NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION management/initiatives/targeted assistance Q S (cº º - - -º- AE \, \oo." As New Directions |N RECORDS MANAG E MENT º ºct- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES JUL 1 2003 DEPOSITED BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - TARGE | | D ASSISTANCE: Become a largeted As Through Targeted Assistance initiatives, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) works with customer agencies to resolve significant records management issues. Since FY 1999 many agencies have formed partnerships with NARA to accomplish specific objectives, such as inventorying and Scheduling records and training Staff. Targeted Assistance operates both at headquarters in the Washington, D.C., area and in almost all field locations. Here are a few illustrations of what can be accomplished through Federal agency collaboration. The Mineral Management Service (MMS) is working with NARA's Rocky Mountain and Southwest Regions to inventory and schedule the agency's new and legacy electronic systems. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), now part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the NARA Northeast Region reviewed work process- es and records management requirements at INS facilities nationwide. As a result of NARA's recommendations, INS hired a contractor to study how to integrate and adjust workflows identified during the project. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the NARA Pacific Region formed a partnership to study and upgrade the Laboratory's emergency and continuity of operations plans. The project brought together records man- agers, archivists, technologists, engineers, and risk managers to develop procedures for records Salvage and restoration. The team also worked with Other institutions to leverage resources and build basic competencies across agency lines. The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) initiated a project to schedule Executive Branch ethics program records by proposing a new General Records Schedule (GRS). After being trained by OGE and NARA staff, ethics officers inventoried relevant records in their agencies and forwarded the results to OGE for analysis. OGE then submitted and obtained NARA's approval of a new GRS covering ethics program records throughout the Government. The Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of Public Debt worked with NARA to schedule the Public Debt Accounting and Reporting System (PARS), which is used to process all financial data related to the public debt. As a result, NARA identified and accessioned permanent records, and the Department of the Treasury can better manage its voluminous financial data related to the public debt. With NARA's assistance, the Small Business Administration (SBA) initiated a project to schedule all of its records regardless of media and to update its records management program directive. As a result, SBA submitted schedules covering its electronic records and pro- posed many important records for permanent retention. In FY 2002 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and NARA carried out a number of important records management activities. As a result, NRC implemented an agency-wide electronic docu- ment/records management sys- tem and transferred 955 cubic feet of permanent records to the National Archives. Many agencies have formed partnerships with NARA to accomplish specific objectives, such as inventorying and scheduling records and training staff. stance Success Stor The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) worked with NARA to schedule records in several large electronic data warehousing systems, including extensive data on the historical performance of Government- purchased loans. This action will help ensure the safety and soundness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest Government-sponsored enterprises. NARA assisted the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) efforts to make its records management program more visible and effective as USGS moved this function to the Geographic Information Office. Through a regional Targeted Assistance agreement, NARA is providing USGS's Earth Resources Observations Systems (EROS) staff with train- ing and scheduling assistance. The Archivist of the United States, John Carlin, in his State of the Archives address, December 3, 2002... “Through targeted assistance partnerships, our records management experts spend time on-site at the offices of other Federal agencies and train personnel, help plan records inventories, assist in schedul- ing records for disposal or transfer to NARA, and help in writing records management plans. Two years ago, in fiscal year 2000, we established 173 targeted assistance partnership agreements with Federal offices nationwide, and increased the number of agency staff trained in records management by 17 percent. We have now successfully completed 88 of those agreements, established more than 100 new agreements, and trained thousands of people in records management, particularly electronics records management.” | ..., of What is Targeted Assistance?" ... O ºvº () Targeted Assistance is: & Cº.) In a new approach to records management - (WS In a partnership between your agency and the National Archioock" Records Administration (NARA) * In a customer-driven, problem-solving approach to records management Ceº How Does Targeted Assistance Work? The agency and NARA develop a project with a well-defined purpose, tangible products, definite milestones, and a timeframe for completion. THE AGENCY PROVIDES: Staff time and expertise as well as coordination among its local, regional, and national Offices. NARA PROVIDES: Expert guidance and assistance, tailored training, expedited review of schedules, and more. NARA generally offers Targeted Assistance services to agencies at no cost. If extensive travel or other nonpersonnel costs are involved, however, NARA may ask agencies to help defray these expenses. Targeted Assistance Contacts For regional Offices, contact your local NARA regional facility or see the list at For general information, call 301-837-2950. For headquarters, contact the NARA records liaison for your agency or see the list at management/policy and guidance/work groups.html. For general information, email records.mgtº or call 301-837-3560. UNIVERSITY OF MICH, | 3 9015 08543 41