[; L E R K B | | F. F | L: E. A T Y. L. L. R. D. E. E. K. T L P F LJE LID AD. D. EE E TD [; D LJRT. E. LEDTRD N ID RED D R D E UNIVERSITY OF MICH6 LIBRARIES- MAY 28 2004 . . . ºf , ºr L BY UNEL STATES OF AMERICA WHAT I 5 FA C E R 7 Public ACCeSS to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is an electronic public access Ser- vice that allows users to obtain case infor- mation from federal Courts. PACER is a Service of the United States Judiciary, pro- vided by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. PACER offers an inexpensive, easy-to-use alternative for obtaining case information without having to visit the Courthouse. PACER allows an Internet user to request information about a particular case or party. The data is immediately available for printing or downloading. EM/ECF As the new Case Management/Electronic Case Files system (CM/ECF) comes online in the federal Courts, PACER will facilitate electronic access to dockets and case file documents for registered users. CM/ECF is a new case management system that allows courts to manage electronic dockets. It also allows each court the ability to receive filings electronically, pursuant to local rule or order. FADE E R FEEE Electronic public access fees fund all of the hard- Ware, Software, and other CoSts of providing electronic access to court data. CongreSS has authorized the Judiciary to charge fees for copies of Court documents to the extent neces- sary. The Judiciary has set fees at the lowest level sufficient to fund the program. The devel- opment of Internet technology has facilitated dramatic improvements to the quality of public access at a significantly reduced cost. 5 D NME FER E PEDTIVE In 1853, the cost of a copy of a court docu- ment was set by CongreSS at 10 cents per page, a figure which, indexed for inflation, is now equivalent to almost $2. To obtain a paper copy today, a person Still must travel to the Court and pay 50 cents per page. Technology and the work of court staff, funded by public access fees, have brought the courts closer to the citi- zens, allowing round-the-clock access to court information from anywhere in the world at a fraction of the COSt. H DVV D DE E IT VVD R K 7 PACER Offers Convenient electronic access to: > Case file documents > Listings of all case parties > Reports of case-related information > Chronologies of events entered in the case record > Claims registries > Listings of new bankruptcy cases > Judgments or case status > Nationwide party/case index Users are billed quarterly and are allowed to enter a client code of their own choosing to facilitate tracking costs. To register instantly, visit the PACER Service Center web Site – www.pacer.uscourts.gov — and click on the Registration icon. Fill out an online form and provide a valid e-mail address. If credit card information is provided, an account will be established immediately. Non-instant registration will remain an option for those customers who do not wish to provide a credit card number. Those customers will receive the login information by U.S. mail. There is no cost for registering. FADE E R AND D, NA/E [ F For all federal Courts, PACER facilitates electronic access to docket Sheets and other case informa- tion. It also allows access to images of Court doc- uments, if a Court has chosen to use electronic case files. Each Court maintains its own case infor- mation, as well as an Internet site, which may Contain local rules, Court forms, and other items available to the public free of charge. PACER pro- vides the interface with each court System and funds the network that facilitates these Web Sites. A USer accesses Court information via the Court's Internet site or through the PACER Service Center. Although each court manages its own procedures for electronic filing, all electronic public access to case file documents occurs through PACER. To fund the COSts of PACER and CM/ECF, the Judicial Conference of the United States has Set a fee of seven cents per page for electronic data via the Internet, with the total charge for any document, docket sheet, or case-specific report not to exceed the fee for 30 pages – provided however that transcripts of federal court pro- ceedings shall not be subject to the 30-page fee limit. The fee applies to all users, although no fee is owed by users who do not incur more than $10 of use in a calendar year. Parties entitled to documents as part of the legal process receive a free electronic copy, although they will be charged for replacement copies, whether in paper or electronic form. | NFD RNAATI DN Information regarding PACER is available at > http://www.pacer.uscourts.gov or: > PACER Service Center P.O. BOX 780549 San Antonio, TX 78278-0549 (800) 676-6856 PACER®psc.uscourts.gov Information regarding the Administrative Office and CM/ECF is available at http://www.uscourts.gov and your local court's web site. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN O 3 9015 08543 6791