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The Fundamental Units in Dynamics are the Units of Length, Time, and Weight ; and from these units are derived the units of area, volume, density, velocity, acceleration, momentum, energy, work, power; also the electrical units, the ohm, volt, ampère, watt, joule, coulomb, farad, &c. - The three Indefinables in Nature are Space, Time, and Matter; but although they cannot be defined, they are capable of measurement, in terms of the above-mentioned Fundamental-Units. + LENGTH. 2. The British Unit of Length, generally employed in Dynamics, is the foot, the third part of the Standard Yard, defined by Act of Parliament, 18 and 19 Vict., 1855, as “the straight line distance at 62°F. between the centres of the transverse lines in the two gold plugs in the bronze bar deposited in the Office of the Exchequer”; but now, under the Standards Act, 1866, trans- ferred to the custody of the Warden of the Standards. - - - The British Unit of Area is then the square foot, and of Volume is the cubic foot. The Metric Unit of Length is the metre, defined originally as the ten-millionth part of the distance on a meridian of the Earth from the equator to the pole; but now defined practicaliy by the length between the ends of a rod of platinum made by Borda, the rod being at the temperature of melting ice. - - - The Metric Unit of Area is then the square metre, and of Volume is the cubic metre. * But for purposes of minute scientific (electrical) measurement, the centimetre, the one- hundredth part of a metre, is usually taken as the Unit of Length, and the square centimetre and cubic centimetre as the Units of Area and Volume. - - TIME. 3. The Unit of Time in universal use in Dynamics is the second, the mean solar sexagesimal. second. - The Mean Solar Day measures day and night equably; it is divided into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds; and in general it is requisite to convert any measure of time into seconds before making use of it in a dynamical formula. When the Metric System was brought out (1795) it was proposed, for completeness of decimal and centesimal measurement, that the mean solar day should be divided into 40 centesimal hours, each hour into 100 centesimal minutes, and each minute into 100 centesimal seconds. -' At the same time, for purposes of Navigation, the equator was to be divided into 400 grades (degrees) of longitude, and the quadrant of the meridian into 100 grades of latitude; and each grade divided into 100 centesimal minutes, and each minute into 100 centesimal seconds; so that the factor 10 (instead of 15 as at present) should convert centesimal time into longitude, and vice Q967°SO,. The centesimal minute of latitude is thus the kilometre, of 1,000 metres; and the kilometre was intended to displace the present nautical mile or sexagesimal minute of latitude, about 6,080 ft. long, of which 90 x 60 = 5,400 go to the quadrant of the Earth. º But as the centesimal mode of reckoning time was never adopted, centesimal grades, minutes, and seconds, and kilometres are useless in Navigation. - To measure Time, a clock or chronometer is employed, regulated by a pendulum or spiral spring on a balance wheel, to preserve as equable a motion as possible. - The chief function of the Greenwich Observatory was formerly to keep mean Solar Time, for the benefit of Navigation, with accuracy, checked by observation of the Sun and Stars. WEIGHT. 4. The British Unit of Weight is the pound, defined by the Act of Parliament cited above as a weight of platinum, marked “P.S., 1844, 1 lb.,” deposited in the Office of the Exchequer, or with the Warden of the Standards. - - - (Wt. f ſº-º: 6873) % Clſº a •' $ . . }*g_f- - (Pº, * *Yºu A ... 6 Ł £"; **- t * * & - 5 *: « 142 s … [º 2 Notice that it is not necessary to specify the temperature, as in the case of the Standard of Length; nor is it necessary to mention the height of the barometer, the height above sea-level, the latitude, &c. (Rankine, Rules and Tables, Part II, Section VI); these details only require specification for the purpose of allowing for the buoyancy of the air, when a copy of the platinum pound is to be made in some other metal, brass, for instance; and to cover this refinement, the words “in vacuo" are added in recent Acts of Parliament, as defining the standard condition of the weight. The gallon, however, is defined in the Act as the volume of 10 lb. of distilled water, weighed in air by brass weights when the barometer stands at 30 inches and the temperature is 62°F; so that if this water was placed in a closed vessel, and the weighing was performed in an exhausted receiver, the water would weigh more than 10 lb. by an amount equal to the difference of the weights of air displaced by equal to the difference of the air displaced by the water and by the brass weights. According to the latest determination (H. J. Chaney, Phil. Trans., 1892) a cubic inch of water, weighed in air against brass weights of specific gravity 8:143, is equilibrated by 252-286 grains, when the barometer stands at 30 inches and the thermometer at 62° F.; and this makes the volume of the gallon. 70000 –– 252-286 = 277.463 cubic inches. Taking a cubic foot of this air as weighing 534.22 grains, or a cubic inch as weighing 534.22 –– 1728 = 0.309 grains, then the brass weights will displace 0:309 -- 8:143 = 0.038 grains; and the difference, 0.271 grains, will be the extra weight required to restore equilibrium if the weighing is performed in vacuo; so that 252.557 grains is the true weight of a cubic inch of water under the above conditions, although 252-286 grains would be given in the Act as more useful for commercial purposes. The standard pound avoirdupois is divided into 16 ounces, or into 7,000 grains; and besides these we have other measures of weight, the ton of 2,240 lbs, the cwt. of 112 lbs, &c., but the Americans are beginning to use a short ton of 2,000 lbs, and a short cwt of 100 lbs, instead of Our long ton and cwt. The Metric Unit of Weight is the kilogramme of 1,000 grammes, defined originally as the weight of a decimetre cube of water at its maximum density, when the temperature is 4°C; so that a gramme is the weight of a centimetre cube of water. But the actual determination of the weight of a decimetre cube of water is an operation which requires great care as a reference to Mr. Chaney's paper, referred to above, will show ; and the differences between the results obtained by the most skilful observers, though small, are a thousand times greater than the results of a comparison of standard weights by weighing them ; so that nowadays the practical Metric Standard of Weight is the Kilogramme des Archives, made of platinum by Borda, preserved in the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris, Intended to represent the weight of a decimetre cube of distilled water at the temperature 4°C. - A metric tonne, of 1,000 kilogrammes (2,203 lbs.), the weight of a metre cube of water, is also employed, while for scientific purposes the gramme, the weight of a centimetre cube of water is the Unit of Weight. 5. Convenient abbreviations in general use for the metric units are:— Kilometre = km. Metre square == m”. Tonne = t. Metre = Ill. Metro cube - n°. Rilogramme = kg. Centimetre = CII). Centimetre square = cnn”. Gramme - §. Millimetre = In Ill. Centimetre cube = Cnh”. etc. We may also write ft.*, ft“, in”, in”, for square feet. cubic feet, square inches, cubic inches. There are only three Systems of Fundamental Units which need be considered in Dynamics:— (i) The British F.P.S. (foot-pound-second) System. (ii) The Metric M.K.S. (metre-kilogramme-second) System, in use in Continental commerce. (iii) The C.G.S. (centimetre-gramme-second) System, in use for electrical and scientific measurements. All quantities in Nature can be measured by means of the three Fundamental Units of Length, Time, and Weight; so that, as Maxwell points out (Theory of Heat, p. 75), the whole system of modern civilized life may be fitly symbolized by a foot or metre rule, a clock or chronometer, and a set of weights, British or Metric. *- 2 According to the most careful determinations, legalised by Act of Parliament, 1878, 1 ft = 0.304794 m, 1 m = 3-280869 ft = 39°370432 in. 1 lb = 0-45359 kg, 1 kg = 2.2046212 lb 1 lb = 453.59265 g, 1 g = 0.0022040 lb With a quadrant of the Earth of 10 million metres, this makes the minute of latitude about 6075-7 feet. According to Col. Clarke's geodetic measurements, the mean length of a minute of latitude is 6076'7 ft, and the length of a minute of longitude at the equator is 6087.1 ft. This makes the quadrant of a meridian 6076.7 × 5400 ft; and if this is divided into ten million metres, it makes the metre equal to 3:281148 ft. But with the metre of 3:280869 ft, the quadrant of a meridian is 10001.7 km, and a quadrant of the equator is 10019 km. The mean value of the minute of latitude or longitude at the equator, in round numbers, 6080 ft, is taken as the length of the Admiralty nautical mile. Sailors divide the sea-mile into 10 cable-lengths or cables, and the cable into 100 fathoms (so that the fathom is 6 ft stretched about 1 in); the fathom is the stretch of the arms (the natural way of measuring the length of a rope), French, brasse; Spanish, brazo; Greek, öpyvua; so that the stadium is the cable, and the Parasang of 30 stadiums is the league (Xenophon, “Retreat of the Ten Thousand.” Evtej6ev ééeXavvov Trévita Tapaordy'yas). *; s ; § A. *-* .3. * xx º & DENSITY. 6. The density of a substance is the weight of the unit of volume. Thus if V cubic feet of the substance weighs W lb, the density is W/V. If the body is not homogeneous, this gives the average density of the body; to determine the actual density at any point, we must find AW, the weight of a small volume AV enclosing the 8. then the density is the lt (AW/AW) (= dW/dV in the notation of the Differential alculus). With Metric Units, the density of a substance is the weight in g/cm", or the weight in thm”. Denoting the density by w, then w = W/W, or W = wV, gives W the weight in g (or t) of W cm3 (or mº) of the substance; but W = 1,000 wV, gives the weight in kg of V mº. Thus a litre of hydrogen weighing (in vacuo) 0:089 g, the density of hydrogen is | 0000089, or 10-3 × 48. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The specific gravity of a substance is the old-fashioned name for the density relative to water. In the metric system, the density and specific gravity of a substance are the same, when a centimetre and gramme (or metre and tonne) are the units of length and weight. For denoting the specific gravity by s, the equation W = 8 V gives the weight in g (or t) of W cm3 (or mº). But W = 1000 sV gives the weight in kg of V m” so that the density is 1000 s, when the metre and kilogramme are the units of length and weight, as in the M.K.S. system. Considering that s is in general given to 3 decimals only, 1000 s will be given as an integer; for instance— s = 7-207 for cast iron, so that 1000 s = 7207. With British units, the equation— W = 1000 SW, gives the weight in oz of V ft” of a substance of S.G. (specific gravity) s, if we assume roughly that a cubic foot of water weighs 1,000 Oz. ; or W = 62.5 s V, more nearly 62-4 sy, give the weight in lb of V ft”; thus with British units, the density is 62.4 times the specific gravity, a great numerical inconvenience. Numerical examples. To be worked with four figure logarithms. 1. Calculate in British and Metric Units the surface, volume, and weight of the Earth, taking a geographical mile as 6,080 feet, and a mean density of 5:576. 2. Calculate, in kilometres, and in nautical miles or feet, the range of the Moon with a parallax of 57, and of the Sun, with a parallax of 8”8. - (Take cosec 57' = 60, cosec 8”.8 = 23440, cosec 1" = 206265). Calculate their semi-diameters, supposing them each to subtend 16'. Calculate the mean density of the Moon, supposing its weight 1 = 80 the weight of the Earth. 3. Find the weight of the atmosphere, the mean height of the barometer being 75 cm, and the density of mercury 13-6. II. LINEAR DYNAMICS. 7. We begin Dynamics by considering motion in a straight line, as of a train on a straight piece of railway, of a shot in the bore of a gun, of the piston of a steam engine, of water in a straight uniform pipe, &c. & We thus avoid all difficulties of geometry until the fundamental laws of Dynamics are clearly established, and have become a reality to the reader's mind; afterwards the composition of velocities and forces, and curvilinear motion may be considered, and the correspondingly more complicated problems introduced. An acknowledgment must be made here to the Rev. F. Twisden's Practical Mechanics, as the source of many of the illustrative examples. WELOCITY. The velocity of a body is its rate of change of position, or the rate of growth of its distance from a fixed point or terminus, measured in a straight or curved path. The velocity of a body is measured, if constant, by the number of units of length (feet, metres, or centimetres) described in the unit of time (the second). Thus if s feet (or metres) is described in t seconds, the velocity v is given by v = s/t f/s (feet per second). or, v = s/t m/s (metres per second). If s is given in centimetres, the velocity v is given in cm per second, that is, in kines, according to the C.G.S. terminology. An ordinary rate of walking is 6 km an hour, or a kilometre in 10 minutes, a hectometre in 1 minute. If the velocity is variable, then s/t is the average velocity in f's with which s ft. is described in t seconds, and the actual velocity at any point is the average velocity over a very small distance enclosing the point. In the notation of the Differential Calculus, if A s fº. additional described in At seconds, the average velocity over A s is(A s/A t) f/s; and the actual velocity v at the point of time t is * = lt (A 8/A t) = ds/dt, f/s. So with other units: thus if the railway journey from London to Edinburgh is performed in 8 hours, a distance of 400 miles, the average speed is 400-80 = 50 miles an hour, the unit employed for train speeds; but in consequence of the retardation due to stoppages and inclines, the actual Velocity will fluctuate, and for most of the time will be more than 50 miles an hour. At sea the speed is always measured in knots (French, nauds; Spanish, nudos; Italian, modi, German, knoten; Dutch knoopen, &c.), the sailor's knot being the cosmopolitan unit of speed, of one nautical mile or mean sexagesimal minute of latitude per hour. (N.B.-Not knots an hour, as landsmen say, which would properly mean an acceleration.) The length of the Admiralty sea mile being 6,080 ft., a knot is a speed of 6,080 –- 3,600 = 1.69 fls or roughly, a knot is a speed of 100 ft. a minute, more nearly 101 to 102, say 101.4 ft a minute. In Artillery velocity is always measured in f/s or in m/s, and numerical exercises can be found in the Records of the Bashforth Earperiments, The name quad has been proposed by Professor Oliver Lodge for a velocity of one quadrant of the Earth, 10" kines or cm/s, the quad being a suitable unit for very-high velocities; thus the olºn is a velocity of one quad; while the velocity of light and electromagnetic propagation in air of a vacuum is about 3 x 10" kines, or 30 quads, and in glass about 20 quads. Since 1 quad = 10° kines = 90 x 60 × 3,600 knots, therefore 1 kine = 0-01944 knots, 1 knot = 51.44 kines. *** * 3. * * ~, & & § .” EXAMPLES. 1. Determine, in knots, in fſs, and in kines, the velocity of a point on the Equator, due to the Earth's rotation; the velocity of the Moon relative to the Earth, with a period of 27 days; the velocity of the Earth relative to the Sun, with a period of 365 days. 2. A steamer takes a minutes on the measured mile with the tide, and b minutes against the tide: prove that the speed through the water is 30 (a + b)/ab knots, and determine the speed of the tide. 3. Determine the speed in knots to go round the world in 80 days, and of a postcard in 53 days. **- Hºw long would it take to go round the world on latitude 50° at this speed 2 Determine the parallel of latitude in which a steamer going westward at V knots will keep up with the Sun; and determine on any other latitude the daily gain or loss of the chronometer on the mean Sun at noon; on the westward and the eastward passage. What is the gain in apparent speed on the actual speed through the water, in a voyage of 3,000 miles to New York, 5 hours W longitude from Greenwich. 4. Prove that the maximum piston speed is about ; T times the average piston speed. 5. Prove that the product of the diameter of a wheel by the number of revolutions in a minute divided by 28, is very nearly the velocity in miles an hour. 6. Express a velocity of 2,200 f/s in miles an hour. Also 60, 45, 30, 15, 7% miles an hour in f/s. 7. Determine the velocity at the screens, 150 ft. apart, which were cut at times given by the following chronograph records in decimals of a second (Rounds 479,482, Final Report on Bashforth Eaperiments, 1878–80). Screen. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Round 479 || 0000 || 0666 *1343 *2031 •2729 '3439 *4159 *4891 ‘5633 6.387 715.1 | "7927 , 482 || 0000 || 0657 ‘lā24 *2004 || 2695 '3397 *4110 *4834 ‘5569 -6314 '7069 '7835 8. A train passes two men walking beside the railway in 3% secs. and 3; secs, respectively; a second train passes the men in 43 secs. and 4% secs, respectively. Show that this train will overtake the former, and if on a different line could pass it completely in 36 secs. 9. A ship is sailing at 63 knots directly towards a battery, where artillery practice is going on. The man at the helm observes the flash of a gun and hears the report 15" afterwards; five minutes after the first flash he observes a second flash and hears the report 12" afterwards, Find the velocity of sound, assuming that a sea mile is equal to 6,080 feet. 10. Two ships, A B, of which B bears from A 35° east of north, lie eastwards of a coast which presents seawards a long vertical precipice running north and south. A cannon is fired from B and 5 seconds after the flash is seen from A the report is heard, and 7 seconds later still its echo from the precipice. Taking the velocity of sound at 1100 f/s, find the distance of A from the coast. 11. Determine the length of the wave seen in a column on the march, keeping step with a drum marking 100 paces a minute, taking 1100 f/s as the velocity of sound. (6873) C ACCELERATION. The rate of change or rate of growth of velocity is called the acceleration. .* The acceleration is measured, if constant, by the growth of velocity (in f/s or m/s or kines) per second. º {º sº Thus, if the velocity grows at a constant rate from V to v in t seconds, the acceleration a is given by a = (v- W )ſt so that w = W-F at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) If the velocity is given in f's then a is given in f's added per second, which we may denote by f/s” (or by celoes, to use the word invented by Rev. J. B. Lock, veloes being used by him to denote velocity estimated in fſs, or feet per second). s If the velocity v is given in kines, then the acceleration a is said to be so many spouds, in the terminology of the C.G.S. System. We use the letter a instead off to denote acceleration, as f suggests the old term accelerating force, now obsolete. If, in the small interval of time, At seconds, the velocity grows Av (f/s, veloes, or kines), then the average acceleration is Av/At (f/s”, celoes, or spouds), and the actual acceleration at the instant is a = It (Av|At) = dv/dt (f/s”, celoes, or spouds) in the notation of the Differential Calculus. . . . 9. With constant acceleration a, the velocity grows uniformly, so that the average velocity U over any distance s is the A.M. (arithmetic mean) of the initial velocity W and the final velocity w; or U = } (V -- v). Then if the distance s is described in t seconds, with average velocity U, s|t = U = } (V--v), or s = } (V -- v) t. But with constant acceleration a = (v — V)/t, or v — W = at ; therefore U = V + # at, and 8 = Wi + 4 at” . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Again, since v — W = aff, # (v + V) = s/t, therefore by multiplication— # *- : W* = as. . . . . . . . . . . . . (3), the equation connecting a, s, and v.; and (1), (2), (3) are the equations employed with Motion under Constant Acceleration. The acceleration of gravity is the constant acceleration with which we are most familiar : denoting it as usual by g, then the velocity of a body falling freely will grow g units of velocity per ºnd or, as Clifford expresses it, velocity is poured into the body at the rate of g units per SeCOI) Oi. With a foot as unit of length, g = 32-1912 at sea level in London; usually replaced by 32 in practical problems. With a metre as unit of length, g = 9.81 at Paris, very nearly 10; so that, in C.G.S. units g = 981 spouds. y One great reason for choosing such a small unit of time as the second appears to be that g is then represented by a small number easily remembered. f %. , -“,” % § 3. % *.*.*$3 tº: ... * * * *s, 7. If we had taken the minute as unit of time, then we should have g = 32 x 60° = 115200; while, if the mile and hour are units, g = 32 x 60' + 5280 = 78555#. If the kilometre and hour are units, \ g = 9.81 × 60' + 1,000 = 117137.6. In knots an hour, the acceleration of gravity would be g = 32 x 60' + 6,080 = 68210.5. "We are now prepared, with the aid of these formulas, to solve some problems on uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion of a practical nature. EXAMPLES. 1. Consider first the following question, derived from a sentence taken out of a model essay on the Alps: “We reflected, in looking over the fearful precipices that, make a false step, and we should have fallen 10,000 feet in 10 seconds.” (i) What must be the numerical value of g for a body to fall 10,000 ft. in 10 secs. ? (ii) With g = 32 how many feet would a body fall in 10 secs. ? (iii) How many seconds would it take to fall 10,000 ft. (iv) With what velocity must it be projected so as to fall 10,000 feet in 10 secs. ? 1. A balloon, 6 miles high, ascending with velocity, 1,500 ft. per min., was found after 13 mins. to be descending with velocity 2,000 ft. per min. Find the greatest height ascended; find the apparent acceleration of g, supposed constant; find the time it will take for the balloon to reach the ground, and the velocity with which the balloon will strike the ground (Glaisher and Coxwell, 1862). 2. An express train reduced speed from 60 to 20 miles an hour (m/h) in 800 yards, the distance between the distant and home signals, as at Abbots Ripton. How much further out should the distant signal be placed, or how much should the brake power be increased ? With full brake power it is calculated that a train going 30 m/h can be pulled up in 225 ft., at 60 m/h in 900 ft., at 80 m/h in 1,600 ft., &c., Determine the number of seconds it takes to pull up, and the distance overshot due to a delay of a second in the action of the brakes. 3. An express train, timed to run at full speed of 60 miles an hour, is checked by signal to 20 miles an hour, over a mile of road under repair. Prove that if the train takes one mile from rest to get up full speed, and half a mile to pull up, the train will be 2 mins. 40 secs. late. 4. A body shot vertically upwards with velocity W fls will, in the absence of any resistance, attain a height of V*/g ft. in W/g secs, reaching the ground again after 2W/g s, with reversed velocity V fls. Ex.: Suppose W = 1600, g = 32. 5. Prove that if a body, shot vertically upwards, takes t seconds to reach a height of h feet, and tº seconds more to come down to the point of projection again, h = }gtt.' (Col. Sladen's formula.) If H denotes the greatest height attained in feet, and T = t + tº the whole time, in seconds, the body is in the air, prove that H = }gT2 = 4 Tº = (2 T)”, and the velocity of projection is #gT = 16 T f/s. Determine the height at half time, and the time at half height, also the time of falling equal vertical distances. § Graduate the bar of a gravity chronograph (i), for equal intervals of time (ii), for velocity. Ex. A body was a minute in the air when projected vertically; determine the velocity of projection, and the greatest height attained; find also the height after 20 and 40 secs, and the time to attain a height of 960 ft. %h :º tw. t׺ º§ 2. 8 \ 6. (i) A body falling from the top of a house was observed to take t secsin falling past a window h ft. high. Prove that the distance of the top of the house from the sill of the window is (h + ft.)” 29t' ft, and from the top of the window is (h I-39*) /2gt” ft. e (ii) A stone let fall from the top of a house was observed tº take one-eighth of a second to pass a window 74 ft high; determine the depth of the window sill below the top of the house. (iii) A body falling from a mast down a hatchway, took t seconds to fall from the hatchway to the bottom of the hold, a distance of h ft. Prove that the body fell (h -- $gt)/2gt ft, and struck with velocity. h/t + #gt, f/s. 7. Assuming that the resistance of the air is constant, and one nth of the weight of a body #Vºlg fi prove that a body shot vertically upwards with velocity V fis will reach a height n — 1\ º 7, -H i) f's after taking +}, seconds, and will reach the ground again with velocity V A/ ( another } vº-I) seconds. Ex. Take W = 900, g = 32, and n = #: prove that the whole time in the air is 62-5 seconds, &c. 8. A body under constant acceleration passes over two successive intervals of l ft in t, and t, seconds; prove that the acceleration is 21(t, — tº) →4–H– celoes; tito (t + ta) and that the velocities at the beginning, middle, and end of the interval, 21 feet, are l( — tº + 2t2t + tº) !(t,” + tº) (* + 2*,t, - tº) tiº, (t, + te) 5 tit, (t. + te)' tut, (t, + t.) f.s. Ex. A train, timed past quarter-mile posts, was found to take 2 minutes and 1 minute; deter- mine the acceleration and the velocities. Apply the same formula to the reduction of Bashforth’s screen records. Determine also the expressions for the acceleration and velocities, when successive unequal intervals of l, and l, ft are described in t, and to seconds. 9. Assuming that the velocity of rebound is e times the striking velocity, prove that an elastic ball let fall from a height of h ft on a smooth horizontal pavement will, before coming to rest on the pavement, describe 1 2 e 2/ H. h ft, in } + € A/ l, seconds, Ex. h = 16, e = #. 10. A goods, train going uniformly at 15 miles an hour, and a passenger train going also at an average velocity of 15 miles an hour, but stopping every mile at a station for two minutes, are travelling on parallel rails (e.g., from New Cross to Croydon). Determine when and where the trains will pass, the goods train having a start of, say one minute, and the passenger train taking one quarter of a minute to pull up. Give a graphical solution of this, and of the similar general problem. cº *. “. § º : i *. * ºr * \*... $ .-čº :§ *** WARIABLE ACCELERATION. 10A. When the acceleration a is not constant, we have recourse to the methods of the Differential and Integral Calculus. * We have already shown that if s ft is described in t seconds, the velocity v, in f/s, and the acceleration a, in fſs”, or celoes, are given by ds dv * = i, q = i, so that the definitions of velocity and acceleration may be given together, thus— The (ºr } is the rate of change of {{...} or is the rate of growth of distance distance velocity velocity if variable by the number of units of {º} which would be ſº in the next unit of time, if the {.. }were to continue constant, and equal in value to the value it has at }: measured, if constant by the growth of per unit of time (the second); acceleration the instant considered. The expression for a may be variously transformed; thus— dº dº dº — dº o dº dt ds dt ds ds If a is a given function of t, w = W -- |ad. 0 and • = |* = v. 4 ||ade 0 0 0 supposing V is the initial velocity, when t = 0. Thus for instance, against a retardation ft, which brings the body to rest in T seconds, the body will go a distance T | t ft, dt. 0 But if a is a given function of 8, then, since #v°/ds = a, v% = }V* + |ads: J 0 * & dt 1 2 — F — = 2 — # and since ds v (V* + ſº 3. therefore t = ſºv. + 3|ado- *ds giving t as a function of s. Thus if a is constant, = W -- at . (1.) s = Wi + \at” (2.) }v% = *W* + QS e (3.) 2 e-º- and, as before, t = v/ (W **) V 11. Again, since— =* = + T di Tài, ds dv d ()- d º ds dt T dº | * | T d \*) dº ( ds ds ds _ dºt _ dºt tº-º ds” ds ds? ‘dt 2 dź = dt 3" (#) (#) d2t (#) d°t ...a . - - -— I — F - –- ?) ds” \dt ds? ’ a simple example of change of the variable in Differentiation, of great practical use in the reduction of Bashforth’s experiments. In these experiments the time t in decimals of a second is recorded by a Chronograph at which each of a series of equidistant screens, l feet apart, were cut by a shot; and t is given as a © ë tº dt (!?t te function of s, and not s as a function of t; so that we obtain ds and . from the screen records, S *4 by differencing or interpolation. (6873) D • *, *, * : *% “. . . ; 32 * _* .# f f .*'.g. * º: *", º', { IO Then the velocity v at any distance 8 ft is the reciprocal of dt/ds, while the retardation is dºt ds? from which we see the convenience of Bashforth’s method of dividing the retardation due to the resistance of the air into two factors, one of them being the cube of the velocity, and the other 3 . Q) y º dt' b therefore *-. eing therefore is Now, in Bashforth’s notation, reckoning the velocity in thousands of f/s, and assuming that the resistance of the air varies as the cross-section or as d”, where d is the calibre in inches, d’s d? v \8 a dºtſ v ) W d2t * † = — Kſ = — 109° iſ — ). so that K = 10° -º-º: dº? *(iv) 1() #(º , SO tha. d;2 dº?” and K is Bashforth's constant of resistance, which is tabulated from his experiments. If the shot weighs W lb., then as shown subsequently, the resistance of the air is a force of * y º vº pounds, or W #º poundals. Suppose that three consecutive screens are cut by the shot at instants of time t $ 77.3 'mºn, m-1} as registered by the Bashforth chronograph; and we thence determine the velocity of the shot and the resistance of the air at the middle or mth screen. * We assume that the time t can be represented by a quadratic function of the distance s; so that, measuring s backwards and forwards from the middle screen where s = 0. t = tº + as + ba”, and the graph of t is a parabola. For the determination of a, b, tº-1 = t, — bl + blº, t,41 = a + bl + blº, so that 2a l = tººl - tº-1, 201* = tº-1 – 2t, + tail. Now at the middle screen, where s = 0, and the velocity is V, dt 1 — ... dºt — 2b; iſ a y = *, + = giving W = 21ſ (t,x, — tº 1), the average velocity from the 1st to the 3rd screen. The resistance of the air is— y #v. - y tº-1 – 2# + ºnt, Vs poundals. Thus in Round 479 (Report of Experiments, 1879), at the 5th screen, 2al = 3439 – 2031 = 1408; 2bl” = 3439 – 5458 + 2031 = 0012; so that log 2al = 1.1485, log 21 = 2.4771. log W = log 1/a = 3:3286, W = 2131 f/s; while log 2bl” = 3.0792. log l’ = 4:3522. log 2b = 8-72.70. The resistance R of the air, in pounds, is given by— R = W.2% V3: 9 and with W = 50 ; log W = 1.6990, log G = 1.5077, T log y = 0-1913, log 2b = 8.7270, log W* = 9-9858, log R = 2.9041, R = 802, about 16 times the weight of the shot. Ill When the time t is always a quadratic function of the distance 8, then— #: = 2b, a constant, which is 10 º K, in Bashforth’s notation; and the retardation of the shot and resistance of the air vary throughout as the cube of the velocity. Then, by integration, = & + 2bs, and supposing s = 0, and v = V when t = 0. The average velocity U over s is given by U = s/t f/s; and now so that the average velocity over s is the actual velocity at the mid-point of s, and is the Harmonic Mean (H.M.) of the initial velocity V, and final velocity v. In a similar manner, taking five screen records, we shall find at the middle screen, the mth SCI’626. Il- dt l d = # (tºti - tº-) - Hº (t,nt, - n-s), * = 1 (t 2t I 2 -- alsº – 3. ( m+1 ~ **m + ºn-1) - Hºg (ºr, &º-sº ºn + ‘,-) 3 and taking the middle of seven screen records, dº ds F # (*#1 º ºn-s) tº- +% (**** Gº- ºn-s) + ºw (?,*s tº- tº-3), d2? 12 dº? == # (?,*1 tº- 2t, + tº-1) tº- #, (**** tºmºse 2t, + ºn-s) + sº (**** + 2t, + ºn-s); 2 giving closer approximations to the values of # and #: at the middle screen. (Proc. R. A. Institution, Vol. XV, 1886.) 12 WEIGHT AND FORCE. 12. We must now determine the motion produced by a given force acting upon a body of given weight, so that the third Fundamental Unit, the Unit of Weight, must be introduced. We use the word weight advisedly, so as to agree with the precise language of the successive Acts of Parliament. The weight (poids) of a body is the quantity which is determined by the operation of weighing; to weigh (poise) #. body, we place it in one of the scales of a balance, and equilibrate it by certain lumps of metal called weights, placed in the other scale; and the sum of these weights is called the weight of the body. Where great precision is required, the operation of double weighing is employed to eliminate any possible inaccuracy in the balance, and a correction for the buoyancy of the air is als made. r As the field of force in which we live is that due to the attraction of the Earth, it is. convenient to take the attraction of the Earth on a lb weight as the unit of force, and to call it the force of a pound; this is the British unit of force in universal use in all practical problems of architecture, engineering, mechanics, and artillery. A force of P pounds acting on a weight of W lb will now produce acceleration a celoes, given by the equation— P e- & g - W’ This equation is deduced from a fresh aviom, Newton's Second Law of Motion, which asserts that “Change of motion is proportional to the impressed force, and takes place in the direction of, the straight line in which the force is impressed.” (Principia Mathematica, Philosophiae Naturalis, p. 12). Here change of motion means what we have called acceleration; so that if in a weight of W lb an acceleration a celoes is produced by a force of P pounds, while experiment shows that a force of W pounds always produces acceleration g celoes is a weight of W lb, therefore by Newton's Second Law, a P g TW This experiment was first carried out by Galileo, in 1590, by letting different weights fall from the Leaning Tower at Pisa, when he found that the weights all took the same time to fall; contrary to Aristotle's dictum, then and for long afterwards in universal acceptance, which asserted that the time of falling was inversely as the weight, which would make g proportional to the square of the weight. The best experimental proof of this law is the indirect one given by Newton, who found that the motion of a simple pendulum is independent of the weight and material of the bob. 13. Now suppose a force of P pounds to act on a weight of W lb, through s feet, and for t seconds, and to generate velocity v fjs from rest; imagine, for instance, a carriage on wheels on a level railway, propelled by a horizontal force of P pounds. Then, since a = PG|W, Pgs *** = F - –tº– #! CMS W. ' Pg! v = (tt = +. - W therefore # Wv°g = Ps, Wvg = Pt, the acceleration a not appearing in the last two equations. . The product Ps of a force P pounds acting through s feet in its own direction, is called the work done by the force, in foot-pounds; and since Ps and #Wv°/g are convertible, Wv°/g is also met sured in foot-pounds, and is called the kinetic energy, or stored-up work of a body weighing W lb moving with velocity v f/s. The work required to raise W lb, from rest to rest, through h feet vertical, is Wh foot-pounds: and now if the weight W is allowed to fall freely h feet vertical, it will acquire velocity, c f/s given by º #v°/g = h, so that #Wv°/q = Wh, thus illustrating the equivalence of the work done in raising the body, and given out again in the shape of kinetic energy in falling freely. The prºduct Pt of a force of P pounds acting for t seconds is called its impulse; and, by analºgy with foot-pounds, Pt is expressed in second-pounds; and since Pt and Wv/g are con- Vertible, Weſg, called the momentum or quantity of motion of W lb. moving with velocity e. fſs is also expressed in second-pounds, being the mechanical equivalent of a force of P pounds acting for t seconds. - w * ~ * g.º. ." . º. * “. . . ; º: * * gº. * *:- ... - r * : . .” 4 : ...A & $5, º.º., f.ſº * * * I **ś ſº * * * ... sp.: £3, ºº 13. Thus, starting from rest, Ps = }Wv°/g (foot-pounds), - Pt = Wolg (second-pounds). But if the body starts with velocity V f/s, * --> as = }v” — $V”, at = v – W.; and then Ps = }Wv°/g – #WV*/g (foot-pounds). Pt = Wv/g – WW/g (second-pounds). If W is given in tons, then the kinetic energy $Wv°/g is given in foot-tons, and the momentum Wv/g in second-tons. * * 14. Let us apply these formulas to the solution of an important practical problem, the determination of the amount of work required to transport a carriage of given weight W lb. in a given time t seconds, a distance l feet on the level, against a uniform resistance of R pounds. Imagine a train on a railway, or an omnibus in a street, or a column of artillery on the march, constantly starting and stopping. The resistance R would be that due to a smooth incline a, in which sin a = R/W ; so that the gradient is one in cosec a or W/R. We suppose the carriage to start from rest, and to come to rest at the other end of the journey, being constantly accelerated up to full speed and then constantly retarded. * Let P denote the pull exerted in pounds, and let s denote the distance in feet through which it acts, and v the velocity in f's which is generated. Then, by the preceding principles, since the acceleration and retardation are constant, therefore the average velocity, lſt f/s, is half the maximum velocity v fºs; or w = 2i}t. Again the kinetic energy of Wv°/q ft-lb is generated by the force P pounds, diminished by the resistance R pounds acting through s feet, and dissipated by the resistance R pounds acting through l—s feet, no breaks being employed at first; and therefore #Wv°g = (P – R) s = R (l — s) (ft. lb). Thence - *Wv°/g = Rl (P – R)/P; and Ps = Rl, * so that the work done by the pull P pounds is always the same, namely, Rl ft. lb, the work required to transport the load of W lb. at uniform speed through l feet. Also if the force P acts for T seconds during the motion, T = 2s/v = st/l = Rt|P, OI’ PT = Rt, so that the impulse PT second-pounds of the pull P pounds acting for T seconds, is equal to the impulse Rt second-pounds of the resistance R pounds, acting for the whole time, t seconds. Now, supposing the time of the journey tºseconds, or the average velocity l/t f/s, is assigned; then, since v = 2 l/t, JWv°/g = Włºſłgº = Rl (P —R)/P, R2 Ol' P = R = Wlºgā’ the requisite pull on the carriage ; and -P- #gtºR _ Rt Wl T = p = t (1 º * = 1, or t = V( .#) seconds; and then P is infinite, The least value of t is given by #gtº Tº % 9 s and T are zero; but Ps = Rl. and PT = Rt = V(WRl/#g) (second-pounds). The velocity v f/s requisite to carry the weight of W lb through l feet against a resistance of R pounds, must now be supposed communicated instantaneously, as if W was shot from a gun, by an infinitely great force P pounds, acting for an infinitely small time T seconds, but such that this product PT, called the impulse, is finite and equal to v/(WRl/#g). In this manner we analyse the motion due to so-called impulsive forces, to be discussed hereafter. - As R the resistance of the road is diminished, so the minimum time of the journey, w/(W//#g|R) seconds, is measured ; until at last for the ideal case of a perfectly smooth road offering no resistance R, the minimum time is infinite, unless we can create an artificial resistance dº { } At when requisite. (6873) E * . . . . . . ; ; ;&# - .* * *º : * º #: º *:::: - *.*.* s:x: ..º. . . . . . • • , 3. -. i. . . ; ; , ; *. ‘l. * * * * **, ** ...< * ,- W. 3. * * ' ºs- 14. This shows the necessity with the improvement of the road, of great break-power for rapid travelling; the brake-resistance being applied, as usual in brakes acting at the periphery of the wheels, so as to dissipate the kinetic energy of the moving body by friction; or, as recently pro- . * posed for tramcars, the brake-power may consist of a powerful spring, contrived so as to store up the energy of the carriage in stopping it, afterwards to be given out in starting. An apparatus is now being tried which can stop and start the car in 20 yds; provided, the weight of this apparatus can be kept within reasonable limits, some economy may be expected from this arrangement in tramcar or train working. - w 15. Suppose then that the breaks can be made to call up an additional resistance of R' pounds; to effect this the brake-shoes must press on the peripheries of the wheels with a total thrust of R//p pounds, p denoting the coefficient of friction. Then when working at full power, the pull P pounds must be taken off and the brake-resistance R" pounds must be applied simultaneously; and now #Wv°/g = (P – R)s = (R + R') (l − s.) (ft. lb); while as before w = 21ſt = 2s/T; so that, given l, W, R, R' and the time t seconds, or average velocity lſt f/s, s _ R + R' • T-PIR" * ~ WP (P - R) (R,+ R'); gº T' P + R' y R’ Wl R + Ri Rº OT - P = W I' * - RIRſ ºf - * S T W l — — — - 1 – — : and l t R + R' #gt”’ and the work required is R! WP R + R' $gt” R" WP R + R' #gt” the part representing the work dissipated in friction by the brakes. For a level road, and for carriages on wheels, we may put R = 0; and the minimum time of the journey is V ( W º seconds; and the carriage, weighing W lb, must now jump off R-FR’ ºg º- R -- R/ ^) – v/ ( W w) f.s., Wv/g = V/{W(R + R')l/#g} second-pounds, under the influence of the equivalent impulse PT, supposed to act instantaneously; but the passengers would now suffer as if shot off from a gun. - These preceding principles will enable us to solve any problem of railway motion in a short run on the level (or on an incline) from one station to the next, when the pull of the engine and the resistance of the road are taken as uniform. 16. In a long run the maximum velocity v f's would on the preceding principles become excessive, so that we must take v as the superior limit of velocity, not to be exceeded ; and when the velocity v is attained, it is kept uniform until it is requisite to make a stoppage. Now the pull P pounds must be exerted through s feet, such that (P — R)s = }Wv°/g, W lºv? OT S = 2 * . PER g : tº: which the pull must be reduced to the resistance R pounds to keep the velocity uniform at Q) I/S, To make a stop in sº feet, P3 = Rl + (ft. lb), with velocity and momentum (R + R')s' = }Wv2/g, / W #v? OT - 8 RTR 7 and the time lost in starting and stopping is (s -- sº)/v seconds, over the time required to run at full speed v f/s. - 15 17. Let us at once apply these principles to the investigation of the quickest possible run of a train on the level, from one station to the next, l feet away; the train weighing W tons gross, and the weight on the driving wheels of the engine being w tons; taking the adhesion as 4 times the weight, and supposing the train fitted with continuous brakes, so that the maximum pull of the engine is uw tons, and the maximum retarding force of the brakes is p.W tons; A is taken in practice to vary from one-fourth to one-sixth, according to the state of the road; and the greatest incline up which the train can crawl is one in W/uw. *s In the corresponding problem of an omnibus on a road, or a battery of artillery, w must be taken as the weight of the horses. g tº e & Leaving out of account the resistance of the road at first, that if t seconds is the least time in which the journey can be performed, and v f/s the greatest velocity attained, steam being shut off and brakes applied simultaneously when the velocity v is attained, Q) = 2l/t, and #Wv°/g = Aws = p.W(l — s) (ft-tons), so that we must replace the previous P and R' by pºw and pºw, and put R = 0. Then } F. w". w’ and * = w”. 9 so that t = A/ (w + ºw #) seconds, : Asºr * Aww #9 º the quickest possible journey; and then the greatest velocity attained is dººme “Az zºº º plw w = 21ſt = V(w #20) f/s. For instance, for a run of 1 mile, l = 5,280; and if W = 100, w = 14, p = }, t = A/ 114 × 6 x Śwo = 127 seconds; - 14 16 - N e = 21ſt = 83.15 f/s; nearly 57 miles an hour. But suppose the greatest running velocity is limited to v fls, less than the previous value partly obtained; the time of the run, t seconds, will now be increased; for when full speed v f/s is attained, steam must be shut off, and with the assumption of no resistance the train will proceed with uniform velocity v f/s, to a certain distance, s' feet short of the station, at which the brakes must be applied to make the stop. Now we have #Wv°/g = Aws = p.Ws' (foot-tons), giving s and s', and the train being 2s/v seconds under steam, and 2s'ſv seconds under the brakes, and (l — s — s')|v seconds at full speed v f/s, the whole journey will take— r (, ; ; ; ) = + (. –H 1) * (seconds), w 21g - exceeding the time lſo seconds, required for the journey of l feet at uniform speed v f/s, by— W ); (8 + s^)/v = (y + 1 2/19 (seconds), so that the average speed is reduced to loſ(l-F s -- s'). For instance, if in the above numerical application of the train, the velocity is limited to 45 miles an hour, c = 66 fs, and the time of the journey of one mile will be increased to about 130 seconds. 16 18. As another application, consider the problem of an omnibus, required to slow down to a velocity of 1 f/s every 100 yards, to pick up and set down a passenger, the maximum speed being limited to 7% miles an hour; given that the weight of the omnibus is 25 cwt, of the driver, conductor, and passengers is 35 cwt, and of the horses is 30 cwt, and taking an adhesion of one-fifth, the pair of hind wheels being braked. ſº g Here the pull of the horses P = 6 cwt., while the given weight W = 90 cwt; and the velocity is made to grow from W = 1 f/s to v = 11 f/s; so that the horses must pull through 8 feet, given by— Ps = }Wv°/g – WWºlg (ft-cwt); or - s = The omnibus may now be considered to proceed with uniform speed v = 11 f/s, the horses doing little or no work, and to diminish speed again to W = 1 f/s at the end of 300 ft, the brakes must be applied to the hind wheels for 8 ft, creating a resistance of 6 cwt, one-fifth of the weight of 30 cwt on the hind wheels, acting on 60 cwt, the weight of the omnibus and passengers. Therefore V* – wº 63' = 60 S 2g or s' = 18.75 ft. } There remains l — s—s' = 253.125 ft described with uniform velocity v = 11 f/s, and therefore in time (l – 8 – 8')|v = 23:01.14 seconds; while s and 8' ft. are each described with average velocity #(11 + 1) = 6 fls, and therefore in time (s -- sº)/6 = 7-8125 seconds, so that the run of 100 yards takes 30-8239 seconds, giving an average speed of 300 -- 30-8239 = 9.7 f/s, or 6.6 miles an hour. Each horse will now do 3 × 112 × * = 9/450 ft-lb every 308239 seconds; so that he is e 9,450 working at a useful rate of about 3TX 550 ºf '55 of a horse power; rather hard work for a horse, as Watt's estimate of 33,000 ft. lb per minute, or 550 ft. lb per second, is about 50°) o greater than the performance of a strong dray horse, drawing a weight out of a well. Work out the same problem when the roads are frosty and slippery, so that the adhesion is reduced to one-tenth; alsº when only one hind wheel is braked; also for a gun carriage and six horses, supposing the shaft-horse only to act as a brake. 19. With a mean uniform resistance of the road of R tons, equivalent to an incline of one in W/R, our equations become changed to— - #Wv°/g - (uw *º R)s = (a W + R)s' (foot-tons), and now the whole time of the journey is P l W W l F – -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ºf (l − S + 8 /v Q) + º R + AW-E R+ º 2g seconds, For instance, if in the above numerical instance of the railway in 17, the resis road is taken as 20 pounds a ton, then R = 20 W/2,240 = W/112 ; and º, º: the minimum time of the journey will be 1574 seconds, the maximum velocity attained bein ! -about 67 fis; but with velocity restricted to 45 miles an hour, or to v = 66 f/s, the time of . journey is but slightly increased. 5 Work out the problem of a battery of artillery on a road, checked from a trot to a slow walk every 200 yards. - 17 PROBLEMS ON RECTILINEAR MOTION AND TRAIN MOTION ON THE LEVEL. Y- 1. Prove that if a weight of W lb resting on a smooth horizontal plane (e.g., a carriage on wheels on a horizontal road or railway) is acted on by a horizontal force of P pounds for t seconds through s fº the velocity acquired will be— - º-ºº: P W gt = W(& *) f/s, •. 2 the energy acquired will be * gt? = Ps fi lb, the momentum acquired will be Pt = V/( PW º seconds-pounds, and 8 = } & gt”. 2. Determine the length in which a barge of 50 tons, moving at 3 miles an hour, can be brought up by a rope round a post, supposing the maximum weight the rope can support is one ton 2 Ans, 15-125 ft. 3. Determine in tons the mean thrust on the terminus buffers, which stop in 6 ft a train of 200 tons, going at 6 miles an hour; determine also the time this takes in seconds? Ams. 40% tons, 1++ seconds. 4. Cutting a foot off the muzzle of a 6 in. gun was found to cause the velocity to drop from 1,490 to 1,330 f/s, the shot weighing 100 lbs. Calculate in tons on the in” the pressure on the base of the shot as it is leaving the muzzle. Ans. 11-13. 5. Prove that the shortest time from rest to rest, in which a chain, capable of bearing a safe load of P tons, can raise a weight of W tons out of a hold h feet deep—or lower the weight into the hold, is— v/( P º seconds. P – W g - Prove also that the greatest load which can be raised or lowered in t seconds is— h P (l -º-º-º: #) tons. 6. Prove that a brake resistance of 385 pounds per ton will destroy a velocity of 60 miles an hour in 704 ft, and in 16 seconds. * With a coefficient of friction 0:16, prove that a train going 30 miles an hour can be brought up in about 84 yards by continuous brakes, supposing them to press on the wheels with three- quarters of the weight of the train. Determine the shortest distance in which the train can pull up. 7. A train of 60 tons performs a journey of 20 miles in one hour, with 9 intermediate stoppages, each of 2 min., at intervals of two miles, the resistance of the road is 10 lbs. a ton, and the brake power of the engine and brake van, half the weight of the train, is one-sixth of the weight. Determine the pull of the engine and its horse power at full speed, 8. Prove that a train going 45 miles an hour will be brought to rest in about 378 yards by the brakes, supposing them to press with two-thirds of the weight on the wheels of the engine and brake vans, which are half the weight of the train, taking a coefficient of friction 0.18. Prove that an engine capable of exerting a uniform pull of 3 tons can take this train, weighing 120 tons, on the level from one station to stop at the next, two miles off, in about 3 min. 38; secs., the speed being kept uniform when it has reached 45 miles an hour. - Q (A man alighting from a carriage going v f/s on a road, or platform, with coefficient of adhesion pu, will come to rest when the carriage is a away; determine w.) - 9. Determine in tons the greatest train an engine capable of exerting a uniform pull of 3 tons can take on the level, from one station to the next a mile off, in four minutes, supposing the resistance of the road estimated at 20 lb. a ton, and the brake power at 400 lbs a ton in addition. Ans. 203 tons. (6873) F 18 °. 10. Prove that a train going 60 miles an hour can be brought to rest in about 313 yards by the brakes, supposing them to press on the wheels with two-thirds of the weight of the train, taking a co-efficient of friction 0:18, in addition to a passive resistance of 20 lbs, a ton. Prove that the mean uniform pull to be exerted by an engine to take this train, weighing 100 tons, on the run from one station to stop at the next, two miles off, in four minutes, is about 2-6 tons. 11. Prove that the pull of a locomotive engine is pdºl -- D pounds, for a mean effective pressure of p lb per in”, where d denotes the diameter of such of the two cylinders, l the height of stroke and D the diameter of the driving wheels, all in inches; and with an adhesion of one-nth, or p = 1/m, the weight on the driving wheels must be mpdºl -- D lb. Determine the pull of an engine and the weight on the drivers, on which d = 20, l = 24, D = 60, for a mean effective pressure p = 100 lbs. in the square inch, taking an adhesion of one- sixth. Ans. 73 tons, 43 tons. (This is the well-known rule for the pull of an engine, given in Molesworth's Pocket Book, and elsewhere. To prove this rule it is only requisite to consider the work done by P pounds, the traction due to the adhesion of the driving wheels, during a complete revolution, when the engine advances TD inches, and the work done is therefore TDP inch-pounds. This must be equated to the work done by the steam in the two cylinders, each of which is filled twice with steam of average pressure p lb. per square inch, and of volume 37td*l; and therefore the work done by the steam is 4 x + Trdºlp inch-pounds; and therefore Tâ’lp = TDP, and the T's cancelling— - P = pa”l -- D. A similar method, slightly more complicated, will apply for a compound engine. 12. In an express engine the driving wheels are 8 feet in diameter, and the load on them is 15 tons; the cylinders are 18 x 28 inches. Find the pressure of steam which will skid the wheels, with an adhesion of one-sixth. Determine the ratio of the velocity of the engine to the velocity of the piston at any point of the stroke. 13. From King's Cross to Grantham is 105 miles, and there are twenty-seven intermediate stations. The average resistance of a parliamentary train stopping at all stations is taken as 8 lbs a ton, while the resistance to an express train which runs through without stopping is taken at 10 lbs a ton, the brake power in each case being taken at 80 lbs a ton additional. Supposing the speed to be kept constant by reducing steam when it has reached 30 miles an hour, find which train is most expensive in fuel, and by how much per cent. Work out the same problem with their resistances and full speed doubled. ' ' '...' . . . . A . - 19 MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES.—TRAIN PROBLEMS ON INCLINES: 20. When a body weighing W lb slides down a smooth incline making an angle a with the horizon (or rolls down on wheels with smooth axles), the normal thrust on the plane is a force of W cos a pounds; but the component of gravity, W sin a pounds, parallel to the plane is unbalanced, and therefore produces acceleration a celoes, such that C! W sin a — = 9 W-> OY a = g sin &. By means of the inclined plane we dilute the effect of gravity, and theoretically we measure the acceleration g more conveniently. But practically there is no such thing as a smooth plane in Nature; although by providing the moving body with wheels we can make the body roll down the plane almost as if the plane was smooth, the slight discrepancy being due to the friction of the axles and the rotary inertia of the wheels. Suppose a body is placed on an inclined plane, like the lid of a desk, and suppose the inclina- tion is gradually increased until the body is on the point of sliding. - It was found experimentally by Morin that, provided the surfaces in contact are kept the same, and are carefully lubricated, this critical angle is independent of the weight W of the body, and of the extent of surface in contact with the plane. It was also found experimentally that on increasing the inclination still more, so as to make the body slide, the acceleration of the body down the plane was constant, and independent of the weight and extent of surface in contact with the plane. * Generalizing from the experiments, we are able to enunciate Morin's Three Laws of Friction, employed in Theoretical Mechanics. 20 LAWS OF FRICTION. I. When the state of the surfaces in contact remains the same, the maximum or i.; • amount of tangential friction F which can be called into play is proportional to the norm pressure R, and * F = R tan b, where q is the angle of inclniation of the plane at which the body will rest without sliding. The angle q is called the Angle of Friction, or the Angle of Repose. II. The friction F is independent of the extent of surface in contact. III. The friction F is independent of the velocity when sliding takes place. It is found experimentally that the value of F/R when sliding takes place is slightly less than when the body is just on the point of motion; we see this verified when the driving wheels of a locomotive slip and skid; this is expressed by saying that friction is slightly less than stiction. The Laws of Fluid Friction are entirely different to those for the Friction between Solids. FRuid Friction being independent of the pressure, but proportional to the area and the square of the velocity approximately. Incidentally also the Laws of Friction are verified from the observation that the maximum #. of a locomotive is proportional to the weight on the drivers, independently of their lameter. Careful experiments by Thurston, Kennedy, Beauchamp, Tower, &c. (“Research on Friction' of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1883, 1888), have shown that these Laws of Morin are only a rough approximation to the truth; but we shall employ these laws in the subsequent applications, in the absence of any other simple and more accurate formulas. These laws will be assumed to hold equally well for a body sliding down an incline, like a ship on the launching ways, or for a railway train on wheels on an incline, q denoting in each case the limiting angle or gradient at which motion just begins of itself, or at which the body will move with constant velocity if once started. In performing the experiments on Friction on a small scale, we have taken the lid of a desk as representing the incline; but in the future applications it is better to think of phenomena on as large a scale as possible, and to consider a railway or road incline. 21. Suppose now that a body weighing W lb is placed on an incline, and that p is the slope when motion is on the point of taking place. Now let the inclination be increased to a, and let us determine the acceleration a down the plane. Assuming Morin's experimentallaws that the resistance parallel to the plane is always R tan $ pounds in the direction opposite to motion, where R is the normal thrust on the plane in pounds, then since no motion takes place perpendicular to the plane, R = W cos 2, f and considering the motion down the plane, a W sin a – R tan ºf g W = sin o. — cos & tan ºp = sin (c. — p) sec (b. Suppose the body starts from rest at 0, and acquires at P the velocity v f/s in s feet and t seconds; then #v? E C S = gs sin (c. * --> $) SéC ºb, w = at = gt sin (2 - b) sec (b. Through the point O draw OH horizontal, and OK. sloping downwards at the angle p, meeting the vertical PKH through P in H and K; then, since OP = s, PH = 8 sin &, PK = 8 sin (c. — p) sec (p; so that #v% = g, PK, or the velocity at P is that which would be acquired in falling under gravity g vertically from the line OK; PK is then called the impetus of the velocity v. Thus a velocity 57.6 f/s × m/h has an impetus 52.8 ft, which is sufficient to carry a train 1 mile up in 1 in 100, 2 miles up in 1 in 200, &c. Suppose now that the body is projected from Pup the plane, and that the retardation is aſ celoes ; then a' W sin & -- R tan ºf g T W = sin (2 + ſp) sec (b. 21 4. ;4 If the velocity v' at P is just sufficient to carry the body back to 0, # v” = a's = gs sin (2 + (p) sec p = g, PK', if OK! is drawn from O, sloping upwards at an angle b, meeting the vertical through P in K'. The impetus of the velocity of is now PK’; and now if this inclined plane is used as a machine, so that the work done in raising the body from P to 0 is given out again by the body in falling back to P (e.g., a clock) the efficiency of the machine is PK sin (2 — b) tº- --- º- PK' T sin (a + i). We shall find the lines OK and OK' useful in solving geometrically problems of motion on inclined planes and railways; they are maximum limiting gradients on which a carriage will stand without running back. When b = 0, the plane is smooth, or behaves as such ; and the lines OK, OK' coalesce with the horizontal line OH. If t' is the time in seconds from P back again to O, v' = a't' = gt' sin (2 + h) sec p. But in finding the time from 0 to P, or back from P to O, when the downward velocity v or the upward velocity v' is supposed to be known, it is simpler to consider the average velocity from O to P, or P to O, to be $v or #v' f/s; and the corresponding time will be s/#v or s/#v, seconds. 22. Suppose we have a number of inclined planes, passing through a fixed horizontal axis through O, and we wish to find the locus of bodies, starting simultaneously from Q, after a given time of t seconds, the planes all having the same limiting angle 3. Draw OE vertically downwards, of such a length that a body would fall freely from O to E in t seconds, so that OE = }gt”; and on OE, draw a circle touching the line K'OK, sloping down- wards at the angle q. Then the time of sliding down any chord OP, between OE and OK, will be t seconds; so that the different bodies will all lie in the circular arc OPE. For the time down OP = s/#v= OP/#v/(2g.PK) - 2OP, º- yº = t seconds - V apk - V - - 3. since OP” = OE.PK. The chords such as OP' on the other side of the vertical OE, between OE and OK', will possess the property that a body projected up PO, with velocity just sufficient to reach O, will take the same time t seconds to reach O for all positions of OP', 'b still denoting the angle of friction. As another example, suppose AO and QB are two inclines of 2 and 8, having the same limiting angle b, and that a body starting from A slides down AO, and passes without change of velocity up the plane OB, as in a switchback railway, a small curved part being introduced at O; suppose it comes to rest at B, and slides back again to A', and so on ; it is required to determine the position of B, A', &c. Draw the line AB through A, sloping downwards at an angle b, and cutting OB in B; then, since the velocity at any point on AQ or OB is that which would be acquired in falling vertically from AB, it follows that the body will come to rest at B, and OB – sin OAB – sin (a – ?) *-T- * -——- --> OA sin OBA. T sin (3 + (5) If the horizontal line through A meets OB in b, then Bb is the lost space due to friction, up which the body must be pushed to regain the level Ab. Supposing AO is a slope of 2, greater than q, and OB a slope of 8 less than $, and that a body starting from A and sliding down AO passes without change of velocity on to OB, and comes to rest at B: then obviously in the same manner, the point B will be determined by drawing AB through A, sloping downwards at the angle q, to cut OB in B. We can prove easily that the work required to transport a body from B to Aalong the inclines BU and OA is always the same as that required to lift the body vertically to the level of A, and then to drag it horizontally to it. If the plane QP meets a plane below 0, inclined at an angle b the horizon, in P, the time of sliding down QP is proportional to the length of the incline OP; but the velocity with which the body reaches P is independent of OP. (6873) G 22 Š to i i 28. In railway inclines the slope is generally estimated by 1 ft vertical to so many feet m horizontal, so that if a. is the slope of the incline of one in m, tan a = 1/m. The friction also is generally estimated by the resistance in pounds r per ton weight of the train, so that on the level the coefficient of friction p = tan b = rſ2240; sin q = rſ2220, the resistance of the road being thus equivalent to that of a smooth incline 4. Then when running freely down an incline 2, the acceleration f = g sin (2 – b) sec p = g (sin & — u cos x). accurately But in railway inclines m is large enough for us to replace sin a or tan a by 1/m, and cos 2 by unity, so that - 1 – aſ" – " f = g|... – 2) sº- 9. ãº) the formula employed in practical problems. More accurately, e 1. 1 1 \– # 1 1 ) M F — = — - F — 1 - 9 @ 9 Sl]] O. v/(m” + 1) #(l + #) #ſ 2m.” 770, 1 \–3 - sº- - tº- = 1 - • . . . . COS C& E V(mº -E 1)1) * (1 + ;) - 27m.” 5 so that the error committed in the above approximate formula is only about 1/2m” of the whole, or 50/mº per cent. ; for m = 50, only about 0:02 per cent.; and thus it is immaterial whether we take an incline of one in m to mean 1 ft. vertical form horizontal, or for m on the slope; or whether we call a slope of & an incline of one in cos x or cosec 2, the former being used on the plan, and the latter on the constructed work. With the same approximation, the resistance of the road on the level or the brake power, estimated at r pounds per ton, may be replaced by the resistance of an uphill incline of 1 in 2240 —— r. * According to the experiments of Smeaton and Rennie, The resistence of Stone Tramways is to be taken as 20 *~. * AA | pounds a ton. 22 25 Paved Roads 22 5 x 33 39 25 22 Macadam Roads , 35 44 to 67 32 2 3 95 Gravel Roads 32 39 1 50 25 2? 39 Soft Sandy Roads , 32 210 22 # TRAIN PROBLEMS ON INCLINES. (1) Prove that an engine exerting a pull of P tons, starting a train weighing W tons up an incline of 1 in m, the resistance of the road being r pounds per ton, will in the time t seconds generate the velocity in the distance the energy accumulated in foot-tons being P 1 7, \? E = W | *- — “ — — . . ) kat”. W (. 7%. im #9t (2) A train of 120 tons is to be taken from one station to the next, a mile off, up an incline of 1 in 80, in four minutes without using the brakes. Prove that with no road resistance the engine must exert a pull, until steam is turned off, of about 6,203 lbs.; and the weight on the drivers must be 37,218 lbs. = 16*6 tons, with an adhesion of one-sixth. (3) Prove that in order to take a train of 100 tons from rest at one station to stop at another a mile and a-half off, up an incline of 1 in 100, in six minutes, the velocity must reach 30 miles an hour; the steam must be shut off and the brakes applied 108 yards from the station, and the engine must exert a pull of about 1:4 tons; supposing a brake pressure on the wheels of half the weight of the train, and a coefficient of friction of one-sixth. (4) Determine, in tons, the greatest load the Strong locomotive—with cylinders 20 by 24 in., driving wheels 5 ft in diameter, and mean effective pressure 100 lb/in”—can take up an incline rising 96 ft in the mile, from rest at one station to stop at the next station, two miles off, in eight minutes; taking an average resistance of the road of 12 lbs a ton, and the brake power at 400 lbs a ton; the engine and tender weighing 106 tons. Ans. 164 tons. 23 (5) A train of W tons is to be taken from rest at one station up an incline of 1 in m to stop at the flext station a ft off in t seconds, the resistance on the level being equivalent to an incline of 1 in n, and the brake-power to 1 in q. Prove that the pull of the engine, if uniform, must be :— l } + *(; +})(; +} +; O. 7, m n q W *(; +++)-1 tons, Q. 770 70, Q and prove that the extra expenditure of work over taking the train at uniform velocity is. Wa2 1 #gº q (; + 1 + } foot-tons. &m n q (6) Prove that the weight of the greatest train an engine with cylinders d x lin, and driving wheels D in in diameter, with a mean effective pressure of p lb/in”, can take in the last journey of ex. 5, is: tons gross. (7) Prove that the loss of time in going from A to C–for instance, from Stanstead to Newport, on G.E.R.—two points on a railway at the same level eight miles apart, due to an incline of 1 in 100 from A up to B, and an incline of 1 in 300 from B down to C, instead of going on a level line from A to C at a uniform velocity of forty-five miles an hour, is 2 minutes 20 seconds, equivalent in time to a detour on the level of 1 mile 60 chains. It is supposed that with full steam on the velocity drops from forty-five to fifteen miles an hour at the summit B, and that in descending the incline full steam is kept on till the velocity is again forty-five, after which the velocity is kept uniform by partly shutting off steam ; and prove that this happens at a point Q, distant from B about 1 mile 892 yards. Kr Prove that the train would come to a standstill, or, as the Americans say, would be “stalled on the grade,” if the incline from A to B was a quarter of a mile longer. Prove that if the weight of the train is 200 tons, and the resistance of the road is 14 lbs a ton, the pull of the engine from A to Q is 245 tons, and from Q to B is #3 ton; and determine whether there is any extra expenditure of work due to the inclines, on this and the return Journey. Determine the requisite weight on the driving wheels, taking an adhesion of one-sixth. Compare the Shap and Beattock inclines, causing a loss of 9 minutes (Times, 22nd October, 1889). (8) Determine the loss of time and the extra expenditure of work—if any-–due to crossing a pass by a railway having an incline of 1 in m up and 1 in n down, instead of going in a level tunnel of length l feet through the pass; supposing that W fls is the maximum speed allowed on the line, and that the velocity of the train drops from V to v f/s at the summit of the pass; determine the pull of the engine P in tons for a train of W tons weight, taking the resistance of the road at r lb per ton. Determine the length of detour of equal time. 24 IMPULSE. 24. We have already given the name impulse to the product Pt of a force of P pounds and of the t seconds for which the force acts, and shown that the impulse Pt and the momentum Wv/g which it generates are equal and convertible; and therefore measurable in the same unit, which we have called the second-pound; by analogy with the unit of work, the foot-pound, in which the work Ps and its mechanical equivalent, the kinetic energy #Wv°/g, are measured. º In a large class of mechanical questions, such as the action of hammers, pile driving, the collision of railway carriages, the impulse of a steamer against a pier, the motion of a pro- jectile in the bore of a gun; or, on a small scale, in the impact of billiard balls; a very great force, P pounds, acting for a very short time, t seconds, produces a finite change of velocity and of momentum, so that the impulse Pt is finite. º In such questions it is convenient to begin by supposing the impulse to act instantaneously, so that the change of velocity takes place while the bodies have hardly moved; afterwards to investigate more closely what really takes place. * In the preceding examples on the dynamics of rectilinear motion, the Principle of Energy has been employed, in which the kinetic energy generated or used up is considered as the dynamical equivalent of the work done on the body, both being measured in foot-pounds or foot- tons. But now we shall employ the Principle of Momentum, which asserts that the momentum generated—or destroyed—in any direction is the dynamical equivalent of the impulse in the same direction, both being measured in second-pounds, or second-tons; the impulse being defined as the product of the time and the mean force in that direction. In the case of the impact of one body upon another, the same impulse, consisting of the same force acting for the same time, acts on each body, but in opposite directions; so that the momentum of the system is unchanged, and is the same just before and just after the impact, if we neglect any extraneous forces acting on the bodies as insensible compared with the mean force of the impulse. p Let us apply these principles immediately to the solution of the following practical questions:— (1) “An inelastic pile, weighing w tons, is driven vertically a feet into the ground by n blows of a hammer weighing W tons, falling h feet. * nWº J. W -- w a drive the pile down very slowly against a uniform resistance. If the pile is crushed at each blow a small length, measured in feet by ar, the mean Prove that tons would have to be superposed on the pile, in addition to W, to Ww W –– w thrust exerted by the hammer during a blow is º tons, and acts for aſh of the time of falling of the hammer. Determine also the time of each movement of the pile. (2) “If the resistance of the ground increases in proportion to the penetration of a pile, and n blows of a hammer of W tons, falling h feet, drives a pile of w tons, a feet, prove that 27, W* h - W -- w a ons, gradually superposed, would drive the pile the same distance. (3) “Prove that, if the safe building load on a pile is one-math the resistance to penetration of the ground, and the pile is intended to bear a safe load of M tons, the pile will be sufficiently driven home when the penetration at each of the last few blows of the hammer is W2), -ºw I feet (called the refusal of the pile), where W denotes the weight of the hammer, w of the pile in tons, and h the height in feet the hammer falls. Prove that, if the chain which raises the hammer can bear a safe load of P tons, the minimum time of raising the hammer is w/ rºw of the time of falling.” Considering a single blow in question 1, the hammer in falling h feet acquires Wh foot-tons of energy, and acquires the striking velocity V f/s given by # V2 - gh, OI’ *WWº/g - Wh o e 6 º º & © s g & & (1) 25 The pile being supposed inelastic, the hammer does not rebound, but pile and hammer move together with the same velocity; supposing this velocity is U f/s; immediately after the blow, U is determined from the condition that the momentum is unchanged; and therefore, in second- tons, (W + wyu/g = ww WV/g, W Úr U = w H. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) and the available energy of the hammer and pile is now W2 kV2 W2}. I 2 *º 2 - tº & e gº o sº e g ſe * #(W + w)U*/g = WTº g W -- w foot-tons (3) the energy dissipated (liberated) by the blow being Wºh With W H w T W -- w so that the work lost bears the ratio w; W -- w to the whole work, and this is less the greater the ratio W : w. wº tº Denoting by R the mean effective resistance of the ground in tons, this energy of the hammer and pile is sufficient to carry them a distance a/m feet against this resistance, and therefore by the principle of energy, Ra W2), ºn ~ WTº _ nW* h Úr = wº; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) We have not allowed for gravity, when the pile is driven vertically, when the effective resistance R tons must be increased by W -- w tons to obtain the total resistance to motion; consequently R tons is required to be superposed on the hammer and pile, weighing W -- w tons, to drive the pile down very slowly. \ The above supposes the blow instantaneous, and consequently that there is no deformation of the pile, and that the thrust between the pile and hammer during the impact is infinite; but in reality some deformation must take place, and supposing that the pile is crushed a small length, denoted in feet by a, and that P. denotes the thrust in tons between the hammer and pile during the blow, then Pa measures in foot-tons the work dissipated by the blow in crushing the pile, and therefore— Wh — foot-tons . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) W2), W w/, tº-º-º: I h — * ======s=== _ Ww h * OT = wº; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) Supposing t denotes in seconds the time the blow acts, then when a and therefore t is vely small, P is very great, and we may neglect R in comparison with it; and by the principle of momentum, Wat W * r º-º +. - — ” Pt = W(V – U)/g = w Ug W H w g’ and therefore t = } = aſh of the time of falling of the hammer; since the hammer is l W/g = h/#V seconds in falling h feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) After the blow, the pile describes aſm feet with average velocity #U, and therefore the time of penetrating the ground is * a W -- w a |Un T W Wr, W -- w a w * = 'º-º ºr of the time of falling of the hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8) W wh Suppose, however, we consider the case where the crushing of the pile a becomes comparable with the penetration, b feet suppose, at each blow. Now R, the effective resistance of the ground, becomes comparable with P; so that for the t second the blow lasts, considering the change of momentum of the hammer, seconds Pt = WW/g – wu/g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9) and considering the change of momentum of the pile, Pt – Rt = wV/g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) so that Rt = WW/g – (W + w}U/g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) a quantity we have previously neglected as insensible. (6873) H 26 Pile and hammer are now, just after the blow, moving with common velocity V f's, and will therefore penetrate a distance y feet against the mean effective resistance R tons given by Ry = }(W + w)U*/g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) But while the blow lasts the pile will move bodily a distance 2 feet, such that the energy liberated by the blow is used up in crushing the pile a ft. against a thrust of P tons, and moving it 2 ft. against a resistance of R tons; so that: Wh — ;(W + wyvº/g = Pa + Rz, f* Or Wh = Pa + Rb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) since y + 2 = b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) Knowing W, w, h, and observing b and w, we have sufficient equations for determining P, R, U, y, and 2 ; but as these equations become rather complicated, and the results are of no practical value, we shall not pursue them further. e The preceding considerations, treating the pile as inelastic, are requisite for roughing out the theory of pile driving before introducing the refinement of taking into account the elasticity of the pile; for this further treatment the reader is referred to Rankine's Applied Mechanics, Sec- tion 616, and to the works of Collignon and St. Venant. 25. We have supposed the resistance of the ground uniform, but if, as in Question 2, we suppose the resistance to increase as the penetration, then the average resistance will be half the maximum resistance: denoting this by R tons, then the work required to penetrate a feet is #Ra foot-tons, which must be equated to the total available energy of the blows; so that 1B, nWºh #Ra = WT º' _ 2nW* h OT R = wº, , Here again the only effect of taking into account gravity when the pile is driven vertically, is to reckon the penetration a, not from the surface of the ground but from the depth which the pile will sink under its own weight and the weight of the hammer superposed; and then the additional penetration of a feet will be obtained by gradually superposing R tons. The penetration at each blow will no longer be the same, but supposing that a, feet is the penetration produced by r blows, then the rth blow produces penetration a;-a, -, feet, against an average resistance of #(a, + a_i)R/a tons; and the available energy of each blow being W*h/(W + wy foot-tons, W2h therefore #(a,” — a, 1%).Rſa = WI, 7 #Raſm, so that a,” — a, 1% = a”/n, giving a,” = a”/n, and a, - a, –1 = [Vr – V(r – 1)]aſn the penetration at the ºth blow; a formula similar to that giving the time it takes for a falling body to describe equal vertical distances. The time occupied by the pile in penetrating the ground at each blow must be investigated subsequently. We may, however, determine the time the pile would take to penetrate a feet under a single blow of the hammer, falling nh feet, against a resistance of the ground increasing as the pene- tration, by comparing the motion of the pile with that of a piston, moving from the middle to the end of a stroke; when, as pointed out in Ex. (5), No. I, the maximum velocity is ºr times the average velocity. Supposing then that hammer and pile start moving together with velocity Uffs, the average velocity of penetration is now U/#T f/s; and the time of penetration is W + w #7ta W -- w łTra # *Eº 2 tº-º-º-º: 4. #Ta/U = WT V- seconds = TWT ºff, of the time the hammer takes to fall m/, feet. But the determination of the time occupied with successive blows of the hammer, falling h feet, must be reserved for the present, till the circumstances of motion under a force proportional to the displacement have been investigated. If the resistance of the ground was really uniform, then gradual loading to drive the pile down would be dangerous, as the pile would not move till the full load required was Superposed, and would then, tend to start with a run; with increasing resistance, however, this method is safe, and is used in sinking a caisson. 27 , 26. In building operations the safe load on a pile is taken as a certain fraction, one mth, of the force required to drive the pile; if the pile is designed to bear a safe load of M tons, the force required to drive the pile should be mM tons, and in Question 3 we wish to determine when the pile is sufficiently driven from an observation of the penetration of the pile at each of the last few blows. ſ The penetration b at each blow being small compared with the total penetration, we may consider the resistance R of the ground uniform, and replacing the resistance by mM tons, then W2h mM = wº Ol' b = W*h -* mM(W + w) To raise the hammer in the least possible time, notice that the extreme tension of the chain, *P tons, must be exerted vertically through a feet until sufficient velocity v f/s is imparted to carry the hammer freely through h-a feet to the full height required, h feet; and therefore, in foot-tons, - #Wv°/g = (P – W)w = W(h — a ; so that Pa = Wh, and *g – ºr "h, veg – i. Ol' - W = Wºr"). Therefore the average velocity of ascent, #v, is v/ { (P-W)/P } times the average velocity of falling #V ; and therefore the least time of ascent is vſ. ſ P/(P-W) - of the time of falling ; and in this way we gain an idea of the greatest speed at which the pile driving can be carried on with given appliances. (4) An inelastic pile weighing half a ton is driven 12 ft into the ground by thirty blows of a hammer weighing 2 tons falling 30 ft. Prove that it would require 120 tons in addition to the hammer to be superposed on the pile to drive it down slowly, supposing the resistance of the ground uniform ; but 240 tons if the resistance increases as the penetration. *: Prove that with uniform resistance, each movement of the pile takes 0.0228 sécond. (5) If the resistance of the ground to the penetration of an inelastic pile is 60 tons, prove that 15 blows of a hammer weighing 1 ton falling 20 ft will drive the pile 4 ft into the ground, the pile weighing 3 ton. Prove also that the time of each movement of the pile is 0.01863 second. 6) A pile is driven a feet vertically into the ground by n blows of a steam hammer fastened to the head of the pile. Prove that, if p is the mean pressure of the steam in pounds per in?, d the diameter of the piston in ins, l the length of stroke in ft, W the weight in lb of the moving parts of the hammer, w lb the weight of the pile and the fixed parts of the hammer attached to it; then the mean resistance of the ground in pounds is— mW ! - 47td?n) –, W –– w (W + +7tdºp) C! Putting #Tilºp = P, the total thrust of the steam on the piston, prove that the whole time of an ascent and descent of the hammer is, in seconds— - Vº A/ 2PW ) + V. W } | (p. TW3) (F + W and prove that the volume of steam used at uniform pressure p is 1 + W/P times the volume of the cylinder. Discuss the best rate of working of a steam pump, required to pump a given quantity of water against a given head and frictional resistances. (7) Why, when we wish to drive a hammer shaft home into the hammer head, do we hit on the butt end of the shaft, and not on the hammer head? Compare the distances the shaft is driven in the two cases. . (8) Prove that if a hammer head weighing 2 lbs striking with a velocity of 50 f/s a nail, ºr in in diameter and weighing 1 oz, drives the nail 1 in into a plank of wood, then a bullet 0-5 in in diameter and weighing 1 oz striking with velocity 1,500 fſs, will penetrate 1:16 in of the wood; supposing the resistance uniform and proportional to the sectional area of the hole. Determine also the penetration of the bullet, supposing the resistance proportional to the penetration. Determine also the time of movement in each case. Answer.—When the resistance is uniform, the nail is 0.0034375 second, and the bullet is 0.00013 second in penetrating the wood; but when the resistance increases as the penetration, the nail takes 0-0027 second, and the bullet penetrates 1.077 in, and takes 0.000094 second. 28 (9) A hammer head weighing W lb, moving with velocity v f/s, strikes a nail weighing * lbs fixed in a block of wood weighing M lbs, which is free to move; prove that if the mean resistance of the block to penetration is R pounds, the nail will penetrate each blow a distance of— MW2 #ºf * - feet (MTWTº) (W Ivy gF “ taking wºrd jº seconds, during which the block M will move MW* ** feet, (MTWTºjº gR MW (M + W -- w (W + wy W -- wi But if the block is fixed, the penetration will be increased to (l + W; ) times this penetration, and will take Wv/gE seconds. (Compare setting a plane or holding up in rivetting.) so that a fraction of the total work is utilized in penetration. (10) Prove that the mean resistance of the wood is 204 pounds to a nail weighing 1 oz; sup- posing a hammer weighing 1 lb striking it with a velocity of 34 f/s drives the nail 1 in into a fixed block of wood. If the block is free to move and weighs 68 lbs, prove that the hammer will drive the nail only £4 in. "Prove that the nail is 00052 and 0005128 second in penetrating the wood in the two cases; during which the block if free will move 0.015 in. (11) A rifle weighing 10 lbs is suspended horizontally by two equal parallel threads, and is observed after firing a bullet weighing 1 oz to recoil so as to ascend one foot. Calculate the velocity of the bullet; and prove that if the length of the barrel traversed by the bullet is 3 ft, the bullet is about 0-00466 second traversing the barrel, and that the rifle will have moved about 2-118 in when the bullet is leaving the muzzle. (12) Prove that if a Ballistic Pendulum, made of a box filled with sand weighing W lb, and suspended by equal parallel vertical cords of length L ft, is found to recoil through an are whose chord is c ft as measured on a tape drawn out in the recoil, when struck in a horizontal line passing through the centre of gravity of the box by a shot weighing w lb ; then the striking velocity of the shot and the energy liberated by the impact are respectively— W –– w g st l(W7 W c2 sº Wi e V (£), f's, and (W4 w foot-lb. Graduate the tape. Prove that if the shot penetrates into the sand a distance a feet against a uniform resistance 2w a ^ ; seconds, during which the box of sand will have moved W -- w e R pounds, this will take about aw/(W + w) feet. Thus if W = 2,000, L = 8, c = 6, and w = 20, then v = 1,212 fis, and if the penetration of the shot into the sand is 2 ft, a = 2; and then R = 227,250 pounds; the time of penetration being 0-0033 second, during which the box will have moved about 0.2376 in. - (13) Prove that when the weight of the powder charge, Plb, is taken into account, and it is supposed that the density of the powder gas is always uniform, the velocity V f/s of the shot weighing W lb, and the velocity of recoil U f/s of the gun and carriage weighing M lb are, with no elevation, connected at any point by the equation— (W + P)W = (M + P) U, to that the weight of the charge may be supposed shared equally between the shot and the gun. Prove that if the bore is lift long, and the powder pressure is supposed constant, the shot is –– - 2M + P l seconds #(V + U) M + W. H. PW te g * * e e º * W + |P traversing the bore, during which the gun and carriage will have recoiled TM-H wº P and the thrust of the powder on the base of the shot and on the base of the bore of the gun is respectively, l feet; M + W. H. P. J.WW2 and M + W H P }MU’ M + , P gl W -- $P gl Work out the same problem when the carriage sides on a plane, having a given coefficient of friction; also when the carriage slides on a railway truck of given weight. The time occupied by the shot in the bore of the gun is important when Colonel Sébert's Velocimeters are used. Show how to represent in a graphic diagram by curves the velocity and energy of the shot, and the developed work and pressure of the powder in the bore of a gun. pounds. 29 (14) A coal train consists of an engine and tender of weight M tons and r wagons, each of weight m tons, with buffers in contact, and a foot slack of chain. If the tractive force of the engine is P tons, then when the last wagon is started, the velocity U in f's is given by * #U*/g = Pa (rM + 4*(r. — 1)m}/(M + rm)”, Pa (r.M + š, (r-1) m}/(M + rm)”, and the engine will have advanced ra feet, taking * v/{rM + #r(, — 1)m} V(2a/Pg) seconds. Discuss the motion when steam is shut off and brakes applied to the engine and tender. (15) Supposing that the penetration of a body by a projectile weighing m lb moving with velocity v f/s is a feet when the body is fixed, prove that if the body is free to move on a smooth horizontal plane, and weighs M lb, and is b feet thick, the body will be perforated if {) i Ma/(M + m); and that after passing through the body the projectile will retain the velocity 3% + Mv4 + º + ")/Mał, ſº, the resistance being supposed uniform; while the body will have communicated to it the velocity m – m V/{1 — (M + n)b/Ma} v f/s M + m º It is supposed that the projectile passes through the centre of gravity of the body, so that no rotation is communicated to the body. Prove that the time occupied in perforation is 1. b seconds 1 + VH1 – (M + m)b/Ma} }v * > (16) If the body is approaching with velocity V f/s, the bullet will be imbedded if & S- wº (1 + y) and the body will retain the velocity (MV — mo)/(M + m) f/s, being stopped 7?? g - M if MV = mv ; and the time occupied in penetration will be ºr tº - (l + ¥) * seconds. h M + m v/ #v But if the body is perforated, it will retain the velocity MV — mo + V/{m”(1 + V/v)” – (M + m) mºb/Małv f/s M + m, 2 while the bullet will retain the velocity me — MV + V (M*(1 + V/v)” – (M + m)Mb/a}v f/s M + m 2 and the time of perforating the body will be 1. b II vſ IV[IIvºy-OMHz)/Ma, in " This is the dynamical problem required in shooting big game. (17) If water flowing in a main or pipe l feet long, with velocity V f/s, is shut off quickly and uniformly in t seconds by a stop-valve, the pressure of water in the pipe near the valve is increased by Gly/1444t pounds on the square inch, G denoting the density of water in pounds per cubic foot, about 62°4. - , Thus if l = 50 ft, W = 24 fis, t = 0.1 sec, the pressure is increased by 162.5 lb per square 11) CI). (18) Show how to determine the velocities after impact of two elastic spheres from Newton's experimental law of rebound, that in the direct impact the velocityof separation bears a constant ratio e to the velocity of approach, where e is a proper fraction, called the coefficient of restitution. Prove that the energy lost in the impact is #(1 — e”) Cvº/g ft-lb, where v is the relative velocity before impact, and C is the harmonic mean of the weights of the spheres. Conversely, prove that if the molar Kinetic Energy lost in the direct collision of two spheres is to depend only on their relative motion, and not on the actual velocities in space, the law of rebound must be the one assumed by Newton. (6873) I 30 WORK, POWER, AND HORSE-POWER. 27. The preceding illustrations have considered the problems arising in the varied motion of bodies, starting and stopping, and moving with variable velocity; but to the engineer a more general subject of practical interest is the consideration of the power, amount of fuel, and running expenses required in the uniform motion for a long period of a railway train, of a steamer at sea, or of a mill or machine. - We shall require three definitions (i) of Work; (ii) Power; (iii) Horse-power. . (i) Work is measured by resistance overcome, that is, by the product of the resistance and of the distance it has been overcome; thus, if a resistance of R pounds is overcome through s feet, the work done is Rs foot-pounds, as in Section IV. (e.g., in grinding corn or boring a gun). . . (ii) The Power of an agentin uniform motion is measured by the work done in a given time, say in the unit of time; if the Resistance of R pounds is overcome at a velocity of v f/s, then Rw will measure the power of the agent in fſs-pounds. (iii) The horse-power is the arbitrary unit of power employed in practice by engineers; it was defined by Watt as a power which performed 33,000 ft-lb. per minute, or 550 ft-lb. per second. Thus, if the resistance R pounds is overcome at a velocity offs, the H.P., (horse-power) of the agent is Rw/550. Watt's earliest engines being constructed to clear mines of water, his estimate of power was apparently based upon a rule easily applicable to the case of pumping, or “forking” water; one horse-power forking a hogshead of water per second one foot high, or 10 hogsheads of water per minute one fathom high ; taking a gallon of water as weighing 10 lbs., and a hogshead as 55 gallons, the mean of 54 and 56 gallons, by which the hogshead is variously defined 4 hogsheads of 56 gallons going to the ton. Watt derived his horse-power from actual experiments carried out at Messrs. Barclay and Perkins' brewery, with certain of the very heavy horses belonging to the firm. These horses ... were caused to raise a weight from the bottom of a deep well, by pulling horizontally on a rope assing over a pulley. He found that the maximum work on which it was safe to reckon was 22,000 ft-lbs per minute. By adding 50 per cent. to this, he obtained 33,000. The margin, 11,000 ft-lbs, he allowed for loss in engine friction, &c. The French cheval vapeur, defined as doing 75 kilogramme-metres—542-5 ft-lb.-per second, is about 1% per cent. less than our horse-power; and recently it has been proposed that French tº engineers should use the poncelet as unit of power, defined as raising 100 kg (1 quintal) per second 1 metre high. The poncelet would thus be about 30 per cent. greater than 1 horse- power, QUESTIONS ON POWER AND HORSE-POWER. (1) Find the horse-power of Niagara, where 18,000,000 cubic feet or 562,500 tons passes per minute, falling 162 ft. - (2) A cistern on Cooper's Hill, at a height of 250 ft above the river, is to be filled with 20,000 gallons of water every 24 hours by pumps, worked at Old Windsor Lock, by a turbine with a fall of 4 ft. Determine how much water the turbine will require, and its horse-power with an efficiency of 70 per cent. (3) Find the horse-power of an engine which pumps up water from a depth of 50 ft and delivers it at the rate of 1,000 gallons per minute through a pipe whose cross-section is 1 square foot. A gallon of water weighs 10 lbs, and its volume is 0.16 cubic ft. Answer.—15; horse- power. . (4) Given, that the coal consumption of a locomotive engine is 2 oz per ton per mile at 50 miles an hour (Findlay's Railways) determine (i), the coal and water required to take a train of 200 tons at this speed from London to Edinburgh, a distance of 400 miles; (ii) the coal burnt ... per mile ; (iii) the horse-power of the engine; (iv) the average resistance of the road in pounds per ton, taking a consumption of 24 lbs of coal and 25 lbs of water per horse-power hour. Answer.—(i) 4-5 tons of coal, 44-6 tons of water; (ii) 2.5 lbs; (iii) 500 horse-power; (iv) 1875 lbs per ton. This implies a pull by the engine of 3,750 lbs, and a load on the drivers of over 10 tons, with an adhesion of one-sixth ; and with cylinders 18 in by 24 in and driving wheels 7 ft in diameter, a mean effective pressure of over 40 lbs per square in. , (5) An engine of 400 horse-power can draw a train of 200 tons gross up an incline of 1 in 280 at 30 miles an hour. Determine the resistance of the road in pounds per ton. Answer.—17 lbs per ton. - (6) Prove that the horse-power of an engine drawing a train of 120 tons up an incline of 1 in 224 at 30 miles an hour is 336, taking the resistance of the road on the level at this speed at 25 lbs a ton. Determine also the horse-power of an engine drawing a train of 200 tons up an incline of 1 in 140 at 30 miles an hour, resistance of road 18 lbs a ton; or of the engine drawing the train down an incline of 1 in 140 at 50 miles an hour, resistance at this speed 50 lbs a ton. Determine the pull of the engine, and supposing it constant, find how far the train would go up an incline of 1 in 100, before the velocity dropped from 50 to 30 miles an hour, taking an average uniform resistance of the road of 20 lbs a ton. 31 (7) Prove that generally the horse-power required to draw a train of W tons, up or down, an incline of one in m, at a speed of s miles an hour, against an average resistance of the road on the level at this speed of r lb per ton is - 2240\ Ws ( + == ) 375 On a very steep incline, this formula must be replaced by the accurate formula, (r cos x + 2240 sin 2) Ws/375, where a is the slope of the incline; this is derived from the well-known theorem, implied in Section W, that the work required to draw the body up a rough inclined plane is the same as that required to draw the body on a similar level road, and afterwards to lift the body vertically to the requisite height on the incline, assuming Morin's laws of friction to hold. (8) If a bicyclist always works at the rate of one-tenth of a horse-power, and goes twelve miles an hour on the level, prove that the resistance of the road is 3-125 pounds. Prove that up an incline of 1 in 50 the speed will be reduced to 5.8 miles per hour, supposing a man and machine to weigh 12 stone; and that the mean vertical thrust on each pedal is about 72 lbs, supposing the wheel of the bicycle 56 in in diameter, and the cranks 4 in long. (9) Supposing a tricyclist and rider, weighing together 200 lbs, to run uniformly at 8 miles an hour down an incline of 1 in 100 against the resistance of the air and of the road, without working the pedals; prove that to go up an incline of 1 in 200 at the same speed, the rider must be working at the rate of -064 of a horse-power; and that the mean thrust on each pedal will then be about 12-672 lbs, supposing the cranks 5 in long, and making 100 revolutions a minute. (10) Define Work, Potential Energy, Horse Power, Efficiency, and Mechanical Advantage. A Machine of mechanical advantage 25-6 is of such design that the power is applied at the teeth on the rim of a wheel of one foot radius. The machine is employed to raise vertically a weight of one ton, and is worked steading without friction by an engine of unit horse-power. Shew that the wheel makes one turn per second. - - It is needless to multiply numerical applications of these principles; the theoretical student will, however, find collections of examples on this subject in Twisden's Practical Mechanics, chap. ii. - *2. In railway problems the speed is always given in miles an hour; and then the horse- power required to overcome a resistance of R pounds at a speed of s m/h (miles an hour) is R s x 5280 -- (3600 x 550) = R s/375. - - Various empirical formulas, depending on the state of the road and of the rolling stock, are given for the resistance of a train on the level, expressed in pounds per ton r, at a speed of s miles an hour, such as * = 3 + s^/217. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) 2 = 8 + 8°/171. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) * = 12 + s”/114. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) all of the form r = A + Bs" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) consisting of a constant term A, giving the resistance at starting, and a term B s”, increasing as the square of the speed 8, and tending to impose a finite limit to the running velocity. So far as the resistance of the air is concerned, it is assumed to vary as the square of the velocity, and taken by Barlow as 106 lbs per square foot at 45 miles an hour. To determine the coefficients A and B experimentally, the gradient is observed, say 1 in m, on which the train will just start running down of itself; and then the terminal velocity, say Sm/h, is observed which the train acquires on a steeper gradient of say, 1 in n. Then A = 2240/m, A + BS* = 2240/n, whence A and B can be determined. Such experiments were carried out at a very early period of railway history by Barlow, Transactions of Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. III, and Strength of Materials, Appendie —Lardner, and Scott Russell, British Association Reports, 1838–9, and others; but no recent experiments appear to have been made, at least in this country. f S.’ (Engineering News, p. 584, 9th June, 1892; “New Facts as to High Speed Train Resistance.”) The horse-power then required to draw a train of W tons at a speed of s miles an hour up or down an incline of one in m, against a resistance of the road given by formula (4) is :- 2240) Ws, 772 ); (A + Bs” + by which examples 4, 5, 6, can be re-calculated, using the numbers in formulas (1), (2), (3). Gradients are measured by 1 in cot 2 on plan, 1 in cosec 2 on the ground in railways, Gradients on High Peak Road, of 1 in 7,8}, and 10%, are worked by stationary engines, and 1 in 14 by locomotives; load, 1 truck. On Khojak there is a gradient of 1 in 2}. 32 At sea the speed is always measured in knots, a knot being a speed of one nautical mile, or mean minute of ſatitude per hour; roughly speaking, a knot is a speed of 100 ft a minute–more accurately, 101 ft, or 101.4 ft —equivalent to taking the nautical mile—of 1,000 fathoms—as 6,000 ft or 2,000 yards; and then the horse-power required to overcome a resistance of R pounds at a speed of V knots is RV/330; but more accurately, RV/325.65, taking the nautical mile to be 6,080 ft, as on the Admiralty measured mile, so that one horse-power, 550 ft-lb per second, is about 326 knot-pounds (Rankine). e ge e - Dr. Troubridge finds for an 8-oared boat, over a 4 mile course in 21 minutes, speed 1000 flm or 10 knots, a resistance 75 lbs; and therefore I.H.P. per man 0-28, about seven times that of a labouring man in a day's work. - % & y A steamer differs from a locomotive in being practically always on a level road. Granted fair weather, the coal consumption and the economical conditions of a voyage can be accurately calculated. Allow 1.4 lb of coal per horse-power-hour; thus the City of Paris burns 300 tons of coal a day, at 20,000 H.P. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS ON H.P. OF STEAMERS, &c. (10) Determine the longest paying voyage of a steamer—e.g., the Sirius of 1838—of 700 tons capacity for coal and cargo, when freight is a penny a mile for 10 tons, supposing the steamer to go 8 knots with a consumption of 20 tons of coal a day, the coal costing 12s, a ton, and the steamer £20 a day for wages, repair, and deterioration of capital. Answer.— 2,880 miles, a voyage of fifteen days. Compare this with a modern steamer of 5,600 tons, going 12 knots on 50 tons of coal a day. y (11) Determine the most economical speed of a passenger steamer or troopship, costing #400 a day for provisions, wages, &c., given that the speed is 8 knots on a daily consump- tion of 50 tons of coal, costing 10s. a ton, and that the daily consumption of coal varies as the cube of the speed. Answer.—16 knots. h The amount of fuel consumed per hour by a steamer varies as the cube of the velocity. She consumes 1-5 tons of coal per hour at 18s. per ton, when her speed is 15 knots. She costs for other expenses 16s. per hour. What would be the least cost for a voyage of 2,000 miles? The wages of the crew of a steamer are £22 per day, and when the steamer performs a voyage between two given ports in 9 days it consumes 550 tons of coal at 16s. 8d. per ton; assuming that the total amount of coal used varies as the square of the speed. Prove that the most economical voyage will cost £495. - (12) Determine the resistance of a steamer in tons, when 8,000 effective horse-power is required to drive it at 174 knots; and generally when N indicated horse-power is required to drive it at a speed of n knots, the efficiency of the propelling machinery being e per cent. Answer.--67-5 tons; 326 Ne/224,000m tons. (13) In a steamer of 5,000 tons displacement and 400 ft long, when driven at 15 miles an hour, the draught of water appeared to be increased 1 ft forward and diminished 1 ft aft. Prove that the effective horse-power required in consequence was 2,240. (14) Given that 50 horse-power is required to drive a steamer 100 ft long at a speed of 8 knots, prove that 6,400 horse-power will be required to drive a similar steamer 400 ft long, similarly immersed, at 16 knots, assuming that the resistance is proportional to the wetted surface and the square of the velocity through the water. Prove that in a given voyage from one port to another, the cost of coal per ton of cargo will be the same in the two steamers. - (15) Given that 100 horse-power is required to drive a steamer of 120 tons at a speed of 9 knots on a daily consumption of three tons of coal, prove that 12,800 horse-power will drive a similar steamer of 7,680 tons at 18 knots on a daily consumption of 384 tons of coal, the resistance varying as the wetted surface and the square of the speed; and prove that for a voyage of given length the coal required will be proportional to the tonnage of the steamer. (16) Suppose it is found by experiment that the resistance of similar vessels is propor- tional to the wetted surface and the square of the speed, and that a model steamer, 6 ft long, and displacing +}t; th of a ton of water, experiences a resistance of 0-198 lbs at a speed of 2 knots. Prove that a similar steamer 600 ft long, and displacing 10,000 tons, will require 20,000 horse- power to drive her at a speed of 20 knots, assuming an efficiency of the propulsive machinery of 60 per cent. With a coal consumption of 1.4 lb per H.P. hour, this steamer will burn 300 tons a day. - Design similar 22 and 24-knot steamers to cross the Atlantic, 2,800 miles, in 5% and five days. Calculate the grate areas at 22 I.H.P. per square foot of grate area; also the boiler volumes, at a ſt” per I.H.P. (By similar experiments on the resistance of models in an experimental tank, Mr. R. E. Froude is able to calculate by Froude's law the horse-power required for a given speed of the full-sized steamer; the model being made on a scale of one to a, and run at a speed on a scale of one to v/a.) (17) Prove that if the linear dimensions of two similar steamers are in the ratio of a to 1, then when their speeds are in the ratio of V/a to 1, the resistances will be found to be as a” to 1, (Froude's Law of Similitude.”) and the horse-powers (and grate areas) as a” to 1, the revolutions of the engines as 1 to v/a, the piston speeds as Va to 1, and the steam pressures as a to 1; also the resistance of the water will vary as the wetted surface and the square of the speed conjointly, 33 (For denoting by l, s, v, r, h.p.) n, p, the length, wetted surface, speed, resistance, horse-power revolutions, and steam pressure of the smaller vessel, and by capital letters the corresponding quantities in a similar larger vessel, a times longer, then and = +*-* = a&º, so that P F Q. For a voyage of given length the coal consumption varies as the horse-power directly and the time directly or the velocity inversely, so that the coal consumption in the two steamers is as a” to 1, that is, as the tonnage; so that the cost of fuel per ton of cargo is the same for the same voyage in the two steamers; but the larger steamer can earn more money in a given time by reason of her greater speed. If the grate area is designed to vary as the horse-power, the larger steamer requires more grate area in proportion to her size in the ratio of a” to 1, instead of a” to 1, as in geometrical similarity; while the volume of steam required is greater in the ratio of a” to 1, and at a pressure greater in the ratio of a to 1. With similar engines the scale of size of the boilers must be considerably increased in the larger steamer; and in recent cases of disappointment in expected speed of large steamers, the cause can generally be traced to insufficient boiler power. (18) Explain how the horse-power of an engine is determined experimentally by means of a friction brake. Suppose that the band of the friction brake extends over the upper half of a fly-wheel of radius r feet, and that the band is kept tight by means of a weight of W lb hung at One end, and a spring balance at the other end. Prove that if the spring balance registers a tension of W’ lb. when the engine is making N revolutions a minute, the horse-power of the engine is— 2TNr(W – W’) -- 33,000. (For practical details and description of friction brake dynamometers, a paper by W. W. Beaumont, M.I.C.E., in the Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. XCV., should be consulted.) º (19) Determine the horse-power transmitted by a belt passing round two pulleys, and running at a speed of 600 ft per minute, supposing the difference of tension of the two parts is 1,650 lbs. Answer.—30 horse-power. Prove that for a rope round pulleys, running at 3,000 ft a minute, to transmit 40 horse- power, the tension on the driving side must be 880 lbs, supposing it double the tension on the slack side. (20) Prove that the towing horse-power of a tug going W knots is WV #!” – a” 326 2al supposing it is, found that the tow rope, weighing W Ibs and l feet long, sags a feet in the middle, when the ends of the rope are at the same level. (6873) K 34 II. THE ABSOLUTE UNIT OF FORCE. 29. We have shown that a force of P pounds acting on a weight of W lb will produce acceleration a celoes, given by the equation Q, P _ W. . g - wº or P = #º and that if the force, acting through s feet for t seconds, causes the velocity to grow from V to v f/s. o Ps = }W* — #WV. (foot-pounds); g 9 Pt = y º y (second-pounds). In these equations W always appears qualified by the divisor g; not because W is an invari- able quantity, as is generally taught; but because our unit of force, the force of a pound, is a vari- able unit, and depends in magnitude on the local value of g. - To avoid the trouble and waste of space in writing and printing y in the equations of motion, it was customary formerly in treatises on Dynamics to replace y by a single letter M, thereby saving a line in printing; and then M was called the mass of the body; but we shall avoid this usage, as being in our opinion the source of great confusion in Dynamical teaching. But we can get rid of g in our equations of motion in a different manner, by changing the unit of force. - Suppose we write the equations Pgs = }Wv? – WW2, Pgt = Wv — WW, and now put Pg = Q ; this is equivalent to taking a new unit of force one-gth part of our former unit, in accordance with a suggestion due to Gauss for the purpose of the comparison of the magnetic measurements made in gravitation measure all over the world; this new unit of force is an invariable unit, the same for the whole universe; we call it the poundal, a name due to Professor James Thomson. - Conversely a force of Q poundals will be a force of Q/g (= P) pounds; and if Q poundals acts upon a weight of W Ib and produces acceleration a, f/s”, then P = ** = . . . a, 9 9 Or Q = Wa, Or a = Q/W, from which g has disappeared. The poundal is now the force which produces unit acceleration, one celo or flsº, in a lb weight, or makes its velocity grow one fls per second. *- Now if Q poundals, acting through s feet for t seconds, causes the velocity of W lb to grow from Wto v f/s (imagine a carriage on a level road, or a shot in the bore of a gun). Qs = }Wv° — $WV* (foot-poundals), Qt = W v — WW (second-poundals). The words foot-poundal and second-poundal are framed by analogy with foot-pound and second- pound; but we can also say the momentum is Wv lb-veloes. We are obliged to coin these new words, because, as De Morgan says (Calculus, p. 66), “we must not wait for words because Cicero did not know the Differential Calculus (or Dynamics).” With g = 32, the poundal is the force of attraction of the Earth on a half-ounce weight, so that the poundal is rather a small unit for practical questions. * 35 We have defined the weight of a body as the quantity measured out by the operation ef weighing in the balance, expressed in lb so that the weight is the same as what is often called the mass, if also expressed in lb. - But when the gravitation unit of force (the force of a pound) is employed, the weight of a body also gives the force in pounds with which the body is attracted by the Earth; and as this attraction of gravity is inseparable from matter, the word weight is sometimes used in a secondary sense as meaning this force of attraction; but we must not believe the books which maintain that this secondary meaning of the word weight is the only true meaning, as this is in opposition to the usage of the Acts of Parliament, the Bible, Shakespeare, &c. - The usual definition given that “the weight of a body is the force with which it is attracted by the Earth’ is, with gravitation units, merely an inexact truism, inexact because it neglects the discount of g due to the rotation of the Earth. With absolute units this definition leads to such perplexing statements as “the weight of a lb weight is roughly the weight of half an ounce.” The poverty of the English language, in having only one word weight to bear these two distinct meanings, is unfortunate; the French language is better off, as it translates by poids the primary sense of weight, as meaning quantity of matter (mass); and by pesanteur the secondary sense of a force of attraction by the Earth (gravitation). -- With the poundal as unit of force, we never use the secondary meaning of weight as gravi- tation; it would be absurd to speak of the weight of a body as so many poundals. The absolute unit of force was proposed originally by Gauss for the purpose of the com- parison of the different measurements, observed in gravitation measure, of the intensity of magnetism at different parts of the Earth's surface. + The attraction of the Earth in any locality provides such a convenient and invariable measure of force that all instruments, great and small, for measuring force and work are calculated and graduated originally in gravitation measure; the reduction to absolute measure if required being made subsequently by means of the local value of g; presumably determined previously with the greatest attainable accuracy by means of pendulum experiments. z In any dynamical problem at a given place on the Earth's surface, it is immaterial whether we employ the gravitation unit of force, as formerly, or whether we change to the absolute unit of force; the only apparent alteration in the dynamical equations consisting in the removal of g as a divisor on one side of an equation to become a multiplier on the other side. To test this, the preceding collection of examples can be reworked with the absolute unit of force, the poundal. º The force of a pound is a gravitation unit, and depends on the local value of g; so that it varies slightly for different parts of the Earth's surface accessible to us; the variation is, however, so slight as to be unimportant in practical engineering and gunnery problems. But the force of a pound becomes completely changed, when as in Astronomy we take a voyage into space, and consider dynamical phenomena on the surface of the Sun, Moon, or lanets. p Again in the comparison of minute scientific and electrical experiments at different parts of the Earth's surface we require a cosmopolitan unit of force, and this is secured, according to the suggestion of Gauss, by making the unit of force one gth part of the local force of a pound ; following Prof. James Thomson, we have called this force the poundal. \ Thus Joule found by experiment that the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, measured by the amount of work which is capable of raising the temperature of 1 lb of water from 50° to 51°F. is 772-55 ft-lb at Manchester, where g = 32.2; = 24876 cosmopolitan ft-poundals, = 772.86 ft-lb at Paris, where g = 32.18. 36 THE CENTIMETRE-GRAMME-SECOND (C.G.S.) SYSTEM OF UNITS. 30. In the C.G.S. system a complete dynamical terminology has been made. o We have already introduced the kine as the unit of velocity, and the spoud as the unit of acceleration. º The absolute unit of force is called the dyne, defined as giving to one gramme an acceleration of one spoud, or as making its velocity grow one kine per second; so that, by the Second Law of Motion, F dynes acting on m grammes will produce a spouds of acceleration, given by a = F/m, or F = ma. If a constant force of F dynes acting on mg through s cn for t seconds generates yelocity v kines, then #mvº is called the energy in ergs, and mv is called the momentum, in boles; and thus Fs = #mvº (ergs), Ft = mv (boles); while F's = #mv° — ; mV* (ergs), Ft = mv — m V (boles), if the velocity grows from V to v kines. Since 1 ft = 30:48 cm, 1 lb = 453-59 g, therefore 1 poundal = 30:48 x 458-59 = 13,825.4 dynes; 1 ft-poundal = (30.48) × 453.59 = 10° x 4217 ergs, Therefore, with g = 32-19 celoes, the force of 1 pound = 32.19 x 3048 x 753.59 = 105 x 4:45 dynes, the work of 1 foot-pound = 32.19 × (30:78)” x 753.59 = 107 x 1:326 ergs. This shows the minute size of the C.G.S units, and their unsuitability for practical questions; although they are now used universally in recording scientific experiments, and in electrical calculations. In recording very large numbers for which the language of numeration fails, we adopt the system shown above of exhibiting the number as the product of the two factors, one being the power of 10, of which the index is the characteristic of the logarithm of the number; a similar system, with negative power of 10, being used for very small decimals. Numbers in Astronomy run so large that all our units appear equally small, so that C.G.S. units are not unsuitable for Astronomical constant, and we shall generally employ them for that purpose. (Everett, Units and Physical Constants). The M.K.S. System is sometimes employed; then the energy of M kg moving with velocity v m/s (metres per second) is #Mv° joules, the unit of energy or work being called the joule, of 10° x (10)* = 107 ergs, since M kg = 1000 M g, and v m/s = 100 v kines. The power which does a joule per second is called a watt; and in electricity a watt is the equivalent of a volt-ampère ; but power is usually reckoned in kilowatts, each of 1,000 watts. The absolute unit of force in the M.K.S. system is 10° dynes; and thus the force of a pound = 4:45 M.K.S. units; and a foot-pound = 136 joules; one horse-power = 550 x 1:356 = 746 watts; one kilowatt = 1,000 -- 746 = 1-34 H.P. ; the kilowatt and poncelet being very nearly equal, and about 34 per cent. greater than a H.P. For the poncelet does 100 kilogramme-metres of work per second = 100 x 9.81 joules per second, or watts = '981 kilowatts, so that the kilowatt = 102 poncelets, and is thus about 2 per cent. greater than the poncelet. An incandescent electric lamp requires on the average 14 watts per candle power; so that a lamp of 2,000 candle power would require 8 kilowatts, or about 11 H.P. to drive it. - The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, in metric units, measure by the work required to raise 1 kg of water 1°C, is 426.5 kilogrammetres at Pars, where g = 980-94 sponds: = 426-3 kilogrammeters at Manchester, where g = 981-34 sponds: = 4.184 cosmopolitan joules. EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that the K.E. (Kinetic Energy) of translation of the Earth, relative to the Sun, is 10° x 2.687 joules; and determine the K.E. of the Moon relative to the earth. 2. Calculate in spouds the local value of g (i) on the surface of the Moon; (ii) on the surface of the Sun, taking the mean density of one-eighth that of the earth. Prove that the Sun's weight is then about 330,000 times the Earth's weight. 3. Two bodies, weighing m and m'g, are in contact on a smooth horizontal plane; and when the first is struck by an impulse of B boles, the second is acted upon by a force of F dynes in the same direction, and overtaking the first with velocity v kines in t seconds and in s em. Prove that v = B/m, t = 2Bm"/Fm, s = 2Bºm"/Fm’. 37 3* With given adhesion p (say one-sixth) when must a man start running so as catch a carriage going at velocity V fis and jump up without shock. - In alighting, how far off is the carriage when the man has come to rest on the ground 2 4. Supposing a lb of air to occupy 13 ft“, and to behave like a cloud of inelastic particles, prove that the pressure of wind against a plane perpendicular to its direction should be given by 0.077 tº or 0.165 Vº (poundals ft), and by 0.0024 vº or 0.0052 W* (pounds per ft2), supposing the velocity of the wind is given as v f/s or V miles an hour. t This gives a pressure of 10.5 lb/ft” for W = 45, about one-tenth the pressure observed by Barlow with railway carriages. With a velocity of wind 78 miles an hour, a pressure of 70.2 lb/ft” was observed at the Forth Bridge. - 5. Determine the resistance in dynes/cm2 (barads) to a celestial body moving with velocity v kines through space which is filled uniformly with meteoric dust to the extent of 1g per a cm3. 6. Prove that if a. inches of rain falls uniformly in one hour with average velocity due to falling 'h ft, the impacts will produce a steady pressure of 0-00288 gha poundals/ft”, or 0-00288 ha. pounds/ft”. # the pressure due to a fall of 3rd inch of rain in 10 minutes, striking with velocity 20 f.s. Explain why a waterfall h ft high can support a column of water 2h ft high. 7. Prove by Torricelli's theorem that if liquid of density w lb. per ft” is issuing from a vessel in a jet of which the cross section is A ft” at the vena contracta, and that if p denotes the hydrostatic pressure in pounds per ft” in the vessel when the jet is stopped, then (i) the quantity which issues in t secs. is At v'(2gpw) lb ; (ii) the momentum which issues in t secs. is 2Apt second-pounds; (iii) the H.P. of the jet is 2°g’Apºw” -- 550. Prove that if the jet impinges normally on a plane area at rest, the thrust is 2Ap pounds, but if it impinges on a cup-shaped vane, the thrust can be made 4Ap pounds; and if the jet is received by a number of these cup-vanes fixed on the circumference of a revolving wheel—the Pelton wheel—the mechanical efficiency of the wheel is theoretically perfect when the vanes revolve at half the velocity of the jet; but the efficiency is halved if the vanes are flat. - For instance, with a head of 2100 ft of water, or a pressure of 910 lb/in", a Pelton wheel at the Comstock mine making 1150 revolutions a minute, with a peripheral speed of 1100 ft/m or 12.5m/h, half the velocity of the jet, gave 5 H.P. for every miners inch, of 1.6 ft/m of water. 8. Assuming that the velocity of a steam jet follows Torricelli's law, and the steam and water are issuing by equal pipes from a boiler at a pressure of p lb/in above the atmospheric pressure, and that a and p denote the density of the steam and water in lb per ft“, prove that (i) the velocity of the steam jet v/ p OT 23 59 water , 2 (ii) the quantity of the steam jet A/. 3 * 25 water , p ..., the momentum of the steam iet e (iii) J* = 1; 33 3 9 Water 35 (iv) the energy of the steam jet p 59 , Twater , T a Explain the action of Gifford's injector by this theory; and denoting the cross section of the jet in in” by A, prove that the theoretical quantity of water which can be fed into the boiler in t seconds is +'. At{ V(2gpp) – V(2gpa)} lb. Compare the efficiencies of the injector, and of the steam pump, required to feed water at the same rate. - Practically, to overcome friction, the cross section of the steam jet must be increased to B in” suppose, so that the quantity fed in is +'. Atv/(2gpp) – 4's Btv/(2gpa) lb. 9. Prove that the thrust of a pair of paddle wheels, driving a vessel at velocity u f/s with n revolution a second is pau (np - w poundals, a denoting the area in ft” of a pair of floats, and p the circumference in ft of the circle passing through the centre of the floats. Prove that the efficiency is n/mp or 1 — s, s denoting the slip. *10. Give a geometrical construction for the determination of the direction of projection of a billiard ball so as to strike another ball after a determinate number of impacts with the cushions, taking a given coefficient of restitution e. * 11. Prove that if a stream of small particles moving in parallel directions with velocity u f/s, impinges successively on two smooth fixed planes of elasticity e at right angles to one another, the average resultant thrust is w u” (1 + e) poundals, where w is the weight in pounds per ft3 of the particles. 12. Prove that, on the supposition that the wind acts like a stream of particles, an ordinary windmill will be doing most work when going at one-third of its speed when unloaded, but a Canadian windmill should run at one-half the unloaded speed. .* Determine, by means of ex 4, H.P. of the windmill, or of the sails of a ship, as in fig. 5. 13. Discuss the theory of the Screw Propeller. * 14. An overshot water wheel of 12 ft radius takes it supply from an unlimited quantity of still water, which leaves it at the extremity of a horizontal diameter. - Show that, in order that it may be as effective as possible, it must make approximately one revolution in 4-712 seconds. º (6873) L 38 THE COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION. CURVILINEAR MOTION. 31. So far we have treated of the Rectilinear Dynamics of the motion of a body in a straight line; but now we proceed to discuss the motion of a body due to two or more coexistent com- pound velocities, as for instance the motion of a man walking across the deck of a steamer in motion, the motion of a steamer across a tide-way, the motion of a shot fired from a gun on a steamer in motion, or at another vessel in motion, the vertical and horizontal rise of the tide on a sloping shore, &c. *. - TRIANGLE AND PARALLELOGRAM OF VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION. Velocities and Accelerations are compounded and resolved according to the rules of the Parallelogram or Triangle of Velocities and Accelerations, in exactly the same manner as Forces are compounded and resolved according to the Parallelogram or Triangle of Forces. For if a body moves from O to P, for instance, a steamer, while at the same time a body is carried from O to Q, across the deck, then the body will have been moved from O to R, where OR is the diagonal of the parallelogram OPRQ. These displacements may be supposed to take place simultaneously, in the same time, or consecutively in any time whatever. If they take place simultaneously, in the same time, t seconds, then OP/t and OQſt represent the compound average velocities, and ORſt the result and average velocity, so that we may take OP and OQ to represent to scale the compound velocities, and then OR will represent to the same scale the resultant (average) velocity; and thus the Parallelogram of Velocities is established. Thus if a steamer is going through the water with a speed of V knots, represented by the vector OP, while the water is setting in the direction OQ with velocity v knots, represented by the vector OQ, or PR, then the true course and velocity of the steamer is represented by OR. It is usual to employ the Triangle of Velocities, as requiring only three lines, in preference to the Parallelogram, requiring five. Example 1. Determine the true course and velocity of a steamer steering due north by com- pass at 10 knots through a 4 knot tide setting south-east, and determine the alteration of course in order that the steamer should make a true northerly coast. 2. A ship sailing north-east by compass through a tide running 4 knots, finds after 2 hours she . made good 4 miles south east; determine the direction of the current, and the speed of the ship. 3. A headland bears S. 59° E., and a 44 knot tide sets past it S. by W.; find the course to fetch the headland, with a speed of 93, knots. By taking OP and OR to represent the growth of component velocities, we prove in the same way that OR represents the growth of resultant velocity; and thus the Parallelogram of Accelera- tion is established. All motion in Nature is relative motion; we have no anchorage in space, and thus can have no idea of absolute motion in space. - But in motion on the Earth's surface, we consider motion as relative to the land, and investigate all other motion as relative to it. A body is sometimes said to be at rest when it has no relative motion to the surrounding objects, say the deck of a steamer, or a railway carriage, or even the surface of the Earth. (Max- well, Matter and Motion, chap. ii.) - In Astronomy, we refer all motion either to the centre of the Earth, or else to the centre of the Sun, or else to the C.G. of the Solar System; and the whole science of Astronomy consists in disentangling the various elements of the relative motion of the celestial bodies. 32. Knowing the velocities of two bodies A and B, relative to a third body C, the relative velocity of A and B is obtained by compounding the velocity of one body A with that of the revised velocity of B. * Take for instance the case of an ice-boat ABC, with a mast at O, mounted on runners at * C, which permits motion on the ice only in the direction CO, so that no lee-way is OSS10 162. We suppose that the ice offers no appreciable resistance to the motion in the direction CO; and now if OV represents the velocity of the boat, and OW the true velocity of the wind, as shown by the drift of the clouds and waves, or by a vane on a lighthouse; the apparent wind, as shown in direction by the vane on the mast, will have the direction WW ; and when the boat is going at full speed, this direction will be parallel to the sail OD. b For if the velocity OV drops to OV', the apparent wind V’W will fill the sail, and urge the i. faster; if the wind falls to OW", the apparent wind WW’ will back the sail and retard the Oat. At full speed then we may consider the apparent wind appreciably parallel to the sail, and thus the vane on the mast will also set itself parallel to the sail. For given velocity of wind W, and given angle 2 of sail OD with OC, the velocity V of the boat will be greatest when OW is at right angles to VW, and thus the true wind will be an angle o, abaft the beam, which - W = W cosec 2. 39 When the boat is sailing at an angle 8 with the wind, the component velocity to wind- ward, - U = V cos Á W sin (8 - 2) cos Á sin & y = | W sin (28 – 2) — sin o. 2 Sil] & and this is a maximum, and equal to #W(cosec 2 – 1), when sin (28 – 2) = 1, Or B = #7t + § 2. Suppose, for instance, we can set the sail so that sin & = }, or less; then the maximum velocity with the wind nearly abeam, is 3W or more; while the maximum wind and velocity is W, or more; so that it is possible to beat to windward faster than the wind is blowing in the opposite direction. For a similar reason it is found quicker to beat to leeward instead of sailing dead before the wind. In a sailing vessel, the resistance of the water increases with the speed, so that at full speed the apparent wind WW or OW' must fill the sails, and produce a normal pressure OP', the forward component of which, OQ' parallel to the keel, must equal the resistance of the water; and thus we see how it is possible for a ship to sail to windward ; OW representing the true wind; OW the velocity of the ship (allowing for leeway); OW' the apparent wind, OP' its component perpen- dicular to the sail, considered as the effective component, and OQ' the component of OP along the keel CO, urging the ship forward, Q'P' being the component causing leeway. When the ship is just gathering way after tacking, the apparent wind is the true wind OW; and its component OP perpendicular to the sail has a forward component OQ, and a transverse component QP. 33. In a steamer the individual particles of smoke are carried down by the true wind OW, but the aggregation of particles of smoke makes a long trail which takes the direction OW’ of the apparent wind. -- A steamer, passing between two other steamers going the opposite way, will see the wind- ward steamer blotted out by its own smoke, and will blot out the leeward steamer, in different direction, except for a true beam wind. Bradley observed in 1729 a similar phenomenon with the fixed trail of smoke from a chimney, when rowing in a boat, and was thus led to the discovery of Aberration in Astronomy. He also noticed the difference in direction of the vane on the mast of a vessel in motion, and of the vane on shore or on a vessel at anchor. - As another illustration of Aberration, consider the theory of the speed sights on a gun (or torpedo carriage). When the gun is fired from a fort at a moving target P, the hind sight is moved from A to a, so that Aa is parallel to PP', the course of the target, and the ratio Aa/AB is made equal to the ratio of the velocity of the target to the average horizontal velocity of the shot. * Then if the gun is fired when a, B, P are in line, the target P and the shot will arrive simul- taneously at P', in AB produced, taking AB as the axis of the gun. If the gun itself is mounted on a vessel, the fore sight is moved from B to b in a line parallel to the keel, through a distance Bb proportional to the speed of the vessel; and now Ab will represent in direction and magnitude the velocity of the shot over the water; so that if the gun is fired when a, b, R are in a line, the target and the shot will arrive simultaneously at Q' in the line Ab produced. * If Ab meets the axis of the line in D, the shot must be supposed to start off from D with full average velocity, in order to strike the target exactly at the point aimed at. But the shot starts from rest in the bore, and may be taken as having an average velocity in the bore of one half the muzzle velocity; so that the point O from which the shot must be supposed to start with full velocity is about at double the length of the gun, is distant from the muzzle M ; and now if Og' is drawn parallel to Ab, the shot will strike the small distance Q'g' on one side of the mark. - If, for instance, the distance AB is 6 ft, and the average velocity of the shot is 1200 f/s, then to graduate the scales Aa, Bb for speed in knots, taking the knot as 100 ft a minute, the graduation must be 6 × 100 + 72000 = 1/120 ft, or 0.1 inch apart. - A similar phenomenon of aberration occurs in consequence of the velocity of recoil of the gun; thus if V is the velocity of the shot in the bore as it is leaving the muzzle, and U is the velocity of recoil, 2 the tangent angle of elevation, and 8 the angle of departure, then - V sin & t = --—— f an 8 = y.ºu. = tan & (1 +\see 2), when U/V is small. In this way part of the phenomenon called jump in Artillery may be explained. 40 31. In Aberration in Astronomy, the velocity of light replaces the velocity of the shot, the telescope replaces the gun, and the earth and the heavenly body observed replace the steamer and the target. When an observer on the earth at E, points his telescope to observe a star S, in the true direction ES, the telescope must be turned through the angle SES', called the aberration, to point in the direction ES', where Ess’ is the triangle of velocities, compounded of the velocity of light V in the direction SE, and of the reversed velocity of the Earth in the direction 8's. - sin sEs’ v Then sin Es’s T W and since the fraction v/V is small, we may replace sin sEs' by the c.m. of ses', and Es's by sRQ, O being the point of the sky towards which the Earth is moving; and then the angle 8'EO is called the earth's way. - - Q) W or multiplying by 206265 to convert c.m. into seconds, the aberration in seconds = k sin (earth's way), - where k or 206265 (v/W) is called the constant of (annual) aberration. With C.G.S. units, W = 3 × 1019 kines, or 30 quads; while with a solar parallax of 8”8, and treating the Earth's orbit relative to the Sun as a circle, of a crn, * Thus the c.m. of aberration = sin (earth's way), 27ta = 4 × 10° x cosec 8”8 = 4 × 1010 × 200,265 –– 8:8 - and w = 27ta/T, where T = 365 x 24 × 60 x 60. By logarithmic calculation— log 206265 = 5:31:44 log 8-8 = '9445 - log cosec 8”:8 = 4:3699, cosec 8":8 = 23440. log 4 x 10° – 9: 6021 log 27ta – 13-9.720 log 365 = 2.5623 log 24 = 1.3802 log 602 = 3'5564 log v = 6-4731, v = 29.73000. log V = 10.4771 log v/V = 5-9960 log 206265 = 5:3144 log k = 1.3104, k = 20°46 When the orbit of the Earth is taken as a circle, the point O is 90° ahead of the Sun in the ecliptic, and k or 20’’:46 is the aberration of the Sun; that is, the Sun's true place is 20°46 ahead of the apparent place. As the Sun advances about 1° degree in the ecliptic every day, this shows that its light takes 8 m. 18 s. to reach the Earth. Aberration will make any fixed star in the ecliptic perform a S.H.M. of angular amplitude 20”:46, and of period one year; a star at the pole of the ecliptic will describe a circle of angular radius 20”.46 in the same period' one year; so also will a star in celestial latitude A, but this circle will be seen projected into an ellipse in the celestial sphere, of excentricity cos \, the major and minor semi-axes being 20°46 and 20%-46 sin X; and the angular velocity will be 271- sin X. - T 1 — cos”) sin”(nt — l)' where nt and l denote the longitude of the Sun and of the star. The rotation of the Earth, causes an aberration called diurnal aberration, in which the point O is the east point, and v is replaced by the velocity due to the rotation of the Earth which in latitude 6 is 4 × 10° x cos 6 -– 24 × 60 × 60 kines; so that we may put the diurnal aberration in seconds = %' cos 6 sin (angle between star and east point), while k', called the constant of diurnal aberration, is given by k' = 206265 × 4 × 109 − 24 × 60 × 60 = 0”32. Thus k'ſk = 365 sin (solar parallax) = 365 sin 8”8, log 365 – 2:56:23 log sin 8”8 = 56301 log k"/k = 2.1924 log k = 1.3104 log k' = I-5028, k = 0°32; 2 . " and thus diurnal aberration is practically insensible, 41 In the case of lunar and planetary aberration, the velocity of light must be compounded with the velocity of the body, so that the aberration is similar to that investigated for firing at a moving target. - e e . Other familiar illustrations of aberration are seen in the deflection of the direction of falling raindrops, when we are carried in a train through a shower. ExAMPLEs. 1. State and explain the proposition called the parallelogram of velocities? Distinguish between uniform motion and uniform acceleration ? When is a train said to be going at full speed P ſº * A & How can you determine, by means of a pendulum inside a railway carriage, whether the train is going at full speed? . :* §. e A train travels at the rate of 45 miles an hour. Rain is falling vertically, but owing to the motion of the train, the drops appear to fall past the window at an angle tan-1 1-5 with the vertical. Find the velocity of the rain-drops. If the rain-drop were divided into 1000% equal spherical portions, prove that the cloud so formed would have a velocity of -044 feet per second. e The velocities are supposed to be full speed velocities, and the resistance of the air to vary as the square of the product of the velocity into the diameter of the drop. - - 2. Define linear, angular, and areal velocity: and explain how they are measured. What is meant by relative velocity ? - A person travelling in a railway train observes that external objects appear to be moving in a direction contrary to that of the train, and with velocities which depend upon their distances from the observer. Explain this phenomenon. EXAMPLE.—Determine the angular velocity of the Earth, of the Moon and Sun round the Earth; of the hour, minute, and second hands of a watch; of the driving wheels of an engine, 7 feet in diameter, when going 60 miles an hour; of a projectile fired with a velocity of V f/s from a gun in which the rifling makes one turn in n calibres; of a bullet fired with velocity 1,850 f/s from the 0:303 inch rifle, the grooves making one turn in 10 inches. 3. Prove that the time in which it is possible to cross a road, of breadth c feet, in a straight line with the least velocity, between a stream of vehicles of breadth b feet, following at intervals a feet, with velocity W f/s, is c /a . b w (. + #) seconds. 4. Determine the quickest course to take from one bank to another, in two parallel currents, separated by a straight edge; or in going from one point to another of two vessels passing along- side; determine also the direction to take in the jump. Discuss the quickest course of a steamer across the Channel, allowing for the setting up and down of the tide. 5. A body is floating down the middle of a stream with velocity V; determine the direction and Velocity with which a stone must be thrown so as to hit the body, the point of projection being h feet further up the stream, whose breadth is Qe. 6. A sportsman moves his gun round his shoulder as a fixed point so as to cover accurately a small bird which is moving uniformly, and fires when it is nearest him. Prove that he will miss, unless the scattering angle of his gun be greater than Q sin-" where v, W are the velocities of the bird and shot, the firing being supposed point—blank, and n the ratio of the distances of the bird from the muzzle of the gun and the shoulder. --- - 7. The velocity of a swarm of meteors is n times the Earth's orbital velocity; show how to find the true direction in which the meteors are moving, having given the right ascension and declination of the radiant point, and those of the Sun's centre. [Neglect the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit.] - * Compare the curvature of the track of a steamer with the curvature of the trail of the SIO Oke. (6873) M 42 THE HODOGRAPH. 35. When a body P is describing a curved path PQ, the velocity is always changing, and an acceleration measured by the rate of change of velocity is always in operation. If a vector OW is drawn from a fixed point O to represent in magnitude and direction the velocity of P, then as P moves along its path PQ, the point V will trace out a curve called the Hodograph by Sir W. R. Hamilton, the inventor. If OW changes to OW' as P moves to an adjacent point Q, then VV’ represents the change of velocity, or the velocity to be added or compounded with OV to change the velocity to OV’. If T seconds is occupied in going from P to Q, the average acceleration is WW’/T, and there- fore the acceleration of P is lt WW’/T, the velocity 2V in the hodograph. The velocity of V in the hodograph represents, therefore, in direction and magnitude, the acceleration of P. co Sometimes it is convenient to draw the vector OV perpendicular to the velocity of P; and then the velocity of V will be perpendicular to the acceleration of P. - For instance, the effect of aberration considered above is to make a star describe about its real position a curve similar and similarly situated to the hodograph of the Earth's orbit. We shall prove subsequently that the Earth's orbit is an ellipse about the Sun in a focus, and that the hodograph is a circle. Aberration therefore causes the stars to describe circles about their real position in planes parallel to the ecliptic. We see these circles projected on the celestial sphere as ellipses, of excentricity equal to the sine of the celestial latitude. CIRCULAR MOTION. 36. When a body P describes a circle of radius h ft, with constant velocity V f/s, the hodograph described by the vector OV is another circle of radius V, described in the same period, T = 2arr/V seconds, or with the same angular velocity n = 27/T ; the angular velocity being defined by the number of radians which the radius OP turns through in one second. The acceleration a will be given by the vector Ou of the hodograph of W, and therefore Oa is in the direction PO, and a = m\V, the product of the angular and the linear velocity. Also, since - n = V/r, therefore - - a = V2/r, or Oa is the third proportional to OP and OV. (Maxwell, Matter and Motion, chap. vii.) Again a = nºr = 4trºr/Tº : or if N, the number of revolutions per second is given, then N = 1/T, and a = 47°N°r. If R is the number of revolutions per minute, R 0, E *(j), = "PR*n/900. When the period T is small, a fraction of a second, it is usual to employ its reciprocal N, the number of revolutions per second, and vice versä. - In consequence of the importance of this theorem, it is advisable to give another demonstration. If P was free to move, it would proceed in the tangent PT with velocity V, and therefore, after t seconds would have reached a point T, where PT = Wt. But in consequence of the constraint of being compelled to move in the circle PQ, the body will be found at Q; so that if a is the average acceleration in celoes, TQ - #at”. Produce TQ to meet the circle PQ again in Q', then TQ, TQ = TP*, or lt'TP*/TQ = ltTQ', TP2 1, Vºtº 2W2 But It is – it # = + while lt TQ' = 2r ; so that V* = ar, or a = W*/r. Thus in crossing the Channel at a speed of W knots, the cliffs appear to descend or ascend with constant acceleration V*/R knots an hour, but with constant angular velocity V/R, a sea mile and an hour being the units, and R denoting the radius of the Earth in sea miles, 5400 + 4 +. So also in the case of a man who has fallen overboard; thus, if the vessel is going 15 knots the man will lose sight of the masts, 100 ft high from the water, in about 21 minutes. Notice the analogy with Ohm's law, which asserts that the current A amperes through resistance O ohms under an electromotive pressmre V volts is given by A = V/O ; and then the power W in watts or volt-ampères is given by 4 W = WA = v2/O = A*O. 43 Suppose the body P to weigh W lb., and moves on a smooth horizontal table, attached to Q by a rope of length r, then W and therefore n will be constant, while the tension of the rope will be Wnºr, or WW/r, or WnV, poundals, Or Wn°r/g, or WW*/g”, or Wn W/g, pounds. When the body makes N revolutions a second, or R a minute, then R = 60N, and 27taN = v 27 N = w ; and the tension of the rope is - 47°WN’a, or trºWRºa/900 poundals. This tension is felt at the fixed point, O, as a pull away from the centre, and from the point of view of O is called the centrifugal force. - But P feels the pull of the rope as a centripetal force. The centripetal force at P and the centrifugal force at O constitute the two opposite aspectſ of a stress, the tension in the rope OP, now called the central tension. Even when no rope or connexion is visible, as between the Earth and the Moon, or the Earth and the Sun, still a central tension must exist, due to the propagation of the attraction of gravi- tation through space. 37. In the first investigation of the motion of the Moon round the Earth, or of the Earth and planets round the Sun, it is sufficient to consider these orbits as circles; and now if the periodic time is T seconds, and r is the radius of the orbit in feet, v the velocity in the orbit, and n the angular velocity, n = 27/T, v = nr = 27tr/T; so that the central acceleration in the circular orbit is 47°r/T". Kepler's Third Law asserts that “the squares of the periodic times are as the cubes of the mean distances from the Sun, or that Tº cº r"; and therefore 47°r/Tº varies inversely as r*” and thus Newton's Law of Gravitation is verified among the planets, as a corollary on Kepler's Third Law. r º It was from an arithmetical calculation on the orbit of the Moon that Newton first verified absolutely his law of gravitation. Tradition asserts that Newton, in 1665, having observed the fall of an apple, and looking up to the Moon, proceeded to calculate how far the Moon—or the apple if carried up so far—would fall in the same time. The Moon's parallax being about 57, the distance of the Moon from the centre of the Earth is cosec 57' = 60 times the Earth's radius; so that, assuming that the acceleration of gravity varies inversely as the square of the distance, the acceleration of the Moon should be 32-2 + (60)* celoes, or that the Moon would fall 16:1 feet in the first minute, or that the acceleration is 32.2 when a foot and minute are units of length and time. N. Taking the Moon's period as 27 days, T = 27 × 24 × 60 minutes, while r = 60R, R denoting the radius of the Earth in feet, and R = 6,080 x 180 × 60 -- T, taking the geographical mile as 6,080 feet; then log 6,080 = 3.7839 log 60 = 1.7782 log 180 = 2.2553 7.8174 log Tr = -4971 log 60 – 1.7782 log r – 9-0926 log 27 = 1°4314 log 24 = 1.3802 log 60 = 1.7782 log T = 4-5898 log 27t = •7981 log 27/T = 4,2083 log 47°/T* = 8.4166 log r = 9-0926 log 47°r/T* = 1.5092 47°r/Tº = 32.3, a very close agreement. 44 Unfortunately Newton took the geographical mile as the same as the statute mile of 1,760 yards, or 5,280 feet; so that he found at first 4trºr/Tº = 28; and the discrepancy was so large that he laid aside his calculations for 19 years till 1864, when the correct length of the geographical mile was brought to his notice. If we calculate the acceleration of the Earth relative to the Sun, we must now, with the foot and seconds as units, put T = 365 x 24 × 60 × 60, log T = 7-4989, r = R cosec II = 23440R, log r = 11.6843, with a parallax II = 8”8; so that 47°r/Tº = 0.0186 celoes; and the Earth would fall 0-009 feet, or about 0.1 inch in the first second towards the Sun, if suddenly stopped in its orbit. The attraction of the Earth on a body on its surface is then more than 1920 times the attraction of the Sun on the same body, placed at the mean distance of the Earth. .." 'The acceleration of the Moon to the Earth being about 32°3 –– 3,600 or 1 + 112 = 0:009 celoes, and of the Earth to the Sun being 0-0186 celoes, we see that the acceleration of the Moon is always towards the Sun, so that the Moon's orbit relative to the Sun is always concave to the Sun. - In C.G.S. units, 47°r/T* = 0-6 spouds; while the weight of the Earth E = 10” x 6.134g; so that the average attraction between the Sun and the Earth is 10° x 3-68 dynes. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 38. As the speed V is constant, it is generally a difficulty to the beginner to understand how there can be any acceleration; but the acceleration V*/r, acts continually in changing the direction of the velocity V without changing its magnitude. Experimentally we feel this acceleration when we whirl a body round in a circle at the end of a rope, or when we have to exert ourselves to sit up when running round a railway curve, or in the thrust asserted against the outer rail by a railway carriage running round a curve; also in some kinds of fuze set in action by the rotation of the shell. To the person holding the fixed end of the rope, the tension pulls away from the centre, so that the force which reacts on the constraint came to be called the centrifugal force. But the body which describes the circle feels the tension pulling towards the centre, the Moon for instance, feeling the centripetal force of the Earth's attraction. The centrifugal and the centripetal force are, however, only the two aspects of the stress, in this case a central tension, which is the mutual action of the moving body and the constraint which makes it describe a circle (Matter and Motion, xxxvii). - There will be no need of confusion in the use of the word Centrifugal or Centripetal Force if we attend carefully to the fact that they are the opposite aspects of a central stress, which may be a tension, as in the case of a whirling body at the end of a rope, or of the attraction between the Earth and the Moon, or may be a pressure, as in the case of a train running round a curve, and bearing against the outer rail. The force Wa poundals, causing the actual acceleration a celoes of W lb, is called the effective force of W; and it is convenient to adopt D'Alembert's principle of considering “the reversed affected forces in equilibrium with the impressed forces.” The reversed effective force of a body describing a circle is now the same as the centrifugal force, and it is therefore in equilibrium with the impressed forces; so that the employment of the centrifugal force is useful as reducing questions of circular motion to statical problems. 39. We can realise this circular motion practically by the 45 CONICAL PENDULUM, in which the plummet P at the end of a thread OP of length l feet, fixed at 0, describes a hori- zontal axle of radius r with velocity v, and angular velocity n, in T seconds, making N revolutions 3, second ; so that - w = nr = 2+r/T = 2+Nr, n = 2+\. Supposing the thread OP makes a constant angle a with the vertical, then sin a = rſl; { { and, in gravitation measure, denoting the tension of the thread by R pounds, and resolving vertically R cos a = W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) while resolving horizontally - Rsin a = "it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) g - so that tan ox = * = 47-2N2/ sin a, gr g = –0– = * Or cos & = ſārūj = #7. The period of revolution in seconds of the plummet 1 ! cos & OC T = ± = 27t = 27t — ; N A/ 9 nº A/ g so that, when & = 6, the period is 2T v/(l/g) seconds, the same as for the plane oscillations of a pendulum; and conversely, if the period is T seconds, a convenient mode of determining g. g = 4trºl/T", Instead of being attached to a thread, the plummet may be supposed carried round in the interior of a spherical bowl of radius lift and centre O, rotating N times a second about a vertical diameter; and now the plummet will be carried round steadily by the bowl at a depth g/4T*N*ft º i. ºte: but this must be less than the radius for the plummet to leave the lowest point Of the bowl. - If the length l is comparable with R, the radius of the Earth, for instance if the conical pendulum swings in the shaft of a deep mine, being suspended from the surface of the Earth in a shaft l feet deep, then if the period of revolution is T seconds, the value of g at the bottom of the mine is * _ 47°l (1 – ) *- 9 = T, \* - B). For, employing the gravitation unit of force, R cos & = W cos Á Arwr = R sin a + W sin 8; gT" and when & and 8 are small, we may put R = W, and sin a = rſl, sin 6 = r)(R – l). \ 47°r — ” r rR Thus † = i + R-7 = ºrity 47-?! ! Or g = TT 1 — #): If suspended from a point l feet high outside the Earth, we must write R + l for R in the last expression, and now g at the surface of the Earth is given by _4trºl *— g = Tº THE – 9- ! 1 Or T = ºv/(; Hºº) the same as the period of a very long pendulum making plane oscillations. Thus if l = R, we shall find that the pendulum makes about 24 revolutions or complete oscillations, to and fro, in a day; or one revolution in an hour. But if l is infinite, the pendulum makes 24 + V2 = 17 oscillations in a day; as for instance a railway train on a perfectly straight railway, the Channel Tunnel for instance (§ 84). - (6873) N §3. 46 40. A plumb-line may be considered as a conical pendulum, whirled round by the rotation of the Earth. - We suppose that the Earth is a perfect sphere, and that it does not change its shape and assume a figure of equilibrium, as the level of the ocean, in consequence of the rotation. Denoting by G the acceleration of gravity at the pole, and in latitude l by g, then a plummet weighing W lb., supported by a plumb-line will be in equilibrium under three forces:– (i) WG poundals tending to O, the centre of the Earth ; (ii) Wg poundals, the tension of the plumb-line; n (iii) Wn”R cos l poundals, the reversed effective force, or the centrifugal force due to the rotation of the Earth, tending away from the Earth's polar axis, R. denoting the radius of the Earth in feet, and 27t/n the sidereal day in seconds, equal to 86,164 seconds, the mean solar day being 86,400 seconds. Producing the plumb line to meet the equator in Q, then PQa' will be the true latitude; PEa. being the Geocentric latitude, and EPQ the angle of the centre. We must take EPQ as the triangle of forces, so that WR cosi T J T G. : and we may take EQ, PQ, and PE to represent n°R cos l, g and G to scale. . Drawing QFL parallel to the polar axis EN, then EF represents n°R, so that PF represents G — n°R, the value of gravity at the equator, which we may represent by H. Then g = PQ = y/(PM2 + PL”) = V/(G° sin *l + H2 cosº l); while sin EPQ = EQ sin l = m*R sin l cos l – (G — H) sin l cos l, PQ 9 g _ (G — H) sin l cos l tan EPQ = G sin” l + H cos” I These formulas are exact on the supposition that the surface of the Earth is a perfect sphere; but it is found by geodatic measurement that the Earth has the shape it would assume, if fluid, being slightly distorted from the spherical shape assumed under the gravitation of its parts by the whirling effect of its rotation. ºf There is therefore no real loss of accuracy in employing approximate formulas; and since the angle EPQ is small, we may suppose that PR = PQ, where OR is the perpendicular from Q on PO ; *. so that PQ = PE – ER = PE – OQ cos l, Or g = G – n°R cos”! – G (1 — "Roose; = g (1 ** cosº). Taking G = 32, #TR = 90 × 60 × 6,080, and 2 T/m = 86,167, the number of seconds in the siderial day, we shall find G|n^R = 289 = 17*; so that if the Earth was made to rotate 17 times faster without change of shape, g would vanish at the equator. The angle of the centre EPQ is the apparent gradient of the sea with respect to the vertical EP to the centre of the Earth; and the c.m. is approximately n°R sin l cos l/G, or a gradient of one in G|}n’B sin 21; in latitude 45° this would be one in 578, an angle of about 6'. - To make this angle of the centre 1°, the Earth must spin about three times faster. A falling body at P has acceleration G in the direction PE; but the direction of the plumb- line is PQ, and its tension is Wg poundals. - - 41. The energy of the rotating body, in foot-pounds, #WV*/g = }Rr. But if the tension R is expressed in poundals, then R = Wa = WV*/r, and & #WW* = }Rr, the kinetic energy in foot-poundals. º The tension of the rope, or constraint required to make a body describe a horizontal circle, is therefore to the pressure on the ground as V*/r to g, whether expressed in absolute or gravitation units. - Take the case of a railway engine or carriage, running round a curve of radius r ft., with velocity V f/s. ; - The push of the flanges against the outer rail is a force of WV*/gr tons, if the engine or carriage weighs W tons. .. S If the gauge of the line is a ft, and the height of the C.G. is h ft, the load on the outer rail, obtained by taking moments round the inner rail, will be 2 aw WVºl. gra 2 Iw WVºl. gra 2 while the load on the inner rail will be 47 This load on the inner rail will vanish, and the engine will be on the point of capsizing when W = V/(gra/2h). To obviate this, and to equalise the load on the rails, the sleepers on a curve are sometimes inclined; and now the load on the rails will be equal when the inclination & of the sleepers is such that the resultant of W vertical, and WW’ſgr horizontal, is perpendicular to the sleepers, or ,’ tan c. = Vºſgr. This angle & is the average slope of the surface of water in the boiler, or in a tumbler on the engine, or it is the average deviation from the vertical of the thread of a plumb-line, the engine running steadily. - If, however, the tumbler of water was placed on a smooth table, then so long as the engine is running in a straight line with constant velocity, the tumbler will remain at rest on the table; but on entering a curve, the tumbler will continue in its former straight course, and will therefore describe on the table the involute of the curve. ExAMPLEs. TWISDEN, CHAP. IV., 728-735. (1) Find in pounds the horizontal thrust on the rails of an engine weighing 20 tons, going round a curve of 600 yds radius at 30 miles an hour. (2) Determine the side-long thrust on the rail of a train going north and south in a given latitude. (3) Determine the radius of the circle on which the sand will lie, flowing from the sand-pipe of an engine at a given distance from the rails. - - (4) Prove that the rim of a flywheel will burst if the circumferential velocity is vſ(gT/w) f/s, where w denotes the density of the material in lb/ft”, and T the tenacity in lb/ft”. (5) Prove that the indiarubber band of a bicycle will become slack when running at more than (TgdT/W) f/s, where W denotes the weight of the band in lb, T the tension in pounds, and d the diameter of the wheel in feet. Find when the copper driving band of a rifled projectile will become slack. (6) Determine the diminution in the tension of a belt running round pullies, due to centrifugal whirling; and find the speed at which the greatest horse power is transmitted. Power is communicated to a pulley by means of belting. T is the greatest tension commu- nicable to the belting in pounds. Determine the maximum amount of power transferable when the pulley makes n revolutions per minute, taking account of the centripetal acceleration at the pulley. (Weight per foot of belting = m lb, radius of pulley = a ft, coefficient of friction = u, and arc in contact with belt = a). Hence show that the H.P. transferred is greatest when the pulley is making 120 , /2T 7TC! 3r. revolutions per minute. (7) If B is describing a circle round. A fixed, and A is released, show that A will describe a cycloid, while their C.G. will describe a straight line, and B will describe a trochoid; and determine the tension of the thread connecting A and B. - (8) Compare the attraction between the Sun and the Earth with the tension of a string º to a pound weight which is swung round horizontally at a distance of three feet twice {l, SGCOI). Cl. - (9) Show how to determine the resistance of the air to a sphere by means of a Whirling Machine, consisting of a horizontal beam made to revolve about a fixed vertical axis with con- stant angular velocity, and carrying at the other end the sphere suspended by a fine thread; by observation of the angle which the thread makes with the beam. - (10) “We use Hydro extractors to dry cloth; the cloth is rolled tightly round a horizontal cylinder which is made to rotate and the water flies out of the cloth in straight lines. For a cylinder of 18 inches diameter we find 1,200 revolutions a minute the best speed. A 36-inch cylinder at 800 revolutions we found not quite so effective, and a 72 inch at 500 less effective than the 36 inch. We are going to erect an 18-foot cylinder; which velocity must be given to produce the same effect as the 18 inch.”” Comment and calculate. (11) Describe Newton's method of determining the Laws of Rebound of elastic spheres. Two equal ivory billiard balls are suspended in contact by equal parallel vertical threads, so that the line joining the centres of the balls is horizontal and two feet below the points of attach- ment of the threads. Determine the co-efficient of restitution between the balls when it is found that allowing one ball to start from the position when the supporting thread makes an angle of 60° with the vertical causes the other ball after impact to come to rest at a point where its centre is 1 foot 8 inches from its original position of equilibrium. Solve the same question when the threads are 4 feet long, also when the balls are loaded so as to weigh 12 lb and 8 lb. 48 HARMONIC VIBRATION. 42. Suppose P is a describing a circle with centre O and radius r feet with velocity V f/s, and angular velocity n so that W = mr. From P drop the perpendicular PM, PN on Oa, Oy two straight lines at right angles; then as P describes the circle with constant velocity, the points M and N which we may look upon as the shadows of P, will vibrate backwards and forwards on the diameters AoA' Bob', as Jupiter's satellites when observed in the plane of their orbits, in almost the same manner as the piston of a steam engine of which OP is the crank revolving uniformly, provided the length of the connecting rod is considerable, and in exactly the same manner as the piston of a donkey-pump without a connecting rod. - - If OP coincides with OA at the time t = O, then at any subsequent time t seconds, the circular measure of the angle AOP is nt, so that OM = r cos nt, ON = r sin nt, nt being called the phase of the vibration of M. The velocity of P being n.OP and perpendicular to OP, it follows from the resolution of velocities that the velocities of M and N are n.MP and n.NP respectively; and the acceleration of P being n°.PO, it follows, from the resolution of accelerations, that the accelerations of M are n°. MO and m”.NO respectively, the order of the letters indicating the direction of the acceleration. Vibrations such as M and N describe are called Simple Harmonic Vibrations (S.H.M.) because all small vibrations, of pendulums, of springs, and of bodies sounding musical notes, can be ulti- mately analysed into vibrations of this nature. - Suppose the weight of the piston M is W lb and actuated horizontally at M ; then the force required to overcome the inertia is Wm”.MO poundals, a maximum at A and A', the ends of the stroke, and vanishing at O, the middle. -. * - We may suppose N to represent the piston of a vertical engine, and now at a certain point C above O, such that OC = g/n”, gravity and the effective force of the piston are equal, and elsewhere the combination of gravity and reversed effective force will be Wn”.CN poundals, in equilibrium with the pressure of the steam and the stress in the piston rod. - The crank describes a circle 27tr feet in circumference in T. seconds, while the piston moves backwards and forwards through 4r ft. ; the velocity of the crank, or the maximum piston velocity, is therefore #7 times the average piston velocity. We can now determine the time occupied by the pile in a previous question, driven into the ground against a resistance which increases proportionally as the penetration. Representing to scale by OA, the penetration at the first blow, then A1A3, AAAs, . . . will represent the penetrations at the 2nd, 3rd, . . . blow, obtained by drawing the arcs UAG, U.A., U30A, . . . . with centre Q ; and the times occupied will be represented by the angles UOA, U10As, U20A3, . . . ; so that the time occupied after the rth blow, is to the time after the first blow as sin-1 (1/w/r) to #7t. 49 III. MOTION UNDER AN ATTRACTION TO A FIXED POINT O, PROPORTIONAL TO THE DISTANCE FROM O. 2 43. If OM = a, then the acceleration of M isº, in the direction Ow. Then if M is attracted to O, with intensity proportional to OM (as if controlled by a spring which keeps M in equilibrium at O), the equation of motion is d?a, # = - ºr, when p denotes a constant, It is convenient to replace p by n” (and then n is called the speed of the S.H.M.); so that d?a, d; - - m*a, o o e e e º º e º © º º & º ſº ſº (1) representing oscillations about a position of stable equilibrium given by a = 0. It is easily verified by differentiation that, A, B, a, b, representing arbitrary constants, this differential equation (1) is satisfied by a = A cos nt, or B sin mt, or A cos nt + B sin nt, or A cos (nt + t); all representing periodic vibrations, performed in the period 27t/n; and if we take the last expression. a = a cos (nt + e), then a is called the amplitude of the vibration, and e is called the epoch. Writing it - w = a cos n(t – T), then T is called the phase; and when t = T, the point M is at A, where OA = a. To integrate (1) directly, we multiply both sides by º then da d’a — mºa. da: . dt dº T dº ’ and integrating with respect to t, 2 #. = C — $nºw”. # Denoting the amplitude by a, so that # = 0, when a = a, then C = }n”a”; 2 and # = *(*-*), Ol' # = — my/(a” — w”), the negative sign being taken because the motion begins at A towards O. Therefore **=––––. da: (a” — a”) and integrating again Q, —*— = cos- 4, (a” — wº) 0, . n(t — t) = | •S Or w = a cos n(t —T). (6873) r O | da, •7, When t = T, aſ = a, i = 0; t = 1 + \rh, a = 0, *. E – 720, . * ºf 5 da, t = = — a. º. = 0 : T + T/m, a *Tºt y t = 1 + ºrn, a = 0, . = 7ta ; da: t = 1 + 2*h, * = a, , = 0; and M is again at A ; so that the period is 2T/m, as already stated; and since the period 27t/n is independent of the amplitude a, the oscillations are isochronous, that is, are always performed in the same time, e.g., a mixed note of a pianoforte wire. The point M on Oa, follows the point P on the circle AP, moving with constant velocity na, so that M is the foot of the indicate of P; and the angle A0P = n(t — T); since a = a cos n(t — T). The point N also performs a S.H.M. in the same period 27t/n, given by 3) = a sin n(t — T); and the composition of the two S.H.M.'s of M and N gives the motion of P on the circle w” + y^ = a”. We may suppose P to represent the crank of a steam engine, and M a point on the piston rod produced, provided the connecting rod is sufficiently long for its obliquity to be Leglected, or, as in a steam pump, where the connecting rod is suppressed. 51. THE SIMPLE PENDULUM. 44. The small oscillations of a simple pendulum are approximately S.H.M. , , , For if l denotes the length of the thread in feet, and W the weight of the plummet in lb, then the tangential acceleration is d; so that dt 2 y º = — W sin 6 or - # = – g in 6 = -gsin; and when s is so small that sin º can be replaced by its cm. º d’s – 98 iſ, T ~ 7” representing S.H.M., in which nº = g/l; so that the period of the pendulum is 27tv/(l/g/), and the time of a single swing is TV/(l/g/) seconds. If, as the plummet passes through the lowest point A, it is struck by a horizontal impulse across the plane of vibration, this plane will assume a new position, depending on the magnitude and direction of the impulse; but the period of oscillation will be unaltered if the vibrations remain small. For instance, the impulse may be so applied perpendicular to the plane of vibration, so as to shift the plane through 45°; and now if this impulse is applied in the same direction at the end of a swing, it will make the plummet move in a circle, as in a Conical Pendulum. - Let a body weighing W lb be suspended from an elastic rod or spring CD, attached at D to a fixed point. Then if allowed to descend slowly, W will come to rest at O, where P, the pull of the spring in pounds is equal to W lb., the weight of the body. w Considering CD as an elastic rod, of cross section Kin”, then Hooke's law asserts that if L is the unstretched length CD, and if the elongation CO is denoted by l, P ! * = E 1. where E is a constant, called the modulus of elasticity of the substance of the rod. Here P/K is the tension in pounds per in.” in the rod, and l/L is the eatension produced; so that Hooke's law asserts that t - tension extension (Twisden, chap. i., § 6). Iu the position of equilibrium of the weight P = W, or KEl/L = W. But now suppose P is pulled down further to B', and let go; the weight will oscillate in a S.H.M. about O. For if we denote OM by w, where M is the position of the weight below 0, after t seconds, then the equation of motion is = E, the modulus of elasticity (in lb/in”) W d24, # = W-P, where P, the pull of the rod, is now given by -* ! + æ ( 4 ). dža, so that dº? T l where m” = g/l ; so that the weight will perform a vertical S.H.M., synchronizing with the oscillation of a simple pendulum of length l = CO, the permanent average set of the rod or spring OC, due to the weight W lb. If OB' = OC = OC, the weight W will rise to C, and if originally let fall from C, it will pass through O and come to rest again at C at double the depth of O, in time T/n = Tv/(l/g), and will continue to oscillate between C and C’. But whatever the original distance OB from O, the weight will continue to oscillate to equal distances, OB and OB' above and below () in a S.H.M. of period 27tv/(l/g) seconds. The rod CD may be inverted and made into a column, and the weight W placed upon it; if suddenly inverted, the shortening of the rod or spring will be 31. The weight W may be supposed to be the body of a carriage on springs; and in all these cases the vertical oscillation of W will constitute a S.H.M., synchronizing with the small oscillation of a pendulum of length l, the permanent average vertical set of the springs. - 52 Next consider the small vertical oscillation of a floating body, a ship, for instance. Denote the displacement of the ship by W ft” or W tons, so that W = wV, or W = nW, where w denotes the weight in tons of a ft” of water, or n denotes the number of ft” of water to the ton (n = 35, for sea water). Now let the ship receive a small vertical displacement of a feet. The upward buoyancy of the water is now w(W + Aa) tons, where A denotes the (average) water line area of the ship in ft”, so that the equation of motion is }* = — w(V -- Aw) = — waſ ; d’a _ gwa — — 9A e Ol' d; T *w- * = ºv : ; so that l, the length of the simple equivalent pendulum, is given by l = V/A. If the ship is floating in a dock of area B ft”, then the small vertical displacement a ft. of the ship will make the water rise Aw/(B–A) ft on the dock wall, and therefore Aa: Ba: a; + B – A Or B – A feet on the ship's side; so that the extra buoyancy will be ABæ 'M) B – A tons; and therefore the equation of motion is W. d’a _ 2D ABæ g dø T ~ * B = At Or dº — gABæ . dº? W(B — A)” B – A 1 1 t – — = — - — ; 2 so tha ! = W AB (, #). reducing as before to W/A, when B is infinite. 53 FORCED WIBRATIONS. 45. Sometimes a body is forced up and down in a vertical oscillation, which may be con- sidered as a S.H.M., for instance the piston of an engine (or the screw propeller by the pitching of the steamer), and it is required to determine the maximum stress called into play at the attachment. Suppose a body N, weighing W tons, is forced up and down from B to B' and back again in a period T seconds in a S.H.M. The force which drives N up and down may be supposed due to a vertical spring, reaching to C, and of such a strength that the weight W tons will deflect the spring through l = CO, where O is the middle point of the stroke, and where the length l is given by the equation T = 27tv/(l/g), or l = gT*/47°. N is a piston, moving in a vertical cylinder as in a marine engine, the stress in the piston T rod at N will be proportional to CM, and equal to W.CN/CO tons, being a thrust when the piston is below C, changing to a pull above C.; so that above C the downward acceleration of N will be greater than g, and water will not lie on the top of the piston. At the bottom of the stroke the thrust is a maximum, and equal to w(1 + #) where 2a denotes the length of stroke, - w( 1 + º) == w(l + ;) tons. * ga where v = 27ta/T denotes the velocity of the crank-pin. At the top of the stroke the pull in the piston rod is a maximum, and equal to w(;- 1)= W. – 1). In a horizontal engine the maximum thrust and pull are each equal to Wa/l = Wv°/ga tons. If L = 2a in the height of stroke in feet, and R the number of revolutions per minute, Waſl = tº R*LW/1800g ; also the maximum piston speed is ºr times the average speed. (6873) P 54 : i . DECAY OF WIBRATIONS IDUE TO FRICTION. 46. We observe that vibrations die away unless periodically renewed; as, for instance, in a clock pendulum. . . . The decay of the motion is due to the frictional resistances, and it is usual in small oscillations to suppose these resistances to vary as the velocity, so that the equation of motion now becomes d?a: da: = — m”a — k ‘ d? d;’ d?a, da: 2 on — Or # 4. 2n cos 3; + n’a = 0, in writing, for convenience, 2n cos Á for k. We can verify by differentiation that the solution of this differential equation is a = ae-" ºf cos (nt sin 8 + e), representing a S.H.M. of period 27/n sin 6, of which the amplitude dies away at compound discount at the rate n cos Á, called the modulus of decay. The motion of M is now represented graphically by supposing it to follow P, as before, but P now describes the equiangular spiral - * = ae - 99988 when 6 = mä. When the vibrations of this system are maintained by a periodic applied force, represented by E cos pt, the differential equation of motion is d°4, b da, 2 o' — d;2 + 2n cos 3; + ºr = E cos pt, the particular solution of which is obtained symbolically as - E cos pt & E 3. D* + 2n cos Á. D + n” where D represents the operator d/dt, and this can be written D* + m” — 2n cos & . D & E (D* + n”)” – 4n” cos” (8. D2 E cos pt _ (n° – p”) E. cos pt + 2np cos Á. E sin pt (n° – pº)” + 4n°p” cos” & g since D* cospt = — pº cos pt; 2mp cos Á 77° — p” 3. v/(n” + 2nºp” cos 28 + p") E cos (pt – tan-" Ol' (pt – tan & E representing a S.H.M. of period 2 Tlp, of amplitude E (nº 4. 2n"pº cos 23 + p.)- and of change 2np cos - - **, 3, this is called the forced vibration, due to the impressed vibration of phase tan-" *—p” ” E cos pt. - - To this must be added the free vibrations ae -nt coss cos (nt sin 3 + e), to complete the solution; but the free vibrations die out rapidly. Taking the ease of free vibrations with frictional decay given by w = ae-”** sin (nt sin 3), &nd supposing the amplitude of oscillation maintained constant by successive impulses as the body passes through O, its position of equilibrium, then since # = nae-"e"sin (3 – nº sing). dt therefore the velocity V with which the body must start from O is given by W = n.a sin &. 55 The velocity with which the body returns to O is obtained by putting nt sin & = T, and is therefore We-T coº, so that an impulse, changing the velocity by V (1 — e-" º is required each time the body passes through O, to keep up a constant amplitude of vibration, as in a clock. To maintain a forced vibration of amplitude a and period 27t/p by an applied periodic force E cos pt, E = avy (nº + 2 n°p” cos 2 & 4-pº). If the period of the forced vibration is equal to the free period of the system, p = n sin 3. - and E = a n” cos Áv/(1 + 3 sin “8). But if p = n, E = 2 a m” cos Á. * Suppose for instance that the point D in fig. 15 is made to vibrate vertically according to the law, = b cos pt, and that the inertia of the spring CD is neglected, so that the pull l + a - y & — º P = KE * T * * = W | 1 - * u, e. L (1 +*zº) then the equation of oscillation of the weight W, supposing a frictional resistance proportional to the velocity, is now - y W /d? 0. 4) #) sº- W -ºms. P * = r a – y g ( dź” + 2n cos Á oft / T = — W –7–, or with * = g/l, dt” so that E = n°b, and + 2n cos Á # + n’a = n°y = n°b cos pt, 12mp cos e) - 2b t tº- - J} = 37. (ºr tan-º-º- p” v/(n+ + 2nºp” cos 28 + p") The amplitude of oscillation is therefore small when the ration/p is small, that is when the free period is long compared with the period of the forced vibration ; this is the theory of Yarrow's Vibrometer, an instrument for measuring the vertical vibrations of a torpedo boat ; the point D is attached to the vessel and compelled to vibrate with it, while the body at N is practically at rest in the air; so that a pencil attached to N will record on a revolving drum the vertical oscillations Of D. 3. Two weights W. and W, are connected by a spring of such a strength that when W, is held fixed W., performs N complete vibrations per second. Shew that if W, be held, W, will make NA/W 2/W, and if both be free they will make NV(W. H. W.)/W1, vibrations per second, the vibrations in each case being in the line of the spring. * 4. A spherical shell contains a sphere of equal weight, supported by springs of equal length and strength, attached at opposite ends of a horizontal diameter. Prove that, if it is fired at a vertical elastic plane, the shell will strike the plane again after a time equal to half the period of free oscillation. 5. An endless elastic band, of natural unstretched length 27ta ft and of weight W lb., is stretched round a wheel of radius b, which is made to revolve with angular velocity n ; prove that, if the pull required to stretch the band to double its natural length is E pounds, the pressure of the band on the wheel, in pounds per unit length, is 1 1 Why? E (. - }) --> 2gtº Supposing n is now increased so that this pressure vanishes, and that the band leaves the wheel, but remains always circular and concentric in position, prove that it will oscillate about a mean radius c, given by 1 1 W7,2 Tc - a T2gtE, º - 27t C \ in a period ºn (; —l) Discuss the case of E 3 Wall”/2gt. 47 . The solution of #. = + wº is given by * = A cosh nt + B sinh nt, or a cosh (nt + e) or a sinh (nt + e), representing unstable motion of M, as if repelled from O with intensity proportional to its distance from O. * A particle P will describe this motion if placed on an upright cycloid; and approxi- mately, if placed near the highest point on a vertical circle, the equation of motion now being d?6/dt = nº sin 6 = n°6, when 6 is small. - We see the same-kind of motion when a window blind runs down. With a frictional resistance varying as the velocity we may write the equation of motion, 2 º: = m^a — 2n sinh & º dža, da OT º, - nºw – 2n cot 8.5 the solution of which is * = aente-" + be-nt." OI’ w = aent tan #8 + be-n' cot 38. 48. With high velocities through a resisting medium it is usual to assume that the resistance varies as the square of the velocity, as in the case of the motion of trains, steamers, or projectiles. . Take the case of a train weighing W tons, starting from rest under a constant pull of the engine of P tons; R tons denoting the constant part of the resistance of the road, due to inclines, and the resistance of road and axles; and Xvº tons denoting the variable part of the resistance, at velocity v f/s, * * Supposing the train to have gone a feet from rest in t seconds, the equation of motion is W 024, W do or W dº cº-º ºmºmºs--º * * = P – tºº 2 7 dB, * g ºf * , # = P R – Av’. The train will start with acceleration f, given by _ . P – R. f = g —w > and the full speed being denoted by V, then XV* = P – R so that we may write the equation of motion dv 7,2\ # = f (1 T wº Integrating this equation dv V ty t = | —“— = -- tanh T' |za ºwn =}*** so that * = ft a. V tanh W . Again, since v = da/dt, integrating again, tºº , ft = Y or cosh ſº. - ? log cosh &. 57 If a spherical body is let fall in a medium in which the resistance varies as the square of the velocity, as in Newton's experiments carried out on falling bodies in St. Paul's, then in these equations f must be replaced by g, the acceleration of gravity, corrected for buoyancy, and V will be the terminal velocity in the medium, that is, the velocity with which the body will fall vertically when the upward resistance of the medium balanced the downward pull of gravity. Newton's experiments have been recently repeated in the Eiffel Tower (Comptes Rendus, July, 1892). - h terminal velocity is observable in sparks from fireworks, raindrops, hailstones, meteorites, and in a balloon or parachute. At any other velocity v, the resistance of the air to the body, weighing W lb, will be a force of W (v/V)* pounds, causing acceleration g (v/W)”. A steamer may be supposed to be always moving on a smooth level road, so that we may put R = 0, and take P tons to represent the constant thrust of the engine, so that 2,240 PV/550 is the effective h-p of the engines at full speed V f/s. When the body is projected vertically upwards, or when the engines of the steamer are reversed, the equation of motion becomes dv v/2 — - 1. - dt' ( + V.) so that | w -: tan', Y2 y 42 W Og secº, = , , W the time t' being now measured backwards from the instant at which the velocity is zero. Suppose, for instance, the engines are reversed when the steamer is going full speed; then r' = W, so that V V t' = } T = 0-7854 -., • " ? f & E (log v/2) y - 0-6931 y * Take the case of a steamer in which the horse-power and the tonnage are each equal 10,000, going full speed at 18 knots; then W = 18 × 100+ 60 = 30 fs, taking the knot as a speed of HO0 ft. per minute, while 2240 PV/550 = W f = ′ = ** = }} J T W T 2240W T 42 Then t = 0-7854 x 30 × 72 –– 11 = 90 seconds; a = 0-6931 x 750 x 72 —– 11 = 1,200 feet. (6873) Q 58 EXAMPLES. (1) Prove that if an engine can pull a train of W tons at a velocity V on the level, against resistances varying as the square of the velocity, the engine exerting a constant pull of P tons, then up an incline a the velocity will fall to WA/(1 – W sin aſ P), and that down the incline with- out steam, the velocity will reach Wv/(W sin &/P). Prove that if the actual velocity v varies from the average velocity V on a long railway journey periodically according to the law v = V + U sin nt, or W -- U sin ns, the average horse-power and consumption of fuel is increased by # U*/V* or #U*/V* of that required for uniform velocity W. 2) Work out the same questions when the resistance varies as the first, third, or fourth powers of the velocity. 59 MOTION UNDER AN ATTRACTION TO A FIXED POINT, INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO THE SQUARE OF THE DISTANCE FROM THE POINT. 49. When a body is carried to a great distance from the Earth, say to the distance of the Moon, the attraction of gravity is, by Newton's law of Universal Gravitation, found to vary inversely as the square of the distance from E, the centre of the Earth. - The parallax of the Moon being 57, the distance of the Moon is cosec 57' = 60 times the Earth's radius; so that the acceleration of gravity is reduced from 32 to 32/60°, and the Moon, or a body at the same distance, will fall 16 ft in the first minute towards the Earth. Suppose the body is carried up to a distance 2a from (E the centre of the Earth), and let a denote its distance after t secs., and let R ft. denote the radius of the Earth, g the acceleration of gravity at the Earth's surface. Then at a distance EM = a from E, we must take the acceleration as gB*/a", so that our equation of motion is now - d’a R2 *\. IF = - 9 a. Multiplying both sides by #. da d’a _gBº da , dº dº? T 22 dº ’ and integrating, with respect to t, da,” gR” '1 1 l — - *- = 2 - * ----- # E = ** + constant = gr: (: #) da, since = 0, when a = 2a. dt To integrate this equation further it is convenient to use an eccentric angle 6 indicated on the figure, such that a = EM = 2a cos”;6, AM = 2a – a = 2a sin”;6 = a vers 0; - and then day? * d62 |R2 R2 § da - 202 º cos”;6 if " *. (secº;6 – 1) = ‘. tan *# 6, - d62 R2 Cr d;2 = %. SéC *#6. We put n*a* = gF", in accordance with Kepler's Third Law (§ 61); and now da: - º: = ma tan #6 = #n AT; dt wº dt while n; = 2 cosº = 1 + cos 0; and integrating nt = 0 + sin 6, giving the time t (or mean anomaly nt) in terms of the eacentric angle 6; so that the time t is proportional to the area AEP, and P therefore moves on the circle AP as if attracted to E. - Expressed as a function of w, ?vt = sin- ve:-- + ve:-2. * 60 Similarly, if the body was repelled from O, we should have d’a: R2 day? ve º º º e we o © e * (6) equations theoretically sufficient to determine the trajectory, when r is a given function of the velocity v. • As an exercise on these equations, prove that at a point of minimum velocity * +g sin J = O and, at a point of maximum curvature, * + 3 g sin * = O. 19. A tennis ball is served from a height of 8 feet; it just touches the net at a point where the net is 3 ft 6 ins high and hits the service line, 21 feet from the net; the horizontal distance of the server from the foot of the net is 39 feet; prove that the horizontal velocity of the ball is about 169 º per second, and find the angle which the direction of projection makes with the hori- ZOntal. t 20. A lawn-tennis ground AGBCLD is rectangular in shape, and the net GHKL is stretched. across the court at a uniform height of 3 ft 6 in, while the service line is nearer the base line than the net. If the server stands at the corner A, and holding the ball at the height of the net’ hits it so that after rising 1 ft 2 ins it just clears the net, show that it will be a fault unless the ball pass over HK, where GH = HK = KL, 21. It is required to throw a ball from a given point below a plane, inclined at an angle & to the horizon, so as to strike the plane. Prove that the impetus must exceed C cos a, where c is the distance of the point from the plane. 22. It is required to project a ball from a given point with given velocity V so as to strike a vertical wall above a horizontal line on the wall. It is found that when projected on the vertical plane at right angles to the wall the elevation must lie between 6, and 6. Prove that the points on the wall towards which the ball may be directly projected lie within a circle of radius V* sin (6, -6.) g sin (6, + 6,) 23. A shot, fired with impetus h at elevation 2, strikes the top of a target; and when a vertical plate of thickness a, and resistance n times the weight of the shot is placed in front of the muzzle, the shot, after perforation' strikes the bottom of the target. Prove that the height of the target is - 700, 4 na tan” c. (cos x — 7, Q 76 24. A man throws a stone from the edge of a cliff with velocity U at an elevation a, and r seconds later he throws another stone with velocity V so as to hit the first stone. Prove that he must employ an elevation 3, given by , UV sin (a - 8) 9 TV cos & EU cos a # and determine the coordinates of the point of meeting, and the time of flight. Discuss the limits within which the problem is possible. * ~~ 25. From a fort a buoy was observed at a depression i below the horizon. A gun was fired at it at an elevation a, but the shot was observed to strike the water at a point whose depression was '. Show that in order to strike the buoy the gun must be placed at an elevation 6, where cos 6 sin (6 + i) cos” i sin i* cos a sin (a + i) cos” tº sin i 26. A gun is mounted at a given spot so as to command the horizontal plane on which it stands. Its mounting is such that the direction in which it is pointed, must lie in a given plane inclined to the horizontal at angle a. Prove that the points on the horizontal plane, which its projectiles with given muzzle velocity can hit, lie on an ellipse of eccentricity sin a. 27. Prove that if the sole effect of a wind on a projectile is to produce an acceleration g/n in a horizontal direction, the area which can be covered from a given point on the ground with given impetus of projection h in an ellipse of excentricity (n° + 1)- and area _4 Th” v( + #) º 772 28. If jets of a fountain proceed from a very large number of small holes equally distributed over a small hemispherical surface, whose axis is vertical and vertex upwards, with equal velocities along the radii of the hemisphere, prove that the form of the fountain is a paraboloid of revolu- tion. Prove also that the average pressure per unit area produced by the falling drops on the horizontal plane through the hemisphere varies inversely as the height to which the velocity of effius is due. . Prove also that the pressure at any point of the circular area covered by the falling drops varies inversely as the length of the chord through the point, at right angles to the diameter through the point. 29. A sphere falls vertically and strikes a smooth wedge that can move on a smooth table, prove that the latus rectum of the parabola subsequently described by the ball is 2V1/(1 + e) M sin a cos a Nº g M + m sin” a where e denotes the coefficient of restitution, m the weight of the sphere, M of the wedge, and a the angle of the wedge. tº 30. Prove that if the time of flight from O on a horizontal range through O is constant, the focus of the parabolic trajectory lies on a fixed parabola. Prove also that if a body is fired from O so as to strike a fixed horizontal plane above or below. O at a constant angle, the focus of the parabolic trajectory lies on a fixed hyperbola. Prove that the focus of the parabolic trajectory described by a body projected from a fixed point O so as to strike another fixed point P lies on a fixed hyperbola. Resolving horizontally and vertically, d’a , da; d;2 T ds’ *! — — , dy i = - r + - g; and eliminating r, da, dºy dy dº , da: dº dº? dº dº? d;" an equation equivalent to (1). Writing p for dy/da, t du , da; thus - ay jaw ll] p = #/. % = (##–%;)(#) dt T \d; dº? dº dº? ...) % dp da that — — — — “ U , §6) tºka, dt dº g 77 Take for instance the case of a resistance proportional to the velocity; with a terminal velocity w, so that r = g(v/v); d’a g , dº – 9 dº then d;2 T ... " I = w dt * = – 2% – g d;2 T w dº º To integrate these equations, write them in the form dº ſº – 9. d; I dº. T Tºw’ d”y //dy – – 9. #(; ; )= w and then, with given elevation 2 and velocity of projection V, the first integral of these equations is log # = log V cos 2 – gt ap 2 log (#4 •) = log (W sin & + w) — #: º = V cos 2e-9/*, % = (W sin a + wye-gº” – w. dt Another integration gives * = N* * * (1 – e-ºe), 9 *@ 2 $y = Ww sin a + 'w (1 — e-vº) – wi; 9 and the elimination of t gives the equation of the trajectory Q0.2% w” & == vº. 4 log ( – viºr. ) 3/ * tan • 4 vº. 4 ; Og 1 Vw cos & Therefore if R denotes the range on Ox, T the time of flight, w the angle of descent, v the striking velocity, H the height of the vertex of the trajectory, and t the time of flight to the vertex, t gT/w R _ Vw cos & T T W sin z`-E wº sº t / = 1/+ V sin a , ” 9 V sin a + v sin w = gT, V cos 2 V sin & + w log (V cos &/V cos w) = gT/w, H = were =* log (1 + W sin •) etc. 9 When w is infinite, the resistance is zero, and by expanding the logarithm we obtain the equation of the parabola as a limiting form. V cos & — v cos w = gT, w Since (V sin a + wº. – V cosa (; + w)=0. the hodograph is a straight line parallel to the tangent at the point of infinite velocity; the tangent at the point of minimum velocity is therefore at right angles to this line. Determine the envelope of these trajectories, and prove that the angles of elevation and descent are complementary in a maximum range on an inclined plane through the point of projection, (6873) - X 78 56. In the Principia, Lib. II, Prop. X, Newton has investigated the resistance of the air. . . which is called into play when the trajectory is such that TP varies as OT", instead of as OT”, the case considered by Galileo. . . - We may take O T and the vertical O V as co-ordinate axes, putting O T = a, T P = y, and thus we may write the equation of the trajectory n—l SO that p = dy = n”. - "(...) y & Q? C/ Or OT = n.FT, if the tangent at P meets OT in F. 1.4 Denoting by R the resistance of the air in pounds, and by r the retardation which would be produced by it in a projectile weighing W lb, so that ; =#. then the equations of motion are, as with rectangular axes, * d’a da: — E - ?” -F 3 cº ds dºy — — ... dy # = - ri, + g, - da, d” dy d”a, da: SO at di. T â, d; T * dº Or * dp da = dt dt Denoting the component velocity da/dt by u, then dp g t w" da, w” ” so that w” = g|% =—*— º a n(n − 1) \a. dy? . 2n-2 n–2 There * = pºu? = (:) 9° (...) # = pºu nºt. n(n − 1) \a. = —“– aeſt) = * m. **H*(·) in Li 99; so that if v denotes the velocity ds/dt, FP3 dy? ng FP2 * = * * *** = 'º' *-* - dt” da; _ _ dºw” FP da, FT m – 2 FP 2n − 2 * TF 7 and then R = r = * ~ * 2 FP. W g T 2n − 2 TP Also Z – º – 2 1. q2 7, FP’ to that if we assume Newton's law of the resistance of the air, varvi -- ~! ~~: º º g º , varying as the square of the velocity and the density of the medium, this density must vary inversely as FP, Q. 79 : : When n is negative, the trajectory is hyperbolic in shape, and CV is taken as the vertical asymptote; and writing — n for n, ng FP" 7, I. 1 TP 2 while R – * n + 2 FP With n = 1, the trajectory is an ordinary hyperbola, and R – 3 FP W – 4 TP - The equation of the trajectory, when the resistance varies as the velocity, referred to oblique co-ordinate axes, one CW the vertical asymptote, and the other CT parallel to the tangent at the point of infinite velocity, may now be written in the form, with CT = a, CW = y, * * % = log ga, e w? w w/(V* + 2 V w cos & -- w”) This investigation by Newton of the resistance required for the trajectory to be a hyperbola appears undertaken in consequence of conventional motions extant on the subject, as the following quotation from an Elizabethan writer will show :— - Thomas Digges in his treatise on the Newe Science of Great Artillerie (Pantometria, 1591), a sort of translation and commentary on Tartaglia's Nova Scientia, appears to have made a random guess that the trajectory is a parabola or hyperbola, as he remarks that “The bullet violently thrown out of the peece by the furie of the poulder hath two motions, the one violent, which endeavoureth to carry the bullet right out of his line diagonall, according to the direction of the peece's axis, from whence the violent motion proceedeth; the other naturall in the bullet itselfe, which endeavoureth still to carrye the same directelye downeward by a right line perpen- dicular to the horizon, and which dooth, though insensiblye, euen from the beginning of little and little draw it from that direct and diagonall course. - . . . “These middle curve arkes of the bullet's circuite, compounded of the violent and the natural motions of the bullet, albeit they be indeed mere helicall, yet have they a very great resemblance to the Arkes Conical. And in randoms above 45° they doe much resemble the hyperbola, and in all under the ellipsis. But exactly they neuer accorde, being indeed spirall mixte and helicall.” Digges appears to be endeavouring to explain Tartaglia's refutation of the fallacy, not yet extinct, that for a certain distance at the outset, called the point-blank range (bout-portant, but- blanc) the trajectory is a straight line. A similar explanation is due to a Busca, a contemporary Spanish Officer (Memorial de Artilleria, January, 1889, p. 33). Denote by a and w the angles of departure and descent, and by V and v the initial and final velocities in a real trajectory of range R, height of vertex H, and time of flight T. This trajectory will obviously lie between the two parabolic trajectories of the same range R and angles of projection a and w; and the heights of the vertices of these parabolas being #R tan a and #R tan w, their velocities of projection being v/(gR cosec 2a) and V/(gR cosec 200), and the times of flight being - A/(2R tan aſg) and V (2R tan w/g), therefore #R tan a < H. 3 #R tan w, V > V(gR cosec 2a) > V(gR cosec 2w) > r, v/(2R tan aſg) < T : V (2R tan w/g), formular useful in a first approximation. *- Lieut. Wolley, Dod, R.A., found by calculation (Proceedings R.A. Institution, Vol. XVI) for a projectile weighing 380lb, fired at 40° from the 9.2-in wire gun with a velocity of .2375 f/s, a range of 20765 yards, a height of vertex of 17110 ft, an angle of descent of 53°50', with a time of flight 63.8% and a striking velocity 1090 f/s. Here R = 62295, H = 17111, 2 = 40°, w = 53° 50', T = 63.8. Also, by numerical calculation, #R tan 2 = 13068, +R tan w = 21305; v/(gR cosec 2 z) = 1427, V(gR cosec 20) = 1451 ; v/(2R tan 2/g) = 57, M(2R tan w/g) = 73; thus exhibiting the scale of these limits of approximation. ... • ‘. 8 O MoTION OF A BODY ON A SMOOTH PLANE CURVE, UNDER GRAVITY, OR GIVEN FORCES. 57. Denoting by R the normal reaction of the smooth curve, and X, Y, the component impressed forces on the body P, weighing W lb, then, with the gravitation unit of force, the equations of motion are - - }# =x-minº . . . . . . . . . . . (1) } = x + Rºr . . . . . . . . . . (2) or revolving along the tangent and normal, W dº — v. de v dy - w — — — — — - Y _*_ º e G º º •. …” e * º 3 g ds X ds + ds ' (3) W v2 "" = – x 4 + y + + R,. . . . . . . (4) 9 p ds als Integrating equation (3), weg-ſex is + Yay) + H . . . . . . . . . . () the Equation of Energy, giving the velocity v at any point; and then equation (4) determines R, the pressure on the curve. - Suppose the body to move under gravity on a smooth curve, e.g., a switch-back railway, then X = 0, Y = — W, and equation (5) becomes #Wv°/g = H – Wy, ÖI’ #v°/g = h – y, if the velocity v = 0 when y = h; and then the velocity at any other point is that which would be acquired in falling freely from the level of the line y = h, the distance h — y being the impetus of the velocity v. Then the reaction W 12 2 R = W cos – º – w(co- -*). Ale 9 p z */ p so that the carriage would leave the rails if at any point the level of the carriage above the centre of curvature of the track is less than twice the depth below the starting point. If the track is continued round in a loop, so that the people in the carriage are for a time head downwards, then for the carriage to keep on the track, and for the people to keep in the carriage, the vertical height Pºg' of the carriage P’ above the centre of curvature Q' of the track must be less than twice the depth P'M' below the level AMM’ of the starting point A. In consequence of friction and other passive resistances, the carriage will not reach its original level at R, but will be a certain distance below, up which distance the carriage must be pushed to make a fresh start. Drawing the sloping line AR, we may, as in $21, suppose that the velocity at any point P to be due to the impetus PM, the vertical distance of P below AR. - Writing the equation - 4Wv°/g -- Wy = Wh, then Wv°/g is called the Kinetic energy, and Wy the potential energy; their sum Wh, the total energy, being constant; all these energies being measured in foot-pounds. - In a swinging pendulum we see the interchange of kinetic and potential energy in constant operation. 81 COMPONENT WHELOCITIES AND ACCELERATIONS WITH POLAR CO-ORDINATES. 58. Referred to polar co-ordinates (r. 6), a = r cos 0, y = r sin 6 ; and if OP cuts the curve AP at the angle p, called the radial angle, tan (p = tº. cost =}| sing = } denoting the arc A.P. Therefore the component velocity along OP, called the radial velocity, ocosº-º-º: T dºg's T ºf ’ and the component velocity perpendicular to OP, called the transversal velocity, ..., , d8 ral6 rd6 a sin b = |* = #. Also d6/dt is called the angular velocity of P round O ; angular velocity being always estimated in radians per second ; so that the transversal velocity at a distance r feet or centimetres should be drð/dt celoes or kines. Independently. da, dr 2-d6 ºf T ... cos 6 +cos 6, dy dº 7:00 . dt =# sing + cost; sin 6; so that the radial velocity *cos 0 + 4 sin 9 = % (lt dt d; and the transversal velocity , . da: #. dy *º- zdó ... sin 9 + #, cos 6 = dº ’ Differentiating again with respect to t, d’a (d. — ?” #) cos 6 — (? dy d6 + 7° º sin 6, d? *E=º J;2 (7.2 dź dº dº? d°y d?), d62", . ( dr d6 626 —- F — - ?? --— 2* ** * — * Gltº # - rºº) sin 6 + (*, *, +, #) cos 6; and therefore the radial acceleration d24, dºy sº, a d” d6°. # cos 0 + ... sin 9– d;2 * if: ; and the transversal acceleration d’a . 0.2, dr d6 0.26 Eºs º, sin 6 + %cos 0 =2% # * * dº usually written # # 7.2 # ) to which it is equivalent, as is seen by performing the differentiation. (6873) Y 82 CENTRAL ORBITS. 59. Polar co-ordinates are useful in Astronomy, when we have to investigate the motion of a planet with respect to the Sun as origin, under a radial force R, and sometimes also a transversal force T, estimated in dynes per gramme. The equations of motion are then— 2 2 d?” , d6 = R, alſº d? 1 d *) = Y }}(ºft = T. The quantity "dē/dt is denoted by h; and then dA/dt = }h, the rate at which the sectoreal area A is being swept out by the vector OP revolving about 0. 14 We also denote 1/r by w; so that & = u_* = u%h ‘’’ and now T = *i; w”h 06' {)T - —H = — e - d6 Q43 & dr – dr d6 — 1 du 7,5 – du Again d; T dé da T wº jºu tºº j% d°r '#|-} )= - ‘(; du dh) # = hu' (-; )= - hu # ***) so that R = – 2 - so that ++, + \l = - - - -—#–. --> _ R _ T du * . . . s 72n.2 Å2,3 d6' the differential equation of the orbit. a ds” dr” + ,406” * *(i. º Ji? Also 77" F — = — *-* + 2, * d;2 Gli2 Glt? d62 p? *ºms In a central orbit, in which the attraction is always directed to the origin O, T = 0, and h is constant. Denoting the central force towards the centre, in dynes per gramme, by P, so that P = — R, 2 P = *(; + •) whence the value of P is found when the equation of the orbit is given. ExAMPLE. —Prove that P varies as wº or r-8 in the orbits (Cotes's spirals), au = sin nô, nô, sinh m0, exp nô, cosh mó. 60. The fact that h is constant or that the radius vector of the body from the origin sweeps out equal areas in equal times in an orbit described under a force tending to the origin, goes by the name of Kepler's Second Law. The following geometrical proof is given by Newton — Let the time t be divided into a number of small equal intervals, T seconds; and in the first º let the body describe the straight line AB, with uniform velocity, being acted on by no OTC 62. In the second interval the body, if no force acted upon it, would proceed to c, where Bc = AB, but if an impulse is applied at B in the direction BS, the body will proceed in a new direction BC, and by the triangle of velocities will be found at the end of the interval at C, when co is parallel to SB, and therefore the triangles SBC, S.Bc, SAB are equal and in the same plane. N 83 In the same way, if centripetal impulses act at the end of each interval T, causing the body todescribe the straight lines CD, DE, . . . . the triangles SAB, SBC, SCD, SDE, . . . . will all be equal, and will lie in the same plane. Now when these impulses act at indefinitely small intervals, they become equivalent to an incessant force, tending always to S, while ABCD. . . . becomes a continuous curve; and the radius vector from S sweeps out equal areas in equal times. - Conversely if equal areas are described in equal times, the body is acted upon by a force tending to S. Denoting the area swept out in a second by #h, then in the very small interval of time T, we may take the area SAB = }ht, while we may take AB = vT, v denoting the velocity at A; also AB is ultimately the tangent at A, and SY, the perpendicular AB is ultimately the perpendicular on the tangent, which we have denoted by p. But the triangle SAB = }SY. AB, Ol' - #ht = }SY. vºt, ultimately; so that h = pu. Denoting the radial angle SAY by p, te _ , d6 .# then sin q = 7 ds & d6 2 - ?? & - .2 ºv #9 r sin (p = 7 ds while Q) = % so that J. = ?” d6. dt Since v = h/p, it follows that the Hodograph of a central orbit is similar to the inverse of the pedal of the orbit, the vectors of the Hodograph being now perpendicular to the velocities which they represent ; and the velocity in the hodograph will be perpendicular and proportional to the acceleration in the orbit. 61. The most important case in Astronomy is the elliptic orbits described, according to Kepler's Second Law, about a centre of force in the focus at S; and now the polar equation of the ellipse being, # = n = 1 + ecos 0. du g ! : = — d6 e sin 6, 2 1%. = — e cos 6, so that (; + w) = 1, and P = hºu?/l, so that P varies as w” or r-”, and thus Newton’s Law of Gravitation is deduced from Kepler's First Law, that the planets describe ellipses of which the Sun occupies a focus. Denoting by T the periodic time in seconds, and n the mean motion or mean angular velocity, so that n = 27/T, then #hT = the area of the ellipse = Tab, Or h = nab, h” = nºa. lº, since l = bºſa; so that P = n”aº- 84 f{EPLER'S LAWS OF PILANETARY MOTION. * * Kepler, by long continued observation and measurement of the Sun's diameter and motion in longitude, noticed that (i) the variation of the Sun's apparent diameter d could be expressed by the formula D (1 + e cos 6), where D denotes the mean angular diameter (about 1920') and 6 the Sun's longitude from perihelion, e being a small constant, about 1/60; (ii) that the Sun's daily motion in longitude was proportional to the apparent area or square of the diameter. Since the apparent diameter is inversely proportional to the distance, he deduced the laws called Kepler's Laws— (i) That the relative orbit of the Earth (or any planet) and of the sun is an ellipse, with a focus at the Sun, if the Sun is supposed fixed, given in polar co-ordinates by l/r = d/D = 1 + ecos 6. (ii) That r*.d6/dt = h is constant, and that the Earth sweeps out by its radius vector from the Sun equal areas in equal times. - The third law of Kepler—(iii) The squares of the periodic times of the planets round the Sun are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances—was easily inferred by arithmetical calculation, when once the distances of the planets from the Sun were measured, in terms of the Sun's distance from the Earth. ** ; : Newton, theorizing on these laws, inferred from law (ii) that the Earth is attracted by the Sun, and from law (i) that the attraction must be inversely proportional to the square of the distance, while law (iii) showed that the attraction of the Sun was of the same nature on all the planets (§ 84), and generally between any two particles of matter. We shall employ the C.G.S. system of units, and measure a in centimetres, T in seconds, and S and P in grammes (§ 142); the unit of velocity is now called the kine, of acceleration the spoud, of force the dyne, and of work the erg. Now if we consider two bodies, the Sun weighing Sg, and the Earth or planet weighing Pg, at a distance r cm, the c denoting the gravitation constant (§ 51), the attraction between them will be CSPr-* dynes, causing acceleration in P and S of CSr-” and CPR-4 spouds respectively, and therefore a relative acceleration of C(S + P)r-* Spouds; so that the relative orbit of S and P is a conic section, in which - m*a* = C(S + P), Or 47%a” — C(S +P)T*. Suppose, for instance, that the two bodies S and P were originally at a very great distance apart, the Sun and a connet for instance, and approaching with relative velocity V kines so as to pass, in the absence of gravitation, at a minimum distance of d em. In consequence of gravitation the relative orbit will be a hyperbola, and the direction of relative velocity will be ultimately turned through the angle between the asymptotes, an angle 2a = 2 tan - {C(S + P)/dV*}: while the nearest approach of S and P will be changed from d to d(Sec a) tan a. Taking the Earth and the Moon as the two bodies, and denoting their weights by E and M, and comparing their relative motion with that of the Sun and the Earth, considered as the two bodies, then from Kepler's Third Law, S + E mºa' ETM T nº.' in which we may put n'/m = 13, with 13 lunations in the year; and also a' cosec 8”.8 23546 --- amamº sº------------, sº C!, cosec 57.1 69 ° ve S + E Fºr ºf , a * 4. r – 10% g © ...} and thence we find E + MI ()* x 3.576 : Writing this, S + E s 1 + E/S ETM T E . IIME: then since M/E and E/S are small, we may put S/E = 105 x 3.58. The Sun's mean angular semi-diameter being taken as 16', or 16' being the parallax of the Earth as seen from the Sun, the Sun's radius is therefore sin 16’ cosec 8”8 = 960 –– 8:8 = 110 times the Earth's radius, nearly double the distance of the Moon; and thence we find that the mean density of the Sun is only about one-third of that of the Earth; but the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the Sun is about 30 times that on the surface of the Earth. 85 . In a similar manner, from the astronomical observations on Jupiter, that the fourth satellite is at a distance of 25 radii of Jupiter, and that its period is 16 days 18 hours, and that Jupiter's radius is 11 times the Earth's radius, we can infer that (i) the weight of Jupiter is about 270 E.; (ii) that the mean density of Jupiter is a little greater than that of water; (iii) that g on Jupiter is about 2170 spouds, or 2-2 times terrestrial gravity. - So also the periodic time of Saturn round the Sun being 10,759 days and the periodic time of one of Saturn's satellites being 16 days, while the apparent semi-diameter of the satellite's orbit as seen from the Sun is 176"-25 we find that the weight of Saturn is about one-3,490 of the weight of the Sun. 62. As the point P moves on the ellipse A P under a force to the focus S, the corresponding point p on the auxiliary circle Ap, called the eacentric follower, moves so that Sp also sweeps out equal areas in equal times, for the & area ASp a area. ASP T b . sº The excentric follower p therefore moves as if attracted to S, and so also does any other excentric follower on any ellipse on the same axis A A'; and it will be found that this force varies directly as the distance Sp, and inversely as the cube of the distance pn from nNX the polar of S. It can be proved as an exercise that this force can always be resolved into two forces; tending to two fixed points F, F in the axis AA", varying inversely as the fifth power of the distance. (Sylvester, Phil. Mag., 1866). The two points F, F, are situated in CA, such that CF. CF1 = CA”; and then Fp : Flp = FA : FA = CF, CA = CA; CF. The force to S which makes the excentric follower p describe the circle Ap in the periodic time T seconds is 47-? C. × 3. Sp. T3 pn” and this force can be replaced by the two components, 1672 CF2 . CA6 T. C.S. Fº 16trº CFix. CAs Tº CŞ. Firs' " a long pH, long pH"; components, which are always in a constant ratio. - f If these components were equal, the points S, F, F, would coalesce in A, and the force to A would vary inversely as the fifth power of the distance from A. - In the particular case where S is the focus of the ellipse, the polar of S is the directrix NX, and then PN, the distance from the directrix is proportional to SP; so that the force varies inversely as SP”, as shown previously. - Now if we denote the angle ACp by v, where p is the excentric follower on the auxiliary circle, then v is called the eacentric anomaly, and : the area ASp = º: ACp — triangle CSp = }a”(v — e sin v), so that the area. ASP = }ab(v – e sin o); and, by Kepler's Second Law, t area. ASP v — e sin v T area of ellipse 27ſ so that mt = v – e sin v, and nt is called the mean anomaly. Expressed in terms of the true anomaly 6, the angle ASP from perihelion A, sino - Mp a MP SP sin 6 l sin 6 Op T 5 a T b b(1 + ecos 6) V(1 – e’) sin 6. 1 + e cos 6 e -- cos 6 COS Q) = - IT ecos 6 6% Z 86 _ sin-1 vſ (1 – e’) sin 6 ev'(1 – e’) sin 6 so that nt = sin 1 + e cos 6 1 + ecos 6 Denoting by v the velocity in the elliptic orbit #v% = #h” h” HZ #h” HP 2a – 7. 1 1 l 1 — lon2a2 = m^a" | f – – ) = m^a” | – — — ) : = sna' –F we(; ) *(i. st) so that v is the velocity which would be acquired by the body under the central force to S, if it moved to P in the straight line UP, starting from rest at U, as in § 49. In a parabolic orbit, as of a comet, a is infinite and n is zero, but h? ZŽ ISP' m*a* = Z2/Z”, and #v% = Suppose, for instance, the relative orbit of the Sun S, and a planet P was a circle of radius a cm; then 4Tºaº = c(S + P)T*, \ 27ta} 27taş a; Or T = McCŞTP)} = 38.93 V(STP) = 24.460 V(SIP) seconds; * and the relative velocity W is given by W2 = 47%a” c(S + P. * T2 O), But now suppose the square of this relative velocity is doubled, so that | W2 = c(S + P) 2 Cº, 2 the relative orbit becomes changed to a parabola of semi-latus-rectum, l = 2a, and h” = 4c(S + P)a? = c(S + P)Z. The distance will now become doubled after $v/2 Q} seconds. v/ v/{c(S + P)} 63. If particles are projected from a given point O with given velocity, they will, if subject to an attraction to a fixed point, varying inversely as the square of the distance, proceed to describe ellipses with one focus at the fixed point, and with major axes of the same length, so that the other focus of an elliptic orbit will lie on a circle (or sphere) with centre at O. x We may suppose this realized with bodies projected with given velocity in different direc- tions from a gun or volcano on the surface of the Earth, the velocity being sufficiently large for the variations in the direction and magnitude of gravity to become sensible. In the absence of resistance the trajectories will be ellipses with one focus at E, the centre of the Earth, and the other focus S on a circle (or sphere) described with the point of projection O as centre with radius R/n, supposing the velocity of projection is sufficient to send a body vertically upwards to a height O H, one nth of R, the radius of the Earth. We use the letter S now to denote the empty focus of the elliptic orbits, and E to denote the common focus at the centre of force, the centre of the Earth. Drawing any straight line ESS' to meet this circle (or sphere) in S and S', then bodies pro- jected in the directions perpendicular to HS and HS' will have the same range OR on the Earth’s surface, obtained by making the angle OER equal to twice the angle OES ; and then OHS, OHS' will be the angles of projection with the horizon at O. The maximum range OA is obtained by making the angle OEA double the angle OEC, where EC is the tangent to the circle OH. The two elliptic trajectories OPR, OP R now coalesce into a single ellipse, and their foci S, S' coalesce at C ; so that the chord of the maximum range oA is the latus rectum of the correspond- ing elliptic trajectory. --- - Now if the angle OHC is denoted by 2, cos 22=1/n, giving the angle of elevation for maximum range, and then if a. is given in minutes of angle, the maximum range will be 180 × 60 — 42 geographical miles. Produce OS to meet the corresponding elliptic trajectory in D; then OD + DE = OS + SD + DE = 20S + OE = OH -- HE, so that the trajectory touches a fixed ellipse, with foci at E and Q, and vertex at H. If we revolve this ellipse about E0, it sweeps out a prolate spheroid; and the interior of this prolate spheroid is the space covered from the point O. - s ..- -. º t 87 Since OA = 200 = 20H = 2R/n, therefore, if AB is drawn perpendicular to EO, OB = OA*/2R = 2R/n”; so that the area covered on the Earth's surface from O is 1/n” of the whole surface. tº e * Thus if nº = 2, a hemisphere can be covered from the point Q, and the angle of projection for maximum range is 22°. Therefore the least velocity with which a body can be projected from the Pole at O, so as to reach the equator, is that sufficient to send the body to a height #y/2R, at the Pole, a velocity vſ(2x/2 − 2) or about 0.9 times the yelocity of a grazing satallite, and there- fore about 13,800 knots (§ 50); and the angle of projection is 22°4. e e If n = 1, and OH = R, bodies projected horizontally will skim round the Earth like a satellite, and if projected at an angle 8 minutes with the vertical will have a range of OR of 28 geographical miles, the points O and R being the ends of the minor axis of the trajectory. If OH is greater than R, the two trajectories for the same range OR will go round the Earth opposite ways. º e © If OH is infinite, the trajectories will be parabolas with a common focus at E, while for still greater yelocities of projection the trajectories will be hyperbolas. tº a ge © (a As in the former parabolic trajectories we can prove that in these elliptic trajectories such as OPR, P moves so as always to be equidistant from the ground at M, and from the circle through O and R, whose centre is at S, so that in the figure 27.A PM = PQ and also SP = PK. For EP + PS = EO + OS = EM -- SQ, so that EP – EM = SQ – PS, Or - PM = PQ. Also - SP + PE = SO + O.E = EH = EK, so that SP = PK. Bisect the angle OEP by EF, then FO = FM; also SF = FH = FK = FL, if SL, drawn at right angles to HS, meets HF produced in L. Then since SP = PK and SF = FK, SPF = FPK, or FP bisects the angle SPK, and is therefore the tangent at P. Also FSP = FKP = FHO = FSO, and therefore the tangents FP, FO subtend equal angles at the focus S, as well as at the other focus E. All the 9ther letters in the figure will be found to correspond to points denoted by the same letter in the fig. 20A of the parabolic trajectories, and to indicate corresponding properties. If O is at one ºf the poles of the Earth, the vertical plane OP of the trajectory will have a fixed direction, while the Earth turns round, so that the body will meet the Earth again at a point R not in the original meridian of projection. Thus, a body at the North Pole, sliding at 5 m/h on a sheet of smooth ice 60 miles in radius, Will reach the circumference at the opposite end of the diameter through the point arrived at (Academy, 22nd April, 1892). For any other position of 0 on the Earth, the plane OR will have an aberration due to the motiºn of O. and R will be deflected from the original vertical plane of projection. It is sufficient however for ordinary dynamical and ballistic problems to take the surface of the Earth as at rest, as great complication arises from considering it a moving platform. - The circle HK is the hodograph of all the elliptic orbits, since the velocity in any ellipse OP is proportional, and perpendicular to SK. The acceleration of P is proportional and perpendicular to the velocity of K in the hodograph; it therefore passes through E, and is proportional to the angular velocity of EP. So also in Fig. 26, the circle UV is the hodograph of the elliptic orbit AP, described round the Sun Ş. as a focus, since the velocity is perpendicular and inversely proportioned to SY, and there- fore directly proportional to HZ or HU. The acceleration of P is therefore perpendicular and proportional to the velocity of U, and therefore passes through S and is proportional to the angular velocity of SP. 88 But by Kepler's Second Law, the angular velocity of SP varies inversely as the square of SP; so that in addition Kepler's First Law, “The orbit of a planet with respect to the Sun is an ellipse, the Sun being in a focus,” leads to Newton's Law of Gravitation, that “the planet is attracted by the Sun with a force varying inversely as the square of the distance.” This geometrical demonstration is taken from Maxwell's Matter and Motion, § 132. - We notice that if UH is produced to meet the hodograph circle UW again in T, and if the tangent at P is produced to meet the hodograph circle again in T. and T," then TT. T" will be a triangle, inscribed in the circle UV, and circumscribed to the ellipse AP, the empty focus H being the orthocentre of this triangle. If T'H, T"H produced meet the hodograph circle again in U", U", then SU’, SU” and the ellipse in P', P’, the points of contact of the sides T^T, TT" of the triangle TT Tw. The hodograph of the Earth's elliptic orbit round the Sun being a circle, it follows that the stars, in consequence of aberration, will appear to describe circles in planes parallel to the ecliptic (§ 35) even when the excentricity of the orbit is taken into account; but now the true position of a star will not be at the centre of the circle. The vector HU of the hodograph may be resolved into two constant component vectors SW and HS; so that the velocity at P, = *. - SY - Q) . HV, % 2 – # } T ; HV =# . ; may be resolved into two constant components, perpendicular to the radius rector SP and the major axis AA', of magnitudes # ; _ 2+ a” T a Trs 27 a”é SV = + , and #. . HS = + , , in the ratio of one to e. This theorem is useful in the exact determination of the aberration of the Sun, or of a star on the ecliptic; for if G) and l denotes the longitudes of the Sun and of the Star, and to the longitude of perihelion A, the aberration of the star will be proportional to the component velocity of the Earth perpendicular to the direction of the star; and will therefore be represented by X { cos (G) — l) + e cos (as — l)} when X is a certain constant, such that k = Av/(1 — e”), if k denotes the constant of aberration at the Sun's mean distance (§ 34). EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that the latus rectum of the Earth's orbit divides the orbit into two parts described in the ratio of 1 to 1043, or in 0.489 and 0.511 of the year, taking e = 1/60, - 2. If the moon had a satellite whose weight is the same fraction of the weight of the moon that the moon is of the Earth, and whose distance from the moon is the same fraction of the moon’s distance from us, find the period of the satellite. 3. A spherical shell of Small radius describes a circle of radius R with velocity V about a centre of gravitation at S; and when the shell is at P, it bursts with an explosion which generates velocity v away from its centre. Prove that the fragments will all pass through the line SP within a length 8 W3 v R. V4 – 6 Wºvº -- v 4 and that if p is small, the stream of fragments will form a complete ring after a time grkſ, approximately. 2 4. A stream of meteorites, originally moving in a straight line K with velocity V, comes under the influence of the attraction of the Earth, whose centre moves with velocity v in a straight line which intersects the line K, and is inclined to this line at an angle a. Prove that, if the distance of the Earth from the line K is originally very large, a length - *R_{v: — 2Wv cos a + v -- 29R}” v sin a of the line of particles will fall upon the Earth. 89 4. DYNAMICS OF A RIGID BODY. MOMENT OF INERTIA AND RADIUS OF GYRATION. 64. In problems on the Dynamics of Rotating Rigid Bodies, a quantity called the Moment of Inertia about the axis of rotation is required. - DEFINITION.—The Moment of Inertia of a body about an axis is the sum of the products of the weight (in lbs) of each particle of the body and of the square of the distance (in feet) of the particle from the axis. ra Thus if Oz is the axis, and m lb is the weight of a particle at the point a, y, z, then Xm (w" -- y”) is the M.I. (Moment of Inertia) of the body about Oz, the summation extending to all particles of the body. - tº- If W denotes the total weight of the body in lb, then W = Xm ; and now if we write >m (wº + y”) = Włº, then k is a certain length in feet, called the Radius of Gyration of the body about Oz ; and we may suppose the whole weight of the body condensed in a ring at a radial distance k from the axis O2, without altering its M.I. about Oz. Take, for instance, a fly wheel of weight W lb, rotating with angular velocity m = d6/dt about a fixed axis Oz; or a projectile rotating about its axis. - Then a particle of the wheel, weighing m lb, at a distance r feet from the axis O2, will hav velocity v = rm f/s, and therefore K.E. = #mrºn”/g ft-lb ; so that the total K.E. of the fly wheel is >4mrºn'/g = }W ºn’ſgft-lb. The energy of rotation of a projectile weighing W lb fired with velocity V fis from a d inch gun, in which the pitch of the rifling is n calibres, will thus be - ... 47-2%2 WW2 ft-lb, or 47%2 n°d” 2g 102d? For instance the work stored up in the rotation of a solid cylindrical proof projectile weighing 2048 lb and fired with velocity 2100 f/s from a 16-inch gun in which the rifling at the muzzle makes one turn in 30 calibres, is about 345 ft-tons. Compare this with the striking energy. So also in slamming a door; to overcome the work required to turn the spring lock, an equal amount of work must be stored up in the angular motion of the door, represented by #WKºn?/g (ft-lb). - h In the notation of the Integral Calculus, if w denotes the density at any point, in lb ft“, then of the striking energy. W/2 =| ſº + y”) daydydz, or in other words, the M.I. about an axis is the space integral of the product of the density and the square of the distance from the aaris. When the body is homogeneous and of volume V ft“, then W = wV, and Wk? = | (a” + y”)dardydz, the space integral of the square of the distance from the avis. Similarly for an area. A ft” about an axis Oz perpendicular to its plane Ak.” = | (a" + y”)dady, * *. while about axes Oa, Oy in the plane Ak.” = ||rºwdy, Ak,” = ſeded, the surface integrals ºf the square of the distance from the awes Oz, Oa, Oy; using k, k, k, to denote the Radii of Gyration of the area about the axes Oa, Oy, Oz. - (6873) 2 A. 90 For a plane lamina, of weight W lb., and uniform or variable superficial density a lb per ft. W = || orda:dy, Wk,” = ||award, Wh,” - |award, tº Wk 2 = || a (a.” + y”)dardy, the surface integrals of the product of the superficial density and the square of the distance from the aris. We notice that, for a lamina, Wk.” – Whº -- Wh,”, Or k” = k.” + k,” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (I) an important Theorem for Moments of Inertia. 65. About an axis in the plane of the lamina, making an angle 6 with Oa', Whº? = | ſo (y cos 0– a sin 6) dady, = Wk,” cosº 6 – 2F cos 6 sin 6 + Wh,” sin” 6, where F denotes the quantityſºzyded, called the product of inertia of the lamina with respect to the axes Oa, Oy. By turning the axes through a suitable angle, F can be made to vanish; and these new axes are called the principal awes of the lamina at O; and now K* = k,” cos’ 6 + k,” sin” 6; and if the ellipse 2 3/. + £- = 1 ap? 2 zº ky ,” k is drawn, then the k about any axis through its centre is the length of the perpendicular from the centre in the parallel tangent; and this ellipse is called the momental ellipse of the lamina at O. For a line or wire, of variable linear density a lb per foot run, Wk? = ſº + y”)ds, when W = | ords, the weight of the rod in lb. ; so that Wk” is the line integral of the product of the linear density and the square of the distance from the aais. , We notice that in finding the M.I. of compound bodies round the same axis, we can add or subtract M.I., but not k”. 66. Another Theorem (II) connects Wk”, the M.I. about any axis, with Whº, the M.I. about a parallel axis through the C.G. at a distance h. For taking the axis O2, - Wk,” = Sw(w? -- y”), Wk” = Xw ((a — v.)* + (y – y)*} = X w(w” + y”) – 2a2wa — 23/Xwy + W(z” + y”) = Wł,” – Whº, - since >mw = Waſ, Xmy = Wy; and therefore Wk,” = W(k? -- hº) QI" ** = }* + h^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . (II) The value of k” need therefore be calculated only for axes through the C.G. of a body, * - - ~ * - , “... . . . . . - - .* - * : - * - - *~ **** 91 y ... • •. ºl. - - EXAMPLES. For a straight rod OA, of length l, in Oa, - ^! W = |ad. Wa: = |ards, Wk? = | oražda. () 0 J0 If the rod is of uniform density, we replace W by l and a by unity; and l/c2 = | wºda = }lº, k” = }l”. 0 About an axis through the middle point of the rod, #! //52 =| w”da = -lºlº. k” = -lºr!”. 1 2 * > 1 2 Similarly for a rectangle, of sides a and b feet, about axes Ow, Oy through its centre O parallel to the sides a, b, - $0. Ak.” =| a"bda = #a’b, k,” = Tºra”; 1 2 3. -a% treating the rectangle as an assemblage of lines of length b and breadth da ; and by symmetry - k,” = +0°. About Oz, perpendicular to the plane of the rectangle, le.” = k.” + k,” = Tr(a” + b%) = Tºr (diagonal)* by Theorem I. .” About the edge a of the rectangle k” = }b”; and about the edge b, k” = }a’; so that about an axis through a corner of the rectangle, perpendicular to its plane, k” = }(a” + b%). By superposing a number of such rectangles we build up a book, or brick-shaped right solid; and denoting its height by c, then, about an axis through the centre, parallel to the edges c, }* = Tir (a” + b%); and about an edge c k” = (#a” + b%). with similar expressions for k” about the other edges and principal axes. Cut the solid in two by a plane CD through two opposite edges c.; then the M.I. about Oz of each half is halved, while its volume is also halved; so that k” is unaltered, and /* = +3 (a” + b%), for either half, a right prism on a right-angled triangular base. Changing to the parallel axis through G, the C.G. of the triangular prism, /...” = Tºr (a” + b”) — OG”, — Tº (a” + b%) — alº (a” + b%) = +'s (a” + b%), Changing to the axis coinciding with the edge through E, #, = +ls (a” + b”) + GE” = 's (a” + b%) + + (a” + bº) = } (a” + bº). Placing two such triangular prisms back to back, we form a triangular prism on an isosceles base; and now the M.I. being doubled by doubling the volume, the k” about E will be, as before, k.” = } (a” + b%), where b denotes the height and 2a the base of the isosceles triangle. Changing to the parallel axis through H, the C.G., K.” = } (a” + b%) — ºbº = }a” + 4's b%; and changing to the edge through C, 2 – 4 ~8 2 tº- 2 K.* = }a” + +'s b% + 4b* = } a” + #b%. 92 A right prism on a regular polygonal base can be divided into a number of such prisms on isosceles triangles as base; and for each of these prisms, as well as for the whole, about its axis of figure, Å;2 - #7° + #a”, r denoting the radius of the circle inscribed in the polygon, and 2a the length of a side of the polygon. º e By keeping r fixed, and making a zero, the polygon is changed into a circle of radius r ; and therefore, for a right circular cylinder about its axis, }* = }r°. This is independent of the height of the cylinder; so that making it indefinitely thin, we obtain k” = }r” for a circular disc of radius r, about an axis through the centre perpendicular to its plane; and therefore, by Theory I, about a diameter of the circular lamina, }* = }r°. EXAMPLE. Determine the number of ft-lb of work stored up in the rim of a fly wheel making 40 revolutions a minute, the inner and outer radius of the rim being 9 and 10 feet, and the weight of the rim 10 tons. The M.I. of the circular bodies can also be determined by integration. The k” of a circular line or wire, about an axis through its centre, perpendicular to its plane, is obviously r*, r denoting the radius of the circle. About a diameter, the M.I. f*27r 270°].” – | zdó. 7" sin” 6 = Tr"; or k” = }r”. a' () About a tangent line, k” = }r” + 7% = },”, by Theorem II. -Considering the circular disc of radius a as built up of a series of concentrig circular filaments, the M.I. about its axis of figure, Ta2/c2 =| 27trár. r" = }Tra*; J 0 }* = }a”, as before. About a diameter, cutting the disc up into filaments perpendicular to the diameter. Q. & Ta”k? = | 2yda . 49* = 4| (a” — wº)}da, –6. 0 and substituting a = a cos 6, }ºr 27.2 – 4 ~4 ; , , 4 •y — 4 24 3 - 4. Troºk:” – *|| sin' 6d.6 = }aºr = }ºra", }* = }a”, as before. 2 Similarly for the ellipse; +} = 1, ... = 3, # = 32. Treating the cylinder as built up of a number of coaxial elementary discs, of radius a and thickness da, (fig. 31), then the k” about the axis Oa is still #a”; but about the axis Oy through the centre perpendicular to the axis of figure, the k” of the elementary disc Pp being 4a2 + 2*, by Theorem II., the M.I. of the cylinder (denoting its height by h) Wk,” = | ăſt Traºda (#a” + æ") —%h = }Traºh -- Tºrtraºh’; and W = Tra”h, so that k,” = }a} + Tºhº. For a thin rod, a = 0, and ſº = Tºſh”, and for a thin disc, h = 0, and k” = }a”, as before; the k” for the cylinder being the sum of these two. Generally, for any prismatic bar, ky” = k” + +'s h”, * k is the radius of gyration of the cross sectional area about the axis in plane parallel to $/. For a cone, of height h, and radius of base a, about the axis of figure Oa, h Wk,” = | Try”da: , ;", 0 and % = &\} and V - 47ta”h, *... so that /* = **a*. 93 About the axis Oy, perpendicular to the axis of figure, h Vk,” = |ayasay + a”) 0 = gºtraºh -- 4tra*h” k,” = #: a* + #h”. For a sphere about a diameter Wk? – ſ Try”da. . ; ſ’’, - +. (a” — wº)"da. JQ - ** — 2a3a* + æ")da: O = Tra”(1 — 3 + +) = +*Tra"; and W = 4tra”, so that k” = #a”. Similarly, for the ellipsoid &? y” 22 - 1 h;2 = }(bº + c2), k,” = }(cº + a”), k” = }(a” + bº). (For other examples, consult Twisden, Chap. V, and Calculus, Chap. II.) 67. Taking any solid body, reférred to three rectangular axes Oa, Oy, Oz, then its M.I. about an axis OP through O, whose direction cosines are l, m, n, will be, WAE2 = || | p8°dardydz, when 8, the distance of the points a, y, z, from the line OP, is given by 8* = a + y” + 2* – (la + my + m2)* = (m^+ n”)a? -- (nº + lº),” + (* + m”)2” — 2mmy2 — 2nlza – 21may ; so that denoting the M.I. of the body about Oa, Oy, Oz by A, B, C, and the products of inertia (P.I.) with respect to the axis (Oy, Oz) (Oz, Oa) (Oa, Oy) by D, E, F, then Wk” = AP + Bm2 + Cm” – 2Dmm – 2Eml — 2Flm. Now draw the quadric surface Aw” + By” + Cz” – 2Dyz – 2E2a – 2Fay = K, where K denotes a constant. Then if the axis OP meets this surface in P, Al” + Bm2 + Cº.” – 2Dmn – 2Enl – 2Flm = K/OP*, so that WAE2 = K. OP”, or k” varies inversely as OP”. º Since k” is obviously always finite, on the supposition that the density of matter is always positive, this surface is an ellipsoid, called the momental ellipsoid. The axes of this ellipsoid are called the principal awes of the body at O; and by taking these as co-ordinate axes, the products of inertia, D, E, F, are made to vanish; and thus WAE2 = Al” + Bm2 + Cm”, Or ** = lºk,” + mºk,” + n°kz”. As an exercise, construct the momental ellipsoids of the preceding figures. e Principal axes are axes of permanent rotation; for suppose a body is rotating about Oz with angular velocity 7, the centrifugal force of a particle at (t, y, z), weighing m lb, being tº mV(w”-- ź poundals directed away from the axis Oz, will have components rºma and r*ny parallel to Oa and Ov. 3/ These components of the centrifugal force have moments rºmyz and — rºmaz about Oa and Oy, and therefore the resultant couple of constraint of the axis Oz, required to keep the body rotating about O2 will have components > *my2 = 1°D about Oa, —X rºmaz = — ya?E about Oz. These couples vanish, and the axis of rotation Oz has no tendency to become displaced, if D = 0 and E = 0; and then Oz is called a principal avis at O. Rotating parts of machinery should therefore be so shaped that the axis of rotation is a principal axis of the rotating piece. a- tº The superior steadiness of running of the inside cylinder locomotive over the outside cylinder type is to be attributed to the nearer coincidence of the driving axle with a principal axis of the system (6873) 2 B 94 D’ALEMBERT'S PRINCIPLE. 68. This principle is the application of the Third Law of Motion, “Action and Reaction are equal and opposite ” to the formation of the analytical equations of the motion of a Material System. First consider the plane motion of a body considered as an assemblage of particles; and let w, y, denote the co-ordinates of a particle, m, lb its weight, X, Y poundals the component impressed forces, and P, Q, poundals the component internal molecular forces, due to the reaction and constraint of the adjacent particles of the body. Then the equations of motion of the particle are (§ 52). d?a, — F P * IE X + P, d”y --- mº = Y +Q. so that we deduce d? dža,\ * m(*# sº yº.) = (a:Y — yx) + (a:Q — yP). Denoting summation throughout the body by 3, then sm; = XX + XP, sm; = XY + XQ, - A dºz dža, sm(s . sºme vº) = X(w) — yx) + X(a:Q — yP). Now by D'Alembert's Principle, or rather by the Third Law of Motion, the system of forces represented by P, Q form a system in equilibrium, since to any one force of them there always corresponds an equal reaction or force. Therefore, by the Principles of Statics, XP = 0, XQ = 0, and X(a.0 — yP) = 0; expressing the fact that the sum of the components in any direction is zero, and the sum of the moments about any axis is zero, when the system of forces is in equilibrium. Therefore, for the motion of the body or system, dža, >m. -: XX 6 f © Ç g © gº g e g g & * (1) d? Smº. ra. XY © d g g * º g ſº Q & tº o & (2) *(#-º)=sey --> . . . . . . . . . (3) the three equations of motion, deduced from D’Alembert's Principle, 95 If we had considered motion in space generally, referred to three rectangular co-ordinates axes Ow, Oy, Oz, we should obtain in exactly the same manner the six equations of motion— d24, *... = XX, 777, (l/? X. d?y m; = XY, dź2. "if - XZ, (J22 (/27 ', Xmſ ºf – 2" ") = X(7 – 2 Y), "(; %) */ ſ/24: (7°2 - sm(.. — , , ) = X(2X – w/), dº (/#2 d?, (/?a, Xmſ tº — y = X(a Y — y X). Clt? (ſt? Forces such as X, Y, are called impressed forces, and such as P, Q, molecular or cohesive forces, while the name effective forces is given to the forces of inertia of the particles, such as dža, d”y } 3. * - & º dº ’ ” Iñ poundals; and now D'Alembert's Principle can be stated concisely in words as “ the impressed forces and the reversed effective forces from a system in equilibrium ; the molecular or cohesive forces forting a system in equilibrium among themselves;” and thus by D'Alembert's Principle, all Dynamical theorems can be stated in a statical form. These equations of motion can be simplified by the introduction of the motion of the Centre of Gravity or of Inertia. 777, INDEPENDENCE OF THE MOTION OF TRANSIATION OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY, AND OF ROTATION ABOUT THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY, OF A BODY OR MATERIAL SYSTEM, ACTED UPON BY FINITE FORCES. 69. The co-ordinates ºn, y, of the centre of gravity of the body or system are defined by the equations— - - Xma = Xma, Xmy = 2my, ()]" Wv = Xma, Wy = Xmy, W or Xm lb denoting the whole weight of the body. Differentiating with respect to t, da, de d/ dy > - - - W Tº 9 t!/ = W a/ & ” di dt >mº alſ' d” – w dºc d”y d°y Xm 7/2 T W d?” >m. - Wºź. "I'l, r. v. A £2. al”, p. —º (ſº Therefore, Wºº. – SX, W ... = XX . . . . . . . . (A). or the C.G. (Centre of gravity) moves like a particle, at which the whole weight W Ib is collected, under the action of all forces applied parallel to themselves at the C.G.; or in other words, all the weight and all the forces may be supposed collected at the C.G., and the motion of the C.G. will be unaltered; so that so far as the motion of translation of the C.G. of a body is concerned, the body may be considered as a particle concentrated at its C.G. - We are now able to restate Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion. I. The C.G. of a system perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight ". except in Bo far as it is made to change that state by forces acting on the system from without. II. The change of motion of the C.G. of the system is proportional to all the impressed forces, and is in the direction of the resultant of these forces, applied at the C.G. 4- Thus the C.G. of the Solar System is either at rest or moving in a straight line with uniform velocity, and any change in this motion would be due to the attraction of the stars. Again, when we investigate the trajectory of a projectile, we follow the path of its C.G. THE THIRD LAW-Action and Reaction are equal and opposite; now merely amounts to the definition of a stress; and does not hold at a distance when the stress is propagated through ponderable matter, which is being accelerated or retarded. 93 EXAMPLES. (1) Prove that the latus rectum of the Earth's orbit divides the orbit into two parts described in the ratio of 1 to 1043, or in 0.489 and 0.511 of the year, taking e = 1/60. ” (2) If the moon had a satellite whose weight is the same fraction of the weight of the moon that the moon is of the Earth, and whose distance from the moon is the same fraction of the moon's distance from us, find the period of the satellite. (3) A spherical shell of small radius describes a circle of radius R with velocity V about a centre of gravitation at S; and when the shell is at P, it bursts with an explosion which generates velocity v away from its centre. * - r Prove that the fragments will all pass through the line SP within a length - * 8 V8 v R V4 – 6 W292 +63) and that if v is small, the stream of fragments will form a complete ring after a time ºr R/v, approximately. - * ~ - (4) A stream of meteorites, originally moving in a straight line K with velocity W, comes under the influence of the attraction of the Earth, whose centre moves with velocity v in a straight line which intersects the line K, and is inclined to this line at an angle 2. Prove that, if the distance of the Earth from the line K is originally very large, a length *R_{v: – 2Wv cos a + v" + 2gR}} v sin a of the line of particles will fall upon the Earth. - - . . . (5) Prove that if a volcano can send a stone to a vertical height R/n, where R denotes the Earth's radius, then at elevation a the range will be 2R/8, where cot #8 = } (n − 1) cot a + 3 (n + 1) tan a. _ – T - * —- º * ~ + & Vºx : % 6......., & wº. 2 # * , ** = & Kºx / _ſ , Yaº A 4X > : /vae A x Vºx- *a***) 4 ºra, 4 ſºrº, º żº :* Qº0. -*- ( ) W - * - ſ F £ - e t-e”— »."2 * = o, o/6 Cy ~, 4 -é6 ~~ Yazº. A cº-c = e, e z-e = e, a 2 –4 = g+, Vºz º'e ' y - 4, Z-24 2.9708 – 4:03.3% =G4% ºfte -4--,- . W. a. 7 * & .6– - /.3°70 y + d > 0 33% 7:572) /, a y 3 - ~ £4–? (6873) 2 B 3. T(3) DYNAMICS OF A RIGID BODY. MOMENT OF INERTIA AND RADIUS OF GYRATION. 64. In problems on the Dynamics of Rotating Rigid Bodies, a quantity called the Moment of Inertia about the axis of rotation is required. * * ON.—The Moment of Inertia of a body about an axis is the s e products of the weight (in lbs) of each particle of the body and of the square of the distance (in feet) of the particle from the axis. ** Thus if Oz is the axis, and m lb is the weight of 3/particle at the point w, y, z, then Xm (a" -- y”) is the M.I. (Moment of Inertia) of the bodyAbout Oz, the summation extending to all particles of the body. 3 - If W denotes the total weight of the body in lb, then W = Xm; and now if we write • Xm (w' + y”) = Włº, then k is a certain length in feet, called the Radius of Gyration of the body about Oz; and we may suppose the whole weight of the body condensed in a ring at a radial distance k from the axis O2, without altering its M.I. about Oz. Take, for instance, a fly wheel of weight W lb, rotating with angular velocity n = d6/dt about a fixed axis Oz; or a projectile rotating about its axis. Then a particle of the wheel, weighing m lb, at a distance r feet from the axis Oz, will have velocity v = rm f/s, and therefore K.E. = }mrºn*/g ft-lb ; so that the total K.E. of the fly wheel is >}m,”n”/g = }W Kºn”/g ft-Ib, e the same as that of W lb moving with the velocity of the points on the circle of radius k. The energy of rotation of a projectile weighing W lb fired with velocity V fls from a d inch gun, in which the pitch of the rifling is n calibres, will thus be 47.2%2 WW2 , 47% # *; fºlb, or ; of the striking energy. For instance the work stored up in the rotation of a solid cylindrical proof projectile weighing 2048 lb and fired with velocity 2100 f/s from a 16-inch gun in which the rifling at the muzzle makes one turn in 30 calibres, is about 345 ft-tons. Compare this with the striking energy. f So also in slamming a door; to overcome the work required to turn the spring lock, an equal amount of work must be stored up in the angular motion of the door, represented by #WKºn*/g (ft-lb), In the notation of the Integral Calculus, if w denotes the density at any point, in Ibjft", then W/2 =|wº + y”)aladydz, *. or in other words, the M.I. about an axis is the space integral of the product of the density and the square of the distance from the avis. --- When the body is homogeneous and of volume V ft“, then W = wV, and a fe Wk? = | | (a” + y”)dardydz, the space integral of the square of the distance from the aris. Similarly for an area. A ft” about an axis O2 perpendicular to its plane Ak.” = |G: + y”)dardy, { t * * . º t * $4 A w ~ * ''', 9 1. yº. l, * v. ... -- while about axes Oz, Oy in the plane - J * ...t Ak.” = |Parly ' ', º * ~ * Ak,” = ||w”dady, the surface integrals of the square of the distance from the awes Oz, Oa, Oy; using k, ky, k, to denote the Radii of Gyration of the area about the axes Oa, Oy, Oz. - For a plane lamina, of weight W lb, and uniform or variable superficial density a lb/ft", W = |oded, Wk,” = ſ| ory”dardy, Wk,” = |ſ a'a"dardy, Wk,” = |a (* + y^)dedy, the surface integrals of the product of the superficial density and the square of the distance from the azis. We notice that, for a lamina, Wk,” = Wik,” + Wk,”, Ur k” - k.” + k,” º b e te k b & O tº " is e • © tº t (i) an important Theorem for Moments of Inertia. 65. About an axis in the plane of the lamina, making an angle 6 with Oz, WAE2 =||a (y cos 6 — a sin 6)*dardy, = Wk,” cos’ 6 – 2F cos 6 sin 6 + WK,” sin” 6, where F denotes the quantityſſavard, called the product of inertia of the lamina with respect to the axes Oa, Oy. By turning the axes through a suitable angle, F can be made to vanish; and these new axes are called the principal awes of the lamina at O; and now - K* = k,” cosº. 6 + k,” sin” 6; and if the ellipse “ 2 *. = 1 y + -* a;2 7, 2 hy k 9. 2 is drawn, then the k about any axis through its centre is the length of the perpendicular from the centre on the parallel tangent; and this ellipse is called the momental ellipse of the lamina at O. For a line or wire, of variable linear density a lb/ft, Wł? = |a(r. + y”)ds, where W =ſ ords, the weight of the rod in lb ; so that WK4 is the line integral of the product of ‘A the linear density and the square of the distance from the awis, - We notice that in finding the M.I. of compound bodies round the same axis, we can add or subtract M.I., but not k”, 96 66. Another Theorem (II) connects Wk,”, the M.I. about any axis O., with Włº, the M.I. about a parallel axis through the C.G. at a distance h. º * * For taking the axis Oz, d Wk,” - Xw(wº + y”), WK = Xw{(a – vy" + (y – y)*} = X w(w” + y”) — 232 wa — 2y2wy + WG'+ yº) = Wk,” – Whº, since Xma: = War, Xmy = Wy; and therefore Wł,” – W(k" + h^) Or # = P + k . . . . . . . . . . . . . (II) The value of k” need therefore be calculated only for axes through the C.G. of a body. EXAMPLES. For a straight rod OA, of length l, in Oa, W = |ad, War = |ards, Wk? = ſard. 0. 0 J 0 If the rod is of uniform density, we replace W by l and a by unity ; and _ ſ! - is = ºrds = }!", a = }l; () le=|ra. = P, e = p. 0. * About an axis through the middle point of the rod, § -- \ lk” = ſº = +!?, k” = +ºl’. / A 2-V - Similarly for a rectangle, of sides a and b feet, about axes Oa, Oy through its centre O parallel __ to the sides a, b (fig. 28), treating the rectangle as an assemblage of lines of length b and breadth da ; and by symmetry k.” = #0°. /* rº About Oz, perpendicular to the plane of the rectangle, k.” = k,” + k,” = +3(a” + b%) = +), (diagonal)*, by Theorem I. 2/ 2 1 About the edge a of the rectangle k = 35°; and about the edge b, k = 3a'; so that about an axis through a corner of the rectangle, perpendicular to its plane, k” = }(a” + b”) = } Gagº By superposing a number of such rectangles we build up a book, or brick-shaped right solid; and denoting its height by c, then, about an axis through the centre, parallel to the edges c, k” = 4; (a” + b%); and about an edge c k” = } (a” + b”). ...” ... with similar expressions for k" about the other edges and principal axes. Cut the solid in two by a plane CD through two opposite edges c (fig. 29); then the M.I. | about Oz of each half is halved, while its volume is also halved; so that k,” is unaltered, and k” = + (a” + b%), for either half, a right prism on a right-angled triangular base. * 97 Changing to the parallel axis through G, the C.G. of the triangular prism, k = A, (a + bº) – OG'. – H —G ºr (a” + b%) — sº (a” + bº) = +'s (a” + bº), Changing to the axis coinciding with the edge through E, k, = 1s (a” + b%) + GE” = lºs (a” + b”) + + (a” + b”) = # (a” + b”). Placing two such triangular prisms back to back, we form a triangular prism on an isosceles base (fig. 30); and now the M.I. being doubled by doubling the volume, the k” about E will be; as before, d k.” - # (a? + b°), where b denotes the height and 2a the base of the isosceles triangle Changing to the parallel axis through H, the C.G., *...* = } (a” + b%) — ºb’ = }a” + +'s bº; and changing to the edge through C, ( ~~~~º & A right prism on a regular polygonal base can be divided into a number of such prisms on isosceles triangles as base; and for each of these prisms, as well as for the whole, about its axis of figure, à 22 – lo.2 .2 k = #7 + #a”, 'r denoting the radius of the circle inscribed in the polygon, and 2a the length of a side of the polygon. & By keeping r fixed, and making a zero, the polygon is changed into a circle of radius r ; and therefore, for a right circular cylinder about its axis, k” = }r”. * This is independent of the height of the cylinder; so that making it indefinitely thin, we obtain k” = }r” for a circular disc of radius r, about an axis through the centre perpendicular to its plane; and therefore, by Theory I, about a diameter of the circular laminá, k? = Thus the work stored up in the rim of a fly wheel making 40 revolutions a minute, the inner and outer radius of the rim being 9 and 10 feet, and the weight of the rim 10 tons, is 248 ft-tons. 2 }r The M.I. of the circular bodies can also be determined by integration. y The k” of a circular line or wire, about an axis through its centre, perpendicular to its plane, is obviously r*, r denoting the radius of the circle. About a diameter, the M.I. ^2n: 27f7;k? – | rdó. " sin” 6 = ºrrº; or k” = }r”. • O About a tangent line, k” = }r” + 1" = }r”, by Theorem II. * Considering the circular disc of radius a as built up of a series of concentric circular filaments, the M.I. about its axis of figure, Q. Tra?/c2 =| 27rrdr. r* = }ºra*; J 0 k* = #a”, as before. About a diameter, cutting the disc up into filaments perpendicular to the diameter ) Tra*k” – ſ & 2yda . 49* = sº — w”)}da, -a, 0 and substituting a = a cos 6, #m . Tra*k? = *| sin' 6d6 = 4aºr = }ºra", 0. k* = }a”, as before. - * * 2 Similarly for the ellipse . +% = 1, k,” = }b*, k,” = }a”. (6873) 2 C 98. Treating the cylinder as built up of a number of coaxial elementary discs, of radius a and thickness dr, (fig. 31), then the k” about the axis Oa is still #a”; but about the axis Oy through . the centre perpendicular to the axis of figure, the k” of the elementary disc Pp being #a” + 4*, by Theorem II., the M.I. of the cylinder (denoting its height by h) - % Wk,” = ſ Yºgº + æ”) gº 4. I 2], 2 . = }raºh + +"raºh’; and W = Traºh, so that k,” = }a” + Tºhº. For a thin rod, a = 0, and k” = Tºhº, and for a thin disc, h = 0, and k = }a’, as before; the k” for the cylinder being the sum of these two. Generally, for any prismatic bar, k,” = k” + +'s h”, where k is the radius of gyration of the cross sectional area about the axis in its plane parallel to Oy. - • - - , For a cone, of height h, and radius of base a, about the axis of figure Oz (fig. 32), h - Wk,” = |ayas. #y”, 2 0. * * 0. and * = }, ~, a h a — 1–6"|". 4. Wk, = 37; a “da = To traºh ; and *. W = 4traºh, ... SO that - º "k,” F. i”, a”. About the axis Oy, perpendicular to the axis of figure, vº – ſayasay : * * , ... = gºtraºh -- 4traºh." 3 -- º * \, , ~, 2.0 a” + #’. * *, . For a sphere about a diameter 3/", #. Ve = ſ zyde. 2– 0. & . *|| (a” — wº)*da. s' 0 . I dº * .. s * - *| (a” – 2a3a* + æ")dir 9 - - =.g Traft(1 tºº. # + #).– #Ta' ; and p - sº v. - #7ta”, so that k? --. #a”. Similarly, for the ellipsoid Ž - k. -- +(b% + cº, k,” = £) #(c” + a"), k” = }(a” + b’). (For other examples, consult Twisden, Chap. V, and Calculus, Chap. II.):- *9 9 67. Taking any solid body, referred to three rectangular axes Oa, Oy, Oz, then its M.I. about an axis OP through O, whose direction cosines are l, m, n, will be, Whº? = ſ |ſ68°dardydz, –7 4'- 2. / > 8, the distance of the points w, y, z, from the line OP, is given by _- 8* = &º + y” + 2* – (la + my + m2)* ("(…}+-6-9.2% — 2mmy2 — 2nlzac – 21may ; so that denoting the M.I. of the body about Oa, Oy, Oz by A, B, C, and the products of inertia (P.I.) with respect to the axis (Oy, Oz) (Oz, Oa) (Oa, Oy) by D, E, F, then Wk” – At 4. Bm" + Cn” – 2Dmn – 2Enl – 2Flm. Now draw the quadric surface Aa' + By” + C2” – 2Dyz – 2Eza – 2Fry = K, where K denotes a constant. Then if the axis OP meets this surface in P, Al” + Bm2 + Cn” – 2Dmn – 2Enl – 2Flm = K/OP”, so that Wk? = K. OP”, or k” varies inversely as OP”. Since k” is obviously always finite, on the supposition that the density of matter is always positive, this surface is an ellipsoid, called the momental ellipsoid. & The axes of this ellipsoid are called the principal awes of the body at O; and by taking these as co-ordinate axes, the products of inertia, D, E, F, are made to vanish; and thus Wk? = At” + Brm” + Cm”, Or k* = l?k,” + mºk,” + n°k2°. As an exercise, construct the momental ellipsoids of the preceding figures. Principal axes are axes of permanent rotation; for suppose a body is rotating about Oz with angular velocity r, the centrifugal force of a particle at (a, y, z), weighing m lb, being r” my/(a”-- : poundals directed away from the axis O2, will have components rºma and r*ny parallel to Oa and Oy. Af These components of the centrifugal force have moments rºmyz and — rºmaz about Oa and Oy, and therefore the resultant couple of constraint of the axis Oz, required to keep the body rotating about oxwill have components 7 PC, —T &m- X rºmyz = r^D about Oa, 2, i / Tèse couples vanish, and the axis of rotation Oz has no tendency to become displaced, if /// D --- = 0 and E = 0; and then Oz is called a principal awis at O. wº ~ Rotating parts of machinery should therefore be so shaped that the axis of rotation is a principal axis of the rotating piece. The superior steadiness of running of the inside cylinder locomotive over the outside cylinder type is to be attributed to the nearer coincidence of the driving axle with a principal axis of the system * * 100 DALEMBERT's PRINCIPLE. 68. This principle is the application of the Third Law of Motion, 2 * “Action and Reaction are equal and opposite ” P. to the formation of the analytical equations of the motion of a Material System. First consider the plane motion of a body considered as an assemblage of particles; and let r, y, denote the co-ordinates of a particle, m lb its weight, X, Y, poundals the component impressed forces, and P, Q poundals the component internal molecular forces, due to the reaction and constraint of the adjacent particles of the body. Then the equations of motion of the particle are (§ 52). dža. * if: = X + P, d”y m; = Y + Q. §O that wV W. Wu .V. V. Clºv wº d? d? Åse p(-; — y #) = (a:Y — yx) + (20 — yº). ; Denoting summation throughout the body by X, then ! 3. snº = xx + XP, t xm. = xy + x9. ; : A f º f Xm{a, º gº yº) = X(w) — yx E. gº + X(a.Q — yP). | 3. . * , * ..., s ! sº Principle, or rather by the Third Law of Motion, the system of forcés represent;d by P, Q form a system in equilibrium, since to any one force of them there always corresponds an equal reaction or force. Therefore, by the Principles of Statics, . 1 * , . . #. § #! t xP = 0, XQ = 0, and X(a:Q — yP) = 0; expressing the fact that the sum of the components in any direction is zero, and the sum of the ‘moments about any axis is zero, when the system of forces is in equilibrium. Therefore, for the motion of the body or system, dža. ... - *~ * * > * = xx • * * * * & e s º ºſ e º s (1) d w >m; = &Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(?) 2. .. *(; sº yº) = X(w) — a X) . . . . . . . . . (3) * dº? dº? the three equations of motion, deduced from D'Alembert's Principle. 101 / If we had considered motion in space generally, referred to three rectangular co-ordinates axes Oa, Oy, Oz, we should obtain in exactly the same manner the six equations of motion— & A m; = XX, mº = xy. ‘. . sm; = XZ, *(; tººs #) = X(9Z – “Y) = T, J *( 4. – ...) - sex-º- 41, *(;- yº) ==(-Y-29– –Zv, *-*... Forces such as X, Y, are called impressed forces, and such as P, Q, molecular or cohesive forces, while the name effective forces is given to the forces of inertia of the particles, such as d? • * * te * %, #. 770, # poundals; and now D'Alembert's Principle can be stated concisely in words as “the impressed forces and the reversed effective forces from a system in equilibrium ; the molecular or cohesive forces forcing a system in equilibrium among themselves;” and thus by D'Alembert's Principle, all Dynamical theorems can be stated in a Statical form. > → These equations of motion can be simplified by the introduction of the motion of the Centre of Gravity or of Inertia. (6873) 2 D 102. INDEPENDENCE OF THE MOTION OF -TRANSLATION OF THE CENTRE bF GRAVITY AND OF ROTATION ABOUT THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY, OF A BODY OR MATERIAI, SYSTEM, ACTED UPON BY FINITE FORCES. . 69. The co-ordinates z, y, of the centre of gravity of the body or system are defined by the equations— --- -*. Xma = Xma. Xmy = Xmy, ‘Or Wr = Xma, Wy = Xmy, W or Xm lb denoting the whole weight of the body. Differentiating with respect to t, da: dº dy dy. — = W. “ *— = W “& ; >m. dt' Sm"; dº ’ d’a: dºc d2 dºy —7–- F WW –F-53 * Z – W. Z . Xm # = W. *-i. dº? :- :- ( * Therefore, wº. – XX, W # = XY . . . . . . . . (A.) or the C.G. (centre of gravity) moves like a particle, at which the whole weight W lb is collected, under the action of all forces applied parallel to themselves at the C.G.; or in other words, all the weight and all the forces may be supposed collected at the C.G., and the motion of the C.G. will be unaltered; so that, so far as the motion of translation of the C.G. of a body is concerned, the body may be considered as a particle concentrated at its C.G. i We are now able to restate Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion- --> I. The C.G. of a system perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, except in so far as it is made to change that state by forces acting on the system from without. II. The change of motion of the C.G. of the system is proportional to all the impressed forces. and is in the direction of the resultant of these forces, applied at the C.G. Thus the C.G. of the Solar System is either at rest or moving in a straight line with uniform velocity, and any change in this motion would be due to the attraction of the stars. Again, when we investigate the trajectory of a projectile, we follow the path of its C.G. THE THIRD [..A.W.-Action and Reaction are equal and opposite; now merely amounts to the definition of a stress; and does not hold at a distance when the stress is propagated through ponderable matter, which is being accelerated or retarded. Now, if we change from our fixed origin Q to a moving origin G, the C.G. of the body or system/by taking up our position at G and investigating the relative surrounding motion, we put * = r + w', y = y + y’; da da: , da' dy dy + dy' dº T di " dº de T di " dº ’ 2 2. 22, ' , 72 2. / 2. dº dº I dº dº – dº I dº', / / dº º dº. " dº dº T. J. " dº ’ and then so that equation (3) becomes xmſ (2 + 2)(*, *, *y) – (n + y^(8* * * { (; +% (y | W)(; +% = XH (a + æ')Y — (y 4 y')x}, =dºy , s.a.dº' , dºy dºy' ©r Xma. dº? + Xma: dº?" + Xma: dº? + Xma.' dº —dºr — dºc' dža. , dºz/ = X-Y + Xz'Y — Xyx — Xy'X. 163 Now, from the definition of the C.G. - -- 2 2./ Xma or Xm(a + æ") = Wa, so that Xma' = 0, Xm # = 0, - * -- 22,’ Xmy, or Xm(y -- y’) = Wy, so that Xmy' = 0, xm. = 0. Therefore, ma. # = Wa: º and this cancels with Smir Y or 2×my; – d2 / * dºy' * smº. - #3m, = 0 ; – 22- –22- * - - – -- . Xmy #. = Wy º which cancels with Xy X, or ySX; —dºz' dža' >my. = y2m d; T 0; , dºr dºa. * — ſh Smy"; H . Smy' = 0; ‘and we are left with ( , d”y' , d’a' sm(, , -yº) = x(x,y-yx) • * * * * * * * * (B.) an equation of the same form as (3), with the moving point G for origin, instead of the fixed oint O. * ~ P This proves that we may take moments about the C.G. as if it were a fixed pointſor that the motion of a system relative to its C.G. is independent of the motion of the C.G., and therefore the same as if the C.G. were a fixed point. These two principles, expressed by (A) and (B), constitute the principle of the Conserva- tion of the Motion of the C.G. of a System; they are employed in nearly all dynamical problems. 70. In reading the ordinary treatises on Dynamics, it will be noticed that the letters m and M are employed, and the quantities they denote are called masses, instead of the letter W employed here, denoting quantities called weights; but it is important to notice that if measured in lb or g, m M, or W denote the same quantity, and are numerically the same. Our object here is to avoid the use of the confusing abbreviations of M for W/g ; we call the quantity of matter in a body, as measured in lb or g by the operation of weighing, the weight of the body; and it is unnecessary to call this quantity the mass, and to denote it by a different letter M. W. Q 104 ExAMPLES. ..") A person being placed on a sheet of perfectly smooth ice, explain how he may reach the bank. - 2) A man walks from one end of a boat to the other; determine how far the boat has moved, and determine the motion of the boat when the man jumps out. (3) Explain how, sitting in a chair, a man can advance by a series of jerks. * (4) Prove that when a shell bursts, the C.G. of the fragments continues to describe the former parabolic path. (5) A rod, revolving about an axis, suddenly snaps at a given point; determine the subsequent motion of the parts, the motion taking place in a horizontal plane. (6) A man steps on to a turntable and walks round the rim with given velocity; determine the motion. (7) Find the angle at which the rod of Watt's governor will stand permanently with the vertical, when making a given number of revolutions about the vertical spindle. (8) Show how a stick may be balanced on the finger, at a constant inclination to the vertical, by making the finger describe a horizontal circle with given velocity. (9) Explain the difficulty of walking rapidly on a curve on th ice, and show how it is ible-for a man in skating to describe a circle on one foot. KA skater, whose weight is 12 stone, Gºon the outside edge a circle-of-10-feet-radius with unifermly decreasing velocity, just coming to rest after completing the circle in 5 seconds; find the direction and magnitude, when he is half way round, of his pressure on the ice. (10) A particle is moving round a circular tube, which is placed on a smooth horizontal plane, Prove that if the tube is initially at rest, its centre will proceed to describe a cycloid. 105 MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT A FIXED AXIS: 71. If the fixed axis is the axis of a perpendicular to the plane of the paper through O, and if we employ polar co-ordinates, * * * , -, - - w = r cos 6, y = r sin 9; differentiating with respect to t, r being constant for a particle of a rigid body, da: = — r sin 62%, dt * dt’, * = r cos 6 d6, " . dt dt dža. . ... a dº ..., a dº dº = — r COS 9. }* SII). º d”y . . a d6% d°6 . Tº T —r sin 6: + rcos 0%; g dy , de , dē and therefore, * j, - 9 i = "i, 4. - º t ----------- - - ac d”y — dºw = ?” dºg - é ſ? – T *--- is T 9 iſ: d? " ſ § D Therefore, equation (3)/becomes r - sm,” – N, dt? Assº- when N denotes X w(x Y — y X), the sum of the moments of the impressed forces about the axis Oz. 2 Now in a rigid body, the angular velocity # and the angular acceleration: IF are the same for all particles of the body, when rotating about a fixed axis; so that d26 , , ,d26 Xmr” dº T W12 dº?” where Wk” denotes the M.L. of the body about the axis Oz; and thus the angular acceleration. d°6 N moment of forces about the axis dº? Whº? 3 * inertia º 25 33 The moment of inertia thus represents mechanically the angular inertia or resistance of inertia to angular motion, as experienced for instance in spinning a wheel or projectile, or opening and shutting a door, while the weight of a body represents the ris inertiae of its C.G. to motion in a straight line. (6873) .i 2 E 106 . - ATWOOD'S MACHINE. 72. We are now prepared to make a complete investigation of the theory of this machine, when the angular inertia of the pulley and the friction of the axle are taken into account. * Two equal weights of M lb are suspended by a fine thread over a pulley, weighing W lb ; and equilibrium is destroyed by the addition of a small rider weight of m lb. - Denoting by a ft the distance the weights have moved in t seconds, and 6 radians the angle the wheel has turned through; then 6 = aſa, a ft denoting the radius of the wheel, or rather of the groove in which the thread runs. - ing the motion the wheel will ride up, and bear at a point P, at an angular distance q, from the lowest point & of the bearing, q, denoting the angle of friction (fig. 33). The equation of motion of the wheel will be, employing the gravitation unit of force, Wk;2 d20 r . . Tº # = (T-T), - (T + T +W) in . . . . . . . (1) p ft denoting the radius of the axle. The equations of motion of the descending and ascending weights will be M + m d’a: !-- -- s –7– d? F M + 772. — Ti * o o e gº g * > *º • tº º " (2) M dº * * ; # = T, - M Q { } e e e te o ſº ſº * Qe * > ſº (3) Eliminating T, and T, W1.2 * @ = T, º T, tºº (T, + T, + w); sin ºp gaſ dº º 2M + m d’a: -(2M + m, –? -w)? sin q, g di” a ~ * dža, m – (2M + m + W) sin & Or * T ºn ma–Pºnd) I wº (1–5 ºn 4 + Wii, If w lb is the weight of the rider which will just start the motion, P si = 2D * F sin & 2M + w -- W ' d’a g 700 – QU * • and dº? T r 2M + w -- W k2 2M + m + w -- W — 2M + W. w( – ) Thus if the groove in the pulley is cut down to a depth such that a = }, d’a 7?? — Q0) dº? T 93 MI'm Hºw I W’ Suppose the rider m is detached when it has descended h ft, and acquired velocity v f/s; th 1779 = 200 — QU ... • €0. $v *3MT. H. Hºw: and now the retardation f" is given b º 25a- O 1-0 */~4. f' is gi y A-4: 3– * + ) .** , (2M + W) sing and the weights come to rest in h" ft, where h' = }*/f/ 107 * EXAMPLES. Q Prove that the horse power consumed in keeping a flywheel weighing W tons rotating with R. revolutions a minute is 27trºW b sin q, x 2240 + 33000, the radius of the axle being b ft. Prove that if left to itself, the wheel will come to rest after 27F/32R, 3600gb sin ºp Tº R2 3600gb sin (p revolutions, in minutes, & denoting the radius of gyration of the wheel and shaft. (2) A uniform circular disc, whose radius is 4, inches and weight 2 lbs, can turn about a . horizontal axis through its centre at right angles to its plane. When started at the rate of 200 revolutions per minute, and left to itself, it is observed to come to rest in one minute. Prove that the retarding couple (supposed constant) has the same moment as a weight of 25% grains attached to the rim at the extremity of a horizontal radius. - Also find how many revolutions it makes, (3) Supposing the driving wheels of an engine are slipping with a given number of revolu- tions per secor steam is shut off, determine the number of revolutions the wheels will make before slipping ceases, given tº ... e ls (and reciprocating parts), the load on the wheels, And the adhesion with the rails. (4) An a machine without friction and inertia, of mechani supports n times its weight, both hanging by vertical threads replaced by P lb and W lb, their vertical accelerations will be al advantage n, so that a weight Prove that\if these weights are m” P – ºn W d mP — W º PTW 9 and ºp TW 9, in opposite directions; but their C.G. will descend with acceleration (nP – W)? (P + W.) (n°P + W) 9. (5) Prove that in Weston's differential pulley, if friction is neglected, the lower block and weight weighing W lb, will descend with acceleration W (a — b)” – 2a P (a — b) Aº W (a — b)* + 4, a”P + 4 (mk” + MK*) §ſ, raising a weight P. lb on the free part of the chain, a and b denoting the radii of the upper pullies, and MK*, mk”, the M.I.'s of the upper and lower pullies. Prove that the radius of the axle, so that, with given angle of friction p, the machine will require overhauling to make the weight descend, is 4(a — b) cosec p ; and determine the me- chanical efficiency. (6) Determine the acceleration of a system of pullies when the weights are unbalanced, taking into account the inertia of the pullies. F Prove that the directions of motion of the parts of a rope round a pulley are at any instant tangents to a conic. 108 73. By Theorem (B) we still have the angular acceleration equal to the moment of the forces divided by the moment of inertia about an axis, when the axis passes through the C.G. of the body and moves with the body, instead of being fixed in space. - Consider, for instance, the motion of a cylinder rolling down an inclined plane ; and suppose the body has advanced a ft, and turned through 6 radians in t seconds(fig. 34). - - ºr Then 6 = w/a, a denoting the radius of the cylinder. . . . . . . . . . . . …— l IZ:7 Supposing the cylinder to weigh W lb, and denoting by R and Öſpoundals the normal / “ *. reaction and frictional constraint of the inclined plane, the equations of motion are , , , , , ' ' W. - We sin a – F . . . . . . . . . . . (1). 0 = R — Wycos. s . . . . . . . . . . (2). d”9 dº? Wk? F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8). Equation (2) determines R; while eliminating F between (1) and (3); ' '. d’a: iº lº” d20 W . * = Wa sin & — W " " ". ; dt” g ' ' ' a dº?’ ſ 2. in . or dº = .9 °º - diº 1 + kºſa” the acceleration down the plane. In a hoop k* = a”, and the acceleration is #g sin a ; in a cylinder k* = }a”, 3 y 99 #g sin a ; in a sphere ** = #a”, 33 33 #g sin a. 49 Suppose for instance we were asked to distinguish between two spheres of the same diameter *. #. ...” one a hollow sphere of gold, and the other a solid brass sphere, but gilt so as to look lke gold. - - - . The hollow sphere, having the greater kº, wonld roll down an incline slower than the solid sphere, and could thus be distinguished. * * li jº also a cask will roll differently according as it is empty, or filled solid, or filled with a 10 uld. • * * t t - ; We notice that if a cylinder rolling on a plane is urged by a forceº poundals through its centre parallel to the plane, then from the equations of motion, ' ' ' - . . . . w dº . . , wº-x-5. y d?6 WK2 ° º – ... = Fa, while dº a d’é d; T “dº” we obtain X = W(1 + & dº, - x a? / dt? SO *gº: º or vis inertia is changed to W(1 + kºſa”). *.*, *, *@99, the vis inertia is twice the weight, for a cylinder is 14 tim - has (e.g., # billiard ball) is 13 of the weight (40°/, grea: 2 y # times, and for a sphere stººdºº …” 2 to COme linto Contact given there Wi vestºry irl; a , $ and will thus be increased 18.3 per cent. nere wi we to be multiplied by v/(1 + kºſa”) orv/#, So also it is shown in Hydrodynamics that the*... a sphere moving in water is increased by half the Weight of water displaced ; an #. rlia e i. s. axis by the weight of water displaced. p 3 and ºf a cy linder moving perpendicular to its { { 109 For a carriage or train, weighing M lb, mounted on wheels weighing W lb, the effective inertia or vis inertiae will be j M + W(1 + kºſa”); so that, if unchecked, it will run down an incline 2, with acceleration M + W. MTwº Tºº,” “ If the road is crushed uniformly by the wheels, the acceleration will be found to be (M + W) sin (2 – 8) - (MTW) cos & I Włºſº. 9 where 8 denotes the slope at which the carriage will just run down. In the preceding collection of examples on the motion of trains, the effect of the rotary inertia of the wheels may be allowed for by adding X Wkºſa” to the gross weight of the train. A good average value of kºſa” is ; ; so that such a slight correction as the addition of about half the weight of the wheels and axles to the gross weight of the train is sufficient to allow for rotary inertia. The proper height of the buffer and coupling chains of a railway carriage is affected by the rotary inertia of the wheel; this should be at the level of the centre of effective inertia of the carriage, composed of the body weighing M lb, with C.G. at a height h ft suppose above the axles, and of the effective inertia W (1 + kºſa”) of the wheels, acting at their centres. The buffer should therefore be at a height Mh M + W. (1 + kºſa”) above the axles; and then the whole carriage will start off without pitching oscillations, A photograph of a bridge accident in France, given in the Engineering News, 29 Sept., 1892, shows the effect of buffers placed too low. * EXAMPLES. (1) Determine the motion of the system represented in Fig. 35, showing an arrangement y 74.4° devised for attaining great velocity on a rope traction railway; and illustrate experimentally by a reel of thread on a table. 2 ex- (2) A cylinder weighing M lb, and of M.I. Mºſests withits axis horizontal on two parallel rails at an inclination a, and supports a weight W 15 hanging vertically by a thread wrapped on the cylinder. Determine the motion and the condition of equilibrium. (3) Explain how a man can make a cylinder or sphere roll up an incline by walking on the surface; and show how to make it roll up with constant velocity. (4) Determine the motion of the cylinder in § 73 when the inclined plane is placed on a railway truck. (5) Prove that the angular acceleration of a wheel of radius a, rotating about a horizontal axis, must be 5 a . * 9 sin 6 O. for a sphere in contact with the rim to remain with its centre at rest at an angular distance 6 from the highest or lowest point. (6) If the force of restitution of a buffer spring is always e times the force of compression, discuss the impact of two railway carriages of effective inertias M, and M, ; and prove that the times of compression and restitution are T and T/v/e, where sº T = - V(; + ...)(; + ...) wher-6) and E, denote the forces required to produce compression in the buffer springs. /* (6873) 2 F 110 THE COMPOUND PENDULUM, AND THE EQUIVALENT SIMPLE PENDULUM. 74. Let OP be the pendulum, G its C.G., swinging about the horizontal axis through O, and at time t seconds inclined at angle 6 radians to the vertical OA (fig. 36). ſ Let the weight of the pendulum be W lb, and let OG = h, and Wk” (lb-ft”) the M.I. about the axis through G, parallel to the axis through O, so that W (h” + k”) is the M.I. about the axis of suspension. Then the impressed forces being Wg poundals acting vertically through G, and the unknown reaction of the axis, the equation of motion obtained by taking moments round O is d”6 moment of forces dt? , , inertia – \\gh sin 6 W(ſº + k2) ' º (the negative sign being introduced, because the moment of the impressed forces tends to decrease 6) – – " " " — — "si * =-jºº, = -}sin 0. on writing l for h + kºſh. This is the equation of oscillation of a small plummet at the end of a light thread of length ! feet; and l is therefore called the length of the equivalent simple pendulum, and if we reach 2L. OP = l, the P is called the centre of oscillation corresponding to the centre of suspension O. & Thus a peal of bells should be hung so that all have the same l or length of equivalent simple pendulum. Since º OP = h -- Kºſh, therefore º GP = }*/h, Or OG. GP = #2; and the symmetry of this relation proves that O is the centre of oscillation when P is made the centre of suspension, or that “the centres of suspension and oscillation are convertible" (fig. 37). When the angle of oscillation is small, we may replace sin 6 by its c.m. 6 radians; and now the equation of oscillation is ** – – g – — , jº 7 - m*6, on putting g/l = n”, when n is called the speed of the pendulum. Comparing this with the equation of S.H.M. (§ 42), d’a, Olt? = — mºv, th solution of which is A cos nt, or B sin nt, or A cos ut + B sin nt, or a cos (nf + e), or a cos m(f – T), a being called the amplitude, e the epoch, and T the phase; we may write the pendulum oscilla- tions as given by 6 = & cos (nt + e), when the amplitude a is the extreme angle of deviation from the vertical. The period of a complete double oscillation, when small, will therefore be 2T/n - 27tv/(l/g) ; _- - tº time of a single swing from rest to rest being TV/(l/g). -Thus for a seconds pendulum, beating seconds, I = Trv/(l/g), , Of l = g|T", g = T’l, • º <–T - whe m e found very accurately, if l is known by experiment. *—’ W a' ſ N Ö) © Nºr- Nº \! NºnV N N te _P3 - – C / . _AW / \ * /t-T’) \ | (? AZ A 32 | E -- `A. Fig. /2. Fig. //. Uſ A U. C., U. Fig. /4. 40 4, 42 A3 A4 Fig. /3. *— 3×30, 7, 92 3.530, 7, 92. J&3 O, 7, 92 {, *, !, ... } 'si * * #| $ i. ºr Aº 1.4/. 2 (). A. ( § © i. Fig. 5. ( Š% ') NS 9) 2 H. / | A. | / 33'30, 7, 92 111 The period of oscillation is a minimum when l is a minimum, by variation of h; and since };2 = h -- “. l * + j, ’ * = 1 – “. dh h2 which vanishes when h = k, and then * dºl 2% J ſº - ja , so that l is a minimum 2k, when h = k. Otherwise, we may write k \? ! = * + (v1-3) \ so that l is greater than 2k, except when h = k. * * We can make l very great, and the period very long, either by increasing h, or diminishing h indefinitely, that is, by placing the centre of suspension close to the C.G. (as in a metronome, or a ship, where the metacentre may be considered the centre of suspension). 75. When, the axis of suspension of the pendulum is horizontal, and cut into a smooth screw of pitch p, the equation of energy gives * #W(h” + 3 + p?) (d6/dt)* = Wg(H — h vers 0), if the centre of gravity descends from a height H above its lowest position; so that— (* + k + p^ (dºode) = – gh sin 0. and therefore ! = h -- (ſº + p^)/h; and now in addition to X and Y, the reaction of the axis exerts a horizontal longitudinal component Z and a couple p7, given by— * = a Piń º żºłº Fº when expressed in gravitation measure. Similarly the increase in l due to the pendulum being supported on friction wheels may be investigated. EXAMPLES, (1) A circular hoop is freely suspended by a point in its rim ; show that the periods of its pendular vibrations in its own plane and at right angles to its plane are as 2 to v/3. (2) Determine the number of oscillations made in a day of 24 hours by a pendulum consisting of a thin rod and a sphere 6 inches in diameter, the centre of the sphere being 4 ft from the point of suspension, and the weight of the rod one half the weight of the sphere. (3) Twisden, Practical Mechanics, exs. 812–820. (4) Investigate the small oscillations of a system of clockwork, in which the wheels are unbalanced about the axes, and prove that for small oscillations the length of the simple equiva- lent pendulum is given by— l = (Xwkºp”)/(X whp” cos 2), - *- the weight, whithe moment, and whº the moment of inertia of a wheel about its axis; a denoting the angle which the plane through the axis and centre of gravity makes with the vertical in the position of equilibrium ; and p denoting the velocity ratio of the wheel. Discuss the dynamical theory of a clock or watch. - - (5) A pendulum, while undisturbed has a period T seconds, is deflected by a mountain thrºugh an angle 6, and its period is changed to Tº'seconds; prove that the acceleration due to the gravitation of the mountain is 'MºR) __--"T" 112 FINITE OSCILLATIONS OF THE PENDULUM, ExPRESSED BY ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 76. When the pendulum swings through a considerable angle 2 a., we must resume the con- sideration of the equation * * – – 'sin a – – assin a. Ž T fine- m” sin 6; and now the complete solution of this equation introduces the Elliptic Functions into Dynamics. Multiplying both sides by d6/dt, and integrating, d6° * — - tº º * vers. * dº? C — m” vers 6 = n” (vers & — vers 6), since d6/dt = 0, when 6 = 2; or, since vers 6 = 2 sin” #6, d6 e © iſ + 2nv/(sin” # 2 — sin” #6) 6 z/L mt = & d:#6 * - - - - - ov/(sin” # 2 — sin”; 6) We now introduce a new angle q, defined by the equation sin #6 = sin #2 sin ºp; OT vers 6 = } vers a vers 26; and thus b will denote the angle ADQ, where AQD is the circle on AD as diameter, touching BB' at D, and cutting the horizontal line .N in Q (fig. 41) For in the circle AP, –cy * Z A N = , AE vers 6, and in the circle AQ, AN = # AD vers 24 = 4 AE vers a vers 2%. Then v/(sin” #2 – sin” #6) = sin #2 cos (b, while #6 = sin-"(sin #2 sin (p), dº in a cost . dip V (1 — sin” #2 sin” (b) Ö dºp so that t = & == . 7? |va — sin” #2 sin” (b) Denoting by T seconds the period of the pendulum, when swinging through a finite angle 22, and denoting the integral - ſ dº/Ad by K, • 6 (nº the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, with respect to the modulus k), then, when t = }T, b = }T ; so that #m'T = K, OT e o - T = 4K/n = 4Kv/(l/g). 113 When the oscillations are indefinitely small, we make a and therefore a zero, and now K = ºr, and T = 3rvalg). 3.S. before. But, as a and k increase, so also K increases; so that the period of the pendulum increases with the angle of oscillation, at first, however, very slowly; for, expanding as far as k”, K = }ºr (1 + 4* + . . . .); Y l so that, as a correction for amplitude of swing, the period must be increased by }k” or 3 vers a of 2TA/(l/g). Thus a pendulum which beats seconds when swinging through 6° will lose 11 to 12 beats a day if made to swing through 8°, and 26 beats a day if it swings through 10°. This integral for nt is called by Legendre the elliptic integral of the first kind, and, writing k for sin #a, is denoted by F (ºb, k), while v/(1 — k” sin” b) is denoted by Aq, ; thus F (p, k) = | *A* = ſ "(I – esinº)-dº and q is called the amplitude, and k the modulus. Thus, in pendulum oscillations mt = F (b, k). But it is convenient to represent the amplitude q, as a function of nt, instead of nt as a function of 4 ; Jacobi proposed the notation q = am nt, or am (nt, k), when it is required to put the modulus k in evidence; and further in Jacobi's notation cos p = cos am nt, sin b = sin am nt, Aq = Aam nt, the three elliptic functions. Jacobi's notation is rather lengthy, so now-a-days it is abbreviated, and we write cu, sn, dn for cosam, sinam, Aam ; thus cos b = cn nt, sin q = Sn nt, Aq = dm nt, the three elliptic functions of nt. According to this definition *A, -: ſ ""(1 – “sin” by-dº; 0 yet = | d b = d am nt that - SO Lºla, dt dt – nAq, = n dn nt. Since k = sin #2, therefore c = AD/AB = AB/AE, * = AD/AE. . ... We denote cos #4 by k', and call it the complementary modulus; and now, if 0 denotes the inclination of the pendulum to the vertical after t seconds from the vertical position, and a denotes the extreme inclination, sin #6 = k sin q = k sn nt; cos #6 = Aq = do nt; tan #6 = k sn nt/dn nt = tan ; a cn (K — nt); d6/dt = 2nk cm nt; AP = AE sin #6 = AB sn nt; PE = AE cos #6 = AE dm nt; AN = AD sn” nt, ND = AD cn” nt, NE = AE dm3 nt; NQ = V/(AN. ND) = AD sn nt cn nt; NP = A/(AN. NE) = AB Sn mt dm nt; giving all these quantities as elliptic functions of nt, #2 being the modular angle. (6873) 2 G { •w- 1.1% º In small oscillations -> k = 0, and then sn nt = sin nt, cn nt = cos nt, dn nt = 1; so that the elliptic functions degenerate into circular functions, and the period is 2T/n. With k = 1, a = ºr, and the pendulum just reaches the highest position; and now sn nt = tanh nt, cn nt = Sech nt, dn nt = sech nt, so that the elliptic functions degenerate into hyperbolic functions, and the period becomes infinite. But with intermediate values of a and k, as required with the Electro-Ballistic Pendulum for recording small intervals of time, the Elliptic Functions are required in the graduation of the instrument. ** ...A 1.15 THE REACTION OF THE Axis OF SUSPENSION OF A PENDULUM. 77. It is important to know the magni f his rºgction in the case of a large swinging body, like a bell in a church towerSº a ~4--4--- ºº:: º Denote by x and Y the horizóñtāTālū vertical components–of–this reaction, considered as acting on the swinging body; and take the gravitation unit of force, the force of a pound. Then x, y, and W, applied at the centre of gravity G, will be the dynamical equivalents of the motion of the body, collected as a particle at G : and since the component accelerations of G are h(d6/dt)” in the direction GO and h(d”6/dt”) perpendicular to GO, therefore, resolving horizontally and vertically, Wh(d°6/dt") cos 6 – Wh(d6/dt)" sin 6 = Xg, Wh(d.9/de) sin 6 + Wh(d6/dt)’ cos 0 = Yg — Wg; t; while, from the pendulum motion, I(d.6/dt) = – g sin 0. #!”(d6/dt)* = g(2R – l vers 6). From these equations we find— h . 4Rh 2h * – 1 – 2 -º- tº- W – l 7 sin 6 + F-cos 6 + cos 6(1 — cos º Y h 2h 4Rh 3h. 2 X 2h 4Rh) . 3h . º W - (#– *) in 9–4 in ecos 0. and therefore the resultant of X and Y — W(1 — h/l) is a force T=wſ—º. 1 #1 * cos) = wº: G + R-9) in the direction GO ; and T varies as the depth of P below the line— y = }l + 4R, *whence X and Y are easily constructed. *the simple pendulum, h = l, and the tension T of the thread PO is given by— ..ºr . T 3 W – 7 (#l + 4R — y). At the end of a swing y = 2R, and T/W = 1 — 2R/l; so that, if 2R is less than l, T is always positive; but if 2R is greater than l, so that the plummet swings through more than 180°, T changes sign, and the thread will become slack, unless replaced by a light stiff rod. When 2R is greater than 2', the pendulum makes complete revolutions; and now, at the top of a revolution, y = 21, and T/W = 4R/l – 5; and when 2R is greater than #l, T is again always positive, and the plummet can be whirled round at the end of a thread, without the thread becoming slack. 1íčº THE INTERNAL STRESS OF A swinging BODY t --, -, 78. These internal stresses are most forcibly realized on board a ship rolling in the sea, not onl in their effects as producing sea-sickness, but also in causing the cargo to shift, if not carefully stowed, or if the cargo is grain, coal, or petroleum, in bulk. (Prof. P. Jenkins, On the Shifting of Cargoes, “Transactions of the Institute of Nayal Architects,” 1887.) * It is usual to consider the ship, in its rolling motion, as acted upon by two forces; , (i) W tons, the weight or displacement of the ship, acting vertically downwards through the centre of gravity G; " ~~ jº f * . . . . (ii) W tons, the buoyancy of the water, acting Vertically upwards through M, the metacentre $ These two forces form a couple of moment W. G.M. sin 6 (foot-tons), so that the ship will roll 4. 4- t a horizontal longitudinal axis through G, like a pendulum of length GL = }*/GM ft, tou-4 Wk"/denoting the moment of inertia of the ship about this axis of rotation (fig. 38). * Now to find the force which acts upg, w, any infinitesimal part of the ship at P, to give it its acceleration and to balance its weight, we refer the point P to axes Ga, and Gy, drawn upwards through GM and perpendicular to GM. &s * ,” This force will balance the reversed effective force of w at P, and the effect of gravity on w; and therefore, in gravitation measure, will have components— la (*. Y4 w cos 6, parallel to Ga., / 2 º 3/ º + w sin 6, , ,, Gy. v -- - , | If w is suspended as a plummet by a very short thread, the thread will take the direction of this force, and will therefore make an angle with Gar- an—g sin 6 – c.(d’6/dt”) – y(d6/dt): gcos 0 + y(dž0ſdº) – aſdöſdi)?" •-5 * Supposing the ship to roll like a pendulum of length l, through an angle 22, then— l(d°6/dt” = – g sin 6, and #!(d6/dt)* = g(cos 6 — cosa); and by § 76, d”6/dt’ = — nº sin 6 = — 2n” sin # 6 cos #6 = – 2n’k sn it dm it, (d6/dt)* = 2n” (cos 6 — cos a) = 4n” (sin” #a — sin” #6) = 40%"cnºnt. This force will be the tension and in the direction of a short thread, from which w is suspended as a plummet at any point P; and the deflection of this plumb line from its original mean direction in the ship will be a measure of the tendency of a body to slide or of a grain cargo to shift; and to a certain extent of the tendency to seasickness at this point of the ship and at this instant of its motion. At any instant the lines of resultant acceleration reversed will be equiangular spirals, of radial angle p, round the centre of acceleration G as pole, the resultant acceleration at P being 7" 7 when we put GP = r, and lſd6/dt)* = g sin 6 cot ºb; so that g; sin 6 cosec p, and the resultant effective force w 4 sin 6 cosec $, tan b = sn nt dm nt/2k cn” nt. Superposing the effect of gravity, the resultant lines of force or internal stress will be equi- angular spirals of the same radial angle p, round a pole J, the position of which is obtained as follows:–Draw LK perpendicular to GL to meet the horizontal line GK in K; deseribe the circle in GK as diameter, and draw KJ making an angle GKJ = 4, with GK/ this will meet the circle in J. 117 For the resultant effective force of w at P, being— *~, fu% sin 6 cosec q = a PG GJ’ making an angle q, with GP, will, when ºpº. with w upwards, and taking the triangle PGJ turned through an angle q, as the triangle of forces, have a resultant t = w . PJAGJ, making - . '* an angle q, with JP. ! TThe tendency will clearly have its maximum value at the end of a roll, when døfdt = 0, and = #7r, and then J coincides with K. The plumb line at P will now set itself at right angles to JP, while the surface of water in a tumbler at P will pass through K, and a granular substance at P will begin to slip if KP makes with its surface an angle greater than the angle of repose of this grain. * Thus up the mast, at a distance a feet from G, water would be spilt out of a tumbler, or sand in a box would shift, by the rolling of the ship through an angle 22, which would not spill, or shift if the ship heeled over steadily, until an inclination 8 (the angle of repose of the sand) was reached, given by— } tan 8 = (1 + aſl) tan a. At the cent? of oscillation L, where a = — l, there is no tendency for the water to spill; and this shows that the motion of the ship is felt least by going down below as far as possible in the middle of the ship. '• In a swing the body is very near the centre of oscillation, so that ordinary swinging is very little preparation for the motion of a vessel. A swing to act properly as a preparation for a sea voyage should be constructed as in fig. 38, to imitate, in full size, the cross section of the ship, suspended at M ; and now the varying effect of the motion can be experienced by taking up different positions on the deck, up the mast, and in the cabins, constructed in this swing. Sir W. Thomson proposes to find the axis of rotation of a ship, and the angle through which the ship rolls by noting the direction of the plumb lines of two such plummets, suspended at two given points across the ship; planes through the plummets perpendicular to the plumb lines at the extreme end of a roll would intersect in J.; the horizontal plane through J would meet the median" longitudinal plane of the ship in the axis G.; while the plane through J perpendicular to the median plane would meet it in L, whence GL, the length of the equivalent pendulum, and there- fore the period of small oscillations could be inferred. The rolling motion of the ship is lesser the longer the equivalent pendulum l, or the closer M and G are brought together by º: and arrangement of weights. t J/ (6873) 2 H I 18 79. The rolling and pitching oscillations of a carriage are of the same nature, so that, pro- vided the road is good, easy motion is secured by raising the height of the C.G., as in the old stage coaches, with the luggage piled on the top; or in walking on stilts, and generally in the attitude of man as a biped. Considering the rolling oscillations of a railway engine or carriage, the body may be supposed to roll about a horizontal axis through O, midway between the tops of the springs, and now if the body rolls about O through a small angle 6, the moment of the resilience of the springs about O is (figs. 39, 40) & $ w(1 + ºx a- w(1–?), a = wº ft-tons, W denoting the weight of the body in tons, 2a the transverse distance between the springs, and c the permanent average set of the springs due to the load W tons. * Denoting by Wk” the M. I. in tons-ft” of the body of the carriage about the horizontal axis through G, the C.G. of the body, and h the height of G above O, the equation of small oscillations becomes * * * W/1, sy d”6 — wa” ;0 + 9); = Who w: 9 * d”6 g Or dº? T ~ 7 6, where l = * + k, y a” — ch Y the length of the single equivalent pendulum; c being, as already stated, the length of the simple equivalent pendulum for vertical oscillations. * , " When a train pulls up quickly at a platform, a sudden jerk is felt the moment after the train has stopped. This is due to the carriage settling back on its springs, after being inclined in , consequence of the retardation of the train. Denoting this retardation by ſland by 2%the longitudinal distance between the two axles, supposing the carriage has four wheels, then equating the deflecting movement of the retarding effective force and of the resilience of the springs KT- Wſh b? * ''J't = W & 9, g c –4) so that 6 = chfſbºg, I the slope of the carriage floor the moment.before stopping being one in 1/6. , , Ease of motion in vehicles is secured by making l large, or a” — ch small, so that, within limits, h should be made large or a small. " * Brunel introduced the broad gauge with the intention of lowering the boiler of the engine and the body of the carriage between the wheels, thinking to secure steady moving thereby; but this we see is a fallacy, and broad gauge carriages are now carried over the wheels. Crampton's low boiler engine is another instance of the same fallacy; and in another direction, the new-fashioned knapsack of the soldier carried low down on the back. The higher the knapsack, the slower and easier its swing, the best position being on the head, where the Roman soldier carried it. ( & &ºe., A47, ºve, v_zzº-º-º-º: (**~~9 & 4, , , S. . . .ºz. c.4: ... ?" *~…) 119 PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE PENDULUM, * \ º 80. Having shown how the motion of the pendulum can be completely determined by the introduction of the elliptic functions, we may proceed to give a short account of the principal applications of the pendulum in determining the local value of g, the attraction and density of the Earth, in preserving a standard of length, and in other important problems in Natural Philosophy. (Mémoires sur le Pendule, publiés par la Société Francaise de Physique, 1889), In all such applications the *::: of oscillation is generally sufficiently small for the period of the pendulum of length l ft to be taken as 27tv/(l/g) seconds; but if necessary, a cor- rection can be applied for the amplitude of oscillation, in the manner previously explained in § 76. The next chief practical point is the measurement of the length l of the simple pendulum, equivalent to a given material compound pendulum, like the pendulum of a clock. / This length is determined by finding the position of an axis P, such that the pendulum has the same perio ether swung about O or P, and thus OP is the length l of the equivalent simple pendulum (Fig. 37). Such a pendulum is called Bohnenberger's or Kater's reversible pendulum; a large movable weight at P is moved about till the times of oscillation about 0 and P are very nearly equal, and their absolute equality is secured by the movement of a small weight on a screw in OP. Supposing this small weight is w lb, and that it is placed in OP at a distance a ft from O, and that the length of the pendulum is changed in consequence from l to l', then and "... l = 0, if * = 0 or a = l; that is, if w is placed at O or P; and the period is increased or diminished according as w is raoved below or above P. But since w is small, l’ – l will have its maximum value approximately when _ Wkº !' = Wk” + war? l = Wh’ “ T WAT ºr " treating the weight was a particle; so that a:(l − 4) or #!” – (#l — a y” has its maximum v. */-, ..? that is, when w = }l, and the weight w is then Now, when a = }l, * = -- a--, - | Wh + 4 wil Wh’ * * @ . . . . . 4 2 4------, 4-2C approximately, neglecting ſee Wºº'so that the length of the equivalent pendulum is inereased- by a fraction of itself, which is equal to a quarter of the ratio of the moments round the axis of suspension of the added weight and of the pendulum. Knife edges are employed at 0 and P, rocking on a horizontal steel plate, with a view of obtaining a fixed axis of suspension with as little friction as possible; this implies that the knife edges are sharp, but if blunted so that the radius of curvature of the edge is c, the length of the equivalent simple pendulum becomes * !' = {(h — c)* + k}/h = l — 26, approximately. 20 * Bessel's pendulum, constructed by Repsáld (fig. 37, A), is symmetrical in shape, but not in density. It is swung at the same atmospheric density in its two symmetrical positions, and its half periods (reduced to infinitely small arcs), t, and t, seconds, are noted. Supposing the pendulum weighs W lb and displaces W’ lb of air, and that h, and h, ft are the distances of the knife edges from the C.G. of the pendulum. On the assumption that the effect of the air being dragged to and fro is simply to increase the angular inertia by an amount dependent on the shape only, and on the weight of air displaced, say by W’k”, then * l, gt. W(* + h) + W.8% Tº TWh, E.W.A.T.) . ~ 1-gº-W(eir lº) + wº * ~ * TW. E.W.I.O.I.T.) Eliminating Włº and W’k”, ſº. length of the seconds pendulum is 9 = W(h? --> h,”) *-- T* W(h, t,” — he t,”) — Wº #(h, + ha) (t,” — tº) h, + h, W^\ h, + h lſ + 2 2 }l 1 — 2 — ; 2) "I 2-. * *. #(t,” + t,”) + 1(l WT) (t, t,”) h, — h, The pendulum is constructed so that ti and t, are very nearly equal, but not h, and h, ; and then the term /. W’ h, + h Al ~ W )& * tº). dº i. is small, so that h, and h, need not be known with very great accuracy, although h, + h, can be measurel with great precision as the distance between the knife edges. 81. Taking the formula T = 27tv/(l/g), and denoting by AT, Al, Ag small finite simultaneous increments of T, l, g; then \ sº * → AT - , Al Ag. = } — #: T - 2 g or, in popular language, to increase the period of a pendulum one per cent. requires two per-cent. increase in the length l, or two per cent. decrease in the value of g. * - Thus if a clock, beating seconds, loses 9 seconds in a day, the length of the pendulum must be shortened by 1800/(24 × 60 x 60) = 1/48 per cent., or by 0:008 of an inch if the pendulum is 39:14 inches long. **'. … *. ts. *r j. s. -- With a view of preserving the standard of length, it was en Z Act of Parliament, 1829, *.*.*.x hould be 39°1393 inches, sºvº- . … Yº 3. **-. º- C --> Tºw ºr: acted b that the length of a pendulum beating seconds at vel it. whence the standard yard of 36 inches could be recovered, if" Wºr When the need arose in 1834 of restoring the standard yard, destroyed by the fire at the Houses of Parliament, it was found that the difficulty of measuring accurately the distancé between the knife edges at O and P, on which the pendulum oscillated, was a drawback to the practical employment of the seconds pendulum as a standard of length. º w :* The length l is susceptible to changes of temperature; and to neutralize these changes, the gridiron pendulum was devised, consisting of iron and brass or zinc rods expanding in different directions so as to keep lunchanged; the length of each metal must therefore be inversely pro- portional to its coefficient of linear expansion. - *** To keep true time, two clocks may be employed with uncompéisated pendulums, or two watches, say a Waltham and a Waterbury watch, provided their rates are always in a known constant ratio ; a small calculation will now give the true time. For if the two clocks or watches are set originally to true time, and if their rates are always as m to n, then when the first has gained or lost a time t on the second, the true time will be mtſ (m—n) behind or in advance of the first, and ntſ (m—n) of the second. The mercurial pendulum secures the same object by having a cistern of mercury attached to the bar OP of the pendulum, and the expansion of the mercury can be made to neutrali 49-' effect of the expansion of the bar OP by regulating the quantity of mercur —the Surface of the 4 – mercury is near P, the addition or removal of a sensible quantity of mercury will not sensibly affect the period of the pendulum, by what we have just proved concerning the addition of the weight w to the pendulum, so that it is thus possible to correct this pendulum for temperature with great ease. 121 . From the accuracy with which the period of a pendulum cayſ be measured, by counting the number of vibrations in a long time by the method of coincidence; the pendulum is the most accurate instrument for comparing the value of g at different parts of the surface of the Earth, and is universally employed for this purpose. When we ascend from the Earth at sea level, either by going up a building or a mountain, or by a balloon. it is generally assumed that gravity diminishes inversely as the square of the distance from the centre of the Earth; so that one per cent. increase in the distance from the centre will cause two per cent. diminution in g, and one per cent, increase in the period of the pendulum, or one per cent. diminution in the number of vibrations in a day. Thus if we take the Earth's radius as 4,000 miles, and ascend h ft from sea level, g and the period of a pendulum will diminish 200h/(4,000 × 5,280) and 100h/(4,000:x 5,280) per cent.: thus if the pendulum beats seconds at sea level, it will lose n beats in 24 hours, given by ºn/(24 x 60 x 60) = h/(4,000 × 5,280); so that h|n = (4,000 × 5,280) -- 24 × 60 x 60) = 245. 82. By taking a pendulum down a deep mine and observing the change in the period of the pendulum, a comparison can be made between the mean density of the Earth, and the density of its crust; such experiments were carried out by Airy at the Harton coal pit, and more recently by Sterneck in a mine 1,000 metres deep. We shall employ the C.G.S. system of units in this, and other cosmopolitan problems; and denote by R the radius of the Earth in centimetres, 10° -- #7 ; by p the mean density of the Earth, and by a the density of the crust. We assume the Earth to be spherical, and arranged in concentric spherical strata of equal density; and now if g denotes the acceleration of gravity at sea level (in C.G.S. spouds) and F. denotes the weight of the Earth in g— * = 4tpKº, and g = CE/R* = 4tpCR, C denoting the gravitation constant, that is, the attraction of gravitation in dynes between two spheres, each weighing one gramme, when their centres are one centimetre apart (§ 51). Since the attraction of a spherical shell on any point in its interior in zero, it follows that if we descend a mine h cm deep, the attraction of the outer crust of the Earth, h cm thick, can be left out of account; and gº the new value of gravity in spouds, is due to the attraction on a point on its surface of a rºtºniº — h and Weight E — 4tra-Rºh; so that— " – ('ſ R. — * — * - Rſ 1 – 32 h _h)-" g’ = C(E – 4tra-Rºh)/(R – h)* = tracR(1 8. #) (l #) = 9 { + (2 sº-ºº: *}}º. p., i.e., quam proacimé). Therefore g increases 2 – 3a/p per cent. for one per cent. approach to the centre of the Earth: and therefore, if the pendulum, beating seconds, gains n beats per day of 24 hours at the bºšom of º *= the mine, : * sº==S*-* * Thus if * a/p = }, n = 21600 h/R. In these experiments a pendulum beating seconds, and called a seconds pendulum, is usually employed; the period of a seconds pendulum is therefore two seconds; and if l is the length of the pendulum, 1 = TV (l/g), or g = trºl. Thus if g = 981 (spouds), l = 99.4 cm ; very nearly one metre, and usually taken as such in practical problems. § In the Harton coal pit, 1,260 ft deep, n was found to be about 2:25, which makes alp = 0-376 : and supposing a = 2:5, this makes p = 6-6, which is considerably above the accepted value 5:576. But Prof. Haughton has shown (Phil. Mag, 1856) that by taking into account the mean elevation of the continents above sea level, the value p = 5.5 can be obtained. In a mine a kilometre deep, R/h = 10° -- #; and now if we suppose a = 2:5, p = 5.5, we shall find n = 4:32, so that great accuracy is required in these observations. f (6873) 2 I - #22 The Siemen's Bathometer is an instrument for measuring the depth of the sea, depending-on the same principles. s Attempts have also been made (Abel Bulletin de Ferussac, 1828, p. 166) to determine, by pendulum observations, the disturbing effect upon the magnitude of gravity, due to the position # º º and Sun in the sky, effects which are otherwise very noticeable in the phenomena of the Tides. Denote by M the weight of the Moon in grammes, by r its distance from the 2entre of the Earth in centimetres, and by 6 the Moon's angular Zenith distance. Then the vertical component of the change in gravity will not be, as might be supposed, the vertical component due to the Moon's attraction, but will be the difference between the accelera- tions due to the Moon's attraction in the direction of the zenith, at the point on the Earth's surface, and at the centre; and therefore the diminution of g will be given by - CM (r cos 6 — R) CM coS 6 Aq = -º- * T (=3|Rºosa IR£); 7.2 = *(oose– #) (1 — 2 R cos 6 + º'- CM cos 6 º 7” 7° 7. 7.2 - cy: (3 cos” 6 – 1), neglecting (R/r)*, while g = CE/R^; so that Ag M *-*. g T #(ºg cos” 6 – 1); and a pendulum beating seconds will lose n seconds a day, given by m/86,400 = }Ag/g. With E/M = 80, and rſt = 60, this makes ſ 2 77 – * (3 cos” 6 — 1), which is quite imperceptible. PENDULUM OSCILLATIONS UNDER A FORCE TO A FIXED POINT, WARYING AS THE DISTANCE. 83. When the pendulum OP (Fig. 36) swings inside a narrow crevasse in a gravitating sphere of uniform density, the attraction of gravity will have a single resultant directed to Q, the centre of the sphere, passing through G and proportional to £G ; acting as if ØG was the stretched portion f an elastic thread obeying Hooke's law. () 9 is follows from the fact that the attraction of a spherical shell-Qh a point in its interior in zero, but on a erior point is the same as if the shell was gondensed inte a particlvat its centre; so that at a distance r cm from the centre in the interior of the gravitating sphere, the acceleration. «»n- £2. eaaº of gravity g’ is given by- g' = 4tpCrº/r? = 47tpCr, C denoting the gravitation constant. The resultant attraction on the pendulum OP, of weight W g is therefore a force— #TpCW. Gayº. and its moment about ſº 4TpCW. C.G. CO. sin OºG = 47pCWha sin 6, if CO = a. The equation of motion cf the pendulum is thus (h” + k”) (d”6/dt’) = — 47tpCha sin 6, so that if we put g = 4tpCa, the value of gravity at the point of suspension O, then the length of the simple equivalent penduluma-isT = h -- kºſh, as at first. The crevasse must be-nārrow, and the pendulum OP must be flat and thin for gravity to vary as the distance from 6. *: w inside spherical cavity, the field of force would be uniform, and gravity would be equal to the value at the centre of the cavity, and act in parallel lines, as generally assumed on the surface •w. of the Earth. 123 84. Outside the gravitating sphere, where its attraction varies inversely as the square of the distance from the centre, the equation for the finite oscillations of a pendulum becomes intractable, and we must consider only small oscillations. Suppose the bob of a simple pendulum to swing near the ground, and that l the length of the se i thread is comparable with R, the radius of the Earth; the deviation of gravity from absolute . . . parallelism now makes itself felt, and the period is not given by 27A/(l/g), *Twº * $39 G l 1 s * 271- V ( g Hº seconds, a denoting the acceleration of grayii. e surface & Earth; this formula can be I-/ the same manner as that just employed for the pººrdulum in the crevasse, where gravity varies as the distance from a centre Q, and is directed to (ſ; outside the Earth gravity is directed to E, the Earth's centre, and for the very slight variations in its intensity, it may be supposed without error to vary as the distance from E in small oscillations. Thus the period of a pendulum of length l = R would be 27tv/(R/2g) seconds, and not 2TV/(R/g); this latter would be the period of a pendulum of infinite length, so that the bob moves in a straight line, or slides on a horizontal plane; 27tv/(R/g) seconds would be the period of a railway truck, oscillating in a perfectly straight tunnel connecting two adjacent points on the Earth's surface; moreover, if the density of the Earth was uniform, the period would be the same for any straight tunnel however long, even for a diametral tunnel. In going through such a long straight tunnel, the Channel Tunnel, for instance, the road would appear to be at first descending and at the end ascending; and the effect would be mechanically the same as if descending and ascending a tight rope, like Blondin at Niagara, in the form of a Catenary, whose directrix is the diameter of the Earth parallel to the tunnel; for s denoting the distance from the middle of the tunnel, and y the apparent gradient of the road, s = c tan \lº, the intrinsic equation of the Catenary, For a tunnel 20 miles or 32 kilometres long the gradients at the ends would appear to be about one in 400; and water reaching to the ends of the tunnel would have a head of 800 inches or 67 ft in the middle, this being the Eßsine of a chord of 20 miles in a circle of the * / i radius. A satellite grazing the surface of the earth would have the same period T = 27tv/(R/g), since g = 47°R/T', the central acceleration in a circular orbit of radius R, described in period T. As the period of the Moon is about 28 days, and its distance from the centre of the Earth about 60 R, according to Kepler's Third Law, “the squares of the periods are as the cubes of the mean distances,” the period of the grazing satellite should be about 28 + (60); days, or about i #th of a day, so that, assuming the density of the Earth uniform, a body let fall down a { diametral tunnel, or a train oscillating freely in any straight tunnel, would make 17 complete oscillations in the day; and in the diametral tunnel, the maximum velocity acquired at the centre would be the velocity of the grazing satellite, that is, 27R/T = 4 x 17 x 10° -- 86,400 = 787,000 kines: - Still considering the Earth as homogeneous, a tunnel must be cut in the form of a hypocycloid for the oscillations to obey the same law as those investigated for the cycloid in § 10; and the investigation will be found in the Principia, I; Sect. X. t As an exercise the student may prove that, if the ends of this hypocycloidal tunnel on the surface of the Earth are cut at a distance of a times the circumference measured on the great circle on the surface, where w is a fraction, the period of oscillation in this tunnel is 2M/{a (1 — wy) of the period in the diametral tunnel. 124 PENDULUM OSCILLATIONS ON A REVOLVING wheel. g” * t r 85. These oscillations can be realized practically by supposing the axis O of the pendulum OP in Fig. 36, to be fixed to a wheel and parallel to its axis, the wheel spinning with constant angular velocity m about a vertical axis. d If C is the axis of the wheel, and OA the position of the pendulum when in relative stable equilibrium, and CO = a, then with respect to co-ordinate axes Ca, Cy, through C fixed in space, the co-ordinates of G are *** a = a cos mt + h cos (mt + 6), y = a sin mt + h sin (mt + 6); and if X, Y denote in poundals, the components of the reaction of the axis O, the equations of motion are W(dºc/dt’) = X, W(d”y/dt’) = Y; and taking moments round G, Wk:(dºgſdº) = Xh sin (mt + 6) – Yh cos (mt + 9); so that, eliminating X and y, k:(dºg/dt) = h sin (mt + 6) (dºw/dº) – h cos (mt + 6) (dyſdiº) = ah (sin (mt + 6) (d” cos mtſdt") — cos (mt + 6) (d” sin mtſdº)} + hºlsin (mt + 6){d” cos (mt + 6)/dt”) — cos (mt.-- 6){d” sin (mt + 6)/dtº = — mºah sin 6 — J.”(d°6/dt”), C I’ (h’ + k”) (d”6/dt’) = — mºah sin 6, representing pendulum motion with respect to the moving radius CO, with ! =, g(h’ + k})/mºah as the length of the equivalent simple pendulum. When the axis of the wheel is horizontal and gravity comes into play in the motion of the pendulum OP, W(dºw/dt’) = X + Wg, while the other equations remain unaltered, so that (h” + k}) (d”6/dt’) = — mºah sin 6 — gh sin (mt + 9), and the motion is not comparable with that of a simple pendulum. When C is moved in a straight line with constant velocity, the pendulum OP will move with constant angular velocity; but if C moves horizontally, like a train, at starting or stopping, with constant acceleration f, the pendulum OP, movable about a vertical axis like a carriage door, will perform simple pendulum oscillations with f for g. 125 “86. When a cylinder rolls inside a horizontal cylinder, or a sphere inside a sphere, the line OP º joining the centres of the spheres or the plane through the axes of the cylinder oscillates like a - j. of a certain equivalent length l ft. - - * W. Denoting by b the radius of the fixed cylinder or sphere, the rolling cylinder or sphere will have turned through an angle (fig. 42) - - *— 1) 6 (N.B. not %) - \ a - when the line QP has turned through an angle 6 from its lowest position. - The equations of motion of the rolling body are therefore, employing the poundal as unit of force, - * - | W(0–0). = F – We sin 9 . . . . . . . . . (1) : - W(b - a); ~ R *s- Wg cos 6 . . • * > . . . . . . (2) wº – i); E - Fa \ , * * . • . V - - (3) -- \a diº Eliminating F between (1) and (3), < *. W(b — a) Jºž T W ...(b * 4). — Wg sin 6, • * * - *\tº - ... . iOr - -. 0-0 +% = – g sin 6 ; and comparing this with the pendulum equation ($ 74) 'i = – g sin 6, - - Å;2 -o-50 ++) the length of the simple equivalent pendulum. Then equation (2) determines R, the pressure between the bodies in contact. To prevent slipping, teeth may be cut on the surfaces in contact, When the fixed cylinder or sphere is in neutral equilibrium on a horizontal axis through O, about which it is capable of turning, this motion is slightly modified by the yielding inertia. Denoting by MK” the M.I. about the axis through O, and q, the angle it has turned back, the equation of motion is - º - - - - ºv, dºd - Mkº – Fº, while Weſſ” – ). | **śl F . - {{. 1). # * - Fa, and W (b — a º = F — Wg sin 6. - Eliminating F and dºd/dt from these equations, we find d°9 a * /h . ... = -; sin 6, 2 D J l, h - 1 +...+}}. Where i = (b — a - o a) - 1. b% W/62 - 1 + q2 MKZ representing pen dulum motion of simple equivalent length a (6878) - 2 K. KINETIC ENERGY. 87. The K.E. (kinetic energy) of a single particle, weighing m lb, and having component * ... tº da dy dz \,...; velociti ‘..., “..., “... b tooines in jº tº being 'da' , dy” #m. —t- 2 : " : | Clt? + (ſt? * therefore the K.E. of a whole system of particles y 'da' , dy” dzº). T = } - —tº — ?' smſ Glt? (ſt? + †) = }X. ***) ". . ***). ***) 2 m{ Clt +( dt + ( dt / J y dt? + dt? + dź2. *- # da” dy” ) dz” l ------ ~ * - - - -ºs- + Psm (i. + i + #) since Xma' = 0, Xmy' = 0, Xma' = 0. if w, y, z denotes the C.G. Therefore the K.E. of a material system may be divided into two parts :- (i) The K.E. of its collective weight W or Xm, moving with the velocity of the C.G. of the system. - (ii) The K.E. of the system relative to the C.G. The K.E. of a bursting shell is thus the K.E. before bursting and K.E. due to explosion. The K.E. of a cylinder or pair of wheels rolling along a plane is - - - da,” 062 - d?” |W * d?? + VK” - k?yday? * Or ywſ 1 + jºin ft-poundals, while the K.E. of a train is— - Æ2\ \ day? - l W - . A – – 1" * ANO ºf (M + (1 +.) dº?” ft poundals A locomotive engine does not therefore require a heavy fly-wheel, as the whole train serve as a store of energy, provided however the driving wheels do not slip. * , , - This assumes that the K.E. of a body, rotating with angular velocity d6/dt round an axis about . which the M.I. is Wk” (lb-ft”) is— #Wk”(d6/dt)* (ft-poundals), or #Wk*(d6/dt)*/g (ft-pounds); as already proved (§ 64); while the K.E. of translation of the C.G., with velocity vſ/s, is #Wv” (ft-poundals) or #Wv°/g (ft-pounds). - 127 THE PRINCIPLE OF ENERGY, 88. “The increase of K.E. of a material system is equal to the work done by the forces of the system, as the system passes from the initial to the final configuration.” - * " * , This has already been proved in § 57 for a single particle, and is therefore true for the system of par Gles, but the principle may be proved independently. Taking the first three equations of motion of the system— d’a d”y d”z ſº Xm :: = XX, Xm. dź T XY, Xm dº? T XZ; dº? *, * d. d’a dy d”y d2 #) * ( da: dy %) therefore sm (#####4 ## = X. x - Y }+ zº) Integrating with respect to t, da,” a dy” d2? \ \ l * --- — l = cº £3m(#. +-ji, + #) > ſexas + Yay + Zdz) + H Then if q denotes the final velocity of a particle, and q, its initial velocity, #2mq* – #2mgo” = 2ſ (X da + Yay + Zdz), Or T – T = W, the work done on the system. This equation is called the equation of energy, and it is an integral of the equations of motion, which in most cases can be immediately written down. 128. MOTION OF A systEM UNDER IMPULSES. 89. Considering for simplicity the motion of a system in two dimensions (plane motion), the equations of motion may be written - . A- . . . --- - t d dº – sv y ... xm # => x. º ; f . ... Sm # =>Y, -d dy . da, — S Y — v. KY— - . g’ g g f gy - d e is a s - t # Integrating with respect to the time t, denoting º and # by w and v, and them initial values. Đ () | when t = Ö), by uo and vo; then Xmu – Xmu, = s|xa, Xinv - Żmº = s| Ydt, If we suppose the finite and incessant forces X, Y indefinitely increased, and the time t for which they act indefinitely diminished, such applied forees produce what are called instantaneous or impulsive forces, or impulses, the impulse being measured by the momentum generated or destroyed. i The duration of an impulse is supposed so short that although the velocities of the system, have undergone a finite change, the configuration of the system has not sensibly ehanged: so that we may neglect the influence of any finite forees simultaneously acting. Now denoting the impulses ſ Xdt and ſ Ydt by X, and Y, 30 0 - then, supposing the body not to have sensibly changed its position, ſey – y X).dt = a Yi — y X; so that the equations of motion for impulses are >mu - >mu, = XX . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) Xme — Xmv, = 2. Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Sm(zo – yu) — Sm(ºr, -yu.) = x(cy, — yx) . . . . . . . . (3) As before in the equations for finite forces, equations (1) and (2) may be written v v. Sl W. * - / - hence the motion of the C.G. of the system is the same as if all the weight and all the impulses were collected at the C.G.; and the motion of the C.G. is unaffected by any internal explosions, Again, by changing to a moving origin at the C.G., equation (3) becomes transformed to Xm(w'v' — yºu') — Xm(w'v', - y'u',) = X(a/Y, - y’X), and hence the motion relative to the C.G. is the same as if the C.G. were fixed. 129 We notice that if no forces act in a given fixed direction, say Oa, the momentum is constant In that direction during the motion; this is called the Principle of the Conservation of Linear Momentum. &*. Also if the forces have no moment about a certain fixed axis, say O2, the angular momentum about that axis remains constant; this is called the Principle of the Conservation of Angular Momentum. *. ~ * These two principles, in conjunction with the Principle of the Conservation of Energy, are in general sufficient to solve most dynamical problems. 90. The Angular Momentum of a System about an Awis, just employed, is defined to be the sum of the moments of momentum of the particles of the system about the axis; and thus about the axis Oz is Xm(av — yu). For the components of momentum of the particle at w, y, weighing m lb, being mu, no (second-poundals) their moment about the axis Oz, perpendicular to the plane, a Oy, is ºn v.a. — mu. y ( du #) E 7/2. ſº -º- - d; T & di For a rigid body, rotating about the fixed axis Oz, --~~~-sºº —/, where r is constant, and d6/dt the same for all the particles; so that QM = da, E - 7° sin 6 d6 dt dº.” — dº — d6 d6) d av — wu = r^ “: : and we – yu = r is so that the angular momentum is— d6 d6 2 * = 2 ºz. Xmr dt WAE dt Denoting the angular velocity d6/dt by o, and its initial value by too, equation (3) becomes w Wkºo — WKºo, = Xw(a Y — yx,) = N, , suppose, where N, denotes the moment of the applied impulses about Oz. Hence the change in angular velocity— tº- Ni moment of impulses about axis WAE2 27 inertia e a – on = 25 This equation is sufficient to determine the motion of a rigid body, set in motion about a fixed axis by given impulses, for instance, the (6873) 2 L BALLISTIC PENDULUM. 91. This was invented by Robins (1740), for determining the velocity of bullets (and cannon balls). It consists of a large pendulum provided with an iron plate, or a box filled with sand; the bullet strikes the iron plate, or the ball penetrates the box of sand; and the diluted velocity of the , pendulum and projectile carries the pendulum through a certain angle, which is measured, and %( & thence the velocity of the projectile is inferred (fig. 43). . . . . . . . . . — 2. Denote by W lb the weight of the pendulum; Whº (lb-ft”) its M.I. about the axis of suspension; h ft the distance of G the C.G. from the axis O ; w lb the weight of the bullet or cannon ball, u f/s its horizontal striking velocity, and a ft the depth below the axis at which it strikes the pendulum, aſ the angular velocity communicated to the pendulum. Then Wk,”o = moment of impulse about-O = wwa, Or • = *. - Wk,” If the pendulum swings back through an angle 2, then the C.G. is raised h vers a ft; and by the Principle of Energy the work required to raise W lb through h vers 2 ft vertical, Wh vers a foot-pounds, must be equal to the kinetic energy of the pendulum in its lowest position, which is #Whºo”/g foot-pounds. Therefore #Wk,”o°g = Wh vers a Or o” = #: Vel"S 6. l w”u%a.” 2gh wº T Fº VéI'S O. 2 2 #u” = W. º: gh vers & QM, E w ºvg.)? sin #2, so that if the point A on the pendulum pulls out a graduated tape AB through a clip at A, and we denote OA by a, then AB = 2a sin #2, and * - - – e. QU) ſº Q. so that u is proportional to AB; and thus a uniformly graduated tape will serve to read off the striking velocities. - Strictly speaking, when the ball remains imbedded in the box, WK,” must be increased by wa”, but this correction is practically insensible. - Sometimes the gun itself is slung in a pendulum, then-ealled the Gun Pendulum, and the muzzle velocity of the shot is inferred from the angle of recoil of the Gun Pendulum ; but this method is not susceptible of accuracy, because it is found that the blast of the powder vitiates the records (fig. 44). - - Denote by X, the forward horizontal impulse on the pendulum at the axis of suspension, then X1 +. wu = momentum communicated to W lb collected at G = Who, Who , (YT X, − cu ('''“ – 1 \ it'll f wh \ Tºrº wnſ 1. ) ; k,” so that X) = 0, and there is no impulse on the axis, if w = kºſh = l, the length of the simple equivalent pendulum. * • The point P at which the ball should be aimed is thus found practically by suspending a plummet P by a fine thread from O, and altering the length of the thread till the plummet and the pendulum synchronize in their oscillations; in this way the centre of percussion of a sword or of a cricket bat can be found. The point P is now called the Centre of Percussion, while the corresponding axis throngh. O is called the Avis of Spontaneous Rotation; and we notice that () and P are connected by ... actly the sanne law as that for Centres of Suspension and of Oscillation in § 74. • .*N. ” ºf 131 It must be noticed, however, that although X remains the same for different positions of P, the points aimed at in a line parallel to the axis, there is also a different impulse couple on the axis, which may, however, sometimes be made to vanish. . . . . . . . . - Thus if a door is brought up by a stop on the floor, the impulses on the hinges are unequal. 92. Suppose a symmetrical body, say an armour plate, suspended by chains, is struck normally by a shot; if the shot passes through G, the C.G. of the plate, the plate will recoil without rotation; but if the shot strikes at a point P vertically below G, the plate will revolve instantaneously about a horizontal axis through O, the Spontaneous Axis of Rotation, such that OG. GP = P, ... • where # refers to the parallel axis through G (fig. 45). : . . . . . For if U is the linear horizontal velocity communicated to G by the impulse wiſand o the angular velocity communicated about the axis through G, then - WU = ww, Wk?o = ww. GP; so that * k?a = U. G.P.” Produce PG to 0, and suppose O is the centre of instantaneous rotation; then the velocity of O being zero, - (t) . OG = U = kºoſ(3P, so that OG . GP = k?. If the body is now free to move, and is under no forces, for instance if it is struck so that the instantaneous axis is vertical, and that it moves on a smooth sheet of ice, G will continue to move horizontally with velocity U, while the body will continue to revolve with constant angular velocity of the centre of instantaneous rotation will then move along the parallel line OO', ºra-CD the subsequent motion can be represented by rolling the circle GO fixed in the body on the i straight line OO/fixed in space, so that the centre G moves with constant velocity U; any point of the body thus describes a Trochoid. - A body suspended by two or more equal, parallel, vertical chains or threads can be made to serve as a Ballistic Pendulum, if fired at horizontally so that the shot passes through or near the C.G.; the length of the simple equivalent pendulum is now the length of a chain or thread. Thus an impromptu gun pendulum may be made by suspending a rifle by two equal threads fig. 46). , - (fig For large projectiles the Ballistic Pendulum is now superseded by electric screens and chronographs; but the Pendulum is still useful for measuring the velocity of small arm bullets, which are apt to miss or be deflected by the wires of a screen. EXAMPLES.—(1.) A smooth vertical screw with flat ends is placed with its axis vertical on a smooth horizontal table, and a nut on the screw descends from rest under gravity. Investigate the motion, and examine what ensues when the nut impinges on the table. \ (2.) Work out the motion of a projectile in the bore of a gun with uniform rifling, powder pressure, and friction—(i) when the gun can turn round in a collar (ii) when fixed; and find when the copper driving bands will begin to slip. (3.) Two equal rods are freely jointed together, and lie on a frictionless table, extended so as to form one line; show that if an end of one of the rods is struck at right angles to its len heir mi ints and the joint will start off with velocities in the ratios of 5: – 4: — 1. will take up 3 times as much energy as it if the joints were made rigid. (4.) A freely-jointed regular hexagon lying on a smooth horizontal plane is struck at one corner towards the centre; show that the initial angular velocities of the sides are in the ratio 10 : 22 : 1. (5.) Determine the velocity with which a railway truck must strike a fixed obstacle so that a rectangular body resting in it may just be turned over about an edge; and determine the horizontal and vertical components of the reaction at the edge, both impulsive and finite (instantaneous and incessant). z 132. C. THE'STEADyºmotion OF A TOP OR GYROSTAT/ANP-45 3. MQTºeN-er-in-Erie Reºrºl). EROJECT:#E. & º, º ... < 93. When a Top spins steadily about a fixed point O, so that the axis OC describes a right. circular eone round the vertical OZ as axis, at a constant inclination a to the ºvertical, the instan- taneous axis of rotation Oſ describes a right circular cone IOZ round OZ, as axis in space, and a . right circular cone IOC round OC as axis in the body; and the motion of the Top can be imitated,”.40". by rolling the cone IOC on the cone IOZ (fig. 47). - Tº ºa- If we denote the angle IOC by 8, and the component angular velocity about OC by r, then the resultant angular vettetty, which is about OI, is re r sec & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) This depends upon a Theorem or Lemma, called the PARALLELOGRAM OF ANGULAR WELOCITIES. Lemma. “If OP, OQ represent the component angular velocities of a body about the axes OP, OQ, the resultant angular velocity is represented by OR, the diagonal of the parallelogram OPRQ” (fig. 48). The proof is exactly the same as that required in Statics, for showing that the sum of the moments of two forces in a plane, about any axis perpendicular to the plane, is equal to the moment of their resultant. For if I denotes any point in the plane POR, and Ip, Iq, Ir are drawn perpendicular to OP, OQ, OR, then the velocity of I, upwards from the plane, due to the angular velocities OP, OQ IS OP. Ip + O.Q. Iq = 2 A IOP + 2 AIOR and this, as in Statics, = 2 AIOR = OR. Ir, so that this velocity of I is due to the single angular velocity OR; which is therefore the resultant of OP and ()0. - A machine has been devised by the Rev. F. Smith for illustrating the composition of angular velocities, consisting of a sphere resting on two pairs of rollers, which can be turned so as to impart the component angular velocities. N.B.-In representing an angular velocity by a vector OR, we draw OR along the axis of rotation, of length proportional to the angular velocity, and in the direction such that OR is the direction of advance of a right-handed screw, due to the rotation. The component angular velocity about the axis OA. in the vertical plane ZOC perpendicular to the axis OC, will therefore be ºr tan £8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Now OC, OA being principal aves of the Top, and C, A denoting the M.I. of the Top about these axes, the components of Angular Momentum about OC, OA are Cr, Artan & ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) while the resultant angular momentum will be about an axis OH in the plane AOC, making an angle y with OC, such that Artan B A *::: * =% tan 8 . . . . . . . . . . (4) tan y = and the magnitude of the resultant angular momentum about OH will be Cr see y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) These equations (3), (4), (5) depend on a second Lemma or Theorem called the PARALLELOGRAM OF ANGULAR MOMENTA. Lemma. “If OP, OQ represent the components of angular momentum of a body about the axes OP, OQ, the resultant angular momentum is represented by OR, the diagonal of the parallelo- gram OPRQ.” The proof is the same as for angular velocities. , 133 Now let a denote the angular velocity of the vertical plane. ZOC about the vertical axis. OZ in the steady motion of the Top. ‘. --- * . The velocity of C will therefore be OC sin a . g . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) But the velocity of C, considered as due to the component angular velocity r tan 8 about 0A, is also given by OC. r tan & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) so that rtan 8 = p sin a . . . . . . . . . . . . (8) Representing the resultant angular momentum Cr secºy by the vector OH, then the velocity of H is equal to the impressed couple, due to gravity, which acts about an axis perpendicular to the plane ZOC. This follows from a third Lemma, which asserts that. * Lemma, “If OH represents the angular momentum of a dynamical system, then the velocty of H is equal to the impressed couple.” A For the impressed couple, K suppose, generates in the element of time dt the angular momentum Kdt about its axis; and this by the second Lemma, changes the angular momentum from OH to OH', where HH’= Kdt; so that the *. §§ K = lt # = velocity of H, and the axis of the couple K is parallel to the direction of motion of H. In the motion of the Top, the axis of the impressed couple is horizontal, and H therefore describes a horizontal plane. y Suppose for instance that OH represents H, the resultant angular momentum of a dynamical system, making an angle 6 with OZ ; and suppose that L, M, N, represent the components of the impressed couple K (i) L about OH, * £ (ii) M about an axis perpendicular to OH in the plane ZOH, (iii) N about an axis perpendicular to the plane ZOH. Then the third Lemma leads to the three equations : . . . . ) | _ d'H J L = } _ II d6 M = H . N = Hsin 6%, dt if # denotes the angular velocity of the plane ZOH about the vertical OZ, . In the steady motion of the Top, L and M vanish, and * = p ; so that N = velocity of H, = Cr sec y : usin (a — y), = Crp (sin a – cos a tan y), = Cr A sin a – Ar p cos a tan 8, == Cr A sin a – A u” cos a sin a . . . . . . . . . . . (8) by means of (4) and (8). Now in the Top the impressed couple N is due to gravity, and is the moment about O of W poundals acting vertically downwards through the centre of gravity G; so that, denoting Öğ by h, N = Wgh sin a . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) Replacing N in equation (9) by this value, and dropping the common factor sin a, whith equated to zero would mean that the Top was spinning with its axis vertical, Wgh = Crg – Ap” cos a. . . * * * * , a e (u) (6873) 2 M ºf 34, Solving this equation as a quadratic in p, Wgh Cr * pi* — *see a - - – - Sec ox, A Cr \2 C24.2 4AWah * ( -āº) -: *-(º-tºo- •) C 4AWah •=}ºs ( ; V( – .# **) • . . . . . . . (12) * The minimum value of r for real values of p. given by C*r = 4 AWGh cos a ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) for smaller values of the angular velocity r, the Top cannot spin steadily at this inclination a to the vertical. tºy For instance, a Top cannot cannot spin steadily in the upright vertical position if the angular velocity is less than 2V (AWGh/C*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) We notice that when (12) gives two distinct real values, p and A', and when S and S', 'y and y' are the corresponding values of 3 and y; then tan 8 + tan 8 = | tan a Wgh tan £8 tan £8' = Arº (Sec c. — cos 2), fan y + tan y' = tan a, AWGh tan y tan y' = C24.2 (sec 2 — cos a). Thus in the limiting case when p = p/, 8 = 8', y = 'y', we find tan y = }, tan a. +35 94. A similar procedure will enable us to determine the steady motion of any solid of revolution, spinning and rolling with its axis at a constant inclination a to the vertical, on a horizontal plane or on a fixed vertical surface of revolution, while its C.G. describes a horizontal circle (fig. 49). As examples we may take a coin, a hoop, a wheel (as in military sports), a cask, a wineglass, and finally an elongated projectile in the air. \ * * * Suppose the point of contact I describes in space a horizontal circle, centre O' and radius a, and in the body a circle, centre Q and radius y, while G describes a horizontal circle, centre H and radius b, and a denotes the distance GQ. * * * Producing the axis CG to meet the vertical line O'H in O, then OI will be the instantaneous axis of rotation; and the motion of the body can be produced by rolling the right circular cone IOC, fixed in the body, on the right circular cone IOO', fixed in space. Denoting by R the upward vertical normal reaction of the horizontal plane, and by F the horizontal frictional constraint, expressed in poundals, then with the above notation,the dynºmical equations of the motion of G are .# Wbu? = F, Wg = R; and the impressed couple about G N = F.O'H – R (a – b) = Wbu” . O’H – Wg (a — b) ; and this, by equation (9), = Cr a sin a – A pºcos a sin à, where A, C, now denote the moments of inertia of the body about GA, G.C. But O'H = a cos a + y sin a, a —b = y cos a — a sin a ; so that this equation of steady motion becomes {A cos a sin a + Wö (a cos 2 + y sin 2)} p.” - Cru sin a = Wg (a — b) = Wg (y cos 2 - a sin x) . . . . . . . . (15) We see that the body describes a circular motion if left to itself; to keep it moving in a straight line, a controlling force must be applied. Thus to keep the gun-wheel moving in a straight line, a downward pressure must be exerted on the upper side of the nave, or an upward pressure on the lower side, so adjusted as to be in equilibrium with WQ downwards through G and R upwards through I, So also with a hoop controlled by a stick or hooked rod, - 136 r - l - - º º "...ºf • ". . . . . . . * * £2b -- - THE STABILITY OF MOTION OF AN ELöNGATED PROJECTILE. . " º' 95. In the steady motion of a projectile in a medium, such as the air, the C.G. of the projectile. , describes a helix round an axis, when acted upon by no impressed forces; and now the couple N is due to the effect of the displacement of the surrounding medium. *g Suppose the projectile weighs W lb ; then when the surrounding medium is absent, the inertia of the body is measured by W, and is the same in all directions. , But when the medium is present, the inertia to change of motion will be different in, differen directions, and will depend on the external shape of the projectile and upon W’, theºweight of medium displaced. A 4." Taking an elongated projectile, the inertia to broadside motion is obviously greater than the inertia to motion in the direction of the axis; we may denote the inertia in these two directions by c, and c, such that if u and w denote the corresponding component velocities of G, the total Inomenta of body and medium in these directions GA, GC are (fig. 50) f z cru and cºw, while # clu” + , cºw” tſa. is...}otal K.E. of the motion of the body and of the medium, expressed in foot-poundals suppose, die to the motion of translation of G, unaccompanied by rotation. But if the Body-ha àngúlar velocities p and Tr about GA and GC, and the corresponding components of the angular momentum of the system are c, p and cºr, the total K.E. of the system will be * * * l, , , ,2 l 2 l 2 2 # c,” + # cºw + # 64 p + cººr”. f We may put *—ºr Cl W | W/ Q, W H W’ 'y, va”/ ºr ºf where a, y are certain numbers depending on the external shape of the body. Now it is proved in Treatises on Dynamics (Thomson and Tait, Vatural Philosophy, $ 335), that when the body has these component velocities w and w, the reaction of the surrounding medium on the body is a couple, tending to set the axis of figure at right angles to the general - direction of motion, of magnitude, N == (e. * ca) 71?U. The effect of this couple is illustrated by the tendency of a ship under insufficient weigh to fail into the trough of the sea broadside on to the waves. On the other hand a flattened oblate body, like a plate or piece of paper, a quoit, or a card- board disc, in which c, - c, sets its plane horizontal in falling through water or air. We take GZ as the direction of the initial impulse of projection ; and now if the m taken as frictionless, and no forces are supposed to act, the Principle of the Conservation of Momentum shows that, if the axis GC is inclined at an angle a to GZ, c, u = F sin a, ium is cºw = F cos a, where F denotes the resultant impulse; C., 21 tan z = -li ; Oil %20 C while the couple due to the medium N = (c. – c.) tº wº tan a. Cl Introducing this value of N in equation (9), and dropping the factor sin a, which equated to zero would imply perfect centering, -\ “3 ...? :) (c) – c.); w” sec 2 = cºrp – c.1% cos 2. Cl __--"- Here cº denotes the M.I. of the projectile about its axis GC, as the corresponding angular r can exist without setting the medium in motion. But c, denotes the M.I. of the projectile about the axis GA, increased by a certain amount due to the stirring up of the surrounding medium; so that ce = W.K.", while c. - Wł,” + W’k”, where k” depends only on the shape of the projectile. Therefore the least admissible value of , for which this steady motion is possible is given by 7.2 (? - :-- 4(c. -º- ca) : - * * s • º ºf º e º º g * (16) 2 1 °6 187 If the projectile has been projected from a gun in which the rifling at the muzzle makes one turn in n calibres, a screw of pitch n calibres, and if the final angle of the rifling is 8, and the călibre is d, then to secure this minimum value of r, 2 2 2 tanº & = 1. =# = * 72 20* c. c, d” - (e. tº-ºw es) Y3 # C1 Cé NW - Wy(Wk.” -- W’kº)d? A = W( – ’) Wºwºwº, W. k,”d”, =w (- - )*::::. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) neglecting powers of W’ſW above the first, as is allowable when the surrounding medium is. air. . * * If then we can determine for a body the values of a and y, or a – y, we can determine the theoretical values of £8 and n, requisite for stability in flight. d e But so far the only body for which the values of a and y have been determined is the ellipsoid, values discovered by George Green (Researches in the Vibration of Pendulums in Fluid Media, 1833); and when the ellipsoid is of revolution, Green finds that A C * = ATU 7 = ga. where O2 d’A C 1 C 2: = -> h-l - 9 A j O (a” + A)(c” + X)* a"(cº - a”) ( c” — a?); COS Q. Gº d’A 2 2 C - = — — — — —r -------, cosh’--, ſ, (a' + X)(c’ +x); c(c” – a”) + (c’ – a”); COS 0. so that 2A + C = #. (LºC Here 2c, 2a denote the major and the minor axes of the ellipsoid; denoting them as usual by l and d, and putting lſd = a, the length of the projectiles in calibres, then \ *— — 1 -l º, , ) º 22 – 1 (º-I); cosh