ent OF &\\ 7. º º --- º w; # -5 -- Protecting America’s Resources DEPCŞăiº 3' TED STATES OF ºftBRICA Protecting America's Resources During Pollution Emergencies The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) protects, manages, and provides access to Our Nation’s natural and cultural resources that are located on Over 507 million acres of land across America, or about one-fifth of the land in the U.S., and about 2 billion acres in Offshore waters of the Outer Continental Shelf. We manage natural resources to promote a healthy, Sustainable environment, foster a strong economy, supply about 28% of the Nation’s energy production, protect and preserve our collective heritage, and provide science for a changing world. In addition, we fulfill our trust responsibilities to federally recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives and Our commitments to U.S. territories and freely associated states. As guardians of the past and Stewards for the future, DOI advances conservation of America’s vast resources through consultation, communication and cooperation to accomplish our mission. Under the National Response System, in accordance with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and Emergency Support Function 10 of the Federal Response Plan, DOI: • Provides response-related Scientific/technical advice and assistance to Federal On-Scene Coordinators and Remedial Project Managers, t to help avoid or minimize injury to natural and cultural resources such as public lands, national parks, threatened and endangered species, migratory birds, and associated º habitats; • Participates in preparedness and response activities, consistent with agency capabilities and authorities, to ensure DOI resources and expertise are appropriately considered in preparation and maintenance of contingency plans and other preparedness activities and in response decision-making as part of the Incident Command System/ Unified Command; • Cleans up oil discharges and hazardous substance releases for which DOI is responsible; • Acts as First Federal Official on spills on DOI lands and as a Federal On-Scene Coordinator’s Representative at the OSC’s request; and • Serves as natural TeSOUITC eS tru Stee in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended; the Clean Water Act, as amended by the Oil Pollution Act; and implementing Executive Orders and regulations. Access to DOI Assistance The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC) is the official DOI point of contact for oil and hazmat emergency preparedness and response. Under the NCP. On-Scene Coordinators and Remedial Project Managers are responsible for notifying DOI through OEPC’s Regional Environmental Officers (REOs), who, in turn, contact the appropriate Bureaus and coordinate DOI participation in National Response System activities, where necessary. OEPC represents DOI on the Regional Response Teams, National Response Team and Joint (International) Response Teams. REO geographic areas of responsibility are shown on the map. Phone numbers are available on the OEPC web page, www.doi.gov/oepc. REO Geographic Areas of Responsibility: *Tnchorage = Atlanta HAWAII º- GUAM \ ^ º \ AMERICAN SAMOA \ { Q cNMI *_ cº"- Puerto Rico virgin Islands DOI, through its Bureaus and Offices, can provide the following: Bureau of Indian Affairs www.bia.gov Assistance with coordination, communication and access to Indian lands and Tribal Officials. Bureau of Land Management www.blim.gov Advice and expertise on and access to the 262 million acres of land and minerals managed by BLM, including oil and gas exploration, development, production, and pipelines. Bureau of Reclamation www.usbr.gov Advice and information on operation, control and maintenance of water systems and related resources including dams, reservoirs and channels. Expertise in engineering and hydrology and can provide design services, construction, - contracting, oversight and administration activity. Fish and Wildlife Service www.fws.gov Advice on threatened and endangered species (T&E), migratory birds, anadromous fish, certain marine mammals, sea turtles on-shore, and historic properties to include appropriate clean-up techniques, actions and end points. Oversight of bird hazing, collection, and treatment activities and coordination of all federal permitting activities for hazing, collecting, rescue, and holding migratory birds, certain marine mammals, and T&E species. Authorization of entry and activity on refuge system lands covering about 95 million acres. Geological Survey WWW.usgs.gov Expertise in mapping, geology, seismic data, biological resources and hydrology, including real-time water flow data. Minerals Management Service WWW.mms.gov Expertise in and information on offshore drilling and production practices and | facilities. Review and approve Oil Spill Response Plans, conduct unannounced drills, inspect response equipment, - and maintain computer models for spill trajectory analysis and calculation of pipeline oil discharge volumes. Fund response research and manage OHMSETT, the national oil spill response test facility. For spills involving Outer Continental Shelf facilities, assist in source identification and responsible party notification, oversee spill abatement, and approve resumption of operations. National Park Service www.nps.gov Access, advice and participation in activities affecting National Park System lands (National Parks, Seashores, Recreation Areas, Historic Sites, Trails), historic properties and cultural resources, and wild and scenic rivers. The Park Protection Act provides for recovery of costs for DOI-initiated response actions that are taken to minimize destruction or loss of or injury to park system TCSOUITCCS. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement WWW.OSm.gov Advice on Surface coal mining including abandoned coal mined lands, coal outcrop fires, waste bank stability, and toxic drainage. Office of Aircraft Services WWW.Oas.gov Access to DOI-approved aircraft including on-scene inspection and certification teams and arrange for air traffic control via the Federal Aviation Administration. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN O 3 9015 08543 5801