CºLAIL -ºrg. Twº -ºxº~~r. T ''''''''''''Uſ!!!!!!ºllſ; 2 . . . ºil III tº: E 5 E. : ſº . . . . i TRANsportATION - LIBRARY g f - - i liansportation library -TF 20 o c > 2. | * pº ºn O. T. E. S. on R A I L R O A. D. C C M S T R U C T I C iſ FOR tº: IN THE COLLEGE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CORNELL UNIVERSITY” By C. ‘Crandall C. E. Sixth Edition 1903 ſ N ºx Q º S 8. 9. 10 11 12. a 13 14. * * iF. * 16. 17. 18. 19. 2O. 21 22 23 |- 25. 36 | 27. 28 29. 30. ! 31. * 32 33. 34. \ 35. 36. lºss Diagram - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTES ON RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION General Statement Loosening the Earth Ready for Shoveling Loading with Shovels Hauling Spreading Keeping the Cart Road in Order Wear, Sharpening and Dépreciation of Picks and Show els Superintendence and Water Carriers Profit, to the Contractor With Wheelbarrows With Whº eled and Drag Scrapers With Cars and Locomotives on Level Trck. Staam Show els Examples of Suezm Shovel Work Anºlysis, Cost Earthwork in Iowa Rock Excºw ation by U. Wheelbarrows :- :i: Rock Excavation with Carus 15 ROck Excavation. With Cars. & Locomotive 16 With Cars And Horses, on Level Track 16 Effect of Gradients 17 Excavation, Chicago Drainage Canal 18 Machine Rock Drills and Modern Explosives 2) Economit Lead Over-Haul General Considerations Preliminary Examination General Methods of Excavations Classification of Tunnels Tunnels Through Hard Rock Tunnels uhrough Loose Ground Baltimore Belt Line Tunnels The English kathod for Soft Ground The Austrian Method The Pilot, i.ethod Cut and Cow ºr ***.i.J. CHAPTER II. TUNNELING 36 37. 38. T 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 59 59. 60. 61. 62. 3. 4. CONTENTS, ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION Cut and Cover liethods Submarine Tunneling he Shield System Shield Construction Lining Wentilation Lighting Cost CH A P T E R I. I. I. COST OF liaSONRY” Cost of Quarrying Stone ... Cost of Dressing Stone Cement and Sanu Per Cu. Yu. of Masonry Cement and Sand and Stone Pºr. Cu. Yū. Conc. Cost of Laying Stone C H A P T E R I W, CULVERTS AND BRIDGE ABUTRENTS Standard Structures Masonry Box Culverts. Box Culverts of Wood Pipe Culverts Culverts With Rail Concrete Covers Water Way Culverts Arch Culverts Bridge Abutments Bridge Piers. Pile And Framed Timber Abutments C. H. A. P. T. E. R. W. TRESTLES AND BRIDGES Wooden Trestles Principles of Construction Trestle Plans Wooden Culverts and Cattle Passes Piling Cost of Piling II 41 42 44 44 46 70 72 75 8O 81 8% º º - º - º UUNTEN'S RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION" iii 65. Wooden Railroad Bridges. 85 66. Oregon Pacific Howe Truss Bridges. 85 67. Overhead Wooden Highway Bridges 87 68. Cost of Timber Work - 87 69. Comparison of Wooden Trestle and Embankment 89 70. Steel Bridges 90 71. Iron Trestles 93 72. Bridge Floors 94 C H A P T E R W I ROADBEL, TRACK, ETC. 73. Cattle Guards 96 74. Track Laying 97 75. Roadbed Sections 100 76. Road Crossings 191 77. Fences 101 78. Estimates for one ºile of Track 102 79. Cost of Track, Penna. Standard 103 C H A P T 5 R V, I I ESTIMATES AND RECORDS 80. Location 5stimates 105 81. Preliminary Estimates: 107 82. Capitalized Cost of laint. a Structure 108 83. Durability of Structures. 110 84. Railway Maps - 111 85. Construction. Records 113 T A E L E S - I. Cement and Sand per c. yu. of Masonry 59 II. Mortar per cu. yu. of ilasonry - 51 III. Voids of Aggregates for Concrete 2: IV. Cost of Masonry per cubic yard 56 W. West, Shore Masonry Culverts 57 WI. West Shore Semicircular Arches 64 VII. Trautwine’s Quantities for Semicir. Arches º VIII. West Shore Bridge Abulêments 37 IX. Oregon Pacific Howa Truss Bridges 86 X Cost of Embankment to Subgrade 89 XI. Cost of Trestles to Subgrade %2 XII. Cost of Woouen Trestles Complete 90 XIII. Weights (relative) of Steel Plave Girders 24 XIV. Relative Weights of Steel Trusses: .92. * PLA.'lºs. ºv - Jºº. U3.2°. I: Cost of arthwork 5). 13 TT, Cost, of £arthwork QK) 18 III. Tunnel linings. 30 33 IV. Baltimore Béiſt Line Tunnel 32 35 W. Tunnebing in soft Ground 33 36 WI. The Austrian methnd of Tunneling 34 37 VII. The St. Clair tunnel Shield 38 42 VIII. Mortar Volumes for different Aggregates 47 52 IX. Concrete Volumes - 47 52 X. Mortar Wolumes 47 52 XI. West Shore Masonry Culwºrts 6O 57 XII. Canadian Pacific Masonry Culverts. 5O 58 XIII. Canadian Pacific Masonry Culverts 5O 58 XIV. Wooden Box Culverts 51 59 XV. Pipe Culverts 52, 60 XVI. Rail Concrete Cover Culverus 53 61 XVII. Pile Bridge Pier and Abutment 58 69 XVIII. Pila Pier or Bridge Seat 58 69. XIX. Pile Abutment and Pier 58 70 XX. K. C. & Omaha Wooden Trestle §1 ºf XXī. C. L. & N. Cluster Bºnt, frestle 61 75 XXII. Erie Railway Trestle Joints 31 77 XXIII. C. B. & N. Wooden Trestle 69 77 XXIV. C. B. & N. Wooden Trestle 61 77 XXV, Norfolk and Western Wooden Trestle 31 79 XXVI. Northern Pacific Pile Trestles 31 80 XXVII. Penna. Wooden Trestles 61 80 XXVIII, Stanuard Open Timber Culverts: 62 81 XXIX. Overhead #ooden Highway Bridges. 67 87 XXX. Overhead Wooden Highway Bridges 87 87 XXXI. Weight of Iron Railroad Bridges. 73 91 XXXII. Weight of Iron Railroad Bridges 78 91 XXXIII. Weight of Iron Highway Bridges 7O 93 XXXIV. Latimer Bridge Guard Floor 72 94 XXXV. Standard Pit, Cattle Guards 73 96 XXXVI. Standard Surface Cattle Guards 73 97. XXXVII. Standard Roadbed Sections 75 100 º L H A P 1 + tº I COST OF EARTHWORK. 1. GENERAL STATEMENT. The following is largely from Trautwine’s “Engrs. Pocket Book”. He gives the credit of the work to Elwood Morris, who he says was the first to properly investigate the subject. Owing to irregular shrinkage in fills, earthwork is usually measured in excavation, and it is so con- sidered in what follows. In fills which are made by plowing and scraping from the sides, it is often more convenient to measure in fills; if this is to be done it should be so stated in the specifications together with the allowance, if any, for shrinkage. Trautwine recommenus paying laborers by the yard rather than by the day, as being fairer and con-- ducing to economy; experience having proved that when laborers are scarce and wages high, men can Scarce be depended upon to do three-fourths as much as when wages are low and fresh hands are waiting for employment. Much will depend upon the skill, observation and energy of the contractor and his superintendents. It is no unusual thing to see two contractors working at the same prices in precisely similar material, where one is making money and the other losing it from a want of tact in the proper dis- tribution of his forces, keeping his roads in or- der, having his carts and barrows well filled, etc. Long spells of wet or bad weather may seriously affect the cost of excavating.earthwork. The total cost may be considered to be made up of the following: 1. Loosening the earth ready for the shovelers. 2. Loading it by shovels into the carts or bar- ... TOWS. C.I.; 3). LOADING WITH SHOWELS. 2 3. Hauling, including Émptying and returning. 4. Spreading in layers on the embankment. 5. Keeping the roads for carts and the plank. . . gangways for barrows in order. • 6. Repairs, depreciation and interest on cost of tools. - - 7. Superintendence and water carriers, 8. Profit to the contractor. 9. Common labor is assumeu to cost $1.00. . per day of 10 hours. 2. LOOSENING THE EARTH REALY FOR SHOWELING. This is generally done either with plows or picks; more cheaply by the former. A plow with two horses anu two men, will cost on the above basis of labor at $1.00 per day, 75¢ for each horse, and 37: "for plow and harness, or a total of $3.87 per day. They will loosen from 200 to 300 cu. yus. of strong heavy soils per day, or from 400 to 600 of ordinary loam. The actual cost to the contractor per cu. yu. may then be assumed as follows: - Strong heavy soils 1.6% Very stiff, pure clay or Common loam - O. 8 obstinate gravel (requir- Light , sandy soils 0.4 ing 3 to 4 horses) 2.5¢, With the pick, a fair day's work is about 14 cu. yds. of stiff pure clay or of cemented gravel; 25 yds. of strong, heavy soils; 40 yds. of common loam; 60 of light, sandy soils; giving per cu. yū., Stiff clay 74 Light, sandy soils 1.7% Heavy soils 4 |Pure sand O.5 Loam 3:... 3.5 - - - 3. LOADING WITH SHOWELS. The amount loaded per day per man will depend upon the matºrial, but more upon so proportioning the number of pickers, ... and of carts, to that of the show elers, as not to - w C. I. §4) HAULING, 3 keep the lauter waiting for either material or carts. In fairly regulated gangs, " the shovelers into carts are not actually engaged in shoveling for more than six-tenths of their time; while under bad management they may loose considerably more than half of their time. A shoveler can readily loau into a cart one- third of a cu. yū. (an average cartload) of light Sanuy soil in 5 minutes; loam in 6 minutes; and of any of the heavy soils in 7 minutes. This woula give per day after deautting four-tenths, or four hours for lost time, 24 yards of light sandy soil, 20 yus. of loam, and 17.2 yards of heavy soils. - When the show elers dc less than this, there is some Iſil Sm2n+geſhëſ, L. The actual cost per cº. y d. will thus be: Sanuy soils 4.2%; loam. 52; heavy soils, clay etc. 5.8t. *H.HAULING. The average speed of horses in hauling is about 2 1/3 miles per hour; or 200 ft. per minute, which is equal to 100 feet of lead or distance transforted. About 4 minutes is lost each trip in waiting to load, turning, quit.ping, etc. Therefore the number of trips per day can be found by dividing the number of minutes, 600 by 4 + the lead in 100-ft. stations. Each load averaging 1/3 cu. yd. the number of yards can be found by dividing the number of trips by 3. For loose rock more time will be required for load- ing, so that the number of trips can be found by di- viding 600 by 6 + the lead in 100-ft. stations. With leads of ordinary length one driver can at-, tend to four carts, making the cost 25¢ per cart. The expense of a horse per working day, including the cost of board on Sunuays and bad weather, is about 75¢; and that of a cart including harness, *C.II, 3, (1). SUPERINTENDENCE 4 oil, repairs, etc., 25¢, making the total daily cost per cart $1.25, on the basis of labor at $1.00 per day. Some contractors employ a greater number of drivers, who also help to load the carts, so that the expense is about the same in either Case. Dividing the cost per cart by the above expres- sion for the number of yards per gart will give: (1) *Cost per ya. in cts., Earth = 375%t lead in statiºns) 600 → *m-. Loose rock =375(6+ lead in stations) 600 5. SPREALING- A bankman will spread in thin lay- ers on the embankment from 50 to 100 cu. yus per day of either loam or any of the heavier soils, de- penuing on their dryness. We may assume 1 1/24 per yard as a fair average for heavy soils, while 1¢ will suffice for light sandy soils. This expense is saved when the earth is £ither dumpeu over the edge of the embankment, or is wasted, still about 1/4¢ should be allowed in either case y for keeping the dumping places clear and in order. 6. KFFPING THE CART ROAD IN ORDER. No ruts or puddles should be allowed to remain unfilled. Rain water should at once be let off by shallow ditches and the road carefully kept in good order; otherwise the labor of the horses, and the wear of the carts, will be very greatly increased. It is usual to allow so much per yard for road re- pairs, but we suggest so much per cu. yu. per 100 feet, of lead, say O. 12. . . . 7. WEAR, SHARPENING AND LEPRECIATION OF . PICKS AND SHOWELS. Experience shows that about 1/4¢ per cu. yu. will cover this item. 8. SUPERINTENDENCE AND WATER CARRIERS. These ex- penses will vary with local circumstances; but 1/2 per yard , will, unuer ordinary circumstances, cover both of them. An allowance of about 1/4¢ may in justice be added for extra Urouble in digging | º the side ditches. 1sveling off the bottom of the cut to grade, and general Grimming up. In very light cuttings this may be increased to 1/24. 9. PROFIT TO THE CONTRACTOR. This may generally be set down at from 6% to 15%, according to the Fagnitude of the work, the risks incurred, and various incidental circumstances. Out of this item the contractor has generally to pay clerks, store keepers and other agents, as well as the ex- penses of shanties, etc.; although these are in most cases repaid by the profits of the stores, and by the rates of board and lodging, paid by the laborer to the contractor. For large contracts, or large risks, profits up to 50% are sometimes addeu and re alized while equally great losses are occasion- ally sustained. * , 10. WITH WHEELBARROWS. i.en in wheeling move at - about the same average speed as horses in hauling, i.e., 2 1/3 miles an hour, or 100 feet of lead per minute. The time occupied in loading, emptying, etc. (when as is usual the wheeler loads his own barrow), is about 1 1/4 minutes ; besides which, the time lost in occasional short rests in ad- justing the wheeling plank and in other incidental causes, amounts to about C. 1 part of the whole time; leaving only about 9 actual hours of work in a ut 7 C.I.,(1), . 19). WHEELBARROWS 5 A - 600 x 0. 9 — = no. of loaus …” 1.25 + lead in stations per day. This number divided by 14 will give the number of cu. yus. The cost, $1.05($1.00 for the man and º for the barrow) divided by the number of yards will give the cost per yard, or in cents. - 105-14(1-#4 lead in stations) (2) . ." 600 x 0. 9 * for loading and wheeling, to which must be addeu +\e items of $54,5-9. cost per Cu. yū. = r ſ C.I., § 11(2)). SCRAPERS. e 6 11, WTTH WHEELED SCRAPERS AND RAG SCRAPERS. The sheet steel box of the wheeled scraper, open in front, is about 3 1/2 feet square and 15 inches deep, giv- ing a capacity of from 0.4 to 0.5 cu. yd. It can be lowered low, enough to fill in the cut, raised high enough (about 1 foot above the surface) to transport to the fill, and dumped by rotation about a horizontal 3 xis, all by operating levers with the team in motion. The two wheels have broad tires to prevent cutting on sº, ground. Cuts can be seen in the “Aq’’ columns of...ºngineering papers. The drag scraper is now usually made of stee and has a capecity of about 0.15 cu. y d. 2. Each scraper (wheeled or dragº requires the constant use of a two-horse team and driver. Be- sides, a number of men, depending on the shortness of the lead and the number of scrapers, are required in the pit and at the dump to load and unload. Extra teams are also generally required to assist in loading. Except in sand or very soft soil it is economical to use a plow, before scraping. Owing to the Pact that the hauling teams are con- Stantly in motion, without rest, they travel slower than with carts, say 150 feet per minute, or 75 feet of lead per minute. We assume that the cost of iposºning, spreading, repairs of road, wear, etc., of tools, superin- tendence, etc., will be the same as with carts. Daily expense of one scraper. In leads of ordinary length (say from 50 to 500 ft. for wheeled scrapers and 25 to 100 ft. for drag scrapers) the scrapers are frequently used in gangs of 10, reqüiring: 1 foreman - $2.00 … 5 men at the pit and dump 5. OQ. 10 drivers 10.00 10 hauling teams - 22.00 $37.00 * - v. T.; 11. (5). SCRAPERS 7 Over $37.00 2 extra or “snap” teams to help load 4.00 depreciation, repairs, interest, etc. sºy - 3.20. Dividing by number in gang 10)43.09. Daily expense of one scraper 4. 30 ... ... 690 × 0.75 -- - - —=llo. loads per day. lead in St. aul Ons This number multiplied by . 15 will give the num- ber of yards for a urag scraper; by O. 4 will give the number of yarus for a wheeled ácraper, unless the lead is more than 500 feet, when a larger scraper holding 0.5 yaru is used. The cost divided oy the number of yards will give the cost per yard in cents for loading anti moving, to which must ce added the other items al- reauy described. Drag scraper = —º,” ** in stations(s) O. 75 x 800 x 0.15 Wheeled scraper = - 430 × lead in stations. (4) lead K 500' O. 75 x 600 x 0. 4 Wheeled scraper - 4:30. lead in stations(5) lead 2 500' . . " O.75 x 600 x 0.5 The cost of loosening should not be included for light, sandy soils, as it can best be done by the scrapers themselves. The Sidney Stężl Scraper Co., Sidney, Ohio, quote as follows (1896): - Wheeled scraper Ho. 1 .33 cu. yu., wu. 375; $20.00 2 . . 48 500 26. OO 3 . 6-3 350 30. 50 Drag Scraper 1 . 26 90 4.00 2 . 19 80 3. 75 3 . 13 70 3. 50 ..I., 13.( (6). STEAM SHOVELS 8 13, WITH CARS, AND LOCOMOTIVES ON LEVEL TRACK. #Trains of 10 cars, each car containing 1.5 cu. yus. of earth. Average speed of trains, including starting :and stopping; but not standing, 10 mi. per hour = 5 *miles of lead per hour. Loosening, loading (by ; (shovelers) , spreading, waar, etc., of tools, superin- : tendence, etc., the same as with carts. Loss of time in each trip for loading, unloading, etc., 9 minutes = - 15 hour. 1O = No. of train . . 15 + No. of 5-mile lengths in lead loads per day. tºr - * . C f Daily expense of one train. Cost of 10 cars at $100 $1000. OC) Cost of locomotive 3000.00 : 4000. OO - * One Q,ay’s interest on cost of train at 6% 0.57 Wages of engine driver (who fires his * own engine) 2.00 Wages of foreman at dump 2. OO iWages of 3 men g $1.00 (at dump) 3. OO ; Fuel 2.00 Water 1.00 . Repairs of locomotive and cars. 2. 33. . Total 13. OO - The daily expense of track for interest and re- : pairs may be taken at $3.00 for each mile, or fraction of a mile, of lead. Dividing the cost by the number of yards will give Hºhe cost per yard for hauling to which should be : added the other items already described. º = (1300 + 300 for each mile of lead ) × : O. 15 + No. of 5-mile lengths in lead 10 × 10 x 1.5 (6) - 13. STEAM SHOWELS. These are economical for depths a- |over 10 feet, where large quantities of earth are to be excavated. - C.I.;; 13,06). STEAM SHOWELS, . 9 The 'shovel is mounted on a car of standard gage which is provided with a locomotive attachment for moving short distances, while it can be coupled in an ordinary train for long ones. The dipper is made of plate steel with a flat hinged bottom for dumping, and steel teeth around the top for excavating hard material. Hydraulic or screw. jacks outside the track are used at the front end of the car to give a broader pase for stability when at work. The machine will dig 4 to 5 feet below, the track, some 22 feet on either side anu through 2/3 of a circle while it will dump 10 feet above the track and 2 × 20 feet from the center. It moves forward 8 feet at a time. The No. 1 machine made by the Osgood Dredge Co., Albany, costs $7500(in 1896), weighs 40 tons, tank holds 600 gallons water, dipper holas 2 cu. yds. The No. 2 machine costs $6000, weighs 30 tons, tank holds 500 gallons, dipper holds 1 1/2 cu. yds. In 2s and or gravel, it will take out while actually uigging, 3 dippersful (= 4 1/2 to 6 cu. yas. in the dipper = 3.75 to 5 cu. yds. in place) per minute; in stiff clay, 2 difyersful per minute) 3 to 4 yards in the difper = 2.5 to 3.33 in place).. An average day’s work for a No. 1 machine, including time lost in moving the machine, etc., is about 500 cu. yas. in hard pan”; and from 1200 to 1500 in sand or gravel. This allows for the usual and generally unavoidable delays in having cars ready for the excavator. It will burn from 100 to 150 lbs. of coal per hour, while it re- quires 1 engine driver , 1 fireman, 1 cranesman, and 5 to 10 pitmen, including the boss. After reaching the site of the work, about 30 minutes are required for getting the excavator into Wprking condition; and an equal time after the comple- |-- 9. 1. § ( Ö). STEAM SHOWEL WORK 10 tion 6f the work in getting it ready for transporta- tº lon. The following figures are taken from the records of the work done by a No. 1 machine from May to Now. 1885. he material was hard clay with pockets of Sand. he expense: per day of 12 hours at $1.50 per day for such labor were, Water, (a very high allowance) $5.00 Coal 1 1/2 tons, bituminous O. OO Wages of engineman - 4.00 Wages of fireman 1.50 Wages of cranesman or differ tender 2.50 Wages of pit boss - 3.00 Wages of 8 pitmen at $1.56 12.00 Oil, waste, repairsl etc. (estimated) 5.00 Interest on cost ($7500) of machine 1.25 - 44.25 Reduced to the standard of $1.00 per day of 10 working hours, this would be, say $3.9.00 per day. . Reduced to the same standard, and allowing for the greater proportional time lost in stopping at even- ing and starting in the morning, the average daily quantity excavated, measured in place would be, in shallow cutting 530 yards, in, deep cutting 1200 yards; average of the whole, 800 yards. This would make the cost for loosening and loading into cars, 5.672, 2.52 and 3.75%respectively; while the cost by plowing and shoveling, in strong heavy soils would be 7.4%. , and by picking and shoveling, say 10¢. 14. EXAMPLES OF STEAM SHOWEL WORK. The following is an analysis by E. D. Hill (Engrg. News, June 8, '89) of recent work. The shovel is of the Otis type, made by John Souther & Co.; cuts about 24'. wide to a depth of 4’. below the track. Train unloaded with cable and plow. º l - l Fáreman $125 per Mo. 8.86% Cranesman 2–2.50 per day 5.35 . Fireman, $1.50 per day 2.88 Laborers ºl. 25 7.86 Châûman & $1.00 per day. , 2.07 - **Shovel Crew. 27. O2 cI # 14. (6). STEAM SHOWEL WORK 11 Cost of Work per car load Ind. D. & Spring. Ry. TI TY: gºve gºoe ºfte, 5. 62 4, 80 3.54 5.57 3.37 2.87 2.90 3.27 9.92 8. 77 9-80 9.80 1.96 1.88 2.50 2.25 30.54. 26.32 27.7530.77. 14,50 T. 44 11.0013,36 14.60 5, 74 5, 25. 5.77 Engine D. and Fireman 12.00 Trainman (Cond. $2.50 - Brakeman $1.50) , 5.97 Total, train crew 17. 97 29, 10 13. 1816, 2518.87 Spreading $1.10 per day Loosening frozen ground, for shovel, $1.10 per d. T1. 12 - 2. 72 0.60 Track work at $1.10 9.81, 1.88 1.38 1.45 2.08. Repairs to plant $2.50 ºff Iſà 0.15 ſidž - Repairs to plant $1.10 , , 0.62 vosº Shop hills, r. to plt. #69 flºi, 27 10.63 1.67 Total rep. to plant 1.34 43:10 1.43, 11.64 1.37. Coal $1.25 to $1.41 per T. Tö. 31. 13.30. 4.47 4.31 3.23 oil, waste, etc. 9.5% 1:55 –0.75–2.86 Q, 36 Total, supplies 6.83 ſº. 85 T5. 32 5.T 3.64 Grand total in cents -- ------- per car load . 54.47 91.1947.53, 62. 2659.75 Cost per yard at 8 -- yards per car 6.81 11.40 5.94 7.78 7.47 Interest on cost of plant 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.90. Total cost per yard in cts. 7.81 12.40 6.94 8.78 3.47 _ \-tº-fix 1885 first: car loaded 10-26 Ācar unloaded 12-18 Total no . of days 54 No. of working days 46 Days idle, except Sundays O 1886 1886 1887 1887 1–19 9-3 5-28 10-10 7-24 10-21 9-12 11-30 186 48 108 51 115 38 85 40 45 G 7 4 C.I.; 15. (6). ROCK EXCAVATION 12 Material lt.cly.(gravel) lt.cly. lt. aly. lt. cly Height of bank 10°. 12". 10’. 10’. 12'. Total, cars loaded2899. , 8631 2771 5254 2528 Greatest no. per day94, 124 90 80 75 Least no. pr. dy. 22 16 50 30 15 Average no. per dy. 63 75 73 61.8 63.2 Average haul 1 mi. 9 1 2 3/4 Grade, pit to dump, 1% variable -1% - 1% -1% Tons of coal, shovel and engines 141 853 99 170 65 No. cars per ton. 20.5 20.5 28 30.9 38.9 I is the Sangamon river trestle, 1885; II is the Montezuma gravel pit; III is the Sangamon river trestle 1886; IV, is the Guion trestle; W is the Nichols Hollow, trestle. A- . The following data is given in the same connection; having peen taken from the report of the Roadmaster’s Association for 1885. 1. The B. & O. road, with steam shovel and side dump cars, claims to haul 5 to 25 miles, including train service and supplies, at 8.1% per yard. 2. The M. C. road has a record of 20000 loads of gravel at 4 1/24 per yard for loading, for coal, oil, waste, labor and repairs. Hauling 30 miles, 44. for labor only. 3. Ohio Central, with ballast unlāader, train 35 to 35 cars, average cost with various hauls, $1.00 per car, or about 12¢ per yard. 4. The N. Y. P. & O. Ry, gives: 74 as the cost; for loading. 5. The Central Iowa gives for 4808 car loads Loading 38 per car, or 4.75 per yard Unloading 15 1.9 Engine Ser. 25 3. 1 Total Cost 78% per_car, org. 7 per yard : Č.I. §15 : "...(6). OOST OF EARTHWORK 13 : , wder is much used in loosening the firm soils- Holes are drilled a short distance back from the i adgé of the cut, enlarged at the bottoms by light : charges of dynamite and then loaded with sufficient "... powder to tip over or break up the face back to . " the line of holes. - - - 15. ANALYSIS OF THE COST OF EARTHWORK IN IOW.A. J. M. Brown, Engrg. Rec., Aug. 6, 1892, p. 151. Labor $1.50 ; per day; teams $3.50. Sheet steel drag scraper of 4 ; cu. ft. Twp-foot bank made from side ditches, leav- ing 6-ft. v errºs, . Distance, center of ditch to: center of bank, 33 ft.; seven to ten trips per cu. ya. at 1.5 minutes; 60 yds. per day of 10 hours good average work. Cost 5.83%. Plow team generally em- ployed to loosen material, one plow to six scrapers. Two horses per plow, in light soil, while 4 or more may be required in very compact soils. - Taking 3 horses as an average at $6.00 , anu 360 yds. loosened, cost per yard = 1.66%. One man will hold and fill for 2 teams. Cost 1. 25¢ One dumper for 6 teams g º '3' $1.75 27 0. 50 : One foreman for 6 teams () ' 2.50 27 O. 70 Maintenance, scrapers and plows . 25 Total cost per yard = 10.19% For double the lead, or 66 ft. , the cost of haul would be 8.75¢ and wear of tools 0.3%, giving - Total cost per yard = 13.6%. For lead of 100 ft. , 12 teams would be required, ; each team moving 30 yds. per day at a cost of 11.7 , cents for hauling. Wear of tools. O. 44. Total cost per yard = 15.8%. * : ,, . Wheeled scrapers, Particularly adapted for distances up to 600 to 700 ft. Sizes 9, 11, and 15 cu. ft., respectively. An Ohio scraper has an apron in front for hölding the material in place after the scrafer is filled. Good roads are necessary for economy; ruts and hollows will raise the cost out of bounds. - The smallest size is used on short leads, each l team filling its own scraper. There will be about. a C. I. 3 15. (6). COST OF EARTHWORK 14 | 4 loads to the yard, each load requiring 2 to 2.5 minutes for a 100-ft. lead, giving about 60 yards , per scraper. - The force required for each gang will be one fore- man; one plow, for each 6 scrapers; 1 scraper holder for each 2 scrapers and one dumper. The cost will be 4. 11¢ for labór; 5,834 for hauling; 2 and 0.39% for waar; making a total of 10.33¢. For 200-ft. lead an additional scraper can be tended by the same ] .. holder. The trip will require 4 minutes, giving 40 yds. per day, or 360 yds. for the 9 teams. The cost will then be 8.75¢ for hauling; 4. 11¢ for labor; and 0.55% for wear; or a. to lal of 16.5¢. For 400 feet, a No. 3 scraper should be used with a snatch team for loading. With-good roads the time per trip will not be increased by the larger scraper. There will be 2 runs of 4 scrapers to each scraper holder, and the 8 teams will move 360 yds. per day. The cost will be 1.66% for plowing, 1.66 for holding scraper, O. 5 for wear, and 7.77 for hauling, making a total of 12.84 per cu. ya. For 590 ft. add 2 scrapers, giving 4.52 for labor, º/2 for hauling, and 0.61 for wear; a total of 14.85¢. For each additional 100 ft. add 2 teams, and the cost will approximate 16.9% for 600 ft., 19¢ for 700 ft. and 21¢ for 800 ft. Beyond this it is not advisable to use wheel scrapers. . Cart work. 7 show elers are usually required per cart; if not 7, then 5 is the best number. For a lead of 800 ft., 7 shovelers can keep 3 wagons: moving, and as one team can plow, for 3 gangs, 9 carts can be used at 40 yds. each. The cost will be , Shoveling, 8.75¢; plowing 1.66; foreman and dumper, 1. 24: ; hauling , 9.03; total , 20.6% per cu. y q. The driver furnishes his own cart, so no charge is made for wear. An additional team should be added for each in- : crease of 200 ft, in the lead, making the cost 23.3% for 1000 ft. and 26.2% for 1200 ft. . These figures give average results for Iowa. ºv. - C.I.º. (6). Rock EXCAVATING WITH CARTs, 15 ºve ROCK EXCAVATION BY WHEELBARROWS. About 1/24 of a yard of rock, measured in place may be taken as a load, it waighing about the same as the assumed load of earth, or 174%. A yard in place will measure about 1.3 yards when broken up. The total cost is made up as for earth; 1.6 minut is allowed for loading, 0.2% for each 100 ft. of lead for keeping the wheeling planks in order, and 45¢ as the actual cost for loosening, including tool drilling, powder, etc. as well as mouerate drain- age and every ordinary contingency not included in thº cost of loading, wheeling, and emptying; contrac- tor’s profit not being considered. . - Ample experience shows that when labor is $1.00 per day, 45% per yard is a sufficiently liberal allowance for loosening hard roºk under all ordinar. circumstances. In practice it will generally range £rom 30¢ to 60¢ depending upon the position of the strata, hardness, toughness, water and other consider- ations. Soft shales, and other allied rocks, may fre- quently be loosened by pick and plow, as low, as ..., ſº to 203; While shallow cuttings of very tough rock,” with an unfavorable position of staata, especially in the bottoms of excavations may cost $1.00 or even considerably more. These, however, are exceptional cases of comparatively rare occurrence. The quarrying of average hard rock requires about 1/4} to 1/3% of powder per yard; but the nature of the rock, etc., may increase it to 1/2}, Or more. Soft rock frequently requires more powder than hard. A good churn-driller will drill 8 to 10 ft. in depth of holes about 2 1/2 feet deep, and 2 inches diameter , per day in average hard rock, at from 12 to 18% per foot. Drillers receive higher wages than common laporers. - : - 17. ROCK EXCAVATION WITH CARTS. A cart load of . rock may be taken at 1/5 of a yard in place, weigh- . 9. I. , ; 19.(8). ROCK BY CARS AND HORSES 16 ing abut 850;, or a little more than 1/3 of a yard of earth. n estimating the cost per yard, 6 min- utes are allowed for loading and dumping; 45.4 per yard for blasting and loosening up, 84 per yaru for loading, 24 per station of lead for repairs of road, and the other items as already given for earth. 19. ROCK EXCAVATION WITH CARS AND LOCOMOTIVES - The Cost of loosening and loading is the same as in # 17, and the other items the same as for earth, exc6pt only' one yard can be carried per car. 19. WITH CARS AND HORSES ON LEVEL TRACK. The trains Vary from 2 to 5 cars, with one horse in small cuts &nd short haul, to 10 cars, with 2 to 4 horses for heavier work and longer haul. The capacity of each car is about 1 cu. ya. A side track is put in the cut, and two trains are used, one being loaded while the other is being unloaded. . (a). 3-car grains with one horse. Áverage speed 2 1/3 miles per hour, Tor 100 feet of lead per min- ute, time lost each trip in switching, changing from unloaded to loadeu cars and dumping, 6 minutes. Assuming the horse to cos (, 75¢ per day, the driver $1.00, and each car 10¢. Cost per cu. yu. & = ′ 305(6* lºad # *2nsky) 600TXT3 - Similarly for hard rock, - - - Cost per cu. ya. § – %5(3 + lead, is stations) + (; -800-3-3- 3. where 5 + 3 is the ratio of loading of rock to earth from ' '. A 17. The track is about 18" gage, the rails are from 15 # to 2) # per yard; the ties are of plank or of from 3". to 6" round timber. The cost of laying, interest on track, and shifting track as required, per cu. yu. per 100 ft. of lead may be taken at .35¢; it will be rather more in light Uhan in heavy work. The cars cost (1890) about $40.00 ºach. (b) 10-car trains with three horses, other data àS above. - - - - Some 10 minutes will be lost in switching, changing cars, unloading, etc., and an extra man will be require C.I.,920., (9). EFFECT OF GRADIENTS 17 at the dump, giving, - Cost per cu, yū. a = 525(10+ lead in stations) 600 x 10 T(G)-A 20. EFFECT OF GRADIENTS. Gradients will affect the Cost with cars more than with carts or scrapers, be- cause the gradient resistance (20% per ton for each 1%) will form a larger percentage of the total on account of the smaller rolling friction. For cars the difference in tractive effº can readily be computed for a given condition dif track(the fric- tional resistances being some 25% per ton in start- ing and 15 # when under motion for fair horse car track), and from this a close estimate can be made of the difference in cost. For carts and scrapers the variations in road surface and the effect of gradients upon its drainage and condition so vary the frictional resistances that it is difficult to find the relation of the gradient resestance to the total. Again the tractive effort of a horse can be greatly increased for a short distance if decreased for another portion of the day’s journey, or if the day's journey be shortened, S.C. Thompson (Pavements and Roads, p. 354) states that it is estimated that with one-horse carts, one foot vertical costs as much as 14 ft. horizontal. He also states that with wheel barrows a 10% gradient reduces the load which can be wheeled to 2/3 that on a level, and that 3 ft. vertically will cost as much as from 80 to 100 ft. horizontally. With shovels, earth can be cast horizontally from 5 to 10 feet, and vertically from 5 to 7 feet, the cost for the maximum distance being about the same either way. - Óften the top of a cut can be worked into the lower portion of a fill on the up grade side, leaving the bottom of the cut for the down grade side, especially where cars are used which are not very sensitive to variations in lead. For heavy work mechanical traction or some form of lift (vertical -- C. I. § 21. (9). EXCAVATION CHIC. CANAL 18 or inclined) would usually prove economical, as on the Chicago Drainage Canal. For convenience the cost per yard by the differ- ent methods and for the different kinds of material is shown graphically on plates I and II. The varia- tion of cost with method and with material is t - - - --- juhus more readily seen. 21. EXCAVATION, CHICAGO DRAINAGE CANAL... Condensed from argiglés in Engineering News, Vols. 33 34. The average."of wheel scrapers on Section N, under favorable conditions , -sº-60 cu. yds. per day of 10 hours, car measure; the material was brought up an incline of 5:1 for 50’. to a level platform or hopper 12'. square and dumped into cars for removal, , the scrapers moving on down a corresponding incline. The material was not hard, and the contract price, including removal from the right of way, was 23%. On sections L and M, the bottom was 110' . wide, with slopes 2:1, giving 270' between slope stakes for the depth of 407; the be ms were 80’, to the spoil, banks, and the spoil banks 237’. on one side and 175% on the other. The material was prairie soil for 5' or 6". then hard, compact clay. The average contract price “ for the two sections was 2.). 42. A double track portable trestle was ouilt from the canal to the bank, ending in a tipple some 40'. high. A hoisting engine pulled one car up by a cable while the other was being loaded by a steam shovel. The capacity was limited by the shovel. The track and tipple were moved forward as the work progressed. The cost was divided as follows: coal 142; repairs 14%; excavating 36%, conveying 42%, .3% of the re- pairs and 7% of the coal ºffargable to the ex- cavator, making a total of 48% as compared with 52% for the conveyor. One shovel excavated 276, 400 cu. yas. in 3 months, in double shifts, at a cost of $200. for repairs. The average was from 75 to 80 cu. yus. per hour. - ſº 9. I. s 21. (e). EXCAVATION CHIC. CANAL 19. On section 1 the “glacial drift” next the rock "as a tough gravelly soil mixed with boulders from 1 to 10 feet in diameter. Most of it had to be blasted for the special heavy shovels used, and these shovels averaged only about 50 cu. y ds' per hour. the material was moved by cars, as on Séctions L and 4, contract price 42.92. For the rock portion 9 tracks were placed in the *xcavated channel with their ends extending up to the breast or heading where the cars were loaded by hand or by air hoist derricks. At the rear ends ºurntables connected the tracks with a double track *ncline plane and tipple similar to the one already ºscribed. Horses were used for the level tracks. he contract price was 30¢. On Section 2, Lemont, Div., the cemented gravel above "he rock was blasted and loaded by steam shovel upon *ump cars. The cut was lengthways of the canal, work- *ng down from one side. The cars were drawn in the 9ut by horses (maximum distance 750’), up the incline y &able, and on the dump by horses. The show els *Veraged less than 50 cu. yus per hour. The rock was removed by Liugerwpou traveling cable- "ays, spanning the canal and dump, some 600' . to 700. *nd supported on towers mounted on cars running on Stacks parallel with the canal. See Engrg. News Wol. °4, p. 62. Weight of cableway, cars, skips, eve., com- Flete 450,000%, and cost $14,300. Ten skips and about 80 laborers were worked on each face. Some 12000 °u-yus. per month were moved by each machine at the **te of about 280 yds per shift of 10 hours. the cost of the work was distributed as follows: ºilling 17%; blasting 21%; loading 30%; conveying 7% channeling 5%; pumping 6% superintendence and Éh, 4%. The labºost about 65% and materials º. Contract priºz. 9n Section 6 a scraper worked by power from a **ble at right angles to the canal did economical "9rk on soft material. On Section 7, 2 Hulett-McMºyler conveyors were *S*d in removing rock. Each consisted of a canti- *. Q.I.", 22. (9) MACHINE ROCK DRILLS 20 ever bridge, one arm 80’. long extending half across th; canal, the other 90’. extending over the dump, the ceſtral pier: 50’. resting on a track parallel with the tanal, along which it could be moved. Five skips of . 1 5/8 yás. capacity each, and from 25 to 30 men were used, with each conveyor. - The cost of operating the conveyor was about $10.70 . per 10 hour day for an average of 190 cu. yas. . Two high-power derricks were also used, boom 123’. balanced on turntable, on 20’, gage car. Rate of travel along track 400'. per minute; skip (1 5/8 yds.) taken, dumped and returned in 45 seconds. Weight 95 tons; cost $15000; capacity 219 yds. per 10-hour Shift at a cost of $10.00. - On Section 8, the chaſſel ers cut about 30001.1'. of face per month at a cost of s” $270.00 each, or 92 per tºr’. This was in sound flock on the upper lift, and did not include interest; seamy rock would add 25% to 30%, and the lower lifts from 30% to 50%. On Section 9, much of the rock was removed by Cars, , using horses at top and bottom and steam for the incline, at a cost comparing favorably with that of any of the methods in use. The average per month per incline per 10-hour shift was about 500 cu. yus., or 250 per face for 36 men (30 loaders, 5 sledgers, 1 foreman). On Section 10, Brown Cantilever cranes were used, Bach weighing 150 tons and costing $28000. Each took out an average of 490 cu. yus. per 10-hour shift with about 50 laborers anu foreman and 1.6 tons' coal On Section 15, staam shovels were used to load the rock after it had been blasted. 22. MACHINE ROCK DRILLS AND MODERN EXPLOSIVES. *Machine drills are used extensively in open cuts and tunnels, where the work is heavy enough to warrant the outlay. They are worked by steam or by compresse air; the latter being preferable in underground work, as the released air aids in ventilation. Two kinds are used, rotating drills and percussion drills. - - º, “I., § 22., (9). MACHINE ROCK DRILLS. 21 ". In the former the drill rod is a long tube revolv- *ng about its axis. The end, hardened to form an *nnular cutting edge, is kept in contack with the rock. Solid core is usually, brought up inside the tube. he diamond drill is the only form in common use ºn this country. * - It is especially valuable 9t: prospecting or other work where an accurate knowiedge of the material passed through is desired. Holes several hundred feet deep can be drilled at . . * cost for from 2 to 3-inch holes in ordinary granité. lmestone, or hard sandstone, of from $1.00 to $2.00 Pºr foot, and at the rate of from 1 to 2 feet an hour. In the percussion drill, the drill is driven *ěainst the rock by direct steam pressure acting *śainst a piston on the bar. A slight rotation is Éiven with each blow, to prevent the bit from constant- *y striking in the same place. A 1 to 2-inch hole * ºn be drilled at the rate of from 3 to 10 feet par | *9tar, depending on the character of the rock and the $122 of the machine, at a cost of from 10 to 25¢ per lnear foot with labor at $1.00 per day. . Drinker (Tunneling, 1882), in attempting to compare !he cost of hand and machine drilling in open cuts, finds the data, too conflicting to allow, of sauis- factory conclusions. In tunnel work, however, "here the rock is firm and the work well pushed, the Pºogress is five times as great with machine as "ith hand drills; in soft rock the difference is less. ** finds that the diamond drill is not as economical *s the percussion for short holes in either open work °r tunnels. - He gives tables of recent tunnel work in many Pºrts of the U.S. where the cost per foot of drill °le averages about 50% less by machine than by hand *ills; the percentage computed on the total cost Per yard would of course be much less. º Trautwine says, that when work is done on a large **ale, blasting can sometimes be done at from 10 to 20 Pºrcent less cost per cu. yd. by means of machine drills *nd dynamite than by hand drills and gunpowder. #6'3,. -HAUL ... I’.3% (9). --~l- + 22 ºily; hºwever; the cost is about the same, and ººie, advantage consists rather in economy of time, | £ºnvenience, and having the work more entirely under §trol. to a.a. ºš. ECONOMIC LEAD. To find the limit of . beyond º it will be cheaper to waste at the cut and Fºofrer at the fill than to transport : Find from Täbles I and II, or otherwise, the cost per yard for wasting from the cut for the lead from cut to ºpoil bank. Find the cost of borrowing for the lead from borrow pit to fill. The removal of these two Wºrds will accomplish the same as the transportation one yard from the cut to the fill, so that the limin, economic lead can be found by adding the two *9sts and finuing the lead corresponding to the sum. . If land—has to be purchased - for either the "åste or borrow its cost per yard of material moved ; Should be added to the cost of removal proper in *::me the comparison. - | , ºº, OWER-HAUL. On many roads earthwork is paid ; for by the cu. yd., with an allowance per yard - ºr station for all leads beyond a certain limit, or ºr over-haul. On others, the contractor makes *S' own estimate of haul (lead times yardage) and fixes the price accordingly. " . ...in making an estimate from the profile, the limit ... * *condmic lead for the method of transportation *opted must be found or assumed in order to find ...” “pay” quantities; only such fills being included ** are beyond this limit from available cuts and *st be made by borrowing material. In other words the pay earthwork quantities for the road bei proper iyº including drainage ditches, excavations for ºructures, etc.) will include all the excavation and | Much of the filling, with shrinkage added, as econ- *ºy requires to be made from borrow pits. - ... *9 find the limit of lead on a fill; assume the º, ada the yardage (computed from the cross-sec- ...:90s, for accurate estimates or from center heights |** preliminary estimates) station by station as : of º - - C.T.I. $24 (9). OVER-HAUL, 23 º an on the profile back Uo the cut, with the allon for shrinkage; continue into the cut and add the - yardage station by station until the amount of the fill (with shrinkage ) has been reached. The distance from this point in the cut to the assumed point in the fill will give the greatest lead up to the assumed point; if this is less than the economic, more stations can be taken in the fill and the corresponding number found in the cut until the limit is reached. If intermediate cuts or fill are passed over, the yardage should be included with the proper sign. - - -- If, working similarly from the other end of the fill, the central portion is beyond the economit limit either way, it would be estimated as borrow. Similarly if the central portion of the cut is left it would he wasted. 11 ~ 3 - - - - - - - - If the points on the fill overlapped the overlapped portion could be filled from either side as desired. If the points on the cut overlap, there is a shortage of material. In this case assume the division point in the cut, and find the corresponding limit for the fill on, each side. Beyond these fill limits, the material must be borrowed unless within the range of the adjacent cuts. To find the overhaul: first find the limit of free lead from the cut in the fill as above; then beyond this multiply each yardage between stations. by the horizontal distance of its center( center of gravity strictly), from some convenient point on the profile; sum the products for the cut and divide by the sum of the yardage for the distance of the center of gravity: from the point; similarly for the fills. The distance between the centers of gravity of the cut, and fill, less the free lºad will give the excess lead, and this multiplied by the yardage will give the required over-haul. - .N * , * C.I.,525, (9). F. 1) ASS DIAGRAM , 24 - 25. MASS LIAGRAM. The results of 524 can je obtained and the relations more readily shown graphically º, by means of the mass adagram. It is constructed by starting at any point, as the left end, and . Cººk … *ach station or plus to the right laying off as ordinates from a horizontal reference line the toual Wardage up to the station, and joining the enus of the ordinates by a curve. Cross-section quanti- ties should be used except for preliminary work. Cuts are positive. Shrinkage should be allowed for as usual. The following properties result from the method of construction (Fig. 1); . . | TTH - | . . H TSA l . . . Nº. 1. - - I ^ N. | | | | | | |E_ I | Eziº it...les- tº - —' 1–1–1–1–1–1 - - S” - -- º 1. Grade points of the profile correspond to max- limum or minimum points of the diagram; the increment Changing siga in passing from cut to fill, or vice V &rsa. * See. G and H. 2. In moving to the right an upwaru slope of the Contour line of the diagram indicates excavation and a downward slope embankment. -- 3. The algebraic difference in length between any two vertical ordinates gives the Loual yardage (added algebraically) between the corresponding points of the profile; consequently º 4. Between any two adjacent points of the contour Cut by the same horizontal line excavation equals em- bankment, anu the length of the horizontal between intersection points is the lead for the material at either point. - * : : º: -- - - - -- -- - :- - 3. * *5 3. I* / (g) F. 1) HAUL 25 #: The area cut off by any horizontal line is § the measure of the haul for all material between sº, the Ung, points cut by the line. For, since by No. 4 the maperial in the cut to the right of, e.g., A B, will just make the fill to CD, the material repre- sented by the increment dz to the ordinate must be moved to F, a distance EF, giving for the product, yardage into the lead, the area uz × EF, Similarly for the other dz’s, giving total haul equal the area above EF as already stated. If area or haul be divided by yardage the result Will be the average lead for the portion taken. The yardage for any one cut or fill will be the difference of the ordinates at the grade points of the cut or fill. 6. Plus areas or those above the reference line, represent lead to the right, anu minus areas lead to the left, the diagram having been constructed from left to right. If the contour is formed by joining the ends of the ordinates by straight lines, it is equivalent to assuming that the center of gravity of each earth- Work solid lies at its center; ; a curved contour, with the area determined by planimeter or Simpson's rule, will usually be more accurate. The mass diagram thus shows the direction of the lead; the limit of the lead in each direction for each cut and fill and the length of lead for the material at any point; besides the haul and average ... lead for any cut or fill or for any portion of the . Same. Having the lead, the best method of transpor tation can be seen from Tables I and II; also the lead which will double the total cost per yard, or fik the limit beyond which it will be cheaper to borrow, and waste rather than transport. This † : lauter limit will be modified by the haul for the ºr material wasted, the cost of the land upon which to Waste, the haul of the borrowed material, its classi- fication, and the cost of the land borrowed from; C. II., § 26.,(9)..f. 1. ; GENERAL CONSILERATIONS: 26 when dear the limit, the cost by each Lethod should be estimated and the cheaper taken. If the lead is on grades, and especially on steep ones as is often the case in borrowing or wasting material, the effect Should be taken into account. In Fig. 1 the lead is all to the right, except for the portion JK; the cut at the left, laakes the fill to J, leaving all to the right of K vo be moved - to the right or wasted; the leau for material at AB is EF; and the haul for the first cut is the area LH.M. Should the cut at the left be wasted, draw a horizontal through H, and the portion of the cut on the right required to make the fill, and the lead, are at oncé given. If material can be wasted as cheaply from one cut as from the other, a hor- izontal drawn so that the area above it, au the left plus the area below it near the center is a minimum haul) will give the most economical method of dispos- §§ of the material, etc. wº- - - - ~~ *************śApriºr II TUNNELING 26. G3'NERAL CONSIDERATIONS: The depuh of earth cutting at which a tunnel becomes tiesirable is usually given at from 60 to 70 feeu, in rock it would usually be more. Track work is usually cheaper in open cut on account of more room and . better light, but a tunnel well built and well lined with masonry when required, is more permanent than ºve slopes of the ordinary deep cut. This means cheaper maintenance and greater freedom from accidents due to land slides. The freedom from snow as compared with the deep cut may also be of advantage. On the other hand a tunnel, if of much length, is a source of solicitude for the operating department on ac- count of the greater danger of, and more serious results from, collisions. Tunnels and subways are also used in cities for - - - - - -*- Fºrº. the elimištion of grade crossings and the separation, Street traffic in order to reduce accidents and expe- ... . - - '• C.II.,? 27, (9). F. 1) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 27 dive railroad traffic, but at a greatly increased Cost for construction 27. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. A. geological surve: of the locality should be made, aided by geological maps if any exist. For a long deep tunnel this Should be done by an experienced geologist. From this survey there should be determinad, (1) the character of the material, (2) the inclination of the strata, and (3). the presence of water. The character of the matºrial can best be found by a series of diamond urill borings along the line when the method is feasibl.; often surface indication have to be depended upon. The material is divided into (a) hard rock, (b) soft rock, (c) soft soil. The hard rocks have sufficient cohesion to stand vertically when cut to any depth, and if unaffected by the atmosphere the tunnel can often be left - without lining: graniuº , gnaiss, feldspar and basalt are of this class, but sometimes and especially if mixed with pyrives they will disintegrate upon ex- posure, and thus require a Lunnel lining. Soft rocks have less cohesion and they are al- ways affected by the atmosphere. They require to be supported by vimbering during excavation, and to be protected by a strong lining to exclude the air, Support the vertical pressures, and prevant the fall. of fragments. Sandstones, laminated clay shales, mica-schists, and all all schistose stones, chalk and some volcanic rocks belong to this group, Some of the boulder clays and cemented gravels Light be included for tunnel work. Soft. soils are composed of detrital materials, and may be excavated without explosives. Heavy timbering is required during construction vo support the pressures and prevent caving; strons lining is also requireu. - Gravel, sand, shale, clay, quicks and and peat are the soils usually met with. Quicks and and peat are proverbially treacherous materials, while some of the laminated clays with water are as bad. * *º:-- C.II., § 28, (9). F. 1) METHODS OF EXCAVATION 28 : A knowledge of the inclination of the strata is ecessary in predicting the material to be met *Along different portions of the line. The inclina- ºtion also affects the cost, blasting being more ef- ſective if the rocks are attacked perpendicular to the strata, while lighter timbering and lining can be used for vertical than for horizontal strata. For detrival material, inclined strata develop un- symmetrical pressures, which cause greater distor- Lion of timbering and lining, while the danger from slides and cave-ins is increased. . The presence of water can be inferred from a study of the hydrographic basin of the locality. Having, the source and direction of the springs and cri 2ks the water bearing, strata can be found and Uraced by their inclination to the line of the tunnel. Water follows the pervious strata as sand and gravel and is deflected by the impervious as clayºnd most of the rocks. Ground high above the tunnel with porous strata opening to the surface will usually give plenty of water and heavy pres- sure, especially if the water comes through rock. Grevices. Sand and other fine water.” # bearing material flows readily under water pressure and often causes great difficulty in Uunnel work. * 28. "GENERAL METHODS OF EXCAVATION. Unless a tunnel is vehy deep or short excavation is carried on from the ends and from intermediate shafus. Tº = The use of shafts adds their cost to the construc- tion account, and usually increases, the cost for drainage and for haulage, as the water must be “pumped and the excavated material raised through the : shaft to the surface, except in the rare cases where the shafts are lateral and horizontal . But the - vine of construction is shortened, it being in about # the ratio of the distance between shafts to the total length of tunnel. The shafts are afterwards $closed up unless the tunnel is so long that some or #hem are needed permanently for ventilation. II] . isome cases for earth tunnels, a drift or small tunnel His driván the entise-length along the bottom (or a - t cº **** C. II. § 29. (9). F. 1) CLASSIFICATION OF TUNNELS 29 heading along the top) before the enlargement to full size is begun and then break ups, or full sized enlargmenus are begun midway between the shafts as * Wall as at the shafts and potals. This explores the ground, checks, the alignment provides gravity drainage, cheapens transportation, and halves the dis- tance to be excavated from any one face. A drift or heading should be 7 feet high anu from 6 to 8 feet wide so that cup men can stand up and work at the face and a material car can be run with- out disturbing the wall strutting. Temporary shafts are usually rectangular, and lined with timber when necessary. 9 × 9 feet in the clear is about a minimum. Permanent shafts 3 are more often cylindrical and lined with brick. They are usually over the center, but some French engineers, prefer them on the side with a transverse gallery to the tunnel. In this case when the uepth ** is not great they are sometimes inclined for greater Convenience in handling material. 29. CLASSIFICATION OF TUNNELS, ACCORDING TO MATERI- AL PENETRATED. Hard Rock . With machine drills and modern ex- ploitizs this is the cheapest and safest material through which to drive a tunnel. A top heading or a bottom drift may be used for the advance section. Ordinary loose soil. There are 4 general methods ln use: (1). Belgian, in which the soffit section is exca- wated ; the arch built upon longitudinal plank Festing upon the unexcavated material along the Springing lines; the lower central portion ex- Cavated, and finally the arch unuerpinneu by the siue walls. - (2). German method, in which a top heading is driven *nd the excavation extended each way to the bottom Without disturbing the central portion; or in which **o botvom side drifts are driven, when extended *PWärds to the springing lines; to the top center *nd then to the haunches; the lining is then built from the bottom up; the central portion excavated; * º º - C. II. § 30 (9). F. 1) TUNNELS THROUGH ROCK 30 and finally the invert built if necessary. (3). English and Austrian methods, in which a short length of the entire section is excavated before beginning the lining. In the English, the excava- tors and masons work alternately, the lining is built from the bottom up, beginning with the invert, and the length varies from 10 to 25 feet. In the Aus- trian, the length opened is great enough Uo allow, the excavators to continue work ahead of the masons, and the invert, when used, is built after the side walls and arch. - (4). Italian methou, in which the lower half is excavated anu lined, including the invert; it is then refilled except a narrow, passageway for the cars; the upper portion is then excavated as in the Belgian methou and the arch built. Quicksanu. The sofu ground methods are used if the water can be drained or is not excessive, otherwise a submarine method. Cut and Cover. For shallow tunnels, it is often better to excavate from the surface, build the lining and fill around it, then to drive as a tunnel. | Submarine. For impervious materials, one of the or- dinary methods can usually be used. For pervious, a shield in advance of the lining may be necessary to protect the workmen and prevent caving, and Com- pressed air to hold back the water and aid in hold- ing up the material at the face. If on the river bed, coffer dams inclosing alternate sections of the work can be used, or pneumatic caissons sunk close together anu communication afterwards opened between them. 30. TUNNELS, THROUGH' HARD ROCK. In driving the heading or drift, two methods are in use, the circular cut, and the center cut. In the former, some 4 to 6 holes 4 to 5 ft. deep are driven around a cir- cle in the face, all pointing to a central point and forming a cone. Around the cone a set of holes is drilled 4 to the face inclosing a cylinder, and around this a set inclosing a second cylinder if necessary. Each set is fired in the order in which * & side the lining. The C. II: $30. (9). F. 2) TUNNELS THROUGH HARD ROCK 31 they are drilled. In the center cut method, the one principally used in this country, the holes are d?illèd some 15 to 20 feet deep in vertical rows, the first two converging towards each other so as toº blast out a wedge, which is gradually enlarged to full size from the other holes. In bard rock American engineers usually prefer * heading the full width of the tunnel, on account of more room for working, and of allowing deeper holes for blasting. In loose or fissured rock which requires timbering a small heading is necessary. Mount Cen is tunnel, about 8 miles long, mainly through calcareous schist and carbonaceous Schist, all solid rock, was excavated from the enus by blast- ing with gunpowder. The drilling was first done by hand, afterwards by "perforators”. The drift with hand work was about 10 feet square, with machine work 9.5 wide and 8.5 high. An average of 80 holes about 1 meter deep were used, starting with the circular cut. The enlargements were made in the order shown in Fig. 2, the finished section be- ing about 26 feet wide and 24.5 feet high, in- L-1 Tº *H - roof arch was built as no. 4 was removed, and underpinned by the S 2] 1 17: 5 side walls as no. 5 was removed. But little 2. timbering was re- Lºll quired, and there was wka. * . but little dis- turbance by water. The work was begun in 1857, and the two drifts, ware connected in 1870. The ad- vance by hand labor was about 2 ft. per day, and by machines, about 7.5 ft., at each end. St. Gothº... d Tunnel. See. Simms Practical Tunnel- ing, p. 277. Top heading; widened to full width and roof arch constructed; then center cut extending C. II. § 30 (£). F. 2) TUNNELS THROUGH ROCK 32 to boutom; side benches taken out and arch under- pinned by side walls. Heavy timbering in places, both for heading and for enlargement. Simplon Tunnel, See Prelimi, Tunneling, p. 94. Busk tunnel, Colo. Midland R. R. in Colo. 909 fee long, 15 ft. wide, 21 feet high, partially lined with timber. Material penetrated, gray granite of irreg ular character, some very hard to drill, some disin- Vegrating upon exposure and requiring lining, some full of seams and faults and requiring support for the detached fragments. Large cavities filled with mud ware found in a few places. - -" A top heading 7 ft. high and full width "as driver.", , using 8 holes 12 feet deep, center cut, for the first blast, and holes parallel to the axis for blowing out the rema” of the rock. The botto portion was excavated in a single bench, anu by near- ly the same method as the heading. The machinery used at the Ivanhoe enu was 3 100 h.p. boilers; 2 20 x 24 in. Ingersoll compres- Sors; a 20 × 24 in. Norwalk compressor; a 10 h.p. Engine driving an electric light dynamo; a 20 h.p. engine driving a No. 6 Baker blow er, forcing fresh air into the tunnel through a 14" pipe. In the Wunnel a No. 7 and a No. 9 Cameron, and a 10-in. Stroke Deane duplex, pump were useu for drainage, the grade being uown into the tunnel. At the Busk end there were 3 80-h. p. boilers, 2 20x24-in. Ingersoll compressors; a 10-h. p. engine for the electric light tynamo, and a 29 h.p. engine for the blower . 4,3 1/2-jn Ingresoll eclipse drills **re used in each heading anu 2 on each bench, or 6 at each end of the tunnel. The timber lining is shown on Pl. III. The bents are 4 ft. apart c. to c. , and the lagging is 2" Whick. The arches were set up as fast as the heading "as driven, and the posius inserted as the bench was taken out. Where there were mud pockets the lag- º C. II. 3 31. (9)3F.2) "[UNNE Lº THROUGH LOOS3 GROUNL 33 £ing was extenuad down the sities, and where the ground yas heavy the lining was uoubled. The average progress was about 4 faet per day per face, and the cost per lineal foot $83. 14, for 10. 19 cu. yus excavation per foot without lining and 13.79 cu. yus. with, the lining including 78% of the length. 31. TUNNELS THROUGH LOOSE GROUNL. Loose ground is intended to cover all material cauwaen solid rock anu quicksand. For this material ha avy timbering will usually be required with poling boarus driven out- side the vimber to hold the earth from caving or flowing in . with water, and to give the pressure over to the Limber. It is usually difficult to ºc- count for all the material remoy £4, by the gross - - - --" ; ºr e^*\g ºn grº - - cross-section on account of caving, ini & impression of the timbering . This disturbenice often causes damage at the surface if the tunnel is not very deep. - The cost and difficulties will usually be than for solid rock. The methods (1), (2), (3 (4), of $ 29 can be used. In (1), the Belgian method, the Lop central heading is driven a certain distance ahead anti immediately surutted; : it is then deeperiºd to about the Spring- ing lines of the arch; then widened to full section and the arch built; a central section is then taken out full depth; finally the side .. benches are taken out by uigging uransverse trench as back under the springing lines and underpinning the arch, then taking out the remainder of the material and completing the side walls, and the invert if necessary. If the material is sufficiently firm the heading is enlarged laterally as well as vertically, giving the full section down to the springing line. The longitudinal system of strutting is used; See Pl. III. In driving the heading a pair of verti- cal posts with cap is set up at intervals. These Bupport the 2 longitudinals, G anti H, which carry the transverse poling-boards or sagdle plank. As the beading is deepened, the vertical posts are replaced I **C.II.9 31. 43). - ). F. 2) TUNNELS THROUGH LOOSE ROCK 34 by the battºº and B resting on the sill MN. The widening is begun at the top, the poling boards 3 and b inserted and supported by the longitudinals X and Y. The posts C anu L are then inserted, and the excavation carried sue p by step to the springing lines as shown. The rows of posts are placeu from 3 to 6 feet aparu, depenuing upon the pressure developed. The arch masonry is carried up from short heavy longitudinal plank at the springing lines. The posts are removed as Uhe masonry is built up, Uhe longitua- inals being supported from the arch lagging by Short struts, until reached by the masonry, when they and the poling boards are removeu and the space behind the masonry rammed full of earth or stone vo prevent settlement and to uistribute the pres- Sure over the arch. - In taking out the arch centering, horizontal struts Should be inserted as shown to prevent the arch from being pressed in before the side walls are built. In digging the trenches under the springing lines inclined struts are inserted for support and the masonry built behind them as high as convenient be- fore removal. In soft material there will be considerable settle- ment of the arch before it is supported by the invert and side walls. If this is uniform anu allowed for in setting the centers it is not very serious, espec- ially if the brickwork of the arch is laid up in sec- tions 10 to 15 feet long without bonding into ad- jacent ones. - Since the arch is built ahead of the excavation for the bottom, material will be hauled both ways from one level to the other. This can be accom- plished, as shown on Pl. III, by an inclined plane for the narrow gage track of the upper section, or an elevator can be used for lifting the cars from one level to the other. After one side at the bottom has :: been excavated, the track and all must be moved over. 3. The narrow £age track can be carried to the tunnel entrance if the tunnel is not too long; otherwise a C.II. § 32(9). F. 2) BALTIMORE BELT LINE TUNNEL 35 3rd. rail can be laid or Uhe material transferred to the standard gage cars used in the finished secti The advantages claimeu for the method are, that the excavation is carried on simultaneously at sev- eral points, insuring rapidity; that it is done by driving small urifus which are iſ: mediately strutted, thus causing little disturbänce of the surrounding maverial; and that the roof where the gºssure is £reatest is first lineu. The Xàtivantages are due to the unavoidable sevvlement of the arch when built upon soft material, and the danger of . disturbance of the arch anti also of the side walls before the loads anu lateral pressures are finally given over to Uhe invert. - 32. BALTIMORE B3LT LINE TUNNEL. Pl. IV. This may be taken as an illustration of the second or German method for soft ground. For average conui- tions the method is expensive, mainly because of the small space for hauling, Uhe spoil cars nearly filling the narrow bottoſ, side drifus in passing back and forth to the front and greatly interfer- ing with the carpenter and masons at work upon the timbering and £ide walls. In the Howard Street portion of the tunnel, which extenued under the principal business section of the city, much of the line was through soft, sandy ground with considerable water. Unusual precautions were necessary to prevent, teutlement of street sur- face and buildings. Bouvom side drifts were first uriven, the object, being to provide drainage for the upper portion; they were enlarged upwards to the springing lines; a top center heading was driven, then enlarged as shown; the side walls and arch built; and finally … the center core removed, the latter being kept froſſ - - -- - - 5-sº 50 uo. 75 feet to the rear of the 2The side drifts were about 8 × 8 feet except as carried down below the floor line in soft material for a better foundation. The drift and heading were structed in the usual way with benus about 4 feet apart, resting on boards, s C. II. 8 33. (9). F. 2) ENGLISH METHOD FOR SOF'ſ GROUND 3 the ex3avation back of the poling boards being large enough so that the new bent can be set up and the next length of poling boards driven one by one be- tween the bent and the old length of boards. For the roof arch 5 rings of brick was the rule, but 8 were sometimes useu. The arch was built in about 18' sections. All the timber outside the ring was left in place and the voids filled with rubble masonry in Cement, mortar". For the invert, 2 12 x 12 in. transverse tim- bers were wedged between the side walls and short sheet piling driven outside of them. The inclosed area was excavated and covered with eight inches of concrete, when the brick invert was built. In some places planks sheeting was held down by struts, and used as a foundation. The crown of the arch settled 2 to 6 inches due to compression of the joints. The settlement at the ground surface was frequently a foot Some damage was dona to water pipes, and one building collapsed. 33. THE ENGLISH º'IHOD FOR SOFT GROUND. Pl. W. This is well described in Gripper's Railway Turineling in Heavy Ground. He takes a tunnel a mile long through material requiring heavy timbering and heavy lining; drives a bottog drift along the center line for the Uunnel and deep cutting at the ends; excavates: 5 shafts, one at eagh portal and 3 intermediate ones; puts in 4 “crea;ips” and thus has 16 faces for work in enlarging to full section. - The shafts are 9 × 9 feet clear with horizontal timber frames about 4 feet apart supporting the poling boards, which are driven one by one as the shaft is deepened. The enlargement is made in 15 fu. Sections by first driving a top heading, Uimbered and poled as usual; then drawing the central bar, A, forward, supporting it, with the caps and poling boards above, by a post B; removing Uhe posts of the heading on one side v. 11; 34 (9). F. 2) THE AUSTRIAN ETHOL 37 and bringing forward the next bºr A=uc., until the 5 (or 7) drawing bars have been placed and propped, anu as many others as are necessary to support the roof while the sill is being placed (J is scarf spliced in the center after the two parts are in position). The bars A are then supported from the sill, the ex- 3.Vation carried to the next level and K inserted, 2nd finally uo the bottom, leaving 15 feet clear for the lining which is put in while the excavators are taking out a length at another face. The poling boards are left in, while the timbers are taken out one by one as the arch is built and the voids carefully filled up to the “drawing bars” A. Between these, smaller timbers, D, are inserted as shown, and propped up from the arch by masonry to Support the poling boards so Uhat the bars A can be drawn forward for the next length. The timbers D and others F. project out to support the poling boards which are not built in until the next length of arch is built. A narrow gage urºck is laid in the original drift, and this can be used up to its full capacity for spoil out, and supplies in, from the ends, the balance if any having to be taken through the shafts. 34. Iłż AUSTRIAN }. ETHOL. Plate WJI. The order in: which the material is exºd is Shown * | * : *H º in Figsº.” 4 being siT 5 *+ H 3. 5 3. used for firm ſmº.… N - ? terials. The strut- e. 7% ----- S ting is shown on Pl. W.I. T !, | The masonry is built \ t (a | G in sections from ‘à N ‘5 | | 12 to 20 feet long as in T. F the English. The in- F-cy S vert is usually built last to avoid disturbing whe Strutting. The Italian method is too expensive for us for very soft material. For a description' s lim's Tunneling p. 167. º, at . . - - - i. - C.II. : : * $35(9). F.3) THE PILOT METHOD 38. : 35. THE PILOT METHOD. This method was used by ;Anderson and Barr in the construction of the Brook- lynx relief sewer in 1892. Trans. Amer. Soc. C.E., ºol. 26, p. 484. The tunnel was circular, anu from 10 * Loº; 15 feet in diameter. Shafts were sunk and a º pilot about 6 feet in diameter built along the axis of the tunne) of boiler plate with inside angle iron flanges held together with bolts. When the length had reached about 30 faet the enlargement was begun at the rear using light poling boards and bracing from the pilot until th: shell plates could be put in place one at a time and boltad. These plates extended over about 1/3 of the perimeter on the top, except for treach-rous matºrial, wh:n thºy Were carried down to the springing lines of the ºrch. They were of the proper size for the masonry lining and were left in place. T-irons' braced from the pilot were used as ribs for the masonry lining. The lagging boards were insertelſ one by one and the braces to the outside removed as the Uricks ork was laid. When the arch was closed to within about a foot short transverse lagging boards were used , and the key built forward from the back enti. After Uht mortar had harden: u the bracºs and Cºn- tering ware reſov 21, the rear plates of the pilot Carried forward 2nu bolved in place at th: front, working from the top ºach way around Uh: circuiſit ºr -º-º: The Excavation follows the outsid: contour of whº masonry so closely what wher: is but little loss even in bad laterial, whº was tº Lºzing from lack of co- hesion to hold in place until the poling boards can be put in position. - $6,0ut, And Cover Methods. For tunnels near the sur- face, and especially under city streets, this laethod is often safer and less 2xpensive than driving as a tunnel. For city strºets provision must be made for the traffic, sometimas for a portion of the width of the street, and sometimes for the whole width, except at certain hours during Ghe night. If traffic can be axcluded for the whole width -- ºn r C.II.335 (9). F. 3) eur ANDéow ER Na B-twot, SS I of the tunnel a single trench can be excavated, $vrutved, the side walls and roof built, the Uop re- : filled with well rammed material, and the street sur- ; face restored. ; : If traffic can be excluded from only a portion of ... the Width, a narrow trench can be dug and structed , , and one side wall built, then the process repeated for the other. If the roof is an arch it can be built from the first wall over to the center, rest- ing on the core below, anti refilled before the second Urench is dug. If the roof is supported by trans- verse beams extending from wall to wall, and the full width for even a short length cannot be opened, a - Movable bridge or platform can be used over which the traffit passes and under which the excavation is carried on, the beams inserted, and the brick or concrete arches built betwºer, them anu ready for refilling and restoring the street surface piece , meal as opportunity offers. Street car tracks can be shored up, first from below, and then from the roof, until finally supported by the new filling. - The core, or remainder of the tunnel section, is ... readily excavated and the material removed through ... shafts or portals after the siue walls and roof are ; : built. For a portion of the Boston subway transverse trenche 12-feet wide were excavatºi. across the street, for the width of the subway and bridged over with heavy timber flush with the street surface. The bridging was done at night and of course ahead of the excava- tion. The street railway tracks were also supported in a similar manner. - º, . In these trenches, several of which wºre under Way # once, the lining was constructed and the top back filied in 12-ft. sections. - - ºer pipes, sewer pipes, etc., which are above ºhº. Foof grade can be suppºrted during construction, until *overed by the back filling, but if, within the finished 3::::::::::::::: would have to be changed. - * . - - - - ". . . . . . . - - - . - *...* º º: * C.II.338... (9). F.3), THE SHIELD SYSTEM 41 - rushes of water which sometim?s occur. For an interesting description of difficult wpré, see the Severn Tunnel, in Prelia's Tunneling, p. 204. Also, the East River Gas Tunnel, p. 208, The Milwau- kee Water Works: Tunnel, p. 230. The second was Started in solid rock at each end; decomposed strata ... ware met untier the river which ware so soft anu porous that shields were required in passing through then with an air tight bulk head and air pressure, 3 direct connection au one placº having bººn es- tablished with the river. Much of the Milwaukee Gunnel was through hard inpermeable clay, and the prehiminary investigations. led to the conclusion that this material extended. for the whole leagun. Coats: gravel with large boulders anti plenty of water, ware howevºr aet with, #5 also fins quick stanti, anti a portion of the work was a xtremely difficulu. 38. IHK SHIKLD SYS'ſ'kº. Hrun ºl is 3iv en credit for the invahtion of the system, which was tried under his direction as engin: ºr for the first. Thºmes tunnel, apout 1323. This first shield failed for lack of strength; the second was rectangular 22’ 3” high by 37' 3" wide, made up of 38 cast iron frºm:s 3 deep and 12 Kide, placed side by side and articulated together to reduce friction anti to allow aach to be pushed forward 6 ins. *t, * viſiº, the brickwork lin- ing résisting the prºssure of Lha jack screws. The floors of thº uppºr and cºntral row ware the full length of the shield (about 9 ft.) giving 2. working platforms abov * the botton, while the roof extended back to cow ºr the 2nd of the lining. Struts held 500 instal plates or poling boards, in placá 4%ainst the pressure of the face, - In operation, thº poling boards were raiovºd in front of a top cell, th: material excavated for * about 3 inches, the frams now 3.1 forward and the boards replac-d; the central cºll was: nekt Lovel, then the bottom one; and the process repeated until the whole shield had been alwanced. . The lining - was built in short sections, under cover of the shields C. II 39.49). F3) SHIELD CONSTRUCTION 42 The shield weighed 120 tons, and it was driven for several months at the rate of 2 feet per day of 24 hours. The tunnel was completed in 1843, at a cost of about £5600 per lineal yard. The next shield tunnel was a 7-fc. circular one through compact clay 1 ° 1350 feet long under the London towar, in 1869. The shield was designed by Barlow, and improved by tire attead. It consisted of 4 cylindrical , or slićhtly conical, shall having a - cutting edge in front, a Lºil or thin shall in the rear, and 3 central diaphragm with op-nings through it for stiffnºrs and for protection in the case of a sudden inrush of water. ‘ſhe vunnel lining was made up of cºst iron segments, with inside flanzes, and the shield was pushed forward by & screw jacks resting against the lining. Compressed air was used, and liquid cement was injected outsids the lining to fill up the space occupied by the Gail shell. - - The St. Clair tann: ; , untier th& St. Clair Riv ºr * at Port Huron, Mich., was one of the first, largº tunnels in this country in which a shield was success- fully used, finil with v 3ry bad material. For i=scription tion, see Fnºrs. Nºws. 1399, 2nd. Vol. pp. 291,425,457, 493, 546, 569, 574, and for cut of shi:ld Pl. W.J.I. - 39. SHIELD CONSTRUCTION. The following davá is given by Prelimº; , ;hey are usually cylindrical or semi-cylindrical, with circular curvature; * semi- elliptical was used on the Clichy sea er tunnel, Paris, and a semi-circular on the calvinors Căl w line and * the Boston Subway. The shell should be silicoth - on the outside, wall braceu , anti as thin as strength will allow at the rear whara iu, projects over the lining- - 4 (Simploi a cotehier...) suggests for chicºsiº’snell, in inilliſºvers, - - t = 2* +(us-4.) (10) where the diamºtºr, d, is in meters. - - º * C. II $ 39 (10).F. 3) SHIELD CONSTRUCTION 43 The front &nd , or portion L. Üwºn whº cu v Ging 3dge and diaphragm, can be made short for very soft material, but the present L-tidžncy is Lo 13 at then it so that the face can b. attachº. 1 iirº-ctly by Suantiing in front of th: diºphragºn, rather than from the back through holºs in it. 3xperience has shown that if the roof is supported, the excavation can be safely extended some distance in front of the dia- phragm, using compressed air for soft material and allowing the face to assume a natural slope if need be. In the latter case a visor-shaped front end, or horizontal working floors at the front, 3rº use: to keep the slope clear of the diaphragm. “. . The following front &nd lengths Wºr'e used: City and . . London, 1 ft. ; Ś u. ; Huttson river, 5.7 fu. ; Aiersey P. 3.3 G. River, 3.7 fu. ; Blackwall, 6.5 ft. a . The cutting eage may be, colved to the . . shell, or brackets may exuanu from the front, eage back to the diaphragm, with their webs in rauial planes with edges sloping back from the front and carrying a conical ring of plating. Large shields require bracing uo preserve the cross section, and this is usually supplied by the Working platforms; vertical webs are sometimes *:::ied dividing the working chamber into cells. For some of the flav segmental or roof shields sufficient thickness is given for curved I-32 ºms under the shell and the working platforms are omitted, as well as the diaphragm. . . . . The diaphragm at the rear of the working chamber. furnishes a refuge in case of an irruption from the face. Openings are provided (not extending GO, the vop) for the men and the excavated Inºue:rial. The body at the rear of the triaphragm is for the f S location of the jacks, pumps, etc., and to aid in itlistributing the weight over a greater area; a short length is desirable for grºater eas: in changing direction. A heavy cast iron ring is sometimes Y. s C.II. 49 (10). F... . . . ... W&NTILATION 44 used for the autachment of the jacks, etc., anu the transmission of the pressure uo the shell, but brack- ets and beams appear to have the preference on ac- count of less waight. The tail should be thin and smooth on both sides So as to slip easily from between the lining anti earth ar.” leave a small void; for firm materials it may be "visor shaped, or extend over the roof only; for soft materials it extends around the whole . . . . perimeter; its length is sufficient for about 2 lengths of lining. The jacks are usually hydraulic, with their cylinders attached to the body as described above at regular intervals around the inside of the shell, and their piston rods extending back to the lining. In stiff clays a jacking.8° 4 to 5 tons per sq. yā. of frictional area has usually been found sufficient. The pistons are 5 to 6 ins. in diameter and the water pressuse about 1000%, which can be supplied by hand pumps. In sofu sticky material a jacking force of 18 to 24 tons per sq. yd. is required; 6 Uo 7 in. pistons are used with a pressure of 4000; to 6000; per sq. in., requiring power puiāps. 40. LINING. For tunnels in material so soft that shields extending around the entire perimeter are required, cast iron lining in segments with internal flanges is usually used. This may be lined in whole or in part with Masonry. If the material is fir: enough so that the masonry can be used with- out the iron shell, struts can be built in in line with the jacks to re”ve the fresh mason- ry from the thrust. On some of the Chicago tunnels, a plank shell was used insteau of the iron, and the jack thrust given over to it. 41. WENTILATION. The waste products of respira- vion, the gases from blasting, and sometimes the gases developed from the decomposition of carbonif- erous and suiphurºº rocks, tend to foul the air during construction. These can be removed or diluted by withdrawing the air in the tunnel, Qr by forcing it out by the introduction of air.’” , *: * 5 C.II. $ 41 (10). F. 4) WENTILATION 4 The difference between the nearly constant temper- ature of the tunnel and the variable temperature outside, gives a difference of density which will Cause a circulation, the cold air flowiń.3üt along the boutom and the warm air out or in along the top. When a shaft is reached there will be twp openings with a consideraple difference of elevation. This will give a difference in weight available for ventilation of the two air columns as high as the difference in elevation of the openings, one at the inside the other at the outside temperature. During spring and fall it may be necessary to heat the air at the bottom of the shaft, in order to secure a sufficient difference in density or temperature. With artificial ventil avion the plenum and “ vacumim methods are both used; in the former the fresh air is forced in ; in the latter foul air is drawn out. When explosives are used the vacumm metho allows of withdrawing the foul air through pipes, without fouling the air for the whole length of the tunnel. If compressed air is used in the tunnel for drills, etc., , it aids wentilation to the extenu of the air furnished. The most common of the vacumm methods consists in leading a pipe from the working face back to a shaft or to the entrance and heating the vertical portion by a furnace. A steam jet discharging into the vartical pipe, or an exhaust fan attached, would also accomplish the same purpose. Fans are also used for the plenum process. On the basis of oxygen consumed, Prelimº gives the following quantities of fresh air as necessary for ventil auion in cu. yus. for 24 hours: Workman and lamp, 240; horse, 850; 1; gunpowder burned, 100; 1; dynamite, 150. As much of the fresh air will be mixed with, and carried out by the foul, the actual quantity supplied should be con- siderably greater than given above. C.II. § 43. (10). F. 4) COST 46 43. LIGHTING. 43. COST. Drinker: . Explosive Compounds, p.127) give a table shoning the time required to excavate 1 cu. yū. of material in 8-hour days prepared by J. C. Schoen from Eurnopean practice. laterial Tunnel Open cut Soft ground • 13 . O7 ground, picked • 31 . 12 Ground, using gad(steel wadge. 34 . 16 Rock, quarried. .96 . 39 Fock, quarried and blasted 1.71 . 54 Pock, blasued 3. 27 . 87 This is for a tunnel section of about 50 S q-ytis. For the advance heading of about 6 sq. yus. , or for any other section, he increases the time anu cost inversely as the square root of the area. This does not include loading and hauling. Prelimi, p. 301, quotes M. Rhiza for comparative costs, including stru Gºing and hauling. Boutom urifts $9. 20 per cu. yj. Top headings 4. 80 * 77 ºn Enlargement of profile 2.84 " ”. *. P. 302, the convract price for exoavation, including hauling, for the new Croton Aqueduct, º Heading - per cu.”3.00 to $10.00 Tunnel. in soft ground $8.00 to $2.00 per cu. yu. Tunnel in rock $7.00 to 8.50 *, * * Brick masonry 19.30 ” ”, ” Timber in place 40.00 per M. ft. B. M. For rock, Trautwine : *es the cost (labor $1.00 per day) at from $2 to . S. per yard, depending on the character of the rock, for the main tunnel, from $3 Uo. $10. for the heading, and about 50% more for the shafts than for the heading; the average excavation extending from 1.5 to 2 feet beyond the clear dimensions. D. Rosser, C. E., Kingston, Pa., quotes contract price in 1894 in the surrounding coal re- gions for total labor in solid rock tunnels at 84 C.II. § 43. (10).F.4) COST 47 per cì. ft. for section greater than 7 by 12 ft., and 10.5% for section less than 7 by 12 feet. The contract prices for the Vosburg tunnel, a double track tunnel 3902 feet long, through sandstone and Shalºs on the Lehigh W. R. R., built 1883-6 were: (The Vosburg Tunnel, Rosenburg) Tunnel Excavation per cu. yºl. $3.40 Masonry, Side walls, etc. ., ". ". 8. OO Stone arch ”, ” m. 12. OO Brick arch " ". -- 12.00 Dry suone backing over arch " . -> 1. 50 Concrete backing * * -- 5. OO Rock, dry, in foundation, not in tunnel 1.25 Earth, dry * ". ». . 25 Solid rock in water m, "; , 2. OO Earth iri water . 90 The average cost of the tunnel proper per lineal foot was $180. The tunnel was ºil lined; part of the way the side walls were omitu ed., and part of the way temporary support for the roof was necessary. Laborens were paid $1.27 per day and drillers (machine) $2.50. kir. Woodman (Jour. As. Eng. Soc., Oct 1891, p. 464) gives the cost of some single track railroad uunnels through St. Peter sandrock in Wisconsin as follows: Name Length Yardage Cost per foot in feet per foot West Wisconsin 831.5 $43.01 New Greenfield 1230 60. 54 No. 1 N. Western 1694 11.98 58. 44 ” 2 North West 1594 12.64 47. 40 " 3 * m. 3810 11.2 64. 90 Some of these were afterwards lined with masonry. He also states that in . .1872 the average cost of “hard rock tunnels in tº Jnited States was $5.89 per Cu. yj. - * The clear width for single track should be 15 feat, and for double track 27 fu., with recesses tº jºss's at intervals if the tunnel is long. The clear height above tie should be at least 18.5 feet C. III.3 44 (10. F. 4) COST OF QJARRYING STONE 48 for single, and 20 feet, with 16.5 feet over outer rail, for double track. To clear a brakeman’s head, as in bridge practice would require about 21 feet from top of rail. Much of the material for this chapter has been taken from Prelini's Tunneling. - References. Railway Tunneling in Heavy Ground. Gripper Tunneling under the Hudson River, Burr. " ' ". Tunneling. Lrinker. Tunneling Simms Large Tunnel Shafts. Buck. Emploi du Bouch iºr. Legou Blackwell Tunnel. Eng.,Lond., May 21, 1897. Repr. of " Tunnel, E. News, Jan. 26, 1899. Hydraulic Shield for Paris Sewer, E. Nerºs., July 9, 1896. Hastings Shield, Chicago, E. News, Aug. 3, 1899. Ventilation, St. Gothard, R. R. Gaz., July 14, 1899. Ventilation, Park Ave., E. News, July 11, Aug. 3, 1901. Ventilation, E. R. R. G., March 8, 1901. **a-mony, Improvement, Park Ave., E. News, Jan. 23. 1902. f : C H A P T E R I I I. COST OF MASONRY . 44. COST OF QUARRYTNG STONE. . From Trautwine. After the preliminary expenses of purchasing the Site of a good quarry, cleaning off the surface eartti and disintegraved rock, and providing the necessary tools, trucks, cranes, etc., the total neat expenses for getting out the rough ston: per cu. yd. ready for delivery may be roughly approximated, thus: Stones of such size as two men can lift readily, measured in piles, will cost about as much per ya. as: from 1/4 to 1/2 the daily wages of a quarryman. Large stones ranging from 1/2 to 1 cu. yd. each, gotten out by blasting, from 1 to 2 daily wages pes yd. Large stones ranging from 1 to 1 1/2 cu. yds. each, in which most of the work must be done with wedges, in order that the individual stones shall come out in regular shape, and conform to stipulated dimensions, from 2 to 4 daily wages per yd. C. III; 45 (10. F. 4) CEM.ENT AND SANL 49 The smaller prices are low. for sandstone, while the higher ones are high for granite. Under ordi- nary circumstances, about 1 1/3 yards of good sand- Stone can be quarrieu at the same cost as 1 of granite; so that the means of the foregoing values m: be regarded as rather full prices for sandstone; rather scant for granite, and about fair for lime- Stone or marble. 45. COST OF DRESSING STONE. A liberal allowance Should be made for waste. Éven when the stone wedg: out handsomely on all sides from the quarry, in large blocks of nearly the required shape and size, from 1/6 to 1/4 of the rough block will generally Hot more than cover waste when fully dressed. In blocks averaging about 1/2 yard, gotten out by blasting, from 174 to 1/3 will not be too much waste for stone of medium character as to straight splitt ing. About the last allowance should be made for well scabbled rubble. The smaller the stones, the Éreater must be the allow anme in dressing. When freight forms an important, item, it thusba- comes expedient to have the stones dressed at’ the c quarry as far as possible, unless Uhe chips can be used to advantage for concrete. A stone cuuper will take out of wind, and then fairly patent hammer dress about 8 to 10 sq. ft. of plain face in hard granite per 8 hour day, or twice as much of such inferior dressing as is usually given to the beds and joints, anu generally wo the faces also, of bridge masonry, etc., when a very fine finish is not required. In goou sandstone or marble, he can do about 1/4 more than in graniue. Of finest hammer-finish graniue, he can do only 4 to 5 sq. ft. - - See also Baker's Masonry Construction. App. II. * 46. CEMENT AND SAND PER CJBIC YARD OF MASONRY. *. - - C. III. 46. (10). F. 4) Table I. CFjäßNT AND SANL PER CJ. Y.D. MASONRY 50 Cement and Sand per Cu. Yard. of Hortar (Baker) ----- ------- ---------- ——----------- - By weight TT By volume By volume : ; 3. - - - * 3: |Packed cem. loose sand; Loese ceſſ...} loose sanu {{Portland Natural Portland Natural Poruland 2* Natural **Cem. Sand Cem. Sang Nºem. Sand. Cell. Saga: Cem. Sand. Cem. Sand. ſº 7.43 0.00T8.40|0.00; 7.40|0.00; 8.4010.307.40; 0.00; 8.40 O.00 | 1 || 4.05; O. 57 5.23|0.51. 4.17 3.74-872:33.572-5; 4.3.2-g & 2.39: 9.78! 3.35|Q-72. 2.9112.783.249.7° 3.4% 9.342.9′9.78 3- 3.29. §§ | 4 | 1.69 0.89 2. 17|0.84; 1.68|9.89; 1.80;0.86; 1.3519.91 1.64 0.87 | 5 | 1.30 2.91. 1-749-33; 1.3: 3.911.480-81. 1919.931.22 p. 39 e i 1.10: 9.931.480.83; i.1415.33, 1.30.841,096.94/1.175.99 The Portland is in barrels of 3.5 cu. ft., packed , waighing 370 to 380 lbs. net (370 lbs. apparently is used). The natural cement is in barrels of 3.5 cu. ft. packed, weighing 265 lbsaneu. If eastern or Rosendale cement is used weighing 300 lbs. neu, all the natural cºment, quantities would be reduced in the ration 265 : 300. The table is based upon actual tests, made by mixing 3.5 cu. ft. of each kind of mortar. The quantities will vary with the cement, with the sand, and with the amount of water. The sand used contained 37% of voids loose; while moisture flushed to the surface when the mortar was tº suruck with the mixing shovel. –––––1 i 1 | l -: TABLE II. Amount of Mortar for 1 cu. yu. of Masonry TCU.TYūS.T.Orºńr" Concrete, broken stone, no screenings 9.50 to O. 55 -------------------- ! or gravel. ; Rubble, small rough stones ! .33 | Rubble, large rough hammer iressed - 20 Squared stone masonry - 1: | Ashlar, 12" to 20" courses 3/8" to b 1/2", joints . O7 Ashlar 18" courses, 1/4" joints | .03 Ashlar 12" courses 1/4” joints ! .06 Brickwork 5/8" to 1/2" joints. . 35 to: º 3/8" to 1/4” joints .25 to *, 1/8” joints | - 10 to. squared stone, 18" courses, 3/4" joints, 2. ". . " 12" courses 3/4" joints: 20 |- - ----------------------- 5 / . 44 O. 30 . 20 O. O8 .04 .08 .40 . 35 15 . 15 . 25 — º , šiii. s.47 (10).F.4), CEENT SAND AND STONE 52 łºś.sº AND STONE PER Cu. YD. OF CONCRETE, i. Pls. WiTI, IX, X. Thacher (Vol. X Trans. A.C.E. of C.U.) gives experiments for volume of cement, sand, etc. * (originai volumes of materials measured loose, but gently shaken down) as follows: Atlas portland cement 1.00, mixed with water by measure, 0.35, to a stiff paste, 0.78. Louisville cement, 1.00, water 0.43, to a stiff paste, 0.78. 6. 56 bbls. loose cement = 1 cu. ya. ._ _TABLE III. WOIOS QF AGGRE3ATES FOH CONCRET. REFºlºriº volume (loose), Räimea or saturated vol. Hº Hº; ###################4 É said £1.05"; 3.5% 5.35" 5.33 T 3.62 "3.21 (25 5 Screenings to 3.58 0.42 0.71 9.58 Q. 13 18 * Gravel 1.99 9.67 2.33 2.83 : 3.67 2.21 24 7. §º 1.3% 3.5% 3.2% 5.3i 3.54 i. 2; 3 8 Stone 1.00 9.55 0.45 9.88 9.55 i2.33 : 33 is Stone i 1.00 || 0.59 0.41 9.85 || 0.59 ± 0.26 31. No. 3 Moist, coarse anti fine sand mixed. * ****** *** . 5 Stone screenings and dust for artificial stone. .* Gravel 3/4" and under (6% coarse sand). 7 Broken stone. 1" and under. tº 8 Broken stone to pass 2 1/2" ring, most small Stories screened out. No. 9. Broken Stone 2 1/2" anu unuer, dust only. SCreeneq Out. Diagram No. 1. Pl. VIII, gives the mortar volume for different proportions. The other diagrams give the concrete volume for different proportions of mortar. To find the volume of concrete from the dia- grams . Assume a 1, 2, 4, concrete of No. 7 stone, : Biagram 1, for 1 cement, 2 sand, gives 2.17 mortar. Liagram 1, for 1 cement, 2 sand, C.III. 948. (10). F. 4) COST OF LAYING STONE 53 2.17 mortar to 4 suone = 1 mortar to 1.84 stone. Liagram 3 gives ordinave at 1.84 stone = 2.08 con- crete. . .4 yus. Stone = 4.52 concrete. For 1 cu. yu. concrete: Cement 6. 56 bbls. W4.52 = 1.46 bbls. Sand 2 c. yus./4.52 = 0.44 C. yds. Stone 4 c. yus. W 4.52 = 0.89 c yds. 48. CCST OF LAYING STONE. Every item composing Uhe Uotal cost is liable to much variation; art ex- aminavion will show the method of making an estimate. Wages assumed at $2.00 per 8-hour day for a common laborer, and $3.50 for & Eason. Ashlar fated masonry. Average size of stones, say 5’ x 2 - 1.47, 6T2 stories to a cu. yu. For granite ov gneiss, the cost will be about as follows: Getting out the stone by blasting, allowing 1/4 for waste in dressing; 1 1/8 yds. at $3.30 $4.00 Dressing 14 I.]" . of face at 35¢ 4.90 Dressing 52' th' of beds and joints at 13% +3-33 -- - - N * ~ *-os- tº qYº-Yº"A . 26 Hauling, say 1 mile, loading and unloading 1. 2.) Mortar, Say . 40 Laying, including scaffolu, hoisting machinery Superintendence, etc. 2.00 Neat Cost 21.86 - Profit, say 15% - 3.3--- Cost per cu. y d. of masonry 25. 14 Rounded or molded faces will cost more for dressing and more for was ve. If the stone is sandstone with good natural beds, getting out may be placed at $3.90; face dress - ing au 25¢ per tº "... =$3.64 per cu. yu; oeds ºn a joints au 13t = $6.76 per yard; making the neau cost laid $17.00, instead of the $21.86 found for esanite. The Loval cost of lar e well scabbled ranged sanu- Stone masonry in mortar, may be taken at a tout $10.00 per cu. yu. The above are for common mortar. • * - º - C.III; 48 (10). F. 4) LAYING STONE 54 Cost of large scabbleu granite rubble, such as is generally used as backing for the foregoing ashlar; "-- Stones averaging about 1/2 cu. ya. each. Getting out stone from the quarry by blasting, ... allowing 173 for waste in scabbling, 1 1/7 gu. yards at $3.00 - $3.43 Hauling one mile, loading anu unloading 1. 20 Mortar (1 1/3 bbls. Rosendale cement and 2 2/3 bbls= 10 cu. ft, sani and mixing) 2.60 'Scabbling, laying, including scaffold, Hoisting machine, etc. -2.52- Naat cost 9. 73 Contractor's profit, say 15% 1. 55 ------ For common rubble of small stones, such as 2 men can handle, w8 may say, allowing for waste; stone $1.00; hauling $1.00, laying and scaffold, tools, etc., $1.2%); mortar as above $2.60, total $5.80. With smaller stones such as one man can handle: stone 702; hauling $1.00; laying, scaffold, euc.,41.00; mortar $2.60; Loval $5. 30. All the above are on the basis of common labor at $2.00 per day; which is probably some 25% too high for most railroad work in Lhe U. S. The distance from quarries where suitable suone can be had, the means of transportation, the proportion of cement to sand, etc., will greatly affect the cost of the different items, So that the above should not be used in place of acu- ually computed values except for rough estimates. The following analysis of actual cost for about 600 yds. of culvert masonry is inade by E. D. Hill (Engr. News, June 8 '89). The work, was on the I. D. & S. Ry. in Putnam Co. In 1. ( &n 1887) to re- place a trestle some 70', high. The stone was hauled from a sanustone quarry, about 2 miles away, Unloaded onto a timber shute and allowed to slide down to the site of the culveru. They were furnished at à Contract price of $1.50 per yard for dimension Stone, f. o. b. , and measured in the work. The stone resemples, whº Berea stone of Ohio; it quarries in * - C.III. § 48 (10). F. 4. LAYING STONE 55 blocks of large size , without flaw or seam; is at first soft and easily worked, but hardens, by exposure. COST OF ARCH CULVERT. 613 CUBIC YARDS OF MASONRY. ITEMS Total Cost Cost pr. cu. yol. Cutters and helpers $1370. 43 $2.24 Templats, bevels, etc. 11.00 .01 Repairs of cutters tools 52. 39 .09 Water boy. 11.75 __.02 Total, cutting stone 1445.63. 1445.62 2.36 Masons, laying stone 384.87 .63 Helpers to masons 453. 66 . 74 Mortar mixer 121. 72 . 20 Track laying 7. 70 .01 Water boy 11. 75 .02 Derrick, stone shute, etc. 14.63 .02 * Arch canters, erected 37.65. •06. Total laying 1031. 98 1031. 98 1.68 Pointing - 39.02 —-05. Total, labor - 3597.62 -4.99. 613 yas. stone at $1.50 919.50 1.50 100 bbls. Alsen P. cement 315. OO 30 bbls. -- r m. 97.50 40 ” Burham ”; " 130.00 20 °. Louisville ". 20.00 10 m. - -- 8. 75 - Total, cement 571. 25 571. 25 .94 7 car loads sand at $5.50 & D - 38.52 – 26 Total, material 1529. 45 2.50. Grand total 4036.85 6.59 Concrete 43. 75 Excav. found. & Drainage 280. 77 Sheet piling 19.69 Timber for drain trough 2.59 * Extra allowance on sheeting º STOne 29.00 Total 346.80 $346.80 iáranu total 4383.65 5 6 C. III. 548. (10). F. 4) LAYING STONE Miscellaneous data. Cement 12.5% per yard of masonry, or . 2. "Swas masonry per barrel of Louisville of 300k, anu 3 1/5 yds. per barrel of Portland 400%. Scale of wages. Foreman $3.50 per day of 10 hours; Cutters $3.00; carpenters, $2.50; mortar mixer $1.50; laborers, $1.25; water boy 50¢, Cars loaded with about 12 yds. of stone each. Baker (i.asonry Construction) gives, prices for dif- ferent kinds, of work based on actual cost during the past few years among which are the following. TABLE \\! . SUMMARY OF COST OF C MASONRY, pr. cu. yard Min. Max. Average Arch masonry, first class $7.00 $12.99 $10.00 Arch masonry, second class , 5.09 19.95 3. OO Box culvert m. in cement 2.5 5. OO 3.50 Brick masonry 6. CO 10.00 8. OO Bridge masonry, first class 10.00 ° 20.00 14.00 Bridge mas. 2nd. class in cement 6.00 12.00 10.00 Concrete 2.50° 6. OO 4.00 Coping-, - 8.00 14. OO 13.00 Dimension stone. m., granite 40. OO 60. OO 50.00 Paving - 1.00 4.00 2.00 Slope wall masonry . " 2.00 5. OO 3.00 Squared stone masonry 6. OO 10.00 7. OO Riprap - 1.00 2.50 1.50 Rubble, first class 4.00 6.00 5. OO Rubble, 2nd. class in cement 2.00 5.00 ‘. OO C H A P T E R IV, 3. CULVERTS ANL BRIDGE ABUTMENTS, 49. STANDARL). STRUCTURES. It is convenient and economical uo design standard types for most of the ordinary structures met with in railroad construction, these types to be only mouified when necessary to: • Suit special local conditions. For small structures the advantages of uniformity in construction and in order bills of material, and the increased conveni: iênce and rapidity with which repairs and renew- als can be made by keeping mauerial in stock, out- TABLE Y HEST SHORE CILVERTS. See. Pl, XI --Stºkº, BSX, S.W.A.N. E. Rºs - -------- -- - ---- -------- ---- ---- ~~~~--> ºß Cover ſº Paving ... ER3. º T a º - - - ºr ºt. ~x-wick, Q-o-t Nºtorº i - -> *-º-º-º-º: 'ssºr tº Essº º sº- -- **** 2' by 2.5; 2' by 2.5, 4.5×10" .51. 7x1 0.26; .66 10×3×2.5 9x4' ×2 9. 26 2.5 by 3 2 by 3 2.13 .69; 7×1 0.28 -83. 12×3×2.5 11x4%-2 12, 14 i2.5 by 35 2.5 by 3.5 4.5×10; .81; 8×1 0.32: .93| 12:3-3 11:5; 2), 16.49 3 by 45 by 4 |::::: 1.15; 10x1 9.37:1.19, 14-3-3.5 |13×63 34.0% 4 by 5 3.5by 5 6.5x15 1.65 12×1 0.441.75, 18×3×4 17: 7.5×3:41.40 * Bººts. … ------, - ...-- 2 by 2.5 Å by 2.5i 2-13 ſ.33 11 ×13.401.34; 14 ×3×2.5||13 ×4 ×2 12.18 2.5 by 3 |.. by: 9×19 ... 93 12×1 9.441.67; 16.5×3×2.5|1.5~432 15.49. 2.5 by 3.5%:5by3.5 9×10 1.22 13×1 0.48; 1.85; 17 ×3×3 16×5%:3.5 (3.6% 3 by 4 É. 11-12 1.78 15.5-10.572.44. 19.5×3×3.518.5× 6 ** - - - - 4. |4 by 5 §º 13-15 2.56 19x1 2.793.55:24.5×3×4 |23s 73:351.64 | - -------|--|--|--— ! –––. f : weigh the saving in direct cost of construction which might be secureu by a more minute adaptation to the special local conditions. The features which experience has shown to be desirable can be seen from a study of the accompanying plans of some of the available stanuaru suructures of the leaging railroads. .. - 50 AS5NRY 36x CULVERTS. Masonry culverts are the kind in most general use, especially on old roads. ...If well built, on, good foundations, protected from undercutting, and with sufficient, waterway, uhey are very durable. West Shore Standards. Pl. XIf pub. by Graphic Co for Eng. Depu,1882) - ; - I § #":21.4%:4) MASONRY BOX CULVERTS 58 he coping projects about 4" ; the thickness can be found by subtracting the height of the opening, plus the thickness of the cover, from the height of the neat work of the efid wall. The distance from the sub- grade to top of the cover is not made less than 20", so that the earth will distribute the load on a tie and prevent the shock from readhing the cover stone. The length of culvert is such that the side slopes about intersect the lower back corners of the cop- ing stones, as may be seen in Pl. XI. The “trunk”. is measure g_betw: en end walls, hence its length is .* ºistſ& - ---> the 2r "between slope stakes if set at the height of the bottom of the coping. The second thickness under "side walls” for Double Culverts is for the partition wall. The section of paving holds only for the trunk; the curb, 3 ft. dee and 1 ft. thick, and the paving under the opening at the end walls are given under “ends”: in the paving columns. The end walls are given in the original by height, thickness and yardage; in assuming a length the new, yardage as given differs slightly from the old. The “end walls” do not extend under the opening; their foundations are 3 ft. deep. The length plus twice the Chickness, anu minus, the width of the opening, should be at least 3 times the height to the coping to prevent dirt from running down in front of the opening. To take out a quantity for a culvert; multiply Jºhe length of the trunk by the per foot under ºnd Walls for the masonry in cu. yds. ; multiply the per foot untier Paving by the length of the trunk and add to the Ends for the paving in cu. yids. A.Pls. XII, XIII, Redrawn from £ng. News Dec 29, 1888. ſ' The practice of extending the paving unuer the side ' ' walls is on Pls. XII and XIII, is not considered the }, best practice by many &ntºineers; it should be limit- 'ed to small culverts with good end walls and curbs to preventoutting. Many of these culverts were \laid ary; they would be more durable if iaid 'in hydraulic cement inor var. The arch culvert wing wºlls of Pl. XIII increase the discharging capacity: ! Y-vs-Y tº cº ºwe tre+co ºr Rºc- º'-º'-ºxicº. "Prº tº sº ºn , . c-º-º-º-º: - - - * *. º C. IV. § 50 (10). F. 4 BOX CULVERTS 59 of the culvert; and shorten its length; the cost per yard of masonry is probably a little greater than with plain end walls; the relative quantities can be seen by compáring Pl. XIII with Table W. The News does not believe in 4 ft. spans excepu where the best of stones are available for covers, nor in covers less than 12" thick for spans less than 3 fu.. and 15" for 3 ft. and above. The thickness of the side walls is sometimes increased as the depth of fill increases. Generally, however, for such small spans, the increas- ed protection from atmospheric disturbances, and from shocks, will about compensate for the increased pressure. . 51. BOX CULVERTS OF WOOD. The usual practice when masonry could not be obtained or was too expensive has been to put in two trestle bents far enough a part to allow of constructing the culvert later, when means would allow. The ob- jections to thus breaking the continuity of the earth and ballast roadbed has led to the quite expensive use of wooden box culverts. They do good servite for many years, are out of the way of fire and do not cave in even when very rotten on the inside unless large and close to the ballast. They should not be placed in very deep fills unless with the intention of inserting iron pipá inside the box without excavating when the Uimbers decáy. Plate XIV, shows some of the forms in use.tſhe K.C. & O. are from Engiºg. News Harch 3, '88; the Ore- gon Pacific, from Jan. 12, '89, and the D. L. & W. from the Co’s blue prints. The C. M. and St. P. Ry. use a standard similar to the last, with sills 6". x 12" spaced 8' - c. to c, covered with a 2" plank floor to prevent cutting when necessary, 6", x 12" side timbers laid flat, and with cover from 6" to 10", thick de- pending on span and depth from roadway. The cost of framing and putting in place, after the materials are delivered, should not exceed from $4.00 to $6.00 per 1000”. B. M. with labor at $2. per tº C. IV. # 52 (10).F.4) PIP3 CIJLVERIS: 6O 52. PIPE CULVERTS. Pl. XV, Couble th_ick glazed sew- ar pipe is much used for small openings. When laid Without a concrete bed, as is quite common, the un- disturbed earth should be carefully scraped out, with places for Uhe hubs, so that the pipe will be bedded for its circumference. Fine material should then be used for the first foot or . more of covering. Considerable slope should be giv- an go the pipe and clear drainage at the lower end to prevent water from standing and freezing in the pipe. The center should generally be laid high to allow for the grº aver sev Cling of the foundation under the higher portions of the fill . The sewer pipe list is: 9" inside diam. 26% per foot i , i. 60 12 45 1.00 15- 3 1. 35 18 84 1. 70 20 99 2.25 24 130 3.25 30 226 5. 5 36 330 7. OO The discount in car load lots delivered (3.an 1903) is about 73% for 1st. quality anu 78% for 2nd. Quality. Some of the ma Chods of laying when masonry is used are shown on Pl. XV. Wrought, anu cast iron culverts are also used for small openings, also for large ones where masonry is expensive. Wrought iron pip: should be heated and immersed in a preparation of coal tar to prevent rust. Cast iron culvert pipe (2nd. Quality) costs about 1 1/4¢ per lb. at founury. - Its weight per foot is about as follows: 12" 60; 16", 88; 20", 118; 24”, 175; 30" 240; 36”, 32% 42", 400; 48° 5.10%. - º . * C. IV. § 53. (10).F 4) CULVERTS WITH COWERS. 61 Care is required in tamping the earth around the Yipe, and in fixing the masonry & "plank ends, to ... prevent water from working along the outside of the smooth surface and finally undermining the - track. Wooden pipes have been used by the C. B. & Q. R. R. for several years with satisfactory results. Sticks 10" or 12" thick, depending on the size of the culvert, and 8" wide on the outside are dressed to form a cylinder º 4’. 1/2 or 6' in diameter. They are built around iron rings made of old rails. and placed about 10’ apart. The pieces break joints and are drift-bilted together. A 4-inch brick lining is added between the rings, and stone or concrete end walls, after the timber is seasoned. \ , . 53. CJLVERTS WITH RAIL CONCRETE COWERS. Pl. ', * : XVI. N.Y.C. R. R. Standard of 1901. The rails under the ties are figured as per 1900 Standard Bridge Specifications. The rails are 4 ft. longer than the coping span, except those which receive the tie rods as shown. These are 5 ft. longer, and two are placed in the concrete curb which retains the ballast, and two between the tracks in case of double track. The vie rods are 3/4” x 18 1/4”. : The distance from pop of wall, or bottom of floor, to base of rail is 2' 7". This may be reduced to 1’ 6” when necessary. - The side walls are 2'3" thick under the coping. They are back filled with broken stone or other material which drains readily and weep holes are provided near the bottom. The wing walls make an angle of 30° with the side walls. The rails are cleaned , given a coat of red lead and oil, a coat of bridge paint, then a 1, 2, 3, con- | crete is filled in 1 1/2" thick at middle and 1/2". . ºi at ends and covered with 1/4” American straight run - coal tar pitch. In some other standards, a sufficient thickness of . Concrete is used to resist the compression in the . I upper portion, and expanded metal, I-beams, or old ; rails, are used to resist the vension in the lower - - * QY +lºn. : - C. IV. 554 (10 (15). F. 4) WATER WAY CULVERTS 62 54. WATER WAY CULWERTS. If other culverts can be found over the same stream, or draining about the same area with about the same surface slopes, they, ii. connection with the high water marks, will serve as the best guides. If none exist and the conditions cannot be studied during high water, the following formula by Maj. F. D. Myers will serve as a rough guide. c drainage area in acres (11) 1.0 as a min. in f#au country, 1.6 in hilly compact ground, 4.0 as a maximum in mountain- ous, rocky Country. Rudolph Herring proposes, the following as more ac- curately taking into account the effect of distance and slope on the time required for a given rain- fall to reach the culvert, Q = 50 WTM F2500 - 2500 + 0.00037 M (12) for flat rural countries; q = 65 W M + 1142 – 2200 - 0.0001 M (13) Area of opening, ti' Where C for hilly countries; Q = 83 ſº 640 -2100 –0.00078 M (14) for the most unfavorable conditions. Q = cubic feet per second to be discharged, and -- - - 1W. drainage in acres. Having Q, the Water Way can be computed from the following formula and table by Professor Church, which supposes the culvert to be flowing full but not under pressure. - q = A area) Rs (15) where s = grade of bed and of water surface; R = hydraulic radius – ratio of area of cross section to wetted perimeter, dimensions in feet; A = co- efficient depending upon R, S, and the smoothness of the culvert; for sºy .001 it may be taken from the following table. - : C.IV;55(15) F. 4) WATER MAY_CULVERTS_____63. | R = 0.5TTT1. 5 || 2 T3 || 6 15 | Bottom and sides of --— Ashlar brick or clean pipe, A = 110 |114 122 128;149 150 160 |Rubble or badly in- . i |crusted pipe A= 66 78 85 90 95; 110 || 120 |Earth, A = 4 Usually the data optained will not be sufficient to warrant very extended computations, but the above will afford useful guides. A slope should not be assumed which will give a velocity greater than from 8 to 10 feet per second. On the Santa Fea road a survey is made to determine the ace eage and slope for a small culvert, while a geological map is used for a large one, the opening is then computed by an empirical formula. Ex. 1. Find the size of a W. S. R. R. box culvert re- quired to drain 100 acres of hilly country, if s =2% Solution: - - From (13), q = 65/100+ 1142 -2200–0. 1 = 91 Try a 2 1/2 ×34* . Area =7. 5; wetted perimeter = 3+ 2 1/2 + 3 = 8.5; R =7.5 / -8.5 = .88; A =66 +(36/ 50) 12 = 75 (15), 75 × 7.5W53 ×.02 = 75 = capacity of culvert. Hence a 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" or a 3’ x 4’, would be re- quired, depending on whether the ground was near (12) or near (14). (11) would call for a 3’ x 4' ,or a 4' × 5’. tº->h º Find the capacity of a W. Shore 10-ft. arch with's #1% Solution Area = 5×10 + (Tr 25)./ 2 = 89; wetted perimeter = 5 + 10 ++5 +TI 5 = 36; R = 89 + 3é = 2.47; A = 92.5. (15), 925 x 89x 2.47 x.01 = 1295 cu. ft per second, = L 45 || 55 |_60 |_64 || 70ſ 801.99. ------- * : C. IV.5, 55. (15) F. 4) ARCH CULVERTS 64 -- 55. ARCH CULVERTS. Pl. XI. The arch culvert, or a ... culvert with a concrete steel or rail cover, is safer than a double box against clogging where there is danger, from ice or debris. . Hammer dressed joints are not necessary for the arch ring until the pressure per E. " becomes greater than bhe hydraulic mortar can safely carry. Bricks are of ven us?d for the arch ring. Only such as have been thorºughly burned will suand exposure to wa- ter and frost. The West Shore Standards, See 35o, may be tabulated as follows: TABLE W. WEST SRORE STANDARD SEWICIRCULAR ARCHES See Pl. XI for plan and references. ------ I - - - - - - T-I-T ---|---- T-- S. **Hy —le la le.|r clºs I t T &T3. Tº lºſiº iſ . T." 8 4 33 6 ºf 1:13 |14 || 8 || 14 3 12 10 : 4' 614 5 (1.1% is g|... " is... 3 12 5 4 6 9 & 1614 20 64 19 6 || 8 14 5 615 11 |18 || 4 || 24 6 4 17 6.3% 6 |13 & 1344 89.3 4, , , 23 19 2. le 1516 is 3%|| || “lºs 3.133 a liń The dimensions on Pl XI are common to all the spans, those which are not common are given above, and can be referred to by letter. The cubic yards above the found avions, can be com- puted from the following: —r-——I-—r----—T----------T- Span: Ends Trunk | span Enus T Trunk 6 35.45 1. 32 14 163. 32 5.62 8, 56.56 .2. 29 17 245. 10 7. 65 10 83. 12 3. 24 2O > |350. 78 9.93 12 1119, 18 14:40 l. l. . . . - - ---- -- - Iº To which should be added the cu. yūS. in the É." The span is , in feet; the ends include the parapet, or spandrel walls, the arch ring under it, and the wings, for both ends in cu. yus.; C. IV, 555 (15) F. 4) ARCH CULVERTS 65 and the trunk, the bench walls or abutments, the spanurel filling over the arch, and the arch ring, in cu. yus. per lineal foot. The depth of the foundations will depend on local conditions; it should be seldom less than 3’. unless ~ on rock. - The capacity of the culvert aan be increased and the danger from choking with ice or drift wood diminished , by moving the wing walls at the ends towards each other, as in Pl. XIII, so as Go cut off the sharp corners at the entrance of the arch proper. With a bauuered wing, the intersection of wing and spandrel can be moved up to the soffit at the Springing line, and the projecting toe rounded off so as not to project beyond the face of the abutment. TABLE VII. TRAUTWINE'S GUANTITIES FOR SERIC. ARCHES ToºlT –– | | T. *—ſº-Hºº-ºº-ºº-ºº: | A 6 - 18 10 ſ. 12 15.2), 25 |35 #0 ºf H.Rai ſãº-Tº-º-º: § 3 1.99 || 2:12, 2.26 2.88. | i 10 2.6% 2.7% 2.37 2.33 3.34 14 4.77 4.67 4.57 4.4% 4.73.37 & 12 13 7.69 7.48, 7.27 7.91 7.04 7.03 7.81. *323 10.8 10.3 10.2 9.57 9.72; 11.6 26 ; 14:2:::::::::3 ||3:3|..., 30 | " "... i. 3 ||.3|20. 35 24.0 23.6 21.7|23.9 |40. ! 31.7 31. 2 #28.7|23.2 ºf | | | j40.0 |36.9|34.6 ; :- | | | | 46.4|43.6 (, 2 | i : º: | Spandrel Walls. r’ | F.3 |7-9 3.8 12 13 23 42 [85. 195 J. # 56 (15) F. 4) BRIDGE ABOTENTS 66 Wing Walls Toval Length Cubic Total. Length Cubic Ht. of wing yd S. Ht. of wing yds. 7 1.73 4.04 3O 43.3 818 8 5.20 14.6 35 50. 3 1192 13) 8.66 30.2 - 40 60. 7 1928 14 15.6 85. 2 45 67. 6 2552 18 22.5 183 50 78. O 3741 22 29. 5 329 55 86.7 4942 26 36.4 541 6O 95.3 6404 The above table is for preliminary estimates only. The total height is from boutom of foundation to top of keystone; the quantities under span are cu. yus per foot length of arch, they include ample al- lowance for projecting footings; the quantities, under spandrel walls are cu. yas. in the two spandrel walls above the section of the trunk produced to the face, the length of the trunk being taken from face to face of the spandrels. - - The thickness of the arch ring in feet = 0.2 + 1/4 the square root of the span. The thickness of abutment at springing line in feet = 2 + 0.15 span, with a batter on the back of 1/12. The spandrel filling for the trunk is carried up at the outer edge of the abutment One-half way from the springing line to the top of the keystone and the tangent to - the arch drawn. The end spandrel walls extend 2’. above the key, where they are 2 1/2 ... thick: at the low- est point the whichness is 4/10 the height. " . The wing walls deflect 30° from axis of arch with a thickness of 4/10 the height, when not inconsistent with a minimum of 2 1/2". The cubic yards in- clude the 4 wings. .. 5 ºr cºusc, Bºxer's NAc-ecº-A. Cººp. KNº. 56. BRIDGE ABUTMENTS. Abutments, with wing walls in the same line, or with wing walls making angles of 30° with the abutments, are perhaps the most common. Those with wing walls running back at right angles lft. A B. kº **- C. .356,45) F.4 ERA C & E AEUT MENTS 5'7 forming a U, and those with the two sides of the U. brought together forming a T, are quite common. Their economy should be most marked where high ground can be reached for the wings by going directly back from the face, while the low ground lies along the line of the abutment face. The end of the fill is not so well protected from wash for a stream cross ing as with wings which hold the dirt behing them. West Shore double track standards. The abutment is thick enough at the top for the bridge seat, which should be about 2'. for small spans and more for larger ones, anti for a uirt wall some 2', thick behind the seat to extend up to about the boutom of the ties, giving a minimum thickness of about 4’; the face is battered and the back is vertical un- less additional thickness is required to make the footings = 0.4 the height to sub-grade, when the ack is stepped to make the required amount. The length of the seat should be some 3’ more than the width of the bridge out to out, giving some 12' for short span deck bridges anu 18’, for through ones and lengthening with span on account of the gradual widening of the bridge. Double track will add about 13 feet to the length. TABLE VIII. WEST SHORE STANDARD BRIDGE ABUTMENTS r- ſº Doub. Track sine. Trackjin Đoab. Track - - -". ... - - _B iſ fit. A E. ſº.------ | Sing-wrack - A _B - à Tâ 2e 23 #6 jaž ºf £51 ºš 536 8 33 || 36|| ? £4 34 759 743 #: 3 8 . 57 55 49 38 36 858, 837 | 735 | 706 10 79 77 57 55 || 38 965 919 818 780 13 106 || 103,73 76 "40%|1983 1931 .9% 373 14 137 133 192 99 || 42 'Pº. 1145 |; 980 16 173 169||132 129 44 |1341|1272 1154 1095 18 214 209 |135 | 161 46 |1334|1394 | 1281 T204S 20 250 255 zos 199 || 48 |1336||1556 1420 1850? 22 312 306.247 243 24 370 362.296 290 52 |1971, 1875 1775 1649 2é 334 {4; 351 |344 54 z153|2042 1890 1795 28 504 493 411 402 57 2448 2330 2162 2055 59 1798|1711 1567 . . .” --- - * - | - - . - ---- -------- --- ------- 30 582 569 480 .469 iè0 i2767. 2332 £450 2332 ~! - C. § 57. (15). F. 4) ERIDGE PIERS 68 Plan. A has wings in line with the face. Plan. B has wings at an angle of 30° with the face. The - * + with the same or greater bacter * * - : quantities are in cu. yds. for one abutment, anti include 3 ft. for foundations, with footings. - The quantities, for single track were obtained by: multiplying those for double track by s/d, and not from the plans, where s = area of cross section for a 16-ft. roadbed and 1.5/1 slopes for the height (including foundations) and d = area for a 30-ft. road bed. Baker (Masonry Const., Chap. XV) gives the yardage for U.T., and wing abutments, that for the latter ºrunning higher than for the West Shore Standards. 57. BRIDGE PIERS. The standard masonry pier ex-. tends from the bridge shoes to the foundation sup- port, with top area at least sufficient to support the ends of the two adjacent spans, and a base suf- ficient for stability against overturning or undue settlement of the foundation area. This gives a minimum top width of about 5 feet under the coping and a side batter of from 1/2 to 1 inch per fog...is and a length about 2 ft. more than the outside of the bridge (pier I to bridge). The ends may be rounded, pointed, or square, down to high water line, - * the sides. Below, high water it is customary to increase the bauter on the up-stream enu and to make the pier jimore or less pointed, often protecting the point of Cut-water with an angle or other iron to aid in lifting up and breaking through the ice. - The area of any section for stability against overturning is controlled by the top area and by the batter, or in the case of a large pier sometimes by offsets or abrupt changes in batter in connec- tion with a string course. If much increase ºt, ". the bottom is required on account of unit pressure on the foundation it can be obtained by projecting footings with timber, large stones, concrete or con- Crete and metal, as the case may be. For high, piers, the masonry between the bridge seat \ N c. *.* 58 (15). F. 4) PILE AND FEAL-D THER ART. 89 and a point, at a safe distance above high water is often replaced by metal or wood with a saving in the first cost. Concrete using the same general forms as for stone masonry is in use. - Metal cylinders or shells, filled more or less, with concrete, wooden piles and concrete, etc., are used. On account of the severe exposure of a pier and the large area of face per cu. yd. of material as compared with an abutment the cost per yard will be greater as already inuicated in Table IV. The foundations, also may be much more expensive on ac- count of being in mid-stream. 58. PILE AND FRAMED TIMBER ABUTMENTS. If these are puu in for temporary structures, they should usually be placed so that the masonry abutments can be built, with as little disturbance of the track and its supports as possible. Usually litule or no fill will be placed against the abutment, the track being . carried back on trestling if necessary to prevent, it; a low, fill can, however, be retained by placing plank behind the piles - Pl. XVII shows a pile pier and abutment. The caps are usually drift-bolted to the piles, as shown on the plates of trestles. The quantities in addition to the piles, will be the 2 or 3, caps each with 84 or 7 ) drift bolus, each, say 1” La by 24" long, and waighing 6.67%. If the cap is more than 6 or 8 ft. above the ground, sway bracing , as shown on Bl. XVIII should be added to each row of piles. The framed bents of Pl. XVIII can rest on piles; on masonry if stone can be had, or on mud sills as a last resort. It should be noted that the frame bents have no longitudinal stability. If this is not supplied by braces from the cap to the sill of the adjoining trestle bent, or if the height is considerable, by braging between the twp bents, separating them far ***** a distrivia tº-esº-, ºr ºr ºre s\Pi\\ tº º ** C. W.; 59. (15) F. 4) NOOLEN TRESTLES 70 enough for the purpose. The bolsters should be fastened to the caps. In Pl. XIX, the planking extenus above high water and ice. An 8"× 10" timber should be placed around the inside near ºne top of the piles and fastened to each pile with a 3/4" bolt. If the structure is high, additional ones should be placed about 10 fu apart vertically. The cut-water should be braced at high water and at the ice flow line with 12" x 12" pieces between the piles, and notched into them 1 1/2” as shown. The vervical stringer is 'Julted at, points 4 ft. apart with 3/4-inch bolts, anu the rail is splked at points 12" apart on each side with spikes driven into 1/2” holes. The interior is usually filled with stories. - CHAPTER W. TRESTLES AND BRIDGES: tº P l, 59. WOODEN TRESTLES. These are distinctly ºnericºn, being but livtle used in other countries. !Cooper (American H. R. Bridges) estimated in 1889. that there were 3030 miles of trestles anti bridges on the 16Q000 miles of railroads then in the United States; 2407 of which were woouén or combination trestles with spans & 20’; 243 miles wooden or com- bination bridges; leaving only 380 miles of iron bridges. He further estimated that 600 of the 2400 miles ofºgouen wrestles would be filled as embankment, amºould be maintained in a pod, leaving 1000 uo be gradually reflaced by iron. This re- placement has gone on rapidly since that time. The reasons for uhe existence of so much wootien vrésvling is summed up by the ºngr. News (Aug. 13, 1887) in sudstance as follows: 1. A well built timber trestle, while it lasts, is a very solid and safe suructure, and it lasts usually in good conuition for from five to ten years; while ſuch hºstily built masonry gives out in one year or two. 2. There is more time to determine accurately the - -*. - . C.W. ºf 59 (15). F. 4) WOODEN TRESTLES 71 ° | size of the opening needed, and thus aváid needless ºwashouts; besides, well built timber structures are ºless likely to wash out suddenly. !. 3. The time of construction is shortened mater- ially, often an important consideration. 4. The masonry , when at last built, is almost cer- tain to be better built, and of better stone. Haul then is of less importance, anu there will be more time to secure good material. The roads are few. on which any large proportion of the original , masonry is in good condition after ten years. This is especially true of the smaller structures, such as cattle guards and open culverts, which are often so poor as to shake to pieces in a few months. The lesson that , the smaller the structure, the larger and the better dressed must be the stones composing it, if it is to be durable, is one which engineers are slow to learn. 5. It is easier to introduce long and high fills, to be afterwards filled by train or replaced by masonry or iron; and thus to secure a better align- ment and avoid rock cutting or other objectionable work. 6. A very large part of the total cost of the line, in its permanent form is postponed for 6 or 8 years past the trying years of early operation; thus not only saving whe interest on the cost of the permanent work, but going far to protect the company from the danger of early insolvenmy, which has proved so deadly to many overconfident companies. The only necessary disadvantages, are the liabil- ity to decay and fire. To guard against the former danger is a mere question of inspection. The C. M. & St. Paul, with 110 miles of bridges, 100 of which is probably wooden trestle, inspect their structures twice a year, and have never had an ac- cident of any kind from such defects, which shous that there is no necessity for them . The danger from fire is a real one and every year has its records of accidents, resulting there from, but if the *: --- C. V. § 60 (15). F. 4) PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 72 danger is real it is small. There are few, such, 335- cidents, and those mostly from carelesness. Inºrbº to their number, accidents from iron structures have been vastly more numerous, and more fatal, and the same is true in substance of small masonry structure where great liability to washouts is a serious matte 60. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION. The span for strinº ers, or distance between bents, is usually from 12'. for low, bents to 16" , 18", and even 30’, for higher ones with simple stringers. Suringers trussed or otherwise supported at intermediate points are some- tiſhes used, when the span is still further increased. Pile bents are used up to heights of about 25", and even to 30', or 40'. in 2xceptional cases. From 4. to 6 piles are used in a bent, with a diameter of from 10" to 18" at the large end, and from 6" to 12" at the simall or low ºr *nd. After driving, the tops are sawed off, and a 13" x12", or larger, cap put in. its place #}} secured by a mortise and venon, or by about a 1 1/** **f, boit at each pile. Longitud- inal stability is given by the stiffness of the piles, and by the anchorage of the floor system at the ends of the tresules; lateral stability inainly by the diagonal lateral bracing , of about 3" x 12" plank spiked, or bolted with 7/8", or 1" bolts, to cap and piles, one each side of the bent. Framed bents for heights up to 30'. Lo 40’. are usually composed of about 12" x 12" timbers; 2 ver- vical posts, under the track stringers and 2 in- clined ºr patter posts, with a batter of 3" per 1’, placed outside; framed with mortise and tenon, or pinned with two dowel pins per ºf post (each about 3" if of wood, or from 1" to 2" if of iron) or drift- bolted to the cap anu to the sill. The tenon should be from 1/4 to 1/3 the width of the timber, and the pin hole should be bored so as to draw, the cap or sill about 1/8". A drainage hole should be bored in the mortise in the sill; while the dowel pins if used, should be driven with paint to prevent the en- - º ; C. W. & 30. (15); F. 1 4) P-INCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION73 trance of water. Drift bolts are cheap and rapid in construction, but troublesome in partial renewals, on account of the difficulty, of withdrawing them. The bent plates of Pl. , Čtičugh not in common use, would seem to be cheap in construction, and conven- iant in renewals, while not venuing to hasten de- cay at the joints as much as the previous methods. of framing. The mortise and Uenon is still in most common use, despite the greater first cost anu ten- dency to decay; it usually gives a stiffer bent forêrection but no stiffer when once in place. The sills rest on masonry; on piles, on mud sills from 4' to 6’ long, bedded crosswise in earth, or frequent- ly on the earth, in a trench a foot or so deep. The methods are placed in order of extellence . Split sills and caps of the same total section notch- ed into the posts about 2" and bolted, are thought by many to give equal bearing surface, strength and . durability, while they allow any decayed piece to be taken out and replaced with much less difficulty. Solid sills may be better if resting directly on the ground, or on mud sills. More or less longitud- inal bracing with pieces about 6" x12" is usually added, unless there are but few bents. Lateral bracing is supplied by 3" plank spiked or bolted to the posts, uhe inclined posts (batter posts) also furnish later- al stability. Corcels are frequently used between the cap or stringer; the claim being that they shortea - the span of the stringer by about their full length and give more end bearing which prevents the stringer from crushing. The counter claim is that they merely act as levers to tilt up the adjacent stringer, and thus disturb the stringer system, while they retain moisture at the Suringer ends and thus, hasteg decay. The stringers are from 12" co 18" deep, With 1, 2, or 3, grouped unuer each rail, and with or without ouver or jack stringers. When several are placed - * -- - - - - - * --> side by side, they should be separated by packing blocks or cast washers, from 1" to 3" to prev egt the accumulation of moisture, four about 3/4" bolus at each joint are placed horizontally through Strin ers, and washers to hold the pieces together. When possible, each stringer should have a length equal to twice the distance between bents, so that they can be arranged in 2's to break joints, r one being continuous and the other breaking at each cap. Sometimes. 2 stringer - bolts are placed at the centers of the spans. t The methods of fastening the stringers to the Caps vary considerably. On some roads, the ºpoden’ packing blocks between the stringers are notched onto the caps without other direct fastening, for convenience of alignment of the floor, in case the foundations settle unequally. On thers the cap is notched for the stringer or packing block, or angle irons or heavy blocks of wood are spiked to the cap on each side of the stringer. Drift bolts are also used, and bolts with nuis; the latter being more convenient than the former for repairs and renawals. . Jack stringers are usually necessary with long ties , to support the floor in case of derailment. They are in the way in renewing the track string- ers, anu are not always, in favor with the road de- partment. The floor system is usually the poorest part of the structure. The hard wood ties should...no be over 5" apart in the clear; and they should be held in place by notching the guard timber about 1" for each tie. to F;"?. #nºść"; ; ; by ă, derājj ed whéâ1. e length should now be less than 11’, to 12'. The guard timber should be bolted- rº 60 (15). F. 4) PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRULTION 74. s r - - - -- * ~ - A --, - C. V. 560 (15). F. 4) PºſNCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 75 UC about every third tie; an angle iron spiked to wheinner =dge will reduce the danger of mounting by a derailed wheel. A floor system can thus be made which will carry os derailed wheels over safely, if they can be brought outo the floor inside uha guard rail. Some form of rerailing device at each end of every trestle and bridge floor is considered essential by many engineers, although it is very often omitted, see the Latimer device&nd the Jordan guard, described in the paragraph on bridge floors. 61. TRESTLE PLANS. E. A. Hill, (Engrg. News, Oct. 22, ’87) gives the following dimensions for a one-story pile trestle, suitable for a western road of ordi- nary traffic. Bents of 4 piles each. Piles = or >8" at small end; driven to 2" penetration under a 2000; hammer falling 29', or an equivalent; tops sawed off square, 14" × 14" × 14’ caps; fastened by 1 1/4” drift bolts driven 8" into the pile, one to each pile. 2 sway braces 3" x 12" bolved § the cap and to each pile. Bents spaced 15'. c. to cºstringers, 3 u each rail, 6" x 16" × 80′, spaced by iron spools or tº 4 blocks. Each set of stringers secured to cap by 1 1/4" drift bolt or by wooden blocks. Stringer bolts 3/4" with cast washers 3” in diameter Ties 7" x 8" x9', 12" centers, boxed 1" on stringers (C. J. Jameson, R. R. & ENgrg. Journal, Jan., '90, recominenus: 8" x 12" x 12', ties spaced 6” clear) Guard timber 7" + x8", boxed 1" on ties, and bolted uo every third tie with lag screws at intermediate ties. Tron: guard rail and Latimer rerailing device(see Bridge Floors, Pl. XX needs no special explanation. The pile posts are probably as large as 12" x 12". Pl. XXI shows a cluster bent trestle, built in the C.W #61(15). F. 4) TRESTLE PLANS 76 winter of 1879–80. Northern pine was used for all except, cross ties and bottom sills which were of white oak. Examination after 8 years servite show- ed them to be in good condition, with no signs of decay except with the oak members. The piles of white oak, were cut off about 20", above ground. The sills were urift bolted to the piles with 21” by 3/4" tº holes. The spieges resting on the sills were drift bolved to thºº "New “so 3/4" o The posts were in 2-story lengths (20', for the vertical ones) except half at the top and at the bottom which ware in 1-story lengths, so as to - break joints. When the height was not a multiple ... " of 10, the odd length was placed in the bottom story. The batter was 3" per 1’. 3/4" bolts with cast washers were used throughout. 3,8"×16" x16' string- ers would now be preferred and cast spools in place of the 2 1/2" x 16" x 2'. packing blocks at the cen–. ter of the stringer. This would reduce the fiber stress to K1200; per E.", for a consolidation engine, allowing for impact. The ties ware 7" x 9’ x : 16" , oak, spaced 9” clear, with substantial guard rail, and two outside guards 4" × 8". Each bent was erected, piece by piece, with a bCom projecting out from the lºst one already in , place; as it was believed that better workmanship could thus be secured than by the ordinary Method of puu Ling the bent together on the ground, and then hoisting to position. . The main advantages claimed are; the use of smaller timbers, thereby as a rule getting better Seasonad material and of be uter sizes for inspection; the renewal of parts without interfering with the running of trains; and the absence of mortices. The framing consists, principally in cutting the pieces to exact length by pattern. J. A. Hanlon, Res. Engr. Engrg. News, Dec. 31, 1887. Diagonal longitudinal bracing should be added, - > W. §61(15. F. 4) TRESTLE PLANS, 77 unless the trestle is so short anu so well anchored at the ends that the floor stringers and others' longitudinal members can be depended upon to take care of the longitudinal forces. * | * Pl. XXII. This trestle was designed by Andrew Eryson, and was built at McNairs on the Erie Ry. in 1882. The chief advantages are a saving of labor in the field in framing, and the avdiidance of all cuts, in the timbers to hold water and hasten decay. Pls XXIII and XXIV. The loads used in computing the stresses were; the Erie Consolidation with 88000; on a wheel base of 14/9", and the C. B. & N, Class B, engine with 84590% on three pairs of wheels 15’ 6”. base; giving 1458 anu 1194 *per tº respective- ly on stringers. The Erie Engine is not used regularly. All vimber, except ties, should be of soft pine, free from shakes, wanes, black or unsound knots, and decay. . Ties of white oak, 8"×8” x 10' surfaced on one side to exactly 7 3/4". Piles of good, sound white oak, “ree from bark, diam # 10" at small end and # 14" . large enti. Pilºs to be driven, if required, until ºuey will not settle more than 1", under a 2000; hammer falling 29' . The floor was designed on the supposition that . 3. Latimer, or other rºrailing device, would be used. Derailments usually occur before reaching the bridge. For this reason no inside guard rails were used, the other guard rail being sufficient to guard 3 dérailed truck across the bridge. In this way long vies and side stringers were done away with. Single length pieces were used for stringers, as shown on Pl. XXIII, and continuity was established by the packing blocks. The “chuck blocks” on top of the caps prevent, lateral motion, yet allow of jacking the floor system over for alignment. Regular mill sizęs and lengths were used and 7 =yerything over a car length, avoided, when possible. "ſhe" bank slope longitudinals” will generally be C.V.5 61 (15). F. 4) TRESTLE PLANS: 78 covered with earth; they are only needed for a year or so until the banks stop settling. Fig. 1 shows the fastening to the middle sill of the lower and middle longitudinals, when the latter do not extend across the bridge. Fig.2 shows the con- nections of diagonal braces and middle longitudinals at foot of plumb posts on tº middle sill. Fig. 3 shows same as Fig. 2 without longitudinals. Fig. 4 shows the last panel of lower longitudinals. These have 4 pieces. Fig. 5 shows method when 1 pile bent is used. The attachment of diagonal braces to caps is shown in Fig. 6. For this there is required; 1 brace block 2" ×4” x 18’ ; 6 40-d spikes; 2 boat spikes 1/2" x10”. Before the block is put in place, 2- : * 40-d spikes must be driven through the block into the brace from the back. In spans > 16’ ties must be spaced 14" centers. Whey must be so spaced that the guard rail bolts will miss the caps; otherwise, bolu through 2nd. instead of 3rd. tie. At each splice 2 , 3/8" x 10" boat spikes are used. First guard rail bolt to be within 18” of end of span, and all nuts of guard rail uo bi: flush on top, Ly boring 2" hole 5/8" desp, Guard rail bolts 3/4" × 29 3/4”, with 4” of threati; 2" × 1/16" washer under nut, and ogee washer untier each head. The diagonal bracing bºgins at first bºnt and extentis across bridge in Uriangular system as shown. Generally there are 4 lines of middle longitudinal braces, and of low ºr longitudinal braces, 3xtending 1 span beyond foot of slope. The remaining spans have 2 lines. For pile bents (4 piles per bent spaced 3',5', 3%. c to c) with banks 12’, or more high, no diagonal braces need to be used if there are less than 10 spans unless, there is danger of the bank slipping, when they will be used in 2nu. and 3rd. spans from endſ With 10 or more spans, uiagonals will be put in the 2nti. and 3rd. from each end. In no case shall there -- G.W. 361 (15): F.4) TRESTLE PLANS 79 ba, more than 10 intermediate spans without diagonals. Biagonal systems must always start, at caps, never *Iower ends of piles. The threads of all bolts must be checked close to the nuts. Drift, bolts "t X 24"; head large enough to draw bolts. Sway brace bolts 1" or with 4” of thread; allow 1" extra length in making bill. Guard rail boits as before. If top of the tie is > 16’. and 4.18'. above ground, use 12” x14" ×16’ caps and place cuter piles 3' 6", centers. Bents 8’ high or over to be sway braced. Trestles 1000’, or more long are to have hand car turnouts, not over 500’. apart. A sill 6° x15" × 10’, projects out from the track stringer on top of , the cap at each of two adjacent bents; it is held at one end by a 3/4" ×34", bolt through the cap and at the other by an 8"×10" x14" brace froſſ, outside : post. On these, 8" floor joists are placed, a 2" : floor and an outside 6" ×8” guard timber. - With pile bents a sheet metal (probably galvan- ized iron) plate is put over the top ºthe pile, and the sides bent down to shed water before the cap is put on. Condensed from description by A. F. Robinsºon : in the Engr. News, April 7th, June 9, ‘88. Pl XXV, shows details somewhat different frcm those in common use. They are giving good service. Iron is now usually preferred for such heights. - . The lateral bracing is good; the longitudinal is Well arranged, but the 3" x12" and 4” x12" braces seem rather light for such great lengths: they act mainly £y tension. It is believed that split sills would * as strong as the solid ones, while they would allow ºf renewals more readily. : The advisability of using 25’ panels with the straining beam style of support for the stringers º:" it. " .. - - ! --- - - - - *". - ". - r. - - -- ". . --- ----- --- --- º - º C.W. § 62 (15). F. 4) WOODEN CULVERTS, CATTLE PASS instead of shorter panels witncut it, will be que vioned. Less material is used ; but, the floor s unduly light, and the ties are shorter and spaced farther apart than is considered good practice. Without guard rails and rerailing guards at each end the floor should not be regarded as safe. The solid masonry footings are an excellent feature. This is believed to be simpler and cheaper than the cluster bent of Pl. XXI, but there are many reasons ems . why either might be preferred. Plate XXVI shows a pile trestle with sway bracing under the floor. Plate XXVII shows the dimensions used on an east- ern road of heavy traffic. - The stringers and possibly the bents also, will probably be found too light for the present heavy train loads of the trunk lines. In the case of an actual design the stresses, including those from lateral and longitudinal forces, should be computed, so that the unit stresses can be kept within proper limits“..g., those recommended by the Com. of the Assn. of Ry. Supts. of Bridges and Buildings. For date on painting, framing, protection from fire and decay, maintenance, ballast, floors, etc., for wooden trestles; see Official Reports, Assn. Ry. Supts. Br. and Bldgs, Chicago, 1898 - - For a treatise, see Foster’s Wooden Trestle Bridges, 3rd. Ed. 62. WOODEN CULWERTS AND CATTLE PASSES. The intro- duction of wooden box culverts, and of pipe culverts, has very much diminished the use of the pile or frame bent open culvert. There is less, danger from fire with the box culvert, and the continuity of the , roadbed is unbroken, an advantage in track maintenance, or in case of derailment. When used the bents correspond to trestle bents; plank behind then retain the bank; while the stringers are notched into the caps to prevent the earth throst, from forcing C.W. S. 63. (15). F.4) PILING 81 the bents togethe, Framed bents not supported on piles may also require oracing apart at the bottom. If the structure is to be replaced by a permanent one, room should be left when possible, so that the permanent structure can be constructed without dis- turbing the bents. If head room will allow, it is usually well to maka the cattle pass wide enough for a farm crossing. if a grade crossing can thereby be avoided. . . . - ºr 12', clear is about a minimum height antf width: 14' being preferable. Pl. XXVIII shows two pile culverts and a timber culvert all on different roads. 63. PILING. When only a few piles are to be driven at a given point, the ordinary machine in which the hammer, monkey or rain, weighing some 2000%, is drawn up by team and allowed to drop some 15’ to 40'. onto the pile is host convenient. -- As the amount of work in proportion to the cost of transportation increases, the team can be re- placed by a steam engine having a winding urum with which to draw, up the weighu. The greater the rapidit with which blows can be given (6 to 14 per minute with nipper, 20 to 30 with friction clutch) allows of reducing the fall, thus lessening the dangºr of bruising the head of the pile. The steam-hammer pile driver in which the weight is lifted by direct steam pressure is also economical where transportat tion is not a large percentage of the cost. The drop is about 3’; weight of hammer 3500; blows per minute 60 to 80. The greater rapidity & the blows make up in part for the diminished fall; a pile driv - ing easier if kept in motion than after an interval of rest. The water jet is also used for sanuy and other fine soils, in some of which it is the only method available. A stream of water is forced out near the point of the pile and it then rises along the sides removing most of the side and end resistance if the soil is suitable, and allowing the pile to settle --- |-- | C.W. § 62 (16). F. 4) PILING 82 by its own weight, with or without an extra load. Direct pressure is also sometimes used for muddy or silvy soils saturated with water. The gunpowder pile driver has been used, although not very success- fully. Its results are similar to those with the Sweam-hammer. Cost of drop hamlker driver about $80.00 as com- pared with $800. OO for the steam-hammer driver, the amount in each case only including the driver proper. Piles not continuously under water, should be of , white oak, southern pine, or other durable wood, which is hard enough to to stand the required amount of driving. Those in foundations where they will always be untier water, can be of hemlock, spruce, elm or other cheap wood. They should usually be driven without Sharpening. - For a comparison of the various formulas in use for Computing the supporting power of a pile. See Piles_ and Pile Driving, Engrg. News Pub.Co. The Engineering News formula is as general and as reliable as any. Safe load = < * h ( A b ) S + 1 where W = weight of hammer in same unit as safe load; h = free fall in feet; s = averace ºnetration in inches per blow for last few blows. With vertical guides in good conui vion, h will bº. within 2% of the total fall unless the hammer re- bounds, the effect of which is uo divide the . Uhe blow into two, anu reduce the effective h of the first by the height of the rebound for perfect, elasticity, or by about twice the height with the inelastic bodies used. - When the hajimer in fºlling sets the hoisting rope and drum in motion, the loss in h can be computed from the weight of the drum and its radius of gy- ration, or from the time required for the fall. |-- i. -- C.W. § 63-(.. ) ) F-4) , PILING - 8. ºf ºğ Šº #Fºº, creasing for quite a number of blows. For reliable results s should be checked by test blows after various, intervals of rest; the difference - us - ually will be mosu Hark+ d for soft, wet soil, and lºast for coarse gravel and sand. Water jet piles are usually driven where hammer driven piles would not penetrate, giving about thax- imum bearing values. In important cases, test blows can be given and s measured. Piles sunk by dead load cannot be depended upon for much ſtore than the original load, except in soft mud when by stanuing, the bearing power may - increase many fold. Fet sººn-Yves-ºn a pºles whº Safe load = 2 * h \e sºlosiºns: s +0. 1 Q 7) (t ) The above safe loads must never exceed the safe crushing resistance of the piles. - The above is , for piles resisting by fric- tion at the sides and point. If the pile passes through soft, maverial and is supported by the point resting on hard material, or if the top projects above the surface, the free portion should be examined &s a column. Usually as the earuh sevtles around a newly driven pile, the friction against the sides and the support- ing power increase, a pile which has been allowed to rest driving harder therefor. This is especially true for fine, silty soils. Occasionally, howev ºr, with clay, the vibrations due to live loaus will loosen the earth at the surface sufficienuly to allow water to work down uhe pile, softening the earth and reducing the friction to possibly enough less than the value at driving to allow of settlement, with heavy loaus. E. A. Hill, Railway Trestles, Engrg. News_Oct. 8, '87. ºtes his practice to be uo" drive Jo a 2" penetra - in with a 2300% hammer falling 20 fººt, Robinson, Pls. XXIII, XXIV, ; 61, gives 1" penetration under | fºr C.W. S. 64 (IT) F. 4) COST OF PILING 84 the same blow, as the limit, which may be required. A 1" penetration was required on pile trestle, and drawbridge foundation work, at St. Louis river #1884 by the Northern Pacific. This would give b. - - - _ 2 × 2000 × 20 Safe load IT = 40000; = 20 tons. & distance between piles is usually limited to /2’ centers, on account of the danger of forcing whose already driven; the ordinary distance is 3' e for light work it may be 4" to 5’. Ex. 1 Find the height of masonry at 2 tons per cu. ya. which could be carried on piles 3' centers driven as above. -height = 32.2° 37 2 x 9 = 30 ft. For description of pile drivers for railroad work, comparisons of different kinds, costs, driving, batter piles, etc., See Engrg News index. Also Engrg. Index. - ---------- 64. COST OF PILING. Baker, Masonry Construction. gives for the cost of piles: at Chicago and on the Mississippi above St. Louis, 10¢ to 15¢ per lineal foot, according to length and location, for pine piles; 84 to 10¢ for soft wood piles and rock oak, in al- most any locality; 10¢ to 12¢ for oak 20' to 30'. long; 12¢ to 144 for 30’. Uo. 40' lengths, 20¢ to 30¢, for 40 to 60’, lengths. The contract price on the Mio. Pac. R. R. (data fur- nished by W. Beahan, Locating Engr.) about 1888, for handling and driving piles on new work was 30¢ per lineal foot. * The piles cost 7t, f.o.b. cars, and the freight was estimated at 6¢, making a total of 43%. .* At Nebraska City in 1888 (daua furnished by E. Duryea, C. E., and A. J. Himes, C. E. ) the cost of re- ceiving and driving the cottonwood piles for 1000". of framed bent trestle, 4 piles for bent, bents 20’. C. W. § 66 (in ) F. 4) ORE. PAC. HONE TRUSS BRIDGES 85 apart, was 8.7% per lineal foot in leads, or about 9. 74 under the caps; while that of receiving and driving the oak piles for 2000' . of the same kind of trestle in fins sand with friction clutch engin” was 12.5¢ in lºads, or about 13.1% under caps. - The contract, price for the N. P. R. R. St. Louis Bridg: in 1884, piles delivered and driven complete, was 20% per lineal font for the part left in the work, and 13; for tha angs sawed off after driving. Baker, among other values, gives the cost - to the contractor for driving on the A.T. & S. F. R. R- in 1887, ahead of the track with urop hammer and hors power, at 10.4% per foot, or $2.53 per pile of 24.8% ; average length driven 13’. Cost of labor; foreman at $4.00, 6 men at $2.00, 2 teams at $3.50; votal $23.00 per day; about 10% higher uhan in 1886 or '88. 65. WOOLEN RAILROAD BRIDGES. On the Mio. Pac. R. R. in 1889 Howe Truss bridges for 3000; per foot train load, and 80 won engines, cost exclusive of false " ' works, erected, $12.00 per lin. ft for spans of 60’. out to out 13.00 75 With bridge lumber 3%, 11.90 per ki, f. 9. b. .on cars; £3igº assumed at $2.00 ; contract price for hauling. &nd "erecting on new, work ahead of urack, . £17.50; total $30.50 per is "rought iron in finished pieces cost about 32 (W.BEAhan, C. §.) Sºre ºcessº ºvov For plans of Howe truss and combination bridges, see Vose’s Manual for R. R. Engrs., also the College blue prinus of the Northern Pacific standards. For plan: of the older types, Sea Haupt's Bridge Construction. 46. OREGON PACIFIC HONE TRUCS BRIDGES. The following quantities were given in Engrg. News, April 26th. '90, together with the strain sheets. C. V. 66 (in ) F. 4) ORe. Pac. HOWE TRUSS BRIDGES 36 T TABLE IX - Tºrtºn - - - Sº, tº º º 'º, 9 8 30t, 360 5060 592Q 10163 217O 970 9 × 393 360 5060 5220 6750 1939 & 1210 11 x 40t 400 4600 5500 13358. 298 O 1070 9 x 40:1 400 4800 5500 9362 328J 1550 11 x 50t. 450 42OO 5150 19025 5610 2880 11 × 50d 450 4200 5 150 12861 4710 2830 12× 60t, 540 3860 4900 22785 6790 3660 12 x 600 540 3860 4900 29702 fºo() 3830 13 x 70t, 600 3640 4740 2.99.31 9260 8260 8210 13 × 70% 600 3640 474O 276 17 842O 7980 7610 1f "x 80t, 620 3600 4720 35.388 11860 9790 10260 14 × 80g 620 3600 4720 32764 10190. 9730 912O 15 x 90t, 720 3560 4780 42709 1517O 1253O 13440 25×89 + 720 3560 4780 41383, 17880,18269 15150 ſ #5 x 90-720 3560 4780 40690 13220 iè710 11820 25 x1OOt 800 3500 4800 43892 22580 14290 18950 18 x 100d 800 3500 4800 +6454 18040 13990 16040 § - #3: 32 3:33 #3 º ; ; ; zº x 1ſt 940 33 4749 & 2035 368; SO 15290 x 60 to 18 × 110d 880 3400 4780 50295 19400 14950 1632) 19 × 1214 940 3300 474O 592.54 23080 18520 19580 23 × 130t, 1000 3200 4700 70.128 37050 20830 3018O 39 × .1301 1992 3392 4799 3877& £7332 824%. 23539 21 ×1393 a 1059 3159 4799 7633 32640 23260 27860 25 x 160%, t 1100U 3100 4700 85632 48030 27O60 39140 22 x 150%a1100 3100 4700 86053 °sº £140 33390 The dead floor 1933, is 500; per foot. The spans - àre c to c of enu’óints. The assumed loads are in pounus per foot of span for bridge. The through bridge is marked t, the deck, d. • The timber is in feet B. M.; the iron in pounds; -** the first column of “w bought iron” is for threads *" cut on vension members of constant cross section; the second is for tension members with ends upset C.W. 368. (An) F. 4) COST OF TIMBER WORK 87 * for threads, it is an alternate and should not be ad- ded to the first. The assumed live loads are in- tenuatl i to give as great stresses as the wheel loads below: ("Sº Fig. S Tre's sks”:3"10 S S Sé's sº n'é" + stre+?"toº & sº . ~~ g"g #3 "º"gºº" "3.3°3*.*.*.*.*. C o & C 3 2 5 # 3. 3 # 3 2 © C, C Cº- 2 : 5 § 3 § 3 ; 9 2 3 & # 3 3 g 3 33 # *śā, # 3 # 3 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; # - ~ a r > 2. -> → ~ +/ >! ſt & CCCC 55 & 5.6 OOOC) O Gº O O ſ - - 1 The load on a panel length of chord as a beam is assumed = 14000%. Wrought iron in tension 10000; per E.". of net section ; wood in compression 1/6 to 1/8 of breaking by the formula f = ′00 '' 5000/(1+ .004 is /ü); wood in tension usually 800% to 1000% (500; to ,800%) in shortest spans). In deck spans the upper and lower laterals are com- puted for a dead load of 150; per foot, one-half the former anu all the latter being given over at the leewaru panel points, the sway bracing at each panel Carrying: hºlf thº, live loag to, the lower system. In through #############. the lower sys- tem 300%. The allowed stresses being 13000% to 1500 ºf or iron, and 1/4 to 1/5 the breaking for wood. | " . 67. OVERHEAL WOODEN HIGHWAY BRIDGES. Pls. ÅÅIX and XXX show the standards used by the A.T. & S. F." R. R.. The mud sills should be replaced by masonry whenstene are plenty and the foundation good. The 7" x 16" ×32', floor joists would seem to be rather | voo flexible for a good bridge. The double floor, thoughſ often used increases decay, unless preserved . . vimber is used. 68. COST OF TIMEER WORK. The cost of timber will Wºry with market quotations usually, although in - _ " some localities it may be only the. direct cost of cutting and sawing. The cost of transportation is readily determined. In estimating _y Cartage, 20 miles is about a maximum average day’s " work for a team, the distance lessening with bad roads ºr with an increase of the percentage vime required for loading and unloading. - * *. * Nº. \ . C. v. $ 68 (in) F. COST OF TIMEER WORK 88 A rough rule sometimes used by carpenters, is to estimate what the cost of handling, framing and erecting , will be the same as that of the timber delivered. - The cost of frºming, etc. for tha 186583’. B. M. of contonwood (benus of round gimber) used in the 1000' . Urestle of § 64 was: f forward 871. 24 Receiving timber $91.94 Capping piles 61. 73 Hauling timber 163.59 Erecting trastle 174.82 Framing 415.71 Watchman, etc. 174. 17 671. 24 2031.96 $2081.96/186583 = $11. 16 per k. The average haul was 600ft. The cost for the 2000’, pine and Oregon fir trestle, for the same items as above; sawed tim- ber average haul 1000’, was 638187° E. M. at $4938.42, or $7.74 per M. - . The contract price on the Mo. Pac. in 1889, for bridge timber is given in § 64. For trestle decks, the price for framing and erecting, on new work ahead of track, was $15.00. E. A. Hill, paper before Ill. Soc. Engrs., Engrg. News, . Oct. 22, '87, states in substance as follows; ‘when estimates of cost are made for the trestles of an entire line, they are often averaged at $30. per k. B. M. of timber, but above certain sizes vimbe. increases so rapidly in price that in individual structures detailed plans anu estimates are necess an Ordinary low pile trestles will cost not far from $4.00 per lineal foot, the price varying with the plan and with the price of material. An average of 3 ...'... 1-story sill trestles of moderate heights. *gives 78’ of timber, 3% of bolts, and 2 1/4} of cast, washers, per lineal foot of trestle; or about 39% of bolts, and nuts, and 28% of washers per M. foot of timber. Again a couple of 2-story sill - C. v. 9.69. (An) Fº) COMP. WOODEN TREST. & EHBKT. 89 trestles of entirely different design, 32', and 34’. high, and 20', and 26’. span, respectively, at $30.00 per M, cost about $6.00 per lineal foot; with about 40% of bolts and 30% of cast washers per li foot of timber. The labor on trestles will probably range from $7.00 to $14.00 per M. Piling on heavy con tracts may be ordinarily estimated at 25¢ per ft. for piles driven, allowing about 12'. ft. for the por- tion in the ground in clayey soil in Indiana and - about 18 ft. on prairie. Bolts cost about 34 per lb. and cast washers 24. Yellow and white pine are the rule for stringers, oak being considered treacherous as subject. ºo in- ternal decay. 69. COMPARISON OF WOODEN TRESTLE AND EMBANKliºn T. The following Tables are given by Foster , Wooden Trestles, pp. 4-5. - TABLE X COST OF EN.BANKMENT TO SUBGRADE PER STATION, EXCLUDING RAILS, TIES, AND BALLAST. - Embankment per cu, yūs. in cents. Roadbed Height 14'. Slopes 1 1/2 to 1 16¢ 184: 2O3: 22¢ 5 $64 $72 $80 $38 1O 113 127 141 155 15 325 366 4O6 447 2O 521 587 652 718 25 764 859 955 1050 30 1049 1180 1312 1443 35 1380 1552 1725 1897 40 1754, 1974 2193 2412 45 2174. 2446 2717 2.989 * C.W. & 70. (In). F. ) c_STEEL BRIDGES 90 - - TABLE XI COST OF TRESTLE EXCLUDING RAILS, GUARD RAILS AND TIES, HEIGHT TO SUBGRADE Timber erected (including iron. ‘pººr NA E, NA Pile trestle , piling 33¢ per Framed ft. in place, penatration 10 trestle Ht. $30 $35. $40 $30 $35 340 5 $376 $407 $439 $283 $330 $378 1O 441 476 512 385 449 514 15 508 544 589 ºr 464 541 618 2O 576 613 6, 1 541 631 721 25. 7.43 803 858 796 928. 1060 30 816 872 92.8 872 1017 1163. 35 990 1085 1140 1058 1234 1410 4O 105.7 1132 1218 1133 1322 1510 -- 45 1202 1404 1606 TABLE X II COST OF TRESTLE COMPLETE INCLUDING FLOOR HT Pile Frameſ $30. $35. $40. $30 $35 $40 5 $5.46 $605. $665. $453 $528 $604 10 6-11 674 733 555 647 74O 15 6-78 742 806 634 739 84.4 2O 746 811 877 711 829 94.7 25 918 1001 1084 966 1126 1286 30 986 1O7O 1154 1042 1215 1389 35 1160 1263 1366 1229 1432 1636 40 1227 1332 1444 1303 1520 1736 45 1372 1602 1832 The cost of embankment will usually be increased by the cost of the masonry required for drainage. 73. STEEL BRIDGES These are usually designed and built by bridge companies under general specifiea- tions furnished by the railroad engineer. He is thus chiefly concerned with the cost, strength, safety and durability, and with the required masonry. Many of the larger railroad companies have a bridge department, and design their own bridges, even to the working drawings, before inviting bids. C.W. & 70ſ 17) F. 5) STEEL BRIDGES 91 Bridge steel, as it leaves the shop ready for erec- tion, will cost from 3/4¢ to 2 1/24 per lb. more than the same material at the rolling mill, dependin on the kind of work and the state of the market. To this must be added the freight, and cartage to the bridge site and the cost of erecting and painting. The cost of erecting will average from 1/24 to 14 per lb. for plate girders and pin con- nected bridges, and painting about 1/10 as much. Th makes a total of 3 1/24 to 74 per pound. The weight of iron or steel per foot for light bridges can be found from Pl XXXI. The ties, guard rails, etc., of the floor system, and the masonry, must be added for total cost. Pl. XXXII, based on North, Pac. H. R. practice in . 1902, will give weights of steel for heavier traffic. The following tables will aid in finding the change in waight due to a change of span or of live load, having given the actual weight for a given span and live load. Comparative Weights, Steel Ry. Bridges. H. Breen, Con. Engr., Denver, Col. TABLE X III. DECK PLATE GIRDERS. * Span I II III IV, W. WI. 2O 116 122 130 140 150 16O 25 169: 181 193 2O7 220 335 30 231 243 266 - .285 305 327 35 307 332 357 380 4O6 435 40 398 430 460 490 52O 550 45 5O2 536 573 6O7 640 675 50 617 655 693 730 772 812 55 74O 780 824 - 865 913 95.3 6O 87O 914 964 1010 1058 1103 65 1010 1063 1116 117O 1223 1277 7O 116O 1223. 1234 1345 1408 1470 75 1308 1384. 1452 1525 1598 1670 80 1457 1543 1620 1705 1787 1870 85 1808 1703 1788 1885 1975 2O68 c. v. § 70 (17) ºf ) STEEL BRIDGES #2 TABLF xIV, TFUSS SPANS: ; + & ſºn I II III IV, V. WI 100 1OO 105 110 115 120 125 110 116 12.3 12i; 135 141 147 120 134 142 150 157 . 165 173 30 154 18:3 173 181 1:1 201 140 176 137 198 2O 2:18: 230 150 200 212 225 238 250 262 160 226 240 255 269 283 296 170 355 272 288 302 317 333 18O 288 305 322 339 355 373 190 d20 339 358 377 3-5 416 200 355 J75 396 416 º “º 462 210 392 41: 3 437 460 484 510 22O 431 454 482 507 532, 561 230 471 44-8 52.4 557 583 - 616 240 513 545 578 810 638 674 ; 250 556 54:4 628 663 697 733 . * Col. I for 33.5 Lon Con. engines + 3000; * * II 102 3200 III 110.5 3400 IV 119 3600 W, 127.5 3800 W.I 13°) 4OOO Waudell, Le Pontibus, gives the following for the change in dead load with change in span for a constant live load per foot. : A ſ 1’, l’ ‘,” ( tº) W-e ----- --- + \- ; - * . [. l º / / where W and W’, are the weights of trusses per foot, He also gives for the sºme span Tº = # (1 + 4 p" Y (1 ºn - - th where T’. and T are tha truss w8ights per foot, and p and p’. the live loads per foot. º --- - X --->- - º Tº cºw \o tº ºf ºr kos- sº ****\,\, \\\\\a ºncºves *..., 71 (19) Fº ) IRON TRESTLES 93 He claims these to be accurate for ordinary spans. and to give too great differences for very long spans, The waight of iron in highway briuges can be taken from Pl XXXIII. The timber can be roughly convected into ft. B. l. by dividing the weight by 3 1/2, the oak | plank weighing about ’ſ, 4 1–/4; pºr fu. B. i., and the pine joists about 2 1/2, if white or , 3, , if yellow. Timber wall plates are quite common unuer small Span iron R. P. bridges ; they serve as a cushion reliev- ing the masonry and bridge. 71. IRON TRESTLES. For trastles, Pegram (from whose formulas Pi. XXXI is constructed) gives for Mogul en- gines followed by a train load of 1820; per lineal ft. Wt per ft. = 330 + 7 1/3 x average ht. (20) , Wellington adds for 3 coupled consolidation engines * , 375 + 8 1/3 × average height "t. per foot = } (1,1) 390 + 3 2/3 × average height the two values expressing an uncer vainty within those limits. The waight is in pounds for the iron. only, and the heights from top of masonry (piers). These are both too light for modern trunk line traffic. The ordinary spans are alternately 30’ and 60’. Without much regard to the height of the trestle; longitudinal bracing is placed under the 30'. spans Joining the bents in pairs forming towers capable of Fesisting the longitudinal forces due to starting *nd stopping trains on the track. The trusses (plate girders) are placed from 6’ 6” to 8', or 9 apart; the posts are in vertical planes *nd batter about 2" per foot, as seen in cross section. * masonry pier is usually placed under each post at being some 4"...or 5’ U at the top, and large enough the base to reduce the pressure to some 2 tons Per C.'on firm earth; while an abutment is placed *t each end. The piers for the Brookton trestite on the E.C. & N. y, built in 1888, were 9’ x 9’. on the foundations; C.W. & 72 ( ; ) Fº.) BRIDGE Fºot's 94 resting on 2'. of concrete where the earth was firm, and on 9 piles covered with 10”. of timber, where the bottom was soft, and under rater. 2, 1 1/4” anchor bolus were built in from the botton, and extended up through the shoe plates of the posts; ºuts screwed on from above rendering the whole waight of the mason: ry available for anchorage against overturring. The cap or coping stone was about 4' × 4' ×13’ - The contract price was $7.75 per cu. yu. which prob- ably included uhe excavation; the acuual cost gas $10.00 on account of the trouble from water. 73. Divludº FLOORS. Some of the requireiſen us for a tood wrestle floor ware given an $60. In a utivotagu oridge, or oſie with uſe side vrusses above une urack, vie safety of the structure now only uépérigins upon keeping the train from Eoing utirough the iloor; Luv also wºod keeping it from swinging to une sièe lar enough to sufi Ke Lhe vruss. Its Laviſºr ºr u of Fºl. AAXIV, is cominentled by , haſly railroad engineers. as being one of the best saleguarus in use. The re- railing device proper consists merely or 4 inclined . planes of cast iron, 2, inside anti 2 outside the z main rails and firmly bolted woºther as shown. The outside planes are flush with the top of the rail for the rºar half or third of their 15uzuh, and the whº el rides up to them on its Ilºng-; thus Imaking the outside a hººl of larger diaine tºr for thº. Inoment, so that, it will tend of its ºlf to roll back upon Ghº track, the inside plane positively in- Sures, this. It begins just before the crotch of the rails, becomes so nºt row that there is not rooia iri it for the entire thickness of the derailed a heel. It then has a very quick rise, so as to lift the wheel at once to a position where the tread can work : over onto the rail, but after this has been once in- Sured the wheel is left to roll on its tread, so that the inside plane is at no point within about 1 1/4” of the top of the rail. In this way the wheels: are put back on the tracKvery gently and cervainly. The flaring guard rails are to catch the wheels and }. W. 47%. (...).") RIL34 . . LOORS 95 bring them within the range of the central guard rails; while the heavy posts are us signeu, in case th car is uncontrollable, to break the coupling and de- flect the car from the bridge, thus insuring the safety of the oridge aſlu of utie from u &uu of the train. The cost is estimateu by the News of Feb. 12 ’87, as follows: - 500; cºst iron, rºrailin-2 blocks at 1, 5¢, 57.50 1173/. B. M. in posts and guard rails beyonii bridge, 315'. B. M. in extra lengths of cles – 1437’, or 1500'. B. M. a.c. 530.00 £45. GO 30’. of olti ralls, worth Go Co. sºy 1:8 per #4 d. OO 23 &lari rail jolts say: 4.00 lº, Dor, & UC., say 7, 50 $ 70, OO or, from $120.00 to t160.00 ºar bridge. The Jordan guard, in use on the Mich. Cent, Ky., has also many ºxcellent, features. It consists of three equidis want parallel rails between the main cºils, their ends being bent down and passed through boles in a plate at the end , of the bridge so as not to catch &ny broken or drº-ging parts. Thus, however badly broken the car, the guard forms skid- ways, and guides upon whiêh the car or engine slidès, if it will not roll; so in any rails, close uogether, tending to prevent any part from dropping down 3nd catching on the ties • - - All the rails, except the center one are fºstened down with Bush interlocking bolts on alternave ties. The central one is bolted to each tie by a bolt passing through the base of the rail. The plate over the 2nds of the ºuard is of wrought icon about 4’. > 5’ x 3/8"; it is, spiked to 4 ties with 4 spikes per ties - The ordinary outside Łużgdi vimbers are also used. No attempt is made to re. Tº the wheels, but simply to hold them in place with reference to the center line and allow, the derailed parts to slide over the bridge without catching into the ties. See Engrg. News Aug. 16, '90. -" 3. W4 573. (*, *) F.F.) CATTLE GUARLS 96 With skew bridges (abutments oblique to rack) whº floor stringers' supportinº; + track should enti with the same vie, so that as the ballasted roadbed waries in height, relatively to the floor, there will be no side lurch to the train. 0n soine roads, 3ravel ballast is coining inuo use on the short span floors. It is sup- ported by a solid covering over the floor beams anti anu stringers, of plates and aneles, wrough-shaped sections, euca, having a depth of 4 to 6 inches for 3 diffness. L333 noise and vibration result from the treater dead floor load, and 4 more nearly continuous. roadbed is secured. See Enfºrge NºS., March 23, '89, March 1, '90; Nov. 15, Oct. 11, ’94, atc. 'Træstles are often placed on curvºsº. With timber there sºams to be no fixed methou of elevatin: the outer rail; sometimes, the Uop of the bent is cut off at an angle so that title cap a lil be inclin-d. for the propºr elevavion; *.*, other times the cap is horizontº.1, &nd the insid- stringer notch-d, or the inner &nus of this viès nouched down onto the suring- ers. It would seem as though the best method is to incline the caps, unless corbels are used untier the stringers, when if preferred, whº elevation can' be provided for in their thickness . For Howe truss oritises, it can be allowei for in the thick- 2ss of the longitulinºl strinºrs between the ties, and floor be ºns. For iron work, &hº tops of the stringars can be at differs nº heights to allow for the *lsvation', or shins or an ºuxl notching of the ties can be used. eq CHAPPER VI. - - º - "-- - ROAU83D, TRACK, etc. 73, GATTL*, 33ARDS. Pl. XXXV, is amont; the best of the pit forms of ºuachi. i2.sonry ºus rus, unless inade of heavy blocks of £ius cut stone, and protected abova by a cushion of wood, shake a part in a short, time, . Parely slat, ºuards are open wo the objeo- tion of filling with snow, unless kept oleºnāā, and C.W. 974. (*) )**) Faack Laytnº, 97 of presentinº an appearance of solidity which may not warn off cattle; hence the reason for the pit. If a piº, is use i, the safety of grains requires that the ties be used above it, ºnii if ties are used, . longitudinal slats are considered uscessary to Keep cattle off (although omitted often) giving the form shown. - Pl. XXXVI shows uno' forms of surface guards, one of wood and Gh- outler of iron. With ºne ordinary type of surface or slat, guard, it has been found difficult, in some localities to prevent people from tearing up the slats in order to make a conveniant path for walking. In both the above, each section is fas vened together by bolts and can be Illoved as a whole by taking out the heavy lagsscrews by which it, is held on the ties. This is readly done by the trackmen for track repairs. The chamfering of the slats at the ends is a detail which should new = c be omitted, as it avoids the possibility of catching a hanging brak+ chain. The iron guard was adopted as the stanuaru by the New England Roadmaster's Association in 1889. It is wholly of iron and is simple in construction. About 3000 are now in use. Price at works $25.00; width over all 10’, lºngth with rail 3’ > weight 575% uo 600i. In placing the iron guard, 3, 10'. Lies are placed 9". 2' ou u go out, and doxei 1" unuer whé rail, or the intermediate viss are shimmed down. 1" so that the guard will only have enu bearings. It will thus vibrate should stock autempu to cross. It - will not prove thoroughly efficient, with intermed- iate supports. The ballast is only allowed to come up one-third the height of the tie, so as to turn sheep and hogs. The end posts of the wing fences are of angle iron set in the long ties. . The Bush Cattie Guard Co. of Kalamazoo, Mich, make a steel surface guard similar to the National, 9', long, weight 475%, at $20.00 f.o. b. (Aug. '91). 74. TRACK LAYING. This is usually begun at points of a line accessible by rail or water, and carried on consegutively from them so that the material can be transported to the distant portions by rail over f C. W., & 74ff (2.1.) F. 5) TRACK LAYING 98 over the line itself. In order to prevent the “iron” or rails from being kinked by the supply trai which passes over the track before it is haliasted, a gang of graders should keep ahead, and under the direction of an engineer, bring the roadbed careful- ly to grade, from grade stakes set 100', apart, allow- ing for elevation of outer rail of curves. The ties, if, uniform thickness, when evenly spaced, about 16 per rail, will then form an even support for the rail, until the track can be ballasted. Latimer (Road Master’s Assistant) estimates that to lay an average of 1/2 mile per day, the ties being distributed ahead, and the iron and other materials delivered by a construction train up to the end of the track, will require a gang of 30 men with a fore- man, an iron-car with rollers and a horse. The num- ber of men and teams required to distribute the ties will vary so much with the way they are dé- livered that, no fixed rule can be given. On a branch of the Pan Handle R. R. , some 150 miles long, built in 1888, F. S. Bissell, Ch. Engr. * track laying was contracted at $300.00 per mile for skeleton track; no surfacing and but enough back fill. ing to keep the ties from bunching. The ties were probably brought up with the rails by the supply train by the company. The method of track laying on the Western Division of the Canadian Pacific Ry. is thus described ( J.C. James, Engrg. News, Nov. 15, '84); The construction train brought up materials from the nearest, side track; the trains were usually of flat cars, Che ties came in loads of 300 to a car, the rails ware laid on the cars, 30 pairs uo a car, on which ware 5 boxes of spikes, weighing 112* = ach, 60 pairs of fish plates and one box of bolts. The ties were loaded into carts and carved ahead on the dump, distributed, spaced anti lined for a Con- siderable distance ahead of the Crºck layers. When uhe rails were unloaded the train was back=d up to uhe furthest point anu the rails thrown off i * C. Vi. # 74. (0.1). F.9) TRACK LAYING 99 the cars in equal lots on each side; the engine then went ahead, and a trolley drawn by horses was tºun up, on which 15 pairs of rails, with the necessary fish plates, bolts and spikes were put. When the trolley reached the last laid rail, a pair of rails was dropped, gaged, and then the trolley run forward. The gang followed, linking on the fish plates and was in turn succe:ded by the spikers; the first gang spiked the ends and cºnter and the rest followed, spiking each third tie, till tha. whole rail was Secured. While this was being done the remaining bolts were put in and the fish plates fastened Securely. By the time the last rail was thrown off, the length was completed, a second trolley brought up another loºd, the first, being thrown off the rails to let it pass. By unis arranzº illent, the ſilen were - never idle, ºriu whº work progressºu ragiuly. The track gant, consistºtt of 250 ſtºn; th: ºverage lionthly progress was from 3 1/, vo 3 1/4 miles per uay; on each of 4 different tºys 4 miles w = tº laid, A gang of 150 surfactºrs follow =d; th: track was lifted and line 1; whº shoulu-rs of the oxaks were taken off anti the material uszti Uo talap under the ties, filling tº twº ºn the railsº" above whº to ps of the Uj..s. 'l'hº surfaczºrs, kºpu up with whº track tºng; ºne matériºl stººd water a gil; and uti: rails kept a good surface with vrains ºf 35 to 30 miles per hour; no ballas & Deing us - d. Mºuhous of track lºying by Iſlachin: ry, forc - ſº quired, with cost *nd speed, ar- ziven in ºngre N=ws, 33, p. 3. The material is all brought up by the train, engine in the rear, anu run forward to the front by some sort of track, or set of rollers, along whº flat cars, uhe ties being delivered ºudu (, 30'. &head of the vraiſ, and placed for une second rºll lenzut, naile uſe rails are lºid ...for ºne firs w; the train is when advanced 30', and ºne process repeateu. T --- C - - & - - - - r - --- ----- ------ C. W. J & 75 ( 7 }*. 4) 230Bu S.T.TION 103 The cosº of the rails, spikes, joint fastenings, and Lies, can be found from market quovations, with freigh added. The wºight of rails will depend upon whº expected wraffic, varying from 50% to 100 # ºr yard; uhău of the spikes ºn 1 joint fasu-nings can be found in Trautwinº. This ties should be about 7" x 8" x 8 1/2", and will cost, if of oak, chestnut, or yellow pine, from 30¢ to 750 apiece; the actual cost for getting ou v and hewing caatiy for hauling, Le- ing, according to Trauuwine aroul 39 to cºw. . - The amount of Dallast can be colºuved from $ 75. allowing for whe vies. Its cost, tielivered can be compuu.eu from une cosu of earthwork. The cost of ballasving whº wrack will pro dº oly be some twice as ſuch as wo load and spread the flavºrial, tie pentting on vil: d=pûh fill&i. Ci-zan &ravºl ſtakes sood ball as v, Croken stone is also tood Luv extensive, Trautwine as tiimates what 3 ſilan can break 3 to 4 cubic yarus fºr 43 y of hard quarried stone vo cubes. ºvarasińe 3" on the side. Trap rock, broken with a crusher vo pass through a 2 1/2” ring, cosus f.o.b. at Loºt ... or car zuoul, il.00 per cu, yu. … whº guarcies it, New Jersey adu along the Hudson. 75. POEL ºu SºCſ ION. Pi. XXAVII shows some of the standard sections for gravel, ſlui, anti broken stone. Greau cºre should be u akari to hºv * Ch: £arth under whe bºl lºst sinooth Lo grºw £nt water from suantling and soaking in, 41.4 Lo havº &ooti sid: ditches in all cuts to prºv ºut wavºr 1 coin tº aching whº roadbºu from whº sidºs. joo, drain 4tº, is assau- vial for good vrack. Fºro Kºu is von do - 3 not hol. tiºs later ally as well 4's rºw ºl; hºwſ.c Ché tº ison' for 'illing at whº end of the viº: surf-cº. ºlope is not essenviºl, as a 3 ver flows throu. ..., not over. "hº ballast, nºr Chº Lop ai. 1 ºro and ºt, vi-S should bº broken fin enough uo pºss throus 1 1/2" rint, and oº is unifori, is lossiblº. s, uosaac - 3.11" nºt sod ºu" rºut ‘pivod put º so: Guº Jº ºsti Iga-tiº º so; uſ ºotic J & H. "SEQ, ſº "Alz, - “ºuſtºdº go nsoo try sºlouſ etºdºſ suoo “Kaº unco te As I up KT -Tºgoºds: 'us') Jo tº ‘go’, Jº tº 14 AC Jo Jºut ºft'ſ dº tº Jo a suédx+ eu', 's-a ſni wa sanco . o żups sodo I* Ad Jo Jepnin ſix 'A Jonoºg stººs Kaº A acti G.1% Agua and esn up ost", a 1% sentſ of azucar.” •ºg ºf "COOCL4. Jo 3 huetºº seatſ tº ºn Yºuzseada.1 “Jºe & Jed CO'CCº. snogº nº pantuitºsº ºuted eouzuan upºu put e^u%puenav, Joj aunourt stºº tuoſº eledo up ºutpueº uº Joj Art -ano huvºº stico v. nº 'uotº onaºsuco dog & Tºno ITtºurs ºnq ºut 11 nt -d ºut; tı Ko pen gaedo ÁIIºns n euº Asun :A.1% unoo spuº try sºutssojo quº, Jojuſt ºt, esn uomºtoo ** {nt up eat sº "seº Aq tºo sº cad usu w ºdourſ: udeº sº; up pºst £ tuo put “put tºur up tº e^{qpuo-Id *II*opºlov. 13 s.1% Kºtº : sticagºuº eat sºups coio gº.it) •r etiopºueſi used Apºgatº, 2 agú spaw; nº e Innºo eqn :3tugssolo gua uo.1, & v qote cIIIſ */T anon* xocan suº aven a sod a tº stus do nºuya, º ostº, ‘red ºrt ea et tºps ºrigtiaº, º ż “ºutssc.io zun jo º soo aun on ment trº attºpp's 'seuozoad,” eToºndogmoo aat" ch =ouzºsºp nucyof J.Jns º dog ºno ac [It] e ºut 11n'ſ 2.1 "At wººtu sun Moteq do saoqº neej 'Maj tº ec III w xoe Jº eu: ATTºnsſ, ord wous do sºlo Tºd ºut?ue ex 1.11 s on a scaj Ko dr. Rut –3tty Jös Muttd euº moug a sºut; p sº saeun denuſ M ul • Jewsuº II, “ºut [It] tº at-of unyi, "Tº a zuº ºpts uoga xut Td v. Fºssoao Kazutpac dog • Tººd euº, Jo doº, eu, u', tº Tºntº ºr ITT M ×uº tº ºut ºu" os in 2.11ng ºd tºo sº tº tº *****I*t'ſ Tzºu's Joj stººd gun sitsut 2/1 2 Jo dº e ºut ag-T ºut td ,” on 22 unt w ‘satº Jo any sºno on ºpt sº no pooj pºxtie Id -q pinous £3trºsso.1o nurº, Jodtºry mºon! -uj, "SFNIS CHO nº CH 94. • STIſ J up u-un ejo'ſ ,g on ,tº tºo.1ſ Jo's euonºp apps - tº Joy MoTT4 on sº no up dangº.1% uºnoue sq plnous epºx?qns ºv, unn tº hºtº º ox'ſ ºu" and Fuyaq ÁI.182 to not of euopºlogs euº go attoº “setº eun. MoTag 29 atmos utonºco unfº "setº own tree wheq peogld xod pedeus tº no.1" tº Kn szoº an enº Jo euo ssodoº nautºn St Lontrº Tº.1" tiao ºut “woº.1% aſqmop untº TOI Sºº ( : ( t ) 445 1A-0 - - C.V l ; 78 (21) F.5. ESTIMATE FOR TRACK 102 (Track) prefers full round posts, rather than split ones, not less than 4 1/2" in liameter, of cedar or chestnut, 8’ long, placed 8’. apart, with 3’ in the ground, either set in dug holes, or sharpened anti driven in holes dug 1 1/2", teap. The boards are usually of pine, hemlock, or lumber cheap for the localiuy, 16' long, 1" which, anu from 6" to 12" wide. . On the ou usiae of une boarus, a 1" × 6" ×4". Lauven snoull ue a-lied to secure the joluv. 126 nails should de used 121 vue boxcls an a 12d for whebau vēns, Barbed wire is in exceasiv 2 use, as geolºlly in was “asu Fºr souts &iwas 16'. *s, * ſa’aziliata ulsuºſic- tor posva- 5 surands are pré tº cred with 4 tor 4 + . . . . ... " uiniuluia. A wo: oo ºr 1 or 91aak is soluttlines added to renuer uhe ience ſhort visible for is vock. *ow ºn wire tºucº is rºluxy Colling invo use iſ, glace of barbed wire. Parsons, givās, whº followius' guan vivies for 1 ºil: 2: 9su and board isnce: 4 boarus high with ºvems, 235 vs 3". Agar v, 350 gosus; 1320 ooºcis, 6" x 1" x 13”. = 10530'. B. M.; 330 0+ wºens 3" x 1" x 4'. - 1340' E. M. 250 s nails; 35 days' lºor. For 1 sile barbed wire féuce, 5 wires hiº, gos us 12’. ºr v, 440 gosus; 2,3400'. wice, about 440 + get Surani - «00+; 75+ stagles; 37 iºys" i-, Jon, 73. 35's IAAirS FOR ONE, MILE OF TRACK. the follow- in 3 approximave average is given by Trauta lúa, 4 xixor 51.75 per lay. 3rºbbiu: Anii cla ºr in 3 3 Acrºsº a v 550 $150. Grading. 20000 cu. y is, of earwhaw 35? 7000 - - - , , , 2000 rock at $1.00 2000 Masonry.culzaros, ºr ins, Auvinenus or swall bridges, raw.iminº walls, etc. - 400 Cul- y lºs - **, $3.00 3200 Ballast,3000 ca. 9 is. broken stone $1.00 3000 __ 15:59 H. -- C.V. 5.79ſ 1) Fä) COS'ſ P3R L. FI. Cross ties, 2640 & 60¢ delivered RAils Spikes Rail joints Lºying track , 60% vo. a yaru, 96 tons 3330 delivered | SHO delivery ºldng the linæ Fencing, only one-half length fenced Small wooden bridges, trestles, siuings, road º crossings, cautile guards, etc. Lanu damages Engineering, superintenuance, officers of Co., stationary, instruments, rents, law. expenses, eub. Y Aud for outfit for op Total . 103 Over . D IS3S0 1584 2880 150 3OO 300 6OO 450 10OO 1000 .2386 26300 eration, also for vunnels, etc. 79 COST PER LINEAL FOOT ANL PER ...IL3 OF SINGLE TRACK, RAILROAL SUPERSTRUCTURE, PENNA. R. R. STANLARL- | Nº cº-ex cºu | Tecſº- • 3. Based on contract prices was . No. 1 Quality New St, *el Rails 353 per Ya. , 70; per Yū. | 133.5% per rº-º-º-º: … ----- "T | Cost ſpºr - Cost per 110T. per k. £4.25 per | 60¢ per Yg - *AL - Cost pºr T - º -1 . . . . . .ile foot ºile; foot hile foov. | Fails £4074, 77° 3355' 64; 3376 i34: |Joints 578; 11 550 10 if 50 10 Ties 1848' 35 1848, 35 2112 40 #Spikes 150 3 150, 3 150 33 |Lºor LayingTr. 525, 15, 52% 15 525 13 | Tóvai I Zizā 1.35 6431, 1.23 6213 $117. sºlº sº tº | 3500. 66. £otal, with st. - - 10678. 3.92 1.83 H-----------—t 3.9%. 39931 1.83 ºš 1.83 | Gravel ballast ... 28 1500. .. 3-1 1500 .38 Total with Gravi. " . - 8673 1.64 7931, 1.50 i 1533. wiel 1.45 t ---------------------- ſ c. v. § 79 (+1)**) cost SINGLE II. TRCK. SUBERST 104 Note: for track laid with nºw No. 2 rails deduct 10 percent from cost of rails in above. – F------------- - ------ -------- - - - - - - ------------------- second nanºsºgºń Szel rig for Trek tº Fº; ...?º. * Lººtº ºfºº r | Cºsy per | cost per cost per required | **** ikile foot kiile i foot Rails. $2947. 56° 32750. 52¢ ºf 45. Joints 123 2 | 2 | 123 Ties : 1602; 30 1602 Spikes : 150 3 |Lab.lay. Trek 538; 10 Total 5350 | 1.01 5153 3 10 53 974 jº4760 H 90 1 5 O s : ------- - ---- ------------ - ---Yº...! --- -5 -- -282. 3 5 O O 6 6 |------------- Toual with stone --- - - - ----- _j .3500 . . 88– | : ---------------------- - - º º Suone ballast 3500 ..e6 . 885 | £. 67 t——- --------- -- - - --- |- - - Gravel Bal J 15991. §ºal with 6555 (1. 592 i. 3 #1599. i. 3 #3 1.25 Făză îi ſãT on, Joints, 35¢ ºach. alſ.” as for No. 1 Note: Smooth stee Ties (14 to 307) & 6: ... iguality. . . . . . … a T--~~~~ ...MORANDA " 'T' " "TT"T ... No. 1 Nºw Steel Rails $3050 per ton incl. " - Inspºrt. Joints, º §: Splice 34’ le. 6 holes useu on 30/70* rails No. 6 -- ». m. ". -- ”, -- 85 # -- §4. -- 28 1/2} +ach 57% per jnu =2006.4% =3.95'ſ.i. Wo 6 °. 30 1/4 # " &O 1/2; " =21298–g. 51 " " * : * 6 boºts & nuws 96/1004-ach 5. 76 ". =2038–09 " ". 1 mile No. 1 Track requires: 133.57 Tons 85 # stael rails 14 ties to 30'. rail = 2464 ties per hile. º C. VII # 80 (Al) F.”) LOCATION 5STIMATES 10:5 110 Tons. 70% rails (steel) 14 ties to 30’ rail =2464 fºLies per mile. :94. 28 Tons 60% steel rails 16 ties to 30'. rail =2316 3 ties per mile. '6000% = 2.7 Tons (30 kegs) per mile = R. R. Spikes. ; 704 splices (for 352 joints).2112 bolts, 2112 nut locks (6 holes) - 2800 cu. yus. stone ballast (6"under vie) & 521.25 in t | 2500 * * gravel ” (6" under tie) & . 70 in " Prices. Splice bars = 2. 34 lb. No. 4 joints costs $1.56 f f | Bolts and nuts 3.34 lb. No. 6 joints costs' 51.64 Nut, locks 12 eath. Ties No. 1 & 75¢. No. 2 J 65 p. 5 spikes 2 1/24 lb. Turnouts, Cross-Overs & Cost of laterial laterial 60} | n^* | #5 riº. ºš , ºces lºof zºolºº F.T. Switch 12' £3.99 | 24.00 |26. 50 No. 6 487 885 ſº 13 33.50 35.5326.66 Nº. 1033: " | 1.432 | Mo 3 || 643 1182 Guard rails 6. 30 7. OO 8.00 No. 12; 995 1781 gºa'i ºr 3.3%. 4.3% ºf ºiálºg | #. Timber = 12¢ perlin ft. Labor, Turnout, $50; Cross-over *90–––––––––.----------------- CHAPTER W, I I ESTIK, ATES AND FECORDS. 80. LOCATION ESTIMATES. Approximate stimates, tabu lated or plotted as curves, are a great aid in lo- " cation, also in choosing the bºst structures for a road, or in properly designing them, When the dif- ference in cost for different details of alignment , or for different forms of construction, is known, . a long step has been taken toward a wise selection, Readiness of reference for this work is more important *śhºgº: - - * . . Chap. 1 . ºith Searles's Table XXX , will serve for the cost of excavation per station , for the assumed roadbed and side slopes for average earth; and for rock; for depths from 1 to say 40’. by single fººt with the cost for 1000' . of haul. If there are many trans' verse slopes > 10°, columns headed 15°, 25°, 35° can be - º ſ r - C. VII & 80 (*):.” ) LOCATION EST.I.ATES 106 added, giving the centers for those transverse slope: which would cost the same as Uhe lºw &l cºnters already given. They can be computed, or found from Lyon’s Taples sold by . W. &L, Gurley of Troy, N.Y. Similarly, from the cost of Hºsonry, pipe and timber, the cost for the different culvert standards can be tabulated for different depths of center fill These costs will be increased by staep transverse slopes; but usually it is not good practice to fol- low the steep slopes with the culvert, as higher sup- porting ground can often be found for the lower end by moving a short distance along the line, thus di- minishing the center fill; so that the cºnter height will usually be , safe for est, inz.tes. This will of course require ample protection froß rºsh at, the low ºr &nd, by paving or ouharwise. Similarly for bridge abuuinents. In using these an allowance will be necessary in the case of deep fountiations. - For wooden trestles the cost does not seem to be a very simple function of the height. Wellington’s II.ethod is to estimate the floor system for one panel, a 10’ bent and the foundations (nasonry, piles or mud sills) with the longitudinal bracing if any, and divide by the panºl length, for the cost per foot for a trestle 10' high. Next take a trestle 20’. hig the floor system and upper 10' of the bent will be the same as before; estinate the increased cost of the cent, the foundations anu longitudinal bracing, and divide by the panel length for the cost, per foot of 10’ extra height. Estimate similarly for Uhe increase from 20' to 30', etc. To use these quanti- vies; draw a linº on the profile 10° below grad- &nd multiply the length by whº first cost per foot, draw, a line 29". Cºlow grºdº and multiply its lºngth by the second pricº per foot, etc. , then form total sum for total cost. In Laking the length of ººch 10'. strip, whº vapºring or triangular ºnus ºrº mºntally converted into *quivalent rectangles 9:WII. $ 81 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES 107 10, high and the reduced lengths added. To the cost of iron work for iron trestles found from (26) and (2?) should be audºu that of the ties and guard systems, and th: masonry, expressed as so much per foot of length. The shipping weight of iron can thus usually be found within 5% to 10%, the greavest error occurring for large structures, which will over-run. While the ordinary spans are 30’. to 60’. alternatºly. Wºllington claims that the weight will be affected cut slightly by using all spans of 30, , all of 60’, or all of 100", what is gained in the piers bºing lost in the trusses, or vice versa. E. g., the total iron in the Kentucky E. g. the total, iron in the Kentucky River Bridge is * ºrac - - nearly the 3 as would have been required for . spºns of 30' the actual spºns being 3 of 375’ each, with 2 iron piers soma 250' high. In #king up estimates for iron bridg:5 from platºº the floor system must be added. The prices and quantities : for wooden bridges includ: the floor. 81. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES, Thesz are made after the preliminary survey; Jo devirmine the relative yºu?s - - - - A -- - - - *****Acal of alternº.uº lines; cr to nºt ermine the . - &S$ 2.É.ggaśgºionºs Tº... ºthºgºk...is usuall § jºi § # F#S㺠º**śsº taken #, mA (Searles's Tablº XXX) or Lyon's Tables which allow for vrºnsvers: slop's, estimating equalizing lines so as usually to wake heights 100'. Apart, 59’. being about a minimum. Classification and haul require consideration in grouping quantities. When many ſiles arº to be ºstimated, graphic methods are sometimes used uo r. ducº, the labor. One of th: Iſost common is to plou the vable of level cut- Lings as a curve on tracing cloth, with center - height for ordinavi and cu. y is. per station as a b- Scissa. The cu. yus. per suation for any cºnter heigh can then bº read directly by sliding the tracing until the height, cºcoiºs an ordinate and noting the correspontiing abscissa. These quantities can bº Sºt down anti addęd as usual, or an opisometer cºn -** C. VII. 82 (*): ; ) CAP. COST MAINT. STRUCTURE108 be run from the origin to the ordinate each time until the whº el is full, when by running it back- wards to zero over a scale having the same units as the abscissa, the total length covered will give the sum without the fatigue of numerical addition. lost of the other estimates , can be made up from the location estimates, allowingºhe local conditions anu local prices, when known, if the result, would be sensibly modified thereby. Esuimates which are sufficiently large to cover the special difficulties and contingencies which will arise in executing any large piecº of work, yet are not so large as to be extravagant or ran- dom guesses, can only be made after considerable observation anu & xpºriences. The natural tentiency to underestimate the cost and difficulties in de- signing work ; yet, some engineers always err in the other direction. Either is objectionablº, the latte if carried to extravagance, being nearly as much as former. In comparing alvārnatºs, quantities colºmon to both need not be considered. - 82. CAPITALIZED COST OF JAINTAINING A STFTCTURE; In comparing the cost of a temporary structur: wit that of a more pºriſianant one, the best method is to compute the principal, which if placed at intere would build and J perpetually traintain aach structure, substantially as proposed by the late A. Welch . The one which requires the lºast principal will, if all considerations can be put on money basis, be uhº most economical. Thus, if for the first; C = first cost, M. = cost of maintenance every nth year; R = cost of renawal including all damage from 42 lays to traffiºetc., every mth. year; r = rate of interest; p = princi required for pºrpºu al maintenance assuming the ditions to remain constant w = will hºv = +, - - 1 - 1 _*. nº years. This will earn in excess of (**), (1+r, ), C.VII; 82 (33):) CAP-cost. AINTENANCE 109 W. *– F – (23) (1+r)*- 1 (1+r)" - 1 Since $1.00 will amount to $(1+r) “in a years at Compound interest, or will earn $(1+r )" - $1.00 in nº years. Similarly, if the corresponding quantities for the Second structure are denoted by the same letters primed, - * = 2^* '4- l,’ +- R' P’ = (C (1+r’)n-1 (1+r’) m'- 1 A comparison of P and P’ will show, which is the more economital structure, if, as above stated, all the considerations can be given money value; if they cannot it will still afford a valuable basis for judº: - - - - high rate of interest reduces P for the tem- poraray structure much more than for the permanent of: Thus for a structure which will last 10 years, the capitalized renewal per 1000 at 5% = - $1000/.629 = $1590; at 10% = $1000/1.593 = $628; giving a difference of $962. For a structure which will last 100 years, the capitalized renewal per $1000, at 5% = $1000/130.5= $8.00; at 10% = $1000/13779 = $0.07; giving a dif- ference of only $8.00. Thus, the temporary structure which has the same capitalized cost as a permanent one with interest at (5% a fact already familiar in a general way. §§§§§§º If a greater rate of `interest Yºsº paid for the first 4 or 5 years, as is uhe case with most new, enterprises, it can be allowed for as below: Lev r, be the excess, in rate for n, years (nº n), There will be (P - C) dollars to be placed at interest, or on which interest will be saved for P = C + (3-3) Yºu. (P -ſ (P - C), in n, years; the present worth of w - * ~ * -, * | \ i J. C.VII $830s) Fä) DURABILITY of STRUCTURES 110 ~ lººr-Yº - ...P.- 0. . (P-C) (...) nº P of (x2) will be lessened by this almount. If n > m, the above present worth will be a little too great, on account of computing interest on M after it has been expended on maintenance. The correction is easily made if important. 83. DURABILITY OF STRUCTURES. The life of a pine railroad bridge is estimated if unpovered by the Ohio Railroad Commissioners uo be 10 years if un-, covered and unpºinted. Painting aids but little to durability if not done until the bridge has been in use uv, p or thrºº years. E. A. Hill, in the article on Wooden tresules alreauy referred to estimates the cost (yearly) of maintenance of a pine or oak trestle at 1/7 the first cost of construction (Engrg. News, Oct.8 '87). 3. L. Hill (Engrg. News, June 8, '89) astimates that 1/10 of the original cost is a minimum yearly maintenance for wooden trestles. In comparing the economy of a double track iron trestle about 22' high with that of a masonry struc- ture, for elevated tracks in liontreal (Engrg-News, March 3rd, '88), no allowance was made Tfor the maintenance of the masonry arches; but 15¢ per foot per year was allowed for track maintenance and renewal of 2, 12” x 12" guard timbers; while the trestle was charged with a renewal of floor, once in 8 years at $8.00 per foot, painting every 5 years at 80% per foot, and inspection and adjustment 4t per foot yearly; giving k = 15¢; M' , = $8.00; l., - 30¢; 42 = 42; n = 1; nº. = 5 ; nº = 1; and neglecting the renewal terms. The contract with the railroads' crossing the Chicago Drainage Canal provides for the payment of a sum of money to the owners of the bridges the - interest on which will maintain the structures. C. VII. § 35 (…) F33) RAILAY MAPs 111 Jour . Wes. Soc. Engrs. Aug. '99. In the Santa Fe contract, the annual cost of painting is estimated at 982.É. 19:...ºf jºgg, ຠSºkºğlºsiº, 91...gºrd.` The “ºital ºbsº" Sºthºlºof"3ºs ties and guard rails is estimated at $5.00 per M feet B. li. The annual cost of inspection and minor repairs, such as tightening rivets, adjusting truss rods and minor repairs uo floor systems, including general inspection and care is estimated at 20% per lineal foot of track crossing said bridges. (double track). The annual depreciation and liability to accident of the iron and sueal in the bridges is estimated av 1.5% of the cost in place. The above is for Uhe bridges as fixed structures. Additional amounts . are stipulated for the cost as movable structures. In the 1899 convention of the Assoc. Ry. Supts. Bridge: and Buildings, a commiutee report upon the life of bridge timber gives the following: Piles tiriven in dry ground; white oak, 8 to 12 years; Chestnut, apout 12; Cedar 16 to 20; Tamarack 8; Spruce 4 to 8. Bridges and Urestles, exposed to the weather; Long f Leaf Southern Pine, 8 to 16 years; White Pine 10 to 12, White Oak 8 to 16. When protected from the weather and well ventilated, 40 to 50 years. The most satisfactory methods of provection are by housing. This is simple for through bridges, for the sides of deck bridges, and for the separate trusses of pony bridges. The floor roof for the deck and pony is more difficult: It should be covered with metal for protection from live coals. Noa. 12 black it on had been used and abandoned for stringers by one company on account of lack of durability; galvanized should be more durable. 84. FAIL"AY MAPS. These are made on a continuous toll of paper , breaking the line and swinging ºver. Nvº • *ss tº SA to Sūtrºl ºvs’svºº, or ovu, sº escº, s\vºes. The latter offers magy advantages, especially ºn the line is crooked. The sheets are about 18" ×36", or if the line is very crooked, 19" × 24% They are numbered consecutively, on the upper right, º * G.VII 84 (2.35%) RAILWAY MAPs 112 corners, each new shºet being slipped under the edge of the preceeding, in such a position as to be most convenient. Thumb tacks hold them in place, and 2 or 3 X-marks along the lap serve to re- place them in the same relative positions. This method allows of keeping the sheets flat; of keeping them compactly in drawers, or portfolios; mistakes in plotting are more readily corrected as: only affecting the sheet on which they occur; while the sheets are readily pinned together and a tracing made in a continuous roll if desired. The meridian should be transferred from sheet to sheet by a straight edge. All the bearings coming on a sheet should then be laid off with a paper or other large protractor from this meridian, once for for all, and ºach line transferred out go position, parallel to itself, as required. Cumulative angle errors are thus avoided in plotting. A still more accurate method is vo plot, by total latitudes and dº partures working from a given point of a fixed meridian. With a sheet of cross secuion paper arranged to give traverses graphically, the increased labor is not excessive while the increased accuracy is considerable. After the transit, line is plotted, the stations are picked out, every 5th. one - should be numbered, and the elevations of the stations and plusses marked. The sheets are then ready for the topographers to put in the topography and convours. The contours are usually 5’ or 10’ apart; every 5th. one (multiple of 25 or 50’ above the datum) should be inked heavier, or of a different color, and the elevation placed upon it. Blºck or brown for the 5th. line, and brown or orange for the intermediaves, is better than all black. The property lines and the names of the owners are usually added. 400' . to the inch is the most common scale; 200" or less is used in difficult country and 1000’, or more in smooth prairie country. The line cis thus mapped | c.VII. , 85 (23): ) consººction RECORDS 113 forms the basis of the location. With some, except in vary difficult location, it is used mainly as a check in estimating the grades, curves and vangents which will best fit the ground; and the locº.uion is made with instruments in uhe field. With others, a location is made on the maps, the grades and cuts and fills oeing estimated from the contours; the transit, notes are then made up from it, and the linº is run in the '' fiºld from these - notes. The reduction in scale af- for ded by the map allows more of a bird’s eye view to be taken of the ground, and increases the eas: 2nu rapidity with which the line can be fitted to the ground; the work can bº made much more ſtºchan- ical. On the other hand this reduction of scale renders it difficult to represent all the minor de- tails, some of which have appreciable effects on the alignment, and on the cost, while many of the more important details are not appreciated as fully as when seen in full size in the field. There are few paper locations ºf hich cannou bº iſ proved upon when actually run; still this possi- bility should always ba kºpu in minti and acted upon. The greatest aanger lies in the locating engineers keeping too close to the map, and thus overlooking possibilities which in the field inay iie outside the narrow belt, convoured on the map. In making a finished map of the located line, the topography is usually retaken, especially where the final line differs much from the preliminary; the located line is put in in red, as also the data referring to the alignment; the topography in black, except whecontours, as already indicated. Blue is some- times used for the streams. Some use black entire • ly since the introduction of blue prints, but the colors avowe intlicatºd will print well, if care has been taken to have them thick when applied. 3°CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. The profile as finished for use, contains the grade line, usually the align- ment near the bouvom of the sheet, or at least C.VII585. (AS) Fă) CONSTRUCTION RECORDS 114 the P. C.’s and the P.T's and the degrees of curves , a continuous line distinguishing them from the tan- gents; the streams, highway and fargº crossings; the kind and size of structures unuer and over, the line, ; the yardage and classification for each cut, and the names of the owners are often added. The map is about as 1. indicated in §34. A map and profile of the line through each county has to be filled in the County Clerk’s Office before right of way can be forced by legal proceedings. A map and profile with a horizontal scale of 1/5000, of the whole portion . within the state has to be filled in the State - Engineer’s Office. The above are for New York Svav- the progress profile is made up from an ordinary profile by draying in a line to represent the actual surface along the center line at the time of each monthly estimate. The area between the original sur- face line and the first raw one is colored to show the first month’s work, the area between the first and second ones, a different color for the second month’s work, etc.; , the yardage taken from each cut, or added to each fill can be entered if desired. Such a profile is usually kept up in the Chief Enginºer’s Office from monthly profiles sent by the resident angineer, or from other data. The computation of the earthwork made by the resi- "dēnt engineer is checked in the general Office. The monthl y estimates are checked as far as possible from the cross section quantities and other data in the office, and the total monthly estimate made up from them. The standard plans are made up in the general office; usually also the modifications, if important, and the designs of ºll the special structures, from topo- graph: maps of the sites, sent in by the resident engineers. Usually all important field books are dupli- Saved in ink, for use and the originals are filed away. -* PLATE I, Cost of ordinary Earthwork in conts per cubic yard with Labor at $100 per Day; from Trautwine's Tables To use, multiply by actual cost of Labor in Dollars and add Contractor's Profit Lead = - –E 5 Q per yard. If plowed, subtract 1% c. 3o 2O 1o Common Loam. If spread add 1 c If plowed, subtract 1.7 c. - ft 40 30 20 - --- - - - 5 trong Heavy Soils. If spread, add 1% c If plowed, subtract 2.4 c PLATE Il. Cost of Ordinary Earthwork in cents per cubic yard with Labor at $1.00 per day; from Traut wine's Tables. To use, multiply by actual cost of Labor in Dollars and add Contractor's Profit. ft. 50 30 20 Pure stiff clay or cºnc mt ad gravel, picked and wasted. If spread, add 1% cents, if plowed subtract 4"/2 cents. - - Hard rock; hand drilled, blasted with black powder Loose rock will cost about 30 c. less; even solid rock will average about 1o c. less Lead- 2. with cars and locomotive on level track Earth picked and wasted. If spread or flows.a.aad or subtract as in previous cases, Rock as above Fro. 60.-Transverse Section of Busk Tunnel Colorado Midland R. R., Colorado. Sº ºr- Nu º Flo. 66.-sketch showing Method of underpining Roof Arch with the Side wall Masonry. Fr. 66, -tºngitudinal section allowing construction by the Belgian *ſ-thwd. /2472. -ZZZ /T-2/22 "Zºoze/22 2, 223 Zºe/~ Èſ } $ Fig. 70. – Roof Arch Construction with Timber Centers, Baltimore Belt Line Tunnel. Excavating and Strutting Baltimore Belt Method of Fig. 78. – Sketch Showing Line Tunnel. - 4%. «Azs /*/-/o/, -- Az-22, Zooe/22 A. Azz / wº Iſ -ºoººº yiz ºy ºczoezº º, , ĀZZZZZZ77777@ZFZ •••• • N |- ==--~~~~ `--№-== ```` `RRRRRRRRR!======… (~~№ae-- ----· ·ſ-.……!)--№r: ***(№ |- º/ /***7/ ŅŇ |- N §§ - 2,… ~~ ---- ¿??¿;&… L-------------------**. - | ● ! 1.* - ’’’, ---- : · · \!||§. -· {|- |! !()** ---- -ºº, T::- ~zº |غſſºſ2. •ı|7*||zº. ||----- غ| · „º|!” S►:. -- *.§),ț¢******** 91. – Sketch Showing Manner of 88 to 90. —Sketches Showing Construc- FIG. Figs. 4. & /*-e/27/. zz Constructing the Lining Masonry. Austrian Method /*Z-o/72 72/7/7e/ tion of Strutting, Austrian Method. /*Azzer Izz * zº/ºº/ º /º /7,źw/>«oz«/2-Z,/ -ZZA: ZZ & z-y ºtºuun, L. 10A! (11ț¢IO ’, S tog pløpųS-'8Zr (61) -*a*,..., «»...•• - ***paw, , afhawyºg «shºw-zwºławaº 8-vuº Noup3s. №yº.�CN3 → Twº- ----“…?);-.f/?> xm ! i +·.z,9×5×6× 3 TTºw.303rºwh onlwoks NOLOGS 4 Nº #: S § .r.º.ſ.foºg.4.9, ſ.6*** ~ *-*--- *-T- ---. Fºz - o o o 'o - oo o o "g TVM-30.3Tºh onlwoºs NoLios | i **- t i i 10, as "a ºn Aer Złłercar Ave. / Yert Scaſe wo -> we as o e xze r, me.” ſo (2 twis & Zºet ef exº~ *r, or e o 'º (Zacaq. arz Jana'loot, a 1422 le/ cooke * & Q- - *) o º - - 0. : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Ave. 3 Jon a £e Z,22-rº. does e. ºne ºt - Zo 7, or -o 2.3- Jo 35 4.o 4.5 se ºf 6.o 6 & 7 o' AVo 2. –0, a erro an Aer Cen cre ze- t rºza grey exts, fºr excer (4% course wead) ze / - Vert Jea --> tºº?" c e art/7 º ~ - / Jet ox 2/2 – Vo ###. 5; ~ _HT - |- | *...*...--Hi *:2. 44 $: –H ºrarº ſº £/~. 2, Jºº | S. --T ** 24.2% | --T | pººjava-º. LL-IT | | | | | | | | wdº' V4 tº L--r | ~|2 – ~ T | | |_|_+TT| 2, # 2 -- --- Grávez Soſza” & 7, 2 4°sazcºzº --T I 4. i | § § |- 3. S. & & |o §: : - . I w - º º :* - I | | o Pakes ºf grg e iſº. 4 & Z.A.44, 24.41. ºf J. o #z Z 5 A* 47 7.5 / 7 zo ºr z z za z* ** ** 27 2.2 x:y do. Jº Jºz. Norf-The abºve volumes of Concrete are with moderate or ordinary ramming. rammed hard in thin layers, deduet about 3%. if /V2 J. 42/o 9 razzz z2- Cozz crez’e 2,2'-'t 7 - - Wºr/, //oz /e/2 oz. Szºo,” e C7) ///7c/? & voc er -L- 4…” I Perz Sco/e zo. ~ ºrrº" — | § N ºrrº" L-HT Sº …+*T. --- _ 4 ~ &ez_2^2 & 2. execcºrzzzz3 Czajºr 7:- —Hº - _1 - T % 1% T-i-T * |_| - - I Vºſkº: g-TT |Sº IT ºzoa I 4 - T ~ * | * - pºse- |- I ... -- S$ l k /24 .57%a ºf T Sº º- a 3? - S. S. — zºº . §§ - | i 44 N _-HT _ºf_V wº- —l- I HºT I I _-HT | | _-HTT _-HT I - | -" - - º | Skºd -3.2/k's 13 43% ºr 42se ºzze 'r, - i wn !- Vo | lo - !: wn IR - § N - Irv - º ^ I zºs 24/edge ºzałżek ºf 322; 4 42aff ºzººl - - I z - a - ++ F/- H- -- a 7 ºr 8 2-9 3 o -- Fºr 777-y * 7 ºf 7Tao -- - - --- Azze - 7%.e. above vo/ozes of 27crere are w///, /772aeroſe or ºazzady zazz/zzy, ſº rammea hard ºn zºo /øyers, are aver abovr 32%. 20/2. 4 -P-4-7 Z2, a 22-22 ºz & 2/2crezę. 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(These new Gwen w Yevº so." -- even-sis) Pov -- wº-wa- lºw-on-130 wºva-Gº won-lºº wºxv- traven", "Yºws-- wwas, Corva-----------------|3. o" || 1 0" IS." or 3 0" || 3 o' -- • *-***** •5-----------------------|8 6 I'm 6 19 b Ino b 113 b Copina - ----------------------------!" 6 *, *, Ito b || 1 G - G - - \ 3 || || 3 1 3 - 3 I º top of opening tº eostom et Cºrins------------ *vironwº pistence nao-keaºon. 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SS Bºz-Z **ay 22, 4 &24//w 22, 2,2//e, ryºzoa ºn Arzºo/, trave rºaº wrove º ser, º/27 &&.” e4, ** aſ - ***@ºž **44 ozº. 4/.420/a/ //// ºvºivºi…º.º. - s, z cº-woº tºo ºveºx2 sº tº: łºś. sº Avº. 22. Azzoeaſe3 &/ ºº::c. -**ay war-wave, ºoo waz 2fs. f 2^2/ dº, ºrozº, woo slºw £razzarº-2 2”z 2, 2.72 2/222avo 2 fºres' *222/~" er, 2/7222.2-9 —- F-y2 -— y22, 2/6 was.org — · C. rva.cº. St. P. R^\ Wººle. Avv.tvnevits · çæſowo wºwºm svºg sºw»s (ewo *ºyayo ſew=a waº wana-aw o :çºs „“.çº, º „ºs ſe wºod-sºnaoſa ••ş, sºm ºd º gº O ox=ºweveºſ, º ~º ~ºſºyo wºwº-w aſ oºk ■ ■ -^- 0 uvo 4.s 3' 6" ré" ºc". O O O O O O • O \\ 0" „O O saºq \ A \a sº n >\ \ 3 n^0 \, ȚO OXoº **\ N 3 VN \ f\ {3 \, Q N \, \!! TA \ca TATA \ca “O O CA A v Q N w Lºs “OO S. 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H.lina LNBwl-ſhºw 3" (d --------, it--tº----- tº v c - O Nºw" c. - - …t. - * ..ow tas -- -o n--- 30 lºs -º-ºw 4 o nºn-a - Q \s ****d a 1 - ea secoo ºvºo's doo P. 2. on tºwnsavº's ºw's ſº º .*.*.*YoYº Yo woe on dooyo wonvota t º .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* tºo-- suit *.*.*.*..s, woo-R ano ox arac os- - - ewoºt '•or '93'99 H----- --------- - - - . …txivºlv doo * lºw".º, woo ***** **** a ti + 5 " + "w - S. laescrew - - - AgScrer, to Long T º, - Čášč. Tº-Zā-lºgºſº Box Fonder i % *SubGrade 3-axiaºriz' - 12×12× 14. - 15'9" "t. 16tonex}. Bent Centre %D.Bolt - 20" Long ------ rtuuirwºm per Panel - T * - ; * * - - * -. ----- | -- ----- -- --- -- --- -- - º: rº: ; ; ; , : ; ; ; '; ; ; ; : ; { } ‘. . ; ; ; ; ; : { } "…" "v "..." .." -- **: ". . *...* .." -- --- --- -- "… Bills of MATER AL - Blu-LS of MATER, Au foº one PANet incuuound one ºn rearned are Ber- TO BE ADoED to tacº structure. . Tº Me - - - - T - M. B. E. Cap. 12:13:14 - 168, ſº e M. weine. * Cap 12:2::= 13.3 F.e.t.a. w.pine 6 Stringers 7&ºt- - - - - - 8 Pianks 5 x 12", 16 a 38A-". . . . . - - - - - - - - - - "-ia", 12" - - - - - - - 12-Ties, 3.3-lo. =7#55 - - woak 2 eacº Pieces 4.4%; - - 2 Fenders 6:8:166's lyz . . . . . . I Tie 6 -9">vo • Tºo - - , w, oak a Pièces **#3, #33 : . . . . Packing sº sº...! Rotº 1 Ron § .* §lºt: #3 Pound', 4 o'Botts 7/3.2c tong - 154 Pounds - "… tro" - l * - Ž%. * - 13.4- - * Lºse". K-loº. º 2 legsºº ſo - - - 8 - 32 cut Spikes 6 long = 5? 24Boat Spikes 3%' s tota º : &rºhtlan - - /5." 20" - - - 16 washers lock :*: sº. - ºr *** Boºks º z - * * * º f —1 --a- - - - - - 1 1 1 1 32 packing Boºk:34 *...* - Cºst Iron - Eva vs. News Standard Wooden Trestles. Kansas City & Omaha Railroad. Ava wº, ºn C. L. “ N. R. Guust ER at N T T RE EY Uts Y _ -º-º-º-ºrg- ºnwºº º º W & Tº # N º - r- -- tº ~~~Trrºw, rrrrrr \-ovºsiºu ºvel- ****iew **"...vo"...ve Block t & 6"--------> " x 12" x Oak Packin ---º-- 12’x'é; ; 1% ºsoa quiniaſ Boiler Iro %. == f Eviºry No. Running Plank Mwº sa!_L---- |ğ[]; |ſoVO •-- O· »Aeo©-ș. 1 (o[]\o ] ,- ∞º[], ſºrº Ø #--#--#--* el ſu |-deo el ſ + �~~==}--* @;+ }|,|… º ()- ſº || ±0 &||&Ž~{ |× || №# Lº \ſ]||0; Uſº {u!- –1 × 2 ------ - - - - - vºv - Nov. 5, 15657 Iron Joint-plates in Trestle work. A \ vaevae^ !vae… {vºw ba x, v.v… ow º’uºwo Louw, 9 sæso-a -\ºwo-ſºveenwº � 3^\-\_53 \\ \_ N3 QO ONN KAYA\/Q N\/\_S 'YA ‘’º ‘Nº’ º ‘‘D · s-ºvºoſ ºſ As oveſevw ŅĒĢĢĞ ſººſ a nſº: ), o esºta), Yºwa-e- * STE: Nº Asa Aoy y --~~~ ++ - *Wo *w-ta a *vaxo~ s - ; ff . 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WA’/Ty: 57A/VOAKD 8/r/DGA's O/46/ra/7 of Yºzga Ts Araz-e Mooversar, Cz v. 47 warare ear Cºrraco. § § 50ao ºn feer. t } w E \Gº-ATS PER FOOW OF NRou G.HT \RoN way C, ºwAY evº D.G. tº AS W QUND BY \NAOvv \_\– Fºotwº Actual AN CONNºuTV tw. SAA \_S OF NAAT tº AAA. Tws_cºautosº ºwe lea&s tov * ~weeks oxo-. - \- v-ocº per cº- Sw cºw Wºº- Nº. wa * C O to So \oor $o” ‘bo "lo 2.00. 300 - *lo 60 50 - 1 so eo 1 50 - 7.00 ºo *** * Susov joists, ºness vsoºns, veeswºoºoers,owa \ºp vºxus oºs, woon th' ºr A as a ts, so"vº d' fox c The nºvº sevesses ovo on a vosus e; \ooooº-ta";o-news ºneva vowe A, cºva wº-soo, $ow Gº on a C swºls wers assuso quo avowºwles ww.sees ove-weea we es wo s so tº , eº aswº's ºverse-wow awaavo waves ~~~ 8’ - * ! st - 3 º se” – º ||o ###3 E \ {T> * * VO 4–3. - "vo 6" x 12"x B' tº Tºru | l º *: - - NK 3 I - * - - - - - ell_LS or MATERIAL * ---H- —J Timee R —l 2 gº. 12.12.12" = 229 H.B.M. W. Pine | i. 2 Stringers 2:12; 3 = 1s2 - - - - I 2 B Kpºes §§ 2’ = . 3. - - - lox 12" = - - - *} 2 • - Total Exe - - - - - *7. Tics §§§ - 23o - - - w Oak - 2.5Slats ::::: '6" = 196 - - - - : *.* - 4o Pieces 2"x2"> 3’ = . . . : * Total -- C . 1RON : A Nº N-A->NA----- -- 6 D. Bolts 29-23 tong = 20.0 Pounds º ---- 4 : ". . 4, 18" - * * 8.8 - • . -- 14 Boat Spikeº, to - = 5.3. * 25 - R 6 4 Rods" 33:25. - - 4.9 -" -- o: 2 - §:3#..... $.5 - §§ 12Platewashº: %21% ºf . - : for; Rods i: - 14 Cut Spixas 6 Long, - # -- ; - - - 6wcakºle, ordneylengº 2' = 48 lin.H. - t Navrºs' Standard Cattle-Guard-Kansas City & Omaha Railroad. *:::::::: ==== ****:---- re-r- co------ re ------ re-r-ºº: - I T I --- - w . Šiš GROSS-5ECTIO. Iron surface Cattle Guard. National sux $o ce Guay & Co. CYūccºe. sition before *:::::::: rods - - - - - - Standard Cattle-Guard: Boston & Maine R. R. Iron Surrºface Cattle Guard. §: r - *Hº- - ---- *:: ºv-----------------ºg--------- *\ ^*"------------- ºf- - - - - - - - - - - Sºº- Vate N N A R -. H. - - - - *H -> evow.qr. Svorº Bovko ºt ---- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------.S. 2.--------> --- ***"W" - - - -----' sº--- --- - -" a.º. - - 2. ----—---- 3\" *"------- º: ---- ºr - - - - - - - - - ------ N N \ . . . by vºw R. R. Gºve-wev Bovko-º- _l 1 *…*r * -—----------------- *-* ---------51 *** - - - N. Y. V. E. & NN. R. R. e-cºuw exo~ ºoºoº- +------- –5 6----------------------17'---------------------- 8 º’------* Crucwed *sº 1“Axo~ * ...". - º CAT-Z-L- ñº - > *s-sº ovºvº. 5 Reseºs ºr ºs º-, - as: ----------------- - - - - - -------- ---- - --- 1.e. - - ---------- N.Y. Cºb. H. R. R. R. Sveva B cºvve.º.º. *— — — « s <-- **** ---------- -------º'--- tºvskºv Svevº. 1 - staneova sinºs Travi" Wvorºv PARS O. N's "Y RAC, Wº i ºvy . . . . * *- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ENGIN, - TRANSTLIBRARY 312 UNDERGRADUATE LIBRAS" 764-7494 OVERDUE FINE - 25¢ PER (D/s ) DATE DUE ==E39:= y UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN º " * a Lº | º X | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 08544 31.93 | t