sºlº or Mould TECUMSEH, MICH, Hººp sº ºne House. - 1880. - F.A.ctri Tºz - JAMES B. ANGELL, LL. D., PRESIDENT. º SAMUEL A. JONES, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Ex- perimental Pathogenesy. - * - E. C. FRANKLIN, M. D., Professor of Surgery and Dean of the Faculty. T. P. WILSON, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice. H. C. ALLEN, M. D., Lecturer on the Therapeutics of Obstetrics and Gymaecology. J. C. WOOD, M. D., Materia Medica and Therapeutics. F. H. TYLER, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Surgery. - A. R. WHEELER, M. D., House Physician and Surgeon. CENSORS. lº : J. SAWYER, M. D., Monroe, Mich. I, N, ELDRIDGE, M. D., Flin, Mich. -- The Lecture, on Anatomy, Obstetrics, Chemistry and Physiology will be delivered to the members of our class by the Faculty of the º Department of Medicine and Surgery, respectively occupying these chairs, and our students are placed in all respects on an equal footing º with those of the old school. | THE FIFTH ANNUAL COUR E of LECTURES º begin on the first of October, 1880, and continue until the last in June, 1881. - - º raded g ------- 4. has ---, ou included the most advan studies, those students who desire to mselves of this he recently founded Physi- aboratory a H teaching |al ant --- Amphitheatre, - , is under the complete contro Eye and Ear clinics will be ºrmed before the º an Hous E's HOMCEOPATHIC DIRECTORY OF MICHIGAN. * @ NOTICE.-This Directory will be issued annually on or about the first of June. Every physician whose name or address is incorrectly given, or omitted, is requested to inform the undersigned inamediately, and the correction will be made in the next issue. A copy of the Directory can be secured annually by any Physician in the United States or Canada, who will take the trouble to keep the Publisher informed of his address. t Advertisements will be received up to the twentieth of May in each year, on the following very liberal terms: Second and third pages of cover, $15; fourth page of cover, $25; inside pages, $10; half page, $6; one-fourth page, $3; professional cards, $1.50 per square. - Copies of the Directory for the years 1876, 1877, 1878 and 1879 can be obtained for ten cents each. Address, R. B. HOUSE, M. D., Tecumseh, Mich. ALPHABETICAL IIST OF HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICANS RESIDING IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, * * Adams. A. J., Flint, Genesee co. Allen, A. A., St. Johns, Clinton Co. Allen, T. R., Ionia, Ionia co. Allen, G. D., Portland, Ionia Co. Allen, H. C., Ann Arbor, Washtenaw co. Anderson, B. Jackson, Jackson Co. - Arndt, H. R., Grand Rapids. ! - Arnold, Miss Lucy M., 22 Columbia St., West, Detroit. Austin, A., Argentine, Genesee CO. Atkins, J. P., Casnovia, Kent co. - Avery, A. B., Farmington, Oakland Co. Ayres, J. D., Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co. / 2 HOUSE's DI RE(TORY OF FREDERICK STEARNS, Manufacturing Pharmacist, AND DEALER IN Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Bandages, Crutches, Syringes, Atomizers, Hypodermic Syringes, Pessaries, Medicine Cases, Fever Thermometers, Electric Batteries, Opthalmoscopes, Etc. BEST GOODS - 81 WooDwARD Avenue, LoweST PRICEs. DETROIT, MICH, Any Instrument Catalogue discounted twenty per cent. I [OM (EOPATHIC. PHYSICIA NS. Babington, J., Corunna, Shiawassee co. Backus, Mrs. C. O., Cheboygan, Cheboygan co. — Backus, C., Ann Arbor, Washtenaw co. Bagley, E. A., Mosherville, Hillsdale co. Bailey, Wm. M., 265 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Bailey, B. F., Lansing, Ingham co. Tłailey, G. S., Battle Creek, Calhoun co. Baker, T., Union City, Branch co. Baker, F. O., Pentwater, Oceana Co. TBaldwin, C., Jackson, Jackson co. Baldwin, I. M., Hopkins, Allegan co. Ball, James, Wayland, Allegan co. Hall, A. R., Corunna, Shiawassee co. Ball, Miss H. B., Jackson, Jackson co. _Bancroft, A. A., Lansing, Ingham co. Bangs, F. H., Grand Rapids, Kent co. Barber, H. A., Nashville, Barry co. Barnes, N. H., Brooklyn, Jackson co. arry, James A., Coral, Montcalm co. Bartholomew, D. D., Holly, Oakland co. Bath rick, F. W., Battle Creek, Calhoun Co. TBates, A. T., Dewitt, Clinton Co. Beales, M. B., Ovid, Clinton Co. __ Beamer, R. M., Grand Rapids, Kent co. Tº Bedford, S. W., Peck, Sanilac co. IBeebe, –, Pittsford, Hillsdale co. - Benedict, T. M., Greenville, Montcalm co. Bennett, D. M., Port Huron, St. Clair co. Bennett, S. H., Mendon, St. Joseph Co. Berwick, F. H., Buchanan, Berrien co. Higgs, C. F. H., Grand Haven, Ottawa co. Bird, W. W., Hudson, Lenawee co. ... Bliss, George, Fowler, Clinton co. Bogart, C. A., Bay City, Bay Co. Botsford, A. B., Grand Rapids. Boyd, J. J., Hartland, Livingston Co. TBrigham, G. N., Grand Rapids. Broderick, H. M., Decatur, Van Buren co. Brown, H. E., Stockbridge, Ingham co. rown, J. F., Leslie, Ingham co. Bumpus, P. H., Albion, Calhoun Co. Bunting, W. D., 169 Woodward Ave., Detroit. TT3urch, C. P., Lansing, Ingham co. Burton, C. S., Hastings, Barry Co. _ Butts, Mrs. L. M., Grand Rapids. Calvert, W. J., Jackson, Jackson CO. Caroline, O., Benton, Cheboygan Co. Carpenter, H. C., Woodland, Barry co. arr, G. H., Whitehall, Muskegon co. Caulton, Wm., May, Tuscola co. Chambers, E. M., Pentwater, Oceana co. Chamberlain, C. H., Plain well, Allegan co. Chase, A, G., Ada, Kent CO. Chase, E. F., Plainfield, Livingston Co. Chase, E. F., Dexter, Washtenaw co. Chase, E. M., Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo co. 4 H () US E'S I) I R E("TO HY () l' -à---------— — —- - - A NEW PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION. DRY EXTRACT OF MIAL.T. Warranted free from any adulteration whatever; made with the utmost care, from selected Canada Barley Malt. It possesses the following ad- vantages over the liquid extracts of malt— Will not change or ferment in hot weather. Will not get mouldy. Is a more convenient and elegant preparation. Has not the appearence of Imolasses. Will make an emulsion with cod-liver oil. Will instantly dissolve in hot water or milk. Can be used for children and invalids in place of cane sugar. Is only half the price of liquid extracts of malt. BARLEY WATER may be made by dissolving one teaspoonful in a half a pint of water, PRICE–18 oz. BOTTLE, $1.00, 8 oz. BOTTLE, 50 GTS, In prescribing, specify HORLICK's MALT. Horlick's Food, for Infants and Invalids. IENTIRELY SOLUBLE, NOT FARINACEOUS, requires NO BOILING or STRAINING ; when dissolved in hot water and milk, makes the genu- ine Liebig’s soup. We refer, by permission, to the following eminent medical men, who have used it extensively in their practice :-Pro- fessors R. Ludlam, T. C. Duncan, Egbert Guernsey, Dr. R. B. House, G. E. Shipman, I. H. Woodbury, F. L. Vincent, David Thayer, H. L. Chase, I. Lewis Smith, De Laskie Miller, Wm. H. Byford, I. Adams Allen, I. P. Oliyer, C. P. Putnam, A. J. Gawne, H. O. Marcy, etc. Price—18 oz. bottle, 75 cts. 8 oz. bottle, 40 cts. Horlick's Food, for Adults. A pure, dry eact ract of malted wheat, barley and oats. The superiority of this preparation over the liquid extracts made from these cereals, and now so extensively advertised, will be readily seen, as it does NOT FERMENT, and is entirely soluble in milk or water, making a highly nutritious article of diet, in a convenient and porta- ble form, that will readily be borne by the weakest stomach. l Price—18 oz. bottle, 75 cts. 8 oz. bottle, 40 cts. Manufactured by J. & W. HDRuck & Co., Racine, wis. Wholesale by London Agent, FARRAND, WILLIAMS & 00, F, NEWBERRY & SONS, Detroit, Mich. 37 Newgate St., London, E.0, Eng. SOLID EY DETU G-G-ISTS, TEDTVIEEE, YTVVIHIEEIHD. A sample of either or all of the above preparations sent FREE to physicians, on "application. & \ HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. f Chase, S., Howard City, Montcalm Co. Chase, S. F., Caro, Tuscola co. Clark, Geo. H., Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Go. Clark, W. E., Three Rivers, St. Joseph Co. Clark, E. A., Benton Harbor, Berrien co. Clarke, W. D., Richmond, Allegan co. Clemo, W. C., Memphis, Macomab co. Cleveland, B. L., East Saginaw, Saginaw Co. Coleman, J. N., Cadillac, Wexford co. Collins, W. W., Albion, Calhoun co. Converse, J. W., Wayne, Wayne Co. Cook, S. M., Hubbardston, Ionia co. Cooper, E. N., Jackson, Jackson co. Coovert, R. W., Grand Ledge, Eaton co. Cornell, A. B., Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo co. Covey, C. E., Grand Ledge, Eaton co. Covey, C. J., Grand Ledge, Eaton co. Covill, H., Otisco, Ionia co. Covill, P., Belding, Ionia co. Cowell, J. H., East Saginaw, Saginaw co. Craig, J. D., 34 Elizabeth St., West, Detroit. Cramer, C. W., Pentwater, Oceana co. Cross, J. A., Athéns, Calhoun Co. Cummings, E. H., Grand Rapids. Cunningham, Walter, Bay City, Bay co. Cunningham, Wm., Bay City, Bay co. Churchill, H. J., Dewitt, Clinton Co. Daniels, L. R., Sherwood, Branch co. Damon, —, Reading, Hillsdale co. Defendorf, B., Fowlerville, Livingston co. Deffendorf, J. J., Williamston, Ingham co. Demay, P. H., Ithaca, Gratiot co. DeMuth, Clark, Plymouth, Wayne co. JDennis, D. F., Constantine, St. Joseph co. Det nis, J. D.. Lansing, Ingham Co. DePuy, N. J., Parma, Jackson Co. Devere, I., Hastings, Barry Co. Devere, K. C., Lansing, Ingham Co. Dewey, Orrin, Jamestown, Ottawa CO. Elblein, A. R., 799 Michigan Ave., Detroit. Eldridge, I. N., Flint, Genesee co. Ellis, E. R., 49 Rowland St., Detroit. Engle, Sarah P., 60 Miami Ave., Detroit. IEmory, C. Van Norman, 401 Congress St., East, Detroit. Evans, J. B., Grand Rapids. Fanning, W. H., Lapeer, Lapeer Co. Farnsworth, A., East Saginaw, Saginaw Co. |Farrand, C. W., Kalkaska, Kalkaska Co. Ferguson, A. F., Meridian, Ingham co. Ferguson, J. W., Meridian, Ingham Co. Fick, Otto, St. Clair, St. Clair co. Finister, F., Port Huron, St. Clair co. Fish, E., Greenville, Montcalm Co. Fisher, J. W., Constantine, St. Joseph Co. Fitzgerald, Lottie, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw CO. Foote, D., Leonidas, St. Joseph Co. {} II OUSE's DI RE("TO RY OF C. H. VII, AS, M. D., TIER, E_A_TS DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR ==> Avenue, Detroit, º, º º º to Mºnic profession | | ACT OF El N The most important remedial agent ever presented to the Prºfession for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Vomiting in Pregnancy, Cholera Infantum, - Constipation, and all diseases arising from imperfect nutrition, gou- taining the five active agents of digestion, viz.: Pepsin, Pancreatine, || Diastase, or Veg, Ptyalin, Laotic and Hydrochloric Acids, in combina- tion with Sugar of Milk. - - - - =cººr a cº - A cºcººrº. sugar ºf Mill 40 ounces. veg. Piyalin or Diastase 4 iºns. || Pepsin . . . . . . . . 8 ounces Laotic Acid 5 ſº drachms || Pancreatine 6 ounces Hydrochloric Acid 5 tº drachms - Actor EPTINE owes its great success solely to the Medical profession, and is sold almost entirely by Physicians' Prescriptions. Its almost universal adoption by the profession - is the strongest guarantee we can give that its therapeutic value has been most thoroughly established - The undersigned having tested LAUTOPEPTINE, recommend it to the Profession. || Alfred L. Loomis, M. D. Professor of Patholo- F. LeRoy sºmeo M. D., Ph. D. professor of gy and Practice of Medicine, University of Chem. Mat Med, and Therap, in the N. Y. the City of New York - College of Dentº; Prof. of Chem and Hygiene Samuel R. Percy, M. D. Professor Material in the Am. Vet. College, eſº, etc. Medica, New York Medical College, | Jas. Aitken Meigs, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. of the Institute of Med. & “I have used LACTQPEPTINE with very good Med. Juris Jeff Medical College; effect in a number of cases of Dyspepsiº Phy to Penn Hos. - - - W. W. Dawson, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio, Prof. Prin, and Prac Surg. Me Col. “I have used LACTQPEPTINE with great ad- of Ohio; Surg, to Good Samaritan vantage in cases of feeble digestion.” Hospital “I have used LACTOPERTINE both in hospital Albert ing, M.D., Washington, and private practice, and have found it to answer - D. C. Pºssor of Obstetries, Univer- fully the purpºses for which it is recommended.— - sity of erºontº | As an immediate aid to the digestive function, I - know of no remedy which acts more directly.” - - - . . . . . - “I have made much use of LAOTOPEPTINE and - Sºi- - º, ºn D. W. º M. D. º of the Sci take great pleasure in stating that it has rarely dis- ence and of Surg, and Clinical appointed ine. I shall of a - surg, U. ºrsity of Louisville, Ky. º - " º - * continue to Pº L. p. xanden M. D., proſ of clinical LACT oppºrnº is an exceedingly valuable Mediciºsº of Children, and preparation, and no one whº gives iſ a fair trial Dermatolºgy, Univer of Louisville, can ſail to be impressed with its usefulness in Dys Rºy. - pepsia.” - - - - Robt. Battey, M. D. Rome, Ga. Emeri- ºr - - Col, and ºlºs Mºd. Assoºn of Ga. 0. ". "I consider LACTOPºp ſº the very best prep | Claude H. Mºstin, M. D. L.L., D. arºſiºn of the kind which I have º Mobile, Ala. nº fºr patients with feeble digestion, I know of othing which is equal to it." "I find the preparation of LACTOPEPTINE con - tains within itself all the principles required to proſ tºo partist pºp rºos. - omote a healthy digestion.” London, England. - - º ºsº | We also prepare the various ºropºrº ºn a loºſes nºw ºn Elixirs and Syrups in combina ºr dº ſº, tion with Laetopeptine. in ſºlo per 10, 1200 ºr Nºw York ºn Associºlov P. O. Box 1575. to 12 coueſe race wºn on K. -