,-8 - A’ l A. - * ,” ." - . *3. -- A-, v- : " " : - } -' (...A - A. _2 * –-------. AECU-393 (UCRI-390) 9 U N T E E D S T A L E S A T o M I c E N E R G V C O M M T S S I O N º cºro SPALLATION PRODUCTS OF ARSENIC witH 190-MEv DEUTERONs by H. H. Hopkins, Jr., July 79 1919 … --> ; : . . . . A ºf University of California. Radiation Laboratory oted data This document, Conat, ins; no rºšt. gy Act of 1916. ſº. as defined by the Atomic Energy. A ſº y x- This copy is regroduced by direct photograph from copy as Submitted. to this office a .# : º Technical Information Branch, Oak Ridge Extension AEC, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 9-19-49-–200-A8945 RSITY OF MICHIGAN Illuli. Ill O15 O8647 7596 SPALLATION PRODUCTS OF ARSENIC WITH 190-Mev DEUTERONS H. H. Hopkins, Jr., Department of Chemistry and Radiation Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, California July 7, 1949 Recent invostigations" of the nuclei formed when arsenic is bombarded with 190-Mev deuterons in the 184-inch cyclotron have been extended. The target material consisted of twice sublimed arsenic. Spectrographic analysis” showed no impurity in sufficient quantity to account for the formation of any of the isotopes reported here with the observed yields. The use of improved chemical separations and counting techniques has enabled the identification of 33 nuclear species among the elements from chromium through selenium. Table I lists the isotopes identified, the observed and literature half-lives”, and the yields relative to that of As”. Since some of the yield figures depend on the extent of electron capture, the percentage of electron capture used in the yield calculation is indicated after the yield figure in parentheses. The yields reported here are all accurate to within a factor of two and most are accurate to within 30%. The uncertainties lie in the electron- capturing ratios and counting efficiencies. Table I contains two changes in isotope assignment differing from those previously revorted.* The 44-minute selenium and 52-minute arsenic daughter are placed at mass 70 since careful separtions revealed no active germanium daughter. The 40-hour german.ium cannot be found when germanium is chemically separated from the 60-hour As71, so is assigned to mass 69, in agreement with the work of Pool.4 AECU-393 l (UCRL-390) - 2 AECU-393 (UCRL-390) Tabl Iso e l topes Produced by 7 S 5 4- 33% + D" (190 Mev) Isotope * y 3.3% pe Lit §§ š. l . Half-Life? ; : , K ; : Obs, Half-Life Y: B* 9, 5 d So 120 days Y: eld Rel. As' 33As; + 㺠6.7 hrs 0.1 .As72 (5) As73 g",8" ſºlº 5.7 days Ö. 4 (100%) ºff 17. 5 d ~sº ,27 ſº # * § 3...” Ile 3.67%) jo # . 19 days 0.00/. 8* 60 : (long l. 2 325e. # #. 26.7 hrs ** ** Geó9 #. 69 #: Q l,00 ; : ; #: ;” §§ 3. ;" hrs. ll day Oel © st (?) 23 .." 40 º 2 31% 140 : 250 dºs 6. º §§ { +. ~#: §§º ; : :* # * 36% $ 3. *::: 70 min. O. C. Zná9m 8- I’S e 30 hrs. 5. º Zn35 I.T., 49 hr 9 hrs . Zn33 K 13. 3 : (9 #º Znó2 * ; d;" ~; .56 (~70%) 290 67 \ ...; #:...". º §4 B. J'S 9 ; min, º, ; fºr #: 0 hrs., O, O2 sº Cu6l ;: #: º: 61 hrs 6.002(6) ~, Il , l e. 23; B- 3.4 hrs , #2,” ; tº {{&sks k h \º • 20 Ni37 ;: :*::: 3. 3 hrs. §ſº 2:09: 36 º: : hrs. 0.03 Co38 3. 0 ; : C. 0006 Co55 ;: #".” i"Se C, OO30 18 days l, 83 l O. OOOO3 2éFe?? 8- • 2 hrs. icng *I'S e o & :-- 46.3 ~18 hrs. ; 25 ºn: 8. . 3 day's Ö. § (~85%) Mn st 2 46 days 69 O2 24Crº , K : hrs. O Ö{} CrA9 K .8 days ; hrs , Cô5 * g & Yle 25 days .0003(~65%) Ö 69 2(100%) 0,00006 AECU-393 3 (UCRL-390) It is reasonable to assume that stable nuclei are formed in the spallation process with yields not far different from those of the adjacent isotopes. On this basis Vre assign a yield to each isotope which we cannot observe, following the trends apparent among the observed isotopes. The resultant yield pattern ean be described as follows: (1) For each element belor arsenic, the yields of the isotopes increase towards the line of nuclear stability. (2) For each mass number the yields of isobars increase towards the line of stability. (3) The lover the atomic number, the lower becomes the total yield of a given element. From a consideration of the Q. values of the reactions and the energy necessary for coulombic barrier penetrations, we conclude: (1) Reactions leading to arsenic, germanium, and gallium isotopes are mostly non-capture excitation reactions, in which only a fraction of the deuteroſis energy is imparted to the nucleus. These comprise >90% of all the reactions (2) Less likely processes involving preliminary capture of the deuteron lead to isotopes of lower lying elements. (3) The formation of nuclear species lower than Fe?" involves the emission of one or more alpha-particles. Such reactions occur - 1% of the time. This work was performed under tho auspices of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. References H. H. Hopkins, Jr. and B. B. Cunningham, Phys. Rev. 73, 1406 (1948). Analysis performed by Mr. John Conway. } Taken from G. T. Seaborg and I. Perlman, Revs. Mod. Phys. 20, 585 (1948). ) ) D. A. McCown, L. L. Woodward and M. L. Pool, Phys. Rev. 74, 1311 (1948). Absolute yield of As72: 0.02 barns. Observed radiation only of daughter. g END OF DOCUMET