . . . . . . 107 Brass Workers . . . . . . 68 Brewers . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bricklayers . . . . . . . . 52 Brick Makers . . . . . . 51 Brokers . . . . . . * @ tº e s e 101 Brush Makers . . . . . . 78 Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Butchers. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cabinet Miakers...... 79 Carpenters . . . . . . . . . . 57 Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Carvers and Gilders .. 80 Cattle Dealers . . . . . . 20 Caulkers. . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Chair-makers . . . . . . . . 81 Cheese-mongers ..... ... 8 Chemists & Druggists 96 Clock & Watch-makers Clothiers. . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Coach-makers ...... 60 Coach-owners. . . . . . . . 61 Coal-merchants ... ... 18 Comb-makers. . . . . . . . . 82 Coopers . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Copperplate Printers... 109 Cork Cutters . . . . . . ... 83 Corn Dealers . . . . . . . . 19 Curriers . . . . . . º & © e º s 27 Cutlers . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Dry Salters . . . . . . . . 97 Pyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Earthenware Dealers 84 Farriers & Cow Doctors 21 Feather Dressers . . 119 Fellmongers . . . . . . . . 28 Fishmongers . . . . . . . . 12 Flax Dressers. . . . . . . . 118 Fruiterers . . . . . . . . . . 10 Furriers . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Glass Cutters & Dealers 85 Glaziers and Plumbers 58 Glovers . . . . . . . . . . . . 4}. Grocers . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Gun-makers . . . . . . . . 72 Harness-makers. . . . . . 25 Hatters and Hosiers. . 40 Horse Dealers . . . . . . 62 House Painters. . . . . , 59 Hucksters . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ironfounders . . . . . . . . 64 ironmongers . . . . . . . . 65 J evve)\ers . . . . . . . . . . "7 A i 524. 5,209 1,845. 529 3,106 37 }:28 1,421 1,044 1,687 563 4,864 455 932 392 825 4,069 4,921 12,354 828 1,345 4 531 57 1,395 1,001 2,558 669 2,016 1,462 1,210 I 06 1,645 1,0} 5 191 518 783 534 | 5 i2 1,219 550 590 I 14 102 945 470 390 325 2,272 278 3,970 646 709 1,389 626 4,439 '764 467 866 2,630 f 122 1,557 437 I 80 1,50 3 i 575 171 I 30 162 257 1,691 229 190 186 182 1,121 735 3,935 375 191 150 109 265 222 223 88 265 566 394 81 679 131 231 425 71 90 230 237 172 191 287 132 73 | iº 502 1,040 56 174 1,407 130 1,109 198 205 I68 TT3 º 's Š |S. 5 “s +: 3 $g § § | TO TA L § § . s TS § Great $3 kJ s: s & Pritain. 114 152 2,365 98 || 360 2,823 1,310 | 1,089 || 23,730 || 371 3,841 27,942 326 597 7,580 | 133 736 8,449 170 319 4,381 144 268 4,793 1,838 || 3,466 45,405 || 3,557 || 9,202 58,142 14 193 195 17 53 265 1,654 989 11,272 577 2,035 | 13,834 57 221 3,023 88 || 488 3,599 97 | 153 2,732 55 549 3,327 91 | 402 6,314 78 459 6,851 236 612 4,862 81 822 5,765 1,672 1,785 28,939 212 442 29,593 586 684 9,465 169 230 9,864 90 || 330 2,431 7 203 2,641 9 220 | 1,613 2 143 1,758 148 323 4,341 147 || 716 5,204 1,222 2,100 31,026 1,177 3,015 35,218 266 1,691 17,646 465 3,663 21,774 3,393 || 6,267 83,810 4,601 || 14,836 103,447 400 2,367 12,324 || 511 6,024 18,859 47 189 2,575 14 265 2,854 4 7 480 5 44 529 178 11 1,215 17 20 1,252 2 51 790 1 11 802 65 59 2,424 24 93 2,541 190 459 || 4,753 175 495 5,423 207 1,114 7,720 228 944 8,892 58 142 1,870 155 760 2,785 109 || 352 5,030 44 323 5,397 485 820 8,557 266 1,691 10,514 234 324 || 5,167 148 398 5,713 I 51 444 —- 211 655 295 819 9,530 || 702 3,014 || 13,246 18 504 2,302 8 || 353 2,663 2 69 522 | 2 | 207 '731 141 339 2,957 94 429 || 3,477 143 393 || 5,086 291 635 6,012 24 81 | 1,522 5 157 1,684 20 92 928 2 70 | 1,000 40 1,915 6,517 | 127 1,223 7,867 118 363 || 3,440 227 595 4,262 99 || 159 3,224 116 258 3,598 2 19 188 9 11 208 86 107 || 2,022 74 217 2,313 181 196 3,394 | 103 || 372 3,869 I 34 493 3 65 561 153 91 | 1,705 34 196 | 1,935 * 5 60 754 9 33 796 62 793 — 70 863 5 16 || 784 11,084 243 672 | 11,999 45 17 | 1,441 99 75 1,615 951 | 1, 112 | 18,217 || 415 || 3,515 22,147 41 78 2,700 18 168 2,886 172 79 3,984 67 265 4,316 132 | 1,415 || 9,095 || 452 1,311 10,858 149 173 2,769 44 458 3,271 418 1,690 13,839 235 | 1,579 15,653 206 | 1,057 9,257 200 1,424 || 10,881 43 | 846 4,940 258 684 5,882 | 105 301 3,862 100 567 4,529 $30 138 4,779 31 421 5,231 Alphabetical List of s OCCUPAT'ſ O NS, § arranged as an Index to the Š Columns, in the following ‘S CLASSIFICATION. § 2. Lace Pealers. . . . . . . . 43 Land Jobbers. . . . . . . . 48 Lath-renders . . . . . . . . 117 Lime Burners. . . . . • , a 50 Linen Drapers . . . . . . 38 Maltsters . . . . . . . . . . 5 Marble Cutters . . . . . . 86 Masons . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Mat Makers . . . . . . . . 120 Milkmen. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Millers . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Millwrights . . . . . . . . 3 Nailors . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Nightmen . . . . . . . . . 102 Old Clothes Dealers. . 47 Opticians . . . . . . . . . . 76. Paper-makers. . . . . . . . 29 Pastry Cooks. . . . . . . . 13 Patten-makers . . . . . . 87 Pawnbrokers . . . . . . . . 103 Pipe-makers . . . . . . . . 88 Plasterers . . . . . . . . . • 54 Poulterers . . . . . . . . . . 9 Printers . . . . . . . • . . . . 105 Printsellers. . . . . . . . . . 110 Publicans . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rope-makers . . . . . . . . 115 Saddlers . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Sail-makers . . . . . . . . 114 Sawyers . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Shipwrights & Boat Builders 111 Shoemakers . . . . . . . . 36 Shopkeepers . . . . . . . . 33 Silk Mercer . . . . . . . . 39 Silversmiths . . . . . & 75 Slaters. . . . . . . © e º e º s . 55 Soot & Chimney Sweeps 104 Spirit Dealers . . . . . . 16 Stationers . . . . . . . . . . 108 Stay-makers . . . . . . . . 44 Straw Plait & Bonnet-ms. 42 Tailors . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tallow Chandlers . . . . 30 Tanners . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Tea Dealers . . . . . . . . 32 Tinmen . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Tobacconists . . . . . . . . 90 Toymen . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Trunk-makers . . . . . . . 92 Turners . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Umbrella-makers . . 46 Undertakers . . . . . . . . . 95 Upholsterers . . . . . . . . 94 Weavers . . . . . . . . . . . . | 2H Wharfingers . . . . . . . . 1 | 6 Wheelwrights . . . . . . 23 Whitesmiths . . . . . . . . 70 Wine Dealers. . . . . . . . H 7 Wire Drawers . . . . . . 67 Wire Workers . . . . . . // Wool Conabers . . . . . . 122 -- "S § § $ 3 º *: Sp Š & k 5 | * 301 31 8 37 1,055 41 8 27 124 556 23 13 12 17 290 26 55 149 75 2,415 2,679 545 493 | 1,012 11,809 49 85 125 117 | 6,124 | 269 46 25 83 1,455 1,592 412 240 3,203 || 31,631 9 13 — ——- 143 1,348 282 195 533 5,216 199 || 335 | 686 788 15,921 1.59 196 62 64 1,489 4 — 540 1,674 106 44 28 131 886 1,060 167 51 251 2,637 468 63 7 50 798 389 135 53] 301 3,644 811 180 103 152 2,703 118 48 28 518 1,709 466 102 || 51 280 | 1,463 151 59 49 159 896 1,725 321 107 | 1,326 8,130 325 77 48 23 | 1,061 3,097 657 98 695 || 7,090 270 19 10 25 550 4,804 1,579 1,997 5,455 52,621 610 283 287 802 5,664 829 146 145 500 5,439 144 81 93 212 1,114 1,809 893 692 1,363 | 15,178. see | Boat - 15,274 3,931 || 3,436 8,470 110,122 3,166 988 971 4,143 31,312 582 29 25 73 1,140 261 32 1 — 609 204 74 25 496 2,496 423 81 82 106 || 2,230 257 24 37 238 1,887 1,296 175 79 129 2,378 99 23 7 43 410 37 i 77 76 82 | 1,876 13,783 2,065 1,570 5,225 60,166 934 194 11 : 266 3, 199 56 913 138 290 4,521 571 146 114 295 3,159 1,140 181 14 I 470 4,471 7 II 129 30 242 1,718 436 68 24 35 1,060 | 33 33 3 10 245 1,251 277 95 || 722 || 5, 160 196 27 2 21 349 493 97 45 19 951 1,724 123 64 212 2,421 - 72 958 159 90 35 41 806 1,024 520 690 | 1,487 17,444 1,822 357 134 1, 135 9,007 569 76 54 49 1,419 71 —— —— 22 339 '72 58 102 3.31 1. 67 44 7 || 2,862 º: TOTAL 3 5 Great TS 's Britain. Š & 3 47 1,105 25 70 651 5 18 3}3 405 302 || 3,122 412 1,380 13,601 424 431 6,979 64 221 1,740 3,577 13,947 49,155 **-*. 4 147 63 516 5,795 1,212 2,663 | 19,796 35 337 1,861 142 66 1,882 23 549 1,458 46 178 2,861 1 59 858 63 457 4, 164 52 346 3,101 38 83 1,830 5 76 1,544 15 } 0 921 298 1,255 9,683 5 97 1,163 114 1,138 || 8,342 5 38 593 3,070 5,540 61,231 116 816 6,596 391 || 1,134 6,964 24 98 || 1,236 858 3,145 | 19, 181 5,819 17,307 || 133,248 1,724 5,214 38,150 19 I68 1,327 — 101 710 504 1,539 4,539 34 154 2,418 86 2,058 4,031 26 393 || 2,797 * 2 412 67 100 2,043 3,320 10,568 74,054 122 271 3,592 311 717 5,549 130 167 3,456 166 574 5,211 . 11 495 2,224 16 63 1,139 *-* 3 248 I 12 630 || 5,902 **g 32 381 10 160 1,121 11 500 2,932 * I ===º- 958 27 49 882 818 1,288 19,950 } 05 431 9,543 15 160 1,594 36 — 375 4 8 343 I 2,867 f e OCCUPATIONS of the A CLASSIFIED and STATISTICAL DISPLAY 3,944,511 Male Persons in GREAT BRITAIN returned under the Population Act of 11 Geo. IV. cap. 30. [1831] , - ; : *- : - . . . .". - …e. < * : *-*::... • , ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . FO OD, D R INR . . . Occupations dependant on A GRICULTURE. Manufacturers for DEA LERS. or, Sº . tº º Dom ESTIC consum PTION. -- - - - - - - - - - - - § .# CovyTIES, ... i & § § 3 š $ i ; ; ; ; ; § # § - # : 3 3 || 5 ## arranged in Order $ Sº 2. -g s º o; ſº $g $ 2. § § 3. ‘s Ş. gº § s g .* § $ : ‘S 's # : Q: s §§ of ToTAL .#9 R § : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 8 || 5 || 5 || S | S ; ; ; ; ; # 3 : § 5 $$ 3 || 5 | ##| | # Q § is: ToTAL PopULATION Population. § S º: 's : Š § § § § § 3. º § tº § § $ 's § Š. § 3. ": ~$ § S Ś § - § $ | # S S # -- • - º, 1- ? : *4 Ts ‘s S3 S s rº # Ǻ Ş 's * ess * esse C S $ s .S. FS S - tº . S s º: §: ; S. S. *- § © $ S. s: §§ S in 1831. Families. | Persons. S s s § Ö & ſº is §. § gº Q- § § C G Q º Q s Q § S G º R. Ç s → Cº. tr; Sº Co 2. 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . 314,039 |1,358,330 #159 199 49 | 4,069 325 470 1,348 563 4,804 4 3, 106 | 1,024 1,645 709 783 389 || 934 3,970 3,186 || 764 13,783 | 15,274 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . 260,025 1,336,854 64 788 117 1,089 2,100 23 533 612 5,455 7 3,466 1,487 819 79 393 | 301 || 266 1,112 4,143 | 1,057 : 5,225 8,470 3 York, West Riding . . 198,646 976,350 52 | 1,077 606 2,163 14 232 174 3,553 16 2,496 | 1,128 339 || 85 353 | 214 140 1,138 2,618 || 643 : 3,833 7,008 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,911 494,478 36 692 || 330 1,052 35 224 104 || 1,602 7 | 2,155 527 425 || 105 180 | 1 209 452 857 244 : 2,136 || 4,253 5 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,077 || 486,334 196 || 335 | 85 1,121 77 282 257 1,579 5 1,506 520 | 679 174 425 135 1,040 988 198 : 2,065 3,931 6 Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97,142 479,154 62 | 686 125 1,222 48 195 236 | 1,997 4 1,838 690 295 172 143 531 951 971 206 1,570 | 3,436 7 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . 83,953 410,512 24 368 341 901 8 133 40 2,230 9 1,373 || 782 222 || 60 138 43 516 690 560 1,354 || 3,402. 8 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,571 404,200 41 393 221 1,190 30 178 142 | 1,455 12 1,524 257 333 135 139 114 917 244 1,588 3,296 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,232 390,054 44 800 213 816 29 12%) 168 1,861 48 1,530 | 673 279 233 115 94 928 277 1,440 3,629. 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . 83,446 387,019 50 318 279 1,081 32 T{}6 183 1,471 31 1,457 371 447 | 104 212 85 755 244 1,763 3,618 10 11 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,537 336,610 # 33 329 315 917 30 222 193 1,526 9 1, 105 || 381 257 185 145 52 528 511 1,588 2,879 11 12 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,955 334,391 || 20 331 || 39 '762 9 127 141 1,251 11 1,062 560 150 26 103 76 975 314 1,343. 3,098 13 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . 65,903 || 317,465 : 37 817 | 157 843 23 71 114 | 1,387 | 33 1,254 623 136 121 102 31 721 | 169 1,471 2,769 ; 13. 14 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,319 317,507 56 669 217 º 94 59 56 95 || 1 ,195 52 1,141 632 162 224 89 11 839 200 885 2,274 ; 14 15 Hants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,652 314,280 52 388 241 607 26 119 210 1,491 8 | 1,316 444 182 | 1 || 8 74 93 826 155 ; 1,259 2,448 # 15 16 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,816 300,938 : 12 621 | 130 457 2 36 52 823 *sº 1,349 178 207 18 114 23 804 || 112 714 1,759 16 17 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,533 296,317 55 752 266 624 29 59 92 | 1,048 34 1,242 645 229 189 79 14 774 221 1,028 2,613 17 18 Sussex . . . . . & © tº e & Q & Q & 52,716 272,340 42 560 94 655 42 38 146 793 3 1,080 487 || 130 || 131 81 60 568 213 947 2,097 : 18 19 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,736 253,910 41 || 391 || 47 656 — 33 115 | 1,073 ~~~~ | . 1,505 237 | 1.46 9 144 I 18 617 | 199 1,017 | 2,062 ; 19 20 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,659 240,156 34 264 166 415 14 49 53 807 23 875 232 | 137 114 50 32 620 | 137 695 | 1,507 : 20 21 Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,320 237,170 9 275 148 627 5 47 37 1,171 5 829 364 || 104 66 76 43 644 118 893 1,911 # 21 22 Nottingham . . . . . . . . 44,936 225,327 62 384 222 666 12 178 63 865 6 649 326 73 || 70 84 20 570 211 : 1,056 | 1,949 22 23 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,427 222,938 : 10 306 296 556 l 30 | 2 | 821 5 972 661 || || 59 12 90 69 364 || 145 891 2,001 # 23 24 Northumberland . . . . . 48,364 222,912 80 371 42 556 5 12 123 || 707 5 1,288 221 223 12 112 63 480 203 1,191 2,079 25 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . 45,512 211,365 16 206 192 466 5 53 32 834 5 843 324 175 29 77 23 335 | 276 834 1,796 26 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,142 197,003 ; 17 | 272 144 672 10 87 48 979 12 578 267 || 101 || 65 63 8 535 271 829 1,585 27 York, North Riding. . . 40,760 190,756 19 || 392 || 41 522 6 62 76 872 13 903 366 120 24 75 22 520 161 987 | 1,80; . 28 Northampton . . . . . . . . 39,163 179,336 14 262 i 53 536 li 27 66 852 14 547 290 102 68 104 10 393 || 176 745 || 3,730 29 Cumberland . . . . . . . . 34,820 | 169,681 2 322 || 30 273 1. 33 70 748 2 824 116 166 4 68 16 410 || 108 707 | 1,252 30 York, East Riding 36,760 | 168,891 34 379 42 454 15 118 78 761 18 661 || 4 || 9 || 206 | 16 71 10 489 148 971 1,656 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,614 159,252 21 202 || 79 354 10 i O9 67 574 5 609 || 122 157 78 51 11 393 95 524 1,442 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . 31,770 152,156 12 174 108 358 22 34 41 801 | 28 480 251 82 63 40 53 334 93. 680 1,115 33 Bucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,849 146,529 — 170 50 363 | 9 8 37 686. 6 457 230 49 57 25 220 314 || 105 420 998 34 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,081 145,389 2 | 197 109 330 13 40 94 747 | * * 553 310 92 113 45 68 384 68 583 1,161 35 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . 30,210 143,955 ; 5 269 35 379 | 23 41 81 762 9 463 215 74 69 26 I 300 55 639 972 36 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,250 , 143,341 25 274 | 84 355 16 29 - 66 866 9 498 || 257 '78 1 01 24 234 325 || || 05 505 914 37 Hereford. . . . . . . . . . . . 23,565 111,211 17 188 63 248 1. 3 5 12 28H 4 531 || 346 149 16 38 14 244 36 480 975 : 38 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . 19,911 98, 130 7 || 1 || 8 || 63 172 tºº-yº 20 () # 22 559 3 516 97 59 ; 19 27 53 244 '75 338 732 39 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . 20,016 || 95,483 1 || 114 24 233 || 14 6 | 6 || 4 || || 427 10 257 140 38 41 17 3 232 46 336 636 : 40 Westmoreland . . . . . . 10,984 55,041 : — 99 || 39 i{}2 &ºm-º. I 2 : 18 261 --- 236 88 43 7 25 38 95 26. 243 465 41 Huntingdon . . . . . . . . 11,278 53,192 18 88 27 160 12 7 6 # 26 314 2 171 77 24 44 22 30 130 26 223 421 42 York City and Ainsty 7,704 || 35,362 : 6 52 11 128 5 57 32 32 220. H 88. 43 27 9 59 10 96 31 275 536 43 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,191 | 19,385 # 2 29 13 '71 *-g 2 1 : 5 108 2 '72 36 10 || 10 5 1 50 8 106 167 Total ENGLAND. 2,745,336 || 13,091,005 #1,189 | 15,921 6,124 31,026 1,061 | 1,705 || 5,216 4,862 52,621. 480 45,405. 17,444 9,530 3,984 5,086 3,644 31,312 9,257 60,166 110,122 WALEs. North . . . . . . 74,734 360,211 19 568 236 618 3 20 27 | 1,340 2 1,241 599 198 || 24 140 38 832 || 101 1,324 2,405 l South . . . . . . 91,804 445,971 18 644 188 559 2. 43 54 1,726 3 2,322 219 509 || 43 151 24 893 || 99 : 2,002 || 3,421 ſö S. East Counties ... 27,858 131,267 14 249 16 163. I. 9 55 287 tºº I 5 720 96 131 2 30 29 320 | 102 639 916 3 S. West do. 29,893 150,618 || 7 | 204 7 157 4. 2 21 399 2 3 657 46 110 9 23 12 392 || || 05 657 | 1,033 Ayr . . . . . . Q & © tº º gº tº º 30,501 || 145,055 -- 116 || 6 I59 I 12 34 275 6 8 * 498 81 99. — 40 3 295 Il 5 564 1,462 | Lanark . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,876 316,819 II 175 88 535 39 125 73 | 1,047 | 14 4 591 116 186 204 179 4 923 || 177 : 1,458 2,009 Renfrew . . . . . . . . . . . 28,204 || 133,443 — 49 || 10 155 10 75 53 198 1. gº 459 14 345 || – 18 33 147 105 510 || 763 S Edinburgh . . . . . . . . . 47,415 || 219,345 || 43 146 41 492 25 223 133 434 91. º 1,115 31 317 | 21 104 161 300 316 1,574 2,409 : 5 Middle Counties .. 32,079 | 152,924 || 6 || 153 65 186 I 17 64 494 6 || 1. 728 36 | 137 — , 78 123 371 || 102 563 1,122 § < Fife . . . . . . . * * * g & 28,864 128,839 21 || 1 || 9 || 25 122 2 26 69 297 7 : tº 504 || 133 136 10 32 17 299 84 444 808 S Perth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,749 142,894 | 6 || 250 || 45 150 3 13 81 506 7 | I 641 87 99 | 29 30 402 71 656 1, 154 § | Forfar & Kincardine 38,866 171,037 Hø8 302 4. 181 2 7 117 | 427 6 4 849 75 110 6 52 *---- 320 90 727 | 1,304 Z} Aberdeen.: . . . . . . . . 39,930 177,657 15 316 29 488 *g 3 43 320 14 1 1,016 || 140 250 5 31 45 404 55 835 | 1,484 Banff, Elgin, & Nairn 20,869 92,189 13 155 17 88 wº *sº 36 | 153 I I 396 || 109 194 3 4 *se 211 35. 393 || 789 Inverness, & 5 N. C. 58,947 287,903 – 313 26. 102 ** 1 31 435 4 4 698 || 230 763. 2 10 sºmeºs 612 22 : 1,045 1,421 Argyle & Bute. . . . . 22,250 | 115,124 13 | 116 52 37 * *g 12 268 1 : º 328 93 137 2 5 * 218 45 503 633 U- Total SCOTLAND. 502,301 |2,365,114 337 2,663 || 431 3,015 97 | 512 822 5,440 44 || 2 9,200 1,288 3,014 265 635 457 5,214 1,424 : 10,568 17,307 British % Guernsey .... 5,333 26,128 - t - - - - ISEES. iº. . . . . . . 7,292 || 36,582 — 41 || -- 45 1 **sass 8 255 | 9 tºp 133 17 36. 2 18 2 81 5 § 150 388 Man . . . . . . . . 8,259 || 41,000 -— fººmsº I ºmºmºmº 46 I ** = 20 — tºgré 176 21 43 3 7 * *s 22 s=s* * Number of Column. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. 11. 14. 15. | 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 29. 33. 34, 35. 36. I 2 A CLAssified, and STATISTICAL DISPLAY, of the OCCUPATIONS of the 3,944,511 Male Persons in GREAT BRITAIN returned under the Population Act of 11 Geo. IV. cap. 30. [1831] | CI, OTHING. SHELTER,--BUILDERS. CARRIERS. Workers of, and Dealers in METAL. § covy TIES, à £ s $3 || 3 | # z i Š § § : º , # , # Ś | # 3 # § : § Š 3 3 s & 3 || || arranged in Order te s § § 2 - §s ; § * | *s § 3 ; ; g § $ Š. $ 2 : tº § 2, #: ... S S is . § Ś 3 º s & r § Š dº > & §§ o: s 3 || of # | 5 || 3 || 3 || 3 | *s à | 5 || 3 |##| $5 5 || 3 || 3 || | | | | #5 || 5 || 3 || 3 | # $5 | * : * > āś $3 || 3 || 5 || 5 || 3 | ##| || || 5 || 5 || 3 || $ | #: | 3 | # || TOTAL POPULATION, § § T. §§ § § ; SS s, = |s & §§ s ; So § j §§ 3 & § š. § S § 3 #3, #3 | # § § § #5 g § $ § s Šiš 's § $ $ - •S .S. :S §§ .S. § S § S S § S S. & & .5 $- $. §§ - .S. s S 3. Sº Ç s š Š S Cº. *S S - Qº S §S ^3 $. .S. * S & º § :S § { in 1831. Q K- & St. §5 & 55 5 & i. S = | S lsº S3 *] Q Q S Q4 tºo Cº. Q Q- St. Q Q § 3 ; Ś º *S 2: | St $ & & § Q Q5 § Š & Ö 1 Middlesex . . . . . . . . . . 669 |2,679 |582 1,389 278 371 300 99 390 196 |1060 41 825 26 455 4,864 1,592 1,725 204 || 1,809 12,344|2,272 4,439 (2036 1462 626 828 467 || 867 4 |144 1,687 |1140 | 1,822 534 || 646 2,558 |2681 261 || 468 2 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 | 1,012 | 73 | 1,415 || 17 | 82 37 43 60 21 251 124 323 75 | 684 1,785 3,203 | 1,326 496 1,363 6,267 || 784 1,690 352 821 173 |2,367 846 301 540 53 402 || 470 1,135 | 81 78 1,114 || 138 — 50 3 York, West Riding ...; – 719 25 432 13 | 72 24 37 || 5 || 4 || 103 || 17 | 203 203 || 412 904 || 3,958 590 200 538 3,938 518 641 146 || 415 || 113 1,023 554 173 || 76 |321 121 281 922 159 || 49 270 54 — 19 4 Devon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 354 16 148 17 | 108 30 10 4 3 57 26 304 175 78 139 3, 170 340 135 624 4,165 361 384 # 104 || 323 '78 254 60 140 *- 3 70 209 207 28 33 I 74 86 16 4 5 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 88 545 29 1,407 || 56 77 || 31 23 73 27 | 167 8 182 55 229 1,691 || 412 321 74 393 ||3,935 502 1,109 265 566 || 130 375 205 | 168 || – || 58 167 | 181 357 71 || 56 223 173 || 32 || 65|| 6 Kent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 493 25 132 45 76 8 || 7 || 5 || 2 || 51 27 148 149 || 586 1,672 240 107 25 692 3,393 || 516 418 109 490 149 | 400 : 43 || 105 || – || – 91 || 141 134 24 || 41 | 207 | 80 i 7| 7 Stafford . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 217 29 87 11 47 9 | – || 3 || – || 77 62 | 121 62 747 | 1,191 || 411 114 28 489 1,477 306 198 # 90 109 || 48 329 : 507 || 2 I 4 7 || 1 || 356 63 564 2 37 129 28 || – || 36|| 8 Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 59 || 307 21 110 || 56 58 9 || 8 || 5 || 8 || 42 1 77 168 139 113 2,122 516 60 | 604 3,243 307 388 152 227 | 62 334 52 | 101 | – | 15 123 73 110 || 23 17 | 123 69 || – 7| 9 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 215 | 8 75 109 || 33 10 || 1 || 5 || 2 | 26 5 | 72 79 372 1,710 95 78 13 || 356 2,835 | 398 164 105 154 57 365 : 61 || 70 1 2 101 59 134 18 37 164 37 || -- 5|| 10 Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . — 343 38 260 14 || 39 16 24 29 || 9 || 43 2 124 || 1 || 8 || 131 319 1,962 | 722 | 182 577 3,017 352 462 162 212 170 267 125 | 121 96 22 || 203 157 182 42 30 174 63 || 9 || 14|| 11 Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 301 || 51 458 16 61 40 || 7 || 6 || 41 || 62 85 214 50 508 1,139 479 220 74 || 484 || 2,214 || 484 || 286 241 || 321 110 || 271 297 226 100 || 4 | 1,837 182 644 135 1225 468 868 277 55|| 12 Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 205 | – || 989 39 25 8 || 7 || 14 || 8 || 54 27 62 25 296 722 || 853 215 121 442 1,274 213 279 : 50 200 21 338 167 105 || – || – 59 || 1 || 4 || 227 | 18 17 92 || 14 — 2 || 13 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 238 8 79 18 26 4 || 7 || 6 || 1 || 22 i 115 44 382 79 l 428 69 26 211 2,032 217 138 56 132 37 293 ; 19 97 || 44 2 53 69 77 | 16 || 31 || 132 | 11 || – -|| 14 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 178 12 41 58 37 6 || 3 || 1 || 2 | 24 4 47 56 388 1,082 61 29 || 6 || 282 2,177 288 125 64 221 53 267 35 46 4 2 52 54 55 10 || 25 105 26 — 4|| 15 Southampton . . . . . . . . 34 301 || 10 80 || 14 49 9 21 || 2 || 2 || 45 16 152 49 299 1,118 288 112 | 16 596 2,383 295 || 333 ; 132 293 || 67 || 260 75 103 || – || 4 77 | 85 156 31 47 121 : 50 — 5|| 16 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 154 || 4 || 148 6 26 2 | – | – || 1 || 13 || 1 || 63 | 67 11 12 1,535 | 61 30 172 2, 184 53 93 8 45 | 16 || 138 : 31 44 | – || – 37 98 58 5 1 82 14 — 2|| 17 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 | 168 12 40 97 27 5 | 3 || 14 | – | 11 ‘7 58 31 227 988 48 25 5 241 1,891 264 100 # 91 136 52 252 44 47 1 || – 82 || 50 114 || || 5 || 27 | 105 || 23 --- 5|# 18 Sussex . . . . . . • * * * * * * * 14 278 || 8 46 38 || 10 4 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 30 6 144 70 | 325 1,342 203 || 144 15 361 2,354 264 366 92 213 | 117 234 19 60 | – || 3 43. 66 84 22 25 | 108 || 43 || – 2 || || 19 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 170 2 82 18 16 2 || 4 || 17 | 1 || 26 2 88 60 171 282 1,302 27 27 | 334 1,427 96 201 # 21 | 167 | 16 413 ; 196 || 43 373 || – 51 82 || 1 || 7 || 15 | 16 95 16 || -- 5 20 Wilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 | 160 | 6 28 25 26 55 || 6 || 5 || 1 || 27 – 49 37 | 123 330 614 205 26 331 1,573 167 97 || 42 84 27 246 # 36 50 2 | 2 39 37 48 19 18 68 H2 2 -º-r- 21 Derby . . . . . & e º e º e º 'º º 29 125 || 7 || 262 6 14 30 7 || 12 || – || 32 2 80 44 176 264 | 737 108 87 227 | 841 140 108 # 48 107 || 43 230 108 || 23 108 || – 47 53 241 || 38 13 80 64 || – 5 22 Nottingham . . . . . . • . . . § 15 192 22 134 2 26 60 5 2 66 - 53 38 318 591 330 4.i 13 205 1,053 139 188 45 84 31 141 45 38 38 11 68 54 I'78 17 2I 31 30 5 2|| 23 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 || 188 20 96 86. 10 2 || 1 || 6 || – || 11 4 || 43 || 140 236 589 530 54 26 || 304 | 1,082 139 145 || 32 68 65 152 : 73 51 53 – 36 || 52 55 | 19 9 83 5 | – 1 || 24 Northumberland . . . . . ; 31 293 — 133 62 17 | 17 | 7 || 17 | 1 || 10 3 112 || 49 74 219 1,157 67 138 || 240 1,445 128 198 90 220 24 || 480 140 52 34 12 38 80 | 129 16 21 97 || 27 5 3|| 25 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . ; 21 171 22 66 22 || || 3 | 12 || 2 | 12 || 4 || 20 1 71 || 25 296 || 6 || 7 || 232 88 27 244 1,303 211 90 39 79 || 33 152 149 73 || 39 || – 74 56 || 365 8 23 59 | 15 — 2 || 26 Leicester . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 || 18 l ; 25 278 17 26 162 | 9 || 3 | – || 24 2 | 66 32 283 582 120 47 15 152 | 1,036 125 121 : 38 173 42 || 2 || 4 || 90 42 9 || – 41 42 113 21 7 || 65 | 11 || – 2 || 27 York, North Riding ...; 12 141 7 69 ; 13 23 4 || 8 || 2 | – || 23 — 37 68 116 185 678 I 3 20 76 1,057 95 102 : 16 || 65 19 149 : 19 || 32 4 || – 27 58 68 7 23 88 | 15 || -- 1 || 28 Northampton . . . . . . . . ; 18 116 2 32 14 25 36 || 4 || 2 | – || 34 2 33 31 114 170 645 89 || 97 263 | 1,064 114 35 ; 29 107 || 42 167 || 104 || 31|| | – || – 27 27 57 10 || 13 48 2 : — 3 || 29 Cumberland. . . . . . . . . . 50 88 | – || 175 2 7 | – || 6 || 4 || 2 | 15 4 28 77 || 74 63 978 64 | 66 137 879 82 82 ; 16 119 4 132 : 48 || 44 87 - 17 43 39 5 12 62 2 — 17 || 30 York, East Riding. . . . . 12 183 16 || 105 8 38 || 19 5 || 4 || – | 18 3 80 22 194 538 127 32 9 170 848 100 186 : 30 47 34 235 || 36 58 3 2 38 | 68 - 102 9 : 17 '72 16 || – 3 || 31 Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . . • # 6 || 129 || 1 50 || 30 10 || 1 || 2 || 2 | – | II 27 50 48 109 289 567 113 4 220 1,321 128 99 || 3 || | 84 40 141 20 ! 38 || – || 1 || 3 || || 43 61 | 13 12 55 7 — - || 32 Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 157 14 27 37 12 5 || 4 || 5 || 2 || 29 — 59 19 75 135 577 135 95 202 925 129 70 : 58 139 77 | 181 : 1 1 || 54 || 9 || 1 25 | 35 67 | 12 18 58 11 — 1 || 33 Bucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 17 80 3 16 10 62 38 || 1 || || 8 || 2 || 22 2 12 6 || 116 381 86 6 4 224 853 133 31 # 23 39 I9 | 120 # 11 23 — | – 29 14 28 9 : — 40 6 - || 34 Berks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 8 | 161 ; 16 43 14 19 6 19 || || 1 || 3 || 25 ; 15 35 | 20 | 170 583 161 60 12 231 995 146 173 66 |,151 37 107 || 59 46 | – || – 48 || 44 77 10 || 12 50 | 15 — - || 35 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . 9 86 2 25 || || 4 || 20 6 || 4 || 4 || – || 14 § 17 26 17 | T 17 416 28 25 8 86 886 101 69 28 52 | 32 107 : 11 17 | – || – 31 29 51 6 7 47 | 18 — 1 || 36 Hertford . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 3 99 7 15 24 90 || 1 || 3 || – || – || 27 — 42 | 11 91 527 35 27 6 205 1,013 182 55 66 65 I5 131 | 8 || 42 — 7 37 27. 60 2 | 12 59 1 | — - || 37 Hereford . . . . . . . . º, º º 8 67 3 27 72 12 — 5 | – | – | 19 2 37 70 58 136 647 35 | 15 211 898 62 41 || || 5 || 33 19 38 5 28 34 || 1 17 | 13 20 8 11 34 4 || – - i ; 38 Monmouth . . . . . . . . . . . 8 68 || 8 44 1 ; 13 6 - | – | – | 16 I 16 66 42 29 411 137 32 150 604 || 56 30 10 49 24 44 136 29 37 | – | 18 24 I8 1 4. 34 || 12 || – ~ || 39 Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 '79 || – 9 10 138 21 | – | – || – 13 I 9 6 97 256 38. 5 2 94 524 84 20 13 59 15 55 2 21 — | -- 17 20 21 1 2 36 3 — – } 40 Westmoreland. . . . . . . . 2 27 | 1 21 2 11 * : * }. * | *- 4. 1 22 || || 8 || – — 308 14 32 43 || 3 || 0 || 36 12 12 63 4 79 10 || || 0 | 12 || – 6 22 18 2 I 14 3 : — 1 || || 41 Huntingdom . . . . . . . . . • # 8 51 | 1 4 11 13 6 || 2 | – || – 3 I 4 '7 96 || 134 15 6 * : — 36 362 39 13 || 13 75 12 37 — | 14 — — 13 | 1.4 20 6 I 21 2 || – – 4 42 York, City and Ainsty | 6 75 3 18 23 9 14 || 2 || 2 | 1 9 6 : 47 - || 39 135 | 1.46 || 13 4. 33 222 43 58 25 90 20 38 16 14 6 || – 6 || 33 | 66 II 5 9 || 23 1. 3 || || 43 Rutland . . . . . . . . . . © tº 1. 15 | 1 *-* 5 2 | – || 1 | – || – , -- tºº 2 2 II 4 || 101 5 25 24 155 14 I 6 I 1 5 11 : — 2 | – || – 2 9 . 4 3 E- 7 — — - Total ENGLAND. 1,870 11,809 |1,140 9,095 | 1,441 1,876 | 1,055 410 || 754 349 |2,637 556 4,341 2,415 || 9,465 28,939 31,631 | 8,180 |2,496 15,178 83,810 11,084 13,839 5,030 8,557 2,769 12,324 |4,940 3,862 1,674 771 6,314 || 4,471 9,007 | 1,552 2,700 7,720 4,779 609 || 70s WALEs North . . . . . .# 22 | 163 || 8 || 118 21 | 84 2 | – || 8 || – | 15 22 | 104 | 181 | 116 185 1,111 || 103 ||340 451 | 1,279 124 || 101 || 24 119 17 294 | 192 || 38 106 || 39 25 75 57 3 9 94 4 — * - U South. . . . . . . . ; 133 253 11 334 78 || 33 I – 1 — 30 3. 43 224 53 27 2,470 195 | 164 407 3,333 119 134 20 147 27 217 | 66 62 | 36 || – 53 91 48 4 9 || 134 27 — 1 ſå S. East Counties .. 25 88 || 1 || 102 5 4 — — | – | 1 1 — 58 21 8 — 1,080 50 112 || 113 1,166 20 61 6 149 : 10 534 || 11 32 6 : — | 2 | 12 33 8 : 11 61 : - 1. 3 S. West do. 23 84 || – || || 77 5. 7 2 : 1 || 5 || 2 | 11 I 50 22 9 11 || 1,025 57 80 122 | 1,039 14 73 9 || 65 20 410 5 41 || 14 — 7 || 3 || I 8 2 6 58 4 : — - Ayr . . . . . . & © e º a 6 . . § 23 80 5 ; 137 2 - – 16 | – || 1 || – || 10 28 75 31 9 5 || 700 60 69 ; 131 738 25 42 : 10 76 14 486 22 28 '7 || – 18 || 44 11 || 4 || 4 50 8 - * Lanark . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 290 74 418 18 43 12 | – || 8 || – | 95 : — 65 40 || 46 357 | 1,354 223 226 220 1,336 202 || 269 ; 90 378 255 676 269 || 147 | – || – 38 || 139 150 53 64 204 74 | 84 || 30 | Renfrew . . . . . . . . . . . 20 67 || 5 || 72 ; –– 2 — | – || 1 || 4 || || 0 || – || 10 | 11 21 25 435 65 81 182 666 36 106 — 58 5 433 i 35 20 | – | – 26 38 36 I5 | 8 37 5 : — - S Edinburgh.... . . . . . . 218 214 61 219 12 15 || 8 || – | 15 || 9 || 31 21 245 || 7 || 26 14|| 1,491 235 | 172 270 | 1.81% 207 || 545 115 447 | 73 877 | 82 98 3 5 193 || 130 48 41 40 || 139 24T | 15 20 2. 5 Midland Counties. 31 80. 3 55 3 : — 1 | – | – || 3 2 2 60 46 62 13 886 74 154 224 | 1,035 20 55 ; 12 109 16 575 72 22 || 10 || – 14 18 25 4 8 59 — — | 1 § { Fife . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 | 101 5 15 2 6 — — | 1 | 2 I 3 28 60 15 3 922 74 91 177 793 23 59 || 10 61 | | 2 || 440 33 30 — — 11 21 21 6 6 : " 46 9 — I Sº Perth. . . . . . . . . . : ...; 37 || 101 || 4 38 8 5 — | – || – || 5 4 3 27 I 6 1 | 1,291 95 118 400 | 1,345 34 77 19 || 94 || 23 | 400 i 19 47 — — 23 12 || 17 3 8 60 | 15 — I S Forfar & Kincardine 44 || 141 6 3] 11 || 1 — | 1 | – | 5 I 2 20 2 5 3 | 1,208 84 164 314 | 1,281 37 100 || 10 || 58 6 || 517 72 43 18 2 29 64 9 : 5 6 70 18 —— 2 & | Aberdeen . . . . . . . . . . 81 30 3 34 3 3 1 | – | — — 5 7 10 25 16 — 1,241 98 || 138 441 1,095 32 12i i 37 105 || 15 238 : 42 25 — – 41 14 42 10 6 76 18 — 2 Banff, Elgin, & Nairn: 52 14 || 1 I 5 : — 2 | – | – | 1 -- tº- 4 ; 17 5 – 788 || 41 || 54 192 || 790 5 20 — 33 || 5 | 162 || 5 | 12 — | 1 | 7 15 6 4 º 25 12 1. ** Inverness, & 5 N. C. § 33 67 | – | 7 I 12. 4 || – || 2 || – -3. 3 : 35 | 8 - 5 1,206 69 46 299 || 1,358 14 40 8 47 2 187 13 | 18 — — 15 17 | 1 2 *sº 43 11 1 * Argyle & Bute. . . . . . 4. 24 – 2 — 2 1 | – | – || – 2 - || 23 11 • *- 5 320 30 34 60 438 3 11 i — 11 2 84 4. 4. 8 | – || 26 | 15 4 – | 1 16 3 — sº U. Total ºp. 760 | 1,380 168 1,311 75 100 47 || 2 || 33 ||32 || 178 : 70 716 302 230 442 13,947 | 1,255 1539 3,145 ||14,836 672 1,579 323 |1691 || 458 6,024 684 567 66 || 8 || 459 574 431 157 168 944 421 101 .* 12..... g.: Guernsey . . . . - - - - - y * , ..! . . . . . - - • # }; . . . . . . . . 10 | 32 | 5 | 12 — 12 1 | – | 1 | — 1. º | 4 || 3 || 24 15 # 300 88 10 53 560 31 3]. 9 10 3 53 16 13 --- || – 14 7 5 | 1 || 7 18 7 - 4 Man . . . . . 6 18 I 40 2 : — smm . . *- : *-* : *-* * * º- 5 2 : — — 197 4 I 12 264 9 27 4 12 4 : 10 || – || 2 | – || – cººk i ººº- †- 1 | 1 11 2 75 ... mºn Number of Column. # 37. 88. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43, 44. 45. |46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76, | | | § | --- as being 20 Years of Age and upwards; showing the Proportion thereof employed, or engaged; in each of Goo Various Occupations of Production, or Service, in each County,+see Alphabetical List preceding; for Inder to the Columns. MANU FA CTURERS of, and DEA LERS in, Sundry Articles, contributing to the Comfort, Conveniences, and Elegancies of Life. - . ISER WIC E. - LITERATURE. - - SHIPP N G. - MISCE LLA N E O US OCCUPATIONS. § 2: ; S: º s 3 s § s : $ $ 2: $ © * ... I Q 2.3 $ §: - 5 ºs § { ... . . S. Sº § s : ; Ś s : ; ; ; ; ; 3 $ Šp ; ; ; 3 F | 3 || 2: So º j is # | 3 || 5 | #3 || 3 || s is E S § - # § $ § Ś § | 5 || 5 || 5 || 3 || $5 s, §, 5 # ; ; ; ; ; s = i 5 | is § $ #; # $3 # | 3 || $ § § $5 || 3 || 5 || 3 || 5 || 3 || $3 s # 5 || 3 || 5 || 5 || 3 || 3 || 5 || 5 || # à | # | 3 || 5 || 5 || 5 || 5 | is | 5 || 35 | is is # à || 3 | # | 5 || || 3 || 5 || 3 || 3 || 3 || $s 5 sº | 5 | # | 3 || 3 || s is § | 3 || 5 | is s #| S : 529 392 |4,921 1,345 57 106 |191 550 317 | 269 118 151 829 || 7 || 1 || 436 |133 1,251 1,724 493 1,001 |512 | 1,219 : 524 1,845 932 106 || 466 423 3,097 1,421 1,044 1,296 | 1,015 270 928 531 || 37 144 610 159 29 | – || 114 | 9 || – || 1 | – | 163,220 1 319 220 | 1,691 189 || 51 51 69 363 62 83 || 518 159 500 242 35 | 10 | 722 || 212 19 459 92 | 1,915 # 152 597 330 131 280 106 || 695 221 153 129 504 || 25 989 || 1 || || – || 212 | 802 41 || 17 | 34 19 | – | – | 102 1,383 86,079; 2 236 73 1,532 76 4 21 | 8 || 299 21 56 160 39 361 115 15 || 6 || 336 67 || 15 # 268 88 1,114 : 118 370 | 72 51 61 159 243 130 | 115 46 78 29 104 || 11 3 15 340 # 37 | – | 105 2 | – | – | 1,628 2,238 60,109 3 189 49 555 53 29 15 15 132 6 153 49 7 223 11 14 || 4 || 69 27 15 # 176 || 3 | 66 : ; 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(!?!C Q & © tº 43 --> Glamorg 3 T Forfar I Corder 3. g - - ** - e o * © tº • 6 e e - © tº a º * - f º tº º “º © - e 9 y d - c É do.” City" 2 | Bowstrin erby .. 3 | Cl ck Dial-maker Articles, R y .33 ± nff. . . . . . . 1 A W Surre do. -turners’.... 1 In Plym iii. 33 R ristol 4 || S iddl. ... 1 n-dealer . . . E Y Mo g., 3 ||ool-Deale. ... ." * © OCK a 1 , Rent . º Ros : J - - 2% €l'S . . . MI Stru- mth. I ſiddl... SE a W- ... 17 - . 1 nmouth 3 :*: ; ; . . ; g 2: (Surrey, § & # i ſº º, ; º *: º : #."}. Tool 3 ſ * © 1. *. ss - - - - - - 2 ă #; tº e e : do. -workers, Sir Maccaroni . t- < ſº 3 Pencil Cwmb. ; f cº" * makers }: City 1 ſº ... • * Q º l Tree maiº Kt. . | # \; º º º l umfries º OW & Arrow ne. y 0.71C, a • 84 .5 3 ent tº e • * -- ſ Middl 1 Qſ) rmingh, 1. J g Machi 1. makers 2 IIla erS Q?"??? • , 3 º Lanc © Herts tº º F • * * 1 W. S er tº º 6 º Circudb. 2 - idd. e & ºn 12 c in - U Gla. 1 Makers" iſi. Clogger Cardi # surren .... 4 3 Sº - esea; 30 \- Edinburg - - hine ( York Buru. makers' Birm. 3 firrori ... 8 || Scale- orfar .. 2 orcester ... Z. Ork Surre 5 (..." Dri º 3 º ... ( Som. 2 ; S p. 3 £ 22 }. .... 2 C. § 3 Surrey .. 4 Golf. § Ball ! º: 2 Jack-maker Agricul.- kº W 3 - j I #. 1 #. . ... 1 sº beam-makers : & fristºi"...... 11 || 3-2 wrkneys | | Tri i. ... 6 .." U I’Iel'S idd. 3 ma e- $ Middlesea: Wood Ca olce 7 || 3 g h W lam .... ? sp;3 Cambridge mak all o: 1 Midd . . . . . . 1 makers Q R it .. 3 Edi ich 1 eeds... 1 onmouth .. 2 | cale-C Middl.. C: Warwick .... 3 | * \ } Mi 7 |d pe-- / Pl ... 4 ſº urrey, H: & Sum're akers & Surr 6 (16. In rmarth. 9 § .: | hitehave .: E- rº < Yo 1 €1’S & Fife 3 : lesex... © Malt-ma oacburg 10 Mu JEdinbur I º Surreu. g Northam º board- . . . . 6 3 . . . . 2 | 92 3 iddl. ... 4 ealers ymouth 2 O South...i 319 - !y 3 || Brai 7'07 Sh ID 7, 2 º rk., W. Cl B 82 t-mak 3. stard-d Percu y. 1 pton... 5 Surr Westm GD . . . . º º: • • 3 *; !/ > * ; mº º: 42 5: £ºf ... 1 # Ez. Breen º; omº do. 1 2 |s ham... 252 M. Herts. 7 ...hi 3 º Cap-mak. 1 3 3.jºi..... 2 º tters * ... 3|= ſºlº 2 Tº: ſº 4 º 1. 㺠W, i. Worcester 3 rass", midd, .. ... ( Kircudb., § ork, E. R. ##" | Glasgow. sº ; º! ...... 1 * : * . Hull 2 | P h. 3, # ºmmºn. cale similai... |É sain... .... 2 ; ) Lanc. . . . 5 orthampt 1 Susº. • Ball- Rent J. founders . . . 18 Cl Roacburgh © USuffolk wo 2 : gow 11 G •r, ºr !/ & e º ſº º : < Bristol & © ) M p iSSector - N e N €r- Surr # < Suff lk. 74. , , 19 mak idell. e & 35 |- 0p - - - - , , , 3 ſº W. R Salop g W; * , ; - - & & g tº 19 B . . & Surre * oth-deale * s l, 4. Dice C se e º & 1. Fi U Edinbur h ranite-ma Q & © 1() ſº N * • * * * * * 2 l lap-sell * * * e e º 'º 1 ail-fact - fume • 68/. • * * * 2 (l) O k. tº gº e & 2 -. €I'S & Surre res < Dembi h - e - © gº tº 22 M? • e < e I QD ills,..., makers) Midd. - ridle-cutte !/ e {) Cloth I'. . Q & & © 1 Di Gutters Edi b - itterS-Ul S § l, 4 Det l son, Ol' §. J. ewcastle Ma ‘b e! 8 - - a tº º º 8 I Or ſ Wor, 39 rS Paisley * Warwick tº º !/ © & 22 º: M 8. e s tº gº 7 Leeds. © 13 * - idd tº e º e 22 - º: Dumb * | - Surr • , 3 | Bristle- r, Yle. E. 1 dr - y Midd. ie-sinker , Edinb. 2 | Flannel p, Sedgley 8 c. aler, Devon à | York, W • . . . 1 rble-turner ronmon-3 St V. D ... 1 & S. .... 21 | Sco Oaford . 12 & ontgomer 3 W North • Tru Surrey .. §3 D ºn Baromet €y . . I e-dealers ressers & L ... 23 ſ My s, Southw 1 el-drapers Gri ”. Carm." 30|5 | imº. . R... 1 .... 1 ger, & aff. 7 made ... 1 |* US$600 . . . . 3 urers & Norwi ..., | Glamorg y .. 7 º: rtham, 8 ss. Yºurrey. . . ; 3 ºf a - er- $ Midd Bronze-mak 2 (L unc., &c. 6 iddlesea: Montgo 2 rinders 3 º'": , ; tºº. Mast- $ Surrey .. 52 |N , &c. UWarw. 1 Middl Essex & © 9 rwich 3 || 3 | Cardi rgan ... 1 5 J Wilts 3 makers Sussex. Imº makers Essex 3 “ſ D ers ... ? acº Maker.' Surr . . . . 21 Flask mery . . . . 15 || Gri Denbi Edinburgh..." 3| makes; º' ... 52 |Naturalist . 1 || Pewterer ... 78 sºrrº". . . 3 |S York, W. 3 # ardigan 3 Y Hasti • & & ring ... I vents, t Bat - Essea: 1 ſ OrSeč Mi e tº 1 o €y tº e º ſe - 1 w S -maker Grindsto bigh 1 Je - urgh. tº º 1. €1 s& - 0l. . . . . 2 Needl e ... & © we e to 1 S Surrey 20 A wrrey - cull & Oar 2 º 3 C. Peebl º gº º º 7 E astings g 2 - - nt g e º º | Kircud - - K Midd Herts. ..... ... 5 iddlesea: 17 Bristol ... is Fiate do. ...... 1. Stone-makers we case makers 7 |* Yarmouth e- Q Middl fini. staffºd . . . 1 Seal- º, Surrey 3|: es . . . . . . 5 Carma Bristol p." º N •. e e 1 o, R I S. tº tº gº 4 & © 2 Surre Colch tº € 9 @ o 49 2 Fji - O. & 6 E gº 8 2 York, W. R 3. akers 7 atch-make * l, 19 makers D b e tº Gº 5 imb. te 2 L ord º º Q I O' €11- Birm Ú) Renfrew s tº \- - Gl r1507? 6 Tuckers D - • * * , 1. aisley * , } Bead-imak orwich 1 $º • 6 & Wi !y . . 13 L hester . . . . nt- 5 Stafford g Gun-barr . . . 31 FS chester rs, Mam- Middl erby ... 12 Pi Mid. 167 ancashire gravers & Edi . . . 1 Roxbu .... 2 | St 'amorg. 4 Tunbri , Devon.... 3 \- Ross .. - - & eº & © tº 2 ilts e ancash - I Clutter - 7'0 e e 3 G rel Filer - 6; * @ r ãddl. & º ano-forte Wil tº e 2 Seal- - 'imb.. & 3 urgh © ~ OWe & Nott - ridge-war - US * r * ë | Beam d el'S . . . . 29 -: N Otts. D - & e ºs 4 N l??’é . . . . ‘g - S \ Edinbu Jºlt (1-CaSe M & © f Kel - Mathe- . . . . . . . 27 N e & e º & 4 II] Surrey 4 ºlts . - skin- - M? U Clack e e e 18 Fe d Ş S • * ~ * 26 - \re . . 30 W d tirlin - - do... Fi e- ". . . . . . . 9 ()?) 07' . . to Newcastl i | Flint- gri rgh 3 G. aker p-maker - - Middl * orfolk . akers ) C. R . . . 3 | dr iddl. 1 7?? (???! (!!??, mder- K Sur s-wrº o Suffolk ooden Sh § 1. Beaver o., Fife. . 2 7 i Surrey W ... 3 || 3 || A Stle . . . , 1 grinder un-lock F ... 1 K s, Ork. 4 matical esea, 35 | 2 | * . . . . 3 ormw. 1 azOr-St M? essers S S L . 2 mak R rey .. 2 Tw olk... 62 | C 0éS. Sº Cutter t - . . . . . . 10 orcéSt rgule . * Floati e . . . . 1 4- ~~~ : OF Q. etchu -dealer tº al * Sur | | * SS600 e o a • * t º rop-J . idd. 1 | Seali 7/7'7"e late- (l?!C . . akers C Mi wine- D logge tº * *Mii • 1 5 | %. i. . . . . 68 £º sº º : # º 6 . . . . . . 24 Fº Maker 1 3. sº : Riº sº • 3 º }.} tº e º 3 ; tº e tº © tº e ; ...} !º. : - makers ju l º º: : dealers Denbigh e : ſ D0. º e 'ai spinners. * © tº : ºgg %. th makers i surrº 37 || 3 || Wi ck . . . . 16 º, tºsse . . . 3 | Banff, ....... 1 | Floor Cio rs . . . . 2 makers...... erts. 2 ent. ) Glasgow. #3 Nºrthampt .... 1 makers & L ... 5 | Rectifi *** mºst; fami.". Bristºi...... - surrºw ... ruit urrey go #: ills,.. - g|É... if . . . . . . . . r Cloth Dealer • - - - - - 2 ... , maker sgow. 3i |5 hº pton . . 1 | pic anc. ... 2 er, Edinb. ..." ... º. Slaught "... i. 3 |ficerpool... . 33 urrey .. 5 & W Middl 4 & & 4 tº 5 $2 Ovicest Berwick 1. Florist a el'S 21 - - S 5usse * omerset tº gº Pi M. ſ Y. e - e. I S d imb.. 1 $5 erer 9 gº 5 iverpool T Midd Q2 • tº a | Bee-hive Yle. N. R. Q £3 l Worcester -, < H €7° I re: H% tº . . . • * * 2 ta S - - - - H L Y 30 1 . ;| an 2 P #| || 0 lº) . . . : |- do. 7 |W. R ... • 6 #. º s, Montg.? º mingham. . ; Herts. . . . . . 6 ers & Surrey... 11 maker, Norwich . i $ Glasgow & © Q . E. Stafford ..... 4 grinders } jº ... 1 [..." ... • 7 V. Surrey... 4 |'' £ sº .. = Norf. 2 B U Edinburgh. o • . 1. É. º gº º l #. jºy © e g º e O 2 Flying B - º . 1 box maker $ Yk. N.1 S afford tº gº & © tº 7 Sedgley lº e q e 3 4. Oatmeal Q. Pin- Lanc. • & es & 8 £3 Perth. e tº º 4 # Surrey tº e º ſº e 3 %. tº 9 & © l Su ar imb. e a e º º 7 Wely . inders * ~ * ... 12 — $2 Susier 4 3 : ; : flºº. | Fºº º: 1: ... fift ooksellers, jºin". §: ; tº ... |º §.'... makers ºf jºins...}} jià... ', (#| || sºv *... . 34% * Wrºń. * A tº 11; CIII) ºf M 2. P ſº 2 S . . . . F ., w" . . . . . . . Q & •º º ºs º o 1 ..Sº 'J 08hò . . !! SS e e g º º ()i ainter. Q I º l orth tº l i d! • & e e d) ~ So .e. 0. 6 Q7! S014??? 5 * -- Q- iddl I ine OSto º . ~~ W; tuiv || Hang | or c. 2 | teri g Ma- W Midd. 5 laters Stirli . . . . 2 oil-beate . 5 Bristol 6 : ". Sury . . . . 1 • £30 . . . - il Crush Pipe Cl & © tº tº I | * ſs . . . . . . . . 22 | } wth... W !/ in Strum- • 6. 1. gar - n .. 5 : ilts ... g- ) Montg. 1 rial Dealerst Sur & ºt. Herts.' .. 2 rting . . . . Fram ºr - - - - - - 1 S ... .3] ..i. : Bristol ...... 2 er, Kent .. 6 ay dealer... 1 g º! 22|}| Wills........ 3 . R.. 4 - 3 Surrey 6 n. 7 º' W. R., er Dumf # , (Midd urr. 2 .# erts. 10 Wigton ...... 1 me-) Midd 2 omerset . 3 & Newcastl • - 1 No ... . . . 2 |Oil-deal $ Surr Bristol e ‘º gº ‘pt. | York City.... I W S. . . . . . . . 2 Soap- Chester makers (Ports Su ... 3 U.R. is 1 & 2 lesea: 3- E y Midd e tº \ ...... ; makers t D . . . . ; York, W. ... 7 || 2 | Cardi 6 - . . . 1 rfolk . . ers! Surrey 3. (iinoi..... . §§§ Salop' ity . . 3 orcester.... boi < Lei . 1 | Sword- smou. I | Violin- ; Pdi rrey .. 5 Radnor, Dundee 3 * 3 Somerset • * 0. = S ..... 1 | Doffi Fram erby 4. Tº Bi , , , ; R... 4 º; ardigan Oatford . • - - - ? & Linc. 3 | # iverpool. C: Salop 6 - - York . . . . I oilers eicester I | * cutler.. 1. in- 5 dimb Fº * 1: - * et ... • 3 º º e-mak e ‘p 3 Birmingh 5 Brººk .... 2 ºrd ...... ? Mi : | Midd ... ... 28 B . . . . . . 2 rk, E. . Hadding e e º º majºrs? Dumfries' I ~ Frome, Edinb. 5 # 3 Dorset J Ú/) 8. rey .. 6 Y. ng-Plate Make Surr €I'S (Sash) ſº < Ha dm → • 3 rwick e o 'º ; Wilts iddl... 244 Ş ! . . . . . . 13 ath . Edinb . . . 1 adding 1 T T Violi & umfries .. 1 Norfolk, - Midd º £3. | Wil . . . . 1 sº. 1 ork, W. R I’, Sur. 64) . . . . . 2 nts . . . . . Edinburgh ... 1 # 1 W. . . . . . . . . 1 |Oi Surrew 1 ": Norwich, e & \- York ſy. . .... 1 F; urgh. ... 1 North ambour-work - iolin-bow-mal • &n orfºlk, ... • 1% ilts . . Spring Ma 1 Dog-d . . . . . 4 Free C "3 || 2 | Leed • 4 gh. ... 2 3 arwick Oil-m prey 11 | * ....... 4 | Regi , W. R. ife . …” orth , . IT er ... 1 aker 1 £ Notts Bellows W Bristol $2 * i W e - © tº 1. g *> aker 1 • ealer $ uttel' Ab º $ . . . . . Dundee • * < Ab º e e ºs 2 tºn Brist l : Newcastl egister O • Q & 3 U * * * * * e I Linc an-dryer |S. I) & M º Kl) tº t + * 6 3 : Orcester UTrimmer Doll-n ... Stone? D . After, 7 |: ºd . . . 2 Gisgow..... . 2 Š erdeen - 0 5 : 5 < y, e .... 2 R »r Office kee Perth e . .. 2 Tamaulin. urrey. .. 6 (), stringſ Middl. 7 & J Surrey, ... Gateshd & E = York ... 1 | Cock ºr, Roch. 1 maker . ~ ealer . ; e. e. e. e º cº- Slasgow 2 & | Ba • . . . 1 Manch * } York, ºft eno- $ Fi p. 1 Shee • . . . . . . . 1 U Norw paulin- ; Middl. mak S # 4 º' #. - d 3 ºn 33 l rk, W. R - -founder e I) raw • . . . . 1 French . . . . . 1 Suffoll 1 U Per ... ... 7 2. nff. . . . est. I | ; :-- . . . . 3 || W: ife. . . . p Bell S Bri . . . ] maker iddl. 3 aRey'S urrey 3 $ Susser, Surrey * U Me … & 8 Coff €1 (Brass) l Ing Instr P - - Ş Midd c) 10 - - - - - €7 th. ç r: Caith - • & © º 2 O; Essea. º: do. Cit - vator & F º tº e 1. Fo oda ristol - a Kel'S & W. o - Ú). f : * , t 3 rioneth - ee-sho º maker ument olishers . . 34 Dumfri • 4 || Lard- . . . . . . 6 Ql ſl??6 SS . il Refi º ºb º L 9 . . . . 17 Th orfar. unders. Wi W M? ... 2 r arw. 2 | Vitri 1. Wilts, Won' º • - 1 k p : Midd. 95 €1 . sners * New unyries .. makers } D - . . . 1 ners. L eeds Rhubarb-d ... 2 << Cri , Wilts. 2 ater #ddl Dorset - triol- La - tº I Belt- $ Mi 0?"Ce I Midd eepers } . 95 || Dress . . . . . . . . 1 Fringe - cast. 1 U Linlith . .. 6 r Mi . . . . 2 umfries - Orange-d , Leeds 4 ....... 3| Ri ealer rib-maker” e S . .. 4 * * * .... 2 mal - } nc. . . . . 5 N. R |Midd - ſ Y . . . 61 - Surry 26 er of Cast .: ge- Midd . . . He gow . idd... Edinb . . . . 10 g ealers tºlasgºw ibbon-d ... 1 |Shell- • er”, , 1 makers urrey |Wilts akers & York, W | : º, . makers R S ! g e e 1 Butt k., W. R 2 Sur t !/ Lunark w Iron, tl IIYı1)}{2i'S |S e & tº 54 eck-makers L º 1 Bri t . . . . . . & 14 • in urgh * @ º r Middl e e - © 43 D d e tº 9 g º e 33 T} raper. • * * 2 polishers - Sus e 9 º' 7 q) R. gº 8 & © & 6 2 y tº R. 3 Denbig Hilliard T urrey • * 2 OIl- Shrew l e Coffee- I} - rey 4 Dres - • e s m e º e gº t; dealer 5 urrey 1 () Hemp-dr j (1716. 3. - S ol e e º - e, e. 6 Elgin. º • , 4. B - e e g º e º e 37 PI l!?! (166 . . . . . . 3 Ri O. dresser 6 ^ Middl • * * * 4 S600 . . 2 : 2 - utland ... e o 'º l \ Washers | - able. K makers | Edi slº. 1 || Ro Aidd. 8 ssing Case- o - ºrs, < Somerset - essers. Ken'ſ 4 Yºrk,. W. R. Fif . . . . . . 3 ristol . - aster of Pari o iddie. Sa . . . 22 S. l. . . . . . . 23 |S Cumberla # 5 | Notts W ,-Midd ; H Oaford Ci , Reeper 'dinburgh 1 asters) Lan Drug-Grinder makrs 7 and G rset 1 | Heral fath 2 Sºn"...... 3 6 - - - - - - - - Bain........ 7 | Plate C ris dea. 1 se sieve." | # urrey . pade- ) Du nd alº # | Northumb ... 1 rºº !.... ." Bi º0. #. . . . 4 < #. ... 1 Coffin - sº º Dryster, Fº . . . 1 mº ; : º lº Midr. tº ; Nºki . . . . . 2 & º º e o & º & : £ Worcester. * @ 6 º Platers * 3 Rig - | . 60 # ſº º . : º : makers & łº, º s # < § tº go Wadding-mak. S £ #. * * * * g ºf irdcage-ma! . . . . I - irkcaldy 1 |Coi -makers . . ... 1 || aceter & e Argyl ... £ Plym . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 2 & Lancast e e º º pºſſ 1() gers urrey. 42 2: verpool © Dumfrie 2 : Y Lei p... • Wafer- . Surr. 4 || 3 || L €Sté)' , , , - Bird-stuff a KCTS - e. 30 C (Notts - JOIll & Anti - * @ e e J. . . * E. - Cº. Lar I : e e e º gº 66 Herbalists !/ & 2 w 1. º p. wouth tº º 'º º 1 Roacburgh : F. 67" - ... • * 4 lough- - ſ Y. E. R 5 South * .” Boston • e º e 9 Spade-tr ??? 68 3 QD QX icester. º 40 1 }{l k $ Surrey. 3. 3. &nc.. & tº uffers, deal Leeds . 1 Coke-B quity-dea,” ... } - washire.... 6 Hidespiter .... & Dorset . U Ross . . . . 2 E £eter . . . . mak La (yori.N 4 S \ H. ... .... 1 || Spar ee-ma. Som § 3 ; Radnor akers & Middl tº § 4 $º Bath, tº tº * Middles. ers 7 ºn 2 M eeds . 2 | C Ull’I) é T e r Mid 3 ) Wilts 64 ºf e-splitter 2 Tº New . . . . . 1 • * * * * * 3 J Camb ... 2 €rS mc . . 2 | Rob ork, N. 5 ull .. par-deale . 1 || 3 : Br ..... l l Wareh . . . . . 2 | "f * . . . . . . tº de : Il (2S iſ 67." itect of iron to 1 iddlesea: # , iſomºmºru e & Higgier Linlitiºn à & ewcastle . MI ... 2 | f < ... . . . . I Surr e-makers"....' .g. K. . . . . . . 4|S rs, Derb : ; ºn ehouse-ke 2|{3 Wilts vº Notts QC ... 17 3. |º ... 8 ollectr of Iro (l) S . . 127 pº Montg 1 Iggier, Linlithg 1 | ". Sal • - - 1 eaSll I'e -I\l º: JDorset º - 68/.'. 7| Rocki s . . . . 2 | : ent . . - pectacle-m k y 3 G ... - 5 Watch epers 2 | do • 6 c + b : Il * • * * * * * * - iddles Q ! Colour- I} St0rme l gº urrey e |- s omery tº º 17 Hing - tg 01(? 7 + op tº g tº M c a., Surr 1. cº - - €l e o gº e 1. ( Middl C xing-hor P - ę & © c e ºs 5 S º t 3. 6FS e 8 lamorgan C -CaSe-II) l - * W. R # | Norfii....... #| Wº..."; i. 25 $ Lancashi # , R. . . . 20 Meriometh ge-maker | 7 || 3 || Ha ... . . Measuring-t y 14 § | Bishop W º iddl... is Roll seldo. 1 |* ristol.. pice-dealer e M ... 3 and -makers || 3 • * * * * *, - 4 • * g ºr .g.) York, W. R makers & Mi shire 4 || 3 # ent . . . Angl eth . . . . 6 Hook- ... • 1 || 3 | ants ... Medallion ape do 3-4 p Wear... 2 |P Birm; er-maker.L - | Angºl .... 1 || Spind S • - - - - - 4 Montgomery & 5 Middl 3 | Norwich : Lancaster ... ? | 3: ) Sur , W. R... 1 C Midd.. 8 I. Sº Esseac . . . 8 -> nglesea łr $ Forfar | 1 || - Birm . . . 2 edallion-painter . 1 | C Norwich ocket N wing 28 R. Mi , Lanc. 12 8 leS60. . . . . 1. pindle and Fl JDumb y 2 gilders t Edi . . . . 5 f | R. * * * * * : Portsmo tº e s tº 2 & - rey º e e º tº ompassima D e & 9 t 3-4 B - º tº g º & 3 Fustian- C . . G 9 2 ( I'êSSé l'S & In º & Cº. 1. V * º § 9 @ 9 1 Mercers €l 1 Hull • * > - | Bo | €70)COLS, 2 - g- - Middl. º - - 4 & U Renfrew - tº e makers L y- Tea Ot arton º 1 ID - inb. tº e ſº l * ent... * g º $ it d • th cº; York Ci º 1 Com * . e. • 3 und. 1 20 sº ristol $ heshire ~! Q: €7°776SS: - ()? k E. R & e º e º * * * * * * O K- < Edi 1I]{ k * S ſt ºt Q Shi ti e & G & º º e 1 s d?!C. * p -handle- k 0. glass-m I Rºr $93 Wilts, 24 tº º 8 Q 2 ºw ity • 4 - position. - •: QD P * e a e 4. Cuttel'S I. He e 48 ſ Glouce t to 2 G! e 2 * e o e 5 Metal-d - & e ºl 14 Yo h e & 9 I II] k Aº imb... 2 à. €I'S urrey e 1 p Ime-ple (Li - • * * 6 - T €8.- 3118, Q I W a 3. K. Sur. 2 \- cud. tº e i ti º º “ - e. e. Glasg . 2 D Imakers 4|** lymouth y & Lancashir St 67° s , asgow dealers rk City. akers | M. - ^2. . 11 make ce incoln ea-urn ... d ater-filter- S-A -F | York . . . . 1 C gow . . . .3 o. Orna & ... ...; ... 3 t??'e 1 Herefor • 9 Edi ... , 26 É (M • . . . 4. L . . . ] - anch. . ] C 13.67tt . . {{*I'S - 2 Salop ... I Tea o. . . . ] e makers 4/7 . . . . . . .” º rk. W R amp-e e º 379 C ment-d gº º No 102 h - 07 d dinburg *4 iddlesea: eeds e | B º o e 1. Sh - & G & º gº 3- alop - * A. zle- S. - ild 2 WO l] e C B y tº • 2 & quipage M !opperas- O. J C l, © & 2 , -- f(ent tº e º 'º' 8. º rg h * @ º e Q S •e * @ e > 14 \ E. “. . . . . . . . I ath $ (Middl } ovel-mal • gº I © Q) - • * * * * * 1. de - omerset 6 g erS tº & e O en-printº - cº; ath Cane-workers ak. 1 Co maker Ken Somer - G © o e Hadding 6 : c QUT’7”6 dimb 2 l . 6 |S § 62FS ... . Ayr alers º ... 2 - !, gy” © a tº º ºs e e * - * - , tº - #1 erSet L w e e s tº c. - ington : !y tº 9 & © tº O wrgh e - G 2 ULeeds g Sury hroud d º a 9 º' 2 QD & * @ º P. 2 rury e W. R Midd - £ Leicest t * Oaford • 1 č. er & Dir. 2 ppet Bal rel dealer U Glasgo • - 1 I}ſid (uncaster 5) | Ayr - • - 1 E Cambridge. . ... 4 rnament-mak Pork-dealer 2 Rule or §- r ey 5 O. : . . . 1. §: 3. Berwick Thrashin **. . . 6 Well- Ma • * e s e 1 33 ſº Sł0?” in prº ...... 1 and D ers, 5 Midd.28 2 Bristol er 1 sgow .. 5% # (s iddlesea: . . . . 17 in on ...... 4ál Lead dealers ... | 1 |: { Manch gº. 4|Orris-weaver er... I | Porter-de ers, Dorset 4) R Brist... 4 (Lanc. & e § 3 ; D ... 2 machi g- (Lincoln 8|sink anch.... 1 3 incºlºr i • gº e - - * & tº e º e º ſº * * * - tº º - e e º 'º e & - - © º º - u : 4 le - :- - uler- < E ‘. -> UD 7. - : • e º 0. 14 C } unfermlin In 6- N I? el'S Li Q} N. U Dev • - 1 eakers & Sur Herts. 13 | Edge-T R. š tli”’é'ſ] . . . . . - z Middl 1 | Lead P ers . . . . 2 Somer . . . . 3 ... 13 | Potash- alers . . . . 2 * | Edinb. g | Norw 14 ºr Elgin... e I m orfolk 1 ncoln . . ~3 ewcastle " Fºliº e e & 1 ſ= jº º iry & e º 1. º - fººt : ‘F < ºff. 9 @ 9. . i : #. e & © gº 10 º 4 # | §" • * * * 2 ºna ash bºiſ 1 makers º: * @ ; = 3 }º. • - : # # < Fº: tº 4.a tº & | l tº: Northm. 1. Whalebo Salop. e G is : º: < 3. - Cumberla . . 135 | £ § W łerts. .. 3 ancashir • • * Car 3 łirmingham - ~ Southam . . . . 37 || 2 | K d :... 13 \ Edinb . . . . . . 1 ... à6 iddl.. 103 orwich 1 & 3 } Teeds e e tº 3 * | Kirk ... ... 1 e ers, Dund. 5 Mid ne-cutters 7 || 3 outhwark, 'land £ 2 ) Surr • - O |}ſ. re .. 4 E M; , a 3 (Susse ... 4 || 7 & S pion. - 13 || 3: ent . . . urgh . . . . . Surrey Potat Sur U Me # ; ; H .... 12 | *ē ºil. 2 | Tile Breco * . (Middl. # Worc Derby ... 11 || 3 || 8 urrey ... 2 iddlesea: Egg iddlesea: • 3C - - - - § { Stafford... 3 35 ; M. . . . . . 6 Mi ... 1 P , Polº. rey 37 Rul | Newcastle I wdders 3.3 Rosb © rS n .. 7 ... . . . . 46 $ OrcéStéſ a & © e * .." tº º sº & 6 Glasg . . 2 | 2- & e º & © C. cº anchester Millston ackers Y. W.R deal ; D * * ulers, Mid 1 | E -: - sfield. 7 :I. £0sberry g Carm Surre tº- W Devon . . . 20 * 3 Warwick 1 Surrey - 101 Mer- Surrey G Sg'010 . . so 3 Surren - 7 || 3 || Mid €r . . 12 - e Ş Newc ^ & :--- 8 €2.16°1'S wmfries 3 , 4/11 ldl. tº a tº 9 -- bº) W. Ridin - Selki, © . 2 . Tilt- arthen 7 • $/ • * * * * * 28 | * U . R... ºr º & & G C. - * * ºr a . r e e g c < * P- C) . . * Q ºn 12 ause & Cr e G 5% O $/ & g º ºs & º 3 2 - ! dlesea: gºt Builder - - ast I - Sund. * - -- | Edº - - * S • 6. QQ “º e 2ng . l() §rk: e tº makers S Birmn h Wi Bristol ... a |* < 2 Esser . . . . 3 Bucks. 53 chants) Brist {}i rape-dr Westmor O Normºn..... 37 Mi rs & Anglesea 3 º' I | Edinb... 1 S & 3 || Wills. .. ; or ... 1 makers, Surry I gham . . ilts. . .” | #::::: *|# "...º. |# jº ... }|Emb S !º. º ‘...."; *: = ſºlº s Nº. 5 sº ºlp º, H. m"; it *; : . * { }... . º ... }| ſº..... ;|: *: ...] - w; º, .... 11 | * | 3 8. , a 7, Glasg tº e - G roider e - ger & Mi ... O3: • - - - - - 1 Słlé 2 . . . >lier. H # 4 - Manch. 2 ider-ma, Kent - Middl... ... . Paisieu.... • * . . . . 2 !/ - - - - - - # pristol. . . . . - § Nºmiºlº |< | 3 || ||ºº:: 2. §...”.” Emery * : *|| ... } | • 6 sº........ || 3 º as e e Q * | * ( tº: . . . . . aper Bag-maker 1 5...". º Surrey...... 20 -ºff." . . . . .4 maker ºf . ; - Somerset ... * 3 lane.... º: 6 Y 3 * S ts. . . . . . . 1. : Lanca :.. 22 32 < Clack rgh .. 2 Glass Pa ... ...,' 7 Brewers' A h ... 4 IS º . . . . . . . . I ºf uffolk . . . . rº 3. Essea: *** - - - - } cºil. . 7] Eaceter £ | Southm. ... .. 7 Sur . . . . . . . 11 S Bristol. ... I Birmingham § Newcastle ... 4 Yarn- & Lamº & ulop , , 14 ashire 2 C-4 telemamma E per makr. 3 º Ashton ... 1 MSS63: £ Surre. • , ; } & 2. . . . . . * * S Pressers - 6 || 13 Wi e e 5 - Tré!) . . e pur- Midd - W • . 9 ºr N. ... • 3 d ; Lanº. .º Staffºrd...... 8 \e g | Inver n 4 £namellers r. 3 Gear Leeds • . . Wilt . . . . . . 16 | * irrey . . . . . . 20 gy Hants • -- . 1 urrey, 44 - Middl... 26 % ilts .. tº Devon . .. 3 make : 'l. . . . 1 arwick. ... 7 g Otts. . . . . . . ealers & Perlºº £º afford. . - o 1 Q hiéSS . . . . 5 Engine •. e ºf e º 'º º 3 - l § */ tº gº 13 'S - - - - - - - ": Birmin •l © º S s? • . . . . . 1 Staffo d º - UN ... w 6 ~3 Derb * * g e a 5 t e e us a e º e 4 ~ TS Surren Southm © Ç Wilts tº º 6 - - st | Surrey • * * - 2 C ſ §: 23 § to o o º #. r1erS .. 6 sº ; # akefield 8 U. Worcester : 3. < * . 11 || 3 || }. • - - - - - 1 *. < §. } Print Cutter º 8 3 < º W. . ... 1 ; - 4. Stamp-cutter Fº ; Suffolk . . . . . 2 | H & iºns - - - - - - - 4 !. Westhorianº 2. Carpet, }.} unif........ line-wrights, " Stay- uddersf Stafford. ºf ; : Cº.i. lºors & Him. in Wood Midd.21% 2 y 7. e. e. 1. mimpion. 5° !º. ... I | * © º º ºs º dº sº ;| Yeast- uſ?" clanſ "3 and 2 Y|c y 1 Caithness .... 2 Northumbria. makers./?" Sf. 1 Hop afford. . . 1 º | York, West R. 6 Ninºsis.... | “ev Hastin ood ld. 2) # ſynn. Q @ E pton . 5 starch- $!!ºmºtest Sussea: - * | Hull g “. . . $1 by e - ** º t * "- ºre - s g tle - - º gs l & - Surr f sº - & & e a sp SS83: . €7° 4 - tº e - © 2 * * c e s a e deal Suğ !! W. g. R | d E. R. 1 || || Hi wness . . . . . Engraver Verland 15 ers. { T neaster 1 dealer Surrey .. 4 3 Hants... |T ... ... 1 | Birming. I f Bristol . r. I | 3 || Warring ... 1 || 2 | dºra..... . . makers W. R..... 8 | # Wilts . . 2 || 3 | York . . 7 dealers ) yº! yori, ) East . 21 dº K. W. R. H. ºst. ... 2 gravers, Birming. 7 mº Ridg. 14 rs' Worºsiº 2 |= Sussex ..... • 1. º . . . . 8 tº: l Heref... . . . . 12 t #. . ... I # º . . . . . . 3 £dinº..... 7 # Devon .. ... . . . . . ºr -..... • . . 4 ſº t City : 2 3.16 'S Nº. l º • * * - 1 F 5. Norts. 2 ( Pre Brecon .. 2 C York, East R. * a fº . . . . 1 () Pa Leeds... 2 Denbigh - - - - 4 Essea: s on... 2 # º ... ... 2 | Stencil $$.". 1 # rºse, .... º c º #|sion ........ I 190, ſh North sº Cart |};" | | \ fºr. * . . . . . . . , 1 Fan-mak Midd. 9 % º " # º ºº 3 . * e i 3 §. ... 13), r ºº:: ; ...: i sº : ! ; Yºº • 1 i. - ; ... 2 # $º . . . . R * * * * * * * * ! {P}'S E & Oull i - º * lº - - - i d. % -> 7" g .. -: < Yo "I * ... a . e º º -2 * - e e g a tº º 14: , ſº erts © e t C oth-d e G . • - * W '• - 1. * © & 2 3. 0?” olk - lſ, olk. • * * - grease Maker 1 C {0SS . . . & SSéac 6 iè l'S , . I: ers & Devo, : | Edi . . . . . * 5 rk, W. R. T. 32 • Sheffi "ins 2 | Rºni........ . 1 - ealer. . 1 || 3 . Ridin N © N - - - 3 “. . . . . . . I | Zi oppice-deal. iii. . 5 F º Sº, , , , o, . * ~ : * * * .* =s* evon 1 3 ~ inburgh . . * 3 do... E ... • * 14 .5 ield... . . . . Q1) ent. . . . . . . . . . Q1) Glow Q 3 J. N. Ridi g . . 4 eve. . . . .# orthampt Cardigan • * Zinc plate-malſº mºdei, iii, Sli an:light Mº". stainers; #, see Spoon, #| ºl.... ilāl cº, # Yºrk City;... *|3} iii....'... Ali, (ºft.... |#4 ... . . stick (Middl 2|= | Oxfºrd pi. #| |º..... l plate-makº 3 Feather ers 2 G. & Hants 4 D Pisieu ...... 1 ackmumma 3 ) iºnii". 5 | E -< M. ... ... 7 | * * leoln . . : ) Cardigan . fiddl. 7 - ... • 3 % • & e º 'º e er do. 1 lobe: ; Midda. its 2| Horse- }: U º ... ... 3 º, ; * º ... . . . i º . #3 Nº.: ... ." § canºn.... ..] (Walking) sº 2 | | | E.R. 5|Whi Rºi.... 5 - makers R Surrey tº ſº 6 hair - Wo º: 12 Leather º * & e º & & 9 2 - U Glamorgan . • 7 3. * º, o 'o o 13 g Nº. tº e e º & 5 3 à Northamp. © 6 Rºl) Denbigh n tº G tº º 1 - makers Staff 2 § N. R. tº tº 4 ipcord-makers, 6 • - 5 ºrs, ' ' | Buc Ipe and Devon • 2 S + Ed; . . . . . . . : 2 | 3 | atop... 4 CŞ York, W R § Pembr l . . . . I ſMid W. R. 1 - W. R. .. 2 v. º Notts Q. Wilts... 6 L.". 8 Mould- #;" ... |* º: ... 3 0- ; • - - - 2 ºn, biº. © : º, º. . . . . ] . d!. . . . . . . 243 ...! 1 Do. strick-dresses 2 - r • * tº º * K t s ºr e & 70. t * º - > e ‘º e º e e * * n . . . . r?’ (2 - a” gº gº & tº *… ealers e e o º + makers - Herts ; e . . Pattern %. º . 9 @ l jº • e o e º 'º 5 Sales- Middl o e s 39 Dumfries. • - º . # Exent y • - - - - - 23 ; e e º 'º º 2 White-l d. suse.' 7 - York. E - Pattern- - -maker 2 Bi y . . . . . . 3| men Surrey ... 18 Edinburgh. .. 2| 3 | firls........ 6 A. *gh - - - - l ead-workers 17 , E.R. 1" dri Surrey. . . Birmingham Pl F; gh. ... 1) # | • * @ s - e º e 2 4berdeen - Su rawer, - Lanc e - Worcest tº e tº 36 Saloop-mi | ymouth 14 ſº * tº e •. º . & - 3 º < Berks. & © tº & Ayr tº tº º º 2 W tº a tº ſº 3 - . . . 5 | \, Esse er.... 's Saimon aker . . . . 1 orfar . . . - +: Bristoi....... 3 £igin ...... |Whiting- ent .. 3 - 30 - - - - - - - - l - º Argyle. Q 1 Rirkwall º º: ; $2 Lane. . . • * * * * ! #." • 3 • * 0 ° 2 makers Lincoln 4. •. S R Elgin e e 2 U; & q' e • * C/2 Essea, tº e g c tº *3 Tin-plat • * * * • Gº & 6 - . York, E. 9 - Stirling - © . © ge % sain. . • • * * * * 3 º - 2 Whiteste Dos W. T - UEdinb. , • * * * * > powwº! iddl. 7 || Wick-c rs, Suffolk 3 e a s • * * 5 §. 3 Will utter . © e º ſº & 1 - Carm. A7 W. Suff... I - ow-weavers is gº 8 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, To the Geographical and Statistical Display of the Locality, Relation, Superficies, Population, and Revenues of each County, Section, District, and Colony of the British Dominions, and of the several Provinces and Districts of Russia, Prussia, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and the Peninsula of Spain and Portugal, and the United States of North America. Page A. - Aborigines, number of, in the United States of North America ... . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Cape Coast Castle, and Fernando Po, Geogra- phical Position, Population of, and Commerce with .......... ... . . . . . . . 78 Bo. Geographical Display of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º e o ſe & © tº 6 e º e & © 6 Ages, ratio of of the Population of Ireland in 1821 ................ . . . . . . . . 15 Do, of the Population of Sweden in 1820, in each of 23 gradations of ages, an the ratio thereof contrasted with England............... i).o. of the Agricultural Population, in three classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Do. of Population in each Province of Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ¥30, of the Population of each county of Great Britain, at different periods .. HDo. do. of each county of Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do. ratio of, in Great Britain, contrasted with different parts of the World . . . Do. See also Life, Death, Mortality, and page... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Agriculture, Families returned as employed in, in each county of England, at each of the three periods, 1811, 1821, and 1831 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Do. number of Males, twenty years of age, and upwards, employed in, in each . county in 1831, distinguishing labourers from employers Do. total number in each county, contrasted with Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . It Do, the like display of, of each county of Wales and Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Do. relative importance of, compared with other sources of employment and • e e & G tº a tº º 0 e º º g e & © gº gº e º gº e o q & © & © 7] a e g g º e e g º º º tº º e º b ib. production e t c e º s e e g o gº e o e º e & e to e s e ºs e o e º s e. e o e o e g º o a 9 e º 'º e & a tº * * * * * * * * * * 3 Agricultural Counties, England, Nos. 24–42..... ........................................ 12 Do. Scotland, 13–26 ............................................. 13 Villages, population of, No. 25................... • e e e o o e s a e º e o e o e e s a e s e o e e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 ° º º 3 Agricultural Districts of the county of Middlesex, Maintenance of Poor in, from 1776 to 1833. ................................................................................ 40 Population, amount of, in each province of Sweden, No. ........................... 73 Bo. total of each class............ ‘e tº e s e a e e s a e e g º e o e s a • * * * * * * * * * o 'º t e o 'º o 68 Do, Produce, in each province of do. .................................. to o & © e o e s º o a 74 HDo. in each Department of France.................................... 58,59 §Do. of the Netherlands.................................................... 81 Do. of each province of Russia ....................................... 55 America, British, Population of, &c.................... g º e s 6 & q o 0 e º 'º w tº s & © tº e º 6.................. 78 Do, Geographical display of each county and section of ........................... }}o. United States of, Population, Slaves, Shipping, Exports, &c. of each state, 1790-1830..... .......................................................... ..….............. 51 Do, Population of each district and territory of in 1830, in each of 13 gradations of ages, distinguishing Males from Females, and Slaves from the Whites, and Free People of Colour .................................................................. .. 86 Proportion in each class of age, to every 10,000 of the total number..............: 87 Amoy, Port of, in China, its locality, &c. .......................................... line 3i 53 Analysis, or analytical view of the several occupations of the population of England 3 JO. do. do. Scotland ... 13 Antigua, Slaves at, geographical position of, &c................... o e º & 9 e o 'º e o a tº 4 & B & © & e g º ºs o o 78 Area. See Superficies. Army and Navy, number of, at different periods... ....................................... Assessed Taxes, produce of, in each county of England and Wales in 1829... 6–8 f}o. do, Scotland .............................. 89 Bo. (Direct Contributions) in each department of France ..................... 60, 61 Assessments, Parochial and Local, see them. - Assistant Overseers, number of in each county of England and Wales in 1830 and 1831 .................... is a • * = c e o e o e o a e o 'º e o a • e s e e o e º 'o e s • * o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5, 10 Assizes, towns in which held, in each county.............................................. Austria, geographical and statistical display of............. o & 9 e º e o e º s & e º e g o o e o a º & Q & ©.º. º e g º o tº B. Baden, geographicai and statistical display of............ e o 'o e a 6 tº a o q ^ & © e º 6 c 3 o' tº a tº 6. Q S g g g g g a 6 e o Bahamas, geographical position, population, &c. of........................ . . . . . . . . . . ..’” Banks, for Savings, number of, in each county of England, in 1830, with number and amount of deposits, &c. and notes upon ............................... #3aptisms, Marriages, and Burials, number of, in each county of England and Wales, in the 10 years, 1801–10 18, 19 Do. do. do. 1811—20 20, 21 Do. do. do. 182}–30 Baptisms, excess of, over Burials, exceeding the total increase of population in §, #several counties of England and Wales, and the converse............ © e o 'º e º ºr 19–21 For some very interesting results deduced from, and comparisons at different periods, see ........ 40 s 6 c e o 'o o 6 c q e c + c 0 < e o s e o e o o e o o e a o a e o e g o e o 3 e º 0 e o e o e o q e o e o ºs o 0 & 0 & 9 o' g º 6 o 8 & 6 º' 22–31 See Births and Deaths. - Barbadoes, geographical position and population of .................................... 78 Bastard Children. See Illegitimate. Bavaria, geographical and statistical display of....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Beet Root, produce of, in Imperial France ............................................ .... 65 Belgium, geographical and statistical display of each province of..................... 82 Benefit. See Friendly Societies. Bengal. See East Indies. Hermuda, geographical position and population of ....................................... 78 Berbice do. do. do................................................ ib Berlin d do. do.................. e e o e < e < e o 'º e o s e º e º 'º e º 'o e s e < * e º 0 ° 8 O. O Bills of Mortality, Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials within, from 1700 to 1820 28, 29 Birmingham, Maintenance of Poor at, Population of, &c. in each year since 1776, 44 Births and Deaths, number of, in each department of France ................... 62, 63 Do, in each province of Sweden....... ........................................... 71 and 75 | Do, do. do. the Netherlands........................ • e & ea e g o e o 'º o º v c < * * * * * . 79, 80 Po. in various parts of the World............................ e tº a gº e º 'o º e º e º 'º a tº e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e e º e ...Do. See Baptisms. Biscay, geographical position of, &c. No. 3....... • * * * g º e & e º q t t e o e e º v e º 4 & 6 e º e º 'º º ºr e º 'º e = * g e g º º 66 Bombay. See East indies. . . - Page Bordeaux, geographical position and population of, No. 49 ............. sº e s a tº e g º q + 2 + 3 + 57 Produce of Customs duties at 7 ........................... 61 Brazil, geographical and statistical display of the resources, productions, &c. of. Bread, price of, from 1758 to 1844............................... • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Bridges, building and repair of, charged to county rate ................... • a e s tº s a s e < * * * * 50 Bristol, Maintenance of Poor at, &c. since 1776.......................................... 4] British America and West Indies ................................. e º e s a v e g o a e o e o 'º e e º e º e º a 6 & 8 ° 78 Buenos Ayres. See South America. - Burials and Baptisms. See Baptisms, ratio of each to Marriages............... 18–22 C. Calcutta. See East Indies. Canada, geographical and statistical display of each county of........................ Population of, and commerce with............................................. to e < e < * * * * * 78 Cantom. See China. - Cape of Good Hope, geographical position and population of......................... ib. Capitalists and Professional Men, number of, 20 years of age and upwards, in - - each county of England, in 1831, col. 9. 11 {}o. do. do. Wales and Scotland, do. do... 96 See also Grand Display of the Occupations of the Population in each County. Cattle. See Horned Cattle and Live Stock. Ceylon, geographical position and population of, &c..................... t g º a 9 g º o ‘e e a tº 6 e º 'o' 78 Champagne, province of, do. do. 0. 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 57 Charitable Donations, at the disposal of the parochial officers in each county of England and Wales, in money and in land............................................ Charitable Societies, number of depositors in Savings Banks....................... ... 9 Children, of Paupers, cols. 3, 4, and 11......................... & © a • * * * * * * g º º e º 6 º' & sº o s e º e o 'o e & 33 Do, Illegitimate, in France ................................ tº s = e o q + c e s o e º e < e < e < c, * * * * * * * * * 63 Do, do. in Sweden........................................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 73 Do. Mortality among, in the Manufacturing Districts............................. ... I'7 Do. Froportion of, to total population employed in ma-…factories............. China, geographical and statistical display of the population, revenues, and productions of each province of.......... * * * g o e º tº 6 c e s 4 a 6 s e º 'o e e º e e s tº a t < * * * * * * * * e º 6 s , 51—53 Churches, New, number built under act. Church Benefices, number of, in each diocese............ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... • * * * * * * * Church Rates, in each county of England and Wales................................... 45. Do. with County and Bye Highway............................................. . 35 and 38 Do. and Surplice Fees ...................... we s • * * * * * * * * * * * * • a s tº a s s e o Q a Q 6 s e o e º a 9 0 e º e º 'º w e s tº e s e a Circuits, Jurisdictions. Clerical Magis' rates, number of, in each county.......................................... 9 Clergy. See Church Benefices. - Coal Mining Districts, population of, &c..................... “. . . . . . . .------------. . . . . . . . . ... 3 Produce of, in Sweden........................................................................ 76 Colombia and - - - - Colonies, British, geographical position and population of each of 44............... 78 Convictions, of Criminals, in each county of England and Wales, in each year - since 1804 .........* * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º e º 'º e Q & Q @ 9 & 0 & 0 & 6 & x * * * * * > tº º 0 is a e º 'º e º 'º e g g tº ºr 9 & e e º 'º e º 0 tº dº & 48, 49 Copper, Mining Districts, England............................................................ 3 Produce of, in Sweden......................... • e º e º u q = q. o o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 76 Corn. See Grain. Corporate Property, value of, in each county of Scotland.................. * * * * * * * * * * * 88 Cotton Manufactures, false assumptions respecting the No. of persons employed in 3 Mills and Factories, number of, and of children employed therein ........ tº e º 'º e º e Counties of England and Wales, geographical display of............................... 4 HDo. do. in order of extent of superficies................... 6 Do. do. do. total population in 1700 ............ 7 Do. do. . do. do. 1881 ............ 8 County Rates, amount of, in each county ....... * * * * * * * 9 © e e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o c e e o 'o a s e e 45 Bo. do. under each of 15 heads of expenditure.................... 50 Bo. do. with Church, &c. in 1776 and 1803......................... 38 Coventry, Maintenance of Poor at, in each year since 1776........................... 40 Crawford, Mr., relating to China. See Note.......................................... 52 Crime, committals for, in each year since 1804, in each county of England and Wales 47 Do. Convictions for, and Sentences.......... s • e e s e o e e s 2 & e < * * * * * * * o e o e < * * * * * * * o e ..... 48, 4 Do, comparison of, with Savings Banks........................ º ºs e eye tº º q, e e º e º e o e º & º 0 tº º s 6 º' Do. in each department of France.,.......... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 62, 63 Do. in each province of the Netherlands............ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº & 6 e tº a º e 8 Customs Duties, amount of, at each of the 22 custom houses of France............. 61 - D. Pantzic. See Prussia. Deaths and Births. See Births and Deaths. - Demerara, geographical position and population of......... © & © e º e e s tº 3 tº e a a e e g º e g º e o e a e e s tº e - 78 Denmark, do. do.......................................... ... e. e º 'º º e. e. g. Q - | Depositors, in Savings Banks, number of, in each county of England in 1830... 9 Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Society for the, egregious fallacies of................ 3 | Diseases of the population of Sweden.............. • * * * * * * * * * * o e s - e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o e s • * * * * * 75 Dominica, geographical position and population of.................. * e 4 m e s a e º 'o e º e s tº e < * * * * 78 Drainage, important effects of, on human life........................... • . . . . . . . . . . . . Note 25 Dwelling-houses, charged to House and Window Duty, in each county of England and Wales........................................................................: - Do. in each section of the Metropolis, &c.......................................... 42, 43 Do. in each county of Scotland................ & e is a tº e s a e e º e º 'º e º e º e º 'º e e e q e g g g c e & © e g º 6 & 2 & e º 'º e ... 89 Do. See Houses. * E. Earthenware. See Pottery. - o East Indies, geographical and statistical display of the superficies, population, &c. of the several provinces, districts, &c,...... • e º e s e e º e s - e s e e e e s e º 'o e º 'º º tº e º 'º 6 s (→ • e º e - Bengal, Bombay, and Madras ................................... ...................... see 87 2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DISPLAY Page Ecclesiastical Dioceses, number of Benefices in each....... s e a * * * * * * * * * * e º e * * * * * g e • “ . . O. do. do. in Ireland................... 6 º' tº e Education. See Schools. - England and Wales, geographical arrangement of counties of .......................... 4 Executions, in the Metropolis, in each year since 1748............................ 3 & © e º º 49 Do. in all England and Wales, do. 1804............................... ... ib. Excise duties, produce of, in each of the 86 departments of France...... ........... 64 Txports, from Sweden........................... ................................................. 77 Do. to each of 48 British Colonies or Dependencies, in 1830...................... 78 F. Factories and Mills. See Mills. Families, number of, in each class of occupation in Great Britain.................... 3 O. do. do. each county of England, 1811-31 8 Do. do. do. Wales and Scotland, do..... 96 Do. employed in Agriculture.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0 Do. - do. in Scotland in 1811–1821..................................... I3 Do. do. in Wales, &c. in 1831. ......................................... 96 Do. do, in Ireland .......................................................... Farm Houses, exempt from House Duty, in each county of England................ 8 Bo. O a 0. Wales and Scotland. 89 Farmers, number of, employing labourers, in each county of England, in 1831, col. 8 10 Bo. not employing do. do. do. col. 9 ib. R}o. do. in each county of Wales and Scotland.................................. 96 Do. do. in each province of Sweden.................................................. 73 Felons, number of, convicted in each county of England and Wales, in each year since 1804................. f' & e º 'º a s e º sº a 6 e g tº e < * * * * * o e s a e e 6 e e º 6 s & © & e º e º e s g º $ tº e e º & e e s a tº e , 47 Female Servants, in each county of England and Wales, in 1831......... * & © tº o & e º 'º & 9 Do. do. Wales and Scotland............................... 96 Foreign West Indies........................................................................... . 78 Forgery, number committed and convicted for, lines 14, 15, and note ......... 48, 49 France, geographical and statistical display of each of the 33 ancient provinces, and 86 present departments of....................................................... 2 Of the 44 departments annexed under the imperial sceptre......................... 65 Estimated annual value of the produce of the soil of.................................... 59 Freeholders, number in each electoral division of the United Kingdom ............ Friendly Societies, number of, and number of members in each county of England - and Wales, in 1803 and 1815 33 and 38 Do. do. in the county of Middlesex and city of London 39 Do. do. depositors in Savings Banks........................... 9 Furnaces, Iron, number of, in blast, in the departments 17–25 of Imperial France 65 Po. do. - Sweden ................. & e < e < e < e < * * * * * * e º e g º a s is e e e 76 Do. do. Prussia ............... “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Do. do. the United States of North America ...... G. Game Laws, offences against, line 34 ............... & ſº tº $ 3 tº 8 c & 9. § & © tº o t tº 6 e o a 9 tº g 48, 49 Gaols, expenses of, in each county of England and Wales .................. 50 Genoa and Parma, how annexed to France ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Geographical and statistical display of each county of England and Wales. . 4–12 Bo. do. do. Scotland. . . . . . . . 13 and 16 Do. do. do. Scotland and Wales.... 96 HDo. do. do, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 15 O, - do. do. do. in 1831. . . . . . . * * * ~ e. g. Bo. of the British North American provinces and colonies in the West Indies and other parts of the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Do. of the t; States of North America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Do. of the locality, relation, superficies, population, revenues and expenditures, productions, &c. of each of the 19 provinces of China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 51–53 Do. of the locality, relation, superficies, and revenues of each of the 55 provinces of the Russian Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55 Do. of the locality, relation, population, superficies, productions, live stock, revenues, &c. &c. of each of the 33 ancient provinces and 86 present de- partments of France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56–64 D6. do. of the 44 annexed between 1792 and 1812 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Do. do. of Spain and Portugal & º º Do. of the locality, relation, superficies, population, occupations, ages, mor- tality, proprietary, productions, live stock, manufactures, and commerce of & e g tº e º cº e º a tº º tº gº & © tº tº ſº º $ tº º tº is g g g g ge * * * * * 66 each province and chief town of Sweden ..................................... Do. of each of the 17 provinees of Norway...................... & e g is e e º e º e * * * * e. g. s. e ſº t e s tº 67 Do. of each of the 19 provinces of the Netherlands............................ 79–82 Do. of the locality, relation, superficies, population, live stock, revenues, oc- cupations, productions, &c. of each of the 26 provinces of Prussia...... 82–84 A like display of Germany. - - Do. of Switzerland. Bo. of Italy. - . Do. of the Peninsula of India. Gibraltar, geographical position and population of......................................... 78 Gloucester, county of, Houses in, and their rentals, in 16 classes assessed to House and Window duty......................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Grain (and Rice) retained in the district granaries for the troops, and as a re- serve in times of scarcity, in each of the 19 provinces of China................ Do. produce of, in each of the 55 provinces of Russia...... 3 & 2 º' s e e e º a º a e e g º sº e º e º e º & 8 55 Do. in each of the 86 departments of Fiance ..................................... 58, 59 Bo. in each province of Sweden................. & e º e o e o t t e º 9 s & e º e º e º e º e º e º e º t e º e º e º e s tº e º a tº 74 Do. in the Netherlands.................... e e o e o e º e o 8 e s tº e º a e o e s t c s 9 e º e º e s s a t e º 'º e © tº e s & t < * g º is a tº e 8] Gold-Coast. See Cape Coast Castle. - ... - - Grenada, geographical position and population of......................................... 78 H. Hamburgh, geographical position of, &c. Hanover, do. Havannah, O. - - . • - Havre, amount of customs duties paid at..............................., * e º * e < e < e s a $ tº e..... 61 Hayti, Cape, geographical position and population of................................... 78 Hearth Tax, number of Houses assessed to, in each county of England and Wales in 1690............................. ......” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > 0 e º e e º e º e o e o e < e < e < * * * s e e º e º e º e º 'º e < * • . . Highway Rate, amount of, in each county of England and Wales iniš37. 45 Do. with Church and County Rate, 1776–1815................................. As & sº e º e 38 Highlands of Scotland, population of, &c. Nos. 27–33. . . . . ;.................... • . . . . . 13 Holland, geographical position, population, &c. of each of the nine provinces of 62 Holstein, do. do. do. 67–77 - - Page Hops, acres planted with, in the counties of Kent and Sussex. See District 8 Arrangement. tr Horses, Horned Cattle and Sheep, number of, in each county of Scotland........ 16 Do. do, in each of the 86 departments of France............. 58, 59 Do. do. . 44 do. Imperial France...... 65 Do. do. 24 provinces of Sweden................... . 74 Do. do. 9 do. Prussia..................... 82 Do. do the Netherlands.............................................. 8i Hosiery District, population of, No. 14.................................. & # e o & e < e < * * * e º ºs e e º a e 3 Houses, number of, inhabited, building, and uninhabited, proportion assessed to House Tax, and of Farm Houses exempt, in each county of England, in 1831, and totals in 1801, 1811, and 1821................................................ 8 The like account for Wales and Scotland... ........................................ 89, 90 Number charged and chargeable to House Tax in 1708 and 1781, and number assessed thereto, at rentals of £20 per annum and upwards, with the rentals at which assessed in 1823 and 1830, and also to Window Duty in the same years, in each county............ a s & e º e e s e o e a e s e e o e s a e o 6 c e e º e s e a e e o e e o 'º e º e a e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Do. in each county of Ireland. - - - - - Do. and rentals of, in 16 classes assessed to House and Window Duty in the Metropolis, and counties of Lancaster, Somerset, Gloucester, and Sussex, in 1829–30............... e º sº º e º e º 'º e º e ** e e º e s tº a e o e º is e o g º e º e s e º e s e º e º e is a e o sº e º s e < e < * * * * * c e º e s tº 42, Do, amount at which assessed to Property Tax in each county of England and Wales in 1813................................................................................. Do. amount levied on in do. to Poor Rate, 1825-6..................................... 45 Do. of Correction, expenses of............................................................... 50 Do. inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in each county of Scotland in 1801 & 1811 88 Hull, amount expended for Maintenance of Poor at, in each year since 1775....... 41 Hudson's Bay, geographical position of................... & e o e º e º º e º e º e o ºs e & & e o e º e s tº e º 'o e s 5 e s e º e & I. Illegitimate Children, number of (Naturel), born in France, see note............. ..... 63 Number of, born in each province of Sweden................. tº s e o e º e s tº # 6 º º e e º e º e º e º 'º e º e & 73 Do. demised in do. do......................................... * & y & © e º ſº 75 Imports, quantity and value of each of 67 articles into Sweden........ * 6 g c e º e º 'º e º e e º 'º e e 77 Do. value of, into Great Britain, from each of 44 colonies or dependencies, and from Foreign West Indies....................................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 78 Income Tax, number and amount of assessments to, in 1801............................. 44 income and Expenditure. See Revenue. . ...” India, British. See East Indies. Ionian Isles, geographical position and population of.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Ireland, geographical and statistical display of the locality, relation, superficies, population, &c. of each county of........ • e º e s e e s so a se e s e º e s e º e s a s e e s e º 3 & © e º 0 e s e º & © e. e. e. 14, O. - do. in 1831. - Iron, Mining Districts of England, population of, &c. Nos. 3–7....................... 3 Produce of, in the Rhenish Provinces................... • a e s e o e s e º e º e º a e e o e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * a 65 Works, number of in each province of Sweden ....................................... 70 O. in Sweden ......................................................................” 76 Proprietors and Workmen employed in.................................................... - Copper, and other Mineral Works in Prussia......... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 84 Isle of France. See Mauritius. Italy. J. Jamaica, geographical position and population of...... * * * * * * g º 0 & 2 s a e o 'o e º e º º e º & 8 tº $ tº is e º 'º e g c s is e 78 Jurors, number of, in each county of England and Wales. Jurisdictions, Circuit. Ecclesiastical, England and Wales. Ireland. K. Kingstown, Upper Canada, geographical position of............“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Konigsberg, East Prussia, do. do............. • * g e o e s so a a e s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 83 . L. Labour, Parochial, proceeds of, in and out of Workhouse............................... 32 Do. numbers employed in, in 1882....... :...........;.........:”. . . . . .';'''' 9 Labourers, Ag, cultural, total number of, and proportion to each occupier, and to every 100 acres of land in each county of England in 1831....................... 10 The like in Wales and Scotland................................ . . . . . . . . . ; ; ;'' 'e e º & © a * * * * * * 91 Other than in Agriculture, in each county of England in 1831. Col. 12...:... | 1 Agricultural in Sweden....................................…..:::::::::::::::::: ... 68 and 73 Lancashire, number of Houses in, in 16 classes assessed to House and Window Duty #3 Vast increase of population in, No. 1.........................................…” '• • * * * * fº Preponderance of Manufacturing Population in...:"........ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * H] Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials in, in 17 00-1820 a se e s e s ∈ e º e s o e s o e º e º e º e o e º 'º e º e º 9 ° 30 Land, superficies and rental of, in each county of England and Wales......... • * * * * * 6 Do. do. do. Scotland............................. 16 O , - do. do. Ireland.......................... 14, 15 Poor Rates, levied on ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'''''''“ Value of, assessed to Property Tax.........................…............ “ 44 Revenue derived from, in each of the 19 provinces of China............. • * * * * * * * * * * 52 Mortgages on, in each of the 25 provinces,of Sweden:::::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . 72 Land and Assessed Taxes, amount of, in each county of England and Wales.…. 6 Do. - do. do. Scotland.................. • * ; Laplanders, number of..................................... “• * * * * * * * * a s = * * * * * #. Charges, Parochial, Removals, &c...…...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 32, 35, and 38 Lead Mining Districts. See Nos. 315–338 of district arrangement. * t . iºi, ...it expended for Maintenance of Poor at, since 1775, Population, &c. 41 Great Mortality among Children at.................................... “ # Leicester, *. .." at, i. & & . 6 & © doomi iſion of.............................. Leeward Islands, geographical position and popula i..................; ; ; ; “; Life and Nº. ...} view of, in is of the principal towns of England, with the counties of Essex, Rutland, and the Metropolis............. .....“ Linen Manufacturing District, Nos. 13 and 18......:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “ d Liverpool, amount expended for Maintenange of Poor at, population of, &c....... º Live Stock, Horses, Čattle, and Sheep; number of, in each county of Scotland ::: 16 Cattle and Sheep in each of the 86 departments of France....…; g. 58, ; Horses, Catfle, Sheep, Pigs, and Goats in each of the 25 provinces of Sweden 82 Do. do. . do. 9 do. of Prussia........ • Sº Do. do, in the Netherlands......................“ 81 of EACH County, SECTION, DISTRICT, AND COLONY OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS, &c. &c. 3 Page Loan Banks of Sweden......................................................................... . 70 local Assessments, total amount of, in each county ................................... 45 London, City of, amount expended for Maintenance of Poor in, since 1775........ 40 Houses assessed to House Tax, &c........................................................ 42 Value of Property assessed......................... ......................................... 44 See Metropolis. Also ......... • * * * * * tº tº a s e e s 2 q tº e 9 tº e e o 6 e º 'º e º 'º we e e * * * * o 'o e a c e s tº e o 'º e o e º 'º e < * * * * * * * 3 Lottery, France, produce of, in each department of................... e o e º ºs e º 'º e º e º e & 60, 61 - - M. - Machinery, results of .......................... * 9 e º - a 0 & 0 o a o t e º 0 e o º e º a e e • “ . . . . . . . . . . Note to 3 Madras, geographical position of................................................................ 78 Madrid, do. do line 24........................................................ 66 Magistrates, Clerical and Lay, number of, in each county of England and Waies "g Maintenance of Poor in each county of England and Wales in 1750, 1776, 1785, 1803, and in each year since 1812................................................... 9 Do, in each of 15 of the principal towns of England, compared with each of the 42 districts of the Metropolis, in each of the above years............... 40,41 See also pages 33, 35, and 39. Manufacturers, number of Male Persons, 20 years of age and upwards, employed in, in each county of England in 1830 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c e s e e o se e s e o e s a Number of Persons employed in, in Sweden..................................... 70 and 76 º - do. - in Prussia..................................... © & q' e o e o º Insignificance of, as compared with Agriculture.......................... * * o o º e º e s s = e º a 2. TI Manufacturing District of England, Nos. 1–10........................................... 12 })0. do. Scotland........... ............................ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 Do. do. Proportion of population in, Nos. 10–18...... * * * * * * * * * * * * ... 3 Do. Towns, Mortality of Children in........................ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... 17 Do. District of the Metropolis, vast increase of Parochial Relief in..... 40 Manchester and Salford, Maintenance of Poor at, in each year since 1811, and in 1775-6, 1785, 1802, population of, &c. ........ ..................................... 41 Manorial Profits, value of, assessed to Parochial Rates in each county of England 45 Maritime Parishes of the Metropolis, Maintenance of Poor in .................... º Marriages, total number of, in each county of England and Wales, in each of the four ten yearly periods, ending with 1820............................ * * * * * * * * * * *.e. e. tº e º e Ratio of to every 1000 of population in each county, in each perio in the Metropolis, in each year 1753–1820................................... • * * g e in Lancashire and West Riding of Yorkshire........................................... in all England and Wales, in each of the 40 years 1781-- 1820.............. & e º is a e o º 3} in each department of France in 1823 and 1829.................................... 62, 63 Total in all France, in each of the 13 years, 1817–29, and in the city of Paris ib. Do. in each province of Sweden.................. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g g g o e o e s a … ........ 71 O. do. the Netherlands............................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o e a ... 79 Do. in all the Netherlands, in each of the 10 years, 1815–1824 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -> 80 Do. in each county of England and Wales, and the Metropolis, from 1820 to 1831 Marseilles, locality and population of, No. 76........... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 57 Produce of Customs Duties at, No. 17................................................ ..... 61 Mary-le-bone, Maintenance of Poor in....... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Metropolis, amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor in the several districts of................................................ * * * c e º s e º e º e º e e * * * * * * * * o e s a e º e s e 40, 41 Progress and State of Crime in........................................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 49 Parish Registers of, and price of Bread in.......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . , , , , , , , , , , 29 Houses assessed to House and Window Duty, in each of 16 classes of rental in each district of..................................................... .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e 12 43 Value of Property in, assessed to Income and Property Tax in 1801–1812, > and Local Assessments of............... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e ee e. e. e. e. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... 44 Middlesex, Progress of Pauperism and Crime in.........................“….......... Migration of Population, from county to county, in England and Wales, ióði. 1810, and 1811–1820, a very interesting display of......................... 19–21 9 120. g O. do. from 1821 to 1830.......... 45 Mills, Factories, &c., value of, assessed to Poor's Rate....... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * os e o s see e. e. 45 D number of, in each province of Sweden...... * * * * * * * * * g e e s e e s , , 70 0. Do. Grist, Fulling, Saw, and Paper, number of, in each province of Prussia 4. Mineral Districts of Great Britain, population of i-9 ... 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > . . . e. e. Mines, produce and value of, in Sweden............. & e º & º gº e º - “.......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... 76 Annual value of the produce of, in each province of.............. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o 67 Do. do. assessed to Property Tax in 1812................ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...... 44 Produce and value of, in Brabant and Flanders........ *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Mineral Works, number of, in each province of Prussia..................... Mortality, comparative view of, in 13 of the principal towns of England, with the counties of Essex, Rutland, and the Metropolis..................... * * * * * * * o e & e g º e o e 17 Mortgages on Land in each province of Sweden......................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o 70 oscow, geographical position and population of.............................. No. 26. 54 N. Nantes, locality and population of, line 24.................. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , , , , , , , , , , 57 Proceeds of duties on Salt, and Customs at, No. 16.................. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6] Netherlands, general statistical view of the superficies, population, education crime, and productions of each province of .......................... 73–82 How annexed to France under Napoleon in 1812, Nos. 4---20............... g; Annual income and expenditure of.............. ********* “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... * * * * * * * * 8] New England, population, &c. of Nos. 1-6.....................• . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * s “...... 51 New York and New Jersey, do. Nos. 7, 8................................ 9 * * * * * * * “...... ib. Nº. and Nottingham, Maintenance of Poor, population, and value of pro- Pºrty at.................................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “…... 4. Normandy, geographical position and population of Nos. 14-19............. e {} orWay, geographical and statistical display of each province of........ * * * * * * * * * * * * . 67 - - O. Occupations of the population of Great Britain, interesting analysis of ...... ...... 3 Po. of the effective Male population in each county, under six different heads Ii 0. * , O. of Ireland “…................................ 15 Po. of the population of Sweden....................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e º e * * * * * * * g e º o 68-9 Do, various, in each province of Prussia........ ~…..... Do, grand detailed display of, col. 11, page II, under upwards of 600 heads, in each county of Great Britain, Index to........ 6 y o gº & e º 'º e a e º e º o * * * * * * * * * g o e º e o o e a & 6 e s e º e 92 - Qporto, geographical position of, line 35 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . - º 66 - pºers, Assistant, number of in each º of England and Wales in 1830... 5 Jo. do. - - - - ao. do.................. 10 P. - Paner º • e *ºner of in each county in 1831, col. 28 of the grand display of Page Paris, local position and population of............................ tº e º q 9 e s g º & e º e º e º e o º • * * * * * * 57 Mortality of, &c.....................................................i e o f is a 9 º' e g º e º s a 2 & 4 e o e ........ 63 Parishes, number of, in each county of Great Britain. Parish Registers, number of returns of, from each county. Parish Churches, number of, in each diocese. - Parma, geographical position of, &c. ............. § tº º e º 6 e o 0 e º 9 º' tº e º O & © e º e º e º sº e o e o s a c e e • * * * * * * 65. Parochial Assessments, amount of, in each county of England and Wales in the year ending Easter 1803 .............................................................. © e º a e o. do. in each of the three years ending Easter 1815............ 34 Do, do. in the year ending March 25, 1826, distinguishing the proportion levied on land, mills, factories, &c.............. © tº 9 e º º te e e & 6 tº a tº º e º 'º º ºs e tº e g o e o e º e º 'o a e s e º e º e o e s e º a tº Do. - do. do. March 25, 1830 5 T}o. do. do. - do. 1829 5 Do. total of, 1750, 1776, 1785, 1803, and in each year since 1812 ............ 36, 37 Do. Total, in all England and Wales, in each year since 1811, and in 1750, 1776, 1785, and 1802.3 ...... e a e º e e s e e s e Q - e. e. e. e. e. e o e º e o 0 e º 'º e º e º o 'º o • 2 e º e o 'o e º e g º g a 2 e º se e s a e e º 'º o e º e s a e º e 39 See also 37, 38. gº Parochial Expenditure, amount of, for the Maintenance of the Poor, in each county of England and Wales, from 1750 to 1803, and in each year since T8 12........................... ............................................................ 36, 37 Do. for Law Charges, Removals, &c., and for Church, County, Bye Highway, Rate, &c........................................................................................ 38 Do. in each of the Metropolitan Parishes, in comparison with 15 of the principal towns of the kingdom, in each of 25 years since 1775......................... 2 Do. in each county in the year ending March 25, 1830............ e e o 'º a s gº e o 'º e e s e º & © e º º Do. - do. do. 1831.......................... ..... 9 Do. do. Easter 1803, distinguishing the proportion for, in Workhouse, &c,................................... e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e o e o 'º e e e s e e o 'º e º e º e < t e º ºs e e º 'º Do. do. in each of the three years ending Easter 1815 35 Do. . do. for County Rate under each of 13 heads...... 50 Do. . . do. . for Repair of Roads.................... e o 'o e s tº e o 'o - e. 85 Paºlº of, employed in repairing roads in each county of England and aleS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of, relieved in the year ending Easter, 1803, in each county, distin. guishing the number in Workhouse from the number out, and those relieved permanently from the number relieved occasionally, number of Children in two classes of ages, &c. &c... ..... ... .......................................... ...... 33 0. do. . in each of the three years ending Easter 1815 34 Do. do. - in the county of Middlesex............. • e º e º e o e o e 39 Do. Comparison of 1803–1815............................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o e o 'º e s tº e o e = * * * * 38 Do. Ratio of, to population in each county. Do. Rate per head at which maintained in Workhouse ............................. 33 Pauperism, synoptical view of the progress of Peninsula of Spain and Portugal, geographical and statistical display of the super- ficies and population of............................................ ........................... O. do. O. do. of India.. Petersburg, geographical position, population of, &c. ............... & e g tº e e º e º 6 e s e º e s e 54, 55 Petty Sessions, number of, held in each county. - - Piedmont, geographical position, population, and produce of, &c................ ... 32---8 Plymouth, Maintenance of Poor at, &c......... • * * * * * * * o e º 0 ° 4 e º 'º e º e º e a s e º & e º & 8 tº a e º e a tº e º º e s a • e 41 Poachers, number committed, line 34.................. ................................ 48, 49 Poland, Russian, geographical and statistical display of each province, line 5-19 54 Do, Prussian, merged in Nos. 1–3.................. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o e 82 Do. Froper. - Pomerania, geographical and statistical display of, No. 5 of 82 and 10-12 of....... 83 Poor, sums expended for relief of. See Paupers. Do. proportion of, in Sweden ........................................ .* * * * * * * * o Population of Great Britain, analysis and classification of the occupation o General view of the increase of, in each county of England and Wales, at six different periods since 1699, the counties arranged in districts Do. at the same periods, the counties arranged in order of total population in 1821, with rate of increase per cent. in each county since 1700,with note upon 22 69 and 73 3 4 & 6 - - - - 3 - 0 tº Q tº e g º 'º e º e º º q + & Do. do. in each county of Scotland since 1754 13...See also 88 T}o. do. in each county of Ireland...... tº e º e g º º 14, 15 Do. migration of, as indicated by the excess of Baptisms over Burials ex- ceeding the total increase from 1801 to 1820................, * * * * * & 6 s tº e º tº e º e e ... ...... 19 Bo. - 0. 1821 to 1830.......... * * * * * * 6 o e º 'º e o e o 'o e º a • * g e o 4 o a • * * * 2I Do. of the 15 principal towns of England................................................. 4] Do. of each of the 28 states and territories of the United States of North America, at each of five periods since 1789.......................................... 5} Do, for a very interesting display of the proportion thereof, in each of 13 gra- dations of ages in 1831, distinguishing males from females, and the slaves, free people of colour, and others, from the free white persons, and the ratio to every 10,000 in each class of ages, see ....................................... 86, 87 pº º view, according to different authorities, of each province of 52 Iſla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e ‘º º e a w • * * * * * * o w w w w o e º o * * 0 e º º q ū tº gº º q e º 'º. 4 º' $. o. of each of the 55 governments or provinces of the Russian Empire......... 55 Do. of each of the 86 departments of France, and chief towns thereof......... ... 57 Do. comparative view of, in 1790 and 1827............................ * * * * * * * * * ... 62, 63 Do. of each of the 44 departments annexed to France under Napoleon....... ... 65 Do. of each kingdom and province of the Peninsula................................. 66 Do. of each province of Sweden and Norway.......................................... 67 Do. of each of the 88 incorporated towns thereof........... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 68 Do. of, at each of six periods since 1750.............................. ‘....... * * g e º e º 'º - 6 tº 71 Do. of each province of Holland and Belgium.......................................... 79 Po. of each province of Prussia......... . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c e s e a e º e s e. e. e. tº e º 'º - e. 83 Do. of various other parts of the world....... * * * * * * o 0 o 4 c e s e s we e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 97—104 Do. ratio of, to every 10,000, in each of 13 gradations of ages, in each county of - Great Britain in 1821 and 1831............. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *... 92–96 Portugal, geographical and statistical display of each province of..................... 66 Pottery District, population of, No. 10.................. & © 9 @ e º e º o g º º & 0 & 0 & º ºs e º 0 tº º 6 & 0 < e < * g º e º 'º e 3 Post Office, France, Revenue of, in each department....... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 61 Professions and Trades, number of, under each of six heads, in each county of England in 1830...... “. . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . . . .----------................................. 0 e º e º e e 11 O. O. do. in Wales and Scotland 96 Do. Number of persons in each, in Sweden...... “. ................... ....... 68, 69 Do, various, in each province of Prussia.............................. e e º e s e e º e. e. e. e. e. e º e o a tº Do. Classified and Statistical Display of the number of Male Persons. 20 years of age and upwards, employed or engaged in each county of Great Britain in each of more than 600 enumerated. See Index.......... © e e s e is e º e s a e o e < e < e < e < e e e Profits of Trade, amount of, assessed to Property Tax, in each county of England and Wales, in 1814-15, schedule D .................................................... Do. in each of 17 classes, in the Metropolis, and total of all Great Britain...... 44 4. - - ALPHABETICAL INDEX, &c. - Page Property Tax, amount assessed to, under schedules A, D, E, in each county of g England and Wales, in the year ending April 5, 1815 .............................. Do. 0. in each county of Scotland..................... 16 Do. for schedules A to E, &c....... • 6 e e º e e o e o e < * * * * * * * * * * * * c s e s o e o 6 a o a • * * * * d e º e º 0 e º e º e º o e º e o 44 Properties, number of, in four classes, in each county of Scotland................... 88 Prosecutions, Criminal. See Crime.......................................... * * * * * * c e < * ~ e º e 48-9 Prussia, geographical and statistical display of the superficies, population, and activity, &c. of each province of....................... • . . . . . . . . tº q e º e e º e º 'o e e º 6 & 0 & 6 6 e º 'º 8 Quarries, value of, assessed to Property Tax ................................ • * e º e º e º e º s tº 44 Quartern Loaf, highest and lowest price of, in the Metropolis, within each year of the 56 years 1758–1814.................................................. © º e a 6 e - e º & e º e Quebec, geographical position of.................. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e o ºr º e º a c e s e º e o & .......... 78 R. Rectories and Vicarages, distinction between, and proportion of, in each diocese of England and Wales. - Do. do. Ireland. Registers, Parish. See Parish. - - - Registries, Revenue from, in each department of France, col. 8.................. 60, 61 Relief of Poor. See Parochial Expenditure. Rent of Land, in each county of England and Wales, according to Property Tax returns of 1814-15, and average rates per acre......................... e e ºs e ºr tº dº º , Do. do. Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. I6 Of Houses assessed to House Tax, 1823 and 1830... .... ... e. e. g. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. g. e. e. e. e. e. e. g. e. e. e. e. e º 'º 7 HD col. 15............................... . ............ 8 O. O. e Valued, Estimated, and Actual, Land and Houses in each county of Scotland 88 Of Houses assessed to House Tax in each division of the Metropolis, and in England and Wales, in each of 16 classes of Rental.................. * @ tº e º 'º º º 42, 43 Revenue and Expenditure of each province of China.............................. 52, 53 O. do. Russia ................................. 5 Do. do of the 86 departments of France, under each branch 60, 61 Do. do Netherlands, 1816–1826.............................. 8i Do. do Customs in France..................................... 61 Bo. do Direct Contributions.............................. ... ib. Do. do United States of North America. Do. do. of the East India Company. Riga, geographical position of, line 5....... e e o e e s e e o 'o e e s = e a e e º e < e s & e º e & 6 o' c e s sº to 9 º' e º e º & © tº e º ºr 54 Roads, number of Paupers employed on, in each county of England and Wales 9 Amount paid for such labour................................... a e e e º tº e g = e o o is e a s a o a s = e o e s a • 6 o' See Turnpike. Roman States, geographical position of, 27-8............................ 9 @ e º 'º e - e. g. g. 6 ºr º e º 'º - e. 65 Rostock, do. Rotterdam, do 9 of 65 and 8 of ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Rouble, intrinsic and current value of Russia, geographical and statistical display of the superficies, produce, and reve- nues of each province of ....... * @ e e o g c e º e º ei º e 6 c e g tº a p & e º e g º a tº º e. e. g. a q n. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 54, S. St. Domingo, or Hayti ..................................... “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * ..... 78 Salt District in Cheshire, population of, line 16......... ºr tº e s ºr e º s 2 e s tº a tº e o 'º e. e. e. e. e. tº e e s e e o 'º 6 e s - e. 3 Proceeds of Duty on, in China....................................... o e º a tº 6 e s - e º 'o e º e º a º 52 Do. do. France...... ë e e º e º e º e s = e o 'º se e g o e e o s a tº a c e s e s e º e º e o 'º a • e a e e º ºr e º e < * 6i - Quantity imported into Sweden ............................... ...................... •e º º Schools of Industry, number of pauper children in, in each county of England and Wales. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e. e. Savings Banks, general view of the state of, in each county of England and Wales in 1830, and note upon............................................................. Scotland, analytical and statistical view of the manufacturing and agricultural districts of................................... ................................................ 13 Geographical and statistical view of the superficies, horses, horned cattle, &c. 16 General statistical view of the population of each county of, at six different periods, 1755–1831, value of property, &c............................ e e º a º ºs e s o t e e s e o e 88 Number of Houses assessed to House and Window Duty in each county of.... 89 Number of Houses inhabited, building, and uninhabited, occupations, &c. 90,91 Detailed view of the occupations of the Male Population of, under each of 600 heads. See general statement of Occupations of Great Britain. Seaports, total population of, lines 20 and 22....................... tº ºr e g tº e º e º ſº tº tº 6 e º ºs * * * * * * * * Select Vestries and Assistant Overseers, number of, in each county of England and Wales, in 1830......................................... & e o 'º e s tº d e º e. e. e. e. e. “................. G. O. do. lines 15, 16... 10 Servants, Female, and Males 20 years of age and upwards, and under 20, number º - • - of, in each county of England, cols. 3 and 4 9 Do. 0. do. in Wales and Scotland 96 Sessions, Petty, number of held in each county. - Sheep, estimated number of, in each county of Scotland............................ ... 16 0. do. department of France........................ 58, 59 Do. * - - do. province of Sweden................... ............. 74 Do. do. do. Prussia............................. ... 82 Total of, in the Netherlands............. ... e e º e º ºr e º e a e s e e º e s a tº see e s e e e Peº e º e º e º e º sº e º 'º e º ºf e ... 81 See also note at foot of 65. Sheep and Lambs, number of, brought annually to Smithfield Market, London, in each year since 1781. . . . . . Do. weekly. Sheep Stealing, number of committals for, in each year since 1809, line 11.... 48,49 Sheffield, population of, property, and Maintenance of Poor at........................ 41 Shipping, Tonnage outwards and inwards to and from each British Colony......... 78 Shrewsbury and Holyhead Road, expense of, and traffic upon........................ Sierra Leone, geographical position of, &c................................................... 78 Silk Manufacturing District, population of, line 15 ................................... 3 Do. of the Metropolis, effects of repeal of Regulatory Bill, by the increased amount paid for Maintenance of the Poor......................... e e s tº e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º 'º e e º e.e. e. 40 Produce of, in France............................................................... 59 and 65 Extent of manufacture of, in Sweden ............ e - e º e º 'º e e e º e º ºs e º º....................... e Ribands, &c., number of looms of, in Prussia........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. Shopkeepers, number of, in each county of Great Britain. See general display of Occupations, cols. 31–34. - - See also col. 11 of 11. Slate District, line 12..........................* en e º º e & e º º e g º e º e º 'º e s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... ......... 3 Slaves, number of, in 1830, in each British Island and Colony ....................... 78 Do. in each of the United States of North America.......... © e º ºr c. 6 e º e e º ºr e º e º e ......... 51 six classes of ages in 1830 ................... ºf wºº tº º 4 º q & sº º ºr g o e - e. e. g. g o 0 & 86, 87 Do. -, Smithfield Market, Cattle and Sheep annually brought to. Page Societies, Friendly, number of Depositors in Savings Banks in each county in lsº Number of, and of members, in each county in 1802-3........... ... .............. 33. Do. do. 1815................................. 38 O. do. the county of Middlesex ........... ...... tº º 39 Soldiers and Sailors, number of, at different periods............................... ..... 3 Somerset, county of, number of Houses in, assessed to House and Window Duty, in each of 16 classes................................ © º e º 'º e º 'º e º e º e s e º 's e º e º 'o o e o a 9 º' s e a tº 6 c e o e o 'o a - Spain and Portugal, geographical and statistical display of each province of...... 66 Statistics, legitimate end of Note upon..................................................... 75 Stockholm, geographical position of........ •-----------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 67 Suicides and Murders, number of, in Russia.............................................. 55 Sussex, county, number of houses in, and rentals thereof, assessed to House an Window Duty, in each of 16 classes................................ ................... Summary Processes, Commitments under. Superficies in statute acres, of each county of England and Wales............ ....... 4 Do. in order of extent............................................. • * > 9 g º gº o q & 8 c & 0 e º e º 'º. Ö g g g º 'º º 6 Do. in relation to number of agriculturists.............................................. }{} Do. of each county of Ireland ........................................... gº o e º e o a .... 14, 15 Po. do. Scotland ......................................................... }6 H}o. do. province of China.............. e e º e g º e º e a c e º e o 'o a o o e º t. tº 6 tº t e º a • * * * 5] T}o. do. do. Russia............................................. §5, Bo. do department of France .......................... e ‘º e o e o e. e. 62, 63 Bo. do. province of the Peninsula.............. we e º e º e < * * @ 9. © q e g º e º iſ tº 66 Do, do do, Sweden and Norway .......................... 67 Bo. do 44 annexed by Napoleon....... o º e º e o sº e º e º e º e o us e o e o e º e º 'o e o e o tº 65 Do. do. province of the Netherlands................................ 81 Do. do do. Prussia .......... & 6 e o gº o e o e o tº e o o a e e s tº º e o or e o e o 'º tº e º º º 83 Superiorities, number of, in each county of Scotland. - . Sweden and Norway, geographical and statistical display of the superficies, po- pulation, and produce of mines in each province of.......….....................: 67 Population of the 88 incorporated towns of, and analysis of the occupation and condition of the whole population of the kingdom of.......................... 68, Number of properties, their various tenures, mortgages, on, &c., in each province 70 Population of, at each of six periods since 1750, marriages, births, deaths, &c. 71 Proportion in various grades of rank and age ........................................... Do. O. - and occupation............. * * * * * e o 'o e o o 73 Produce and live stock of each province................................................. 74 Ages and Mortality of do.................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Very interesting display of the manufactures and mineral productions of......... 76 Exports from, and Imports into............................................................. 77 Swiss Cantons, geographical and statistical display of....................... to e o e o 'o e o 6 º' o e e - - T. Tax. See Assessed, Land, and Property. On traders in each province of Prussia......... e oo e e º e º e s tº e o e g o e 6 e o e o 'o o o o e o 'º c. * * > 0, o o a 9 º' - c. 6 o' 83. Tea Districts of China..................... tº o e o e e º e º gº e º 'º e e º o a 6 & © tº dº o a tº e º 'o º ſº e º e & tº e º 6 e º e º e º 'º s e º 0 < e tº 53 Tin District of Cornwall, population of, line 8 ....................................... • ... 3 Tithes. - - Tobago and Tortola. See Colonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Tonnage and Shipping. - * * *- - - Towns, Chief, of each county of England and Wales, with distance and bearing from the Metropolis............... ....................................….:::::::::::::... -4. HDO. : do. Ireland do. do. from Dublin 14 Trade, Manufactures, or Handicraft, number of families returned as employed in, in 1821, 1831, and explanatory note upon......................................... Trade, profits of, assessed to Property Tax in each of 17 classes of amount ...... 44 Do. do. do. county of England and Wales (D) 5 Transportation, number sentenced to, in each year since 1894.............. . . . . . ; 8, 49 Turnpikes, Debt incurred upon, in each county of England and Wales in 1824-9 Annual expense of, and tolls derived from......... e s a e º e 9 tº gº e o e a g c e º o e s a o o o a c tº a • * > * * * * * 85 Tuscany, geographical position, population of, &c. ............................ 42---4 of 65 U. United States of North America, statistical display of the population of each state, at each of the five ten-yearly periods since 1789 ............................ 5} Do. Áges thereof, in 1830, in each state, in each of 13 gradations, and pro- portions to every 10,000 in each gradation........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 87° Upper Canada. See Colonies.................................................................. 78 Westries, Select, number of, in each county of England and Wales......... 5 and #0. Vicarages, origin and number of - Victualiers, Licensed. See Publicans, col. 15 of the general statement of Oc- cupations. . • - Vienna, geographical position of. Wales and Scotland, houses inhabited, &c., agricultural Labourers, and other Occupations ...... ſº e º s e º e e º e g o e º ºs e 9 © e g e º 'o - w is g º 6 e º º o a o e º e e o e q t e o 'o e o 'o w tº 6 e o 'o 6 & o & © 90, 91, and 96 - See also general statement of Occupations. Warsaw, geographical position of. West Indies. See Colonies............................ o e a e g o o q e - tº 3 g a g º O & 3 o' o e o tº gº e o e º e º o o o e o &... 78 Do. Foreign, do. Westphalia, how annexed to France............ o 3 e g e º e s 6 tº e º e º a 9 o' e < c, e o e g º or e*e 3 -o a o 6 tº a o e o o 3 e o a e º a 6# Westminster, Maintenance of Poor in ........ e $4 e o e o e s - e s e º e e º e º o º e e o e º 'o e e s ºr o e... . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Houses in, assessed to House and Window Duty, and rental thereof, in 16 classes 4: Marriages, Births, and Deaths in..................... .............................--------- 2 West Riding. See York. - ~ Whale Fishery, ships employed therein ................…................................ Zº Wheat, produce of, in each of the 86 departments of France............ • e o e o o, o s a e e º Aº §§ Do, do. province of Sweden............................ & & o e o e º a c e e º B 74 Do. do. 0. the Netherlands............................... 8: Do. annual average price of, 1750–1832.......... “. . . . . . . ;- * 9 & e º 'º 9 º' tº e º 'o e s º º tº; : “; 36,37 Window Dnty, number of Houses assessed thereto, in each county of England and Wales, in 1823 and 1830 ........ •... •-------.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go o e o e o G is © tº - Do. in each county of Scotland.......... •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::...8% Do. in each district of the Metropolis, and in all England and Wales, in 16 classes t; Windward Islands. See Colonies........... :-------, ...; . . . . . .” tº e ºs e º e gº tº e * . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wine, annual value of the produce of, in each department of Françë ..., O. O. , in each of the 44 annexed in 1812 65 Workhouse, number of Paupers in, and Maintenance thereof, in each county of England and Wales in 1802-3 ........................................“…."; *. Do. do. in each of the three years ending 1815 34 York, West Riding, Marriages, Births, and Deaths in, from 1700 to 1820. ........ 3{} Do. do. do. 1821 to 1830...... ... A STATISTICAL DISPLAY of THE FINANCEs, NAVIGATION AND commerce OF THE UNITED KING DOM OF Great aritain and ºveland, Being a Digest of all the Accounts and Papers relating thereto, diffused through more than 600 Volumes of Journals, Reports, and Papers presented to Parliament since 1799, evhibiting the Revenue in all its various branches of R. E. C. E. I. Iº T' A N ID Bi X PIE IN ID IT U R, IE In each Year since the commencement of the War in 1793; The Value of the Exports to, and IMPORTs from, each different part of the World in each year since 1693 ; The Value of each Article Exported and Imported in each year since 1813; And the Quantity thereof, in Weight, Measure, or Tale, in each year since 1826; with A compleTE VIEW of THE RISE AND ANNUAL PROGRESS OF THE TNational ſpebt, ºinting jFund, atti) jForeign 4.0ang, So arranged as to show the effect which the Great Money Operations have had upon the Commercial transactions of the Country, and the relative degree and eatent, and advantage or disadvantage, resulting from its intercourse with each different part of the World, affording a Solution to the Problem, BALANCE or TRADE AND Exchanges: Containing also a complete view of the Corn Trade, showing the Quantity of Grain and Flour Exported and Imported, and the annual average price thereof, in each year since 1699; : The Quantity of each kind imported from each different part of the World, and the annual average price of - - all the great articles of - PRODUCTION and COMMERCE in each Year since 1780, &c. &c. &c. Every line a lesson—every page a history. & 4 Statistics are, to Political and Social Economy, what Comparative Anatomy is to Physiology, or Comparative Jurisprudence to Legislation. It is by them alone that the relative well-being of societies can be determined, the effect of all civil institutions be ascertained, and the working of moral and physical causes among men be observed and distinguished with the necessary degree of accuracy.” - No. 1. STATEMENT of the INCOME -y • - - ** = * * * * ** - *x - f NCOME & EXPENDITURE of the Government of IRELAND, from the Period of its Union with GREAT BIR 1TAIN in 1800, to the Uni } y” - - * gº- . → - -- - --> - --> - - 9 nion of the two EXCHEQUERS, on the 5th. January 1817. Recapitulation of the TOTALS Heads of INCOME, 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803 1804 - 1805 ----- - . * -- - - . - - of the annexed Statement. and EXPEND ITURE. –--£ ſe-–tº–l—º e. £" tºº. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812 1813 1814 --- -º- rººm. - sº-c = ** -, ------e || -------> * > Ly---ºn-H -- * :º - | *-* = ... ºf “ -r-, } -- * Zºº -- - e © & * a 'ars, Eºpe??d it wºre Inc ſ : º . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750,926 3,208,123 4,355,491 3,938,465 £ 2 º Il-jº- :6 *——º- tº £— tº | 1816. gº tº gº. • e s ∈ S. e. e. e. e º a º e º 'º & v.-vo, - 2 * > * > 3 * > * > * > 3 4,614,691 || 4,506,078 4,915,844 5,772,066 2,823,919 3,208,771 2,382,462 2,533,625 2,898,565 2,988,906 || 2,634,864 I..." —-É–– 1800 5,297,322 5,996,616 3 Stamps , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,250 295,182 292.346 29 6 \ 3,000, 119 2,282,277 2,749,159 3,004,985 6) Ziº) . . 2 2 3. ,864 2,764,592 || 2, 194,715 1 || 9,479, 192 7,292,997 4 Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 74.6% Tigº2 tº: ; º º; 696,481 | 720,076 "º "sis agº "33i,703 | "887,876 *::::::::: 3,244,085 4,262,165 4,509,908 || 4,071,345 ; º ºſ 5 P d 3. - * . a/ 3 * 5 * 2 § 3. 66,808 164,023 177,258 3. ** 12 - 9 5 953,307 928,398 761,32 *ss 3 º, 3,339,259 5,841,782 - § i. º: Č. . . . . .35,105 48,020 59,460 47,217 44,411 41,393 40,429 39.545, lº. 207,259 235,255 238,881 238,879 250,656 || 252,884 264,9 : 755,605 4 || 10,209,138|| 9,367,337 | 7 ‘....'. in Gt. Brit. 129,594 || 433,500 || 419,417 | 127,231 º, 179 ſº | 1990 || 2: hºl tº ; 34,777 | 35,039 33,372 36.77; "Aiº | Tao.167 33.309 *: #| ###| }; am by Exchange . . . . . . gº e- 62,065 34 * & 3. g 3. 224,904 ,681 158,738 188,951 2 s’ 2 30,2U: ,578 ,993,406 || 9,223,735 ; : 8 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 126,227 119,449 ,781 62,325 107,173 || 51,391 130 15,973 3, 177 2,838 3.3 112,928 126,208 || 132,618 126,961 106,438 180,616 } | Sº gº $º j 3. 60,800 | 153,088 104,518 108 r * pº * - ". . . 3. ,389 4,043 & pº -> 8 || 10,183.085 gº- s - 2 2 ,076 288,133 136,905 | 127,745 115,285 102,123 121,705 | 162,93 44,488 49,370 52,765 52,274 |;|''. - --------, - 2 ~ 3 2 & e * Fºº (Y & ~ 3 - g 3 * 9,752,26 S 4 9 Total G Ross RECEIPT. 3,306,486 || 4,286,092 5,425,851 4,731,153 5,515.920ſ 5,668,470. 6.297,941. Toggº a 182.03e 183216, 209.0% 170,280 208,427 1sº ºś| Iº —-º .” —l— ***. 3 ºr ºr ºn 3 9 * * * * > * 3 v v 7 ºr 2 078,451 6,828,414 6,52 - Jºe * * * * sºmºsºms sº 11 | 12,258,850 | 1.457.34% * | 10 DRA WBACKS 91.811 — — — — —— .. 2 * * ~ 3 ,528,086 6,937,215 7,616,066 || 7,819,284 8,498,202 || 8,665,469 || 7,733,599 # º| º' 11 BALANCES © gº º: 383,656 300,117 367,338 268,847 238,036 285,571. 257,099 212,198 50 sºmeºs º ºsº sº- º 3. & 2 # * > * > * 15 14,393,813 || 14.036,420 . y j| jo, ºšić 1, ºil 1,175,493 1,185 its 1,399,036 | 1,133,735 | 1,135,873 || 1 ; $13,378 |, 195,471 , 129,343|, 207,748 , 179,498 || 369,477 }} | ...; ; 12 Total Deduction. 896,943 823,858 | 1,072,061 to087,428 1,503,292 1444,339||1.3 ** ” “” | **** 6 1,173,094 | 1,116,220 | 1,185,381 | 1,136,384 1,160, 185 1,159,337 16 ::::::::: *:::::::: — *-* * * * > 3 ºr s = 3 2 v v 7 s > ,503,292 | 1,444,3; ,423,212 1,584,5 º ſº •o a- g *.*** —!--— -T Excess of 9 * v- any 13 ACTUAL TAXATION gºooºoºººººººool 3,66 - — —l 391 | 1990,881 lagoon | 1,557,988 tº 172 Lali,601 1914,725 1944,132) 1980,689||1328,814 exº~ : *** * * • * * * * | * , 3 ºr * 5 3 * * º, jo 3 s a 2 & 3,715 4,042,628 4,224 131 4,8 4 2 . p. tº £ tºº. .*.*.*.* 3. &=ºr, ? tº 2 2 3. *. tº *N. }}. . . . .”.j | 1.6%| "...4.0, ºoooo " ": 3 º;|*|† :: *;|; º; ; ; ozo. 73. — — — — — ſºlº \- o T8, 1862 II] England º gº tº a 1,487,123 3,787,877 2, 166,666 2 166 667 4 074 709 4 941 2 3. 3. ** 3 2,000,000 1,250,000 6, 198 2 600 000 1 513 ()00 & •: 3. - 2 tº 3. y 34,786 6,204,785 ass=sººr-ra-r - 3 * ~ *-* 3 3 v i s 5 941,284 gºod 2.9% ºil ºl āoriº || 5,647.35|3, toºl tº § 2,678,700 || 330,500 6,600 ..". Hººd Total INCOME 5.996,616 7,292,997 | 8,145,4 ~~~ ==== ** == i < ** . * 2 3 vºr a 2 tº ºr e º f * > 3 + v v 73 3 & 4 Cºs ,575,862 5,059,098 |10,761,189 2,752,822 England, for Ireland, prima . 4 y º 3. 56 we $ º 6 ** ** 2 3. 3. 4- and * :---- ~ : 2 2 * ~ * * > 5,841,782 9,367,337 || 9,165,415 || 9,233,735 | 8,479,877 11,077,345 9,752,262 |10,623,705 |11,457,342 |12,595,512 ||14,080 420 --- y s sº * > ſº º: irreconcileable . - - , a * * > 2 * > * ~ * -- . . 9 ºr ºn 3 ° ,080,420 ||14,891,868 |18,426,475 8,964,20 & ^ 3 g ( 17 Permanent Annuiti * ºr * - 5 * ---, ,964,207 * & * * n - F - A - * * § $ ) 18 Management . . . . €S 972.91. *:::::: *::::: *:::: lº 2,059,634 2,276,656 2,372,039 2,433,554 2,659,954 2,761,032 || 3,028,099 || 3 years!ºleſłº, SS , 19 Sinking Fu § tº 3. ‘t, ,49. 0, 197 24,639 27,046 32.99 9 3 * * * * 3. 3. 2 3. ,028,099 ,054,947 || 3,416,362 3,724,22 ess tº- —- +' © ing Fund . . . . 221,004 444,798 64. 19 fº Q , R O a -> 3. 32,997 12,869 19,999 4 - }* º ,416,362 3,724,223 3,990,534 4,399,461 1800 | 1.487. 1% sºlº iſ º.º.º.º.º. ºff º 'º';"; .#| ||...}}|...º.º.º.º. "|##|: 21 lSSues . . . . . . . . . . tº e. it tº & 33 1,66 - '4. 3. • * > 9 y 9.890 8.288 e ...’ 3 ºre. J 3 , ov) U, > 3 ºr ~ s 3 ,997,801 || 2,230,351 2 2,166,666 || 2 ooo. S - * ,667 | 1,954,215 2,212,628 1,601,314 1,815,398 || 891,864 3. y 29,940 32,119 18.451 96, 196 tº 6 - - 3 * * > v 3 2,434,428 gº z - ,000,000 s: 22 Local Purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,683 io. 3.; "º 33.5 8.4 434.41% 17,490 44.25 583.366 | 1,965,821 1,667, º 122,648 123,354 119,844 | 126,500 º| ºt. * 23 Civil List, &c. 183,000 20.6 ...”. 3 * > * > * 38,599 18,783 24,763 I 5, 110 20,596 *:: 3 wu to 3 J & ,664,725 3,143,286 3,252,762 4,496,937 9,033,921 3,8 .*. * | 4,974,799 || 3,733,292 S < Bounties." g g g g g º & © & 8 3 420,614 || 539,832 444,471 475,517 | 450,092 || 426,319 3. 2, 10,139 21,814 28,277 53,290 38,489 3. sy 2 v * > * > * ,836,869 5 || 4,941,284 3,21 1,962 > 24 Rounties, &c. . . . . . . ... 'j| "..., | "...º "º "º ºši; 21. 427,895 435.4% iſ 433,793 || 439,873 || 473,336|| 471, 2 40,157 || 48,802 || 43,691 6 2,359,006 | 1.768,000 § 25 Ordnance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 spg | 155,000 ..’A. *P 9 & . 93,815 121,762 204,171 || 238,535 8 9 2 74,301 , 481,637 || 471,460 500,915 58 7 2,924,747 | 3.63 ſº tº * 9 223,067 | 400,000 || 650,000 | 874 3 168,114 | 186,315 150,216 143,083 123,05: 9 4,066 § | . . . .”. Sº 26 Ordinary. tº e º ºs tº 2 740 189 3 329.5% 2 23 fºr 4 tº » 3. 7 ,475 519, 184 600 417 680 200 º 2 ex 2 123,055 4. 133,036 64 964 35 524 3,389,728 2,589, 167 >< 27 ARMY } Extraordinar - 3. 3 in V a. 3. º: º: 7,901 2,056,006 3,428,842 2,926,862 2,679,545 2,947, I 71 || 3 idiºiso & Sº tº 5 525,405 512,579 514,547 563,005 437 868 421.55 3 º 9 3,011,919 2,921,528 S 28 Mii - y * | *ś| *ś | “..., | “...; "j| "...º.º. "º "joº 3,314,477 2,750,534 2,940,583 || 3,208,879 3,057,5 3. 1,557 || 140,000 1810 || 5,674,359 5,294,417 | 28 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 242,465 ºão 338.702 371.196 239, 3 , 142 463,524 360,091 || 176,935 *::::: | “…” ,057,592 2,819,206 || 2,545,767 2,172,64 11 | 3,406.599 || 4.43%. - * 9 ** 3 • 3. 98 239 137 266,6: 5,65 gº & ‘. * , 9.5%) 190,918 216 662 470 Y & 3. 3. 3. 3. I y 3 * ~ * 4,432,293 29 Vote of Cºliº. . . . . . . . . . "I 290 gos 195963 212 . 285,651 512, 198 || 339,232 397,872 $5,173 | 738.4%i 10.9% 34,717 195,703 || 177,715 196,187 i: | tº gº U30 Charges of Collection .... 250,376 402,011 || 411,156 3. < 2 &V 2 7,907 90,455 418,230 222,433 169,804 y - 536,459 659,022 576,671 592,626 13 5,775,862 || 4,700,417 *:: • 3. 2 440,715 449,963 451,546 455,752 528,771 646,790 º 3. 172,568 33,532 41,622 37,276 ãºio Z, O2, O 14 || 5,059,098 || 8,723,982 Total EXPENDITUR — - . . * - 5 s : y & C 733.3% 87,681 | 898.364 | 895,131 | 897,656, 969,56 º'-º', 20,261 15 10,761, 189 7,277,032 Ol' (l - E. 5,297,322 || 9,479,192 | 8,228,092 | 8,239,269 (10,209,188 9,165,479 8,993,406 9,094,936 |10 º —— !--- 2 391 | 1,039,731 1,014,378 "...” 2,581,143 - s 9 3) 5 y 3. 085 * * 4 - *. *** xcess of 3 . 9 ,085 0,662,578 11,271,083 '12,258,890 13,671,402 14,295,813 |16,130,203 (20,833,423 |15,626,932 Igºr : 5,097.3% s sº S Fis 5; ; ; ſ . Hººdºº 1817. 1818 181 $) * - - ---- amºzanº ºv-viv. --- —— 3; ######## INCO #. º-l—e: * tº tº: tºº. tº: lº. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829 1830 183] 183 68,517,792 | 68,517,792 §§ 2.5 s.si: să Customs ... 2,181,799 || 2:317,412 | ******* * ..., loo, tº -e------e-H-e-Tº-LTT. T.; —º- . e 2. 1833. 1834. 835 g Śāsāś|.....: 2 º' | 2:30,716|3.110.309 ;|###. ;|};|...}}|...} ...ºniº Mºnºiºſºvº, "Tº T * – º – tº: tº ; S S < *śjº & J & Stamps. . . . . . 4. & 5. ...” 2 a v = 2 * ~ * | * : * ~ * > . 9 v = < 2 2,049,256 | 1,974,444 1,904,445 1,87 2 S’; º' • *--> v - * } = *-- an º T, -, ------. ‘ssis & 5 §§ ### * - º 600,370 564,036 || 489,397 || 476,761 588,642 612,994 | 643,005 ºgs 'Anâ,03i º; ,455,120 2,100,809 2,022,659 jā; p off..." ... j. jº, sº gº ºg | Goºgo - . . . ." as a v-73 !,685 495,437 || 512,611 506,112 ississiºs ||...”. 186,737 187,610 | 191,018 187,671 | 191,116 227,992 || 234,808 || 244.979 -a - aro ... dºg ºn tº ge &= &º as sº §§§ 3 ; ; ; #'s. Fees. . . . . tº º º 8,118 9,861 10,560 9,206 9,924 ºo 10:30 fe 250,096 || 258,444 263,634 290,059 292,788 || 302,062 § ######## }.º. 19:40, 20. 20.3%| 93.3%| 14:370 3. 10,209 9,748 11,520 9,594 9,896 9,353 3.357 | gogg is §§§§ss; Local Duties 55,900 57,574 5 - ..” sº } 164,940 186,288 || 370,02 º 2 9 #: 5 ######## 9 ** a 3 8,621 53,698 || 52,603 3. } 70,026 256,994 || 176,969 186,651 20,865 | 105,786 15,455 ...? F; s , s : §§ Total Receipt. 5,941 p. } gºsº - w * gººmºs 1— s'ss's 5 § 3.5 §§ pt. 5,941,411 6,078,507 || 5,725,894 5,107,491 5,602,407 || 5, - - &s=sº äijäjääs T) | “” | *-*. ,107,491 3,602,407 5,441.7m 4,880,094 5,202,114 || 5,275,819 || 4,948,250 || 4,878, 193 4,908,826 4,739,887 || 4,477,410 -ºr & – s S S *~– jišššāşş5 |ºjci in 891.3% 3. j| ºil 19357 337,753 || 252,635 | 268,559 || 333.94: 203,03. 3 * 69,513 || 78,903 | 68,379 tº ºsmºs •= | *- #55 s sis; ;3 igs. of vollection 226 880,317 | 884,912 867,076 | 894,200 883,140 | 868,170 736,754 | 735:303 ; ; 171,269 | 163,801 185,127 ... 's s 5 § S.3 : Sº - * * * ºs- - * ~ * 3. (),598 || 654,060 65 º: słºś 3: $; $ | Tot. Deducti * ey—ºf * & 2 * gº ~. . -— — ” - 2 9 51,747 603,691 s 5 & ####$ #5 - ion 1,317,797 1,258,101 | 1,225,122 | 1,272,556 1,341,603 || 1,477,725 | 1,454,630 | 1,269,579 1,406,810 * - - *- & 2 ###### 5 is . ...A. - - v | * > *vs’, 3 * ~ * > 3. 1,076,811 || 934,502 | 894,842 | 894,451 | 857, 197 *==s*- : * – ########3 (Nerºsur, tºº "ºº" tº 3,834,935 | 4,261,005 ! 3,963 as as • as Ros -- -—º-i–T-- ... \*-- ~~~s : ~~. . . . - 3. 2 - v - a 9 969,9963,425,485 2.932,535 | 8,869,000 ſºn,ago. 3,943,691 || 4,013,984 3,845,336 wº-ºººººººº- - - k *** ****, ,013,984' 3,845,436 3,620,213 --|--— f---------. sº-ºr- STATEMENT No. II.-AN ACCOUN T of the INCOME and EXPENDITURE of the UNITED KINGDoM of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, in each of the 35 Years 1792–1826, as presented to the Finance Committee in the Session of 1828, and Reprinted with the amended 4th. From the period of the Bank Restriction Act From the commencement of the War Peace ~ * . - . . . • . . . . º § - o- ~ to the Bank Restriction Act. to the Peace of Amiens. of Amiens. From the Renewal of the War subsequent to the Peace of Amiens, to the Convention of Paris in May ch 1814. Heads of INCOME - - . . - — . . - — —- - and EXPEND1 TURE. 1792. 1793. Tº 94. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. " 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. T804, 1805. i806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810: 1811. 1812. # £ £-— -—£ £ £-— £-— —£ £-— £- – £ £ - £- ——£-— £-—|—£ #: £. ———£-—— £ £-— ſ 1 Customs . . . . . . . tº e º a º º * ge 4,006,475 3,948,376 3,575,082 3,511,305 3,587,058 3,858,404 5,567,052 7,312,321 6,778,217 | 6,396,894 6,079,723 7,217,405 || 8,386,431 || 9,116,424 9,772,563 9,239,205 || 8,832,944 10,321,471 10,876,274 9,437,917 | } 0,029,747 2 Excise . . . . . & e e º a o a 4 e º e º a s e e 8,734,020 3,362,183 8,767,933 || 9,585,739 9,588,468 || 10,598,988 || 11,326,018 12,299,278 10,840,407 || 10,960,578 || 14,644,158 || 17,975,374 20,604,143 22,281,539 23,184,068 23,808,226 24,650,712 22,390,397 24,767,772 24,900,054 22,472,113 3 Land, Assessed & Property Taxes 2,821,482 2,901,371 2,925,218 3,016,350 3,320,990 3,504,050 5,561,309 8,781,360 9,035,290 9,857,134 8,063,130 5,705,618 8,900,839 10,045,591 11,813,027 16,274,901 18,044,941 20,023,394 | 20,406,428 19,819,722 | 19,787,522 4 Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,461,640 | 1,402,022 | 1,490,634 1,543,162 1,680,501 || 1,976,917 | 2,236,854 2,579,107 2,777,590 3,049,844 || 3,194,354 || 3,346,110 || 3,670,849 4,340,382 4,609,393 || 4,795,747 5,069,371 5,694,417 | 5,899,372 5,703,913 5,705,869 5 Post Office . . . . . . . to e º ºs e e º e g º º 368,970 414,028 463,003 419,839 528,590 600,889 690,263 733,150 738,915 843,977 972,547 915,731 952,894 1,127,451 1,151,376 1,150,718 1,143,601 1,213,050 1,333,538 1,352,538 1,400,385 6 Duties on Pensions, Offices, &c. 81,922 90,914 87,627 87,739 | 86,584 91,103 127,444 98,705 160,135 150,924 128,468 98,259 112,295 108, 114 118,248 I 31,896 120,222 81,854 70,885 37,707 42,638 7 Hawkers, Pedlars, & Hackney 24,330 28,580 26,609 27,150 29, 110 29,530 27,054 31,297 30,046 28,684 29,681 31,367 34, 121 32,470 || 37,492 36,864 38, i54 38,570 39,812 44,128 43,679 tº 8 Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Coaches 404,176 240,720 234,169 290,576 518,705 100,436 | 737,567 252,787 407,300 309,846 69,568 381,217 331,489 5 : 3,470 694,747 179,166 590,158 236,471 467,340 322,076 342,471 s 9 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . e 59,836 57,855. 83,114 83,485 i 17,885 121,698 110,409 119,436 143,854 154,221 163,059 156,046 156,531 186,838 112,282 82,633 118,382 161,228 187,541 i 68,818 150,907 s - -º-esses===Fººtsºa-ºn ~ w - - . *34 Ç J Total GREAT BRIT Aſ N. 17,962,851 17,446,049 17,653,389 18,565,345 | 19,457,891 || 20,882,015 26,383,970 32,207,441 30,911,754 31,752,102 || 33,344,688 || 35,827,127 43,149,592 || 47,752,279 || 51,493,496 55,699,356 58,608,482 60,160,852 64,0-48,962 61,736,873 59,975,331 • Y do. IRELAN :). 937,780 854,750 1,031,036 1,092,648 1,322,378 1,221,847 1,552,301 2,335,035 2,158,022 1,973,395 || 2,800,822 2,345,175 2,622,268 2,595,984 2,990,904 3,457,224 3,590,514 3,296.497 2,656,023 3, 128,598 3,783,523 * | 10 Contributions from E. I. Company 300,000 250,000 250,000 * *sº 250,000 500,000 * *º- --- - * * * º <º *y — — * *g *ses º &a=ºg smº º &z=s &=º tºº c 28,585 28,585 57, i'j6 28,585 * | 11 Repayments –see Note “ . . . . . . 27,692 1,107,235 1,158,682 10,119 33,057 132,158 321,789 192,000 484,769 62,100 16,500 174,000 201,000 234,000 73,000 33,800 immºn * tºº-t sº s-ºs- sº 13,273 930,645 1') º by Public Accountants, &c 30,491 187,671 99,968 215,408 391,402 390,920 || 312,699 424,543 511,645 285,247 206, 140 263,090 203,633 315,443 238,686 148,942 299,195 233,467 410,973 187,632 221,76i 13 On Account of Loans . . . . . . . . . 47,723 4,669,677 | 11,564,390 27,845,451 24,082,552 || 30,664,910 18,258,384 20,086,139 22,850,785 30,613,578 || 27,550,449 || 11,960,523 15,303,846 25,340,751 21,957,102 15,573,923 12,071,154 15,863,846 13,295,721 | 19,039,915 30,739,959 14 Voluntary Contributions. . . . . . . gº-ºº: *4 * wº-ºº: ſº * *sº * sº * * - 2,464,604 443,425 79,394 40,302 sº-sº * sº ** * sº sº — a 1,000,000 * — b 500,000 wº — ** —, — * d 98,000 i5 Biłis Funded # tº e º e s tº e & tº tº ſº a tº º ºr — --- *sºng sº 1,907,451 1,490,646 15,822,326 1,433,870 – f – * **t $ºws * 5,940,300 *E* tºº - * * * * — sº * tºº-- * * 4,000,000 7,932,100 - 8,31 1,000 7,018,700 5,431,700 16 Exchequer Bills issued ........ 8,083,800 | 11,186,601 | 8,279,544 14,681,555 7,906,500 || 11,433,000 i3,275,700 || 31,481,800 25,845,800 23,593,000 || 16,448,500 || 18,911,900 18,708,300 27,667,900 80,895,500 | 84,453,500 45,111,300 || 36,086,400 || 37,719,700 || 41,223,300 45,779,100 17 Irish Treasury do. e ‘9 3 tº tº 92,308 369,231 276,923 276,923 138,462 1,099,006 582,768 673,846 646,154 830,769 646,154 1,569,231 738,462 Eºsi. sº tº-º-º: &=º 369,231 500,000 500,000 sº-sº tº- 1,322,461 1,601,656 ( 18 Balance at commencement of Year 4,546,029 || 3,945,720 4,472,311 3,921,658 5,855,833 7,380,252 10,123,457 6,890,080 8,582,935 8,937,782 9,027,021 || 10,484,218 8,848,142 10,219,191 10,797,381 | 10,687,601 | 12,846,816 14,796,966 14,248,754 12,320,173 12,902,449 TO TA L IN COME. £ 31,978,674 40,016,934 46,693,694 | 68,099,753 75,259,401 || 78,137,978 | 73,275,672 94.734,309| 92,070,758 104,028,575 || 90,040,274 || 81,535,264 89,775,243 |114,125,548 lilo,446,070 120,428,577 |137,527,461 [188,898,713 |140,719,698 146,098,095 h61,492,714. - 9 *… 5 + - 7 || - r19 Dividends, int. & Management of 9,426,859 9,089,855 9,537,124 10,369,489 11,525,761 || 13,792,286 15,866,175 16,330,903 | 16,707,993 18,213,874 || 19,078,570 || 19,811,572 19,925,262 20,612,232 21,644,971 21,934,463 21,812,340 22,087,370 22,667,490 23,245,824 24,009,965 20 Civil List ....[the Funded Debt 1,096,677 | 1,181,681 | 1,030,123 1,175,357 1,143,808 || 1,120,011 | 1,137,765 1,147,919 1,137,669 1,136,860 || 1,140,840 || 1,129,438 1,810,216 1,181,306 | 1,180,924 1,174,590 1,173,118 1,172,801 | 1,170,343 | 1, 185,277 | 1,237,370 | 21 Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 81,933 77,695 77,189 9},820 180,745 135,070 140,017 164,781 184,330 188,358 203,362 256,595 288,867 278,233 297,829 290,587 299,942 298,539 2.99,098 300,376 325,208 22 Salaries, Courts of Justice, &c.. . 36,239 49,081 45,413 49,695 45,654 47,036 52,938 46,279 66,682 68,165 72,768 67,490 83,559 81,580 91,547 128,049 I 32,630 134,071 | 38,455 143,388 140,715 23 Other Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,704 || 135,581 123,420 107,201 i 19,877 93,725 109,297 218,290 168,510 || 334,917 256,766 272,653 206,804 || 693,751 431,831 341,518 388,857 479,718 328, 152 274,543 258,680 tº 24 Interest on Irish Treasury Bills. . 24,286 24,447 45,234 48,327 47,571 54,734 36,577 56, 193 76,808 89,230 84,709 49,036 87,844 28,502 2,775 9,130 7,650 27,637 29,648 17,032 88,797 s Total Consolidated Fund. £ 10,752,703 || 10,556,340 10,858,503 11,841,889 13,063,416 || 15,242,862 17,342,769 17,964,365 18,341,992 | 20,031,404 || 20,837,015 || 21,586,784 2,72.5% 22,875,604 || 23,649,877 || 23,878,337 23,814,507 || 24,200,136 24,633,186 25,166,440 26,060,735 * 25 Interest on Exchequer Bills 316,189 323. 562 308,548 392,912 267,873 423,598 1,682,768 833,890 596,762 1,642,522 692,310 || 839,258 713,668 1,500,693 1,352,261 | 1,419,094 1,338,992 || 2,103,861 1,549,810 1,715,060 * Kº A & ** G 2 2 2 . 2 9 9 2 9 9 2 1,447,748 ~ ; 26 Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,511,609 || 5,711,485 10,859,689 18,036,073 16,550,741 || 18,505,871 15,589,535 | 19,441,582 19,309,003 || 17,752,947 || 11,836,407 || 13,488,080 17,927,421 | 19,790,181 | 19,294,982 | 19,373,101 21,916,198 || 23,910,222 || 23,038,479 29,160,530 31,004,704 5 § 27 Navy........................ 2,749,699 || 3,417,909 3,218,668 9,534,197 7,692,557 || 12,413,837 12,292,857 13,209,178 14,725,909 17,266,135 | 12,037,163 || 8,072,878 11,921,551 14,493,843 16,143,628 16,896,661 17,685,390 | 19,372,061 20,021,512 | 19,202,679 20,370,339 * 28 Ordnance .................... 458,521 | 1,145,172 1,538,756 2,107,321 || 3,452,192 || 2,292,128 2,146,198 2,525,259 2,101,207 2,197,186 || 1,142,839 || 2,029,799 || 4,046,054 5,105,426 5,250,376 4,260,078 5,148,852 4,928,674 4,808,745 4,495,816 5,240,536 * | 29 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648,721 838,402 901,779 880,956 | 1,023,876 || 1,595,195 1,172, iT6 1,155,209 1,370,140 | 1,745,918 || 2,920,327 || 1,972,431 2,221,612 2,141,553 | 1,794,383 1,506,372 1,576,379 1,955,972 1,691,273 1,959,800 | 1,950,03 Q. 30 Other payments out of the Supplie * * 2,202,200 T.2, — 827,500 5 82,500 - --- 638,288 +. 258,200 11,000 --- - mº-º-º: sº | 1,000 () * * &sº pºsses gº isºs i. {},{} * tº-Eºm *g tº gº 22,673 55,339 1,423,969 76,483 lº 31 do. do. tº e º e º e º ºs º gº * º (G- 1,907,451 I,490,646 } ,822,326 *g & 3. * * * *. tºº *g | -- * * sº 2 2 (){} * sº 1,000,000 ,00 5 {}{} *tº *-º-º: 1,500,000 * *::: 1,000,000 500,000 2,500,000 tº 32 To reduction of Debt . . . . . . . . . 1,458,504 1,634,972 1,872,957 2,143,698 || 2,639,955 || 3,393,214 4,098,164 4,528,567 4,908,379 || 5,528,315 || 6,114,034 || 6,494,694 7,186,929 7,880,166 8,623,401 || 9,789,331 10,527,882 11,298,824 12,077,201 | 12,960,160 | 13,998,849 33 do., and Sundry other Paymts. – – || – *s &zºº – 4,600,000 to Austria * **s wº **d ** * -- * *-* --~~ * *s *mº º º – m 1,526,699 979,257 336,089 153,697 60,867 18,776 H 13,417 100,292 34 Discharge of Exchequer Bills. . . . 9,048,000 9,616,350 11,130,850 10,103,000 || 7,013,100 || 12,530,000 | 10,907,000 24,983,800 20,755,700 27,039,600 || 22,882,600 || 16, 163,100 | 12,173,500 26,001,800 30,186,400 29,838,300 38,536,600 36,224,000 || 38,938,000 || 36,386,800 43,539,500 35 do. of Irish Treasury Bills 39,008 96,231 118,662 92,400 229,994 || 1,366, 191 258,185 | 1,014,554 647,631 1,104,462 || 1,016,215 || 1,031,099 || 1,569,415 750,185 28,200 || – * 369,231 500,277 500,000 46 | 1,123,077 36 Disct, on Loans for prompt paymt. * asº. rººms - 56, 173 193,329 340,619 251,625 262,652 236,770 365,254 693,065 83, 146 8,999 73,350 262,017 455,704 279,398 162,768 72,413 67,204 110,929 106,750 37 Balance in the Exchequer tº º & © gº º 3,945,720 4,472,311 3,924,658 5,855,833 7,380,252 || 10,123,457 6,890,080 8,582,935 8,937,781 9,027,021 || 10,484,218 8,848,142 | 10,219,191 10,797,381 | 10,687,601 | 12,846,816 14,796,966 14,248,734 12,320,173 | 12,902,449 13,973,673 ToTAL ExPENDITURE. el 31,978,674 40,016,934 46,693,694 | 68,099,753 75,259,401 || 78,137,978 73,275,672 94,784,309| 92,070,758 114,028,575 || 90,040,274 || 81,535,264 89,775,243 |114,125,548 || 19,446,070 120,423,577 137,527,461 188,898,718 140,719,698 [146,098,095 161,492,714 1792. | 793. | 794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1793. 1799. 1800. 1801. || 1802. 1803, 1804. 1805. |806, 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. Statement of TNavy & Sea Ordnance 1,985,482 4,003,984 7,468,712 8,243,286 11,944,694 || 25, 101,671 13,567,632 13,710,232 13,619,080 | 12,422,037 || 13,833,574 || 10,211,379 12,350,607 15,055,630 | 15,864,342 17,430,338 18,047,618 19,613,468 || 19,021,909 | 19,869,384 19,418,993 GRANTS, - see i Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,919,460 3,021,796 5,399,868 10,089,507 || 10,090,429 || 13,519,603 || 9,058,590 7,281,319 || 9,564,132 10,495,993 || 10,990,376 || 8,935,754 12,993,625 14,576,087 14,160,833 15,701,022 15,124,266 15,915,826 16,864,160 20,098,214 24,142,863 article Supply, ºn | Militia & Volun. Corps – *** 950,264 1,241,192 1,631,040 1,821,471 || 1,972,986 3,798,725 || 4,532,435 | 2,382,816 || 3,452,874 || 1,880,962 || 2,889,976 6,159,114 4,040,812 4,418,522 || 4,218,327 4,376,358 5,269,271 4,411,081 4,386,821 4,351,213 Indea to Journals: Army Ordnance . . . . 422,012 751,698 || 1,314,658 2,256,266 1,893,665 || 1,568,227 | 1,188,725 | 1,514,609 | 1,695,957 | 1,481,963 || 1,395,352 || 1,128,914 || 3,799,689 4,456,995 || 4,383,652 3,321,216 3,943,071 5,325,147 3,819,466 4,352,629 4,620,147 wp to 1820, and Miscellaneous . . . . . . 474,951 523,831 541,696 657,211 790,288 4,219,943 715,127 1,670,587 || 3,345,503 766,030 3,687,811 2,630,625 2,030,192 2,279,688 2,521,399 1, 195,442 4,028,074 2,372,498 2,515,576 1,602,305 4,244,092 Annual Accounts do. for ireland - — ~- — wº — tºº wº º — – tºº — — . . . — — . . . - * . . . 212,391 273,119. 259,281 216,348 258,382 251,260 309,210 289,810 298,356 638,162 426,162 428,355 subsequent thereto. UTreasury arrangements 6,386,991 5,925,325 6,175,023 10,292,973 11,047,955 - 12,894,000 6,700,000 16,073,741 16,883,251 18,014,846 | 8,688,748 12,700,991 15,807,692 | 19,287,950 26,186,846 26,230,421 28,277,897 27,860,867 33,508,676 33,794,217 | 32,327,435 Total Ways and Means. 11,138,885 15,175,897 22,141,149 33,170.283 37,588,502 || 59,276,430 35,028,799 44,782,923 47,490,739 46,846,134 || 40,749,942 || 38,756,920 53,357,267 59,955,544 67,786,854 | 68,405,976 74,087,094 76,655,433 80,779,030 | 84,529,732 | 89,533,098 The above account appears to have been produced after a lapse of 5 Years with the view of reconciling the £44,000,000 of disparities which exist in the following Statement. The Official i) ocument from which the above has been compiled comprises 58 folios, the items being carried out in Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Farthings, and the Income and Expenditure of each year is made to balance to the farthing. The difference of principle on which the two accounts have been made out preclude the possibility of reconcilement. The above account it will be seen, is exclusive of Drawbacks, Balances, and Charges of Collection, as well as other payments out of the gross receipt on its way to the Exchequer; and the Expenditure includes the Expenditure of Ireland, which in the following account previous to 1819 was not included ; the amounts in line 31 in the years 1794-6, and the £4,600,000 to Austria, line 33, in 1795, which are not included in the following Statement, account for £23,820,423 of the difference; the Debentures, also, issued in 1813, omitted crediting in the following statement appear in the above, line 14; the amounts in line 14 in 1806-8 in the above account do not appear at all in the following, while the amounts noted m line 33 in 1805–15, and s in 1826, with £10,000 of the amount in the same line in 1825, as well as the whole of the amount in line 36, in the following account are included with the Miscellaneous Expenditure. Beyond these, all attempts at reconcilement fail, we can therefore only deal with the above account as it is, in showing, that with all its affectation of precision in balancing to a farthing, it contains within itself numerous discrepancies fatal to its pretension to accuracy. In the first place, line 35 represents £33,840,094 o 84 of Irish Treasury Bil Is to have been discharged or paid off, while line 28 represents only £31,236,812 15 113 ever to have been issued. The annexed display relating to Exchequer Bills will show a further discrepancy; but discreditable to official accuracy as these results may be, still greater discredit attaches to the errors of addition which, the account contains. The items of Income in 1797, amount to only £75,137,973 while they are made to correspond with an expenditure of £78,137,978 : again in 1804, the items of Charge on the Consolidated Fund amount to £22,402,552, but are stated in the addi. tion at only £21,772,552, Several other trifling discrepancies will be found noted, one of £90 in 1817, is doubtless a typographical inadvertence in the amount of Exchequer Bills dis- charged, (line 34) inasmuch as by carrying out the £90 to the Exchequer Bill account, it exhibited a corres concileable. * The Repayments in line 11 were Repayments of Monies advanced for the relief of Merchants. ponding discrepancy, by dispensing with the 9 both those accounts are re- Report of the said Committee ;– Wide Parliamentary Paper No. 519 of that Session —and also a STATEMENT of the GRAN TS in each of those Years. STATEMENT showing the result of the Excheq UER BRLLS issued and discharged in each of the 35 Years, as - €X- *-* - *-**º-º-º-ei Suspension | Termination General From the Union of the Exchequer of IRELAND with that of GREAT BRITAIN, on the 5th. January 1817. - of War. of War. Peace. - - - A mount outstanding at - - Fssued (ES Discharged Funded - - the end of each Year. 4"| *::::::::::::::: for - - - - e o tº - 72ſ 67°6’.S. ſ. (ICC 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. I823. 1824. 1825. 1826. # line 16. as # line 31.as iſ line 15. Brees Issued Diminution. Pººh, pºſing: erest according to the & - -4° e * } - ve five preceding Par. Pa. Wo. 35, A nºvealed Following £ —-É- —£ £ £- cºf £ £ £ # - 39 £ £ ——£-— 4? Columns. Session 1819. Statement. Staſement. 1 10,291,327 || 10,960,776 10,521,551 8,388,734 || 11,258,374 11,638,747 10,871,310 9.837,279 10,582,763 10,663,617 | 11,498,763 11,327,741 | 16,541,524 17,380,712 —|- —£--—|-—£-——-—£-—|——£-———£-— - * • -y, f * * 2 24,113,252 || 25,261,076 26,537,633 22,876,139 || 21,483,313 24,741,555 24,894,991 27,929,833 28,183,052 27,283,409 || 23,342,828 26,768,040 21,004,487 | 19,172,020 1792 | 8,033,800 9,048,000 || – * * — | 1,014,200 || – — 11,361,000 316, 189 || – — 3 21,400.394 || 21,763,410 21,618,124 18,476,798 || 10,002,749 8,331,781 7,855,246 || 7,803,004 || 7,814,690 7,218,844 6,206,927 4,922,070 4,990,961 || 4,702,744 - - . . -- 4 || 6′013,120 || 6,247,369 6,373,668 6,472,169 || 6,861,170 6,904,560 | 6,666,713 6,562,253 6,513,599 || 6,632,547 6,801,950 7,244,042 7,447,924 6,702,351 3 || 11,186,601 || 9,616,350 — — 1,570,251 tºº — 12,931,251 | 11,849,000 i 323,562 | 163,491 5 | 1.494.615 || 1,532,154 | 1,621,385 1,498,000 || 1,395,231 1,385,154 1,528,538 1,448,077 | 1,383,538 1,428,231 1,462,692 | 1,520,615 1,593,462 1,570,000 4 8,279,544 11,130,850 * *- --> – 2,851,306 || 10,079,945 10,111,300 308,548 182,912 6 28,033 27,383 25,844 31,471 26,329 29,504 25,610 25,631 77,442 67,924 61,358 61,375 56,730 48,427 5 14,631,555 10,103,000 || – — 4,578,555 || – – 14,658,500 || 13,781,000 || 392,912 || 330,565 7 43,227 39,340 40,200 52,025 48,280 48,280 46,091 52,028 47,570 54,580 53,880 57,134 59,857 64, 151 6 7,903.399 7,013,100 tºg assº 892,400 * – 15,550,900 || 13,218,600 267,873 186,773 8 423,324 367,626 302,092 385,806 293,814 120,484 219,474 175,154 219, 140 231,000 24,809 245,206 295,390 —— 7 11,433,000 | 12,530,000 | 1,433,870 || – – | 1,097,000 || 14,453,900 || 13,368,400 || 423,597 I 12,921 9 185,431 174,960 159,352 61,513 57,408 33,341 47,493 47,115 83,643 72,322 55,169 55,795 73,055 85,081 8 || 13,275,700 | 10,907,000 || – — 2,368,700 || – — 16,822,600 14,310,400 1,682,768 356,848 --- * -ssessmºs -º-º-º-º- ºg ----- *-*--- * ***- *-*. - 9 º 24,983,800 * — 6,498,000 * — 23,320,600 20,360,700 | 833,890 | 1,021,626 ſº o ſha \ KY Pº 6) tº || £43 * - 58,242.655 - - - 1800 ,845,300 20,755 --- — 5,08 *=x- - - º; *:::::::::: º *:::::::: ! 51,426,668 53,233,406 52,155,466 53,880,374 54,905,437 53,652,474 || 51,508,376 52,202,018 52,065,390 49,625,486 2 ,700 9,600 28,410,200 26,080,100 596,762 766,480 5 2 -2 9 2 3. 2 *. 2 - - - - - 10 57, 170 57,170 28,585 || – *s- t- -º-º: º - -* ºme ** — | g 500,000 || – º d 90,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 | 23,593,000 27,039,600 5,940,300 || – – | 3,446,600 24,963,600 | 20,588,100 1,642,522 I, 121,890 | || 537,380 64,766 51,614 58,087 69,173 99,731 127,823 219,475 219,720 280, 195 244,953 286,175 418,696 479,947 2 | 16,448,500 22,882,600 || – mºn i wº – 6,434,100 18,536,500 | 16,456,000 | "693,310|| 1,105.9% 12 294,531 299,913 230,307 241,113 504,985 346,881 365,559 183,109 125,125 329,315 397,285 420,877 222,283 284,975 | 8,911,900 - 13 || 36,579,945 || 39,085,136 39,836,866 9,256,092 3,193 10,853,692 | 18,788,310 17,430,205 13,848,000 | 11,872, 156 2,400,000 ** * *4 — 4,500,000 3 9 * ~ * > 16, 163,100 * — 2,748,800 *** – 21,278,300 | 19,067,600 839,258 801,787 #4 e 799,300 7,400 || – — | f 101,697 55,088 67,778 * Jºº-º- *- -- 83,910 1,666 i 766,667 1,733,333 || – --- f 64,582 4 18,708,300 | 12,173,500 * — 6,534,800 sº — 27,813,100 25,258,500 713,663 624,860 f 5 | I 5,755,700 - – 11, 27,500 --- *- ** — | 16,338,200 | 1,369,000 | 6,964,400 35,600 h 1,400,000 || 4,685,719 || 4,660,000 || 4,507,500 4,380,000 5 || 27,667,900 26,001,800 * — 1,666,100 * — 29,479,200 27, 180,400 1,500,693 1,478,316 16 54,158,100 || 52,272,500 44,826,600 46,591,300 || 53,283,950 || 38,629,200 15,085,050 24,695,500 32,002,200 40,592,550 | 34,494,600 ſ 32,256,500 28,137,050 26,203,700 6 30,895,500 30,186,400 || – *- 709, 100 || – — 30,188,300 27,207,500 1,352,261 | 1,310,687 17 304,616 || 1,569,231 2,141,539 5,087,692 || 1,500,000 2,900,000 2,000,000 | 1,500,000 | 1,105,181 || – — — — j 5,520,000 597,000 k3,354,050 7 34,453,500 29,838,300 || – — 4,615,200 || – — 34,803,500 || 31,942,900 1,419,094 | 1,574,362 18 13,973,672 || 16,427,592 15,293,438 15,465,579 || 13,073,513 9,848,189 || 10,247,406 || 7,489,746 || 7,315,458 6,019,064 7,972,020 9,421,280 || 9,552,523 5,305,639 8 sº 38,536,600 4,000,000 6,574,700 || – — 41,378,200 || 39,739,200 1,338,992 | 1,610,563 | —- *- -- 9 ,086,400 || 36,224,000 || 7,932,100 | – — 137,600 || 41,240,600 39,164,100 2,103,861 1,862,944 190,319,696 ||180,496,362 |185,436,455 138,665,210 || 19,916,570 132,317,077 ſloº, B8,614 || 12,362.809 III.0,140,631 [114,147,420 (102,589,620 106,542,188 95,560,442 94,258,378 || 1810 §º º,000 ºogº - – | 1,218,300 40,033,300 38,266,300 | 1.319 aio |iºisioš --~~~~~ —f - # ; ; ... º sº — 44,858,800 || 41,491,800 1,715,060 | 1,556,735 19 25,406,123 || 27,615,262 28,334,373 30,648,055 || 29,434,288 28,787,532 29,838,978 29,438,381 29,769,465 29,490,897 28,084,785 27,979,068 27,230,790 27,245,751 is 34.15s.100 :::::::::::: º ;"| - - º 'º º ſº. 20 1,257,448 || 1,236,210 | 1,235,880 1,216,270 || 1,235,692 | 1,235,692 | 1,190,692 | 1,071,759 | 1,057,000 | 1,057,000 | 1,057,000 | 1,057,000 | 1,057,000 | 1,057,000 iſ 53,273,500 Aiº || "." 10 ºn I - tºº ºlº º! ºo 21. 334,341 346,985 347,602 383,102 ; 428,035 447,883 359,400 434,820 378,432 377,776 371,644 366,028 364,268 3 * w = 2 * 2 * 4 & 9 * 2 * ><-ºry msº — 60,018,700 59,227,600 2,322,239 2,256,707 22 136,037 143,552. H27,789 127,037 124,442 123,729 129,613 130,798 143,334 156,331 168,333 166,478 186,283 219,706 - te - 23 441,715 sºs || 234,658 379,871 335,683 374,309 597,416 357,770 305,741 449,677 537,697 | 736,790 630,636 523,199 # º º 11,127,500 3,182.400 16,473,800 ; 41,441,900 3,081,077 3,014,003 24 i i 3.213 113,866 || 110,625 | 116,769 110,642 66,264 102,081 190,286 176,529 124,188 1 9.901 1.268 9,498 61.20 *...” 2 + v v 3 - - , º, — — 46,727,300 44,650,300 2,173,928 2,196,178 2 * - . 5 3. - ~. 2 ,207 # º º - — 12,324,450 || – – 59,051,750 56,729,400 1,891,316 1,815,927 27,698,877 || 29,708,968 30,490,927 | 32,871,014 || 31,672,976 31,015,561 || 32,325,763 || 31,548,394 || 31,986,939 31,656,525 30,245,492 || 30,362,248 29,480,235 | 29,471,131 is isogoso ; *:::::::: * -4 lºgº 46,289,350 43,655,400 2,026,450 2,200,414 & } {} Dead Weight|Annuity - - 1,400,000 2,800,000 || 2,800,000 || 2,800,000 || 2,800,000 i 18, ºo, jº., 6. - - gº 39,924,500 847,092 779,992 25 2,510,903 || 2,322,238 3,081,077 2,173,928 || 1,891,316 2,026,450 | 847,092 1,529, 181 709,312 | 1,306,409 | 1,111,221 | 1,086,016 || 820,000 770,000 Ti 32 ºbo jº 50 6,964,499 || -., - 6,812,850 33,111,650 1,529,181 | 1,849,220 26 44,241,285 || 45,259,377 || 35,321,544 15,027,899 || 9,718,086 7,785,979 8,998,037 8,944,814 || 9,138,845 7,698,974 7,351,992 || 7,573,026 7,579,631 8,297,361 2 | 10.393.550 ...}. 85,000 | . º – – ººlºº 709,312 2,219,602 27 21,833,522 || 22,124,437 | 16,073,870 9,516,325 || 6,473,063 6,521,714 6,395,553 6,387,799 || 6,107,280 5,042,642 5,613, 151 6,161,818 5,849,119 6,540,634 s 34. Tººgoo 3. 674. º - – 5,654,600 ºra or 34,693,150 1,306,409 | 1,430,597 28 5,241,628 || 4,302,893 3,248,759 2,748,841 || 1,417,648 1,247,197 1,243,638 | 1,092,292 | 1,183,727 | 1,007,821 1,364,328 1,407,308 1,567,087 | 1,869,606 A ºšool º I *s º- - - lºº º 1,111,221 | 1,131,122 29 1,967,593 || 2,480,678 3,867,593 2,438,460 || 1,839,999 || 2,634,917 | 1,833,791 2,488,781 2,125,991 2,105,797 1,953,366 2,449,149 2,216,082 2,566,784 ; sº sº, I - I - - lºº. ººlºº 1,086,016 | 1,087,284 3 53,351 80,542 51,580 69,959 441,336 492, 153 556,459 | 402,309 454,819 529,962 469,745 886,611 | 1,258,408 1,500,222 6 26.303 mool º o-, sº | T - 4,404,250 32,809,000 820,000 || 829,498 31 2,000,000 n 7,400 4,500 787,400 O 14,944 7,998 || – * — — 52,720 48,424 49,465 | p 69,802 26,293, 4 29,632,050 3,354,350 || – – | 3,428,350 29,379,650 770,000 | 831,207 32 | H 5,880,001 || 14,759 634 14,150,913 & 1. 14.514,457 | 15,3 •. - - 16,112,961 5,150,060 5,486,475 5,591,232 1.038.049,000 | 1. * - - - 2 2 : 5 5 2 2 3+. 3. - 2 º: *A 4-d 2 5 3. * j * * * , 3. ,0 3. ,7 ,935,95 - ** * * r * * * - A - -- : 3.340,334 cy - A- . 184,056 71,323 sº º º 51 º º 16,305,591 17,499,773 17,219,957 } q 2,776,359 } 7,482,325 } r 3,302,000 607,000 s 30,000 30, 1,021,044,450 98,401.70 | 84,933,956 67,931,506 || 28,365,450 24,585,850 48,310,334|| 43,543,431 34 51,562,700 || 41,947,600 61,300,400 43,408, :v ºver v 3 ,391,600 21,449,900 || 31,508,350 || 31,470,300 35,537,950 | 34,674,000 || 33,563,000 || 32,541,300 29,632,050 | 28,184,900 25.2 - • 35 321,622 || 1,584,708 || 2,144,400 2,280,508 || 1, 140,000 3,614,615 2,650,000 3,500,000 3,705,181 | 1,000,000 2. “ * --~~~~ º sº 7 28,184, ,203,400 — 2,981,500 || – gºme 21,546,859 873,247 36 506.566 553,127 144,829 323.345 iſ — mas 28.100 137,660 19,216 8 27,591,000 || 27,489,850 || – sº 101,150 || – wº- 27,657,000 949,430 •º 3 J. “w 3 * > * , e P+e -: º 3. It 5 3. - º * - - — tº- -- * - 9 || 25,791,400 27,957,850 3,000,000 *- — 2, 166,450 25.490.550 378.4 3 3.427.59% - 65, 3.07 9,848.189 || 10.24 - A- $4. 72 e & 2 * ~ * g 3 2 \, v v 2 v v J . 2 * ~ * > * = 2 +9 U 2 78,494 37 16,427,592 || 15,293,437 15,465,578 13,073,513 ,848,189 10,247,406 || 7,489,746 7,315,458 6,019,064 7,972,020 9,421,280 || 9,552,523 5,305,639 5,119,555 º ; :::::::::: - tºg 119, 100 || – sº- 25,609,650 793,031 * {{T} { } { R4. * o - • - % e * = A e H - 5 m. a-v 2 25,504, -- ass tº- -4 58,300 25,551, 350 649,833 190,319,696 || 80,496,362 185,436,455 1990sº 1199.6% 132,317,077 |100,138,614 |112,362,809 10,140gal 114,147,420 |102,539,620 |106,542,183 95,560,442 94,258,378 : 25,593,850 25,449,200 || – tºº 144,650 - " - 25,696,000 659,165 1813. 1814. 1815, 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826, 4 20,222,102 || 19,320,223 19,066,047 || 10,114,346 || 7,645,422 || 6,547,810 6,527,782 | 6,691,345 6,282,686 5,398,425 | 5,361,290 5,668,643 5,888,877 6,135,004 : 32,004,217 || 30,176,089 || 36,444,080 11,119,407 || 11,015,951 9,450,473 8,285,766 8,880,870 - - - Ary 4,194,514 || 2,857,687 2,858,741 | 1,000, 113 478,521 466,830 458,361 º; 8,736,092 7,755,042 7,294,458 7,408,288 7,818,205 7,711,629 § 4,464,274 || 3,460,913 || 4,111,977 1,882, 189 || 1,221,296 1,154,600 | 1,100,000 | 1,095,000 [ 1,195,107 1,281,398 1,451,177 | 1,504,294 1,470,891 1,754,403 - 4,997.305 || 6,612,643 | 12,126,333 || 3,420,782 || 1,080,395 2,518,712 2,593.901 2,043,449 2,855,477 |*6,146,960 2,589,633 2.357,190 2,963,787 | 1.910.5% i -- • A-a -u . . - 531,535 611,369 502,891 504,936 663,818 4.17,542 435,640 367,830 '345,839 '679:3# 3.10.941 '35i 250 'spi,495 '371.369 According to the above Statement, Cols. 1–6 of which, down to 1826, are deduced from the annexed display of the 29,498,456 || 39,811,107 || 39,840,867 || 45,003,117 || 44,333,729 60,905,395 || 61,000,000 || 49,899,750 30,706,400 30,368,331 || 34,944,150 | 34,031,800 || 30,418,800 30 77.85% Income and Expenditure in each of the 35 Years 1792–1826, the excess of Exchequer Bills issued during those 25 Years - - - - - - - - - — - - - —— - 2 g g s 3 was £17,994.450, which Sum added to £11,861,000, the amount purported to have been outstanding at the end of the Year 95,907,903 ||102,550,030 (114,950,985 | 73,044,890 || 66,439,132 81,456,362 | 70,488,499 69,597,590 50,121,651 51,629,437 || 51,981,668 || 51,816,015 || 48,947,055 || 48,714,615 H . º amount ºutstanding at the end of the Year 1826 to be £28,365,450; while the amount represented as out- *********---, *.*—' -- -------------------. - --L-- * --- --- - -- ---------------.”--------------- ---------- -------------------- - - º º in the aunual Finance Accounts for that Year, (Wide folio 160) is only £24,565,850, a difference - * - - …” O 5 { 72 tº - Inter t - g † : 7- * e i * . . . º * • e º e * - - * The following IS all elucidation of the several Notations a to s in the order in which they stand, viz.:-- i line 14, 1823-4. . Amounts received from Austria. : the 35 Years the i. 㺠º n !. º sº º º; º ". . Hiſt "º". a-b in 1806 & 1808. Droits of the Crown. - s j a 17, 1824-5 ... Eacchequer Bills issued to pay off 4 tº Cent. Dissentients. | di • * h It f th 9 ſ - p 1 statements o e income and Expen iture WIll S lew Other c line 10, 1809–1815. Amounts received from Portugal to pay Interest on Loans raised. k a 1826.... do. ... do. . Funded. . . . . I line 31, 1803–13. Payments to the E. I. Company. | auscrepancies in eac em of the Account. The difference in the Account of Exchequer Bills has probably arisen from d : 14, 1812, and line 19, 1823-5. Cºntributions from East India Company. m a 33, 1805–15. To pay off 5 # Cents. of 1797 and 1802. - - | Deficiency Bills given occasionally as a check or acknowledgement to the Bank for temporary advances, but, be that as it e , 14, 1813–14. Debentures Issued. • * - n a 31, 1814–16. do. Debentures paid off. o line 31, 1819–25... Unclaimed Dividends reclaimed, | may, no such disparity as the above Statement exhibits ought to exist; if a perfect order of Accounts was once established f , , 1816–22, and 1826. Unclaimed Dividends. . . p a n 1826... Lottery Prizes. q line 33, 1822.. To pay off 5 # Cent. Dissentients. | it wonld be as difficult to continue errors, as it is now, being confused 5 { b 4. º furth b o ~~~, * // 10, 1821... Amount received from France as an Indemnity. . . . - r , a 1824-5. To Discharge Earchequer Bills issued to pay off 4 dº Cent. Dissentients. Ibiect in Notes t th A - * +1 2 ºvº- 3. § used, ever to be correct : —see fur ner o servations on this h • 15, 1822–6. Half-pay and Pension Dead Weight, Loans. And 24* in the same Years the Annuity. s a a 1826. With ºf 10,000 of the Amount in 1825 to pay off 5 # Cents, of 1797 and 1802. i. subject in Notes to the Accounts of the Netherlands and of France. - the amount outstanding as exhibited in other returns presented to Parliament. hibited in the annexed account; with the amount outstanding at the end of each Year, deduced therefrom, in comparison with STATEMENT No. III.--of the ANNUAL INCOME and ExPENDITURE of the Government of GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 40 Years from the commencement of the War against the FRENch REPUBLIC in 1793 to 1832. 2- From the commencement of the WAR, From the Period of the Bank Restriction Act, Peace From the Renewal of the WAAF, , : Heads of to the Bank Restriction Act. to the Peace of Amiens. of Amiens. subsequent to the Peace of Amiens, to the Convention of Paris in March, 1814. - INCOME - . - - - —— —-----—------->===== = - - - - - - - - - - — — . . . .- . . .-- - - - - - - . . . . .----, - . . . . . . . -- - - -, - ... . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - , , , — . and EXPEND ITURE. 1793. | 1794, 1795. 1796. I'797, 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 180: 1804. 1805. | 1806. | 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. | 1812. 1813. . £ £ £ £ £— £-——l——-£————---É— — — £-––––-£——||——-£----|---É. -£——£-———£-——£ £- ——£ £ £ —£-— 1 Excise . . . . . . . . . . e e s a s tº 8,950,225 | 8,560,670 9,723,424 || 9,166,828 9,844,882 || 12,451,300 14,412,697 12,996,659 || 13,628,335 || 16,833,789 || 19,870,058 22,098,649 18,032,040 | 19,188,542 | 19,867,914 20,023,163 | 19,571,880 20,731,163 20,899,406 | 19,848,423 21,119,321 | 1 2 Customs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,506,200 4,101,431 3,340,051 3,532,539 3,797,060 || 7,983,229 10,226,717 9,425,882 10,053,223 || 10,519,920 || 10,727,640 11,214,257 9,306,316 || 9,671,790 9,973,240 9,552,771 11,024,884 11,355,351 10,123,895 10,453,958 10,938,524 2 3 Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,402,942 1,416,647 | 1,413,634 1,558,361 1,746,484 || 2,684,114 3,036,478 3,016,916 3,267,474 || 3,394,317 || 3,574,722 || 3,795,687 4,391,807 || 4,618,692 4,731,279 5,000,508 5,622,955 5,851,558 5,604,203 5,628,267 5,873,175 3 4 Land" and Assessed Taxes 2,897,976 2,969,398 3,081,458 3,151,174 3,481,719 || 4,608,144 5,031,755 5,051,939 4,893,456 || 5,535,349 || 6,178,932 6,317,450 6,527,980 6,721,544 7,357,756 8,079,499 || 9,063,716 8,311,640 7,572,721 7,677,204 || 8, 101,967 4 5 Post Office . . . . . . . * 392,000 455,000 425,030 467,000 542,000 || 1,140,689 1,153,725 1,197,011 | 1,336,813 || 1,423,370 || 1,425,174 1,460,922 | 1,614,642 1,674,209 1,670,423 1,678,279 | 1,791,391 | 1,915,238 1,916,554 2,012,526 2,137,437 5 6 Duty on Pensions . . . . . . 93,117 103,676 105,051 79,429 106,692 128,648 98 932 88,490 90,598 || 127,922 || 107,778 115,362 113,143 121,800 135,460 | 127,622 86,463 83,853 48,659 46,375 34,325 | 6 7 Hackney Coaches & Haw- 32,580 28,309 26,550 27,810 28,765 || 34,575 35,275 36,204 35,023 || 36,298 || 37,727 39,096 40,655 43,724 42,505 43,506 44,747 46,773 54,931 51,431 46,332 7 8 Crown Lands, &c. (kers 967 967 967 967 967 101,590 96,152 114,510 132,733 || 125,124 || 146,795 135,452 160,967 99,782 95,004 114,003 || 123,891 143,055 131,459. 110,370 126,873 || 8 * * These Taxes did not commence till 1798, the Customs and Excise 9 Customs . . . . . . . . . 2,359,529 - 437,496 - 530,772 127,938 : 53,903 *ºn issº * sº 2,723,462 3,097,454 3,065,905 2,784,544 3,397,202 3,906,484 3,013,723 3,262,360 3,818,273 9 S were partly consolidated with the permanent Duties in subsequent W A R 10 Excise . . . . . . . . . . . I,487,148 1,599,648 * * º tº & *- — * *ºº. gº *Eº 6,462,306 6,330,169 6,375,852 6,917,827 5,802,492 6,855,812 6,593,133 5,310,398 6,259,885 10 = | "...º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.) TA X E S. jil Property ........ 112,800 192,000 210,700 . . . . . . . . . . . .16,918 3,574,899 || 4,496.14: 6,143.2% 10,131.344 11,895,135 | 12,386.313||13,492.215 18,707,218 13,625,454 14,889,445 ſi S Property Taw. 2 - 12 Income . . . . . . . . . . 823,286 2,672,066 4,888,216 6,011,628 || 3,470,338 || 424,322 90,174 50,742 17,300 26,665 15,427 26,891 11,789 14,541 8,275 1,621 | 12 Q - - . & - - - - - --~ *- - . - - 2, 13 Lottery. . . . . * @ & © & s is tº $ 248,836 171,830 314,053 415,000 | – – || 271,368 339,217 | 332,870 210,073 555,000 || 352,333 436,625 382,087 498,249 797,503 461,250 458,333 471,250 304,000 374,500 310,800 13 > 14 Miscellaneous . . . . . . * * : * * 182,140 91,367 26,100 149,520 304,077 || 286,744 322,398 343,672 | 199,147 194,433 || – – 276,426 505,530 263,782 121,952 265,225 242,104 405,817 253,868 1,263,403 831,483 14 There was no uniform. Account of the Income and Expenditure of the ſlå Total G Ross RECEIPT £| 34,473,164 39,654,556 38,233,941 39,986,441 || 42,269,764 | 42,861,698 49,560,988 54,807,810 58,492,398 || 64,392,800 | 66,461,759 69,643,862 | 73,582,000 || 70,238,310 69,675,944 74,469,461 15 Nation, laid before the Public prior to 1798, in which Year a Com- . § - - —w - *- • . * , . - mittee of Parliament was appointed to arrange an order, and a form * {e ë t & «s º . º * 6 . & • * no- ! - c. ºntº presinºdºmy, frºm in Aºnts, the state J 10 D R A WBA C K S. 2,875,104 3,201,600 3,128,310 3,332,437 || 3,920,921 3,322,028 2.693,419 2,773,168 2,833.3% | 3,451.393 || 2:32,037 3,768,646 3,384.338 2,897,383 2,727,739 4,983,331 16 ment herewith, subsequent to 1797, has been compiled, and for the five 17 BALANCES. 1, 105,065 1,138,938 1,036,174 1,137,653 1,237,224 1,335,733 1,350,426 1,479,452 1,555,185 1,444,674 1,662,102 1,995,334° 1,872,065 2,031,827 2, 196,089 2,101,270 17 Years 1793–97, from a Ms. obtained from the Treasury iu 1822– —li –———|| ** * . - . - Printed by order ºf Parliament in the Session of 1823,- Wide Parlia- U18 Total Deduction. 3,980,169 4,343,538 4,164,484 || 4,470,090 || 5,158,145 || 4,657,761 4,045,836 4,252,620 4,420,490 4,896,069 4,314, 158 5,763,980 5,756,403 || 4,929,210 || 4,923,819 6,186,601 | 18 mentary Paper, No. 567, of that Session. - sº-sº-sº “ *. —li * -e-ºss --- * *-* *--. — — —- — ---- - - -— — — - . - . v. 2 19 ACTUAL TAXATION . . . . . . 17,707,983 17,899,294 | 18,456,298 18,548,628 19,852,646 || 30,492,995 35,311,018 34,069,457 35,516,351 || 37,111,620 i 38,203,937 45,515,152 50,555,190 54,071,908 59,496,731 62,147,601 || 63,879,882 67,825,597 || 65,309,100 64,752,125 | 68,302,860 19 20 On account of LoANs. . . , 3,925,000 | 11,000,000 17,300,000 28,354,817 29,814,170 || 17,075,734 17,915,678 20,321,744 27,611,411 || 24,960,080 || 11,950,000 || 13,209,352 25,130,405 | 19,619,264 15,257,212 10,102,621 14,675,669 13,242,357 | 16,636,375 29,268,587 35,050,575 20 21 Excheqr. Bills &c. Funded — — 1,907,451 1,490,674 17,256,126 * * tº wºrs, ** assº; * *º — — . 8,910,450 || -- - - – – – wagºs ºs — — 4,000,000 7,932,100 8,311,000 || 7,018,700 5,431,700 15,755,700 21 22 Excess of do. Issued 488,000 — — 3,669,700 – — 149,800 942,000 6,050,300 5,719,400 * * – - || 2,611,600 6,185,900 1,926,900 27,100 4,735,400 8, 150,300 Eºs º-sº — — 3,205,500 3,914,600 2,110,400 22 U23 Received from IRELAND. 250,000 250,000 * *=º 250,000 500,000 236,743 426,237 625,687 803,800 390,280 || 933,274 1,275,179 1,592,570 1,751,663 1,967,678 2,055,123 2,260,436 2,448,470 2,752,797 2,793,313 7,154,751 23 Total INCOME. el 22,370,983 || 31,056,745 40,916,672 64,409,571 50,316,616 || 48,747,472 59,703,233 60,736,288 63,931,562 || 71,872,430 53,748,812 66,185,583 79,205,066 75,469,935 | 81,457,022 86,455,645 88,748,086 91,827,424 94,922,472 lice, 160,325 128,374,286 24 (#s: { 25 Annuities . . . . . . . . l & <) . 6) $ 15,251, 184 15,689,143 15,888,263 17,139,720 || 18, 144,873 || 17,728,945 18,925,797 19,598,306 20,410,716 20,701,252 20,771,872 20,996,053 21,555,401 22,100,845 22,890,912 24,055,665 25 §§ y 26 Management . . . . . . ; 3,921,835 | 9,226,247 9,871,826 10,856,638 12.928268; 206.3% tº tº "gº 263,105 247,538 267,787 271,912 292,127 297,758 210,549 222,775 217,826 228,350 233,706 238,823 26 *śj 27 Sinking Fund ...... 1,630,615 1,672,000 2,143,596 2,639,724 3,369,218 || 4,294,325 4,649,871 4,767,992 || 5,310,511 : 5,922,979 || 6,287,940 6,851,200 7,615,167 8,323,329 9,479, 165 10, 188,607 || 10,904,451 | 1 1,660,601 | 12,502,860 13,483,160 15,379,262 27 S’s, U.28 Hut. on Eacheqr. Bills 163,491 182,912 330,565 186,772 112,921 356,848 || 1,021,626 766,480 | 1,121,890 || 1,105,936 801,787 624,860 1,478,316 1,310,687 1,574,362 1,610,563 1,862,944 1,815, 105 | 1,556,735 | 1,835,369 2,081,530 28 | Total on account of DEBt. £ 10,715,941 11,081, 159 12,345,987 | 13,683,129 | 16,405,402 20,108,885 21,572,867 21,661,029 23,808,895 || 25,436,894 | 25,066,212 26,669,646 28,963,702 30,336,859 32,052,537 32,781,592 33,986,223 35,248,933 36,388,790 38,443,147 41,755,285 29 Sº 30 Proportion on account of - º - - * ~ * . - - S º HD EBT *. 9,206,496 || 9,206,495 9,208,496 9,208,496 || 9,169,915 || 9,169,915, 8,805,914 8,635,254 8,578,034 8,542,762 8,482,846 8,463,186 8,422,827 8,351,789 8,316,458 7,830,305 || 7,811,426 7,786,288 7,763,998 || 7,735,464 7,714,448 30 F 31 do. created since that date | 1,507,445 1,872,664 3,137,493 4,474,633 7,235,487 || 10,939,970 | 12,766,953 || 13,025,775 15,230,861 16,894,133 16,583,365 18,206,460 20,541,374 21,985,070 23,736,079 24,951,286 26,174,797 27,462,645 28,624,792 30,707,683 34,040,837 31 * $ 32 ENGLAND U º * , : $ 1,136,424 1,166,213 1,220,752 1,260,217 | 1,346,043 | 1,337,812 1,827,184 1,582,572 | 1,594,162 | 1,638,677 | 1,606,039 || 1,533,110 | 1,472,404 | 1,635,601 | 1,595,350 32 sº civil List }: sº, ; 1,021,535 | 1,017,761 1,025,842 1,125,058 1,091,016 || 1,111,076; “º 78,207 69,394 78,549 79,502 79,705 86,920 83,751 85,889 85,470 90,955 | 118,187 109,693 112,748 113,176 33 * 34 Bounties, &c. . . . . . . . . . . 17,957 18,743 21,407 | 18,779 14,837 || – – || 484,279 409,304 || 1,795,752 1,197,932 441,485 727,582 646,040 534,260 674,359 787,262 789,755 775,400 596,549 582,675 391,066 31 R 35 NAVY' .............. 2,464,307 || 4,219,156 8,135,140 7,788,868 11,984,031 || 12,591,728 13,036,490 14,809,488 17,303,370 11,704,400 || 7,979,878 11,759,352 14,466,998 || 16,084,028 16,775,762 17,467,891 | 19,236,037 20,058,412 | 19,540,679 20,500,339 21,996,624 35 S. |* Ordnance . . . . . . . . . tº e s e a 843,603 | 1,500,767 1,968,008 || 2,500,000 2,121,562 1,715,355 2,221,516 1,918,967 2,165,909 | 1,500,733 1,827,050 3,550,142 4,732,289 4,511,064 4,190,748 5,108,900 || 4,374, 184 4,652,333 4,557,509 || 4,252,410 || 3,404,582 36 37 Ordinary l <} ©ſ)0 <) gº ºf 6 yer a 7,986,297 || 9,898,716 9,971,889 8,838,208 6,951,193 8,134,315 12,183,891 10,758,343 9,282,492 9,956,684 11,353,300 | 12,591,041 11,357,623 13,753,163 15,382,050 18,500,985 |37 º *::: £ºlinary 4,107* | *** ***7|*7” |* 3.16.35% ºn 135 | 3.366,000 5.347.17 | 3:33.0% gigs.ogg|3,560,804 || 6.961.387 5,329,000 || 5,431,667 5,847,762 5,872,054 7,178,677 ſoils,igg ºf i. . 39 SUBSIDIES ... . . . . . . . 2,198,200 } 4,000 310,500 99,500 tº ºst 120,012 825,000 || 2,613,178 200,114 — — . . . sº sº tº tº gº tº ºsº – – 1,400,000 2,050,000 2,060,193 2,977,747 5,315,828 11,294,416 || 39 40 Remitted to IRELAND 200,000 ** sº – – – – 1,454,059 || 2,000,000 || 3,000,000 || 2 000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 2,117,444 3,733,292 3,211,062 1,768,000 3,681,250 2,589,167 2,921,528 5,294,417 4,432,293 2,888,500 4,700,417 | 40 | 4 || Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 1,125,512 5 17,654 881,468 1,245,454 1,470,239 827,600 | 1,177,953 1,255,589 2,305,427 | 3,494,320 2,800,500 1,882,075 2,845,728 2,766,693 | 1,227,383 2,920,490 1,459,434 2,270,868 1,962,636 5,652,231 4,010,350 41 42 Charges of Collection . . . Deducted from the Receipt in these Years, see above. 1,614,990 | 1,629,770 1,828,124 2,025,469 1,982,079 | 1,955,368 2,135,177 2,257,186 2,375,829 2,699,048 || 2,816,569 2,886,201 2,934,876 3,096,582 3,273,243 3,504,938 42 l_43 Excheqr. Bills diminished - tº- 1,737,000 gºsº gº 262,400 sº * *g º: * gººs gº — 5,492,000 4,132,100 smsº *sº ºve * tºº &º * wºrs * * * * 929,100 877,700 * tºss * * * — 43 Total EXPEND ITURE. 4: 22,754.866 29,305,477 | 39,751,091 40,701,533 50,739,857 iſ 51,241,798 || 59,296,081 61,617,988 | 73,072,468 62,873,480 54,912,890 67,619,475 76,056,796 75,154,548 78,369,689 84,797,080 88,792,551 94,360,728 99,004,241 107,644,085 122,235,660 | 44 Historical Sketch and Notes.— My attention was first, more particularly directed to the Financial part of the Public Accounts in the Autumn of 1821, in which and the subsequent year, it will be seen by line 27, that about £18,000,000 was charged under the head of Sinking Fund; having previously to that time, demonstrated to myself as a principle, the futility and impolicy of that Account, I was led at the time above-mentioned (the Autumn of 18% ), into a minute examination of the details of that operation, when I soon found that no just conclusion could be arrived at respecting its result, without first knowing the exact Amount of the Revenue and Expenditure in each year, from the commencement of the War, independent of Loans on one side, and maintenance of the Sinking Fund on the other, I however could find no account of the Revenue and Expenditure earlier than 1800, since which year an uniform order of Account thereof, has been presented to Parliament annually, from which Accounts since 1799 the above Statement has been compiled; but as these still precluded any just conclusion being arrived at, in regard to the exact result of the working of the Sinking Fund in detail, from the commencement of the War; I pursued my research until I found, that Accounts for the two preceding wears 1798-9, had been presented to the House of Commons, although not made public; but, that they were to be found in the Journals Office. These I obtained access to, and further found, chat in the Session of 1815 application had been made to Parliament for the Accounts of the first five years of the War 1793-7, in reply to which order, a note states that “previously to the gear 1798, the public accounts were not made out or laid before Parliament in such a collected form as to enable a return being made without much investigation and labour.” Vide folio 127, Vol. X. of Papers of that Session (1814-15). Believing, after this, all further research to be useless, I caused application to be made to the Treasury for such an Account as could be convenient ly furnished, when I obtained in M.S. an Account from which the above was compiled. The Treasury Account was in the following Session of Parliament ordered to be Such is the authority for the above Statement, and such the means whereby the conclusions were arrived at in printed. (Vide folio 105, Vol. XIV. of Papers of that Session, 1823.) regard to the operations of the Sinking Fund, as exhibited in the Paper No. 557, folio 803. Vol. V. of Sessional Papers 1822. - The Account for the five years 1793 7, differs from that of the subsequent years, in not shewing the Drawbacks and Balances, the receipt is also less, the amount of Charges of Manage- in Eugland, viz. a money Oligarchy. The War Taxes did not commence till after ment, and sundry Payments out of the Gross Receipt on its way to the Exchequer, included in subsequent years in lines 34 and 42, but the differences heing e count—Expenditure as well as Receipt—the general result is not affected by the difference. g e the Account which, even at this distance of time, merits more than an ordinary share of attention, that during the first five years of the War, no increase of Tax took place; the operations of the War during that period having been mainly sustained on credit and issues of Paper; a large portion of the Supplies for the Na at ninety days date, bearing interest; these in the first instance operated as an enlargement of the circulating medium, and thereby tended to enhance the mo reconcile a great portion of the producers to the War; these Bills, also, it were, that formed the basis of those money fortunes which have led to the creation of When in 1795 nearly £20,000,000 in amount of these Bills, under the denomination of Navy, Victuallin combination was formed for their depreciation, until they were at a discount of 10, 15 or 90 d? Cent. ; then in 1796, the whole were funded at the rate of £115 of interest # Annum for every £100 of Bills, whereby in reality the parties forming the combination obtained £115 of Stock, for (on an average,) about £35 of m amounts funded in line 21 in the three years 1794.6 were of this description of Bills. The Bank Restriction Act, small note circulation, and de of the Land Tax, which took place the following year, were the forerunners of that unparralleled increase and extension of Revenue which intermission until the close of the War in 1815. On comparing in 1823, the total Income of the 30 years 1793 to 1 O' *> 3 gual on both sides of the Ac- the Bank Restriction Act, and it is a feature of ation, generally speaking, Vy were obtained for Bills ney price of commodities, and a new class or o der of soci and Transport B rder of society ills, were in circulation, a Stock, bearing 5 tſ’ Cent. oney ; £19,220,423 of the velopment of the scheme for the redemption Commenced with 1798, and continued without 822, with the total Expenditure of the same period, the former proved to exceed the £36,641,517, the bulk of this excess of Income appears in the first five years, and more particularly in 1796; in addition also to this excess of Income, the Debit exhibits an excess of charge for Annuities (line 25), of full £3,000,000 more that was due, and in 1815 and 1816 there is charged in the Miscellaneous Paym latter by no less a sum than side of the Account in 1816 ments (line 41) £786,698 for STATEMENT No. III. Continued,—of the ANNUAL INCOME and EXPEN DITURE, of the Government of GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 40 Years, from 1793 to 1832. Suspention Termination General From the Union of the Exchequer of Ireland, with that of Great Britain, on the 5th. of January 1817, to the 5th. of January 1833. . of WA R. of the WAR. PEACE. : - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------- —— - — ------ .. - . 3. 19. 3820. I821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. * *. tºº. | lº. * | * —£-— —£-———£-——£– —£-——£-- | * | * --É——£ £ £-—— ----É- ———£ *——º: ——£-——£- | 1 || 22,620,069 23,370,055 21,671,611 23,193,320 26,567,998 || 26,436,687 29,675,988 || 30,127,416 || 31,006,741 29,176,502 || 30,168,244 25,518,275 21,802,267 21,353,945 23,390,224 22,061,888 21,247,280 17,580,273 17,201,031 3 11.5º iſº, ii. 1;º 14.301.065 | 1.464.ogi 13,030.753 | 12,550,059 12,957,855 | 12,569,099 || 13,852,155 || 13,984,105 | 18,552,171 18,982,288 19,536,799 || 19,379,471 19,338,406 | 19,990,092 | 18,735,959 18,710,221 3 | "Gigoº, gºo; 6.536.16%| 6.90% ºg gºa 6.735.3io || 6,760,802 || 6′333,713 6,953,561 7,080,703 || 7,490,376 7,709,805 || 6,950,375 7,061,257 7,405,780 || 7,353,962 || 7,320,600 || 7,201,198 || 7,221,831 .307.11 ºil.j 7,563.11.1 : 5,074,359 || 3:371,990 || 3,379,930 8,355,322 || 8.205,033 || 7,659,456 6,811,650 5,475,075 5,899,456 5,121,564 5,195,239 5,272.626 5,329,548 5,419,553 5,324,727 5,488,325 . . . . . . . . . .j jº, º ºs ºogºº, ºgg 3,140,313| 2,223.915. 2,323,479 2,318,225 2,208,560 3,176,637 2,145,000 || 3,165,039 || 3,183,000 2,158,302 6 "sº 3 * 33.63% "37.35% 33.264 35,039 || "30,522 30,812 83,766 72,995 | 66,478 66,100 61,250 52,732 66,960 59,469 59,098 55,643 42,383 . . . 29,531 7 46.38. 50% 56.050 54.736 54,468 56,093 56,988 58,420 63,526 64,695 67,852 70,013 74,376 72,632 77,615 72,265 68, 131 71,153 with Stamps. | 8 132,424 173.367 163.795 159,830 144,579 148,192 132,967 141,148 || 311,797 351,569 370,272 625,626 315,945 341,804 525,750 526,296 436,696 419,043 424,029 . 2 2 5 These Taxes ceased with the termination of the War, but were then partly consolidated with Surplus Fees, &c. . . ... 69,203 82,860 | . 78.338 79,409 76,832 52,684 45,000 31,233 || 9 3.845.046 2.841,406 1,246.409 the permanent Duties; and in 1819 the rates of Earcise Duties were augmented to produce an ag- Commis. of Exch. Bills 208,307 || 117,000 272,877 | - - - - - - – -- * – - *º- - * 10 | 6′333.477 | 6′37,039 || 6′035.30; gregate increase exceeding £3,000,000 per Annum. - From Civil List . . . . . . 2,000 - --- 2,500 — — 4,452 28,666 * = 12,599 ii 15, io9,803 | 1537,500 13,376.87 2,568,654 658,838 183,134 57,043 47,979 – , , - | East India Company .. 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 H2 1,208 314 | a 303.544 236,288 211,225 237,513 283,812 83,911 1,666 | Unclaimed Dividends ... — — 64,583 19, 159 25,035 81,404 * * 41,426 36,683 4erſ 3 * 5 ~. ,-- . . | Imprests . . . . . . . . . . . . 173,678 164,587 365,120 239,666 106,765 18,640 11,894 9,552 * * - 1 tº R = oi o 1 a *{Z}. 27,400 252,213 295,390 100.000 - - - -* - - — * -es * *- - **s 13 356,867 327,907 252, 167 189,958 332.948 679,150 175,155 219,140 234,000 | y - :*::... . 2 '. - tº ë 14 357,817 260, 173 34917. 469,029 338.93i 334,394 343,903 262,114 651,811 1,352,186 2,171,250 - - || 206,366 * * 199,635 94,000 * - 43,860. – * 21,583 1 5 77,132,550 77 º 268 69,848,522 58 22, 585 goºd | 58,463,257 60,545,779 61,102,276 61,666,214 || 60,923,680 || 62,269,432 61,068,653 || 56,443,168 56,835,365 58,776,683 57,219,925 | 56,904,934 || 51,717,056 || 51,404,921 - 5 2 > * 2 2 - 2 § 2 5 - - - "-- *-* - - | - 16 4,510,835 | 4,078,940 5,025,430 ; 3,826,191 || 4,247,707 || 3,580,386 3,845,060 3,990,352 3,696,099 || 3,948,172 || 4,340,496 || 5,233,027 3,140,354 3,572,109 || 3,988,387 3,872,471 4,429,168 $ 3,391,841 2479,226 | 17| 333i:363 3.350.136|| 3,133.3gi 3.359,645 2009,821 | 1.591.363 | 1,637,026 1,531,851 2,714,500 2,528,549 2,472,361 2,064,126 1,987,884 1,951,539 2,065,104 || 1909,671 | 1,767,381 | 1,705,643 1,815,285 - - ------- - -—- - - Q} * —sº- ( - - - r - – 18 6,892,197 6,429,126 7,207,811 # 6,085,836 6,257,528 5,171,749 5,482,086 5,572,203 6,410,599 || 6,476,721 6,812,857 || 7,297,153 5,128,238 5,523,648 6,053,491 5,782,142 6,196,549 5,097,484 || 4,294,511 1970,240,353 mºosººgº.goºn 52,135,749 53,967,218 53291,508 55,063,693 55,580,073 55,255,615 54,446,969 55,456,575 53,771,500 || 51,314,930 51,311,717 | 52,723, 192 || 51,437,783 50,708,385 46,619,574 47,110,410 20 36,078,043 || 39,421,959 8,939,803 — — 10,810,000 | 18,756,087 17,292,545 || 13,030,784 || 11,708,617 | 6,925,000 || 4,660,000 || 4,507,500 º 4,418,878 3,082,500 • can aw tº- - *-* * * <== 2] - *- I 1,134,900 —- —- - -u-º 17,710,400 tºº — 7,000,000 - * – — - *- – ~. * - 3,354,350 * - sº - 3,000,000 - * o *-* * * 22 (),424,900 ---, * 3,208,400 12,701,447 4- - —- - — ~ *sº --- 4,054,600 -- *gs 3,138,700 — * — - 3,512,860 º - 659,058 2,776,215 201,700 675,165 23| 6,304,355 10,089,770 5,743,568 4,623,614 || 4,820,406 || 4,499,772 3,834,935 | 4,261,005 || 3,963,986 || 3,425,461 3,932,536 || 3,869,009 3,871,439 3,943,681 4,013,983 || 3,845,436 3,620,213 3,835,761 3,859,222 24 |123,047,556 |131,849,771 80,531,482 69,460,810 87,348,024 || 76,547,367 83,191,173 || 72,821,862 74,982,838 || 64,947,430 | 67,187,811 62,148,009 | 67,420,719 63,182,146 60,819,675 58,942,277 57,104,813 50,657,035 | 51,644,797 --- 25 26,292,496 27,176,930 31,392,890 29,166,085 28,873,638 29,737,639 29,126,973 29,469,162 29,214,855 27,810,813 27,693,359 26,949,184 26,837,630 || 27,088,653 26,967,740 28,001,128 28,051,403 27,417,774 27,390,876 26 242,264 259,970 265,400 234,589 277,699 274,393 276,419 277,314 276,042 273,972 283,709 281,606 278,121 277,948 278,336 275,990 274,424 273,809 273,710 27 14,120,963 || 13,452,096 || 13,253,601 || 14,518,291 15,352,766 16,305,592 17,510,628 17,219,957 18,889,320 | 7,482,325 | 10,652,060 6,093,475 5,621,232 5,704,707 || 4,667,965 2,497,993 || 4,545,465 1,483,858 & 16,611 | 28 2,256,707 || 3,014,003 2,196,378 1,815 927 2,200,414 779,992 | 1,849,220 2,219,602 1,430,597 || 1,131,122 | 1,087,284 829,498 831,207 873,247 949,430 878,494 || 793,031 649,833 659,165 29 42,912,430 45.902.999 47,09,099 | 45,784,892 46.704,517. 47,097.616 48,763,240 || 49, 186,035 | 49,810,814 || 36,698,232 39,718,412 34,153,763 33,698,190 33,944,555 32,763,471 || 31,653,605 28,664,328 29,825,274 28,340,362 30 7,688,078 7,669,014 7,634,756 7,605,961 7,578,273 7,549,032 7,526,606 || 7,523,153 7,488,749 7,485,440 7,482,727 7,479,518 7,476,041 7,472,147 7,469,963 7,467,036 7,464,281 || 7,063,000 7,060,000 31 35,224,352 36,233,985 39,473,313 38,178,931 39,126.244 39,548,584 || 41,236,634 41,662,882 42,322,065 29,212,792 32,235,685 26,674,245 26,222,149 26,472,408 25,298,508 24,186,569 26,200,042 22,762,274 21,280,862 | 32 1,561,120 | 1,555,408 1,724,742 2,303,662 2,376,080 2,538,666 2,134,218 2,268,941 2,041,440 2,140,806 2,721,912 2,189,947 2,164,173 2,218,218 2,204,553 2,253,000 2,031,899 || 1,548,773 1,848,298 | 33 114,032 | 26,613 128,515 130,646 129,627 129,988 132,081 133,078 141,504 135,400 138,565. 138,402 208,736 170,549 179,250 169,481 151,802 140,249 137,485 34 410,503 364,118 358,582 451,403 483,471 389,167 438,339 476,874 1,286,317 | 1,502,011 | 1,307,255 | 1,560,652 1,148,312 1,131,481 | 1,217,184 1,181,362 | 1,004,928 832,549 778,688 35 21,961,567 16,373,870 9,516,325 # 6,473,063 6,521,714 6,395,553 6,387,800 5,943,880 5,193,642 5,613,151 6,161,818 5,849,119 6,540,634 6,414,727 5,667,970 5,902,339 5,309,606 || 5,689,859 4,882,835 36 4,480,729 2,963,892 || 2,661,712 1,435,401 | 1,407,808 1,538,209 | 1,401,585 1,337,923 || 1,007,821 1,364,328 1,407,308 1,567,087 | 1,869,606 | 1,914,403 1,446,972 | 1,569,150 1,613,908 1,472,944 1,792,317 37 16,532,945 os 12. { %% ºf Zºº Zºº. 77 ºf 7°º Zºº || 7,696,974 || 7,351,992 || 7,573,026 7,579,631 8,297,361 7,876,682 8,084,043 || 7,709,372 6,991,163 7,216,299| 7,129,674 38 17,062,610 ; 28,172,137; 4,440,085 # 2,600,370 1,261,398 || 1,730,727 984,911 | 1,078,665 $ 7,698,97 2 2 < r s ºr 3 v = v 2 * * * > * > * > --~ * > <-- - “… 9 s vs. 2 ºv. . . > --~~~ 2 * * ~ 3 39 10,024.624 11,035,248 1,731,140 7,502 206 – — - - 426 - - 2,800,000 2,800,000 || 2,800,000 || 2,800,000 || 2,800,000 1,692,870 * - - --- -* -a- -- " - 40 8,723,982 7,277,032 2,581,148 25,771 60,079 53,101 49,129 48,038 529,962 522,465 595,035 1,357,873 1,570,024 1,473,165 132,944 - – 127,400 - - *- sº 41 2,384,592 3,371,178 3,909,162 2,509,068 2,620,891 | 1,855,948 2,616,700 2,370,043 2,105,797 | 1,953,366 2,449,149 2,216,082 2,566,784 2,863,248 2,012,116 2,485,661 | 1,950,109 2,854,013 2,396,921 42 3,573,262 3 663,663 3,740,985 # 3,460,610 3,523,440 3,364,324 3,269,566 3,267,634 3,277,130 3,237,012 3,240,888 3,175,086 3,314,862 3,265,858 3,236,092 3,145,291 3,110,253 3,058,093 3,064,703 - 43 - – 16,499,800 - * -- — 14,340,930 6,855,200 7,934,300 594,166 - – 1,539,400 -- . *-* 3,807,250 74,300 - , , -- 434,053 * - -ºr tº- — — - - 44 129,742,396 |130,305,958 86,507,962 72,196,882 86,685,807 79.668,423 82,053,382 74,559,818 78,098,401 64,858,163 | 68,113,368 66,394,892 64,232,482 64,072,886 59,071,524 56,690,661 || 55,960,931 52,638,048 50,371,483 | Debentures created in 1813, paid off, for which no credit ever appears to have been given on the side of Income. The disproportion between the Income and Expenditure is still further augmented by no less a sum than £3,711,786 short credited during the 23 years 1793 to 1815 on account of Loans raised ; that amount having been deducted by the Bank for discount on Prompt Payments and for receiving : the sums so deducted, being year by year short credited on the side of Income, and at the same time charged in the Miscellaneous Payments, and this practice continued through a period of 23 years, making an aggregate disparity during that period exceeding £44,000,000: in contrast to which, it may not be altogether uninteresting to mark the economical solicitude, which the accounts in detail display. In the Accounts for the year 1806, folio 61, under the head of Money paid into the Exchequer, is the following Item, viz- Paid by Fludyer, Maitland, & Co., on Account of Woollen Cloths sold for the Public service - And in 1809, folio 106, is the following:—Imprested from the Earl of Liverpool between the 11th of May 1804, and The disclosure of the enormous disparities detailed in the preceding paragraph, appear to have excited the attention of the Government, and in 1828 an Account covering 58 folios was The Account then presented embraces a period of 35 years, from 1792 to 1826, and amounts in the aggregate to £3,514,485,226, 13 5}, it purports to reconcile the disparities in the above Statement, and the Income and Expenditure are exhibited as corresponding with each other to a farthing. The Account in question which took the Government five years to produce, I have exhibited at one point of view in the preceding Statement, it accounts for £19,2%0,423 of the The amounts in line 31 of the preceding Statement in the years, 1794, 1795, and 1796, under the head of “other payments out of the Sup- plies,” amounting together to the sum just stated, is the amount of Navy, Victualling and Transport Bills previously adverted to, as being issued on account of the expences of the Navy, during the first four years of the War, which amount appears not to have been included in the MS. account of Expenditure obtained from the Treasury in 1822. This still leaves about laid before the Committee of Finance which sat in the Session of Parliament of that year. difference exhibited in the Statement above. £25,000,000 in the above account unreconciled, respecting which,--see notes to the preceding Statement. e e º e o 'o a e º e s a c e s e s e a • e a e s e e s • e < e º e s : 8 - e o f : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the 6th of Feb. 1806, on account of Secret Service. ... O £0 3 5 () 6 As previously stated, the account above was originally drawn out in reference to a complete elucidation of the effects of the Funding and Sinking Fund operations, hence the line 30, which account, the amount in 1826 being an account received from the Netherlands. 1821 advances made by the Commissioners of Earchequer Bills, to aid the carrying on of tepayments. Subsequent to 1827, the amounts have been eaccluded from the general account of Income and Earpenditure, and included in the general Eacchequer Bill Account. Drawbacks subsequent to 1830 is a consequence of the re shows the proportion of the Annuity Account created prior to 1793, distinct from the amount created since that date, the reduction by effected upon the Old as well as upon the New part of the Account, and certain Annuities to the amount of £443, reduction of line 30 subsequent to 1798; and the reduction of 5 & 4 iſ Cents. existing in 1792, which took place in 1823, 1828, & a The arreurs of Income Duty ceased in 1815, the amounts in that line (12) subsequent to that date are Unclaimed Dividends. act of Union with Ireland, it was stipulated that Ireland should bear two seventeenths of the Expenditure of the United King re-remitted ;-line 40 up to created in 1704–8 expired in 1807; the redemption of the Land Tax might have been these two operations explain the 1831, amounted to £100,527 wholly deducted in 1831. The arrears of Property Taac ceased in 1821. dom. ; to make good that quota, Loans were raised in England to be 816 inclusive, shows the amount remitted from England to Ireland, and line 23 the amount re-remitted from Ireland to England. From the Union of the tw on the 5th January 1817 the amounts in line 23 shew the Nett Revenue of Ireland as eachibited in detail in the Statement No. I. Previous to 1825, the sia: Items that Year were included in line 14 ; the amounts in that line in 1823-4, include £2,500,000 received as a compromise for an Account with Austria. on account of Money advanced in 1825–6, included in line 40 on Account of the New Silver Coinage. By a clause in the 0 Eacchequers enumerated immediately preceding The amounts in line 14 in 1826-8 are repayments The Lottery was abolished in 1824, the amount in line 13 in 1825 is the last receipt on that The amounts in line 40 subsequent to 1816 comprise various incidental payments, but more particularly subsequent to : Works of Public Utility in different parts of the Kingdom, of which the amounts in the Receipt in 1835-7 are § The diminution of - peal of the Duty on Printed Calicoes, (see Excise) the Drawbacks on which in 1830, amounted to £1,578,869. For more ample detail of line 32, see Nos. 24-8 ; of line 34, see Nos. 29–35; and of line 25, see Nos. 46-9 and 54 of Jollowing Statement. The amounts f in the Years 1823–8 in line 39 are what have been termed the dead Weight Annuity,+for particulurs of which, as well as observations on other discrepancies and complications of the Account, see Notes to preceding and following Statements. J. MARSHALL, STATEMENT No. IV.--showin UNITED KING Do Mi (exclusive of Sin ; the actual Receipt of TAXES, after deducting Drawbacks and Repayments within each of the 15 Years, from the Union of the two Exchequers of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, on the 5th January 1817, to the 5th January 1833, and of the Expenditure of the ing Fund) in each of the same Years. *** This Account like the preceding has been compiled from the Finance Accounts presented to Parliament annually, and is exhibited in this form for the purpose of shewing the actual State of the Account, independent of Loans and the Operations of the Sinking Fund, for the effects of which Operations,—see Statements of Transpositions of Totals and of Loans. &# The Notations *, f, & a-f, imply as follows, viz.-The seeming increase of Balances in 1822, arose from the Bills not due, as well as Cash in hand being included, which pre- viously were not considered Balances. The amount noted with an *, in the same Year, was an amount received of the East India Company, as balance of a long unsettled account; a in the same year, was for proceeds of Sale of Old Naval Stores. The two amounts b in 1823-4, were denominated the God- send, being amounts received from Austria in compromise of Principal and Interest of Loans of £6,220,000 in 1795-7, see Nos. 6 and 14 in Statement of Loans raised. The amount c in 1826, comprises £100,000 received from the Netherlands, and the remainder are payments on account of Silver Coinage : d in 1824 includes the extra charges of £400,000 on account of the New Street, and £310,614 paid to Messrs. Barings and N. M. Rothschild for discount on Prompt. Payment of the amount received from Austria. The amounts e in 1823, 1824 and 1830, and £49,465 of the amount in 1825 are payments to the Bank on account of Unclaimed Dividends reclaimed ; the remainder of the amount e in 1825 was appropriated as follows, viz. –$500,000 for purchase of Silver for new coinage for Ireland; £100,000 on account of the New Street; and £50,000 for building of Churches in the Highlands of Scotland. In 1826 £240,000 on account of Wet Docks at Leith ; £120,000 towards the New London Bridge; £156,060 for the purchase of the Duke of Athol’s Interest in the Revenues of the Isle of Man; and £69,802 for Lottery Prizes. In 1827 eig3,044 for Lottery Prizes; £120,000 more towards London Bridge; £36,267 to the Bank of England for discount and management of the funding of £8,000,000 of Exchequer Bills, and the remaining £134,200 with the £132,944 in 1828, further to the Duke of Athol for his Interest in the Revenues of the Isle of Man. The seeming diminution of the Civil List subsequent to 1829 is a transfer of a part of the charges to Miscellaneous Payments. Terminable Annuities, as shown in line 48,-see Notes to preceding Statement and to No. II. 52 54 55 56 57 Average ſtate of 3 (#' Cent. Stock. < - Heads of INCOME T. 1817. - £ £– r - :* 1820. £ 1821. | .# Customs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excise. . . . . . . . • * * ... • * * * * * *. Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land and Assessed Taxes . . Arrears of Property do. . Post Office . . . . . . -- Salaries and Pensions Hackney Coaches . . . . . . . . . . Crown Lands . . . . . • * * * * * * * * Hereditary Revenue Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * TO TAL, GREAT BRIT Aſ N. . . s a , s e e º Unclaimed Dividends do. Civil List [Exchar. Bills East India Company Imprests . . . . . Sundry Payments . . . . . . . . . . Revenue of IRELAND .. s • * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, *. and EXPENDITURE. –e— • . . . . . • , , , :11,765,624. 21,035,853. • * * * * ... • e i , , , 27,099 || 52,916 6,567,130. 7,893,086, 401,214 1. ,96 1. ,431. 94,710 11,536,201, ... 6,506,233 7,821,038 ... 2,089,124 7,812,106 18,724 10, 78 7 3. 090 - | 24,384,080. 6,379,000 ** 105,598 431 || 1,952,683. 26,015 58,844 102,817 19,959 211,225 || 679, iso 10,263,735 7,849,768 1,894,632 27 5 031 55,735 13,582 27,722,224 45,124 98,629 10,658,049 27,991,881. 1,869,185. 79,372 || || 57,903. 106,622 16,096 || || 175,154 | 219,140. 1822. 1823. 1824. 11,000,409 27,140,257 | 6,407,649 || 6,417,874 7,680,369. Nº : - . . . . 37,137 S 7,252,083 1,881,545. 68,730 || || 62,613 250,060 67,067 234,000 12,258,705. 25,242,541. 6,497,237. 6,534,727 1,900,755 63,244 64,594 312,337 || || 47,002 || 27,400 11,939,676 26,489,029 6,916,594. 5,221,340. 1,988,920 282, 126. 49,758 252,213 62,534 || | 67,838 || “.. 1825. lſº 7,143,671 2,081,579 69,998 - 20,476 ,689 5,176,722 | 57,959. 513,767 65,148 295,390 17,598,163 18,930,380 6,383,110 5,023,509. 2,110 ,440 49,588. 74,370 278,088 9,343 69,161 | The diminution of charge for Annuities in 1823, line 46, was a consequence of the reduction of 5 # Cents. to 4 P Cents. : in 1825, of Old 4 ºff Cents. to 34 ºf Cents.: in 1831, of New 4 tº Cents. to 3% P Cents., and conversion into 17,962,894 18,239,011 * . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; : 1,992,4 49 72,255 . . . . . . 9,172 65,996 1828. ——£--— 17,860,056 19,910,796 6,843,321 5,162,873 1,983,790 56,365 77,437 448,793 7,543 67,081 1829. 17,664,207 18,736,008 6,795,956 1,959,415 55,938 72,053 465,481 7,906 66,373 5,206,392 | 1830. £ 1831. £-— 1833. £ i832. £ 17,971,500 17,860,936 6,769,445 5,294,870 1,982,212 52,352 67,926 363,742 7,260 44,684 16,810,174 15,229,264 6,664,294 5,222,718 1,989,295 39,258 70,993 373,771 6,820 37,927 16,960,632 15,755,859 6,657,844 5,333,686 1,953,598 27,257 with Stamps 359,525 12,599 31,234 2,182,381 51,532,317. Balances at beginning of Yearjº - | 263,283, Repayments from Commisrs. of , 53,075,001 2,259,645 | 332,948. 3,485 261,446 *-ºs. 8,771 || | 5,700,723 52,301,107. 2,009,821. 251,242 5,385,684 54,488,169 1,591,363 237,513 55,123,403. 75,500 l 123,605 63,00i. 5,155,005. 1,637,026 | 283,810 || ! No receipt under these heads prior to 1822,--see Statement of $ . § Loans relating to East India Company.” ,242 159,054 83,151 || 25,849. 4,702,011. 83,911 54,374,638 ºf 2,995,872 1,666. 197,500 1,119. *508,617. 248,320 a 151,000 4,847,126. b 777,396 ToTAL. Balances at end of Year . Total INCOM E exclusive of Loans. º ſ Civil List || 4 Pºland . . . . No. 26 is charged 25 freland . . . . with 29–35." U26 Scotland • . . . Pensions and other } 27 England . . . . º” 28 Ireland . . . . | 29 Hereditary Pensions . . . . . 30 Quarantine and Wareh. ... |. Bounties - ~" 432 On account of half-pay . . 33 Woods and Forests 34 Scotch Clergy, &c U35 Miiscellanies . . . . . . . . . . . e. Eacqr. Bills issued } 36 England. ..., for Local Purposes ) 37 Ireland . . 38 Various Payments. . . . . . . . • * o a , º, e º e i e as a s s e e e s e s sº 39 Total of Nos. 24–38. 40 Army . . . . . . . . - 41 Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ordnance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Wiscellanies . . . . . . . . . . . . e s Charges of $ 44 Great Britain . . Collection, 45 freland • a tº * * * ... " 59,764,742 2,259,645. 61,638,534 2,009,821 60,268,518 1,591,363 61,409,256 1,637,026 62.261,451. f1,581,851 o e s sº e e s 3. . . . . 57,505 ,097 gº...º 1,028,000 163,169 º 130,646. 3. . 727,211 385,282 , 27,700 29,218 ..} : 330,046 | *º gº ºrº 31, 174 59,628,718 flºº 1,028,000 208,167 129,627 387,111 | 58,677,155 The 983,000 | 198,056 | 129,988. 988,520 . 297 369,090 27,700 114,464 313,933 . . . | 59,772,230 68,325,858 2,714,500. 52,948,542 2,714,500 contra 116,734 | 310,110 4,293,635. * | *—e.” 53,270,028 contra 202,826. 1,733,333 2, 528 5 549 | 125,273 . . . * 8,927 | 60,000 || 4,659,289. contra 2,000 4,592,301 52,919,280 2 ,472,361. 208,307. 60,000 || | 173,678 164,587 61,269,154 2,528,549 | 62,588,225 | 2,472,361. - 60,679,600 | 60,611,356 | 58,740,605 | 60,115,864 * 1,987,884 50,526,152 64,582 117,000 60,000 | c 306,366 || 4,587,415 57,890,228 50,356, i11 1,987,884 19,158 272,877 2,500 . . . . . 60,000 365,121 4,644,289 * 52,418,055 1,951,539 25,035 60,000 239,665 4,668,044 51,029,729 2,065,104 4,452 60,000 106,765 4,497,188 81,404 transferred to Eachequer I 50,414,927 1,909,671 C077tra, Bill Account 28,666 60,000 18,640 43,860 4,223,904 46,444,514 1,767,381 41,426 60,000 11,894 4,393,036 57,707,940 1,951,539 2,065,104 59,362,339 57,844,637 1,909,671 56,699,668 1,767,381 52,718,251 1,705,642 | 58,363,801 55,902,334 | 55,756,401 57,297,235 55,934,966 54,932,287 47,092,234 1,705,643 36,683 21,583 || 60,000 9,552 | *= 4,412,678 -- 1834. 1835. £ - * ~ *-ºse º- ****** **** £ 53,338,373 | 1,815,285 *º-º-º- 51,012,609 51,523,088 : . 13 14. 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 857,780 690,698 142,137. 47,534 51,426 count is very confused and unsatisfactory in regard to ; these Itemsfor these Years, see Notes. Not charged in Accounts of Erpenditure in these Years, see, ſº § Statement of Bills issued by Commissioners of Eachequer Bills. 60,285 53,101 75,858. *** * * * *-*-*. 2,990,788, . . ; 9,614,864 6,521,714 | 6,473,063 2,466,483 3,460,610. | 891,226. 1,435,401. - 50,358 204,231 || 132,081 381,504 | 27,700 359,213 850,000 214,877 || - 133,078 || || 801,724 402,339 27,700 143,404 56, 177 | 48,465 tºº. * :' 221,264 248,253 || || 34,405 445,163 | 143,149 13,628. 207,000 223,609 | 778,549. 305,258 || | 27,700 470,783 || 483,066 149,425 || “. 221,028 || 9 || 48,171 || 57,841 •. 34,500 || 165,200 | e 52,720 850,000 d 1,361,810 300,102. 27,700 e 48,424 207,000 223,694 | 220,963 536,228 157,749 195,009 || 20,271 || 219,200 327,411 || } 1,057,000 232,178 831,863 27,753 429,162 540,715 75,273 125,150 533,258 e 699,465 301,084 223,343 17,365 | 156,889 247,206 70,111 31,876 443,300 546,922 || 579,802 278,337 805,746 - 301,428 57,303 199,986 315,339 |º 153,265 || 3 | 267,824 858,018 *240,261 168,178 219,874 48,397 37,088 437,754 483,511. 303,200 26,200 294,208 | 1,057,000 251,859 846,594 300,959 26,200 159,709 273,270 172,462 421,839 59,493 31,608 transferred 132,944 | 1,057,000 279,457 818,032 377,969 26,200 191,853 233,942 97,973 427,014 61,866 32,937 899,660 254,660 825,928 306,311 26,200 214,038 199,263 185 363,452 64,944 38,988 to Exchequer Bill Account e 127,400 * 511,314 140,249 1,037,459 26,200 203,734 170,999 1,163 54,651 47,594 agº. sº 328,208 | 510,000 137,485 1,338,298 23,374 215,539 76,572 85. 310,982 97,089 55,047 *sº *gº 8,517,044 1,407,807, 3,523,440. 880,317 3,364,324 884,912 3,225,386 9,450,651 || 6,395,553 | 1,538,209 | 1,855,948 || 2,616,700 3,269,566 867,076 2,897,128 8,926,424 6,387,799 || 1,401,585 | 3,070,761 | 8,932,779 2,370,043 | 894,200. 5,943,880 || 1,337,923 ||. 3,277, 130 883,140 ToTAL of Nos. 25–45. 47 do. terminable 1860 . 48 Tontine, Exchequer, &c . 50 Charges of Management . . U.51 interest on Exchequer Bills. . . 49 Life Annuities, 48 Geo. 3. ...i 27,332,435 27,493,019. • ? . 1,354,545. º 318,521 288,491 284,589 ; 1,815,927. 203,922 27 - 1,353,167 277,699 2,200,414 | 26,551,849 | 316,549. 26,714,983, 28,069,469. 1,351,915. 351,275, 274,393 ... 779,992 | 26,366,278 is 1,351,093 316,255 73,772. 383,000. 276,419 1,849,220 25,817,220 28,046,759 1,350,366 | 410 965 277,314. 2,219,602 72,037 24,265,727 27,794,360. 1,348,992 71,503 431,820. 276,042. 1,430,597. 4,099,223 7,698,974 || | 5,193,642 || 1,007,821 | 2,105,797 || || 3,267,634 *—-º-º-º: 4,300,682 7,351,992 . 5,613,151 | *1,364,328 1,953,366 3,237,012 *} . . . 868,170, 's- . . . . 4,762,767 6,161,818. 2,449,149 3,240,888 726,754 1,407,388 | ‘‘.. 5,246,874 7,573,026 | 7,579,631 5,849,119 i,567,087 2,216,082 3,175,086 723,292 | 5,091,245. 8,297,361 6,540,634 1,869,606. 2,566,784 3,314,362 715,976 4,993,413 7,876,682 6,414,727 1,914,403 2,863,248 3,265,858 700,598 3,733,937 8,084,043 5,667,970 1,446,972 2,012,116 3,236,092 654,060 3,604,243 7,709,372 5,902,339 1,569,150 2,485,661 3,145,291 651,747 3,321,029 6,991,163 5,309,606 1,613,908 1,950,109 3, 110,253 603,691 2,521,571 7,216,293 5,689,859 1,472,944 2,854,013 3,058,093 557,275 2,764,471 7,129,874. 4,882,835 1,792,317 2,396,921 3,064,703 553,456 24,688,701. 26,391,644 | 1,347,637 || 71,532 273,972 | 1,131,122. 26,321,790 26,285,445 530,592 1,087,284 Total Expendtre. eac. of Sinkg Find. Excess of Income over Expenditure Annuity to BANK of ENGLAND .. Amounts raised by LOANs, &c. . . . . Applied by Commis. of Sinking Fnd. COrli T'a 14,607,559 £76 16 I 58,887,527 | 30,261,920 15,484, 119 £78 0 0; 58,233,037 | | 1,395,676 818,873 24,000,000. 16,455,967 £71 H9 3 57,858,282 17,667,536 £68 12 0} 58,001,890 1,770,340 24,000,000 58,194,263 2,485,337 13,000,000 17,383,696 #74 15 5 sº. 4 –. 55,619,041 4,992,317 7,500,000 16,265,092 54,397,234 297,870 2,178,589 7,505,274 £79 H 5 0 4,343,371 55,918,734 4, 197,130 585,740 2,445,740 5,166,424 | £94 3 6 1,338,837 | . . . 283,709 | 26,357,171 25,545, 140 70,201 281,606 | 829,498 7| 1,333,843 || 71,077 | 28,395,968. 25,565,703. 566,269 | 831,207 1,333,257 | 68,670 28,028,929 25,688,010 68,342 | 590,447 278,121 | 277,948 . . . . 873,247 1,332,301 24,835,190 25,468,564 1,331,458 67,718 643,018 278,336 949,430 25,067,803 25,396,566 1,331,516 67,791 619,515 275,990 878,494 22,899,759 25,191,834 1,193,582 f 461,887 618,060 274,724 793,031 23,370,048 24,099,085 1,193,582 870,005 669,361 273,809 649,833 22,584,577 24,060,256 1,193,582 850,833 700,465 273,710 659,165 | 585,740 2,293,240 5,486,475 £90 0 8 54,980,128 | 3,383,673 | contra . . 585,740 10,188,968 £79 8 8 57,039,195 5,601,130 || 56,859,224 contra 585,740 2,030,740 5,726,304 £84 12 10 53,573,714 3,723,521 585,740 1,975,370 | 4,683,183 £85, 14 0 | 53,637,675 2,297,291 585,740 3,000,000 2,772,035 egg is iſ 51,432,877 3,499,410 585,740 7207062 . 1,935,765 £89 15 4 51,125,723 COntra 585,740 720716 2,673,909 50,322,588 614,759 585,740 70,07062 6,826 £78 0 10 £83 0 0 *-*...--ºr, sº * * * *-**** £80 5 10 - The - Twenty-seven ". following Pages ExHIBIT, IN DETAIL, : THE PROCEEDS AND CHARGES OF COLLECTION - w / - ºr -- ºr sº .*, *... : . . . ºr sº … tTºr. º: sº-sº yº sº-º º - .*. sº. º, - ſº tº fº.º. ºº:: º § º º # * * 2. W ſº º" " - ** : * --- tºº º Customs, Earcise, Stamps, Land and Assessed Tawes, and Post-Office, IN THE FOLLOWING OF DER, viz.: Pages 2, 3, show the amount paid, (after deducting the amount repaid for drawbacks and overentries,) on each of 112 enumerated articles charged with CUSTOMS DUTIES, in each of the years 1804–12; and also the total amount repaid for drawbacks and overentries, and amounts paid for Bounties, Charges of Management, and the nett proceeds into the Exchequer; with the Balances in the hands of the Collectors and Receiver-General in each of those years. Pages 4–11, show the amount of Customs Duties paid (after deducting drawbacks, &c., as before) on each of 240 enumerated articles of Merchandize Imported into Great Britain, in each of the 18 years 1814–1831, with the Rates of Duty affixed to each article; the articles being arranged according to circumstances explained at the head of the several pages, they are numbered from 1 to 240: to which numbers, page 10 contains an Alphabetical Index. - Pages 12, 13, show the Total Amount of Customs Duties received on the 240 enumerated articles, and also of the Duties paid on certain aticles Exported and Shipped Coastways, as well as sundry other Receipts, and exhibits in detail the Amounts Received and Paid on account of Seizures, Fines, &c., also the Drawbacks, Bounties, &c. &c., in each of the before mentioned 18 years. t * , - Pages 14, 15, show the Gross Amount paid on each of 27 articles charged with Excise Duty, in each of the 20 years 1812–1831, and also the Amount Repaid as Drawback on the proportion of each of 7 Articles Exported, Charges of Collection, and other payments out of the Gross Receipt, &c. &c., in each of the before mentioned 20 years. Pages 26, 27, show perspicuously the articles on which the duties have been repealed, and exhibit the Charges of Col- lection, and other payments out of the Gross Receipt of the Excise Duties more in detail, and include the year 1832. Pages 16–21, contain, respectively, a complete view of the Gross Receipts, Charges of Collection, and other pay- ments out of the Duties levied on Stamps, the Post Office, and the Land and Assessed Taxes: the two first in each of the 20 years 1812–1831, and the latter in each year since 1821. - , . Pages 22, 23, exhibit the Charges of Collection, and other payments out of each Branch of Revenue, in the year 1818, and in each year since 1822; in these pages the lines exhibit the totals of each of the 14 principal Items of Expence, and the columns the totals of each department in each year. Pages 24,” 25,” exhibit more in detail the Charges of Collection of the Customs Duties, and of the expenses attending the attempt to prevent Smuggling, Quarantine and Warehousing Expenses, and other Payments out of the Gross Receipt in the year 1818, and in each year since 1821. M 2 An ACCOUNT of the Nett Amount of Customs Duty paid on each of 154 enumerated articles of Merchandize | 10 11 12 13 i4 15 16 £7 18 | 9 20 21 22 Pye $ Woods Articles. ſ 1 Tea . Sugar . . . . Cotton Wool Silk . . . . Rice Indigo Piece Goods * * * * e e & & © tº e 9 & © & © 2 Coffee 3 Cocoa . . . . 4 Pepper . . . . © & © tº e tº G & º 3 ( 7 Rum .. & v c e s & e a e e º º tº dº gº º º gº 9 @ s • Cassia Lignea Cinnamon Cloves . . . . Mace Nutmegs Saltpetre Pimento. . e e º Q 6 tº tº @ q & B e. e. e. © tº e º q e 23. Fustic • e s e (24 Logwood 25 All other 26 Whale Oil. . . . . . . . 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 F 5 3 54 55 56 57 rº S 62 TOTAL. Almonds Annotto. . . . Ashes Bark, oak º Borax & © e tº * tº Bristles Camphor ... Cochineal H tº e 6 @ 6, 8 & * * * * 1 e * * * * * a & º E e º sº ©. e º a e & Cortex Peruvianus Cork . . . . . . Curra.its e e º º e e º 'º a g o s e Elephants Teeth . © tº º q e - © e Iron . . . . . . Tsinglass Jalap . . . . . . . . . Juniper Berries. . . . Igs tº 3 e º e g tº a s © 3 & © & & & Gº gº tº gº & Lemons & Oranges Linens . . . . Liquorice Juice. . . do. Madders Mahogany Melasses 58 Olive .. 59 Salad. . 60 Castor U.61 Palm .. Quicksilver & © Root... . * & & e e & © e º e e e Q & e º ºs • * * * * * tº & © tº 9 & • * * * * > . • e o e º e . © a tº e 9 s 63 Rags . . . . . . . . . . 64 Raisins . . . . is e º 'º a 1804. ——-£-— 107,410 73,687 1,970 47,726 308,915 669,387 44,441 59,125 30,449 1,343,110 2,537,511 §02,640 313,170 9,541 37,517 115,176 3,213 2,084 4,465 1,775 8, 101 2,243 17,385 3,945 3,303 2,584 18,610 4,726,373 6,453 5,973 35,049 2,050 1,348 24,427 10,337 || 2,695 8,001 3,075 6,595 97,474 4,760 3,778 4,364 5,336 197,313 27,861 7,601 79,276 1,019 835 1,640 30,463 208,798 19,948 1,438 6,934 36,296 11,735 7,678 2,277 2,822 16 2,659 74,110 | i805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. —-É——-£ # —-É —-É —-6 £— -£—- 163,968 180,447 | 193,333 217,320 | 186,762 219,322 | 192,379 215,716 36,785 45,531 45,859 || 104,108 88,526 77,458 94,326 110,697 5,091 2,894 3,069 3,068 2,525 2,448 3,031 2,928 39,973 46,586 50,029 64,433 54,851 62,870 60,157 65,280 331,968 326,907 || 324,666 ( 339,609 || 337,073 || 363,310 ! 382,410 || 385,663 922,124 | 1,090,502 | 1,107,207 | 1,017,951 | 1,147,486 | 1,104,486 961,762 839,388 57,607. 71,429 79,787 97,136 97,515 115,283 120,454 127,269 86,745 102,054 93,490 90,681 98,047 95,762 f 29,801 10,508 34,490 32,981 26,741 18,241 22,690 19,270 5,452 2,053 1,678,751 1,899,331 | 1,924,181 | 1,952,547 2,035,475 2,060,209 1,849,842 1,759,502 2,587,758 3,072,795 || 3,194,589 3,818,316 || 3,246,586 3,014,074 2,868,232 3,580,224 293,165 285,119 356,359 231,208 || 526,730 592,480 466,636 || 426,971 309,607 || 389,511 281,159 215,859 || 391,993 383,814 || $1116,331 423,293 9,424 16,943 19,720 2,714 . 633 278 |s 115 wº-mº sºººººººº. 41,407 59,639 39,234 54,222 51,477 59,607 || 29,023 54,640 140,011 79,248 60,181. 67,131 59, ; 34 67,198 || $ 53,411 60,528 786 2,269 2,343 2,061 1,416 1,892 s 1,923 3,073 1,466 2,312 2,453 3,613 3,487 4,192 $ 2,753 2,974 3,106 3,462 4, 141 3,709 4,645 7,381 § 5,828 5,491 1,865 1,102 1,972 3,288 2,426 2,008 || $ 2,899 3,815 6,171 4,997 7,013 9,587 10,232 8,316 # 10,404 7,869 ºsºmºso **** gºerºe-wº- 6,333 1,552 — § 1,381 1,000 --> 5,976 8, 110 6,217 8,490 7,431 || 5 9,394 4,755 3,745 2,032 2,373 2,045 4,147 5,275 || 7, 197 5,271 2,684 2,688 3,209 2,435 2,404 3,387 $ 4,792 5, i47 1,948 1,943 980 718 1,579 877 & 926 1,646 19,542 18,757 16,108 17,773 13,731 21,962 | ** 20,636 11,706 5,101,436 5,848, 30 5,924,125 6,399,776 6,366,137 6,231,381 5,451,923 || 6,357,907 5,356 8,273 7,292 12,105 7,537 8,510 4,723 9,032 - 3,083 4,881 482 2,641 2,326 1,846 1,212 6,419 11,837 13,273 8,304 27,067 49,805 21,063 7,762 40,563 52,464 50,986 53,666 | 103,362 45,875 50,843 35,227 2,720 3,205 3,180 101 995 943 899 425 1,722 1,478 1,260 1,559 2,040 2,024 1,467 1,721. 17,889 28,831 42,201 30, 106 33,382 28,216 14,417 15,332 11,899 14,752 12,587 5,183 14,868 10,845 11,478 20,138 1,503 1,198 2,252 2,095 1,233 2,556 2,876 3,354 4,517 4,081 7,698 6,471 7,111 6,817 8,136 8,528 22, 104 2,087 11,967 9,350 7,223 6,095 5,997 8,687 8,549 7,376 8,352 8,180 11,699 23,414 7,986 7,661 152,711 110,628 117,804 || 120,473 170,597 || 140,097 | 128,046 119,122 3,576 4,712 5,235 6,866 7,154 6,797 6,065 5,439 6,234 8,581 6,261 4,434 12,312 5,867 9,320 6,195 5,976 4,552 5,334 2,820 9,091 9,373 4,331 6,710 2,484 6,345 7,458 6,972 5,932 7,408 8,953 8,566 169,167 204,923 || 209,894 74,619 269,083 275,264 148,827 | 208,073 27,800 15,422 || 11,865 12,514 21,894 30,599 24,680 14,137 9,780 13,08: 5,405 2,557 6,472 6,695 3,079 3,209 93,698 || 112,536 65,390 56,147 65,896 56,792 52,819 42,395 915 1,472 868 74 1,735 2,019 940 2,505 799 1,273 2,091 2,813 1,075 969 1,319 2,850 4,094 2,073 2,600 1,943 3,188 4,903 1,829 1,718 26,271 38,205 21,593 28,852 23,881 27,763 26,761 29,061 133,863 107,531 68,219 19,936 il 1,241 65,609 25,641 27,410 9,216 6,105 3,371 7,230 8,074 16,225 4,931 6,758 570 tº-º-º-º: 754 tº-sº-st 1,582 491 97 10,099 3,200 7,569 7,167. 13,149 8, 193 3,043 2,442 31,299 || 22,221 35,704 21,391 24,045 50,503 51,773 50,762 — 540 461 | 698 3,075 999 2,270 7,355 18,717 28,298 12,338 28,796 41,960 22,084 13,313. 21,708 3,978 2,522 4,302 2,110 3,810 4,763. 1,065 1,560 1,738 2,135 335 479 1,407 2,573 2,602 5,194 1,935 3,213 972 5,018 5,785 4,583 5,137 2,095 2,033 7,230 30,465 8,688 7,951 6,723 3,065 9,599 3,263 4,053 2, 141 896 2,130 2,649 | 932 1,217 96,257 : 87,972 49,804 || 101,740 110,427 84,753 73,950 83,014 3 IMPORTED into GREAT BRITAIN, and appropriation thereof, in each of the 9 Years 1804-12. Articles. # ***** º: nº. lº. tºº. lº. tºº. lº. lº. * 66 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . 2,236 2,770 1,932 2,269 |# 1,985 2,678 || 3,103 1,890 1,475 67 Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,603 18,301 23,687 24,358 $ 19,818 33,630 47,373 21,931 44,981 68 Shumac . . . . . . © Q & © I,922 2,723 2,509 1,271 s 1,975 3,235 3,180 1,866 3,327 69 Skins & Furs. . . . . . 50,594 41,802 40,219 39,775 s 33,929 21,830 31,394 22,809 15,090 70 Smalts . . . . . . . . . . 14, 101 22,005 11,477 9,960 §§ 6,680 20,300 9,777 4,310 3,737 71 Tallow . . . . . . . . . . 43,973 35,954 48,602 34,837 SS 12,058 33,394 46,791 29,018 36,330 72 Tar... • . . . . . . © tº Q 4,733 10,116 10,477 10,862 sº 8,724 | 7,870 | 8,366 17,126 7,513 73 Turpentine . . . . . . 20,470 22,251 | 19,351 14,929 |## 4,342 18,213 18,231 23,698 || 11,995 74 Wax, Bees . . . . . . 6,212 4,040 9,553 10,302 || $ 7,066 8,388 16,526 7,885 6,776 , ſº Halks & Ufers 12,411 | 16,649 22,892 17,715 | is 828 4,326 21,734 34,838 || 17,778 § 76 Battens & Ends 14,534 16,848 15,430 | 13,119 | # 2,084 7,451 17,256 || 15,577 | | 1,020 arº 77 Boards . . . . . . 3,614 4,719 5,211 3,263 § 152 1,191 4,659 3,886 1,306 S 78 Deals & Ends 264,804 || 327,647 || 310,333 260,500 # 89,213 192,336 359,984 || 346,842 216,912 s | 79 Lathwood . . . . 10, 119 8,823 4,638 10,427 | ## 1,400 3,710 6,987 13,083 9,515 SJ 80 Masts. . . . . . . . 17,644 22,306 14,057 22,839 is 6,654 5,538 8,564 16,226 14,808 gºa } 81 Oars © º gº º ºs º gº tº 2,079 2,081 2,291 1,694 || $ 812. 1,602 2,869 4,097 2,390 § | 82 Oak Plank 19,670 22,318 12,265 8,732 t 199 1,132 5,034 8,457 8,492 sº 83 Staves . . . . . . 26,411 39,605 25,431 25,798 s 8,700 49, 154 54,892 18,037 3,177 s 84 Timber Fir 249,634 224,926 129,604 || 203,240 | * *29,773 65,944 128,867 203,098 158,408 § | 85 Wainscot Logs 9,170 5,692 10,295 8,312 || “. 1,776 963 3,374 5,454. 5,067 U 86 Other Wood . . ~~~~ **** 8,756 9,488 7,254 13,786 15,981 13,372 11,456 37 Wool, Sheeps ge & tº º 16,456 17,134 14,449 24,510 4,846 15,007 24,435 10,749 .15,661 38 Yarn, Linen & A & © e <> 2,778 3,122 2,972 1,714 209 l,215 || 1,365 55 61 89 Corn, Grain, &c. . . 21,368 25,958 28,541 38,694 3,519 35,980 56,268 7,815 6,980 TOTAL. 6,511,340 6,938,940 7,560,596 || 7,546,141 || 7,317,311 8,065,532 8,161,602 7,020,948 || 7,760,237 9ſ, Bo. of Nos. 99-240. 156,291 138,477 152,285 106,702 125, 140 192,252 202,814 133,088 131,493 91 Unenumerated artic. 109,083 282,668 103,854 61,022 65,443 293,463 95,578. 40,341 77,528 92 Temporary on do. 1,775,352 2,034,680 2,257,883 2,343,713 2,124,348 2,569,238 2,925,053 2,159,418 2,480,966 93 Tonnage inwards . . 89,445 94,624 91,953 98,486 56,775 79,119 110,536 73,729 66,981 wº ſø4 Coals . . . . . . . . 84,057 84,259 70,678 50,506 26,036 30,517 38,072 31,439 51,762 § 95 Lead . . . . . . . 35,389 24,088 28,924 29,209 24,404 17,982 30,870 21,398 25,641 § 96 Sundries. . . . . . 11,635 9,203 8,299 5,738 5,463 14,086 24,680 a 126,554 b 127,998 s < 97 Linens sº G & 9 º º ºnºmº, *E*rºge — **** * *-mº-ass-mºs- *ºsºsºme — 27,364 15,318 § 98 British Manuf. 91,860 88,352 94,844 83,896 70,291 . 73,231 94,213 § 99 Tonnage outwd 54,610 52,538 51,862 49,014. 42,249 - 561,899 || 649,329 43,243 51,614 S (100 Temporary ... 381,418 || 361,213 366,960 324,207 || 309,252 J . . - Uğ 267,795 || 341,795 Duties 5. Coals 756,005 || 744,408 || 765,256 || 702,265 | 842,579 # 742,242 | 864,889 # 888,382 834,445 Coastways § Slate, &c. 24,650 | 34,804 || 32,566 32,976 33,650 | . 29,802 || 34,072 ; 40,893 42,950 3 Temporary | 153,806 186,377' 238,167 234,209 289,630 || 254,325 301,392 || $296,309| 286,928 º, lo, W. º 23,634 26,281 26,062 35,897 26,331 É 28,447 33,845 s 40,891 23,604 *s to 1 - e. tºº-ºº-ºººººººº-ºººº. *-nºr, zº-º-º-º-º-º-º- — & ſº -: — S ë r #| jº 13,855 | 10,785 - 6.66 ... iſºlº ; :38, 6,973 § 7 Seizures º: , Ö00 9 7,401 ,666 10,226 § 10,527 3,932 s § - 5,455 QC " tºgºsºsºme **** **** — 3 — — $ 21,926 34,681 & 3 8 Surcharges, &c 4,620 4,622 3,089 2,953 8,705 || 3 13,004 14,520 s 8,206 11,067 sº 9 Warehouse Rt **=º 2,061 7,080 10,447 | 6.162 18,009 | 6,697 § 16 446 15.031 's 110 Quarantine 13,295 23,273 1 3 3. 3. 35’iº. ». § 3. 3. # 11 Bounties repd 9 ,27 3,371 10,425 #: º: 20,211 s 12,806 15,212 e *sº *a* --—-e *ssºsº • ,185 1,301 8,092 2,190 U 12 Imprests © & 6 º *g 34,268 28,880 98,452 197,724 152,043 157,515 207,467 151,404 Total RECEIPT. £ 10,290,344 |11,175,921 11,910,000 11,832,924 11,614,766 |13 114,806 13,687,208 || 11,532,377 12,664 586 Proportion Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . 682,678 740,891 938,375 855,786 792,390 'I 010,147 ’, 096 sº 9. 858 iso 5 947 s Repayments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,081 3,702 3 : 3. ”””. 3 uº v3 '; º; Appropriation . Drawbacks & Repaym. 1,586,960 | 1,589,816 1,560,346 2,046,358 1,397,899 || 1,913,740 2,242,111 | 1,651 ,584 1,391,036 Bounties . . . . . . . . . . . . 304,056 269,915 307,864 407,293 | 453,036 576,082 561,662 || 364,810 | 352,835 Civil Goynnt, Scotlnd. 54,477 58,852 76,446 | 64,393 80,617 68,246 84,591 75,171 81,421 Quarantine Charges . c 76,690 Ǻmºrºs dº - | d 54,666 | d 71,810 2,361 4,801 4,728 11,795 Charges of Managemnt. 566,999 || 614,913 655,603 799,615 844,448 867,551 909,393 || 1,016,878 | 1,080,663 º. º. ººlººl ºf ººººººººººººº. 3 s ctors. . . . . . 2 3. 3. 44, ,253 74,380 48,096 §§ Receivers Generl 47,507 54,657 diº 48,026 - 56,851 47,361 39,101 35.738 - 38.3% §§ Bills not Due 167,679 277,414 280,044 230,573 365,704 459,330 343,807 319,188 526,531 .# Imprests e e º sº ºn * 1,465 29,157 34,990 120,446 199,778 122,818 195,966 158,828 156,848 Total appropriation € 11,214,257 |12,029,767 12,769,244 |13,039,146 (12,337,315||14,422,086 15,261,834 |13,137,618 lig,716,319 Q and b, line 96, in 1811 - 12, include about £185,000 proceeds of sale of 3 # cent. Stock, sold on account of Superannuation Fund; aud £70,000 for Canal and Dock Dues, which are first credited $n 1811,–see line 15, page - 12; c in 1804, was for part p Smuggling; and in 1808, £69,499 wholly on account of the latter. urchase of the site of the New"Custom House : d in 1807, includes É39,248 compensation to Officers for loss of Fees and suppression of 4. AN ACCOUNT of the Nett Amount of Customs Duty, paid on each of 98 enumerated articles of Merchandize (after deducting Drawbacks and Allowances for Damage, ) in each of the 16 Years 1814–29; shewing the Current Value of the article on Importa- tion in 1830, exclusive of Duty, and the Rates of Duty prior to the 5th. of July 1825, and in 1830. *...* In the Official Account of Customs Duty, Pulished annually, the articles are arranged in Alphabetical Order; here the first 10 Articles are brought together in con- sequence of their having from 1814 to 1819, been subject to both Customs and Excise, from which latter date to 1825, they were transferred wholly to the Earcise and since 1825, with the eaception of Tea, having been wholly chargeable to Customs only, Tea remaining wholly charge- able to the Ea:cise. The next 19 Articles, Nos. 11–29, are principally Colonial; the object for this part of the arrangement being to shew the proportion of the amount contributed by Colonial, distinct from Foreign Products; the remaining 69 Articles follow in Alphabetical Order, those noted with an * being Colonial Products. The reason for selecting these 98 Articles for separate eahibition, is, that they correspond with the articles enumerated in the account of Imports; and further, to shew, that whilst the Tariff of Customs enumerates upwards of 1,200 articles, these 98 contribute fifteen sixteenths of the Total Receipt. ation in Price, as well as the complication in some instances of the Rates of Duty renders it difficult in an account of this nature to specify distinctly all the details nescessary to give a clear and correct view of the proportion which the Duty bears to the value of the article. The following Page eahibits some further eaplanations, and the Indea will refer to the several subjects in detail where the most ample elucidation may be found. The eatreme variation in quality of some articles, and consequent vari- Specification of & rºy 1814, 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. § 1819. 1820. 1821. Articles. cºrn. Pržce Rate of DUTY. —£-— —-É-——£- ——£---|--— * ——£ 3. | £-— 1 Tea ... , 1/9 to 5/6 if ib. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 #’ Cent. 264,107 181,921 195,313 | 188,251 210,393 || 157,354 2 Cocoa 5d. to Pººl, ſº ºwn. 4,352 3,139 || 3,068 3,959 3,820 łº see Note at head, 3 Coffee } 7% ºf ib. } all other ............ ºf A iſ | 127,335 | 176,773 || 190,088 184,365 || 145,488 83,670) and Statement of 4 Pepper .. 3d. to 4d. . . . . . . . . . . 2/6 . . . . 1/4 itſ” fib. 81,800 87,443 88,497 95,131 103,870 ;S Eacise. 5 Tobacco 3d. to 9d. . . . . . . . . . . 4/0 . . . . .3/0 0 | 402,885 650,594 | 642,472 | 680,781 | 686,738 390,683 6 Wines ..., ; ; ; - 1: ; ; ; *...* 1,000,355 | 847,848 || 730,712 915,297 | 1,014,594 | 816,442 822,199 || 814,386 g ( 7 Rum ... 1/10 to 2/10 .... 14/8.. 8/6 tº Gal. 210,307|175,524 138,707 || 140,545 151,851 | 151,003 || 149,634 141,475 :: ) 8 Brandy 2/6 to 4/0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 22/6 I/ 68,407 | 68,549 || 71,008 | 68,848 55,589 | 84,037 91,592 || 97,959 § 9 Geneva 2/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // // 16,142 13, 104 || 10,917 | 1 1,093 11,908 || 10,847 10,968 9,650 10 all other 2/0 to 4/0 . . . . . . . . . . . . J/ II 1,565 1,447 | 1,009 845 1,140 | 1,207 | 1,150 | 1,648 TOTAL of the above £ 2,177,255 2,206,342 2,071,791 2,289,115 2,385,391 | 1,768,904 || 1,075,543 | 1,065,118 il Sugar . . . . 18/0 £Q 35/0 # Cwt. b o s 5 # 8 27/0 dº Cwt. 3,276,716 2,957,403 || 3,166,852 3,967,154 2,331,472 3,507,845 3,477,771 3,660,567 12 Cotton Wool 3d. to 11d. f* fib. . . . . . . . . 6 tº Cent. 584,227 760,462 || 369,111 || 490,746 470,276 || 395,245 417,417 | 279,084 13 Silk ºwn 2.;;.”.” ſº,” 2....."." 714,130 449,711 280,509 || 496,225 589,452 520,690 574,661 671,713 14 Rice ..." 1:::::::: ; ; *.*.* 5,555 30,531 39,567 5,072 416 20,090 39,087 32,176 15 Indigo 1/6 to 8/0 d?fb. . . . . . . . . . . 9, d. 3d. (if fib. 71,472 | 86,046 75,078 | 73,453 64,790 61,512 39,018 33,958 Piece Goods of India, see Note | 16 Cotton 10 if Cent. , , - - 4. at head of % llowing Page. } 17 Silk }. $115,798 115,128 128,175 90,102 || 74,194 | 68,014 || 31,261 22.98. 18 Cassia Lignea 6d. to 7d. . . . . . . . . . . 2/6 1/0 Pfä. 874 3,121 3,559 3,379 || 3,872 4,020 3,541 3,473 19 Cinnamon 3/9 to 8/0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/6 a 8,942 1,097 1,349 1,230 1,232 1,554 1,246 1,389 20 Cloves. . . . 1/9 to 2/6 . . . . . . . . . . 5/7; 2/0 u 8,937 5,040 1,309 5,869 952 3,096 || 3,427 | 2,922 21 Mace. . . . 4/6 to 5/0 . . . . . . . . . . 9/2 3/6 m 3,184 3,186 2,648 || 3,635 4,143 || 3,321 1,912 | 1,500 22 Nutmegs 2/9 to 3/6 . . . . . 5/5 2/6 m 14,456 15,703 || 14,384 17,434 17,275 17,298 || 10,993 || 11,419 23 Saltpetre 37/0 to 38/0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6d. (HP Cwt. 773 3,039 || 4,568 2,077 1,829 1,768 1,888 2,259 24 Pimento 5d. to 6d. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10d... 5d., if ib. 7,677 10,974 9,206 || 8,554 10,626 11,428 9,986 9,975 Due (* Fustic .. 66 to £10 º 3/0 (£ Ton 7,227 5,930 4,672 4,246 6,360 5,441 2,718 3,273 W.ds }: Logwood £6 to € 9 9/2 6,659 5,933 5,202 || 4,208 3,840 2,828 1,780 2,094 ' ' 27 All other £5 to £40 . . . . . . . . Various 6,902 || 4,617 | 3,764 4,024 2,663 2,970 1,641 1,065 28 Whale Oil . . #32 ºf Tun . . . . . . . . . . . . £1 if Tun 20,029 21,895 | 16,800 13,950 31,015 16,416 11,421 10,395 29 do. Fins 160/0 to 210/0 ft Ton . . . . 20/0 d? Ton 2,266 | 1,496 | 1,606 | 1,375 1,696 | 1,403 2,312| 2,166 - TOTAL of the above £ 7,033,079 || 6,687,654 6,194,950 7,481,848 6,001,494 6,413,843 || 5,707,623 5,817,530 30 Almonds £3 to £16 ºf Cwt. 31/1 to 95/0 ſº Cwt. 16,322 10,477 | 13,995 || 11,041 15,905 || 14,070 13,146 | 15,520 31 Annotto . . 4d. to 6d. if ib. . . . . . . . . 5d. 2d. if ib. 2,086 1,888 1,617 | 2,135 | 1,654 1,968 1,162 1,832 32 Ashes, Pot & Pearl 38/0 ºf Cwt. "...º.º. º., 17,934 52,597 || 34,163 | 40,314 || 56,581 || 47,696 | 18,730 18,095 33 Barilla . . £6 to £7 d?’ Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . £5 fº Ton 86,107 || 59,732 | 73,568 | 84,977 92,366 78,278 || 77,022 || 87,506 34 Bark, Oak, & Cork £5 to £9 # Ton .. 8d. if Cwt. 4,592 || 3,914 || 2,607 || 6,782 14,100 | 10,988 || 9,900 | 11,023 35 * Borax ... §:... à::::::::"..." # *...* 3,113 || 2,878 3,092 4,277 ; 2,983 || 5,280 4,845 2,923 36 Brimstone .. 85 df Ton . . . . . . . . 15/0 10/0 ºf Cwt. 12,938 31,304 || 9,415 || 30,533 37,150 || 14,559 21,500 25,631 37 Bristles ... 1/9 to 2/2 if ib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% ºf fib. 20,560 | 20,058 12,566 23,441 20,973 | 16,376 20,374 19,784 38 Butter 60/0 to 70/0 tº Cwt. . . . . . . . . 20/0 # Cwt. 7,397 32,178 48,693 20,443 83,088 64,937 | 68,442 | 115,517 39 °Camphor #:... º.º.º." 1...sa. "...”.” 4,243 1,251 1,948 2,925 1,848 1,909 1,336 1,579 40 Cheese .. 22/0 to 32/0 d? Cwt. . . . . . 10/6 ºf Cwt. 8,174 23,440 32,721 13,081 60,158 44,012 || 43,526 43,630 41 Cochineal 8/0 to 11/0 if ſh, .... *...* : *." | 8,024 6,942 | 6,606 6,191 7,466 5,856 || 7,586 9,552 42 Cortex Peruv. 3d. to 5/6 d? ib. . . . . . . . . 2/0 if ib. 8,392 8, 177 5,394 5,937 5,991 5,767 6,214 || 5,922 43 Cork 18/0 to 55/0 d? Cwt. . . . . . . . . . . 8/0 ºf Cwt. 15,433 18,493 13,021 11,703 13,295 || 13,144 15,096 || 14,408 44 Currants . . . . 24/0 d? Cwt. . . . . . . . . . . 44/4 ºf Cwt. 238,604 || 278,991 | 199,584 192,416 |230,548 || 200,114 || 245,826 209,013 [Years 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 182}, 5 *...* Previous to the 8th. of June 1819, TEA, paid a Duty of 6 d? Cent to the Customs, and 90 tº Cent to the Excise; from that date all Teas not ex- ceeding 21 if ib have been charged 96 iſ Cent, and all above 2/ d? ib 100 tº Cent, wholly to the Excise: the collective Duty on WINE (that is to both Customs and Excise) prior to July 1825 was 77 on all Portugal, Spanish, and Sicilian Wines, except Madeira which was 1d. more; 9/5 on Rhenish and Hungarian, and 11/5, on all French. In July 1825 the Duty on French Wine was reduced to 6ſ and on all other to 4| {P Galion; but, as, by the act of the 6th. of Geo. IV, cap. xII, a new measure of capacity was established, by which the Wine Gallon was increased to i, from .83311; the Duty was again altered on French from 61 to 7|3 tº Gallon, and on all other, except Cape, from 4ſ to 4/10; Cape remaining at 2/5 dj Gallon, to the 6th. of Jan. 1830, and from that date at 3} {} Gallon, . The Duty on RUM taking the alteration of measure into consideration will be seen to have undergone great modification, whilst on Brandy and Geneva, little or no reduction has been experienced. . It was the Act of the 6th, of Geo. IV, cap. cx1, dated 5th of July 1825, which altered generally the Rates of Customs Duties from the 5th Jan. 1826, but the Duties on Raw and Thrown Silk, were reduced in June 1824, and the amount of Duty returned for that Year on account of Stock on hand having been ºf 460,886 18 8, whilst the Gross Receipt amounted to only £ 302,127 9 6 occasions the blank in the line of Silk for that Year. in 1814 the Duty on Cotton Wool Imported in Foreign Ships was 25/6 tº 100 lbs., and 16||11 # 100 fps, when imported in British Ships, reduced on the 5th. of July 1815 to 8/7 tº 100 lbs. when imported in British Ships: from these rates it has undergone various modifications down to the 5th. J anuary 1826 when it was reduced to 6 &#' Cent on the Value from all Foreign Countries, and Duty free from all British Posessions. The Cotton Piece Goods of India in 1814 were subject to a Duty of about 85 # Cent, reduced from the 5th. July 1819 to ºf 67 10 tº Cent, and by the Act of 1825 to 10 # Cent; all Silk Manufactured Goods prior to the 5th. July 1826 were prohibited, from which date they have been admitted at rates varying from 25 to 40 #' Ct. The Drawbacks on Ashes and Brimstone Reexported in 1825 – 6 exceeded the Gross Receipt of Duty, and the Duties on Camphor, and Cortex Pe- ruvianus in 1828 – 9, are included with the unenumerated articles. - 23 25 26 1830, 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. —£-— "º | * —£-——£-———£-——£-——£-— £-——£-——£-—l.--—£--- i - United Kingdom. à .- - | See Note at head of W 7,465 8,699 || 9,765 || 9,100 9,924 || 13,622 12,699 2 preceding Page, and (250,611 || 324,667 ||384,994 |425,389 || 484,975 |379,334 º 3. Statement of Excise. § 58,268 117,399 || 90,670 88,344 | 89,106 || 100,492 93,372 | 4 - ( 1,834,210 2,077,875 2,223,340 2,198,142 2,236,366 2,924,265 2,333,840 5 811,962 862,425 | 890,952 1,700,407 | 1,270,118 1,426,550 | 1,506,122 | 1,292,464 | 1,524,178 | *,356,208 \ 6 132,025 139,032 149,295 953,477 | 1,817,146 1,386,726 | 1,382,025 1,425,747 | 1,599,445 1,621,341 7 107,898 || 116,693 132,419 || 1,176,005 | 1,619,580 | 1,463,716 1,481,402 | 1,452,090 | 1,432,004 | 1,378,244 8 9,565 8,925 9,678 || 71,905 || 75,553 57,204 || 48,433 || 39,648 || 34,668 || 25,832 9 1,526 || 1,780 2,953 11,042 17,933 7,784 17,439 || 8,675 | 11,010 9, 126 10 1,062,976 1,128,855 | 1,185,297 || 6,063,390 7,328,920 | 7,050,749 || 7,156,396 || 7,038,995 || 8,219,048 || 7,389,594 - 3,579,413 || 4,002,782 4,223,241 3,756,653 4,518,688 || 4,218,623 4,576,287 4,452,794 || 4,767,342 4,319,049 11 251,846 320,365 251,212 || 521,009 224,533 327,761 278,558 236,400 |359,988 359,651 12 712,490 711,491 239,600 81,849 | 127,402 111,096 || 36,964 52,724 49,320 13 32,246 34,516 54,262 25,925 | 40,113 45,597 | 40,137 || 30,471 30, 107 || 30,324 14 39,283 || 46,237 || 51,407 43,857 24,404 || 31,343 39,350 28, 164 34,262 31,685 15 8,746 8,240 7,707 ** == I6 27,943 30,582 36,566 20701: 91,340 || 33,346 35,503 || 24,393 || 21,071 24,332 17 3,764 3,568 4,933 3,026 2,051 2,044 2,655 2,016 1,324 1,493 T 8 1,608 1,618 1,724 1,755 1,731 1,742 1,729 1,325 709 573 19 4,300 5,277 5,761 4,484 5,073 8,109 5,798 4,427 6,061 7,984 20 2,141 2,189 2,934 2,513 2,574 2,784 2,688 2,437 2,205 3, 100 21 13,670 14,301 | 16,127 | 12,306 || 12,488 15,493 || 17,514 | 13,989 15, 158 18,847 22 2,796 4,091 3,879 3,266 3,479 4,016 4,729 4,181 3,691 4, 140 23 11,490 11,103 11,635 7,291 6,587 6,312 6, 193 6,743 7,249 6, 189 24 2,920 4,729 5,489 2,490 760 812 1,416 1,199 1,202 1,169 25 3,595 3,648 || 4 811 2,832 1,263 1,397 1,807 | 1,663 1,995 1,986 26 2,375 2,731 3,705 4,350 2,334 2,821 844 642 1,095 1, 101 27 7,052 11,130 7,717 | 2,522 1,047 5,919 | 16,233 i 1,295 4,647 3,604 28 1,060 2,351 1,329 829 417 763 *****-ass= | . *-** - ~~~~ : *-* * * -----, 29 5,762,968 6,341,564 5,872,029 || 10,718,805 | 12,358,397 || 11,895,273 | 12,306,640 11,898,098 || 13,629,878 12,154,141 || 17,893 || 13,397 20,817 | 17,869 14,136 17,253 20,198 || 14,968 18,274 17,135 30 1,537 1,686 2,994 || 2,702 | 1,733 1,876 | 1,609 | 1,000 | 1,246 1,356 31 15,597 || 26,430 29,731 7,753 5,481 5,607 2,115 4,931 7,110 32 '77,304 || 160,775 15, 153 || 24,239 59,890 | 68,343 59,249 || 48,698 || 48,00ty 16,999 33 19,055 30,919 28,426 28,480 | 16,256 25,063 25,019 29,981 35,026 26,992 34 2,805 1,720 1,671 1,762 1,430 2,737 2,332 1,865 1,626 2,506 | 35 36,607 20,701 23,691 || --~~ - 4,873 6,598 7,321 6,629 6,987 | 36 25,940 24,350 24,002 || 25,984 20,998 25,647 26,822 24,477 26,983 26,415 37 118,044 121,613 | 160,278 263,067 201,596 || 209,335 | 195,744 147,839 02,752 | 121,256 38 2,043 | 1,001 | 1,060 901 || 417 228 **-* : *-******* - ------- - -------. re-ºr---ºut. 39 36,840 || 48,464 81,728 111,091 91,870 98,087 112,044 87,116 54,871 | 68,224 40 9,561 9,049 14, 138 9,097 2,773 4,163 || 3,621 3,024 4,465 3,455 41 5,437 4,782 3,674 5,775 2,722 938 —— - &º *-* —- | 42 14,937 14,370 16,223 18,346 15,805 | 18,897 || 17,299 || 16,912 15,240 | 16, 142 43 211,102 208,049 |236,103 || 231,609 || 242,727 264,541 260,243 251,842 261,670 328,131 44 S-V-'{\-sº-y-/|S_S/~/ | \-me-/~/ \-ar-A-" " , - S-as-N- 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828, 1829. 1831, 1833, 6 An Account of the Nett amount of Customs Duty, paid on each of 98 enumerated articles of Merchandize (after deducting Drawbacks and Allowances for Damage, &c.,) in each of the 16 Years 1814–29.-Continued; shewing the Current Value of each article on Importation in 1830, exclusive of Duty, and the Rates of Duty prior to the 5th. of July 1825, and in 1830. *#. Current price Ojº, tº TOTAL of the preceding Page. 7,486,998 45 ° Elephants Teeth £6 to £30 40/0 .. 20/0 tº Cwt. 9,149 46 Figs ... 12/0 to 20/0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21/6 m 12,470 47 Flax ... #37 to £40 if Tom . . . . . . . . . . . 1d. " 11,496 48 * Animi & Copal £3 to £11 #’Cwt. 6d. if ib. º Sº Arabic . . . . . . £6 to £13 a 12/0 P Cwt. § 2 50 * Lac 9d. to 3/4 Pib.... . . . 5 to 20 #' Cent. X- 22,250 & ) 51 Senegal 90/0 to 95/0 PCwt. . . . . 12/04? Cwt. 52 Tragacanth £13 to £15 " . . . . . . . . 1/{Pib. - 53 Hemp . . $35 to £40 tº Tom . . . . . . 9/2 4/8 ºf Cwt. 198,539 Q 54 Raw 5d. to 9d. if ib. . . . . . . . . Various 26,501 Hides } 55 Tanned . . . . . . . . . . . . & © e º e º e º 6 do 3,855 56 Iron £15 to £18 tº Ton . . . . £6 10 30/0 ºf Tom 74,400 57 singlass 4/0 to 15/0 tº Th. *:::::::::::::::::::: {{* Cwt. 3,632 58 Jalap .... 1/9 to 2/0 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/0 if ib. 4,047 59 Juniper Berries 17/0 to 22/0 tº Cwt. ... II/I # Cwt. 4,316 60 Lemons and Oranges . . . . . . . ‘e e e º e s e º 9 e e 75 d?’ Cent. 44,516 61 Liquorice Juice 55/0 to 75/0 tº Cwt.,..., 75/0 P Cwt. 21,613 62 Madders . . . . 42/0 to 95/0 u 12/ 6/0 m 19,501 63 * Mahogany . . . . Various . . . . . . . tº gº Various 44,801 64 * Molasses ... 9/0 to 11/0 tº Cwt. ... 10/0 (£ Cwt. 19,527 65 Olive £34 to £60 ºf Tun £15 13 £88 0 if Tun 50,398 § {66 Castor . . 6d. to 16d. § 15.. . . . . . . . 3d. tſ” ib. 3,910 67 Palm 24/0 to 25/0 d? Cwt. . . . . . . 2/6 d? Cwt. 5,823 68 Quicksilver 14d. to 16d. itſ ſp. ... 1/8 6d. if ib. 7,130 69 Rags ... 14/0 to 33/0 tº Cwt. . . . . 26/ 5/0 ºf Ton 7,189 70 Raisins . . . . . *::::::::: *...* ## *...* | 132,937 71 Rhubarb.... ." §§ {:}; :::::, r. b. 2,622 72 Seeds, Clover 20/0 to 50/0 if Cwt..... 20/0 if Cwt. 60,725 73 Shumac .... 10/0 to 13/0 m ... 1/0 m 4,937 74 Skins, and Too various for enumeration here. 75 Furs . . . . —see Duties.—and Skins. 71,099 76 Smalts .. 7d. to 15d. Pib. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7}d. Pib. 22,717 77 Tallow .. 30/0 t? Cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/2 # Cwt. 91,975 78 Tar ... 16/0 if Barrel . . . . . . . . . . 15/0 ºf 12 Barrels 10,746 79 Turpentine 6/0 to 7/04; Cupt. . . . . . . . . 4/4 ºf Cwt. 12,610 80 Wax, Bees £5 to £6 d? Cwt. 66/6 30/0 ºf Cwt. 12,608 WooD, the Duty on Fir and Oak ſtºl Timber, Fir . . . . . . 374,902 Timber from º, 82 Deals and Ends .. 551,495 ſº ſº??,42?” 07), A €0. Hºë 177/1067" - #..","... d? Load of 50 Cubic 83 sº and Yards 28,900 feet, and from any other part ºf 2 15 0 84 Staves . . . . . . . . . . 68,449 ºf Load; the Duties on Deals and all j 85 Battens and Ends iQ,220 other kinds of Wood are in correspon- 86 Lathwood. . . . . . . . 18,836 ding proportions, but too varied, and 87 Wainscot Logs 5,101 complex for elucidation here.--see Rates 88 Oak Plank 2 of Customs Duty. Teake Timber from a. Y - a flk • . . . . . 34,013 the East Indies for the purpose of Ship 89 do. Timber...... 11 ,273 Building is admitted Duty free. 90 All other . . . . . . . . 13,695 91 Wool Sheeps 6d. to 5/#' fh 6d. ####nº 54,443 92 Yarn Linen . . . . . . & 6 & 5 e º e © & & & 6 e º e o $ 6 1/04? Cwt. 1,934 98 Spelter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/0 ºf Cwt.) 94 Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 # Cent Manufactures ) 95 Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 m O 96 Silk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 40 it 97 Linen * * * * * * e º e e º e º e º p 40 // 119,347 98 Corn, Grain, Meal, and Flour . . . . . . Various 40,224 TOTAL of 98 Articles £ 9,846,869 [ Years 1814, 1815. —£-— 7,239,974 10,591 15,882 6,869 14,604 285,052 21,606 4,885 65,192 2,759 1,551 5,267 44,194 12,343 10,203 69,719 23,508 35,300 2,705 8,242 10,881 6,809 127,482 1,329 44,240 4,113 37,666 13,098 88,198 22,004 42,522 12,064 472,104 736,543 44,142 96,560 43,868 24,944 14,838 71,504 27,320 19,793 47,848 1,610 1816. ——£-— 6,653,940 6,293 10,718 4,378 13,205 I 31,456 16,465 2,087 43,577 2,123 3,070 3, 167 60,980 13,436 6,909 49,805 18,240 34,985 3,283 4,474 10,636 4,626 122,563 2,906 27,559 4,858 31,794 53,830 11,629 31,607 4,832 209,776 407,553 21,242 55,165 23,190 14,683 8,130 31,233 7,560 9,166 26,266 381 1817. 1818. —£-——£-— 7,938,044 6,645,600 7,408 8,638 14,677 13,690 8,281 | 8,691 17,121 25,623 192,808 || 238,053 15,600 28,200 3,763 5,446 53,931 71,540 3,886 3,643 3,513 2,483 4,218 4,172 57,977 53,879 22,331 | 16,887 14,815 28,049 65,626 88,075 7,061 | 12,109 22,952 51,559 4,695 || 5,059 11,904 || 8,993 11,180 15,744 4,996 || 7,637 112,512 127,208 2,853 3,814 82,070 150,071 4,196 || 4,578 42,940 56,527 15,657 15,816 67,947 83,563 10,712 15,656 32,522 || 48,768 10,616 || 15,675 264,788 388,892 516,778 601,349 15,636 22,582 56,223 53,838. 44,973 56,168 13,284 || 23,656 11, 133 11, 193 22,750 10,812 6,675 23,352 7,879 || 10,188 49,341 86,865 910 | 1,600 l 1819. 1820. ——£-—!—£-— 6,938,797 6,262,328 6,411 || 7,079 16,286 17,466 8,321 7,888 19,294 24,857 180,654 156,883 21,057 | 19,005 4,260 3, 111 51,878 44,244 2,806 || 3,231 4,670 3,791 3,977 4,326 77,971 81,415 20,373 || 6,428 15,531 40,028 • 69,074 71,190 21,078 13,906 29,549 36,419 5,267 8,078 6,680 4,914 12,178 13,687 5,970 6,362 112,536 152,295 4,029 4,157 92,852 116,395 2,736 4,852 24,516 29,070; 13,163 13,330 14,250 85,680 | 109,875 8,905 2,602 35,037 34,524 5,920 11,125 311,102 201,727 475,820 422,809 19,668 14,372 54,769 || 41,072 54,393 || 44,622 22,084 18,123 12,528 16,804 52,925 54,678 28,187 25,891 11,960 13,473 62,864 180,668 902 | 1,059 1821. —£-— 6,399,465 9,296 12,919 10,227 25,143 130,365 30,781. 2,845 51,674 2,517 3,520 5,333 94,451 16,375 37,592 67,410 28,481 43,986 6,762 12,000 11,175 6,945 145,593 3,770 96,044 7,401 30,300 21,713 14,420 88,360 10,093 34,369 14, 193 328,140 491,432 19,050 42,423 47,786 20,693 8,377 22,408 33,840 9,317 390,896 1,228 Spelter, Talc, or Zinc, as an article of general consumption in England, is of recent introduction, the • U 7%&ºt?ty Imported in the sia. Years 1814 – 19, having been only 2 Tons ; in 1820, 122 Tons ; and in 1828, *Pwards of 11,500 Tons : It may be regarded as a species of Natural Glass, and its ready fusion with *0% Metals, especially Platinum, gives it a high appreciation ; a large quantity is annually Re-eaported to Asia ; in 1826, the quantity Re-exported eacceeded the quantity Imported. 32,608 30,152 * 22,902 74,541 18,046 40,688 40,712 ****, -ºm-ºw- 9,984,513 8.255.5m 9,919,894 || 9,188,599 || 9,060,131 \º-º/*/ } 815. 1817. 1818. 1816, \ºss-/ 1819. 8,390,704 8,914,010 Neº-Vºz # 820. \º-2 1821. 7 *** Eaccept on Carpets from Turkey, prior to the 5th. of January 1826, the Duty on Wollen and Cotton Manufactures was equal to a prohibition; and on all Silk Manufactures prior to the 5th. of July 1826 absolutely so; and since that date the low price in Great Britain ºf all fabrics of Cotton Wool and Linen renders any Duty it prohibition; eaccept for very peculiar and fancy articles. . Carpets which previous to 1826 were charged under that head have since 1825 been brought under the head of Woollens.—see Carpets. The Duty on Corn, Grain, &c., in the 7 Years 1816–22, amounted to a Prohibition. 46 47 97 98 1826. 1828. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. —£-—l—£-—l—£. £-—l-—£-—l—£-——£--——£. -£-——£--——£-— * 6,357,670 7,028,870 6,531,718 11,467,480 | 13,030,750 12,642,735 13,043,025 12,535,256 || 14,111,591 12,796,849 7,270 8,617 | 11,377 6,360 2,572 3,257 3,570 3,648 3,689 || 3,454 45 13,629 || 15,450 | 19,374 18,265 20,224 18,244 22,296 20,836 20,850 21,492 46 12,924 12,093 || 15,874 | 19,616 9,477 8,722 || 4,976 3,776 3,966 3,809 47 5,493 4,439 || 9,070 9,599 || 7,701 || 3,054 2,800 43 - { Ş 3,367 1,896 || 2,951 2,943 3,096 6,384 3,940 49 29,872 28,025 27,113 3,507 || 2,958 4,590 5,530 | 3,468 5,988 || 5,885 50 & 6,310 3,761 5,092 || 4,561 4,533 4,458 6,073 51 1,982 9|| || 1,729 | 1,243 1,255 1,410 | 1,921 52 209,062 247,371 239;; '4,990 99,635 | 97,749 || 87,910 81,124 74,319 105,176 53 44,077 44,054 46,828 || 41,437 22,354 25,650 33,917 | 36,505 42,150 32,341 54 4,445 5,764 526 3,108 1,694 || 2,219 2,512 2,418 1,253 | 1,025 55 60,732 || 59,270 77,064 || 30,555 18,460 21,028 20,342 18,310 | 20,735 | 20,464 56 2,592 || 4,657 3,233 3,320 3,899 || 3,686 3,582 3,303 3,420 || 4,037 57 3,554 || 3,883 || 3,579) 3,711 || 4,318 || 4,821 3,857 || 4,251 3,612 || 3,422 58 3,904 || 6,103 || 2,897) 1,604 || 3,460 4,189 || 5,231 6,965 5,656 3,790 59 88,300 98,572 | 84,455 76,720 | 83,152 63,911 57,705 || 52,817 59,246 63,830 60 19,182 21,254 21,496 || 17,554 19,980 23,216 23,355 20,403 || 21, 192 21,941 6} 57,152 47,059 52,515 33,232 | 16,506 || 28,785 33,204 || 23,578 17,613 18,582 6? 67,737 80,682 86,218 88,418 || 48,694 | 66,442 | 72,656 62,365 59,890 || 46,233 63 39,260 80,386 119,512 165,625 | 138,987 205,296 | 188,984 || 192,405 159,683 156,578 64 56,744 50,098 65,018 43,414 27,893 || 35,260 57,809 || 44,578 || 71,781 | 63, 134 65 8,012 8,603 || 12,799 || 9,910 || 11,638 || 4,055 6,312 || 4,456 4,223 4,106 66 8,134 8,832 || 9,283 10,617 | 11,782 | 12,239 15,071 21,924 22,428 21,933 67 11,120 | 10,167 | 12,544 9,282 5,099 || 4,941 5,269 4,066 4,952 4,788 68 8,222 || 11,022 || 11,827 6,157 | 1,621 2,000 1,945 2,206 2,313 1,854 69 136,080 170,777 | 163,667 157,913 166,490 159,518 168,271 130,914 | 158,547 168,384 7{} 5,016 || 4,317 || 4,737 7,300 || 3,458 5,418 5,103 || 4,289 4,324 5, 182 7 : 101,908 || 85,542 200,920 214,699 || 124,489 160,297 162,797 || 115,330 134,783 || 148,936 72 3,758 6,840 8,561 5,354 2,413 3,166 4,107 3,359 5,276 6,033 73 40,120 58,037 41,676 23,519 14,153 20,987 22,436 | 16,827 17,197 18,547 74 19,929 || 19,805 28,148 || 23,767 || 14,461 21,976 29,615 32,641 31,936 28,468 75 18,712 || 14,835 | 14,992 || 14,393 || 10,731 11,554 || 12,868 8,379 9,312 8,350 76 J07,991 113,473 122,033 || 167,821 144, 188 176,662 | 153,508 || 146,778 180,531 || 137,867 77 #3,224 13,602 || 14,574 6,980 || 7,622 || 9,118 7,975 4,604 8,644 7,359 78 42,050 58,074 69,262 49,366 40,204 1,673 | 66,458 59,110 || 57,689 65,229 79. 12,320 12,615 10,263 | 10,030 9,644 | 12,393 || 6,661 4,971 5,893 10,260 84) 452,813 577,690 | 664,526 743,669 525,715 521,067 || 481,547 |450,343 493,054 || 415,538 8|| 542,464 || 613,965 || 741,855 874,314 537,868 621,314 | 604,463 557,476 560,532 500,991 82 20,057 20,934 25,548 30,743 24,638 20,945 18,866 17,063 11,994 || 14,894 83 49,812 44,326 48,737 53,294 33,590 43,561 43,892 || 55,236 46,672 47,944 84 72,887 105,760 127,649 154,792 || 79,949 || 105,286 108,859 98,875 110,818 106,713 85 26,114 29,163 36,557 39,305 29,876 33,831 30,526 28,909 || 30,605 || 26,039 86 8,432 || 9,323 14,905 || 15,258 14,191 13,234 12,778 || 9,365 8,273 7,278 87 13,055 17,518 23,000 29,835 | 18,795 22,740 9,687 6,204 6,213 8,444 88: 12,210 | 15,024 26,406 54,776 || 33,100 29,108 29,236 25,057 23,736 30, 197 89 9,524 | 16,187 22,695 24,653 22,765 27,043 21,757 23,472 27,336 || 31,371 9ſ; 399,741 || 457,729 316,186 | 163,592 || 62,544 || 106,223 114,568 78,661 | 120,420 113,125 9 i 2,143 || 2,750 | 2,864 2,633 1,310 | 1,593 1,378 1,346 962 801 92 - See Note above relating t 3,103 ***** * * 3, 190 5,293 6,203 9,365 : 10, 130 93. º - ...to 4,454 2,445 4,793 7,707 5,532 3,401 3,238 94. jº.” i.gig | 3:33, 5.3% 7.4% ºg 5.3i: | 1.0. 95. - — 58,966 || 137,798 197,865 143,690 | 135,252 i40,196 96 25,885 25,022 t 23,765 22,199 27,775 27,960 | 18,557 | 15,547 20,699 || 21,698 97 ičić iſ; 299,319 || 437,523 781,032 193,228 896,720 | 790,110 541,159 | 98 9,249,839 10,384,450 10,362,246 15,417,732 | 16,048,743 | 16,390,206 | 16,264,893 16,120,602 17,759,247 15,994,828 v *w- S-a-A-Z -º/-/|\ºv-->|-sº-v-/|\º-Sºvie- ºw-0 | \ & -- - 1822. 1823. 1824, 1825. 1827. 1829. 1830. 1831, 1832. 1833. Customs Duties,— Continued. 8 An ACCOUNT of the Nett Amount of Customs Duty paid on each of 60 enumerated | 3,268 802 | 1805. 276 2,168 1,206 1,527. 2,595 1,722 2,1 08 1,307 746 2,894 I ,622 9,145 1,116 2,839 7,501. ** 6,283 2,299 13,521 2, 193 3,944 226 3,059 123 2,107 1,624 885 3,617 528 2,332 57 —-É—- 1,162 | 2,936 | 1,058 | 413 2,137 3,778 2,744 2,029 1 1,399 2,112 3,662 3,392 2,216 709 1,651 7,072 2,522 12,097 1,472 1,831 6,023 800 2,664 3,993 1,717 1,143 9,704 1,319 599 9,464 444 981 1,730 2,404 1,699 1,241 'pecification 0 - 1804. aſſº. Rate ay Duty. | lºgº— 99 Aloes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 ºf Ib 242 | 100 Anchovies . . . . . . . . 1/ 2d ... " ... 789, 1 Argol............ 7/6 2/ #’ Cwt. 497 2 Balsams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . varicus - || 3 Beer, Spruce ........ 66/#' Barrel 3,564. 4 Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £5 ft. Cwt. 2,343 5 Bugles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/ #’ it 799 6 Cantharides . . . . . . ... 3/6 n | 607 7 Capers . . . . . . . ... 1/ 6 m 975 8 China Ware ...... 15 & 30 ºf Cent, 789 | 9 Coral Beads ........ 15/10 # it 735 110 Cordage . . . . . . . 21/6 10/9 # Cwt. 3,251 | 11 Cream of Tartar 30/ 4/8 m 1,926 | 12 Feathers. . . . . . . . 88/8 44/, / 14,547 13 do. Ostrich . . . . . . 30/ #' ib | 2,639 14 Ginger . . . . . . . . 23/ 11/6 tº Cwt. 1,551 13 Gl Bottles . . . . . . . . . . various 1,080 | 16 &SS } all other. . . . . . . . . . ... ." 7,320 : Hair:#;"...º. i.i. 18 Horse . . . . . . . . . . 20 # Cent. 1, 155 19 Hats, Chip & Straw. . . . . . . . various 7,850 | 120 Juice of Lemons. . . . . . . . . . . ... m 3,995 1 Lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 tº Cent. 14,506 2 Manna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 ºf fij || – 3 Matts, Russia. . . . . . . . 23/9 d£ 100 2,433 4 Nuts; Small . . . . . ... 2/{P Bushel 4,775 5 Others, as Chesnuts iſ a 1,169 6 Opium. . . . . . . . . . 9/ 4/. § fb 5,101 7 Oysters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8 Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . various 2,581 9 Pictures 1/ each, & 1/{{* Square Foot 1,241 130 Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10' ºf Cwt 626. I Prunes . . . . . . . . . . . 27/6 m 1,102 2 Rosin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/9 m 278 3 Sarsaparilla . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 ºf ib | 1,581 4 Senna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . 3,888 5 Shawls . . . . . . . . . . 67%. 30 tº Cent. 1,479 6 Ships Hulls. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 0 14,938 7 Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90/{{* Cwt. 1,152 8 Stone, Marble, &c. . . . . . . . . various 2,326 9 Succades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d. § ib| 1,005 || 140 Tamarinds . . . . . . . . . . . . 2d. a 2,080 1 Tortoise Shell. . . . . . . . . . 1/ a 1,435. 2 Verdigris. . . . . . . . . . . . 2/ a 3,877 3 Vermillion . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/ / | 64 4 Cotton . . . . . . . . 10 d. ib 2,081 5 Yam; Mohair . . . . . . . . 1 d. #. 4,695 6 Yellow Berries . . . . . . . . 14/d? Cwt. 1,487 7 Zaffres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 d, if ib 2,889 8 Carpets, Turkey . . . . . . 20 # Cent. 2,427 9 Galls . . . . . . . . . . 11/2 5/ d? Cwt. 1,222 150 Hair, Cow, &c. 16/ 2/6 m 1,477 1 Mother of Pearl Shells 25 # Cent. 1,890 2 Pearls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 m | 1,724 3 Saffron. . . . . . . . . . 2/6 1/4” ib 341 4 Turmeric . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/4 ºf Cwt. 1,065 426 1,725 1,516 1,387 2,370 2,063 713 429 1, 185 1,905 14,399 3,484 925 1,007 1,947 1,766 523 4,466 1,122 3,324 1,921 921 1,782 3,033 922 796 226 1806. 1,265 2,574 978 692 746 | 1,937 675 t : | 1807. —-É-——-É-— 1, 122 1,610 1,502 101 2,032 423 | *-*. 713 2,916 833 8,351 575 3,426 2,538 1,815. 395 720 | 5,137 1,604 2,038 235 5,830 3,296 1,505 1,560 1,381 794 1,281 4,286 769 958 773 1,744 l, 1,184 2,266 1,439 871 1,112 748 1,464 560 2,185 239 1,806 1,024 1,003 1,328 2,560 2,172 2, 522 1,099 These articles were not specifically enumerated prior to 1814. 555 . 322. 1,312 311 997 646 572 3,987 910 2,415 154 3,650 2,408 247 932 1,788 588 854 2,577 3,348 474 8,705 1,267 1,056 1,060 3,885 881 569 2,402 46,072 641 1,022 1,897 992 1,174 1,918 637 245 1,757 663 1,021 2, 193 2,702 1,039 1,203 105 Antimony ... —-É.---- 3, L77. 399 || || 476 25 626 || 136 | 1,158. *- 1,927 955 669. 1809. —-É—— | 1,419 3,622 912 1,180 133 2,764 716 1,976 3,903 6,265 2,008 4,727 651 3,472 5,984 | 543 1,535 4,523 6,292 95.3 1,462 | 8,335 5,105 466 11,637 1,257 2,363 670 4,629 1,232 987 1,251 1,923 30,965, 148. 1,889 1,440 2,271 3,989 1,173 3,778 583 761 9,964 1,400 1,011 1,536 2,894 5,209 3,235 —-É-— 2,169 1,322 1,587 2,839 239 2,009 1,840 1,431 1,909 1,095 7,484 2,016 12,339 1,707 2,236 1810. 3,465 1,354 11 2,319 1,907 | 8,375 1,464 | 808 4,724 3,523 736 7,077. 312 4,151 1,057 843 574 2,042 1,799 3,291 30,886 667 2,414 |Sponge 1,366 2,352 1,639 407 2,447 1,456 1,216 4,092 3,289 1,189 5,742 3,530 5,597 871 || 503 1, 169 6 Arsenic 7 Ebony ... 8 Lignum Vitae . . . . 9 Tapioca . . . . . . . . .30/ # Cwt. © e º e Q & © ºr . . . . . . . 15/ #” Ton 1811. —-É--- 894 1,3} } 1,343 587 3,069 707 1,339 3,693 997 6,564 1,738 3,808 2,031 238 321 1,646 2 765 1,038 75 4,344 1,644 5,158 301 1,905 1,926 171 81 1,413 1,687 3,603 20,231 52() 2,131 3,408 1,633 2,578 5,582 529 920 1,532 438 1,442 1,998 2,344 1,587. 4,333 1,021 590 933 14/3 11/2 1,767 260 1812. —-8-– 2,461 2,583 633 423 322. 7,353 246 2,885 791 492 4,099. 2,201 1,901 2,422 2,406. 2,364 *} 4,733 2,558 638 4,130 1,046 2,222 3,089 5,988 203 461 2,464 4,119 15,313 1,008 1,887 494 tº: 2,353 19,534 545 199 151 169, 353 1,645 492 896 4,699 1,761 ! 33 3,003 © gº tº 15/ # Cwt. If /7 1814. —-6-- 3,445 2,604 2,471 941 687 16,174 579 1,290 564 8,904 2,864 5,620 4,532 9,599 1,078 1,890 8,204 1,570. 3,078 5, 156 8,085 1,877 1,952 6,261 5,790 4,020 7,045 2,862 6,471 1,368 13,982 1,627 847 3,211 5,130 34,937 2,650 3,170 2,752 2,735 4, 161 1,103 709 1,560 1,412 6,900 2,584 812 1,154 12, 179 1,117 772 5,414 664 2,052 249 624 -*rms 3,092 | —£-— 4,469 3,527 1,841 1,803 2,072 12,448 1,530 2,287 3,871 1,944 5,206 2,903 8,869 3,895 2,377 8,010 1,733 1,391 1,669 6,518 9,486 1,256 6,274 9,412 4,557 3,202 5,202 8,944 2,776 14,417 1,280 549 3,145 4,000 2,889 4,648 4,407 10,475 26] 1,818 3,950 3,009 5,640 4,404 1,222 1,672 8,396 329 4,615 991 559 537 287 1,107 - 181 5. 1816. 7,421 919 | 4,455 |12,928 *-*. —-É-— 2,876 1,740 1,829 2,171 1,274 12,358 1, 191 1,004 2,485 3,496 2,844 3,155 1,281 6,285 2,594 4,713 5,080 1,371 1,415 1,682 9,451 7,010 2,488 1,179 2,775 14,135 3,489 2,140 2,081 5,577 573 8,158 170 1,581 3,962 6,479 4,099 5,145 2,499 1,991 2,403 7,201 387 2,872 1,907 1,719 1,979 3,707 2,048 461 10,412 274 2,761 92% 35 402 437 1,013 9 Articles of Merchandize, IMPORTED into GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 28 Years 1815–31. 99 100 i 4 () i i 48 9 i 50 I -- 3- 1817. —-É-— 3, 159 4,776 1,796 2,690 985 13,472 1,831 2,419 2,491 3,563 310 2,277 3,372 3,236 1,261 7,380 5,369 1,236 1,347 1, 160 25,405 6,188 4,723 1,077 8,023 10,50ſ) 1,627 5, 131 1,634 6,020 917 i 3, 105 47 2,416 4,056 5,089 3,097 1,076 2,574 2,460 4,292 1,850 5,464 378 3,535 1,272 1,929 2,188 3,688 970 145 12,662 481 1,038 2,430 214 157 765 | 547 699 | 1818. —-É-— 4,045 J,577 3,339 2,822 2,033 16,957 1,906 1,658 2,207 4,844 2,064 3,029 3,854 4,766 2,359 8,601 7,442 1,875 1,693. 2,738 33,233 9,914 4,494 977 12,378 14,585 2,761 5,027 2,488 6,91 i 1,650 17,516 798 2,953 3,702 4, 196 3,805 1,117 2,400 3,846 3,473 2,894 4,871 202 2,497 4,669 3,035 3,192 6,368 2,432 290 + 1,842 444 1,336 3,954 à05 695 809 280 770 1819. 3,665 2,670 1,185 2,460 1,946 14,814 2,540 1,819 2,132 3,812 2,032 1,966 3,390 3,002 3,350 6,477 5,961 985 1,576 2,227 33,459 6,616 5,398 842 5,851 14,026 1,986 6,784 5,013 3,385 9,266 452 9,920 50 3,098 3,334 4,366 2,795 406 4,069 3,334 2,528 2,757 1,634 287 2, 51 i 1,597 1,516 3,558 3,293 993 328 550 950 1,764 568 573 492 317 6 ſ 1 — -f- — 1820. . —-É-— 2,742 2,680 622 2,121 2,854 12,235 2,522 2,618 2,246 3,472 1,972 1,842 3,589 3,097 7,346 5,395 7,959 584 1,959 2,635 24,570 11,579 5,959 1,354 4,192 21,235 2,275 6,983 2, 164 2,310 6,589 1,003 13,448 3 2,578 4,499 4,731 4,009 1,747 2,876 2,242 2,402 1,045 1,154 1,689 2,092 3,898 2,227 5,685 586 560 5,409 536 944 2,413 934 8] 3 112 605 1,295 1821. —-É-— 2,504 ,343 1,524 2,023 1,341 12,642 3,655 4,368 2,012 2,820 3,730 2,984 1,915 . 5,542 2,345 8,906 4,256 7,824 855 2,213 2,629 38,186 7,706 5, 107 1,107 510 19,212 3,008 7,962 2,439 3,523 7,538 425 9,442 42 3,043 4,744 5,584 2,644 1,392 3,036 2,648 3,080 3,474 1,517 885 3,942 3,383 | 3,043 2,803 5,285 '730 846 5,485 483 1,003 3,151 356 708 80 876 1,434 1822. —-£-— 5,044 2,900 2,235 12,598 4,634 2,422 4,007 5,015 2,287 2,879 5, 119 2,939 9,725 6,310 7,862 1,267 2,471 2,473. 37,221 5,544 7,432 '751 4,932 21,452 352 7,928 2,932 7,851 57() 12, 193 8 4,434 5,040 5,562 3,750 4,290 5,131 1,931 2,896 1,268 !, I 52 3,826 3,256 3,050 2,213 6,621. 1,559 551 4,315 833 1,136 4,635 1,485 588 55 30() 1,100 3,313. 3,414 | 573 2,377 4,069 3,990 3,309 3,573 1,573 14,652 3,231 2,494 3,299 5,310 2,099 1,802 6,272 2,646 12,568 6,070 8, 177 1,047 2,032 3,348 38,273 6, 193 8,911 1,142 4,154 11, 151 1,250 8,946 1,731 2, 164 6, 157. 595 14,446 | 8 5,243 5,982 4,078 2,594 9,031 4,506 1,865 3,399 3,293 2,429 1,216 4,074 2,930 2,775 2,786 4,680 2,000 704 2,626 1,069 1,373 3,209 1,335 564 116 390 1823. 18 —-É--- 4,992 3,580 3,654 3,639 2,643 16,616 1,460 2,481 2,833 5,397 2,165 1,699 6,864 2,626 11,821 7,939 10,596 1,255 2,514 4,132 58,668 4,831 13,263 1,083 6, 183 25,034 1,885 10, 112 24. | i82ö. -** **** 4,950 5,523 1,454 4,516 9,143 16,825 3,373 2,500 5,801 4,244 545 5,284 4,237 4,293 6,132 17, 189 3,694 2,334 4,058 69,854 3,175 11,938 770 7,289 2,382 9,251 3,522. 14,427. | 1826. —-6-- 4,096 3, 186 498 4,313 8,107 10,411 1,114 3,413 1,829 5,209 1,602 649 1,491 5,918 843 7,363 9,777 2,564 2,873 3,398 57,996 1,226 1,222 1,023 5,693 13,591 1,261 11,284 2,983 9,415 745 12,224 55 4,629 6,636 5,825 2,704 2,065 3,917 1,447 3,855 3,527 2,941 1,534 3,324 2,297 2,668 933 5,254 1,310 572 1,081 325 1,331 3,117 1,680 657 110 528 1,279 10,162 655 13,069 3,707 6,779 3,838 2,932 1,821 5,437 1,619 1,771 2,633 3,816 3,303 2,537 1,817 4,204 1,502 572 3,695 124 1,124 1,980 2,610 1, 134 78 1,496 805 | 1,217 | 1,048 N 3,471 1,338 | 1,447 4,873 595 9,532 4,954 6,34() 4,911 1,947 2,570 3, 132 1,502 1,837 1,455 2,737 363 596 191 1,150 289 781 508 99 281 690 1,376 J 10 105 691. 577 554 | 1827. —-É.--— 5,785 5,452 1,112 5,872 6,222. 10,945 1,021 3,561 2,028 5,239 2,356 1,091 2,472 5,497 565 6,891 11,543 3,372 2,704 3,169 73,276. 2,000 71.4 1,444 6,988 11,020 1,672 7,689 913 3,365 1,208 |10,856 4,629 7, i7 5,014 1,212 1,493 762 1,419 1,515 1,673 4,335 299 583 223 2,386 990 —n 861 922 503 313 867 698 438 170 648 346 J 1828. —-É.--—l----É-— 5,955 5,323 1,411 5,543 7,040 10,851 1,842 3,459 2,957 6,778 2,944 1, 183 1,850 6,824 960 4, 189 12,189 4,929 2,066 1,145 76,747 2,350 786 1,211 4,862 11,948. 1,758 6,422 1,848 2,833 546 9,966 5,205 8,311 4,947 961 . 1,280 992 1,528 1,294 1,372 5,476 554 575 | *- 1,248 1,860 1829. 4,881 2,222 1,056 4,327 8, 137 11,102 1,344 2,473 1,096 6,365 2,670 96 1,976 6,044 786 3,345 10,909 5,799 591 202 63,853 2,309 715 1,123 3,693 10,886 2,045 4,508 1,363 1,430 2,942 448 8,242 6,133 7,588 4,043 2,161 1,136 990 1,406 1,434 732 4,621 820 1, 193 654 1830. —-É-— 4,210 1,432 2,040 5,270 7,733 11,811 2,747 | 2,704 | 1,722 7,027 2,758 146 2,654 4,560 1,062 3,560 I 1,483 5,650 846 213 48,281 2,192 644 1,146 5,638 13,557 1,426 4,528 515 1,325 3,406 '738 7,539 5,950 9,027 4,798 1,416 1,337 1,813 1,318 1, 179 817 3,875 1,141 * 1,609 797 1,179 950 1832. rt. ---tº -- * | 1833. *** These articles have not been specifically enumerated since 1827, eaccept Carpets, which have been specified under the denomination of Woollen Manufactures. The Customs Duties being here arranged in reference,— first, to shew the amount of Duty levied on Colonial Produce ;-secondly, on those articles which are enumerated in the list of Re. exports, see Page 60, and lastly, to shew the changes that have taken place in the articles enumerated. The fol- lowing Prges contain an Alphabetical list of the whole of the 218 articles, with reference to their Numb, , in the Classification. - 10 Acid, Boracic . . . . . . 226 Alkali,- see Barilla Alkanet Root . . . . . . 224 An ACCOUNT of the Nett Amount of Customs Duty paid on each of 81 enumerated articles 42 Alphabetical Indea,—see Note, preceding page. Corn, Grain, & Flour 98 Cortex Peruvianus Cotton, Manufac. 16 & 94 Juniper Berries.... 59 Juice of Lemons, Limes, & Oran. ; 120 Specification of Articles Imported. Rate of Duty. 160 Angelica . . . . . . . . 10d. 1 Apples . . . . . . . 4/4” Bushel 2 Arrow Root ...... 2d. if ib 3 Bacon & Hams 6d. 3d. , {{* ifi 4 Bark, Quercitron... 2/{{* Cwt. 5 Box Wood... 67 18 6 #’ Tom 6 Canes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . various 7 Essences. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Orchilla.... 16/6 6/ dº Cwt. // 9 Quills. . . . . . . . . . 2/6 d? 1000 170 Radix Ipecacuanha. . 4/{P ib 1 Rape Cake. . . . . . 2d. f* Cwt. Sago • e e o e º e e a tº 30/ ſ) 3 Sponge . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/{P fB 4 Toys . . . . . . . . . . 20 Almonds . . . . . . . . . . 30 do. Wool . . . . . . 12 Lace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Aloes . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 do. Yarm . . . . . . Lacquer’d Ware.... 232 Anchovies . . . . . ... 100 Cranberries . . . . . . 201 Lead, Pig ....... 212 Angelica . . . . . . . . . . 160 Cream of Tartar ... 111 do., Black ...... 199 Annotto . . . . . . . . . 31 Cubebs . . . . . . . . . . 231 Leather . . . . . . . . . . 235 Antimony . . . . . . . . 155 Currants . . . . . . . . . . 44 Lemons & Oranges 60 Apples. . . . . . . . . . . . 161 - * * * Lemon Juice . . . . . . 120 Argol ............ 101 Peals,…see Timber Lignum Vitae...... 158 Arrow Root ...... 162 Dye & Hardwoods, Y Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Arsenic .......... 156 -see Box, Cedar, Liquorice Juice .... 61 Ashes, Pot, & Pearl 32 Fustic, Log, Ma- >72 do. Paste .... 178 Artificial Flowers ... 183 hogany, Nicarag- | Logwood . . . . . . . . 26 Arrack............ 10 tia, and Rose . . . . J Maccaroni . . . . . . . , 176 2 Bacon and Hams ... 163 Ebony . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Mace ............ 21 Balsams . . . . . . . . . . 102 Bels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Madders.......... 6* Barilla tº e o e º 6 tº G & & 33 Eggs tº e º e º º ºs e º e sº 182 Mahogany tº G & © e º º 4 6. Bark, Oak, & Cork 34 Elephants Teeth .. 45 Manna ......... 122 Cent. 5 V alonia . . . . . . . . 1/6 ºf Cwt. d£’ib . . . . . . 2/{f' Bushel 1814. — £ — 1,683 2,171 1,793 8,566 2,691 2,551 4,247 2,705 3,325 2,265 4,391 3,982 1815. — £ — 232 23,388 1,600 677 678 950 I 14 Tea • e a e e s e e s e e s e e 1 ſBalks and Ufers') Battens & ends Fire Wood . . . . | Fir Quarters ... ;-85 Knees of Oak c: Oars . . . . . . . . ſº | Teake . . . . . . . . J * { Deals and ends 82 = Fir . . . . . . . . • - 86 5- Lathwood .... 83 Masts and Yards 81 Oak Timber .. 89 do. Planks .. 88 Wainscot Logs 87 Call other . . . . . . Tobacco and Snuff... - 8 Tortoise Sheel . . Toys. . . . . . . . . . Till * * * * * * * * tº 3. 141 . . . . 174 Turmeric, © e g º O O C tº e 154. Turpentine ... Valonia . . . . . . . . 79 tº tº 175 * @ Verdigris. . . . . . . . . . 142 Vermicelli Vinegar © e g o Aº nº e g º º 196 Walnuts tº tº J. A. & O e e º 'º 9 & & © tº º Vermillion . . . . . . . . 176 ... 143 177 Water, Cologne .... 237 do. Wines . . . . . . Yarn, Cotton . . . do., 952 2,898 420 1,309 2,622 2,109 5,708 2,047 1,818 5,138 1816. — £ — 1,152 14,065 1,072 393 228 1,455 1,987 2,724 2,664 126 955 3,278 2,791 2,850 1,801 1,284 2,892 78 LiquoriceP 9 Baskets . . 180 Clocks . . . 1 Corks . . . . 2 Eggs. . . . . . 3 Eels ſtificial 4 Flowers, Ar 5 Grapes. . . . 6 Horns&Tps 7 Matts & © tº º 8 Musical Ins. 9 Myrrh . . . . 190 Essentiois 1 Ochre • * 2 Plums ... . 3 Statues.... 4 Prints . . . . 5 Scammony 6 Vinegar . . 7 Cedar Wood 8 Rosewood 9 Lead, Black 200 Onions . . . . I Cranberries 2 Ginger, Pr. tº º º gº 80 3 Honey .... Whale Qil ........ 28 4 Olives . . . . Fins. . . . . . . . * 5 Safflower • & Wool, Cottom ... .. 12 6 Cabinet W. do., Sheeps. . . . . . 91 Woolen Manufactur. 95 7 Feathers & © 144 8 Fish . . . . . . e • e e i < 9 Rock Moss Limen . . . . . . 92 210 Pears . . . . do., Mohair . . . . . . 145 Yellow Berries . . . . 146 Zaffres s tº e. e. g. e. e. e º 0. 147 206 14,674 23? 6 1,208 6,414 87 77 \s-yº” 1811, 94 4,379 46 450 Sait 2,152 18 87 \º-y- 1812, do., Quercitron ... 164 Embroidery . . . . . . 228 Marble Bloeks . . . . 138 6 Vermicelli . . . . . . . . 8d. Baskets tº e º a e s tº e a tº 179 Essences ge e : © e º 'º & e e 167 Matts, Russia tº e º e º 'º 123 7 Walnuts Beef, Salted ...... 230 Essential Oils...... 190 do., Various .... 187 Beer, Spruce . . . . . . 103 Molasses . . . . . . . . . . 64 ... #º • * * * * * * a 167 Feathers . . . . . . . . . . 11%. Mother of Pearl ... 151 Rice.............. Berries .......... 59 ... do. “. . . . . . *07 Musical Instruments 188 Rock Moss ........ 209 Books sº e º 3 tº e º º & © & & 104 #::::::::: ... 2: Myrrh * * * * tº a 63 g º e º gº 189 §º © º 6 e º tº 3 & ; 1S a s e s e o e a e s e o e - *g iº • e g º ºs e e º ºs e º º t #: sº : Flax * * * ~ * tº e º e e º 'º e 47 Needle Work, . e 9 & 3 228 §." o e s tº e º 'º e º 9 º' - 7 #º ...' ... 3; Flowers, Artificial.. 184 Nº. & © tº 9 e º & © e is *: Saffron 153 Bottles,— See Glass #: 6 & e tº 9 e e º e g º e º 75 wº. © e g e .. • e º e º 'º 3 ºf sañower. . : : : .. 205 Boxes e g º 0 e º 0 & 0 & © tº 233 ustic * * * * * * * * c e º 'º 25 Oil, Essential . . . . . . 190 Sago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Box Wood e e e 6 & © & e 1.65 Galls . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 do., Olive & G G & º & 65 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 #...' ....... s. 3. ... . . . . . . . .” §. ........ *; Saltpetre........ 23 rimstone . . . . . . . . 36 Ginger .......... 114 °9', 'Taºn . . . . . . . . . * Sarsaparilla . . . . . . 133 Bristles . . . . . . . . . . 37 º Preserved, .. 202 do., Various . . . . . . 213 sº tº g e º e e º e i; Bugles .. * 9 - © & . . . . . 105 Glass Bottles . . . . . . 115 Qchre . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Seeds © e º e º Q & © º e º ºs 72 Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 do., Plate, &c. ... 116 3.: e e º e º 'º º :: Senna . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 tºº Gloves ... . . . . . . . . . 236 ºnions. . . . . . . . . . . . Shawls. . . . . . . . . . . . 135 §: wº.º. Grain, Corn, &c. . . .98 ºpium :::::::::::: 1% ships Huis........ 136 - e tº gº & Grains, Guinea .... 229 Oranges & Lemons 60 Ø Camphor 39 p . . 229 g * * * * Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 C p e tº e º 'º e º e o º 166 Granilla e º e º e o 'o e º º 41 Orchal & Orchilla tº º 168 Shumac © g g º O e º º ſº Q 73 ë. rid & e g º e º g tº º 106 Grapes • tº e º 'º © e º a e º & 85 Ostrich Feathers ... 113 Silk Raw *e e º e º e º ud 13 tº ‘....... ... Gum, Animi & Copai ſã Oysters ....... . . . 127 do. Thrown ...... , Čapets". ... .. ... 113 do., Arabic ... . . . 49 Palm Oil.......... 67 do., Manufactures 96 Cassia Lignea...... 18 30, Rae . . . . . . . 39 Paper......... ... 128 do., do. East India 17 Castor Oji........ 66 gº ºnegal.; 31 do., for Hangings 239 skins ............ 74 Cedar wood ...... 197 do., Tragacanth .. 52 Pearls .......... 15% smalts ....... . . . . . 76 Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Hai Pears . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Snuff . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 º 3 Hair, Horse ...... 118 . . . . . . . . 137 §: "Wº:5” º' tº #:... ::::::::::::: ś:::::::::::"; - . º: 108 do, Human . . . . . . 117 fii Roxes ........ 17 Spirits,—see Rum, 7 enware ...... #. º; & straw 9 Pimento . . : : . .. 24 Brandy, Geneva, 9 Cinnamon . . . . . . . . 19 #. lips's raw ". Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Arrack, and of R 10 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 #.' ............ 54 Platting of Straw .. 240 Guernsey . . . . . . $234 Cloves . . . . . ....... 20 * & © & © e g º e e º e & ... Plums, Dried . . . . . . 192 Sponge . . . . . . . . . . 173 Cobalt . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 #: *::: and i. Porcelain ........ 108 Spruce Beer . . . . . . 103 Cochineal . . . . . . . . 41 #. and Tips all 1. Prints and Drawings 194 Statues . . . . . . . . . . 193 Cocoa, Husks, Shls., \ 2 fiorses PS • * * * 238 Prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . 131 §: º e º e o e º a tº e o a * and Chocolate .. 5 H . . . . . . . . 2: 24-4, tone . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 s' oney . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Quercitron Bark . . 164 'T - - - - - - - - - - - - 225 8::::::::::::::: nº............ is §º... sº......... i. Cologne Water . . . . 237 Inkle . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Quills . . . . . . º Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Coral Beads ...... 109 Ipecaquanha ...... 170 Radix Ipecaquanha 170 Cordage tº e º & © $ s e º s 1 1() Iron * G - e > e e & e - tº e 56 Rags • * * * * * * * tº e e 69 Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Cork. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Isinglass ... . . . . . . . 57 Raisins... . . . . . . . . . .70 Tamarinds . . . . . . . . 140 do., Bark . . . . . . . . 34 Ivory . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Rape & Linseed Cake 171 Tapioca ... . . . . . ... 159 Corks . . . . . . . . & e º e 181 Jalap © tº º ſº tº 0 tº º 4 e º 'º 58 Rhubarb * * * * * * * * * * 71 Tar to a e º e e º e © tº ſº & C & 78 215 Earthen Ware . . . . . . . . . . . 666 630 | 1,074 674 39 694 - 305 16 Copper • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94. 664 462 | 1,133 2,031 || 4,948 |30,204 17 Pill Boxes. © ºn e º ºr e º º & © • - g 1,382 874 869 762 t-aa-ºº-ºº: - 211 148 18 Inkle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,170 | 1,868 1,472 1,420 213 | 1,017 91 - 19 Oil of Turpentine.. . . . . . . 1,180 1,537 | 841 1,322 1,185 |13,220 6,932 220 Saccarum Saturni. . . . . . . . .357 — *-* tºm- 1 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798 586 230 — 72 | 1,036 º 2 Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,174 2,659 2,238 1,365 177 863 9 3 Tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,508 1,179 1,966 1,867 7 174 959 ſ YEARS 1804. 1805. 1806, 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. --[352 i,592 878 1,542 23,347 1,854 1,097 416 381 \º-º-' 1814. 11 Nuts. . . . . 12 Seed Oil . 13 Oil, Various 14 Cayenne P. 525 893 270 452 963 548 1,858 18 63 \º-Asn- 1815, 373 Hops 8 377 686 1,562 41 20 ! 69 . \*A*/ 1816. 11 of Merchandize, IMPORTED into GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 28 Years 1804 – 1831. 1817. ——£– 574 40,524 1,031 278 1,544 1,353 2,434 1,656 2,501 2,732 584 317 4,356 4,832 3,966 4,285 1,218 1,124 * * 0 & © & & Q ºn tº gº gº *isi 34?Cargo 1818. —- £ — 1,018 12,359 1,091 765 1,659 2,216 2,289 2,000 2,908 2,727 611 921 5,412 4,035 2,382 10,427 2,990 2,841 25 ºff Cent. 20 // .. 2/4 ºf Cwt. 50 20 ºf Cent. * * * tº º e ... 6/9 ºf 6 * * * * * £ 18 18 various Cwt. © e º e º 'º ib {P Tun £3 16 ºf Tom tº e º & © e 20/{{* Cwt, 4/ ... ºf Bushel . 6/ #' Gallon 3d. #' 15/4} e 2/# Gallon ... 5/df. Cwt. * * * g e g 8d. iſe ºf Bishºt 38; 21,888 253 | 1819. --—£– 394 15,932 1,792 754 825 1,876 1,802 4,614 3,636 1,054 2,736 1,977 4,612 1,192 2,402 2.94 1,332 2,297 7,532 745 1,586 1,042 2,402 1,538 698 755 4,787 771 658 2,379 1,553 | 833 | 4,975 987 | 3,364 1820, —-É.--— 1,004 7,884 1,896 1,166 746 1,565 1,307 2,449 3,604 899 5,052 2,358 2,860 4,871 1,257 2,387 144 1,480 1,799 536 11,077 810 1,246 1,936 1,796 1,551 529 730 3,303 1,240 574 3,439 1,275 147 396 4,572 5,437 | 986 | 1,837 | 1821. —£- 671 15,600 2,575 925 1,911 1,681 1,230 1,752 3,783 913 4,375. 2,095 2,795 1,471 1,911 1,567 144 1,677 868 14,075 810 1,739 1,756 1,883 853 512 540 3,910 1,630 456 1,594 3,013 719 341 641 1,261 322 40} 458 1,871 167 105 216 285 9 546 404 | 337 501 147 443 || – Snuff] 4,759 | 1,480 | 2,042 | 263 - 1,071 | 394 1822. —--£— 895 8,876 2,696 792 1,633 2,092 1,439. 1,737 4,839 3,988 823 626 4,300 2,485 3,549 2,759 2,034 1,203 44 1,926 3,387 616 17,585 810 2,326 1,826 2,520 985 957 951 5,869 995 690 1,226 3,222 691 1 H2 5,907 550 863 740 304 447 1,343 1,895 315 58 768 || 198 | 385 30 472 930 1823. — £ — 1,658 5,947 3,626 844 1,630 1,321 2,072 2,650 4,252 5,258 1,015 1,420 4,076 3,972 4,351 7,667 2,220 1,911 174 1,724 4,247 874 17,319 797 2,611 2,208 2,611 1,019 879 978 6,986 2,245 699 --[148 2,166 602 168 3,378 5,503 2,562 522 1, 175 593 439 793 1,789 1,862 218 62 726 144 720 49 650 105 | 236 Gloves .... 4/5/8: 7/4? Dozen 7 Cologne Water 8 Horses . 9 Paper Hangings e. i/ #. various Aſ ib Cwt. f/ various d£' ſh various do. © & C G e ºr 155 266,052 896 278 404 7,599 1,338 995 937 364 º 737 1,507 129 43 358 636 607 2] 1,542 ** ** w & © .... 1/# Flask || 20/each Sq. Yard 1824. ——£– 255 13,077 3,113 1,427 2,722 2,345 2,132 2,296 3,470 4,681 929 4,125 2,845 6,583 4,729 15,730 2,082 1,679 Cobalt 1,726 4,913 464 17,985 823 3,207 2,764 3,536 1,887 1,260 822 7,418 895 863 | 313 1,134 1,517 296 3,731 9,183 852 587 803 351 1,759 724 2,486 2,587 166 69 708 | 289 741 36 I62 1. * º 240 Platting of Straw ..., 1774; it 4,196 1825. ——£–- | 473 13,624 1,692 2,874 2,478 3,100 | 1,254 | 2,841 1,053 | 4,082 1,212 5,727 3,011 6,107 5,175 4,899 2,228 1,903 624 1,505 4,900 878 22,389 1,032 1,856 1,651 2,587 | 1, 191 965 { 1,300 8,430 1,040 1,109 4,245 1,382 1,041 176 5,457 10,849 1,458 1,615 887 347 1,000 855 1,543 2,617 91 488 294 1,016 [2,745 4,696 1,784 10,078 308 | 1826. -— fº 1827. 36 1828. – £ — 1,257 7,894 1,538 4,357 938 1,389 1,675 2,153 685 1,805 4,534 3,513 3,607 1,931 3,222 2,987 2,049 210 1,012 3,693 844 21,717 1,129 930 1,717 1,045 879 7,012 1,189 940 6, 198 1,005 2,005 196 3,264 6,160 1,378 2,225 706 350 302 241 374 2,012 #' ſh © e º 'º º ve 1,098 5,735 1,397 3,989 713 2,114 2,232 3,348 709 4,845° 1,135 716 | 4,238 1,301 4,237 4,123 4,834 2,296 6,017 2,126 2,293 785 3,728 433 23,063 1,238 1,157 1,860 793 1,385 1,026 976 7,546 828 992 21 1,447 1,423 4,287 7,276 1,303 815 769 329 481 512 469 1,271 8,919 1,718 3,604 1,191 1,891 3,423 2,958 273 6,217 1,457 4,322 3,226 4,075 2,989 9,374 2,024 2,398 1,039 5,663 785 22,920 1,270 1,017 1,837. 1,267 877 | 1.0% 1,018 9,722 1,361 153 Hops | 1,395 196 2,412 374 3,794 | 8,027 3,481 1829. ——£ 1830. 506 6,526 2,056 2,378 1,138 1,527 2,878 | 2,772 354 4,843 876 3,316 1,586 3,651 3,073 5,746 2,290 1,189. 1,038 | 5,906 682. 22,167 1,113 856 1,704 1,264 1,156 1,673 956 6,740 1,191 442 1,605 1,856 528 2,999 | 8,629 2,946 686 224 Alkanet Root .. 5 Burr Stones . . . . Boracic Acid 2,570 Boots & Shoes 33 | 20 228 Embroidery .... 9 Guinea Grains (230 Salted Beef 1 Cubebs ... 2 Lacquer’d Ware.. 3 Boxes 4 Guernsey Spirits U 5 Leather I/ 243 4,065 1,974 2,025 1,781 I,233 3,795 8,049 ..] 3,676 21,614 4,603 3,620 1,825 4,473 2,178 4,474 1,303 520 1,487 1,280 3,450 7,400 1,481 15,507 3,922 2,298 1,850 2,915. Lead P 520 4,230 2,204 2,165 1,397 1,815 3,730 3,088 354 4,253 776 2,731 1,624 3,483 3,578 11,376 2,212 1,610 843 6,348 799 925 777 1,641 1,402 1,142 1,965 1,206 7,831 955 1,919 2,288 1,428 525 10,490 2,651 1,603 5,282 3,496 ig] 4,728 1,810 292. 1,854 1,079 3,765 2,825 '791 19,459 4,272 1,150 1,476 6,689 18,506 546 2,323 1831. £—l——£– 390 | 10,620 1,453 1,823 1,223 2,034 3,299 3,644 221 3,640 730 3,625 1,700 3,373 3,761 7,209 2,558 2,379 969 6,099 142 | 20,373 1,082 607 2,145 1,953 1,430 1,617 732 7,539 451 649 | 1,660 1,808 480 1,418 8,484 2,029 849 965 | 5,169 2,506 5,903 682 167 1,840 1, 105 || 3,454 7,613 793 21,847 4,436. 1,124 1,176 13,317 1832. ——£– ——£– 1833. -6 T 7 {} 1- 8 12 SUMMARY of the Receipt and appropriation of the CUSTOMS Items of Receipt, and appropriation. ſ 1 Total Nett Amount, Nos. 1 – 98 2 do. do., Nos. 99 – 240 3 do, Umemumerated Articles ... 4 Countervailing Duties Ireland.... Export Duty on British 5 advalorem Produce & Manufactures & Specific .. do. on Coals, and Culm .. do. on Foreign Produce . . Tommage Duty on 5 9 Inwards . . . . SHIPPING. 10 Outwards .. < Duties 11 Coals & Culm coASTWAYS } 12 Slates & Stone Duties 13 Isle of Man.. } ſ 15 Canal, and Dock Dues.. . . . . . . .. 16 Proceeds of Goods sold for Duties 17 Warehouse Rent . . . . . . . . [see line 55 18 Quarantine Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bounties repaid with Interest. . . . . . . . 20 Proceeds of Seizures,—see line 56 . . L Collected at the 14 West Indies a ſº tº 9 ,- < : 1 Interest on 5 Liverpool Docks. . . . . . . . 2 Money ad. do. Tobacco Warehouses 3 Principal Money Repaid . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 South Sea Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 6 Surcharges, & Proceeds of Old Stores L 7 Miscellaneous Receipts * @ 9 Q @ | Drawbacks, & Bounties of ; ; ; ENGLAND the mature of Drawbacks & 29 SCOTLAND Repayments for over-entries $ 30 Fngland.... & Damage, as tº lines 54-7. & 31 Scotland.... $ 32 ENGLAND & 33 SCOTLAND 34 Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Receivers General .. 6 Bills not Due 7 Imprests TOTAL Gross Receipt Balances & Imprests in the hands of — see line 73. e G c e s - e º f 38 Total Sum to be accounted for. ſ39 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 40 Brimstone s & © tº o q e 9 1 Wines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Silk ... 6 º' e e tº 3 Hemp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Timber 5 Staves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Furs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & 7 Currants, and Raisins 8 Rice . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tobacco & © e º 9 e º e º e o 6 g º e º gº tº e 50 Unemumerated Articles. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 all other enumerated articles . . . . . . U. 2 Coals and Culm Coastways . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * g g º ºs • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • e o 'º e o e s e o s vs e e º e s e o e º & © a < * * * > t e o Total DRAWBAcks, as iſ lines 28-9. £ 3 ( 54 for over-entries and Damage ... . . . S. $ ). 5 on account of Goods sold for Duties & Š.) 6 do. do. Fines and Seizures §C 7 do. do. Surcharges, &c. ...... 2 (58 on British Linens Exported ......... Rs 9 Irish do. 0- - - - . . . . . . . . . § |c. Sail Cloth do. . . . . . . . . . . . . > < 1 Sundry Articles . . . . . . . . . . . * e a e s ºn S | 2 Ships employod in 5 Greenland .... Q U 3 Whale Fisheries º South Sea ... Q 64 Charges of MANAGEMENT. 65 New CUSTOM H OUSE 6 Quarantine Expences ... . . . 7 Warehousing do. ........ 8 Coast Blockade, &c......... Payments on account of the 9 Civil Government of Scotland 70 Miscellaneous Payments e e Payments into the ; 71 ENGLAND .. EXCHE QUER 2 SCOTLAND .. 73 Balances and Imprests, as per lines 34–7. * * * * * * * e s a 74 Total Discharge of Income. st 4 Arrears of Duty, East India Company £ -, * 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1822. . 12,550,059 1818. 1819. 1820. 18% l . . —£–|—f. —st——ºf---—ºf-|—gf----|-gf-——ºf---—st'— 9,846,869 9,984,513 || 8,255,541 || 9,919,894 || 9,188,599 || 9,060,131 8,390,704 || 8,914,010 || 9,249,839 316,788 292,037 229,072 316,096 || 601,924 || 330,184 330,012 || 357,871 323, 186 139,332 69,701 95,595 92,679 138,591 47,125 45,597 52,737 67,291 - — —— 1,576 2,159 1,948 1,099 1,381 1,046 : | - 581,802 209,075 144,492 98,113 82,855 71,627 62,044 70,246 72,579 29,129 50,193 24,343 13,600 | 12,457 5,900 72 *- *==s-, 69,048 80,511 66,288 58,476 57,902 46,323 46,082 49,542 51,509 185,550 25,819 6,669 2.608 3,020 733 280 Š 62 12 160,132 99,418 77,959 95,125 | 127,428 108,260 96,559 s, 83,723 33,262 134,671 72,235 71,149 76,462 |s 76,069 65,046 67,109 |$ 64,240 32,157 1,153,733 871,165 911,056 866,096 § 913,371 882,833 | 1,016,396 |$ 946,978 || 923,709 43,387 44,633 36,654 36,154 $ 49,904 61,907 59,925 || 's 58,871 61,525 4,757 9,501 6,180 || 7,145 |$ 9.656 | 15,038 15,727 || 20,570 18,452 49,801 68,100 57,342 22,991 || 56,891 36,216 32,604 |& 27,454 25,946 / - - S - 39,298 41,722. 39,657 | 40,760 l ; 44,742 40,315 | 40,427 § 38,449. 37,479 16,941 15,829. 18,545 32,737 || $ 25,239 22,802 *::::: $ 39,986 25,506 18,122 17,299 16,316 14,998 |* 23,499 23,393 18,288 || 15,921 14,419 1,796 3,622 1,706 1,071 |'s 871 463 354 S 412 700 32,972. 822 97 || 30,090 46,184 33,799 |$ 23,415 31,818 -— i. 5,000 3,000 3,000 Š 3,000 3,000 |$ 3,000 § 3,000 3,000 — [4} {P cent|Barbadoes 27,246 | g 25,014 21,271 18,637] × 17,500 2,652 — | sºme mesº-sº § 17,460 § § - * -- § 10,977 22,069 |s 13,578 || - 7,32 6,192 5,869 || R. 8,544 6,508 ſ S. 5,694 | * **t, 13,855 16,290 12,712 36,721 S 13,231 11, 197. s 6,583 e 13,489 20,427 680. 1,293 540. 628 a 13,712. 863 b 10,052 c 13,203 1,657 1,447,050 1,664,477 | 1,656,841 1,741,083 1,806,722 | 1,462,673 1,671,134 1,561,605 | 1,026,345 201,533 226,181 174,836 196,808 193,690 182,602 || 202,642 194,571 106,327 61,384 83,214 44,369 44,003 179,001 63,583 48,368 39,838 41,695 13,561 12,398 5,447 8,040 15,903 11,876 7,919 3,958 4,659 13,568,126 12,924,005 |11,239,898 |12,845,880 12,828,320 || 1,812,373 |11,508,403 |11,845,401 |11,477,632 993,512 | 1,044,153 | 721,273 913,937 904,080 775,408 || 754,672 759,796 || 759,620 87,385 130,361 120,968 95,278 90,743 84,683 78,404 71,056 60,077 30,611 29,773 22,316 17,695 23,069 17,216 16,014 15,636 14,586 320,275 518,504 || 296,833 328,274 615,329 391,073 189,427 265,576 257,184 185,786 205,338 297,285 - 2,550 - - 3, 140 389 15,185,695 ||14,852,134 12,698,573 |14,201,065 14,464,091 |13,080,753 |12,550,059 |12,957,855 |12,569,100 1,334,773 1,552,545 1,540,142 | 1,685,525 | 1,725,872 | 1,287,140 1,619,948 1,499,120 | # 888,458 34,974 47,458 48,279 43,897 55,217. 61,969 53,815 58,050 # 64,810 60,117 64,044 49,246 41,219 41,849 37,803 38,271 40,648 # 42,576 65,034 68,532 58,370 44,577. 47,578 47,505 38,376 42,591 44,622 4,132 24,943 23,060 17,914 18,961 | g 15,460 17,627 16,377 | # 11,887 16,133 23,348 21,191 12,614 17,058 S 25,850 29,950 25,211 s 20,536 5,112 8,534 8,735 4,200 5,395 | is "4 Too 1,810 | 1,776 $ 1,830 4,584 | 6,479 6,729 8,280 8,837 § 9,015 4,306 603 || 153 1,959 3,149 1,199 1,419 1,697 is 1,791 5,359 3,592 s 3,775 710 82 225 50 5 & —— 20 63 || 68 2,125 1,443 1,737 2,041 3,677 º 3,522 *— 7 |s - | 5,012 4,397 3,608 1,873 1,945 | SH 1,718 1,322 1,140 908 88,768 60,402 50,314 55,152 53,706 | * 131,840 45,811 47,328 32,820 25, 150 25,302 18,842 19,131 18,645 18,262 17, 161 19,669 |$ 20,225 1,648,583 1,890,658 1,831,677 | 1,937,892 2,000,412 1,645,275 | 1,873,776 1,756,175 1,132,668 74,946 97,018 53,416 || 53,577 | * 195,848 76,445 58,995 46,618 50,259 º *s-stee- ºwe — 3,427 5,620 3,002 | 4,934 s: 3,418 4,035 * * ––– gº - 73,746 63,550 135,203 42,542 ; 1,190 2,125 2,725 || 2,488 1,798 || 539 6,539 6,440 § 112,029 || 104,703 || 106,625 || 140,401 is 169,557 | 127,414 || 143,229 | 161,453 208,355 $ 37,502 | . 40,456 43,939 46,835 & 5 48,386 33,050 49,743 59,316 74,393 § 6,362 | # 8,677 6,747 6,037 º 4,679 4,793 6,944 11,390 10,407 f 1,551 | * 79 57 138 is 45 | 1 || -- - - § 43,800 | # 41,488 42,747 43,461 45,806 43,051 44,750 42,164 32,347 § 5,600 S 8,000 4,500 10,000 6,600 9,100 9,100 8,300 7,400 S - Q - - 1,239,364 1,295,639 1,336,479 1,231,527 | 1,327,62% 1,231,992 | 1,097,774 | 1,069,280 1,088,507 's 85,731 |s 46,403 73,200 96,426 62,513 27,476 -— ——— § 1,463 |# 36,050 1,000 8,037 tººves sºme smºs 31,900 112,637 115,237 27,043 s —— s —— ammººns ºn Cº-ºº-ºººººº. *mºs.ºsse rººmsºmº sº- ***** —— 50,627 $ —— & —— - - * *-* ~~- ------ * *s 68,563 * 58,953 § 84,715 59,799 68,889 71,322 73,102 || 71,051 | 64,731 72,382 * 40,000 | * * 20,000 tºrumºr ºmmemº – --- 22,619 — — * * 29,377 10,495,640 9,947,499 || 8,133,652 9,475,160 9,601,903 || 9,033,788 8,406.238 8,863,649 & 0.397,114 465,136 579,295 262,584 || 332,741 432,846 354,721 253,815 279,470 y r*'' 865,618 646,319 || 740,027 747,217 494,064 287,056 352,269 333.386) 265,741 lsº 14,852,134 12,698,573 |14,201,065 (14,464,091 (13,080,753 |12,957,855 12,569,099 13 DUTIES of GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 18 Years 1814-31. 1 :: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4% 56 º j — £— 10,384,450 398,399 70,276 720 70,045 42,718 24% 2,068 75 1,069,948 46,739 19,431 17,164 41,301 4,414 22,988 22,082 1,236 66,656 3,000 1,280 10,000 18,862 cºsmºse ºst-sº 24,753 .*-** * * 1,129,229 77,172 37,934 4,418 1824. 10,362,246. 460,345 68,151 20 . 73,231 122 40,532 309 6,883 557 867,679 21,266 | 1825. -Ø — 1827. -— fº 15,417,732 489,416 64,644 77,031 815,370 52,575 22,275 20,084 i § 43,393 3,324. 5,492 2,238 ; tºº 2 ! 5. : () 4. 15,738 46,849 1,268 5,664 1,224 **** 89 4,106 - - # : 0 g : 3. : 5 7 1,041,930 64,492 18,401 s 19,136 * * 989,759 54,351 13,041 26,639 | 83,759 - 16,048,743 353,702 52,529 * 61,505 1,411 39,339 2,200 54 47,427 18,833. 12,261 45,624 6,844 19,150 374 686 4,314 * *- 30,051. 879,235 | to,390,206 392,7023 76,362; 70,935 ; : 2,467 ; 67 ,193 3,754 !. 44,683 783,034 i 39,271 18,338 : 15,498 47,300 7,512. 5,838 457 4,532 I 40,826 – vº ,--, *------ . . . . . .* -:) - --- 35,497. 20,301 30,650 47,624 8,831. 23s. 4,762. 29,065 841,503 || 44,320 5,038 23,473. 40,531 16,521 | 947,826 || 1828: - 16:264,893: 439,777s : 83,364 | 833,079 | 13,285. 65,856 21,144 10,571. 48,512. 21,242. 1,177. 3,687. *a*s 17,774 9,847. 33,498. 32,430 2,90 1,056,324 | 1829. §§ 16 ,120,602 376,682 | 867,322 | 383,767 96,147. 1830. 17,759,247 |15,994,828. § 358,436 || 85,646 | . • *.*, ſ 1,891: 62,1644 ſ ; : } } V. . " t -- F- ſ 12,695,005 891,409 80,262 15,246 167,382 2,851 13,852,155 924,712 81,731 43,513 39,222 23,907 31,732 i., 41 61 150 1,094 33,393 4,629 | 20,717 | 12,689,691. 953,837 93,116 15,647 230,755 1,059 16,713,757 1,512,961 72,364 21,673. 228,319 3,096 17,252,351 1,299,351 44,833 31,111 335,784. 18,858 17,627,950. 1,376,045. 49,635 42,160 434,129. 6,790 17,642,362 13,274 3,880. 1,376,001 || 287,003 | 17,524,188 ; 9,076. 390,815 1,116,537 v 36,293 $ 39,134 & 1,372,039 : *** 1,479,605 | 40,476 || 47,482 --- -*. sºmº as |i -— i 12,782 i 1,473,671. 59,864 1950s.au 9,321. { | 419,356 | 8,591 T. 63,563: 52,928. 958,299 || 64,380 35,573s 1,181 23,613 21,860 | 17,108° 13,276. - 47,202 || 50,173. 16,609 || $ 15,740. § 24,789 . . 13,567. 1831. El * 57,856 2,349; 13,591 * 20,000 48,611 3,930 *~ *-*. 1,118;484 || 11,873 57,351 | 497,269 | 13,984,105 844,496 87,975 35,710 34,290 27,986 39,450 2,486 15 3,302 349 | 662 7,846 21,855 18,552,170 777,634 105,051 40,787 566 26,568 51,271 1,040 86 4,142 1,112 4,719 b65 6,744 23,815 18,982,288 733,622 12,080 36,297 57 9,942 27,817 3,254 2,476 8,179 285 10,722 25,542 5 | 19,536,709. 54,348 62 9,879 26,418 * , 7 " .59 3,044 839,886 19,370,471 998,610 19,338,405 920,701. 78,615 8,565 36,581 63,282 ; 4,844 19,990,092 6,782 39,173 3,118 2,671 1,286,753. 50,165 36,690 5,753 33,879. 16 2,008 1,123,435 | 44,511. 46,654 5,487 36,711 . . . . 80 1,796 18,735,959 || || -: > : J.". " .x. * , *-* ' ' * } t ; : , , ; ; * t - - - - j . . . * =e^** *** * 1,206,402 44,764 1,712 62,714 12,117 207,286 73,392 10,698 32,980 6,800 1,109,530 26,709 49,564 150,082 85,613 24,777 10,406,438 340,577 1,106,422 s"508,529 º, 76,325 § 9,177 § 248,566 79,711 13,034 1,044,110 98,297 4,667 24,909 16,378 195,064 75,534 14,452 29,132 7,300 i ,094,673 4,245 6,700 136,176 33,784 48,392 25,500 87,908 47,057 10,239,742 325,453 48,789 58,966 28,010 143,348 27,683 15,194,256 430,586 870,568 50,972 6, 127 12,063 13,804 108,154 34,177 36,384 6,200 25,860 51,407 88, 106 5,633 173,431 42,424 15,766,764 532,715 1,157,494 | 13,852, 155 |13,984,105 18,552,170 18,982,288 19,536,709 19,370,471 19,388,405 19,990,092/19,735,959. * 1,024 2,194 5,153 4,946 6,480 ~. 8,562 11,383 9,198 13,719 9,861 166 236 104. 122 125 | 3,493 6,343 ) 1,262 18,956 1,922. . 24,351 27,055 21,722 20,664 12,056. 971,299 || 1,089,821 | 1,152,830 1,473,671 1,289,118 || - 52,530 47,026 42,392 60,196 52,864 ~6,538 8,992 11,605 84 .565. ——- 4,140 14,149 9,697 10,575 10,733 8,328. 11,045 13,776 5,195. 137,648 143,334 || 120,086 116,179 || 112,780 | 35,969 27, 177 25,152 24,099 26,973 16,282 22,730 11,349. 7,203 10,180 1,078,470 | 1,078,579 | 1,044,799 || 1,024,396 || 1,053,834 80,843 63,067 26,783 ( —— —— 30,305 20,395 19,566 37,226 26,092. 107,172 91,681 98,295 87,878 87,703 46,769 126 31,287 43,026 3,017 173,735 | 160,876 | 186,206 | 167,626 99,607 44,469 36,901 34,250 37,587 78,184. 16,391,839 |16,125,120 16,023,861 |16,343,562 15,336,716 352,108 || 442,178 || 484,750 557,468 542,556 14 STATEM ENT showing the Gross Receipt of EXCISE Duty in GREAT BRITAIN, on each of 26 articles subject thereto, in each of 20 Years 1812 – 1831; the amount of Drawback on each of the principal articles EXPORTED ; of Repayments, Superannuations, and other Charges, and Nott Payments into the EXCHEQUER, in each Year. * * The Bounties in line 45 ceased in 1821; the amounts in that line after that Year, are for Corn Returns. e º 'º e º º 5 Fo gº tº º & TO TAA, DRINAE Tobacco and Snuff Cocoa and Coffee © o gº tº e 3 13 Leather TOTAL of the above 14 Tea | 5 i 6 R7 Tº 8 T 9 20 2} $22 23 24 25 26 27 Auctions Licences Paper Starch Sweets Vinegar Balances in hands º Bills not due . º e º dº gº & e º & * & © tº e o ºs º gº & e g º ºs & o, a s Stone Bottles . tº gº & © tº gº. tº 9 º' g [ Years & a e g º e º e º e • * * * * * * * * * 4. British • * * * * * reign * * * * * * * * * * £ © tº s e º tº tº e º e s tº e e e dº * & © & e º º º * & © & © & & © e Wire, Gold and Silver 12 Cyder and Perr y tº £ tº 3 tº e º q, £ tº e & © 3 & g º e Printed Calicoes & Paper tº gº tº e º & º 'º e & tº º ºs tº e º & * * > * > * g º & 39. © tº e º 'º 6 º' s ſº * = g º e º e º e gº tº º 'º gº & e s a tº dº º º º * @ & © e º gº g e © 9 e º & 6 & e e Fines and Forfeitures ... TOTAL Gross Receipt Collectors Imprests . . . . . Receiver General £ * tº $ tº gº º © e º e º e º ſe e Total Sum tº be accounted for £ Discharged as follows, Viz. ſ32 Wines . . . . . . . . s | 33 Beer . . . . . . . . . . # 3 is 34 Glass .......... $ S º | 6 . * iſ $ $3 J 35 Leather . . . . . . . . . . §§ Sº 36 Paper . . . . . . . . s s: 37 Printed Calicoes § 38 Soap . . . . . . . . . . U39 All other articles 40 Allowances . 41 Repayments .. 42 Superannuations 43 Rewards to Offi 44 Pensions . . . . . 45 Bounties © & 8 e & * * * g º º © tº Ceſs tº $ & © tº º & 6 6 tº º ºr (G- * tº gº & © & *6 Salaries and Allowances.. s \ Payments into the ExCHEQUER 53 Balances ; i \º } TOTAL Discharge of Income . Proportion SCOTLAND . 47 Fishery Board 48 Bounties on do 49 King Hereditary Rev. 50 Courts of Session.... ENGLAND .... SCOTLAND . . . . • e º e º O & © 6 º e º 'º e 1814. | 1815. 1816. 1818. 1819. & e º ºs e º & . . . £ 9 s ſº a tº tº 6 C & 1812. 1813. 1817. 1820. —-É——º-— —-É— 3. -e—i—-e——e——-e £—— 273,934 53,563 233,634 238,355 213,971 80,756 115,164 349,020 || 419,130 4,351,896 || 4,898,258 5,808,375 6,092,264 5,978,728 2,093,077 3,196,241 2,799,113 || 4,937,660 3,150,647 2,969,109 3,105,335 3,392,087 || 3,279,617 2,669,163 3,038,779 3,006,732 2,907,076 3, 177,679 2,607,068 || 3,466,984 || 3,459,094 2,898,445 2,762,834 3,312,258 2,867,288 3,110,715 2,405,286 2,524,746 2,878,269 2,660,431 2,348,532 2,277,090 2,266,843 2,495,202 || 2,529,587 1,110,556 | 1,167,876 1,287,891 1,121,424 950,134 1,153,332 1,288,841 | 1,043,509 | 1,039,248 14,469,998 14,220,620 16,780,488 - 16,963,655 - 15,669,427 11,036,252 13,218,126 12,560,864 14,943,416 1,236,493 1,318,512 1,048,306 1,408,213 | 1,397,557 | 1,483,943 | 1,486,522 | 1,872,107 2,559,629 133,612 131,594 | 97,141 100,347 || 117,825 | 136,040 | 122,826 219,737 404,557 *~~~~ - s * a- ºr------- *** **** - 26,342 142,098 1,635,940 | 1,665,205 | 1,631,048 1,678,425 | 1,624,367 1,523,190 1,568,492 | 1,549,352 | 1,603,467 12,780 12,883 12,158 11,701 9,470 8,963 | 9,633 8,577 11,568 15,683 25,200 27,679 21,992 | 9,349 22,915 12,120 62,968 65,190 444,361 751,717 | 731,235 | 739,720 | 648,082 647,135 | 689,243 696,517 | 661,800 17,948,867 18,125,736 20,328,055 20,924,053 19,476,077 14,858,438 17,106,962 16,996,464 20,391,725 2,471,067 || 4,103,360 3,885,668 || 3,460,270 2,796,869 2,830,203 || 3, 173,879 3,118,788 3,133,396 989,729 1,210,856 | 1,284,631 | 1,333,892 | 1,137,927 | 1,164,838 1,567,453 | 1,523,017 | 1,601,049 351,969 || 361,721 || 323,603 || 283,913 257,761 || 251,452 275,966 277,202 || 245,407 326,896 || 305,930 254,916 || 272,055 238,078 250,180 320,351 374,377 330,258 334,060 330,358 336,485 || 363,148 || 371,613 353,822 366,729 || 370,295 || 375,748 683,726 || 751,743 692,816 772,037 878,670 | 1,005,724 | 1,042,630 | 1,003,095 | 1,074,415 519,453 750,967 | 841,146 866,382 804,505 || 746,663 927,282 958,466 801,483 498,637 496, 152 502,160 778,853 665,632 || 648,303 || 702,981 | 680,474 | 720,474 473,688 462,939 || 482,267 499,846 470,912 || 469,926 543,162 516, 157 524,189 33,397 40,582 60,365 53,577 40,013 34,736 60,554 60,555 65,798 253 2,544 1,954 1,963 1,174 827 2,692 2,978 2,727 22,116 29,973 27, 129 21,148 13,206 9,750 15,378 13,100 4,551 39,886 43,389 44,686 47,633 41,863 37,937 40,648 47,544 42,254 18,490 16,709 21,936 20,212 28,273 18,000 16,601 17,910 19,166 24,712,234 27,032,965 29,087,817 29,698,982 27,222,574 22,680,799 26,163,268 25,960,422 | 29,332,640 29,227 29,039 28,910 27,200 26,879 26,860 26,800 26,800 26,800 65,899 51,913 47,516 || 112,282 157,819 203,459 97,230 132,764 133,590 24,807,360 27,113,917 29,164,243 29,838,464 27,407,272 22,911,118 26,287,298 26,119,986 29,493,030 61,901 65,978 || 83,935 68,498 54,130 48,780 48,744 || 43,034 43,230 42,593 6,162 55,956 62,044 66,149 57,340 58,389 38,605 44,769 139,701 304,366 480,039 || 441,594 | 408,146 373,389 || 410,130 || 333,446 306,986 22,348 56,352 46,715 41,377 33,358 47,354 45,971 49,439. 39,819 29,686 29,800 28,475 23,827 21,483 22,172. 24,320 22,493 19,293 196,978 || 771,980 || 798,285 945,816 || 718,170 824,668 1,079,603 || 877,832 || 935,661 17,168 37,668 30,287 24,278 36,180 32,320 32,491 40,852 47,264 201,613 348,432 a 920,776 || 174, 180 146,577 73,560 62,333 69,174 67,219 145,331 | 120,726 142,501 || 108,595 ° 1,465,926 152,617 82,365 88,544 87,247 16,131 £2,356 25,195 10,751 10,667 12,807 10,703 12,921 29, 186 25,742 33,854 38,008 48,005 || 53,543 57,343 57,205 65,578 68, 193 11,027 8,887 3,291 12,035 13,450 112,608 46,223 39,316 34,492 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 25,851 19,996 23,830 20,605 || 11,074 15,760 16,155 2,717 | 5,132 943,601 || 937,899 || 947,879 || 939,279 | 1,083,865 980,672 | 1,009,782 | 1,020,838 | 1,042,504 4,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 7,000 | 8,000 7,000 10,000 | 9,000 10,748 13,610 13,707 24,222 31,495 36,599 54,488 66,064 76,130 36,914 26,360 32,667 33,350 || 38,212 33,961 24,700 22,435 38,059 95,263 87,502 92,137 86,644 99,889 95,237 100,886 98,469 91,209 20,961,813 22,877,737 23,649,676 24,796,633 21,553,639 | 18,396,401 21,330,746 21,492,840 24,742,242 1,424,000 1,257,815 1,593,400 1,772,000 1,310,000 1,391,500 1,611,500 | 1,551,000 1,628,961 80,951 76,427 | 139,483 184,731 230,319 124,030 159,564 160,390 || 132,424 24,807,360 27,113,917 : 29,164,243 29,838,464 27,407,272 22,911,118 26,287,298 26,119,987 29,493,030 1,943,516 1,861,691 2,190,445 2,350,884 1,840,957 | 1,970,901 2,200,000 | 2,188,850 2,225,762 15 The eaccess of Orawback noted a in 1814 was principally on Tea ; of allowances b in 1816, and c in 1823, on Malt Duty returned ; of the amount d in 1825 £884,806 was for return of Dutt, on Wine ; since 1821 the allowances on Malt have run from 2 to £300,000 tº Annum, and on Soap from 80 to £95,000 tº Annwn, see Statement Soap and Candles. For the details ºf charges of Management, see “General Statement of Charges of Collection of the Revenue of the United Kingdom ; ” and for Fishery Board, see Fishery, Qf the £14,000 Pensions, £9,000 is paid to the Duke of Grafton, who receives also £4,700 out of the Revenue of the Post Office; of the remainder of the £14000, £3,000 was granted to the Earl of Bath in 1694, since sold to Lord Melbourne and Charles Toone, Esq.; the remaining £2,000 was granted to Henry Nassau, Seigneur D'Auverquerque in 1796, now received by Earl Cowper by virtue of purchase , Charles Toones moiety of the Earl of Baths annuity was purchased by the Government 27, 1826. - - - *-- 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826, 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831 £ º £ £ £ #. -- £ —-É— £— £— £ |—£— T 241,303 || 263,093 35,836 | 196,890 212, 160 102,735 442,841 272,874 245,025 | 121,451 152.297 2 5,177,977 3,951,032 3,508,734 3,817,357 || 4,075,340 4,238,411 || 3,326,516 4,619,774 || 3,834,481 3,505,454 4,469,127 3 || 3,012,344 3,200,705 || 3,333,033 3,317,387 3,629,798 || 3,444,625 3,248,322 3,309,365 3,110,570 2,390,311 229 4 3,180,416 || 3,478,442 2,833,038 3,055,409 2,795,202 || 2,886,484 || 2,835,557 3,394,709 || 3,310,960 3,708,713 || 3,414,823 5 2,485,755 2,533,802 2,699, 127 2,850,928 708,305 \ *...* In 1819, additional Duties were laid on Malt and Tobacco, calculated to produce £3,190,000 6 1,028,792 1,007,088 1,121,950 1,121,237 149,461 tº Annum : and Cocoa, Coffee, Pepper, and Tobacco, which previously were charged also with - _ Customs Duty in 1819, were transferred wholly to the EXCISE ; In 1822, the additional Duty one 15,126,587 14,434,162 | 13,531,718 14,359,208 || 11,570,266 ºº § º º, 7 2,466,035 2,617,460 2,586,499 2,680,373 1,094,971 (Z72 2?268 (N. “... charged also to the ustoms, we're with 'o acco Cºº - % 5 Coeoa, 8 || 333,132 387,285 426,437 || 412,060 | 83,736 §: ſº ſºfº. ############ 9| 144,967 160,137 | 153,390 | 166,706 || 42,154 ºft.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. Tº 0 1,625,877 1,493,123 389,120 233,773 14,01 7 J ºreadded to Spirits from the 5th. July 1830.-See Note at head of Customs Duties relating to Tea, &e. H I 11,722 9,362 9,134 9,738 10,794 | 4,782 | 1 * -ºº-ººmsºmºsºsºmsº - - - sº-sº ºne J 2 38,723 27,954 48,718 45,564 33,910 29,564 26,865 36,224 25,000 49,006 } 13 656,870 553,503 376,435 419,489 429,858 369,659 360,779 383,118 363,931 181,442 21 20,453,913 19,682,986 17,521,451 18,326,911 13,379,706 11,076,260 10,240,891 11,017,064 10,889,967 9,956,377 | 8,036,498. 14 || 3,281,880 | 3,430,188 || 3,410,408 || 3,419,803 3,527,364 3,291,817 | 3,263,435 | 3,177,179 3,321,722 || 3,387,098 || 3,344,914 15 1,748,506 | 1,674,139 1,811,919 2,040,718 2,035,220 | 1,524,664 2,022,258 2,098,963 | 1,942,919 2,149,238 614,590 16 221,079 223,881 236,651 290,501 335,690 254,126 270,524 269,295 244,490 228,376 219,826 #7 313,761 342,290 407,239 481,685 620,800 467,410 374,830 364,421 373,028 360,506 375,095 18 401,031 415,494 443,052 464,913 481,210 485,930 490,664 504,043 496,696 489,093 477,459 19 1,173,464 1,216,380 | 1,282,234 || 1,281,214 | 1,328,010 | 1,266,339 1,370,727 | 1,414,955 1,357,688 1,513,150 1,431,476 20 816,714 858,486 962,710 | 1,026,520 | 1,030,867 954,631 918,680 953,258 852,739 715,425 713,490 21 699,286 711,778 715,209 665,614 651. 119 737,206 674,005 702,295 711,829 737,497 794,744 22 558,323 599,080 616,391 646,658 695,840 580,489 666,032 743,423 701,629 709,488 702,379 23 67,139 82,458 78,090 73,615 93,534 86,389 99,297 105,581 85,697 103,100 100,331 24 3,226 3,105 3,298 3,773 4,991 4,717 | 3,908 3,887 4,167 3, 189 3,549 25 4,672 5,239 12,104 10,524 5,351 3,627 3,473 2,306 2,456 2,500 2,267 26 44,212 45,813 48,242 45,688 50,940 25,363 24,170 23,908 21,896 17,251 | 18,905 27 22,585 21,074 19,028 35,047 47,756 25,852 24,882 10,216 7, 117 8,733 64,741 29,808,791 29,312,391 27,568,026 28,813,184 24,188,398 20,784,820 20,447,776 22,390,794 21,014,040 20,381,021 | 16,900,264 2,481 5,079 9,958 88,187 35,477 15,876 | 19,873 20,812 24,341 32,608 16,542 28,076 29,441 13,006 11,491 12,752 11,494 12,321 12,609 12,492 13,869 105,882 | 121,934 118,360 | 123,517 95,598 || 159,246 107,774 111,524 || 119,695 62,466 40,004 1,541,859 1,455,595 | 1,208,579 1,134,601 | .809,972 771,025 855,712 | 894,732 || 766,959 593,523 29,931,215 31,006,741 || 29,176,501 30,168,244 25,518,275 21,802,267 21,353,945 23,390,224 22,061,888 21,247,279 17,580,273 32 45,957 50,063 48,773 40,255 12,890 148 A a--s - *** **** pºsºmº sºmºsº, 33 55,866 56,994 52,893 36, 182 42,046 31,831 43,729 52,961 54,907 44,883 | 34 34 307,283 355,712 415,100 407,740 416,128 290,789 319,385 374,365 217,570 181,242 195,663 35 48,275 35,744 16,623 19,004 20,742 16,183 37,867 16,172 14,172 12,244 2] 36 22, 149 24,095 25,792 26,621 26, 128 27,544 31,049 30,749 29, 183 28,013 29,420 37 | 1,077,421 | 1,186,875 || 1 146,751 | 1,381,942 1,665,592 | 1,020,971 1,360,069 1,441,207 | 1,390,534 |1,578,869 554,900 38 50,765 39,308 62,680 61,685 70,716 52,844 96,241 112,369 || 112,730 || 177,631 190,972 39 47,400 57,239 47,210 45,279 30,524 13,190 13,443 27,783 16,372 18,040 223,901 40 77,671 347,113 | * 503,453 274,894 id 1,409,400 383,985 315,194 || 415,405 421,776 457,384 452,840 41 90,864 18,991 6,213 30,553 17,543 16,955 11,788 8,986 20,787 21,779 23,250 42 67,319 70,563 67,899 77,379 84,753 96,014 98,317 95,654 98,231 102,583 91,786 43 35,988 41,401 19,932 6,122 3,409 2,614 1,811 253 31 *** *= —--- 44 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 13,250 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 45 4,951 * 3,098 2,846 3,037 3,166 | 3,187 3,091 6,101 5,775 5,725 5,734 46 | 1,030,613 1,129,248 1,204,074 | 1,064,708 981,727 | 73,554 899, 146 900,877 | 905,209 || 904,399 || 858,321 Lagan Cana! 8,638 8,780 5,894 4,470 47 12,000 || 11,500 12,000 12,000 | 13,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 9,000 12,500 12,000 43 68,000 60,000 80,739 87,897 75,612 81,861 55,230 34,997 35,098 || 20,775 2,650 49 43,109 41,220 39,902 37,062 32,154 20,732 24,827 17,008 22,857 22,483 1,469 50 99,158 107,661 98,094 98,724 56,676 84, 172 69,262 73,974 70,395 64,551 39,172 *:::::::: *::::::: : 23,956,467 25,113,283 19,524,622 || 17,749,274 | 16,969,566 18,700,376 17,749,722 | 16,895,775 14,330,875 53 150,010 | 1,608,475 1,355,060 | 1,329,877 | 1,017,447 906,169 999,430 | 1,047,848 866,259 | 680,009 || 550,295 29,931,215. 31,006,741 29,176,501 30,168,244 25,518,275 21,802,267 21,353,945 23,390,224 22,061,888 21,247,279 17,580,273 2,408,972 \ 2,380,160 2,262,003. 2,441,042 2,397,134 2,318,909 2,337,981 2,848,302 2,770 111 || 2,960,306 2,576,965 16 An Account of the Gross Receipt of Duty on each of 22 items of stamps, in each of the Twenty Years 1809-29; of Discounts and Allowances, &c., Charges of Collecting the same, and Nett Payments into the ExchEQUER, in each Year. Items of Assesment. tº * tº tº # tº - | * | tº tº tº tº 1 Deeds, Law Procedings, &c. 3,411,945 1,849,144 1,817,503 1,758,806 | 1,895,531 | 1,865,713 | 1,932,762 1,971,730 1,954,598 1,881,545 2 Legacies, .................] 546,421 || 483,307| 571,301 695.242 |753,108 | 711,683 980,920 |883,714 |875,027 |889,887 3 Probates .............. —- |430,746 || 433,961 525,810 531,717 656,799 |695,340 711,580 | 720,364 763,562 4 Bills of Exchange.......... ——- 691,044 || 719,897 || 713,838 | 841,459 || 754,501 || 795,940 | 845,750 | 738,974 |697,508 5 Receipts .............. --—l 167,422 i72,650 i72,940 |20,290 |208,970 207,530 1208,362 205,254 204,887 6 Bankers Notes . . . . . & © ... ) tº- Prior to 1828, Bankers Notes, and Composition for ditto. were included with Bills of Exchange as # line 4; and 7 Composition for do. . . . . . . . . . Licences, with Deeds, Law Proceedings, &c.; Almanacks prior to 1816, were included with Newspapers; in the Session 8 Licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) of 1815, a general alteration and increase of Rate of Duty took place, on various Items of Stamps. - - 9 Marine Insurances ........] ––– 278,901 || 377,896 || 452,260 396,300 279,434 289,653 339,846 249,239 (231,231 10 Fire Insurances.... ........ no.399 468,930 453,300 || 502,951 || 518,626 || 592,455 597,592 |604,442 617,128 |609,143 11 Newspapers ..............] 359,448 || 376,798 || 394,041 383,658 |383,696 °367,506||368,284 |367,789 |384,141 440,228 12 Advertisments ............ 117,334 130,324 128,735 | 119,985 | 124,959 || 133,555 |133,018 || 137,029 |139,139 140,190 13 Stage Coaches ............ 199,150 | 187,663 || 178,972 194,560 |223,608 || 274,841 264,666 |256,104 |260,543 |273,477 14 Post Horses . . . . . ......... 207,851 224,274 247,468 274,710 |219,546 |227,424 243,853 |224,828 239,839 |245,954 15 Gold and Silver Plate . . . . . . 90,903 || 74,342 69,624 || 74,859 82,152 82,321 86,006 || 102,020 | 97,390 | 86,750 16 Medicine, & Medic. Licences 39,299 || 33,802 || 41,790 44,078 || 43,454 39,791 41,195 44,325 37,942 | 89,227 17 Almanacks . . . . . . . . . . [Hats 35,513]| –— | – - — — — 32,694 || 32,752 33,320 | 33,434 32,789 18 Cards. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 27,290 24,931 || 24,462 22,944 || 23,122 | 20,350 21,201 22,641 22,445 21,367 19 Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1,588 863 | 723 1,002 | 1,607 | 1,217 771 612 71.4 664 20 Pamphlets . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 618 517 || 422 || 543 490 735 843 | 1,059 844 826 21 Race Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873 || 860 942 882 907 || 980 1,020 | 1,073 903 | 1,035 22 Lottery Stamps............] 5,843 || 4,944 4,469 || 3,930 4,662 4,987 4,475 4,965 4,435 | 4,198 TOTAL Gross Receipt £| 5,463,424 5,428,112 || 5,638,156 5,942,998 6,268,232 6.255,956 || 6,692,821 6,760,039 || 6,582,858 6,564,461 Balances ( Country Distributors | 102,810 | 109,303 || 107,769 || 106,687 | 112,848 || 157,492 | 120,056 108,107 || 94,184 || 93.720 in }; do. since 1800. 47,807 || 27,296 || 63,489 30,692 || 36,770 24,176 22,515 20,422 16,582 | 19,450 hands of t Imprests ..........| 91 || 32,428 34,567 37,656 35,404 || 35,077 37,430 || 41,269 || 39,393 || 36,417 Bills not due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,821 || 30,429 29,193 || 32,939 39,550, 53,464 34,513 || 39,057 52,788 46,754 Total Sum to be accounted for £| 5,622,954 5,628,268 5,873,174 6,150,972 6,492,804 6,526,165 6,907,335 | 6,969.494 6,785,210 | 6,760,802 Discharged as follows, Viz. . . . . . | | | | | | | - - - . 3 ſ Deeds ............... 36,780 17,829 18,903 | 16,893 || 17,196 || 13,992 || 14,039 || 14,326 18,294 | 12,648 § Probates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -— 4,387 4,438 5,568 || 5,449 || 7,371 7,777 7,784 || 7,905 || 8,284 s s | Bills and Notes ........ --— 5,223 5,473 5,413 6,102 || 4,781 || 3.9% º!º | ** | **** §s Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . .] –– 7,730 7,835 | 7,878 || 9,554 | 9,556 9,633 9,743 9,530 9,230 J. S | Newspapers .......... 54,159 56,850 || 59,964 61,945 || 65,809 || 69,068 | 68,439 || 39.4|| || 72,4} | {3,384 § §§ Fire Insurances ........ 21,189 23,446 24,131 25,147 25,839 27,184 27,498 || 27,747 28,23, 27.87% § 3 ; Medicine, & M. Licences 4,324 3,636 4,597 || 4,794 4,681 4,261 || 4,323 4.8% 4,094 4,063 $ $ Almanacks ......[Hats 3,276 —--| - | — | —— | 1,256 1,258 1,533 1,781 1,783 Q s | Gold and Silver Plate ...| 2,279 1,850 | 1,739 1,869 2,044 2,051 || 2 135 2,542 2,416 2,156 's Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 || 371 363 342 342 302 312. 336 332 313 Sº URace Horses . . . . . . . . . . . 45 42 46 || 43 || 44 48 50 53 52 50 Drawback on Plate Exported .. 4,500 || 3,181 || 3,428 || 3,549 || 7,157 7,165 9,855 9,547 | 19,194 | 11,742 Parchment, Paper, and Blanks 28,832 26,736 || 32,217 | 28,764 35,837 24,117 26,402 || 29,457 28,283 28,592 Return on Legacies &c......... 1,650 3,623 1,541 | 1,777 || 2,303 2,002 | 1,830 2,589 2,410 7,888 do. on Probates ... . . . . . . . . — —— 438 ºl 3,871 .. 8,019 7,473 17,858. 19,577 *** There was no account Published, of the CHARGEs of Collection in detail prior to 1822; in wnich ſd? Centage to Gountry Distributors . . Salaries and Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . Year an alteration generally, in the form of the Public Accounts was adopted, the amounts in a line with Miscellaneous Payments prior to 1821, are the Total amounts for Charges of Collection; the detailed amounts for Charges of Collection under the head of 1821, are the Charges for the Year 1818, as laid before Parliament, in the Session of 1826, (Vide Parliamentary Paper, No. 345, of that Session) for reasons stated at large in the General Statement of Charges of Collection of the Revenue of the United Kingdom. The notation d implies that since 1823, Stationery has been Charged in the General account of Miscellaneous Payments, £4,298 of the amount noted b in 1823, was for New Presses and Steam Engines; ºf 1,634 of the amount c in 1826, for Stage Coach Plates; and fº,810 of the amount d in 1827, for Rewards to In- formers paid by the Solicitor : the Rate of {} Centage to the Country Distributors was considerably re- duced in 1822, and it deserves consideration since the improved facility of intercourse with every part of the Kingdom, whether that Item of Ea'pence might not advantageously be wholly dispenced with. The excess of Charges of Collection in 1819, is considerable ; but as no detail of the amount has been Published, all that can be done, is to direct attention to the subject ; the increased return in Probates also deserves attention. the amounts noted with an *in 1828-9, in the line of returns of Cards, are returns on Marine Insurances. Special Services and Travelling Charges Repairs of Building,Coals, Candles, &c. Rents, Rates, Taxes, & Tithes of Offices Law Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . . º ſº e º 'o º & Postage and Carriage . . . . . . . . • * * * * * Superannuations © & Bill & Tally Money on passing accounts Engraving Dies, &c. . . . . . . . . . f : e Newspapers, to check Advertisements U Copies of Wills, to do. Legacy Duty... e fº et < Miscellaneous Payments . . . . . . . 155,669 159,378 156,039 || 160,189 || 170,377 | 164,851 170,938 177,507 || 201,272 176,037 ##### into the §§º: 4,865,739 || 4,748,337 4,993,237 || 5,234,291 || 5,443,877 5,557,474 5,928,104 || 5,960,921 5,717,393 || 5,710,100 EXCHEQUER. 2 Scotland .... 259,000 330,500 351,250 || 367,500, 425,500 412,250 || 412,800 || 435,500 || 466,850 444,750 Balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185,104 || 235,149 || 207,973 224,572 270,209 || 214,565 208,905 202,957 196,341 || 208,012 TOTAL Discharge ºf INQQME ... £ 5,622,954 5,628,268 5,873,174 6,150,972 || 6,492,804 || 6,526,165 6,907,335 | 6,969,494 | 6,785,210 || 6760,802 Grogs Produce of IRELAND......... 698,593 || – 747,586 591,265 596,710 506,916 556,067 || 514,529 448,089 Nett do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 612,152 | —— 692,375 546,315 544,315 506,691 495,182 468,581. 393,557 The Duty on about 300 Items of Law Stamps, producing in the aggregate about £200,000 tº Annum was repealed in 1826, which accounts for the diminution in line 1 since 1825, the panic of 1825, and suppression of in line 22 since 1826 noted with a t are for Penalties in Law Proceedings and Costs received. : 9 30 # I 12 13 #4 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 t ! s 1828. 1829. the small Notes of Country Bankers is a sufficient solution to the dininution of line 4 in 1826; The Löttery was abolished in 1825; the amounts •ersºn • -*r 1832. 1833. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827 | | 1839. 1891. - —£-——£-———£ —£-—l—£-—l-–£-——£-— —£-——£- H —£-—l—£-——£-—l—£-— 1,873,463 | 1,850,624 1,835,716 2,018,874| 2,022,964 || 1,731,402 || 1,678,330 1,592,363 1,560,024 1,522,306 | 1,412,553 | 960,616 || 1,053,958 981,242 { 1,049,458 | 1,056,906 923,323 | 1,033,053 | 1,170,294 | 1,178,710 1,228,261 #: - | 796,657 | 739,583 || 820,599 || 851,941 |874,511 || 815,038 868,789 || 877,595 877,982 903,938 || 876,939 691,335 | 668,057 | 681,881 | 723,920 790,870 || 578,815 582,098 || 495,367 || 483,965 |458,511 || 469,076 | 199,225 | 194,535 | 196,044 217,845 || 218,070 202,830 212,039 229,388 223,640 220,961 215,739 The high price of Bullion appears to have checked the Manufacture of Wrought Plate, } 36,576 || 34,894 34,694 34,669 | in 1812 – 14; the Duty on Playing Cards was reduced in 1828; and a general revision $ 72,922 75,466 75,953 || 75,271 of the Stamp Duties, more particularly in Ireland was proposed in the Session of 1830, U168,170 | 1 52,243 155,779 154,349 221,930 211,638 223,634 228,084 282,566 219,629 258,906 244,236 227,973 220,008 222,824 621,362 631,207 |637,349 | 669,569 || 701,455 | 737,859 |717,128 |753,808 || 773,784 || 768,855 799,353 414,370 || 398,873 || 411,171 431,668 449,574 || 451,676 458,559 || 473,355 || 480,969 505,439 554,789 | 142,061 148,319 || 141,496 152,460 | 163,460 | 153,467 152,380 | 155,309 153,645 157,482 156,899 279,602 || 311,284 345,824 361,543 || 362,740 || 358,978 || 394,492 |407,533 || 426,490 418,604 || 422,543 | 242,704 242,334 261,873 || 236,309|232,651 |257,293 225,864 238,858 252,772 220,358 231,863 81,329 83,700 86,215 100,913 128,238 106,682 104,027 | 98,960 92,234 85,632 83,878 | 40, 109 || 39,927 | 38,757 47,002 || 44,640 || 41,789 || 43,655 | 40,880 37,650 | 38,785 39,084 33,016 || 32,453 || 30,550 | 32,023 31,948 30,545 30, 106 || 32,537 30,849 27,780 29,806 21,347 | 21,180 22,007 || 26,320 22,578 18,301 | 20,865 17,365 15,543 || 14,509 || 14,400 830 | 1,663 1,309 I, III | 1,194 | 1,794 | 1,020 | 867 870 1,294 || 2,221 | 1,027 751 | 796 || 1,073 722 | 1,005 1,634 984 1, 130 | 1,020 944 | 1,004 || 1,046 1,507 | 1,506 1,485 1,581 1,558 || 1,637 | 1,641 1,462 | 1,386 4,825 3,591 2,962 3,889 4,955 2,884 | f 9,396 |f 12,784 | f 4,719 || 10,137 2,514 6,626,811 || 6,634,723 6,720,932 || 7,155,508 || 7,391,527 | 6,634,891 6,793,899 7.121,788 7,087,193 7,066,769 6,945,559 100,944 100,962 95,545 81,573 || 48,087 || 53,811 50,382 37,342 58,826 37,416 || 38,117 | 22,100 24,637 24,019 29,781 27,163 22,092 24,981 22,078 || 24,153 24,940 22,096 | 35,691 3,714 7,646 9,387 | 10,987 14,202 || 14,408 || 14,928 2,773 5,523 4,385 | 48,167 189,525 || 232,560 214,126 232,039 |225,378 177,586 209,644 181,017 | 185,952 191,041 6,833,713 6,953,561 7,080,702 || 7,490,375 7,709,803 6,900,374 7,061,256 7,405,780 || 7,353,962 7,320,000 || 7,201,198 | 12,550 | 12,269 || 12,929 || 13,294 | 13,519 || 10,346 10,600 | 10,020 | 7,734 7,678 6,941 8,601 || 8,008 || 9,027 | 9,227 9,435 | 8,340 || 9,379 || 9,497 || 9,978 || 10,716 || 10,170 4,259 || 4,268 4,416 5,055 5,725 3,312 3,398 || 3,528 3,362 3,106 || 3,444 8,893 8,791 8,279 || 9,294 || 9,267 || 9,051 9,235 | 11,598 || 15,788 15,320 15,314 78,616 76,281 78,943 81,513 86, 121 | 86,179 87,521 | 89,999 || 91,148 94,459 || 103,131 28,516 29,011 || 29,301 || 30.860 32,284 34,146 33,187 || 34,937 35,924 || 35,693 37,132 4,319 || 4,265 4,174 4,411 || 4,911 4,526 || 4,538 || 4,550 4,229 4,397 4,446 | 1,289 || 1,535 1,482 | 1,762 | 1,524 1,488 1,254 1,819 1,306 1,486 1,766 2,024 2,057 2,137 2,507 || 3,006 || 2,279 2,204 || 2,456 2,271 : 2,141 2,072 | 312. 310 | 323 382 332 267 302 | * 2,897 2,667 2,493 2,429 49 51 70 6() || 72 78 | 75 || 77 79 70 68 || 26,605 || 26,293 28,315 29,729 || 29,779 28,855 24,237 22,451 20,974 21,605 || 17,066 1,446 5,253 2,294 || 4,063 3,835 | 5,287 3,312 18,103 || 12,715 25,277 || 6,493 | 31,418 32,432 34,759 || 41,486 || 39,575 52,253 50,208 || 59,980 74,868 66,544 63,276 88,572) 70,279 63,917 | 68,811 || 69,473 || 65,365 | 64,355 69,221 62,096 || 56,869 55,834 | 47,746 || 48,686 || 48,671 50,027 48,655 50,175 50,883 || 58,782 || 58,459 58,145 || 57,252 # 4,439 2,235 | 4,133 4,045 3,309 || 4,573 || 3,040 5,157 || 4,995 || 4,633 7,308 || * 8,336|| 13,385 4,187 2,986 3,510 || 3,667 2,858 3,871 3,658 2,631 2,266 : 451 570 657 689 607 599 608 672 723 || 712 635 | * , 16 || 4,562 4,334 28,842 263 3,547 8,571 23,714 || 3,661 9,554 || 3,455 # 8,825 × 5,446 5,781 a 389 485 478 556 716 || 663 447 || 5 || 2 | § 6,704 6,789 7,118 6,880 || 7,205 || 7,080 7,333 8,323 7,723 9,366 8,784 # 4,378 5,002 || 5,238 5,535 | 5,924 5,856 || 6,703 || 9,309 || 9,221 9,056 9,094 ; 1,509 | 1,497 1,788 1,592 | 1,739 1,554 | 1,465 1,362 | 1,554 1,548 1,547 :- § 861 700 508 1,337 525 998 422 1,865 536 372 928 1,035 | 1, 192 1,142 1,117 | 1,128 1,202 | 1,055 1,222 1,112 | 1,087 | 1,139 4,663 J 4,881 4,983 || 5,508 4,696 || 5,415 || 5,860 5,663 5,844 6,096 5,435 183,768 3,166 lb 7,114 2,332 1,711 c 3,711 d 4,267 || 4,302 || 4,009 || 1,830 3,217 º: º;; 6,362,620 6,753,097 || 6,997,234 6,277,015 6,375,141 || 6,666,365 | 6,644,636 | 6,605,291 6,500,910 318,010 || 359,771 || 334,868 || 318,277 315,483 267,358 283,992 266,769 259.880235,639 261,567 - 6,333.7% 6,953,561 | 7,039,792 || 7,499.37% 7,709,803 || 6,950,374 || 7 061,256 || 7,405,780 | 1,358,962. 1,320,000|ºol, losſ – | 438,146 458,176 401,892 516,903 489,625 466,613 481,654 || 483,319 499.125 488.256 '4:20 i | 386,981 410,143 425,484 || 477,099 || 436,844 || 411,490 422,239 - O 441,585 \ 456,669 452,830 446,920 -*. E8 AN ACCOUNT of the Gross Receipt, Charges of Management, and Nett Proceeds, of the Iran 1809. 1812. | 1813. 1814. l 1815. | 1816. 1817. | 1818. 1819. j Unpaid Letters .**There was no account published of these sia. Items, nºr of the Charges of Conveyance and Management, in detail, prior to 1822. The receipt of the Inland Department appears tº have in- greased since 1322, but it will be seen on referring to line 9 that the receipt of the Foreign Department has decreasefling 99rre- sponding proportion.--see note below relating to Ship Letters - - | i ! - ! - * - inwards, Ship Letters, &c., Charged to the Country Post outwards, Paid Letters inw ..". Letters i. and Paid £º outwards, at do. . . . . . . 3 Bye, and Cross Road Letters 4 Letters Charged to the Postmasters i o 5 Passage Money, and Freight of Specie by the Packets [North America 6 Miscellaneous Receipts a e G gº º © e º 'º gº in the West Indies, & British & e º e º e a e e º e º e g tº e º ſº e º e º 3 & Q 8 & © & masters, by the General Office g tº c e º G a º q & 6 sº e Q e gº. 3 & Q 6. #4+ The eapence ºf Conveyance since 1818, appears to have con- siderably increased, without any cause for the increase being ap- parent ; the ea:cess of Charge for Tolls in 1826, deserves notice ; the progressive increase of the amount paid to Masters of Ships | for Ship Letters (see Note above) is interesting, and fully eac- plains the seeming increase in the Receipt of the Inland, and de- crease of the Receipt of the Foreign Departments;—see General Statement of CHARGEs of CoI.LECTION of the REVENUE of the UNITED KINGDOM, for an ea planation of the seeming diminution of Charge for Stationery, &c., (line 36.) Up to 1822, line 41 rep- resents the Total amount of Charge for Conveyance, and Manage- ament ; and the four Years 1814–17, probably include Payments on account of the New Post Office ; otherways the amounts for those Years seem disproportionately great: the Total Sum Char- ged on account of the New Post Office, in the 13 Years 1818 - 30, is ºf 393,653, (for the Custom House, in the 17 Years 1813–29, ºf 648,718, has been charged ; ) Of the Pen- sions (line 42) ºf 5,000, is paid to the Duke of Marlborough ; ºf 4,000, to the Heirs of the Dufºe of Schomberg ; and the remaining ºf 4,700, to the Duke of Grafton, who re- ceives also ºf 9,000 tº annum out of the Revenue of the Earcise ;--see Statement of Ex- The amounts in line 49, in the Years 1815–20, amounting to ºf 105,081, were for the New Post Office in Dublin, and the amounts in the same line in the Years 1824–9, are “Payments made to the Treasurer of the Ordnance and Barrack Departments in Ire- land,” pursuant to Warrants from the Lords of the Treasury ; being so much claimed as Postage paid for Letters in Ireland, on the Business or Service of the Ordnance and Barrack Board in each Year, being in 1829 at the Rate of nearly £60 dp' Day. The ac- cise. Salaires, Wages, & allowances] [20 British Postage Received in Ireland 21 to Officers, Clerks, Sorters, Carriers, &c., London and Edinburgh 22 Country Postmasters, and Agents, Great Britain and Colonies 23 Officers, Clerks, Sorters, and Carriers, of the Twopenny Department. - —£-——£-—ſ—£-— - £– —£ £ £-— porat ( 7 Inland .... 1,307,615 1,458,834 1,532,981 | 1,570,744 1,610,251 | 1,535,023 1,462,154 1,494,345 1,495,174 1,450,188 * Gross Receipt & 8 Twopenny 80,433 93,630 || 93,300 94,248 96,089 || 94,832 93,215 96,407 || 99,043 100,255 in ENGLAND. U9 Foreign... 74,467 95,798 || 128,648 227,188 221,468 197,462 | 190,169 196,517 | 179,704 || 168,666 10 Letters from Eng. to Irel. 50,584 56,112 || 59,237 61,922 59,122 || 55,021 51,574 54,422 54,817 | 55,215 TOTAL Scotland 156,331 178,897 191,885 203,508 |202,326 192,569 185,419 189,890 188,236 184,533 Gross Receipt in IRELAND 180,671 211,678 223,822 223,914 223,266 222,748 192,065 190,769 188,986 185,872 TOTA 1 United Kingdom € 1,850,101 2,094,949 2,229,873 2,381,524 2,412,522 2,297,655 2,174,596 || 2,222,148 2,205,960 2,144,679 s ( 13 Deputy Postmaster 129,615 142,530 | 128,886 || 137,765 171,770 | 137,359 149,592 || 141,994 | 150,020 154,757 § 3 ; 14 Receiver General 3,587 || 4,307 5,649 3,861 4,581 6,081 6,487 6,690 6,610 4,994 $ $º 15 Bills not due 47,603 || 44,927 | 64,384 60,510 || 57,081 61,781 59,449 75,540 102,366 | 68,547 * 5 ( 16 in Ireland . . . . . . 26,587 27,201 || 30,597 28,970 34,650 37,292 29,351 30,975 35,204 || 36,798 Total Sum to be accounted for sf| 2,057,493 2,313,914 || 2,459,389 2,612,630 || 2,680,604 || 2,540,168 2,419,475 2,477,347 2,500,160 2,409,775 Returns for ( 17 England. . 49,194 51,490 55,989 64,226 61,091 60,506 56,794 | 58,799 || 53,355 52,456 Overcharges, K 18 Scotland 9,650 11,019 11,543 | 12,870 | 12,078 11,835 | 11,271 11,150 | 10,937 || 11,719 &C., &c. 19 Ireland ... 16,721 18,885 | 20,609 | 16,957 17,025 | 16,597 || 13,504 12,936 11,846 | 12,442 ſ24 Mileage to Mail Coaches, and Wages to Guards .... [Britain . iſ: do - º alº- º šš,427 do. do. S is S $ U 30 i | counts for the Years 1813 – 15, do not Balance; and the Year 1821, shews a discrepancy” do. 40 New Post Office . . . . . º - - 41 Incidents . . . . . . . . . . f 301,082 347,225 || 349,551 || 397,523 || 431,736 42 Pensions . . . . . • - - - - - - 13,700 | 13,700 13,700 18,700 | 13,700 Packet 43 England ... ( 147,325 131, 120 Establishments. } ... ." } 98,063 106,518 142,847; 937 || 12:31, 45 Irish Inland Postage . . . 22,176 24,175 26,483 19,307 | 18,554 ‘ss S (46 Sal. & Allowns. - lº e º §. is: 47 Conveyances . . } 52,591 || o,486 76,391 || 76,865 70,860 s š"; 48 Incidents . . . . . . . 40,753 || 41,911 28,687 || 35,422 || 42,026 SS & G 49 New Post Office - — . . . 18,245 * $ 50 Great Britain 1,168,000 1,322,000 | 1,403,000 1,462,000 | 1,541,000 6 - - - - Eºr. { 51 Ireland . . . . 57,470 86,000 || 96,000 | 89,000 || 79,500 Bal- 52 Great }º. 131,107 || 134,523 || 141,927 176,426 139,417 j : 33 Britain & Bills 57,263 | 64,384 60,510 || 57,081 61,781 54 Ireland ...... 39,723 30,597 30,851 34,640 37,292 TO TAL Discharge of Income ºf 2,057,493 2,313,914 || 2,458,508 2,610,461 2,687,646 I Years | 1809. 1812. T813, 1815. 1814. * * * *, e º , b tº 9 0 tº 6 & 2 a. © tº 3 o e º is to p. & © e 25 Riding, and other Charges of the Country Postmasters in Great Twopenny Department - Postmasters in Canada, Nova Scotia, and Jamaica 28 Amount paid for Tolls of Mail Coaches - 29 Transit Postage through Foreign Countries Paid to Miasters of Shi o tº & Cº. c ºx tº gº • * ~ * 3 * * c 3 o . ~ & ſ31 Special Services, and Travelling Expences 32 Tradesmens Bills, for Repairs of Buildings 33 Coals, Candles, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Rents, Rates, Taxes, and Tithes of Offices 35 Amount paid for Law Charges - 36 Stationery, Printing, and Postage 37 Superannuation Allowances 38 Allowances for Offices, and Fees a U39 Commissioners of Holyhead Roads. * * * * tº as tº 3. & & 9 º' we & & t) : • 2 o ºr e o o bolished * * * e g o º ——— 90,000 2,000 9,000 428,857 453,822 || 375,727 | 376,149 388,258 } - 13,700 | 13,700 18,700 13,700 13,700 88,027 69,061 90,502 80,272 79,424 15,180 14,455 14,382 14,731 14,059 15,870 14,764 | 16,792 || 17,338 15,389 - * Lºrº - § 32,090 r 70,131 71,098 38, º: 71,023 73,801 43,068 || 27,184 27,202 || 38,786 34,613 20,448 21,428 29,743 | 12,198 || 3,419 1,430,000 | 1,334,000 | 1,334,000 | 1,473,000 1,396,000 78,000 || 57,230 || 46,154 53,538 59,077 159,385 154,654 157,117 | 165,941 136,636 56,769 75,540 | 102,366 | 68,547 70,463 ; 31,796 || 30,975 35,204 || 36,798 || 39,319 2,540,168 2,419,475 2,477,347 2,500,160 2,409,775 | 1816 1817. 1818, # 819. 1820. wº- - 1820. #9 Revenue of the POST OFFICE, in the UNITED KINGDOM, iu each of the 20 Years 1809 – 29. t 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1830. 1831. 1832, 1833. ———£-—l-É.--—£-——£-——-é £-——£ £-i-º-º--lº-e--—£–| in Łondon 440,758 417,570 433,533 || 510,316 || 516,624 488,359 || 486,250 || 485,615 486,416 || 486,156 y & so e o e o o 380,213 || 410,649 430,025 455,963 463,476 436,099 || 436,506 || 427,220 444,990 || 485,627 ** * * *t ºr e º & 513,338 520,196 || 547,116 574,025 587,268 568,844 573,332 574,926 579,571 592,710 | - 37,342 45,109 || 53,108 || 48,395 50,568 50,863 41,249 52,631 57,880 | 60,628 tº a tº tº * * * * 18,900 46,624 32,699 || 36,241 33,656 || 46,095 || 55, 189 53,173 || 51,797 || 48,470 • * * * * g o gº 50,451 3,598 || 15,937 16,885 | 16,701 || 4,145 || 17,734 2,408 || 9,498 22,146 —£-—l— .- - - - W. - - *. 1,441,419 || 1,441,002 | 1,443,746 1,512,418 1,641,825 | 1,668,293 | 1,594,405 | 1,610,260 | 1,595,973 | 1,630, 152 1,695,737 99,825 | 100,739 || 105,138 111,511 117,368 118,192 || 116,257 | 117,554 || 115,740 || 110,374 103,134 159,170 164,226 178,212 || 178,107 || 133,045 122,553 119,960 116,957 | 111,103 || 110,278 60,771 55,208 || 52,792 53,771 58,083 62,053 61,076 28,315 / - - - -- - - - ; 179,397 184,143 184,601 || 495,517 | 206,099 || 214,401 203,243 203,630 |201,602 | 202,917 | 204,693 | 137,120 | 186,024 188,826 199,603 || 207,178 207,757 216,233 239,559 241,064 247,712 256,977 | º 2,128,926 2,154,294 || 2,255,239 2,367,568 2,392,272 2,278,413 2,287,960 2,265,482 2,301,433 2,321,312 || | # 130,601 || 119,007 || 97,711 100,030 | 103,996 || 101,611 91,103 || 78,229 || 71,659 64,594 | 72,405 || 69,172 11,533 2,978 || 4,316 || 6,429 5,700 1,659 1,345 886 || 4,347 954 1,283 || 2,319 70,463 | *76,674 72,847 61,850 53,392 || 60,441 53,932 49,119 || 48,584 43,821 || 45,976 52,207 39,318 || 41,968 45,982 45,377 || 42,918 50,681 || 47,401 || 50,500 || 51,724 54,350 | * 52,505 || 46,968 2,374,054 2,369,553 2,375,150 2,468,925 2,573,574 2,606,664 2,472,194 2,466,694 2,441,796 || 2,465,152 2,493,481 º: 54,688 || 50,665 54,569 || 56,671 60,945 63,061 59,259 54,492 || 57,998 || 61,088 64,316 - 11,146 || 10,693 || 10,144 10,046 17,866 11,014 || 10,472 10,120 7,006 || 10,421 10,724 . 11,502 | 12,237 11,598 || 12,473 | 12,550 | 13,394 | 13,933 15,350 | 15,811 17,717 | 18,907 a 6,348 6,003 || 6,480 7,198 7,588 8,401 || 4,392 - — — . —— # 64,826 ſé4,387 | 62,671 61,023 61,559 63,518 61,869 61,754 || 61,728 64,651 | 72,079 # 73,426 71,027 | 73,204 || 74,753 76,157 77,881 79,107 || 79,600 83,284 || 85,558 | 89,014 # 28,715 30,625 || 31,510 || 32,581 33,120 | 34,261 || 34,005 || 34,420 || 34,515 35,523 36,494 tº g - - - . . . . . - # 52,193 54,374 59,222 55,617 | 57,428 61,898 || 63,006 || 67,870 || 71,225 | 71,489 || 70,540 # 55,730 53,115 53,081 53,083 54,832 57,142 61,549 | 66,307 | 66,283 69,251 75,087 # 2,427 2,365 2,477 2,390 2,023 2,481 3,136 2,441 2,404 2,472 2,697 ## 6,501 || 6,541 9,200 10,857 9,261 9,662 10, 195 || 8,070 11,238 11,739 12,261 § 11,627 14, 150 | 15,805 15,993 || 15,895 || 17,134 15,700 | 16, 169 || 13,470 14,416 15,098 ## 15,456 12,311 || 11,063 12,445 | 13,092 || 12,845 9,564 || 12,307 || 12,771 12,572 11,777 º; 1,6853 2,034 2,142 4,866 5,576 6,227 6,556 7,098 || 7,310 | 8,099 8,012 # 3,799 || 6,373 || 7,353 7,894 | 10,538 8,355 10,619 || 7,710 || 8,151 6,244 6,239 # 1,332 || 4,297 6,992 2,824 || 4,150 974 1,960 2,043 1,090 1,959 2,957.| : 15,594 || 9,744 9,688 7,561 5,523 9,072 6,171 6,244 || 4,958 10,455 6,964 # 2,884 6,549 4,505 || 5,032 4,864 4,928 || 4,772 5,394 5,141 4,579 4.569 †: 3,390 5,803 || 3,973 || 4,036 4,537 6,185 6,354 12,082 || 7,288 6,325 7,282 # 8,179 || 8,264 || 7,747 3,506 3,832 || 4,300 || 3,475 4,164 || 4,034 3,663 3,538 # 13,213 9,289 9,992 || 11,660 | 13,134 13,616 || 13,941 || 13,492 || 13,198 || 11,988 11,287 2,500 3,157 3,125 || 4,474 4,388 || 7,178 || 7,192 || 8,089 || 7,589 || 7,494 || 7,644 * , , --, U 6,192 5,946 || 6,639 7,308 || 7,200 4,215 7,350 5,760 5,855 5.976 | 14,000 22,700 | – || 18,344 26,541 47,589 31,670 27,299 || 48,352 56,159 || –— 383,849 2,707 || 3,051 2,860 2,914 2,880 || 4,016 || 6,571 6,841 3,676 6,206 13,700 13,700 || 13,700 || 13,700 | 13,700 || 13,700 13,700 || 13,700 13,700 || 13,700 13,700 118,125 | 107,780 94,654 || 109,674 || 103,223 136,648 160,324 117,260 108,306 || 106,038 121,831 12,609 9,000 9,000 9,000 || 9,000 9,000 | 12,500 - — —— 15,558 17,895 18,219 | 19,328 21,364 || 17,093 || – - —— 5,667 | 36,020 || 33,913 | 84,564 | 84,439 35,038 || 35,598 || 35,883 || 35,848 || 36,095 37,294 || 35,015 38,410 || 38,042 38,075 42,530 || 39,875 39,913 41,456 41,966 41,903 43,334 35,567 26,652 20,584 28,022 º *:::: 20,258 21,172 | 19,577 | 18,146 | 19,777 || 13,165 r - 3 & 3. 19. - | | | | |a| (º) . . * 5 / ~ 1,318,000 1,359,000 | 1,387,000 1,444,000 1,517,000 lº. lº. º: *::::: ...tº lº º º! 73,692 || 76,615 || 78,461 || 74,000 || 78,000 108,000 || 105,000 || 108,000 139,200 > - -*. 3. - … ,441 53,932 49,119 || 48,584 || 43,821 45,976 52,207 | 41,968 I 45,982 45,977 || 42,918 50,681 47,401 || 50,500 || 51,724 54,350 |* 52,335 | 16.963 2,374,154 2,369,553 2,375,150 2,468,995 2,573,574 2,606,664 2,472,194 2,466,694 2,441,796 2,465,152 2,498,481 | 1821. 1822 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. | 1828. 1829. 1833. i I () 12 13 14 15 H6 H 7 | 8 | 19 20, | 21 6} 23 24 20 STATEMENT of the Gross Receipt and Charges of Collection of the each of the 6 Years 1822–1827. - - By the Act of 3s Geo. 3 c. 60. the LAND Tax of GREAT BRITA.N. which was previous ly Annual was made perpetual at £2,037,627 {P Annwn, LAND and ASSESSED TAXES in GREAT BRITAIN in since which perind upto the 5h, of Jan . ary 1828. £816,365 tº Anisum of LAND TAx has been Redeemed, by 2ancelling £26,246,346 of Three tº Cent. Stock, the Annual dividend of which was £787,417; for a more circumstan. tial elucidation of the nature of this transaction see the stubject LAND TAX as referred to in the Index. Below is a Statement of the Gross Receipt of the residue of the LAND Tax in each of the 7 Years 1821 - 1827. h According to the Population. Returns made to Parliament in 1821 the Total Wumber of Houses Inhabited in GREAT BRITAJW in that Year was 2,425,730 out of which 492,186 were charged with Duty under the Assessed Tawes being Assessed at £1.264,754; Farm Houses occupied by Tenants, to the No., of 214,239 being ea:- empt by Statue, and in 1825.”ſt 1,739 other Houses assessed at Rentals wilder £10 tp. Annum were also eaempted. For further details, sce Statement of Houses Assessed at Warious ###"...################ #! -1822. 1823. - 1824. 1825. 1826. - 1827. of the Duty was repealed and in 1825.634,936 out of the 96.0% houses assessed £— —£-— £— £ £ £— in 1821 not having more than 7 Windows were alsoe rempted. The annered is the * * ... " º Gross Reeipt of Duty in each of the Seven Years 1821 - 1827. £2,578,570. -2). 2,490,906 2,068,246 1,310,298 || 1,255,618 1,146,678 1,151,674 Houses . . . . . . 1,264,754 1,223,079 | 1,264,135 | 1,255,479 1,288,110 | 1,247,962 | 1,267,280 gººd...º.º. 1,186,484 |1,210,128 1254,789 |1,212,766 |1,219,924 |1,191,499 on the same in 1821) Assessed Assesment |puty paid R ' – * - . . . . " " ' ".. ... " 3 *.*.*.*.*.*.*...... ; ; ; ; ; 565,140 454,683 268,704 264,791 266,740 272,434 3 Four Wheeled Carriages • * * * * * * * * * 17,406 213,298 || 195,505 ' ' , ". . . . . ' ' ' ' ' . * : , , , r * * . 4 Do. Do. Do. Modified 142 493 || 450 *- 5 Two Wheeled Do. ......... • - - - - - - 29,921 196,236 || 119,866 t - ſ #º....: ; ##| #: | 529,896 || 446,728 288,402 || 300,992 804,410 332,091 8 Carriage Makers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 277 254 " – ~ * - Š- . . . . . . . 9 Do. Sellers * * * * g e º & e º º ºs º º ſº e º 'º 4,234 3,398 3,114 f . ; - - #*::::::::::::::: ; "º ºf 660,778 527,227 | 337,032 324,858 || 334,052 341,922 12 Do. to Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 4,312 3,952 2. . . . . . . . . - . - º ##.º..................] is: | tº tº: } 161,072 106,493 | 68,213 61,686 59,486 || 60,008 15 Do. used in Husbandry . . . . . . . . . . . 479,399 389,573 355,242 • * - ! - 16 Do. Do. | Do. Modified g 336,260 61,783 84, 127 } Repealed | ##;, otºi, º........... *}} | "; “; ; 172,148 171,636 180,673 180,655 179,840 | 183,241 19 Horse Dealers . . . . . . . . 1,001 || 13,900 | 12,740 13,794 12,679 14,228 16,003 17,860 16,676 20 Hair Powder . . . . . . . . . . 29,199 || 34,308 || 31,446 31,108 27,430 25,877 23,979 22,801 21,144 21 Armorial Bearings . . . . 22,627 44,843 || 41,102 43,111 44,020 44,691 45,915 48,298 50,292 22 Game Certificates .... 41,437 || 143,927 | 131,921 137,175 139,674 142,205 142,036 151,718 159,533 23 Composition Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,166 39,670 29,541 30,844. 29,648 31,443. 24 Arrears, of Income & Property Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,162 28,495 8,065 4,760 913 9,900 Law Costs Received in England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,014 1,911 1,700 1,961 1,748 2,177 - Balances 535,506 || 398,457 270,354 246,878 216,444 91,535 | 103,160 ºr Total Sum to be accounted for £8,497,004 || 7,661,470 6,813,561 5,476,775 5,401,417 |5,123,312 |5,197,415 Discharged as follows viz. § §s J • - ſSalaries & Allowances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,189 70,011 90,017 88,996 || 92,360 90,625 88,798 diff Centage to Receivers Gen & Collectors 185,186 172,002 135,562 114,792. 96,400 97,000 107,129 2. do. to Surveyors for increases made by them 1,120 26,046 34,799 33,281 32,445 28,700 29,542 S. Day Pay & Wages to extra Clerks Porters& 6,313 6,114 5,922 5,749 5,810 6,323 5,830 S Allowances for Travelling & other expences 13,906 6,548 11,691 12,891 13,455 13,093 14,833. § Tradesmens Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870 921 797 904 997 963 1,050 S Rents, Rates, & Taxes of Offices . . . . . . . . 426 112 107 126 96 98 1 10 . n England . . . . . . . . . . 1,479 4,510 5,135 3,373 3,908 3,705 3,240 s] LAW charges } § .......... 3,949 5,982 5,545 5,124 5,642 5,334 5,613 ‘s. Stationary & e s tº a e e s tº e s e º & e º 'º e e s a e g º e s e e 9,021 8,167 6,528 902 920 1,055 645. 2 | Postage of Letters & Carriage of Parcels 11,315 14,019 12,762 12,520 12,355 13,421 14,171 S | Superannuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,117 4,522 7,299 7,783 7,806 8,477 8,492 Sº I Allowances for Offices Abolished . . . . . . . . 9,856 10,808 12,206 12,543 12,605 15,242 10,212 s Fees on passing Accounts of Receiver Gen. 230 4,467 4,402 4,041 5,590 5,524 7,550 S Church & Corporation Land Tax . . . . . . . . •-------, — * '796 858 596 523 S Allowances under Land Tax Redemp. Acts 118 394 384 82 64 55 52 . Miscellaneous Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,310 185 271 366 477 338 1,103 Total Charges of Collection 328,405 || 334,808 || 333,427 |... 304,269 291,788 290,549 298,893 §§§§ Militia & TXeserters Warrants e e º e 42,963 30,622 22,229 12,510 5,836 2,363 2,160 § # §§ Augmentation of Stipends to Sc. Clergy 10,095 10,102 9,639 9,421 9,896 12,853 11,865 §§§s J Highland Roads & Bridges . . . . . . . . 24,500 11,250 5,367 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ššššš) Sundries for Loss of Fees &c. . . . . . . . * 1,411 581 204 111 125 109 §§§ | Repayments of Land Tax Redeemed *-*s 6,056 6,064 6,049 6,041 6,035 6,010 šššš do. of Taxes erroneously charged * *-*. 2,860 505 808 249 484 2,354 * - !' p. * into the } England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,314,950 6,994,008 6,188,871 } 4,583,445 4,588,694 4,458,471 4,532,868 a chequer Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674,000 $ * | ****** \ 323,625 | 402,357 || 244,272 235,405 Balances . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * *" = • * * * * * * 374,391 || 270,353 216,878 L 210,444 ol,535 | 103,100 || 102.75. ~ Total Discharge of Income 8,969,274 7,661,470 6,813,561 5,476,775 5,401,417 | 5,123,312 |5,197,415 rºº Years | 1818. § 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. i e ‘S,:‘S,§j 2 i. - - w * * - . . . – - - * . . . ~~~~~~~~< *.*.*.*.*.* to *** - STATEMENT of the Gross Receipt and Charges of Collection of the LAND and Assess EDTAxes in GREAT BRITAIN}=-continued from the précèding page On reference to pages 42-4 ante, it will be seen, that more than one third of the Assessed Taxes are levied within the limits of the Metropolitan Police, and that the pressure, more particularly of the House Taa’ falls upon a Class the least of all able to bear the ea action, the continuance of which, is as inconsistant with good Policy, as it is oppressive. The continuance of the House Tax, also, since it is proposed to make Suffrage of Election dependant on Money Value, instead of on some Mutual, Moral, or Social obligation, will constitute a continued source of collision and chicane, tending in very many instances to the subversion ºf all social relation in districts and places involved The remaining portion of the Land Tax should be collected by the Parishes, and remitted to the Stamp Office, to which department the Items Nos. 9-12 should be transferr }x tº, § 3. !ºr : -- e in the question. éd. The nuisance of an indiscriminate keeping and herding of Dogs, particularly in Towns, althºugh ºmany cases, they are ſocile gºd ºffectionate animals; renders.them fit objects ºf regulation; they are iowever fitter subjects for local, than for State Assessment, and the State Duty of them, as well as on the Items Nos. 1-2, and 4–7, should be immediately inquisitorial, and oppressive system of direct Tawation, might be put, an end to, and the eagence of £300,000 tº annum attendant up W ... v. --- ſº-x.º. J. 3 * repealā; aſid. !. thé e immediately repealād; and thereby the insidious, pon its collection, rendered agailable for some rational and social object. - .” - 1 " . > * * * * * -- * > . . . . . . . . . . . * * *****, ºº, , , º, º .5& 6 3... 1828. 1829. 1830. 1881. 1882. i883, ºf 1834, ºiè86. —-É—--—-£—— £——-£——-£——-£—H·-·-É-º-º-É-H]−4. 1 Windows . . ......... 1,164,355 ; 1,163,862 - 1,185,478: 1,178,470 || “. . . º. tº 2 Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,295,972 | 1,324,427: 1,861,825 | 1,357,207 . . . . . º º, º ºs ºººººººººº. 3 Land • * * * * * * '• * * * * * * 1,216,160 1,206,085 1,190,705 1,167,167 º - º x º . º ſº. * * *:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 servants ............ 277,859 286,572 295,123| 295,136|| º | || || * : * * I - . . . . . - º t } ºf º -- . 5 carriages ............ 352,579| 374,688 397,634 || 392,963| | | | | | | | | | | | 6 Pleasure Horses ... ... 840,771 345,101 || 362,697 || 356,378 ^: || . *...* | . . 7 other do. ... ... 59,946 60,588 62,450 | 61,484 - nº ºf - “ . . f … . . ...a…' ...” 8 Dogs & Packs of Hnds. 182,990 | 183,072 186,125 | 181,019 ~ | | | | | | | | 9 Horse Dealers . . . . . . . . 14,911 15,042 15,045 13,543 | tº tº . . . . . 10 Hair Powder . . . . . . . . 19,094 17,332 15,947 14,377 | } gº, tº #: … 11 Armorial Bearings . . . . 50,770 52,241 54,746 54,889 tº ſet gº 12 Game Certificates . . . . 161,647 154,036 142,158 125,431 gº gº fºcłº, 13 Composition Duty .... 31,569 28,876 28,093 25,909 * --> * | *º tº le. 14 Arrears of Inc. & Pr. D. 801 59 2,379 3,547 ºf ºz. ... 15 Law Costs recd. in Eng. 2,510. 2,274. 2,567 2,454 - Balances • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 102,751 116,978- - 118,273 95,790 - Total Sum to be accountd for 5,274,685 5,331,233 5,421 ,245 5,325,759 *.. •- “... . . $ 'a e \ Discharged as follows, Viz. – sº Remembrancer for loss of Fs. 5,262 1,259 1,374 2,361 a woº ºla º Salaries & Allowances . . . . 88,396 87,493 89,014 87,679 tº º ºs ºs, # Centage to Rec. Gen. &c. 94,739 99,605 99,191 101,262 Tº gº º do. to Surveyors .. 27,638 35,367 31,203 31,349 tº lº Day Pay, &c. - • * * * * * * * * * 4,697 4,624 - 4,319 4,284 | ^{ º , Kº ; acidº T- Allowances for Trav. &c. . . 14,251 15,102 13,419 13,402 edia ºf 3:3:… tº Tradesmens Bills . . . . . . . . . 1,228 1,010 863 802 ſº sº. 395.6 f. a 4. Rents, Rates, &c. . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 . 130 135 135 | . ; | } | England .. 3,256 2,122 1,633 1,706 || 3. ºr ºl º Charges } Scotland . . 5,651 5,495 6,754 3,997 4. whºs, Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815 860 | 1,015 634 { ººd & gºod dº. *...* of Letters, &c..... 13,426. 12,979 12,960 12,930 y -- asoºdºº uperannuations. . . . . . . . . . 6,721 4,717 4,559 4,041 a kº ( tº sºlº, Allowances for Of... abolished 9,804 9,706 9,597 10,114 2 * : . . . ] ...) A ºath º { { . . . Fees on passing Accounts .. 5, 198 7,066 5,793 6,069 . . . . . . . . .3 º f ‘. . . . Church & Corporation L.Tx. 396 42} 385 497 … . . . . . . . . . cº tº jºy . . . . Allowances under Land Tax 61 64 55 99 vº (; ; ; ;: . . . . . Miscellaneous Payments .. 1,222 847 1,364 976 Total Charges of Collection. 282,871 288,867 283,533 282,337 ... º º … ºliº Militia & Deserters Warrants - 522 1,526 185 1,163 . . . . . . . .i.ºrk: *. Augmentation of Stipends to 12,900 14,735 16,715 16,521 & hºt ºf £14. . Highland Roads & Bridges 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 tº ºld tº ºligº Sundries for Loss of Fees &c. 109 36 108 1,775 . . . . . . . . . as ºr 3. Repaymts of Lnd. TX. Red. 5,932 5,925 5,914 5,855 ~A º lº tº do. of Taxes errone, chgd. 1,069. 253 495 || 364 º ºlº, sºlºs, Payments into the England 4,606,846 4,653,840 || 4,749,353 || 4,599,948 | ! sº, Jº º Exchequer. Scotland 242,458 242,728 264,052 264,395. , -j- ? Balances e - • * • . . . * @ e G & © $ - - - - 116,978 118,273 * - - 95,790 - - - -- 148,401 - - - Total Discharge of Income. 5,274,685 5,331,233 5,421,245 5,325,759 || || - \, . . . . . " ' 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832, 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. * *sº 2 7 } Y : º T º º º of º the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1818, and in each of the Eleven - 2–32; and also o e amount of “Pawnments out of the Gross Receipt of Inc , in it - ºr other than Chag s of Collection,” in each of the º. Years 1822–32. } neome, in its progress to the Excheover, | - Heads of Departments. totals - Crown small Land and Posł . . • - Items of Charge. * - - - - º S. #º. A...".es. Oſº. Customs. - Eaccise. 1818. 1832, r 1 Salaries and Allowances 47,716 850 16,298 60 264 | 166.968 557,593 786 º 5 2 * : -- - - - - - ,418 1,636,107 | 1,514,53 : ; ; * ::::::::: gºš73 2,755 '733|207,154 || 1 || | T | | | | | 399.194 *:::::: * &S ay fray . . . . . . . & 8 - - - - * , -- 6,3} 3 tº- *g 2 - s) : • - ***- s 2. 4 special Services o o q > 3. . 4,439 95 388 13,906. 3,799 : ; - *:::::: - *:::::: § : : ºf Bills 3 * * tº e e 6,574 — — | 1,022 870 106,926 43,716 36,299 195,407 163,916 - § 3 || 7 i. * c. axes . . . . . . 4}} | - - 852 426 2,884 7,769 10,862 23,244 27,018 S** 5 station. FgeS . . . . . . . . . w H5 17 | — — . . 5,898 || 3,390 || 38,475 || 30,092 77,887 78.826 ‘s E º jºy . . . . . . . , . . . . 8,855 - - 600 9,021 6,975 18,839 29,165 73,475 is 136 § 3 3. age . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 * 2,619 * * 140 8,567 1,204 18,629 15,058 46,217 64,793 Sº * ... tions . . . . . . 4,035 | - - - - 2,749 || || – | 1,843 7.336|| 16.133 ió.35% sº uperannuations ...... 4,278 – – 1,452 2,117 | 13,213 80,791 55,278 157,129 223.9 5 | 12 Compensations . . . . . . . . ; : - ". . . . ; ; ; ; ; . e - - 2 6 3. - º * 2 * 5 ; : # º • $f M. iſ: & º º: - 597 4,761 1,467 3,317 246,249 84,025 | 350,249 72,564 14 yance of Mails, Transit Postage, Ship Letters, &c. &c. 236,122 || – * - -*- 236,122 309,545 4% §º º º dº e s lº, 4,314 26,354 *; 547,298 || 1,327,621 1,113,209 3,524,677 3,064,703 - . . . . . . . . . * , , , , - ** =ees — — 67,479 127,450 369,117 269,159 | 880,317 553.456 T § * 0. * - - - - - - - OTAL United Kingdom 1818 224,620 4,314 26,354 395,851 674,748 1,696,738 1,382,368 4,404,994 3,618,159 do do. 1822, 206,082 ºz.515 14,974 |381,261 |394,082 1,517,487 1,860,869 º "º. . 9 - 3 = 2 3 **** * > 9 $ *d 5 4. ! º: - 3 tº 44; 3 || 3:23 71,743 agº, 117 | 1,567,779 1,337,636 || 4.10.1% gºino do. do. 4|37.39|| 31,000 || 3:3:2|302.68|999,500 | 1.462,096 ||ºlº 3,967,642 | 726,754 do. do. : Hº: 47.933 12,786 289,827 | 605,988 1,504,703 1,253,105 || 3,898,378 723,292 do. do. 7 ; 43,963 | 12,417 | 288,800 | 680,546 1,537,408 1,280,990 || 4,030,337 715,976 do. do. § 225.5i 44,973 | 12,427 296,716 693,693 1,490,170 1,236,920 3,966,457 700,598 do do. 5|193. tº º żºł2 |gº tº ºf 3,890,152 ºogº do. io. 93,280 26,327 | 13,293 287,183 |675,320 1,375,575 1,226,060 3,797,038 651,747 do. . 1830, 190,159 27.97 | 12,269 |281.94%|694,354 1,295,139||1312,161 3,713 gº 603.69i do. do. . ; ; º: *:::: 658.336||1317,826 1,131,989 3,615.36s 357.375 ſº wº 39,359 | 643 465 | 1,376,365 | 1,135,884 || 3. - 5 do. - do. 3 i 2 5 - - 9 9 2 2 - 3,618,958 - 553,456 do. do. 4. - - do. do. 5 do. do. 6 - - -- - 1822. 1832, r: As "S ſº e. º - - §§§ ( 15 Quarantine and Warehousing Establishme - - . - - $ -- "S & • *** * - nts. gº tº e q e o e. e. e. • *** sº -º- 175 609 1 -se - - - iš ! Fº for g..."; Linen Manufacturers, &c. – – || 333,903 º;| – ~ | *::::: SS Q'. Sº - awments in Support of the Civi - º º’. 5 ** * ... is V 5 - # , ººººººººº ſº, º 'º - - gº šš , | 19 Militia and Deserters Warrants ............. …30.829 " º - - 14,000 || – – 28,375 sº 3 20 Advances to Commissioners of Roads. . . . . . . º ii.250 6,192 * - tº- * - *º- 85 § s 2] Augmentation of Stipends to Scotch Clergy ...... ioios ºv. -*. -- º - * 11,356 is ás 22 Miscellaneous Pavments : 5 * * *- -e * 16,440 º o .# 23 Sundries y - tº e º e . m e º 9 s e º e e . . . . 1,411 * * -* *º- 17,480 – cºse 16,313 s #3 -Z hº is e e º e º e º e -Q & º G º e º ºr e 213,458 2,000 || – – 26,895 — – - ºgº — — . .368,629 § 3 S - — * - - - - - Sº J. TOTAL GRE - - . . . ; - - ——— §§ s TOTAL I º £|213,458 2,000 53,385 || 46,787 580,894 || 358,284 || Tºrºs 851,297 s = . 4 ºf 4 º' l- N - -W e e º e s 6 e e - – – – — — – – | 199,187 | 73,826 "..." 64,876 § 3 ; - . - ‘. . . . - - ... • -> ; : ‘s, TOTAL Uni ino - - © - • —— sis : nited Kingdom 1822|206,753 2,000 || 53,385 46,787 780,081 432,110 | 1,527,821 || 916,173 <> 12 *s - -- - - - . - - $ E R. - r - - - Propor. Ireland. is § 3 º: º: 3| 219,028 2,591 37,816 || 46,864 828,822 502,290 1,637,410 º - šº 5 do. . : º 7,007 || 27,136 55,414 || 772,328 388,927 | 1,445,819 242,445 “s"Tº H * & * + & 2 3 U 3 66,472 | 684,577 || 336,261 | 1,357,047 | . 248,845 3 ºu Sº do. - -- . > * > - ,357,047 , 248,845 §:: do. 7|219,874 2,000 | 19,134 || 48,711 | 735,450 376.860 | 1.303. 261,349. Sx º' -- ~. do do. 8 421 839 2 - - - - - 9 2 ,030 • ‘ 5 #35 do. do 5..." ,000 | 18,531 || 38,643 641,945 273,482 | 1,396,440 264,581 : ; ; ; do. do º 427,915 2,000 || 21,346 | 40,942 | 668,893 191,046 | 1.351,243 190,826 § 3 ; ; , - . 0|363,451 2,000 22,009 || 43,660 || 561,268 169,342 89.463 § 2 ºf ºs. do. do. 1 || 328,208 2,00 - ~ '. - . ~ 31,268 169,342 | 1,161,730 | 89, '... à 53 do. do. . . . 2333, iii. 3.0 10| 24,460 | 40,336|| 465,420 | 112,374 972,799 || Tº ###3 do. do. #|*| 2,000 ºn wºo win uous owns ºne 3’-5 s O. do. 4 - *... I Š **: ; S do. do. 5 ‘s: s U- do. do. 6 23 *...* There was no account Published of the oh Arges of Collection in detail prior to 1822; in which Year a Committee of Parliament was appointed to revise the form of ths Public accounts p º 'Revenue, for more ample details of each Item of Charge, in each Year, since 1821, and Paper of Finance Committee, No. 235, Session 1828. ; which Committee ordered the Charges of Collection to be stated ºn detail. In the Session of 1826, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer iſ r. F. J. Robinson, a nº. yżscount Goderich) having stated in his place in Parliament that the Erpences of Collection had been reduced more than £500,000 tº Annwn, . . .". -: 6 - 27 of his revised Speech, Published by Hatchards, Piccadilly, or Parliamentary Debates of the 13th. March, 1826 onding in detail with the accounts since 1821, was ordered to be presented to the House.-- see Paper No. 345, Session 1826,-see also the se - × - rºm as compared with 1818; (Wide Pages ..) are account of the Ea'pences for that Year, Vāz, 1818, corres. parate accounts of each branch Q - ; i 14 : ToTALs in each of the Eight Years. 1825. 1822. 1823. l 1824. - 1826. | 1827. 1828. | 1829. 1830. —-É £- 36——-£—l—-É—l—-É £——-£— ---É–– 1,612,192 | 1,599,238 || 1,599,772 | 1,574,320 1,626,682 | 1,590,311 i 1,613,318 1,581,391 | 1,581,685 270,227 240,862 222,890 203,342 193,006 207,338 197,201 202,406 192,093 251,705 || 256,173 || 255,059 256,418 230,365 204,527 | 199,628 200,535 | 197,233 64,495 74,340 85,692 97,931 97,566 89,010 80,134 80,420 74,473 182,613 192,704 | 185,416 184,673 241,921 251,099 238,621 207,654 193,050 | 26,938 26,423 26,060 25,384 24,783 27,204 27, 129 27,990 28,898 82,408 78,500 1 10,534 58,501 65,693 58,563 79,071 53,488 50,005 68,180 46,920 10,843 18,090 24,971 15,449 20,305 14,710 12,227 49,174 51,033 52,428 57, 175 64,511 55,314 54,301 52,742 65,321 18,176 16,505 15,051 15,779 17,210 14,097 16,045 15,016 || 18,543 181,005 187,204 214,026 226,682 228,686 244,072 243,881 237,389 || 234, 170 54,881 56,375 56,022 57,64; 77,684 62,419 67,266 || 63,251 65,750 162,515 163,090 142,171 137,820 112,246 116,426 101,669 115,293 100,684 252,622 247,645 264,924 261,329 304,037 330,031 297,522 293,007 || 296,076 | 3,277,131 3,237,012 3,240,888 3,175,085 3,314,361 || 3,265,858 3,236,092 || 3,145,291 |3,110,253 883,140 868,170 | 726,754 || 723,292 || 715,976 || 700,598 || 654,060 651,747 603,691 ºº:::::::: " . ...] ... ITT Sº wag included in Charges " ; £ 80,000 95,000 120,000 109,370 | 111,640 | 75,000 82,270 1831. —-É-— 1,581,971 193,051 242,53 71,339 121,455. 27,674 30,803 10,701 64,869 26,821 215,611 64,946 96,017 320,305 3,058,093 557,275 | *u-as- 106,850 | J : º J 832. -*tº-3- -£ -*---------. Q. -ºn-tºs * * * ****************. * #3 Although from the transformation since 1821. of the accounts relating to the Collection of the Revenue, it is somewhat difficult to exhibit a fair comparison of the amount since that period, with the Year 1818, it is clear from this Statement that at the time the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1826, claimed credit for having effected a reduction eacceeding half a million # Annum, that the relative amount of Charge in each of the 3 Years 1824 – 1826, had not only been greater than in 1818, . but greater than at any former period: the seeming diminution as eachibited by the Total amount under the head of Charges of Collection, having arisen from contingent causes, and transferring of several Items to other accounts : since 1826, some diminution appears to have been £ffected, and it is deserving of consideration whether or not, the Assessed Taa’es might not be mainly repealed, transferring such as might be retained to the department of Stamps; and thereby effect a sensible and advanta. geous diminution, as was done, by the Total Repeal of the Assessed Taaces in Ireland, in 1824; It is also further deserving of consideration whether or not the District Distributors of Stamps might not wholly be dispensed with ; since the improved facility of conveyance between all parts of the United Kingdom and the Metropolis, the Dealers and Consumers would in many cases more readily obtain their supply direct from London, than from the District Distributors, and Consequently the whole - ºf the tº Centage retained by them would augment the resources of the Treasury, and operate more advantageously for the Public benefit. 15 V. 282,032 443,273 209,076 228,716 149, i 03. 183,399 205,717 The following Sums, formed part of the £4,494,994, constituting the 3mount for Charges of Collection in 1818, part of which it will be *ēn are of a temporary nature, whilst the annexed Statement shews i. Since 1821, the remaining Items have been Charged under other heads, - *---- *tºonery, for Customs, £14,982; Excise, £19,844; Stamps £8,400; Taxes, £9,026; Post Office, £6,975; TOTAL .. *pences of Commission of Enquiry yments on account of the New Post Office, in London . Arrears of Property Duty of Lottery Office larantine Charges Pa 39 Q ºf New IREI Centage on Charges f 210,222 187,571 194,995 404,402 423,895 477,640 384,607 278,776 257,128 240,237 200,685 180,757 164,584 | 221,264 223,609 223,694 232,178 278,336 267,824 251,859 279,458 254,660 140,249 34,405 27,700 27,700 27,752 57,303 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 30,622 22,228 j 12,510 | 5,836 2,363 | 2,160 522 1,526 185 1,163 17,442 11,313 11,639 12,308 12,200 9,215 12,350 10,760 10,855 i (),976 10,102 9,639 9,421 9,896 || 12,853 | 11,865 12,900 14,735 | 16,715 15,521 18,891 1,172 7,211 2,111 5,502 5,199 16,848 || 16,640 13,642 13,754 235,648 248,246 223,337 571,079 273,299 232,374 421,839 427,014 || 363,536 329,435 1,254,808. 1,411,076 1,203,374 | 1,454,844 1,108,202 | 1,040,681 | 1,131,859 1,160,417 1,072,267 896,877. 273,013 226,334 242,445 244,210 248,845 261,349 264,581 | 190,826 | 89,463 75,922 | 1,527,821 | 1,637,410 | 1,445,819 1,699,054 | 1,357,047 | 1,302,030 1,396,440 1,351,243 1,101,790 972,799 | The following Items in 1818, were included under the head of Charges of Management, but which, since 1821, have been Charged under the head of Payments out of the Públic Income, in its progress to the Eachequer, ſsée ºc. count No. 12, of the series annually presented to Parliament) and under other heads as specified. o s a e > * * * c e o e º w w = c e o e i t - e º a s e s a 6 a. a va e º w e a tº º e º 9 º' 4 g is g º 6 tº e is a e º 'º e = e º c is a e s e s - • n e º a tº * * * * * * * * * * * c e s is a e º s m e o w ł & e s a s Y TOTAL on account of GREAT BRITAIN Charges on account Custom House .. 42,881 AN ID, Váz. do. © - e. Buildings in 3 FXcise Office.... 15,670 Ex U Post *Xpence of Tax Office in Ireland, TOTAL United Kingdoms , 29,478 88,029 abolished ... . 67,478 * tº isº, is: I828, 1829. Quarantine Charges. . . . . . . . . . Great Britain 210,222 || 209,076 || 1s;,071 228,715 146,103 133,399 £59,221 C do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ireland 10,741 14,267 12,416 11,545 19,606 8,454 2,000 ompensation Allowances &c., to Officers of R - * - ‘. - 90,000 Tax Office in Ireland, (paid out of Earcise R.J 14, siſ 22,705 I8,965 14,817 16,649 14,889 20,758 Hired Packets, Charged in Navy Accounts.... 46,000 40,480 37,250 37,250 34,450 27,876 16,485 Stationery, Charged in Miscellanies (see above” ) 48,640 || 48,540 45;700 45,000 47,000 10,000 179,987 Lottery, Charged in do., & Consolidated Fund tº- 13,849 | 8,296 14,679 4,440 4,267 £ 368,451 TOTAL of Items, which in 1818, were Char- - . . " - - – ~. sº At??der other heads . . . . . . ........... } 325,420 348,917 310,198 352,006 262,246 248,870 to tehich, add more Charged in 1818, than in 2 - * tº e º 'º w w w a . these sia: Years, for New Buildings. • * * * * . 159,685 151,488 104,579 63,556 87,663 102,895 155,507 Charged for Collection, in these 4 Years, as abo. 3,967,642 3,898,378 4,030,337 3,966,457 3,890,152 3,797,088 # 523.958 .." §§ Charge for each º these 4 Years, as com-º . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . ... " º º$...;;. §ºn 4,398,793 * * *|ºlesia ct the Navy ) or - - - - 24% STATEMENT of the CHARGEs of CoILECTION, and other Payments out of the Revenue of CUSTOMS in GREAT BRITAIN, *...* There was no account in detail of the Charges for Collecting the n the Year 1818, and in each of the Seven Years 1822 – 1828. Revenue published prior to 1822, the account for 1818, was ordered to be laid before Parliament in the Session of 1826, for reasons stated in the General Statement relating to the Collection of the Revenue, (3= The increase of Charge in the Years 1826 – 28, for Repairs of Buildings, arose from the defect in the foundation of the New Custom House in London, on account of the Building of which, in the Seven Years 1813 – 19, £452,164, was Charged. The i Warehouseing Department deserves attention. ncrease of Superannuations, and of the expence of the Preventive Water Guard, and annuations and Allowances, and expences uttending the Prevention of Smuggling, and other Payments, is 1822. 1823. | 1826. 1827. attending the Prevention of Smuggling (amounting in 1832 to £384,057, exclusive of £18,303 as compensation to deserves in a social and moral rather than in a pecuniary point of view, more than an ordinary share of attention whatever expence they may incur, will ever diminish the practice. States, which an honest and enlightened mind will have no difficulty either in devising or reducing to practice. If Smuggling is to be suppressed, it must be Items of Charge [Years | 1818. - + 1824. | 1825. 1828. . —£-— £-——£-—|———£-——£--— £-— £ —£-—l ºš Officers on the Establishment ...... 379,203 || 357,888 |354,328 | 355,887 358,772 369,387 || 364,557 367,561 ##sy do. in the Plantations . . . . . . . . 4,591 5,590 5,364, 6,588 8, 144 18,037 | 16,454 || 27,939 šš - do. Incidental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,415 || 27,590 25,529 || 24,490 38,364 || 42,619 || 38,583 29,765 & do. Temporary . . . . . . . . . . . ... 25,648 13,317 | 11,975 15,164 14,422 || 13,934 11,001 || 10,046 Day pay to weighers, watchmen, Tide Waiters, Watermen, &c. 197,304 || 140,369 || 141,343 | 1.46,315 157,425 | 131,681 104,709 | 9 2 Special Services, and Travelling Charges ..] 17,725 | 16,676 | 16,552 20,777 21,860 31,733 || 19,693 14,086 Tradesmens §º º º tº gº & flºº º * 9,151 8,421 3,191 || 4,809 - 13,715 27,995 || 83,181 7 1,876 Bills bº, .. dilélièS . . . . . . . . . . sº 1. ſº 1. 3,894 || 4,616 3,580 4,030 Other Bllis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < ū 2 4s 2 ºve. ,507 || 10,072 | 11,251 17,061 14,676 10,165 Rents, Rates, Taxes, and Tithes..........| 7,769 7,435 | 7,213 || 7,524 8,064 || 7,536 || 10,110 5636, , , LAw CHARGEs & 38,475 23, İşı 27,326|| 23,464 || 16,074 17,354 ioios 7 iss º,”; º: º, Stationery. & & #8 º ſº. 68 & 9 º' 18,838 12,875 | 12,513. *1,932 3,856 3,272 3,775 2,757 gº in rººt % §: • * * * * * * * * * * 18,629 18,076 | 19,968 || 22,556 26,483 || 31,331 24,821 21,674 TAT I & N E R Y. arriage • . . . . . . . . . 1,844 961 | 1,001 || 1,181 | 1,227 | 1,766 | 1,254 1,693 - SgPERANNUATIONs &# 80,791 || 93,020 96,346 110,683 114,283 | 104,007 || 115,594 | 1 18,503 Allowances for Offices abolished . . . . . . . . . . 22,50] | 19,059 | 19,775 17,923 || 17,531 Key & - Compensation for loss of Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,364 14,015 || 13,239 13,656 11,370 47, 124 38,977 | 38,748 ſº Metage tº gº A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,580 | 12,752 13,738 | 14,215 14,859 || 15,172 | 13,672 14,440 ees on passing Accounts. . . . . . © e 9 & e 9 2,478 2,637 3,853. 3,152 3,190 4,577 4 - 3 | salaries to Officers º: Department of Treasury 8,813 6.8% 6,554 6,811 6,497 § *:::: ; § Pensions to Widows and Children . . . . 1,230 1,989 2,895 || 3,068 2,937 3,096 3,031 3,017 's 3 Subsistance to Prisoners e e º gº tº gº tº e º & © & 1,057 788 1,220 | 1,178 1,600 1,288 705 746 t; #. º º of Smugglers 4,448 6,289 5,761 4, 194 6,068 1,170 1,993 1,968 Insurance from Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 *732 116 I17 747 '703 703 862 Housekeepers Expences . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,865 696 616 985 1,140 | 1,226 1,105 469 UMiscellaneous Payments . . . . . . . . . . ...] 12,254 26,263 | 12,190 11,792 | 12,938 10,921 | 12,946 11,602 º of º: & © tº gº tº tº º ſº 3,158 4,583 4,164 3,998 4,244 5,491 || 4,953 3,881 ( Salaries, Pay, and Allowances to Com- w = 2* a • I - f § manders, *i. and Seamen ! 37,164 36,406 || 33,722 || 39,084 40,884 38,357 36,946 37,836 .3 & e ºves, “ºv, ºvºvº • . . . . . ! . . . . . - - - - § Victualling, Fire and Candles . . . . . . . . 40,231 || 39,816 || 32,640 || 32,975 26,582 37,800 32,926 34,802 S *º i. © gº e & © e g º e º 6 e º 0 & © 7,733 15,277 20,372 | 18,720 30,837 28,214 || 23,256 29,221 Iscellaneous Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832 1,328 2,912 || 3,645 2,515 2,708. 2,119 1.2 ſ Salaries and Allowances to Comptroller 19.8% -> on . . . - . . 3 -a -s ,251 Q) 's General, Inspectors, Sitters, and Boatmen. § 9,864 29,553 29,898 || 27,873 28,911 29,750 || 28,462 28,599 º s #. #. Sitºrs, Boatmen, and Glut do. 45, 162 | 86,915 | 89,367 | 84,433 85,240 87,513 | 90,396 92,923 § s -: ravelling Allowances • e = e - e º se e s e e 3,469 2,453 2,342 2,520 4,296 2,932 3,510 3,399 š Š Buildings and Repairs ............ 2,398 || 5,659 50,325 25,675 10,570 10,283 || 9,480 || 7,703 S. Sº º: Repairs, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,567 8,697 4,506 || 2,660 | 3,446 2,808 2,235 1,691 prº- tores, and Carriage of do. . . . . . . . . 3,402 3,235 1,993. 5, 111 5,090 7,001 7,525 | 8,405 *** Miscellaneous Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,480 3,939 4,291 || 4,544 5,713 4,662 4,404 3.7% Expences of LAND GUARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,463 | 19,285 14,809 || 10,710 | 11,165 11,938 || 11,111 || 11,225 TOTAL Charges of Collection £ 1,147,685 1,088,507 | 1,100,530 | 1,094,073 1 186,116 1,188.855 1,159,813 | 1.4 e - 2 . . . 2 3 * ~~5 2 * * ~ * ,141,645 Quarantine * and Allowances .... 16,116 14,820 | 15,148 16,143 18,258 21,204 20,174 16,211 Depences N. E." &c. . . . . . . . . . . 9,485 8,010 || 9,103 || 17,003 || 13,161 | 12,789 10,131 4,185 avy Board for Stores.. 7,503 || 4,212 2,358. 638 || 17,370 17,414 — | *9,562 Warehousing iº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,971 || 28,028 27,885 26,853 27,798 || 39,878 60,573 52,121 Department \ ...". • e s e e s e o 'º e 7,093 9,230 8,271 8,999 || 10,619 || 10,939 || 9,718 10,170 - ents, T axes. &e. . . . . . . 53,180 13,368 13,408 12,540 20,548 37,289 36,882 29,390 Fºl. *º of Wilſº Irving .. 8,587 10,070 9,877 || 9,466 9,959 10,604 || 10,642. 9,204 rinity, Lignt, and Scavage Dues... . . . . . . . 16,976 17,800 14,640 12,277 17,698 || 31,472 28,664 18,135 | Ordnance, on Account of Coast Blockade... 36,716 70,070 163,342 50,814 28,036 5,981 || 51,932 — '136 GRAND TOTAL * | 1,321,622 | 1,264,115 1,863,362 1,210,406 | 1,299,923 | 1,370.925 | 1,388,000 | 1,200,749 Payments on Account of the Civil ºn . - Government of Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 71,922 | 72,882 85,613 87,908 148,848 173,431 173,735 | 160,876 - [Years | 1818. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. *** The following page eachibits a continuation of the above Account more amplified and complete. The Cha - 1829. —£ - - 359,319 16,595 18,856 14, 164 101,330 14, 161 29,997 3,392 11,029 10,508 8,029 1,523 21,791 1,638 1 11,856 jº 7,308 15,153 3,121 7,046 2,979 870 147 854 694 18,050 5,937 36,696 38,787 27,020 29,952 91,270 2,765 1,997 1,378 4,439 4,399 11,242 * * 1,071,582 15,512 4,054 39,936 47,298 10,590 40,406 8,281 17,230 92 1,254,981 186,206 1839. rge for Collection when separated from the Super- cºmparatively inconsiderable, The increasing earpence Naval Officers in the Coast Guard Service), ; no such means as have hitherto been adopted, by those social arrangements with neighbouring ‘95° st ATEMENT of the CHARges of Collection, and other Payments out of the Revenue of CUSTQMS in each Year, since 1829. . . . . . . . . . º . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; º % tºº º º o º º § 3. . . . º Jº º ºi º ‘. . º * {: ; ; ; ; ; ; Yi... 3. º 's º items of Charge [Years | 1830, 4? 1831. -(? 1 832. || ". do. Incidental . . . . U do. Temporary. . . . . . . e . * e º e º a g º e o e a e i i ! S’ Watermen, &e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Services, and Travelling Charges . . . . . .] Repairs of Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . it ..] 3,475 || || 10,305 T.*}º. Candles . . . . . . . . . . . . Bills. Ubin. Bills. Rents, Rates, e & © tº e s a o & e o e º e a e e LAw CHARGES Postage .. ing to the Collection of the Re- º Carriage. . . . . . . . . . venue in respect to STATION ERY. ſGoal Metage . . . . . • * * * * * * * º e o e o e < e e s e º 4 e º a • * * * • * * - Taxes, and Tithes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . See General Statement relat- | Stationery . . . . . . . .] Fees on passing Accounts . . Pensions to Widows and Children .. | < | Insurance from Fire . . . . . . . . . . . | Housekeepers Expences UMiscellaneous Payments . . . to TAL charges of Collection SUPERANNUATIONS Compensa- } Offices abolished . . . . . . . . . . tion for Loss of Fees. . . . . . . • ‘º e º e º & © Allowances for Patent Offices abolished. . . . . . ...] s: ſ , ( Salaries, Pay, and Allowances to Com- } 35,643. manders, Mates, and Seamen . . . . . . Boats, Repairs, &c. e e º a • e e o 'o e e Q tº G. . go Miscellaneous Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Allowances to Comptroller. i Travelling Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boats, Repairs, &c. . . . . • * ~ * Stores, and Carriage of do. . . . . . . . . . Rent of Boat Houses, &c. . . . º- UExpences of LAND GUARD . . . . . . . . . . ToTAL charges of Col. s Preven. of smuggling e Quarantin • - T. . " : r . . * ; : . . . Qı . . . e % Tide W alters, &c. • * * * * * * * * * * * . } Salaries and Allowances . . . . . . . • Expences. • ... ſº v ºr " - •] rap vees Hire of Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Department. º Rents; Taxes, - &c. © e Q Trinity, Light, and Scavage Dues . . . . . . . . - Treasurer of Navy for Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . Payments on Account of Coast Compensation Allowances { Piantations. . . . . . . . to Naval Officers in the - Expences of Inspector General, & Comptroller Miscellaneous .......... [of Shipping Accounts TOTAL Expences attending Collection ‘. . º Treasurers of Counties for Corn Returns. . . . . . . . . . . * - Payments on Account of W Scotland " ... • * * * * .* the Civil Government of \ Isle of Man . . . ... Bounties on Linens and Sail Cloth Exported.... TO TAL charges and Payments £ Salaries to Officers in Revenue Department ... [of Treasury * . . . . * . . . 2,914 938 872 || | Subsistence to Prisoners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..] Rewards for the detention of Smugglers. . . . . • * • . © . . . . º © e º 'º . • . . . & O .. -3-,---- officers on the Establishment • * * * . • ... 356,001 do. in the Plantations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,849. 15,392 13,637 Day pay to Weighers, W atchmen • ºwº 99,201 14,458 2,962 11,455 26,203 7,275 13,149 14,604 || 1,436 | 1,954 | 5,292 || 12,829 2,939 355,551 | 19,010 | * 13,241 || | 104,489 | 13,633 |* 10,374 | 2,958 || 8,353 686 | 30,484 | 1,764 | 1,900 | 3, 197 || 548 || 26 || 794 | 581 || 10,767 || 4,360 | - - - - "v --|-- - -- -' -* , ,- - • * & 4 º: *... , •', . , a., l ... .ºzº/ º ſº * A . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . .'''. ... ; ; ; *.N. : , “ . . . 'Y' ' ' '. " - º 2 *-*. - . . . . . . . . . . . * : * > "...' ' ' ', 'J, t .* - ... . . . . . . . ( . -- v. Qººs i-, ', º, 3 l' . . *U 3 “A º' n . $ * ...? & y ". * +. 14,286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;--, * : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fºx - , , ; *, '-', . . . ~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " (. . . .". J. & ... ; ; ; ;9. 3',: . . . . . . – |%, . . . . . . . . ." . . . ....S., & 3 A.; , ... * * *:: - 12. 985. ------> - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----. ----- --- - ------- *** * *-*. -- a ------ - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- *--------' --...--, - . . . . --- - - - -: **. -- ; . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . • 2 w **, *k : . ...! * - . . . !! ". * ‘. . - * 636 2,853 ! . . . 9,522 9,938 9,257. 30,109 1,897 2,965 2,939 584 115 812 526 12,513 5,188. £| -, * 105,724 ..] 22,093 |* Victualling, Fire and Candles ... . . . . . R General, Inspectors, Sitters & Boatmen $ Day pay to Sitters, Boatmen, & Glut do. Years. 1816. 1817. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1818. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. a The diminution of Drawback on Leather in 1823, was a consequence of the reduction of duty from 3d. to 1%d. § b. in that year. b The duty on Wine was reduced on the 5th 9, July 1825, and charged wholly to the Customs. c. É1,381,636 of the amount of Allowances in 1816, was returned to holders of Malt on the duty being reduced from 4|4 to 214 * bushel. In 1819 the duty was raised to 3/6 tº bush 8, and reduced again to 2/6 in 1822, d since which date from £200,000 to £300,000 tº Annum has been allowed on Mažt used in distillatioſº. e £884,806 of the Allowances in 1825, was for returns on Płºne on the duty being lowered from 7/7 to 4! tº gallon. f £73,946 of the repayments for overentries in 1821 was on Foreigº Spirits. g. Of the £14,000 Pensions £9,000 are paid to the Duke of Grafton, who receives also £4,700 tº Annum out of the Revenue of the Post Office ; of the remainder of the £5,000; £3,000 was granted to an Earl of Bath, as far back as 1694, subsequently received by Lord Melbourne and Charles Toone, Esq. by virtue of purchase ; the remaining £2,000 was gr. anted to Henry Nassau Seigneur D'Auverquerque in 1796, now received by Earl Cowper, by virtue of purchase ; Lord Melbourne received £30,000 in 1826 for his moiety of the Earl of Bath’s amount, which accounts for the diminutivn after that year, and the eatra charge noted k in the line of Miscellaneous Earpenditure. Subsequent to 1823 stationery has been charged sunder one general head in the Miscellaneous Earpenditures, which previously had been distributed over the several departments ; the alteration accounts for the diminution noted i $32 1824. £17,480 of the amount noted j in 1822, was for purchase of the Old South Sea House. On the transfer of Nos. 6-10 wholly to the Customs in 1825, the Warehousing Department #was consolidated therewith, the charge in that line subsequent to 1825, is for Corn Returns previously included with the Warehousing Charges. . 2.7% &º STATEMENT of the Gross Receipt, Drawbacks, & other Payments, out of, and Charges for Collecting, the REVEN UE of ExCISE, in each Year since 1827,--in continuation of the preceding page. - 1828. § 1829. 1830, 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835, 1836. 1837. Articles. [Years.----f —sº- -—|—|f|-|-st—|-ºf---|->{-|--É—|--—ºff--|--— 1 Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,309,365 3,110,570 2,390,311 229 iO7 - - - - . 2 Leather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383,118 363,931 181,442 • . 21 2 3 Cyder and Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,224 25,000 49,006 1 º - 4 Candles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504,043 496,696 489,093 477,459 45,089 5 Printed Calico and Paper............ 2,098,963 1,942,919 2, 149,238 614,590 3,575 6 Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,414,955 1,357,688 1,513,150 1,431,476 1,550,345 Total of Above 7,746,668 || 7,296,804 || 6,772,240 2,523,776 1,599,118 Malt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,619,774 3,834,481 || 3,505,454 || 4,469,127 | 4,815,426 | Hops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372,874 345,025 121,451 152,297 300,279 British Spirits ............ . . . . . . . . . . 3,394,709 3,310,960 3,708,713 || 3,414,823 || 3,409,340 10 Tea ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,177,179 3,321,722 || 3,387,098 || 3,344,914 || 3,509,835 11 Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269,295 244,490 228,376 219,826 225,633 12 Bricks and Tiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364,421 373,028 360,506 375 095 333,620 13 Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953,356 852,739 715,425 || 713,490 729,082 14 Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743,423 701,629 || 709,488 702,379 778,346 : 15 Licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * 702,295 711,829 737,497 794,744 786,265 16 Starch ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,581 85,697 103,100 100,331 112,324 17 Stone Bottles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,887 4,167 || 3,189 3,549 4,008 18 Sweets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,306 2,456 2,500 2,267 3,852 19 Vinegar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e g c e g tº º tº e º g 23,908 21,896 17,251 18,905 22,577 20 Fines and Forfeitures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,216 7,117 8,733 64,741 21,031 --- * * &ºmº || * ~~~~ *-*. *** *** **a gººse Total Gross Receipt........|22,390,794 |21,014,040 20,381,021 |16,900,264 |16,650,736 Bal :-( 21 Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,873 20,312 24,341 32,608 32,468 #"..."? 22 Imprests .............. 12,321 12,609 12,492 13,869 13,495 Hands of Q 23 Receivers General . . . . . . 111,524 119,695 62,466 40,044 95,383 24 Bills not Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855,712 894,732 766,959 593,52 408,948 Total Sum to be accounted for 23,390,224 |22,061,888 |21,247,279 |17,580,273 |17,201,030 Discharged as follows, viz. - ; (25 Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,961 54,907 44,883 7,113 56 5 § j26 Leather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e 16, 17% 14,172 12,244 17.3 2 ... ; ; 27 Printed Calicoes... . . . . . . . . . . . 1,441,207 1,390,534 || 1,578,869 738,512 200 §§j 28 Soap.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,369 || 112,730 177,631 190,972 263,795 §§§ 29 Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,749 29, 183 28,013 || 29,420 31,840 § 3 ; 30 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374,365 217,570 181,242 195,663 185,100 §§ 31 Malt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 12,918 17,808 U32 All other Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,783 16,372 18,040 20,129 17,122 s # ( 33 Malt ........................... 294,950 293,118 340,490 316,288 226,472 Š §: Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,809 93,016 85,805 || 102,150 100,330 § {35 Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,783 || 16,879 15,775 18,291 20,586 Ś A 36 Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to e º & 12,933 17,407 14,952 15,563 15,492 s (37 All other Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930 1,356 362 547 87.5 8 Repayments for overentries . . . . . . . . . . 8,986 20,787 21,779 23,250 15,199 rä9 Salaries and Allowances . . . . . . 733,975 | 738,423 750,141 727,207 693,015 40 Day Pay to Weighers, &c,.... 3,110 3,311 2,254 2,184 1,790 is 41 Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,378 13,815 19,579 13,165 13,914 's 5 || 42 sitting Expences ............ 20,287 20,468 || 12,471 || 9,303 9,585 §§ j43 Tradesmens' Bills .....::::... 19,481 18,985 22,247 15,423 13,637 § §§ 44 Rent, Rates, Taxes, &c.of Offices 9,189 9,351 9,720 9,521 10, 176 >. Sº * gº - gº 5 § 45 Law Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,533 25,918 11,029 7,651 38,902 * | 46 Stationery, Postage, Carriage &c. 36,766 30,944 38,731 32, 60 33,575 47 Superannuations. . . . . . . . a e g e º 'º 95,654 98,232 102,583 91,786 99,791 U48 Allowances for Offices abolished 2,780 2,395 2,913 2,066 2,031 (49 Charges on passing Accounts... 3,245 3,404 3, 197 2,932 2,761 º 50 Fees to Officers of Exch. & Pipe 2,933 2,055 3,077 | 1,495 3,187 .# 51 Pensions to Widows of Cruizers 1,005 1,215 1,095 1,113 1,122 | s 2 52 Payments on account of Sales. 10,612 16,648 12,600 18,703 8,161 $ $ j 53 Allowances to Crown Prisoners 1,336 1,194 986 543 46% § § $ 54 sheriffs Poundage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,035. 867 990 1,153 1,076 # = 55 Removal of County Officers.... 873 1,345 1,533 3,15% 3,301 s 56 Rewards to Smugglers, &c. . . . . 2,951 1,060 2,035 440 1,258 ! #7 Miscellaneous Payments . . . . . . 3,708 | 5,047 5,012 3,555 2,096 U58 cruisers .................... 6,935 8,796 4,789 5,949 6,706 59 Treasurers of Counties for Corm Returns 6,101 5,774 5,725 5,734 5,612 60 Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 - § s ( 61 Bounties for Promoting Fishery 34,721 30,884 20,536 43 2 § 5) 62 Fishery Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,276 13,214 12,739 14,607 14,154 §§) 63 Civil List Charges . . . . . . . . . . . 73,974 70,395 64,551 39,172 39,236 § & Q 64 King's Hereditary Revenue.... 17,008 22,857 22,483 1,469 364 65 Lagan Canal Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,638 8,780 5,809. 4,243 |. 3,964 66 Officers of Taxes Ireland . . . . . • * e o s e e *- 85 227 181 67 Payments into the EXCH E QUER ..]18,700,376 |17,749,722 |16,895,775 |14,330,875 |14,657,221 | 68 Balances & e o e s 6 tº e s e e s tº e º a º º • * * * * * * * 1,047 ,848 866,259 - 680,009 550,295 1. 626,374 69 Total Discharge of Income....|23,390,224 |22,061,888 |21,247,279 17,580,273 #17,201,030 79 Proportion Scotland ................ 2,848,302 2,770,111 || 2,960,306 2,576,165 2,280,728 See*N/~/|\ºv-/|\-º/-/|\-sº-N-V:\º-v-/l 2 º #; ; 10,462 5,800 3,260 2,280 || 3:34o 576 | 1.365 ; * : 133 | 1,016 || 171,447 || 309,178 " £5,33 à | 12:36: 3,543 19:38; 3,777 | * | *º 2,235 576 | 1.333 566 82 | 162 º: ||...}} 175,968 || 315,895 ss º 3. 21,263 29,551 10,613 5,913 || 3,088 2,351 : \ . . … . 82 | 162 126 | 1,031 174,806 || 315,274 * S 2 ºf: 9 | “. 5 ,088 2,351 2,225 || 558 1,308 601 || 17 | 126 12g io99 || 178.841 | 333,45. så 2 #: 1830 | * . . - . . . . . | 126 128 1,099 || 178,841 322,457 ssis # * . } * x - *U s S 3: : - - - • - . . . . . . . . . * * & S fº .º. º.º. Rate of Duty | Hack and Race. HORSES used in Husbandry. — - 3. St. É 3. g since su. 2 17 a in || Bº ºf " | ##| #| | | | | # ToTAL of the 12 || GRAND TOTAL s: ### Y - .." H - º o # 's !. § ch § $ J. S 3 preceding Columns. including the above. § . §§ : "...: -, * * - i. I - small farms un- § -S. S . As sº ...; *----- — Il- ~. . . . . . , , , 's- E- sº ears let to Mr. * vania y sº iº, º, : £º: # s # . .s º # . 5 s So §§ # 3 || Number of I Amount Number of . I Amount ; § 2. == * - - - . . ". . yove two. 3- § * * * § 3. * . . § - 2, sº :* S → . . . | - - Ho . . . . . . . . . || | . . * . . . . . . ; * . . < * O . . . - - S Sp-3 S, s. Sº Ke $º. - s, * - orses. JDuty. . • * . - ; co STS-4 sº isio Tissa'ſ sºn Tſogovo'ſ—|34,462 |} #| 3 | #3 |##! §§ H. ** | * | ** | # 3 #: 11 1,259 540 ...; T ºf #55 || 3 || || 5 # ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ;...] 1,165,278 1,430,349 | ##E? # 12 | 1,365 541 || 151,945 |740,079 |35,239|24,563 || 3 ... 3 | T # | 3 || || s= | g : à || 3 ||ºlº 1,164,437 | 1,422,135 | ### 3.2 #|: ; ;|######|##| || ||is is |*|::::::::::::::::::::#| 3: # e. 5. 14|1,484 || 360 || 177,025 1722,863 (35,816 (38,010 ss= | ; sº | 5 s ;|...] }; 1,646,760 $55.5 g. 1825 | 1,702 • * tº — º QºS 5,728 835,245 || 1,204,307 | 1,648,624. 35: . a ,702 || 71 The Dutu on H * .W agº Wº an I I, - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § s : . 6 2,006 % used in º: º 1,251 2,989 1,085 112,989 |410 140,258. º 89,510 311,705 || 398,688 #: ; g | | 1.313| Fog º 'º','!'"; $.". B., 1*; º; lºº. |}º: iiaºso |435||113,141 gigso. 318,309|| Aoi.aſs §§ { * 8 2,001 || 780 Jº º for the alºre, which Rates 20,866 1,296 |3,132 | 1,073 |114,282 500 143,805. ‘. 92.67; |- 31 §6 II to ..”. . . * 5-3 3 # - l{!!}{2 continued Sº?!C6 1823. 21,932 1,391 | 3,404 || 1,084 117,609 481 || 148, cºlºgº $27,523 4 º - šš § 5 2 Rate of . Four Wheeled CARRIA GES, 2007’é (13°6 kept - º Addi ſ Post Chauses , -} . . . ‘. . . . . — - - ---- §§ e # 2. - - . . - - ldal- | Carria :es and other .Public I '70) - ſ . . . . . .m. -ī a y e ‘S º puty per T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T. s. To ºf º; #| | | tº *l ºl #s āº gº ū . . - . ~. ~~ ~ * : * '. - : - - orses - Orses, Ches . . . - - : r + c & . . tº . . . s 3 ; ; Ś. > *. . . . . . . . “, ‘. . . - ". . . * e Carriage f; s. d. # s. fº s f; | # s £ z. –– © - || - º º . . . . . º <=ºmºsºme = co, h * - l Horse, 2 or more | Bodies Springs º: ºś. º TOTAI, S. S. 5 3. 5. ep up to 1811. I 5 0. 12 7 13 10 || 14 14 12 i., § # i. º "; f i. # º: £ s. £ s. #: s. £ s. * } : ... £'s. " * ſº s: # s d. £ s. | . . . . . ... ' #5 |ms, 3 * º — - º - * . . I U. “I U. ' o av | * v- || > e. 1 9 0. 2 15 || | | Duty T. S. Sº –3 o 1810 | 12,497 2,820 603 || 1 ... rh . . "A - - . . . . * * - *-* - _*} | . Šá. 3 # 2. }} | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1343|25,994 | 1,470 |18 || 12,5637,902 ||389.335 | #5 ### 13 | 12,866 |2,792 || 657 | 180 | 60 | 18 || 7 | | | }. . . . . . . j|iº || || || "... ſº | jº #####s. 13 | 12,957 2,820 | 648 || 172 80 | 36 | – || 143 249 || 5,295 1,355 || 25,957 | 1,329 || 11 || 7,592 |iſºto Tºg . . . ; ; ; # -: # tº 3 iſ gº iáo º ºf – || || – 119 || 242 5,155 1,270 || 23,817 ||34 || || || 7,439 |ii.33. ; #####g - ... - . . — | – | – || 106 || 228 5,187 | 1,273 || 26,195 1,152 | 12 | 7,151 | iij || 43. * | *s # 5:...? 1825 17,242 3,292 || 693 || 1 - - f . . . . . . . . . . | " T || ... 11,337 428,609 ; ; 5. #º. “”. 16,039 |3.313||795 || #| #| |T|, || gº || 419 3.7% 2.77 |*|| 3: 20 º, ##### & 2.376 |5 on 924 |244 96 || 36|| 14 || 8 || 2 || || is º, º | º żº auction of Duties in jºio | *::#s: 9 : . . . . | 2 as 472 6,996 2,996 || 48,318 425 || 14 | 1833, merged into siggs, ſº I sº Fă. | 836 * . . . . || | wº. " || 3: ... à Sà - % - . . . . . . sº § 3 : § Q £a. - - § 3 ; ; ; 5. . ... * * § s 26 . . An ACCOUNT of the Income & Eupenditure, of the Naval Hospital; - - and also the Number of Naval Seamen as Out Pensioners and the Amount Paid to them, in each of the 12 Years 1816–1828. & of the Hospital & Naval Ayslum Schools at GREEN WICH Years } 816 17 18 19 820 i 7 | s s 2s 23 § 3 &S § .S. Cº Ş $';3 $'s 3 | # ; : ; ) is $ 5 St. § º 3 s & S 'Sp & 2 || 3 s. § 117,045 26,376 6,063 55,002 | 20,125 8,871 20,983 | 18,607 || 7,516 16,482 | 19,377 | 8,224 13,975 | 19,539 || 6,645 24,971 17,422 6,512 17,325 | 19,472 7, 181 17,054 18,069 7,438 19,470 17,798 || 8,722 20,719 18,792 || 7,164 21,035 | 18,886 7,462 21,331 18,634 7,910 4 5s, #6 7 || 8 9 10 | . . , 11 ss 12 13 ##3 5 § $º; ; ; ; Śiś s & §§ ##. tº . §§§ j $35 | #s sº sº | #& Si sis S Q 5 § S: sº $3 & Sº tº SS Q Sºs"; $º "S * šš | s= | $º # is §§ j is §§ S Riº Q | Sº S. ... 2 "ş" | Sº & —-É £ —£–|—£ £-——£ £——£-——-£—— 22,141 133,299 || 2,275 468 90 249,695 | 16,452 — 92,625 834 40,553 || 120,300 1,171 || 336 54 111,910 10,606 || – || 301,132 2,220 39,955 | iO8,300 5,552 | 408 125 132,248 14,927 | 311,894 | 15 34,092 || 96,315 3,284 474 108 || 106,610 | 15,212 250 318,560 2,968 27,107 || 82,080 3,024 352 106 || 49,680 3,796 || 591 341,921 || 175 42,144 | 68,790 2,364 570 88 || 32,456 4,442 | 13,780 136,466 | 931 41,576 65,430 3,648 || 463 210 || 35,498 || 3,944 | 12,601 || – | 20,399 39,599 || 67,053 || 3,451 || 378 94 || 39,338 2,840 || 13,938 570 36,876 70,910 3,571 310 | 68 22,005 || 5,765 11,233 — 166 45,190 71,910 2,058 284 — 22,882 3,669 | 19,257 | 20,887 96 16,010 || 70,510 || 2,084 925 || 520 14,431 2,332 9,073 47,906 | 190 40,000 67,567 4,165 708 951 19,440 3,048 17,269 56,028 || 6,610. | *- 14 s i — £-— 667,366 672,280 660,533 621,957 548,992 350,937 227,477 209,824 196,897 232,909 211,363 263,662 |1 5 | | ; * = £ 400,890 298,392 271,741 286,438 217,836 169,902 177,046 254,225 233,861 269,587 174,190 162,219 *** By Col. No. 14, of the above Statement, it appears, be well to transfer this contribution to the Merc - that the aggregate Revenue of the Hospital in the 12 Years 1816–1827, has amounted to £4,894,197. whilst the Total Expenditure as shewn in Col. No. 15 above, and in Col. No. 5. below, during the same period has been only £2,916,326 shewing an excess of Revenue in the 12 Years of £1,947,871, upon this large excess of Revenue, as well as of the Resources of the Hospital generally, it may not be irrelavent to direct attention to the Amount in Col. No. 2. of the Contribution levied upon the Seamen in the Merchants Service, from whose miserable pittance of Wages (when the nature of their Service is º: d?' Month is deducted without any benefit present or ulterior accruing to them in return.— Would it not ant Seamens Fund, and to render that Institution more generally efficient and available for the Seamen in the Mercantile Service, the Amounts in this Col. further deserve attention as shewing the Stationary, or rather declining tendency since 1816, of the Mercan- tile Marine,— whilst the Amounts in Col. No. 11, indicate the movement of a prodigious amount of Specie. Col. No. 13. £20,000 in 1822, and £6,465 17 7 in 1827 were Bequests.-- The Derwentwater Estates Wide Col. No. 4, were held by the Earls of Derwentwater, and Seized of them, and confiscated in 1746, in retaliation for their Partizanship to the Descendants of the Stuarts; these Estates comprise the most produc- tive Lead Mines known (see No. 317, in the Analysis of the Populaton, for the No. of Persons occupied therein), in 1825 the Trustees of the Hospital purcha- sed of the Lessees of the Mines, Lead Ore, to the amount of £46,804, which measure, it is stated, was absolutely necessary in the then state of the Lead Market Of the Amounts under the Head of Sundries in to prevent the Mines being closed, and the adventurers from quitting the district; and the Sum received for Lead was only £29,729. +4+ The other ſtems of Revenue will be explained in the following observations upon the Ex- penditure. The first Item of which Col. No. 1 comprises the Charge for the Maintenance, Clo- thing, Weekly Allowance, & all other nescessaries for 2,710 Pensioners, & 162 Nurses, Cooks, Assistants, and Servants, including also Salaries and all other allowances to Military, Civil, & Medical Officers and Clerks, Works, Repairs, and Contingent Expences. and a Note in the Re- turn from which these accounts have been compiled, further states, that the Account commen- ces on the 1st. October 1815, and ends on the 30th. September 1816, and so for each Year until 1826 which contains the Charge for 15 Months, to the 31st. December 1826, which circumstance explains the seeming excess of Charge for that Year, henceforward the Accounts are to be clo- sed on the 31st. of December in each ensuing Year. The diminished charge for Assessed Tax- es and Parochial Rates in 1827, is not easily reconciled, no explanation being offered respec- ting it.— The Amounts of unclaimed Prize. Money in Col. No. 3. are sufficiently explained by the Receipts under the same Head in Col. No. 9, the Receipts under this Head during the War were doubtless very great, as evidenced, by the large Annual Income from Funded Property in 1816 as tº Col. No. 5 and the Proceeds of Sales of the like Property in thc Years 1816-1821 as t? Col. No. 12. These Sales were made to meet the Payments to the Out Pensioners, see Col. No. 14. below, which Payments since 1821 have been met by Grants out of the Public Revenue see Col. No. 15. in consequence, as a Note states, “of the Funds of the Hospital being so much reduced as to be only sufficient to objects of the Corporation, and refund the Prize Money held in trust for the Captors.”— The Amounts under the Head of Sundries Col. No. 4. were inves- ted as follows, Viz. 6246,348 in the purchase of Funded Property principally in 1816 & 1822–4. £93,541 chiefly in 1826-7, in Houses contiguous to the Hospital, which promises, a Note states to be greatly condusive to the convenience of the Hospital, its Police, and very shortlv to its Income.— £14,618 principally in 1824 in Freehold Property in the Counties of Northumber- £and and Cumberland.-- 6:36,182 in 1825, in the Tolls of Turnpike Trusts in those Counties. This Money, a Note states, has been lent at £4 tº Cent. to the Trustees of the New Road from Aſewcastle to Westmoreland, running through the Mining Districts and principal Estates of the Hospital. It is estimated, that by this Road £1,200 a Year will be saved to the Hospital & its Tenantry, by the Carriage of Lead, Coals, and Timber, of which nearly 20,000 Tons are annually conveyed to and from the Mines at Alstone alone, the Derwentwater Estate is subject to a Rent Charge of £1,000 tº Annum. payable to Lady Newburgh, which is included under the Head of Sundries, and lastly £51,518 included under that Head has been expended principally in 1816 1817, 1818 and 1820, in the Division of Simonburn Rectory into Livings for Naval Chaplains Simonburn, was one of the large Parishes in Tindal Ward Northumberland extending about twenty miles North of the Roman Wall to the Mountainous district, which divides that Coun- ty from Scotland, it is intersected by the North Branch of the River Tyne, and in 1821 contain. ed 1,300 Families, composed of 4,397 Persons, it was Assessed to the Property Tax in 1814, at f:33,218. By Act of 51 of Geo. 3. cap. 194. it was divided into six Parishes, Viz. – Bellingham, Falstone, Gaystead, Thorneyburn, Wark, and Simonburn, each of these is again subdivided into Townships, amounting in the whole to 20. The Ecclesiastical Benefices in the six Northern Counties are many of them as extensive and Valuable as Simon burn, and it might be well to sub- ject them to like Divisions, Prior to 1821 the Hospital School consisted of 200 Boys, in that Year it was united to the Naval Asylum School, and the United Establishment since 1821 has consisted of 200 Upper Boys, 600 Lower Boys, 200 Girls, and 14 Nurses. This Union sufficiently accounts for the increase of Charge since 1820. In 1822 the Establishment received Donations to the a- mount of £11,060, and in 1824 to the Amount of £54,993, which Sums were invested in the same Years in the Public Funds; exclusive of these Amounts the Expence of the Schools in the 12 Years 1816 - 1827 has exceeded the Income by £74,564 which is stated to have been paid out of the Funds of the Hospital, but no such Item appears, unless it is included under the general Head in Col. No. 1. above. The diminution of Profits on Provisions bought (Col. No. 8.9 a Note states, to be in consequence of a New System of Victualling the Pensioners, by which the temptation to commute their Provisions for Money was greatly lessened and another Note on the same Szºbject states, that the alteražion occasioned an ad- ditional Earpence to the Hospital for Provisions, but that the alteration affords great additional Comforts to the Men, and security against bartering their Provisions for Spirits. The Receipts for shewing the Hospital in the memorable prosperity Year of 1825, is remarkable. - - - | Out PENSIONERS SCHOOLS Taaces | Unclaimed f Income Receipts | Profits Pro- [Checks & - - - Hospital Parochi- Prize #. HOS PITAA, rºa . "... reºpſ |ſº TOTA I, TOTA. I. Wºr º, #####. Years * al Rates ey º survi, RI Es | TOTAL Property Hºt bought | stores |sioners * *::::: Pensioners paid thereto tary Grants 1816 144,063 2,993 186,848 || 65,985 | 400,890 || 1,707 || 741 || 4,025 || 109 || 312 || 6,895 6,334 || 32,152 272,213 17 | 1.41,433 || 3,480 128,493 || 24,925 || 298,392 || 1,708 || 678 || 4,084 || 141 271 || 6,880 5,674 || 32,278 370,234 18 || 135,680 2,814 | 127,035 || 6,215 270,741 || 1,797 592 || 4,291 || 108 || 275 || 7,063 9,567 || 31,171 386,564 19 138,076 4,072 139,449 || 4,840 286,438 || 1,858 717 | 5,074 | 408 || 260 || 8,317 | 7,988 || 30,588 || 333,289 1820 140,511 || 2,817 | 68,574 || 5,934 217,836 || 1,888 772 4,852 233 279 || 8,024 7,368 || 29,325 || 334,055 1 | 127,061 3,556 38,431 855 | 169,902 || 1,977 | 732 3,944 || 382 268 || 7,304 || 12,837 || 28,336 || 330,150 | 163,814 2 | 122,426 || 2,979 29,641 || 22,000 177,046 || 2,401 | 921 3,122 238 270 || 6,952 14,821 || 27,039 || 324,458 248,652 3 111,021 3,137 29,241 || 110,826 254,225 || 2,401 926 2,754 215 216 || 6,512 13,417 || 26,434 297,257 || 380,034 4 117,191 2,482 24,626 || 89,562 || 233,861 || 4,230 929 1,107 || 106 || 229 || 6,002 | 16,164 || 25,784 271,864 322,518 5 129075 2,409 | 19,601 || 11,133 162,219 || 4,230 |1,113 | 664 328 307 || 6,643 18,550 || 25,549 291,003 || 282,500 6 164 980 2,551 17,194 || 84,862 269,587 || 4,230 949 | 680 | 66 356 || 6,281 23,421 || 24,960 286,045 280,000 7 101 19,254 174,190 || 4,231 886 544 || 486 || 301 | 6,448 |33,343 24,673 299,447 225,000 | 128,463 26,372 s' i | §| 27 THREE ACCOUNTS, I. shewing the Number of Persons assessed to the INcome TAx, in each of 33 Classes of Income, from £60 to £5000 and upwards tº Annum, in the Year ending the 5th. April 1801; the amount assessed, and the proportion and amount of Income in each Class: II. shewing the Gross Receipt of the Income and Property Tax, and of the Land and assessed Taxes, including balances as stated in the Accounts annually presented to Parliament, and the Nett amount of the whole as exhi. bited in an account laid before the Finance Committee in 1828 (Vide Par. Paper No. 519 of that Session) in each of the 31 Years 1798–1829: and III. shewing the Gross and Nett Assessments to the Property Tax under each of the 5 Schedules A — E, and the Total thereof in each of the 6 Years, ending the 5th. April 1816. & See Vol. VI. of Session 1801; VIII of 1802–3; XII of 1806; Xof 1814–15; XIV of 1816; and XIV of 1823; for the Accounts from which this, and the 5 following Pages have been compiled. ACCOUNT NO. I. Account No. II. Rate of Income Number Amount of Proportion | Amount - - - Land and - - {} annum. Assessed | Assessment of Income of Income Years Income Property | Assessed Taaces | Total Nett - - . . -- - — —---a- £ ——-É.--———£ . 60 to 65 54,321 3,162,861 a 120th. 26,357 | 1798 823,286 Wide Acts 43 and 46 4,608, 144 || 5,561,309 : 65 m 70 14,728 1,006,543 95 a 10,595 9 2,672,065 |...] 5,031,755 | 8,781,360 5 70 m 75 || 23,913 | 1,617,892 || 70 m 23,113 | 1800 4,888,216 º: 5,051,939 || 9,035,290 * - - ** . 143 3 all th. o a 6 rº a s V. * , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|º] ; ; - 3. ---" 2 2 R. 5 3. 3. 5 85 m 90 7,302 611,377 55 it § 11,116 3 | '434.3% 16,918 6,176.933 5,705,618 90 m 95. 11.2% 972,935 50 tº § 19,439 - 4 90,174 3,578,890 6,317,450 8,900,839 95 a 100 7,335 689,551 45 it § 15,323 5 # 50,472 4,496, 142 6,527,980 10,045,591 100 m 105 24,031 2,316,653 40 m § 57,916 || 6 s 17,300 6,145,260 6,721,544 11,813,027 105 m. 110 || 4,925 499,845 38 m § 13, 154 7 s 26,665 10,131,344 7,357,756. 16,274,901 #. // ; º: º; ; u ; 8 § 15,427 | 11,398,135 | 8,079,499 18,044,941. I f/ 2. 5 $37, A/ = 13, 9 26,801 | 12,386,913 || 9,063,716 || 20,023,394 120 m 125 8,582 981,371 32 m § 30,668 1810 11,789 || 13,492,215 8,311,640 20,406,428 i. I/ #. ; #: º // ‘5 º: 11 ## 14,541 || 13,707,218 7,572,721 | 19,819,722 // 5 23, I/ § 25,85 12 s : 8,274 13,628,454 7,677,204 || 19,787,522 135 a 140 3,646 481,043 26 5 º: 13 | Sã 1,621 14,889,445 8,101,968 21,400,394 140 m 145 || 5,784 776,873 24 m # 32,370 14 3 ; 1,208 15,109,803 || 8,207,511 21,763,410 145 m 150 3,069 434,024 22 # 19,728 15 så 314|15,227,500 7,911,938 21,618,124 150 m 155 9,203 | 1,305,703 20 m | g 65,285 16 | ** — 12,276,871 7,562,411 | 19,080,345 155 m 160 2,184 328,903 || 19 m # 17,311 17 ºf 335 | 2,568,654 8,074,259 || 10,002,749 160 tº 165 3,761 576, 183 18 // # 32,010 18 §§ 31 658,338 8,271,990 8,331,781 165 m 170 2,082 330,840 || 17 m 19,461 || 19 |S. 27 | 183,134 8,279,930 7,855,246 170 m 175 3,647 598,582 16 m # 37,411 1820 | sy 25 57,043 8,355,322 7,803,004 175 m 180 2,035 344,627 | 15 m £ 22,975 1 |$: 24 44,376 8,205,033 7,814,690 I 80 m, 185 3,758 645,405 14 m : 46,100 2 º 741 97,809 || 7,659,456 7,218,844 185 m 190 1,884 337,404 || 13 m 25,954 3 | " — 27,897 6,811,650 6,206,927 190 in 195 2,680 497,835 12 m 41,486 | 4 § 1,600 4,591 5,475,075 4,922,070 195 m 200 2,320 454,321 | 11 iſ 41,302 5 |* — 4,062 5, 178,950 | 1,990,961 200 m 500 42,694 | 12,239,081 10 m 1,223,908 6 § as sºmme 200 5,029,829 4,702,744 500 m I 000 14,762 9,498,471 — 949,847 7 s — 9,218 5,082,860 || 4,768,273 1000 m 2000 6,927 9,041,154 *sº 904, 115 8 : S. — 800 5,169,074 4,849,303 2000 m 5000 || 3,657 10,402,750 tºssº 1,040,275 9 gºssºms 59 5,212,511 4,896,567 5000 & all abo. 1,020 9,970,395 || – 997,039 1830 - : • ºgº;#*Nº. 6.8 6.853 go 1. g & , not - e - - * ** - . º ºč. 74,676,894 2 2 The Assessments under each of the 5 Schedules A-E, were as follows, Viz. under £200 2,291 ,933 79,508 || A on the Prºprietors ºf Lands, Tenements, Heriditaments, Heritages, &c.—see --> – 2 - - - * the 3rd, following Statement. - . . . £200 to 500 1,036,005 41,484 || B on the Occupiers of do.— see the 4th, following Statement. - 500 to 1000 637,351 - 32,156 || C on Annuitants, and Persons possessing Property, in Public Securities. . º : ; ; T) o, . &c. For Profits on Trades, Professions, &c.— see the 5th, fol- * O owing Statement. - - - . 5000 & all abo. 523,716 . 33. 467 || E on #. holding situations in Public Offices, and other Service, &c., &c. * - : * ~. O. i I 9,768 tº For the proportion Assessed under each Schedule, in each County of England Estimated according to abo 371,040 9,7 and Wi. in #!. 1803, ending the i. of April 1804.— see the 2nd, following - - , - Statement, and for the several Acts under which the Assessments were made,- see ToTAL G. Britain | 320,759 | 80,217,215 252,192 Notes to Columns 1 and 2, in the Acconnt No. II. above. ſ - - A. - -* - B. - - | C. D. E. - ſº ToTAL - . . -sº - - - > - of Duit?éS &#|-- ** . . . : - Yrs. | Gross Nett || Gºs Nºt Nett Gºgº Ng: gº Ng: || Penalties || Gross Ngt E F jisio Tanjoſa'ſ 4710 sig 2,15736||1,665 asſ||2,433,395 || 3,200,299|2,791,865 || 1,005,877 | 923.211 || 9,897 || 13,631,921 | 12,533,660 C d ii 5,085.174 5,081,217 || 2,378,704 || 1826,337 || 2,486.321 || 3,440,212 2,820,374 || 1,058,909 , º, . 15.4; 14,453,329 ||3,297,422 O 2. - 12 5,133,392 || 5,106,339 || 2,343,315 1,833,745 || 2,542,392 || 3,338,176 2,790,762 || 1,105,501 1,025,252 || 4,883 14,462,776 13,302,782 O | 13 5,617,786 5,605,132 || 2,628.496 || 2,074,478 || 2,650,784 || 3,438,050 2,779,565 || 1,153,430 | 1.9%;4; 42,713 || 15,438,546 14,295,023 *- 262 ***- 500 130 1,511,042 1,579,173 1,068,706 || 250,372 | 169,565 11,218 48 25 — 4,972 543 1,505,450 | 1,556,836 1,058,642 251,599 || 150,790 || 9,333 4,013 | – | — — — | 1,479,377 1,540,952 938,464 266, 172 56,622 42H 973 | 1,274 6,392 || 3,432 778 | 1,274,530 | 1,463,260 930,496 | 188,591 || 65,342 — 3 2,557 44,090 13,458 1,423 1,245,961 : 1,240,594 943,442 | 138,741 96,686 || – 40 136 — 1,164 3,090 | 1,183,299 1,155,459 792,863 || 284,625 | 26,485 228 39 -— 250 74,832 — | 1,179,323 1,236,727 687,006 || 337,575 | 126,204 1,177 | 11, 139 || – || 214 8,734 936 1,172,986 1, 130,951 828,953 237,088 38,761 456 1,320 555 42,191 i 6,546 — 1,155,871 1,150,285 788,644 211,035 | 54,267 482 3,050 688 1,813 || 14,095 44 | 1,084, 120 | 1,083,084 813,080 | 150,928 122, 129 || 7,837 240 140 | – || 2,690 — | 1,097,044 1,127,404 785,673 || 136,754 || 85,900 4,064 165 736 || 14,499 || 11,895 693 | 1,040,380 | 1,037,988 774,366 116,346 14,947 121 * *g 9 || 8 | 950 | 42 528 908,200 902,217 811,272 78,150 17,626 108 249 434 — | 80 l — 907,920 942,17] 612,370 118,564 67,481 313 || 7,530 2,341 69,019 || 6,627 | 1,397 885,643 916,060 594,179 165,268 108,457 3,348 1,633 27 — 778 83 873,774 915,348 681,139 93,928 19,290 144 *-*s- 987 21,435 | 20,611 11,643 849,177 887,659 583,669 || 145,652 40,552 373 *-*assrººm 70 297 3,852 774,465 799,605 558,997 || 101,904 || 28,326 120 28,827 | 1,338 || 49,043 222 — 768,778 791,359 557,967 || 104,513 || 37,642 3 47,839 || – | i 68. 335 748,367 || 713,147 580,839 119,461 | 15,371 | 4 — — 11 || 3,489 || 322 — 719,498 || 737,229 489,562 134,633 66,038 221 3,700 — — 3,200 | 1,468 698,822 652,082 545,074 || 86,619 57, 157 965 1,300 1,476 — 1,546 3, 129 697,266 698,395 526,592 61,815 38,755 1,399 || 35,128 | r . 1,477 665,167 || 655,231 507,198 || 89,224 14,056 1,596 ——— 2,843 42,501 || 954 345 658,718 705,446 525,219 || 82,134 30, 119 607 || 5,289 -— | - 643,369 644, 130 495,105 54,873 53,801 —— * * 603,779 604,614 375,089 || 113,358 47,779 3,322 -º-º-º- 58 — 3,617 || 4,386 547,612 || 571, 107 312,650 | 32,294 || 14,307 74 * -- * *-*. — I T26 59 359,5] I 343,680 258,965 30, 122 || 10,327 | 1,160 i 1,184 — 301,748 320,188 214,175 40,836 15,933 6,255 130 — 6,517 || 2,731 — 286,577 295,097 241,437 28,793 5,845 1,297 10 441 | 1,456 || 451 || 105 || 279,836 || 298,199 105,839 5,340 4,862 —— r - 30 — 116,072 133,487 35,905,866 |15,339,075 2,406,035 | 66 605 | 183,913 42,690 || 351,120 300,802 || 35,679 48,630,496 || 49,745,624 75,936 3,101 || 13,392 - - 92,430 92,589 96,621 17,119 14,803 128,622 125,198 237,182 || 37,358 29,065 303,604 243,976 93,250 6,404 || 7,277 106,932 111,436 180,327 14,010 || 14,457 37 - 208,832 207,286 131,504 4,293 || 13,839 — *-**sassº 120 15,482 * † -mºm- 165,238 153,930 131,307 || 13,537 8,897 — — — 2,254 | 1,006 — 157,003 146,540 229,689 18,250 14,033 — *-*-*- 346 || 2,267 — — 264,585 277,456 220,219 || 55,292 || 14,765 1,603 || – 400 || 32,206 || 23,719 — 348,204 334, 193 168,665 18,898 || 14,576 39 — 514 || 2,582 — — 205,274 219,590 107,169 5,733 22,509 135,412 141,889 88,617 1,430 9,985 100,032 99,717 32,816,754 |14,290,889 2,583,673 | 68,248 183,913 || 44,070 || 495,911 || 324,527 | 35,679 50,843,664 51,898,424 4,849,593 | 1,243,609 14 9,574 21,528 || 59,525 55,220 46,318 6,285,383 — 37,666,347 (15,534,499 || 2,583,687 | 68,248 || 193,487 65,598 } 465,436 379,748 || 81,997 57,129,047 | sºmeº" 31 AN ACCOUNT of the amount of Property assessed to the PROPERTY TAX, in each County of England and Wales, i ...” ending º º of . 1813; distinguishing the proportion assessed according to }. §. º ..". according to annual Value occupied by Owners, and also the proportion Tithe free, from the proportion Titheable, an * part.— Wide Folio 89, Vol. X. of Papers, Session 1814–15. proportion Titheable, in whole, and in CGUNT/E.S - T'; the free .A., 7 . - . rº, ân order of Rent an Value º TOTAL Tithe free Titheable e # Tayment Totaſ, jº. Total Assessment £ by opers Tema???s £ £ £ 772. º of Modus #.hº 1 Middlesex . . . . 1,356,166 437,092 1,287,788 3,081,047 80.858 301,058 £ £— --~~- 2 wºmºtº... "ſºlioſº | 691,080i iº93.399 2,330 5 --e-a--- *. 14,459 3 LONDON ... 462, 128 78,812 395,025 # 935,965 2,929 —— : º, Iº e º 'º - ; §ſº ;|"; };|*|*|º 93,203 & sº ... ººlººligºſai ; 101,128 1,239,756 # 3,349 || 9,897 1,354,130 50,944 7 Lincoln iºsa lºſs |igº393 || 1945,473 || 1 dº 1,382,546 8,340 | H 1,482,586 78,808 & Devon ..... i.077.714 Agºrio iš7,330 }: ,0sºlº 573,989 123,237 44,798 1,803,205 || 48,579 5 surrey ...... '705.364 lºgº.ogg|46; ºil i.455.14. 35,059 1,269,518 # 6,230 2,998 : 1,313,799 || 125,723 1. Rºº........ º;|;|; ; ; ;|*|*| º ºſ ii Essex........ ºlºgiº |321,363 lº 14,804 || 918,087 — — 932,891 127,019 is Norfolk...... º;|º ſºliº 69,974 393,879 9,882 831 : 1,065,557 | 161,157 is Gloucester || $56,ois lºgº || 37,630 || 1304,337 115,317| 948,399 || 4,053 – | 1,067,969 152,950 in Nºmberiá, ºil ºil 179 tº i.iiº ; 629,186 L- 4,698 || 333,878 || 48,452 15 Wilts | ºg jºiº |133,337; 1,033 is tº 22,539 149,999 || 1.44% º 8,114 ić warwick .... #ºliº isºft iº | 247,623 690,117 23,187 | 19,073 93,005 || 97,348 # sº...'...] §l; ‘ºliº §: ; ; 127.5% 17,639 º żºłº, is southampton'ſ sºlº, 1664 is 1,034,581 * 616,087 — — . 829,269 13,550 ; ºr §liº º! "º º, gº ... — gº tº 20 suffolk ...... º, ºr ... . . . ; ; , ; ; ; 3i si........] §§liº |iosº º 73,401 || 714,916 2,452 2,527 793,297 123,143 32 icicºsts; §l;|"ºl ºf ºil ºl so; sºo! ##| # * Nºmini. ºłºś. §§l º $42,393 | 188,298 20,733 24,130 773,664 12,977 ; fºr ... iiº) ºf ºogº ºº: | 1.41% . — 817,060 15, 158 25 Sussex ...... ºligºſº |216,187 | 736, ºf || 243 º ºf 33.7% 518 # 687,551 9, 197 26 comwaii ... 17.4% liº || 65.3% #: 76,252 442,090 15,563 56,968 590,874 || 101,677 37 Worcester... 457.37% . iś7,037 | 1. ºil 7 ; tº 603.9% 510 || 2,382 613,694 | 61,622 28 Nottingham ... ºolinºi jº ; 2 || 171,681 492.93% 3,312|| 3.8% 3:491; ºl 29 Oxfordſ...... 415.73i ión.163 º § 368,377 | 168,976 : 2,014 || 21,503 ; 560,870 14,245 so Durham...... 5. iiii idiº 114,286 ...; 329,297 228,552 830 | 1,077 559,757 37,605 3i Dorset ......] Ago...15% Hijº, ... . . . . 412,844 — — 531,896 || 5,02I 32 Berks ...... º;|; ; ; ; ; * * : ; 33 Bucks ...... 430.841 iogo22 62, 137 #. 115,484 || 379,90° -*- — 489,390 57,692 34 Cumberland ... sºil i89.15 #: ;|| “... . . ; 10. 528,613 25,202 35 Cambridge ... ºligºon | º; : 75,733 || 337,382 74,206 | 19,876 507,198 || 13,628 36 Hereford §l'ºil ; : 129,015 392,889 : 2,820 935 525,660 34,884 ; H. ....] §liº ||. º; ; ; A- — 503,681 || 46,194 . . . . . . . . . . º 23:04, 3,638 109 º ºf: 39 Huntingdon .. iº 35696 33,037 28 ,944 || 3.18. 92, 164 554 490 305,084 11,776 ſo wºmmºnd tººl º 80,653 2 *|| 103,732 ºl 200 | 1,721 ; 259,383 | 12,021 41 Monmouth #: ; ; ; ; ; * * :::::::, ; 42 Rutland i'46, - *: 13,604 55,011 30,030 184,950 " ºme-as 214,979 15,005 96,151 14,794 234 111,180 || 64,562 25,421 ; i4,871 583 : 105,377 || 4,904 º *|*|| “...ſº tºº lººpºº, 2,028,567 Camarvon •e ,407 || 70,981 79,038 6,338 69,598 } – — 75,936 165 is p." 81,980 # 4,856 26,904 113,740 238 96,383 : — — 96,621 682 s: º żº, º º żº — 247,181 — — 247,181 2 * | *.m. || "... . . . . . . .'; —| 131,504 — | – || 131,504 || 10,706 § { Montgomry 137 in 18,111 || 31. 25 ,655 || 572 92,678 — — 93,250 6,553. § - - “... I ~, 51,185 194,338 1,664 || 158,000 — -— 159,664 11,994 is 3. 103,079 26,112 || 3:4 tº 8,410 | 109,092 + - — 117,502 | 8,685 s|º] }}; ; ; ; * : I L sº, ſº ; : Gi 4, 2 7,302 47,940 229,689 — - 229,689 14,032 3 gº." ; ; ; ; 2,506 173,024 — 44,706 220,236 10,667 tºº tº ºf 24: 'º'; 2, 199 || 166,465 — — 168,665 10,031 52,127 35,197 2,723 90,047 2,225 87,421 — 89,646 ( 9,295 *!ººlººlºº ºld,8741882,991 |599.243 ºntº S C OT LAN ID ,372,675 994,877 | 725,651 6,093,203 || 4,137,915 -** —- # 4,137,915 —— ” GREAT BRITAIN 33,682,052 lio,378,026 19,145 161 is3,200,846 12,943,445 22,518,874 862,961 539,243 B6,864,524. Lands, Houses, and Tenements assessed accord???g to Properties assessed under Schedule B. ssed to the Property Tax under Schedule D. 17 Classes, in 1812–13. e ???, ts Asse Ž the Amount of Prof. /* or Statement *093, røpoſſi etuo ou ſ Jo punoaș eųş uo sūnų duraxºſ 30 yutaoui y jo su noovy ººº ! – ſiglºssa §§ºț99ºggºog?|| 289$$$$$£6gºtſººſ gºtºrgs'iſ žºgſeggºngºººgºº{jºsſui ſ’i88$$$ő 1988:609 | 089,099 || 299$62 į ei ſfºgiºiſ 91 lºgºrºr! 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Jo Kyunoo qobº uſ ºsasseſſò ſi ut (q) oſnpòqoŞ’uapăn xeiKadadoſ, I aq, oſ passasse ‘s Lisſo ga jo qunovu y øų, jo LNQ QQQ y liv 33 No. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity in Tons Weight of Foreign BAR IRON, Imported into, Re-exported from, and Retained for Home Consumption in GREAT BRITAIN, with the Rate and amount of Customs Duty paid on the same, in each of the 44 Years 1786 – 1829. Tons of British Bar Iron Exported; Cwts. of Copper and Crude Antimony Imported; the Highest and Lowest price of Foreign Iron, English Copper, Tin, and Lead, in each of those Years.--the price of Copper subsequent to 1818, is quoted at Pence if ib. - - Toms of For EIGN IRoN. gº. - — Rate of Amount Š n al ... [..."; #% pſ. † s TS Imported €3%)07'ted fo?' II. U. 0.71e - 3 ºf tº & - recºrale. £" ", "g" | # 5 1786 |48,565 — — ; 2 16 2 | –— | 3 $ 7 46,749 —| = *-** Aff 133,235 | § S. 8 || 51,497 || – || –—— // 146,852 s : 9 || 51,043 — — . —— I/ 143,538 || 3 1790 || 49,241 || 4,493 || 44,748 // 138,780 tº 1 : 57, 185 6,895 || 50,290 // 164,489 –-------| 2 || 57,694 || 9,184 || 48,510 // 167,115 332 3 58,963 || 4,574 54,389 // 169,919 180 | 4 || 42,480 5,411 || 37,069 II 122,340 104 5 49,527 4,136 45,391 f/ 143,758 220 6 || 53,278 7,640 || 45,638 || 3 l 9 || 153,473 408 7 36,961 6,384 || 30,577 || 3 4 7 | 120,825 | 1,316 8 || 51,929 || 4,781 |47,148 || 3 15 5 | 186,147 | 1,889 9 48,332 6,885 41,447 f/ 189,809 2,675 1800 38,363 5,099 || 33,264 // 150,310 2,845 1 : 33,401 || 4,057 29,344 || 3 4 7 || 126,759 3,001 2 || 52,909 || 6,720 46,189 || 3 17 7 203,935 | 5,459 3 || 43,470 3,616 || 39,854 || 4 7 4 || 192,381 3,575 4 22,528 3,619 18,909 || 4 17 1 || 107,560 6,065 5 27,253 || 4,212 || 23,041 || 5 0 11 || 133,439 6,595 6 32,128 4,717 | 27,411 5 7 5 | 151,750 | 8,124 7 || 23,738 6,537 17,201 // 104,155 10,863 8 21,000 | 6,622 || 14,378 // 89,033 | 16, 196 9 24,480 8,603 || 15,877 5 9 4 || 106,390 ——— 1810 20, 184 |11,368 8,816 A/ 95,614 || –— 11 27,956 8,104 || 19,852 If | 84,088 —— 12 17,429 9,959 7,470 // 64,391 || 23,810 13 6 9 10 - 14 21,909 10,275 11,634 // 77,723 22,636 15 21,379 |14,018 7,361 // 65,961 24,708 16 || 3,490 | 8,624 —— f/ 43,611 26,552 17 i 10,139 4,057 6,082 // 53,836 38,931 18 || 16,603 || 4,977 | 11,626 Af 71,085 48,068 19 || 13,969 3,909 || 10,060 || 6 10 0 || 50,598 || 27,225 1820 || 9,869 || 3,628 6,241 // 45,043 42,434 1 10,155 4,002 || 6,153 // 52,363 39,308 2 | 12,769 3,993 || 8,776 // 60,283 || 39,039 3 || 13,457 || 3,333 10,124 // 58,328 40,627 4 || 14,246 || 4,037 10,209 // 75,331 30,329 5 23,182 6,705 16,477 1 10 0 || 27,804 || 30,449 6 12,953 2,262 10,691 If 17,591 || 39, 193 7 18,478 || 3,454 15,024 ſy 20,225 51,576 8 15,051 || 2,991 12,060 // 19,549 57,313 9 . ſ/ 18,310 1830 // - - I // 2 - | // •---- Cwts. Imported Highest and Lowest Prices of of [ Crude Foreign Iron Copper Antimony tº Ton. ~— -**-ſº 178' 2,641 14 £ 14 15 8,408 486 || 14 15 15 15 4,047 536 | 13 15 16 4,692 | 1,151 || 13 15 16 5 | 10,429 | 1,099 || 13. 17 316 2,412 || 14 10 15 15 4,679 1,221 // 17 5 3,685 2,041 14 18 5 4,142 1,376 | 12 17 1,161 13 T 8 638 1,004 || 16 5 22 15 1,765 960 | 20 23 982 2,062 | 19 15 m 202 1,137 20 // 6,852 1,505 || 17 24 3,953 2,401 | 18 26 10 5,391 | 1,298 18 5 22 10 1,788 | 1,752 | 16 22 1,916 | 1,629 15 21 10 12,469 | 1,208 a 21 8,917 | 1,566 | 15 10 2010 21,754 2,232 || 14 10 2010 24,297 551 W If 10,235 If 19 |{} 23,030 *** * IP iſ — *~ *-*ss // 18 iO 3,791 | 1,475 | iſ 19 10 - 12 10 */ 2,138 1,147 a 17 10 3,718 2,631 // 16 i 0 ——— 1,328 // 17 10 177 25 | iſ 21, 10 200 562 15 10 22 2,027 | 830 | 16 10 24 1,446 1,358 14 10 20 10 7,943 | 1,460 a 20 12,514 2,734 14 18 10 40,046 2,050 | –— —— 2,437 1,867 –— --—— 11,686 3,275 16 21 10 16,538 1,599 || 13 21 10 10,226 1,242 | 1.4 20 13,956 14 19 13 18 HO Copper Tim | Lead #' Fother it? Cwt. d? Cwt. of 19%. Cwt. s 82/0 — |s 84/8 — | 17 10 £18 10 If 72/0 // — 18 10 22 10 80/0 —— A/ 77/6 24 22 10 76/0 &4/0 || 70/0 77/0 |22 20 5 84/0 —--— 77/0 86/0 | 19 5 18 15 If 90/0 92/6 103/6 | 18 15 20 15 86/0 105/0 | 103/6 105/6 — H 105/0 114/0 | 103/6 100/6 | –– Af –––– 109/6 100/6 99/6 20 15 18 ** * | 101/6 102/6 17 5 21 109/6 120/0 | — f/ 2.1 5 20 10 *** * Lºs I/ 98/0 100/0 | 19 10 — ——— 102/0 104/0 19 10 19 120/0 140/0 | 104/0 110/0 |2010 21 140/0 160/0 110/0 111/6 22 10 25 — — . If 113/6 115/0 25 28 160/0 130/0 — // 28 33 10 130/0 140/0 —- A/ 33 10 33 140/0 165/0 -— u *—- ſº 165/0 200/0 | 113/0 122/6 || 34 10 41 200/0 182/0 | 128/6 124/6 |41. 38 162/0 147/0 | – 128/6 38. 30. 147/0 200/0 118/6 120/6 28 43 — 160/0 | 120/6 128/6 43 38 **rrº wº — 174/0 |38 33 156/0 140/0 174/O 155/6 34 27 10 146/0 130/0 — 131/6 27 10 30 130/0 135/0 140/6 — 29 31 140/0 120/0 174/6 168/6 34 28 120/0 140/0 —— 136/6 28 25 130/0 85/0 — 102/6 || 25 19 105/0 133/0 | 97/0 103/0 | 18 26 133/0 123/0 91/6 92/6 24 26 14; 16 77/0 81/0 23 28 15 12; f/ m 23 23 10 14 12; 77/6 80/6 || 23 10 22 10 11} 10% 80/6 98/6 22 10 23 13 | 1 120/0 86/0 || 23 10 — 11 12 83/O 86/0 // 23 13; 14% | 101/0 86/0 29 25 14; 12 89/0 76/0 25 20 1 {} 13 12 81/0 76/0 21 10 19 10 12 11; 76/0 71/0 —— £f tº- *- 74/0 79/0 19 18 10, 11 72/0 - 15 I () 13 AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Works for Blasting of Iron, in each Mining District of GREAT BRITAIN, with the average Produce tº Week, in each District, in each of the 2 Years 1825 and 1828. . Number of Number of 's FURNAc Es. FU RNAc Es. MINING > * - Produce -** * * Produce $$. > in IS25, § Žn 1828, JDISTRICTS §§ 's sº | Sº || in Tomsº 's sº $ 㺠Tons: **|| 3 || si º H------—|| $ ss S ||--——º-— of * S $8; S ||Week Year || S Šºš s ||Week Year ! South WALEs .............. 37 109 27 80 || 4,460 223,520 || 100 II. 89 || 5,376 279,512 * STAF for DSH 1 Re ............ 54 || 108 27 80 || 3,503 171,735 || 120 25 95 || 4,220 219,492 * SHRoPSHIRE ................ 23 49 || 13 || 36 || 1,723 86,320 48 || 17 31 || 1,562 81,224 * Yorkshi Re ................ 14 34 19 22 752 35,308 34 17 17 632 32,968 * Scot LAND ........... ...... 9 || 25 8 || 17 || 645 29,200 || 25 | 8 || 18 || 725 || 37,700 ° DER BYsh Re ................ 9 || 19 5 || 14 || 436 19,184 || 18 4 || 14 436 22,360 7 No RTH WALEs............. ." 9 || 14 6 8 || .303 || 13,100 || 19 7 | 12 484 || 25,168. § Forest of Dean (Gloucester) 1: I 5 - - 2 I I 50 2,600 * Duckinfield (Cheshire).... ; 2 || 14 *== ––3 1 || – I 30 1,560 * RELAND.................... l 2 : — 2 60 3,000 — — — li —— -- TOTALS .......... 168 374 103 ſº 11,883 i. 367 90 27s lºwl 102,624 | 1822 – 9.-The three first Years include the quantit AN ACCOUNT of the Total Declared Values of all kinds of Iron & Steel, and of Manufactures of the same, under the 4 following Heads, Viz. Ist. Arms and 4 mmunition, 2nd. Machinery and Mill Work, 3rd. Iron, Wrough, and Uzºwrought & Steel, and 4th. Hardwares and Cutlery, EXPORTÉi, from GREAT BRITAIN to all parts of the World, in each of the 8 Years the five last are exclusive thereof. y Exported to Ireland, & l *.§ -* sº-º: 8 2 2 i 8 Official i Ratio 237,215 213,422. 31 i,716 375,256 383,020 261,686 242,978 273,638 ARMS and AMMUNITION. -e -* 114 128 | 13 140 162 155 138 } 100 | 279,382 Deelgred 27 1,806 273,283 354,172 526,267 620,600 406,312. 335,513 | Machin- 116,220 157,146 129,644 212,420 228,505 201,552 262,094 | 250,062 & Unwrovi ~-£—. Iron, Wrought an d Stee! 1,061, 167 1,073,940 1,090,880 1,048,063 1,105,620 1,214,948 1,226,830 1,155 177 *-** ***, *-ºs- £ º Fiard- 20) (17°éS and Cutlery 1,334,895 1,164,444 1,454,296 1,391,109 1,169,108 1,390,428 1,385,620 TOTAA, - of Columns 3 —- 6. 2,784,088 2,766,514 3,028,992 3, 177,860 3,123,832 3,213,240 3,210,054 3,074,136 32% AN ACC0 UNI' of the Number of Iron Works in each Mining District of Great Britain, the Names of the Proprietors, Number of A nzewal Furnaces at each Work, and the Annual Produce thereof at each of three Periods, viz. 1823, 1825, and 1830. STATEM12NT shewing the Official and Declared Value of Iron and Steel, and of Hardwares and Cutlery, with the ratio d? cent. of each exported in each of the 19 Years 1814-32. HRON, Wrought, and HARD WARES and || Unwrought, and STEEL, CUTLERY. aſº - § Official | Declared | Official Declared 2- Vºgle. Ratio Value. Value, ratio Value. 1814 897,080 106 953,725 280,413 ; 292 819,201 15 956,423 114 | 1,090,939 809,914 266 2,161,561 16 937,894 | 104 976,793 | 739,864 250 | 1,855,750 17 | 1,065,488 98 || 1,050,486 || 439,287 246 | 1,079,620 18 1,288,234 99 || 1,278,670 580,465 268 1,557,926 19 960,545 96 924,448 || 442,672 259 1,149,511 1820 | 1,025,193 92 947, 177 342,655 227 779,955 I | 1,059,123 | 84 894,590 455,194 || 231 | 1,050,476 2 1,140,480 74 843,833 534,901 || 214 1,145,466 3 | 1,203,872 | 73 || 878,918 527,227 204 || 1,074,684 4 1,125,626 76 851,113 604,045 | 199 || 1,202,865 5 1,106,576 95 | 1,048,211 629,958 221 | 1,392,293 6 1,329,569 83 1,105,619 563,148 207 | 1,169,105 7 | 1,581,414 || 76 1,214,948 || 713,525 196 | 1,390,429 8 1,687,366 | 73 1,226,836 710,595 | 196 | 1,385,617 9 1,745,246 66 | 1,155,177 || 765,757 | 181 | 1,389,515 1830 | 1,867,063 57 | 1,076,187 802,022 176 1,410,936 I | 1,979,416 || 56 1,119,967 967,794 | 167 1,620,237 2 2,406,462 49 1,189,250 877,228 163 1,433,298 STATEMENT of the Official and Declared Value of other Metals exported in each of the same 19 Years 1814-32. -º-ru Tin, Tin Plates, | Brass and Copper Ware. & Pewter Ware. Official. Ratio Dºra Official. Declared ——£ –—|——|—– £---|-- £-—!--- £-— 329,616 136 || 448,365 292,502 || 344,545 559,919 130 | 730,962 392,306 || 448,809 576, 194 114 || 657,284 441,766 490,975 725,080 107 || 778,157 428,486 || 459,828 668,204 || 119 797,023 423,543 453,392 521,997 || ||25 || 653,860 282,065 291,895 653,058 III | 722,769 279,605 || 282,155 672,496 || 101 || 678,976 287,391 || 292,062 61 1,801 || 98 || 597,861 || 323,695 || 335,645 557,914 | 97 543,618 || 323,788 358,904 540,213 | 97 524,489 385,139 405,956 405,249 119 || 484,410 || 325,046 355,693 524,626 109 || 571,149 | 400,709 || 414,026 776,895 || 101 || 786,803 || 480,567 || 489,641 675,538 100 678,531 || 415,292 || 413,765 860,315 94 810,641 353,503 || 355,427 997,379 86 863,313 || 358,670 355,754 959,971 33 802,879 || 307,574 307,722 2 (1,125,913 81 1916,226 357,292 354,988 Declared Value qf Lead. —– £---- 198,568 304,701 315,831 331,221 319,447 331,340 405,572 349,964 297,345 247,884 238,428 215,006 239,542 256,182 177,656 il4,525 106,769 96,216 114,958 - The progressive increase of Metallic productions, ea ported since 1813, whether comfort a 72d conve. mience which they are calculated to confer on mankind at large, is a subject for gratulation ; while the continuing diminution of Value portenſis the most serious Value is a relative viewed in relation to the power of Supply, or the increased oppression and privation of the great body of producers. term, and it is therefore by comparison or relation of the Waive of one thing to another, that its importance is determined. In 1814-15 £87,477,930 of 3 “P Cent. Stock was created for which Current Money equad to only 11 ounces of Gold was received for every £100 of Stock created, then equal to £54. Official Wałęze of Iron, while at the present time (June 1833), £100 of 3 “P Cent. Stock commands zear 23 ozznces of Gold, or £182. Official Value of Iron, a disproportion in the datter of 3% to 1 ; and that without any countervailing advantage to the prodzicers Yet the just principle of Government consists in maintaining an equi- The common place argument of the Sciotists, Viz., Foreign Competi- tion, will not apply here, Wide the general Statement of all the various kinds of Iron earp. rºed to each Country of the World, by which it will be seen that in France and the United States of North America the importation of Iron and Hardwares are counteracted by Duties varying from once to tw?ce the Value STATEMENT shewing the Declared Value of ARMs and AMM UNITION, and of MACHINERY and MILL Work, together with all Iron and Steel, and Hardwares and Cutlery, and of all other Mineral Products, Exported from Great Britain to all parts of the World, except Ire- land, in each Year since 1821. 18 2*-ºs-i 1 8 3 Furnaces • A?????tal Produce Žzz 1825. . }. s 5 Żm Torºs. “Ś § § š 3 – -> • S“s § - $. * Name of Works. Proprietors. s §§ 1825. £ § 1823. 1830, & S 1 Bradley. . . . . . * * * * * s J. T. Fereday * * * * * * * g º e º ºs e e 3 - 6,500 2 2 4,195 4,194 2 Barbersfield........ Thomas Banks . . . . . . . . ... — | 1 *...*** 2 ––– 5,720 3 Bilston . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Sparrow & Co. . . . . . . . . 4 || – 8,000 || 4 || 4 7,696 || 4,680 4 do. Brook . . . . . . Thomas Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 2 | - 4,500 || 2 | 2 4,345 3,771 5 Brettal Lane . . . . . . ~~ Wheeley • * * * * * * * * * * * * * | T 2 * - **** 6 Blowers Green .... — Grazebrook ............| 2 | – || 5,000 || 2 || 2 || 5,348 || 5,257 7 Buffery, New ...... Wainwright, Jones & Co...| 3 | – || 5,750 || 3 || 3 6,551 5,246 S do. Old ........ Salisbury & Co. . . . . . . . ... I | - 1,800 || 1 || 1 || 2,646 2,158 9 Corbyn’s Hall . . . . . . Gibbons & Co. 3 * * * * * > & © tº gº o 3 -- 3,600 4 7,340 10 Dudley Port ...... J.T. Fereday ......... ....| 2 | – || 5,000 || 1 || 1 || 2,340 || 2,340 } { ditto • * * * * * * * * * *T* Parkes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } *- 2,000 2 *- 4,060 12 Dibdale ............ — Crocket ................| 1 | – || 2,100 || 1 | 1 || 2,084 | 1,634 13 Eagle ....... . . . . . . . William Aston ..... . . . . . . . . 2 - 5,500 || 2 | 2 4,900 6,656 14 Fiery Hole . . . . . . . . Z. Parkes & Co. ..........] I | – | 2,300 || 1 || 1 1,634 15 Gospel Oak . . . . . . . . S. Walker & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 || -- 4,500 2 | 4 5,312 6,846 16 Gornal Wood ...... J. Bradley & Co. ..........| 1 | – || 2,300 | 1 | | | 1,671 17 Horsley. . . . . . . . . . . . Oliver & Co. ..............| 2 | – || 4,940 || 2 || 2 || 4,368 || 4,680 18 Hallfields . . . . . . . . . . Robert Cooper..............| 1 || – 2,340 || 1 || 1 2,454 2,454 19 Level . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Gibbons & Co. ............| 3 | 1 5,550 || 4 || 4 6,464 20 do. Old e e a tº a s 6 tº Izons & Co. e e o e º a v e a e º e º 'º } *** I,750 I I 2,072 1,028 21 Miłlfields .......... Mrs. Walker ..............| 4 || – || 8,000 || 4 || 4 || 6,708 8,112 22 Moorcroft .......... J. Addenbroke ............| 2 || – 4,500 || 2 | 2 3,700 4,79 23 Netherton.......... British Iron Company......| 4 || – || 10,000 || 2 | 2 1,406 5,053 24 Oldbury . . . . . . . . . . Parker & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 2 || – 4,500 || 2 | 2 2,600 5,720 25 § ºld e e o & 4 & Hººdºº . . . . . -- 2 — | 1 || 2 | 2,600 5,200 26 Priestfields . . . . . . . . W. Ward & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | 1 27 ditto . . . . . . . . . W. Sparrow & Co. ........ — 2 ; 4,000 || 3 || 3 || 3,664 4,897 28 Parkhead . . . . . . . . . . Z. Parkes & Co. .......... I — 1,924 || 1 || 1 2,289 2,468 29 Toll-end . . . . . . . . . . Baldwin, Aston & Co. . . .] 3 || -- 6,500 || 3 || 3 || 5,075 6,112 30 Tipton . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Parker & Co. ..........] 1 — 2,000 || 3 || 3 || 5,640 3,515 31 do. Green ...... Dixon & Co. . . . . . . . . ......] I 2 2,300 || 1 || 1 2,040 2,040 32 Wednesbury Oak ... Williams and Sons ........| 3 || – 7,500 || 2 | 3 6,240 7,684 33 Wolverhampton . . . . Tarratt, Timmins & Co. ....| 1 || 1 | 1,800 2 3,200 34 Walbrook . . . . . . . . . . Whitehouse & Co...........| 1 || – 1,750 2 2,359 2,886 35 Windmill-end . . . . . . Jones and Fereday ........| 2 || 1 || 5,750 2 3,776 ſ 36 Bradley, Lower.... I I 1,920 2,113 37 Broadwater . . . . . . . . . 2 | 2 - 6,368 38 É. Hill . . . . . . : : 4,348 10.14 39 Coseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,200 ,140 These Works under these names are 40 Chillington . . . . . . . . 2 6,240 not specified in the Return of 1825, 41 Dudley Wood ......| 4 || 4 || 10,467 8,664 some of them, if not the whole are pro- « 42 Golds Green . . . . . . 2 3 4,888 9,412 bably given under other names, such | 43 Leys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4,160 as Dudley Wood, No. 41, for Whithy- 44 Parkfield . . . . . . . . . . 4 9,500 moor, No. 68. 45 Russell’s Hall . . . . . . 2 2,080 46 Stow Heath . . . . . . . . 3 5,408 > 47 Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4,650 - U. 48 Willingsworth...... 3 5,764 49 Birch Hills . . . . . . . . Mrs. Walker • s a 9 e s • * * * * * * * l --ºº: 1,800 2 2 50 Brierley . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Bradley & Co. .......... 2 | – 4,500 | 1 || 1 51 Caponfield . . . . . . . . W. Aston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 4,500 || 2 | 2 32 Deepfield . . . . . . . . . . . Pemberton & Co. . . . . . . . ...| 2 | – 4,500 || 2 || 2 53 Graveyard . . . . . . . . Dudley Bagley . . . . . . . . . ... 2 | 1 1,250 | 1 || 1 54 Tea Brook . . . . . . . . Bailey, Caddick & Co. ... ... | 1 || – 2,000 || 1 || 1 65 Rough Hills. . . . . . . . W. Aston ..................| 3 || – || 5,200 || 2 | 2 56 Cotam . . . . . . . . . . . . — Tristram * & © & © tº e º e º e º g º e 9 *s I *- 2 2 57 Glebefield . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Price .............. — | 1 — | 1 | 1 58 Highfield . . . . . . . . . . J. and W. Firmstone........ — 2 --— | 2 | 2 59 Batterfields . . . . . . . . J. Jones & Co...............| – | 1 are- 60 Old Dock. . . . . . . . . . T. Morris e e s e e s e e s a e s a a c e º a l "T" 2 *- 61 Roggin Row . . . . . . Kinnersley and Heathcote ... — | 1 as “sº- of Iron. 62 Golden-hill * * tº e º ºr e 9 W. Banks * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -* I *-*. Čibrium. 63 Apedale. . . . . . . . . . . . T. Firmstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — 2,531 64 Deepfield, New . . . . G. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...| 2 | 1 5,000. 65 Silverdale . . . . . . . . . . W. Sneyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I | 1 1,500 66 Waterloo tº e º e º 'º e º ºs tº Matthews & Co. . . . . . . . * e º e tº 1 } 3,000 of the Articles. 07 Wednesbury. . . . . . . . Loyds. . . . . . . . . . . . .......... I | 1 2,000 68 Withymoor . . . . . . . . British Iron Company ......| 2 || – 4,500 Total STA FFORDSHIRE, 83 27 | 176,735 84 |123 133,590 212,604 £9 Barnets Leasow.... J. Bradley & Co. ..........| 1 || 1 2,080 2 2 2,715 1,316 70 Calcut ............ W. Hazledine ..............] 1 | 1 1,300 2 || 2 | 1,833 *-** 71 Pawley Castle .... B. Dickenson & Co. ........| 2 | – || 5,900 2 || 2 || 4,925 4,312 72 Horsehay .......... ditto ..................| 3 | – | 8,320 3 || 3 || 4,854 6,833 73 Ketley . . . . . . . . . . . . Williams & Co............, | 3 || – 7,800 3 || 3 4,984 5,763 74 Lightmore... . . . . . . . . Adenbrook and Pidcock....] 3 | – || 7,800 3 || 3 || 6,052 6,194 75 Madeley Wood .... W. Anstice & Co. ..........| 2 | 1 || 4:160 3 || 3 2,475 3,471 76 Old Park . . . . . . . . . . T. W. and B. Botfield ......| 3 || 1 || 7.300 4 || 4 15. 77 Stwighley. . . . . . . . . . . . ditto ..................| 3 | – || 4,680 4 ; 6,900 15,300 78 Wombridge . . . . . . . . Jukes, Coulson, & Co.......| 3 | – || 7,800 2 | 3 || 5,084 || 7,134 79 Wrockwardine . . . . Lilleshall & Co.............| 7 || 2 | 18,200 2 || 2 || 5,121 -4-4s 80 Broseley, New . . . . J. Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...| 1 || -- 1,300 2 2 * ** 270 8. Lawley . . . . . . . . . . . . Williams & Co. ............| 1 || – || 2,340 — | 1 — 3,073 82 Langley . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishton and Wright........| 1 || – || 2,340 – 2 —— 4,325 83 Donnington . . . . . . . •- --> — 3 || 5 || 8,074 15,110 84 Hadley . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilkinson’s Exors. ........ -- 2 — 2 2 2,080 wº-we-rººms- 85 Smedshill . . . . . . . . . . Lilleshall & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . * ! -- I - — 2 || 2 || 2,786 317 86 Benthall . . . . . . . . . . F. B. Harris. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . – 2 — 1 || 1 <--- cº-stem-sº 87 Coalbrook Dale .... B. Dickenson & Co......... — 2 -— 2 2 --~ | - — Total SAI, O.P. 34 13 81,820 38 I 48 || 57,923 | 73,418 ARMS and AMM U- | Total Declared Value of NITION. Official |, ..., |Declared * |º: All other Mine- Vää." Value. wº" ºr tº: —- £-—|—|-—£–––– £-— —- — £— 237,212 114, 271,806 || 116,220 2,784,088 1,515,421 213,422 | 128 273,283 157,146 2,766,514 | 1,438,086 311,716 || 113| 354,172 | 129,644 3,028,992 | 1,440,685 375,256 140|| 526,267 212,420 3,177,860 | 1,347,098 383,020 162 620,600 228,505 || 3,123,832 1,483,585 261,686 155 406,312 201,552 3,213,240 1,809,999 242,978 138|| 335,513 262,094 || 3,210,054 1,567,827 278,638 100 279,382 250,062 3,074,136 | 1,600,077 245,498 98 241,623 208,737 2,937,483 1,692,916 459.579 122 562,729 105,506 || 3,408,439 1,573,621 329,298 || 83; 274 951 92,715 2,990,214 | 1,794,533 33% ACCOUNT (Contin UED), of the Number of Iron Works in each Mining District of Great Britain, the Names of the Proprietors, Number of Furnaces at each Work, and the Annual Produce thereof at each of three Periods, viz. 1823, 1825, and 1830. Aznnual Azanizač Fu'r?taces Azīnwat Produce Furmaces £n 1825. º: s s in Tons. $22, 1825. ſº § | < ##| ##|——— →--— § © *S $. i. S = S - - . te S’ “s Name of Works. Proprietors. $ §§ 1825. š § | 1823. 1830, JName of Works. Proprietors. § | s § 1823 S | Sis |- s sº dare . . . . . . . . " * * • lº & e - 3 A it º' 3 — R fºr - - - . . . . t % A. ... ..... 5 Scales, Fothergill & Co. . . . . . } 11,440 ; § | g : 5,070 | **** | 173 Ruabon............R. T. and K. Greenhorn ....] I | – 1,700 §3 Blaenavon. . . . . . . . . .Hill & Co. e e g ºr e º e o e º 'º tº gº e º 'º 4 I 14,560. 5 5 | 16,882 13,843 174 Ponkey . . . . . . . . . . . . J.Thomson e e º a Q & © tº e & C & a g º e 1. — 2,000 94 Beaufort ... . . . . . . . Kendall & Co. • a s 5 & 4 & 6 @ 9 º' 4 **** 8,320 3 4. 5,243 7,276 I75 Brymbo. . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : l 2,000 95 Coal Brook Vale ... Brewer & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | - 5,200 || 1 || 2 2,704 2,780 #; ; Talon . . . . . . ; Welch Coal and Iron Com- ; } | 1 1,800 farthfa . . . . . . . . - 7 ** 77 ugnennion . . . . . . - pany g e º 6 & & 4 tº a tº 8 & 6 & & © tº Cº - 2 , -— 2,000 ; § is tº e º 'º e º º Crawshay & Co. . . . . . . . . . .# 2 || – } 28,000 | 8 || 9 || 24,200 29,000 178 Newbridge . . . . . . } British Iron Company.... I — 1,800 98 Herwain . . . . . . . . 3 || – 7,020 || 2 || 4 4,460 9,360 179 Old Ruabon. . . . . . e e s s I | 1 1,800 g Dowlais............ Guest, Lewis & Co. . . . . . . . . 11 | – || 28,600 || 8 || 12 22,287| 32,611 | 180 Welch Iron Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . – || 2 | — }00 Nant-y-glo e e s s a s e e "" Bailey a o a e s e a e º e s e s a 6 s & ; 2 lº ; { - *::::: - *; 181 John Tompson gº º e º e & e º e º tº 6 * i t * * * | Pent rch ... . . . . ... — Blakemore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 1.82 235 - . ----- # £iºn g & © tº 9 @ c & e . Hills & Co. & Q & e º a tº e o 'º tº e º 6 tº e 4 ** § - : ; 163:? ; Total NORTH WA LES. 8. 6 | 13, {{}{} 3 Pen-y-Darran . . . . * in * ( 5 || -- || 15,60 - 15,547 | 015 o * * . t !. fº and Bute : Forman & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . } 3 || – 7.3% 3 : 6 5500 7'60s 182 * Northumb. Y 105 Sir Howe e e s sº e 3 1. 7,800 º t 183 irt ey • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # Ebbow vie. gº tº $ tº & ; Harford & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . } 3 7,630 6 | 6 || 10,425 || 26,020 184 Backbannow, Cumberld. 107 {º} iſ tº e º ſº e º tº º s §: • * * * * * * * * tº s tº : * '#; # ; *:::::: - # #. łº, 10. , , , , i08 Warteg il . . . . . . . . Kenrick O. e tº e º e º Aº e º º' tº e * 9 Ul 3.0, Q. - e s a -- - la Cyzy * can oad .. # Visiºdºn........ Reynºids ..................| 2 | – || 36ſo | 1 || 2 | jºgs 2, iii is? Newland, do... . . lº"###" }. º: 110 Neath Abbey ... ...— Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | - 3,640 || 2 || 2 | — 2,374 188 Forest of Dean, Glocester > about 16 Furnaces "aft are believed . }1} Blaina . . . . . . . . . . . .G. Jones & a tº e s is tº e º & © & e º & © tº dº 1. 1. 2,600 tºº 3 ** sºmeº 4,905 . 189 Flaxley, - do. . . . . to roduce {i}! considerable l/ ntit b f #12 Pentwyn e & & . . . . . . . — Hunts e g to a s a e º 'º 6 9 tº a tº e º e e i e- 3 **mºmeº * = } 3 sº-mºmºmº 5,391 190 Red Brook, do... . . . #!". * #70 #. $/3 }. - ſII3 Ryddry . . . . . . . . . . . . ; – || 1 || – 220 191 Haigh, near Wigan . . . . 8. (. Š. | | 14 Abersychan........, | - || 6 || —— || 10,640 192 }; º tº dº ſº tº 115 Maestag . . . . . . . . . .j - || 1 || ––– 2,430 193 Duckenford, Cheshire .. y • 7-2, 7: - -- s smeci. 16 Race . . . . . . . .......! 3 || 8 3,173 2,421 | 194 Ashby, Leicestershire .. These Wºffºº * … iii Crom Avon'........ i i ſº | 1.650 işş Ireland................ ; - # §: ...: 2 || 3 || 5,200 10,190 | 6II) CPU. Il 3, . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ * *-*-*. *~ *-*. | | 10 Garleys . . . . . . . . . . . . * **** **** U121 Pembray . . . . . . . . . . I 122 Duffrin . . . . . . . . . . . . Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 5,460 | 123 Lanelthy . . . . . . . . . . Freer & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | f | 5,720 {24 Błain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yigers & C9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 — 1,820 125 Ponty Pool . . . . . . . Leigh and George..........] 3 || – || 7,800 || 126 Wiorristown . . . . . . . . Bevan • * * * 0 tº e e tº e a t w e º & e º a g : “T” 1. — 127 Bute Co. . . . . . . . . . . Forman & Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ || 3 || – 128 British Iron Co..... Small, Shears & Taylor . . . .] – || 4 || – 129 Melen Court . . . . . • Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... — 1 || --— 130 Lanelshy • * * * * * * * * * T Raby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tºº-ººr 2 ** 131 Penvhwtyn . . . . . . . .- Raby. . . . . . . . . . . . ........| – || 1 | — 132 Carmarthen . . . . . . . - Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . .....] – || 2 | — 133 Tintern Abbey . . . . . . 1 — *s $34 Bishopswood tº gº º tº a 6 H wº *mºrºmsøs 135 Caerphilly $ tº ſº tº ſº tº 8 ft 8 º' i 4 sºsºsº 136 Blendare. . . . . . . . . . . ! —- — 137 Pentry hydyvor . . . . ~ || 1 || – Total SOUTH WALES. 81 27 223,520 | 72 | 138 Butterley . . . . . . . . . .The Butterley Company....| 2 | 1 3,000 || 3 139 Codnor Park . . . . . . Ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | 1 || 3,000 2 140 Duckmanton ...... Smith’s Brothers .......... I | 1 1,144 || 1 141 Morley Park . . . . . .J. and C. Mold ............ 1 | 1 || 1,500 || 1 #42 Renishaw. © e º gº tº ſº gº º . Appleby & *Co. * * > 0 tº ſº a tº 6 & Q (º 2 — 2,600 2 143 Staveley . . . . . . . . . .G. H. Barrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 || 1 1,820 | 1 144 Alfreton . . . . . . . . . . - || – || – || 2 145 Brampton . . . . . . . . . ** ! - *-i- º & 2 146 Calow . . . . . . . . . . . . Calow Iron Company . . . . . . . I — 1,040 | I 147 Summercoats ......J. Oakes & Co. ............ 2 | – || 3,000 || – 148 Chesterfield ........ Ebenezer Smith & Co.......| 2 | 1 2,080 — 149 Grassmore . . . . . ...— Brockshaw . . . . . . . . . . . tº e I | — — Total DER BYSHIRE. || 14 || 5 || 19,184 15 !30 Bowling ..........John Sturges & Co. ........| 2 | 1 4,160 3 151 Bierley ............ Marshall Leah & Co. ......| 2 || – 4, 160 | 1 152 Chapel Town ......J. Darwen & Co. ..........| 2 | – | 2,600 | 1 133 Elsicar ............Earl Fitzwilliam .......... I | 2 | 1,560 3 }: #. . . . . . . . . . . . . Samţel Walker & Co. . . . . . . 2 | 1 1,560 3 } 56 §:"... .. : Hird, Dawson & Co.........| 5 || 2 | 10,400; : 157 Milton . . . . . . . . . . . .H. Hartop & Co. ..........| 2 || – 2,600 2 158 Sheffield Park,.... . Booth & Co. . . . . . • - - - - - - - - | 2 || – 2,600. 2 159 Thorncliffe ........ Newton Scott Chambers & Co. 3 || – 4,368 3 100 Worsbro'dale ...... Field & Co.,............... I | – 1,300 | 1 161 Fieldhead..........— Parker...... . . . . . . . . . . . . - || 1 | – || – !9 Mirfield............— Milnes ..................] – | – || – 103 Swallow Hill ...... R. Swallow ................ — | 3 || – || – | Total YORKSHIRE, 22 | 12 || 35,308 26 !949/3de..............Colin Dunlop & Co.........| 2 | 1 || 4,500 || 3 | !? Qalder. ............J. and §º........: 2 || 2 || 4,000 || 3 166 Muirkirk ..........Iron Company. . . . . . . . . . . ...| 3 || – 5,000 || 3 167 Shotts . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 1. 2,000 | 1 !º Carron ............ Ditto ...... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 5,000 5 £89 Devon ............Ditto ...................... 2 I 3,700 3 º Monkland..........Monkland Steel & Co. .... I — — !71 Wilsontown........John and William Dixon ...| 2 || – 3,500 2 172 Omoa..............W. Young * * * * * * g e º e g º e e o e 1 | 1,500 2 Total SCOTLAND. (7 || 8 || 29,200 *...* The Return of 1823 and 1830, does not specify any of these Works, nor of Nos. 59–68. The Return of 1825 further specified in the Shropshire District the three following Works, viz. Lilleshall, Cornbrook, and Cleehill, neither of which are noticed in the 1830 Return. The Return of 1825 also had a column of Remarks, shewing generally the application of the produce of each Work, which the latter did not embrace, all these variations, are pointed out in the hope, that in the next Return all the discrepancies which this account presents, will be reconciled, and th account rendered as perfect as the mature of the subject, admits of its being made ** 182,325 l () 7 2,639 2,096 544 2,120 1,051 1,807 = 3 8 2 5,366 2,450 1,400 6,200 2,187 2,018 t*s- 1,091 | 2,690 | 1,400 | 2,000 277,613 | 3,981 2,455 1,446 1,428 | 2,810 1,561 2,950 123 || sº-sº 17,999 | 5,117 | 4,590 || 1,631 || 1,460 1,000 | * eve sº op to e cº, tº l t- .E 15 º sº cº - GN dº dº I & r-, }. :-3 $ § & ‘a sºvº.cº. cº, *. * dº Nº crº CO tº tºe º dº 3 - § pºst § 3 ;33; tº Mº 5 CŞ § CN cR so gº ~4–3 ... • GN (ºS seſ, CO c <> OC, c : *eft ‘s.Ş $ 2 o; * > *S. º Sº gº & © j Q bp tº §§ Oº c; cº-fc bºosiº’s ºf º: * * S > * tº- tº- QC crº" ºf CNH GS: Ç ‘E ſº 'S' s & Cº. $º- tº S Sº S.- §§ c lay cop º sº º c tº 3. tº 9 S tº CŞı ºr GN gº sº QC - gº & & S c sº Asy tº cº cº cº - F-1 c cº * @ S → cº, gºv ºr, ºr gº ºn tº gº. . tº .r. C. § $ OO cº. F- sº tº cº, C, cº cº --> * , , § S. *st (Nº tº CO cº tº nºt tº UO to C § S. tº ºu \º q} --- . § 3. s \º º cºp. ; c. CO ºf sº $ 3. . *> sº º.º. Q - © Sº I tº . Sº * O :S 2 § 23 tº 5 ºr sº Gº || $ - ; , ts CO ºf Ac (Nº ºt - sº ſº ſº. waſ fºr sº * — . - 3 & • rare ºw. 3:33; ; 2 | * ! : - E. 098I. r- ºr “º gº & - | ? Gly º: 4. - sº #3 - º cº e - tº do sº ºn GN } @ Žá 3. * | 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - | CŞı * Gººd g; 3 |T - * - ... [.. r. º. tºe tº QQ ºf tº " : it re: re: i § * gº */720. | pºst ºf rººt pºssist c. 3 : || $ || || - **===-sers’ *— ; & & 5 § - =3 " |s . . ; is 70ſº = 5 & co.o. -- § º: Co. - - . . ~~ - * † ### S. i e g c : & a -t = | sº H ...: t: , s , ºnnor || 333; # => j is ºf * : á # - - cº tº- º, § tº . tº be cº CŞ. QD Ao ‘c Ac crº. 9 : & § 3 | "Ano |ss:: s * 35 (º , x x . g : 3. tºº ºn - to ci t- ºr do & cq à -* ~ * *{ ; S-' . . °28′010 241 Öd do & Ni - - |g = 3 irº * , , * . : - . . . - ºn es; Z, J. & on ~ go to ºn 6 on c. a 3 T. *988 H § 3; 333i: | | 3 • * & - -º-, - Gro g * * : & . $31.10A4 tº sº tº sº. C C, ºn crº d'O #53 ſo wagum N to tº Si- r" | E c - e gºt - Kº & © tº te * © & * ### : : : : : : : - s pºst e ſº *::: E ". : " : : : : " ? e Q) te ... do " : • * (p & F- 2: ... t 3 : . . . as $ $ seº r "rº Q) 9 *-s º Z ~ :- $ as 3 × 9 ...: 'S - E * £: ; ; ; ; ; 3 : 3 § - #::="E"; F : * ** Q E"º -> U2 " . , ºf F = % c.3 ± 3.3 rºº c + = x : 5 § 3; 3 = E- º Tº & $3.5 c 3 ºt 3: ; ; of 22, 2- or c 2, ed * - V2 * QS cre sº aſ ºc tº ºp tº The Name of the Parish in which the Works are situated, in a General Statistical point of view, will add to the interest of the neart Return ; and still more so, the number of Men employed at each Work, distinguishing the proportion employed in the production of Pig Iron, and the Coal and Lime necessary thereto ; from the proportion employed in any ulterior processes. i : 2,909 1,381 22 2 7,480 | 1,715. 2,081 2,188 1,664 28,926 8,000 9,000 4,000 2,000 7,000 3,500 2,000 2,000 37,500 ºx * h o , 277 ed. C Bar Iron, Bolt, and Rod Iron, and Castings, EXPORTED to each of 20 different parts of the World of 20 Years 1805 – 1828. *z;*Ț3°07,|·61 • →→→••Ç0Ø‘9— || 99 • æ•**ae2,63°9 | − | g9 --→→→→Of G“ç j — | 28 • •=æ→gÝ6°ç90 I 68gºggſ | 0çȚ“69$fºº3 | Z | Ț 960‘#0Ľ | 042.“ Z6ggº į | 08 gț0° 26 | 669‘9888‘], [ ºg 2%$%6 | 9çç‘90Ç0'Ø | ()? 880’901 | 879'9 | 39′′ 1 | 28 Ț66‘Çg I || II ſºgOý Į“I | Çify Ț83‘gºſ ( 339° 26 Igºſ || 69 ºſ ſºb I l | 13Ț“ 2. || 6ç8Z% 062°9ã L | 20g“ Z6ſ 6Oý gº ſº ZOI || 80zºg8888ģ →=-9 L 2 ºgŹ8994 -----[69°gZŤgº į | #6 --◄6Zg‘ą%99'80 ſ • … •æææ28Ø%† 69† 9 •••••• →→→→→29 Zºº, i ffô88Ç --◄986° ſ.b€8Žț¢ --→ →→→→→6ŤŤ“ Z | — | 02 •æZggº 2. || — | 93 ---- | † 9 Iºn || --- | †† I --◄gggº#: || ~ || g6 03 Lºg || || gſ. Zº zÇ6 t‘$ | O £. %22'06 | 96g‘oſ į 201’9 | 92 †0ř'g6 | g99°01 | 120°g || 69 898‘62 | †gººg02õºg | 02 †96%8 | 396° 2 || !gg“? | 23 196‘92 || 999'9906% || ±± 6Ť8º96 | g9gº zȚ68‘ I || #9 029°99 | 099f9 | 650% | 9ç 6Øg‘98 | g29° 2 | 9.60% | Og †ygºſ03] ] © 26°9ZŤgºz | gț¢ •••••80 ſº Ig || — — | 9çç •••• •ę#32;“çţ | − | 2,3ç t- →ægÇÓgg | − | 2,99 •••••• →gȚ9“gº, | — || 662, 989“†gg || 68gºgg | 909“øl | †gz. 096*29$ | Oozºgſ | 39g%" | 622, 99,999 | 119°## | zzzº II || 9çg 6ț0‘țgſ | №zīºog | №go‘91 || 999 †† ?.º6fiſv | 69ţ'9ţ | Iz9º6 | 20 ſº I Iſ ſ'688 | 390‘99. | 29غz I l ſzę 992'699 | 20ç‘Ig | ŽIŤ6 | 2,3% ! 49°0Țſ | gºgºgº | g90'6 | g29 00g“69Ø | g8?“92; | q Iſºg || 0:2, 6 LÓ80% || 60g‘9z | 930º3 | z +I -------99.9%@ || 89 ſº z | g2, p ••••••••018‘gø | † 19‘oſ | 921 • • •æ96Ț‘9] | 00} * 2. || OȚI •••• • • →→→g98‘OL | 169‘g | gol --◄gøſ ºg | 636‘8 | 6ff; —g6ç‘994,9“g | T9 37/? TWA ! 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AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity in Tons Weight of Hardwares and Cutlery, and the Declared Value thereof; and also the Declared Value of all Wrought and Unwrought Iron and Steel, EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAllN, to each of 25 different parts of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814–29; together with the maa'imum, minimum, and mean rice of the Hardwares and Cutlery to each Country, during the 16 Years. Years 1814 15 16 17 18 19 1820 | º | 8 3 º *} Price i814. 195/0 . 12210 av. of 16 Yrs. 16016 a 1829 $ Russia Sweden. 74.1 3,572 3,071 5,965 5,995 7,468 8,052 10,071 2,802 2,461 2,529 1,911 2,405 3,088 3,080 3,401 £ 7,249 30,366 28,921 49,702 53,521 | 66,976 68,456 '79,5 : 5 20,526 13,572 19,820 14,664 18,355 19,470 20,409 21,240 684 422 45 20 33 62 15 4 I #. 5,810 3,843 397 I66 348 538 126 271 291 242 274 1,881 705 655 643 778 17010 81/9 154|8 i 6,187 9,253 | Portugal, Spain. & Norway Denmark Prussia. Germany Holland | Flanders | France º, &#. #. Gibraltar 91 578 2,936 10,697 3,830 2,140 1,057 5,978 || 10,705 1,120 1. 131 1,221 1,493 || 13,840 3,459 3,324 530 5,023 8,373 1,015 '368 | '779 1,215 9,096 3,0] I 2,065 605 2,930 4,128 1,211 245 9 || || 1,756 8,398 2,993 1,168 1,028 3,155 3,817 662 192 672 1,493 9,396 2,801 901 | 1,518 4,046 4,727 950 253 681 1,300 9,146 2,433 1,277 1,219 3,886 4,796 936 302 593 1,092 8, 103 2,293 720 1, 127 2,702 4,585 753 443 579 | 969 9,874 2,881 1,194 1,836 3,395 3, 159 2,739 426 538 792 10,884 3,517 1,232 2,922 3,465 3,295 2,529 826 957 690 10,590 3,573 1,597 2,409 3,615 3,039 2,327 733 836 740 8,571 3,345 2,117 2,935 3,580 6,173 3,004 565 | 686 498 || 7,355 3,157 | 1,928 3,193 || 3,565 3,860 | 1,434 817 619 641 8,787 3,361 2,122 5,520 4,076 2,993 1,313 414 603 745 9,058 5,908 4,044 3,748 2,511 | 1,365 534 764 544 10,532 7,099 3,467 2,623 2,861 1,300 550 469 490 12,703 8,272 2,733 3,022 || 4,427 873 39 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 867 5,191 25,397 94,860 33,970 | 19,921 9,682 58,893 91,708 || 12,585 10,210 10,485 11,976 142,194 || 30,577 || 30,495 5,299 || 47,243 | 68,709 8,794 4,864 6,467 8,272 92,996 || 27,140 | 16,993 6,020 28,931 || 33,618 9,728 2,038 || 7,884 12, 151 80,790 23,953 8,745 8,608 || 26,201 || 32,556 5,805 1,596 || 5,430 10,635 | 86,632 22,886 6,346 14,073 || 32,505 || 35,940 7,185 1,860 5,447 8,643 87,677 17,737 9,270 | 12,401 || 35,993 || 39,219 7,798 2,210 4,328 7,459 || 79,410 | 16,010 5,030 11,573 22,104 31,461 6,373 2,787 3,706 5,740 79,820 is 966 7,693 15,936 27,911 22,411 | 19,838 2,523 3,871 4,477 80,364 20,898 9,000 | 21,212 28, 105 22,622 15,862 4,476 6,279 3,732 81,849 22,163 10,498 || 21,917 | 27,827 20,762 | 16,632 4,161 || 5,661 3,235 | 73,987 20,740 | 12,521 22,595 27,896 | 40,294 20,690 3,631 5,346 2,980 | 67,107 21,805 || 14,156 24,772 32,007 26,946 10,952 4,759 3,594 || 3,453 | 66,798 21,978 || 14,092 || 35,900 31,363 17, 121 9,044 2,204 || 3,312 4,014 63,149 35,728 | 29,821 28,674 17,237 9,848 2,372 4,479 2,606 72,478 41,087 28,363 | 16,714 | 18,983 9,435 2,814 || 2,288 2,038 || 75,472 42,152 22,688 || 19,102 || 23,974 5,330 190/6 180/0 173|{} 177/4 177|4 18612 177|6 1988 171/4 21519 ! 02/2 97/6 83/2 110/11 166/0 126/3 108/0 122/1 13 iſ 10 145|10 134/2 168/5 147|0 151/3 16110 167 || 142|0 14513 ſiè14 || 37,972 32,739 21,189 6,879 28,656 || 51,574 || 54,339 20,561 15 7,737 3,812 7,400 2,123 6,264 61,630 | 40,143 || 13,900 16 2,272 5,760 | 13,545 9,578 14,499 || 51,795 29,223 12,156 17 4,109 | 16,032 13,982 14,619 111,755 36,228 24,438 12,483 18 4,807 || 13,499 15,054 8,958 106,354 47,822 27,115 17,815 & 19 3,118 6,915 15,423 16,853 69,362 43,159 || 26,701 17,021 § 1820 9,773 | 12,184 || 23,026 || 13,166 92,292 55,299 18,202 | 16,372 Šs I 6,087 || || 0,836 20,410 11,718 12,048 47,343 11,211 15,870 ; ! 2 6,473 12,385 25,173 11,419 52,187 39,399 || 15,937 18,918 3 3 3,512 14,302 || 38,161 9,078 49,252 43,355 9,247 || 13,906 § 4. 5,063 15,305 || 30,100 9,414 35,559 || 35,118 20,092 17,702 : 5. 15,678 25,367 28,786 8,930 36,135 | 51,842 23,781 18,056 = 6 8,366 30,807 || 45,225 # 10,952 | 66,764 67,288 18,087 19,817 R. 7 14,342 36,863 59,131 45,574 || 48,211 || 13,600 23,870 ; 8 18,247 36,942 54,078 49,215 40,051 15,399 || 13,749 § 9 15,346 || 49,133 65,062 51,474 44,961 27,333 § lº Malta a??d I. Isles * * *- 815 363 469 332 488 320 549 332 590 512 625 434 536 756 586 1,202 # 6,911 4,024 5,042 2,429 5,097 2,733 4,391 2,450 3,437 3,556 4,851 3, 139 4,011 6,082 4,516 8,033 169||5 133|7 159/4 20,606 14,367 4,292 4,822 22,892 10,302 8,640 3,546 12,749 3,430 1,990 6,402 7,808 14,348 6,319 Italy * * 5,311 4,626 2,802. 3,384 4,877 5,773 3,929 3,978 5,622 5,241 5,514 4,290 5,533 5,055 5,102 5,607 £ 52,777 42,470 26,849 32,054 49,124 57,554 35,298 34,158 50,508 48,227 44,337 39,657 42,113 43,591 41,978 40,426 198/8 i44/2 17.5/1 39,133 30,210 16,811 30,777 105,096 41,365 76,493 46,810 67,401 | 76,603 37,913 84,861 88,777 76,526 72,704 88,816- Turkey and the Løvant 420 737 474 1,033 f,103 762 668 224 445 74} 1,736 9I4 718 598 303 947 £ 3,987 6, I13 4,043 10,347 8,619 5,566 4,654 1,529 3,096 5,033 11,408 6,784 5,225 3,920 1,813 5,496 189/16 125/5 148/2 1,875 1,671 940 25, ió2 71,610 21,238 32,876 17,657 14,005 14,923 13,902 12,987 23,234 21,497 9,584 32,809 37 *...* By reference to the Statement of Prices below, it will be seen, that HARDWARES and CUTLERY, in common with all the other productions of British labor, have earpe- ºrienced a very considerable depreciation in Value since 1814, the variation in Value to the different Countries is a circzemstance, deserving of attention, inasmuch as it tends to shew in some degree the description of articles Exported to each respective Cu (ntry 3, the eact remes in 1829, are 62/8 & Ciet, to South America, and 166/0 tº Cwt. to France, this great disparity will doubtless arise from France taking principally Fine Cutlery, while the amount to South America will probably inglude a large portion of coarse articles, sweh as Implements of Agriculture, &c. It seems desireable that the entries showld be made under seperate heads — sim?lar disparities present themselves in easam&ming the details of the Cast, and Wrought Iron, and Wire, Earported. United States *E*** - Africa Asia wº, Brasils º º Aºice ſº. *...* | Ireland TOTAL Year's ſ 1,155 2,665 11,886 4,589 2,549 3,708 —-- 22, 136 753 26,720 123,265 | 1814 1,668 3,744 22,508 || 5,519 1,620 || 4,031 175,630 || 22,663 683 22,196 309,450 15 1,203 3,750 14,665 4,558 1,703 3,980 177,561 22, 132 685 15,567 278,295 16 1,533 6,748 15,518 4,867 2,053 4,663 65,121 | 11,078 760 | 16,588 163,800 17 1,780 8,360 17,361 8,791 2,534 4,875 104,103 9,998 || 1,103 || 23,023 221,152 18 1,744 3,382 15,920 | 8,141 | 1,001 || 7,091 6i,414 9,418 825 || 23,733 173,980 19 *ks 2,204 || 6,634 11,464 6,464 3,613 || 4,199 33,102 || 9,186 974 20,623 133,948 1820 is, 2,035 | 11,923 || 12,883 6,479 || 7,272 5,590 61, 178 || 7,942 1,153 22,573 180,743 | s 2,421 13,043 | 12,671 3,731 8,558 6,120 90,076 8,599 1,127 23,883 209,338 2 4 2,172 | 12,737 14,209 || 4,567 12,847 5,529 78,403 || 10,082 | 1,731 25,627 207,518 3 3 1,562 12,354 || 14,625 || 9,958 11,525 | 6,645 96,442 14,044 1,476 34,413 245,714 4 5 1,650 11,029 14,396 || 10 089 || 13,473 || 4,272 113,924 15,234 1,502 || 31,744 251,353 5 > 1,586 12,461 14,989 || 4,317 | 10,605 || 8,986 85,856 | 12,674 || 1,516 -*- 192,539 6 ſº 2,145 || 13,762 14,679 || 10,088 7,606 || 7,509 || 142,349 || 11,558 1, 181 -*- 248,870 7 R 2,920 | 15,852 14,021 11,041 || 9,181 8,972 | 24,569 15,220 | 1,327 *>er- ºs---a 242,008 8 s 4,660 | 16,485 17,753 11,865 | 11,967 8,770 | 121,997 | 20,669 1,519 ******* 260,574 9 S - - 1830 Q T. "S 2 $ S- - & #. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ #3 £ .6 - 3 ſ 10,025 26,886 96,459 37,318 20,979 || 31,449 — | 158,768 7,510 |214,035 | 1,033,236 | 1814 §: 13,408 35,702 || 158,887 47,004 || 20,723 33,620 | 1,196,485 194,735 | 8,199 || 188,101 2,349,662 || 15 s: 9,413 35,297 94,936 35,429 12,079 27,958 1,203,689 || 130,211 6,457 || 131,332 1,987,082 16 s 11,706 || 63,767 94,066 34,122 | 16,502 || 26,789 469,194 || 54,045 6,000 | 118,254 1,197,875 17 s 13,432 || 77,491 || 115,272 || 65,492 || 20,708 31,064 834,240 50,940 || 9,140 | 163,649 | 1,721,364 | 8 s: 12,036 33,278 || 104,514 || 48,176 18,122 || 42,246 460,530 | 63,816 || 7,556 | 167,028 1,316,703 19 tº s 14,832 50,630 || 70,275 42,611 28,732 22,544 190,238 51,635 | 9,127 | 169,570 948,085 1820 Š 13,917 | 89,328 || 75,492 || 43,548 54,628 23,218 376,344 || 41,534 10,631 186,208 1,237,692 I * | 15,109 || 36,239 || 72,421 24,929 || 56,284 26,761 522,889 44,501 || 9,538 189,429 1,334,896 2 's 4 14,244 91,778 78,272 31,081 67,001 | 20,654 422,130 50,099 || 12,745 189,760 | 1,264,444 3 is 10,411 91,344 76,716 || 46,999 || 65,324 28,251 498,842 71,384 || 11,128 251,431 1,454,296 4 § 10,494 | 82,814 || 75,759 64,602 || 83,842 17,350 | 679,358 87,279 || 13,787 264,927 | 1,656,040 5. S | 9,771 86,394 || 77,679 |27,995 || 56,835 | 30,785 516,410 | 70,084 || 14,642 1,169,105 6 13,752 | 89,894 | 73,685 43,456 54,178 26,239 || 753,137 56,973 13,859 1,392,880 7. 16,617 | 96,178 71,727 58,838 53,886 34,435 | 704,679 || 70,328 13,053 | – | 1,385,617 8 24,035 | 94 794 | 89,965 57,996 || 58,731 27,995 | 669,721 82,078 || 12,369 || – 1,389,516 9 1830 { 2- l Price 1814. 173/6 201/9 162/3 162/7 164|4 169/8 136/2 [43].9 199|7 160/2 . 167/8 a 1829. 103 || 1 125/0 101 |4 90/11 98/1 62/8 109|8 79/4 162/9 166/11 . 106/8 av. of 16 Yrs. 131|4 146|| 1 119/8 123|4 127 |4 94/11 124/0 114/3 180/1 155|| 1 136||7 ſ 22,963 | 153,641 243,979 32,538 || 9,212 59,084 108,425 | 8,444 | 190,632 | 1,113,358 1814 º 24,850 | 185,436 226,871 38,073 || 12,189 40,578 226,506 || 136,064 11,053 190,022 | 1,280,960 I5 Ç 28,347 179,142 198,759 29,265 3,568 47,514 208,032 112,057 || 9,198 || 118,841 | 1,095,637 16 §§ 29,387 || 230,102 || 215,170 28,933 || 9,526 53,476 107,103 || 69,957 12,382 | 158,586 1,209,062 17 s 29,238 207,813 || 134,905 || 58,842 | 12,066 53,264 136,694 | 82,512 11,918 182,745 1,461,404 18 s's, 22,282 110,562 225,746 48,132 4,940 50,361 86,270 91,145 || 14,009 || 230,724 1,155,710 19 § sº 23,820 | 130,504 || 173,087 34,444 8,771 41,515 80,680 77,454 18,643 184,616 1,131,788 1820 § sº | 29,726 136,852 160,064 25,846 | 16,458 29,519 97,580 64,890 15,959 239,144 1,128,723 H ss; < 27,168 || 139,691 | 127,034 20,653 |23,434 25,368 141,717 | 64,717 | 9,553 206,301 | 1,061, 186 2 § Jº Y 26,332 169,535 | 130,485 28,176 |26,182 27,127 105,202 81,446 8,946 195,022 | 1,073,937. 3 $ š's 19,172 148,027 149,717 | 47,130 17,753 || 33,503 91,670 110,853 11,072 239,766 | 1,090,856 4 Šs s 24,284 |133,333 ||37,712 |32,139|63,479 |26,396 || 112,503 || 147,553 15,667 ||343,268 1,291,336 5 S. 17,371 200,559 | 160,730 52,217 | 34,520 34,825 93,329 105,763 || 17,740 1,105,620 6 S 36,046 281,234 146,617 | 69,959 21,332 40,165 156,782 | 93,778 15,757 1,214,938 || 7 § 42,748 280,638 163,750 60,416 22,771 44,736 175,400 || 100,606 || 10,757 —— 1,224,136 8 ‘s 50,295 | 199,406 | 163,012 || 49,913 21,727 47,729 110,566 107,533 20,209 — 1,160,927 9 - 1830 *... | “. 33 No. V. An ACCOUNT of the Quantity, and Declared Value of each kind of IRoN, and of STEEL GREAT BRITAIN, to each of 21 different parts of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814–1829 # *...] QUANTITIES. O - - - - :--—-— *— - - - ---- * -- - - - - - § HRON [years 1814. 1815. 1816. 1917. Isis. slo. so. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. is "--~~. rPig's old TºmTo Two ſº. Tº Ta - - - - -- - - sº sº. 1880 is ſº.” * 10 30 || 4 || 78 30 20, 44, - . 18 14, 15 || 1 || 39 156 |19| S. . ... r. 2 : — 1 || || 4 || 60 || – | 132}| 54}| 25 || 25 3| - - 189 C §: & Rod iſ 16 #| – || 1 || – Tº "gil 1, 2, 29* 17 | 30 J 38 1,101 || 518 s ‘. • , ll 26 20 | 8 || || 5 || 24 || 5 71 | 4." 3." 10 10 º: 44 62 62 121 & Anchors . . u * 1. 1. – 1. - 2 18 101 || 33 41 * iFloops.... , 13 || 7 || | | | | * | *| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .22 21 ‘s Wrought... , || 311 || 76 = | | | – | 93 26 102 | 121 | 112 || 104 | 164 132 254 is Nails... cwt, "is º * º: . 28 as 39 35 | 30 || 75 254 io9 iás | 103 ; is wire ... *| 13 | . . 3 | 125 17 | 79 30 53 || 62 192 * U.S. ... " 1. 114 || 51 || 2 || 30 214 324 808 || 124 || – || 219 | 73 || 79 º ; 81 tº e - 35 | 45 60 | 57 52 46 30 | 84 229 239 262 363 458 || 323 . Total T - - - - - - - - - I - “ , ” al TONS 378 121} 87}| 119 227# 134 || 463}| 294}| 280}|250}| 271}| 587 420 | 681 law ºn TT ſºld ºn H. H. . . – 15 TT 20Tag T to ------- d'I - . . . . . * | 84 12 102 - co - cº, () 56 || 10 #| 125 21 - >| | Bolt & Rod m iſ 32 º: º, 559 168 598 || 454 634 || 620 547 | 195 || 769 | 1,370 | 1,552 : 2 2 | Castings ... , 23° ſo 3, 79 || 137 || 95 90 128 162 286 177 | 133 380 429 |º ,956 s: Anchors . . . ** I 25 35 | 30 || 34 35 | 27 | 20 24 24 522 175 || 112 || 1 "7 490 s Hoops . . . . " 84 1. * #| | | | | | | | | 19 9}| 40 29 23 20 § I68 § Wrought .. , | 135° 11 || 37 58 16 || 102 || 75 97 | 89 92 || 128 197 || 253 2. 49 QS | Nails 36 63 97 | 126 108 || 129 || 191 204 || 235 | 286 || 330 494 63 || 418 o • // # I 3} 9| 22} 5}| 11 || 16} 571 || 612 || 909 Wire . . . . Cwt. — - 12 * 2 4. 2 #| 16}| 45}| 34}| 41 57 83 40 III Steel 10 || 74 27 220 210 || 531 658 || 6 tº ) | T | * 70 UStee • - e // 631 331 || 654 || 492 147 27 | 113 - 1,180 1,003 20 | 12 | 16 || 31 | – || 34 55 % 2 Total TON'S ~ | -- 18 313 426 417 | 585 535 - 187 1004. * I l lf - | 1994 * 1915 º ºx * | * * * * * ****, 3,280 5,339 ſ ; & Old Toms — *- * 87 11}| 45 48 32. 27 290 20 3. . . ." .. 5: "aw is, sº, ſº º' gº || | | | | | *|† : ||...} : ; ; s | Bolt & Rod a o, to is, 'j | 7 || 3 || 4 || 7 ||38|| 1,428 749 1,674 2,903 2,625 3,687 3 ºasings ... " | 34 19 || 14 18, 23 33 || 4 || 2 |*| | | | | | | | | 39 4. * | Anch 8 || 8 || 25 || 37 45 12 tº H QIS . . // 15 — 4 #| 36 | – || 10 14° 35 | 13, º ; 107 | 126 248 OOOS . . . . * - by L. ". S wº tº º ; 1ää 391 | 161 261 288 557 || 359 998 || 1,147 700° 588 1,188 *. ...! lº, S Nail 33 107 | 84 20 59 || 115 134 169 407 475 . ,074 || 1 , - ails . . . . Cwt. 85 | – || 4 475 128 385 671 64 Wire • , f' * I º, 330 | – | 1004 180 280; 260 80 280 | 84 || 33 409 508 9 {_Steel f/ 13| 1; 10 || 57 235 | 124 169 || 250 260 | 587 456 447 642 46 10. tº e. 140 10 || || 1 | 20 || 3 || 7 | 12 || 4 || 15 s so . 941 1,280 Total TO NS **- 92 || 143 || 430 349 940 | 1,090 960 856 475 | 1,0 * | 1 || 1 Å3 ** ***. *-* ! ------ º - 38 1,148# 1,153 | 1,201 | 1,969 | 1,908; 1,821;| 4,11843,000 | 1,739 sº 5,658 5,616 ſºng TT ſPig & Old Tons — — ; 560 | 1,204 w *-i---------.' **en-ma 3 . Bar . . . . . . " | 91 ſº || 411 492 || 707 || 598 940 99 || 81 77 | 154 3 | Bolt & Rod n | | | To 3. 306 268 369 || 336 312 156 334 391 || 245 466 § Castings . . . 7#| 13, is, º, 2, ... #| | | | | | | | | | || SJ Anchors .. 7 * * * ios "g 295 | is 49 || 36|| 39 || 75 34° 35' º º Hoops. ... " 31 6 21 35 6 5 | – || 10}| 73| 89 II | 18 40 Ş Wrought m 38 || || 8 33 § * 72 135 93 75 81 52 37 6 *...* See Note to S Nails Cwts. 20 24 é 47 36 31 28 65 68 82 | Wire • ſl 4 65 50 | 12 | – || – 8 — 65 2 || 5 || -- --- corresponding Page. U.Steel 26, tº 1. 6 100 94 || 51 || 149 || 111 || 120 208 180 Total Tow - 2 57 | 93 24 64 || 390 320 657 560 561 ''Off O. S 254 53 9 L – l ----|- -----—— - - [Pig & Old T. 3 | 842; 1,716 1,4174 1,376 1,272 | 1,1863; 1,308}| 789}| 758 6253| 841, Ö70 w - p-> - - - Bar . . . . . . . S ; 51 || 269 | 820 940 | 194 | 1,439 3,051 3,351 |4,006 | 903 || 1,064 3,802 |2,669 (2,181 Roit & Rod 75 86 1,096 || 11,567 8,677 |5,191 7,530 | 11,259 2,516 2,344 || 1 ". . .”. 181 (3.95% e . olt & Rod a 34 6 1. 3. so ,394 | 1,481 2,620 | 1,706 2,053 2,093 S Casting #| 11}| 76 52 43 26 | 169 || 7 3. ,US/o S Castings ... " | 335 #| 160 5 71 || 1 57 || 3 | 128 48 91 98 ; : Ancho s , . " | – || 6 || 5, : 99 || 127 300 132 402 || 375 139 290 209 266 387 || 104 ***"... an ºl ā is tº sºlº #| || || || || || || #|}; 5 Wrºught ..., |g| at 3: |*|*||*|*|| || || || || || 503 | 735 | Nails". Cots. His 190° 74 41 64 160 | 88 96 || 41 || 302 || 304 || 157 196 | Wire .... ." ii. 117 180 28 *: 60 ii | 3 | 66 is | | | 36||300 30 USteel . . . . . * 35 5 76 107 111 || 23 53 6 -ºrsº T f 461 | 436 121 544 | 1,069 ; 182 |2,180 | 1,635 |2,285 2,221 |3,579 1,984 | 1 º: ..". .. * otal TONS (1,609 Tag Tsao Tºro, 3. y 3. 3. 9 1,589 | 12,707 ,154% * 4 3 * o, o – •==== * * 10,154, 6,006 || 9,954 15,152%l 6,895 7,121 3,259 3,112 |7,633}|5,460 5,611 (7,464 ExpoRTED from "-º-º- -** 39 1819, and 1825–see Vol. XVI, and XXI of Papers of the Session of in 1830. The Details will be found to present some very great disparities, £227 tº Ton: while 909 Tons, in 1829, averaged only £ 14 tº Ton. *...* These, and the four following Pages, have been compiled in part from Accounts presented to Parliament, in those years respectively; and made complete from M. S. Returns, specially obtained frº, the Custºm ºoººº, - - for instance, the 311 Tons of Wrought Iron to the North of EUROPE, in 1815, averaged £119 & Ton: the 139 Tons to Germany, VALUES. ... " ' "- W. . 1815. . 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823 1824, 1825. 1826, 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. _* | * | * | *š tº tº gº ºf g – ſº gº.- : tº gº || “. — 80 352 240 565 227 | 150 272 | – || 110 || 102 | 156 || 132 74 748 || 941 28 — 17 59 653 || -- 1,208 || 496 || 195 196 || 7 | 193 || 359 1,389 8,404 || 3,916 || 243 3 e- 13 – | – || – | 121 251 || 321 || 511 || 541 || 623 701 || 585 1,245 || 420 || 440 200 98 || 356 | 731 | 1,032 || 597 || 326 141 175 || 410 || 341 || 2,276 || 789 605 || *º- 12 10 — | 65|| 150 | 1,817 | 600 || 3,000 || 308 || 150 4,855 || 442 | 615 || 704 || 551 224 111 * - 15 | – | 1,119 328 1,074 1,221 | 1,243 | 1,478 2,084 1,668 2,992 || 2,992 | 36,516 6,543 1,332 3,518 2,884 || 1,265 || 3,462 3,003 | 1,080 | 681 | 1,702 6,920 3,126 5,406 || 2,275 4,027 4. 14 6 4 36 12 185 20 || 109 27 62 68 269 80 192 82. 284 448 190 6 i06 || 590 659 561 236 — 607 || 292 | * 170 | 737 | 660 | 153 253 86 165 171 127 143 || 141 89 202 || 507 || 504 || 765 820 1,396 | 898 || 834 37,972 7,737 2,272 4,109 || 4,807 3,118 9,773 6,087 6,473 3,511 || 5,063 15,678 8,366 14,342 | 18,247 | 15,346 -º-º-º-e - a mass i : *" ** ..—- | 120 --- — | 120 | 402 || 1 || 0 5 610 | 125 996 94 | 156 999 || 9,751 5,930 | 1,877 5,524 3,947 4,760 4,620 4,724 2,172 7,413 13,230 12,508 20,120 6 268 320 | 1,540 | 1,753 | 1,084 || 937 | 1,131 | 1,298 || 2,400 | 1,679 | 1,747 3,606 || 8,718 3,597 3,846 375 168 435 | 573 || 458 463 594 || 378 314|| 361 317 | 7,864 |3,157 |2,333 2,497 2,580 — 180 * 30 || || 80 * * — 375 367 | 1,029 933 | 720 | 605 || 989 1,165 134 250 | 180 || 528 785 223 1,225 || 757 923 || 871 2,982 | 1,832 2,348 2,667 2,470 | 3,869 31,635 2,562 3,426 3,143 3,554 2,883 2,886 3,795 3, 133 3,827 4,543 || 7,919 9,564 || 11,454 9,444 12,779 5 94 | 118 371 652 147 || 366 || 411 674 609 || 580 | 934 1,429 || 726 1,877 | 1,037 *ge 32 10 30 | 164 206 || 473 || 416 748 951 | 1,015 597 964 || 717 | 1,377 | 1,157 490 || || 02 272 66 23 32 59 — 160 | 177 34 1,259 1,601 | 1,816 || 2,058 1,644 32,729 3,812 5,760 | 16,032 || 13,499 || 6,915 12,184 10,836 | 12,385 14,302 | 15,305 25,367 30,807 || 36,863 36,912 49,133 *ssº - — 553 110 || 322 || 380 217 | 156 1,731 | 724 355 | 689 1,953 5,413 || 7,942 4,486 | 1,711 || 3,177 6,866 7,776 6,747 || 10,831 || 11,464 9,868 15,378 || 12,172 9,031 | 16,267 25,298 21,055 26,401 1,422 1,346 2,067 || 948 || 1,050 1,782 || 427 421 || 796 | 1,564 975 12 || 854 || 704 || 380 1, 108 553 || 315 219 329 || 330 || 373 548 || 347 | 110 || 308 || 455 800 | 1,858 1,597 | 1,517 | 2,675 375 — 200 10 | 1,139 — 310 — 525 | 1,170 468 1,400 2,774 3,605 || 3,055 2,807 3,725 2,263 4,522 2,118 3,603 || 3,803 6,575 3,970 10,023 11,500 7,192 | 8, 116 || 14,303 || 10,406 || 10,771 || 10,660 10,172 1,724 3,245 2,494 | 893 1,666 3,342 3,205 |2,852 5,753 6,596 |6,879 |6.9% tº 7,783 9,489 i 222 *- 60 567 — 225 342 474 || 352 139 || 445 125 41 549 '70 || || 19 * 6 40 32 143 472 234 301 || 449 || 399 || 640 || 718 || 546 || 931 1,246 1,684 234 35 15 65 9 || 3 || 37 1 1 43 214 || 434 1,360 1,424 2,573 2,785 2, 177 21,189 7,400 13,545 13,982 15,054 15,423 23,026 20,410 || 25,173 || 38,161 30, 100 28,786 45,525 59,131 54 078 º ** — 5,120 | 7,395 || 3,030 4,007 || 5,752 4,422 || 6,489 527 530 | 680 102 # *k # --- - 1,234 — 1,346 2,990 2,905 || 3,951 || 3,202 2,755 1,231 2,696 || 3,397 2,778 4,614 *** The separate Account with 971 121 170 701 || 302 || 536 290 759 306 || 871 494 90 || 318 FLANDERs has oeen discontinued, 128 || 231 304 || 143 82 4,246 281 712 492 || 396 | 1,065 492 559 ) having since 1826, been incorporated 14 * *-* ~ *. *- 200 200 * 420 272 2,256 349 659 | 1,229 with Holland, under the head of 525 | 103 || 306 || 484 | 661 951 | 1,456 | 1,012 || 752 | 834 557 539 || 107 the UNITED KING pom or THE 3,171 1,244 1,856 2,903 | 1,604 || 2,564 1,917 | 1,423 875 778 1,837 2,103 || 2,548 || Neraeanasps, the events of 50 46 1()0 21 --- *- 14 *- 85 3 7 * ... September 1830, mau however agai 14 || 281 35 4 21 | 199 || 193 95 258 166 163 || 432 294 | **** **** 772 97 || 341 30 153 200 61 | 120 659 551 | 1,015 1,157 | 1,181 render it desireable to reinstitute a - - *-* -– *- separate account 6,879 2,123 9,578 14,619 8,958 16,853 13,166 11,718 11,419 9,078 9,414 8,930 10,952 208 || 499 || 1,934 4,183 4,798 1, 143 7,096 || 14,657 14,727 | 17,785 4,350 9,603 || 21,693 || 13,178 10,203 || 15,841 | 7,506 1,269 9,410 101,980 | 88,647 ( 54,268 68,593 92,593 18,554 17,398 || 11,148 || 14,826 23,168 13,793 15,644 || 13,870 516 68 140 693 571 || 484 || 238 1,419 629 558 1,540 34 1,163 472 764 || 727 |T 3,076 14 | 1,195 | 1,018 642 938 3,111 | 1,572 5,234 4,249 2,346 2,868 2,481 2,756 6,365 1,593 — 190 155 635 | 2,424 398 || 278 840 | 1,156 66 | 1,744 || 677 2,154 1,300 | 1,827 3,139 5,720 53 135 | 227 2,676 5,050 6,094 4,077 2,288 1,253 4,550 1,687 4,676 3,331 5,286 6,860 9,894 2,160 | 1,118 1,797 || 3,689 2,575 | 1,387 | 1,876 |4,416 2,777 2,490 1,554 7,379 5,706 || 3,711 3,908 344 *- 40 *- || 0 || || 00 19 30 49 16 -* ** 44 298 14 — 191 404 —- 105 25 98 10 | 158 211 | 196 7i 98 195 | 197 496 || 413 1,201 | 1,607 || 372 1,117 2,872 4,308 5,466 3,826 4,923 || 4,954 || 7,320 4,788 3,811 || 4,543 || 4,905 5,123 2865.6 6,264 || 14,499 (111,755 106,354 69,362 * 12,048 || 52,187 49,252 36,135 | 66,764 49,215 *** ***.------ 45,574 51,474 40 No. V. ACCOUNT Continued,—of the Quantity, and Declared Value of each kind of IRON, and of STE PortED from GREAT BRITAIN, to each of 21 different parts of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814–29. countries Description to which of Eacported. IRON, ſPig and Old Tons [Years s º Bar © a 4 & © tº H § $ Bolt & Rod iſ ^S S e § { | Castings . . " * * : Anchors .. , • Sº issiſſiºn. • . . . // §s Wrought ... " is Š Nails. . . . . . . S- Wire . . . . . . Cwts USteel . . . . . . // TOTAL TONS ſpig and Old Tons cº Bar . . . . . . // * | Bolt & Rod a a Ś Castings .. 7 .S.S. Anchors .. 7 § Q - &s Hoops . . . . " § Wrought ... a 's Nails. . . . . . // S | Wire . . . . . . Cwts Steel . . . . . . // TOTAL TONS ſPig and Old Tons Bar . . . . . . // e Bolt & Rod F/ § | Castings . . . § J Anchors . . . is Hoops . . . . " § Wrought . . . Nails. . . . . . Af Wire . . . . . . Cwts. usteel . . . . . . // → TOTAL TONS QUANTITIES. EL, Ex. * ſPig and Old Tons | Bar . . . . . . " Bolt & Rod / . . Castings ... " S. Anchors ... " $ {#. • * * * (ſ Wrought ... m Nails. . Cwts. Wire G - © º º º // (Steel . . . . . . // TOTAL TONs ſPig and Old Tons Bar e e < e is ſ/ Boit & Rod' . Castings ... m } Anchors . . . 1814. 1816. 11. *- 240 526 659 1,918 248 128 20% 2; 632 854 761 218 88 200 . 215 186 83 47 2,684 3,858 *- 33 278 281 32; 247 934 409 28 4 447 714 491 120 95 14; 629 85 75 4 2,337 1,826 510 3}6 57 41 63 16 46 4; 155 332 11 : 55 15 23 11|| 50 100 2 967 790 1,266 586 237 596 22% 4 *g 1; 400 66 590 145 69 *- * 22 20 4 2,519 1,400 549 229 259 67 4} 27 6; 152 6 235 28; º I0 i | * Hoops .... " Wrought ... m Nails. . . . . . Cwts. Wire . . . . . . // USteel . . . . . . . . TOTAT, TONS 1,216 . 1830. issil -**assissºs- ** *-* - I -------> *-*ce sº- 1,047 362 4-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ºw- ; 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828. — 10 || 39 53 | 11 15 16 || 35 | 16.5 25 726 1,223 864 | 1,078 979 1,151 1,432 | 1,603 |1,734 1,558 1,023 1,619 1,533 965 1,935 | 816 || 814 |2,143 1,578 1,244 151 | 89 79 124 151 | HO5 109 || 108 || 102 || 90 14 9 || 9 || – || 10 65 30 6 30 22 560 | 1,093 1,310 | 1,277 832 719 | 1,001 | 1,617 | 941 827 246 | 161 221 210 | 195 ||221 | 207 || 261 226 | 165 136 168 142 104 203 || 31 262 | 84 || 72 63 213 || 170 | 137 142 93 |157 156 131 124 81 62 | 72 3 || 13 | 20 55 13 || 7 || 3 || 25 2,870 4,384 |4,204 |3,819 |4,321 3,183 ||3,679 |5,864 |4,854 |3,999 — | 1 || | – | – | – || 8 || 15 — 8 — 459 || 589 482 7 318 648 || 858 522 || 215 317 48 || 139 || 12 || 69 5 | 90 9| 22 || 8 || 30 133 8% 21; 69 13% 50% 91 || 31 25 21 4. 6 6 || 35 | 19 77 || 48 24 5} | 3; 788 584 233 605 | 180 278 || 401 || 594 | 725 | 830 210 || 83 68 204 || 93 221 | 115 138 97 113 36 || 23 10 | 10 || 14} | 60 | 9 || 3 || 6; 104 362 318 150 335 | 189 || 400 213 209 || 160 | 197 20 | – | – | 66 25 53 || 23 — | – || – 1,693 | 1,459 | 840 | 1,018 653 | 1,436 | 1,557 | 1,344 | 1,099 || 1,335 – | – | – || 10 || – || 28 || 5 | — 280 250 277 || 749 538 769 535 | 515 400 715 488 || 510 i09 || 75 28 43 9} | 1.42 | 84 || 79 || 67 22 25 || 33 || 39 24 || 42 || 34 21 22 53 30 34 || 3 || 13 || 47 56 || 45 || 36|| 106 || 79 29 496 || 415 || 659 || 713 || 287 | 606 || 447 || 506 || 931 | 400 72 54 50 55 65 83 133 65 93 72 49 || 31 22 35 | 58 || 37 || 30 || 39 || 31 22 9 9 120 270 | 83 | 129. 95 || 4 || | 180 | 86 6 || 77 2 25 | 10 | – | – | – || 26 || – 1,033 1,368 1,355 1,710 1,138||1,495 |1,161 [1,534 2,032 |1339 — -— --- — | – | —— 15 — 3 || 463 2,350 |4,985 || 3,419 |5,909 || 6,559 2,923 |4,813 || 6,654 5,375 5,040 553 |1,998 || 934 1,495 | 1,863 | 729 1,156 1,594 | 1,419 | 1,316 41 | 16 || 81 32 || 36|| 43 || 8 || 35 | 53 54 20 || 5 || 6 || 13 27 | #| 5 || 39 68 || 77 142 || 305 || 292 || 419 || 414 | 200 || 421 |468 469 804 249 || 247 274 344 || 335 | 210 | 168 || 368 593 | 664 276 || 41 || 3 || 61 [1,513 | 35 | 50 | – || 4 || 34 60 | – || 71 || 63 86 — — | – || 52 || 51 50 76 62 | 60 | 138 174 19 19 || 144 29 179 3,374 |7,562 5,013 |8,221 |9,320 |4,115 6,590 |9,159 |7,990 |8,423 — — - - || – || – | — — — 480 | 90 654 502 289 1,282 | 131 || 47 || 356 || 520 983 || 461 138 77 34 162 22 — 20 | 109 || 48 || 67 # 20 || 4 || 8 || 14 || 1 || 15 8} | 62 | 84 15 14 | – | – || 3 || – || 1 || 23 4} | . 5 4 18 125 70 8 84 || 31 71 || 34 47 57 8 39 61 39 33 43 65 45 58 60 | 134 | 183 || ||7 || 46 3 — 41 | 90 — | – | – | – | 12 5 3 — — — — — — | 2 | — — 26 — — – 862 677 359 |1,625 302 | 97 || 511 | 736 |1,716 710 ------ee- 41. •,• The most striking feature of this part of the Account, is the progressive increase of Bar Iron to Italy. In 1814, the Value averaged £12 12s.{P Tom ; In 1829, less than £6 13s. # Ton; go eat inequality in the Value of in the same Year, is le!ow £ 22 “P Ton. the Wrought Iron, is apparent in this Statement, for instance, 491 Tons to Spain, in 1814, averaged about £45 tº Ton ; whilst 590 Tons to Italy, VALUES. | - - § 1814. 1815. 1816, 1817. 1818. 1819. 1829. 1824. 1822. 1823. 1824, 18; sºft. I 18. | 1833. 1829. 1889. __ e_--—£-—l——º-—|——£-—|——£-———£--|--É-—|——£-—|——£-—|——£-—|——£--|--É--|--É--|--8--|--—£-— ——£– 1–—£ — 102 — — . — 86 605 || – 60 249 272 55 '75 137 248 708 || 106 25 | 3,032 3,599 || 4,845 4,076 7,958 8,058 |11,406 || 7,200 | 8,132 7,420 9,609 |17,193 |14,386 14,320 |11,979 |15,100 . 7,888 17,480 |19,991 12,887 |11,144 |12,337 |17, 120 14,071 8,468 16,268 5,832 ||10,264 |21,657 14,471 |11,663 |12,897 3,940 4,094 1,753 | 1,194 | 964 1,802 | 1,300 | 1,234 1,848 1,971 | 1,602 | 1,648 1,848 1,498 || 1,411 1,119° 874 # 89 97 | | | | 3,393 || 519 287 | 409 | – || 310 2,794 | 1,072 | 166 619 574 || 373 ! 10,842 22,796 11,514 || 8,732 12,807 || 8,271 |13,555 || 4,420 (12,941 8,803 || 8,297 ||14,789 |20,938 |10,856 9,070 (10,210 19,748 6,921 5,824 3,677 5,475 6,260 3,788 || 4,753 || 4,217 4,560 3,789 || 4,369 4,712 || 3,103 || 3,062 3,057 | 4,119 || 5,722 || 7,110 || 5,143 5,126 5,237 7,386 4,718 3, 134 3,744 2,584 2,037 3,055 || 2,325 | 1,963 1,912 i 790 329 547 | 3,499 || 301 || 493 297 || 281 || 343 174 365 307 || 253 279 149 167 240 — 114 $33 49 182 | 100 8 43 50 171 26 || 25 38 74 || 101 51,575 61,630 |51,795 |36,228 47,822 |43,159 |55,299 |47,343 |39,399 |43,355 |35,118 |51,842 67,288 |48,211 |40,051 |44,961 | *** , I --~~~~ - - - - — — . | – | – | 1.70 | – — i00 — — — 90 90 T. 30 — 20 | 3,393 | 1,149 2,773 6,488 8,825 || 4,916 5,293 || 4,340 54 2,707 5,817 10,564 4,918 1,732 2,670 4,054 | 477 1,200 2,974 1,388 | 1,027 537 | 1,281 | 125 | 729 42 | 849 || 118 22} 106 || 263 530 i 13,251 6,809 6,495 878 448 1,982 152 301 || 787 210 | 693 1,499 || 628 437 328 2,347 { 487 40 228 451 — 25 220 260 | 1,211 639 1,809 | 1,495 758 || 154 112 || 3,953 | 7,688 8,080 || 9,672 7,373 |11,788 |10,961 7,707 2,616 6,474 2,217 | 3,566 6,037 | 8,122 8,655 | 8,811 11,831 : 22,176 15,742 5,857 5,964 3,824 6,164 2,581 2,955 5,493 2,616 5, 190 3,164 2,985 2,105 || 2,510 || 3,861 i | 4,706 5,809 || 705 | 1,244 505 1,243 | 891 || 314 || 330 398 || 1,205 || 257 98 || 202 || 362 394 1,997 1,254 325 588 || 676 823 677 300 628 356 768 419 || 396 275 343 308 : 164: 60 24 64 22 50 — — 231 62 105 48 35 | 54,339 40,143 |29,223 |24,438 |27,115 26,701 18,202 11,211 |15,937 9,247 20,092 |23,781 |18,087 |13,696 |15,399 |27,333 i *- *-* I wºme-sa 60 131 36 || – | 1,260 | 1,000 -– 6,522 || 4,973 3,028 4,434 9,084 3, 132 6,790 4,557 6,202 || 4,298 || 4,301 || 4,636 6,853 4,338 3,977 1,646 : | 867 609 || 433 747 775 1,278 || 721 274 | 408 || 792 1,392 || 966 821 610 193 8 i 967 78 283 || 314 | 181 409 || 433 || 513 || 314 575 575 299 || 300 | 728 485 236 | 1,752 39 180 175 80 | }.45 75 454 | 1,362 | 1,528 1,213 | 1,095 2,858 2,560 774 1,228 2,450 || 4,182 4,209 3,338 4,970 6,869 || 4,883 || 7,307|| 7,459 3,115 6,522 || 6,344 6,237 ||10,511 || 4,551 1,165 6,739 2,708 3,006 || 2,734 1,714 3,659 2,167 1,843 1,610 2, 117 2,231 3,525 1,473 2,500 2,036 610 749 1,136 783 || 421 563 | 1,494 | 1,170 | 665 921 | 1,310 | 1,086 977 | 1,178 962 589 913 342 175 i 230 244 || 441 27 2.j 251 502 i41 252 || 178 97 318 144 || 381 172 — 4. 76 7 8 112 6. 80 30 *** * * ****tºss. 83 —— 20,560 (13,900 12,150 lºss 17,815 17,021. 16,372 |15,870 |18,918 13,906 |17,703 |18,056 |19,817 |23,870 |13,749 6,187 -— 200 —— — 180 | *= wº"- tº -ºs i º ºs-r i ºzerº-esse-te- 75 —— 15 1,935 3,265 | 15,984 |11,029 5,946 17,576 74,541 |25,943 46,973 28,286 |44,351 49,333 124,414 |58,831 |59,397 |45,496 38,837 |55,187 | 3,227 | 7,457 6,094 8,218 18,781 | 6,642 |20,353 8,554 |12,325 15,640 6,542 |15,063 |15,622 |13,526 || 1,245 10,166 | 350 208 109 | 197 289 628 213 | 1,303 574 , 494 | 939 || 1:2 . , 462 | 899 872) 3,963 - ; — 60 477 775 671 195 || 245 588 1,040 17 | 213 | 1,299 2,042 2,148 595 6,379 4,690 935 | 1,225 3,630 | 1,896 3,557 3,676 4,244 || 4,201 || 2, 142 6,970 5,693 5,617 | 8,400 || 7,652 12,808 6,384 3,611 2,705 6,549 5,175 4,961 || 4,479 4,990 || 4,700 3,520 | 3,430 6,264 || 8,488 8,936 7,200 | 245 30 | – | 120 240 191 65 5 70 | 737 39 70 — 12 59 43 —– 210 50 220. 23 | 120 — ; 138 96 i i 50 | — —— - — 87 90 75 40 2 6 39 88 99 || 176 | 124 163 308 || 300 49 40 344 132 | 670 39,133 30,210 16,811 |30,777 | 105,096 |41,365 |76,493 |46,810 67,401 76,603 ||37,913 84,861 88,777 |76,526 72,704 88,816 *-*-* *--, | - — 2, #62 340 7,148 || 7,604 2,239 4,092 |17,882 6,951 4,667 2,440 9,233 979 || 376 3,923 4,676 8,109 || 3,592 5,768 4,059 2,587 769 85 2,575 1,573 807 || 305 | i,333 186 — 284 1,055 441 55{} | {580 64 47 325 43 171 14 215 54 94 220 16 230 109 827 | #51 1,028 i 164 —— i00 84 || –— 440 | 700 – —— 100 | – 40 603 || 110 } ºf 27 | 2,550 | 1,064 105 79 1,226 65 56 216 1,241 746. 80 1,165 388 765 371 991 6,621 2,655 | 733 406 || 931 | 1,163 2,095 || 302 || 613 | 848 1,456 || 690 | 1,017 | 1,874 | 1,186 761 -— 297 21 33 i05 96 || || 00 229 || 233 26 52 4 — 60 | i2 28 — 112 | –– — 2 : ——— — --— — 25 Ti() 5 ~ — — — — — — — — — 2 — | – 60 | – | — -—— | – | 20,606 14,337 4,292 4,822 (22,892 |10,302 | 8,640 3,546 12,748 3,130 1,990 6,402 || 7,808 14,348 9,283 6,319 42 No. V. ACCOUNT Continued,—- of the Quantity, and Declared Value of each kind of IRON, and of STEEL, Ex- PortED from GREAT BRITAIN, to each of 21 different parts of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814 – 29. Countries to which Earported. ſPig and Old Tons | s `s, i : ; * ! : Description of IR ON. Bar . . . . . . | Bolt & Rod | Castings | Anchors .. Hoops Wrought | Nails. . . . . . Wire . . . . . . TOTAL TONS ſPig and Old Tons Bar . . . . . . Bolt & Rod Castings Anchors Hoops . . . . Wrought .. TOTAL TONS [Pig and Old Tons Bar . . . . . . Bolt & Rod | Castings ! Anchors < Hoops Wrought ! Nails. . . . . º Wire . . . . . . Cwts. USteel . . . . . . TOTAL TONS ſPig and Old Tons Bar . . . . . . Bolt & Rod Castings | Anchors . . º Hoops . . . . : Wrought i Nails . . . . . lº, e e º 'º e e Cwts. TOTAL TONS (Pig and Old Tons | Bar . . . . . . Bolt & Rod | Castings d Anchors Hicops . . . . Wrought Nails. . . . . . Usteel ...... TOTAL TONS [Years 1814. // QUANTITIES. *-*. 1815. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. ] 1. e 1825. 1826. . 1829. 1830. 1831. : I | 6,563 399 45 273 16 | I67 431 148 2 1,420 191 291 1,347 3,229 -º-º-º- 30 24 1,401 1,056 2,979 ſoºn 2,409 380 | 22 465 || . 14() 150 1,364 7,615 1,525 424 387 1,044 717 4,226 774 16,718 46 1,304 426 639 666 ** 28 510 739 1,100 60 497 12,742 235 1,480 280 1,099 H 22 43 454 1,069 23 1,935 1,652 1,117 1,903 920 216 1,946 7.301 15 1,094 158 29 156 161 59 414 56 1,696 1,363 107 3,022 79 27 49 28 1,410 123 60 1. 4. 40 45 81 - 40 - 1,623 30 11 67 107 4; 30 - 3,281 1,761 1,843 | 1,025 1.883 **** 4,587 42 2,237 2,484 12 1,195 15 i 35 130 T 48 30 } | 1 1,700 1,459 10 131 19 11 I 258 68 64 2,059 1,099 2,847 238 897 93 173 368 670 22 249 811 3,302 586 1,150 84 351 966 573 224 125 676 4,280 278 228 26 I 549 109 32 86 768 2,028 796 396 20 706 983 369 103 274 7,466 8,084 5,182 6,542 6,441 127 22 354 274 53 22 141 1; 1,280 21 | 67 58 315. 233 52 | 30 64 819 122 80 279 305 217 54 84 1,584 || 2,213 1,418 5,152 1,029 54 523 1,547 477 181 288 1 1,332 663 2,137 * -º 1,371 2,744 3,169 1,024 924 3,773 897 398 43} 358 692 138 88 130 7,341 2,727 1,952 8,007 1,494 446 746 1,582 228 227 14,737 3,385 3,050 8,561 920 454 -- 594 2,041 195 122 518 * -e 16,455 165 22 4,200 1,319 7,006 368 476 34; 211 1,258 146 330 11,286 348 1,254 386 868 106 398 524 835 3,969 24 523 49 1,781 95 1,305 1,943 1,170 126 145 409 936 285 627. 109 | 20 474 839 839 295 1,684 184 685 133 84% 610 822 663 3,841 3,931 33 578 112 1,678 92 1,403 2,362 1,309 370 88 222 646 2,009 52 1,411 2,405 1,220 610 113 400 1,068 145 472 i:30 119 570 75 i 996 3,706 290 1,405 153 287 38 184 447 729 9 1,579 - - 3,612 44 1,417 155 419 39 I 11 548 804. 160 1,213 447 2,099 666 604 329 200 1,281 949 106 1,780 377 1,981 331 400 167 24] 975 1,016 24 1,007 257 1,963 312 423 127 236 1,324 1,081 31 2,241 465 3,217 385 3,600 6,669 72 420 58 I,748 45 1,182 1,982 869 434 52 6,243 6,186 6,903 7,589 8,054 6,400 135 521 35 1,533 51 1,176 1,830 1,038 477 86 ſoºn 63 411. 37 1,218 i8 999 1,712 913 519 71 1,453 131 1,108 1,742 1,049 1 98 151 ,980 50 446 1,102 51 1,214 1,110 288 68 1,741 |: 5,814 || 6 5,539 5,836 41 656 49 1,418 50 1,371 2,191 1,379 327 79 138 43 - e - t - - •º a ze º - 38 Sterling ; and on Sheet, Hoops, and Rod £730. Bar and Bolt Iron, Imported into the United States of North America, is 37 Dollars tº Toº, equal to about £8 Sterling; an 3. 9 y 3} cº; # º º: "... f; 16 tº Ton, being º. Rate of from 110 to 120 tº Cent, on the Watue in England, in 1830; These enormous duties do not however appear to check the - Fºrportation, because the English producer seems to yield in Profits and Wages, in proportion to the oppression of the Duties. - - TVALUES. ------ — 1816, 1817, £-— 18 8 405 79 14 272 170 22,240 247 1818. ——£-— 9 59,542 4,547 56 602 6,355 497 2 1819. ——£-~~ 14,358 1,235 71 1,564 151 2,791 1,063 5 1820. ———£-— 28,620 791 848 302 1,475 840 cº-sº 1821. ——£-— 12,286 1,198 684 14. 451 997 1,866 ** 161 1822. ——£-— 12,838 24 230 1 10 611 15 17 -*** 1823. ——£- 12,075 256 I 35 794 1,491. 132 40 *- 1824, ——£-— 9,109 414. 22 236 480 2,209 626 115 || 1825. 240 10,271 245 98 919 520 ! 10 691 460 * *-* T. sº - 224 | l826, 350 16,992 914 398 730 2852 3,514 44 10 sº-º-º-º-º-º: ——£-—l- . 1828. * * - - 9,146 189 12 194 1 829. ——£-— 29,269 305 127 1,177 137 1,770 10 **** 14 1830. ——£-— 940 71,610 21,238 32,876 I7,657 14,005 14,923 13,902 12,987 23,234 (21,497 32,809 5,438 T Hl ; 11,222 T 11 2,352 259 2,617 6,679 | 1,202 264 144 wºmamº- 12,164 441 2,290 381 4,071 7,060 1,164 622 154 75 9,751 460 1,833 570 6,801 7,372 1,732 660 133 80 12, 194 11 2,278 1,145 2,461 7,670 2,112 1,153 134 12,980 79 1,883 240 1,004 5,049 302 80 165 * 2 2 9 6 3 5 24,850 28,347 29,387 29,238 22,282 60 11,818 52 2,211 875 1,707 5,868 98.I 238 10 23,820 108,425 220 5,282 311 28,046 847 19,766 167,624 21,170 427 286 *=-, 243,979 *** ~~~~. 84,082 17,454 7,972 191 5,408 36,454 20,485 21,944 32,516 226,506 I,556 72,310 14,519 15,785 1,034 6,979 28,303 40,977 4,386 22, 183 208,032 9,760 26, 188 2,417 14,677 3,012 2, 151 14,543 21,326 1,002 12,027 107,103 4,579 35,225 7,148 20,460 2,517 4,948 28,652 21,641 1,696 9,828 136,694 1,238 26, 124 3,087 13, 115 1,761 3,708 22,623 5,602 2,610 6,392 * **ussºme 86,280 3,858 41,172 2,711 4,461 1,569 3,346 13,696 4,025 1,154 4,688 355 16,643 5,933 12,860 6,300 402 36,938 50,200 1,879 4,554 1,692 15,758 3,428 19,384 4,939 616 21,746 39,428 52 5,014 1,908 10,979 3,322 16,440 3,598 735 12,908 17,895 39 2,133 136,064 112,057 69,957 2,570 10,616 3,907 11, 198 3,877 1,800 17,625 28,799 32 2,088 **** 82,512 2,066 11,983 2,400 12,381 4,262. 1,156 24,017 31,230 28 1,622 2,842 11,313 1,535 9,599 3,854 1,547 19,216 24,934 2,554 80,680 | *** 12,757 98 1,933 653 1,432 10,545 2, 142 22 144 29,726 3,995 17,643 6,730 6,355 698 7,846. 23,790 12,383 4,312 13,828 97,580 1,637 12,918 1,593 5,247 1,207 1,873 14,442 22,232 21 3,720 *3 11,066 79 1,813 858 4,063 7,500 i,449 43 297 --º 27,168 10 10,248 212 2,169 1,875 3,458 6,623 1,372 214 I 51 26,332 35 6,603 105 2,329 1,307 2,170 4,996 1,611 | 6 +-ºsmºs 8,938 145 2,587 2,651 1,141 6,851 1,860 20 91 7,530 89 2,571 360 1,648 4,817 1,266 90 ** 550 14,495 743 4,904 1,404 3,752 7, 153 2,762 87 196 280 16,000 552 7,088 1,138 4,326 8,664 4,466 172 62 *-*g 202 8,538 2,062 4,445 12,988 4,314 122 51 * : 19,172 24,284 17,371 36,046 42,748 50,295 7,108 38,969 8,252 11,551 1,803 5,174 34, 127 13,679 6,554 14,500 12,732 24, 181 8,223 11,470 570 4,979 18,951 7,850 5,110 11,136. 2,157 25,808 4,685 11,857 270 4,905 19,188 6,222 8,095 8,483 141,717 224 11,636 1,477 7,964 1,301 1,209 14,303 23,667 110 2,826 105,202 675 14,900 3,119 8, 185 2, 163 1,616 20,633 26,911 57 2,887 91,670 8,005 45,472 11,006 8,224 1,550 3,458 17,882 6, 149 4,414 6,243 112,403 12,036 29,475 11,036 5, 129 7,796 15,825 2,894 2,594 6,544 93,329 10,865 68,271 13,680 7,928 8,366 27,014 7,174 3,079 10,405 156,782 15,678 70,327 7,472 7,874 6,442 32,469 5,701 3,853 25,584 175,400 6,813 46,286 1,544 7,402 622 1,929 19,451 4,221 5,071 17,227 110,566 1,912 17,494 5,221 13,734 6,775 2,866. 30,181 27,347 37 5,286 4,435 27, 123 9,185 13,397 11,087 3,214 38,825 35,523 288 4,476 1,911 16,849 4,110 7,380 3,367 31, 143 30,804 152 2,718 7,329 | 2,034 16,699 2,982 7,339 4,780 2,835 26,289 28,325 53 2,442 1,428 16,273 2,986 7,828 3,455 2,493 31,811 29,273 51 5,008 2,392 22,556 2,901 I 1,440 2,862 4,451 26,472 29,669 62 4,728 —-sk 91,145 77,454 64,890 64,717 81,446 110,853 147,553 105,763 93,778 100,606 107,533 321 5,991 1,082 30,652 1,885 19,394 128,645 36,042 1,482 1,377 *-* amºeºs 319 4,939 467 33,281 2,114 17,729 104,041 34,899 197 773. 140 5,878 625 32,828 3,513 20,307 108,910 42,226 185 6,735 1,381 33,426 3,301 22,433 16,605 49,648 446 1,003 297 188 226,871 198,759 215,170 1,067 6,761 635 39, 181 2,001 21,672 107,394 45,554 1,292 26] 134,905 225,746 332 4,503 647 31,883 1,568 17,199 86,057 29,778 119 1,001 || 506 4,939 340 25,299 1,784 15,125 76,950 33,969 942 210 287 3,646 390 20,400 702 11,936 61,881 26,581 970 * * **** - 173,087 | 160,064 127,034 S 241 || 567 4,252 592 20,243 932 14,116 59,809 28,647 1,075 252 130,485 a *-a-º- - - - - - - **** - sº- - - 214 3,894 400 24,302 4,179 15,440 67,399 33,167 382 340 471 5,583 920 21,313 1,781 18,515 68,425 39,949 581 174 117 3,832 504 30,060 1,792 14,390 73,015 36,458 385 177 105 4,288 439 21,054 2,145 16,066 67,903 34,032 445. 140 197 6,005 478 26,933 1,482 16,935 72,308 38,629 600 183 295 5,225 469 39,316 1,566 12,359 71,166 31,907 442 267 149,717 157,712 160,730 146,617 163,750 p-0 i 163;#02 44 No. VII. ACCOUNT Continued,— of the Quantity, and Declared Value of each kind of IRON, and of STEEL, Ex- PoRTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to each of 21 different parts of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814–29. Gowzztries to ºwhich Eacported. f i | § : i 2. i Z Description QUANTITIES. O IRön. [Years 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818, 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. § 1829. 1831.1 1838, ſPig and Old Tons — | – || 100 90 | – || 25 | 90 || 74 40 | – || --. — -- || 101 || 60 35 Bar . . . . . . . 352 || 488 || 773 || 793 |1,007 || 520 || 514 291 |251 || 356 402 || 444 |496 |1,587 |1,168 877. Bolt & Rod 147 | 166 | 158 || 138 184 || 39 || 64 111 || 48 || 105 || 106 || 135 | 154 254 | 162 | 16 Castings iſ 320 473 || 469 | 404 || 717 | 864 637 515 623 638 655 320 718 1,270 992 || 995 J Anchors ! 66 157 44 56 171 174 || 17 | 1 || – || 52 303 || 150 | 209 || 172 155 47 Hoops a 224 282 90 203 || 438 142 215 314 249 376 | 124 191 | 1.46 530 444 120 Wrought // 342 99 || 95 || 65 256 || 352 | 203 || 195 | #15 80 || 268 || 410 595 || 563 || 5 || 3 || 367 Nails. . . . . • {} 30 150 | 90 128 384 || 303 || 240 | 1.47 82 276 530 424 249 || 279 || 4:36 593. Wire . . . . . . Cwts. 10 || 25 | 15 || 1 || 7 || 77 || – || 38 26 19 || 102 || 14 | 66 || 3 | – || – USteel . . . . . . ! | 169 || 25 | 32 | – | 90 49 | 12 | 16 || 6 | 104 114 || 460 || 46 60 | 115 82 TOTAL TONS 1,490 1,817 | 1,821 2,377 3,160 |2,425 | 1,981 | 1,651 | 1,469 1,889 |2,398 2,097 2,572 4,759 3,935 3.02 ſPig and Old Tons — | – | – | – | 98 3 | – || 25 || 2 || 43 — 43 7 — — 20 Bar . . . . . . | | 145 || 90 | 119 277 | 1.44 82 274 571 | 1,099 || 597 || 577 | 1,415 || 755 | 845 1,616 1,314 Bolt & Rod iſ 2 85 | 15 30 || 1 || 1 | 20 || 30 53 145 || 78 54 205 || 108 76 || 130 | 85 Castings // 90 60 38 i” I | 162 63 98 || || 42 | 1.41 249 285 696 166 169 99 || 258 Anchors // 2} | – | 18 || 5 || 194 | – || 9 || 25 26 216 || 4 || 37 | 130 16} | # 30 Hoops • // 53 || 70 || 5 || 28 37 22 || 26 94 | #76 30 26 || 81 27 | 19 36 37 Wrought ... " | 674 || 117 | 9 || 50 | 66 26 |77|| || 98 || 190 | 188 197 752 457 202 164 117 Nails. . . . . . . . 34} | 17 | 3 | 19 || 39 22 2i 102 || 117 | 115 86 151 || 76 92 | 73 98 Wire . . . . . . Cwts. 20 | 93 || – | – | – | – | – | 10 || 28 11 || 34 34 || 5 || 30 — 28 ūSteel . . . . . . ! 422 246 || 30 141 || 33 — 23 || 5 || – || 79 | 121 | 920 | 1,211 325 | 340 || 332 TOTAL TONS 416 || 455 208 || 587 | 678 238 537 1,111 | 1,897 | 1,520 1,236 |3,427 | 1,786 1,436 2,136 | 1,977 ſ Pig and Old Tons — | – | – | – | – || --| – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | — 30 | Bar . . . . . . ſt 134 120 430 176 476 635 | 693 390 448 || 375 316 || 435 | 773 || 857 784 1,338 Bolt & Rod a 10 || 8 || 8 || – | 105 || 97 53 65 138 96 || 78 49 69 87 | 109 | 122 | Castings / | 696 || 508 || 775 | 1,077 | 938 1,117 | 606 || 524 343 372 532 305 || 578 649 977 | 1,102 J Anchors Af 5 | 6 || 7 | 198 || 33 10 | – || 6 || 3 || 11 || 10 | | | | | 11 — | 85 Hoops . . . . . 387 | 136 62 | 125 | 126 151 | 122 | 89 || 76 | 101 154 99 || 112 | 126 276 285 Wrought ſt 540 27} | 399 || 365 359 243 || 329 | 1.70 | 182 230 || 313 185 215 206 | 162 146 Nails. . . . . . . " | 198 || 272 232 439 || 332 329 |340 304 ||37 ||381 |448 || 238 319 |450 551 443 Wire . . . . . . Cwts, 65 | 72 6 || 31|| – || 7 || – 4 — | 1.5 75 | — 7 2 25 37 Steel . . . . . . . 9 || 13 90 3 20 # 3 65 | — 41 | – || 30 | – | 15 2 — TOTAL TONS | 1,973 1,325 | 1,918 2,381 2,370 |2,582 |2,143 1,551 | 1,561 1,569||1,855 1,313 2,066 2,387 2,860 3,553. ſ: and Old Tons 295 40 371 | 838 || 610 | – || 6 || 17 | 40 60 50 90 || 383 || 398 || 183 143 Bar . . . . . . , 6,354 |4,365 5,213 |7,082 |6,533 |4,50s 6,492 6,421 |7,502 |9,291 |7,769 |4,382 |6,797 | 12,269 |17,34, 11,722. | Bolt & Rod " | 643 |1,553 711 | 735 | 867 || 417 | 694 | 823 917 | 1,054 764 432 || 414 | 1,027 2,298 1,156 |º " | 190 671 468 633 || 486 || 722 || 452 341 || 45] | 1,034 1,269 || 1,068 1,369 943 402 698 Anchors . . " | 335 | 890 527 | 553 ||37 || 93 | 162 291 || 173 || 417 | 397 || 313|608 || 547 397 171 \ Hoops. . . . . . . 271 205 | 1.43 || 412 || 472 250 523 || 483 655 615 184 184 324 524 |428 932 | Wrought ... " | 386 || 862 | 1,316 1,646 | 1,521 | 687 || 659 1,196 |1,511 | 1,672 1,139||1,290 | 1,703 2,943 |2,537 |2,562 Nails. . . . . . ." | 219 | 193 || 333 839 | 682 180 || 142 | 137 222 274 279 |247 369 |428 || 422 || 511 ! Wire . . . . . . Cwts, 3 24 || 2 | 36 || 6 | 40 || 32 | 68 79 | 121 61 245 35 | 83 268 53 GSteel . . . . . . Tons 140 272 279 | 125 | 355 217 | 55 50 27 | 9 || 10 || 48 || 38 | 16 || 17 22 - TOTAL TONS 8,833 9,052 9,362 12,914 11,897 7,076 |9,186 9,762 | f 1,502 14,482 |nsis 8,061 | 12,006 | 19,099 |24,044 17,919 ſºig and Old Tons — | 31|| 6 || 2 || 1 || 2 || 8 || 10 || 25 | 19 34 || 33 60 55 134 | 161 Bar . . . . . . . 99 || 142 269 623 287 524 | 1,106 || 638 355 278 254 299 || 682 582 556 || 972 Bolt & Rod 264 43 50 56 64 43 | 87 || 70 59 | 73 || 70 | 93 || 144 86 || 70 | 66 Castings // 75 58 40 27 | 69 45 87 70 53 80 III | 106 || 86 63 63 | 72 Jānehors * | – || – || 14 | 10 || 3 | 12 || 15 21 29 10 || 5 || 20 | 16 19% 53 | 66 Hoops . . . . . 57 37 | 16 || 24 || 38 91 50 | 65|| 38 || 60 22 || 21 52 | 33 52 43 Wrought * | 189 95 | 72 62 96 || 37 100 108 || 65||73 |131 129 || 11a | 1.49 183 229 | Nails...... " | 8 || 51 | 35 | 43 is 35 || 35 || 65|| 51 42 || 5 || 58 || 47 63 | 73 90 Wire . . . . . . Cwts. # 24 56 16 || 41 || 10; 12, 44 || 8 || 6 || 10} | 14 | – || 10 | 15 30 2 LSteel . . . . . . . 40 87 78 + 78 66 5i 95 || 143 57 34 67 | 72 82 112 || 171 120 | … , *a*sº - * = - sº-ºs * * - — — . --— *sessºr TOTAL TONS 355 462 495 856 606 | 842 1,483 1,052 678 |. 642 | 682 762 | 1,207 | 1,065 1,193 (1,697 . * **** - ~~~...~ + -a-…-a, -ee- **** *** **, *.*.*.*, r* =ºre ces * ***** . . . ~ * --~~~~...~...~~...~ - - ---------- 45 g ºf a q º © * ... a . - - 1 to each part of the World: when the decline in the Money sº wation of this and the seven preceding pages, the increase in the Export of Iron twill be seen to he genera * , - * @ a º * -- - - - - rº...?"; % other Wove ; has º iſitºrien to, it has been usual to ascribe that decline to Foreign Competition. The decline in the Value of Iron is equal to that of Wove Fabrics, for which the plea of Foreign Competition cannot be maintained.—see note relating to Duties in the United States, preceding page but one, & notc over leaf& VALUES. wº- 1844. ——£--- 4,530 2,002 5,222 2,431 3,655 12,804 1,543 30 321 1815. ——£ 1816, ——£ 1817. —£-— 5,760 2,204 8,783 5,657 4,611 5,866 5,057 78 57 400 7,534 1,719 8,556 1,579 1,281 4,633 3,440 152 71 455 8,009 1,561 6,461 1,683 2,779 3, 190 4,792 3 *-*- | 1818. ——£-— 10,698 2,180 10,820 5,599 5,952 9,254 14,009 H20 210 1819. 150 5,591 459 13,476 5,285 1,969 11,653 9,269 204 76. 1820. ——£-— 320 4,833 686 11,393 420 2,763 6,952 7,056 *-*. 21 1821. I 40 2,636 872 7,648 30 3,411 6,845 4,123 108 33 1822. ——£-— 160 2,178 4.25 9,472 2,614 3,707 2,028 55 14 1823. ——£-— 2,872 988 8,927 1,589 3,880 2,223 7,462 35 200 1824. ——£-— 3,752 990 10,038 9,029 1,638 8,218 12,885 190 390 1825. ~ —£-— 5,208 1,741 6,445 5,322 2,855 12,975 16,419 44 i.,129. 1826, **-*s tº ºw 4,567 1,519 11,578 6,610 1,809 17,574 8,374 86 I ()0 1827. -- —£-— 439 12,356 2,457 19,802 4,681 6,137 15,781 8,187 5 114 1828. ——£-— 219 9,128 1,423 15,719 3,882 4,755 13,353 11,560 377 | 1829. ——£-— 102 5,858 132 16,142 | 1,140 1,063 10,389 14,843 wº-ºººº. 244 I830, ——£-— 32,538 38,073 29,265 28,933 58,842 48,132 34,444 25,846 20,653 28,176 47,130 52,139 52,217 69,959 60,416 49,913 1,791 40 1,786 100 873 2,610 1,041 56 915 1,152 1,091 942 1,040 6, 169 601 677 5 17 1,452 180 636 672 50 440 88 50 2,798 294 2,503 234 184 2,600 692 22 H 554 1,738 1,360 2,683 755 521 2,795 1,601 -*-*- 59 24 974 243 1,107 9,212 12,189 3,568 9,526 12,066 2,673 308 1,699 289 347 2,847 578 * 30 125 5,083 548 2,324 937 1,199 3,496 2,716 17 13 10 9,118 1,292 2,189 906 1,881 5, 147 2,838 54 270 5,044 707 3,685 7,512 334 5,597 2,831 21 185 8,771 1,793 141 11,903 133 6,781 28,572 9,502 224 35 1,368 132 8,207 233 2,336 16,872 II, 155 229 46 4,163 85 13,207 282 1,048 19,854 8,692 19 164 59,084 1,815 83,659 9,845 4,838 12,550 4,635 23,227 8,497 7 4,568 40,578 220 59,334 26,033 8,597 30,244 3,426 40,293 6,345 124 10,820 47,514 2,172 53,769 7,502 8,485 18,604 2,369 63,987 10,892 198 11, 164 ——w. 153,641 185,436 179,143 1,615 16,878 365 1,636 13,971 i8,895 # 11 5 ******* 53,476 * ~~~~ 4,360 71,921 9,046 12,282 18,360 5,686 77,704 26,047 118 4,578 ~~~~s 230,102 i 1,248 357 1,234 229 4,929 364 T 82 195 1,679 550 972 542 5,088 1,763 80 184 44 2,438 555 594 26 208 3,777 1,274 119 163 15 5,615 575 549 198 329 3,409 1,502 35 i55 5,371 1,209 15,268 1,065 1,783 17,286 11,251 3] 7,009 982 18,561 370 2,101 10,887 10,433 16 2 16,458 23,434 6,660 531 11,890 *-*me 1,641 10,436 10,311 *-*- 6 -4 3,488 570 9,401 | 84 960 6,509 8,273 15 } 19 3,707 1,121 5,221 I () 772 5,465 8,972 -**-*s-s- 26, 186 2,916 775 5,565 738 1,083 7,098 8,878 30 | 44 4,919 461 4,03i 115 275 5,362 2,299 80 21] 17,753 ***essºame-s w. 2,971 727 8,037 31 i 1,643 9,444 10,291 } 33 *****-* 543 17,881 2,722 10,619 1,273 1,331 23,939 4,944 61 2,161 55 8,529 1,247 2,790 4,567 337 12,291 2,276 15 2,503 7,838 696 2,480 540 225 6,041 2,460 60 992 65,479 34,520 21,332 13,188 1,094 1,553 3% 509 3,702 2,018 675 ***** 22,771 30 9,425 624 3,755 1,159 364 3,214 | 2,456 5() 600 21,727 5, 165 623 5,742 30 i,470 i 6,003 7,316 47 7,253 773 9,940 16 1,467 6,384 8,977 15 -*-*s- 7,611 '781 11,804 426 1,509 6,372 I 1,627 2 33 6,323 933 18,307 2,853 3,813 12,447 55 i 5 120 9,453 1,095 18,445 1,760 2,708 3,253 10,825 70 - **** 53,264 4,020 76, 118 i 1,274 7,717 i 1,520 6,990 57,198 22,2{4 20 10,742 207,813 50,361 |52, 197 5,247 9,845 2,912 3,564 25,826 5, 167 106 5,698 110,562 41,475 62 70,853. 7,435 6,705 5,231 7,829 26,524 4, 180 104 1,581 130,504 29,519 150 60,559 7,951 4,414 11,392 5,745 40,391 4,261 155 1,834 * * 136,852 *: 15 3,077 883 1,133 111 532 4,383 1,512 101 169 18 5,606 551 | 952 423 1,335 3,884 1,165 26 108 8,444 11,053 | 9,198 12,382 11,916 54 10,258 873 1,357 564 679 3,807 689 48 216 ** 58 5,491 636 1,218 848 712 5,041 1,589 70 296 * * * * 18,545 (15,959 25,368 234 63,996 8,280 5,724 6,307 6,606 41,458 6,030 154 902 139,691 27, 127 230 77,764 9,955 13,890 13, 209 6,839 40,547 6,508 215 378 169,535 33,503 100 69,301 7,713 15,514 11,478 2,044 33,959 7,342 127 449 148,027 94 2,662 484 980 678 373 2,783 1,372 17 110 82 2,200 615 1,320 301 600 13 79 2,619 | 1,117 | 172 2,290 701 148 253 4,109. 1,323 18 138 • *-s f 1,920 26,396 565 51,496 5,864 13,811 11, 179 3, 103 36,245 8,180 495 2,400 * 133,338 34,825 2,101 82,498 4,935 24,768 20,679 4,255 46,282 12,450 66 2,505 200,559 40,165 2,167 125,274 10, 169 16,498 20,083 6,582 88,019 11,589 167 686 44,736 &º. 149,201 22, 168 7,132 13,562 4,640 68,072 13,300 528 1,133 902 47,729 78H 90,967 9,799 12, 146 6,076 9,798 56,004 12,955 103 777 281,234 280,638 199,406 -º- pºssº 270 3,938 1, 197 1,985 466 350 5,534 1,725 33 169 326 6,248 1,412 1,390 530 621 4,701 1,362 150 286 5,032 846 1,201 4II 385 4,958 1,595 20 223 632 4,571 673 1,239 1, 184 551 5,693 1,841 27 346 747 6,651 550 996 1,063 444 7,125 2,298 48 303 9,553 8,946 11,072 15,667 17,740 15,757 16,757 20,225 14,009 46 No. VIII. ACCOUNT Concluded,— of the Quantity, and Declared Value of each kind of IRON, and of STEEL, ExpoRTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to each of 21 different parts of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814–29. *** Countries vºtin Q UAN TITIES. to which Q/ ". . . Bºº. IRON. [Years 1814. 1815. 1816. (1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825, 1826, 1827. [1828, 1829, 1830. 1831. rPig and Old Toms 3,048 |2,542|2,025|2,716|2,3712,635 |2,884|2,902 |3,1643,7593,273,636) gy º 1––– I Bar . . . . . a |0,179 |%"º |*|9.0%|9,412|º |*||ººl |tiº |iº ||2008 |º sºn, tº a cº, a, | Bolt & Rod n | 998 || 2,547 |2,093 2,049 | 1,891 2,906 2,351 3,270 5,021 3,107 3,195 || 3,687 º º #. º -> * - - t t? in 9 *S Castings ſ/ 682 888 919 859 1,319 1,140 1,462 2,050 | 1,888 1,539 2,433 4,390 *::::::::::::::::.º. º º: § Anchors // 19 9. 2 6 14 6 # 1; I} 4; 12 11 relates to Grain J has been kept; lºſſ. º Hoops • // 340 955 724 965 756 || 979 1,103 1,204 1,106 | 1,134 1,327 | 1,456 ;: "...º.º...??". % Si Wrought • e l’ 1,947 || 485 || 307 || 490 465 || 462 || 379 || 339 || 479 924 83I 766 º: “...."; Žº Nails © gº tº & © • 1/ 7; 49 | 16 || 20 27 43 35 37 32 29 || 48 56 Britain º, and that of from one Wire . . . . . . a | 17 49 || 37 50 |46 || 45 42 || 48 40 | 40 24 16 |{...º.º.º.º. USteel . . . . . . // 68 59 42 57 || 105 168 112 | 181 241 175 | 164 233 |gret. There is no intercourse which deserves - —- **= # be # more distinct and ºft, tº TOTAL TONS 13,367 15,668 11,580 | 16,275 16,406 |20,661 17,989 |21,063 |23,194 |23,273 |23,919 |26,900 at between Great Britain and Ireland. ſ Pig . . . . Toms 3,355 2,708 || 2,978 6,773 || 5,419 3,541 5,630 || 7,386 8,259 || 11,304 || 5,370 6,452 6,563 7,096 || 7,827 (8,932 Ǻ Old . . . . . . // 71 87 | 1,057 | 1,331 || 605 || 568 769 || 599 || 921 19 || 44 || 72 35 30 108 226 s aſ . . . . . . // 19,071 26,309 |26,285 |43,373 |51,507 36,032 46,469 |50,124 |44,617 45,699 || 38,387 ||38,263 33,253 45,284 |51,108 |56,178 § B y S.S Bolt & Rod n | 3,565 8,972 7,875 | 6,660 | 7,863 6,366 7,937 8,484 ||10,665 10,596 7,745 8,523 7,164 7,337 '7,450 |6,476 §§ | Castings m 5,716 6,208 || 7,307 || 7,181 7,622 8,410 | 6,648 6,556 | 6,698 || 7,269 |9,150 10,334 5,940 6,292 ) 6,206 || 8,220 g= / 391 | 1,280 959 532 809 | 663 || 438 694 || 785 || 654 | 734 767 472 535 917 | 715 TOTAL TONS 50,619 |64,118 63,228 s2,859 91,665 173,241 85,066 192,641 193,286 197,221 183,212 85,749 76,358 92,282 100,264 iºns *-arºmsøes Transposition of TOTALS. QUANTITIES, in TONS WEIGHT. years Pig Old Bar Bolt Castings Hoops Nails | Anchors | Wire Wrought Steel Hardwares T'OTA H, 1814 3,355 71 19,071 3,565 5,716 4,926 1,401 719 I ()] 11,304 391 6,163 56,782 i5 2,708 87 26,309 8,972 6,208 6,173 3,806 1,311 380 6,884 1,280 15,472 79,590 16 2,978 1,057 26,285 7,875 7,307 5,415 4,096 854 | 4 || 6,261 959 13,914 77,142 17 6,773 1,331 || 43,373 6,660 7,181 5,720 4,128 1,013 I 20 6,028 532 8, 190 91,049 18 5,419 605 || 51,507 7,863 7,622 7,006 4,495 i, 159 I 65 8,015 809 11,057 105,722 19 3,541 568 36,032 6,366 8,410 6,198 3,399 685 218 7,161 663 8,699 81,940 1820 5,630 769 46,469 || 7,937 6,648 7,552 2,847 545 169 6,064 4.38 6,697 91,763 I 7,386 599 50, 124 8,484 6,556 7,898 3,288 56] 248 6,806 694 9,037 101,678 2 8,259 921 44,617 | 10,665 6,698 8,947 3,353 579 358 8, 104 785 10,467 103,753 3 || 1 1,304 H 9 45,699 || 10,596 7,269 7,772 3,785 1,149 288 8,686 654 10,376 107,597 4 5,370 44 38,387 7,745 9,150 7,102 3,980 1,460 356 8,884 734 12,286 95,498 5 6,452 72 38,263 8,523 10,334 7,112 3,612 1,407 219 8,988 767 12,567 98,316 6 6,563 35 | 33,253 7,164 5,940 7,956 3,538 1,680 T 89 9,568 472 9,627 85,985 7 || 7,096 30 45,284 || 7,337 6,292 8,506 || 3,958 1,416 207 || 11,621 535 | 12,443 104,725 8 7,827 108 51,108 7,450 6,206 8,808 4,596 | 1,230 3]. I 11,703 917 12,100 112,364 9 8,932 226 56,178 6,476 8,220 9,532 4,528 1,254 329 11,673 715 13,029 121,092 1830 - I 2 3 £1 £ 1 £ 10 £ 10 || 4: 10 £15 £35 | £40 £40 || £55, #28 10 | # 55 --4--s—d–|--4--s—d—|--É–-s—d–|--É--s—d—--É--s—d----É--s—d—--£–-s—d --8-8-d-|--É--s--d-l-tº-:s-d--8-8-d--t-sº-d--|--8-8--d- 1814 6 12 8 7 7 3 || 13 9 8 14 0 8 17 2 5 17 1 1 43 7 1 || 36 I6 3 || 76 9 11 45 18 8 || 41 17 8 167 13 I 38 6 8 15 || 7 || 8 8 13 3 || 11 14 3 || 13 8 3 || 17 5 1 | x 14 3 38 17 11 || 34 28 88 12 .5 50 4 .5 42 18 8 || 151 18 8 || 45 12 3 16 || 5 19 4 || 7 19 3 9 9 8 10 12 3 17 7 1 13 19 6 36 19 3 || 35 18 0 | 68 11 11 46 9 11 44 1 3 || 142 16 3 || 39 19 | 17 5 8 0 6 4 0 9 9 3 9 19 3 16 12 5 13 10 10 31 I 6 || 33 7 I | 54 13 1 || 47 16 5 43 15 6 || 146 5 3 26 8 8 18 5 19 10 6 10 7 || 10 17 § 11 18 8 || 16 3 6 || 14 7 3 || 33 7 I 33 48 55 1 II | 38 8.9 |38.4 Q | 155 13 8 || 30 3 J1 19 || 6 14 4 8 2 3 10 16 5 12 I 8 14 18 0 15 - 5 I 35 9 8 || 31 8 3 || 41 16 5 36 4 10 38 13 3 151 7 3 30 3 6 1820 5 19 2 8 8 10 9 13 4 | 10 9 I 15 18 10 13 0 3 || 33 6 0 || 33 10 3 41 10, 8 || 35 8 0 46 17 6 141 II 3 22 13 3 1. 5 4 0 7 12 0 || 8 13 I 9 8 3 14 1 11 II 8 10 || 30 19 6 37 10 3 40 17 11 || 33 2 8 44 0 5 136 19 1 23 5 6 2. 4 14 6 6 18 10 || 7 || II 8 15 1 14 9 8 10 8 5 27 18 0 || 35 19 #| 36 12 8 || 26 10 8 41 19 3 || 127 10 8 23 I 11 3 || 4 12 3 || 5 li "5% 7 16 1 || 8 11 3 || 14 6 5 || 10 16 0 || 26 5 iſ 32 6 8 38 14 3 24 l 11 || 4: 16 10 | 121 17 3 21 14 8 4 5 i2 10 6 1 8 8 14 3 9 8 10 14 11 6 II 9 6 27 12 5 29 19 1 || 39 13 8 26 14 3 43 3 3 118 7 6 25 12 G 5 8 14 3 7 4 8 11 15 8 12 10 3 16 0 8 14 18 11. 35 14 3 || 34, 5 8 || 43 16 0 || 31 7 8 46 [7 6 131 15 6 29 19 6 6 6 3 3 5 18 2 9 15 11 10 2 3 18 2 8 12 13 6 31 3 3 || 33, 2 8 || 33 5 8 27 0 3 50 0 0 || 121 8 10 26 8 10 7 5 2 3 5 6 0 8 19 6 9 7 6 16 i8 0 11 16 3 28 12 5 32 II 1 || 36 0 8! 27 15 11 || 48 15 6 || 111 18 10 25 3 8 8 4 18 5 5 8 3 8 3 11 9 0 5 17 8 3 10 18 5 27 1 11 || 23 8 0 || 31 10 8 24 0 3 46 1 1 114 10 3 23 4 5 9 4 9 3 2 6 3 6 18 8 7 10 10 16 7 1 9 13 3 26 1 3 26 11 6 || 31, 6 8 22 1 1 || 48 13 6 || 106 12 10 21 I 6 H.830 H 2 3 47 This and the 12 preceding pages contain a complete view of the eatent and Value of the Exportation of British Iron, Hardwares, and Cutlery, to eath part of the World, in each of the 16 Years 1814 - 1829; and the first page of the series ea:hibits the Importation, Re-exportation, and as the Importation and Value of other Metals in each of those Years.- see Note below. * Value of Foreign Iron, in each of the 44 Years 1786 - 1828, as well VALUES. 1814. I815. 1816, 1817. i818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. l826, 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. ——£-———£-———£-—|——£-— ——£-—|——£–— ——£-———£-—|——£-—|——£-———£--|- —£---|--É--!---É---!——£-—1–—£---|--É-— 20,190 18,043 12,370 15,675 |14,743 |18,197 18,937 16,583 15,585 |17,359 |20,068 |30,766 ) 88,774 89,496 |50,582 87,316 || 104,217 | 130,284 92,549 || 138,170 94,055 |96,482 112,425 || 145,589 | 14,065 34,613 21,671 |20,597 |21,967 35,758 |25,179 (32,149 |45,034 |26,689 |31,886 43,932 9,107 13,378 |13,171 10,001 |14,316 |13,229 |16,158 (20,871 21,405 |19,580 33,416 65,071 - 639 327 65 220 372 195 I6 65 42 77 326 451 5,851 13,605 || 9,741 |12,395 10,469 |13,282 |15,352 |13,230 |11,088 11,507 ||14,827 (21,877 } See Note 16,732 12,748 7,101 || 7,523 8,875 10,570 9,235 | 8,765 8,797 15,017|18,883 23,965 on preceding page. 334 1,920 336 338 524 833 911 1,325 979 675 | 1,082 | 1,928 915 3,161 2,021 | 2,445 3,161 2,121 | 1,848 1,977 | 1,670 1,779 | 1,032 600 3,025 2,731 | 1,783 2,076 4,101 || 6,255 4,431 6,009 || 7,646 5,857 5,821 || 9,089 | .* 189,532 190,022 118,841 | 158,586 182,745 230,724 184,616 || 239,144 206,301 195,022 239,766 343,268 22,133 |19,179 |17,816 |36,589 |32,445 |23,821 |33,648 |38,456 |39,009 |52, 148 |30,794 |56,259 (40,472 36,271 (38,621 39,839 523 764 || 8,422 8,257 3,954 4,640 6,476 4,556 6,397 106 968 532 207 159 585 523 257,210 308,219 259,300 || 410,627 | 559,736 389,711 || 449,744 434,049 356,455 357,959 || 334,535 | 450,902 || 325,825 | 406,515 418,882 389,425 50,017 | 120,344 83,529 |66,370 |93,849 |76,931 (82,954 79,867 93,404 |90,771 73,119 106,701 |72,451 68,802 |67,209 |43,830 97,886 107,145 | 126,790 119,443 | 123,281 135,391 || 106,087 |92,427 97,043 || 104,096 133,388 165,681 107,719 106,357 108,103 134,454 26,471 |45,747 |30,727 |33,792 (38,520 |21,562 |18,269 |21,043 |20,821 37,051 |43,729 |48,236 |55,669 |46,100 |34,939 33,328 85,027 |96,978 |75,690 77,486 || 100,656 88,357 |98,254 90,374 (93,249 |83,970 81,677 106,372 100,870 100,935 |96,229 |93,931 60,734 147,942 150,307 || 138,365 | 161,049 | 120,616 94,824 || 101,849 |93,571 99,393 || 110,259 128,986 111,021 | 113,302 || 124,504 || 118,026 519,253 346,011 291,125 288,287 || 307,819 259,531 214,704 225,409 215,058 209,271 ||237,306 || 282,117 261,495 302,942 281,029 257,464 7,726 33,678 9,672 6,558 || 9,190 9,518 7,019 10,142 |13, 116 11,150 14,117 | 9,593 6,290 7,460 9,807 10,308 16,378 |54,953 |42,259 23,288 |30,905 |25,632 |19,809 |30,551 |33,044 28,022 |31,684 |35,951 |23,601 |26,095 |44,228 |34,799 1,143,35s 1,280,960 | 1,095,637 1,209,062 | 1,461,404 | 1,155,710 | 1,131,7ss 1,128,723 | 1,061,166 | 1,073,937 ſº 1,291,336 1,105,620 | 1,214,938 1,224,136 1,160,927 ) Transposition of TOTALS. VALUES. (The conclusion of the preccaing page shews the average Value ºf Ton in each Year.) Years Pig Old Bar Bolt | castings Hoops Nails Anchors Wire | Wrought | Steel Hardwares TOTAL ——--—£-—l—-É—l—£--—l——-£-——£–––. —-É–––––6——-£—| –£-— –––£——l——£- - £- 1814 22,133 523 257,210 50,017 | 97,886 85,027 60,734 26,471 7,726 519,253 16,378 1,033,236 2,176,594 15 19, 179 764 308,219 120,344 107,145 || 96,978 || 147,942 45,747 || 33,678 346,011 || 54,953 2,349,662 3,630,622 | 6 || 17,816 8,422 || 259,300 83,529 126,790 75,690. 150,307 37,727 9,872 29,123 42,259 1,987,082 3,082,719 17 | 36,589 8,257 410,627 | 66,370 | 119,443 77,486 || 138,365 33,792 || 6,558 288,287 23,288 1,197,875 2,406,937 18 32,445 3,954 559,736 93,849 123,281 100,656 | 161,049 || 38,520 | 9,190 307,819 || 30,905 | 1,721,364 3,182,768 19 23,821 4,640 || 389,711 76,931 135,391 || 88,357 | 120,616 21,562 9,518 259,531 25,632 1,316,703 2,472,413 1820 33,648 6,476 449,744 82,954 106,087 98,254 94,824 18,269 7,019 214,704 || 19,809 948,085 2,079,873 | | 38,456 4,556 434,049 79,867 92,427 | 90,374 || 101,849 21,043 10,142 225,409 || 30,551 1,237,692 2,366,415 2 39,009 || 6,397 356,455 93,404 || 97,043 | 93,249 93,571 20,821 | 13,116 215,058 || 33,044 1,334,896 2,396,062 3 52,148 106 || 357,959 90,771 || 104,096 || 83,970 99,393 || 37,051 || 11,150 209,271 28,022 | 1,264,444 2,338,381 4 30,794 268 334,535 | 73,119 || 133,388 81,677 | 110,259 43,729 14,117 237,306 || 31,684 1,454,296 || 2,545, 152 5 56,259 532 450,902 || 106,701 | 165,681 106,372 | 128,986 48,236 9,593 282,117 | 35,951 | 1,656,040 2,947,376 6 40,472 207 || 325,825 72,451 107,719 100,870 111,021 55,669 6,290 261,495 24,601 | 1,169,105 || 2,274,725 7 || 36,271 159 | 406,515 | 68,802 || 106,357 100,935 | 113,302 || 46,100 || 7,460 302,942 26,095 1,392,880 2,637,818 8 || 38,621 585 418,882 67,209 || 108,103 || 96,229 124,504 || 34,939 9,807 281,029 44,228 1,385,617 | 2,609,753 9 || 39,839 523 389 425 || 48,830 134,454 93,931 118 026 33,328 10,308 257,464 || 34,799 1,389,516 2,550,443 1830 I 2 3 | * | The first account relating to Iron and Hardwares presented to Parliament is contained in three Papers, Nos. 263-5,--Vide Folio 429, Vol. X, Papers of Session 1814-15; the accounts for the Years 1809, 10, 11, & 13, Were destroyed by Fire at the Custom House in London, on the 14th. February 1814: a further account was presented in 1821, Paper No. 376 of that Session, and two other accounts in 1825 and 1829, Papers Nos. 191 and 313 respectively; this and the 12 preceding pages ayº, been in part compiled from the abovementiºned Papers and made complete from accounts obtained from the Custom House in 1830, expressly for the-purpose. When the depreciation in the Money price of Cotton, and other Woye Fabrics has been adverted to, it has been usual to ascribe their depreciation to Foreign Qompetition; but the depreciation in the Money Price of Iron, is equal to the depreciation of Wove Fabrics; whilst for the depreciation of Iron, the cause of Foreign Competition cannot be assigned; the only Country in the World, which now makes a sufficient quantity of Iron for its use is Sweden, where it is made at a cost ºl ºeding a half mºre than what it is made for in England; the depression in the Money price of Iron must therefore be sought for, in other causes than fºreign 99mpetition.J. J. The strongest test of contrast to which the depreciation of Iron, and other products of labor can be subjected, is Money Property: in 1815 £53,819,786 Money was borrowed, for which £3,083,621 of Annuity was granted, equal to 67,621 Tons of Iron at £45 123 dº Ton, the average price at which Exported 'in that Year: whilst in 1829.146,316 Tons were required, to pay the same amount of Annuity; a disproportion of morè than 2 for 1. Greaf as is this disproportion, it is near ly doubly so, when viewed in reference to the Money price of the Stock created for that Annuity, which was at the rate of £52 2 7, or 1.15 Ton of Iron 'for every £109,9.3 ºf Cent Stock, whilst in 1829 upwards ºf £2,500,000 out of the Taxes was applied to the purchase of Stock, at the rate of £88 ió, or 4.21 ºn of irº, for £100 of the same denomination of Stock. If however this seeming disparity of Vaſue is the result of a corresponding increase and facility of Production; as far as the question of internal consumption is concerned, it may be regarded as a great public benefit: but, as regards à. proportion Exported, a corresponding increase of production of some kind or other in the English list of Imports, ought to be observable; none however appears, nor does it appear that the consumers in other parts of the World have been benefited by the increase of supply, and certainly not in France, or the United States of North America, where it has only i. . ..".º º: : º i.; $º : º therefore º of Price in England, be the result, either of diminished profits, ot *Iminished reward for labor, instead of increased facility of production; it proves, that British profits and labor are made r: • º Jaii as at home, a grievance, which Universal Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot will not remedy, p ? subserv ient to Taxation abroad as well 43 AN ACCOUNT showing the Quantity (as measured by their Official Value) of British Produce and Manufactures EXPORTED, from GREAT BRITAIN and the Declared Value of the same, in each of the 31 Years 1798–1828: Col. No. 3., shews the Value which the Quantities should have obtained, in each of the 21 Years 1808–28. according to the Average Value of the preceding 10 Years, while Col. No. 4., shews the Annual Aggregate Depreciation in Value, and Col. No. 5., the Rate d? Cent. of that Depreciation, Col. No. 6., shews the Annual Average Rate, at which the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt purchased 3 tº Cent. Stock, in each of the 31 Years 1798–1828., and Col. No. 7., the Rate of Appreciation ºf Cent. in each Year since 1814, in the Money Value of such portion, of that Stock as was created in 1815, Col. No. 8, the Rate of Wages, for weaving a cer. tain description of Cotton Fabric; Col. No. 9., exhibits the Annual Average Price of WHEAT, in England and Wales, in each of the 31 Years; Col. No. 10., the Actual Current Money Amount of TAXES, in Great Britain, in each of the same; and Col. No. 11., the Amount of Parochial Assesments in England and Wales, in each of the 17 Years 1812–28: Col. No. 12., the Official Value of Colonial and Foreign Produce Imported, and retained to Home Consumption, in Great Britain, Col. No. 13., the Estimated Money Value of GRAIN and FLO UR, which formed part of such Imports, and Col. No. 14, the Number of Committals for CRIME, in each of the 24 Years 1805–1828. In further Illustration of this Statement see those relating to the Progressive increase of the Cotton Manufacture, Progressive increase of the National Debt, Bank Notes in Circulation, and Prices of Gold and Silver, and Courses of Eacchange. Official Value ‘s, $'; Śss §s . g * Kº º e g ~$5, $ 4 * * * * - # = | #####3 |&# #5 |$; Actual Amount §§ | §§§§§ §§ Value of British Produce Declared Value #.§ §§§ # š tº: §§ § ég Amount oy, #;" ºš §§ and Manufactures which the Annual § || $s Šs Šs |###| `i’s S2, is O Parochial ,retained for, sº iss Q & Official Value | Aggregate == is is §§ §§§ 's s; 5 | TAXES |Assessments Home Consump T$$$$$$ g sº EXPORTED. should have Depreciation s § §§§ is: §§ #3s in . . in º ###$$º §§ Years Official Declared produced in Value § #: §§ * |##| ** sys Great Britain. .###, rºa śās; ji £ £-—— £ —£ —£–s—d–––s—d- |—s--d—l—£ ––––£ £---|-- 1798 || 19,672,503 || 33,148,682 # * * i..., , || 50 12 0 || 3: 50/3 | 15/0 30,492,995 , , , , , 17,240,420 800,000 | E3 g|2: oº |38.933,498 || rºº.º.º.º..."; 59 io 5|#| 676 || 14%|35.3ii.org | ##### | 1.2g.ºgg|1, tºo iſſ 1800 34.3%;|3}º || ||ºſº |º #| 1.10/3. 14/0 | 34,069,457 |sgäss 3 | 16,754,768|6,000,000 #: 1 25,719,980 || 41,770,354 || ºff;...."; };"; "| ||61 6 0 ||is 115/11 || 14/0 || 35,516,851 | ######| 20,796,565 |7,500,000 || 35. the products of labor until 1808; the #: §§ sis: 53 - ### 2 27,012.1% lºgº || ſº, 79 || 3 |##| 67/9 | 16/9 |37.820 |sº | 16,971,996 |1,409,000 #: 3 22,252,102 |40,100,870 || |...}.."; "...º.º." || 57 3 3 |##| 57/1 11/0 || 38,203,937 sås; 18,672,599 || 800,000 | *ś *"ºº"; §: • | #s...}. ź's 4 23,934,292 |40,349.842 º,"; 56 16 6|igi 60/3 11/0 45,515,152 ### 35 | 18,692,208 1,200,000 5 25,003,308 || 41,068,942 | did, "in isºgº.g. ii. Quº. || 58 14 0 | # 87/1 9/9 50,555,190 $53,332 20,395,103 || 3,500,000 || 4,605 6 27,403,953 43,242.1% ººlº, and the salue || 2 & #| 76/9 8/0 54,071,908 s sºs | 19,715,381 600,000 4,346 7 25,190,762 | 40,479,865 || *.*.*. 62 17 3 | ##| 73/1 || 7/0 59,496,731 ####: 19,412,556 | 1,000,000 || 4,446 #: 3 #Stº 8 26,662,288 40,881,671 || 44,977,204 || 4,095,533 ſ.13 ||66 11 6 #3 78/11 6/6 62,147,601 3:52.É. 21,769,958 150,000 || 4,735 9 || 35,107,439 59,242,764 || 39,156,950 3,914,683 |.28 || 68 1 & #| 94/5 9/0 63,879,882 ºs is sº | 18,575,261 | 1,500,000 5.3% 1810 || 34,940,550 49,975,634 || 58,875,740 | 8,900,106 |.28 || 67 16 3 | #| 103/3 10/0 67,825,597 | *ššššš 30,185,245 6,000,000 || 5,146 II 24,109,931 34,917,281 || 40,625,864 || 5,708,583 |.24 || 63 12 3 |j. 92/5 6/0 65,309,100 20,351,624 800,000 5,337 12 || 31,243,362 43,657,864 || 52,645,882 8,988,018 .28 || 58 18 8 is: 122/8 8/o 64,752,125 | 8,640,842 16,598,984 800,000 6,576 13 || 32,000,000 || 43,000,000 || 54,000,000 11,000,000 |.34|58 15 9 |##| 106/6 7/0 | 68,302,860 8,388,974 17,000,000 1,500,000, 7,16. 14 || 33,200,580 43,447,372 || 55,943,845 12,496,473 37 || 66 11 4 72/1 13/0 | 70,240,313 || 7,457,676 | 13,462,952 2,000,000 6,390 15 41,712,002 || 49,653,245 || 70,285,814 20,632,569 |.49 || 58 13 9 .12 || 63/8 6/6 || 71,153,142 6,937,425 | 16,113,619 || 500,000 || 7,898 16 || 34,774,520 | 40,328,940 || 58,595,975 18,267,035 | .52 || 62 1 2 |.19 || 76/2 || 4/0 | 62,635,711 | 8, 128,418 12,933,255 || 650,000 || 9,091 17 | 39,235,397 | 40,337,118 || 66,112,670 25,775,562 |.65 || 76 16 0 |.46 94/0 || 4/0 52,372,403 || 9,320,440 19,647,049 4,000,000 | 13,932 18 41,963,527 || 45,188,250 || 70,709,640 || 25,521,391 |.61 || 78 I 5 |.48 83/8 || 5/6 53,959,218 8,932,185 24,983,998 || 6,000,000 || 13,567 19 32,923,575 34,248,495 || 55,477,084 || 21,228,600 |.62 || 71 19 3 |.37 | 72/3 4/0 53,291,508 || 8,719,655 | 19,775,664 || 3,400,000 || 14,254 1820 37,818,036 || 35,568,670 || 63,724,380 || 28,155,710 | .75 || 68 12 0 | .31 65/10 || 4/6 55,063,693 8,411,893 20,992,765 2,500,000 || 13,710 1 40,194,893 35,826,082 || 67,729,446 31,903,364 .80 || 74 15 5 .42 54/5 5/0 55,520,073 7,761,441 | 19,122,084 450,000 13,115 2 43,558,490 36,176,897 || 72,500,192 || 36,323,295 |.84 || 79 15 0 |.52 43/3 4/O 55,255,620 | 6,898,153 | 20,189,879 || 150,000 | 12,24] 3 43,144,466 || 34,691,124 || 71,811,076 37,119,952 |.86 || 80 5 10 .53 || 51/9 || 3/9 52,948,542 6,833,630 || 26,002,265 75,000 | 12,26; 4 || 48,030,037 37,573,918 || 79,942,782 42,368,864 .88 || 94 3 6 .80 62/0 4/0 53,270,028 6,972,323 26,111,303 || 650,000 || 13,698 5 46,468,282 38,083,773 || 77,343,345 || 39,259,572 |.84 || 90 0 8 |.71 | 66/6 3/6 52,919,280 6,966,156 33,434,283 1,200,000 || 14,437 6 | 40,332,104 || 30,847,638 || 67,128,853 || 36,281,215 .90 || 79 8 8 |.52 56/11 2/9 50,526,152 7,784,351 26,000,811 2,100,000 16,164 7 || 51,276,448 || 36,396,339 || 85,344,646 || 48,948,307 .95 || 84 12 10 .61 55/0 2/6 50,356,110 || 7,715,055 33,661,500 2,200,000 || 17,921 8 52,029,151 36,152,799 || 36,597,447 50,444,648).97 || 85 14 §l. 60/5 2/3 52,418,055 7,642,171 || 33,467,873 || 1,700,000 | 16,564 9 || 56,218,042 35,830,470 || 93,561,125, 57,730,655 103 || 88 16 1 \ .70 | 66/3 1/10 51,029,729 8,161,281 31,705,208 3,500,000 | 18,676 1830 61,140,865 38,251,503 || 101,763,002 |63,511,499 || 104 | 89 15 |% 64/3 1/9 50,414,928 8,279,218 36,279,611 3,200,000 | 18,107 ! 60,633,933 37,168,648 || 101,002,487 |63,838,839 105 || 78 o 10 66/4 1/74. 46,444,514 37,431,718 4,700,000 | 19,647 . i . 3 . . 4 | 5 6 7 8 9 1840 - i - - : \_N/- \le^^ - || >~~ |>N’s --~| \--> -- ~~|~~|\*.*~ *- | \-e-w- | \-- --~ No. of Column 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, ' || 6. '7. 8. 9. 10. | 11. 12. 13. 14, *** In the 24 Years 1793-1816, the Expenditure of the Government of Great Britain exceeded the Income derived from Taxes, (as ºf Col. 10) b 00: during thº $ - . . * ºf . T} (1 same period the Value of the EXPORTs exceeded the Value of the IMPORTs by a corresponding Sum, the Mercantile part of the ..º.º.having }} lºtº: in different parts of the World on the Government of Great Britain, which Bills, or an amount equivalent thereto were converted into an Annuity account (National Debt ) at the rate of about £60 for £3 of Annuity; this operatiºn has not merely been suspended, but reversed: since the 5th, of January 1817, the Income derived from Taxes, has exceeded the Expenditure by nearly £27,000,000,—see Statement of Revenue No. IV; in addition to which in 1823—8, £13,036,419 was received by way of Loan from the Bank of England, and upwards of £16,000,000 hä5 been collected in small Sums, and deposited in Savings Banks, all of which, making a Total of about £66,000,000 i. i. applied to the repurchase 'at rate; varying from £71.19 3 to £9, 3 6, (see Col. 6,) of part of the Annuities ereated in the preceding 24 Years, at an average rate of 60, while the º, together with nearly if not quite, a torresponding Sum 0 individual accumulations, has been vested in Foreign Properties, and thereby created Annuities, Dividends, or Interest to the amount of £6, to £7,000,000 d? Annum, which amount.” discharged out of the IMPORTs, (see Col. 12) diminishing the equivalent for the ExpoRTs in Col. 2 to the like amount, and consequently affording a solution to the continued reduction * Value of all the Products of Labor, and Commerce.—see Statement relating to National Debt, and Operation of the Sinking Fund, . 49 §. AN ACCOUNT shewing the Quantity in ibs. Weight of Cotton Yarn EXPORTED from Great Britain, to each of thirteen different parts of the World, in each of the 15 Years 1814 – 28; the Official & Declared Value of the same to each respective Country; the Highest and Lowest price of Bowed Georgia Cotton Wool, the average rate # ib. at which the Yarn has been Exported, in each of those Years, and also the average rate ºff” fib. to each respective Country in 1828. Wide Parliamentary Papers, No. 301, Session 1819, 553 Session 1828, and 314 Session 1829. - - *** A Paper No. 578, laid before Parliament in the Session of 1828, entitled “Papers relative to the Tariffs, published in the United States of North America” contains at page 69, the following observations offered by the Commitee of Manufacturers, Merchants, and Agriculturists, assembled at H arrisburgh in the Spring of 1827, to enquire into the state and condition of the Manufacturing, and other interests of the Republic, on the comparative power of those States to compete with Great Britain in the supply of Cotton Manufactures ;- after a comparison of prices in the two Countries, in July 1827 it is stated, “ This is a difference of 10 tº Cent in favor of American Cotton Yarn With this plain eachibit, it may be certainly expected that we shall Export millions on millions of pounds of Cotton Yarn, and rival the British in that business, as we do in Goods made out of it, as soon as the capacity of our Manufactures shall pass beyond the demand for Cotton Cloths, of which last at present there is a scarcity, because of the Eaſport, though not much advanced in price. There are very few lots of 100 bales of Goods, now remaining in “first hands,” for the Home demand is eartending, and the Foreign one increasing, faster than more perfect machinery ( and more of it ) can supply. But the Domestic competition will soon regulate this. We have water power, or Iron and Coal, ingenious artizans, and industrious people, and the days of British monopoly in the Manufacture of our own raw material are numbered // - - E. Indies all Sweden, Nether- Portugal'ſ Spain Małta ſ Turkey Guernsey ſ Prices, Years Germany Russia Aſor., D., tands Francel Madeiraj and the Italy and the and whe and Jersey of he?" TO'FA LS Ratio, & Prussia & Azores | Canaries J. Msles | Levaazł China and Man ; parts & A verage ſ 1814 6,967,842 3,392,924 290,757 | 1,931,905 || 33,188 31,238 14,653 80,623 26,816 8 2,618 \ 10,682 12,782,354 | 2/6 S I5 4,607,233 2,950,875 109,284 1,256,043 126 95,356 29,548 64,014 25,380 77,812 *A*-*-sa 5,001 21,879 9,241,547 26 16 §: I6 10,594,400 2,554,942 76, 175 1,508,350 2,481 39,626 50,362 252,691 166,860 || 474,199 624 4,194 | 14,785 15,746,675 17 20 S (ß" º | I? 5,072, 179 6,475,308 183,349 144,173 4,442 49,378 29,636 261,948 70,200 407, 190 2,701 4,805 12,073 12,717,382 20 22 S.'s, : I8 7,713,235 5,818, 194 95,497 223,999 750 | 75,266 || 33,793 566,311 || 61,550 134,270 1,861 5,007 : 13,932 14,743,675 18 22 tº § E [ 19 12,925,317 3,596,637 | 182,907 || 199,320 30 63,599 || 37,381 | 609, 126 161,868 280,735 971 4,854 || 22,665. 18,085,410 I9 14 § s 3 | 1820 | 11,627,328 8,762,347 297,705 || 232,574 || --— | 77,207 | 68,394 | 1,291,261 | 408,464 542,093 224 1,932 22,796 23,032,325 | 14 11 § $ ſºlº 1 14,534,508 4,621,294 193,820 285,312 — 132,832 36,202 | 1,312,997 47,440 328,757 5,865 4,812 22,239 21,526,369 9; 113 S. § ‘Y 2 18,443,543 4,697,562 251,058 320,527 15,920 | | 19,417 || 46,350 2, 197,977 125,930 331,100 22,200 2,134 21,751 26,595,368 || 10, s. ($S ~ | 3. 12,966,878 6,829,076 3.19,421 3,727,837 || 31,380 67, 103 69,450 2,052,889 249,118 909,097 121,500 | 4,090 31,070 27,378,986 I0 9 ſ: $ 5, 4 12,281,568 11,923,029 || 381,344 4,216,026 45,92i 140,565 132, 195 3,717,868 166,009 || 446,462 105,353 3,053 || 46,140 || 33,605,510 || 1 | 84 93. Sº º 5 14,914,993 8,988,308 || 381,025 || 4,806,427 202 128,668 83,676 2,392,423 95,839 557,584 235,360 5,685 51,414 32,641,504 is; 10. *s : 6 16,975,300 12,012,404 || 367,784 5,185,031 || 14,247 202,952 | 124,295 || 5,113,378 342,249 867,770 919,387 6,572 || 48,152 42,179,521 8; 7% SS t; 7 17,028,354 12,070,675 581,187 | 6,295,493 15,722 | 193,469 127,675 4,457,476 262,746 647,094 3,063,836 3,583 || 131,444 44,878,774 7 6; §: s: :3 8 17,233,115 14,882,644 548,726 7,056 293 || 32,116 I31,431 61,371 || 5,153,295 || 439,284 156,860 4,570,165 4,287 || 219,274 50,505,751 6% ź § * 9 º H380 g U “; J *k, - - § ſ 1814 611,557 293,610 || 25,859 171,400 2,649 2,789 | 1,308 7,198 2,394 -** 14|3 234 850 1,119,850 249 º 'S 15 405,714 255,208 9,334 || 110,327 11 8,514 2,638 5,607 || 2,266 6,947 357 1,929 808,853 2O7 § st 16 929,737 224,794 6,801 || 132,774 222 3,538 4,130 21,053 13,489 42,152 56 464 1,266 1,389,485 190 § § 17 450,314 572,016 | 16,313 | 12,837 397 4,409 2,460 22,949 5,726 36,110 241 429 1,043 1,125,258 179 S. & 18 677,081 513,691 8,302 | 19,912 70 6,720 2,904 || 49,067 5,210 || 11,984 166 447 1,223 1,296,776 185 S. S ? 19 130,471 318,255 16,031 17,784 3 5,678 3,314 52,984 || 13,821 24,939 87 433 1,952 1,585,753 1.59 S$ = | 1820 | 1,017,966 773,032 26,581 20,760 | – | 6,893 6,066 110,894 9,411 || 48,377 20 17.3 1,981 2,022,153 139 §§ $4.3 1 1,282,050 407,647 || 17,305 || 25,474 || –— 11,860 3,238 114,762 4,116 29,353 5%. 4. 430 1,919 1,898,679 121 X. Šiš. $ 2 1,630,656 415,412 22,416 || 28,618 1,421 | 19,649 || 4,132 193,809 11,066 29,563 1,982 192 1,764 2,351,771 115 s's § 3 1,143,828 606,831 28,513 || 332,317 | 2,802 5,991 6,196 182,360 21,771 81,169 10,790 365 2,478 2,425,411 108 §: § 4 | 1,088,409 | 1,062,105 || 34,040 || 374,928 4,100 | 12,549 || 11,591 329,108 14,431 || 39,804 9,406 273 2,601 || 2,984,345. 105 §. S. *~ 5 | 1,322,226 798,289 || 34,017 | 428,738 18 11,488 7,247 212,366 8,260 : 49,590 20,881 507 4,065 2,897,706 1 1 0 § à 6 1,510,031 1,068,265 32,837 / 462,352 j 1,272 18,121 10,455 455,392 | 29,255 76,990 79,230 587 3,740 3,748,527 93 e § 7. *...* There has not been any return of the Official Value to each Country for these two Years, but it will be seen that 3,979,760 89 5 S 8 when the Weight is stated, the Official Value is superfluous. 4,485,641 80 J ^ 1814 1,545,153 669,230 ſ 66,135 |461,785 7,780. 7,160 - 3,933 ſ 21,753 6,513 * 7 287 1,594 2,791,247 4|4; S - 15 842,777 493,674 29, 156 248,596 69 20,628 4,006 || 12,495 3,688 14,133 * 655 4,144 1,674,02 t 3|7; s 16 1,748,647 407,987 | 12,132 281,399 978 || 9,775 | 8,195 || 48,302 || 25,563 80,627. 190 | 1,700 || 2,951 2,628,447 3/4} . S. 17 847,743 960,949 28,014 || 34,581 2,03% 10,147 4,537 44,537 || 10,544 | 66,421 505 884 3,253 2,014, 181 3/2 § 18 1,275,145 895,846 15,044 58,621 194 17,400 5,750 | 91,679 || 9,223 20,867 455 1,749 3,332 2,395,305 3/3 º 19 1,779,040 504,420 24,459 47,414 9|11,442 6,434 84,610 | 19,194 38,399 138 67.1 3,553 2,519,783 2/9} § s 1820 1,404,519 1,094,306 || 32,714 || 55,261 —— 13,401 || 13,273 138,920 10,784 61,258 24 180 3,00% 2,826,643 2|5% 5. § 1 1,542,069 483,718 18,940 67,594 18,517 | 5,809 | 126,809 || 4,034 31,437 805 2,365 3,734 2,305,830 2|1; «; "S: , 2 1,883,151 456,466 26,073 75,501 | 1,938 18,502 || 6,119 184,167 9,958 30,453 2,335 307 2,619 2,697,590 2|0} > == § 5 3 1,248,313 666,403 || 30,952 380,763 3,105 || 9,320 | 8,596 163,577 17,242 76,802 | 16,993 365 3,515 2,625,947 1|11 {s. § 4 1,157,258 1,135,001 || 36,175 || 412,779 4,519 || 17,146 || 13,518 289,080 11,331 39,312 13,041 381 5,855 3, 135,396 2% § Š 5 | 1,487,273 896,389 || 36,887 || 462,552 166 17,700 8,972 | 198,196 6,532 || 48,886 35,315 690 7,150 3,206,729 23% § 6 1,416,328 || 1 007,773 26,339 || 487,283 2,238 22,365 | 13,219 326,754 21,740 60,656 100,869 854 3,739 || 3,491,268 19; §§ | 7 | 1,351,508 933,204 || 42,916 || 580,937 1,580 16,252 10,565 267,920 14,257 39,694 274,015 459 11,885 3,545,578 19 § 8 1,250,791 958,242 36,297 621,933 3,679 10,739 5,926 263,554 23,643 10,834 || 393,134 601 | 15,652 3,595,405 17 § 9 §. 1830 . C 1 - en - t - 1 Iſà | .” *:::::::::. 1|5% 1|3} 1/33 1/9} 2|3} 1 7} , 1/11; ; 1|0} 1|0} 1j4% 1/8; 2/93 | 1/5% 1ſ5 *...* Great as the reduction has been in the price of Cotton Wool since 1814, the reduction in the price of Yarn, according to the above Statement, appears to have been in a still greater ratio, that is, after deducting the Value of the raw Material a considerably less portion remains for interest of Capital, wear and tear of Machinery, Profits and Wages; admitting however that the Declared Value as above to be realized, the present [1829] very low Iate of the raw Ma- terial, leaves a large amount, for meeting the Items specified, but there seems to be no guarantee against further reduction: . The average price to each Country is interesting, the high price to France deserves attention ; a large portion of that shipped to the Netherlands, probably finds its way into France, and that to Guernsey is doubtless intended for the same destination, by means of Smuggling; whilst a large quantity of the finest quality of Yarn, probably finds its way into that Country, without being entered outwards at the Customs in England: admitting it to be desirable to extend the operation of :Cotton Spinning in Great Britain; China, affords a prospect of vast extension, but unless some guarantee is afforded for ample equivalents being obtained in return whereby Profits and Wages may be adequately sustained, better that the Chinese be left to spin for themselves. The Official Values have been introduced into this Statement in compliance with custom, but it Will be seen, that when actual quantity is exhibited, the Official Values are unnecessary. $3- Of the 219,274 ibs. Exported in 1828, as exhibited in Col. No. 13, 66,520 ibs. were to British North America, 37,152ibs. to South America, and 100,285 lbs. to the United States of North America, to which States in 1828, upwards of 40,000,000 Yards of Cotton Fabrics were also Exported; and in 1827 upwards of 55,000,000 Yards. See Statement of the number of Yards of Cotton exported to each respective Country. -- 50 AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Yards of White, or Plain Calicoes; of Printed Calicoes; of White, or Plain Muslims; and of Fustians, Velverets, Velvets, and Jeans, EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to each of Twenty-two different parts of the World, in each of the Fifteen Years 1814–28, shewing the Official rate of Valuation of each description of Goods, and the Total Number of Yards, of each kind, in each Year. ] Sweden Years Russia Bººk, and Prussia. ſ 1814 1,119,397 | 1,790,605 § 15 237,819 | 1,070,640 : I6 554,952 310,394 * 17 | 3,643,937 | 666,468 § 18 4,374,088 442,971 s 19 3,149,381 346,041 § 1820 5,409,467 576,538 § { I 3,559,860 | 358,194 § 2 539,804 || 353, 103 § 3 908,720 || 416,948 S. 4 992,566 || 382,645 s 5 1,545,740 389,429 § 6 917,580 242,918 § 7 2,944,635 | 390,954 t 8 1,946,683 || 346,474 ſ1814 93,737 || 5,006,008 15 167,150 3,921,384 s 16 121,199 1,638,387 § 17 | 151,615 2,937,872 §: T 8 163,567 2,986,696 Š 19 99,535 2,440,099 | 1820 | 1,769,813, 4,074,891 3-4 1 607,947 1,778,444 š 2 146, 145 || 2,074,845 § 3 33,115 921,001 § 4 31,628 553,559 § 5 48,071 561,254 R. 6 51,702 290,177 7 1,313,873 179,896 | 8 || 555,584 297,441 is 1814 1,151,434 2,213,992 § 15 121,605 | 1,429,186 #P 16 623,491 || 753,291 # 17 2,391,638 1,225,708 $ 18 3,979,889 || 764,089 § 19 1,772,466 | 681,554 #4 1820 4,344,993 || 741,419 s I 1,846,283 548,703 $ 2 | 1,035,771 626, 159 §. 3 1,154,272 496,084 § || 4 | 1,137,682 274,976 # 5 1,317,263 |290,691 Ś 6 2,092,452 141,914 ſ 1814 625 381,577 3| 15 5,399 || 410,735 S | 16 18,703 264,605 17 63,652 |482,632 s 18 580,829 || 311,723 a | 19 509,079 256,224 § 1820 1,666,674 885,663 § 298,304 196,019 2 215,566 146,916 § 3 || 885,840 º #| 4 || 481,878 89,081 - 5 419,076 ; i 6 37,312 875,453 Germany 5,355,899 6,004,445 6,265,485 6,972,748 7,656,746 6,372, 143 9,936,033 10,468,318 11, 106,646 10,773,776 7,889,562 9,158,584 10,842,120 14,251,631 15,431,602 1,2365,497 16,163,393 16,902,678 21,424,537 22,388,453 19,398,683 24,572,169 18,713,505 18,806,150 14,218,938 17,211,862 19,031,130 18,337,367 29,424,057 24,070,038 4,027,518 4,203,898 5,575,376 6,892,287 6,733,794 5,843,194 5,531,745 4,985,854 5,570.072 4,946, 177 5,308,985 4,898,253 5,063,011 2,790,528 3,190, 183 3,909,877 5,187,305 5, 198,250 5,462,043 7,479,403 6,168,620 5,957,054 5,895,845 4,370,337 4,000,907 4,235,441 **** 349,374 15,118 | Portugal, Spain, Malta, Turkey, Netherlands | France Italy Maderia, and the Gibralter and the and the & the Azores | Canaries Ionian Isles Levant- | 3,982,896 || 338,965 3,066,025 3,370,920 1,999,768 3,889,002 || 889,172 91,301 3,986,213 21,813 || 4,081,033 3,861,657 515,181 2,776,921 | 1,323,577 193,359 3,900,923 || 44,026 3,133,439 || 4,408,250 542,140 2,882,868 1,173,773 232,526 2,362,831 16,690 8,678,117 | 3,450,139 45,245 | 1,826,698 |2,102,165 359,575 2,055,522 || 25,592 || 10,840,344 3,799,841 57,549 | 1,127,804 || 1,130,077 979,910 3,630,438 11,680 16,237,233 6,348,370 | 89,110 |2,833,434 1,298,039 || 384,641 3,293,527 2,581 12,739,090 6,562,030 || 465,260 5,134,574 1,903,015 608,456 2,840,496 | 1,857 | 12,110,576 |13,795,087 520,067 3,977,012 | 1,028,007 || 425,595 3,382,211 | 1,200 24,779,001 ||14,714,005 | 1,318,006 || 7,694,506 | 1,054,919 | 1,048,566 4,743,886 4,608 || 15,624,791 || 1,710,119 | 1,039,337 3,969,004 || 1,335,436 |2,005,631 | 3,747,555 32,180 | 18,422,819 |13,884,697 323,104 |8,691,777 1,221,896 || 3,276,916 4,081,679 || 36,216 16,616,932 11,989,771 369,537 5,551,996 887,887 3,578,575 3,830,701 || 340,186 18,059,567 |11,144,257 454,294 5,391,733 1,448,844 3,242,092 6,038,894 | 192,374 17,930,290 || 5,747,660 460,140 |9,221,816 |2,393,227 8,923,539 5,046,463 56,700 |20,926, 141 13,075,811 || 474,986 9,763,381 | 3,411,697 |4,542,819 8,137,120 | 388,537 7, 193,305 || 6,358,337 6,714,344 |5,133,252 |2,312,551 368,296 9,661,731 || 102,465 4,466,800 6,205,113 || 749,793 |4,945,617 |4,377,603 607,233 7,602,416 | 68,591 || 4,453,689 5,724,806 998,508 5,168,037 2,406,373 623,584. 4,537,991 26,121 7,089,757 4,998,651 || 311,051 3,123,986 1,262,320 | 1,007,525 5,755,386 || 11,045 | 12,188,776 || 4,674,454 222,815 2,450,413 |2,302,160 |4,662,346 6,743,238 8,886 10,043,529 3,729,404 261,900 |4,249,487 | 1,382,202 3,308,920 7,731,633 || 4,673 || 9,064,859 7,193,549 1,311,884 7,215,626 J,149,948 3,879,916 7,117,817 | 5,895 || 6,619,046 9,997,556 1,121,993 6,423,996 || 851,796 2,920,758 8,560,401 || 4,165 13,945,144 10,751,442 | 934,130 | 12,992,209 || 906,321 |4,482,467 10,077,406 538 10,060,747 6,863,143 712,976 |8,368,702 | 1,531,361 5,293,803 6,890,576 64,322 || 12,831,302 || 9,085,547 | 931,763 9,215,704 || 598,053 | 6,658,165 7,346,199 |47,192 || 9,102,022 || 7,543,536 803,259 |7,076,792 | 667,623 5,008,482 6,658,578 48,573 || 8,669,544 6,696,386 || 707,698 || 6,068,510 || 852,442 | 3,430,850 7,695,551 172,726 10,183,248 |10,499,000 || 518,947 7,981,075 98°.894 || 4,269,971 8,231,158 22,496 11,896,545 6,044,823 538,440 8,744,559 1,161,684 | 1,048,157 4,340,084 || 238,590 2,738,142 2,008,087 1,496,041 1,768,336 1,225,941 149,080 4,694,431 69,225 2,067,799 || 2,421,793 245,594 | 1,102,303 3,070,667 229,791 3,200,730 81,060 2,790,203 1,925,271 || 193,832 2, 157,243 |3,210,700 820,719 2,666,261 95,058 4,581,096 | 1,571,241 96,314|2,089,495 |3,129,566 |2,358,685 2,499,117 | 31,647 3,028,063 1,356,288 76,644 | 1,017,082 1,576,343 |2,609,174 3,447,285 19,419 3,311,625 | 1,671,504 || 97,670 1,377,792 1,176,564 2,656,057 2,498,333 6,748 2,331,940 | 1,387,375 296,492 | 1,526,182 1,134,642 3,333,821 2,609,618 6,047 2,043,798 1,840,880 | 122,565 1,680,350 376,547 | 1,365,967 3,417,926 10,942 3,885,025 | 1,418,715 156,990 | 1,568,304 || 866,568 |4,208,410 2,378,134 3,145 | 1,588,581 1,235,555 | 122,363 | 1,193,331 90ü,502 5, 167,549 2,457,849 17,543 1,407,619 | 1,891,595 197,181 | 1,687,247 | 370,289 |3,566,406 2,361,120 26,788 822,294 | 1,008,573 | 400,522 | 1,052,842 288,435 3,336,931 1,958,045 18,534 708,884 1,067,040 440,158 1,477,866 611,712 |4,973,869 1,168,842 14,731 1,276,538 436,450 | 1,184,349 897,594 77,661 20,852 1,680,056 670 | 1,117,667 314,826 148,792 | 1,270,949 127,203 15,538 1,160,526 31 575,963 560,759 99,128 536,523 95,408 16,252 766,428 4,273 | 1,618,023 195,567 114,836 385,768 75,879 54,065 | 1.128,455 6,678 2,922,455 159,397 60,048 108,600 58,152 139,894 967,830 4,324 2,062,731 123,564 375,575 220,692 36,783 38,205 629,639 — 2,025,900 345,324 180,772 543,273 47,844 10,653 794,596 350 | 1,292,761 388,779 15,979 280,276 2,329 44,539 764,062 —— 1,898,203 359,307 || 14,587 357,830 44,036 50,000. 768,364 14 958,859 279,376 18,256 284,917 28,799 | 59,275 702,015 T-r-sº 681,072 429,699 91,307 416,237 18,249 44,935 692,399 || 5,846 559,870 388,349 || 191,444 217,407 24,742 82,883 448,054 1,710 645,604 136,174 171,162 20,869 --- 5i •,• For the four Years 1814 – 17, see Parliamentary Paper, No. 300, Session 1825; and for the nine Years 1818–26; see No. 553, Session 1828, in the Session of 1829, another Account was p resented to Parliament, Paper No. 314, but in this Paper, the return is made under two Heads only, instead of under seven Heads, as in the two former ; which discrepancy will ac- # for the seeming great increase of Printed, and White, or Plain Calicoes, in the two latter Years, and for the other articles not being continued beyond 1826. Another discrepancy C0717? - r - e Fºr • *- A-- - - - * ~ +--- F. S.. " - *- :- - " • rº presents itself in this Account, Viz, The seeming decrease in the Eaport of Muslims, and the more costly kind of Fabrics, but this discrepancy doubtless arises from the Clerks of the guide for the Classification of the several description of Goods. There was no Eavortation to the United States of North Ameriea Gustoms, taking the Official Rate of Valuation, as their 3. & in 1814, on account of the War then prevailing. ToTAL coast cape of New South "...” p.m. | *...* | Foreign British British | East Indies, British º', of Africa ||Good Hope Wales ||North America South America West Indies ||North America| West Indies and China | Isles . . . . Yards 90,944 78,136 | 1,300 – 2,857,384 1,365,101 |4,752,973 6,294,299|17,005,592 | 82,638|283,688 58,928,174 140,885 31,846 10,291 |19,207,928 4,974,469 1,880,907 || 2,543,234 1,825,891 (11,107,114 || 239,027 | 205,305 | 66,669,936 81,828 158,254 || 5,147|12,175,975 4,771,176 791,668 1,791,294 | 1,167,990 || 4,888,853 252,560 222,448 50,251,102 178,900 | 122,708 557 || 7,916,935 | 6,967,003 || 2,423,925 2,439,297 || 372,412 |10,342,702 || 938,680 265,514 | 63,525,555 154,211 | 166,424 1,390 12,525,008 || 8,515,322 || 2,335,566 2,510,101 || 924,744 6,235,395 || 2,271,314 || 270,496 | 68,390,415 421,752 203,456 22,501 |10,491,071 8,707,527 | 1,886,399 1,958,236 | 1,910,128 || 4,087,898 || 1,877,196 || 450,193 || 72,716,867 130,501 || 339,870 | 67,392 || 9,042,450 9,531,496 || 3,509, 176 2,158,258 | 1,043,697 || 3,807,675 3,977,948 || 340,701 || 80,580,005 242,263 508,429 | 84,427 15,529,946 || 8,836,727 4,687,732 2,342,941 677, 124 3,864,894 5,802,653 || 465,188 92,125,424 239,651 231,011 | 121,602 |13,774,292 || 8,692,339 ||10,187,513 2, 195,747 | 1,333,381 5,244,357 5,661,808 || 462,143 | 114,135,811 277, 191 1,107,111 || 57,650 |13,130,258 |19,030,838 12,028,983 3,552,260 | 1,817,218 6,210,758 9,981,366 || 413,456 || 120,139,335 339,766 || 473,417 220,509 ||14,086,397 |16,011,626 23,280,412 || 4,729,942 1,735,071 7,607,699 [10,954,049 |419,178 || 138,722,783 188,267 403,387 || 311,798 |10,993,998 |19,511,803 |21,796,351 3,561,010 | 1,991,281 5,276,414 |11,230,100 364,322 | 129,836,060 174,894 505,925 451,347 8,898,791 |13,729,291 9,366,283 1,996,998 || 1,440,502 || 4,910,781 || 1,889,702 324,286 109,606,677 344,246 919,564 636,554 |17,526,489 (21,316,375 16,509,513 5,274,484 || 2,758,056 || 1,676,324 |28,204,234 || 310,984 183,949,186 691,257 | 1,231,165 768,878 10,359,707 33,155,443 |18,189,480 4,813,752 4,300,522 9,400,506 31,278,607 863,872 189,475,956 330,459 | 665,426 — 8,155,257 2,712,900 2,852,860 | 9,184,135||12,738,778 589,467 191,891 98.279,169 251,077 271,638 26,270 32,549,408 || 7,911,892 2,989,979 || 4,686,461 5,682,849 |17,818,067 839,666 280,495 || 124,916,205 356,959 || 312,865 15,163 |16,922,239 7,959,670 932,002 || 4,379,401 | 1,988,142 |10,480,942 968,903 || 201,784 90,392,886 466,219 || 498,570 2,365 [18,896,855 8,935,050 2,892,880 8,700,079 | 1,072,756 |23,567,535 | 2,782,670 258,971 115,099,715 ; tº: 3,867 23,476,609 ||14,766,938 *ś 7,475,166 ... ; 4,159,878 jº. 132,369,832 239, 311,549 23,542 6,814,647 4,605,068 98,510 || 4,971,179 2,098,502 ||10,796,695 || 3,699,877 276,745 || 86,501,648 314,642 597,807 || 82,809 12,746,531 7,471,05i 3,504,491 5,319,595 1,798,236 º: 7,543,685 220,222 | 120,281,259 #. 685,242 | 97,976 (20,379,511 | 8,937,333 º; 8,857,610 | 1,665,641 |17,369,783 9,875,100 244,673 || 128,919,681 26,722 || 530,241 | 169,768 |21,303,258 6,311,177 6,465,201 || 7,266,706 2,453,253 |11,762,310 8,918,483 173,569 139,734,107 614,637 595,234 114,037 |21,737,623 II,943,253 7,941,505 || 8,884,573 2.917,213 13,802 866 3,133,576 138,248 isºtoa 515,825 | 1,378,138 225,878 |25,583,264 |16,674,089 |16,964,732 || 9,799,823 3,333,897 ||14,861,484 || 9,513,221 266,850 | 162,414, 183 824,365 490,833 317,666 32,563,803 |19,867,169 |17,843,057 | 8,298,067 3,509,922 17, 126,998 || 8,687,975 326,240 167,091,855 633,022 269,870 490, 116 20,255,264 |10,335,237 6,229,328 4,467,092 2,942,139 ||10,619,530 || 9,999,282 449,828 118,399,739 1,221,846 828,992 || 469,403 |35,330,320 15,879,947 || 1,993,365 8,793,548 3,858,756 |15,053,772 14,515,970 372,461 | 181,543,618 1,402,331 | 1,122,181 || 457,079 |25,840,720 |29,942,569 14,672,150 8,200,367 || 4,901,733 |11,695,544 |12,489,898 || 484,620 173,852,475 20,282 128,255 *=s*--> — 2,282,801 || 856,961 || 452,821 | 1,624,292 | 1,303,107 || 130,770 6,279 28,193,993 78,411 48,509 || 14,673 |13,703,082 2,819,577 | 933,235 | 1,148,506 | 1,038,856 5,616,113 || 250,372 27,267 45,363,766 13,701 116,810 2,723 5,495,417 | 2,799,574 319,079 | 844,912 || 344,715 3,595,874 462,051 10,477 35,460,257 27,078 134,474 468 4,759,192 || 3,856,945 – 575,931 | 1,725,931 || 175,265 5,195,381 | 1,529,344 10,236 45,262,305 42,248 || 149,672 — 3,761, 153 3,513,531 500,039 || 1,153,040 || 303,894 || 3,209,431 2,343,067 51,229 || 38,699,434. 87,554 155,800 2,452 | 1,807,141 1,465,816 || 3:25,266 | 1,032,441 272,691 1,625,230 1,536,864 || 47,185 30,413,570 63,486 || 214,300 25,529 1,988,816 1,573,656 || 419,555 964, 105 || 229,404 || 1,721,222 2,746,803 15,531 33,092,481 71,639 143,695 || 33,727 2,721,016 1,212,441 750,070 1,223,711 236,407 3,828,990 || 4,116,483 11,526 31,786,267 98,333 98,357 || 25,814 2,379,996 || 1,352,036 834,472 | 1,050,232 436,954 2,005,389 6,050,831 12,423 37,104,720 37,050 |216,155 21,445 | 1,027,414 | 1,691,300 | 1,338,807 | 1,106,495 || 411,801 || 2,841,358 3,769,555 5,490 || 31,672,563 60,409 || 152,326 54,838 1,387,051 | 1,491,592 | 1,326,395 907, 133 435,234 2,642,836 3,904,466 5,109 30,684,761 39,534 91,559 25, 182 1,356,002 | 1,087,553 || 1 113,837 992,257 || 494,643 2,966,461 2,982,797 2,168 27,035,705 63,647 | 87,437 29,478 698,868 841,372 || 331,530 | 408,591 390,735 | 2,405,720 4,116,899 419 27,927,288 632 49,079 *-*- wº- 144,506. 78,016 | 60,784 107,001 809,116 8,128 2.109 10,078 27.1 357 17,342 5,874 1,629,115 || 116,874 80,924 63,552 164,679 | 728,936 6,976 1.97g ii. 830,033 9,816 || 48,153 5,342 837,468 289,436 143,767 42,317 | 199,511 218,845 9,020 3,115 9,486,882 8,409 || 69, 175 652 332,240 207,042 168,547 | 123,293 45,643 488,734 60,323 9,823 10,873,311 6,924 54,199 — 435,366 381,808 || 124,703 84,532 56,907 | 404,330 56,047 3,585 12,279,922 º: 45,821 2,505 215,566 42,963 55,048 146,683 20,546 | 158,287 12,224 1,684 10,768,906 ,478 43,365 7,212 || 369,217 83,554 113,202 147,909 66,643 242,551 45,100 2,176 14,942,551 6,092 || 139,838 || 14,032 290,418 117,883 136,174 116,187 41,297 || 410,277 | 66,102 4,319 10,825, 173 ; 31,832 || 38,669 156,088 52,250 127,915 90,000 || 59,233 317,687 97,638 2,605 || 10,786,021 ,872 70,105 12,496 57,295 7,435 | 134,409 66,895 40,258 173,096 76,135 || 480 9,950,231 2,178 || 72,295 || 21,076 176,299 14,211 146,609 111,574 35,397 320,440 56,593 | 803 || 8,282,283 7,008 62,845 5,727 236,300 13,826 164,939 24,767 47,760 95,022 68,832 163 7,564,608 301 61,634 || 32,280 185,630 || 23,082 81,031 10,819 20,080 || 85,040 35,000 1,518 7,472,585 52 AN ACCOUNT of the Official Value of Merchandize Exported from, and Imported into GREAT BRITAIN, to and from all parts of Europe, and all such parts of America, the intercourse with which tends to affect the Course of Exchange; shewing the quantity of Grain and Flour which formed part of the Imports, with an estimate of the proportion of Value of the same in each Year, and alsc the annual average price of Wheat, as well as the Weekly average price of Wheat, Barley, and Oats, in the 1st. Weeks of J anuary, and July, in each Year. *...* The Values of Grain for the 6 Years J813 – 18, are as represented in the Appendia to the Second Report of the Secret Committee on the expediency of the Bank resuming Cash Payments, and are stated to be calculated at the average Market Prices in England and Wales.—(Wide Folio 345, Paper 282, Session 1819.) see also Statement relating to Equivalents of Value. Eacclusive of Ireland, Quarters of GRAIN, included in the preceding Estimated § { s Weekly Ave, age Prices, in England and Wales of - the West Indies, Walue of Import. Annual § $ $ - - * and of the East Indies & China. (Wide Second Report on the affairs of the Val # = s. ride second Report on the affairs of the Bank, Fol. 344., $º OFFICIA L Values of - Bank, Folio 340.) - alue of s's :* - - - § - º - - - Grain & Flour § § § àn mº, of in ºff, of in the {4}, * S. Exports Imports Wheat Oats all other | “...; ;” Imported. 5 § “ January Juif ſºfanitary "july'ſ January jº 1790 13,481,831 9,516,442 222,557 58/2 & Wide Parl. Paper, I 15,340,400 9,800,752 469,056 - 47/2 ! No. 50, Session 1827. 2 17,172,427 | 10,182,012 18,931 |450,976 172,691 || 7,757 600,000 || 41/9 || 42/4 39/2 27/2 24/8 17/0 17/8 3 || 13,029,842 || 9,080,636 || 415,376 429,993 243,411 211,588 1,500,000 || 47/1ſ 47/2 51/3 29/10 32/3 18/6 23/5 4 17,710,016 || 10,297,903 16,086 || 484,370 265,792 || 13,013 1,550,000 50/8 49/8 51/8 || 33/5 31/8 22/1 22/1 5 19,819, 168 10,239,898 || 74,522 || 105,168 84,249 | 124,329 1,450,000 | 72/1] 55/7 77/2 34/2 41/10 21/11 27/8 6 || 19,529,978 || 13,082,988 || 820,380 459,932 290,064 238, 132 4,360,000 || 76/3 | 89/10 81/5 36/7 34/3 24/2 21/3 7 18,451,381 9,648,873 420,414 274,490 94,920 2,785 1,300,000 52/2 || 55/9 49/8 32/3 24/4 18/I 15/6 8 20,973,000 | 12,076,732 378,740 |411,456 | 103,823 1,734 1,600,000 50/4 || 51/5 50/4 29/0 29/4 17/9 22/7 9 23,186,830 | 13,620,392 || 430,274 170,233 53,427 64,234 || 2,035,000 | 66/11: 49/2 64/4 29/4 35/11, 19/7 30/3 1800 27,434,107 || 15,946,220 1,174,523 542,603 || 320,639 348,870 8,450,000 H10/5 92/7 134/5 |45/11 69/1 || 32/5 51/1 | 1 || 27,489,715 16,575,032 1,186,237 582,628 318,749 | 1,123,714 H1,600,000 H15/11, 139/0 J29/8 80/11 69/7 || 43/11 37/2 2 31,017,895 || 13,983,292 || 470,698 241,848 38,458 252,736 2,500,000 67/9 75/6 67/5 44/0 31/3 23/4 19/8 3 || 23,962,023 12,683,246 224,055 254,799 || 28,630 || 309,569 1,300,000 57/1 57/1 60/4 25/7 24/9 20/0 22/8 4 || 25,023,105 || 13,657,793 386,194 500,369 39,192 17,072 1,200,000 60/5 || 52/3 52/1 || 23/11 27/3 21/7 24/1 5 25,048,845 14,341,258 821,164 275,105 69,032 54,566 || 4,299,000 : 87/1 86/2 89/0 43/10 43/6 26/11 28/0 6 || 26,313,334 12,983,754 || 136,763 183,428 4,065 248,927 800,000 || 76/9 || 75/11 81/10 37/5 37/10 26/7 28/9 7 || 24,124,779 || 13,975,144 215,776 || 426,032 2,090 504,213 1,700,000 | 73/1 || 76/9 73/5 |40/8 36/8 27/9 28/6 8 22,094,634 || 11,029,530 35,780 || 34,630 || 35,842 | 19,939 || 400,000 78/1}} 69/5 81/1 | 39/3 44/7 |29/8 38/8 | 9 || 38,044 460 | 19, 100,495 || 245,774 296,911 88,852 498,747 1,800,000 : 94/5 90/4 88/1 44/6 44/4 || 33/4 31/11 1810 || 36,149,582 24,655,254 1,304,577 115,916 || 132,736 |475,998 || 7,800,000 |103/3 102/6 113/4 50/6 49/9 30/3 30/6 11 22,053,812 12,682,328 179,645 11,446 || 74,522 || 32,582 1,050,000 92/5 94/7 86/11|41/7 38/6 26/3 27/5 12 31,434,453 11,834,250 115,811 14,826 113,196 || 53,038 1,600,000 122/8 106/7 140/9 51/4 77/0 31/10 50/8 13 The Accounts for this rear astroyed by Fir, 340,846 60,440 62,922 5,262 ſ?,192,592 |106/6 119/10 116/3 64/2 57/9 |44/3 42/10 14 44,354,200 17,729,825 600,601 || 250,156 75,692 || 81,745 2,815,319 72/1 76/7 67/9 |40/7 35/0 27/2 25/0 15 || 48,415,737 15,242,731 || 134,462 | 120,314 15,686 207,368 j 793,245 63/8 65/8 67/10 32/8 30/8 24/4 25/5 | 6 || 41,422,373 || 10,515,601 || 202,305 || 75,277 30,849 25,726 942,498 || 76/2 53/7 73/8 25/11 29/0 | 19/9 22/3 7 || 39,946,036 14,201,972 716,515 |478,007 || 284,658 1, 174,379 6,403,894 94/0 104/10 109/1 51/11 55/6 31/9 39/6 18 43,815,976 | 20,151,315 1,410,079 |986,793 |953,055 | 604,823 tº 10,908,140 83/8 || 85/4 84/4 45/11 48/3 27/10 33/0 19 || 35,951,150 14,249,509 || 471,607 || 586,725 | 623,278T s ss 4,235,000 | 72/3 || 78/10 70/I 63/6 39/5 fº/1 27/5 1820 40,601,910 15,936,219 |590,731 | 683,650 | 66,469 $5; 2,720,000 65/10; 64/1 69/6 || 35/5 35/1 24/4 25/11 1 41,301,178 15,535,075 137,684 || 103,200 | 16,770 º ż. 380,000 || 54/5 54/1 51/6 |25/8 23/4 19/2 17/8 2 44,523,260 16,617,972 47,958 55,642 22,563 |= §§ 170,000 : 43/3 || 46/2 42/6 | 19/7 18/4 16/8 18/1 3 42,755,218 19,705,579 || 23,951 28,964 725 ###5 75,000 || 51/9 || 39/11 60/1 28/7 31/6 18/5 25/1 | 4 || 48,952,916 21,178,554 85,183 || 488,106 || 36,749 ſº gº 790,000 62/0 55/2 60/6 29/8 33/8 20/10 26/7 5 || 46,936,731 28,651,070 391,528 205,668 |450,579 g; :Sº 2,310,000 | 66/6 63/6 68/9 |40/3 35/10|23/4 24/2 6|| 41,729,823 20,254,029 |582.276 | 1,124,293 |542,317 | #3 || 4,100,000 || 56/8 61/5 53/11|38/9 28/8 |25/1 24/3 7 || 50,213,791 27,648,835 || 304,106 | 1,143,680 561,940 | Sºs S S 4,500,000 | 54/4 60/7 39/5 42/5 29/1 29/7 8 i 758,796 || 166,001 || 369,197 j ŚS’s 2,595,000 | 50/9 56/7 29/8 30/4 21/0 21/4 9 1,603,644 447,593 || 508,156 465,082 5,000,000 75/11 68/2 37/0 32/1 24/3 24/8 1830 ; - - - 56/1 } 29/4 21/1 *...* The question of Commercial Exchanges has always been considered one of great complication, and difficulty of elucidation ; and involved, as, it has always been in the question of Barter, and the Balance or equalization of the eacternal Commercial transactions of Nations ; those subjects were sufficient enough to render the question of Exchange a complicated one ; but, as though they were not sufficient for the purpose, during the War of 1793 - 1815, it became involved in the transactions of subsidies and Government eacternal Earpenditure, to the eartent during several of the latter Years of the period, of 15 to 25 millions tº annum; and further, since the termination of the War, it has become involved with transactions in Loans to Foreign Nations, and Absentee Earpenditure, to the eactent occasionally of 6 to 14 millions ºf annum, and the Annuities which the investment of ºf 100,000,000 of Capital in Foreign Loans since 1815, has created. * the question really is, too much importance is frequently attached to it, and ills earpected to arise from varied alterations in the Rates of Eacchange, which invariably prove imaginary, or produce results very different to those anticipated. Yet, involved and complicated as To give however a full and complete elucidation of the principal and effect of Exchanges, on the interest ºf Nations, it would be necessary to ea plain the nature and extent, or amount, of the transactions with, and between each seperate Country, that come within the range of operations affected by its Courses or Rates ; but the limits of this Page will not admit of such earplanation ; suffice it therefore to say, in reference to the question in the aggregate; that if a Nation Imports more than it Earports, the uniform supposition of uninformed and speculative reasoners on the suiject, is, that the uccount must necessarily be equalized, or Balanced by Bullion : hence, say they, the Currency (when a Metallic and intrinsically valuable one, ) is always liable to be deranged, and if an earcess of Import was to continue for a series of Years, its effects would be finally to eachaust the Importing Country of the whole of its Circulating Medium : they therefore, instead of admitting the folly of an intrinsically valuable Circulating Medium, as a token of interchange, very unwisely con- tend for the desireableness of Exporting more than is Imported. —England for more than a Century past, has annually Earported a greater Value than she has Imported; but, instead of eachausting the Countries to which she has given an eaccess of quantity of their Circulating Medium, those Countries have counteracted the excess, by increased imposts on Importation ; the consequence of whi ‘nencement ºf the Period eachibited above, Viz. 1790. ch has been a progressive depreciation in the Value of British Products, of about one half, since the com 53 STATEMENT shewing the Highest and Lowest Rates of Exchange in LoNDoN ; on HAMBURGH, PARIs, and LISBON, and also the Highest and Lowest Price tº Oz. of GOLD and SILVER, in each of the 39 Years 1790–1829. &# This Statement is eahibited in juxta position with the Exports from, and Imports into GREAT BRITAIN, and of the quantity of Grain and Flour, which formed part of the Imports, with the view of shewing how far the Rates of Eachanges are liable to be affected by the Importation of Grain. These quotations from the 29th. of January iſ 90, to the end of 1818, have been taken from the Appendia to the Second Report of the Secret Committee on the affairs of the Bank in 1819, and for the 11 Years 1819–29, from Wettenhalls list, which is Published Weekly for the use of the Merchants, and Dealers in Bullion and Ecchanges. #4+ For an elucidation of the Pars of Exchange, and the relative Value of Silver to Gold in different Countries, as well as the denomination of Monies in which the quotations are given.—see Statement of PARs of Exchange. - --- Highest and Lowest Rates of EXCHANGE. GOLD ºf Oz. Troy. SILVER ºf Oz. Troy. HAM BURGH - PARIS Lisbon Par || Standard . e Standard ,, .º ra, º, ºf ºr nº. ##|...};"| 22:..."ºne | *** | 10 ºff."fine | *Pollar. 1790 ||34 11 35 10 35 5 27, 25 253 | 66 67 77/6 77/6 5/2} 5/3; 5/2} 5/0; 5/2 5/03 1 35 11 34 10 253 – 19 |66 69 683 || 77/6 77/6 5/3 5/2+ 5/3% 5/13, 5/0; 5/2 2 : 34 3 35 4 || 15 20 17 | 74% 71% 77/6 77/6 81/ 5/4 5/6 5/4} 5/5 5/3 3 : 38 6 34 11 || 17 4} 8; —— 66 77/6 77/ 77/6 — 5/1 5/1; — 4/11 4; 36 7 34 6 62% 64; 77/6 — 77/6 – 5/0, 5/2} | 5/1 4/11; 5/1 5 : 31 10 33 0 No quotation of Zºº 69. 77/6 77/6 – 5/1 3/6 §§ 4/11; — 5/4} 6 32 7 35 6 Eacchange on Paris 72. 67% 77/6 — sºmeº 5/6 5/3% 5/ 5 5/5 5/ 2 5/ 3% 7 34 9 38 5 between the 18th. of 70; 66 77/6 77/103 || 77/6 80/ 5/4 5/7, 5/0% 5/6; 4/10 5/ 8 : - ... - 37 3 | Qctober, 1793, and 674 64; 673 || 77/10; 77/9 80/ ** 5/13, 5/0% 5/2 4/11 5/' – 9 || 37 8 31 6 ºut. of April 70, 64 77/9 77/7 80/ *º-> --- —- 5/8 — 5/7 5/5; 1800 || 32 5 30 O º 59; 62% || — — 85/ — , || — — — — — 5/9 I 29 8 32 10 31 11 54 68%. 66 || – –– 86/ 82/6 86/ — — -> | 5/11 5/9 5/10; 2 I — 34 0 23 10 24 11 71; 67 No quotation of s 83/6 an 5/11; 5/6 5/7 — 5/3 5/4} 3 : 34 10 33 3 34 10 24 4 23 17 25 2 68; 60 62 No quotation of Standard Gol between || -— 5/5 5/8% * 5/2; 5/6 :*::" "::";"|######|"º", **ś - "" ; ; ; ; * }; 5 32 9 25 18 24 12 59; 62} |the 15th. April 1805, during which time both — — 5/10 — 5/1 5/8 6||346,333, 84.82%, 2.34; 24.10|59, 62.614 ||";ºftºº." - . . . . H., 5/4, 5/54 7 34 10 34 2 24 12 23 18 {55 60 %. Gºh the 26th. %. 1802 — 5/8 5/6 5/ 6% 5/ 4; — 3 # 35 5 31 3 24 0 21 16 —— 69 and the 28th. February 1811. — — — 5/2 5/7 4- 9 28 6. 29 6 19 6 19 16 || 60 69 69 || – - 90/ 91/ | — — — 5/3 5/7 5/5 1810 || 31 O 26 6 21 16 19 8 68%. 64 85/ 84/6 *- tºº.º- — — — -— — 5/8] I l ; *23 6 25 6 24 6 || 1 7 6 19 1 69 67; 99/6 98/6 -- 99/ 6/2 6/0; 6/2 6/ 5/10; 6/1} 12| 29 4 27 6 20 6 18 0 — 71 107/ 106/ 111/ 107/ | 6/4 6/7 6/8; 6/6 13 30 6 26 0 29 0 |20 80 18 30 20 30 79 75 110/ —. 111/ 109/ 6/11 — 7/0} 6/11] 14 28 33 I 31 8 || 19 30 22 80 | 66 684 || 108/ 85/ | 110/ 86/6 — 5/9 5/6 5/7 #5 28 O 34 4 18 80 24 10 66; 72 59, 107/ 82/ 107/ 82/ 6/9} 5/9 6/9 5/3 16 33 0 36 7 26 10 25 40 54%. 55% || – 78/6 — 78/6 — 4/11; — 4/10 17 | – 34 6 24 30 24 40 –– 59 * 80/6 ~~ 80/6 — 5/33 — 5/4 18 33 11 34 19 33 8 || 24, 25 23 65 57, 583 || 82/ 81/ | 82/6 81/6 5/5 - 5/6 5/5 19 || 33 7 36 9 || 23 50 25 55 58 52 || 83/ 77/10} | 83/ 77/10, 5/7 5/2 5/9 5/ 1820 || 36 O 37 10 24 95 25 80 52 48% 77/10% – 77/10; 77/9 5/2 4/11; 5/ 4/11 1 || 38 10 37 6 25 85 25 55 48; 50 77/10% – s ‘s 4/11; 4/10% 4/11 4/9} 2 37 3 38 2 37 9 ||25 20 25 70 25 40 49%. 52% 77/104 Z7/6 ‘ss's 5/ 4/11; 4/10 4/9} 3 || 38 5 37 7 ||25 65 25 90 25 70 51 53 — 77/6 s.S. $ 3. 4/10; 4/11; 4/8; 4/9} 4 37 8 36 10 || 25 65 25 15 52 504 || 77/6 77/9 $$ s : 4/11; 5/0% 4/9} 4/10% 5 || 36 6 38 1 25 15 25 25 51, 50 77/104 77/6 §§º's, 5/0% 5/1} 4/11; 4/104 6 38 0 37 3 25 40 25 80 || 51 484 || 77/6 — S. s.s. 5 5/1 4/10; 4/11 4/8; 7 37 6 36 3 25 70 25 25. 51} 564 77/6 — sº - - 5/0% — 4/10; 8 T3 11 13 14 25 25 25 45 46; 45; 77/6 - 77/103 º S $ $ 5/0; 4/11; 4/10 4/9; ...] is in 14 | * * * * | * * 7/10; 77/9 Sº Sº 5/0 4/11; 4/9% 4/8% 830 | - d *** In addition to the complication (as Bet forth in the Note on the preceding Page) in which the question of Commercial Exchanges is involved; it is further involved in the complication of ENG LAND making GOLD the Standard of Value and exclusive legal tender of Payment, while all other Countries with trifling exceptions adopt SILVER as the Standard of Value, and legal ºnſler; and each Country assigning a different degree of Value to Gold, in relation to Silver:--In England according to the New Coinage, a little more than 143 Oz. of Silver, are equal to 1 Oz."of Gold; in Hamburgh 15 Oz.; in Paris 15%; and in Madrid 16 Oz., (see Statement of Pars of Ecchange, and relatine Value of Gold and Silver, ) these relations of Value, also, be it observed, *pply merely to the Coins of the respective Countries; for whenever the Rate or Course of Exchange ch any place is such as to render Gold at these relations of Value, a more favorable remittance than Bills at the Rates demanded, a demand for Gold no sooner ensues, than it commands a premium, increasing in proportion to the demand ; consequently so long as Gold maintains a fixed Value in England, and Silver excluded as a legal tender of Payment; England must necessarily submit to the Räte of Exchange, be it ever so unfavorable, and this disadvantage is exclusively peculiar to England; because, while in England, Silver is undisposable except in limited amount, (that is comparatively speaking) or at a discount in proportion to the redundancy of supply; Golā in other Countries although it may not at all times command a premium, is never at a discount; but always circulates with greater facility than Silver, when ever it can be obtained; consequently Yºhenever circumstances render Gold more favorable than Bills as a remittance from England, or whenever it is more favorable for payment in any other part of Europe for Produce purchased on English account, be it Grain, or any other article, the run upon Gold will continue to the disadvantage of Łngland at the option of the Foreign Interest, be it where it may;-to the disadvantage - *f England, in so far, as the Foreign Interest, is empowered to demand Gold at a fia'ed Value, whilst the circumstances which throw the demand on Gold, are invariably consequent on "a highly enhanced Value of some Product or Products occasioned by a sudden or pressing demand for them, as sometimes happens for Grain. It will prove however, that when Exchanges are confined to Commercial transactions solely, the demand for Gold will not long continue, except under cases of prohibition, on one side or the other, of receiving Merchandize of any kind * return; because, the demand for Gold will soon begin to be counteracted by a reduction in the Price of the articles offered in Exchange, and it is only under circumstances of departure from a fixed Value for Bullion, and extensive extraneous money operations becoming involved in the ordinary transactions of Commerce. that any material deviation from the Pars of Eacchange will prevail. The greatest deviation from the Par of Earchange, according to the above Statement was in is 11; but, it will be seen, that so far from that deviation having been occasioned by an excess of Import; the Value of the Exports had uniformly exceeded the Value of the Imports by 10 to 12 Millions & Annum. The circumstances which produced the great deviation ºom the Par in that Year, were the vast confiscations out of the Exports of the preceding Year, which occasioned Bills of Exchange to the amount of several Millions to be drawn upon *he Insurers in England, whilst the general proscription of Commerce which at that time prevailed over all the north of Europe precluding any renewal of transactions to absorb the Bills so drawn, 9cºasioned a demand for Bullion, and Bank Notes being made a legal tender of Payment in England ; Bullion, of course, became, like any other article of Production or Merchandize influenced *** Current Money Price in proportion to the demand for it, and the result which fell generally under the appellation of an unfavorable Rate of Exchange for England, was on the contrary * favorable Rate; because, the Seller of British Products could obtain in Hamburgh in 1811, a £ on England for 23 6 instead of 37 8 which he gave in 1809, so that in fact what was a loss to * Husurer, became a gain to the Manufacturer and Merchant.—For further elucidation, see Statements relating to Balance of Trade, and Commercial Equivalents. AN ACCOUNT of the amount of all the Promissory Notes y ('ost Bills, of the Governor and Company of the BANK of ENGLAND in Circulation at the close of Business on Saturday in every Week during the Seventeen Years 1815–31. . .” This account is arranged so, as to shew in a striking point of view the increase of issue occasioned by the Payment of the Dividends falling due on the 10th. of Oct. and the 5th. of January, April, and July, in each Year; the intercalary or 365th, day, it will be seen, tends sometimes to bring the an- creased issue to precede the blank space left to denote the Quarterly period. The * denotes the largest, and the f the lowest amount an Another Page will shew the annual average amount of Erchequer and Navy Bills in Circulation with the proportion held by the Bank of England and the annual average amount of Notes in Circulation ; (distinguishing the proportion below £5) which aggregate amount, appears to have been influenced or regulated by the amount of Exchequer Bills held by the Bank. the following Page will shew the aggregate amount of the Circulating Medium in each Year since 1813, in juata position with other items bearing upon the question of amount and Circulation. - 31st. of December 1829, rather more than a third is supposed to hare been Exported, and absorbed for Manufacturing purposes; the only other point for consideration in looking at these two Pages will be the relative activity and effect in Circulation of Gold, as compared with Paper - - Circulation, in each Year. 3. Of the £43,391, 149 of Gold Coined between the 1st. of January The Note to 1817, and the 41 45 [years 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819, 1820. 1821. 1822. |- £ £ £ —£ £- £-- £-- £-— 1 Jan. 7 || 26,397,640 24,441,430 || 23,950,510 || 26,407,510 || 25,338,830 || 22,048,240 21,571,714 | 16,950,147 2 m 14 °28,886,071 28,086,811 28,372,199 °30,529,731 °28,354,691 26,286,291 |*25,722,892 °20,764,268 3 a 21 28, 199,061 27,049,711 28,175,531 29,952,131 27,343,471 26,344,371 25,904,357 20,211,461 4 m 28 27,923,921 26,775,081 28,055,261 29,599,851 26,890,391 || 25,450,281 25,222,425 | 19,673,545 5 Feb. 4 28,258,61 I 26,526,321 27,703,811 29,385, 141 26,094,421 25,244,231 24,914,286 19,211,845 6 m 11 27,597,721 26.996,691 27,386,121 28,883,341 26,157,711 24,350,621 24,523,184 19,034,229 7 m 18 26,935,821 26,635,071 27,518,561 28,742,811 || 25,680,101 || 24,052,781 24,231,586 18,679,243 8 m 25 26,673,351 || 26,081,811 27,326,221 28,259,261 25,305,961 23,420, 141 24,049,421 18,348,009 9 Mar. 4 26,799,391 || 26,724,151 27,182,621 27,770,971 || 25, 126,691 23,484,101 || 23,702, 176 18,387,046 10 * 11 26,552,661 26,407,931 26,876,061 27,491,321 25,048,221 22,866,711 23,576,084 17,803,676 I 1 m 18 26,541,299 || 25,942,361 26,593,571 27,948, 131 || 24,665,881 22,694,251 23,329,581 17,709,606 12 u. 25 26,871,991 26,590,391 || 26,744,801 || 27,345,351 24,610,681 22,311,471 23,447,112 || 17,467,141 13 Apr. 1 || 26,668, 151 27, 195,061 26,912,667 27,089,061 24,710,761 22,713,521 || 23,847,239 17,388,481 14 u 8 27,771,181 26,264,681 26,400,271 27,042,041 24,816,381 24,683,533 23,671,274 || 17,149,301 15 m 15 28,039,691 27,307,831 29,071,621 29,412,231 26,963,651 24,990,421 25,649,341 | 19,025,399 16 a 22 27,290,851 27,375,111 || 28,936,241 29,060,571 27, 133,191 25,182,963 25,101,031 | 18,583,121 17 a 29 27,479,831 27,170,771 28,666,041 28,509,651 26,413,692 24,732,257 24,532,258 18,105,998 18 May 6 26,894,441 27,008,061 28,373,961 28,043,291 26,178,089 24,317,747 24,346,073 17,798,295 19 m 13 27,196,211 26,564,161 28,040,761 28,104,511 25,984,881 24,032,937 24,053,419 17,461,161 20 m 20 27,022,021 26,346,151 27,927,361 27,985,851 25,801,489 23,840,981 23,370,431 | 16,984,938 21 , 27 26,780,731 25,987,271 27,964,981 27, 132,801 || 25,201,058 23,659,821 22,678,265 17,036,996 22 June 3 26,878,121 26,027,141 27,169,441 26,745,011 || 25,132,774 22,655,208 21,512,016 | 16,505,296 23 m 10 26,651,881 || 25,491,780 26,449,790 26,605,040 24,951,055 22,511,175 21,099,138 16,785,480 24 m 17 26,069,590 25,751,530 26,414,580 26,313,040 24,000,415 || 22,467,409 20,667,229 | 16,304,837 | 25 m 24 26,432,260 25,562,000 | 26,060,050 26,285,520 23,807,384 || 23,026,436 20,330,419 16,404,930 26 July 1 || 27,296,570 25,865,720 26,560,660 26, 173,990 23,711,755 23,417,930 20,537,088 17,005,527 27 m 8 28,182,330 25,887,140 25,800,260 26,034,910 || 23,081,450 26,280,157 | 19,304,719 16,834,794 28 15 27,326,641 28,156,510 || 30,686,720 29,284,740 27,558,360 *26,384,894 23,361,691 20,896,904 29 a 22 26,916,621 |*28,348,430 30,759,300 28,924,090 27,424,230 25,588,137 22,948,803 20,579,130 30 m 29 27,428,731 28,251,440 || 30,646,840 28,149,130 26,480,770 25,462,755 22, 138,808 || 19,748,395 31 Aug. 5 27,143,651 28,088,850 °30,920,360 27,007,900 26,284,530 25,066,750 21,770,501 | 19,287,790 32 m 12 27,233,051 27,735,020 30,374,260 26,927,790 25,968, 180 24,723,667 21,453,635 | 18,833,458 33 iſ 19 27, 155,211 28,044,400 30,112,650 26,603,930 25,782,871 24,282,351 21,028,527 | 18,503,576 34 m 26 27,024,031 27, 162,541 29,971,699 26,644,071 25,158,221 24,453,388 20,327,753 18,498,856 35 Sep. 2 27,065,191 26,758,720 29,543,770 26,450,610 || 25,252,680 24,437,125 20,172,215 17,464,796 36 m 9 || 27,102,831 26,415,320 28,938,560 26,091,950 24,435,330 23,411,387 19,722,285 17,149,134 37 m 16 || 26,640,511 26,707,470 28,712,160 25,892,920 23,960,920 23,098,624 | 19,449,894 17,540,955 | 38 23 26,516,111 || 26,035,699 || 28,527,061 25,893,661 23,558,221 22,951,527 | 18,889,454 16,796,585 39 m 30 27,388,601 || 26,446,771 28,559,511 25,709,981 23,766,621 22,944,463 19, 173,682 | 16,798,699 40 Oct. 7 || 26,522,951 25,842,931 28,925,911 26,289, 101 24,721,641 22,736,129 18,742,235 | 17,231,846 a 14 27,411,111 || 25,817,441 20,293,891 28,512,741 24,066,201 24,547,427 | 19,845,072 16,693,871 42 a 21 26,706,800 27,491,810 30,502,360 27,417,700 25,780,510 | 24,013,768 19,802,451 18,387,096 43 u 28 26,373,170 27,199,220 29,981,610 | 26,753,580 25,391,570 || 24,224,012 | 19,452,333 17,991,058 44 Nov. 4 26,828,510 || 27,026,030 29,658,950 26,626,800 24,960,190 24,248,241 19,259,894 17,753,077 a 11 26,376,710 26,930,299 || 29,544,611 26,279,861 24, 134,341 23,577,525 | 19,006,236 17,456,991 46 m 18 25,854,250 26,540,311 29,446,071 26,026,541 23,720,451 || 23,302,951 | 19,008,034 17,382,866 47 m 25 25,770,420 26,217,850 29,050,230 25,977,630 || 23,404,700 23,222,600 | 18,175,260 17,218,660 48 Dec. 2 25,619,430 25,593,120 28,698,540 26,280,220 23,248,340 22,771,200 || 17,635,927 17,457,244 . . 49 m 9 25,047,390 25,318,840 28,465,490 25,632,150 22,536,690 22,102,220 17,486,083 | 16,370,602 50 m 16 it 25,006,330 |f 25,067,800 27,967,590 || 24,789,670 22,418,220 22,356,306 || 17,474,502 || 16,088,529 51 a 23 25,823,080 25,412,820 27,770,990 25,019,560 [22,194,650 22,647,165 |f 17,375,662 | 16,642,042 52 a 30 25,629,470 25,219,140 || 27,601,180 25,462,690 22,781,550 22,865,079 || 17,443,650 | 19,483,69 \-º/*-/ - | | \*N*/ | \*NA*- \*N/*- | \Lºyº-Z | \-sº-v Years 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. ——£ {16,379,531 1823. 20,157,482 19,969,578 19,879,317 18,652,608 18,404,361 17,802,629 17,839,486 18,106,362 17,224,579 17,121,786 17,070,015 17, 174,946 16,845,841 19,282,022 19, 198,274 18,943,557 18,994,051 18,585,349 18,464,533 17,971,841 17,425,713 17,602,986 17,059,267 16,703,737 16,835,669 16,975,891 20,785,759 20,680,963 20,359,367 20,221,913 19,966,005 19,716,776 19,582,348 19,231,241 18,884,217 18,409,593 17,820,421 17,824,286 17,879,271 17,541,491 19,919,414 19,386,184 *21,779,666 20,679,004 20,353,143 19,820,209 19,400,809 18,664,214 18,031,400 17,575,971 17,551,531 \,-º-º/*/ 1823. 55. *...* From the 7th, of January 1815, to the 17th. of April 1819. ſ ºn “º- "º" "º". ºw - º: sº, ** *ś. Wide Folio 324, of Appendia to Second Report on the Affairs of is: ;"| º, none 2007862 £13,333 Tºo - agºgo Tººgoºs the Bank, Parliamentary Paper, No. 291, Session 1819; and ió 36,374,000 #}} - ! . : ; ; ; *; from the 8th of April 1820; to the 2nd of April 1825–see Par- || | | º º ##| | ###| | }}} | : | : ###! liamentary Paper, No. 386, Session 1825; the remaining part was is; ; #; ºf ; ; ; ; #; compiled from MSS., obtained from the department of Stamps.-- : ; j; ; ; j ; ; see also statement of official Value of Exports for the 15 Years | 3 | jºš ºf ºš ºf ºf ſº ºft e * 4. 20,293,326 12,831,332 4,065,075 27,797, 171 723,926. 217,845 228,084 1814–1828; and article CIRCULATING MEDIUM, in Indear. 5 19,290,570 J4,930,168 4,580,919 32,374,090 790,870 || 218,070 282,566 tº The increase of Issue at the close of the Year 1825, is par- º ::::::::: § ; ; ; #; 219.6% ticularly deserving of notice. - ; ; , ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; [years 1824. 1825. 1826. 1837. 1828. 1829. | 1830. 1831, | 1832, 833. * ---------------— — — —. £ £-—- —£-— £-———£-— £ £-—— -É | £-—--—£-—- 1 Jan. 3 || 17,230,799 || 21,790,472 24,120,416 ºf 18,303,476 t 19,091,052 | 19,180,928 17,853,060 18,331,402 16,890,093 2 m 10 20,577,959 22,337,332 °26,104,904 21,617,841 22,084,979 21,162,123 || 19,549,565 19,397,894 | 16,495,053 3 m i7 20,695,453 22,328,627 25,013,791 22,506,938 22,554,770 21,595,522 || 20,443,931 20,486,259 18,796,825 4 m 24 20,218,041 21,960,334 24,255,925 22,229,740 22,931,610 || 21,807,947 20,531,418 20,345,564 19,470,458 5 m 31 20,280,821 21,931,937 23,673,737 22,065,896 22,900,168 21,490,871 20,535,738 20,341,818 19,898,387 6 Feb. 7 20,309, 188 21,307,879 || 23,450,151 21,881,792 22,697,334 21,287,942 20,767,947 20,399,892 19,157 008 7 m 14 20,357,169 21,234,674 24,466,510 || 21,712,082 22,367,146 20,752,459 20,587,783 20,069,260 8 m 21 | 19,866,854 21,060,145 || 24,955,050 21,588,086 22,046,688 20,020,798 || 20,459,261 | 19,758,449 | 9 m 28 19,736,987 | 20,342,417 25,115,173 21,239,270 21,693,406 | 19,870,852 20,050,735 | 19,659,846 10 Mar. 6 || 19,301,038 || 19,875,858 24,375,453 21,113,818 20,656,860 | 19,541,757 | 19,895,262 | 19,357,579 11 m 13 | 18,937,155 | 19,560,433 24,164,274 20,807,411 | 20,471,424 | 19,386,080 | 19,766,710 | 18,866,630 12 m 20 | 18,979,601 | 19,611,349 24,060,901 | 20,736,507 | 20,238,390 | 19,058,718 19,701,840 18,688,789 13 m 27 | 19,156,934 20,328,980 || 24,161,171 20,710,683 20,267,284 19,142,467 || 19,666,689 lºſº | 14 Apr. 3 | 19,313,989 20,687,517 24,947,796 20,629,512 19,977,133 19,044,850 20,109,870 | 19,082,586 || 15 m 10 21,237,348 21,060,103 25,562,055 22,919,347 21,437,819 20,309,170 21,284,023 | 19,715,856 16 , 17 | 21,392,852 20,717,044 || 25,569,374 || 23,027,102 || 21,744,158 20,750,079 21,701,858 19,846,844 17 / 24 20,645,606 | 20,536,633 24,482,967 22,888,308 21,686,778 20,747,284 22,073,811 19,468,992 | 18 May 1 || 20,514,143 20,500,259 23,654,000 22,653,568 21,511,332 20,518,197 22,080,49. ſº | 19 m 8 20,289,685 | 20,046,091 22,976,215 22,400,556 21,315,619 20,593,220 |22,064,569 º!9.17% 20 15 19,961,919 || 19,723,489 22,293,814 21,988,944 21,218,622 | 20,146,145 || 21,622,500 | 18.933,789 21 22 19,719,357 | 19,653,012 21,909,490 21,857,013 20,839,395 | 19,676 &32 21,211,869 18,438.94% 22 29 || 19,149,378 || 19,298,202 || 21,355,405 || 21,372,250 | 20,538,397 | 19,163 533 21,078,039 || 3:334,994 23 June 5 | 19,396,865 | 18,639,892 20,878,408 20,562,478 || 19,682,856 18,641,540 | 20,288,334 7,999.4% | 24 m 12 18,937,401 | 18,327,736 20,852,693 20,503,059 | 19,815,356 | 18,239,891 | 19,827,384 || ||7.773,448 | 25 19 | 19,071,462 18,372,869 21,045,575 20,001,605 || 19,443,156 18,195,257 | 19,854%. 47,449.2% 26 26 | 19,158,505 | 19,033,339 20,787,013 | 20,161,492 | 19,323,850 | 18,346,033 | 19,978.* | 17,719,286 27 July 3 | 18,804,994 || 21,714,838 22,630,821 20,083,390 19,400,220 18,208,704 || 19,886,920 17,629,999 28 10 22,220,754 21,763,418 23,564,518 23,575,202 22,365,766 20,688,842 22,016,942 | 19,408,893 29 , 17 |*23,004,244 21,193,818 22,871,630 |*23,845,916 °22,949,462 21,008,523 22,551,479 | 1991,773 30 , 24 22,276,232 | 20,794,730 22,852,220 23,833,914 22,615,953 21,166,449 22,612,199 || 1982,924 31 , 31 21,998,641 20,157,200 22,653,454 23,774,884 22,401,937 20,963,714 22,542,820 | ****!!? 32 Aug. 7 || 21,312,124 | 19,738,770 21,983,284 23,494,367 22,317,946 20,240,887 22,693.71% º! 33 14 | 20,961,543 | 19,589,056 21,660,961 22,796,854 21,988,677 | 19,792,769 21,842.92* | ****7'37 34 21 20,535,550 | 19,290,570 21,388,029 22.007,073 21,478,179 | 19,455,877 21,853,999 | **** 35 28 20,293,326 | 19,028,070 21,421,297 22,348,221 21,357,508 || 19,523,420 21,082,324 | ****08 36 Sep. 4 || 19,737,824 18,517,202 || 21,132,437 21,929,649 21,021,180 | 19,318,621 29,734.9% º!9 37 - 11 | 19,208,522 | 18,252,171 20,653,181 21,295,260 20,955,000 | 19,035,901 | 20,058,749 | 18,197,929 38 18 || 19,049,486 | 18,009,781 20,264,364 21,082,466 20,741.309 18,735,188 20,078.99% 17.7% º 39 25 | 18.715,300 | 18,506,562 20,408,194 | 21,191,865 20,376,694 18,746,833 | 19,717,792 || 17.98% | 40 Oct. 2 | 19,065,322 | 18,173,415 | 19,584,501 || 20,737,816 20,334,818 18,692,670 29.4%.97.| 7.9%. 41 - 9 || 19,135,351 | 19,686,586 20,654,313| 21,669,438 20,263,660 | 18,454,293 || 19,449,99° 17,679,399 42 , 16 21,461,808 || 19,027,460 21,050,060 21,990,255 22,126,954 19,774,340 | 20.78% | *% 43 23 21,073.333 18,692,228 20,875,943 22,013,037 21.609,013 is boiºsº | 29,72.É. 'º 44 , 30 21,043,022 | 18,497,423 20,834,838 || 21,754.ogi 21.391,019 is 731.33i 29.3°4′ ºl 45 Nov. 6 21.415.902 | 18,031.872 | 20,527,490 21,452,15i 20.936.133 16.597,604 | **** | ***** 46 , 13 21.4iii.426 17,594.301 | 20,416,250 21,433,397 20.109.771 19,536.336 | *ºº. º!º 47 20 20,317.379 || 17,464,390 | 19,906,857 | 20,905,036 20,015.596 || 19,163,713 | *ś Zºº 48 , 27 | 20:50.360 || 17,477,294 | 19,301.323 20,573.235 | 2011.333 || 13,693.717 | *º Zºº 49 Dec. 4 20353,088 18,037,966 || 19,031,617 | 19,639,896 || 19.771,393 | 18.390,093 ººl ºf 50 11 | 19.500.11a || 23,943,337 || 19,049,073 | 19,311.365 | 19,631.373 17,967,463 ſº ſº 51 , 18 13.915,158 25,611,306 | 19,084,902 | 19,225,272 19,448.932 18,026,063 | ****** | *79*** 52 25 | 19.447,397 - 25,709,526 19,049.733| 19,131,217 | 19,230,667 17,792,364 18,297.9% | 19,796.8° 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1838. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1882. 1833. [Years 36 A N Account of the Official Value, of each of 96 enumerated artieles of Merchandize, Imported into GREAT BRITAIN, from all parts of the World (except Ireland,) in each of the 15 Years 1814–1828, with the Rates of Valuation assigned to each article and the Rate of Duty, payable thereon, in 1829. *...* This and the four following Statements have been compiled from the accounts presented to Parliament annually, which exhibit a comparison of 3 Years, but each Years account is generally more or less altered in the subsequent Year, and although not to an eatent to affect the general principle of the account, yet sufficiently so, as to frequently occasion perplexity on a reference being made, it is therefore deemed necessary to state, that these Statements have been compiled from the Finance Accounts of the Years stated at foot. .. West India Produce, and of the Fishery, are brought into one point of view; all the other articles follow in Alphabetical order. es, increase are Cotton and Sheeps Wool, see Nos. 31 and 86; Raw Silk, Flaac, Tallow, and Timber, also eachibat a great increase. The principal articles of China, and East and The articles which eachibit the great- º 2a. 6d. per lò. 9d. do. § • i & p- t sº Rºugh 5d. Scrapt 6d. // s If Rate of Duty | df fib. * * * g e g º is e º ºs º- Rate of Valuation ſ 1 Tea . . . . . . . . . . ... 2/4ſ fä. . . . . 100 d?’ Cent. 2 Indigo ºn fºº ###". *:::::: ***** 3 Cotton Manufactures Various . . . . 20 if Cent. 4 Silk do. do. . . . . . . 30 do. 5 Borax .... #: :::::$.”.” . . . . #4 # 6 Camphor %. #.a'; ' 7 Cassia Lignea 1/6 ºff” fib. . . . . . . . . 1/0 m 8 Cinnamon 4/0 u " ºft.*::::: m Ş 9 Cloves .. 5/0 m * ºff.”:#. < 10 Mace. . . . 12/6 m ***::::::: , 8; Nutmegs 4/0 m ***::::: 12 Pepper 4d. , ” ºf “. . ; , 13 Animi 3/ & Copal 10d. if ib. 14 Arabic 42/6 diſº Cwt. . . . . . . . 12/df. Cwt. 15 Lacs, Stic 3d. other 9d, ºff” fib. . . Various 16 Senegal 42/6 d? Cwt. 12/ # Cwt. U17 Saltpetre ... 12/ * - - - - - - - - 6 If ſ18 Sugar .... 27/6 m #;"| "...#:# , 19 Melasses . . 13/ u ž;... . . . . . ; # , ; :::::: *% ºf 21 Cocoa ... 50/ If \ all other 22 Rum ... ... 1/8 ºf Gallon . . 23 Pimento . . 6 dº ib. *# * : *.*. Dye 24 Fustic ... # 9 ſtſ”Ton ! *::::::::::" ... ºr pº º 25 Logwood 12 it any stairpºrt, , a tº 26 Mahogany . . . . . . 8 iſ . . . . . . . . . . Various # (27 Cod &c,..., 17/ ºff Cwt. , ºftº: § { 28 Whale Oil £13 ºf Ton }; beyºron, Foreign oil cºg tº < .3 * - - per Tun, and Foreign Fins £95 Uğ ( 29 do Fins 8 diſº Cwt. per Ton. Total of the above . . . . . . . . £ 30 Rice 15/ # Cwt. ººººº; rº,” 31 Cotton Wool ºft”.” #.º.º."r, India Silk 32 Raw of India 7/4, others 11/4 I d. df fib. 33 Thrown 24/ do. . . . . . . . . Various 34 Almonds anº, #. º: 35 Annotto From British Possession 5s 10d, all others 31s 8d per Cwt. g 47 6 do. 95 0 do, 36 Ashes Cyz ſº 67's 2d. #' fh. 37 Barilla. *##!...ºft. 38 Bark, Oak . 39 Brimstone 40 Bristles 41 Butter . . . . . . . . . 42 Cheese . . . . . . . . . . // // * 43 Cochineal . 16/ # Ib. * *; if ib. 44 Copper d? Cwt. 80/ Unwrought in Pigs &c. 27/# Cwt. 45 Cork . . . . . . . . 16/ t? Cwt. . . . . . . . . . . 8/ m 46 Corn, Grain, Meal, & Flour . 47 Cortex Peruvianus 2/6 d? Ib. . . . . . . . . 48 Currants . . . . . . . . 21/ P Cwt. ... 49 Fiephants Teeth . . f6 iſ . . . 50 Figs . . . . . . . . . . 12/6 " . . . . . . . . e 35/ f/ © Q & From British Possessions, free a e s e o e e a y TI I K_P º º a 6 - 0 < * * * * tº e º e º e º 'º º º . . . . . a s , , , l l / " - - - - * * * * * • * @ Q sº e e º ºs e e a tº it . 27/6 ºf Cwt. . 20/ d? Cwt. 10/6 f/ & e º e & . . . Various . . 2/ d?' fh. 44/4 ºf Cwt. 20/ m 21/6 m 1d. It © e & gº to • e e g º & ... 8/6 iſ Gallon 4, ºb.'.... 37; 12 ibs. 52 Hemp e Q @ e º e º 'º' 17/ - m e & G e all other 4s. 8d. per Cwt, 53 Hides . . . . . . . . 60/ ll e < * * * * * * * * * * Various 54 Jalap 2/6 ºf fij. . . . . . . . . . . 2/ if ib. 55 Iron, in Bars £9 15 º' Ton . . . . . . . . . e a e º 'º e º sº. Wide Finance Accounts for the Years . 30/4” Ton 213,988 \- - T814. T815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. £ £ £ £ # £ £— 2,61 1,055 2,560,221 3,623,438 |3,146,707 2,006,573 2,375,041 3,014,800 974,832 774,745 999,266 || 706,784 777,036 521,948 688,611 919,013 | 985,724 766,490 716,592 767,824 | 662,360 704,539 10,620 59,245 103,301 32,573 76,666 215,591 209,675 | 13,750 10,498 8,674 6,700 9,422 4,623 5,133 13,497 30,516 63,741 36,746 14,232 25,396 13,161 55,405 76,345 83,340 78,695 114,640 78,457 66,823 77,353 204,607 97,844 87,472 6,500 700 2,301 66,174 160,617 24,266 51,338 5,579 11,289 4,542 64,929 148,792 73,109 73,057 11,914 38,757 18,570 108,938 213,921 | 199,761 67,862 98,539 88,331 10,916 10,417 7,612 8,699 9,486 14,918 19,410 19,273 4,150 21,586 22,018 24,706 47,673 27, 171 52,640 23,241 24,719 21,601 18,410 20,982 14,158 13,245 87,988 84,672 96,400 102,107 80,727 93,221 || 141,057 5,485,657 5,439,967 |5,141,192 5,188,656 5,417,779 |5,568,236 5,552,769 89,893 77,619 1,071 5,041 20,554 35,647 26,182 6 405,043 5,303,493 ||3,325,270 |3,520,218 (2,803,549 |2,450,979 2,973,944 111,054 50,462 28,848 20,280 37,144 35,694 53,386 768,504 601,138 346,821 550,781 481,598 559,786 617,246 33,144 59,670 44,241 35,313 47,966 66,967 32,220 49,012 44,125 36,017 29,515 55,964 59,597 23,135 158,695 149,740 148,721 121,419 136,435 | 104,593 59,051 88,506 || 192,620 || 132,403 74,647 | 157,886 137,708 || 134,638 35,749 26,819 19,461 28,510 26,001 23,857 41,120 469,239 321,645 || 410,356 325,127 425,450 416,777 508,077 147,368 97,257 106,932 91,049 110,590 92,417 | 150,917 18,883,226 17,728,375 | 15,933,281 15,149,791 13,774,141 13,728,711 15,137,971 123,410 76,727 64,699 || 179,294 313,174 347,362 209,452 1,989,742 3,318,211 3,151,604 |4,158,275 |5,764,081 |4,868,838 |4,933,758 702,782 601,807 || 364,299 || 398,545 708,365 621,385 985,157 774,867 429,287 230,590 294,711 548,366 345,175 398,548 30,946 11,346 12,023 13,182 ( 29,350 15,928 16,160 48,641 8,606 9,578 8,577 14,526 8,757 4,706 62,670 171,268 201,968 256,154 241,001 || 232,753 | 192,041 70,492 41,169 | 120,897 || 108,527 | 104,781 106,786 || 103,846 37,163 41,539 30,428 61,364 111,097 79,771 72,223 24,209 88,291 47,494 || 39,989 71,714 63,499 43,691 7,805 33,171 12,797 28,028 31,629 18,603 28,165 161,926 173,382 88,924 28,780 116,623 90,698 95,641 || 225,615 160,472 113,347 39,601 | 167,891 120,786 118,191 154,097 89,135 | 122,114 | 113,211 177,607 59,485 129,552 8,552 15,609 | 2 709 800 8,108 5,785 33,827 52,825 25,050 22,016 25,306 32,427 36,181 1,209,677 395,572 | 405,545 2,196,113 ||3,913,590 1,613,024 1,387,504 27,923 17,630 2,064 5,681 6,190 1,396 8,584 120,066 191,090 85,592 96,240 135.653 78,220 142,992 16,399 22,207 16,516 12,500 14,174 15,561 | 18,520 9,769 13,275 5,636 8,851 15,785 6,635 13,052 947,673 || 632,586 || 434,825 | 817,857 | 844,079 795,078 || 763,479 463,569 620,403 || 312,750 | 388,659 561,343 402,326 355,493 297,844 381,585 297,473 130,897 || 335,401 || 240,585 231,058 305 6,013 2,716 6,990 3,777 12,358 8,253 208,130 | 82,743 98,883 || 162,198 || 136,573 96,426 - -y- —” \--~ {\– ~~~~~~ 1817. 1820. 1821. 57 The Official Rates of Valuation were fixed as far back as 1696, and consequently denote Quantity rather than Value, the ar- ticle most deserving attention for the disparity between the Official Rate of Valuation and its current Value during the last 7 or 8 Years, is COFFEE, which is rated at three times its present average Value, East India Cotton Wool, at twice its Value: several other articles are also considerably over rated; on the other hand Raw Silk, and Butter, are rated at about one half their Value only ; Indigo, Cheese, and several other articles, considerably under their Value ; the Rate of Sugar, Cotton Wool, and Flax, which form the most considerable items in the account, correspond, or nearly so with the average Value of the last 3 or 4 Years, but it would be well to abandon this mode of account, and substitute Tale, Weight, and Measure. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. I828. 1829. 1830 1831. £ £ #. ——£ 39 —£– # —£ £ l £—l—£–- 3,073,111 |2,736,277 (2,904,689 |3,168,199 |2,934,572 |2,984,040 |3,974,624 3,267,877 3,054,440 3, 189,775 |3, 164,893 | 552,807 || 380,280 957,209 | 667,707 | 895,960 1,084,750 801,394 | 1,349,316 || 876,425 |1,121,061 983,343 490,386 283,655 } 336,515 494,099 || 371,995 || 449,796 || 273,098 || 344,901 505, I 14 || 410,577 318,775 2- --~. 103,596 || 119,621 | 124,216 275,525 176,209 || 131,293 170,415 | 124,599 || 159,422 51,651 25,268 81,164 154,748 6,759 62,775 7,203 11,474 28,227 35,823 33,031 4,030 165 4,989 17,679 4,047 1,310 4,617 14,010 20,202 10,263 4,913 23,172 20,465 20,780 47,939 39,674 40,067 31,195 41,251 61,434 62,819 29,881 83,527 24,326 || 380,160 76,211 85,129 || 31,297 || 253,489 67,497 108,847 92,835 | 45,174 8,379 26,736 50,035 96,853 23,038 70,087 63,346 | 121,946 9,018 39,502 32, 197 8,683 10,523 2,983 17,962 45,228 74,359 14,246 26,334 4,276 9,868 25,805 || 10 7,017 9,114 2,992 16,688 36,694 67,740 14,971 11,781 7,773 || 49,582 41,558 || 1 || 13,476 119,756 100,214 146,713 92,013 || 234,976 | 151,642 83,113 33,581 46,895 || 104,549 12 30,733 15,300 26,667 43,867 29,891 12,077 20,925 15,923 21,047 8,518 26, 1 1 0 || 13 32,516 || 21,903 41,164 53,350 49,664 55,767 27,075 11,083 19,313 || 17,723 17,316 || || 4 52,442 43,853 34,126 j 47,434 48,578 46,292 46,218 51,696 50,478 || 44,830 || 75,654 15 23,579 6,852 6,722 24,218 27,946 3,829 4,747 26,596 16,890 20,780 25,127 | 16 143,445 87,047 98,476 96,936 58,582 78,702 || 121,118 126,132 109,166 88,595 107,864 17 5,738,737 |4,976,861 |5,477,419 |5,733,021 |5,055,655 |5,602,844 |5,328,114 ||6 311,721 6,279,555 6,382,129 |6,935,986 18 37,509 50,826 126,342 | 158,590 236,116 | 192,599 || 261,448 sº 261,574 | 158,374 218,440 19 2,771,411 |2,672,097 |2,754,861 |3,108,606 |3,237,980 |2,569,246 |2,945,023 |2,502,667 2,372,651 |2,543,853 |2,649,008 || 29 52,382 56,470 32,019 61,540 67,905 49,961 | 103,264 || 36,651 | 71,678 46,583 76,860 || 2 | 620,481 || 367,470 428,298 || 419,676 || 342,893 || 416,447 || 497,207 || 540,701 597,843 593, 101 675,599 22 73,769 42,222 63,329 65,914 40,224 40,302 57,892 59,008 95,036 91,338 45,471 23 22,752 22,429 45,833 41,831 51,835 32,844 35,897 67,444 64,579 45,713 56,389 24 100,862 195,064 175,099 || 219,011 || 245,112 || 114,769 124,501 || 158,296 || 156,024 201,544 165,800 25 101,817 | 141,893 115,744 172,554 113,086 184,266 175,904 || 183,915 188,570 147,721 113,974 26 50,480 27,561 15, 134 45,940 62,186 48,615 26,943 76,126 68,399 55,877 28,538 27 519,406 || 426,060 541,637 || 425,246 314,952 410,260 497,328 426,358 430,040 || 368,405 || 480, 164 28 145,307 72,128 i53,140 87,346 66,618 64,754 || 119,163 || 134,365 | 103,046 33,909 || 56, 148 29 14,833,867 12,862,601 || 14,881,336 15,829,499 || 14,688,518 15,300,296 | 16,158,801 16,538,450 15,785,641 16,042,591 | 16,697,989 96,457 89,097 94,085 129,532 61,284 87,703 || 143,692 | 183,888 215,144 132,662 165,449 30 4,347,258 |4,735,252 |6,241,561 |4,864,788 |7,404,445 |5,726,997 |8,963,688 |7,483,109 || 7,289,146 8,720,271 9,516,087 ºf 935,000 | 943,966 | 1,067,265 | 1,464,994 | 1,410,770 1,060,345 | 1,524,568 |2,131,975 1,545,363 |1,647, 195 |1,557,018 82 406,837 591,113 || 431,570 | 401,583 928,245 212, 146 555,490 613,313 254, 165 496,978 || 757,713 33 20,574 17,023 14,192 24,579 || 15,567 14,487 28,126 39,506 18,719 29,909 || 34,6}6 || 34 9,150 11,214 7,382 13,663 || 25,578 10,825 | 40,212 12,923 31,833 || 5,666 17,946 35 226,425 | 198,589 || 380,005 || 347,316 || 313,959 275,583 | 168,747 190,687 197,624 286,122 279,838 || 36 113,033 95,932 202,630 || 70,501 65,910 83,353 159,296 72,093 56,730 | 107,472 70,377 || 37 77,629 || 132,194 || 218,141 199,574 198,649 105,726 158,336 156,764 186,914 | 190,308 || 178,861 || 38 52,035 || 42,232 75,427 82,070 100,193 || 119,431 102,705 || 132,180 142,374 125,333 138,286 39 25,005 || 37,121 || 32,052 31,639 37,745 21,794 || 43,272 32,131. 31,887 || 37,206 || 38,742 | 40 160,449 163,187 | 168,901 222,768 || 398,081 273,327 291,580 278,678 203,951 149,647 171,644 || 41 125,511 || 111,292 || 1:38,536 235,437 331,661 258,977 272,625 314,067 244,821 157,708 || 192,641 || 42 95,969 105,628 315,615 179,167 242,738 156,626 255,872 207,952 231,838 255,381 180,747 43 31,774 || 50,057 | 160,186 9,750 46,744 | 66,153 | 40,904 || 19,245 || 41,070 6,089 2,644 || 44 26,061 33,082 33,727 | 36,674 41,837 33,247 || 45,282 || 39,609 40,379 29,486 || 39,355 45 272,992 115,914 || 41,000 || 456,290 . , 128,342 2,117,391 | 1,994,214 73,417 3,500,433 3,270,745 |4,671,354 46 20,737 11,494 || 10,862 24,819 35,795 || 15,567 48,211 42,343 50,582 69,161. 28,210 || 47 102,756 || 108,393 || 103,411 || 134,305 || 131,803 89,166 151,766 171,866 | 125,920 | 119,586 223,539 || 48 22,879 | 12,236 | 19,569 32,276 36,202 26,907 20,204 || 21,582 25,913 32,880 81,604 || 49 6,718 9,911 o,451 14,278 14,742 || 13,986 13,911 16,933 13,643 || 12,439 17,595 50 1,013,147 1,197,290 1,082,054 |1,455,710 |2,078,844 |1,346,803 1,786,305 1,736,611 | 1,845,582 1,892,748 |1,879,043 || 51 205,493 509,034 542,845 464,981 || 491,025 396,055 || 463,240 | 400,815 287,884 || 378,325 || 484,899 || 52 341,409 || 513,683 || 675,528 888,983 || 876,363 558,507 || 423,789 643,892 || 829,486 || 983,497 || 792,665 53 560 4,728 5,853 / 3,882 7,331 6,454 7,783 5,475 9,497 10,085 6,559 54 99,219 124,192 || 131,272 139,101 226,527 | 126,621 | 180,439 146,985 |, 147,971 148,154 170,162 55 v \--- |\- ——-y- - "| \-— Y- — | *- —y--——- —' 1823 1824. 1825. 1828, 1831. 58 ACCOUNT Continued, of the Official Values of each of 96 enumerated articles of Merchandize, Imported into GREAT BRITAJN, from all parts of the World (except Ireland, ) in each of the 15 Years 1814–1828; with the rates of Valuation of each article, and rate of Duty payable thereon, in 1829. *, * most of the Articles below are underrated ; Sheeps Wool more particularly so, which varies in price from 6d., up to 6/ P ib., averaging abovt 2/4. Tobacco varies from 3d., up to 9d., P ib. Spirits are underrated above one third. Clover Seed varies from 30) to 60| d? Cwt., Raisins from 21ſ to 84) iſ Cwt: 28) would be a fairer Valuation for Tallow, than 21]. The Valuation of Madders however shews the greatest inconsis. tency, the Roots being Valued at nearly five times the price of the Ground Madder, whilst their relative Value is above one half less, Ground Madders vary from 20| to 70ſ itſ' Cwt., it will be seen from these remarks how irrational it is to persist in drawing ſtastu conclusions from the bare Statement of Official Values, the fol- lowing Page eachibits the Official Valuation of the Various kinds of Grain, Meal, and Wines. . - - Rate of Valuation Rate of Duty 1814. 1815. 1816. T817. 1813. 1819. 1820. - —£ —£–!—£–––––£ | £ — £ £— 56 Isinglass ... . g 12 ºf Cwt... " ..." . . ." | 18,686 18,197 14,536 29,535 | 11,175 16,690 14,675 57 Juniper Berries 40/ m . . . . . . . . . . 11/1 ºf Cwt. 16,653 26,106 || 6,001 || 14,046 15,241 14,362 16,185 58 Lemons & Oranges 13/ {{* 1000 e is ſº tº º . 15/ d? 1000 35,701 33,578 48,344 41,424 40,502 54,819 50, 115 59 Linens, Foreign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40/ # Cent. 216,644 136,891 37,213 || 32,915 31,760 28,549 28,998 60 Liquorice Juice £9 13 4 d? Cwt. . . . . 75/ dp Cwt. 38,319 31,722 29,408 46,692 || 25,812 19,960 8,718 61 Madders ." §s, ºf Cwt. . . . . . . . . . . ##, u 392,093 || 244,918 217,769 || 316,738 719,672 206,552 294,360 62 Oil of Olives . ... #28 d? Tun . . . . . . #38 80 m 134,385 40,957 46,133 33,433 123,192 61,386 65,311 63 Pitch & Tar 5/11 # Cwt. Tar £9 d? Last 'º'; 96,731 208,366 111,879 87, 149 134,846 82,244 113,748 61 Quicksilver . . . . . . 4/4ſ fly. . . . . . . . . . . 6d. iP ſh 18,265 136,955 66,413 ; 185,164 261,856 109,867 257,706 65 Raisins .... 13/3 to 16/6 d? Cwt. .... :: *** | 86,268 || 117,264 65,527 51,984 || 101,361 82,559 98,359 66 Rhubarb ...... 12/6 tº ſh. ... *:::::::::::":**...* 14,281 24,065 55,290 65,216 69,368 107,140 | 132,567 3. ( 67 Clover ... 10/ d? Cwt. . . . . . . . . 20/ #9 Cwt. 24,730 30,698 9,373 || 24,814 73,249 40,333 43,600 § { 68 Flax . . . . . . 2/3 d?' Bushel . . . . 1%d. #9 Bushell 183,258 95,833 70, 151 161,180 264,742 152,055 156,629 & lºg Rape . . . . 2/6 P Last . . . . . . . . 10/ d? Last 83, [10 59,995 || 10,857 33,858 38,723 7,170 4,154 70 Shumac. . . . . . . 6/6 d? Cwt. . . . . . ... 1/4” Cwt. 20,857 17,388 22,068 16,628 20,928 14,052 21,535 71 Skins & Furs . . . . Various . . . . . . . . . . . . . Various 272,771 199,277 113,743 173,335 228, 150 193,226 222,590 72 Smalts . . . . . . . . 4%d. d?' th. . . . . . . . . . . 6d. # fb. 15,616 11,004 | 4,382 10,331 10,656 7,557 11,750 S irit $ 73 Geneva 1/ d? Gallon . . . . .22/6 # Gallon 41,639 27,814 16,839 13,771 25,812 22,591 27,759 * 74 Brandy 2/4; p ...... ir 122,993 || 130,147 || 130,735 | 1.46,995 | 187,179 195,854 274,065 75 Tallow . . . . . . . . . . 21/ d? Cwt. . . . . . . 3/2 d?' Cwt. 631,108 || 695,008 446,019 414,244 580,787 623,938 856,638 Timber. Deals. &c., The (76 Deals, and Deal Ends 50,848 77,150 28,162 46,095 57,963 60,784 39,363 | Rates of Wanatiºn and Du- |7. Masts and Spars .... 100,174 188,857 168,591 163,289 111,592 126,524 146,068 ties on these Arieles are very: 78 Staves . . . . . . . . . . . 34,596 || 53,349 53,970 49,932 57,768 60,551 54,241 various, see the miles for juž) 79 Fir Timber . . . . . . . . 120,844 219,971 155,918 176,248 271,164 292,722 || 243,720 ther observations thereºn | 80 Oak do., & Plank 30,840 62,635 32,117 21,460 21,957 57,242 62,256 ------- ~~~ U 81 All other . . . . . . . . . . *ss--- – —— 44,615 53,906 || 45,348 82 Tobacco . . . . . . 24d. d; Ib. . . . . . . . . . . 3/ d; ib. 47,840 414,696 283,288 181,534 418,773 258,901 342,376 83 Turpentine . ... 10/ d? Cwt. . . . . . . . . 4/4 d; Cwt. 28,094 99,382 70,258 73,793 120,904 84,881 75,840 84 Wax, Bees . . . . 95/ d? ******:::::::: , 37,094 16,123 5,351 21,092 16,979 19, 192 20,113 85 Wines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º. º. "..." | 758,305 || 760,991 || 445,395 || 679,604 | 892,198 || 575,622 558,030 86 Wool, Sheeps ... "...'... . . . . . . . . . . . . "###."º"; 744,568 654,527 316,100 617,216 | 1,016,952 692,346 375,494 87 Yarn, Linen . . . . 98/{* Cwt. . . . . . . . . . / # Čwi. 272,502 250,757 52,266 126,755 255,697 || 129,668 | 111,191 . . . . . . . . . . . . : ſ 88 Cotton Manufactures of Europe . . . . . . 20 ºff Cent. These Articles were not specifically enumerated prior to the Years here sta- : wº . including Carpets . 30 º : ted, Nos. 88–90., were previously prohibited, or subject to a Rate of Duty 91 Quercitron Bark . . . - tantamount to a prohibition. Spelter No. 96., is an Article but recently intro- 92 B ". & ei 5. tº a T © & © tº e º ºs º dº tº e4o & © tº ºf. & duced on a large Scale, it is produced in Silesia, and principally Re-eaported & 92 Pig * . . . . . i. OI! - . . . . . . . / #' Ton A 23, . . 41, a 2 1 h ox. A 2.43 , - • no-º * * e 93 Castor . . . . 2/tſ' fh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to Asia, the other Articles Nos. 91 – 5., were previously included under the Oils }; 4 Pal 20 Cwt 2/6 diff’ CW't Head of Unenumerated Articles. - alm . . . . 20/ ‘tſ’ Cwt. . . . . . . /6 d? Cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . - 95 Rags, for Paper . . . . . . te e - © e º 'º - e º e se b - e. e. e. e o 'º gº e º º . . . . . . - U 96 Spelter . . . . . . 50/{{* Cwt. . . . . . ... 10/ P Cwt. Unenumerated Articles . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £{1,251,286 (1,202,846 | 1,055,343 1,184,856 1,357,524 1,086,562; 1,151,759 TOTAL Official Value , GREAT BRITAIN ................. ... 32,620,770 31,822,053 26,374,920 29,916,320 35,845,340 29,654,899 || 31,484,109 of Imports into IRE LAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * 1,134,493 1, 165,343 | 1,050,619 889,336 | 1,033,660 | 1,093,247 954,542 TOTAL UNITED KING DOM ............ ºf 33,755,263 || 32,987,396 27,425,539 30,805,656 36,879,000 || 30,748,146 || 32,438,651 TOTAL Re-eaported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,157,818 15,708,434 || 13,441,665 10,269,271 10,835,800 9,879,236 10,525,026 Balance of Imports, retained for Home Consumption .... ... ºf 14,597,445 17,278,962 | 13,983,874 20,536,385 26,043,200 20,868,910 21,913,625 Excess of Exports over Imports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 18,603,135 | 24,434,040 20,790,646 18,699,012 | 15,920,327 | 12,054,665 15,904,411 Total Official Value of the Produce, of the 5 GREAT BRITAIN ºf 33,200,580 || 41,712,002 || 34,774,520 39,235,397 || 41,963,527 | 32,923,575 37,818,036 United Kingdom, EXPORTED from v IRELAND - ........ 1,006,673 1, 163,994 932,488 851,548 736,326 558,262 577,520 TOTAL UNITED KING DOM .................. f 34,207,253 || 42,875,996 || 35,707,008 || 40,086,945 42,699,853 || 33,481,837 38,395,556 TOTAL Declared Value of the same. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 43,494,218 || 51,603,027 41,657,873 || 41,749,015 || 46,611,348 || 35,204,565 36,424,653 Amount of Declared, over Official Value ..... ............. ef | 11,286,965 8,727,031 || 5,950,865 1,662,070 3,911,495 1,722,728 - —-l do. of Official, over Declared Value ..... • a e s a • * * * * • . . . . — "— - —— ; - 1,970,903 Ratio of Declared for every ºf 100 of Official Value . . . . . . “ 130 | 120 1J 6 103 109 105 95 Annual Average Rate of 3 # Cent, Stock ºf 66.11 4 ºf 58 139 ºf 62 19 gſ?6 16 0 f'78 15 0 st 71 19 3 sp68 120 Wide Finance Accounts for the Years ; :' ' ' . . . J 1820. 1821. º Y w § : § 3 ; i. 1817. 56 57 58 59 60 62 U 64 -* G RAIN MEAL WINES ( Wheat – – iſ Quarter 32/ 8/9 tº Cwt Canary — — — ºf 34 0 d?’ Tun - | Barley – — # 17| 7|6 a Cape - - - 31 () a The annered are the Oats — — — . . 12| 3/9 # Rhenish — — . 28 10 a Official Rates of { Beams — - g 14| as-wº- Port — — — 25 () a Valuation, of Pease — — — tf 21/ tº *- - French — — — 22 10 y - Rye — — — A/ 28/ 7|6 a Madevra - - 21 () w U Indian Corm # 10| 3/0 a all other— — — 22 0 m | 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. £ £ £ —£– |—£ 4. —£ £ £ —— £ £ 14,501 21,459 21,188 14,731 19,522 21,798 22,467 15,595 21,544 13,490, 24,464 25,099 10,718 24, 183 9,728 7,256 12,301 || 21,865 19,571 31,113 20,559 16,682 59,369 52,119 57,590 54,797 56,036 69,158 66,260 58,336 55,654 56,254 66, 186 20,572 24,136 24,039 23,310 34,828 88,783 67,695 68,214 63,686 67,290 67,837 24,950 22,713 34,999 32,578 9,645 32,600 41,121 28,327 18,923 21,502 40,326 584,948 541,855 475,053 629,894 572,316 || 330,392 451,087 651,647 || 412,827 | 375,153 || 542,200 83,965 119,050 114,809 115,706 || 210,564 105,648 135,796 309,802 | 152,118 365,046 551,093 91,382 116,921 122,092 127,523 91,323 116,178 139,107 126,255 57,340 122,084 108, 181 36,201 || 92,934 79 110, 177 || 380,097 38,284 176,652 53,689 127,181 | 401,414 || 62,857 104,548 70,359 136,894 112,562 121,832 139,591 88,110 136,934 99,743 81,322 147,688 75,515 36,652 38,388 35,435 33,046 70,008 57,610 66,978 tº 91,801 || 100,797 87,747 39,559 24,423 18,083 56,454 87, 175 42,132 82,127 84,465 27,668 || 77,746 63, 194 132,425 142,910 169,606 || 212,284 296,419 229,160 259,669 221,160 223,737 || 206,000 315,798 9,092 30,964 16,992 || 74,563 61,078 75,915 65,763 || 55,400 48,864 || 68,427 52,060 34,455 16,166 30,977 40,751 30,535 14,536 23,879 26,523 23,227 || 39,362 42,021 271,518 255,348 259,839 272,279 || 336,109 || 242,709 || 314,094 || 410,696 | 389,909 || 342,977 || 424,406 8,810 13,495 9,951 7,984 10,771 4,116 10,074 10,414 7,491 || 10,862 8,363 18,472 21,403 || 19,367 30,159 30,869 18,243 | 19,100 26,517 11,861 | 14,193 || 15, 189 157,567 | 197,022 || 349,413 296,355 246,709 | 199,534 236,789 341,211 | 269,663 224,827 | 198,582 660,716 || 828,731 | 849,550 | 704,000 | 1,180,205 || 866,974 1,249,801 | 1,029,126 1,145,489 |1,076,967 |1,062,235 44,058 || 51,546 59,912 | 80,579 105,250 || 49,214 56,174 56,668 57,745 56,997 | 64, 161 123,525 89,012 94,744 109,574 142,484 127,837 106,927 | 80,597 84,414 || 49,621 84,537 50,806 || 51,781 || 45,101 || 46,959 || 49,983 || 47,706 || 43,422 59,381 63,220 || 46,278 || 47,512 285,551 318,260 | 376,778 413,996 503,736 367,313 330,079 || 321,523 332,795 320,514 357,214 42,368 23,447 32,682 44,536 75,622 58,555 50,781 45,089 38,504 26,243 33,220 56,117 75,106 || 62,987 72,234 || 101,635 | 87,788 70,999 71,143 79,860 78,521 88,107 213,853 329, 116 || 328,322 200,788 371,576 242,469 308,645 231,223 204,963 278, 187 305,248 72,511 93,105 || 141,521 186,109 || 140,486 || 81,315 144,782 150,085 130, 164 119,745 | 158,540 27,437 24,665 33,713 21,561 27,937 || 19,528 38,068 43,780 55, 169 || 35,036 34,254 594,493 675,962 748,151 | 724,808 1,178,930 || 786,440 || 867,545 | 1,015,531 789,680 719,421 || 752,284 671,754 || 695,725 678,524 762,735 | 1,436,831 478,419 || 883,785 913,190 678,195 881,354 929,856 134,178 229,325 || 317,242 || 336,374 || 326,130 142,565 | 181,543 | 161,526 165,581 | 100,247 95,046 ** 1,907 3,930 40,595 35,288 40,091 39,100 59,329 25,289 24,448 || 31,550 --- — — | *21,971 | *42,764 170,399 || 379,665 545,681 424,690 | 409,725 446,402 • * 1,369 26,061 71,618 62,943 27,840 || 42,660 56,884 55,716 | 68,589 89,172 7,921 7,031 5,176 8,412 7,454 3,062 2,848 || 6,105 29,418 31,806 28,296 - - *-*. 5,565 10,682 92,459 13,701 32,456 37,195 22,629 9,912 18,400 28,834 20,935 10,689 36,593 25,735 25,658 15,298 || 20,831 38,235 | 48,779 37,676 102,490 63,853 66,493 74,410 85,411 99,068 94,296 || 126,531 179,946 213,459 164,760 19,204 || 23,523 32,756 33,050 41,355 22,965 || 31,407 || 34,865 37,183 || 41,158 30, 136 71,130 || 125,246 || 256,832 || 459,933 || 577,793 || 241,984 || 299,986 225,688 210,932 ||, 221,880 || 1:1,032 1,055,333 | 1,065,634 |1,403,837 |1,669,495 1,982,643 1,682,449 1,875,1572,087,334 1,973,522 |2,010, 112 |1,982,067 29,724,174 |29,432,376 34,591,264 || 36,146,448 42,589,678 || 36,038,951 || 43,467,747 T4s,895,597 || 42,311,649 44,815,393 || 48,161,661 1,068,590 | 1,098,287 | 1,207,443 1,406,487 | 1,547,804 || 1,647,162 | 1,420,028 || 1,632,278 | 1,669,668 1,429,844 1,552,438 30,792,764 || 30,530,663 || 35,798,707 ||37,552,935 | 44,137,482 || 37,636,113 || 44,887,775 T15,028,305 43,981,317 | 43,243,342 49,713,889 10,602,090 || 9,211,928 8,588,996 || 10,188,596 || 9,155,395 || 10,066,503 || 9,806,248 || 9,925,655 10,606,441 | 8,535,786 10,749,943 20,190,674"|21sºsºs 27,299,711 || 27,364,839 || 34,982,087 ſº,619,510 || 35,091,547ſ sºooºo 33,324,376 |37,799,486 || 38,933,946 20,004,219 22,239,754 || 15,934,755 20,665,698 || 11,486,194 | 12,713,244 | 16,194,921 | 16.921.001 || 23,080,847 | 24,783,181 21,106,178 40,194,893 43,558,489 || 43,144,466 || 48,030,037 / 46,468,281 | 40,332,854 51,276,448 || 52,029,151 38,463,733 60,492,637 d0,090,124 636,852 678,044 659,907 705,515 697,739 632,882 942,832 768,304 || 747,319 648,227 593,810 40,831,745 44,236,533 43,804,373 || 48,735,552 47,166,020 | 40,965,736 59,219,280 52,797,455 56,213,042 61,140,864 60,683,934 36,659,631 || 36,968,964 || 35,458,049 38,396,301 | 88,877,388 || 31,536,723 37,182,857 || 36,814,176 35,830,469 || 38,451,502 37,163,648 4,172,114 || 7,267,569 8,346,324 10,339,251 8,288,632 || 9,429,013 | 15,036,423 15,933,279 20,383,573 23,889,362 23,539,286 90 83 80 79 82 77 72 70 64 62 61 - 374 15 5 | E79 15 0 | #80 5 10 | #943 6 || 490 o 8 || 479 8 8 || 484 12 10 | 685 14 o tº 15 11% ºf 89 13 A ºf 780 10 \-º-º/-/ \- - -y- —'S- --y - --~~ . amassa-aº -º --> : \ 1823. 1824. 1825. 1828. 1831 60 AN ACCOUNT of the Official Value of each of 49 enumerated articles, of Colonial and Foreign produce RE-EXPORTED rom GREAT BRITAIN, to all parts of the World, (except Ireland, ) in each of the 15 Years 1814–1828; with the Rates of Valuation assigned to each article, both on Import, and Re-export. *...* The Valuation of many of the articles on Re-eaport, will be seen very considerably to eacceed their present current Value, those more particularly deserving of atten- tion, as well for the increase of Value assigned on Re-earport, over and above the Valuation on Import, as for the eaccess above their present current Value, are Saltpetre, No. 5., Pepper, Sugar, Coffee, Rum, Nos. 12 - 15, and Spirits No. 39-40., the most preposterous feature of the whole however is East India Cotton Wool, which on Import is Valued at 7d., and on Re-export at 2s. #' ib., whilst the present Current Value on an average does not eacceed 3}d. P ib., on the other hand Indigo, which forms a great item in the Account is undervalued, the price varies from 1/6, up to 10), 12|, or 13}, {P ib., a great portion of the finer quality being Re-eaported, the ave- rage will be nearer 7|, than 6| d? Ib., East India Piece Goods, which form another great item in the account, are greatly over valued, in proportion to their Valuation on Import, as will be seen by the anneared specification. (see further observations on Official Values in India.) Specification Official Rate Actual Quan- - | o . of Valuation on tities Earported 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820, Articles IMPORT. RE-EXPORT. in 1827. —£ £ —£–|—£ £ £ £— 1 Tea . . . . . . . . . . 2/ . . . . . . . . 3/ if ib. 255,803 929,208 || 342,987 || 140,877 | 122,277 | 155,180 124,378 92,886 2 Indigo .... Íñº" i.; . . . . . . 3/10 m 3,085,465 | 1,058,142 820,997 808,038 465,459 568,247 599,340 839,297 º ##. } º . . a wº riº *::::: 1,295,775 1,881,952 1,416,194 | 1,211,665 1,268,806 | 1,070,127 | 1,194,013 5 Saltpetre . . . . . . 12/6 . . . . . . 65/ dº Cwt. 34,321 | 19,154 41,729 101,859 114,511 51,880 66,705 164,838 6 Cassia Lignea ... 1/6 . . . . . . 2/ d? Ib. 427,695 21,833 33,446 60,896 || 27,412 10,005 || 31,941 21,257 7 Cinnamon . . . . 4/ . . . . , 5/ // 359,692 93,780 80,363 98,363 124,808 118,397 86,841 76,674 8 Cloves . . . . . . • - 5/ . . . . . . 7/6 " 27,812 || 102,149 115,893 || 85,306 || 85,097 || 148,548 146,180 54,166 9 Mace . . . . . . . . 12/6 . . . . . . 19/ iſ 31,767 50,527. 51,731 || 33,405 || 33,626 64,580 || 65,609 || 46,407 i0 Nutmegs . . . . . • 4/ . . . . . . 6/6 m 35,389 39,066 46,917 46,632 64,664 56,407 63,710 37,138 T 1 Pepper . . . . . . 4d. . . . . 13d. ( 4,092,386 557,619 456,857 419,180 214,431 || 234,803 | 206,854 211,960 T2 Sugar . . . . . . . . 27/6 ... 50/ # Cwt. 255,454 2,104,906 1,749,279 1,254,751 898,290 770,097 593,344 981,354 13 Coffee . . . . . . . . £"; ... 87 m 263,177 8,032,527 |6,063,569 |4 976,628 || 3 362,936 3,144,642 2,670,581 |2,755,35: i4 Cocoa . . . . . . . . 50/ . . . . . . 90/ iſ 28,263 166,353 71,835 56,986 29,649 23,316 48,741 65,579 15 Rum . . . . . . . . 1/8 . . . . . , 6/ ºf Gal. 1,564,944 1,150,659 || 1,039,503 || 819,048 || 932,677 | 934,310 || 708,062 | 1,102,864 16 Pimento . . . . . . 6d. . . . . 7d. djº ii). 2,005,252 58,636 71,063 || 51,704 || 34,743 || 42,834 72,982 | 40,496 17 Dye Fustic .. 89. . . . . . £13 10 ºf Tom . . . . . . 30,230 16,122 7,776 8,979 15,840 T 1,479 14,332 i8 *. Logwood £12 . . . . £14 0 m 7,177 174,155 80,584 104,086 37,994 59,043 63,949 76,379 19 Fish . . . . . . . 10/ . . . . . . 20) #2 Cwt. . . . . . . . . 60,306 28,473 34,244 32,817 15,268 12,488 33,893 20 do., Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 10 ºf Tun . . . . . . 30, 141 22,339 42,474 18,313 21,074 10,820 | 19,840 21 Cotton Wool. . . ." §: . . . . . ib. 18,134,170 337,695 || 367,512 321,006 | 662,652 | 1,124,488 | 1,016,086 || 370,610 22 Rice . . . . . . . • 15/ . . . . . . 20/ d? Cwt. 52,691 || 74,351 58,765 54,173 150,011 || 139,786 147,765 | 97,536 23 Silk . . . . . . *.*.*, *.*. . . ; tā ib. 43,940 10,374 53,526 184,451 || 38,734 60,784 23, 170 10,667 TO TAL of the above 16,402,586 13,495,439 11,118,082 |8,671,745 |9,028,335 |7,841,152 |8 307,539 24 Annotto . . . . 2/ . . . . . . . . 2/11 fb. . . . . . . . . . 68,001 22,957 15,001 J,601 1, 154 851 278 25 Ashes . . . . . . 28/ . . . . . . 82/8 Cwt. 21,583 20,565 1,886 48,040 14,420 8,633 42,832 44,144 26 Barilla . . . . . . 1 1/ . . . . . . . . 14/ " * * * * * - - - - - 7,781 5,998 4,139 11,881 1,014 4,122 7,980 27 Cochineal . . . . 16/ . . . . . . . . 22/6 d? ib. 145,756 71,292 89,148 100,202 83,674 122,533 92,546 64,162 28 Cortex Peruv. 2/6 . . . . . . 3/ m 173,451 91,751 36,566 12,462 22,906 23,088 4,840 17,524 29 Corn, Grain 50,408 Qrs. Cwts, of Flour 76,982 76,495 | 126,996 47,164 121,011 || 32,415 48,744 184,436 30 Currants . . . . 21/ . . . . . . 37/ ? Cwt. . . . . . . . . 13,300 38,900 35,660 6, 134 15,498 7,625 12,034 31 Flax . . . . . . . . 35/ . . . . . . 42/6 " * - - - - - - - - - 94,641 39,779 51,144 11,279 5,418 24,853 37,966 32 Hemp ſº e º & Gº . 17/ . . . . 25/ " * - - - - - - - - - 30,843 39,377 23,441 22,934 44,049 29,997 17,474 33 Hides . . . . . . 60/ . . . . . . 70/ * . . . . . . . . . . . 134,131 211,393 211,684 30,843 54,629 87,411 79,113 34 from . . . . . . . . $9 15 . . . . £13 # Tom 3,456 114,721 170,402 || 106,114 39,063 48,763 40,958 40,988 35 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177,287 | 103,488 36,845 14,704 14,661 5,325 2,755 36 Olive Oil . . . . £28 . . . . . . £43 10 ºff? Tun . . . . . . 59,203 13,524. 3,362 11,236 18,499 15,128 11,379 37 Raisins .. 13/3 . . . . 22/6 djº Cict. . . . . . 23,013 14,774 30,588 6,668 4,091 15, 107 11,858 38 Skins and Furs . . . . . . . . Various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,688 21,316 29,733 26,607 34,972 40,909 43,521 39 Spirits {{º 2/4} . . . . 5/ d? Gallon 623,526 237,018 108,006 || 73,279 91,490 214,807 160,562 172,613 40 °P Geneva 1/ . . . . 5/ A/ 250,339 73,488 70,296 49,608 || 38,160 | 64,368 51,656 || 71,870 41 Tobacco . . 23d. . . . . . . 4; d. {} fb. 13,020,294 202,081 206,678 219,992 || 174,292 91,806 360,608 288,206 42 Wines . . . . . . . . . . Various . . . . . . . . . . 1,465,963 521,666 227,234 206 955 | 161,492 128,514 135,203 162,768 These Articles were not specifically enumeratea prior to 1821-3. Parlia- (43 Cotton Manufactures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mentary Paper No. 50., Session 1829., exhibits the actual quantities of several 44 Woollen do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . articles Exported in 1827 as shewn above, but the articles in blank are not spe- 45 Silk do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cified, another proof of the want of uniformity in the Official Accounts, see the 4 46 Sheeps Wool . . . . 16; d. ºff” fib. . . . . . . . . 760,109 Statement of Customs Duties, for the specification of 112 articles, included un- 47 Lead . . . . . . . . . . £15 d?' Ton . . . . . . . . 2,282 der the Head of unenumerated articles of Import, and compare the English with 48 Copper . . . . . . . . £6 10 d? Cwt. . . . . . . 12,263 the French form of Account, of Imports and Duties. - U-49 Spelter . . . . . . . . 50/ iſ • - - - - - 138,715 Unenumerated Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º ‘. 710,267 | 664,274 | 1,018, 170 707,131 | 878,552 868,810 | 946,418 TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce Re-eaported £| 19,157,818 15,703,434 18,441,665 || 10,269,271 Tºo,835,800 || 9,379,235'ſ 10,525 026 61 s: s $ 3 S ºf ſyheat & Quarter ......] 32|0 40ſo * * * - t tº t - Valuation on §§§ ºz i Barley do........... 17|0 13|0 3::: ſº. tº tº º a tº * f } ; § 3 ; ſº º::::::::::: 1810 | 16 (4 East India Re-ear §§§ §§§§ Oats do. . . . . . . . . . . 12|0 13/0 ###$ Long Cioths" 44/4 ‘s s3 | #: "....... : 15|0 39|8 silks Import port. l, S =S § .ſºs Rye do. . . . . . . . . . . #ſº 25/0 §§§s; É...”. 12|9 ššš | M. dras Handkercier.” 20/0 17|19 * • Š s sº ; :S$ Peas do. . . . . . . . . . . 2110 39/? * S ; Ś . *--- § - * : a () iſ a S Hall Clker Cº., lefS 50/0 39/4 Bandannoes | |0|0 25/0 SS sº $ $ Beans do. . . . . . . . . . . 1 || 0 30|0 §§§ #: º .... 1919 ššiš. Ventapollam do....... 26/8 22/0 Qrapes .... 32/6 83/7 §§§§ §§§ §3 Indian Corn do......... 10/0 40|0 §§ *:: š. .. ºft ####| | N. * - G - © tº e º ºs e º e º º 7|a 8|9 Histrings ...] 30/0 95/9 s 㺠... sis; ; Wheat Meal tº Cwt..... 8/9 10/9 §:#; ; | Sannaes ...: 17/ jº §º ............. 6|t, 26/0 Rømals .... 10/0 11/9 §§§§§'s §§ Rarley do. do. . . . ...| 7/6 7|6 * ; ; ; 3. * sº gº gº... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6|0 1 1/9 Silks . . . . . . . 21|0 39/9 § 3 S $º STS Oats do. do. . . . . . . 3/9 3/9 §§§§ { Nanquins .....! 6|I §§§. Salampores. . . . . . . . . . . . 10|0 21/8 Taffaties 2010 33]5 § SR 3 s . §§ Rye do. Co. . . . . . . 7|6 7|6 §§§ LGuinea Stuffs.......... 2|0 3|11 Scarfs . . . . . . 2018 S 3's s, sº sº; Indian Corn do......... 3|0 3|0 Shawis 4010 §§§§ $SS UBean do., & Grits, do. -*. - *-*. | - | - f 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. # 831. —£–|—£ £- —£-l—£ £ £ £——£ sº-º-º: ! s 1. 90,563 74.356 74,992 93,899 67,531 42,123 38,249 38,924 || 37,796 36,443 $35,454 2 572,222 456,003 || 533,771 535,926 741,953 836,675 591,406 || 879,529 821,642 | 898,293 || 838,499 * | 1,176,698 il,088 621; 780,207 || 777,768 818,634 591,563 673,371 594,278 539,216 590,377 549,800 4|... ºvov -ºvºv- 249,736 235,407 || 144,539 105,205 221,615 148,529 || 138,427 | 153,750 203,295 || 5 || 142,423 127,402 69,641 || 113,350 113,254 || 111,802 || 111,543 | 166,374 || || 12,247 || 33,224 65,546 6 33,891 37,571 26,055 55,965 27,806 || 34,778 42,769 35,632 79,524 79,764 71,877 7 74,634 76,107 || 104,589 146,231 100,106 86,10ſ 89,923 88,634 96,527 | 133,806 | 126,161 8 7,880 15,890 28,909 || 69,822 3,220 28,218 10,430 57,279 21,714 || 14,841 30,717 9 39,636 35,572 33,429 31,227 15,262 48,525 30,179 35,894 15,572 52,990 28,714 10 || 36,333 18, 146 32,198 32,885 11,566 25,863 11,501 10,568 19, Júl 13,866 60,605 11 | 84,804 || 240,353 279,554 | 158,348 180,165 288,648 221,534 228,644 | 160,421 | 80,618 870,675 12 838,901 || 612,946 | 728,184 917,670 605,752 || 751,837 || 645,256 928,324 || 743,652 || 778,642 ||,050, 156 13 2,597,560 |2,217,080 1,871,042 |2,463,910 | 1,703,621 | 1,987,589 1,841,049 1,485,538 1,436,829 |1,255,475 ||,404,908 14 53,567 99,295 26,793 28,502 55,294 62,255 113,194 52,759 59,834 49, 544 54,688 15 930,251 547,941 551,467 573,398 || 438,076 || 416,775 486,480 556,140 507,214 || 488,016 || 733,292 16 92,610 41,307 53,827 67,417 39,616 43,602 60,921 49,924 80,567 66,003 59,707 17 7,508 7,864 2,354 6,433 9,542 14,253 6,825 9,693 19,768 9,067 3,366 18 65,525 74,454 121,144 80,012 95,798 82,008 99,761 88,371 86,965 | 83,126 83,306 19 44,589 34,774 14,886 35,888 48,848 36,636 34,902 52,582 78,024 39,344 33,364 20 23,485 8,940 8,417 5,425 1,081 2,474 2,730 4,509 11,116 || 11,960 6,729 21 1,092,302 |1,279,263 || 707,912 903,938 |1,160,202 |1,668,394 |1,517,946 1,400,979 2,216,441 || 718,455 1,626,075 22 || 103,341 139.399 78,596 92,617 52,895 40,392 52,310 51,386 95,562 50,809 || 88,612 * 5,959 11,782 13,801 3,705 || 139,400 228,296 || 38,430 31,777 212,066 || 51,727 | 58,873 8 114,682 7,244,976 |6,390,904 |7,429,743 (6 579,162 |7 529,012 6,942,324 (6,996,267 7,590,225 5,690,135 (7,583,417 24 1,982 2,214 2,318 2,697 3,309 || Nº 3,896 6,936 3,051 4.902 1,202 505 $5 87,644 32,045 13,700 41,361 36,129 26,578 35,253 28,370 32,308 10,523 38,333 26 2,105 2,312 823 1,894 5,360 2,855 374 1,936 1,348 2,823 3,257 27 54,956 66,787 62,256 163,170 106,845 86,669 164,098 || 177,873 || 178,137 113,743 189,561 28 19,911 20,885 7,519 15,450 22,879 19,881 26,018 28,300 44,322 || 55,689 20,637 29 403,902 || 315,958 257,958 110,735 77,257 41,408 || 119,351 | 161,318 206,607 || 135,774 176,643 30 15,432 13,723 15,238 28,752 3,543 17,606 6,754 17,668 58,138 10,238. 45,007 31 18,641 15,474 21,007 24,633 16,088 18,991 13,390 14,661 18,020 || 7,720 22,287 29,937 II,447 9,221 10,015 3,871 2,565 26, 161 22,998 16,441 11,984 || 36, i 18 33 67,697 57,229 || 71,072 148,545 136,202 || 103,555 33,821 37,006 || 142,762 | 162,816 168,520 , 34 41,803 44,938 37,823 45,842 87,724 29,527 44,988 38,922 39,317 | 38,590 56,183 35 828 1,250 2,586 2,575 2,460 24,779 19,096 45,515 51,496 || 34,915 40,244 36 9,796 4,374 39,208 11,336 15,855 48,826 27,484 24,385 38,835 | 45,784 139,364 37 19,245 15,388 4,978 11,851 39,495 40,962 23,284 24,235 37,787 24,793 15,321 38 34,286 34,454 32,824 59,514 43,413 || 45,303 50,473 43,280 56,570 62,559 64,219 39 || 102,609 || 143,998 || 171,269 186,340 175,326 115,051 176,053 292,415 || 184,879 || 130,111 || 144,397 40 64,371 60,239 60,489 94,430 | 85,739 55,924 69,872 86,690 41,261 || 56,463 55,346 41 329,338 156,193 197,431 159,117 54,848 191,466 240,737 204,526 || 137,997 | 184,997 176,832 42 176,387 | 134,048 || 148,885 | 202,952 | 190,334 186,817 | 268,041 287,296 || 218,076 | 194,889 181,211 . 43 - - Tallºw; *48,940 86,008 || 111,925 * - --- * *-*a*** *ssºsºm-º. § ; 29,915 31,673 14: 34,631 22,066 13,049 18,029 45 *s-s -*-- ,901 ,871 46,563 11,908 9,628 9,972 5,459 3,656 15, 116 46 – 16,079 12 gig 29,013. *ś 21,662 lºº, 34,152 19,132 18,709 28,097 47 – 3 vs - 3.4 - 'º 9 º: 61,112 53.3% 59,967 27,951 45,329 70,805 1 — — ,477 11,243 54,823 27,700 34,234 26,773 25,500 12,882 18,514 48 21,572 88,508 || 128,882 160. 104 29,935 | 131,640 79,713 16,627 91.669 5.924 10,074 49 66,680 83,274 248,398 || 403,400 305,615 409,157 346,429 217,157 198.197 1 56.951 156,709 918,284 646,133 642,060 742,038 946,243 || 780,274 953,661 992,660 | 1,073,098 1,216,020 |1,143,851 10,602,090 | 9,211,928 8,588,996 || 10,188,596 || 9,155,395 | 10,066,503 || 9,806,248 || 9,928,655 10,606,441 | 8,535,786 || 10,729,943 13 18 19 20 2} 22 23 26 62 AN ACCOUNT of the Official Value of each of 50 enumerated articles of the Produce and Manufactures, of the United Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN and iRELAND, EXPORTED therefrom, to all parts of the World, in each of the 18 Years 1814–1831; with the Rates of Valuation assigned to each article, (the Valuation of each article quoted as Various will be found exhibited in the yº illustration of the respective articles, Wide Index; ) shewing also the excess of Value EXPORTED over and above the alue IMPORTED, a view of the amount and Marine Insurances. of the CIRCULATING MEDIUM ; and the amount of Stamp Duty on Receipts, s of 1814. | These 3 Articles were not specifically enumerated prior to 1 822, and Nos. 39– 47, being entered the | Specification of Articles Rate 1815. 1816. 1817. . . º - Valuation —£–--—£–————£–——£ ſ 1 Cotton Manufactures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Various 16,535,528 21,480,791 | 16,183,975 20,133,965 3 | 2 do. Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £10 ºf Cwt|1,119,850 || 808,853 |1,380,486 |1,125,257 s | 3 Woollen Manufactures . . . . . . . . . . . . Various 4,931,667 |7,122,571 |5,586,364 |5,676,921 § { 4 Linen do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,524,457 | 1,590,074 1,559,367 |1943,194 5 Silk do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173,343 224,873 | 161,874 152,734 | s | 6 Haberdashery and Millinery . . . . . . #2 if Cwt. 32,391 || 37,083 || 32,181 24,813 tº 7 Hats, Beaver, and Felt . . . . . . . . . . . . Various 226,997 || 240,002 || 190,002 || 200,474 U 3 do., all other sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iſ 144,138|| 84,792 || 51,984 || 38,245 ſ 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n | 897,080 956,423 937,894 | 1,065,488 10 Hardwares and Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . 55/d? Cwt. 280,413 809,914 | 739,864 || 439,287 § II Brass and Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90/ / | 329,616 559,919 || 576,194 | 725,080 * | 12 Tin, Unwrought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73/ m 80,570 87,039 || 127,463 171,608 3 & 13 do., Plates, and Pewter Ware.... 70/ m 211,932 || 305,267 || 314,303 || 256,878 § 14 Head and Shot . . . . . . ; ; ; , , . . 10/6 n | 84,853 | 152,152 194,412 191,744 * | 15 Coals . . . . . . . . . . 24/{{* Chaldron, 20/{* Ton 144,935 | 196,354 | 199,980 213, 186 16 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8d. if Bushell 352,734 330,798 186,750 181,063 U17 Alum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21/? Cwt. 9,365 15,938 || 12,568 16,709 ſI8 Bacon and Hams . . . . . . . . . . . . 63/ , , || 51,509 || 51,170 43,510 || 54,056 s 2 19 Beef and Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55/ #' Barrel 128,752 | 121,527 || 111,724 | 121,325 § $ 20 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £5 # Tun 82,912 95,369|| 89,219 82,716 § 3 ; 21 Bread and Biscuit ... . . . . . . . ... 15/ d? Cwt. 166,980 || 62,168 53,599 || 69,277 's * 22 Butter, 39/ d? Cwt., and Cheese, 24/ / 56,295 69,466 69,992 | 73,074 S$ 23 Corn, Grain, and Flour . . . . . . . . . . Various 219,215 281,009 | 191,808 || 341,365 ** | 24 Hops .................. . . . . 80/ ºf Cwt. 4,614 5,077 || 3,973 1,893 U.25 Seeds . . . . . . . * * g º & e s e º e º º q s e & Various 6,851. 9,656 20,147 22,448 ſ26 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70/ d? Cwt. 158,427 | 158,364 || 116,179 122,341 27 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/ tº 100 Pieces 78,195 || 127,184 || 108,838 90,125 3 28 Glass . . . . . . . ... • * * * * 20/ d? Cwt., Bottles, 10/ 154,165 213,727 214,627 | 195,196 $ 29 Plate, Jewellery, and Watches . . . . . . Various 158,274 252,931 294,302 || 344,556 3 30 Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iſ 232,276 || 253,049 271,778 256,793 2 : 31 do., Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £19 ºff" Tun 65,087 | 20,546 117,714 27,825 § {32 Whalebone . . . . . . . . . . . • * : * * * * * * * £5 # Cwt. 29,035 9,162 25,529 || 17,921 § 33 Soap 60/ # Cwt., and Candles .. 4d. ff' fh. 124,444 || 108,096 || 121,029 || 103,594 § | 84 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23/ d? Cwt. 81,826 86,619 || 81,539 || 66,682 .# 35 Saltpetre, Refined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65/ t 23,178 9,743 || 43,362 32,569 * | 36 Tobacco, Manufactured . . . . . . . . . . 4.d. if ib 1,554 | 649 | 921 818 37 Sugar, Refined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55/ d? Cwt. 1,513,865 1,688,253 |1,626,321 | 1,942,573 38 Melasses . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22/6 m | 77,271 95,124 || 75,463 || 36,370 39–47 Sundry articles, see Declared Values .| 426,148 520,030 || 493,249 501,249 48 Printed Books 1818. 1819. 1820. 2,294,016 16,631,709 || 20,509,929 1,296,776 1,585,753 |2,022,153 6,344,099 4,602,270 |4,363,973 2,158,312 1,547,352 1,935,186 167,559 126,809 || 118,371 28,959 | 19,674 17,545 264,619 191,272 196,923 33,482 21,958 16,988 1,288,234 960,545 | 1,025, 193 580,465 442,672 || 342,655 668,204 || 521,997 || 653,058 123,408 99,049 || 93,572 300,135 183,016 || 186,033 138,775 154,626 || 201,972 229,793 i 200,557 || 213,261 312,998 || 247,575 || 256,672 | 13,443 6,721 4,537 10,731 27,035 | 33,509 140,005 || 108,011 || 106,348 81,485 54,481 || 56,865 68,242 57,948 || 38,379 61,230 61,557 || 64,921 82,574 60,436 29,778 1,915 || 4,088 || 13,473 10,343 11,147 7,590 138,410 || 129,475 || 117,142 95,896 69,508 64,160 187,314 | 122,663 117,818 430,182 278,258 276,591 208,299 228,868 || 278,116 64,267 41,152 91,388 16,447 28,543 41,474 99,122 121,396 || 135,049 60,137 56,435 | 63,184 26,886 || 41,002 || 67,920 1,612 2,228 1,997 1,964,225 1,466,648 1,879,468 27,630 | 6,255 || 4,503 517,525 || 417,368 || 382, 142 80/ ºf Cwt. 49 Arms and Ammunition ... & - 'heu will be * {3, erated in the followina Statement. & same under both Heads, they will be found specifically enume left own, . . . t ent. 50 Horses . . . . . . . . . . £10 each Unenumerated Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,277, 160 2,470,240 (2,164,036 2,174,185 [2,395,681 1,934,928 1,787,663 TOTAL Official Value of British Produce } GREAT BRITAIN .... 33,200,580 || 41,712,002 || 34,774,520 | 39,235,391 || 41,963,527 | 32,923,575 || 37,518,036 and Manufactures, ExpoRTED from IRELAND . . . . . . . • s • 1,006,673 1,163994 | 932,488 851,548 736,326 558,261 577,520 TOTAL Official Value of Foreign and Colo- } GREAT BRITAIN | 19,157,818 15,708,434 13,441,665 | 10,269,271 10,835,800 9,879,236 10,525,026 nial Produce Re-ExpoRTED, from IRELAND ........ 208,163 V 40,118 || 43,374 23,413 24,058 25,949 30,887 GRAND TOTAL Official Value of EXPORTS £| 53,573.284 || 58,624,548 || 49,192,047 | 50,379,629 || 53,559,711 || 43,387,021 || 48,951,469 do. do. do. do. IMPORTS £| 33,755,263 32,987,396 || 22,425,539 30,805,656 36,879,000 30,748,146 || 32,438,651 Excess of ExPORTS over IMPORTS £| 19,817,791 || 15,637,152 21,766,508 19,573,973 | 16,680,711 || 19,638,875 1652,818 Amount of Bills drawn on Treasury &c., from Foreign Parts ...... 26,495,028 20,128,118 7,802,357 || 3,404,071 2,387,658 : - Amount of ºf England Notes...................... º. º tº ##$!! #ſº ººlſ 34,553.1% CIRºtºr NG & Sºuntry Bººk, Ngtes ........ ................ 22,709,000 | 19,011,000 15,096,000 15,898,000 20,507,000 15,701,338 || 10,576,245 MEDIUM Amount of Gold Coined in each Year ....... • None || Nome Nome 4,275,337 2,862,374 3,574. 949,516 *. --- Progressive accumulation of Gold Coined .... - - - - - *m. 4,275,337 137,711 || 7,141,285 Amount of Stamp Duty, on Bills of EXCHANGE ................] 713,838 841,459 || 754,501 795,040 | 845,750 738,974 || 697,506 Amount of Stamp Receipt Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . iſ 2,940 || 2:10,290 . 208,970 207,530 208,362 205,254 || 204,887 do. do. Duty on Polices of Marine Insurance .......... 452,260 || 396,300 279,434 289,653 || 339,346 249,239 231,233 [YEARS 1814, 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818, 18}9. 1820, 63 Of all the results eachibited in this Volume, that of the excess of the Value of Eaſports, over the Value of Imports, we certainly the most interesting and impor- tant, the amount of the Bills drawn on the Treasury, and the various departments ºf Government during the War, are sufficient to account for the equalization of the Values up to the period of 1815 inclusive ; from which period it will be seen by the conclusion of the preceding and the following Statements, that the equaliza- tion has been obtained by a progressive depreciation in the Value of Eaſports, Absentee Earpenditure, Loans to Foreign States, &c., &c.; assºmore fully eacemplified in the general eachibition of the Amounts of Importation from, and Ea:ports to, each different part of the World ; much stress having been laid on the assumed con- traction of the Circulating Medium, the eachibition below has been introduced to shew the probability of that contraction having followed the depreciation in the Value of Produce, rather than that the depreciation was occasioned by the contraction of the Currency, in short that it has resulted as an effect. … ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ! | 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. | 1830. as Hº. 1831. - £ £ #3 £ £——£–|—£––|—£ -£——£-—-|--—£ - 1 21,639,493 24,566,920 24,117,549 27,170,108 26,598,872 || 21,445,743 || 29,203,139| 28,989,976 31,810,469 | #395,401; *18 1 2 | 1,898,695 |2,353,217 |2,425,419 |2,984,329 (2,897,706 |3,748,527 ||3,979,760 |4,485,841 5,458,958 |5,655,570.5,674,609 || 2 3|5,500,922 |5,943,613 |5,539,789 |6,150,937 5,925,574 |5,041,568 |5,979,701 |5,720,079 5,861,998 |3,551,644 ſºlº 3 4|2,303,443 |2,594,783 |2,654,098 |3,283,403 |2,709,767 2,056,553 |2,808,082 |3,118,270 2,856,564 3.101,031 3,662,946 4 5 136,402 || 141,008 || 140,321 | 159,648 150,834 || 106,648 || 173,335 | 178,871 220,486 || 485,046 469,077 5 6 21,205 22,796 || 21,227 26,282 30,512 || 33,833 62,216 || 44,224 39,989 46,449 || 44,487 || 6 7 197,276 | 194,942 205,321 | 189,457 215,090 || 153,977 146,484 || 166,312 | 165,975 171,870 || 135,911 7 8 || 13,107 || 13,963 || 13,179 | 12 615 21,414 || 13,802 || 13,002 || 16,964 13,850 || 13,880 || 14,646 || 8 9||1,059,123 |1,140,480 |1,203,872 |1,125,626 |1,106,576 |1,329,569 |1,581,414 | 1,687,366 1,745,246 1,867,063 |1,979,416 || 9 10 || 455,194 || 534,901 || 527,227 | 604,045 || 629,958 563,148 || 713,525 710,595 || 765,757 | 802,022 || 987,794 || 10 11 672,496 || 611,801 || 557,914 || 540,213 | 405,249 || 524,626 || 776,895 || 675,538 || 860,315 997,379 || 939,971 || || 12 104,291 | 129,089 94,659 || 131,483 || 119,518 159,692 | 180,768 151,309 | 121,261 | 111,052 || 79,458: 12 13 | 183,100 194,606 || 229,129 || 253,656 205,528 241,017 299,799 || 263,983 || 232,242 247,618 228,116, 18 14 | 168,699 || 148,450 | 117,447 | 116,397 || 90,260 107,652 || 141,094 | 105,565 | 72,184 || 78,127 || 71,784}; 14 15 223,171 241,454 216,684 || 235,778 265,864 || 298,069 || 314,203 || 302,220 i 312,855 || 435,591 || 485,009 || 15 16 207,022 || 236,107 || 269,393 || 229,101 || 277,992 | 202,343 245,918 295,647 349,543 || 345,415 || 328,049, 16 17 5,013 8,454 7,585 7,303 4,089 || 3,064 || 3,301 || 2,302 2,925 5,691 12,213 17 18 42,735 29,838 28,838 29,230 22,137 20,536 || 29,022 23,406 27,546 || 34,312 21,482 18 19| 84,477 79,041 || 97,534 || 97,030 | 73,486 || 59,556 || 57,646 || 41,314 57,284 62,378 55,994 | 19 20 63,694 | 68,175 65,957 48,136 49,343 || 45,449 || 55,505 || 61,707 59,858 54,447 || 47,212 || 29 21 39,557 || 48,678 57,702 || 33,660 | 12,961 5,391 . , 5,550, 8,979 6,788 6,980 || 6,641 || 21 22 53,103 || 64,420 64,877 56,423 || 62,677 55,091 || 53,831 67,250 64,636 || 50,107 || 46,635 22 23; 20,228 25,874 29,573 || 14,692 || 11,699 || 19,363 27,578 || 13,932 12,489 12,855 || 12,787 ||3: 24 26,614 55,554 21,557 3,122 1,808 6,298 || 8,883 || 52,031 6,243 8,945 17,597 24 25' 7,253 7,636 7,401 7,162 6,078 || 5,535 6,261 || 5,611 8,404 5,364 6,197 25 : \ - - | * . - Sundries. 24,232 21,970 17,716 26 123,829 114,992 | 126,980 || 142,442 133,161 91,810 || 102,116, 94,155 92,421 96,571 94,620 || 26 27 78,373 91,222 || 92,004 || 93,128 95,185 78,923 || 91,711 99,753 96,928 93,188 || 97,409 || 27 38 121,565 136,061 143,822 || 131,326 128,768 || 111,409 || 146,109 || 137,414 128,207 || 125,180 || 116,726 28 29 || 199,409 || 176,400 203,807 197,737 220,321|| 153,164 | 168,004 || 181,703 175,616 194,401 | 188,245 29 30 | 196,760 | 208,191 262,274 195,527 | 178,430 || 178,612 | 187,252 241,989 184, 136 276,958 190,686 || 39 21 56,879 21,265 29,564 11,297 8,455 || 9,112 || 16,434 || 52,769 63,21 1 || 34,841 15,291 || 3 | 32 35,899 || 28,201 15,227 || 30,992 || 13,744 17, 167 || 20,103 || 32,426 23,065 24,644 4,520 || 32 33 || 130,061 116,040 | 167,524 || 153,105 || 177,077 | 131,430 223,598 || 234,036 199,378 237,523 229,618 || 33 34 52,817 | 44,560 74,002 || 98,444 100,728 68,618 || 63,013 || 56,943 : 47,800 || 37,656 || 38,685 | 84 35 | 1.41,727 90,245 75,432 59,030 51,493 || 58,174 || 42,089 58,099 : 39,186 || 15,185 || 32,488 || 85 36 1,150 1,379 1,559 2,507 | 1,629 | 1,627 | 1,582 || 1,957 1,757 2,376 || 1,785 || 36 37 1,765,037 949,450 | 1,125,789 | 1,058,811 | 895,778 917,131 |1,117,330 1,229,503 1,294,773 |1,652,210 1,638,678 37 38 781 438 224 ...], …, , ,..., |, …, |, ..., , º, º 'º' . 39 390,307||1,069,559 |1,101,815 1,179,377 | 1,297,480 1,188,521 |1,192,558 1,289,092 1,215,808 1,099,997.| 958,991 | 89 . . . . . . . . . . ... 31,225 33,982 || 32,095 30,353 18,482 17,025 || 17,041 18,242 15,691 17,395 || 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237,214 || 213,422 || 311,716 || 375,182 383,020 261,686 242,978 ; 278,638 245,498 || 459,579 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,870 17,327 17,502 | 15,542 | 12,020 15,642 | 15,860 15,192 | 12,911 6,932 50 1,773,983 768,815 745,684 805,162 | 849,962 | 666,946 || 743,286 854,135 ; 853,590 | 683,615 678,552 || | 40,194,893 || 43,558,489 || 43,144,466 || 48,030,037 || 46,468,281 | 40,332,854 || 51,276,448 52,029,151 55,455,723 60,492,637 60,999,124 636,852 678,044 659,907 705,515 697,739 632,882 942,832 || 768,304 747.319 648,227 . . . , 593,810 10,602,090 9,211,928 8,588,996 || 10,188,596 9,155,395 || 10,066,503 || 9,806,248 || 9,928,655 10,606 ſai 8,535,786 10,729,943 27,599 || 15,661 14,909 16,189 ,189 | 9,784 24,481 17,891 *i; 962 14,651 15,129 | §1346,434 || 33,464,122 52,498,278 || 58,940,337 56,335,604 || 51,042,023 62,050,009 || 62,744,001 | 66,835,445 69,991,301 || 71,429,909 30,792,764 30,530,663 35,798,707 37,552,935 | 44,137,482 37,686,113 || 44,887,775 45,028,805 || 43,981,317 | 46,245,242 49,713,889 20,668,670 22,933,459 | 16,609,571 21,387,402 | 12,198,122 || 13,355,910 || 17,162,234 17,715,196 22,854,128 23,746,059 21,715,116 20,443,320 | 18,326,430 19,582,348 20,293,326 || 19,290,570 22:251,600 | 21,512,480 21,039,860 19,651,507 20,494,859 19,919.8% 8.256,180 8,416,830 | 8,821,074 ii.141,422 14,731.168 || 9,576iod | Töö85,300 | 10,121,476 8,130,327 7,600,000 | *, 7,300,000 || | 9,520,760 5,356,787 759,748 4,065,075 4,580,919 5,896,461 2,512,637 1,277,784 2,271,158 , , ... . . . . . 8,090,801 17,611,561 22,968,348 28,728,096 27,797,171 || 32,374,000 || 38,270,551 | 40,783,188 42,000,972 44,332,130 3. * : * . : ſ 691,335 668,067 681,881 723,926 || 790,870 578,815 || 582,098 601,864 §4.3% §§ #9. ! 199,225 194,534 196,044 217,845 218,070 202,830 212,039 Žiºs #43 #| :: 221,930 211,638 223,634 228,084 282,566 | 219,629 | - • * * 245,083 . . . 227,973 220,008 º º, . ! 1821. 1822. 1823. 1821. 1825 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. I831. 6 : AN ACCOUNT of the Declared Value of each of 50 enumerated Articles of the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KING|Dom, of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, EXPORTED therefrom, to all parts of the World, in each of the 18 Years 1814–1831. *** On referring to the details of the Colonial and Foreign Produce Re-exported in the preceding Statement, it will be seen that the earcess of Value in the Years 1814–16, consisted pricipally of Coffee and Sugar, accounted for by the great accumulation of the 2, or 3, previous Years, consequent on the obstruction to the distribution which the War of that period occasioned, and the great Earport of British Produce & Manufactures in 1815, is accounted for, by the non-eaportation to the United States of North America in the Years 1813-14, to which Country the eaccess in 1815, was principally directed. | Specification of Articles Quantities in 1827. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. º £ £ –£ £ º £ £— ſ 1 Cotton Manufactures tº $ $ & 365,492,804 Yards 17,241,884 18,946,836 12,948,944 13,996,820 16,372,131 12,182,448 - 13,690,116 3 2 do. Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,878,774 fps. . . 2,791,248 1,674,020 |2,628,448 |2,014,181 2,385,305 2,519,783 2,826,643 º | 3 Woollen Mianufactures . . . . . . . . . . § #: .. 6,372,494 |9,338,142 7,844,855 7,163,471 |8,143,193 || 5,986,807.|5,583,430 is 4 Linen do. . . . . . . . . 55,132,189 Yards | 1,701,384 1,777,563 1,452,668 1,703,631 1,949,815 1,391,245 1,653,804 S.) º 5 Silk do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530,018 622,118 480,522 408,523 499,175 376,798 371,114 Š | 6 Haberdashery and Millinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411,029 533,460 451,599 || 365,208 407,956 270,415 || 242,667 s | 7 Hats, Beaver and Felt . . . . 75,497 Dozens 291,570 288,158 239,138 || 252,161 || 322,319 229,818 218,327 t 8 do , all other sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143,291 113,876 67,763 || 49,753 44,544 29,532 24,717 | 9 fron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . 92,313 Toms 953,725 | 1,090,939 976,793 | 1,050,486 | 1,278,670 924,448 947,177 10 Hardwares and Cutlery 249,152 Cwt. 819,201 |2,161,561 1,855,750 | 1,079,620 | 1,557,920 | 1,149,511 || 779,955 s 11 Brass and Copper Wares . 147,222 m 448,365 | 730,962 657,284 || 778,157 797,023 653,860 | 722,769 cº, 12 Tin, Unwrought * * * * * * g e º te 49,474 u 122,231 137,302 170,645 198,181 147,305 104,083 92,171 s * * * * * * * * * * c e o ºs e e s 12,397 19,673 13,936 16,565 12,632 6,829 4,917 .* ſ18 Bacon and Hams . . . . . 11,072 Cwt. 74,322 65,359 51,888 61,575 57,672 36,830 44,608 Tº to | 19 Beef and Pork . . . . 61,164 Barrels 345,049 230,340 162,208 231,593 309,881 228,555 207,402 § $ | 20 Beer and Ale . . . . . . • * * 10,268 Tums || 314,304 383,296 350,026 354,092 355,664 224,058 223,686 $ § J 21 Bread and Biscuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259,976 85,076. 75,652 127,928 T 12,985 89,616 52,589 § § n 22 Butter and Cheese . . . . . . 84,300 Cwt. 189,209 243,136 200,027 201,179 212,881 183,939 || 170,566 S$ 23 Corn, Grain, and Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548,359 597,053 427,243 | 1,026,293 264,588 173,364 83,141 ** 24 Hops....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,436 11,063 || 10,231 8,966 5,540 5,916 13,227 tº 25 Seeds, of all sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,940 9,515 14 °65 23,217 10,257 9,790 7,396 || ſ26 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,402,758 ibs. . . . 451,241 472,597 342,237 326,931 382,604 349,149 297,709 27 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,638,366 Pieces 386,778 663,496 587,168 480,259 515,602 366,221 312,076 & 28 Glass, of all sorts . . . . . . . . 224,497 Cwt. 491,768 723,126 752,592 731,622 777,552 531,348 || 498,813 3 29 Plate, Jewellery, and Watches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173,403 262,321 291,491 || 337,527 399,715 280,169 271 402 jº 30 Fish, Herrings, &c. . . . . . . 127,039 Barrels 371,300 379,320 304,669 || 339,383 292,757 278,905 267, 45 ... 81 do., Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131,554 43,917 | 191,072 57,439 || 130,382 | 73,067 142,572 § {32 Whalebone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,957 9,485 16,280 | 13,454 || 11,514 22,443 30,187 s 33 Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . 10,586,580 ibs. . . 266,865 203,703 189,784 171,936 180,150 196,018 197,765 SS 34 Cordage © e º 'º º º & © e º 'º e º ſº º 56,889 Cwt. 246,432 220,294 178,506 136,121 131,688 126,590 137,415 3 35 Saltpetre, Refined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 106 13,139 43,514 23,208 18,266 26,266 || 37,555 s 36 Tobacco, Manufactured . . . . . . © e º & © e ºs e e º a e º is 15,993 7,074 12,990 9,330 18,114 25,667 24,745 37 Sugar, Refined . . . . . . . . . . 409,060 Cwt. 3,091,653 |2,813,419 |2,064,804 |2,408,189 |2,461,707 | 1,446,324 |1,788,895 C38 Melasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº t tº e º & © 6 e e e º ºs 188,279 146,646 90,993 47,402 43,268 9,048 5,794 39 Cabinet Wares . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * e º e e º e 109,381 128,489 || 134,211 125,732 134,759 110,536 88,066 40 Musical Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . © e º e < e < e < e e 55.247 72,175. 79,365 74,991 66,729 61,903 || 67,250 41 Sadlery and Harness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,312 122,014 112,729 127,626 131,210 103,434 92,850 42 Stationery of all sorts . . . . . . . . . . . • e º 'º e º 'º e s tº e 184,208 || 197,352 166,943 172,900 | 184,827 141,495 || 133,976 - - - .* (43 Apparel, Slops, and Negro Clothing . . . . Nos. 39–47, are entered under Official Value at the Declared Rates, and previous to | i. #..." .º I astruments º & Gº 1822, Nos. 43 – 50, were included with other unemumerated Articles. The actual quanti- 46 Painters Colour p - 4 : & * -- . - º © e O10UTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ties of several Articles Exported in 1827, are specified above, Wide Parliamentary Paper- 47 Umbrellas and Parasols j No. 50., Session 1829., Folios 28 – 35., the Articles to which the quantities are not given - whº v_y J.k-> a 9 @ q tº e º e s tº $ 3. . . are either entered at Value, or included with the unenumerated - '', 48 Books, Printed . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,186 Cwt. 2 o - 49 Arms and Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 50 Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unenumerated Articles . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2,806,819 |3,134,837 |2,801,714 (2,799,020 3,093,335 |2,529,526 2,315,969 | TOTAL Declared Value of British Produce 5 GREAT BRITAIN 43,447,372 49,653,245 40,328,940 | 40,337,118 45,188,249 || 34,248,495 || 35,568,669 and Manufactures EXPORTED from } IRELAND ...... 2,046,846 1,943,783 1,328,933 1,411,897 1,423,099 956,070 855,983 TOTAL Value of Colonial and Foreign } GREAT BRITAIN ...... 19,157,813 15,708.4% 13,441,655 | 10:23:37, 10,8;09 || 9,89; 10,5;&# Produce RE-EXPORTED from IRELAND . . . . . . . . . . 208,163 40,118 42,374 23,413 24,058 25,949 30,887 GRAND TOTAL of EXPORTS 64,860,199 || 67,351,580 55,141,912 52011,699), 57,471,206 || 45,109,750 46,980,505, - \- V- - —--- Wide Finance Accounts for the Years 1817. 1820. 1821. 65 A comparison of this Statement with that of the Official Values will shew, that whilst the quantity of British Produce and Manufac- tures Exported, have increased from £34,207,253 in 1814, to £52,897,455, in 1828, the Value has decreased from £45,494,218, in 1814, to £36,714,177, in 1828, instead of upwards of £70,000,000, which the Official Value in 1828 bears, to the Official Value in 1814, or by another mode of Illustration, the depreciation will be more clearly seen ; Wiz, every £100 of Official Value in 1828, was equal to only ºf 70 of Declared Value, whilst in 1814, it was equal to 133, und on an average of the 10 Years 1798 - 1807, it was equal to 166, this depreciation contrasted with the progressively increasing Rate paid for 3 dº Cent. Stock, as exhibited in the conclusion of the Statement of Imports—deserves notice. *= i i 10 12 13 14 } 5 ##$ 17 18 | 3 2 (; 2 | & 629 “s A*/ 23 24 i 83 . Lard, Tongues, Potatoes, and Spirits. these 3 Years are Cows and Oxen, Mules, 25 26 27 28 29 3} 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 4. £— -É £ £— £ £ £ — —£-—— £ £--— 1 13,786,958 14,534,253 13,751,415 15,240,006 15,034,139 10,522,407 13,956,826 13,545,638 13,420,576 15,203,713 13,207,947 2 |2,307,830 |2,700,437 |2,625,947 |3,135,496 3,206,729 |3,491,268 |3,545,568 3,594,946 |3,974,039 |4,132,259 |3,974,990 3 |6,461,568 6,488,523 5,634,137 6,041,846 6,193,775 |4,982,909 || 5,277,861 |5,120,226 4,656,810 |4,847,398 |5,385,811 4 1,981,465 |2,192,761 |2,095,574 |2,442,440 |2,130,706 | 1,487,662 1,895,187 |2,000,033 1,768,436 1,926,257 2,301,803 5 373,938 381,455 350,880 442,582 296,678 168,383 || 236,093 255,756 || 267,192 || 519,919 578,260 6 266,117 | 278,179 272,619 || 356,317 | 399,558 349,950 499,534 || 485,981 394,443 384,701 || 414,717 7 207,437 197,185 224,532 228,853 264,770 | 186,306 175,293 196,906 189,902 208,498 || 169,076 8 18,597 18,558 19,418 || 19,390 29,023 19,898 17, 112 23,170 16,066 15,672 15, 148 | 9 | 894,590 | 843,833 878,918 851,113 |1,048,211 1,105,619 1,214,948 |1,226,836 1,155,177 |1,076,187 1,119,967 10 | 1,050,476 1,145,466 | 1,074,684 1,202,865 |1,392,293 |1,169,105 | 1,390,429 1,385,617 | 1,389,515 1,410,936 1,620,237 11 || 678,976 597,861 543,618 524,489 || 484,410 || 571,149 || 786,803 || 678,531 || 810,641 863,313 | 802,879. 12| 104,550 | 138,847 127,775 150,852 148,303 || 171,035 | 187,888 147,131 | 120,105 || 106,134 77,718 13 187,512 196,798 || 231,129 255,104 || 207,390 242,991 || 301,753 266,634 || 2:35,022 249,620 230,004 14 || 347,964 297,345 247,884 || 238,428 215,006 || 239,542 256,182 177,656 || 114,525 106,769 96,216 15 119,997 || 113,510 || 100,594 || 114,083 132,813 143.692 154,043 144,838 145,880 182,863 198,243 16 146,937 | 164,718 182,297 | 153,538 154,284 || 113,204 || 121,040 151,397 171,978 | 181,209 | 162,706 17 4,557 6,342 4,789 4,191 2,892 1,972 2,290 1,640 1,926 | 3,008 5,855 18 49,620 31,710 28,889 28,013 27,065 24,494 32,495 26,547 30,655 31,834 20,834 19 125,649 103,615 125,143 | 158,624 136,592 106,829 87,395 71,685 98,055 85,860 83,428 20 250,209 || 257,547 || 238,520 177,809 | 184,312 172,576 212,391 || 239,269 241,417 | 206.877 157,350 21 47,343 50,221 83,225 42,859 17,243 7,655 8,069 11,548 10,301 || 9,654 10,972 22 || 149,090 154,873 152,782 141,978 | 189,800 || 149,761 || 145,848 181,397 157,852 123,792 || 130,603 23 54,688 54,694 62,800 40, 100 35,667 53,840 70,915) 40,592 37,536 35,842 37,027 24 22,082 33,355 12,454 4,835 3,440 4,902 7,173 || 18,642. 4,525 6,614 11,284 25 6,427 6,621 6,610 6,462 6,266 5,514 5,887 4,774 6,977 4,511 5,258 26 310,539 288,775 301,022 323,749 || 332,544 260,958 280,266 261,735 253,513 243,143 234,491 27 357,442 427,487 398,439 399,549 384,920 | 345,795 437,813 499,743 || 461,710 || 439,567 458,966 28 508,584 538,330 604,039 || 546,226 592,563 || 430,122 527,110 || 492,073 || 467,155 396,662 423,829 29 206,254 | 181,354 210,031 201,312 225,083 156,197.| 169,450 | 181,849 177,242 190,208 187,931 30 || 171,587 | 192,331 || 237,085 170,368 202,280 194,546 182,084 241,324 186,365 243,751 184,032 31 ( 70,497 24,844 33,310 13,417 12,657 10,853 18,464 55,585 | 73,750 : 45,063 21,171 32 25,648 26,341 23,163 35,760 23,168 37,486 45,316 63,583 | 40,667 41,893 8,287 33 175,543 146,917 | 183,136 | 161,919 185,562 140,544 227,696 226,206 192,739 220,315 210, 170 34 || 108,144 95,788 145,186 | 183,464 205,490 144,542 127,832 112,569 98,543 78,442 75,822 35 | 65,758 39,721 33,009 23,069 21,825 23,017 17,943 25,917 | 17,508 8,682 20,684 36 14,303 13,292 16,156 21,428 || 18,124 11,929 14,982 18,416 15,878 21,734 16,259 37 1,507,949 678,496 886,917 | 730,830 778,938 || 704,464 963,431 | 1,038,538 984,838 1,287,888 1,237,774 38 810 554 321 **** — | *-* Sundries | * 29,445 26,563 20,662 gº - * a Wool. 104,215 178,173 239,939 39 89,885 65,729 71,187 71,318 74,644 || 67,137 56,407 59,033 60,641 55,568 41,317 10 58,536 55,029 48,408 62,472 68,171 70,892 68,394 56,291 58,732 51,785 38,372 #1 90,098 86,694 88,230 110,984 || 107,783 101,731 88,435 | 89,206 82,996 || 78,072 60,950 42 151,788 143,874 150,916 164,908 || 181,151 182,241 193,047 204,362 | 137,438 167,680 177,698 * * * * * * e s p e s e 406,147 || 397,449 435,848 457,098 || 367,921 389,390 419,486 || 387,694 || 384,214 || 368,545 || * * * * * * * * * e o e 116,218 157,846 129,644 212,377 228,505 201,552 262,094 || 250,062 208,737 105,506 * * * * * * * e < e < * 18,614 I9,041 24,835 31,328 36,791 32,339 19,394 21,612 21,447 17, 103 * * * * * * * * * * e e 139,706 134,328 134,983 || 129,307 || 109,562 124,983 || 138,005 || 130,821 ; 99,985 | 101,987. * * * * * : * ~ e e s e e 37,547 34,410 44,385 35,621 23,741 38,011 41,221 35,312 32,509 || 47,513 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115, 191 121,305 || 121,293 || 135,088 111,518 106,925 | 101,378 109,435 93,851 100,770 * * * * * * * * * * * * 271,806 || 273,283 354,172 526,217 | 620,600 | 406,312 || 335,513 279,382 241,623 562,729 * * * * * * * * * * > . 65,562 65,131 69,195 72,094 47,420 62,131 65,092 62,001 49,243 29,212 2,268,137 | 1,012,395 | 1,001,138 1,036,518 1,128,375 926,357 | 1,027,003 | 1,146,793 1,024,629. 859,064 | 843,543 | 35,826.083 36,176,897 34,691,124 37,573,918 38,083,773 30,847,528 36,396,339 W 36,152,799 35,212,873 37,691,302 36,652,695 833,548 792,068 766,924 822,383 793,615 689,195 786,518 661,378 617,596 560,200 510,953 10,602,000 9,211,928 8,588,996 10,188,596 9,155,395 10,066,503 9,806,248 9,928,655 10,606,441 8,535,786 10,729,943 27,599 15,66i 14,909 16,189 14,189 9,784 24,481 17,891 15,962 14,651 15,129 .47,289,320 46,196,554 44,061,953 48,601,086 48,046,972 41,613,010 ! 47,018,586 46,760,723 46,452,872 || 46,801,939 47,908,720 ! \– ~ – 'V- —y- —’ \. -N/- *1\-—— ———y--—— - —” 1823. 1825. 1828 * The additional articles enumerated in Gö AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Boats, and of Fishermen and Boys, and other Persons employed in the White Fish, and White Herring Fishery, in the Year ending the 5th. of April 1829, under the cognizance of the Commissioners appointed under the Acts of the 48 and 55 of Geo. III. cap. 110 and 94 respectively ; shewing the Number and Quantity of Fish and Herrings taken and cured, conformable to the said Acts, and the amount of Bounty allowed &c., &c., in the same Year. 5 < 10 18 19 Thurso North Coast . 20 i 25 26 27 28 29 < 30 31 32 33 34 35 L36 37 Isle of Man (38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 i < and those from London, Greenock, and Bristol Shetland | P O R T S Ayr, Irvine, and Saltcoats Barra Campbletown tº ſº e º & tº ſº tº e º 'º º Dumfries. . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * Dunvegan a º º º Fort William . . . . . Glasgow tº Q & Q & Q & © tº o tº e º e º g Greenoch Inverary Islay Rothsay Stornoway • Stranraer Orkney * @ 9 º ºs º gº & © e º e º e º e º g c e < * * & G ſº º $ gº º º º ºs tº e ºs • * * s e o 'º e o e o ºs e e s e º e Loch Broom do. Carron do. Gilphead do. Shildag & e º e º 'º e tº º tº º sº º ge & © º e e º e 21 Lerwick 22 Unst tº º ſº e º º Banff Burntisland Cromarty ſ24 Anstruther . . . . Eyemouth . Findhorn Fraserburgh Helmsdale . . . . Leith Lybster . . . . . . Port Gordon Stonehaven Bristol Gravesend Yarmouth t Whitby U47 North Sunderland e & e e Whitehaven Liverpool St. Ives TOTAL sp tº tº e º º & • * * * * * g e tº 3 gº º e e s e a tº a tº e º & gº e e º 'º e º e * * * > gº º ºs & e º e º O & gº º gº º & © ºf tº º ºs e g g g º & & © tº e º ºs e º 'º tº gº tº º ºs e ºs & é º e º º e º gº tº & © e º ºs º º ºs & Q & Q ...º e º e e tº º º e º 'ºp º e © tº e º e º º º • * * * * * * * * a t e º a de g º ºs • * g e s e e e e Number of Column *** In addition to the quantity of Fish cured dried, as d; Column No. 5; 5,786 Cwts. and 6,819 Barrels were cured in Pickle, and of the whole quantity 73,500 QWt, and 6,204 Barrels were entitled to Bounty; and of that cured dried 14,400 Cwt. was Exported to Ireland chiefly from Shetland, and 6,187 Cwts. to all other parts chiefly from London. Of the Herrings cured as dº Column No. 8, 48,495 Barrels were gutted and packed on Board within 24 Hours after being caught, and the remainder cured on Shore; of the whole quantity, 234,827. Barrels were branded for Bounty as #' Column No. 9, of which there were assorted, after the Dutch mode and branded accordingly 24,440 Barrels, 21,848 of which were Exported to Ports on the Continent of Europe, Of the quantity Exported; as {P Column, No. 11, those from Wick were principally to Ireland, the whole quantity Exported thence, having been 105,931; &nsiderably eacceeds the quantity cured, !-- "tº * . . ; ; ; ; ; # $ $ $ |S $ 3 is à i s is : ; 138 545 716 81 405 432 129 387 614 2 6 40 342 1,387 | 1,496 352 902 | 1,078 *=º i ºrº- 133 250 750 | 1,971 141 404 534 83 223 271 424 1,853 2,261 602 | 1,990 || 4,918 236 696 929 230 994 | 1,036 275 825 | 1,178 430 2,089 || 3, 159 126 527 691 1,224 4,896 || 8,599 185 926 | 1,086 489 2,030 || 3,459 603 || 3,217 4,128 156 871 1,008 234 1,350 | 1,690 135 675 | 1,012 88 440 1,214 130 425 670 329 1,395 || 5,067 113 || 490 | 1,076 118 586 1,119 168 813 2,387 128 640 1,541 143 457 679 217 867 1,827 264 1,327 | 1,970 117 585 935 570 2,579 || 6,231 400 2,803 3,066 71 220 234 31 139 22: 370 j 1,471 2,403 * : *rasaramºsase 35 320 | 1,500 | 1,500 70 75 370 2,422 2,425 183 515 | 1,078 99 331 Ö38 11,166 47,953 78,832 \er-v- ; \*/~|~~~~ 1. 2. 3. < -Sº & *S s * • 's § g| * , ; . . . . . . is ; ; ; ; ; ; ; S ‘s : Q ºy : S § S 3 $ Ś S is “s & v. S # S is $ $ S = Ś $ s: $; $ 5 § 3 ; § 5 § S s |S & Ö s s § 3 ; s = si s' s * * º er Q S = & SQ § £-—s.--——- £-—s.---—— 32 53,474 1,828 350 3 2,334 2,047 | 102 7 1,224 9 || 31,574 | 1,136 225 16 —— — — . —— 24 10,532 373 72 2 1,950 1,469 73 9 373 8 —--- 1,059 | 2,374 il 8 14 —— 14 55,801 | 1,984 388 9 101 | 01 5 i ! —— 25 9,876 330 66 () 493 385 19 5 ——— 4 ——— | –— -— | 11,284 || 5,618 308 3 | 1,259 21 49,658 1,602 || 319 19 12,479 11,051 552 10 || 9,893 24 3,346 118 23 10 | 1,490 | 1,036 51 16 —— 43 || 103,354 || 3,490 | 691 I | — — . — — sºmºsºmsºmºrºwº 20 | 13,837 378 75 3 2,771 1,210 | 66 3 902 22 7,639 247 47 16 595 426 2I 6 —-- 49 | 19,750 662 123 1 418 13 41,165 1,319 260 3 426 - 17 ——— —— 12,235 | 10,016 || 500 16 6,362 14 || 1:22,398 || 4,297 836 6 303 180 9 0 43 3,596 178 34 12 420 194 9 14 || –– 45 58,128 1,953 376 15 112 cºs' ºs-ºsmºs gºssºsºmeº ºr 5 12,191 262}| 51 13 2,902 642 32 2 708 66 || 178,402 || 4,567 912 15 7,683 6,836 || 341 16 || 6,744 56 771,742 22,999 |4,569 12 5,943 5,561 278 I 2,868 35 | 138,364 4,409 || 864. 4 1,342 546 27 6 —— 32 375,761 | 10,486 |1,993 1 61.2 437 21 17 | —— 34 216,667 1,624 590 0 | 1,311 2,843 || 142 a 430 36 29,177 493 129 10 22,966 18,134 906 14 || 13,444 14 —— —-- 1,294 | 8,199 409 19 1,265 23 8,976 J. 22 5 || 6,963 2,779 || 138 19 2,340 35 | 50,560 990 246 12 778 * 2,616 130 16 || –— 31 45,356 460 160 0 || 7,406 || 5,260 263 0 808 53 163,136 1,652 549 16 36,622 | 16,495 || 824 15 7,895 18 3,716 104 18 8 || 17,476 10,078 503 18 3,204 16 —— ——— — 632 |* 13,905 695 5 6,767 55 —— --— | 20,427 | 14,744 | 737 4 || 7,217 42 86,003 2,921 507 3 15,487 12,050 | 602 10 | 2,619 15 59,621 850 246 15 2,485 418 20 18 259 103 || 17,911 169 58 2 138,085 75,554 3,777 14 65,993 52 —-— —— — — — | 1,427 287 || 14 7 —— 6 1,440 || --— —— 1,543 | 1,054 52 14 T 17 4 ——— 675 8,074 774 43,488 717 | 137 7 —— | –---- —— — 2 | ––– — —-- || --—— — | – || 7,480 21 | –— —— — | – || 47,029 1 250,506 || 5,191 #1,491 11 | —— — - 9 | ––– — —— 572 —— 25 | 82,829 || 3,431 [1,076 18 - 5 || 5,406 148 29 11 || 12,879 282 || 14 2 | –- 1,995 3,125,380 81,321 17,545 17 | 355,979 234,827 | 11,774 5 205,875 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I 1. , were Exported chiefly to the West Indies. 3- * The quantity entitled to Bountu at Eyemouth and Leith, AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Barrels of White Herrings, Cured, Branded for Bounty, and EXPORTED, in so far as the same were brought under the cognizance of the Scotch Fishery Board, from the 1st. day of June 1809, to the 5th. of April 1810, and in each of the 19 subsequent Years, from the 5th. of April 1810, to the 5th. of April 1829; also an account of the amount charged in the annual Finance Accounts as paid to the Commissioners of the said Board for Salaries and incidental expences of their Office, and for Bounties, Repairs of Boats, Construction of Quays, &c., &c., in each Year, since the Establishment of the Board under the Acts of 48 Geo. III. cap. 110, and 55 Geo. III. cap . 94, and further, AN ACCOUNT of the Official Value of Foreign Fish Imported and Re-exported; +--> → and of the Official and Declared Value of all British Fish Exported, in each of the 21 Years 1809–1829. No. of Barrels of Herrings cured Total No. Number of Barrels exported j."...º.º. iValue of Foreign Fish Value of British Fish | - — Not- - tº - Not- — Sºrºs Bo nº. Imported (Re º ºrd EXPORTED *| Gutted dº | Total, "ºff" Gutted dº | ToTAL Incidents {...º.º.º. º | Declared - - 2, - - * r -º . i !. ~ || –––6. —£-— * *-*. - £-— 1809 || 42,548 |47,637 90,185 34,791 11,063 24,784 || 35,848 || 2,000 | 12,780 || 174,419 || 198,870 || 142,593 || $s 10 || 65,430 || 26,397 91,827 55,662 : 18,880 | 19,253 || 38,133 || 3,000 || 5,770 || 126,721 | 126,902 || 133,470 || $s. 11 | 72,515 || 39,004 || 111,519 58,430 27,564 || 35,256 || 62,820 || 5,000 21,895 || 113,274 148,670 || 189,723 || $ $3. 12 | 89,901 63,587 | 153,488 70,027 40,100 69,625 ||109,725 || 4,000 || 10,747 || 51,863 || 48,268 || 185,670 siT. 13 || 52,931 57,611 || 110,542 # 38,184 34,929 || 83,474 iſ 8,403 || 6,000 || 13,609 || – | – || – || K. 14 || 105,372 54,767 | 160,139 83,376 # 68,938 || 72,367 141,305 || 4,000 || 13,707 || 35,749 60,306 || 232,276 |371,300 15 135,981 26,671 | 162,652 116,436 81,544 26,143 107,688 || 6,000 24,222 || 26,819 28,473 || 253,049 || 379,320 16 155,776 || 36,567 192,343 140,018 115,480 23,148 || 138,628 || 7,000 || 31,495 || 19,461 34,244 || 271,778 304,669 17. 204,270 || 23,421 227,691 183,089 : 148,147 14,192 | 162,339 || 8,000 || 36,599 || 28,510 || 32,817 || 256,793 339,383 18 303,777 || 37,116 || 340,894 270,022 212,301 || 14,860 227,162 || 10,000 | 66,064 || 26,001 15,268 || 208,299 292,757 19 || 347,190 35,301 || 382,491 309,700 # 244,096 || 9,420 253,516 9,000 || 76,130 || 23,857 12,488 || 228,868 278,905 1820 413,308 |28,888 |442,196 363,872 : 289,445 5,366 |294,805 || 12,000 | 68,000 || 41,120 | 33,893 || 278,116 267,945 1 |-291,626 24,898 || 316,524 263,205 212,890 2,065 214,956 || 7,000 |,54,488 || 50,480 44,589 || 196,760 171,587 2 225,037 23,832 248,869 ; 203,110 ; 169,459 985 170,445 || 1 1,500 60,000 || 27,561 i 34,774 || 208,191 || 192,331 3 || 335,450 56,741 392,191 : 299,631 238,503 1,125 || 239,630 || 12,000 || 80,739 || 15,134 || 14,886 || 262,274 ||237,085 4 303,397 || 44,268 347,665 270,844 201,882 134 202,016 || 12,000 || 87,897 || 45,940 || 35,888 || 195,527 | 170,368 5 340,118 39,116 || 379,234 294,422 217,053 20 |217,073 || 13,000 || 75,612 || 62,186 48,848 || 178,430 202,280 6 || 259,171 29,324 288,495 223,606 165,741 665 166,406 || 12,000 | 81,861 || 48,615 36,636 || 178,612 194,546 7 || 339,360 60,418 399,778 # 279,317 210,766 893 211,659 || 12,000 || 55,230 || 26,943 || 34,902 || 187,252 182,084 8 300,242 55,737 356,979 234,827 202,813 3,062 205,875 | 12,000 || 34,997 || 76,126 52,582. 241,989 241,324 9 | | | 9,000 |35,099 68,399 || 78,024 ºliº: 1830 | - -- 4. | | | 2 ii - An ACCOUNT of the Quantity o each of several kinds of Fish, entered Billingsgate Market, in each of the Four Quarters of the Year 1823. – Vide at the Coast Office, at the Custom House in London, for Parliamentary Paper, No. 271, Session 1824. Year |Number | SALH on. Number of } Bushels of - 1823. - | ~ Tſ * ——-—— Quarter of } - - • - } #'s - ending | Vessels || Boares Fish Turbot Cod Haddock | Whiting | Herrings Mackarel Lobsters skate. Sprats | Soles 31 Mar. 907 || 1,780 — 3,958 88,146 32,160 29 903,210 6,000 | 198,800 ||25,889 |20,880 4,006 30 June 1,314 || 10,357 4,527 || 48,887 71,429 56,370 | 73,073 1,080 2,745,200 1,281,306 || 5,265 — 13,083 30 July 679 7,121 40,556 || 33,604 || 96,646 || 139,720 11,660 — 228,500 323,500 || 5,294 3,200 461 31 Dec. 927 532 3,380 916 || 179,788 244,857 5,040 2,462,127 | —see- 141,500 || 7,346 37,299 92.5 Total ..] 3,827 | 19,790 48,463 || 87,365 | 346,009 || 473,107 89,802 3,366,417 | 2,979,700 1,944,606 | 43,744 61,379 18,475 The following page exhibits the rise, Fisheries of Scotland and Ireland, whic F. ogress, and present state, of the Whale and Newfoundland Fisheries, and also the produce of several of the Salmon together. With the above and preceding page exhibits an interesting, although a very imperfect view of the aggregate extent and importance of the Fisheries of the United Kingdom; for instance the above Statement of Supply of Billingsgate Market does not include the Red, or Smoked Herring, Pickled Salmon, Eels, Oysters, and other Fish brought Coastways; as well as great quantities of various kinds of Fish brought thereto by Land. The high Money price of Provision in 1800 and 180i, appears to have excited a Stimulus for increasing the supply of Fish for the London Market, as according to a return presented to Parliament in 1804, (Vide. Folio 59, Vol. VII. of the Papers, Session 1803-4.) The Number of Fishing Vessels entered at the Coast Office in London in 1799 was only 1407; increased in 1800 to 1627; in 1801 to 2167; in 1802 to 2668; and in 1803 to 3255:-since that time, taking the Statement above as a comparison, the increase does not appear to have been in proportion to the increase of Population; and it is a subject worthy of consideration, both on the part of the local authorities of the City of Londo may be made, for the sale of Fish, to encourage an augmented supply. The increased supply subsequent to 1800, was excited by a Bounty proposed in 1801, which was claimed be- tween the 1st. of October 1801, and the 1st, of June 1802, . and the 1st. of October 1802, and 1st. o --- On the annexed Quantity, Viz. - The above account of Foreign Fish Imported and Re-exported, indicates a great decline since 1811, but it is to be accounted for by the supply going from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, direct to Spain and f June 1803. Portugal and other parts of the South of Europe on British import and Re-export in each of the 3 Years 1806 – 8 X ‘. ... sº " . . . . : n, as well as of the Government, how far improved accomodation, and convenience 1801-2, - 1802 – 3. On 1,416 Tons of Fresh Cod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,173 171 do. Slightly Salted . . . . . . . . . tº tº tº s we º ºs 312 - 649 do. of Skate, Thornback, &c. ....... 1,090 A 4,677,500 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Tons 623 ( , 186,200 Mackarel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 866,995 - Imported Re-eaported . . . * - s g : * * - Sison 76,427 63,257 account, the annexed is an account of they 7 118,352 117,563 209,664 | 307,798 68 STATEMENT shewing the Gross Receipt of Duties, at each of the 107 Custom Houses in the United Kingdom, in the Year 1829; the Total Payments out of the Gross Receipt, for Drawbacks and Charges of Management; and Nett amount remitted to the Receiver General in London, from each Port; shewing also the Number and Tonnage of Vessels, and of Steam Boats Registered at each Port in the same Year;--The 6 principal Ports of ENGLAND arranged in order of their amount of Gross Receipt of Duty, and the remainder in Alphabetical order, with reference to their Number, in the Topogra with an estimate of the Number of Inhabitants at each place, in 1830. phical arrangement, PORTS JEstámated Gross | TOTAL | Nett amountſ Numoer of V Essels Registered s's | *S is si Y Q) with Wumber of reference to their Number of Receipt. Payment. remitted to at each Port, averaging about §§§ TOTAJ, s § §§ §§ To Pog RAPHICAL Position. Inhabitants, of Duty, out of Gross Receiv. Gen. || 30 75 150 above S §§ Torºnage. § s § § S$ - § ???, 1830. f Žn 1829. Receipt. #77 º | Tons. | Tons. | Tons. |200 Tms.|| Sº S & | º, & SS LONDON . . . . tº e g is 1,600,000 | 10,211,099 || 1,625,542 || 8,524,260 || 404 || 515 621 1,123 || 2,663 572,835 T 57 8,214 LIVERPOOL. . . . . . . . 1,316 170,000 || 3,308,347 | 190,766 3,123,758 || 78 155 179 393 || 805 | 161,780 || 3 || 46 4,698 BRISTOL . . . . . . . . . . 1,334 110,000 | 1,181,936 | 84,548 || 1,098,128 82 79 57 98 || 316 || 49,535 | 7 | 8 740 HULL . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,335 | 50,000 740,868 23,232 || 711,274 || 194 145 | 123 117 || 579 || 72,248 || 6 || 31 |2, 111 NEwcASTLE 18 55,000 || 373,733 || 17,074 || 356,921 || 82 | 81 235 | 589 || 987 202,379 || 2 || 53 | 1,075 'º . . . . , 1,360 70,000 || 1 40,144 20,894 | 122,076 || 107 || 134 40 21 || 302 || 24,838 || 11 || 2 | 285 erystwith . . . . . . 1,594 || 4,000 1,844 1,196 1,931 || 56 57 || 7 || – || 120 6,423 34 — * * Aldborough . . . . . . 1,759 1,350 2,103 2,550 460 || 26 || 16 7 — 49 2,698 || 60 || – ** Arundel . . . . . . a 1,430 2,800 7, 183 1,669 5,537 5 5 14 l 25 2,711 59 — * Barnstaple . . . . . . . 1,531 || 7,000 || 12,964 1,387 | 11,495 || 17 || 23 || – | – || 40 2,087 65 — *º- Beaumaris . . . . . . . . 1,632 2,500 || 9,044 9, 154 || 4,790 || 214 || 132 41 2 || 389 22,076 13 || 2 | 193 Berwick . . . . . . . . . . 1,675 | 15,000 8,140 7,068 5,206 8 33 15 } 57 4,784 44 —- *- Bideford . . . . . . . . . . I,529 7,500 5,925 2,589 3,248 || 26 55 30 5 || 116 10, 182 20 || – *- Blackney and Clay 1,741 1,800 5,793 5,890 1,323 || 15 25 | 10 || – 50 | 3,380 52 || – - Boston . . . . . . . . . . 1,728 || 13,500 21,657 4,908 || 16,567 || 97 || 48 7 | – || 152 8,059 26 — **** Bridgewater . . . . . . 1,540 || 7,000 || 7,588 1,269 6,568 || 14 27 5 — || 46 2,921 55 — *- Bridlington. . . . . . . . 1,703 4,600 2,227 4,161 203 2 16 8 | 1.4 40 6,290 || 35 — iºn-rºw Cardiff. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,542 3,800 | 6,365 1,300 5,368 || 6 || 1 || 9 2 38 2,742 58 — *- Sardigan . . . . . . . . . . 1,579 6,000 2,302 2,399 I,237 || 183 || 62 || 36 || --- || 281 14,643. 17 | – - Carlisle . . . . . . . . . . 1,262 17,500 3,387 1,070 2,862 || 12 24 2 2 40 2,886 ſ 56 || 1 || 201 Chepstow . . . . . . . . 1,541 3,200 2,174 827 1,365 || 29 24 14 5 72 5,805 37 || 3 | 102 Shester . . . . . . . . . . 1,654 23,500 24,821 1,697 || 23,187 || 20 46 8 || – 74 4,816 43 — - Chichester . . . . . . ... 1,433 8,000 7,002 2,843 4,481 41 14 6 H 62 2,805 57 || – -- Colchester . . . . . . . . 1,771 15,500 23,078 4,939 18,031 || 196 37 27 } || 235 6,745 32 — *r- Cowes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,465 4,200 5,355 15,020 328 || 119 26 5 i || i51 6,015 36 || 3 | 183 * • * e º e e º e 1,516 6,000 9,081 11,259 4,833 || 133 138 78 — || 349 24, 114 | 12 — *- ©al . . . . . . . . . ... 1,404 7,200 1,733 1,640 6,104 || 15 3 1 — 19 557 || 7 || | — *- Dover . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,407 20,000 | 69,396 8, 152 60,820 || 93 || 13 | 4 || – || 120 5,525 || 39 || 4 || 168 Exeter . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,489 35,000 || 67,654 11,592 56,300 || 46 79 67 5 || 196 || 17,166 15 — - - - - - Falmouth . . . . . . . . 248 7,500 20,406 1,373 9,376 || 26 || 29 # 9 4 78 6,614 || 33 || – *- **** Faversham . . . . . . . . 1,395 4,800 | 12,417 | 2,065 10,380 || 169 || 35 | 13 | – || 217 7,392 || 28 — *-*** Fowey . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 1,600 | 12,045 14,167 6,114 || 16 || 57 8 - — 81 5,470 41 — tº- Gloucester . . . . . . . . 3,165 15,000 || 57,335 2,990 54,474 || 97 || 137 13 — || 247 13,026 18 — *- Goole. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,716 800 51,034 2,167 49,386 || 14 28 5 3 50 3,625 50 | — - Grimsby . . . . . . . . . . 1,721 3,500 23,843 6,460 18,126 || 29 9 || 1 | — 39 1,390 | 67 || –– *- Gweek, near Helston 26 r--- . 7,363 8,839 2,592 5 2 *-*. 1. 8 557 | 72 — t- Harwich . . . . . . . . . . 1,769 3,500 7,906 || 9,928 1,470 || 4 || || 48 6 H 96 - 5,513 | 40 — - Ilfracomb . . . . . . . . 1,533 3,000 941 1,236 | 1,003 || 25 31 8 — || 64 4,095 46 — —. Ipswich . . . . . . . . . . 1,764 20,000 || 43,855 2,085 41,794 || 55 64 18 1 || || 38 8,532 22 || 3 | 184 #º * e º e º s 6 e º 12,500 58,889 4,118 54,905 || 17 | 70 II 9 || 107 9,410 21 1 97 Delly . . . . . . . . . • * 7,000 3,316 1,448 2,293 || 41 25 3 &- 69 3,264 || 54 || – *- Pyme . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,281 2,500 6,273 7,157 | 1,988 6 || 2 || | 12 | – || 39 3,335 | 50 —. ** Iynn Regis . . . . . . 1,734 14,000 | 88,745 6,299 || 81,616 6 27 80 5 || 118 14,659 | 16 || -- *- Maldon & Leigh ... 1,775 5,000 19,430 8,544 11,418 || 125 57 7 1 || 190 7,373 29 || – tº- Milford . . . . . . . . . . 1,344 *=-ºw 6,350 | 11,989 || 3,946 || 47 40 27 2 || 116 8, 104 || 25 || – *- Minehead . . . . . . . . 1,536 | 1,400 || 998 783 317 || 12 || 8 || – | – || 20 957 69 || – | — Newhaven . . . . . . . . 1,427 1,000 | 16,764 2,407 || 14,317 9 || || || 1 | – 21 | 1,205 | 68 || – - Newport . . . . . . . . . . 1,462 10,000 || 7,431 812 || 6,632 || 14 25 9 2 || 50 3,824 48 || 1 58 Padstow * > * > * * c e s a 1,521 1,900 5,074 5,498 2,139 || 35 | 29 3 | 68 3,587 51 — *- Penzance . . . . . . . . 268 6,200 11,521 12,418 4,415 || 60 || 14 | 16 2 || 92 4,981 42 || – *- Poole . . . . . . . . . . . . i.,466 7,500 15,762 9,906 6,092 || 35 | 47 75 i.1 || 168 17,860 || 14 – — £ºth • & e à e s a e 1,356 65,000 74,115 20,611 || 53,887 || 13 2. 17 2 || 184 8,485 23 || 4 || 146 #. * * * * c e o a 1,378 10,000 14, 100 3,595 || 9,957 || 38 13 19 — 70 4,397 || 45 — * Rochester . . . . . . . . 1,348 38,000 58,113 | 16,248 || 42,290 || 148 106 || 1 | – || 255 10,816 19 — gºsºrº at S * * * * * * * * > * > , a a e 1,421 4,000 || 14,126 4,223 9,957 || 35 | 26 7 -— | 68 3,704 || 49 — - sº * * * * 0 e º a l 277 || 4,000 19,507 16,835 | 11,339 || 25 51 | 11 || – 87 5,570 38 — - - - - Sciſivisies, near .. º: 10,000 4,533 2,345 2,220 4 42 || 70 53 || 169 28,070 10 || – 2- sh à 2 Liv Liu A • , . 3,000 322 3,260 423 || 17 5 — — 22 792 || 70 — sºca § {101'éIłążſi , . . . . . . 1,429 1,200 28,105 || 4,463 23,327 27 6 9 *-* 42 2,272 64 || – gºer -º 69 Scotland. | Ireland. Total United Kingdom - e. * | *.* The annered statement shews the proportion of Vessels above 200 Tºns ºn 6 Classes, distinguishing Averaging | London. E. glands B, º: Vessels. T. Tonnage the Wumber of each Class owned in London separate from all other parts ºf England , the estimated Num- 250 Tons 441 1,250 I8; 5 I 25 1,948 4??,128 ber ºf Inhabitants includes the Population of the adjacent parts of the respective places. 6 - 3 • In 1821, | 350 m 346 443 132 48 sº-sº 969 $31,685 Liverpool was represented as containing 118,972 Inhabitants, but Toaſteth Park, Everton, &c., which form 450 / #97 99 27 5 I 323 142,482 as integrally a part of Liverpool as Marylebone does of the Metropolis, contained a further Population of 590 . 81 19 9 I * 1 || 0 64,344 20,000. The Topographical arrangement will shew the adjuncts in like manner qf all the places : the 960 / 15 **-ºs tºº tº * 15 A4,464 cºlumn headed Order of Tonnage, following the Total Tonnage, denotes the nºmerical order of the Ports, 1,380 m 43 * *Gºs *sº * 43 59,323 according to the Number of Toms of Shipping owned ut each Port. - - x 5” -- x º i TotAL (1,123 || 1su 349 105 || 26 || 3,414 1,054,429 *s--- PORTS Estimated Gross TOTAL |Nett amountſ|Number of WESSELS Registered sº • ‘S S §§ KS Ś with Number of reference to their Number of Receipt Payment. remitted to || at each Port, averaging about §§§ ToTAL s § § ; § § Torossargical, position. Inhabitants, of Duty, out ºf Gross Rece”. Gen. Tºo 75 150 Taºye || $53 || Tonnage. ##| 5 § §§ 5–4–e— ??? 1830. Žn 1829, Receipt. in London. || Tons. | Tons. | Töns. 2007.| *** SS & & & Southampton . . . . . . 1,447 22,000 | 82,536 19,540 62,800 || 127 32 I7 2 || 178 || 8, 120 24 2 161 Southwold . . . . . . . . 1,758 2,000 2,947 2,997 1,162 9 24 4 *sºme 37 2,638 62 — amºs; Stockton . . . . . . . . . . 1,679 6,000 || 38,431 4,636 || 33,979 17 19 32 6 '74 7,296 || 30 1. 72 Sunderland . . . . . . . . 34 30,000 58,363 6,322 52,068 25 59 302 || 238 || 624 107,628 4 || 10 258 Swansea . . . . . . . . . . 295 || 15,000 || 4,739 3,479 4,480 64 33 22 3 || 122 7,772 27 | 76 Truro . . . . . . . . . . . . 24: 12,500 25,072 20,556 | 12,230 5 19 1. * * 25 1,727 | 66 — - - - Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,740 3,000 3,510 2,308 925 29 22 15 gººmsºmº 66 3,962 47 — == Weymouth e e g º gº tº gº tº 1,471 8,000 | 16,553 15,579 6,803 20 37 27 1 85 7, 175 31 — sºs Whitby a gº & © a c e s e e 1,692 || 10,000 3,771 3,833 1,652 18 78 86 76 || 258 41,576 || 9 || — — Whitehaven . . . . . . 15,000 | 96,378 4,702 || 92,066 55 86 || 235 | 120 || 496 || 72,967 5 2 233 Wisbeach . . . . . . . 1,730 9,500 || 13,979 1,344 12,506 21 17 | 5 Eºº 43 2,487 || 63 — tºº, Woodbridge . . . . . . 1,761 4,500 5,308 2,119 3,809 H.0 23 5 | — 38 2,659 61 — * Yarmouth . . . . . . . 1,752 23,500 91,201 | 12,582 78,071 || 262 | 164 || 149 10 || 585 44,134 8 4 143 TOTAL England and Wales 17,396,380 2,370,902 || 15,079,410 || 4,308 || 3,726 3,009 2,934 ||13,977 1,758,065 | 72 --- sº sº. ſleith * * * g º is e º ºs e º & 160,000 || 444,411 255,048 139,876 98 70 64 3| || 263 26,362 5 1. 42 Aberdeen . . . . . . . 50,000 || 52,407 9,291 43,322 44 107 || 137 62 || 350 46,201 I 4 623 Banff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 1,333 3,742 2,245 80 50 2 1 || 133 5,818 14 — *s Borrowstoness . . . . . 3,500 5,477 2,062 4,009 || 44 54 19 6 || 1:23 9,108 || 11 — * Campbletown © tº e o 'º a 9 ºr 10,000 '712 1,839 1,854 54 11 3 **sag 68 2,779 18 2 182 Dumfries. . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 5,677 3,821 5,294 87 76 11 9 || 18: 12, 192 10 | — * Dundee . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 | 68,018 27,862 43,481 || 48 || 117 | 106 || 28 || 299 || 31,986 || 4 || 4 || – S Glasgow * * * * * * * * * c e e 180,000 || 58,830 5,554 53,554 24 87 43 81 || 235 41,121 2 || 48 |3,809 * Grangemouth * = < * * * * * 1,000 || 25,038 3,718 21,453 30 9 | 56 27 || 204 || 24,327 6 || 4 236 S Greenock . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 || 431,699 || 51,762 || 378,748 || 177 82 || 51 | 61 || 371 36,241 || 3 || 2 | 151 s < Inverness . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 2,072 5,303 3,073 72 50 14. — || 136 7,338 12 I , 50 Sº i Irvine . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº 8,000 4,433 3,044 || 4,855 23 54 52 6 || 135 13,379 9 I "75 Ş. Kirkaldy . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 6,886 4,399 5 034 || 105 || 36 34 17 || 192 14,802 8 3 283 Kirkwall . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 1,513 1,794 1,210 40 26 2 •-º-º-º-º-º: 68 3,312 16 — — Lerwick . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 804 1,489 1, 148 82 9 3 vºm-º: 94 3,3 || 4 || || 5 || – **** Montrose & Arbroath 35,000 9,302 5,282 6,755 18 91 || 59 5 || 173 | 16,179 || 7 | — Wºº-ºº-ºº: Port Glasgow . . . . . . . 6,000 248,694 | #3,694 || 235,361 2 || 25 4 15 46 6,807 || 13 || 5 || 332 Stornoway . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 450 1,886 1,888 || 58 10 6 : — 74 3,093 || 17 | – * Stranraer. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 1,115 7,677 640 33 $9 *sº * 42 1,497 19 — *g UThurso. . . . . • . . . . . 5,000 1,368 2,450 445 14 22 3 *ms-g 39 2,441 20 — TOTAL Scotland 1,370,240 411,718 954,243 || 1,133 | 1,077 | 669 || 349 || 3,228 308,297 20 || -- *ºs --> ſIDublin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240,000 | 669,500 | 112,561 506,773 || 180 33 || 41 || 35 || 289 || 23,904 || – | – || – Baltimore . . . . . . . 200 983 || 16,654 700 || 81 5 — | – || 86 2,478 — — gº Belfast . . . . . & º e 45,000 || 259,399 || 48,772 197,053 87 85 39 36 || 247 24,989 •===, ſº * sº Coleraine . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 3,173 7,271 1,950 || 8 1. 1 -— 10 409 — —— &=s*, Cork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120,000 | 196,286 41,365 113,689 || 151 55 38 12 || 256 17,093 — | – || – S | Drogheda . . . . . . . . . 20,000 | 12,130 4,611 6,594 || II | 9 || 9 || 1 || 30 2,387 — | – || – * | Dundalk . . . . . . * * 10,000 | 12,379 || 4,632 7,475 3 | 3 || – | — 6 339 — — * S - Galway . . . . . . . tº gº 30,000 || 48,401 || 10,832 || 36,900 || 15 3 I — || 19 864 — | – ^º § Limerick . . . . . . . . e 70,000 || 85,707 26,227 | 51,751 34 2 *s 3 39 1,874 — — * Š . Londonderry tº e º 'º e º e e 25,000 || 74,370 18,252 52,500 8 5 14 5 32 4,306 — — — Newry. . . . . * 6 s e º e º º 25,000 || 55,202 21,736 || 32,500 || 101 || 51 || 4 || 5 || 161 8,281 | – || – || – Sligo * * * * * * * * e e g g g e 20,000 || 46,151 24,196 20,122 11 5 4 &ºme 20 1,219 — — * Waterford . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 | 116,034 16,012 92,150 || 36 13 19 || 8 || 76 6,942 | – || – || – Westport. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 869 || 11,124 6 1 — — 7 208 || – || – tºº | Wexford . . . . . . e 15,000 4,892 || 14,090 200 75 52 8 — || 135 6,701 — — ** TOTAL Ireland — 1,585,476 || 378,335 | 1,120,357 || 807 || 323 178 105 || 1,413 || 101.994 | 15 -- || -- British Isles —— 294 | 86 86 26 || 492 31,603 —- —- || -- TOTAL United Kingdom — 20,352,097 3,160,955 17,154,010 || 6,542 5,212 saiahouo 2,109,950 | --| – || -- s An ACCOUNT of the quantity in Ibs. Weight of Soap and Candles charged with Ercise Duty in GREAT BRITAIN in each of the 14 Years 1814 – 27; the Official and Declared Value of Soap and Candles Exported; the Amount of Customs Duty on Foreign, Soap Imported ; the No. of LICENSES granted to Makers of Soap and Candles, and to Dealers in Wax Candles, and of the Quantity of Barilla, Palm and Cocoa Nut Oil, Turpentine, and Whale Oil Imported into Great Britain in each of those Years.- for Kelp &c. see Notes referred to in Indea. - - - ibs. of So AP fbs. of CANDLES g; No. of Licences granted #0 — - IMPORTED -- ~\– Y. L^ \ and bºrea ### Makers of ºš- /~– ows. wº Twns oº: Hard at Soft at Tallow at sº ,- estap s' S S㺠Soap at canales at Twº s gº a ~\– N. Gallons Years 3d. if Íb 1#d. d? #5 1d. d? fib at 3% tº ſh of a pººl sis; 4 tº each 2% each º' ºss Barilla ...! º rº. wº %. --- - —|T| –-º--——º— $ $ sº — ------ 1814 || 71,939,140 5,514,627 | 78,060,469 |827,655 124,444 266,865 āşşi 's 468 is is 2,860 is 24 1,101 | 127,992 || 19,354 59,620 33,567 15 77,768,063 6,224,002 || 82,903,123 874,917 | 108,096 203,703 |*ś § 447 s s 2,864 Š 22 | 1,091 || 75,036 |41,286 |261,601 || 23,655 16 || 79,848,129 6,087,419 86,349,463 850,120 121,029 | 189,784 – £– # 457 à | # 2,959 ; ; 19 963 221,357 23,831 || 143,196 || 29,118 17 | 73,683,265 5,533,869 82,417,778 881,247 | 103,594 | 171,936 | 1,076 409 ° s 2,934 ° 17 | 935|207.303 |29,700 151,803 || 23,496 18 76,015,217 | 6,461,455 | 82,646,964 857,589 99,122 180,150 | 1,116 354 34 º 18 | 1,042 141,175 29,310 246,601 || 30,031 19 || 79,666,839 6,161,749 87,536,031 |º 121,396 || 196,018 406 || 353 45 2,725 |225 | 16 | 1,079 | 161,865 74,257 172,462 29,547 1820 82,389,891 7,097,297 || 88,352,461 |886,168 || 135,049 || 197,765 1,747 || 324 45 2,696 |224|| 14 | 1,077 | 189,175 17,456 | 153,203 || 35,933 1 | 89,168,934 || 7,583,938 93,816,346 |862,843 || 130,061 175,543 | 1,392 || 308 || 39 2,676 |215 16 | 1,087 205,455 | 102,490 145,561 37,142 2 92,901,382 8,073,803 || 98,311,801 |881,449 116,040 || 146,916 4,290 || 315 36 2,739 |222 | 12 | 1,155 175,143 | 63,853 i 186,812 28,079 3 || 97,171,456 | 8,226,922 |102,461,879 |874,393 || 167,524 183,136 9,031 || 311 || 32 2,716 |214 | 16 | 1,214 370,780 | 66,493 238,373 || 36,537 4 100,270,453 9,297,485 ||109,810,900 | 939,203 || 153,105 | 161,919 2,065 277 ||37 || 2,723 |238 || 15 1,290 119,998 || 74,614 || 329,963 23,946 5 100,623,173 || 8,910,504 |114,187,550 | 1,059,747 177,097 185,542 | 1,821 145 || 31 1,388 |195 || 8 46 — 1 - . . . - 6 96,859,694 7,278,446 110,102,643 907,405 || 131,430 140,544 2,570 267 35 | 2,646 |214 | 15 re- 4 224,870 94,268 189,432 22,172 7 |104,372 185 9,646,477 |114,939,578 || 939,932 223,598 227,696 || 1,493 266 36 || 2,591 |224|| 14 ſpealed 239,722 | 98,070 304,103 || 27,647 - 234,036 226,206 - \-º-º-º-' saxº~ | \Lºyºs./ I See-y- |S–2-/{\-a-Z-Z'--->| >~ * >~|~~ --~\--~~\-- ~~~ (S-2-/|\-- No. of Column i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. An ACCOUNT of the Amount of Evcise Duty, paid on the above stated quantities of Soap and Candles, and of Customs Duty paid on Foreign Tallow Imported, in each of 18 Years between 1805–28, shewing also the Amount of Drawback paid on Soap and Candles Exported, and Allowance on Soap used in the Woollen Manufacture in each of the 18 Years; the quantity of Tallow Shipped from Russia, and of the quantity Imported into GREAT BRITAIN, with the quantity remaining on hand at the close of each Year, the Highest and Lowest price of the same in each of the 18 Years, and also the amount of Customs Duty paid on Barilla, Paum and Cocoa Nut Oil, and Turpentine in each of those Years.-see Notes referred to in Indew. | - - Casks of Imported into the United Kinngdom highest & Ni. Amount of Custons Duty Amount of Duty paid 0%, Drawbacks on | Allow- || 3,4", ºr - -º- - —y Lowest paid C n - - Shipped Wide Parliamentary Paper - - –/\- - --||— {{??,C& 0%, from Casks Imported and No.261 Session #. % : Tºw 2– Pal, Tur- N Years Soap cauſe: Talſº Soap Candles sp - Russia romanus ºn land |roup is vºw session iſ cut. Barilla tº penine 1806 693,777 330 *50 36,330 33,458 - 9, 511 31 ,852 There is no authentis account º: # vº" wº. 70/ 55/ 52,464 3,21 3 1935, 9 673,335|289,095 || 33,894 || 32,775 | 8,373 || 31,450 |ººl ºf ºn |&###,110/ 82/| 103,361 || 5,785 18,213 1812 683,726 334,060 36,330 || 10,869 || 8,643 33,125 | ºf ### vide folio 59 and ſo "| 73/ 90/| 35,227 | 2,095 || 11,995 13 751,743 || 330,358 | 37,668 11,099 || 36,498 || "...º. #### gigs | 84/ 100/ 14 692,816 336,485 91,975 || 30,228 11,967 || 34,111 || ºf #; º!,393 || 588,249 |110/ 78/ | 86,107 || 5,823 12,610 i5 772,037 363,148 88,198 || 24,278 8,779 º: *:::::::::::::::::: | ###: . º: º, º, 59,732 8,242 42,522 16 878,670 || 371,612 53,830 || 36,180 | 8,904 || 35,702 || ºr | ####| ** 14, i U 9 || 47/ | 73,568 || 4,474 || 31,607 | 7 1. ,005, 724 353,822 67, 947 32,320 8, 25i 41, 375 ...; the º §: #; ; 383, 873 52/ 77/ 84, 977 | i ,904 32, 522 18 1,003,095 || 370,295 || 83,563 || 40,852 7,294 || 54,281 || 75,000 ###|381,834 540,215 || 71/ 90/ | 92,366 8,993 || 48,768 19 | 1,074,415 || 375,748 || 85,680 || 47,264 7,077 54,132 || 84,805 624,161 581,890 || 71/ 52/ | 78,278 || 6,680 35,037 1820 | 1,173,464 401,031 109,875 || 50,765 7,675 50,293 || 101,525 100,582 |35,112 || 858,918 804,617 || 63/ 48 77,022 || 4,914 || 34,524 9 6 88.360 || 32,491 54,324 || 98,262 74,629 47,694 | 660,716 619,486 || 40/ 44/ 2 < * * I | 1,042,630 || 366,729 || 88,360 || 32,491 7,440 ,” 8,26 ,629 |47,6 3. ,486 || 4 / 87,506 | 12,000 || 34,369 | 2 | 1,216,380 || 415,494 | 107,991 || 39,308 || 6,616 || 50,389 || 100,470 90,946 || 79,840 * 781,872 || 55/ 32/ | 77,304 || 8,134 42,050 3 | 1,281,234 443,052 | 113,473 || 62,680 6,133 61,790 || 103,982 | 102,870 95,624 849,550 K 777,139|| 39, 33/ | 160,755 8,832 58,074 4 1,281,214 || 464,913 122,033 ||61,685 5,221 65,022 || 93,744 || 82,463 | 68,230 , ... Y 792,626 || 34/ 36/ | 15,153 9,283 69,262 5 | 1,328,010 |481,210 | 167,820 || 70,716 5,818 77,910 || 136,760 142,918 || 70,220 º & 1,113,746 || 42/ 35/ | 24,239 10,617 49,366 6 1,266,339 || 485,930 144,188 || 52,844 4,861 66,383 || 100,295 94,449 50,920 | * * * & 963,016 || 32/ 39/ 59,890 11,782 40,204 7 | 1,370,727 490,664 176,662 || 96,241 5,314 || 75,076 || 151,332 140,180 || 42,400 1,192,875 || 36/ 39/ | 68,343 | 12,294 | 63,529 8 1,415,955 504,043 | 153,508 ||112,369 6,084 91,809 || 153,550 | 136,938 37,720 | 42/ 37/ | 59,249 | 15,072 | 66,458 No. of Column, 1. 3. 3. 4. ë. 6. 7. 8. $3. T. O. } i. | 2. 13. 14. f is * N, * CO d º S I - ~~ - S. H land -* rº £ T • £10tt —- ſº--— - g - e II sº-º-º-º-º- iſ ar-ºº-º-º-º-, mºs 820,88 ExpoRTs. * | * in sº 747,070 sia Holland £ 2,277,242 łº º 54,928 809,670 Periods of Rus a 9 o: 228 º: ; I 78,709 ; 4 º; - ; . : <= 3 16,642 500,692 .808 *P3 * M: 9 925.56 60,899 35i.To. 25 | 2,600, 187,8 70,772 9|| 925, * - — 701 9,894 2,251, 155,7 ,306,694 - ,979 670, 36,8 956,255 de 1698 129, 349,633 431 || 2:398,69 233, 577,795 30,962 956, 's Peace —— 1 712 334 2,349, * 140, 2,403,369 3i (),874 , 60, | 13,758 4 Years War 1702 95, 085,68] 3,702 2, * 310, 407,240 3, 194 1, * , War 3 — 1717 | 582 2,085, 253,7 875,271 8.053 292 3, 1,750,408 i I do. Peace 1713 21 80, 2,108,739 881 2,875, 4 488,05. 487,29 3.518 9 2 - - — 1721 928 2, 264, 980,78 3,272 8 93, 396,99 5 do. • I 718 $ 40, 533,097 .483 2, 2 623, - 586,37 38,992 2,3 War I? — 1738 293 2,533, tº 504,052 512 586, 5 38,9 2,788,937 4 do. 1722 - 77, 2,442,947 61 || 2, 9 1,070, Aue 064, i (): 2,734 2, 5 Peace 1748 354 2,442, 203,901 |: 079,511 || 1, 895 | 1,064, 452, 2,841.901 I 7 do. /ar 1739 — 100, 239,508 225 3,079, 1,293,895 717,057 1,028 2,841, War 49 — 1755 1,583 2, 3. 504, 799,969 9,146 7 121, 2,879,787 10 do. Peace 1749 762 6i, 427,661 790 2, 174 || 1,619, 926,84 167 2 55 — i76 625 2, 5 139, 3,635, 17 4,026 2 * 1,992, 163 7 do. War 1756 Key 147,62 i < 443,795 492 || 3, 3. 1,804, 090, 17 0.362 9 2 War 3 — 1774 5,384 2, 921, 942,586 448 1, º 10, 841,738 7 do. #763 216,3 17 986 6 87 2, 5 1 789, & 123 823 - 655 2, 3 * Peace | 783 696 2,3 2 6 228,8 843.248 9 978 3. 14, 2,261. 152 12 do. War 1775 — I 395, ,392,872 543 2,843,24 1,857,978 317,000 ſº 2,231.1 –– 1792 27 2, 34, 065,544 083 || 317, 13, 046.43} 9 do. 1784 -- 320,8 312,798 53 | 1,065, 2,510, 539,942 885 3,046, 6 Peace ſ 3 07 || 2,312, 78,6 099,469 || 2, 7,504 ::::::::::: 20, 904,973 9 do. 4. 495,9 124,624 7,975 1, 2 60 || 1,707, 608,717 29,930 2, +2 9 s sºs 62,267 145 334 2,216.6 2,416,829 737 ºis | 3,499.76 §§§ S.; $ $ $3 S 5 862, 354, 73,824 5 122 || 2, 2 212, 110,415 º 383 #########is ºf 37,349 39 673, 1,279,12 $62,256 256 5 3,520,6 §§§§§§§ §§§ 5 §§ 6 737, 1,098,4 4,481 1, 29 || 2,662, 1,007,2 221,548 3, 32 §§§ 397 2 * * > 789,2 382,098 5 º 2 5 © 607,6 §§§ § S c $ $ $ $ $3 es § 444, 665 042 697 & 2 38 2 052 25 - - 4 434 «», ######## 7 09, 599 ion 8,69 4,894,937 346,876 1, '763 12 9 3,460,865 §§§ ššišš: 3 609, 28 29, 1,173,707 3.907, ió0 || 3. 1so | 1,000, 479,035 º s's §§: Š §§§s s.S.S. 9 751,4 2,794,630 2 2,510 || 5, 375 2, 182, 646,611 39.668 3, 5 32 iššššº 600 5 1,192, 064,2 335,219 28 139, 3,726,23 § 3 ; ; ; s $$$#ss 926, 3,715 3 8, 2,335, '7.5.22 20 3, §§§§§ss; §§§§ 00 35 3,873, 390, () 35,242 || 2, 66 875, 469,8. ,450,568 §§ E. S. Ś is s §§§ sº | 8 840,935 2 617 | 2, 3. 4,135, 2,263,76 9,334 6 || 3,450, §§§ s: să: 1. 555 1,392, 1, 183,708 557,733 || 2, 27,078 || 729, 3 || 237,066 3,984,818 siąśās |};| º;|*|† Ö16 || 2,527, º; ; ; gig ogo ššššišš is §§§§§ 269,932 tº: O37 2 1,874, 2,576,699. 999 5io 1,813, ######## 3 I, 31 2,338, 552 848 700 2 484 903, 213,51 482 958 §§§ Sº S §§§§§ § $. 4 1,199,8 365,408 2,848, 65 || 2,569, 786,468 37,520 4, 2 36 §§§ §§§§§ §§§ 508,056 3.609 3,356,0. 8 4,012 2,147 737, 4,035,036 §§§§ 5 | 1,508, 1,156, Tº || "...ſº 2 1,722, bºº 4.9% 533 ... Sº §ºss: ºss § $ Š 1,692,091 1, 553 © 755, 2,023,291 1,72 531 £326 1,593,5 §§§§ & S & šāşş: § S 6 H, 12 1,656, 1,972 37, 524 5 604 747, 6 36,22 3,271,613 ######## § $ * 699,5 58,156 7|3,337.5 2,746, 28,539 407 || 3,271, is $ $ 3 §§§§ 7 | 1, 368 358, 49 95,688 || 2, 768 -**** 711, ăsăşăşăș: § 395,3 58,160 |fºº}| 528, 37,480 7 * : *.*** §§§§§§:#s S. § s 8 g 2,458, 31,76 850 2 26 237, *** sessº- 331.638 ššššššāśās; 8,867 2 28 7: 3. | 411, 322 72 ** 5,331, z ########## 9 878, z 486,8 20,045 i , 2,771 || 2,322, ——— 718,461 | •. 092 §§§s c S 877,094 ºft|, lºº 3, 122, cºs--- 2,756 3,409 4.397, §sšs: §§§s. § # 810 30,928 260, 1,010, 142 tºfºrºsº-rºss-smº 421 2,162, *} 743,408 455,719 ###### §§§§§§ 11 | 730, 306,018 1,010.142 | 97 || 2,450,42 1,248,482 º 2,455, 73 §§§§§§ .# Sis 61 i *ºrº e 12,470,4 305,201 1, 340 4 º, 3,565,57: § Šs §§ss; š s : S.: 2 12 1,806, * * 2,224,677 5 3 || 0 2, 3. 731, 518,353 % 977 § sº & § $ & Cº., 4 º' *. 2 & 4-tr 3 849, $6,496 * 82 3 5 694, ºšššišić # i. 8,875,701 *:::: "º 1,316, 852,9 $37,754 || 5, 19 § S $ 3 §§§ $ $3 º 6 y ºf 9 2 1,441, -- ~ 9,898,3 4.238 74 1,137, 3,893, i šššššš ####### 14 | 1,370,11 206,499 1, 861 - 9, 2,194, 705,67 $20,988 3, $: §§§ ; $s. § s' S 14 2 166 8, '. 1,608, 832,004 549 1, 3. 620, 3,923,575 ăşăsășs;# 1,201, $, 582,638 2 18; 8, 2 2,851, 788, 170 563 9 āşşş Şāş; ššš Š. 1,706, 423,826 1, 752 || 7,983, 2,483, 661,81 783 3, pse §§§§ s is §5, §§s; | 6 3. 8,997 4,423, 2 1, 194, 7,077,086 00, 200 89 852, 4,497,550 ssissi; #sºs sº 17 2,758,9 I 3,968,222 981,821 || 7, 1,442 || 2,500, 59 909,9 862,201 808 in §s Šišššš *śs Šss 2,820,741 3, 59.202 º6 || 3,431, 1,910,9 79.925 9 || 4,808, Jā Şā $$$$...s; 18 2,8 3| 4,059,20 1,162,776 3,191 || 1, 24 1,079, 1,102,73 07,645 ######### 2,036,063 590,283 1, * | *ś, 2,555,4 º 1.1% 840 5,707, § 3, § s';**ś: să Š. 19 º: 383 || 3,590, 2 | 1,416, 262,029 1,617 | 1, .274 | 1 536, 481,924 • - §. §§ sº Yº * Š e, as § $ 3,668, * 878 982 2 189 6, 2,61 9 564 27 2 - p; 002 7. A. ############ # 820 289 ºf 1, 184, 803,085 * | *: 1,805, 557,944 & §§§ S. Q & §§ 3 Š § tº I 2,097, 858.062 > -- 567 6, 6 2,606, ë 998,336 9 5 705 5, 26 § $s ######3; 1,219,778 3, 57.343 904, 7,597, 17 78,586 1,998 93 1,225, 3. 8,357,0 §§§§ § Š s; SS “s §§ 2 | 1,219, 4,057,24 24,228 '... 429 || 3,678, 1,396,2 04, 183. 9 O7] 3.5 s : sis §§§ sis §: } .275 'sº 8 1, 124, 7,752,42 35,946 2 3 2,604, Key 8,580, § sº $ tº $. S. Stº 1,841, 234.86 471 2 * * 3 || 2,935, 579, 37 307 3. ####### * | *ś 4,234, 1,171, 261,04 3,470 1,579, 3,159, §§§§ * Sº, < *** P, 838 • 73 8, g 4 173, 78, 111 2 §§§ ššš : Så 4 2, 3,620 4,517, I 1,082,2 ºłºż 4, 2,653 1,978, ####### . . . . ; ; º; 333,312|| 3,443, §§§§§ s # 5 § º 20,879 4, 860 *: 8,353, --> ###### & so, º 4,847, 643,309 || 8, siąś sº: 7 2 654,76 4 956 116 - '(19'6 iššššsº º 3 s : * > v 3 jerag sº § āşşş s ; 8 2, 753,887 Estimated annual av • º §§§ 3 ; ; ; ; §§ 3 ; -z | equiva §§§§§§§ §§§§§§ - 9 s #, Revenue *** … } sº sº, ºssºsºse Şsº zºº §§ §§ §§ ! 830 i 1826. lue Quantities of Duty ——£ oo 500 000 āşşşāššššššš º 1825. . quantu Priº || ". º; ; *... º * **---— ExP orTED - tity Price Yºu 792 - 17/9 ; tº {} 120,000 ... frºm, , | Quantity 78691 ||145, - 5 || 1975 200,000 | 12 85,000 sooo R H . 78,69 00 17/ 623 7/ ë, HD ENMA 33: 12/10 |. 2 || 137,9 5 207, 250,000 1,500 50,000 . Quarters ; 1 1/2 *:::::: 399,947 #. *::::: º! / 60,000 || 130,000 º: tº #: º|| 3: ºol ":: –– 31,500 | 1,140,000 º: 15,844 8/ 14,013 330 24/10 -- * * 531, 400,000 ts . . . . . . . . io,298 || 9/3 1,908 || 1 , 850,000 120,000 000 Oa 7 at © tº tº º & 30,29 - 4 i, $47 565 0 20/ 0 15, jºyºsº, ... [...]|}. º; lºº! - 0 1,555,000 Grits . . . . . . in lºgº 9/ 269,595 || 1 gºod 9/2 5 . 656,500 1, - rters of Grain 136,304 39/6 6,058 || 9, - 168 || . Tºtal Quarters . Cwts. is gig gº 860, * * * * * > * 2 **** *:::::::::::: *=ºmºsºs. I sº smºs 752,077 Cheese . . . . . TOTAL Value 72 Exports to, and Imports from 1698–1828. e 2 Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Prussia, and Germany otrº Laezºg | g9g‘699° I || 89çºſzo‘r | 6,6° i 18 | 168°49 | 180°9'ſ I || #82 ºg 69°0 I || 860°19′6 | 918‘90ſ. | 669‘ L93 | 999° 19 I || I 1967. I gțzºzzgºg | zºzºg I9“ I | gggºțyſºſ | 9ý!“ggg | II ſºg9 | 9Þ6‘0’ I || 1.00f6f8°0E || 906“,39º6 | 838° 189 || 199‘99õ | 066°68 | 889“zg I esſ.gºogzºg | 9,6° 16'gº L | zgo“ 100‘I | gzgºggſ | 881 ºg9 | 9ºgºſ II || 888‘988‘6 | zºººº!!8º8 | 10!“ (99 || 8 IŤ“96 L | gſ. Þ‘86 | 106°6'ſ I †z Iº Iggºry | g9lºgººz | iſſºz90‘I | 81, ſºț98 || 0çgºgor | Lºz‘603 || 88,896º8 | 899ºZĪ8‘! | 618°249 || 962, 184 | №ſgºſ II || 16 Iº 1,91 gſ.gºgogºz | 9gººg0g“I | Lºz‘ozg | † 19°98 I || gſ.gººg | 180°6Ť || || zg6°609°8 || !! Lººgg“? | † 97°89Ť | ±± 0°,88 | 960‘9II || «№ Lº Lp I głºgºz89°I | 09Þº 196 || 0ť LºſogÞ6Ť“98 || Lg Lºogſ || #ffffff“ („8“8 | 1,96%849“) | † 20‘ſ gº | 68 I “O88 | 96gº Ig I || 939ºzoz Łgºggſ, I || 390‘94) | g[ gºogſ | LI Lºgſ | 966°99 | 080‘08 I || 49Þ°08′3°01 || 289°880‘6 | 98Ł“? Þ! | 196‘963 | 4,38° 19 | 2,96′08 1 9.gººzÿ I“ I || 369°919 | «gg‘6zg | «I Lºgº | 6f6f6Ť | Ģzz“†01 || 696ºg 20‘0 || || 138′299°8 | 186‘916 | 986‘818 | #64°68 | 886 ºgęI Oſºgºgę9“ I | ggoº Iſº | g6 zºg LL | 08&º If I | 10gº Ig | €zīvºo II || ~68‘93), II || 80 Lºſ:68‘6 | 089°zig“I Í L99*808 | 1,98°98 | 98g ºg «I gºlºgºgº L | I 19°gºg | g16° 139 | 98Lºo! I | 669‘89 | 82,9°gŤ I || Zāgº 186‘6 || I 16°80′′8 | 889“† 16 | 8õI ‘886 | 688‘66 | 9g Lºo9I Þz6‘ LIę“g | †ggºgºgºr | fºsfoggºr | 618°918 | 888‘88 | †ggº6 I || Ilfºz 68°01 | 883′89‘8 | 661%90'I || 969'ſ 18 | gſt ºog I || 0.16%99I zz fºgjºgº L | Ligº 189 || 6ţţº Log | 029°891 || 9zgº09 | 00Þºrf-L || 9zººzÿ8‘6 | 098°39'Lºg | 218‘820‘I | 888‘918 | 198‘81 || 60g“Ig I groº9Þ1. || 609ºg 14 | †00“† 6z | 66!“0ț | 68 Lºg | z) fºgó || 06 Lºſ 6 Lº0L | † 9. Lºſ!,9°8 | 28 Iº646 | 389°628 | 388° 12 | g8.gº.tz I Izgºzofº I | złºtº669 | guiºng | Ș tºgºgº z | 619°0gz || 81 rºzgſºo1 | † 8.1%60’8 | 8,60'l | Ş 916°999 ™ | 018‘96g 00zººlºt |zzo‘91) | govº 169 | Ș tºpºgoz ș | 18ť“Ilz || 86,91.9% || Iſºzºtt‘6 | 960'96“I | § 188‘80ſğ†Z8°968 • →→→→→→wº, -,- --.<<<=)Šwae,Q-•=~~~~) ----§ —§ .--◄ 92.6°499Lſ:4°04'Tg Igº69 | ° §- †7%), ‘OZZ ($ $ $ $ s š Ş ſ? I§§§§§§ º §§§§§§ ? "№ SÈ SÐ +5 f7. I§ § § § § §Ž § §§ § § § € $ IĒĒĒĒĒĒĖ z I į š Ž šğĚŠĖ * S § 7. § § ` ). +\š sĖ S $ $ o <>§ ~º. s § §• ºd § § ‘S "S Soº "№ 6§§ §§§§§ 9$ $ $ $ $ $ € •S § § § § © 25 !º $ $ $ $ğ § …, § ^ $3 $, 9È š Ť s šļģ •§ § § § § § 2, gșsºšş Ș 5 - ſº ºs se ºù º ț7ĶĒŠš-šš $ $§§§§§§§ %{ $țiș gŽ § § I* ¿š §§§§ «» &\} <\}S>, <> ° S ~S ºs§ §, 0081 | Řšš§§§§ <>- 6§§s š − Š š „Sº `º S 8§§§S Š š Ş §§ ^<>šºšº, § § Z§ § §§ §§§ § § §§Q ŞI 9S $ $ $ $ $ $ S º S 5, S \ , g§ §§§§§§ § § (3 § §§ LI J §§§§§§ 86Łſ.§§§ §§§ z6). I — † 8. I øopeaſ 882. H — g!,!, I (BAA † ĻĻI — £92, ſ. 9089){ Z9!. I — 99 LI JIB AA ggſ, H — 6Ť ĽI 9089){ 8f7! I — 681. I J BAWA 882 ſ -- Z, LI 9089){ Iºſ, I — 8 HA, I J B AA | LIŁſ — £ILI 90’Bºaſ %ȚA, I — 30), I J BAA fo spo?.tº, + * | 101.1 – 8691 ooººa savox ; , from whence, goes into the Prussian of which a considerable part to Hamburgh, tion Eaſported under the head of Germany is g it difficult to determine the eatent of Commercial intercourse ort to Germany without any corresponding increase of Import subsequent thereby renderin of Earp 92, and the transfer of active operations after * by the Inland rivers and Canals, between England and Prussia. The increase Provinces 30 H 7 ºop ºop ºop mburgh, to Prussia, Copenhagen yf Amiens in 1802, from Ha the Peace 0 are all features peculiarly deserving of attent?07. and Gottenburg, c tº Nº ºi º & ** rºl - Ł ł † Ģ { { →→→ '8,8 L – 861. I SJ80 A 98 9ų, yo qobº uſ pue ; «6). I og 8691 uroj ºſe AA pub oobºa, jo sieº ) jo 35 e 19 Ab ue uo ÁIȚenu ue : fiuotu.cº.ae) puo ‘oņssn., aſ ‘quo utwºq puç finandoN ‘uopom.S tuoi} pue oſ “NI VJLIŁ 8 LVÆGIÐ Oſu! (TGI), aerodraeII put ‘tuoſ qĀLagoaſ xa ozſpueųodºſ jo anſe A peſoſyo oqº Jo JLN ſa OOOV NV 73 Official Value of Merchandize Exported to, and Imported from Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Italy, and Turkey. cº ºf tº so tº co cy |} oggi igrºg | gggºgle | gºgºgo'r | 689°681 || «I9°316 | 818(†89 || g96°6'ſ gºoi| ozý“!.69 | 088‘ō9Ť | † 99°39′3 | 919'819 | 880“†9, I göğröğżą: || 3șíºgae ! ooºº16. | 1,9“gºz | +90‘900’i | ±±9ízig || LIĢºozoºſ I | 639º639′′ | Võ8%800‘º | 86,619% || 0:3 ſ 109 | 19,909% ¿ | №ſgºſtº | 91 ººgz9 | zºgºgºr | 8Iz“Igg | 9ț8°80g || 81,9°ę60°01' 28ſºzziºr | 9 18:18 Lºſ | 081 ºg 30% | 099:899 || 98ť971% ¿ | č&ý zozºi | vigºgºgº - || 606ºg Ig || 296°36′I || 1.94°38') || 666°996º8 | gę6‘igiºſ | 980‘63 Lf8 | 89,966:1 || 189’697 || 699?, 13% ¿ğ | gºgºgºr. | g60° z.ziºj | gl ſºgg || 6ęgºg ſº | og Lºogſ || 868°6ęgºz I || 26, 26gºt | 0815668ff" | † 39'181'8 | 908(†89 || 161°019% ſăși ſăi să | gogºotae | Çigºeziºr | ongºz Iz | 8ptºgo8 | †gg‘999 || opofo6zºoſ|| gezº zºt | #99ff66'8 | 188° 18′′′ | 888‘ōgſ | ¡ ¿ † 9Ť Ľz žň∂√∞º | z99,988 | gºgºgorºt | og ſºggſ | 09gºzzº | 91 zºgog || 100‘gſlºgſ | ſpºzig || 219°08′3,9 || !! !! 0.38% || 899ff19 | 6ºº699% ¿ºž | gggºoaeg | z 16°9+6 | guzºgºr | 90Þº 193 | 67,9ºggſ || Lºſºn pººg | 910°ºgg || 818(†66'8 | gºſº Izzº | !!! Iºff || 196‘969% ¿№gºz | gg ſºr. It | 16gºſ. Ig | zoºgzi | 869‘9z6 | 9ggºooº || z9ſ ºogg‘6 | 9+2, 196 | 139°49,8 | fºtº808′3 | 316°999 | 6f º’938’ſ čŕžºgggº i gozº Igz | .ggf.ºggg || #6ïſºſti | 39gºz9) | ±±0‘9gț¢ || 999'6gſºº | 99Þº 191 | 678'908,8 | 3,189,1 | 639$99 | 076’889'i zºgºgogºg | zgo‘698 || opzºzzºi | 9Þ9′604 || 686“gfººt | gºzº Lot || 9zgºgºgº8 | 018‘ī90‘i | 398‘883ff" | 9,3°89°I || 609’609 | 8,3°80′ſ ¿ºíggº | 63,4°09 I | ÞIgº ſzt. | 63 ººgz. I || 9zt.ºgg6 | 019°989 || ±0.gºoººº! | №zz“666 | 9ī6%ț6% || Iſ Lºo80% | 8††’999 || Gºgºč69‘I ğț¢ºoggºr | gzgºg9I | g6 Lºggi | z)º9zI | 101°6gg | ggoºaegg || g98′oſ gº! | zoLºgoſ | ±±8°918$ I | †09'8,9% || 986° 19) || 698,988ÍL ğggºðſögºż | gºlºgiz || 69gºggg || Zgººg6 I | #60‘ggº | gzgºgg,0 || 1.89°6'49'''. | ggººgia | 889898't | 3,0’9,9% | † Ļſºoſ8 | 893‘III“, ğõź, ſziºz | .gg.gºogg | figºing | g36° ſ.gºº | z Izºtº8 | 686“969 || goſpºggiº01|| 8z Lºſ I || 399° 16′′3 | 9,6°) ººg | 1889$9') || 6 Iſº,9% oſ ſºoſ zºg | +69°gºz | oſgºgoy | omaeºzgg | ggººoºg | 9†gºggi || opț“Līgºſ II ºrtºg99 | 078°10ț | gºgºzz!‘8 || %19'690'ſ | Izºlº 89,8 gooºgiaegºy | oſgºggi | 0 Izºgzi | 9 Igºroſ || 8țgº IIg | Izpºgoſ || 9ggºgg ſº! | 168‘994 || 968‘993 | 930‘ſºgºº | 888‘64 ſt | 30,60 Lºº (gºggiae | ±ggºgºg | 901.ºgza | z) ºſz8 | 088‘gaetºſ | gºlº31.g‘I || g9gºgg9“) | 9††“96 | 088‘991 | † ?, † 30‘º || 229%68’i | 988'ſ 16' L șę, įgi ºg | ozgºłęI | #6 pºzzz || 696ºpº6 || !gſ ºgo6 | 868‘988 || IIzºpgoºo1 | 098° 101 || ‘zř8 | 8õſſºlgt ºg | 808“zºfº | 883’65’’ I õigºaegºſ | nggºng || 6 Io‘zıl | fg0°068 | goſ“, 19 | 160°089 || gggºtaeg‘9 | 989ºgſ | ſºlº 183 | †80%98õº | 102°888 | 818(† 20‘ſ +zººlogº | ggzºg II || 619°06'I | 888‘981 || 89 Iºz86 | 9țgºz88 || LIO‘81 zºg | 1916 I || 69 Lºgg || !…I9‘669‘I || 907°90’ſ i 699°6'10" I ſēãºgrºž |ggi ºggi | †gzºgoz | 668 ºg II || 48ťºggſ | 601‘816 || 0,889ºg | g69'631 | 18!!0!!3 | 300'8.1.1 || 90ſ'?! | 288:98 #1 ș, tęſºż | oggºgol | gezºgcz | gogºo11 | g9Iº916 || 00g“986 || 116°38'ººz | g18° 181 || 88/'68Ť | 888‘II 8 | 188‘ III || 90, †68‘I gzgºſ ſoºg | Lizºgſ I || gøgºggi | †tzºgg I || 61.6°868 | 19ųºg69 || «№wºzloºg | 1.97° 18 || 316°098 | 637°19 | z 18‘966 | 309’606 gizº@ſoºg | №złºgi. 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Ig || 618‘ºzg || 6,9% 16, 1 zegºez || 80,9ſſ | 99899£68‘9 || H6I ‘O IŁ şggº ſi i ºz | zęLºog I | ggoºglg | 96gºz | zę9°gz8 | g!!!“), 9 || 9ggºſºz | 91 ſºzgſ | † 8., 192 | 889 ºggſ | 988‘899 | 089°698 gggºgg.gºz | 66zºpg | Lugºgg | ggoºº1 | 986: 100'ſ | Ogg'8Þ8 || LIzºgºgºz | 886°6'ſ I || 889,898 | 908'ot IĢ09°01, † | 98/, ‘80ſ, gggº iſ gºz | 906“†zg || 6țzºſo), ſ Iſſº i I | 096(692 | 688‘t’Iſ || 89/, “I60% || 001.° 1, 11 || 699*0ī9 | 683°0, L | 039′399 || 969°069 gŁOºggſ.* I | 189“†81 || 81,9°039 || Lºſºg90!“68Ť | 16 ſºzºï || g9g‘o 13° I | Oſzºgſ | ZŤ9‘gºg | 90!ºggſ9ý8°40g | ZOH ‘889 gr+“ ‚IŁºz | gſ.gººg I || 493“ggº | 8gzºz I | Lºz‘Izz | 98ț¢ºgț9 || gºſpººrlººz | 2,18° 161 | &ſzº6.g! | 888‘Oſz | 6!, ſº60) | 8Ť8°919 † 19° 164° I | 884“ IOL | 88Zº! 9† || 480%80'Lºgſg | g9I ‘81 g || 49I ‘99.6° ± | 990‘08 | 683°609 | 08Lºgg99.Lºgg9 || II6° 189 - gzoºzz6“I | 918°081 | 6f9fggg || 0.99% E | 998‘899 || %1.6“g98 || #89°088ºz | 616′8 | 16!...“ I 18 | 26 Lºgºſ¿№ 2ºoo1º1 | 760°00′. govºg pº I | Đg9ſz# I || Z.z.9°999 || ILI ‘39 | 949′618 | 9z 9ºgſz || 98 pº g61 ºg | «№bºgg || 870‘Lºg | 888° 168 | 804°ggſ'ſ | I 16°01’3’I 26, †ggº I | I 10°991 || gſ. Þºrg || 899º III || 698‘ Lºt | 6țg‘884 || zºgºgºgºg | † 1,9“ggſ | 9,883 | 998‘IŤ9 | 288'86 tºt | 639° 13'I ‘I grººg Izº I || 198′og I || 984‘ggg | 011.ºgg || 86%%-01 || 819°198 || ongºzºoºz | 888‘90 I || 83 Lºg L | †06‘gțgZ6,67 I || 804 ‘960‘I gzgºgg, I | 1,9zºg) z | 960‘987 || 896‘ LIL | 681°867 | 80’ſ ‘698 || Lºtº Izı,ºz | gizºnoz | zºg“8Ť I || 986“, 19 | 39'ſ 130 | 363° 180‘L ¿ºzzi, I || 199′rgº | zºgºțgſ | 9gÞºgg || 161°018 | 171°088 || ±±gºſto“L | 88†“loz | 8ffº LLL | 909′60ť || 69!, ſoţ | 880“18! głºgºozgº I l ſzÞºg Ig | gl gº Log | 919‘ºz | ±±6′88 | 880“g6z || †ggº ng Lºz | 81,80% || 600‘Lºg | Iſaeºſ. Iſ | ±±6‘889 | 116°9řſ. 6țgºț,6 | 9II“††ő#89;&IO“†9g%“† 14 || «Ezºßſz || g9gºgſ ſº I || 46,68 I | 30 Iº6!...Iſſſſ93189ºgt. I | 889°699 6.Lgºſoſ, I || 906‘914 || Lºgºggg || — || Lagºgºg | 606°zoz || 0.19°ț¢19‘I || 406‘8Iz , 6ºzºgſ I | †69‘888 | 3õſ’989 || 8ýž“ —–3––|— 3.— Ģ——?— Ģ.3Ě-?–– 3 ------|—~-3:Ģ~~— Ģ.ĢĒ °CIGHNL’HO &{}\\[[ywną 37sºſsae uotuoſ į sºſºvuposa.co2 ſy ?*([{{{J}}{O}&IX ºſ22:1229’Ts975.ſ ſønąºtoſsa?.cºm/p0sa coz y aqq pºzo 372710 A27/? pºzofiņoņȚ? ?????IÁT21/2 pºo??o.ſapoſ,anqo A9ų, pvzofiņwyſ? ????ºffſ9ų, pºcoºp.129 pºſſ/ TVALO, 1,fi33/w??, I,.cſſ?????.wą??)zagrad S:qøãng.coaſTW, ILO, Z|fê09/…??, ſ.„op???0.04%)º ugođş‘qipºn2.cocſ *([{{J}IO CH ſiſſ°CH GIJI, ȘI O dº XºT {}{8} 6 {} ! 9 g red ºn tº ºf so Sº tºs CO CO <> c CO *: Z62 I — ſººſ I 9089a1 {{{3!} + — Ģſ, ſ. Į † LLE — £92, ſ. 90 Bºaſ Ź9), H — 99 ſ. Į- ggſ, I — 6țyſ. I 90 Bºaſ {}ț7ſ. I — 68.), H. ºg LI — , ſ.ſ. 3089){ Hºſſ -- 8 IZI LI LI — £IŁ I 9089&{ ZIŁ I — 60ſ. I **, 70, included a large portion during the half century from 1721 to 17 \-- 000 of GOLD was coined ,000, ; neither PORTUGAL, SPAIN, G1 B R ALTAR, ITALY, ized by Bullion, as about £40 equali great disparity; but, since 1806, the quantity EXPORTED has *+→ <<! |× $§§ -ß ( ?> $ $ $§ :: ſºº s',(S & o ſº ſº© ·§ 75 § § § § 3 <::3 § 5. § ø ± ≠ − × %<< º ſe š 5 g $ $ $ $ș> $ $ $ $ $ ž. š: š? È È Ě Ě (5 £ 2 };∞ ( g è ºſº y ſg º £&<; © § § § 2 că ſ-º º № š8 Sº k;§ © ® … º ºs 5 3Q.) § 5. || ? %ſ ºs º 2 § 3*} ~3 § § }; #23,5)? !! !! ;º∞ § à ſº šº ſēļ ģ Ķ Ķ Ķ ķbſ) <<2 →→£ €«3į} Rae v § © ®), º 3 × 6- º !« ** či „º Šº 3. 8© ® ° *=? *(.*? • † Þº è>Ē (,© ® : quae º 5% * →! !! :„ șé º £ © ±, ± 83 T” ºg go ),§ © ® º $2© C) § 2 3 ğ º ž.), “ Ā ā ĒĢĒ Ē Ģ; o 85 · E É Ž ž Ź Ź ż Ž ( ? ß-5,8 @ := g žË : Ë Ē Ē ē § #') != 5 + E_2)= (% 7) :: §§§§ ¶ • ¡ ¿ $¢ £ € £ € ſae º £; £ © ® “№ № : ( ):3,5 £ ), sp-5 ſe lă 2 (5 £ © ®pº º -º º 5 È', '=' º £ º 7 * # … .. $ º ‘s’ º ‘№ º„ , ? £ 2.2 ± %. Ëſ, Š Ť Ť # $25 % (5) și 3,5 ģſēž č. 5. § € à g g º $ §§ ș4 - š. * *$') != $º > º 3 $ ? ? 2 ) ğ 5 ) ğ (3.2 s, 3 ğ (5 × ± 5 ° § © ® 2 ſé ? ¿ † ‡ •=ąSp; Š * ? ) : 3 § § ſo '92 ;“E • § © ~Š§ 92. № º E.; = $ º £§§) š, # 5„» P *° × × £ € “ºs $ $ $ $3 ) ? '№ spºº 3. *? º ¿ $ $ $ P # 5: 5 №") ºg * cº 5 ſ š Ž ž º 5 g č Ę Ę º • №. 3 § § È × žºš c = # = $ $ $ $ $ 5 § § 3.5 -5 & § Gold Coined. From 1770, down to 1806, the intercourse with the sed but about One half: and it is conclusive that no excess of Bullion nor has England in any way benifited by the involution, or indirect her part of Europe or the World, whereby to create equivalents o that is, in other words ſ):::: >>p=x* received from England: consequently the equalization of this ous means. The money transactions of the English Government in the Peninsula, 38 AA J'8 AA Je M. (8 AA J'8 AA sed towards $º orted, has progressively decrea £h * t home from 1807 to the close of the war in 1815, sufficed to equalize the account e of the Products Imported, when the Commercial interest was suddenly and wholly deprived of the British Govern- the money value of the British Products Exp Çe CŞ ºop ºop ºop ºop ºop ºop ºop ºop tº * is c tº º CŞ pesº ravi pºsi I Į IOLſ — 969 I 90'e9 & SaepºĀ ț7 fospowoa ºszSI – g6). I sugax 9g 9ų, yo qobo uſ pue : «GLI oſ 869 I uſoaſ ſe AA pub 9089ā Jo sreºĀ Jo ºffeitº A8 tre do ÁIIenutſeí fioºſum, I, pum ºfiņoņI ‘apņņp.1449 *uſpºs ‘rofinquo, tuolų pub on ‘NIVELIŁą „Lyſºſo omuſ qa. Lºſoaſ, put tuong aſa.Lºſoa xa ºzſpueſoſºſ, 30 ôniº A [ºrºſſO ºtſ! Jº JN11000V NV | 7.4 d {, to an A IN, BRIT T GREA B into ED I RT PO d HM - &A, Il from, "EI) EXPORTE dize E chan f Mer ſalue O ia! Va Officia f the I T O JC O AC AN 28. – 182 ‘s 1793 €8.I'S 36 Y f the :h Q in eac d in 2 : an 1792 2 tC) 1698, from War, and 3.Cé ars of Pe f Ye € 0. 2 verag on an a 3.}}}|{13. dies, t In ign Wes - reign - d Foreig, 3.11 &rica; Amté from RTS. **s L IMPO ritish row - º º 315,019 ~ : al Stat A e) 293 nited €7°2001 * 8, U. Am 617 298 317 - - - - - - ign. of N. 18, 56 º {} - ºh, 402 iº,9 24, 31 - f West - - - -º ; 18,120 §. ORTS AL || -*------w ; 23,054 - § EXP itish TOT 4 305 º; ; º: Brit ico, 037 36,852 470, 51 9, 1 48 '#2, #2 e true ºgº 38, ,9 49, 0 37.4 iſed i. Am | º 30,610 #. 311 #. łº Unit 4 men 3,491 2. 53 º 678, 9 7,7 1, 095 • * -- - ign of W. A ; ; §: ; 44,849 ; "*-*-**** **, *s, * Fore? dies ſo 46 10, 5 523, 28 10,7 6,46; 104, 77 391, 25t In 87,5 9,27 72 896 74 | | 39,3 l, Weg 3 95.7 9, 38 800, {}{) 1, 7 02,9 13 413 5i --- ; 10,4 10,8 3.23. 1,2 307 221, 22,7 - ~ ds of 36,828 402, 87 23,5 - º 145,9 6 40 5 iss, 3 Perio {}} 36, #39 67,4 36,64} 1, 17 ºil 986, - 10,34 1, 50.44 - 17 * 7 {}} 3 6 {}83 36, 34 117, 95 47, º 2 {}26 2 {}5 3 7? - 2 — 712 187, 14 542, 34 72,9 * 2, 88, 9 3,853 - #,040 241, i. 9 61,6 - - 169: – 1 7 46,0 - 1.18 - I 65 2,6 963 18 904, 3 76 3. i 50? Cé 08 – #71 i H (); 75 3. 6i 68, - º Arº 5,73 314, 4 66, 's Pea # = } 2 : 35,101 8. j. sº ; 66 †: ; 3.84 º 7- {{?'S - 3.T 7 : 3 #72 2 975 I 23 2 49 335, i 743, 08,3 $) | 3 20 5 54 6 161, 55 4 Yº W • ?:- 738 *::::: 5 º 9,04 3, 3 ,902 ; 313,0 º {i,0. Peac # 73 – 17 e 6,47 1,8; 712 869, 89 84 271, 46 2,080,9 2 º 109 3 37; 516 ". . º, #: # * '757 *::::::: 864,48. 40,2 #| || ; : | º 4. 5 W € #: **- 55 111, 6 * 3 06,0 4,4 4 995 3 o 857 I Hº 2 20 170.0% 4,2 9 20 do. Peac 173 17 ty 1. 79 4. 484 22 88 2 25 876, A- 3. 82,7 1. 690 5 73 '69; 4 7. 9 — 762 ; 39, 4,5 4, 9.42 935 1,7 941 92, 949.6 do. War 1749 – 1 7,89 2,839 90 71 459, 88 077, 5 18, 3 575 3.9 16 J 7. lo, V .* ºl 774 57, 31 2, 3| 71,2 6, 9,8 !, 58.70% 1,8 923 455, j97.3 (ś Po 37 1774 39. H 68 9 8 H 7,90 39 158, 8 357, 935 2.59 7{} * & war 3 — 783 39, 514.6 1 }9,7 3. 56,8 I, {}.03 2,3 3. 5.18 367, 2.375.4 : ... wº. Hº- i 3,5 87 99 71 56 45 390, 6 º: 960 2, 3 86 7 Cé 5 — “g te 92 | - 59, 4,6 6, 8 8 1, 9() 2 { - 504 27, 5 5,5 do. Pea 7.5 - #7 1.08 3,8 118 8] 25 898, 83 496, | 3 23, 32 790 79 {}} 7 784 – 21, 3 54, §6) 5.3 7, 6.9 i, 11 1,9 098 77,7 2, 6, 5 tº do. War } 78 3.85 5,25 032 845, I 2 196, 74 | 577, 56 914,09. 3. 515 3.55 706 12 do. €3.06. H 793 ; º 054,0 9, 40,6 fº. 1,9 |,467 293, 6) º * ... }, iſ ſº º: 6, 36.79 łº. 9,3 5,458 *::::::: #; 330,092 º 055 £10. § $ * 18 5,0: 369 09 2 72 T 1: 217 355, 3 . 66,5 º 30 3. 50 3. 0} 9 ššššš , | 5 º 580, 1, 5,87 9,11 2 21: 1,7 84 49,7 4, 3.1 §§§ 1,04 71 5,5 558 975, 8 96.3 } 346, º 4 89 973, 40 #### º 56, 5 7,45 º: . ; 26,9 § º #### ă ş - 46 7,056 594 017, 6 548, 4 || 35, º 8 {}} 460, 4 § 3 & s & $ º: º § 3 ce $ | 7 264, 9 …” 385, 1, 50.89 6, 27 7 525 2.8 342 $78,3 10, 5.86. s: § : tº .s §§§ s & S K. 1, 42 º,8 30 350, 7 767, 8 || 26,5: '886.; 6 46 945, F. ##### 8 S 8 48, 57.5 1, | {} 7.7 35 1.2 * : 83 . . . 6, 26 *wo §§§ § & #s; - 1,0 208 7, 5} 90 082, 31, 2 41, > . 5,3: 885, 53 485, ă şi is ºši; & 9, º 1, 349 8,3 746 1.3 .724 205, 5 2.16 4, iii.;; 9 47 * }; aii º: 359, 7 || 1, 37,7 2.2 ... . 68; 68 º §: , ; ššš. § ... 800 580, 31 º 6 i, 65,31 11, 08,50 2,8 0,409 2,61 415 719,6 65,16 #if: #s i i 284,8 3 5, 98.42% 8 662 10,3 75.3 5,09 359 2,309, 52 | 6,5 453 jšš §§§§ §§s à 2 2 13 6.3% 765 950, 7 946, 6 61, ºis 99 I 10, | ######, 2 193, ,146,7 12 9, 39 6.9 286 29 32.8 6, 3.44 is sº ; : să ş § - 99 146, 2 61, 17 3 4, l, 322, 73 53, Yey 'ss s § j āşş; 2.4 7, 12 1.() 58 3.3 - 36 83 6 58.87 4.8 22 #### §§ sis: 3 312, 2 | 13, 2 25,0 13, 27,9 3, 1.42 621 68, 5 1,8 s S$ §§§ $º • ‘s $s $º-3 K.) 9,282 8,6 120 1.12 15 5.62 2 37 2,47 5 22, 3 025 5.36 627 § 3 ; ### 4. 31 '962 921, 9 1, 48, 1 15, 88,3 2, 288 493, 32 3, 4i, ###### Kº 5 7, 5: ,7 58 ,3 8 70, 3 ,4 2 # : ::::::: *:::::::::: ; º: º: ; º: º: ##### }zº . 636 5, 18 317 1,909, 19 63 3.37. gº 2. ſº 69 oo:: 6,796, 64 ##### is; ššš. * | * |; ;|}. 02,4 ; ... §§ 6,657.2 g S S ses; §§ S. Sº $5 § s 8 9 $81,6 7, 31.82 1, 8,4 293 1,974, 90 3,426, 6 1,271 6, 233 Ts § ſº §§§ 5323 6.3 {}, {}6] 43 3. 92 © 21.2 3. 9,7 3, O7 84 3. 8 b 909, *S. §§§ § 3. sº S.) sº & 9 5 70, - 1, 5.5 - 062 18,8 830 1.68 63 688, 2 4, 27 6, 720 ##. #ss: sº 5,9 819 4, 135, 093, 17 287, 0 || 1 , 24,3 2, 1,34 844, 70 848, 86 sº §§§s ### JS gº $ |8 () 3 º 3 4, 8,6 13, 28. 14 2,32 963 3,65 2 : 0 80,9 8, 59,3 §§ sis is ###3 *-* 3 3{} 3.09 41 2,62 .5io 016, 3 42, 7 944 7, 5 77 $ jºss § j §§ 2: ... 11 114, 7, I 3, 08,0 12, 02,5 2, 3,63 3,6 729 864, - 9 83,2 #3; šššš § 5.5 *śs 2 4, 1,936.50 2,2 570 15,702 400 2.30 º 0207. 7 5,699 10,4 603 §§ §.S. º SS §: ##### n 2 * 098 11,93 log2 395, 64 - 768, 3 º 4, 59,73 92; 2 463 je; 825, 67 # ### 13 ; ... ; º: ; §§ * ſº 9 ššs ššš s.sºs s: : sº # 4 786, 27 | 7, 87,0 1, 1,033 10,0 7,349 2,10 039 3,925, 52 74,8 11, 5.48 ## # º 8,72 6,3 4:37 2.00 isi 2.91 º 524, 78 ºrigº 7 9 324 8,865, # 15 ; ; 676, 3 | 1 º; 2, 08,0 5, 4,64 *:::: ###### |; |º: |}}. }; |: ; * -as ºr #####| |º. 4, 262 } .39 58 ºil; 3 97, 8 ####### 17 5,523, 71 920, 2 3348 | .ii.5% # 3, 6, 13 7,9 581 § 3 fº #### & {}, 5.6 3, 30 1.5 38 9.1 21 86 5 96 820, | * #is sº ##### 18 3,465, | 0 607, 54 1, 66,5 19, 05, 5 # 1, 4.4 5, ##### #: 19 º 4 º: 1,7 667 2000. 864 2,36 giri OTAL > šššš šššššš ă ş. 6|| A. 4.45 7,3 ... 241, 63 373, 92 || 2 225, S OTA ### §§ § S §§§ § 3 ; 82% 914, 3 7 141, 2, 1,4 12, 59,64 2, TS, – T *-* sº §§§§ S : šššš 1. 4, 22.91 6, 286 15 19 55% {} OR zil na.192 #s 3 S $- § & gåås { 5,32 3. 6 41, 2, 550.3 -> 18, - | 4 º s - MP – Bra *- 4,1 § & §§§§ ..Q. Sº $ is 'N S 83, 63 7, 1 275 65 2 75 944, § I *gn 1.97 790 º g §§ 3 S3 $5 © §§§ 2 804, 7 27, - l, 9,3 19, Fore dies 57.33) iº9, 63 #### iš § º ; *::::::::: – Mexico |fºº} . #: ; # 336, * | 3:2 ºil 3. co- 702,540 sº *:::: # : "; º 727 2, -: *|†. ; º: ; §§§ ### s: §§§ *::::::: 6,843, *.*.*.ſi. --— §§| ; #; - §: §§ §: ; s ### 6 º Cº.;; 99 || --—- 9,645 #, ; § iii; #: §§ §lº. * Isº #|, i. º: ; # # # - il | TO T. º º; 66,3 #: †: # §§ §§§ i 9 - ºxPORTS " I Brazil 727 599 § 14.809 *ś ; § ; $5 3 * iššš §§§ § U. EXP of eign B *ś *-* ; ºng ;| § º ; šššš; § 3.5 ššššš. - ico ſº, ; : 3.809 ºp #; #|s. '426 lºft łºś , sº : §§§§ ššs ico Fº. § ; *:::::: #|## }: '603. #|}; § 3 ; § & s S. S. Q? C --- 9} 284, 21 3,465, () 2.50 373, 38 5 '503 152, 0 13,0 1, **ś š-šš § CŞ • Me 090,3 3 2, 91,631 <>3 49,81 4 oić 88,3 73, 07 1.38 6 011 " ; ; ; º, łº *ś. 4,4 4.454 }}|: 8.646 ºft|}; 373 182, | Ǻ ... a i !, 752 1,89 385 4.91 ºf; 25,0 9 49 ºš 1.50 146, 77 Rio tal lum ; 278, º S29 77, §§ 2,7 4 - la 1, 7 2, 547 5,3 636 64, 8 || 4 630 4,8 19 ; 1; ld P 33 99 143, 0 136, 04, 53 265, 8 99 una eru. 3 623 *-*. '-º', 1, '56 3,425, 43 0,226, 53 08,9 143, - 5, 10 * 8 332, 8 3, 59,0 10, 61,3 1. 418 * † -º-º-º: º; º 305 38 #. 1, 02,19 3,7 6 873. 5,4 2,400 125, - isió ; º: 1,0 º: #; ; ; § 3 8 17,70 - 7 º § 52,40 '#; 3.82 73i Šs; # ; º: ... º: º; 6,155 sj #828) º º: ; º: łºś. - | #!" sº ": #; '#|} - & sº 3 45.9 © 1,9 41 2 4 : §§s 4 § ; 567,45 l §§§ . º; 484,3 - § Ś 9 ºia # 3. § 1%; º § ! {} lsº *. 75 AN Account of the Official Value of Merchandize EXPORTED from, and IMPORTED into GREAT BRITAIN, to and from Africa; the British West Indies; and the East Indies and China, a to 1792; and in each of the 36 Years 1793 – 1828. inually on an average of Years of Peace and War, from 1698 4 Years Peace 1698 — 1701 Periods of 11 do. War 1702 —- 1712 5 do. Peace 1713 — 1717 4 do. War 1718 – 1721 # 7 do. Peace 1722 — 1738 10 do. War i739 — 1748 7 do. Peace 1749 — 1755 7 do. War 1756 — 1762 H2 do. Peace 1763 — 1774 9 do. War 1775 — 1783 9 do. Peace i784 — 1792 * $º s's S3; $ $ $ § - ºs S S < 3 S is S. & & Sº e 4 § 3 SS & S S S S Sº s: - 'S Sº §§ 3; sº $ 3.3 SS $ sº is 5 §§§§§§ $3 ºf Šiš s : ; Ś § #3 s ##$$º ŠS$ 5, sº 7 3 s. sº S S ; ; s $$$$. 3 s 29 S S 3 s. 3 S $ S ; s S : 8 #5 j . §§ 3 ; Śiś £3 s. 3, § 3; ; ; ***, 3 Sºlºšššš. § $ $ $ $93 & #2; s’’s sº sº. 5. 9 § $ $ $3; # ºf Fra's $$$$$. § S. §§§ E is sº $ S$ § # | 1800 §§§§§: ; S's s s $ $3 S. §§§§§§ Siºššš: 1. &’s S S J2. § $3 J S S J.'s 3 c. * *s 3. § - S $ 3 tº sº; $$. S. Śiś s : ś, ź sº S $; $8 2 §§§§§ { }; $; $ $35 & §§§§§§§ sº S is ss & 3 §§s Šs $5; sº is SS S.S, jº $ s sº *s sº .5 s 2 4 3.S $ sº S S $ $3° S 3 & 5 º S. § S ºf 3 S S is $ 5 s $ $ $ s & S s S S S $ $ tº S 2 S S $ S 5 §§§§§§§ 5.5 § 2 + 3 & # S § sp. s is T & J $3 S $ 3, § s 6 § $’c. 3 S S S S S $ 3. $ $ $ $ §§ {S #; s sº S #gā āşş 7 §§§ $$$$$$$$5's $s § 3 ; sº sº; sº s : ; }; 8 $ sº - $ $ “” Sº sº “S.S * S & Co "Sº §§§§§ 3 ; ##$$$$$$. 9 ășs; $$$... is sºj *ś is $$ $ & S.S. $ $ $ $3°6's 1310 ss $* : S S $ $3 S. ŚS Š §s: "S S S R & S $ S & S g. §§§§§ sº sº s? §s <$ 5.3'S S $ $ S. $, $, $ S $ 's º - cº §§§§§§§s & S $$$$. 12 §§§§gs; 3.3 sº Š #S 13 §§§§s $ $ $ 3, §§§§ 3 ºs * § S.S. § 3; 3 S & 3 S • s.S.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 14 •'ºss; fississºčášš U. 15 R. Šs. S & S.S.'ss S*: º SS IMPORTS. EXP {} £TS. g "ifi º & $ - * British East Indtes --- Africa wº. ºf roTAL | Africa wº, ſº | TotAL -É -* -— #. £-— £----|---- £—|-—£-— 114,043 331,839 214,212 660,094 17,421 714,761 656,031 1,388,213 . 71,677 272,515 106,908 451,100 12,322 606,132 468,941 1,087,395 . 87,493 349,254 79,323 516,070 23,721 966,421 695,267 1,685,409 104,040 258,134 93,402 455,576 22,775 937,017 958, 104 || 1,917,896 195,582 287,450 151,642 634,674 47,168 1,300,044 650,879 1,998,091 151,657 391,180 432,022 974,859 28,065 1,265,661 968,400 2,262,126 213,841 664,067 714,105 1,592,013 34,279 1,588,183 1,119,118 2,741,620 240,488 943,502 856,679 2,040,669 31,443 1,858,894 975,805 || 2,866,142 609,893 1,243,991 998,765 2,852,649 60,268 2,900,857 il,720,263 4,681,388 384, 166 1,415,714 926,297 2,726,177 56,674 2,824,938 1,340,164 || 4,221,776 809,546 1,862,522 | 1,795,747 4,467,815 92,252 3,860,674 3,179,136 7,132,062 384,587 2,695,220 2,721,793 5,801,600 || 120,372 4,392,158 || 3,499,023 8,011,553 749,823 3,632,762 2,924,829 7,307,414 48,865 4,782,616 4,458,475 9,289,956 428,731 2,460,888 2,382,933 5,272,552 65,097 || 4,099,291 5,760,795 9,925, 183 613,535 | 3,223,268 2,377,376 6,214,179 || 120,397 3,966,763 3,372,689 7,459,849 887, 138 || 3,144,363 2,288,415 6,319,916 54,357 4,309, 164 3,942,384 8,305,905 1,291,062 5, 198,369 | 1,145,736 7,634,167 69,761 5,418,541 7,626,930 || 13,115,232 1,621,625 5,947,425 || 2,436,383 || 10,005,433 || 112,789 6,161,504 || 4,284,805 10,559,098 1,098,832 4,087,112 || 2,860,397 | 8,046,341 96,563 || 7,369,287 || 4,942,275 12,408,125 1,123,626 4,385,505 || 2,946,257 8,455,388 || 138,660 | 8,435,795 || 5,424,441 13,998,896 1,161,179 3,925,613 2,929,816 8,016,608 || 168,863 | 8,531,175 5,794,906 14,494,944 818,632 2,380,203 2,733,013 5,931,848 || 94,307 6,132,001 | 6,349,294 | 12,575,602 1,173,466 4,281,735 | 1,766,268 7,221,469 || 163,819 7,681,646 5,214,842 | 13,060,307 990,640 3,832,430 1,669,215 6,492,275 || 106,845 6,720,444 6,072,313 | 12,899,602 1,433,151 || 4,733,815 | 1,936,954 8,103,920 || 115,947 8,815,329 3,755,396 12,686,672 797,738 4,578,877 | 1,884,437 7,261,052 || 122,048 7,980,001 || 3,401,700. 11,503,749 532,840 5,928,769 1,933,223 8,394,832 || 143,276 8,777,963 5,853,460 14,774,699 705,977 5,975,127 | 1,647,627 8,328,731 || 184,650 7,703,452 3,366,343 11,254,445 484,082 4,790, i43 | 1,717, 118 6,991,343 || 257,386 8,258,173 4,709,868 - 13,225,427 316,704 || 4, 122,919 1,664,522 6, 104,145 || 188,858 8,452,287 4,106,299 || 12,747,444 444,357 4,767,31 1 | 1,779,212 6,990,793 171,820 7,487,314 5,602,358 13,261,492 422,057 6,315,073 1,699,125 8,436,255 || 269,130 8,496,850 6,304,096 15,070,076 392,956 6,915,989 2,093,464 9,402,409 "325,045 8 527,019 8,042,292 || 16,894,356 Subsequent to 1815, the Account of the transactions to Africa, subdivides under two heads, Viz. The Barbary States, and West Coast; and the Cape of Good Hope; and those to New South Wales, form a new account; and subsequent to 1826, in the Official Returns, the account to the East Indies is further subdivided under the following heads, Viz. St. Helena ; and Isle of Bourbon ; The i | 8 -3 : Barbary Cape States, and of West Coast Good Hope ––––6––––£ British West Indies 36 Wales 166,206 214,207 242,585 263, 161 273,649 205,293 243,507 179,509 309,586 256,525 383,301 300,956 436,892 245,155 342,824 433,474 399,238 276,421 405,840 225,219 294,028 194,616 351,178 || 306,833 428,478 || 333,424 4,605,072 6,762,069 5,784,554 4,490,010 4,352,514 5,069,372 4,146,464 4,622,805 4,870,836 4,726,632 3,792,408 4,567,727 4,049,856 New South £—— 19,872 15,008 10,074 48,782 118,086 114,284 213,743 180,716 215,629 245,581 269,529 463,233 611,500 | East indies and China —£-—— 2,185,642 2,779,626 3,185,751. 2,372,982 3,272,812 4,313,047 3,886,950 4,355,438 4,394,881 3,944,964 4,877,125 6,303,926 6,388,330 TOTAL 39. Barbary States, and West Coast Cape of Good Hope £ British West Indies Mauritius; Sumatra, Java, Singapore, &c.; and the Phillipine Islands.-see each of these heads respectively. EXPORTS. IMPORTS, £ New South Wales 36 and China East Indies tº TOTAL £— 7, 190,999 10,062,449 9,469,321 7,334,790 8,309,523 10, 180,960 8,929,204 9,935,257 10,157,005 9,548,236 12,292,897 9,427,706 216,351 12,061,588 ! 79,333 180,273 158,865 179,548 95,920 162,239 185,251 202,289 211,713 218,905 202,347 224,051 58,982 167,582 126,225 74,425 78,494 82,645 112,505 154,148 122,086 186,616 151,342 244,438 193,958 7,546,843 8,021,204 8,347,236 7,887,669 8,011,335 7,977,837 7,691,390 7,971,145 8,655,538 7,427,909 7,782,135 |7,897,442 |8,908,672 1,511 5,111 6,899 5,031 22,640 16,592 51,376 51,372 28,971 83,553 70,049 84,811 8,310,698 7,687,278 7,337,689 7,537,563 7,562,648 6,233,571 5,106,401 6,918,540 7,312,356 6,582,075 8,002,787 8,272,008 50 8,864,875| 16,097,367 16,056,387 15,975,126 15,686, 104 15,753,428 14,533,044 13,089,127 15,280,460 16,343,641. 14,437,284 16,238,722 16,686,284 18,276,367 76 STATEMENT of the Quantities, and Declared Values of each of 65 enumerated articles of Merchandize EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to the EAST INDIES and CHINA, in each of the five Years 1823–1827 –A– A ſ —- ſº- . . . Y Quantities - | Declared Value Specification - - of Articles [ Years | 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1823 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. - - —— 38 £—— # —£ –——£--— 1 Beer and Ale . . . . . . Tums 4,880 2,901 2,998 2,687 3,702 97,256 58,310 | 61,035 | 57,944 77,436 2 Books Printed . . . . Cwts. 3,263 2,663 2,240 1,104 905 47,219 || 41,082 41,814 || 32,424 30,973 3 Brass Wares . . . . . . tº 1,289 1,233 748 598 509 10,772 | 11,087 7,252 5,668 5,036 4. Carriages gº ºn e º 'º . Number 181 135 141 97 211 || 18,289 || 15,309 || 11,977 8,298 || 17,896 5 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 1,756 3,043 4,019 10,355 6,917 2,178 2,985 3,915 8,158 5,414 6 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . #5s. 15,257 21,873 || 10,555 21,811 46,072 17,164 | 19,686 10,027 | 16,358 31,099 7 Copper Wrought . . Cwts. 10,196 5,275 3,820 5,516 2,725 52,051 26,555 25,211 || 36,835 | 13,223 8 w in Sheets & Nails iſ 20,673 24,908 7,440 | 20,300 24,515 || 104,546 123,965 45,886 117,122 128,182 9 // in Bricks & Pigs , f 35,198 || 31,232 — 6,013 || 25,031 || 158,224 140,052 - 28,835 | 122,051 | {} Cordage . . . . . . . . . . p/ 6,422 || 8,007 || 11,004 || 13,162 | 10,964 15,110 | 18,125 26,864 32,922 26,508 11 Cotton, Twist & Yarn fijs. | 121,500 | 105,350 235,360 919,387 3,063,968 16,993 || 13,041 35,345 100,869 274,027 }2 it for Sewing . . . . It 115,510 || 47,312 67,863 | 97,314 182,510 17,645 5,994 | 11,593 11,688 20,474 ^ ſ13 Calicoes P1. Yas. 9,981,366 10,954,049 || 11,232,099 || 11,889,702 | 19,932,580 || 431,844 |428,919 448,442 421,779 | 684,769 14 m. Printed a 9,422,576 || 9,513,221 | 8,687,975 9,999,286 14,362,551 || 501,133 || 485,622 |405,935 426,308 || 599,313 15 Muslims Plain iſ 3,769,555 3,904,466 2,982,797 || 4,116,899 || 8,271,654 || 193,850 173,762 148,657 | 163,195 || 322,082 § | 16 Lace and Patent Net" 79,027 28,159 4,631 | 72,814 | 198,843 4,930 1,428 345 3,323 7,390 § & 17 Sundries . . . . m 118,237 98,659 || 138,740 | 160,505 || 153,419 7,061 8,165 9,931 9,763 9,481 § 18 Hosiery Doz. Pr. 12,218 9,308 || 12,913 | 12,825 33,346 || 8,585 | 6,680 10,843 10,729 21,348 19 ;..."." Number | 1,362 851 176 346 175 1,054 724 93 427 132 & 20 Sundries at Value | . Pieces 1,752 312 TT *-g *- 1,411 || 2,183 | 1,198 || 7,792 || 2,710 .# U21 Foreign . . . . . . — sº. #| #; Yards 58,711 37,972 -**- 2,760 | 939 2,938 2,512 S < ſ 22 Cloths Pieces 48,509 50,696 || 44,960 50,570 53,500 || 480,601 || 470,153 425,920 533,345 449,497 § 23 Camlets, Serges &c. 219,984 165,743 | 184,818 242,432 139,119 525,887 || 387,256 445,104 || 618,898 || 321,100 § 3 24 Kerseymeres iſ 2,005 1,073 1,158 2,733 1,106 || 12,462 5,993 || 7,230 18,070 6,732 tº & J 25 Baizes . . . . . . // 317 329 1,383 1,076 3,887 2,357 1,278 5,201 3,884 8,849 *:Rºe. Ş < 26 Sundries Yards 143,753 150,000 96,515 196,506 295,495 || 16,360 | 10,792 9,857 15,959 22,323 S 27 Hosiery Doz. Pr. 938 1,109 488 182 903 986 717 484 I63 623 28 Sundries at Value -ms *- * — 6,153 3,127 5,088 3,478 3,068 U29 Foreign ... Yards 749 504 1,086 815 552 225 4,951 9,774 7,374 4,968 30 Linen Manufactures at Value --- *-> •----- - — || 21,024 23,979 || 35,374 || 46,267 || 48,676 U31 Silk ºf iſ -*- *e 25,771 15,377 5,938 10,755 | 11,282 32 Earthenware . . . . . . Pieces 1,734,748 1,194,772 | 1,048,466 1,513,196 2,011,388 || 21,022 | 18,739 16,499 || 15,905 || 30,470 33 Guns and Pistols Number 16,242 37,557 30,182 85,230 || 49,833 || 37,198 || 63,062 63,251 171,148 121,492 34 Hats of all sorts ... Dozens 2,793 3,291 2,309 3,660 2,290 || 19,423 22,122 | 15,159 12,051 8,406 35 Iron, Bar and Bolt Toms 11,618 10,298 9,127 7,699 || 14,121 || 111,746 103,116 124,008 || 93,330 146,014 36 w Cast & Wrought Cwts. 73,946 60,605 || 57,701 || 80,700 102,830 73,422 || 65,421 | 66,601 || 99,925 | 136,084 37 Lace & Thread of Gold & Silver fps. 1,375 1,893 1,482 1,010 635 9,165 | 12,185 10,361 7,766 - 4,957 38 Lead & Shot . . . . . . Tons 1,137 1,656 3,415 3,246 4,489 || 24,956 38,812 81,536 || 81,120 88,518 39 Ordnance of Brass & Iron a 431 2,063 4,756 6,405 4,994 5,803 || 25,616 | 89,849 128,862 100,000 40 Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . ſps. 3,385 24,246 56,703 || 17,712 50,806 4,400 || 23,034 46,780 11,513 26,673 41 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . ſ/ 267,937 | 8,284 81,712 105,162 151,682 || 23,444 725 7,831 || 9,202 || 13,904 42 Soap & Candles . . Cucts. 763 1,153 1,014 674 389 3,223 4,525 3,772 2,853 1,926 43 Spelter . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 97,887 | 153,878 || 105,361 159,179 134,865 || 137,042 200,041 | 121,165 119,384 107,892 #4 S irit British Gallons 8,057 4,431 4,293 2,750 4,112 4,422 2,211 2,020 1,352 1,688 45 Spirats } Foreign a 171,301 227,179 174,679 91,633 177,374 || 28,927 | 37,247 31,532 15,229 29,834 46 Steel Unwrought Cwts. 7,335 | 1,896 2,070 2,714 || 6,789 || 6,931 | 1,931 3,613 4,555 7,629 47 Sugar Refined . . . . . . ſ/ 645 732 | 1,099 || 1,052 | 1,024 || 1,593 1,693 2,813 2,571 3,273 48 Swords . . . . . . . . Number 2,196 5,370 3,475 10,010 | 15,840 || 4,743 7,433 5,725 11,587 | 18,871 49 Tin Unwrought .... Cwts - I 1} 2,371 126 — 5 5 9,247 454. 50 m Plates & Ware at Value —- *** * * assessº- 10,383 8,438 12,290 14,333 14,115 51 Wines . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 241,017 253,996 195,247 147,197 || 324,074 || 117,354 || 118,021 94,006 || 74,327 | 157,566 * & - -- e 52 Apothecarv Wares . . . . . . . . 26,186 21,091 20,730 26,406 || 36,998 ºf: ################ 53 * º . . . . . . . . . . ſ 20,793 || 30,431 23,909 || 31,022 || 32,111 :::::::::::::::::...'...}:::::::::::::::::::: 54 Cabinet& Upholstery Wares 6,901 || 6,901 || 3,760 5,018 4,056 *..#4.#h the 4tº, ſ"; #. ###".º: 55 Colours for Painters . . . . . . . . 13,087 | 16,565 23,596 21,866 23,110 #. º; º º: ; º dashervan dMillinery 124,460 | 120,573 1. º "... 112,894 "...ºft.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.. aberdasherv and Millinerv 32,624 27,102 26, 2,916 || 36,649 ſº::::::::::::########, 58 Hardwares º Cutlery ... º| ºil ºil ſº 81,010 proportion ea ported as Stores. 59 Leather and Sadleryſdescribed: 49,155 60,141 || 51,116 || 61,489 || 48,598 iſºft” tº: | ºt | Iº. I lººd, ſº lºſ. 60 Military Stores not otherwise- 9,634 || 17,148 || 39,865 || 46,168 || 38,506 tº india ; 3,520.001 3,455,579 ſolºis |agić sºlºsa 61 Musical Instruments . . . . . . . . 14,488 20,985 13,530 17,795 22,574. •º º ºw 612,139 - 744,858 852,030 493,815 62 Plate, Plated Ware, Jewelry, 74,036 67,073 62,137 41,791 57,411 * § { *:::::: 819,450 764,838 sº 055 494,922 63 Provisions . . . . [& Watches 22,037 29,781 35,705 || 36,922 29,871 es º;; 353.734 . : solºis ãº. :::::: 64 Stationerv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,479 || 52,944 58,206 || 83,414 || 83,495 . . The Exports to Chi b clusively 65 All other Articles . . . . . . . . . . 261,464 253,204 297,920 244,979 295,375 ... T & e Exports to China as above, are exclusively by the East - * * India Company, and consist chiefly of Woolleus, with some Iron Wide Par Pa. No. 412 Session 1828. U. tºº sºlº-mºº-- * nd Lead and Shot. Totals ºf 4,228,948 ' 4,076,718 3,918,071 || 4,468,883 l 5,201,599 STATEMENT'shewing the Quantities, and Declared Values of each, of all the principal articles EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to the EAST IN- pies and CHINA, in each of the 14 Years 1814–1827. and also the Quantities of each of all the principal articles IMPORTED from thenee into GREAT BRITAIN, and the Total Official Value of the same, in each of the aforesaid 14 Years, distinguishing the proportion, both Exported and Imported on Private Trade Accou nt, from the proportion Ex *****~~~~ ported and Imported on account of the Hon. East India Company * Total Proportion on Yards of Cottons. Official [ Ibs. Weight Pieces of Woollens. Officia! Tons Weight of Wałęte of COTTON Va!ate x, _\ Official account of Years Plain, Printed of all others Yarn. Cloths Stuffs of all others I gºt Copper | T'ire 1.e46t º Private Trade s ſ1814 213,408 || 604,800 16,247 8 25,198 217,611 | 16,122 11,108 1,881 619 726 1,969,404 578,889 º: 15 489,399 866,077 8,290 28,880 195,402 | 19,784 13,395 2,069 472} | 2,195 2,064,566 946,264 * | 16 714,611 991,147 | 13,350 624 | 19,729 187,673 28,628 13,768 1,772 || 386; 3,973 || 2,185,642 | 1,232,968 º 17 2,468,024 2,848,705 || 25,688 2,701 22,341 || 146,572 23,731 15,815 2,631 465 5,788 2,779,626 1,898,186 § 18 4,614,381 || 4,227,665 34,660 1,861 26,500 183,150 27,951 15,354 2,951 # 4,765 3,185,751 2,365,185. S' | 19 || 3,414,060 3,713,601 9,134 971 27,627 174,707 || 10,273 || 9,356 2,679 # 2,436 2,373,556 1,486,058 § 1820 6,724,031 ºº:: 39,787 224 43,133 211,593 12,760 11,265 3,624 | 1,612 || 3,272,811 2,142,894 § { T 9,919,136 || 9,976,878 37,265 5,865 62,439 204,682 37,100 12,664 3,540 122; 1,098 || 4,303,045 2,766,388 ~3 2 | 11,712,639 9,029,204 68,742 22,200 49,485 | 169,475 32,613 12,778 3,069 317 | 1,050 3,878,934 2,886,864 s 3 || 13,750,921 9,540,813 || 46,736 | 121,500 50,543 219,984 21,435 | 15,681 || 3,303 || -- 1,137 || 4,355,431 3,372,592 3 4 14,858,515 9,666,058 26,971 105,350 52,313 165,743 15,293 13,422 3,070 tºss 1,656 || 4,394,800 3,344,100 § 5 14,214,896 || 8,844,387 34,422 || 235,360 46,608 184,818 19,706 12,115 563 3,415 || 3,945,076) 2,944,169 's 6 16,006,601 || 10,218,502 || 49,389 |919,387 54,131 242,432 22,551 11,870 1,592 118% 3,246 4,877,133 3,584,300 §§ - 7 28,204,234 14,406,931 || 307,882 3,266,478 58,530 139 119 19,262 2,614 110 || 4,489 - §§ { £ £ £ 36 £ £ º # 38 :9 £ S ſiè14 30,818 60,100 18,562 7 438,490 621,429 24,516 183,809 || 242,239 || 49,529 19,393 || 2,559,033 830,344 § 15 57,967 72,960 11,484 — 543,902 || 489,398 || 27,466 242,721 263,195 37,783 || 46,909 || 3,166,962 | 1,422,505 & 16 70,828 72,386 17,320 190 409,553 571,922 || 45,776 241,122 192,396 || 25,287 | 72,501 || 3,378,758 1,847,777 tº 17 195,170 198,330 29,314 505 || 368,410 || 428,285 31,032 273,251 281,836 30,225 | 112,404 || 4,022,642 2,716,862 § T 8 373,633 292,282 || 34,977 455 378,584 526,957 37,644 258,649 || 336,493 45 114,352 |4,963,984 3,117,018 § 19 219,399 233,618 8,249 138 421,696 || 503,146 13,376 142,573 330,225 47 60,667 3,027,268 1,673,142 s J 1820 343,125 474,004 || 33,752 24 615,880 715,790 16,794 | 159,091 407,357 52 35,583 3,987,528 2,272,809 & I 508,858 589,160 24,046 805 | 729,258 639,587 52,709 | 160,933 || 363,978 || 8,353 24,948 || 4,809,678 || 2,830,966. $ 2 609,952 486,646 || 48,459 2,335 558,769 478,863 42,856 | 156,342 310,984 20,605 || 23,237 || 4,088,847 2,816,545 § 3 625,694 508,193 33,625 | 16,993 493,253 525,887 25,815 187,893 341,715 — 24,884 4,357,456 3,189,482 4. 602,681 497,893 17,009 || 13,041 479,003 || 387,256 15,889 | 167,697 318,023 5 38,812 4,200,828 2,991,676 5 597,098 4.17,267 24,072 35,345 438,605 || 445,103 || 20,605 | 183,255 70,968 5 81,421 3,960,432 2,643,159 6 584,974 440,536 33,961 100,869 555,653 618,897 23,359 196,491 | 189,894 15,412 81,081 |4,739,359 2,879,079 | 7 1,006,851 602,296 || 48,078 294,501 || 465,203 321,100 25,888 282,048 263,456 14,570 88,518 5,201,600 3,903,006 ~ - ibs. Weight of Cupts Pieces . . Pieces of Silks Total Proportion on 2- ------- ~~~~~~~~ . -\- - Weight of O - *--—— -— - Official account of $9 Years TEA COFFEE | COT. To N SI L K IND1 go SU GAR +. Cotto Ns Bandamenoes i CRAPEs | gº. *::::: Fº Value Private Trage $ - - i * s 1814 26,076,550 7,944,445 2,850,318 1,116,113 6,752,302 || 43,789 2,082,128 76,550 | 1,428 35,508 6,298,386 2,311,863 *sº 15 25,368,255 26,505,975 7,175,243 | 1,077,508 5,543,222 124,318 2,176,258 || 137,761 3,933 240 || 41,942 8,038,736 4,089,943 & Š 16 || 36,234,371 18,717,458 6,972,790 853,899 || 7,238,114 126,266 1,539,964 i36,111 | 1,016 13,134 8,310,697; 3,719,525 §§ 17 | 31,463,878 13,557,104 31,007,570 658,879 || 4,926,105 | 123,372 1,528,423 112,346 6,099 || 1,696 || 29,798 || 7,687,278 3,593,053 & S 18 20,065,728 2,045,504 || 67,456,411 1,118,079 5,456,645 | 162,394 | 1,601,920 | 78,674 768 3,261 | 19,203 || 7,337,689 |4,393,063 §§ 19 23,750,411 || 4,107,823 58,856,261 1,100,944 3,688,694 203,905 | 1,478,924 54,822 | 1,886 4,823 19,789 || 7,537,563 4,293,132 SS 1820 30,147,994 || 5,497,721 || 23,125,825 | 1,428,242 |4,922,750 277,227 1,650,473 || 132,026 913 17,561 17,062 7,562,647 3,654,858 S; 1 30,731,037 | 1,904,021 8,827,107 | 1,325,588 3,935,833 269,158 1,102,778 87,013 || 2,260 14,330 | 12,845 6,233,571 2,340,766 § 2|37.362.5% |4,476,785 4,554,225 | 1,096,901 |2,483,475 |209,964 464,653 153,520 | 1,314|10,173 18,495 |5,106,400 | 1,945,658 § 3 29,046,885 || 4,114,289 || 14,839,117 | 1,619,357 6,553,354 219,580 841,876 143,489 937 7,718 || 13,750 6,918,540 3,282,344 § 4 31,681,977 || 5,760,912 | 16,420,005 1,307,300 4,584,969 267,912 1,480,534 132,475 71 10,926 5,969 7,312,355 3,693,939 - | 5 29,845,699 || 4,085,197 20,294,262 | 1,029,346 6,056,753 244,068 910,428 || 104,153 957 28,075 6,870 6,582,058 3,112,625 | 6 || 29,840,401 || 5,520,354 21,187,900 1,789,860 | 7,673,710 || 342,853 | 1,091,820 |240,698 || 5,287 || 51,799 || 14,755 8,002,838 |4305 878. U 7 || 39,746,147 || 5,872,381 21,364,804 | 1,250,627 | 5,405,212 |; 575,483 224,696 2,772 25,880 | 11,177 * * 8 32,678,546 7,364,610 || 32,339,319 1,428,683 (9,683,626 516,830 941,216 162,259 501 || 17,551 || 7,936 8,864,989 | 9 30,544,382 6,335,402 24,924,410 | 2,227,450 5,978,527 503,501 | 1,390,318 97,611 45 64,360 8,887 8,298,597 1830 31,897 546 7,025,912 || 12,512 889 1,710,296 || 7,920,924 779,095 #: 123,137 513 30,197 | # 8,875,630 I t J | ! 2 ; | , - 5 | ! : ſ Official Value. Peclared -- - f , a. ºf • . ..., , . . [fºr, sºbritish P. Vºte | %; ſº "," The above Statements for the Years 1814–22, have been compiled from Papers presented to : |Colonial & Manu- pre: dung: ‘ºf Q. Parliament in 1823, Wide folio 107 of Vol. XVII of that Session,-- for the 5 Years 1823–7, Wide #. º, ſºlºs, "... Imports. Imports. --— —- o - * tº e - a pried. Eacported. Vol. XXIII of Session 1828, -see folding Sheet preceding page I, for a more detailed account of the --- £--|-- £–|— £—— £—|--É Import and Re-export of East India produce in the four latter Years; and page hereafter for the 182; 3:1,394 || 3,497,630 || 3,423,281 6,582,075 10,553,417 particulars of both Imports, Re-eaports, and Exports, in each Year since 1826, the Totals of which º º :::::::: #. ; {}; *~ are annexed both in Official and Real Value. Other pages exhibit the average prices of each article 3 ||373.35. ºf ºf: §§§ “” gazºs Q:6 pag x ge p 3 v * * * 3 * * * * * ,864,888 . Imported in each Year since 1798, the reductions in which when contrasted with the increased value * |ºlº ºf 4,141.12; º ºf Money Property, afford a tolerable solution to the embarrasment in which all Commercial transac- lsº 465.299||1310,314|4,310,390 s.sis.ºs. tions have been involved since 1815,--see Note to West India Statement on following page. . ; . ‘. ..., - * ~. (4 i à 78 STATEMENT of the Declared Value of Merchandize EXPORTED from Great Britain to each of 18 British Islands & Colonies in the WEST HNDIES and Sonſ, America in each of the 9 Years 1814–1822 distinguishing the proportion of Cotton and of Woollen cifying also the Value of Foreign and Colonial Produce Reexported. Manufactures from all other articles of British Produce and Spe- \- l i : i i i -4 mmual Average of the 9 Years f - 3 *e - § .. - - ce & S º º: dº : "3 # |S º 's hº 3 Š. Sº º §: 39 .3 $ 's s: § ^S S § s § S ::s * s º s Q º s § S § "S S s * § Q º S S- & Q & Sº, s: § s 2. Fº s Q ſº Sº I TOTAL ---f- af---|-- f' -- ºr --f--—-ºf---ºf---|--st————f-——-if---|-->{-——- f' st sf--->{-|--ºf--|--ºf---|--ºf--|--—g. (1814 | 1,559,988 61,837 || 4,435 9,516 || 115,258 || 19,992 || 99,949 17,405 || 33,228 98,110 | 15,386 5,042 2,483 || 3,144 407 || 139,692 20,456 14,721 2,221,049 15 1,745,738 54,446 5,370 18,979 75,239 52,761 99,878 24,922 || 34,300 86,638 15,419 || 5,574 2,345 29,802 423 99,233 209,483 20,811 2,581st, 16 877,684 51,028 8,397 | 16,257 37,854 23,581 58,828 5,294 | 12,500 13,742 7,358 3,573 3, 157 | 13,185 588 || 45,574 2,706 || 11,663 1,199.9% 17 | 1,677,566 67,015 9,471 15,434 37,744 25,169 94,070 | 10,895 9,380 30,751 11,310 3,899 || 1,655 | 1,491 | 1,081 | 96,476 4,387 41,966 2,139,760 4, 18 1,334,741 58,620 | 12,113 29,935 44,309| 24,491 92,326 21,228 12,626 24,494 | 24,479 5,528 1,371 2,784 1,201 || 113,125 6,334 82,540 1,899.2% 19 750,797 48,883 : 5,277 24,140 54,404 || 10,108 || 53,420 13,499 || 16,450 22,175 12,921 1,843 | 1,998 || 3,299 || 1,098 || 23,24% 2,832 27,430 | 1,083,816 1820 748,827 36,088 6,059 19,860 39,730 11,566 44,646 10,670 4,530 || 13,556 || 13,413 || 4,936 540 | –– 864 || 70,013 || 4,652 42,686 | 1,072,685 1 | 1,023,316 32,207 || 4,116 18,805 || 32,859 || 12,118 || 38,438 11,858 4,541 18,633 8,553 2,758 358 97.1 881 || 28,994 3,898 || 60,162 | 1,303,465 U. 2 548,217 | 43,790 6,027 | 14,426 42,229 14,635 | 40,280 10,187 3,487 15,563 13,367 2,092 609 ** 372 23,459 2,295 82,405 863,440 r1814 176,920 7,989 1,657 1,760 | 12,506 | 1,750 19,199 5,431 5,901 || 15,003 2,554 2,379 1,310 1,455 761 34,464 10,066 185 301,390 15 124,747 | 10,860 | 1,344 || 3,807 || 9,709 3,348 17,688 8,342 6,921 8,224 1,617 | 1,270 69% 4,503 | 182 | 16,198 || 86,973 1,226 307,651 16 || 101,478 8,584 2,261 2,474 || 6,603 || 2,197 22,230 4,310 || 4,945 3,190 | 1,336 2,229 2,667 || 4,889 250 3,137 3,382 862 177,094. 17 | 196,196 || 10,085 2,069 | 1,529 7,490 2,486 || 23,215 5,664 5,041 4,899 2,003 || 1,241 1,672 1,735 36 10,572 1,374 679 277,985 { 18 190,068 10,682 1,667 4,080 6,053 2,162 28,162 || 4,680 5,693 || 7,539 2,833 3,534 || 1,291 1,727 315 9,907 || 3,154 903 284,450 19 175,758 8,017 | 1,397 | 1,900 7,626 732 21,111 5,309 5,539 8,069 2,760 2,152 2,728 828 444 5,047 607 435 250,459 1820 109,180 || 7,543 1,365 2,441 7,644 1,529 || 13,906 || 3,566 || 3,423 4,022 2,649 2,308 1,158 173 || 9,124 2,353 214 || 178,5% 1 131,318 || 4,540 | 1,388 1,288 7,767 642 8,457 3,508 3,155 4,456 1,939 1,706 | 1,399 || 1,058 90 2,838 1,464 458 177,471. & 2 | 130,556 || “6,896 || 737 || 747 5,515 786 12,833 3,744 3,662 4,009 | 1,954 1,685 | 1,070 55 147 1,315 879 547 177,151. 1814 | 1,684,104 || 299,899 || 36,677 48,424 267, 184 52,818 278,650 110,603 || 173,243 257,926 91,685 75,519 || 35,755 11,673 25,324 145,339 196,960 || 19,668 3,81145|| 15 1,859,961 |351,567 42,847 58,361 173,605 || 42,424 231,493 111,352 134,526 145,210 | 82,947 61,169 20,324 22,983 || 20,786 126,864 || 234,605 || 35,728 3,756.7% 16 1,264,108 || 345,008 || 67,978 || 51,758 132,459 43,239 228,541 95,420 120,540 99,627 | 71,076 69,310 || 37,728 (28,607 20,031 | 53,095 25,835 | 30,810 2,785,170 17 | 1,416,378 395,793 86,027 | 36,966 129,670 31,978 253,140 | 101,949 104,248 || 117,152 78,134 || 60,648 24,183 11,623 20, 176 59,479 41,966 38,609 3,008,419 < 18 1,567,930 | 408,527 | 88,268 34,328 155,799 || 34,355 292,277 | 130,015 141,585 145,176 || 103,985 67,011 24,979 16,679 26,512 87,900 40,927 60,410 || 3,426,664 19 1,408,397 || 413,945 59,498 || 50,583 168,504 || 23,345 256,170 118,056 133,455 143,306 || 77,915 70,235 | 36,365 14,115 22,686 53,876 24,816 45,440 3,120,707 1820 | 1,239,052 323,097 65,584 || 37,925 123,167 22,116 173,943 | 87,854 87,143 98,453 76,404 || 63,798 || 18,504 196 || 14,300 92,812 || 32,779 62,899 || 2,615,076 1 1,304,543 280,885 49,851 32,275 121,473 23,019 145,432 | 84,959 76,725 11,114 59,948 || 41,012 14,473 5,345 11,375 64,511 20,069 57,107 2,504,116 U 9 | 1,076,048 249,650 52,593 47,039 || 116,640 17,651 | 127,768 74,632 64,331 77,985 59,493 36,356 || 11,527 476 8,027 31,055 | 16,010 || 56,070 2,103,351 r1814 | 162,652 17,727 3,529 5,185 24,994 || 3,396 || 20,686 3,725 7,675 8,870 8,736 2,751 | 1,022 453 29% 23,591 || 31,401 3,063 329,748 15 238,871 29,369 4,945 9,011 || 39,928 15,987 25,928 7,126 19,614 | 12,899 5,696 || 3,39% 564 348 429 8,905 22,502 1,808 || 447,3% 16 144,067 20,040 4,277 11,219 || 13,342 5,498 || 26,235 5,439 7,859 4,531 4,008 || 2,674 3,821 717 38 | 3,786 4,952 2,830 265,076 17 251,944 || 30,130 || 9,103 || 3,170 | 13,181 2,810 || 30,540 3,436 4,987 4,455 6,109 | 1,837 486 554 74 10,022 3,244 1,546 || 377,6% < 18 136,647 27,487 || 10,577 7,056 16,283 470 || 25,415 4,184. 7,301 8,926 4,605 || 2,242 407 507 168 7,889 3,582 3,996 267,737 19 142,888 29,559 5,244 7,630 || 22,947 3,234 23,139 5,002 9,376 12,595 9,330 3,780 451 84 309 8,693 2,836 4,937 292,034 4820 148,108 || 32,340 || 8,748 6,904 || 25,260 3,781 27,617 2,888 8,602 || 11,303 5,094 || 4,716 559 -——| 1,026 11,101 5,628 5,146 308,821 1 238,177 34,380 8,352 4,742 19,935 | 3,419 16,661 4,798 5,695 7,629 3,574 3,237 788 101 496 3,722 3,490 5,141 364,337 U. 2 121 630 || 25,742 | 13,378 4,449 || 13,436 2,060 16,203 4,342 6,177 11,135 4,022 2,903 729 51 581 2,630 2,379 7,886 239,733 - - A - r1814 3,583,664 || 387,452 46,298 || 64,885 || 419,942 77,956 418,484 || 137,164 220,047 379,909 || 118,361 85,691 40,570 16,725 26,784 343,086 258,883 37,637 | 6,663,538 15 3,969,317 446,243 || 54,506 90,158 298,481 113,520 374,987 151,742 195,361 || 252,971 105,679 71,405 23,925 57,636 21,820 |251,200 553,563 59,573 || 7,093,087 16 2,387,337 424,660 82,913 | 81,708 190,258 74,515 335,834 110,463 || 145,844 | 121,090 | 83,778 77,786 47,373 || 47,398 || 21,250 | 105,592 || 36,875 46,165 4,420.8% 17 3,542,084 503,023 106,670 57,099 || 188,085 62,443 |400,965 | 121,944 123,656 157,257 | 97,556 || 67,625 27,996 || 15,403 21,667 || 176,549 || 50,971 82,800 5,803.7% 3 18 3,229,386 || 505,316 || 112,626 || 75,399 222,444 61,478 438,180 | 160,107 | 167,205 | 186,135 | 135,192 || 78,315 28,048 || 21,697 28,196 || 218,816 || 53,997 || 147,849 5,871.0% 19 2,487,840 || 500,404 || 71,416 | 84,253 || 253,481 || 37,419 || 353,840 || 41,866 | 164,820 | 186,145 || 102,926 78,010 || 41,542 | 18,326 24,537 90,858 || 31,091 || 78,242 |4,747,016 1820 2,245,167 399,068 81,756 | 67,130 | 195,801 || 38,992 || 260,112 || 104,978 || 103,698 || 127,334 92,560 75,758 20,761 196 | 16,363 | 183,050 || 45,412 | 110,945 || 4,169.0% 1 2,697,354 352,012 || 63,707 || 57,110 | 182,034 || 39,198 || 208,988 || 105,123 90,116 || 141,832 || 74,014 || 48,713 17,018 7,475 | 12,842 100,065 28,921 | 122,868 4,349.3% U 2 1,876,451 || 326,078 || 72,735 || 46,661 | 177,820 | 35,132 197,084 92,905 || 77,657 | 108,692 || 78,836 |43,036 || 13,935 | 582 || 9,121 58,459 21,563 || 146,908 || 3,383,00 2,890,955 427,148 |77,028 || 69,542 |236,483 60,184 || 332,053 | 125,144 143,146 184,596 || 98,846 69,593 29,019 |23,937 20,287 | 169,742 | 120,142 92,504 || 5,381.9% i Jamaica | Demerara! Berbiee | Dominica | Trinidad | St. Lucia Barbadoes sº. Vincents Grenada | Antigua St, Kitt? : Tobago | Wevis Tortola |Mt. Serati Bahamas Bermudas ...] TOTAL - - r = Whilst the above Statement eachibits the Total Money Value of the Merchandize Earported from Great Britain to each ºf *...* Prior to the recognition of the ſ . . "..., | * | *|TOTAL the 18 British Islands and Colonies in the Western Hemisphere, the preceeding Statement shews the quantity in Cuts. Guº" South American States, Jamaica | *}} | . . . . . ; ; and Ibs. of Sug AR, RUM, and CofFEE, Imported from each of the said Islands and Colonies into Great Britain; and succeeding the Bahamas, & Trinidad were en- ; ; "º | }. j . º. Statements shew the aggregate quantities and Value Eaſported to and Imported from the said Islands and Colonies in each Yeſ!" trepots of Merchandize for Reeapor & 17 44,631 8,614 J,449 || 54,694 4 down to 1831 by which it will be seen that Great Britain draws annually from her West India Possessions a Net surplus in Wallé tation. The annexed is a Statement . #. º; 1,105 § to the amount of about £3,500,000 over and above the Value of all Merchandize Eaſported, which surplus is absorbed ºr "P". of the Number of Packages Reeac- | lsº ; $º ; .3% priated as follows, Viz, abont ºf 1,000,000 for Freight, £400,000 for Commission, Brokerage, and Agency, probably al,0ut torted in each of the 9 Years. * | *.is 3,173 | 1.30s 3sº ºf 1,000,000,in discharge of Interest on Mortgages, and the remainder in profits to Proorietors of Plantations residing in G* - L 2 20,283 ſ 2,588 642 29,513 UBritain. - - . . . . *...* Page 75, this, and the two following pages, eachibit a comprehensive, yet um perfect view 0) whe nature of Average Prices of SUGA R, the transactions between Great Britain and its Possessions in the West Indies, for independant of the large Rates of Duty, ared * - * - 5-a- Total Value of 131 Po RTs anro and EXPORTS ſ.” Great Britain, from and to the British West I rdi's at different Periods. quantity of Produce, which Great Britain has annually drawn from those Possessions since 1760, large supplies of Bullion the Proceeds of the Transit trade from Jamaica, and other points to the South American Continent have at times also been received, by Great Britain. Produce in the West Indies subsequent to 1760, it will be proper for the enquirer to inform himself of the nature of the intercourse between Great Britain and Africa, as eachibited in juacta position with that to the West Indies at page 75,--see Note thereto. Exported to, and Imported from, the West Indies, in each Year since 1826, by which it will be seen that while in 1814, the Sugar Imported alone was equal to £12,484,714, the entire produce in 1827, was equal to only £9,428,209, and in 1830 to only £6,758,084,-the Customs Duties on which in 1830 eacceeded £7,150,000. During the period of the progressive reduction in Value of all West Indian Products, and the continued heavy Imposts thereon since 1814, upwards of £35,000,000 out of the Imposts have since that date been applied to the purchase of 3 ºf Cent Stock, at progressively increasing rates, varying from £58 13 9 to £94 3 6; a boom of £15,000,000 to one interest, and a falling off of 4 or 5 times that amount to the other ;--such disparities bespeak an utter destitution of purpose in those whose Duty it has been to maintain a due equilibrium in Society. ſ ., 1776 6/4 J}ritish Produce Foreign Total Total S. 5th. April #: |: 2 and Manufactures. produce Earports, Official To a right understanding of the progressive increase of § 25th. Jily #. }}}} s official Declared Re-er- as tº Cols. Walue ºf S 10th. May, ſº lºſt > | Value Waltze. ported. 2-3. Impo”!” i º 'º. #. 1891 }}| ——l-— £— ---— £ — ºfºrº " - - † A a ... I f. g ; , , , . Sº 7th. Decbr. 1796 || 7 || 6 1823 4,282,805 3,676,780 340,000 4,016,780 7,972. Subsequent pages exhibit in detail the Quantity and Value of every article 3 i 5th. July 1798 1914 lºg | 3:35,690 350,000 jºggo sº. § 24th. June 1799 20ſ 5 4,433,630 || 3,866,834 293,002 || 4,159,836 fº. | < 5th. July 1803 24! 6 3,535,631 3,193,364 253,757 || 3,453.02. Zºº. it. julie is. 336 | 7 || 4,211,673 3,583,222 || 326,055 3,909,277 7,897.4% ! 5th. April 1805 27| 8 3,726,643 3,289,704 || 323,213 || 3,612,917 sº. 9 4,739,048 3,612,085 354,079 3,966, 161 º: 7th. Dec. 1796 6215; 1830 || 3,426,899 || 2,838,448 234,53i 3,123,029 8,087,” §: 11th. Jan. 1798 13/3 ſ $3 26th. June 1799 61|1}} 2 i sã Y 6th. July 1803 49% 3 ‘ſ $* 30th. May 1804 56/33 4 U" 3rd, April 1805 49/84 5 79 STATEMENT shewing the Quantity in Cwts. Weight of SUGAR, IM portED into, and RE-ExpoRTED from GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 25 Years 1807–1831; distinguishing the proportion Imported from the East Indies and Foreign Possessions, from the proportion Imported from British Plantations; and the proportion Re-exported in a Refined state, from the proportion Re-exported in a Raw state; shewing also the Quantity in Gallons of RUM, Imported and Re-exported; the annual average price of Sugar, and Total Value thereof; with the amo Sugar. Coffee, Melasses, Mahogany, and Rum, in each of those Years.-see Note at foot of preceding page. unt of Duty paid on Cwts. Weight IMPORTED. - Annalºgº. Proof Gallons of B Addition-1Annual tº Pºt. Tº U.M. ritish * - .. • 23 y al into average Rate of of British Rºmpºne º' — Yrs. Plantation East India Foreign | TOTAL Ireland . #;" Plantation º º Imported | Re-eaport. -------> I - ----- - ---3C-S-CL-I-S -S- - - --—--. 1807 || 3,490, 130 118,586 32,594 3,641,310 || 324,477 33/14 5,923,290 62 17 3 || 100/ 70/ 4,489,967 719,000 8 3,455,832 72,587 225,066 3,753,485 411,168 38/6 27/0 | 6,642,477 | 66 11 6 60/ 90/ 5,985,258 1,151,079 9 3,394,185 26,200 580,813 || 4,001,198 || 369,048 43/54 | 7,375,100 | 68 I 8 || 85/ 75/ | 6,530,149 2,063,660 1810 3,771,060 49,210 988,363 4,808,663 |251,491 || 46/10 27/29/ 8,830,565 | 67 16 3 || 75/ 60/ 5,582,805 | 1,145,728 I 3,647, 142 20,332 250,079 3,917,543 ||379,747 ||36/54 27/o | 6,646,636 || 6 || 3 || 38/ 23/ | 6,993,853 | 1,667,700 12 3,551,449 72,886 139,088 3,763,423 421,784 |42/0; $ / 7,480,233 58 18 8 20/ 30/ | 6,469,226 2,171,539 13 3,500,000 50,000 |450,000 4,000,000 |318,121 58/1; ) 9,900,000 58 15 9 || 50/ 40/ 9,200,285 2,254,325 14 || 3,403,793 49,849 581,681 4,033,328 531,702 | 73/4}, \aoyo 12,484,714 | 66 11 4 80/ 60/ | 8,569,067 3,993,280 H 5 || 3,493, 116 125,629 s 366,027 3,987,782 261,266 61/10; } / 10,803,184 58 13 9 || 60/ 50/ 6,817,134 || 3,589,032 16 || 3,440,595 127,203 s 192,780 3,760,548 263,065 |48/6; J 27/0 8,354,121 62 1 2 56/ 50/ 3,887,102 2,777,863 17 | 3,563,741 125,894 S 105,916 3,795,530 |245,261 |49/8 lºo 8,849,956 76 16 6 54/ 74/ | 6,335,230 3,146,233 18 3,665,520 162,395 s, 138,032 3,965,940 267,904 || 50/ § / 9,163,800 78 l 5 76/ 112/ 5,482,571 3,157,303 19 3,785,434 205,527 g | 86,048 || 4,077,009 || 285,543 41/4 × 28/0 7,823,221 71 19 3 78/ 86/ 6,386,514 2,397,747 1820 3,623,319 || 2: 277,228 š. 162,994 || 4,063,541 || 252,299 || 36/24 6,355,944 | 68 12 0 | 110/100/| 7,035,909 3,731,771 S - Co | 1 || 3,734,292 s 269,162 s 197,402 || 4,200,856 33/2} # = | 6,200,480 74 15 5 || 108/ 73/ | 7,127,131 3,158,050 2 3,303,698 s 226,476 s 112,953 3,643,122 31/0} $3 5,124,171 || 79 15 0 || 104/ 80/ 4,246,096 | 1,855,898 3 3,583,874 s 219,672 S | 208,598 || 4,012,144 190,809 || 33/7 š's 6,338,322 80 5 10 || 106/ 75/ | 4,864,741 1,863,639 4 3,718,872 — 271,848 — 205,750 4,195,970 217,177 || 31/3 ozyo # 6,149,294 | 94 3 6 75/ 53/ 4,782,837 1,950,004 5 3,323,632 93,724 150,346 162,784 3,730,487 205,900 38/11} { *7/9*. 6,375,235 go o 3 | 63% by 3,545.133 | 1.439,877 6 3,681,779 186,245 165,358 || 65,065 4,098,448 220,647 31/9 §§ 6,195,100 79 8 8 57/ 51/| 3,996,710 1,176,974 7 3,336,994 | 204,344 175,847 | 178,902 3,895,764 213,924 Yo Acºt s" 84 12 10 || 51/ 40/ | 4,792,626 1,369,622 8 3,968,074 361,325 | 156,266 136,783 || 4,622,448 ;}; § 85 14 0 || 38/ 34/ 6,289,350 | 1,785,879 9 3,904,587 291,567 206,152 | 199,568 || 4,601,774 254,619 28/6% 5,935,532 88 16 0 || 39/ 35/ 6,905,278 1,626,922 1830 3,913,269 || 485,709 293,769 223,257 4,916,005 || –— 25/0 × 24/0 4,891,586 | 89 15 4 || 35/ 37/ | 6,812,873 1,578,581 . 3,815,976 || 517,553 |237,416 507,547 5,078,492 287,770 24/14 | 4,945,869 || 78 0 10 || 38/ 83/ | 7,892,722 || 2,375,527 © }. 85 eX 4 | 5 J ~ * | Cwts. Weight RE-EXPORTED. | Leaving for Fº * º Nett Proceeds of Duty, see tlSiO77. S. - - - ===sºmº-º-º-º-º-º- ecenp O 9. , 4. €7" ||— —- - * British | East o zºº. TOTAL || Home Con- of dution ||, tediºtis, on Cocoa Ma- Yrs. Plantatu. India Foreign | Refined ; Re-ea prld. sumption §Uº %. & Coffee. Melasses lºny Rum **** - M. |—£ - ——-É—— —--£——l——£-—l—-É— 1807 596,856 20,398 || 42,657 || 413,960 | 703,731 1,363,642 || 2,277,668 4,311,495 3,029,484 || 182,087 461 35,704 || 1,323,213 8 244,315 49,061 60,983 || 327,243 556,313 910,672 || 2,842,813 || 5,068,061 4,074,531 || 250,014 698 21,391 | 1,451,409 | 9 || 276,334 16,887 420,226 460,732 783,244 1,496,661 || 2,504,537 4,784,170 3,273,995 || 194,876 3,075 24,045 1,505,363 1810 90,480 || 7,095 519,320 || 413,208 || 702,454 1,319,349 || 3,489,314 4,844,673 3,117,330 || 176,147 999 || 50,503 | 1,799,302 11 275,991 4,032 239,153 100,996 || 171,693 690,869 || 3,226,674 4,586,018 3,339,218 || 214,994 | 2,270 51,773 1,810,090 12 310,803 6,964 356,546 284,617 || 483,849 | 1,158,192 || 2,605,231 5,105,685 3,939,939 || 247,237 7,355 50,762 2,123,910 13 || 430,500 10,000 || 410,000 || 450,000 765,000 | 1,615,500 || 2,384,500 5,232,886 3,481,350 || — 2,050,000 14 || 553.871 || 41,311 462,958 555,335 | 944,069 |2,002,105 || 2,033,223 4,615,305 || 3,276,513 || 2:28,828 19,527 44,801 2,285,625 15 || 491,152 | 68,422 || 311,418 609,247 | 1,035,719 |1,906,711 || 2,081,071 4,518,329 2,957,403 || 280,259 || 23,508 || 69,719 || 2,060,772 16 || 377,149 102,058 191,303 584, 182 993,109 | 1,663,617 || 2,096,931 || 4,714,707 || 3,166,852 || 310,981 | 18,240 || 49,805 | 1,750,144 17 258,265 95,494 | 132,937 697,085 1,185,044 1,671,740 || 2,123,790 5,662,465 3,967,154 || 324,364 || 7,061 || 65,626 1,407,948 18 267,602 || 10,323 108,688 || 711,185 | 1,209,014 | 1,695,627 || 2,270,313| 4,061,537 2,331,472 || 272,134 12,109 | 88,075 | 1,601,392 19 218,384 || 88,214 || 102,709 || 525,219 | 892,872 1,302,179 || 2,774,830 || 4,802,239 3,507,845 || 304,978 || 21,078 || 69,074 1,736,133 1820 179,462 186,603 || 138,297 || 679,561 | 1,155,254 1,659,556 || 2,403,985 5, 101,779 3,477,771 || 404,557 | 13,906 71,190 1,580,025 1 149,203 147,283 | 186,325 | 645,357 | 1,097,107 | 1,579,919 || 2,620,937 5,162,550 3,660,567 || 383,132 28,481 | 67,410 2 170,983 || 102,467 || 137,707 ||374,784 637,132 | 1,048,297 || 2,604,825 || 4,469,308 || 3,579,413 || 387,285 | 39,260 | 67,737 — 3 143,368 105,851 176,716 || 458,172 778,893 | 1,204,329 || 2,807,815 4,949,120 || 4,022,782 || 426,437 80,386 ; 1,588,711 4 | 89,903 || 147,086 213,980 |435.261 | 739,944 1,190,914 || 3:005,osé 5,070.897| 4,323,241 || 412,060 | 119,512' 36 gig iggi.i.26 5 85, 122 59,358 173,075 389,793 662,649 980,204 || 2,750,283 4,536,104 3,756,653 || 341,812 iº |gºals 1.378.97. 6|102,292 92,203 || 105,881 i 843,563 584,058 884,355 || 3,214,093 5,354,975 || 4,318,688 || 333,366||133,937 18,694 | 1.317,146 | 7 | 40,924 110,558 103,965 409,060 695,402 950,851 || 2,944,913 5,060,038 4,218,623 || 394,759 205,296 | 66,442 1.386,736 8 50,578 160,530 | 160,329 |456,838 776,624|1,148,063 || 3,474,335 | 3,498,478 || 4,576.287||134,489 |133,934 | 73,636 | 1.333,025 9 16,193 56,174 172,950 475,545 308,427 | 1,106,064 || 3,493.7io 5,453,036 || 4,432,794 || 491,899 || 192,105 |63,365 | 1.435.737 1880 || 13,355 131,796 | 166,310 | 607,580 | 1,032,886 1,344,348 || 3,571,655 6,063,322 || 4,767,342 || 592,986 159,683 59,890 i.596,445 : 10,800 | 122,276 |287,644 581,835 | 989,120 1,409,841 || 3,668,651 5,346,428 4,219,049 || 562,121 | 156,578 46,233 1,621,341 3 F - 4 5 | º 80 STATEMENT shewing the Quantity in Cwts. Weight of SUGAR, Imported into GREAT BRITAIN from each of 15 British Islands, an Colonies in the WEST INDIES and SOUTH AMERICA, in each of the 18 Years 1814–1831; and Gallons of RUM, from each of do. in each of the 24 Years 1808–1831; and of ibs. Weight of COFFEE, from all parts of the World in each cf the 11 Years 1821–1831. —see Indea for reference to Observations on this Statement. #Tears Jamacia. | Demerara. 314 | 1,448,331 234,393 15 1,593,217 | 322,100 16 1,389,412 || 323,444 17 | 1,717,260 | 377,796 18 1,653,318 420, 186 19 1,614,347 480,933 1820 | 1,769,125 | 536,561 I 1,679,721 || 492,146 c 2 1,413,718 530,948 s, 3 1,417,747 |607,858 ; 4 | 1,451,332 615,991 J 5 1,115,366 || 650,276 * 6 1,500,860 |448,487 § 7 | 1,21 1,075 711,959 & 8 1,363,974 || 717,165 9 1,386,392 || 778,805 1830 1,379,348 || 780,286 1 1,395,893 | 735,616 2 3 41 5. 1808 3,771,892 || 132,441 9 || 3,470,250 353,374 1810 || 3,428,452 98,442 1 I 4,604,772 222,612 12 3,763,281 b32,819 13 || 4,047,882 | 1,041,665 14 3,818,565 981,768 15 4,145,321 794,804 16 2,686,851 || 515,295 17 | 3,717,895 992,981 18 3,529,325 | 835,553 19 3,660,918 981,138 1820 3,850,225 | 1,529,088 1 4,451,828 1,297,764 s 2 2,318,137 1,193,556 § 3 2,951,1 10 ) 941,195 3,098,908 930,132 s' 5 2,250,943 778,889 § 6 2,283,784 837,464 s: 7 || 2,437,274 1,192,399 § 8 || 3,498,992 | 1,353,786 9 3,516,651 | 1,682,625 1830 3,213,503 | 1,859,710 I 3,505,727 2,319,892 $} 3 4 5 1821 16,720,368 4,473,404 * 18,837,616 || 7,394,128 .# 3 | 19,009,648 || 6,664,461 § 4 24,862,656 5,368,160 Ü 5 18,097,968 || 3,074,736 ... 6 17,801,223 4,371,222 S 7 || 21.881991 3,549,091 : 8 21,800,027 || 3,822, 194 “S 9 18,690,654 4,068,118 1830 19,753,715 3,447,426 1 15,456,764 1,938,386 4 | eac-Dutch Colonies of -º-º-º-º-º-º- Berbice. Dominica. Trinidad. St. Lucia. 9,914 34,274 142,435 | 79,664 8,318 44,116 || 153,651 | 72,320 15,308 || 47,035 | 132,893 || 69,831 14, 159 || 31,678 128,434 56,401 17,764 33,820 | 138,154 || 42,006 29,967 42,897 | 166,581 78,720 37,696 || 45,933 156,043 50,220 53,258 38,120 | 162,257 77,971 55,358 || 41,650 | 178,491 92,061 56,000 || 39,014 | 186,892 62,148 64,609 || 42,330 | 180,094 | 73,100 58,274 || 38,036 | 188,927 | 82,363 46,444 45,654 206,638 85,073 87,972 41,342 239,585 79,046 85,154 49,956 265,703 || 83,246 86,814 || 56,319 292,833 79,925 110,967 60,063 204,987 86,791 122,088 50,339 240,765 50,234. — 34,726 85,312 12,682 20,355 56,993 208,677 21,632 6,193 || 39,398 || 87,742 11,416 1,866 54,406 || 95,123 6,570 23, 139 61,813 39,126 2,628 16,420 65,149 194,377 4,035 44,244 52,862 | 120,285 8,862 25,275 57,005 || 58,070 607 8,997 | 1,654 6,052 496 14,298 || 25,646 28,980 457 18,896 || 2,473 4,332 tº-sºº 28, 190 2,537 63,743 || 3,359 27,935 | 21,696 57,427 13,428 63,536 24,523 20,651 4,487 32,668 2,268 20,390 18 74,221 14,310 8,586 4,807 44,393 || 27,885 18, 162 1,978 21,243 14,570 2,956 3,589 33,367 7,407 || 17,382 6,390 110,469 9,748 26,068 18,659 143,970 11,250 6,057 19,855 201,362 31,853 15,821 38,113 234,618 36,321 | 12,941 12,817 218,389 63,007 62,047 11,923 2,081,968 1,711,248 160,844 208,432 2,801,456 , 156,096 268,028 172,704 2,076,144 1,919,232 || 330,736 375,424 1,965,488 2,076,144 || 113,456 202,608 2,032,913 | 1,359,244 || 138,208 152,544 805,951 | 1,385,002 187,300 114,384 2,186,185 1,111,686 118,489 138,377 1,793,677 1,769,093 54,437 138,102 2,482,898 942,114 73,667 303,499 2,816,909 | 1,016,641 54,502 || 113,517 1,585 402 1,768 83,007 | 613,360 - Barbadoes, St º Vincents. Grenada. Antigua. St. Kitts. 214,492 196,746 288,623 239,723 249,077 282,546 179,951 211,372 156,682 314,630 245,829 278,346 247,720 203,853 338,855 270,860 336,881 322,779 29, 170 19,774 46,689 3,602 10,560 23,957 8,513 2,465 2,319 1,928 1,051 2,330 742 249 351 489 1,277 2,064 439 4,302 1,554 2,357 20,730 Bahamas. 225,405 231,815 263,433 242,413 254,446 262,034 216,680 233,418 261,160 232,575 246,821 257,800 271,858 250,834 288,062 258,285 261,551 221,662 205,701 243,462 200,795 205,392 338,407 422, 184 550,369 273,658 61,374 398,085 166,738 313,450 225,924 250,646 40,787 80,439 56,639 66,534 55,313 233,052 108,075 275,373 173,262 160,211 all other. B. W. (nai, 208,230 231,883 266,056 196,959 220,959 204,565 184,552 216,368 199,178 247,370 227,014 209,985 229,459 197,796 269,879 218,469 213,160 185,680 470,030 642,309 546,895 545,236 614,421 722,086 579,905 257,226 552,466 4.17,890 497,695 455,549 371, 138 179,746 301,866 267,079 294,945 170,042 277,497 398,647 394,289 298,933 328,471 ; Ponio Rico. 557,984 243,488. 89,152 158,704 73,816. 359,594 60,952 56,448 73,584 242,567 48,832 31,123 21,904 74,616 259,614 172,762 15,731 55,568 191,744, 130,094 496,453 157,023 160,655 197,300 179,371 228,308 209,395 162,573 207,548 102,938 135,466 222,207 142,901 244,514 75,631 176,966 156,658 158,611 169,032 99,367 143,223 77,092 210,962 177,374 179,782 246,289 84,399 27,984 88,711 49,210 129,678 104,713 65,445 57,232 28,242 17,543 30,491 54,447 19,831 70,447 1 10,434 155,514 159,241 St. Thomas. •- 979,664 1,001,616 812,000 223,104 | 1,713,049 122,067 141,338 124,758 125,978 130,218 141,501 89,502 128,436 89,682 76,181 132,585 78,658 107,832 92,226 121,206 127,093 133,452 101,968 232,770 343,075 220,886 196,040 18 1,616 3i 2,604 º 250,922 130, 187 16,852 86,538 69,390 149,228 146,043 91,498 61,263 42,944 68,216 31,505 73,029 105,107 129,636 I 76,807 219,706 256,932 Cuba. 2,467,808 321,552 2,785,684 528,864 --- Tobago. Nevis. 120,571 120,891 139,158 132,388 112,931 132,544 109,195 108,244 100,726 I 13,015 123,868 1 1,350 121,598 71,339 123,344 90,633 93,473 121,249 467,651 525,327 337,433 335,622 410,220. 493,425 581,597 444,700 253,714 328,682 327,651 442,478 484,243 402,486 310,984 309,829 312,370 388,680 406,778 283,941 494,573 370,733 428,810 498,717 St Donungo 8,745,296 4,662,728 4,975,264 5, 125,792 11,352 104 5,693,432 4,327, 176 33,413 248,830 966,609 4,078,795 54,012 55,224 71,656 45,852 82,369 63, 154 36,395 66,023 31,696 44,214 40,734 49,770 73,567 32,330 46,182 51,848 54,236 49,923 82,409 52,477 67,010 70, 36 13, 178 137,163 107,160 74,430 8,583 5,30i 17,656 16,577 36,088 34,220 10, 187 16,584 7,006 5, 197 24, 185 16,586 10,540 45,971 51,243 147,750 Brazils. 4,561,450 2,094,176 1,396,304 2,819, 152 6,132,336 3,854,752 6,002,680 3,013,816 3,393,928 3,242,513 9,151,771 79,767 Mont Serat. 35,067 24,510 28,981 31,214 36,920. 37,168 32,815 33,283 27,071 24,466 30,649 19,653 30,482 19,708 25,091 27,238 20,646 26, 137 51,132 48,880 46,848 62,295 108,060 56,428 57,377 2,691 20,365 25,907 34,857 47,768 27,651 14,935 42,943 19,820 23,075 17,538 36,205 21,453 39,815 49,075 40,629 Colombia. 130,645 403,729 882,801 656, 191 845 532,945. 141,517 48,750 274,386 4,082 147,818 45,806 227,069 82,537 23,928 15,682 12,955 24,687 5,863 2,164 20,546 13} * **** 150,790 1,590,292 394,064 1,515,068 J,598,528 1,593,747 | ſ * =sºmeº *g Tortola. 14,909 24,013 51,094 42,932 43,573 36,422 15,225 23,460 22, 170 21,583 20,559 13,670 21,589 20,761 13,275 22,211 17,099 15,559 23,386 16.85:2 7,711 6,383 38,867 77,040 59,557 7,419 10,218 23,010 2,342 3,261 281 1,696 220 16,158 3| 1 1 (#3 } 93 I ()3 { } {} 266 43 E. Indies. 1,904,003 4,488,849 34 STATEMENT shewing the Official Value of each of the Ten principal, and Total including all other Articles of British Produce and Manufactures EXPORTED, in each of the 23 Years 1805–27, and the Declared Value of the same in each of the 14 Years 1814–27. MANUFA CTURES l Iron & Steel Cotton - Wrought and Years Manufactures Cotton Yarm wº Limens sº Unwrought r1805 8,771,271 | 1,086,176 || 6,005,540 656,943 200,168 1,253,490 6 || 9,896,616 854,424 || 6,247,727 800,492 || 218,423 1,532,793 7 9,846,889 669,948 || 5,372,962 766,146 || 203,113 1,394,969 8 || 12,835,803 75,015 4,853,999 874,460 | 128,775 1,193,145 9 18,616,723 1,115,422 || 4,416,151 1,157,030 | 190,171 1,414,524 1810 18,033,794 | 1,075,237 || 5,773,719 1,618,312 189,550 1,577,738 I 1 11,715,501 545,237 || 4,376,497 702,612 || 137,324 1,244,635 12 15,972,826 966,007 || 5,084,991 840,095 | 165,894 | 1,445,671 14 | 16,690,366 1,185,099 || 5,604,163 1,556,321 219,398 || 1,093,089 º 15 21,677,505 870,993 || 7,486,022 | 1,918,530 257,427 | 1,127,365 § 16 16,335,124 1,435,394 || 5,842,767 1,574,348 191,837 | 1,060,668 § 17 | 20,357,147 1,214,770 6,074,729 1,962,361 | 188,380 | 1,239,737 s & 18 21,627,940 1,412,895 || 6,813,286 2,174,595 || 213,480 1,469,098 s 19 16,878,266 1,723,936 5,086,501 | 1,560,668 178,468 1,185,525 § 1820 |20,704,599 || 2,129,541 4,745,068 1,953,705 | 164,703 1,214,427 S 1 21,639,493 | 1,898,695 || 5,500,922 2,303,443 136,002 || 1,059,123 2 24,566,920 2,353,217 || 5,940,147 2,594,783 || 141,007 : 1,140,480 3 24,117,549 2,425,419 || 5,537,446 2,654,098 || 140,321 1,203,872 4 27,170,108 2,984,329 || 6,136,091 3,283,403 || 159,647 1,125,626 5 26,597,575 2,897,706 || 5,929,342 2,709,772 150,815 1,106,607 6 21,445,743 3,748,527 | 5,041,568 2,056,553 || 106,648 1,329,569 7 29,203,139 || 3,979,760 || 5,979,701 || 2,808,082 173,335 1,581,414 8 .9 U1830 - ſig14 17,393,796 2,907,277 7,569,507 1,732,691 624,749 1,143,357 15 19,124,061 | 1,781,077 0,200,927 | 1,828,095 692,958 || 1,280,962 I6 13,072,758 2,707,385 8,404,528 1,476,151 538,165 | 1,095,636 17 | 14,178,021 2,131,629 || 7,947,359 1,729,898 || 482,831|| 1,209,073 18 16,643,579 2,554,059 || 9,048,887 1,971,609 || 589,585 1,461,416 3 19 | 12,388,833 2,707,612 || 6,899,694 | 1,408,005 || 464,370 | 1,155,173 § 1820 13,843,567 2,940,328 6,279,165 1,678,198 || 463,725 1,131,793 º I | 13,786,952 2,305,830 6,461,568 1,981,465 373,938 894,590 $ ſ 2 14,534,253 2,700,437 6,484,728 2,192,761 || 381,455 843,833 Š 3 13,751,415 || 2,625,947 5,631,659 2,095,574 350,880 878,918 º 4 15,240,006 || 3,135,496 || 6,011,535 | 2,442,440 || 442,582 851,113 Q 5 15,046,902 || 3,206,729 6,194,926 2,130,697 || 296,663 || 1,048,063 - 6 || 10,522,407 || 3,491,268 4,982,909 | 1,487,662 | 168,383 || 1,105,619 7 | 13,956,826 3,545,568 || 5,277,861 | 1,895,187 236,093 || 1,214,948 8 9 | Ul&30 - AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Square Yards of Silks ty paid, amount of Drawback on the proportion £xpoRTÉÉ, & Nett amount on the proportion retained for also of the amount paid for Bounty on Sail Cloth, & Irish, and British Linens L imens, Paper, & Calicoes, Stained or Printed, as Ch wº- TOTAL including all other Articles 25,004,337 27,402,685 25,171,422 26,691,962 35,107,439 34,923,575 24, 13%,734 31,243,362 36,120,733 44,048,701 36,697,610 41,590,516 44,564,045 35,634,416 40,240,277 40,194,893 43,558,498 43,144,466 48,030,037 46,453,022 40,332,854 51,276,448 47,859,388 53,209,809 42,955,256 43,614,136 48,903,761 37,939,507 38,619,897 35,826,083 36,176,897 34,691,164. 37,573,918 38,077,330 30,847,528 36,396,339 | and Manufactures, EXPORTED in each of those Years. For observations on this Statement see Bounties &c. in Index. Brass and Copper Refined wº Coavs Salt Sugar 382,740 || 525,014 || – | 1,114,759 320, 198 || 557,515 1,199,774 411,399 || 494,240 277,883 1,203,695 356,442 526,845 201,669 948,304 403,888 405,634 288,258 1,346,770 358,132 || 510,163 296,774 || 1,220,944 288,945 527,555 181,619 315,996 393,784 616,680 240,293 826,007 351,344 675,228 397,167 | 1,600,632 575,361 | 697,367 || 378,876 1,765,487 589,796 | 681,033 230,717 | 1,694,284 738,194 || 716,305 || 216,102 || 2,018,121 677,851 | 681,941 || 358,091 2,050,765 533,476 697,636 || 398,970 | 1.542,133 665,461 659,671 308, 113 | 1,974,973 672,496 || 233,174 217,021 1,765,037 611,800 241,454 236,107 949,450 557,914 216,684 269,393 | 1, 125,787 540,213 || 235,778 229,101 | 1,058,811 400,159 265,670 278,225 897,591 524,626 298,069 202,343 917,131 776,895 || 314,203 245,918 1,117,330 479,518 418,626 263,813 || 3,260,445 - 753,604 || 465,521 224,114 || 2,941,986 675,004 || 425,236 152,620 2,154,776 795,843 || 411,435 | 156,989 2,506,396 811,191 || 389,196 240,669 2,589,348 669,403 || 427,811 191,448 1,527,622 738,486 || 387,425 | 219,202 | 1,881,119 | 678,976 | 119,997 || 146,937 1,507,949 597,861 113,510 | 164,718 678,496 543,618 100,544 182,297 886,916 523,489 113,083 || 153,528 748,305 485,118 132,811 || 154,578 779,194 571,149 143,692 113,204 704,464 786,803 || 154,043 | 121,040 963,431 arged with Excise Duty; the Gross amount of Du- Home Consumption in each of the 14 Yrs. 1814 27. ; Drawbacks on Silks, & dſ’ Centage Duty on other Articles of British Produce SQUARE YARDS of _\. /- > - - —s Bri. Calico for calicoes Silk Limen Paper Years! at 7d. at 6d. at 3%d. at 1:#d. at 3%d. 1814 227,520 821,180 5,170,993 || 4,626,972 | 81,435,935 15 131,915 770,506 || 4,680,220 4,061,320 81,202,026 16 || 102,696 || 704,948 4,664,104 || 3,740,145 || 77,235,510 17 | 97,456 | 848,935 2,776,595 || 3,481,816 | 68,158,814 18 || 138,678 490,311 2,844,591 |5,141,611 || 103,468,272 19 || 71,449 || 557,802 2,076,619 5,005,388 80,740,160 1820 108,103 || 696,645 2,093,722 || 4,696,638 99,062,280 | 1 || 112,608 || 781,866 1,959,571 |4,585,348 || 103,025,871 2 || 102,316 821,787 2,519,683 5,142,156 || 99,622,771 3 || 136,226. 869,250 2,420,674 5,486,771 114,929,822 4 || 92,047 |962,839 2,392,039 || 6,261,220 135,655,139 5 || 53,049 |973,305 | 1,771,887 7,318,271 138,725,032 6 || 32,992 197,339 1,096,571 5;440,004 || 95,337,419 § 37,397 repealed. 1,408,744 6,119,228 134,462,808 9 Total Amount of Puty 1,284,632 1,333,893 1,137,927 1,164,838 1,567,453 1,523,017 1,601,040 1,748,506 1,674,139 1,811,919 2,040,718 2,035,220 1,524,624 2,022,258 Proportion Scotland 247,616 250,121 169,771 210,142 248,778 220,666 203,238 238,062 261,168 201,388 357,221 373,643 250,147 315,466 No. of |Licenses granted f | Drawback on the to Calico proportion Printers Easported 257 819,349 276 945,817 250 718,17) 216 824,668 215 1,079,603 207 877,832 212 || 935,610 204 || 1,077,420 211 1,186,875 202 | 1,146,252 213 | 1,381,942 101 1,665,592 203 | 1,020,971 150 | 1'360'069 * Amount of Duty on Proportion retained for Hoxne Consumption 465,282 388,077 419,357 340,170 487,850 649,185 665,429 671,025 487,274 665,666 658,776 369,243 503,693. 662,189 | BOUNTIES on SAIL CLOTHS and ||Draw- if Cen- | LINENs Exported back on ſtage Du- /---- -A- - Silks | ty on Sail Irish British ſº; Erpor- certain Cloths Limens | Limens º tg Articles ——." — 1–"—- 1–– º – H--- *.- || --ºf.--- -—£–– 6,362 || 37,502 || 112,029 18,668 || 65,034 581,802 8,677 | 40,456 | 104,703 | 18,883 || 68,532 249,075 6,747 || 43,939 106,525 13,089 || 51,870 44,492 6,037 |46,835 140,401 21,525 || 45,577 98,113 4,679 |48,386 169,557 28,848 || 47,568 82,855 4,793 || 33,049 127,414 | 16,177 || 47,545 71,627 6,944 49,743 || 143,229 11,928 || 38,578 || 62,044 11,390 59,316 | 161,453 | 18,219 || 42,605 || 70,246 10,407 || 74,393 || 208,355 17,112 || 44,623 72,579 10,699 || 73,392 | 207,286 17,765 || 39,222 70,045 13,034 79,711 248,566 17,115 || 34,290 73,231 ###|13,534 ||35,064 ||2013 || 566 ſº,0; 16,384 || 34,177 108,154 10,259 || 61,504. 16,282 35,969 || 137,648 12,114 70,935 8 */ <} AN ACCOUNT of the Official Value, of each of Eight principal articles of Colonial and Foreign Merchandize, IMPORTED into, and RE-EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 24 Years 1805 – 28 ; except for the Year 1813, the ac- counts for which, as well as for the East India articles, for the Year 1812, were destroyed by the Fire at the Custom House in London, on the 14th. February 1814, see Indew, for Note illustrative of the fallacy and preposterousness of the Official Values. | No. of Col. Cotton and Silk Indigo, | Brandy, Umemumerated all other 5. 6. ran "º" tº ºr ſº tº lºft ºf tº wººl ºf - * **s- * *** law £-— --> & * -º-, -º-º: ſ1805 1,469,763 734,369 2,393,624 62,787 | 124,390 327,491 || 463,771 173,006 819,621 6,568,822 20,796,208 6 530,430 392,022 || 3,608,059 52,133 78,512 || 327,310 || 300,392 227,978 || 925,846 6,442,682 | 19,145,094 7 541,084 791,284 2,821,498 || 53,899 || 38,305 | 400,704 || 353,470 243,551 923,951 6,167,746 | 19,192,145 8 730,413 || 780,945 4,907,145 | 68,521 62,254 || 539,624 |303,662 77,527 | 1,130,690 8,600,781 17,117,591 9 164,614 || 373,278 4,710,591 || 46,495 || 21,612 || 607,083 || 484,596 275,591 1,275,684 7,959,544 22,337,106 | 1810 525,294 | 835,433 5,330,419 99,323 40,272 508,665 185,816 498,585 | 1,625,696 || 9,649,503 28,205,885 i II 522,998 | 680,731 3,764,841 || 62,246 18,325 617,361 52,536 || 321,481 938,204 6,978,723 18,328,978 12 - - 578,306 | 84,487 145,780 14 919,013 |974,832 6,405,043 || 87,988 || 108,937 768,504 || 164,632 || 47,840 1,251,286 10,728,076 21,892,694 15 985,724 774,745 5,303,493 | 84,672 213,921 |601,138 157,961 || 414,696 1,202,846 9,739,196 22,082,857 S 16 766,490 999,266 3,325,270 96,400 | 199,761 |346,821 (147,574 |283,288 | 1,055,343 7,220,213 | 19,154,707 Sº 17 716,592 || 706,784 3,520,218 102,107 || 67,862 550,781 | 160,766 | 181,534 1,184,856 7,191,500 22,724,820 s H3 767,824 777,036 || 2,803,549 80,727 | 98,539 || 481,598 || 213,991 || 418,773 1,357,524 6,999,561 28,845,779 SS Q 19 662,360 521,948 2,450.979 || 93,221 88,331 559,786 218,445 258,901 | 1,086.562 5,940,533 23,714,366 S. 1820 $ 704,539 - | 688,611 2,973,944 141,057 | 10,916 617,246 301,824 342,376 1,151,759 6,932,272 24,551,837 s 1 |$ 490,386 & 552,807 || 2,771,411 || 143,455 13,476 |620,481 176,039 || 213,853 | 1,055,333 6,037,231 23,687,943 Fºl 2 283,655 380,280 2,672,097 || 87,047 | 119,756 367,470 218,425 || 329,116 | 1,065,634 5,523,480 23,907,896 3 || 336,515 103,596 957,209 || 2,754,861 98,476 100,214 || 428,298 || 368,780 328,322 | 1,403,837 6,880,108 27,711,156 l 4 |494,099 119,621 | 667,707 || 3,108,606 || 96,936 | 164,713 || 419,676 326,514 | 200,788 1,669,495 || 7,250,155 28,896,293 5 371,995 124,216 | 895,960 3,237,980 58,582 92,013 || 342,893 277,578 371,576 | 1,982,643 7,755,436 34,834,242 6 449,796 275,525 | 1,084,750 2,569,246 || 78,702 || 234,976 || 416,447 217,777 242,469 1,682,449 7,252,137 28,786,814 7 273,098 176,209|801,394 || 2,945,023 121,118 151,642 497,207 || 255,889 |308,645 1,875,157 7,405,382 36,062,365 8 $44,901 131,293 1,349,316 2,502,667 126,132 83,118 540,710 || 367,728 231,223 2,087,334 7,764,422 35,632,105 *:::: 635 547 760,032 || 3,494,571 87,264 96,084 || 498,504 || 252,290 |266,822 1,306,898 || 7,408,523 24,891,313 1829 - U1830 See General Salt-petre, .. Brazzdy, and Unemwmerated all other Statement of Indigo, Coffee, (Zī Pepper, Ratºm, Geneva, Tobacco, Articles, TOTA I, Enzºmerated Years Re-ea ports. at 3/10.9 b. at £f cut | 65|owºut. at 18d, b. 810 tº Gaiton Blow gallon. *: Ib. rage of the preceding Articles ſ 1805 | 1,851,025 373,860 2,471,608 || 64,275 83,630 || 253,979 || 112, iO4 194,545 1,302,725 6,717,751 3,232,757 6 1,216,658 574,160 3,027,259 36,388 || 103,771 293,404 187,175 | 162,105 || 548,637 6,149,557 2,974,942 7 742,389 || 411,639 || 3,143,116 || 36,374 57,180 210,575 204,963 175,961 394,940 5,377,137 || 4,018,012 8 822,345 323, 107 | 1,847,920 | 33,673 55,201 || 334,339 252,630 | 123,999 || 413,618 4,206,832 3,655,473 9 1,179,728 || 636,807 || 5,845,160 | 13,200 | 190,131 606, 174 |271,647 202,430 448,096 || 9,393,373 5,287,151 1810 | 1,082,115 || 491,298 || 1,455,427 | 13,627 | 126,185 339,470 253,498 || 165,032 559,716 || 4,486,368 6,459,916 11 945,651 || 339,437 | 1,418,034 17,149 75,028 || 487,679 141,031 150,419 465,672 4,030,100 4,247,837 12 1,181,354 || 398,946 4,382,730 29,299 || 78,774 641,246 125,058 217,682 496,357 7,551,446 || 4,446,733 14 | 1,295,775 1,058,142 8,032,527 | 19,154 557,619 | 1,150,659 || 310,506 | 202,081 710,267 |13,336,730 5,821,088 15 1,881,952 820,997 || 6,063,569 || 41,729 |456,857 | 1,039,503 || 178,302 206,678 664,274 |11,353,861 4,354,573 16 1,416,194 808,038 || 4,976,628 || 101,859 |419, 189 |819,048 112,887 || 219,992 || 1 018,170 9,891,996 || 3,549,669 17 | 1,211,665 465,459 || 3,362,936 || 114,511 214,431 |932,677 | 129,650 174,292 || 707,131 7,312,752 2,956,519 18 1,268,806 || 568,249 || 3,144,642 51,880 || 234,803 || 934,310 |279,175 91,806 || 878,552 || 7,452,221 3,383,579 4 19 || 1,070,127 § 2,670,581 | 66,705 206,854 708,062 212,218 360,608 || 868,810 6,763,305 || 3,115,931 1820 § 1,194,013 . 839,297 2,755,353 | 164,838 211,960 | 1,102,864 244,483 288,206 946,418 7,747,432 2,777,594 I Š 1,176,698 #| 572,222 2,597,560 142,423 | 84,804 || 930,251 166,980 || 329,338 918,284 6,918,560 3,683,530 2 | 1,088,621 |456,003 || 2,217,080 | 127,402 |240,354 || 547,941 204,237 156,193 646,133 5,683,963 3,527,965 3 |780,207 249,736 533,771 | 1,871,042 | 69,641 || 279,554 551,467 231,758 197,431 642,060 5,406,667 3,182,329 4 |777,768 235,407 535,926 2,463,910 | 113,350 | 158,348 573,398 |280,770 159,117 || 742,038 6,040,032 4,148,564 5 |818,634 144,539| 741,953 Fºllº 180,165 438,076 261,065 54,848 946,243 5,407,398 || 3,747,997 6 |391,568 105,205 || 836,675 | 1,987,589 111,802 288,648 || 416,755 170,975 | 191,466 || 780,274 5,480,952 4,585,551 7 ºf 22,615|591,405 | 1,841,049 111,543 221,534 || 486,480 245,925 240,737 953,661 5,587,320 4,218,928 8 |** 148,529 879,529 | 1,485,538 166,374 228,644 556,140 379,105 204,526 992,660 5,635,323 4,293,332 *::::, 1,133,803 || 602,446 3,076,951 76,541 206 681 | 624 109 215,484 || 194,326 741,076 6,866,568 3,985 652 1829 - - - - 1830 - t - | --~ ——|--> -- \cº-º/ --|--|--|-> --> e • . 'ºe e. - & - *O e 9. i T © 83 * AN ACCOUNT of the Official Value of sundry articles of British Produce and Manufactures, EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to all parts of the World, in each of the 24 Years 1805 – 28; with the rate of Valuation assigned to each article, to- gether with the Declared Value of each of the same articles, in each of the 15 Years 1814–28; shewing also the ratio of Declared Value to every £100 of Official Value, in the Years 1814 and 1828; and also on an average of the 15 Years, begining and ending with those Years. - - proportionate to their Current Value, the first Column particularly so, another distinguishing feature, is, that whilst most articles have &# The Official rate of Valuation of most of the articles exhibited in this Statement will be seen to be very dis- become depreciated in Value more than one-half ; the Value of the articles in Columns No. 2. to 5., have rather advanced than declined. Years a. *s-sºl -----" * - - -ºss ſ 1805 6 I 5 i {| i 183 *- ſ s i : . 1814 ; : Aver §§|1828 Number of & 4. & i i §: Column Haberdash- ery and Mällinery 40|0 t? Cwt. 64,300 81,986 64,679 51,436 55,946 64,797 39,670 41,406 32,391 37,083 32, 181 24,813 28,959 19,674 17,545 21,205 22,796 21,227 26,282 30,512 33,833 62,216 44,224 411,029 533,46% 451,599 365,208 407,956 270,415 242,667 266,117 278,179 272,619 356,317 399,558 349,950 499,534 485,980 1,267 1,229 1,099 *N* 1. | - Earthen- | º: - Beer 206.7°6 àſo i all other, and Ale, Leather, tº 100 Pieces 2010 # Cut. £5 iſ Tun | 73 & b. £-—i - £––– 200,098 63,941 || 145,375 231,938 66,186 210,163 212,237 63,448 || 179,260 183,643 65,000 | 191,474 240,123 65,727 | 179,945 236,314 72,493 | 186,573 174,615 58,447 180,588 219, 153 60,232 214,923 78,195 | 154,165 82,912 | 158,427 127,184 || 213,727 95,369 || 158,364 108,838 214,627 | 89,219 116, 179 90,125 | 195, 196 || 82,716 122,340 95,896 | 187,314 || 81,485 138,409 69,508 || 122,663 54,480 | 129,475 64,160 | 117,818 56,865 | 117, 142 78,373 | 121,565 63,694 | 123,829 91,222 136,060 | 68,175 114,992 92,004 || 143,822 || 65,957 | 126,980 93,128 131,326 || 48, 136 || 142,442 95,185 | 128,768 49,343 || 133,161 78,923 || 111,409 || 45,449 91,810 91,710 146,109 || 55,505 102,116 99,753 | 137,414 61,707 94,155 386,779 || 491,768 314,304 || 451,241 663,496 || 723,126 383,296 472,597 587,168 752,592 350,026 342,837 480,259 | 731,622 || 354,092 326,930 515,602 || 777,552 355,664 382,604 366,222 531,348 ||224,058 349,149 312,076 498,813 || 2:23,686 297,709 357,442 508,584 250,209 310,539 427,487 538,330 257,547 288,775 398,439 604,039 || 238,520 301,022 399,549 546,226 177,809 || 323,749 384,920 592,563 184,312 332,544 345,795 |430,122 172,576 260,958 437,813 || 527,109 212,390 280,266 499 743 || 492,073 ſ 239,269 261,735 494 3.19 379 285 492 387 393 266 509 388 358 278 \-º-º/~ \rº-Nº-' \-º-º/~ ~~~~ 2, 3. 4. 5. Battter, | *gºna .# '#'ſ. *"...ſº - an? %. Fish, | Ojº, | #: 10/6 w.gut. 55|0 &g". 2410 tº Cwt. |55}0 & Barred Various £19 * | Variºus cºw l ——-i--—e--— ** *-* *- 9: A- - - i ; 2 © ë I ...] - *** These Articles were not spe- T º - '. ; 97,648 cifically enumerated prior to 1814, 125,614 || 34,573 2 380,067 81,801 || Hardwares and Cutlery, were in- } 118,843 26,025 1,576.3% - 63,278 Y-cluded with Iron, —see Iron. < 142,593 53,500 i.g35.09, 101,993 . Butter, cheese, Beef, &c., were 134,296 || 54,779 | 1,974, 127 73,914 included with the Unenumerated 189,723. 22,364 | 1,595,277 119,824 articles. 185,670 | 32,540 | 1,837,792 84,853 280,412 56,295 | 128,752 232,276 || 65,087 2,277, 160 152,152 809,914 | 69,466 121,527 253,049 20,546 2,470,240 194,412 | 739,864 69,992 111,724. 271,778 117,714 2,164,036 191,744 439,287 | 73,074 125,125 || 256,793 27,825 2,174,185 138,775 580,465 61,230 || 140,005 || 208,299 || 64,267 2,395,681 154,626 442,672 61,557 | 108,011 228,868 || 41,152 1,934,928 201,972 342,655 64,921 | 106,348 278,116 91,388 1,787,663 168,699 || 455,194 || 53,103 | 84,477 | 196,760 56,879 || 1 773,983 148,450 534,900 | 64,420 || 79,040 208,190 21,265 768,815 117,447 527,227 | 64,877 | 97,534 262,274 29,564 745,684 116,397 || 604,045 56,423 || 97,030 195,527 | 11,297 805,162 90,260 | 629,958 || 62,677 | 73,486 || 178,430 8,455 849,962 107,652 563,148 55,090 59,556 || 178,612 9,112 666,946 141,094 || 713,524 53,832 57,646 187,252 16,434 743,286 ! 05,565 710,595 67,250 || 41,314 241,989 | 52,769 854,135 198,568 819,201 189,209 345,049 371,300 | 131,554 2,805,870 304,701 2,161,561 243,136 230,340 379,320 43,917 | 3,133,313 315,831 | 1,855,750 | 200,027 | 162,208 || 304,669 191,072 2,800,797 331,221 | 1,079,620 |201,179 231,593 || 339,383 57,439 2,798,092 319,447 | 1,557,920 212,881 || 309,881 292,757 | 130,382 3,093,335 331,340 1,149 511 183,939 228,555 278,905 73,067 2,529,526 405,572 779,955 170,566 207,402 || 267,945 142,572 2,315,969 349,964 | 1,050,476 149,090 125,649 171,587 70,497 2,268,137 297,345 1,145,463 154,873 || 103,645 192,331 24,844 1,042,395 247,884 1,974,684 152,789 125,143 237,085 33,310 | 1,001,459 238,428 1,202,865 141,798 || 158,624 || 170,368 || 13,417 | 1,036,518 215,006 1,392,293 189,800 136,592 202,280 | 1 2,657 1,128,375 239,542 1,169,105 || 149,761 | 106,829 || 194,546 10,853 926,357 256,182 1,890,429 145,848 87,395 182,084 18,464 || 1,027,003 177,656 1,385,617 | 181,397 || 7 | 685 241,324 55,585 1,146,793 292 234 336 268 160 200 123 200 229 285 184 } 14 159 129 195 168 269 173 100 105 ** 134 6. | 7. 8. | 9. T0. 11. 12. &# Independent of the great disparity between the Official Rate of Valuation, and Current Price of the respective Articles, this analysis of the account of the Exports of British Products developes another important feature, Viz. that with the exception of Cottons, Cotton Yarn, Linens, and Iron, there is no increase in the quantity Exported, the increase being exclusively in those articles; it will be seen also, how materially the disparity of Value of the articles in this Statement alters the aggregate result of the depreciation of the Exports since 1814, which is from 133 to 70, whilst if the above articles were excluded, the ratio of the remainder in 1828 would be below 60. z 84 AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity in Ibs. Weight of Hard Soap : Number of Bushels of Malt, and amount of Duty paid there- on; the Number of Public, and Retail Brewers; and of Lincensed Victuallers, and the Number of Barrels of Beer, Brewed by then, in each of the 60 Collections of Excise, in ENGLAND and WALEs, in the Year 1827. * ith Duty in 1826 ( Amount of s: is § Number of Licensed Sºrrels of Beer Brºſ. Collections º§: #. of Duty paid § § § š zºº; Public Licenced 'Retail Public Licensed *Retail of Hard Soap Mali; On Malt SQ Q |’.” “...” Brewers | Victuallers||Brewers Brewers |Victuallers' Brewrs ſ 1 Cornwall . . . . . . sº-sº-sºmeºmºsºsº-sºs 247,210 32,102 | 15 77 | 168 374 19,908 || 38,102 3,322 | 1,023 4,532 47 U 2 Plymouth 2 ... .[1,962,422 301,847 38,998 || 27 4 || 328. 194 * 34,734 20,187 781 | 12,936 4,056 20 3 Exeter 9 . . . . . . 76,353 230,068 29,758 21 4. 82 | 387 | 8,614 || 41,014 495 3,349 || 10,076 || – s 4 Barnstaple 4 . . . . 15,228 271,203 || 35,107 4 2 37 544 238 || 32.606 118. 212 6,283 — § 2 5 Somerset 7 e e 67,849 205,641 26,730 | 15 5 || 108 || 286 || 9,137 22,250 662 2,692 5,810 130 s 6 Wellington 16 . . . 200,521 297,980 38,519 8 || 1 34 || 347 4,121 26,539 112 | 1,725 | 7,370 93 7 Bath 2 . . . . . . . . 504,634 646,053 83,677 | 34 || 42 174 275 | 67,433 47,535 | 7,829 28,777 | 12,187 5,206 8 Bristol + 1 . . . . . . 7,694,065 318,097 || 41,166 | 20 | 12 175 381 37,444 83,909 | 1,102 | 16,816 5,633 24 9 Gloucester 5 . . . . 934,811 398,963 || 51,689 | 16 || 52 | 107 || 427 18,859 44,718 6,031 6,097 12,180 530 10 Dorset 3 . . . . . . 141,063 287,256 37,350 32 9 218 128 20,054 11,947 1,696 || 7,838 5,322 420 †: Ş 11 Southam pton 6 344,261 358,288 46,451 55 34 || 647 39 58,897 3,953 || 10,864 29,905 2,598 || 4,049 š 12 Isle of Wight:3 56,579 321,993 || 41,809 || 33 12 404 || 32 34,280 3,026 3,727 | 20,104 || 1,283 || 3,464 30; Marlboro’10 91,387 384,302 || 49,790 | 20 6 | 122 || 313 | 15,884 25,716 890 6,310 | 8,868 78 14 Salisbury * * * * g e *====wº- 504,334 65,310 26 || 13 266 190 42,861 28,287 | 1,575 10,411 10,915 703 15 Canterbury 2 90,804 || 371,910 || 48,191 44 10 || 604 || 40 | 69,628 1,491 || 3,175 28,226 1,483 602 # Rochester 3 . . . . 616,971 314,673 || 40,571 58 10 | 975 || 23 100,992 | 1,485 || 3,429 || 70,058 591 3,364 s 17 Sussex 5 . . . . . . 802,249 || 411,503 53,348 60 | 21 586 69 75,472 3,973 || 4,699 || 39,489 2,702 || 3,532 * U18 Surrey 5 ...... 5,021,275 949,792 | 123,169 | 66 | 19 || 824 || 2 | 156,350 118 7,354 93,528 11 2,589 19 Essex . . . . . . . . 167,552 945,987 122,343 || 33 4 496 || 125 38,726 18,305 443 | 12,051 7,796 219 ... W 20 Suffolk 4 . . . . . . 921,585 1,433,646 185,492 30 7 271 195 22,693 || 31,294 | 2,120 | 6,767 10,190 1,795 § 1 Norwich . . . . . . 515,078 [1,212,167 157,006 || 65 3 971 33 || 76,177 3,083 40 28,534 || 4,379 — 2 Lynn * @ & © tº e g º e e 54,408 637,232 82,556 || 36 || 8 || 623 101 || 64,511 11,093 1,435 | 18,618 5,083 28 § 3 Lincoln 4 . . . . . . 270,260 | 1,035,718 || 134,602 || 19 5 | 167 602 | 18,895 || 51,534 675 || 3,243 11,724 — º } 4 Grantham 3 . . . . 478,193 |1,002,730 | 130,017 44 13 | 695 396 || 69,161 44,125 | 1,850 10,615 12,503 396 2: U 5 Cambridge 35,969 |1,190,899 || 154,218 |32 |34 || 878 || 160 78,033 27,054 || 2,703 || 14,239 8,407 || 516 ſ 6 Hertford 4 275,531 960,435 | 124,388 27 | 10 715 65 | 93,893 10,720 | 1,850 |47,937 6,494 | 1,628 7 Bedford . . . . . . 48,369 1,253,225 | 161,315 2 | 11 || 396 || 271 || 52,992 || 21,005 || 3,071 6,768 6,294 4.i 8 N orthamptons . 84,758 || 618,511 80,273 8 6 184 | 845 13,347 || 52,820 952 3,126 18,282 661 9 Coventry 2 .... 38,845 777,468 100,806 || 11 | 19 || 103 |1,025 | 12,949 112,836 2,737 || 4,361 37,978 — 30 Derby & © e º ºr º gº tº 137,865 751,521 | 97,412 | 12 11 81 908 7,375 116,677. 303 || 2,452 29,016 — "S 1 Stafford . . . . . . — 413,152 53,613 || 13 || 13 | 89 616 || 39,094 || 44,527 3,694 || 9,507 || 13,447 I'7 § { 2 Litchfield . . . . . . 420,209 || 823,728 106,562 || 5 || 85 39 || 875 9,738 166,769 | 12,387 3,870 | 16,038 53° s 3 Shrewsbury . . . . - 557,827 | 72,358 || 2 | 11 14 || 587 2,898 || 62,259 1,461 514 || 25,931 || – s 4 Worcester 4 . . . . 149,543 || 338,551 || 43,871 3 || || 3 17 || 465 1,226 46,529 1,478 443 || 13,535 77 5 Stourbridge 3 . . 2,461,945 580,010 || 75,072 || 2 || 49 18 766 3,057 86,698 || 4,804 || 1,079 28,106 || — 6 Hereford 5 59,387 266,585 34,596 5 || 4 16 || 561 1,990 || 33,323 406 776 10,826 56 7 Oxford 2 . . . . . . 14,704 470,585 60,992 || 17 | 12 || 389 || 374 || 41,128 28,663 | 1,713 6,252 || 9,671. 446 8 Reading . . . . . . 59,723 584,159 || 75,697 || 27 | 10 | 666 22 128,628 2,773 || 4,792 24,992 | 1,307 | 1,805 | 9 Uxbridge * & © e º e — 457,079 59,152 || 31|| 10 || 783 148 || 75,299 || 14,875 2,399 |.16,139 || 5,148 1,410 40 East . . . . . . . . . . — 368,302 47,801 || 11 24 172 856 15,350 | 89,709 || 5,033 662 5,407 || – $ 1 Middle . . . . . . . . 6,135 255,816 || 33,242 — — 18 613 27,782 — 5,504 || – š ) 2 North . . . . . . . . - 244,331 31,677 || 9 || 6 || 142 || 708 6,273 || 38,515 767 484 || 2,301 || – 3 West . . . . . . . . — 165,761 21,534 || 7 || – || 69 | 683 || 2,404 || 25,626 — 760 || 9,633 || – 4 Northwich . 24,539 70,672 | 9,140 || 9 || 24 195 || 641 | 16,036 || 56,858 3,598 || 1,477 1,948 33 5 Chester2 . . . . . . 4,010,623 499,612 64,769 || 15 7 353 449 16,901 || 35,704 || 1,138 7,093 || 7,949 || – | 6 Liverpool * 18,077,788 18,761 2,440 63 || 14 | 1,194 | 40 | 111,182 || 9,172 2,312 22,613 2,884 1. | 7 Wigan *3 . . . . . . 1,358,485 184,953 23,971 || 36 16 || 480 || 456 | 68,467 60,097 1,703 ió,773 || 3,458 — § 8 Manchester * 325,648 - 309 40 27 || 41 || 309 || 653 | 97,488 134,297 || 7,319 6 141 — > 9 Lancaster2 310,334 246,737 31,977 || 4 || 26 || 60 481 1,191 46,791 3,025 | 1,173 || 13,456 36 # J 50 Halifax ...... — 323,117 41,706 || 14 || 8 || 189 856 23,781 80,542 | 1,249 80 914 || – § 1 I Leeds 2 . . . . . . . . 454,106 |1,278,841 | 165,400 || 14 18 86 819 17,004 || 106,794 | 2,640 1,760 854 — § 2 Sheffield . . . . . . 444,133 605,033 78,453 7| 20 | 138 | 899 || 20,727 | 75,442 3,992 307 || 4,286 || – § 3 York . . . . . . . . — 572,915 74,460 59 || 2 | 874 || 437 50,609 || 32,235 410 || 5,770 3,699 || – kº, 4 Hull “ . . . . . . . . 927,115 210,534 27,277 33 I 440 | 68 40,093 5,828 133 |10,670 1,420 | — C 5 Whitby * & © e º e 86,224 191,063 25,850 47 — 831 || 174 || 31,122 | 12,429 — 5,805 || 2,231 — 6 Durham . . . . . . —- || 205,106 || 26,610 || 47 || 2 |1081 202 || 43,659 | 18,412 220 14,920 5,456 — § 7 Newcastle . . . . 4,455,998 || 297,729 || 38,587 || 32 || 3 || 596 || 115 53,913 || 32,341 255 | 19,028 16,733 — 2. 8 Northumberland 60,381 129,903 || 16,814 || 20 — 551 44 26,944 || 5,609 7,704 || 1,458 —— 9 Cumberland 2 .. 445,172 316,663 || 41,097 || 40 | – |1024 185 |42,222 || 10,069 — | 16,204 || 4,896 — Total of 59 Collectiºns (147) 55,801,077 29,318,486 || 3,798,860 |1,472 | 893 |22,272|22,569| 2,315,082 2,328,067 142,968 || 725,068 || 478,683 || 34,069 L. QN DON 32,367,520 2 5,254 99: 67 || 4,262 40 | 1,582,198 6,001 || 19,095 274,828 9,333 18,762 Scotland 8,676,845 3,172,347 | 890,890 211 || 8 ||14,409| 251 | 102.92s 4,598 || 4,493 | 188,366 || 48,813 4,112 Total Great Britain (165) 96.845,442 32,531,491 T4,105,004 lºsºl 90s 40,942|22,860 4,000,208 || 2,338,666 (166,556 1,188,262' 536,829 | 59,943 85 AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Bushels of MALT; Barrels of Strong and Table Beer; its of Hard Soap, and of Candles, charged with Duty in each Collection of Excise, in the Year, 1829; also an account of the Gross Receipt within, Expences of, and amount of Money remitted from each Collection in the same Year; In the Collections noted with an * in the Column of Expence of Collection, the Salary of the Collector is £350 tº annum; in those noted with a +, £450; and those blank, £409; except Bristol, in which it is £550; and Liverpool, £600; In the Six Collections noted with a †, Soft Soap was made in 1829, to the extent of 9,062,978 ſhs. in addition to the Hard.— see Statement Soap and Candles. CoLLECTIons arranged in order of reference to the Statement of 800 Towns, at which Sittings are held. ſ 1 Cornwall ..] 10 U 11 ſ12 | 13 3.4 14 l; 16 17 ſ: 4, 4 19 i; 21 22 23 5.4 24 25 26 ſ27 28 29 30 31 32 33 U34 7. < 8 2 Amount of each Collection in 1829. 2 Plymouth .-: 3 Exeter 4 Barnstaple C 5 Wellington . . . . . 6 Somerset 7 Bristol e G e e 9 Gloucester & © tº º tº e © & e Q e g c s tº Q Q & © & gº e tº e 9 tº e Q Southampton . Isle of Wight .... Dorset .. Salisbur & Q & 0 & & © tº Marlborough Reading Stourbridge ... Essex . . Suffolk.. Lynn tº e º 'º e e e Q & s e 9 e Q & © e º e 6 º' ºb & © & e Cambridge . . . . . . Hertford . Bedford Uxbridge.. © e º 3 e a & © tº gº º e º 'º & © 2 e º e Northampton . . . . Litchfield. . . Coventry Derby . . Stafford Shrewsbur Northwich Chester 46 Durham 47 Newcastle © 8 & e º e * @ e º e o ºs e © tº e º e e º e 36 Lincoln. . . . . . . . . . 37 Sheffield 38 Leeds .... 39 Wigan . 40 York.... T41. Manchester . . . . . . 42 Halifax 43 Lancaster . . . . . . . . 44 Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Y 45 Whitby... • * * * * * * * a º 'º gº * @ 9 & 3. * @ 9 • & © 3 tº a • e º 'º e e Q w & © tº e º e U-48 Cumberland...... ſ49 Northumberland.. 50 North © & © e e Q 51 Middle. . . . . . o: \- i 55 10. < U-59 LOND TOTAL England and Wales do. do. 52 East . 53 West ſö4 Worcester Hereford tº e º e º Ao e Q e º e 9 º' tº & © tº º º & © tº e º ºs e e 56 Surrey . . . . . . . . . . 57 Rochester 58 Canterbury Sussex . . ON © & © tº e o e e tº e º e º SC, OTLAND IRELAND Bushels of MIALT In 1829, ibs. of º & Barrels of BEER. S. of - P. #. *. 74, P. pºis. r.º.º. Hº Soap. Candles Session 1827. Session 1830. Strong Table | No. 191 of 1830. in 1821. 247,210 || 173,489 || 54,815 4,655 1,547,415 301,847 | 178,829 || 49,733 22,989 2,072,848 942,162 230,068 149,218 || 44,235 | 12,488 57,491 897,001 || 271,203 183,481 || 29,655 5,621 5,050 561,423 297,980 | 190,747 || 25,241 7,719 194,243 551,522 205,641 || 130,931 || 27,101 7,620 35,853 634,250 318,097 || 312,318 || 111,243 19,549 | f 7,717,722 || 1,788,372 646,053 || 460,302 || 115,478 || 42,313 528, 156 || 1,508,305 398,963 302,196 || 64,311 | 18,057 690,615 964,889 358,288 277,673 || 69,090 28,374 506,764 || 1,362,554 321,993 || 257,975 || 42,055 22,931 12,823 771,654 287,256 212,169 || 34,324 11,819 129,199 839,757 504,334 402,538 || 65,609 | 19,849 ) — 796,507 384,302 || 298,568 || 39,254 14,437 56,238 728,297 584,159 459,942 || 124,735 25,263 49,196 || 1,066,435 580,010 || 460,570 || 83,079 26,105 || 3,079,411 994,733 945,987 || 769,911 || 58,551 | 16,734 177,307 844,397 1,433,646 1,153,524 || 51,934 16,069 954,948 || 2,131,046 1,212,167 949,010 || 68,377 26,109 704,107 || 1,438,245 637,232 472,297 || 70,850 | 20,760 36,795 707,521 1,190,899 918,808 || 104,229 21,281 27,044 || 919,695 960,435 | 706,825 || 104,152 48,962 198,325 || 1,911,071 1,253,225 | 1,034,207 || 71,456 10,970 79,101 918,372 457,079 || 370,603 || 87,244 20,054 - 1,000,878 618,511 497,938 || 61,968 19,592 70,554 || 1,212,383 823,728 711,091 || 185,797 | 19,505 302,241 || 1,470,119 470,585 378,064 || 67,326 14,991 3,212 835,824 777,468 624,960 || 109,467 37,396 20,533 || 1,849,648 751,521 600,844 || 112,069 28,301 216,379 || 1,551,141 413,152 336,158 || 84,261 21,213 | –— || 801,624 557,827 | 450,790 || 61,034 25,226 1,114,910 70,672 52,998 || 71,170 || 4,139 15,228 || 1,438,245 499,612 366,352 || 49,804 || 14,419 3,928,904 868,608 18,761 6,438 || 137,940 23,473 ºf 22,725,486 || 1,886,365 1,002,730 853,740 || 140,191 19,413 478,523 || 1,454,868 1,035,718 764,570 || 60,108 12,947 387,446 872,301 605,033 || 489,150 || 93,568 || 4,779 411,710 || 1,145,093 1,278,841 1,153,853 || 119,631 3,222 | f 604,984 || 1,386,404 184,953 170,616 || 129,908 9,298 || || 2,310,513 || 2, 199,765 572,915 442,984 || 72, 182 8,806 246,634 || 1,366,207 309 292 |236,023 1,127 28,670 || 3,305,893 323,117 | 333,687 || 98,064 949 || --— || 1,400,713 246,737 194,415 || 51,759 12,918 349,885 || 1,101,526 210,534 155,416 || 38,840 | 10,749 f 1,129, 161 736,177 191,063 138,542 || 37,353 7,359 64,055 788,782 205,106 || 150,934 || 55,606 || 19,960 — | 1,056,629 297,729 212,758 || 73,583 28,813 5,497,922 847,671 316,663 276,008 || 50,289 | 19,520 391,038 || 1,113,778 129,903 || 113,611 || 29,440 8,756 42,890 545,972 244,831 187,970 || 42,252 2,658 — 450,840 255,816 212,280 28,484 || 4,973 302,194 368,302 || 290,387 || 106,763 5,666 1,003,437 165,761 165,592 || 27,929 || 10,317 355,089 838,551 276,017 || 47,376 13,116 167,667 825,380 266,585 237,428 || 35,956 11,182 65,743 753,352 949,792 854,729 || 161,568 92,609 || 5,991,848 || 3,578,769 314,673 || 266,469 || 93,629 61,038 644,147 || 2,103,473 371,910 288,044 || 65,396 24,806 60,601 || 1,302,554 411,503 || 317,021 || 81,906 || 44,680 628,032 || 1,376,548 40,678 29,797 || 1,469,994 | 261,824 29,196,591 || 18,894,695 29,359,164 |23,428,074 || 5,949,290 | 1,380,467 || 93,293,832 || 87,368,417 3,172,327 3,712,964 || 110,952 239,387 | f 9,638,586 || No Return 2,673,002 || 2,012,639 wº- Free of Duty || Free of Duty Gross Eacpence Receipt, of *...*.*| Collection * - La- —-É—— 78,919 8,052 | 121,339 7,774 108,123 9,205 61,779 8,809 84,434 8,072 | 60, 103 '7,695 449,752 13,549 179,198 9,274 117,534 8,213 131,492 || 7,863 31,080 | # 6,808 67,052 6,154 123,897 | * 7,097 83,874 | *7,090 196,932 | * 7,007 241,154 12,385 244,696 | + 8,063 237,522 | f 10,166 207,417 | f 8,564 125,388 5,893 218,291 | * 7,038 564,121 8,999 203,049 | * 7,319 217,698 | * 8,706 129,148 | * 10,243 341,024 12,286 118,660 | * 7, 175 192,172 | * 11,481 196,917 | * 9,079 126,673 | * 9,141 133,064 8,667 348,906 | f 10,859 168,466 9,501 617,954 13,972 221,906 8,998 187,337 10,227 166,346 | * 10,732 310,530 | f 10,945 505,536 | f 12,382 139,647 10,318. 776,800 || 14,658 513,375 | 12,974 116,603 7,761 91,232 5,085 64,606 7,455 242,591 9,382 415,102 | f 9,796 117,501 || 12,550 46,703 | * 6,103 65,621 | * 7,982 59,942 | * 7,633 I26,960 | * 10,032 49,681 8,433 118,454 | f 8,249 102,970 9,968 527,332 10,773 306,769 + 10,286 167,135 | + 8, 197 201,732 | f 9,323 6,433,549 || 251,536 18,651,786 794,178 2,362,254 || 111,031 1,539,349 | 139,713 Amt. remit- ted to Recr. General —-É—— 68,924 112,683 97,813 51,816 74,944 51,826 427,174 163,743 105,775 131,236 68,861 58,761 116,164 76,216 189,560 226,189 243,210 226,700 195,356 118,675 210,940 555,345 194,886 208,475 118,357 328,363 111,238 173,366 179,531 116,990 124,197 334,341 158,076 14,195 201,536 176,916 155,476 274,298 489,823 130,042 753,393 478,726 105,463 63,613 56,751 216,686 361,252 103,237 41,988 57,411 51,806 11 1,223 40,776 103,844 108,498 494,761 294,870 158,273 189,800 4,574,216 15,798,574 1,951,148 1,440,085 86 STAT * - P §§ tº ºt in E N G L }\} ENT z of th º e 800 T le princi W.A. LES, OWIAS {} Grain, f esiastical S owns and Pari xhibited o Sittin , for publicati ees;–those d Parishes i n the precedi gs are held on in the i. noted with II] the King eding Pa for C ondon Gaze 3. f each reti gdom whi ges, with N ollectl tte ;-and turn tWO 3. ich she umber ng of E. the * folio: and those wi evs the P r of refer accuse Duti wing the . a + one M opulation rence to th witze:S wi l § e of the Tow ember to Parli 3. Resource € local sit 2. At }II? each n, denotes #. , and Conditi uation of of the 5 I Cellºé8 for *: # denote t ition of € each TO W . 9 Provi tº ºś ...º. the T incial C AP, bein et Towns, whi laces print opographi ollecti g taken out , which m printed i phical arr iOHS • “ve ly Retur iº. m of the ve. are Citi - verage * 16S pries Of 1 f" # º fºe º - poamin , . . . . . . 230 mouth e - e º & © & ; Axbridg . . . . . . . . . 3,66 hº F & e - 6 - - - * º ge o & 6 & :* 9 12 e wº ë. • * * * * . . . . 248 i. Bridgewater” gº tº 3,638 ſ. § #: i. ...: 227 #º & © tº 6 ... 1,540 $9 ereftegis...... ... 1,284 iſ 17 f Bi s is elstone ...... 237 Castle Gary" . . . . . . 3,65% : Blandfords..... . 3,570 ſ Billerica 2. ; Ives ...: . . 261 3. "........ 3,684 tºº. e tº e g º & 3,567 j o & © tº 9 & 0 & 1,795 gii. ...... : jº. # §º. ;| |āº. ;|*|†sº E #St. Mi €W. . . . . . ... 3 20 || 5 || Glas ºn ... ... " 96 fººtºurº . . . . . 3,570 oggeshai........ 1,814 Barnet”.........' fº tº ºr tº º & . 367 § flºº 9 @ 9 º: 3.65 § ë. Castle a gº & ::::: 24 #. ºchester. . . . . . 1,839 ; • . . . . . . 2,396 Penryn .......... 1.sºs |# #...... . . . . 9 || 3 | f : D ºne...; ... 1,468 || S < H ay. Thurrock 1,771 dgeware....... 1,79 Þj. © tº e º O a & © tº: R. K #. e gº e º e e ; º; § { Eve º: ... 3,536 3 #º: 1,786 § E. ........ " O # Redr Ce 6 g c & a tº º 56 s #Mi Ort • * * * O & 3. 00 Ç h -d - I'3 olt Q tº e o 'º 3,578 ſº - arwich 6 * > & Q & © e. 1 85% ppin & J C & G & © e º º th it g & 261 Q - ilbornt • * * * 156 #Hind © e º e g a 6. 2 4. In © 2 g º e dº '. Q H g e tº C & †. Ø gº tº tº P e Port S OI] - 2 37 gatestou tº e 1 f 69 R. < atfield tº @ Q Q @ 1 ſe é e a “s 281 Cº. etherto 9 @ 9, 6. 3,68() f Lyme R ... . . . . . . 3.4 #Mald © . . . . 3. & we 6 ,804 | #. ge e g tº ſº & * S Il . . . . M €SºłS ,413 on” ... 1 sig || $ tº Hertford ..... 2 Yo......... 241 isherborneº...... 3,700 M. . . . . 1,28 Manningtree...... 2 || 3 | H ord ...... ,391 , ºt ...... 1: Somerton e”. . . . . . 3,556 Poole........... § |*:::::: #|Š *::::::::::::: ::::::::: ſföallingto . . . . . 1,524 stabridge ........ 3,961 Ishaftesb ... . . . . . . 1.466 UWitha 5** * * * * * * * 1. 66 || Nº || On Street” & B . 2,269 S Devo gton . . . 42 stoyevº.... . . . . . 3.55 f # * * * 2. lity . . . . 2 : 18 $: m ......... ,796 § gar Chippi OW* R. f Li nport .. . . . 3,931 S y" . . . . . 3,555 : Wareham ... 1,286 ribºst fami 1,837 # Romfo ºppºs 1,8 S Åskeardº ...... 1.361 irminºr 3,717 f Weymout ! . . . . . . 1,467 Biàº; St. Edmund Walth: TC! . . . . ,811 SJ #1400 a e e 9 Frauntons ..... 3,55 Wim ath . . 340 estOne #ds 1,888 altham Ab . . . . 1,782 sº #. … 999 łº". º ºf twº. Mister 1,471 Botesdale ... . . . . . 1,911 , Ware . . bey 1,303 > #P ymouth* & Q & 6. 215 Wi eſſ; º 1,305 interbourn € $ 3,538 Clare” © & © ºr º a tº e i. 3. 23 (Am .k.: * * * tº e º e e e 2. J. *~ || 4, § lympton . . . . . . 1,360 UY intºnion........ 3,646 e . . . . 3, 569 Debenham..... º }; *. • 6 @ e . 2,377 R ūš. 9 e º 4 & 9 s º 1 365 eovil.” 6 e º a tº 9 tº 3,651 ſº #Eye al.]] 6 - e. • 6 ; + * B ; * & & e º 'º e 2,452 - tº e s a s s e e '. º s & tº 4 & 0 & & 9 º' tº 6 a 6 tº & 4 o 6 a. *| |;sº ,93 + $ e - * * & gº e o s e sº. ... : ;|..." ;| |º. *|†º #| |#. #: shburton • * ~ 3 8 ſ $338th' . . . . . . . . 1.32 ...Andover...... 3,347 ramingham .... } ,7 arl ........ i. Brixha tº ºr © f ath" 3. 4. * * Basi ngstoke ... º & × gham 3. 90 Q ! OW a tº 1 82 tº e & rºy tº e º & 0 - gstok . 3,479 * Hadl º 6 * 6 4. 1. a - Hatfi © 6 e º e & 3. 4 Chudl m . . . . . . 3,799 B04:" . . . . . 1,385 fi)evi gs e . . . . 3,435 S H eigh. ,935 Cº. eld . . . . 1,82 Of . . . . 1,508 Hradford ... ,385 || Sº vizes . . 3,435 || S 3 aesworth ... . . . 1 Hitchin ....... ,822 gº * * * * radford . . . . . 3.3 P Fordinbridge.... cº 3% orth ,909 || S C#11]] . . . 1,823 Q: - € * . . . . . . . . 3.795 Ch * G & Q & e g 316 º inbridge. o 6. 3,398 SH # Ipswi . . . . . . . 1 935 R. New 6 * & 6 e e º e e e p J § #.º *... . . . . 3,898 3. . . . . . . . ... 3 ; §§ #. Clere... . . . : Š #º. ... iś|5 < sº Pagnell ::::: : < iºni tº a º . .. *::: s #. ... 9 * * * * * * º S º * 6 tº e e • * ; Cº. §." - e ; § jºi 6 º' ; odbur ge tº dº e ºs 1 3. < - eynsham © e º e e g tº 375 s: omsey & © e s s e º a c 4. 430 Net d tº tº & o 3. 6 S OI’ & ,375 R New y ,526 •r Marshfi e q e 4. e. e. e. © gº Co f$ jºy . . . . . . . , ‘FO € ham . . . 1 877 tevena © & © tº 9 e e 2 4 ton % & - 3 8%3 ſº P e Tº tº field. º 3,603 ăligăut # 9 & 3 490 - Saxm d e o g g tº 6 1. tº. Sto lº ge * - e. e. 3. 40 Sidmouth ºl.... j hilip's N . . . . . . . 3.1 #Stockbri '12 . . . . . a’ ºn Soui undham . 1,939 rtford Bishops' 2,393 uth * . . gº tº e 1,501 Sh OrtOn , § 9 96 - bridge º 9 3,392 outhwol e e º & ! 9 Stone - ishops º: J. & © tº q & tº º I & e & O a & e e e is - - § y & © e y - lºt #. * * * * * g º g ; W. Q 9 & 3 & * ; 14 (Ashto º 9 * & © g g g g g §: lº. º }; UTowcester * ...... 1,825 * * Bamaic ... i. arringt . . . . . , 3.3 m Kevmes” 2 19 ſ : ridge ... i. i || 24 . . . . . 2,541 #ºple: 1,511 U +W . © gº & G & £ ,379 * s: º 3,341 || 9 :Aylsham º . . . . 1,761 ſ: Albans Bow ord tº 9 º' tº • * * 1,531 9 ſ Berk tº 3 & 4 tº q 39() B edwin, Great 4 º' tº 2,7 26 § fººle. e tº tº e º º 1,987 Amersham & e º 0 & 9 2,397 #C ...!!!. 1,529 3. * * * tº º tº 3 * & 6 º' 3,298 Q : Bungay 6 tº e º e º te e 1,961 iº 2,473 tº." ... : §ºw. . . . . 3,187 º ... 3730 || S ºffaileston ...... iº || | i. . . . . . . 2,492 3. . . . . 3,938 ºn . . . . 3,124 ićippenham..... ..., |=% ºf . . . . . . 2,008 terriampstead 2,470 K. C unleigh........ 3,793 D bridge" ...... 1,388 f : Cirenceste ... . . . ; Sº i ; flowestoft ...... 1,963 Chesham ead 2,411 R §º : #|s ºf … 5 |}. ... silä lº waisham .. ;| #. . . . . . . . . 2,476 º H rtland . . . . . . . 3,781 § Ha Iottcester* . . . . 369 || S | F ownhammey” . . . . 3,340 #:{\pruitſ. nam ... 1,781 || S #. stratf ... . . 2,429 s #. ... ... 1,527 Cº. H mpton º e - & © & e 3,165 C i. # ! ºf $ Yarmouth • . . . . . 407 Q5 w emel Hem ord 2,518 Co Hºly & x & e G 3,905 R #. e de & tº e : e e sº S3 㺠tº @ 3 g g g to 3,152 20 ſº e e º e º º 1,752 ſº < }. - pstead 2,410 3 Ilfracombe, . . . . 3,912 § J Moreton-in-th & de e & šjājº, ſº 3,938 Brinton"......... § { Leighton Buzzard 2,50 : #º 4 * * * > 1,533 S Nº. & e-Mrshä,191 || $ and Sh afte Shur y, O mi - itte d m arki ing # * 3.2 - 3. 31 Ashton - 37 ſ - #º Bices bury • . . . fº #. :::::: §: # .. - tº . #. 35 r § 3 ; arlb gham... ,700 # * B * hi our ... 2.5 H oston >: p. *N *:::: : #. Oll s § #: #: 1,72 jº : ; ; ... ; 4. Wº: e a & e 6 & 8 ,713 ; º: tº 6 & . 2,26 SČ t : 2,6 F nin • e Q to Q : , Š ..º W. : º s Fº gton .... : #. Aitri 28 ood e © & & 5 45 | T gha • & ,205 r B inch (A St º “º e 2,5 St. H ant Iſl tº 6 Q | S$ 3ur 3. (Ashl ock ... 506 || Sº olb ham * j | SS º, IY . 1.() Ath by de tº e e 2,724 2. < * - - . 2,213 427 s anci e e 6 is ºn of º: | 5 sº 3.07 ||3: \º ... ;| º: º!". º * Q & © ch 114 º àº, ...: 2,178 f § t #. §§ ergell B- inc intºn ... 8 © :Sle ºrough . 2,104 - Col ièroe ... º § * © § i. .* †. ºš #: º; ; #: 1.6 83 • e e e tº # & t & tº tº tº º 9 : urū . & 6 tº 3 : 3 - • & © 6 tº 2. < §: • * * * * 7.91 irº in ...... : s < ; m ....... º #: º tº @ ſº tº e e }; ! 49 R - enii " . º ºg & & ſº 711 - i. *:::::: **ś *N t . º 1,147 º 1S . - tº 4.6 - :4: * Loug worth e e & e 73 atte nford ... . 2,174 | s: Kei ersfi ::::::: 5 Co al’Il & & © tº 6 º 1. 57 Q ſ # Al Q Lt ghbor ...: 2 7 Up rsha * . . 2,% ; S: º 6 tº e 77 C In W arvon.... ,63% , ºr ºf: nwi Q #: #: W. i...... : jº 9 * * * ; s §. Il - - - 863 §§ ; te run †... ºgo || 8 º 202 || Roc nºtwas, cº } : º: ; Berwi © e tº * s jºi * - e. te ; 36 };}. . º ; + . Tyas. º : Sº < º e - © gº º 1 ; S3 Sº < iº e g º lill eStel' l tº & . 2,65 ford ach e e º tº ,04 | 43 > ki tº e e & Q a ... 6 || Q) # F timio tº a tº 6 tº 4. 1. Q Sº ; H histl e ‘º ,570 Nº. 1 * . & © : | Barto e & © * * * g e b 2,103 i. º “º tº $ 3. ... 1 º: 2. #. § - e tº 9 & : º & ; #. € 1,675 Soli worth ... ... : Blyth n . . . . . . ::::::: º * |H ºr. .*:: § . open.... 4,495 ºf hull h 85 # B l e ... 2 0 Q: H rSta & tº tº gº 580 oly ad . tº & 31 S W mfo th 4.5 29 war wi ...: 801 Čai rigg ...: ; : § & º * * * e 6. . 566 #. tº e º e * e. § º: g º: r Ash wick • 6 e º ºs 117 F. istor :::::::: §§ & §e y . e & 4,279 # Lla geſai & Gº e G 1: 55 ſ ark ; | A Abou 3 * * . 2.7 1.pw e - 6 , 347 §º o 9 º º . . 1.2 Li {1}{16C º ea º º 22 Hºro WOT o ºg "; ,527 lfi: rhé º gº & 2. 99 # G orth te . . 2.4 Ki by i t e tº 9 ,239 aſll' hymead 86 $ IY, V th a 4.5 § * i. & © tº §54 & f º ::::: *...] 3 #. ić' 4,331 §º lead. ; º ...; ; ; ; sº S H rim rough” 286 || * La l. 3.162 40 Ne urgi ... © & eob ow *... 7. 3 * jº. e 837 || 8 Ol' Sb igh” 2,295 - Mii neasier 4. 8 P Wmarket" e & © Co Nur wº.... 3.095 § i;. ...... . š. #. © tº e º & ; ; s º: ; : . . †: 5 I jº. tº e º & ; s º ...... ; * + otti * - tº gº º º 5 3. ... . . . & e º e © ,7: ! ... i* Oi * . . & & a- r i tº € 9. tº e o e 3. 7 º: ... 2: §º & © tº tº ; S º & a tº e • - 2 ; 4 U.S . º: }: #. Il . © tº e - 4,700 Q jº & © tº ſº tº Q tº ,972 º am .. 2,349 R. º: ... ;| 4 º ... . . . . !: † 1,609 #3 #º tº .... 148 30 2. #. ... Tº * º: ;|S tººk º !: ſº ... ; ;| jº ... sº ſ i. OtS sº & ſº º ; : : : S4 #. - s tº tº j * º e }; § ; º º: .. ; -- § ë. romle s tº dº : §º 3 gº & 4 . e tº 9 § §§ p. ...' & e o q a º 㺠• . * G & 6 & § N M. • * 0 & & § Q º: y .. 2 4. Wi shinborous tº gº ºf : #.; ... ,051 is ki. i’..... : 4,813 Nº. outh*. ; § 3 ; fiandley' e1}{ ,933 W Intert brough. : ; º, tº tº 3 1,712 ks Kington ....... 2.937 Rossº 3}}]] & ,977 S- < §: e e º 6 e º 746 37 &: e º: º ,332 45 iſ $ º © e & : 1335 §: §. : º & . o º ; enbu 49 * a tº º & : ; 109 § #: ; §: 2,302 ; . .... #: s #: 4.1% 56 º # § is gel * tº 9 & 9 8 B; well .. ... ºf #. tons .. ,073 j ... 3.05 (#. ... g. 47 t º;. ;|s º ::::: ,338 * \" e 407 Ma ises ... ... ; flºº ... ; (i. où...... : : § #. ... • * * * *:::: i. e º ... º + º : º: : Fº * . . . º ; to Xet º & tº º a gº º º Ś D sº 3 95 | flºº, & e - e s tº e ,124 º e qa . 4,756 § { 3. tº 4 & © ... 7 3. ſ Eccl er........ ; : <, * © e g tº ; e. º ... g. & 6. ; ; ery .. #: £3. i. g ' ' ' ...! sº Sº sº e - e. g. 6 ,937 Sº #: ...] § ; ... . 65 | R . ... ,726 Q | : º: 175 š. sº ...: ..]|}. ; ... .. sº s: #: ::::: ** tº: ::::::: #. CO gº i. ... . - S l!' ... .5% †Sh sº ;|S ir anb ... º. Welch P ... } 4. wº º e 3 & © tº 6 8 § f tº: ... sº fºll * 07 - i. st § © º i. ooi .... #: 57 wing .... tº tº ſº & 160 Š f . º y - ... 3,002 33 ū. tº º * @ e 137 iº. ; #. avenny º: (gray $5 a s ... e d e º 'º 63 slº ::::::::: º º łº #. † #|: :::::::: 32 /* 1 verha gº tº a & Cº º 2 85 Q ing ey. ſº º e º e 3. 38 s tock rough e tº a ,126 - aº on. g © e º 'º 4,809 §: º 3% 3 * . . e e g tº gº - { noton 118 R Br ey'...' . 90 tok tom: 4.146 } phily. 1,5 §: G We o 316 #. pion .. 2.9 R Bradfº ...: {) f T esle *... I'd O º & tº gº ,543 & jº Te send.... . . . 34 §§ . tº tº y 70 s º 9 & 3 & & 4.17 .# W. y e © e º 6 p. }; º ~! iff Q & © tº 6 º 170 S- $ºn :::::::: 2 9 S. Kn sham tº ſº - 84 )tle 5 * * @ 9 & & 553 : Whi tº e e e a tº ,679 S- § to º e > . 4.87 3 f : han tº gº • . . . . 91. ut ... . . . . \ . y & 6 to C 3 3, 6 Y itb tº ºb ... 4 s’ L h ge . - e. ,876 Q *. “. . . . . 4% L Sf e © 3. : W e º - §: 3].' y & 19 1: no e 1.5 < - 3 : * * 26 s eek ord * - 8 3 a & Cº. 6 & 52 6 ſ : Iſl ... 4 O & 4 andi Wel tº e to ,54 * M aid ........ L e e G tº 05 9 kefi ſº a tº & 4 28 ; H & © & O & 4.163 s: Lla illo l . 4, 2 ** Nº. StGłł & 4 294, si ; ... 990 (Black eld ... 496 º :::::: #|* #. & º O & j|Š * e ... Aiº, S- ×k . ... 980 2. : B burn © e º & 503 i lºs Ch ops Častie i’6 2 Hº! ery . . . . . 4. 182 || Q ##n is ... 38 s †: ... ;| ≤ tº: dº º 0 & 467 S. #. º ‘. #: :... º 3 |} sº º : 2. §º & º º 955 Sº < ; • * 9 & 3 º .. 1,091 i § < f º º ; . & © e º º tº e <> . . . 461 oa ū. bach *...... º § §º º łº, | S º: * 6 & 43 : la : 4,8 * W. . ... . 448 33 ſ Be ... º º : *. & S º .# ; vii. 303 §º: ; #. … * @ -> : 40 ºf * Wºº. a & e sº e & ; łº sº - * * .. ,475 *:::: dº 6 * g º tº & 198 58 r A º ...... : #: . . 2,956 º }: 47 º © .# 53 iº ool .... : A. ...: : Ile Oſl • * . 2.9% º s sº 3. } - §§ oisi and .. 3. 5 ſ: & tº e - tº 6 & 8 68 f : mle tº e ... 3 smere * @ 6 ,9. rigg'... e - a 991 || * N Y} {} 25 tº: : $ y ..... 67 § ſº. : ; #º jº" º: ... sº # ;|g º 532 - ºil º, º e ...... ,0 OFORY: º e • e s e - .00 - Iłł ield * .. 63 J al’IIl ..i. • * € 'OO * .. cº § 3 Mal golien'.... er º: fºliºs ; Nº. • * 36 # º: 1 164 s Fº & © k.... & 9 304 M pas e £ tº 3. 5 Le wden ridg ... 4 6 B ppl C e e is 18 shg tūg; º ,579 E ..º. 547 Š º: º: i. º § ; *....'... : 24 º *:::::: § #. º 51 S. N º: e - ,656 \º ...: 4. 12 #. & º & e tº e º 'º ,294 jº 1,570 ;: £º º 614 - 8. ich ..... 2,953 § {{ dieham & & 9 º' ,021 * QT. pfon © & 3 & 4,255 S- Lam elly wes 1,57 S- olke lam iſ ... 63% 8. • e. e. & © tº º º § ſº sº * lam. tº g g e 4,227 tººl e tº tº ... 4 3. Cº. La pete - e Q sti's 4. 2. §. - 1 e - © : uy est ........ 1 §3. Or reborous ºn f : *:: ... i. () ## er. . . . ,342 f i. ,369 8 € y & 836 th Of ,20 : C l 9. 1.2 l 3. e 1.55 s: H ºt.... 4. W 1 to * * * * & © 36 * # P -Al FOUR 5. • * 4. 9 ſº HD OC tº gº © 3. 66 - andi Tºle e e ,55 M yth St. 9 & 83 |: 1.6% º *3 † #" #: ;|* º 645 lº 3,040 º Ct . tº e 591 *: #. º º º th ,873 lans ock ... . 1,566 | 3]{{IS te. .. 1,437 509 : Live m...... ; §. :::::::: ,938 #4;. ead .... ,264 Nº. º: 4,860 º e & ge 568 rpool % e tº a e : Ił jurº º • . . tº º º 594 Q . tº e sº & ſº - 59 Nº. rth e e s tº º 4,866 59 º ye €iſ . * @ 9 & 573 & ,664 T aith © . . . . . 3 597 S irkb e rº * * * * 4,343 New astle © p e > . 1,34 º . . 587 . . . 1 † • * . º, e º e ; - R Çirk yºste * * * s 4,373 + Pe port © e e . . 4. : - Cu ghton º 517 ,316 hor er ..... ,099 Q Ło -Osw jiຠº H 5. UT miroke ... i. 2 died .. ... sº W me ... . . . . . - i) ºf al Il ,36 54 Głł rok • * 6 # A ºld ... 4. ethe & e & 3,97 Ra gtow d ; * A by é .... *::: T} rundeis * * * 1. Uf $39 ... : ; ... ; A. ...! ; ;".::::::: 833 rººt tº e • * 3 97 Sh enri SS • * 0 & 8 5 7() sº ſº e gº gº º sº tº ,341 att) g e 1.4% º 797 $ º: ; i º th ... e ; § #: º º ; e e s 6 & 8 8 918 * c 3 3. º º: ...: ; § f . “...: 3. >< º :::::: 209 ,036 l : Whi tone ... 4,390 º Dr º gº º Aº 2,86 f H am tead 7 () W ite e . 4. Ożt ... 2 8 || R. astiſ Li ()7 igt - hav • e ºs ,265 Kº 3. . 4 * * * * º tester's 2. 57 S tey ham * ... 17 t % 82 t sº Yıl Ö & º 7 3. 25 Or § & a 04 2,83 Ta ſington ... 8 ; tº º ... . | liº … : - º: well & º . 881 st . . étis 873 * * & . 3.59. & 7.43 88 An ACCOUNT of the Quantity reduced into English Quarters, of Wheat and Rye Exported from the Port of DANTzic with the Annual Average price of the Wheat itſ” Quarter in Sterling Money in each of the 65 Years 1700 – 1764 and of the Quantity in Quarters of Wheat, Barley, Malt, Rye, & Oatmeal, Exported from, and of Quarters of Oats Imported into Great Britain, with the price of the best Wheat & Malt ºf Bushel at Lady-day and Michaelmas, and the mean annual price of Wheat itſ” Quarter at the Market of Windsor in each of those Years, also of the Number of Pipes of Wine shipped from the Port of Oporto in each of the same Years, and the price of the Quar- ten Loaf as entered in the Books of the Town Clerks Office Guildhall at the commencement of each Mayoralty on the 9th. of November in each Year since 1734. tº:- For the quantity of Wheat Exported from Dantzic see Parliamentary Paper No. 83, Session 1827, folio 62; for Annual Average price of the same, see same Pa- per, folio 64, for the quantities Exported from Great Britain and prices of the same see following page. The Number of pipes of Wine Eaſported from Oporto have been taken from a very interesting tract on the Wine Trade of Great Britain drawn up by James Warre Esq. a Gentleman for more than half a Century most respectably and eatensivley concerned in the Wine Trade of London, published in 1823. In the Years noted by a “the quantity of Grain Imported into Great Britain eacceeded the quantity eaſported. Exported from | . Š i. Dantzic gº; Eacported from Great Britain § $ $ Quarters of |&s? Quaaters of /- ~~~~ ~ || 's $ || 2– 2^ —N Years. Wheat | Rye š's 3 || Wheat Barley Malt Rye |Oatmeal § 9 Š 1700 || 33,346 103,651 Fis 49,056 25,896 || 37,571 27,231 || 391 i 34,626 91,697 || * 98,323 21,953 50,447 || 43,917 284 | 2 || 43,892 184,674 90,230 | 16,280 || 7 1,856 51,710 89 3 || 33,895 || 61,802 || 19/3 || 106,615 71,523 123,291 58,438 159 4 52,148 124,259 || 2015 || 90,313 30,729 102,873 29,284 219 § 5 || 64,532 154,972 || 1719 || 96,185 21,386 || 137,396 24,059 100 Ś 6 | 73,981 | 200,176 || 16|5 || 188,332 10,221 141,084 49,892 62 < 7 || 65,521 121,572 || 16|7 || 74,155 4,771 || 111, 158 34,032 | 103 8 98,180 187,437 || 20/2 || 83,406 || 29,937 | 97,787 4,720 67 9 || 83,173 177,740 || 42/9 || 169,679 40,512 || 139,934 166,512 37 1710 || 38,119 74,358 || 33/3 || 13,924 5,714 || 79,530 | 12,215 125 11 46,429 182,019 || 25/9 || 76,949 8,412 || 139,975 37,957 | 321 U 12 79,238 259,870 || 22/10 || 145,100 || 19,838 191,624 17,735 | 303 r 13 130,698 || 303,510 || 25/8 || 176,227 52,542 217,975 38,625 | 1,376 14 || 48,816 76,982 || 37|8 || 174,821 18,579 220,274 20,455 | 129 | 15 10,900 24,542 || 27 17 || 166,490 5,079 || 103,365 31,161 303 16 || 19,543 62,780 || 23/2 || 74,926 14,857 226,617 | 40,123 719 17 | 37,066 | 68,005 || 22/1 || 22,953 18,435 251,072 23,031 404 18 33,822 144,071 || 23/2 || 71,800 71,139 303,133 49,416 868 19 54,728 200,272 || 23|6 || 127,762 9,649 357,499 || 45,502 || 219 1720 37,496 || 139,707 || 19/10 || 83,084 4,505 253,509 || 49,241 3,461 1 59,824 192,737 || 16|6 || 81,632 11,607 || 338,942 69,697 577 2 67,757 252,679 || 16/5 || 178,880 37,528 366,738 || 42,578 || 324 3 98,846 || 360,738 || 18/11 || 157,719 || 45,780 305,068 12,737 541 s 4 || 96,804 |450,210 || 18/11 || 245,865 10,298 || 241,895 || 23,441 516 | S 5 123,270 264,074 || 23/10 || 204,418 13,782 294,025 | 20,569 1,447 & S 6 98,018 218,150 || 24/3 || 142,183 20,017 | 335,925 18,835 | 1,412 7 41,764 187,942 || 24! 30,317 | 8,688 241,428 || 9,169 || 2,204 8 92,998 || 205,852 || 2011 ||*70,757 |* 11,547 195,340 | * 2,192 | 1,383 9 204,142 337,625 || 1917 ||*21,322 |* 12,551 130,743 | * 130,585 2,541 1730 113,455 185,728 || 16/11 || 93,970 14,982 179,446 12,394 4,479 1 116,315 65,134 || 17|7 || 130,025 13,562 177,699 || 21,089 | 1,808 2 74,476 || 79,313 || 16|8 || 202,058 13,874 | 161,075 15,535 | 1,274 3 115,218 155,606 || 16/6 || 427,199 || 37,598 || 203,155 28,156 | 1,487 4 || 103,318 63,350 || 1919 || 498,196 || 70,224 233,124 10,735 | 3,037 5 86,409 | 68,768 || 2011 || 153,333 57,520 219,710 | 1,320 1,920 6 25,187 20,952 || 22/8 || 1 18, 170 6,860 | 192,602 | 1,220 | 1,196 7 20,500 2,752 || 24| || 461,602 || 23,669 || 103,718 7,849 1,921 8 49,901 || 34,432 || 21/1 || 580,599 || 70,689 188,606 || 36,159 | 1,777 U 9 92,192 || 110,069 || 19|6 || 279,542 54,447 | 191,876 29,791 1,116 r1740 164,131 || 253,401 || 33/1 || 54,390 24,086 || 145,527 | 8,979 2,579 1 93,224 107,134 || 35/3 || 45,416 || 6,618 123,357 3,390 | 1,106 2 56,330 71,638. 22/2 || 293,259 || 11,482 189,525 | 63,273 || 1,380 3 53,212 80,324 || 1812 || 371,431 34,995 || 219,217 | 88,272 1,882 3 s 4 || 53,879 128,065 || 1815 || 231,984 20,090 219,864 || 74,169 | 1,657 Ś 5 24,886 || 41,409 || 22/2 || 324,839 95,878 219,354 || 83,966 9,770 6 24,037 53,287 || 25/1 || 130,646 | 158,719 282,024 45,782 | 20,203 7 47,762 81,377 || 24/2 || 266,906 || 103,143 361,289 92,718 2,122 U 8 98,943 |131,365 || 21|1 || 543,387 | 73,857 349,363 || 103,801 || 3,768 f_9 |113,789 190,952 || 22/8 || 629,049 || 52,621 |355,469 106.31% 1,281 i 1750 99,502 | 190,931 || 20/8 || 947,603 |224,500 330,754 99,054 4,283 1 202,588 344,570 || 20|7 || 661,416 || 32,698 256,547 71,048 2,276 § 2 | 191,307 327,961 || 22/3 || 429,279 106,332 287,578 57,847 | 1,450 § 3 ; 147,286 164,389 || 21|6 || 299,608 || 67,049 || 274,424 24,835 | 7,012 * 4 131,118 190,221 || 1971 || 356,270 47,776 321,995 || 42,915 2,330 ſ 5 - 18|4 || 237,466 381,659 43,446 3,168 | 6 || 82,581 156,595 || 23| 1 || 102,752 269,949 29,969 5,490 1 s 7 | 183,094 | 132,472 || 31|| || * 130,017 57,511 6,898 || 4,693 |s 8 87,451 79,958 || 29| |* {1,119 1,504 364 1,831 º 9 87,612 | 73,552 || 23|7 || 227,367 208,797 41,509 6,937 1760 116,519 181,277 || 19| || 393,614 291,150 53,174 14,496 | 1 | 68,230 122,743 || 1914 || 441,956 || 413,891 57,982 11,290 2 55,911 173,129 || 21/10 || 295,385 423,064 28,629 15,992 3 127,258 sºlº 429,537 215,681 12,951 3,042 4 181,299 || 322,575 || 22/3 |; 246,891 27,746 3,952 | 53 5% 5 } : Prices if Bushel of 9 Gal-l gºs | <'s f e § § § lons º: }. best º § §§ ſº of *d Quartern S C § Wheat Malt §§. §§§ & e 4 2?? L07700m at the S. “S § *—/\_rs § *š *śs s commencemt of each May. Q’ S’.S Lady- Mich- Lady- Mich §§§ §§§ : oralty on the ninth of day aelmas day aelmas §§ Fºš November in each Year. 234 || 5/3 |4|9 |4|4 |3|6 |40|| 7,287 1700 tººk 20 |4|9 |4|2 : 3| § 6,144 1 | *ge=ses: Escs — || 3/9 |3|7 || 3 ||6 || 3 ||6 || 29|6 || 3,930 2 ºś T || || ; 2/10 ; ; 7,567 3 ºº:: —- ||7|3 |4|4 |3|6 |3|6 |46/6 10,078 4| # 5 º' 33 3: º33. 93 % 3/6. § § : 6,188 5 ########## 8 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 4 || 3 || 4 || 26 5,732 6| | | | | | 12 ; #io §: §: gāj6 10,705 | }| ########## 70 ||3|10|6|6 || 4 || 4 || 416 || 7,419 3 - - - - - - - - - - — || 8/1 11|6 |4|2 |4|8 || 78|6 || 8,406 9 139|11/6 || 8 |5| |5| |78) 8,994 | 1710 || s & s & = & C S = & — || 6/3 7|3 |4|10|5| |54) 9,072 11 s §§ šš §§§§ $ — || 6/10 |4|9 |4|6 |4|2 |46/4 6,949 12 §§§§§§§§§ ~ || 4/9 || 8 || || 3/9 || 4 || || 31|, | 11,705 13| : s , , , , , , 21 ||73 |4|10|| || || |1975. 14 § * * * * * * * * — |4|6 || 6/3 |4|4 8|4 |43) 8,807 15 — || 6 || 6 |4| |4| |48} , | 13,990 | 16 || 3 “E sº e º Sos 62 ||5||73 |5||9 || 3/3 |3|8 |45/8 10,345 || 17 | S- -N- L 21 || 5/3 |4|6 |3|6 || 3|8 ||38|10| 19,218 18 § - $3, $5 300 ||4|03 |4|8 |3}3 |3|8 |33 || 15,605 | 19| S$ ##$$. — ||4|6 |4|9 |4| |3|10|37 || | 15,557 1720 's $ $$ tº — || 5 |4|43 |3|8 |3|6 ||37 ||6 || 19,540 | 1 šš jeś3 — |4|6 |4|6 |3|, |2|8 || 36|| | 18,397 2 §§ $$$$. 112 ||4|2 |4|6 || 2/9 |3|2 34|8 || 17,321 || 3 šš Šiššš. 61,630 ||4|6 || 4/9 |3|10|3|8 || 37|, |21,333 || 4 =; šššš. 2,152 || 53 |6/10}|3|6 |3|6 || 48|6 || 21,805 5 ‘sº 23. Šg 20 || 6/6 |5||3|6 |3|6 || 46|| || 10,153 6 3 sp;' $º $$. 15 ||4|73 |5|10}|3|6 |3|6 |42|| || 17,999 7. .##$$$$. 3's 70,070 || 6/11 6/8 || 4 |4|, | 54|6 |25,870 8 §§§ ###5; 184,071 || 6/4; 5|6 |4|6 |4|4 |46/10 |22,071 9 is sº is ; ; ; 95,149 |4|73 |4|6 |3|6 |33 || 36||6 || 13,710 || 1730) 5 §§§§ 2; ; 15,892 || 4/3 |4| |3| || 3/3 32/10 |20,808 || 1 §§§ #$$$. 12,044 || 3/5 3/3 |3|8 |3|2|, |26|8 || 15,702 2 §§ s sº 9 || 3|7 ||3|6 |2|10 |2|10|28|4 16,625 || 3 sš Šč; ; 9 || 4/2 |5|3 |2|10 |2|10|38||10 17,771 4. 6,439 || 5 || 5/9 |2|10 |2|10|43| | 19,584 5 Wlliams . . . . . . . . d. 53 267 ||4|10|5|3 3 3| |40/4 18,370 6|| Thompson . . . . . . . . 7 |4|93 |4|73 ||3|2 |3|6 ||38|| 21,830 7 i Barnard . . . . . . . . . . 1 |4|73 |4|3 |3|6 |3|6 || 35|6 || 17,429 8| Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 || 415 |4|11 |3|2 |3|4 ||38||6 || 17,163 9| Salter . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,383 ho 7|10}|4| |4| |50|8 || 13,852 1740 | Parsons + ........ 84,821 |7|3 |4|6 || 4/2 |4| || 46/8 23,571 1 | Godschall f........ 25 || 4/3 3/9 |3|10|3|10| 34] | 20,491 2 | Wilmot . . . . . . . . . . 12 || 3|33 |2|11 3/10 || 3/4 24/10 |24,529 3 Westley . . . . . . . . . . 67 ||3|1} |3|1 |3| |3|2| | | | | 19,521 4 Marshall ...... . . . . 5 |3|2 |3|8 |3| |2|10|27|6 || 11,994 5 Hoare . . . . . . . . . . . . — || 5/3 |4}6 |2|10 |2|9 || 39) || 17,593 6 Benn . . . . . . . . . . . . — |4|7 |4|1 |2|10 |2|10| 34/10 | 19,420 7 Ladbroke ........ — 4/6 |4|9 |2|10|3| || 27| | 19,337 8 Calvert . . . . . . . . . . — || 4|6 |4|9 3|2 |3|2 | | 22,738 9 || Pennant + . . . . . . . 26 ||3|10}|4|3 ||3|2 3/2 32/6 14,587 1750 | Cockaigne ........ 2,291 ||4| 1 || 5 ||6 |3|2 3/4 ||38||6 || 17,296 1 Winterbottom # .... 250 || 6/2} | 5/3 |3|6 || 3/4 41/10 | 13,224 2 : Gascoyne ........ 33 || 5|8 ||5||6 || 3/4 |3|6 |44|8 || 21,107 3 Ironside .......... 52,431 |4|8 |4| |3|6 |3|6 || 34|8 || 13,820 4 Jansen .......... 2,886 || 3/11 |4|6 || 3/2 |3|2 || 33/10 | 12,869 5 Bethel .......... 54,758 || 4/63 || 6.9 |3|2 || 3/4 |453 | 12,211 6 | Dickenson ........ 9,360 || 8 ||6 || 6 ||6 |4|6 |4|6 || 60] 12,488 || 7 || Asgill ............ 33,622 || 7 || |5||6 |4|6 |4|6 || 701 || 17,327 8 Glynn ... . . . . . . . . . 1,460 || 5/3 |4|8 |3|6 || 3/4 39/10 | 19,425 9| Chitty ...... . . . . . . 4|4|4} |4|9 || 3/3 3/3 || 36||6 || 21,290 1760 | Backiston ........ 58 || 3|0 3/93 || 3/3 |3|1 30/3 18,281 | 1 | Fluyder .......... 17,400 || 5 || || 4/9 |3|1 || 3/9 39| || 27,085 2 | Beckford ... . . . . . 234,899 4|8 5/6 3/3 4/9 40/9 12,242 3 Bridgen e e e s & © e º 0 ° | 134,772 || 5/5% 6/3 || 4/3 || 4/3 46/9 17,186 4 || Stephenson . . . . . . . . # 89 The ACCOUNT of the preceding Page continued with this difference, Viz.--up to 1764.—ENGLAND appears to have Exported considerably more Grain than she Imported, from which Period the IMPORTS begin considerably to exceed the ExpoRTs, and consequently both the Import and Export of Wheat, Barley, and Oats, are exhibited below, instead of only the excess Exported as in the preceding Page. The quantities Imported, also, be it observed, include the Imports from Ireland;—this is important to be borne in mind, inasmuch, as other Statements exhibit the Importation exclusive of Ireland. t|t The Eton Bushel continued to contain 9 Gallons down to Michaelmas 1793, after which date the Winchester Standard was adopted; the Prices of Malt are exclusive of Duty. tº-In the Years 1690 and 1691, the Price of Wheat was very equable, varying only from 30/4, to 31|0. In 1692, there commenced Seven Years succession of very unfavorable Harvests, which appear to have been general over a great part of Europe, so that without any Exportation worth Notice, the Money Price in 1695, rose fo 60/1; in 1696, to 63|1; in 1698, to 60}9; down in the following Year to 56|10}; and, in 1700, to 35/6; from which, Period the preceding Statement shews the progress of Exportation, and variation in Money Price, Year by Year, down to 1764, from which Period as will be seen by the Statement below, England suddenly changes her character from an Eaſporting to an Importing Country. - - Eacported from || sº . - Dantzic §§§ Quarters of Grain and Flour Imported into, - ## and Eaſported from GREAT BRITAIN. sis S.5) Quarters of §§§§ /-- -—sſ #### || Wheat and Flour | Barley and Halt Oats & Oatmeal Years. Wheat Rye || *šš" || Imported Earported Imported [Earported Imported [Ea'poted 1765 190,393 || 286 853 104,547 | 167,126 4,611 || 251,927 | 108,577 12,382 6 145,619 233,823 11,020 | 164,939 3,736 95, 115 230,639 11,633 7 151,424 342,968 497,905 5,071 74,364 18,700 249,163 10,605 8 || 197,789 || 349,654 349,268 7,433 20,481 6,587 194,743 12,104 9 124,775 367,618 4,378 49,892 221 39,825 109,466 13,292 1770 269,158 392,568 34 75,449 29 || 170,409 || 124,444 28,852 1 | 181,417 | 150,263 2,510 || 10,089 228 34,198 || 212,327 35,233 2 159,917 210,023 25,474 6,959 3,068 14,031 106,820 23,599 3 109,542 143,588 56,857 || 7,637 63,916 2,475 329,454 18,777 4 || 147,834 99,545 289,149 15,928 171,508 || 2,911 || 399,499 || 16,433 5 126,409 | 73,551 560,988 || 91,037 || 139,451 || 51,414 384,942 26,485 6 100,330 | 68,392 20,578 210,664 || 8,499 || 136,114 || 378,566 || 34,987 7 150,156 71,036 233,323 87,686 7,981 142,725 366,446 36,614 8 123,689 || 79,400 106,394 || 141,070 || 42,714 || 103,930 201,170 56,543 9 : 113,509 83,151 5,039 || 222,261 7,085 85,777 348,511 22,286 1780 || 105,576 83,054 3,915 224,059 352 191,563 195,224 27,023 1 56,319 83,839 159,866 | 103,021 56 150,468 109,446 41,717 2 37,152 42,753 80,695 145,152 13,592 127,744 38,562 23,317 3 | 181,782 141,524 584,183 || 51,943 144,926 53,065 228,942 11,826 4 || 178,493 146,630 216,947 89,288 77,182 66,889 266,998 || 13,511 5 152,295 229,824 110,863 132,685 67,212 166,448 274,089 25,273 6 79,400 231,383 51,463 205,466 62,374 111,598 478,473 || 19,293 7 58,383 90,278 59,339 129,536 43,244 135,089 || 512,004 || 17,098 8 41,936 48,998 148,710 82,971 11,479 212,811 || 413,827 14,418 9 91,321 150,360 112,656 140,014 || 11,128 345,685 437,594 || 33,285 1790 74,218 95,309 222,557 30,892 29,718 50,966 786,546 14,290 1 || 130,279 || 109,241 469,056 || 70,626 61,134 || 41,590 | 836,736 16,498 2 || 105,920 | 136,976 22,417 300,278 118,526 49,131 | 1,008,750 25,337 3 || 177,966 157,724 490,398 || 76,869 || 147,169 || 3,462 | 722,547 | 18,609 4 201,810 | 123,571 327,902 | 155,048 128,568 9,437 862,979 16,059 5 148,070 1,924 313,793 | 18,839 18,070 6,416 || 460,377 | 6,867 | 6 288,971 93,224 879,200 | 24,679 40,033 13,133 301,373 || 12,040 7 257,828 82,582 461,767 54,525 64,198 || 13,123 609,119 21,734 8 283,241 | 126,420 396,721 59,782 116,485 15,076 773,994 || 27,258 9 269,008 || 136,020 463,185 39,362 | 19,538 41,386 529,539 21,827 1800 439,277 23,800 1,264,520 22,013 || 130,976 5,808 || 545,018 12,019 1 404,232 | 103,114 1,424,766 28,406 || 113,966 3,725 583,043 15,316 2 563,472 253,936 647,664 149,304 || 17,555 7,875 583,780 17,582 3 367,102 || 310,363 373,725 76,580 14,052 43,788 521,167 16,533 4 449,210 100,233 461,140 63,073 11,596 || 128,469 740,393 || 19,139 5 482,890 10,137 920,834 77,955 43,301 || 13,457 || 478,411 | 16,367 6 63,145 ' —— 310,342 29,566 5,385 23,625 540,506 35,997 7 400,759 24,365 22,132 || 13,562 |754,163 31,369 8 Export Prohibited 81,466 77,567 33,739 10,781 || 514,540 27,293 9 448,487 31,278 28,420 | 10,900 1,120,380 20,906 1810 |205,701 1,530,691 75,785 27,211 | 19,590 560,044 25,340 11 || 46,053 — 2– 292,038 || 97,765 43,651 64,273 233,649 44,667 12 Eacport prohibited 246,376 || 46,325 75,603 || 62,796 || 353,508 || 30,453 13 || Town Beseiged 562,329 — 82,003 —— 751,954 – 14 62,543 f 13,556 852,566 111,477 46,031 54,118 815,161 46,945 15 15,899 || 2,343 384,475 |237,947 29,578 8,203 || 718,408 || 49,608 16 137,675 34,432 332,491 121,611 || 78,494 33,691 759,708 || 32,470 17 227,491 138,836 1,089,855 317,524 | 161,812 64,159 | 1,090,111 || 72,036 18 289,680 43,838 1,694,261 || 58,668 i 722,843 18,745 2,059,134 33,306 19 126,119 24,166 625,638 || 44,689 394,180 7,396 | 1,376,337 38,835 1820 322,511 40,355 996,478 94,657 117,014 || 9,967 1,599,900 28,620 1 || 140,524 10,417 707,385 195,950 98,479 10,930 1,265,449 28,702 2 27,633 17,770 510,602 || 156,158 || 41,690 || 9,101 || 624,879 23,527 3 57,534 57,695 424,019 130,169 || 19,772 7,226 1,131,452 21,345 4 56,932 5,138 451,591 57,943 | 73,592 || 3,263 1,713,198 18,217 5 106,210 || 13,437 737,546 36,113 594,316 5,071 I,833,524 18,657 6 [247,572 13,835 897,127 20,053 354,666 5,490 2,428,027 | 19,506 f *** 708,218 57,036 273,767 21,374 3,080,780 15,068 8 1,404,671 132,391 || 253,355 4,562 2,216,486 || 19,819 9 2,196,432 375,706 2,215,888 1830 Pricesúſ Bushel of 9 Gal- ions at Windsor of the best Wheat Mult /*-A-º", Mich- Lady. I Mich aelmas day |aelmas 6|6 |3|11 |4|3 6|6 || 473 |4|3 8|3 4/3 |4|3 5||113|4|3 |4|3 5|63 ||3|9 |3|7 6/10}|3|3 3/3 7|3 || 4/3 |43 8|6 || 473 || 4/7 8/3 |5| |5|| 8| |5| |5|| 6|1} |5| |4|11 6|| || |4|11 || 4/7 7|3 ||3|11 |3|11 5/4} |4/3 |3|11 5| | |3|11 |3|11 6/9 |3|7 || 3/9 6/9 || 3/9 3/9 8|1}} 3/9 |4|3 7| 5|2 5/5 7|1} 5| 5/5 6|6 |5|| 1 |5|3 6|| |5|3 |5|| 7| |4|9 |4|9 69 |4|9 |4|9 8| 4|6 |4|9 7/63 |4|6 || 4/6 6|3 4|6 |4|9 7|6 |5|5 |5|3} 6|4 4/9 5/2 7| 5/3 |5|3 11|6 || 513 || 5/5 8||0} : 519 |5|1 6/9 |4|9 |4|9 6|9 |4|9 |4|9 11||7 |4|9 5/5 16| 8/8 |9|2 10| || 11/2 |9|8 8/33 6/9 |6|2 7|6 |4|8 |4|8 10| |4|8 |5|8 11| || 7 |8 || 7 ||8 10|9||5|8 || 6/8 8|6 || 6]2 |6|2 12|, |7|2 |7|2 14|| ||7|8 || 8/2 13| ||7|2 |7|2 14| |6|8 |6|8 15||7|8 || 8/8 13||10|2|9|8 10|6 || 6/8 6/8 9| || 6/2 |6|2 11|6 || 4|8 |6|4 12|6 || 9/10 | 9/10 11|6 || 9|4|10| 9|6|10|2|9|| 9| || 7 || ||7| -- 4. | Kay • * * * J © § $ Price of the Q º § 3 & 3 -> wurter? § 2 º' tº Loaf in LoNDoN, at the - ‘S gº f ‘s: §§ Commencement of each $$$.5 Mayoralty on the 9th. of e - S November in each Year. 19,534 Nelson . . . . . . . . d. 7 21,272 Kite . . . . . . . . .. 8 20,212 Harley . . . . . . . . 8} 22,471 Turner . . . . . . . . 6; 22,922 Beckford +... ... 6 16,469 |1770 Crosley . . . . . . . . 6; 22,363 || 1 | Nash . . . . . . . . ... 7# 20,358 2 Townshend .... 8 20,129 || 3 | Bull . . . . . . . . . . 74 23,214 4. Wilkes . . . . . ... 8 24,013 5 Sawbridge. . . . . . 64 22,620 6 || Halifax ... . . . . . 6; 26,833 7 Esdaile . . . . . . . . 7+ 22,890 8 Plumb . . . . . . . , 6 29,575 9 Kennet . . . . . . . . 5; 27,716 0 | Lewes ... . . . . . 74 21,059 1 Plomer . . . . . . . . 7 25,923 2 | Newnham ....., 83 19,741 3 | Peckham . . . . . . 7+ 21,795 4 Clarke . . . . . . . . 73. 24,567 5 Wright ... . . . . . 6; 23,555 6 | Sainsbury . . . . . . 6; 34,017 7 | Burnell . . . . . . . . 6; 36,608 8 Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . 6; 39,645 9 || Picket ... . . . . . 7+ 46,808 0 | Boydell . . . . . . . . 7; 45,396 1 Hopkins ... ... 6; 55,123 2 Sanderson . . . . . . 7+ 31,113 3 | Le Mesurier . . . . 7; 52,654 4 Skinner . . . . . . . . 7% 53,392 5 | Curtis. . . . . . . . . . 124 38,584 6 Watson . . . . . . . . 8; 28,757 || 7 || Anderson . . . . . . 9% 64,402 8 Glynn ... . . . . . 8 56,699 9 Combe . . . . . . . . 3 55,896 O | Staines . . . . . . , 17% 66,629 1 Eamer . . . . . . . . 10% 38,632 2 | Price . . . . . . . ... 10 54,350 || 3 || Perring . . . . . . . . 1() 29,851 4 | Pritchard ... ... 13% 36,320 5 | Shaw . . . . . . . . . . 12% 39,984 6 | Leighton . . . . . . 13} 42,201 || 7 || Ansley . . . . . . . . 104 36,916 8 | Flower . . . . . . . . 15% 43,951 9 || T. Smith . . . . . . 16# 42,115 |1810 J. J. Smith . . . . 13% 21,208 11 || Hunter . . . . . . . , 17% 23,801 || 12 Scholey . . . . . . . . 18% 22,195 || 13 | Domvile . . . . . . . . 14 22,507 || 14 || Birch . . . . . . . . . . 14 33,075 15 || Wood . . . . ) is gºt 17,872 16 || Wood..... #: 27,119 || 17 | C. Smith . . .3; #5 32,843 | 18 || Atkins ... $5:#; 19,562 Bridges ... #####: 24,009 |1820 | Thorp . . . . . ; ; ### 24,645 || 1 | Heygate., | #: 27,758 || 2 | Waithman ( iš: tº | 23,578 || 3 || Magnay .. ºf: 26,722 || 4 || Garrat ... ####### 40,524 || 5 | Venables | ###### 19,193 || 6 || Brown ... ####3; 24,549 || 7 || Lucas . . . . . ; ; ##### 28,005 8 || Thompson | #: gää 17,832 9 (Xrowder ##### () ###### $() STATEMENT of the Number of Quarters of W HEAT and W HEAT Filou R, the Flour being converted into its equivalent quan- tity of Wheat, Imported into GREAT BRITAIN, from each of 12 different parts of the World, and the Total thereof, in each of tº 31 Years isoo 1830. Wide Par. Pa. Vol. XX, Fo. 233, Session 1825 : the 6 Years 1825–80 from MS. - - -- British United States Guernsey Irel All other TQTAL Years | Russia Sweden | Denmark Prussia Germany Holland ſ Flanders France America Of Anna * Man reland parts |QUARTERS. sº 2-º-º-º-º- -— ; * *-* * * *** * --- ºl--- 2; yely 120 49 5.282 | 1.264,520 *|†ººlººl;|;| – | *;|...}}| * : ;|: I 174,337 13,194 3,013 || 528,03: 2 2 s 3 ºis | – | 1 3 647,663 2 | 8,665 5,982 110 || 334,829 30,645 *:::: — | 1,510 §. ſº 2 º *:::: 373; 3 || 14,537 — —- || 142,774 1,487 25 : T. – |3.31. "º 29 || 70,072 1,517 | 461,139 4 || 7,108 1,326 4,148 320,745 4,860 5 36 2,089 2.250 13,453 776 84,087 6,099 || 920,833 # * 18,810 || 35,671 559,628 32,827 º: *sº 1.786 9.goo 79.783 64 102,463 6,133 310,342 6 56,733 1,386 51,524 º 27,657 |27,359 |249,712 |7,950 || 45, iio || 5,013 |404,916 7 5,711 10%| nº º *::::: – ; ; ; 13,836 "A as agº ºg | 84.885 ***** 63 — 2, 2 Ug 3. 2 º' 3 . sº 780 8,846 1,527 | 33,575 94,269 20,198 |25,058 18,766 170,939 502 | 68,124 11,126 |455,987 : - O) : - Mº © . 3 1,567,126 1810 58,133 | 68,392 || 110,501 || 296,757 176,463 189,916 | 167,154 º *:::: º; º #; º; 336,130 11 27,969 | 19,028 18,008 || 95,170 1,628 || -- –– º 23,724 io.797 1,202 ió0,843 1,135 290,709 12|50,974 11,543 |19,589 |,9:06: ... º. -- – – T | "Tº 810 | 1,697 217,154 99 || 559,000 13 58,028 66,088 19,815 115,946 º: 121.67s 122,513 } %, 309 3 tasººmas sº 3,788 225,821 377 852,566 14 || 8,432 *; *::: *::::: *: iºs gºoglºss 25 45,583 5,052 189,543 46 384,575 15 1,439 || 6 2 4 2 -, 2 5 and 1,850 | 121,621 | -—— 332,491 is 1930i 37i 5,999 sºlº;|...}}|{{:}| 2:25.1%|alſº º'; sºlº 17 | 199,449 467 18,663 264,115 3. 3. 15: 5 -: 3. 8,23 7,003 1,694,261 - 55,400 697 54,137 | 181,561 || 3,455 || 108,230 47, 3. 18 242,628 || 1,027 | 63,797 || 493,821 248,181 | 97,380 155, 2 - i., assos | T | Iº; 73,312|| 74,805 |25,101 |74,593 887 10,423 27,796|2,647 154,031 | 89,483 |625,638 - . - ** * 6,306 404,743 3,582 996,479 1820 | 93,138 —— 30,253 217,461 102,908 1,092 | 6,658 ºlº º;|::: *; º 1 4.786 – 1,548 ºz º.º. 2,615 – º, ºgi 3.953 |4,485 ſessoſ | – || 510,602 2 2,836 —— 405 || 10,808 1,798 1861 – 10|| "200 | 1.337 8.307 |400,066 – 424,019 3 1,595 || –— | 1,330 6,856 1,127 699 || 576 216 || 33,781 5,095 || 356,428 || 802 || 441,591 #| ||*| Tºlºlº. lº. *ass šii 94.0a || 13,839 7.561 396,018 787,546 5 11,208 || 584 27, 164 111, 2 3 ** g , vºte, * ~ * '752 giºsi | 897,127 6|20,057 | – || 62,032 |255,651 | 184,669 7,104 *** **** ; ; §: 105.353 iii.338 7 | 40,386 —– 21,434 || 132,209 27,766 2,515 gool ºf 13.563 ||38.9% 633,584 1,410,911 8 18,161 1,304 || 41,841 253,043 144,353 166,973 29, ºol lissiól 22,098 || 319,493 2,195,570 9 || 341,567 17,105 83,288 353 959 || 306,966 144,549 48,940 5, 2 2 2 * * * e * tº - re 32,840 iè29,716 || 78,652 ſ 2,505,446 30 235,108 2,960 88,103 || 519,575 365,981 76,711 14,742 |76,654 134,100 is ...” 2. * 464,584 2 71 55,968 396387 218,507 30,249 30,249 218 327 463,418 23,508 557,519 |486,741 |2,868,882 2 || - | 3 4 5 -- ------- - . . w |Imported within eaeh Year from Surplus Total subo ɺlºnial Annº Money value * Estimate - urplu PP” Consumption, in average * ſº z º. ce f f , indi & of Estimated ..!!!";ſ ºl, fºllº... º. ººlºº. sumption of Wheat in Great Britain, - —£--— # .."; ‘....'. 1816 || 9,000,000 | 121,621 | 210,870 6,150,000 15,482,491 | 12,480,000 || 76/2 |47,528,000 - F1'O???, ". .Jacob’s 2nd. fºe- 3. 5 $ . - .*.*.*.*.*.*.*. || 17 | 11,700,000 || 56,oº 1,939;3| 3:09:49, 13.792,343||12,679,999 | */ ; sion 1828, Wide Fo. 35, sup. ; In his 18 12,000,000 108,230 1,566,031 || 3,122,345 16,816,606 | 12,850,000 83/8 53,755,8 estimºſ ººpº, "ººl 19 | 12,500,000 | 154,031 471,607 3,966,606 || 17,092,244 || 13,030,000 | 72/3 || 47,070,875 !..."...º.º." 1820 | 16,000,000 |404743 581,736|4,062,244 21,058,723 13,210,000 65/10 43,432,916 200, (1777,700 0 t/lº IV M7%U67' 0 . . & - e e Consumers, .# augmentation, the 1 12,600,000 569,700 137,685 7,848,723 21,156,108 #: º:; ; weturn of Population in 1821, fully 2 13,500,000 || 463,004 47,598 || 7,766,108 || 21,776,710 || 13,615,00 3/ 9, 3. justified ; On the same principle since 3 || 11,000,000 | 400,068 23,951 | 8,161,710 | 19,585,729 || 13,840,000 || 51/9 35,811,000 - lº º º º 4 || 11,500,000 356,428 85,163 5,745,729 17,187,320 14,065,000 | 62/ | 43,601,500 &dded, and Should the Sante ratzo Q gº R. * ls 50 increase of Population continue, which 5 | 12,700,000 396,018 391,528 3,122,320 | 16,609,866 #. º, #; the Returns since 1800 indicate, and 6 13,000,000 || 314,851 582,276 2,319,866 16,216,993 || 14,515, / 5 3 Mr. Jacob's scale of Consumption be 7 | 12,530,000 | 405,255 306,613 | 1,701,993 || 14,943,861 14,740,000 56/9 || 41,824,750 * * *...*.*.*.*, 8 || 13,500,000 || 652,584 || 758,327 203,861 15,114,772 14,965,000 || 60/5 ... a supply eaceeeding 18,000, O 2 * ~ * > 3 'Ans 6) 0.316.87 º 9| 13,500,000 || 519,493 1,676,077 lºgº º ; .. ; - while the internal means of supply, 1830 13,000,000 || 529,716 1,675,430 655,342 15,860,478 15,415, /3 , 49, 2 according to this Statement is little 1 || 14 000,000 445 478 | 15,640,000 more than half that quantity. 2 * . * What will be the effect of one, 3 - two, or three such Harvests as 1800 | and 1816 ° Such a question deserve, 4 | tattention. - l 5 91 STATEMENT of the Quantity of GRAIN and FLOUR, Shipped Coastways from each of 65 Ports of GREAT BRITAN 5 (to 43 other Ports as exhibited in the following Statement) in each of the 4 Years ending the 10th. of October 1827. Ports from whence Eacported [Years 1. Faversham 9 e º ºs º gº e 2 Ramsgate & e º tº 3 Deal 9 * * * tº 5 º' tº e º 3 e º º 4 Chichester * * * * * * 5 Southampton - 6 Poole e e e < * > & e & E * g e s a te se 7 Dartmouth 8 Barnstaple 9 Minehead .. 10 Bridgewater 11 Chepstow .. * @ ge Q & © º º e º ºs º e º a & 6 a. º. 6 sº gº tº * g º & 6 º' tº º s & Ł º 'º e º tº 12 Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . 13 Carlisle . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 14. Dumfries ; 15 Thurso * * * * * * * * 16 Kirkwall 17 Banff .. & e e º e g o b 18 Montrose 19 Dundee | * * * * g e º e U20 Kirkaldy 21 Berwick 22 Stockton .. 23 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Wisbeach . . . . § ſ: Lynn .. $ 26 Wells $ ) 27 Clay . . . . . . . . . . 28 Yarmouth . . . . . . 29 Southwold 30 Aldboro’ tº e º & © & © & 6 tº 6 tº gº 6 & 9 tº e g g to e * * * * e g c & * * * * 6 g º gº tº gº tº º e e º e º ſº Woodbridge .. ; . tº tº 3 e º 6 & 8 e e s tº gº tº Colchester i i J M 3. l d O T] tº dº e º e º 'º o i 36 Leigh . . . . . . . . . . Arundel Lyme . . . . . . 39 ſooe . . 40 Fowey 41 Gweek 42 Padstow 43 Bideford . . . . . . . . . . 44 Llanely . . . . . . © tº e º g g º 'º & © : . tº s e e g g g tº §§ - i Š & Cº º ſº tº º $ ) 45 Milford ........ s 46 Cardigan . . . . . . 47 Beaumaris 48 Stranraer . . . . . . 49 Campbeltown .. 50 Inverness . . . . . . 51. Aberdeen . . . . . . 52 Whitby 53 Scarboro i tº $ tº gº tº gº gº tº s > R 54 Bridlington . . . . 55 Grimsby .. to e *** All these places, Import more Grain than they Ea:- port see Nos. 11 - 14 and 30 - 35 in the following Statement; Aſos. 62-65 also, it will be seen, by Nos. I 1 - 14 of the fo/- Zowing Statement receive supplies of Flour from Ireland; Liverpool however Manufactures Flour to a very great ea. tent by from 20 to 30 powerful Wind Mills. & d g º & © tº e Sundry Ports Imported into do. Quarters of Grai? —N Cwts. mºs ht of Flour —N | Description of Grain. ^ 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. EXPORTED. 70,522 26,807 40,805 43,209 || 85,974 || 73,357 66,85% 65,384 Wheat and all kinds 39,042 21,956 45,992 25,113 26,075 25,535 15,219 11,153 D0. Barley some Beans 2,394 1,008 1,041 ,613 2,378 2,397 4,855 6,585 | Barley principally 6,129 5,474 5,112 6,153 41,410 19,128 32,688 28,034 Malt and Oats, 2,212 6,257 6IO' I 19,650 24,640 28,678 || 35,877 61,296 || Wheat 3,484 8,538 7,309 | 243 3,653 1,974 10,144 12,963 | Barley and Malt 7,912 15,457 21,720 15,318 69 156 6,995 3,431 Malt and Barley 9,933 9,161 7,759 4,674 1,013 924, 1,753 2,149 | Barley and Malt 8,089 5,200 5,396 6,325 17,938 21,821 25,412 34,607 || Malt and Barley 25,181 6, 181 7,509 15,757 24,436 9,198 8,838 41,636 Barley, Malt, Pease & Beans 21,369 16,447 6,386 909°g 8,224 4,690 3,979 g/g Barley and Wheat 1899 7,418 3,467 2,839 447 2,688 2,235 352 | Principally Malt ggg“& 8,565 26,686 29I 286, 2,736 2,268 142 ADo. in 1826. 29,907 47,209 47,375 15,787 || 2:0}*z, 3,628 2,151 | ##9“I Oats, Barley and Wheat 2,130 1,074 4,203 17,358 || T66'9 ºgó ‘g 993 2,764 Do. J)0. - 3,407 3,357 4,482 6,941 || 891'l 736 494 2,354 Barley and Malt 38,900 56,602 55,246 27,810 16,899 23,273 14,477 7,970 Oats and Barley 42,881 80,980 57,820 30,227 14,232 8,074 3,326 1,828 Bulk Barley, Oats & Wheat 42,882 | 123,450 55,330 36,955 18,796 - 32,641 16,923 15,319 Do. Do. Do. Do. 13,583 28,508 15,726 11,226 &“F()2, 368 351 136 || Barley and Wheat, sº me Oats 40,924 222,965 174,653 || 107,064 70,440 | 101,158 114,498 87,587 Do. Wheat & Oats 1,900 g89' I 4,763 || 0g?,*OI 110,991 || 141,2% 117,970 132,900 295,883 275,772 224,837 120,149 || ggſ 566 396 339 | Bulle Oats, some Wheat 154,137 125,843 94,345 96,382 1,594 24 75 mone Y Do. Wheat, some Oat 313,869 174,891 180,272 215,442 29,931 24,985 24,635 34,960 |, ... The following is the proportion of each 99,137 | 88,556 | 73,776 87,683 9,743 14,628 5,082 4,375 gº.! gº.º.º.º. Norfolk #22°09 || 8 Izºg 11,311 22,716 || 32,116 || 27,417 | 32,700 22,589 , & Essex in eaen of the 4 Years 14,633 267,766 232,460 262,618 31,360 428,500 359,488 343,414 -**@@@64– 31,906 28,313 30,702 29,470 || mone 230 290 1,343 | Qrs...of 1824. 1825. 1825. 1827. 72,541 67,915 53,120 47, 175 453 1,23% 3,945 7,343 - Wheat .. Tº sº. 63,425 58,894 | 52,918 61,163 35,638 31,410 || 43,139 45,234 (#; - º; † *::::: 'º. 188,265 158,797 146,464 133,583 78,094 60,458 74,205 67,125 Ma!' ...; 284,333 277,413 || 304,474 276,955 24,598 || 87.173 | 73,393 || 73,295 || 71,711 || 65,033 99,009 || 110.607 ##"...]";}}|*::::: *; º; 70,900 57,074 51,126 56,908 || 140,408 || 127,005 | 126,160 | 115,962 | #je...... §339 ºil || 4:3; ºg *** | 69,714 || $4,455 37.1% | 179,322 || 138.3% 1437. 109,748 row, Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº- 69,993 54,233 52,066 55,081 || 8,423 13,207 10,373 6,166 J loºr. g; gºldº sº; 8,852 3,242 7,932 9,309 Principally Wheat * * 2,824 - 622 - 89.3 2,117 ---- t sº go ºn tº r- e. iTºº & Cº - || $2 1,806 || 7,492 || 4,929 || 4,635 S is g | ######| |&###| || - > Q (7) CAO | ºt gº º P- -Sºº cº sº ſº Q H ſº ; º: º Q9 4,206 Barley and Wheat §§ 3 ºf $336 | |3: -- 19,565 23,789 || 10,862 11,452 ‘sº — - & e- ; – 13,422 11,438 13,051 10,662 | Barley, Oats, Wheat and Malt § . . . . s? § 38; 3 333 s : 3 14,875 28,043 27,540 20,959 S ‘ss || 3 | jº, 5 §§§ 3. 6,014 || 24,046 27,973 8,081 ff ... . . §§ £ #####5 ##: * | * 4,836 9,583 6,354 3. Principally Oats $º -- 1:3- |2 6,484 19,579 20,043 3,242 §s * @ 2 + c = | c. & go on as 9,965 10,623 12,319 4,790 Oats. Wheat and Barlet sº . . ; ; ; ; ; ; 33 33, 2. 2, 197 7,840 3,056 3,148 | Principali, Mail ey §§ | 3 ||3::::::: ºš . 1 1,174 27,702 || 15,591 10,774 Do. Wi.am, Barley & Oats §§ | 3 | #####F | #5° |3 31,330 67,782 34,562 992. Bulk Oats, some Barley 's § — - | cº- —f 2,392 2,138 1,198 | g 12' I - š. =zz -- *|| - 4,828 7,315 4,632 ºp incipallu Oat ºft| < | ######| 333; jš 11,051 13,832 7,993 1,285; Principally vars $$ | 3 | tº gº sºcieścº ºf ºf 7,061 6,908 7,338 | 160 ) . s3 = |&#####| || 3:55 |g ſ35 pover ...... ſ 34,871 || 47,417 47,073 60,979 #5 || | ––––. *-* | * 57 Newhaven ... 27,187 14,943 28,828 42,801 g’s : ; ; ; ; ; ; : : - 53 Cowes ...... 58,783 50,061 || 49,710 | 84,883 : #. : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Ś 59 Exeter ...... 33,326 35,140 || 34,317 || 48,253 #3 ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 60 Gloucester .. , 55,102 12,281 8,202 | 40,812 #2 : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 61 Chester ..." "334 | 1.336 go, 14,053 is s : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 62 Liverpool . . . . . 24,981 || 32 pºz, 6,421 17,642 $s : ; ; ; ; ; Ś ; ; ; ; 63 Whitehaven . . 368 4,494 2,885 1,854 & : : , ; ; ; ; ; š 64 Irvine . . . . . . 596 943 3,774 got,' 2. sº & : ; ; Ś ... : : ‘s U65 Glasgow .... U 3,756 | 1,181 2,546 "38,657 5 s : ; ; ;3 : ss is . 21,294 147 386 53,000 19,889 36,692 29,629 20,900 s s : ; ; ; ; ; Śs is § - - - - - A- 3 * . . . : § : Sºº's Q Balance Eaſported from abov 2,580,684 2,492,854 2,163 876 1,829,998 || 1,653,780 1,650,644 1,636,149 1,731,555 # ** §§§ 2. : - s §§ "S 747,258 760,155 740,624 814,883 340,766 232,758 179,856 || 333,881 tº s s sš $ $ $. šš Ś § Total Shipped Coastways |3,327,942 3,253,009 2,904,500 2,644,881 | 1,994,346 | 1,883,402 | 1,816,005 | 1,965,436 -º §§§§§ Q & # In reference to the above Statement it is to be observed, that almost every one of the above Ports, both Earport, and Import Grain and Flour, and the first of the above Totals represents the balance Exported, after deducting the quantity Imported, whilst the latter total represents the aggregate quantity moved Coastways, and the annexed Statement 14 shews the proportion of each kind of Grain and Flour, which compose those aggregate quantities: where the figures are reversed the quantity Imported ea:ceeds the quantity Eaſported to the eatent which the figures reversed represent; the Eaſport from the three Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, when considered in conjunction with the large supply of Animal food, Potatoes, Wool &c. which they also afford, bespeaks the pauperism of those Counties (see Page ) to be an anomoly;- an inequality of distribution, and not a consequence of poverty in its 2 A legitimate and aggregate sense. 92 STATEMENT of the Quantity in Quarters of each kind of GRAIN, MEAL, and FLO UR, (the Meal and Flour being converted into Quarters of its respective kind of Grain, ) 1 MPORTED into GREAT BRITAIN from all parts of the World (ea:- cept Ireland,) in each of the 7 Years 1825 – 1831. *, * For the proportion Imported from each respective Country, see Pages 104-5. [ Years 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. Wheat...... 391,528 || 582,276 306,613 || 758,326 1,676,077 1,675,430 2,311,362 Oats........ 205,668 1,124,293 | 1,741,339 166,504 541,270 504,858 622,361 Barley . . . . . 429,234 280,024 206,041 171,508 280,321 143,053 381,922 Beans . . . . . . 10,745 | 123,719 142,711 74,482 45,050 16,940 23,389 Peas . . 16,682 64,762 || 34,496 52,868 36,807 || 34,787 59,559 Rye . . . . . . . 3,848 67,887 29,364 29,562 65,910 45,157 91,819 Indian Corn 73 6,369 150,780 19,708 23,913 7,519 44,702 Buck Wheat *** - * ** **-*. *... a- sº 21,036 18,400 6 6,693 TOTALS 1,057,778 2,249,330 2,611,344 | 1,293,994 2,687,748 2,427,750 3,541,807 on the preceding Page. tº The following Statement shews the Quantity of Grain und Flour Imported Coastways, into 43 Ports of Great Britain, from 65 other Ports, as eachibited Ports into which Imported [Years London * e º e e s e º e s e s a e e º e º 'º e e e e º e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e o e e Plymouth Falmouth Penzance Bristol Swansea Preston * * * * * * * * * @ e º e e e º 'º e • * e e º e e o e º e e s e e s a s & e º 'º dº e º º e º 'º dº & P tº e º 'º e e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e e s e s e s e º s e e o e a e s e e All these places except Truro and Lerwick, export more Grain than they Import see Nos. 39, 40, 44, 45, 47, 50, § 51 in the Statement of Export, where the { 39 Milford figures are reversed, more was eaported, than was imported, by the quantities which the figures rever- Greenock Campbeltown Whitehaven Irvine • * * * * * e e e & e º 'º e º e º e º e º e º e º e e e - © e g o e º e o e o e e o e s e s e a * * * * * * * * c e º e s e e e < * * @ e 3 Glasgow . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool Sundry Ports Rochester Weymouth St. Ives Cardiff Newport Aberystwith and Cardigan . Stornaway Grangemouth Borrowstoness Leith Newcastle Sunderland Hull Dover Exeter Gloucester Chester Total Quarters of Grain & e º e o sº e e s e e o e e º e e e 15 England . . . . 16 Scotland.... * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º a e s e e • * * * * * * * * * e s e e e s p & | * * * * * * * * * 6 e e s a º e º e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * 6 * * * * * * * * * * e º e e s e e e. e. e. e. * tº dº e º e º ºs e º e º e g º e º a e 6 e º 'º e º e a e º a e º e a • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Newhaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cowes * * * * * * * * * e e º e º e a º e º a * * * * * * * c e e º e e º e º e e g a * * : a e e º 'o e º e s e º e s e g a • e º a s s • e s e o 'º e º e s e s e e • e o e < * e e s a e o e e s a e e ** 6 & - © e º 'º e º e e º e º e e e o 'º e º e s tº e o e e e s e e e º a sed represent, see Note to the Statement of Export making the Total Quantity Shipped Coastways as per Statement of Eagort | 1,994,546 i Coastways Quarters of Grain Cwts. Weight of Flour 1824. 1825. I826. | 1827. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. I,333,945 | 1,502,556 1,143,137 | 624,256 1,115,561 |1,316,544 | 1,244,765 | 1,133,600 33,027 18,691 13,599 24,501 13,177 3,734 giv'9a | 188°61 33,264 2,497 4,870 | #2,0°g 77,028 45,982 76,566 77,713 7,695 6,383 5,413 4,692 99,962 | 72,926 71,410 112,554 3,134 3,581 1,619 6,593 7,275 4,421 4,930 21,063 83,474 78,095 28,305 39: “Liz 23.827 10,820 10,115 II*f; 12,781 6,919 9,448 12,727 19,421 11, 159 21,322 37,665 19,427 25,526 26,785 8,657 2,199 3,209 2,173 1,132 3,092 3,279 1,691 || 3,034 21,263 16,969 12,023 20,026 contra see No. 49 of Statement of Export 5,200 4,407 3,469 5,949 º: †: 98 º ; These places all eaſport more Flour than they 5 >3' - 3. Import from Ports in Great Britain see Nos. 21,707 38,092 46,801 34,004 62-65 in the Statement of Eagort 113,976 97,516 200,031 136,733 - a port. , 39,510 35,903 1,019 11,773 10,851 8,076 705 2,726 150 — - 256 *-e tº-e -*- 2,405 5,100 16,213 9,635 25,900 || 619°81 7,841 7,867 6,993 1,146 1,715 2,291 5,854 142 1,882 996 g08°FI 7,306 5,461 3,791 2,089 150 13 5. 660 4,885 ºf I 2,597 12,020 18,523 15,490 9,809 20,067| 9,369 9,543 11,430 22,142 25,154 3,081 6,508 20,225 || contra see No. 46 of Statemt. of Export 1,446 493 330 2,060 155 700??62 12 49 4,302 795 1,630 4,812 | 144,460 | 128,945 115,801 || 106,116 6,826 1,328 2,090 11,078 | 9,649 2,944 5,082 5,727 3,726 438 || 9a, - 1,985 237,046 176,311 143,704 128,710 | Lºg 5,841 5,836 4,932 # 80,370 54,814 29,452 | 16,216 70,464 52,581 63,776 59,366 13,893 16,408 14,751 14,741 19,916 15,037 18,464 23,606 || 320,117 | 184,558 249,809 || 495,002 || 17,035 zgogg 10,336 18,606 3,791 9,524 640 || 3 IQ 7,999 || 13,064 5,650 | º - * | 3,687 13,425 11,151 | 12,557 These places all eagort more Flour than they g|L’9 s 531 5,443 7,378 (' Import see Ncs. 56-61 in the Statement of 61.9%I 27,942 59,053 º:S Eaport - - 3,501 3,572. 3,542 | 5,017 - 2,580,684 |2,492,854 |2,163,376 1,829,998 - 7 (36 Looe and Fowey . . . . . . . . . . 5,207 | 717 824 4,509 37 Truro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,483 696 6,307 33,163 38 Llanelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,376 4,338 1,038 5,009 4 e º s e º 'º e e o e a e g º & 7,111 2,236 1,501 4,021 40 Beaumaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,778 7,734 22,788 53,370 41 Lerwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,357 3, 190 2,619 820 42 Inverness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,937 12,741 14,061 19,444 U43 Aberdeen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,083 16,295 H2,882 21,996 Balance of Cwts. Weight of Flour Imported into the above 43 Ports | 1,653,780 | 1,650,644 |1,636,149 1,731,555 | Exported from Do. to other Ports | 840,766 232,468 179,856 233,881 | 1,883,402 | 1,816,005 | 1,965,436 | 93 STATEMENT of the Quantity in Quarters of each kind of GRAIN, M EA L, and FLO UR, (the Meal and Flour converted into Quarters of its respective kind of Grain, ) IMPORTED into GREAT BRITAIN from Ireland, in each of the Seven Years 1825 – 1831. *.* For the Quantities Imported in each of the 23 Years 1801 - 1823,-see following Page. - - - [ Years 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. | 1832. 1833. Wheat . . . . . . 396,018 314,851 405,255 || 652,584 519,492 529,717 557,519 I Oats. . . . . . . . 1,629,856 | 1,303,734 1,343,267 || 2,075,631 | 1,673,628 1,471,252 1,655,934 Barley . . . . . . 154,256 64,884 67,791 84,203 97, 40' 189,745 185,409 Beans . . . . . . 11,354 7,191 10,037 | 7,068 10,444 19,053 15,039 Peas . . . . . 1,431 1,452 1,371 4,826 4,435 | 2,520 4,663 Rye . . . . . . . . 220 77 256 1,424 568 414 515 Indian Corn * ***-* * * 1,764 280 30 28 562 TMalt 10,826 1,202 571 853 2,010 2,820 10,888 TOTALS 2,203,961 | 1,693,391 | 1,830,312 2,826,869 2,307,748 2,215,549 2,430,529 $3= The Statement below shews the Ports in Great Britain, into which Imported from Ireland ; and the Ports in Ireland from whence Eaported, in each of the 4 Years 1824 - 1827. \ - - ' ' , from IRELAND - | # Quarters of GRAIN Cwts. Weight of OATMEAL Cwts. Weight of WHEAT FLOUR | # ," A- *—/\ TN iſ —& - | # i824. 1825. T826. 1827. Y|ſ 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1824. I825. 1826. 1827. 133,667 || 337,164 || 302,333 38,553 4,631 2,719 722 867 2,595 23,572 270 737 1. 10,863 32,474 28,570 8,539 405 1,532 623 990 75 2 1,178 6,669 7,363 4,995 363 807 547 370 233 6,793 1,175 3 137 645 1,280 2,724 234 113 156 102 353 6,222 1,471 470 4 260 418 - 455 391 250 54 5 33,212 87,245 86,333 110,173 2,488 3,595 1,720 2,898 || 48,485 99,703 22,030 18,003 || 6 4,233 3,122 2,795 6,405 140 360 — 68 58,008 || 56,902 40,389 || 41,455 7 110,119 || 107,902 94,675 95,438 26,269 56,864 51,139 55,996 3,324 6,164 7,200 10,571 || 8 96,210 143,942 85,462 || 107,283 || 7,240 481 - '79 1,666 338 272 152 1,174 9 4,120 7,597 4,128 2,338 2,726 2,765 1,623 1,212 — 78 - 10 5,226 361 2,619 3,122 732 10 I 15 473 8 || ––– 20 T. H. 37,035 30,337 26,018 46,950 3,305 496 100 810 | * 10 75 15 — | 12 188,714 || 301,828 119,559 || 214,972 7,788 1,253 1,371 3,121 6,007 3,042 1,742 554 13 553,844 826,985 524,892 || 583,410 || 38,909 || 130,847 | 112,353 94,986 119,619 213,611 205,621 208,805 || 14 59,784 130,256 96,396 93,681 2,934 3,003 1,275 5,312 726 2,988 321 2,837 15 7,146 8,526 6,435 16,580 2,010 3,270 T06 8,409 30 | 128 16 1,245,488 |2,025,053 |1,389,118 1,335,641 100,374 | 208,115 172,384 177,671 239,781 || 419,344 279,589 286,013 - - Oatmeal . . . . . . . . 100,174 208,115 172,384 177,671 1,031,718 |1,540,484 || 1,093,107 |1,015,013 | Proportion of Oats Barleymeal j 38 392 177,677 | 347,040 198,200 252,377 f/ Wheat - - - 30,137 || 119,803 82,418 61,295 I/ Barley Total M. & Flour | 339,955 627,597 451,973 ) 464,076 5,834 | 9,918 11,157 6,227 | Peas & Beans 80 7,519 4,181 525 // Malt 42 289 55 204 Å; ye The Sundry Ports in England into which the quantities in line 15 - - . - - from Ireland 2007' 62 Imported: are Newport & Cardiff, Southampton, 1,245,488 |2,025,053 | 1,389,118 1,335,641 º Qrs, of Grain Wewhaven, Shoreham, and Arwººde! Quarters of Grain Cwts. Weight of Meal and Flour s -- - - ^ - ſ –A– -—- Years ending 10th. of October 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. r 1 Dublin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,639 214,255 112,274 108,034 31,052 80,695 º: 22,500 s 2 Wexford . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,785 145,203 89,237 51,405 2,665 2,734 5,830 977 Šg 3 Waterford . . . . . . . . . . . . 166,763 260,705 169,018 126,659 | 169,066 || 287,433 191,415 219,805 s: 4 Cork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218,083 316,969 234,686 174,607 || 51,891 52,952 27,445 28,388 §§ 5 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,043 10,260 14,716 11,945 - *-*. bºw-º"- 20 §§ 6 Limerick . . . . . . . . . . . 218,965 346,885 247,201 224,177 2,953 5,927 4,109 3,802 § ss 7 Galway • * * * * * * * * * * * e e 21,401 44,431 30,233 45,765 7,340 || 11,022 1,720 5,961 *ś- 8 Westport ........ Q e a 54,292 98,660 40,399 68,666 3,580 | 745 º:37. 366 Šsä 9 Sligo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,057 171,630 150,212 196,933 2,307 || 3,563 3,838 8,464 sås 10 Londonderry . . . . . . . . . . 3,613 23,888 36,582 64,801 || 4,441 || 9,818 14,784 19,556 sº 11 Coleraine . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,271 10,811 10,907 9,463 5,187 2,437 5,307 2,169 §§ 12 Belfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,948 54,920 30,467 33,562 22,185 24,415 || 14,045 14,921 sy 13 Newry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,099 98,622 74,794 57,839 2,112 || 22,295 2,999 2,867 §§ T4 Dundalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,978 131,803 5,613 92,065 10,236 45,920 || 30,709 | 19,756 & 15 Drogheda . . . . . . . . 79,551 106,011 | 72,779 69,720 24,940 77,641 | 121,373 || 114,524 - Total Erported from Ireland 1,245,488 2,025,053 1,389,118 1,335,641 339,955 627,597 || 451,973 || 464,076 Imported into Ireland from Gt. Britain 48,455 3,870 23,496 15, 183 | 12,521 4,247 13,686 8,593 AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of Grain and Flour, Animal Food, and Live Animals, EXPORTED from IRELAND, to all parts of the World in each of the 27 Years 1801–27, distinguishing the proportion Exported to GREAT BRITAIN, in each Year. GRAIN and FLOUR - | ANIMAL FOOD No. of LIVE ANIMALS |r ~. ^– - —y, —-— —A--- - - ——SI/ —A- —N - Quarters of Cwts.of | Barrels of Cwts. of Cows & f Years. Wheat | Oats | Barley lot. Grain Oatmeal |Wheatmeal || Beef | Pork Bac & Hams. Butter || Owen | Horses | Sheep Pigs ſig01 - – || – — 58,911 || 73,495 || 21,100 |250,620 || 31,543 | 669 2,879 1,968 | 2 | 103,161 || 303,043 6,442 3,837 || 105,144 | 89,852 || 59,448 || 43,128 86,331 || 323,077 || 42,501 || 3,536 4,439 11,728 | 3 || 60,915|251.263 |14,522 |2,86i || 76,749 || 42,868 || 62,226 || 101,795 || 60,916 |262,848 || 28,016 || 3,461 || 7,474| 13.96: | 4 || 70,554 || 239,355 | 8,569 |4,278 | 66,107 | 19,416 || 59,342 56,579 47,023 239,922 || 15,646 3,222 || 5,478 || 4,740 | 3 | 72,012 |220,962 | 19.31% 3,169 || 32,760 21,707 || 33,519 9,996 || 94,485 |:33,771 ||21,862 |4,114|10,988 || 6,383 6 92,814 || 297,649 || 8,036 5,070 41,931 || 34,974 || 91,261 91,373 || 118,444 || 258,407 || 27,704 || 3,971 14,656 11,455 7 || 41,729 465,707 || 26,923 || 4,422 || 43,652 6,125 || 85,255 || 142,238 149,936 286,071 || 26,252 |4,673 14,395 17,345 | 8 || 48,666 302,177 |39,419 |3,574| 70,910 4,555 || 38,366 126,752 141,287|3|1311||13,938 |2,152 8,643 7,432 2 | 9 || 85,318 824,641 21,212 3,023 88,403 || 15,843 || 89,771 || 102,065 | 165,038 || 330,155 || 17,917 | 3,264 || 7,572 4,712 > 1810 117,896 |463,516 2,937 |2,894 52,210 | 80,803 || 71,605 || 79,817 | 168,801 || 337,070 ||44,553 |3,328 |20,931 || 35,876 R- II | 153,513 281,202 || 4,476 5,392 || 35,280 85,651 || 108,282 | 126,297 216,322 337,667 || 67,680 2,963 24,471 57,332 § | 2 | 136,779 |476,587 |48,191 |5,161 || 43,677 94,467 || 114,504 || 93,561 |216,973 ||342,889 || 79,122 |3,685 15,855 34,853 tº 13 171,233 || 761,111 || 62,648 5,889 99,928 159,459 || 104,516 || 104,805 || 218,592 || 351,832 || 48,973 || 3,904 || 7,508 || 14,521 E. : 14 197,896 || 586,704 || 9,595 || 7,767 || 41,033 |132,126 || 83,162 |113,563 217,756 351,675 || 16,435 | 1,334 11,689 || 45,392 s: 15 151,770 601,432 26,646 8,659 || 41,064 105,921 || 60,307 || 105,766 213,569 || 337,378 || 33,809 | 1,283 26,502 | 127,570 § 16 || 96,168 || 706,679 |63,135 | 6,596 || 37,014 || 82,331 || 39,495 || 59,284 |219,998 || 303,964 || 31,752 801 || 34,483 83,618 § 17 | 54,569 641,603 || 27,583 1,865 31,600 || 32,773 || 105,555 | 89,941 179,093 320,180 || 45,301 | 848 29,460 24, 193 rS 18 98,605 | 1,056,644 24,860 4,016 || 130,858 || 39,012 || 80,587 | 87,992 || 212,740 381,554 || 58,165 2,142 25,152 23,960 s 19 || 138,056 |801,611 20,827 4,550 || 49,181 96,566 || 70,504 || 86,650 221,309 || 433,174 || 52,175 2,944 19,710 61,759 1820 | 398,752 989,505 || 94,250 9,425 || 44,753 193,897 || 52,591 105,973 260,549 490,845 || 39,014 || 2,552 24,159 99,107 1 |476,935 | 1,156,576 || 75,777 || 7,861 | 64,451 294,774 || 65,905 || 96,449 || 362,846 413,088 || 26,725 2,392 || 25,310 | 104,501 2 386,231 563,169 21,832 9,556 28,892 || 340,267 || 43,139 || 72,148 238,985 377,651 || 34,659 | 1,089 || 35,685 65,037 3 || 273,845 980,877 | 18,706 || 7,314 || 106,435 | 353,840 || 69,079 | 84,442 || 341,515 466,834 || 46,351 2,277 55,158 || 82,789 4 || 260,322 | 1,139,463 44,699 || 7,831 || 134,549 || 336,219 || 54,810 || 75,525 312,000 || 431,175 || 62,314 2,081 61,137 73,027 5 283,340 | 1,500,264 154,255 23,832 203,644 394,374 || 63,507 || 83,783 || 361,139 || 425,670 || 63,519 3,130 | 72,161 65,919 6 241,925 1,179,896 || 64,884 9,923 | 194,602 || 255,240 | 7 || 307,573 || 1,194,554 67,510 || 11,968 224,001 || 337,888 1801 129 I 2,524 203 || 20,328 8,106 61 54,046 || 282) ######### #$$$$$ 2 571 3,247 || 785 | 72 3,050 | 1,855 || 20,713 | 16,400 312|| 73,276 || 375 ############ss; 3 1,655 | 893 || 4,259 9 | 1,506 275 || 17,121 17,254 230 71,403 || 662 †s º 4 || 23,287 929 | 1,465 90 1,126 2,177 || 20,189 || 25,614 482 80,233 || 517 | ##############3 5 10,803 2,272 6,907 || 133 1,537 || 1,067 || 23,354 18,429 588 60,644 || 151 3 ###########$$$. 6 1,259 9 2,482 27 | 1,524 2,376 || 29,327 22,003 707 || 80,101 || 377 ############## 7 2, 156 | 1,280 | 12,381 30 3,128 896 || 25,963 28,051 | 1,407 || 47,927 || 147 #############s 8 150 | 1,166 || 4,034 113 | 1,190 3,505 || 33,698 || 41,851 2,796 || 35,545 || 303 | ###############s 9 281 || 3,817 | 5,346 — 2,545 2,244 || 36,405 || 34,503 || 2,084 55,798 || 620 #233; ##########$ 1810 | 1,601 || 24,041 40,993 || – || 5,446 10,666 || 23,893 30,989 2,929 53,763 || 944 ########### 11 || 69,732 83,428 || 97,622 1,358 6,834 40,333 || 28,431 50,953 ii,454 96,047 || 1,129 | EF3;áš. ########## 12 || 71,433 55,215 |30,375 57 2,151 33,039 || 30,093 38,124 || 33,909 92.519 || 4 | ############## 13 30,040 47,218 131,545 45 8,619 108,435 || 35,216 36,966 16,016 || 109,682 || 898 as ############$3 & 14 || 17,815 56,480 47,977 57 4,335 | 119,314 || 27,348 51,493 16,805 80,479 || 1 136 } ::::::########## 15 56,253 1,848 54,863 || 309|| 3,739 11,313 || 20,963 48,953 22,780 90,845 || 158 ##############3 16 24,801 6,829 43,680 5,342 2,333 || 11,798 || 20,849 44,301 || 7,670 | 87,154 87 | ##sjää% ºf 33 lis; 17 | 2,711 4,433 || 11,531 || 146 || 3,263 | 1,744 || 23,955 43,154 || 11,932 || 77,785 || 295 | ##############| 18 1,615 2,972 1,968 2 6,352 8,245 || 23,285 30,353 2,216 i 50,885 || 437 || 3:############# I9 2 5,651 183 2| 4,120 9,904 || 10,143 || 33,684 2,825 67,989 || 116 ################ 1820 4,838 42 114 | 1,382 2,501 || 10,013 || 36,458 2,187 65,521 || 112 | #3; ############: I 5 3,248 2,451 36 | 1,118 261 || 12,050 44,761 3,363 59,856 || 244 | ###: ; ; ; ; # es; sº 2 | 1,742 2,523 1,413 | 681 || 3,458 || 3,452 || 16,504 || 43,788 2,880 || 63,507 || 250 || 3:############## 3 1,333 3,706 746 || 698 || 3,162 | 10,010 || 15,477 35,604 || 2,160 54,631 23 #I:##########: 1. 992 2,471 23 — 1,670 636 || 22,533 31,018 1,788 || 51,789 || 189 ###########:S$5 5 — 2,940 566 || – 973 133 || 9,628 24,358 1,139 || 48,491 45 ############# 6 18 1,387 313 22 1,963 224 || 12,873 22,936 1,803 || 47,230 || 977 | ################ 7 16 1,707 41 67 621 9 || 9,447 24,353 | 1,853 || 45,508 || 519 J ###############s +4+ As a considerable portion of the above stated Number of Live Animals are driven for sale, from Liverpool inland, as far as Birmingham, º: one of the greatest advantages, which could be conferred on the parties interested in the traffic, would be, to endeavour to get them landed at Runcorn, on the Š Run- of the Mersey about 25 miles above Liverpool, by doing which, 24 hours in time, and upwards of 20 Miles of driving would be gained. §3. The Local Position !'s wth A rm, (see Nos. 986–990, of the Topographical Analysis) is also favorable for facilitating the intercourse between the interior and South parts of England, and the South, S E. and E. Coast of Ireland. - ~ s AN Account of the Quantity of GRAIN, EXPORTED from various Ports in EUROPE and AMERICA, in each of the 35 Years 1791–1825. The Port of ELBING, is seated on the banks of a small River falling into the Frische Haff, in Latitude 54.7 North, and 19.22 of East Longitude; the Frische Haff, is an inlet separated from the Baltic Sea by a narrow strip of Land, or Sand bank extending about 60 miles in a direction East by North from the Delta of the Vistula: DANTzig, at the mouth of the Western branch of the Vistula being in Latitude 54.21 North, and 18.38 East Longitude; and PILLAU, at the Eastern eatremity of the Promontory, or neck, being in 19.52 of East Longitude, and 54.34 of North Latitude; a narrow Strait at Pillau leads to the Frische Haff, at the North East eatremity of which is Königsberg in Latitude 54.42 North, and 20.29 of East Longitude: LIBAU, is a Port of the Baltic on the Coast of Courland (the most Western Province of the Russian Empire) in Latitude 56.32 North, and 20.55 of East Longitude: RIGA, in Latitude 56.5 North, and 24.8 of East Longitude, is seated near the entrance of the Dwina River into the spacious Gulf of Riga, formed by the Coasts of Courland and Livonia, of which latter Province Riga is the Capital : Livon 1A, is rich in Flaw, Hemp, and Timber, as well as in Grain. - - EXPORTED from the District of CoLUMBIA. Ind. Corne Bushels of Barrels 56 lbs. of of Flotzr 43,202 61,455. 59,357 115,471 73,499 37,788 L Quarters Quarters expº, EXP 3:#; * EXP 3; Hectolitres - 20. *d - * r yT |expºſed ºn }º exported from * Ricº. from º: from ºfton expºp from ELBING. PETERSRURG H. ARCHANGEL. Wide Fo, 10, Par, Pa. No. 27, Wide Folio 15, Par. Paper;Wide Fo. 21, Par. Pa. No. 27, FRANCE. Wide Fo. 91, Par. Paper Vº * Wide Folio 7, Par. Paper; . Session (826. No. 83, Session 1827. Session 1826. Wide Fo. 57, Par. Pa. No. 27, Session lsº No. 91, Session 1826. sº sº. [. No. 27, Session 1826. Rye. Oats, Rue outs, - Rue. Oats sºs º-' all other * * * Years iſ when Rye Wheat Wheat Rye Wheat º 'Barley |Wheat *#. Wheat º Wheat Grain Flour 1791 12,327 2,449 8,246 •----- as-ºs 24,863 194,337 2,784 || 106,697 || – *—--— 2 || 11,802 || 10,263 8,200 *- - - -ºs- ----- -º 32,865 |237,003 || 8,742 | 185,686 87,830 || 42,582 || –— 3 12,359 14,266 12,908 sº--esses — 42,570 214,245 9,494 | 163,375 127,000 | 86,690 1 54 33,721 10,271 4 6,898 5,721 || 8,232 * — — . 51,195 || 93,610 11,221 | 122,331 : 87,700 114,023 —— 1923 1,239 5 9,830 ~~~~~~ *-*. --- 44,533 67,245 -— —— ; 55,000 176,518 1,200 1,050 120 6 12,760 | 8,261 71,121 *-* *~~~-wv----sº 34,659 259,162 — —— 151,410 || 33,775 193 | 1,090 || – 7 9,226 2,958 || 13,200 —— — 49,797 | 182,288 -— ——— ; 140,350 36,052 1,503 || 33,893 1,838 8 10,377 | 1,905 1,468 —— *-*. 36,848 || 148,225 6,052 141,219 125,200 32,013 7,500 42,519 || – 9 7,637 2,648 8,211 *-4se *-* 44,133 || 237,159 11,573 128,202 : 117,950 44,919 275,000 || 10,450 1,840 1800 11,871 321 23,768 *- asº. -saºs-as- 40,089 22,357 i 9,470 1,786 186,000 111,241 180,581 51,920 || 36,500 1. 8,507 || 3,556 135,651 — 95,598 || 247,902 3,807 || 98,229 158,500 96,710 || 111,690 | 13,305 5,000 2 : 12,393 || 10,878 50, 104 26,943 || 115,430 i 39,069 390,072 7,743 14,733 72,500 || 36,942 —— 10,350 18 3 9,575 13,464 38,187 || 38,664 || 108,756 23,606 || 384,312 11,679 || 139,409 : 17,000 || 23,736 16,100 || 9,330 4 10,048 || 3,476 28,203 || 25,389 || 37,879 || 65,835 | 192,312 10,904 || 60,853 5,037 : 50,000 | 88,500 600 5 || 1 1,759 743 – | 85,525 91,941 171,151 678,190 21,714 || 132, i22 450 21,251 620,400 276,010 | 95,600 6 403 181 49,375 62,078 || 115,938 35,685 | 738,319 11,656 54,474 1,830 63,077 127,800 || 362,100 6,200 - 7 *-*ms —— 2,377 25, 143 12,490 142,126 5,675 | 19,484 70 | 13,285 20,000 248,100 620 8 — — — 2,454 36,451 Prohibited : — 22,745 # 280,000 || 232,000 1,800 9 950 — -—— 9,039 || 35,374 2,656 Bitto. — •=-------- 3,635 # 425,600 223,600 15,000 \ - 1810 5,108 *- --> 9,154 45,047 29,057 18,847 45,674 ; 8,131 || 6,733 13,440 7,797 698,500 || 338,300 | 190,200 I 2,630 *-º-º-º: 9,223 4,306 10, 194 9,294 || 70,586 2,784 || 32,521 10,110 ! 3,657 10,000 26,000 9,200 12 I'71 — 25,058 1 1,676 —- 13,113 204,613 9,564 | 89,507 -— 3,013 950 38,000 5,800 13 7,603 | 1,785 26,099 || 23,973 15,640 11,962 139,900 7,625 50,119 ; 13,100 2,783 -— 13,900 3,200 14 3,768 1,858 3,464 3,822 || 36,639 3,619 || 162,377 4,418 120,008 30,930 3,493 940,000 556,500 115,000 15 99 H. 76H 9,819 15,233 || 62,952 11,632 || 114,844 8,225 94,352 19,880 | 29,495 || 386,000 |205,860 80,870 16 3,462 2,108 6,360 26,319 39,824 34,674 201,910 19,774 90,052 : 31,130 | 73,241 1,050 | 12,770 10,200 17 4,506 6,089 152,325 | 85,584 223,919 100,228 |908,082 6, 191 | 120,297 47,650 || 31,864 2,000 6,000 2,760 18 5,031 3,533 135,848 89,035 | 104,619 60, 148 587,264 4,100 80,694 : 157,240 97,310 || 33,631 80,906 5,674. 19 1,384 || 1,629 - 54,214 30,799 16,641 22,690 539,910 705 90,388 38,610 || 74,203 85,871 169,497 20,785 1820 3,450 2,294 36,461 32,134 || 19,615 26,567 ||380,704 1,822 || 110,106 39,940 34,079 121,896 192,302 26,863 1 i 1,732 - 567 1,751 5,599 2,831 2,609 || 64,792 729 | 66,610 20,430 | 19,505 166,525 80,979 12,569 2 1,653 66 1,327 | 10,377 3,582 7,403 76,989 : 1,387 43,627 8,880 32,021 161,753 77,133 23,259 3 1,148 1,716 —— 8,218 12,000 2,209 44,222 305 | 68,529 37,070 | 40,435 20,128 99,913 39,793 4. 437 88 4,518 469 2,750 22,394 - 39,152 15,330 78,605 20,180 66,761 25,362 5 –- — 725 || 3:56, soil 10, io9 38,562 177 ſig13. 66,740 | 132,179 • **** **-* 46,226 91,718 29,897 60,139 28,686 27,240 35,098. 50,920 27,373 60,158 40,870 16,814 | 22,655 12,676 27,776 105,009 870 39,388 52,437 6,849 99,282 25,081 8,704 14,822 6,952 20,434 36,007 6,651 88,373 42,946 | 61,762 | 51,513 40,654 | - 37,029 – 32,075. 23,991. 44,098 || 78,207 | 102,683 || 30 320 190 250 280 400 65,504 60,164 57,580 112,120 74,982 106,878 | 152,939 | 201,513 175,894 43,896 *-* **a*- 208,908 54,163 110,749 88,121 81,573 94,439 72,941 66,944 45,035 56,412 39,839 #‘sºiº --- 200 350 290 450 10() 90 300 320 360 380 480 380 330 350 4}{} 400 i.ăi:S.,ii#.§";:iS.,f 96 Highest and Lowest Price of WHEAT, and of the Gold Ducat, Annual Average Price of WHEAT, and the Highest and Lowest Rate of Exchange on Amsterdam, at DANTZIC, in each of the 124 Years 1703–1826. - ------ ſ Highest and Lowest Price | Highest & Lowest - . Average Highest and Lowest Price Płighest & Lowesſ * /ast, of WHEAT, in Florins. Rafe %;" * Highest & Lowest wº. * Last, of maeAT, in Florizes | Rate* §e Highest and Lowest, ** ordinary" Tºng, ". %. |Price of the p** | winchester Ordinary [. finest ". ſººn Price of the Ducat Years Quality Quality § {. Flemish in ſtorins & groshen Quarter | years Quality Qatality tº £ Flemish £n Florins & Groshenz 1703 fil() f135 fºo() fºo fg | 19/3 || 1765 |fºº}0 f$10 |f 330 f440 gº93 g405 f11 g 11 fil gol 4 125 100 280 210 8 20/5 6 || 310 240 || 380 450 425 400 12 3 11 15 6 | 125 109 || 220 200 8 17/9 7 || 300 330 430 500 | 400 450. 11 15 is 6 6 105 90 200 190 8 16/5 8 320 420 440 530 443 408 12 15 TI 21 7 | 110 95 190 200 g?79, g381 | 8 g4 16/7 9 || 400 260 530 400 | 405 419 II 27 II 19 8 105 195 190 270 2824 270* | 8 5 fº g3 20/2 || 1770 | 190 310 i 310 420 || 418} 408 || 11 29 J1 18 9 200 450 270 600 271; 251 || 8 2. 7 27 |42/9 || 1 || 330 460 || 420 500 || 410 423 11 18 11 28 1710 320 180 || 460 300 258; 276 || 7 27 8 33/3 2 350 410 || 490 580 425 436 12 16 11 24 11 | 205 160 300 270 276 282} | 8 8 3 || 25/9 3 440 360 580 530 429} 441 12 8 I2 12 140 180 240 280 286 282} | 8 6 8 2 22/10 1 300 380 560 490 441, 423 gs's ºssssss, , , , , 13 14) 250 250 350 281; 260 | 8 2 7 27 25/8 5 || 420 350 520 480 || 417; 432 $$$$$$.jääs; 14 || 245 290 340 430 255 270 || 7 19 7 24 || 37/8 6 || 330 250 470 400 426 434 ######$$$$gs.i. 15 260 120 385 250 259, 270 || 7 19 7 24 27/7 7 190 260 330 380 420 430, Šāºššššššš 16 | 160 150 270 250 2814, 277 || 7 29 23/2 8 260 260 || 380 380 || 411 431} | #########$ºss; # 17 | 135 150 240 260 281 2884 || 8 8 2 22/1 9 260 230 || 380 330 422 434 |sis############ 18 185 130 300 250 292 283} | 8 2 & 3 |23/2 || 1780 190 283 290 390 430 422 |ºss; #####5 Siș 19 | 125 185 250 280 285 274 || 8 3 7 24 23/6 1 300 260 420 380 422 430 ºššššššššššš 1720 | 155 135 | 240 190 278 289 || 7 28 8 19/10 2 |260 340 || 380 450 || 428 416 | ###$$$$$$$$$sis: I 122 110 | 180 185 284 293 || 7 28 8 3 | 16/6 3 || 350 280 || 460 400 | 405 419 |s; ; ; Śiśāşşşâşşşâ 2 100 130 | 200 160 291; 2854 || 8 2 8 3 | 16/5 4 || 310 400 || 410 510 || 428 408 |jššššššš 3 140 135 | 190 220 286 273 || 7 27 8 1 | 18/11 || 5 || 330 390 || 410 470 | 408 412 |$$$#$$$$$$$$$. 4 || 140 130 220 180 281 272} | 8 2 7 29 18/11 6 390 340 || 470 410 | 409 417 | 3:3:#####$$$$$$. 5 145 210 |240 260 275; 279 || 7 29 8 23/10 7 || 340 390 || 4:30 390 407 417 Šišššššššššāºš 6 140 195 220 300 273; 296 || 8 8 4 || 24/3 8 || 410 370 440 390 || 410 404 |&###########ss; 7 | 180 155 275 250 291; 2844 || 8 4 8 3 || 24/0 9 || 360 700 430 800 | 406 395 ##$$$$.5&#j 8 140 150 |240 205 286, 283 || 8 || 8 2 |20/1 || 1790 620 370 | 720 470 390 407 |###########: § S . § s Š § 3. §,Y > 3 9 145 130 | 200 220 284 276 || 8 || 8 | | 19/7 1 || 41 0 360 || 490 450 24 27 25 28 gājāsīšišššišš 1730 | 130 110 | 200 180 286 291, 8 5 8 4 || 16/11 2 300 440 || 380 520 23 9 25 20 Éssissºs.sysis ºf I 110 320 220 200 291, 286 || 8 5 8 4 || 17/7 3 440 380 || 530 460 |25 6 26 24 $ºssjšša 2 115 105 || 210 180 291, 287 || 8 4 8 3 | 16/8 4 || 390 530 | 400 570 |26 6 23 27 jºgi 3 100 115 180 210 |289; 274 || 8 5 8 2 16/6 5 500 880 550 960 24 21 18 jššššš 4 110 150 210 245 285 278 || 8 || 7 29 19/9 6 940 420 1050 560 |22 6 24 4 ºssissiº 5 135 145 || 220 240 278 291 || 8 || 8 5 20/1 7 300 530 | 400 630 24 7 26 5 ############ 6 || 130 205 || 210 270 289 296 || 8 3 8 7 22/8 8 || 380 450 520 500 26 3 25 10 ################ 7 | 195 160 250 270 295; 288 || 8 5 8 7 24/0 9 || 420 700 || 520 800 25 21 19 15|&#;#######Tº | 8 || 160 120 250 225 295 289 8 6 8 3 || 21/1 || 1800 || 700 920 | 850 1100 |21 3 22 10 sºjºs ºss; 9 105 165 210 240 291; 282 || 8 6 8 3 19/6 T 1050 609 |1230 800 |21 22 28 iss; ########### 1740 160 370 240 450 2884 271} | 8 5 8 2 || 33/1 2 680 570 880 680 22 18 24 6 iss; ########### 1 || 380 170 450 320 284; 295 || 8 2 & 5 35/3 3 || 480 520 || 700 610 |24 22 H 8 §§§§§§§ 2 180 125 300 210 296 289 || 8 4 8 7 22/2 4 || 420 1000 || 550 1150 |25 6 23 27 &############# 3 140 120 220 180 295; 292 || 8 5 8 3 | 18/ 5 950 750 1150 850 |24 10 22 27 sº; ; ; ; sijäjägs 4 | 125 150 | 190 200 2954, 288 || 8 6 8 3 | 18/5 6 780 650 | 720 350 |23, 22, 23 6 sis; S3; #3; #55; 5 145 210 |205 280 292 2954 || 8 4 8 6 22/2 7 Dantzic in possession of the French, 3 gºss; ##$ºis; 6 190 220 245 275 296 290 || 8 6 8 5 25/1 {} and Export prohibited. Šišišššš:33; 7 220 160 285 240 294; 285 8 6 8 3 24/2 Partial Exports b * * ############ 3||130 199| 200 250 |293 233 & 6 & 3 |21/1 | 1810; “. ..". ºve #3; #3; ######## $9 || 145 230 205 265 282 294 || 8 4 3 22/8 11 and under French Llcences. §§§sis;&#$$$$$. 1750 175 145 || 235 205 || 288; 299 || 8 3 8 6 20/8 12 || Export again prohibited šššjāsāś 1 140 210 | 190 245 293 307, 8 5 & 13 |20/7 || 13 Town Blockaded and Besieged §§ jišāºš 2 210 160 250 230 296 3084 8 9 8 18 22/3 14 || 300 400 i 380 580 [14 6 18 3 #s ºšiššššššš 3 200 160 260 235 | 308, 318 || 8 17 3 24 21/6 15 | 400 350 500 430 15 18 18 ############# 4 170 150 240 205 || 315, 310 9 8 16 || 19/1 16 || 360 880 || 410 1010 18 21 20 9. §lsºs sis######## 5 160 135 | 205 230 || 3094 319 || 8 19 8 24 18/4 17 | 880 500 1150 700 19 15 18 18 jºss; ######## 6 142 320 220 390 314 3204 || 9 6 8 26 || 23/1 18 630 520 | 800 660 |18 4 18 27 Sãsissiºs:###: 7 330 210 || 390 310 ! 320, 307 || 9 2 3 22 31/ 19 570 290 | 680 400 18 4 20 24 ############### 8 250 220 350 310 309; 327 | 8 23 9 |29/ | 1820 350 240 500 380 |20 6 21 12 #2Sișāśāšššš 9 250 180 330 270 326, 361 || 8 29 10 3|23/7 I 230 430 || 380 550 21 24 20 18. § sjääsäääjää 1760 140 210 |230 310 || 359 416 10 2 11 12, 19/ 2 280 270 | 400 380 21 12 20 19 ºssississ; 1 | 180 220 290 310 || 373} 399 [11 5 11 18. 19/4 3 270 220 | 380 310 |2, 2 21 16 Sãs:########## 2 | 200 240 280 330 396, 371; 11 11 10 23, 21/10 4 240 180 320 260 |21 7 20 & ::$:######## 3 200 240 280 330 374; 378 10 22 10 29, 21/10 || 5 | 180 230 260 310 19 21 20 15 §§§ 4 240 220 310 330 || 377; 401 10 26 11 14 22/3 || 6 || 130 290 270 330 21 1 20 15 ° sº *** ******* 97 STATEMENT shewing as follows, Viz., Column 1, shews the mean price of WHEAT # Winchester Quarter, at the Market of Windsor, according to the accounts kept at Eton College, the lands of which are let principally at a Corn Rent : Columns 2 and 3, eactracted from Bishop Fleetwood's Chronicon Preciosum are supposed to shew the mean annual price of Wheat and Malt at the same Market; but for a Measure of 9 Gallons to the Bushel, the prices in the first Column being reduced to Winchester Measure : Column 4 shews the annual average price of Grain, ( half Rye and half Barley ) in Sweden. reduced into English Money dº Quarter : Column 5 shews the annual average price of Rye at Antwerp : and 6 & 7 the Quantity of Wheat and Rye, Exported from banizig in each of the 56 Years, 1650–1705 : and the price of Rye and of Oats in Sep. 1826, in each of the 52 Governments of the Russian Empire. 3 sää *: § sº § $ Principal Town. §§, & § 3 is Annual mean price § Ss e - 3 S rumcºpa S, R §'s . . #s d? º s §§ - Eacported from § §s in the 52 Governments §: Gry º, º ####|a ſºlº of Šiš | *ś , rºſe. S㺠of the ####| iſ cinerſ ºf , #|º] is: = |\º is ºf sº-º." i is mººſ is is "gº" is | ******* | * * sºj Wheat Malt * s's §§ Wheat Rye 2” ‘s. T Archangel e e e º dº @ 6 e s a e 763 9 *mºsº ** - “s ºf * 2 Astrachan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,428 || 4 50 3 1650 | 68/13 || 76/8 || 38/6 || 39/10 || 5 || – || --— 3 Belostock . . . . . . * * * e º e 829 || 6 4. 60 1 || 61/0} | 73/4 29/ 29/10 || 3 || || 130,567 |419,837 4 Caluga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593 || 6 50 5 50 . 2 || 48/104 || 49/6 28/ | 35/10 || $ # 86,121 |267,372 5 Camenez-Podolsk 1,020 5 4 3 31/4} | 35/6 28/ 12/11 | * : 55,923 || 281,305 || S3; 6 Casan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,034 || 6 50 || 3 60 4 22/13 26/ | 20/8 || 13/11 || 3 || 101,546 |354,785| 3: 7 Charcoff . . . . . . . . . . . . 973 3 75 3 40 5 || 29/73 || 33/4 20/ 15/3 sº 75,159 || 394,075 | S.S 8 Cherson or Odessa. . . . . 1,200 || 2 75 | 6 6 || 33/2} || 43/ 24/, 17/11 | is 47,922 || 63,483 || $3 9 Costroma . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 || 8 |75 4 80 7 || 41/5; 46/8 28/4 22/6 =s šš 10 Ecarterinosloff. . . . . . . . 1,082 2 2 80 8 || 57/9} || 65/ 29/4 | 12/11 sis * ~... * § 11 Feodosia . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,366 || 4 50 5 60 id: - ; % § ...' s: 3,884 1,327 | . . 12 Geogieffsk . . . . . . . . . . 1,540 4 75 || 3 50 - *) * S 3 30,943 | ..Sº 13 Grodno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 || 7 20 4 30 1 || 62/2} | 70/ | 33/4 20/ §§ 216,951 #: 14 Irkutsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s: 6 10 40 2 || 65/9} | 74/ 42/ 20/ šš 85,806 || 270,163 $S 15 Jaroslaff ... . . . . . . . . . 493 ił 50 || 5 88 3 50/ 57/ | 32/8 || 23/6 So 3- 66,785 |238,537 sº 16 Keatsch-Jenicol . . . . . . 1,429 ; 5 50 7 4 48/ 40/6 || 30/ | 20/ §§ | 40,982 174,798 || sis 17 Kieff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857 : 5 5 41 5 || 43/104 || 49/4 28/4 | 16/9 §§ 25,893 || 144,170 #5 18 Kursk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 4 3 40 6 || 32/ 36/ 26/ 15/2 §§ 33,847 144,035 $5. 19 Minsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 || 6 50 | 3 || 5 '7 iſ 3% 3% i5/2 | ** is 20 Mitau .............. 40 || | 11 9 8 || 35/6; ; 40/ 24/ | 15/2 j 127,695 |343,119 5; 21 Mohiloff ... . . . . . . . . . 564 7 20 5 9 40/ 44/4 27/4 || 12/1 s. | 108,350 313,591 'ss 22 Mosco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 || 8 6 25 1670 37/04 || 41/8 26/6 12/1 §§ 128,756 |298,746 sº 23 Niskney Novogrod . . . . 784 || 8 25 || 4 86 1 37/4 || 42/ 25/4 | 12/1 šš 99,750 | 208,866 | *'s 24 Nova Tscherxask. . . . . . 1,291 || 3 75 || 3 80 2 : 37/0% 41/ 22/ 15/1 == 35,248 109,967 | #3 25 Novogrod.... . . . . . . . 123 13 60 7 47 3 || 41/5; 46/8 24/ 18/11 | "à | 69,080 | 84,084 ºs 26 Omsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,490 || 1 50 2 40 4 || 61/0} | 68/8 || 34/ 9/3. 140,343 228,511 || $$. 27 Orel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '731 || 6 8 80 5 52/1; 64/8 || 34/ | 20/10 fº 46 87,497 || 175,476 ºš 28 Pensa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927 8 20 || 3 35 6 || 33/9; 38/ 26/ 15/3 5 29 || 49,424 144,774 || 3 29 Perm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 424 4 2 55 7 || 37/4 42/ 28/ 12/7 4 21 || 55,283 || 127,543 30 Petrosavodsk . . . . . . . . 304 16 10 8 52/53, 59/ 28/8 15/3 2 85 219,072 224,521 408 31 Poltava. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947 2 75 || 2 60 9 : 48/ 60/ 26/8 || 17/11 || 2 85 130,022 || 399,420 | 1,010 || 32 Pskoff ... . . . . . . . . 217 14 6 1680 | 40/ 45/ 22/8 15/3 2 80 112,528 271,026 716 || 33 Revel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 il 85 10 10 1 || 41/5; 46/8 24/8 10/7 3 28 128,426 331,201 142 34 Resan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617 | 6 70 ° 5' 25 2 39/1} | 44/ | 28/ 13/11 || 3 44 147,819 222,936 700 i 35 Riga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 10 6 50 3 35/64 | 40/ 28/8 | 1.4/7 || 3 28 172,200 || 320,407 | 1,251 36 St. PETERSBURGH 15 9 50 4 39/1} 44/ 25/4 17/3 5 6 249,081 || 343,602 538 37 Saratof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,083 3 2 79 5 41/5; 46/8 || 28/ 20/8 3 24 206,682 || 355, 184 393 || 38 Simbirsk . . . . . . . . . . . . 990 || 4 72 3 65 6 || 34/2% 34/ 25/4 18/7 2 75 155,138 || 305,603 253 39 Simferopol . . . . . . . . . . 1,458 || 4 | 7 7 || 31/8% 25/2 24/ 14/3 2 70 114,996 || 289,663 315 i 40 Smolensk . . . . . tº 9 gº e s tº e 477 8 25 4 25 8 || 23/14 || 46/ 22/ 15/3 2 80 || 108,738 263,214 1,096 41 Taganrog . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,269 || 3 50 5 9 26/8 30/ 20/ 17/7 3 34 || 125,826 291,007 : 1,730 42 Tamboff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 || 4 25 || 2 80 1690 30/93 || 34/8 || 19/4 17/7 3 10 | 66,759 || 140,469 || 4,988 || 43 Tobolsk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,035 | 6 3 20 1 29/11 || 34/ 17/4 16/3 || 3 29 80,661 | 93,544 || 4,712 44 Tomsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2,990 || 3 25 || 2 20 2 || 41/9} || 46/8 24/4 13/3 5 II | 114,377 | 118,419 || 12,465 45 Tula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 || 6 80 || 4 80 3 || 60/1; 67/8 30/ | 13/3 || 6 8 || 203,164 || 210,284 13,011 || 46 Tver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 10 6 25 4 56/104 || 64/ 32/ 23/10 || 4 90 192,224 208,383 10,514 || 47 Vatxa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827 5 80 || 2 20 5 || 47/1} 53/ 32/ || 23/2 || 3 82 102,637 | 126,546 || 9,221 || 48 Vilna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 12 6 70 6 || 56/ 71/ 28/ 22/6 5 11 65,076 139,534 || 10,295 || 49 Vitebsk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 10 50 5 7 53/4, 60/ 28/ | 26/6 6 36 88,651 || 257,481 || 8,650 50 Vladimir . . . . . 9 e º a tº º . 602 || 9 50 6 8 : 60/8; 68/4 || 32/ | 27/10 | 11 7 || 106,586 223,713 8,003 || 51 Vologda . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 1 i 60 5 9 56/ 64/ | 89/4 || 19/10 || 6 18 94,489 177,344 6,254 52 Voronert ... . . . . . . . . . 813 || 3 || 2 80 1700 35/6] | 40/ 31/4 21/2 2 99 || 32,571 | 101,241 7,287 | - T. 31/8% 37/8 | 24/ 14/7 || 4 7 33,821 | 89,565 6,144 *...* The Chetwert of Russia is equal to 5,952 English Bushels, 2 26/0; 29/6 || 28/ i 13/3 2 96 || 42,872 | 180,379 3,930 or 100 Chetwerts F.74% Quarters English. The Silver Rouble 3 32/ 36/ 23/4 15/11 4 96 33,106 60,365 7,567 of Russia weighs 13 lº. 12grains, and contains 3’s | grains of 4 || 41/2} 46/6 28/ 17/11 || 3 71 || 50,935 | 121,36 07; ..." Slºr=#| 3s. 2}d. £nglish; but the alore quºtations (17% w 24. s'-- - / . . . . . 2 - ,369 10,078 for Paper Roubles, 360 of which, since 1815, have been current 5 26/8 - , 30/ 26/ 17/11 4 31 66,032 151,368 6,188 against 100 Roubles in Silver; it deserves consideration how S-71 S-->| <-- I -- S---~ --~~|~~! -- fºr the estimation of the Paper Rouble in the different parts ºf - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. / 7. 8. this widely eactended Empire, tend to a variation in price, 98 AN ACCOUNT of the annual Coinage of MEXICO, in Dollars; and of the average price of Wheat, in each of thirteen, of the principal Corn Markets of EUROPE, in each of the 64 Years 1700–63–see the several Places under each of their respective heads in the Index, for an eaplination of Measures and Monies. Wide Papers No. 27 and 159, Session 1826; 83 of Session 1827; and 258 of Session 1828. "... ºpants ºn | | | | |*|† ºn "ºx" | nº. MExico, * ... | Folio |igsberg, | Dordt, Bremen, |Biscay, Bordeaua, .* -- # 3. Antu'erp e Sºur-Mer. Years in Dollars. . . . Quarter. 64 of 83.] 12 of 27, 37 of 27. 81 of 258. 73 of 27. 79 of 83. Ancona & Pesaro || 10 of 83. 67 of 83. PWheat Maize 72 ºa —— * * * r * ---|---— |-- * —— , is -- 0. --S. --O!.- 1700 3,379,122 |35/6] | – || 27/11 55/1 || 70/10 || 39/0 |24/2 || 16/4 || 19/9 || 21/2 2.99 || 3.12 || 3. 8 || 12 2 3 1 || 4,019,093 ||31/8} | – | 16/9 |40/8 — 28/0 || – || 21/4 || 23/2 || 14/7 4.07 || 3.24 || 3. 8 || 7 17 0 2 5,022,650 |26/03 || – 13/0, 30/4 70/10|24/6 || – ||20/4 |25/1 || 3/3, 2.96 || 3 |18 || 2.14 || 7 & 8 3 6,079,254 32/0 || 19/3 | 12/1 |25/6 a 20/6 | 18/103 || 16/0 |20/8 || 15/11 4.96 || 6.10 | 6.10 || 11 4 9 4 5,827,027 .41/2} | 20/5 | 12/8 |27/6 || 1 || 0 |20/84 || 24/0 ºf 14/4 || 17/11 || 3.71 || 5.30 5.30 || 9 4 7 5 4,747,175 26/8 || 17/9 || 13/11 29/4 || 0 || V | 16/1} || 14/45 –- || | | | 4.31 || 3.17 | 2.21 || 7 14 8 6 || 6,172,037 |23/14 || 16/5 13/0 – || | | | | 12/11 || 16/11 || 16/3 || 18/7 3.28 || 3. 4 | 1.30 || 7 4 3 7 5,735,029 |25/2 | 16/7 || | | ||27/6 || 0 | 18/6 15/84 || 19/7 | – ||22/6 2.99 || 3.17 | 3. 10 11 8 8 5,737,610 || 36/8; 20/2 || 17/8 || 33/1 || || a | 18/2} || 18/9 |23/2 || 26/6 || 4.04 || 3.14 2.18 || 33 15 0 9 5,214,143 |69/7. 42/9 || 39/1 || 70/3 46/8 32/6 36/1} || 21/10] 24/0% 15/11 8.99 || 5.15 5.28 || 35 15 0 1710 || 6,710,587 |69/4 33/3 | – |62/6 || 33/4 |44/6 || 34/10} || 18/9 || – || 19/10 || 4.31 |13. [10. 14 II 3 11 : 5,666,085 || 48/0, 25/9 16/9 |36/11|30/10 || 33/6 | – || 13/5 || –— 14/7 4.04 || 7.13 || 7.30 || 17 0 0 12 || 6,663,425 |41/2 22/10 16/3 |27/6 || 29/2 |29/6 | – || 15/7 || – || 13/3 5.11 || 5.17 | 4.20 |22 6 o 13 6,487,872 |45/4 25/8"|22/4 |35/1 |26/8 28/0 — || 18/9 || – || | | 5.25 || 5. 4 .30 || 26 6 3 14 || 6,220,822 |44/83 ||37/8 27/11 |35/11 25/0 || 32/0 || – 16/2 || – || 17/3 || 4.21 || 4.21 3.12 || 12 9 5 15 || 6,368,918 |38/2} | 27/7 | 18/7 ||34/1 23/8 28/6 | 16/43 || 26/6 | – || 13/11 2.85 || 4.10 || 4.17 || 9 g 9 16 6,527,738 |42/8 23/2 || 14/11 || 33/1 22/10 || 33/6 | 18/13 ||22/1 || 33/11 || 19/2 2.96 || 4.14 || 4. 10 17 9 17 6,750,734 |40/5} | 22/1 || 16/9 | n ||22/6 22/0 15/84 || 16/9 |21/2 || 20/0 3.39 || 4.17 | 4.15 || 10 17 3 18 7,173,590 |34/8 ||23/2 || 11/2 |30/4 22/8 ||22/6 | 16/11}| a 19/7 || 23/10 || 3.12 || 4.17 | 3.27 || 11 19 9 19 || 7,258,706 || 31/04 ||23/6 18/3 |26/6 |23/4 - 18/0 24/103 || 15/o 17/3 || 28/8 || 3.98 || 3. 4 || 2 . 8 || 15 7 3 1720 | 7,874,322 |32/10% 19/10, 14/11|22/9 || – | 1.4/6 27/6 ºf 13/3 : 14/7 || 15/11 2.96 || 3.12 2.12 || 13 2 6 1 || 9,460,734 || 33/4" | 16/6 | 16/9*|23/9 || – || 0 || 24/04 || 9/9 || 10/7 || 13/3 2.15 || 2.32 | 1.28 || 13 14 7 2 8,823,992 |32/0, 16/5 || 13/11 |26/6 | – | 18/6 27/7 || 17/8 || 13/5, 16/9 || 2 .26 || 4 - 8 || 3 8 || 17 5 10 3 8,107,348 |30/93 18/ii — 30/4"| |18/0 |27/6 || 12/4, 9/9 |22/0 || 3 44 || 3 |25 || 2 | 8 || 15 11 0 4 7,872,822 || 32/10; | 19/6 28/4 25/6 24/6 — || 15/11||16/3 || 23/0 || 5 .54 || 3 .22 || 1 .30 || 22 12 6 5 || 7,369,815 || 43/1} || 23/10, 18/7 || 34/1 || 23/10 |23/6 || --— || 15/5 16/1 || 19/4 || 3 .68 || 5 . 3 . 20 16 8 6 8,466,146 |40/10; ; 24/3 | *, *|35/1 25/0 | 19/6 | – || 9/2 13/0 |26/6 || 4 -04 || 5.32 5.17 || 14 0 0 " | 8,138,088 |37/4, 24/0 14/5 |29/4 |24/2 |20/0 | -— || 10/6 || 10/9 || 20/4 || 3 53 || 7 |17| 7.17 || 9 17 3 8 9,228,545 |48/34, 20/1 12/7 28/4 23/0 || 24/6 . 13/5 15/9 || 17/9 || 3 .88 || 6 . 4 .17 || 17 8 11 9 8,814,970 42/2; 19/7: 14/3 || 29/4 |22/0 |35/0 24/83 || 19/0 |20/7 || 12/4 || 2 .69 || 5 |17| 4.26 || 12 4 4 1730 9,745,870 |32/53 16/11] 10/3 |28/4 22/10 |22/6 |23/5} | 11/4 || 17/1 || || || 2:15 || 3.26 3. 4 || 17 6 I 1 8,439,871 |29/4, 17/7′ 11/2 25/6 || 23/8 26/0 22/11 || 14/0 | 15/5 ºf 14/1 2.58 || 6 5 5. 10 4 6 2 | 8,726,465 || 23/84 || 16/8 to/3 |22/9 |23/4 27/0 | 19/2 || 16/9 || 18/5 || 13/3 2.10 || 4 - 8 || 2 . 8 || 10 13 3 3 || 10,175,895 ||25/2} | 16/6 || 10/8 |23/9 |22/10 || 30/0 |21/64 || 18/7 | 20/4 || 16/9 2.58 || 5 . 3 . 13 12 10 4 || 8,908,660 |33/5; 19/9] 15/10 |28/4 || 23/10 |20/6 |24/10} || | | 21/1 || 15/11 2.91 || 5.26 4.17 || 15 3 2 5 8,859,835 |38/2; 20/1 || 13/6 || 29/4 24/6 |22/0 |22/2} || 28/3 || 21/6 ºf 19/4 2.37 5.26 5.26 || 14 13 2 6 || 11,821,067 ||35/10} | 22/8 18/1 25/6 25/4 || 31/0 21/1 || 16/9 || 22/8 || 22/0 || 2 .48 || 5. 4 . 8 || 14 13 0 7 || 8,523,555 |33/6; 24/0] 15/10 | | ||25/10 |27/0|25/0 || 17/2 |17/8 || 15/1 2.75 || 5 20 4. 14 II. 8 8 || 9,971,007 || 31/63 |21/1 | 13/11 27/6 |27/0 |38/0 |28/53 || 16/9 || 17/11||13/3 || 3 |12 || 7 . 5.12 || 1818 9 9,005,256 || 33/2} | 19/6 14/8 28/4 |28/4 31/6 28/7] || 17/2. 17/0 || 19/11 || 4 -64 || 8 . 8 . 25 9 4 1740 || 9,906,038 |48/10; .33/1 || 33/6 || 55/10, 29/4 42/0 |28/53 || 20/4 || 19/10 || 18/7 || 5 .52 || 9 - || 8 26 || 48 18 0 1 || 9,261,679 || 41/9} |35/3 || 23/9 || 52/1 28/0 |24/0|26/11}| 19/0 |20/9 || 21/6 2.92 || 8 . 7 . || 15 10 0 2 || 8,861,226 28/5} |22/2 | 15/6 || 31/3 26/8 || 21/6 |30/5 || 21/2 |24/8 || 24/8 || 2 -31 ||10. 10 .16 || 10 3 6 3 || 9,440,859 |22/13 18/2 | 12/7 23/9 |25/10 |20/0 |23/74 || 20/9 |27/0 || 20/8 2.16 || 5 .16 5.17 || 10 17 1 4 || 11,125,115 22/03 |18/5 / 14/5 21/9 |26/8 19/6 | 19/10}|20/4 |27/2 || 19/10 2.51 || 3 |17| 2.17 | 12 2 1 5 || 10,938,172 || 24/3] [22/2 17/3 |24/6 27/0 28/0 | 19/7 || 19/1 - |20/03|| 15/11 || 3 44 || 4 -17 | 4.17 || 14 17 8 6 || 11,952,535 |34/8 ||25/1 || 16/9 29/4 || 30/4 30/0 |22/73 || 18/7' | 19/7 |20/8 || 2 80 || 7.26 || 7 . 13 16 9 7 | 12,454,510 || 30/11}| 24/2 || 1 || 31/3 28/0 30/6|35/0 || 23/0 |25/11 || 26/2 3 -28 || 9 - || 9 . 13 H 8 9 8 || 11,972,370 || 32/10; 21/1. 15/8 |35/11 25/6 28/6|38/7] || 17/3 26/4 || 25/6 || 3 -28 || 8 - || 8 . 14 17 3 9 || 12,214,346 || | | | ||22/8 21/10 || 34/1 | n | 26/0 |31/6] || 21/7 |23/5 || 23/10 3.74 || 4 - 8 || 2 .20 | 16 16 2 1750 | 13,704,324, 28/10* | 20/8 15/4 || 31/3 26/4 || || || 30/5 || 21/2 20/3 || 21/6 3.05 || 5 -30 || 3 .. 8 || 13 18 1 1 || 12,912,867 ||34/2}. 20/7 |22/4 |29/4 |25/10 |29/6 |35/0 || 23/0 |22/3 || 13/7 || 3.71 || 6 24 5. 8 || 21 5 9 2 || 13,969,256 |40/8; ºf 22/3 |19/6 |31/1] 27/10|30/0 |34/0} ||21/7 |22/5 || 17/7 2.99 || 8 17, 6.30 || 20 5 5 3 | 12,060,378] 39/8% 21/6 || || |31/3 |28/4 |21/0|27/23 || 19/11 | 16/6 || 20/8 2.35||11 9 - || 14 11 10 4 || 11,917,998 |30/95 . 19/i | 16/9 |28/4, 28/8 21/6 22/2} || 17/2 18/2 || 17/9 2.69 || 7 |18 || 8 . 14 1 4 5 || 13,025,035 |29/11 || 18/4 |18/7, 24/6: 30/0 |20/6 |19/5} || 21/2 |20/11 || 19/0 2.45 || 6 -17 | 6.12 || 11 6 2 6 || 13,096,528 40/24 23/1 |25/1 |33/1 || --- |22/6 |22/6 || 19/11 25/5 || 20/8 || 3 .62 || 9 - 4 || 9 - || 25 16 6 7 || 13,105,521 |53/4 - || 31/0 || ––.42/8 ||—||26/0 |27/6 || || Wººl/2 || 24/0 || 3.66 |11 - 10 28 || 16 13 10 8 || 12,946,267 |44/54. 29/0 – 37/11 — |28/6|31/114|| 1847, 17/11 || 28/4 || 3:35 || 7 -17 | 7.8 || 14 17 9 9 13,481,658 || 35/3, .. 23/7 ||22/4 || || || – || 30/6 || 37/23 || 23/10 |21/0 || 21/10| 2.76 || 8 - || 5 .17 | 13 9 2 1760 i. 12,441,048 || 32/5} | 19/0' . . . .33/1 || 33/8 || 35/0 34/5} || 20/4 ºf 23/10 || 10/5 || 3.35 || 8 |18 || 6 .12 15 18 9 1, 12,465,969 |26/10; 19/4"| 21/5 31/3 || – || 36/6 29/104 || 22/1 ºf 19/10 || 12/3 3.56 || 11 . 8 . ; 21 7 11 2 10,713,725 34/8 || 21/10] 24/2 || 7 || – || 37/6 26/11}| 21/2 |17/8 || 16/3 3.62 || 8.17 | 7.17 | 16 16 11 3| 12,641,667 36/13.1 m, 122/4 a —-- I 35/6] 30/3} || 22/11420/9, 24/0 3.15 | 7 | 4 .13 14 13 3 $39 The ACCOUNT of the preceding Page, continued from 1763 to 1827.-The Quotation of Antwerp is in Florins and Centimes Mudden; 11 Florins, 34 Centimes, equal to £1 Sterling, and 2.850 Mudden equal to 1 Winchester Quarter; at Boulonge up to 1802, the Quotations are in iores, Sous, and deniers, for the Septier, equal to 1.69 Hectolitre, and since 1801, in Francs and Centimes d? Hectolitre : 3 Hectolitres equal to 1 Quarter Im- perial Measure ; in Corunna the Quotations are in Reales Vellon and Maravedis d? Ferrado, all the other Quotations are reduced to Sterling tº Quarter, Value of the Eton prices ROMA W STATICŞ'. #!e aga g CORUNNA. Coinage of reduced to | Dantzig | * Kon- 87 of 83. * A pſey Rye, in 68 Of 27. | Boulogne-sur- MEX ICO, wº. Folio || igsberg, Dordt, Bordeaua, - s——— - Fiscay, ...Antwerp, !. Mer. Years źn Dollars. | Quarter. 64 of 83. 12 of 27. 37 of 27. 79 of 83. Anconta senigallia Pe 73 of 27. 10 Of 83. 67 of 83.ſ. PWheat Maize ſ: Of "a ~~~~. --→ * - se', *- *=s=ºsº | * *-* *-*. — — — — . T} ~~~~}}--!.—S.——d. 1764 10,349,928 || 41/64. 22/3 — 38/11 || 31/6} || 21/2 35/4 24/9 || 37/6 23/9 3.15 || 9 7 : 6 18 () () 5 12,397,924 || 48/0 25/1 26/6 |44/6 || 33/9 || 28/3 21/6 25/6 || 35/6 24/0 | 3.91 || 10 18 II | 19 19 9 6 || 1 1,748,298 || 43/1}| 26/6 23/3 40/8 38/2} || 44/2 25/11 || 34/1 || 37/0 || 33/7 3.75 || 9 7 6 || 23 12 6 7 11,054,498 || 57/4 27/11 m 45/6 37/23 || 31/9 || 37/6 33/11 || 32/0 29/0 2.99 || 6 28 || 5 18 33 9 3 8 || 13,259,851 53/9}| 32/3 27/11 |48/3 || 36/93 || 24/8 || 32/7 30/7 32/6 | 1970 3.26 || 8 || 6 || 8 || 2 || 26 4 10 9 12,483,197 | 40/8 29/10 18/7 || 39/9 40/3} || 12/11 || 25/6 || 25, 7 m 20/8 || 3 .42 || 14 20 || 14 28 || 20 18 11 1770 14,587,310 || 43/6;|23/4 24/2 37/11 44/2 || 2 1/2 22/11 21/0 || 38/0 | 19/0 4.10 || 12 17 | 12 4 || 24 13 5 1 13,353,432 50/8 31/6 31/8 || 48/3 |44/0} || 22/1 I | 20/6 | 20/0 || 41/6 22/2 || 4 .52 || 11 12 || 9 || 32 6 3 2 18,889,785 58/8 33/8 32/7 53/1 45/10 || 28/3 22/11 26/5 || 39/0 31/10 3.83 || 14 12 24 || 26 2 10 3 20,237,325 59/1}| 35/8 26/1 m 44/33 || 29/1 29/1 29/9 || 37/6 || 32/6 3.01 || 12 20 | 8 || 21 13 8 4 13,666,954 55/1 32/1 27/5 50/3 40/0 || 30/11 27/0 a 38/6 23/10 4.05 || 10 18 || 9 32 || 24 19 3 5 15,032, 193 || 51/4 || 33/11 26/11 || 39/9 || 38/4 || 22/1 30/11 28/6 || 31/0 | 18/7 3.55 || 10 14 || 9 || 0 || 21 3 6 6 17,315,537 42/8 27/6 | 18/1 || 37/11 || 34/83 || 22/11 22/7 19/10 || 0 || 23/10 3.02 || 10 32 || 8 26 || 20 18 11 7| 21,524,805 || 48/11] 22/4 20/6 a 39/10}||22/1 21/11 || 2 1/2 || 35/0 22/6 2.72 || 1 || 8 || 8 || 7 || 19 8 2 8|20,729,758 44/0 23/9 17/10 || 36/11 || 38/10;|22/11 |24/8 |23/7 || 36/6 21/2 || 3.01 || 11 26 || 9 || 4 || 16 6 11 9 | 19,435,457 36/2}| 21/10 || 14/11 34/1 31/93 || 26, 6 28/3 26/10 || 37/0 17/2 3.01 || 10 16 9 | 17 10 0 1780 17,514,263 43/1}| ig/4 17/3 ||38/11 || 31/6} || 22/1 26/6 22/2 || 27/6 16, 9 4.84 || 10 6 || 6 12 || 21 6 8 1 20,335,842 52/54 24/9 18/7 37/11 || 37/6 || 26,6 24/3 || 32/6 20/6 || 3.75 || 0 8 || 7 || 20 6 8 2 17,580,490 53/9}| 26/3 19/1 32/1 44/83 || 29/1 º, 32/9 || 33/0 | 18/8 3.78 || 1 , || 7 29 |22 3 4 3 23,716,657 54/2}| 27/5 20/11 || 38/11 42/9} || 28/3 31/9 |23/5 // 4.07 || 10 3 || 8 || 26 9 4 4 21,037,374 53/9}| 28/10 |25/1 47/6 37/23 || 34/5 24/10 || 30/4 || 40/0 19/10 4.20 || 12 8 11 29 || 21 10 0 5 18,575,208 || 48/0 30/2 24/8 44/6 41/6} || 26/6 || 32/5 26/6 m 21/10 3.82 || 11 32 || 11 25 20 0 0 6 17,257,104 || 42/2}| 29/2 25/7 40/8 43/03 || 22/1 26/10 22/3 n 25/2 4.25 || 1227 | 9 15 || 23 o o 7 | 16,110,340 45/9}| | | 24/8 || 39/9 || 41/6} || 28/3 24/8 |25/8 || — 22/4 3.93 || 12 8 26 || 27 o o 8 20,146,366 49/4 29/1 a 41/8 44/83 || 31/9 28/11 || 35/0 23/0, 4.31 || 10 10 || 36 4 94 9| 21,129,911 56/1;|43/8 |35/10 | 66/5 52/9} || 33/7 ||37/1 39/3 || 62/0 |26/10. 4.52 || 13 8 || 1 || 8 || 20 10 o 1790 18,063,688 56/2}|40/4 26/6 53/1 51/43 || 31/9 || 36/3 27/10 ||61/0 30,8 3.39 || 14 12 15 ||25 19 5 I 21,121,713 49/4, it "º 23/3 |40/8 |47/9} || 29/1 28/3 |26/9 |40/0 26/11] 3.34 || 13 17 | 10 17 || 30 8 7 2 24, 195,041 47/1}| 29/0 26/6 39/9 60/5 || 32/7 28/11 || 30/4 || 40/0 21/3 || 4 .20 || 1 || 8 || 8 4 || 40 5 7 3|24,312,942 49/6;|32/0 26/1 |42/8 85/5 || 30/11 || 33/2 |34/9 || 53/0 25/6 5.54 || 17 9 || 15 16 || –— 4 22,011,031 54/0 || 36/0 35/10 || 48/3 55/0 || 35/4 || 35/4 37/6 || 62 6 26/0 4.58 || 16 g 13 —— 5 24,593,481 81/6 57/9 |47/5 90/10 52/2 || 39/9 |34/5 |42/9 || 62/c 27/4 9.47 || 14 = | 8 44 12 5 6 25,644,627 80/3 54/3 26/6 70/3 45/10 || 44/2 | 35/4 43/5 || 47/0 | | | 4 47 | 16 = | 13 || 26 6 8 7 25,080,038 62/0 || 33/1 | 19/1 |46/6 |46/6 || 39/9 |34/5 36/8 || 51/0 |25/2 3.39 || 20 # 19 17 | 20 5 o 8 24,004,589 54/0 || 32/10 |27/11 |42/8 53/6 33/7 |40/3 || 64/6 20/4 4.09 || 15 # | 16 16 || 26 19 to 9 22,058,125 | 75/8 || 46/10 | 40/11 |60/8 60/0 |39/11 |44/6 || 51/9 28/10 4.79 || 18 * | 13 || 32 16 9 1800 18,685,674 |127/0 | 73/9 || 55/4 85/5 61/2 § 3 || 39/9 |63/8 |40/0 31/6 4.79 || 22 g | 15 37 6 5 I | 16,568,442 |128/6 78/11 || 51/2 90/10 | 61/4 §§ 57/5 85/5 || 50/0 |47/8 5.61 || 30 ; 28 || 45 5 2 18,798,599 || 67/3 53/5 41/5 81/7 || 51/4 § 76/1 | 72/6 77/0 35/7 8.02 || 23 # | 16 || 15.20 3 º º/9 |40/3 ||38/2 |99/8 52/4} || 5 § 44/2 |34/5 83/8 3/10 4.84 || 16 g | 12 16.22 4 27,090,001 || 69/6 53/3 35/4 |64/5 44/11 || S 31/9 34/1 || 78/o 34/3 || 4.90 || 26 26 12 || 25.15 5 27, 165,888 88/0 69/10 49/4 77/4 || 48/1; *.s. 43/3 40/3 || 60/6 || 31/10 5.87 || 20 30 | 12 || 21.97 6 24,736,020 58/6 |46/6 62/8 54/3 44/2 38/9 || 44/6 39/1 5 .22 || 15 17 | 10 17 16 .67 * 22,014,699 78/0 75/10 || 56/10 54/10 33/2 30/2 |45/6 |47/2 4.63 | 18 16 || 1917 | 16.76 3 21,886,500 85/3 — 61/10 || 45/6 43/43 || 29/0 29/5 33/9 || 55/0 44/0 || 4.90 || 17 12 || 19 16 || 17.55 9 26,172,982 106/0 42/10 || 38/7 || 48/3 34/73 || 29/5 | 34/0 24/5 || 53/0 44/2 4.63 || 15 17 | 14 16 .15 1810 | 19,046, 188 || 12/0 53/4 25/7 61/8 |45/04 || 39/1 || 44/11 || 33/11 || 56/0 31/10 4.45 || 28 24 19 .38 11 10,041,796 |108/0 36/3 23/9 |63/6 63/7 || 54/4 56/8 |34/0 || 80/0 16/4 5.19 || 28 2 g| 24 23.23 12 4,409,266 118/0 — 33/6 |48/4 81/10, 54/5 59/5 52/5 || 98/6 24/3 7.77|| 28 ##| 24 || 34. 8 13 6,133,983 |120/0 | –- 30/3 | 68/3 49/11"| 88/6 || 41/3 |40/11 || 71/6 37/3 5.39 || 23 #| 15 16 || 20.44 14|| 7,520,330 85/0 47/5 29/4 |51/3 |44/9} |42/9 |43/1 |62/10 || 60/0 34/11. 5.64 || 22 ##| 22 14.41 15 6,941,263 76/0 46/1 34/5 52/I 49/4} || 57/7 59/5 61/11 || 59/6 24/2 | 6.09 || 20 #3 21 16 .17 16 9,276,009 || 82/0 57/4 || 39/6 | 68/7 64/34 || 72/0 76/10|73/3 || 64/6 |25/5 9.15 || 19 ºf 18 28 .32 17 | 8,849,893 |116/0 || 75/8 57/8 |101/8 80/73 || 63/7 | 68/3 54/1 || 55/6 29/4 11.27 || 22 Tā 22 32 .43 18 11,386,288 98/0 | 64/7 51/1 |79/7 67/6% || 39/6 || 41/4 37/6 || 46/0 33/11| 8.65 || 18. 19 23 .18 19 12,030,515 78/0 43/9 || 33/11 55/1 || 48/9} || 29/4 28/10 |29/3 || 35/6 28/5 6.78 || 13 11 | 12 22 || 17.41 1820 | 10,406,154 76/0 33/3 27/0 |41/8 44/54 || 30/6 || 31/9 27/10 || 38/6 19/8 4.76 || 9 24 || 7 9 || 17. 5 I 5,903,526 71/0 31/7 22/9 45/6 || 48/10}|| 35/11 || 36/10 |23/1 || 36/3 | 16/8 3.66 || 9 21 || 7 9 || 18. 3 2 5,543,254 53/0 29/1 m 43/6 || 38/1; 29/6 28/10 26/8 || 34/6 18/8 3.59 || 11 16 || 7 28 || 20.74 3| 8,567,821 57/0 |26/8 22/4 || 37/11 || 41/13 || 26/6 27/0 24/4 || 39/6 16/2 4.79 || 13 17 | 8 17 | 16. 7 4 3,508,880 | 72/0 22/9 17/8 28/4 38/84 || 22/11 19|11 | 18|7 || 30/8 15||11' 3. 1 I {{} 14.93. à 6,036,873 | 84/0 || 23 3 | 16/9 || 30/2 34/63 || 20/9 |19|8 || 1615 || 41/0 17|3 3.35 || 10 30 || 8 20 || 17.21 t; 78/0 || 23 1 || –-- || – || 35/11." — tºmºsºsºs 40/6 -—— – 11 7 15 .98 2 B 10.) - * * * *-- * ACCOUNT of the Annual Average price of WHEAT, &c. in various Markets of EUROPE.--Continued. i. . . . is | 2 | ... .º.º. *...* || “..." | 3, §§ | #, §§ §§ $ § § { - §§ §§ §3 68 of 27, Session 1826. Session 1826. Session, 1826. §§ § # tº: 2S → § 5 S ‘t- S ... § 3 ; Ś's § 3 || Płſh; -- §§§§ * Years §§ Šs §§ § à Š cro §§ * g Millef #. Oats | Barley || Barley - Oats §§ § certº rar. *** * * * - —- -j- -— — —||--——— §§§ 41/6, 1764 1764 31/8 23/3 24/2 25/7 6 *"ram-ºs-sº-sº } §§§ 48/0 5 5 || 33/10 24/7 28/9 28/5 | 9 | — Şā. 43/1] {} 6 || 32/9 25/3 27/8] | 33/10; | 6 || – šššš| 57/4 7 7 || 32/6 || 23/3 28/6 º || : º 9 *šš 53/9] 8 8 33/0 27/10 |29/54 º -º-º-º-º- * 40/8 9 9 #. 22/0 27/84 39/4 || 36/9 | 19 16 18 || 107 ||34 41/4 * 1770 1770 27/6 25/3 28/6 || 48/2} | 35/5 | | | Elišiolº"|200|n /8 ||47/2 50/8. ! I 34/10 || 30/5 28/9 |47/2} |40/10|35/0 % is in º” ..., |..}}|}}}|... . . . 2 2 |40/0 35/8 28/6 |42/9} |47/7 || 31/8 '...}}|{{1,1}}} {}, i. iº |5% 53/14 || 3 3 |40/G | 31/0 |27/83 || 42/2} | 51/11|35/0 :*::"|}}, {}}|||}}}|...}} | ...; 4. 4 32/7 | | | | 29/1} | 37/3} |47/5 28/4 25/2 || 8 || 18 tº lºº ; 6/8 || 48/4 || 51/4 5 * |32/11|23/3 |3/14 |40/10}|45/8 |26/8 |24/4 || 8 26 || 17 2 || 12/10 g/1 #. | || 38/2 42/8 6 * | */4 tº 24/2 º |35/7 |23/4 199 || 7 6 14 4|11/; Igº !. , 45/6 48/10; 7 ; : ; ; ; , ; sº, ""; all; . . . ; }}|ſolº |*| * | */? |º |37/4 |37/7, 33.3 || || ||º || 3 13 || 4 || 3: ||.3/ º #. 6/8 || 33/8 || 36/2: {} }|*|| | | | | | | | | | | | | *|| || ||##, " " 35/8 || 43/1} | 1780 1780 f/ 22/7 26/I 1 32/33 34/7 23/4 21/3 6 13 10 10/11 16/10 / 44/8 52/5% | I 26/0 19/5 29/11 34/8 || 37/3 25/0 22/11 || 6 || 20 17 || 10/5 17/0 184 1ſº 47/10 53/9% 2 2 26/7 |23/3 |26/8 |38/9} | 37/5 |28/4 || || 8 18 3. º #. | | || 52/3 54/2} 3. ; : , ;"|...}} |...}}|...}} |..., |z2|, || || 7 || || |}}} § 10/0 || 48/10 53/9} 4 4 |*|| |3.1/9 |31/8 39/2} |42/3, 30/0 |25/2 || 8 |19 16/8 21/1 ; 8 11/8 || 51/10, 48/0 5 5 32/7 |23/3 27/103 || 37/6} | 38/11 || 33/4 27/4 || 725 | 17 8 || 14/8 19/9 || 16/ | | ||38/10| 42/2} 6 6 u 31/0 30/1 36/04 || 36/9 26/8 29/6 "..., || 2 ||, ..., |...}}| 1% 13/4 || 41/2 45/9} 7 7 31/5 28/5 30/8; 36/34 38/3 30/0 24/2 926 21 8 º/? :/. 15/ lºo 45/0 || 49/4 8 8 29/3 25/10 30/104 |40/3 |42/8 || | | 26/11 || 9 || 19 17 #;"|## 168||5|| || 36|iº 9 |; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; * || 17 |}}} |}}}||" 13)4 || 58/2 || 56/2} | 1790 790 40/6 29/9 35/04 |49/3} | 57/8 |35/0 |26/3 || – | 19 17 || 15/4 º # , || ||s|º 49% i. i 29/0 28/5 28/9 |42/5; 42/8 30/0 27/4 || 9 |18 || 15/2 #! 18/4 13/4 || 41/9 47/1% 2 2 30/8 |29/1 30/9} | 56/7; 43/2 |35/0 26/5 || 8 || 14 16 || 14/8 #. 20/o 16/8 ||47/10 49/6; 3 * | */10|2% 39/4} | 89/54 |43/19]..., |27/1 || 12 10 | 12 2 || 49/11 |3 % } || 50/8 |4/060 4 4 || 32/6 || 31/0 41/2 – 37/5 36/8 31/4 || 10 || 23 || 21/3 ; 184 , 72/11 86/5 5 #|% lºoº, Ilºiolºl. 1: ..., |fºo}} |}}. 11/8 || 76/3 | 10/0 6 g|45/0 |38/10|61/9 || – |74/10|500 |28/9 || 11 28 , || 2/10 ; 7 |#. m || 52/2 38/1 7 |..}} |..}} || || || || || || || || |: ' || ||} |iº |13/4 || 50% 54/0 8 ; : * || |}}}|...}}|...}}|...}} |! : , ; ; }}|...}}|ºn º 9 |42/9 |42/8 |38/2} |42/5} 55/8 53/4 39/5 || 12 21 17 || 22/3 ; § || 3 ||350 |110/5 | 127/0 | 1800 1800 65/6 | 72/5 35/3 50/5} | 68/3 | 68/4 || 39/1 || 12 21 # . 30/0 | 16/8 ||115/11||128/6 } 1 || 70/8 46/7 43/64 56/4; 78/9 || 70/0 42/4 || 18 32 #!" ; | | 15/0 || 67/9 || 67/3 2 2 52/0 || 7 |47/9} | 62/4} | 82/3 58/4|47/2 || 15 20 º #. 20/0 |20/0 || 57/1 | 60/0 3. 3 33/2 |41/4 52/3, 63/1} |54/7 |46/8 56/10 || 17 H 9 #! 7 ; 0 2% liº 60/5 | 69/6 4 4 |34/2 31/9 |37/73 |49/2} |35/8, 6.5/9 56/6 || 1: ..., |29 & 4. % 28/4 20/0 || 87/1 | 88/0 | * . . . . . . ..., || ||..}}|...}} || || ||..}} |...}. 31/8 || | || 76/9 || || 6 81/9 |31/9 |48/º |49/g} |54/7 |51/8 77/6 || 9 |7 |24 ; ; 3 sº 16/8 || 73/1 || 78/0 7 7 59/0 37/6 |37/2} |48/10 52/9 |48/4|49/8 || 9 17 | 24 #. . 25/0 | 13/4 || 78/11 85/3 8 3 33/6 |38/10 39/2} |42/3} |47/9 |38/4 |45/6 || 9 |19 % ; : 26/8 18/4 || 94/5 106/0 9 9 || 41/6 || 36/2 38/7% 38/0% 44/4 |43/4 27/9 || 9 || 20 15/6 #, 18/4 13/4'103/3 112/0 | 1819 1810 || 33/10 || 31/0 |46/11 || 49/7} | 55/1 |45/0 26/0 || 18 23 }} | % 16%|ioſo || 92/5 108/0 1 i 11 || 34/2 27/2 || 48/10* | 67/14 56/6 50/0 38/8 15 25 12/6 lº, 35/0 13/4 |122/8 118/0 12 12 52/6 37/6 |74/5 87/11}|31/9 |66/3 ||38/0 || 15 22 |...}. 33/1 || 200 11/8 106/6 | 120/0 | * 13 58/0 || 41/4 52/3 || 57/10 | 69/9 |46/8 36/8 13 27 || 20/5. #. is/4 13/4 72/1 | 85/0 14 14|49/0 |42/8 44/11}|45/83 49/1 |43/4 || 39/4 || 1228 27 18 || 19/11 #; ičg | 8/4 63/8 || 76/ | . 15 |48/0 |37/6 |45/1} |40/4 |43/2 || || || 38/3 | 7 24 || 19/7 ; ; 26/3 13/4 76/2 82/0 16 16 56/6 || 51/9 |80/9 |62/6; 65/5 |58/4|65/10 || 14 20 */ I #7 30% 15/0 94/0 162/0 17 } |..}}|..., |}}} |...}; "|}}}|..}} || || || |} |...}}|...}}}.}}|º i. ;|}; ; };}} |..}} |}}}|...}}|...}. || || ||...}} |. Tº ºft|73/3 78/0 | ... 19 |41/0 | 37/6 |45/11 47/2} |48/7 28/4 34/0 9 1817 % ; 10%| 6/8 || 65/10 76/0 1820 1820 |35/6 31/0 39/2} |49/1} |43/10 |23/4|31/8 || 6 32 6 32 || 17/2 % lf A || 54/5 71/0 || || 1 || 33/8 |. |, ..., | */º 4/3, ..., |39/8, 7.34 || 7 ||34 ||14/ 11/8 || 1 || 43/3 58/0 | * 2 |27/6 | 16/10| 33/10* || 3973 ||34/31 21/3|26/10 || 6 11 13 16 || 10/3 | º | 6/8 5/0 || 51/9 57/0 3 3 22/0 32/10}| 44/10 || 32/5 16/8 26/6 || 6 17 | 18 |º]}} 13/4 6/8 || 62/0 | 72/0 4 4 || 24/0 14/3 26/11 ; - ; 200 20/4 # is Hao º lºo #: 10/0 66%, 8% . - 20/ it 25/9 40 3# 23/0. av. — "f 3 × { & | = ~/ → - - || - - 3/0 : ; : | wº | — ; —- 26/8 – || 6 || | 1.4 | * | iš/4|20ſo 56/11 | 73/ AN ACCOUNT of the Number of SHIPs, their Burthen, and quantity of GRAIN, &c. &c., cleared from various Ports in EUROPE, in each of the thirteen Years 1814–26.--see Index, for references to Monies, Weights, and Measures. Clearances from PHL.L.A U. Clearances from MEMEL. dº g Number of SHIPs. Burthen in ſlasts. Number of SHIPs. Laden with EXPORTED TOTAL Grain & Seed Wood, &c. jrom RIGA. S $.3 S } S.S $ S.Š | S Burtºn s & | S & Jº sº. Wide Fos. 62–3, 3 || 3 | is # .# $3. # | 3 || $$ sº ??? s:# $3 $3 $3 || Paper No. 159. # | 3 || s= | is § is § # §§ S | Lasts, i sã #5 i sã #5 ||—- Yearsi & & SS §§ § S5 Q S. s § S- 2. ‘s S.S P. s. Q.: Wheat | Rye 1814 57 244 430 5,082 27,885 20,348 ** --- — 525 57,790 101 || 5,050 424 52,740 307 || 13,897 | 5 42 183 290 2,547 15,752 | 12,185 || 132 205 || 103 || 440 : 48,000 29 1,490 : 411 || 46,510 967 8,154 16 43 | 201 || 424 3,204 || 17,859 18,468 || 132 134 182 448 45,393 : 100 5,500 348 39,893 || 2,854 16,274 17 147 286 652 10,797 || 23,301 32,508 || 300 iO1 215 616 73,707 141 ii,303 || 475 62,404 || 8,529 |66,490 18 #33 235 475 11,097 22,412 21,426 || 413 | 1.41 252 806 : 94,476 141 8,491 665 85,985 || 5,119 18,874 19 78 || 128 578 7,011 || 10,768 22,809 || 268 || 153 254 675 72,825 # 129 5,989 : 546 | 66,836 || 1,953 10,411 1820 98 || 172 414 8,098 || 15,451 | 18,666 || 267 152 229 648 68,796 125 | 8,607 523 60,189 || 2,260 8,083 i 69 90 283 5,244 7,655 11,708 || 325 97 110 || 532 63,889 23 997 509 || 62,892 221 | 1,233 2 48 #07 194 4,120 || 9,286 || 8,387 || 421 146 | 121 | 688 84,911 2 82 686 | 84,829 630 | 1,936 3 28 127 | 177 2,646 | 12,534 8,222 || 332 185 || 133 650 79,649 6 305 644 79,344 188 | 1,098 4 30 | 126 123 2,905 || 14,867 5,978 || 420 327 | 129 876 104,795 10 545 # 866 104,250 234 137 à 67 | 100 | 148 5,692 || 9,778 7,062 || 508 |*181 tº-sº tº- | 510 492 6 - # To 1st, of September 1825. *— (Wide Folios 62 - 3, Paper No. 159, Session 1826.) iTo end of July M825. Lasts of G RAIN, IMPORTE D into DANTZA G A W A GOOUNT of the Quantities of G RAIN, Aº cºat from THORN, according to the Account of Shipped down the Vistula through the CITY of THORN stock of G RAIN Tho R N, for fºrzig MR. PRESIDENT Rot HE, from RUSSIA and POLAND, to DANT ZI G and ELBI NG, 77? Masts, at or ELB ING, dated Dantzig, 22nd. of August 1825. according to the account of Herrn. Mellin, Burgomaster of Thorn. | ELB ING, acº,” Wide Folios 81 and 82, of 159, Session 1826. || dated Thorn, 23rd. of August 1825. Wide Folio 100, Par. Paper No. 159, Session 1826. Q? * each Years .E. Wheat Rye Wheat Rye Wheat Rye P}/hegſ Rye, &c. : Russia Attstria Poland Russia • Polazed }}'heat Rye 1815 670 227 || 3,165 2,810 : 36,793 || 32,666 ~ | –— -— | – | — — ; –—- — || 900 || || 70 16 12,114 || 3,267 || 14,858 || 1,325 172,724 15,403 || 124,442 4,561 62,221 2,048 60,173 36% 4, 182 808 737 17 14,244 | 1,018 || 22,220 14,910 258,307 || 173,329 || 195,383 | 128,031 81,733|2,108 || 111,542 #53,337 |69,839 || 773 983 18 24,435 5,234 || 31,802 5,117 369,698 || 59,485 || 248,040 78,162 100,750 3,895 || 143,395 24,300 |53,737 839 534 19 24,177 4,621 || 29,110 |4,379 388,404 |50,906 || 282,332 | 157,283 139,325 | 1,841 141,166 70,906 |83,805 || 3,823 | 721 1820 19,020 3,353 || 27,721 5,657 322,256 65,762 || 252,329 85,844 122,860 3,305 | 126,164 42,746 |42,044 || 6,007 | 1,319 1 3,835 | 1,513 || 8,908 || 4,074 103,555 |47,360 || 64,669 38,440 31,277 | 1,057 32,335 18,709 | 19,220 || 5,516 2,112 2 : 2,788 182 || 3,507 | 1,122 40,775 | 13,043 || 30,987 | 6,536 14,013 || 646 16,328 8 6,528 || 5,994 | 1,476 3 : 3,953 18] 6,475 | 1,482 75,275 17,228 || 57,603 || 6,173 #20,684 1,976 34,943 22 5,503 || 5,583 246 | 4 || 8,786 433 || 11,580 || 4,280 134,617 49,755 || 127,383 || 5,567; 25,137 8,278 93,968 1,454 4,091 || 7,000 | 1,400 | 5 || 10,321 | *651 à- —- || 189,807 10,456 13,352 240 176,215 1,917 | 8,538 || 7,000 | 1,800 *To 9th. of August 1825. The several accounts relating to the Import of GRAIN, into D ANTzig, are very irreconcileable, they are probably made up to different periods of the Year, but the difference very far exceeds any disparity which could arise from that cause. Quarters of the several kinds of G1.AIN, EXPORTED from the Quarters EXPORTED from Dominions of D ENMARK, RIEL. Vide Folios 122-3, Parliamentary Paper, No. 258, Session 1828. Wide Fo. 159, Par. Pa. No. 258. Years Wheat | Rye Barley | Oats | what | Rye Barley oats || Years What Rye | Barley oats a 1820 |21,529 || 44,620 | 132,910 || 71,412 || 2 ſ 53,134 || 14,608 | 68,471 | 40,293 1815 | #| 1 |31,570 192,235 |239,465 62,749 || 2 | 38,451 27,489 56,193 42,688 16 • * | * * ... . . # 2 30,633 154,423 140,442 30,629 || 3 || 27,075 40,918 57,306 || 35,327 | 17 | 11,237 | * 27,744 27,244 †: 3 ||34,500 141,033 | 161,075 30,717 | #3 46,404 28,605 43,498 27,218 18 25,405 | *|46,271 17,787 #| 4 |27,178 173,245 |225,151 |80,082 || 3 || 37,111 || 27,468 78,947 47,142 19 || 3,794 |, .45|26,389 || 4,187 #s 5|41,715 176,572 279,272 |30,014 || s= | 47,817 | 21,760 | 68,336|| 97,143 1829 |37.11%||,752 18,174 18,203 i. 6 43,510 || 101,131 196,332 65,047 U 65,993 | 12,376 || 103,677 || 51,002 I 17,708 || 4,259 16,327 2,572 # | º 2 || 9,038 3,008 || 12,058 450 s (1820 |28,562 4,319 14,397 || 51,512 || 5 ſto3,215 || 63,547 215,778 163,227 3 10,461 3,875 7,095 725 : 1 |29,495 21,948 16,000 |44,170 || #2 99,516 |241,663 || 311,660 149,602 4 3,780 | 1.625 | 19,015|16,310 #: 2 17,240 || 44,216 || 17,035 |45,926 || #3 || 74,948 |239,557 214,783 |114,892 5 | 11,657 | 1,507 || 55,824 || 5,336 # 3 30,581 31,152 | 19,453 |33,882 |##$111,486 |200,799 |224,920 9,817 6 ||25 oil | 1.433 30 gº, 23. #| 4 ||25,282 35,420 24,905 91,190 || 3 | 89,571 : ; ; ; ; ; ; 20,000 || ||10,000 |25'000 $” 5|24,184 30,263 39,859 30,014 || 3 |113,716 |228,595 387,466 157,171 8. 6 || 26,117 | 17 188 | 19,411 || 86,102 || 3 |135,620 | 39,677 319,420 202,157 -- - -- & . . tº - a . , , , , , , , - ' ' ' J - 2 - *- #02 r : * *- : * ‘. . ſ w S.' ' w - : ... " | * * * 4 w º AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of GRAIN, HM Ported into, and ExpoRTED from, various Ports in EUROPE. WINDA U, is a Port of the Baltic, in the Province of Courland, in 57 20 North Latitude, or, about 100 miles North of Memel; Rostock and Wismar, are also Ports of the Baltic, lying between Lubeck and Stralsund, in Latitude about 53:50 North, they belong to the Duchy of Mecklenburg Schwerin, which contains an aggregate Population of about 400,000; The Town of THORN, seated on the banks of the River Vistula, is in Latitude 53.1 North, and Dantzig seated near the entrance of the River into the Baltic, is in Latitude 54.21 North, leaving about 90 miles of intermediate Country, to add to the supply of Grain into Dantzig, in addition to what passes through THORN, The Port of Elbing, is about 40 miles East of Dantzig, and seated ºn, an inlet of the Frische Haff, into which a branch of the Vistula falls, but from the locality of Elbing the probability is, that the greater portion of the Grain which passes through Thorn proceeds to Dantzig, and that that shipped from Elbing is principally the produce of the Province o Marienverder. --- 19,742 111,405 ~ Quarters of GRAIN 2 into, and from, the r ( - .. *iºnal N, - Average Price NETHERLANDS. Annual consumption vide Folio is, Par. Paper, No sº, session 1826. 4P Quarter at |Wide Folio 34, of Par. Pa. No.27, Session 1826. of GRAIN in BREMEN. ~ º 3. LUBECK. | : } ———— —| wide Folio 85, Par. Pa, No. 258, Quarters is a # Annual average Price in September. r IMpoRTED. * ExpoRTED. . . . y Session 1828. ExpoRTED. ### d? Winchester Quarter of 165 of 159. Years Wheat all other. i. when J all other Wheat Rye Barley, Rye Barley |###| | Wheat Rye | Barley Oats Wheat Rye 1814|131,528 152,863 || 143,233 213,226 || 12,761 |19,273|10,281 || 6,043 | 1,903 |433| 50/10|30/8 |21/8 12/4 || -— | 15 263, 109 || 336,760 135,197 446,616 | 10,796 17,942 11,289 || 4,589 1,535 501 44/9 28/0 19/4 11/5 48/7 |33/5 16 154,190 422,610 |303,133, 381,367 || 10,250 | 18.365 |11,491 || 4,962 | 3,492 |577 |41/0 |26/10 | 19/9 10/2 |46/4 |36/11 17 253,348 2,047,035 |675,689 531,292 || 8,578 |21,954|| 9,949 || 7,450 | 5,880 |554 59/6 37/8 28/3 18/8 || 71/5 |40/8 18 196,246 || 422,696 297,444 557,031 7,863 21,712 || 9,132 273 || 9,887 527 56/2 | 35/2 29/0 17/6 59/8 41/9 19 233,956 317,794 | 104,621 | 150,444 || 10,775 |20,664, 8,969 || 8,777 4,672 565 |40/1 26/0 22/8 13/7 ||36/11 |25/6 1820 317,545 || 394,159 || 93,439 100,311 || | 1,803 |20, 190 9,465 || 10,172 3,722 |624; 26/7 17/11 13/7 9/2 || 37/11|23/4 1 ſ 216,449 |404,260 41,890 106,407 11,723 |20,260 1 1,289 || 5,414 1,354 |650 |23/0 15/2 | 12/4 7/8 || 30/4 16/8 2 : t23,622 250,295 13,407 || 98,636 || 11,047 21,004 || 13,054 || 3,554 3,474 646 23/7 14/10 | 12/6 7/10 23/11 15/3 3 164,471 | 402,441 26,691 61,348 || 11,169 20,946 12,676 || 3,087 6,232 659 23/3 16/7 || 13/5 8/4 || 21/8 16/11 4, 111,817 |251,349 53,730 || 161,242 || 10, iT7 |20,835 | 13,003 || 2,016 || 4,318|655 19/5 11/2 9/5 7/9 || 18/10|12/9 5 72,498 |271,369 62,443 || 72,772 || 11,340 |20,402|13,054|| 82 7,654 ||611 || 19/11 ionowº 7/4 || 18/6 |11/2 6 — Tººl T | 11,753|20,380 is 213| – T | T |T|T| – || || | | || – || – - -- Quarters %.&Kºrted into [[ . . Exported from Quarters of Wheat, Rye, Barley, and Oats, EXPORTED Vide. Folio 152-3, Par, Pa. No. 153, Session 1826, HAMBURGH, from the Ports of ROSTOCK and WISMAR. " – ! { -— – -— ; , , , – . !- º, , , by Sea. I vide Folio 118, Parliamentary Paper No. 258, Session 1828. W HEAT’’ ‘’’ all other GRAIN." || “... wide Fol. 154. − === —-----— - —-—-1–––––– Rostock. WISMA R. t ... Sea- 3. From the Seá- From the ºf all other ‘. . . . s — -- - --> Years borne - Interior t” borne Interior Wheat , Grain Wheat, Rye ... 'Barley Oats Wheat | Rye Barley Oats 1816 || 12,101 || 61,862 j95,949 |123,097 || 30,484 || 52,164 || 16,213 || 11,205 || 5,926 1,736 | 12,251 5,319| 8,821 || – 17 7,680 || 101,035 | 79,354 || 132,203 || 46,651: 30,639 || 33,601 || 34,573 || 7,492 2,156 25,684 16,510 || 4,664 64! 38 5,036. 207,197 93,535 175,889 153,897 63,669 || 48,532 || 10,327- 39,096 4,536 31,772 1,107 || 32,083 2,370 19 || 1,488 102,699 j97,634 || 181,425 || 37,794 || 62,660 || 38,697 |22,774 15,795 || 8,904 || 20,729 5,532 24,227 3,024 826 10,824 145,544 8,989 || 136,235. 68,468. 5,508 || 46,710 || 33,763, 5,710 | 12,502 24,037 9,092 10,888 9,654 1 7,620 || 101,642 3,950 136,462. 20,001 5,899 21,789 13,932. 14,512 5,600 7,087 8,869 || 13,139 6,102 2 7,912 | 68,774 ; 2,639 182,924 8,700 5,072 || 29,497 || 37,435 | 15,457 6,356 15,306 || 9,920 || 7,371 202 3 10,636 90, 193 9,319 123,113 || 36,291 14,426 || 41,431 38,637 || 7,624 5,110 22,612 || 9,544 10,962 175 4 || 5, 115||112,175 2,422 219,219 || 15,014 | 40,708 || 24,570 |22,893 || 39,975 38,822 || 7,033 5,880 14,782 16,727 5 3,234, 165,155 1,426 281,923 || 65,329 115,080 || 41,015 25,584 73,411 || 11,760 |21,964 4,995 |27,500 7,519 s 6. — 149,853 || 2,142 192,962. 90,299 113,201 65,949. 28,522 30,030 || 58,464 37,462 | 8, 127 | 20,155 35,289 7 | 2,156: 78,485; 13,527 | 135,421 || 22,012 | 66,825 || 45,058 || 6,617 23,114 |47,488 |22,484 || 5,474 | 12,163 | 29,046 w * ... º. º º i º &\ - * -' s : . . . . . . . ." § –– º - – | 3, . . . . . . . " ---" * . ºA v.Account of the Quantity in Quarters of GRAIN, Exported from East and west Prussia, TOTA 1. Quarters || Lasts of f . . . . . .'; and Pomera N1A, in each of the Nine Years 1816–24. - , , , , " , ; ; ; \ Imported and Exported into, and from GRAIN - •- - f * . Evide Folios ºs-9, Parliamentary Paper No. 159, Session 1826. ‘. . . . East, and West Prussia, and Pomerania|| ExpoRTED Quarters of W.H.E.A.T. - º, Quarters of all other GRAIN.” … * * || Wide Fol. 70, P. Pa. No. 159, Session 1826. tº e from n -———s.--—-——=||— w — — —-—— w Königsberg. East PRussia'; WEST PRussia. I PGME RAN1A. ..]| East PRussia. WEST PRussi A, 1 ; Po M.E.R.A.N.I.A. IMPORTED. ExpoRT ED. Yº..."; — ——i----——-i- —t— * >| || : ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . .” -- . . . . . . W No. 159, Session 1826. . . A on- in . . . . ikº, all other Kon- Pill, . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . all oth all ether all other ||- -- * Years tºrs º: Dantzig Elling stettin . º gº sº Dantzig -- Elbing. * Stettin *::::: Wheat, Grain Wheat Grain || Wheut | Rye isió | 54,172 |2,871/140,19937,357| 1,698 39,167 || 12,50 A3,853 || 59,315|28,80s, 2,302 | 84,151 || 156,660 | 153,816; 236,459 || 333,984 || = ||.T. 17 | 69,065 |6,815 231,669) 52,382 15,389 37,928|| 316,557 || 97,126 172,003 || 91,779 9,079 || 115,057 || 244,660 || 413,046; 413,248 801,601 || 5,778 18,449 18 || – || -- 294,986 || 58,485 98,640. 36,343 || --—— — 94,441 || 89,559 33,745 82,872 || 390,223 213,879 — -- || 3,123 º 19 12,798 || 613 84,747 15,155 5,594 |36,148 || 157,151 54,715 72,867 || 65.532 53,652 91,241 || 315,092 || 311,340 155,055 495,158 || 1,233 7.3% 1820 39,954 5,369; 323.917 | 37.58i 5,957 || 51.366 || 160,439 $2.65i 49.155 47.912 6,277 $6,716 || 296,616 279,471 || 464,744 453,140 || 2,861 6.7% I 16,676 565 116,855 18,963 1,228 40,553 || 30,371 7.205 18,885 | 8,300 8,272 80,211 || 83,283 || 139,219 || 194,849 i; 1,560 | 1,459 2 9,603 || 1,174 18,098 || 2,413 || 47,028 || 7,550 — 316 5,618 4,924 61,894 || 38,504 || 67,097 78,316 | 89,302 || 592 1% 3 || 4,689 || 38; 57,281 | 12,571 || 167 46.316 || 15,443 2,046 61,0si | 20.001 || 5,622 || 49,965 || 65.19 || 37,800 12.92 || 34.1% , 4: 15%. 4 10,969 1,123 l 58,680 4,789 1 1,646 24,711 || 37,942 4,044 4,045 10,811 149,154 14,376 | 101.918 187,989 || 1 002 393 103 AN ACCOUNT of the Prices of GRAIN, in various Markets of EUROPE, in each of the 12 Years 1815–26. The Prices in CoPENHAGEN, VIENNA, MUNICH, Department of CALVADos, WARSAW, and HANoyBR, are given in Sterling Money PQuarter. The Current Guilder of Brabant, is equal to 17d. English, or 14 for £1 Sterling, and the Héctolitre is the same as that of France, Viz, 2.8379 Bushels; con sequently in 1817, the maximum o 3.426 Bushels. The Lira of 20 Soldi, or 240 Benari, is equal to about 8 - e Barrel of Sweden, is equal to 4:157 Bushels English. The ix Tollars 15 Skillings, for £1 Sterling; but, the Currency is in Paper exchan *...* The unfavorable Harvest of 1836, appears to have difference of Price in Warsaw and Vienna in that Year, is deserving of Notice...". about 11/9 English ºf Bushel. The English, or 4 R ***): - . . . . . . ºi, º, º, . , 2 . .”. Lowest and Highest Prices {} Quarter in the Market ºf COPENHAGEN.ſ. aš' vide Folio 122, Parliamentary Paper No. 258, Session 1828. ,-- # 1 o ** " , , ; ~. ; ; ; ", , , “ . 4. * -- * * Aſ -- * "produced a greater Change ºf Prices in . . . . . Swedish, Specie, Ri, …” a and Munich, thani ºx. tº, *; , : , ; ; ; ſ' s ºf 3 } J } s - • • * - * , • * : * } f * > * +++ | . . . . Average Price at VIENNA. 3: . ..., , || Wide Fo. 137, Pa. No. 159, Session 1826. - Y & * * : ; , ; N , ºr 4 *, * * Average Price at MUNICH. CVide. Fo; 143; Pa. 159; Session 1826. the Price of Wheat in Antwerp, was about 11|0 d?' Bushel, or 8810 d? Quarter. The Mina, of Genoa, is equal to d. English, conseqently the maximum of Price for Wheat in Genoa, in 1817, was - : Dollar; of 48 Skillings, is: equal to 4/7% ing against Specie in the proportion:of about 3 to 1." - n, any other part of Europe, and the ( ; 3): f {{* ſ? . . . - - º __* WHEAT. oATs. WHEAT. ... ^) 'ſ $ $.33 - 1 'it, : -; S. .” 2 : * > . . t ièxº 'º' ; RYE. Years! *- Wheat Rye Barley , , , , ; , , , 1815 16 17 18 19 I 8 2 O - - 31/10 25/0 36/4 36/4 22/0 17/0 15/11 15/11 13/11 11/4 12/7 12/1 12/6 39/5 54/8 82/0 52/4 48/6 33/4 22/9 21/3 24/3 22/9 19/8 30/4 29/2 22/9 18/2 24/3 16/8 8/3 9/5 9/1 8/3 7/2 I0/7 15/2 10/7 29/9 36/4 44/0 38/7 41/7 18/11 12/10 14/4 | 21/9 10/11 15/0 | 30/4 28/10 Prices at the Market of A.N T W ERP. 10/7 9/10 18/2 18/11 12/1 7/6 6/9 R. d? Hectolitre in Brabant Current Guilders. Wide Fol. 46, Par. Pa. No. 27, Session 1826. * ‘S - Wheat | Oats ; i Wheat 15/11. 22/0. 31/1 36/4 15/2 11/4 7/6 10/7 13/11: 16/7. 10/7 26/1 25/9 w ( , 's y * -34/10 *A*- : * Barley | Oats 1 * f *. <--- | Average Prices iſºquarter in the Department of CALVADOS. Wide Fol. 60, Par. Pa. No. 27 Session 1826...... 6/0 12/5 12/10 9/10 5/3 3 4/6 ° 5/8” 23/6 22/9 124/3 22/0 S || $4 Oats 12/5 14/10 23/11 12/1 8/3 9/1 3 12/1 7/3 * 8/5 ; : March | Septemb. * 2- \. i l- •, 47/8. 68/2}, … 112/2 39/10% 22/9} 20/9 32/64 21/3, . 25/4} | 21/7% 17/3 |- , , , § 9 - ?_ . . . . . | Average Price in . . . Francs and Centimes # Hectolitre at NANTES. Wide Fol. 62, Par. Pa. ..||... No. 27, Session 1826, . - * > . . . . - * l l Wheat Oats | 59/10 113/5 24/7% 10} | 0 10; 31 17; 13 9% 8; 8 6; 6 Years 8% 11 10; IT 22 18 13; 10 i } # i * # : -# ; # | # }} # } } } | 35/7 36/8 60/8 77/9 52/4 45/2 | 54/11 48/3 º' 37/7 . | 41/3 38/11 42/7 16/11 || 18/6 33/9 | 53/2. , 28/10 24/1 26/4 | 21/2 + 18/1 * 16/5." 19/2 | º: - - & 3 - 7 F J * * * * * ..., . . . ~ * {, , , -, -}. 24/7 '') ºw. is , 21/ - * - * 15/I - . ~, t < . . . . l 20/8. 2 3 , - * , . . . . . . n - %. 47/6 24/7 ºf 20/2 || 3 º' - * , 4 • * w rº Y -, w 2 ºr 1 : « », sº º - . A ‘. . . w 2 * * - .. * , ſ i & , ; , ; , \, . ...? * ... : : , 's º . * -: 2 : , - ; - - ! { 20/7 * 21/2: 22/8 # = 14/6 15/7 20/7 24/4 18/i 18/2 f 17 19 25 32 28 21 19 .52 “15 17 - *17 .28 | t | 16 Wheat Quarters of G RAIN, Imported from Austria and Poland. Wide Folio 103, Par. Paper No. 159, I Sess?07, 1826. all other Graż72 jº 3 * * Annual Average Price at: ** ,, . Y. - y \ , ; i. Years ſI819 | 1820 | .: - * i i - - $. w A. * w - , t - V - * ~ * * * *- - - r * > , , , - - s . . . ; : * * * ** = . . ,” ; \ . . . . . • * *, * * * : *, *... . . . . " r w : * ~ * : * > , w *. * - - - - |Wide Fol. 81, Par. Pa. No. 83, Session 1827. 32.69. 36.85. 19.85. 63/3 | 95/9 130/3 37/0 21/5 ... 17/2 i 9, 21/6 */9 jº 22/ T. 23/5 |> 15/5 |. 2- 20/6 17/0 20/10 easºn- Y * tº ſº Highest and || 2:Ilowest Price of Wheat at GENOA in Lire and Soldi d£' Mina. of 3.426 Bushels. x -ºsºp - Odessa. ... *- tº:--— — 37 46. | 45 49 55- 41 45.30 . . 30.26;| '; º t u ! - > * i. ..'s - ‘t ‘. , \” - 4-9 . . . . . … " - > * ; : ^ , ,< *. A J w 25 20 § * *** . .e. º • 23, 21 2 # 3. -: - 3. 7 () - 4 * ~ , e. § º w | 3 Tan- - garoſs 43 42 46 23 31 33 :28 £21.3 : 20 27 •e > * : *- : i , ~ i - L’s ' • “ . ~~ , - 'I - * * ~ * ! - ... e. - - - * - .25 || 37 .33. 35. .45 || 23 . . . .22.55 || 16 18 .. ; : - • . ! 3 - ?: { - V. … • , , --- *. • ?: * , , ..." \ . -** x < *, - * ~. { - § { - - -- * ... . . ** f : * f... j : * * , - - * . . . v . - ? , “ . . . ; 3 * * - - -> z: ". . ; * - < ^. - - , , , ". - t 's - - }, . . . * * : * : Ns 5 & & w f } 1. - - t t § i. - • - 3’ & 3 v. > ,a § i . W . . . . . . . . . " ; : . . . .'; ; ; ; ; º & " : : . . . ** : " , , ". {}}.}} , , , t § “. -* * * *- : Prices in HANOVER, i. WARSAW and PRAG. lº Wide Fol. 103, Par; Pa. No. 159, w * {3\ , , , , § 3 ; * ~ *, * ~ * Session 1836. | c-ºs, ſ , - # , º º, }: j : § { } . § in the Month of , , , Octáber. ’’’ ; : Vide. Folio, 172, , , , ; Par, Paper No. 258, . ; : Session 1828: - ' ' '. Vide Foli " ' ' Sessitzi 1827. i ; * → , , º * , . . ) , , ºr sº *. f ; : Rafes of Eaccharge" . " | in SWEDEN; on LONDON, ; }; ngs, , , , in Ria Boil * * **, ºf Sterling. - . . 949, Par, Pa, No. 83; i. º ollars, and Skili * ^ l | & -> & § * * * 8. i. Annual Average Price? Swedish . . Barrel of... -: i. 3 rret. of * 4.157 Bushels. '', … Wheat. ; * *, +, Barley | C Mea?? Wheat t | * - y y *---ºne 70/10] // | 69/7] 51/3] 32/1}. 44/8% 15/6% 14/5; 15/0; 15/3 11/74. - 8/4; | 7/7, 9/4 - Y v * ; : § • * } i - * ~ *-- t w i —--- sº º, --~~~ , 3 tº: r. Y. ". - . ~ (… r * x * x .S. *-- * --- - —-> *- " ; , , ; , , , t - ! - - ; +---- i S- , ; ," - Y | • , ~ h * cr's v- * ... • N . wº 9/8; - ! ~ /~~ |24/5}| 6/3s . . . . ,?: A º . . ; ſº 3 - x / 64/1 52/2 35/1 30/4. 29/0 26/11 iž/11 19/5: ** sºm- 34/0 33/1. 19/10 16/7 . 15/8 16/10 12/3 | — lºg jigglli/a". 20/9 12/3. 10/11 ‘. .28 11. 32. 9. , 4. ºr 9-44. - s , { ... -- }^2 x , , , , ; - w wº |º : ,”, ”’ \: 18 -- y 10.; 40, 9, 36 : 9 25. 11 12 20 11.40 "12 2. 2: 123.10% * f : Ly: * * 3 - ' , i W. . . ; , ; * * * *, 9 : :13 25 -10-20 12 18. 14 41 ^12' 42s 9-12. 9 8 J’ - 5 -º © 8.25 *:5 – “… vº & & 8 - &2& 3- “... " *. '-- 3', C.: - III, 27 , , , ºr . . . f - - * : * > *- :-- c. & A. - - - * , ~ * * * w * ~ * W. ~ * * * * * * * * * * - • ? - * , • tº s -- -- - ! XJ 1.” < *. - - - '' . . ; } * * ! ... ? • . . . …’ : ". . . Minas of 4- & *S ‘GRA IºW, Re-exported from , , , , , GENOA. Wide Folio 80, Par. Paper No. 27, Session IS26. . 3 44 --- i 4 15 . * r • ?: * 3, 17 3 - V -> * > . . . , , 2 : 40 w * - " ... < 2- ºff - * 2° 39 jº * * * ºf . , > 1820 < *...*--w | iſ 1819. - .145,755 205,611 £275,751 :256,484 637,475 361,496 | 409,073 9| 44,783 72,783 iſ 61,456 162,192 185,281 § {} 44; ; 83,468 w * , r * * * ; 2 * * * * f * -> ** - * * * * K : r ‘. . . , W. | ", Y: '. • * v * • * * w * 104 AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Quarters of Wheat and Wheat Flour, and of Oats and Oatmeal, IMPorted into GREAT The Flour and Meal being converted into Quarters of their respective kinds of Grain, *.* The bulk of the Wheat wºnder the head of all other parts, in the 3 Years 1817 – 19, was from Italy, as was 75,000 Quarters in 1829, and 150,080 Quarters in that Year from Spain, in addition to 28,398 Quarters from thence, in 1828; there not being any Qats Imported from America, the two first Columns of that BRITAIN, from each of 12 different parts of the World, in each of the 30 Years 1800 – 29. division are occupied by the annual average price of Wheat and Oats.-Wide Par. Paper, Vol. XX, Folio 233, Session 1825. The 5 Years 1825 – 29, continued from MS. Years ſ 1 8 0 0 { I 6 1820 s 183 i JBritish. America United State of America Russia 21,258 | 25, 197 54,137 67,595 75, 164 43,245 21,213 2,250 9,800 27,259 18,489 18,766 24,202 339 23,724 * 3 25 3 10,423 40,735 40,613 23,261 209 21 6 94,043 27,264 56,942 19, 151 5,650 Wheat 110/5 115/11 67/9 57/1 60/5 87/1 76/9 73/1 78/11 94/5 103/3 92/5 122/8 106/6 72/1 | 63/8 | 76/2 | 94/ | 83/8 72/3 65/10 54/5 43/3 51/9 62/ | 66/6 | 56/11 56/9 60/5 66/3 64/3 66/4 77,609 245,371 79,413 109,331 4,258 13,453 79,763 249,712 12,836 | 170,939 98,275 18,011 10,797 8] {} 45,583 7,208 311,436 181,561 27,796 90,942 38,488 3,953 4,237 33,781 12,829 15,720 18,777 13,563 113,819 Oats 43/7 35/11 19/9 20/11 23/7 27/6 26/9 27/6 32/4 30/6 27/9 26/9 43/2 37/4 24/11 22/11 | 22/6 31/6 31/6 27/4 23/6 18/11 | 17/7 22/3 24/1 24/11 25/11 27/7 22/6 22/9 24/5 25/4 3 81,708 174,337 8,665 14,537 7,108 154,904 56,733 5,711 549 3,437 58,133 27,969 50,974 58,028 8,432 1,439 19,301 199,449 242,628 i26,563 93,138 4,786 2,836 1,595 1,953 11,208 20,057 40,386 18, 161 341,567 10,498 17, 100 3,962 610 470 *g a 2 119,923 308,503 375,206 260,762 | 23,426 15,298 12,971 12,547 12,635 91,046 567,619 35,004 298,009 121,715 369,608 | ToTAL Jºſeden | Denmark Prussia Germany gº. France º, Ireland *:::::: Quarters 21,497 || 20,950 | 665,955 310,755 58,408 224 120 749 5,282 1,264,520 13,194 3,013 || 528,032 289,789 93,824 * ºsmºs- 522 || 9,453 1,424,765 5,982 #10 334,829 || 30,645 1,309 1,510 | — 109,519 | 1,283 647,663 *- — 142,774 1,487 525 4-sºames 2 || 61,267 723 373,725 1,326 4,148 || 320,745 4,860 25,862 29 || 70,072 1,517 461,139 18,810 || 35,671 559,628 || 32,827 9,636 2,089 776 84,007 6,099 920,833 geº-sº- 1,386 51,524 ***s '764 1,786 64 || 102,463 6,133 310,342 —- 10,424 11,465 3,407 11,415 || 27,657 7,950 || 45,110 || 5,043 404,946 wº-sº- 63 2,236 1,054 2,870 4 43,496 || 3,288 84,888 780 8,846 1,527 | 33,575 114,465 25,058 502 | 68,124 11,126 455,987 68,398 || 110,501 || 296,757 176,463 356,170 225,711 || 6,167 127,510 | 19,623 1,567,126 19,038 18,008 || 95, 170 1,628 —— 4, 186 598 || 147,567 2,979 336,130 11,543 19,589 9,062 603 **rr-at 436 1,202 | 160,842 4,425 290,709 66,088 19,815 115,946 79,365 — — 1,697 217,154 99 559,000 29,891 4,461 133,106 || 76,532 244, 186 126,309 || 3,788 225,821 377 852,566 607 21 i 18,046 7,635 | 53,941 62,343 5,052 189,543 46 384,475 27] 5,999 || 86,380 30,348 59,162 366 1,850 | 121,621 — 332,491 467 18,663 264,115 163,649 69,886 2,363 1,931 59,025 37,212 | 1,089,854 1,021 63,797 493,821 248,181 252,780 697 | 3,455 i08,230 47,003 | 1,694,261 — | 19,645 78,842 74,805 99,694 887 2,647 154,031 || 39,483 625,638 — 30,253 217,461 102,903 7,750 — 6,306 | 404,743 3,582 996,479 *-rº-ºer 1,848 25,522 15,629 2,615 96 8,073 569,700 12 707,385 -º- 405 || 10,808 §,798 48 4,485 463,004 — 510,602 " **** 1,330 6,856 1,127 185 101 || 8,307 || 400,068 — 424,019 *-*- 2,753 20,269 18,819 936 576 5.095 || 356,408 || 802 441,591 584 27, #64 111,285 112,280 14,255 31I 7,561 | 396,018 7 787,546 — 62,032 255,651 134,669 7, 104 — 7,752 314,851 2,025 897, 127 —— 21,434 132,209 27,766 2,515 — 6,423 405,255 160 711,868 1,304 || 41,841 253,043 144,353 166,973 29,890 40,929 || 652,584 29, 118 1,410,911 17,015 83,289 353,959 306,966 144,549 || 48,940 22,099 || 519,493 238,223 2, 195,570 9,425 | 13,462 64,247 246,698 || 198,671 — — 2,411 4 545,018 8,988 1,936 71,800 259,892 221,403 70 — 375 | 1,481 583,043 3,954 3,658 16,240 112,792 100,447 -*. 795 || 341,931 — 583,779 8,6 ig 4,549 | 158,327 | 80,974 226 266,359 | 1,501 521,167 15,905 || 26,538 184,529 | 128,562 143,753 I 56 219 || 240,022. 24() 740,394 2,282 | 13,755 || 117,462 | 81,954 58,504 -*** * 953 203,302 200 478,411 — 8,708 || 37,369 || 107,974 29,148 231 || 357,076 — 540,506 — 61,071 10,750 | 130,356 222,249 96 124 389,649 1,384 815,681 — ! — 21,971 11, 170 109 368 519,974 | 1,061 614,654 **-*. 387 || – | 102,552 189,289 —- A,125 | 845,783 4,147 1,143,243 2,872 14,814 875 30,480 62,918 -º-º-º: 564 493,231 || 3,449 609,209 2,577 6,917 14 — ***. -*. 12 275,757 2,094 287,464 — 10,115 — **** **- y-º-º-º-º: 389 || 390,926 2,825 406,035 3,508 || 27,013 770 26,159 —— * **** 16 691,469 2,990 || 751,954 386 8,646 38,698 26,158 145,098 27,962 | 1,004 || 564,010 2,208 815, 161 *** *. 7,915 280 20,078 79,075 | 12,920 440 597,537 I63 718,409 -** 5,721 1,173 || 17,756 || 50,627 - 716 | 683,714 | –— 759,707 —— 82,969 58,797 107,635 | 107,669 502 | 1,061 | 611,118 433 | 1,090,112 506 | 125,602 || 121,878 || 137,222 291,835 1,247 2,955 1,069,385 2 2,059, 135 795 32,459 74,507 || 36,844 65,797 — | 1,092 || 789,613 25 1,376,338 13,492 || 110,781 | 126,334 99,107 || 69,564 1,468 2,136 916,251 6 1,599,900 —— 21,580 | 10,899 || 28,868 || 16,527 — 1,901 | 1,162,249 | – | 1,265,449 -— 13,065 10,441 13,452 3,013 — 374 569,237 | ––– 624,879 5,618 1,887 3,507 || 3,483 — 1,498 || 1,103,487 — -- 1,131,452 2,858 95,973 || 51,598 || 192,925 || 139,987 38 2,180 1,225,085 | – | 1,713,191 2,672 | 73,296 || 39,373 || 52,023 - 24, 186 — 1,483 1,629,856 — 1,835,524 281 177, 157 146,239 || 362,905 || 271,114 74,131 879 1,303,734 540 2,428,027 5,060 217,351 295,614 258,444 216,090 150,903 574 1,343,267 29,684 3,084,606 13,602 || 65,483 12,064 25,501 || 10,368 1,458 2,443 2,075,631 581 || 2,242,135 42,210 | 125,539 48,250 | 19 893 || 3,624 1,505 2,177 | 1,673,628 62 2,212,896 8,732 118,204 128,990 | 68,462 39,891 15,684 1,622 1,471,25% 1,556 1,976,110 20,663 96,997 * 31,450 | 15,226 7,936 2,832 1,655,934 7,535 2,278,295 For continuation ºf Wheat,--see Page 90. 105 STATEMENT shewing the Quantity in Quarters of Barley, Beans, Pease, and Rye, Imported from each of several different parts of the World into GREAT BRITAIN ; and the annual average price thereof, in each of the 32 Years 1800–1831. sº ; from * 1827. *.*. From 1809 to 1813 there was an annual average of about 5,000 Quarters of Barley brought in as Prize. Of the quantity from all other parts, in 1818, ! 5 # 8 1ſº | France 8,335 2,0s. 63,209 Quarters were from Flanders: in 1827, 27,409 Quarters were from France, and 12,410 from 11aly: in 1831, 18,737. Quarters were from France. Of the & = 9 8,768 || Italy 114,809 42,55i BEANS from all other parts in 1848,-31,975 Quarters were from Flanders, 3,159 from Italy, and 8,028 from Malta; in each of the Six Years 1826–1831 $ 1830 3,282 Malta ; 21,845 9,2{}i from Denmark, and in 1819 and 1827 from Countries as tº Statement annexed. - - L I 1,299 || Egypt | 9,988 | 20,627 QUARTERS of BARLEY. UARTERS of BEANS. adº Annual Average Prices. § ~$ • ; : Russia Guernsey, l, - all Total - - <-- —-a--- ‘g § 's all Total 5 and Denmark Jersey, Prussia. Germany Holland Ireland, other Barleuſ Beans | Peas | Rye § § -: other {}{(?!, > Sweden. and Man. parts. BARLEY || Barley Bet - ity § § S parts. B E ANs. 1800 4,864 1,142 ** 7,221 72,221 45,027 78 422 || 130,976 || 73/4 69/3 || 67/5 76/11 || 4,751 5,201 — 1,810 15,976 1 4,170 1,308 — 24,116 || 69,787 | 12,068 — 1,516 113,966 || 64/6 62/8 67/8 79/9 942 6,608 — 401 | 16,246 2 371 34 2,653 4,560 517 | 7,116 — 15,252 32/4 36/4 39/6 43/3 1,974 60 I 1,654 6 5,792 3 425 gºssºmsº 45 —— — 12,879 677 || 14,027 24/7 34|8 || 38|6 || 36||11 *-*s 85 1,652 tºmºsºms 1,737 4 #77 50 3 6,184. 896 700 2,521 665 11,591 || 30| 1 ||38|7 |40/10 ||37 || 1 || 6,820 121 3,060 297 || 11,928 J 1,331 1,039 ***E=sº 10,133 7,250 3,004 || 15,656 375 43,305 43/2 47/5 48/4 54/4 5,405 1,344 2,005 107 || 10,736 6 183 190 tºmsºmºn 685 —— — 3,327 | 1,000 || 5,386 || 37/6 || 43/9 |43|6 |47/4 442 6 : 2,361 — | 3,406 7 201 418 77 — 2,151 || 108 || 23,048 88 26,092 ||38|2 |47|3 55||11 || 47/6 655 2,368 3,777 3,609 || 13,774 8 2 1,731 359 assessmansmºgº 627 | – || 30,586 1,944 35,250 || 42/1 60/8 ||66||7 || 52/4 * 2,053 2,065 || 3,400 10,739 * | -- 155 185 ~— 7,913 | 1,222 | 16,619 3,885 29,970 || 45/7 60/9 || 60/2 | 60/9 * 10,881 2,669 610 29,966 1810 || 331 4,550 290 264 6,053 386 8,321 5,029 26,318 || 46/8 53/7 | 55/9 |59| * 5,698 || 3,541 100 15,226 11 14,206 || 8,416 ... 6 209 217 | — 2,713 6,058 42,840 || 41|, |47|10|51/6 49/11 * ~ * --~- || 4,081 4% 4,438 12 15,294 | 19,280 511 ººm- —- — 43,262 5,438 83,658 || 64|9 || 72/8 | 73/7 |75||11 *- —— 5,008 16 5,024 13 128 9,750 -— 2,444 3,657 | –— 63,560 3,729 83,268 || 56/9 || 765 786 || 70/7 * * — 4,455 382 5,405 14 — 3,174 | 573 2,689| 2,684 7,163 | 16,779 12,664 46,031 || 36||3 |46||7 || 50| |44|6 || 7,102 17,098 || 5,730 || 4,595 || 43,335 * | L. ºf 436 * —- 66 192 |27,108 621 29,578 || 29/4 || 36|| ||38||10| 37/10 597 661 6,371 3,321 18,363 ; º *:::: 3,127 1,375 1945 ºf | 3,419 |52,254 || 4,146||78,393 ||38||11 ||38|4 ||38|4 43/2 * * 24 5,983 91 6,100 17,228 43,475 1,279 44,762 19,992 || 4,530 26,766 3,779 161,812 47/11 - 52| 51/5 56/6 *-is 918 2,274 52 5,850 * | 74,583 143,117 1,991 156,135 | 49,330 96,174 |35,387 63,704 || 722,843 || 32/3 || 65|| || 59/11 54/10 || 2,806 26,552 || 4,835 | 61,769 | 120,779 lº 37,620 64,083 1,822 134,233 108,784 15,888 20,310 | 11,452 394, 180 || 4415 || 55/5 56| |49] 1,863 5,745 3,904 || 170,131 190,623 1820 8,789 6,369 1,248 2,393 10,912 — 87,095 216 117,014 32|10 43/6 44/11 40/10 284 810 | 8,443 4,945 19,213 1 19 3,349 2,049 2,576 6,779 822 || 82,884 — 98,479 || 25/3 30| || 31|9 || 31|| *- - 4,955 — 5,099 2 3,906 | 1,574 134 7,257 6,279 10 |22,531 — 41,690 || 2 1/3 23/9 25/7 2013 ---- — 7,235 | – || 7,234 3 2 494 — —— — 19,274 — 19,772 || 30|7 ||32 || 1 || 33|11 30/11 **** 227 5,570 — 5,763 4 || – || 8,226 2,522 852 17,284 -— 44,700 — | 73,592 || 35/3 ||38|| 10 || 39||5 |40ſ? * Bºº 506 5,790 661 7,876 ; ; i; : ; : º! :º , 14%|º ||38||0|ºiſ, ºl. 4.) —— 1,608 || 1 1,354 982 22.096 7 tº: º *::: - ; 1%. lºgº ºf |,4}, 344,393 ||38|| || 4 || 1 || 4:3 ||38|| || 1,140 33,648 || 7,191 || 37,201 || 130,910 8 º g5.01% -* ; º 7 56,618 1932; º 43.86. $73,33; 36|6 || 39|| 4. |7 || 47/7 806 12,136 10,037 102,293 152,748 5 | 15312||133.00 § i; ; º 34,203 3,227 º!! | 32|10 34!? 38/4 ||38|| 1,740 6,538 7,068 16,722 || 81,550 1855 "º || “... 6. #3: ºf 4,106 |9,140 9,983 ||377.46% 32/6 |34|19||38|| || 36|| || 5,454 4,479 10,444 8,228 55,495 3 U.S. 3,46 ,530 29,508 27,722 | 1,184 189,745 1 332,798 || 32|7 || 35/10 || 36|| 1 || 36||1 950 297 | 19,053 13 35,993 : 44,287 || 1 15,658 | 6,627 60,779 || 116,928 12,284 185,409 || 25,357 567,331 || 38|| | 40] | 39) 10 || 39/10 || 1,158 7,070 15,039 || 6,178 38,428 3 - 4. # # * 5 § $ S. Total # 2, # tº $3 āş ... Sweden * * Total §§ Q5 °5. PEASE Russia. ; Prize. R Y E. 4800 171 39 1 () 2 3,419 19,301 3,816 —— 26 26,769 2 22,234 —— 32,080 6,588 | – | 2,210 Tºss" : º: º is: s: º 11 sº tº: --- 120 44,218 || 11,50? 7 18 772 27,980 15,980 —— 49.27% 146,733 3 540 —— | --- i 54 sº 1,332 #. º * | 1Qº. 150 606 —— 12,634 — — . .282 307 15,478 | 4 || 2.634 as T : tº º! ; 1; 78 23,992 || 875 —- | – || 2,472 —— 75? | ––– 4 ().99 5 *. A £ i- 3t- 3. 41 3. º 53 | 19,648 ** * 126 1,614 698 •----- 206 || -- 2,644 6 247 56 | –— 52 7,889 262 27 | 1,634 49 10,218 || 17,638 2,314 —— 2,097 —— 235 | –— 24,267 }| Tº El is . . ; alsº sº; º; ; ; ;| = | . ; -- — 330 —— | 1,014 8 3,307 —— 3,010 9 — 1.6 § §so *; § º 264 **** 4,219 tº amºus 8 431 2,816 7,740 § 10.3% 91 | A g7 | 70 488 sº ºš § 1. ºil. Tº ... #74 || – —— 573 || --- 5,297 1816 || 3:303 11; º; ; sº. 3.; ; ;| “... º. 6; 379 || 3,379 || -- 3,063 425 || 395 || 13,615 11 ºgs 63; 'too 33 '633 *; ºr 5 480 13.2% 6,793 15,749 8,965 15,015 8,478 20 | 1,286 90,982 i2 | "As 286 35 | 13 — | | T * | *32 5,044 || 6,216 16,471 3,025 1,853. —— 21 || –– 27,830 13 | 1,045 48 || --— - | 11 5,034 1sé – # 252 712 || 69,542 6,497 5,202 --- --- 176 691 72,819 iſ '344 * | | | 73 º i. jº ... -. º|| 6′3 º! 1,250 | 9,713 —— 430 || --— 35,040 15 4 || – | – | 11 | "Soº "g º †: tº º! 337 1,234 1,271 1,692 109 4 7 12 6,018 !6 —— 2} | --— 43 650 — 227 : 332 1,624 || ---- 8 216 —— —— 207 | 1,375 1,806 17 a sº | 679 || 3 || 10,335|| 36|| Tº #| To ſº; º; 35 — 4,663 2,273 || 43 . , 2 | 15, 118 is 2,806 | 6′s 2,315||1; gº 7.3% 9. ; , ; ; ; *. — 36,337 4,979 || 613 || 5,639 140,092 ió | "ggs | Asgå 2.91 || 7 || 27%; gº || "..., 10 4,350 62,006 || 49,073 | 1,169 --— 15,032 2,236 4 5,794 | 73,085 1826) 58. '400 3. 4. 28 7.333 - ’13 º 2,771 42,012 4,653 | wº-ºº-ºº. * 5,94% *=e 2 5,038 18,674. ** ** 303 || 133 'ºsi - | 2 — 2,473 8 8,926 - 9,421 --- *- 2,446 ... -- tº-ºººººms 134 4 12,240 2 — —— 178 — 242 | – - ‘. . . . . ; -- sea- —- i 550 | -- 66 1. 3 * *- sºme mº ** 1. − == M-ºwººmº ; *sº 1,152 * * *' re- *- 353 X---- 353 4 —— * | – || 1 || 0,5| Tºsº | Tºo! ;| T. s. I T | T | I – º – 5 525 137 | 1,016 || 35 | 5,080 6,596 || 3,273 1,431 is ſº || | | | | *** 3,646 *º 968; 6 2,464 5,352 8236 79 17,079 || 25.345 10.30% ... 7; ;|| 1 49 lº - || 2:0 1 || 4,067 } | . . ;|3. a ###| “... ". . . . . . . . . . * | . 'º. 11,263 77 || 9 || 67,964 § j} ºli; tº #...] § . . . . ". . . ;| }. 44 6,729 || 8,559 1,390 256 — 29,621 9 5,636 14,523 1,616 is; gº ſº "º . . łº 㺠:::::: }: — 13,910 — 1,429 || 2 || 30,986 1850 a ºli; ſº gº ºft| 1.4: ..., | * ::: i. º. |}; 4,531 568 10 66,473 1 ºf ſº | "…, | is ºf tº "#| . . . ." §: º 2,936 — 21,469 | 153 414 47 45,570 2 3. ev, j 4,663 263 64,222 || 53,912 5,893 137 18,447 4,205 515 # 2,121 92,334 3 - 4. 5 6. ()6 STATEMENT shewing the Number of Quarters of each kind of GRAIN, LEGUMES, and SEEDS, and of Sacks & Barrels of FLOUR, all, in each of the brought to Mark Lane Market, LONDON, according to the Corn Meters Return, made to the Chamberlains Office at Guildh 20 Years 1812 – 1831. GRA IN. LEG UMES. Yrs. Wheat Barley Oats Rye || Beans | Peas | Tares | Brank 1812 || 480,145 || 200,173 597,028 33,582 || 81,692 || 36,492 1,711 | 1,091 j 3 656,426 243, 147 755,630 | 12,978 ; 76,644 46,726 2,156 1,135 14 768,021 292,578 || 725,009 || 3,415 # 91,766 44,007 2,262 | 1,708 15 471,840 282,805 842,572 2,259 106,616 52,016 || 2,236 2,418 16 || 511,691 230,592 838,133 || 3,094 * 109,951 47,398 || 2,840 3,902 | 7 | 681,495 || 311,695 716,689 17,201 # 93, 176 61,514 2,300 6,418 18 1,001,379 544,893 1,232,767 13,689 145,941 | 73,794 2,763 18,462 19 413,433 ||383,786 887,705 || 5,021 159,388 || 48,102 || 5,290 3,639 1820 636,517 253,452 | 1,150,833 | 1,063 74,633 50,233 6,574 || 6,691 1 529,004 || 242,070 748,045 2,312 106,688 52,553 4,912 || 14,247 2 471,852 251,457 | 801,079 2,128 104,250 55,771 || 3,423 7,555 3 377,567 | 168,381 856,809 820 77,965 51,920 3,123 7,848 4 | 401,377 240,260 964,827 | 3,074 84,108 || 60,074 || 9,793 17,585 5 496,867 467,088 1,142,817 398 : 98,964 || 60,910 14,316 || 13,719 6 || 490,917 | 384,275 1,244,056 24,381 111,357 || 75,040 18,783 3,634 7 || 331,632 253,181 | 1,225,012 || 7,958 108,804 53,838 10, 168 || 6,356 8 783,541 262,285 1,530,425 | 6,284 96,755 | 67,693 15,888 11,834 9 1,040,829 356,204 1,145,754 18,632 82,070 || 65,331 8,280 15,097 1830 878,241 337,496 || 901,000 || 7, 148 # 75,165 56,072 4,282 618 1 967,094 || 439,543 | 1,084,261 18,842 : 83,115 50,949 8, 151 6,388 2 3 4. e * FLO UR. SEEDS. Musta. Rape Linseed [Various Malt Sacks i Barrels 3,117 | 8,887 108,868 14,299 : 134,334 289,002 4,104 || 33,516 || 75,879 || 13,489 164,840 # 388,955 9,702 || 21,971 || 103,136 || 13,429 171,987 399,502 5,965 20,830 59,298 || 16,913 177,804 || 362,828 5,220 | 6,560 | 33.602 | 16,517 § 146,115 # 338,049 5,152 | 13,003 || 97,781 20,445 151,123 319,480 102,841 3.283 || 10,383 || 129, 104 || 15,405 || 183,964 369,733 18,347 3,331 || 9,201 64,860 11,919 162,402 381,986 ! 3,200 6,471 7,410 | 87,054 15,865 193,966 : 406,849 : 43,124 5,079 || 6,580 | 66,101 | 18,925 ; 216,220 # 447,759 9,735 4,973 || 17,670 79, 112 || 20,775 241,393 || 440,991 2,530 4,836 8,446 78,038 | 12,048 212,239 489,973 6,226 4,835 | 13,333 92,915 16,407 243,208 ; 486,493 16,441 2,699 i 1,010 || 140,727 5,570 266,885 : 521,365 9,553 1,261 21,093 || 95,278 4,872 # 266,534 466,715 1,437 1,736 10,180 l l 12,412 6,258 # 215,288 £19,789 5,000 6,134 12,367 | 11 1,305 6,134 246,905 523, 106 || 10,242 6,639 9,957 91,431 11, 162 219,478 ; 368,888 77,085 5,319 21,922 || 47,059 15,294 234,137 412,876 92,837 5,420 | 10,295 i45,866 #|º 415,597 229,751 STATEMENT shewing the Total Number of Quarters of each kind of GRAIN, and FLOUR and M EAL, (the Flour and Meal COIAW.6F- ted into Quarters of their respective kind of Grain, ) IMPORTED into all the Ports of GREAT BRITAIN, each of the 32 Years 1800 – 1831 ; distinguishing the proportiou Imported from Ireland, in each Year. from all parts of the World, in Years Wheat Oats i800 | 1,264,520 545,018 | 1 | 1,424,765 583,043 2 647,663 583,779 : 373,725 521,166 4 46], 139 || 740,393 5 920,834 478,411 6 310,342 540,506 7 404,946 815,680 8 84,888 614,653 9 455,987 | 1,143,242 810 1,567,126 609,209 1 1 336,130 287,464 12 290,709 || 406,035 I 3 559,000 || 751,954 14 852,566 815, 161 15 384,475 718,409 I 6 332,491 759,707 | 7 | 1,089,854 | 1,090, 111 8 1,694,261 2,059, 135 I 9 625,638 1,376,338 | 320 996,479 1,599,900 1 | 707,384 1,265,449 2 || 510,602 624,879 3 424,019 1,131,452 4 441,591 | 1,713, 191 5 787,546 | 1,835,524 t; 897,127 2,428,027 7 711,868 3,084,606 8 1,410,911 2,242,135 9 2,195,570 2,214,898 1830 2,205,147 1,976, 110 1 2,868 881 2,278,295 2 3 4 QUARTERS of | Barley Beans | Peas Rye "... ToTAL Proportion The STATEMENT below, exhibits - • orn Quarters IRELAND the Official Value of all Corn, Grain, - --- * † assºsºta- ºrº TT Flour, and Meal, IMPORTED into, 130,796 15,796 |26,796 || 144,531 11,198 2,188,837 ** and Re-eaported from, Great Britain, to, 113,966 | 16,246 44,218 146,732 77,472 2,409,445 900 and from, all parts (eacept Ireland; ) and 15,252 5,792 10,672 15,478 5,261 : 1,286,201 || 467,067 the Öfficial & Declared Value of Grain & 14,021 1,737 23,992 4,099 '712 939,485 343,548 Flow). of British Produce Exãortei) 11,596 || 11,928 19,648 2,644 244 1,247,593 || 3:16,938; from Great Britain in each of the 18 Yecrg 43,301 || 10,736 10,218 24,267 22 1,487,791 309.9% 1814–1831. *.* For the Rates of Valu- 5,386 || 3,406 | 1,559 | 1,014 112 862,328 466,946 ation,--see page of . . 26,092 || 13,774 6,070 || 7,740 | 1,068 1,275,367 || 463,406 --º º 35,250 10,739 12,882 5,297 4,308 769,248 || 656,770 g - • * * Flour 29,969 29,966 33,109 || 13,614 1,262 1,707,685 933,658 . gº; º 26,318 15,226 12,268 90,982 36 2,822,060 | 682,848 Gain and four EXPORTED, 42,840 4,438 5,045 27,830 16 || 705,257 430,188 * ——— 83,658 5,024 712 | 72,820 16 859,332 600,268 Imported |Re-expt Official Declared 83,268 5,405 || 7,603 || 35,039 || 593 1,442,872 977, 164 g" | g : *** - e. 46,032 43,385 9,842 6,045 — 1,773,036 812,805 1,209,677 76,495 ; 219,215 548,859 29,578 || 18,363 1,624 || 1,805 2 : 1,154,258 821, 192 395,572 126,996 #281,009 || 597,058 78,494 6,099 || 1,161 15,117 — 1, 193,072 | 873,865 : 405,548 || 47, 164 191,808 || 427,243 161,812 5,850 | 13,161 140,092 157 : 2,501,039 || 699,809 : 2,196, 113 121,011 : 341,365 |1,026,293 722,843 | 120,779 || 62,006 || 78,085 1,414 4,738,521 | 1,207,851 3,913,590 32,414 82,574 264,588 394, 180 190,628 42,012 18,675 27,903 2,675,373 967,861 1,613,024 || 48,744 60,436 173,364 117,014 | 19,218 8,926 12,240 5,193 : 2,758,970 | 1,417, 120 1,387,504 184,436 29,778 83, 141 98,479 5,099 || 3,185 661 212 2,080,471 1,822,816 272,992 403,902 20,228 o4,688 41,690 7,234 1,152 353 2,980 1,188,893 | 1,053,038 115,913 315,958 25,875 54,694 19,770 5,768 587 198 — 1,581,794 | 1,528,153 41,000 || 257,959 29,573 62,800 73,592 || 7,876 5,581 966 91 2,244,062 | 1,634,024 456,290 110,735 # 14,692 | 40,100 583,490 22,099 || 18,113 4,067 73 3,261,738 2,203,961 1,128,342 77,257 11,652 35,667 344,908 || 130,910 | 66,214 | 67,964 6,369 3,942,726 1,693,391 : 2,117,391 || 41,408 19,362 53,840 273,832 152,748 35,868 29,621 152,545 4,441,658 1,830,312 1,994,214 || 119,351 i 27,577 70,915 255,711 || 81,550 57,694 || 30,986 19,988 4, 120,983 || 2,826,869 ; 1,673,417 | 161,318 : 13,932 40,592 377,462 55,494 || 41,242 | 66,478 23,943 : 4,995,746 2,307,748 3,500,433 206,607 12,489 37,536 332,798 || 35,991 || 37,307 || 45,570 7,547 4,643,300 2,215,549 3,270,745 || 135,774 ; 12,855 35,84? 567,331 || 38,428 64,222 92,334 45,265 5,972,338 2,430,529; 4,671,354 176,643 12,787 37,027 107 AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Acres planted with HOPS, in each of 12 Collections of Excise, in each of the Eight Years 1822–31; and the Total produce in ibs. Weight # Acre, in each of those Years; shewing also the Gross produce of the Duty (at the Rate of 2d, d£' ſh.) in each Collection, and the Total amount of Duty paid within each Year; the average produce in ibs. Weight ºf Acre, and the Highest and Lowest selling price of Hops, in the Borough Market, in each of the abovenamed 8 Years, 3 --~~~~ Collections I Years | 1822. | 1823. 1824. | 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1880. L. 1831. 1832. Rochester . . . . . . . . 10,786 10,668 || 10,546 | 12,244 || 13,643 || 13,331 || 13,041 || 12,401 || 12,319||12,442 Canterbury. . . . . . . . 7,444 || 6,996 || 7,199 || 7,940 8,607 || || 8,024 || 7,786 || 7,508 || 7,851 || 7,544 || Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,341 6,360 || 7,106 || 7,696 8,928 8,733 || 8,345 7,730 8,051. 8,138 || . Hants . . . . . . . . . ...| 1,094 | 1,207 || 1,557 || 1,251 | 1,381 || 1,556 ** i º) as I - - ". . . . . . ſ ! Salisbury. . . . . . . . . . . . 835 | 817 | 878 || 898 || 901 || 1,043 || 1,019 || 1,040 | 1,059; 1,026 Hereford. . . . . . . . . . 11,704 || 10,631 11,392 || 12,083 || 12,352 12,141 12,008 || 11,696 || 11,688 || 12,371 Worcester . . . . . . . . 2,292 || 2,293 2,237 2,161 2,231 || 2,260 2,212 || 2,254 || 2,046 | . . . Wales ............ 171 170 || 159 138|| 141 139 | 126 || || || 70 || 132 Stourbridge, ....... 795 || 816 || 826 818 813 || 749 | 724 716 10 Essex... . . . . . . .408 || 375 || 470 463 || 427 || 504 | 396 406 || 11 Suffolk . . . . . . . . .147 128 || 139 || 142 | 1.47 | | | T50 | 143. 139| 12 Lincoln ........ 645 645 592 557 || 570 536 || 505 || 524 || U all other . . . . . . 401 || 352 || 348 || 325 || 330 || 320|| 284 || 343| 4. : | - -- -'er- $39,136||37,346 || 101,163 Hººg #32,406 || 60,398 || 9,969 || 16,839 || 73,177 "917 || 4,123 || 8,715 || ; 1,062 || 3,773 6,004 1,701 || 3, 172 35,568 379 379 || 7,714 *w 2 13 436 Stourbridge . . . . . . . . . . 2,855 25/6 || 1,099 || 695 || 3,032 1,502 || 2,128 166 91 2,159 10 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,133 || 38 1,896 || 107 | b,252 || 3,189 |* 933: 282 | 1,513 2,394 11 Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,273 || 87 || || 711 || 30 1,441 693 3,176 ſº tº 83| 430 || 950 12 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,334 || 13 | 1,888 1,872 4,594 284 |* 1,154*442: 2,022 || 3,921 || | . . . . t all other . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,456 121 | 1,323 1,606 || 3,079 | 10,607 - 2,674 158. 1,019 1,540 • ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - ... - - TOTAL Number of Acres planted 43,766 |41,458 |48,450 |46,716 || 50,471 || 49,486, TOTAL produce in ibs. Weight|42,548,915 |5,401,630 is,102,612 |5,788,595 |57,232,975 |29,894,430 –£-——£--|--8--—£-——-£-——£--—£-- r 1 Rochester ............ 122,376 || 11,409 |95,170 || 9,332 166,689| 80,383 || 103,50 - Canterbury ... . . . . . . . 76,088 || 14,116 ſ 56,395 || 3,940 || 96,858 46,163 || 61,71 Sussex . . . . . . ........ 84,981 | 18,369 | 68,162 3,548 || 112,029 71,440 || 75,41 Hants . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10,487 572 7,051 1,278 || 15,031 4,890 Salisbury ............ 7,272 587 || 5,197 || || 963 10,133 4,564 | Hereford . . . . . . . ..... 31,249 56/10 | 15,132 16,830 42,447 25,755 | Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,288 62/2 4,621 2,967 || 7,314 5,227 | Wales . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º' 512 193 222 503 307 : § |i < -4 -º-º- - * I e ºrº- --~~~-es i “*-*-* * TOTAL Amount of Duty £ 354,304 |45,319 | * | 42,290 |468,402 |254,954 |299,178 69,333 || 153,126 || 304,139 Amount paid in each Year e 263,098 || 35,886 || 196,800 212,160 | 102,735 |442,841 #272,874. 245,025 | 121451 152.297 ~ ** **w- *-*** * *- -- ſ ſ Rochester . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,362 | 128 || 1,083 99 || 1,466 || 724, 952 || 378 || 558 || 976 Canterbury . . . . . . . . . . 1,216 242 954 || 59 | 1,340 || 690 || 950 || 241 || 495 || 961. Sussex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,389 || 346 | 1,150 55 || J,518 982 | 1,084 || 155 || 700 || 1,079. Hants ... . . . . . . . . . . . 1,150 | 120 || 544 123 || 1,306 || 377 || 583. 83 || 358 || 803, Salisbury ... . . . . . . . . . . 1,045 86 || 709 || 129 || 1,349 || 525 || 551 | 123 || 428 || 705. Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328 || – | 160 167 || 410 || 255 || 287 || 173| 32% 345 Worcester.... . . . . . . . .329 || – || 248 || 119 || 393 || 190 || 382. 20 i 20 || 452. Wales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 | – || 146 193 || 428 || 265 || 269 || 2 || 22 || 400. Stourbridge . . . . . . . . . . 431 || -- || 160 || 102 || 447 254, 344, 29 || 15 || 362 Essex. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1,215 || 12 || 484 || 28 || 1,476 || 747] .. 604 || 79 || 460 || 707|, ... . Suffolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,040 || 82. 614 || 25 | 1, 178 || 554, 746 || | > * > . , 820 . . . Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 || || 2 || 383 || 403 || 968 || 64 | U. all other . . . . . . . . . . . . 735 | 4 || 46 || 60 || 112 || 400 || ;- 430 || 533. | * ...-- -> " 93 || 774 s Average ibs. Weight # Acre 971 | is 715 108 1,113 || || 655 Lowest and Highest Prices Ordinary Quality £4 0 to £3° 0 | g2 is to £il 4 + £10 10 to £70 5 12 a 10’ & 5 w is 0: £7 to i. 17 iol 1, 17 10 to i, 4 sºlº i. 7 to i, 44 in the Borough Market . . Good and Fine do. 1? * 18 0 to §§ 9, to 22 23 to 5 16 tº 9 9 to 5 Å :- '. ST"... . . / ; : * * * * h Lowest & Highest price tº Cwt. . . &#fbs. Weight 3 * . . . . . The quantity of Hops grown in the 22 Years 1785–1803, averaged 22,538,000 lbs. # Annum, "Tº & . . . . * * > * $2 m a. Tº *; . . . tr-ºf-s ºr , s , . . . . tº , r * *** * * *-*. . . . . . .” - # * in the Borough Market.* * * * { çChargéd .*. *—sº- “- —--~~~ ... , * * : ... ;- lipith Duty. S. the Years 1787, 1793, is0%, and 1805, having been Years of failure; and 1794, & 1801, Years of “” $ great abundance, the quantity charged with Duty in 380ſ; having been 50,657,112 fibs. ºf $ In 1802, only • * •,• * * * * * * * * * * • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3,707,170. - * . . . . . . . * ..." * º - —£-s:--if-s:- -É—s.--—£–s.- : “... . . ." In 1803.the quantity was ........................................ 41,573.237 " ... isoglºsºtsiºlºgissºjºsao || 516 to a g|7, is to gº and, in 1805 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6,859,065 a º' " 7. §ºssº, ſº 4 8 m gº 5 15 m 7 10. " ºhe, annexed is a Statement of the Total Number of Acres planted; IBs, Weight charged ..];|#;# ### 31, With Duty, Gross Receipt of Duty, and Lowest and Highest Price of Hops, in each of the 1st, ji ºol toºls y-ā'. *** *::, , , !?...Years 1806–21, being the period from whence the above Statement commences. In ad- ii. 38,760 32,783;160 h 122,862, §ition to the annexed quantity, in the Years isitºis, there was 5,800,000 ibs. of Foreign 12|39,522 || 6,378,150 |273,934 || Hops Imported at a Duty of 1/6 dº ib., or £88 tº Cwt.; but so far from the Importation be- #|ººl ºf *ś equired as a nescessary supply, more than a fourth part were Re-exported in 1819–20, - 14, ;: ; i; . ºrely to recover back the Duty. From these data, as well, as from the account of the quan: , # †ſºlº ;| grºil ſity of Malt charged with Duty in each Year during the same period, the fact, is established ‘’’ jºijää jjº %f the annual consumption of Hopson an average of Years, not exceeding 23.500,000 ibs, iſ sº is |siºlºgiº fººm, after allowing for the extra consumption in the use of old Hops in Years of failure; 19: 50,148: 50,510;921 || 419,430 and that 20,000,000 fps of Hops of sound and good quality, would prove an adequate supply. ‘... . . al.] ºne ouality ‘Ordinary Qu —£–2-º- i º 5. I 3. i (l . } & 3. * 5- 1 )2 ; ! º lsº ––– 28,911sq., 241,303 || || * 1:1 --- $31,781,986.f4:15,164 tº 35 . . . 4. * st:. .: ".; :. .- l 4 0. // ‘I 2 I {} . . . . . . . - - y R * : ; 3 . . . . . . . . . . * : ) ! ---. * } . . . ; * - . … w y ; : 3. $; : ; ; ; ; ; ; "" ; , , S * > . } 3- : .." i A- - - - , , " - - • . : - - ... " . * - - **-k - 2 - - ". . . : . . . . . . . . ( ? : a , Yº r" w …" # , , º - 2 & . . ..: tº ** .: - - - * , -- . . ... 2 ; : " : « . . . w ** * * * , ** :' * : - * - - v . * : . ; , ; , ; ; : ' ', " : " , ; ; ; :: * * j, x 2- . ... ." ... ºt - .." *-i, º, a “ , ” - - - ; , , , - ! . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . } . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; \, : ..f. º. . ... *s, *... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . . 3. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity, in Bushels of MALT, thS. Weight of HOPS, and Barrels of Strong and Table BEER, charged with Excise Duty, in Great Britain and the Amount of Duty paid on each of the same, in each of the 16 Years 1812–1828. &# Up to the 5th. July 1816 the Rate of Duty on Malt was 4/4 º lsº & Wines TO TAL for Drink 15,423,279 18,177,956 18,071,299 16,623,054 12,173,965 14,855,200 13,716,346 16,022,813 16, 1961,14 15,573,552 14,662,146 15,482,643 15,547,128 15,523,747 14,101,444 16,030,887 S--—y— d; Bushel, from thence to the 5th. July 1819, 2/4 ºf Bushel; raised to 3/6, to 25 February 1822; from which date it has been at the rate of 27 diff Bushel Imperial Measure; and from the 5th. January 1826, the rate ºf Duty on British Spirits was reduced from 106 to 7) tº Gallon. - | Bushels of Malt | . Barrels of Beer | *...], ..., Gross Amount of Duty on fbs. of *…* Reer im. chiefly as {P Cols. 11 and Years England Scotland Hops Strong Table |ºlºre. up. | wº | ſº sº Togaſ ſº 1812 18,658,693 6,378,150 =r:---- — — || 273,934 4,351,896 || 3,150,647 322 7,776,799 7,646,480 13 22,381,935 | –— 27,444,903 —— — || 53,563 || 4,898,259 2,969,109 — 7,920,931 — 14 26,110,285 1,306,440 29,328,458 || 5,756,733 1,638,902 463 83 || 233,634 5,898,376 3,105,335 687 || 9,148,032 || 9,029,924 15 27,072,032 1,338,332 25,862,540 || 6,287,754 1,739,000 274 743 || 238,355 6,092,365 3,392,087 2,072 9,724,879 8,346,420 16 26,255,435 ; 1,195,529 || 9,663,842 || 6,108,961 | 1,737,144 167 | 1,672 || 213,971 5,978,728 3,279,617 | 1,274 || 9,473,590 7,149,464 17 17,136,020 1,129,992 || 13,882,904 || 5,347,208 1,659,936 75 803 || 80,756 2,093,077 2,669,163 985 4,843,981 7,329,984 18 24,629,839 1,390,515 41,627,545 || 6,038,501 | 1,792,634 61 | 1,532 || 115,164 3,196,241 3,038,779 2,033 6,352,217 | 8,303,023 19 22,612,270 | 1,454,320 50,510,280 || 5,768,876 1,734,697 196 || 1,596 || 349,020 2,799,113 3,006,732 | 1,946 6,156,811 || 6,559,535 1820 23,884,242 1,182,208 28,913,282 || 5,789,630 1,726,678 211 || 2,284 || 419,130 4,937,660 || 2,907,076 2,854 8,266,720 7,756,093 | 1 || 26,131,438 1,305,659 31,773,668 || 6,098,238 1,748,121 592 914 || 241,303 || 5,177,977 3,012,344 1,341 8,432,965 7,758,181 2 || 26,688,513 | 1,403,177 42,557,298 || 6,433,373 1,797,521 || 1,715 2,601 || 263,093 3,951,032 3,200,705 || 3,414 || 7,418,244. 8,155,308 3 24,845,152 | 1,616,590 5,406,641 || 6,512,645 1,709,377 || 2,482 1,170 || 35,836 3,508,734 3,333,033 1,573 6,879,176 7,782,970 4 27,615,383 2,788,608 || 31,100,722 || 6,774,938 1,784,004 || 4,843 2,011 || 196,890 3,817,357 3,317,387 2,643 7,334,277 | 8,212,851 5 29,572,742 3,925,847 5,080,516 7,142,046 | 1,870,934 || 6,252 2,789 || 212,160 4,075,340 3,629,799 || 9,143 7,926,441 7,597,366 6 27,335,971 || 2,726,555 59,227,487 || 6,812,131 | 1,874,988 || 7,160 2,198 || 102,735 4,238,411 || 3,444,625 8,107 || 7,793,878 7,688,765 7 25,096,338 2,714,073 29,425,342 || 6,507,292 | 1,773,608 || 8,082 1,689 || 442,841 3,326,516 3,248,322 || 6,222 || 7,023,901 7,077,539 8 30,518,136 3,867,218 35,901,402 || 6,677,907 | 1,777,828 | – || – || 272,874 || 4,619,774 3,309,365 7,040 8,209,053 7,821,834 9 - . 1830 - q ſ + \-e-A-V | Sººyº-V \-º/* |\-º/~/|\º- || >~ -- S-2-/\—y—’|\–—y——"|\--| \-2-/ ſº--~~~~ No. of Column 1. 2. 3. 4. | 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Gallons of SPIRITS, Distilled in England; and of the Quantity Imported into England, from Ireland and Scotland; Num- ber of Gallons distilled for Consumption in Scotland, and also of the Number of Gallons of RUM, RRANDY, and WINE, charged with Duty, in all Great Britain, and Amount of Duty paid on the same, in each of the 15 Years 1814–28. Total Amount of Duty w— in Great Britain on Gallons of British Spirits charged with Duty | Gallons of Foreign Spi- Gallons of Wine charged with Duty pºin. Tººm. Enº, ºn 1 Distin, in lºts charged with Puly In England TOTAL in Scotland for - of all sorts * * Years England Ireland Scotland Consumption {{ſ}]. Brandy Cape French all other in Scotland sºft 1814 || 4,079,084 - 1,429,551 4,735,077 373,857 22,414 118,822 5,052,499 6,641,678 15 3,778,426 1271,484 | 1.649,136 3,661,188 1,018,045 74,061 | 408,876 5,852,467 6,378,148 16 || 3,471,968 || 332,212 | 1,294,945 3,366,714 871,005 || 232,087 241,839 i 4,392,610 5,468,618 17 3,720,738 || 32,249 1,247,265 2,668,502 870,313 538,791 i78,621 4,310,846 5,261,355 18 3,502,367 || 9,462 1,358,271 1,931,765 2,610,018 644,665 460,147 239,320 4,256,067 345,349 || 5,999,589 19 || 2,607,144 87,294 | 1,144,919 || 1,986,122"| 2,539,108 889,707 || 419,151 212,293 3,399,895 273,075 || 5,609,584 1820 2,654,337 ||386,975 926,094 1,742,044 2,467,784 947,678 399,974 193,013 || 3,464,524 284,248 || 5,893,646 I 2,465,603 || 272,198 1,082,214 || 2,229,435 | 2,304,553 | 1,003,805 454,881 | 184,949 || 3,429,552 274,984 || 5,916,903 2 2,945,394 | 400,392 | 1,000,562 2,079,556 2,231,753 | 1,089,985 433,687 193,545 || 3,428,977 |289,656 || 6,262,258 3 || 1,976,771 792,608 752,207 || 2,232,728 2,331,456 1,165,576 443,563 191,220 3,677,604 || 281,546 || 5,798,595 4 || 2,679,916 || 379,066 | 1,008,251 || 4,350,301 2,542,122 | 1,315,969 471,421 | 187,062 3,750,289 298,759 || 6,200,662 5 1,910,822 || 579,439 953,292 5,981,550 2,085,559 1,405,036 || 537,179 || 434,348 5,854,989 548,937 || 5,747,437 6 3,209,044 || 832,177 3,365,981 3,988,788 4,277,558 1,540,322 505,125 295,572 4,335,229 374,751 6,418,647 7 || 3,451,620 671,821 || 2,548,118 4,752,199 || 3,264,935 | 1,364,669 549,936 301,877 4,997,16] | 405,336 || 5,750.989 \——- * -- ~~~ ---, \—y "|-- \-2-/-y--- *|\- || 6,315,710 No. of Column 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8, 9. 10. 11. 7, Wines |—£-— 2,388,246 1,968,272 1,680,846 2,068,629 2,303,434 1,859,951 1,862,447 1,841,278 1,893,050 1,984,375 2,012,189 1,849,869 1,270,118 1,326,556 1 506,123 12. , | Beer &c. as {f' Col. No. 12. abv. Years £ 9,148,032 | 1814 9,724,879 15 9,473,590 T6 4,843,981 17 6,352,217 18 6,166,81J 19 8,266,720 1820 8,432,965 I 7,418,244 2 6,879,176 3 7,334,277 4 7,926,441 5 7,793,878 6 7,023,901 7 7,821,834 8 13. §‘S,ii| 3. STATEMENT of the Number of LICENSES, granted to Brewers, and Retailers of BEER: and also to Distillers, Rectifiers, and Retailers of Spirits, and Wines, and to Tanners, and Dealers in Tea, Coffee, &c. and to Dealers in Tobacco and Snuff, in all Great Britain, in each of the 14 Years 1314". 1827. Wide Parliamentary Paper No. 33. Session 1824. and Papers No. 249–250. laid before the Finance Committee in the Session of 1828. *...* On the preceding Page is eahibited a Statement, of the Quantity of Malt, Beer, Hops, and of Spirits and Wines, charged with Excise Duty in correspon- ding Years to those exhibited below. A reduction in the rate of Duty on Spirits distilled in Scotland and Ireland took place in 1823, and a further reduction in all the United Kingdom from the 5th. January 1826. In 1823 also, and again in 1825, great alterations were made in the Scale and Rates of Duty on Licen- ces, for further details of which and effects produced thereby, see the several Articles, Beer, Licences, Spirits and Victuallers in their Alphabetical Order in the In- dea: - BREW ERS of STRONG BEER, not eacceeding -*. stair ºf JB E ER, whose Premises are Assessed i Dealers in Brewers - under £20 per annum. Iz, 1s. I at 201. per annum and up- i Tea Cof- Tobacco of 29 Barrels ºf 1000 Barrels (2,000 Barr. 5,000 Barr...º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. total Nº.ºf - - ##"...'." "|TOTAL | Tammer o d Snuff. Years | Table Beer i. ; - at £2. ſ 2 at £3. at £7 10. #####|#####!'; º #...} &# England Scotland England Scotland G#. Brit: at º ſº 0.70 * - *s-- i. } ! 1814 || -- 31 ro ## 2 974 E s 245 g|- 271 = | 84 ||34 |37 || 4 || 11 1,660 || ||... º.º. the Jºcellee Pºty fºr Retail. 58,968 || 1,917 | 72,030 106,704 # # s s 5 g BEER, & * 3 2 5 2 ºr 3 13 # 39 #| # # Fºº # |#######| ||*|, |g|Jº ºft| Sºlº iſ 364 idºid 16 # * : #### # * : | #386 23: ; 89 |*||9||3|19||1,842 §..."...º.º.º. 58,394| 1,896 || 70,906 || 102,346 17 31 to ā--> 1,081 % 255 °|* 264 ºf 78 |33 || 30 II | 10 | 1,762 || as above. 57,943 || 1,843 || 69,331 || 101,886 18 11 9 * = 3 938 184 229 12 239 || 9 || 60 |33 ||32 || 8 || 10 1,754 || 35,605 || 9,234 12,670 650 58,159 || 1,740 74,244 108,097 19 || 14 15 ; : 963 179 211 || 13 229 |12 || 59 || 35 | 32 || 6 || 11 | 1,750 || 35,442 9,463 | 12,688 715 58,308 || 1,730 78,207 || 110,332 1820 20 | 12 ºf: , , 993 || 190 221 21 227 | 14 ||61||28 27 || 4 || 11 | 1,797 || 35,631 5,040 | 12,427 | 713 53,811 || 1,678 76,541 112,144 1 | 16 || 12 # 333 # | 1,062 176 222 20 220 |12 || 65||22 27 | 6 || 10 | 1,842 || 35,563 |10,633 12,354 || 696 || 59,246 || 1,601 | 80,092 || 111,112 2 8| 13 | # **** : | 1,137 197 |222 || 23 |233 16 ||66|21 ||25 | 10 | 10 | 1,960 || 36,170 10,967 12,516 670 60,323||1,598 81,893 |114,297 3 20 17 || – 2,845 | 199| 218 || 17 | 214 || 14 | 68 15 |32 || 8 || 11 3,641 || 36,121 | 11,145 || 11,812 || 645 59,723 || 1,603 || 83,287 | 116,617 4 || 100 | 16 || 13,953 207 || 9,875 181 170 28 157 13 50 19 19 || 6 || 8 || 24,686 || 36,447 | 12,359 13,985 614 63,405 || 1,625 | 85,718 120,403 5 | 73 || 134 14,115 247 | 10,293 || 103 || 270 26 243 |18 |73 ||32 || 27 | 11 || 9 || 25,467 || 36,201 15,815 8,861 | 930 61,807 || * 925 | 32,096 || 40,376 6 | 101 | 196 || 13,483 || 122 || 11,236 144 263 |32 || 252 II | 86 23 29 || 9 || II 25,701 || 36,755 15,190 12,572 886 65,403 || 1,629 || 83,764 || 111,887 7 | 19| 221 | 13,922 || 114 || 11,350 | 130 243 30 252 | 13 82 |17|32 || 7 || 13 20,204 || 37,029 15,796 || 12,831 993 66,589 || 1,574 85,589 121,995 ºf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.|11. 12.]13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. -Ts ---- # , | # 5-ss | , 3 | * § lºss 3 | : g s # 3. Retailers of spinºſºniº are Assessed }%# L iii, i: . si: : sº s #s §§ #. §s Šs £º - *... iś ºš "j| TotAL |33 || $3 $ $5 ||55: ; Ś. years | # sº | ###|Teio. els. Tºgo, Tºgº. Tºgo. Tºgo. Tºgo, allºoºº;;"|# séâ|º §§ | # šš* || s=|s; 3 S Q: S.Š £2. £4 4. £4 4. £6 6. £7 7. £8 s. £99. 50l. 10.|and Wales|siº | #5 s R. Britain ||53 | S3; & SS s sº Š r1818 10 | 109 | 1,916 §s 19,797 |4,068|2,732 1,586 3,017 | 1,938 3,011 || 38,184 | . These distinctions |47,977 ||34 || 787 | 1,478 || 14 || 9,813 g 19 || 11 || 117 | 1,952 || s= | 19,865 |4,132 |2,705 | 1,571 3,008 1,961 |3,068|38,390 º |.. #, 47,510 || 30 826 1,405 || 14 || 9,909 § 1820 | 10 | 111 | 1,871 || $35 | 19,961 |4,236 |2,584 1,558 2,994 | 1,961 3,045 || 38,361 || .#". . . . 49,355 28 |890 | 1,429 || 13 || 9,767 Þs 1 10 | 111 | 1,869 || 3's s 20,059 4,209 2,597 1,530 2,937 1,949 3,070 || 38,341 in Scotland they have || 48,618 26 || 790 1,441 15 9,684 & 2 10 103 1,878 ### 20,277 |4,323 2,539 1,536 2,932 1,939 3,091 || 38,617 merged under the 49,175 22 |772 | 1,442 | 12 9,579 is 3 | 11 106 | 1.897 || s= |20,660 |4,417|2,523 1,538 |2,925 | 1.950 |3,183 ||39,213 | "...” 50,120 |25 |803||1,518 12 || 9,721 s 4 || 9 || 104 || 1,911 || 3 ° 26,362 2,489 1,538 |2,983 | 1,932 3,180 || 40,508 |"; #.º. in cols. 43,609 | 20 |824|1,562 | 15 11,333 Sº 5 14 61 842 || 12,000 16,613 2,214 | 1,367 2,287|1,185 | 1,615 || 39,198 || 12 and 13 below, are 53,344 || 8 |331 || 369 || 10 || 13,781 R 6 14 || 101 2,793 || 13,077 17,082 2,548 1,570 3,081 | 1,978 || 3,263 || 45,507 to Makers of Stills, 61,491 19 |688 1,643 || 13 | 16,707 L 7 | 11 | 102 || 2,864 || 13,458 17,506 2,589 1,645 3,140 2,004 |3,331 || 46,650 gºniº usins 63,285 18 |723 1,794 | 15 17,068 ſ1818 152 4 72 º 2,652 337 193 66 107 45 90 || see Vote 79 5,153 | 843 9,793 || 1 || 22 108 || 8 908 19 | 1.47 6 | 66 s is 2,464 288 172 64 89 44 88 || *e 51 || 5,034 607 | 9,120 || 1 || 21 95 || 8 || 860 1820 117 7 | 61 || $$5 2,819 || 339 201 88 || 129 64 148 || 1 || 2 | 62 6,150 806 || 10,994 || 3 || 28 || 103 || 13 | 1,110 *S 1 | 125 8 || 46 || ### 2,650 292 | 166 79 111 48 115 || 14 27 | 54 5,710 832 10,277 || 3 || 33 107 10 981 $ 2 : T 08 8 36 s: 2,786 289 || 178 65 106 46 | 119 || 14 | 40 || 60 5,848 855 10,558 || 1 || 27 | 103 | 12 | 1,041 # 3 || 125 | 11 31 ~ āş 2,812 284 162 65 99 45 II9 || 22 39 50 6,282 761 10,907 || 2 | 34 103 || 10 | 1,119 & 4 243 9 30 267 T 8 12 2 9 3 || 8 || 47 52 56 1,354 791 3,101 || 2 || 37| 82 3. 129 5 281 || 2 || 55 9,245 106 || 4,314 272 143 | 158 62 170 || 30 26 | 19 188 75 15,146 || 2 || 28 68 30 2,482 6 263 9 || 34 || 10,720 3 || 4,038 292 159 166 76 171 || 26 26 — — — 15,983 || 2 || 31 24 21 2,326 7 246 | 11 | 40 || 11,072 — 4,293 300 | 184 169 86 183 || 27 24 || – — | – | 16,635 | 2 || 33 || 33 25 2,320 No. of Col. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ; i C 110 STATEMENT of the quantity in ibs. Weight of Cotton Wool Exported from the United States of North Amerwa to all parts on the World in each of the 38 Years 1791 – 1828 shewing the average rate # it at which Exported in each Year since 1801, and the total quantity in fös Weight Imported into Great Britain from all parts of the World in each Year during the same period, and the No. of Bags and Bales from each different part of the World, Imported into the Port of Liver of Vessels, their,Tonnage, and amount of Dock Dues received at that Port in each Year. pool, together with the No. Years *-* . ºv 1791 2. :3 } 8 0 i | 1 8 3 No. of Vessels, their Tonnage, and Amount of Dock Dues, at the Port of Liverpool. * mº yf Šà nº * yf Bags and Bales Imported into Liverpool from the s. Weight of ###| ibs. Weight a - Cottom Wool **ś }...º. *..] Brazil, Demerural West all Exported from ### G º Britain States of and md India | other the U.States|##|}ºf North p.a.lp.f. ... TotAL of |N. America sº sº.s the World. A. merica ortuga €7°0'000 AS401700S parts 189,316 28,706,675 64 34,500 §§§§ 25,777 | 8,063 68,404 138,328 34,907,497 503 || 37,268 3s sº 27,340 7,153 72,264 487,600 19,040,929 111 || 6,541 sis; 14,694 3,625 24,971 1,601,760 24,358,567 348 || 17,028 si; ; 17,792 2,854 33,032 6,276,300 26,401,340 || 2,147 21,841 a $5; 29,539 1,314 54,841 6,106,729 32,126,357 || 4,668 || 30,721 || 1,730 25, 110 | 1,297 63,526 3,788,429 23,354,371 || 5,193 28,314 || 3,073 19,006 || 2,672 58,258 9,360,005 31,880,641 || 12,163 29,095 || 5,506 21,612 248 69,634 9,532,263 43,379,278 || 13,236 25,362 3,102 38,394 1,690 86,784 17,789,803 56,010,732 || 24,138 19,947 || 10,076 32,362 || 5,157 92,580 20,911,201 56,004,305 || 32,621 25,003 || 8,631 28,437 |#3,860 98,752 27,501,075 60,345,600 || 55,749 47,300 |$8,557 21,814 || 1,562 135, 182 41,105,623 53,872,284 || 70,579 49,916 || 2,567 14,65 t \;2,414 140,127 38,118,041 61,867,329 || 78,324 || 35,697 24,522 || 13,788 & 915 153,246 40,383,491 59,682,406 || 101,045 39,416 | 16,426 17,286 54,509 || 178,684 37,491,282 58,176,283 || 100,273 || 35,293 17,338 18,383 + 1,985 173,278 66,212,737 74,925,306 || 143,756 11,852 21,092 | 18,956 |31,690 197,346 12,064,366 43,605,982 || *25,426 6,572 | 16,329 15, 178 || 2,710 | 66,215 53,210,225 92,812,282 || 130,581 87,292 15,998 || 25,687 ||37,728 267,283 93,874,201 132,488,935 | 199,220 | 73,224 22,258 18,300 || 7,500 320,600 62,186,081 91,576,535 || 97,626 46,183 19,798 6,927 sº,258 172,792 28,952,544 63,025,936 || 79,528 62,676 18,704 || 7,904 |$2,962 171,774 19,399,911 50,966,000 || 18,640 | 88,113 14,310 | 12,223 || $7,996 || 141,282 17,806,479 60,060,239 || 40,448 || 103,248 15,512 17,341 |* 6,174 182,720 82,998,747 99,306,343 || 160,128 | 68,952 18,401 || 11,712 11,791 270,984 81,747,116 93,920,055 || 142,120 | 93,730 20,361 8,372 11,543 276,525 85,649,328 124,912,968 || 164,153 100,259 || 13,563 | 12,511 || 23,689 || 314,181 92,471,178 177,282,158 || 173,000 || 139,247 14,410 | 12,612 86,126 425,395 87,997,045 149,549,971 || 175,545 || 131,701 || 9,865 7,038 || 62,037 || 366,186 127,860, 152 150,043,082 || 272,574 | 161,628 10,262 6,561 7,663 458,693 124,893,405 130,982,479 || 271,649 114,951 9,553 || 13,149 3,849 || 413,151 144,675,095 141,253,993 || 291,293 || 135,682 14,640 10,123 2,362 453,903 173,723,270 189,161,345 || 410,782 | 138,759 || 8,962 11,212 | 8,832 578,347 142,369,663 149,380,122 || 254,430 135,981 | is 18,622 || 37,293 446,326 176,449,907 228,005,291 || 395,349 188,474 24,134 96,821 || 704,778 204,535,415 177,607,501 || 371,020 53,232 is 12,029 52,934 || 489,215 272,488,909 || 590,600 | 117,400 | # 20,800 34,160 756,300 413,497 | 162,663 | # 13,660 38,202 || 630,949 Wessels 4,045 4,483 4,129 4,265 3,948 4,738 4,528 4,478 4,518 4,746 5,060 4,78 i 4,791 4,291 4,618 4,676 5,791 5,225 6,023 6,729 5,616 4,599 5,341 5,706 6,440 6,888 6,079 6,779 7,849 7,276 7,810 8,136 8,916 10,001 10,837 9,601 9,592 10,703 11,383 No. of Amount o Tonnage Bock Dues § 11,645 § 13,244 #s 12,480 *: 10,678 § s ss 9,369 ss || 3 12,377 es š s 13,320 #3 § s 12,058 as '# 14,049 & . 450,560 s 23,379 : 459,719 s 28,369 g·s 510,691 3, 28,192 . 494,521 s 28,028 448,751 s 26,157 ?? 463,482 # 33,365 ºr 307,805 || > 44,500 * * 662,309 62,831 516,836 40,638 594,601 47,580 734,391 65,782 611,190 54,733 j46,788 20,260 24,343 547,426 24,134 26,042 548,957 28,631 || 31,111 709,849 || 36,310 | 40,605 774,243 43,765 || 48,881 653,425 || 35,186 40,703 754,690 43,842 54,695 867,318 50,042 60,085 805,033 44,718 49,695 839,848 43,131 || 51,425 892,902 || 47,229 55,174 1,010,819 || 52,837 62,943 1,180,914 || 60,878 70,033 1,223,820 126,692 1,228,318 131,000 1,225,313 || 61,601 | 72,872 1,311,111 | 73,322 78,400 H,387,958 77,478, 81,198 | For the Cotton Exported from the United States of America see General Statement of Exports from those States in which the causes of the diminution of º HS14 t Port by Mr. Hen. Smithers published by Kaye in 1825, and the continuation has been compiled from the Annual Circulars of different Brokers. . º The Accounts of Tonnage and Dock Dues are made up to the 30th. of June in each Year, and are wholly received by the Corporation, and in their pro; gressive increase exhibit a result not less interesting than the extension of the culture of - is almost as remarkable, as the increase of its Traffic. In 1565 it was a mere fishing town with 138 Huts and 225 Tons of Boats, it eme at the ciose of theirth. Öentur , when the Population amounted to 5,145, in 1797 to 34,407, in 1801, including 7 contig. Townships (see º ort in 1808, and 1813–14 are explained ; the centime of America is as near as may be, equal to the sou of France, and the half-penny of England; up to e above account relating to the Import of Cotton into, and Dock Dues &c. at the Port of Liverpool have been taken from an Historical view of that Cotton in America; the increase of the Population of Liverpool ed from its obscurity os. 1316 – 1323 of the Topographical arrangement) the Population amounted to 85,393, and in 1821 to 144,687 which at the census in 1831 will probably amount to 165,000, the basis of the influence of Liverpool, arose from its extensive participation in the Słave Tráde of Africa, from the 1st. of January 1806 to the 1st May 1807, When that Trade was totally abolished by Great Britain, there cleared from the Port of Liverpool for the Coast of Africa, 185 Large Ships. In 1730 the No. of Vessel; cleared out for that trade was 15, progressively increasing up to 1769–74 in which seven Years, the average Number, annually cleared outwards, Was about 100, the traffic was materially chécked by the War with the American Colonies, so that in 1779 there cleared only 11 Ships, but it recovered again after the close of the War, so that in iſg2 the Number cleared out was 132. Since the abandonment of this traffic in Slavés, Liverpool has been, and still continueS, more a place of Transit and Agency, than one involved in the risks and consequences of the great transacti ons of the Empire, and is indebted for its present importance as much (perhaps more) to its peculiar locality and contiguity, to inexhaustible supplies of Salt and Coal, and the Chief Seats of the Earthen- ware and Cotton Manufacture, as to the génius and spirit of its Inhabitants. The Town is deſightfully four miles above its entrance into the Irish Channel, and on an average of the 20 Years 1804–23, there was Salt entered the river Mersey annually, from the Springs in Cheshire. In 1708 there was registere the General Statement of the Number and Tonna Tonnage, registered at that Port. located on the Eastbank of the river Mersey, about 68,187 Tons of Rock and 167,050 Tons of White - d at Liverpool 84 Vessels or 5,789 of Tonnage; yº ge of Vessels at each Port of the British Empire, shews that, in 1824, there was 1 189 Vessels or 184,642 9 E AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of each of the 12 principal Articles of the products of the United States of North AMERICA, EXPORTED from thence, in each of the 36 Years 1791 – 1826.- Wide Parliamentary Paper Number 578 Session 1828. Busneſs of Qtls. º Value in Dol-i TOTAL ibs. of Hhds. Tierces | Barrels of Barrels e Flair of Pickled Fish | lars of For. Value in Cotton of of of Indian Corm Seed Dried — -—| Produce Dollars of - Years Tobacco Rice Beef Pork Flour and Meal Wheat "ish | Barrels | Kegs |Re-eported Evports Years #791 189,316 || 101.312| 96.980 || 62,771 |27,781 || 619,631 || 2,064,936 lºsº ||292,460 | 333,237 ||37,424 a Fish 19,012,044 1791 2 isºl iſºs | 1.41.76%| 73.633 ||38.098 || $21,464 || 3338.373 |853,790 ||261.905 |364,898 || 48.277 egs #, *...* | 20.753.096 2 487,600 59,947 134,611 || 75,106 38,563 || 1,074,639 || 1,423,483 1,450,575 || 258,540 372,825 || 45,440 º: ! “º 26.109.572 3 4 1,601,761 |76,826 116,486 || 100.8% |49,442 || 846,910 || 1,747,547 |696,797 ||270,349 |436,907 ||38,929 |... . º 33,026,233 4 5 6.276,300 | 61,050 | 138,526 || 96,119 88,193 || 687,369 || 2,447,796 || 141,273 ||aii.264 |400,818 55,999 |* * * 47,989,472 5 6 6,106,729 69,018 131,039 || 92,521 | 73,881 725,194 || 1,713,838 31,226 || 256,200 377,713 | 84,558 5,256 || 26,300,000 || 67,064,097 6 7 3,788,429 58,167 60,111 || 51,812 40,125 || 515,633 || 1,059,721 15,655 || 222,260 | 406,016 || 69,782 7,351 || 27,000,000 56,850,206 7 8 || 9,360,005 | 68,567 | 125,243 || 89,000 || 33,115 || 567,558 || 1,429,925 15,021 ||224,473 || 411,175 | 66,827 6,220 || 33,000,000 61,527,097 8 3 || 9,532,263 96,0.70 || 110,599 || 91,321 52,268 || 519,265 || 1,431,718 10,056 || 350,887 428,495 63,542 15,993 || 45,523,000 || 78,665,522 9 1800 17,789,803 || 78,680 | 112,056 || 75,045 55,467 || 653,052 || 2,032,435 26,853 || 289,684 392,726 50,388 12,403 || 39,130,877 70,971,780 1800 I 20,911,201 || 103,758 94,866 || 75,331 || 70,779 || 1,102,444 || 2,687,517 239,929 || 461,266 || 410,948 85,935 | 10,424 || 46,642,721 94,115,925 1. 2 27,501,075 | 77,721 79,822 || 61,520 78,239 || 1,156,248 || 1,900,099 || 280,281 || 155,358 440,925 || 75,819 13,229 || 35,774,971 | 72,483,160 2 3 || 41,105 623 86,291 81,838 || 77,934 96,602 || 1,311,853 || 2,213,214 | 686,415 || 311,459 461,870 76,831 11,565 || 13,594,072 55,800,033 a 3 4 || 38,118,041 83,343 78,385 || 134,896 || 111,532 || 810,008 || 2,056,200 | 127,024 || 281,757 567,828 89,482 13,045 || 36,231,597 || 77,699,074 4 5 40,383,491 71,252 56,830 115,532 57,925 || 777,513 || 977,632 18,041 || 179,788 514,549 || 56,670 7,207 || 53,179,019 95,566,021 5 6 || 37,491,282 |83,186 102,627 || 117,419 || 36,277 || 782,724 || 1,172,605 || 86,784 || 352,280 || 537,547 | 64,615 10,155 || 60,283,236 101,536,963 6 7 | 66,212,737 62,232 94,692 || 84,209 || 39,247 || 1,249,319 || 1,155,181 766,814 || 301,242 473,924 57,621 13,743 || 59,643,558 108,343,150 7 b 8 || 12,064,366 9,576 || 9,228 || 20,101 | 15,478 || 263,813 || 280,351 || 87,330 || 102,930 | 155,808 18,957 3,036 || 12,997,414 22,430,960 b8 | 9 || 53,210,225 53,92i 116,907 || 28,555 42,652 || 846,247 || 579,307 || 393,889 || 184,311 || 345,648 || 54,777 ; 9,380 || 20,797,531 52,203,233 9 1810 | 93,874,201 , 84,134 131,341 || 47,699 || 37,209 || 798,431 || 1,140,996 || 325,924 || 240,579 280,804 || 34,674 5,964 || 24,391,295 | 66,757,970 1810 ii 62,186,081 35,828 119,356 || 76,743 ||37,270 || 1,445,012 || 2,938,376 |216,833 ||304,114 |214,887 |44,716 || 9,393 || 16,022,790 61,316,833| ii 12 28,952,544 26,094 || 77,190 || 42,757 22,746 || 1,443,492 || 2,130,809 || 53,832 || 325,022 | 169,019 / 23,636 3,143 || 8,495,127 | 38,527,236 c 12 13 | 19,399,911 || 5,314 | 120,843 || 43,741 17,337 || 1,260,943 || 1,545,491 288,535 | 189,538 63,616 ) {3,883 568 || 2,847,845 27,855,997 || 13 c 14 || 17,806,479 3,125 11,476 || 20,297 4,040 || 193,274 87,722 14,800 31,310 8,436 8% 145,169 6,927,441 || 14 15 82,998,747 85,337 129,248 || 13,133 9,073 || 862,739 || 902,380 17,634 || 267,101 || 103,251 36,232 3,062 || 6,583,350 52,577,753 15 16 || 81,747,116 || 69,241 || 137,843 || 33,239 || 19,289 || 729,053 || 1,166,733 62,231 || 636,467 219,991 38,228 6,983 || 17,138,556 81,920,452 16 17 | 85,649,328 62,365 79,296 || 37,889 || 14,462 || 1,479, 198 || 814,506 96,407 - e 19,358,069 87,671,569 17 18 92,471,178 | 84,337 82,181 || 36,875 17,553 || 1,157,697 || 2,155,306 197,808 adº, ºp;" 19,426,693 93,281,133 18 19 87,997,045 69,437 76,523 ||34,966 |28,173 || 750,660 || 1,627,846 82,065 || #."...ºft. 19,165,686 70,142,521 19 1820 |127,860,152 83,940 71,664 || 53,191 44,091 || 1,177,036 || 1,119,005 22,132 #ſº 18,008,029 69,691,669 1820 I 124,893,405 | 66,858 88,220 || 66,827 | 66,647 || 1,056,119 || 1,133,953 25,821 || "...'",“Pºlſº, ſº ſº.” 21,302,488 64,974,382 f 2 iTºog, ºrgy gºods gºio |63,353 | "jºgº, i.i.d.º.oſo | 1.415 || #;"º ||22,236,202 | 72,160,281 2 3 |173,723,271 99,009 || 101,365 || 61,418 55,529 || 756,702 || 1,316,038 || 4,272 | per No. 578, ºf that Session, the algee ºf || 27,523,622 74,699,030 3 4 142,369,663 77,883 |113,229 |66,074 67,229 || 996,702 || 1.390,189 20,313| #.º.º.º. 23,337,157 75,986,657 4 5 176,449,907 || 75,984 || 97,015 || 88,025 85,907 | 813,906 || 1,618,784 17,990 || ever included in the Totals. . 32,590,643 99,535,388 5 6 (204,535,415 || 64,098 || 111,063 || 72,866 88,994 857,820 24,539,612 || 77,595,322 6 The above Statement is peculiarly interesting in various points of view. The progress of the growth of Cotton Wool is permaps as extraordinary an ea emplification of the power of human industry as the page of History affords. In 1789 it was very gravely debated by the Congressional Assembly of the Union, whether or not the soils of Carolina and Georgia were sufficiently adapted for the growth of Cotton to render it desirable on the part of the Assembly to encourage its culture, it having up to that period only been cultivated for Domestic use, and that to a very limited eatent, while in 1830 in addition to an increasing quantity exported since 1826 the quantity grown for Domestic consumption on an average of the last 6 or 7 Years has been about 60,000,000 ibs. d? Annum. The neart important feature of the account is the great eactension of the eaciernal Commerce of the United States by the War declared by England against France in February 1793 which occasioned the United States to become progressively the General Carriers for nearly all the Continental Nations of Europe; the sudden transition in 1893 (Vide a consequent on the peace of Amiens meat deserves notice, and still more so, the eartraordinary self-denial of the general embargo laid by Congress on the foreign Commerce of the Union on the 22nd. December 1807 (Vide b ) raised in April 1809; the Climax of ea periment however was reserved for the declaration of War against England on the 18th. June 1812 whieh led to an almost Total eactinction of all eaternal intercourse in 1813-14 (Wide c. ) *...* The American Accounts are made up to the 30th. September in each Year, another interesting and important fact is deducible from the above Statement ; notwithstanding the unbounded eactent and eartraordinary fertility of the American Soil and assumed industry of its greater Number of Inhabitants ; the quantity of Farinaceous and Animal Food Eaſported from the United States is less, or: an average of the last 20 Years, than the quantity Eaſported from Ireland.— see Statement of Grain &c. Exported from Ireland. i| : STATEMENT shewing the Quantity, in ibs. Weight, of COTTON WOOL, IMPORTED, RE-EXPORTED, and retained for Home Consumption, in each of the 33 Years 1798–1830; the amount of Duty paid on the same, in each of the 26 Years 1805–30; the Estimated annual average price, and Total Value of the Quantity retained for Spinning; the Official Value of all Cotton Manufactured Goods, and of Yarns ExpoRTED, with the Rate of Wages paid for Wea- ving 24 Yards of 60 Reed, 6/4ths. Cambric, in each of the 33 Years; and the Declared Value, with Ratio thereof, of the Manufactured Goods an ExpoRTED in each of the 17 Years 1814–30. *...* For observations on the value of the Raw Material,—see Index. lbs. Weight of COTTON WOOL. | RE-ExPort ED to Retained A mount of IMPORTED. -- for Duty paid Years Ireland All other parts Spinning. on the same. 1798 || 31,737,655 468,498 132,641 : 31,136,516 9 43,046,639 841,617 3,054 42,201,968 1800 55,630,390 480,413 || 3,936,197 || 51,213,780 1 55,675,079 223,359 1,637,513 53,814,207 2 60,239,080 934,079 2,796,401 : 56,508,600 3 53,427,501 280,924 1,280,129 51,866,448 4 : 61,316,962 179,225 323,946 60,813,791 5 59,649,549 570,218 234,025 : 58,845,306 || 293,615 6 57,982,263 460,929 190,938 57,330,396 || 285,119 7 74,786,461 1,965,097 211,846 72,609,518 || 356,359 8 : 43,263,400 1,601,422 43,445 41,618,533 || 231,208 9 91,701,923 1,079,387 3,271,718 87,350,818 || 526,730 1810 134,805,596 347,458 8,439,651 126,018,487 || 592,480 11 91,008,874 1,026,752 240,115 # 89,732,007 || 466,636 12 61,568,673 ; 1,427,948 312,964 # 59,827,761 || 426,971 13 14 58,887,183 826,624 5,455,813 52,604,646 || 584,227 15 98,790,698 830,540 5,949,852 92,010,306 || 760,459 16 93,685,105 581,408 6,523,646 86,580,051 || 369,111 17 | 124,803,057 : 1,065,161 || 7,090,281 : 116,647,615 490,745 18 177,178,438 1,871,166 13,238,287 172,018,985 || 470,275 19 149,467,129 1,330,238 15,292,721 : 132,844,160 || 395,245 1820 149,322,869 ; 1,386,564 6,024,038 141,912,267 || 417,418 1 | 130,196,651 1,716,395 14,589,497 : 113,890,759 || 279,084 2 140,914,740 1,950,288 18,269,776 120,694,636 || 251,846 3 188,572,418 : 2,221,127 9,318,403 ± 177,032,888 || 320,365 4 || 147,099,446 2,598,893 || 13,299,185 || 131,201,368 || 251,212 5 226,052,134 2,112,774 18,004,953 : 205,934,408 || 521,010 6 174,706,610 24,474,920 150,231,690 || 224,533 7 268,752,495 || Account 18,134,170 250,618,325 || 327,761 8 225,713,403 discontind. 17,396,776 208,316,627 || 278,559 9 / 221,118,645 30,288,779 : 190,829,866 || 236,400 1830 263,961,452 8,534,976 255,426,476 || 359,988 | l 2 3 4 5 | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 d Yarns, Official Value EXPORTED. Estimated - - Money Value. Piece Goods. Yarms. ſ —£ 5,448,888 || 3,572,217 30,271. 8,440,397 || 5,593,407 | 204,602 7,682,067 || 5,406,501 447,556 5,829,872 || 6,606,368 444,441 4,238,145 || 7, 195,900 428,605 3,457,766 || 6,442,037 639,404 4,054,252 || 7,834,564 902,208 4,413,395 || 8,619,990 914,475 4,777,533 || 9,753,824 | 736,225 7,260,951 || 9,708,046 601,719 5,202,317 || 12,503,918 472,078 5,823,387 || 18,425,614 | 1,020,352 7,351,078 || 17,892,519 | 1,053,475 5,234,366 || 11,529,551 483,598 4,487,082 || 15,723,225 794,465 5,260,464 || 16,535,528 1,119,850 7,667,524 || 21,480,792 808,853 6,132,885 || 16,183,975 1,380,486 i 9,234,601 || 20,133,966 1,125,258 12,184,678 || 21,292,354 1,296,776 7,749,243 || 16,696,539 1,585,753 5,613,011 || 20,509,926 2,022,153 4,508,175 || 21,642,936 1,898,679 4,274,602 || 24,559,272 2,351,771 7,007,551 || 24,119,359 2,425,411 5,790,600 || 27,171,556 2,984,345 9,438,660 || 26,597,575 2,897,706 4,694,740 || 21,445,748 3,748,527 7,048,579 || 29,203,138 3,979,760 6,175,901 || 28,981,575 4,485,842 5,178,310 || 31,810,474 5,458,958 7,449,940 || 35,661,381 5,656,460 | 7. 8. 9. : i ; : : 25/0 2 9 / 0 24/0 20/0 25/0 22/0 18/0 15/0 16/0 19/6 13/0 13/6 16/0 27/0 15/0 11/0 8/6 10/0 9/0 8/0 10/6 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/0 6/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/0 I {}. Declared Value EXPORT D. Piece Goods. -*. * , Yarns. —-É | Rate at which ExPort Ed *** There does not appear to have been any separate account of the Declared Value of the Cotton Goods ExpoRTED, prior to 1814; the ratio of the Declared Value of the aggre- gate of all British Products and Manufactures Ex PORTED, in the 10 Years 1798 – 1807, was 166 tº Ct. but as some articles have not mate- rially altered in Value since that time; the Ratio of the Cotton Goods lmust considerably have exceeded that Rate, and doubtless, approxi mated to ?00; now below 40. 17,393,796 19,124,061 13,072,758 14,178,021 16,643,579 12,388,833 13,843,567 13,786,952 14,534,253 13,751,415 15,240,006 15,046,902 10,522,407 13,956,826 13,545,638 13,420,544 15,294,943 1 1, 2,907,277 1,781,077 2,707,385 2,131,629 2,554,059 2,707,612 2,940,328. 2,305,830 2,700,437 2,625,947 3,135,496 3,206,729 3,491,268 3,541,568 3,594,946 3,974,039 4,133,741 | * $ S S5 SA) $ Sº § ‘s | Sº $ ‘s ite * * | * S | S Sº | Sº 104 || 4/43 90 3/7] 80 || 3/4; 70 3/2 77 3/3 72 2/9} 67 2/53 64 2/1; 59 2/04 56 1/11 56 22} 57 || 23% 49 193 47 19 46 17 42 15% 43 15% 13. 14. : STATEMENT shewing the Number of Bags and Bales of COTTON WOOL, IM portre D into GREA T BRIT AIN, from each r espective Country of ; growth, in each of the 17 Years 1814–30; the proportion Re-ExpoRTED, and taken for Spinning; ſhs. Weight of the same ; average price; and Total Money Value thereof, in eaeh Year. - - * . ; Bags and Bales Imported from | Stock at DISPOSAL. - § 43 || Total Money ~ CO%27/1677 Cé- —|| Stock at lbs. Weight §: Value of the U. S. of West Iment of TOTAL Taken for | TOTAL close of taken for § S quantity taken Years | America. Brazils. East Indies Egypt. Indies. | TOTAL. each Year. Supply. Re-eaſport Spinning. Disposal. || each Year. Spinning. * S for Spinning. 1814 48,000 | 151,500 || 13,500 74,500 287,500 80,600 2/0 15 201,000 | 91,200 || 24,300 54,900 371,400 80,600 452,000 || 28,000 344,100 372,100 79,900 90,537,350 | 20 7,544,779 16 | 166,000 | 124,000 || 34,000 49,000 || 370,000 || 79,900 449,900 || 30, 153 || 343,147 ||373,300 76,600 90,350,000 || 17 6,399,800 17 | 195,560 | 114,490 || 117,955 49,155 477,160 76,600 553,760 || 22,755 416,405 || 439, 160 || 114,600 110,532,000 | 19 8,700,450 18 219,950 | 160,200 227,300 57,850 | 665,300 114,600 779,900 || 67,132 422,588 || 489,720 || 290,180 112,235,000 || 17 7,949,980 19 212,250 | 125,450 | 178,300 31,070 547,070 290,180 837,250 || 60,825 423,925 || 484,750 || 352,500 110,235,000 || 14 6,430,375 1820 || 301,200 179,700 57,300 31,950 570,150 352,500 922,650 || 28,438 || 486,712 || 515, 150 || 407,500 | 128,735,000 10 5,363,958 I 300,100 | 121,050 29,700 37,250 || 488,100 407,500 896, 100 || 51,000 || 491,550 542,550 353,550 | 128,000,000 || 9% 5,066,667 2 330,000 || 143,200 | 19,300 40,650 533, 150 353,550 886,700 || 58,700 541,350 | 600,050 || 286,650 142,000,000 8; 5,029,166 3 448,070 148,070 38,650 2,200 31,410 | 668,400 286,650 955,050 || 39,400 533,420 | 572,820 || 382,230 | 152,000,000 9% 6,016,666 4 282,500 142,700 50,900 33,000 || 31,900 541,000 || 382,230 923,230 || 52,800 634,930 | 687,730 || 235,500 165,000,000 10; 7,218,750 5 || 425,100 | 197,000 || 59,350 | 103,400 | 34,550 | 819,400 235,500 | 1,054,900 || 73,000 565,900 638,900 || 416,000 168,000,000 || 11 7,700,000 6 395,130 55,500 64,630 || 46,120 | 18,820 580,200 || 416,000 996,200 || 95,840 558,000 || 653,840 || 342,360 | 151,000,000 7% 4,718,750 | 7 || 646,900 119,950 | 73,800 | 19,950 32,000 | 892,600 342,360 | 1,234,960 || 73,000 || 709,460 | 782,460 || 452,500 198,000,000 6; 5,568,750 8 : 442,650 | 164,900 | 84,700 30,700 26,050 | 749,000 452,500 | 1,201,500 || 64,100 | 731,500 || 795,600 || 405,900 218,000,000 7 6,358,333 9| 461,820 159,700 80,300 24,280 | 19,780 745,880 405,900 | 1,151,780 || 109,306 || 752,990 | 862,290 || 289,490 220,000,000 6; 5,958,330 1830 616,100 192,300 || 34,760 | 13,540 14,050 870,750 289,490 1,160,240 || 35,800 804,170 839,970 || 320,270 245,000,000 7 || 7,145,830 1 320,270 2 3 4 5 Proportion in lbs. Weight, EXPORTE D in a * * * & •o 4.... tº - ºr . Eacported fº State ; #: No. 4, assuming, 3lb. # º: . oportion in lbs. Weight, rºinedº, Home Retained Taken as Yarm, Weight of Wool, to £1 of Official Value; Col. twºred Goods onsumption, supposing the Weight Eaſported reckoning 10 || No. 5, 2}lbs. ; and Col. No. 6, 21bs. - EXPORTED, to have been according to Columns for for 4? ceni for as {P º, Nº. - * gº 11, of preceding * Years H. Consumption. Spinning. Waste. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Page. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. fbs- —-ibs- —-fbs ibs —ibs —l—ibs— £ ibs fbs— fbs 1798 — 1806 51,525,668 51,525,668 6,500,000 || 20,341,600 | 16,951,334 13,561,068 24,679,068 28,069,334 31,459,600 1807 — 1812 79,526,187 75,680,251 9,087,400 || 42,581,437 35,484,531 28,387,625 24,011,414 || 31,108,320 i 38,205,226 ! ſ 1814 52,604,646 75,680,251 14,060,589 || 49,606,584 || 41,338,820 || 33,061,056 || 17,393,796 || 12,012,078 20,279,842 28,547,606 § 15 92,010,306 90,537,000 | 10,165,701 || 64,442,376 53,701,980 || 42,961,584 || 19,124,061 || 15,928,923 || 26,669,319 || 37,409,715 § § 16 86,580,051 90,350,000 17,314,742 || 48,551,925 | 40,459,937 32,367,949 || 13,072,758 || 24,483,333 32,575,321 40,667,309 s § s: 17 116,647,615 110,530,000 || 13,989,120 || 60,401,898 || 50,334,915 40,267,932 || 14,178,021 || 36,138,982 || 46,205,965 56,272,928 <, §§ 18 172,018,985 112,235,000 | 16,218,042 || 63,877,062 53,230,885 42,584,708 || 16,643,579 || 32,139,896 42,786,073 53,432,250 S. Sº Sº 19 132,844,160 | 110,235,000 | 19,893,950 || 50,089,617 || 41,741,348 33,393,079 || 12,388,833 || 40,251,433 || 48,599,702 56,947,971 § §§ 1820 141,912,267 128,735,000 || 25,335,557 || 61,529,778 51,274,815 41,019,852 º 41,869,665 *lºg28 62,379,591 §§ § 1 113,890,759 | 128,000,000 || 23,679,005 || 64,928,808 54,107,340 43,285,875 || 13,786,952 || 39,392,187 50,213,655 . 61,035,123 $ s S 2 120,694,636 142,000,000 | 29,255,015 || 73,677,816 61,398,180 || 49,118,544 || 14,534,253 || 39,067,169 51,346,805 63,626,441 §§ § { 3 177,032,888 152,000,000 || 30,116,885 72,358,077 60,298,398 || 48,238,719 || 13,751,415 || 39,525,148 || 51,581,827 | 63,644,506 s § S 4 131,201,368 165,000,000 || 36,966,067 || 81,514,668 67,928,890 54,343,112 15,240,006 46,519,265 60,105,043 73,690,821 §§§ 5 205,934,408 || 168,000,000 35,905,764 || 79,792,725 | 66,493,937 53,195,149 || 15,046,902 || 52,301,511 || 65,600,299 || 78,898,087 . Sé, 6 : 150,231,690 151,000,000 || 46,397,473 || 64,336,229 53,613,524 42,890,819 || 10,522,407 || 50,266,298 60,989,003 71,711,708 § .# s 7. 250,618,325 | 198,000,000 || 49,366,650 || 87,609,414 | 73,007,845 58,406,276 || 13,956,826 61,023,939 75,625,505 90,227,074 § § Š 8 208,316,627 218,000,000 55,556,326 || 86,944,725 72,453,937 57,963,149 || 13,545,638 75,598,949 90,089,737 104,580,525 S § s 9 190,829,866 | 220,000,000 | 67,254,265 || 95,431,432 79,526,193 63,620,954 || 13,420,544 || 57,314,303 73,219,542 89,124,781 .* § § | 1830 255,426,476 245,000,000 || 69,686,231 || 106,984,143 | 89,153,453 || 71,322,763 || 15,294,943 | 68,329,626 86,160,316 || 103,991,006 < *S I - Y - § 2 | * 114 STATEMENT of the Number of BAGs and BALEs or each kind of Cotto N WOOL, taken for spinning and Re-exported in each of the 15 Years 1816–1830 ; and of the quantity of each kind remaining in stock at the Ports of Importation, at the close of each of the 17 Years 1814–1830; and prices of each, at the close of each of the 12 Years 1819–1830. *...* These Statements as well as the quantity in ths. Weight taken for Spinning, have been compiled from the annual reports, of the Liverpool Dealers, of the supply and consumption of Cotton, and which, with the exception of the Year 1823 appear to be drawn up with great ea'actitude; at the close of that Year in some accounts the stock was represented as 382,230 Bags, and in others only 339,030, in the aggregate however of the 16 Years 1814–1830 they agree pretty well with the Custom House accounts, the Total quantity retained for Home consumption in the 16 Years according to the Custom House Account having been 2,546 Millions of Ibs., and the quantity taken for Spinning in the same period, according to the account of the Liverpool Dealers, amounts to 2,429 Millions of ibs., a difference of 117 Millions of fibs., corresponding, or nearly so to the difference of stock at the close of 1814, and of 1830. - Taken for SPINNING. RE-EXPORTE D. | United - United States of East West States of East West }"ears America. | Brazils. Indies. Egypt. Indies. | TOTAL. America. Brazils. Indies. Indies. | TOTAL. 1816 || 190,800 95,400 17,900 39,200 343,300 || 10,500 15,513 3,521 497 30,153 17 | 182,700 | 99,100 78,600 55,700 416,100 8,100 | 11,700 2,912 300 22,755 18 160,700 || 124,200 98,700 46,100 423,700 || 13,120 11,980 || 35,132 — 67,132 19 209,105 | 126,400 || 49,700 33,800 || 418,900 || 13,822 || 22,725 27,875 1,397 || 60,825 1820 246,900 135,100 || 74,400 30,312 || 486,712 7,325 | 11,237 9,325 553 25,000 I 274,522 124,557 52,650 39,250 || 491, 123 9,523 10,225 || 30,350 925 || 51,000 2 | 311,550 138,350 49,050 42,397 541,350 || 16,525 6,875 34,100 1,210 58,700 3 375,000 | 127,397 || 42,420 31,813 576,623 || 14,525 6,100 18,225 600 39,400 4 394,800 156,870 34,330 | 16,900 32,030 | 634,930 || 23,300 7,100 21,200 | 1,000 52,800 5 327,100 122,360 51,500 34,620 30,320 565,900 || 30,500 12,000 28,000 500 | 73,000 Šs 6 |381,980 | 72,500 29,460 53,260 20,800 558,000 || 26,000 || 25,000 || 41,000 1,840 95,840 || 3 | | S$ º 7 500,450 92,940 29,020 56,790 30,260 709,460 || 15,000 || 13,000 44,800 200 | 73,800 39 § S s $ 8 502,550 | 138,780 || 35,720 31,080 23,370 | 731,500 || 17,400 5,100 39,700 1,400 | 64,100 = §§ c 9 505,070 | 163,290 35,240 |25,600 |23,800 |753,000 || 22,200 18,800 55,000 | 1,300 | 109,300 | *s is sº 1830 534,400 182,900 47,300 23,900 15,700 804,200 || 9,700 3,000 22,300 200 | 35,800 | s= | . . . ; } šº Sã 5 2 sº Sºs sº sº º 3 §§ sº. sº | : 4 š | ##| || $ & 5 —£ — sº 300 10/0 | 20 | 1811 300 || 11/0 20 12 - 360 | 13/0 22 || 13 s, ſ 7,250 47,200 18,600 7,550 | 80,600 559 |_20 32 14 §§ 52,000 | 18,100 || 6,200 3,600 79,900 || 325 11/6 21 15 > * | 167,000 31,200 15,800 | 12,900 76,600 280 9/0 17 16 § ‘S, 21,500 34,900 || 52,200 6,000 | 114,600 220 6/6 11 17 - § tº 50,680 58,900 | 162,800 || 17,800 290,180 240 8/0 12/6 18 1819 |12# 14 15, 18 || 7 10% —º §§ 32,900 35,200 |270,800 || 13,600 || 352,500 220 7/0 | 11/6 19 i820 | 8+ 10; 11 13 || 6 9 §§ 79,900 | 68,600 || 244,400 14,600 | 407,500 | 200 6/6 | 10/6 | 1820 1 7; 10} | 10; 12}| 5; 8% § $’s 95,950 54,850 | 191,050 11,700 || 353,050 235 | 8/6 12/6 1 2 6} 8} | 9% I 13 53 63 ... z = | 97,900 52,800 | 127,200 | 8,750 286,650 | 200 6/0 || 10/6 2 3 7, 9; 10; 12 6, 7} || 1 , 11; s § 3 ; ; 156,400 67,370 105,280 9,980 || 339,030 | 200 6/6 10/0 3 * | *# 103 |19. 18, 3% ºf 10, 11% sº s ... à 64,000 || 46,100 100,600 8,900 235,500 200 6/6 10/0 4 * | *# 93 |19. 134 33 7} | 93 11, ites ‘s. 131,500 108,740 80,450 | 12,630 || 416,000 200 6/6 10/0 5 6 6; 7% 8; 11 5 63 || 74 83 § # sº 118,650 | 66,740 74,620 8,810 || 342,360 | 180 5/0 | 8/6 6 7 5 6; 7% 9 || 4 5% 7 84 º º; 250,100 80,750 74,600 10,350 452,500 150 4/6 8/0 7 8 53 63 73 84|3; 5% 74 8; i ; S. §s s ] 172,800 | 101,770 83,880 11,630 | 405,900 145 || 4/6 8/0 8 | 9 || 53 63 6, 7} 3} 5} | 6 || 8 || 3 's fi : S. 107,350 79,380 | 73,940 6,310 |289,490 || 140 4/0 | 8/0 9 1830 5á 73 || 7 8%. 43 53 8; 9% & S, s. 179,340 85,770 39,130 4,470 320,270 135 | 3/6 || 7/0, 1830 1 'S s's, - f 2 *S º 2 3 § § 3. 4 | š Š 4. 5 - J § U. 5 The ºrsed Statement ex-ſ - tra. —º- —º- —' i.— –# 'i. —'ić–1–i:- mibits the proportion of Cotton | United States of America ... 216.3%,812 | 151,733,289 157,137,396 - Wool in fös. Weight Imperted Brazils : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,716,162 29,143,279 28,878,386 into the United Kingdom, #.::::::::: *::::#| *:::::::: *; Jrom each respective Country& British West indies ........| 7.16535i 5.303.300 4,640,414 of Growth, in each of the three All other parts . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,626,771 2,328,987 1,308,935 **.*.*, *, *| Total United Kingdom. || 2:2, as oooººººoooº ſººn - the Wt. of the respective Bags | Proportion Greatºritain. 265752.455 225.73.403 221 iiš645 and Bales may be inferred. f • --- - --"- --> U do. Ireland . . . . . . 3,696,4; i. 2,047,239 1,648,766 : p STATEMENT (No. 1 ) shewing the Total Quantity in Ibs. Weight of Sheep and Lambs Wool, Imported into all the Ports of GREAT BRITAIN, from all parts of the World, in each of the 36 Years 1796–1831, distinguishing the proportion from each Country from Customs Duty paid on the same in eaeh Year. *...* The quantities under the head of Prize and New Hollan whence Imported, together with the amount and Rate of d up to 1812 inclusive, were carclusively Prize, and subsequently, exclusively from New Holland: 2,129,677 ibs. of the quantity in 1818 under the head of Holland &c., were from France ; 1,109,855 fibs, of the quantities in 1819 under the head America were from Buones Ayres, and 1,192,101 ibs. of the quantities in 1825, under the head of North of Europe was from Russia.-The Commercial intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland since 1820, has been regarded by the Government as a Coasting Trade, and as such, no accounts have been pub. ished of the Earports to, and Imports from Ireland since that aute : it is wrong so to regard it, there is no analogy in the Commercial relations of Great Britain and Ireland with the Cousting Trade of Great 43ritain, no part of the Commercial intercourse of Great Britain deserves to be kept more distinct than that with Ireland. - Spain, Portugal, ſ - and the Mudeira, and North of Years | Canaries. the Azores. Europe. Germany. 1796 3,338,922 74,241 7, 148 14,242 | 7 || 4,865,009 12,463 5,565 138,033 8 2,043,082 97,421 *** **** 217,817 9 2,940,377 1,145,905 * * 820,043 1800 6,062,824 1,731,934 9,775 412,394 I 5,394,994 | 902,691 127,139 195,245 2. 5,646,522 || 495,213 228 426,091 3 4,355,254 230,430 | 109,495 238,256 4 6,990,194 | 161,204 220,011 21,628 5 6,858,738 200,366 470,314 36,787 6 5,444,165 299,945 100,117 683,988 7 10,291,316 289,067 486,907 192,010 8 1,961,750 30,619 I 1,411 66,363 9 || 4,283,674 969,033 || 121,580 613,813 1810 5,952,407 || 3,018,961 534,301 778,835 I 2,581,262 | 1,790,286 12,621 30,576 12 2,146,901 || 4,642,280 || 1 17,883 28 13 – ~ || --~~~ — -** *tamºs-ºs-ºs-- is 14 6,723,417 2,511,574 1,351,879 || 3,432,565 tº 15 6,929,579 1,146,607 903,379 3,137,438 16 2,958,607 || 493,277 359,436 2,816,655 17 | 6,282,073 || 729,243 232,080 4,816,567 18 8,760,627 | 1,409,490 1,509,085 8,432,237 19 5,528,966 1,808,251 971,981 4,489,478 1820 3,536,229 95,187 196,242 5, 113,242 | | 6,968,927 | 118,573 98,197 || 8,615,526 2 5,994,298 || 125,209 271,056 11,125,114 3 4,318,708 1,132,513 215,422 12,562,434 4 5,020,679 || 491,977 || 315,434 15,412,275 3 8,206,427 953,793 2,681,213 28,799,660 6 | 1,619,405 || 530,980 || 825,283 10,545,232 7 3,898,006 || 451,637 1,453,794 || 21,220,788 8 3,808,662 328,829 | 1,574,031 22,015,585 9 3,755,485 53,231 | 1,013,486 || 14,1 10,006 1830 1,643,515 461,942 | 1,096,214 26,073,882 J 3,474,823 413,708 1,125,920 22,437,022 2 i 3 4. .. Prior to the 10th. of September 1824, British Grown Wool and Worsted Yarn were prohibited to be Exported exeept to British Posses- ſ # sions, when by the Act of the 5th. of Geo. IV., cap. 27, British Wool was allowed to be ea ported to all parts on paying a duty of ! d. dº it; > on all of the Value of 1) # ib and upwards, and 3d. tº it on all under 1 | {Pib in Value ; and Yarn on the payment of a Duty of 1d. dy #5. The annered Statement shews the quantity Exported, the Declared Value thereof, both of Wool and Yarn , and the amount of Duty pitid on 3 the same in each Year since the passing of the above recited Act, and also the average rate 49 lb. of the Yarn, which like all other British Productions of which labor forms the chief component has been subject to a continued reduction in price. e - years 1824-7, averaged above 1) # ib., and in the four Years 1828–31, a trifle under 11 § ib., and thereby paying only the lowest Rate of Holland, | Netherlands, and France. 2,927 107,799 36,770 83,721 141,739 397,038 209,984 63,089 30,224 1,127 96,169 237,052 2,873 *-* -sº 1,127,065 1,189,254 442,610 1,681,696 3,224,118 1,135,233 416,960 542,144 1,293,755 631,286 661,079 1,495,921 349,877 737,814 353,947 218,789 984,215 1,373,500 Duty. Of the Imported Wool, 29 parts out of 30 pay the 1d. Pib. Duty. all other Guernsey, - parts of Prize, and | Asia, and Jersey, - - A mount Europe. New Holland. Africa. America. & Man. Ireland. TOTAL. of º 4,388 **- 3,508 || 8,805 — 3,493,219 26,756 cºsmºsº 878 28 7, 165 —— 4,668,769 - ***** e-ºr- 24 3,015 — 2,662, 159 Free of Duty, 18,031 *=s* * 336 26,266 — — 5,151,711 - until the 5th. July, 51,633 197.313 — 173 1,583 4,317 | 8,615,284 1823. 119,986 374,948 169,897 14,531 10,298 || 6,816 7,337,107 • . 111,258 || 105,829 445,953 40,216 1,440 77,108 || 7,701,518 545,732 4,568 163,746 25,355 | 1, 190 114,768 6,005,792 || 7,582 5 365,602 48, 175 3,360 4,939 6,495 233,547 8,151,593 16,456 5/3 ºf Cwt. 76,568 || 361,500 — 26,953 8,344 || 454,668 8,541,276 17, 134 5/10 w 36,895 168,712 245 22,129 18,557 552,214 || 7,333,993 14,449 31,341 21,767 8,958 61,582 | 13,993 || 281,332 11,768,926 24,510 5/11; a 78, 130 37,927 | 10,717 | 81,389 6,166 67,603 || 2,353,725 ; 6/4 w 307,689 3,619 2,320 213,812 6,362 56,957 6,845,933 15,007 ) 4 10,647 24,004 || 30,418 120,284 41,407 — 10,936,224 24,435 211,016 2,551 11,791 | 89,515 3,163 || 4,163 4,739,972 ; 6/8 w 3,840 872 11,787 52,272 4,610 | 15,223 7,014,617 | 15,661 256,559 32,971 | 19,387 22,517 | 13,466 208,902 15,712,517 sº 178,887 73,171 23,363 54,428 6,264 1,350,921 14,991,713 47,848 160,747 13,611 9,623 261,760 1,570 598,807 || 8, 117,865 26,260 - 7/11 , 105,407 —— 12,891 191,222 || 10,443 || 653,612 14,715,843 49,341 709,486 86,525 16,519 569,761 31,722 | 1,653,625 26,465,486 || 86,865 - 896,770 74,284 20,655 | 1,169,381 5,974 | 89,370 16, 190,343 62,864 ) From the 10th. of 201,300 99,415 || 21.925 | 89,305 || 19,015 254,628 10,043,746 º: 49,479 175,433 42,297 || 11,581 9,461 –— | 16,680,043 390,896 S. 14, iſ b from any 24,763 || 138,498 58,482 25,905 || 14,284 — | 19,323, 170 ;Sºft 3,334 477,261 24,068 1,699 || 11,404 —— | 19,378,242 457,729) all other parts. 227,811 382,907 || 32,384 5,514 8,132 — 22,572,617 | 316, 186) is g; #55 858,231 323,995 || 27,619 426,155 22,266 — 42,837,861 | 163,592 sº; slºts 320,532 1,106,302 || 131,878 527,265 || 7,313| – | 15,916,425 | 62,544 || 3: săşăş 507,639 315,807 || 49,660 253,412 26,949 —— 29,345,947 96,223 ##$s āśs 255,005 | 1,574, 186 47,548 278,266 10,839 —— 30,246,898 || 114,568 §§§§§§ 5,709 | 1,838,642 37,619 |464,907 |27,668 —— 21,525,542 || 78,661 | ###ss; 9,461 2,000,716 —— 35,368 7,745 —— 32,313,059 | 121,420 ; Sājšš 42,943 2,541,205 || 210,768 || 32,042 | 18,853 — 31,679,612 | 113,125 *śs #; ššššš= - |###. & sº $ s 5 § | j*ššššššš fbs. Weight Exported. | Value Amount I Rat ------e `-- * * ~ *- —-— of § ib Wool Yarn Wool Yarr; Duty. of Yrm. e-a- — — . f. --|- £–l—- £---|-s-d- 1824 53,743 20,060 2,829 3,655 122 3|7% Y 5 1 12, 124 76,961 6,553 14,467 840 3/9 6 142,980 I31.002 || 8,089 22,791 || 1,133 31.5% The Wool Earported in the ſº * | 1: #| }; #| #|##" 9 1,332,097 589,558 60,801 73,648 952 2/6 1830 2,951,100 I,108,023 l44,713 122,430 1,891 2/2; U l 3,484,275 1,592,445 173,104 2,349 sf à p - 116 . . - STATEMENT (No.2) of the value of all Woollen Manufactured Goods EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAN, to all parts of the World in each of the 5 Years 1772–6 in each of the 10 Years 1790-9, and in each of the 13 Years 1815 - 27 distinguishing the pro- portion to each of 22 different Countries to whence Exported in each of those Years. Turkey *- Spain | Gurglar 1 |t: i t Years Russia N. of Europ. Germany Holland Flanders | France Portugal | - ſº ſ £ Guernsey ſ1772 53,011 || 71,080 253,847 || 411,140 |203,975° 2,990 504,024 570,970 110,811 468,367 || 59,191 6,801 3| 71,027 | 40,776 249,696 || 361,424 212,828 2,660 || 412,719 604,242 50,799 || 383,007 || 62,732 5,643 | 4 || 59,817 | 52,320 277,507 ||381,912 195,699 1,306 || 438,980 | 684,469 || 134,694 | 408,314 | 89,566 | 10,370 | 5 || 48,576 | 66,390 304,560 | 397,443 |258,022 16,480 || 453,887 | 891,063 28,111 || 531,684 |131,857 | 10,861 3 || 6 || 58,852 71,325 || 312,759 388,917 252,075 813 || 352,820 884,811 21,668 || 498,726 115,306 || 14,151 § 1790 76,744 || 31,104 223,226 |306,413 | 117,779 || 95,827 | 382,038 407,464 119,494 446,359 15,070 || 11,754 *> 1 | 134,224 81,864 255,303 || 313,845 124,239 96,840 || 434,375 346,367 || 130,336 || 517, 178 || 41,095 8,537 § - 2 | 182,353 | 80,923 271,638 |367,583 |117,151 | 153,134 465,373 472,221 80,774 386,631 34,334 13,795 § $*3 82,401 44,631 217,193 265,535 | 72,793 42,855 376,171 || 259,849 20,607 | 165,040 9,078 5,686 S’ 4 || 71,636 57,679 || 330,024 217,381 || 51,585 || – 335,811 265,036 || 23,586 | 181,285 6,395 5,782 § 5 129,135 | 59,463 503,706 || – —— 368,660 | 191,203 | 16,696 274,095 | 12,228 4,502 § 6 | 153,985 176,007 || 594,898 126 27 – || 425,038 262,192 || 24,144 || 295,374 28,580 4,710 § 7 | 120,138 219,750 641,098 || 7,712 631 | 401,920 26 6,910 2,651 3,056 6,119 $ 8 136,867 58,293 463,019 94. — 488,469 34,860 26,739 || 13,927 8,267 9 || 149,789 || 71,073 || 427,053 175 568,788 | 31,774 47,410 || 47,398 8,481 r1815 18,385 | 165,126 || 460,425 - 383,446 2,256 | 727,805 || 231,610 | 137,604 || 123,460 10,926 30,951 16 || 818,922 29,711 || 423,672 # 326,903 4,359 568,453 146,540 | 103,542 102,815 11,072 28,545 17 | 864,426 54,891 544,681 $5 270,682 5,916 572,662 | 201,943 | 128,459 | 169,220 30,144 29,309 s: 13| 394,766 || 51,454 678,665 | # 357,374 2,483 || 381,613 184,048 105,861 343,464 29,643 || 36,187 § 19| 290,772 37,382 500,830 ºf 258,681 1,304 || 412,416 134,698 || 75,310 || 290,529 15,490 37,251 * | 1820 || 346,331 26,756 588,224 # 254,752 1,309 || 426,852 123,214 98,886 200,947 | 12,871 40,537 'S 2. 1 || 366,966 24,888 566,119 | # 251,971 1,208 || 386,948 28,720 127,116 || 198,421 3,772 || 41,714 S 2 113,851 20,277 581,901 | # 296,798 2,955 342,814 26,463 193,911 || 386,386 1,744 39,098 '. 3 || 139,785 22,254 576,588 # 279,155 1,919 285,625 34,787 138,071 326,394 || 4,698 || 42,033 S 4 88,620 14,046 568,988 | # 302,236 3,644 475,685 82,709 | 160,191 || 235,400 || 10,778 || 46,721 - 5 | 125,432 27,172 582,621 § 349,767 4,024 360,469 54,313| 90,821 | 166,515 8,318 50,214 6 || 110,313 14,613 || 571,986 º 287,712 15,825 | 349,937 56,203 60,909 | 168,611 || 4,445 46,532 | 7 | 128,148 15,129 | 665,223 | "º 325,138 27,235 | 263,659 goºso | 72,891 229,012 5,742 44,120 Cape of Good United States - Mexico - - East Indies #º of North British North British West § and South Foreign New - Years and China. of Aſica America *ge. * Bražls Annerica | West * *g. IRELAND Tºgº. ( 1772 232,643 167,571 942,999 || 90,867 115,535 1,899 169,044 4,436,783 3 182,422 223,362 569,805 || 117,117 | 110,703 5,812 209,167 3,875,929 4 || 148,021 | 178,542 778,589 || 120,315 116,297 3,034 || 3: There was no Export to 253,806 || 4,333,583 5 | 164,472 || 177,132 | 72,285 | 188,811 | 150,792 || 9,268 || "...º.º."8" |318,944 |4,220,173 6 99,172 | 68,507 58,023 263,113 | 127,254 4,689 p 2 276,053 3,868 053 1790 530,614 | 167,528 1,481,378 156,192 226,921 - | 394,720 | 5,190,637 - I 377,855 99,696 1,621,796 || 132,997 288,722 a.º.º.º. %; 499,793 5,505,034 < 2 362,509 | 165,204 || 1,361,753 | 183,681 || 319,329 iñº i.iv., "...iº iºd”. 490,271 5,510,668 3 530,307 || 44,237 | 1,032,954 || 147,631 || 311,546 §: §. .######## 178,071 3,806,536 4 || 491,152 | 97,871 1,391,877 | 186,787 368,261 ºn a sºlº eºsºng 308,759 || 4,390,920 5| 537,051 || 37.403 |iºsis isgå76|| 350,393 | ºff.º..."; ; ; 455.9% 5,173,384 6 543,387 || 44,842 2,294,942 224,649 382,260 clusively through Spain, Portugal and Holland 555,963 || 6,011,133 7| 446,629 |118,802 | 1.901,986. 232,329 495,990 %"º"; "ºff"; }; 360,600|4,963,355 8 351,475 218,095 || 2,399,935 232,869 1,482,457 and the United States of North America 583,964 6,499,339 º 9 | 668,161 259,683 2,803,490 324,739 552,726 - 916,190 6,876,939. s: ~ 1815 1,060,766 44,204 || 4,378,195 || 606,721 || 307,656 352,184 68,214 || 51,435 2,161 817,785 7,447,869 § - 16 | 1,027,250 37,852 3,029,671 447,638 ' 177,023 343,135 | 74,663 75,487 2,969 559,673 5,814,013 gº. 3 17 | 827,728 36,530 2,234,653 200,517 | 277,986 369,818 154,419 || 117,057 | 1,493 783,949 6,038,762 sº 18 943,186 38,904 || 3,160,406 283,365 284,450 564,393 || 233,049 || 46,270 662 905,694 | 6,796,181 § 3. 19 938,218 27,885 1,768,295 370,115 250,456 406,418 105,598 || 48,070 4,369 912,887 5,047,594 S $ 1820 | 1,348,464 41,781 | 1,073,484 || 237,232 172,598 || 342,044 153,444 75,752 10,040 695,735 | 4,707,301 §§ 1 1,421,555 50,762 | 1,980,011 || 222,644 177,461 || 322,561 220,508 49,993 14,166 5,500,922 § & 2 | 1,080,479 22,119 2,362,846 244,718 177,137 205,560 || 318,496 || 42,974 19,392 |sss 5,943,612 is * 3 | 1,044,806 || 47,979 1,577,734 279,404 || 156,995 || 293,150 295,124 63,585 15,023 #####| 5,539,789 * : 4 || 879,316 || 41,998 || 1,768,004 || 352,015 151,560 303,431 || 479,377 54,050 14,991 §§§§ 6,136,092 §§ 5 898,883 28,570 1,961,677 || 308,841 || 137,977 357,710 | 624,124 44,800 10,668 §§§ 5,929,342 *S 6 1,193,797 26,432 1,227,729 209,678 105,193 202,844 286,136 27,003 || 15,010 | ***** 5,041,568 § 7 804,945 i 44,740 | 1,566,673 ſ 239,049 || 136,851 340,740 216,933 47,458 26,393 5,979,701 º * \_ t! # The large amount to the United States of North America in 1815 was occasioned by the nomintercourse with those States in the 2 preceding Years, the abolition of the Slave Trade in the interim of 1799 and 1815, will account for the decrease of Easport to the Coast of Africa; the decrease to the British West indies is occa- sioned by the diminution of the transit intercourse between Jamacia and South America. — For ea planation respecting the Official and Declared Values & Ireland see Note to preceding Statement and Note to Statement No. 4. - - STATEMENT (No. 3.) showing the Quantities in Pieces, Yards, iñs. Weight, * “f 117 &c. of each kind of Woollen Manufactured Goods, Wool, and Woollen Yarn EXPORTED to each of 21 different Countries in the Year 1815; and the Total Quantities and Total Declared Values of each kind of Goods Exported to all parts of the World in each Óf the 13 Years 1815–1827. specified in 1815. _* "shewing the quantity Exported in the latter Year to each of the 21 different Countries as —º Countries to which EXPORTED in 1815. 1 East Indies and China. 2 United States of N. America 3 Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sweden, Nor. Den. & Prussia 5 Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Holland and Flanders ...... 6 *France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Portugal, Azores & Madeira 8 Spain and the Canaries 9 Gibraltar 10 Italy 11 Malta and Ionian Isles ...... 12 Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 New Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cape of G. Hope & Coast of A 15 British North America ...... 16 a West Indies 17 Brazils º e º e º e º t e tº e º 0 ° 18 other parts of S. America 19 Foreign West Indies . . . . . . . . 20 Guernsey, Jersey and Man .. 21 Ireland tº ºp 9 e e tº e s e to e º e o tº e s e a º e e e e a tº e º & tº s º e º & tº & tº g c e e g e &M e e g º O e º º 0 C tº º 0 & 0 e o O & © s ſ *...* The 6 Years 1815– (1815 § 1820, include the Quanti- • ties Exported to Jreland I6 § Wide Parliamentary Pa- 17 § pers No. 277. Session 1819 18 § No. 92 of 1820, and 353 of I9 & 1821, and Notes to State- ~ & & ments No. 1 and 4 of this. 1820 § Series for ea planation of I § the discontinuance to Ire 2 S land. The Totad Valazes 3 § affia'ed to these Quantitis 4 SP arc the Official Values as 5 § given in the Finance Ac- § counts annually presen- 6 § Uted to Parliament: 7 . ſ +4+. The Value to Ire ſis; 3 land is also included in 17 § these Totals for the sia: 18 § Years 1815–1820, the I9 $ references in the pre- 1820 §4 ceding Note applift' al- {} § So here. and for the 7 2 § Years 1820–1827, see 3 § Appendia to Lords Re- 4 § port. Pages 620–627. Ä R | and Parliamentary Pa- § per No. 360 of 1828, 7 \. Countries to which Exported in 1837 | East Indies and China ...... 2 United States of N, America * Russia.............. 4 Sweden, Nor, Den, & 5 Germany ..... * * * 9 tº e 9 s e e º e a 6 Holland and Flanders . * France .................... § Portugal, the Azores & Mad, 9 Spain and the Canaries 10 Gibraltar .. ! Italy ...................... 12 Maſta and Ionian isles * Turkey ........... 14 New Holland .............. !; Qape of G, Hope & C of Afric 16 British North America 17 tº West Indies !8 Brazils .................... 19 other parts of S.A. & Mexico 20 Foreign West Indies ........ Prussia e tº e º e º a e • * g º ºs e º e * Guernsey, Jersey and Man .. * º ** The preceding results in a different form, and 8"égate depreciation of £11 Productive Occupation and * Rºtte ; this w a disproportion w reward for, Statement (No. Y A RDS OF - and Annuity, out of Taaces ther ci high a duty on the Importation of Foreign Wool will not equalize, *** **umstances than those elicited in evidence before the Lords Committee ; and to require oth Produce and of remuneration for Labor and Profit can be obtained, * * * depreciation on the whole of the Manufacture for that Year) it will give ,650,000. £8,000,000 of which falls on the growers of Wool, and the remainder on Labor an Labor alone, whilst all the Salary, Pay, Pension, PIECES OF - ~ ) Dozens of Sundries ſibs. Wł. of fês. 17. Total, Cloths , , Coatings | Kerseymerest Baises Stuffs | Flannel | Blankets carpeting : Mixed stuffs Hose. at Value Wool. Yarm. Walve. 27,906 20 454 113 195,402 || 100,825 || 22,475 5,966 ..., 138 23|| 10:04, s : — | 1,060,766 376,865 23,134 49; 13,894 | 186,168 5,026,894 |2,749,053 "ß *; lsº 18; § Š -e *ś 714 2 32 35 75L | 8.943 640 ºs 2 *S 3 -*. 2 ºrvº. 6,931 851 || 4,123 100 3,378 76.412| 1,373 || 11,504 || 63,194 538 || 7,041 'ss — 165,126 19,843 25,042 16,590 3,377 24,950 204,163 6,262 25,510 || 102,122 3,037 | 12,654 s.3 — 460,425 5.937 554 2 2 § - 24 46 iai | 10,880 3,786 14,050 | 36,070 2íºsº | 15,981 | 15,284 21,155 3,346|| 46,374 §§. 900 | 727,806 §667 954 1,961 6,963 #; 183,262 6,488 ; § *; ; Żs - #: 3. 550 790 | 1,159 i3,830 208,164 2,049 , UUC'ſ U, 7,341 s > — 137, § §| , º, º iſºl isºs | Tiº || 4,544, 23.77: § 38;| is — 123,460 17,138 2,974 | 1,097 50 6,431 5,380 525 68 || 8,340 13|| 1,799 s : — | 153,927 165 7 I04 I 1,322 3,500 *---- *::: 10 ; #. Q. Sº -- "; 85 -º-º-4 2 I 95 912 813 2 4 "S sº - y 1,352 314 621 726 3,448 || 33,077 || 9,626 2,358. 2,644 499 || 1,106 šš 44,104 45,436 2,726 3,854 2,577 26,265 694,694 || 302,804 || 52,806 37,858 34,232 14,489 S. 5,534 606,721 17,778 1,704 || 3,042 ,5,034 | I],..., | 204,197 || 201,187 | 12,416 || 74:06: 2,332 | 19,080 || 5 s 30,634 20,318 2,975 3,072 14,530 7,008 || 3,647 | 6,304 | 1,993 || 44,635 30| 4,96. ºf — 352,184 4,863 266 463 638 5,645il 26,876 400 | 12,805 || 10,794 942 2,220 #5 — 368,214 2,665 441 398 || 1,589 47,791 39,012 391 || 76,517 16 || 1,724 R — 51,435 1,607 165 173 314 647 24,174 3,550 | 5,198 277 986 || 394 || 43,631 56 30,951 28,677 2,540 || 7,248 133 || 11,920 232,183 53,492 || 74,571 || 104,910 22,506 || 13,733 683,683 817,785 667,046 91,128 99,939 69,820 605,228 7,288,454 3,450,679 |868,364 | 1,031,174 |225,407 *ś34 43,631 690,173 || 10,200,298 S. 7,447,869 488,659 90,522 95,185 || 50,129 593,973 3,792,454 1,961,701 |866,226 885,918 131,850 šš s ºf 532,935 | 5,814,013 517,713 93,409 || 88,796 || 61,484 || 693,336|| 3,073,406 2,334,719 |752,849 || 104,416 || 3,421 s gºš 36,912 || $30,636 6,033,762 498,347 78,827 | 108,257 58 831 || 966,504 || 4,913,735 | 2,758,698 |1279,874 |972,938 | 181,453 S$ $ 35,543 419,319 6,796,181 388,760 69,452 75,946 | 40,195 | 737,916 3,835,484 || 1s18,177 |774,106 ||616,837 | 126,565 3s s 30,653 | 724,605 || 5,047,594 324,503 59,681 82,397 || 37,423 846,807 || 2:724,858 1,357,498 ||662,756 |452,741 92,485 $7.3 35,242 794,480 |4,707.301 375,153 69,622 || 91,402 || 41,610 | 1,021,013 || 3:504787 | 1.424,214 |764,922 |627,800 106,844 sis's 34.226 17,678 5,500,922 419,749 || 67,757 95,870 43,447 | 1,078,424 || 4,502,410 | 1,926,459 |883,729 |I,126,326 132,778 . ; § 33,208 || 31,078 5,943,612 355,687 || 54,226 94,344 41,339||130,124 || 3:09:4|ººls 178,288 918,469 |#93,396 || $$ $ 28,563 18,138||5,539,789 407,154|| 51,585 | 103,013 || 47,105 || 1:42,344 ºz º.º. $48,391 || 333,333 ºf:2| is ss, 53,743 | 20,000 |6,136,092 384,598 || 45,268|126,440 47,090 | 1,138,5ss ºf |*|$8,324 || 93,101 || 109,887 s j 112,424 76,961 5,929.342 327968 41,800 || 86,038 36,862 1,125,077 2,419,959 | 1,082,412 |903,226 531,330 || 69,091 §§§ 142,980 |131,002 || 5,041,568 370,850 51,690 | 122,048 I 47,560 | 1,258,538 2,518,012 | 1,898,879 |1,195,894 | 846,568 || 143,444 §§ § 278,552 || 255,659 5,979, it)i Bºº 437,354 | 668,586 426,908 1,501,015 617,881 413,543 |#7.6% 137,053) #14,999; 278,934 4,313 | 104,857 10,200,293 º;|º] §§: Pºſo | 333,162|344.926 ||84.486 ||34,343||131,060 |Iºſº | 2.5 º 8,404,528 ; ºº: º39 || 3:3:4: 1592,173 247,026 || 3:47,788 147610 || 170,550 |123.028|164.50% 2,357 || 74,512 || 7,958,928 ; ;3:2 ºº::4|##$!}|ºsº | 333,730 325,784|265,719 |114,924 188,138||134 is 3.6% | 72.570 9,047,961 º ; #39 ||..}}.4|Fºg | 3:04,171 | 19.983 ||35,794 | 101,402 | 125.554 || 36||136|| 3 is 97.7; 6,899,694 2 º ; 393,885 206,408 º 394,548 4,929 |}}}.771 80.222, 88,689| 45,265 2.325 gióð6 6,279,165 gº ; 448,497 ; : ºlº 249,757 | ºff,639||134,737 || 82,029 93,821 || 38,957 2,065 3.933 6,465,989 gigiºn i; ; #! ; 3.792 tº ||37,760 131,333 || 107,455 46,865 | 1.751 6.157 6,490,455 2.40a: 6 #; º: 19 § ; %999 || 70,909 || 5,421 |III,117 | 81.857 44,516 | 1.305 || 3,604 5,635,776 2,389,821 17 ,12 ; #!. ; $9.4|{{#452 ||23,881 ||37,218 86,636 || 43,045 2.825 || 3.655 6,045,240 2,025,463 #: 0,712 ; º: ºff 199,586 59,479 |207,188 82,815 45,221 6,553 14.67 6,204,479 2. 43% ºf 39.94 is: * | *ś| 84,441 ||25,173 69,926 53,117 | 36.467 | Soso | 227gi 4,990,998 ”* 173,001 |274,866 |181,836||1899,165 138,761 | 153,443 |164,251 | 84.280 94,225 ºil iſ; 37,911 5,292,419 53,290 38 1,106 || 3,879 || 136,905 || 262,281 12,020 || 7,165 9,087 897 || 3,040 60 3 {}A fº 144,344 1: 13;2| 2,319| 262,569| 961,754 || 1:25,354 |877,885 34,780. 96.879 gooi 21% 1; 5,423 39 2,416 36 34,144|| 128,109 || 4,072 27,422 || 36,872 162 — 137 27,573 128,148 2% 30 !; 80 º Tº , 5,571 , 9,508 1,230|| 4,806 || 3,185 829 63 96 552 15,131 2 ’S. ,595 º;| 4:4:414, 188,239| 13,035 | 35,532 11,980 5,105 || 4,771 2,053, 94,351 665,254 2,39| 16,875 9,942 5,688| 84.654|224,185 7,860 25,451 |426,500 14,585 3.3% 8,205 30,935 | 325,138 247 — — — 1,850 75 | 2,410 I1,660 2,337 65 254,493 36,680 27,235 30,367 830 3. 1,912| 23,788 22,670 25,590 19,920 | 39,977 j 1,969 3,639 40 3,790 263,659 1,775 127 832 1,855 26,343| 19,969 || 13,150 6,332 22,470 1920 277 — 1,440 | 80,530 5,361 59 §: 1,459 17,745 13,280 3,200 2,981 || 41,733| 2,145 || 2,466 264 181 | 72,890 15,768 1,552 672 141 85,955 29,650 5,232 15,648 106,450 933 | 1,016 5 || 3,567 229,013 1,046 14 I5] 42 1,192 1,315 750 || 3,975 — 258 24 — 28 11,725 176 — 16 I | 1,265 6,000 2,310 5,300 142 24 — — 5,742 1,381 I H40 21 | 1,579| 50,459 27,870 5,296 || 3,939 1,455 105 — 424 26,393 1,711 418 681 375 5,587 31,681 | 16,114 || 2,720 2,292 572 | 1,188 {} 620 44,747 22,990 39; 517 372 26,724 363,759 184,362 61,818 10,029 10,270 335i 72 10,048 239,694 11,031 514 㺠...Sº 20,333, 87,893 183,866 13,553 2,908 || 1.85i | 3,437 Tº 56 4 136,851 37, 460 100 5,529 10,101 || 41.305 || 34 t 3. 3. 2 v 3 ,305 .#| º!9| 33.3% 33,120 | 1.269| 3,066 | – | 1,046 345.7% ** | – || 2.5% 3,224|| 13.625 || 36,155 23,255 38,363 || 48,060 1,701 | 3 iſ; — ” ...; 4,284 — 82 718 9,052 10,666 110,359 || 2.260 | 2,539 50 , 544 — 6 Tºš 3,786 298 4 26 1,938 30,859 9,891 || 13,800 10 450 | 1.78: 12,882 16,367 4; i36 of th º - 2.) shews the Total Value of all the Woollen Manufactured Goods Earported, in each of the above stated 13 Years to each £21 different Countries above specified, and ea plains some ºf the Changes which have taken place since 1814; whilst the following statement exhibits s - Shews the progressive depreciation in Value which has taken place on the quantity Earported in each Year since 18 * No. 12. of this Series adds some further elucidation of the subject: The ratio of depreciation on the quantity *š "een 41 tº Cent. (assuming the same rate of the same 20. and the State Faported in 1827, as compared with 1814, hav- (as shewn in Statement No 12.) an ag- d Prºfit, and this, on this single branch of to the amount of £55,000,000 tº Annum remain unabated and the subject when rightly understood, will be found to involve er means than have Jet been devised, ere a just equilibrium of i l 118 x, STATEMENT (No. 4) shewing theTotal Declared Value of all Woollen Manufactured Goods (as exhibited:in detail in the prece- ding Statement) EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN to each of 21 different parts of the World, in each of the 13X ears 1815-1827 sº Exported in 1814, and the annual ..ſº § ºr , ſs. & *xx *, r*. . . . . w; º . Yº *"...# *... * ! *. *** K8 & J. Depreciat F, -t: s Jº * S. \. < * ion which has taken pl ** -*. y { { - . . . . . 'Y' ' ' , aceton the same, in e agh: Year; bothi 3 . . . . . A sºlº .*, * ****, *NS n the aggregate am ºš, etc, sº “y 7 * \ }: : , t \# 3 Óurity ands ‘. . ; & !'}^, " … • * ~ * * * * º - ~ • * Ç. §§ .. -ºvº.9em;.… … Countries:to . . [Yéars which Exported . . . . 1 East Indies and China ....] 1,062,926, 1,030,220 2 United States of N. America, * 33Russia | 3. 4 Sweden, Nor. 5.6&timány * © • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Den. & Prussia ... *-* w … . . . . . . * e º e º e º & 6:Hollaird and Flanders .... 73°rance….... . . . . . . . f : 8 Portugal, Azores & Madeira 9 Spain; & the 10 Gibraltar. ... * 11:Italy 'e e . . . • *e - • * > • * * * * * * * * . #").7, Janaries".... -º- r *- -- i e e º e º e º e º ſº tº * * 12 Malta and Ionian Isles ... 13 Turkey and the Levant . . . . 14 New Holland ... . . . . . . . . . 15 Coast of Africa and Cape, .. 16 British North America. . . . . ~ * r West Indies * •,• s º, tº ~. T 18, Brazils # * * e e' & .. .e. e. e. s e_e_e_s tº º 19 other parts of S. Am. & Mex 20 Foreign West Indies ..., .. 21, Guerns ... * l 17 fº f/ | * * * TOTAL ‘. . . '', tº is '+'. . . ſº Decl - - - () 4,931,670 * } t. Jr. and Man • *, * ( * *. Amounts of Déclared Values in propºrtion to isiä. Annual Aggregate Depreiatiou . . . . . . Depreciation itſ” Cent'...'. . . . . Official Value to Ireland ºf Declaredº do. toºdoº , &:1815, , as .1846. 1817. > 3. 1818 e; 1819. wn ** - sº '... : ! W N.A. º. - " A * v- - 3.1821.” *...*.*.*.*.*. 4. ^3 - 2 * * * :::Hz—- * , 13% W. - * ~ * * * * … -s; * * * : * * * * ==== -- “ * } 1: g J. & A.” sº, 4825.5, * : * * * * * * * 34 1829.’ j :482 1833. 24. | 3 4826, . | 1997. ——sÉ-- -— f---|--ºf-- —-ºf- --> — — —-ºf----ºf-- —-sf—— —-ºff === }. ----, --, 2-TET -|-------~~. IT || -- f' -------- g_*~. 829,218 943,846 || 938,218 1,348,4641,421,5551,080,479||1,044,806 879,316, 898,883 |1,193,797 804,940 *4,378,1953,029,6712,234,653|3,160,312||1,768,295] 1,073,4841,980;011|2,362,846;l,577,7341:767,4541,960,549,1,227,5361,566,673 18,385;}.848,922 || 864,426. # 394,766 299,772 346,331, 366,966 -113,851. 139,783, Hºß8,620 | 123,433: 110,313||148,430 165,126 - 29,711 -54,891 || 51,454 || 37,282 – 26,756 - 24,888 20,277 22,254 || 14,046 || 27,172 14,613 15,129 460,425 || 423,678 544,681 678,665 500,830 588,224 566,119 581,901 576,588 568;979 #582,315 #571,986 | 665,117 383,446 326,903 || 270,682 357,374 258,681 254,752 251,971 || 296,798 |279,155 |302,336||348,129 287,129 |324,896 72,256 || 4,359 5,916 2,483 1,304 || - 1,309|| 1,208 2,935. 1,919 ºś384 & 2,937 29,960 fs;957 727,805 ||568,453 572,662 381,613 || 412,416 |426,852 386,948 |342,814 |285,625 i A75,685 360,461 |349,931 263,654 231,610 || 146,540 |201,943 184,048 |134,698 || 143,214 || 28,720 || 26,463 || 34,787 || 82,709 || 54,313 56,203 || 80,536 ‘137,604 || 103,542 | 128,459 105,861 75,310 || 98,886 127,116 || 193,911 || 138,071 160,191, 90,807 || 60,903 || 72,874 123,460 102,815 169,220 | 343,464 290,529 |200,947 | 198,421 |386,386 || 326,394 235,400; 166,515 168,611 229;012 153,927 | 67,333 | 84,797 23,885 15,633 || 12,240 8,485 9,533 10,665 11,388: 8,537 10,077 | 11,725 , 10,926 11,072 30,144 29,643 15,490 12,871 3,772 1,744 || 4,698 || 10,778|| 8,318 4,445 5,742 2,161 2,969 i 1,493 662 4,369 || 10,040 || 14,166 | 19,391 || 15,023 14,991} 10,688 15,010 || 26,393 44,204 || 37,852 36,530 38,904 || 27,885 || 41,781 50,762 23,119 47,979 || 41,998 || $28,579 26,432 || 44,740 599,685 447,638 || 194,784 279,219 || 370,115 ||237,232 222,644 244,718 279,404 || 352,015|| 307,857 209,563 || 239,089 307,656. 177,023 .277,986 284,450 |240,459 172,598 || 177,461 177,137 | 156,995 | 153,560; 137,925 105,168 || 136,842 352,183 343,135 | 369,818 564,393 |406,418 342,044 || 322,561 205,560 293,150 303,431|| 357,480 202,844 || 340,740 75,249 || 74,683 160,152 237,194 | 105,598 || 153,444 220,598 || 318,496 || 295,124 479,377 || 624,124 286,136 |216,933 51,435' 75,487 | 117,057 || 46,364 48,070 || 75,752 49,993 || 42,974 || 63,585 “54,050; 44;é00 27,003 || 47,458 26,638 25,819 26,952 32,126 35,071 || 38,209 || 39,649 37,317 | 40,728 44,802 || 48,407 || 45,248 || 43,984 9,338,142 7,844,855 | 7,163,471 8,143,103 || 5,937,442 5,585,430 | 8463,924 6,488,674 || 5,634,471 || 6,642,411 || 6.104,92c 4,0s2.909 | Bºrism 7,122,570 5,586,364 5,676,920 | 6,344,100 4,602,270 || 4,363,973 || 5,400,922 || 5,943,612 5,539,789' 6,136;092 || 5,939,242 5,641,568 5,979,700 | 9,203,402; 7,218,461 || 7,335474 || 8,197.575 5,946,857 5,638,940 7,108,957 || 7,639,082 4,578,280, 7,926,798 || 7,664,643 || 6,514,500 7,729,713 -——— ——- 172,003 54,382 | –— 53,510 || 644,133 1,184,418 1,523,819 || 1,886,385 | 1,466,717 | 1,539,591 || 2,448,852 ; ; . . | 12 iPCt. 20 #Ct. 27 ºf Ct. 31 #Ct. 23 #:Ct. 304 ct.|4ía; cf. 325,299. 227,649 361,842 452,681 445,324 343,338. tpi The Exports to, and Imports from Ireland into Great Britain vº discontinued pºlishing in 1821..., 817,7854559,675 783,949 905,695 || 912,887 995,733 : *::::::::::::::::::::::...ºut.” “histºrs º ? } # *...* By the following Statement and No. 12 it will be seen, that the annual growth of Sheep and Lambs Wool in the United Kingdom is about 160,000,000 ibs. the Money price of which, on an average of the first sia Kears of the above period was about 21d. #' ſh (see Statement No. 6) or a Total Annual Amount of about of 14,900,000 reduted in 1828 to an average of about 9d. tº b or a Total Money Amount of only about £6,000,000 being a reduction of 57 Å; cent.: in addition to the Woolºf Hºme Growth the Foreign, Wool Imported during the last six Years has averaged 25,000,000 ibs, the present Money price of which ( in 1828 yacárà. ges about 21d; if it, or fºotal Money. Amount of £2,187,000 making the Total Value of the Wool annually consumed at the prises ºf 1828 to amount to £6,187,060 which being doubled in -Value in the Manufacture it gives ºf 16,374,000 as the Total Annual Cost of all Woollen Manufactures; about one third part of which (it will be seen by the above and the preceeding Statements ) is Earported, for the effects of the vast reduction in the value of Home Grown Wool, both in reference to the Manufacturing and aggregate interests of the Country (see Statement No. 12. ) -- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - a 3 & : , , , ... * * * *s-, * * * , J.'s * * * , , ;", " . . t | - « w } . . . t t f : , , ~ ; , y § 3, ' , \ } \ r - + * **. • , « { } sº * * * * * * * * x § . . . . . \ , , , , *.*.*, - 4 - º ) . . .'; * . . . . . # , º, ; • . . . . , ºr 4 2. STATEMENT, (No.5) shewing the estimated Number of SHEEP in each of the 40 Counties of England in 1800 distinguishing the Counties which produced Short Wool from those which produced Long Wool, together with the average weight of the Fleeces" oduce of Wool in each County at each of the two periods 1800 and 1828. — see note to preceding Statement, also pages. and Gross Prod A w * * * vidence (Lords Copy) and page of abstract and Review. Af i : 2. . . . } 424–5 of e - ---- * ! º - 1800. | 1828. bo ſ l | 1800. 1828 { º r . Division of ; No of Wt. 1 ...' ..." wi. Pack, of wool. s s Division of ./ No Öf ºp r^*... I - ! -—r • Sº 2. - f • o dºcks of of | –—, s - º iwi. Packs of PFOOL | wº. of pack, of s • ** s HoRT w OOL | Sheep. †: #3% †: Shor: Jong “s s L O N G, WOOL | §.. º: ==T-Pi— ; zºº #:... . 3. . . . . . i , , ' ' . . . . e + , 2 -- ..s $ , , , ‘ſ —| 5Ss. —- § º º).S. | -- : —- -ºš 1 Northumberland ... 538,162 5} |I2,333 5} | 6,167 6,166 ## 28 Durham. .... Long # 67,200 || 9 || – 2,520 | 9 || 2,380 is 2 Cumberland ...... 378,399 || 3 |5,915 || 5 || 7,833 — §§ . . . . . Short $ 159,385 || 5 || 3,329 53 || 3,818. 3 . 3Westmoreland, ... 223,72. 3} |3,262 || 5 |4,660 || – KS § Holdernesse, ..... 84,000 || 8 || – 2,80 8 || 2,800 S t 4 York, West Riding 33,132 var. 3,678 |3} |4,390 |4,390 S.: Other parts of York || 14,310 || 8 || --> 477 || 8 || 477 5 • East, nº 306,242 || 5 || 6,380 || 6 7,656 S & 29 Lincoln'.... Shorts) 123,648 || 5}, 2,833. – || 6 || 3,091 § , North º . . . $53,333 var. 5,939 || 5 || 5,708 1,902 & 5 Rich Land ( 241,625 || 9 - || 46,561 || 9 || 46,561 F's 5 Lancaster ......... 319,000 || 3} |4,522 4} | 5,812 || – © s Marshes ( 87,500 || 8 || – || 2,916 || 9 || 3,281 §§ 6 º . . . . . . . . . sº * sº º 1,218 || – ; º Miscellaneous J 505,650 | 8 — 16,855 || 6 || 12,641 7 Derby. . . . . . . . . . . . . .92,499 || 3 || 4,530 || 8 || – || 9,060 & 3 || 30 Rutland ......... 114,000 || 5 || – || 2,370 || 6 || 2,85 §§ '88 Sºfº, . . . . . º, | War. : 6% — 6,910 & 3 || 31, Leicester .... Long ; 380,528 || 7-s —- 11,140 6 10.018 *S*. 9. XIOr • * * • . • • * * * 3 * • *- 5,3 3 5 *-e 6 345 ~, § {& - . . Short. 20 O00 t 3} 291 --- : -- v 3 &O – . * * - t 2 & 3. Sºs is te , * - * > , *-* *P → - 3. sº 10 Bucks .......... 222,968 || 3 || 2,787 5. 4,645 §'s 32 Warwick . . . . Long Q 160,000 | 3%. Tº 3,333 & 6 || 8,574. j | 11 Somerset ....... 399,799 || 4 || 9,388 || 5 || 5,215 5,215 # 5 . . . . . . . . . Short 3 182,962 3.s 2,287 : ; 9 tº '# 3 | 12 Worcester........ $30,594 34 |4,829 |4} 6,341 s is {33 Northamptons : ... 640,000 || 6 || — 16,000 | 6 || 16,000 33.3 13 Monmouth . . . . . . . . 177,619 yar. 1,431 || 4 || — 2,960 t Šs 34 Gloucester . . . § { 200,000 8. § — | 6,666 || 8 $ 15,541 ° § 14 Hereford ........ 500,000 || 2 |4,200 || 4 || 2,778 5,555 is $ -- . . . Short $ 355,000 | var. 5,400: –- || 6 & “” * Tº 5 15 Salop . . . . . . . . . . . . 422,034 2% 4,397 || 4 || 2,344 |4,690 $ $ 35 Stafford . . . . . . Long R 3,720 | 7 || — 113 & 4, i ** 3,503 š-š 16 Bedford.......... 294,000 || 5 || 4,250 5. 4,250 S S j . . . . . . Short ; 183,120 || 2 || 1,526 – 3 ** | * , 's 's 17 Berks. . . . . • . . . . . . . 306,000 || 34 || 4,151 3% 4,471 — * S 36 Huntingdon ... Long & 87,500 || 7 || “s 2,552 R 54 4,480 §§ 18 Suffolk .......... . . 497,000 || 23 |5,176 || 4} | 8,801 – º . . . . . Short ; 108,000 || 4 || 2,000: . . ; * : *. a 3 |19 Essex . . . . . . . . . . . . ºº,000 3, 6,486 || 4 || 8,630 | – 35 37 Cambridge ... Long 41,688 8? — 1,390 || 8 1,390. 33 20 Hertford "...., , ... 277,000 || 4 || 5,297 || 5 |2,885 2,885 §§ * Short $ 67,744 || 4 & 1,128 —- || 4 | *1,270, •ee - urrey - - - • * * • * * * * y • *O ** > * 3%, > * - $ - - - .. • , -3 ~ * A " ,? 3° ‘s 23 Sussex .... Downs 316,800 || 2 |2,640 || 3 ||3,960 | – 3 # Short ; 683,704 2. 5,697.| – || 4 ; 5,545. .# , , , Lowlands 547,000 || 3 || 6,837 || 3 || 6,837 || – 5 § 39 Kent . . . . . . Short t 524,574 3} | 7,000 | – || 43 || 10,380 . s 24 Hampshire ...:... , 516,000 3, 6,437 || 3 || 6,457 — ; is Romney, Mt. § 133,000 || 7 ||—|| 5,400 g; 5,010, : Isle of Wight $ 61,000 34 800 || 4 || 1,016 || – $5 Af the imarsh $108,330 || 7 || – || 3,160 || 6 || 2,934 § 25 Wiltshire ºp*::::::: 583,500 2# | 6,684 || 23 || 6,684 || –— §§ 40 Devon . . . . Long ) 193,750 || 8 || — 6,458 || 8 || .# y Q . . . . . Pastures $ 117,500 || 3 | 1,460 || 4 || 1,958 —— $ 'g I *..., X ass of 4. & r * 2,275 . . s 26 Dorset --- • * * * * * * ! 632,240 3}, 9,880 3; 9,880 -- 33.3. a } - Short $ 436,850 4. 7,280 — - 5 6,826 * U27 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . 203,000 || 4 || 3,382 7 $ 5,920 " : S from Short Division # 10,753,173 154,713 | 85,090 from Long Division 33,762 *7,918 * * * | Total 17,749,359 var. 193,475 131,794 § ; 0,753,173 war. 193,475 var. 120,657 85,09 \––––- ------' ort lºº Total 10, u) Öf 29&F 85,090 * > . Total Packs of 240 b. ea. Lono and Short 325,269 384,502 º ;{ r; s *; 'S', ' : § 119 the Session of 1828 to takeſ into consideration the state of the British WoolsTrade, to have bought and sôld Wööl, ifišeach Year since. 1759; and also a Statement of the Total Official Value of all Woollen Manufactured"Goods EXPORTED from, and 6f Foreign. Sheep. and Eaniësºool IMPQRTED into GREAT BRITAiNiñº each of the 36; Years 1792–1827, sº-ºº: A ; : "," The Column of Woollen Manufactured Goods caported includes the amount to Ireland up to the Year 1821 when the account of the ... ed publishing.— see note to Statements Nos. 1. and *** * *----. A * *- : * : * --- =... = < * > ---, . * . ----. sº º 'º'; Commercial intercourse between Great. STATEMENT (No. 6) shewing the Prices at which 16 différent Persons stated in evidence before the Lords. Committe-appointed in : ºr Çi º '* . º § {: 4 * ; , , x ~ ; º; #} 4.2 . , 3) t rº, ſº * **, ºr, an *...* - W t § {:} {} {, }, t’, i. º. # # , , ; ; ; ; i- * - W xx f R, *ś tº v, , r * * * ~ *, * - a • * 3: ; ; ;33 & Xs; * , ; , ,<3 Britain and Ireland was disconti * -- . . . . N. ~~-s .; - **- ? \ sº-ºr-->.4% ~~~~ * --~~~} => . ax - -- v. J. « —A-ºr- ==– -----, - • U. S. -- *...* i - wºr- !---> 2. * - :^^ 3 *, c * - s: , ...". == :, ; },” . . . .", fº. 1 , '* : . . . . " . . . R" , , º, ºr * S. —t 7, , , s \ . ----|- -- . ... -- •. '... • “...t - * →- - & tº sº,341, $38,838 ºxe **, *, * * * * **ś, ſº ºš i : 83%,8& £8% º six º 'º'; ; ;…& sóg, , , , , s: , ; ; ; 13 tº ; , s: * . .” * , > *-*. - *** - ... • * * * * *S_ !. e : •rºg ºs * r * , - **. (" ! "-- i - & ‘s ` - ~ zº , - f – - L., “...a - , -r ºf s - -- * > r - * -- ~~ - - * -* * * * * w : Y ºn … . . *...*.*, *%: Ö • { ité, M f, sº ... ?? §r is #öin jī; }\; ; ; ; Jöol ſº: Aſ ºf *___: #ió § 1. . lătăiº g IA & º, . º ... e. *H: M * . .'; sº ſº. . . . . . . . " º, y r** * - . . .” -2. - - ; : * a’ . . . . . . . . . . wi - * , ºf . fººyo. '**'. wºº ºn r, . {{ Wh ºriº - ºf *.. A → º {{ ſ. 2 'ſ º”. * * .." º t been W. & 2, . . . ; ; ; ** §§ " 'iſ wº j. The priegsbetºgºré delivered in hiſ Mr. This, Cook ºf Deitsburg; lose relating toºlid and White Highlandºndºheviot having * * *** fºss -' t y --> - º ..T. & - iº Tºr : w t º ! ... M. “ ... *- .. - - • & 4 - & Sºs. * *~, * * * A.J.'s 24: '.' sº w seſ r tº * R - - i. * * * * 9::furnished to him by Messrs. Maajičelliofiñºrpool, the rest he spoke to from his own knowledge; (Wide Page 387 of Evidence.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'s sis — — —º-i- is -º-º-º-º-º-º: ***, * : , º, < *ſ, *, * * * * * * * * * * * g : ; ; ; ; ; 2 - c. . . . . 2–ie-i-. --—— cº-º-º-2, ºr ºf “º º lº's S** wr . . . Ty ,----z-F-T- { - '; ==----- ; - - • * - ; −z− I------, - - H----a- - * * * ~ * is . . . . ! ---> F→ * , - . . x - -º-º-º-º-º-º: , , , , ;"| * {3 *sº Sº * . ... .3: , , ; as Iſſy).” ^ -> -- 3+3. . . . . . . . . . . .” : ; ; ; ; ; ...’ * *f; -- iſ: ** * * º, ſº s.ſ., ... ' ', º, . * * > . . . . . . ; : “”, S. . : * * * * S C r. " < cº', ; sº Stone of 24 it;... ". . . $3, $3 ‘‘ ‘’. 36 ºf . º. f*$3,333 i {5,3,3}.3°, | dº sº. jº º” ºr tº , tº , , , , , , , , , , , , S: , Hº-sº 2. * ~ : . * * ; : , , & :- 2 T -- * *; * - - - J r , -º, ſ'. } … :, , , i. * . * ~ * “, ! "... -** • tº - * - « , º," - i , ..* ** - .” > z T - **ś - º - * *., * * .. ++++++++++--------——º-—----|-g, ğ sº gº $33, 3.8 . . . . ; $', b,; . . .''}}} , ty.º.º. ' " : º, ., jº .3 : #33 ºf i'j Sºś $##, §§. #. ;I, id Hº hid d i lii y e l d : h º l s -- a • * - .* *... º. - . */ * * - t ~ *... "... & i - *ś º ***** 'S , - w . - º tºº - *. º: - - * . . . ; (; ºr a - -ºº º r * > → ** t H- ,- - - , : TY * - * - - » , wº sºlata 11-gntan | * White High and ſ , , ; C eviot, & is..." … Tºgº-º-ºx, 6. • * * *, *. * * * * - " - - - c < . . . * * $s. §jºš #. , , --------r-r-ţ-ºr-I - ? ——---——--—l... sº, Best ºr as . . . . . . . . ..., Good, It iſ sº - Year * {.{ } 1. ~ *Sº wº | ? , , , , ' ' , ; "o: 1. . . . . . . . . . i --f. ºu. €º a §§ { Russian and, tº #: No. is 3 ºłº º; y; Locks ºf all %3"|ºsº. lºgºs is . A w w r - M. - w -. - w * * , ... ſº . "A - \{ * * wV tº 4 - * * * ºr *. " - * * *...,x]} ^ ©!!?'S º: Oct. I. Apr Oct. 1. . . A |, O Broadh Iceland. . . . . N • * bs. . . Sorts....” S Cºo “. - 4. ; , ; e * ** f g . * ** f * . . ; T. 1. - * gt. . & ; : -; ſpr. “. (5 & Ct. 1. ~ º - v.M. 3roaq ! éads, §§ -z celant •: §: §. 3 : gy Sr. • {{ {: '33. 2 - ls. -- s }, º * , orts. : {{#s. f ### §§§º :- ... ?, . . º *.*, * : , ; " . * : ; ; }; º # 3-1 t & 2 × . . . A , J & - t * : * R v. tº gº 34° .. § - . j} \, | 2 • * , www 1 §. ; 2. * : * , § . R. J. " ! :: * , ; : : a , , , , , º i º) J - iº, ššš - ºšš, - i809 ‘. . 9 / §: ** 12. 6. '' : 12/. * % is 14 6 : . . . §28. ## – *. & 2 - e, , , -o- ºl 3 -º-º- a C & 1 - t * Y_" 2, #3 ;Y) - -*. ...” ! *s sº $º. S 3. - 3. / : Jºy V. ... } : ./ 2 * , - ' [** *. ( . *** *. #?; -* rº- rº-º-; t = --- -º-º: F. R. * > :T. * If { . --------, 2 *, *, *, *, * > * * * Sº ** §§§ { - * * -- ~ x . * • * , ,- ; : . - . ... Tº A" • wº- , , Ø n # * * * • tº. ** rº. - **, * * > * : ,-----> --> * … • -> - * ºf - ! § - 18T() * 10/ …t -— *H 2/ - — *5/ ... . *** t — . ', * Yº! ? , tº & f 3. *— ša Ši | & 2”. * ** 3. ' + *, * *-i- - $ *} \} is gºš .. * > . - w , - . º' s * - 2 - 2 : # , , ** * * * * . gº ºf: -' x , * ,-,-, . * 3: * x x . ." **- * ... r. 1 ºv w - - N- II. - 9/ *7/ *11/ - 9/ | *18/ {< * : . . . ." − 1 += ** — ºf . , i. zºº.º i ! . . . . .45 " …}_3}} }{x :h 3° 47' " 12 876 § {, , . . . . . . . . ii. "Sº, ſº AA '...} : 9 sº, ºr ; , ºf lot £3% 13 1. ** a to 191 || 71 to og Fººl º ! n - - - -- * - - y __** ** r. º. * - - - 8/6 9/ || 10/3 || || 11/ Hº S3/ 26/ | H-H ... '9; , , , , , , ; 11%. T1:... to 12} || 7 9 - ... . ; % > 9/. . . }/ | ‘’ I/ , c > -º/ . */ TTTTT || 33 ºz y º Hº - 2 - 11; to 12#. '43 to 9; a ... : : - }{.. lxº, . . - . . . . . . .T ©, / , º, - w", " .* * , \ *A* - ‘. ^: , ; * * ~ *- - *, ** - - - - gº J * - 4. - 13 || 11/6: 13/8 || - 13/ | 16/. || “.24% | 24/ | * **------ || < t > t w is ºlà to 16 || 12# to 15 # 8; to 124, 3, 22 jºš 2. ** ,” . . * - *... . . - - .* - . * * - - . . i - - - - • Y ~ * * - * 2- 14 || $17/* || 316/ $207 || “.18/* | *33/ | 34/ | * — ; ; *s tº ºlā to 20 | 16% to 21; 14} to 17; ; ; 34 261, º , *, * ; : I -2 - * - . . . w .rº s , x : y & - § : ^s . ... [. - ‘. . ) “S - - *2. i - ~ * 4 - '3- w" º 15 20/ s: ^ y $8) . . .” !-- 22/ * , 20/ \ 38/ 27/ ty . . . . ! ... . . . Y. . . . . g . sº r sº - § ºf , [. * } sº 2 : 3 *::: " . . . * > . . . - tº 12 21 •ºf ." Fº w re. ... ...’, º, (; , ; º', ' || ; : . . . . . ºf , * -- / 3 & 2, £, , ; ; ; ; * 3: ; $2; ſº sº. 3 º' fººt si 1., to | * * * * * * *|†º º 3 - # +. - *r -- - ... ". r * - , - * , t * - - * ...W. ... wº * x *- - ” -“Tº º l - "~ , , ; ; ... • . - - - 16 || 14 9/6" | . . I6/ II/6 || --— 20/ | g –—- ...; $. 12 to 14 || 13% to 18, | 18 - ‘. . . . / . . . . . . . /6 - 6/ - * .. ** * & . . . 's ſº , , ; } ' ' ) § 53 Sº | --, º - - , * * ſo, - # , ; , , ,- — , , -3 { . . … . . . J. , tº ... ', T. ... " ^ #/ || 3a–-e-e—# 8 . . ; 9s | f | 12#.; ºl, flá; to 15.3 || 9 * *- 17 | .9/6 12/6 11/6 15/ 18/ 24/ || 3–e4e–º 8 9s, 12%, , , ; 14% to 15.5 || 9 to 11 , ||, .. 25. . * 6) 15 to 18. 1. I7 **- 20/- 12/. 10/6 || || † 9/6"| 7/6 |... 6/6 || 12/ | 1 6/6 |" 6/9 | !7/4 sel - w * - 3" ſº- - • Q & rº, , §§§ {, , º, * > S >}}} < y, v. * - - - ºv” * -- * * - gº-rººr–º 3}^\ . t . . . ; - , - . ..R. tº .* 3 * 24/ | | | 1.4/ | 12/6 || | | | 13/6 |º. ... . . 10/ | ºf 8/6 | I. ºr 8/6. . . 9/. ...8/6 || || | r - \,; 8/6 f " ; , . . * * * * * * . * } §: 26/ 15/6 * : *, ' , . ! { ,-- º?#. s £º ! - ; • • * 73 to 7; .." • * : * ~ y : 7 : * * * * > . . . ; J, - • * - A a t $S v - r −. -> ... º. s: “” . . . . . . ; ii. 1.1% * * + , w ºr * % ' ' 'x', 2- . . . - y 8 * x * * * - * ... • * | t l - - r - A. v. 7 † w 2. ſ :-> < - AE-g - 9. & * * C ", º : *] K. - º - i. t" *T, .*.*, * * º tº "... ;- {l, K. | 7 *3 ; : A. 9: T. s \ j} \, , , " ' 1. s3. s . . . ; : *** * * ... " - to.9 to 9 | •, **'. “. . . . % . A. 6 * ... O 2, , , - - 5 2. * : « - .." \ \\ 63 6, ,, . º.º.º. - - 6 fºr S$ 3. . . . : 18; t º y:/* - * v- N. & • ‘. I ...' V 8; { \\ ss ºf 2 } - ... • * * - * * . 13 . . . . . . 13% jº, s. 14% º r: < . .# - - > *. ... • r II -- | 12; t 2 ! - | * 9} | . . sºlo; sº - 4 - *><^ & 7 to. 8. t . . . * * 8; * * *-*...t s . … * ~ * ---- § 3. ... 9% ... ." §§ { ~ $, “ . Tº sº. S \, ~~~ ~5 - •r. ! . . . .” 9}. , ' , ; fºr - - ... ." . . .” 3. ^: , , º, …Y º, 9...to. 8 r 9, to 8: ... 8 . . . - - : * > ' ' ', --- ~, º , - . , 3. Prices of South Down, and Long - Down Kent Wool, in each of the 69 Years 1759-1827. as delivered in by Mr. Thos...Legg. Wool-, stapler of Bermondsey Street. of Kentish Wools as delivered in by Mr. William. Nottage ... Wool Stapler of . Bermondsey. South Long Rent * & Years South Down " Long FCent Spring South Down Autumn 3. Marsh. §ào * & ; º | } i i ; § S. ; i s : f -> .7 7 •w 178 0 7 9 | * #: % ! 1- }º… - ; : s rt * 11}. 12% - i 7; - # # } # } } ; ## ...] 1792 180 ". º i 11 --".8 | 16 11% 13 15 16 15 15 21 17 19 - 19 20 22 || 27 22. 21 36 28 2() 23 26 18 30 19 17 15 15 15; 14 16 10 9 24 23 24 11% 13 gº 13 16 11 14 11; 12 15 16 : 15% 14; | 9 17. § { 17; 19 19% 21 '' 21 23 22 21 . 25 21 * 18% 19% 24% 25 18 19 24. 24 17. 14% 13 {4} 12 16 10 9 9 16 - ** * * -s. *15 21 3(). J. 11, 9; 9% 10 9% 9% Ol. 204 *2%} 23# kº. 36 24; 213 22% 234. 264 , 24 s 18 24, 31% ſ ſ * ** 15|6 | 24/6. 26|6. 25/6 23/6 | 25|| 31|s. 35| 31/6 29}. A 35| :4%|*: -24ſ 26| 25|*: 32] - 36|| • 19| 23| | 20| 17| 14| * {3 12| 12|6* 19|6. 11/9 13|6. #. I 22|6 || “. 15} 16| 16| 14| ; :16:# ..., 1 6} R & ºl 7}. 18 20) … 20) ; 18| 20| 2?] .# 31| 16| 40|| a 26/ 20| 18| 11|| 13| 20| 12| 3, <12 •º, 2. ** 194 23; 13} 20% 23% 19 18. -12. 12. 12% 14. 18. 11 * - is ; unsold ! | | : i § {}, . I ** * *...* : w {r. S. # 20 • ºv - , , ; , 18 * t 15% | 10% | . . . . was old { ; bſ,f e 2 "S S $ S. § S$ 3.3 sº * Sº is §§” ; ; ; Ś s S.S $. •S Q} Q) ić & 3. . . ; ** - is $ ºr *š SS - •es *So $ S is . s.S S $, $, ſº Š.T. vºjº . º. Ş. Sº & S. *S* h is § l | . ſ | $iiº ;§ i i W.f ii / • es * * §§§ || ..Sº $$$ | tº rººt, *> f i S ‘o is S f A So Sº (.. §§ So $ $S § - || || Y. S. § R ºs S - *- S a S. | ... sº | *š s s: ', > * 's' & S ; ; ; ; ,' -- 47, ..., | syl |' s :17%; 14 sº. . § 21 || 14 || Sº l , , º | $ º 18 93 || Cº. & 1% 10} 26. 21 : : 1 13} 15 30 26 24 17. 19 29 194 17 15. 15 16} - 15; 18 . 14% 13 15 . 2|0} 1 4. # # i | i ; t : 9 'S unsold Official Value of Wool!ere 3 Manu ſac- tured Goods. Eaported unsold ‘I ! .-•r ºf - i --- ;:§ ft : --43 *..?-- *- & ; ' f : r A , , ! lbs. " Weight of WOOL 3 Imported. 5,510,608 3,806,536 4,390,920 6,499,339 6,876,936 6,913,587 7,321,012 6,687,261 5,302,671 6,694,433 6,005,540 6,247,727 5,372,962 4,853,999 5,416,146 5,773,719 4,376,457 5,143,805 5,172,884 |. 6,011,113. ºf 4,963,355 8,615,284 6,005,792 7,500,993 11,768,926 2,353,725 6,845,833 10,936,244 4,739,972 7,014,917 5,554,746 7,447,869 5,814,013 6,038,762 6,796, 181 5,047,594 4,707,301 5,500,922 5,043,212 5,539,788 6,136,062 5,929,342 5,041,568 5,979,701 15,712,517 14,991,713. 8,117,864 14,715,813 26,405,486 16,190,343 10,043,746 16,632,028 19,092,364 19,783,249 22,572,617 43,837,961 15,696,425 28,111,196 : 3,493,217 4,668,679 2,662, 159 5,151,711 . 8, 151,593 8,541,976 § ~, -- r § f ~~ . : 7,387,107 7,701,518 S., ;; 120 -- STATEMENT (No. 10.) shewing the Highest and Lowest price ºf Ib. of the Best Mutton by the Carcase, in each Month of the 26 Years 1803–1828. as sold by Mr. Robert Hulme of Leadenhall Market London, and also the Highest and Lowest Price of Russia Yellow Candle Tallow tº Cwt. in each of those Years, and the Monthly Prices thereof in each of the last 6 Years. year. January | February | March April | May | June July August September! October 1 November December Tallow 1803 || 7 || 7 || 7; 7: 8 6; 7, 7} | 7; 8 7; 84 8, 7} | 7; 6% 7+ 6 5, 6 || 6} 6, 64 5} | 68/ 77/ | 4 || 7, 6% 6; 7 || 7, 6} | 6; 6% 6, 83 7%. 6; 6; 6 || 5 || 6 || 6, 5% 5; 5% 5; 6% 5; 6; 75/ 69/ 5 || 6% 54 6%. 6, 5; 6% 53 63 6; 6% 6, 6; 6} 5; 53 6 5% 6 || 5 || 6 || 5} 6 || 5; 6} 71/ 62/ 6 6; 6; 6; 7% 7% 7; 6; 7# 8 || 7# 6, 6} 64 || 6 || 6 || 6% 6 6+ 63 6} 6; 6, 7} | 70/ 55/ 7 || 7+ 63 || 7 63 || 7 6 || 6; 6 6% 7 || 6; 6% 6; 64 6% 6 7. 6; 5, 6 6, 5% 6 5} | 54/ 72/ 8 || 6 53 63 6; 6% 6, 7} | 7, 8 || 7# 63 63 — 6, 7 || 6; 64 || 6 63 5%. 5; 6 6; 71/112/ 9 || 6 7 || 7; 7: 8; 8 || 8% 8 || 7, 8 || 8+ T | 7; 7 || 6′ 64 6} 7 || 6; 6} | 7, 6% 6; 7, 110/82/ 1810 || 8, 7} | 7%. 8% 7% 8} | 8, 8% | 8; 8 || 7; 7: | 73 — 7, 8 || 7 || 8 || 7% – || 7% 7 || 7 || – | 84/ 65/ II | 7 || 7 || 7# 7 || 7 7} | 7; 7% | 8 || 7 || 8% 7# 7; 84 || 8 84 || 7% – 74 8 || 7% 7 || 7+ 7; 62/ 75/ 12 || 7 || 7 || 7 || 8 || 8, 7} | 7, 8 || 7# 9 || 8 9 || 8} 8 | 84 8 || 84 7; 7; 7 || 7} 7; 8 – | 73/ 90) 13 || 8 || 9 || 8; 10 || 9; |10% 9} | 9 10} | 9 | – || 9 84 8; 9 || 8; 8 || 7# 83 | 84 83 || 9 83 | 84/100/ 14 | 9; 9 94°11, 10; 10 10, 9; 10 8% 9, 9} | 83 – 8 73 || 8 84 || 7; 7: 7# 7, 7, 8 (110/ 78/ 15 || 8 || 7 || 6; 7; 7# 7 || 7 || 7} | 63 — 6; 7 6; 6% 64 64 64 64 64 6 || 64 64 6} 6 82/ 60/ 16 || 6 5% 5% - || 6 — 5; 6, 6; 8 || 7 63 64 — 6} 5; 6 54 || 5+ 6 5; 54 54 53 55/47/ 17 | 5; 5; 6 — 6} 6 || 5; 5% 5} 6 5; 5% 5; 6 5; 5% 54 5% 5}, 5} | 5 5; 6 63 52/ 77/ 18 6+ 6; 7, 63 | 8, 7} | 8, 7} | 8, 7} || 7 63 || 7 – || 7 74 || 7 7} | 7; 84 || 8 7; 7; 8 || 71/ 90/ 19 || 7% 7 $ 7% 7; 8% | 84 8; 7; 8 || 7# 7 || 7} 7} | 73 – 7% – || 7} 73 || 7 || 7 || 6; 7 71/ 52/ 1820 || 7 6; 7% – 7} 7} | 7, 8; 8; 8 || 8; 7% 7+ 7; 7} -74 || 7 6, 6 5% 54 6 || 5 || 6 || 63/48/ 1 || 6 5% 6} 6% 5% 6 5; 5} | 5; 5% 5; 5 || 5 |4; 5 4} |4} 4} || 5 4} | 4} – 4; 3; 40/ 44/ 2 || 4, 4} |4} 4 || 4} 4 || 3; 3% 3, 3} | 34 — 3} +3+ 3} 4 || 3; 3% 3} 34 34 – 3; 3; 55/ 32/ 3 || 3; 44 4} 4# 5} 5% 5%. 5; 5; 6 6, 5% 54 5 5} 5 5%. 5% 5} 5 4# 5 4; 5% 38/933/6 4 || 5 || 5 || 5; 5% 53 — 5; 5% 53 6 5; 5% 5, 6 5%. 5; 5; 6 || 5; 6 || 5; — – 5; 34/336/6 5 5; 6% 6; 6} | 7 7} | 7%. 6; 7, 73 || 7, 6% 6; 6% 7 6} | 6; 7 || 6; 7 || 64 — – 6; 42/ 35/3 6 || 6+ 63 | 64 - || 6, 6; 53 63 || 6; 6 || 6 || 6 || 5} 6 || 6 — 6 63 6} 5; 5; 5} | 5} 6 || 32/ 39/3 7 || 5; 5%. 5; 5% 5; 6% 6; 7% 7% 7} | 6; 7 || 6 || 6 || 64 |- 6% 6; 6 6 5; 5; 6 || 36/ 39/3 | 8 || 6′ 6 6; 6% 7 63 | 6% 6 || 6′ 5; 6 6 || 6 6 | 5. 6 | | 37/ — 1823 38/9 37| 36|| || 33/6 34|9 35] 34|6 || 37/3 38/9 38/3 37) 35/ Y 4 34/6 34/9 34/3 34/6 34/6 34/3 34/3 35/3 35/3 34/6 35/6 36/6 5 39/6 39/6 42] 37/6 36| 35/6 35]3 36/9 38/ 38/9 38/ 36| 6 35 | 6 33| 32/6 32/3 32/6 32/ 32/9 34/9 38/3 38||6 || 37/6 39/3 7 || 38/3 38| 37/9 37/9 37/9 38/ 36/9 36|| 37/6 38/3 37/6 39/3 8 || 37/9 40/3 42/3 3919 38/3 37| 37| 38| 37/9 38/6 39/3 39/3 | Monthly 9 || 39/9 40/ 39/6 38/3 38/6 37/3 37/3 38/6 37/9 37/6 35||9 || 35/3 | Prices of 1830 35| 33/6 34/3 34/3 34/6 34|9 35/3 36/3 38| 37/6 42/ 43/6 - Russia Yellow 1 4519 47/6 47| 47| 43! 38/3 41|| 40/6 38/6 39| 41/6 42/6 Candle Tallow 2 42/6 45/6 43/3 42|3 43| 41/6 41/6 42/3 42/6 42| 43/6 .45/6 duty paid. : 47] 46| 44| 42] 44] 45| 47| 46|| . . . 5 6 | . | 7 | | J STATEMENT (No. 11) shewing the Number of Yards of Broad and Narrow Cloths Milled, at the Fulling Mills in the West Riding of Yorkshire; the price of E nglish Long Wool; and Number of SHEEP & LAMBs sold in Smithfield Market, in each of the fifty one Years 1769 – 1819. - - - . CL OTHS MILLED. # * | Number of CLOTHS MILLED. Price & Vumber of BROAD. NARRow º: #.”h BRoad. NARRow. º };"| A. S” SS Sale (7… A - - - - - x - Y ;... ca. 3 #7, #o Years Pieces. Yards. Pieces. Yards. # º Years Pieces. Yards. Pieces. Yards. #% º sº 1769 92,522 2,771,667 || 87,762 2,144,019 || 333 642,910 || 1794 | 190,988 6,067,208 130,403 || 4,634,258 || 17/ | 719,420. 1770 | 93,075 2,717,105 || 85,376 2,255,625 sis 649,090 5|250,993 || 7,759,907 || 155,087 5,172,511 || 19/ 745,645 1 || 92,782 2,966,224| 89,920 2,235,625 || 3: ...; 631,860 6 246,770 7,830,536 | 151,594 5,245,704 || 21/ | 758,840 2 112,370 || 3,223,913 95,539 2,377,517 | Bºss ||609,540 7|229,292 || 7,235,038 156,709 || 5,503,648 || 20/6 693,510 3 | 120,245 3,635,612 | 89,874 2,306,235 | is $5 609,740 8 224,159 7,134,114 148,566 5,180,313 || 18/ | 753,010 4|*87,201 || 2,587,364: 88,323 2,133,583 §§s 585,290 9| 272,755 8,806,688 180,168 6,377,277 || 21/6 834,400 5 95,878 2,841,213 96,794 2,441,007 || Táš 623,950 || 1800 285,851 9,263,966 169,262 6,014, 1: 0 || 24/6 | 842,210 | 6 || 99,732 2,975,389 99,586 2,488,140 - 671,700 1 264,082 8,699,242 137,231 || 4,833, 5:4 || 30/ | 760,560 7 107,750 3,153,891 || 95,786 2,601,583 || 18/ | 714,870 2 265,660 | 8,686,046 137,016 || 5,023, 1: 4 || 30/ 743,470 8 || 132,506 || 3,795,990 || 101,629 2,746,712 || 15/ | 658,540 3 266,785 8,942,798, 139,575 5,023,9; 6 || 29/ | 787,430 9|110,942 || 3,427,150 93,143 2,659,659 || 11/ | 676,540 4 298,173 9,987,255 150,010 || 5,440, i. 9 || 32/ 903,940 1780 || 94,625 | 2,802,671 87,309 2,571,324 || 11/6 || 706,850 || 5 || 300,237 10,079,256 | 165,847 6,193,317 || 33/6 912,410 1 102,018 3,099,127 98,721 2,671,397 || 10/6 || 743,330 6|290,269 || 9,561,178 175,384 6,430, 161 || 32/ | 858,570 2 | 112,470 || 4,458,405 96,743 2,598,754 || 9/ | 728,970 7|262,024 8,422,143 161,816 || 5,931,2:3 || 24/6 924,030 3 |131,092 || 4,563,376 108,641 3,292,002 || 12/ | 701,610 8 279,859 || 9,050,970 144,624 5,309,007 || 24/6 | 1,015,280 4 || 138,023 4,094,334 115,500 3,356,648 || 16/ | 616,110 9 || 311,239 || 9,826,048 151,911 5,951,762 || 28/ | 989,250 5 157,275 4,844,855 116,036 || 3,409,178 || 12/ | 641,470 || 1810 273,664 8,671,042 158,252 6,180,811 || 30/ | 962,750 6 | 158,792 || 4,934,975 123,025 || 3,536,889 || 13/ | 665,910 || 11 269,892 | 8,535,559 141,809 || 5,715,534 || 25/ | 966,400 7 | 155,748 4,850,832 128,740 4,058,157 || 17/6 | 668,570 12 || 316,431 || 9,949,419 || 136,863 5,117,209 || 30/ | 953,660 | 8 || 139,406 || 4,244,322 132,143 || 4,208,303 || 17/ | 679,100 13| 369,890 11,702,837 || 142,963 5,615,755 || 34.45|| 891,240, 9| 154,134 4,716,460 145,495 || 4,409,573 || 18/ | 693,700 || 14 || 338,839 |10,656,491 || 147,474 6,045,472 || 52/ 870,880 w?90 172,588 || 5,151,677 140,407 || 4,582,122 || 18/ | 749,660 15 330,310 |10,394,466 162,355 || 6,649,859 || 56; 50 962,840 I 187,569 5,815,079 154,373 || 4,797,594 || 19/6 740,360 16 || 325,449 |10,135,285 | 120,901 || 5,650,669 || 50/ 968,564 2 214,851 6,760,728 j 190,468 || 5,531,698 || 22/6 760,859 || 17 | 351,122 10,974,473 || 132,607 || 5,233,616 || 40/ | 1,044,710 3 190,332 6,054,946 150,666 4,783,722 || 18/ | 728,480 18 || 324,539 8,335,899 || 140,314 5,721,392 963,250 | 19. 263,278 6,924,790 1 119,700' 4,889,181 | | 949,900 N É AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of Raw Fibrous Material, annually IM Port E.D. into GREAT BRITAIN in each Year since 1789, and of Cotton Manufactures and Yarra ExpoRTED in each Year since 1797. The pages referred fo will show the proportion of the respective articles Imported from different parts of the World, and Nos. 73–79, page 154, will & show the proportion of each article annually retained for Home Consumption, in each. Year, since 1826;, in additiºn to the vast quantity of Material here £ahibited, the annual home production of sheeps Woot may be estimated 2, 165,066,000 lbs.’ Fiºr Sº is also partially grown * different parts of England; and in Ireland * the ** of about 50,000,000 lºs. annually ; making an aggregate q:4ntity of about 650,000,000 lbs. of Fibrous Material annually wrought in Great Britain intº every species § of Fabric which ingenuity can devise ; cºnstituting a display of activ”, and effect without a parraleſ in the History of human action. The Importation ºf Hemp it will be moticed, in contradistinction to all the other articles, has considerably st- diminished, £he substitution of the Iron Chain for the Hempen Cable sºficiently accounts for that dim in wit?om. Abstractedly viewed, as an evidence of power, this Statement may be regarded as a delightful picture of human activity—but it is seen to s: be eloaded with melancholy, where examined in 7'elation to all the effects which it has produced ; as the operation has extended, the reward for tubor has aiminished, so that the aggregate amounſ annually distributed in Profits and Wages, was less ‘s 27, 1832, than it zi'as in Isoz ;—see following page, and page It?, while the diminished rate ºf labor has become cha? geable with ū fied mºney, obligatiºn of £30,099,000 # annum-For the pecuniary, social, and moral derangement resulting from the S, change--see Note to the Analysis of the Occupations of the Population of Great Britain at page 3 of the Geographical Display of the Locality, &c., of the several Couzeties. Since 1825, the accounts include the Importation into Ireland, but the proportion is tow #zzconsiderable to deserve notice. - - :S -º- - - i. - — - S. us of COTTON WOOL-Wide page 114. Wide Nos. 69–75, page 138. lbs. of us of SILK,-Wide Nos. 80–83, page 138. - Official Value of Cotton. s . . . Re-earported to Leaving - Cwts. of Sheep and EUROPEAN. EAST INDIA MANUFACTUREs and YARN sº lbs. Weight - jor Home - Liman-i Lambs Wool, - • TOTAL. E exported : the Yarm is valued 3 years Imported. Ireland. All other parts. Consumption. ; H E MP. FLA X. yarn, as tº Page 113. Thrown. Raw. Bengal. China. .. at £10 P.112 ibs., and the #: - - • * - - - - Manufactures may be esti- s 1790 31,418,528 769,313 74,841 30,574,374 592,306 || 257,222 3,245,329 508,005 1,253,445 "...º. S. 1 28,293,554 297,277 66, 165 27,930, 112 ||372,812 || 308,101 2,776,054 470,195 - 1,446,868 ; thereby showing that about $. 2 : 34,802,096 | 1,062,869 422,596 || 33,316,531 #614,362 243,324 5 #5 4,513,976 : 436,831 - 1,368,726 two-thirds of the Cotton S. 3 18,950, 509 358,452 813,114 | *I'7,778,943 #553,831 271,249 *: :- 1,891,385 # 241,955 - 1,261,963 || *P* exported,—see Cols, s 4 24,247,090 || 658,143 || 691,807 22,897,140 #582,755 348,367 | *:::: 4,485,582 330,978 - - | 1014,306 || "...º.º.º. * * : 5 # 26,054,010 || 452,937 740,800 || 24,860,273 ||374,622 |225,853 ||3: 4,902,500 : 336,995 59,040 392,527 | 150,144 | 1,067,991 || " - * @ s 6 31,880,763 536,838 158,124 || 31, 185,801 #618,486 || 321,239 F.J.P. 3,493,129 # 398,948 75,960 361,106 | 12,968 886,580 || Manufactures. Yarm. $ 7 22,859,196 88,151 520,907 22,250,137 j488,177 209,682 |'s: 4,668,769 401,662 39,780 88,219 78,250 | 667,938 —£ —£-- s 8 : 31,737,655 468,498 132,641 31,136,516 647,833 ||389,987 = #3 2,662,159 403,130 192,600 352,780 || 135,817 | 1,133,015 # 3,572,217 || 30,271 & 9 : 43,046,639 || 841,617 3,054 || 42,201,968 || 752,568 418,737 #53 5,151,711 .467,687 507,260 | 645,421 | 63,604 || 1,708,642 || 5,593,407 || 204,602 # 1800 || 55,630,390 || 480,413 3,936,197 || 51,213,780 jã56,419 |416,120 ää 3 8,615,284 : 333,717 121,400 454,600 92,385 1, 167,335 || 5,406,501 || 447,556 S. 1 55,675,079 223,359 1,637,513 53,814,207 748,571 272,035 | 3:. 7,387,107 275, 149 237,600 310,368 125,783 | 1,014,260 || 6,606,368 || 444,441 s 2 60,239,080 934,079 2,796,401 || 56,508,600 485,198 || 277,443 I: 3 7,701,518 396,210 349,560 114,744 78,526 955,940 || 7, 195,900 || 428,605 S 3 53,427,501 || 280,924 1,280,129 || 51,866,448 # 729,677 294,645 |&T; , ; 6,005,792 384,764 || 511,560 | 405,093 || 74,498 || 1,188,563 || 6,442,037 639,404 ± 4 : 61,316,962 179,225 323,946 60,813,791 727,319 |352,910 || 3:3 || 8,151,593 #449, 182 266,400 621,710 90,368 1,481,563 || 7,834,564 902,208 is 5 : 59,649,549 570,218 234,025 || 58,845,306 #611,019 |466,624 | ####| || 8,541,276 : 433,272 269,100 835,907 || 79,611 | 1622,978 || 8,619,990 | 914,475 § 6 : 57,982,263 460,929 190,938 || 57,330,396 || 729,782 354,722 #### i 7,333,993 || 515,218 227,060 | 408,523 20,801 | 1,317,841 || 9,753,824 | 736,225 § 7 74,786,461 | 1,965,097 211,846 | 72,609,518 756,826 |421,393 ||3::: 11,768,926 |346,144 187,380 493,585 90,302 | 1,128,943 || 9,708,046 | 601,719 s 8 : 43,263,400 1,601,422 43,445 | *41,618,533 ||259,684 || 257,729 |355; 2,353,725 || 139,312 i 18,800 378,498 || 92,555 776,414 || 12,503,918 472,078 s 9 91,701,923 | 1,079,387 || 3,271,718 87,350,818 #858,876 533,367 |5°32' 6,845,933 501,746 324, 180 162,747 | 90,604 || 1,199,935 | 18,425,614 | 1,020,352 s. 1810 : 134,805,596 || 347,458 8,439,651 126,018,487 955,890 || 511,970 # 5 - 3 10,936,224 450,731 616,660 584,718 54,413 1,792,206 || 17,898,519 | 1,053,475 s - 11 : 91,008,874 | 1,026,752 240,115 | 89,732,007 458,547 243,899 *: ... = 4,739,972 20,336 21,060 | 404,756 81,022 622,383 || 11,529,551 || 483,598 S 12 61,568,673 | 1,427,948 312,964 59,827,761 i 852,015 405,304 7,014,617 | 617,885 253,090 982,427 | 86,197 | 1,847,991 || 15,723,225 || 794,465 13 - - 438,400 237,780 | 143,472 | 1,904,002 - . . . . . § 14 58,887, 183 826,624 5,455,813 52,604,646 545,386 498,848 |45,926 15,712,517 646,338 547,278 1,116,113 2,309,729 || 16,535,528 1,119,850 S 15 # 98,790,697 830,540 5,949,852 92,010,306 || 731,507 || 325,891 41,196 || 14,991,713 359,588 396,482 1,077,508 1,833,578 || 21,480,792 808,853 & 16 93,685, 105 581,408 6,523,646 86,580,051 369,467 212,619 || 9,692 8,117,865 : 194,509 93,937 853,899 1,142,345 || 16, 183,975 1,380,486 & 5 17; 124,803,057 | 1,065,161 || 7,090,281 | 116,647,615 # 457,266 412,433 21,525 # 14,715,843 247,599 321,540 659,339 1,228,478 || 20,133,966 1,125,258 5 18 177,178,438 || 1,871,166 13,288,287 172,018,985 660,403 || 426,258 39,590 26,405,480 460,922 626,746 1,118,335 2,206,005 || 21,292,354 | 1,296,776 & 19 149,467,129 1,330,238 15,292,731 || 132,844, 160 : 474,238 404,728 21,439 16, 190,343 293,389 453,637 | 1,100,944 1,847,970 || 16,696,539 1,585,753 - 1820 149,322,869 | 1,386,564 6,024,038 141,912,267 418,509 || 381,821 21,184 10,043,746 333,636 879,601 | 1,127,884 221,515 2,641,866 || 20,509,926 2,022,153 s 1 || 130,196,651 | 1,716,395 || 14,589,497 || 113,890,759 241,759 |495,765 25,811 16,680,043 341,154 875,452 | 1,106,659 218,921 2,542,195 || 21,642,936 | 1,898,679 jº 2 || 140,914,740 | 1,950,288 18,269,776 | 120,694,636 # 598,628 602,834 42,915 19,323,170 : 502,795 | 1,080,871 924,223 172,679 2,680,568 || 24,559,272 2,351,771 § 3 || 188,572,418 2,221, 127 | 9,318,403 || 177,032,888 638,641 536,756 54,924 19,378,242 #368,470 891,068 1,322,208 287,607 2,880,458 || 24,119,359 2,425,411 s 4 || 147,099,446 2,598,893 j 13,299,185 131,201,368 ; 571,936 742,531 55,797 22,572,617 342,005 | 1,628,343 1,105,170 202,130 | 3,477,648 || 27,171,556 2,984,345 S 5 226,052,135 | 2,112,774 || 18,004,953 205,934,408 595,089 | 1,055,233 42,837,864 777,529 2,080,965 || 904,511 | 123,107 || 3,894,770 || 26,597,575 2,897,706 s 6 || 174,706,610 - 24,474,920 | 150,231,690 489,330 | 688,622 15,916,425 || 177,405 678,654 1,633,448 169,591 2,665,225 || 21,445,743 3,748,527 Š Accounts * , º - - | . . . Sº 7 268,752,495 diºd 18,134,170 250,618,325 573,393 |907,079 || 33,437 29,345,947 463,601 | 1,885,204 || 1,133,488 || 128,234 3,610,727 || 29,203,138 |3,979,760 & 8 225,713,403 Great Britain 17,396,776 208,316,627 504,120 |876,189 |30,920 i 30,235,915 # 508,818 2,808,665 | 1,234,863 212,895 || 4,765,241 28,981,575 |4,485,842 3 9 : 221, 118,645 º 30,288,779 190,829,866 374,933 922,039 || 29,646 21,525,542 211,179 1,343,741 2,130,043 | 120,970 3,805,933 || 31,819,474 || 3,458,958 1830 263,961,452 | ** | 8,534,976 255,426,476 506,771 |944,096 || 19,212 32,313,059 |413,840 2,148,912 1,736,231 | 19,198 || 4,318,181 35,395,401 || 5,655,570 s. I 280,249,600 22,308,555 257,941,045 590,820 |936,411 || 17 352 31,679,612 629,282 2,231,639 1,752,040 3,374 462.lº || 3:47, 36.4% º 2 236,832,000 º ..' . s: . . . . 28,142,489 : 177,166 2,196,600 | 1,823,020 28,111 || 4,224,897 || 37,060,750 |6,725,506 § .4 t : is 6. : 7. $. $3. - i STATEMENT showing the actual amount of TAXES raised in the UNITED KINGDCM of GREAT, BRITAIN and IRELAND, annually, on an average of the first 5 Years of the War 1793–1797, and in each Year since 1797; distinguishing the proportion raised in Ireland from the amount raised in Great Britain ; the Quantity and Value of British Produce and Manufactures EXPORTED in each Year; the annual mean prices of Gold, Wheat, and Manufactures, and the equivalent of the TAxës in each of those articles, in each Year since 1797, together with a Statement of the amount of the Parochial or Local Assessments, and the proportion thereof expended for the maintenance of the Poor in each Year since 1811, shewing the equivalent of the Parochial Assessments in Quarters of Wheat in each Year, contrasted with the amounts levied annually on ar average of the three Years ending Easter 1785, and Easter 1803; also the Population of Great Britain and Ireland respectively, at each of the 5 Deci-annual periods 1791, 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831. The most prominent feature of this Statement, is, the inordinate pressure of Taxation in 1832, as compared with 1798, when measured in manufactured declaration of value of manufactured productions prior to 1798, whereby the comparison can be carried further back; were it possible to exhibit the amou the disparity would be seven-fold ; that is seven-times the quantity of manufactured products are required to pay the Taxation at the present time as was re in Gold, or Grain, or in the Current money of the two periods, the increase of Taxation exceeds 140 & the two periods the increased amount of Taxation at the present time appears to be contributed with as much, if not greater facility than it was during the period 1793-7, and the Country certainly exhibits on ail sides increased, and still increasing evidences of power and advancement in all the means of comfort and social enjoyment. Whence then the - * * which resound from the most distant parts of the Empire 2. This is a question calculated to confound even experienced minds. As long as order in Society can be maintained, the extremes m and for an obvious reason; the continued depression of Value of the productions of one portion of the Community, while the means of expenditure of another part remains fixed, nescessaril of consumption somewhere. Hence, it is, that prosperity shows itself on one side, while privation and misery increase on the other; it is not therefore, the bare question of the existence o the attention of the British Legislator; but, whether or not, the nature and extent of that distress, is such, as to threaten a dissolution of social order. The extremes which thi longer to continue; the pressure of Taxation must either be brought nearer to the level of reward for labor, or some means devised, and reduced to practice, whereby the produ existing amount of fixed money demands. #f in , like manner in 1832, £51,504,912 of Taa’es were equal to £91,973,057 of Manufactures at Qfficial Value, £100 thereof having been equal to only £56 of money, instead of £168 as in 1798; or £180 as in 1863. It is argued by one Class of Sciolists, that so far from the depreciated Value of our Manufactured Productions bein g a fºrd of of a declining condition, it proves the contrary.—It shews, sa and increased facility of production have been so great that we are now able to setl double the quantity for the same price as in 1814 : The Raw Material is reduced, and great facility of p productions as exhibited in Column No. 11; there was no nt at the present time in comparison with the 5 years 1793-7, g - º quired during the first 5 Years of the War. dP Cent, while the increase of Population has been less than 60 tº Cent. When measured Still, looking at all the circumstances of ground for those complaints of distress which prevail in the Metropolis, and ay continue to increase, leads to the enlargement distress which now claims . s Statement exhibit are too great, much cts of labor, may more easily sustain the The equivalent of the Tawes in Manufactures as tº Col. 11, is arrived at as follows, Viz., Col. 4, represents the Official Value of Manufactures EXPORTED, and Col. 5, the Declared Value of the same ; thus, * 170s, £18,556,891 of official Value was equal to £31,252,836 of Declared. £100 of Official was equal to £168 of Declared, as { Col. 83–then, £32,692,995 of Tuates in 1798 were equal to £19,460,116 of Qſicial Value, 3. 3 & vur 3 wf Off; every £100 thereof having been equal to £168 of mortey, and in 3/ they, that the decline in the price of the Raw Material "oduction has taken place,—these of course involve the question of proportion ; but they are no proof of either advantage or disadvantage, as will be manifest on trying the aggregate result on the following general principle.--It will be seen on reference to my Analysis of the Population Returns that in the Manufacturing Districts, the Numbers since 1791, have more than doubled ; while, notwithstanding Manufactured Productions have increased in a far greater proportion, the aggregate amount now distributed in less than it was in 1791–2; thereby proving, (inasmuch as the price of all articles of subsistance has rather increased than diminished, ) that whatever benefits may have been derived by one class of the community f factured Productions ; the privations of the larger portion of the Population in the Manufacturing Districts must not only have been in a ratio proportionate to the increase of their numbers, to the increased comfort enjoyed by a part of the Population of those Districts. Years 1798 1800 - {Jnited Great Britain. Ireland. Ringdom. - £-——-£ £-- Average of 5 Years 1793–7 21,500,000 30,492,995 2,200,000 || 32,692,995 35,311,018 2,900,000 || 38,211,018 34,069,457 2,409,493 36,478,950 35,516,351 || 3,462,234 38,978,585 37,111,620 4,353,790 41,465,410 38,203,937 3,663,715 41,867,652 45,515,152 4,042,628 49,557,780 50,555,190 4,224,131 54,779,321 54,071,908 4,874,729 58,946,637 59,496 731 5,502,130 | 64,998,861 62,147,601 || 5,687,617 | 67,835,218 63,879,882 5,490,343 69,370,225 | 67,825,597 4,970,148 || 72,795,745 65,309, 100 4,450,743 69,759,843 64,752,125 6,304,375 71,056,590 67,376,546 6,504,558 | 73,881,104 70,161,385 7,154,070 || 77,315,455 70,888,772 7,334,786 || 78,223,558 61,876,600 6,204,785 | 68,081,385 51,532,317 5,514,840 57,047,157 | 53,075,001 5,700,723 58,775,724 52,301,107 || 5,385,684 57,686,791 54,488,169 || 4,702,011 || 59,190,180 55,123,403 5,155,005 || 60,278,408 54,374,638 4,847,126 59,221,764 52,948,542 4,293,635 | 57,242,177 53,270,028 4,659,289. 57,929,317 52,919,280 4,592,301 || 57,511,581 50,526,152 4,587,415 || 55,113,567 50,356,111 || 4,644,289 55,000,400 52,418,055 4,668,044 57,086,099 51,029,729 4,497,183 55,526,912 50,414,927 4,223,904 || 54,638,831 | 46,444,515 4,393,036 50,837,551 47,092,234. A 4,432,67& \ 61,504,912 AcTUAL AMoUNT OF TAXES. Britis -* Profit '0773 the s and Wages is considerably depreciated value of Manu- that is more than doubled, but still greater in proportion. h Produce & Manufactures F. X. PORTED at 9. Official Value. |Declared Value. No account for this Period. G5,026,702 || 36,444,524 V 77/103. 18,556,891 31,252,836 22,284,941 35,903,850 22,831,936 || 36,929,007 24,501,608 || 39,730,659 25, 195,893 45,102,330 20,042,596 || 36,127,787 22,132,367 37,135,746 22,907,371 37,234,396 25,266,546 || 39,746,581 22,963,772 36,394,443 24, 179,854 || 36,306,385 32,916,858 46,049,777 33,299,408 47,000,926 21,723,532 | 30,850,618 28,447,912 39,334,526 Accounts destroyed by Fire. 34,207,253 45,494,218 42,875,996 || 51,603,027 35,707,008 || 41,657,873 40,086,945 41,749,015 42,699,853 46,611,348 33,481,837 35,204,565 38,395,556 36,424,653 40,831,745 36,659,631 44,236,533 36,968,964 43,804,373 || 35,458,049 48,735,552 38,396,301 47,166,020 i 38,877,388 40,965,736 || 31,536,723 52,219,280 37,182,857 52,797,455 36,814, 176 56,213,042 35,830,469 61,140,364. 38,251,502 (30,633,934 37,163,648 TotAL Mean Value of EQ U 1 y A LENT OF TAXES IN Proportion of Average Equivalent of - - A mount of Parochial Price Parochial Manu- 9ºf ºf official Value ºf Parochi ºff ºf |*:::::::::::::" Gold. Wheat. facirs. G O L D. W H E A T. Manufactures. || Assessments. the Poor." | Wheat. jºAT: 77/10}| 60/0 --> 5,521,619 || 7,166,000 —– || 2,167,748 1,912,241 79/9 967,100 77/10%| 50/4 168 8,396,274 12,990,594 | 19,460,116 - 66/11 | 161 ) 77/10, 11,420,478 23,733,427 * ...; 110/5 162 - 9,730 855 6,607,507 22,517,874 'º 3 = I15/11 | 162 J 3 s -- ~ 2 6,725,277 24,060,854 #: 67/9 179 ! 80/0 $ io,240,711 23,165,034 || 5,418,204 4,077,891 63/2 1,715,526 º £3 57/1 180 $ 10,416,633 & 13,209,104 || 23,259,807 There wi * D.A.; — # = | 60% gº goo ſº. ººl bºº."rººs. § º: = | 87/1 162 - 13,606,978 12,580,896 || 33,814,395 || ment ºf ſhe Population at each of the undermen- #5 S. 76/9 157 J 2 ~ l 15,360,687 37,545,628 tioned Periods, Viz. – - #5 # 73/1 159 } 90/0 {#if: *:::::::::: Years | Gºt. Britain: Ireland. U. Kingdom. 23: 3 || 78/11 150 17,191, 3 - 4- ex 3 +UV 4.206 alia. *śā ºf iſ, ; *** liaopaia, 49.530,161 || ||}}}}}|{##|}; - * | *ś| º'9" | lºº 84/9 103/3 141 || 17,178,937 14,100,871 51,628,190 #| |º]};|3}º; 99/0 92/5 142 || 14,092,897 15,096,803 || 49,126,650 - - - - * 106/6 | 122/8 138 || 13,343,941 11,585,297 || 51,490,210 || 8,646,841 | 6,676,105 |128/8 1,344,063 110/0 106/6 – || 13,432,928 13,874,385 | 8,388,974 6,294,584 || 98/0 1,712,035 72/1 133 21,451,686 || 58,131,921 || 7,457,676 5,418,846 || 70/6 2,115,653 107/0 63/8 || 120 || 14,621,226 24,572,718 65,185,965 || 6,937,425 || 5,724,507 || 61/10] 2,243,911 78/6 76/2 116 || 17,345,575 17,876,951 58,690,849 || 8,128,418 6,918,217 | 87/4 1,861,469 80/6 94/0 | 104 || 14,173,207 | 12,137,697 || 54,853,035 || 9,320,440 || 7,890,148 90/4 2,057,870 81/6 83/8 109 || 14,423,490 14,049,973 || 53,922,682 || 8,932,185 7,531,651 82/9 2,158,836 72/3 105 15,968,662 54,939,801 || 8,719,655 7,329,594 | 69/5 2,512,265 77/10, 65/10 95 || 15,201,330 17,981,827 | 62,305,453 || 8,411,893 6,958,445 62/5 2,695,400 77/10}| 54/5 90 || 15,480,810 22,154,391 | 66,976,009 || 7,761,441 6,358,702 53/0 2,928,845 77/10}| 43/3 83 || 15,209,441 27,385,787 || 71,351,522 || 6,898,153 5,772,958 || 41/11 3,291,865 77/104 || 51/9 80 || 14,701,040 22,122,290 || 71,552,721 || 6,833,630 || 5,734,216 56/8 2,411,869 77/10}} 62/0 79 || 14,877,513 | 18,687,199 || 73,329,515 || 6,972,323 5,786,989 62/9 2,222,254 77/10}| 66/6 82 || 14,770,230 17,296,716 || 70,136,074 || 6,965,051 5,928,504 || 64/8 2,154,139 77/10;| 56/11 || 77 || 14,154,213 | 19,366,407 || 71,576,061 || 7,784,352 6,441,088 56/0 2,780,125 77/10* | 56/9 72 || 14,125,303 || 19,374,590 76,389,444 || 7,715,055 6,298,000 54/2 2,848,635 77/10%| 60/5 70 || 14,660,956 18,897,467 81,551,570 || 7,642,171 6,332,411 63/3 2,416,496 77/10* | 66/3 64 14,260,523 16,755,294 86,760,800 8,161,284 6,829,059 62/10 2,597,756 77/10* | 64/3 62 || 14,032,446 17,009,752 88,135,211 || 8,279,218 6,798,889 67/7 2,450,076 77/103, 66/4 61 || 13,056,191 || 15,297,754 33,176,313 || 8,622,920 7,036,968 64/10 2,701,698 58/8 56 13,227,580 l 17,558,492 91,973,057 56/10 120 at Introduction to the Following Statements of Exports and Imports. º, -, *, * v-' - **, 㺠º - . . f* -- ~~ * the Commercial:World !! . . . . . . ... . . . . " The unparalleled extent of the external Trade of Great Britain renders it, in itself, an object of uncommon interest. Hów much more interesting and important, then, must it be, when it is seen to be involved with external money transactions to an equal, extent, affecting in their combined relations not only all the productive interests of the Empire, but all the activity of » § - # * e r- Y 2, * --> & …” y { % ºce: "+ . to the re-purchase of part of the Stock, created for the Sum Raised; leaving f*29,641,247, for which Annuities, chiefly in perpetuity, were created to the Amount of £22,737,371. During the period of this operation, that is in the 24 Years, 1793–1816, the value of the Exports to Europe; Africa, e ... " 3 , . . .” 3 ºr *_i.e.: . .**i; ; , ; and the Americas, exceeded the value of the ſm ports from thence by about *xv, *34-, ---,” {W} Pages. 71–5 show, the progress of the Exports to, and Imports from, each different part-of the world, from 1697-down to 1828, inclusive; the * 1831; as exhibited at pages 56–62: ; ; ; * " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " sº ' , , , , , or . ** , ! amounts in those pages being what are termed the Official Values, assigned in 1694; which rates of Valuation will be found affixed against each respective article Imported, and Exported in each of the 18 years, 1814– w. * j- 2. Pages 4–6, and others, show the Current Value of all the great articles of Import, some of which will be seen to differ greatly from the Official Rates of Value; for instance, Coffee is valued. Officially at £7 per ewt., while its Current cOommercial Value has been only 50s. to 80s. per cwt., on the other hand the Commercial Value of Indigo has been from 2s. 6d. to 14s, per Ib. equal to a mean price of 7s, or 8s. per lb., while it is Rated officially at only 2s. 9d:—see line 2, page 56. Although these dispro- portions nullify all worthiness of the Statements at pages 71–5, in regard to Current Money Value; they are not the less interesting in showing the ** increase-or decrease of operation in the aggregate, and the proportion or disproportion at different periods of the extent of the transactions with each respective Country; för this purpose the Official Rates of Valuation may be regarded as a common denominator, and, as such, attended with great advan- tage, as an indicator of Quantity; and assuming, as it seems reasonable to do, that the Rates, assigned in 1694, accorded with the Current Value of the time, they are now doubly interesting as showing the change that has since taken place in the value of several articles. - . . . 3. On referring to page 162, which is a summary of pages 71–5, it will be seen that, from 1697 down to 1793, the Official Value of the Imports: and Exports bore an approximation to each other; down to 1760 England uniformly Exported Grain, which, with Woollens, formed the basis of her external traffic; Importing from Hamburgh, Haberdashery and other trifles; and from Holland, Sealing-wax, Pill-boxes, Pencils, Marbles, &c. Subsequent to 1760, when the Imports from the East and West Indies began to increase, the products thereof became articles of Export to dif. ferent parts of Europe; and the great profits they were at that time wont to realise afforded the means of purchasing Foreign Corn, as well as other ar- ticles. The price of Corn in Dantzic, from 1750 to 1760, being only about half the then price in England, subsequently to 1764, England became uni- formly an Importer of Grain, as she previously had been an Exporter.— See pages 88–9. During the whole of the period from 1697 down to 1793, both as Exporting of Corn, and Importing thereof, the external Com- merce of the Country appears in the aggregate to have been attended with advantages both to the individuals directly engaged in it, and to the country at large; the excess of Export appearing to have been equalized by Bullion. See statement of Gold coined. - * : . . . - ". 4. With the commencement of the War in 1793, the external commerce of the Country, as well as all its internal relations, became destined to great and important changes—see Notes relating to Revenue. From 1793 down to 1816, the Exports will be seen to have progressively increased both in quantity and value ; while the Imports, except from the East and West Indies, and China, remained nearly stationary; and so far from the excess of Export being equalized by Bullion, the amount of Bullion Exported during the same period also very considerably exceeded the amount Im- ported; yet no diminution in the productive value of the Exports took place, and large profits were continually realised. How then, it will be asked, was the enormous excess of Export equalized or balanced Subse- quent to 1793 the external Commerce of the Country, which previously had been confined to a reciprocal exchange of commodities, became involved With a paper circulating medium, exciting the creation, and aiding the ap- plication, of mechanical power to various purposes of production; and all these sustained by the creation, or rather unparalleled extension, of ideal amounts in value, by Funding and issues of Exchequer Bills, and other representations of amount. -. 5. On referring to the statements showing the progress of the Account "alled the National Debt—National credit is quite as applicable—it will be seen that, in the 24 Years 1793–1816, £618,163,587 was raised by Loans, *nd the Funding of various Bills; out of which £188,522,340 was applied £330,000,000 ; the Accounts for 1813 having been destroyed by the fire at the Custom House in London in February, 1814, prevents the amount being more exactly stated; but if, to the excess of Produels Exported, be added the excess of Bullion Exported during thºse years, they will, together, be seen to approximate in Amount to the Sum for which Annui- ties were created during, the same period—the way in which the excess of Value Exported was . Equalized, Ol' Balanced in Commercial Account, having been by the Bills drawn in different parts of the World by the Agents of the Government on Account of Subsidiés, Secret Sérvices, and for Supplies for the Fleets and Armies every where distributed; which Bills, or an Amount equivalent thereto, were Annually converted into Stock, for ... e. - e. • - . .” ... f*, *. & º :- ** Q. ... : . - -> which Annuities were granted. There has not been any Official Account of the Amount of these Bills created Annually through the whole period; but the Notable Bullion Committee in 1810, seems, to hāye thought of the sub- ject—about the only rational thought it appears to have entertained. To that Committee an Account was produced of the amount of Bills so drawn during the first Four Years of the War, viz, 1793–96, which was as follows: in 1793, £2,785,252; in 1794, £8,335,591; in 1795, £11,040,236; and in 1796, £10,149,916. At a later period a similar Account has been produced of the Amounts drawn in the Five Years, 1814–1818; in the former year the Amount was £26,405,028—see page 62, And in the Eight Years, 1806–13, the amounts must have annually equalled or exceeded that sum. -6. Such, as described in the preceding section, was the involved relation of the external Commerce of Great Britain from 1793 to 1816, when in the latter year, it became subject, in common with all the productive interests of the country, to a convulsion, more severe in its effects than was ever | before experienced ; the Exports in that Year exceeded. the Imports by £30,906,772, while the Bills, which in 1814 amounted to £26,405,028, in 1816 amounted to only £7,892,357, leaving upwards of £23,000,000 to be equalized by Insolvency or Reduction in Value. 2731 Commissions Of Bankruptcy balanced a large portion of the amount; and Profit and Loss the remainder. Unequalled as was the paralysis which all the Commercial and Manufacturing interests of the Country experienced in 1816, and pal- pable as was the cause—the withdrawal of an average of about £25,000,000 of Bills per Annum, which for the Ten preceding Years had seived to equalize the Commercial Account, and thereby sustain the Manufacturing interest, which, in its turn, sustained the combined internal interests of the Country at large: such was the perversion of understanding and dispo- sition at the time, that, instead of looking at the subject in a proper point of view, a notion of a dread of foreign competition set in, and so universally prevailed as to preclude any consideration being directed to the devising of suitable means for obtaining a fair equilibrium, or quid pro quo, in products for the increased quantity which the mechanical power of Great Britain had enabled it to supply. Instead of any due consideration being applied to the subject, either on the part of the People or the Government, all appeared determined to force down the Money Price of British productions to the level of what the produce, which might be obtained in return, would realise; and so far from checking the extent of the operation, the Exports of British produce in 1817 actually exceeded those of 1816 by nearly £5,000,000 at a reduced value, however, in the proportions of 104 to 116, as compared with 1816, and to 133 as compared to 1814—see page 58. The Colonial and F oreign produce, re-exported in 1817, was upwards of £3,000,000 less than in 1816. The paralysis of this Year would have been as severe as that of 1816 but for unexpected and fortuitous circumstances; in addition to the desolating effects produced by £23,000,000, defalcation in Mercantile Account in 1816, the harvest of that year was one of the most unfavourable that had ever been experienced ; so much so that, had it not been for a liberal supply of Grain on hand (see page 90), millions must have perished ; but much as this added to the calamity of the year, it proved fortuitous in 1817; the intercourse of the world being totally uninterrupted, the energy of the Shipping and Mercantile interests were directed to all points for sup- plies of Corn, which augmented the means of payment of the excess of Fxport about £6,000,000, as compared with the two preceding Years.- see page 52, This, however, would have been greatly insufficient to have prevented a repetition of the disasters of 1846, which were counter- 2 E. Introduction to the Following Statements of Eaports and Imports. acted by a measure, that while it warded off the evil for a season, has served to render the embarrassment perpetual. - 7. The Government Bills which in 1816 are represented to have amounted to £7,802,357, in 1817 are represented to have amounted to only fă,404,071 ; so that the diminution of means in Government Bills was equal to two-thirds of the increase in the value of the Foreign Products Imported, leaving again upwards of £20,000,000 to be equalized by some extraneous means. On referring to the Statement of Foreign Loans it will be seen that, since 1815, France has been doing what Great Britain did during the War, viz. that of raising money by granting Annuities to the extent of nearly £200,000,000 sterling; and, in the year 1817 alone, an amount nearly equal to the aggregate excess of Export was transferred from England to France. On referring again to the Statement showing the pro- gress of the National Debt, it will be seen that in 1817 the Government alone applied no less than £14,657,559 to the purchase of 3 per cent. Stock, at an average of £76 16s. 1d. while in 1815 they had created Annui- ties equal to upwards of £100,000,000 of that Stock, for which they had received on an average only £52, 14s. 3d, ; and the Bill transactions, which this operation gave rise to in all its involved relations, served to equalize in Commercial Account the excess of Export in the same way as the Bills of the British Government had done during the war. In addition also to the new transactions in Loans about £20,000,000 of Stock, held by Foreigners, vested when 3 per Cents, were from 57 to 58; tempted as well by selling Out at from 75 to 80 as of investing in French and other securities equal to 45 or 50, which enabled them to double their capital ; the combined temptation induced them to realise money for their Stock in England; and these transactions still further aided the means of equalizing in Commercial Account the excess of Exports. . 8. The stimulus to Commercial activity which these transactions ex- cited led to an extension of operations in 1818, in which year the Importa- tion of Foreign Corn exceeded that of 1817, equal to 4 to £5,000,000 in Amount. A Loan also of £5,000,000, at 72, equal to £3,600,000 money was raised for Prussia in this year; but, as the British Government Bills were still further reduced from £3,404,071 to £2,387,658, and the disposi- tion for French Stock somewhat abated, the Commercial transactions of the year in the aggregate terminated unfavourably; and those of 1819 proved relatively as disastrous as those of 1816. In 1820, however, a new impulse was given to Loans to all the European States, which transactions, as far as they went, served to equalize the excess of Exports; but large as have been the transfers of capital by these means, they have, since the great transactions with France in 1817, been unequal to the excess of Export, and the consequence has been a continued Reduction in the Money Value of all the Products of British Manufacture, in the proportions exhibited Year by Year, at pages 58–59, or of Cottons, as per p. 112. 9. Much as the Foreign Loan transactions have aided those of Commerce during the last Sixteen Years, their illusiveness is now beginning to mani- fest itself, the total sum so transferred from England since 1816 approxi- mates in Amount to £100,000,000, and has therefore aided the Commercial transactions to that extent, in the same way as the Bills of the British Government did during the War. But the position in which the combined transactions have placed Great Britain, is far more singular and perilous than that in which she was placed at the close of the War in 1815, unexampled as was the paralysis experienced at that time. Whenever the disposition or means to transfer capital from British to Foreign Security ceases, and cease it must, Great Britain will find herself, not merely confined to the consequences of the cessation, but the amounts transferred, having created an interest equal to 6 to £8,000,000 per Annum, the amount, be it more or be it less, will operate conversely; instead of aiding the Commercial trans- actions, so much will be Annually withdrawn from the Value of the Products Imported, leaving the Exporters, not only minus the cessation of further investments, but whatever may be withdrawn to discharge the interest on the Amount already invested. The following display shows the way in which all the extraneous external Money transactions are involved with those of the external Commerce in the aggregate, while the Notes to pages 127–136 show the way in which they operate with each Country separately; and the whole will be seen to involve consequences fearful to all honest men, and all the friends of social order, to contemplate. - - 10. That the Foreign Commercial transactions of Great Britain may be seen in relation to the scale of subsistence and pressure of Taxation, the fol- lowing statement of the value of the exports in each year, since 1813, con- tains also the average price of wheat, and the amount of the income derived from Taxes, and of the Public Expenditure in each of the corresponding years. The maximum of the money amount of Taxation, it will be seen, was f78,537,928 in 1815, reduced in 1831 to £50,837,550, a ratio of 35 in every £100; this, on a prima facie view of the subject, may be regarded as an adequate or approximate compensation for the reduction in the money value of the products of manufacturing industry; but on due examination it will be seen to bear no proportion, whether viewed either in reference to the weight of the amounts in gold, or the facility of payment which the amount of government and other representations of value in circulation in 1815 afforded ; if viewed in reference to its weight in gold : the amount in 1815 was as 14,680 oz., to 13,056 in 1832, a difference of only 11 per cent. ; while the reduction on the aggregate of manufactured products has been in the proportion of 133 to 55 or 50 per cent, but this, great as is the disparity, by no means represents the extent of the disproportionate pressure now prevailing. . . . . . . . . . . - - 11. The payment of the £78,537,928 in 1815, was facilitated, first, by the £20,128,118 of Government bills drawn from different distant parts of the world; secondly, by an internal circulation of Exchequer and Navy bills, to the extent of £46,719,432, receivable in payment of Customs and Ex- cise; thirdly, by £26,886,000 of amount in Bank notes—upwards of f20,000,000 in Country Bank notes, and more than £100,000,000 of amount in notes or bills of Exchange of individuals, making together, an active circulating medium of more than 213 millions sustained by an un- limited confidence ; the government itself accelerating the circulation, and increasing the confidence by expending in 1814 and 1815 annually about f$6,000,000 more than was derived from the Taxes. The expenditure in 1815 having been £116,402,962, exclusive of the Sinking Fund, with a taxation, aided by all the facilities of payment here stated, of only f78,537,928; the £20,128,118 of amount in Bills, drawn from Abroad in 1815, adverted to above and in section 5, or an amount equivalent thereto, having, with large additional amounts, been converted into an annuity ac- count; it enabled the government to put a corresponding sum into active circulation internally. While in 1832 £51,000,000 of Taxes are exacted out of less than £140,000,000 of circulating medium, not merely unsustained by confidence, but obstructed in its activity and effect by the Hydra-fiends of distrust and suspicion; and this, not only without any facility of pay- ment being afforded by the Government in an expenditure exceeding the Taxes, but, as stated in section 9, subject to a converse operation which re- solves itself into an abstraction to the extent of 7 or 8 millions in amount per annum, as determinately as though an invading army were to land and levy a forced contribution to the like extent : looking simply at the nume- rical result, the difference in the amount of the circulating medium will be seen to correspond with the difference in the amount of Taxes—35 per cent; but the amount of the circulating medium in 1815 was more than doubled in its effect, by the confidence with which it was sustained and circulated, while in 1832, the amount is diminished in its effect more than one half by the distrust and suspicion with which it is every where obstructed ; equal to a difference in pressure of full 5 to 1. - - 12. Great as is the disparity in the internal means of circulation of the two periods, and palpably ruinous as are the effects of the diminution, and prevailing distrust in 1832—3, to all dependant on their industry for sub- sistence, inasmuch as the diminution is an effect, and not the cause of the prevailing embarrassment, it would prove as futile to attempt to remedy the evil by an enlargement of the circulating medium as an abstract princi. ple or means of relief, as it would be to attempt to resuscitate, by the diffu- sion of blood, an animal exhausted and deranged by a spasmodic or morbid affection. , - - - 13. If in animal, physical, or mechanical economy, derangements exist, it does not suffice that things, good in themselves, are applied to remedy the evils of the derangement; the beneficial effect of mechanical economy does not consist in its extent and force, but in the adaptation of all the parts to each other, and the whole to the purpose to which it is applied: so in finan- cial and social economy, the well-being of a community does not depend upon whether its combination of means are rated at one or ten thousand millions; but the harmony of all its varied degrees of rank, its ample means of subsistence, its increasing comfort and happiness, and, above all, their permanence and security depend on proportion, and the application of pro- per and particular means, to the wants and derangements which a pecu- liar combination of circumstances may have engendered. - 120 c Statements of Exports and Imports. Introduction to the Following 14. The body politic, like the animal body, may experience the extreme of pain and privation from the extreme of opposite causes; a spasmodic, a corrosive or morbid affection, resulting from some special cause, may ema- ciate and reduce the animal body, otherwise vigorous and powerful, to the lowest state of debility, as effectually as an inadequate supply of food. The two causes in combination, will also produce the same effect; and so with an indulgence in ease and intemperance without commensurate activity; in like manner the body politic may be exposed to the extreme of suffering by the interposition of nature, in a succession of unfavourable harvests; a universal prevalence of virulent disease, or some convulsion like that which inhumed for 20 centuries, the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii—all these would produce great social derangement; internal dissension or external conflict would produce the same effects; and so will any other cause that obstructs the freedom of circulation and consumption, or that occasions any inordinate disproportion. . , , , . . . . . . 15. The subjecting to payment in gold at £3, 17s. 10}d. per oz., 22 millions amount of annuities created by the aid of 500 millions of mere representa- tions of amount on paper; more than a third of which was not exchangeable for gold under £5. 11s. per oz. ; and after that, to tax the community for the means to re-purchase at the rate of £94. 3s.6d. = 24.19 oz. of gold as was done in 1824, part of those annuities for which less than 10 oz. of gold were received in 1815, may be regarded as one of the grossest acts of in- justice ever inflicted upon an unsuspecting people, and only equalled as an evidence of perversion in legislation, by the act of refusing to receive corn from those countries which had no other valuable commodity to give in ex- change for those commodities which it forced to seek consumption in those countries; unjust, absurd, and reprehensible, as both these acts of legislation were, it does not follow that either the alteration of the fixed value of gold from £3.17s. 10%d. to £5, or any other higher rate per Oz., whereby an enlarged amount of paper might again be put in circulation ; or that the uncontrolled or even modified admission of Foreign Corn would remove the existing derangements, nor, in themselves would they ; both have operated as aggravations, but neither the one or the other have been the cause of the existing derangements, and therefore, any further inter- ference in legislating upon them, should be left to follow, and not precede those measures which the singularly involved nature of the prevailing em- | barrassment more imperatively demands. - 16. The prevailing embarrassment does not arise from any destitution of means; on the contrary, all the means of power and efficiency—all the means of comfort and of human enjoyment—exist in Great Britain at the present moment, not only in a far higher degree than in any other part of the world, but as far as all experience, all the force of reasoning, and all history, afford us the means of judging correctly, in an infinitely higher de- gree than ever before existed in any age or country. The prevailing embar- rassments consist in inordinate disproportions; an enlarged circulation of Paper money would tend to enhance the money price of most commodi- ties, and in some degree lighten the pressure of Taxation, but it would af. ford no guarantee for a proportionate increase in the remuneration for labour, more especially not, under the influence of the extraordinary extent of me- chanical power now in operation; nor would it in the slightest degree tend to equalize that disproportion which is the main cause of the all-prevailing embarrassment; on the whole, such a measure would rather tend to aggra- vate than equalize the prevailing disproportions; so with the admission for consumption of Foreign Corn. -- . 17. The price of Wheat, during the last three or four years, has averaged about £3. 4s. per quarter, and the aggregate annual value of the produce of the soil about £160,000,000. The uniform admis- sion of Foreign Corn for consumption at any fixed rate of duty on Im- port, whether of 5s., 10s., or even 15s. per quarter, would tend to lower the price of Wheat in Great Britain from £3.4s. to £2.10s. or pro- 1. bably £2. 5s. per quarter; and, in the vulgar acceptation of the term, it would make Bread cheap ; and thereby bring subsistence more upon a level with the present money price of manufactured productions; but it would afford no guarantee against the remuneration for trading and manu- facturing profits and labour being reduced in a corresponding degree ; and, as it would reduce the aggregate money value of the soil, from £160, to £120,000,000 per annum, and thereby diminish the power of internal consumption of Manufactured and Foreign productions, to the extent of £40,000,000 annually, instead of tending to equalize the prevailing dispropor- tion, while £28,000,000 of Annuities and several millions of other money obligations remain fixed; such a measure as that of a uniform admission of Foreign Corn for consumption at any rate of Import duty, would still further tend to increase the disproportion : nevertheless, means may be de- vised for the admission of Corn on reciprocal and advantageous terms; but it must be done by being made one of a combination of measures, and not by any abstract or specific act; and before any legislative measures are re- sorted to, either in whole or in part, to relieve the existing embarrassment, the real cause of the embarrassment should first be determined, and agreed 18. The great first cause then, of the inordinate disproportions which now prevail, are shown in the accompanying statements, and explained in some degree in section 9; but, before any further observations upon them are ad- vanced, it may be well to explain how far the figures may be regarded as re- presenting realities of amount or otherwise. The first statement of Erports, with the exception of linej, is founded wholly on authentic and precise data, and although lines b, d, m, o, & t, u, are official amounts; measures of quantity, rather than of value; they are so near an approximation to the actual money value, as to render the whole of that statement a fair repre- sentation of the extent, progress, and bearing of the Foreign Commerce of the Country in each year of the period which it embraces. In an arithmet- ical display, in which not only every line may be regarded as a great and instructive lesson to statesmen and legislators, but in which almost every item affords scope for profound meditation, it is not to be expected that in an introductory essay of this nature, something will not be left unexplained: a few observations on some of its prominent features must suffice to warn the inquirer against drawing hasty conclusions on slight examination. The large amounts of Colonial and Foreign produce Re-exported in 1814–15 as compared with subsequent years, is not to be regarded so much, as an actual diminution in the latter years, as of extraordinary extent in the for- mer; from the close of the year 1810 down to the battle of Leipsic in the Autumn of 1813, the Re-exportation of Colonial Produce to the North of Europe had been greatly obstructed, while, in the mean time, increased sup- plies had been Imported into Great Britain from the French, Danish, and Dutch Islands and Colonies, all of which had fallen into the hands of En- gland : private property having been respected, several millions value of Produce was shipped to England on Foreign Account; the first opening of the Ports of the North of Europe in 1814, was availed of to distribute the produce so accumulated in its several markets; £10,000,000 of line b in 1814–15, may therefore, be regarded as having been both Imported and Re-exported on Foreign account, making the excess of Export to Europe on English account so much less. - - - 19. The large amount Exported to the United States of North America in 1815 next deserves notice, see line 22. The Federal Government declared war against England on the 18th of June, 1812 (see page 111), the period when Napoleon was advancing towards Moscow, and when the whole of Continental Europe indicated prostration to the imperial sway of that dis- tinguished warrior; from June 1812, down to January 1815, when the war terminated, the intercourse between the United States and Great Britain was entirely suspended ; but, as will be seen on reference to page 111, the Exports of Flour, Rice, and Provisions, during that period, to other parts of the world, were considerable, and, being at high prices, large amounts of re- mittances to Great Britain, on United States' account, had been made for Flour, Rice, &c., sold to the English commissariat in the Peninsula, and elsewhere; the funds so accumulated, being all disposed of in 1815 in British Manufactures; this not only explains the excess of Export in that as compared with subsequent years, but also as compared with the relatively insignificant amount of Imports from the United States in the same years; the diminution of Export in 1820, 1826, and 1829, were occasioned by the increase of duties on Exportation, adopted or proposed by the Federal Government in those years; the rule of that, as well as of several of the European and all the South American Governments having been to increase the rates of duty on British Products, in proportion as the blind and fatal career of the British Manufacturer and Government forced down their money price in England. Hence it has resulted, in regard to the United States, that the enormous rates of duty levied on the Products of British labour Imported therein, have enabled the Federal Government, since 1816, to discharge the greater part of a debt of 123,016,375 of dollars, about f27,000,000, which sum, or an amount equivalent thereto, has been appro- priated to the erection in that country of Joint Stock Manufacturing esta- Q blishments, and various great public improvements, in canals, roads, 120 d Introduction to the Following Statements of Exports and imports. in other words, the wages of labour, and profits of the British Manufacturer, since 1816, have been progressively lowered, not to compete with low rates of wages or superior local advantages in other Countries, the vulgar and false plea invariably opposed to all attempts to stem the fatal stream of de- preciation going on in England since that date; or to accommodate them- selves to any disproportion of value with other productions at home; but, on the contrary, while the British labourer has remained subject to a dis- proportionately high scale of prices, for all the main articles of subsistence, and inordinate rates of duty on Tea, Sugar, Soap, Beer, Spirits, Wine, and all articles contributing to his comfort; his Wages have been pro- gressively lowered, to enable other Countries to levy from 50 to 75 per cent, and in some cases 200 per cent. (see note, page 43), upon the products of their labour, and therewith create and cherish the means of ef- fecting what in the mean time, has, all along, feignedly or real, been so foolishly dreaded. 20. While the aggregate amount of the Exports from Great Britain to Europe greatly exceeds the value of the Imports from thence, from Russia, Prussia, and France, the Imports will be seen greatly to exceed the Exports. thereto, the notes to pages 127–8, and 131, will explain why and how. From Spain, also, the Imports appear to exceed the Exports thereto, but it will be seen that large amounts of Exports have been made to Gibraltar, from whence nothing is Imported, the greater part of which have served to equalize the account with Spain; Spain, since 1828, having afforded the same facility of Warehousing and Deposit at Cadiz that had prevailed, and which still prevails at Gibraltar; since that date, it will be seen the opera- tion has been mainly transferred from Gibraltar to Cadiz ; at page 133, the transactions are blended : the Import from Spain, however, still seems to ex- ceed the Export thereto ; it is probable that some of the shipments direct from Great Britain to Cuba, may be for Spanish account, and thereby, equalize the excess of value Imported direct from Spain. It is this kind of international intercourse which constitutes the question of Balance of Trade, so necessary to be accurately understood by all who presume to venture opinions upon the advantage or disadvantage of the intercourse with any particular Country, as well as by the statesman and legislator, be- fore any conclusions can be drawn, or measures for modifications be pro- perly proposed. In the same way as Gibraltar is involved with Spain; so are several of the European States with one another, on British account; and so is the aggregate of Europe with Nos. 22–4, and Nos. 22–4, with different parts of Europe; be the extent of these transactions what they may, they do not affect the aggregate result of Export and Import; it is, nevertheless, desirable that their extent should be accurately ascertained; an object easily enough obtained if officially and authoritatively resolved upon. 21. Pages 58–9, and 62–3, both show the aggregate excess of Export over Import, according to the official rates of valuation ; by pages 58–9, the Imports since 1813, will be seen to have increased 50 per cent, the excess of Export, however, will be seen to have kept pace with the increase of Im- port, that is as far as quantity is concerned ; while, according to the statement of the actual money value of the Exports, the aggregate in 1831 is less by £1,805,169, than the aggregate value of the Imports; the official value of the Exports in the same year exceeds that of the Imports by £21,106,178, the difference, therefore, of £19,301,008, may be regarded as the extent of the depreciation from the fixed or official value of the Exports, as compared with the fixed value of the Imports. A most important part of the subject now comes to be explained; although the aggregate value of the Imports in 1831 exceeds the aggregate declared value of the Exports by £1,805,169; it is shown in the within statement, that in 1830, to Europe the Exports, notwithstanding their greatly reduced value, exceeded the Im- ports from thence by £6,199,361, and to Nos. 17–28, the Exports exceeded the Imports from thence £3,575,813, together £9,765,174, while with Nos. 29–32, the transactions lead to an extremely opposite result; from thence the Imports exeeded the Exports thereto, in the same year by £9,269,590, so that in the aggregate of the transactions of the world at large, the Imports appear equal to the Exports, within about £500,000, but now, it is exceed- ingly important to understand, that although transactions take place between one European Country and another, and between Europe in the aggregate with Nos. 22—4, in the aggregate and vice versa, which transactions involve themselves with those directly to and from those Countries with Great Bri- tain ; there is no involution between 29–32, and the rest of the world, in any degree to effect the balance between any of the other parts of the world and Great Britain, - 22. Page 75 shows that, from 1784 down to 1809, the Exports to Africa very considerably exceeded the Imports from thence, those Exports were made on West India account, and consisted of supplies for obtaining Slaves to convey to the West Indies; the excess of Import, therefore, now received from thence, is in return for the interest on the Capital expended in the pro- curing and conveyance of those slaves during the period above stated: in discussing the great and delicate question of abolishing slavery, this view of the subject will be seen to demand the most profound consideration, not merely as regards the question of indemnity for the capital and means ex- pended in procuring and conveying the slaves, but also as regards the con- sequences likely to follow the abolition of a systematic course of forced and compulsory labour, if it should lead to the necessity of purchasing those pro- ducts which Great Britain now receives without purchase, as the fruit or proceeds of an outlay of a past period; Great Britain must suffer in propor- tion to the extent of her purchase, for although it may and will tend to in- crease the Exports, it must, as a matter of course, diminish the means of in- ternal expenditure somewhere to the same extent as the demand for Export may be increased, and thereby transfer the advantage from internal to ex- ternal consumers. 23. The subject of the excess of Import from the East Indies and China still demands a more serious consideration than that relating to the West Indies, while from the latter, the excess may be regarded as the pro- duce of slavery, from the former it may be regarded as the fruit of con- quest. A considerable portion of the Imports from Calcutta are received on Account of the retiring means of the East India Company's servants; sometimes direct, and sometimes indirect; that is, the retiring servants re- turning home will sometimes directly vest their means in the products of the country; and at other times they will seek for bills on England; but the result is the same in both cases. Bills can only be had when other parties have shipped an excess of Produce, for which they receive the ready money of the retiring servants in India, who receive a fixed amount, represented in Bills of Exchange, out of the proceeds of that Produce when sold in En- gland; another circumstance which adds to the excess of Import from India, is the produce of the Indigo Plantations, which, like the Sugar Plantations of the West Indies, have been founded on English Capital, aided by a tropical sun, operating on a rich alluvial soil, and labour as cheap and as servile as in the West Indies; it is probable that £1,000,000 value per ann. of the excess is derived from Indigo coming in discharge of Interest, or clear profit, totally unconnected with the Exports; but the most marked feature of the excess of Import is the Tea from China, which forms full one- third of the total Import, or about £3,000,000 per annum, against which about £750,000 only is Exported direct, see page 76: the payment of the Tea in China being made partly in produce shipped for Account of the East India Company from Bombay and Calcutta; from these premises it will be seen that the £9 to 10,000,000 per annum excess of Import from the East Indies and China and the West Indies, is not in any way involved with the transactions of the other parts of the world. - 24. The conclusion of the preceding section, in the next place, leads to a most important consideration, viz: the advantage derivable from the excess of Import above stated ; according to the notions of one sect of Doctrinaires, an excess of Export is necessary to render external traffic advantageous, and if so, the East and West India traffic is fearfully disadvantageous; but, trace its progress and see to what it leads; if we suppose England in want of any European or American Products, which she was destitute of the means of obtaining, the excess of Imports in question might then constitute a favourable exchange; or if, on the other hand, her internal productions were equal to ob- tain all she required from Europe and America; then, the excess of Import from the East and West Indies might remain for internal consumption, to increase the activity of exchange, and contribute to the comfort of the whole community; in either of these cases the excess of Import must be ad- vantageous; but the fact is, as exhibited in the following statements, that the Produce and Manufactures of Great Britain alone, Exported to Europe and America, are more than equal in value to all the Products Imported from thence; yet, East and West India Produce, equal in value to the value of the excess Imported from thence, is re-exported to Europe and America, not merely in privation to the Population of the United Kingdom of the enjoyment of its consumption—but, to operate in a way to augment the de- preciation in value of their own productions. AN ACCOUNT Countries arran e of the Official Val ged in Three Divisions for t ue of MERCHAND = - he purpose of showin IZE, ###3)(L)lºgº i howing the way in which the into the UNITED K -- . . . Commercial operations INGDOM of GRE - of the present time are AT BRITAIN - become involved with and IRELAND. f. - #&#A. each of 32 diff - - II.QANS, A different parts of th Ass. Assºp;#. - ºpº"...º. R.E., and other º earS 1814—1832 : great money transactions; a ; the ; and the way in which thos & se transact • and the maximu € 3.Ct.IOilS SéI'Vé IIl Dar o m of amoun in part, to equaliz + v r —t 137, 143, and 151 ts: both within each S. 5 tºº * Export over Import on d ==== ith the Total Amo on one side; and occasion ~ . . . . .” ". . . .” - - - unt of Liabiliti 2 occasion incre : … • Al º - º - - - iabilities and Assets of the .."; º and defalcations *** . in February, in each Year IlS º *. also an account of the A ~~~~ * For further elucidati e Amount of Coi 3. r the quantiti y the Bank of E e - untities and value of f England in the Thi - - each Article I ird Week of Februg *- Imported from each ruary ; ch Countr y, Lºº.…ºzzº 1820. nºir --v ºrº- sº a Pºzº º:wear.…º.º. ºº:: ------- 1814. . . . . . 1822 © sº-ººººººº. º 826. ~ Cº-ºº: C tº - --~~~~ ---- ountries from whence Imported [Years ------------- ſ 1 Russia . portea. £ 1815. 1816 ------- 2 Sweden ... 9 @ 9 tº gº º tº s G - 69 © e º e º e º e º 'º gº. & 2.450 £ - £ & 1817. ---, … .ºz. . 3 Norway ...................... ,450,421 2,305,201 | 1,316 —£- £ *º-º-º: . . . . .". - ". . . 4 Denmark ...... © tº e ex & © 6 e º 'º e º & º © e 271,481 230,619 2 ...; 2,240,365 2,904,326 £ #3 rºl. | - º, -º-º: 5 Prussia © e º e o & © e º e Q & © e º e º ºs tº & © v ! 206,494 2 5 151,691 214. 2,589,922 2,542,533 - £ Rºssº tº e º gº & So & 58,387 36,189 ,479 --> 1.963 £ ººzºº 6 Germ © e º 'º º 3. 78 911 164,799 I - 2 ,080 2 619 5 £ - arººrººzºº jºyº 591,703 - 40,799 158. 119,927 | 101,899 | 17.705 || "Toºgo "i37, 76 2,611,617 | 2 - £ 39 1827. nº-Hº- § * e e g º e e ::::::::: © e º e º e & © 716,622 º: 294,004 º 376,364 łº, lº. 58.360 º 130.75i *::::: 3,678,586 2,935,946 £- *. 1829. i830 Gººseºgarººrººzºº iders .................. & 9 @ 9 @ 9 2 275 609 5 1,426 41 + 3. - 41,230 4 2 - ,881 86.4 2 1 209.25 5 2 4 173 470 - # o 1831 - rººt.º. tº sº, a z_r ~ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 France ............. © º 'º e º 6 } 2,162,756 1,2 3. 687.997 | 1.265.91. 624,125 | 72 2,112 43,71 ,494 94,376 357 | "ii.1336|| "140. 3,442,653 £ º 1832 ......................... 248,482 5 ,265,910 */ . 9,683 357 ,711 •- 109.850 2 140.946 3 vs.” 4,180,753 £ º 1833. 10 Portugal, Azores and Madeir -> -- ~ 2 731,340 740,014 | 1.2 576,067 ,357 542 I 36.6% 2 63,788 2 146,181 2 4,024,76 £ - - 5 . . . . . . . © º 2 3. 06,278 5 641,528 6 ,573 . . 504 136,674 364,778 5 65,71 5 ;| *::::::: £ 11 Spai zores and, Madei 718,461 74 122 2 * * ~ * 635,279 17,218 º ,140 620.2 ,778 453 5,711 62 3. 153 - Hºlº *:::::: ; ... . ##| lº º; º; ; º, ºlº 1...} :::::::::: 1: ...º. § ſº ;| | #º 867,212 §5,094 loss | 633, ſº '70s. 4 642,012 2 145,339 ...go.13, 1,083,75 2 a.<> ;431,768 i. 591.97g i. ,563 | 1,027,368 34,611 || 368.966 2 3. e 6 6 & © º º 559 107 5 768 181 5 775,132 86 ,125 - 3. 3. 8 1 564 27 - 3. 5 1,615 282 2 1,295 570 2 * > . 9 - , 14 Ital onian Isles . . . . . 457 2 1,034,071 5 509, 572 5,617 878,2 ,564,274 1,938,336 1,3: ,282 1,669,365 * > 1,537,28 3 § y - - - - - - º J. & 9 & . e º e a ,984 199,587 2 1,333,930 375. 465,273 480.6 ,273 | 1,102,739 - ,938,336 1,396,293 2 * * * * ~ 3 1,597,854 2007.1 I 8. 15 Turkey and the Mo 4 & © e dº e º e º e º ºs . . . . . 37 9 - 126,772 } 51,442 61.210 75,392 971, 511 3. 09 546,173 '36 5 1,536,840 1. 805 2- 1,579,373 I 978 I - 3 2,007,454 4. $ 16 Guernsey, Jer Of ea . . . . . . . . . . 371,514 || 553,369 78.197 | 1506 14,572 39.1 974,172 | 934,938 ; º; º; 1,225,705 2 1,978,111 | 1,521,086 1, 5 Sº i From Y, ersey, and Mian © e º ge 330,558 373. e 155,193 751 162 0,616 132,888 asy 3 45 83,830 5 5 | 808,748 845. 787,267 508,84 ,604, 183 3,159.30 - ,395,043 6 S 1 all Europe into Ireland e sº e º e º ſº e 91,986 3,725 165,323 I ,162 1,306,457 2 116,583. 103 6,704 ,339 1,372,95 ,846 512,634 ,159,307 2,066,890 - e - 88.903 2 972,647 591 104 212.5 ,372,957 551.218 3. 584.818 2 2,298,812 7 § and . . . . . . . | _” 97,595 96,179 5 381,795 839,799 9 ,931 ,570 254,713 & #4 3. 1,003.08: 3 373,82 24- ºr U 2 U.L. — — - - 14 5 266.5 5 81,590 713 17,490 2 ,083 9 ,824 24 - 8 a Total Imports, UNITED KINGDOM —— tº-1 ' cºsmº -- sº-sº 8,680 159,579 ; ; 375,630 ". 1,123,345 1 º * 1 168,419 1: 1; #. 1,074,185 1: {} - 4. 9,934,131 - ** 3 y- * tº 2 151.8 sº "agºo: "º ,898,917 * * > 169,587 159, 26,578 2 <- - - & b By Govern - 3 * ~ *-2 8,358,206 || 4 - sºms - - ,837 154,010 3. 746,848 1,2 5 625,416 5 159,921 3 13.343 Ti () ment Bill 2. ,658 419 8 - ---. * - 3. 183,952 5 ,207,035 791,300 I 130,233 2 J 1 || | h . 'º ºl.º.º. tº ºne 5 ,414,374 13,409,791 8,632,047 8,680,58 164,010 | 189,952 209,512 225,75. º; º; *::::::: 804,220 lº. - 12 - sentee Bills S • , , - tººs 3 J. 4-V2 ,802,357 | 1 - ,680,584 || 8,115,773 | - º - 3. 203,769 -- ~ 2 440,719 3 J. - &De e B -----> → ... • . . . . . . . . . . wº — 2 904,071 - 3 ,773 || 9,552 726,92 • ... 316,51 ..’ 710,3 * 13 f #. Foreign Stock withdraw © e º * — | 1,000,0 – 5 odoooo 1,387,658 1,500,000 * - - - - ,552,267 9,822,832 11,846,75 ,923 542,477 713.9 5 273,788 255 : 14 9 . Foreign Freights WIl . . . . cº-sº --- > 2 00 2,000,000 £oooºooo º 5 oooooo łº 1,500 000 1,500 00 ** * ,754 17,460,884 12,373,890 - 2 77 689,001 ; 15 }xcessive advance i .. tº º sº e º e o e I 100 00 - tº- -* - 5 3. ,000 000 3. 5 3 ,000 8 00 3. 2 2 0 I 500 () <= 3 2 15 566 863 - 2 º ºf a n price ,100,000 750,000 || || 5,000,000 2 6,000,000 6,0 ,000,000 10,000,0 ,500,000 1,500,000 2 * ~ * > 3 16,438,570 ié - • * * * * * * ~ +xmºº '750,000 5 2,000,000 2 ,000,000 6,000 ,000,000 | 8,000,000 3 * > v v 3 v 1,500,000 3. 15,214,885 h Total Equi *-or ºt 2 v 750,000 2 ,000,000 - ,000,000 6,000,00 2 * ~ * > * 6,000,000 3 * > v v 3 1,500,000 2 16,092,617 uival t - - - 2 750,000 — 3.00% ,000,000 || 6,000 2 * ºr v 3 2,000,0 * > * > * > 1,500,0 - 5 -* j T d #!"º-" 29,439,159 21,236,32 4,000,000 || 5,000,000 700,000 700,000 'º'; *% ... . ... . ; ; ; ; - a j To do. direct f iC e 11.37.4 ,236,324 11,210,776 - assºs º º - 3. ,000 750,00 oooooo | T ,000,000 6,000,00 2 * ~ * > 3,000.000 | 2000. 0 k To Intere rom Nos 23–5 ,577,409 || 34,994,678 ,210,776 29,068,445 3 - *sº * *} º-> ,000 750,000 - amº *s ,000,000 | 6,000,000 | 6,000. 2,000,000 St. On c. e (See conclusion|$ 18 5 30,645,221 28,3 5 7,547,449 || 23,882 - * — 3 * 750,000 - - * - 2 6,000,000 6 2 - b U l To excess of Bullion Exported *** lay Naº - - º; *::::::: : ###. 27,365,773 29,802,267 27 — 3,000,000 750,000 || 700,000 750 ool iso,00. 900,000 | C Q - ºn * * * * º ,000 || Tºoooooo || 3,000, 5 g +\-73 24,839.24 2 UV 4- 3 - ,072,832 2 - *º 4 - * U 3 750,000 tº d Úº ſº s - gº * * * 800 3. ,000 3,000,000 2 ,240 24,565,484 || 2 2 Une P2– 28,096,754 30." 4– g- - *sº 750,000 - S ( 17 Eg: - was *- ,000 | 1,50 3 v v v 2 3,000,00 2 1,846,124 - ,710,884 2 *-* ºr mºs 2 §§§ Wºº'cº a e º e e o a - 800,000 | 1,500,000 lº 2,200 ...] ...,] ... 24,287,535 22,467,167 º|º º - * - € § Śl is 8. º: of Africa ........ | – <-º - | | Soooºooo | T. " 3,700,000 || 3,500,000 º!. 3,000,000 *:::::::: 22,362,695 ; 26,464,885 26,342 f ë e of Good Hope sū; - — *x t- º * * * ---, ,000,000 || 4 2 ,500,000 2,5 2 U sys wº ,763,401 || 25, ; •ov. ,342,617 9 § 20 New Holland, and N . %. lena 269,130 325,046; 179,333 180.273 ºx--> -- ** ~ | . 200,000 4,800,000 *::::::::::: . ; *:::::::::: h e s is e ] T * : 58 3. 158, * | * -3 was sº - " - --> -º-º: tºmºse 2 * > v v 2 J J . ,800,0 3 * > * > v 2 ,500,00 s 22 tº. North America - 1,511 || 50 26,225 81,094 ;: 221,757 166,080 * : . cº- w” sº ,500,000 6,800,000 */ ited States of North America & - 3. - 5 - * - - - 2 - || 5 ||. #. States of North America *:::: , ; 493,025 5,111 6,899 ; º, ſº ; : ; is alsº º 538 * { § $ -: : §." west indies tº sº e º & e e º & . . ) 22,621 2,370,288 2,386.224 3 º 787,996 889,793 . 22,639 16,592 ; º: ; ; : º 223,177 12 É *N H S iſ,...i.a. Piaf, . . . . . . . . . . - - -º,-- 197| 3,663, 5 949 - 3. 1,372 3. 151,342 | 2 224,051 ~ * > 3 9,170 === i § s io-de-la-Plata ... • ~ "g;7330 " 3,663,484 || 2 ,655 948 2 28,97 244,438 2 288.80 -- ~ *, *::ve • . . . • e e e - 3. 817,222 2 ,840,372 ,073 91 ,971 83.5 --> 193.9 ,803 352.95 ... . *- - § sº 26 Mexico and G • e s • * * * * '702,540 3 * 1,080,543 2 3,860,878 3,83 8,357 864. ,553 70,05 ,958 238.4 ,950 S ; ººlºº > 6,219,648 || 3 3 738,011 | "850, 333.303 | 1.391,035 | i. 1,057 4,161,541 ,944 925,699 || 1 ,050 84,811 ,412 227,229 1. S ... º. f..... . . . . . . . ,371,292.4 - - 0,042 774,11 º, i.isiº | 1,017, 5,459.737 3,925.6 ,084,463 97 - 126,303 122 -- H 8 ili and Peru © e g º e º e º 'º e & - | * - ,117 '798,620 956. ,047,526 1,053,32 ,925,609 || 5,716,25 4,823 813,32 - 22,859 iſ tº Fºnºmisiúñii". | * * * wº - 3. * 'º'; '; 'º. º; º; º; ; ;| cººl : - . &A © & © e *- - - 2 29 5 5 <-e P2 I r 3 - 2 *-v2 T. 3. 5 - - * 4tº, 5| **ś – — — . — 0.645 238,711 | 332,864 & #º ; : º: ; *::::::: *; º; 7.961,095 - m B . DOM. 6,834,298 - * - 14 3 Cº- 158.43 2 265.63 5 182.0 = 2 +\º sº. 3 1,530,558 - *. 23; N y products direct . . . , 6,834,298 - - * º ,776 45.2 ,433 i52.342 ,630 29,523 ,011 402.45 2.sº sº sº. 2 - Sº o By Gover ct to Europe, j. 2 *-** *2 - ºr v 6,435,498 5,09 o - t- —a *: 61.016 ,275 73,497 5 101,380 I > *-*. 143,491 102,458 428,368 - 22 & #overnment Bills ... 4- - * * ,093,267 6,058 ... " " . -- * -- v. 25,037 88,660 55,420 2.777 536,051 2 § By ºn and mºment Biis soon cool sooool ; º; ; - - - * * * 64,829 º, º ſº; 192,777 | 161,851 583,947 : * g By Foreign Freights 11 ills e & * – 2 00,000 & 3,000,000 i.o 0,000 4,000,000 - 4.000. 70 7,319,430 7 580 469 - -s - – * - -- 07,217 108 958 73,399 84 596 169,221 $ 4. & * Excessive adva > . . . . . . . . . . . . – — emºg * I,000,000 700,000 5 ,000 3,000,000 3.0 9 7,484,789 9,239 - 419,151 391 is - 125,417 132.3 52,870 25 S & Il Cé IIl OFI - 50 - See N 3. 700 O 5 O0,000 3. ,496 7 - - 2 9 -- ~~~ 3 54 I 26 s: BV Bull price . . . 0.000 Oteš *q ,000 700 3,000,000 ,935,134 330, 109 - 11.330 S 1. y Bullion,--see Notes e ‘º º ,000 || 300,000 | "700,000 700,000 || 750,00 ooo "Too ooo "700,000 3,000,000 || 3,000,000 º; 8,698,557 | 12 - •,•v. 303,134 3ii.978 27 S. - - • * * * * e s • 9 *- - 0,000 eºs - *=- - - 2 '700 5. 2 *z, 000,00 Nº. 2 3 ** < * 12,236,5 - - - - 5 tº Š t Total Equivalents 2,000,000 3,000,000 750,000 | 750,000. 750,000 2,500,000 | – * ...! º *:::::: : º; 11,041,090 | 13,036 28 C v Interest o S. 10 2 750,000 • * > 2,000,000 | 1 5 700,000 2 2,500,000 s Il P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,010,480 21,529,502 º 2 750,000 || 750,000 1,000,000 | – ’ 700,000 700,000 '#39, * • • - * @ & . . * 2 - 16,165,226 13,443,699 - 17 731 - - - 3. ~ . 750,000 750 odo ~ * wº- 5 * 7?, : É § ſ29 British West Indie - - - - - - sº ,731,479 11,374,586 10,728 - - - 2 750,000 750,000 {} 30 East Indi S - - - - - ---. . . . . ,728,362 12,943, I 5 g : 31 Mi S & ndies and China :::::::::: - 8,496,850 8 527 019 -- - - - - - 3 * 5 '76 13,851,813 14 068 025 - p J - ; 32 Wº..."; … fº ... . 6,304,096 8.01229, 7,546,843 8,326,927 . . . - -, -ºvº. 16,368,752 18,435,565 || | g § ; s tº- Fr male Fisheries … ºrize 550,076 "141. ** 8,310,698 7 637.7 8,608,791 3.188.540 sº 1. * > .” - ~~ : “... " - -- - - - - - * x 9 & Lº -- 11,253,481 15 367 6 - 7" :: * West indies into ireland .. 501,805 || 31 ,479 75.17 | "Tº 3| 7,337,690 7,337.5 8,354,312 8,367,477 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ,367,614 | 16,136,203 || 14,368,39 $ tal i tº- *- – 2 : 5 • . 9 --> * > * > . 06,401 ,971,145 || 8,655,538 : ... - . f Z ºr I: otal into UNITED K. - — 444,519 3 2,068 2.9 , -º 6,918,540 ,538 7,427,909 - - * Up a. By Go ING DOM. 15.85 - *e - * - 98,405 551,703 ,978 4,966 540 7,312.356 6,533, 7,782,135 | 7 º F-4 #: vernment Bills fº ,852,327 17,028 ~ • . . . . Gºa- - e- 9 537,443 - 5 11,300 I ,582,075 8.00 - - - - - 7,897,442 8.9 - U} }- y By Bulli g 3,000 ,028,067 16,360,9 d—" * - 3 2. 362,464 5 - 6,823] ,002,787 7,94 ,908,672 8,50 gº {} 3 : "E */ on,-see Notes 2 ,000 3,000.00 3,360,971 | 16,361,229 - - tº- -. - 592,067 376,0 Mauritius 7,943,052 8,348 ,501,443 8,067,12 § 3 ; ; - © oooooo ſoooooo "500,000 16,402,557 | 16,1: - * - cºmes - 76,072 278,320 it, 1UIS 328.956 | "ji º67| 7,359,335 | 7,700, 7 * • TV 5 0.000 - - ,130 092 H6 g - - — * , *- * > 327 65 3. 516.12 5 5 r 7,700 249 * -, . : Total EXPOR, 2 300,000 | 'sooºoool ,470,731 15 - * ,657 453 516,121 438.7 5 - - - TS 2 * 300.000 2 ,161,469 13,493 . . . . . . . . . . " - 501.0 453,136 428 138,714 675,376 29 - *** ***s. 10.064,153 - 3. 300,000 3 ,493,595 15,493 - - 501,093 483.3 428,591 361.08 • State - . 2 v ºr +2 10,817,281 - 00,000 300,0 *942 16,339.7% 1 . . . . 33,391 || 588,26 361,086 195,591 30 #!" º - * * * * * ºf . ooo "gooooo "sooooo *; º; lºſſ is ,266 586,476 531,964 31 fºſ, ) ºligº.......... tº e o 'º e º & 6 – . . . . . . - 3 -> * > * > * > . ,169,357 8 ,- - • * ~ * 300,000 "3oo. 18,785 ! . . . . . . . . . * * 32 *NGLAND º “ . . . . . . . . . . | 1 - ... " ,357 8,504,743. ,000 3 ,785,417 | 17, o 1 - 1. - in February Maximum of both *: … . º 1,565,000 1,939,000 4 - > * == - 9,505,489 7,747,744 8,030 - - 00,000 300,000 §§ 17,170,307 in adjº. Total amount of Li ithin the 2,16 310,000 3,075 tº gº \ i < - - - • * * * , , , " . . . . " 14 8,030,224 7,954 - ,000 300,00 gº ("º" ºn of Liabilities , ió1,000 || 4,566,000 9,99 ooo 7,742,000 || 3,914, 00 3,326,000 || 3,165,000 | * . . . . . 7,954,711 | 8,123,517 8,188 ,000 º =++-º-º- sº sºlº 911. 944 ooo; ºooo | 1.746, 4,189,000 == ,183,879 || 9,12 - w - & © Q 2 º e ,963,000 39,402,0 ,914,000 10,078,00 ,000 1,746,000 2 7,259,000 | 8,6 ++ tº 8,855,807 Ø == 46,595,000 || 48,042. % ºf .; sº 5 7,680,000 || 3.797, ,670,000 7,717,000 === ,855,807 8,741,676 — 8.042,000 || 43.936. 35,768,000 || 2 1,639,000 13,32 ,797,000 1,713 ,717,000 || 7,190,0 , , , ;- ,676 7,900,717 $/ — 956,000 || 40.960, 31,540,000 27 ,329,000 || 11,08 ,713,000 6,092,0 ,190,000 1,043,0 ==== 2 - — ºgo.oool 35,639, 27,577,000 29,5 ,086,000 14,142 ,092,000 1,588,00 ,043,000 | 7,626,00 - . . . . . º &EEEEE Kºsº sº. ººzºº 35,639,000 31,098 ,507,000 23,35 .i.43,000 | 13.915,000 | 8,613, of iºisoool 3.33. 0 8,943,00 - - }*0, *,000 ºl,098,000 | *.00 355,000 || 25,573 ooo 29,834, o 8,613,000 | 10,007. of 3,532,000 | 1.404, 0 6,109,000 . . . . 2. **** 26703,000 :::::::::: ; ºl; tº gº. 3: oasio wº + ,730 ,403,000 30,692 3 s.v. v. 2 ,161 2 3,065,000 | "ºod ***** ,000 || 31,178,000 29 | º żº tºº" S-...-::… . . . . . . . . . . . ,688,000 33,928 ,424,000 30,814, 8,210,000 3. 928,000 32.219,000 33. ,000 || 30,813,000 | 26,989,0 ---------- 5 2 00 --- - - - - - ------------ - 29,626,000 | 33,375,000 || 33,426,000 AN ACCOUNT of the Declared Value of the Produce AND MANur Actures of the UNITED KINGDOM or GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, 3:3:43.0330.33% from thence, to each of 32 different parts of the World, in each of the 20 Years 1814–1832; the Countries formed into Three Divisions, showing the Total Official Value of Colonial and Foreign Produce RE-EXPORTED to each Division, and the Total Official Value of Imports therefrom, in each of the aforesaid 20 Years; showing also the Total Official Value of the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom, Exported to each Division; and the ratio of the Declared value to every £100 of the Official; the proportion of CORN included in the Imports; the estimated Commercial Value thereof; amount of Customs Duty paid on the same; and average price of Wheat in each Year; and also a statement of the Amount of Taxes raised in each year, distinguishing the proportion for Ireland ; and the Total Expenditure, distinguishing the proportion applied by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the Public Debt; and the Average rate at which they purchased 3 per cent Stock in each year. *** For the Official Values to each Country, see pages 124–5; and for the Quantities and Value of each Article to each Country, see pages 128–136, and 148–9. - ..— º º —f |Years. H.814, 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. $º. 1831. 1832 | 1833. Countries to which Eaſported. —£ £ £ £ £ £ —£ < £ £ £ £-— £ —£-— —£ - £ -—£- £-— £ ---É- ——£-— — ſ 1 Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,705,954 1,307,682 1,964,214 3,045,475 2,844,635 | 1,793,681 2,672,214 1,590,716 837,678 1,129,524 1,505,749 1,345,624 1,407,192 | 1,408,970 1,318,936 | 1,435,805 1,489,538 2 Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9 º' & g º º 523,319 253,240 | 41,348 43,831 52,883 47,649 33,410 32,016 35,113 36,797 33,443 64,188 39,649 46,731 42,699 38,252 40,488 3 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,154 209,248 59,017 47,051 86,873 70,337 66,424 58,706 43,948 70,959 56,579 68,548 4. 53,550 39,129 53,582 64,234 63,926 4 Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . & a e o & © a 9 & e e s sº 183,912 274,892 174,570 250,834 189,889 177,410 164,277 135,400 129,236 132,152 111,557 117,255 84, 194 104,916 111,880 95,247 118,813 5 Prussia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,229,756 853,579 456,107 518,539 513,864 386,755 492,409 274,449 234,186 186,295 110,581 160,362 114,661 174,338 179,145 189,011 177,923 6 Germany . . . . . . e e º e s e e º e & © tº e º e º 'º e 6,429,524 5,737,426 5,946,860 5,433,010 6,176,270 5,646,569 6,110,356 5,282,279 5,234,925 4,365,219 3,897,852 4,607,805 || 4,161,788 4,654,618 4,394,104 || 4,478,555 4,463,605 7 Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,524,120 | 1,652,712 1,631,645 1,337,683 1,187,042 1,118,427 | 1,118,108 947,416 | 1,011,393 1,194,010 | 1,138,148 1,201,671 1,268,881 2,104,561 2,142,736 2,050,014 || 2,022,458 8 Flanders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,461,036 1,682,913 | 1,095,325 731,660 757,787 654,568 632,964 723,174 801,097 940,682 837,448 982,328 692,861 ; **** * 2 + +- 2 3 vs. v. 2 2 v - - 2 9 France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579,811 295,858 404,818 1,003,487 369,504 299,493 390,744 438,255 437,009 349,636 338,635 360,710 488,438 446,952 498,938 491,388 475,884 10 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira . . . . . 3,249,556 2,938,017 2,115,487 1,888,507 | 1,553,428 1,642,714 | 1,668,130 2,153,321 1,890,130 1,446,686 1,772,531 1,543,761 | 1,392,293 1,466,647 | 1,012,758 1,266,931 1,168,768 11 Spain and the Canaries . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,560,379 1,166,773 877,229 727,888 602,493 583,033 626,194 324,504 395,643 278,099 479,372 323,835 285,294 274,235 339,305 911,685 649,688 12 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,328,792 | 1,667,836 1,394,684 2,240,987 3,147,648 2,692,797 2,441,958 2,161,860 3,137,698 2,369,560 2,490,092 | 1,837,590 1,971,411 1,942,752 2,176,149 || 2,202,030 3,251,379 - 13 Gibraltar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1,659,776 1,201,142 1,146,065 861,128 674,672 790,961 1,191,096 1,217,983 1,660,352 1,142,294 1,645,907 908,722 829,521 1,045,266 1,038,925 504,163 292,760 Rj 14 Malta and Ionian Isles . . . . . . . . . . . 896,972 | 957,647 722,460 512,195 475,863 348,922 269,698 203,149 231,680 244,760 186,133 148,681 216,875 237,145. 280,536 254,475 246,098 Sº 15 Turkey and the Morea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,903 208,698 299,242 451,299 806,531 537,335 551,792 360,214 521,574 650,256 747,739 633,449 567,636 531,704 186,177 568,084 1,149,310 § 4 16 Guernsey, Jersey, and Man . . . . . . . . 326,627 328,581 324,484 326,500 355,731 329,670 296,603 324,728 315,052 320,199 347,174 341,829 319,026 320,959 329,428 319,996 344,036 S \ - - - — A- 1 ºh- § a ToTAL British Produce & Manufactures. 26,869,591 | 20,736,244 18,653,555 19,420,074 19,795,113 17,120,321 18,726,377 | 16,228,170 16,916,714 || 14,857,128 15,698,940 14,646,358 || 13,893,270 14,798,923 14,105,298 || 14,865,470 15,954,674 b ToTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce. 17,707,818 14,258,434 || 11,991,665 8,889,122 9,138,960 8,452,321 9,020,666 8,611,070 7,648,870 6,988,996 8,588,596 6,820,800 8,262,597 7,562,772 7,648,103 8,521,333 6,337,304 c Total ExPopT. 44,577,409 || 34,994,678 30,645,220 28,309,196 28,934,073 25,572,642 27,747,043 24,839,240 24,565,584 21,846,124 24,287,536 21,467,158 22,155,867 22,391,695 21.753,401 23,386,803 22,291,978 - d do. IMPORT. 9,934,131 8,358,206 4,658,419 8,414,374 || 13,409,791 8,632,047 8,680,584 8,115,773 9,552,267 9,822,832 11,846,754 17,460,884 12,373,890 15,566,863 16,438,570 15,214,885 16,092,617 - e Excess of ExpoRT. 34,643,278 26,636,472 25,986,801 | 19,894,822 | 15,524,282 | 16,940,595 | 19,066,459 16,723,467 15,013,317 | 12,023,292 | 12,440,782 4,006,274 || 9,781,977 6,724,832 5,314,831 8,174,918 6,199,361 f Official Value of line a 17,809,176 14,840,814 15,756,131 18,104,550 18,596,664 17,450,965 21,114,451 | 19,220,365 22,171,889 19,385,561 20,330,605 | 19,230,633 20,333,699 22,583,212 22,155,936 || 25,529,744 27,856,748 g Ratio of line a to every £100 of f. I50 I39 118 107 107 98 89 84 76 76 77 76 67 65 64 66 - 57 h Proportion of line d in Corn 1,209,677 395,572 405,545 2,196,113 3,913,590 1,613,024 1,387,504 || 272,992 115,914 41,000 || 456,290 1,128,342 2,117,391 ||a 1,994,214 | 1,673,417 | 3,500,433 3,270,745 4,671,354 i Annual average price of Wheat 98/ 70/6 61/10 87/4 90/7 82/9 69/5 62/5 53/ 41/11 56/8 62/9 64/8 3 56/ 54/2 63/3 64/3 66/4 j Estimated Commercial Value of h 2,815,320 '793,245 942,498 6,403,894 10,908,140 4,235,000 2,720,000 | 380,000 170,000 75,000 790,000 2,310,000 4,100,000 | see Notes. - * - – * * | k Amount of Duty paid on same 40,224 18,046 Rºss - º — , - * ** *- * * - e-sº - º- 10,310 172,228 299,319 437,523, 781,032 193,228 896,720 790,110 541,159 2 ſ 5 ( 17 Egypt; . . . . . . 3 e 2 s e º e º e º 'º e s e e º e ~" ºr ºl --- ºr ºf ~~! ~~~~) tº … º. ºf ºil --- ºr ~" ºr 53,624 35,302. 59,305 110,227 - r x: § { * { 18 West Coast of Africa . . . . . . . . . . 113,178 | 123,188 112,836 145,818 174,879 132,710 145,117 201,435 208,267 172,361 172,687 199,731 126,995 163,960 205,197 244,253 253,261 S º ( 19 Cape of Good Hope & St. Helena 259,034 210,654 238,838 260,541 215,708 183,584 248,182 280,682 176,677 334,967 245,054 201,857 168,773 258,064 255,267 303,272 370,661 - - < 20 New South Wales, and New Zealand 6,068 40,519 27,204 19,422 13,546 61,492 | 117,123 126,114 213,574 168,039 166,474 199,700 ... 219,573 340,130 446,326 311,576 316,073 º S- - º - - ... - 3 ſ21 British North America . . . . . . . . 4,399,753 || 3,461,742 2,471,326 1,515,317 | 1,768,153 2,020,061 | 1.559,104 1,141,278 1,338,903 1,634,977 | 1,950,343 1,980,453 1,401,808 1,397,350 | 1,691,044 1,581,723 1,857,133 Š 22 United States of North America 8,129 13,255,374 9,556,577 6,930,360 9,451,010 4,929,816 3,875,286 6,214,875 6,865,263 5,464,874 6,090,394 7,018,934 4,659,018 7,018,272 5,810,315 4,823,415 6,132,346 2. s 23 Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,910,872 | 1,896,064 1,825,268 2,034,696 3,180,642 1,937,331 2,101,030 1,858,357 1,523,812 2,415,077 2,597,235 | 2,952,684 1,707,729 2,312,109 3,518,297 2,516,040 2,452,103 Ç º j 24 Foreign West Indies . . . . . . . . . . 1,791, 167 1,156,875 860,948 1,279,782 1,169,610 892,306 939,782 1,050,778 868,041 1,073,914 1,171,221 907,998 570,409 907, 309 818,056 969,885 939,802 § § } 25 Mexico . . . . . tº e º e º e º e © & © tº t e º sº e - - 89,360 267,418 391,997 1,043,916 471,285 694,743 313,220 303,562 978,441 - Q: 26 Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 70,178 200,914 297,394 450,975 204,598 213,972 261.113 232,703 216,751 § | < tº ZU, 2 4, * 2 5 2 2 3. - - - & 4 27 Rio-de-la-Plata ....... ... ( 172279 033.0% wººl gigolº alºus assº woºl | 1,083,880 l 981,047 | 664,436 1,141,920 | 849,920 371,117 | 154,895 312,389 758,540 632,172 | - 's U28 Chili and Peru . . . . . . . * e º 'º e 501,675 671,048 1,144,033 1,128,220 440,218 628,600 1,083,986 1,119,121 909,095 & - —” —-' - - § 1 Total, British Produce & Manufactures. | 9,200 solºo.79,502 ſtºoſ ºozºº'ſ 19789,663 to spoºf ooooºo; Tiº Agoſtºozoºſ isogo.ogg|15,368,752 gºgg|Toºn, ºf 11,149,028, 11,750,312||1322395, 15,168,065 = | n Total. Colonial and Foreign Produce. 750,000 || 750,000 || 750,000 | 101,121 942,816 778,288 922,467 985,777 | 1,015,016 | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 1,501,177 911,958 1,224,586 1,381,601 | 1,095,002 | 1,444,460 s n Total EXPORT. 10,010,480 21,529,502 | 16,165,226 13,503,699 || 17,731,479 11,374,586 10,728,362 | 12,943,176 13,851,813 14,068,025 | 16,368,752 18,435,565 11,253,481 15,367,614 | 16,133,203 14,318,397 16,612,525 < o Total IMPORT. -* 6,834,298 6,435,495 5,093,267 6,058,695 7,072,834 6,014,670 7,319,430 7,580,469 7,484,789 9,239,496 || 7,935,134 10,911,865 8,698,557 12,238,524 9,939,549 11,041,090 13,036,712 s: **** - - - - - *—— * - - § p Excess of ExpoR.T. 3,176,182 15,094,007 11,071,959 7,445,004 || 10,658,645 5,359,916 3,408,932 4,362,707 6,366,024 4,828,529 8,433,618 7,523,700 2,554,924 3,129,090 6,196,654 3,327,307 3,575,813 R. q Official Value of line l. - 8,077,206 18,561,735 | 12,905,822 12,911,214 15,689,102 9,688,515 10 055,932 || 13,015,821 14,368,344 15,399.951 | 19,018,089 19,381,013 | 12,220,080 18,590,047 20,857,695 19,073,702 21,890,145 *: U. r Ratio of line a to every £100 of l. 115 124 120 99 107 109 97 92 89. 85 80 87 84 76 70 69 69 - Bººm §§ ; º * cº ........ } 2,334,349 2,891,416 3,048,993 3,705.964 3,863,132 2,653,527 3,698,168 4,151,677 3,771,222 3,758,409| 3,525,980 || 3,423,281 || 4,102,667 *:::::: º: º: º §§ 31 British West Indies ..... e s tº e º º º ...] 7,029,699 || 7,225,807 4,545,084 || 5,890,199 || 6,021,626 4,841,253 4,197,761 4,320,586 3,439,818 3,676,780 3,828,690 3,866,834 3,199,264 3,583,222 3,289,704 3,612,085 2,838,448 s: 32 Whale Fishery............ & © e º e º 'º 6 - 105 58 12 13 — — I 1,034 384 — — . 35 91 74 || -- — ; – — — — ; – — - - S. -----——º . . . . . . . . . . . :SJ's ToTAL British Produce & Manufactures. 9,364,153 || 10,117,281 7,589,089 9,596,176 9,884,758 7,494,781 7,891,963 8,472,647 7,211,040 7,430,224 7,354,711 || 7,290,189 || 7,301,931 8,238,384 7,956,946 7,753,808 || 7,148,838 S$º t ToTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce. 700,000 || 700,000 700,000 702,442 778,082 674,576 612,780 | 1,032,842 563,704 600,000 | 600,000 | 833,328 881,948 || 1,018,985 | 898,861 987,868 751,879 § u Excess of IMPORT. 5,788,174 6,210,786 8,071,882 6,062,611 7,739,717 | 7,960,735 7,965,988 5,655,980 5,718,851 7,462,818 8,406,078 6,164,787 | 8,429,793 7,848,608 || 9,929,610 9,005,926 9,269,590 & T. --- - - º: * } . . . . . - - - - - - *- — e. *::---------º-º: §§ • To TAL IMPORTS. 15,852,327 | 16,028,067 16,360,971 16,361,229 16,402,557 | 16,130,092 16,470,731 15,161,469 13,493,595 15,493,042 16,360,789 14,288,304 | 16,613,672 17,105,977 18,785,417 | 17,747,602 || 17,170,307 §§ w Official Value of line s. 7,314,198 || 8,309,453 6,112,567 9,095,663 8,401,626 6,394,696 || 7,220,819 8,596,525 7,696,300 8,358,954 8,681,343 7,841,290 || 7,779,075 10,105,843 9,806,097 10,867,001 || 10,757,413 s" U. a Ratio of do, to £ 100 of s. 129 122 123 I05 115 I17 109 99 91 89 85 93 5.94 82 81 71 70 Actual amount }: GREAT BRITAIN. 70,240,313 71,203,142 62,640,711 52,135,749 53,967,218 53,291,508 || 55,063,693 55,530,073 55,255,615 54,446,969 55,456,375 53,771,500 || 51,314,930 51,311,717 52,723,192 51,437,783 50,708,385 46,444,514 of TAXES. z IRELAND. 7,154,070 7,334,786 6,204,785 5,514,840 5,720,723 5,884,684 4,702,011 5,155,205 || 4,847,126 4,293,635 4,659,289 4,592,301 4,587,415 || 4,644,289 4,668,044 4,497,183 || 4,223,964 4,393,036 Total Expenditure of 5 General Purposes 115,621,433 116,402,962 73,254,361 58,887,527 58,233,037 57,858,282 58,001,890 58,194,263 55,619,041 54,397,234 55,918,734 54,980,128 57,049,195 56,859,224 53,573,714 53,637,675 51,432,877 || 51,125,723 the United Kingdom. t Sinking Fund 14,120,963 13,452,096 || 13,253,601 || 14,607,559 15,484,119 || 4,455,967 5,667,536 4,383,696 8,765,092 7,505,274 5,166,424 5,486,475 5,601,130 5,726,304 || 4,683,183 |, 2,772,035 | 1,935,765 2,673,909 Average rate of 3 per cent Stock. £66 114 £58 139 e62 i 9 end 16 | #73 is £7, 19 3 £68 is o leſia is 5 679 is £35 bio gºod 36 ego o 8 gºo & 3 egº 1310| E8514 & 33 is iſºl ego is a gig oio e84 o o T21. STATEMENT shewing the Declared Value of British PRODUCE and MANUFACTURES, EXPORTED from the UNITED KINGDOM to all parts of the World, in each of the 4 Years 1827–1830,-see Note below. From United Kingdom, as per Annual Paper. 1827. —£-—— 37,324 315,825 184,412 153,665 219,981 107,199 786,955 1,394,881 1,215,561 256,425 187,888 525,715 8,834 123,612 153,387 132,625 963,703 439,032 271,983 294,815 14,558 3,545,578 12,948,035 2,057,351 4,565,370 540,915 1,144,552 71,032 177,294 175,462 892,529 406,312 201,822 302,255 169,456 125,808 236,113 88,715 195,110 1,549,246 1828. —£-—— 28,809 352,615 1 13,906 157,532 245,496 102,874 678,786 I,387.204 1,226,617 177,983 147,131 491,211 9,145 154,245 145,943 119,652 1,038,569 502,215 269,109 273,976 76,881 3,595,405 12,483,249 2,120,276 4,397,291 527,476 1, 165,763 66,146 201,216 197,581 910,090 335,761 262,115 266,651 181,973 138,669 255,871 89,600 208,532 1,709,192 1829. *** *º-s-s £-- ** 1, I, 33,869 293,156 174,920 162,474 249,124 109,878 812,366 390,551 162,931 114,555 120,105 1 l, 1, 467,819 7, 146 174,889 147,309 105,663 984,918 463,986 226,227 268,380 60,801 3,976,874 2,516,247 953,607 4,056,266 426,501 1,041,885 52,037 178,483 189,469 786,437 279,387 253,984 235,178 177,830 131,079 267,930 83,303 190,652 514,407 From Great Britain, as per Annual Finance Accounts. *º-s’ sº * sistºl 36,812,756 35,842,623 * Of this Statement the left hand Columns of Figures represent the Value of British Produce and Manufactures Earported from the United Kingdom, d's eachibited in a paper, published annually,– Vide Par. Paper, No. 357, Session i832, and also as eachi- bited on the following Page ; while the right hand Columns represent the Value Eaported as eachi- bited in the annual Finance Accounts, in which the Earports from Great Britain and Ireland are ea:- hibited separately. In the annual payer the annered articles, Nos. 43–63, are not enumerated, while some merated prior to 1829 of the Articles that are enumerated, perplea from the tºqnt of uniformity, for instance, in the annual paper, Haberdashery and Millinery, are included with Ap- parel, Slops, and Negro Clothing, while in the other decount they are entered separately :—again, lines *-39, in the Annual Finance Accounts, are included with Cottons, Limens, and Woolens respectively, while Sévéral articles in both accounts are included with the Unenumerated, which it is desirable should be £numerated specifically in the form eachibited in the tºo following pages. Butter and Cheese, Beef and *ork, and Linens, it will be seen form the chief arti- “les of Earport from Ireland to Foreign Parts, | 830. Articles Eaſported. 1827. 1828. 1829. i830. 1831. —£--— - |-–f----|--—£--——£--—|—£--- £-—— 35,520 | 1 Bacon and Hams . . . . . . . . . . 32,495 26,547 30,655 31,834 20,834 263,176 || 2 Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . 145,848 181,397 | 157,852 123,792 || 130,603 159,730 || 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . 87,395 71,685 98,055 85,860 83,428 197,043 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182,084 241,324 186,365 245,751 184,032 212,564 || 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212,391 || 239,269 241,417 | 206,877 || 157,350 95,874 || 6 Books. . . . . . . . . . . . e e e º gº gº e 106,925 101,378 109,435 93.851 100,770 867,344 7 Brass and Copper e tº e º ºn e º e º e 786,803 678,531 810,641 863,313 | 802,879 1,412,107 || 8 Hardwares and Cutlery . . . . 1,390,429 |1,385,617 |1,389,515 1,410,936 1,620,237 1,078,523 || 9 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1,214,948 |1,226,836 |I, 155,177 1,076, 187 ||,119,967 106,789 || 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . . . . . 256,182 177,656 114,525 | 106,769 96,216 106,134 || 1 || Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,888 147,131 | 120,105 || 106,134 77,718 394,314 | 12 Glass. . . . . . . . . . tº tº º e º gº º e º º - • as 7,229 | 13 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527,110 || 492,073 || 467,155 396,662 423,829 183,604 || 14 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,040 151,397 171,978 | 181,209 | 162,706 184,464 | 15 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ºs 1 54.043 144,838 145,880 182,863 198,243 84,085 16 Cordage tº º sº º ſº tº • * * * * * * - - - - - 127,832 112,569 98,543 78,442 75,822 1,288,078 || 17 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . ... 963,431 |1,038,538 || 984,838 1,287,888 [1,237,774 442, 193 18 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . & © & 437,813 499,743 461,710 || 439,567 458,966 246,592 19 Soap and Candles. . . . . . . . . . 227,696 226,206 | 192,739 220,315 210,170 257,130 20 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280,266 261,735 253,513 243,143 234,491 144,713 21 Wool, Sheep and Lambs. . . . * 60,801 || 144,713 || || 73,104 4,133,741 22 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3,545,568 |3,594,946 |3,974,039 |4,132,259 |3,974,990 14,419,770 || 23 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,956,826 || 13,545,638 13,420,576 15,203,713 13,207,947 2,017,776 24 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,895,187 |2,000,033 1,768,436 1,926,257 2,301,803 4, 174,990 25 Entd. by the Piece gº £ res, 433,602 || 26 do. . the '...}woolens 5,277,861 |5,120,226 |4,656,810 |4,847,398 5,385,811 "...] . º, | : $º dº º º l tº These articles in this Account are 2 42.5 ().5 § sº wares 29 Wors teå tº 6 @ § included in the three preceding Items. - 30 Beaver and Felt .... 175,293 196,906 | 188,902 208,498 || 169,076 209,849 Hats; 31 All other . . . . . . . . . . 17, 112 || 23, 170 | 16,066 15,672 | 15,148 772,834 ! 32 Apparel, Slops, & Negro Clo. 389,390 || 419,486 || 387,694 384,214 368,545 5 33 Haberdashery and Millinery 499,534 || 485,981 394,443 384,701 || 414,717 241,641 34 Ammunition, Arms, &c. . . . . 406,312 || 335,513 || 279,382 241,623 562,729 208,767 ||35 Machinery and Mill Work . 201,552 262,094 || 250,062 208,737 | 105,506 249,657 36 Tin Plates and Pewter Ware 301,753 266,634 235,022 249,620 230,004 190,5 : 5 37 Plate, Plat’d Ware, & Jewly. 169,450 | 181,849 177,242 190,208 187,931 100,244 || 38 Painters Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . 124,983 || 138,005 || 130,821 99,985 101,987 521,010 || 39 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236,093 || 255,756 267,192 || 519,919 578,260 78,321 |40 Sadlery tº e º 'º º gº tº º sº tº e e ſº tº e 88,435 89,206 || 82,996 78,072 60,950 171,848 || 41 Stationery tº e º is e º ſº tº tº tº ſº tº e º 'º e 193,047 204,362 187,438 167,680 177,698 1,413,520 $ 42 All other articles . . . . . . . . . . 1,027,003 1,146,793 1,024,629 || 859,064 843,543 --~~~~ Nos. 43–63, below . . . . . . 448,321 || 481,728 520,223 447,576 || 396,906 Total from iRELAND. . . . . 786,518 617,596 || 617,596 || 560,200 || 510,953 38,271,597 Total from TJ NITED KING DOM. 37,182,857 36,814,177 35,880,469 38,251,502 37,163,648 (43 Bread and Biscuit . . . . . . . . 8,069 11,548 10,301 9,654 10,072 44 Corn, Grain, and Flour 70,915 40,592 || 37,536 35,842 37,027 45 Hops & © tº s º º gº & e º e º º ºs e is tº 7, 173 18,642 4,525 6,614 I ,284 46 Seeds . . . . . . . . . gº tº e º 'º º ºs e 5,887 4,774 6,977 4,511 5,258 47 Horse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,131 65,092 62,001 || 49,243 29,212 ſ48 Mules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gº º tº 7,519 '7,248 2,715 49 Cows and Oxen tº gº º º 1,721 2,348 1,726 These articles were 50 Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,086 4,327 3,391 not specifically enu->{ 51 Tongues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,382 1,346 1,500 52 Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . e G 5,501 5,452 6, 106 53 Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . tº dº ſº e º e 6,236 5,842 5,219 | - {_54 Wool, other than Sheeps. . . . 43,414 33,460 | 66,835 55. Whalebone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,316 63,583 40,667 4 I,893 8,287 56 Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e ſº Q & 0 18,464 55,585 | 73,750 45,063 21, 171 57 Saltpetre, Refined . . . . . 17,943 25,917 17,508 || 8,682 20,684 58 Tobacco, Manufactured . . . . 14,982 18,416 15,878 21,734 16,259 59 Alum . . . . . . . & e º dº º e s a e e º e sº 2,290 1,640 1,926 3,008 5,855 60 Cabinet Wares . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,407 || 59,033 60,641 55,568 || 41,317 61 Umbrellas and Parasols . . . . 38,011 1,221 || 35,312) 32,509 || 47,513 ! 62 Mathematical Instruments . 32,339 19,394 21,612 21,447 17, 103. U.63 Musical do. 68,394 56,291 58,732 51,785 38,372 2 F | 22 STATEMENT shewing the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 74 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KING Dom, EXPORTED from thence, to all parts of the WORLD, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1830. *...* In the Session of 1829, an Account was presented to Parliament, entitled “Statements of the Imports and Exports of the principal articles of Merchandize between the United Kingdom, and the several Countries and British Possessions abroad, in the Year 1827 5 specifying the quantities and Declared Value of Eacports of British Merchandize, and the quantities of Imported Articles retained for Home Consumption.” Wide Vol. XVII, Folio 215, Papers of Session 1829. This order of account has since been continued annually, each Years account has always been about 18 months in arrear, that is, the account for 1830 was presented 9th. April 1832, and delivered in July. Although each Years account is diffused over 36 pages, they are eacceedingly defective, and arranged in a way, as ea pressed at page 138, to preclude the possibility of any just conclusions being drawn from them. Of the Imports, 88 articles herewith specified, at page 139 are entirely unnoticed. The account of Colonial and Foreign Produce Re-eaported, is equally defective, Nos. 63–75, page 158, being also entirely unnoticed, although most of the articles are of far greater importance than several that are enumerated ; of the British Products Earported, 39 articles only are specified, while in the Statement published with the annual Finance Accounts, 57 articles are enumerated, and that even is defective, see Note to following page. 1827. 1828, r i Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 44,878,774 50,505,751. 2 Worsted do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ! 3 3 Printed . . . . . . . . . . Yards - Q 4 Plain Calicoes .... a º a sº . A tº § ) 5 Muslims ... . . . . . . . . }~~~ 363,328,431 © C 6 Fustians, &c. . . . . . . . ^ 7 Fiannel . . . . . . . . . . a 3 8 Blankets • * * * * * * * * * ſt ! 6,460,994 6,816,407 § { ... 9 Carpeting. . . . . . . . . . a S ; 3 10 Mixed Stuffs . . . . . . a 53 § { 11 Cloths ........... . Pieces s iš 12 Coatings tº tº e º ſe e º 'º º & Aft | § 13 Kerseymeres . . . . . . . 1,851,946 1,820,632 14 Baizes . . . . . . . . . . . . a - U15 Stuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 15 Worsted . . . . . . . . Dozens Hosé is Čotion......... fy . 17 Limens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yards 55,132,189 60,287,014 18 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. - U19 Mixed Stuffs, . . . . . . . . . . . Yards r (20 Pig and Old . . . . . . . . Tons ,126 7,935 21 Bar tº º ºs e º e º a ſº gº º º ºs & ºr tº ty 45,284 51, 108 22 Bolt and Rod . . . . . . . . a 7,337 7,450 . 23 Castings . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 125,840 124,129 2, 24 Hoops and Plates. . . . a 170,120 176,160 Sº & 25 Nails . . . . . • * * * * * * * * 7 79,160 91,920 § 26 W rought and Anchors a 260,740 258,660 27 Wire . . . . . . . . . . . e tº º fy 4,140 6,220 & 28 Steel . . . . . . . . . . • * * * */ 10,700 |. 18,340 $º *mºssº &ºms Jºrºs º- # * U29 Total Tons, 92,343 100,403 § - - 30 Hardwares • tº dº º ºſ e e 6 tº e a g & fy - 31 Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249,152 242,272 32 Brass and Copper. . . . . • s e // 147,222 128,106 33 Tin, Unwrought . . . . . . . a 49,474 41,427 34 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . . . Tons 13,275 10,021 35 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 368,679 357,864 36 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 7,475,025 8,993,124 37 Alum ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. ſ38 Bacon and Hams'. . . . . . . . Cwts. 11,072 8,833 39 Beef and Pork . . . . . . . . Barrels 61,164 33,451 40 Butter and Cheese . . . . . . Cwts. 84,300 94,623 3 41 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuns 10,268 11,374 § 42 Bread and Biscuit. . . . . . . . Cwts. $ 43 Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters A 5 44 All other Grain. . . . . . . . Af § 45 Meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. * } 46 Hops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is § 37 seeds ................. # § 48 Potatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a § 49 Lard • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Af # 50 Tongues..... • e e o s • e s e s a & §n 51 Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. * * 52 Cows, Oxen, and Mules.... , 53 Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • & 54 Wool, Sheeps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 278,552 1,669,389 \55 do., other sorts . . . . . . . . . a * ſö6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 4,186 4,336 57 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 56,889 | 52,420 58 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 34,638,366 || 38,136,479 59 Glass B. e e º e º e ld F. tº e º ºs º: 224,497 || 216,895 • § 60 Beaver and Felt ... Dozens • Š Hats; 61 All other sorts . . . . . } 75,497 83,114 § 62 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs 1,402,758 1,321,542 $ 63 Soap and Candles... . . . . . . . 10,586,580 || 10,902,713 ... 64 Sugar, Refined . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 409,060 456,844 § 2 65 Fish, Herrings . . . . . . . . . . Barrels 127,039 134 137 § 66 do., Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons R; 67 Whalebone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. § 68 Carriages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. § 69 Plate, Gold and Silver.... Ounces 70 Watches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 71 Saltpetre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. | 72 Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons | 73 Tobacco. . . . . . . . tº ſº r is e e º 'º ... lbs. U74 Umbrellas and Parasols ... Dozens *——es 1829. 1830. | 1831. ( 1832. 1833. 1834. T 1835. [ ] 836. 61,441,251 64,645,342 402,517, 196 *} 5,298,495 *} 1,773,060 º 57,698,372 61,919,963 9,158 12,922 13,857 56, 178 59,885 64,013 6,476 8,043 6, 191 164,400 177,100 207,240 190,640 161,140 164,580 90,560 82,380 87,240 258,540 281,200 300,060 6,580 7,320 10,780 i4,300 16,660 24,140 108,275 117,420 || 123,778 260,899 267,731 335,980 163,241 189,592 33,215 30,425 6,834 7,442 371,271 504,419 10,574,951 10,499,778 10,039 12,197 56,073 61,816 89,875 73,128 11,365 10,212 # 1 332,097 2,951,100 4, a 4,025 44 35,658 36,794 34,733,614 20% 189,757 31 17,061; 1,338 1,495,003 9,123 10,266,514 475 607,580 122 167,599 123 Years 1827 – 1830,- see Note to preceding page. STATEMENT shewing the Declared Value of each of the articles specified in Weight, Measure, or Tale, on the preceding page, the produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KINGDOM, EXPORTED from thence, to all parts of the World, in each of the 4 *.* Page 121 exhibits the 39 articles of British Products Exported, as specified in the Annual Paper adverted to on the preceding page, in juata position with the articles specified in the annual Finance Accounts, by which the disparity and defectiveness of both are rendered the more apparent. an amplification of some of the Articles, and some additional ones enumerated which are suggested as desirable to be specified in future. In these two pages a classification has been adopted, as well as The 32 following pages, eac- hibit the Earports to, and Imports from, each different part of the World, and are arranged in a way, in conjunction with the display at pages 56-75, to enable just con- clusions being arrived at, both with regard to the nature and Value of the intercourse with each Country separately, as well as in the aggregate; by the arrangement adopted in these two pages, special returns relating to Cottons, Woollens, and Iron, moved for almost every Session, are rendered unnecessary ; and, as it is, as desirable to avoid proliacity, as it is inadequacy of detail ; it is considered, that every article is here enumerated, which the nature of the case requires. 1 Cotton Yarm a 9 e º e º e e º e g º a e º q is 9 @ 9 2 Worsted do. TOTAL British Produce & Manufactures ; < < < r36 ſ 23 | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 32 33 34 \ 35 37 38 39 4() 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 < 49 50 51 52 54 S Lead and Shot e e o e e s e º 3 c & 0 e o e º e º e a 3 Cotton, see No. 57 ... 4 Woollen, a 5 Linen, & 59 e º gº © tº e º ſº * * * > e º e i & O & 9 & 0 & e o e s e º ºr Mixed Stuffs 8 Hosiery. . . . . . . . . . . . . g & 9 @ 9 & 0 & tº º 0 ° ºr 6 e e e g c q & Iron and Steel Hardwares Cutlery Brass and Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . Tin, -see No. 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e Q e s tº º º e Q & © tº 6 & o e e e e e e s - © e - º e º O & C e a e e e i e º e º e º 'º e º º e º e g e e º e º & © e º e s - e º º Coais Salt Alum e t e º e º e º e s a C & 6 E & e º 0 & 0 & e e º º e º & • * ºr e e s a e s e a e e º 'º 4 Bacon and Hams Beef and Pork Butter and Cheese Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bread and Biscuit . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheat all other Grain Meal and Flour . . Hops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seeds . . . . . Potatoes Lard Tongues Horses . . . . . . Cows, Oxen, and Mules Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wool, Sheep and Lambs . . . . . . do., all other Sorts . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 6 & a e º e Q & 6 e e º e º & e e s - e. e. e. e. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • e e s e < * * e s e e e e e o e dº gº e e º dº tº te e g º O & e e g º e º 'º e º 6 & & © e & 0 & s & e e g c e º tº Q & 8 e º 'º 6 e º 0 e s & e o e º e º e o e º e º 'º & e º e º e º e > © e ge e e º e º a 9 s e º e º 'o e tº tº e e p & e e s & 6 & © e º q & © e e tº c & e e Books ... Cordage . . . Earthenware . . . . . Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . do., entered at Value . . . . . . . . Hats, Beaver and Felt . . . . . . . . do., all other Deather Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar, Refined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fish, Herrings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Whalebone . . . Carriages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate Watches Salt-Petre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spirits Tobacco • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e e s s e e s e e s e e º e & tº e ‘s e º ºs e o e º $ tº a e g e º (p & © tº dº a 3 & © e tº e º & tº e - * º e º e o e º o e e tº e - © tº e & * @ ei e g g º ºs e o e e e a * > e e º e º e º e º e º O © tº a 9 e o e º e e º e º e e º 'º e < e º 0 & 9 s e e º e º 0 & 0 & 9 º' • e º 'º e o e s tº 8 ° & © tº e e s tº e º e e ſ35 Apparel, Slops, & Negro Cl. 56 Haberdashery & Millinery Hosiery, § { Cotton . . . . Small Wares, & 58 Linen . . . . Tapes, &c. ( 59 Worsted .. 60 Arms and Ammunition . . . . 61 Cabinet Wares tº º e - G & 62 Machinery & Mill Work .. 63 Mathematical Instruments 64 Musical do. 65 Painters Colours . . . . . . . . 66 Plated Ware and Jewelry 67 Sadlery and Harness 68 Stationery . . . . . . . 69 Tim and Pewter Ware * * * * e - © tº 70 Umbrellas and Parasols U71 Unenumerated Articles . . . . TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce 58 • - - - - - - - || 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. * * * * * —-sf'— —- #’—l—— —|—-sf- —-ºf- 3,545,578 3,595,405 || 3,976,874 || 4,133,741 12,948,035 | 12,483,249 || 12,516,247 14,419,770 5,106,285 4,924,767 || 4,482,767 4,607,592 2,057,351 2,120,276 1,953,607 || 2,017,776 236,113 255,871 267,930 521,010 1,215,561 | 1,226,617 | 1,162,931 | 1,078,523 $1,594,861 1,387,204 || 1,390,551 1,412,107 786,955 678,786 812,366 867,344 187,888 147,131 120,105 106,134 256,425 177,983 114,555 106,789 153,387 145,943 147,309 184,464 123,612 154,245 174,889 183,604 37,324 28,809 33,869 35,520 184,412 113,906 174,920 159,730 315,825 352,615 293,156 263, 176 219,981 245,496 249,124 212,564 14,558 76,881 60,801 144,713 107,199 102,874 109,878 95,874 132,625 119,652 105,663 84,085 439,032 502,215 463,986 442, 193 525,715 491,211 467,819 394,314 8,834 9,145 7,146 7,229 175,462 197,581 189,469 209,849 294,815 273,976 268,380 257,130 271,983 269,109 226,227 246,592 963,703 | 1,038,569 984,918 1,288,078 153,665 157,532 162,474 197,043 892,529 910,090 786,437 772,834 1,144,552 1,165,763 | 1,041,885 1,175,153 71,032 66,146 52,037 48,648 177,294 201,216 178,483 242,505 406,312 335,761 279,387 241,641 201,822 262,115 253,984 208,767 125,808 138,669 131,079 100,244 169,456 181,973 177,830 190,515 88,715 | 89,600 83,303 78,321 195,1 10 208,532 190,652 171,848 302,255 266,651 235, 178 249,657 1,549,246 1,709,192 | 1,514,407 | 1,413,520 37,181,335 | 36,818,756 35,842,623 38,271,597 9,806,248 9,928,645 10,606,441 8,535,786 1833. ——ºf- 1834. |−-ºf– 1855. > --——ºft - EXPORTS, No. I.-OFFICIAL VALUE. 124 STATEMENT of the Official Value of Mercaandize EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to each Countries to which Eagorted. [Years < & ºn e º 'º tº e º e & e - © tº e º º ſº Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweden Norway. . . . . .sº dº e º 'º º º © e º e Denmark . Prussia . Germany Holland Flanders . . . . . . . . France . . . . . . . . [Azores Portugal, Madeira, and the Spain, and the Canaries .. Gibraltar . . . . . . • • * * Malta, and Ionian Isles , . Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkey .. o e s a Guernsey, Jersey, & Man e e º 'º e g º ºs e <> tº e º e e 6 º' 40 * © e º 'º e º a tº gº º 40 e º & 4 & © tº e º 'º - © & º gº tº Gº & B • * > * * © e º ‘e e º ºs e ºs e e º e Total to EUROPE. West Coast of Africa . . . . Cape of Good Hope . . . . New South Wales . . . . . British America ... United States Brazil a 6 tº $ tº e º e e Foreign West Indies South America. . . . British West Indies . . . . East Indies, and China .. Whale Fisheries & e º ºx tº º e º sº e e - e º e tº º # * @ 6 & & e e º e e } 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1825. —-É— —---É— ——--£–––––6———-£——-£—-|—-£— 2,259,668 2,309,473 1,630,394 | 2,519,907 1,524,747 | 823,988 | 1,318,234 36,744 41,504 41,591 30,653 32,287 35,471 65,203 43,063 83,836 65,761 66,253 65,381 54,098 80,191 265,508 188,270 184,923 171,869 164,967 182,916 159,741 531,583 547,718 443,054 708,281 362,587 366,282 192,489 5,443,889 5,830,948 5,582,158 6,908,477 6,316,998 || 6,497,435 | 6,126,196 1,186,996 | 1,055,478 1, 58,120 | 1,210,454 | 1,068,316 1,216,496 }º 732,041 6:22,935 698,518 693,335 692,532 863,549 | 1,000,108 || T’’ ‘’” 596,753 318,864 248,078 334,067 382,404 346,271 279, 175 1,657, 184 | 1,370,655 1,523,907 | 1,808,879 2,595,385 2,650,851 2,146,030 521, 136 408,481 427,929 513,689 318,400 417, 182 362,983 997,281 671,282 921,008 1,534,094 | 1,581,709 2,437,258 1,429,434 732,548 568,318 450,030 454,470 301,097 | 404,152 239,558 2,499,346 3,395,475 3,204,165 3,157,972 2,886, 197 || 4,575,470 2,754,893 503,536 882,133 652,459 787,850 497,343 904,522 | 1,079,672 206,378 225,711 224,053 21 5,004 258,998 || 259,389 264,793 13,104,550 | 18,596,664 |17,450,965 21,114,451 |19,220,365 |22,171,889 |19,230,633 137,342 150,641 131,561 130,996 206,071 232,341 224,908 218,854 175,339 3.59,037 224,764 261,400 176,711 198,771 14, 129 9,618 40,915 85, 129 100,878 181,426 169,441 1,111,833 1,382,662 | 1,611,908 || 1,283,975 | 1,076,857 | 1,314,397 1,770,973 6,640,395 || 8,578,990 4,375,409 || 4,020,043 || 6,619,678 7,312, 107 || 7,351,933 2,268,906 || 3, 159,897 | 1,864,310 2,233,133 2,115,503 | 1,919,496 || 4, 116,130 1,81 1,754 1,473,794 | 1,096,629 1,191,906 1,517,329 1,282,959 | 1,458,175 708,001 758,161 408,746 885,986 1,118,105 1,948,907 || 4,090,682 7 -- 1,050 486 || –––– 86 6,632,708 5,717,216 4,395,215 4,241,312 4,941,034 || 4,126,974 4,433,630 2,462,948 2,684,410 | 1,999,481 2,978,457 3,655,005 || 3,569,326 3,407,660 40,111,427 |42,687,392 |33,534,176 38,391,202 |40,832,711 |44,236,533 |46,453,022 499,788 511,340 406,874 1,149,157 574,595 396, 161 745,387 114,765 95,996 119,737 96,006 152,245 96,062 101,989 35,092 58,864 33,606 33,451 29,476 25,58 34,882 110,875 189,426 103,200 136,707 154,224 I 14,764 122,056 546,772 517,025 539,477 608,899 || 559,155 | 401,329 384,830 2,683,091 2,855, 197 2,827,466 2,989,677 2,254,370 2,541, 102 | 1,691,357 1,393,467 991,6] 1 | 1, 133,920 837, I 59 888,706 || 796,819 ) 1,785.79 1,221,247 | 1,223,580 | 1,078,193 | 849,799 || 1,062,391 | 844,713 ; **** 1,054,261 877,913 734,780 829,814 | 1,037,101 || 839, 151 892,295 73,784 I 12,846 107, 126 103,718 || || 16,514 123,757 66,539 186,046 208,367 250,471 170,647 108,291 105,160 106,704 325,444 240,634 203,610 246,979 304,002 || 432, 167 280,854 42,547 J 19,780 122, 17 88,004 62, 105 88,815 45,908 443,570 893,487 602,184 609,650 | 1,108,622 || 705,106 374, 142 95,692. 179,678 115,007 173,896 85,674 67,925 72,283 62,681 63,216 74,553 97, 104 113,599 70,259 116,276 8,889,122 || 9,138,960 8,452,321 9,020,666 8,611,070 7,648,870 6,820,800 105,242 123,008 I li,946 78,591 177,230 204,550 180,932 44,307 30,898 20,471 32,114 39,556 68,444 26,448 2,511 805 7,899 33,876 13,730 38,360 76, 140 379,286 483,200 460,668 474,953 387,849 282,864 380,490 75,235 | 144,440 73,734 59,498 185,372 248,755 275,342 15,663 31,724 32,007 46,098 21,718 55,064 80,743 51,534 35,958 48,693 65,407 67,602 49,609 86,085. 27,343 92,783 22,870 31,930 92.720 7,370 394,997 382,883 272,491 297,199 314,463 370,738 || 243,126 293,002 316,678 502,571 374,432 294,360 658,042 317,625 537,304 2,881 3,020 2,945 3,957 4,062 2,953 3,022 10,292,685 (10,8,9,858 9,905,185 (10,555,913 |10,629,689 9,227,589 || 9,155,305 125 of 27 different parts of the World, in each of the 6 Years 1817 – 1822; and of the 7 Years 1825 - 1831. 1829. 1834. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. - 1835. —-É.--—l—--£— £ —£ £-—!--É— £ —-£—|—-£—|- —-É— 1,646,051 | 1,766,059 | 1,849,313 2,157,251 2,261,296 44,154 56,995 52,643 54,727 60,667 63,350 48,839 80,711 95,795 98,820 132,414 158,827 185,954 158,356 221,786 156,286 213,747 224,994 252,576 219,185 6,521,687 | 7,569,970 || 7,443,714 || 8,384,263 8,639,220 2,631,799 || 2,834,838 2,875,571 2,854,619 || 2,896,278 426,195 || 414,536 448,438 || 509,419 || 477,077 2,041,921 2,438,086 1,704,632 2,327,863 2,128,005 334,424 || 310,739 || 410,823 | 1,555,518 1,047,769 1,376,624 1,896,524 | 1,938,462 | 982,330 539,552 373,033 384,338 || 508,837 || 492,433 || 413,738 3,222,275 3,152,429 3,709,455 4,007,186 5,683,115 1,104,897 | 1,078,821 423,577 | 1,393,055 2,773, I 11 258,589 258,364 298,812 304,353 397, 129 20,333,699 |22,583,212 |22,155,936 |25,529,744 |27,856,748 155,451 345,848 365,995 || 482,720 | 607,182 171,823 275,233 || 315,808 || 377,144 505,058 208,297 322,736 || 415,542 257,897 31 2,916 1,339,343 | 1,449,294 | 1,891,614 | 1,774,069 2,230,883 5,114,609 || 8,265,773 6,541,428 || 5,734,927 | 7,704,228 2,556, 140 3,757,014 || 6,055,903 || 4,566,010 || 4,251,737 867,083 1,547,165 | 1,405,747 | 1,819,366 | 1,858,667 ! 1,807,334 2,626,984 3,065,658 4,061,569 4,419,474 ---wº- 85 ºgºsº 6 - 3,538,651 4,241,673 3,726,643 || 4,739,048 || 3,426,899 4,240,424 5,864,085 6,079,454 6,127,947 || 7,330,514 40,332,854 |51,279,102 |52,019,728 55,470,447 60,504,306 574,827 888,701 904,574 997,566 770,700 105,754 135,638 76,968 103,490 94,191 35,124 41, i 51 50,954 49,773 34,653 63,999 97,824 81,645 69,288 99, 177 41 1,415 || 468,081 480,821 533,591 416,061 2,352,156 2,057,935 2,023,379 1,829,102 | 1,566,455 2,326,092 2,013,022 2,080,545 3,019,309 | 1,735,266 656,077 132,395 194,871 336,746 180,522 104,514 68,665 59,400 60,940 45,203 229,237 190,381 202,792 259,220 | 160,794 199,040 230,770 140,232 129,163 | 127,278 77,085 108,083 175,034 52, 171 70,699 965,040 850,895 || 932,876 | 899,673 787,128 67,589 i 76.451 101,996 83,072 140,628 94,648 || 102,780 || 142,016 98,229 108,549 8,262,597 || 7,562,772 7,648,103 || 8,521,333 6,337,304 138,577 J39,487 134,330 162,421 || 136,107 22,793 31,091 67,616 38,029 | 81,512 61,232 140,497 195,957 87,898 66,048 310,976 270,081 315,300 253,915 300,062 147,583 || 372,144 302,299 248,424 392,391 37,591 65,473. 99,819 76,314 45,458 63, 176 53,072 44,815 47,528 45,278 130,030 152,741 221,555 180,473 377,604 253,757 326,055 || 323,213 || 354,076 284,581 636,701 691,126 573,954 631,619 || 465,290 1,490 1,804 1,694 2,173 2,108 - 10,066,503 || 9,806,343 9,928,655 (10,604,203 || 8,533,743 | 126 STATEMENT shewing the Quantity and Value of each of 40 Articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kin GDOM, EXPORTED from thence, to CONTINENTAL EUROPE, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1830. - i833. 1834. Articles Exported. [Years 1827. 1828. 1829. | 1830. 1831. 1832. ſ I Bacon and Hams . Cwts. 489 304 338 557 2 Butter and Cheese . . . . . 35,212 36,970 34,956 31,126 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels 3,090. 1,834 3,975 8, 193 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . // 48,719 57,520 55,097 95,689 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tums 1,202 1, 198 1,362 1,348 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 1,334 1,416 1,364 1,322 ſ 7 Brass and Copper ſ/ 24,516 24,665 31,220 37,767 e 8 Hardwares & Cutlery a 39, 183 40,241 46,409 48,634 § 9 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . Toms 35,627 34,541 50,882 58,234 3 § { 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . . 5,460 3,526 2,467 3,089 § $ 11 Tin ........... . Cwts. 45,800 39,108 20,215 27,577 S * | 12 salt ..... º Bushels 2,936,227 4,862,173 5,216,769 5,214,833 S 3 U18 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 250,113 248,052 262,270 381,615 * 14 Glass . . . . . . © e e to e º e e Cwts 35,755 39,762 40,629 30,776 S | 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . • // 6,316 2,556 2,987 5,790 Q? 16 Refined Sugar © & 6 @ 6 tº // 395,069 441,528 459,746 588, 131 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces. 7,941,368 || 7,457,726 8,792,200 8,377,920 18 Cotton Yarns . . . . . . . . lbs. 41,683,474 |45,699,422 |58,018,994 |58,624,630 19 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . . . Yards 150,771,505 || 137,610,647 | 161,838,455 | 184,714,123 20 Linens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſt || 0,723,522 || 1,369,083 |10,842,158 8,482,046 21 Woollens . . . . . & © & © e f/ 1,623,905 | 1,794,865 1,796,656 | 1,647,146 22 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 977, 172 927,788 997,935 832,945 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens 4,234 3,375 || 3,748 3,750 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . (bs. 1,113,590 544,393 || 1, 165,763 1,283,476 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . • . . " 184,103 215,098 202,486 238,629 U26 Sheep and Lambs Wool // 278, 184 1,450,090 1,324,080 2,736,029 £ £ £ #. % #3 $ ſ l Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,546 7 i ! 1,163 1,484 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . 129,494 133,357 109,407 113,756 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,727 4,542 9,709 18,019 4 Herrings 6 º' tº 3 e e © tº * * * * tº & b c 0 & 60,130 68,782 63,788 106,613 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . tº e º e º 'º - º e 27,547 26,776 30,472 29,467 6 Books • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº tº e 30,015 31,333 30,752 29,701 ſ 7 Brass and Copper . . . . . . 132,794 127,721 151,029 171,154 º 8 Hardwares and Cutlery .. 281,654 278,974 284,255 288,111 "S 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . 369,165 333,222 411,570 422,967 § < 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . . . 101,395 59,567 40,000 42,271 § 11 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174,379 139,050 108,986 97,013 12 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 45,896 76,302 80, 103 85,705 U13 Coals . . . . . . . . © & © e 78,505 77,212 77,506 110,285 14 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 3 e e 68,795 69,899 72,933 60,154 tº 15 Cordage. tº e A * * = e a e s e tº tº ſº e o Aº e º 14,509 5,704 6,792 14,366 § 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928, 171 998,700 947,784 1,238,325 S 17 Earthenware. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 82,609 77,451 90,814 87, 192 s 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,259,295 3,186,239 3,750,902 3,739,381 & 19 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,104,006 || 4,446,278 || 4,678,275 5,421,196 s - 20 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388,239 386, 171 372,344 289,099 § 21 Woollens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138,595 146,424 145,698 || 130,725 §: 22 do. Q & © e º e º 'º e Q & e º e º e & 1,643,914 | 1,478,596 || 1,516,919 1,387,672 * 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 18,960 16,535 18,601 18,085 S 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . . . 28,962 15,722 28,447 31,725 § 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . • - - - - tº e º gº © tº 22,238 24,755 22,114 24,110 S 26 Sheep and Lambs Wool © tº e 14,535 71,678 60,179 133,235 s (27 Apparel, Slops, &c. 106,507 | 96,788 90,732 93,463 “s 28 Arms and Ammunition 18,827 24,334 31,598 34,310 § 29 Machinery & Mill Work 80,161 78,010 62,697 75,158 $ 30 Tin and Pewter Ware 128,765 106,890 127,373 106,551 º s, 3 Plate, Watches, & Jew. 30,642 40,699 37,420 30, 173 's sº | 32 Painters Colours . . . . . . 29,685 30,997 31,300 30,888 ; : J Hosiery, (33 Cottons 605,576 | 690,414 | 627,094 | 685,018 ... is º Tapes, and $ 34 Linens ... 3,579 7,989 8,335 5,914 §§ Small Wares. {35 worsted 72,848 76,494 || 102,769 149,203 | § 86 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,067 72,833 102,011 || 130,004 s: 37 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476 250 299 269 | & 38 Sadlery . . . . . . . . . . . . º 8,395 7,654 7,952 6,254 ! s 39 Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . 27,967 24,416 25,951 28,140 | US U-40 Unenumerated articles 448,227 565,868 499,356 488,746 * TOTAL British Produce £ 14,799.923 |14,105,288 |14,865,469 15,954,647 i TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce , 7,562,772 7,648,103 8,521,333 6,337,304 127 the quantity indicates an increasing demand, the price has gradually decreased from 1836. tº lb. in 1827, to 146, tº lb. in 1830, STATEMENT shewing the Quantity and Value of each of 36 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KING DoM, EXPORTED from thence to RUSSIA, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1830. *** The Imports into the United Kingdom from Russia,—(see Page 150, ) as well as from France, will be seen greatly to exceed the Earports thereto. most substantial kind, and exceed somewhat in Value, the Value here assigned to them : the Flaa, Hemp, and Tallow, in the 4 Years 1827–30, averaged annually 112,190 Tons, equal in amount to about £3,500,000, the remaining articles will approa'imate to £1,000,000 in Walue ; zuotwithstanding the staple articles of Russia being admitted into England at nominal feates of I) uty ; the price tends to advance, while all the staple articles of British Produce and Manufactures are counteracted Importation into Russia, by the most oppressive Duties ; and all that would constitute reciprocal earchange, are entirely prohibited. Cotton Ygrins, will be seen to constitute two thirds of the Value of the British Products Imported into Russia, and although From Russia, the Imports are of the The earcéss of Ea'port from Russia to Great Britain is equalised in part, by Produce shipped from Cuba, Brazil, &c. direct to Russia ; another portion is absorbed by the Money Capitalists in discharge of Interest on Loans and Russian Bonds he'd in England,-see Note to Exports, page 150. º 2,886 1,198 1,442 1,936 16 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . © tº e º 'º 933,204 958,242 1,062,225 | 1,087,662 17 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . 155,932 93,454 94,872 142,463 Wove W 18 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 275 *Pºssº 330 | Fabrics.) 19 Woollens . . . . . . . . . . 15,549 7,531 7,071 4,319 20 do. . . . . . © e o 'o o 108,278 87,154 93,985 87,996 21 Soap and Candles . . . . . . 40 35 30 90 22 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & © e 360 221 127 I () 23 Sheep and Lambs Wool . . . . . . I 8 75 I 0 15 'S ſ 24 Apparel, Slops, &c. . . 2,446 '749 1,917 2,760 § 25 Arms and Ammunition 202 45 1,358 | **** s 26 Machinery & Mill Work 930 3,953 732 1,428 S. s. 27 Tin and Pewter Ware 1,719 4, 181 6,123 1,605 §§ 28 Plate, Watches, & Jew. 661 517 828 1,420 § S 29 Painters Colours . . . . . . 2,429 5,255 3,238 3,838 : $ 4 Hosiery, ( 30 Cottons 23,704 24,210 23, 146 13,512 'S s Small Wares, }; Linens 120 100 13 i44. § - Tapes, &c. U32 Woollen 4,303 4,265 5,655 4,786 Sº S 33 Silks . . . . . . . . tº 0 & 9 e e e g 3, 156 3,790 2,304 509 § 34 Sadlery and Harnes 98 60 25 | 26 § 35 Stationery . . . . . . • . . . 2,430 1,907 1,532 1,582 J6 Unenumerated Articles 24,500 20,784 19,936 25,347 .." – TOTAL British Produce & Manufact. 1,408,970 1,318,936 1,435,805 | 1,489,538 | TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce 888,701 || 904,574 997,566 770,700 | TOTAL EXPORT. £ 2,297,671 2,223,510 2,433,371 2,260,238 4,483,967 3,668,476 4,406,475 4,203,505 TOTAL IMPORT. #. 128 • STATEMENT shewing the Quantity and Val º - - f y and Value of each of 36 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of th EXP%TEP from thenºe, tº Swººs, Nº Dºssº in ºth of hºt Year: †" tº strºn KING Dom, ** The Imports from these Countries, as well as from Russia and France, appear to eaceed the Exports thereto but such a conclusion i 5 S ſºlºiºſº, ºf tºp"; to º being made by way of Hamburgh to the Havel River, which runs past Berlin and *** - 3. ...? gh, while the bulk of the Imports from russia are derived from the Ports i º * - * ... I Y - considerable portion of the Imports from Prussia, are absorbed in discharge of the Interest and Sinking #, "## ºff. ſº ºf; º &c.; a -- * y 72.É, S3??ca 1818. Articles Exported. I Years | 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. ſº I Butter and Cheese . . . . Cwts. 60 105 83 76 2 #. . . . . . . . . . . Barrels 13,911 15,178 14,260 38,124 º Hºnº Ale . . . . . . . . 4. * º 310 299 a e e º e º e s s e º e º º QUES., - 84 95 | 5 Brass and Copper I/ 799 754 88 1% & 6 Hardwares & Cutlery iſ 1.866 1.950 | . e o o R º y 5 3 1,700 2,253 s 7 Iron and Steel . . . . Tons 550 | 1,727 1,374 1,790 § { 8 Lead and Shot . . . . // 623 666 282 466. z is ºil. . . . . . . . . . . ; // 1,671 | 1,532 1,319 1,876 S | 10 Salt . . . . . . . . ... Bushels 1,670,216 2,508,556 | 1,909,508 2,219,774. s | º Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 87,109 79,531 78,191 127,486. s 4 : lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 4,814 3,186 3,712 | * 5,274 > 13 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 96 68 33 66 s 14 Refined Sugar . . . . . . ..." 37,475 44,078 55,466 46,119 Q? 15 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 1,268,295 1,127,378 1,426,098 1,634,244 16 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 581,187 36,296 464,941 478,243 | Wo #. $º © e º 'º Yards 570,850 643,885 957,458 | 1,009,554 rº, 19 W. e - © e º e A/ º: 37,500 44,983 20,317 © OO iſ €IłS , , º 18,729 15,654 23,711 || 25,627 21 Hats 20 do. . . . . #. º 3,497 7,748. 7,220 tº ºs e º sº gº e º e º 'º º sº a O26272S 3. 8 9 6 ; º Candles . . . . . . lbs. º: 105,344 || 137,524 129,275 4 e e s e e º ºr e º & e º 'º // Nº. 1,270 2.043 3.493 U24 Sheep and Lambs Wool // . 96 5 − 1,000 - ſ : #. and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . 228 418 317 235 £ 3 i. & e º 'º e º 9 tº e e º e º Q & 8 a. 13,969 15,610 || 14,888 38,357 4 i." Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,644 7,303 7,692 7,417 | “...º.º. º. ººl "::" ": 5 ~. 3 6 Hardwares and Cutlery .. 10,242 10, 101 || 7,918 10,455 š J % łº sº • * * * * * * * * * 11,673 16,479 14,243 18,618 .# Y ead and Shot..... • & º º 11,930 10,383 4,859 6,428 Š 9 º tº dº e º 'º & e º 9 e e s 6 & 0 & © & © 6,520 5,613 4,859 6,813 |}} ë. a e e e º e º e º p & e e º e º 'º e 24,670 40, 161 28,644 34,538 H2 Glas Oä1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,232 19,500 19,312 31,850 13 cº & a e e º & 6 & 8 e • e e s e e º e º a º: 7,015 9,631 10, 153 & W \,-7 V-W. J. W. M. C. & Cº is e e e º e º e º e º e 6 & © tº e wº 155 19 150 &; i. §º Sugar • . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,619 97,151 113,153 87,107 & 16 5. º: e º & © tº tº o 'º gº & © tº e de 9,267 8,598 11,060 12,546 s otton aſil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,916 36,296 28,833 27,549 Wove # $º tº e e º 6 º' a tº e g *; 23,649 30,037 26,772 - - *~ & e º & e º O Gº e º O & 2,118 2,277 1,292 S J Fabrics.) 19 Woollens . . . . . . . . 1,567 1,284 I,790 1,691 § 21 Hats 20 do. * e e º e º 'º e º ºs 12,825 9,577 17,361 18,404 e e º e º e º G & º e º e º e º C & © tº e e 60 58 79 5: S ; º Candles . . . . . . . . 2,620 2,673 3,429 3,076 * : ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322. 185 508 \ § 24 Sheep and Lambs Wool . . . . . . . 2 — -*-ºs- º - S - - – 'S ſ'25 Apparel, Slops, &c. . . 2,502 3,189 3,407 3,495 Š 26 Arms and Ammunition 634 409 340 622 § 27 Machinery & Mill Work 8,743 3,571 2,112 6,860 J . . 28 Tin and Pewter Ware 1 1,610 || 10. 143 12,667 3. 'S SP 29 Plate, Watches, & Jew '874 "33% '379 º: Q} S. :v-, . ×73 te Š sy *}. anters Colours . . . . . . 5,458 4,631 4,316 3,532 géº sº... ſ. ſºns 3,151 2,635 3,335 2,042 .# S Small Wares, & 32 Linens .. 105 139 77 355 § -> Tapes, &c. U 33 Worsted 735 862 1.532 C S -N “ 2 1,339 , sº 34 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576 708 || | 902 538 ź 35 Saddlery and Harness. . 290 212 199 || | 73 i Š 36 Stationery. . . . . . 3 º' e s e e 795 557 465 410 . | US U37 Unenumerated Articles 30,229 39,939 || 34,091 27,229 TOTAL British Produce & Manufact. 36 wo-. - 2' ——---------~~~~T TOTAL Colonial and %. #. º: 387,306 || 376,744 361,150 - - -ve 690,388 || 756,142 644,082 TOTAL EXPORT. & 1,107,808 | 1,077,694 | 1,132,886 | 1,005,232 — TOTAL IMPORT. £ 1,804,703 ſ 2,602,562 2,129,940 | 2,198,326 129 EXPORTED from thence, to GERMANY., in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1831. *...* Part of the large eaccess of Earport to Germany is equalized by Prussia,-see Note to preceding page. STATEMENT of the Quantity and Declared Value of each of 36 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KINGDom, The Wool, which forms so prominent an article in the Imports from Germany, is Valued Officially at only 6d. per lb., while its Commercial Value will average from 1/6 to 1/9 per lb. , the Imports from hence, may therefore be considered as undervalued in the aggregate the eaccess of Eacports. from £1,000,000 to ºf 1,500,000,—some Absentee Bills from France and Italy find their absorption in Germany, in further equalization of 4 1830. 1831. Articles Eaported. I Years *. tº tº —-É # tºº. - | lº I º: ſ I Butter and Cheese . . . . Cwts. 132 261 218 221 - 2 Herrings & e º 'º º te ſº Barrels 10,601 12,404 8,056 26,466 3 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . Tuns 101 105 90 94 4 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 216 229 200 245 ſ 5 Brass and Copper // 1,916 1,316 2,404 2,178 * 6 Hardwares & Cutlery iſ 9,058 10,532 12,703 | 12,511 § 7 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 2,965 3,279 5,340 | 7,540 § { 8 Lead and Shot . . . . . " 314 256 266 271 § 9 Tin ........... . Cwts. 1,289 810 89.1 62I s | 10 Salt . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 402,820 308,479 249,590 373,300 U 11 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 31,795 46,660 46,821 75,550 12 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 3,110 5,858 6,114 2,616 13 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . J/ * *-*-- * 20 99 37 14 Refined Sugar . . . . . . // 231,960 242,013 222,479 251,336 15 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces. 1,603,019 | 1,818,780 1,983,502 | 1,616,892 16 Cotton Yarns . . . . . . . . lbs. 17,028,354 17,233,115 24,055,423 (21,730,661 17 Cottons . . Yards 43,675,688 |39,501,640 41,019,652 |43,816,980 Wove ) 18 Linens. . . . // 121,897 i 17,355 49, 128 78,455 Fabrics. Y 19 Woollens I/ 248,806 512,607 526,410 611, 154 20 do. Pieces 568,070 518,785 566,936 418,884 21 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens . . 36 43 26 157 22 Soap and Candles . . . . . . (bs. 90,133 115,087 252,413 || 243,227 23 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r/ 12,682 18,710 17,204 20,265 U24 Sheep and Lambs Wool ſ/ 2,062 198 2,304 125,554 £ £ £ £ £ 36 £ £ ſ l Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 466 1,013 732 736 i 2 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,530 12,965 8,821 28, 104 3 Beer and Ale . . . . . tº C G tº º e e º º 2,227 2,333 2,085 2,057 4 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © & 5,734 4,817 4,797 6,098 ſ 5 Brass and Copper . . . . . . 12,543 8,533 13,302 12,076 , 6 Hardwares and Cutlery .. 63,149 72,478 75,472 74,444 $ | 7 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . 36,863 36,945 49,137 59,559 § < 8 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . . . 6,407 4,939 4,816 4,134 § Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,001 2,893 3,299 2,190 | 10 Salt . . . . . q e º ºs e º e e g 5,633 6,297 4,708 6,866 U11 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . © 7,886 10,883 10,892 17,533 12 Glass . . . . . & © e º sº tº e º 'º º tº e º 'º 17,518 21,298 18,022 15,585 13 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ 9 *E**** 36 224 112 14 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547,807 552,148 456,768 517,802 15 Earthenware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,650 16,909 18,919 14,823 16 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,351,508 1,250,791 1,585,979 1,449,521 17 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . 1,539,826 1,325,828 1,137,532 1,174,620 Wove W i8 Limens & © tº 9 e 8,902 6,826 2,930 3,929 Fabrics. Y 19 Woollens . . . . . . . . 17,646 35,401 38,009 47,700 / 4,250 2,384 9,782 1, 157 § 16 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces | 1,800,814 | 1,705,965 1,942,565 2,132,363 | 17 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 6,295,493 7,056,293 || 7,878,249 7,254,258 | 18 Cottons . . . . Yards 13,734,445 13,277,621 11,399,792 |10,533,793 | Wove 19 Linens . . . . . 71,803 85,881 82,546 75,214 | Fabrics. Y 20 Woollens ... " 693,996 671,672 657,633 572,406 ; 21 do. . . . . Pieces 119,298 136,830 132,254 116,421 22 Hats .............. Dozens 506 443 3.13 115 23 Soap and Candles . . . . . lbs. 40,927 41,878 50,439 26,224 - 3. | 24 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tſ 25,431 30,263 22,033 29,076 - U25 Sheep and Lambs Wool If 8,205 43,777 528,023 1,319,464 * - #3 :6. £ £ 35 £ £ £ ſ 1 Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 344 346 216 179 2 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 119 i:31 92.1 3 Herrings . . . . . . . . . • * g e º 'o e º 'º — ****** 20 423 4 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 565 644 948 | 5 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,923 6,024 4,421 4,496 ſ 6 Brass and Copper . . . . . . 49,212 41,593 24,201 57,600 2. 7 Hardwares & Cutlery . . . . 35,728 41,087 42, 152 39,843 "S 8 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . 59,133 54,079 65,063 84,422 § { 9 Lead and Shot.......... 19,818 10,053 6,010 3,796 s 10 Tin . . . . . º e e º & & © e º e º & 14,650 14,315 9,178 4,265 11 Salt . . . . . . . • 3 & © to e º Q & & 66 12,603 21,722 25,093 -12 Coals . . . . . . . & e º e º e º e tº 871 1,027 | 658 7,504 18 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,491 4,767 4,873 4,411 14 Cordage. . . . . . . • e e e s a • * * * * * * H 50 J 30 * * 8() tº 15 Refined Sugar . . . . . . e e º 'º e º e 10,231 4,603 19,715 2,329 § 16 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,034 18,387 20,670 20,628 S 17 Cotton Yarn ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580,937 62i,933 673,714 612,925 > 18 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . 550,587 | 506,518 443,705 402,363 s Wove ) 19 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . 5,982 | 6, 190 5,278 4,064 & 4 Fabrics. l; Woollens . . . . . . . . . . 52,867 57, 117 46,479 40,722 º 2I do. . . . . . . . . . e 252,454 267,737 220,338 198,372 RS 22 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,884 2,357 1,223 '785 Ş 23 Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . . J e a 1,870 1,646 1,703 1,104 § 24 Leather ................... © 4,100 4,913 3,758 5,061 § 25 Sheep and Lambs Wool . . . . 241 2,074 20,960 62,332 ſ26 Apparel, Slops, &c. . . . . 12,612 12,681 12,932 12,337 'S 27 Arms and Ammunition 438 262 504 7,809 § 28 Machinery & Mill Work 8,891 12,162 7,992 7,037 § 29 Tin and Pewter Ware . . 24,771 29, 105 20,703 20,448 s S. 30 Plate, Watches, & Jew. 3,226 4, 182 7,768 2,967 § 5 4 31 Painters Colours ...... 2,018 2,909 3,878 3, #45 S Ś Hosiery, 32 Cottons 231,347 275,406 214,681 244,326 3 S Tapes, and {33 Linens . . 244 2,497 2,259 | 1,397 §º | Small Wares. tº wºred 19,576 || 25,165 34,753 41,477 * S ' 35 Silks . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * 9,645 6,621 | 12,875 14,337 Tº 36 Glass........ fº e·3 © e a e e 235 85 35 25 3 37 Sadlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986 931. 950 1,551 § 38 Stationery . . . . . e º 9 e 1,206 1,228 1,504 1,630 U U 39 Unenumerated articles 69,010 89,312 92,345 79,300 TOTAL British Produce & Manuf. 6 2,104,561 2, 142,736 2,050,014 || 2,022,458 do. Colonial and Foreign Produce. 2,013,022 || 2,080,545 3,019,309 | 1,735,266 }. TOTAL EXPO R.T. £ || 4,117,583 4,223,281 5,069,323 3,757,724 TOTAL IMPORT. £ 2,625,543 2,012,768 1,555,744 1,415,881 131 STATEMENT of the Quantity and Declared Value of each of 37 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KINGDOM, EXPORTED from thence, to FRANCE, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1831. *** About 1,100,000 fps. of Raw, and 500,000 fibs. of Thrown Silk, are annually Imported from Piedmont, via France, the value thereof gives an undue excess of Import from France, and an undue diminution from Italy ; the excess of Import from France will be absorbed in part discharge of the Interest on British Capital invested in the French Funds. - l Articles Exported. ſº I Bacon and Hams . . . . Cwts. 2. Butter and Cheese .... " 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels 4 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tuns 5 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts ſ 6 Brass and Copper m . 7 Hardwares & Cutlery m 3 8 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons § { 9 Lead and Shot . . . . . . " § | 10 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. s 11 Salt .. § Bushels U12 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Toms 3 13 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 14 Cordage . . . . . a e e º e o e // 15 Refined Sugar . . . . . • II 16 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 17 Cotton Yarns . . . . . . . . lbs. 18 Cottons ... Yards Wove 19 Linens. . . . f/ . Fabrics. Y 20 Woollens I/ 21 do. Pieces 22 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens 23 Soap and Candles . . . . . . (bs. 24 Leather . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * U25 Sheep and Lambs Wool m ſ I Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 3 Beef and Pork. . . . . ºn 3 & gº tº e º e ſº 4 Beer and Ale . . . . . tº e º e is e º e e 5 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & S gº ſ 6 Brass and Copper . . . . . gº e 7 Hardwares and Cutlery .. § 8 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . § { 9 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . tº gº tº s 10 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . 11 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº U12 Coals . . . . . . . . . & © tº e º º sº. 13 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & º e º & 14 Cordage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as e e 15 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . © e º ſº 16 Earthenware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ - 18 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . Wove 19 Linens . . . . . . . . . . < Fabrics. Y 20 Woollens . . . . . . . . z 2] do. & S & tº e º 'º e 22 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . . & 24 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sheep and Lambs Wool . . . . . s (26 Apparel, Slops, &c. §: 27 Arms and Ammunition § 28 Machinery & Mill Work s s, 29 Tin and Pewter Ware TS is : 30 Plate, Watches, & Jew. § | 3 || Painters Colours . . . . . . #3 Hosiery, 32 Cottons $$. Tapes, and & 33 Linen & ) | pes, S . . § s Small Wares. U 34 Worsted * 35 Silks . . . . . . . . & © e º e a e -: § 36 Sadlery . . . . . . . . . . . . & ºt s 37 Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . US (38 Unenumerated articles TOTAL British Produce & Manufac. e do. Colonial and Foreign Produce TOTAL EXPORT. £ TOTAL IMPORT. £ I Years 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. - £ £ 36 £ 84 123 38 24 - 240 313 306. 175 10 I 306 1,646 46 40 56 | 49 312 348 369 319 | 5,915 8,245. 17,817 14, 167 4,044 3,467 2,733 3,648 5,461 5,611 7,467 9,708 531 144 137 45 | 17,961 35,518 11,002 7,397 *gºmºm *** * 13,200 | 46,123 35,410 41,881 52,196 || 218 204 155 113 || 31 144 *=== 18 41 I 6 - 9 37 117,500 97,750 107,194 69,832 15,722 32,116 19,500 5,582 365,100 79, 196 509,030 139,465 78,637 64,212 58,418 102,993 16,482 32,494 19,602 8,483 2,799 5,197 4,705 3,841 4 3 14 22 4,830 7,323 2,611 2,837 2,240 1,762 2,066 1,265 254,493 1,390,733 777,148 || 1.275,760 . -- £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 35 332 i II | 159 89 . 871 1,042 1,070 589 48 5 1,055 3,786 1,117 936 1,376 1,064 6,795 7,857 7,967 6,712 29,514 38,650 80,596 59,925 29,821 28,362 22,688 24,037 45,575 49,216 51,476 63,594 10,056 2,427 2,028 604 66,157 54,331 38,634 || 25,731 :*=s* rººmsº *s- 258 14,033 9,847 11,176 14,554 737 4.38 306 270 60 295 fºssºs 20 | 940 17 25 103 1,678 1,523 1,636 1,675 1,580 3,680 1,486 391 16,055 5,945 15,462 7,055 9,069 7,228 6,123 11,140 3,124 5,364 3,060 1, 184 6,685 13,807 8,741 6,322 37 24 100 208 211 654 197 138 251 212 259 | 217 13,278 68,658 38,318 64,326 5,214 4,803 5,302 3,644 4,562 3,556 203 8,493 40,025 36,403 42,482 36,651 18,860 10, 112 12,160. 10,268 3,742 12,113 4,747 | 1,517 1,678 2,158 2,824 2,075 . 7,906 13,433 3,335 2,946 160 84 83 200 5,269 118 197. 339 4,661 11,009 32,047 34,808 1,573 463 470 477 1,685 2,154 2,218 2,439 93,593 || 101,900 91,382 78,030 446,952 498,938 || 491,388 475,884 132,395 194,871 336,746 180,522 594,347 693,809 || 828, 134 656,406 2,623,706 3,179,412 2,086,995 2,317,686 132 STATEMENT of the Quantities and Declared Value of each of 38 articles, the Produce and Mnufactures of the UNI EXPORTED from thence, to Portug AL, MADEIRA, and the AzoFEs, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1830. TED KING DoM, Articles Exported. [ Years ſ I Bacon and Hams ... Cwts. 2 Butter and Cheese . . . . A/ 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . // 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tuns 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts ſ 7 Brass and Copper // 2. 8 Hardwares & Cutlery ſt * | 9 Iron and Steel ... Tons 3 § 3 10 Lead and Shot .... " s s 11 Tin . . . . . . . . - - - - ſ/ s 12 Salt . . . . . . . . . . Aushels S < 13 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons * | 14 Glass .... ........ ... Cwts § 15 Cordage . . . . . . . • . . . . " & 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . " 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 18 Cotton Yarns . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 19 Cottons . . . . Yards Wove ) 20 Linens . . . . m . Fabrics. , 21 Woollens . . IAE - l 22 do. . Pieces 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . lbs. 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ſ I Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 3 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſ 7 Brass and Copper . . . . . . ſº 8 Hardwares and Cutlery .. $ | 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . § * 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . . . s 11 Tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Salt & G e º O & © gº © tº º º e e tº 13 Coals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | 15 Cordage; . . . . . . . . . • e e s e e s e e § | 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º, * - 19 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . S Wove W 20 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . © R i Fabrics. 21 Woollens..... © ſº 22 do. . . . . . tº e s e S 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . - S 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . • e S 25 Leather . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S . -- ſ26 Apparel, Slops, &c. . § 27 Arms and Ammunition $ 28 Machinery & Mill Work § 29 Tin and Pewter Ware S is 30 Plate, Watches, & Jew. § 5 || 31 Painters Colours . . . . . . s § 4 Rosiery, 32 Cottons 3 s ] Small Wares, § 33 Linens # = Tapes, &c. ( 34 Woollen * S 35 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . © e. e. e. e. Q) 36 Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . • * e e § 37 Sadlery and Harnes § 38 Stationery . . . . . . . . . . U39 Unenumerated Articles \- 1833. TOTAL British Produce & Manuf. £ | 1,466,647 TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce TOTAL EXPORT. # TOTAL IMPORT. #3 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 183}. 1832. 1834. 195 20 | 30 127 - 29,854 30,537 29,812 26,099 1,008 899 1,860 2,838 434 578% 65 | 1,128 219 154 I 30 127 | 59 44; 20 22 2,790 1,103 | 1,421 1,906 3,752 | 2,625 3,022 3,380 4,861 | 3,999 5,580 4,874 450 26.9% 419 430 323 206 334 380 624 880 3,286 15,283 7,643 7,672 7,772 | 16,502 12,232 14,299 5,351 972 140 2,578 139 3 *smºsºsºmºsº, 41 — 246,228 334,894 || 352,317 378,835 193,469 131,431 160,979 224,395 26,246,660 |19,120,634 (25,670,950 |22,219,664 1,477,638 1,206,540 | 1,253,060 | 1,140,506 90,212 56,153 77,735 56,470 68,929 45,567 || 71,318 66,044 - 980 656 | 607 495 764,480 158,625 606, 101 | 676,579 108,978 107,466 102,025 127,808 . . . . £ £ £ £ £ # #: £ 537 70 95 346 - 109,549 110,415 92,443 96,740 1,499 2,014 3,937. 5,299 497 602 64 1,174 | 3,887 2,497 2,244 2,055 1,281 | 954 | 426 578 14,987 6,070 7,180 8,919 28,704 16,724 19,103 19,714 48,325 40,068 45,983 35,523 9,326 5,238 7,294 6,268 1,240 727 1,225 1,359 — 17 | 17 67 5,030 2,716 2,397 2,295 14,755 10,956 11,766 4,589 2,278 320 5,971 345 7 *-nºi 40 * 3,394 4,877 5,084 5,394 16,255 10,739 14,147 14,276 757,692 509,863 || 658,835 | 616,703 49,854 41,530 39,301 36,004 8,695 4,877 6,633 4,991 249,493 156,963 241,465 211,259 4,113 2,597 2,206 | 1,806 18,180 3,922 13,053 14,535 10,641 10,653 9,433 9,777 14,960 7,896 9,004 7,095 460 77 780 || 7 182 45 52 154 5,937 4,975 6,727 6,018 | 1,345 | 1,309 616 561 6,830 6,120 6,013 4,501 || 17,648 12,056 13,522 13,408 7 25 45 52 5,648 2,644 3,593 4,489 7,732 2,994 4,044 5,085 45 29 19 7 1,011 | 739 573 81 6,973. 3,852 3,719 3,277 37,644 24,586 28,873 24,014 . 1,012,758 1,266,931 1,168,768 68,665 59,400 60,940 45,203 || 1,535,312 | 1,072,158 1,327,871 1,213,971 639,913 428,919 587,354 480,368 .-3. STATEMENT of the Quantities and EXPORTED from thence, to SPAIN and the CANAR1Es, and GIBRALTAR, in each of the 4 Years 1827– 1830. Declared Value of each of 38 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KING DoM, - - * . Articles Exported. ſ Year, ſ 1 Bacon and Hams .... Cwts. 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . / 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . // ! 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tuns 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts | 7 Brass and Copper If 8 Hardwares & Cutlery ſt º $ | 9 Iron and Steel .... Tons § { 10 Lead and Shot .... " S e s 11 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 12 Salt . . . . . . . . ... Bushels U18 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Toms 14 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . I/ 16 Refined Sugar . . . . // 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 19 Cottons . . . . Yards Wove W 20 Linens. . . . . . // Fabrics. Y 21 Woollems ... m 22 do. Pieces 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens 24 Soap and Candles ...... lbs. U25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In ( 1 Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 3 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º O © ſ 7 Brass and Copper . . . . . . 2 8 Hardwares and Cutlery .. "S 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . § {10 Lead and Shot..... º s 11 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U18 Coals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . 19 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . Wove 20 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . Fabrics. Y 21 Woollens 22 do. . . . . . . e 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Soap and Candles 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſ'26 Apparel, Slops, &c. 's 27 Arms and Ammunition § 28 Machinery & Mill Work § 29 Tin and Pewter Ware §s, 30 T’late, Watches, & Jew. § 5 31 Painters Colours . . . . . . s s j . Hosiery, 32 Cottons & is * Small Wares, | 33 Linens . . §s Tapes, &c. ( 34 Worsted * S 35 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So 36 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 37 Saddlery and Harness.. s 38 Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . U39 Unenumerated Articles *- roTAL British Produces Manuf e TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce - - ToTAL ExPORT, e ToTAL IMPORT e 1834. 1,123,272 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. I 8 90 171 152 3,725 4,166 2,740 3,209 1,604 517 1,216 || 2,881 54 853 | 180 1,355 140 154 170 82 87 51 76 42 560 1,235 1,704 | 1,839 3,876 4,162 | 5,300 | 5,487 3,131 2,680 | 2,824 2,836 83 108 25 73 685 548 784 '743 751 3,530 872 260 6,154 6,520 3,679 | 6,518 1,752 3,720 3,452 2,226 5,027 2,105 143 123 2,916 2,960 9,285 10,868 1,062,080 | 1,234,420 | 1,449,055 823,222 127,675 61,371 || 42,547 23,125 18,181,978 |19,521,366 21,973,202 || 1,503,110 8,379,335 | 9,273,244 8,603,849 6,351,063 128,115 112,508 || 205,919 77,817 55,520 60,418 71,203 54,451 1,457; 915 1,349 1,577 66,154 || 38,023 53,755 84,437 4,871 6,753 || 7, 156 | 4,496 £ 347 £ 311 | £ 562 £ 389 £ £ £ 14,382 14,989 9,036 11,072 '? . 5,813 1,104 2,932 6,791 52 990 240 1,902 2,891 3,057 3,810 1,719 2,147 1,293 || 2,073 1,282 3,518 6,852 8,989 8,539 27,085 28,417 29,303 31,049 37,568 29,243 || 33,520 26,631 1,671 2,108 452 1,082 2,640 1,980 2,849 2,696 121 90 77 | 23 2,762 2,989 1,534 2,664 4,150 4,682 7,546 4,689 11,563 4,722 300 305 7,978 8,008 21,663 26,460 12,070 12,263 14,547 8,225 10,565 5,926 3,893 1,770 632,974 674,291 659,198 348,441 270,296 279,979 265,327 185,598 12,263 9,252 20,601 7,490 134,709 138,374 | 165,421 | 125,620 5,538 4,590 8,636 8,529 1,884 1,105 1,444 2,235 1,341 2,042 1,451 939 19,997 18,331 17,966 17,498 2,632 2,642 3,342 | 1,490 2,245 7,344 2,597 6,627 8,707 10, 159 10,663 6,133 2,544 3,651 2,040 2,078 2,760 1,967 2,248 3,226 21,237 25,297 24,236 17,049 1,910 3,523 4,303 1,223 6,432 6,230 6,316 4,150 14,140 31,414 37,728 35,678 15 20 38 60 697 538 469 529 2,606 | 1,792 3,235 2,142 27,234 26,659 35,240 28,509 - 1,319,501 1,378,230 1,415,848 942,448 421,151 343,024 || 388,383 288,072 1,740,652 1,721,254 1,804,231 1,230,520 . 1,208,329 1,215,655 | 1,225,784 134 STATEMENT of the Quantities and Declared Value of each of 39 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KINGDOM, EXPORTED from thence, to ITALY and MALTA, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1830. For equalization see Indea. Articles Exported. I Years 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. ſ I Bacon and Hams . Cwts. 47 42 67 77 | 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . 339 711 2,585 522 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels I | 94 164 I 30 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . A/ 22,114 26,042 31,987 22,617 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tums 95 79 136 87 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Cwts 171 206 162 146 | ſ 7 Brass and Copper u 1,879 | 1,836 1,330 2,116 c. 8 Hardwares & Cutlery m 5,539 5,506 6,393 6,875 "S 9 Iron and Steel . . . . Tons 9,594 8,965 13,822 11,468 2 $310 lead and Shot .... " 264 110 119 100 Ś $ || ". . . . . . ... • * * * * * */ 6, 152 5,994 | 2,634 6,366 § 12 Salt . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 308 270 176 400 § J , , , § Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 4,513 7,026 4,215 10,187 º \ 14 3. • a e s \ e s a s e º 'º ... Cwts. 1,436 1,934 3,940 4,674 * | 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ **** 7 *-* 16 S 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . • // 89,096 || 136,346 | 126,354 231,965 S” 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 749,959 649,351 807,440 | 707,638 18 Cotton Yarns . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 4,708,270 5,571,259 6,793,794 | 8,753,374 19 Cottons . . . . Yards |31,388,765 |37,289,212 |41,436,807 |56,186,359 Wove 20 Linens . . . . Af 385,895 303,796 494,440 392,852 Fabrics. Y 21 Woollens 162,645 196,030 90,632 105,525 23 Hat 22 do. . . . . #: º º 93,267 115,453 º a US - - - - - - - - - - - - - • A MO262?2S 276 310 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . lbs. 8,448 9,505 11,730 17,326 | 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * 2,433 3,276 2,905 1,510 U26 Sheep and Lambs Wool a 5 * 424 7,394 39 £ £ £ £ £ £ 1 Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . . 174 144 242 227 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 1,270 2,464 3,064 1,711 3 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . * e 4. 317 471 358 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,353 36,040 39,075 30,959 : #. and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . © § 1,929 3,795 | 1,973 3 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *X's 4,696 3,861 3,765 ſ 7 Brass and Copper . . . . . . 10,236 | 9,772 6,899 10,347 2 || 8 Hardwares and Cutlery .. 47,915 45,327 45,961 44,830 "S 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . 89,124 77,713 96,726 75,921 § 2 - 2 3,440,514 TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce £51,350 1,081,763 'pagº; 836,769 TOTAL EXPORT. £ 3,095,051 || 3,497,370 3,372,912 || 4,27 - --- -* 5 5 2 2 2 3. 7,283 TOTAL IMPORT. 8 ' 602,386 | 1,168,711 | 939,556 | 1.7%. 1834. 135 STATEMENT of the Quantities and Declared Value of each of 38 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KING Dom, Expoſ, TED from thence, to TURKEY, the L Evant, and the IONIAN ISLEs, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1830. The Exports to, and Imports from Egypt, are not included in this Account. The proportion of Earports to the Honian Isles averaged £41,400; and of Imports from thence, chiefly 42 Currants, £121,582 tº Annum. l ! < § - [ Years | Articles Exported. 1827. - 1829. 1829. - - - - - - - 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. ſ 1 Bacon and Hams . . . . Cuts. 5 | 4 5 35 | # 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . " 136 | 183 || 190 230 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels -º-º-º- 1 || 5 26 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . // 12 50 6 915 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tuns 46 89 88 T 62 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 77 26. 42. 42 | | 7 Brass and Copper If 100 50 67 375 º 8 Hardwares & Cutlery iſ 870 487 1,364 1,286 | "S 9 Iron and Steel . . . . Tons 2,600 1,468 5,061 6,496 § { 10 lead and Shot .... " 37 21 38 97 § || Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 5,735 1,931 2,145 3,751. 12 Salt . . . . . . .... Bushels 36 *-* 24 160 U18 Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . Toms 1,938 1,939 3,096 2,706 | 14 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 715 1,370 1,903 2,825 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . // * . *- 5,081 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . " 22,150 10,797 30,263 38,002 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 419,290 106,344 152,430 490,735 | 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 659,046 178,180 677,638 1,594,411 19 Cottons . . . . Yards 11,665,066 || 4,826,336 |15,632,378 |34,030,897 Wove W 20 Linens. . . . . . // 6,809 13,294 26,546 61,170 Fabrics.) 21 Woollems . . f; 13,985 3,639 12,289 38,131 22 do. Pieces 1,897 2,012 3,161 6,608 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens 160 267 73 210 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . lbs. 1,528 2,139 4,582 5,485 U.25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/ 1,260 1,827 597 9,557 ( 1 Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . 19 13 17 | 19 - 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 473 '750 677 823 3 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -***** 4 22 78 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 50 9 1,031 | 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,117 2,092 2,080 3,535 | 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . • Q o º ſº tº º O tº 1,911 739 1,023 1,100 ( 7 Brass and Copper . . . . . . 551 339 423 1,886 º 8 Hardwares and Cutlery .. 5,679 2,981 7,996 9, 193 $ 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . 23,247 10,896 34,910 40,359 § { 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . © '714 | 420 643 1,444 s 11 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,340 6,987 7,821 13,141 12 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 *-*. 2 13 U18 Coals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879 901 1,210 1,106 14 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,305 1,852 2,199 3,705 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -*sºn ** *-* *º- 12,712 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,465 24,524 60,943 78,212 | 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . . . sº e º º e º & 2,883 1,281 2,416 6,497 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . . 40,684 12,351 40,776 90,109 19 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . 367,865 133,112 395,866 871,965 Wove $ 20 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . & 550 694 1,496 3,877 i Fabrics. , 21 Woollens . . . . . . . . 1,288 302 918 3,595 22 do. . . . . . . . . . . 6,694 4,206 5,908 18,429 | 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e e o e 390 618 311 912 | 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . 66 167 143 181 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 460 243 1,243 (26 Apparel, Slops, &c. 5,233 3,947 5,275 6,729 's 27 Arms and Ammunition 5,804 2,445 6,598 2,187 § 28 Machinery & Mill Work 4,432 3,357 362 24] § 29 Tin and Pewter Ware 5,817 867 4,091 6,460 §s, 30 T’late, Watches, & Jew. 3,467 1,967 3,156 6,510 | § s 31 Painters Colours . . . . . . 327 234 76 328 Š s Hºsiery, 32 Cottons 737 1,034 1,497 4,207 3 is Small º 33 Linens . . ** *- I *: $º Tapes, &c. U34 Worsted 187 192 320 303 5 § 3; Silks . . . . . . . . . . . cº e º 4× 1,018 305 509 1,481 | Q) 36 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 10 -*s- 50 § 37 Sadlery and Harness .. 346 585 1,478 881 S. 38 Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . 684 1,030 951 834 U | Unenumerated Articles | 8,372 5,543 6,786 10,788 TOTAL British Produce & Manuf. # 568,900 227,255 599,149 1,206,273 TOTAL Colonial and Foreign Produce 184,433 118,159 88,105 161,713 TOTAL EXPORT. £ 753,433 345,414 687,254 1,367,986 - 737,869 | 898,537 571,698 835,872 | l TOTAL IMPORT. 3. 136 STATEMENT of the Quantity and Declared Value of each of 39 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KINGDoM, EXPORTED from thence, to the Isles of GUERNsey, JERsey, ALDERNEY, and MAN, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1831. < Articles Eaſported. [ Years Lasts Turpentine . . . . . 2 e tº Cwts Valonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . T 4 m Bees Wax . . . . . . . . . . Af Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A/ Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qrs. Barley • * e º a 6 ° e e 9 & e º & I/ Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }} Pease and Beans . . . . . . // Rye and Indian Corm ... it Meal and Flour . . . . . . Cwts 33 Clover . . . . . . . . . . If 34 Linseed . . . . . . . . Bushels 35 Rape e tº e º e s tº e º 3 I/ 36 Tares . . . . . . . . . o fr Currants . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts Raisins . . . . . . . . . . • * h Figs e s e e e e o 'º e º 'º * * * * I/ Prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ Oranges . . . . . . . . . . . . Boazes and . . . . . . . . . . . . # Chests Lemons . . . . . . . . . . . . Chests Licquorice Juice . . . . . . Cwts Cortex Peruvianus . . . . lbs. Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A/ Rhubarb . . . . . . . gº * f/ Senna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // Sarsaparilla ... . . . . . . º ºg f/ Hides, Ox and Cow ... Cwts. Calf & Kip . . . . . . . . . . // Undressed Goat . . . . Number do. Kid . . . . If . do. Lamb . . . . */ Kid, Dressed . . . . . . f/ Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . J/ Fitch . . . . . . . . . . . */ Martin . . . . . . . . . . . & // Nutria . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af Straw Hats . . . . . . . ſ Gloves e e s • * * * * ... Pair Silks . . . . . . . . e e º 6 tº & © tº lbs. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces Cambrics . . . . . . . . . . f/ Linens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . // do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells do. . . . . . . . . Square Yards Value £ 1827. 13,377 323,032 39,802 10,797 2,320,993 55,393 16,429 1,619 227 I 12,860 883,261 76,008 40,487 81,102 119,994 521, 173 1,028, 174 i, 245,764 | 1,032 3,056 98,742 1,166 211,145 189,892 232,311 208, i 17 1,740,719 173,315 87,026 6,927 132,327 2,246,600 509,282 173,146 144,589 157,882 22,514 9,306 34,391 187,270 81,041 9, 179 57,073 1 13,140 8,378 12,952 9,524 86,545 34,043 109,758 477,989 2,599,379 648,480 24,376 293,286 F. 5,562 | 1,000 253,853 864,202 124,234 3,932 62,094 3,351 688,504 30,442 7,299 1828. -ºmsºmº- º-ºº-ºº. 11,098 210,010 40,394 13,981 1,748,921 47,864 471 2,044 2,547 4,943 24,953 268,278 96,064 66,031 95,935 91,935 496,160 447,434 2,336,001 1,049,137 9,673 617 165,526 2,840 201,675 217,991 700,827 168,672 165,843 111,416 29,562 86,991 139,830 1,864,469 428,905 170,491 163,834 201,857 27,562 7,396 47,831 159,582 69,719 6,628 19,048 84, 186 19,016 39,759 41,649 100,657 49,770 153,832 339,020 2,770, 112 566,889 2,059 323,448 23,304 73,813 384,072 | 1,203,109 183,417 1,134 50,401. 10,432 706,490 131,226 5,613 2 1829. 1830. 15,988 28,743 164,885 301,443 50,432 48,992 15, 102 12, 126 1,715,488 2,011,293 46,494 34,215 7 18,059 1,783 3,117 25,795 21,610 3,773 2,781 76,829 54,516 635,905 : 2,007,070 70,017 5 1,624 31,306 36,081 80, 130 112,476 84,603 88,552 376,675 444,428 158,026 191,229 1,153,834 2,791,057 1, 171,702 | 1,072,574 4,318 10,684 523 43 1 11,391 150,129 | 3,298 1,214 148,140 108,834 168,900 109,747 1,527,886 1,409,605 28i ,713 145,119 541,858 505,414 80,383 51,108 65,910 45,155 59,886 21,355 38,975 112, 176 1,825,105 | 1,794,665 374,373 529,758 87,097 26,407 119,928 113,891 || 145,756 119,990 1,938 20,406 6,283 5,916 53,215 61,623 130,946 134,047 67,336 72,642 4,440 4,808 32,356 2,262 48,634 209,076 11,122 4,064 54,019 39,413 1,251 11,237 | 79,647 87,534 42,546 30,877 83,982 73;648 106,066 222,257 1,888,407 1,804,713 591,094 | 862,538 | l,551 2,773 || 278,740 248,053 10,734 51,081 || 3,943 19,400 | 160,195 159,004 | 865, 157 | 1,093,441 132,313 || 131,344 940. 1,656 40,778 54,275 || 31,638 29,326 372,697 240,700 138,458 92,698 4,032 10,389 | rticles of Merchandize, Imported into the UNITED *=s=-ºr-º-, -, -ss---assºsse " * : « ». | 832. . . . * : : * * * - * ~ * * * * * * : * ~ “. . . $4 & 1833. .*.*.*-**** **** i834, tº-es-º-º-º: sº-sº sºy ºr smººt-as-ºsº, 138 STATEMENT shewing the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of the remaining enumerated articles of Merchandize, IMPORTED, into the UNITED KING DOM, from Continental Europe, in each of the 4 Years 1827–30. *...* In the account of the Official Value of Imports, published with the Finance Accounts annually, some articles are enumerated which are not enumerated in the annual account of Quantities, and several are enumerated in the latter, not enumerated in the former ; again, in the return of Customs Duties, published with the Finance Accounts, about 90 articles are enumerated which are not enumerated in either of the accounts of Imports, while both the accounts of Imports exhibit several specifications of articles, disregarded in the enumeration of articles charged with Customs Duties. The Annual Account of Quantities Imported, is diffused over 18 pages, and in a way which precludes the possibility of any just conclusion being drawn from it in regard to the value of Merchandize, either from any particular Country, or in the aggregate,_while the preceding, this, and four following pages, with the Summaries which follow, shew the operation in a way to lead to approaimate conclusions being drawn, both with regard to the value of the intercourse with each separate part of the World, as well as in the aggregate. -- - Articles Imported. [Years. * 1927. _*__ 1829. | 1880. 1831. 1892. 1833. 1834. r 69 Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 669,938 643,153 683,955 703,582 Ş 70 Prussia . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,673 59,447 100,718 85,596 Flax < 71 Netherlands . . . . . . " 139,046 130,529 99,689 116,854 8; France . . . . . . . . . . " 9,869 39,210 32,319 30,175 3 73 All other . . . . . . . . " I,405 1,514 I,286 697 jº 74 Linen Yarn . . . . . . . • * * * * h 33,771 30,618 29,646 19,211 * | 75 Hemp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * // 558,412 489,800 347,288 || 491,016 * @ 76 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 1,296,644 793,281 183,020 546,851 § Sheep and $2. Germany.... a 21,220,788 |22,015,585 |14,116,006 |26,073,882 $ 1."W. 78 Spain ...... a 3,896,951 || 3,808,662 3,751,714 | 1,643,515 § e l 79 All cther. . . . / 3,181,772 2,697,812 | 1,288,985 2,559,578 80 France . . . . . . . . . . I, 133,206 | 1,389,675 747,826 1, 107,257 Raw sº 81 Italy . . . . . . . . . • # 287,332 578,497 227,899 474,294 82 All other . . . . . . ſ/ 4 13,741 834,578 336,414 555,387 | 83 Silk, Thrown. . . . . . . . . . . . . • ?/ 463,604 508,811 210,708 413,837 . (84 Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 3,311,136 3,985,146 2,405,342 2,603,114 | § | 85 Spanish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If 2,433, 141 3, 188,355 2,841,030 2,505,437 -s / 86 Madeira . . . . . • - - - - - - , // 308,545 452,508 320,881 || 3:04,726 * | 87 Canary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ff 454, 185 288,042 | 199,026 I 55,755 's d? Gallon 512 **, -*- **-s Qnions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3] . . . . P. Bushel 815 686 *~ | —- *-*. Qrchilla . . . . . . . . . . . . .6l . . . . . . tº Cwt. 709 273 354 354 221. Ostrich Feathers . . . . 10] . . . . . . . . tſ” if | 565 960 786 | 1,062 953 Oysters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 . . . . tº Bushel -s- — 1,363 515 1,963 Paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9d. . . . . . . if ib 913 1,848 1,430 1,325 1,791 do. for Hangings . . Iſ Square Yard | 1,505 1,825 1,850 1,476 1,176. Pictures. . . . . . I each, and 11 Square Foot | 3,365 2,833 2,942 | 3,406 || 2,757 Platting of Straw .... 17| 1d...,dſ' ib 3,392 || 4,473 2,915 | 6,689 || 13,317 Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413 8| {{* Cwt. 1,208 546 448 738 364 Plums, Dried . . . . . . . . 1/3 ...... if ib 992 153 442 546 649 Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. . . . . ... each | 1,447 | 1,395 | 1,605 1,919 1,660 Quills e e º e g º e º 'º a e º 'º º 2/6 tº e g º º tº #9 } 000 4,238 6,217 4,843 4,253 3,640 Rags ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5l . . . . . $P Tom 2,000 1945 2,206 2,313 | 1854 Rape Cake . . . . . . . . . . . .2d..... tº Cwt. 4,237 || 4,322 3,316 2,731 3,625 { | | Saffron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/6 . . . . . {} is 313 -*- *- **m- * ! Scammony . . . . . . . . . . 64 2/6 f/ 1,423 2,412 1,856 2,288 1,808 | Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90l. . . . . . . $P Cust. 1,493 1,280 1,136 1,337 | 1.018 } Sponge ::::. . . . . . . . . . 2/ 6d. Pib 4,834 4,075 3,651 || 3,483 || 3,373 i Tanned Hides . . . . . . . . Il ......... a 2,219 2,512 2,418 1,253 1,025 l Verdigris... . . . . . . . . . . 2 . If Af 4,335 5,476 4,621 3,875 4,506 ! Vermicelli...... . . . . . . 8d. 2d. ... ſ. 2,126 2,024 2,290 2,212 2,558 -- Vinegar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. 18 18 tº Tun 196 374 528 1,428 || 480 -- | | - Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1] ...... tº Cwt| 806 575 820 1,141 85.5 - | | | "menumerated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,362 83,364 65,856 96,147 85,646 | 140 ST ATEMEN Tshewing the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 78 articles of Merchandize, IM poRTED, into the United Kingdom from AFRICA, AMERICA, the Foreign West Indies, and New South Wales; incinding all the Countries comprised in the second great division of Imports, as exhibited at page . *...* Nos. 1, 34, 60 to 76 º 78, are imported chiefly from British America. The chief products of the United States of North America are noted with an”; those of the West Coast of Africa with a tº No. 31, is the chief product of the Cape of Good Hope; No. 41, of Egypt; No. 46, of New South Wales; Nos. 48–51, of the Jºshery, wholly the produce of Labour and Shipping. The remaining articles, with some additional ones, specified at page 142, are chiefly the produce of Brazil, other parts of South America, and the West Indies. - [Years. 1827. 1828, 1829. 1830. i831. $832. 1833. 1834, 1835. 1836. 1837. r i Ashes ............ Cwts, 122,177 144,520 | 146,275 206,158 tº-ººººººº, - - * . . . -— --~ *-----~~ 's 2 Bark. . . . . . . . . . . • , . " 1,734 1,177 2,654 ‘ā 3 Bees Wax . . . . . . . . . . . f.º. 5,728 7,544 6,104 § | 4 Cochineal ........... lbs. 295,073 189,565 214,585 | 186,574 : 5 º: . . . . . . . . . . Cuts. º *; 9,934 1,241 Ö in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 81 I. *== § 7 Elephants Teeth.... 4 # 2,100 2,686 3,053 3,747 § 3 ; Gum, Africanus. . . . . f 4,918 1,943 2,703 2,704 § 9 Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 319,006 126,625 480,904 153,436 * | 10 Fustic . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 3.14. 5,392 5,197 3,704 S 11 fogwood . . . . . . . . . . " 3,326 7,006 4,415 6,700 Tº 12 Mahogany . . . . . . . . " 2,707 6,775 6,049 4,227 S 13 Safflower. . . . . . . . . . Cwts. §§ 139 664 1,934 * § 14 Tar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Lasts | * 2,019 2,539 1,494 1,521 & 15 Tallow gº º • * gº gº e g g tº a tº Cwts, 133 t 669 6,206 1,258 U.16 Turpentine . . . . . . . . Af * 302,312 304,175 262,308 234,747 ... ( 17 Castor Oil . . . . . . . . . . lbs, 9,024 47,479 85,570 44,559 §§§ Çortex Peruvians. • . . " 328,093 3.19,590 373,196 554,028 * & 19 Sarsaparilla. . . . . . . . . . tº 41,456 66,458 98,377 60,728 20 Sena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 31,073 || 72,367 27,854 || 42,492 (24 Cloves . . . . . . . . . . . ... lbs. 22,220 -— *=== 39,990 22 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . . . . . " 5,545 560 3,801 23 Pepper, African . . . . . 2,180 127 2,195 37,317 : Fº tº e º 6 s is a sº ‘’G // 94; *: 13,565 38,609 3 25 Ginger. . . . . . . . . . . . Cwt3. 9 | 117 $: 26 Cocoa * * * * * * e • * * * c * lbs. 4,065,750 1,177,167 2,525,016 1,322,349 §3 ºf Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , |12,654,500 3,701, 123 5,761,223 6,391,287 § 28 Sugar . . . . . . . ..... Cuts. 177,176 || 137,275 200,276 222,817 * 29 Rice . . . . . . . . . ..... a * 46,612 31,975 30, 183 7,097 30 do. in Husk .... Bushels | * 172,764 281,334 230,471 — 31 Wine, Cape...... Gallons |...[44, 29 ..., º,916 , 937,353 s. 544,982 32 Tobacco & e e º e º e o & © tº * lbs. ‘33, il 1,854 24,882,102 22,191,058 24,391,037 (33 Segar S • . . . . . . . 12 e g º ºs º Aff 94,970 36,7 12 169,924 220,803 34 Wººl & © e º u e º & Quarters §§ #: 16,366 65,050 s $35 all other Grain. . . . " 71,5 5,452 1.820 2.658 § ; W. heat º: ..... Cwts, : *:::: º zº alſº 685.77. Ǻ 4 OW €l S626 ſ: , , , , , , !! * * * - .555 8,486 63; Fºx seed ...... Bushels 128,025 | 131,945 227,153 196.306 ſ's , (30 United States... lbs. ººººººº lºsº | 137,187,366 210,585,838 § §§ } 40 Brazil . . . . . . . . , 20,716,162 |29,143,279 (28,878,386 33,092,072 S §§§4. Egypt......... " | *ś h; º|*|†: £3 * {42 all other . . . . . • ? 895,965 | 1,384,325 | 1,059,305 445,923 S 43 Hemp tº 9 s tº t e º & © tº º ºr Cucts. 182 334 1,214 1,147 § 44 Flax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . // . 148 2,336 4,071 7, III ſº 45 Silk . . . . . tº e o e a g º e º a , libs. 50,925 27,345 45,049 || 11,974 U46 Sheeps Wool * * * * * * * * * 812,871 1,896,233 2,341,168 2,035,084 s (47 Palm Oil (Afr.).... Cºts. # 94,246 | 12.5% 179,946 213,477 5 Y13 Sperm do. . . . . . . . . Thums 5,483 3,845 5,572 5,144 # 49 Blubber do. . . . . . . . . // 8,451 7,671 5,755 1,039 § ſº Train do. . . . . . . . . " 14, 104 13,213 11,975 13,487 51. Whalefins. . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 15,431 17,358 13,305 4,375 - 52 Sundry Silk and Cotton : : CA - #...'. ..., || 5,644 4,945 7,043 81 . (53 News, Wales .... cuts. Jººſ ,ººl .313|| 3.94: 3 S; Africa *, *, * s is a e º e º a Af j 16,107 15,843 19,505 23,292 S (55 United States • * * * * * 11,549 19,628 20,163 16,030 it. A 56 South America. . . . . . . 30,679 79,120 166,319 200,105 57 all other . . . . . . . . . . " 1,160 1,763 993 1,139 (58 Calf & Kip ........ ſº 328 434 1,038 1,377 3 59 Bear . . . . . . .... Number | * 10,035 12,683 12,583 16,882 ~ .# 60 Beaver. . . . . . . . . . Af 67,640 73,842 76,427 64,732 . à 61 Martin . . . . . . . . f} #43,692 181,121 131,194 102,482 "S 62 Mink . . . . . . . . . . If 49,943 83,019 76,199 104,365 § { 63 Musquash . . . . . . fy 490,981 | 1,048,309 | 1,070,016 || 458,574 | s 64 Nutria . . . . . . . . . . // * 377,957 781,182 614,244 "; § 65 Qtter . . . . . . . . . . fy 12,080 13,190 14,821 13,995 º, 66 Deer . . . . . . . . . . . . /7 * 121,013 78,618 123,276 124,510 67 Goat . . . . . . . . . . . . Af 107,183 135,774 191,874 121,147 U68 Seal ....... • . . . . .” 439,363 295,870 288,000 444,442 . ſ 69 Battens . . . . . . . . . Humd. 255 455 577 | 958 & 70 Deals . . . . . . . . . . . . " 12,118 15,753 18,270 | 19,668 •º # sº • . . . * * * * * * * * * $ ; º: 72,742 59,491 *-* * p C’. tº º e o e º is e º 'º y 3. 5. # Lºwood'......"Fathom 4,753 5. iś5 # #: ..., 74 Masts, Yards 2 ... Number 5,059 4,935 5,085 || 3,737 } | 3. # ò Fº . . . . Loads ** * - 3,883 º . \ s a.k. 3)] K. . . . . . . Af - 10 4 :* ! .... 77 Teake ... Africa # 15,625 | 11,953 16,015 19,598 : = [Timber } 78 Fir . . . . . . " 314,495' 373.5% 306.01% 3šāºš | | | 141 STATEMENT of the Quantity, Average Price, and Value, of 17 articles, the produce of the WEST INDIES: Imported from thence, into GREAT BRITAIN, and the Quantities of each of 36 articles of Foreign Produce RE-ExpoRTED from Great Britain to the WEST INDIES, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1831. * ARTICLES. [ Years 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 4831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. ( 1 Sugar .............. Cwts. 3,551,218 || 4,313,636 4,152,614 || 3,912,629 2 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. |29,419,598 |29,987,078 [26,911,875 |27,460,421 3 Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 549,688 454,999 || 684,917 | 7 11,923 4 Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 5,620,174 6,307,224 6,934,759 6,752,799 . I 5 Melasses . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 392,441 508,095 390,626 249,420 2 6 -Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . lbs. 7,165,881 5,893,800 || 4,640,414 || 3,429,247 § 7 Pimento ............ a 2,225,943 | 2,247,893 3,585,694 | 3,489,318 | § 8 Ginger ... . . . . . . . . . . . Cuts. 11,006 7,853 6,081 4, 105 S < 9 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 99,152 64,911 63,850 111,745 * 10 Indigo ... . . . . . . . . . . . Jy 230,669 77,806 212,021 87,285. º 11 Mahogany . . . . . . . . . . Tons 16,947 13,127 13,286 11,719 5 | ** Logwood . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7,561 7,040 9,479 10,082 13 Fustic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1,778 2,123 2,105 1,388 14 Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 4,238 4,537 2,922 2,623 15 Castor Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 7,478 18,393 9,041 4,718 16 Sarsaparilla . . . . . . . . . . .” 38,805 61,407 128,536 41,912 U17 Pepper e e º e s e e º e e e < * * Af 13,641 6,658 6,345 20,263 . ( 1 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . tº Cut. 38/0 34/0 28/6% 25ſo 24|1} & 3. § j 2 Coffee and Cocoa . . tº ib. 6% 5 54 5 - #5 3 Rum .......... P. Gallon 3/4 3/3 2/9 2|4 $º || 4 Melasses . . . . . . . # Cwi. 15|0 12|0 11|6 12|0 s' & 5 Cotton Wool . . . . . . tº fê. 9 8% 8 8#. ## | 6 Pimento . . . . . . . . e // 10 9 7} 5% §§ 7 Ginger . . . . . . . . . . d? Cwf. 70ſo 65/0 60/0 70/0 * : 8 Cochineal . . . . . . . . $P ib. 14/0 12/6 10/6 9|3 * U 9 Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . 9/0 7/6 6/9 5/6 r 1 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,747,315 7,333,181 5,925,711 4,890,786 2 Coffee and Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . 811,667 697,631 603,681 586,924 , 3 Rum ............ . . . . . . . . . . 936,696 | 1,024,924 953,530 787,827 R 4 Melasses ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294,330 || 304,856 224,609 || 149,65% to j 5 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268,720 202,600 154,680 107,880 S $ 6 Pimento .................. 92,750 84,296 112,052 79,963 | 7 Ginger .................... 38,521 || 25,522 | 18,243 14,367 | 8 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº a 69,404 40,570 33,531 51,682 ł 9 Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,806 29, 176 71,556 24,003 U10 all other Articles,... . . . . . . . . . . 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 TOTAL Real Value. ºf 9,428,209 || 8,907,756 8,212,593 6,758,084 BULLION . . . . . . . tº gº gº ºn e r ſ 1 Cassia . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 1,446 3,925 4,137 6,501 : 2 Cinnamom . . . . . . . . / 12,905 12,176 24,636 55,547 š. 3 Cloves . . . . . . . . . . a 1,783 2,926 1,904 4,818 º 4 Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 184 286 235 * 5 Nutmegs ... . . . . . . 3, 186 2,359 1,554 2,220 U 6 Pepper . . . . . . . . . . . 30,334 39,316 41,105 63,607 3 7 Cocoa and Coffee ... . 8,415 18,703 26,063 15,616 S 8 Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 38,319 29,649 33,216 26, 176 S 9 Sugar ... . . . . . . . . . . . Cuts. 47 98 76 683 : 10 Tobacco ....... . . . . . lbs. 258,175 221,114 287,519 420,211 sº | 1 do. Manufactured f/ 1,405 3,387 17,527 & | 12 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters 3,188 5,567 9,885 5,692 Sº 13 Wheat Flour . . . . . . . . Cwts. 42,509 27,776 23,511 9,149 s 14 Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 13,709 18,119 24, 161 18, 155 S Spirits (45 Rum :: . . . . Gallons 16,554 14,338 14,658 24,147 S | *.*) 16 Brandy.... , 122,506 144,435 | 124,731 89,211 § wº. 17 Geneva. . . . a 21,955 19,240 20,027 17,566 § 4 º 18 Wine . . . . m. 243,044 175,096 || 165,125 | 125,664 Q S. 19 Cortex Peruvianus . . . . lbs. 2,600 168 431 50 * | 20 Opium ... . . . . . . . . . . . ." 220 206 177 53 * | 21 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695 302. 398 584 R. 22 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . a 227 319 85 136 * 23 Indigo ... . . . . . . . . . . . . a 159 670 441 9,017 § | 24 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Tons 4. 4. 4. ! § 25 Spelter . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. *s-sº tººl 10 41 s ſº r26 E. India Cottons Pieces 140,226 126,238 || 130,486 | 134,051 s 27 do., Printed Square Yds. 2,739 4,867 3,941 10,521 † | 3 || 28 Linens . . . . . . . . Pieces 2,451 8,675 28,046 18,610 Ś § 29 do. . . . . . . . . . . Ells 61,158 118,188 44,934 35,150 * I Ś 30 do. .. Square Yards 4,275 276 18,312 9,209 §3 31 do. . . . . . . . . Value 35 4. 28 5 § 32 Silks of Europe ... lbs. 785 202 78 154 Š 33 Bandannoes, Rom, Pieces 8,480 8,612 6,721 3,503 34 Crapes . . . . . . . . . . . 306 211 70 113 35 Scarfs, Shawls, &c. a 1,136 519 551 550 U U 36 Taffaties, &c. . . . . a 692 655 169 335 142 STATEMENT exhibiting the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 58 enumerated articles of Merchandize, IMPORTED into the UNITED KING DOM from the EAST INDIES and CHINA, and all other parts beyond the Cape of Good Hope, in each of the 4 Years 1827–30. *...* The articles 19, 33, 34, and 48–58, are not enumerated in either of the Official Accounts of Imports; Nos. 48–58, exhibit the Rates and amount of Custom Duties paid on each, as far as enumerated in the Official Return thereof, but which leaves the account still defective, see folding Sheet preceding page 1, for a similar display of the Imports flom Asia for the 5 preceding Years. Articles Imported. [Years. 1827. "t-tº- 1928. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. i834. ſ ſ I Cassia. . . . . . ... ... lbs. 415,702 || 549,532 || 814,529 831,296 - º 2 Cinnamon e e º gº tº c e º ſ/ 1,267,443 337,482 543,933 449,656 3 || 3 Cloves . . . . . . . . . . // 226,363 || 467,097 36,066 3, 196 || §: 4 Mace & 9 º' gº tº p & © Q @ & // 22,794 42,080 6,834 12,963 & | 5 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . . 69,308 57, 517 37,046 45,056 tº 6 Pepper e e e º 6 & © tº a 6 m 9,067,768 4,978,033 2,006,597 2,742,216 S 7 Ginger. . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 1,174 6,738 4,917 1,268 §: S 72 26,430 14,130 s') : 101eS • . . . . . . . . . ... . . . " 1, 114 3,323 3,605 5.104 's' | 38 do., Calf and Kip . . . 3 -—— — . 180 '160 | § 39 Saltpetre. . . . . . . . . . . fy 201,084 204,839 || 176,489 || 143,702 § | 40 Barilla . . . . . . . . . . . . If 3,207 2.94I ...: S 2 3. 186 1,467 S 41 Madder Roots ..... • // 883 820 2,135 | 992 º 2 • 3 * Jºº § 42 Safflower. . . . . . . . . . . . // 2,381 1,398 2,689 2, 170 Sº 43 Bees Wax . . . . . . . . . . . 1,331 530 T45 'iaº i. Fº Teeth . . . . . - ; I º 1,291 | 1,601 - :-- . . . . . . © e º 0 ° e º 'o e º a f; 0 - - - - - . 46 Timber. ............. Loads 'iaº ; *:::: *::: U-47 Goat Skins .......... No. 29, 105 9,731 31,810 97,001 ſ i. ºãº #jº. 1,397 1,718 || 2,056 2,204 1,453 - - QU) º - - - Orax } Unrefd. 28/ 4/ m } 2,737 2,332 1,865 1,626 2,506 3 Cahoutchouc .. 46/8 1/ , —s tºwººms *sº * 3 | Camphire . . . . . . 9/4 4/ #' fib. 228 *-** — — § Canes . . . . . . . . various ºf 1000 2,232 3.423 2,878 3,730 3 Cocoa Nut Oil.... 2/6 d? Cwt. - º:- º º 3,299 § lº. . Pearl . . . . 5 # Cent. * 503 | * * *r sº-º-º-º- § ſº, OS6 WOOCl . . . . . . . . 20/4? Cwt. 7,276 . ë - - à | Tapioca ...... 10/ º ry - 27, º 8,629 10,490 8,494 Tortoise Shell 2/ 1/4} is 1,67 - - - A. o ,673 1,372 732 817 823 Turmeric..... tº º 3d. t. **=º 867 *>-ºs- . . ººm-mºsºmº **- ÜVermillion .... 1/ 6d. 299 || 554 — * 143 STATEMENT of the Quantities and Value of each of 39 articles, the Produce and Manufactures of the UNITED KINGDOM of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, EXPORTED from thence, to the EAST INDIES and CHINA, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1831. 1828. 1832. 1833. 1834. Articles Eaported. [ Years ), 1827. 1829. 1830. 1831. | ſ I Bacon and Hams . Cwts. 1,565 1,508 886 || 1,655 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . It 1,646 1,831 1,585 924 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels 68 576. 597 1,185 : 4 Herrings. . . . . . . © e º 'º e // 770 550 755 572 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . Tuns 3,455 4,252 3,878 3,156 6 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwt 869 7:38 1,199 697 7 Brass and Copper. . . . . . . // 46,773 40,528 75,813 89,822 e 8 Hardwares and Cutlery // 11,609 11,465 12,594 12,151 || % 9 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Tons 17,746 22,123 16,269 15,945 S 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . f? 4,209 3, 126 2,230 1,850 * | 11 Tin . . . . . . . º e a sº e º 'o e Cwts 106 I 06 — § 12 glass................ I/ 46,628 || 49,703 || 49,543 48,118 s 4 13 Salt tº e e º e º e e e g o e Bushels 9,000 1,600 . 209 26 > | 14 goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toms 4,201 || 2,500 766 2,376 | ..., | 15 Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 9,975 5,028 3,522 575 s 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . // 1,006 1,076 | 1,131 845 || | 17 Earthenware . . . . . . . Pieces 1,829,538 1,750,207 | 1,364,458 1,155,524 * 18 Cotton Yarn .......... lbs. 3,063,856 4,587,055 3,185,639 4,980,975 19 Cottons. . . . . * * * * * * * * * Yards 40,978,756 |42,247,207 |43,329, 140 |57,102,783 20 Linens . . . . . tº º a tº e º º O & // 844,087 || 620,711 || 544,357 373,974 21 Woollens . . . . . . . . . . . If 290,553 160,480 197,536 268,400 22 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 195,219 243,243 222,279 261,463 23 Hats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozens 1,905 1,454 2,376 2,538 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . bs. 21,142 22,100 35,445 75,715 25 Leather . . . . . . . . . . • v - " 49,882 28,213 18,225 23,253 - - £ £ £ £ ſ 1 Bacon and Hams. . . . . . tº e º e º º 6,323 6,342 3,658 . 5,002 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . . . 6,995 7,886 6,646 2,998 3 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 2,759 2,382 4,065 4 Herrings . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * 1,075 777 1, 127 792 5 Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,976 91,464 87,046 64,257 6 Books . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * *... e. e. e. 29,984 22,226 33,265 19,551 7 Brass and Copper 3. * * * Q , e. 238,468 203,566 360,435 395,408 8 Hardwares and Cutlery . . . . . . 77,222 74,015 76,595 77,823 9 Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259,388 251,081 174,358 || 130,362 10 Lead and Shot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,170 57,609 || 37,094 25,550 11 Tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº c & © a 374 219 s----, * 12 Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſº e e 106,252 106,528 96,116 96,139 13 Salt © e º e º 'º e º e º e a 0. 146 20 39 2 14 Coals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e º e º & 4,019 2,090 825 2,560 15 Cordage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,192 11,931 8,201 1,424 16 Refined Sugar . . . . . . . . . . º 3,216 2,680 2,213 1,768 17 Earthenware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 192 24,649 19,979 18,941 18 Cotton Yarn . . . . . . . . tº e º ſº tº € 9. 274,015 393,134 210,182 336,766 19 Cottons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,546,387 | 1,547,919 1,392,700 1,722, 161 j 20 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,333 30,063 24,635 18,972 | 21 Woollens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779,586 860,820 | 803,115 791,501 -* 22 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,653 14,270 17,185 || 17,789 | 23 Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,999 7,003 8,723 12,407 24 Soap and Candles . . . . . . . . . . 1,091 1,065 1,419 2,940 . 25 Leather © & Q & Q & Q & © & 8 & tº e º e º e © 1 1,351 - 10,936 - 6,740 5,069 s (26 Apparel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,069 65,802 || 47,437 51,686 ^S 27 Arms and Ammunition 283,658 192,133 89,521 25, 130 § 28 Machinery, & Mill Work 22,089 || 35,312 || 37,184 || 10,938 § 29 Tin, and Pewter Ware 13,208 7,155 8,969 9,99] $ . 30 Plate, Watches, & Jew. 56,246 48,346 52,201 52,844 § º | 3 | Painters Colours. . . . . . . 21,248 11,852 14,735 13,536 * s & J Hosiery, , ; 32 Cotton. 46,416 44,482 28,842 18,412 §§ | Tapes, and $ 33 Linen . . 595 128 172 118 §§ Small Wares. 34 Worsted 3,701 || 4.9 3,383 4,426 §T 35 Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,031 16,963 | 7,784 7,272 * | 36 Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,277 || 4,327 2,460 2,662 Q) 37 Sadlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,010. 31,764 - 21,373 20,366 § 38 Stationery............ 80,981 i 81,903 || 77,065 45,326 US (39 all other Articles...... 203,124 170,736 | 153,818 122,365. Total British Produce & Manufactures £ 4,459,322 || 4,446,082 3,919,824 || 4,189,319 - - 'otal to Mauritius 195,840 221,160 221,899 || 171,071 Total Colonial and Foreign 691,126 573,954 465,290 631,619 | 144 STATEMENT of the Quantities and Value of each of 39 articles of BRITISH PRODUCE and MANUFACTUREs, EXPORTED from GREAT BRITAIN, to the BRITISH WEST INDIES, in each of the 4 Years 1827 – 1831 2. y- Sºl i s i < | \- - Years 1827. | & -. ARTICLES. [ 7 1828, 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832, 1833. ſ 1 Bacon and Hams. . . . . . Cwts 7,563 5,102 º - 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . / 22,782 21,739 *:::: 1% 3 Beef and Pork . . . . . . Barrels 41,838 23,726 37,374 35,869 4 * q e º & 9. • * tº tº e º ºt f/ 76,757 74,038 64,558 67,563 : #...?'. e e g º O & © & 4. 2,583 2,443 2,634 2,575 - opper . . . . Owts. 8,522 11,448 11,287 11.05 7 Hardwares and Cutlery ſt 14,743 ia,033 17,788 #. 8 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 5,990 7, 11 O 5 'º. 9 Lead and Shot I/ 559 '309 7,526 6,632 e }J ºlivy u e o e s o © a e 587 483 # ğ. e & © e º 6 & Q & & 8 º' • * * * * * Cwts. 277 298 330 300 3.SS . . . . . ... • * * * * & e s e tº // 27,931 29,820 28.362 25,55 | 12 Salt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 64,368 51,011 53.577 § 13 Coals ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 42,508 43,131 43,180 45.896 #: §s . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 9,934 10,417 10,291 8,616 5 #&efined Sugar . . . . . . . . /? 3,549 2.93 6 16 Earthenware . . . . . . . . Pieces 2,464,492 || 2 ,939 3.3 3 4,097 17 Cott 5 3. ,055,119 2,082,235 | 1,706,407 18 i o OilS . . . . . * @ e º ºs us tº Yards 39,730.0% 21,096,050 |33,319,295 |18,955,323 19 wººd,we e o ºs e e e . . . . . . a 13,104,585 |11,975,436 11,854,207 ||10,436,909 3, " ..."...........' Piº *::::::: 296,928 260,410 221,881 6. e e u & © e º 'º º & Q & e. 32.801 32,364 29,569 21 Hats . . . . Dozens 36.096 40. 3. 3 ** * * * ... ...... r... ii. © tº * * 2 0,672 36,020 27,290 ; jº" Candles . . lbs. 6,052,774 5,560,487 4,661,760 4,737,091 | 24 Boºk €ſ • * * * * * * * * * * * * If 498,991 371,320 450, 182 390,260 U-25 Cott S y a e e º e º e º e e o e º: 516 560 509 431 Otto il M & I'll . . . . . . . . . . . . S. '7,680 5,327 1.230 6.90 3 3 * * * 2. 9 £ £ £ g £ ſ 1 Bacon and Hams. . . . . . . . . . . . 24,609 ë £ £ 2. Butter and Cheese . . . . . . . . 88% 16,910 23,807 21,721 3 Beef and P ,915 92,494 79,488 68,884 j iſ €0 an ork . . . . . . ºr a $ 6 & e º e 125,006 8.1,545 113,831 91,013 | : Fº * c e e º e a e o e o & S → * * * * 91,455 85,991 94,165 85,498 | 6 #." º, e tº e e º 'º e º .P º 0 tº º t 55,706 52,764 55,565 52,799 Brass and Uopper . . . . . . . . . . 50,537 65.691 67,220 Kº ; 2 5 61,538 w § Hºs and Cutlery . . . . . . 74,136 71,794 goioi º ron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,651 164,501 16 º: 9 Lead and Shot . 1 I 5 3, 197 130,639 10 Tin e o e º e g º º ºr 4 & 9 .* 11,883 10,026 7,688 iſ Glass...................... º 1,332 1,690 1,129 # gº.....:::::::::::::: *; º; º; ; # 8............. gº & © tº t e o sº sº sº; º; i. it. ...'se e º e º e 4 e º º 0 & e - e º e º c 23, 189 23,532 23,557 jº H6 i. *. ugar . . . . . , s - - - - - - - 9,335 7,879 8,654 10,209 17 §. €Il Walſe . . . . . & e e g c & 6 6 tº y 31,572 27,069 27,261 33,355 18 hº * * * * g º º o & tº g º e º e o & & 888,661 686,291 997,408 608.096 19 wooliens & e º e º e º e º 0. g a s e º e o e e 466,410 402,372 380,523 322,837 ..., " ..." ............ & © & i. 3. l ſº 17,227 | 14,970 e e a < * e < e s tº 8 & s e º 'º e > * 3. O 96.598 21 Hats . 5 9 3. 79,493 : ; ; ; ; ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . º 9,832 64,404 56.594 9,503 : iº Candles . . . . . • 156,168 138,834 117,766 ſº: ; : * :::::::::::::::::::: *; ; ; ; 25 Cotton Yarn ’74 2 - - - 2 10,404 s & e º 'º e º e o e s e e s • e 4 521 195 698 s ſ?6. Apparel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261.352 % .*- TS 27 Arms and Ammunition is gos º *:::::: 206,387 Š 28 Machinery, & Mill Work 27.443 43,393 75.3 11,435 's 29 Tin, and Pewter Wares ii.687 13.37. #. I 3 50,744 s . 30 Plate, Watches, & Jew. 22.317 30.516 3,947 9,222 §§ 31 Painters Colou Sº, 2 O 29,500 33,059 S. TS • . . . . . 21.048 J Š º 3 ºr --> 21,090 30,042 s 32 Cotton Hosier 3. 18,464 S $ * a e s e e V * y 3, 2,472 1,829 S 27 Bandanmoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 57,365 51,887 53,709 46,655 * | 28 Crapes ... . . . • e s e o e o e º e o a ſ/ 219 395 157 | 01 S 29 Scarfs... . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * a ſº 4,507 1,265 11,341 1(),885 = U 30 Taffaties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fy 799 760 1,146 1,337 t; (31 Ashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 20,958 15,960 19,062 4,217 ſº ; : Arabic . . . . . . . . . . // 2,570 1,396 1,529 470 S. Gums & 33 Shellac ... . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 276,036 350,361 401,099 106, 129 S | R3: Lac dye.... ......." 64,895 || 47,576 26,503 || 70,935 Tº 35 Salt-petre . . . . . e g º e e s tº e e . . Cwts. 33,710 45,351 29,536 8,629 § { 36 Logwood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Toms 7,175 6,386 6,225 5,933 2 37 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (bs. 99,489 121,943 115,629 55,730 5 38 Indigo ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * | *,947,834 4,482,984 4,176,381 4,542,841 to 39 Cortex Peruvianus . . . . . . . . . . " 153,402 180,933 287,481 367,463 Sº 40 Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 26,888 19,341 26,396 12,347 R U.41 Rhubarb. . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 91,447 65,398 85,747 76,403 &; (42 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 479 397 476 691 3 #43 Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,,..., 2,079 1,745 1,520 774. 53 Copper . . . . . e e 9 & © e s e º & . . . Cwts. 6,273 1,613 6,358 446 § ! 45 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 2,638 2,450 2,290 5,546 st | 46 Spelter o e s a e e e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e ºf g 2,341 1,328 81 j 298 * U.47 Quicksilver ................ lbs. 294,640 | 126,245 67,254 86,647 2. 48 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters 24,848 31,883 51,554 24,230 G W 49 º • e e o e º a 6 s e º e º 6 & 8 g 17,740 835 9,093 703 * { 50 Oats . . . . . & 6 e º ſº e º & 6 e º 0 & aſ *s-4 17 47,888 18,799 º Q: Peas, Beans, and Rye .. fy 562 1,612 10,541 33,453 © ( 52 Wheat Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 5,448 160 2,112 500 * (53 Bear Skins ... . . . . . . . . . Number 10,289 10,439 14,165 14,935 Ca 2. | 54 Martin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If 53,951 59,765 49,712 38,235 Q: Sd « 55 Musquash s e e º e º & © & d e tº 3. 33,306 34,837 43,627 45,662 º S 2. \ 56 Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ſ - 11,201 2,502 14,477 13,219 *.s ! 57 Deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aſ 60,680 61,972 99,575 79,879 § U58 Goat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; p 6,523 **** 18,012 27,109 Fibrous (; ...... * | *:::: *:::: *::::: *;|. w e e º 'º 3. 3. • º 3. IMATERIAL. A 61 Cotton Wool . . . . a 18,130,689 |17,386,405 |29,843,625 | 8,523,057 62 Sheeps do. . . . . . 56,634 116,406 303,469 226,962 , ſº Annºtto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2|11 ºrb, 6,936 3,051 4,902 1,202 505 Ś ; 3. tº e º 'º - 6 s 6 tº ſº 6 e ; d? Cwt. 6 #: }. 1,34. 2,323 3,257 Q 66 §. all U.S. . . . . . * * * * * * % Af 31.902 § 58,438 10,238 45,007. Kº Fl 4 * * * * @ e º e s o e º e 42 6 f/ y 3) •º 78,024 39,344 33,364 2. 67 Flax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : £7 13,390 14,661 18,020 7,720 22,287 º, 68 Hº: e e e g e º e g º & ; Aff 26,161 22,998 16,441 11,984 36,118 ~ & º #. ...'.....'...}'s !" T 33.32. 37,006 142,762 162,816 168,521 § º ôlive & a s • e s: 4. !. 4}. #. sº g 9,693 19.76% 9,067 3,366 § oil : 73 Fish...... st 13 ; d;’ Tun ,484 24,385 38,835 45,784 139,364 Cº. are & e ish. . . . . . ºf S. ſt 2,730 4,509 1 1,116 11,960 6,729 s # sº ... . . . . . . . . 22/6 d? Cwt. 23,284 24,235 37,787 24,793 15,321 rs 7 à | HOW . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * mºsºmeºmº 48,490 6 U75 Woollen Manufactures . . . . . . . . . e - e. 9,628 9,972 5,459 º 1; ; 76 Unenumerated Articles ........ Value £ 953,661 992,660 | 1,073,098 || 1,216,020 1,143,851 153 STATEMENT showing the Total Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of Sixty-two articles of Colon IAL and For EIGN PRODUCE Re-exported from the United Kingdom to all parts of the World, in each Year since 1826. Article Re-eaported to Continental Europe, and will be seen to comprise the greater portion of the whole quantity ; Spirits, Wines, East India Cot- tons, Metals, and part of line 76, showing the greatest exceptions, *...* The preceding page shows the Proportion of each The Spelter is principally to Asia, the Quicksilver to Mexico. Articles Re-eaported. [Years ſ ſ 1 Cassia Lignea .... lbs. 2 Cinnamon , . . . . . . . I/ 2. 3 Cloves . . . . . . . . . . Af § < 4 Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . Af # 5 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . // 6 Pimento . . . . . . . . Af ſº 7 Pepper . . . . . . . . . . // § U 8 Ginger . . . . . . . . . . Cwts S 9 Sugar to r e º e e s a dº e s • 1ſ § - 10 Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // > | 11 Tea . © e e e º e º 0 & 0 & e lbs S | 12 Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // *S 13 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If 14 Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . Aſ 15 do., Manufactured. . It Spirits 16 Rum . . . . . . Gallons ". 17 Brandy. . . . . . // Wines 18 Geneva. . . . . . . // ^- * { 19 Wine . . . . . . Af , ſ20 Cottons, East India . . Pieces § 21 do., Printed... Square Yas. § 22 Linens . . . . . . . . // S 23 do © e s e e º e º 'º e s Pieces $ 124 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells Š- 25 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . Walue £ s 26 Of Europe . . . . . . lbs. S 2. Ş. Bandannoes . . . . Pieces : Š K28 Crapes . . . . . . . . . • ?! S &) &: Scarfs, Shawls, &c. tº ^- 30 Taffaties, Damasks, &c. ſ31 Ashes, Pot and Pearl . . Cwts. & 32 Arabic . . . . . . • * iſ § Gums; 33 Shellac ...... lbs. S Uğı Lac Dye. . . . . . If 's 35 Salt-petre. . . . . . . . Cwts § { 36 Logwood . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ons & 37 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. Š 38 Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af S; 39 Cortex Peruvianus . . . . It S | 40 Qpium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ U.41 Rhubarb . . . . . . . • * ~ * > / : ſ42 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 3 43 Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If s: & s e e e a s ſh 20 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 21 Cortex Peruvianus ...... a § * Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 23 ºwº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 24 Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . sº 25 Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. ‘s 26 Spelter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a § 2 ( 27 Arabic . . . . . . . . . . . . • a ſh * | * { 28 Lac Dye............ lbs. ! Ü & 29 Shellac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Thrown Silk . . . . . e tº e º e º º Af 5 Bear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. |- Us? Furs No. & Otter . . . . . . . 1836, 31 Manufactured do......... Pieces *igº 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 4,173,470 3,442,653 || 4, 180,753 || 4,024,769 4,585,601 1,233,223 1,046, 160 | 1,164,180 | 1,063,371 999,309 669,938 643,153 683,956 || 703,582 623,257 524,868 454,303 || 327,379 || 461,099 || 506,803 14,793 14,485 17,089 22,345 10,263 10,825 19,439 21,121 17,937 27,592 13,250 10,499 15,441 26,686 39,399 205,660 208,035 188,233 187,105 276,338 2,672,557 2,396,074 2,417,399 || 2,482,125 2,482,961 40,386 18,096 336,387 235,303 || 466,971 10, 145 1,824 7,989 4,063 42,568 567, 174 35,036 298,021 122,016 || 369,683 6, 105 12,470 25,478 15,625 53,911 º - 1,642 1,336 789 6,415 * * 226 18,128, 1,740 1,598 2,012,249 1,483,404 1,464,402 | 1,749,854 1,867,096 607,511 560,354 153,614 202,871 263,920 177 1,060 3,995 3,530 6,811 7,544 19,016 || 10,659 3,544 6,901 8,517 5,262 5,839 5,204 5,328 28% 1,248 2,445 636 338 45 21 601 3 26 10,243 9,064 3,951 9,676 7,780 1,520 4,240 5, 186 300 * tº 276,721 192,898 187,225 135,000 185,640 2,860 461 150 9,795 15,945 * = 400 - Q- tº sºns 1,749 2,047 720 913 1,994 2,003 7,865 4,794 5,814 5,642 5,805 2,781 2,715 2,814 2,883 2,766 15,493 13,807 14,887 14,810 14,076 2,912 2,139 2,691 2,323 2, 170 5, 142 2,860 2,264 1,676 2,020 1,395 1,116 633 486 731 53 85 26 19 72 10,906 3,720 4,923 3,408 6,486 2,820 3, 121 2,116 1,060 • 1,847 1,408,970 1,348,936 1,435,805 | 1,489,538 1,191,565 * 888,701 904,574 997,566 770,700 | 856,804 2,297,671 2,223,510 || 2,433,371 2,260,238 2,048,369 72,867 26,626 1 1,668 40,421 12,684 110 *º- tº- -> t- 248 348 1,127 2,226 8,230 7,108 3,858 77 9 799 359 || – tºss 150 517 1,007 1,023 1,063 5,166 805,411 593,893 518,329 || 396,610 || 290,913 63,576 49,106 99,810 95,582 42,899 34,772 8,932 3,219 63,159 11,751 3,192,557 2,506,431 1,945,029 1,648,803 2,066,283. 4,138 16,165 1 ()7 189,283 36,995 35,078 51,254 63,019 48,641. 52,426 41 cº- +. 69 90 43 67 1,223 3,993 14 1.65 21,262 57,925 77,644 66,698 55,505 7,712 7,998 9,0 iO 10,471 9,207 70,778 28,192 25,257 27,929 45,714 1,292,877 2,073,773 2,862,541 | 1,766,431 | 1,274,815 565,316 541,80% 608,304 || 830,862 841,877 72,269 98,374 91,654 42,225 95,383 129,459 40,908 23,747 55,654 17,438 15,174 20,339 41,543 20,088 5,811 207 - - 1,133 1,479 1,282 3,393 2,945 2,200 2,162 634 1,495 1,566 1,084 332 997 (Pieces of Cottons 600) 248 2,472 3,875 11 22 - - * * 5,907 1,107 780 688 286 121 382 172. 685 tº tº --- 77,904 4,791 º ºg 9,774 55,206 3,847 -- -- 11,430 859 13,715 871 344 508 117 225 * - 184 267 180 300 --- are -- — - - 529 2,395 157 ;: STATEMENT showing the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 43 Articles Imported into the UNITED KINGDOM from, and of each of 30 Articles of Colonial and Foreign Produce Re exported from the United Kingdom to FRANCE, in each Year since 1826. According to this Statement, the Value of the Products Imported from France, very considerably exceed the Value of those Exported thereto. It must be observed, however, that the Silks, lines 1–2, more properly belong to the account of Italy, it being chiefly the Produce of Pied- mont, and conveyed to England in transitu through France; on the other hand, about 20 of the most Valuable of the Articles, enumerated at page 139, are the Products of France, and imported direct from thence so that the Value Imported from, doubtless exceeds the Value Exported to France; see however further, the Note to the following page, and to Germany and Italy. [Years 1827. 1828. 1829. Total Official Value of IMPORTS . . . . . . £ 2,604,183 3,159,307 || 2,066,890 do. of British Produce & Manufactures & - EXPORTED as tº page 131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 414,536 448,438 509,419 Colonial & Foreign Produce, as beiow . . . . 132,395 194,871 336,746 TOTAL EXPORT. £ 546,931 643,309 846,165 Quantities of each of 43 Articles IIM PORTED. ſ 1 Silk, Raw e e º e g º e e g º º o © e g a Q & © ºf lbs. 1,133,206 1,389,675 747,826 § 2 do., Thrown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r ſº 443,208 || 454,086 188,233 * } 3 Sheeps' Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 345,360 39,223 112,567 s: A Bristies...... te e g º gº & Q & • e e s e o e s , t) 2,406 1, 199 2, 149 & 5 Opium © tº º v c e s tº e o 6 e º 0 ° e © e º 'º º & M/ 1,460 546 2,243 U6 Senna e e º e º e º e o e e g c > t e s e e < * * fy 2,092 1,812 4,328 Wine, Q 7 Brandy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 1,697,310 2,512,184 | 1,984,388 Spirits, 8 Wirie & e s e e e 9 s e e s tº e tº fy 369,440 534,493 484,640 and Oil. 9 () live Oil º 6 & 6 g º e º 'º Af 2,239 1,086 7,503 § (10 Flax........ ... . . . . . . . . . . . Cuts. 9,869 39,210 || 32,319 º . 11 Madders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,237 40,526 31,352 ~ ; 3 | 12 do. Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . a 19,237 40,293 14,592 § | 3 || 13 Brimstone . . . . . • e e s • e c • * * * ſº 3,099 11,415 15,515 º º # 4 Cork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 2,146 1,997 2,637 § T & 15 Turpentine ................ " 2,747 617 523 ‘s * 16 Tallow . . . . . • B & O 6 s e e tº e º e 9 @ 8 // - — 1 - ** 1,993 § | # 17 Prunes.......... e s • a s • * * * * // 9,162 7,165 5,860 $ & 18 Currants and Raisins . . . . . . . . f/ 260 6 | - º § 19 Butter and Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . 261 276 250 §: U20 Shumac & e º is g g g tº gº tº e º 'o o e a © º ſ/ 275 68 | 6 Tº 3 (21 Clover Seed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 15,381 50,723 12,895 * < * 22 Wheat Flour ... . . . . . . . . . . . n | - — - 1,535 10,607 § & 23 Wheat.................. Quarters - *- 29,452 45,916 s 's J 24 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e g º e A/ 150,903 1,508 1,505 § Ś 25 ötner Grain.............. . 77,239 5,109 || 17,925 § .s 26 Flax Seed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 4,126 || – - * ... -- 8 -S : 27 Rape do. . . . . . • 0 tº & e º 'º e s tº ſº 48 || – - 12,489 § S5 U28 Tares. . . . o o o e º 'º e º s º & º de tº e AW 13,946 43,248 8,426 § (29 silks ...................... lbs. 104,040 | 156,216 115,918 Š 2 30 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 233 654 355 . . $ 31 Cambrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,933 50, 105 40,749 $ § 32 Limens tº e º 0 tº e 65 º e º e g o a s a tº e - e. // 300 200 23 § $.333 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells 7,071 7,368 || - - * ! 3 || 34 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºf 3,178 2,438 1,457 | S 35 Cottons, Printed .... Square Yards 20,909 171,915 22,376 s 36 Straw Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 63,646 49,242 13,226 - } U37 Leather Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair 858,572 1,185,060 850,395 2 (38 Fitch .............. . . . . . . . . No. 25,377 20,279 16,272 § { 3 Martin e c e e < e e < 3 tº 6 s e tº e a e º, e - f/ 4,000 14,401 6,782 ...] ſo Goat • e e o a c e º e º e s e º " + 6 e e o º q g 32,544 59,316 36,578 : ; 4 iamb ... . . . . tº e o Q & e º 6 c e e o o 0 ° I/ 376, 119 552,567 76,757 § | 42 Kid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H/ 39,778 56,735 4,463 U83 U43 do., dressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 616,327 517,187 564,571 ſ44 Indigo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 67,264 146,059 145,380 45 Cinnamon . . . . . . . . © º e º & 6 • * s a o e o e M/ 56,643 47,788 49,786 46 Other Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af -> - 13,101 3,924 47 Pepper and Pimento . . . . . . . . . . . . a 259 2,649 11,686 48 Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.202 || 14,033 75,102 49 Coffee e e º ºs e º e º e º 'o e º e º & © 3 - 3 & * @ 6 & () 96,375 15,440 18,631 50 Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 52,640 4,135 | – ` 51 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 100,279 55,263 738,554 §§ 52 Sheeps’ Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af 3,054 72,296 191,798 § 53 Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AM 7,102 14,257 tº- * § \ 54 Rhubarb v e e s e s e º 6 tº e o 'º e º º e e e s e e & th 3,315 2,112 3,435 55 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af 79,960 4,132 º- - S 56 "Tea a c e o e 6 e o f Gºva 2 & © tº 0 e º s o o e o a 9 & 0 & W 333 484 176 "Sº 57 Shellac. . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * e s a • e º ſ! - - 17,828 4,038 is 58 Lac Dye . . . . . • * * * * s e e s º ºs e e a e e s e e ſº 343 566 || – *- §3 59. Ashes, Pot, and Pearl . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 2,696 6,045 4,019 § 60 Copper and Tin • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ſº 648 º * 276 & 61 Lead and Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 178 168 386 2 62 Musquash Skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 8,000 17,344 8,000 § | 63 Rum and Spirits ............. Gallons 738 756 417 § 64 Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,520 22,034 20,202 *: 65 Silk, Raw & e º e º º f e e º e 6 e º 0 & 6 e º e º c lbs. 2,884 163 36,771 66 do., Thrown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fy 1,910 t 157 4,238 67 do., Manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 1,654 1,859 1,505 68 do., Bandannoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 968 770 980 69 © e g e g º e e º e i ∈ G º e º 'º Q 9 -- tº- 70 §. * 9 s e e e g c 3 & . © e º e º ºſ . 1: 790 sº 71 Wheat 6 tº Q e e º O Gº. • © Q Q 6 tº e º e º e º 6 s. Quarters 2,788 23,904 48,411 72 Other Grain • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ty &- - 783 52,164 \73 Wheat Flour,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. – º 93 1,860 1830. 1831. 2,298,812 3,025,727 477,077 635,830 180,522 256,012 657,599 891,842 1,107,256 1,150,584 370,575 612,590 45,093 713,854 1,268 2,275 10,481 492 10,507 sº sº 1,594,762 | 1,337,959 324,488 336,272 1,966 78,341 30 175 55,325 20, 108 22,637 6,841 23,628 5,863 5,287 2,416 1,668 43 800 2,621 8,568 5,824 9,225 472 267 180 214 1,851 || – cº- 37,021 29,268 9 9, 186 15,220 | 101,076 15,684 7,936 16 20,452 2,640 8,395 46,574 41,964 316 15,065 119,826 149,187 º º 340 54,275 54,987 4,490 1,779 549 392 6,749 6,948 12,638 33,247 11,968 6,194 1,067,196 1,169,377 25,836 30,620 24,943 27,676 37,358 38,746 199,764 231,789 27,057 30,780 812,689 599,973 165,424 149,811 42,795 24,841 14,236 9,293 24,746 211,731 9,048 353 56,488 72,879 157,117 | 197,441 66,943 181,068 7,103 498 1,355 2,037 7,552 1,884 306 1,640 *. * 4,630 510 1,757 2,528 1,236 º * 292 Lead 77 | - º- 9,960 500 1,480 3,057 14,942 6,665 1,748 780 2,561 6,578 499 234 195 3,952 E-me * 177 6,360 11,612 20,660 20,460 9,131 tºº º 24 11,122 1833. 1834. 1835. -º-º- 1836 **.< 158 STATEMENT showing the Total Official Value of the ExpoRTs to, and IMPORTs from the UNITED NETHERLANDS, from, and into the UNITED KING DOM, in each Year since 1826; and also the Quantity in Weight, Measure, and Tale, of each of 42 Articles annually Imported from thence, in each of the same Years. *...* This Statement is seen to exhibit a result, the converse of that, of the Exchange of Productions between the United Kingdom and France as exhibited on the preceding page; while France exhibits in 1831 an excess of import from thence of £2,133,885; the Netherlands Account shows an excess of Export thereto of £4,1 05,127; it is probable that a part of the Exports to the Netherlands find their way into France, particularly of the valuable article of Indigo.-see line 23 of the following page, as well as part of the Cotton Wool, line 53; the transit, however, through the Netherlands into France is insufficient to equalize either of the two accounts; a greater transit through the Netherlands takes place into Germany, aud perhaps £1,000,000 Value annually is shipped to the Netherlands expressly for transit in that direction; but a considerable portion of the amount of the excess of Export is accounted for, in the over valuation of the Colonial and Foreign Products, as exhibited on the following page; the Coffee being valued at 15d. Pib', and the Pepper at 14d. f. ib., the Rum at 6) iſ Gallon, and the Sugar at 50) { Cwt., all of these Articles being rated at more than double their current value; see pages 4, & 56-60; East India Cotton Wool, also, is valued at 2) # ib., not worth more than 5d., but it is pro- bable a small proportion, if any, East India is included in line 53, and other Cotton is valued at only 7d. § ib., and Indigo is valued at only 3/10 tº id., while line 23 will probably average 5| {P ib.: on the other hand some of the Imports are undervalued; Clover Seed is rated at only 10] d? Cwt. ; Butter and Cheese, 27/6 d? Cwt. ; Flax, 35| d? Cwt. ; on the whole about £750,000 annually, may be deducted from the excess Exported on an average of the 6 Years 1827–32, still leaving a very considerable amount to be equalized in the general involution of transactions with France, Germany, &c. [Years. 1827. Official Value of British Produce and Manufactures Exported . . . . Declared Value of do. as itſ” p. 130 f 159 £ Colonial and Foreign do. u Total Export . . . . . . . . . . Official Value of imports . . . . . . Rape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excess of Value Exported . . . . . . . . Quantities of each of 43 Articles IMPORTE D. ſ 1 Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters s 2 Barley . . . . . . . . . . • * * * / s 8 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/ S5 4 Rye ſº e º 'º es e e 6 e - $ 0 & ſº e & ſ 's 4 5 Peas and Beans . . . . . . . . S 6 Clover Seed . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. "ş | 7 Flax do. . . . . . . . . . . Bushels & 8 - 9 9 Tares . . . . . tº º & © tº e g º e If , is ſ10 Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts § 3 | II Cheese . . . . . . . . . . • * // 'ss | 12 Madders ........ A/ §§ { 13 do. Roots ...... " s's 14 Bark........ e e º º // § 3 | 15 Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . Af Sº $ U16 Skins, Calf & Kip . . " 17 do. Various. . . . . . . . . . . . No. 18 do. of Fur, chiefly Fitch , 19 Spirits . . . . . . 9 & & © tº gº & © e e Gallons 20 Wine, Rhenish . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sheeps' Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 22 Silk, Raw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J/ 23 do. Thrown . . . . . . . . . . . . // 24 Flax . . . . . . . tº e º e º is sº us ºf Cwts 25 Hemp . . . . . . . . . . & © & © tº e e s it 26 Linen Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 27 Bristles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bs. 28 Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 29 do. Manufactured. . . . . c 1/ 30 Smalts and Zaffres . . . . . . . . m 31 Spelter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 32 Tin & Copper............ A/ 33 Iron . . . . . . . . . © º ºs & © & © e º e ∈ Tons 34 Printed Cottons .... Square Yas. 35 Linens . . . . . . * * * * * ... • e e s a e Ells 36 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 87 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value £ 38 Silks, Manufactured . . . . . . Ibs. 39 do. Various . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 40 Straw Hats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 41 Leather Gloves . . . . . . . . . . Pairs 42 Eels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cargoes 43 Timber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Loads 44 Chicory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { e tº e º O & tº 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. | £ $2.834,838 2,875,571 2,854,619 2,896,278 3,179,299 2, 104,561 2,142,736 2,050,014 || 2,022,458 2,082,536 2,013,022 || 2,080,545 3,019,309 | 1,735,266 3,270,925 4,117,583 || 4,223,281 5,069,323 3,757,724 5,353,461 1,579,373 1,978,111 | 1,521,086 1,395,043 1,248,334 2,538,210 || 2,245,170 3,548,237 2,362,681 4,105,127 2,814 167,026 144,549 76,711 30,249 10,350 9,137 4, 183 1, 184 12,284 216,432 10,524 4,228 39,891 15,641 4,532 153 4,205 13,667 10,457 5,394 1,411 7,544 66,878 60,254 18,698 9,807 8,192 50,400 25,719 33,123 30,025 53,738 12,717 23,588 7,544 54,991 4,560 32,286 15,158 405 21 4,94] 142,658 145,649 116,234 77,026 80,901 188,166 216,686 167,914 || 108,654 || 133,398 45,516 54,422 38,579 27,961 18,726 1,417 6,145 2,377 375 || -- — 619,476 589,750 734,038 673,810 608,304 21,518 27,290 19, 103 23,966 19,469 7,324 7,788 7,159 4,228 2,881 7,980 24, 139 18,888 19,957 22,555 27,840 19,838 40,214 34,851 25,322 281,930 336,113 143,108 207,502 214,849 84, 132 101,874 88,415 69,171 73,298 392,454 314,724 106,222 939,123 659,646 46,794 | 137,101 42,028 84, 171 54,854 I 1,505 46,083 17,939 41,621 13,517 139,046 || 130,529 99,689 || 116,854 128,232 234. 324 484 32 250 28 64 73 72 933 29,459 17,225 16,864 20,850 19,260 248,297 19,489 156,860 74,814 137,759 690 1,400 | 61 3,876 1,742 82,057 59,774 41,438 33,676 24,579 4,641 3,869 5,192 6,223 5,069 65 | Cop. 200 Cop. 162 | Tin 359 | Tin 1,472 J 5 20 | 30 26 57 83,697 228,690 8,047 6,700 36,769 8,400 80,862 154,019 37,341 tºº, sº 200 47 1,709 5,652 2,192 316 305 197 544 288 15,557 20,102 13,267 10,903 8,748 1,122 388 100 1,226 98 45 3,629 3,796 1,128 540 308 1,627 3,890 16,731 143 79 81 71 59 69 i87 278 216 141 400 159 f STATEMENT showing the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 56 Articles of Colonial and Foreign Produce Re- exported from the UNITED KING Dom to the UNITED NETHERLANDs, in each Year since 1826. Commerce of Great Britain that deserves more serious consideration than that of the large Re-eaportation of its Colonial Produce ; which on full investigation will be seen to resolve itself, first, into a privation of its Consumption internally ; and secondly, into an Amount of Contribution on the Products of British Labour, equal to the Value of the Colonial Produce so Re-exported: as, for example, the demand for British Produce and Manufactures on Continental Europe, is equal to the Value of all the Products Imported therefrom, and which, being equal to the Consumption of the United Kingdom, the throwing annually into Continental Consumption, Siac to Eight Millions Value of British Colonial Produce, absorbs an equal portion of the Value of the Imports from the Continent, and thereby diminishes the means of Payment of the British Products Eacported thereto, to a corresponding eactent ; hibited at pages 112 and 122*. -- *...* There is no part of the easternal this is one of the causes of that progressive, and continuing reduction of Profits and Wages ear- Mºssº Articles Re-eaported. [Years ſ ſ 1 Cassia. . . . . . . . . . . ibs 2 Cinnamon . . . . . . . • f/ e 3 Cloves . . . . . . . . . a 1/ § - 4 Mace . . . . . . . . . . . " 5, 5 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . f/ * | 6 Pepper ......... • Iſ ge 7 Pimento . . . . . . . . // .# – 8 Ginger . . . . . . . . . . Cwts s & 9 Rice . . . . . . . . . . & • * // § 10 Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * // ^ | 11 Cocoa . • * Q & © tº e º 'º ibs 12 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . • If 18 Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • H & 2 ( 14 Rum . . . . . . . . Gallons s & J 15 Brandy . . . . . . . . // S •S § 3. 16 Geneva. . . . . . . . . F/ tº * U17 Wine . . . . . . . ... m. ſI& Ashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 19 Dye Woods. . . . . . . . . . Tons. 2. ſ:0 Arabic . . . . . . . . . Cwts. : Ś $ 21 Lac, Dye . . . . . . . . ibs. §4 & U3. Shellac . . . . . . . . . . " S 23 Indigo ............. • // 24 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . l? 25 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . . . Af U26 Saltpetre . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts (27 Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 28 Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ſº § J 29 Musquash . . . . . . . . . . . . I/ 3 * Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af | 31 Deer . . . . . . . . . . . e // C82 Goat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " (33 Copper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 3 Sº Tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iſ § {35 Spelter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tons s Q: Iron . . . . . • e s - - - - - - - - " 37 Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • I/ s (38. Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qrs § ) 39 Oats . . . . . . © º e o 'º e • I/ $ }: Other Grain . . . . . . . . . . // 41 Wheatflour . . . . . . . . . . Cwts §, (42 Cortex Peruvianus .... ſhs. § }; Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ſº S (44 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . • * // 2 ſq5 Cottons, . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces Ś 46 do. Printed. . Square Yds. § 47 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells. - §: 48 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value s' 49 Silks of Europe . . . . . . fbs. Š 50 Bandannoes . . . . . . . . Pieces 51 Shawls, Taffaties, &c... a 51 Tobacco, Manufactured . . . . Îbs. 52 do. Unmanufactured. ... iſ 53 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . • * h 54 Sheeps do. . . . . . . . . . . . . // 55 Silk, Raw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 56 do., Thrown ..... . 1,648 1827. T.828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834, 21,853 25,449 || 108,458 77,142 171,102 28,263 21,348 14,060 15,199 17,399 237 | 6,160 tº- *s º - 4,350. 534 *g - 202 303 3,364 201 *s - — — 1,165 15,482 248,811 292,403 202,054 113,962 1,804,453 273,832 || 367,976 432,344 323,308 || 348,747 3 43 73 2 120 9,320 7,213 48,315 8,170 45,170 83,805 92,771 91,162 72,224 | 96,097 907,976 || 312,832 626,813 || 500,709 || 602,779 5,186,228 4,532,892 |10,696,971 4,345,462 |10,601,168 1,531 2} 9 757 1,115 153 94,436 89,108 109,168 92,256 145,262 3,612 7,909 8,877 5,840 10,990 137 2 * 7 188 3,003 57,194 45,567 41,311 45,374 22,892 18,011 9,915 14,813 1,155 20,995 757 287 245 480 1,715 736 35 312 35 - 62 40,499 25,613 12,393 39,616 59,141 94,954 79,974 171,798 24,992 | 125,806 938,531 | 1,565,257 1,480,409 | 1,131,697 1,269,446 24,363 56,102 34,990 - — 11,421 190 1,728 4,929 568 8,514 17,199 17,977 15,690 3,835 7,299 3,539 1,465 4,419 1,777 421 15,402 16,500 13,571 15,552 222 6,500 4,000 7,620 12,600 2,454 4 I * - 709 - - 150 16,753 22,045 43,761 26, 191 48,259 - tº ºn * -> 16,212 3,982 — — 3,599 1,613 5,887 446 22 2,422 2,309 738 I,325 3,034 593 200 — — 249 800 40 || 3 4 '74 38 307 22 30 347 28 11,822 1,849 1,353 2,900 16,135 - t- tºº - 7,650 2,427 * -st 10,586 720 4,989 19,631 34,155 * *- º - 91 349 2,084 72,875 62,892 111,075 153,675 51,733 14,350 1,727 24,413 1,472 2,474 17,668 22,495 18,120 17,571 15,077 13,346 35,995 || 17,914 46,451 32,720 395 311 1,463 1,237 1,450 4,372 16,800 28,225 5,600 23 121 51 37 7 24 8 12 399 56. 612 9,402 10,027 13,037 11,346 12,871 544 702 860 483 2,255 8,748 3,705 592 550 3,689 2,830, 125 3,962,908 3,352,196 || 3,441,350 5,285,404 7,471,834 8,200,394 |12,508,726 4,233,826 |11,443,021 43,887 42,136 82,887 5,338 187,085 3,018 17,404 || 143,878 30,815 19,009 1,118 7,582 481 3,550 : STATEMENT exhibiting the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 50 Articles IMPORTED into the UNITED KING Doy from the UNITED STATEs of North AMERICA, in each Year since 1826. *.* The following Page exhibits the Total Official Value both of Imports and Erports. ... The Cotton Wool is rated Officially at 73d. (#9 ib., Tobacco at 24d. q} ib., Wheat Flour 8/9 # Cwt., Turpentine 10/{? Cwt. It will be seen on reference to page 114, that the Official Rate of Cotton during the Years iš27'32, has exceeded considerably its Current Rate of Value, and consequently, as that Article constitutes the bulk of the Value of the Imports, the amounts below in, those Years exceed by about £1,000,000 ºf Annum the Actual Value thereof. 1839. * 6) 6) <). O ë ë & Articles Imported. [Years | 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1 Cotton Wool (see Pages 111–22*) lbs. 216,924,812 151,752,289 157,187,396 || 210,885.358 219,333,828 2 Tobacco . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . " 32,734,431 24,823,572 21,751,602 23,752,413 32,712,108 3 do. Manufactured. . . . . . . . . . ſº 2,154 1,650 96,389 104,440 49,637 4 Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Cwts. 43,887 31,652 29,430 6,147 28, 105 5 do. in the Husk . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 171,893 278,390 231,066 sºns •º 191,988 6 Wheat . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . Quarters *3 gº sº sº 575 6,086 42,736 7 Other Grain . . . . . . . . . . . e • Aſ 67,513 T 00 14() #º ſº 2,467 8 Wheat Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 65,720 47,470 396,352 | 623,746 | 1,477,196 9 Ashes, Pot and Pearl . . . . . . . • // 19,619 15,317 540 4,527 15,835 10 Turpentine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." 301,739 || 304,175 262,307 || 234,747 317,095 11 Tar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lasts 2,019 2,539 1,494 1,521 1,243 12 Hides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuts. 11,549 19,628 20,163 16,030 4,207 13 Clover Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * > / 113 497 1,555 8,486 35,495 14 Linseed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 123,977 101,884 68,710 97,915 106,294 ſ15 Bear. . . . . e e g º º ºs e º & a dº e º is . No. 6,822 9,163 10,166 14,290 13,480 g | 16 Beaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7,360 12,062 4,200 3,254 7,459 s | 17 Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 32,229 67,019 46,415 50,211 50,083 s 18 Mink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 34,762 60,812 53,173 81,925 70,120 § 4 19 Musquash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {/ 9,250 171,973 1,101 3,714 27,000 ... 20 Nutria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II — — 222,188 73,822 74,147 52, 130 ; 21 Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * 982 1,114 1,707 4,625 1,401 & 22 Deer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • *, * 113,943 79,567 120,238 121,206 | 122,151 U23 Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • W 9,188 18,384 15,125 15,713 5 I #### ſ24 Staves ..... . . . Hundreds 17,029 9,851 4,425 2,037 621 Es? # 25 Timber . . . . . . . . . . Loads 594 2,385 571 1,280 2,080 3 :#3 26 Dye Woods . . . . . . Tons '735 1,942 1,581 1,397 1,560 …” ### E 27 Mahogany . . . . . . . . W/ '75 66 379 31 16] 3.ä. E 28 Sperm Oil . . . . . . . . Tuns 531 365 241 61 15 3 # 3 |29 Bees' Wax ..... Cwts 675 669 663 173 911 ###3 30 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1,137 sº tº º tºº 1,522 14,667 É's # = 31 Safflower . . . . . . . . . . Jy 139 icº *† 1,778 * $ºss 66 ºff #5 32 Elephants Teeth . . . . m *sº tºº 619 364 384 & Exº- tºº ####| || 33 Flax. . . . . . . . . . • * * - / ** sº I tºº gº 1,484 865 810 * = g? 34 Hemp . . . . . . . . . . . . If sº º Eº *ge 243 595 2,248 gºº & 35 Tallow . . . . . . . tº f/ arms exicº * gºs 6,144 1,158 — — # ### 36 Saltpetre . . . . . . . . . . . " gº ºn sºme smºsº | *3 * 736 1,109 #### 4 37 Sheeps' Wool . . . . . . ibs. 87,006 1,553 25,386 7,313 16,411 g; 3.5 38 Cochineal. . . . . . . . . . // 55,894 44,924 78,779 85,400 69,824 ##3 39 Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . . if 58,666 26, 107 56,318 3,972 17,306 # .# £d 40 Cortex Peruvianus . . m 13,664 14,794 4,346 33,356 4,395 ## * 3 || 31 Castor Oil . . . . . . . . // 8,466 47,475 46,943 5,139 22,669 33: 5 32 Sarsaparilla . . . . . . . . // *sº smºs 15,805 32,728 2,508 29,122 #####| || 33 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . " 122,687 | 85,290 | 1.45,284 33,545 392,959 #####| 44 Pimento . . . . . . . . • e // 9,403 19,422 ºn &º 31,878 5,615 ###: ś 45 Wine . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 602 3,779 4,649 2,325 6,629 ‘s 3 × #3 46 Silks. . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 4,989 | 1,150 6,001 &sº 2 imsº 350 * = 25 g 47 Straw Hats . . . . . . . . No. (Cottons Pees 1,600 960) 3,423 48 ## = g : 48 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 5,545 tº ºms (Butter & Cheese. 350 ###2, º Shellac . . . . . . . . . . . . If emse ºsº | * * | * * 24,174 34,823 ‘āāāš U.50 Silk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af 50,925 6,215 31,602 11,078 23,734 : STATEMENT showing the Total, Value of the Exports from the UNITED KINGDOM, to the United States of NoFTH AMERICA, and of the Imports into the United King- dom from thence, in each Year since 1826; and also the Quantities of each of 41 Articles of Colonial and Foreign Produce Re-exported from the United Kingdom to the said United States, in each of the same Years; see Note above in regard to the Values. f - 1828. 1831. º [Years 1827. 1829. 1830. 1832. 1833, 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. Official Value ( British Prod. & Manufac. . . $ 8,265,773 6,541,428 5,734,927 7,704,228 11,864,981 Exported of { Col. & For. Prod, as below £ 372,144 302,299 || 248,424 392,391 588,757 Total Official Value of } EXPORTS . . . . $ 8,637,917 | 6,843,727 | 5,983,351 8,096,619 |12,453,738 4. - IMPORTS . . . . g | 7,997,247 5,820,581 6,103,742 7,964,093 8,813,521 Declared Value of British Produce & Manu- - - factures EXPORTED, as itſ page 146. . } 7,018,272 5,810,315 4,823,415 || 6,132,346 || 9,053,583 Articles Re-eaported. º - ſ ſ1 Cassia Lignea, Cloves & Mace lbs, tº ºne- 602 5,795 '764 41,793 2 Cinnamon . . . . . . . e o a s e < e s e m 4,948 10, 197 14,833 16,433 17,680 § < 3 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 5,614 1,608 || 31,505 26,517 19,331 Ş, 4 Pepper . . . . . . . . f e º gº e º 'º e º º // 245,334 147,013 226 4,725 | 102,259 3 | * | 5 Pimento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fy - *grº 12,998 99,126 21,860 - º 's 4 U6 Ginger . . . . . . © tº e o ºs e º 'º . . . . Cwts. 3,278 2,135 1,991 2,571 3,332 § 7 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuts. 122 38 218 631 I98 S | 8 Cocoa and Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 316 3,398 13,872 764,596 762,864 & 3 ( 9 Rum : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallon 7,918 6,222 15,073 7,835 7,307 §§ ) 10 Brandy . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * 42,782 32,683 25,548 19,289 87,519 § S.Y 11 Geneva. . . . . . . . . . . . • * > / 57,419 40,439 9,641 26,789 31,473 UF 2 ( 12 Wine ................. 31,418 90,342 71,149 67,014 83,235 ſ 13 Cottons of India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 38,630 32,011 27,916 113,722 127,452 14 do. Printed . . . . . . . . Square Yards 12,675 16,520 - – | 1 3,233 …” 3 15 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // — — | 19,328 7,385 2,294 * * § 16 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells 7,955 | 163,289 5,600 2,800 90, 158 r §§ 17 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 550 42 — — £13 £26 ‘şū ( 18 Of Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 50 426 — – 347 366 |. š i < Ş. Bandannoes . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 39,507 | 18,269 4,598 7,985 13,665 * | # 420 Crapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ff 1,638 32 — — . — — 87 & J 21 Shawls, Scarfs, &c. . . . . . . // 6,565 400 150 6,816 || 9,344 U ( 22 Taffaties, Damasks, &c. . . . It 4,689 878 500 | 1,208 1,747 cº ſ 23 Copper and Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 2,002 808 || Tin 291 | Tin 4,880 Tin 3,771 $ ) 24 Speiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e e o e e º 'º e // 260 400 434 625 505 š): Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Tons 1,752 1,521 1, 137 566 1,750 26 Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aſ 76 = wºu, - “me 85 23 3, . ( 27 Musquash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 251,990 240,977 237,720 496,279 592,117 3 : ) 28 Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af 4,495 6,450 274 4,622 — — §§ 29 Deer. . . . . e e s e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º º . . . . " 5,390, - – 1,154 – – — — *" ( 30 Goat...... • e < * * * * * * * * * * * * f/ 50,609 39,903 || 95,712 35,815 || 97,469 ſ31 Saltpetre . . . . . . * . e. e. e. e a e e s • * * * * Cwts. - - 5,575 4,719 983 101 |. . 32 Gum Arabic . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * A/ º- * 96 || 427 473 35 $ 33 Lac Dye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 1,007 602 258 2,838 27,485 -$ 34 Shellac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." 67,784 * - 40,466 * t- 28,672 5 |35 Indigo ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 123,780 | 73,481 78,023 65,871 28,568 s. 336 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . ........ a 20,031 9,543 * - 41,295 156,977 | S 37 Cortex Peruvianus. . . . . • * * * * * * if 1,202 1, 175 899 tºº º .* grº § 38 Opium . . . . . . . . e o e e g º e & e º & • * > / 8,276 2,538 521 587 7,973 * | 39 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 9,530 2,838 || 3,480 10,907 27,323 40 Silk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " — — 982 336 | 6,305 351 i 41. Sheeps' Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 703,355 755,843 98,933 || 425,616 791,649 |si|f 162 STATEMENT showing the Total Official Value of the ExpoRTs to, and IMpoRTs from GERMANY., from, and into the UNITED KINGDOM, in each Year since 1826; and also the Quantity in Weight, Measure, or Tale, of each of 59 Articles annually Imported from thence, in each of the same Years. *.* This Statement exhibits a still greater disproportion of Value between the Ex- See also Note to the two following pages, and to 166. * * * * *** The articles enumerated below are mostly the produce of Germany ; since the abandonment of the principle of the Navigation Laºs, Other articles are indiscriminately Imported, but they are too inconsiderable, and irregular in quantity to affect the general view here intended to be given, and the whole are included in the Total Value. ports and Imports, than the Account with the Netherlands,--see page 158. [Years. Official Value of British Produce } and Manufactures Exported....# Ratio of above to Declared Value £ Declared Value of do. as #’ p. 129 £ Colonial and Foreign do. It 164 £ Total Export . . . . . . . . . . £ Official Value of Imports ... . . . . . £ Excess of Value Exported ... ....:0 Quantities of each of 59 Articles IMPORTE D. ſ I Wheat. . . . . . . . Quarters s \ 2 Barley . . . . . . . . . . 1/ s 8 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS & 4 Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/ 5 Peas and Beans ... iſ > | 6 Wheat Flour........ Cwts. & 7 Clover Seed. . . . . . // s | < 8 Flax do. . . . . . . Bushels § § 9 Rape . . . . . . . . . . . ‘s 23 }: Tares tº e º & e º e º e & // § $$... (11 Bark . . . . . . Cwts. § $ 3 s Sº Butter & Cheese m Sº S. - S s.S * < 13 Flax . . . . . . . • I/ 's Š §§ Q: Linen Yarn ... m § J S S ( 15 Hides ... . . . , Š : ſ 16 Skins, Calf & Kip , 's § 17 do., Lamb .... No. s & < 18 do., Kid, dressed a § º 19 do., Various.... w | | |s 20 Furs, Fitch . . . . . . . § | * U21 do., Martin, &c. m § (22 Sheeps’ Wool .... lbs. 's 23 Bristles . . . . . . . . . 's . . 24 Smalts . . . . . . . . . . . * .# 25 Zaffres..... & © tº // is 4, 26 Spelter ..... . . . . . Cwts § 27 Tallow .......... // * | 28 Bees' Wax ... . . . . 29 Staves ...... Hundreds C US0 Timber . . . . . . . . Loads ſ31 Cambrics . . . . . . . . . . Pieces . 32 Printed Cottons Square Yas. § 33 Linens . . . . . . . . // § 34 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells § { 35 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces § 36 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . Value £ S | 37 Silks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. s 88 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 39 Leather Gloves ...... Pairs ſ40 Indigo ... . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 3 | || Silk . . . . . 6 * * * *... s e e º e e // 's < 42 Tobacco and Snuff.... , 's i 43 do. unmanufactured a 3. |: Spirits ............ Gallons 45 Wine . . . . . . • . . . . . . . It § S Ś ſq6 Antimony .......... ... Cwts. § s $ 47 Bones of Animals . . . . . . £7 § 53 48 Beads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. s sº 49 Bugle . . . . . . .......... Af $ § § 30 Bacon and Hams...... Cwts. § s of . , 51 Cologne Water ........ § 53 s < 5? Feathers . . . . . . . . • . . . . . lbs. ššš. § Y 53 Horse, Ox, & Cow Hair , 3 sis 54 Human do.. ‘. . . . . . . . . . . // 5 §§ 55 Juniper Berries........ Cwts. # S & 5 || 56 Quills ..... * 6 .0 e º e º e s e e 1000 §s .. 3 ||37 Rags ................ cuts. 3 * : ; 58 Rape and Linseed Cake . S.S 3 S \59 Spruce Beer ........ Barrels 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 7,569,970 7,443,714 | 8,384,263 8,639,220 7,667,147 .61 .59 .53 .51 .47 4,654,618 4,394,104 4,473,555 4,463,605 || 3,642,952 2,057,935 2,023,379 | 1,829,102 | 1,566,455 1,806,480 6,712,553 6,417,483 6,302,657 6,030,060 | 5,449,432 1,615,282 1,669,365 1,597,954 2,007,454 1,681,025 - 5,097,271 4,748,118 4,704,803 || 4,022,606 || 3,768,407 27,872 142,397 306,692 || 364,961 219,774 43,199 57,282 33,031 55,194 27,722 || 116,928 10,208 258,444 25,354 19,857 68,325 31,434 2,332 tºº -- 2,025 8,662 5,785 7,104 - *- 32,450 43,507 21,879 19,064 21,627 15,551 3,977 6,846 961 3,570 97 | 43,655 26,651 6,929 64,346 32,960 15,381 5,993 283 84 1,796 232,386 152,267 83,522 131,578 57,916 39,368 17,495 4,148 3,502 8,920 60,395 81,097 66,533 84,350 62,437 62,038 45,090 24,017 25,527 32,554 766 44 9 325 7,615 5,781 8,177 9,945 5,278 4,404 33,387 38,335 23,354 31,944 23,535 4 10,627 14,187 7,920 5,835 8,014 42,899 89,449 62,015 73,081 114,288 14,808 25,373 15,668 37,969 16,944 48,743 40,916 4,425 12,258 14,932 227,376 275,536 219,738 178,888 186,499 1,542 9,044 16,265 25,867 28,970 21,220,738 22,015,585 |14, 110,006 |26,073,882 |22,437,022 |19,832,225 53,998 37,585 43,524 33,458 40,518 282,925 281,231 190,942 157,059 160,705 — — . 405,030 121,275 190,860 226,113 68,985 45,904 36,297 35,540 36,239 2,481 83 - * tº - 1,006 543 955 297 79 147 136 318 1,056 41 I 396 2,816 2,849 2,032 3,289 4,704 160 293 (Pcs.1,000 |Cottons.) 98 59,446 || 65,093 13,453 61,041 76,139 27,423 9,885 85,281 81,595 12,132 367,777 504,444 65,138 67,810 239,792 2,851 9,560 29,814 19,148 11,372 998 580 969 774 1,209 1,371 915 1,569 460 185 867 91 485 236 489 3,228 168 45 7,384 21,150 59,894 7,294 39,240 1,349 7,298 756 4,030 375 12I 2,268 12,26I 4,833 6,069 4,145 17,488 85,193 27 3,046 18,379 || 22,138 17,242 36,265 27,080 12,440 2,518 65,588 55,171 66,964 34,874 43,779 *:::: * 163 STATEMENT showing the Nature, Extent, and Value of the Exchange of Productions between the United Kingdom and Prussia, direct. *** This Statement exhibits a considerable seeming excess of Value Imported from PRUSSIA, but as stated at page 166, a considerable portion of the Exports under the head of Germany, find their consumption in the Prussian Dominions: a Paper presented to Parliament in the Session of 1827, (No. 277), represents about one-seventh part only of the British Products consumed in Prussia as being Imported direct from the United Kingdom, about three-sevenths being by way of Hamburgh, and about one-fourth through the Netherlands. In 1823, the Total Value of Products Imported into Prussia was represented in the Paper above referred to, as amounting to 34,506,911 Rix Dollars, while only 4,785,023 were direct from the United Kingdom; if this representation be correct, the question arises—How are they paid for 7. The excess of Value Imported as exhibited below, is only about equal to discharge the £425,000 dj Annum of Interest incurred, and the stipulated Annual Amount of Redemption on the £8,500,000 of Loans raised for Prussia in London in 1818 and 1822. See note to page 166. [Years Total Official Value of IMPORTS . . . . . . .38 Declared Value of British Produce and Manufactures EXPORTED, as below. . ; Colonial & Foreign Produce do. do. . . . . . . TOTAL EXPORT. £ Excess of Value IMPORT}.}D. £ ſ 1 Wheat . . . . . . at 32! . . . . . . Quarters s: \ 2 Oats . . . . . . . . . . 12! . . . . . . w § 's 3 Barley tº tº gº & & 3 . .17| tº g g g g tº {} s Ç 4 Rye . . . . . . . . . .281 - . . . . . ſ/ S 5 Peas and Beans 21|& 19|.. , § 6 Wheat Flour........ 8/9 . . . . . . . . Cwts. º, 3 ( 7 Clover Seed. ... 10ſ . . . . . . . . . § §§ 8 Flax Seed . . . . . . 2/3... . . . . Bushels * : & 9 Rape do. . . . . . . 2/6 . . . . . . th $3 10 Tares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § s 11 Hemp . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 | . . . . . . . . Cwts. is s 12 Flax . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35l . . . . . . 6 tº f/ s:- - 13 Linen Yarn . . . . . . . .38] . . . . . . . . a § ‘s 14 Hides • * * * * * * * * * § 60| & © tº º a º q º f/ § 3 | 15 Skins, Calf & Kip ; a • * * * * * * * ºf 3 | 16 do., Fitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. S$ | 17 do. Goat .................... ", §§ 18 Sheeps' Wool. . . . . . . . 6d. . . . . . . . . lbs. © D ~5 tº $ 19 Bristles . . . . . . . . . . . .4% . . . . . . . e e e ſº SS 20 Spelter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. $s 21 Bees' Wax ... . . . . . . 95! . . . . . . . . . s's 22 Butter and Cheese . .27/6. . . . . . . . Cwts. § - 23 Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . .21 | . . . . . . . . . §§ i24 Limens .............. . . . . . . . . . Ells $3 *5 do. Value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºf SS 26 Ashes, Pot, and Pearl . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. § 3 ; 27 Spirits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons sº | g (28 Battens and Batten Ends.. Hundreds & & 29 Deals and Deal Ends, . . . . . . ff $ 3. 30 Staves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # § & 31 Lathwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fathoms § R & 32 Masts, Yºlº 12 in. di. No. Ǻ § 33 & Bowsprits $ 12 in., & abve, Loads ‘S 34 Oak Plank. . . . . . . . . . of 50 Cub. Ft. š 35 Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * // . U U 36 Wainscot Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a # #5 ſ38 Refined Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ §§§ | 39 Salt . . . . . . . . • o • * * c & e g o e o e s e o s = e s a sº ºf 40 Coal and Culm ................ © tº 6 tº J S S 41 Herrings . . . . . * * g 6 & ſº dº e o e º q e º e , * * * * * §§§ 4 + Beer and Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. § 3 ; 43 Tin, Tin Plates, and Pewter Ware.... is §§ 44 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sº Cº s: § 45 Lead : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; & © & & ). • * * * * * §§ 5 46 All other Enumerated Articles....... g §§§ U.47 Unenumerated Articles . . . . . . • * * * * * * * Total Declared Value EXPORTED. ...# ſ ſ (1 Cassia & tº tº tº 3 & • . . . 2) . . . . . . lbs. | 2 Cinnamon . . . . . . 5ſ . . . . . . . º 3 Cloves.. . . . . . . . 7/6. . . . . . £y § 3 + Mace . . . . . . . . . 19| . . . . . . a 3, 5 Nutmegs. . . . . . . . 6/6. . . . . . te ° j6 Pepper ...... ... 13] . . . . . . . 3 |: Pimento . . . . . . . . 7| . . . . . . a § 3 ; ; Ginger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 9 Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'e o a • a s & . . . . Cwts.] S 10 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 * c e a tº 6 ſ 11 Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . . .90] . . . . . . lbs. 12 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . , 140|| e e s a e s & 13 Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3| • e • * * * ſ! - Wine { 14 Rum ... . . . 6] .... Gallons | and ; 15 Brandy. . . . 57 . . . . . . . l < USpirits? 16 Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # (17 Dye Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 3 18 Lac Dye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºbs, & 19 Shellac ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * e s ſh § 20 Indigo. . . . . . . . 3|10. . . . . . . . . . $/ Sº 21 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :// 22 Saltpetre. . . . . .65| . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. U23 Cochineal. . . . . .2%|6. . . . . . . . . . . 24 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... lbs. 25 Tobacco, Unmanufactured . . . . . . . . . U26 Cotton Wool a • e s a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 336,064 303,951 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1,144,563 | 1,027,368 1,295,570 | 1,537,281 1,138,567 174,338 179,145 | 189,011 177,923 192,816 468,081 480,821 535,591 416,061 564,657 642,419 659,966 | 722,602 || 593,984 757,473 502,144 367,402 572,968 943,297 381,094 133,527 251,206 353,906 517,844 298,605 || 119,323 295,661 12,064 48,476 130,961 70,597 tºº smºs 45,529 21,297 49,615 29,508 60,886 11,374 4-Kº — 13,910 19,693 21,460 18,447 gºs º 12,079 13,624 15,333 23,932 37,319 14,716 2,006 6,426 184 7,936 18 4,118 1,037 244 1,001 640 469,969 129,001 79,611 169,706 || 172,099 13,647 11,230 1,222 10,047 11,232 28,235 31,342 37,407 16,822 21,247 1,886 3,135 3,604 6,626 1,417 86,673 59,447 100,718 85,596 101,729 20,086 17,558 12,848 8,218 6,020 2,075 6,776 2,945 3,099 635 3,726 7,574 5,671 2,177 2,289 12,721 7,798 5,351 8,994 2,168 13,715 16,505 7,496 1849 2,680 798,422 || 786,399 || 850,290 713,246 609,082 209,250 209,182 187,100 195,020 136,721 45,135 41,528 43,065 46,788 34,974 104 416 71. 1. 40 162 253 127 7 - tºº sºme gº- 338 - — 4,587 406 28,460 3,291 || – gº 1,283 105 553 | 591 3.05 184 | 233 127 46 || -- - ... 227 67 *-ºxº mº 17,446 5,201 2,045 1,298 326 321 257 196 306 6,132 5,697 5,340 4,229 | 4,550 9,905 14,065 17,710 10,836 20,808 3,513 3,158 2,587 2,690 2,254 - 724 530 369 416 5 10 , 604 394 2O3 , 194 282 5,154 2,168 1,281 1,425 2,058 141,893 125,733 127,555 85,618 100,964 | 567 1,184 2,031 1,043 709 81,468 91,095 108,946 77,679 99,260 17,539 17,310 13,543 12,757 10,247 3,265 2,408 3,294 4,085 3,606 13,969 15,312 14,888 36,617 15,362 6,595 6,577 7,059 6,948 6,069 13,392 10,148 10,419 || 11,007 || 10,862 7,237 8,908 2,236 4, 178 3,892 1,617. 2,665 1,259 1,934 198 23,838 13,166 13,040 13,475 10,207 5,418 11,556 14,327 9,243 33,113 174,338 || 179,145 189,011 177,923 | 192,816 31,751 37,376 38,540 34,924 31,376 1,314 1,098 || 1,400, 1,291 2,553 . 252 5,929 1,010 509 $1,810 2,441 3,523 1,113 1,952 3,658 1,119 1,741 501 889 | 6,487 556,195 || 339,410 560,821 382,230 790,415 270,465 162,956 254,886 164,218 187,523 115 181 245 81 127 4,047 4,395 … 4,177 | 2,562 11,930 24,076 40,233 31,891 29,126 36,774 26,825 20,795 13,949 13,845 5,537 3,275,106 || 2,818,695 2,155,224 2,037,550 | 1,495,044 - - 190 . , 380 751. 250,322 201,464 251,686 214,105 496,401 1 15 539 217 48%. 383 2,158 3,046 7,954 6,618 16,079 1,589 2,356 2,488 1,808 2,088 º * 339 | 649 324 7,130 11,212 18,411 2,166 23,891 º 51,873 61,463 88,216 51,752 51,219 374 372 376 (Tin, Cwt. 43.) 161 1,213 1,980 tº tº 4,540 • - 40 298 tº a gºº 34? 162 656 435 544 275 & 182,806 || 338,674 57,491 55,814 47,169 244,632 | 1,087,956 629,306 1836. 164 STATEMENT showing the Value of the Exports to, and Imports from ITALY, in each Year since 1826. *.* This Statement exhibits a considerable eaccess of Value Exported, but if the Value of the Silk, lines 1–2, Imported in transity, through France be added to the Imports below, it will go far to equalize the Account with Italy. The most striking feature of the Account below is the vast disproportion between the Official and Declared Value of the British Produce and Manufactures Ev. ported, the Ratio in 1831 being only £51 of Value for £100 of Official ; Germany, however, see page 162, exhibits a still greater disproportion ; while to the United States of North America Žn the same Year, the proportion was £73 to the £100 : the difference arises from Cotton Yarn and Cotton Manufactures of a low Quality, composing so large a proportion of the Exports to Italy. 8,753,000 lbs. of Yarn, rated Officially at 1/9} tº ib., uveraging only 12#.—the Raw Cotton in 1833 selling at 11d. [Years 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. Official Value of British Produce 2 * & and Manufactures Exported £ 3,152,429 3,709,455 4,007,186 3.683,115 4,528,114 Ratio of above to Declared Value £ .61 .58 .55 .59 .51 Declared Value of do., as ºf p. 134 £ 1,942,752 2,176,149 2,202,030 3,251,379 2,490,376 Colonial and Foreign do. 1, 167 £| 850,895 || 932,876 899,673 787,128 820,626 || Total EXPORT. 2,793,647 3, 109,025 3,101,703 || 4,038,507 || 3,121,002 Total IMPORT. 791,300 | 1,064,946 804,220 | 1,043,129 1,397,967 Excess of Value Exported £| 2,002,347 2,044,079 2,297,483 2,995,378 1,823,035 Quantities of each of 58 Articles I MPO RTE D. - ſ 1 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . Quarters - - 5,216 75,653 28,612 253,059 :S | 2 All other Grain . . , 141,911 1,936 148 — — 6,711 & 3 Linseed . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 36, 104 16,899 199,607 92,644 105,448 is 4 Rape and Tares.... If 13,578 asses: * - - * *s 1,235 **s 5 Clover Seed . . . . . . . . Cwts 1, 105 313 89 lºse * 2,931 ‘s 6 Cheese and Butter.... . 1,131 708 617 559 873 § 7 Flax © 6 & 8 º' Gº dº e e º º // 368 1,466 529 294 1,476 $ | 8 Hemp e - © . e. 9 @ • e l' 30,631 32,031 14,504 23,283 7,406 $ 4 9 Tallow . . . . . . © tº e º & © e • H 2,210 666 73 682 7,070 S * Ashes • * * ... • e a e If - -4 535 57 1,011 1,015 S. 10 Bark ... . . . . . . • * * * 60,225 81,035 141,787 114,227 95,163 's Il Barilla...... tº e & © to c & • I/ 53,330 23,910 || 39,415 | 12,541 23,868 § | 12 Brimstone . . . . . . . . . . iſ 208,510 || 265,535 | 285,109 236,338 264,944 s 13 Valonia . . . . . . . . . . . • // 8,439 44,066 29,401 17,974 17,645 .# | 14 Shumac . . . . . . • * * * * * !! 77,948 92,278 77,385 107,133 127,732 S. 15 Madders & Roots . . . . . 94 548 354 1,675 2,385 * | 16 Cork ..... Q & © tº dº e * * * // 2,183 2,799 3,650 1,153 693 U17 Gum Arabic . . . . . . . . m 1,051 1,478 1,318 1,008 939 . ſ.18 Currants . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,137 22,773 8,101 12,696 20,203 § 19 Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,698 2,586 5,273 2,665 7,036 § | 20 Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 92 I 51 89 20 65 a ** 's 21 Prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 49 308 42 tº- c- š J 22 Liquorice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,069 6,563 4,440 4,799 8,861 < 23. Oranges and \ . . . . . . Bowes 25,305 24,823 31,303 36,742 35,306 S 24 Lemons . . . . . . . . # Chests 22,361 22,135 16,094 22,043 29,542 J 25 Olive Oil. . . . . . . . . . Gallons 549,963 | 1,858,033 919,437 2,034,237 2,557,983 'S 26 Wine . . . . . . . . . . • * ll 149,585. 236,773 245,918 277,051 287,468 § U27 Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,095 2,264 103 10,979 43,343 ſ28 Sheeps' Wool . . . . . ... lbs. 177,269 1,159 5,315 9,461 42,943 2 29 Quicksilver..... • * * * * iſ 108,567 26, 116 — — 331,416 31,014 § 4 º' ºligº ... . . . . . . . . . . . A/ 5,891 5,967 3,514 5,811 1,277 § ł 31 Opium. . . . . . . . . . . . • * // 1,464 2,382 1,972 6,247 970 ; 32 Senna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 2,737 28,834 45,613 14,076 4,684 * U.83 Timber . . . . . . . . . . . Loads 1,400 $º t-sº- 60 16 245 34 Goat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 23,360 17,946 31 300 | 5,032 § 35 Kid, dressed . . . . . . . . " 17,339 14,783 673 Gºtº &=º 4,032 § ) 36 do., undressed . . . . . . It 384,665 266,943 82,149 189,721 516,457 ° ( 87 Lamb, do. . . . . . . . . m 1,888,279 2,065,630 | 1,497,669 1,504,636 2,113,678 ſ38 Silk, Raw .......... lbs. 287,332 578,497 227,899 || 474,294 526,516 3 39 do., Thrown ........ " 8,541 7,132 3,765 1,485 º 698 § 40 do., Manufactures.... m 282 102 118 22 75 § - 41 do, do. . . . . . . . Pieces 408 || Lin. 200 º- tº-3 187 1,007 § 42 Linen do. . . . . . . Value £ 88 53 40 53 11 § 43 Leather Gloves ...... Pairs 2,018 16,020 7,808 1,981 5,496 s (44 Straw Hats. . . . . . . . . . No. 190,125 | 330,987 143,149 145,408 76,547 $; $ $ ſº Almonds............. . Cwts. - : s s $ j46 Argol. . . . . . . . . ...... f/ ššš #. Arsenic ::: . . . . . . . . . . . . S 48 Cream of Tartar . . . . . . m. §§§ 49 Rags . . . . . . . . a • * * * * * * * § 3 of . 50 Anchovies . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. §53 #4 º' Manna . . . . . . . . * e e s s e ſº i § sº ! 52 Sponge - . . . . . . . . . . . • tº - 3 * $3 | 53 Plaitting of Straw .... , $ 3 º' 54 Vermicelli & Maccaroni a #S 3 s 55 Lemon Juice........ Gallons § s . § 56 Olives........ e e a e s ∈ e º ſº §§§ $ 57 Marble ....... . . . . . . . Tons §.s 3 S \58 Unenumerated .......... ? i 65 STATEMENT showing the Quantity in Weight Measure, or Tale, of each of 60 Articles Imported into the UNITED KING Dom from Portugal and Spain, the Azores, and the Canaries, and all the Ports, within the Straits of Gibralter, except those of France, Italy, and Russi a, in the Black Sea. In 1832, a British Vessel for the first time cleared direct from London, Freighted by Messrs. Chas. H. & Edward BURGESs, for the Port of Trebizonde in the Black Sea, in Latitude 39 43 North, and 37 23 of East Longitude, with a cargo for Tauris, -the modern Tabriz, or Ecbatana of Sir William Jones, the present Capital of PERSIA, 1 33 South, and 9 14 East of Trebizonde, which promises to lead to an extension of intercourse in that direction ; Egypt, also promises to become the centre of a more extended intercourse, see page 229 for the No. and Tonnage of Shipping, direct thereto, and from. nufactures Fºxported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ Ratio of above to Declared Value.... if < | Declared Value of do., as iſ page 135 .... f. § Colonial and Foreign do. º 167 . . . . £ S. Total EXPORT ... . . . . . . . . . § 5 Official Value of IMPO RTS . . . . . . . . . . ... it So * | 1 Silk ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºbs, # 2 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * } 3 Sheeps' and Goats’ do. . . . . . . . . . . . . § 4 Raisins ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. ſº ... 5 Figs tº º ºs e º e º e º ' • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ſº # 6 Currants (Morea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // §3 7 Madder Roots. . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ſº § 8 Yalonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 9 Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. š i 10 Sénna .......................... " $ i 11 Olive Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 's ſ 12 Galls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. s §§ 2; 13 Yellow Berries . . . . . . . . . , § § 3 - || 14 Box Wood ....... . . . . . . . Tons sº So º *S 2 s ::, ; 15 Emery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e e A/ 3 j = | 16 Mohair Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. § is $ $3 1? Myrrh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § { *; ; ; ; 18 Scammony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * s : ; 19 Sponge . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * V 3 : : 20 Otto of Roses . . . . . . . ... Ounces S = S 21 Carpets . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s a C U22 Unemumerated . . . . . . . . . § 23 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. - 24 Linseed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters EG YPT 25 Senna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 26 Beans & other Grain.... Quarters t. IONIAN ISLES . . . . . . . . Cwts. 27 currants; tºº....... f/ 28 Valonia do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 29 Cotton Wool. . . . . . . . . . lbs. ºr; 30 Olive Oil . . . . . . . . . . Gallons º 31 Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af ſ 1 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters 66 2 All other Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < * i ; U32 Almonds, (Official Value of British Produce and Ma- R $ 3 Wheat, Flour. . . . . . . . 4. Raisins * c e s : 6 e at e º e a e iii., § Alicant, &c. . . . 5 Barilla; CANXrºs 6 Orchilla do. . . . . . . Cwts. tº sº e º O tº £) 2 e o & tº e G & º e º ſº tº Af * G - -º // . . . . . . lbs. tº e º a e º sº e * G - e. e. e. e. e. g. a 7 Bark, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. $ Spain s e o e a tº a tº e g º º e o ºs e º ºr If 8 Cork; Portugal . . . . . . . . . • ‘º e g º ºs & A/ ſ $ Boares | 9 Portugal . . . . . . K # Chests Oranges - - Chests and < $ Boaſes Lemons. | 10 Azor Es . . . . . . . . b # Chests º $ # Chests - {11 Spain .......... } Chests 12 Skins, Kid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 13 do., Lamb • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - £y 14 Olive Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 15 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 16 Lead, Pig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons 17 Shumac .. Cwts. 18 Silk, Raw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºbs. 19 do., Thrown . . . . . . . . . 20 do., Manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ſ21 : Almonds, Jordan . . . . . . lbs. 22 do., other sorts . . . . . 23 Saffrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbs. 24 Lead, Black . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. 25 Olives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallons 26 Onions, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushels 27 Chesnuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 28 Small Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . a 29 Grapes, Jars . . . . . . . . . . No. U30 Unenumerated . . . . . . . . 1. Gum Mºbic; • s e e o e < e o a e s tº e º & © . " tº e º & © tº º gº f/ i { s 3 Gibralter . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts. Barbary tº e º e º tº e º 'º e º O f/ do. 4, 6 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 tº e º c A/ - - 3 § 1827. 1828. 1,078,821 423,577 .52 .44 531,704 186,177 176,451 101,996 708,155 288,173 598,651 732,203 358,757 671,226 986,838 471,902 315,807 247,372 77,374 72,524 20,546 24,168 7.30 5,153 19,785 18,759 77,615 109,780 109,921 78,402 8, 123 8,893 15,522 1,008 4,084,741 6,454,386 9,190 29,568 31,073 72,367 22,583 12,904 120,544 131,675 3,292 2,316 12,679 10,668 275,949 2,016 32,924 14,566 35,397 37,872 sº * 22,616 29,854 *- wº º º 4,486 71,626 123,573 123,048 || 134,529 144,414 51,571 24,389 12,935 492 106 50,155 42,391 3,526 4,480 52,095 54,449 58,395 57,586 4,791 18,305 106,926 76,229 7,724 6,493 20,477 1 1,746 51,593 10,935 291,811 36,681 406,367 453,869 774,694 231,442 2,150 2,434 2,758 5,219 18,325 350 1,509 342 5,911 520 424 4,791 1,537 --º-º-º-º-ºº º--- 1,393,055 .41 563,084 83,072 651,156 440,719 281,421 91,905 394 58,660 19,789 8,736 14,007 76,585 42,804 3,958 17 5,894,480 156,373 27,854 6,931 102,139 852 5,152 61,284 12,227 44,412 139 20,122 81,370 169,365 55,153 18,692 450 39,735 6,885 51,596 55,692 14,014 58,029 . 4,669 10,783 16,034 239,964 204,106 630,273 1,508 2,297 7,569 779 903 1830. | 831, 2,773,111 || 2, 137,618 .41 .42 1,149,310 | 899,100 140,628 97,515 1,289,938 996,615 710,318 || 760,447 463,398 || 452,662 353,077 366,550 — — 11,447 46,198 || 100,458 18,801 26,244 9,615 29,834 27,183 23,833 114,363 102,226 192,136 8,184 14,387 - ** 21,467 141,640 3,048,633 7,714,474 95,253 98,847 42,492 42,519 * * 7,407 90,357 | 162,364 371 493 17,292 || 10,578 27,073 343,895 63,304 || 129,786 46,187 46,501 39,493 147,318 tºg was 424 5, 112 29,529 69,879 105,066 178,589 61,921 109,795 95,995 § 57,721 87,377 185 6,083 30,461 38,518 6,167 5,042 52,367 51,307 54,916 54,392 18,195 29,068 53,829 86,410 5,732 8,828 17,045 19,438 273 44,347 9,382 296,758 640,275 424,378 1,675,652 283,272 660 1,490 3,023 3,700 4,214 13,389 - -- 1,006 94 366 1,588 1,026 2,063 1,983 1833. * = &rºss-smººn at-easº 1834. 1835. i 836. 166 STATEMENT showing the Quantity of each of 43 Articles of Colonial and Foreign Produce Re-exported from the United Kingdom to GERMANY, in each Year since 1826. See Notes to page 158, for the Official Rates of Valuation of Pepper, Coffee, &c. &c.; and to 159 for the effects which result from the Re-exportation of Colonial Produce. The General Account of Imports and Exports from and to Ger- many, at page 162, shows a considerable excess of Value Exported thereto, but the Sheeps Wool, (line 22), which forms so important a part of the Imports, is rated officially at only 6d. iſ ib., while its current Commercial Value runs from 9d. to 3| and 5| d? ib, averaging, probably, about 1/9 ºff ib; this will reconcile a considerable portion of the Excess. The Note to the following page also shows that a considerable portion of the Exports under the head of Germany find their consumption in Prussia, whereby a further portion of the excess is doubtless equalized by the excess of Imports from thence; but, after all, the Products received from Germany, in- volving there with the Account with Prussia, never equal the Value of the Products given; Germany is the point, more particularly, where the equalization of the Ex- ports and Imports is occasioned—not, as is so fallaciously, and fatally assumed, by the Balance being received in Bullion; but, by forcing down the Value of the British productions,—not, again, to the level of Forei by the Power, and Means of Internal Consumption. gn competition, but to the level of the Value, which the Imports will realize; and which Value is regulated solely Articles Re-eaported. z [Yea. S. 1827, 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1884. ſ ſ 1 Cassia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ibs. 164,0.41 186,318 327,162 325,657 || 233,125 2 Cinnamon . . . . . . . . . . . . A/ 22,349 8,551 9,644 16,211 14,245 . 3 Cloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af 3,554 29,890 6,365 67 26,236 § J 4 Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 24,987 30,533 8,399 8,944 50,469 §, 5 Nutmegs . . . . . . . . . . . . // 3,435 604 . 399 I98 23,257 * | 6 Pepper ......... . . . . . a 1, 152,754 633,846 | 1,114,589 301,085 2,146,938 || cº 7 Pimento . . . . . . . . . . . . m 1,161,340 909,167 1,478,815 1,157,860 | 1,040,010 -$: 8 Ginger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 987 1,420 5,036 906 | 22I s & 9 Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . iſ 16,819 11,161 3,778 8,015 11,195 || § 10 Sugar.................... // 43,977 83,422 37,506 47,878 67,548 * | 11 Cocoa .................. fijs. 856,999 || 395,334 482,570 433,549 | 683,451 12 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 10,085,419 || 8,767,044 5,046,232 6,377,631 || 4,349,317 * Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... " 18,893 18,005 12 10 6,185 & 2 ( 14 Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . Galions 410,007 481,697 458,289 413,479 573,312 § * ) 15 Brandy . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7,563 26,651 16,355 4,638 2,729 §§ 16 Geneva. . . . . . . * * * * * * // 348 548 454 241 190 UF - U17 Wine........ º s // 51,487 33,442 20,602 49,917 41,263 ſł8 Dye Woods. . . . . 4 e º ºs e A & ſº tº Tons 677 385 512 838 533 2 ( 19 Arabic. . . . . . . Cwts. 712 397 247 34 4 © s & 20 Lac Dye s & © tº e 9 @ gº tº e g q. ibs 23,068 19,410 12,509 15,833 27,331 š. S5 l2. Shellac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 49,101 72,154 135,603 26,187 270,388 S 22 indigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iſ 1,095,104 | 1,670,143 | 1,331,403 | 1,496,973 1,294,392 23 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r; 60,484 24,731 8,067 22,474 11,647 24 Saltpetre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cwts 5,625 12,526 5,185 1,286 4,829. C25 Cochineal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 14,599 5,318 15,148 7,245 7,328 26 Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 6,442 | 8,556 9,215 9,080 5,277 c. §: Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tº 38,529 43, 194 35,773 22,456 5,179 § & 28 Musquash gº º g º º º ge & tº € & © & e a 9 J} 18,806 13,493 28,007 23,102 2,091 º &; Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/ 11,160 2,502 13,768 12,690 3,991 30 Deer and Goat. . . . . . . . . . . . If 40,852 38,323 55,423 56,792 60,355 Š. $ 31 Cortex Peruvianus . . . . . . . . ibs. 47,483 54,029 105,373 83,524 | 52,485 ; : 32 Opium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 4,967 3,085. 850 1,470 6,807 S ( 33 Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ 33,908 24,456 28,796 30,051 26,475 34 Tobacco, Manufactured . . . . . . . . fbs 2,894 4,453 1,559 866 43,873 35 do. Unmanufactured. . . . . . . . m 3,000,274 1,295,380 | 843,755 | 1,067,614 || 346,477 36 Cotton Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . // 4,676,886 || 3,995,678 5,898,750 | 1,501,997 || 3,380,635 37 Sheeps do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e : [/ 3,305 1,327 28,784 221,624 25,111 3 ſº Cottons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pieces 9,685 6,250 33,476 85,825 96,295 s 39 Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ells 469 || 97,627 20,651 Pieces 8 | 18 Š thereby affording the greatest possible convenience and security for convoyance by letter. ight, to the order of any Person making written application for them, and for any fractional 2 M 170 STATEMENT shewing the amount of the Liabilities and Assets of the BANK OF ENGLAND, on the 28th. of February, in each of the 54 Years 1778–1832, distinguishing the proportion of Liabilities in Notes, in Circulation, and in Deposits; and the proportion of Assets in Public and Private Securities, and in Coin and Bullion; shewing also the Balance in favor of the Bank on that day; and of Gold coined at the Mint in each of those Years. The Total amount of Gold coined at the English Mint from 1663, to 1778, was £73,346,378, Circulation. N d Bamſ --- --- S t Coin ; Balance Amount e. OtéS {!?! #4. 6 $o 3 • - § }. #. of £5 Under Deposits. Total C117°2776 and Total 1 ºn ſº º > and upwards. of 5. - Liabilities. Public. Private. Bullion. Assets. Bank. —l——#--—!—-£ ——£ £ £- —£-— £ £. £ # 1778 7,440,330 4,662,150 | 12,102,480 || 7,898,292 3,322,228 2,010,690 || 13,231,210 || 1,128,730 350,438 9 || 9,012,610 4,358,160 | 13,370,770 || 8,862,242 2,073,668 3,711,150 14,647,060 ft 1,276,290 1,696, 117 1780 | 8,410,790 4,723,890 || 13,134,680 || 9,145,659 1,755,371 || 3,581,060 14,482,090 || 1,347,410 700?? 6. 1 7,092,450 5,796,830 | 12,889,280 || 8,640,073 2,546,067 3,279,940 14,466,080 || 1,576,800 876,795 2 8,028,880 6,130,300 14,159,180 || 10,346,055 || 3,448,015 2,157,860 | 15,951,930 || 1,792,750 | 698,074 3 7,675,090 4,465,000 | 12,140,090 || 10,016,349 || 2,779,431 1,321,190 14, 116,970 || 1,976,880 227,083 4 6,202,760 3,903,920 | 10,106,680 || 7,789,291 || 3,829,929 655,840 | 12,275,060 2,168,380 822,126 5 5,923,090 6,669,160 | 12,592,250 || 7,198,564 4,973,926 2,740,820 14,913,310 || 2,321,060 2,488, 106 6 7,581,960 6,151,660 | 13,733,620 || 6,836,459 3,516,781 5,979,090 | 16,332,330 || 2,598,710 | 1,107,382 7 | 8,329,840 5,902,080 || 14,231,920 || 7,642,587 3,716,463 || 5,626,690 16,985,740 || 2,753,820 2,849,057 8 9,561, 120 5,177,050 14,738,170 || 7,833,857 || 4,030,653 5,743,440 || 17,607,950 || 2,869,780 3,664,174 9 || 9,807,210 5,537,370 15,344,580 || 8,249,582 2,711, 108 || 7,228,730 | 18,189,420 || 2,844,840 | 1,530,711 1790 10,040,540 6,223,270 | 16,263,810 : 8,347,387 | 1,984,733 8,633,000 | 18,965, 120 || 2,701,310 2,660,521 1 || 1 1,439,200 6,364,550 17,803,750 || 10,380,358 2,222,282 7,869,410 | 20,472,050 || 2,668,300 2,456,567 2 || 1 1,307,380 5,523,370 16,830,750 || 9,938,799 || 3,129,761 | 6,468,060 | 19,536,620 || 2,705,870 1,171,863 3 | | 1,888,910 5,346,450 | 17,235,360 || 9,549,209 || 6,456,041 4,010,680 20,015,930 || 2,780,570 2,747,430 4 10,744,020 7,891,810 18,635,830 ; 9,950,756 4,573,794 6,987,110 || 21,511,660 || 2,875,830 2,558,895 5 14,017,510 5,973,020 | 19,990,530 || 13, 164,172 3,647,168 6,127,720 22,939,060 || 2,948,530 493,416 6 I 0,729,520 5,702,360 | 16,431,880 || 12,951,812 4,188,028 2,539,630 | 19,679,470 || 3,247,590 464,680 7 9,674,780 4,891,530 || 14,566,310 || 1 1,714,431 5,123,319 | 1,086,170 17,923,920 || 3,357,610 2,000,297 8 || 1 1,647,610 | 1,448,220 6,148,900 | 19,244,730 || 1 1,241,333 5,558,167 5,828,940 22,628,440 || 3,383,710 2,967,565 9 || 1 1,494,150 1,465,650 | 8,131,820 21,091,620 || 1 1,510,677 5,528,353 7,563,900 24,602,930 || 3,511,310 449,962 1800 15,372,930 | 1,471,540 || 7,062,680 23,907, 150 || 13,975,663 || 7,448,387 6,144,250 27,568,300 || 3,661,150 189,937 13,578,520 2,634,760 | 10,745,840 26,959,120 || 15,958,011 || 10,466,719 || 4,640, 120 || 31,064,850 || 4,105,730 450,242 2 | 12,574,860 2,612,020 6,858,210 22,045,090 || 14,199,094 || 7,760,726 4, 152,950 26,112,770 || 4.067,680 437,019 3 | 12,350,970 2,968,960 8,050,240 || 23,370, 170 || 9,417,887 14,497,013 || 3,776,750 27,691,650 || 4,321,480 596,445 4 12,546,560 4,531,270 8,676,830 25,754,660 || 14,684,686 12,314,284 3,372,140 30,371,110 || 4,616,450 718,397 5 || 13,01 1,010 || 4,860,160 | 12,083,620 29,954,790 || 16,889,501 || 11,771,889 5,883,800 || 34,545,190 || 4,590,400 54,668 6 || 13,271,520 4,458,600 9,980,790 27,710,910 ; 14,813,599 || 11,777,471 5,987,190 32,578,260 || 4,867,350 405, 106 7 | 12,840,790 4,109,890 11,829,320 28,780,000 || 13,452,871 13,955,589 6,142,840 || 33,551, 300 || 4,771,360. 72073.62 8 || 14,093,690 || 4,095,170 11,961,960 30,150,820 || 14,149,501 || 13,234,579 || 7,855,470 35,239,550 || 5,088,730 371,744 9 14,241,360 || 4,301,500 9,982,950 28,525,810 : 14,743,425 || 14,374,775 || 4,488,700 33,606,900 || 5,081,090 298,946 1810 15,159,180 5,860,420 12,457,310 || 33,476,910 || 14,322,634 21,055,946 3,501,410 || 38,879,990 || 5,403,080 316,936 | | 16,246,130 7,114,090 | 11,445,650 | 34,805,870 || 17,201,800 | 19,920,550 3,350,940 | 40,473,290 || 5,667,420 312,263 12 15,951,290 7,457,030 11,595,200 35,003,520 # 22,127,253 | 15,899,037 2,983, 190 || 41,009,480 || 6,005,960 7207062 13 15,497,320 7,713,610 || 1 1,268,180 || 34,479,110 ; 25,036,626 12,894,324 2,884,500 40,815,450 || 6,336,340 519,722 14 | 16,455,540 | 8,345,540 | 12,455,460 37,256,540 || 23,630,317 | 18,359,593 2,204,430 44,194,340 || 6,937,800 720706 15 18,226,400 9,035,250 11,702,250 38,963,900 # 27,512,804 || 17,045,696 || 2,036,910 || 46,595,410 || 7,631,510 do. 16 18,012,220 9,001,400 | 12,388,890 39,402,510 || 19,425,780 23,975,530 4,640,880 || 48,042,190 || 8,639,680 do. 17 | 19,261,630 | 8,136,270 10,825,610 38,223,510 || 25,538,808 8,739,822 9,680,970 43,959,600 || 5,736,090 4,275,337 18 20,370,290 7,400,680 7,997,550 | 35,768,520 || 26,913,360 3,991,970 10,055,460 | 40,960,790 || 5,192,270 2,862,374 19 || 17,772,470 7,354,230 6,413,370 31,540,070 || 22,355,115 9,099,885 4,184,620 || 35,639,620 || 4,099,550 3,574 1820 | 16,794,980 | 6,689,130 4,093,550 27,577,660 || 21,715, 168 || 4,472,322 || 4,911,050 31,098,540 || 3,520,880 949,516 1 17,447,360 6,437,560 5,622,890 29,507,810 || 16,010,990 || 4,785,280 11,869,900 32,666,170 || 3,158,360 9,520,760 2 17,290,500 1,374,850 4,689,940 23,355,290 || 12,478,133 || 3,494,947 11,057,150 27,030,230 || 3,674,940 5,356,787 3 17,710,740 681,500 7,181,100 25,573,340 || 13,658,829 || 4,660,901 || 10,384,230 28,703,960 || 3,130,620 759,748 4 19,250,860 || 486,130 10,097,850 | 29,834,840 || 14,341,127 4,530,873 || 13,810,060 | 32,682,060 || 2,847,220 4,065,075 5 20,337,030 || 416,730 10,168,780 || 30,922,540 19,447,588 5,503,742 8,779,100 || 33,730,430 || 2,807,890 4,580,919 6 24,092,660 | 1,375,250 6,935,940 || 32,403,850 || 20,573,258 12,345,322 2,459,510 || 35,378,090 || 2,974,240 5,896,461 7 21,229,220 | 661,390 8,801,660 30,692,270 : 18,685,015 4,844,515 10,159,020 33,688,550 || 2,996,280 2,512,637 8 21,564,450 || 416,260 || 9,198,140 31, 178,850 || 19,818,777 3,762,493 10,347,290 || 33,928,560 2,749,710 | 1,277,784 9 | 19,514,020 | 356,830 || 9,553,960 29,424,810 || 19,736,665 5,648,085 6,835,020 32,219,770 || 2,794,960 | 2,271,158 I £30 | 19,730,240 320,490 | 10,763,150 || 30,813,880 || 20,038,890 || 4,165,500 || 9,171,000 || 33,375,390 2,561,510 , - - - 1 | 19,293,270 306,870 11,213,530 30,813,670 || 19,927,572 5,281,408 8,217,050 33,426,030 || 2,612,035 : 17,752,610 299,100 8,937,170 26,988,880 || 18,497,448 5,836,042 5,293,150 29,626,640 2,637,760. 4 5 § 7 | 71. STATEMENT shewing the amount of the Liabilities and Assets of the BANK OF ENGLAND, on the 31st. of August in each of the 54 Years 1778–1832, distinguishing the proportion of Liabilities, in Notes, in Circulation, and in Deposits; and the proportion ot Assets in Public and Private Securities, and in Coin and Bullion; shewing also the Balance in favor of the Bank on that day, and the average amount of Commercial Bills under Discount, in each Year. - - Circulation. Notes and Bank § Post Bills of £5 Under Deposits. Li º - and upwards. 5 ºf - wabuwies. -£ —£ - -—£--- 1778 6,758,070 4,715,580 | 11,473,650 9 || 7,276,540 5,201,040 | 12,477,580 1780 6,341,600 6,655,800 | 12,997,400 1 6,309,430 5,921,630 | 12,231,060 2 6,759,310 6,759,450 | 13,518,760 3 | 6,307,270 6,105,650 | 12,412,920 4 || 5,592,510 6,267,130 | 11,859,640 5 6,570,650 6,252,030 12,822,680 6 8,184,330 5,867,240 || 14,051,570 7 || 9,685,720 5,631,540 | 15,317,260 8 10,002,880 5,528,640 15,531,520 9 11,121,800 6,402,450 17,524,250 1790 11,433,340 6,199,200 17,632,540 | 1 || 11,672,320 6,437,730 18,110,050 2 | 11,006,300 5,526,480 | 16,532,780 3 || 10,865,050 6,442,810 17,307,860 4 || 10,286,780 5,935,710 | 16,222,490 5 10,862,200 8,154,980 | 19,017,180 6 || 9,246,790 6,656,320 15,903,110 7 | 10,246,535 | 867,585 | 7,765,350 18,879,470 8 10,649,550 | 1,531,060 | 8,300,720 20,481,330 9 12,047,790 1,341,700 || 7,642,240 21,031,730 1800 13,448,540 | 1,598,640 || 8,335,060 23,382,240 1 | 12,143,460 2,412,650 8,133,830 22,689,940 2 13,848,470 3,249, 160 9,739,140 26,836,770 3 12,217,390 3,765,940 9,8} 7,240 25,800,570 4 12,466,790 || 4,687,100 9,715,530 26,869,420 5 11,862,740 || 4,525,660 14,048,080 || 30,436,480 6 | 16,757,930 4,269,540 || 9,636,330 || 30,663,800 7 15,432,990 || 4,245,370 11,789,200 31,467,560 8 12,993,020 4,118,270 | 13,012,510 || 30,123,800 9 14,393,110 || 5, 181,070 12,257.180 || 31,831,360 1810 17,570,780 || 7,223,210 || 13,617,520 | 38,411,510 11 15,692,490 7,594,360 11,075,660 34,362,510 12 | 15,385,470 7,641,410 | 11,848,910 || 34,875,790 13 | 16,790,980 | 8,037,140 | 11,159,730 35,987,850 14 18,703,210 || 9,665,080 14,849,940 43,218,230 15 17,766,140 9,482,530 | 12,696,000 39,944,670 16 17,661,510 || 9,097,210 || 11,856,380 38,615,100 17 21,550,630 || 7,993,150 || 9,084,590 38,628,370 18 18,676,220 7,525,930 || 7,927,730 34,129,880 i0 | 18,017,450 7,235,240 6,304,160 31,556,850 1820 17,600,730 | 6,698,610 4,420,910 28,720,250 1 17,747,070 2,548,230 5,818,450 26,113,750 2 | 16,609,460 855,330 6,399,440 23,864,230 3 18,682,760 548,480 7,827,350 27,058,590 4 19,688,980 443,140 9,679,810 29,811,930 5 19,002,500 396,340 6,410,560 25,809,400 6 20,402,300 1,161,260 7,199,860 28,763,420 7 22,267,400 480,200 8,052,090 30,799,690 8 20,975,170 382,340 10,201,280 31,558,790 | 9 || 19,213,530 333,850 9,035,070 28,582,450 1880 21,151,390 313,310 || 11,620,840 || 33,085,540 I 18,236,240 302,390 9,069,310 || 27,607,940 2 295,120 | 11,431 000 || 30,250,000 3 4. 5 6 7 18,523,880 Securities Public. Private. £ £-—— 6,540,433 3,087,537 7,493,649 || 2,356,191 6,740,514 || 3,605,026 6,609,457 || 4,501,053 8,987,573 || 4,496,217 9,566,037 || 4,275,763 8,435,777 || 4,088,603 6,725,891 3,218,679 7,988,241 2,390,539 8,066,303 || 3,787,357 8,840,068 2,730,252 9,661,859 2,035,901 10,047,257 | 1,956,263 10,921,300 | 1,898,640 10,715,041 3, 190,869 10,331,838 4,427,842 8,863,048 3,583,412 13,250,904 || 3,739,016 10,875,347 6,150,123 8,765,224 9,495,946 10,930,038 6,419,602 9,452,955 7,477,485 13,586,590 8,551,830 11,926,873 10,282,697 13,528,599 || 13,584,761 13,336, 179 || 13,582,661 14,993,395 || 10,833,285 11,413,266 16,359,584 14,167,772 | 15,305,328 13,410,055 | 16,526,895 14,956,394 || 14,287,696 15,307,673 18,127,597 17,198,677 || 23,775,093 21,884,248 || 15, 199,032 21,165,190 17,010,930 25,591,336 || 14,514,744 34,982,485 | 13,363,475 24,194,086 20,660,094 26,097,431 11,182,109 27,098,238 5,507,393 27,257,012 || 5,113,748 25,419,148 6,321,402 19,173,997 || 4,672,123 ~15,752,953 2,722,587 13,668,359 3,622,151 11,842,677 5,624,693 14,649,187 6,255,343 17,414,566 7,691,464 17,713,881 7,369,749 19,809,595 3,389,725 20,682,776 3,222,754 20,072,440 4,589,370 20,911,616 3,654,074 18,056,552 5,848,478 5,148,000 20,828,000 Coin and Bullion, —£--— 3,128,420 3,983,300 4, 179,370 2,862,590 1,956,550 590,080 1,539,830 5,487,040 6,31 1,050 6,293,690 6,899,160 8,645,860 8,336,330 8,055,510 5,357,380 5,322,010 6,770,110 5,136,350 2, 122,950 4,089,620 6,546,100 7,000,730 5,150,450 4,335,260 3,891,780 3,592,500 5,879,196 7,624,500 6,215,020 6,484,350 6,015,940 3,652,480 3,191,850 3,243,300 3,099,270 2,712,270 2,097,680 3,409,040 7,562,780 11,668,260 6,363,160 3,595,360 8,211,080 11,233,590 10,097,960 12,658,240 1 1,787,430 3,634,320 6,754,230 10,463,770 10,498,880 6,795,530 11, 150,480 6,439,760 7,154,000 Total Assets. —£- 12,756,390 13,833, 140 14,524,910 13,973, 100 15,440,340 14,431,880 14,064,210 15,431,610 16,689,830 18, 146,660 18,469,480 20,343,620 20,389,850 20,875,450 19,263,290 20, 131,690 19,216,570 22, 126,270 19,148,420 22,350,790 23,895,740 23,931,220 27,288,870 26,544,830 31,005,140 30,511,340 31,705,870 35,397,350 35,688,120 36,421,300 35,260,030 37,087,750 44,165,620 40,326,580 41,275,390 42,818,350 50,443,640 48,263,220 44,842,320 44 273,890 38,733,920 35,335,910 32,057,200 29,709,130 27,388,470 30,125,610 32,691,960 28,740,350 31,837,860 33,663,090 34,404,410 31,457,340 35,716,170 30,344,794} } 33,130,000 Balance in favor of Bank. -£— 1,282,740 1,355,560 1,527,510 1,742,040 1,921,580 2,018,960 2,204,570 2,608,930 2,638,260 2,829,400 2,937,960 2,819,370 2,757,310 2,765,400 2,730,510 2,823,830 2,994,080 3,109,090 3,245,310 3,471,320 3,414,410 2,899,490 3,906,630 3,854,890 4,168,370 4,710,770 4,836,450 4,960,870 5,024,320 4,953,740 5,136,230 5,256,390 5,754, i10 5,964,070 6,399,600 6,830,500 7,225,410 8,318,550 6,227,220 5,645,520 4,604,040 3,779,060 3,336,950 3,595,380 3,524,240 3,067,020 2,880,030 2,930,950 3,074,440 2,863,400 2,845,620 2,874,890 2,630,630 2,736,850 2,880,000 —£- **. ** ,946,500 ,505,000 3 4 ,350,000 ,490,600 ,403,900 6,401,900 7,905, I 00 7,523,300. 10,747,600 9,982,400 11,366,500 12,380,100 13,484,600 12,950,100 15,475,700 20,070,600 14,355,400 14,291,600 12,330,200 13,285,800 14,947,100 11,416,400 3,960,600 4,325,204) 6,515,000 3,883,600 2,676,700 2 3 5 4 5 3,366,700 3,123,800 2,369,800 4,941,500 4,908,300 1,240,400 1,167,400 2,250,700 919,900 1,533,600 § STATEMENT shewing the amount of STA MP DUTY paid by Country Bankers on their Re-issuable Notes, with the Rates of Duty payable thereon, m each of the 27 Years 1805–1831; and the Total amount of Duty on all Promissory Notes and Bills of Evchange, in each Year; the Number of Licences granted to Country Bankers, who issue Notes; and the Number of Commissions of Bankruptcy, issued against the same, in each of those Years; the annual average amount of Deposits, held by the Bank of England, distinguishing the proportion of Private Deposits from those of the Government, in each of the 25 Years 1807–1831; the average amount of Gold Coin, and of Gold and Silver Bullion, held by the Bank, in each of the 17 Years ending on the 28th. of February in each Year; being Appendixes Nos. 24, 32, 75, 85, 98, and 99, to the Report of the Committee on the Bank of England Charter, in the Session of Parliament 1832; and also an account of the Gold and Silver Bullion, which passed through the Bullion Office of the Bank of England on account of Individuals, in each of the 25 Years 1807–1831. of Exchange and Prommissory Notes, see Pages 16–17. *** Among the multiplied transactions between the Government and the Bank of England during the last 40 Years, there are two, that demand in a peculiar degree the attention of the public; on refering to the Parliamentary proceedings of the Committee of Ways and Means in the Session of 1816, it will be seen, that the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nicholas Vansittart, now Lord Beacley, expatiated greatly on the extreme liberality of the Bank of England, in having offered him a Loan of £3,000,000 at the exceedingly favorable rate of Interest of 3 dy Cent, tº annum, and that by having accepted of the same, it enabled him to meet all the demands of the Year without calling upon Parliament for any further aid; supposing this to have been the whole bearing of the transaction, it might have passed without further notice, but it was stipulated that the Bank should add that amount to their then Capital, where. by the ºf 3,000,000 became to the proprietors of Bank Stock equal to a sum, exceeding ºf 6,600,000, the #100 of Bank Stock at the time the transaction was entered into, having been current at ºf 240 to ºf 243, and on the augmentation being made, it commanded from ºf 220 to £223; and for 6% Years subsequent to the date of the transaction, the Proprietors received a Dividend of 10 tº Cent. #' annum on the sf 3,000,000; but even this, notwithstanding its extraordinary advantage to the Proprietors of Bank Stock, while all the productive interests of the Empire were being sapped to their foundations, had the fa,000,000 purporting to have been lent, been the fair earnings of honest Industry or well directed enterprize, the extraordinary advantage which the transaction conferred on the Bank might also have passed without observation ; but what will common sense, and impartial justice say, when they look at the account below, and see that on an average of the Year 1816, in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer expatiated on the extreme liberality of the Bank, and the benefit which the transaction con- ferred on the Country, the Bank held no less than sſ 10,807,660 of the Public Money for which they paid no interest. commonly designated the Dead Weight Loan, the mature and bearing of which, will be found elucidated in another place. The other transaction is a L &# The Circulation of £1 & £2 Notes was suppressed in the Session of Parliament 1825, the amounts under those 2 Columns subsequent to that date, are the amount of Duty paid by such Country Bankers as compound for their Stamps, under the Acts 7 & 9 of Geo. IV., Caps. 46 & 23. For the Total amount of Duty on all Bills oan of £13,019,000 in the Years 1823–8, Amount of Stamp Duty paid by Country Bankers, on their Re-issuable Notes. Years 1805 | 40,580 | 1,100 6 29,965 1,625 7 26,774 | 1,409 8% 16,808 1,606 28,978 | 1,430 9 79,111 || 6,020 1810 : 48,019 3,176 i. 47,941 1,561 12 50,162 1,501 13 67,191 3,335 14 56,694 || 2,093 15; 21,421 | 724 27,952 | 666 16 || 33,701 976 17 | 68.380 2,856 18 73,656 2,567 19 35,099 || 1,744 1820 34,600 925 1 || 45,159 | 841 2 38,616 || 487 3 || 39,695 | 1,046 4 || 51,028 896 5 63,310 1,646 º see Note above. 8 297 3 () 9 1,966 6 11 1830 3,328 3 5 2,414 14 4 eft 1s. tº 2S. f's 5s. 37,960 24,258 17,154 20,380 14,742 4 1,935 30,977 30,651 42,144 37,609 27,479 11,959 14,417 28,715 43,844 46,598 16,259 12,636 15,234 16,201 16,449 27,157 31,934 8,725 15,369 23,545 20,897 16,882 18, 142 sf’10. ——£-— 18,318 11,589 7,105 13,981 9,218 24,469 16,402 21,165 25,142 21,766 16,764 | 6,054 4,281 12,249 19,472 19,712 6,971 4,312 4,307 5,515 6,408 11,392 13,635 3,972 5,047 5,106 4,844 4,285 4,039 l f'20, & upwards. TOTAL. —-É—|--—£-— — | 97,958 —— 67,437 — 52,442 888 } 108,031 670 152,205 1,059 99,633 623 || 101,941 613 I 19,562 929 || 130,830 514 | 103,314 160 1,268 } 88,900 2,572 83,213 5,081 139,632 5,782 148,314 2,257 62,329 1,183 53,657 1,420 | 66,961 1,363 62, 182 1,457 65,055 2,804 || 93,277 4,390 114,916 410 | 13,108 805 21,222 1,792 || 30,443 861 26,603 573 21,741 1,420 23,601 i 769 779 788 797 809 668 672 677 671 641 636 | l i I2 5 1.113 3 7 4. 3 I : Bullion passed through the Rates of Duty on the Re-issuable Notes of Deposits in the - i B *"...ºft. &E's D country Bankers, from the 10th. of October, BANK of ENGLAND. jºunt of injī." *** * * isol isos. lists. - [ {: 1 1 0 3 4 5 Public. Private. Gold. Silver. £ . ! } : : . ; I ſ: 1% -*º-º-º-º: # —-É— 5 0 o s?| 20 o 0 || 1ſo iſé | 1 5 0 0 | Sºº 10 0 0 | – | – || 1ſo 10 0 0 ($ $ 20 0 0 -o- — 2/0 - #####|: ; ; — 3|0 3|0 12,647,551 | 1,582,720 || 124,720 2,450,330 || | | | | | | | | | | | | | || 11,761,448 1,940,630 492,920 2,070,880 Average amounts of Gold Coin, and of Gold and Silver Bullion, 11,093,648 1,492,190 785,990 | 2,017,050 in each of ºf year, ending 11,950,047 | 1,428,720 515,920 | 1,817,930 ... ºff."ºuſ,” “” 10,191,854 1,567,920 848,330 2,408,310 - 10,390, 130 1,573,950 || 1,413,070 1,310,110 º B U LLION. 10,393,404 || 1,771,310 i 2,415,200 1,858,300 || * * Gºl. silºr. 12,158,227 2,374,980 || 1,918,530 1,928,500 £ -£ s 11,737,436 | 1,690,490 || 2,477,200 3,008,600 || 1,631,000 | 1,938,265 240,882 10,807,660 1,333,120 || 5,631,900 2,759,300 || 1,468,000 2,828,707 570,407 8,699,133 1,672,800 || 1,075,260 2,074,560 || 1,366,000 | 6,643,100 861,184 7,066,887 | 1,640,210 337,650 2,928,050 || 3,311,000 || 10,147,115 962,266 4,538,373 1,790,860 691, 160 2,892,680 || 4,805,000 | 6,066,603 655,044 3,713,442 | 1,325,060 || 4,530,000 2,891,490 || 2,957,000 3,663,561 305,967 3,920, 157 | 1,326,020 || 7,580,940 | 1,253,070 || 3,162,000 6,291,446 1,882,973 4,107,853 1,373,370 || 2,711,380 2,399,690 || 4,805,000 || 9,162,298 || 2,468,792. 5,526,635 | 2,321,920 || 5,425,730 1,105,900 || 7,509,000 | 8,135,629 || 2,119,069 7,222,187 2,369,910 || 1,496,330 1,608,140 || 7,575,000 10,805,780 1,801,183 5,347,314 2,607,900 6,405,000 10,213,247 | 1,645,348 4,214,271 3,322,070 2,682,000 || 3,719,824 601,878 4,223,867 3,931,370 3,769,000 5,880,811 727,165 3,821,697 5,701,280 7,987,000 || 9,505,630 695,623 3,862,656 5,217,210 7,230,000 8,749,920 1,013,210 6,761,952 5,562,250 5,047,000 || 5,736,186 1,519,586 3,948,102 5,201,370 6,761,000 | 8,235,162 2,095, 199 4,772,000 5,853,344 551,924 ;# 173 Gold and Silver M. nes of Mexico, Chili, and Peru, in each of the 40 Years 1790 – 1829. d Y-:. Produce ofthe 3|!{{g !fy 8 �% | | | | | | |5| • • • •ś radº\,088 I . . . . . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ {\ ^ ^ ^ é| . 5ț71.9°9 | 886* Ģg„e” . , (~~~~~ ·!!!!!!!!!';%; è*« -ozo‘oloºgi | 806.913. 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A ºqq uț For the | two Houses of Parliamemt 21,459 19,111 19,501 23,775 48,314 41,368 95,017 62,172 109,317 47,284 61,146 66,126 107,323 65,435 67,732 66,993 59,295 57,230 77,601 45,744 79,219 74,239 76,308 70, 136 85.998 102,477 92,642 84, 197 99,834 84,251 77,928 Record Commis- sion. 2,615 4,728 7,991 2,525 5,162 4,310 4,681 6,438 10,776 11,570 6,911 6,411 10,529 10,148 4,048 3,920 8,264 7,775 9,579 8,914 8,159 11,210 ——£-— 7,86 Genera Purposes. —-£—— | $, : | 30,000 80,000 95,000 120,000 109,370 111,640 75,000 82,270 106,850 i Number of Acts of Parliament passed in each Session of the United Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland }|*|££;$ |·%ſł£7 șit | 9 | g | z | — | — | — | — | — || I || ~ ~ | ° || — | ► | 8 || || 3 || 9 || 8 || I || 8 | 9 | - | - | l8 | 9# LI | gl | 44 | 9!... | 09 | 1881//Ź. og | z || — | — | — | — | — || I || — || I || — | — | — | — | z | g | z | I || — || 8 | 8 || — | W | 87 | 9 || 101 || 8| ► | 0:2 | 14 || 1--088I |- -- * Aſ -tal{{AA I voz | 8 |- | * | — | — | — | — | — | — | — || 9 || 8 || ſ | $3 | \ | & | & | & | & | & | ?!1 | oc | oz || 614 | 91 | 09 | 88 L | 92 | 088 I• !! goz | g | g | g | — | — || I || — | — | — || I - || || 8 | 9 | 81 | ► | 6 || ?Z | g | 9 || 0 || || 6 || 89 | 088tz | 61 | 09 | 981g! | 6 |{/() { ĢĒ | Î | Ă | & | I || — | — | — | — || I || I || I | z | 9 | 63 | 3 || 0:1 || 9 | 8 | 3 | 9 || II || 8 | 99 | -!0,6 | 8gº | zgſ | 96 | 8fſ6 #ğ# | ſ | á | Ă |  | — | — | — || I | Đ | 8 | 4 | - || 9 | 88 || 0:1 || 9 || ? |- | † | L | ÞI | Đ | 19 | 63 || 696 || IIį 9 || 4 || || || 9 || || ? .u 9 ? ?, roz | 9 | + | 9 || I || — || I || — | — || 8 | - || 8 | g || 8 | 94 | g | II || 8 || — | z | 8 | 61 | ► | 89 | 03 || 983 | $ſ | ſ | $ſ;6L | 9li ſ 。 |ğ | % | Ă | á | — | — | — || 1 || 6 | g, | 9 | 8 | 9 | zº | 9 | 6 || 8 | 9 | 3 || 8 | l8 | 8 | 88 || 83 ſ ºſſ | ſº69 | 3,0% į ž8 || || 9//9 }} | } || 5 || 9 || I || — || I || — | z | I || z \,|| I || 2 || 1 | 14 | 8 | 8 | g | — || 1 | ► | 61 | 9 | 8 || || 6 || || $38 | 8 || ||ºſ09 H | 9 IŤ | #7{{g ŽĢĪ | gl | I || I || I || — | L | Ig | I || — || 6 → | G | LI | 9 || 0.3 || 8 || I || 8 || I || 3 || I || 3 | | | | 69 | $419z | z | | 63 | 9Ğ I || 00 L | €//ț¢ īği || 5 || 9 || I || I || I || 1 || I | Đ | — || I - || I || 6 || 2 | & | & | I || 8 | - || I || I || 91 | ► | 89 || $4gºz | I || || 98 | † Ī Ī Ķ ĻĢ Ī | %//$ Äği | Ă |  | 3 || — | — | I || — | g | I || ~ || I | gl | I || oz | 8 | 8 || ? || — | z | 2 || II || 6 || 89 || 98 || 948 | ſſ | ºſ861 | $3 { | }//z ģ} | } | } | } | – || I || — | — || I || — || 1 , | I | Î | L | z) | g | Î | z | — || I | Đ | 9 | 9 | 67 | 98 || LZG || 8 | | 09 | 996 I || || 11Aſ ºo3#) i 6ţ | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | 1 || — | — | — | — | — | — | I || 8 | 8 ez i €---- | 9† I | 06-6 I 8 I u09 ğog | Ș | g | z | I || — || I || — | — || 8 || — | g | L | — | zº | 8 || I | Đ | — | W | 8 | 91 || 3 | 19 | ÞÝ || 998 | 18 | 6Ť || 861881 | 61Įſ69 gør | z | z | — | — | — | — | — || I || — | — || I || 6 || 8 | gl | g | — | g | I || ? | ? | ? || 3 | ff || 9Ť || ſºº | l3 | $$ | }} 101 || 81 ,ti | $39 opi | z | I || — | z | I || — | — || I || I | V | W | z | 8 | ſq | 6 || I | W | I || I || ? || 9 || ſ | ſg | #8«Lø | 94 | 88 | 92 | 38 I | Z I#7Lº ğ%; | } | } | } | ? | - || I || I, | z | I || 4 || 8 | z | z | 0% | gl | I || 9 | - || I || I || 0:1 || 8 | 98 || Lť || 908 | 63 | ſſ | }} | {{! | 9;Áſ99 Ă: || % || 5 || 2 | 1 || — || I || I || ? || I || — | 5 || — | z | g4 | ÞI | Î | z | I || z | 9 || L | g | ſw | 18 || 80ſ | IŤ | 14 | 991 || ??! | ºſ//gg göz | 3 || — | — | — || I || I | z | g | «I | 1 , | g | I || 8 | 18 | 6 | 4 || ~ | z | I || 9 || 0:3 || 8 || 89 | 06 I || 887 | 9988% | 06ſ | † [ .//ſºg gae | g | g | g | I || — || I | z | z | 9 || — | 1 || — | 8 | 8p | z | — | 9 | - || 9 | 0 I || 9L | 9 | 89 || 9 || I || !ºſ | $4914 | 491 | 87tº 89 3ģg | g | I | Đ | I || I || I || — || 8 | z | I || 4 || — | 8 | fg | W | g | L | I | L | 6 || II || 9 | 69 | 8 || I || ſººſ | lºz Iz | g9I ] © I {łŹſ? ggg |- | I | Đ | I || I || I || — | g | — | — | z | — | I || 66 | 8 | 9 || ? || 8 || I || 0:1 || LI | Z | 89 || 981 || 83ſ | ſſ |HOE | 8% I || IIw 19 +18 | 9 || I || 9 || I || — | — || || ? | ? || I | z | I | tſ | $ | | | ≤ |ſ| I | gl | 9 | % || %09 | 60 I || 88ť | 96 || .9 Iz | 6 II | 018ſ º 09 tog | g | I | Đ | I || I || I || ... | 8 || ? || — | g | — | gl | 18 | 9 | 8 | 6 | - | † | 6 || «I | 8 | 09 || 861 || 88ſ | Ģſ IŹ6 { | 6ő [ | 6/*6ț7 †gz | b | — | — | z | — | — || 8 , | z | I || — || 1 || — | G | 68 || I || I || ? || — | 9 | 9 | 6 || 8 | 8 || || 6 || 988 || !!!; g. 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Jo uoſssºs qoºº !!!passed sio y Jo Jaquin N eq}$uſAAøųS LNGHIŅĶI, Ī,VALS STATEMENTS shewing the Number of Administrators to Personal Property, and amount amount sworn to under Probate, from the amount sworn to under Letters of Administration, in the Year 18 the Legacy, Probate, and all other Stamp Duties, in each of the 27 Years 1805–1831. STATEMENT shewing the Gross Receipt of the STAM P DUTIES in Engiand & Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; and also the proportion paid in each Country for Legacy Duty, and for Duties on Probates and Letters of Administration, in each of the 27 Years 1805–1831. administered to, distinguishing the 24, and Gross Receipt of STATEMENT shewing the Number of Administrators to the Personal Property within the Prov Jurisdictions) in the Year 1824, Intestate, from the Proporton le tion administered to, under each of 44 grades 0 of Demises, and the Value of the Property Administered to, ince of Canterbury (see Statement of Ecclesiastical distinguishing the Proportion who died aving Wills, shewing also the Propor- famount from £20 to Gross Receipt of STAMP DUTY. Proportion GREAT BRITAIN. }%. & Letrs. & •y." * - inistratio Ile £400,000.- Wide Par. Pa., Vol. X, Session 1826. Yaº's England. Scotland. Ireland. Legacies. | Probates, | TOTAL. Scotland] Ireland - Rate of Dw ſy ~. Sº 3 S) Mean | < S — — £ —l—— £--——-if -—l—- £---|-- £––– £ *-* → … , = - 1 - ...— . Tº . * - RS & S § 3 SS 1805 3,931,616 |262,669 501,943 180,126 314,522 || 494,648 || 10,281 : *Eliš ºff, Amºn|S$ ºf s. 6 4,150,868 |271,330 567,128 229,019 |354,878 583,897 || 12,206 | # scale as # Act, 55 s3 |$$$|*3& sworn to Düſy || 's Slºp under §§ 7 || 4,260,426 |283,546 588,590 || 300,320 |381,638 681,959 12,904 || $ . Geo. III, cap. 184, §§ |*|†:3.5 s , ºfte” O7? < *|Lttrs. of § s 8 ; ; 655,386 324,834 401,979 725,814 || 15,294 § E S is $ || s is prºpe. S (17?? 6. | ‘s Admstrt. º 9 5,124, 39,026 698,593 546,421 433,374 979,795 || 34,765 C & * fº-—11—- - - E —— — — - - *: - r £ — 1010 || — *=s *-*s 1810 sº jºl; 7.14%|44,645 |4}; º żº: §§ ** *i; wº "|Nº| ºn ºn |*| #| || 11 : 5,052,664 344,218 736,619 || 443,776 446,072 889,849 25,823 § - 100 200 fº 2 3 501 75,000 3,002 || 457 || 70,000 | 1,371 12 5,074,758 354,054 738,679 || 483,306 || 430,746 914,053 33,957 s.s 200 300 5 8 || 203 50,000 2,015 || 93 || 23,900 744 13 || 5,257,368 380,788, 774,815 571.301 || 433,960 | 1,005,261 42,883 § S. 300 450 8 1 1 558 200,000 || 4,464 || || 12 45,000 1,232 in 5,556,046 356.853, 747,586 |60; 325 sió | 1.221,052 |38,350 | * 450 º | | | | | | . . ; ; ; ; ; }; #|:::::::::::::: *|†: ; ; ;| & ºf | 1..., | | | | #| || 3: | #| #}}|†. }} | . ºg | La, 711,682 656.7% | 1.368,48, 42,005 1,000 i. 30 45 || 510 | Siº || 13:00 || 1:19 200,000 |670; 17 | ºff 444932 56,916 |980,919 |395,339 ,6:5,259 |13,913 53,775 I,500 2,000 40 60 || 418 750,000 | 16.720 || 39 70,000 2,340 18 6,293,157 |462,516 556,067 || 883,713 || 711,580 | 1,595,294 57,439 57,305 2,000 3,000 50 75 || 516 | 1,280,000 || 25,800 || 79 190,000 5,925 19 6,089,137 || 488,781 || 514,526 875,026 720,363 1,595,390 81,380 56,030 3,000 4,000 60 90 || 387 I,355,000 || 23,220 || 5 | 18,000 || 477 1820 6,088,812 471,456 448,089 |889,886 || 763,562 | 1,653,448 97,710 |42,138 4,000 5,000 80 ; ; 1,095,000 #: 3. ſº 2,520 1 | 6,141,712 || 489,274 438,146 |960,615 796,657 | 1,757,272 194,425 | #3,974 ;| | | | | | | | | | | #| ||...}| #|';|; 2 $108,821 |453,992 458,176,053,957 39,583 1,733,540 |96,402 |43,653 7,000 §. tº ºn || Tom sº, lºso || i3 || 97,000 |2|rº 3 6,25).798 |469,134 481,592 |981,242 $20,599 || 1,801,841 88,916 |45,708 son, 3. is 240 || 74 º iº || 6 || 51,000 |fººd 4 6,637,369 || 518,139 516,903 1,049,453 |851,941 1,901,399 108,088 54,665 9,000 10,000 180 270 84 800,000 || |5,120 4 : 38,000 j I,080 5 i 6,833,022 || 558,505 486,623 |1,056,906 || 874,511 1,931,417 | 108,180 63,634 10,000 12,000 200 300 127 139,700 25,400 || 13 143,000 3,900 6 6,116,452 518,439 466,613 |923,323 815,037 | 1,738,360 : 106,693 || 57,836 #. 14,000 ; ; #. º! ; º | 2,640 | | #:#; ;|... . . . ; ; ; ;| | | | | | | | | | | #}}|{:}| 3 || ||''}} 8 §: 2 5 3. 02 483,319 1,170,294 $17,594 2,047,888 108,994 67,28; 18,000 || $ 20 noo 3 : 0 465 50 950,000 15,500 I 19,000 465 9 6,560,564 525,929 499,125 (1,178,710 | 877,982 2,056,692 || 101,482 74,740 20,000 $ 25,000 350 525 77 1,800,000 || 26,950 3 67,000 1,575 1830 6,599,106 557,663 488,206 ||,223,261 903,938 2,127,199 || 115,984 58,997 25,000 × S3 30,000 400 600 53 | 1,460,000 || 21,200 5 || 137,000 3,000 1 6,410,573 534 989 || 482,041 1,144,459 |876,939 2,021,398 || 112,451 59,972 30,000 || s 35,000 450 675 32 1,080,000 14,400 2 65,000 | 1,350 2 - 35,000 || $ 40,000 525 | 785 3S 1,450,000 | 19,950 3 112,000 2,355 3 40,000 | * 45,000 600 || 900 22 935,000 || 13,2, 0 I 42,500 900 4 45,000 50,000 675 | 1,010 19 903,000 | 12,825 I 47,500 | 1,010 5 50,000 60,000 750 | 1,125 39 2,200,000 29,250 2 l 10,000 2,250 6 60,000 70,000 1% ; % 1,145,000 | 15,300 I 65,000 | 1,350 70,000 80,000 1,050 | 1,575 2 900,000 | 12,600 ry 80,000 90,000 | 1,200 1,800 7 595,000 8,400 * . 90,000 0, 1,350 2,025 8 760,000 | 10,30 . * The progressive increase in the value of Property as indicated by the above Statement cf 100,000 }% i.e., 2,250 .8 #! #. 1 110,000 || 2,250 increase of Legacy and Probate Duty, while all the Products of Labor have been as progres: 120,000 140,000 | 1,800 2,700 5 650,000 9,000 sively ditainishing, may be regarded as another evidence of that tendency to inequality and 140,000 160,000 2,109 || 3,150 5 750,000 | 10,500 disproportion which threatens the subversion of all social order.—Of the # 34,826,300 adminis- 160,000 180,000 2,400 3,600 3 51ſ),000 7,200 tered to in 1824, more than 20 parts out of 21 it will be seen by the following Statement were 180,000 200,000 || 2,700 4,050 3 380,000 5,400 I 190,000 |4,050 possessed by considerably less than one half of the Number Demised. . 200,000 250,000 || 3,000 || 4,500 2 675,000 || 9,000 ||— *-ºs-- *-* 250,000 300,000 3,750 || 5,625 | | 33,000 || 3:30 P.1222,618,000 67737 ** Tot. No || Total 300,000 350,000 ; § 1 || 350,000 || 5,250 Fhe T smºs-ºr-g OW. IV () , otal mean 350,000 400,000 ,250 7,870 - The Total amount ź.o, of Mean Amt. [No. In-Mean Amt.jójºini. ºf 400,000 500,000 | 6,000 9,000 1 || 488,888 6,888 || of Personal Proper- estat, sworn to testate, sworn to. |nistrats || Bequeathed. 500,000 600,000 || 7,500 || 1,255 ||—- ty passed under Pro | -º-º-º: —sº---|--— †-I- 600,000 700,000 || 9,000 |13,500 || 7,262 (32,212,700 1543,250 bate, and Letters of - under £1,000 3,809 | 1,331,000 | 1,719 324,100 5,528 1,655,100 700,000 800,888 |18,500 15,750 Administration it; all £1,000) s ſ 5,000 2,204 || 5,200,000 293 ) 568,000 i 2,497 5,858,000 800,000 900,888 12,000 18,000 || Great Britain in the Year 1824, was £46,435,066 SJ 5 3. 2 3. 3. 9 5,000 's | 10,000 546 3,900,000 62 415,000 608 4,315,000 900,000 1,000,000 || 13,500 |20,250 || and the Prºportiºn O (l which Legacy Duty W&S 10,000 X- S < 20,000 350 || 3,643,700 28 360,000 378 4,003,700 - 1,000,000 & upwards (15,000 122,500 l) charged at the rates specified below £ sº }}}}} 's tº 200 5,790,000 13 || 381,500 213 || 6, 171,500 - Legacy Duty on Bequests. | Tº |copy | roºtſ. º º abo ,000 º *ś 5 265,000 129 7,703,000 To Children or their Descendants ... at l tº Cent | i lj gia. i Tg ºrs | 179,392 º an Qj6. | 9 4. 20,000 2 300,000 31 5,120,000 a Brothers & º §º 3 fy g *; I39,439 *; - -o - - - - do. ., of Fat 1 other, or do. 5 3,929 || 34,169 67, Total Town. 7,262 $2212.70% 2,122 |2,613,600 9,384 || 34,826,300 2 º: 4. of * Parents, or do. 6 º 9,138 ; 14,760 do. Country. 7,604 |10,638,766 2,921 970,000 || 10,525 | 11,608,766 * Strangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AP 297,836 I 17,624 445,460 & ſº º *-i- I - - -] —- -- ~~ Jºe -- * **=sºng - xclusi f of & → ----- = <===------ do. Great Britain.liºsºglºssi,465.1504; 3,583,600'10,909 46,435,066 rotatº Pº"; Lºiºs, sºng lous. * The progressive and extraordinary increase since 1805, of the Legacy and Probate Duty is frequently referred to, as an evidence of the increased Wealth of the Country ; yet, while it is not intended to deny, but that the Country has increased in Wealth, in the legitimate sense of the term, to draw that conclusion singly from the above Statement would involve a most egregious fallacy, as will be seen by the following observations which are offered in explanation of the cause of the increase:–a large portion of the Legacy and Probate Duties arise from the descent of the account called the “National Debt;” if therefore the above State- ment is to be taken as the Index of an increase of National Wealth, the account called the National Debt, which by the common consent of all mankind is deemed a National burthen, must be Wealth; the term National Debt however, is a palpable solecism, in so far as it is a National Credit to the same extent as it is a Debt; it might with some propriety be called the Government Debt, but even that term would not exactly meet the nature of the account; but for the purpose.9f the present illustration it shall here be termed the Government bebt. The increase of the Legacy and Probate Duties then, it will be seen have kept pace with the increase of that account, and as that account is purely ideal; a means of drawing from the producer a portion of his production, without giving him any thing ſº exchange, all therefore that the Government Debt amounts to, is a means of transfer from one party to another. In addition to its large nominal amount. increased complications have given it a fluctuating Money Value; the nominal amount as it stood on the 5th. January is;2, was i.755,543,885, estimated at about 1.5% for every l. 100, making the nominal amount equal to an ideal Money Value of l. 542,210,301; while in 1815 the same amount W aS estimated al the rate of i. 57 to 1.60, say '. 58, equal to only l. 438,215,453; the change therefore in the nominal value of this account, alone is sufficient to account for two-thirds of the increase of the Probate and Legacy Duties; and, as the change of Value in that account has tended to give an increased Money Value to Land, while the produce of the Land remaining stationary in quantity, and the annual Income of the Government Debt account, stationary in amount, and all, the products of Industry tending to a decline Iſ? Value in a degree more than equal to the increase of quantity—the increase therefore in the Money Value of the Government Debt account, and of that portion 9 the soil subject in its descent to the charge of Probate Duty: will suffice to account for all the increase of Revenue which the above acºunt exhibits; from 180° " 1815, it was the increase of the account itself; and from 1815 to 1832, the increase in Money Value of the nominal amount, - - 177 - STATEMENT (No.7.) shewing the Current Prices of the undermentioned Articles in each of the 47 Years 1782–1828 – Wiz. of the South Down Wool of the Flocks of Messrs. Elman and Son of Glynde and Southover near Lewes in Sussex; of Leonesa, Seville, and Saxon Wools, of Bowed Georgia, and Pernambucco Cotton Wool all at # ſh.; – Of St. Petersburg 12 head, and St. Petersburg Clean Hemp, at #5 Ton, and of Italian Thrown, and Raw; and Bengal, and China Silk at tſ’ ſh: - SHEEPS WOOL #9 ib. Cotton Wooldſ”fb. dPTON. SILK d? ib. 2 *~~~~~~ - . . . ITALIAN EAST in DIA Y ars §§ Leonesa Seville Saaron Georgia Pernam Flaa, Hemp Thrown Raw Bengal China §§ * *-* * - * . .º. 1782 || 3 || 3/6 3/8 3/ 3/6 !.38 l.48 l.33 l.36 sº; s # 5 §§ 3| s= |3/7 3/10 3/ 1/10 50 43 || 37 27 | #####sº 4 || T. 3/9 3/7 | 1/10 2/1 41 47 23 32 || 3:53:55; 5 | 1.4% 3/9 3/10 so 2/4 1/10 48 40 24 23 s sºjºsë 6 13; 3/10 3/9 3 2/2 3/6 42 47 | 17 34 #####$$$ 7 || || 5 3/10 3/6 2/6 46 40 30 39 || 3:#####3 8 15% // s 2/9 1/8 45 39 40 29 šššāššš 9 : 15 I/ .S. I/7 1/10 44 49 || 31 27 | 333; ; ; ; ; #790 | 16 // S. 1/84 1/9 48 45 || 31 24 ##s:#; I 18 || 3/9 3/11 is 1/9 2/6 42 37 26 21 | ######. 2 iſ 4/10 § 2/6 2/ 37 32 25 26 jšš. 3 |2/ ſ! S 22 18 |2/3 2/1 || 39 35 | 23 27 | Sº sº; gº 4 || 15 4/ 3/10 3/ 3/6 § 18 15 2/1 1/8 || 32 42 28 30 'ss #353; 5 || || 6 4/ | 3/ 2/6 & 18 27 | 1/11 2/6 42 56 || 33 45 $$$$$$$º g 21/10, 21/ 6 20 |4/3 4/ | n m ‘s 29 27 |2/6 2/1 55 57 || 51 59 | ######### 21/3 20/7 7 m 4/4 none s 37 37 |2/3 3/5 || 57 45 || 51 39 jä; 14/3 || 33% 8 H 9 n | 1 $ 36 45 3/4 3/5 53 50 34 41 || Fij || 17/11 265 9 2/ 4/9 5/1 3/4 4/ § 45 go 32 || 3: 48.28 34 go 37 47 | ********* 16/5 22/6 1800 22 || 4/9 5/4 3/4 4/4 š, 36 34 || 3/1 2/11 || 71 66 || 51 77 17/6 || 23/10 1 21 5/4 6/ 4/4 5/4 <> 38 35 | 2/11 3/ 79 58 86 45 35/ 40/ 22/6 30/ | 17/2 21/10 2 || 23 6/ 6/3 5/ 5/ º 39 32 2/11 2/5 64 78 45 32 38/ 39/ 22/ 23/| 23/1 24/1 3 || 23 6/ 6/6 5/ 5/4 15 12 |2/4 2/5 | 84 82 || 51 55 37/6 41/ | 22/ 33/ | 19/2 22/2 4 2/ 6/9 4/10 12 18 2/3 2/ 82 83 || 48 53 || 39/6 41/ |25/ 33/ | 16/9 || 23/7 5 2/8 | m | 4/105/3 19 16 || 2/6 2/ 82 74 || 51 57 | 40/642/6|25/ 34/| 16/10 25/5 6 2/1; // 6/ 5/9 15 13 |2/ 1/9 75 64 58 52 41/ 42/ 22/6 34/ 14/9 31/6 7| 2/ , 5/3 5/ 5/9 6/ | 14 13 1/10 1/11 | 68 80 58 66 41/ 46/ | 19/ 34/| łº, lºft. 8 2/1}| 6/9 10/6 5/ 7/ | 6/ 8/6 | 12 30 1/11 2/10 | 80 142 | 68 118 || 48/100/ | 24/6 47/| 26/6 28/11 9 || 3/ | 14, 26|| 15|| 86 18|9||11; 24; 11|| 12 18 |2/11 1/10 | 1.42 100 118 72 50 65/ 26/ 53/ | 35/10 i 33/10 1810 2/1 | 1.4/ 8/ 9/ 5/ | 10/68/ | 19 13 |2/3 1/10 | 100 72 76 58 49 53 31/ 45/| 28/10 34/ 11 | | | 8/ 9/6 5/ 5/6 7/ 6/6 || 13 9 || 1/10 1/3 74 105 || 70 85 52 69 |30/ 52/| 26/2 31/8 12 || || || 10/ 9/6 6/ 5/6 9/ 14 13 | 1/7 1/8 100 108 || 86 102 || 49 76 29/6 55/| 23/ 32/3 13 2/2 9/6 9/ | 5/6 6/ 8/6 19 26 |2/ 2/10 | 102 78 87 73 || 50/6 52/6| 70/6 44/| 20/1 26/4 14 2/3 9/ 8/ | 5/6 6/6 || 8/ 7/6 |28°30 24 |3/ 2/5 100 68 | 73 43 47/6 51/ | 26/6 44/| 23/8 27/8 15 2/6 8/ 7/ | 5/6 4/6 || 7/6 8/6 || 23 16 |2/9 2/I | 72 78 || 51 34 || 48/ 49/6|23/ 42/| 21/4 24/4 16 22% | | 4/ 4/6 8/6 8/9 17 20 |2/5 1/11 || 70 45 || 36 33 46/6 48/ 26/6 42/ 15/11 | 18/8 17 22% iſ/ U 8/ 9/ | 20 22 1/11 2/1 52 70 || 30 35 | 48/ 72/ 21/ 52/| 27/7 27/ 13||34 || 7/ 6/9 |4, 3/, º, º/, ; 13 |}/, /11 || 7 tº 40 ºf º ż, 3/ 53/ 2.3/2 |34/10 19 | 18 6/ 5/ | 4/9 2/6 9/6 8/6 19 14 I/II 1/5 | 72 50 | 37 33 || 42/6 59/6] 24/ 48/| 24/5 25/5 1820 | 1 || 5/2 4/3 3/3 2/6 // 14 II | 18 13% 55 50 | 35 30 37/ 46/ | 21/6 46/ | 17/9 18/8 1 a 4/6 3/6 2/10 2/ | n | 93 11}| 14, 13% 54 47 30 27 | 38/ 2.8/ | 18/ 36/ | 18/2 | 18/3 2 || 1 |46 5| 4 || 2/6 3/ | 8/6 7/6 10; 8% 13; 11 52 45 43 30 || 39/ 57/ | 17/6 40/ | 20/ | 18/5 3 iſ 5/ 4/3 || 3/6 3/ | 8/ 8/6 10 9 14, 11}| 58 55 || 41 36 34/ 46/ | 16/ 32/ | 16/11 4 || || || 4/ 4/6 2/4 2/6 8/6 9/6 || 11 84 || 13 11}| 52 44 || 35 38 26/ 52/ | 13/ 25/ | 16/ | 5 | 12 || 4/6 a 2/6 2/8 9/6 7/6 18, 10% 22} 14 50 44 || 39 44 28/ 50/ | 11/6 27/ 19/4 6 m 4/3 3/ 2/3 1/6 7/6 7/6 8, 7} | 13 10 || 31 36 || 41 38 21/ 44/ | 9/ 26/ | 1.4/2 - {}: 3/6 3/6 | 1/6 1/6 7/6 8/ | 7 || 65|| 10, 9 || 38 35 | 42 36 22/ 40/ | 8/ 27/ | 16/10 | 8 sold | 3/6 3/ | 1/6 1/6 8/ 8/ 6, 7} | 84 83 || 36 34 39 38 22/ 40/ | 8/ 28/ | 18/ | *...* The extreme fluctuation during the War from 1793 to 1815 in the Money Price of nearly all articles of Subsistence and Merchandize, and the vast depreciation which since the termination of the War all similar articles have experienced, having gi- yen rise to much difference of opinion and discussion as to the causes which produced such fluctuations and ulterior depreciation it led in 1823, to the publication by MR. TookE (a Gentleman very extensively concerned in the Commerce between England and Russia) of a Work entitled “Thoughts and Details on the High and Low prices of the thirty Years from 1793 to 1822.” and in a second Edition of his Work published in 1824, MR. Tooke appended a copious exhibition of the prices of nearly all the great Staple articles of Subsistence and Merchandize during, the thirty Years above stated. which were collated by Mr. Hinricks (a Gentleman familiar with and well qualified for the task) from the only Publication extant, which contained any. general quo- tation of Prices prior to the Commencement of the War.—VIz. Princes and the London Price Current.— see note to the two fol- lowing Statements. . 2 N • . . . . . - ; 178 * - - - STATEMENT (No. 8) shewing the Highest, and Lowest prices of Muscovado Sugar, of Hyson and Congou Tea, of Ordinary and fine British Plantation Coffee, and of Hops, in each of the 47 Years 1782–1828, and also of the quantity in Ibs. Weight, of Hops see Statement of the Rates of Duty. grown in England in each of those Years.--& The Hops are quoted Duty paid, but the Sugar, Tea, and Coffe are exclusive of duty. TEA, at Shillings and Pence d?' ib. SUGAR COFFEE at Shillings d? Cwt. | /* - -N at Shillings d? Cwt. Hops ºf Cwt, 2– A- -N Hyson Congou /~ ~\- N/ A —, Years Brown | Fine Low Fine Plow Fine Ordinary Fine ibs. Grown Low Fine 1782 |40/26/ | 63/ 40/ | 7/6 6/8 13/6 11/6 4/6 4/4 5/6 5/2 62/ 81/ | 81/ 116/ !.1 10 l.3 10 l.4 10 l.6 15 3 || 29/22/|46/25/| 7/2 6/ | 12/ 11/ 4/4 4/ | 5/6 5/ 60/48/| 83/ 66/ 6 4 10 || 10 || 0 || H 5 4 18/28/ | 34/46/ | 7/3 4/10 12/ 9/ 4/8 3/10, 6/4 4/8 54/ 76/ | 68/ 105/ | 19,736,202 || 4 3 10 || 6 6 5 5 5 || 26/23/ |42/38/|4/8 5/ 9/ 8/6 || 3/10 2/8 5/ 5/6 | 68/66/ | 79/ 76/|23,519,267 4 4 16 || 5 18 6 6 29/41/|40/48/| 5/8 4/10 9/ 7/6 3/4 2/6 7/ 6/ 65/ 78/ | 80/ 95/ | 19,996,055 || 3 16 2 5 7 3 16 7|38/24/|47/ 37/ 5/2 4/2 8/6 8/ 2/10 2/9 5/3 4/8 78/ 86/ | 96/ 100/ | 8,813,819 || 4 8 5 5 10 8 || 34/29/ 46/41/| 4/6 9/6 8/ 3/ 2/9 6/4 5/ 86/ 90/ | 102/ 105/| 29,978,410 || 9 9 11 12 17 9 || 31/35/| 43/47/ | 4/6 9/ 2/10 2/6 5/ 4/9 92/ 88/| 106/ 100/ | 21,176,855 || 5 10 7 10 || 5 15 8 10 1790 38/45/|45/46/| 4/6 5/ 9/ 9/6 || 2/6 2/9 |4/9 4/6 86/ 56/ | 98/ 76/ 22,308,245 || 5 15 3 6 4. 1 |47/58/| 59/65/|4/10 4/ A/ // 2/9 3/ | 4/9 5/ 59/85/| 79/ 105/ | 18,867,548 || 4 5 5 6 7 2 63/40/| 76/68/ | 4/7 4/ 9/6 9/ 3/ 5/ 100| 70/| 120/ 100/| 33,949,732 || 4 2 : 0 || 5 5 3 3 || 53/ 41/| 73/66/|4/ 4/6 | 8/ 9/10 || 3/ 2/6 5/ 3/ 73/83/| 115/ 105/| 5,000,175 2 16 7 5 12 11 10 4 |40/32/| 67/58/| 4/6 4/8 9/6 9/ 2/8 3/2 4/ 85/66/ | 116/ 95/| 42,528,587 10 2 10 | 12 12 4 5 |42/63/|66/75/ |4/8 4/7 8/ 3/2 2/11| 4/6 4/ 72/100/| 112/ 145/ | 17,180,497 || 3 10 4 10 || 5 5 6 6 61/65/| 75/ 78/ | 4/6 5/ // 2/11 3/9 |4/ 4/5 | 103/100/| 135/ 126/ | 15.739,511 || 4 4 2 16 || 5 5 3 15 7 52/ 57/| 74/75/| 4/7 4/8 8/6 8/ 2/10 2/4 || 4/5 3/9 || 104/120/ | 126/ 145/| 32,881,264 || 4 14 6 10 || 6 10 8 15 8 59/57/| 77/75/|4/4 4/6 8/ 8/2 3/ 3/4 3/9 | 120/146/ | 138/ 172/ | 11,774,587 || 4 10 84 5 15 9 9 |62/28/ | 87/ 50/| 4/7 3/10 8/2 5/8 3/5 2/5 3/9 2/7 170ſ 98/ | 196/ 130/ | 15,295,535 | 10 10 15 15 18 18 1800 32/ 54/| 54/70/|4/ 4/2 7/ 6/ 2/10 3/2 3/4 3/7 | 115| 95/ | 165/ 150/ | 15,229,379 | 16 il 15 17 13 15 1 59/32/| 75/ 54/|4/2 4/3 6/6 5/6 || 3/4 2/10| 3/7 3/6 || 115| 60/ | 160/ 110/| 50,657,112 || 15 10 2 10 | 18 4 6 2 || 33/26/ 55/50/|4/3 5/ 6/6 6/ 3/ 2/11 3/8 3/9 60/70/| 128/ 115/ | 3,707,170 || 3 16 10 10 || 5 10 12 12 3 30/41/| 53/ 60/| 5/ 4/5 6/ 4/10 2/11 2/6 | 3/8 3/2 76/120/ | 125/ 156/ || 41,573,237 || 10 5 4 10 || 11 10 5 4 |46/ 52/ | 62/66/ |4/2 4/7 4/10 5/4 2/8 3/1 3/3 3/6 110/140/| 170/ 156/ | 37,108,000 || 4 12 510 || 6 6 6 10 5 52/.40/| 65/62/ | 4/7 4/8 5/4 5/9 3/1 2/11| 3/6 3/8 140/115/ | 185/ 170/ | 6,859,065 || 3 5 5 5 7 7 6|41/29/|65/58/|4/8 4/10, 5/8 5/10 |2/11 2/4 3/8 3/5 | 1251 80/ | 195/ 145/ | 31,951,887 || 5 16 46 7 15 5 2 7|24/28/| 52/58/|4/10 4/7 5/8 6/2 2/10 3/1 || 3/9 3/8 || 100| 70/| 160/130/| 20,884,662 || 48 6 5 15 7 I (? 8 28/ 50/| 49/60/ |4/7 4/8 6/ 5/9 || 3/2 3/ | 3/8 3/7 | 60/ 90/ | 120/130/| 52,523,682 5 12 3 7 4 9 50/36/| 60/48/|4/8 5/ 5/8 6/ 3/ 3/1 3/7 3/10 85/75/ | 128/ 138/| 13,346,694 || 4 4 3 6 15 5 10 1810 |47/42/| 58/ 52/| 4/114/7 5/10 5/6 3/1 3/ | 3/10 3/6 75/60/ | 146/ 105/| 15,342,120 || 3 16 4.5 6 5 7 11 || 43/31/| 53/49/| 4/7 4/9 || 5/6 6/ 2/11 3/ | 3/6 3/8 || 38/25/| 95/ 73/| 32,783,160 || 6 10 5 9 12 7 7 12 |40/51/| 55/ 69/| 4/7 4/11| 6/ 5/6 3/2 3/ | 3/8 20/30/| 80/ 96/ | 6,378,150 || 6 13 8 14 13 || 56/ 70/| 67/76/| 4/9 6/1 || 5/10 6/ | 2/11 3/3 3/7 3/9 50/40/| 116/ 105/| 27,444,903 || 17 10 21 12 14|92/ 50/ 107] 78/ | 6/2 6/ 7/6 6/10 || 3/5 3/3 || 3/10 3/9 80/60/| 142/ 11.5/| 29,328,458 || 8 7 I () 8 15 15 | 73/ 52/| 85/70/| 6/ 5/6 6/10 6/6 || 3/3 2/7 |3/7 3/11. 60/50/| 115/110/|25,862,540 | 9 8 8 14 12 10 16 50/43/| 70/61/| 5/9 4/6 || 6/3 5/9 2/6 2/9 |3/11 3/6 56/50/ | 110/104/| 9,663,842 || 6 14. 9 18 17|40/45/ | 61/67/| 4/6 4/3 6/ 5/9 2/9 2/11| 3/5 3/7 54/74/| 102/ 11.2/ | 13,882,904 || 14 10 30 20 35 18 52/47/ | 66/63/| 4/6 4/2 5/10 6/4 2/11 3/1 || 3/7 3/5 76/112/| 180/ 163/|41,628,396 || 27 5 10 || 32 9 5 19|45/30/|60/55/ 4/6 5/1 6/ 5/10 |2/10 2/4 || 3/6 78/ 86/ | 166/ 126/ | 50,510,921 5 12 3 16 9 5 1820 32/31/| 56/51/| 5/1 5/7 5/10 6/4 2/5 2/3 |3/7 3/5 10/100/ | 155/ 143/| 28,911,841 || 4 3 10 || 4 15 512 I 33/24/| 53/48/| 5/5 4/5 6/2 5/11 2/4 2/8 3/6, 3/3 || 08/ 73/ | 148/ 132/| 31,781,986 || 3 10 3 3 || 510 4 10 2 || 31/23/ 53/ 45/| 4/3 3/7 6/ 5/10 2/6 2/7 | 3/7 3/9 || 04/80/ | 145/ 136/ |42,548,915 4 3 5 12 4 30 3 35/28/| 51/40/| 4/4 3/8 5/6 5/3 2/6 2/7 3/10 3/9 |106/75/| 142/ 120/| 5,406,631 218 11 4 || 5 5 18 0 4 31/ 27/|42/4I/| 3/10 4/4 5/3 4/8 2/9 2/7 3/2 3/8 75/ 53/ | 114/100/ | 31,102,642 10 10 7 18 8 8 5 34/45/|44/ 53/ |4/ 4/6 4/10 5/2 2/7 2/8 3/9 3/7 62/ 53/ | 116/ 95/| 5,788,595 || 7 17 10 9 22 () 6 28/31/|47/43/| 4/1 4/9 4/9 5/2 2/7 2/3 3/2 3/5 57/51/| 98/ 95/| 57,232,975 | 17 10 4 8 22 5 16 7 30/39/| 44/47/|4/7 4/10 5/2 5/2 2/4 2/2}| 3/5 3/2 || 51/40/| 95/ 88/| 29,394,430 7 4 4 || 9 9 5 8 35/28/|46/ 44/| 4/3 4/1 5/2 5/ | 2/2} 2/3}| 3/3 2/9 || 38/ 34/ 88/ 80/ 4 4 4 6 10 5 As certain inferences will be found in the Abstract and Review of the evidence on the British Wool Trade, to have been drawn from the fluctuation of price in the great Staple articles of subsistence and Merchandize, it is important to know how far any representation of prices is entitled to confidence for accuracy: at pages 499 -507 of the Lords printed Copy of the evidence, is a Statement of prices of various articles given in to the Committe by a Mr. E. C. Hohler, who stuted, that he had eactracted it principally from Princes London Price Current, and that he had the assistance of a Gentleman from the National Debt Office who had gone over the calculations with him, but the whole Statement (eaccept what relates to the proportions of quality of the Foreign Wools Imported which will be adverted to further on) bespeaks such incompetency for the duty on the part of the Compilers as to render those Statements of prices quite unworthy of notice; the note to the preceding Statement adverts o a Work of Mr. Tooke's to which is appended a copious Ssatement of prices collated by Mr. Henrick's (a Gentleman well qualified for the task) from the same Price Current, which the same note states is the only publication eactant which contained any general quotation of prices prior to the commencement of the War, and indeed it is believed to be the only pnblication of the kind of which any regular file is known to exist prior to 1811, but, eaccept its eacclusiveness Princes Price Current has no ap- preciateed character, on the contrary it is supposed to have been conducted in the most slovenly manner erately reflected upon before any inferences therefrom can be deemed justifiable.— see succeding notes. ; and as such, any information drawn from it requires to be delib- ; STATEMENT (No. 9) shewing the Highest, and Lowest price 179 s, of Irish Salt Provisions, Irish and Dutc Candle Tallow, Greenland Whale, and Rape Seed Oils, and Jamaica Rum, in each of the 48 Years 1782–1828. .* From 1782 to 1798 all Foreign Tallow was admitted Duty free, in 1798 – 1802 at 1/6* Cwt., in 1803 at 210%, in 1804 at 2/3%, in 1805 at 214, in 1806 at 2/6, in 1807 – 12 at 2/8, and in 1813 – 28 at 3/2 ft. Cwt.— Whale Oil was subject to a Duty of from 12/2 to 14|3} {* T'un from 1782 to 1808, and of 7} to 8|3% from 1809 to 1824, but the Ships Importing it, were at the same time allowed a Bounty more than equivalent to the Duty: see Statement relating to Fisheries. In 1825 an alteration took place in the PP'eights and Measures throughout the United Kingdom by which the Spirit Measure was increased from .83311 to .100000. h Butter. Russia Yellow Butler tº Cavt. . Russia. Yellow Ożls tº Thºn, Jamaica Rum per Gallon exclusive of Dut Salt Provision Duty free - - 3/ Irish Mess Beef Irish Mess Pork Candle Tallow of 252 Gallons Duty free High Proof and I Low Proof and Years & Barrel of 200 lbs. P Barrel of do. Irish, Duty free Dutch, Duty paid t? Cwt. Duty paid Whale Rape Fine Flavor Inferior 1782 80/ 84/82/ | 55/ 58/ 58/ 56/ | ######## 40/ 38/ | 1.26 l.29 l.26 l.29 || 3/4 6/ |3/2 4/6 3| 88/ 65/ | 60/ 50/ 58/54/61/ | ######## 39/ 32/ 29 37 22 29 || 4/1 2/10 || 3/9 2/ 4 60/ 70/ | 50/ 70/| 70/55/61/ | 5333333; 36/ 46/ 39 34 || 30 20 3/2 4/4 2/6 3/6 5 70/ 72/ | 70/ 67/ 59/54/61/ | ######## 47/43/48/ | 42 37 27 21 3/8 2/10 |2/8 2/2 6||72/77/68/| 65/ 70/| 62/ 56/64/| ######## 48/50/.57/| 32 39 22 20 2/8 3/2/4 |2/8 2/ 7 78/ 80/ | 63/ 58/ 64/ 50/57/ | #gºs 5:#5 57/ 48/ 36 26 I6 20 2/8 3/4 2/2 3/ 8| 82/ 75/ | 60/ 50/| 55/50/.53/ | ########| |47/34/40/| 25 24 18 17 | 4/3 3/ |3/, 2/4 9 75/ 73/ 46/ 52/ 48/ 52/ | ####### 41/45/44/ 30 25 | 17 19 || 3/2 3/ |2/6 2/4 1790 75/ 80/ 50/ 60/ 55/ 70/ | ######## 43/ 45/ 36 28 18 23 3/ 4 3 2/4 3/6 I 78/ 82/75/| 63/ 53/ 70/49/70/ | ######| 42/40/48/ | 34 31 19 24 |4/10.3/94/5 |4/ 2/9 2 75/70/ 90/| 60/ 70/| 70/47/66/ 2.Éiºš53 || 48/42/47/ | 32 40 24 26 || 4/9 4/8 |4/ 3/6 3 90/ 105/| 70/ 72/ 65/75/70/ | ******* | 48/ 39/ 46 35 | 27 21 24 5/4 4/6 |4/8 4/ 4 || 115/ 100/ | 75/ 66/ 72/ 6/ 76/ 78/ 39/ 50/ 44 40 24 26 |4/8 3/2 3/9 |2/6 3/ 5 100/ 110/ | 66/ 84/| 76/ 81/ 76/ '75 58/80/64/ | 40 60 27 37 || 3/10 8/9 || 3/4 8/6 6 110/ 125/ | 82/ 105/ 76/ 80/ 75/ 86/ 70/ 60/ |62 33 38 || 38 30 36|| 9/6 8/ | 9/ 6/ | 7 | 125/ 140/| 115/ 95/| 77/88/73/ 88/ 77/ | 62/47/50/ |40 31 35 | 38 29 32 8/6/ 7/ |6/64/6 7/2 8 147/ 130/| 95/ 71/| 74/63/80/ | 78/ 54/ 78/ 50/ 57/ 30 35 | 28 31 8/ 5 7/2 4/6 9 126/ 130/| 70/ 95 82/ 95/ 75/ 105/ 57/ 66/ 34 64 27 29 || 5/6 4/ 5/ |4/3 3/4/ 1800 | 120/ 135/ | 95/ 145/| 105/ 90/125/108/98/128/| 59/ 68/ 64 59 26 41 || 4/6 8/3 || 3/9 6/9 1 150/ 120/ | 170/ 120/ 117/75/ || 116/83/ 92/| 76/ 52/59/| 59 47 50 46 8/3 10/4/9 |7/6 4/3 2 120/ 160/ | 120/ 11.5/| 80/70/92/ | 98/ 86/118/ 64/60/66/|47 37 43 || 32 34 5/6 6/9 5/ |4/25/6 3/6 3 | 150/ 160/ | 115/ 100/ 94/ 115/ | 108/95/117/| 68/ 77/ |42 51 46 34 40 5/6 7/3 4/9 |5/6 3/4 4 155/ 110/ | 115/ 70/| 113/ 80/ |114/_66/112/| 75/69/71/| 47 62 37 35 | 5/ 3/9 6/6 |2/9 5/ 5 | 130/ 140/ | 75/ 100/| 98/70/100/1100 120/85' 110|| 68/62/70/| 67 52 | 40 32 6/6 4/3 |5/ 3/3 6 || 120/ 140/ 88/ 100/] 80/ 100/ | 78! II8' 88ſ 110|| 67/ 55/ 54 35 28 27 4/6 3/4 3/6 7 | 126/ 140/| 100/ 93/| 92/ 122/ | 105/102/123/ 53/ 72/ 37 31 28 22 || 4/6 4/3 3/4 3/ 8 125/ 100/| 92/ 110/| 126/ 105/ | 112/105/123/| 71/ 112/ 33 57 |30 26 37 4/6 6/9 |3/6 6/ 9 152/ 145/ | 110/ 11.5/118/84/116/ | 108/125/122/|110/82/93/ | 73 60 | 35 45 6/6 5/6 6/9 5/6 3/94/9 1810 | 155/ 145/ | 120/ 115/| 95/ 125/ | 115/124/105/| 84/ 65/ 64 58 39 44 41 || 6/ 6/9 |4/6 4/9 11 | 190/ 170/| 115/ 105/|132/118/126/ — 62/ 75/ | 63 48 67 || 46 33 || 6/ 5/3 6/3 |4/6 4/24/6 12 163/ 152/ | 100/ 122/128/118/122/| 134/110/| 73/ 90/ 80 78 43 36 6/ 7/3 6/3 4/3 5/6 13 160/ 195/ 122/ 187/ 121/ 90/ 127/ 72/105/ 84/100/ 50 64 45 40 60 6/6 8/ 7/ 6/ 14 || 178/ 160/ | 125/ 130/140/125/138/|130/95/140/110/78/108/ 36 44 58 34 43| 8/ 6/ |6/ 4/6 15 140/ 170/| 70/ 100/| 116/ 12.1/ 143/105/124/| 82/ 60/ 60 36 33 45 35 | 6/6 4/4 |4/6 3/ 16 140/ 90/| 70/ 75/|114/68/96/ | 108/ 74/ 86/ 55/47/ 52/| 37 61 22 37 4/6 3/10 5/| 3/3 2/8 3/9 17 | 125/ 108/| 105/ 90/| 82 94. 701 116|| 90/74/ 105/| 55/ 52/77/|43 72 65 |38 31 59| 4/6 4/ 5/6 |2/8 3/6 18 110/ 100/| 112/ 105/ 134/127/118/ 120/ 100/118/| 71/ 90/ 83/ |48 58 55 || 34 42 39| 5/ 5/6 4/3 3/8 3/3 19 125/ 115/ | 102/ 90/| 78/100/ 75/| 80/100/ 92/| 71/ 63/ 52/|46 49 39 33 39 34 4/3 4/ 3/3 2/6 1820 135/ 120/| 67/6 72/6 | 93/ 82/ | 86/75/ 88/| 54/63/48/|41 48 44 |30 33 23. 3/9 5/2 4/ | 3/4 3/ 1 | 125/ 117/ | 72/6 57/6 97/72/90/ | 85/*42/82/| 44/46/40/| 39 42 48 25 19 4/3 2/10 |2/2 1/6 2 112/ 80/ 57/6 54/ | 90/72/75/ |74/88/46/74/| 55/32/42/|43 30 32 22 19 28 3/ 3/3 3/ | 1/10 1/8 3 107/ 95/| 50/ 75/ | 70/ 84/ | 90/ 86/ 90/ | 38/9 33/6 || 33 36 34 |21 24 18 2/10 2/2 2/4 1/10 1/7 4|90/85 80 1026 80/77/84/| 80/ 94/ | 104/74/102/| 34/3 36/6 || 36 33 19 25 2/8 2/4 1/11 1/9 5|105] 115||110|| 84|90ſ 87|6 |38|96/ 78|96) 901 112| 86| 98|| 42/ 35/3 | 40 34 35 |29 24 32 || 3/62/10 3/5 2/1 2/4 6 |127| 115||110|| 726 87.672/6 82/ 96/ | 110/114/122/| 32/ 39/3 || 39 34 30 30 38 || 3/62/11 3/84||2/11262/82/11 7 117/6120, 115|| 67/6 63| 60| | 86/92/ 88/ | 116/104/92/| 36/ 39/3 || 35.323433 31 29 21 4/1 4/2 |3/1 3/4 8 115/ 110/ | 68/ 87/6 82/74/80/ | 112/ 86/ 90/|42/3 37/ 37 34 23 27 | 4/6 3/6 3/8 *** Referring to the Notes, to the two preceding Statements the principle upon which the above, as well, as all the accompanying Statements of Prices are founded, is now about to be eacplained;— Highest and lowest price simply stated, denotes, as much the price of the best and worst quality of an article, as it does the fluctuation in price, of an article of similar quality: and the object, in these Statements, being not merely to shew, what the prices of the articles ea:- hibited have been; but as far as practicable, to shew the fluctuations, to which they have been subjected, the quotations therefore here given mean the prices of Similar qualities, and in the Years in which the highest quotation precedes the lowest, it implies that the article tended to decline during such the Years in which the lowest quotation precedes the highest, the contrary, the article tended to a rise. Inferences respecting the cause of these fluctuations in support, or in refutation of those advanced by Mr. Tooke and others on the subject will be found in another place; suffice it to say, that some articles from their peculiarity of nature, and peculiar circumstances, preclude any just inferences of a general nature being applied to them: whilst the eactreme variations of quality of other articles renders it impossible to convey in a general eachibition of prices a correct Idea of the value ºf the Bulk of the articles: among the ºrticles subject to peculiar circumstances tending to ocsasion an eaſtrémé fluctuation in price are Hops (see Statement No. 8) and among those subject to ea:- treme variation in quality is Indigo ( e - 4 Single quotation sufficient to convey a fair idea both of their general and particular Value. see Statement No. 16) whilst all the articles in this State Year, and in mnt particularly Tallow and Oils are of a nature to render -;§:S.,if#.§f 180 Annual Average Pri ºrage Price of sundr ſcies, as sold - ºu articies 4 - g 9 articies, as sold at the Public Sales of the East India Com f 799 - * º **, ºf … Aſ & pany, in each of the 33 Years 1799 - g 1831, | • | 0 1 0 8ſ, į 0 £, ſ ſº/} - : i ! *(); /— | g/9/68 || 8/ţſ/№ į{ !, 9 ſ 68 | 6 × 9|8/1 | --- | 9/f | /98');II/21 || šº ſoi/ºz | 8 | 1 g || ||º/0 || #8/! ! -- | * &23 %),| | “}}; || % ſ'ºffiż | å żi ż |##}} | }}ºſº | ſg | typ | $/g || $ 91 g | } O 9 ſ 88 | 9 g { {}«/« | —ſg | g/g/ º >*/ș89/8/$|! /ì%/9I º, g | 088 ſ o ºſ 98 | 9 & ! †/z | —§§ºffſ}}9/81 || Že ſ 9/1.4 || 8 8 8 || $9/0 i #6 | 8/9 || | | vec $ $ $ $ $ $/ğ | — | 675 || g/ižoff;# | #žºgs | ¡ ¿ $ | ſg)ſå løſſ.iſ | $/; | }} | } { { | } 6|-6 8 I88/z,ſæxae &šķĂ/«№ ſae,; [#g8/{{!{}% I%→ſz/#·/| 8%,II/57{)9�|ſ. ; ; ; ; ; ;: |=|#|#|#| |#|#| |#|#|#||#|#| |#|#| |#|#|## #| 8 | 0 £ ol { //g i —- || 97'ſ·I/9 I9 | 1/gz, ſ g g g || $8Á/q | 01/+ || 1/4 { //g || 0 8 9 | 9 () ȘI 61, | 6 9 /,5/ž9/9 | 6/946/9 i | 0/11 || $9 || !/! 9țg/l | ſg | 01/; ; 9/8 | f/g | g/•= -/36→æ*?> ;- -T &/ \ & § § 68* /g/gQ į7 I· å żi öğ | ë ï ö ] ';}} | g/g , ýš§§$ſ;1/81 || 59 |0\/pg | Ș 9 9 || — și lo%z/g i OI/); | Þ/9 || 0 † I №. # 6 · }} | ff || ¡ ¿ | Ă Ă Ă || — | #5};Äğ |(}/ğ | ff || 6 § ſ | ¡ ¿ g 6, 11 | 6 6I 6 i /g | f/1 | 9/9 { /98 || g/25 6I/i, | ſſg | 9/8 | g/l || 0 || 8 | 068 ſ $ $' ; | ; }' \; | } | }/{ i "Ž | 6ff; || ?gz | I/#z || $1. || 1/g8 || 0 6 g || #6/0 | } · }șišt. | ő ít ôì | 67% riſiiſ | $/88ț¢};OL i 6/Þ þ | 9 8 I 9#öſ{; ;};##II/8 || 9 0 9 | 6 ſ -ğ | \; \; \; | "№ ſ'iſſ ſiſi/96ez || «I | 8/Lº8ÅÝ",/8/9 | 6/8 | †/ & *, ** *** /I H I/ţ | 6/ſg | z… Lý | 2, 6 ſº || Ž0 I/O | % | Þ/II || 0 ĢI 1. || 8ſ �') { º.g | †/I 10L/9 | 6/98 || 3/ /§z I i fºſſ | 9 0 8 || #I/I | }} y – Į ./«I || || 0 I 6 || LI ſ ři öö ö å ti | 97/g8 || z/ſz, | f/1.4 || #4} } |#|I/I I #2 | 0/8 | g/g ; 9/8·→ §.† | 6/4 | 3/8 i /8• ; || {z I || «./09 | 0 91 g || I 1/0 | # •· /01 || 9 8 1 0 [ | 9Ī 6 Ģſ 89 || 0 0 g, & ! || 8/14 || !/gz || #8 L | 6/ ſi t/o | #oſ || 1/0.1 | †/2 | 9/8 *** \ ,ga | — | I/f | I/6 ſ 6/6/. 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I øſ, ºg í81 0 • • • \ x * , , , ,! që (Áqaq qo º Aſsn ſoxº) | ! 9^{1010., o sº 004., „“� ºg ønțq oquy fiț03) vì „cºquº sºļoņa„”4 g6?! 2u04f uſ? A4 aq yo òAſsn ſoxa) pios se ‘ao’npo u× o se ººſd · · · 1881–66) s qoyq.wp asanyº po asou ſ sºuſų, 40 sº?| +5 - eº- !∞???WA.!»* {4′{29�} �???powwoo„ſ??!!!() po taſ pºpºſ 4soºſ go soļoņa Viššiuo aššijo¿;"},uſ ! x N và Woo vya N I LSVGI ‘uo H, ºſſ?% $. (* 2v ozvºwaaay yomuuſy aqq $uſ Mºſs I • |- žđu {A^3\{s \I, NOEIINGHALV JLS s STATEMENT snewing the Annual Average Price of the Silk and Cotton Piece Goods of India, and of Nankeen, as sold ( exclusive of D Public Sales of the Hon. EAST INDIA Company, in each of the 33 Years 1799–1831; and also a Statement of the contract prices of the ticles of subsistence for the supply of Greenwich and Chelsea Hospitals; the annual average price of Wheat, and ratio of the value of Manufacturing Labor in each of Eacported, as eachibited at page 48, and *** The last Column of this Statement is the one most deserving of attention ; it is founded on the Official and Declared Value qf British Products when contrasted with the increased value of Money Property, presents a disparity, which none but the most stultified and obtuse can view without it portends. In 1803 ºf 100 of 3 dj Cent. Stock was only equal to £ 31 15 2 of Manufactured Products, was equal to less than 23 Pieces of Long Cloths, and in 1831 to more than 115 Pieces, being in the proportion of more than 5 to 1. PIECE GOODS. Taffaties, —r— Contract Prices of the undermentioned articles, Jor the supply of the Naval Hospital at Greenwich. § 3. - ilk § A. ATA", TT1 7 5 §§ rºº § NANQUINS. - §§ - Long •S º Years | 3 Cloths. & Long. Short. White. 1799 || 28/6 49/ 41/6 53/ 27/7 9/2 6/6 | 6/3 | 8/5 1800 ; 45/2 37/ 51/10 24/8 12/ 7/3 6/10 | 6/5 1 34/6 48/2 46/3 53/8 — 10/2 6/4 6/1 5/1 2 39/4 57/5 40/5 48/9 — 8/4 5/7 5/1 || 4/5 3 28/3 40/3 || 38/ 46/6 20/8 7/2 5/1 || 4/10 || 4/2 4 28/5 40/2 42/ 35/3. — 8/8 || 5/3 4/8 4/2 5 33/1 | 40/5 || 37/9 || 32/5 15/4 8/7 6/4 || – || – 6 33/6 53/10 || 43/1 29/6 -* 7/6 || – * I tºº- 7 || 32/9 || 43/2 | 39/5 30/ 15/2 5/9 3/11 || – || – 8 30/4 43/2 30/11 || 25/7 || – 6/6 || 4/4 | – || – 9 || 32/10 || 45/9 || 37/1 || 33/6 17/2 7/11 || 5/5 | – || – 1810 || 30/7 44/2 || 36/ 34/2 | 16/11 || 7/8 5/2 | – || – II 22/ | 35/11 || 31/10 || 37/5 18/ 6/8 1/11 | – || – 12 18/9 39/11 30/ 38/7 17/9 3/1 4/4 |. º 13 22/2 32/5 34/5 44/8 20/6 6/3 || 4/7 || 3 |6 || 6/7 14 31/8 47/6 43/9 53/6 22/9 10/ 7/ | 6/9 || – 15 27/10 | 40/10 || 38/3 42/3 || 19/7 7/11 5/6 | – || 7/8 16 22/3 36/8 || 33/4 || 34/10 17/6 6/2 5/3 3/7 || – 17 21/ 31/11 || 33/9 || 32/3 | 15/4 5/7 || 4/ — 6/1 18 22/ | 34/4 39/5 31/4 || 14/10 || 7/4 5/5 | – || 5/3 19 22/3 || 34/10 || 33/3 29/4 14/4 6/2 || 4/10 | – || 3/2 1820 24/10 || 39/8 || 48/7 || 28/5 || – 5/11 || – * || -- 1 23/9 || 38/7 || 43/10 || 27/1 | 12/7 4/6 3/4 || – || – 2. 22/9 || 37/10 | 40/9 28/ | 13/4 || 4/4 3/3 | – || – 3 22/3 || 39/4 36/4 || 26/6 12/10 || 4/ 2/11 || – tºm- 4 22/1 40/5 || 37/6 25/4 | 12/10 || 4/1 2/10 | – || 3/2 5 || 25/5 | 40/3 43/9 || 25/ | 13/2 4/1 2/10 I/II 2/11 6 22/9 || 32/2 || 37/1 | 16/4 8/4 4/2 | – || 1/8 || 3/4 7 18/5 24/8 40/4 | 1.4/2 7/11 || 4/7 | – || 1/8 || – 8 || 17/3 22/ | 32/5 14/2 7/3 5/1 || 4/9 1/9 || 3/4 9 18/10 || 23/3 || 30/6 14/6 7/5 4/1 | 1/10 10 || 4/2 1830 19/10 24/8 31/6 15/10 || 7/5 3/1 — — 3/7 1 19/8 24/5 27/7 14/9 7/1 2/4 1/5 | – || 3/4 2 3 4 5 6 Flour, Meat, Butter | Chse. Pease, Oatmeal, t;" Sack. tº Cwt. | {Pib. {Pib. dj Bush. tº Bush, 96/ 64/4 || 113 || 64 || 13/5 14/ 82/3 | 60/4 113 || 74 7/9 12/ 69/74 61/ 113 || 7 | 8/4} | 10/3 63/8; 63/ 12} | 74 || 14/4} 9/4; 69/10; 63/ 12} | 73 || 19/2; 10/10 85/1} | 66/6 | 13 || 8 || 14/10; 11/9 88/4 || 72/ | 133 || 8 || 9/5 11/7 91/ 74/ 14} | 84 || 8/9 1 1/6 107/5 78/ 15} | 84 || 12/83 13/3 93/ 85/ 15 8; 13/84 || 13/3 70/6 || 74/6 || 14 | 83 || 9/4 10/4 44/9 | 68/ 14 || 8 6/7} | 10/3 64/1 || 51/4 94 | 64 7/03 9/2 86/4 || 51/4 8; 5% | 8/6; 13/9 65/II 59/ 11 || 6 || 10/9 # 13/6 57/2; 64/3 II | 8 7/8 || 12/9 55/1, 70/4} | 94 || 7 ||37/53 || 13/4} 45/3} 58/10 | 83 || 6 | # 5/9 |& 8/84 37/9; 39/5, | | 5 |& 5/04 |* 8/6 41/11}| 42/73 || 74 || 4 |# 5/6 15/6 47/6. 42/83 | 84 || 4 |* 5/11 || 17/ 52/4} | 59/6% | 103 || 5} | 11/ | 17/6 44/2; 57/8 9; 6% II/ 19/ 43/64 55/4} | 84 5} | 10/6 25/ 46/6 || 50/73 | 84 5} | 9/6 18/6 55/20%| 46/34 5 8/9 | 18/6 54/11 || 43/6 6% 4. 8/ 16/11 60/5} 44/3] | 9; 4; 9/ 17/6 Malt, (ift' Quar -*m- ! i º *- t ; 72/3 66/4 | : s: 76/2 65/10 54/5 43/3 51/9 62/ 66/6 56/11 56/9 60/5 66/3 64/3 ii uty ) at the principal ar- those Years. Jear and trembling for the consequences which while in 1832 it commands ºf 139 6 10; or in 1801 the ºf 100 of 3 “P Cent. Stock | |60 150 ° 143 143 S. §t| º 2 ſºn gº 333i (ſt 3i N. C. § 3;...ſf. RATES OF CUSTOM'S DUTIES PAYABLE ON MERCHAN DIZE, IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA, Pursuant to an Act of Congress passed the 14th. of July 1832; to take effect from the - 3rd. March, 1833. ON SHEEPS WOOL AND WOOLENS. On Sheeps Wool, not exceeding in Value 8 Cents itſ” ib. ...... . . . . duty free Exceeding 8 Cents dj' ib, to pay 4 Cents d? ib Duty, & 40 d?' Cent, ad valorem Wool on the Skin to be estimated as to Weight and Value as other Wool; and fine Wool mia!ed with dirt or other material so as to reduce the Value of the miarture below 8 Cents ºf ib, to be appraised, and the Wool to be charged as though it had not been so mia!ed. on all Milled and Fulled Cloth known by the name of plain Kerseys or Kendal Cottons, of which Wool shall be the only material, the value whereof shall not ex- ceed 35 Cents d?' Square Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 d? Cent, ad valorem On Worsted Stuff Goods, Shawls, and other Manufac- tures of Silk and Worsted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 do. do. On Worsted Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 do. do. On Woolen Yarn, 4 Cents di’ib and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 do. do. On Coach Laces • Q Q & © ge e e s tº a 9 s e e s 6 º' e tº e o e a s e o e º a 9 & © tº e c 35 do. do. On Mits, Gloves, Bindings, Blankets, Hosiery, Car- pets, and Carpeting, . . . . . . . e 9 tº dº tº ſº e º E & © e o 's s e º & 9 e º º • 25 do. do. eaccept Brussels, Wiiton, and treble ingrained Car- peting which pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Cents {P Sq. Yard On all other ingrained and Venetian Carpeting ...... 35 do. do. On Blankets, not exceeding in Value 75 Cents each... 5 ºff Cent, ad valorem On Flannels, Bockings, and Baizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Cent8 per Sq. Yard On Merino Shawls, & all other Manufactures of Wool or of which Wool is a component part, and on ready made Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 tº Cent. ad valorem On Felts or Hat bodies, made wholly or in part of Wool 18 Cents each ON COTTONS. On all Manufactures of Cotton, or of which Cotton shall be a component part (excepting Cotton Twist, Yarn, and Thread º e º 'º º º e tº 6 º' s e º e º e º e º e o e s is e tº º e º ſº tº 25 d? Cent, ad valorem No plain Cottons to be valued at less than ... 30 Cents ºf Sq. Yard And if dyed, Color’d, Printed, or Stained 35 do. do. On Nankeens direct from China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 d? Cent, ad valorem On all Stamped, Printed, or Painted Floor Cloth . . . . 43 Cents d?' Sq. Yard On Oil Cloths of all kinds, (not patent Floor Cloth ) i2} do, do. On Floor Matting, usually made of Flags, or other 1Material e 9 & e º 0 e º 0 tº 9 & 0 9 e º & 6 s > *, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g º e º 'º 5 d? Cent, ad valorem ON SHH.F.S. On all Manufactures of Silk, or of which Silk shall be a component part, Imported from beyond the Cape of Good ope a tº - © tº tº a tº 9 º' e º 'º - e º gº * * * * * * * * * * * c e e º 'º e e a 10 do. do. From all other parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 5 do. do. eaccept Sewing Silk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & a tº G tº C tº s 2 e º e . 40 do. do. On Sail T}uck tº e º & e º 'º e º 'º & ſº dº & & © tº 6 e º 'º e s e o e º gº gº º s a s e e º e © 15 dB Cent. ad valorem On all Manufactnres of º or Flax, (except Yarn and Cordage, Tarred and Untarred, Ticklenburghs, Osnaburghs, and Burlaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ • 25 do. do. On Bleached and Unbleached LINEN .......... . . 15 do. do. On Cotton Bagging without regard to Weight or Breadth • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Cents tº Sq. Yard ON IRON AND MANUFACTURES OF IRON. On Iron, in Bars or Bolts, not Manufactured in tº e º º ºs º º O & Gº whole or in part by Rolling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dollars itſ' Ton On Iron, made wholly, or in part by Rolling, & Steel 30 do. do. Scrap and Old e e g a s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e a e e s e e e s s a s e a 12% do. do. In Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * 0 tº º, ø tº e - e a c s e e o e o e 10 do. do. Qn Vessels of Cast Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 13 Cent # ib. On all other Castings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... I do. do. On Iron or Steel Wire, not exceeding No. 14 ........ 5 do. do. do. O. exceeding do. ........ 9 do. do. On Cap or Bonnet. Wire, covered with Silk, Cotton, Flax, Yarn, or Thread * @ 9 tº 8 º' s e º e tº a e e s e s = e s p a a e s a e . 12 do. do. On Silvered OY Plated Wire • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 {} Cent, ad valorem On round Iron or brazier’s rods of 3 to 8|16ths. of an - inch diameter, inclusive, and on Iron in nail or spike rods, or nail plates, slit, rolled, or hammered, and on Iron in sheets, and Hoop Iron, and on Iron, slit, olled, or hammered for band Iron, scroll Irón, or casement rods * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c s e e 3 Cents d? ifi. 4 d e On Iron S ikes • * @ e º 'º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e o 'º e 0. do Qn Iron Nails, cut and wrought ... ........ • . . . . . . . . 5 do. do. On tacks, brads, & Sprigs, not exceeding 16 oz. to 1000 5 do. 4; io90 do. do. O, exceeding do. do. 5 do. #' ib. On Anvils and Anchors, and all parts thereof Manu. - factured in Whole Qr in part ....................... 2 do. do. On Iron Cables or Chains, and do. do. do. 3 do. do. On Mill Cranks and Mill Irons of wrought Iron .... 4 do. do. On Blacksmith’s Hammers and Sledges ... . . - - - - - - 2% do. do. On square Wire, used for the Manufacture of Stretch- ers for Umbrellas, and cut in pieces, not exceeding the length used therefor .................... tº º e o a º 12 djº Cent, ad valorem On Mill Saws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * • . . . . . . . . . I Dollar each On Muskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 13 do. do. On Rifles * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g a 9 º' * * * * * g tº a 4 tº 9 º' e o 9 2} do. do. ON IRON AND MANUFACTURES OF IRON,+Continued, On all other Fire Arms......... º, e º e o e o s & c. © tº º e e º e e e . 30 tº Cent ad, valorem On Axes, Adzes, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Cutting Knives, Sickles, or Reaping hooks, Scythes, Spades, Shoyels, Squares of Iron or Steel, Plated Brass, and Polished Steel, Saddlery, Coach and Harness Fur- niture of all descriptions, Steelyards & Scale Beams, Socket Chissels, Vices and Screws of Iron, called Wood Screws ... . . . . . . . ... 30 d? Cent, ad valorem ON JAPANNED WARE, COPPER, TIN, LEAD, AND SLATES. Qn common Tin’d and Japanned Saddlery ......... 10 do, do. On Japanned and Plated Wares of all kinds, and on all Manufactures not otherwise specified, made of Brass, Iron, Steel, Pewter, or Tin, or of which either is a component material ; and on Copper Vessels, & all Manufactures of COPPER ; and on SLATEs .... 25 do. do. On Old and Scrap Lead ........... © tº ſº e º º . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cents #P lb. TIN in Plates & Sheets, & Tin Foil, Pins & Needles, and Epaulettes of Gold and Silver ................ Duty free. On Salt * - tº º - to e & e º e º e º e s tº e º ºs e < e < e < e as e ë is a 9 º' e º 'º e tº 9 s e º 'º e º e º e o 6 a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cents per Cwt. M ON GLASS. On Window Glass ( 8 Inches by 10 ................ 3 Dollars dP 100 Square Feet, $ 10 do. by 12 ................ 3% do. not above, R above 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 do (Apothecaries, exceeding the capacity of 6 Oz, & not exceeding the capacity of 16 oz. ea. 2 25 Cents on Yºlº Perfumery and Fancy, not exceeding the Bºtties capacity of 4 oz. each • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 55 A/ d£' Gross do, exceeding 4 oz., & not exceeding 16 3 25 * | On Black, not exceeding 1 Quart ....... ... 2 A/ do. exceeding do. . . . . . . . . 2 50 m On Demi-johns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſ: each © e º º 25 On all Wares of Cut Glass not specified 3 Cents d?ib, & 30 dj' Cent ad valorem On all other Glass, not specified ...... 2 do. do. & 20 do. do. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. On Paper Hangings ................................ 40 #P Cent. ad va.orem On Hemp & © & tº t e s tº tº a tº tº 6 e º & © g º º te tº º t e º gº tº g a c e º e º e e is e e s e 40 Dollars dj' Ton On Boots and Bootees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1% do. #' Pain On Flax • * ~ * * * * * * e º 'º e © e º e is e g g º & 6 s e a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e e Duty free On Olive Oil, in Casks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cents ºff Gallon ON SUGAR. Qn Brown Sugar and Syrup of Sugar Cane, in Casks 2; do. #' fh. On White Clayed Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3; do. do. ON WINE. On French Wine in Casks until K Red in Casks ...... 6 do. #' Gallon the 3rd. March 1834, and º in do. . . . . . . 10 do. do. that date half the annexed rates. (All sorts in Bottles 22 do. do, All other Wines at half ( Catalonia. . . . . . ... in Casks 5 do. do. their previous rates of ) Malaga. . . . . . . . . . . do. 7% do. do. Duty, which .*& Madeira, and Sherry do. 25 do. do. them to the annexed. G all in Bottles, & all oth. do. 15 do. do. ON SPIRITS. SPIRITS, are not specified in the Act of 1832, the ( 1st. Proof §§ 53 annexed are the previous rates of Duty which it is W2nd. a 60 presumed are to be continued,—the first Column 3rd. // 63 57 being the rates at Cents per Gallon, on all Spirit A4th. fy 67 63 Distilled from Sugar, and the latter on other Spirits. C 5th. f/ 75 72 - The following articles remain at the former rates of Duty, Viz., On Cotton Twist, Yarn, or Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 tſ’ Cent. ad valorem On Shoes of Leather . . . . . tº e º e º e e - © e º 'º - §§§ {* d • on rº On Shoes & Slippers of Prunella, Stuff, & Nankeen o, per pair. On Porcelain . . . . . . . . . © e º sº e º 'º e o 'º e º tº tº G tº e º e 9 & e e g a c e On China . . . . . . . e a e º 'º e º e e º e o 'º e º 'º e º e º e s e o e s a a §ºrcatawn On Stone and Earthen Ware . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 6 e º 'º e º e On Yarn and Cordage, Hemp or Flax, Tarred or ün: tarred, Ticklenburghs, Osnaburghs, and Burlaps .. 5 Cents per ib. On Alum . . . . . . * g e tº 0 & º ſº gº tº C & G a e tº tº e º 'º e º a tº e s tº 8 & 8 & 3 e º e & 2% Dollars per Cavt. On Copperas tº e º º º e e o 6 & G e g tº g tº e º g º e s ∈ tº e º º ſº e º & © & tº * is e º e º .. 2 do. do. On Manganesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * On Muriate or Sulphuric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On Refined Salt Petre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cents per ib. On Blue Vitriol • * c s e s a • * * * e e is e e º a se e º e º 'º e © c → * * g g tº s e e 4 do. do. On Carbonate of Soda . . . . . . . . . . • , , ess s " " * * * * ön Red, white, and sugar of iead ::::::...'... . . . . . . 5 do. do. The following articles are not specified in the Act of 1832, the affixed are the previous rates of Duty, Viz-Printed Books, 26 Cents per ib. in Sheets or Unbound, 30 Cents if bound; Coals 6 Cents per Bushel; Molasses 10 Cents per Gallon, - * - 183 STATEMENT (No. 21.) of the Ra tes of Duty on Wool, and WoollBN MANUFACTURES on Importation into, and Transit through, Kingdoms of France, Prussia, and the Netherlands in 1828. . . the rºThe first Col. is the Rate of Duty when Imported in French | Import Duty ºf Vessels, and the Second when Imported in Foreign Vessels. -- ſ SHEEP, of every kind } Rams, Ewes, and Wethers 4|2 4/2 T. d?' Head see Note* - i.ambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 # S 2 (Fleeces without distinction of kind, condition } 30 d?' Cent, #3 - Or quality See Note # Så Dyed, º ºts .........&same iſſuija Wool º | º I gºv hole . . . . . . . . . .(Same Duty as Wool | 866 Notes : =#8wast, } Flocks, and Clippings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; # & A. ſº ſ”; e e g g g º e º ºs e º a e º e º E tº e º 'º e º e º e g º e º e e 2 Q 6| Hº s Of Rams, º Wºrs e tº º E tº a º º: ſº % º, 17|3 C § º J S. ..ºns S with the Wool . . . . . . $ $."..."; "“” §§§ 5 s of Lambs Stºja........... Note # } 7|6 s: 3 Cº. 4 of Kids • * * * * o e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4% R § s $$. U all others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | • 17/3 > 5 § 3. ſs., $from French Senegal rºº... . . . . 3.j.s & . i § , all other parts not in Europe 1/10} I } 9/4} N- 25:3; Š a Warehouses in Bond . . . . . . . . jà" & 5.7% : > z ř; S. (of Rams, EWes, and Wethers ...... : tº ſhe pºlis, 26/3 4 -> *- so *se º on Gross Wool, or wash- S = |s 3- "S of Lambs §§§ the Wool . . . . . . . . . ." iºd Water R §§§ S S Stripped ..............? 7|6 Cº. |* }of Kids........:..................: 4% 5 § G \ iºners..........................S. | 26/3 #3 " ſBlankets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75|| || 79/8} \ = § # (of pure Wool, or mixed with Cotton .... prohibited # & J # 5 of Wool and Thread } ###"...: ; iº Ca S-3 & - 1I] ... • - - - - - - - - 60| 6i/8% : ; ; Stuff and Crape ºf Zurich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75] 79/8% § {.s | Bolting Cloth without Seam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75| 75/8% - 7 S Uall others not specified, and Hosiery ...... prohibited Ke • of pure Wool } White ...... 82/6 87/6% S | Laces and Ribbons?” P Pºº.….:” 93 T. Us |- . . mixed with Thread or Hair |9 99|4} - - Import Duty P 100 ſhs. ſyarn, made of Wool or Camels Hair, and plain or Dyed Worsted | 1519 Hose, or Woollen Goods woven with a Stocking Loom; as also Borders Chénilles, Fringes, Strings, Hats, besides Goods made with other 78/9 Hair; as also those made in the above manner, of Wool or Hair mixed ( ‘ with Cotton, Flax, Silk, & Floreseide, in part or with all these mat, Carpets. made of Wool or other Hair, alone or mixed with Flax | 52/6 S Flannels, and other Blankets, with Long Hair, either plain or striped, : 26/3 &n Common Covers, Łistings, Warp, and coarse Cloths made of Wool 34 Wool unmanufactured, free of Duty on Import, Eaſport Duty # 100ib. 7/10} S iTRANSIT DUTIES, if the Goods enter the Eastern Provinces to the § right of the Oder, being made of Wool or Hair, they pay, when § 10|8 - enter or leave the Sea Ports If the Goods are carried by Land, and Worsted Yarn plain or Dyed 5/4 The above transit Duties are also paid if the º, Goods pass out to the right of the Oder Riv r On entering the Western Provinces, all Woollen Goods pay 5/4 \- all Woollen Goods of Prussian Manufacture are Eaſported free of Duty (Wool, of all kinds and from all parts, free of Duty on Import, & º Eacport, and Transit 1dſ' Cent. Q Manufactures d?100 ft. weight Valued as under in Sterling {{*Square Yard 2. WOOLLEN CLOTHS KERSEYMEREs S at or under 5/7 Duty 29/7 at or under 2/9} Euty 29/7 §: from 5/7 to 11]2 a 51/10 from 29% to 5/7 a 51/10 § { do. II/2 a 16/9 a 74| do. 57 m 8|4} a 74] s: do. 16/9 a 22/4 Af 88}0 do. 8|4} p 112 / 88/10 & all above 22/4 a 111/1 all above 112 a 14i/1 R all the above pay a Transit Duty of 3/8 tp'100 ib. * all other Woollen Manufactures, not specified as above, pay § on Import 6 dj' Cent. Eacport # 4? Cent. and Transit 1 ºf Cent. S | Enacted in 1828. Woollen Goods mixed with Silk, or Camels Hair &c. pay on Import 66/8, on Eaſport diº, and Transit 2/3 ºf 100ft. *- There is, besides the above Tariff Duties in the Netherlands a Taa, of 15 dſ' Cent, on all Duties whatever. This Addition is called the Syndicat, the Syndicat being an Estab- ishment for the Reduction of the National Debt. Tariff of the United States of North America, 3rd. 15 # Cent. Barley, Grass, or Straw Baskets Composition, Wax, or Amber Beads, nd all other Beads not otherways enume, at 36 Lamp Black The following articles are admitted at an ad valorem Duty of 30 tº Cent. All Leghorn Hats or Bonnets, and all Hats or Bonnets of Straw, Chip, or Grass, and all flats, braids, or plats for making Hats or ** *-* : * Notes on the Tariff of France and for further Details than here eachibited see French Laws of 28th. April 1816., 7th.June 1820. 27th. July 1822., 17th. May 1826., and 7th. June 1828. Note * When the Wool of Wethers, Rams, Ewes, or Lambs, whether Merinos, Cross- breed, or Common Sheep, is of more than Four Months’ Growth, there is to be Collec- ted, independent of the Duties specified on Sheep & Lambs, the Duty on Wool, accor- ding to its Kind. These Four Months may be reckoned from the Period when Sheep- shearing takes place on the Frontiers of France, because with few Exceptions it is the same in other Countries. . The Sheep Imported for Slaughter are generally of a Large Size. They have Long Wool called in Commerce Skin or Dead Wool, approaching in Quality to the coarse Cross-breed. The Weight of these Fleeces, unwashed, at the Period immediately pre- ceding the Shearing, is at least from Eight to Ten ibs. When washed on the Sheeps” Back they are reduced to rather less than Half the above Weight. - Setting out then from this given Point, the Weight may be calculated from the Months that have to elapse before the Shearing, for instance, it would be the Half or the three Quarters, when the Wool is only of Six or Nine Months Growth. - These Indications, given as a Point to set out from, cannot prevail over the Reality of a Fact declared faithfully and acknowledged by the Officers, for Administration does not mean that the Weight of Fleeces should be unjustly augmented. In this Case the Duty on Wool is only an Addition to that of 4s. 2d. itſ” Sheep, and may from that Time be collected any where, since there are no Offices specially desig- nated for the Duty on Sheep. Note # The Law of the 17th. of May 1826, does not establish the same Distinction for Skins covered with their Wool, as for the Fleeces of Living Animals. Thus the Half. or the Two Thirds of the Duty on Wool must, without Exception, be Charged on the Skins according as they are fresh or dried, and without regard to the degree of growth of the Woo!. There are, however, Ea:ceptions. First, for the Skins of the Lambs cał- led Astracan, comprised under the Denomination of Furs. Second, for the Skins of Lambs from ftaly and the Alps, mentioned in the 18th. Note of the General Tariff, see- ing that the Wool with which they are covered is too short to be spun, and that the Duty to which it would be made subject would increase the Value of the Skin, which is only to be used by Glovers. . It follows from the Law of the 27th. of July 1822, that Skins covered with their Wool can only be admitted by the Ports and Offices designa- ted in Art. 20 of the Law of 28th. April 1816. - Note f The Duty of 30 ºf Cent, on Wool Imported into FRANCE, is collected on the Val- ue, at the Frontier, of Wools in Fleeces, of all kinds, including those of Vigonia and Lama. The Minimum of Value being fixed as follows Viz. For unwashed Wools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4}^ / Wools Washed in cold Water 9 : {{Pib. weight. - J/ DO. Do. in hot do. . . . . . . i3 $ - Note | By Waste Wool is understood the Flock or Refuse, a Woolly substance very short, which is scarcely susceptible of being spun, and is only fit for stuffing Saddles &c. or for manufacturing Flock Papers. There are three sorts. Viz. 1st. Entire Flock is that which comes from Stripping dressed Skins. It is a damaged Wool, and necessarily short for before the Skins are dressed they are carefully shorn. 2nd. Flock Wool is the wasté which is produced by beating Wools on a Hurdle, or by combing Stuffs. 3rd. Clippings is the waste produced by the Shearing of Cloths, it is extremely short, and can only be used in the Manufactory of Paper Hangings, to which this Substance gives the Appear- ance of Cloth or Velvet, and they are therefore called Flock or Cloth Paper. - The above Values are a forced Minimum, to which the Declarations must be brought without being subject to Pre-emption. --- &y This Regulation may expose to Seizure or Searching; if, for instance, a Portion of Wool declared as washed in coldwater of the Value of less than 134a Per pound Net is found to be washed in Hot water it may be seized for false Declaration Or, in case of mutual Doubt, may require searching. ...” In case of a false Declaration of Yalue, the Custom house Officers or their Agent make use of the Right of Pre-emption, that is, of taking the Merchandize themselves at Wal- uation, as decreed by the Law of 23d. April 1796. Ten Days are allowed for declaring º º Eaw º 17th. May º; º Fº of Invoices which the Law of 4 Germina m. 2, always gives the Right of calling for, is a Means of obtaining Aº. º º º, 5 * v- 2 aining an It is required of importers that they make as many Declarations as there are ki Wool; and the joining of Bales of different Values #. the same Act of !...ºf ver admitted. In all cases, the Officers have a Right to detain in Pre-emption those Baies which they think falsely declared, without the Objection being made, that the smaller Value of those which they detain is compensated by the excess in th: Value of other Bales comprised in the same Declaration. March 1833.- Continued from the preceding page. DYES and RAW MATERIAL, jor Manufacture. Amber, Ambergris, Annotto, Argol, Brazil Paste, Busts and Casts of Marble, Metal, Bronze, or Plaster,-Cahoutchouc, Castam- mas, Chalk, Cochineal, Coral, Crude Tartar, The following is a specification of articles admitted Duty free. I, Uſ. X URIES. Bonnets, Cabinet Wares * Hats & Caps of Fur, Leather, or Wool Leather Whips, Bridles, Saddlery, & all Manufactures of Leather, not otherwise specified Carriages and parts of Carriages Blank Books Musical Instruments Manufactures of Marble 25 tº Cent. All Boards, Planks, Walking Canes & Sticks, Frames, or Sticks, for Umbrellas & Parasols and all Manufactures of Wood, not other- ways specified Artificial Flowers rnamental Feathers Qrnamented Head Dresses - alº S Caps for Women, and Millinery of all kinds Comfits & Sweetmeats of all kinds, preserved in Sugar or Brandy Indigo Shell or Paper Boxes Hair Bracelets Hair not made up for Head Dresses Bricks and Paving Tiles |Brooms of Hair or Palm Leaf Cashmere of Thibet Down of all kinds Feathers for Beds Combs These articles are eacceptions from the ſ Tartar Emetic Rocheile Salts Sulphate of Quinine and Magnesia Pºgº.3, ºlº Y Galomé, and corrosive admitted free Sublimate Umbrellas and Parasols of whatever materials Parchulent and Vellum Wafers and Black Lead Pencils Brushes of all kinds [made of Duty. t Glauber Salts 12% & Cent. Whalebone of Foreign Fishing Raw Silk and Dressed Furs - These articles are ſ Bichromate, Prussiate, eacceptions from & Chromate of Potass the Drugs & Dyes } Nitrate of Lead admitted free Aqua Fortis and Tar- of Dwty. l taric Acids. Tea,—if Imported in United States Ships direct from beyond the Cape of Good Hope; —Cocoa, Cocoa Nuts and Shells, Coffee, Almonds, Currants, Figs, Prunes, Raisins of ałl kinds, Dates, Filberts and Nuts of all kinds, Grapes, Olives, Lemons, Limes, Pine Apples, Arrow Root, Sago, Tapioca, Pepper, Pimento, Ginger, Cassia, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmegs, Capers, and Catsup. JDRUGS. Alcarnoque, Aloes, Aniseed, Assafoetida, Ava Root, Balsam of Tolu, Peruvian Bark, Bole Ammoniac, Bnrgundy Pitch, Camphor, Can- tharides, Canella Alba, Cascarilla, Chamomile Flowers, Coculus Indicus, Columbo Root, Coriander Seeds, Cummin Seeds, Frankin- cense, Hartshorn, Hemlock, Henbane, Ipe- cacuanha, Manna, Musk, Nux Vomica:— Oils of Almonds, Aniseed, Cloves, Hariam, and Juniper, Opium, Orris Root, Rhubarb, Sarsaparilla, Senna, and Vanilla Beans. Elephants Teeth, Filtering Stones, Flints, Gums, Arabic, Senegal, Gamboge, Sheilac, and Lac Dye, -Manufactured Hair, Hair Pencils, Hora Plates for Lanthorns, Horns and Tips of all kinds, Janiper, and all other Berries and Nuts used in Dyeing, Kelp, Kermes, Madders and Madder Roots, Mar- ble, Mother of Pearl, Platina, Quicksilver, Quills, Rattans and Reeds Unmanufactured, Rotten Stone, Saffron, Saltpetre, Sponges, Strings for Musical Instruments, Tortoise Shell, and Turmeric :-Vegetables, such as are used principally for Dyeing and in com- posing Dyes, Weld, and all articles used primcipally in Dyeing, coming under the duty of 12% P Cent, and all other Dyeing Drugs and Materials for composing Dyes, all other Medicinal Drugs, and all articles not enumerated in this act, nor the existing laws, and which are now liable to an ad valorem Duty of 15 tº Centum, except the articles specified in the preceding columns. and Woad or Pastel. - *...* All articles not herein specified, either as free, or as liable to a different Duty, and evhich, by the eatisting Laws pay an advalorem Duty higher than 15 tº cent, to pay only 15. 184 STATEMENT (No. 22.) of the Rates of Duty on Wool, and WoolleN MANUFACTUREs on Importation into the United States of North America and Russia in 1828 – 9. tº In addition to the exorbitant Rates of Duty which most of the accompanying Tariffs eahibit, they further merit attention for the variation in principle on which they are founded ; France, Prussia, and Russia it will be seen, levy the Duty on such articles as they admit, on the Weight, without any reference to Value, whilst in the United States of North America the Duty is levied on an arbitrary Value, and in the Netherlands the Duty has reference alike to Weight, Measure, and Value, on which it is observed by Doct. KELLY (vide Page 458 of evidence) who converted for their Lordships the Weights, Measures, and Monies of the several Tariffs into English Weights, Measures, and Monies; that it is an operation which must be attended with much uncertainty. It has however ( Doctor Kelly observes ) been ascertained by good authorities on such experiment, that tle Weight ºf Broad Cloth, seven Quarters wide, varies from 18 to 22 Ounces Avoirdupoise tº Yard, and hence the Square Yard at a medium may be reckoned at 1%. Ounces ; on which supposition, the Scale of Duties will render the Custom House Charges in the Netherlands from 4 to 8 tº Cent, and with the Syndicat to an average of only about 7 # Cent, ad valorem. It further deserves to be noticed that it is not on Woollen Manufactures only, that France, Russia, and the United States of North America impose such exorbitant Rates of Duty. France prohibits all Wove fabrics, and Manufactures of Metals, and even on Bar Iron the Duty is twice its Value in England. * The United States of North America *mpose a Duty ()?? an equally arbitrary Valuation on all Cotton and Linen fabrics as well as Woollen: and in Russia nearly all articles both Manufactured and Colonial, are subjected to an exorbitani Rate of Duty, whilst on the part of England duties have been remitted on nearly all articles the produce of these respective Countries without any equivalent either being obtained or even asked for. AMERICAN TARIFF, 1828, Wide pages 553 - 4 of evidence’ TARIFF of RUSSIA, Wide pages 635 - 6 of evidence . DUTY Import Expor 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the 30th. Day of June 1828, there 5 by Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 shall be levied, º ſº on the I.|#. the Articles herein-after mentioned TWO oº:: }: º cºa other Animals'''''...... ! {{} i | | - i. ies. in lieu o OS6 77,000 2732?)086 (l, {}^J / 1040 - S. U. - tº e º ºr s a Tée - the following Duties, in lieu of t +. 700 p $/ Note. In addition to the above, there is a Quarantine Duty enacted 2 - —ve—eace—e-- • - 7th. July 1800 equal to 146. d? 36 ibs. on all unwashed and washed wool 1. On Wool unmanufactured 2%d. Sterling tº Pound Avoirdupoise, and also in ad- Camels, of every Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2} dition thereto Forty iſ Cent, ad valorem, until the 30th. Day of June 1829, from which #7 O OL, Spaſm ) White by Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 26|4 11 time an additional ad valorem Duty of Five # Cent, shall be imposed annually, until d;40 § * Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 17; the whole of the said adyalorem Duty shall amount to Fifty ºf Cent. ; and all Woolin & Dyed 3 Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 28/2 6} pº.º.""""Y", "Pº" (cloths, Hºjº dº. Lººkºfiñº.” Rate of Duty as other importe OOl. & 2 2 : ’ i.i... I *…*.* tºue & Prohi. 2. On Manufactures of Wool, or of which Wool shall be a component Part, (except #º. Mºi,º ºjº.º §:º bited Carpets, Blankets, Worsted Stuff Goods, Bombazines, Hosiery, Mits, Gloves, Caps, By the Ports of St. Čloths, Haſfºoths, Cloth and fadies Cloth. of and Bindings,) the actual Value of which, at the Place whence imported, shall not ex- Petersburg and Riga } aff other Colours.. 3. ; 5/6 ceed 2s. 3d. Sterling the Square Yard, shall be deemed to have cost 2s. 3d. Sterling the Draper of all sº Printed • * * * * * * * * * * * * * a s w e s a e s a s e a e s a s | s Tº º Square Yard and be charged thereon with a Duty of Forty dſ' Cent. ad valorem until By #. 6 },ort of St. P 8tersburgh and by the Custon “;.................... , Pºlitia the 30th. Day of June 1829, and from that Time a Duty of Forty-five # Cent, ad valo- 'Houses of jouri ourg, and Polangen White Kerseymeres { 9|2 rem ; provided that on all iManufactures of Wool, except Flannels and Baizes, the ac- Rythe Ports of St. 5’Kerseymeres of any other Colour not prohibited | 5/6 tual Value of which, at the Place whence imported, shall not exceed 1s. 6d. Sterling Petersburgh & Ri a } the 3. Printed p - -. {} #' Square Yard, shall pay 23d. Sterling itſ' Square Yard. s ſ i. and Vigénie * tº E tº Q .. * c e º ſº tº gº tº :::::::::::: :::::: .. : . ::::: : prohib 3. On all Manufactures of Wool, or of which Wool shall be a component Part, Woollen Knitwork of Colours not prohibited . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 5/6 (except as aforesaid, ) the actual Value of which at the Place whence imported, shall Carpets, Flannels, Velvets, Grisettes, Friezes, and such like articles i/10 exceed is, 3d. Sterling tº Square Yard, shall be deemed to have cost 4s. 6d. Ster- Hose, Stockings, and Woollen Caps, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 4/7 ling the Square Yard, and be charged thereon with a 3Duty of Forty ºf Cent. ad valo- List of Cloths . . . . . . . . . . • s = e s a e g º a • e s s e s e s - e s e s a e s a e e e s s a e e s a 1|5% rem until the 30th. Day of June 1829, and from that Time a Duty of Forty-five tº Cent ad valorem. 4. On all Manufactures of Wool, or of which Wool shall be a component Part, (except as aforesaid,) the actual Value of which, at the Place whence imported, shali exceed 4s. 6d. Sterling the Square. Yard, and shall not exceed 11s. 3d. Sterling the Plain Camlets, Reps, Flag Stuff, Calamancoes, Baraccan, Sashes of Red Worsted, White Bolting Cloths, Worsted Sashes of a single Co- lour, Worsted Camlets of a single colour, with Designs woven, and 3|8 of the same Colour and other stuffs of this Kind, of one Colour or of a changeable Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** * * AL - L.T. " The same Stuffs variegated or printed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tohib Square Yard, shall be deemed to have cost 11s. 3d. Sterling the Square Yard, and e *t pº p & • * > . . . . [] i. charged with a º thereon of Forty tº Cent. ad valorem, until the 30th. Day of *.*.*.*.*.3. sº • * * * * * * * * * * * g e º a tº s 2 & e º 'º e s sº e g g e rºi. June 1829, and from that Time a Duty of Forty-five itſ Cent advalorem.) ºº: º ds, Whiº Wº: d sº ffs, §º f# the use º: Jews, & … i., § ther Mianufactures of WOOI mixed wit ax, Hiemp, or Cotton, of 5. All Manufactures of Wool, or of which Wool shall be a component Part, (ex- otn • ‘rro wº • 2. : …i 92 cept as aforesaid,) the actual Value of which, at the place whence imported, § €X- º .ºº, sº º Öse separately $ ceed 11s. 3d. Sterling tº Square Yard, and shall not exceed 18s. Sterling the Square p º 2 . t WIll C d GO º fºj }. with Šik'are''''''' Yard shall be deemd to have cost, at the place whence imported, 18s. Sterling the i. º . | res, º tº: jºi." Viz lik &Y’6” Square Yard and a Duty of Forty tº Cent, ad valorem shall be levied, collected and < The Noº € º º me Colour or of a changeabl Colour - 14|8 paid for such Valuation, until the 30th. Day of June 1829, and from that Time a Duty The Half aspare* . the Transparent º; 8.016 CO10lif' . . , , , , 29|4 of Forty-five ºf Cent, ad valorem. The col transparent; an ransp l'º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , | c: gº - e coloured and variegated not separately mentioned ............ 44] 6. On all Manufactures of Wool, or of which Wool shall be a Component Part Handkerchiefs, Blankets, and Veils of Cloth, Half Cloth, Ladies’ (except as aforesaid) the actual Value of which, at the place whence imported, shall Cloth, Casimere, and Knit work, Black and Blue Black, White & hub exceed 18s, the Square Yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a Duty of Blue White, and Green darker than Grass Green, except handker. X-P" Forty-five ºf Cent, ad valorem until the 30th. Day of June 1829, and from that Time chiefs and Shawls of Turkey and Cachemire, and Imitations of them a Duty of Fifty {f' Cent, ad valorem. º of º º pººl, of one Colour not printed, : 7|6 and also without any Kind of Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. On Woollen Blankets, Hosiery, Mits, Gloves, and Bindings, Thirty-fived? The same printed . º a tº º tº º a s e s in s s is e º e s tº tº e º e º & e º e a e s e s e s e s e g a ... . . . prohib Cent, ad valorem; and on all Clothes ready made Fifty ºf Cent, ad vaiorem. < Handkerchiefs of Wool, and of mixed Wool, English, French, Ger- man, and others, with coloured Designs woven and made in Imita- tion of those known by the Name of Turkish or Cachemire Handker-> 29/4 chiefs; also Handkerchiefs which have only Borders woven either whole or sewed on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, Qn Brussels, Turkey, and Wilton Carpeting, 3s. 2d. Sterling # Square Yaro on all Venetian and Ingrain Carpets or Carpeting, is. 9%d. Sterling ºff Square Yard on all other, Kinds of Carpets, or, Carpeting, of Wool, Flax, Hemp, and Cotton, or Parts of either, 1s.,5}: Sterling £Square Yard; on all patent printed or painted Floor Cloth5 2S. 3d. Sterling #' Square, Yard; on Oil Cloth, other than usually denominated Floor Cloth, 1s. Iºd, Sterling £Square Yard on Floor Matting made f Flags or other Materials, 8d. Sterling dj' Square Yard, Borders & centres of wooſ & Half wooi fºr Handie chief. §§hawi: | tº The same printed . . . . . . . . à e e º 'º tº $ tº gº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prohib All sorts of Ribbons & Fringes of Wool & Half Wool do * Q & & © tº $ a e g g g º ºs * The following sections contain all that is important in addition to what is exhibited on the two preceding pages, in the Act of Congress of the UNITED STATES of NORTH AMERICA, in July 1832, entitled “An Act to alter and amend the several Acts imposing Duties on Imports,” the leading features of which may º summed up as follows;–exorbitant rates of Duty on all the great staple articles of British Produce ;-Wines, Spirits, and Sugar, at nominal or moderate rates 0 Duty;-Téa, Coffee, Fruits, Spices, and all Luxuries, Drugs, Dyes, &c. &c., Duty free. - section Iv., of the act provides, “That, from and after the third day of March, 1833, so much of any act of Congress as requires the addition of ten ºr twenty per centum to the cost or value of any goods, wares, or merchandize, in estimating the Duty thereon, or as imposes any duty on such addition, shall be repealed;” but as a set off to this seeming modification of exaction, Section XVI. provides, “That, from and after the 3rd, of March, 1833, in calculating the rates of Duties, the pound sterling shall be considered and taken as of the value of four dollars and eighty cents,” its previous estimated value having been four dollars and forty-four cents, or 4/6 d? dollar. - . .. Section VI, provides, “ That, the Duties on all Wool, Manufactures of Wool, or of which Wool is a component part, shall be paid in cash without Discount, or, at the option of the Importer be placed in the public stores, under bond, at his risk, subject to the payment of interest at the rate of.6 dy Cent, if Annum while S0 stored. Provided, That the Duty on the articles so stored shall be paid one-half in three, and one-half in six months from the date of importation: Provided alsº That if any instalment of Duties be not paid when the same shall have become due, so much of the said merchandize as may be necessary to discharge such instal- ment shall be sold at Public Auction, and retaining the sum necessary for the payment of such instalment of the Duties, together with the expences of safe keeping and sale of such goods, the overplus, if any, shall be returned by the collector to the importer or owner, or to his agent or lawful representative: And, provided also, That the importer, owner, or consignee of such goods, may at any time after the deposit shall have been made, withdraw the whole or any part thereof, on paying the Duties on what may be withdrawn, and the customary storage and charges, and of interest. * Section V. provides “ That when the amount of Duty on all other Merchandize, imported into the United States, in any Ship or Vessel, on account of one person only, or of several persons jointly interested shall not exceed two hundred dollars, the same shall be paid in cash, without Discount; and if it shall exceed that Sti. It shall at the option of the Importer or Importers, be paid, or secured to be paid, in the manner now required by law, one-half in three, and one-half in six calendar months,” - - The same printed . . . . . . . tº e º s : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * u, e. e s e e s a e º 'º e e s a s a prohib 18 J re. Notes on the Public Accounts of the 1. Since 1822 two Parliamentary Committees, and one or two Commis- sions, have been appointed to devise forms for the exhibition of the Public Accounts, and since that date several hundred reams of Paper have been used, and several thousands Pounds of expense have been incurred, in exhibiting proposed Forms of Account, not a sheet of which was neces- cessary. In January, 1829, I was asked by a Member of the Cabinet at that time, if I would submit a Form of Account for consideration; I an- swered, No ; but, that if the Government felt any difficulty on the subject, and was really desirous of having the Public Accounts at once reduced to the most perfect order, and should think proper to confide that task to me, that I would pledge myself to its accomplishment; and in the course of one, or two years at most, without violently breaking in on existing arrangements and practices, would reduce the whole of the Treasury Accounts—exhibit- ing a complete view of the Receipts and Expenditure of each branch of Revenue and of the Public Service, to the most simple, and consequently the most perfect order, of which they were susceptible; and to a degree to admit of no future improvement; perfect, not in regard to form merely, but for explicitness, and means of facilitating just conclusions being arrived at, as well in regard to any subject in the Abstract or in Detail, as in the Aggre- gate; and in a way at the same time to prevent the possibility of any malversation taking place without immediate detection. , 2. I gave at the time such reasons for objecting to submit any Form, and made such remarks in justification of my proposition not being the result of mere ebullition, as appeared quite satisfactory to the individual to whom they were addressed. So much so, that I was asked if I would commit to writing the substance of the observations which I had advanced; to which I assented, and transmitted them accordingly. As the conversation was quite incidental, I regarded the request made to me more a matter of personal fa- vour than of business, and attached so little importance to it at the time, as not even to retain a copy of my written communication, and was therefore not a little surprised, a short time after, at receiving a note from the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, informing me that the communication had been transmitted to him, and expressing, in the usual formal way, “That it should have his best attention;” the subject had been entirely forgotten by me, and it would probably not have recurred to my remembrance, but for the mass of supererogatory Papers, exhibiting Forms, and containing opinions in regard to the mode of keeping Accounts, which have come before me, in course, with other Parliamentary Papers, during the last two Sessions— 1830–1, and 1832. Among which are two Reports on the Public Accounts of France, and another on those of the Netherlands. -- Y 3. It is difficult to conceive the motive that could have led to the pro- duction of these Accounts, inasmuch as it is a fact which must, or which ought at least, to be familiar to every one ; pretending to possess any know- ledge of European institutions and forms of Government, that there is no- thing in common in the several countries, in regard to the nature and mode of collecting and of re-distributing the revenues, to warrant any reference to the mode of keeping Accounts in France or the Netherlands, as a guide for England. Pages 168—176 of Part II. of the accompanying Digest, exhibit a com- plete view of the nature and extent of the Revenues of each of the eighty-six Departments of France, by which it will be seen that more than one-third of the total Revenue is derived from direct Taxation on Property and perso- nalty; and, both in France and the Netherlands, a large portion of the Re- venues of the Departments are locally disbursed; while in England, the whole of the Revenues, except the Charges of Collection, pass through the Bank of England; this difference of practice so completely breaks the analogy, as to render a reference to Continental Accounts, with a view to example for England, quite inapplicable; but, were it otherwise, it would be a libel on England, for it to be deemed either necessary or desirable to take lessons in keeping Accounts, from either one or the other. 4. The Report on the Public Accounts of the Netherlands, with the forms which accompany it, [Paper, No. 236, Session 1832, is diffused over 166 folios, 18 of them folding sheets: the document may be regarded in two points of view; first, as developing the nature and extent of the Revenues and Expenditure of the Netherlands; and, secondly, as showing the way, in Some degree, in which the Accounts are kept; the merit or demerit of the lat- ter, may be inferred from the following elucidation of the former; the de- tailed display of the Expenditure and of the Revenues of each of the 19 Provinces, occupy 54 folios and 8 folding sheets, the whole of which is ex- hibited in the herewith 6 following pages; with this difference, that the form in which they are exhibited in the Parliamentary Paper precludes all fair comparison being made, and conclusions from being drawn; while in the fol- lowing pages, not only are the Revenues and Expenditures of each of the 9 Belgic Provinces exhibited distinct from the 10 Dutch Provinces, and the Population of each Province also added, but both in detail and in the aggre- gate, the nature and extent of the Income and Expenditure of each Pro- Vince, is exhibited in the most perspicuous and perfect form, of which the data given rendered it susceptible, and, in a way that detects one error of 20,000, and 3 others of 2000 florins each, which will be found noted at pages 186—-189; the Expenditures will be seen to be paid partly with funds as- signed out of a Decennial Budget, and partly out of funds voted annually, which distinction may be regarded as being somewhat analogous to the Con- Solidated Fund Account, and the Ways and Means Account of England, both 'objectionable distinctions; yet the Dutch Accounts are rendered still fur- ther complex by a distinction of ordinary and extraordinary, and of first Netherlands and of France, &e. &c. and second subdivisions; nevertheless, at page 143 of the Report, it is stated, “that the Books are admirably kept, according to commercial usage, and by double entry / ?”—septuple entry would be more applicable,_on the same page the drawer up of the Report states, that he was not allowed to see the Books of the Chamber of Accounts, but that the President in- formed him, the Books were kept on the double entry system; at page 141 of the same Report, it is stated, that, “According to the Article 5, of the Law of January 12, 1816, relating to the endowment of the sinking fund, the King annually nominates a special commission from among the mem- bers of the Chamber of Accounts, for the purpose of making up and closing the Account of that fund, in doing which, the strict rules of Book-keeping and Secrecy are to be observed.” . 5. With all pretenders to a knowledge of Accounts, whether in reference to private or public business, vast importance is attached to the Double Entry System—and by the Reporter on the Accounts of the Netherlands, it is fondled with peculiar zest : double entry is good where it is applicable. In mercantile establishments of extensive agency, it is as indispensable as it is desirable; but, in all cases it requires great judgment in applying it, and to apply it indiscriminately is ridiculous, in as much as when it is not ab- solutely necessary, it embarrasses rather than explicates; and in all cases a delusion uniformly prevails in regard to its being a check against malversa- tion,--it is no such thing—all that it does, is, to prove that when the aggre- gate Debits and Credits of an Account do not correspond, that there is an error on one side or the other, but it affords no guarantee whatever, either against omission or false entry, and consequently no security against fraud, that is, as far as it is capable of being reduced to useful practice: Arith- metic in the range of its powers, does admit of an Account being so kept, as to tell of omissions or false entry, but as the difficulty of so keeping an Ac- count increases with its extent, the necessary acquirements and application, are not likely to be found to carry the principle into general practice; to exemplify it, therefore, would like Mr. Babbage's Mechanical Calculus, be more a matter of scientific pedantry than of practical utility: a blind man may calculate differentials with unerring precision, while the art of stereo- typing affords the most economical means of perpetuating them. - 6. Instead of prescribed forms and speculative opinions, in regard to modes of keeping and stating Accounts, 50 different subjects in the ac- companying digest, in addition to the Accounts of the Netherlands, may be appealed to, as stated in a way to admit of no improvement : take, for the first example, the Account No. 5, of the Appendixes to the Report on the Bank of England Charter, which occupies 13 pages of the Official Docu- ment; an Account of surpassing interest, but exhibited in a way to preclude all fair comparisons from being made upon it; while in the accompanying volume the Account is exhibited at pages 170–1 at one point of view, all the items distinct, and in just relation to each other, with the addition of two other Accounts included. The statement of Imports at pages 137–142, may next be noticed for their perspicuity: Since 1828, an Accoun, has been presented to Parliament annually, in which each years Imports are diffused over 18 pages, but in which none of the Articles here exhibited at page 139 are included; while in the other 5 pages, not only is every article specified, but the country from whence imported; except in some cases, of which grain is one; but pages 104–5, supply this deficiency; these pages are, however, still susceptible of some improvement; the only other Account to which I will refer in this place, is, the general Statement of the Income and Expenditure No. II, of the Folding Sheets at the commence- ment of this Volume: the Note to that Statement shows the origin and ob- ject of its production; it occupies no less than 58 folios of the Appendixes to the Report of the Finance Committee in the Session of 1828. Page 192 of this Volume exhibits a Summary of this Account, divided into three periods, viz., 10 years, ending with 1801 ; 15 years, ending with 1816; and 10 years, ending with 1826; and the Receipts, and Expenditures of each period, it will be seen, appear to balance to a farthing; but, unfortu- nately for this precision, there are not less than four errors of addition, each and all of which are fatal thereto—one, plus £5; and three minus of £7, fö95,000, and £100,000, which are noted with an *. A still more fatal discrepancy than these, however, presents itself; the Amount of Irish Trea- sury Bills issued, line 28, of the Receipts, will be seen to be represented as having amounted to £31,236,842. 15s. 11; d., while the Amount paid off, or discharged, as per line 52, of the Expenditures, are represented to have amounted to £33,840,094. 0s. 8%d., or £2,603,251, 4s. 8%d. more than is purported to have been issued. --- - - 7. I am not aware that any consideration, in regard to the bare question of keeping or of stating Accounts, however imperfect on one side, or perfect on the other, or however important or not the question may be deemed, would have sufficed to have excited the above observations, had it not been for the results which some of the accompanying Accounts exhibit. Page 90, which shows the dependant contingency for a supply of subsistence, and Page 114, for a supply of material to prevent the cessation of activity of a million of people, are both subjects which demand the most earnest attention of the Statesman and Legislator, as well as of all who have an interest in the maintenance of social order; important, however, as these two subjects may be deemed, they are trifling, when compared with the consequences, unless commensurate measures are speedily adopted to avert them, which must in- evitably ensue from the long continued course of transactions, as elucidated - in the Notes which follow Page 120, 2 o - 186 ST4TEMENT (A.) shewing the Total Revenue of each of the 19 Provinces of the Netherlands in the Year 1826; DUTCH PROVINCES. * Zealand. Heads of Income. N. Holland. ||Sth. Holland. Utrecht. Overissell [Guelderland. Drenthe. Groningen. Friesland. N. Brabant, ſ ] On Measurement . . . . . . . . ] 144,198 || 142,515 26,928 24,738 || 48,175 9,345 29,315 46,342 || 36,512 || 51,810 Cº. 2 Commercial effects. . . . . . 60,744 36,115 2,710 2,228 5,664 577. 3,696 3,882 2,472 3,634 Š 3 Leases under private signa- 25,858 14,685 2,315 693 2,178 143 814 3,877 2,808 1,829 ºf 3 4 Domestic Journals. . [ture 44,124 14,518 1,200 '742 2,733 175 3,129 5,730 1,642 800 S 5 Foreign do. . . . . . 4,220 | 3,080 355 125 370 5 29 83 20 258 * | 6 Posting Bills & Advertize-| 14,853 4,864 896 183 621 37 271 720 542 1,255 U 7 Sheets of Patents [ments 7,709 8,183 1,570 616 5,997 3,300 8,108 1,768 3,317 § { 8 Public Civil Acts . . . . . . . 361,523 || 481,843 | 109,856 || 62,101 || 145,835 | 24,953 118,831 | 160,310 | 102,990 | 127,545 $ ſ 9 Civil Acts under private sig- 38,237 || 37,256 9,384 17,680 | 16,428 4,326 6,186 14,843 14,436 13,957 $, ) 10 Judicial Acts .... [nature 44,533 || 41,290 5, 191 7,771 10,432 1,809 9,459 | 12, 189 4,845 8,107 Sº l; Acts of Porters, &c. ....] 35,085 | 16,689 3,009 5,792 7,604 1,672 8,982 5,740 2,876 6,254 Record § 12 Putting on the Rolls 1,343 1,142 21() 195 317 92 358 411 138 297 13 Drawing up Deeds 6,845 '7,409 1,175 1,300 4,231 712 4,121 3,087 1,507 2,882 Mort- 14 Inscriptions of Debts 2,526 4,178 1,005 1,230 2,394 I 91. 1,355 1,779 1,756 2,054 gages. U 15 Transcriptions of Acts of change 31,154 32,676 10,221 7,914 13,890 2,652 12,284 15,526 9,954 10,207 16 Duty on transfer of Property 753,475 505,221 192,762 72,355 112,708 9,640 40,000 214,246 83,137 80,770 17 do, on change by Demise ... 2,302 8 398 536 * *- 538 76 Fiated ſº Qn the Stamps . . . . . . 16,568 5,523 '719 435 1,193 263 892 545 489 1,054 F. : 19 On the Registry [Death 705 847 133 100 39ſ) 45 188 327 305 690 o lso Transfer of Property & change by 21() 1,340 233 207 180 II 7 80 143 123 146 21 Game Certificates & Sundries .. 7, 138 6,436 1,015 836 1,070 306 826 1,165 704 1,292 22 Total STA M PS& REGISTRY.1,603,349 |1,365,817 | 370,887 207,639 382,944 57,061 244,654 || 499,051 269,024 || 318,235 additionel ( 23 tº Cents additional 205,128 174,237 46,947 26,516 || 43,258 7,272 30,891 63,137 34.4% 404, times. **** do. 274 1,663 516 68 6,549 30 203 1,050 213 546 Cô7té????éS. lº, Tenth . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 92 8 1 204 6 4 48 22 15 26 Total including additionel cents. 1,808,772 1,541,809 || 418,358 || 234,223 || 432,955 64,369 275,752 563,286 303,675 359,237 ſ27 Salt. . . . . . . . . . . . © º º e º º 212,171 340,622 || 17,814 || 45,332 43,939 5,816 28,247 169,940 31,332 87,056 28 Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205,970 254,681 42,424 58,413 || 59,217 | 11,218 15,972 23,151 23,060 51,154 Strong , 29 Domestic . . . . . . 655,376 || 783,184 || 119,443 145,592 217,123 55,223 205,920 262,416 || 134,180 260,043 | Liquors. } 30 Foreign . . . . . . . . 80,420 67,445 4,749 5,541 5, I 12 2,697 6,896 8,073 2,676 8,130 ; : 31 Beer and Vinegar. . . . . . . . 69,617 | 115,039 || 18,982 | 18,077 39,694 2,961 | 15,862 6,655 | 19,285 | 153,938 § 32 Sugar . . . . . . . e e o e º e o e s e a 242,442 107,539 61,658 6,016 3,977 6,821 10,001 | ** * 4 Grinding. $ 33 Ry Collection 499,718 638,538 136,694 || 37,179 52,627 2003 || 33.2% 127,222 173,124 º' s: | 9 34 By Farming out º-me * - - — 79,004 || 158,565 30,510 || 85,588 34,732 179,913 S | 35 Felling Timber . . . . . . . . . 326,671 299,795 || 70,616 49,409 || 106,594 24,942 62,898 || 109,234 82,681 | 68,082 86 Stamps, collective on Recpt. 129,720 146,838 27,057 || 23,877 || 38,827 7,602 || 24,795 40,133 31,244 47,097 37 do., on Letters of Transfer 7,823 36,796 2,401 2,605 3,635 856 1,705 5,256 2,221 8.1% 38 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . 170 226 28 518 246 90 32] 161 269 193 U 39 Total EXCISE. 2,430,096 |2,790,702 || 501,864 | * 471,563 | 729,556 143,920 478,225 || 752,241 544,805 || 907,142 3, ... ſ.40 Principal, Lnd, & Houses 1,930,520 1,984,070 523,090 || 334,610 || 652,597 94,520 || 488,710 1,180,240 540,130 || 704,510 tº $ 41 2 ºf Cent, on do. ...... 38,610 || 39,681 | 10,461 6,692 || 13,052 1,890 9,774 || 23,605 || 10,803 14,090 S$ 42 Personal. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,142,798 || 966,936 241,060 145,900 || 279,001 || 38,848 198,416 279,717 | 201,801 247,848 Q: s J 48 Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400,074 297,856 54,253 || 48,423 82,463 20,999 || 69,895 90,672 || 45,272 80% S$; $ 44 10 tſ’ Cent, on do.......| 44,453 || 33,095 6,028 5,380 9,163 2,333 7,766 10,075 5,030 8,959 Š # 45 5 Cents additional on 39, 302,888 267,929 || 65,329 || 42,714 80,811 | 12,810 | 60,326 108,472 59,780 79,092 Sº +. [and 13 do. on Nos. 41–2. sº - - ſº - -— -" " * U46 Total Property & Assessed.|3,859,343 |3,589,568 900,222 583,719 |1,117,087 171,400 | 834,886 1,692,781 i 862,816 1,135,122 47 do. Eacise . . . . . . ... .[2,430,096 2,790,702 || 501,864 |*471,563 | 729,556 143,920 478,225 752,241 544,805 90.1. 48 do. Stamps & Registry||1,808,772 (1,541,809 || 418,358 || 234,223 || 432,955 64,369 275,752 563,286 303,675 359,287 49 do. CUSTOMS ....[1,259,066 |1,417 126 | 16,710 | 93,655 535,793 1,204 || 56,919 139,087 | 15,470 26 50 TOTAL REVENUE, florins. 9,357,277 9,339,205 1,837,154 1,383,160 |2,815,391 || 380,893 1,645,782 |3,147,395 |1,726,766 |2,401,527 51 Total Population in 1826. 393,916 || 438,202 || 117,405 | 160,937 284,363 53,368 156,045 202,530 | 129,329 || 326,017 * The Total of Excise in Overissell in the original Report is stated at only 451,563, STATEMENT (B.) shewing the annual amount assigned out of the Decennial Budget of the Netherlands in 1820 for the support Description of Force. 6 Battalions of Artillery of the National Militia...... A Corps of Horse do. ... 4 Battalions of Field do. . . 2 Companies of Workers 1 do. do. of 3 do. 4 Divisions of Cuirassiers..... 2 Regiments of Light Horse 2 do. of Hussars ..... A Regiment of Lancers..... Corps of Horse Patrole TOTALS, (see General Statement of Budget.) jlorins. * * * * * * * * e e o e s e e a s e e s a e e e e º 'º e º e e tº e º 'º e º e º e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s s a s gº º • e º º ºs o a s Ponteneers, Miners, and Sapperstº e - © tº e ê a e º 'º e º e º e s tº º 17 Divisions of National Infantr 3 Swiss Regiments of 2 Battalions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a s a e e tº e º s s s tº a s • B C e o B e s e a e Horses and Reznovºrzł Mozyżzºg & of its Military Force. __--~~ - d $rst Adminis-(Leathern warter * f or & §. º: pºint. tration. Articles.|Recruits. §. Food. Harness. ing. Travellg. ToTAP. - 633,513 480,739 70,516 I},846 10,706 671 720 | 11,509 || 45,406 — 1,400 `i;5 203,773 || 46,335 iº || 3:375 7,70i | 1,312| iſ 340 13.5g 10,505 14,344 1: lſº 706,885 171,438 22,020 | 12,000 2,238 5,850 || 30,426 | 161,970 7,900 10,313 ,5 ”; iii 23,850 4,951 348 270 26 300 973 1,396 —— ºsmºs--- * Tss 133,828 97,329 18,179 1,519 2,100 307 | 1,170 3,593 9,443 ºº: I| 11 is 6,357,578 4,433,466 | 1,052,847 173,560 | 114,750 || 31,397 22,313 173,847 544,250 — *m- *::::: jºš82 787,569 176,004 19,491 18,000 3,085 | 104,839 34,897 | 89,999 || – || – *: ‘’ºgſ) 387,545 87,741 9,720 6,750 | 1,540 || 53,129 17,403 || 44,455 sº 1875 1jºif; 532,669 || 106,329 10,238 13,500 25,498 || 4,769 28,015 537,278 37,131 || 59,813 º;| "ºffſ 318,968 77,180 3,900 6,750 | 11,325 2,625 | 18,377 |260,250 21,988 33,150 § | 735.615 318,968 87,453 4,123| 6,750 | 12,269 || 2:025 | 1.377 |260,250: 21,98; º #| 556.569 229,691 65,432 3,095. , 3,375 9,176 | 1,969 || 13,749 193,187 16,473 22,950 8,016 º 489,252 7,500 — — |*18,750 * — | 16,229 || 234,878 a-ºe-amº-e *T-i – *-** * & 626 9.010,709 | 1,972.405 261,810 217,076 || 105,233 201,621 377,735 |2,520,29s 115,985 172,445 29,889 14,984,620. #87 distinquishing the Proportion contributed by the Dutch, from the proportion contributed by the Belgic Provinces. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 -* Year. and Physioligy ; and Botany, Chemistry, and Pharmacy, \, TOTAL Public Instruction, and National Industry. florins, | is Total R EL GI C P R O V INC ES. Total TOTAL. I) UTCH - - - B E L GIC United Provinces ||Sth. Brabant. E. Flanders. W. Flanders. Antwerp. Hainault. Liege. Limburg. Namur. Luarembourg. Provinces Netherlands. 559,881 || 121,846 || 105,101 || 77,326 67,549 83,361 68,302 50,725 35,361 51,633 || 661,004 || 1,220,885 121,719 20,016 9,002 4,084 19,765 11,533 6,329 2,267 2,836 1,503 77,335 199,054 55,200 2,727 3,282 2,205 1,153 1,751 624 321 671 191 12,925 68, 125 74,793 20,615 10,760 1,922 6,402 2,378 10,058 843 mºre ºrº- 224 53,202 127,995 8,549 3,550 958 651 1,563 1,028 901 142 237 166 9,196 17,745 24,241 8,072 2,965 3,152 4,753 2,095 1,146 762 1,086 274 24,305 48,546 40,568 2,812 5,041 4,281 4,061 4,722 6,441 2,715 2,070 3,376 35,519 76,087 1,695,786 || 519,586 || 330,998 || 297,408 220,215 329,233 215,446 124,247 193,844 209,123 || 2,440, 100 || 4,135,886 172,734 27,725 62,438 28,874 14,761 24,100 12,648 I 1,035 9,839 17,861 209,281 382,015 145,625 34,015 29,240 18,539 25,834 20,419 22,988 14,411 12,177 11,000 188,623 334,248 93,704 36,148 24,915 20,390 28,565 17,377 19,278 8,285 8,480 14,885 178,323 272,027 4,505 || 2,737 2,088 1,061 979 1,346 2,070 657 524 858 12,320 16,823 33,268 19,360 13,350 7,384 8,502 9,196 13,078 4,772 5,074 4,782 85,498 || 118,766 18,468 8,990 9,427 6,152 5,275 10,641 6,229 3,143 3,909 3,406 57, 172 75,640 146,476 46,681 33,945 29,004 20,947 38,472 20,212 12,606 22,252 23,856 || 247,975 394,451 2,064,311 || 228,595 || 388,065 158,794 265,948 || 151,676 83,373 59,224 39,979 18,432 || 1,394,086 || 3,458,397 3,859 1,029 3,906 11,402 39 10,224 2,478 661 5,858 3,519 39,116 42,975 27,680 9,539 5,339 4,170 4,243 5,082 2,400 1,005 689 653 33,120 60,800 3,729 1,624 1,463 880 668 2,202 898 665 277 686 9,363 13,092 2,780 870 770 613 538 1,068 238 | 133 - Gaam-m . 113 4,343 7,123 20,787 1,400 25 *a*- 100 | *- 174 490 *- 334 2,523 23, 31() 5,318,662 ||1,117,937 1,043,077 | 678,291 || 701,861 | 727,704 || 495,311 299,108 || 345,162 || 366,877 || 5,775,328 [11,093,990 672,642 || 140,854 || 131,211 86,129 90,147 91,890 62,279 || 38,169 44,180 47,284 732,143 : 1,404,388 11,142 1,694 687 498 352 1,231 676 458 178 84 5,858 16,970 420 199 248 97 62 266 166 57 57 92 1,244 1,664 6,002,439 ||1,260,685 1,175,222 || 765,015 792,423 821,091 558,431 || 337,792 389,577 414,336 || 6,514,573 #12,517,012 1,290,596 || 232,570 269,479 162,417 | 181,079 172,264 143,057 92,646 118,114 17,852 || 1,389,478 || 2,680,074 923,721 || 126,183 || 107,413 77,081 136,775 114,083 || 104,019 30,384 29,909 || 75,523 801,370 || 1,725,091 3,453,609 || 303,858 372,171 205,941 128,761 266,499 || 333,896 || 157,325 36,326 | 89,107 || 1,893,884 || 5,347,593 232,651 33,322 10,609 | 18,655 16,815 14,362 16,698 1,270 5,039 6,194 122,974 355,625 900,008 || 794,150 || 451,529 || 322,552 297,672 507,722 | 150,103 || 206,938 148,642 44,411 || 2,923,719 || 3,823,727 561,580 65,163 82,176 4,609 || 292,757 | 13,932 804 12,655 472,096 || 1,033,676 1,864,077 || 266,543 | 161,456 142,944 || 147,672 | 113,735 55,126 35,437 34,557 4,051 961,521 : 2,825,598 708,169 || 261,995 || 459,255 374,571 157,694 || 3:46,274 192,025 | 194,793 107,892 || 132,348 # 2,226,747 || 2,934,916 1,505,234 || 230,272 217,508 || 135,935 | 120,012 || 147,197 || 112,285 | 84,441 43,787 || 48,496 || 1,139,933 || 2,645,167 668,498 || 122,741 115,703 78,465 79,083 92,180 61,363 44, 373 28,922 23,922 646,752 || 1,315,250 96,742 26,829 18,942 13,561 | 11,025 | 16,421 10,616 | 13,389 || 7,030 5,674 || 123,487 220,229 a 2,226 400 565 836 1,195 319 363 1,693 186 1,258 6,815 9,041 12,207,113 ||2,464,036 |2,266,806 1,537,567 1,570,540 1,804,986 1,179,551 863,493 || 560,404 || 461,491 ||12,708,874 ||24,915,987 8,432,997 ||1,134,020 |1,684,690 1,417,830 | 724,770 909,330 540,420 || 481,350 368,060 379,920 || 7,640,390 16,073,387 168,662 22,680 || 33,694 28,356 14,495 18,187 10,808 9,627 7,361 7,598 152,806 321,468 3,741,326 || 681,409 || 712,071 || 499,940 || 457,020 466,912 288,007 | 158,464 114,956 || 103,830 || 3,482,609 || 7,224,932 1,190,534 || 153,276 200,265 114,159 || 149,323 167,952 | 109,989 60,867 42,605 52,729 || 1,051,165 || 2,241,699 132,281 17,031 22,251 12,684 16,592 18,661 12,221 6,763 4,734 5,859 116,796 249,077 1,080,550 || 167,428 205,747 | 152,375 117,220 | 130,431 80,347 53,461 39,502 40,111 986,622 || 2,066,772 14,746,945 ||2,175,845 2,858,719 |2,225,344 (1,479,420 1,711,473 |1,041,792 770,532 577,218 590,047 ||13,430,390 128,177,335 12,207,113 ||2,464,036 |2,266,806 |1,537,567 |1,570,540 1,804,986 1,179,551 | 863,493 560,404 || 461,491 ||12,708,874 #24,915,986 5,924,232 ||1,260,685 |1,175,222 765,015 792,423 821,091 558,431 || 337,792 || 389,577 || 414,336 || 6,514,573 ||12,438,805 3,535,057 76,038 41,318 293,209 |1,061,833 480,077 170,570 219,590 66,949 113,060 || 2,522,644 || 6,057,701 36,413,346 ||5,976,604 |6,342,065 4,821,135 |4,904,216 |4,817,627 2,940,344 (2,191,407 |1,594,148 |1,578,934 ||35,176,481 iſ 1,589,827 2,262,712 || 495,455 | 687,267 563,826 323,678 546,190 331,101 || 321,246 189,393 || 292,610 || 3,750,766 || 6,013,478 * 13 Cents additional, 2,476,997 included in the Total of Excise. - ST 'ATEMENT (C.) * y rºyy ºr rºº College professons º | conci. Exhibi- - * - |*, shewing the annual amount | *******" |cº, tº nº lºſt.º.º........|siºn. |ºlºnel” row. B. - #!"#", º, ſº - I Louvain. . . . . . . . . . |3,176 || 3:00 gº 8,800 | 1,000 | – || – || 6,350 | 8,000 | 6,350 3,700 |2,200 || 65,576|oooo for the support of the De: belolcº Liege . . . . . . . . . . . . § || |}}}| ſº º|}}}| – || - - º ºſº | 3 ||3: 66,506 9,000 - • 3 Ghent ..........] 3,776 || 10,000 7,500 10,000 | 12,500 6,400 8,400 6,350 3,000 2,200 70,126 2,800 partment of Public In- 3 1 Leyden .......... 3200 || 1:200 | 11:200 ii.200 || 14,000 | 11,200 || 4,300 | 16.210 | 15,630 || 5.796|| 6′305|3,000 || 1joić, 25. struction and National In- DUTC H $; Utrecht . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 6,600 | 6,600 8,800 11,000 6,600 1,500 6,411 10,660 4,400 2,978 1,500 68,749 21, 170 dustry in the Kingdom of ' A 6 Groningen ...... 1,700 6,600 6,600 8,800 | 11,000 | 6,600 || 1,427 6,004 || 10,440 || 4,400 2,900 | 1,500 67,932 4,500 the Netherlands, and the 7 Franeker §3- .... 400 || 1,600 1,600 | *7,250 | 1,600 || — — 2,960 2,500 — 1,664 400 19,174 2,000 tdditional amount out of —— - - - - - * --|-- the annual Budget of that Total florins 17,328 || 53,000 45,190. 58,000 || 79,950 36,000 || 7,227 (44,845 161,630 37,640 (22,742|13,600 || 468,223 70,685 l ſ Expences of the Repartment at Amsterdam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... tº e ſº 37,673 — - - - Professors of Lutheran, and Remonstrant Theology .............. 7,550 || – * Frameker, is a small Town in Friesland near Harlingen; the Establishment Aid and means of Encouragement for Secondary & Primary Instruc. 26,900 — is denominated Athenaeum, the *7,250 florins under the head of Philoso- Libraries and Royal Cabinets ... . . . ........................... ... 47,510 || 3,500 phy and Belles Lettres, is for a Professor in each of the 4 following - Encouragement of Arts and Sciences ... . . . . s • * * * * * * * * * * o e < e < e < e e 54,100 l 11,640 Branches,—Viz. Greek and Latin Literature ; Oriental do ; Anatomy Expences of Administration, as per Item 8 of Statement ( F.) . . . . . . 143,875 || – - For the Support of Schools as per Items 17–19, of Statement (D.) 236,525 || 47,200 |--— - *-es- 022,355 | 133,052 ---ºr 188 STATEMENT (D.) shewing the amount annually assigned out of the Decennial Budget of the NETHERLANDS in 1820, for the sup port of the Provincial Administration of the Interior; and for the support of the Clergy; Education; and Provincial Tribunals, in each of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom as it stood prior to the separation in 1830; distinguishing the Dutch from the Belgic Provinces. ; DUTCH PROVINCES. Heads of —— s===--- '. Y . Holland. North FXP END ITURE. North. South. Utrecht. Overissel. Guelderlnd. Drenthe. Groningen. Friesland. Zealand. | Brabant, ſ 1 Salary of the Governor . . . . . * * ~ * * * * 10,000 || 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 || 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 .# 2 do. of the State Deputies, &c., &c. 37,200 || 41,450 27,500 || 31,600 || 31,900 22,800 32,300 || 31,700 28,810 || 32,100 § 3 Travelling expences of the Governor. . 3,800 2,400 3,400 4,600 3,875 2,955 3,400 3,400 3,400 4,000 3 || 4 Office expences . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 5,935 6,750 2,975 3,560 6,500 2,775 | 3,485 4,340 4,150 5,299 's < 5 Cleaning and Repairs of Buildings .. 1,460 960 1,880 1,913 1,475 1,160 1,200 1,355 1,350 2,075 § 6 Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * 1,200 3,600 *ms 1,000 300 1,000 1,000 1,000 ****, § 7 Salaries of Provincial Functionaries .. 300 *-smº 800 570 tºº-º-º-º-º-º: 800 fººmsºmºsºmsºmº 300 750 30() # | 8 | do. between Adminis. & Communes •- | * ~~~ * * * 70() 5,100 — 400 11,870 10,700 5 9 Commissaries & Counsellors of Militia | 10,355 | 11,910 3,225 4,435 7,880 2,855 4,010 6,535 3,600 9,600 10 Service of Health, and Local assistants 2,500 2,200 1,100 2,322 1,100 800 1,100 1,100 1, 100 1,100 TOTAL Interior Administration. 72,750 || 79,270 49,880 58,702 37,830 || 43,445 55,895 || 58,730 65,030 74,165 12 Ports and Maritime Works . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,495 | 18,370 *sºmºrº 7,750 **** *=s* 860 2,750 | 346,000 ** ** § ( 13 Reformed Clergy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192,715 267,846 61,325 33,176 | 101,380 11,906 || 37,798 || 97,740 106,025 91,663 is, 14 Lutheran do. . . . . . . . is e e s e º e . . . . . 9,450 7,450 1,400 1,600 2,500 100 2,025 1,300 2,950 *sº $ ) 15 Menonnite and Remonstrant do. 8,700 | 13,350 * 1,700 **gs 1,850 3,250 400 &ºmºsºsº SS ( 16 Catholic do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 | 16,150 2,600 6,100 17,850 | 400 | 2,800 6,450 | 11,275 || 48,121 | 17 Subsidies to Commis. for Schls. 3,500 3,300 1,600 2,300 3,400 | 1,500 2,100 3,400 2,000 3,250 Education. 18 do. Secondary & Primary 2,966 5,910 1,380 9,155 | 10,888 1,747 | 12,030 I,439 4,402 | 40,727 -- 19 do. Colleges & Latin Sch. *** * 800 *s-s 1,954 10,235 500 6,831 3,859 | 9,850 ſ20 Tribunals of Premier instance 91,722 || 80,981 17,286 33,364 42,158 8,143 32,486 || 33,038 32,866 33,548 s 21 do. of Commerce . . . . . . e 886 2,914 886 *-ºsºmsºmºre 619 —— 886 Aerº-ºº-ººse 762 | 1,410 $ $ 22 Assize Courts . . . . . . . . . . . * * e 6,790 *sº 5,538 6,558 gºsºsºsº. 5,838 5,538 5,538 6,918 .5 § 4 23 Justices of the Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 100 22,319 7,328 9,514 24,754 2,533 7,609 || 1 1,900 9,554 13,379 §§ 24 General expences of Justice ...... 63,260 49,324 30,800 | 16,224 46,524 5,550 | 16, 174 26,274 || 33,974 15,524 §§ 25 Maintenance of Prisoners . . . . . . . 136,225 133,925 33,875 26,450 55,825 7,210 || 42,115 55, 100 46,700 57,286 26 Tribunals of Simple Police . . . . . . 1,943 2,028 714 - tºº-º-º-º-º-º-º: 3.71 — — | - 37 Sundry expences . . . . . . . . s' 6 º' a g º tº p 1,050 1,455 505 655 1,025 380 700 800 750 825 TOTA L Provincial Tribunals. 328,975 292,946 91,394 | 91,745 177,463 23,816 106, 179 132,650 | 130,144 128,888 do. of do., as #' annual Budget. 14,550 8,350 4,350 4,750 | 11,895 6,400 5,750 5,800 4,750 | 7,250 do. of Columns 11–19, 345,576 || 412,446 118,185 | 122,437 214,083 ||39,598 122,189 178,918 538,082 267,776 TOTAL florins. 689,101 || 713,742 213,928 218,932 403,441 | 89,814 234,118 || 317,368 | 672,976 |403,914 STATEMENT (E.) shewing the Total amount assigned out of the Decennial Budget of the NETHERLANDS in 1820, of each of the Eleven Branches of Administration, together with the additional amounts to each, out of the annual Budget of the same Year; The Tot with the Total Expenditure of each Department, in the Year 1826. —º _--" Heads of BUD GET' of 1820. TOTAL INCOME of 1826. _--> *: Eacpenditure - — A BAE : & p * * * * 3. * * - INISTRA TION. Decemial. Annual. TOTAL, 1826. Heads of IN COME. _* 1 Civil List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,600,000 2,600,000 2, 100,000 Balance, 31st. December 1825 . . . . 19,564.7% 2 Secretary of State . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,005,143 267,200 | 1,272,343 || 1,065,430 || Direct Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,972.81. 3 Department of Foreign Affairs .. 678,790 71,500 750,290 766,969 Excise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,045,442 4 do. of Justice ........ 246,500 || 3,811,211 4,057,711 || 2,191,049 || Registry and Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . 1; 5 do. of the Interior . . . . 2,267,553 2,309,687 4,577,240 || 6,159,250 Customs, Ingress and Egress 6,076,22 6 do. of Reform'd Religion 1,325,756 11, 150 | 1,336,906 || 1,327,311 || Post Office . . . . . & e º e 6 & ......... 1 º' 7 do. of the Catholic ... 1,826,860 101,255 1,928,115 || 1,631,413 ; Gold and Silver Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . 188,908 8 do. of Public Instruction 1,022,355 885,525 | 1,907,880 73,019 || Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * 1,614,016 9 do. of Finances. . . . . . . . 26,829,743 | 10,972,119 || 37,801,862 || 38,707,562 || Game Certificates ... . . . . . . . . . . }; 10 do. of Marine . . . . . . . . 5,395,291 | 101,686 5,496,977 } ###| salºon store ..… 2 . * - . 3 ºv.L. 2 4 5 s • S 1 lains bel 11 do. of War . . . . . . . ... 16,677,062 2,783,148 || 19,460,210 18,114.335|| sss; ſº." | 199" *a**** i isºmºsº - § §§ | Of the º: º %. its ...) T * - - •es “S S ; al t unes, Of the TO TAAL. 59,875,058' 21,314,482 81,189,535 || 79,049,880 | #3 ..","..."."º. 399,409 Rayments out of Funds placed at the King's disposal .................... 1,897,823 '' is §§§ Añº tºo usecond Rectifications and Restitutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º dº e º º º • * - - - - - - - - - - 100,308 §§ §: Subdivision of the Extraordinary iº 7,160,996 Qpen Credits for Payments to be made in advance ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,609,840 ssºs U get of the schedule of Isao. Expences relating to the Mint of the Netherlands...... * * * * * * * e º sº e º e e e e º 'º 514,264 || Duty upon Mines. . . . . . e e º e º & © tº C & 45,261 do. for objects declared in Law of 2nd. of August 1822. ............ 716,896 || Revenues of the State on the Entrepôts 50,000 do. occasioned by inundations, in February 1825. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,085,811 Funds placed at the King's disposal 1,471,132 ... . do. concerning the Grand Communication of the Kingdom ........ ... 1,388,149 || Regulated Payments & Restitutions 26,555,549 Balance 31st. of December 1826 . . . . . . . . . . . & © tº e º º C & © tº e gº ............... 17,026,114 || Receipt on account of the Grand 1,108,828 - ſ Communication of the Kingdom.--—- TOTAL of Budget, 1826. florins 133,848,084 Total INCOME. florins 133,848 084. for the support al compared 189 STATEMENT (D) Continued.— According to the Receipt of Tawes in 1826, as exhibited in Statement (A) the proportion con- tributed by the Belgic Provinces was less than 10 Jéorins ºff” head of Population, while in the Dutch Provinces the contribution exceeded 15 florims. The estimated Earpenditure of Belgium in 1831 was 51,725,000 florins, and the Taaces about 30 ,000,000, the balance made up by Loan ; the estimated ordinary Earpenditure of Holland for the Year 1832, 49,385,849 florins, and the ea traordinary about 44,000,000. | 3 34 15 16 I 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 STATEMENT (F) shewing the amount in several ADMINISTRATIONS of the NETHERLANDS. TOT A L | BELGIC PROVINCEs. TOTAL Dutch South Flanders. .. United Provinces. #| Brabant. East. West. Antwerp. Hainault. Liege. Limburg. Numur. Luxembour. TOTAL | Netherlands. 92,000 || 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 | 9,000 9,000 9,000 ! 9,000 9,000 82,000 174,000 317,860 || 40,000 || 33,400 || 33,500 33,500 i 30,800 34,400 || 31,000 || 31,350 32,500 300,450 617,810 | 35,230 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,970 3,400 3,400 31, 170 66,400 45,760 7,675 5,490 4,955 4,815 2,375. 3,810 4,630 2,985 || 4,310 41,045 || 86,805 14,830 800 1,860 1,820 1,465 1,960 93ſ) 1,470 1,795 2,000 14,100 28,930 9,100 4,190 —— 43 2,300 500 2,625 2,500 sºsº. ** = ** 12,158 21,258 3,820 --> --— *wº-ºº-º-º-º-ºs — *smºsºmsºmºsº ºsmºsºsº. sºmeºnes-º-º-º- * &ºi===ºsº. * 900 900 4,720 28,770 12,260 | 15,340 | 15, 150 | 11,600 | 11,030 | 15,330 10,800 8, 190 14,770 114,470 141,240 64,405 7,270 6,975 7, 142 3,790 6,480 5,625 6,160 3,560 5,805 52,807 117,212 14,422 1,454 1,100 2,222 1,100 1,336 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 11,612 26,034 625,697 87,049 || 76,565 77,232 | 70,970 66,881 76,220 70,630 61,380 | 73,785 660,712 || 1,286,410 405,225 — —| 47,000 | — sº-sº-sºmºsºsº | * — *** * ***.*** — 47,000 || 452,225 1,001,574 6,900 2,300 1,400 1,600 2,400 1,260 | 16,763 : — — 32,623 1,034, 197 28,925 2,200 **** tºº-º-º-ºwe **ºrwººts fºxºsºmeº *= * 1,000 * tººs 3,200 32, 125 30,400 - ºmsºmº. *=s *=s **** * wº-ºº-erºs *E*-**. wºrº. - 30,400 137,746 || 148,125 || 149,325 | 119,975 | 84,900 | 180,950 159,300 142,450 96,625 176,050 | 1,257,700 || 1,395,446 26,350 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 18,000 || # 44,350 90,644 3,850 2,650 3,350 2,500 3,800 5,250 6,025 4,400 4,725 36,550 || # 127,195 34,030 *mºsº º — — i <- — 9,000 tºº 9,000 || 9,000 27,000 || 3 61,030 405,592 || 42,404 || 39,554 43,971 | 40,673 || 31,185 45,873 27,172 21,381 || 31,800 324,013 ă 729,605 8,363 2,041 1,909 879 912 1,758 1,720 . 832 | 10,051 s 18,414 42,718 *** *== 5,536 5,536 6,481 5,819 605 5,420 4,836 5,136 39,369 || # 82,087 135,990 # 20, 157 23,927 22,996 || 14,501 | 20,109 || 23,299 || 15,082 8,170 15,710 | 163,951 || 299,940 303,628 || 37,250 54,000 29,100 26,000 || 28,500 29,812 22,890 14,090 17,890 259,530 || 3 563,158 594,710 || 166,941 148,296 || 38,023 143,287 46,274 56,263 || 37,891 | 18,503 || 15,670 671,148 # 1,265,858 5,056 1,526 1,219 1,002 — 92.1 *=s 307 307 307 5,589 10,645 8,145 825 750 1,025 650 675 825 505 475 625 6,355 14,500 1,504,201 || 271,144 275, 191 || 142,531 || 232,503 135,242 158,397 109,267 | 68,593 87,138 1,480,006 i 2,984,207 73,845 7,390 8,865 4,760 4,375 27,805 2,905 7,600 7,185 4,765 75,650 149,495 2,389,591 || 243,124 || 232,840 250,957 | 161,970 265,031 244,030 238,868 173,405 265,560 2,102,785 # 4,483,378 31 3,958,637 l 521,658 576,896 398,248 398,848 428,078 |405,332 355,735 | 249,183 || 357,463 3,658,441 || 7,617,080 | l 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 7. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 florins, annually assigned out of the Decennial Budget of 1820, for the support of the Heads of A DM IN ISTRATION. H. Civil List. . . . II. Secretaryship of State .. of the Cabinet do. e e º e º 0 & tº 1 & Council of State . . . . III. Foreign Affairs IV. Justice Higher Military Court & e º 'º º º V. Interior, and of the Waterstaat VI. Reformed Religion . . . . tº e º º VII. Catholic Worship .. VIII. Public Instruction . . IX. Finance . . . . Mint ; Gold & S ily. Plate gº tº 13 14 Ingress & Egress, - Customs 15 Excise 16 Stamps, Registration, &c. 17 Direct Taxes, General 18 - . Direction 19 Post Office 20 X. Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Establishment at Zuyder Zee 22 Meuse . . . . 23 - Scheldt . . 24 XI. War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 TOTAL florins. | Minister, Clerks, or Doorkeep. Traveling. TOTA L TOTA L Additional 07” Secre- other and Earpences, Office of Adminis. Oiher Decemnial Annual Director. tary. Agents. |Messengrs. Residence. Earpences, tration. Payments. BU D G E T. B U D G ET. ass=s***** | * tºsses ºsº tºsºsºsºm * *- *=s** — 2,600,000 2,600,000 —- 10,000 || 4,000 28,890 7,600 10,300 20,600 } ſº . . 3,700 || || 1:200 || || || 31.366 || 'goo 129,299 º 1,005,143 267,200 20,000 6,000 228,600 4,678 8,000 || 7,350 274,628 76,400 - 40,000 || 4,000 | 20,700 2,600 3,800 21,600 92,700 586,090 | 678,790 71,500 20,000 || 4,000 || 39,000 || 4,800 || 5,000 | 16,700 | 89,500 - 4,000 || – || 54,400 -— 1,300 4, 100 63,800 93,200 } 246,500 3,811,210 20,000 || 4,000 || 140,500 || 9,400 24,000 || 31,580 |229,480 | 1,286,410 N . . 6,000 | – || 1 || 8,438 —— 75,000 —— 199,438 552,225 } 2,267,553 2,309.687 10,000 || 4,000 14,200 2,000 700 5,000 || 35,900 | 1,289,856 1,325,756 11, 150 10,000 || 3,000 || 13,200 | 1,650 5,000 | 6,769 || 39,619 1,787,241 1,826,860 101,255 20,000 — 90,550 7,650 | 10,000 | 15,675 143,875 878,480 1,022,355 885,525 20,000 || 5,000 | 184,750 | 16,600 18,000 || 42,000 286,350 |19,586,500 ſ'7,221,350 15,000 16,300 600 3,000 | 1,350 36,250 119,500 200,000 10,000 || 3,000 150,550 | 10,200 6,000 || 32,500 212,250 $2,846,077 1,173,338 4,273 — 20,260 | | | | | | || 24,533 1,018,440 × 29,829,749%. 1,479,700 10,000 4,000 | 40,700 || 4, 100 7,000 12,400 78,200 --~~~~ ; 141,185 57,400 — 335,800 — 3,000 || 41,500 || 437,700 | 1,852,090 690,869 24,000 — 347,908 — 3,000 35,750 || 410,658 420,595 J 69,621 15,000 || 4,000 || 71,000 | 6,400 5,000 i 30,000 || 131,400 ſ 43,368 6,000 || 3,000 | 72,500 &ºrº 800 10,700 93,000 §§ e - 6,000 3,000 || 48,500 | – || 600 || 7,900 gºooo Y9,999.89) | *.*.*.* 58,318 6,000 2,400 || 31, 100 —— 500 5,000 45,000 ) . . ov,' . 15,000 — 131,659 —— | 13,500 | 35,399 195,558 16,481,501 16,677,062 2,783, 148 | 375,373 53,400 2,200,705 78,278 | 237,866 384,473 3,312,095 | 56,562,958 - 59,875,053 21,314,082 190 STATEMENT (G) Details of the Budget of the Annual Expenditure of each of the 11 Departments of Administration of the Netherlands. I. (TH:#}}{3}, 3}}{50ſ. The KING . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400,000 - - The Prince of Orange ... 200,000 II. §(ºgtºk.gººg:3##13 of $0.30ſ%. Administration, as per Items 2–4, of Statement F. . . . . . 400,884 Travelling Expences and residence of 60 Members of Upper Chamber at 3,000 florins each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180,000 Salary of the Registrar, and other Employés , . . . . . . . 15,300 Travelling Expences, and residence of do. . . . . . . . . . . . 3,400 Charge for the residence of 110 Members of the Lower . Chamber, at 2,500 florins each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,000 Travelling Expences of do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,659 Salary of the Registrar and Employés. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,900 Indemnities, Travelling Expences, &c., of Functionars. 4,200 Office EXpences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,400 Military Order of William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,900 do. of the Belgic Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,500 Total Decennial Budget. 1,005,143 do. Annual do. 267,200 III. Afg}}{33}{Q}]N 34°4F3H3&#. Administration, as per Item 5 of Statement F. . . . . . . . . 92,700 Foreign Embassies and Consulships ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467,890 Consuls to the Barbary States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º ſº tº 38,200 Outfits, &c. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 Presents . . . . . . . e e s tº e º º e º e o e º 4 e º 'º e o e g g g g g o a g g e s s e o 'º º e 10,000 Secret Service • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20,000 Total Decennial Budget. 678,790 do. Annual do. 71,500 IV. §CHS:0}(T33. Administration, as per Items 6-7 of Statement F. .... 153,300 Salaries of Military Auditors . . . . . . . . . & e s e e º e º 'º e º e s 44,300 do. of Provosts in the Provincial Command .... 10,550 Removing Military Prisoners, &c. . . . . . tº s tº e º G & ſº e º & © & 38,350 Total Decennial Budget. 246,500 Annual Budget :- Expence of the three Superior Courts at the Hague, Brussels, and Liege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421,507 Provincial Tribunals, as per Item 28 of Statement D. 2,982,207 Maintenance of Military Prisoners .................. 250,000 Supplementary Salaries and Fees .................. 3,537 Repairs of Prisons and Courts . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e 98,000 Sundry Expences * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e 55,960 V. NCŞığQ933 amb (ſagiºſ3333s:01330ſ. Administration, as per Items 8–9 of Statement F. . . . . . 428,918 do., , . Provincial, as per Item 11 of Statement D. 1,286,410 Ports and Maritime Works do. 12 of do. 452,225 Royal Palaces • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e o e e 100,000 Total Decennial Budget. 2,267,553 Annual Budget :-Charitable Institutions ...... .....] 506,600 Provincial Administration as # Item 29 of Statemt. D. 149,495. Rivers, Canals, and Interior Navigation ............ 405,700 | Completion of Works at Niewe Diep ................ 550,000 Royal Palaces and Public Buildings ................ 647,827 Sundry Expences * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s • e s a e s e e s a s 24,080 Board of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,985 VI. 33.3%3FQB134H.3333 33333.HQ.5}:GBTX. Administration, as per Item 10 of Statement F. ...... 35,900 Clergy, as per items 13–15 of Statement D. .......... 1,096,722 General Synod, Walloon Churches, &c............... 47,000 Indemnities for Education, &c. . . . . . . . ............... 146,134 Total Decennial Budget. 1,325,756 do. Annual do. 11,150 VII. (TäC#QB314:01 &ICAGPºstggäg. Administration, as per Item 11 of Statement F. . . . . . . 39,619 do. Ecclesiastical :-Archbishopric of Malines 55,104 - Bishopric of Ghent...... 49,462 4. do. of Tournay ... 32,193. do. of Namur .... 28,335 do... of Liege ...... 34,950 | Other Expences ........ 17,750 217,795 Clergy, as per Item 16 of Statement D. .............. 1,395,446 Allowances to Vicars, without Salaries.............. 12,000 Expences of Churches * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e o e º e e s e o e s a s a 162,000 Total Decennal Budget. + | 1,826,860 do. Annual do. 101,255 VIII. 130Higgº (ſt #N3:0ſºagtaſ EON, and N30ſłQBN331 EN3BQāstgºy. Universities, &c., as per Statement C. ................ 1 155,380 PREMIUMS for the Encouragement of 3. NATIONAL INDUSTRY. Premiums for the Salt Herring Fishery .... 100,000 do. do. Fresh do. do. . . . . . . . . . 16,000 do. do. Cod Fishery of Iceland...[waat | 11,500 do. do. Fishery call'd Beug or Winter- 20,000 do. do. Greenland & Davis’ Strait Fy. 13,500 Expense for the Exhibition of Objects of National Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Premiums for the Encouragement of do. . . 20,000 | 187,000 2,600,000 1,272,343 750,290 4,059,711 4,577,240 1,886,906 1,928,115 Brought forward. 1,342,380 l 16,517 305 MILITARY ExPENCES for the W. H. Colon IES. Expense of transporting Recruits .......... 20,000 Salaries, Pay & Expense of the Troops .... 120,000 Provisions or Rations for the Troops ...... 180,000 Clothes for the Troops .................... i 120,000 Transport of Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 Medicines, &c., for the Hospitals. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 - Salaries of Officers proceeding to the Colonies i 10,000 || 487,000 CoLoRIAL CIVIL ExPENCEs, Expence of Establishments on the Coast of Guinea a 0 e o e o s e e a s tº e e a s e s a e s e º 'º e e e º e s 41,000 Transport of Agents; also of effects [Leone 28,500 Salary of a Judge & of an Arbitrator at Sierra 9,000 78,500 1,907,880 IX. AfEN3/NGT33. Administration, as per Item 13 of Statement F. . . . . ... 286,350 Interest of the Actual Debt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,650,000 Annual Sinking Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500,000 Pensions to the most aged .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 Gratifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e s e e a e e o e º 'º' 50,000 Salaries & Office Expences of Receivers General 183,700 Supplementary Allowances......... © tº e, e 4 e e º e º a 5 e º 0 & 8 16,000 Salaries and Office Expences of Ordinary Receivers... 176,800 Cost of transferring specie ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 Total Administration, Debt, and Pensions. 19,872,850 MINT, AND GoLD AND SILVER PLATE. Administration, as d?' Item 14 of Statemnt F. 36,250 Assay masters, Mechanics, Gravers, &c..... 14,800 Repairs of Building e e e º e º 3 g is e e º & tº e º Q tº 3 e º ºs 5,000 Implements and Labor ............... • * * 14,000 * -- . Supplementary Allowances .............. 85,700 155,750 INGRESS AND EGREss, AND IND RECT TAXES. Administration, as # Item 15 of Statement F. . [tration 212,250 Inspector General & Functionars. of Central Adminis- * 19,333 Administration in the Provinces:- Service of the Interior, 17 Directors, Salaries & Office Expenses 119,900 2l Inspectors-in-chief ................. © 62,800 17 Auditors of Accounts .......... tº e e º $ tº 50,500 5]. Inspectors of Arrondissement, inclu- ding Office Expenses ................ 115,400 2 Inspectors of Coal-Pits ... ... q tº º s e º 'º e 4,200 17 First Commissaries in the Direction .. 25,200 79 Controllers ........... & C G e e º 'º - e. e. e. e º o e 124,400 3 Controllers of Coal Pits .............. 4,400 90 Taxers of Turf ............. * e º e o dº º º º 30,000 17 Persons employed by the Auditors .... 13,400 15 Persons employed by the Inspectors .. 11,500 5 Searchers-in-Chief ................ tº gº 4,500 192 Searchers ......... tº e º e is e tº e º e º 'º º G. º g º e G 126,700 194 Custom-House Officers on horseback... 193,300 518 do. do. on foot. . . . . . . . 286,950 14 Meters and Registrars of Ships........ 6,000 90 Examiners, Gaugers, Tasters, Accoun- tants, and Meters ........ • * * * * * * * * * 30,000 200 Commissioners for Expeditions upon the Territory which is not free...... 10,000 100 Guards ........ * * * * tº e º ºs º it tº e º a g g º e º e s 6 40,000 21 Guartermasters & Boatmen for the Ports 11,000 82 Rowers & Sailors for the Sloops in do. 36,800 Expences of Ships au Pampus............ 3,600 - Service upon the Territory not free by Land. §§ s . 19 Inspectors............................ 39,400 | is . 55 Controllers ..... tº e º e º e º is a sº e º e e º ºs & e º e e 79,800 §§§ 211 Custom House Officers on horseback .. 181,800 sº s 1756 do. do. on foot ........ 924,950 §§ s 480 Guards of the Frontier General Search - s 3 by Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - © e - tº e º ºr e 100,000 § s . 4 Commanders....................... • & © 4,700 §§§ 17 Searchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,600 $$.S 6 Custom House Officers.......... q tº e º e e 3,150 §§§ 2 Boatmen, and a Quartermaster........ 1,480 j Š 42 Sailors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,200 §§§ Indemnification for the Table Expences of - §§§ the Lieutenant of Marine ............ 1,500 §§§ Hire and charge for keeping up Ships, &c. 73,370 J S $ 2 Tolls upon Rivers ............ • * * * * * * * * * * 16,450 §§§§ Indemnity to the Prince of Salm Salm .... 22,115 - § ...; → *1,860 577 iſ #33 Two-thirds of + 2,790,865. § 5 § § s § $$ 3 Materials and other expences ... . . . . . . . . . . * 93,933 š's 33 Expence of Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 372,833 3 §s: Q) +- **º STAMPs, REGISTRATION, &c. §s'ss . S$ $'s Administration, as d?’ Item 17 of Statemnt F. 24,533 š Š & do. in the Provinces . . . . . . . . 355,420 Expence of Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554,420 Variable expences........................ 108,600 | 1,509,789 Carried forward. 23,630,499 || 18,425,185 191 STATEMENT (G) Details of the Decennial and Annual Budgets of the Netherlands,-Continued. FINANCES Continued.—Amount Brought forward. f.ſ?3,630,499 || 18,425,185 - © ..i. G. l º : — F fl.[23,630, 2- ºr 2 Amount Brought forward. florins. 56,227,047 eneral, as per Item 18 of Statement F. 78,200 i)irection do. do. 19 do. 437.700 X. £333}{N33. Post Office do. do. 20 do. 410,658 Admini e Rewards to Collectors for Surcharges . . . . 1,068,500 Administration, as # Items 21-4 of Statement F......| 335,400 Collection of Duty on Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,000 Materials and Articles for fitting up Establishments & Losses by Bad Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3" | 707,590 Maritime Works; also for Vessels and Men of War 1,450,000 * 2 E £ & 3-ru v 3. Rent and Repairs of Post Offices. . . . tº a e º 8 & 24, 175 xpence Of Transport Ship e e s tº gº º e o e º e º 'º tº e º e º a tº tº º cº e º ſº 50 000 Printing • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e s s • * * * * * * * * * * 10,000 Day pay at Pºck Yards.............................. 1,000,000 Conveyance of Mails, and Delivery ...... 386,420 || 3,199,244 For Work at Private Yards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 • Yachts and Vessels for Works .......... ............] 57,600 Total Decennial Budget. 26,829,743 # §. Officers..................................] 270 job Ull'9'é011S . . . . . . & e º 'º gº tº e e 3. Annual Budget:—NATIONAL DEBT. Aºi. and Čommissioners of Provin. tº e G ; ,200 Interest on the 2nd. Series of the Obligations of the Boatswains, Gunners, &c. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6S ; Syndicat of the Pays-Bas expiring 1st. Jan. 1820. . . . i,750,000. Travelling Expences aud Donations.......... tº º tº a 3.000 Usual Life Annuities w a a e s e s a • e s e º e s s a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 370,000 Recruiting tº º 0 & tº ........::::::::::::::::::: 15:500 Life Annuities formerly charged on Crown Lands . . . . 91,000 Pay of Crews, in actual Service .......... '''... 795.j Tontines of Nimmiguen, and of Utrecht o e º e a e s e e º e º e º ºn tº 19,000 Clothing for do. e e o e º tº 4 e º º . º . . .. - * ~ e işı'goš Interest on Sums paid, or to be paid into the Treasury Pilotage ......................…...... 3.003 on security of Accountable Functionaries ... . . . . . . . 320,000 Marine soldiers’.................................... 203,000 Contingent of Interest & Liquidation of Russian Loan | 1,445,750 Provisions for do. ................... . . . . . . . . . ... 65536; Expence of a temporay Office for conversion of Debt . . 13,700 i. of Health.................................... $5,000 4 - * @ tº e º º a 2 PENSIONS -*. (reduced) 540,000 §ººl • * * * * * c e e º gº e º e a e a e o a e 6 6 s e º 6 s is tº a 6 e e e o gº a *: - O. 3. itiona temporary (do.) 100,000 C - ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 Do, which on Demise revert to Treasury | 2,560,000 || 3,200,000 S . º Beacons, and Lighthouses . . . . . . . . . . 125,000 Expºses º º Of the Public Treasure 13,900 -d p €S • * * * * * c e º 'o e s a e e s e e º e o e º f tº 0 & 9 e s e º e a 727 o, of Coinage and Recoinage ſin the Provi 200.00 e Addition of one j. to the four #!. the º: ,000 Tººl ſºul Budget. 5,395,291 Column noted with an *............................] I,173,338 O. A 70712/{I, do. 101,685 5,496,976 CRow N LANDs, PLANTATIONS RIVERS, AND FORESTs, XI. Jºãº. Salaries of Inspectrs & Examinrs in the Central Admin. 5,629 Administration as tſ' Item 25 of Stat - - c o R ement F. . . . . . . 17 Directors, 39 Inspectors, and 43 Examiners of the 2 Staff General, of Quartermaster General, 195,558 Registry, and of the Crown Lands in the Provinces 70,148 and of the Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . 536,957 Expence of Collecting the Revenue of Crown Lands ... 152,300 sº º: º: places . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179.354 O. of Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i836. Earpences of Crown Lands and Plantations. T do. of En ºrs e e s e º a 2 tº e s e e s tº e g º g º e º e º; o º tº FOODS #1 S }. * if & d e e i. łº Servants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,626 §. ºś, & Öffice Éxp © *::::: nvariable Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,543 Medici •. ~ G. º Ground Rent and other State Taxes . . . . . . . . . 161 326 3. º º it Q i • * 92,613 Repairs of Dikes, Water Courses, Bridges, Sundry other Expences ospitals 108,346 Aqueducts, Alluvions, Osier Beds, &c. ... 118,650 Heating, and Lighting Guard Houses.... 10,787 Repairs of Buildings Barques and Boats ... 84.935 *...º.º. Guard Houses.... 101,250 Expence of Husban ðry © tº tº º & . tº e o & 6 º' & C G D .. 31.30 zy TI Ing &c. of Burgher Guard. e 218,438 Mines. . . . . . . . . . . I 11.400 11||12ths, of 14,891 . I — e e a tº e º e º 'º e º e º & G & º º e º 0 & 0 & 0 & 8 º * 710 Of this ſº º Sundry other Expences 6 & 6 & Q & 9 e º 'º G & e º 0 & © tº tº O 28,540 641,834 Pºiº School tº e º 'º & º e 6 . e e e s e º e tº a tº a º º :-- ~-- ravelling Expences and Donations....... :::::::::: 5 Earpence of Rivers and Forests. $º: by Land, Water and Fºie, :::::::::::: § e * et e e º u - 3. Salaries & Office Expences of Superintendant 277,732 #.sº º e º 'º - G - e º ºs e º e a c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,246 Husbandry, Pruning, Surveying & Repairs 70,000 # Ex; • * * * * : ... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e o e s sº e s e s - 388,128 S TN 3. 3. & º Xpence of Topographical Office e Sundry othe Expences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 000 368,732 D * . . . . . . . . . . © e i e e º A. e. e. 12,676 3. & J & o., of the Support and Exercise of Religion .... 35,888 LOTTERIES - ſº Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . 24,613 §. ;:#. &c. of Troops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Šgºod O russels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,500 |U|Il ry ot er Expences tº ºn e º sº tº e º & © tº ºp 9 e º & © tº e º 'º e g º e Q & 0 - 2. Increased and Supplementary Allowances .. 6,000 170,113 e a G e - _24,605 - º P - Expences of the Settlement of Accounts res- Total Decemnial Budget. 16,677,062 pecting the Indirect Taxes &c. in 1813–1814 14,000 Supplementary Allowances to temporary Assi t Do, respecting the Duties of Ingress and 2 the Commissariat General .... p e . y g isiºn, of 7,580 S Egress, and of the Excise ............ 20,000 Salaries of Officers not on Duty ............ :::::::: 65.46% upplementary Salaries & Allowances ...... 33,000 67,000 º º and other expences of the regiment of 2 e º 19. General Direction for the Direct Taares and Posts. Réº. §ºf Tio as above & º § 364,172 Allowance to Collectors, for Surcharges .... 82,300 Battallion of Luxembourg... ............ ’175’ījö tjnavailable Funds ........................ 71. Do:, , of Veterans : . . . . . . . . . . . e e ºs e e º 'º 140,50s Reºry of LANDs. General Administration 28,200 º Battallion of Colonial Troops ...... 303 ičí 1,858,838 18 Directors, & 18 Examining Engineers . . . . 53 370 rtillery Stores tº e º 'º e º 'º • * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - išiodſ Expences of Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433,000 Engineering Materials for New Fortifications ...... . iſolobo Allowance to Collectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,389 Extraordinary Purchase of Horses beyond remounting $6,330 PQSTS. Extraordinary Services ........... 30,000 Expence of Recruiting for the Swiss Regiments . . . . . . ii’sº Indemnities to Towns for loss of Post ... . . . . 29.453 Measuring, Levelling, Surveying &c. for Plant 25,000 2 Do, for Reduced Salaries ................ Tojićs 760,490 º º º: Great Map of the Kingdom 4,000 undry other Topographical & Li es General Administraton of the Chase - pograp º ibrary Chari, 8,850 37,850 tºo, o Salaries and other Expences in the North. 27.908 Total Decennial and Annual Budget. florins.]81, 189,534 sº #. º º Provinces . . . . . & tº e º e 17600 For the Population, Superficies, Mortalit d amp Duty for Licence to carry Arms. . . . . . ió. * ~ 72.4% ºv :-- rficies, Mortality, and a variety of other accoun #. O ; T’reservation of Hunting & Fish. 61 § 122,535 rººft." #'sº: % º Nº. #. II. pages 187-190. ts xpence of closing suppressed Office of chi g 3. tº - e º *paring for the Press I received from the H g supp ief Paymaster 18,650 37 501,862 §§ in detail ºf 1826-7, the Census of 1830, and a variety of other #. Amount Carried forward. florins.[5 6,227,047 iſficial Documents from which the following Statement has been compiled. D UTC. H. roportion in 18 f * - ... - - #!... "... *.*||—in +- ma" º: ... ||rºw. I HORSEs, HORNED CATTLE, and S HEEP, in 1825. £º.; - a les, e Ida i.e3. at El Oil C3, c W 8. irths. eath 8. 1831. j} Horses. Hd, Cattle, Sheep. Horned Towns of Holland. South Holland 388,505 || 479,737 || 229,170 || 250,567 | 117,364 #;" | Horses | c.tº sheep. ; Amsterdam202,364 *..."eºn, º º|| }}}. ;|##|*::::: #: ##| ##| ##|##| 1: I S. Brabant...ſº Rotterdam 72,295 dº." ; , ; § {:}|†: ;|##| || º; º ii.; jº, Limburg.... #| |}}}|...; {*** § i... . . ;| };| }; 113,003 || 3748 || 1933, 7.312 || 3:2,897 || ºff lºs gº i (i. 2.10%| 70 of ºf Leyden ... 3.3% Overisseſ ....] iº9 17s;gº || "...ſº 93.93 13:313| lºft || 3: 4: || 3: º! lº; ; E. Flanders || 27,535 | isºq | 3:07 iſ Groningen 30 º Groningen ... 1356.1% 37.50; ºn $3,422 59,362 2,231 || 6,024 47% 1894; ºf ºf ºš West Do. .. 23.75% iºnºiº sºon || Leewarden 30.9% Zealand iſſios iáº; #ſº 79,880 1 1,646 2,660 || 5,463 3,641 159,321 || 22,973 || 77,244 62,844 Hainault....|5i.si: | 93.996 | pºſs || Boisie-Duc 204; Utrecht...... 2 ...” º: 70,203 || 36,060 154 || 5715 || 4,277 || 137,194 || 19,081 | 40,206 || 23,200 || Namur . 21,922 5 º 2. i. i. • e º e ". l ; §§ 67.4ii 53,340 | 1,484 || 4,737 3,573 || 131,835 || 10,794 | 62,602 | 20,567 || Antwerp.... 14,722 § º: #.;; º: TOTALS jº 5 3. 31,340 2,451 | 1,472 1,959 | 1,799 64,028 7,819 40,648 || || 10,657 Luxembourg 37,195 131,654 206sº Nimuguen iºd - 2,016,885 12,427,206 ||1,185,416 1,241,790 836,620 ! 45,493 || 86,621 65,801 ||2,444,550 || 200,092 944,329 638,077 TOTALs, lºgg Iss»oss 77,136. * ... | ; 192 SUMMARY of the STATEMENT No. II. at the - - - - - º • • ---n, e COI11111011C0 t of - e - - - the UNITED KING|Dom in each of three Periods commencing . º: the Total REven UE, and ExPEND ITURE, of Z. 8 : Heads of - - 17. Yº: 15 Years 10 Years - 35 Years REVENUE. e– 1801. zł lº — 1816. 1817 — 1826. 1793 — 1826. ſ 1 Customs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,541.184 i iſ 139,172.490 Tº —d; £--— -s-l-d £ —s——d- 2 Excise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº il ºli; ; ;| | | ##| || || 3 Land, & Assessed, & Property Taxes; 31.734.333 | 0 i ... # º *º: 5| 4 || 688,336,796||12| 84 4 Total of the above in IRELAND . . . . . 14 479, igi 14 .* 45.800s; 3 11" 69,849,016 || 17 5 363,717,510 || 7 6 5 Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gº 3. 1. • ‘’v v. 2 º' -- 64,280,014 18 || 1 6 Post oniº, e e e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º & Q w & © & © & - *::::::::: º } †. 4|| 1: 68,337,108 || 15 5 165,671,783 |19|| 6; 7 Duties on Pensions, Offices, &c. . . . . ſoºoo; 13 ºil ; 1. º 14,717,538 || 9 || 2% 39,378,785 || 2 || 8 8 Revenue of Crown Lands . . . . . . . . 3. gigº 13 º .. 4 º 480,330 9 1 : 2,706,646 17 7% 9 Hawkers, Pedlars, & Hack" Coac" 283.390 5 || 0 581,319 5 ; & 7,733 || 6 || 8 235,352 || 4 || 3} I () i. branches of Hereditary Reve” 361.834 19 6 gºing 14 ; ; * h 1,396,001 || 1 | 84 11 ottery tº sº tº sº. - - 3 496.031 <- a 5 4. 3. 3 992,105 I 5 9} • e s a e o a s a e s e º e º e º s e e 19|11 || 5,607,021 || 5 4}. ſº A. C. 3. 12 F 2 * ~ * > 3 3 v v s 3 2 1,754,670 || 2 | 9 10,857,773 || 8 || 0 º ees of suppressed Offices . . . . . ' ' 'I 630,971 || 7 |10 | 1,486, 154 || 2 || 8 '493.0% 7| 3. 2 dº 17 } s TOTAL Ordinar - - — — — — — — . --- Tºl---- s - - Ordinary REVENUE, 247,701,9 I 3 i- * *sº º, . 14 Contributions for É. Ind. Company ſº . º º º º 524,585,291 15 9; 1,649,747,480 || 3 || 2: 9 2 ** & - 15 Repayments on account of line 45 2 270,000 || 0 || 0 1,918,000 || 0 || 0 B- o - 3,529,602 || 3 |10; 2,378,044 13 || 0 2,425,887 | 12 || 1: - 1. * | 16 Monies repaid by Public Accountants 2,849,994 || 3 || 0: 3,794.325||1 1. ,425,887 |12 || 1 # 8,333,534 || 9 || 0% § 17 Unclaimed Dividends . . . . . . *** * * ...; | 10} 3, 180,393 || 14 2 9,825,213 || 13 | 1 18 Voluntary Contributions . . . . . . . . . . 3,027,726 || 4 || 6} ºv- g º º $ 2. 99,473 || 7 || 6 701, 169 || 17 | 10 19 Droits of the Crown. . [for Portugal - amo || sº I " 1,000,000 || 0 || 0 § - - = } - { * 3,027,726 || 4 || 6} 20 To pay Interest on Money borrowed tº as l = | * '383.350 15 || 0 §§ tº- * | * | * 1,000,000 || 0 || 0 21 Trustees of Naval & Military Pen" -> * | * | * 5 § 3. ...T = { * | * 285,850 | 15 || 0 22 Repayment by Austria. . . . . . . . . . . . ame as m " - - |-| - 5:19,633,219 || 0 || 0 || 19,633,219 23 Indemnity paid by French Governmt. - = | * | * - mº I - " ; ; ; 2,500,000 O || 0 2,500,000 || 0 || 0 i 24 Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,683,587| 2 | 73 385.45 2 7 Allis 500,000 || 0 O 500,000 || 0 || 0 25 Exchequer Bills funded . . . . . . . . . . º, o 0° *::::::: 9 () 3}|#79,695,556 || 2 || 0 || 606,834,373 || 1 || 103 26 Navy, Victualling, & Transport do. 1930.4%| 7 || 4 |Debemu, º 0 º 'sºlº º () 95,012,120 || 0 || 0 27 Exchequer Bills issued . . . . . . . . . . 135,715 goo 0 || 0 ebentures 7,400 | * 6,099,000 || 0 || 0 19,227,830 || 7 || 4 ; :"...","..........]";|| || "º 10| 0 || $325,380,300 || 0 || 0 || 1,038,049,000 || 0 || 0 29 Debentures do. . - 3 * > * > * > 3 8; *:::::::. º ! 9,900, 181 | 9 || 4; 31,236,842 15 11; Balances at commence” of tº º h . . . . . . - sus º - 3. º- º -a tº 799,300 || 0 || 0 €a C[] Period 4,546,028 19 |10% 9,027,020 |18 || 11}| 13,073,513 | 6 || 8% 26,646,563| 5 || 7 Total RE VENUE, - -- – - ? - |"Tº" *-* - - - - |-- –Y sm-rº- | *-* *- - *|644,185,721 0 2 1,855,638,429 a 911,014,209,066||7| 8 || 3,5149.325||19 5% ſ31 Dividends, Interest, and Manageme #3 -- * -aº"Nº-y º tº e º " " - - - nt : 1 - # • - º 32 civil List’........ [of #. Debt lº º º 348,883,873 |19 § 237,319,034 || 3 |114; 767,063,227 | 1 || 7 33 Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iºiºſº | 15| 4: 17,372,029 i 3 ºf 11,973,835||13 3} 40,255,734 |18 || 1: 34 Salaries and Allowances.......... '173637 18 ; 4,550,634 10 ; 3,960,516 || 8 || 73 9,833,093 || 14 || 0} 35 Courts of Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333.545 16 5 784,461 4 º 692,334 10 || 7; 1,650,433 || 13 6# 36 other Payments .... ............ 1,197.53% is 2, 964, 115 12 # 956,762 | 18 4, 2,254,424 || 7 || 0 37 Interest on Irish Treasury Bills ... º 18 ;" 5,292.61% 10 1. 4,998,916 || 17 7 11,789,050 || 0 | 84 36 Dead Weight Annuity............ 2 887,233 11 8% 861,864 || 0 || 9} 2,252,504 || 10 | 10; i’ - Q & © º tº - - || - E-> _ ! - || -- 12,600,000 || 0 || 0, 12,600,000 || 0 || 0 ..s 39 TOTAL CoNsolid Ated FUND. i. - To on *-4 ----|- ‘k - || - || “.-- - ---- *) ass- § | 40 Interest on Exchequer Bills ... *:::::::: 8 ; J79,234,959 || 2 || 7 || 322,365,264|15| 24: 847,698,468||5||113 S | Paºyents out ( 41 Arm ~~~ . . . . . . ,788,623 3 24,760,901 || 2 | 9 32,096,997 || 4 |10; 43,646,521 || 0 | 73 5. £4.1% Y . . . . . . . . . . . ...# 144,268,536 || 14 || 3}; 370,590,408 || 15 13 ſº * 3 * ~ * ~ 9 3 * Grants of 42 Navy © & º º ve . . . . . . . . . 115,741 36; 18 .* 2 2 -> 4. 83,086,745 0 | 1; 597,945,690 9 6; SJ, #;, ] 43 Ordnance .......... iść63.9foliº 7, 245,765,859 15| 3: 61,092,774 || 3 || 6 || 422,600,002 |17| 9% º | of the 44 Miscellaneous. . . . . . . ii.33.371 || 41i" 61,999,316 || 9 || 10 # 13,400,654 || 11 |11; 95,063,911 | 16 || 4; § ſchants and Public works 4,300,000 - || wº 17| 5, 22.214,656|17| 9 || 65,891,482 0 | * > || 4. Monies advanced for relief of Meri 4 oiºs º º omegºised for Austria 4,600,000 | – | T § 46 do. to East India Company 3 v = s/ 2 3 ; . 1 6,992,022 |12 || 4. 12,845,606 || 17 | 84 | 47 do. for Reduction of Funded Debt tº- * | * | * 3 v v v 3 () *- sºr. W = | * 8,000,000 || 0 || 0 - - - <) & 5 5 48 do. to pay off 5 # Cents. of 1797 3220,72. 19|114|| 165,687,136|| 8 || 4 || 120,702,314|| 2 || 0 || 318,541,175 |10| 44 49 do. Navy 5 # Cents in 1823 .... - amº i tº me 3,634,958 || 8 || 1 40,000 || 0 || 0 | 3,674,958 || 8 || || 50 P º 4 ºf Cents in 1824 . . . . . . * | * I gº - - | – || – 2,776,359| 0 |10 | 2,776,359 || 0 || 10 51. To di * - e © Cº - * | * : * * - I - I - 6,099,000 || 0 || 0 - 52 * }...". º, . . . . . 143,127,400 || 0 || 0 || 529,090,200 || 0 || 0 sº 0 || 0 } 1,021,044,550 || 0 || 0 . . ." ". . . 3.017,315||7|a 18,212,981| 15 11 || 15,609,796|17|14; 33,840,094 || 0 | 84 54 Money raised for East India Compy - | | | | || <) 799,300 || 0 || 0 — — - || -- 799,300 || 0 || 0 55 Discount on and receiving of Loans 2,399,486 s 2. 2,500,000 || 0 || 0 - - I - I - 2,500,000 || 0 || 0. | Balances at the end of each Period 5.o.º.o.o. 1; 11; 3,210,544 || 0 || 3} 184,975 18 || 1 5,795,006 || 6 || 6; - - 3 v * a y 8||11; 13,073,513 || 6 | 84 5,119,555 || 3 || 9 || 27,220,089 || 9 | * Total EXPENDITURE. eſgaala — — — — — — — --- , - ––– ~ - - 644,185,721 | 0 | 24! 1,855,688,429 || 5 | 64; 1,014,509,066, 7, 83! 3,514,488,216 |18 | * THE SEW TE Nº RQ) La La QW II Nº Gº PAG JE & SHOW THE APPLICATION £ 77 , 0 99, 3 a 6. CHARGED IN THE ANNUAL FINANCE A CCO UNTS, UNDER THE HEAD OF fºliºtelſameottº expenditure, £64,068,724, CHARGED IN THE SAME ACCOUNTS UNDER THE HEAD OF (GITVIII, Iblslºo PENTSIONTS9 ANTD (OTHIER (GHIARGE.So ON THE Congolitiately jºunty, IN THE THIRTY-TWO YEARS, 1soo–1831. SHEWING THE AMOUNT CHARGED IN EACH YEAR, UNDER. EACH OF ABOUT soo DIFFERENT HEADS, TO WHICH HEADS, PAGES 201–202 CONTAIN AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 2 P 194 STATEMENT in detail of 44 of the Items composing line No. 41 of the STATEMENT No. III. at the commencement of this Volume, being amounts charged in the Annual Finance Accounts under the head of MiscellANEous ExPENDITURE, in each of the 32 Years 1800 – 1832. See Index for further elucidation of some of the Items. New South Wales. Payments 0n account Contingen-j Civil of the two Office cies of Estab- Houses of Parliament. 0 Secretary Civil List Convic- Mint Expence Bills Civil ||lishment, +. Exche- of States Contingen-| tion of Secret Ilaw | Prose- of Convicts || drawn Estab- other African, Sierra A3ierz Years | Repairs, Salaries.) Earpences ºf: * º: tº: sº Charges, * aff gº rº * Places. | Forts. Leone. Office. 1800 es-e ºs-smºsºsºsº | *= * *s ––– — 11%,036 — 2,3%.9 || 36,557 || 54,074 6,310 || 32,505 | 40,000 4,000 || 8,188 1. * I sºme 7 ſºasº ººº-ºº: ºssºmsº — | – || 79,070 — 2,271 30,169 || 40,554 7,146 || 23,320 |20,000 4,000 || 7,000 % tº-smºsº | * : * | | * — 990,053 -— 27,185 — 2,824 39,552 || 30,538 5,908 || 28,081 | 18,000 | 15,904 || 4,620 3 *A*– I tºº sº a semi-ºs- | **= **** — | 162,882 — 2,662 | 40,864 9,125 || 37,604 || 16,000 — 5,620 4 15,640 4,991 — || —- 7,059 591,842 3,176 156,670 7,500 | 1,000 || 42,767 || 23,890 10.0% 30 gio 18,000 || 14,000 || 9,620 5 12,345 12,103 416 || 1,875 | 12,121 | 10,458 4,194 172,830 20,000 2,100 || 49,661 || 18,147 7,226 || 41,457 20,054 28,000 || 4,589 6 23,190 12,706 || – || 1,650 22,915 14,200 || 101,515 31,000 || 3,071 49,083 || 20,420 | 12,819 || 32,460 |20,138 18,000 6,000 | *|};| – || 3: ;| – || || 1: ; ; ; ; ;|::::::::::::::::::::::::: § 21,050 |gºsi | – || 9,104 ; T | }. tº º|350. jº ; i; ; : #; ; 1810 11,550 21,212 || --— 2,178 12,000 — 7,500 | 120,343 15,000 || 4,770 56,127 53,193 || 13,209 || 36,686 23,500 |20,125 | 7,498 1 1 — 9,478 2,476 || 3,515 26,000 — 11,435 | 132,339 25,000 || 4,018 || 82,246 || 30, 196 5,000 || 41,746 | – || 21,996 || 7,84% 12 7,100 11,222 || 4,515 3.13% 18,000 || – 12,500 137,490 25,000 || 5,595 48,968 || 48,000 13'sog 35,638 35,000 |- 9,910 13 . . . . . . 4,200 || 3,933 28,500 | 166,158 || 11,000 | 155,893 30,000 || 5,000 || 75,696 || 50,000 | 12,701 || 31,297 25,000 17,000 | 8,751 14 | 20,167 1,880 4,184 || 2,003 || 36,500 || 337,182 | 12,600 | 135,388 15,000 || 6,793 || 86,836 || 100,000 |20,593 || 43,109 || 25,000 || 13,000 9,474 15 6,590 1,880 || 4,160 || 2,438 46,800 |809,860 pººls, 119,115 10,000 || 4,494 | 80,694 || 90,000 || 6,000 || 37,490 30,000 || 14,102 || 6,480 16 *sº 305 | – || 255 — 563, 151 e."...a. | º; 15,000 || 3,052 68,083 || 80,000 | 12,788 || 38,932 23,000 | 16,260 6,374 17 - sºgºsºsº | | * — 502,155 :* 30,570 30,000 5,000 : 82,65% || 62,000 | 12,923 || 45,861 || 23,000 || 21,000 || 4,895 18 — 23,258 || 3,414 || 2,329 28,200 383,676 43,500 44,141 23,000 || 6,000 || 99,265 || 98,000 | 12,315 || 45,620 28,000 14,000 2.11g 19 — 23,527 | 11,919 || 6,539 88,317 | 331,052 83,617 | 53,055 22,000 | 8,000 || 79,369 || 100,000 || 14,605 || 48,242 28,000 || 15,000 — 1820 — 94,193 28,956 || 4,061 56,446 501,525 71,804 || 53,347 30,000 || 4,000 || 93,607 || 60,000 || 17,825 || 47,932 25,000 21,688 — I 16,776 25,547 | 17,961 || 11,769 || 112,933 302,206 || 75,808 || 36,957 30,000 8,000 | 90,532 || 100,000 | 16,581 || 45,794 258 23,358 2,581 2 7,519 16,303 || 11,963 || 5,491 || 74,275 203,688 || 72,058 34,897 || 30,000 || 4,000 81,363 || 140,000 15,581 || 48,716 26,742 21,444 2,554 3 5,781 24,258 16,365 || 7,805 69,547 | 166,405 | 89,076 59,367 | 18,000 || 4,000 62,405 || 150,000 21,569 || 47,847 || 17,500 |22,177 5,202 4. 4,016 | 16,458 21,782 || 5,760 65,325 224,888 83,452 53,376 17,000 || 5,000 || 64,754 || 100,000 | 8,000 || 40,237 52,354 25,411 — 5 3,924 35,408 18,405 || 5,007 | 73,041 260,275 | 97,598 || 51,057 17,000 || 3,000 | 83,974 || 50,000 | 19,294 || 34,343 29,500 | 10,000 || 4,872 6 12,383 || 19,860 20,300 || 7,292 || 75,751 228,999 || 94,423 64,268 10,000 || 7,000 | 84,000 || 120,000 || 71,656 || 35,118 36,996 || 17,513 || 4,872 7 || 36,513 | 97,000 | 16,000 || 5,700 77,32% 345,262 95,488 47,000 | 16,000 7,000 || 102,700 || 240,000 || 50,983 || 50,163 || 41,000 | 6,000 || 4,932 8 15,689 29,000 | 16,000 || 7,000 || 70,206 | 167,142 | 89,030 42,000 | 15,000 —-- 96,146 5,000 || 47,500 || 37,676 12,000 || 7,000 || – 9 5,244 30,049 24,400 || 4,000 | 72,321 | 188,348 || 97,984 || 46,000 | 10,000 || 6,500 | 108,958 || 115,000 47,500 || 32,310 || 4,000 || 10,500 3,600 1830 38,951 17,000 || 7,200 | 66,178 160,496 91,256 || 44,600 15,000 || 7,000 | 136,758 || 120,000 || 47,500 || 37,026 4,000 || 8,000 || 4,834 ! 47,200 24,500 || 2,800. 64,573 575,991 103,613 29,775 20,180 8,000 | 108,165 || 120,000 | 12,231 || 26 495 || 4,000 24,508 3,000 f 3 4. - 1 2 3 || 4 5 6 7 8 9 - ) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1, Suffering American Protes- Improve- Bank of England. * Royal Military Clergy Claims tant Public ments at Caledo- Nation! Lottery He??. VII British and and Dissen- Build- West- azžazz Discount receiving|receiving Discount|| Debt Earpen- Years) College. * º Musewm, * Loyalists: º: º: Známster, *g. 0n Loans. wº Lottery, on do. Office. C&S, TOTA. L. -...} -- * ** = &ºmm- * : H sº, sº sº- sºme sm mºm, sº * sº ºmºsº mºsºsº º *= | *a** * : *smasºsºs ——- * } { * * a sº sº I tººs º |--|-- * —-sf—— —f- —-ºf- *=sº **** 1800 «» ººm-smºsº | | dºsºm-º-º-º: 195,718 3,954 || – | – | – || – 162,612 12,481 1,000 756 || 1,805 10,400 1,255,589 1 13,400 !º — 3,000 |238.77% 3.65% — — — — 22,562 16,519 | 1,000 658 || 1,910 || 13,600 2,305,427 * | *ś|...}}|| | | |}|†: ; T | T | ET |loon, | *|*|| || 1: ||...}|...}|...; J 3. 3. &ºmºsºs & 3. ºn ºf sº * * I tººg ,000 | 1, 1.910 | 16, 100 | 2,800,500 4 10,000 || 27,000 || — 11,000 | 161,673 424,868 4,943 62,598 || – 35,000 35,979 || 9,669 sooo | 1535 | 1.36% iščool i sãº; 5 gºod || – || 3: ooo º 16.155 | 16,476 || 2,000 || 7,808 |50,000 ||225,663 |13,684 || 1,000 || 4.596 || 2013 |15,300 2,845.728 6 || 17,360 24,000 10,900 141,150 | 1,260 10,714 20,000 || 54,185 50,000 || 374,933 18,130 2,000 3,049 || 2,278 17,033 2,766,693 7 31,345 | 12,809 || 2,000 || 10,481 134,552 3,087 9,757 4,000 40,751 25,000 || 251,672 16,116 5,000 2,571 || 2,329 15,500 Tºšš3 8 || 17,934 26,227 6,790 | 167,139 47,265 9,903 || 11,500 100,319||51,251 || 109,728 12,651 2,000 | 1,442 || 3,118 13,000 2,920,491 9 16,500 21,408 || 1,000 || 7,640 | 166,169 2,000 || 9,709 || 5,270 20,000 |26,251 || 25,931 8,400 3,000 3,532 || 5,000 | 16,850 | 1,459,434 1810 24,400 37,000 || 1,500 20,659 186,286 1,200 5,983 29,000 | 16,042 50,000 || 33,963 11,680 3,000 || 2,827 || 3,000 | 15,250 2,270.863 11 || 58,500 |29,500 || 3,000 8,000 | 183,308 140 | 12,772 21,500 23,390 || 70,000 || 80,220 14,705 || 4,000 | 1,614 || 4,200 | 8,000 1.36%;6 ; : ; ; ; ;|...} : :"| L: ;|}}}|...}}|; ; ;|}}}|{:}|†. * V3 ** 3 9 3. ~ 3 J 3 ºr 4: **** 3. y j. e O. - 5, () &º 4, () 5,2 y () 8 ; º º j|1. º|iº || 3:0 | – |s;|gº ||Yº sº, º, "..., |gº || ; #!; 15 31,431 27,234 || 3,425 | 10,316 || 79,399 || $1,599 || 2: | – | 20,486 50,000 || 90,631 | 19,199 3,000 | 1,085 4,000 16:250 3.71.75 ; ; : #: : *...] *::::: . ; 808 — 5,000 ; 281,397 28,800 3,000 509 || 4,000 | 15,250 3,909,162 º, -ºº: 3 J 3. , O - . sº tº sºrrºr-sº 9 — -— 2,000 — || 4,500 19,050 2,466,483 is 25.55, 31.805 || 3,495 ºil ſooo 12,500 | – | 15,664 || 3,626 40,000 || – | – | 2006| – || 5,600 || 9,917 㺠19 25,174 43,551 || 3,170 | 10,019 || 20,000 11,000 — 25,843 — 50,000 || 42,209 — 1,000 | – || 6,800 15850 | 1855,948 1820 18,600 || 35,501 || 3,317 | 10,010 || 33,000 || 8,000 || – || 47,741 — 55,000 || 137,660 || --— 3,000 | –— || 6,900. 16'000 | 2,616,701 1 18,300 28,000 || 2,456 || 8,479 || 32,100 || 11,000 2,268 || 33,278 4,901 |40,000 || 16,416 2,800 roman 6,600 is ooo 2,111,743 2 | Yi* cºl. 1,847 ; ; #! º 35,762 25,000 - i. Consul º 7,600 13,000 || 2,105,797 3 -£— ;—|| B. Museum. 8, ,650 9,50 ,313 | 40,408 || 9,311 25,000 _* | * | *#" |- a g| 7,000 | 1,953,360 3 || 5000 || 133"|22,604 || 1.3% 17,700 | 6′ood | 6′gig | 66,757 || 33,092 |25,000 ||, ….. as 330] 23:51 || 1sºso | ###| 19,000 gºing 5 | 85,000 || 14,529 || 43,693 15,416 15,320 | 8,500 6,312 || 38,446 28,413 | – ||...] 30,000 || 21,633 22,664 39.3| 13,000 2,216,082 6 || 140,000 |27,927 || 36,115||13,992 || 14,920 | 6,300 | 6,614 || 51,195 || 24,020 | – || "..." 45,999 || 67,066 16,669 |####| 7,000 2,566,784 #|170 boo! assºs || 3.5% ºf 15,0so sooo #313|35,435 | 7.91 | | | * |30.307| 93,393 |16.13% ºf £ 7,000 2,863,248 8 || 130,000 || 9,405 || 32,737 16,649 13,710 5,200 6,212 17,686 785 –– || 71,000 26,386 93,897 16,132 ** = a sºlº 2,012,116 9 : 130,000 908 || 19,769 | 19,889 || 13,940 4,800 6,112 || 13,673 229 || – || 328,000 || 31,537 |91,973 | 16,132 ºf f *...* 2,485,661 1833 lº 176 || 9,762 16,143 13,867 || 4,000 || 5,212 33,037 4,886 || 122,250 22,435 | 69,485 16,182 || 9,000 | 16,600 1,950,109 ! 162,102 8,404 || 14,451 15,450 5,091 || 44, 193 - 336,750 10,703 it 17,898 || 16,182 || 12,980 |28,700 2,154,313 3 *. - 4. :* - . - } 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 195 STATEMENT in detail of 45 other Items composing line No. 41 of the STATEMENT No. III. at the commencement of this Volume, being amounts charged in the Annual Finance Accounts under the head of MISCELLANEOUS ExPEN DITURE, in each of the 32 Years 1800–1832–Continued from preceding page. ** This, the preceding, and two following pages, exhibit all the items specified under the head of Miscellaneous Expenditure, as charged in the Finance Accounts presented to parliament annually, eacept the amounts charged for Printing and Stationery for the two Houses of Parliament, which will be found stated at page 174. Miscellaneous Payments, charged in the Consolidated Fund Account, and pages 200–1 contain an Alphabetical Indea to the Columns. Pages 198–9 exhibit 63 other Items of - Roads Board of [ Fees on Weterå- Bounty - * * * Public 5 # Cents |Building Hublic | Swndries as JLaºzd and Agri- passing mary 022. Sugar Audit Port of Naval |Military|Militry. Qūice, of 1797 &c. o Horse | Monza- specified on 2 Years º Bridges. culture. *ge º: Fisk. Averages Office. tº: Asylum.' Enquiry. *g. ** paid off. Mint. | Patrole. mºſt fočºving pages * | * * T * * * = —|—-ºf---- tº ºw-nº- —|—-st--|-- '—l-—- f'—!-- === r * * * ** – T == i = ** - - * 1800 242,908 6,500 3,000 — 1,500 — 449 3,310 - 138,515 1 |289,754 || 5,000 800 3,500 | 1,500 10,000 460 6,020 696,888 2 || 233,259 6,013 || 6,000 || – | 1,500 | 12,000 430 2,045 1,908,647 3 15,718 3,000 3,000 | – || 3,000 430 - 1,707,682 4. 3,375 —- 3,000 || 3,000 | 1,500 5,000 454 5,290 1,209 5,000 | 6,115 5,187 | 127,233 5 1,741 20,000 || 3,000 || 3,000 | 1,500 3,000 435 ; 10,892 974 20,000 || 10,401 || 5,000 | 12,421 1,596 3,514 1,322,700 6 1,668 10,000 3,000 || 3,000 | 1,500 || 7,000 435 | 16,528 1,299 — 2,668 4,994 | 11,546 72,063 7,757 4,076 1,518,058 7. 1,850 10,251 || ---- 5,000 | 1,500 806 435 | 9,649 650 30,000 | 20,727 4,993 | 12,702 63,033 || 3,173 — 55,969 8 1,669 10,251 6,000 || 5,000 2,200 3,500 435 | – | 1,299 || 30,000 1,561 6,093 11,583 | 153,697 63,743 6,346 7,775 1,568,573 9 1,620 10,251 1,500 5,000 | – || 2,500 — 1,299 || 35,000 745 # 5,593 || 11,192 | 206,062 33,888 6,346 || 4,435 | 223,937. 1810 | 13,594 10,000 | 8,500 5,000 | – || 4,000 839 ||. 958 |46,788 22,475 5,696 |,3,339 18,776 |28,886 7,814 | – | 1,048,167 11. 1,582 | 10,000 || 4,800 5,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 424 - g- 950 47,383 || 11,749 5,856 | 13,678 113,417 22,657 4,640 1,977 548,263 12 1,516 20,000 || 5,500 — | 1,000 º. 96() 950 23,487 || 9,188 5,895 || 11,351 | 100,292 24,530 4,640 || Edinburgh, 238,251 13 1,141 20,000 3,000 || 3,000 | – | *** ***.*. §4. sil 47,270 | c. Lunatics 6, 168 12,479 184,050 | 1,500 11,000 || 2,252,180 ;: *:::: 10,000 — 4,000 | 1,000 || 25,060 1,287 | c. 25,0sº 19,800 -— ; º: **k, sºrºse 10,000 144,123 1: 9 * 20,000 || 3,000 || 4,000 -— | 70,600 1,287 - ?? – 25,06. —- || 1:1, 5,985 || – — 1,169,582 16 3,796 || 30,000 || 3,000 | 1,000 || - || 53,652 3,500 3,632 40,000 | cºlº. 5,345 — 3,324 217,832 18,380 10,000 | 1,838,939 17 | 1,291 30,000 || 3,000 | – | — | 24,860 | 15,000 | 620 | 460,000 —º- — | – || 41,829 |ciº...”. 10,000 177,786 18 3,542 | 20,000 3,000 || --- | 1,000 || 57,367 | 16,100 3,070 — 65,000 || 3,673 2,098 — *:::::"...”. §.' 10,000 || 855,640 19 2,509 — 1,000 HAR BOURS of 63,900 | 8,349 || 4,749 *º-ºººººº. — 2,732 —- **o-ººrººs 16,156 |—-É— — 98,204 1820 2,613 | T | c. p. 63,100 | 18,000 5,442 54,337 50,000 || 3,966 299 ||.T. captured 31,000 || 93,603 || 30,000 | 202,710 1 2,520 | 13,650 1. - *: 57,000 || 23,000 *** — 25,000 || 3,416 18,252 º: 10,000 || 106,570 10,000 261,181 * | *% church #– 15,000 | 15,000 | 16,000 || 14,000 6,404 — 10,500 3,368 19,965 £– 20,000 || 9, 177 10,000 | 1.44,745 3 2,414 §. 7,000 | 12,847 | 15,000 | – || 25,000 5,825 — | – || 3,854 40,000 | 15,000 42,254 10,000 15,936 4. 591 |º. 10,000 || 13,855 14,468 || 2,000 28,000 || 11,775 | 100,000 — 3,652 45,000 20,000 2,207 || 10,000 276,561 5 churche, 1,600 7,000 | 15,990 | 19,130 — 18,000 || 10,100 52,000 || 35,000 || 3,828 30,000 || 15,000 809 10,000 41,616 ° west * | 1,321 10,000 | 16,750 14,990 — 25,000 | 13,537 23,000 || 43,000 || 3,497 39,000 || 17,425 —— 10,000 78,068 | | I. 1,156 || 13,000 || 7,000 | 12,990 — 20,000 || 14,393 || 20,343 50,000 || 3,422 see 23,500 15,000 245,547 - 36,480 8 |—º- 1,243 6,000 || 7,000 | 8,000 | – | 20,000 | 16,300 — 2,286 Column 24,500 15,000 2,550 1,000 9 10,500 | 1,455 3,000 || 7,000 8,000 | – | 20,000 || 17,928 -— 10,000 4,955 No. 114. 23,000 | 15,000 200,000 30,500 1830 5,000 —— 11,000 7,000 | 8,000 — 19,000 | 16,961 — 19,000 || 3,035 35,000 15,000 *** * * 1 6,000 2,202 || 4,000 || 4,770 4,000 | – | 15,135 | 15,373 — 7,000. 2,789 25,000 | 15,000 86,277 2 .* 3 4. - 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 .46 47 48 49 50 51 52 In addition to the large amounts in the ( *|† #; *::::: º: Cºsº |A|. - CHURCHES. | gdjoining Columns, on account of the Holy- Years Härjur fººd. ºn. fºunty. ||Sandhurst "ties. Erchequer —|| Refuge Revenue Total head Road and Harbour, a further sum of ——ºff--- f'--—sf—|—-ºf----f'--|-ef- Bill offices. Commis .*** Jºn | Inquiry. &#: b. 308,000 stands charged in Column 133,- 1809 geºsm ºmºmºn - 3,000 || 100,000 8,000 Gener &. $ $ sioners. Building. tute. || Englnd. Ireland 67—io. See qlso line 39 ºn the Statement of Revenue 1810 || 5,000 3,000 | 100,000 | 12,000 | 206 ||—-É– šš ||—ºf----ºf--|--t—||—f-|-ºf--- tº-- of the Post Office, page 19; and see further, 11 | 16.000 3.000 Toolood 29 ooo 369 §§ —Bangor and Chirk, Menai Straits, and 10, See 2 v v 3 3. - S. S - e * *... 12 5,000 | Note 3,000 || 100,000 126,000 462 || 500 §§ 3. Conway Bridge & Ferry, page 197, where - § S t l, 101,394 more is charged on account of 13 10,000 3,000 70,172 577 500 $3 improving the same line gf road; making 14 10,000 - -- 109,999 || 14,077 679 || 599 |. together a sum eacceeding l. 800,000 on ac- 15 10,000 || 10,000 3,000 200,000 ** | *s amºus 500 TSS count of the Road and Harbour. 16 17,000 20,000 | 3,000 || 100,000 --- —— | 1,000 – É– See Statement of the Receipt of Land 17 5,000 || 10,000 3,000 --- — | 1,006 500 2,200 639,157 and, Assessed Taa’es, pages 20–21, for 18 5,000 10,000 3,000 —— 78,059 1,156 500 3,000 - 379,521 º in addition to Column 36, 19 5,000 || --— 3,000 — -- i.e. Insolvent. 1,436 500 good 2,397 5,000 393.454 #" *t ºf Highland Roads and 1830 ºgs | – ||3:00 |200,000 ºr i,j, || 500|º ||2,000 5,000 400,145 BRITISH MUSEUM, Col. No. 21.- The 1 || 10,851 —— 3,000 * *º 4,400 | 1,701 || 5,500 | 1,500 || -- 5,000 3,000 || 454,287 amount in isos includes i.20,000 for the 2 5,000 6,798 || 3,000 || 100,000 8,800 1,828 || 6,000 || 4,000 || 6,000 | 109,650 || 5,000 || 4,500 9,000 || 532,725 Townley Collection of Statues; for the 3 7,000 29,114 3,000 8,160 2,024 || 5,000 2,000 || 3,000 202,900 || 5,000 || 6,250 5,500 || 439,141 Lansdown MSS. l. 4,925 was paid in 1807, 4 10,000 1,500 14,691 5,000 || 4,000 || 3,000 | 194,600 || 5,000 || 5,200 6,000 || 436,704 not included in the l. 10,481 of that Year; 5 20,870 4,500 15,143 | ##| || 4,000 | 2,000 || 3,000 || 146,500 || 5,000 || 6,000 || 5,200 || 460,258 in 1810, l. 13,727 for Mr. Greville’s collec. 6 28,981 3,000 14,501 || 53 || 4,400 4,000 || 3,000 || 149,900 || 5,000 || 4,000 5,675 || 431,437 tion of Minerals; in 1814 l. 8,200 to pur- 7 27,979 10,000 || 3,000 14,459 # 4,500 2,000 || 3,000 | 182,300 || 4,000 || 6,000 || 4,000 || 329,004 chase a collection of Antiquities, & l.2,000 8 || 9,413 2,500 14.467 | *s 4,400 5,000 || 6,000 | 157,800 || 3,000 || 6,500 || 344,569 ſº Q??,A." 9 17,350 see 2,500 10,806 | ###|4,400 |2,000 || 3,000 || 61,500 || 3,000 6,500 || || 344; 31 ºß ºffſ; ... 1380 || 4,700 Column 2,500 12,691 | ##| || 4,400 2,000 || 6,000 || 34,999 || 3,999 || 6,500 290,685 Library and Collection of ioctor &harles : No. 133. 2,500 13,468 ###|4,400 4,000 || 6,000 102,600 || 3,000 331,134 Burney. The total of Column 35 in 1807, § 2 - # l.20,567 on &º of the trial of 3 Lord Viscount Melville, in addition to 4. - - - - l, 4,000, charged in 1806. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6| 62 63 64 65 || 66 *** Among the Charges for Public Buildings, Col. No. 25, is £17,500 in 1807–9 for the Royal College of Surgeons in Lincolns Inn Fields. For the cost of the Custom House, and Post Office, which are not included in Col. 25,-see Statement of Post Office Revenue, page 18. Col. No. 22, comprises Payments made to £99" French Refugee Laity and Clergy; Suffering Clergy and Laity of France; Toulonese and Corsican Emigrants; St. Domingo Sufferers; Dutch Allowanced Officers, and Dutch Emigrants; in some Years charged separately, and in others collectively; the same absence of method in the Annual Finance Accounts disting- lishes the Statements of Miscellaneous Payments through the whole of the 31 Years here exhibited, and that to a degree to have rendered it exceedingly perplexing to reduce them to any thin accuracy of the display. g like order,-and after all, a few trifling Items may possibly have been omitted, but not in any way to affect the general interest and 196 Sundry Items charged unaer the head of Miscellaneous Erpenditure, in each of the 19 Years 1800—1818. 1800, Earl St. Vincent and Sir Charles Grey, for indemnity on account of American Ships captured at Martinique Paid to Commissioners of Woods and Forests . . For loss of Ships from Mogadore Police Office, Wapping . . . . . . . . . Kings Bench Prison. . . . . . . . . . . 6 * > * • e º ºs & Q a s e e º g is 6 & 6 & 8 • e º & a e tº g tº Q tº v e º C & G s 6 • Q & e º e & tº a q e º sº S 6 s : « e º & Levant Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Deficiency of Malt Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . e a e g g s 6 a 6 & © 2 & 1801. Earl St. Vincent and Sir Charles Grey, as above . . . . Levant Compauy . . . . . • 2, a e º a s e a e º e º e º ºs e e & e º C & 6 ° 9 ° 9 º' Thomas Foden, for recommending the Farina of the Potato as a substitute for Flour in sizing Cotton . . Deficiency of Malt Duties John Davis, for cleansing Wheat from Smut . . Duke of Richmond, on account of Annuity. . . . . . . . . . e e s e º e º e º ſº e º z. e. e º e º f * * * * * * * tº 6 g g g tº 1802, Earl St. Vincent and Sir Charles Grey, as above . . . . Levant Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e 9 e is © e o e º Q & 3 T}octor Jenner Henry Greathead . . . . . . . . . . . . gº • e e º º e º is º • * * * * * Vice Admiral Mitcheli, for capture of Dutch Ships. . Bounties on Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1803, Bounties Głł Corn tº $ 2 b & & 6, 8 & 9 tº & d e o & 8 tº 8 ſº 9 @ 8 tº a tº € 6 & 8 & 9 º' tº e e g tº e 6 & a 6 a 6 g o O & t e º e º e º e º Q 6 tº B & e º e º 'º a g East India Company Deficiency of Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doctor James Carmichael Smyth, for discovery of Nitric Fumigation to prevent the spread of contagion Mendicity of Metropolis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House of Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1804.— W. Huskisson. s & 6 e 9 & 5 t e º e º 'o gº & tº 3 e o e s e e s tº 9 º' tº 9 & Repairs of Marshalsea, Kings Bench, & Fleet Prisons Illustrious House of Orange . . . . . . . . . . 3 & 0 & 0 & 6 & e g º & 6 6. Repayment of Forfeited Lottery Tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . Further payment to Doctor Jenner. . . . . . . . For purchase of Land at Weedon Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. do. at Woolwich & Charlton, in Kent Synods of Ulster and Munster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digesting and abstracting Poor Returns [val abuses Furniture of a House for Com” of enquiry into Na- 1805.- Nicholas Vansittart. Deficiency of Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. on account of Civil List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Officers and Men, under the command of Lord Hood, for Vessels captured at Toulon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . For relief of the distressed } Orkney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inhabitants in the Islands of & Shetland . . . . . . . . . . . . Advances to Proprietors of Criman Canal . . . . . . . . . . On acct. of a bridge over the river Spey at Fochabers Cost of a House for the Judge Advocate . . . . . . . . . . . . East India Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º Harbour at Met ill o e e s ∈ G e o e s a e e s & © a e º & © & © e 8 e º e g g tº e To prevent the spread of contagious malignant Fever Stationery, Mathematical Instruments, &c. for New * South Wales tº e. T}octor Clarke, for his trouble and attendance relative to an act for enforcing the residence of the Clergy Doctor Layard, compensation for Service, relative to a Distemper among Horned Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . Relief of British Subjects detained in France Models of Arches of Bridges Fees O]] Tallies • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . • * - e < * * * Catwater and Sutton Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1806,-Nicholas Vansittart, For completion of Works at Chetney Hill Officers and Men for captures at Toulon . East India Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Earl Nelson, to form an Establishment suitable to his Qfficers and Men for Battle of Trafalgar....[ dignity Duke of Gloucester .. Repairs of Marshalsea Prison ..... • e e s tº s tº s • o e s a e s & Fnneral Expences of Wiscount Nelson .............. 9 e o & 6 a B e. e. e. q tº e G & 0 & 0 & 3 & 4 & © tº e & a tº e º a 6 tº e o e º 'o' * & e g º 8 º' g º gº tº Q & © tº a tº e º 6 tº e e q e º e e & Q & © & tº tº tº 8 & 9 & 0 t e º 3 s e e º e o e º e p 9 @ a tº e º 'º e tº * @ e e s tº 3 tº € 9. • * * * g ºn 6 c e º e & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º ſº e º e o e g o e o e • * of William Pitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. do. Debts of William Pitt. . . . . . ................. & 6 & a e 4 Chalmers & Cowie, for loss on Herrings consequent O]] all Embargo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a se e s s a s e e s a s Towards building of Bethlehem Hospital 1807.-W. Huskissom. Officers and Men off Trafalgar...................... Owners of Ship Dunkirk . . . . . . ................... Captors of 2nd. Swedish Convoy.......... Doctor Jenner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West India Commissioners 4808.- W. Huskissom. tº e º ºs e º 'o e e & * * * * * * * * * o w tº e s 3 s e e o e e * * * * * * * * * * * * c e c e s s a o o e s - Officers and Men at Toulon ....... • * * * * * * * e s e º a ºn a a g Royal Military Canal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº a tº G & 6 c e s e 9 & East India Company ............. u e º ſº e º e º a ºn s e e s e e a Survivors of Mungo Park .......................... Commissioners of affairs of Trinidad ................ Bounties on Fish into West Indies........ & O & © tº e º e º a fuevant Company • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > . . . . . . . . . . . * 6 tº a 6 a. 12,000 9,761 42,449 3,000 5,000 5,000 61,305 23,500 5,000 500 1,000 144,611 45,333 10,000 10,000 1,200 199,813 1,642,301 524,574 1,000,000 166,431 5,259 640 10,778 6,064 49,221 204 725 5,532 57,066 4, 161 1,100 3,160 4,697 10,458 240,000 4,796 6,919 25,000 6,000 9,686 1,000,000 3. 3,000 3,173 547 117 1,059 135 1,113 4,000 10,000 10,000 1,000,000 10,000 287,500 2,382 1,422 14,699 6,045 41,010 25,000 10,000 12,000 11,539 10,307 20,000 1,623 15,337 25,000 1,500,000 4,322 13, tà0 5,764 5,000 138,515 696,888 1,908,647 1707,682 127,233 1,322,700 1,518,058 55,969 1,568,573 1809.- Richard Wharton. Sufferers by Fire at Dominica ... . . . . . . . . . . Inhabitants of Davis Straits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. T. B. Clarke, for enforcing residence of Clergy Officers and Clerks of Tally Court ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T}octor Edmund Cartwright for Mechanical invention Commissioners of New Forest.......... . . . . . . . . . . o e Duke of Richmonds annuity ............ . . . . 1810.—Richard Wharton. East India Company., .... . . . . . . . . * @ e g º º e º e o e 8 & e º B @ Royal Military Canal ..................... . . . . . tº 9 º' g Purchase of Lands for Docks at Portsmouth, and lines at Dover................. a o e s e º ſº a tº º e º 9 e º 'º tº ºt tº Commissioners of Windsor Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t “ g g Captain Manby, for Life Preserver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e Rev. T. B. Clarke for enforcing residence of Clergy.. Road from Contin to Ullapool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Officers and Clerks of Taſly Court...... . . . . . . . . . . & & Special Constables during late disturbances ........ Printing Presses for Regency of Portugal . . . . . . . . . . 1811.- Richard Wharton. Marshalsea Prison Sufferers by Fire at Trinidad........................ East India Company on account of Loan.... . . . . . . . . Completion of Crinăn Canal... . . . . . . . . tº Gº & G. E. & 6 e º 6 & 8 & Bridges over the Cree and Kenn. . . . . . . . e tº € 9 s tº e o 'o e 9 Light House at Heligoland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1812.—Richard Wharton • e e & 6 a e o e e s p e e º e g a 9 s tº e tº e º G tº e 8 tº & Qn account of Bethlehem Hospital. . . . . & © e 6 & Q & Q tº $ 3 & 4 Bridge over the Eden at Carlišle. . . . . . . a 2 & & © tº ſº e g tº 6 tº º Assumption of Regency .......... . . . . . . . . . 6 * * Q 9 tº 8 tº º Captain Manby, further reward to him.............. Mr. Greathead, do. do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Crompton, for cotton Mule o a c e º a 6 & © tº a 6 e º e º 'º' 12 Children of Spencer Percival . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º 'º e º & Sufferers by Fire at Trinidad ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e is Repairs of Fleet and Kings Bench Prisons . . . . . . . . . . Charges heretofore paid out of Old Stores . . . . . . . . . . Sums issued pursuant to address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813,- S. R. Lushing ton. Marshalsea Court ..... & e o 6 º' tº º, e º e º e º q c & e e º $ tº º e º o e º e Bridge over the Eden at Carlisle ...... . . . . . . . . Bethlehem Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repairs of Fleet Prison . Captain Manby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridges over the Cree and Kenn..... e e º e º sº tº e e © tº e º g tº East India Company, towards defraying expences .. Suffering Inhabitants of Russia . . . . . 9 & 4 & 9 o' - e. e. e. e. e. e. e e 1814,-C. Arbuthnot. Marshalsea Court and Prison Kings Bench Prison............ tº e ºs e e º sº e & e Sufferers by Volcano at St. Vincent Captain Manby, further reward to him...... e ‘º e º e º ſe e Communication between Edinburgh and Fife Enquiry into conduct of Office of Works ............ Suffering inhabitants of Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº ſº tº 1815.-S. R. Lushington. Kings Bench and Fleet Prisons ........... & e g º º q t < * Rolls House Chapel Windsor Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensations to Barrack Masters Daughter of Lieutenant Bell, for merit and exertions in saving Shipwrecked Mariners. . . . . . . . Trustees of the Duke of Wellington * * * * * * < e Officers and Men under the command of do. ........ do. do. ... for capture of Java, under the com- mand of Sir Samuel Auchmuty . . . . . . . . . , * * * * * * * * * To pay off Debentures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816.— C. Arbuthnot. * * * g o e 9 tº 9 e t e º e g o o v < e e s e º e º e • e o t e 9 s tº s tº * * * * * * * e e º s a e 6 & 6 e º te e tº 8 e e º t e º 'º tº tº tº a s * c e º 'º gº tº Gº & tº tº e º gº & ºt * G - G - t tº e º º & & is tº a º 3 º e a e e o 6 s e º e s t e o e º 'º e s t * & © & e º e 4, tº tº e º 0 o & © • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s Purchase of Lands for Ordnance near Portsmouth and Hilsea tº e s tº º e º ºs º ºs e º e º a e s e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To pay off Debentures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 9 º' o ºs e e East India Company for expences incurred.......... Extra expences to Inspector of Hulks .............. Expences of Marriage of Princess Charlotte ........ English Church at Rotterdam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 1817.- C. Arbuthnot. East India Company for expences incurred.......... Officers and Men: under the command of Captain Robert Campbell for capture of Naples...... ...... 1818.-S. R. Lushington Road between Bangor and Chirk .............. • * * * Cost of Land for exercise of Cavalry on Hounslow Heath u e º s º e º e º e e º a e tº e do. do. do. near Southampton Trustees of Princess Charlotte..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deficiency of Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Officers and Men under the command of Lord Keith Portugal, pursuant to convention, Jan. 1815 Spain do. Treaty, Sep. 1817 & © tº e º e < * * * * 6 º g to g º 4 & & © e Q & Q is 4 m 6 tº 3 3 & ,500 146,195 1,000,000 20,800 13,472 8,000 2,000 568 325 1,161 1,034 707 13,335 28,000 500,000 5,000 6,207 5,721 856) 5,028 39,234 2,648 943 3,477 2,000,000 200,000 2,463 2,160 25,000 2,000 5,000 7,500 100,000 6,396 2,110 6,000 2,076 500 200,000 800,000 | 148,000 4,500 27,786 150,000 5,000 15,000 850 4,655 13,685 116,450 300,000 400,000 223,937 1,048,167 548,263 238,251 2,252,180 144,123 1838,939 177,786 855,640 197 Sunary Items charged under the head of Miscellaneous Expenditure, in each of the 14 Years 1819–1831. 1819.-C. Arbuthnot, Road between Bangor and Chirk ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 Bridge over Menai Strait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Works at Holyhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 Repairs of the Cobbe at Lyme Regis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,300 General Boyd for Services in India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 - Interest on £300,000 to Portugal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,904 98,204 1820.-C. Arbuthnot. Road between Bangor and Chirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 On account of new Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 To make good Fees in Exchequer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,577 Premium on Exchequer Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 58,607 202,710 1821.-C. Arbuthnot. - Receiver General of Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,546 Road in the Isle of Skye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,650 New Bankruptcy Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300 Coronation of George IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,285 Out Pensioners of Greenwich Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . 163,400 261,181 1822.-S. R. Lushington. Receiver General of Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,582 On account of New Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º e g tº tº 20,000 Bankruptcy Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 Cape of Good Hope Settlers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * g º º º 86,760 Compensation to Henry Burgess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,300 Awards to Jauncey and Robinson ... . . . . . . . . # *, * g º & § 12,184 Queen Carolines Debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 * g º & © G → * ~ b & 9 8,247 do. do. Servants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972 Sir William Adams . . . . . tº e º sº e e º g o e g o 6 c q a g º f tº $ 9 s p g g g 4,000 144,745 1823.-J. C. Herries. Reward to Captain Manby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,000 R8ceiver General of Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,936 15,936 1824.— J. C. Herries. Convicts at Bermuda & 8 tº 9 tº 8 s tº e & 9 ſº e º e s a tº e º & & G s sº a tº & © 4,000 Emigration from Ireland to Canada and the Cape of Good Hope . . . . . . . . . ; Purchase of Mr. Angerste Menai Straits • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g º ºs & G & P & © q gº gº & © tº gº e g tº g Purchase of Duke of Richmond’s Annuity.......... Receiver General of Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825.-J. C. Herries. General de Fourneaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convicts at Bermuda • 2 e o e e s = e e s a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Remuneration to Mr. M'Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchase of Mr. Angerstein’s Pictures. . . . . . . . . . ..., Emigration from Ireland to Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1826.-J. C. Herries. Purchase of Bangor Ferry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Rich’s collection of Manuscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index to 20 Volumes of Journals . . . . . . . . . Purchase of Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Menai Straits . . . . . gº o e º e º e º 'º Q 6 & 6 & © 2 g º O 6 g c e a Conway Bridge and Ferry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Society in ireland for such purposes of Education as the Lord Lieutenant might think proper . . 1827.--G, R. Dawson. Rebuilding Annan Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” Cobb, Lyme Regis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emigration fºom the United Kingdom . . . . . . 1828. —G. R. Dawson. Colonial Service 1829.- G. R. Dawson. Compensation to Proprietors of Bencoolen . . . . . . . . . . Trignometrical Survey of Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Townland do. do. . 1830.--Thomas Spring Rice. 1831.—Thomas Spring Rice. Revenue Buildings, Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation to Lescene and Escoffery . . . . . . . . . . . * & © & © tº $ 69 g & © e º O & sº dº e º s tº g tº ins Pictures . . . . . . . . ſº º tº 3 tº 6 º' • gº tº gº tº e gº & © & © tº º e & & 6 º' tº dº º ºx & tº e º gº a º & 9 @ o s & 6 ºn tº e o e s tº e g g º e 8 & tº we tº e & Q & b to Coronation Expences of William IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # are ºf Gº- 5,000 59,711 5,000 200,028. 2,822 3,500 5,827 2,000 30,000 26,394 7,500 10,180 9,000 5,000 14,994 5,000 | 3,000 13,000 20,480 22,500 5,000 3,000 289 25,000 11,277 50,000 | 276,561 41,616 78,068 36,480 1,000 30,50? 86,277 STATEMENT in detail of 41 Items forming part of line 41 of the STATEMENT No. III. at the commencement of this Volume, being Amounts charged in the Annual Finance Accounts under the head of Miscellaneous Earpenditure in IRELAND, in each Year since 1821, previous to which date the Items were not specified in detail. | EDUCATION. AS YA, UMS and HOSPITALS. Royal Protes- Societies, Hibernian *- Lying- || Rieh- Non con-Publish Criminal| Dublin | Discou- In aid Irish tant for Schools. Roman || House in mond. Female | West- Cork in- forminging Pro- Prose- Police ragement of Aca- || Charter Educatg. ——-——|Catholic. of Hospi- |Lumatic Orphan moreld. Dr. Street cura- || Found- Ministry | clama cutions. and of Years Schools demy. Schools. Poor. |Militry. Marine. Seminary |Industry.| taſ, Asylum Asylum Lock. Stevens Feyer. blºs. ling. tioł19, Watch. vige. —-l— £--|-É-|—-É ——-6 ––– £-|- 6––– e –|--e-||— £––3–|- 6–– £—— £—l— £–|—£ –––6 --|--8 –– £-|--8-|--É -|--&- 1822 2,799 300 23,154 8,308 7,600 1,600 | 6,646 || 13,846 || 3,754 5,000 || 2,347 2,692 1,400 3,692 306 || 30,000 8,697 6,465 26,925 28,000 | 6,464 3 4,696 || 300 14,769 12,769 7,500 1,600 11,210 || 19,000 || 2,800 4,900 1,930 2.680 1,400 3,692 300 27,667 8,778 6,423 37,000 27,000 || 4,615 4 6,124 600 23,846 24,923 || 2,769 1,600 8,928 || 19,769 || 2,900 4,900 1,200 2,445 1,400 3,692 350 27,667 8,743 6,065 29, 188 27,000 6,770 5 8,559 300 15,615 22,000 |12,231 | 1,600 8,928 || 19,175 || 2,885 5,640 2,459 2,734 1,663 3,692 | 400 34,478 14,033 6,198 30,815 26,000 8,579 6 || 5,065 300 25,500 25,000 || 7,500 | 1,000 | 8,928 || 19,750 || 2,282 7,200 1,600 4,060 1,663 4,210 465 31,000 13,984 5,923 || 35,947 25,000 8,000 7 2,109 300 18,500 25,000 || 7,500 | 1,800 | 6,696 || 20,050 || 2,770 6,900 1,831 3,500 1,700 4,210 || 465 34,000 14,218 5,710 33,519 24,300 || 7,668 8 744 300 14,384 25,000 || 7,500 1,800 8,928 || 23,000 || 2,770 6,658 1,676 3,490 1,700 3,860 || 465 32,506 14,360 5,245 36,466 24,300 10,332 9 329 309 || 10,583 25,000 7,596 1,850 8,928 || 21,391 || 2,609 || 6,700 1,646 || 3,060 1,676 3,900 465 31,483 14,357 5,383 || 50,534 24.3% 10,000 1830 141 300 : 6,712 25,000 7,596 || 1,400 8,928 || 24,396 || 1,943 6,700 1,375 3,060 | 1,257 2,895 349 30,900 14,171 5,487 || 48,200 23,000 3,75. h 237 300 8,031 26,671 6,323 1,268 8,928 || 21,295 || 1,648 1,388: 1,291 2,900 1,997 3,825 581 27,824 19,697 5,394 || 74,462 20,853 | 1,250 3 4 ſ 5 f 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 | 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 & Inquiry; Disburs ! Trustee8 - Commissioners Defici- Prin- into ments, - Board Kings- aland Cork of Far- Civil of Cha- of 3. & ting Re- | Courts | Public | Public Of town Navi- |Lottery lastitu- Dublin Linen | ming Wide Contin- Exigen- |ritable Crown; *..." Various f Years. Statutes cords. of Law. Offices. | Works. | Works. Harbour, gation. Offices.| tion. Society Board. sº sº gencies. cies. |Donations Lºgº. º 1tems. | TOTAL, 2822 || 4,204 — 6,366 16,981 — 16,297 18,461 3,777 1,346 2,000 || 7,000 | 19,938 || 4,077 | 10,000 18,549 |92,308 500 | – || 241 120,676) 532,735 3 4,157 2,715 7,228 16,520 — 15,392 || 41,077 6,100 974 2,000 || 7,000 | 19,938 923 || 10,000 | 12,206 |40,643 500 937 9 49,596 || 439,141 # 6,288 3,500 7,401 | 16,501 — 14,515 44,692 || 4,500 | 1,295 2,000 || 7,000 | 19,938 || 4,077 10,000 10,950 60,461 500 |2,063 99 || 10,049 4:3,704 5 || 941 4,361 7,265 14,722 || 42,269 16,421 36,769 4,681 849 1,900 7,000 | 19938 2,500 10,000 18,665 3,818 722 1,135 | 297 5,117 4:3,338 6 || 7,564 |4,273 || 6,856 17,018 36,23i 23.9si || 33,000 || 5.299 || 1,295 1,503 || 7,000 || 19,938 2,500 || 10,000 || 5,408 || Belfast 700 1,671 35 | 7,356 $31,437 7 ºz 2,750 || 7,300 15,520 |20,000 17.205 || 20,000 || 4,748 '93i 1,500 7,000 || 10,000 | – | – || – |Acadeº || 799 || 656 I. II. #9.9% 8 || 6,606 || 3.936 6,932 17,372 17,000 | 16,537 30'000 5,852 740 1,500 7,000 || -- —— — — — £- 700 | – || 3 || 4,752 | #4,#59 9 1969 |3,125 6,884 15.375 |21.260 | 17.645 20,000 |5547 || 517 | 1,200 || 7,000 | – | – | – | —- 3,000 || 700 | – || 222 || – || 3:4::1 1830 –— 3,183 || 7,205 | 12,038 12,606 || 14,434 10,000 3.975 394 || 450 7,000 — —- || --- — 1,125 | – || 99 || -- | – || 3:9.6; * — - || 5,759 |43'217 || ". . . i2.662 20,000 || 2 | 971 | isſ, 5,500 | – | — — — 1,875 1,400| – | – | – || 331,194 3 4 ſ 5 ...” - | 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Q7 98 499 100 101 102 103 }{}{ Iüš 106 107 108 198 STATEMENT in detail of 63 Items of Miscellaneous Payments, composing lines 32 and 33 of the STATEMENT N. 24–28 of the STATEM ENT No. IV. at the commencement of this Volume, including the Civil, LIST, PENSIONs & '..." on the Consoli DATED FUND, in each of the 28 Years 1804–1831. 2 * * * * * 9. 138 141 - } Sheriffs. Speak Clerk |Inspect. o & -- - C I WIL, LIST. . Seven ºff. r; 67." # º, j ºf: Audiºui. ºft, Y England sºund. Ira * Judges | Police | Clerk of Houseof ;:. Eache-timeCer; Commis- || Contin- growth of €617°S ng#" * cot º & reland. Pensiºns. Salaries. Offices. nºgºgº Accounts. º º sioners. sº Mint. || §. es gººf tº ºsmºsº- I -º-ºrt- - - - - --|-3t--|--#--!—-35-–3||——£----|--É— 1804 928,000 79,705 284,867 18,204 22,805 || 7,000 2,535 | 1,656 650 800 4,000 || 6,000 || 20,727 2,957 5. 958,000 | 86,920 278,281 18,048 || 23,069 || 7,000 2,103 838 65t) || 900 4,000 6,000 || 14,687 2,957 6 958,000 | 83,751 | 291,644 18, 134 23,431 6,504 1,980 870 650 750 6,400 14,236 | i4.35% 2.95% 7 958,000 || 85,889 290, 171 17,901 || 23,658 4,000 2,801 904 || 650 || 800 || 12,300 35,982 ii.5% 2.95% 8 958,000 | 85,470 303,706 | 18,623 24,079 || 4,000 | 1,783 926 || 650 | 800 || 12,300 || 34,519 iaiso, 2.95% 9 958,000 90,955 ; 295,968 25,087 || 23,587 7,000 | 1,728 946 650 | 500 || 11,664 34,336 i4.483 3.95% |3}{} 958,000 | 118,187 301,789 29,574 23,210 7,000 — 938 650 500 || 10,900 35,909 7.19% 2.95% I l 958,000 || 109,693 299,981 29,285 23,522 || 9,500 1,472 971 || 650 550 9,900 || 35,729 10.357 3.057 12 | 1,019,538 112,748 336,499 || 29,618 25,640 6,500 — | 1,011 || 650 600 9,900 || 36,802 iſ 770 2.95% 13 | 1,028,000 III, 176 332,412 29,213 || 24,979 || 6,500 56 | 1,038 || 650 | 600 9,135 | 36,331 17,334 2.95% i4 | 1,028,000 | 114,032 368,041 29,589 28,159 || 4,000 2,028 1,057 650 | 650 8,700 35,081 ičº 2.95% 15 | 1,028,000 | 126,613 366,661 29,425 | 27,559 4,000 788 | 1,088 || 650 | 750 8,700 || 35,892 in 151 2.95% 16 || 1,028,000 | 128,515 427,009 || 29,043 27,555 8,000 2,036 | 1,123 650 750 8,700 34,040 iš336 2.357 I 7 1,028,000 130,646 163, 169 447,638 29,232 29,310 || 4,000 2,628 1,160 650 750 8,700 35,781 iš,000 2.95% |8 1,027,000 129,627 | 208,167 || 457,678 29,652 30,230 6,000 | 1,053 | 1,167 || 650 700 8,252 35,118 i5.000 3.357 19 983,000 129,938 198,056 || 472,234 29,834 29,323 4,000 | 1,793 1,175 650 | 600 7,359 || 34,124 i5000 2.95% 1820 857,780 | 132,081 204,231 || 327,066 29,917 28,841 6,400 | 1,807 | 1,175 650 500 6,300 33,498 is soo 3.357 1. 850,000 || 133,078 214,877 || 439,230 || 29,587 | 32,858 7,000 | 2,119 | 1,247 650 600 6, 158 || 34,790 iłºść 2.95% 2 850,000 141,504 || 207,000 || 378,432 30,051 46,927 | 6,400 2,511 2,480 650 700 7,707 || 39,011 i£750 2.957 3 850,000 || 135,400 207,000 || 377,776 29,873 || 62,236 5,350 2,391 | 1,294 || 650 650 8,050 43,750 i4,746 2.95% 4 350,000 138,565 207,000 || 371,644 29,468 61,697 || 5,100 | 1,773 1,277 650 650 7,276 39,461 iºns 3.357 5 º 138,402 | 207,000 || 366,028 26,928 64,714 || 7,000 | 1,568 1,277 650 600 '7,500 40,634 iſ 749 2.95% 6 850,005 || 208,736 207,000 364,268 79,990 | 66,280 4,000 265 1,274 650 650 '7,500 31,235 i4.750 2.95% 7 850,000 170,549 207,000 || 365,909 || 72,654 | 68,893 6,500 2,695 | 1,257 650 | 600 || 7,338 27,248 i£750 2.95% 8 850,000 || 179,259 207,000 || 370,868 73,756 71,609 || 5,000 2,582 1,262 650 | 600 7,500 25,774 ić.813 3.357 º 9 850,000 169,481 207,000 || 378,692 || 74,471 69,551 4,000 2,030 1,262 || 650 650 7,500 24,770 i£633 3.95% º º: 151,802 98,382 # 465,286 71,824 69,900 4,000 | 1,752 | 1,262 650 650 7,500 24,516 iſ 606 3.057 gº - 5 2 11,314 | 437,568 70 625 97,418 6,000 || 5,049 1,265 650 600 • 7,500 28,869 16,350 2,957 3 4 5 - A . 109 110 I 11 § |12 113 114 115 II6 117 | 118 119 || 120 121 122 123 | IRE LAND.— PA YMENTS. - | ADVANCEs County Transpor- '#' ſºlº ſº "?"|r., c * • * * sº- ***6% = tº 0?? §O L(\{U} O 7'60. Sºlº' © - - º Years hºme tºº. of Secret º of Imprest pensation tation Officers for Educa- Fee !/ º º; - Post * £. €* Service. * Pºgº. º: Allowancs. Salaries. |loss of Fees.| tion. Fund. Baggage. Gaols Roads P00?” —-35- ----4----|--—£-—|——£-—l—-É----|---º--|--É tº- —£ -£–|---e--|--|--|--e. £º £. 1817 | 1,385 || 7,384 || 12,000 || 8,411 || 4,133 || 14,643 | 66,688 30,934 | 1,751 7,33 - sº ºrº 9 2 3. 5 2 -º-º-º: 1. 18|2,815, 10,254 11,077 | 11,631 || 7,338||19||136||77,oso |39.506 | i.i.ai | 8,357 : #|: ; lsº § 8,888 10,615 II,334 9,827 19,230 75,488 || 39,841 T 694 10,294 | 10,591 31,800 23,857 24,053 1. ; 5,855 9,231 11:44% 7,557 | 18,899 || 73,167 39,875 — | 1,541 | 8,328 35 || 38,077 11,552 20 oil 2 3.954 : 11,077 11,977 6,040 | 19,183 || 74,085 39,809 3,880 | 1,910 9,042 3,726 || 27,979 9,583 15,849 3 2.86. 1%; łº #3; 5,112 | 18,998 || 76,221 || 48,977 || 38,240 | 1,004 || 9,723 3,656 || 31,697 5,682 |185,324 3. 2 ,077 | 11,782 7,465 18,406 | 84,065 43,280 | 81,821 701 || 6,587 | 16,240 || 14,553 2,455 43,912 4 3,600 21 & tº s * 5 3,646 ,326 8,308 || 11,730 9,960 17,258 83,838 44,127 90,798 1,179 6,374 1,420 || 12,885 525 48,107 6 3.33i º: 9,692 || 11,800 9,512 15,582 82,750 44,872 100,580 811 8,738 — || 29,764 1,514 65,183 - - 5 3. 2 7|3|133 10.6% łº, #: $º 15,609 || 76,891 || 45,169 || 109,274 815 7,352 —— $48,180 3,319 83,827 5 2 5 ,086 11,326 14,591 || 74,341 44,293 102,711 688 6,970 245 # 21,664 4,708 || 70,109 8 3,323 10,119 13,500 11,586 || 9,114 || 14,520 7 !---> 2 2 - 9 || 3, 185 9.445 işooo i. 9 ,520 | 77,560 42,716 || 104,790 441 6,821 284 || 38,792 8,302 | 66,908 1830 3.86% 3.146 is gºi 11,996 || 10,521 14,710 | 66,187 43,476 || 105,043 | 1,440 '6,028 8 || 32,202 7,436 || 33,183 I 3.333 5,818 is 500 -*-*. *-*- º: - 133,507 *. — || 21,110 7,252 49,019 2 - 2 —- 89 542 — 132,882 -— **** | — || 21,947 7 ,021 24,388 3 - 4 5 - 139 140 142 143 • - 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 199 STATEMENT in detail of 63 Items of Miscellaneous Payments, composing lines 32 and 33 of the STATEMENT No. III, and 24–28 of the STATEMENT No. IV. at the commencement of this Volume, including the CIvi L. List, PENSIONs, &c., the Consoli DATED FUND, in each of the 28 Years 1804–1831.-Continued from preceding page. charged on -º- Years 1804 i : Marquis of Bute. ——£-— 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,075 5,250 Charity Commissºrs. * * * 4,000 8,000 14,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 8,000 **** &=sºººººs •ºssºmsº 124 Admiralty Courts. ——£-— 9,310 11,234 14,000 12,000 10,894 11,801 10,702 16,000 12,000 9,000 12,689 11,984 5,504 2,000 2,085 1,543 Charity Gommission, 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,335 8,000 9,000 tºº 125 The details of Columns 107, 134, and 160, are specified on the follow- ing page: the amounts in Column 156, under the head of Tables of Parishes, are supposed to be on ac- count of the Trignometrical Survey of Ireland,-see further in reference to the same subject, note on line 49 of Statement of Post Office Revenue. Columns 146, 155, and 159, are each and all of them further indications of mal-administration; another instance in a trifling way is a charge in 1827 of £272 10 for preparing Tables to shew the difference between English and Irish Currency, the 8 pages | herewith 194–201, have cost more labour, required more application and patience, than 100 such Tables would require, in point of interest comparison would be foolish. The amount paid for Bounty on Slaves, Col. 129, should be looked at in comparison with the amounts in Cols, 48–50, and the question asked, —how far has the social improvement of Africa been extended in conse- quence of these Expenditures 2 The amounts in Col. 132 appear to demand attention, they are stated to be, to make good deficiency of Profits! Half a million of º;..."; Manufacturers are probably entitled to an equal claim for compensation for loss of Profits. Auditors of West Commis- Commis- Holyhead, Sundries. ' Total India Accounts. Compensa- sººners - sioners | South Roads, as per UNITED Commis- Contin- tion to for award Port of of Eacch. Sea see Cols. following | TOTAL. KING DOM, sioners. gencies. || Legal Qys. ing to do. London. Bills. Company. 53—4. page. Great Britain, including •==mºs £-— -—l——£-——£-—l—-É——£-—!—£-— as a wºme ºne-see-sºº º Col. 161. tº assº exº-sº-s-s-s ~— — 20,000 | 1,500 — — — | 1,417,517 --É assºmsºmºsº — || 403,127 — 60,000 | 1,000 292 — 27,200 1,914,103 1,786 **** 82,960 || --— 20,000 500 * —— 116,164 1,666,323 4,750 8,765 93,080 4,000 | 61,000 | — 280 - || 41,336 | 1,679,521 3,500 5,459 || 197,890 6,000 4,000 || – grºssres-sº — 26,209 | 1,724,147 3,500 6,802 || 186,780 13,000 sºmeºs asses ºxºanºssº zººsººmsº — — 1,696,994 || 3,500 5,928 || 118,055 9,000 — —- ** —- — 1,651,297 3,500 6,286 51,790 3,000 tºmºsºsºmeºs º ºsº- *** 282 &º º 890 1,582,097 3,500 6,048 16,058 3,000 — — — | 103,209 1,748,350 3,500 6,156 5,128 | 1,000 tººsºtºr *-*, 2*-ºs- — 74,286 1,708,526 3,500 6,434 3,296 1,500 pº. *sº 276 **** 2,320 | 1,675,153 3,500 5,993 464 Bººn **E=sº — cºsmºs 9,546 1,682,022 3,500 6,718 —£- 121,965 || -- 1,851 £ºmºsºsºs 114 | 1,853,256 3,500 6,519 wº. %. 3,841 | 130,641 2,905 — -— 2,049,020 2,434,308 3,500 6,762 ||—-º-º: 25,676 133,417 Barracks 1,717 * — 2,131,409 2,505,707 3,500 6,598 || 210,000 6,541 126,374 *::::::: 1,916 25,000 — 2,299,564 2,668,654 3,506 6,292 20,000 || 2,849 || 119,517 -º- 2,470 25,000 43,979 | 1,884,791 2,266,299 2,750 6, 197 — 14,278 115,753 2,700 2,215 25,000 || 42,897 | 1,998,959 2,402,019 1,449 4,456 — 9,532 116,444 5,400 2,212 45,000 5,128 1,934,691 2,182,944 1,125 | Eendon Bridge, — | 19,621 | 120,412 5,400 9,519 58,000 2,053 | 1,970,948 2,276,206 w.ºft. 10,000 —— 15,472 | 118,448 5,400 8,968 40,000 610,714 2,560,375 2,860,477 21,411 20,000 ––– 28,229 118,912 5,400 8,806 53,499 || 677,000 || 2,677,265 2,978,349 13,275 140,000 1,000 || 36,438 116,076 5,400 10,148 16,000 || 390,272 2,581,482 2,882,909 23,375 140,000 12,000 || 54,581 | 115,113 5,400 || 9,365 20,000 || 134,200 2,339,767 2,642,967 18,800 62,000 4,300 31,432 | 114,840 5,400 9,415 —— 132,944 2,215,788 2,516,747 21,461 20,000 2,240 52,333 112,764 5,400 10,000 gºsºsºsº 918 2,044,612 2,422,481 20,139 20,000 — 81,637 109,450 5,400 9,455 ... &zºº 1,211 1,877,39 2,183,701 18,800 20,000 — 25,210 || 113,519 5,400 9,554 $ºmºxº *zzºsºsºs 1,548,773 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 ſ IRE LAN D.— A D VA N CES. Relief x- Board Fees on of Board Police of Auditing Public Poor of |Proclaimed Dunleary First- | Treasury Coal TOTAL i TO TA E, Years Lunatics. | Health. Districts. Harbour. fruits. Accounts. Yards. Sundries. | Payments. Advances. —£-——-£——£--———£-———£-—|——£-———£-——£-— **-w tº ºn 1817 — — 38,952 27,692 1,246 960 2,510 || 26,817 | 385,282 tºº 18 —— 3,877 35,390 27,692 2,492 443 480 1,480 374,297 $ºsºvºsmºs 19 — 8,140 33,015 36,923 2,492 1,218 980 || 17,872 369,090 | ——--. 1820 461 2,403 || 78,000 || 43,385 2,769 960 | 1,060 3,572 381,504 *wurg 1 4,615 138 102,562 41,538 || 3,554 395 770 8,154 402,399 --~~~~ 2 6,646 587 | 136,906 || 13,846 E* 517 37 20,122 248,253 383,734 3 8,047 154 228,316 128 7,108 || 3,618 Commis. 305,258 304,544 < 4 | 3 |{ºſ Mºi, "ºff.” 5 18,330 — 238,786 | g 185 £". † 8,777 — 300,102 || 327,441 6 7,385 1,350 271,998 * 185 923 461 | 19,478 136,126 301,084 533,258 7 8,300 35 | 274,728 s 185 3,000 1,500 27,674 99,357 || 301,427 546,922 8 21,280 1,604 || 284,645 3, 185 10,000 || 2,000 31,743 — 303,200 437,754 9 26,000 600 260,957 : 185 6,000 3,500 19,632 — 300,959 424,691 1830 23,020 — 266,001 § 185 | 12,000 || 4,000 14,976 81,748 || 377,969 || 380,817 I 24,000 | 1,297 269,372 s — 12,000 || 9,000 || 10,368 16,238 306,311 || 395,702 2 50,134 500 310,843 || 3 — 9,000 10,500 8,422 2,000 431,756 3 - *- 4 5 - 153 i54 155 156 157 159 160. 161 l62 See Note to page 195 for remarks on the Expenditure Oil account of the H Column 133. olyhead road, 158 200 Sundry Items composing the Amounts stated in Columns 107, 134, and 160. Specification of the Various Jtems as itſ” Col. 134. 1805, Wet Docks at Leith Commissioners of enquiry, Military . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oo do., Naval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer of Queen Ann’s Bounty . . . . . . . a e º e g g g º e º 'º e º E tº e º g º e º e s ∈ G tº 63 ſº a tº e º º b 6 & © tº $ & & 2 G & 6 1806. Trustees of Earl Nelson . . . . . . . . . . & © & tº € $ 6 e e Q & 6 & e g tº tº º is Military and Naval enquiry as above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1807. Commissioners of Northern Light Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . West India Company * e & © tº º ºs & Compensation to Ticket Porters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 tº gº & Q & © 1808. Commissioners of Northern Light Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . West India Dock Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repayment to Puget and Bainbridge * 6 @ & tº a gº tº Q & 3 v 8 e º 'º e º & tº e 6 & © º gº º ºs & e º e & & © & & Q gº Governors of Queen Ann’s Bounty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 1811, Dean and Chapter of Westminster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bounty on Slaves . . . . . . . 6 * @ e < c, q & 6 tº 9 g º b & © e g º O & © tº e º o z º. 6 $812. Bean and Chapter of Westminster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marquis Wellington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſº Children of Spencer Perceval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }8; 3. Compensation to John Palmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. to Jeremy Bentham . . . . . . . & & © 8 º 8 tº dº e a 6 & & Dean and Chapter of Westminster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marquis Wellington . . . . . . . . . tº B & ºr tº £ 3 & 8 & A & Jº tº 6 & 8 & 9 @ 3 g º gº 1814. Team and Chapter of Westminster . . . . Messenger of the Great Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bounty Ołł Slaves tº 6 tº 8 & 2 º º 9 & © & & 9 e º 0 & 8 tº e g º 8 & 9 º' & 9 @ 9 & 6 g g g 1815, Messenger of the Great Seal ............ A 9 & 6, 9 & e º gº gº tº & Bounty OYı Slaves s tº dº e º ſº tº 9 &, tº tº ſº e º sº a g º e º & © e g g g º s 2 & © e g º e ºf Trustees of Earl Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816. Messenger of the Great Seal 1820. & 8 & 9 Q Q 9 & Q & º & tº Q & © tº º is © tº dº tº a 8 e 3 & 8 © tº $ 3 g º & 3 g e º & G 9 º' tº e & & © tº 9 @ Irish Life Annuities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e g º e g º º Commissioners of Port Patrick Harbour 1821. Commissioners of Port Patrick Harbour, and Irish Huife Annuities tº tº 9 tº 68 0 & © tº e º 'º e º 'º º * @ 6 @ 8 & 2 s o e e g g g g g e & tº 9 s tº 9 º' & ge * @ 9 & 6 & w & e º g tº 1822. Purchase of Tuchy of Lancaster Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1823, Commissioners for improving the Port of London .... 824. Baring, Irving, and Rothschild, for Discount on a Austrian Payment of l.2,500,000 . . . . . & © & 3 & & © & © & gº tº gº ; Commissioners of Woods and Forests ................ 1825. Purchase of Prisage and Butlerage of Wines, in the County of Cornwall . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ ; Exchange of Silver Tokens in Ireland ...... . . . . . . . . . Building Churches in the Highlands of Scotland Commissioners of Woods and Forests ...... * @ Q i826. Comparative Tables of English and Irish Currency .. Wet Docks at Leith ...: ºny. Duke of Athol for Revennes of Isle of Man .......... *~. 1827. Duke of Athol for Revenues of Isle of Man .......... ~$ . . . . 1828. -- Duke of Athol for Revenues of Isle of Man .......... 1829, R. Brown, Clerk and Treasurer of Metropolitan Commissions of Lunacy ; 1830. R. Brown, Clerk, and Treasurer of Metropolitan {| Commissions of Lunacy Š tº $ tº 6 25,000 1,200 1,000 500 114,364 1,800 15,000 15,000 11,366 10,000 15,000 1,209 {500 734 156 625 102,281 403 50,000 23,578 458 250 458 500 1,362 520 26 9,000 38,979 5,000 310,715 300,000 27,000 500,000 50,000 100,000 272 240,000 150,000 27,700 116,164 41,336 26,709 890 103,209 74,286 2,320 9,546 114 43,979 42,897 5,128 2,053 610,715 677,000 390,272 134,200 132,944 18 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g 1,211 Specification of the Various Items, as djº Col. 107. 1822. Apprehending Offenders * 6 g º e tº 4 e º e e Q tº 8 º 'º e e º 'º e º & © tº 8 & 6 Seceding Ministers . . . . . & © e º º º tº d tº t d e º 'o e º f s e e º e 6 e º e º f 8 Protestant Disenting Ministers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Employment of Poor . . . . . tº a e º & & * & © tº º B & E & G s & C a 6 tº º a 6 º' C. HDunmore Harbour. . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº tº gº tº e e g g 6 & © & © & © 8 & 9 & 6 b & Howth do. s s a e s a • * * * * * e e o e e a e s e a e s s a e e s = p * * * * * Survey of the River Shannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Officers of Court of Common Pleas . . . . tº ſº. 43 e º & G & s é º gº tº º Board of First Fruits . . . . . & e o 'º e e < e < e s e a e s e s is a • * * * * * * * Late Governors of House of Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1823. Employment of Poor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seceding Ministers * @ & e º a t e º e º ºs e º e º o 0 e º 0 & b c e e o e s 6 tº 6 b & Protestant Dissenting Ministers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howth Harbour....... we 6 & © 2 & 3 tº e º & 9 º' tº gº © tº gº tº tº gº tº e º 'º e º e º e & Dunmore do. 6 gº º e º e º e & © º & tº 6 & Q & © e & b & © 9 tº tº e g tº gº tº dº º º q tº & © River Shannon sº gº g is 6 & s e o dº & & 4 tº e º t t e * * * * * * B º $ 3 tº 42 tº 9 & sº e º 'º Apprehending Offenders 6 e º tº º tº g º º & 0 & * * * * * * * * * * tº e º gº tº & Governors of House of Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . ſº tº e º e g º & TO pay off 5 #2 Cents. º gº & b > 8 a & © tº tº g tº e º 6 e g o e s a 6 & 8 & e º a 9 º' s Inspector of Prisons . . . . . . 4 & © tº tº a q tº tº ſº º a tº a tº e º 'º e º e º 6 e e e Board of First Fruits g & 9 & © & e o J & Q & Q dº tº 4 & © º & © 3 tº gº & e tº 1824. Dunmore Harbour . . . . . e e º & 9 º' & 'º e º s a 9 & © tº $ tº 0 & Q & © & © e º 'º o Seceding Ministers ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Protestant Disenting Ministers Inspector General of Prisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superannuation Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825. Employment of Poor . . . . . © e º ſº ſº º ſº ſº to * Superannuation Allowances 1826. © tº $ 9 º' ºn 3 & #3 ºn tº 6 & & © tº e º e & & © tº a $ tº 8 tº 6 & e º & e tº gº s * * * * * * @ 9 & © & © & © tº 6 tº tº 9 s tº a g a Howth Harbour e gº Superannuation Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1828. tº e º e g º a tº e º O 6 g º $ 0 tº fl & © & © 0 tº G & tº $ tº a 9 º' tº a we & ſº tº e g tº tº e tº 3 tº $ tº gº tº e º 'º Dunmore Harbour Specification of the Various Items, as itſ” Col. 160. 1817. On Account of Joint Expenditure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Militia Officers' on 9 @ 9 & 3 & tº & & © 6 & a tº e o 9 gº 9 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 9 & 2 - 1818, Retired Militia Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1819. Retired Militia Officers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Royal Hospital, Kilmainham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 @ & e e For Building Schools tº e º 'º & 3 s a 9 º' gº º • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1820. Controverted Elections ..... & a tº e º 'º tº 6 º' tº e & tº tº ſº tº G & © * tº ſº tº tº e Retired Militia Officers tº e º s º a s & d g º g o e 6 g 3 tº 6 tº g º º 0 & s e º s is Donaghadee Harbour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1821. Tonaghadee Harbour 9 @ 9 º' & 9 º º t e e s 6 & © & tº g g tº e g c tº e g c e o 8 e e %. 1822. Repayment to Civil List . . . . . . . & & © tº gº & * 8 & d e º a G e º & & © tº 6 & e tº e º & Q & © & 0 & 0 & © & Law Officers for Special Sessions . . . . . . 1825. Commissioners of Wide Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trustees of Corn Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 º' G & º e g o s a tº e º 9 1826. Commissioners of Wide Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1829. Sale ot Quit and Crown Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . ge e ge 1830. Remuneration to Assisstant Baristers, for Registering ; Freeholders & © e º e º e º e º 'º e a e e g º ºs e º a * * g e o e g º e º 'º gº & © e Clerks of Peace. . . . . . . . . . . . Hºlding and Repair of Schools..................... Valuation of Lands and Tenements . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * 1831. Valuation of Lands and Tenements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 92,308 1,846 1,015 25,768 1,049 1,045 12,625 4,202 1,703 23 1,846 17,077 3,045 128,280 7,846 6,636 3,318 5,284 | 000 120,676 49,596 10,049 5,117 7,356 4,752 26,817 1,480 17,872 3,572 8,154 20,122 136,126 99,353 81 748 16,238 2,000. ...{}} Alphabetical Inder to the Miscellaneous Expenditure, and Sundry Charges, on the Consolidated Fund, in the 32 Years 1800–1831, as exhibited in detail, on the Seven preceding pages. Abolition of Slave Trade, amounts paid on ac- count of & sº g a c e o e º u & © tº a tº $ tº B & 16, 48–50, and 129 . . See also Portugal and Spain. Adams, Sir William, paid him in 1822 . . . . . . . . 52 Additional Churches. . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 36, and 61-62 See Churches. African Forts, Gold Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Africans liberated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 and 129 Alien Office, annual expence of . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... iſ Ambassadors, charges of, included in........ 6 American Awards, Claims, and Loyalists . . . . 23 Angerstein’s Pictures, cost of, in 1824–5...... 52 Annan Bridge, do. in 1827 Af Annuities, Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Antiquities, collection of, for B. Museum, 1814 52 Asylum, Military, cost of Building... ...... 19 do. Naval do. do . . . . . . . . . . 44 Asylums in Ireland. . . . . . . . . . . . ge e º 2 a e Q q & © o .75–77 Athol. Duke of, paid to him in 1826–8, for Re- © e º nº e & 6 venues of the Isle of Man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134. Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, paid to him, his Offi- cers & Men in 1815, for the capture of Java 52 Audit Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Auditors of Public Accounts ... . . . . . . . . . . . 120-1 do. of West India do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126–7 H Baggage, Army, Carriage of, in Ireland . . . . . . I 49 Bangor and Chirk roads, 1818-29 . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 do, Ferry, cost of, in 1826................ 52 B. k of ſºiscount on Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 | Receiving of do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 º, } do. of Lotteries. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 c. < HDiscount on do paid to ; ;. :- :.. them,-for Paying Life Annuities ’ ” ( Fees on passing Accounts........ 117 #ankruptcy Court, 1821-2 ... ... tº gº tº 3 o e • . . . . , 52 Baring, Irving, and Rothschild, for Discount ... on Austrian Loan, 1824 . . . . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . 134 Barracks..... 9 & 0 & 9 @ & & a tº Q 6 @ g tº 9 e º e • . . . . . . . . . . . 131 belfast Academical Institution .............. 103 Bencoolen, compensation to proprietors, 1829 52 Bentham, Jeremy, paid to him in 1813, on ac- Count of Penitentiary. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Bethlehem Hospital, payments on account of, in 806 and 1813 •- - - - - - - - 52 & Q & © e º & © q & tº º ºs e & 3 Board of Agriculture .... . e - © o e g e º e 9 e o e e g º a . . 37 do. Health ....... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 154 do. Inland Navigation............ - - - - - - 95 do. Works in Ireland ........... • - - - - - - 93 Bounties on Corn, imported in 1802–3 ........ 52 do. Fish into London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 do. do. West Indies in 1808 .. 52 do. Flax grown in Scotland ...... . . 123 - do. Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Bow Street, Public Office ............ 47 Boyd, General, for services in India, in isiº e 52 Bridges and Roads......................... 36 do. Annan, in 1822 ................ • . . . . 52 jo. Cree and Kenn, 1811-11 ........ • * * * * * */ do. over the Eden in 1812 ................ a 49. London................ ............. 127 British Museum, building of ................ 20 .., , (10.9 annual expence of. . . . . . . . . . 2; Buildings, Public, cost and repairs of . . . . . . . . 25 £urgess, Henry, paid to him, is22............ 52 urney, Doctor, cost of his library, 1818. . . . . . 21 Butlerage and Prisage of Wine in Čornwall.. 134 Bute, Marquis of, for Fees on imprest........ #24 C Saledonian Canal, cost of .................. 27 Campbell, Captain R., paid to him, his Officers ., and Men, for capture of Naples in 1847 .... 52 Canada, for improving the Water communica. tions in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 do. Emigration to, in 1825........ • . . . . . 52 Canals, Rideau and Weiland, in Canada ... . 28 do. Crinan, in 1805 and 1811 ........... . 52 do. Royal Military, 1808–1810 .......... , , do. . Caledonian 3 * Cape of Good Hope, Settlers at, in 1822...... 52 £aptured. Negroes, see Siaves’.............. 48 Qartwright Dr., for Mechanical invention in 1809 52 £atholic Seminary, Maynooth........ ....... 73 âtwater and Sutton Pool, 1805......... . . . . . 52 halmers and Cowie, 1866 ............ • * * * * * * £hamberlain of London ....... © g º e e º ºr 130 and 3 Charitable Donations, Commissioners of...... i04 do, institutions .................... 69–72 3. Commission of enquiry into...... 124-5 harlotte, Princess, expences attending her Marriage, 1816–1818 o 9 º º ſº e º e g e º 'º a g o e o 'º e a s a 52 Charter Schools, Protestant, in Ireland ...... 69 Chetney Hill, Quarantine Works at, in 1806. 52 part included in Public Works . . . . . . . . . . 25 Chirk and Bangor, see Bangor..... . . . . . . . < * Churches, West Indies ...................... 35 do., Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . 36 tº e & e º g g º gº & 6 G e do., Highlands of do., in 1825. . . . . . . . . . 134 do., Commissioners for Building of .... 61. do, On account of Building . . . . . . . . . . 62 Civil Contingencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O.3 in Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 ( Bahamas . . . ; Bermuda s tº e g º e g g e e g º tº e º & © Q If e tº 3 g g º e º e s tº G & º 6 14 Civil | New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . " Establishments< Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . . at Prince Edward’s Island . . . . ſ. Nova Scotia 9 e g e e g g g g & © g c → * * ff |Upper Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Civil List § . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Clerk of the Hanaper, all above £4,000 . . . . . . 115 Coal Yards, Public in Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Cobbe, at Lyme Regis in 1819 and 1827 . . . . . . 52 Codex Alexandrinus, Cost of Printing of, 1814 Coinage, Silver and Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-4 do. do., in 1825 . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Colleges, Royal Military ..... • - - - - - * c e º e o e e sº | 8 do. do., at Sandhurst . . . . . . 57 ſauditing Public Accounts i20-1 do. West India do... 126–7 issuing Exchequer Bills .. 60 of Military enquiry . . . . . . . . 45 of Naval do. . . . . Building of Churche inquiring into Charities. , 124–5 gº gº tº gº ... 61, 62 * º • commissiºners, do. Superior Courts of Law 33 Commissions < do. ićevenue e tº e e o e e o or e o o 64–5 for granting Compensations for losses sustained by H. Dks. 128-9 of Wide Streets, Dublin. ... 101 do., in 1825-6. , 160 of Tithes in Ireland. . . . . . . . } 59 of Charitable Bonations. . . . 104 Cinquiry into C. Lnds. in ireld. 105 Commons, House of, Compensation to Officers of, in lieu of Fees on Turnpike Acts . . . . . . - ſ Owners of illegal Quays, on completion of London Docks 128 Law Officers in Ireland for loss 146 - Sundry Persons .... [of Fees 144 C sation | Officers of H. of Commons, in ompº *4 lieu of Fees on Turnpike acts 32 Mr. Henry Burgess in 1822 .. 52 M*. Jauncey & Robinson º // Messrs. Lescene & Escoffery, 1831 n Ticket Porters, 1807 . . . . . . . . 134 UProprietors of Bencoolen, 1829 52 Consolidated Fund, Charges on . . . . . . . ... 109-162 Consuls, Special Missions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 do., general expence of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 Contingencies, Civil List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 do. of Secretary of States Offices .. 5 Conviction of Felons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Convicts, at home and abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 do., at Bermuda in 1824-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Coronation of George IV. in 1821 ...... . . . . . . . " do. of William IV. in 1831. . . . . . . . . • * ~ * County Infirmaries, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Courts of Justice, England and Wales ... ... 113 do., Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Courts of £aw, inquiry into, in ireland ... ... 90 do., Superior, do., in England .. 33 Cree, and Kenn, Bridges over, 1811–13 . . . . . . 52 Criminal Lunatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 do. Prosecutions, Ireland . . . . . . . * * * * g e . 85 Crinan Canal, in 1805 and 1811 . . . . . * * * * * * * * * fi? Crompton, Mir., reward in 1812 .............. , {} Ravis; Jºo, for cleansing Wheat from Smut, 1801 52 Davis’ Straits, Relief to Sufferers, 1809 ...... , Debentures paid off, in 1815–16 . . . . . . . . . . . . • * ſh Deficiency of Fee Fund ..... e & o º e gº • . . . . . . . . . . 7 Docks, at Leith . . . . . . . . . • a • e s e s a e s tº 3 e e º e a s do., do., in 1805 and 1826. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 do., West India, is07-8 ............... // do., London, Compensation on completion of 128-9 Dominica, Sufferers by Fire in, in 1809 ...... 52 Disbursements of Public Offices in Ireland ... 91 Piscountenance of Vice ...................... 87 Publin Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 98 do, Police and Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 2 Q do. Courts of Law, reland 90 Dunleary Harbour .......................... 156 Dunmore do., 1822-4 tº e º te e º & Q & a e I 07 Donaghadee do. . . . . . • . . . . . . . , 39 e 9 & e º 'o e o e o º q g e do. do., 1820–1 6 tº º e º 'o o 6 c e e 9 * * * * * * g a }60 Dutch Emigrants ............................ 22 - E. Ecclesiastical Establishment, West Indies ... 126 Eden, Bridge over, in 1812 ..... • . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Edinburgh College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 51. Education in freland ...... tº e o & e o e 9 s e º 9 . . . . 67–73 Elgin Marbles, cost of, included in 1816 ...... 21 Emigrants ... s 9 tº a 2 gº © tº tº * @ e º & & 6 e º e º 'o g º sº e º 'º a 9 & e Emigration, 1822–7 ................. • . . . . . . . . 52 Escoffery and Lescene, in 1831 .............. a Exchequer Court, or Office ....... ë e e º e º gº e e & 9 do. Bill Offices . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 59-60 Exigencies, Ireland ........................ 103 F Farming Society, Łreland .................... 100 Fee Fund, deficiency of, England ............ 7 Ho. Treasury, ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Fees to Bank of England, on passing Accounts 117 do., loss of, see Compensation ... * * * * * @ p & © tº º Felons, Conviction of . . . . . . . . . . . . s e s w w s a s e e a s 7 First-fruits, 1822 . . . . . . . . . . 9 @ 9 @ 6 º' ge e g e a c e s e g e ºs I 57 Fish, Bounty on, in 1808 . . . . . 9 & © tº e ºs º o 9 @ . 52 & 40 Five d? cents of 1797, paid off ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 do., in Ireland, 1823 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Fleet Prison, Repairs of ................... • 52 Foden, Thomas, Reward to, in 1801 . . . . . . • e e s " Foundling Hospital, Publin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 French Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ū. Gaols, Building of, in Ireland • 150 George the IV. Harbour, same as Dunleary 156& 94 do. Coronation in 1821 ............ 52 Gold Coinage . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 44 Gospel, Propagation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 31 Greathead, Mr., for Life-boat, in 1802 . . . . . . . . 52 Grey, Sir Charles, and Earl St. Vincent, for Captures at Martinique, 1800-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . a Germany, sufferers by War, in 1814. . . . . . . . . . . .” Greville, cost of his Collection of Minerals, in 181 H - Hanaper, Clerk of . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , s 115 - Donaghadee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 do., in 1820–1 . . . | Dunleary . . . . . • . . . . . . * * * * * * . . . . 156 Harbours J Dunmore, 1822-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 107 Of * Holyhead & e º ºs e º 9 tº gº tº gº tº g º e º G & e e o sº 53 Portpatrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kingstown, or George IV. . . . . . . . 94 UHowth, in 1826 Heligoland, Eighthouse at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Hibernian Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-2 Highland Roads and Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 —see also pages 20–21. - Holyhead Harbour do. Roads • e o e e s e a • * * * * * * * * * tº gº g 6 º' & e º Q & & Q tº © o Q & © & e º 'º 160 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 107 £y tº a tº tº e º e s e g 6 g 53 • . . . . . . . . 54 • & © & & e º & © tº e º ºs do. . - do. tº e º 'º o • a e.e. e. e. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 133 do. Works at, in i819 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 —see also Post Office, pages 18–19. Hospitals, Irish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-82 House of Industry, Dublin s. . . . . . . . . . . ~ & Q & © . 74 Repairs of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Houses of $$. ge e º q & • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Parliament. &#. * & & Q tº tº e º ſº e º 'º e º a 2 tº o q gº 3 Printing & Stationery, for page 174 Howth Harbour, in 1823 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 52 Hood, Lord, his Officers and Men, for Captures at Toulon in 1805 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * - T Imprest Office, Ireland . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Improvements in Westminsver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Infirmaries, County, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Inland Navigation, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 & 15 Insolvent Debtors Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ireland, Miscellanies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65–78 do., on Consolidated Fund ....... , , , 138-162 J Jauncey and Robinson, awards to, 1822 ...... 52 Java, Rewards for Capture of, 1815 .......... a Jenner, Dr., Reward to, 1802–7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſt Journals, Index to, in 1826 ....... • * * * * * * * * * * * England tº e º & G & q' e º e º 0 e o 9 tº e a 113 Judges Salaries, & Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 - & Scotland, included in ...... iić 202 Alphabetical indew to the Miscellaneous Expenditure, and Sundry Charges, on the Consolidated Fund, in the 32 Years 1800–1831, - - as exhibited in detail, on pages 194–200.-Continued from the preceding page. K Keith, Lord, his Officers and Men, 1818 . . . . . . 52 Kings Bench Prison, Repairs of, 1804, &c.. . . . a Kingstown Harbour ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 L Lancaster Office, Duchy of, in 1822 ... . . . . . . . 134 Land, purchased at Weedon Beck, 1804 . . . . . . , 52 0-2 do. at Woolwich & Charlton, 1804 u do., do. at Portsmouth & Dover, 1810 s do., do. at do. & Hilsea, 1816 u do., do. at Hounslow Heath,. . . . 1818 a do., do. near Southampton, . . . . . . . " Land Tax, payments on account of redemption of 35 Lansdown MSS., cost of, 1807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Law Charges, Treasury s & © e º dº e º s a s gº tº a 9 & C & G. & 9 do. Courts, Superior, enquiry into . . . . . . . . . . 33 do. do., in Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Legal Quays, Compensation to owners of . . . . 128 Łeith Docks in 1805 and 1826 e e < e < * e à e a so e s 6 a. 134 Lescene & Escoffery, awards to, in 1831 ...... 52 Levant Company, in 1800, 1802, & 1808 ...... a Liberated Africans,—see Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light Houses, Northern, 1807–8 . . . . . . . . .....s 134 Linen Board, Trustees of, in Ireland ........ 99 Liverpool, Revenue Buildings at, 1831........ 52 London, City of, and Bridge............ 37 & 127 do., Port of, 1823 a e e º e s a e e is a e e s a s e e 134 & 43 flotteries, Discount of, &c., to Bank.......... 31 do., expences of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 do., do., Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Loyalists, American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 23 Lunatics, Criminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 do., Poor, in Ireland ................. . 153 M Mac Adam, award to him in 1825 ........... 52 Manby, Captain, do., 1810, 1812–14, & 1823 a Marshalsea Court and Prison, 1804, &c. ...... a Maynooth College .......................... 73 Melville, Lord, expences of his trial, 1807 .... Menai Bridge & § º 1824, & 1826 . . . . 52 e - Ull ing o • * * * * * * * * * a • * * * * * e 40 p:#; Annual expence of .......... 41 enuary, {see Jeremy Bentham, 1812.... 134 Military Canal, 1808–10 e e o 'º e º e s e a q e e a e s e e s e e e & do. College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 18 do. do. at Sandhurst................ 57 do. Asylum s e. e.s e i s e o s e.e. e. e. * * < e s e e e s tº se e e 19 do. Enquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 do. Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Mint, cost of Building ...................... 49 do. Prosecutions .......................... 10 - do., annual expences of ... ................. 122 Mitchell, Vice Admiral, his Officers and Men, for capture of Dutch Ships, 1802............ 52 Mogadore, for loss of Ships from, in 1800 .... , Monuments, Public. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... * * * * 6 e 51 Mungo Park, awards to his survivors, 1808 .. 52 Museum, British. ..... • * * * * * * * * g º e º 'º e & a . . . . . 20-21 N *. Naples, cost of capture of, in 1817............ 52 National Debt Office so e º e º 'º e s e º se e s e e s se e s a e 32 Naval abuses, 1804 .......................... 52 do. *ylum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 44 do. enquiry, 1805–6 * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º g º e º e º p 134 Negroes, Captured • e s is a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s 48 The notes at pages 195 and 199 appear to embrace all the ex at pages 194–200, except the amount for Barracks Nelson, Earl, in 1806–7 e e & d e a o a s a e o e s e s see 52 do. do., in 1806 & 1815 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 New Brunswick & Newfoundland,-see Civil Establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Churches, see Churches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Forest, 1809 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 52 New South Wales, Bills drawn from ........ 12 do. do. do., Civil Establishment at . . . . 13 New Street, 1820 & 1822 ................ 52 & 134 Nitric Fumigation, 1803. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Non-conforming Ministers in Ireland ........ 83. Northern Light Houses, 1807–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 O Orange, Illustrious House of, 1803–4 ........ 52 Orkney & Shetland, relief to Inhabitants of, 1805 P. Palmer, John, award to, 1813 ........ ....... 134 Parliament, Houses of.--see Houses of Parlmt. Penitentiary, see Milbank; & Bentham, Jeremy Pensions ................ . . . . . . . . 112 Perceval, Spencer, 12 children of, išiz .. 52 & 134 Pictures,--see Angerstein, 1824–5 .......... 52 pitt, William, his funeral and Debts, isog'. . Police,—see also Bow Street ................ 114 do.” Dublin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 86 do, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 141 do. in proclaimed Districts, Ireland ...... 155 Poor, Relief of, in Ireland. • e º e s • e o e s a s. e o se a ! 52–3 Port of London, Improvements in the . . . 52 & 43 do. do. do., in 1823 &c. 134 Portpatrick Harbour, 1820 .............. 134 & 38 Portugal, 1818–19 .......................... b2 Post Roads in Ireland ...................... 151 Princess Charlotte, her marriage &c., 1816–18 52 Privy Council, &c. Offices, Building ........ 19 Proclamations, Publishing of ................ 81 Proclaimed Districts, Ireland......... • . . . . . . 155 Propagation of the Gospel in British America 31 Prosecutions, Criminal, Ireland.............. 85 Protestant Charter Schools, do............... 69 do. Dissenting Ministers, 1822–5 83 & 107 Public Buildings, England .................. 25 do. do., or Works, Ireland . . . . . . . . 92-93 do. Coal Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 159 do. Monuments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 51 do. Office, Bow Street .................... 47 do. Records, Ireland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 89 do. (see General Index for England ) .. Q Queen Anne's Bounty ...................... 56 Queen. Caroline, 1822 - . . . . . . . . . . . . tº a 3 & & e º & Q & . 52. R Records, Public, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 89 Refuge for the Destitute .................... 63 Refugees, French &c. ........................ 22 Revenue enquiry * 6 e 6 & 9 o 'º e º g, º e º e º q a g º e º a e e . . .64-5 Rich, Doctor, cost of his MSS., 1826.......... 52 Richmond, Duke of, 1801, 1809, and 1824...... , Roads and Bridges in the Highlands ........ 36 do., Military do. • . . . . . . . 46 do., Holyhead & E & G & & a $ & & © 3 & # e. & G G & e º a q & 54 & i53 do.--see Bridges, Bangor and Chirk......... Royal College of Surgeons, included in ...... 25 do. Hrish Academy • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . 68 do. . Military Asylum & e º is 9 & 8 W. & 6 s & e º & Q & Q tº 6 & 8 19 Royal Military Canal, 1808–1810 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. do. do. College . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . ig do. do. do. at Sandhurst . . . . . . . . . . 58 do. Naval Asylum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 44 Russian Dutch floan 6 * @ 9 & 0 & 6, Q & © 6 & 3 o 'º e o c & 6 o e a 130 S Sandhurst, College at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 St. Domingo Sufferers, included in . . . . . . . . . 22 St. Vincent, Earl of, 1800–2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 do., Island of, Volcano.in, 1814 ...: fy Secret Service, England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 do Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * g g g g o . 140 • 9 Seceding Ministers, 1822–4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 107 Secretaries of State, Contingencies . . . . . . . . . , 5 Sheriffs and Clerk of Hanaper . . . . . . ..... . . . 115 the Sheriffs are £4,000 in each Year. Sierra Leone, Civil Establishment at . . . . . . . . 16 Silver Coinage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 do. do. in 1825 tº & © & © G & © tº 9 & ©. Q & © tº 3 & 2 & © tº gº & }3% Skye, Isle of, Road in, 1821 .................. 52 Slaves, awards on account of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 50 do., Commissioners of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 do., Bounty on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 do., Captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 See also Portugal and Spain, 1818–19 . . . . 52 Smyth, Doctor James Carmichael, 1803 . . . . . . South Sea Company, deficiency of Profits .... 132: Spain, award to, 1848 o, o c & © tº gº & © & & 8 (e. g. a tº e g a gº & Q Q & 5? Spanish America ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 29 Speaker of House of Commons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Special Missions to South America . . . . . . . . . . .29 Spey, Bridge over, 1805 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Averages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41 Superannuations . . . . . Q & e g º & 6 º' & q' tº º • . . . . . . . . . . 42. Suffering Clergy and Laity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Swedish Convoy in 1807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 T Tally Court and Tallies, 1805, 1809, and 1840. , 52 Tithes, Commissioners of, in Ireland . . . . . . . . 159 Toulon, award to captors of, 1805–8 . . . . . . . . . . 52 Toulonese and Corsican Emigrants . . . . . . . . . . 23 Trignometrical Survey, Ireland, 1829 . . . . . . . . 52 do. do. tº £ tº e º 8 e º 'º Q & © G & 6 & © tº gº & 6 & i5? Trinidad, Fire at, &c., 1808, 1811, and 1812. . . . 52 Trafalgar, Battle of, 1806–7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 6 Turnpike Acts, compensation to Officers of House of Commons for Fees on . . . . . . . . . .e. 32 Townley collection of Statues, cost of 1805 . . TJ Ulster and Munster, Synods of, 1893 . . . . . . . . . , 52. Wy Vaccine Institution.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Veterinary College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Vincent, see St. Vincent. . . . . . . . . . . . © 3 tº $ g 6 & © W Wellington, j}uke of, 1812–-iš. gº tº 3 g g º ºx tº $ i28 & §34 do. do., 1815 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 West India Dock Company, 1807–8. . . . . . . . . . 134 Westminster, improvements at . . . . . . . . . . . . . • *- 26 Windsor Castle. . . . . . Q 6 tº e º cº G tº gº & 6 & 6 & 8 tº e . . . . . . , 18 do. - Forest, 1810 g e o e s e s s 9 tº g g 3 & © tº G g tº 3 & 8 3 tº 53 Wide Streets, Dublin, 1825-6. . . . . . ... 104 & 150 Woods & Forests, Commissioners of, 1824–5 134 planation required to shew the nature of the Miscellaneous Expenditures, as exhibited in detail in the Regents Park, col. 131, page 199, the building of which Barracks is supposed to have originated in an electioneering job, but be that as it may, it is one of the meanest and most disreputable transactions which the Financial History of the last 40 Years exhi- bits; the proposition for granting the annuity was made to the House of Commons by Nicholas Vansittart, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, now Lord Bexley, on the 8th, of July, 1820, and the Bill for granting the same, passed, on the 18th. of the same month. On referring to the Debates in Parliament of that date, it will be seen that the cost of the Barracks was estimated at £ 70,000, and assuming that amount as their cost, the money might have been horrowed for £3,150 # Annum; and £2,250 tº Annum the difference between 3,150 and 5,400 the annuity granted, would have redeemed the £70,000 in 19 Years, instead of 31 Years as agreed upon, to pay the £5,400. in 1822 or 1823, and was The annuity was offered for sale by the Contractor for building the barracks, to the Phoenix Insurance Company - , ºt Was purchased by the Globe Company, for or about, $80,000, after 2 or 3 half-yearly payments of the annuity had been made,-and instead of £70,000 being the fair cost for building the Barracks, they stand to attest, that nearer half that amount would have sufficed. For another transaction, equaihy reprehensible in principle and of far greater magnitude by the same Finance Minister, see page 172.--A Peerage and a Pension of £3,000 # Annum followed these Financial Arrangements. The Dead Weight Annuity proposition in 1823, is another of those transactions which will leave a stigma on the legislation of the present age, yet, baneful as its operation has been, from its extreme complication, it is doubtful whether ignorange or selfishness influenced its adoption :- a complete elucidation of its nature and effects will be found stated at page 204, § Duty, and rom BRITISH PO g the Number of zoads ... ------...- ... ... ---------...----------------~~ f the amount of SS ESS [O N S : : - oads of Z. Tºº ... ... -- ~…~~~~~~~~~~~ of Duty pai ; and also of the ſt; ZMA; ZºZº o -- - - e in England a ght of TOB A CCO I &c Feet, Impo ~...~------- ------------------- , in Scotland, a º ed into, and R O the UN HTE - p na 111 fieland e e-exported fr ED KING i "...º.º. GR rat Britai ) O M. in each since the 5th, J RITAIN, in eac ach Year si e 5th, July 1789 ch Year since 1785 nee 1784, disti º * 785; and of 9 istin U11 hi - the quantity i guisning the pro * ty in ths, Wei proportion t eight charged tº ged with ALoads of TIM BE º Feet, IMPO ;3. 50 Cubic ; /Ös -- Wide Pur. P 21:15p; lbs. of TOBACC from B a. No. 300, Sess, 1827, O.—-Paper No. 252, Session 182 Years ym British - R. - 26. # Lbs. of Colonies. From the Balti HMPORT E-EXPORT - ** S. of Tobac - an e ltic. EHD, E D. - co charg d wi 1785 7 ſ (!!?0 Raw. m pej red for; ... *.* Fº i. tº. º º amount of Duty paid 89 7. - - O?? 6. then incr v. of O 5th, of July 1825 : y paid on t e ****-* 6 1, : ; anufactra Consumption ºº º ſºº ºi. * º º: º º of the 35 Years f 7 I ,09 ,801 6 ~ .# was reduced t } |. ; and on the 8 º arch 1806, incr • 1795, the Dut 5th. of Janua ars from the ,090 or 45,379 * that th o 3| # Ib, at 3. th June 1819 , increased to 2/2; ; ty on Tobacco in Greg ry 1827. ; 5,681 . º: §§ ; 1,087,268 # 6,8 U; ...º.º. #!...'..."; hº } # º #. #;"| #; was 1/3 d?' fh, 2,213 9 48.831 ,693,977 1,4 2 *- ,846,606 ... ...?'N; #º.º.º.º. iyº. asséna'in fºr ued to the 5th Jul #3 on the 21st. 1790 e 179,531 ,831,232 28,718 ,439,589 # 6,6 •vos § 4 ºff." tation? was sus ent. Since 1844 : arliament on th tly 1825, when i |48 - 2 t 59, i5 ‘e 9 ,388 I 3. 69,103 2 when the O ** * M: pended by (l - * fºº 9 ()?" fu 'th w * lé 22nd. of A ** *t 1. 2,537 227,638 57 ; 36,283,623 }º. 6,858,668 lbs. Charged with Dut re of the article º: o, and in º of the ...; 2 2,726 209,072 - ...; 35,678 612 }: 8,153,185 Engind & Wales Scotland * Duty in ac or Seven-fold. ty the War jū’ī; 3 & 4 º 9 Te {} :00 tº 1710. * 3 277,262 44 §: 52,669,372 ; 8,960,334 7,093 Ireland. United Kingdom#E Amount of Duty pai 4. 2,665 189,740 ,057,916 29,352,263 }. 9,340,875 º: ºf 96,693 2,810 gdom#Eng. & Wales. Scotland g paid in 873 16 2. 24,997,03 9 ,103 3,979.2: },733,637 99 3 vy sys i 3 ,252 10,6 £ 20 lb (171 (i. Ireland U. King a 5 235 69,711 33 2 4. 29,802 i55 2 */4 9,221 H (), H07,55 - 5,588 2.887, 56 2 99,296 511 * *** I -ºss as . © - Kingdom - º 147.3 ,070,076 || 1 2 1,397,636 j | 10,107,554 774.36% 2. ,568 13,616,79: ,196 57,2 * - it e 6 84 i 3. 84 22 8,764 208 5 8,617 96 2 <- 2 2,561.56 - ,793 616 ,262 128.74 - 199 - 22,576,212 22,6 3 * 1,124,52 ,967 9,379,2 * 2 ,564 13,443,. ,443 62,2 - ,749 697.2 7 1,514 ,119 23.6 2,638,23 ,521 ; 9,723,5 ,259 856 ,380 # 633,6 ,218 || 133,2 ,207 tº- ,608, 175 ,235 | 1,425,54 > ,536 9,775, 7 ,316 | 1,776,2 3,653 48 ,212 805.8 9 141.0 ,833,870 1’ 3. 1,442,603 ,972,368 # 10, 195,50 8,508 5,042,264 ,011,804 588,2 ',455 799,4 9 2,127 ,042 40.6 7,304,260 | 1 5 10,047,843 ,504 994. 562 ,264 15,636,53 ,257 53,52 799,499 <= 3 6. 5 * 5 *_2 , 5 * º 2 ſº 4. 20 1800 2 148.280 3.” 52,603 || 17,636 ,272,348 9.8 5 11,034,561 9 6,200,832 17 ,535 6 3,829 5 80,725 ,605 18 2 30,705,572 ,636,320 896.8 ,822,439 9 882. e 75,532 5 962 ,390,898 6: 2 51,157 125 722,502 I 3,099 9,331 §§§ 593 17,385,153 º; ; 10.386.7 9, 3,937 1,333,751 6, 2,984 17,913,0 38,856 62,16 ,886 790,8 3. 158,770 ,842,593 : 31 iº. 846,003 || 10,9 ,741 : 9,784,043 ,751 6,098,982 ,913,077 ; 786,2 2,160 193,192 ,872 - * º 93, I - ,043 1,580,70 ,982 17,215,6 ,221 70,5 ,192 894,2 2 : 5, 143 . . . 45.168.636||33, 636 1,693.435 | ii.796, I3 ; 9,834,7 ,701 9,041,41 ,670 790 ,521 215,72 ,208 252,67: 5,317,491 ,425 || 1 1,796,415 : ,834,718 1,775,49 ,041,411 20,406,1 ,257 98,448 ,725 | 1,072,4 3 13,133 3. 73 24.3 9 1,495,4 ,415 11.265 3. 2 4,481 & Y 3. 55 788 3. 48 || || 86.925 5 67 4-w 12,007 ,495,417 | 10,914 ,265,459 1,642 ,481,463 16,091 ,938 127 ,925 | 1,075.63 4 ii.336 2. 280,550 36.933.3. 25,030,81 ,914,998 || 11,046 ,642,393 || 6,579,3 ,094,673 : 804,71 , 115 267,722 ,075,630 5 ozs490 3 ,933,220 ,817 | 1,130,4 ,046,333 1,573 ,579,367 19,487 ,710 144,9 ,722 || 1,183 ; : isº, $ 275,139 3, 21,386, ; 'º'; 12,121 ,573,730 6,872,2 ,487,219 922, 1 *|† :::::::::: 3. * ~ 24 5 80 781 - 2 O 698 H 9 a. ,278. 10 636 © 2 ,247 19 492 6 - 2,187 134 5 324 I 1.65 6 16, 120 à 248,717 § © ſº & 2 15, 118,29 ,140 12,589 5 ,635 | 1,555 ,492,310 905.3% , 129 288,029 9 ,032 3 -i < & 21,591 974 ,290 '745 > * ,570 12.10 t - 5 ,955 4,857 5,328 128.5% 3. 29 | 1.344 7 26,561 ‘s. 144,054 oa as 3 * 10,040,937 ,571 12,254,4 ,100,660 | 1,681,93 9 ,489 17,050,0 28,521 285,646 2 º,345 | º' # 313,637.5 23,939,228 3. 1,041,187 ,494 : 11,833,4 ,937 6,227,0 ,050,079 864,9 9 1,319,4 8 : 60,467 is ,637 S # 25,6 7,794,48 3. 12,656 ,833,402 | 1,628,448 | ,013 20,009 - ,934 126,00 ,495 pºol & 26,764 & Tºš3, 9,081,560 569 12,435,635 i2. ºp| i.gº. 5. ,372 18,803,222 ;|##|: }; 1810 135.3 54,620 & 253,432 6,433, iioºnoº 12,433,954. i2.315 ogo 1,774. 5.543.907 | 18,093.733| 978.336||134,43: 309,788 i.a.io. 14 $ 23 29,068,780 ,422,643 96 ,432,994 : 10,7 ,774,769 || 4,372, ,092,733 947,156 | 1 4,432 265 ,440,726 in liº S 235,626 S : 52,6 5 10,502,84 ,592 12,876 0,743,012 | 1,497 ,372,531 18,492,360 | 7,156 144,87 j,949 1,378 - e ,641,805 ,847 141,35 ,876,119 : 11,553 ,497,438 5,075 5 ,360 1,116,29 ,870 314, 10 2 ,707 13 liniºg 124,766 3 2 8,534,712 ,356 13,054 ,553,489 1,592 ,075,460 17,315 1,116,295 163,834 ,109 1,406 - * --- 1.138 4,042,697 34,712 217,7 ,054,870 # 10,075 ,592,449 4,508 ,315,910 1,195,08. 834 |302,319 | 1.5 , 135 13 3. 3. 26,039 : 15 2 7,615,8 ,781 14,108 ,075,723 1,32 ,508,939 17,654 1,195,084 166,278 |: ,419 1,582 - - ,382,446 H 3. y 30 254 6 5. , 193 - 13 4 2 27,240 5 572 2 ,880 I 28 ,278 359 8. . - ,548 - . . . i. 336.2 .303 || 14.933.3% iſ, 51,816 1,369,9 ,572,837 | 16,975 283,513 |176.8% sis. 75 H,72 I .2 14 50,790 - 2.5io.5ii 9. ,213 173,5: ºf iº976, i. ,984 6,311 375 soo! i.ii.9.931 | 137, * ...; ; 15 1333i: 2 77,982 2---> 00 97 2, ,533 || 13,835,05 3. ,050 6,278 5 ,083. 1,495.5 5 79. 403,973 • * 5,758 - 48,767 2 5,767,080 *. ,511 13,648,2 13,835,057 1,882,734 5 ,164 22,255,9 5 : ,587 152, 1 ,973 1,671,27 16 153.707 2 145,737 : 4 3. 11,276 082 2 ,245 i. i., 49 2 ,734 6.406 3.4- ,980 I.593.2: 2 29 451.2 2 ,2 76 3. 36 176 & 3. - 4,012 438 $ 9 * 80 & 3. 4,983 T 596 3 ,559 21 124 2 ,222 183 0 3. 79. 2. 098. - a- 17 | 162,611 , 176 43,709 : : 2 16,375.30 ,524 10,503 ,596,480 6,440 ,124,350 : 1,538 ,002 || 444, 19 ,098,995 * I tºº 59.979 26.75 30,683,816 is 733, 0 47,0 ,503,917 : 10,60 ,440,917 | 19,532 ,538,021 209,0 ,198 2,220,4 | 8 || 248,670 2 26,736 # 1 3. ! 3,738,646 ,010 || 13,207 ,606,022 | 1,222,8. 3. ,380 1,419 9,062 552,08 ,220,422 - 82.959 2 9,613,045 ,646 63,384 y , 192 fl 11,01: 6 ,222,839 5.962. - 2 ,289 194.4 2,083 2,299, I 19 333.9% 2 58,926 44 4 2 12 649 535 5 34 12 $325 80 2 º' 3,6 12 689 tº 3 * ,861 17 '791 Key & 2 97 697 92 . ,166 9 * : , “Ed ‘it 2 6 te ,825,808 ; 11 R },391 || 4,857,8: 3. ,722 : 1,425 ,926 2,31 1820 i 307,8 53,516 60,72 74,646 7 733. 63,456 || 13,59: ,956,560 1.63: ,857,839 16 ,425,997 | 16. - - ,311,712 307,813 43,454 ,721 & 27,492,761 ,788,570 120 3.593, oggi ii. 580. ,633,745 4,849 ,560,842 i,60 4,001 || 746,0 } : 317,563 3 22,388 3 3 g v 21,214 831 || ), 118 13,688. 3. 80,133 1.580 3. ,753 18,440 2 2,514 98.9 6,015 2.336.0 - 9 60,749 - 6,780,927 ,831 146.1 5 ,437 12, 19 3. ,890 4,743,75 2 ,058 1,898 ,905 || 653,73 5 ,013 2 # 345,742 ,749 38,453 2: 5 | 17,039,81 ,167 13,503 , 190,810 | 1,738 5 ,751 17,904 ,898,020 258,8 ,731 2,355, 15 ;45,742 76, 18 2 23,024,464 ,811 120,66 ,503,568 ; 12,886 ,738,740 4,785 ,904,774 ; 1,838 ,812 740,37 ,355,150 | 3 || 383,747 5 61.130 35,230, 19,759,02 20,660 | 12,789 ,886,047 1,922 ,785, 166 18,714 ,838,883 250,44 ,376 2,897,208 - 64 139 - ,230 443 5 29 38.6 3. ,217 10, 52 9 ,317 4,195 o 5 ,716 1.933 3 4 750 55 2 vs. ,208. 4 i 415,363 3 97.333 : 3 ,443 10,983,00 ,613 13, 135,46 ,521,842 1,212 iºiº isoos. 326|2, ,008 || 275,3 ,551 2,839,878 $$. - 77, 189 ,333 : 34,828,445. ,983,006 67.1 , 135,468 : 11,7 ,212,375 3,463,3 ,003,526 2,045 ,301 || 757,35 ,839,878 3 #467626 º 118,711 § 2 ,445 15,372,0 ,103 || 13,053 ,773,528 1,41 ,463,313 15, 19 ,045,668 305,6 ,357 2,965,666 - - 136,635 9 21, 197 446 3. 5 95 || '78, 5 2 ,023 11.36 - 3. 3,681 2.580 2 7,530 2, 105 * , 09 665,66 2 ,666 6 : 455 goi 5 150.236, § 4. º 11,636.5 ,555 13,055 ,362,821 1,503 2,580,804 15,768 , 105,097 242,4 ,660 3,016,9: 5 \; 87,576 6 3. 0,298 203 - 3. ,558 | 96.2 9 ,088 11,81 3. ,027 2,607 2 ,013 2.358 ,475 618,66 5 ,937 7 : 346,383 - 3 - ,063,880 90,645 3. ,460 : 11,71 tº 3. ,099 || 3,323 2 ,743 2,276 - ,736 518,54 • 5,233 3 * > * > * - ^-.. 0,645 # 14,510 ,715,038 1,632 ,323,371 16,690,3 ,276,796 || 300,6 8,546 3,159,6 8 374 398 187,079 33 5 } ,551 | ] 7 * > , 534 3 688 2 ,361 2 382 2 06 524 0 5 2 61 9 397.136 155,794 34.9 9 | 13,020,294 | ,606,770 3,752,634 ,035,586 : 2,353,93 ,620 666,69 , 101,469 º 3. * .N - - 9 */ 6N 6 3. 8 326 ,696 || 3,359,2 1830 386,86 159,730 ,944,148 # 11,02 . ... ** 9 17 foºl 2,353, ,507 732,326 3. 9,268 9 l ...] "... *-*, * ,358,355 321 2,326 || 3,412 i ºniº 18,448 24. * * * > 2. 5 * 369 '749 2 ,354 750 5 5 2,771 +-- - - . . .” ()77,875 , 589 || 3,430 2 2 146,202 ,489,753 9.8 2 ! 2 9 58 ,430,298 33.10 | 9,843,526 8,695,779 0.894 . 3 * * * > . 3. ,107,769 || 9,358,356 i8,504,5io 3:33.1% wº 2,658,769 4 - - 18,819,021 2,198,142 . 2,826,378 º 19, 188,431 ; ; 2,793,874 {} 19,418,940 ; 3,341. 2,850,207 - #º 626.48 - 2,924,265 2,426,532 663, 5 2,960,325 - 662,066 : º ~~~~ 3,090,598 ---wº- **S-- Sº,S+ - 204 STATEMENT showing the Quantity in fös. Weight of Indigo, and Cochineal Imported into, and Re-exported from GREAT BRITAIN, and of 4. Madder, and Madder Roots Imported, and the Highest Price of each of those Articles, in each Year since 1784. 1832—3. For the Home Consumption of each of the undermentioned articles, see the following page. The successful cultivation of ſ Countries 1831—2. Indigo in Bengal, may be regarded as strong evidence of the power of its soil under well-directed industry; the most im- £; Chests. |Maunds. Chests. |Maunds. portant feature relating to Indigo, is its stationary consumption in England, and increasing consumption in France, as evidenced *-4 * by the supply into that country direct from India. The annexed Statement shows the Distribution from Calcutta of the Crops England...... 21,385 78,066 || 23,542 87,415 of 1831–2, and 1832—3. The English Factory Maund at Bengal is 74 fb. 10 oz. The District of Oude, and of Madras, and < France ...... 4,445 15,218 7,340 24,306 the Phillipine Isles, furnish a part of the total supply from the East Indies. The consumption of France during the 7 Years America......." 2,902 || 9,132 || 1,924 5,984 1825–1851, averaged 7,660 Chests ºf Annum, and in England only 7,620. Every peasant in France wears a blue linen frock, £ersian Gulph 2,587 7,119 || 1,0; 2,992 there is also a greater predilection for the colour generally in France than in England. Indigo like Cochineal is likely in some Bºº... tº: º 2. § degree to be superseded by other substances producing the same colors, so that on the whole, Indigo may be regarded as one of tº * ... tº $ | 19. the articles of Commerce, of which the power of supply exceeds the demand and consumption. U TOTAL | 31,343 | 109,996 || 34,096 121,557 IMPORTED. R.E-EXPORTED. PRICES. lbs. Weight of Indigo from lbs. Weight Cwts. Weight of * d? lb. of Indigo. d? Cwt. of Mudders. of lbs. of Indigo. lbs. of * . d? lb. of Years. | East Indies. All other parts TOTAL. Cochimeul. Madders. | M. Roots. Cochineal. Low. Fime. Cochimeal. Gameme. Crop. 1785 154,291 | 1,539,218 1,693,509 || 306,827 | 36,643 326 584,885 59,577 || 4/ 1/9 8/ 6/3 14/ 14/6 |41/ 41/ 80/ 85/ 6 253,345 1,724,945 1,978,290 208,457 41,518 451 466,696 || 71,679 || 2/6 3/ 7/ 6/6 13/ 16/ | 40/ 70/ 85/ 105/, 7 363,046 1,514,784 1,877,830 299,879 28,105 || 3,066 502,800 22,817 || 4/6 2/9 8/9/6 7/6 15/ 19/6 |30/66/30/ 100/ 121/ 8 622,691 1,473,920 2,096,611 || 303,043 20,198 || 2,612 445,857 | 11,542 || 2/9 2/3 8/ 7/9 21/ 16/6 |40/ 22/ | 120/ 110/ - 9 371,469 1,594,618 1,966,087 | 120,607 43,634 7,726 673,630 || 25,638 || 5/ 6/ 8/ 10/ 14/ 15/ | 20/ 25/ | 110/ 120/ 1790 531,619 1,307,088 1,838,707 | 207,585 48,197 14,118 821,131 32,796 || 1/6 3/ 9/ - 18/6 15/6 25/ 30/ | 120/ 90/ I 465,198 || 1, 141,589 1,606,787 219,131 41,313 10,394 870,185 59,241 || 5/ 7/ 9/ 10/6 14/6 16/ | 30/ 35/ 90/ 2 581,827 | 1,274,538 1,856,365 292,501 || 42,755 21,470 850,951 78,697 || 7/6 10/6 10/ 15/ 14/6 || 35/ 95/ 3 890,766 | 1,066,817 1,957,583 119,585 21,219 10,863 929,707 || 50,609 || 6/ 5/ | 813 106 016 15/6 14/ | 35/ 90/ 4 1,403,650 | 1,487,642 2,891,292 117,092 || 46,240 15,000 || 1,623,908 || 37,292 || 3/6 4/9 9/6 10/6 14/ 13/3 |30/25/35/|90ſ 80ſ 105| 5 2,862,684 1,424,941 4,287,625 294,519 || 39,363 870 || 1,387, 171 107,148 || 5/ 4/ | 10/6 7/9 19/ 16/ | 40/ 26/ | 106/ 100/ 6 3,897,120 680,915 4,578,035 | 345,344 61,519 || 7,116 || 1,883,320 65,878 || 4/ 2/6 || 11/ 9/ 18/ 15/ | 40/ 30/ | 100/ 95/ 7 | 1,754,233 535,845 2,290,078 20,726 52,692 5,642 || 3,105,610 || 36,815 || 1/3 3/9 10/ 11/6 17/ 25/ | 30/ 16/ 95/ 90/ 8 3,862,188 192,060 4,054,248 || 103,815 43,051 2,288 || 1,718,624 5,422 || 3/9 4/9 || 10/6 13/6 54/ 29/ 16/12/15/190/85/93, 9 2,529,377 || 512,459 3,041,836 || 340,919 || 55,258 2,004 || 2,585,755 125,727 || 3/9 4/ | 8/6 13/9 |46/ 21/ 15/ 50/20/| 95 110/100 1800 2,674,317 | 1,076,417 | 3,750,424 211,188 71,284 || 6,691 || 2,586,838 || 146,225 || 3/6 4/9 9/6 12/6 19/ 27/ | 28/ 23/ 108/ 113/ I 2, 123,637 827,696 2,951,293 265,377 45,324 7,384 || 2,281,812 56,631 || 4/9 6/9 11/6 11/3 27/ 19/ | 43/ 23/ | | 18/ 105/ 2 2,264, 199 669,679 2,933,878 363,740 | 73,858 14,891 || 1,961,346 156,042 || 6/6 10/6 19/ 18/ | 20/ 23/ | 116/ 110/ 3 2,632, 110 522,825 | 3,154,935 | 271,515 50,060 | 12,734 || 1,130,194 47,421 || 7/ 6/ | 10/9 11/3 26/ 25/ | 21/ 20/ | 107/ 102/ 4 2,765,871 395,258 3, 161,129 191,697 || 54,476 || 7,482 || 1,523,095 37,051 || 6/ 7/ | 11/3 12/ 20/ 29/ 22/ 17/ | 102/ 76/ 5 4,666,292 687,319 5,353,611 || 107,094 | 72,592 | 12,425 || 1,845,035 25,620 || 86 66 8|3|12/ 14/ 28/ 30/ | 17/ 13/ 96/ 87/ 6 2,612, 181 319,394 | 2,931,575 | 133,291 25,175 6,052 || 2,904,614 || 41,182 || 8/5 4/ | 1.4/ 14/6 30/ 27/ 17/ 96/ - 7 5,326,032 715,809 6,041,841 202,843 || 48,955 14,507 || 2,006,463 46,350 || 4/ 3/ | 1.4/6 12/ 29/ 30/6 || 17/ 18/ 96/ 100/ 8 5,314,860 477,625 | 5,792,494 | 266,297 || 35,481 6,169 || 1,568,351 | 127,032 || 3| 36 4/6 12/ 11/3 |31/ 29/ 46/17/27/ 170) 105] [23] 9 2,179,083 || 674,048 2,853, 131 96,276 || 74,630 || 30,640 || 3,179,861 59,776 || 4, 26 4|| 10/ 12/ 36/32/37/ 36/ 16/ 136/ 116/ 1810 5,243,613 883,061 6,126,674 224,064 10,935 44,461 || 2,485,679 55,224 || 4/6 6/4 14/ 12/ 42/ 35/ | 36/ 26/ | 126/ 111/ 11 4,453,932 658,577 5,112,509 | 126,725 | 1,972 | 19,750 || 1,566,056 || 59,051 || 2/6 3/ 9/6 10/6 35/ 31/ 26/ 46/ | 111/ 135/ 12 || 4,461,793 354,171 4,816,964 152,593 1,507 || 14,883 || 1,853,916 39,696 || 39 36 4|| 11/6 11/ 32/ 31/ 46/ 105/ 235/ I 3 3/9 6/ | 11/6 16/ | 35/ 51/ 80/ 145/ 14|| 6,803,004 || 328,881 || 7,131,945 176,259 |82,108 |28,112 || 5,501,851 62,922 || 7/ 5/ | 16/ 13/6 52/ 38 55/ 63/ | 128/ 103/ 15 5,543,852 79,253 || 5,623, 105 99,110 || 43,322 18,847 || 4,278,674 || 78,236 5/ 3/6 4/ 12/9 11/ 35/ 40/ 40/50/30/| 124/ i05/ . 16 7,247,227 39,275 7,286,502 || 138,582 29,605 || 15,755 || 4,214,454 | 89,626. 4/ 2/ II/ 10/6 28/ 33/ 36/ 30/ | 100/ 120/- 17 5,001,280 134,313 5, 135,593 134,341 58,395 | 18,338 || 2,427,443 74,096 3/6 5/6 11/6 10/ 34/ 30/ | 30/ 46/ | 126/ 147/ 18 5,497,768 187,257 5,685,025 213,994 | 86,148 || 51,235 || 2,963,462 108,735 || 5/3 4/8 10/ 9/ | 32/ 29/ | 46/ 35/ | 130/ 14.2/ 19 3,689,050 129,682 3,818,732 67,727 36,245 10,201 || 3,126,739 81,642 4/8 3/6 | 9/ 27/ 30/ 25/ 30/ 100/ 1820 4,924,222 161,664 5,085,886 158,840 56,888 15,737 || 4,378,857 56,302 2/10 3/9 9/ 7/10 30/ 27/ | 35/ 15/ |80/90/ 88/ I 3,943,592 I 19,517 | 4,063,109 || 106,159 || 51,562 49,893 || 2,985,364 || 48,650 3/9 5/6 8/ 11/9 27/ 22/ | 15/ 90/ 85/. 2 2,549,284 374,230 2,923,514 | 127,221 82,987 42,231 || 2,378,948 || 58,899 3/6, 5/9 10/9 12/ 23/ 21/ | 20/ 15/ | 90/7/80/ , 3 6,557,296 664,408 || 7,221,704 || 389,678 || 74,960 | 35,582 || 2,783,504 55,339 5/11 2/9 12/ 9/9 26/6 20/ 30/40/30/| 95/ 4. 4,595,707 485,110 || 5,080,817 | 210,138 62,095 || 70,216 || 2,795,740 144,873 2/9 4/ 3/ 13/6 20/ 19/ 30/- 25/ 95/ 85/ 5 6,233,335 560,296 6,793,631 285,643 | 86, 101 || 43,046 || 3,870,929 92,782 6/ 16| 12|G 15||26/ 20/ 35/ 32/ 85/ 84/ 6 || 7,699,439 386,312 || 8,085,751 || 178,533 || 35,984 || 33,855 || 4,365,163 76,669 1/6 2/ | 10/3 12/ | 16/ 18/ 25/ 35/ . 70/ 7 5,404,811 662,936 6,067,747 320,722 || 76,008 || 41,370 || 3,085,465 145,756 3/ 2/ | 13/10 13/ - 14/ 27/ 75/ 73/ 8 || 9,683,626 229,384 9,913,010 |258,032 96,064 | 66,924 || 4,588,658 || 158,109 1/5 1/6 10/ 12/ 20/ 63/ 66/ 9 5,978,527 769,757 6,748,284 288,456 || 70,017|| 33,541 || 4,286,605 | 153,738 1/9 3/ | 10/3 8/9 9/6 11/6 || 30/ 35/ 66/ 83/ 1830 || 7,920,924 295,516 || 8,216,440 316,589 || 51,624 37,074 || 4,686,748 || 100,059 1/6 1/9 8/ 7/9 8/6 10/ |35/ 70/ | 120/ 115/ 1 7,004,510 290,089 || 7,299,605 |224,371 || 43,935 | 52,449 || 4,374,241 163,329 1/6 6/3 | 6/9 8/9 |80/ 50/ | 95/ 100/ 2 1/6 6/3 9/3 58/ 90/ 3 3/ 3/6 || 8/ 8/6 9/3 11/ | 45 62/ 80/ 90/ 4 - * - 5 6 7 205 STATEMENT shewing the Quan tity in ibs. Weight of Indigo, Cochineal, Consumption in GREAT BRITAIN, in each of the 14 Years 1814–1827. & Lac Dye, Imported into, Re-exported from, and taken for Home INDIGO COCHINEAL J.A. C. DYE Total Tota. Charged with Duty for Home Consumpt. | *ſº |Total ſps. Its. Ireight |...}}º. Totalińs.| Total agº. Total delive- ibs. Weight ibs. Weight g + º Weight #: #. Weight |ibs. Re- * ğ. Years imported Re-exported East India all other | TOTAL | Consumption |Imported cºnsumption *:::::::::: |Imported jewported conjaon ...;" 1814 || 7,131,945 5,501,851 3,140,863 265,419 3,406,282 | 8,908,133 || 176,259 || 61,402 | 124,324 || 278,899 || 5,017 | 133,935 | 138,952 15 5,623,105 || 4,278,674 2,645,135 128,956 2,774,091 || 7,052,765 || 99,110 || 55,378 || 133,614 || 598,592 8,441 | 137,915 146,356 16 || 7,286,502 || 4,214,454 1,845,453 54,366 | 1,899,819 6, 114,273 || 138,582 50,510 || 141,136 || 269,373 27,412 | 162,894 | 190,306 17| 5,135,593 2,427,443 || 2,308,173 || 69,486 || 2,377,659 4,805,102 || 134,341 || 48,234 122,333 || 384,902 || 23,091 234,763 257,854 18 5,685,025 2,963,462 2,104,784 || 197,379 2,302,163 5,265,625 || 213,994 60,341 | 169,076 242,572 32,079 || 323,169 355,248 19 || 3,818,732 3,126,739 1,911,104 || 122,497 2,033,601 || 5,160,340 || 67,727 45,819 | 127,461 || 179,511 21,707 | 207,063 228,770 1820 5,085,886 || 4,378,857 2,135,663 | 152,533 2,288,196 || 6,667,053 || 158,840 57,701 || 114,003 441,486 || 49,519 912,514 962,033 | 1 || 4,063,109 || 2,985,364 | 1,842,105 || 117,404 1,959,509 || 4,944,873 || 106,159 | 73,696 || 122,346 || 641,755 91,925 | 323,837 || 415,762 2 2,923,514 2,378,948 || 1,696,511 || 307,551 2,004,062 4,383,010 || 127,221 76,358 || 135,257 || 872,967 || 29,578 || 349,351 | 378,929 3 || 7,221,704 2,733,504 || 1,976,859 |345,362 2,322,221 5,105,725 || 389,678 69,832 125,171 || 534,229 || 13,050 || 414,714 || 427,764 4 5,080,817 | 2,795,740 2,087,021 |406,129 2,493,350 5,289,090 || 210,138 || 109,084 253,957 || 604,264 53,843 || 485,539 || 539,182 5 6,793,631 || 3,870,929 2,I00,478 |280,755 2,381,233 6,232,162 || 285,643 | 118,123 210,905 || 541,443 || 61,908 || 385,734 447,642 6 8,085,751 || 4,365,163 | 1,766,470 134,577 | 1,901,047 6,266,210 || 178,533 85,865 | 162,534 || 760,729 | 68,603 || 395,609 || 464,212 7| 5,922,370 3,315,675 2,143,773 || 255,589 2,399,365 5,715,037 || 313,650 | 162,032 320,812 |800,000 || 76,875 448,270 525,145 Totall?9,857,684 |49,386,803 [29,704,592 2,838,003 |32,542,595 81,929,398 || 2,599,875 | 1,075,378 2,162,929 || 7,150,720 563,048 || 4,915,107 5,478,155 #| 5,704,120 | 3,527,629 2,122,471 202,716 2,324,461 5,852,100 || 185,705 || 76,813 | 154,495 || 510,769 40,218 351,079 391,297 & By the above Statement it is seen that the Consumption of INDIGo, in the 14 Years 1814–1827, has exceded the Supply during the same period by upwards of 2,000,000 of ibs, the destruction by Fire of the Custom House in London on the 12th. of February 1814, having destroyed all the Accounts for the Year 1813, and many of the Accounts of preceding Years prevents the above Statement from being commenced at an ear- lier period than 1814. The preceding Statement however shews the progress of Importation and of Re-exportation in each Year since 1785 taking therefore the Balance for Home Consumption after deducting the quantity Re-exported from the quantity Imported since 1793, it leads for the 33 Years 1794–1827 to the following Result, Viz. w fbs. IMPORTED. ibs. RE-EXPORTED. Leaving for H. Consump. Pi— A- −) —A- —) Jº –) Total An. Aver. Total Am. Aver. Total Am. Aver. In the 12 Years 1794–1805. 42,448,694 3,537,931 23,632,708 || 1,969,396 : 18,815,986 1,567,999 w 7 J/ 1806–1812. 33,675,188 || 4,810,727 15,564,960 2,223,566 18,110,248 || 2,587,178 w 14 I/ 1814–1827. 79,857,684 || 5,740,120 49,386,803 3,527,629 || 32,542,595 2,324,471 By which (and assuming that the Supply of 1813 exceeded the Re-export and Consumption to the extent of the excess Re-exported and Con- sumed in the subsequent 14 Years) it would seem that while the Continental Consumption has increased since 1814, more than one half, the Home Consumption during the same Period, has rather decreased than otherways. In another Page will be found a Statement of the Annual produce of Cochineal in the Province of Oaxaca for a series of Years past, as delivered to the Mexican Senate in 1814, by which it would seem that the produce of this estimable article is decreasing in quantity, being Superseded to a considerable extent, by the Lac Dye of British India, which came into general notice about the Year 1810. The Madder and Madder Roots exhibited as Imported in the preceding Statement are almost exclu- sively for Home Consumption. *...* Although the destruction of the Records with the Custom House in London in 1814 occasions a chasm in the Accounts for the Year 1813. The Accounts kept at the East India House in some degree supply the deficiency as far as what relates to Indigo, from those Accounts it appears that the Number of Chests of Indigo remaining in the Companys Warehouses in London on the 1st. of January 1814, was 24,496 averaging about 280 lbs. Nett Weight each, and on the 1st. of January 1828, only 21,300 Chests. It is important however to know that a part of the Crop which should have formed part of the Supply of 1827, did not arrive till after the 1st, of January 1828, and consequently although the deli- veries in the first nine Months of 1828 have eacceeded the quantities delivered in any former period, the Stock on Hand on the 10th. October 1828, was upwards of 30,000 Chests. The seeming anomaly of a decrease in the Home Consumption of Indigo since 1812, having led to a further investigation of the subject, the following explanation may suffice to account for the anomaly; Prior to 1814 the difference between the Home Consumption Duty, and Duty wher. Re-exported, was so inconsiderable, as to occasionally induce some of the Shippers to first clear their Indigo for Home Consumption for the purpose of sorting and repacking into smaller Packages, this practice was more particularly resorted to du– ring the Commercial proscription of Napoleon in 1812 – 1813, when large quantities of Merchandize were sent into the interior of the Continent by way of Thessally and Macedonia This practice it will be seen as far as it was carried, would occasion the Indigo so managed to be entered both for Home Consumption and Re-exportation, and accounts at once both for the quantity Re-eaſported and consumed ea:ceeding the quantity Imported, and makes the Home Consumption prior to 1814, appear somewhat greater than it really was. The following STATEMENT shows the proportion in fös, weight, of INDIGO, Re-exported to each different part of the World, in each Year since 1826. For Lac Dye Imported, in each Year since 1826; see line 32 page 142; Re-exported, line 34 of 154; and for Home Con- sumption, line 92 of 155. For Cochineal, see preceding page. Sweden, All other A merica. Retained for | Norway, and Parts - Tof a R E- Home Years Russia. Prussia. | Denmark. Germany. Wetherlands. France. Italy. Turkey. of Europe. British. U. States. | EXPORTED. Consumption. 1827 | 563,416 || 51,873 59,848 1,095,104 || 938,531 || 67,264 142,443 13,053 || 17,994 | 12,069 | 123,870 3,085,465 || 2,396,490 8 || 541,802 || 61,463 99,159 | 1,670, 143 | 1,565,257 || 146,059 || 348,502 || 17,057 35,750 29,985 | 73,481 4,588,658 || 3,064,915 9 || 608,304 || 38,216 | 89,071 1,331,403 | 1,480,409 || 145,380 || 350,063 || 41,397 || 43,859 |30,480 78,023 4,286,605 || 2,113,830 1830 | 830,862 || 51,752 | 114,137 | 1,496,973 | 1, 131,697 | 165,424 490,713 | 186,738 107,491 45,000 || 65,871 4,686,748 || 2,676,945 1 | 841,877 || 51,219 83,298 || 1,294,392 | 1,269,446 || 149,811 || 386,769 196,634 36,728 || 35,499 || 28,568 || 4,374,241 || 2,490, 134 2 - - - 3 4 206 1821. * ars sunce Weekly Average price of WHEAT, and of SUGAR, as published in the London Gazette, in each of Ten Ye $g/zz | #ff/gą i z/gą †0/ºz | z/ſz, į šg/ga $8/zz | $/,/zz, ſ š8/gz. š9/zz6/zz | I/gz §z/zz | #0/ºz | šÞ/Þá 0I/I,z/ſz, į šī/gz š6/zz | II/ţz | g/ga š8/gz | $/../ſz | $3/gz †8/zz | šoI/ţz | #ff/gz š6/zz | #g/ga8/g, $g/zz | šor/gz | #oſ/9z # Þ/zz | #g/ga6/94 ſz/zz | # Į L/gz | #9/1z ††/zz | #g/94 | #g/8.« !/zg || $9/ſq | ſā/8.« šoI/zz | #0.1/ſq | š8/1, †0 L/zz | # II/94 | $/ºz. ſo I/84 || $8/94 | $/, $8/zz | #4/94 || $1/$3z š8/gz | # I/949/, šg/gz | #0L/gz8/, š6/ºz | $4/gz | # II/ız šg/ºz | #!/tz!/83 ș0/g, ' $)/g, ' $ț¢/64 îOL/zz | š6/94 | ff/64 $ I L/43 | 01/gz | #ff/64 ſg/ºz | #oſ/gą į š9/6, †/fºz/93 | ff II/63 šg/ţz i š9/ţa | $8/08 Řg/ęg ł Ł Ł/gz | 19/08 ††/gz | #g/gą į ſoſ/18 9/ſq | ſ2/pg | #ff/08 šſ/gz | #6/ſg | ... 8/08 $2/gz | 01/Þá ſ šoſ/64 š0/94I/gõ | 0 L/64 #8/g« ſ š8/#z | #g/6z š01/94 | | /gz | #8/09 šg/ſz, ſ š9/Þz | 8/og I/9,g/fºz | #6/2, z/94 | {9/ÞzI/08 †g/gz | #ff/f4 | $6/6z Žiž*& +*ſ* , \ / $g/pg | Ý I/gz | $9/08 #6/ºz | #4/#z | #z/18 ÝZ/ºz | 01/tg | #8/08 !,/g,/gz, į šo/ig ſz/94/g, ' $01/08 -9/94 || II/ºt3 | $6/08 † 9/8.«II/gz || !/glº | II/0g Îg|84š0/ºz || $6/Þá | #1 L/03 Þlºzz/gz | #!/fz | # I/18 ††/8.«$/g,9/84 | 30 L/08 8/zg | Î8/09 “$${} {| * 1881 || '088 I|’6%8'i friſos Ë0/08 9/08 $4/08 ††/08 #Þ/08 Þ/18 š01/08 #9/64 Řg/64 $ſ/64 GI/63 ğ II/6z ŠIL/64 8/09 † 1/64 ††/08 I/18 † II/0g 6/64 ſõ/66 | •=~******** • • ► ’848 I $0/18 ſo I/18 š0/88 #f7/Lº ſo I/48 # Þ/zº g/~g #9/18 #!/«g 9/18 š8/19 #T/Lg #!/18 ſo I/08 šț¢/Ig #I/Ig ſo I/18 9/ig . 6/18 0ſ/19 †g/64 š8/64 6/64 †8/09 # a 50 800,000 u m l 800,000 24,000 5 || 4 690,000 || 99 Years. sºme sºm-ºs- 46,000 s: 4 || 51 1,000,000 J/ // 1,000,000 30,000 // | 5 700,000 || 6 ºf Cent. 700,000 42,000 § m 52 1,164,000 | see Note. 1,200,000 36,000 ſt | 6 636,957 // (f 636,957 38,217 m 53 600,000 // m l 600,000 18,000 1706 || 7 || 2,855,761 | 99 Years. * -º-º-º-º-º-º-º- 184,242 'S 5 54 1,000,000 |3} {{* Cent. | 1,000,000 35,000 7 || 8 || 1,155,000 // f/ *º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ººrºsº 72,187 S 55 | 1,500,000 || 3 ºf Cent. 1,500,000 l 45,000 m 9 822,381 || 6 (#' Cent. 822,381 49.343 || < * , 500,000 || 1 m l 500,000 × 15,000 8 || 10 | 1,920,000 99 Years. ºxiºmsºsºs 120,000 s: Life § 22,500 k * | 11 | 1,200,000 f/ I/ 1,200,000 see Note. $: 6 56 2,500,000 || 4 ºf Cent. 2,500,000 l 100,000 P. ſt | 12 729,067 || 6 ºf Cent. 729,067 43,744 *S A/ 500,000 n a | 1 500,000 20,000 2. 9 13 645,000 // fg 645,000 38,700 S Life ſ 45,000 s: ſt 14 400,000 // W 400,000 see Note. 3 ſt 57 986,800 A/ My 986,800 39,472 ‘si 1710 | 15 1,500,000 || 32 Years. sº-º-º-º-º: 135,000 Sº 7 58 || 4,000,000 Af Aft 4,400,000 176,000 s m | | 6 900,000 Af // fºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 81,000 s: it 59 | 1,000,000 // * l 1,000,000 40,000 § 1711 17 500,000 || 6 (#' Cent. 500,000 30,000 s 8 60 6,300,000 I/ f/ 6,930,000 277,200 Sº a | 18. 180,000 f/ // 180,000 10,800 9 61 3,072,472 // // 3,072,472 122,898 m | 19 1,500,000 // // 1,500,000 W U1750 62 | 1,000,000 || 3 ºf Cent. | 1,000,000 30,000 - l 428,570 % 115,714 s *=ºssºmsºmº. -- m 20 2,000,000 #} I/ ! 2,000,000 } I56.132 30,523,272 31,589,272 | 1,178,670 602,000 2 - n 21 || 9,177,967 Aft // 9,177,967 550,678 ſ 1755 | 63 900,000 || 3 #' Cent. l 900,000 27,000 1712 22 | 1,800,000 ſ! a l 1,800,000 ! 140,504 6 64 1,500,000 |3} {{* Cent. 1,500,000 52,500 ! 541,740 '3. 7 || 65 500,000 || 3 d?' Cent. l 500,000 15,000 m 23 1,800,000 // f/ º 140.520 8 | 66 3,000,000 || 3 #' Cent. 3,000,000 ! 90,000 b 541,990 3 * > * ge A/ Life of 22/6 33,750 1713 24 500,000 || 4 p. ſ/ 500,000 } 25,320 Sº 67 || 4,500,000 |3} {f' Cent, 4,500,000 157,500 * - ! 133,010 s s m | 68 500,000 || 3 ºf Cent. l 600,000 15,000 U1714 || 25 | 1,400,000 || 4 || fy 1,400,000 } 75,056 9 || 69 || 6,600,000 fy Af 7,590,000 227,700 l 476,400 5 § J 1760 | 70 8,000,000 || 4 ft Cent. 8,240,000 329,600 S i 1 71 || 11,400,000 || 3 iſ Cent. 11,400,000 342,000 35,083,314 27:215,262 || 1,484,728 || - &# 22/6|for 99 Years ; * 128,250 2,723,910 |Lottery] [Termina]ble 788,174 s m 72 600,000 // m l 600,000 | 18,000 & 26 910,000 Y . 2 | 73 12,000,000 || 4 d? Cent. 1,200,000 480,000 1715 27 169,000 } 5 iſ cent. 1,070,000 53,950 s --- 2 5 d? #31 for 98 Years % 120,000 17 | 28 952,042 ſ a // 952,042 47,602 3 || 74 2,800,000 | *s m 29 24, 195 || 4 ºf Cent. 24,195 '968 75 l 700,000 } m w 3,500,000 140,000 SJ 19 || 39 505,995 f/ m l 505,995 20,240 !, 76 || 3,483,553 - 3,483,553 139,342 & 31 500,000 // # | 1 500,000 20,000 U. 5 77 | 1,482,000 || 3 º' Cent. 1,482,000 - 44,460 SS m | 32 520,000 || 5 # Cent. 520,000 26,000 * 1720 || 33 312,000 || 4 ºf Cent. 320,000 12,486 57,965,553 59,195,553 2,360,102 26 34 | 1,000,000 || 3 #' Cent. l 1,000,000 30,000 U. 27 | 35 370,000 || 4 ºf Cent. 370,000 14,800 ſ1776 || 78 2,000,000 || 3 ºf Cent. 2,150,000 64,500 * 7 79 5,000,000 || 4 tº Cent. , 5,000,000 200,000 5,263,232 5,271,232 226,046 10/for 10 yrs $ 25,000 ſ' 1728 || 36 | 1,750,000 a 80 6,000,000 || 3 # Cent. || 6,000,000 ! 180,000 5 2 | ſe 50/ for 30 yrs I5(),000 | | | | |...}} 4 tº Cent. 3,000,000 | 120,000 || s a 81 7,000,000 a #ſº 3roooo 31 || 38 400,000 |3} {{* Cent. l 400,000 14,000 s - * 75/for 29 º 262,500 s iſ 39 800,000 || 3 #' Cent. l 800,000 24,000 1780 82 | 12,000,000 || 4 iſ Cent. || 12,000,000 480,000 * : º I 500,000 // C #/ 500,000 15,000 : 36/3 for 80ys }. 217,500 S 4 ,000,000 || 4 ent. 1,000,000 40,000 * Af # 3,000,000 § | 5 || 42 500,000 # cº '500,000 20,000 si 1 83 12,000,000 ław Cent. 18 oooºooo ! 660,000 SS | 6 || 43 600,000 || 3 # Cent. 600,000 18,000 § 2 | 84 || 1 A/ m 13,500,000 U 675,000 l 7 || 44 500,000 m w 500,000 15,000 || s 3,500,000 ł. d£' Cent. 6,750,000 $ 118,125 8 45 300,000 || 0 iſ 300,000 9,000 º f/ If 3,000,000 480,000 - T – 3 | 85 | 12,000,000 lsº Cent. | 13, ooooo } * 80,000 7,600,000 7,600,000 275,000 4 || 86 6,000,000 }. # C If 5,998,000 } *::::::: .. €nt. 3,000,000 * 16,5 tº: 5 87 6,397,900 5 d? Cent. 6,879,342 } :::::: the Bank s 51 from East India Company and 21 from South sea company, ^- 6 || 88 9,865,942 If f/ 10,990,651 & 549, 532 Of the above Capitals there was paid off or otherways liquidated as follows, viz. between 1713 and 1739 ºf 4,910,734; 1748 and 1756 304,961,560 ; 1763 and 1775 sf10,281,795, and 1783 to 1792 ºf 10,242,100. These liquidations, with reductions in the rate of Interest which took place at different times between 1715 and 1793, left the Account on the 5th of January in the latter Year as exhibited in the first line of the following page. º É STATEMENT of the Amount Funded, and Stock and Annuities Created, and Rate at which Created, in each of the 37 Years 1793–1829. The annexed Statement exhibits a series of transactions without a parrallel in the History of human affairs; but, to develope all the consequences which the Funding operation has produced, and which it still involves, it would be necessary to shew the rise, and trace the progress of all the operations of the War from its com- mencement in February 1793, down to its final termination in 1815; with all its intrigues and collusions, and creation and march of Loyalism, as well as all the activities which in conjunction with the Funding system it excited and cherished during the whole of that eventful period; and the converse effects which have resulted therefrom since the latter date: the influence of the combined operation on the external Commerce of the Country is shewn in § 5 of the Notes at page 120 a ; and the Notes to STATEMENT II, at the commencement of PART III., will shew how the Public were seduced into a ready acquiesence to the system in its early stages, and deluded in regard to its ulterior effects. - At the present time the existence of the annexed Account is less to be deplored, than the seeming absence of all correct knowledge in regard to its relation with the aggregate of exist- ing interests; if rightly understood the seientific and mechanical means which the operation of Funding tended to create and cherish would prove an adequate compensating power; and if, instead of being left uncontrolled to prey on the vitality of the People, and occasion increasing privation and misery, the whole combination was properly directed it would work in unison for the benefit of the whole community; to the abridgement of human toil, and to afford the means of increasing the comfort and enjoyment of all classes; and consequently, from the exten- sive iufluence which Great Britain at present exercises in the World, to advance the moral and social, as well as the pecuniary condition of mankind at large. - The difference between the Nett Money received, and the Amount funded arose in part from the Charge of the Bank of England for receiving of the Loans and for discount on prompt payments; these together, between the 5th. of January, 1793, and the 5th. of January, 1817, amounted to £3,711,786 as exhibited in detail, Cols. 28–29, page 194; this part of the transaction de- serves notice, for the fact that while in the receipt of Income, the money raised by Loans is short credited the sums for dis- count and receiving; through a period of 25 Years they continued to be Charged on the Debit side of the account. Nos. 6 and 14, were raised for the service of Austria, and the first amount was remitted or drawn for without being passed to account as part either of Receipt or Expenditure; and out of the two transactions Nos. 13–14 £4,648,732 was stopt by the Bank. The Total of bills funded, amount to £86,183,176, as stated in the column of Nett money received, and out of the total sum raised £69,250,000 purported to be raised for the service of Ireland, the proportion of annuity on which is £3,538,113, equal, or nearly so, to the whole Nett Revenue of that ill-fated Country; on the 5th. Jany. 1817, however, the whole amount was consolidated with the ac- count for Great Britain, and Ireland exonerated from all further liability. - £2,500,000 of No. 43 was for account of the East India Com- pany, transferred to account of Great Britain in 1822. No. 53 was part of a collusive transaction between the Government and the Bank of England, for the particulars of which, see page 172. Nos. 57 & 60-2, were mere transfers of amount from the Sinking Fund account. No. 63 was another collusive transaction between the Government and the Bank of England to sustain operations on the Stock Exchange; an exposé of the nature of the transaction was laid before the Finance Committee in 1898, when its impro- vidence was proved to amount to no less than £4,260,000,—see a subsequent page. In 1822, £142,519,290 of the Column of 5 # Cents were converted into £ 149,645,254 of 4 tº Cents, and in 1830 the whole, or nearly so, were converted into 3% tº Cents, as were £76,206,882 of the Column of 4 ºf Cents in 1824. The spoliation committed on the holders of the 4 and 5 ºf Cents 'by the conversion of their stock into 3% ºf Cent, was one of the grossest acts of injustice ever inflicted upon an unsuspecting and confiding people. The rate at which Nos. 14–16, 23, 46–7, and 52, were funded, all in 3 ºº:: - no less than £5 13 6-per Cent on the nett noney received, exceeding the average rate at which the 4 an per Cents were funded ; and yet, advantage was taken of an elusive distinction to deprive 80,000. persons whose dividends were less than £30 per annum of more than one fourth of the amount ;-while 2619 other persons whose dividends averaged £3000 per Annum, were not only left undisturbed in their possession, but as far as they have been disposed to transfer any portion of the principal to Foreign Security, more than 24 ounces of Gold were given them in 1824 for the same amount of 3 per Cent Stock, for which less than 10 ounces was recelved in 1813–15: such transactions reflect as much disgrace on the intellectual, as they do on the ºnorai character of those who sanction them. Wide Parliamentary Paper, Years º Amount a 1793 1 17948 % & 3 4. 1795 ; 7 8 9 1796.< 10 11 12 § 13 1797; 14 oa $ 15 1798; 16 | 1799 17 1800 18. ; 19 1801 20 1802 21 1803 22 $ 23 1804; 3. 25 1805 & 26 27 1806 28 29 7 1807 30 1808 31 32 1809 33 34 35 1810 & 36 & 38 1811 & 39 40 41 1812 & 42 43 44 45 1813.< 46 47 ( 48 1814. 49 50 1815 & 51 & 52 1816 53 TOTALS y 54 - 1818; 55 $ 56 1819; 57 58 1820& 59 60 1821 61 1822 62 1823 63 1826 $ 64 fy U.1829 65 Stock and Annuities Created. No. 145, Session 1822. - 3 tº Cents. A mºnwāties, Great Britain. Azmownt Nett Money || – - Total, tºº. * Great Britain Ireland. 4 tº Cents. 5 tº Cents. Terminable. Perpetual º s it stood 5th. Jan. 1793. 187,611,255 32,750,000 17,869,993 1,409,997 9,241,834 -*** 4,500,000 4,443,827 6,250,000 tºº-ººsº * * 187,500 ſºmmemºs 11,000,000 || 10,806,671 || 1 1,000,000 — 2,750,000 62,792 440,000 ** 1,907,451 | Navy & Vic. º -º-º-º: 1,926,526 96,326 * 18,000,000 || 17,695,023 || 18,000,000 —— 6,000,000 85,500 780,000 tº-ºvºmºs 1,490,646 | Navy & Vic. - **** 1,609,898 * 80,495 tº-ºsmaº 4,600,000 || Austria 3,833,333 ** “ººmsºmºss- 230,000 115,000 ºsmºs 18,000,000 || 17,777, 164 || 26,095,800 wº-cº º -- ºm. ** 58,500 782,874 -º-º: 7,500,000 || 7,431,844 || 10,793,825 tº-wºº tº * * -- *- 20,582 323,815 cººr ſº 4,226,797 Navy, Vic.., & -º-, * 4,414,074 220,704 -** 11,595,529 | Transport | 16,438,175 *** * 765,428 2,034,890 625,507 : 1,433,870 Eacchequer 1,999,699 * * 104,432 270,202 77,678 *s 18,000,000 17,815,958 * *** * - 20,124,844 1,006,242 — 14,500,000 : 11,294,384 & 22,750,000 || 2,625,000 | *2,900,000 Aºa mºsºme sºlº *43,500 786,500 95,250 1,620,000 $ **** ** 3,669,300 '-- *-----------. tºº smºs ºses see 110,079 17,000,000 | 16,755,002 || 30,000,000 || 4,000,000 * --ms-ams- *-*- *41,792 900,000 | 124,917 3,999,999 18,399 480 5,624,250 *a*-*. -º-º- tº sºmes º * *s ºsºs 168,727 - 15,500,000 $ “”***** 21,875,000 || 5,250,000 - * *-*. *** * ——— 656,250 | 157,500 20,500,000 || 20,306,803 || 29,045,000 || 3,140,000 ------as-a- *ºs º º ——— 871,350 | 94,200 28,000,000 27,519,544 | 4,816,250 4,393,750 * * * ——— 1,344,488 || 131,812 §§ º, 4,455,225 — 4,455,225 2,227,612 7,797 || 423,246 | – || 25,000,000 24,960,080 || 30,351,375 2,639,250 - *sº ——— 910,541 79,178 12,000,000 || 11,954,352 || 16,000,000 3,200,000 &-ºººººººº-ººººº- * * *38,500 480,000 102,417 14,500,000 || 14,265,464 || 13,200,000 | 8,190,000 wº--e-º. ** **** * * ***ºº 546,000 245,700 º; º: ; 5,143,126 — — — — . —— 108,632 — 22,500,000 22,107,357 || 34,400,000 || 4,300,000 ------- -* * — — | 1,032,000 *sº 1,500,000 | 1,481,378 ; - -ºº ºsmºs * * *-*-sº 360,000 *75,000 —— 222,000 20,000,000 | 19,732,212 || 29,880,000 3,320,000 -------. - **m. *º- 896,400 99,600 14,200,003 || 14,109,031 : 17,080,090 2,800,000 *1,505,200 ***** * 577,060 166,889 1,500,000 | },468,590 || | 2,409,625 * * = -se º-ºººms arsºmeº -**= 4,000,000 | Eacchequer ---º -- 237,900 4,001,353 * *rºsºsºrae 209,584 10,500,000 10,465,669 *** * $ 9,454,000 **- —— 378,160 | 1 18, 175 y • 3. 3. & *2,954,375 ; > y 7,932,100 | Eacchequer Jºao--e. -** wºmeºmºs 380,336 7,873,309 -*-** * * 408,879 14,600,000 || 14,552,357 6,960,00 ,800,000 || 8,760,000 -*s *64,483 || 487,200 139,250 8,311,000 | Eacchequer || - -- *-ºsse -a -º-º-º-º-essessºr- 8,581,107 -------- 429,055 *g 12,000,000 | 11,978,981 || 11,230,000 5,615,000 1,400,000 | 1.398,033 || ``'`` 1,965,250 : *m. — — —— 336,900 227,407 7,018,700 | Eacchequer --º-º: * — — 7,278,392 -** * 363,940 & 4,981,300 || 4,909,351 ------- a - —— 5, 166,320 —— 258,316 % 12,000,000 || 1 1,925,243 || 14,400,000 see Note 2,400,000 - • * *41,500 || 330,000 | 213,563 5,431,700 | Eacchequer *** * *sa -** &º 5,866,236 * 293,312 - 6,789,625 | 6,643,343 || - *-ºs- — 7,332,795 dºmºsº ºn- 366,640 % * 22,500,000 22 176,367 || 27,544,000 || 7,656,000 --- ~~~ - - ...-- * prºmº, 826,320 229,680 12,000,000 | Ecchequer || – e----- 13,860,000 —— 693,000 **** 3,755,700 | Eacchequer - T - -- - - -ºs. 5,220,423 --------. -- tºº-ººººmsºmº sº sº. 208,81? - 27,000,000 26,616,256 # 35,700,000 10,200,000 *** * = —- | *114,750 | 1,071,000 || 331,500 22,000,000 21,849,302 || 38,940,000 ** **** *...* a mºm, *------ee-ass=s. -* 1,168,200 7,400 || Debentures |} 11, 100 - tº-ºº ºsmºs * -eramass-mas 333. 24,000,000 || 23,894,476 || 19,145,430 5,692,500 —-– | *7,199,400 *w-e ‘º 851,833 || 253,275 11,127,500 Erchequer || •r-º-º-º-º-º: ——— 13,019, 175 * *se 650,959 7,008,089 7,002,483 |} ———- ------— 8, 189,228 —— | 409,461 S T || 36,000,000 || 35,689,803 |} 46,980,000 | 15,660,000 | *3,600,000 - ***. —--— 1,517,400 505,800 3,000,000 || 3,000,000 || 3,000,000 *** **mp -— * *ms as *º gº 90,000 — ; ::::::: 484,359,480 || 611,610,978 - * 44,027,744 120,618,561 739,550 25,896,700 3,392,968 69,250,000 86,183, 176 - * 94,856,375 5,954,375 2,222,000 145,145 - — 145,145 2,999,920 2,971,820 *—— - - — — . — * ... sº assº 1 36,360 - - 27,262,000 | Eacchequer || 34,895,360 - º - sºns - gº - — ; 1,046,861 — — 12,000,000 || 11,862,340 || 17, 15%,000 - * - * - * - tº- 514,560 || – ſº a 12,000,000 | 12,000,000 || 17,152,000 - - - --> º-> - -> – a 514,560 — — | 7,000,000 | Eacchequer || *g - -* - º 6,930,000 || - egº 346,500 – º 5,000,000 || 4,980,784 || 7,1 10,000 || – – ** * i - sº * | *-* * 213,300 - - b12,000,000 | 12,000,000 || 17,064,000 - * - tºº. - sº - – b 51 1,920 – — | c13,000,000 | 13,000,000 || 16,296,875 - - - º - sº - – | c. 509,770 || – - || |d 7,500,000 || 7,500,000 || 9,339,687 *- anº - * - º - — d 280, 191 ) - tº 13,089,419 13,089,418 * * - * - - &= 585,740 *** | * º ; ; --— —-— — — . 8,560,000 - - – - || 342,400 - - 3,000,000 *** *** *-* > **sas - - 3,045,000 || - º * &sº 121,800 || – dºg Rate t? Cent. - f'_ s—d- 4 3 4 4 11 5 5 0 2; 4 16 2 5 8 o 4 13 6 4 12 6 5 4 5 5 8 O 5 17 4 6 7 O 6 16 O 6 4. 11 5 12 3 5 5 () 4 14, 2 5 4 9 4, 16 9 3 19 2 5 2 5 5 9 () 5 3 O 6 4 0 4 18 9% 4, 14 7 4, 16 2 5 4 9 4 14 8% 5 3 1 4 12 10 5 3 2 4 4 24 5 3 8% 4 14 11 5 8 t) 5 3 7 5 15 6 5 11 24 5 i () 6 5, 6 24 4 12 0. 5 17 0 5 12 5 3 16 9s 4 5 9% 4 5 9; 4, 19 O 4, 5 4 4, 5 4 3 18 6 3 14 83 Sø6 Note 4, 5 4 4, 12 Q f No. III. 212. STATEMENT showing the Amount Funded, in each of the 23 Years 1793–1815; the Nett Money received on Account of the same; Amount of Interest and Annuities Created ; and Rate at which Created in each Year; their equivalent in 3 ºf cent. Stock; and the pro- portion thereof to the Amount expended by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, in comparison with the A mount Redeemed by them in each Year. *£ 96,600, allowed on £230,000 for 25 Years.-Wide Parliamentary Paper, No. 145, Session 1822. *...* In addition to the bonus exhibited in the last Column of the Statement below of £14,468,294 of 3 tº cent. Stock, which the Money Job bers derived from the Funding System by the Sinking Fund operation, they derived a further bonus equal to about 3 {P cent, on the Amount Funded, or ºf 15,000,000 in the aggregate by the payment of the two first half-Yearly Dividends before th eapence of the Productive Classes. e instalments on the Loans were all paid up,- subsequent pages will shew other partialities bestowed on the Moneyed, at the STOCK cr Amount paid to the STOCK Redeem’d Interest Equivalent eated Proportion Money paid for |Less or -ī- (more ) - Amount Funded Amount of Cash and Annuities in 3 tº Cent. for every Commissioners of of charge Amount for every “ºok of Redeemed Years. in each Year. *: in. created. sº £100 of Money. * Fund. created. Redeemed. £ 100 of Money. | Redeemed. than-created. 1793 4,500,000 4,443,827 187,500 6,250,000 || 140 .65 | 1,630,615 2,293,370 2,174,405 || 133 .35 | 75 . 118,965 4 | 12,907,451 | 12,714,121 599,118 || 19,970,600 157.07 1,872,200 2,940,742 2,804,945 149 .82 | 66 .75 135,797 5 42,090,647 41,562,832 |*2,035,768 67,858,936 163.3 2,143,596 3,500,158 3,252,455 | 151 .73 65 .9 247,703 6 42,756,126 44,029,467 2,383,160 79,438,660 | 180 .42 2,639,724 4,762,632 4,390,670 | 166 .33 60 .12 || 371,962 7 | 16, 120,000 15,943,314 | 1,030,829 || 34,360,970 215 .52 3,369,218 7,261,326 6,731,557 | 199 .9 50 . 529,769 8 20,000,000 | 19,772,584 1,230,519 || 41,017,310 || 207 .44 4,025,205 8,350,101 7,954,039 || 197.62 50 .6 406,062 9 || 15,500,000 | 15,324,898 813,750 27,125,000 || 177. 4,375,924 7,745,365 7,351,523 168 .0 59 .52 393,842 1800 20,500,000 | 20,306,808 965,550 | 32,185,000 | 158 .5 4,767,991 7,556,962 7,548,362 | 158 .33 63 . 16 8,600 1 || 36,910,450 36,424,811 1,907,343 63,578, 100 174.54 || 5,310,511 9,269,291 8,630,715 162 .52 61 .65 638,576 2 25,000,000 24,960,080 989,719 || 32,990,630 || 132 .17 5,922,979 7,828,613 8,545,562 144.28 69 .31 || -- 716,949 3 12,000,000 1 1,954,352 614,500 20,483,330 173.55 6,287,941 10,774,149 10,999,500 174.93 57.16 || --225,351 4 14,500,000 14,265,464 791,700 26,390,000 | 185 . 6,851,201 | 12,674,189 || 12,069,786 176 .17 | 56 .8 604,403 5 22,500,100 23,588,735 | 1,254,000 || 41,800,000 || 177.2 7,615,167 || 13,494,322 | 12,972,913 || 170 .35 | 58.7 521,409 6 20,000,000 | 19,732,212 996,000 || 33,200,000 | 167.7 8,323,329 14,004,234 || 13,614,463 163.57 | 61 .13 389,771 7 | 15,700,000 | 15,577,621 743,949 24,798,290 || 159 .20 9,479,165 15,090,050 | 15,078,992 || 159 .07 || 62.86 II,058 8 || 14,500,000 14,465,669 705,919 23,530,622 | 162.67 10,188,607 | 16,573,557 15,476,387 151 .9 65 .8 1,097,170 9 22,532, 100 22,484,457 | 1,086,562 36,218,740 | 161 .39 10,863,239 17,498,880 | 16, 144,348 148 61 | 67.3 1,354,532 1810 21,711,000 21,688,024 993,363 33,112,100 152.67 11,583,627 17,685,252 17,183,710 148 .3 || 67 .43 501,542 11 24,000,000 23,853,294 | 1,191,736 || 39,724,520 | 166.53 | 12,407,320 20,662,757 | 19,503,521 157.2 63.61 | 1,159,236 12 34,721,325 || 31,751,411 1,715,952 57,198,380 180 . . 13,364,236 24,074,919 22,675,983 | 169 .67 59 . 1,398,936 13 64,755,700 64,227,958 3,562,100 || 18,736,690 184 .87 | 15,237,533 28,169,263 25,919,301 || 170 .10 || 58.8 2,249,962 14 24,007,400 23,894,476 | 1,105,103 || 36,836,930 154 .17 | 13,953,684 21,511,703 20,961,806 150 .22 | 66 .57 549,897 15 54,135,589 53,819,785 3,083,620 102,787,340 191 .52 13,262,020 25,328 190 22,596,788 170 .39 58.69 2,721,402 581,337,782 lá76,786,200 |29,987,765 (999,592, 166 173.30 |175,475,032 |299,050,025 |284,581,731 | 163.32 64 .90 || 4,463,294 No. IV. The following STATEMENT shows the progress made in the diminution of the Capital of the NATIONAL ANNUITY Account, in each Year since 1816. *...* The 4 Amounts noted a, b, c, d, correspond with Nos. 57, and 60–62, on the preceding page; the Purchases of 1817–18, were effected by the proceeds of Exchequer Bills funded in the latter Year, see No. 55 of the preceding Statement; the other Purchases have been effected by Loans, Surplus Revenue, and diminution of Balances in the Exchequer. Since 1822, £23,587,528 of surplus Revenue equal to 6,087,000 oz. of Gold has been paid for only £27,634,376 of 3 if cent. Stock, while the Loan, No. 52 in 1815, was raised at the Rate of only 2,733,520 oz. of Gold for £27,634,376 of 3 “P cent. Stock; hence, while 80,000 holders of 5 # cent. Stock averaging less than £30 if annum each, have been deprived of more than one-fourth of their Dividends, a bonus of £13,000,000 has been conferred on a few hundred large holders of 3 d?’ cent. Stock, whose Dividends remain unabated in amount, although £7,000,000 of the Dividends on 3 #' cent. Stock were created at an average of £5 13s.6d. iſ cent., exceeding the average of the whole of the 4 and 5 ºf cents.,-see concluding paragraph of preceding page. - - Amount and Rate of Amount of Stock Rate at which TÜTAL i Cancelled for stock on Purchasd. Purchased. Purchased. A of - Irish Stock Purchased. Lif rººt *:::::::: U with P Transfered, - | nnuity || ". ife edemption of Land Tax. H.". Unclaimid aid off, ©r Years 3 * Cent8. 3% tº Cents. * tº Cents. 3% tº Cents. || Cancelled. || 3% tº º 4". Annuities. # Annuities. (Present) ) ( Deferred 5 '. *::::: º at Par. Converted, - *** * * * * * * --f-s.-d.--of-s.-d.-: ——||—|f-—j-ºf–s,—d.----f'-—||—-ºf--|---ºf------f-É--ef –|—-ºf- — ——ºf-– 1817 17,647,791 76 16 1 || – || 524,494 || 766,314|87 6 11 || 26,821 || 873,430 98,239 — || 31,378 — 41,829 ~— 1818 16,337,633 | 1,908,400 || 78 0 0} | 87 3 0 || 556,923 li 684,006 || 90 11 2 || 23,940 # 571,761 | 112,860 — || 33,809 –– 125,670 $ 10,837,614 A $ 71 19 0# $ 389,612 : 2- ºr ax .” * Gº 1819; a17,152,100 $ 1,842,400; 70 o o' ; 80 1 0 1 1 & a 514,560 813,453 83 18 6 28,741 || 382,200 134,225 — # 29,770 — -- JJ $ 5,320,415 & 68 12 0} \ , § 180,042 ; * - ~ a 1840; b 17,064,000 $ 583,700; 70 6 4” % 77 6 O \ bāiſogo 851,336 75 17 3 || 29,797 || 556,996 | 89,883 || – || 52,554 — *-*m. 286 1894 $ 4,995,024 74 15 5 X 2. 5 167,400 - 1821; c 16,296,875 % 501,400}}: 1 4 0 } as 0 0 } cº, ; 600,582 | 82 1 1 21,020 || 532, 153 92,888 — || , — — 1,141 3,934,704 an 79 15 () } 133,434 2 362,324 91 7 7 | 12,681 1822% : 9,800 f $ 133, * y § 1 7Q -º-º-º-º-º: O *- 0. an *t a 9,339,657 : .....} so 6 o ; 90 11 11 digo.º. 3 ºi; g; 17 g ego.g., ; **** | 99.9% 29,926 | 2,794,276 || 2,367 1823 3,432,658 283,700 ſ. 80 5 10 f 92 15 3 109,867 257,393 ||99 10 5 9,019 || 758,892 67,055 — 952 27,100 vºs-ºs-----, -va-" 1824 3,627,225 16,500 || 94 3 6 |j 16 10 109,394 | 163,726 101 7 4 5,730 || 539,174 61,233 || 9,134 || 2,325 6,197,013 || —- 1825 2,368,510 | 1.46,900 || 90 0 8 95 7 8 76,197 || 181,359 98 4 6 6,349 || 556,769 49,155 9,510 || 4,962 | 15,000 41,011 1826 1,700,653 219,303 || 79 8 8 86 17 6 58,695 || 197,950 86 7 4 6,928 || 653,603 | 68,744 || 11,246 || 9,733 28,000 | 35.4 1827 5, 163,696 173,797 || 84 12 1 0 | 91 3 5 160,994 || 218,287 90 15 3 7,640 || 640,852 70,267 || 11,200 || 16,268 28,000 ——- 7,646 1828 4,016, 164 . 445,500 || 85 1 4 0 | 94 12 O 136,077 || 165,399 || 93 15 1 5,789 # 444,275 42,082 11,367 || 9,144 27,000 1829 1,545,628 1,054,100 || 88 15 11, 97 11 4 83,282 104,217 || 48,098 || 11,430 || 9,152 24,900 1,327,959 1830 1,440,654 659,800 || 89 15 4 95 11 3 66,312 705,864 37,001 || 1 1,326 || 14,522 | 19,000 2,654,694 s,031,227 ;: 423,180 708 738 || 78 0 10 | 89 5 2 || 37,501 i 485,909 || 38,249 13,261 || 13,312 || 35,000 226,221 | 13,983 32 - J 833 - - - - 1834 - - - - - #. g 1835 - - º - 1836 i . . . j *** The only Loan raised in 1816 was £3,000,000 from the Bank of England, for particulars of which see Note at head of page 172; that with the Surplus of the Loans rised in 1845, supplied the means of applying ºf 13,047,317 in 1816 to the purchase of Stock at an average rate of 62 for 3 tº Cent. Stock, while in the preceding Year ºf 62,640,000 of 3 “P Cent, and ºf 3,600,000 of 4 º' Cent. Stock was created for only £35,689,803, net money received being at the rate of little more than £50 of money received for every ºf 100 of 3 t? Cent. Stock created. r -, - º # STATEM ENT showing the state of the unredeemed NATIONAL - ANNUITY ACCOUNT (commonly called the NATIONAL DeBT,) as it stood on the 5th. of January in each Year, since the 5th. of January 1823. . TOTA L - Irish 33 iſ Cents. - | Bank of I RELAN D. | Irish 3 ºf Cents. te Annuities I RELA ND. Capitals transferred | .* º sº. . Irish Capital - || Greafºrrain Years Debentures. Reduced. New, 4 d? Cents. 5 § Cents. || Consolidated. | Reduced. ||5 # Cts. IRE LA N D. Perpetual. Life. [*::::::: TO TA L. Ineżawp. Years ~------—-8- --- —£ £ £ 39 £ —- £ - § —£-–––£-- —-É s . •º 1823 12,638,897 861,242 9,658,385 || 1,615,385 1,015,385 25,789,293 978,531 || 7,128 | 660 986,319 || 1,516,743 1822 4 12,669,704 || 1,381,772 9,658,385 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 26,340,631 || 1,000,431 7,035 | 660 | 1,008, 126 809,030 3 à | 12,956,048 I,014,833 9,957,104 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 401, 120 995,400 27,955,274 || 1,044,545 7,035 752 | 1,052,333 || 2,172,961 4 6 13,444,758 1,324,069 || 10,386,893 || 1,615,385 1,015,385 || 2,238,529 | 1,031,426 31,056,445 || 1,145,868 || 7,035 774 1,153,677 || 3,536,889 5 7 3,483,343 1,773,365 | 10,592,961 || 1,615,385 J,015,385 || 2,279,949 931,121 31,691,507 || 1,169,420 7,038 797 1, 177,255 || 1,672,643 6 8 13,494,631 1,591,068 || 10,446,455 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 || 2,209,265 418,336 30,790,525 || 1,140,070 7,038 || 796 1,147,905 524, 186 7 9 || 13,568,521 | 1,500,074 10,931,285 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 || 2,206,068|| > 395,986 31,232,704 || 1, 158,098 || 7,038 761 1,165,897 || 1,364,031 8 1830 13,665, 151 1,318,576 || 11,317,995 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 || 2,304,470 || 389,429 31,626,390 || 1,173,352 || 7,038 —- 1, 180,390 || 1,151,808 9 H 14,173,495 1,289,704 || 11,425,248 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 2,455,318 150,229 || 6,661 32,131,424 || 1, 134,980 || 7,038 —— 1,142,018 || 2,065,219 | 1830 2 14,520,904 || 1,277,769 || 11,672,700 || 1,615,385 | 1,015,385 || 2,673,546 145,079 || 6,661 32,927,428 || 1,161,774 7,038 68 1,168,880 || 1,311,651 I 3 14,605,670 1,234,509 11,784,394 || 1,615,385 1,014,385 || 2,803,781 162,062 || 6,661 33,227,847 1,171,553 6,897 — 1,178,450 811,595 2 4. 4. - " . - 3 : . | - 4 t; | 5 7 | - || l 6 3 tº Cents. 3 d?' Cent. South Sea Annuities. 3 ºf Cent. Bank. 3% d? Cents. . gº ** - - - *- TOTAL ſ Years | Consolidated. Reduced. Debt. Old. New. 1751. Capital. 1726. 3 d? Cents. 1818. Reduced, New. #3 £ --É £ 38 £-—- £ £-— £ £-— £ £ 1823 365,775,886 133,4] 1,112 || 3,662,784 || 4,638,870 3, 166,330 | 724,600 || 14,686,800 | 998,358 || 527,064,741 16,098,741 74,843,861 147,001,068 tº 4 363,073,272 | 132,257,683 || 3,662,784 || 4,497,870 3,073,330 | 685,600 || 14,686,800 |998,304 || 522,935,645 15,523,294 74,822,468 146,448,935 s 5 : 364,565.472 | 130,071,964 || 3,662,784 4,348,870 2,982,330 672,600 || 14,686,800 999,547 || 521,990,369 15,224,923 | 68,824,549 || 146,134,229. s (; 361,897,793 | 129,456,027 || 3,662,784 || 4,140,870 2,918,330 661, 100 || 14,686,800 999,562 || 518,423,267 14,737,299 || 68,228,564 145,682,692 s 7 || 360,730,378 128,471,930 || 3,662,784 || 4,002,870 2,845,830 655,100 || 14,686,800 999,562 || 516,055,255 14,484,309 || 67,568,504 || 145,442,165 sº 8 357,245,160 | 126,887,193 || 3,662,784 3,873,870 2,753,830 649,100 || 14,686,800 999,566 || 510,758,304 14,289,012 || 67,519,239 145,559,812 SP < 9 || 353,720,630 | 126,130,806 || 3,662,784 3,785,870 2,673,830 629,100 || 14,686,800 999,556 || 506,289,377 || 14,074,612 67,128,508 145,038,061 St. 1830 || 352,466,081 | 125,509,749 || 3,662,784 3,623,870 2,582,830 619,100 || 14,686,800 956,605 || 504,107,820 13,598,701 | 66,087,061 || 144,331,212 2 I | 348,828,661 | 123,771,891 || 3,662,784 || 3,501,870 2,489,830 527, 100 || 14,686,800 876,050 || 498,344,986 12,804,559 || 64,250,381 138,680,967 . & Sº 2 || 348,017,532 123,604,713 || 3,662,784 || 3,497,870 2,460,830 523,100 || 14,686,800 876,050 || 497,329,680 12,553,756 63,386,708 || 138,078,982 s: 3 347,458,931 | 123,029,913 || 3,662,784 3,947,870 2,460,830 523,100 || 14,686,800 874,950 || 496, 195,179 12,350,802 63,453,824 137,613,820 SS 4 ; , . . 5 6 | ! 7 | British Capitals, Continued. Total UNITED KING D OM, Proportion ºf Annuity of GREAT BRITA IN. Land == -- -vs. Tontine, &c. Taac Years 4 dj' Cents. 5 dj' Cents. TOTA L. Capital. Annuities. |Management Perpetual. [Terminable 1860 s: § 3. o: § 's ; § #: B'nglish. Irish. Deferred. £ £ £ £ £ -—||—£ - a.º. 3 | . . s is $ sº 5 sº --8---|--e-–––é-— 1823 || 4,723,832 | 1,008,608 766,017,019 || 796,530,145 27,839,043 284,655 || 25,299,626 1,347,638 sº § s s * $ * & Cº. * s §3 28,944 || 35,461 — 4 4,621,939 || 1,008,704 || 760,739,046 || 791,701,615 27,689,872 283,324 || 25,132,676 1,338,837 || >ss 35 sº $4.5 s ºs 28,581 |35,461 8, 193 5 | aufººt. 993,878 753, 167,948 || 781, 123,223 26,953,563 280, 113 || 24,496,506 | 1,333,843 ; , ; ă ş sis 3 § §§ º § 27,705 || 35,461 8,467 6 993,878 || 747,071,822 || 778,128,268 26,840,359 276,828 || 24,283,811 | 1,333,257 s's š §§ s - sº s * G | 26,174 || 35,461 8,753. 7 8,560,000 | 993,878 || 752,110,233 || 783,801,740 27,092,746 279,067 || 24,513,593 | 1,332,301 J. S. E s #"> < *. s? 25,827 35,477 9,090 8 8,560,000 993,878 746,886,367 777,476,892 26,899,504 278,788 || 24,350,830 1,331,459 £-—— £-—l— -—|—-£— 25,204 || 35,477 9,426 9, 8,559,279 993,878 741,089,836 || 772,322,540 27,326,378 275,878 || 24, 174,684 1,331,018 585,740 24,556 35,477 9,767 183% 11,500,748 993,878 739,625,542 || 771,251,933 28,040,757 275, 143 24,145,515 1,204,678 585,740 | 198,594 618,060 | 8,100 24,094 || 35,477 10, 110 i. 10,806,966 467,713 725,355,573 || 757,486,997 27,399,576 275,179 || 22,956,771 1,193,089 585,740 || 775,914 | 669,361 || 7,300 23,455 35,477 10,450 2 10,804,595 462,737 | 722,616,457 || 755,543,885 27,385,003 273,296 22,865,892 || 1, 193,033 585,740 777,302 718,489 6,200 23,142 35,477 | 10,847. 3. 10,796,340 - 462,737 720,872,702 || 754,100,549 27,431,900 271,533 22,810,491 | 1,192,943 585,740 870,998 || 717,529 7,900 22,372 34,230 11,245 4 e - | tº - ! . # 7 § ; §| # STATEMENT No. VI. showing Ages, admitted under the A proportion Demised, distingui the Number of ANNURTANTS in each of 11 grades of cts of 49 Geo. III, cap. 142; and 57 of do., cap. 34; and of the shing Males from Females, in each Year since the passing of the first recited Act in 1808. *.* The following page shews the amount of Perpetual Annuities can- celled, and of Life Annuities created in each Year. Ages at which Annuities have been granted. 65 to 69. 31 65 37 31 31 34 50 32 83 60 56 79 29 97 42 8 Of all Ages. 70 : * § & § s $ | Proportion, .. 2. dº. Ş º § § § Males..... 27 | 18 83 161 244 43 || 10 1 : 118 263 381 8 2 6 21 | 1.4 1 || 73 | 184 257 || 14 6 8 25 9 1 '72 134 206 || 22 11 t 24 12 H 68 || 126 | 194 i 34 19 15 30 || 23 2 # 89 181 270 || 33 15 18 28 16 4 || 74 211 285 : 52 21 31 27 14 I 60 | 155 | 215 # 51 23 28 41 15 3 # 98 228 || 326 || 73 32 41 49 24 3 #| 206 || 432 638 || 55 23 || 32 47 2I 2 || || 44 367 511 || 98 || 48 50 39 18 3 # 95 273 || 368 # 95 || 41 || 54 38 || 17 7 || 13]: 303 || 434 || 1 || 1 || 40 71 45 20 3 || 147 || 333 || 480 || 133 44 | 89 64 25 4 || 2:26 507 | 733 || 157 60 97 55 23 5 || 438 1127 | 1564; 210 | 73 || 137 46 17 2 || 147 || 322 469 || 179 || 71 || 108 40 || 9 3 || 110 288 398 || 155 53 102 60 | 16 3 || 174 || 414 || 588 || 209 || 69 140 44 23 2 || 159 428 587 || 252 102 || 350 18 || 1 || || – || 90 211 || 301 || 272 102 #70 7 2 6 : 47 39 86 || 297 106 || || 9 | 61 28 || 33 || 248 373 621 || 271 185 j 166 39 30 38 || 158 251 409 || 310 | | | | | 199 37 74 30 || 208 204 || 412 || 360 l l 19 is:41 9 10 | } { 12 13 14 | 15 16 17 Numbeş Demised. ſ STA TEM ENT No. VII. showing the diminution effected in the National Annuity Account in each Year since the 5th. of January 1817, by Conver- sion, Unclaimed, Expiring of Life. and Reduction of Rate of Interest. Transferred for Cancelled Unclaimed, | e Charges Life Annuities, for for Ten Years Exchequer on Stock' Requºtion º as tº 48 Geo. I I I. Redemp- and upwards. Annuities paid ºr of Interest Manage- Years. -- tion of |- *** —|| expired. at Ba by Conver- ji up to Perpetual. Long. ||Land Tax. Perpetual. Long * ||diminhd -|--ef --|-ºf-i-—sf' – —|-st–ll----f--|--ºf–E––f-—||—f- 1817 | 103,499 || – ||758,730 17,235 - || 523,494 || 118,171 — || – 1817 26,807 | 1,300 2,947 1,083 78 91 * : * * *sº 18 17,783 | 1,260 3,385 || 's 994 's — ***- : *** | easºns 19 11,890 779 || 4,026 || # 958 #| 43 || 243,111 || — — || — 1820 17,284 712 || 2,696 || $ 1,708 #| 15 || 1,277 || — — || — 1 | 16,542 | 1,366 || 2,786 || $ — $ | 8 659 || --— -— || — 2 29,659 | 1,200 || 2,728 || R 840 * 155 || 30,681 || 139,714 | 1,207,134 || — 3 23,314 || 9,006 2,012 || 951 813 7 455 --- 1,303 4 16,450 5, 153 1,837 7() Rºº sº 4 876 || 216,896 || 381,195 || 3,304 5 16,954 619 1,475 || 149 || 450 5 1,531 2,051 9,528 || 3,307 6 | 19,994 904 2,062 || 292 | 840 59 347 13 |i — 7 19,605 83% 2,108 || 488 840 61 624 || — 268 278 8 || 13,767 368 1,262 || 274 810 | 73 648 —— || 2,910 9 3,305 419 1,443 || 275 747 | 16 462 || — ——— 76? 1830 22,484 151 1,110 || 436 570 28 639 || 106,188 755,034 || — 1 15,574 1,147 || 399 |1050 12 313 7,918 —- – || 1,883 2 14,333 — 787 || 347 900 | 84 2,239 || --—— 1,764 3. 4. 5 - º 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Various Capitals T & No. VIII. ...". "melanºward. The Total reclaimed in 1824 includes | Great Britain Ireland - Capitals. Annuities. £1,193 5 # Cents. to to ºmºtesº ſ Years. lreland. Great Britain. 3 #cents. 33 y çis. 4 º' gºs. Total. Perptl, Long. 1822 1,516,743 17,232 tºº * **** - * * : *=== tººse 3 809,030 23,619 || 705 5 Pºt 4,537 28,861 925 213 4 2,172,961 27,645 || 16,759 3,228 11,418 32,598 || 132 163 5 : 3,536,889 254,823 || 1 1,185 1,644 40 | 12,869 395 38 6 1,672,643 839,276 2,341 542 176 3,059 96 6 7 524, 186 1,199,235 3,056 | 1,856 254 || 3,166 167 50 J 8 1,364,031 756,453 5,981 162 436 6,579 | 203 º <\ 9 1,151,808 758,122 || 9,773 29 75 9,877 297 50 1830 2,065,219 | 1,373,033 || | 1,148 1,297. 14 | 12,459 380 * 1 1,311,651 515,646 || 10,815 | 1,095 || – || 11,910 || 363 24 2 811,595 51 1, 176 9,237 207 || – || 9,444 284 gºssº & J 4. 5 6 º 11 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 The most striking feature of the above Statement, No. VI., is the large number of Young Lives admitted in 1823, and the large number of advanced ages in each of the three last years; the former was doubtless occasioned by the 5 tº Cents. paid off in that year, while the latter will lead to an early considerable dimi- nution of the amount in column 28 of the following page. the passing of the Act in 1798. Another Statement (see Index,) will show the annual progress of the Redemption of Land Tax from For the bulk of the amount of Annuities expired previous to 1817, in column 7 of the Statement No. VII. above, see Nos. 2, 4, 7, and 10 of Loans in T., and No. 6 in II. of this class of Accounts, for £230,000 of the amount expired in 1819. For the amount of Unclaimed Dividends and amounts reclaimed passed to Account, see lines 14 and 38 of No. IV. of the Statements of Revenue and Expenditure, in addition to which, £303,544 was passed to Account of Income in 1816. mination of amount since 1821, as exhibited in column 9 of Statement VII. above, amounts to £2,353,172, in addition to which a farther diminution of annual charge has taken place since 1815, by the reduction in the rate of Interest on Exchequer Bills from 33d. to 1; d. tº £100 tº day, amounting in the aggregate to about £1,300,000 tº Annum. lowing page shews another Terminable Annuity operation under the Act of 10 Geo. IV. c. 34. The total diminution effected in the Perpetual Annuities by reduction in the rate of Interest, or by conversion into a lower deno- Statement IV. of this class of Accounts shews the amount of Capitals extinguished in each year since 1816; and No. X. on the fol- The diminution in Col. 9, in 1822 was effected by the conversion of £149,449,290 of 5 # Cents. into £156,921,713 of 4 d? Cents. The amount in 1824 by the conversion of £76,206,882 of 4 d? Cents. into 3} {}' Cents.; and £16,018 of 5 # Cents, of 1797, into £21,358 of 3 tº Cents. The amount in 1825, by the conversion of £952,867 of 5 # Cents. of 1797, into £1,270,489 of 3 tº Cents. The amounts in 1826–7 result from the adjustment of some accounts in Ireland, and the amount in 1830 by the conversion of £150,329,395 of the amount reduced from 5 dj' Cent. in 1822, to 3% tº Cents. The amount in Col. 8, up to 1817, is the Interest on 5 tº Cents. of 1797 and 1802, paid off at par, see line 33 of the Statements of Revenue and Expenditure, No. II.: the amounts in the same Column in subsequent Years, are the Interest on the amounts dissented to, to be con- The amount in 1824 should be £247,880, it being on £6,197,880 of 4 d? Cents, paid off at par. verted, and therefore paid off at par. t ºn Tiss Tao T4s so 55 60 > to to to to to to to 34. 39. 44. 49. 54. 59. 64. 1808 || 5 | 13 26 || 35 | 43 || 46 9 14 26 31 61 | 67 || 63 1810 10 || 14 22 || 45 || 45 || 48 II. 3 7 | 18 40 34 38 12 2 9 || 11 18 42 || 44 13 8 '7 || 25 || 36 51 54 14 7 || 11 | 15 43 || 44 67 15 10 || 17 22 29 28 35 16 11 19 | 15 50 52 62. 17 2 || || 5 || 40 | 67 || 96 |132 131 18 19 18 31 44 78 86 95 19 12 | 12 || 17 | 32 49 62 61 1820 | 13 | 12 || 17 | 39 87 | 66 72 1 9 15 29 || 48 || 91 || 82 || 77 2 21 24 50 | 87 |115 121 121 3|432 252 (204 135 143 |108 || 124 4 29 29 || 36 34 || 69 73 74 5 19 27 28 44 60 51 59 6 || 25 26 39 || 70 92 |101 || 100 7 24 18 40 58 100 104 || 95 8 11 | 12 28 31 56 51 54 9 || 4 4 7 || 7 | 18 || || 4 || 10 1830 || 26 || || 3 || 39 43 75 94 | 112 1 29 || 14 || 14 25 || 48 57 63 2 15 11 || 14 || 23 46 50 70 3 4 5 6 - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 – - Admit- 1 De- § º # ſ Ages. º mº *:::: % 21 to 34 690 5 & 3 35 tº 39 572 ºn 3 s 40 a 44 756 § 3 ; 45 m, 49 972 c tº 35 50 m 54 1,580 *::: 5 Tº 55 / 59 1,658 # * is; ; ; ; ; #. # 2 = 3 70 a 74 955 3 : , T | * g 79 489 #3 & 80 & ab. 158 † = . i 3 = 6 & Total of all Ages 10,977 || 3,451 Q) 3. = . | Pººr; Males | 3,463 g J. : : tion. & Females 7,514 : 3 & Sº De do. 2,155 ă ă = $, mised. * . e Fasº \ * * e ,167 * = 5 & i Sârvi. }: 5,359 F- E Z & yers * : *** **-*. z = # U 1833. ( Tot 7,526 ſ 215 STATEMENT No. IX., showing the Amount of Capital Stock, and of Perpetual and Long Annuities cancelled for conversion into Life Annuities, under the Acts of 48 Geo. III. c. 142; and 57 of do. c. 34, with the annual average price of 3 # Cent. Stock in each Year, since the passing of the first recited act in 1808. grades of Ages admitted and demised in each year. *...* The preceding page shows the Number of Annuitants in Eleven --- Cancelled Annually. Progresswe Amount of - - Li Capitals. Annuities. Perpetual Life cº. - - - Annuities Annuities || annually. Years | 3 #9 Cent. 4 tº Cent. 5 tº Cent. | Perpetual. < *ś cancelled. created. -º —— 6––1—-£-— —-£——l——- 3 s £—||——£-— 1808 || 465,952 13,978 || || #; 13,978 32,515 || 32,515 9 || 558,561 16,757 || $ 3 || 30,735 72,087 || 39,572 | 1810 |290,777 8,723 ###| || 39,458 92,867 || 20,780 II 290,751 8,723 ## § 48,280 | 114,726 || 21,859 12 355,542 10,666 .# tº- 58,946 140,334 || 25,608 | 13 | 400 085 12,003 | #3% || 70,948 167,604 || 27,270 14 || 433,673 13,010 S § 83,958 199,062 || 31,458 I5 302,211 9,066 92,926 219,580 || 20,518 —-É— 16 || 352,404 10,572 || 4,420 || 107,918 252,794 || 33,214 17 | 841,235 3,824 28,372 26,809 | 1,300 || 136,027 322,647 || 69,853 I8 535,305 9,656 26,719 17,783 1,260 || 155,070 371,303 || 48,656 19 || 354,857 | 12,696 || 14,687 | 11,888 779 || 167,737 403,054 || 31,751 1820 520,579 15,530 20,887 17,283 712 || 185,732 445,519 || 42,465 I 498, 199 9,928 24,006 | 16,543 | 1,366 || 203,641 490, 157 || 44,638 2 958,917 28,555 j 1,201 || 233,397 569,655 || 79,498 3} {{* Cent, 4 tº Cent. - - 3 || 702,522 3,247 53,123 23,314 || 9,006 || 265,717 641,799 || 72,144 4 508,895 5,515 24,764 16,451 | 1,247 || 283,415 687,585 || 45,786 5 528,205 6,777 21,787 16,955 619 || 300,989 737,290 || 49,705 6 610,848 8,325 34,430 | 19,994 904 || 321,887 791,617 || 54,327 7 594,044 17,695 || 29,113 | 19,605 832 || 342,324 846,224 || 54,607 8 || 394,698 || 11,499 || 38,078 || 13,766 368 || 356,459 882,182 || 35,958 9 73,594 || 25,446 5,177 3,306 419 || 360,184 892,713 || 10,531 1830 477,723 194,633 35,511 22,484 I51 || 382,819 975,440 || 82,727 I 283,974 | 198,864 2,371 15,574 | 398,393 | 1,053,605 || 78,165 2 | 181,465 244,542 8,255 14,333 — || 412,726 | 1,097,089 || 43,484 3 - 4 5 6 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Earpired | P .º º: : º #. º - O & o . Uº eapired annually set 6?? OC C . O)" apart for || Stock for |Money for * unclaimed. | Payment. ||#100 Money:#100 Sik, —£-———-£——|——-£— - - | 150 .18 | 66.58 344 344 || 41,212 || 146 .18 68 .40 978 1,322 76,975 || 147.47 69.82. 975 || 2,297 || 95,540 || 157.20 | 63.62 2,363 4,660 | 118,924 || 169.67 58.98 4,257 8,917 | 141,729 || 170 - 10 || 58.78 4,266 13,183 167,278 || 150 .41 | 66.48 6,551 19,734 || 190,076 || 170 .39 || 58.69 7,804 27,538 206,284 || 161 .13 62 .06 6,616 34,154 288,491 || 130 .20 76 .80 7,515 ai.673 ||326,437 || 137." | 73 ºff 9,883 || 51,556 351,275 || 138 .92 || 71 .98 10,720 62,276 383,000 || 145.77 | 68.56 16,654 78,930 410,965 || 133 .75 74 .76 17,149 96,079 || 431,820 || 125 .40 79.75 25,387 | 121,466 492,626 || 124 .53 80 .30 23, 117 | 144,583 || 530,592 || 106 . 19 94.17 26,083 170,666 562,669 || 111 .10 90 .01 18,412 189,078 566,669 || 125 .90 79.43 26,332 215,410 || 590,447 || 118.01 | 84.64 22,812 238,222 613 oić 116 .68 85 . TO 32,757 270,979 619,515 || 1 is .61 88.80 32,947 || 303,926 618,060 || 1 || 1 .39 | 89.77 29,206 || 333,132 669,361 || 128 .14 || 78.04 44,799 || 377,931 || 700,465 || 120 .48 83. 26 27 28 The Total amount set apart for the payment of Life Annuities under the Acts of 48 and 57 of Geo. III, caps. 142 and 34 in the aggregate of the 24 Years 1809–1832, as exhibited in Col. 28 of the above Statement, has been £9,226,428, while the sum which would have been payable during the same period for per. petual and long Annuities cancelled, as exhibited in Col. 23 (for the Life Annuities so created) amounts to £5,053,664; shewing an excess paid for Life Annuities during the 24 Years of £4,172,764, against which there has been extinguished, Capitals as exhibited in Cols. 18–20 to the amount of £12,650,473, and £24,584 of Annuities terminable in 1860: the ultimate result of the operation, as one of profit and loss now depends on the amount to be in future paid to the 7,526 sur- viving anuuitants during the remainder of their lives: the contingency of which, being such as to preclude the possibility of any positive conclusion being at present arrived at, in regard to the ultimate actual result; the probability however, is, that the £12,650,473 of Capital, and £24,584 of Annuities termina- ble in 1860, will prove to be cancelled for an equal, if not for a less sum, than they could now be purchased for ; and therefore, so far as it may be consi- dered desirable to extinguish or diminish the amount of the Capital Stock of the Public Annuities, the above operation may be deemed advantageous to the extent of the difference of time of Payment, and equal to £2,000,000 to £3,000,000 in amount; that is, had the operation been carried on by an indi- vidual or by a Company, it would promise in its ultimate result a profit to that extent; but for a Government to make a profit by its own community, is a proposition which in itself involves an absurdity, if the result of any Government transaction shows a preponderance of advantage on one side, it must me- cessarily be at the expence of disadvantage on the other, as, in the above operation, which shows that the Life Annuitants receive a less equivalent for their capital, than the holders of Annuities in perpetuity; and so far as Life Annuities have been purchased with money, which in the last 3 Years [1830-2] has been the case to the amount of £670,749, a two-fold injustice has been done to the Life Annuitant, too little stock has been cancelled for the money given on one side, and too small an amount of Annuity granted on the other. If the illusive distinction of various denominations of Stock exhibited in the Statement No.V. was abolished, and the aggregate amount of £754,100,859 of Capital resolved or consolidated under one general head, and measures adopted, as proposed in my History of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of Banking, for giving to this description of Property an invariable value; a scale, as simple as equitable, might then be resolved upon, for converting Perpetual into Life Annuities, and thereby greatly facilitate, and induce, the extension of one of the most delightfully in- teresting operations in social economy ever reduced to practice. Year. 1822. 1823 1824 1825 | 1926 Capitals. 2,365,655 7,472,423 | 273,108 28,861 32,598 5,339 12,869 47,767 317,622 3 059 STATEMENT No. X., of Augmentation to the National Annuity Account by Retransfer, Conversion, and Reclaimed, in each of the 5 Years 1822–6. 3 tº Cent. Stock transferred from Accout of East India Company ..... o 4 d? Cents. by conversion of £149,449,290 of 5 tſ' Cents. into ºf 156,921,7 Unclaimed Exchequer Annuities Reclaimed . . . . . . . . * * @ 9 º' w e a e e g º e º 'º - © e Management increased . . . . . . . * * * * * o & © tº 4 c e e º e s e º e 0 & 6 e s e o e s e e o e a g g g 3 # Cents re-transferred on account of Land Tax Various Capitals, and ºf 213 Long Annuities re-claimed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Various Capitals, and ºf 163 Long Annuities re-claimed 3 ºff Cents. by conversion of £16,018 5 # Cents. (1797) into ºf 21,358.34% Various Capitals, and ºf 38 Long Annuities re-claimed .. Conversion of Irish Life Annuities into British Management increased ... • * > * * * * * * * * * g e º 'º © a º º • e º a 2 e o 'º e º f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > t e a tº º 12 4 tº Cents. tº € 0 g, tº. * ~ * ºr Q © e g tº tº º e o * @ 4 º' * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e 9 & e e e v e º e e Cents... Irish Management increased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 3 e º e º ºs e s e e º e * * * e o e * @ & ſº e º 'º e º 'º º tº e s tº º q * @ & tº * * * * * * c e s e º e e o e e º e º s e o a e º e 3% dj' Cents. non-assented to in 1824, now assented to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 d? Cent, by conversion of £952,867 of 5 tº Cents. (1797) into ºf 1,270,489 3 dº Cents. | Irish Management increased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Various Capitals, and ºf 6 Long Annuities re-claimed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual decreasd 1,025 6,932 8, 193 1,135 1,295 decreasd 92 433 1,672 decreasd 22 102 STATEMENT No. XI., showing the Amount of Perpetual and Long Annuities cancelled for conversion into Annuities for Terms of Years and for Lives, d? Act of 10 Geo. IV, cap. 34. 1829 1830 Years : Annuities Cancelled. For Conversion into Annuities for --- f'-— Perpetual. 46,638 375,021 459 28,894 Long. •) Terms of Years. Lives. . 125,944 11,410 198,593 577,321 1,388 93,696 sf'- 51,301 49,128 wº No. XII. 216 Three ACCOUNTS shewing the Number of Persons to whom a Half Years Dividend became due, on the Eight undermen- tioned denominations of Stock, on the 10th. October 1827, and 5th. January 1828; on the 10th. October 1822, and 5th. January 1823; and on the 10th. October 1828, and 5th. January 1829; the first Account shewing the proportion whose annual Dividends respectively on the 10th. October 1827, and 5th. January 1828, did not exceed £10, £20, £100, £400, £600, £1,000, £2,000, £4,000, and above £4,000; and the Total amount with the average thereof, among each Class; and the two last accounts shew- ing the proportion whose Half Yearly Dividends on the 10th. October 1822, and 5th. January 1823, and the 10th. October 1828, and 5th. January 1829, respectively did not exceed £5, £10, £50, £100, £300, £500. £1,000, £2,000, and above £2,000. tant General of the Court of Chancery, the Trustees of thc Equitable and Royal Exchange Insurances, and other similar Es- tablishments; sufficient however is exhibited to shew, bugbear, as the National Debt so called ... how very insignificant it seems when viewed in relation to its details, its 220,000 Annuitants, of them if the account was cancelled? The account presented to the Lords in 1828, Annual - - 3% | ... 3 TOTAL ] TOTAL (Annual Average Amount of 3 diº cent 3 #P Cent.3% ºf Cent.4 d? Cent.j4 d? Cent, d? Cent. P Cent. Long ||Number of Amount of Amount to each Dividends. Consols Reduced Reduced | Reduced 1826. 1818. 1726. Annuities.|Annuitants. piºus **, -º-º: - -- —-3C/-S.—(l, - cº (Not exceeding £10 27,464 || 10,752 3,734 29,979 || 1,136 263 9,644 82,972 379,961 4 Il 6 .3: ££10) g ſ 20 | 13,253 || 4,785 2,841 15,260 | 1,037 195 's 3,861 || 41,232 625,499 15 3 4 Š T # 20 | *E 100 || 31,796 || 11,687 | 10,599 34,034 274 495 § 8,403 || 97,288 || 4,445,108 45 13 10. §§ 100 | § 400 15,682 5,591 7,056 11,740 302 335 s 2,493 || 43,203 || 7,761,934 179 I 3 () Sº 3 < 400 }- § 2 600 2, 167 734 | 1,045 | 1,069 65 50 § 241 5,371 2,402,164 447 5 () ~3 2. 600 3 1,000 | 1,456 496 848 599 28 42 *S 136 3,605 || 2,441,476 674 9 5 § 3 | 1,000 £ 2,000 843 248 430 231 9 37 - 52 | 1,850 2,207,281 | 1,193 2 6 ^ - || 2,000 j = U4,000 || 238 85 | 122 46 || – 6 10 507 | 1,215,493 2,200 3 8 > above £4,000 82 36 68 21 5 {; 2 220 | 1,787,067 8,077 O 0 Total No. of Annuitants 92,981 || 34,414 26,743 92,979 2,856 1,433 || – || 24,842 276,248 23,265,983 84 4 4 TOTAL Amounts, as ſ , ,...; ºn fº º: •y tº § i º - - - - e- jºº "ºº"; "; º; º; º; in E == | *::::::: Half Yearly amount of Dividend - 4 & Cents. | cº ſNot exceeding £5 28,660 | 12,011 9,981 || 31,359 * * 233 151 8,360 | 90,755 cº". º º º: ... 3 § £5) sº ſ 10 | 12,869 4,998 5,174 || 14,629 | –– 166 90 3,369 41,295 ..., !...". .*.*.*. sº | # 10 || 5 || 59 |32,086 12,133 tº 34,472 | – || 447 211 || 7,731 99,582 |*; ; ";"º. § s 50 | 3 100 9,352 3,528 3,593 || 7,677 | – | 205 50 1,644 26,049 sion 1828. 3. ... 3 } 100 l ; ----- w *-* ºff, fºº;|º;";| = |*:::: *; iii, i= |*:::::::: Half Yearly amount of Dividend 3; tº Cents. - c; ſNot exceeding £5 27,252 10,378 6,659 29,779 | 1,058 228 129 9,671 85,154 5,601) & .# : 65) g ſ 10 12,877 4,653 |,4}º 15,417 | . 572 | 187 86 4,062 42,167 — Ś sº sº # 10 || 5 50 || 31,426 11,553 | 10,481 33,884 1,160 509 || 206 || 8,504 || 97,673 1,909 | # S s's 50 || 3 || 100 || 9,360 | 3,482 2,950 || 7,791 || 342 | 181 || 47 | 1669 || 25,822 227 s 5 s 3 < 100 ( : { 200 6,214 2,121 | 1,644 3,863 | 209 || 149 21 825 15,046 413 lº's g; s & 200 ſ : ) 300 2,194 7.58 418 1,056 80 60 7 239 4,812 329 ſ ss : § 25 300 à 500 | 1,452 484 283 622 60 39 2 134 3,076 167 § º šā 500 || 3 | 1,000 817 227 | 12% 222 21 35 I 50 | 1,501 231 $ $ Sº | 1,000 jã U2,000 228 91 39 54 9 6 — 9 436 51 | g : ºf Uabove £2,000 76 33 I'7 16 2 6 * vams 2 152 63_j S Total No. of Annuitants 91,896 || 33,778 26,884 92,704 3,513 1,400 499 || 25,165 275,839 Decrease of Annuitants 2,319 2,872 7,628 1,477 || -- — 50 34 + --— 8,119 TOTAL Amounts, as ſ %pitals, £4; 30.6% (12,139;ſº "; 145,038,061 Sºſº |14,014,613. 999,536 T. ow-ºº º –- # 715 º: they stood on the 5th. 2 Dividends £ 10,61 1,619 || 3,783,924 ,349,497 5,801,522 342,371 492,611| 29,987 1,331,018 *-* *-*. 24,742,549 January 1829. l \xº~~ | \dº-y-' \ºvº \*A* | Saº-' ºs-y- |\º-2-/| \ºv- \--| Number of Column 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | 7. 8. º - ºº:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **śī‘āś". appear to have changed their Interest from the Perpetual, to the Long Annuities, which shew, an increase in the Six Years of I. do. do. © e º 'o 3.30%;4 2 iſºſ.*:::::::::::::::: It will be seem on closer .."; the holders of the Long Annuities, abºve. £200 tº Annum, "..., do. 3% tº Cent 15,068.395 527,401 - - - orn 488 to 434, the 54 decreased having Retailed out their Interest in small amounts; the bulk of the do. do. 4 do. 10.931,285 437,251 increase being in the Class below £10 tº Ammum. The 4 tº Gents. Of 1826, (see Col. No. 5.) also shew a tendency tº subdivide do. Bank do. 4 do. i.giºs; ºis into small amounts, and the Total increase under that Head in 1829, being 3,513, makes the balance of decrease in the 6 Years, do. "... do. 5 do. i.oišša 50.6% *...". Of º: to be 8,119, as stated in Qol. No. 9., 5,601, of which it will be seen are of the Class below £10 tº Life Annuities, tº 48 Geo. III. ºv.” 6áiºs : a portion of whom have doubtless changed their Interest from Perpetual, to Life Annuities, the increase of the Govern- Bank do. 1823. . . . . . . . . - *same- 585,740 ment. Life Annuitants in the 6 Years having been about 3,000. The 3} tº Cents, in Col. No. 3, Were reduced from 4 º' Gent. Exchequer do. ...... © e º ºs e º 'º e e-ºw mºsºma memº 67.0% ºś"º ºn. Fºlsº i : º, “a * Hºw tº e * * ~ * *aus aua res - tl Il Ciê(1 - . . . . . * * * * * * * * 23222 27,948,593 ; :"...º.º.º.º.º.º. Bºii. º..........]"º "º individuals in trust for numerous bodies of Persons, such for instance as the Forty Millions Value in the Name of the Accoun- TOTAL Funded and Unfunded £800,761,340 £ºssºsºs 3 always seems even to the intelligent, as well as the superficial, when viewed in the aggregate - of pittances varying from 5010, to less than £50 tº Annum each, – what would become of many Will be seen to differ in its form from those presented to the Commons, the first exhibits the Number with Yearly, and the latter with Half Yearly Dividends, there is a discrepancy also in the Lords Paper, in regard to the amount of the Total Sum divided, which in the Return is stated as above, at £23,265,983, while the Dividends on the several Stocks enumerated, amount, ore than a part of the account, the Returns exhibit m of Januarv 1829. . - ht, as shewn in detail with their respective Capitals to £24,913,495, and further, neither of as will be seen by the annexed Statement whieh shews the whole of the Public Debt, Funded and Unfunded, as it stood on the 5th. Colomit5 amu The four following pages, 218–221, contain a complete view of the Geographical Position, Population, Revenues and Expenditures, Imports into and Exports from, Shipping cleared outwards and entered inwards, Education, Churches, Gaols, Superficies, Live Stock, and Annual Produce, at each of 33 Colonies or Dependencies of Great Britain in 1831. Page 222 exhibits the Number and Tonnage of Shipping cleared outwards from all the Ports of Great Britain to each of the Countries with which the intercourse is maintained by Foreign as well as by British Shipping, distinguishing the Number and Tonnage of each, in each of the 26 years, 1787–1806, and in each of the 6 years, 1814–1819. Page 223 exhibits the Number and Tonnage of Shipping entered inwards from each of the same Countries, in each of the same 26 years. Page 224 shows the Number and Tonnage of Vessels cleared outwards to, and entered inwards from, each of those parts of the World with which the intercourse is maintained exclusively by British Shipping, in each of the before-mentioned 26 years. Page 225 exhibits at one point of view the Number and Tonnage of Vessels cleared outwards from Great Britain to, and entered inwards from, all parts of the World, distinguishing British from Foreign, in each of the before-mentioned 26 years, 1787–1819. *X-.. " . *. Page 226 exhibits the Number and Tonnage of Vessels Built, and the Number and Tonnage Owned and Registered, in each part of the British Empire, in each year since 1802. Page 227 exhibits the Total Number and Tonnage cleared outwards from, and entered inwards into, all the Ports of Great Britain, to and from all parts of the World, in each year since 1813, distinguishing British from Foreign in each year. Page 228 exhibits the Number of Vessels of all Nations which passed the Sound, distinguishing the proportion of each Nation, in each year since 1813. Pages 229–232 exhibit the Number and Tonnage of Vessels cleared outwards from all the Ports Of Great Britain to each of 42 different parts of the World; and the Number and Tonnage entered inwards from each of the same Countries, distinguishing the proportion of British from Foreign, in each year since 1819; showing, 1st, the Countries with which the intercourse is maintained by Foreign as well as by British Shipping; and, 2nd, the Countries with which the inter- course is maintained exclusively by British Shipping. Pages 238–285 show the Number and Tonnage of Wessels owned and registered at each Port of Entry, in the British Empire, at different periods, from 1787 to 1833, and the proportion in each of 20 classes of burthen, from not ex- ceeding 20 to 480 tons and upwards. ; - - . . 2 s 2 } 8 STATEM ENT showing the Geographical Position of each of the Colonies belonging to the BRITISH EMPIRE in 1833, with the date of Settlementº, Capitulation f, or Cessionſ of each ; the Population of each in 1829; the Tonnage of Shipping, cleared outwards to, and entered inwards from ; and the value of the Exports to, and Imports from each, in the year 1830. The diminution in the Slave Population of the British West Indies, when compared with the increase in the Siave States of North America is deserving of consideration; in addition to the number of Slaves in the West Indies; there are further 35,504 at the Cape of Good Hope; 20,464 at Ceylon; and 76,774 at the Mauritius, making a Total of 829,665; the Population of Van Diemans Land includes 8,484 Convicts; and that of New South Wales 15,668; both Totals are exclusive of Aborijines, Vide Par. Pa., No. 260, Session 1831,–for the Imports and Exports, see No. 690, Session 1832 : The excess of Export to Canada, Gibraltar, Malta, the Cape of Good Hope, Van Diemans Land, and New South Wales, is equalized in Mercantile account by the Bills drawn by the Agents of the Government at the respective places, and that to the Foreign West Indies becomes involved in the general account with Continental Europe. *...* The Shipping entered inwards from New Brunswick appears greatly to have eacceeded that cleared outwards, the difference probably arises from New Wessels built in that Province ; to Newfoundland the Tonnage cleared outwards, greatly eacceeds the Tonnage from ; Gibraltar eachibits a still greater disproportion ; several of the Vessels cleared for Newfoundland proceed direct from thence with Fish to Spain and Portugal, while several of those which clear outwards for Gibraltar, seek homeward Freights from those Countries, and the general Statement of Shipping cleared outwards ared entered inwards to and from all Countries will shew that the Tonnage entered inwards from Spain and Portugal eacceeds the Tonnage cleared outwards thereto in a similar proportion to the eaccess outwards to Newfoundland and Gibraltar. In like manner the Tonnage cleared outwards to Van Diemans Land and New South Wales, and to the Foreign West Indies greatly eacceeds the Tonnage from thence, most of the Vessels clearing out for the former with Convicts and Settlers proceed to the Mauritius and India for homeward Freight ; the Tonnage inwards from which will be seen to eachibit a corresponding eaccess, many of those cleared outwards for the Foreign West Indies proceed direct to European Continental Ports with their return Cargoes. - - PRov1NCE, Is LAND, OR Geographical Position of Tons of SHIPPING. Declared Value of EXPORTS. Total Official value of Colony, with the Date of CHIEF T Chief Tow N or HARBOUR. Total lo "d • zł • * 4 × -> - Settlement”, Capturet, or OWN. Latitude. Longitude. Pºin. uţº S º #!";. §. Total. IMPORT's. ExpoRTs, Cession 4. • -- £-— £-— £-——£—- Lower Canada. . Fiº 59 | Quebec 46 50 N. 71 10 W. 423,630 -- Upper do. . . . . t1760 | Kingstown 44 8 || 76 40 m 188,558 } 221,694 227,909 997,502 | 181,819 1,179,321 682,202 | 1,576,020 New Brunswick *1497 | St. John 45 20 m 66 // 72,932 : 133,469 155,249 215,448 30,592 || 246,046 220,094 276,491 Nova Scotia. ...*1497 || Halifaa. 43 44 " | 6′ 86 " .. 142.548 Cape Breton . . . . * 1497.| Louisburg 45 54 m 59 55 m $ “*” # 31,738 30,146 258,797 || 34,749 293,546; 66,664 || 356,163 Prince Edward’s Island Charlotte Town #46 15 m 62 50 m 23,473 J Newfoundland. . *1497 | St. John 47 32 tº 52 29 m 60,088 31,246 17,820 294,250 48,392 || 342,642 : 264,032 326,745 Hudsons Bay. & *1610 Hudsons House 53 0 || || 106 27 ſt 1,247 777 ; 91,136 8,244 99,380 32,857 90,144 'I he Whale Fisheries. . 39,540 35,952 2,108 2,108 195,591 2,108 WEST INDIES. 1823. 1829. º Bermudas. . . . . . *1609 5,176 4,608 # 32 22 m 64. 33 ſt 9,251 2,256 620 40,924 | 16,652 57,576 4,014 || 60,360 Bahamas • * * * * . * 1629 || 10,808 9,268 # 25 3 m 77 20 m 16,500 1,338 1,360 # 41,440 1,770 43,210 21,428 58,719 Jamaica . . . . . . ºf 1655 || 342,382 322,421 ; 18 12 m 76 45 u 322,421 ; 82,558 85,710 1,246,995 106,364 1,353,359 3,653,266 1,805,455 $ (Tortola , , , . *1666 6,460 7,787 18 33 m 63 /r 10,252 6{}6 1,317 3,531 28 3,559 25,212 2,836 § | Nevis . *1628 9,261 9,259 || 17 14 m 62 35 m 11,959 1,996 1,892 16,069 336 | 16,405 # 80,334 14,283 3 J St. Kitts tº V *1623 19,817 | 19,310 # 17 15 m 62 43 m 23,922 6,804 6,224 53,085. 3,509 || 56,594 202,917 | 72,167 #) Antigua. . . *1623 30,985 29,839 17 4 m 62 09 / 35,714 9,367 9,781 92,316 8,199 || 100,515 # 267,655 114,290 § | Montserat . . * 1632 6,505 6,262 16 47 m 62 H 7 tº 7,406 $944. 1,253 8,077 570 8,647 32,581 7,987 ºi ( Dominica . . 4.1763 16,554 15,392 : 15 23 m 6] 24 m 19,838 2,921 3,011 14,148 2,085 | 16,233 # 149,322 | 15,902 Barbadoes . . * 1605 || 73,345 81,902 13 50 m 59 41 m 102,007 20,887 17,190 271,797 21,495 293,292 541,708 || 358,577 § St. Lucia ... +1803 || 13,794 | 13,661 ; 13 24 m 60 51 iſ 18,351 4,209 5,290 21,305 3,715 25,020 # 148,394 32,060 s | s: Vincents 4.17% ; 23,589 : 13 5 61 15 m 27,714 12,084 14,379 77,370 3,053 80,423 394,913 82,917 § { Grenada ... +1763 2 86 24,145 # 11 50 m 61 45 m 28,732 11,031 | 12,349 75,366 4,670 80,036 337,922 || 79,087 § Tobago .... 41763 14,314 | 12,556 11 16 m do so 14,042 # 6,913 6,594 41,132 3,266 44,398 164,736 41,340 § UTrinidad ... +1797 || 23,537 24,006 : 10 tº 6 i 30 m 44,163 ; 20,474 22,224 139,517 24,553 | 164,070 # 354,788 197,631 Honduras Treaty 1670 — 2,127 14 10 m 87 51 m. 4,643 8,847 11,184 199,618 || 51,851 251,469 ; 221,855 572,383 Demerara...... +1803 || 77,376 69,467 6 30 m 56 30 m 78,833 53,687 55,250 426,316 || 31,878 |458,194 1,627,061 451,242 Berbice +1803 23,356 21,319 6 30 58 23,022 # 6,070 7,711 # 69.4 6.83" | 76,326 i &io,985 | 73. © 9 & 0 & 8 5 3. I/ A/ ,922 2 3. ,442 ,öö' 3. 370, 3,440 Total SLAVE Population. 728,509. 696,918 70s,769 252,992 263,338 2,838,448 290,sis 3,129,326 8,599,091 4,040,676 Heligoland . . . . 41816 || The Light House 54 12 m 7 53 E. 2,500 *-*mºs 7, 153 23i 99T 275 Gibraltar . . . . . . t1704| The Flag Staff 36 7 m 5 19 W. 17,024 10,426 1,795 : 292,760 | 127,361 420,121 24,186 || 674,827 Malta & Gozo... t1800 La Valette 35 50 m 14 12 E. 119,969 ; 7,906 2,034 189,135 | 49,623 || 238,758 42,463 || 390,544 §. Isles. . . . #. º ; : # 20 Hºf w 210,000 $ 4,532 5,326 56,963 21,075 78,038 : 100,570 93,893 aſh 013 . . . . . . . . - . IHarys 30 m 13 30 W. - Sierra Leone. . . . *1787 | Freetown 8 30 m. ! 2 - 56 m 17,426 | - Cape Coast Castle . . . . Annamboe 5 9 tº 1 41 m f 31,909 27,912 || 252,123 133,771 385,894 i 312,611 502,337 Fernando Po.... 1830 3 53 ſt 7 40 E. Cape of G. Hope #1806 Cape Town 33 56 S. 18 23 iſ 129,030 7,705 8,069 : 330,036 78,753 | 408,789 : 171,572 552,253 St. Helena tº º & © *1651 15 15 m 5 49 W. 38,915 2,341 41,256. 57,570 28,386 Mauritius & e º & © e +1810 Isle of France 20 27 m 57 16 E. : 101,469 6,391 12,824 161,029 | 19,408 180,437 675,345 247,688 §. * * g º e s e e t; Columbo ſ 4 N, 79 49 m 933,267 3,048 1,309 202,688 || 46,496 Ingapore... . . . 2: 10 m 103 15 m in - Prince of Wales island à 25 100 19 a with Bombay, Madras, and Bengal. Malacca. . . . . . . . . . . . Malacca 2 14 m 102 12 m J & #: § .4 '. - Van Diem, Land º Hobart Town 43 S. 147 // 17,950) ſ 94,430 12,240 | 106,670 49,282 | 101,891 New Sth. Wales 1787 | Sydney 33 15 m [15] 25 a 36,598 - 28,719 8,979.3 206,205 49,603 || 255,808 68,276 262,833 Swan River . . . . * ſ/ L/ 850 J 5 l iſoas 4.ii.9 18,161 - ićgia Bombay . . . . . . 4 : 661 The Fort 18 58 N. 72 38 m 54.38 7 Madras . . . . . . . . 1640 | Fort George 13 5 m 80 25 m > º 71,911 - 3,005,997 || 438.70 -- w § 2 vver 3 6 4,344,703 7,555,633 7,082,838 Bengal . . . . . . . . #1757 | Calcutta 22 35 iſ 88 28 m ; China. 28,577 27,915 } ,7 2 *-x-x2 ,555,63 2 Siam, and hº in the '..."; - - - - - | 2,220 | 1,982 234,717 7,399 242,116 149,916 |457,066 Foreign §º s & © a e < H. º 19 46 m | 72 16 W. 400,000 7,867 || 4,469 ; 321,793 9,880 331,673 102,885 g31,956 West St this: - * 23 12 m 82 14 a 500,000) (371,670 6, 155 377,825 287,440 556,385 Indies. Ud. Omas. . . The ſº 18 22 m 64 50 m 5,000 - 12,536 6,0604 234,873 29,203 || 264,076 || 30,352 504,342 ayenne . . . . A small Island 5 ſt 53 5,000 J U 11,486 39 11,525 | 11748 || 11,261 § STATISTICAL DISPLAY of the Rev ENUE and ExPEN DITURE; IMPORTS into, and EXPORTS from ; inwards; Pop ULATION ; Marriages, Births, Deaths, Crime, Education, Live Stock, Productions, &c., This Statement has been arranged from a set of Papers compiled from Official Returns, and “Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty” in the Session of 1833; 1 u the Papers so presented the details of each Colony or Dependency form a separate Account on a separate folio, and consequently the details exhibited below are therein diffused in a very ill arranged form over 33 folios. By the perspicuous and convenient form in which they are here exhibited, several egregious discrepancies are detected :- first, with regard to the Import into Lower Canada, which is palpably erroneous, and is probably a typographical blunder ; by transposing the amounts Great Britain and Foreign States, the Account will not be unreasonable; but as a large quantity of Produce is probably Imported into Canada across the Lakes from the United States it is doubtful whether the amount purported to have been Imported from Great Britain belongs to the Colonies or Foreign States; the Account of Shipping is equally, if not more discrepant than the Imports, the Ships inwards are entered in both Provinces, whilst those outwards exhibit a contrariety; the Upper Province being an interior district, no Ships can either enter or clear except across the Lakes, and if any in that direc- tion they must at present be inconsiderable; the Number of Ships from Foreign States into. New Brunswick is at variance with the Number Outwards, a great Number of small Vessels from the United States enter the Bay of Fundy for Gypsum, (Plaster of Paris) so that the Number reported to have entered inwards, is as likely to be correct as the Number outwards. The Female Population of Lower Canada is at ºrianº with the Male, it is probably another typographical blunder, by making it 217,330, the total Number will approacimate to that eachibited on the preceding page, which was compiled from other Returns, and will accord with the accredited supposed Number of the Population,--there was no Return from the Upper Province. The Deaths moted with a + are not only at variance with the Births, but with all reasonable probability; such discrepancies are a serious disparagement to Official Character, and are at all times discreditable, while the circumstances under which the Papers from which this Statement has been arranged, have been N9, and Tonnage of SHIPfing eleared outwards, and entered at each of 33 Colonies or Dependencies of GREAT BRITAIN in 1831. produced renders them in a high degree reprehensible and unpardonable ; a preponderance of Female Pºpulation in several of the Dependencies is noted with anº. Transportation to Van Diemans Land and Well, South Wales, and Emigration to the North American provinces will sufficiently account for the eaccess ºf Male Population in those Countries, while in the Ionian Isles, and the Cape of Good Hope, the preponderance is not easily reconcileable; assuming the Numbers to be accurate, the disproportions in the different places deserve equally the attention of the Physiologist and Statesman. The eaccess of Deaths t in Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad, and the Mauritius tend to depopulation. The two Jollowing pages show the proportion of White Population, and Free People of Colour, in euch Colony or Dependency distinct from the Slaves; the whole Ac- count, however, is at variance with the return made in 1829, as eahibited at page 218; in that Return the White Population of Barbadoes is stated at 14,959; the Free People of Colour at 5,146; and the Slaves at 81,902; together 102,097 ; while the return of 183; makes the Total as eachibited below, only 91,887; in the Bermudas in 1829, the Whites and Free People of Colour are stated at 4,643, and below at 6,327, being a further indication that the ea cess of Females in those Islands in 1831 is another typographical blunder. In 1829 the Total Number of Whites in all the West India Islands and Colonies ſeawept Jamaica) was stated at 40,813, the Free People ºf Colour at 61.038, and the Slaves including Jamaica at 696,9}8. At the Bahamas, and Bermudas, as well as at Barbadoes, the Whites eacceed the Free People of Colour ; the Numbers being respectively 4,240 and 3,905 against 2,991 and 738 ; in Trinidad in 1829, the Free People of Colour were stated at 15,956, and the *hites at only 4,201 ; in 1829 the Total Population of Sierra Leone was stated at 15,210, of which only 87 were Whites, while the Return ºf 1831 gives the Total 31,627. The Free People of Colour at the Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, and the Mauritius in 1829, were stated respectively at 37,852; 906,389; and 15,851. sº-sº EXPORTS to & 6 tº ºf a e | IMPORTS from i POPULATION. COLON IES •º 1-3 o' . G º British Foreign was a on º HD EP EN Be N C H E S. Revenue. era. tº. $ é.º, . TOTA I. ift. dº. €S., States. TO TA}. Males. Females. Marriages. | Births, Deaths. : –-e——e—-Tº-Hºº--Té £-—Al-É £ £ £ Lower Canada . . . . . . . . . . . 157,154 §: 96,893 |838,432 770,298 1,705,625 |987,694 | 128,526 79,292 | 1,195,512 222,492 || 317,330 || 4,709 24,878 12,770. Joper do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 102,289 || 101,035 | f . Kºsºvº. º, e º sº to º 29,645 26,647 301,729 224,665 77,476 603,870 266,247 | 139,404 || 21,667 ºlº sºlº 33,430 684 — — . — — Nova Scotia ... . . . . . . . . . *98,143 94,876 579,755 537,766 312,389 | 1.239,910; 129,442 | 689,707 || 81,924 |901,079 || 72,971 ºf 1,073 5,246 2,124 Frince Edward’s island * 7,820 10,023 || 15,021 48,591 213 | 68,825 11,192 || 30,843 * | *ś º! | 1,262 - ..., | – o, sº Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . *29,217 29,376 530,954 177,958 || 120,441 || 829,353 || 393,584 || 132,258 277,690 803,532 : 34,617 23,471 163 521 246 2- - . . . * 1 : 16,200 2,634 43,363 33,956 79,953 # 1,217 | 21,850 4,361 27,428 3,960 | *6,282 53 341 234 * ::::::::: º *:::::: 23,539 29,853 33, 169 91,561 : 12, 155 10,046 52,457 | 74,658 || 8,095 8,693 79 604 228 *:::: a º e º e º ſº e *:::: i 225 # — — . — — . — — — — #| — — . — — . — — . — — 3,285 3,830 18 129 6{} . . Nevis . . . . . . . . 2 3,698 : - - - - || - – — — ; – – | – – — — — - || – — – – – — — — ar, #3 isº. & º e º sº #. 6,897 1,901 22,205 || 35,412 59,518 # 127,568 18,370 3,621 149,559 23,123 63 444 273 º §§ { Antigua . . . . . . 16,007 15,708 — — . — — . — — — — — — – – — — 294,645 # 14,953 14,886 44 618 343 S $3 || Moniserai . . . . . . . ." . 4.9% 1954, 2,237 17,731 || 23,835 | 4,213 | 1,679 29,729 3,326 4,927 7 233 + 33 * { Dominica º, º jº º º! .º.º. º. º. º. Ilº, 8,979.9,911 106 547 4179 ** Barbadoes....... 16,349 18,565 # 203,417 93,834 71,869 || 369,120 || 624,734 136,842 15,118 776,694 9.887. § is rst. Lucia...... 9,452 10,143 13,833 || 4,109 | 16,916 || 44,878 || 51,867 16,646 14,499 || 33,003 || 6,932 | *7,967 # 9 451 430 § #3 St. Vincent º, tº º ºſº | * | *... jº, ſº | }; º; l. . . . . . 40 794 4.94 is $'; ; Grenada ...... tº 13,349 ºf tº 13.7%. ,79,000 ||ºſº | 3:2, 4.64. |º tº "14,843 || – 667 + 910 §§ tobago .... ... g.o.º. ºf 5.330 57 pºi| 1:30 1jºji ºil 15,636 220 | 160,290 6,273 7,166 3 308 + 611 = ′ i trinidad . . . . . . 34,993 || 42,527 | 182,856 || 51,197 | 66,514 || 300,567 || 202,057 30,428 1,907 244,392 || 20,680 21,069 º, 752 #1, i94 Honduras . . . . . . . . . . ºº:: * 1: tº .4% º żºłºf iº92 º ºſº | 316,151 || 2:2:4 1,399 B 3 200 137 Bemerara & Essequibo º 43,149 439,527 º sº 327,834 lººſ ºº 33,987 ºf 41,722 || 36,712 || – Koº -. Berbice . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,611 16,046 i 110,450 | 40,811 9,916 | 161,177 || 235,242 65,080 23,515 323,837 || 11,770 10,092 72 527 478 - . — — — —- — — . . — — 8,752 8,212 89 535 352 Fibralter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,594 28,306 || — — — — . — — — — • º, a cº’ * - ... *::::::::: … º: 87,223 ; 139,103 || 15,776 396,253 551,132 || – – – – – – 384,120 || 59,762 º º º, º Honian Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . 131,052 136,676 – - I -, - – – || 510,753 : - - – - | – || || 248,058 99.854 88.853 tº: 6, 127 4,678 Sierra Leone . . . . . . . . . . . . º, tº tº .22% ſº | 104,639; º; ºf 850 81,280 || 18,073 ; ; º º Cape ºf Good Hope . . . . . . .244.4 tº jº º º 345.0. 127.4% 19,937 14.7% ºf 87.4% º º #. 3: ...tº Mauritius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232,438 249,824 |293,386 223,964 248,283 |195,583 377,479 ºz. 143,731 º: 37,039 || 41,146 4 2,251 #2,442 Ceylon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1:1:2 || 3:33, tº 24,378 || 3: 349, ºil lºgº ºgº iº |º. *::::: *::::: is as sº, Van Diemans Land ...... 67,927 61,513 || 153,478 93,251 8,569 |235,298 || 52,931 98,742 ºf 43% tº ºl ; tº #! New South Wales .. *246,998 || 242,891 268,935 | 60,356 91,189 420,480 || 120,559 15,597 || 5,305 || 141,461 || 27,611 8,987 339 602 512 § si| AN ACCOUNT of the No. and Tonnage of SHIPPING entered Inwards, and cleared Outwards, into, and from, each of 33 Colonies or Dependencies of GREAT BRITAIN, distinguishing the proportion from, and to, the UNITED KING DOM, from the proportion employed between the several Colonies with each other, and with Foreign States in the Year 1831; and also of the White Population and Free People of Colour in each Island, Colony, or Dependency. . - - Entered IN WARDS from Cleared OUT WA R D S to | POPULATION. * * * * º , ºf e-º- - White, and Free People C odox A ES Great Britain. British Colonies. Foreign States. TOTA L. Great Britain. British Colonies. Foreign States. TOTA L. | of Colour. DEP E N D ENCIES. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. § No. Tonnage, No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. § No. Tonnage, No. Tommage. | Males. | Females. Lower Canada ... . 802 || 234,908 207 24,115 # 330 | 72,094 1,339 || 331,117 || 857 248,735 ; 182 17,439 8 589,017|266,763. Upper do. . . . . . . g .; see | Note at # head of precedi ing page. * * * = - || 857 248,736 179 17,087 290 67,619 1,326 || 333,472 º TNew Brunswick. . . . . . . . 470 141,592 1,435 | 83,442 1,009 |32,222 2,914 257,616 || 540 | 160,063 1,438 85,090 386 21,481 2,364 266,634 { Wholly. White Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . 106 || 30,521 1,805 154,842 253 |30,690 |2,164 |216,053 || 75 || 19,936 2009 iſºga is 37.1: 3.9 |2 ºr,"...º. “ Prince Edward’s Island...; 26 || 5,091 283 1,917 2 || 115 : 311 17,123 || 24 5,257 353 | 16,594 5 .# *..., | "...; tº following page. Newfoundland . . . . . . ...; 274 37,577 385 30,643 218 28,349 : 877 | 96,569 || 181 21,764; 432 43,159 223 27,575 836 92,948. . . ſBermudas . . . . . . . . 9 2,285 89 7,301 61 5,909 159 15,495 2 517 106 || 9,846 # 54 5,568 ; 162 | 15,931 2,135 4,192 Bahamas . . . . . . . . . . 11 2,033 174 17,827 281 28,905 466 || 48,765 || 12 2,054; 92 || 7,178 395 45,032 499 || 54,264 3,368 3,863 Jamaica . . . . . . . . . . 240 || 75,541 165 22,974; 269 25,687 674 124,202 || 287 87,729 145 | 18,205 256 24,454 688 || 130,388 || – – — — (Tortola 13 || 2,917 28 648 3 47 44 3,632 || 1 || || 2,532 ; 26 599 || 3 54 40 3,184 787 986 TS 2. | Nevis . . . . . . 700 reinſºn. § - - | – — $ - - – – # - — ; – $º * : * * { * * | --- ~~. § –- || J ---. § - - ** — *** * — -- tº § is St. Kitts ....; 28 7,400 211 || 10,798 # 317 | 10,954 556 29,152 || 26 6,590 # 234 12,108 ; 262 8,983 : 522 27,681 3,608 S §§ i Antigua. . . . . no return. – – – *a-º. º. * * | * *-ºs- 385 32,409 *m tº ºn * * * *= { * * *- : *a- gººms 407 || 32,522 tº rºº * * S | Sº Montserat 4. 852; 78 3,865 : 28 1,107 110 5,824 || 5 | 1,237 81 4,060 i 33 1,279 119 6,576 467 677 s Dominica 14 3,367 81 4,175 119 4,167 214 || 11,709 : 14 3,316 110 || 5,187 89 2,753 213 || 11,256 2,120 2,538 5 : Barbadoes ....... 77 | 19,406 289 23,532 170 10,994 : 536 53,932 || 74 19,580 i 367 30,323 103 || 6,442 # 544 56,345 – – – — : 's ſ St. Lucia. . . .'; 18 3,972 165 6,187 283 || 10,223 466 20,382 20 4,528 188 || 7,973 : 259 8,338 467 20,839 : 1,690 1,838 § § 3 | St.Vincents...; 36 10,346 245 16,427 104 || 5,532 385 32,295 || 45 12,732 292 17,735 ; 91 3,588 328 34,055 ; – – | – – is $ 5.4 Grenada . 40 11,473 218 || 13,556 50 3,854 308 28,883 || 35 | 10,146 229 || 13,286 46 4,003 : 310 27,345 2,210 2,758 § 3 || Tobago ....; 28 7,127 108 || 6,647 20 | 1,478 ; 156 15,252 || 28 7,385 119 7,377 8 582 155 15,344 728 752 > Trinidad .... 88 21,61i 189 14,860 103 || 9,136 isso 45,767 || 73 || 17807 313||16.034; 7. gºal sº ºil; 10,011 || 10,413 | Honduras . . . . . . . . 39 || 10,035 8 497 30 3,386 : 77 | 13,918 || 43 11,050 5 305 # 34 4,993 : 82 16,351 937 919 Demerara . . . . . . . . 190 54,080 323 27,498 8 8,182 601 | 89,760 || 188 52,412 ; 336 27,950 i 39 5,605 : 563 85,967 i 4,630 || 4,436 UBerbice . . . . . . . . . . 34 8,927 194 | 10,665 14 | 1,616 242 21,208 || 30 7,737 210 | 11,304 | 6 | 1,087 246 20,128 873 8 i i Gibraltar. . . . . . . . . . . § Tºo ! ?'etal??! # — — – * ... * * * * * * * *-ass tº tºº **-* * *=== - – — -- — ; – — — ; -- ~ : — T & Wholly Whi Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 29,661 292 || 35,665 801 |108,650; 1,280 173,976 || 180 28,572 ; 268 30,439 774 102,605 ; 1,222 moral "| hite & Ionian Isles. . . . . . . . . . . . – 22,101 – – – – – – 172,776 – – 194,877 || – || 23,081 – – || – – — 176,794 : — — | 199,875 ſº QS Sierre Leone . . . . . . . . . . ; 59 20,381 ! I | 1,252 7 837 77 22,470 || 77 26,445 26 2,883 4 416 107 º tº following page. Cape of Good Hope ....; 79 20,737 88 29,960 38 14,769 205 || 65,466 || 104 || 33,393 || 75 | 19,097 52 9,915 # 231 62,405 48,627 44,053 Mauritius . . . . . . tº e º & © .# 65 20,790 94 | 28,027 197 46,019 357 | 94,836 || 22 5,937 106 || 33,735 214 50,790 i 342 90,462 12,666 || 13,039 Ceylon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no return – - || – – f – – ~ – º – – | - *=º. *-*-* sºm-º. * * * * * : *-* = # *-* } smºs * * = ** | * – 490,474 || 439,362 Van Diemans Land 33 11,325 52 11,202 16 || 4,055 ; 101 || 26,582 || 15 4,884 66 15,554 11 || 4,607 92 || 25,045 8,351 4,623 New South Wales. . . . . . 41 14,400 : 45 7,221 : 71 || 9,604 157 31,225 || 12 4,551 55 12,263 80 12,008 147 28,882 13,456 7,474 *** The anneared Statements show ſ CANADA. BAHAMA. ISLANDS. IONIAN ISLEs. WAN DIEMANS LAND. the Superficies of each Colony under Cultivation, and the Annual Produce thereof; the same Numbers are given Number of Acres in Pasture or Crop in the Upper Province is stated at 956,312 Acres, instead of 2,066,31%. The Statements in other respects are jor both the Canadas, eaccept that the imperfect, but preceding pages will & supply the deficiency. Page 78 shows the Amount of the Eaſports from Great Britain to each of the West India Islands and Colonies, in each of the 9 Years 1814–22, and page 80 the Annual Produce thereof in each Year since 1813 ; and pages 141 and 144 show the nature and eactent of the Eaſports and Imports to and from in each Year since 1826. U ,915,578 Acres of Uncultivated Land 2 2,066,312 do. 3 3,204,755 Bushels of Wheat 3,142,274 394,817 984,758 234,528 339,632 6,657,418 106,048 481,463 3,766,827 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Oats Barley Peas Rye Indian Corn Potatoes in Pasture and Crop Buck Wheat NOVA SCOTIA. 327,676 Acres in Pasture and Crop 173,712 Bushels of Wheat other Grain Potatoes 178,371 Toms of Hay 9,122 Acres of Uncultivated Land 474 do. 30,350 Bushels of Indian & Guinea Corn 3,225 38,465 Dozens of Pine Apples 30,500 Pumpkins and Melons in Cro do. 31,300 Ochre 22 Toms of Cotton 19 193,545 77,153 17,985 606 do. do. do. Peas and Beans 74,250 ibs. of Potatoes and Yams Cassada BERMU D.A. 333,107 ibs. of Onions do. Barley Garden Vegetables Arrow Root Bushels of Potatoes 466,198 Acres of Uncultivated Land 235,882 do. 192,507 do. 24,028 do. 20,496,567 286,769 in Crop. 45, i38 Bushels of Wheat Indian Corn 87,591 of Oats Pulse Ths. of Currants Barrels of Wine 132,950 lbs, of Flax 32,094 46,510 Acres of Land Uncultivated 61,484 in. Crop. 2,950 do. in Pasture do. Cotton Olives and Oil do. MALTA. 46,319 Bushels of Wheat • & Meschiato (Mixed Grain) 121,612 82,521 46,849 do. do. do. Barley Beans 25,447,584 ths, of Garden Vegetables 88,248 do. 4,124,150 do. #27,284 do, Green Peas Cotton, Cummin Seed 18,378 do. in Pasture 65,979 Acres in Crop 511,264 Bushels of Wheat 70,105 do. Oats 57,155 do. Barley 11,135 do. Peas and Beans 13,677 Toms of Turnips 5,964 do. Potatoes 5,577 do. Hay NEW souTH WALES. 2,766,933 Acres planted 225,812 do. 70,695 do. cleared cultivated No Return of Produce, except about 1,810 Tuns of Sperm, Sea, Blephant, and Black Whale Oil. As Acco UNT of the Population, Number of schools and Scholars; Churches or Chapels and Attendants; Gaols, Debtors and Criminals; Sentences; Productions; and Live Stock, at each of 33 Colonies and Dependencies of Great Britain in 1831. Expenditures, amounting probably to upwards of £2,000,000 an- nually, is so much abstracted from Great Britain on one side, and so much advantage in favour of the Colonists on the other, this, how- ever, will be more fully elucidated in another page. From the places above, noted with a $, there was no Return of the White and Free People of Colour in 183; the numbers above are those returned in 1829 as tº page 218. It is observed in the Official Returns in regard to the Number of Prisoners in New South Wales, that they imply the Number passed through the Gaol during the Year, and not the No., confined at one time; this part of the Returns exhibits other discrepancies, which if these pages are distributed among the proper persons at the different Colonies may be obviated in future. 'I uns of Qil to Great Britain. * * Page 115 shows the progressive increase of Sheep’s Wool in Van Dieman's Land and New South Wales. Hºme produced at the Cape of Good Hope, and page 79, of the Sugar produced at the Mauritius, imported into Great Britain, of Ceylon are Cinnamom, and Elephants, line 2 of page 142 shows the proportion of Cinnamon Imported from thcarce into Great Britain, in each Year since 1826,-Elephants - Population. Education. Churches or Chapels. Guols, Debtors, & Criminals. § º & - Live Stock. COLONIES º 2. ºf Pºlis # — : O)" º Slaves or s: Annual Accommo- *: Annual # No ſº N #. of . #s § § § Goat d DEPENDENCIES. of 8. Convicts. 3: Scholars. * No. dation. ants. Ea'pence. º º # #. #. St. § & Q Horses. Cattle. Sheep. . Lower Canada . . . . . . 423,630 | – – ; 31 3,540 2,085 55 – – – – 5,093 4 || – – – – | – | — — – ; – | – | –- — 116,686 388,706 543,143 |295,337 Upper do. . . . . . . . . 188,558 || – – 1000 || 49,136 – – i. 55 — — . — - — — 5 03 6 | – || || 2 || || 5 || || 31 47 107 5 New Brunswick. . . . . . 72,943 — — i{} 210 5,233 33 9,500 6,050 — — ; 10 || 179 207 || – | | 18 16 4 3 8 — - Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . 142,548 — — . 449 15,315 7,639 130 11,745 6,773 9,025 # 17 315 45 — 21 8 — 37 11 1 : 14,074 || 127,642 197,375 80,223 Prince Edward’s Island 23,473 – – ; 4 || – – 202 || 6 | 1,250 | 1,000 440 1 | 72 120 | – || 47 || 3 || – | – | – | — ; 2,927 | 10,733 36,057 Newfoundland . . . . . . 58,088 — — . 14 2,006 - — ; 46 – – — — . ~ — ; 6 70 – – | – | 16 || 1 || – | 19 || || 3 || 1 .* ſBermudas . . . . . . 6,327 3,825 # 23 1,031 905 ; 16 3,140 2,315 1,792 2 40 2 : — 5 3 — 14 — — 226 1,716 275 332 Bahamas . . . . . . . . 7,231 9,557 7 458 702 || 4 || || 4,890 3,020 1,806 } 72 16 || 6 || 35 8 sº I wºess | * | *-*** 1,165 3,250 5,975 3,755 Jamaica . . . . . . . . — — 322,421 ; 23 2,037 – — — — – ~ | – — *-* - * * - I - - - (Tortola 1,773 5,392. 411 — — ; 5 1,557 1,105 790 | 40 | 2 34 20 *- : *s-sº- 1 - I tººls ºss "Sº 2 Nevis . . . . . $4,612 9,259 || 1 150 — — 5 1,215 710 | – — 1 || 30 — — — 1 – f – -— | 2 | —- &; § s < St. Kitts . . 3,608 || 19,525 6 2,002 || – — 15 2,980 | 1,410 2,266 | 60 # — 15 — * I aesaºzºr, I —- R § $ ) Antigua ..] § 5,875 29,539 : 19 1,216 || - - 22 3,618 2,415 || 5,560 | 70 2 | – || 24 2 — i2 — —- : S S$ Montserat... 1,144 6,209 688 — — 5 1,000 || 420 — — . . . 20 — — . — 8 | – || – || 8 || 1 || -- 3 º 2 U Dominica. . 4,658 14,232 1. 134 130 ; 14 * *s-ºs i wºn sºme 34() } 6{} 2 | f | 8 - *- 8 || 30 — § ~ \ Barbadoes . . . . . . $21,105 81,902 # 23 1,281 - - 20 7,220 2,710 || 4,050 1 — — 37 9 || 137 33 * : * : *-** { *mass s 2. 's { St. Lucia . . 3,528 11,371 H 47 190 7 | 1,830 740 — — } 40 — — – 57 7 : 18 46 97 13 578 2,239 1,741 § 594 § S 3 | St.Vincents $4,125 23,589 I 209 – — j . 2,520 | 1,870 2,985 2 80 18 1 || 238 75 # 45 | – || -- 1 - s s 5 § { Grenada . . 4,968 23,471 5 430 — — 8 2,870 1,490 1,486 H 50 H{} | { 4. e- I 15 2 2 591 8,620 *2,705 .s 3 Tobago. . . . 1,480 11,959 156 }{}{} 3 7{}{} 380 530 T. 36 2 : 1 98 iſ #126 4 1 I F Trinidad .. 20,427 | 21,322 *** --> * * * *-* * : *-* * * *-* - * - , ºne-a- -- I - - Honduras . . . . . . 1,856: 2,027 | 2} 6 — — 3. 450 24() 890 i 60 – – — 26 6 : ; 9 # 3 22 H Demerara . . . . . . 9,066 69,368 2 -** -s * * 17 3,800 3,410 — — } | 273 3 | – | 68 || 36 — —- 410 7 - U Berbice . . . . . . . . . . 1,684 20,178 302 — — ; ; 3 | 1,000 800 — — } 50 " — — . — | 6 H. : : 3 4 —- 2 64 12,070 Gibralter . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,024 — — 7 381 70 6 3,670 | 3,440 127 2 55 7 | – | 20 3 : — — | 68 | - Goats. Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120,839 — — 6 1,130 222 80, 115 — -- 316 # 5 544 || | | | – || 277 17 § 165 59 280 — 5,368 7, 193 14,248 4,454 Honian Isles. . . . . . . . . . 188,717 — — . 61 2,554 6,905 #2425 | - – – – 5,185 7 — — 24 || 2 || 568 25 : 314 227 64? 4 16,356 10,906 || 100,741 | 73,447 Sierra Leone . . . . . . . . 31,627 — — ; 16 2,422 1,658 16 6,280 5,115 539 : 1 | 125 21 | 1 || 279 13 # 326 20 50 11 40 Cape of Good Hope . . . 92,715 34,133 : 35 | 1,866 452 # 36 | 16,530 8,615 7,039 || 24 |1084 1 | – || 499 55 448 152 1,313| 19 # 67,760 315,355 1,687,614 |608,906 Mauritius. . . . . . . . . . . . 25,705 || 72,500 18 1,116 1,855 8 3,350 880 3,348 i 86 || 2 | – || 65 i i : – 78 || 7 || || 11 1,164 26,724 2,227 | *3,303 Ceylon. . . . . . . tº e º º & © tº 929,836 20,656 355 14,700 3,686 360 |118,800 63,923 8,548 # 17 |1763 69 || 2 | 869 54 880 235 2,885 14 1,146 537,203 || 29,510 || 38,336 Van Diemans Land . 12,974 10,505 ; 12 496 2,042 17 | 3,620 2,450 5,367 9 328 20 | – || 1 || 3 || 21 I all 214 || 2 3,387 85,942 | 680,740 502 New South Wales . . . 20,930 15,668 # 38 1,609 | 13,292 37 7,115 2,984 10,491 | 8 || 900 305 || 7 |6737|1,676; 46 |8,688. 794 | 1 || 10,352 248,440 504,775 * $ rſ"?); - ſo preceding pages display ºw item con- ſ Sº FRRA LEG NE. tained *"..."o.º.º. ..". *ś to 32,588 Acres in Crop CAPE OF GOO }} {{O PE. MAURHTHUS. CEY LON. Parliament, are diffused over 33 folios, except that the Official Re- 12,000 Sugar Cane Stalks 18.89%.064 Acres in Pasture 76,950 Acres in Crop 1,645,594 Acres Uncultivated turns purport to distinguish under the head of Revenue in each of 3,069 Bushels of Rice ’198393 do. Crop 114225 do. Pasture 381,059 do. in Crop the 33 colonies, the proportion contributed by Great Britain, but the 53,210 do. Cassada & Cocoa 445,693 Busiels of wheat 73704 do, wood 75,887 do. in Pasture distinction applies to only 8, which at page 219 are noted with 7,645 do. Indian Corn 282,183 do. {}ats sº do, incultivated 5.293.855 Bushes of Paddy an *, and in those eight the amounts are incorrectly stated. Co- 601 do. Sweet Potatoes 271,147 do. Barley 3,860 Cwts, of Wheat '65??io do. Fine Grain lumns 12–14, and 16 of page 194, will show the sums annually 2,644 do. Ground Nuts 36,403 do. Rve 603,516 do. Manioc (Cassada) 102,037 do. Indian Corn charged on account of the Civil Establishments of those eight; 7,338 do. . . Plantams $ 3,840 do. Maize & Millet 805,735 do. Sugar 5,325 do. -Grain and columns 28 and 31 of the same page, 35 of 195, and 126 of 199, 2,643 Cwts. of Yams 19,950 do. Potatoes 'sº do. Coffee º do. Peas show other amounts voted annually for Colonial purposes. All 20 do. Ginger’ - 9,972 do. Legumes 230 do. Cloves 39,756 do. Coffee these convey but an imperfect idea. of the exact relation of the 4 H () do. Arrow Root 3,925,000 ibs. of Oat Hay 25,494 do. Mahis (Maize) 2,658 do. Pepper Colonies with Great Britain ; the Maintenance, and Pay of all the PiężNCE EDWAR BS.” HSLAND. 18,467 & Legers of 15% $ Wine 93,799 do. Potatoes 548 do. Mustard Troops, Garrisons, and Fleets in any way connected with the Co- 59,801 Acres in Crop d 1,382 $ Gallons each. R Brandy 390,680 Gallons of Arrack 73,685 ibs. of Cotton lonies, charged under the head of Army, Navy, and Ordnance 1,265,097 do. Uncultivated . 2,052,516 do. Tobacco § 'A'he above Statements convey but an imperfect idea ºf the Produce of the respective Places ; the great Productions of the Canadas are Timber, Deals, Staves, Pot and Pearl Ashes, and Furs, lines 1, 60, &c. and 69–78 of page 140, will show the quantity of each of those Articles Imported into the Uni/ed Kingdom from Canada Żr, each Year $77, C & 1826. - Of the Fir Timber, line 78, about half the quantity is from New Brunswick ; the remainder, and the whoſe of lines 69–76 from Canada, ex- U are £aported in large numbers to different parts of the Asiatic Continent. #. 37, page 137, shows the Importation of Currants, chiefly from the Ionian isles, into Great Britain, in each Year since 1826. £ 6%"?" ()?? 6. 070,9. cept 72, which is from the United States. Newfoundland, Eaports annually about 800,000 Quintals of Dried Fish chiefly to Spain and Portugal, and from 8 to 10,000 In 1815 the Eaportation of A'ish was i, 180,661 Quintals ; see Fishery in Indea for both Fish and Oils during a series of Years. It is the Seas of the Bahama Islands which supply the large quantities of Turtle annually imported into Great Britain, attogether wmnoticed in the Statements ºf Imports. The Produce of Cotton in Malta must Line 31, page 140, shows fle proportion of the Among the Rich and Valuable productions |S.,i § § AN ACCOUNT of the Number and Tonnage of VESSELS cleared OUTwARDS from all the Ports of GREAT BRITAIN, to all those Countries with which the intercourse is maintained by Foreign, as well as by British Shipping, in each of the 20 Years 1787–1806; and in each of the 6 Years 1814–19, distinguishing BRITISH from For EIGN. NO R W A Y and PORTUGAL, MA. i R USS I.A. PR USSIA. S W E D EN. D ENMARK, GE PMA NY. Pºgy, the ^º F R A N C E. sº #. ITA I, Y. ' Years. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. iſ ſ 1787 268 55,526 206 39,650 : 199 || 19,596 || 393 54,677 474 63,485 # 226 35,414 1,682 189,860 1,392 || 104,543 237 22,795 : 173 21,095 & 8 : 287 60,732 fl 162 39,464 200 22,559 : 437 64,552 496 || 63,049 245 || 41,043 : 1,557 185,772 1,585 125,138 ; 204 22,274 ; 154 20,325 § ; 9 : 246 58,842 146 | 28,500 : 139 18,006 362 58,912 411 54,315 # 223 28,545 1,622 190,147 1,685 141,714 228 23,868 ; 133 || 17,504 - §: 1790 279 | 66,143 164 38,189 : 154 17,697 : 348 56,399 308 41,836 229 31,090 1,284 166,939 : 1,188 93,828 175 22,201 : 157 20,808 H. : 278 66,118 175 || 38,690 : 139 14,623 362 59,120 406 56,068 ; 267 37, 170 : 1,276 169,140 1,367 41,967 267 32,392 226 31,005 S- 2 ; 322 || 76,633 150 32,663 148 14,988 325 52,183 : 432 61,075 ; 292 || 41,453 : 1,734 201,862 1,317 | 107,821 264 31,867 215 30,272 r 3 ; 187 45,003 183 38,006 110 || 13,083 218 37,700 : 310 || 46,968 ; 133 24,263 1,335 | 167,608 66 3,734 147 | 16,885 136 18,135 | 4 : 436 93,058 252 51,250 203 25,308 326 53,674 ; 472 74,716 248 32,140 1,153 142,199 : 1 83 i 203 24,534 142 20,539 5 : 588 129,630 246 53,870 142 18,259 260 46,605 # 280 43,461 # 217 28,558 8 817 7 627 131 14,793 106 || 13,974 6 : 541 | 120,184 350 68,068 ; 223 27,329 382 59,663 : 351 41,785 234 32,234 H 22 : —— 57 7,226 45 6,721 º 7 329 || 74,773 147 30,092 121 15,783 : 314 || 55,402 # 334 49,749 198 || 27,815 — — ** 2 70 : — | tº 8 : 563 || 130, 1:32 276 57,937 128 17,518 409 64,276 : 726 121,167 251 35,639 2. i"74 § – *- 1. 50 24 3,864 3 ./ s 9 : 467 94,571 323 60,349 : 101 | 12,581 : 328 56,730 : 464 || 71,557 : 196 28,204 7 879 ; — *- 8 1,005 49 6,475 S st < 1800 : 714 | 167,050 351 64,335 62 8,088 # 343 55,125 # 389 51,507 216 || 32,407 227 35,889 6 534 9 2,053 75 | 12,874 ſ: I # 593 119,870 248 45,235 98 11,354 : 394 63,586 371 50,278 ; 182 25,743 155 22,402 106 || 11, 197 35 5,216 61 8,774 Q 2 : 484 || 101,285 459 85,892 : 111 || 13,912 404 61,411 || 736 117,470 286 36,894 880 | 121,378 966 | 68,239 233 30,347 241 32,084 3 : 920 176,699 445 89,777 ; 106 || 14,755 545 92,622 321 56,444 220 | 34,515 179 23,492 125 10,134 70 10,563 47 6,573 4 : 558 || 1:10,622 4.38 85,906 96 || 13,319 : 713 || 108,748 # 116 19,996 : 197 30,506 — —- 4-º-º-º-º-º-" 27 3,879 j6 2,432 5 § 927 | 185,809 536 | 103,432 #, 130 18,106 || 893 140,856 757 23,854 204 || 32,637 2 385 — *- | 183 7 1,009 U 6 677 | 133,834 - 99 20,160 142 | 19,626 790 120,385 229 33,763 210 32,426 3. 71 : — *-* Wº A- 9 1,202 (1814 556 109,819 196 34,063 ; ; 35 22, 192 # 225 29,566 # 807 95,086 254 31,555 1,085 101,020 : 1,196 98,550 278 30,674 154 23,138 & 15 # 686 131,810 137 20,839 95 || 14,457 : 395 49,183 : 706 || 87,645 # 350 45,125 # 1,076 98,728 737 62,790 211 24,447 222 || 33,356 § i 16 # 343 67,531 151 22,813 39 6,286 # 349 45,079 839 || 103,210 ; 257 29,731 1,070 107,758 1,442 | 101,125 ; 171 19,519 230 30,780 § 3 17 897 154,683 316 50,221 55 7,862 # 549 77,709 757 99,647 : 335 | 36,789 : 1,007 91,766 : 1,874 || 130,427 183 21,342 233 32,082 18 # 989 172,330 466 72,159 # 63 || 10,583 : 593, 80,597 : 754 94, 119 ; 340 || 36,032 817 | 70,000 1,532 96,617 263 || 31, 124 : 410 || 63,372 U 19 761 131,378 238 36,770 45 7,149 : 565 77,819 733 94,570 : 341 33,766 732 63,231 1,270 75,291 ; 212 25,772 239 33,923 ſ (1787 4. 1,429 116 24,143 28 4,053 # 234 41,628 73 12,495 14 1,338 276 18,639 565 11,558 40 3,404 7 1,250 & 8 15 4,290 97 19,755 ; 21 2,403 ; H 77 31,783 75 12,712 1 6{} 132 10,661 291 22,469 29 2,755 3 697 § 3 9 2 855 47 9,008 | 480 142 26,698 53 10,348 | {} 1,013 173 || 12,967 250 9,860 35 3,159 1 190 §: I 790 #2 2,343 94 19,697 3 351 # 88 35,787 86 14,696 13 2,235 187 15,541 253 9,284 54 5,766 17 | 2,253 } 6 1,505 126 26,660 31 4,753 210 41,500 : 103 || || 7,665 17 2,543 201 | i 6,989 278 13,098 39 3,800 --- *-is U 2 3 596 98 21,933 50 7,385 176 37,584 92 14,307 24 3,604 210 | 13,588 166 8,421 33 3,464 l 200 ſ 3 8 1,768 67 16,356 46 7,429 173 32,128 94. 17,348 3} 5,979 294 | 26,868 55 8,560 38 6,433 } 6 2,200 4. 6 1,423 93 16,013 || 65 10,250 i 303 48,182 203 34,258 28 4,775 293 23,505 12 2,420 48 7,596 3 475 5 18 4,474 343 51,230 ; 122 15,395 : 513 89,039 || 466 76,924 : 108 21,051 35 5,441 81 5,977 67 9,641 37 5,958 6 55 9,395 : 1,055 92,439 : 146 17,396 || 656 | 103,927 513 73,634 : 135 25,671 106 7,652 122 8,974 : 115 16,103 63 || 11,920 º 7 I 1,387 1,000 94,596 : 64 8,243 : 494 78,758 417 58,312 82 15,785 285 23,957 171 10,107 33 4,855 58 10,082 § 8 14 2,006 1,077 | 103,826 103 | 18,347 548 89,975 214 33,557 88 16,555 126 10,199 74 2,930 36 6,073 25 || 4,627 § 3 Š. 9 : 147 29,941 564 || 76, 166 143 25,713 : 742 134,080 202 30,112 89 17,958 32 1,741 32 1,548 53 10,406 I6 3,342 & § 1800 : 130 25,976 : 1,740 | 181,547 185 29,055 915 160,213 396 51,663 136 24,835 518 54,845 206 | 16,523 87 | 15,841 39 6,291 Ç 1 : 200 38,570 2,324 241,564 164 26,700 : 705 || 133,410 412 56,979 181 31,443 563 || 70,568 181 16,458 100 18,277 ; 33 6,218 º, 2 36 10,071 620 80,405 : 153 25,987 : 527 97,239 164 26,770 47 9,114 562 45,772 739 53,061 86 15,499 7 1,564 3 38 9,443 872 125,716 129 21,592 921 172,753 ; 149 31,205 60 9,577 464 34,546 331 25,466 : 143 21,323 27 | 5,580 4 53 10,421 : 1,273 || 148,458 133 20,636 971 162,082 192 25,321 ; ; 17 | 19,375 522 40,939 9 1,025 # 256 || 39,669 110 | 19,784 5 52 10,366 1,212 | 166,843 185 30,326 iſ 029 162,646 283 34,077 : 103 | 16,738 324 || 19,574 20 2,554 111 | 20,357 : H 10 | 19,656 U 6 32 8,876 166 20,440 220 42,399 900 171,098 727 83,376 : 122 | 19,300 464 30,810 3 4,528 126 21,738 52 10,647 ſ 1814 § 127 31,431 419 34,808 357 65,703 ; 274 51,013 : 381 56,724 86 13,664 1,505 130,031 941 57,619 : 130 21,233 14 2,519 . . " 15 152 || 41,894 303 65,254 314 58,032 698 || 144,090 201 31, 161 99 || 16,451 1,197 || 106,233 678 || 46,886 ſ 111 16,313 18 3,340 § 16 82 23,558 103 27,233 # 59 | 12,855 ; 184 32,359 98 14,545 32 5,300 452 41,721 780 41,888 57 7,933 9 1,426 & 17 81 20,030 |6 || 34, 168 # 81 | 16,891 # 411 65,143 199 21,343 38 5,670 454 37,081 669 36,008 || 60 | 8,405 2 260 18 116 29,684 394 73,219 118 22,274 1013 || 145,376 : 411 45,843 34 7,251 : 1,322 || 114,910 976 || 51,387 72 | 12,657 5 854 U U 19 90 22,502 258 $7,196 87 17,435 615 103,004 || 235 28,627 30 5,091 684 62,473 963 54,809 38 7,783 8 1,477 i # AN ACCOUNT of the Number and Tonnage of VESSELS entered in WARDS from all the Ports of GREAT BRIT AiN, to all those Countries with which the intercourse is maintained by Foreign, as well as by British Shipping, in each of the 20 Years 1787–1806; and in each of the 6 Years 1814–19, distinguishing BRITish from Foreign. w - Tº rºy r A L., MA-5 R USSIA. PRUSSIA. Sweden. "#####, "| GERMANY. º FRA N CE. "####". ; ºf ITALY. Years. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. § No. Tonnage. § No. | Tonnage. ſ ſ 1787 832 150,094 986 187,627 343 || 33,246 : 383 || 41,497 278 || 32,777 ; 1,412 | 157,897 1, 116 80,821 470 52,060 i 328 34,782 167 21,769 s 8 # 915 194,968 908 || 163,869 ; 270 29,401 || 336 || 38,381 256 || 31,427 j 1,260 148,828 1,106 || 80,645 # 450 55,249 ; 277 31,844 127 | 18,426 § 4.9 602 || 145,300 647 142,641 259 || 33,014 243 29,556 210 |26,062 1,395 | 162,848 1,393 || 104,895 512 60,429 º! |42,850 199 || 14,730 & 1790 788 | 169,100 837 180,747 : 292 || 37,277 ; 272 30,039 i 201 || 23,433 1,294 | 156,102 : 1,214 || 83,957 : 469 59,192 : 288 34,026 148 20,492 - I # 826 191,257 844 134,241 216 || 23,928 # 415 || 48,076 252 32,044 1,232 152,679 1,449 || 101,623 553 | 69,348 # 319 35,974 ; 158 12,007 C 2 922 221,217 873 | 188,760 276 || 34,345 # 429 49,705 # 246 || 32,941 1,603 | 187,826 1,413 91,428 578 71,325 : 383 45,339 : 138 20,275 ſ 3 840 | 200,191 836 | 166,657 185 21,714; 230 22,346 231 || 32,129 1,617 | 224,529 158 12,230 i 320 || 42,539 247 28,812 : 119 | 16,833 4 : 799 || 172,662 : 615 125,789 228 28,819 216 21,548 # 281 || 44,102 : 1,490 181,254 2 169 367 || 45,084 255 31, 160 92 || 13,224 5 785 172,917 449 90,629 : 144 15,585 64 6,887 269 |47, 479 40 4,241 f : 2,586 # 359 || 48,427 213 28,217 § 112 | 19,556 6 : 1,172 250,239 # 936 178,063 192 22,690 139 || 11,223 : 360 58,483 2 155 55 12, 160 # 262 33,301 # 92 | 12,711 § 112 | 16,586 e 7 : 686 160,341 436 | 86,614 103 || 13,068 # 121 9,495 247 || 35,717 | 40 *** — # 302 || 45,498 5 550 # 22 4,774 § 8 912 197,920 | 685 135,779 121 14,661 158 15,388 435 | 65,611 3 477 2 121 : 279 || 46,078 3 528 5 | 1,064 §3 s 3...? 887 172,047 620 | 119,563; 199 || 12,136 113 11,870 : 486 || 6a, 161 ; 134 33,258 3 315 # 383 57,695 2 675 28 3,927 S is 1800 782 | 164,918 715 139,041 : 94 | 10,308 170 18,696 251 29,415 # 220 || 33,333 9 945 276 39,089 20 5,206 78 || 13,871 Q: I # 854 174,840 515 98,474 ; ; ; 1 || 13,339 269 38,065 202 26, 186 145 || 23,496 81 4,764 # 395 || 61,089 : 18 3,319 ; 30 4,912 SQ 2 : 779 | 166,128 ; 1,048 217,796 174 21,409 # 414 || 50,899 || 467 74,871 i 873 112,239 751 52,574 ; 373 || 48,347 ; 211 31,152 : 113 | 16,670 3 : 1,110 || 238,683 : 794 | 166,187 135 | 15,422 : 436 54,539 178 29,738 ; 237 30,191 303 22,784 382 51,189 217 29,408 # 175 24,823 4 : 830 | 165,929 894 | 182,404 ± 106 | 12,831 460 54,465 : 52 6,961 4 1,989 --- — ; 241 37,680 ± 22 || 3,366 32 5,364 5 § 961 182,498 1,004 || 195,673 121 17, 120 488 61,350 80 | 10,511 **-*.* 3 105 ; 274 || 41,075 7 1,241 # 30 5,047 i. 6 1,105 || 214,728 ; 223 47,479 187 28,294 : 529 || 64,132 : 256 || 41,349 2 267 * 354 50,214 H 233 : 34 || 5,097 ſ 1814 # 859 163,043 ; 223 34,711 184 27,936 153 17,394 : 533 57,718 # 1,018 85,551 1,557 || 105,244; 392 || 47,207 : 335 | 49,087; 105 | 18,298 SS 15 1,141 215,942 217 | 37,408 105 || 17,381 261 23,744 508 58,620 1,014 | 89,593 897 75,591 381 || 46,064 255 32,445 144 22,526 | #3 º , 699 || 115,724; 226 44,285 65 11,949 171 14,624 ſº | #2,886 1,148 11,206 || 3:2 tº 437 º 302 || 35,881 # 175 27,273 s] 17 1,358 224,016 633 || 104,709 : 117 20,319 ; 322 || 37,942 : 700 92,585 1,036 99,403 1,867 127,813 457 49,954; 281 || 33,598 186 27,039 | 18 1,654 284,243 : 842 | 129,742 : 125 || 23,343 418 47,045 # 750 95,116 1,134 99,988 # 1,688 109,172 # 481 52,767 : 355 41,756; 316 || 46,513 U U 19 1,453 242,283 : 578 80,258 130 21,988 272 29,726 726 94,015 898 || 77,734 1,433 80,855 # 516 52,787 308 34,639 335 | 56,423 ſ ſing? 14 3,767 244 || 43,739 127 | 18,934 678 || 104,711 73 | 12,621 # 629 41,328 309 12,868 ; 20 | 1,294 : 47 4,441 — — §§ 8 26 7,509 : 170 || 36,649 54 || 7,800 600 | 103,013 # 59 || 10,298 || 361 22,967 : 388 15,097 11 || 867 72 8,088 7 | 1,080 § 3...? 11 || 4,342 : 136 || 21,113 6 976 : 500 | 83,269 46 | 8,796 # 304 || 23,814 ; 273 || 9,677 ; 12 1,276 : 41 || 3,617 1 || 98 §§ 1790 15 4,502 391 || 55,403 ; 13 2,553 575 96,853 ; 251 18,824 504 || 34,098 # 345 11,960 10 954 50 4,683 1 75 | 1 15 4,484 || 379 || 48,046 186 16,159 672 108,375 180 21,250 : 542 34,520 : 402 17,507 8 860 # 54 5,629 — — U 2 5 931 365 44,035 # 136 21,491 638 || 104,253 : 77 13,958 535 | 34,621 : 330 12,362 17 2,023 45 4,324 — — ſ 3 3 724 310 || 45,051 ; 165 27,031 754 123,228 : 71 || 14,868 ; 458 30,336 3 2,397 : 32 3,554 52 6,593 3 510 4. 5 4,410 # 666 47,459 136 18,105 # 801 || 124,591 || 132 23,900 # 620 43, 112 31 4,750 27 3,280 36 3,787 1 150 5 7 | 1,470 i 361 59,668 141 | 18,482 716 || 115,632 258 47,199 164 21,423 189 | 19,455 # 39 4,492 : 73 || 10,459 || 9 || 1,610 tº 6 27 4,448 # 1,126 113,256 212 27,735 # 980 || 143,694 || 41 || 58,038 240 | 19,243 : 140 9,907 32 3,595 : 109 || 14,136 18 2,307 º 7 5 693 # 917 | 91,200 154 | 19,862 696 || 106,930 284 40,365 611 || 45,728 # 189 || 13,696 || 74 8,237 169 23,228 # 24 || 3,935 § & 8 2 494 1,007 || 99,706 143 23,333 777 || 131,035 ; 117 | 16,822 : 364 27,852 97 6,108 || 76 8,430 119 19,116 52 8,379 S3 is 3 9 13 3,579 i 778 || 106, 175 245 39,288 981 | 163,965 161 24,472 : 114 9,227 60 4,484 || 63 || 7,660 158 23,879 # 41 6,437 s Fºl 1800 58 || 13,484 || 1,500 | 185.2i; ; 267 39,141 higg 178849; 389 44,483 1,057 | 88,182 241 20,953 78 || 9,115 124 |38,217; 87 || 7,434 R. I 135 | 27,358 1,357 177,703 218 33,955 ; 801 || 138,370 428 45,942 : 1,167 107,235 # 247 24,004 : 113 15,288 206 || 32,313; 14 2,381 2 16 || 4,704 544 75,893 165 28,857 : 748 || 124,752 115 17,360 | 726 52,724; 831 55,402 # 42 5, 167 108 || 13,978 ; 14 2,804 3. 13 || 3,126 1,008 142,969 287 || 48,621 H100 197,870 188 23,159 556 38,617 § 331 || 25,958 82 10,255 # 142 20,236 5 974. 4. 29 9,567; 1,295 159,919 : 146 23,452 ; 958 164,942 : 141 15,164 # 787 61,383 67 10,301 : 131 16,019 227 | 34,468 I 44 8,468 5 14 3,240 1,250 173,944 213 35,171 #1111 || 198,526 99 || 11,683 717 | 53,818 133 i8,212 127 | 15,813 ; 258 42,463 76 14,360 J 6 21 5,298 || 332 43,926 166 31, 103 ji O78 291,487 348 || 38,974 : 704 55,930 105 13,366 114 || 14,357 222 37,216 56 10,177 [1814 227 55,260 527 | 101,851 366 || 64,874 283 || 50,872 186 25,100 1,676 128,347 1,415 || 62,572 86 11,890 120 | 16,595 || 9 || 2,034 s 15 126 35,541 447 | 101,488 358 67,242 784 150,451 118 18,161 ; 1,107 95,333 1,253 || 45,981 i 87 9,790 144 20,269 9 1,482 § 4 16 56 17,269 ; 131 || 35,327 73 | 15,263 211 || 33,492 60 8,699 || 556 48,848 1,294 || 45,400 i 39 4,424 58 8,343 6 1,185 & 17 61 | 16,131 246 48,837 99 || 19,579 : 437 64,240 135 | 19,054 || 482 39,387 1,068 38,074 20 1,891 61 7,346 — — l | 18 137 || 33,874 667 117,492 : 137 33,874 920 | 121, 109 477 53,427 : 1,523 131,820 1,371 52,890 : 34 3,329 51 || 7,036 3 574 U 19 104 || 26,039 || 372 || 78,266 16 20,165 643 96,889 213 24,072 659 59,373 1,295 51,388 15 1,557 47 6,550 4 811 s# § AN ACCOUNT of the Number and Tonnage of SHIPPING, cleared outwards from, and entered inwards into, all the Ports of GREAT BRITAIN, to, and from, all those Countries with which the intercourse is maintained eaclusively by BRITISH SHIPs, 1787–1819. < - s s s f s Years. ſI'787 1 7 9 º Gibralter, Malta, Ionian Isles. and West Coast of No. Tonnage. 49 8,615 55 7,895 52 9,695 59 8,304 59 6,959 36 || 4,572 37 5,224 26 3,455 39 5,300 26 3,867. 48 6,566 5: 8,698 } 33 4,889 51 || 7,210 51 7,794 97 || 9,913 71 9,859 53 || 7,026 89 13,354 139 26,081 111 | 16,744 117 | 16,713 138 19,369 154 21,206 130 18,065 12 1,939 28 4,068 8 1,948 13 2,963 i4 2,887 4 755 § II | 1,982 8 1,870 31 || 7,554 25 5,277 23 4,730 46 || 9,195 20 || 3,944 H9 2,774 66 18,198 70 9,938 46 8,891 25 3,854 50 8,948 108 23,567 60 | 10,969 67 11,993 56 8,945 67 10,833 78 13,298 Asia, including ; - Greenland, Isles of Turkey, Africa, including all parts beyond the British British Foreign and Southern Guernsey, Jersey, I RELAND. and the Levant. Cape of G. Hope. Cape of Good Hope: North America. West Indies. West Indies. : Whale Fishery. and Man. A No. 1 Tonnage. § No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. 1 Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. X Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. 30 6,340 # 146 22,929 33 24,537 & 550 57,249 604 || 139,116 *rs — ; 178 47,477 567 || 33,622 : 6,927 454,718 16 2,776 : 136 21,944 35 28,768 545 80,655 594 147,089 181 50,581 7 978 524 || 23,014 7,434 572,791 32 6,077 ; 126 20,877 30 24,213 : 435 57,135 562 140,255 ; 2 463 206 || 56,202 505 || 24,608 # 6,102 || 442,885 22 4,150 168 28,300 31 26,408 393 || 49,009 539 131,526 2 314 : 149 | 40,494 445 22,367 6,228 || 480,863 40 9,564 200 33,458 38 28,486 393 55,768 573 135,715 # 4 553 191 50,833 : 529 25,718 6,677 || 491,374 48 11,473 250 54,928 # 36 28,777 383 55,367 599 143,642 : 4 425 : 135 36,527 611 28,424 # 6,354 495,442 8 2,071 84 16,737 52 40,816 305 41,294 544 132,372 i 186 120 31,974 619 29,322 # 6,493 520,234 9 2,396 156 29,630 4? 30,894 29} 38,724 765 | 181,216 * ºf *-* 97 24,334 776 || 38,012 6,222 502,670 8 1,683 108 || 19,073 49 35,430 275 37,405 486 || 125,563 3 | 711 77 20,081 789 41,319 6,242 507,347 4. 1,048 # 152 31,598 82 60,944 235 30,172 417 | 104,050 # 136 28,104 88 22,887 945 50,632 : 6,668 538,510 mº-º-º-º-º: — ; 134 27,833 # 55 44,058 # 241 34,430 481 | is 0,588 199 || 42,239 83 || 23,256 856 43,241 5,854 || 495,660 3 1,511 ; 189 42,086 45 | 36,368 ; 252 35,898 762 | 191,944 2 358 101 || 28,059 831 || 46,848 # 5,914 || 490,839 6 1,624 212 46,948 47 43,429 257 39,621 805 207,714 5 1,083 93 26,848 929 52,156 6,678 || 527,762 6 2,456 169 41,406 # 67 51,292 277 42,902 476 142,626 * ** 85 24,111 925 50,300 : 7,156 585,422 I () 2,235 177 41,615 77 56,028 352 56,371 851 246,181 6 1,279 98 || 28,671 915 50,371 : 5,280 440,693 18 3,888 187 44,060 77 61,800 389 63,209 734 210,083 I 205 ; 133 39,217 963 52,072 5,540 || 449,350 9 1,549 : 134 30,347 58 51,606 369 63,344 527 | 150,685 15 3,499 : 134 39,642 1,044 56,220 5,656 502,279 | 266 168 39,012 65 58,698 408 74,396 789 227,474 sºsºmº — # 141 42,317 § 1,122 || 64,418 6,148 557,279 6 1,114 141 || 32,014 57 45,369 ; 369 59,346 527 | 160,908 5 797 116 35,212 991 56,832 6,289 543,613 1. 120 174 || 39,378 63 54,692 449 79,811 566 169,542 12 3,741 121 || 36,506 1,261 65,359 7,032 586,728 18 3,528 55 11,099 i. 62 42,997 576 || 112,734 832 257,447 **** —- # 142 45,575 # 1,105 || 57,895 8,719 715,171 23 4,895 68 12,241 # 123 80,967 871 174,575 836 261,773 * — 156 || 50,305 1,150 56,805 9,602 || 776,313 18 3,694 68 13,517 § 164 99,392 772 160,375 740 223,388 smººtºº — ; 164 52,099 : 1,115 52,295 : 8,861 | 721,772 21 4,097 89 18,738 201 || 109,404 ± 1,009 | 194,996 708 211,470 131 28,519 177 58,333 1,171 57,057 9,530 762,770 79 || 12,568 83 | 16,378 : 108 109,871 1,327 288,501 748 216,059 : 120 25,193 : 198 || 63,254 1,334 || 62,202 8,863 763,622 40 6,515 84 17,089 : 117 71,590 1,531 342,056 801 226,218 93 17,748 187 59,761 1,232 62,228 9,751 || 795,495 3{} 5,402 55 7,345 39 27,741 238 28,526 644 144,118 * — ; 313 87,493 551 25,309 : 5,343 294,220 24. 5,464 63 9,116 40 29,777 247 35,235 678 158,628 243 90,872 61 9,359 491 23,146 : 5,976 | 407,679 27 4,336 51 7,784 41 29,504 253 30,799 639 153,152 l 125 # 256 60,352 481 25,333 4,136 269,347 29 4,977 56 7,600 33 27,122 209 26,331 625 148,835 3 548 i88 46,308 440 22, 132 4,435 283,968 32 5,501 67 9,982 32 26,351 259 34,189 639 150,181 13 2,884 178 || 41,371 497 23,491 4,252 260,857 38 7,788 77 | 11,088 28 21,560 219 33,176 690 | 158,077 15 2,791 160 43,040 532 25,360 4,494 296,698 22 5,172 76 || 13,300 33 26,727 141 19,531 770 | 162,693 12 2,109 : 141 36,715 501 || 23,983 : 3,370 254,356 34 7,716 24 4,046 42 34,729 145 | 18,069 771 176,996 12 2,519 : 106 || 25,964 590 || 31,412 5,506 || 483,180 7 1,227 28 2,525 64 46,299 195 27,448 637 156,092 26 4,509 75 | i8,869 659 36,744 i 5,818 507,630 12 2,637 35 5,776 51 31,575 154 20,448 541 145,195 154 37,176 76 | 19,827 761 48,781 6,890 556,564 5 }, .44 23 5,301 52 34,661 21] 33,973 432 115,279 216 || 51,946 100 27,051 620 || 33,188 5,792 || 483,507 | 57{} 23 2,868 '72 63,880 143 22,054 730 | 186,431 14 3,063 87 24,485 600 35,533 5,210 || 461,635 2 265 # 23 3,320 52 38,75i 169 28,042 912 235,633 53 || 11,184 95 26,809 703 || 39,697 5,745 495,830 14 4,439 i4 2,551 62 49,635 193 35,628 570 163,087 23 5,572 87 25,348 710 || 49,944 5,850 508,621 7 1,839 20 3,736 63 51,020 279 45,359 866 245,082 19 4,363 100 34,368 782 45,652 5,360 || 456,026 | 9 3,789 45 8,319 88 65,718 279 51,891 1,052 290,639 26 7,268 ; 121 35,641 822 44,066 5,820 461,328 27 5,150 49 9,512 70 57,765 308 55,745 # 620 182,116 55 14,061 134 40,036 792 || 41,612 5,796 || 504,884 13 2,887 40 9,409 47 43,941 298 55,340 695 | 198,451 23 6,328 # 134 40,264 855 || 51,015 5,643 490,455 16 2,709 20 ! 3,029 60 54,688 256 43,955 583 173,219 18 4,341 : 133 || 39,520 802 46,034 6,247 541,040 18 3,173 24 3,860 42 38,13] 303 55,833 : 604 || 179,985 i0 1,975 : 133 40,312 1,028 49,774 ; 6,907 || 578,297 44 9,643 46 9,894 : 106 73,649 397 83,175 960 286,206 a-ºº-ºº: — 147 46,550 1,185 58,191 7,562 613,898 44 9,156 61 11,397 96 70,109 674 145,874 887 275,023 *º — ; 159 50,937 1,231 61,053 8,462 | 680,333 26 4,811 # 42 7,207 : 116 | 84,691 783 181,384 773 245,209 : — — 175 56,284 1,424 62,348 7,575 621,273 45 7,423 63 13,225 134 80,686 818 191,904 758 233,518 53 | 12,710 166 53,255 1,406 || 65,385 7,956 679,131 87 | 13,821 74 15,157 187 | 104,110 ; 1,141 267,713 812 238,763 88 17,687 187 60,619 1,645 75,658 7,969 644,896 53 8,390 66 14,007 : 184 104,421 : 1,455 352,786 824 235,776 70 | 13,775 186 60,085 1,497 || 71,165 8,575 699,885 f 225 SUMMARY of the three preceding Pages, showing at one point of view the Total No. and Tonnage of Shipping cleared Outwards from, and entered Inwards into, all the Ports of GREAT BRITA IN, to and from all Parts of the World, in each of 26 Years 1787–1819, distinguishing the proportion to those Countries with which the intercourse is maintained exclusively by BRITISH SHIPPING, from those with which it is maintained by Foreign Ships as well as by British. - *...* The Official Accounts, relating to Shipping appear to have been very imperfectly kept up to 1825; this and the three preceding pages eachibit, the best view that can be given of the movement between Great Britain and all parts of the World, from 1786 to 1820, but the Vessels both departing and arriving in Ballast appear not to have been included; and the destruction &y Fire of the Custon House in London, in February 1814, causes a blank for the 7 Years 1807–13; a loss greatly to be regretted, inasmuch as it is remembered, that during that Period, with the eacception ºf Portugal, Gibralter, and a few Ports in the Mediterranean, British Ships were eaccluded from all the Ports of Europe ; the absence of employment however in that di- rection, was fully compensated for, by the carrying of Troops, Provisions and Stores for the supply of the Fleets and Armies then distributed over all parts of the World; the them, the present and future effects produced on the Shipping interest of Great Britain, by the earcitement to Ship Building in different parts of Europe and America, which the War of 1793 gave rise *. to, will be more fully shown in succeeding pages. -ºf BRITISH, as d? pages 222-4. FOREIGN, as dº pages 222-3. - TO TA L #ſº, #ſºft All *::::::::::: º; º,"####; ###" ‘ed by North of EUROPE France Portugal, "ºſſ,” ſº. -- - - ſºlº;###, ºff ºf y eſt eaclus? wely by § J --> ye Jºrom 7 }* / ?/ ? (? 72?ied SAE (1 fes o s, ooth - .S 62.l'C tº {{e cººl.) ºr ºf Kºź S2U8, .States. Years. Number. Tonnage. Number. Tonnage. Number Tonnage. § Number. Torºnage. § Number Tonnage. Number. Tonnage. Number. Tommage. Nmmber Tonnage. 1787 7,667 998,637 2,108' 381,270 3,222 |422,794 2,028 183,847 309 || 60,721 731 || 102,387 639 || 48,701 145 || 23, 109 8 : 7,520 | 1,007,381 : 2,087 364,420 # 3, 139 427,728 # 2, 188 208,780 287 57,634 517 | 81,604 || 333 26,990 171 27,468 9 || 7,406 | 1,064,751 1,953 337,725 # 2,926 | 408,722 : 2,269 211,631 358 66,678 418 60,356 : 299 || 14,392 174 28,949 1790 6,332 918,379 1,801 || 312,263 : 2,537 387,203 ; 1,749 | 167,927 245 50,977 570 88,415 || 342 22,118 218 39,441 I 6,837 | 1,019,920 2,027 | 348,399 # 2,630 | 403,659 ; 2,127 142,534 253 55,328 677 | 109,072 338 || 19,851 : 291 55,806 2 : 7,527 | 1,068,302 2, 125 366,522 3,101 || 439,404 2,088 211,413 ; 223 50,963 629 || 100,393 224 15,789 285 59,474 3 || 4,682 719,968 ; 1,769 299,344 : 2,343 348,368 532 63,017 38 9,239 682 | 101,897 146 24,258 288 60,877 4 5,662 879,580 2, 172 350,230 # 2,842 440,205 594 || 77,296 54 11,649 963 || 133,649 97 | 16,583 : 312 | 68,344 5 4,819 638,103 ; 1,821 284,720 1,524 292,642 # 2 461 57,952 : 13 2,712 1,497 242,503 1,318 46,476 : 466 93,588 Š 6 : 4,334 616, 116 2,098 || 334,735 ; 1,848 347,046 is 336 46,181 # 12 2,153 : 2,531 || 304,443 464 || 78,282 498 || 105,633 s 7 3,549 608,121 : 2,075 349,512; 1,246 225,799; $ 200 27,885 20 4,281 || 2,272 || 265,253 || 386 52,143 : 364 || 78,875 s 8 4,652 828,312 : 2,233 389,633 + 2, 104 || 391,204 “s 276 39,553 : 37 7,917 : 2,082 257,910 243 33,641 320 | 74,168 s: 9 || 4,407 774,789 2,407 428,121 : 1,690 296,667 is 253 35,684 57 14,267 || 1,830 297,753 218 38,338 354 || 73,683 S 1800 4,712 858,849 : 2,038 359,982 : 2,026 231,994 i : 306 || 47,868 ; 62 14,381 # 3,884 503,299 : 502 || 69,056 507 || 112,696 s 1 : 5,002 904,928 2,537 || 489,961 : 1,859 318,225 ° 384 50,930 ; 141 29,252 # 4,361 566,791 540 79,173 718 || 158,916 § 2 7,472 1, 176,616 i 2,553 || 482,328 # 3,074 501,348 #1,726 167,564 135 | 29,410 2,062 286,244 893 82,056 397 || 93,523 Nº 3 : 5,446 942,561 : 2,387 | 406,805 2,516 453,789 462 61,785 # 89 21,090 2,573 || 395,255 ; 623 66,318 : 466 || 112,969 4 4,983 906,007 : 2,765 516,440 # 1,921 338,591 # 240 || 36,817 § 59 || 13,889 3,144 407,857 : 525 || 76,633 + 424 || 103,259 5 : 5,314 || 951,255 # 2,265 398,648 # 2,645 472,442 212 33,839 : 52 13,208 || 3,085 || 423,832 393 || 70,023 452 111,784 6 : 5,307 898,997 : 2,736 462,503 1,938 327,839 219 || 33,628 39 8,731 : 2,509 || 356,999; 390 67,045 558 143,946 1814 6,935 | 1,160,684 2,929 557,357 3,004 || 391,746 1,882 | 183,917 : — — || 3,063 419,710 : 1,488 151,227 1. 476 15 # 8,282 1,311,716 3,338 658,310 || 3,095 | 402,662 : 1,520 | 165,718 253 | 66,240 || 2,865 446,664 1,086 131,466 : 334 93,565 16 8,522 1,266,033 3,158 |620,873 : 2,791 || 352,677 : 2,100 181,155 277 71,897 || 978 || 152,261 938 74,401 || 344 103,280 17 10,224 1,486,436 3,645 501,983 || 3,581 || 481,888 2,625 220,640 182 44,098 || 1,387 194,656 842 70,986 : 445 || 130,522 18 # 10,928 1,637,445 # 4,151 815,232 + 3,682 499,868 ; 2,545 227,145 ; 165 39,130 || 3,374 || 431,811 : 1,209 || 101,907 476 || 137,624 19 9,673 || 1,468,155 4,215 821,270 || 3,074 410,917 : 2,062 168,752 104 || 25,026 || 1,969 292,237 1,145 || 93,629 || 333 105,539 { 1787 8,518 1,177,557 : 1,871 325,934 4,234 603,128 2,081 | 189,432 323 59,058 1,765 225,100 : 410 22,646 156 24,987 8 7,815 1,118,119 : 1,859 363,536 3,975 606,894 1,960 i86, #64 264 52,397 || 1,270 188,236 510 || 28,527 180 28,755 9 7,780 1,133,986 1,777 315,453 3,371 533,924 2,389 222,834 || 253 50,775 || 1,003 || 142,310 314 17,008 i 195 || 31,358 1790 7,705 1,144,778 1,591 285,805 3,684 596,743 2,119 197,667 312 64,197 || 1,749 211,930 426 20,444 246 45,225 1 8,242 | 1,191,642 1,730 296,913 3,785 582,225 2,479 218,952 247 53,102 || 1,894 || 233,734 474 25,377 318 62,253 2 : 8,526 1,240,947 1,773 305,767 4,349 | 734,694 2,512 228,367 202 || 43,119 1,756 219,289 408 20,750 313 | 64,035 3 : 6,610 | 1,088,596 : 1,700 290,985 3,939 667,566 844 100,414 § 133 29,631 || 1,761 241,238 55 | 19,111 # 342 71,926 4 6,093 969,606 1,735 | 303,433 3,629 574,174 716 | 89,637 12 2,362 || 2,360 261,577 ; 147 20,005 ; 240 || 52,623 5 # 4,164 735,155 1,699 || 295,583 : 1,751 337,438 695 98,786 19 3,348 || 1,647 | 163,874 388 49,670 382 77,482 - 6 : 5,177 918,385 1,835 318,969 2,801 || 520,853 524 || 74,758 10 | 1,682 || 3,004 || 366,414 § 386 46,230 ; 508 || 107,425 s 7 3,622 666,715 1,684 307,820 1,594 305,275 : 329 50,822 ; 15 2,798 || 2,667 304,778 527 61,905 404 || 88,995 s 8 # 4,327 827,508 1,693 343,614 : 2,314 429,836 289 47,791 : 31 6,268 || 2,410 || 299,282 371 || 48,567 321 | 73,379 s] 9 4,812 879,339 3,055 392,896 2,299 || 414,035 416 59,612 42 9,796 || 2,292 || 346,706 377 54,665 : 343 75,225 §§ 1800 4,646 | 871,187 1,693 ||340,148 2,232 395,711 || 383 || 59,111 77 17,244 || 4,397 549,855 565 | 89,866 i 550 | 124,015 s I 4,987 922,584 2,155 434, 193 2,096 || 374,400 624 74,084 131 25,976 i 4,106 || 530,563 : 668 90,180 723 159,442 § 2 # 7,812 | 1,332,005 2,518 525,519 3,755 643,342 1,448 148,743 : 100 || 19,770 2,314 304,290 1,034 84,803 : 375 91,148 § 3 : 6,200 | 1,119,481 2,119 || 415,935 2,890 534,760 | 1,077 | 128,204 || 139 31,563 || 3,152 454,362 614 67,673 486 || 115,999 4 * 4,865 904,932 : 2,151 416,366 2,346 || 424,579 295 || 46,410 | 73 17,427 3,356 || 434,427 528 78,241 387 94,631 5 : 5, 162 953,535 1,923 || 371,349 2,654 467,152 314 || 47,468 72 16,420 # 3,404 || 476,382 684 105,210 427 110,115 6 : 5,203 904,215 # 2,212 381,991 2,303 || 396,243 389 55,544 54 11,522 || 2,649 || 376,638 : 604 || 93,218 539 142,944 1814 8,503 1,232,772 : 2,993 590,875 2,970 386,403 || 2,389 219,836 | – | – || 3,265 426,304 1,834 || 137,551 : 10 || 2,661 15 # 8,389 1,312,817 || 3,212 634,523 3,216 442,688 1,677 176,626 128 || 31,538 || 2,940 468,216 1,675 109,744 324 95,958 . 16 9,189 1,345,517 3,406 || 653,927 2,972 390,674 2,436 217,700 175 45,140 || 1,087 | 158,898 1,433 61,765 : 305 91,914 17 10,741 1,561,545 3,499 ||667,051 4,166 588,974 2,791 238,404 146 35,417 || 1,510 |207,228 1,167 50,562 : 486 || 144,002 18 12,532 1,812,883 4,288 804,361 ;|: 2,840 |250,208 151 35,507 || 3,880 || 483,440 1,510 | 72,128 508 148,947 i 19 11,276 1,713,134 lºº, |; 546,004 || 2,592 224,704 121 28,279 || 2,107 304,840 1,414 | 68,873 104,530 2 T 333 § STATEMENT shewing the Number of Vessels Built, and the Tonnage thereof, in all parts of the BRITISH EMPIRE, in each Year since 1813; and of the Number and Tonnage, Owned and Registered at the close of each Year since 1802. Number of VESSELS Built. Their To NNAGE. T - —. º So º º º e > - ſ -> “S Although the Statement on the following page eachibits a 's 's º: : º § s: Ts 's -S § . 3 s great increase in the movement of British Shipping; according i. $ § $ § s § S #. J. s s ; s: § S- to the Statement below, the decay, since the termination of the S. § §: § § s "S Q S. § 's § § s T& Q War in 1814, appears greatly to have eacceeded the Build, par- Years Kº Ca hº Q5 *> s Q §s Kº Co s Q5 HS s Q S- ticularly in England, which shews a diminution of § 16 wº - - - mº- - Tons in 1831, as compared with 1816;-other parts ºf the 1814 524 || 136 46 1 1 || 25 131 864 69,539 14,563 1,973 32 34 | 739 11,069 || 97,949 | Empire, however, shew an increase, so, that the total decrease 15 712 165 36 2 5 29 234 1, 183 84,794 | 16,227 | 1,922 155 539 842 24,061 | 128,540 of the Empire is only 291,969 Tons. The diminution in the 16 618 192 || 41 || 4 || 2 || 9 || 408 1,274 || 67,083 15,608 1,985 153 40 250 33,282 117,401 | ...; º º º ſº - 5 2 •º 2 4- er 3 4. U 4- 5 * * . 7 in the Navigating z- th *}}! (27°lºſ, 17 | 500 156 102 4. 1 3 316 | 1,082 || 63,260 14,824 3, 179 587 || 142 11.6 22,321 | 104,429 * ; #. presented to fººt º .."; 18 573 131 48 — I 8 298 || 1,059 || 70,542 | 13,923 2,283 || – 121 395 17,302 104,366 total movement of Shipping, the Seamen are represented as ex- 19 586 154 37 || 7 | – | 13 || 358 1, 125 71,257 16,228 1,606 | 1,022 359 21,701 | 122,173 ceeding 250,000, but such representation is fallacious, inasmich 1820 461 | 121 | 37 || 6 || 3 || 7 || 248 || 883 || 54,014 | 11,004 | 1,673 906 || 376 | 169 | 16,440 | 84,582 | * t; º; * the repeated |; º,º - t o 5. 3. * - sº- 2 merated as often as the voyages are repeated :-the Statements 1 399 || 122 64 j " 5 3 4 275 872 46,296 || 9,457 2,323 961 334 111 | 15,365 || 74,847 - shewing the departures | and arrivals into Great Britain, 2 442 87 35 2 || 3 2 209 780 || 43,212 6,162 | 1,557 304 254 47 | 15,611 67,144 to each different part of the World, will more fully elucidate * 3 468 92 || 34 4 2 4 243 847 54,068 7,418 1,665 261 216 160 22,240 86,028 tº: of | º t in 1832 is to b ibed t o: 6 s & - 9. - we A le (17?????!?! tº 677 ºn the 7710tj67ment 2 U-34. 2S iſ O Ú6 (ISCT? U6 {} 4 || 625 39 35 | E 6 6 16 34: 1,179 76,428 12,840 | 1,815 1,137 586 413 50,522 143,744 the diminution in the Importation & Foreign Corm, which in 5 | 722 || 209 || 44 7 15 6 || 536 | 1,539 || 102,842 17,136 2,501 350 | 988 || 212 80,895 204,924 | 1831 very considerably eacceeded the importation in unitſ previous 6 | 802 || 265 48 3 | 1.4 7 580 1,719 90,813 || 24,897 2,653 414 1,392 || 365 86,554 207,088 Year, while in 1832 it º very inconsiderable, see pages 92 7 || 650 210 || 34 || 4 || 8 || 5 || 529 1,440 || 72,065 18,629 |2,450 | 696 943 255 68,908 || 163,946 ºf...","...º.º.º.º. º.º.º. $3 630 | 167 45 3 8 4 || 464 1,321 70,685 | 15,973 2,005 554 716 136 56,844 140,913 | connection of different interests. The irisi. Account, like every 9 || 517 | 1.70 || 31 || 1 || 7 || 8 || 416 1,150 || 61,290 14,023 1,313 17 443 540 |39,237 116,872 ||..."; "Nº!"...º.º..."; y - - - Žsparzty, the IV u ^{2007’ī60, £0 h (1776 * 1830 529 158 45 3 || 7 || 10 || 367 1,117 60,276 13,454 2,564 439 396 || 544 32,719 110,130 | bear no proportion to . N; and Tonnage re- 1. - presented to have entered inwards. The Coal Vessels & Packets •) departing in Ballast have probably not been entered outwards, a-d ut such omission is inearcusuble, they should not only be enter # b homission is i ble, they should b ’d 3 | | but specified accordingly. • 4. . - - * - ~ BUILT : — OWNED AND REGISTERED : — — N U MB ER OF VESSELS, - . THEIR TONNAGE : — -- Years. | Number. Tonnage. England. Jersey. Guernsy. Man. Scotland. Ireland. Colonies. | TOTAL. It Bngland & Wales Jersey. Guernsey. Man. Scotland. Ireland. Colonies. TOTAL. Men. 1803 | 1,402 || 135,349 || 14,029 87 | 112 || 353 2,422 | 1,065 2,825 20,893 1,709,341 7,440 10,215 8,402 191,805 58,873 181,787 2,167,863 153,822 4. 991 95,979 || 14,604 78 110 420 2,597 | 1,061 2,904 21,774 ; 1,784,085 7,037 10,058 |10,009. 207,810 58,062 | 191,509 2,268,570 || 153,757 5 | 1,001 | 89,584 || 14,790 74 || 1 || 1 | 404 2,581 | 1,067 3,024 22,051 || 1,799,210 6,769 || 9,759 9,650 210,295 56,806 190,953 2,283,442 || 157,715 6 772 69,198 || 14,877 | 68 108 398 || 2,788 | 1,076 2,867 22,182 || 1,786,692 6,485 | 10,193 || 9,568 211,431 55,545 | 183,800 2,263,714 || 156,041 7 770 68,000 || 15,087 77 | 106 || 390 2,615 | 1,098 || 2,917 22,290 || 1,797,182 6,891 9,927 | 9,373 216,553 56,901 | 184,794 2,281,621 || 157,872 8 568 57,140 || 15,327 66 || 1 || 0 || 381 2,592 1,104 || 3,066 22,646 || 1,833,971 5,429 || 10,850 9,237 211,950 58,959 194,423 2,324,819 || 157,108 9 596 || 61,396 || 15,687 58 112 || 372 2,534 1,119 3, 188 23,070 || 1,875,224 5,451 10,503 || 8,989 206,075 60,979 201,247 2,368,468 160,598 1810 | 685 | 84,891 || 16,048 57 | 104 || 366 2,554 1,126 || 3,450 |23,703 || 1,918,089 5,454 9,947 8,785 209,736 58,650 215,383 2,426,044 || 164,195 11 870 115,638 || 16,164 59 94 398 || 2,630 | 1,133 3,628 24,106 || 1,942,406 || 6,003 || 9,485 9,585 220,688 59,155 227,452 || 2,474,774 || 162,547 ; - - . - .. - -A these iWO Years. 14 || 864 || 97,919 || 17,102 || 62 65 || 355 2,783 1,183 2,868 24,413 ; 2,088,204 6,794 6,928 8,897 241,578 || 61,769 202,795 2,616,965 || 172,786 15 1, 183 128,540 || 17,346 69 61 367 2,863 1, 163 2,991 || 24,860 || 2,139,301 || 7,519 || 6,662 9,300 254,926 60,123 203,445 2,681,276 177,309 I6 | 1,274 117,401 || 17,442 77 65 || 369 2,958 1,115 3,775 25,801 || 2,152,968 7,992 || 7,237 9,935 | 263,536 63,229 279,643 2,783,933 178,820 17 | 1,082 | 104,429 || 17,082 79 63 343 3,004 || 1,204 || 3,571 25,346 || 2,077,338 8,167 6,758 8,764 255,734 64,593 243,632 2,664,986 || 171,013 I8 1,059 || 104,366 || 17,164 85 65 348 || 3,062 1,300 || 3,483 || 25,507 || 2,080,416 8,967 7,776 8,896 277,760 68,793 221,860 2,674,468 ; 173,608 19 1,125 | 112, 173 || 17,086 84 69 343 3,127 | 1,288 || 3,485 || 25,482 || 2,069,702 || 9,020 7,900 8,791 286,900 69,283 214,799 || 2,666,396 174,375 1820 883 | 84,582 || 17,015 96 66 || 334 3,133, 1,325 || 3,405 || 25,374 || 2,053,942 9,883 7,827 | 8,515 | 288,770 || 70,092 209,564 2,648,593 || 174,592 1 872 74,847 16,658 103 || 65 32] 3, 160 | 1,345 3,384 25,036 || 1,970,643 10,183 8,285 8,171 289,535 69,035 | 204,350 2,560,202 || 168,179 2 || 780 | 67,144 || 16,331 || 107 || 64 || 311 || 3,071 1,354 || 3,404 24,642 || 1,943,178 || 10,593 7,991 7,820 276,931 | 68,890 203,641 2,519,044 || 163,333 3 847 | 86,028 || 16,188 || 1 14 | 68 287 3,007 | 1,378 3,500 24,542 || 1,935,583 11,265 8,288 7,319 270,798 || 69,614 | 203,893 2,506,700 163,474 4 1, 179 143,741 || 16,466 116 70 291 2,961 | 1,376 || 3,496 || 24,776 || 1,981,685 11,477 7,281 || 7,603 || 266,975 73,293 211,273 2,559,587 || 168,637 5 1,539 204,924 || 15,841 142 79 287 2,855 1,391 || 3,579 24,174 || 1,958,716 13,756 7,298 || 7,451 259,537 80,583 214,875 2,542,216 || 165,535 6 1,719 207,088 || 15,976 171 || 74 254 || 3,102 | 1,391 || 3,657 24,625 || 2,001,295 15,650 | 7,130 | 6,612 290,006 || 90,768 224,183 2,635,644 167,636 7 : 1,440 | 163,946 || 14,492 183 75 231 || 3,143 1,400 3,675 23,199 || 1,752,400 16,582 7,879 6,072 300,836 | 97,369 279,362 2,460,500 || 151,415 8 1,321 140,913 || 14,578 196 74 225 3,168 1,405 || 4,449 24,095 || 1,760,085 17,552 8,364 6,011 || 301,839 99,449 324,891 2,618,191 #156,000 9 1,150 116,872 || 13,977 | 200 75 217 3,228 1,413 4,343 || 23 453 || 1,758,065 18,217 | 7,672 5,714 308,297 || 101,994 || 317,041 2,517,000 || 134,000 1830 1,117 | 110,130 || 14,092 205 77 | 217 3,159 | 1,424 4,547 || 23,721 || 1,767,011 18,601 8,096 || 5,979 300,085 101,820 330,227 2,531,819 154,812 i. 14,281 212 || 75 221 3,214 | 1,447 4,792 24,242 1,780,252 | 19,700 7,906 6,293 303,631 106,574 |357,608 2,581,964 || 158,422 2 | : - w - 3 } 4 | \ t | | § } STATEM ENT shewing the Number of Vessels and their Tonnage, distinguishing the proportion of Foreign, which Cleared Outwards, and Entered Inwards, from, and into, all the Ports of GREAT BRITAIN, to, and from, all parts of the WoRLD ; distinguishing the proportion, to, and from, IRELAND, in each of the 18 Years, 1814–1831,–according to the accounts presented to Parliament annually. - C LEA RED OUT WARDS. Total Tonnage from and into ENTE RED IN WA R D S. - - GREAT BRITA IN, * * British. | Foreign. Total Tonnage Total to from all parts. Total from Total Tonnage British. Foreign. - — eacclusive of Ireland. Ireland. exclusive of |-- Years Number. Tonnage. Number. Tommage. Ireland. Outwards. Inwards. Ireland. Number. Tommage. Number. Tonnage. 1814 7,935 | 1,160,684 4,453 570, 124 1,730,808 716,460 || 2,447,268 2,413, 186 633,554 1,779,632 | 8,503 | 1,232,772 5,003 || 546,860 3. 15 8,282 1,311,716 || 4,283- 671,335 | 1,983,051 776,668 || 2,759,719 2,667,068 680,564 1,986,504 8,389 1,312,817 4,917 673,687 §. 16 8,522 | 1,266,022 2,258 || 329,457 1,595,479 722,257 || 2,317,736 2,284,467 626,923 1,657,544 || 9,179 1,345,617 2,798 || 311,927 S 17 | 10,224 1,486,436 2,671 395,549 1,881,985 763,385 || 2,645,370 2,642,467 681,087 1,961,380 | 10,751 1,561,544 3,152 399,836 S, 18 10,928 1,637,445 5,063 671,342 2,308,787 763,622 || 3,072,409 || 3,162,290 651,677 2,510,613 | 12,432 | 1,812,883 5,854 697,730 s: 19 9,673 1,468,155 | 3,447 || 491,405 | 1,959,560 795,495 || 2,755,055 2,891,239 708, 166 2,183,077 | 11,276 1,713,134 3,803 || 469,938 $. 1820 9,636 1,472,947 2,739 || 390,991 1,863,938 734,716 || 2,598,654 2,678,804 680,648 1,998,158 10,755 1,593,074 3,235 | 405,079 š. - 1 9,358 1,422,862 2,446 351,283 1,774,145 801,007 || 2,575,152 2,630,210 751,218 1,878,992 || 10,208 1,516,258 3,063 || 362,734 s 2 9,501 | 1,458,599 2,582 | 408,417 | 1,867,016 828, 114 | 2,695, 130 2,809,934 819,750 | 1,990,212 || 10,444 1,574,244 3,089 || 415,968 š. 3 9,240 1,483,592 3,179 || 515,774 1,999,366 814,383 : 2,813,749 3,003,727. 806,671 2,197,056 10,698 || 1,668,336 3,758 528,720 §. 4 9,743 1,586,953 4,717 | 690,374 2,277,327 905,449 3,182,776 3,059, 129 658,754 || 2,400,375 11,124 1,705,495 || 5,280 | 694,880 S. 5 | 10,403 | 1,711,169 5,753 851,354 2,562,593 922,355 || 3,484,878 ; 3,679,445 759,375 2,920,070 | 12,807 2,027,469 6,561 | 899,601 * 6 || 10,275 | 1,620,393 || 5,129 641,106 || 2,261,499 1,155,870 || 3,317,369 3,121,969 681,293 2,440,172 11,623 1,796,250 5,439 643,922 S 7 10,966 1,784,776 5,505 || 732,481 2,517,257 | 1,044,093 || 3,561,350 | 3,493,162 804,558 2,688,604 | 12,461 | 1,972,780 5,820 | 715,824 § 8 || 113732 1,910,680 4,255 | 581,668 2,499,343 1,167,280 || 3,659,623 3,709,916 || 1,150,271 2,559,643 12,587 | 1,955,548 4,771 604,097 § 9 12,065 1,954,037 4,942 | 706,089 2,660,126 1,286, 168 || 3,946,294 3,778,807 || 1,062,906 || 2,715,901 | 12,756 2,033,853 5,028 682,048 ° 1830 | 12,194 | 1,989,060 5,021 | 736,207 2,725,267 1,245,647 || 3,970,914 || 3,824,795 || 1,052,407 || 2,772,388 12,727 2,036,091 5,212 | 736,297 Sº 1 | 13,178 2,174,509 || 5,768 869,856 || 3,044,365 | 1,246,742 || 4,291,107 || 4,141,951 || 1,058,185 3,083,766 || 13,748 2,236,446 5,910 | 847,320 § 2 - - §. 3 - C .# i § {} § ENTERED IN WARDS into 1 RELAND. CLEA RED OUT WARDS from IRELAN D. s British and Irish Vessels. — Foreign Vessels British and Irish Vessels. Foreign Wessels Excess of * From Great Britain. All other parts. from all parts. Total IN w ARDs. To Great Britain. All other parts. to all parts. Total OUT WARD3. º€ § Years. Number. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. | No. Tonnage. Number. | Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. Number. Tonnage. Inwards. § 1814 || 9,487 794,684 472 57,476 283 52,427 10,242 904,677 || 9,037 | 730,357 | 685 111,268 179 || 32,817 9,901 883,432 21,245 s 15 9,313 700,224 || 491 59,291 494 | 90,875 10,800 942,864 || 9,552 | 736,011 || 513 69,325 418 80,042 # 10,483 935,648 7,216 § 16 || 8,997 696, 53 565 70,106 || 318 67,538 10,203 902,476 || 8,638 712,620 522 74,255 321 69,703 ; 9,481 856,578 45,898. §. 17 | 9,883 796,238 504 63,577 244 43,175 10,890 954,012 || 9,186 770,547 || 489 71,900 234 45,073 9,909 887,520 66,492 $º 18 9,525 769,544 574 73,511 || 376 64,727 | 10,475 907,782 || 9,278 || 752,020 514 78, 120 || 337 63,229 : 10,129 893,370 14,412 Š' 19 || 10,391 855,120 698 95,994 || 412 | 72,746 || 11,501 | 1,023,869 || 9,905 || 823,191 577 94,647 348 64,636 10,830 982,474 || 41,395 § 1820 9,644 809,076 530 74,986 237 42,532 10,410 926,601 || 9,229 || 783,750 || 466 76,561 230 42,337 9,925 902,648 23,953 § 1 9,929 845,000 || 597 | 83,165 198 || 33,373 || 10,724 961,535 || 9,440 819,648 439 65,782 | 182 32,936 # 10,061 918,366 || 43, #69 s: 2 : 10,618 997,789 643 89,383 300 53,183 1,561 | 1,040,355 || 9,562 | 832,927 522 80,661 261 49,125 : 10,345 962,713 77,642 s' 3 10,052 825,889 573 72,523 || 311 54,276 10,936 952,688 || 9,382 786,637 426 63,384 258 47,797 10,066 897,818 54,870 2. 4 10,987 945,383 607 || 91,594 375 64,792 11,969 | 1,101,769 || 7,534 615,396 || 413 70,317 | 308 || 56,355 # 8,255 742,068 || 359,701 § 5 11,542 984,754 696 || 115,848 || 420 | 66,711 | 12,658 1,167,313 || 8,922 || 741,182 440 82,673 || 332 54,712 9,694 878,567 || 288,746 co 6 11,514 | 1,037,299 || 850 154,380 290 || 50,194 | 12,654 1,241,873 || 6,388 632,972 569* 117,032 281 || 51,334 7,238 801,338 || 440,435 3. 7 || 10,850 | 1,045,528 672 114,118 226 36,040 II,748 1, 195,686 || 7,411 | 737,752 || 515 102,906 209 || 75,340 # 8, 135 875,998 || 319,688 : 8 12,158 1,139,241 | 849 138,809 | 184 || 30,523 13,291 1,308,573 || 8,790 923,505 || 516 95,717 | 150 26,455 ; 9,456 1,045,677 || 262,896 --- 9 || 13,878 1,292,041 903 || 150,681 | 190 28,255 14,971 1,470,977 || 8,922 906, 159 571 109,142 152 24,161 ; 9,645 | 1,039,461 || 431,516 1830 13,339 1,241,501 || 821 143,951 147 22,531 14,307 | 1,407,983 || 8,455 880,965 553 113,087 | 137 22, 161 ; 9,145 1,016,213 | 339,770 1 | 13,584 1,262,221 740 | 130,876 || 175 27 285 14,499 1,420,382 || 9,029 || 821, 128 613 126,222 | 159 26, 195 # 9,801 | 1,073,545 || 346,837 2 } . . k - 3 4 5 228 AN ACCOUNT of the Number and Tonnage of SHIPPING entered IN WARDS at all the Ports of the UNITED KING DOM, from each part in each Year since 1819; showing also the Total Official Value of the IMPORTS into the UNITED KING Dom from EUROPE, and the Number of Tonnage of Shipping cleared Outwards, and entered Inwards, at all the Ports of the UNITED KING DOM, to and from each different part of the Returns this Statement, eatending R USS IA. PR USSIA. IS WE DEN. N O R. W.A. Y. D ENMA R K. TOTA L. GERMANY. §NETHER LANDS Years | No, Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. ( 1820 | 1,255 209,801 526 87,451 100 17,264 172 13,901 119 13,068 2,172 341,485 835 | 108,359 783 69,618 1 870 148,417 452 79,590 131 || 23,005 178 || 13,855 52 5,312 1,583 370,179 664 90,280 791 || 71,631 2 1,208 219,919 539 102,847 123 20,799 || 168 || 13,377 : 57 7,096 2,095 364,031 601 | 84,345 # 802 || 70,049 3 | 1,195 222,377 413 81,202 120 20,986 173 13,122 35 4,413 ; 1,936 342,100 590 78,372 702 || 61,353 4 1,293 239,185 483 94,664 100 17,074 ; 136 } i , 419 # 60 6,738 : 2,072 369,980 || 515 67,345 813 | 68,285 tº 5 | 1,770 344,155 981 | 189,214 104 15,996 167 14,825 # 123 15,158 3,145 || 579,258 803 108,548 # 1,068 87,681 §: 6 1,178 228,971 653 || 1 || 9,060 78 11,829 164 15,603 ; 182 22,800 : 2,255 398,253 754 104,733 # 1,093 || 101,842 3 7 1,905 || 369,486 819 150,718 77 11,719 119 13,945 94. 10,825 2,994 || 556,693 : 674 94,507 1,304 || 119,538 Sº ...A 8 1,425 | 271,033 782 133,753 99 14,877 128 10,826 # 147 17,464 + 2,581 447,953 789 114,097 : 1,358 129,223 & 9 1,829 || 348,665 744 i 125,918 # 109 16,536 110 9,985 # 20 ! 24,576 2,993 || 525,680 690, 101,222 1,174 117,661 £º 1830 | 1,661 321,426 666 || 102,758 82 12,116 66 6,459 111 12,210 2,586 454,969 986 150,997 1,156 | 120,301 1 2,065 || 394,850 487 | 83,908 84 11,450 52 4,518 66 6,552 2,754 501,278 724 109,651 : 1,723 187,456 2 1,419 277,527 401 || 62,079 59 8,335 42 3,798 67 7,268 1,981 359,007 821 | 130,443 1,673 195,473 4. 5 6 | 7 f : 82 80 19,269 300 60,450 82 13,483 : 352 57,118 # 169 12,879 983 163,199 155 17,790 448 43,684 l 45 11,118 159 || 37,720 58 8,508 389 61,342 46. 3,969 697 122,657 76 8,794 456 47,121 2 66 16,363 258 58,270 71 13,692 558 87,974 46 3,910 999 || 180,209 70 9,800 584 62,648 3 85 21,353 387 86,018 # 111 22,529 705 || 117,015 49 4,795 1,337 251,705 9 | 11,456 824 87,035 4 i46 31,095 733 151,621 ; 176 || 40,092 + 842 135,272 349 23,689 2,246 381,769 ; 501 46,106 1,137 || 107,729 5 146 || 34,536 920 182,752 239 53,141 # 987 | 157,910 642 50,943 : 2,934 476,282 772 79,250 1,237 17,366 * 6 88 23,554 632 | 120,589 99 16,934 564 90,726 # 758 56,544 2,141 308,352 : 874 78,895 915 81,199 Ç 7 110 || 29,267 573 109, 184 124 21,822 : 612 96,420 # 738 52,456 2,157 309,149 : 688 58,124 888 81,938 § …) 8 90 24,281 490 99,195 : 136 24,700 534 85,771 # 630 49,293 1,880 283,240 # 509 46,074 902 80,903 §: 9 85 25,038 628 127,861 ; 143 25,046 553 86,205 622 53,390 2,031 317,540 # 515 50,005 964 | 97,593 sº 1830 90 26,905 720 | 139,646 127 23,158 556 84,585 # 655 51,420 2,448 325,714 616 54,869 863 92,811 l 132 || 33,867 701 140,532 : 195 38,689 754 ił4,865 : 748 62, 190 2,730 390,143 632 58,411 756 82,449 2 117 | 32,132 428 89,187 150 25,755 ; 549 $32,155 ; 439 35,771 1,683 265,001 || 362 31,087 771 90,492 3 - 4. 5 6 - | 7 1. 2 | 3 i 5 6 7 - 8 AN ACCOUNT of the Number of SHIPs which passed the SOUND and paid dues at ELSINoFE, in each Year since 1813, distinguishing the countries to which they belonged. *...* It appears on comparison of this with the above Statement, that the Number of Ships passing the Sound are reckoned both on entering into, and passing from the Baltic ; inasmuch as the British Ships are nearly double the Number of those which enter inwards into the United Kingdom from all the Ports of the five Northern States of Europe. - - *-ºs- r N Rus- Neth G E H M A. N. Ameri All WO?”- MS- € $ fl. 67°- *? as - Years | British. Danish. Swedish. wegian. Prussian. sian. landers. *::::::::::..., #. Bremen. #. Lubeck. º French.| other, TO TAR,. 33 1814 2,319 476 2,759 83 | 1,033 495 551 55 — | 36 248 18 28 gº ºssºs 12 62 8, 186 & 15 2,397 660 2,156 502 | 1,173 576 º 40 — — . 407 — sºme, tºg I tººs gºsº 128 4 73 8,816 g § 16 1,848 787 2,042 794 | 1,014 || 399 || 876 263 386 36 1 || || 29 45 168 16 57 8,871 'S .# 17 4,172 843 2,000 914 1,786 387 | 1,305 529 542 87 216 72 83 136 44 29 13,145 3. s 18 5,052 884 1,745 946 1,628 323 600 456 434 22 77 || 41 59 I28 48 33 12,496 *S § 19 3,708 || 851 1,559 971 1,351 356 834 427 303 22 54 38 62 89 52 13 10,690 TS s 1820 3,597 || 792 | 1,519 946 1,554 242 853 458 547 I 5 59 47 64 69 63 2 10,927 ‘ss # 1 2,819 || 778 1,432 898 || 1,094 300 589 434 396 || 22 66 46 46 || 196 62 2 9, 187 & So 2 3,097 692 | 1,214 728 1,096 || 259 391 307 293 22 32 29 45 216 51 4 8,483 § .s 1830 22 || 4,281 11 1,607 7 1,327 105 8,332 # 46 5,590 page 227, and still more so in regard to the Number and Tonnage employed j e 2 º - * '. Coasting Trade, which in a return presented to Parliament in 1832, ë * - : . tº 3 I 375 8 $º § 12,750 43 5,259 the Tonnage so employed was represented as amounting to 9,400,000 Tons | S- 29 7 | 1,324 17 | 2,4 -- 16,348 20 2,248 annually, including the amount employ'd between Great Britain and Ireland, S 3 “ zwhich, since 1825–6, has been officially considered as a Coasting Trade ; Sº 4 independant also of the fallacy which the Accounts involve consequent on 5 the repeated Voyages; the principle of measurement adhered to, in itself \ - involves, not merely a fallacy, but an absurdity in regard to the actual r .” -- - - - burthen of the Shipping owned and registered ; the prevailing practice being 1827 20 5,127 — —— i 12 | 1,802 251 18,076 # 67 || 7,578 to deduce the *ſº the length and º º, any gº." 8 28 8,148 1 159 || 1 || | 1,296 193 14,201 || 31 || 3,667 the depth or curve, so that in some cases, the actual cubical contents of a tº: - . - - - © Q = ºu considerably eacceed the official result, while in others it will S 18 sº 27 º: 1 1 : 11 2,031 # 12,873 23. 2.8. not be half the quantity, such a practice is as discreditable to official service ſº 14 *::: 7 | 1,05 8 | 1,339 12,906 42 4,793 as it is to practical science, which seems more directed to novelty, and earpe- sº K 1 35 | 8,447 13 | 1,822 : 1 I 1,402 220 17,454 45 5,284 riment, than to correct eacisting errors.--For further elucidation of the actual s 2 32 7,501 : 13 | 1,985 12 2,003 ; 133 9,752 22 2,508 Number and Tonnage of Shipping employed in the Foreign, as well as in 2. 3 - - ~. the Coasting Trade, taking into account the repeated Voyages, see Note . * 4. to the two following pages, and to page 235. 5 i{} # 7 18 19 20 22.9% AN ACCOUNT of the Number and Tonnage of SHIPPING cleared OUTWARDS at all the Ports of the UNITED KING Dom, the proportion of each, in each Year since 1819; showing also the Declared Value of BRITISH PRODUCE & MANUFACTURES EXPORTED, - > the United States of North America | -- * - \ R USSIA. PR USSIA. SWEDEN. NO R. W.A. Y. D ENMA R R. TOTA H. GERMANY. ANETHERLANDS Years No. Tommage, No. Tonnage. No. | Tonnage, ; No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. § No. Tonnage. o 3. - “. § 8. ſ 1820 626 111,849 | 231 33,971 30 4,880 155 11,477 ; 456 68,355 1,498 || 130,532 : 792 107,601 620 53,828 Ti 478 85,947 195 || 31,847 52 8,344 145 9,403 : 397 65,083 1,267 200,624 620 87,969 ; 565 50,069 2 584 112,206 # 228 41,247 55 9,575 140 10,245 # 376 65,737 1,383 || 239,010 # 604 86,543 620 | 52,741 3 590 119,456 # 138 26,427 59 10,005 ; 155 11,139 333 57,419 1,275 224,446 575 80,793 516 44,553 4. 799 || 160,636 251 50,143 60 9,698 || 121 10,156 265 44,559 : 1,496 275,192 : 548 70,933 531 44,354 * 5 987 | 199,687 453 | 89,555 64 8,816 122 9,694 257 42,754 1,883 || 350,506 605 80,020 622 53,110 SS 6 787 | 158,092 + 306 || 57,334 47 6,773 I08 10,393 : 331 53,510 || 1,579 286,102 : 714 100,586 729 62, 127 3 7 : 1,230 245,485 431 80,322 58 8, 104 87 9,935 : 438 75,909 : 2,244 || 419,755 662 90,280 724 | 66,212 s J 8 . 951 | 183,400 # 389 | 66,738 79 | 12,249 105 7,719 572 91,804 2,096 || 361,910 784 || 113,822 890 82,718 Sº ‘Y 9 : 1,451 280,806 426 74,639 77 || 10,787 89 7,750 : 431 66,343 ; 1,959 293,238 : 719 106,091 832 79,271 Sº 1830 ; 1,231 240,638 341 50,931 55 8,020 53 5,148 # 540 85,981 2,220 390,718 : 876 | 133,847 887 | 89,559 1 : 1,605 || 316,361 : 303 || 50,792 67 8,953 33. 2,876 : 437 70,324 : 2,351 366,580 665 | 102,026 1,617 | 179,488 2 : 1,003 || 202,610 ; 265 41,027 69 9,660 43 3,411 § 393 65,658 1,773 || 312 366 798 || 121,872 : 1,571 176,471 3 4. 5 6 7 ſ 1820 63 14,995 : 158 || 34,113 93 18,997 272 45,666 216 24,998 802 || 138,769 ; 178 19,867 371 37,222 | 42 9,792 93 21,027 40 8,370 293 50,897 107 17,529 575 || 707,615 95 13,058 347 38,542 2 44 12,482 iQ0 || 45,664 # 49 || 10,243 : 479 82,022.; 128 20,095 890 170,506 99 14,415 443 50,815 3 40 11,220 # 266 63,165 61 | 13,109 586 101,637 212 37,945 1,165 227,076 37 17,232 659 || 71,806 4. 84 20,430 ft 414 || 88,084 94 | 19,543 : 778 || 135,819 : 524 59,309 : 1,894 | 323,185 ± 462 43,411 987 97,003 5 88 21,926 555 107,296 : 139 29,184 982 166,936 749 77,954 2,513 | 403,296 627 60,654 949 92,582 > 6 55 | 15,762 400 81,223 55 7,794 : 583 94,088 # 839 74,724 1,932 273,591 # 816 68,378 682 58,713 $ 7 94 || 25,542 397 81,286 83 14,192 : 613 || 100,732 # 856 73,835 # 2,043 295,587 : 722 58,322 623 56,209 § J 8 71 18,869 ; 337 || 71,345 71 || 1 1,813 562 92,837 : 733 69,714 1,774 264,578 : 492 40,846 670 60,099 º N 9 97 || 25,659 : 406 || 79,047 86 15,103 : 57 89,663 793 83,766 1,959 283,238 544 || 49,467 871 84,266 S 1830 88 22,858 380 | 73, iS3 67 9,624 : 582 93, 176 926 98,694; 2,043 297,485 # 612 52,118 783 82,557 º I 129 32,827 395 80,852 118 21,782 784 || 128,480 ± 925 102,639 : 2,351 || 366,580 589 49,635 - 784 86,461 . 2 # 90 24,978 # 349 || 70,252 88 || 13,403 554 86,540 626 70,413 ; 1,707 || 265,586 425 37,247 733 88,059 3 - 4 5 6 C 7 - - I 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 - —r-ºr--— * cºrºns of GOALS, Total Supply at the i * 1 r yi , , ---- The relation of the Transport of Sea-borne Coal to the (Nº. %;"; ſº Port of London. *— Total Receipt of CUSTO.M.S DUTY. Shipping Interest of the Kingdom is such, as to render a . Imperial Chaldrons. + T On Tonnage display of the annual production and consumption of CoAL TYNE folio No. 30. WEAR fo. No. 90. Tons of 26; Cwts. Ore Coals. Sºme of shipping. an interesting, if not an indispensable accompaniment to a Years. Eacporta Coastways. Eacportd &l. Culm. Coal. ÉCoastways. Eacportd, siſ. Intyards. Outward display of the annual movement of SHIPPING. The an- - I -— -- —£--|--|-ºll ºf "lºº" neared Accounts, therefore, deduced from the Report of a | 1800 47,487 537,793 298,837 4,622 || 1,054 — | 1,018,214 Committee of the House of Lords on the Coal Trade in I 50,401 || 452,192 || 231,018 4,758 486 101 836,917 the Session of 1829, eachibit at one point of view the Total 2 44,000 || 494,488 305,075 31,205 || 251 32 932,629 movement of Coal and Culm by Sea, in each Year since 3 44,325 505,137 298,946 || 10,167 490 59 920,569 - - 1818, and show the proportion into the Port of London 4 52,589 579,929 299,552 4,163 || 1,487 90 978,399 756,005 | 84,057 24,650 | 89,445 54,610 ---, *A* wº-si - • 5 49,572 552,827 313,307 || 5,956 749 288 966,004 744,408 | 84,259 || 34,804 || 94,624 52.538 distinct from the proportion to all the other Ports of Eng- 6 || 46,683 588.277 306.271 2,613 206 | 1,105 | issº 3. º 2 ×-> 2 < *r- - g - 3. 3. * 5 2 765,256 || 70,678 || 32,566 91.953 / 51,862 land and Wales, and the Quantity Exported to Ireland as 7|27.42% 539,950 |250,938 || 4:376 || 336|| Tºšš giºi || roß 50.06|º sº, ºf well as to the Colonies and all Foreign parts in each of the 8 | 16,001 ||619,125 || 348,623 2,058 || 267 1,391 | 1,094,640 || 842,579 |26,036 || 33,650 56.75 ºg sºme Years, and show the total quantity Shipped from the 9 || 13,639 539,098 || 324,130 974 || 433 1845 975,939 || 742.242 |36,517 | 35.50; 76 iió | " Rivers Tyne and WEAR, and the supply into the Port 1810 || 17,253 632,299 || 370,712 | 1,919 497 | 1,344 1,102,747 864,889 38,072 34,072 110,536 of London in each Year since 1799, and the amount of II 17,954 || 633,359 || 330,942 | 1,730 44 3,929 | 1,096,872 || 838,382 31,439 || 40,893 | 73,729 || 43,243 Duties paid on Coals carried Coastways, and Earported, 12 24,985 630,633 || 338,854 3,148 747 7,842 | 1,066,287 834,445 || 51,762 42,950 | 66,981 || 51,614 and also on Slates and Stone, and on the Tonnage of Ship. 13 || 14,761 384,484 |34,159 |, 1,789 || 4:3 4,633 1,920,187 || - - - . ping both Inwards, and Outwards, from 1804 to 1831, when 14 || 31,986 649,151 || 373,241 11,029. 317 | 1,896 | 1,119,787 || 1,153,733 69,048 || 43,387 | 160,182 | 134,671 the whole, except on coals Exported, were repealed.” 15 42,434 650,209 || 337,903 16,989 || 112 || 4,272 1,144,363 || 871,165 80,511 |44,633 99,418 72,235 Page 236 will show the pro orii. Sh? p d f ſº h 16 || 43,783 678,151 || 387,687 | 15,931 || 2,103 || 5,815 1,217,433 911,056 | 66.288 || 36,654 77,959 || 71,149 Port of Shipment, in each tº ºppºſº.º. 17 | 51,797 622,977 ||363,868 |II,627 || 2,671 3,879 | 1,149,870 || 866,096 || 58,476 || 36,154 || 95.125 76,462 employed in º in of Cº j. 1818. The Wessels 18 47,744 || 6′1,871 || 391,790 | 15,839 || 1,302 || 4,738 1,203,707 || 913,371 57,902 || 49,904 || 127,428 76,069 plºyed ºn cºrrying of Cººl will repeat their Voyages on 19 || 39,735 | 639,987 378,445 15,471 || 961 || 9,379 1,170,618 || 882,833 46,323 61,907 || 108,260 65,046 ***aše, eight times within the Year ; the Number of 1820 43,826 |756,513 |Aiš972 14,426 || 316 || 4,461 | 1.321.505 || 1,016,396 || 46,033 jº, 96,559 67,109 Ships entered at the Coal Market in London in 1832 was 1 || 48,097 || 692,321 396,205 14,575 || 1,539 6,808 1,291,389 946,978 || 49,542 58,871 83,723 64,240 7528 ; this Number divided by eight for repeated Voyages, 2 54,160 || 655,159 396,921 | 16,419 713 | 6,998 || 1,234,514 923,709 || 51,509 || 61,525 33,262 32,157 gives 941 Ships, estimated at an average of 200 Tons each, 3 46,725 | 738,909 || 497,126 15,547 496 || 10,525 | 1,434,367 || 1,069,948 |42,718 46,739 2,068 75 gives 188,200 Toms of Shipping employed in supplying the . - Metropolis with Coal, which being equal to about half the 4 49,044 | 687,603 || 491,187 15,880 || 847 | 18,370 1,467,545 # 867,679 40,532 45,885 6,883 557 Quantity Shipped Coastways, it makes about 375,000 Toms 5 || 51,444 | 687,029 521,796 || 15,531 796 13,209 | 1,422,441 815,370 || 41,465 52,575 8,351 569 of Shipping requisite for the 'c onveyance of seat, rme Coal 6 62,620 792,365 545,656 || 14,498 138 || 13,486 || 1,558,045 879,235 | 39,339 47,427 2,200 54 Jrom one Port to anoth Emel $/ # and Wales al 00. 7 || 65,417 | 683,745 523,437 14,953 || 410 || 7,318 1,388,297 || 783,034 44,683 39,271 G another of England and Wales alone,— 8 59,325 | 725,082 509,567 22,941 || 398 || 11,659 | 1,476,063 || 833,072 | 40,826 35,497 see page, 235 for a further elucidation of the various em- 9 2 2 2-, v,vve $67,322 || 43.279 |34.7i.; ployment of Shipping. is | 958.359 63.563 #557: 1 # 64,380 52,928 1,181 229* of England, and on the 5th. of January 1826, the rate of Duty on Culm was reduced to 6d. iſ Chaldron. Into Ports of Wales the Duty # Chaldron; into Scotland,-free; Ireland 1/74 d5 Ton. In January, 1831, the Duties (except for Exportation) were wholly repealed. s i to each part of the World, with which the intercourse is maintained by Foreign, as well as by British Shipping; distinguishing and of Coloni AL and Foreign PRoduce RE-EXPORTED from the UNITED in each of the same Years. KINGDOM to Continental Europe, and to *~~~~ º United States of : A L L OTHER TOTA L Official Value EXPORTED FRA NC E. PORTUGAL. SPA I N. North AMERICA. P A RTS. - OUT WA R D S. - - of . - - . British Produce Colonial and Years No. Tommage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage, & Manufactures. |Foreign prºce r 1820 1,360 81,642 # 358 37,346 258 29,775 # 199 || 51,321 327 | 60,803 5,085 || 652,848 # 21,114,451 9,020,666 I 1,547 95,031 409 || 41,831 191 | 19,989 : 194 52,052 4 605 |4,797 548,170 19,220,365 | 8,611,070 2 : 1,232 | 84,936 523 50,113 244 25,884 275 70,044; 10 | 1,818 4,891 611,089 22,171,889 || 7,648,870 si 3 : 1,122 || 77,017 465 49,274 238 26,817 242 | 66,428 # 11 | 1,974 : 4,443 570,999. - Sq 4 1,096 || 69,427 404 || 42,902 251 || 26,449 163 || 46,318 : 16 2,483 4,505 578,918 § 5 983 || 62,769 532 55,182 335 | 38,917 156 || 44,544 3 609 |5,119 | 685,707 19,230,633 6,820,800 | S 6 : 1,266 86,728 530 52,565 # 264 28,804 - 201 61,991 5 | 1,077 5,288 679,980 20,333,699 8,262,597 5 7 1,159 85,693 378 43,201 240 |28,391 293 90,588 13 2,132 3,964 |849,110 22,583,212 7,562,772 s | 8 || 1,227 | 94,090 358 | 40,090 i 370 44,701 # 334 102,444 6 940 # 6,274 856,163 22,155,936 7,648,103 ; sº $ 9 1,369 || 112,634 359 | 40,429 402 || 47,287 238 || 76,191 45 7,600 6,393 || 902,228 25,589,744 8,521,333 sº 1830 ; 1,330 | 111,779 339 || 36,930 353 37,412 281 91,551 34 || 4,338 : 6,286 889,796 27,856,748 6,337,304 § 1 1,191 90,311 381 43,574 : 520 58,014 || 358 114,200 49 7,939 7,177 | 1,036,919 25,398,069 8,546,242 2. 2 : 1,408 || 116,688 317 | 35,013 181 21,291 458 147,902 11 | 1,697 6,504 || 941,603 s 3 Š : | Q 6 U 7 J ſ 1820 938 || 51,499 : 87 14, 180 26 5,551 || 480 146,322 87 | 19,918 2,969 433,328 4,020,043 59,498 T 1 : 1,029 60,871 65 10,634 47 8,631 417 | 129,899 51 14,536 # 2,626 383,786 6,619,678 185,372 . . . 2 : 794 || 50,048 # 85 14,755 # 48 9,643 446 138,072 38 9,288 2,843 457,542 7,312, 107 248,755 j 3 724 39,518 118 || 19,150 i 33 8,511 476 150,885 # 126 29,393 : 3,438 563,571 - & 4 768 44,917 : 130 20,525 # 54 9,922 : 438 143,349 293 64,395 5,026 746,707; º 5 860 50,803 || 130 18,440 53 12,387 600 190,718 # 343 76,640 6,075 905,520 7,351,933 275,342 s 6 : 1,057 56,810 : 120 | 18,094 39 5,969 474 155,279 : 290 55,106 5,410 | 695,440 5, 14,609 147,583 || -- 7 1,230 64,364 116 18,872 38 || 4,971 648 214,949 294 54,547 5,714 || 767,821 ; 8,265,773 || 372,144 |s 8 787 46,126 92 || 14,943 : 42 6,087 392 || 142,480 158 || 32,959 4,405 || 608,118 6,541,428 302,299 s $ 9 787 47,880 102 15,673 86 11,977 : 482 170,703 ; 263 57,046 5,094 | 730,250 5,734,927 248,424 ſº 1830 642 33,955 # 99 || 14,724 58 6,751 : 611 21 1,714 310 59,061 : 5, 158 758,368 # 7,704,228 392,391 sº 1 975 62,530 ; 132 21,243 96 || 14,239 651 231,280 349 64,083 5,927 | 896,051 11,866,981 588,757 | g 2 882 50,161 ; 62 10,532 34 6,118 471 176,771 77 | 16,749 4,391 || 651,223 § 3 - - 9 4 's : Š Ü 7 9 1() 11 12 13 14 | 15 16 J The rate of Duty on Coal imported into the Port of London previous to the 5th of April 1824 was 7 | P.Tom when charged by Weight, and 9/4 ºf Chaldron when charged by Measure; 6) ºf Chaldron on Cinders, and 5) tº do. on Culm; into all the other Ports of England, the rate of Duty was 4 tº Tom, 6| d? Chaldron on Coals and Cinders, and 15q. ft. Chaldron on Culm. On the 5th April 1824, the Duty at the Port of London was reduced to the same rate as into the other Ports was only 9d. § Tom, or 1) Tons EXPORTE D to Total coal and ** ***** No. of Coals & Culm into all the Ports of Eng- Tons to IRELAND, entered as Tonnage of SHIPS land & Wales, other than London. Proportion - Culm both for a, Shipping with Coals * - &- of Duty - Imported Amount of - * g e Eacportation & Total Amount Consiſtays, in- | ** Tons of Imperial Chaldrons. paid on | Eaported to . d? Duty on 4. 4. other Home consumſ ºfſº. cluding | #. coal. Tod cº- ºr 'wº ºff ºne | * : **** † - & * & - 4. - -: - - £ . . —-4–— 3– . . . . . 39. A-seasº. 1819 5,599 || 22,843 | 1,065,764 134,056 320,287 | 669,060 | 688,884 55,342; 71,497 | 164,375 || 4,365,940 956,381 1820 5,922 27,057 | 1,262,435 | 119,475 377,860 606,400 || 653,409 || 52,738 90,447 | 158,672 4,803,427 | 1,086,812 1 5,735 | 32,540 | 1,088,776 || 106,840 || 327,280 644,787 651,909 || 52,635 90,423 170,941 || 4,638,059 || 1,019,354 || “...ft.”, 2 5,611 47,252 | 1,103,271 '93,617 | 333,489 694,024 || 766,438 || 61,826 111,822 || 172,754 || 4,788,839 || 1,006,161 |* Column. 3 6,464 58,669 | 1,260,516 || 98,932 || 381,594 693,413 || 673,741 54,456 89,713 | 163,662 5;319,627 | 1,145,033 - 4 || 7,151 | 68,061 | 1,210,790 113,607 || 367,682 691,429 || 728,066 58,812 99,575 179,617 | 5,279,192 || 948,684 || 8,222,190 5 | 6,668 || 101,193 1,218,563 | 121,018 377,036 695,832 | 738,453 59,571 114,264 | 197,234 5,391,763 | 899,850 | 8,403,211 6 || 6,808 167,910 | 1,233,896 || 140,736 393,437 || 779,584 847,237 67,972 123,437 223,219 || 5,856,547 972,763 | 8,466,255 7 6,432 207,460 | 1,051,638 131,492 || 350,647 || 650,728 697,641 55,704 123,109 || 244,222 || 5,458,377 | 862,484 || 8,327,097 8 6,823 210,151 1,142,947 | 123,814 || 377,041 || 740,071 777,575 62,372 128,092 |227,709 || 5,603,807 || 922,651 | 8,959,910 9 . - • - * 9,066,086 | 830 9,240,140 H 9,279,308 2 4 à 230 - - f Shipping, cleared ouTWARDS from, and entered INWARDS into, all the AN ACCOUNT of the Number and Tonnage of SHI cleared U. BRITISH SHIPPING, TU R REY .* TRIPO LI - and the tºº. West Coast of Cape of Good - Gibralta R. Malta. 'º' ITA L Y. LEVANT. BARBAR Y.; A FRICA. H.” St. HELENA Years No. Tonnnge. No. Tonnage. No. |Tong, No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. [Tonnage; No. Tomage: No. Tonnage No. 1 Tonnage (1820 - 116 14,375 40 5,171 — — 311 || 43,820 50 | 7,898 : 5 596 58 14, 193 : 31 7,366 7 | 1,835 1 : 145 | 16,884 30 4,314|| 4 || 473 ||387 |53,317|| 3 || 4 || 6 || 3:4 1948. . º 2 |, 81. 2 : 183 22,463 47 6,244 4 435 : 314 41,480 34 5,368 4 487 68 11,213 : 38 7,282 || 6 | 1,536 3 : 189 || 23,036 : 43 | 6,624 —- —-- ; 323 43,447 40 6,077 4 412 75 | 16,872 30 || 7,107 2 781 4 : 167 | 19,557 : 36 5,876 5 794 301 || 43,428 122 27,244 || 3 230 97 25, 155 ; 27 6,154 4 951 5 § 147 ºl. 28 4,405 16 2,582 # 268 39,375 # 95 || 19,181 16 1,395 105 || 25,986 18 || 3,446 2 767 • * 6 : 127 16,962 28 5,039 10 | 1,887 : 332 51,358 79 || 13,395 7 866 77 22,086 26 4,672 3. 669 § 7 : 150 18,973 43 7,014 21 3,974 ; 292 || 41,532 : 61 9,775 2 220 90 23,993 21 || 4,432 || 6 || 1,867 £: 8 152 | 19,394 35 | 5,325 : 33 5,149 : 350 49,083 45 6,535 3 351 101 27,437 31 6,315 2 358 “r 9 90 10, 191 42 6,966 : 24 4,361 ; 314 || 45,734 74 10,674 – — 119 || 32,455 35 | 7,705 || 3 634 s 1830 83 || 10,677 ; 58 9,306 38 5,513 # 418 58,307 95 || 13,424 3 331 139 38,968 ; 38 7,737 3 615 s 1 : 106 || 14,349 : 61 10,561 # 35 5,306 383 54,837 : 117 | 17,696 || 3 330 118 32,317 § 37 7,213 6 1,164 s 2 161 21,931 : 34 5,873 23 3, 143 352 51,649 : 120 | 16,989 3 380 140 34,174 51 10,167 || 2 283 3 4 5 6 7 8 \- 9 - ſ 1820 30 3, 188 # 4 || 2,334 28 4,291 300 || 35,668 90 13,666 8 962 38 8,194 : 17 | 4,079 — — | 57 7,178 # 8 || 1,052 37 4,673 288 43,296 53 7,806 15 1,690 || 60 14,203 17 | 3,554 || 1 467 2 61 | 6,666 # 8 876 # 34 4,505 247 33,251 53 8,166 13 | 1,471 43 || 7,156 19 3,767 || – | — 3 # 130 15,761 ; 12 1,718 37 || 4,686 : 341 45,665 : 87 | 13,727 16 | 1,778 46 || 9,132 : 35 | 7,156 — — 4 37 5,454 22 3,324 45 6,391 296 | 40,793 : 138 23,269 ; 12 1,174 67 | 15,030 ; 27 | 5,712 2 477 5 39 || 4,207 11 1,395 40 6,152 : 333 47,591 167 || 35,998 15 1,406 102 28,564; 22 || 4,651 2 270 6 26 3,740 # 11 1,822 38 5,480 268 40,365 109 || 21,867 11 | 1, 148 i 103 || 28,112 19 3,932 — — tº 7 44 | 6,699 ; 15 2,500 54 7,721 # 388 57,743 : 101 | 16,199 : 10 1,104 82 23,070 22 || 4,487 1 185 Q 8 22 2,944 8 905 # 5 7,522 # 334 48,811 93 14,483 9 || 1,084 73 || 19,520 # 22 4,524 — — $4 9 16 1,795 # 11 2,034 38 5,326 # 385 56,035 73 || 10,453 : 8 818 103 27,912 36 8,069 2 599 s 1830 30 4,196 || 17 | 2,162 32 4,304 353 || 51,512; 95 || 13,610 11 | 1,127 126 34,673 23 4,276 | 142 2. I 8 953 27 4,509 60 | 8,482 : 497 || 75,875 129 18,180 12 | 1,178 126 36,710 ; 27 4,626 – — s 2 16 2,257 6 726 48 || 6,694; 292 42,992 : 135 | 18,865 : 10 | 1,067 123 30,896 || 29 5,148 – — 3 ** 4. 5 6 7 8 - Q 9 21 22 23 24 25 36 27 28 • 29 - ſ {}{JTWA R DS. nmeated SUMMA R Y eachibits at one point o -Y º *::: º between the ū. º BRIT (SH. For EIGN. Kingdom and all parts of the WoRLD, distinguishing To all parts of th - To Nos. 16–42 To Nos. 1–13 . To Nos. 1-13 ortion of Foreign in each Year since 1819; page * O a.11 O3.H.S () € | O os. o * 3. gº fºº * , º;"| º #. º * ...tº of ;: OR}, D. as iſ pages 229–232. as itſ” page 229. | as {P pages 228–9. course between I RELAND and Foreign parts, as well as Years : Number Tonnage Number Tonnage. Nmmber between Great Britain and Ireland; while the following :::::::::::::::"º".º., 1820 |10,102 1,549,50s, 896,660 5,01715,085 652,848 I 483,828 2,969 Tommage to each respective Country, distinguishing British 1 || 9,797 1,488,644 940,474 5,000 : 4,797 548, 170 || 383,786 2,626 from Foreign. The Wages, Provision, and Wear and 2 10,023 1,539,260 928, 171 5,131 4,891 | 611,089 || 457,542 2,843 fºº', ; ;...; 3 || 9,666 1,546,976 975,977 5,223 ; 4,443 570,999 || 563,571 || 3,438 #. (IS ſº §ºn fºliº 2 4 || 10,157 1,657,533 1,078,615 5,652 4,505 578,918 || 746,707 5,026 Voyages, the charge for freight probably will not º: 5 | 10,848 1,793,994 : 1,108,287 5,729 5,119 685,707 || 905,520 6,075 30s, tº Tom, giving about £1,000,000 dj Annum in the 6 : 10,844 1,737,425 | 1,057,445 5,556 5,288 679,980 || 695,440 5,410 ; :"..."; ","; ſº...". º: 7 || 11,481 1,887,682 : 1,038,392 || 5,517 : 5,965 849,110 || 767,821 5,714 - O 36 (1.7 - - - - º * - #. remuneration, º". iº . 8 || 12,248 2,006,397 1,146,970 5,971 6,274 859,163 608,118 4,405 the War it has been deriving, has given rise to many well- 9 || 12,636 2,063,179 1,160,951 6,243 6,393 || 902,228 || 730,250 5,094 grounded complaints ºf distress on the part of the Öwners 1830 12,747 2,102,147 1,212,351 6,461 6,286 889,796 || 758,368 5,158 and jº, º º and the Go- 1 *13,791 2,300,731 1,263,812 || 6,614 7,177 | 1,036,919 || 896,051 5,927 gº.º.º. 3 |iº |3% iºds tº 6:30; "pſiº tº ºf pendencies ; well founded as the complaints of distress are 3 - * admitted to be, it does not follow as an indubitable conse- 4 quence, that any fiscal restraint, or even total eacclusion of 5 Foreign Shipping, would operate to the permanent advan- 6 tage either of the British Shipping interest in particular, or to the interest of the Nation at large. | % - i *- ; i 231 Ports of the UNITED KINGDOM, to, and from, all those par in each Year since 1819,-see Note to pages 228–9. ts of the World, with which the intercourse is maintained exclusively by New S. Wales Foreign WEST INDIES. British mix; CO t g - . (17? ”;"|Mauritius China. Easter, sº pºiſ-Harry T-zºna. Guatemala, Years No. |Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage ſ 1820 92 51,133 2 753 # 13 16,727 4 1,738 9 || 2,823 — — 110 |22,110 || – || – 1 75 40,641 2 933 20 27,174 : — — ; 16 4,842 37 5,704 59 11,964 — — 2 82 46,093 i 494 20 27,009 | 356 36 11,704 21 3,623 50 | 10,476 — — 3 95 48,080 I 471 15 20,128 4 962 35 12,737 39 6,349 58 12,207 || 11 1,974 4 92 || 48,299 5 1,822 23 30,002 3 696 32 || 11,584 46 7,069 49 || 11,006 16 || 2,483 5 : 116 54,335 9 3,014 21 26,018 6 1,484 || 42 15,576 : 50 || 7,977 38 8,225 || 47 8,157 6 : 120 53,273 20 6,102 || 29 || 35,087 7 2,296 || 36 12,496 || 28 4,524 46 $9,948 20 3,620 & 7 : 170 || 71,811 # 30 8,341 22 26,026 6 | 1,825 # 63 23,019 : 43 7,126 66 14,153 : 30 5,238 Ś 8 : 184 || 78,125 28 8,430 ; 23 30,385 6 | 1,637 80 28,122 110 || 21,156 21 3,976 Q: 9 : 125 54,383 # 27 6,391 22 28,557 3 650 86 30,279 || 48 || 7,867 58 12,536 || 2 || || 3,369 5 * 1830 ; 141 59,605 : 33 8,036 16 || 21,033 4 | 1,183 : 71 || 24,484 || 46 7,642 67 12,584 || 51 8,574 s 1 : 137 59,721 28 8,065 # 22 28,081 16 || 4,590 82 28,982 43 7,518 78 || 14,927 || 31 || 5,230 s 2 : 193 85,260 55 | 16 239 19 24,645 17 | 4,921 ; 91 31,044 62 9,807 72 | 15,214 20 | 3,740 Ç 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 9 *s-2 ſ 1820 132 78,348 6 2,332 3 3,946 || 6 || 2,293 : 1,291 — — 80 || 15,561 : — — 1 81 || 41,588 5 2,122 # 24 29,059 3 | 1,461 5 2,549 39 6,515 40 8,689 : — — 2 72 37,953 4. 1,690 # 20 25,959 2. 858 5 1,706 26 4,327 36 7,498 — —— 3 87 48,325 3 1,275 # 20 27,319 2 | 1,053 11 3,883 26 || 4,373 38 8,149 : — — 4 : 100 || 48,666 6 2,197. 21 28,270 8 3,075 13 4,073 28 4,558 24 5,008 5 919 5 : 89 43,069 7 2,150 20 26,986 2 865 § 12 3,971 46 7,215 29 5,686 10 | 1,705 &; 6 123 58,243 24 6,632 23 27,824 2 725 # 21 7,582 27 || 4,258 25 3,394 9 | 1,283 S 7 : 136 59,734 21 6,618 29 |35,977 5 | 1,770 21 5,955 ; 20 3,665 31 6,673 15 2,941 Q: 8 # 149 63,131 47 | 13,053 25 29,845 4 1,305 22 7,186 — — 45 8,899 - 31 | 6,618 s: 9 165 71,911 41 | 12,824 20 27,915 8 || 2,269 ; 31 9,420 # 24 4,469 33 6,061 18 3,386 Sº 1830 ; 148 65,498 55 17, 189 22 27,782 9 3,675 ; 28 9,098 21 3,719 25 4,637 35 | 6,236 º 1 : 150 63,566 69 19,317 21 || 27,889 ; ; 0 || 3,095 # 36 | 12,412 25 4,633 35 7,438 33 5,177 - * ~ 2 168 || 72,895 64 17,287 20 |25,237 9 2,542 38 12,231 ; 24 4,242 38 8,162 : 35 | 6,233 3 - - 4 5 6 7 || | 8 | - -- \. 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 INWARDS. | The followingsrATEMENT FOREIGN. y BR1T is H. being an Account of the Tonnage of * - - -- - Vessels cleared outwards from all the From Nos. 1-13, | From Nos. 1-3, | From Nos. 16–42, From all parts of the Ports of Ireland to all Foreign parts, as tº pages 238-9. as dj' page 229. as tº pages 229–232. WoRLD. in the Year 1828, will suffice to eluci- Number Tonnage Number Tonnage | Number Years date the columns of Totals at page 227. - - - *. ~ British. Foreign. 3,472 447,611 723,630 || 6,242 5,512 944,300 1,667,930 | 11,754 - 1820 countRIES. - * 3,261 || 396,256 664,019 5,780 5,030 935,255 # 1,599,274 || 10,810 1 Russia . . . . . . 3,025 || – 3,389 469,151 757,490 6,062 : 5,595 906,686 1,664,186 11,087 2 Norway . . . . 787 | 9,141 4,069 582,996 732,908 5,692 5,579 | 1,007,951 : 1,740,859 11,271 3 Denmark. . . . 778 — 5,653 || 759,441 736,120 5,873 ; 5,860 | 1,061,200 1,797,320 | 11,733 4 Prussia . 1,995 | 1,006 6,968 || 958,132 || 1,016,287 || 7,553 5,963 1,128,311 : 2,144,598 || 13,516 5 Germany and } 299 230 5,720 694,116 853,672 | 6,669 ; 5,804 || 1,096,968 ; 1,950,630 | 12,473 6 ſ the Netherids - 6,046 751,864 1,068,905 7,773 5,360 1,018,993 : 2,086,898 || 13,133 7 France. . . . . . 2,130 762 | 4,955 634,620. 999,879 7,488 5,947 | 1,094,378 : 2,094,357 | 13,436 8 Portugal . . . . . 2,778 6,411 5,218 710,308 || 1,016,183 || 7,302 6,357 | 1,168,352 2,184,535 | 13,659 9 Spain . . . . . . 1,369 900 5,359 || 758,828 992,504 || 7, 115 # 6,433 | 1,187,538 : 2,180,042 | 13,548 1830 Gibralter.... 1,513 373 6,085 874,605 || 1,104,024 7,887 6,611 1,263,298 : 2,367,322 14,488 I Italy . . . . 758 — 4,546 j639,979 970,708 || 6,996 || 6,376 | 1,215,272 2, 185,980 || 13,372 2 United States 8,474 7,632 - - 3 B.N. Americ.|55,113 | — 4 West Indies...| 13,376 — 5 Isle of Man... 1,889 — 6 All others ... 1,237 || – 7 - 8 J Total Tons 95,717 |-26,455 Alphabetical Indez to the Columns. Africa, West Coast of 27 Alderney .......... 45 America, British .... 43 do., United States of 12 Ascension ... . . . . . . . 29 Azores . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Balearic Isles ...... 11 Baltic . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Barbary . . . . . . . . . . 26 Belgium . . . . . . . . . . 8 Birman Empire .... 33 Bourbon . . . . . . . . . . . Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . 41. British Isles. . . . . . . . 45 Buenos Ayres . . . . . . 39 Cape of Good Hope 28 Cape Verd Isles . . . . 27 Canada . . . . • . . . . . . . 43 Canary Isles ... . . . 20 Ceylon . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Chili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 China . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Coast of Africa 27 Colombia . . . . . . . . . . 38 Cuba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Denmark . . . . . . . . . . 5 Domingo, St. . . . . . . 35 East Indies . . . . ... 30 Eastern Seas . . . . . . 33 Egypt . . . . . . . . . . .... 16 France . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Foreign W. Indies 35-6 Germany . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gibralter . . . . . . . . . . 21 Gold Coast . . . . . . . . 27 Greenland . . . . . . . . . 44 Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Guatemala . . . . . . . • 37 Guinea, Coast of.... 27 Guernsey . . . . . . . . . . 45 Havannah. . . . . . . . . . 36 Hayti . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Helena, St. . . . . . . . , 29 Holland . . . . . . . . . , 8 Honduras . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ionian Isles . . . . . . . . 23 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Jamaica . . . . . . . . . s 42 Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Levant . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Madeira . . . . . . . . . . of 8 Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Mauritius . . . . . . . . . . 31 Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Minorca . . . . . . . . . . 11 Morea . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Morocco . . . . . . . . . . 26 Netherlands........ 8 New Brunswick . . . . 43 Newfoundland . . . . , New Guinea . . . . . . tle do. South Wales .. , do. Zealand . . . . . . a Norway. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nova Scotia. . . . . . . . 43 Pearl Fishery ...... 33 Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Phillipine Islands .. 33 Portugal . . . . . . . . . . 10 Prussia . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Rio-de-la-Plata .... 39 Russia tº tº e G & 6 & 2 & © e e # Senegal . . . . . . . . . Siam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sierra Leone . . . . . . Singapore.. tº e & .. e Jº 33 Spain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 St. Helena . . . . . . . . 29 *St. Thomas . . . . . . . . 36 Sumatra . . . . . . . . . . 33 Swan River........ 34 Sweden. . . . . . . . . . ... 3 Tripoli . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Trebizonde ... . . . . . 25 || Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Van Diemans' Land 34 Gº & J. J . 2 U 232 ACCOUNT (Contin UED), of the No. and Tonnage of SHIPPING cleared Outwards from, and entered Inwards into, all the Ports of the UNITED KINGDoM, to and from, all those parts of the World with which the intercourse is maintaincá exclusively by BRITISH SHIPPING, in each Year since 1819. SOUTH AMERICA. - Greenland, • British Isles of British British North and Southern GUE RNSE Y, Columbia. Fio-de-la-Plata. Chili & Peru. Brazils. |WEST IN DIES. AMERICA. Whale Fisheries.jJERSE Y, & MA N. Years No. 1Tonnagel No. 1 Tonnage.] No. [Tonnagel No. Tonnage. No. | Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. | Tonnage. No. Tonnage. ſ 1820 || – * * — I — I — I — — 831 || 233,486 || 1,497 || 341,650 210 64,847 1,304 | 66, 139 1 1 248 51 9,682 || 17 || 3,992 || 171 30,586 || 891 246,180 | 1,426 328,425 || 196 || 59,445 1,333 | 68,204 2 3 485 55 10,058 || 25 5,988 || 187 || 33,848 || 743 208,099 || 1,495 || 354,696 || 169 || 49,700 1,546 69,029 3 : 11 2,425 || 34 6,335 || 23 4,517 215 40,105 842 232,717 | 1,433 354,027 179 55,297 1,522 | 73,290 4 19 || 3,427 43 7,924 || 32 5,859 247 || 48,330 | 848 || 233,097 1,670 || 412,073 || 144 44,378 1,621 81,177 5 : 33 5,509 || 51 10,302 || 42 | 8,264 190 37,029 801 || 219,431 1,817 | 463,906 || 142 43,721 | 1,629 80,435 &; 6 22 3,355 23 4,906 || 17 2,713 126 26,821 907 || 251,842 1,556 397,758 128 40,532 1,789 85,225 Q 7 16 2,670 : 19 3,818 24 4,240 252 56,502 || 906 || 248,598 1,308 || 328,568 ; 121 38,690 1,754 85,754 Sº 8 25 || 4,194 25 4,281 44 || 9,177 252 55,321 1022 270,495 1,480 380,594 || 110 || 35,829 1,804 || 93,461 s: 9 || 19 3,363 # 48 9,048 30 6,000 193 || 42,509 || 918 252,992 1,659 || 419,421 119 39,540 1,922 || 97,211 §: 1830 ; 16 || 3,108 || 36 || 6,294 24 4,409 254 57,682 868 240,664 1,714 || 450,982 # 123 40,166 1,897 95,547 s 1 || 15 2,937 25 4,483 25 4,893 : 239 58,681 907 || 249,051 1,804 || 473,338 110 || 36,472 | 1,867 || 97,465 Q 2 I 19 3,380 30 5,857 24 4,785 203 |45,849 || 803 226,105 1,872 489,233 116 38,240 | 1,995 || 104,154 3 - - 4 5 6 7 8 U. 9 - - ſ 1820 — — — -saºmº-ºº: "I gº vºe *sassassº- º- — 857 240,510 || 1,440 || 343,377 194 62,750 1,640 79,881 1 1 446 41 7,609 4 1,254 158 27,845 884 245,321 : 1,403 || 337,446 197 || 60,257 1,609 || 79,170 2 2 275 : 52 9,109 6 1,727 | 153 27,792 || 839 232,426 1,426 356,488 157 || 48,204 1,757 | 84,863 3 6 996 : 52 9,237 5 1,160 |,159 28,691 861 || 233,790 1,579 |401,669 170 51,796 1,852 85,956 4 || || 3 || 2,130 41 7,788 || 6 || 1,191 || '186 34,759 899 || 244,971 1,683 427,832 148 45,925 2,033 98,214 5 i 20 2,641 45 8,697 12 2,321 227 42,189 : 872 232,357 1,856 || 489,844 138 42,736 1,845 85,645 6 || 12 1,951 20 4,713 19 || 3,400 91 16,600 891 243,448 1,770 472,588 125 39,394 2,031 86,460 e 7 20 3,876 4 578 18 3,016 || 146 30,120 872 243,721 1,357 | 359,793 119 38,002 : 1,814 92,959 § 8 || 17 | 3,140 16 || 2,421 15 2,484 || 172 37,121 1013 272,800 1,526 400,841 || 107 || 34,129 2,119 || 103,681 Sº 9 : 19 || 3,486 55 10,087 24 4,247 155 34,119 958 263,338 1,611 431,901 : 113 || 35,982 : 2,184 || 108,068 s: 5, 1830 17 3,268 51 9,784 18 3,327 168 38,322 911 || 253,872 1,709 || 452,397 97 || 31,987 2,199 || 117,298 s l 8 1,707 42 7,829 16 || 2,902 216 49,414 904 || 249,079 : 1,758 480,236 111 || 37,454 1,955 106,230 : 2 20 | 3,454 23 4,231 19 3,693 129 29,302 || 828 229,117 1,872 504,211 : 106 || 34,900 2,212 | 125,136 4 | 5 6 7 8 \- 9 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 The following STATEMENT shows the No. and Tonnage of VESSELS Owned and Registered in each great section of the BRITISH EMPIRE, in each of 19 classes of burthen in the Year 1788, the Total compared with the Totals in 1830 and 1832. ENGLAND. Scot LAND. IRE LAND. WEST INDI Es. B. N. AMERICA. 5 BRITISH 1s Les. # , º, TOTAL 1788. - W TOTAL 1830. - €a:Clºts? W. s Tons. Wo. Tons. No. Tons. Aſo, Tons, 1 No. Tons. No. 1 Toms. No. Tons. No. Toms. # %.!ſ72dies —rºr- not exceeding 201,165 15,066 73 || 1,189 | 68 1,113||134 1,903 || 43 || 757|31 || 484 || 1,514 || 20,052 ) – “. . * 20 to 39 #1,514 || 43,995 || 377 | 12,037 410 12,748 182 5,432 183 || 5,379 72 2,156 2,734 83,147 - 195,686 6,542 40 to 59 1,304 || 65,768 520 26,076 220 10,770 164 8,218 109 || 5,488 43 2,175 : 2,360 118,496 - 60 to 79 || 937 65,805 : 310 21,588 104 || 7,344 || 133 || 9,136 67 || 4,723 # 22 1,543 1,633 º;; 364,086 5,212 80 to 99 689 || 61,694 || 146 | 12,844 46 4,092 74 | 6,688 32 || 3,426 11 || 997 998 || 89,741 3 3. 100 to 119 661 | 72,666 : 93 10,163 || 59 || 6,384 || 67 || 7,359 23 2,549 || 9 || 962 912 || 100,082 120 to 139 454 58,939 84 10,894 45 5,879 39 5,079 27 | 3,492 || 11 | 1,439 660 | 85,722 140 to 159 410 | 61,679 62 9,312 21 3,183 21 3,097 16 || 2,407 || 6 || 874 537 80,552 6 3 4 1 * - 52 > 555,758 3,942 160 to 179 335 57,109 54 || 9,184 || 14 2,360 13 2,203 || 10 | 1,697 1,018 432 | 73,567 420 to 479 30 || 13,437 1 470 480 to 1,180 90 78,006 2 | 1,034 ! i 180 to 199 || 289 54,968 I 40 || 7,579 9 1,713 10 | 1,873 || 7 | 1,333 564 358 68,030 200 to 219 235 49,375 || 30 6,250 3 | 636 || 6 | 1,268 || 1 || 205 220 to 239 214 49,316 16 3,705 || 2 | 465 4 912 || 1 || 222 222 238 53,842 - 240 to 259 219 54,843 15 3,708 || 6 | 1,500 || 1 || 252 : — — — 241 60,343 > 472,128 1,947 260 to 279 ± 170 45,983 15 4,080 1 || 277 — — — — ; 2 | 535 ; 188 50,895 280 to 299 164 47,563 7 2,040 1 2 589 — — — -— —-. § 173 50,192 300 to 319 135 || 41,763 7 2,160 || 3 || 920 - || – | – || – || - # 14. .44% 331,685 969 320 to 419 330 (115,935 | 15 5,379 2 — B — — — 339 117,081 2 º 767 : — *- * — — 31 || 13,907 90 78,006 280,616 497 TOTAL 1788 || 9,341 | 1,053,910 1,867 || 149,658 1,015 60,690 827 | 53,420 || 519 31,798 221 | 13,793 13,827 | 1,362,590 19,110 1832 #14,281 | 1,780,252 3,214 || 303,631 1,447 106,574 4,792 357,608 508 33,893 & 24,242 2,581,964 2,199,959 233 STATEMENT showing the Number and Tonnage of VESSELS Owned and Registered, at each Port of the British Dominions at each of Seven different periods since 1790; showing the Population of each Port in 1831, with Number of reference to its place in the District arran the 6,000 principal Towns and Parishes of GREAT BRITAIN ;—see page 68 for Steam Vessels belonging to each Port in 1827. *...* The Account in 1832 gement of Par. Paper, No. 207,) includes those Ports only which return Members to Parliament; those noted with a †, are newly enfranchised Boroughs under the Act of 3 Will. IV. (1832.) Those with 44 were totally, and those with were partially disfranchised under the same Act; the Places not returning Members are printed in Italics, all the other each return 2 Members; the Cities, Ecclesiastical Sees, being printed in QBID 330man. PORTS, with Number of reference to District Arrangement. 3.0ttú0tt . . . . . . pages 76–77 liverpool . . . . . . . . 1316–22 Newcastle. . 18, 19, 23, 25 ft Sunderland . . . . . . 34 444 laboro’. . . . . . . . . ... I'759 | Arundel . . . . . . . . . 1430 Barnstaple . . . . . . . . 1531 Berwick . . . . . . . . i 675–6 Bideford . . . . . . . . I 529–30 Blakeney and Cley 1741–2 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728 Bridgewater . . . . . . . . 1540 Bridlington . . . . . . . . 1703 33rigtúl . . . . . . . . . . 1324–32 Carſtäſe . . . . . . . . . . . . 1262 Chepstow . . . . . . . . . . 1541 &Tſºter . . . . . . . . . . . . 1654 (Tjícíjećter . . . . . . . . . . 1433 Colchester. . . . . . . . . . 1771 Cowes . . . . . . . 1465 | Dartmouth . . 1516–17 +Deal, with Sandwich 1404 Dover . . . . . . . . . . 1407–11 33xeter . . . . . . . 1489–93 #Falmouth with Penryn 248–9| Feversham . . . . . . . . . . 1395 44 Fowey . . . . . . . . . . 227 &Iducester . . . . . . . . 316.5–7 Goole . . . . . . . e Q Q e 1716 4Grimsby . . . . . . . . . . 1721 Gweek & Helstone 261 Harwich . . . . . . . . . . 1769 Hull . . . . . . . . . . 1335–40 Ilfracombe. . . . . . . . . . 1533 Ipswich. . . . . . . . . . . 1764. Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . 1255 || Looe, E. & 4 West 215–17 +Lyme Regis . . . . . • 1281 Lynn do. . . . . . . . . . . 1734 Maldon . . . . . . . . . . 1775–6 44 Minehead . . . . . . . . 1536 Newhaven . . . . . . . . . . I427 Newport . . . . . . . . 1462–3 Padstow . . . . . . . . . . 1521 Penzance . . . . . . . . . . 268 Plymouth . . . . . . . . 1360–2 Poole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466 Portsmouth . . . . . . 1356–9 Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . 1230 Ramsgate & Sandwich 1377–9 3itoriester . . ... 1348 | Rye & Hastings”?04& 732 4St. Ives . . . . . . . . . . 277 Scarborough . . . . . . . . 1698 Scilly Isles. . . . . . . . . . 275 Shoreham . . . . . . . . . . 1429 Southampton . . . . 1446–9 Southwold . . . . . . . . . . 1758 Stockton . . . . . . . . . . 1679 Truro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243–5 Wells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1740 Weymouth . . . . . . . . 1471 +Whitby . . . . . . . . . 1692 +Whitehaven . . . . . . 64 Wisbeach . . . . . . . . . . 1730 Woodbridge . . . . . . . . 1761 Yarmouth. . . . . . . . 1752-4 Population 1791. 1801. 1810. 1816. 1824. 1829. 1832. 1831. No. Tommage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. No. Tommage. 1,850,000 : 1,842 378,516 2,966 619,466 : 4,370 831,400 4,703 || 913,301 4,682 | 848,682 2,663 || 572,835 | 2,267 562,839 200,000 528 83,696 || 821 148,891 1,131 185,641 1,312 214,961 : 1,189 183,642 805 | 161,780 806 || 158,596 80,000 534 115,424 657 144,991 745 | 161,256 810 | 181,900 | 848 || 181,808 987 202,739 1,048 215,784 40,000 : 388 55,939 507 || 75,523 i 505 | 68,490 585 87,170 569 87,743 624 107,628 696 || 120,711 1,341 20 1,203 32 1,210 45 2,070 44 2,185 43 2,041 49 2,698 2,803 32 2, 184 31 2,370 54 4,742 46 4,425 37 3,269 25 2,7II 32 3,001 6,840 76 6,888 # 65 4,896 65 4,795 45 3,087 38 2,114 40 2,087 39 2,019 13,891 39 2,704 59 5,955 ; 72 7,135 76 7,478 48 || 4,288 57 4,784 65 5,257 7,573 64. 3,930 71 4,960 77 7,011 98 8,087 109 || 9,328 116 || 10, 182 1,756 28 2,635 23 1,555 36 2,492 || 36 2,475 41 || 2,543 50 3,380 - 12,818 75 3,903 133 7,373 162 || 9,652 125 7,918 128 7,098 152 8,059 165 8,568 7,807 32 | 1,706 33 1,716 54 || 3,231 || 41 || 2,971 || 48 2,814 46 2,921 52 3,576 5,637 36 5, 16 45 5,572 49 6,646 38 5,864 44 6,290 40 6,290 130,000 i 301 || 43,469 206 || 30,125 273 || 33,017 294 37,452 289 || 37,274 316 || 49,535 || 313 49,336 20,006 13 671 20 | 1,215 # 25 | 1,289 34 2,034 39 2,555 40 2,886 45 3,250 3,524 : 31 2,495 40 || 3,346 56 5,031 62 5,467 75 5,782 : 72 5,805 21,363 32 2,194 29 1,835 41 2,852 62 4,409 59 3,688 74 || 4,816 72 4,609 8,270 87 4,888 63 2,522 88 3,349 : 104 3,457 82 2,983 62 2,805 66 2,841. 16,167 : 155 3,936 164 4,921 ; 214 6,880 232 6,845 255 6,945 235 6,745 240 7,335 4,491 116 2,488 136 3,713 163 4,214 fl 165 4,407 : 151 4,947 151 | 6,015 163 6,705 5,322 299 || 17,055 230 | 12,409 277 17,060 i 339 22,316 369 24,808 349 24,114 367 24,850 7,268 4 I 36 # 35 2,200 36 1,598 32 1,156 16 543 19 557 21 598 15,667 127, 6,465 # 243 15,348 181 10,498 || 190 11,003 ; 149 7,039 || 120 5,525 1] 9 5,354 36,791 152 | 13,288 168 || 13,521 207 | 16,077 204 | 16,230 207 || 17,510 || 196 17,166 203 17,616 7,284 47 5,065 55 5, 174 71 7,927 77 7,935 83 8,500 78 6,614 77 6, 150 4,429 305 || 5,613 ; 256 6,307 || 253 5,069 ; 250 5,980 264 6,886 217 7,392 - 1,767 51 2,232 89 5,477 76 4,788 87 6,579 81 5,690 81 5,470 14,303 37 1,368 77 2,818 236 12,596 248 || 13,648 223 11,803 247 13,026. 222 12,220 1,671 *. 2,855 # 50 | 3,625 4,225 . . 49 2,644 96 || 4, 136 73 39 1,390 39 1,525 3,293 19 571 : 14 316 : 15 637 : 15 687 12 482 8 567 9 6() } 4,297 : 131 6,575 : 144 7,422 158 8,229 : 126 6,879 85 4,825 # 96 5,513 97 5,844 59,642 443 54,677 : 620 61,490 747 80,344 773 || 87,644 709 || 74,493 579 72,248 561 || 71,559 3,201 : 58 2,651 60 3,088 61 3,457 79 5,015 64 4,367 64 4,095 - 20,454 89 4,997 97 5, 127 112 5,621 : 128 6,858 : 119 6,785 I 38 8,532 149 9,960 12,613 110 || 10,930 111 | 16,070 81 | 10,425 || 85 10,733 59 6,110 ; 107 9,410 # 117 | 9,251 1,458 8 405 23 1,004 24 1,328 34 1,935 29 1,753 - tº 2,621 27 1,284 20 1,585 29 2,278 33 2,488 44 3,498 39 3,335 38 || 3,273 13,370 150 17,350 132 13,492 121 12,779 139 15,400 120 14,720 118 14,659 116 14,600 4,895 164 4,842 189 || 5,930 21 1 || 6,697 242 9,809 236 8,478 190 7,373 179 7,326 1,481 28 1,230 25 1,022 24 946 23 1,008 22 1,108 20 95.7 904 17 | 1,417 § 22 | 1,482 14 963 # 13 769 8 585 # 21 1,205 - 9,111 . . 50 3,824 with | Cowes 1,822 26 | 1,022 49 2,534 45 2,342 : 51 2,642 63 3,377 : 68 3,587 - 6,563 32 2,038 : 30 1,673 || 34 1,915 # 47 2,752 73 || 3,318 92 || 4,981 - 80,000 || 119 6,342 . 245 15,574 438 35,049 i 476 38,345 345 26,800 i 302 24,838 298 || 24,656 6,459 ; 223 20,834 134 10,660 139 15,202 : 161 | 19,693 143 | 16,243 168 17,860 163 | 16,852 65,000 : 111 3,857 230 8,765 : 348 17,309 312 11,090 238 8,389 184 8,485 192 || 10,269 33,112 29 1,558 35 1,768 34 1,906 44 2,576 40 2,524 with Lancaster 12,351 . …It 70 4,397 76 5,117 35,009 196 || 7,075 285 11,204 360 14,675 391 | 16,476 296 11,833 255 | 10,816 264 11,570 15,000 82 3,197 : 94 || 4,620 83 3,770 85 4,115 || 79 || 3,487 : 68 3,704 64 3,588 4,776 29 1,572 44 2,487 65 3,396 61 3,605 71 3,850 87 5,570 95 6,592 8,760 179 25,629 117 | 18,607 || 130 18,192 130 21,246 176 27,534 169 28,070 167 27,779 2,465 , 9 208 # 0 260 12 638 1() 344 I5 || 656 22 792 2,518 32 | 1,840 32 952 28 1,323 47 | 1,957 49 2,426 42 2,272 47 2,963 30,000 190 || 9,120 249 || 13,356 229 11,400 187 || 9,839 191 8,887 178 8,120 173 8, 182 1,875 20 | 1,368 I 42 3,381 33 2,695 || 35 | 2,620 i 37 2,642 : 37 2,638 7,763 60 6,010 40 3,293 41 3,970 51 5,464 57 5,849 74 7,296 - 15,000 12 874 14 1,033 19 1,355 24 1,195 26 1,386 25 1,727 25 1,818 3,624 5 l 3,327 59 3,515 65 3, 102 64 3,362 76 3,689 66 || 3,962 - - 7,655 117 | 6,168 105 || 6,120 | 1 || 1 || 6,783 122 || 8,925 114 || 8,188 85 7,175 84 6,638 7,765 || 250 49,327 236 || 37,696 204 || 34,714 251 |46,340 250 || 41,298 258 41,576 258 41,194 11,393 || 461 54,585 456 56,652 514 | 68,856 560 78,537 458 | 66,527 496 72,967 || 481 70,093 8,777 ; 32 1,659 23 1,224 22 | 1,045 30 1,408 30 | 1,558 || 43 2,487 4,769 22 1,523 32 2,182 32 1,879 35 | 2,780 31 2,169 || 38 i. 2,659 25,000 i 394 35,158 393 || 34,831 455 32,632 514 || 38,957 i 549 |40,074 585 44,134 577 || 43,967 234 T l 791. *. 1801. 1810. 1816 1824 º o . - 1829. 183 with Number ºf reference to the tion in District Arrangement. 1831 - ſ Ab - º No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tomma N erystwith e G & ºt tº • * • v. 3'é. 0. | Tommage. No. Tonmag. -- • Beaumaris . . 1594 4, 128 : 108 3,922 : 71 & onnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. & *::::s. . . . . . . . . . 1632 | 1.29 ...” 3,323 ; ; 15 6,2 * § +Cardiff. . . . . - 154 ,298 || 336 13,409 379 || 14,010 ,258 159 9,256 126 7,302 12 S3 gardigan . • * g º º $ tº ; §: 31 || "oso | 35 | "gas º *::::: 339 24,581 413 |23.906 : º: 121 - 6,297 G e a e º 'º º e Q ,795 # 243 || 6 - ,194 : 52 | 1,820 3 * 3 399 22,390 s | Llanelly. e tº e g g tº e a e 344 ,664 245 7,486 3.14 A. - 5 53 3 514 38 2 5 ; Milford tº º 7,016 || Tº | 1.373 || 65|| 3. 11,115. 321 | 13,807; 246 | 13, - ,742 44 2,878 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344 221 : 10 3. 2,736 pi || 4843; 96 || 5.34% 13 oić 2si | 13,643| 292 | 15.1 U+Swansea . . . . . . . . . 295 || 13,694 łº, §: ; º: 92 6,506 77 : !. #: 1. 3,264 66 ; 3 V4-4 106 6 I28 13 9 2 16 8 104 I 3 º - ſtaberdeen - 647 5 2 8 9,396 95 6,050 à 12 5 ;1 8,759 & © tº º ſº ſº º º - w s 2 º 2 7 772 Avr . . 8| 57,029 184 || 13,46 & 5 127 7,998 - fºſſ.... !. ... 107-9|16,915 34 *:::: *: *::::: 221 24,564 322 || 40,756 # 319 44, 19 ... - Borrowsiones' p e g º ſº * 735 | 3,711 29 ; 45 3,714 47 || 4,299 || 49 jº, 350 |46,201 || 346 42,146 | Campbeltown ...... 365| 2,809 | 168 12,570 13i 8,390 aſ 1,000 | 1.4% | 6′31, 160 | 6.1: 33 3,412 | Dumfries ........ 7 sº 1:# 33 || 4,540 || 7 || 3,630 º º 127 | 8,173 is 3.913 ;: ; 12t 5,101 - Kircudbright º º º & ,271 # 25 | 1,178 30 ” * ,750 66 3,650 68 2 9,108 || 124 9,007 : “” is.” . . . . . . 61 || 3.5ii 21 | " 1,290 41 | 1,874 ...” 2,740 68 2,779 70 3,016 Wig 3. 24 8 5 64 3,902 2 70 3,0} { ºp.” º 74|| 2:37 . .39 1. § }: 38 1,649 | | | 3,400 º ; 183 12,192 192 ſº †Perth .......... º;|;| || 3: ; ſºliº || | | Iºlº, iºns .. ++Glasgow . . . . . . ... sºlºl i. 1;|1. ; : ºl '!'};}| ". 17,741 º a s & 6 G & © v. 380 12 º 113 12,457 103 13,084 24 iº957 ; ; 46 3,260 ;299 31,986 327 35,877 I'96 Il OCK . . . . . . . ; : : - 5 2 I H 5 4.339 2 - - 2. © 6 @ 347 27 º 6 * * 2 235 41 121 e Inve ,571 || 342 33,2 45 4,558 *$ - 2 227 40,470 S *:::::::::: 771 14,324 || 44 ; º *::::: * * * a.º. sº sº 204 || 24,327 190 23,328 2 || Kirkaldy ........ ... 12; 7,716 || 101 || 8,333 81 ; 62 4,364 51 3,020 : 71 ; 371 || 36,241 357 | 34,594 § Anºther tº e º 'º e O 4 423 5,034 97 9,916 103 11,663 91 7,143 121 10,174 109 1632: 136 7,338 H42 6,930 § Kirkwaii"........ . 463-4 1,497 || 48 2,851 || 46 || 2:303 118 11,562 io9 || 9,957. 93 |io's 3 : 135 | 13,379 98 || 10,323 S |fician .....' ....' 37 869 3,065 : 3 | | 1,703 21 ; 49 2,370 65 || 3,444 67 º, 192 || 14,802 176 13,564 g|"º...";|*::I'ſ, 'º'; ſºlº sºlº sºlº º tº Lerwień........... . 229 || 4,735 | is || 3,480 | 19 i.835 180 |20,483 | 196 |23,868 ; 267 24,700 68 3,312 # 80 3,931 †Montrose.... ....' § 3;| || cºlº. ... . . "...] ; ; ; Tº, $263 26,362 : 229 24,877 §. Glasgow ..... 346 *::::: 107 6,107 136 6,370 132 º i. iii.6; 50 | 1.7% 94 | 3,314 24, Ö { { Stornoway . . . Q & 3 J. L. - - ...” 38 11,029 : 156 || || ... i , . 3 * * * * §. º 831 5,422 51 | 1,963 54 1,862 142 17,370 ± 152 22,539 79 #; º 16,179 189 || 17,343 Thurso and wick.... sº ; is 'ºl 37 || 1 gig 3. *:::: 79 || 2,707 65 || 3,730 # § 45 5,954 Alloa . . . . . . . . º,679 15 728 2 ,652 47 2,674 2 : * ~ ; ,093 - #;.......: ; *77| * | * ii. #| || | | | || 1.349 . . . . . . . . . . . Asle Martin & Q q & © tº 785 8 239 5 5 114 7,792 138 1 I,297 : 140 5 * 39 2,441 42 2 7{}{} - Oban 6 & © tº e g g s 828 - 2 Tig 11 222 17 650 40 i.75% 42 16,566 9 Port Patrick ...... º: 28 1,122 23 * }; º • g º: ; Pans ...... 248 . 12 570 i 3 igo % *::: 37 1,145 || 36|| 1,033 othesay a 6 & © 2, 3 || 135 2 2 go i g | " ºvery . . . . . . . . . . 359 || 6 72 10 6 : Fº 253 UTobermory . . . . . . . . 960 ,084 77 4,027 94 4,609 97 tº 11 726 17 603 l 26 3 | "Be 4,530 105 5, 186 # 84 3,976 ſt FBelfast . . . . . . . . . º 9 276 32 739 33 | "747 Coleraine . . . . . . . | 53,287| 61 6,245 51 || 4,539 73 - grº............ | 26,685 17 566l 13 | "400 | 7,476 || 93 10,442 130 12,218 Kinsale.......... 107,041 121 || 9,704 75 5,32 13 | "370 13 | "447 6 || "3 247 24,989 255 26,650 Youghali . & © 0 & 6 e ge 15, is 50 i.883 || 57 || 3. 26 ; 79 4,686 84 5,302 78 05 || 10 409 - 10 409 | Drogheda .......... - 1}: 136 || 3336|| 119 ; 1. 2,233 63 3,587 ºf . 256 17,093 265 27,153 | imagin .......... 365 19 "jo 15 || " 5,010 96 || 4,002 : 1 9 •. |*:::::::::: | 265,316 243 | 16,050 251 17 º 19 1, 189 28 1,713 : : - §............ ;| ≤ || 2: . ºlº ||..}}|º º! ; ; ; ; ; 2,425 Filmºirs.......... 33,120 58 2,285 29 755 ; 2 148 # 3 194 Tº 5,768 289 23,904 314 22,833 Lomomorrº :::::::: 65,092 || 17 | 1,158 35 | 1 4. 47 | 1,890 : 30 1,380 10 sº 6 339 ; 7 447 s § ewry & Strangjor • ‘g. ; ; 3,340 18 i.ios ; ; 51 1,739 36 1,552 . I § 18 1,154 - igo . . . . . . . . 5 3 4,865 - 5 20 1.53; 3. */ - 2 C. - 50 2,2 ** s: { *:::::::::: 17,762 is "316 * | *; º; tº it. #: * 2,769 32 4,306 31 4 ; S W." .......... | 28,821 60 4,633 4. 376 8 330 ± 10 "344 14 8,890 161 | 8,281 164 3.177 § | Baltimore .......... ||...} . . . . . . .'; . . . . . . sºil a #| || || i.134 * ... . . . . . . . . . 459 | " 2,704 72 3,366 'A- 3,698 76 6,942 = 3 Donaghadee - 47 | 1.623 : 3 2 60 3,276 2 97 9.419 : J W.; • * * * * e s p 7 82 2 9 - 1,248 70 2 * 22 4 81 4,050 135 | 6 - ...” 3. .. Killibegs ,827 28 777 ; 23 ,088 76 2,265 6,701 : 110 6,461 : 12. 6 & © & e º e e º e 724 34 23 783 28 1,0 2 87 2,555 # 86 2,4 9 IGilrush . 34 2,052 10 ,079 40 | 1,406 48 ,478 Larne • * * * * * * * * * * * 3,996 - 3. - - 419 9 258 13 'gig º 1,775 Newport... : : ... | 3,182 # 35 | 1,548 || 33 1,286 - * . } 1 : ..” Tralee . . . . . . e & © | 9,562 II . 527 4 "Tºo * 1,494 i 37 | 1,280 48 1,635 Wicklow -6 e º e g • 2 te - 7 297 8 81 3 238 is 3 vs © e º tº tº e º º e º - - - 4 Westport and Oughaval iš. 39 1,558 18 . : 61.2 : 15 404 H.3 * - Guernsey 20,827 ,304 e - | 936 35 | 1,104 39 1,100 g | Isles of Jersey . 28,600 . - 93 | 6,629 # 88 7,622 2 * with Limerick, *~ Man • *-* 3 81 | 6′iºti is 3.25 104 9,947 65 7,237 70 7 208 ( Man . . . . 40,081 * | * : . . . . . . . łºśl iſ 7,280 - ,895 287 5,560 366 8,735 369 || 3:33 116 || 11,477 492 || 31,603 || - 69 || 9,335 ; 291 7,663 - see |page 226. 235 each of Seven different periods since 1790; showing the Population of each Port in 1831, and a Summary showing the Total Number and TISH Dom INIONs at each of the Seven Periods. '', Colonies. - 1791. 1801. 1810. 1816. 1824. 1829. 1832. PORTS, No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tommage. § No. Tommage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. ſA ntigua. . . . . . 112 5,675 257 14,992 367 23,833 136 9,789 69 2,960 : Bahamas . . . . . . . . 91 3,821 321 18,447 392 | 18, 112 186 8,387 160 5,875 Barbadoes . . . . . . 41 3,925 26 2,419 38 2,900 49 5, 197 29 1,849 Bermudas . . . . . . . . 119 10,486 92 7,428 64 5,398 126 15,520 82 7,466 | Demerara & Berbice **ass --- 22 1,705 54 2,458 74 3,616 111 4,976 . Dominica . . . . . . . . 30 1,784 52 3,226 42 2,341 27 953 19 664 .# Grenada ........! 100 5,805 || 156 9,384 i 158 10,379 195 || 13,770 55 2,686 S | Jamaica . . . . . . 262 14,165 640 54,393 362 30,597 258 || 17,369 189 9,909 Tiviontserrat . . . . . . 9 366 15 1,894 5 218 || 8 406 4 154 3 Nevis . . . . . . . . . . 20 1,045 14 1,085 9 - 425 17 985 16 587 F | St. Kitts . . . . . . . . 58 4,143 63 4,494 79 5,897 155 1 1,607 45 2,262 St. Lucia . . . . . . . . pºss * 16 829 20 1,098 38 2,476 28 1,200 St. Vincents . . 45 1,720 55 2,344 43 2,945 51 2,704 38 1,445 Tobago . . . . . . . . . . &mº 15 1,268 12 466 17 1,015 6 256 | Tortola . . . . . . . . . . 23 895 93 8,219 55 4,341 27 1,984 29 520 ..Trinidad . . . . * * 8 743 20 1,887 96 5,332 53 2,809 Š Canada . . . . . . & & © gº 110 5,232 226 12,150 324 20,769 468 || 50,740 530 | 40,665 º Cape Breton. . . . . . 102 2,760 195 6,216 183 6,755 217 7,754 247 8,767 Š d New Brunswick . . . 87 8,048 132 16,390 113 iT,723 189 25,864 313 || 33,595 - | Newfoundland. . . . 85 5,986 92 5,314 344 || 17, 113 412 23,930 502 || 26,640 º | Nova Scotia. . . . . . 343 19,079 438 26,871 509 26,692 965 65,870 899 || 49,905 § UPrince Edw. Island 46 1,610 43 1,280 21 1,119 52 3,613 55 3,795 & { London . . . . . . . . 1,842 378,516 2,966 619,466 4,301 | 830,832 4,703 |913,301 4,682 | 848,682 : 2,663 572,835 : 2,267 562,839 All other parts (Engld.); 7,619 753, 140 8,888 885,481 10,506 | 1,028,639 11,364 1,170,381 10,590 | 1,068,256 # 10,179 1,120,206 10,834 1,150,711 Wales . . . . . . . . 962 36,813 913 || 36,478 1,241 58,618 1,375 69,286 1, 194 | 64,750 1, 135 | 65,024 1, 180 | 66,642 . Scotland . . . . . 2,104 | 161,486 || 2,279 173,564 2,552 209,736 2,958 263,536; 2,961 266,975 : 3,228 308,297 3,214 || 303,631 & Ireland . . . . .... 1,176 69,233 | 1,003 || 54,232 1,126 || 58,666 1,178 63,222 1,376 || 73,293 1,413 | 101.994 i 1,447 | 106,574 § West indies . . . . . 1,161 65,802 : 2,159 183,708 3,020 113,295 # 1,472 | 101,872 973 || 5 || , 127 - - - s tº - 3. 5 5 2 9 9 * > . ë yº }2 : p: #3 North America ; ; ; ;|...}|'; ;|}}}|...}}|...};} tº 317,0414,792 |357,008 & | British Isles. . . . . . 258 15,668 377 17,104 551 25,703 511 24,564 477 26,361 | 492 31,603 508 || 33,899 | Total Brith. Dominions; 15,547 1,511,401 : 19,711 2,038,253 24,106 || 2,474,774 ; 25,864 | 2,183,040 24,776 2,559,587 23,453 2,517,000 24,242 2,581,964 Proportion Prize & \ . & * yº, - • cº “ 760 126,482 2,810 || 378,332 4,036 450,100 4,046 566,620 # 2,091 301,174 : — | – .* UForeign Ships made free * g” The above and 15 preceding pages contain the most complete view which the vague nature, ſ ſ i North of Europe, Russia, Denmark tºss 175,000 and imperfect state of the Official Accounts relating to the Registry and entry of Shipping, | 2 South of do... Elbe.—Gibralter — — — 100,000 admit of being given, of the progress of Shipping, Built, and Registered, in the British Dominions 1 & United S • 2 f N h Ameri . º since 1787; and the movement to and from each different part of the World in each Year since 3 United States of Nort II] (2F1C3 - - - 45,000 that date. In 1788, subsequent to the separation of the Central, now the United States of . r → North America from Great Britain, the Total of Shipping, Owned, and Registered, in the > - Total - tºº gº * 320,000 British Dominions as exhibited at page 232, was 1,362,590 Tons, and in the United States of 4 Mediterranean and Levant *º *º-º * 70,000 North America, as exhibited at page 201,562 Tons. In 1827, the Tonnage of the United $4; c. $ sº tº-sº Kºrºs ** - States had increased to 1,620,607; and in the British Dominions to 2,460,500; showing an : Bº Nº i. * ; augmentation in the United States of 1,419,045 against 1,097,910 only during the same period - * ClO, est indies sº sº wºx ecºsys 3. in the British Dominions. It will be seen, however, on reference to the Statement of United 7 East Indies, China, and Eastern Seas – | 130,000 States Shipping, that in 1829 the Tonnage is reduced to 1,260,798, which is stated in the American 2 < 8 For West do., Brazil, & S. America – 65,000 Accounts to have been corrected to that time; it is probable, therefore, that in 1829 a general revi- 9 W. Coast of Africa. & Cape of Good Hope 50,000 sion took place, when the Registers of all Ships, lost, broke, or otherways unaccounted for, were 10 Whale Fi h •: 3. * iºn 45,000 cancelled, as was the case in the United Kingdom in 1827. A great defect in the Accounts of nate Eisneries ... – sº tºº | wi. 2 Shipping cleared Outwards, and entered Inwards, consists in the greater amount of Tommage en- 11 British Isles, of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man 20,000 tered Inwards, than clears Outwards; this probably arises from Ships departing in Ballast not - w ~~~~~~~< *-* Axx **-º-º-º: clearing Outwards, but no such omission ought to be suffered; in some cases the clearances « U 4. Total - * — — . . ,200,000 Outwards exceed the entries º: º but this disparity is easily ſ 12 Colonial Fishery, and Coasting *** *-º 150,000 reconciled. To New South Wales and the Foreign West Indies, the same disparity prevails; ! --- - º X7' . **** * . from the former, the Ships arriving from the United Kingdom with Convicts and Emigrants, 3 ! 13 E. 1. and New South Wales do. º proceed to the Mauritius or India to seek homeward freight or Coasting employment, and 14 Foreign Carrying — *sº * – – 50,000 from the latter, many of the Ships arriving from the United Kingdom proceed direct to Con- | rn . . . . Hº - - –——— tinental Ports with Return Cargoes; but the greatest defect of the Official Accounts eonsists U Total Foreign – — — 1,480,000 in the multiplication of Tommage by the repeated Voyages, this is the more preposterous with ſ 15 Between Great Britain and Ireland – § -º 250,000 the contiguous Countries of the Continent and with Ireland, and in the Coasting, as exhibited 16 Coal — tºº. tºº sº dºg tº ºe 350,000 at page 229*. ... • 3. F. annexed Statement shows approximatively the proportion of Tonnage annually appro- | 17 Stone and Slate sºme &º * * * 50,000 priated to each great branch, or course of employment in 4 Divisions, Viz, 1st, to those 18 Home Fishery wº cº wº — — 100,000 Countries with which the intercourse is maintained by Foreign, as well as by British Shipping, 4 & 19 Corn and regular Traders — — — 200,000 —see pages 228-9°; 2nd, to those Countries with which the intercourse is maintained exclu- - 20 River Craft — sº *º sº &º sº. I ()0,000 sively by British Shipping; see pages 230–2; 3rd, the proportion employed in Colonial Fishery, 21 Pl Yachts 20. {}{} • Coasting, and Foreign Carrying; and 4th., the proportion employed between Great Britain easure Yachts — sº * * erºs, 20,000 and Ireland, and in the Coal and other Coasting Service. See Note page 226, relating to the 22 Unemployed — — *...* * *** * 30,000 decrease of Shipping in England, particularly in the Port of London, and increase in the -. - * --— \ \ ^ Total Tons - - - 2,580,000 236 STATEM ENT showing the Quantity of COAL and CULM, conveyed by Sea from each Port of ENGLAND and WALEs, and from Scoti,AND in each Year since 1818; including the Quantity Shipped to IRELAND, to the Colonies, and to all Foreign Parts, as well as the Quantity Coastways in each Year, see page 228–9° for a further display relating to Coals carried Coastways and Exported, and following page for Total Supply and Consumption NEWCASTi.E. i SUN DERLAND. | WHITEHA v EN. | LIVERPOOL. | CHESTER, COAL. | SMALL. | - CoAL. | SMALL CoAL. Imperial Newcastle Chal- Imperial Chal- Newcastle Chal- Imperial Chaldrons. Newcastle Chal. Tons. Imperial Chaldrons. Toms, Years Chaldron 8. drons. drons. drons. - drons. Small. 1819 | 1,240,431 || 1 1,414 || 23,776 946 233 10,753 3,159 || 761,275 198,757 || 270 18 5,463 28,002 || 39 42,087 1,997 || 47,150 1820 | 1,470,893 || 10,660 24,293 1,424 180 11,202 2,576 833,645 || 194,952 24 46 6,452 29,172 169 |49,380 1,865 44,228 1 1,347,734 || 11,777 26,412 | 1,349 228 || 10,546 2,755 795,679 191,605 15 11 || 7,478 27,340 105 || 51,483 878 44,805 2 1,378,183 8,647 25,213 17,094 576 | 12,966 2,083 || 797,006 194,599 || 124 42 | 9,145 || 22,541 | 936 53,650 2,996 || 49,057 3 1,549,452 6,197 28,702 || 2,246 408 12,355 2,407 996,650 210,227 17 § 279 6,869 25,435 | 181 57,349 788 53,133 4 1,446,907 || 7,181 || 30,300 1,125 708 || 12,490 2,418 985,545 205,084 — 172 | 8,171 21,023 1966 58,119 1,081 47,708 5 1,438,694 || 5,699 || 33,592 || 7,819 20,947 | 12,495 | 1,603 || 1,027,885 225,465 126 312 6,962 37,014 || 3003 || 60,024 1,172 37,558 6 | 1,626,877 || 7,045 42,864 17,476 63,318 11,892 | 1,155 | 1,031,552 231,695 28 # 402 88 || 140,706 || 378 103 116 39,402 7 | 1,424,337 | 8,597 46,231 18,731 | 84,492 || 10,339 2,138 |967,533 201,741 50 656 126,644 |450 20 39,964 . 8 1,430,703 8.045 40,011 || 15,283 : 47,119 18,080 1,864 978,937 217,972 351 120,316 || 410 45,523 9 . - 1830 1. 2 3 4 5 | LLANELLY. | SWANSEA. | CARDIFF. |Newport: MILFORED. |CARLisle. Coal. | SMALL | CULM. | COAL. i SMALL. | CoALS. | CULM. CoALs. Years dº. 3. Imperial Chaldrons. Small. Tons. Newcastle Chaldrons. #.. Toms. Imperial Chaldrons. 1819 || 42,671 581 795 6,171 66,953 || 70,160 131 10,339 76 116 207 || 4,872 100,713 193,662 814 || 7,455 13,187 905 1820 45,410 — 785 3,801 || 106,284 || 67,288 38 12,354 15 89 — 5,601 || 78,286 174,800 983 || 7,859 6,963 2,862 1 53,695 || 420 | 320 1,205 99,768 64,181 || 334 16,318 33 || 171 20 4,662 85,401 211,997 705 || 7,475 6,929 2,390 2 54,913 975 362 1,700 90,940 | 72,661 420 18,197 234 || 136 75 || 5, 179 92,866 234,573 441 7,261 | 6,697 5,471 3 || 48,990 | 120 950 | 1,613 90,777 || 71,598 | 668 17,671 15 41 + 241 5,334 107,488 257,434 754 |4,899 || 6,443 1, 108 4 53,985 76 | 680 4,140 120,090 88,808 494 26,911 68 48 66 || 9,201 7,757 : 375,668 324 5,768 8,063 1,058 5 40,619 131 | 734 2,385 123,573 || 83,593 586 23,036 | 169 32 17 | 8,269 || 13,923 : 372,953 # 843 6,219 9,849 1,427 6 || 51,417 | 182 | 891 5,985 146,482 83,794 | – || 25,776 | 109 || 530 31 || 7,493 13,418 # 383, 161 998 || 6,010 || 10,714 1,203 7 53,772 146 | 845 4, 182 131,438 69,134 902 21,760 71 390 16 || 9,622 | 12,913 : 377,681 449 5,741 10,435 | 934 8 53,934 63 559 || 5,172 : 130,142 75,698 || 842 27 481 | 164 || 495 52 || 7,632 20,583 # 422,056 : 2,285 4,012 6,701 1,196 9 1830 1. 2 3 4 5 | LANGASTER, Icºn. BRISTOL. | # Iºl scotland. I total to all Parts of the United Kingdom, and for Export. - CoA, - - ------- - | SMALL. | CULM. !. & g - g tºº e Newcastle Imperial ſetticas Years. §. Tons, impºu |###. intº Tons. dº. §. éº. |: 1819 6,384 5,948 || 3,485 | 1,936 | 1,312 || 8,821 813 — 106,617 221,381 || 613,996 || 2,502,997 22,732 35,712 1,372 86,335 9 1820 5,769 5,963 || 7,662 : 1,155 1,362 || 14,749 38 — 107,970 218,275 572,955 2,819,506 20,536 36,509 | 1,855 117,111 | 1.59 1 5,626 5,226 15,615 || 1,647 1,797 || 15,640 167 — 111,871 213,948 623,582 2,664,788 23,671 || 37,509 || 2,121 107,952 218 2 5,749 4,022 20,752 || 3,040 1,264 22,678 27 960 123,451 220,841 | 666,763 2,733,534 22,425 || 38,892 | 19,146 99,439 216 3| 5,014 || 4,054 22,799 || 3,811 || 804 || 20,468 58 || – || 115,562 227,177 : 720,018 3,097,070 16,579 |42,599 3,622 || 98,939 526 4| 6,279 || 3,220 || 20,218 3,083 570 17,953 |213 || – || 125,806 227,884 || 733,980 || 3,015,949 18,783 |44,349 || 4,523 || 132,443 515 5 5,863 3,544 || 14,077 2,809 | 1,658 14,936 162 — 135,511 211,071 || 737,837 3,061,817 | 15,501 || 47,671 32,426 136,456 || 755 6 cºlm 34 13,725 | 18,362 4,610 832 || 14,974 || 70 7,955. 134,347 241,196 || 881,415 || 3,211,205 || 9,222 57,565 | 81,673 | 163,247 270 | 7 || – || 14,510 | 18,591 5,129 | 1,093 16,729 U09:23,919. I 10,819 273,812 | 892,188 2,899,805 || 11,403 59,867 106,240 146,518 478 8 — 22,924 || 6,098 || 4,271 774 || 31,877 ||341 |38,464. 120,593 || 305,573 || 977,485 2,976,093 11,056 60,315 78,041 142,419 || 26 9 - 1830 1 2 3 4 5 237 - 9. , tº . ~. Spelter, &c., IMPORTED ing the A 1 Produce of British COPPER and TIN; of Copper, Tin, Lead, Iron, Spelter, &c., $ º º, #."º. Tin, Tin Plates and Pewter Ware; Lead, and Iron, ExpoRTED in each Year since 1819. sers-- * Foreign imported. Annual Produce of British COPPER and Tl N. - - — g Cwts. "...º. of a i. - . Cwis. of Tons of COPPER. |Total Cuts. Cwts, of TIN Coined º Cuts, of cop PE F. "...ºf ". of ; y Anti- oº:: e?" Years lcornwall, Swansea Devon Anglesea. of Cop* I Cornwall. Devon. || . TIN. All kinds | Ore. º - mony. - - - - - - * 468 4; ; 9,869 1,358 1,289,559 1820 7,508 619 162,540 150,640 ; : * | 10:1; 1,160 | "Tº I 8,515 344 871 558 205,760 54,852 || || 1,106 || 8, 128 - 9 3. 2 ..., | | #d | }. ºligº 202 || 1.5% 13.70% 72 | 12,769 2,734 464,672 2 º 353 69. 705 1935so 67.90% 252 || 6,461 || 42,168 367 13,457 2,050 545 3 #. 605 654 623 isſion 87.136. 836 6,420 2,857 712 14,246 1,867 550,886 4 . j| gº? | 736 |207,160 lºgoſ, 1,180 || 4,214 | 12,69i | 6,169 23, 182 3,275 | 1,901,548 #| . . . ; ; ;|##|iº, sº º 1,997 |"; i. 1,599 || 191,420 6 10. 11 772 562 | 681 246 520 95,882 1,870 || 2,217 | 11,429 || 659 2,168 18,815 119,994 | 1,242 883,261 7 ,3 s 57 243.760 91.333 1,740 3.386 7,262 | 6,693 2,484 || 15,444 91,325 268,278 8 9,921 977 533 7 ** 3 s. Z + 2 ; *... 3 2 - e 635,905 9 9,656 1,221 454 || 726 241,140 83,470 1,827 2,675 13,995 || 24,258 1,533 15,720 | 84,603 -> v, 3. O 78 264,640 30,980 2,064 || 15,539 3,893 28,733 675 15,220 | 88,552 | 2,007,670 1830 10,748 1,196 || 510 || 7 3. 3 81 50,919 1,246 17,872 | 76,413 314,286 1 12,044 1,240 || 486 915 293,700 79,971 1,651 8, 100 1,7 2 3. 5 v, -- 2 - - * 3 4 | 5 * Years | Copper. Tin. *...*:::: Lead. Iron. r 'S §§ .S -> a- S & * .3 .S. dº º Sº l §§ s 1820 | 121,958 25,852 189,984 19,779 || 67,077 |S| 3,047 — §§ 4; º: ; §§§ 1 | 125,431 29,229 187,512 || 17,401 || 70,578 § 653 — .S. | 3.993 207,596 š'ss 2 113,671 || 35,843 196,798 || 15,830 70,092 1,909 || – | Sº S 69 3, 3. S. 3 & 2 5 2 Sº SS CŞ 298 3,333 488,916 ss 3 106,516 |26,364 231,129 12,914 | 73,948 I S 5,502 |21,885 SS 2 Aoi s㺠lº 4|iº |º 233,194 2.99 | Bºls 47.9 |24; & s , ºº tº: 1,010,657 si: | 3 || 3:3:23; 20.3% tº ºr £io || 3:00 $ § |...}| 3. º ##| ||ºº; º; lºº, º ſº. 3: ... § 5 || || 3.1.6 138,571 736,743 § S ; 7 143,424 || 49,474 301,753 | 16,218 92,311 || S | 2,833 12,519 2,282 3.991 || 36.363 $39,393 š=#| 3 | 124,121 ||ali,137|366.6:1 | is 336|| 100.403|8 || 3:35, 4,536 ...]; . . . 575,352 §§ 3 || 9 || 159,521 || 33,215 235,022 | 8,647 | 108,275 |>. 2,580 | 16,895 | 673 1,700 3,02 2 <= 2 * * * * * #5 1836 iss, 154 |30,425 |29,320|| 9.309|ii.136|s 10,436 6,806 3,383 | "º 3.968 || 33,584 1,170,043 $ SA) , sº º 3 2 ºral 2 3. - 6) §§§ 1 170,613 21,762 230,004 || 7,938 123,778 & 12,226 9,367 7,088 1,234 || 4,255 62,684 848,108 š Š j 2 243, 191 Sº ‘s ‘s Q §§§ R. § CŞ 4 © S4 U 5 U - - — e e * - -- 1: *:42 British - West - United East |All other TOTAL *...* The annexed STATEMENT shows, in Tons Weight, the ſ Continental British ** - ies. 't S. e Quintº Coal, and jº, *!! *...ſº Great Years | Europe. Isles. America. | Indies. sales. Indie parts Tons itain to each different part t d, in each Year since - - . #"; ..ſ. !. %. º,"; ‘. Eacported 1827 209,284 40,829 25,844 || 42,509 || 39,658 || 4,127 6,228 368,679 '%'...'...'...'. ...*.*..., | 3 || 8 |201,195 |43,857 |28,685 |43,131 |28,554 |2,500 |6,943 |357,861 Whitehaven, and the Clyde Eaport the remainder, eaccep abou - - - - - 0 || 31.651 766 6,427 | 371,271 10,000 Tons annually from London ; the Salt is Earported chiefly Š 9 215,591 §. § i. 3i. 834 2.360 10.2i; 504 aig Jrom the Port of Liverpool. For a general View of the Annual 1830 331,979 49,63 -> 2 2 <= 2 10,822 || Kin' Produce, and Quantity and Value of Iron, Eacported to each - 1 || 348,795 || 53,134 31,134 48,536 15,103 || 3,307 3. 510,831 different part of the World,—see Pages 33–47 ; Pages 81 and 83 § 2 show the annual Exportation of Brass and Copper Wares, and | 3 of Coals, Salt, and Lead, in each Year since 1804; and Pages &; 64-5, and 122-3, give a still more general View of the annual *N 4 - Exportation of all Mineral Productions, in each Year since 1813. s: < 5 | | *.. The total annual production #. Coal in all Great º, 0. § - - |Value e - estimated at about 17,000,000 Tons, including about 3,000, - - 13 o 31,249 19,256 3,925 7,165 | 153,387 - & vº, o 14; - Ha 22- - 1827 58,885 | 19,620 | 13,287 3 3. 3. > ** 3. º in the Smelting of * and other Mineral | 8 55 isſ 23,053 13,471 33,303 15,422 2,090 º 145,943 The anneared STATEMENT' shows ( Northumberland } Tons 9 56,915 20,501 12,708 32,523 19,584 825 4,253 147,309 , the proportion produced . each of º: Lº: º & © 4,000,000 | s 1830 88,752 21,533 14,980 33,266 17,648 2,552 5,733 184,464 #;"º"...º.º.º. º....: ; Ś 1 108,564 || 25,628 15,529 31,663 || 9,231 3,377 5,008 || 199,760 Shipped Seaways, including 550,000 Derbyshire • . . . . . 400,000 Sº 2 - - tº 226,733 Toºs to Foreign Countries, and 800,000 | Nottinghamshire .. 200,000 to Ireland, in about equal proportions | Leicestershire ... 75,000 3 - to the Zatter from Whitehaven, Scotland, Warwickshire .... 175,000 and Wales ; about 5,000,000 Tons are & Staffordshire...... 800,000 4 conveyed by Amland Canals, and Rail- Salop . . . . . . . . . . . 600,000 5 Roads, and the remainder. consumed Gloucester and } 250,000 \ . in the *::::: ofº: N.W., - . r • sº--— z - • -- ~ º #... ; saiº, i. jºini. . 8. ". º: ; ſ Years Russia. I*.*...* Prussia. |Netherlas, BAmerica U. States.| Total wº :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *… 2,500,000 Yºss- ºne " ; , - Fº * or o- º fººd gitate, ºppº º, was given in \Total Great Britainſ 17,000,000 S 1827 | 19,538 21,874 29,982 124 28,032 75,696 || 186,875 123,612 #..."; ſº, º, tºhan, pur. Nº. S | 8 || 23,417 || 42,637 27,899 || 25,236 32,530 61,022 224,828 154,245 Jº jº & AY 6 SS2012. 0 29, - • . I gº tº * - - - - - - g #"ºf %;"º...; º #. §º: ºf. * Sº s: | 9 34,712 30,280 23,746 || 39,588 || 36,807 | 87,898 264,374 174,889 ; º; 3 |1336|º ſº. Tºgi ſãºlºlº. ºº: º, interruptions, upwards of 6,000 millions of Tons of Merchantable Coal ; ‘s | 1 27,797 26,260 15,605 48,365 38,992 78,256 248,305 165,437 the South Wales and Lancashire Basins £ach probably contain a Cº - 3 - 147,176 greater Quantity ; so that the Country contains an adequate Supply for $: 2 - - 2 &t least 1,000 Years. - ... " . § 3 The present annual Value of the Mineral Productions of the Kingdom, F *49, he estiºnated at about £11,000,000 ; in the proportion of £6,000,000 - 4 Jør £gal 5 #3,000,000 for Iron ; £i,500,000 Jo" Copper ; and £500,000 Jor Tim, Lead, &c. - | U 5 238 AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity in Weight, and Tale, of HIDES, SKINS, and FURS, annually Imported into the UNITED KING Dom from each part of the World, in each Year since 1826; the Official Value thereof Imported and Re-exported; and the Amount of Duty paid thereon, in each Year. the West Coast of Africa since 1825, has been 2/4 ºf - 2/4 ºf Cwt. if Dry, and 1/2 if Salted or Wet ; and double those Rates from all Foreign Parts. Re-eaported, and pages 154–5, the proportion annually retained for Home Consumption. *...* The rate of Duty paid on Hides not exceeding 14 lbs. weight, Imported from Cwt., and on all Hides and Calf & Kip Skins Imported from British Possessions The Rates of Duty on the other Skins and Furs are affixed to each respectively : the Kid and Lamb Skins are Imported chiefly from France, and Italy; the Fitch chiefly from Germany, and some of both Fitch and Martin from France ; the Seal chiefly from Newfoundland ; the Nutria from the Rio-de-la-Plata ; the remainder of the Furs are Imported wholly from North America; the Statement of Imports from the United States will show the proportion from thence ; page 153 will show the proportion A large portion of the Quantity from the Rio-de-la-Plata, line 15, consists of Horse Hides ; in 1824 the No. of Horse Hides from thence amounted to 516,000, the whole as well as the Oa and Cow from thence, being eacclusively Dry, the Oa: It would be well if in the Total, the proportion of Dry were stated, and Cow weighing from 25 to 32 lbs. djº Hide ; from all other parts they come chiefly salted. and the Horse distinct from the Oa and Cow. The General Statement of Leather, and Dressed Skins and Hides, will however furnish additional data in regard to the nature and eactent of this important branch of Commerce, which is interesting for the extent of destruction of animal life which it developes, as well as in a Commer- cial point of view. Fox Skins have occasionally sold as high as ºf 30 tº Skin, and both Foa and Otter in considerable Numbers at £10 to ºf 15 tº Skin ; the Beavers run from 30ſ to 36) tº Skin ; Great Britain supplies some Fitch and Martin, and Hare and Rabbit in great Numbers, and in the Metropolis alone 120,000 Cats are annually killed for their Skins. f i 1835. 29,615 Hides, Skins, and Furs, Imported. [Years 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1838. 1834. ſ ſ ſ1 Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,793 14,485 17,089 22,345 10,263 g|2 Denmark ....... * @ 9 @ 9 J - 12,919 12,339 4,994 || 2,476 || 9,142 §43 Prussia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,075 6,776 2,946 3,099 635 3 s 4 Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,387 38,335 23,354 || 31,944 23,534 § ſº | Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,518 27,290 19,103 || 23,966 19,469 | § 6 Other parts . . . . . . * 4 & a 2 & 1,856 | 1,248 2,151 3,703 6,536 s 7 West Coast of Africa ...... 3,779 2,879 3,761 3,335 3,661 § 8 Gape of Good Hope ........ 12,207 | 12,963 15,844 | 19,957 | 16,136 "S J 9 All parts beyond . . . . . . . . . . 1,111 || 3,323 3,505 5,104 4,140 § 10 New South Wales. . . . . . . . . . 1,167 1,116 || 3,161 3,945 5,662 ; 11 British North America ...... 1,093 1,548 974 | 1,053 516 S | 12 United States of do. . . . . . . . . 11,549 19,628 20, 163 | 16,030 4,206 s: 13 British West Indies . . . . . . . . 4,238 4,537 2,923 2,623 2,499 3 # 14 Brazil . . . . . . . . . . @ & © & © ge 12,943 23,548 3,207 || 11,258 || 13,204 S 15 Rio-de-la-Plata .......... & 5,599 || 40,606 || 156,050 174,422 146,008 | 16 All other parts . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,200 15,355 7,192 14,513 5,858 U17 Tºtal. ........... cwts. 152,484 |225,978 |2:3417 ||389778|271.4% § ſ 18 Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,825 | 19,439 21,121 17,937 27,592 * . 19 Denmark......... ... ... . . . 1,419 694 637 207 220 's 3 } 20 Prussia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,726 7,574 5,671 2,177 2,290 šigi Germany................ 10,627 | 14,187 || 7,920 5,835 | 8,014 s | 22 Netherlands • ‘º e e 3 & 4 - 7,324 7,788 || 7,159 4,228 2,881 Ś U23 All other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 522 1,256 2,033 1,640 - - *º-> *men-º-º: 24 Total Calf and Kip .... … Cwts. 34,371 50,204 || 43,764 32,417 42,637 L25 do. of Hides & Skins No.17 m 186,805 || 276, 180 330,181 || 362,190 314, 106 Toº! ºcial } 26 Imported . . . . . . £|423,789 643,892 º: 983,497 || 792,665 547,204 Value. 27 Re-exported ....# 33,821 37,006 2,762 | 162,816 168,520 | 132,235 28 Nett Amount of Duty ........ £ 25,650 33,917 | 36,505 || 42,150 32,341 23,758 Bates of Duty, - ^ ſ?9 Sheep..........2/3 ºf dozen 231,498 || 194,736 83,044 113,235 | 116,348 30 Kid, Dressed ....."...º. 648,480 566,889, 591,094 |862,538 621,780 31 do., . Undressed.... 4d. p. 100 477,989 339,020 106,319 223,951 595,573 ... 32 Lamb, do. . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . 2,599,379 2,770,112 | 1,888,407 | 1,804,714 2,820,092 § 3 33 do., Dressed . same as Kid 156,234 143,562 42,503 || 56,465 | 73,228 & | 84 Goat, Africa . .2/10 # dozen 107,183 |131,050 | 191,504 121,145 |227,640 35 do., all other parts ... do... 138,443. 168,253 115,075 | 169,712 | 126,944 36 Deer . . . . . . . . . . ; :Jºmº | 121,243 || 78,618 123,276 | 124,618 125,357 87 Seal . . . . º.º. 463,739 |297,928 |289,541 447,215 541,692 From Brit. Possess, all other parts. - ſ38 Bear . . . . . . . . . . 2/6 4/6..ea. 10,035 | 12,683 12,583 || 17,089 17,602 < 39 Beaver . . . . . . . . 4 8.. , 67,640 | 73,842 76,427 || 65,186 100,944 40 Cat . . . . . . . . ... 3 6... , 23,174 27,848 35,638 || 38,696 || 51,683 41 #. • * * * * * . . 0 8. . m 54,163 40,152 22,457 43,163 458 42 Fitch. . . . . . . . . .3/2 if dozen 293,286 || 323,448 278,740 248,073 243,705 . 43 Fox . . . . . . • . . . 4 8. .ea. 1720s 49,320 17,112 || 78,943 47,192 § 144 Hare & Rabbit ... 1/ # 100 | 196,141 |304,298 |297,759 |378,223 947,973 R. 45 Martin ........ 3 3...ea. 149,254 |204,424 151,937 | 153,591 |214,107 d 46 Mink. . . . . . . ... 2 4. . . . 49,943 83,019 77,361 | 104,365 | 103,561 47 Musquash........ 1/ # 100 || 490,981 | 1,048,309|| 1,070,016 |458,574 |772,693 48 Nutria . . . . . . . 1; "...ea. 378,957 | 854,995 || 618,187 | 713,115 |494,067 49 Otter.......... 1/ 1/6. . a | 12,080 | 13,365 14,862 14,117 23,198 50 Racoon... • * > . . 1 2. . . 74,119 || 91,334 || 118,730 | 188,231 216,078 U. U51 Squirrell ........ 3/6 d?' 100 559,150 978,134 1,902,929 | 1,162,626 | 1,002,954 Total Official { 52 Imported .......#| 314,094 |410,696 || 389,909 || 342,977 |424,406 || 389,222. Value. 53 Re-exported ....#| 50,473 || 43,280 56,570 62,559 64,219 | 68,288. Nett *} 54 Skins . . . . . . . . . . # 20,987 22,436 16,827 17,197 18,547 18,094 of Duty. § 55 Furs . . . . . . . . . . £ 21,976 32,641 31,936 28,468 i 34,079 ALPHABETICAL IND E X To the Digest of 600 Volumes of Journals, Reports, and Papers, Presented to Parliament since 1799. Page Accounts, Public, and of France and the Netherlands, Notes upon. 185 Do, and Papers, Parliamentary, number of Volumes of, printed in each session since 1800 te t º g . 175 Acts of Parliament, number passed in each Session since 1800, . and particulars of in each . * º & . 175 Additional Churches, Expence of Commissioners for building of, ditto col. 61 ë º e g g e . 195 Amount of Exchequer Bills issued on account of, and building of do., col. 62 & ë * ſº ſe Administration, detailed expence of each department of, in England Do. do. in the Netherlands ſº 189 | Advertisements, Duties on, in each year since 1809, see Stamps, line 12 • wº e & º tº Q tº 16 African Forts, expence of, on the Gold Coast, col. 15 te . 194 Africa, Exports to, and Imports from, in each of 118 years, 1698–1815 . . . . . . . 75 West Coast of, and Barbary States, 1816–1831 ... do. Imports from, marked I g © . 140 Exports to, in each year since 1826 . & . 150 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to, and from, in each of 25 years, 1787–1819 § tº & g 224 Ditto in each year since 1819, No. 27 g ſº . 230 For explanation of excess outward, 1787–1800, see note . . . g º º te e © 75 Gallons of Rum, and lbs. of Tobacco, exported to, in each year since 1826 * w G © 156—7 Geographical display of, &c. g e . 218–221 Africans liberated.—See Captured Negroes and Slaves. Ale,_See Beer. Alderney, See British Isles • tº tº & e , 130 Alien Office, Expence of, in each year since 1799 . * . 194 Almanacks, amount of duty on, in each year, since 1816, line 17 16–17 | Almonds, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, lines . - 27 of 2, and 30 of 4–5 Quantities Imported, line 45 of 164, and 21—3 of . 165 - Retained for Home Consumption, 148 of g . 155 America, British, Geographical display of * > tº . 218–21 Exports to and imports from, in each of 132 years . 74 Imports from, in each year since 1826 e ‘’ & . 140 Exports to, in ditto See also line 20 Colonial Produce . e g . 124 And folding sheets (line 21) following . e . 120d. Toads of Timber imported from, in each year since 1785 203 No. and Tonnage of shipping to and from, 1789–1819 224 Do. do. in each year since 1819, No. 43 232 America, United States of, Exports from, in each year since 1790 te . 111 Exports to, and imports from, into Great Britain, in each of 132 years • * Q & sº 74 Specification of articles imported from & . 160 Ditto of British Produce and Manufactures exported to, 2 in each year since 1826 tº g • • . 146 Colonial and Foreign ditto . . 1 61 Quarters of Wheat imported from, in ditto, since 1799 104 T}itto of Indian Corn, - ditto . 106 General View of the Productions, Revenues, and Com- tº merce of, American Claims, & Loyalists, amounts paid on account of, in * each year since 1799, col. 23 e g g , 184 America, See South. Ammunition,-See Arms. Amsterdam, rate of Exchange on, in Dantzic . . . 96 Population of, in 1831 º sº * e ... 191 Anchovies, lbs. Imported for Home Consumption, No. 144 of . 155 Amount of Duty paid on, in each year since 1803. No. 1 00 g * cº tº º tº gº • 8–9 ditto º * & . 146 - Babbage, Charles, inutility of his mechanical calculator ë | Balances in the Exchequer, line 37, folding sheet II. \ Page Annuitants, number of, in ten classes, who received dividends at the Bank of England at different periods e e Do. Life, number of, in 12 gradations of ages, admitted under - Act of 48 Geo. III. cap. 142, in each year since 1808 - 214 216 Total number of, demised in do. do. & do. Annuities, amount of, at different periods 210—15 Life, amount of, created and expired e tº . 215 Perpetual, cancelled for life • . e ... do. Ditto, cancelled to redeem land tax, col 8 © g 24 Ditto, created for Loans raised 210–11 See national Debt, or Debt National. Antigua, See West Indies & e g g . 78–80 Antimony, crude, cwts, imported in each of 45 years,1788–1832 33 Ditto in each year since 1819 . tº & ge e º . 237 Antwerp, prices of grain at g & 97, 98, and 103 Arms and Ammunition, value of, exported ke g º 33 See also line 49 g & Çı. e (3 * gº 63 Arrests, on bailable process . e tº tº § § - • Arrow Root, lbs. weight imported , ge • . ſº e Do. See line 48 of 142, and for amount of duty paid on, 162 of 10 Ashes, Pot and Pearl, cwts. imported in each year since 1813 Do. do. cwts. imported in each year since 1826 137 and 140 For amount of duty, paid on, in each of the 9 years, 1804—12, line 29 e . . ſº tº e o 'º Do. do. in each year, since 1813, line 32 . 4–5 Assessed Taxes, specification of the items of, amount assessed - - on each, in 1821, and Gross receipt of, in each year, since 1821 § gº e e e © Total of ditto in each year since 1793. See folding sheet No. III. Asylums, Military and Naval, expence of, col. 19 and 44 . . 194 Ditto in Ireland, col. 75–77 . & • • & tº 197 Auctions, amount of Property sold by, distinguishing lands, fur- niture, and merchandize, and amount of duty paid on same, in each year since 1813. - For proceeds of duty, on, in each year since 1811, line 16 - - - of 14–15 and 11 of 27* Auctioneers, number of, licensed . • * e tº s Audit Office, annual expence of, col. 42 . g * & . 199 20 Auditors of Accounts, col. 121—2 . ge * tº º . 199 . Austria, Loans raised for, &c. Nos. 6 and 1 e & § . 201 See Note to Stat. IV. of Income and Expenditure. Averages of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Beans, Peas, and Rye 104 and 105 of Wheat and Malt in each year since 1649 . g * 96 of ditto in Dantzic, in each year since 1702 96 and 98 Weekly, of Sugar in the years 1823–1832 . * . 206 Ditto of Grain . ſº tº * up tº 207 Annual, of 3 per cent. stock in each year since 1785 e 24 Ditto ditto, in each year since 1813 58–9 Ditto of Sugar in each year since 1806 g e º 79 Ditto of Grain in each year since 1799 104—5 Ditto of ditto in several parts of the world . 69—103 See folding sheets, No. III. and following . ... page 120d See also Prices. - -- Azores.—No. and Tonnage of Vessels, to and from, in each year, . since 1826 . 229 Oranges, imported from, in each year, since do. . 165 B $5 185 Bahamas, imports to, and exports from • • 78–80 Ditto, in hands of receivers and collectors.—See - Customs, Excise, Stamps, Assessed Taxes, Post Office,&c. 2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF Page Balance of Trade, observations on . tº $2 120d See also Notes 71–75, 96, and g 163—166 Balance Sheet 192, Notes upon gº ge º e & . 185 Balsams Imported, Amount of Duties paid on, No. 162, 8 and 139 Bandannas, See Silks. * - Average Prices of, in each year since 1798 . $ . 181 Bangor Ferry, cost of purchase of, in 1826 • . . e . 197 Bank of England, liabilities and assets of, on the 28th of Feb. and 31st of August in each year, since 1777 170––1 Sundry accounts relative thereto . e • * . 172 Bank Notes, Weekly circulation of, in each of the 9 years 1792– 1797, and 1833–1837 . . . . . . 169 Ditto in each of the 19 years, 1815–1832 54–55 Annual ditto in each year since 1813 62–63 Annual income of, under 5 different heads, and appropria- tion thereof, in each year since 1790 & © . 168 Banks of France, and United States of North America & Bankruptcies, number of Commissions of, in each year since 1786 - Proportion against Country Bankers & e . 172 Bankers, Country, number of, licensed in each year since 1809 . Amount of Notes issued by . 55 and 63 Barbadoes, See West Indies ſº tº 78–80 Barbary States,—See Africa, and No. 26 . . 230 Barley, See Grain. Barilla, Bark, and Brimstone, cwts. of each imported * - 137 Quantities of each retained for home consuption . $º 1 55 Barracks, Regent's Park, reflections on . * gº * . 202 Battens and Ends, lines 85 of pages 6–7 ; 93–6 of 138, and 69 of . e g tº * e . . . 140 Beans, quantities imported, & average price of, line 40 of 154 & 105 Bear Skins, number imported, line 59 e * 140 Ditto re-exported, 53 of 152, home consumption, 59 . 154 Beaver ditto, line 66 of 140, and 60 of . & § & ... do. Beef and Pork, barrels exported from United Kingdom, line 39 122 From Ireland to Great Britain • ſº. 94 From United States of North America . º & . 111 See line 19, page 62; and No. 230 of . ge § te 11 Beer and Ale, quantity exported, col. 4 . . . . . 83 Ditto brewed in each collection of Excis & g e 85 See line 20 of 61, and 41 of . * * * g tº . 122 Belgium, Horses, Horned Cattle, & Sheep, in each Province of . 191 See Netherlands * tº ge gº 187—189 Berbice, produce of, and exports to . & e • 78–80 Berlin, price of Wheat at, 1774–1830 . tº tº & . 1 OO Geographical position of . ‘g g © * . 138 Berries, Yellow, and Juniper, rate and amount of duty on . . 139 See also line 52, page 6 and 146 of º tº o 8–9 Bills of Exchange drawn on Treasury from abroad . . . 62 Stamp duty on . & g º & . . te 5.5 See line 4 and note thereon 16–17 See further, notes § 3 . tº º e gº 1200. Biscay, price of Wheat in, from 1700–1826 . e 88–9 Board of Agriculture, col. 37 . © º © * e . 195 - Health, &c.—See Index to Miscellanies ſº e . 201 Books, rate and amount of duty on, imported, line 104 . e 6 Value of exported, lines 48 . e {º . -62 and 65 Cwts. of ditto — 56 - . 122 Boots and Shoes, duty on, imported, No. 226 . e & 11 Borax, rate and amount of duty on, line 35 4—5 . See lines 8–9 of 240, and 5 of • • 56—7 Bounties on Linen, &c. exported, lines 58–62. o g tº 12 See also page 3, line 45 of 14; and page & . . 81 See further, Index to Miscellanies ... * © tº . 20.1 Bow Street, public office, col. 47 . & & & . 195 Bordeaux, price of Wheat at, 1700–1826 & 98 Brandy, gallons of, imported in each year since 1826, line 91 . 138 Ditto, re-exported, line 17 . © & e g . 152 Ditto, retained for Home Consumption line 35 § . 154 Retained for home consumption in each year since 1784, & rate & amount of duty paid on, in each year . . 208 See also line 8 of 2, & © e ... and 4–5 Brass and Copper Wares, cwts. of, exported, line 32 . . 1 22 Official and declared value, of, ditto § & & * 81 ... See also lines 11, 62–64, and note * e º . 237 Brazil, exports to, and imports from, 1816–1828 . º Specification of articles exported to . . b . 147 lbs. of Cotton imported from, line 40 . . . . 140 || Ditto of Coffee Cwts. of Sugar ditto tº e * . e tº ditto, and Cuba, line 28 g . 140 t Page Brazil—See Statement following g * º g • 120d And lines 22 g * e tº e tº . . . 124 For No. and Tonnage of Shipping, to and from, in each year since 1819, No. 41 e tº & g . 232 Bread, price of in each year, 1735–1814 . e, tº e . 88–9 Breakwater Plymouth, cost of, &c. . ſº gº e g ſe Bremen, price of Grain at, 1814–1826 * 102. Brewers, number of, in each collection of Excise . . . . . 84 Bricks and Tiles, quantity made in each year since 1813 Amount of duty paid on do, line 17 . º g 14 Quantity made, and amount of duty paid thereon, in each collection of Excise tº e © . . Brimstone, Barilla, and Bark, quantities of each imported, in each year since . te ge & © gº tº Duties on each, lines 34–7 of 4. See also 2–4 . . 137. Quantity of each retained for home consumption, lines 81-3 155 Bristles, quantity imported, line 5 of 137. Duties, &c. 36 of . 4 British Produce and Manufactures exported in each year since 1797, and progressive depreciation of, and note upon 48 Equivalent of, to Taxes in each year since 1797 , . 122* Official value of each of 50 articles exported, in each year since 1813, with the rates of valuation . e {} 62 T]eclared value of do. . . tº e º $ . . 64 Quantities of each of 74 articles exported in each year since 1826 º © & e e te . 122 Official value of each of the ten principle articles exported & in each year since 1805, and declared value thereof. 81 British America.—See America. British Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Man, quan- tity and value of each of 39 articles of British Produce and Manufactures, exported to, in each year since 1826 . * . . & sº g . 136 No. and Tonnage of Ships, built, owned and registered at, since 1803 g ſº G e • - . 226 Ditto Cleared outwards to, and entered inwards from, 1787–1819 . g * tº . e * . 224 Ditto ditto in each year since 1819 . 232 British West Indies, produce of each Island and Colony, in each year since 1813 . • º g e g ge 80 Exports to, and Imports from, in each year since 1697, and interesting note upon © tº - 75 Exports to, in each of the nine years 1814–22 . ge 78 Specification of articles imported from, and exported to, - in each year since 1826 w & ë gº . 141. Of each of thirty-nine articles exported to, and declared value thereof in each of ditto . © . 144 See also lines 31, and 22, of Statements preceding . 121 And $ 22 of notes {s gº tº e e . 120d No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, 1787–1819 224 - Ditto in each year since 1819, No. 42 . . 232 Buckingham Palace, cost of . . . . º e Buenos Ayres,-See Rio-de-la Plata, and lines 27, and 25 of Statements preceding § º e ge 1 21 Buildings Public, expences of, col. 25 º g: gº . 194 Bullion, quantity passed through the Bullion Office of the Bank of England, in each year since 1807 tº º . 172 Amount held by the Bank g • • . 170–172 Exported from Mexico, in each year, since 1700 . 98–99 From ditto, and other parts tº º tº * . 179 See Gold and Silver, and § 5 of notes gº † * 120a Butter, rate and amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1813, line 36 & e e © g e ę 4 Official value, and rate of value imported, line 41 . 56 Cwts. imported in each year since 1826, line 25 . 137 T}itto do. from Ireland in each year, since 1800 94 Ditto exported do. do. 1826, line 40 122 Butter and Cheese, declared value of exported, 1813, line 22 . 64 Ditto Foreign, imported for home consumption, line 44–6 , 154 C Caoutchouc, quantity imported . & & . . . 142 Cadiz, See § 20 of notes * & * gº ſº . 120d Calcutta, the geographical position of © t; * . . . .218 Caledonian Canal, cost of, col. 77 © e 6 gº . 194 - Annual expence, and produce of • * Calico Printers, number of licensed . . . . . 8] JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. 3 . . - Page Calicoes, See Cottons, and Printed Cottons. Calvados, price of Grain in, in 1814–1826 . . . . . 103 Cambrics, pieces of, imported in each year since 1826, line 64 of - 137 and 124 of © e ge g . . . . 155 Duties on, included with Linens. See lines 52 of 2, . and 97 of º g & º & • • 6 Camlets, Serges, &c. exported to India, line 23 * g º 76 Camphor, amount of duty paid on, in each of the nine years, 1809–12 . tº s e º © g & 2 Rate and amount of duty paid on, since 1812, line 39 4–5 Quantity Imported, Value of, &c., No. 10 g . 240 Camwood, an unenumerated article from Africa e • . Canary Islands, Wine imported from, line 87 of 138, and 29 of 154 No. and Tonnage of shipping to and from, in each year since 1826 . ſº § & § e * . 229 Cwts. of Barilla imported from tº e & . 165 Exports to, included with Spain,_See Wines Candles, lbs. wt. charged with duty, 1814–27 9 ſº * 70 iDitto ditto ditto e * § - IDitto ditto in each collection of Excise e 85 Amount of duty, 1812–1831, line 18 sº tº * 14 Cantharides, rate and amount of duty on, since 1803, line 6 . 8 Cape of Good Hope, exports to, and imports from . e & 75 iDitto ditto since 1826 . . 151 Gallons of Wine imported from, line 31 of 140, and 32 of 154 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, to and from, in each year since 1819, No. 28 of . e . . . 230 Geographical and Statistical Display of 218–221 See also Wine. Capers, rate and amount of duty paid on, since 1808, line 107 of 8 Captured Negroes, cols. 48—50 of 195, and 129 of . . . 199 Cards and Dice, duties paid on, since 1808, line 18 g e I6 Carpets, rate and amount of duty paid on, line 148 . e tº 8 Carpeting, yards exported to each different part of the worl . 1 1 7 Carriages, number of, charged with duty © e § * 25 See also line 13 of page 16, and 8 of g e . 21 Number exported, line 68 g © ſº 1 22 Cartwright, Doct., award to him for mechanical invention, in O8 * * sº * * – 196 Cash Balances, in the Bank of England º wº 170–172 In the Exchequer, line 37 of Statement II. * Cash Payments, restriction, and resumption of Cassia Lignea, imported, &c., See Spices. .' Mean value of, from 1798 to 1832 . • . 180 Castor.—See Beaver. Castor Oil, rate and amount of duty paid on, line 60 of 2, and 65 of º ſe e § º & ge 6 See also lines 11 of 240, 93 of 158; 15 of page 141, and 24 of * . e tº ſº tº * & . 142 lbs, retained for home consumption in each year since - 1826 . g º g . . ... line 52 of 154 Cattle, Horses and Sheep, No. of, in each Province of Holland and Belgium in 1825 tº © o e . . . 191 Catholic Seminary at Maynooth, col. 73 tº wº e . . 97 Catholics, proportion of, in each province of Holland . . 191 Worship, expence of in ditto . o 16 of 188–9 Certificates, Game, number of, issued, and amount of duty on 22 of 20 Chalmers and Cowie, award to them in 1810 g • . 196 Chamberlain of London, amounts paid to, col. 37 . 195 Chancery, Court of, Expence of enquiry into practice of, col. 33 194 Charges of collection of Revenue, line 42 of Stat. III. e O Detailed display of, in each year since 1821 . do. of the Customs & g * o See Statements of Customs, Excise, Stamps, Land and Assessed Taxes, and Post Office respectively, for Detailed Display of the Charges of Collection of each Management of Public Debt, line 26 of Statement III. and page tº te & º º wº • Charitable Institutions, Ireland, cols. 67–82 . g . 197 Cheese, Foreign, cwts, wt. Imported in each year since 1813 . Ditto Imported in each year since 1826, line 26 . 137 Rate and amount of duty paid on, in each year . 22–3 24—5* 168 since 1813, line 40 g e g • * 4 Rate of value, and amount imported of, in each year since 1813, line 42 of 56—Retained for home consumption . . { } Eº 45 of 154 British, Cwts. exported, and value of, lines 21–2 : 62–4 See also page g 83 Chetney Hill, cost of works at-See Index to Miscelianies, page 201 Collection of Revenue, complete view of the amount of, under - Page Chetwert, a measure of Russia, its equivalent in English . . 97 Chesnuts, rate and amount of duty paid on, since 1803 . 125 of 8–9 Quantity imported in each year since 1826, line 27 of . 165 Bushels retained for home consumption, No. 150 . . 155 Chili and Peru, exports to and imports from, since 1815 . . 74 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each year since 1819, No. 40 of , e g See also page . e gº & e . 148 China, proportion of exports to, and imports from 76 and 240–1 Chirk and Bangor Road and Ferry, See note to page tº . 195 232 Chronicon Preciosum ditto ditto & e 97 Churches, and Commissioners for building of, See Index . 201 Church Rates, and Surplice Fees . s b g * g Church and Corporation Land Tax e * * . e. dº 21 Cider and Perry, amount of duty paid on, since 1811, line 12 of 14 Hogsheads of, charged with duty $ e § tº Cigars, See Tobacco. Cinnamon, See Spices, Circulating Medium, amount of 54–5, and 62 - Observations upon . e tº Civil Contingencies, col. 6 . o tº g • • . 194 Civil Establishments, cols. 13, 14, and 16 o • tº , 194 See Index to Miscellanies . g . . 201 Civil List, cols. 109–11 es * ſº * & . 198 Civil Government of Scotland,-See page 3, line 69 of 12–13, and 47–50 of © ę tº o • 14–15 See also 22–23, and 24–5* Clocks and Watches, imported, duty on, line 180 . & c 11 Ditto exported, (see Watches) line 70 . g e • 122 Clover Seed, cwts. imported, line 33 of 137, and 37 of . . 140 Cwts. retained for home consumption 46 of 154 Rate and amount of duty paid on, line 72 . * , 6–7 Cloves, See Spices. - Coaches, Stage, amount of License Duty on, line 13 of 16–17 See also line 6, page 20, and Carriages, and Hackney - Coaches g & e tº e tº º Coal, estimated annual consumption of § . 237 Amount of duty on, exported, lines 94 and 7 3 and 12 Ditto ditto Coastways, 101 and 11 . ditto Metage of, in London g s * tº tº 24—5* Value of, exported & k & g e g * º 81 Ditto, lines 15 sº te & & g . 62 and 64 Quantity and value of, exported in each year since 1826 . 122–3 General display of the produce and consumption of 236—7 Quantity Shipped from the Rivers Tyne and Wear, and amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1799 228–9% Proportion into the Port of London © • 228* Proportion and value of, exported to each different part -- of the World ſº e e & * g . 237 Coast Blockade, Payments on account of . e o 24–5* Coasting Trade, Shipping employed in . & & 229* and 235 Cochineal, produce of, in Oaxaca in each year since 1750 • Import, re-export, and consumption of, in do. 1776 205–6 Amount of duty paid on, in 1804–12, line 36 © tº 2 Ditto, and rate in each year since 1813, line 41 4–5 lbs. imported in each year since 1826, line 9 § . 141 Re-exported ditto ditto line 37 g . 152 Retained for home consumption . . . 85 of 155 Cocoa, lbs. imported from British West Indies, line 3 ę . 141 Ditto from other parts, line 26 . . g is º . 140 Re-exported, line 12 e tº ſº & . 152 See Coffee . tº Q g te * , and line 5 of 154 Cocoa Nut Oil, cwts. imported (see Palm) e * tº . 142 Cod Fish,_See Fish. . - Coffee, quantity imported, and re-exported in each year since 1787 - Charged with duty for home consumption, line 4 of . 154 Imported, line 2 of 141, and 11 of & tº e . 142 Ditto, from each Island and Colon wº gº d & 8O Amount of duty paid on . . . . * , , § g 79 See also line 3 of page 4, and 8 of ſe s e g 14 Official value of, imported and re-exported . e gº 82 Coin and Bullion in possession of Bank of England 170—1 Coinage, cost of, cols. 43–4 . ge • - gº ſº . 195 See Gold, Silver, and Mint. each head . 4. e & • * © * See also line 42 of Statement III., and each great branch of revenue respectively. \ 22–3 4. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF Page Collections of Excise, towns in each g t º º . 86-7 Soap, Candles, Malt, Beer, charged with duty in each . 84–5 Gross receipt of duty in each o º e 22 Colleges º º º º g tº º tº ſº Q Colombia, exports to and imports from © º & . , 74. No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each year since 1819 . . . . . º . 232 Colonies, British, geographical and statistical display of 218–220 Exports to, and imports from w * º tº 78–80 Very interesting Statistical Display of the geographical position, population, productions, revenue, &c. &c. of each º g e ë e . . 218–221 See British America, British West Indies, Cape of Good Hope, Gibralter, Malta, &c. respectively. Colonial and Foreign Produce re-exported in each year since 1783 Each of 45 articles of, in each year since 1813 e 60—1 Quantity of each of 75 ditto to Europe, since 1826 152 Value of, to each of 25 different parts of the world 124—5 Effects of re-exportation, shewn º º . 159 Colonial Government Expences e e g º 219 Columbia, district of, grain exported from g & 95 See Colombia. - Commerce, display of the progress of, since 1700 Commissioners, See Index to Miscellanies . wº . . . 201 Commons, House of.-See ditto & e 22 Compensations to sundry persons,—See ditto . •. e • 25 Consolidated Fund, Pensions and other charges on, col. 109–162 198–9 Lines 24–5, 27–8, and 46—50 of Stat. IV. are charge- able on this Fund G & le e e e Lines 40–45 and 51, are voted annually.—See Ways and - Means º º & º • * * Consuls, annual payments to, col. 30 e e Q . . 194 previous to 1831 Consuls' Salaries were partially charged under the head of Civil contingencies. Conveyances of Property. Stamp duty on * Conveyance of Mails, lines 24–30 g 18 and 19 Conviction of Felons, expence of, col. 7 . e º © . 194 Convicts, Annual Expence of, col. 11 . $ © & . 194 At Bermuda, in 1824–5 & e ( ) 197 Conway Road and Ferry, in 1826 . . . . . . 197 Copenhagen, price of corn at e • • º s . 102 Copper, value of, in each year since 1787 o & 33 Annual produce of, in each year since 1819 . º . 237 Quantity exported to each different part of the world, in - each year since e q. Q & e & Total in each year since 1804 g 81 duty on imported, line 216 . º e w 1 O Cwts. imported, line 120 e & 138 Ditto Re-exported, line 44 º e º * . 152 Titto of British, exported, line 32 • • e . 122 Official value and rate of, exported, line 42 Q 61 T}o. and declared do. of British, line 11 . -> * . 64–5 Annual Produce of, in each year since 1819, &c. &c. . 237 Copyrights, number secured in each year since e - Cordage and Corks.—See Index to Customs . * 1 1 O Cwts. of British, exported since 1826, line 57 122 - Value of ditto, exported since 1814, line 34 62 and 64 Corn, Grain, Meal and Flour. - - Foreign, Quantity imported from each different part of the world in each year since 1799 . g 104—5 Do. do. from several parts ſº e . 95 T}o.Total of each kind imported in each year since 1799 106 Lo, in each year since 1824 tº - e te 92 Do. Official Value of imported, in each year since 1813, - 46 of 56–7 Do. do. do. Re-exported in do. 29 60—1 Do. do. rates of valuation e © 61 Do, Total quantity of each kind imported from Con- tinental Europe in each year since 1826, Nos. 23–36 137 Do. do. from America, &c. do. 34——38 140 IDO. do. re-exported do. 48—52 153 Do. Retained for home consumption do. 37–43 154 Do. Annual average price of, in all the great Corn . Markets of the world, 1700–1826 76—103 Do. Estimated Annual Value of, imported . 52 Do. do. line j folding sheet following 120d Irish, Quantity exported from, showing the proportion to Great Britain, in each of the 27 years 1801–27 . 94 Ditto imported from, in each year since 1824 - 93 Ditto Ports in Ireland, from whence exported 2 • 25 ſ Currency, See Circulating Medium - - - - - Corn, Grain, Meal, and Flour, Continued. Page British, Movement of, Coastways . . . . 91–3 Do. Shipped coastways, from the three Eastern Counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk e º 91 Do. Total of each kind brought to Mark Lane Market, London, in each year since 1811 e º , 106 Do. Official and declared value of, exported in each year since 1814—31, 23 . e * . 62–6 Do, Quantity of each kind imported in each year since 1826, Nos. 43–5 º ge tº . 122 Do, Annual average prices of, in each year since 1799 104–5 Do. Weekly do. do. do. 1821 206–7 Coronation of Geo. IV. 1821, and of Wm. IV. 1831 * - 197 Corunna, price of Grain at, since 1700 * * -- - 98–9 Cottages, exempt from Window Duty - - - - - 20 Cotton Manufactures, pieces of, imported from India in each year since - sºme - sºme - * - See lines 18–21 of 240–1 and 18 of page * – 142 Official value of, imported and re-exported, in each year , since 1804 - º - * - e- a- 82 Amount of Duty paid on, lines 15 of 2; 16 of 4, and 94 of - - - º º - 7 Pieces re-exported in each year since 1826 – – 10 of 152 Real value of, retained for home consumption in each year since 1826, No. 118 of - s - - - 155 British; yards of each kind exported to each of 22 differ- ent parts of the world, in each of the 15 years - 1814–1828 - *- - º w º 50–50 Yarn, lbs. exported to each of 14 different parts of the world, total thereof, and annual average price to each country, in each of the 15 years 1814---1828 - tº- 49 Do. do. in each year since 1826 - - 122 For the quantities both of Cloths, and Yarn, and declared value thereof, exported in each year since 1826, to i each of 32 different parts of the world, see pages 126–136, and - * are *º - – 143—151 Official rates of valuation - *gº gas * 50 since 1797, and Official value of, exported in each year 112 and 121* progressive depreciation of - - Estimated consumption of, in Great Britain and Ireland 113 Wool, lbs. weight exported from the United States of & North America, in each year, from 1791–1826 – 111 Average price of, in ditto - - º - * – 110 lbs. imported into, and re-exported from Great Britain : quantity retained for home consumption, amount of duty paid on the same, mean annual price and value thereof, in each year since 1789 – – 112 and 121* Bags and bales imported from each different part of the world, in each year since 1813 – - – – 113 into Liverpool, in each year since 1790 110 Proportion of each kind taken for spinning, and Re- exported in, Stock and price as the end of each year since 1813 – - º — — - *se – 114 lbs. weight of each kind imported, in each year since 1826 114 - See also lines 39–42 of 140 ; 6 of 141; 28 of 142 Official value of, imported in each year since 1833, 31 of 56–7 IDO. do. Re-exported in do. do. 21 60–1 Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years 1804–12 - - ºt * se - 11 2 Do. in each year since 1813 • - * 12 4---5. Country Banks, number of, licensed in each year since 1808, *. amount of Stamp duty paid by, and number of com- missions of bankruptcy issued against - – - 172 Amount of Notes issued by - sºme - – 62 and 55 Courts of Law, England and Wales, annual expence of, col. 113 198 In Ireland, annual expence of, col. 145–6 – — — 198 In Scotland, ditto, line 50 - - *- - * – 15 Inquiry into, Col. 33 – º - es - - – 194 Ditto in Ireland, col. 90 * - * F- a- - 197 Crapes, Pieces of, imported from China º - ºr. - 77 See also Silks, and line 21 of 142, and 28 of * – 152 Crinan Canal, in 1805 and 1811 – - * - - - 196 Cruisers’ Revenue, annual expence of - - - - 24–5* Crown Lands. See Woods and Forests. Cuba, geographical position of, &c. - - - — — 218 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from - == — 231 Currants, cwts. imported in each year since 1813 - - - T)itto ditto, since 1826 – *> - - 37 of 137 Proportion retained for home consumption, No. 6 - - 154 Rate and amount of duty paid on, line 44 of tº- – 4–5. JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. 5 Page Custom House, cost of, line 65 — tº gº sº – 12 and 13 Customs' Duties, rate, and amount of, on each of 240 articles, in each year since 1803 tº: - - * – 2–13 on 90 articles, in each year since 1826 $º * – 193 Total amount of, in each year since 1697 - Charges of collection of, in each year since 1818 – 24–5* See Tariff. Cutlery, cwts. of, exported in each year since 1826 – – 31 of 122 See Hardwares. Cyder and Perry. See Cider. T). Dantzic, Quarters of Wheat and Rye exported from, and annual - average price of Wheat at, in each year since 1650.97 & 98–9 Highest and lowest price of Wheat, and of the Gold Ducat, and of Exchange at, on Amsterdam, from 1703–1826 96 Imports into, down the Vistula - gº gº tº - 101 Deals, hundreds of imported, and duty paid on the same, in each year since 1813 From each country in Europe, lines 97–100 - – 138 From British America, line 70 – tºº - * - 140 For amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, No. 78 of 3, and 82 gººg * *gs sº – 4–7 Official value of, imported in each year since 1813, No. 76 58–9 Total Hundreds, retained for home consumption in each year since 1826, No. 129 – gº * sº - 151 Davis's Straits, Relief to Inhabitants of, in 1806 – sº - 196 Fishery, See Whale Fisheries. - Debentures paid off, in 1815–16 tº- sº $º * - 196 See note, Statement III. Debt, National, rise and progress of – sº $º – 210—214 Amount created and redeemed in each year, since 1792 212 - See Funding, Redemption, Sinking Fund, and Stock. Declared value of each of 50 enumerated articles of British Pro- duce & Manufactures exported in each year, since1813 34–5 T)itto ditto since 1826 * gº * – 123 Total of ditto, in each year since 1797 sº – 48 and 122* Of Hardware and Cutlery to each of 21 different parts of the world, in each year, since 1813 – — . . — 36—7 Of each kind of Iron and of Steel, in ditto — * *E*. 47 Of ditto, to each different part of the world gººse 38–46 Of the 10 principal articles of British produce, exported in each year, since 1813 sº * *g *, tº 81 Of 11 other articles, ditto gº? * sº sº * 83 Of British produce and manufactures, to each of 32 dif- ferent parts of the world - *sº sº - 120d Of each of 40 articles exported to Continental Europe, in - each year, since 1826 * * &m: – 126 Of ditto, to each of 10 countries of ditto, in ditto – 127–131 Of ditto, to the other parts of the world - – 143—156 Deeds, Law Proceedings, &c. amount of duty paid on, in each year, since 1808 - * *º- * 16–17 Demerara, yroduce of, exports to and imports from, in each year since 1813 sº — tº- * 78–80 See British West Indies. - Denmark, Grain imported from, in each year since 1799 – 104–5 Exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 – 72 Grain exported from – tº * sº - 101 Ditto, and Butter and Cheese – tº , sº assº 71 Declared value of exports to, line 4 cº ſº – 120d See also page – * ~ * <-ºr – 126 Deposits of individuals in the Bank of England * – 172 - Total of in ditto tºº * gº; - – 171 Depreciation of British Manufactures - ºr – 48 and 12.2% ditto, ratio of 58–59, and lines g. r. a. — – 120d In the value of Iron * * — ` – 32* and 46 In the rate of Wages of Labour * gº * 48 In the value of Cotton Yarn — º - º 49 Ditto Manufactures ſº *s – 112 | Woollen ditto *g #º sº — 1 18 Derwentwater Estates, rental of, col. 4 sº – sºngs 26 Discount on Loans raised, and on Lotteries, col. 28 and 31 — 194 Discount, and Parliamentary Allowances on Stamps - – 16–17 Disposition of Grants, Statement II. Distillers, number of Licensed. See Spirits. tº Dividends,-See Annuitants. - Dock Dues, Liverpool * . * * - - , - 110 Page Docks, Acts granted for construction of ' sº ſº- — 1 7.5 Docks, Wet, at Teith, advances on account of, in 1805 and 1826 200 Compensations on account of, col. 128 – - - 199 Cost of, in England T}ogs, number assessed, and the amount of duty on, line 17 - 20–21 Dollars, exported from Mexico, in each year since 1700 - - 98–99 See also * * sº $º gº? - 173 Domingo, St., or Hayti, lbs. of Coffee imported from - - 80 Geographical position of * *. agº – 218 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from * – 231 T}ominica ditto ditto sº as 78–80 Fire at, in 1809 sº º sº * – 196 Donaghadee and Port Patrick Harbours, amounts expended on, cols. 38–9 * ~ sº tºº *g * — 195 Ditto ditto in 1820–1 – – 200 Dort, price of Grain at gºs sº * tºº tº- 98 Drawbacks, Customs tºº - * * *S 3 IDitto lines 39–53 tºº * - tºº 12–13 Excise, lines 32—39 – *g *sº gº. 14–15 On Printed Cottons and Silk * gº * ' 8 [. See line 16 gº tºº tºº º of Statement III. Drugs imported, lines 44–9 – gº – * - 137 Ditto, lines 17–20 of 140, and 24--26 of ſº - 142 Retained for home consumption, 50–56 sº - 154 Amount of duty paid on . . Dublin, Police, and Watch, and Society, 86 and 98 - - 197 Dunleary Harbour, col. 156 - º gº e. – 199 Dutch Emigrants, relief to, included in 22 - *g – 149 Ditto provinces,—See Netherlands. T}uties, See Customs, Excise, and Stamps. Taxes repealed in each year since 1815 Ducat, value of in Dantzic trº * * •= , sº 96 Dye Woods, Duties paid on, lines 23–5 º º º 2 Rate and amount of duty, lines 25–7 * sº 4 Tons imported, lines 12 and 13 wº sº - 141 Tons re-exported, line 36 sº sº ~ – 153 Retained for home consumption, 87–9 Fº - 155 E. Earthenware and China. Foreign Imported, rate and amount of duty paid on, line 108 of 8.—See also - — 1 39 Pieces, and value of British exported, lines 58 and 38 - 122–3 Official and declared value of exported Eº - 83 East Indies, quantities of 42 articles imported from, their value, duty on, &c. in the 5 years, 1823–7 º 240–1 Quantities and value of each of 65 articles exported to, in each of the same five years ſº — — 76 Quantities of each of 60 articles imported from, in each year since 1826 – &=º gº * – 142 Ditto, and value of 39 articles exported to - – 143 Official and declared value of 11 principal articles ex- ported to, in each of 14 years, 1814–1827 * 77 Quantities of 11 principal articles imported from, in each year since 1813 – t=e tº- tº-> – 77 Cwts, of Sugar imported from, in each year since 1806 – 79 Tons of each kind of Iron exported to - º - 34—5 Cwts. of Hardware and Cutlery, ditto wº isºt 37 Exports to and imports from, in each year, since 1697 – 75 Geographical Display, Superficies, and Population of, &c. See also Indigo, Silk, Tea, &c. Edinburgh, College at, grants on account of, col. 51 – - 195 Education, and Charity Commissioners, expense of, cols. 124–5 199 - In Ireland, cols. 67–73 * — — . – 197 Eggs, rate and amount of duty paid on, line 18 ** – 11 Millions imported and retained for home consumption, in each year since 1826, No. 146 of – cº - 155 Egypt, lbs. of Cotton Wool imported from, in each year since 1820, line 41 – * * * – 140 Number of bags, and value of ditto - º – 114 Declared value of exports to, line 17 – — - 120d No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from - - 229 Elbing, Geographical position of – sº * – 102 Quarters of Wheat and Rye exported, from 1791–1825 95 Elephants' Teeth, cwts. imported from Africa, line 7 - - 140 T)itto from the East Indies, line 44 * º - 142 Rate and amount of duty paid on, 40 of 2; and 41 of – 6 and 7 Total cwts. retained for home consumption in each year since 1826, No. 90 - - * – 155 c 6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF Page Embargo, by the United States of North America, in 1807, see Note 1 - - wº- * * – 111 . Emigration, Grants in aid of, in 1822–7 * * 2, 197 Embden, price of Barley and Oats at, since 1770 gºss - 100 Employment of the Poor, Exchequer Bills issued on account of - Essex, Grain exported from – *s - sºme * 91 Eton College, price of Wheat kept at – º – 98 Exchanges, Rates of, in London; on Hamburgh, Paris, and Lis- bon, in each year since 1789 - - *s 53 - How influenced * - * * ºs- 96 Exchequer Bills, total amount issued and discharged, in the 35 years 1793–1826 *s *g º - 192 Amount funded, from 1793–1828 -*. * * – 211 Complete view of the amount issued and discharged, funded and outstanding, in each year since 1792, - - Statement II. Exchequer Bill Offices, annual expense of, col. 59–60 — 195 Excise, amount of duty paid to, on each of 26-articles, in each - year since 1811 – - – 14–15 and 26–27* Gross receipt of, and amount remitted to Receiver Gene- ral from each collection – * ºr: sº 85 - Towns at which duties are paid, in ditto ** – 86–7 Expenditure.—See Income and Révenue. Miscellaneous detailed display of, in each year since 1799 194–5 Exports of each of 50 articles of British produce and manufac- tures at official value in each of the 18 years 1814– 1831 - - * 2-} tº – 62–3 Titto at declared value, in each of ditto * – 64—5 Quantities of each of 74 articles in each year since 1826 122 Declared value of the same in ditto * • - 123 Quantity and declared value of each of 40 articles in each year since 1826 to Continental Europe – - 126 Russia - - – tºº — 1 27 Denmark, &c. - ass ** - 128 Germany - - - – - 129 The Netherlands * - – 130 France – as - * - 131 Portugal, Madeira, and the Azores sºs - 132 Spain and the Canaries * esse - 133 Italy and Malta * * *e – 134 Turkey and Levant - * - - 135 Guernsey, Jersey, and Man * 't- - 136 East Indies and China - - ~ 143 British West Indies - * * - 144 British North America * ºme – 145 United States of ditto — - º – 146 Brazils - - *ase – - 147 Mexico, &c. -- * * 4-? - 148 Foreign West Indies - * * 149 West Coast of Africa – - º - 150 Cape of Good Hope – * tºº – 151 For total to each of the above countries, in each year since - 1697, see pages – - * *= — 71–6 Total to each of 32 different parts of the world, in each year since 1813 – - - - 120d. To all parts of the world, in each year since 1797 – 48 and 122* Quantities of 75 articles of Colonial and Foreign produce to Continental Europe, in each year since 1826 – 254 Total of ditto to each of 27 different parts of the world, in each year since 1818 - *- º – 124–5 Total excess of, over imports, since 1813 ** – 62–3 Ditto ditto, in each year since 1697 F Fee Fund, payments to make good deficiency of, col. 7 - - 194 Fee Fund, Treasury in Ireland, col. 148 º - - 198 Fees on passing, accounts of Customs, Excise, Stamps, Pos - Office, and Assessed Taxes—See each respectively. T)itto ditto, of Bank of England, col. 117 – – 198 Compensation for loss of, to law officers in Ireland, - col. 146 – - - * tº: - 198 Ditto to Officers of House of Commons for loss of, on Turnpike Acts, col. 32 - * – – 194 Felons, Expense of conviction of, col. 7 . – *r- – 194 See Convicts and Criminals. Fines renewal, amount assessed to Property Tax in 1813 as 30 Fir Timber, loads of, imported in each year since 1786 - ~ 203 Ditto, from Europe in ditto 1826, lines 111–14 - - 138 Page Ditto, from America, line 78 - – * - 140 Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years, 1804–13 line 84 – =º esºs *g. º- – 3 And in each year since 1813, line 81 - - 6 and 7 Loads retained for home consumption, No. 136 of - 155 Fire Insurances, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1808 – -e ºº: tºss ~ - – 16 Fish brought to Billingsgate Market in 1823 – &- - 67 Bounties paid on, col. 40 f*s {-º: º- – 194 Ditto in to West Indies, in 1808 - - - 196 Value of imported and exported - * e ºr- Pº- 67 Fisheries, Scotland, localities, produce, and progress of - – 66–7 Ireland See Bounties, Whale, and Newfoundland, Herrings, Oil, and Salmon Five per Cents. of 1797, paid off, col, 48 * --- - 195 Gross, partiality of reduction of *- - – 212 - Amount of, created 1793–1814 *- * – 211 Flax, cwts. of imported in each year since 1785 * - 121* Rate and amount of duty paid on, 1804–12, line 42 – 2 Ditto ditto, in each year since 1813, line 47 *- 6 Cwts. imported from each country, of growth in each year since 1826, lines 69–73, page 138; and 44 of - 140 Re-exported in each year since 1826, line 67 – - 152 Retained for home consumption, No. 77 -- – 1154 Official value of imported, in each year since 1813, line 51 56–7 Ditto, re-exported in each of ditto, line 31 * - 60—1 Fleetwood, Bishop, Chronicon Preciosum tº- º- tº- 97 Flour.—See Corn and Grain. - Foreign West Indies, exports to and imports from, in each year since 1697 - - * º- - 74 Quantity and value of 35 articles of British produce and manufactures exported to, in each year since 1826 149 See also lines 24 of Statement – *º- tº- – 120d. lbs. of Coffee imported from in each year since 1820 – 30 See Cuba and Hayti. - Forgery, Loss by, sustained by the Bank of England - – 168 Foundling Hospital at Dublin, col. 82 – tº tº- - 197 France, Exports to and imports from, in each year since 1697 – 71 - Quantity and value of 38 articles exported to, in each year since 1826 - -- -- - — 131 Grain and Flour exported from 1791–1826 - wº- 95 Ditto, imported into England from 1800—1830 – – 104 Average price of Wheat in, from 1764–1826 - – 100 Specification of imports from, in each year, since 1826 – 157 Gallons of Wine and Brandies imported from, in each year since 1826, lines 90–91 tº- - - 138 See also lines 9 of general statement - - - 120d. And Gloves, Silks, Cambrics, Flax, Silk, and Wine – 137––8 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, French and English, to and from in each year since 1787–1819 t- 222—3 Ditto. in each year since 1819, No. 9 – g- – 229 Freight of Specie per Ships of War - - Proportion of to Greenwich Hospital, col. 11 - - 26 French Emigrants, Clergy and Laity, col. 22 - -- – 194 Funding, rise and progress, and effects of E- tº- 209-–216 Furs and Skins, amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years, 1804–12, line 69 tºº - tº- * And in each year since 1813, line 75 – -4 - 6–7 Official value of, imported in ditto, line 71 - – 58––9 Number of, imported from Europe in each year since 1826, lines 51–9 ass ** * - – 137 Ditto from America, in ditto, lines 58––68 * – 440 Ditto re-exported in ditto, 53–58 * *- – 152 Ditto retained for home consumption, Nos. 57—72 and 138–143 of -: º- B- - 154–5 General view of the import of * tº- - 238 Fustic.—See Dye Woods. - Furnaces, Iron, number of, in and out of blast, in each district of the kingdom, in 1825 and 1828,-(See Iron) - 33 G Game Certificates, number taken out, in 1821, and amount of duty paid thereon, in each year since 1821, line 22 - 20 Gaols, Expended in the building of, in Ireland, in each year since 1817, col. 150 * *- - - 198 Genoa, Moneys, and Measures of, Prices of Wheat at, and quan- tity re-exported from sº *- ºr - 103 JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. 7 Page Geneva, gallons of, imported in each year since 1826, line 92 – 138 Ditto, re-exported since ditto, line 18 – * – 152 Ditto, retained for home consumption, No. 36 - — 154 Rate and amount of duty paid on, line 9 gº – 4–5 Official value of, imported, line 73 tºº * &º 58 Gallons retained for home consumption, in each year since 1796 &=3 &=3 * * – 243 Germany, Geographical display of Exports to, and Imports from, in each year since 1697 – 72 Quantity and value of each of 37 articles of British Pro- duce, and Manufactures exported to, in each year since 1826 - . *º Łº gº - 129 Do. of articles of Colonial Produce re-exported to, in each year since 1826 . * tº is tº . 166 Do. of Articles imported from, in each year since do. 162-# See also lines 6 of Statements, and . © o . . 124 No. and Tonnage of shipping, to and from in each year, 1787–1818 e g 222—3 Do. do. in each year since 1819, No. 7 & e . 228 Gibraltar, Exports to, and Imports from, in each year since 1813, lines 12 and 13 of Statement © Do. in each year since 1697 . . . . . 73 Colonial produce re-exported to, line 12 . © . 124 See also page 133 and § 20 of Notes . e g º No. and Tonnage of Shipping, to and from, No. 21 .. 230 Gin,-See Spirits and Geneva. - Ginger, cwts of, imported in each year since 1826, from West Indies, line 8 tº ‘g . 141 From East Indies, line 7 © & ‘º & . 142 Cwts of, re-exported in each year, line 8 . g . 152 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 20 tº . 154 Rate and amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1804, line 114 . . . . - 8–9 Do, preserved do. do. line 202 g tº tº 11 Glass, Green, Broad, Crown, Flint, and Plate, Cwts. of each charged with Excise duty, &c. &c. in each year since 1813 Cwts. of all sorts, exported in each year since 1826, line 59 © ge e & • * g . 122 Value of the same, do. do. lines 39–40 . . 123 Amount of duty on Foreign imported, in each year Since 1803, lines 15–16 g $9 © e e British, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1811, line 20 g © * º e © is 3. 44 Drawback on the proportion exported, line 34 Official and declared value of, the proportion exported 8–9 in each of the 18 years, 1814–1831, line 28 62–65 See also col, 3 tº * g g © e º 83 Glass Makers, number of, licensed in each year since 1813. Gold, amount Coined in each year since 1663 Do. do. since 1777 . & tº . 17O See also g • . g gº Q 55 and 62 Highest and lowest price of, in each year since 1789 . 53 Amount passed through the Bullion Office of the Bank of England, in each year since 1807 g e . 172 Proportion held by the Bank Produce of, in the Russian Mountains of the Ural, in Mexico, Chili, Potosi, &c. . * * . 173 Gold Coast of Africa, expense of Forts, col. 15 & t . 191 Gloves, Foreign, pairs of, imported chiefly from France, in each year since 1826, line 61, 137, and Nos. 125 of . 155 Amount of duty paid on, do. line 236 . . . 11 Grants in each year since 1792, Statement No. II. Greenland Whale Fishery, rise of, in 1617, and progress of, since . that date. . See further lines 59–51 . * , e. & * ... 140 Greenwich Hospital, Revenues and Expenditure of, in each year since 1815 . * - g *9 26 Grenada, produce of, exports to, and imports from Guernsey, Jersey, and Man,—See British Isles. 78–80 H IIaberdashery, official and declared value of Exported in each year since 1805 . g Q . . tº . 83 See also lines 6, 62–65, and 55–9 of & . . . 123 Half-pay and Pensions, amount of Page Hackney Coaches, amount of duty paid by, in each year since 1792, line 7 te º • e of Statement III. Hamburg, rate of Exchange upon, in London in each year since 89 & tº & * e º g 53 Grain exported from, in each of the same years . * 95 Do. imported into & e & g & ... 102 Price of, in each year since 1763 g e * ... 100 See note at head of 128, and Germany . g . 166 Hanover, Price of Grain at e g & g • . . 103 Harbour.—See Index to Miscellanies º & & gº . . . 20.1 Hardwares and Cutlery, official and declared value of, exported in each year since 1804, col. 7 ... tº * * 83 See also lines 10 e 62–65 Cwts. weight of, and value thereof, exported to each of 25 different parts of the world, in each year since 1813 36—7 Mean value of, in each of the same years . . 32* and 46 See also lines 30—31, and 10–11 of 122–3 Hats, Straw and Chip, number of, imported in each year since 1826, line 60 and No. 126 of . º & . 137—155 Amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, line 119 8–9 Beaver Felt, &c., official and declared value of, exported in each year since 1813, lines 7–8 62–65 Dozens of, exported in each year since 1826, lines 60–1 152 Value of the same, lines 41–2 • • ‘tº . . 123 Havannah, See Cuba . g • * e tº o . . 237 Hawkers and Pedlars, amount of duty paid by, in each year since 1813 e & tº § g tº © Hayti,-See St. Domingo. .* Hemp, quantity of, imported in each year since 1785 wº Cwts. of from Russia, in each year since 1826, line 75. 132 Ditto, from the East Indies in ditto, line 36 © g A Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years 1804– 12, line 44 g g ſº 2 Ditto in each year since 1813, line 53 . 6—7 Official value of, re-exported, line 32 60–61 Cwts, retained for home consumption, in each year since 1826, No. 78 '• . . . . . . 154 Herring Fishery, rise and progress of, in Scotland . g & 67 Herrings, number of barrels exported in each year since 1826 line 65 ge e § - e. § s * . 122 Value of the same, line 46 § * ge tº . 123 Hibernian Schools, cols. 71–2 tº tº g se ge . 197 Hides and Skins, quantity of, imported and re-exported from and to each different part of the world, in each year since 1800 Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years 1804– 12, lines 45–6 ge © tº wº ge ſº gº 2 Ditto in each year since 1813, lines 54–5 . 6—7 Official value of, imported, line 53 . • • 56–57 Ditto ditto, re-exported, line 33 & . 60–61 Ditto ditto, in each year since 1826, line 69 . . 152 Cwts. weight of, imported from Continental Europe, in each year since 1826, lines 50–1 s * . # 37. From Africa and America, in ditto, lines 53–57 : 140 From the West Indies ditto, line 14 tº . 141 From the East Indies ditto, line 37 e . 142 Quantity retained for Home Consumption, Nos. 57–72 and 138–143 of e $ & 154–5 General view of the Import of e & • . 238 - See Furs and Skins, and Leather - Highland Roads and Bridges, amount expended on, col. 36 125 See also charges on Assessed Taxes . tº tº 20–21 Holland,-Interesting display of the Population, &c, of each Province of, and of the 13 principal towns • * • 191 See Netherlands. Holstein, Grain exported from e • e º gº . A 01 Price of Wheat in . • & e & § § ... 100 See Denmark. - - Holyhead and Howth Road and Harbour, cols. 53–4, and Note 195 Home Consumption of each of 152 Articles of Colonial and Foreign Produce;imported in each year,since 1826 154–5 Hops, lbs. grown, and price of, in each year since 1780 . . 178 Numbers of Acres planted, in each Collection of Excise, amount of duty paid in each, in each year since 1821 107 lbs. weight exported in each year since 1826, line 46 ... 122 See also lines 24 . º • tº . . . 62–65 Excise duty paid on, in each year since 1811 . 14–15 Customs’ ditto, lines 193, and 216 . • ‘º . . 14 See Notes to drawbacks and over entries . . . 12 3 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF Page Horses, official and declared value of, exported in each year since 1821, lines 50 * * e * * & 62–65 Number and value of, on ditto ditto, since 1826, lines 51—31 & wº • • © 122—3 Amount of duty paid on, imported in each year since 1824, line 233 . . . . . . . 11 Horned Cattle, and Sheep, No. of, in each province of - Holland and Belgium * g g 191 No. assessed to duty g tº & & e e 25 Hosiery, dozens of, exported in each year since 1826, lines 15---16 122 - Value of, in each of do. line 8 e * & 123 Hospitals, Ireland, cols, 75---82 e & e te © , 107 Houses of Parliament, expense of Repairs of, Salaries &c, cols. 1---3 194 Printing and Stationery for º • e © . 174 Compensation to Officers of, for loss of Fees, col. 32 194 Howth,---(See Holyhead) Harbour, in 1826 . tº • 200 Hudson's Bay * g g & t gº tº 218 I Imports, Official Value, into Great Britain, of each of the 96 enumerated articles, in each of the eighteen years 1814–4–1831, with the rates of valuation and rates of duty on each e e & * e . 56—59 Quantity of each of 126 articles from Continental Eu- - rope, in each year since 1826 * sº 137—8 Amount of duty paid on each of 88 other articles from do. with the rate of duty on each, in the same years 139 Quantity of 78 other articles from Africa, America, &c. in each year since 1826 § * e e . 140 Do. of 17 articles from the British West Indies since do. 141 Do. of 60 articles from the East Indies, since do. 142 Of each of 35 articles from Russia in each year since do. . 156 T}o. 43 do. from France c do. 187 T}o. 44 do. from the Netherlands ... do. 151 Do. 50 do. from the United States of North America a ... do. 160 Do. 59 do. from Germany do. 162 Do. 36 do. from Prussia * do. 163 Do. 39 do. from Italy & o do. 164 Do. 58 do, from Turkey and Spain do. 165 See also folding sheet preceding * * tº & 121 Into Ireland, in each of the 10 years, 1814–1823 Imprests, amount paid to the Marquis of Bute, as auditor of, col.184 199 Amount of, received from the Earl of Liverpool, between the 11th of May 1804, and 6th of February 1806, note to Statement III. - Imprest Office, Ireland, col. 143 . g º * 198 See Totals of Customs Excise and Stamp. In Pensioners Inclosure Bills in each year, since 1799 & & * . 175 Income Tax, number and amount of assessments to, in each of 33 classes, &c. * º g & gº . 27—8 Amount of, in each year, 1791--1824 . . do. Income and Expenditure, general display of, in each year since 1792. See folding sheets, Nos. I. II. III. and IV. at COm men Cement. Transposed view of * Indigo, lbs. imported, re-exported, and retained for home con- sumption, in each year since 1789 jº § . 204 Proportion re-exported to each different part of the world, in each year since 1821 g e & . 205 Do, imported from the East Indies, in each year - since 1826, line 29 & g tº wº 142 Do. from the English West Indies, line 10 141 Do. from the Foreign do. line 9 te 130 Do. from Europe, line 11 . & 137 Do, re-exported in each year, line 38 155 Do, retained for home consumption, No. 94 & a 53 Amount of Duty paid on, in each of the 9 years 1804– 12, line 14 . . . . . . . 2 T}o. in each year, since 1813, line 15 4 and 5 Mean price of do. in each year since 1799 18O Highest and lowest price of 204 Official value of, imported in each year since 1813, line 2 56–7 Bitto re-exported, line 2 * * . 60—1 See also col. 2 • * * • & • * 83 Inland Navigation #&##$3. Do. in Ireland, col. 95 197 Insolvent Debtors, number of discharged in each year since 1820 Debtors’ Court, expense of, col. 57 - Insurance Fire.—See Fire. . Marine, amount of Duty paid on, in each year since 1811, line 9 of 16–17, and * tº & Ionian Isles.---See Malta. Cwts. of Currants imported from, in each year since 1826, No. 27 e º No. and Tonnage of Vessels since 1819, No. 23 e & ge $º ſº g Ireland, Grain Provisions, and Live Animals exported from, in each year, since 1800 . te ge g & ſº Of each kind of Grain, and Ports from whence ex- ported, in each year since 1824 . * & & Revenue of, in each year since the Union in 1800---See statement No. I. Loans raised in England for the service of, in each year 1797–1818 to and from in each year Capitals transferred from Great Britain to Ireland, and vice versa in each year since 1821 © . . 21 Shipping Built, &c., and movement of 224 & 2 Coals Exported to, in each year since 1818 tº Iron, Foreign, Tons of, imported, re-exported, and retained for home consumption, rate and net amount of duty paid on the same, and price thereof in each year, since 1786 ſº & . & y g * Tons imported from Russia, Sweden, &c. in each year since 1826, lines 116---18 . & * Tons re-exported to Southern Europe, line 42 Do. to the East Indies and China g T)0. to the United States of America 25 of 161 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 97 . 155 Net amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, lines 47 of 2, and 56 of . * ſº . . . 6–7 Official value of imported, in each of the 18 years 1814–––1831, line 55 & à tº . 56---7 Do. do. re-exported, line 34 . & ts . 60---1 British, produce of, in Great Britain & ğ & 33 Tons of Bar, exported in each year, since 1792 do. Number of works and furnaces in each district of Great Britain, and produce of each of 195 estab- lishments . * © * tº - B tº 32---3* Tons of each kind exported to each of 20 different parts of the world, in each of the 14 years 1815–1898, and total of each • • . º e e . 34–5 See another view of the export in each year since 1813, with the value of each kind to each country 38–46 A summary view of the total export and value thereof, and progressive depreciation of value, in each of the same years, with notes upon . g © 9. Official and declared value of, exported in each of the 18 years 1814—1831, lines 9 Tons of each kind exported to all parts of the world, in Page 195 . 62—3 165 230 94 93 2] 1 3–14 26—7 229* 33 138 1 52 32* and 46–7 . 62—5. each year since 1826 122 Total value thereof in ditto, line 9 . e & ſº . 123 For the total quantity exported to each different part of the world, in each year since 1826.-See pages 126– 136 and ſº § & wº ty . 143—151 Inordinate impost on, in the United States of North America 43 Isle of France.—See Mauritius. Italy, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 73 Quantities and value of each of 39 articles exported to, in each year since 1826 . «s gº * o . 134 Specification of imports from, and foreign and colonial produce re-exported to . g & 164 and 167 Total declared value of British produce and manufactures exported to, in each year since 1813, line 120d. Official value of colonial and foreign produce re-exported to, line 14 . º º (* e . . . 124 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from 1787–1819 221–3 Do. do. in each year since 1819, No. 24 230 J. Jamaica, produce of in each year since 1813 . 80 Exports to, and imports from, 1814–1822 78 Geographical position of * e 218 Jenner, Dr. rewards to, 1802–7 196 Jersey, see British Isles. JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. 9 - Page Jesuits’ Bark-See Cortex e tº * , º * & Judges' Salaries, amount of, in England and Wales, col. 113 198 In Scotland, line 50 gº & • * ge e 14 In Ireland, col. 145–6 . . e tº . . 198 Journals, charge for Index to, in 1826 . . . d s . 197 K. Keith, Lord, his officers and men, rewards to, in 1818 tº . 196 Kiel, Corn exported from, 1817–27 «» § {e § . 101 King's Bench Prison, repairs of & ë ve we gº Kingstown Harbour.—See Dunleary, cols. 94 and 156 Konigsberg, Corn exported from . & gº & tº . 1 O2 Price of, at, in each year since 1700 ſº tº tº § 98 L Labour, remuneration for, col. 9 & º º e . 48 and 114 Labrador. .. - - Lac Dye, lbs. imported, re-exported, and taken for home con- sumption, in each year since 1784 204-5 Imported in each year, since 1825, line 32 142 Re-exported in do. line 34 tº tº g tº 152 Lacs, Dye, Shell and Stic, duty paid on, line 50 & ge 6–7 Lace, foreign, amount of do. line 121 we & § 8–9 Lagan Navigation.—See line 46 gº e & e te g 1 5 Lambskins, number imported in each year, since 1826, line 54 . 137 See Skins and Furs 3. • ſº 154 and 168 Land and Assessed Taxes tº tº * . 20–1 Land Guard, expense of & ſº § g e . 24–25* Land Tax, gross receipt of, and progress of redemption of, in each of the 31 years 1797—1828 e g X- 24 Do. in each year, since 1816 . . . . . 212 Gross amount of, in each year since 1821 . . 20–1 See Rental, Property Tax, and Parochial Assessments. Revenue. - . Forces. Lansdowne MSS., cost of, in 1807 gº e 195 Law Charges, line 7 of pages 22—3, and col 9 194 Officers, compensation to, in Ireland, for loss of Fees, col. 146 193 See Law, Index to Miscellanies. Lawyers, number of, licensed. Lead, foreign, tons imported in each year since 1826, line 119 138 Qre, amount of duty paid on, since 1822, line 199 . 11 Tøns imported and re-exported in each year since 1819 237 Lead and Shot exported, and declared value thereof, in each year since 1804 . tº º & w o º * 83 Tons of, exported in each year since 1826, line 34 122 Proportion to Asia, in each year, since 1826, line 10 143 Lead, Price of, in each year, since 1785 tº tº º ſº 33 General view of the export of, to each different part of the world. See note to Greenwich Hospital, page 26, and Nos. 216– #38 of the District arrangement of the principal Towns and Parishes of England and Wales. Leather, lbs. charged with Duty in each of the 50 years since 1782. lbs. weight, or number of skins, of each of 17 different kinds charged with excise duty, in each year since 1813. Amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1811, line 13 * g © * ... • tº 14–15 lbs. exported in each year, since 1826, line 62 122 Value of the same in each year since 1826, line 43 123 Do, in each year since 1804 © & © © tº 83 - Foreign, imported, amount of duty on, line 235 § 11 Lemons and Oranges, chests and boxes imported in each year Since 1826, lines 41–3 e . . º . 137 Official value of, imported in each year since 1813, line 58 o e • •. & § º . 58—9 Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years 1804– • ‘s. 12, line 51 . . . g & tº g & 2 Do. in each year since 1813, line 60 . . 6–7 Imported from Portugal, the Azores and Spain . 1.65 Lemon Juice, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1808, - line 120 +. e ſº • , s e e 8–9 Gallons imported from Italy in each year since 1826 164 Leeward Islands, geographical position of, &c. 218–19 legacy and Probate Duties, amount of, in each year since 1804. 176 See also lines 2–3 . 15–16 Letters of Administration, number and amount sworn to, in each of 33 classes, and amount of duty paid on each class 176 Page Levant.—See Turkey. ~ 2. - . Company, in 1800, 1802, and 1808 196 Libau, Grain exported from. - Licensed Brewers.-See Brewers. Victuallers.-See Victuallers. Licences, number taken out in each year since 1813, by makers of soap and candles º ſº te g tº ë 70 By brewers of strong and table beer, and by distillers, - rectifiers, and dealers in wine and spirits g ... 109 By Tanners, and dealers in Tea and Tobacco 109 By Calico Printers . g • • tº te tº 81 By Auctioneers and others. Amount of duty paid for, to excise, line 21 14–15 Do. do. to stamps, line 8 16–17 Life Annuities, amount granted and expired in each year, under Act of 48 Geo. III. cap. 142, since 1808 " 215 Life Insurance, amount of duty on policies for. Light Houses, dues to Greenwich Hospital e e t ſº 26 Linen, British, Official and declared value of, exported in each of the 23 years 1805–27 . . § § 81 Do, do in each year since 1813, line g . 67—9 Yards ef, to each different part of the world in each year since 1826, line 17 º g . 122 Value of the same, in each year since 1826, line 5 123 Foreign, Official value of, imported, line 59 . 58—9 Pieces and ells of, do. lines 64–68 & 137 T}o. re-exported to Europe, line 22–25 152 Retained for home consumption, No. 119 of 155 Amount of duty paid on foreign imported, in each of the 9 years 1804–12, line 52 . . . % 2 In each year since 1813, line 97 6–7. Irish, exported from Ireland in each year since Yards of British, printed for floor cloth . © e 81 Bounties paid on British and Irish, exported . g 81. Do. do. lines 58–60 • * * 13 Linen Yarn.—See Yarm. - Linseed, foreign, official value of, imported, in each year since 1814, line 68 . º * * - © º © . 58–9 Bushels of, imported, in each year since 1826, from Europe, line 34 . e e e - e. . 137 Proportion from Russia, No. 7, o 1.65 Do. do. from America, line 38 gº & * 140 Quarters of, into London, in each year since 1811 106 Weekly supply into do. Liverpool, rise and progress of the port of 1 1 O Progress of Customs Duties and Shipping registered at 68 Ships owned and registered at, 1791 to 1832 te * Gross receipt of excise duties at, line 34 . e e Loans raised in England, from 1703 to 1786, and terms of each . - To...in each year, from 1793 to 1829, and terms of each 211 Do. in do. for foreign countries. See § 5–10 of notes © s a * ge 120g, London, Port of, proceeds of customs duties, and shipping regis- tered at ' ºr & © * g g 68 Ships owned and registered at : g * & 235 Monies paid on account of improvement of, col. 43 . 195 Do. do. do. col 130 § - © © , 199 City of, monies paid to the Chamberlain of, col. 87 . 190 Bridge, do. on account of, col. 127 . Q tº 195 Docks, do. to legal quays, 128–9 199 See Metropolis. Long Annuities, amount of created, from 1703–1816 . 210---11 Amount of, on the 5th of January, 1833 . g • 213 Proportion converted into Life, col. 22 . 215 Lord Mayors, succession of, since 1734 . . . . . 88–9 Lotteries, line 13. Statements III. and IV. of Revenue. Expences attending, cols. 30, 31, and 33 . 194 T}o. in Ireland, col. 96 . tº * • . 196 Produce of, in the Netherlands . * & & 187 Expence of, in do. . * * & te . 189 Louvain, price of Grain at . . . . . . . 100 Loyalists, American, Amounts paid to, col. 23 . . . . 194 Loyalty Loan, No. 12 . © º r ſº . . . . 211 Lubec, price of Grain at . . . . . . . 102 M Mace.—See Spices. * - Machinery and Mill-work, value of, exported in each year since 1821 tº * g & o tº e tº º 33 d 1 O - ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF Page : Machinery and Mill-Work.---See line 62 º . . . g . 123 Proportion to the East and West Indies, line 28, . , 143–4 Do. Brazils, Mexico, and Foreign West Indies, line 28, 147—9 Description of, to each country. o Madders and Roots, official value of, imported in each year since 1813, line 61 º e • e. º & 58–9 Cwts. of each, and price in each year since 1784 204 T}o. do. in do. since 1826, lines 13–14 137 Do. of Roots or Munjeet from the East Indies, line 41 - 142 Amount of duty paid on, since 1803, line 55 of 2, and 62 6–7 Madeira.—See Portugal and Wine. Gallons of Wine imported from, in each year since 1826, line 86 º {- * & e 138 Home consumption of, No. 28 º e © . 154 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each year since 1826, No. 18. • • • e º . 229 Madras, Geographical position of * e § © 218 Mahogany, tons weight imported in each year since 1813. Do. in each year ; British West Indies, line 11 141 since 1826, from } Foreign do. line 12 . º 148 Retained for home consumption, No. 89 tº 155 Official value of, in each year since 1813, line 26 56–57 Amount of duty paid on, in do., since 1803, 56 of 2, and 63 of g te e e * e & . 6—7 Mail Coaches, mileage of, line 24 & º © º . 19 Malt, bushels of, charged with duty in each year since 1781. Proportion made in each collection of Excise, and amount of duty paid thereon º & º . 84—5 Price of, at Windsor, at Lady-day and Michaelmas, in each of the 121 years 1700–1820 e 6. . 88–9 Amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1811, line 2 14–15 General view of the consumption of, and note upon. Annual supply at Mark-lane Market, London, in each year since 1811 • & º 106 Weekly supply at do. - Man, Isle of, revenue of, line 13 tº 12–13 Amount paid to the Duke of Athol, for the same, in 1827–8 200 Exports to, and imports from.—See British Isles 146 Do. in each year since 1813, line 16 e e . . 120d. Shipping, No. and Tonnage built, owned, and registered at . 226 Management of Debt, in each year since 1792, line 26 of State- ment III. - - As credited by the Bank . © º 168 See also cols. 28–31, of 194, and note 211 Manors, Assessment on, to Property Tax . e e & 30 Marine Insurance, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1811, line 9, of 16–17, and . e & & . 62—3. Mauritius, cwts. of Sugar imported from, in each year since 1824 79 Do. in do. since 1826, line 8 . gº º tº 142 Exports to, and imports from, since 1826, line 33 120g, Geographical position of, &c. . 6. º 218–221 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to, and from, in each year since 1819, No. 31 e te te e 231 Maynooth, College at, grants to, col. 73 . . o © º . 197 Mean, annual value of the principle articles of British produce exported & º e 83 See Prices. - - Mecklenburgh.-See Rostock and Wismar. * Grain exported from, 1816–1827 102 Geographical position of Medicines, Patent, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1808, line 16 tº e Q & e º 16–17 For discount upon, see same pages. See Drugs imported from Europe, lines 44—9 . 137 Imported from Africa, America, &c. 17—20 . 140 from the West Indies, 15–17 . 141 from the East do. 24—6 . 142 Retained for home consumption, Nos. 50–56, of 154 Melasses.—See Molasses, Customs duties paid on. Memel, Ships cleared from, &c. • . g • 101. Grain exported from.—See East Prussia . o . 102 Menai Strait and Bridge, in 1819, 1824, and 1826 . º . 197 Metropolis, Statistical details of Parishes of . & 40---43 Local Assessments of, and amounts Assessed to Property Tax for Profits on Trade, &c. &c. . e e e 44 State and progress of Crime in, 1749–1829 . . 49 Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, and price of Bread in 1790–1820 º • . 21–29 See London. Manufactures.—See British Produce. - Page Mexico, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1817 . #, See also lines 25–6 of Statement > -º o ge 120d Quantity and value of each of 37 articles exported to 148 Value of the Coinage of, in each of the 126 years, 1700 —1825 • • • * * * 98–99 Do. and export of, in each year since 1789 173 Annual average produce in each Province of te e -3 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each year since 1822, No. 37 . . . . . . . 221 Milbank Penitentiary, cost of Building, and annual maintenance of, cols 40–41 & o o 195 See Bentham, Jeremy, in 1813 g e . • 200 Military, Inquiries, Asylum, Canal, College, and Roads.-See Index to Miscellanies . . . . . . . 202 Militia, Force and expense of. Millet, price of, at Corunna . G. e o 109 Millinery and Haberdashery.—See Haberdashery. Mill-work and Machinery.—See Machinery. Mines, value of, Assessed to Property Tax º o & • 30 Gold, in Russia, produce of • . e . 173 Iron, in Great Britain, No. and Produce of . 32—33* Mineral Products of Great Britain, general and detailed view of the extent and distribution of . º 236—7 Mint, Coinage of, in each year since 1777 55, 62 and 170 Annual expense of, col. 122 198 Miscellaneous Expenditures, total of, in each year since 1792, line 41 e • s & e . of Statement III. Detail of, under each of about 310 heads 194–7 Index to, and small charges on Consolidated Fund 201—2 Missions, Special, expense of, col. 29 6. Q º 194 Molasses, cwts, imported in each year since 1826, line 5 141 Retained for home consumption in do. do. line 2 154 Official value of, do, do. 1813, line 19 ... 56–57 Do. do. exported do, line 38 ta . 62–63 Amount of duty paid on, 1806–12, line 57 º • . 2 HDo. do. in each year since 1843, line 64 . 6—7 Monuments, Public, amounts paid on account of, col. 51 . 195 Morea, No. and Tonnage of vessels to and from, in each year since 1828 . g tº a- • o th e . 229 Cwts. of Currants imported from, No. 6 . , 165 Munich, price of Grain at • º tº d e ... 103 Museum, British, building and annual expense of, col. 20–1 194–5 Muslins.—See Cottons and Piece Goods. N Nails, tons of, exported, and depreciation in value of, in each year since 1813 . • Q * g u 6. 46 Cwts. do. in each year since 1826, line 25 . 122 Proportion to each different part of the world . - 35 Nankeens.—See Piece Goods. - - -- Nantes, price of Grain at º 103 National Debt, rise of, in 1672, and progress of, since that date 209–15 Amount created in each of the 39 years, 1793–1829, and rate at which created g 21 1 Do. and redeemed in each year since 1792 212 Annual charge of, lines 25–8, of Statement III. And do. 46–51 do. H.V. - General view of the operation and effect of, see note . 211 Naval Assylum, College and Hospitals.-See Index to Miscellanies 202 Naval and Military Half-pay and Pensions. - ... -- ** Navy, annual expense of.-See General Statements of Revenue, and Expenditure, at commencement. Detailed expense of - Navigation.—See Shipping. - - Netherlands, exports to, and imports from, in each of the 113 years, 1698–1830 . o o o o g es º 74 Quantity and value of 39 articles of British Produce and Manufactures, exported to, in each year since 1826 130 Do. of 56 articles of Colonial and Foreign Produce, do. 159 Po. 44 do. imported from -> . 158 Important notes upon the intercourse with 158—9 Quantity and value of Cottons and Cotton Yarns, exported to . . . • . . . . . 49–50 Do. of Iron exported to, in each year since 1813. 38–39 Po. of Woollens do. do © 116 Corn imported into, and exported from 102 Do. imported from, into Great Britain e l 04—5 Statistical display of the Revenue and Expenditure of - each Province of, &c. &c. . • 186–191 JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. 11 - Page Netherlands, Notes upon, accounts of . º º e 185 - See also Holland, and Statement e º & . 120d. New Brunswick and Newfoundland.—See British America 218–221 New South Wales, exports to, and imports from 75 Quantity and value of each of 39 Articles of British Produce and Manufactures exported to, in each year since 1826. - - lbs. of Sheeps'Wool imported from,in each year since1813 115 Cottons and Woollens exported to . . º 51 and 116 Expense of Convicts and Civil Establishments at, cols. 12–13 . . . & º º e . 194 Geographical and Statistical display of 218–221 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to, and from, in each year since 1819 . e º wº tº º 231 Note explaining the excess outward 235 Newspapers, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1808, line 11 . • . º º T)iscounts allowed on, same pages 9. & º See also Advertisements, line 12 º º Q Ya Proportion printed in London. 23 55 Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, Grain Shipped Coastways from 91 Norway, exports to, and imports from e & a © 72 Timber, Deals, &c. imported from in each year since 1826 138 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, British and Norwegian, to and from in each year since 1819, No. 4 . 22.8% Do. that passed the Sound in do. since 1813 228 Nova Scotia.-See British America . g e t . 218–22 I Nutmegs, Cloves, and Mace, lbs. imported, re-exported, and average price of, in each year since 1786, &c. &c.— See Spices. Nutria Skins.—See Furs and Skins. O Oak, Bark, Plank, and Timber.—See Brimstone, and Timber. Oats, Quarters of, imported from each of 10 different parts of the World, in each year since 1799, and average price thereof, 104, 110, and Total º o o ... 106 Price of, in each of the 52 Provinces of the Russian Empire . . . . . . . . 27 See Corn, Grain, &c. - Oatmeal, exported from Ireland g 92 Official value, origin and nature of . * º 120a Rates of, on imports, re-exports, and exports 56–69 39 Cotton goods © o e 50 29 Iron, at head of average prices 46 92 Grain, Meal, and Wines exported Q 59 39 East India Piece goods, and British Grain exported. . . . º • 61 35 Woollen goods. I d l 5 of ºra - «» « & the West Indies, line 15 o 141 Oils, Castor, º: º º the East Indies, -line.24 of 142 - year Since 1826, from Africa, &c. line 17 of 140 Olive, gallons, do. • - tº line 19 of 137 Palm and Fish do. ... line 47–50 of 140 Essential do. 139 General view of the import, re-export, and duty paid on each kind, in each year, since 1813. - Duty paid on, in the years 1804–12, lines 26 and 51 . 2 HDo. in each year since 1813, on Fish, line 24 4–5 -- To. in do. on Olive, Castor, and Palm, lines 65–7 6–7 Do. in do. on Essential, line 190 o § 11 Olive, re-exported in each year since 1826, line 71 152 Olive, Palm, Blubber, Sperm, and Train, Quantities of each retained for home consumption in each year since 1826, Nos. 102–6, of . e tº © tº . 155 Proportion of Olive, imported from Italy, Spain &c. Nos. 25, 11, 30 and 14, of . . . . . . 164—5 Olives, Onions, &c., duties paid on.-See Index to Customs 1 () Proportion imported from Italy, Spain. &c., Nos. 56 of . 164, and 25–26, of . . . . . . 165 Opium, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, line 126 8 lbs. imported, chiefly from Turkey, in each year since - 1826, line 46 of 137; and 9 of º º 9. . 165 lbs. re-exported to Europe, line 40 . º e . 152 lbs. retained for home consumption in each year since 1826, No. 53 • . . . . . . 154 lbs, exported from Calcutta. Oporto, Pipes of Wine Shipped, from 1671–1705, col. 8 º 97 Do. in each year since 1700. & g o . 88–89 e e * 16–17 - | Page Oporto.---See Wine. - Out Pensioners of Greenwich Hospital, number of, and amount paid to, since 1815 e o 26 Oranges and Lemons.—See Lemons. Ordnance, annual charge for, in each year since 1792, line 36 of ... Statement III. Ottawa River.—See Rideau Canal. P Palm Oil, cwts, imported in each year since 1813 70 Do. in each year since 1826, line 47 . e . 140 Amount of duty paid on, 1804–1812, line 61 . º 2 Do. in each year since 1813, line 67.—See Oils 6—7 Pamphlets, amount of duty paid on, since 1808, line 20 16–17 Paper, lbs. of each kind charged with Excise duty, &c. in each - year since 1813. - Amount of duty paid on, in do. 1811, line 22 14–15 Drawback, on proportion exported, do. line 36 . º 32 Customs duty, on Foreign, imported, since 1803, line 128 8–9 Value of, exported.—See Stationery and Books. - Paper, Stained, yards of, charged with duty e 31 Paper Hangings, Foreign, duty paid on, line 239 11 Paper Makers, number of, Licensed . . g c; & 81 Paper Stainers. Parchment and Vellum, and Parchment Makers. T}ozens of, made, and number of, Licensed. Value of, used by Stamp Office o 16–17 Paris, rate of Exchange upon, in each year since 1790 53 Pawnbrokers, number of, Licensed. - Peas, Quantity of, imported in each year since 1799 105 T}o. brought to Mark-lane Market since 1811 106 See Corn, Grain, &c. Pedlars and Hawkers, number of Licences granted to. Penitentiary, Milbank, cost and maintenance of, col. 40–41 195 Paid Jeremy Bentham, on account of, in 1813 200 Pensioners, number of, and charge for, at Greenwich o º 26 Pensions, amount of, annually charged on the Consolitated Fund, col. 112 º º • . o 198. On the Revenue of the Excise, line 44 o 14 Do. do. Post Office, line 42 18 See also line 18 o e e e & 23 Pepper, lbs. of, inported in each year since Official value of, do. in do. since 1813, line 12 . 56—8 Do. do. re-exported do. do. º . 60—1 Amount of duty paid on, in the year 1804–12, line 4 2 Do. do. in each year since 1813, line 4 4—5 lbs. imported in each year since 1826, line 6 142 T}o. re-exported in do. do. line 7 152 Retained for home consumption, No. 19 154 Mean value of, in each year since 1799 180 See also g e 6. o º g . . . 62 Per Centage Duties, on British and other goods, exported in the 9 : years 1804–12, line 98 and 100 ** - mº 1 3 Do. in each year since 1813, line 5 - - - 12–13 - See also - - - - -- * - * 8] Peru and Chili, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1815 - sº- * - - ass - * 74 See also Chili, and lines 22, Statements 120d and – 148 Petersburgh, Quarters of Wheat exported from, in each of the - 35 years 1790–1825 - - - *- t- º- 95 - See Russia. - Pillau, Ships cleared from, in each year since 1813 - - 101 Grain exported from * - * ** - – 102 Pimento, official value of, imported and re-exported in each year since 1813, line 23 and 16 - * * - 56 and 60 Amount of duty paid on, 22 of 2, and 24 of - - 4–5 lbs. imported in each year since 1826, line 7 – – 141 Do. re-exported in do. line 6 - - * - – 152 - T}o. retained for home consumption, No. 18 of - - 154 Piece Goods of India, official value of, imported and re-exported - in each year since 1803. - wº- * , , - - 82 Rates of valuation * - *- * - sº - 61 Pieces, of each of various kinds, imported, in each of the 17 years 1814—1830 – - * - * * 77 T}o. do. imported, re-exported, price of, &c., in each of the 5 years 1823–7 – * * - 240–1 Amount of duty paid, on the proportion retained for - home consumption, 1804–12, No. 15 - - * 2 Do, do. in each year since 1813, lines 16–17 – 4–5 12 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOIUMES OF Page Piece Goods of India, Pieces, of each of various kinds imported in 9. each year since 1826, Nos. 17–23 - - - 132 Do. re-exported to Continental Europe, Nos. 20–30 - 152 T}o. do. to the West Indies, Nos. 26–36 – 141 T)o. do. to the United States of North America, Nos. 18–22 - - - - 161 T}o. do. to all parts, Nos. 20–30 gº - 153 Do. retained for home consumption, Nos. 118–23 - 155 Mean price of each kind, as sold by the Hon. East India Company in each year since 1798 * - 181 Plate, Jewellery, and Watches, official and declared value of, ex- - ported in each year since 1813, line 29 wº – 62—5 oz. of Plate charged with duty. Amount of duty paid on the same, in each year since 1808, line 15 &=& #º wº sº gº sº 16–17 Drawback on same, exported $º º sº - do. Value of, exported in each year since 1826, line 69 - 122 Police, in proclaimed districts in Ireland, col. 155 * - 199 See Index to Miscellanies º tº- * tºº - 201 Pomerania, Grain exported from - tºº $º º gº - 102 Poor, Ireland, col. 152 {º gº assº sº ſº tº - 189 Population of each Province of Holland * sº tºº - 191 Pork and Beef salted.—See Beef, and page - - - - 83 Port of London, sums expended on account of the improvement of, col. 43 of 195, and 128–30 of gº tº-e - 199 Port Patrick Harbour, sums expended on account of, col. 38 - 195 Portugal, Azores and Madeira. Exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 73 Quantity and value of each of 39 articles exported to, - in each year since 1826 * º t- Eº - 135 Gallons of Wine imported from, in each of do. line 84 of 138 Oranges and Lemons imported from, No. 10 - - 165 See Oporto and Wines. lbs. of Wool imported from, in each year since 1795 – 115 Value of Woollen Goods exported to, in do. 1771 – 118 Description of Woollen Goods exported to, No. 7 - 117 Cotton Goods do. in 1813—28 º gº sº 50 Quantity and value of each kind of Iron exported to, in each year since 1813 gº ſº {-, – 40—1 T}o. of Hardwares, &c. º * tºº gºss 36 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, 1787–19 222–3 Do. in each year since 1819, No. 10 – – – 22.9% Post Bills.—See Bank * * &= tºm — 169 Post Horse Duty, proceeds of, in each year since 1808, line 14, 16–17 Post Office, detailed view of the revenue, and maintenance of, in each year since 1808 sº §ºs tº 18—19 New, cost of building, line 49 fºs - - do. Prague, price of White Beans, &c. at tº – – 103 Preventive Water Guard, Customs, expense of tºº 24–25* Prices of Iron, Copper, Tin, and Lead, in each year since 1785 33 Annual average, of each kind of Iron, ditto 1313 tº 45 Paid for weaving the 6–4 Cambric, in ditto 1797 º 48 Annual average of Cotton Yarn exported, ditto 1813 – 49 Of Gold and silver per oz., ditto 1789 tº *gs 53 Of Tallow, ditto 1804 *s º - sº 70 Annual average of Sugar ditto 1796 &º - 78—9 of several articles, ditto 1813 – *Eº - 83 Of Hops, ditto 1805 * tº es - 107 Of Cotton Wool in the United States, ditto 1801 – 110 T}o. in England, ditto 1797 – º * - 112 Paid for weaving certain kinds of cloth, ditto 1814 – 114 Of all the various kinds of British Wool, ditto 1758 - 120 Highest and lowest, of Meat in Leadenhall Market, ditto * { 1802 * tºº º gºsº wº - 120 Of West India products, ditto 1826 – * - 141 Of all the great articles of production and commerce, ditto 1781 * &- 177—9 Of all the great articles of East India produce, do. 1798 180—1 Of sundry articles for the supply of Greenwich Hospital, and of Rations for Chelsea * tºss - 181 Of Wheat and Malt at Windsor, at Lady-day and Michaelmas, and of Bread, ditto 1700 tº- - 88–9 Highest and lowest of Wheat at Dantzic, ditto 1700 - 96 Annual average of, at Windsor and in Sweden, do. 1657 96 Of Corn at all the Great Markets in the world 98 and 105 Of Wheat at Oxford and Eton, do. Annual average of 3 per cent. Stock, 24, 48, 58, 79, 120d and tºº *- * tºº - 180 Although the prices are the same, they deserve to be looked at in each separate place. - Page Printed Cottons, yards of, printed in each year since 1813, and § amount of duty and drawback on the proportion exported – gº &= &= * - * 81 See also lines 15 and 37 *º-º e- º 14—15 Yards of, exported to each of 22 different parts of the world, in each of the 15 years 1815–28 - – 50—1 T}o. in each year since 1826, line 3 – tº - 122 Rate of duty on, into the United States of North America sº *-*. cº- $ºsº; - 182 Printing and Stationery for the two Houses of Parliament - 174 Private Banks. - \ Private Trade, proportion of, to the East Indies Yº — 77 Privy Council Office, cost of building, col 19 tºº - 194 Prizes, 5 per cent, on the produce of, to Greenwich Hospital - 26 Probates, number and amount sworn to, under each of 43 classes, rate and total amount of duty paid on the same, in the year 1824 *- º tºº sº - 176 Amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803 - do. See also line 3, pages 16–17, and allowances, on same page. Professions and Trades, number of, and number of persons em- ployed or engaged, in each of more than 600,—See chart of. Profits of Trade, amount of, assessed to the Property-tax in 1814– 15, under each of 17 classes, in each county of England and Wales *g ** * sº 32 Promissory Notes.—See Bills of Exchange, Bank Notes, and Country Bank Notes. Propagation of the Gospel, expense of, col. 31 sº – 194 Property Tax, amount assessed to, under all the various heads, and total gross receipt in each year º 27–32 Properties, number of, in each county of England and Wales – 28 Prosecutions by the Mint, annual expense of, col 10 - - 194 Criminal, in Ireland, do. 85 º º - 197 Protestant Charter Schools in Ireland *-*. º 69 of 197 Tissenting Ministers.-See Index to Miscellanies – 202 Provision, exported from Ireland - * tº- £º 94 Do. from the United States of North America - 1 11 Do. from Great Britain, lines 18–23 * – 62–6 See Beef and Pork, Butter and Cheese, Corn, &c. Prussia, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 – . 72 Colonial and Foreign produce exported to, line 5 124–5 See note to - * * * = tºº cº – 128 Quarters of Grain imported from, in each year since 1790 tºº – sº & gº 104—5 Flax, Deals, and Timber, imported from, in each year since 1826 tºss sº tºº tº- - 138 Perspicuous view of the commerce with tº- - 163 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, British and Prussian, to and from, 1787–1819 Rºse tºº. * 222–3 T}o. in each year since 1819 tºº * 228—228* Total of Grain exported from 1816 to 1824 – - 102 Public accounts, notes upon – tº * º - 185 Public Buildings, amount expended on, col. 25 ºss - 194 See Index to Miscellanies, 202, and notes at foot of, 195 See also cols. 18–20, 4, and 49 sº E=g 194–5 Public Offices, Bow-street—See Police, col. 47 ſº - 195 Publicans.—See Victuallers, Licensed. Publications, number of, entered at Stationers' Hall, in each year since 1780. Q 3. Quarantine Dues, receipt of, 1804–12, line 110 * * 3 In each year since 1813, line 18 tºº 12–13 Expenses of, line 66 * yes wº- - do. Quarries, value of, assessed to Property-tax - tº Eº 30 Quartern Loaf, price of, in each year from 1735––1814 – - 88––9 Quebec, geographical position of, &c – $º sº - 218 Queen Ann's Bounty, amount paid, col. 56 * * - 195 Queen Caroline, Debts and Servants, 1822 * sº — 195 R. Railways, number of Acts passed for, in each year since 1802 – 175 Raisins, official value of, imported in each year since 1813, line 65 $º * Eº wº * – 48—9 Amount of duty paid on, 1804–12, line 65 - tºº 2 Do. in each year since 1813, line 70 t_º - 6---7 JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. } 13 . Page Raisins, Cwts, imported in each year since 1826, line 38 - 137 Proportion from Turkey and Spain, Nos. 4 and 5. – 165 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 7 - - 154 Rapeseed, bushels of, imported in each year since 1826, line 35 137 . Quarters of, brought to Mark-lane Market, London, in each year since 1811 wº gas ass - 106 Rates of Custom Duties & tºº * – 139, and 1---11 Rates of valuation, officiai, of imports and exports *: 56---62 Receipts, Stamps, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1811, - line 5 wº *ge $ºss tº * 16---17 Record Commission, expenses incurred by — gº – 174 In Ireland, do. col. 89 dº &ºrs {º} - 197 Redemption of Debt, nature and extent of the operation of, Since 1797 &º tºº, gº sº 210–––12 See also line 27 of Statement III. and 32 of do. II. Redemption of Land Tax, interesting display of the progress of, - -> 24, and 212 Refined Sugar, cwts. of, exported in each year since 1806 * 79 Do, in each year, since 1826, line 64 ... - - 122 Declared value of, in each year since 1813, line 37 64---5 For proportion to each part of the world sºrt 126–––151 Refuge for Destitute, annual grant to, col. 68 – ſº - 195 Refugees, Clergy and Laity, col. 22 - – - 194 Registrys, Revenue from, in each province of the Netherlands, lines 8–11 * gº * sº 186—7 Re-issuable Notes, amount of duty paid on,in each year since 1806 172 Relief of Poor in Ireland, cols. 152---3 tºº - 198---9 Repeal of Duties since 1820, amount of. (See Taxes.) - Retail Brewers, number of, in each county of England and Wales in 1827 * sº gº º gº sº 84 Revenue and Expenditure of Great Britain, under each separate head, in each year, from the commencement of the war in 1793, down to the present time.--—See State- ment II.---IV. Pages 2–21 contain a detailed display of the Revenue of the Customs, Excise, Stamps, Post Office, and of the Land and Assessed Taxes in each year since 1804; and pages 22—3 a detailed display of the charges of collection in each depart- ment, in each year since 1821. - Of Ireland, since 1800, Statement I. Of each province of the Netherlands sº 186—7 Of each of the United States of North America. . Of the East India Company 2 : Reports, Volumes of, printed in each year since 1799 – - 174 Rewards to Excise officers for seizures, line 43 gº 14–15 Rhubarb, lbs. imported from Europe, line 47 - {-ºe - 137 From the East Indies, line 25 — , ,- - 142 Duty paid on, line 66 of 3, and 71 of, (See Drugs) - 6–7 Ribbons.—See Silk. - Rice, official value of, imported in each year since 1813, line 30 56---7 Amount of duty paid on, in do., line 13 of 200, and 14 of 4–5 Cwts. and Bushels of, imported from America, in each year since 1826, lines 29-–30 — — – 140 Do. do. from the East Indies, do. lines 14---15 142 Cwts, re-exported in do. line 10 - &º – 152 Retained for home consumption, 21---2 *g - 154 , Rideau Canal, col. 28 - — $º — - 194 Rio-de-la-Plata, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1815 , ºt º - — tº- 74 Hides imported from, in each year since 1826, line 56 140 See also Hides, and Statement 120d and * . – 148 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to, and from, in each year - since 1819, No. 39 &=s — – — 232 Rio Janeiro.--—See Brazil. - - . Riga, Grain exported from, in each year since 1790 – – 95 Roads and Bridges.--—See Index to Miscellanies - – 202 Roman States, price of Grain in - $º , - – 98–9 Rostock, Grain exported from, in each year since 1815 - - 102 Rotterdam, Price of Oats and Barley at, since 1769 – - 100 Rouble, intrinsic and current value of tºº 97 Rum, gallons of, imported from each of 15 British Islands and Colonies in the West Indies and South America, in each year since 1806 gº — — * 80 Total gallons of, imported and re-exported, and amount of duty paid on the proportion retained for home consumption, in each year since 1806 * sº 79 See a still more interesting view of the importation, re- exportation, and home consumption, rate and amount of duty paid on same, in each year since 1796 – 209 Page Rum, Highest and lowest price of, in each year since 1780 - 179 Total gallons imported in each year since 1826, line 4, 141 Do. re-exported in do., line 16s – sº 152—3 Do. to each different part of the world in do. - 166 T}o. retained for home consumption, 34 - 154 Amount of duty paid on, in do. 1825, line 7 2—5 See Spirits – gºs - " - &=º - 108 Russia, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 – 71 Quantity and value of each of 35 articles exported to, - in each year since 1826 – - rººm - 128 Grain imported into Great Britain from, in do. 1799 104–5 Tallow, do. do. in do. 1813 – 4-º. *-ºr 70 Do. do. do. in do. 1826, line 20 — — 137 Flax, Hemp, and Timber, in do. 1826 lºº – 138 General view of imports from, and of colonial and foreign produce re-exported to, &c. - – - 156 Produce of Gold, Silver, and Platina, in the Ural Moun- tains of, in the 10 years 1820–––30 - tºº 173 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each of the years 1787–1819 * tº- 222–3 Do. in each year since 1819 º tº- - 228% Rye, Quarters of, imported from each different part of the world, in each year since 1799 – gº gºt - 105 Into Mark-lane Market do. 1811 sº - – 106. S Safflower, cwts. imported in each year since 1826 - – 142 Sail Cloth, bounty paid on exported, line 60 of 12, and * 8 || Sailors, number of, employed in the national Navy. Do. do. in the mercantile gº º - 126 See Navy and Shipping. St. Domingo, lbs. of Coffee imported from, in each year since 1821 80 General view of the produce and commerce of. Relief granted to sufferers at, 1800---15, Col. 22 – 194 See Hayti * sº tºº gº =º – 218 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, to and from, in each year since 1819, No 35 — tºº tº – - 231 Salmon brought to Billingsgate Market, London, in 1823 – 67 Fisheries, general view of the produce of. Salt, general view of the produce, exportation, and home consump- tion of, in each year since 1798. Official and declared value of, exported in do. 1804 – 81 Amount of duty paid on, 1811---25, line 10 - 14—15. Bushels of, exported, in each year since 1826, line 36 – 122 See also line 16 tº-º – — — - 62—5 Tons of, exported to each of 6 different parts of the world in each year since 1826 tºº &=s – 237 Saltpetre, official and declared value of, imported and re-exported, in each of the 23 years 1805–28 – sº * 82 Cwts. of, imported in each year since 1826, line 39 - 142 Do. re-exported in do. line 35 wº – – 152 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 108 of - 155 Amount of duty paid on, in the 9 years 1805-12, line 21 2 i. Do. in each year since 1813, line 23 – - . – 4–5 Sandhurst, College at, cost of building, col. 47 - - - 195 Savings' Banks, general view of the rise and progress of, exhibited in every point of view, in which their operation and . effect is susceptible of. Scotch Clergy, augmentation of stipends to, charged on the assessed taxes nº – * , &=r – 20—1 Scotland, Rise and progress of the White Fish and Herring . Fishery of - - - - – 66–7 Annual expense of the Civil Government of, col. 110 - 190 For contribution to the other branches of revenue, see respectively Customs 12, Excise 14, and Stamps 16 and 28 For a geographical and statistical display of the locality, superficies, population, resource, and condition of . . . . every parish of Scotland, see 8vo edition. Seamen, both national and mercantile, contributions from, to Greenwich Hospital, in each year since 1815 - 28 Seceding Ministers, amount paid to, in 1822---4 - - 200 Secret Service, amount expended for, in each year since 1799, col. 8 tºº sº *º- - - - 194 Do. do. in Ireland, do. 1816, col. 140 – - 198 Secretaries of State, contingent expenses of their offices, in each year, since 1803, col. 5 . . . ." - 194 Statement in detail, of the expenses of their offices. T}o. do. of the Netherlands sº- - 189 º 14 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF Page Seeds, quantities of several kinds imported from Europe, in each year since 1826, lines 33–6 sº se - 137 From America, in do. do. lines 37–8 - 140 British, of all sorts, exported in do. 1813, line 25 – 62—5 Various, to Mark-lane, in do. 1811, - ... wº - 106 Quantities of each of several kinds retained for home consumption in each year since 1826, Nos. 46–9 - 154 . Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years 1804–12, No. 67 of 3, and in each year since 1813 . . . . . . . . 6–7 Seizures, by Customs, proceeds of, do. 1813, line 20 12–13 Rewards to Excise Officers for, line 43 tº e 14–15 Servants, No. of, assessed to duty, lines 1---2 . © . . 20–21 Sheep, estimated No. and description of, in each County of England 118 Do. and Cattle sold annually at Ballinasloe Fair, in each year since 1790. See Index to Geographical part. Ship Letters, progressive increase of, line 30 18--19 - Read the note respecting the same . e g ... do. Ships and Shipping, No. and Tonnage of, registered at each of the 197 Ports of the United Kingdom in the year 1802 233–5 Do. built, and owned, and registered in each section of the British Empire, in each year since 1802 . . 226 Do. cleared outwards, and entered inwards at all the Ports of the United Kingdom, distinguishing Great Britain from Ireland, and British from Foreign, in each year since 1813 . e º e e. . 227 Do. do. to, and from, each different part of the world, in each of 26 years, 1787–1819 222—225 Do. to and from each of 45 different parts of the world in each year since 1819 e tº a * 228–32 Alphabetical Index thereto * g 231 Do. of all nations, which passed the Sound in each year since 1813 . & o * g e g . 228 Proportion in each of 19 classes of Tonnage belonging to the British Empire, in 1788 . e & e Total Tonnage cleared outwards in each year since 1769. Summary view of extent and operation of. 235 No. and Tonnage charged with Dock duty at the Port 232 of Liverpool, in each year since 1790 w 110 Do. including coasters, at the Port of London. Proportion with Fish, in 1823 . • • † tº 67 Movement of, Coastways . & tº e 229* } Tonnage employed in Coasting § 235 Cleared outwards from the Ports of Pillau and Memel in the years 1814–1826 ge º * tº . 101 Shot and Lead, see Lead, and line 34 of 122 . • . . 83 Shrewsbury and Holyhead Road. - Sierra Leone, annual expense of Civil Establishment at, col. 16 . 194 Connected therewith, see cols. 48---50 of 195, and 129 of 199 Geographical position of, &c. &c. 218–228 See Africa, West Coast of. Silk, European, thrown and raw, Bengal and China, lbs. of each imported in each year since 1789 tº * . . 12.1% Do. from Europe in each year since 1826, lines 80–83 138 Do. from America in do. do. , 45 . 140 T}o. from the East Indies in do. , 27 ... 142 See France, the Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey, respec- tively from each, in each year since 1826. 158—165 lbs. re-exported in each year since 1826, lines 59–60 152 Highest and lowest prices of, per lb., in each year Since 1790 . º © e & * º . 177 Mean prices of Bengal and China do. do. 180 Amount of duty paid on, in the years 1804–12, line 12 of 2 Do. in each year since 1813, line 13 e wº . 4.—5 Silks Manufactured, British, Official, and declared value of, ex- ported in each of the years 1805–27 . . 81 East India, imported and re-exported do, do. e 82 Do. do. in the 5 years 1823–7 • * 240–1 Do, do. in each year since 1826, lines 20–3 . . 142 French, do. do. do. , 62–4 . . 137 Proportion retained for home consumption in each of - do. Nos. 120–3 of tº & g ſº . 155 Amount of duties 5 East India do. line 17 tº de 5 paid on European do. , 36 . . 7 Mean prices of East India in each year since 1798 - 181 Foreign, re-exported to Europe in each year since 1826, lines 27–30, 152, and to all parts . © • . 153 Page Silks, Official value of British, exported, 1814–31, line 5 . 62—3 Do. do. in each year since 1826, line 18 . 122 Declared value of do do. do. 2, 5 . 123 General detailed display of the Manufacture of, and Commerce in. - Silver, expense of re-coinage of, since 1815, col. 43 e . 195 Do. Do. in 1825. for Ireland . º © . 200 Coinage of, in Mexico, in each year from 1700 to 1825 98–99 Do. in each year from 1790 to 1829 . g g . 1 73 Do. of St. Jago, Coquimbo and Potosí © & ... do. Value of, passed through the Bullion office of the Bank of England in each year since 1806 • , a . 1 72 Amount of, held by the Bank on the 28th of July, in each year since 1814 º e te . 172 Annual produce of, in Russia . $ & e . 173 Highest and lowest price of, in each year since 1789 . 53 Sinking Fund, operation of, in each year since 1792 . . . 212 Egregious fallacy of & to & - ... do. See also Statements of Revenue I—IV. . Skins and Furs.---See Furs and Hides, and * o º 168 Slate and Stone, duties paid on, Coastways, line 12–13, and 228% Slaves, No. of, in each of the West India Colonies © , 218 Expenses attending, cols. 48–50, of 195, and 129 of . 199 Smithfield Market,Cattle and Sheep annually and weekly brought to. Smugglers, expenses attending the Prevention of.--See Cruisers, Preventive Water, and Land Guard, and Ordnance, - on Account of Coast Blockade g . 24–25* Soap, hard and soft, lbs. of, charged with Excise duty, in each year since 1781. lbs. made in each of the 60 collections of Excise . 84—5 Foreign, imported, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, line 137 º te te nº . 8–9 Soap and Candles, official and declared value of, exported in each of the 18 years, 1814–31, line 33 . . 62—5 Do. charged with duty, in each of the 15 years 1814–27 70 lbs of do. exported in each year since 1826, line 63 . 122 Declared value of the same, line 44 . . c . 123 Soap Makers, number of, Licensed, cols. 8---9 g g e 70 Sound, No. of Ships of all Nations that passed the, in each year since 1817 * º • gºes - 228 South America.--—See Demerara, Berbice, Honduras, Columbia, Brazil, Rio-de-la-Plata, Chili, and Peru - 74–80 South Sea Company, amounts paid to, to make good deficiency of Profits, col. 132 . • • e © . 199 Southern Whale Fishery, Bounties paid to Ships employed in, line 63 • Q • & & 12–13 See Fishery, and Whale. Spain and the Canaries, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 . e § so & 9 & e 73 Do. in each year since 1813, line 11 g Quantity and value of each of 39 Articles exported to, in each year since 1826 e º * ë . 133 See § 20 of Notes e • . º • § lbs. of Wool imported from, in each year since 1795 . 115 Gallons of Wine do. do. 1826, line 85 and 87 . 138 Woollens, exported to, do. 1771 . g © . 1 16 Cottons and Yarn, do. 1813 . 49–50 Hardwares and Cutlery, do. do. . e º e 36 Quantity and value of each kind of Iron, do 40—41 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each year 1787–1819. tº tº $3. g e • 222—3 Do. in each year since 1819, Nos. 11 and 20 te . 229 General view of the commerce of, and with * Specie, quota of Freight of, by Ships of War, to Greenwich Hospital 26 Spelter, official value of, imported in each year since 1820, line 96 59 Do. do. re-exported in do... do. line 49 61 Cwts. imported in each year since 1826, line 16 . . 137 Do. re-exported in each of do. do. do. No. 46. 153 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 100 . . 155 Amount of Customs, duty paid on, do, line 93. 7. Spices, Nutmegs, Cloves, and Mace, lbs. imported, re-exported, - and average price of, in each year since 1786. lbs. of each kind imported in each year since 1826, lines 7 and 17, and 1–7 e o e & 141—142 Do. re-exported in each of do. Nos. 1–8 . tº . 153 T}o. retained for home consumption, 13–20 e . 154 Amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1813, lines 4, 18–22, and 24 . . . 4–5, and 114 of 8–9 JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. - 15 Page Spices, Mean prices of, in each year since 1798 180 General view of the produce and consumption of. Spirits, Foreign, gallons of, imported in each year since 1826, lines - 91—2 of 138, and 4 of . & e g . . 141 Do. re-exported in each of do. do. do. lines 16---18 152 Do. retained for home consumption, Nos. 34—6 . 154 Amount of duty paid on, in 1812–25, line 5 . 14–15 Do. do. do. lines 7–8 of 2, and 4–5 British, Amount of duty paid on 14–15 and 9 of 27* General view of the produce and consumption of, in the 14 years 1814–27 tº i- º & ... 108 A more general and interesting view of the produce and consumption of, both British and Foreign, and rate and amount of duty paid on the same, in each year since 1789 e & º e e 208–12 Stage Coaches, number assessed, and amount of duty thereon, as - paid to Commissioners of Taxes, line 6 & . . 20 No. assessed in each year since 1809 g 6 25 Duty paid on, to Stamps, in each year since 1809, line13 16–17 Stamps, Revenue derived from, in each year since 1792, line 3 of Statement III. - - - Detailed display of the proceeds of, under each of 22 heads, in each year since 1808 g . 16–17 Proceeds of duties on, in each Province of the Ne- therlands 186—7 Starch, lbs. charged with Excise duty, in each year since 1781. - - Amount of duty paid on do. since 1811, line 23 14–15 Stationery and Paper, declared value of, exported in each of the 18 years 1814—1831, line 42 & © . 64—5 Do. since 1826, line 68 s 123 Annual charge for Government uses . 174 See also line 8, and note thereto gº 22–23 Statutes, printing of, in Ireland, col. 88 e º . 197 Staves.---See Timber, Deals, &c., lines 84, 6–7, and No. 100 155 Steam Vessels and their Tonnage, belonging to each Port of Great Britain in 1829 º * º º e g . 68—9 Steel, quantity and value of, exported, and mean price thereof, in w each year since 1813 a w e o . 46—7 Stettin, grain exported from, in the 9 years 1816–24 . 102 Stocks, created for loans raised since 1703 21 0–215 See average, and rates of. - - - Stone and Slates—See Slate, Tonnage of Shipping which they employ, No. 17, of . º e e • 235 Stone, Marble, &c., Foreign, amount of duty on, line 138 8–9 Stone Bottles, duty on, line 24 tº gº e 14–15 Subsidies, see line 30 of Statement III. Suffolk, Essex, and Norfolk, Grain shipped coastways from *sº 91 Sugar, cwts, of, imported from each British Island and Colony in the West Indies, and South America, in each year since 1813 - – * , - &º 80 General view of the Total importation and re-exportation of, annual average price, rate, and amount of duty on, &c., in each year since 1806 * - +- 79 Rates of duty, and average price of, since 1776 | -- 78 Weekly average price of, in each of the 10 years 1823–32 206 Cwts, imported from British West Indies, in each year since 1826, line 1 – - º - – 141 Do. do. Foreign West Indies, and Brazil, line 28 - 140 Do, do. East Indies, and Mauritius, lines 8–9 142 Cwts. re-exported in each year since 1826, line 9 = 152 Do retained for home consumption, do. line 1 — 154 Cwts. of refined, exported in do. line 64 - 122 Declared value thereof do. line 45 - 123 Summary Processes, Commitments under. Superannuations, Customs, line 15 – - ** * 24–25% Excise, line 42 – wº - 14–15 Stamps, line 41 - - - - 17 Post Office, line 37 – * ** 19 Tand and Assessed Taxes – -" 20–21 Totals of above, line 11 *= *-* 22—23, Treasury, col. 42 - " tiss' ' * - 195 Supply.—See Grants. ' - - Sweden and Norway, exports from Great Britain to, and imports - - into from, in each year since 1697 • e 72 Tons of Iron imported from, in each year since 1826, line 117 . . . . . . . . . . 138 Timber, Deals, &c., do. Nos. 94, 99, 106 and 122 . do. Price of mixed Grain in, in each year since 1649 . 97–8 Grain imported from, into Great Britain ... 104—5 º - Page Sweden and Norway.—See Statement following 120d - And pages 67–77 of Geographical display. Sweets and Mead, barrels and gallons of, charged with duty in . each year since 1813. - Amount of duty paid thereon, line 33 ge 14–15 T Tallow, Foreign, cwts, of, imported in each year since 1780. . Proportion from Russia, No. 1 . © }56 Total in each year since 1826, line 20 g 137 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 111 of . 155 Amount of duty paid on, in 1804–12, line 71 . º 3 Do. in each year since 1813, line 77 g . . 6—7. Highest and lowest price of, in each year since 1781 179 General view of the import, consumption, and stock of, in each year since 1813 . • • • © 70 Tanners, Tawers, Curriers, and Dressers of Leather in Oil, number of each, licensed in each year since 1813 tº . 70 Tar, lasts of, imported in each year 5 Europe, line 21 137 since 1826 from & America, line 14 1 40 Lasts retained for home consumption, No. 112 . . 155 Amount of duty paid on, lines 72 and 78 of . 3 and 6–7 Tax,−See Assessed, Land and Property. - Taxes, Total actual amount of, in each year since 1797 . . . 48 Equivalent thereof, in oz. of Gold, and quarters of Wheat, and official value of manufactures 12.2% See also lines y, z, of Statement º • 120d. Repealed since 1820. - Taxation, operation and effect of. - Tea, lbs. of, sold at the quarterly sales of the Hon. East India - Company in each year since 1781. lbs. imported, re-exported, and delivered for home con- sumption, and amount of duty paid on the same, in each year since 1804. - lbs. imported in each year since 1826, line 10 142 Do. retained for home consumption, 3 of . 154 Amount of duty paid on the same, line 14 & 14–15 . see also line 1 2—4 General view of the rise, progress, and present state of the commerce in, from China to all parts of the world. Thorn, town of, on the Vistula, quarters of Corm passed through, - from Russia and Poland, to Dantzic and Elbing 101 Three per Cent Stock, created since 1703 . & , 210–11 Annual average rate of, in each year since 1786 . 24 See also pages 24, 48, 58, 79, 180, and e . . . 120d Timber, Loads of, imported in each year since 1784. - Distinguishing the proportion from British Colonies 203 Timber, Deals, &c., quantities imported from each country of Europe, in each year since 1826, lines 93–115 . 150 And from America and Africa, do. lines 69–78 . 140 Official value of, imported 1814–1831, lines 76–81 .. 58–9 Duties paid on, 1804–12, lines 75–86 . . e 3 Do. in each year since 1813, lines 81–90 . 6---7 Recapitulation and transposed view of the importation of, and duty on. - Tin, foreign, cwts. imported in each year since 1826, line 45 142. Do, re-exported to Europe, line 45 wº º . 152 British, cwts. of, exported in each of the same years, line 33 e ‘ © * e e . 122 Declared value thereof, line 13 123 Tin Plates and Pewter Wares, official and declared value of, ex- ported, lines 12–13 of . & * . . . 62—5. Do. in each year since 1826, line 69 . . e . 123 Highest and lowest price of, in each year since 1785 33 General view of the produce and commerce in 237 Tithes, amount of, assessed to property tax in each county of Eng- land and Wales in 1814–15 s e • . 30 Tobacco, hbds. of, exported from the United States of North America, 1791–1826 . e . . . . . 111 lbs. imported, re-exported, and delivered for home con- sumption in each year since 1784 . . . . . 203 lbs. imported in each year since 1826, line 32 . 140. lbs. re-exported to Europe, do, line 14 . . . 152 Proportion to each of 10 different parts of the world in each year since 1826 . . . ; . . 167 Retained for home consumption in do. 34 of . . . 159 Amount of duty paid on, 1804–12, line 5 • • 2. 16 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE DIGEST OF 600 VOLUMES OF - Page Tobacco, amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1813, lines 5, 4–5, and 7 of e tº g * * & 14–15 Official value of, imported and re-exported in each year since 1804 . & & & g © • e 82 Tobacco Manufacturers and Dealers, number of licensed 109 Tobago and Tortola, produce of, &c., 78 and . * $3 * 80 Tonnage and Shipping. —See Shipping. * Trade, profits of, assessed to property tax underjeach of 17 classes of amount . & ſº g & & is g 33 Treasury Bills, Irish, amount of discharged, exceeding the amount issued, lines 28 and 52 * 192 See note upon $ 6, 185, and Statement II. Trignometrical Survey of Ireland.—See Tables of Parishes, col. - 157 of 199 and 1829 & • • • e . 197 Trinity Light and Scavage Dues, repaid by Customs . 24–25* Turkey and the Levant, exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 . * 73 Quantity and value of each of 38 articles exported to, in each year since 1826 & e . 135 Valonia imported from, in each of do. line 23 137 Silk do. do. chief part of 82, gº. e sº e 138 General view of imports from.—See Silk, Raisins, and Rhubarb e g tº ſº & g . . . 165 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, to and from, in each of the years 1787–1819 . * , & gº . . . 224 Do. in each year since 1819, No. 25 . • º 230 Turpentine, cwts. of, imported in each year since 1826, line 10 140 Official value of, do. 1813—1831, line 83 & . 58—9 Amount of duty paid on do. 1814–1812, line 73 gº 3 Do. in each year since 1813, line 79 e o . 6–7 See also col. 16 & & e & * g tº 70 Turnpikes.—See Roads, number of Acts passed for, in each Session since 1799 tº © e * & . 175 Compensation to Officers of House of Commons for loss of fees on consolidation of, col. 32 ſº ſº 194 See Index to Geographical part. Twist.---See Yarn. . - - • Twopenny Post, Londen, proceeds of, in each year since 1808, line 8. © e gº. g . * § 18–19 U Unclaimed Dividends, amount of, appropriated to the Public Re- venue in each year since 1815, line 12 of Statement III. Unenumerated Articles, official value of, imported and re-ex- ported in each year since 1804 e tº g g 82 Amount of Customs paid on, in 1804–––12, line 91 . 3 Do. in each year since 1813, line 3 . & 12–13 Imported in each of do. 1826. . Re-exported in do. 1826 . & & 152 Declared value of exported, 1826, line 71 126 Unfunded Debt, amount of, outstanding at the end of each year since 1780. United States of North America. . General view of the exportation from, of each and all of the great articles of production and commerce in each year since 1790 . Exports to, and imports from, in each year since 1697 74 See also line 22 of Statement * • - - - . 120d. Quantity and value of Iron exported to, 1814–1829 . 42 Do. of Woollens do. 1772–1827 116 HDescription of do . • g . . . . 117 Quantity of Cotton Manufactures 1814–1828 . 51 Do. of Hardwares and Cutlery; • 23 25 ë. 37 Quantity and value of each of 38 articles of British produce and manufactures exported to, in each year since 1826 . e & & * e * . 146 General view of the Commerce with, in each year since 1826 . . . . . . . 160–161 Rates of Duties on Articles imported into 182—3 Colonial and foreign produce exported to, line 22 124 Quarters of Wheat imported from, since 1799 . s 90 Cotton, Tobacco, &c., do. in each year since 1826 140 No. and Tonnage of Shipping, to and from, in the years 1787–1819 e ſº 225 Do. in each year since 1819, No. 12 229 See note at head of page . . . . & 48 Upper Canada, Geographical and Statistical display of 218–221 Vienna, price of Grain at & Page - r V Vaccine Institution, grants in aid of, col. 55 . . º & 195 Vagrants. • Vansittart, Nicholas (Lord Bexley) 172 and 202 Veterinary College, grants to, col. 39 tº 195 Victuallers, Licensed, number of, in each collection of Excise, and 4 barrels of Beer brewed and sold by • 3. º 84 • 104 W Wages, depreciation in the rate of tºº - – 48, and 114 Warehousing Department of Customs, annual expense of, line 67 12–13 Warsaw, price of White Beans and other grain at º, - 103 War Taxes, lines 9–12 of Statement III. Watch-cases, number of Gold and Silver, stamped at the Assay Offices of London, Birmingham, and Chester. Watches, number of exported, lines 71 and 51 gº – 122—3. West Indies, British, Geographical and Statistical display of the localities, superficies, revenues, and population of, - &c. &c. gº * tºº – 218–22? Exports to, and Imports from, in each year since 1697 75 See note same page, and § 21–2 of 120 d. - Produce of, in Sugar, Coffee, and Rum, in each colony and island, in each year since 1814 - sº 8G Exports to, in each of the 9 years, 1814–1822 tºº 71 Quantity and value of each of 17 articles imported from, in each year since 1826 – *g * – 141 Bags and Bales of Cotton Wool imported from, in each year since 1813 &= - &º * &=sº – 113 Do. do. into the Port of Liverpool in each do. 1790 – 110 Quantity and value of each of 39 articles of British produce and manufactures exported to, in each year since 1826 - tºº Bºº. tºº – 149 Hardwares and Cutlery exported to, in each of do. 1814 37 Each kind of Iron do. do. 9, 42–3 Cotton Manufactures do. do. 22 54 Woollen do do. do. 1771 161 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each of the .* years 1787–1819 gº * , ge – 224 Do. in each year since 1819, No. 42 - — 232 T}o. owned and registered in sº & — 235 West Indies, Foreign, Geographical and Statistical display of the locality, superficies, population, &c. &c. - 218 Exports to, and Imports from, in each year since 1697 74 Quantity and value of each of 38 articles of British produce and manufactures exported to, in each year since 1826 - * . &º $º $ºg – 149 For Hardwares, Iron, Cotton and Woollen Goods ex- ported, see same pages as British. - See also statement 120d, and – - - 124–5 lbs. of Coffee imported from, cols, 9–12 - - 80 See also lines 27–––8 - - - - – 140 No. and Tonnage of Shipping to and from, in each of the years 1787---1819 - - tºg – 224 Do. in each year since 1819, Nos. 35---6 - – 231 Westminster, amounts expended on the improvements of, col. 26 194 Whale Fisheries, rise of, in 1617, progress and produce of, in each year since 1793 down to - . Do. in each year since 1826, lines 48—51 - - 140 No. and Tonnage of Shipping employed in, in each of the years 1787---1819 - - sº – 224 Do. in each year since 1819, No. 44 - 4--> - 232 Bounties paid on, lines 62---3 º & 12–13 See Fisheries and Oil. - Whalefins, official value of imported, in each of the 18 years 1814–1831, line 29 *g dºg – 56—7 Amount of duty paid on do. * , gºes – 4–5 Cwts. imported in each year since 1826, line 51 – 139 Do. retained for home consumption, No. 116 - 155. Wheat, estimated annual produce and consumption of, in Great Britain, in each year since 1815 — – * 90 Quarters exported from Great Britain, in each of the 65 - years, 1700–1764 - - &ºr *g, 88 Do. imported into, in each year since 1764 – pºx. 89 Annual average price of, in each year since 1699, at Windsor and Dantzic - - *E* - 88–9. And at 16 of the principal Corn Markets of Europe 98–100 In all England and Wales - - t=y - 89 JOURNALS, REPORTS, AND PAPERS, PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT SINCE 1799. 17 Wheat, Quarters of, imported from each of 13 different parts of the World, in each year since 1799 mºs *ºre Surplus produce of, in the three eastern counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, 1824–1827 – * See Corn and Grain. White Beans, high appreciation of, in Corunna, 100, and in Warsaw - --- * * White Fish, and Herring Fishery, rise of, in Scotland in 1809, and produce of, in each year since Rºss * sº Wills, number of, sworn to, under Probate and Letters of Ad- ministration, in each of 42 classes of amount in the year 1824 – mº * * tº - Windau, Geographical Position of, Grain exported from, and price of, in the years 1814–25 - * - Windsor, price of wheat at, in each of the 127 years 1700 – 1826 - sº * * * * Windsor Castle, expense of repairs of, col. 18 – * sº Windward Islands, Geographical Position of, locality of,&c.—See Page 90 91 103 67 176 102 88–9 194 British West Indies --- - - – 218 Wine, pipes of, shipped from Oporto in each of the 28 years 1678–1705 - - - - * Q7 Do. in each year since 1699 – * * - 88–9 Gallons of, imported from each country since 1826, lines 84–90 – - - -- — 1 38 Official value of, imported in each year since 1813, line 85 - --- - amº - – 58–9 Rates of valuation - - * * * 59 Do. re-exported, line 42 * * sº 60–61 Gallons re-exported in each year since 1826, line 19 - 153 Amount of duty paid on, in ; Excise, line 6 - 14–15 each year since 1811 to Customs, line 6 2, and 4–5 General view of the importation, re-exportation, home consumption, rates and amount of duty paid on, in each year since Produce and value of, in each department of France in 1823 *4 * See Index to Geographical part. General view of the produce, exportation, and consump- tion of, in France, in each year since Amount of duties on, in the Netherlands, line 28 Rates of duty on, in the United States of North America – * -- - *s – 186—7 – 182 Wismar, Geographical Position of, and Grain exported from, in the years 1816–27 * *s * - 102 Wood, Box, Cedar, Rose, Dye, and Hard, amount of duty paid - on, in each year since 1818.--—See Index to Customs 10 See Dye Woods, and Timber, Deals, &c. Woods and Forests. Wool, Cotton. See Cotton. Wool, Sheep and Lamb's, produce and description of, in each county of England in 1800 and 1821 tºº – 118 lbs. of Foreign, imported from each different part of the World, in each year since 1795, and rate and amount of duty paid on do. º sº sº – 115 D9. in each year 5 Europe, lines 77–9 *sº – 113 since 1826 from } New South Wales, line 46 – 140 lbs. of British, exported in each year since 1823 – 115 See also lines 54 and 34 gº wº 122—3 Annual value of produce of, in France.—See Index to Geographical part. Prices of all the various kinds of British * – 119 Do. of Foreign * sº smº * – 117 See Sheep, and Yarn. Woollen manufactures, total official and declared value of, ex- - ported in each year since 1804 * wº * Do. in each of the 18 years, 1814—1831, line 3 - General view of the export of, to each different part of the world, since 1771 * * * * Proportion of each description of, to do. *g - Declared value of, to each different part of the world in each year since 1814, and progressive depreciation in value of – * * E-4 * - Quantity of each kind exported to all parts of the world in each year since 1826, lines 7–15 *º- * Total value thereof, line 4 – * * * For the quantity and value exported to each different part of the world in each year since 1826, see pages 126–136 - * tºg Yards and pieces of Woollen Cloth milled at the Fulling Mills in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in each of the 50 years 1769–1819 gº * * – 120 Official value of Foreign, imported, line 90 – – 59 Amount of duty paid thereon, line 95 * * 7 Number of persons employed in, in Great Britain, and mistakes respecting---See note to page 3, Geogra- phical part. Number of persons employed in, in each province of Prussia, 192 of do. General view of the state of, in Sweden, 78 of do. Do. do. in the United States of North America. Do. do. in France. - Works, Public. See Harbours, Roads, Public Buildings, &c. Index to Miscellanies * * * – 202 Y Yarn, Cotton, quantity exported in each year since 1776. 12.1% lbs. exported to each different part of the world in each year since 1813, mean price, progressive reduction in the value of, and inflated notions of the Americans respecting --- º gº *gº * 49 lbs. exported to all parts of the world in each year since 1826, line 1 sº * * * – 122 Declared value thereof tº *g sº - 123 Proportion to each different part of the world, see pages 126—136 wº *- gº and 143—151 Amount of duty paid on Foreign, imported in each year since 1803, line 144 sº * * – 8–9 Mohair do. do. line 145. do. Linen, Official value of, imported, in each year since 1813, line 87 * * * - – 58–9 Amount of duty paid on, in each of the 9 years, 1804– 12, line 88 sº &º * * * 3 Do. in each year since 1813, line 92 * – 6–7 cwts. imported in each year since 1826, line 74 – 138 Worsted, lbs. and value of, British, exported in each year since 1823 – sº * ** – 115 See also line 2 sº * * * 122—3 Z Zaffres, lbs. imported in each year since 1817, line 18 – - 137 ~. Amount of duty paid on, in each year since 1803, line 147 * rºº .- * * – 8–9 Zinc, or Talc.—See Spelter. J. Haddon, Printer, Castle Street, Finsbury Square. Page 81 62—5 116 117 118 122 123 and 143—151 | Non (IRdiating ...-----~~~~~. ------ rº" ./ “x i |liſi "gººg!!!, |TY OF MICHIGAN \, . . . * / UNI . 4978 . - -