YA 27 . '. . REM Y ** . . . A ) . MU . . . * ta ... 2 . ." . LO .. SA 2 . . ah F . • . . . Y Wir : .. . . : * Pe . ' 11 . 1. " . . ri ( . " ** ! 1 . y ! 1 WY * . s hi S. . 1 is . S. .. . ; ; . . . .. ". . . i . . ' - . - , . * HD 879 .B52 A 45 . . TAX ** . . 1 . . . S . . . " D 402582 DUPL LI . . . . . FX 1894 2 3 . . . . . : : E . . .. .. . de asem ::..; . . . BENgal Dept of kand Records and Agriculture, ....a . . SURVEY AND SETTLEMENT . - · -- OF THE SRINAGAR-BANAILI ESTATES, 1887–1894. 11.:. sii 5 TY OF JERSITY TERSITI JE UNIV. REHy TTGAN KARTK CIENTES JIGAN.S IAVE M. THE MBRARIES HP 879 В52 А-5 /824 617746-234 1. No. 875}A, dated Calcutta, the 24th September 1892. From-J. A. BOURDILLON, Esq., Offg. Secretary to the Board of Revenue, L.P., To-The Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. I AM directed to submit the accompanying copy of a letter from the Director of the Department of Land Records and D. R. LYALL, Esq., C.S.I. Agriculture, Bengal, No. 1280T.A., dated 9th August 1892, and enclosures, on the subject of errors which have been dis- covered in the record of rights relating to the Srinagar-Baneili estates, and to say that the Board agree that, if possible, Babu Barhamdeo Narayan should be recalled and placed on duty as suggested by the Director in paragraph 2 of his letter. 2. The Legal Remembrancer has been asked for an expression of his opinion on the latter point raised in paragraph 3 of Mr. Macpherson's letter in regard to the legality of altering the settlement records in the manner suggested. 3. The Collectors of the other districts to which the survey extended have been called on to report whether similar confusion in the rocords has been detected in their districts. i 4. The Board think it better, not to enter into details at present pending the receipt of any explanation which the Deputy Collector may give, but so far it certainly appears that the work has been far from well done. The fact that it is possible for a doubt to exist as to what was the final record published under section 105 (2) of the Tenancy Act shows a lamentable want of care in the framing of the records which the Board can only characterise as discreditable to the officers concerned. 5. The Director has been asked to accelerate the submission of the final report in this case. No. 1280T.A., dated Calcutta, the 9th August 1892. From-W.C. MACPHERSON, Esq., C.s., Offg. Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal, To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Provinces. In continuation of my letter No. 1189TA, dated 23rd July 1892, I have the honour to forward, for the information and orders of the Board, copy of a letter No. 1151R, dated 30th June 1892, from the Commissioner of Bhagalpur, on the subject of errors i the record of rights relating to the Srinagar-Baneili estates, and of my inspection notes recorded at Bhagalpur from the 25th to 26th July 1892. I beg to invite the attention of the Board to the following matters on which orders are required. 2. Iilentification of the record of rights finally published under section 105 (2) of the Tenancy Act and rule 34 of the Government rules.- I propose in paragraph 29 of my inspeotion notes that one of the late Assistant Settlement Officers be appointed to examine the record of every village dealt with in the settlement proceedings, and to certify in the case of each Village, if necessary, after taking the affidavit of the Kanungo who made the final publication under Rule 34 of Chapter VI of the Government Rules under the Tenancy Act, which series of khatians and kñewats was actually finally published and constitutes the binding record of rights. It will be observed form paragraphs 24 to 26 of my inspection notes that after examination of the record bundle of mauza Bangaon I was unable to satisfy myself which of three series of khatians was finally published under Rule 34. I am inclined to think that Babu Barhamdeo Narayan, late Assistant Settlement Officer, should be recalled from furlough for this work, or that he should be ordered to do it while on furlough. The records of this settlement bave been deposited in the Bhagalpur, Monghyr, Bhagalpur ... 189 villages. Purnea, Darbhanga and Malda Collectorates, Monghyr as the villages settled are situated in these Purnea Malda districts. Over 600 villages were settled. I am Darbhanga (1,350 acres). unable to say how long it would taken an oficer to make the necessary examination with a view to recording the proposed certificates. It is quite possible that in many of the records there will be no such doubt as exists in the case of mauza Bangaon. The officer employed should be an officer familiar with the Kaithi character. 3. Correction of the final records so as to give proper effect to sulehnamas, judgments and decrees and correction of decrees so as to give proper effect to judgments. This matter is discussed in Mr. Wace's letter No. 535G, dated 9th June 1892, and in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Commissioner's covering letter of 30th June 1892. I would recommend that in the first place the opinion of the Legal Remembrancer be obtained as to whether it will be legal to appoint à Settlement Officer (1) to bring the finally published khatians into accordance boen Waite on furlondd be recalled to think that " 125 141 99 150 606 can be correct Collector oder applicationon application and Assis with the judgments and decrees, or (2) to correct decrees so as to give proper effect to judgments, or to do both... I would suggest that the Legal Remembrancer should be asked at the same time to advise, with reference to sections 107 and 109 of the Tenancy Act, what legal force, if any; belongs to incorrect entries in a khatian which have been the subject of dispute before the Settlement Officer. The Commissioner of Bhagalpur, Mr. Quinn, has expressed to me his opinion that such incorrect entries cannot prevail against the actual decision of the Settlement Officer. It is the decision of the Settlement Officer and not the khatian entry that has the - force of a decree. In this opinion I beg to express my concurrence. Nevertheless, it is desirable that incorrect khatian entries should be corrected if this can be legally done, so as to bring them into accordance with facts found and decisions given by the Settlement Officer up to the date of the final publication under rule 34. If the Legal Remembrancer should hold that khatians finally published under rule 34 can be corrected otherwise then under the order of the Special Judge, I would recommend that a Deputy Collector of the regular staff in each of the five districts named be appointed Settlement Officer to consider applications that may be presented within a reasonable period for correction of decrees and khatians on application of parties, so as to bring them into accordance with the decisions of the Settlement Officer and Assistant Settlement Officer. If such correction should involve a large amount of work, the district officer could apply hereafter for a special officer. 4. Correction of incorrect entries in copies of the khatians or parchas issued to landlords and tenants.—Mr. Quinn makes recommendation on this subject in paragraph 4 of his letter of 30th June. - When copies are voluntarily brought to the Collectorate record-room for comparison with the record ascertained to be the record finally published under rule 34, or with the record as it may be corrected under the proposals made in the last paragraph, I think that no difficulty need be made in correcting an incorrect copy under the signature of the Deputy Collector in charge of the Collector's record-room so as to bring it into accord with the final record. I am not prepared to advise, however, on the information before me that any general steps be taken to call in copies of khatians for the purpose of comparison. DIARY. Saturday, 23rd July 1892.-Left Calcutta for Bhagalpur by 2-12 P.M. train from Howrah. Sunday, 24th July 1892.- Arrived at Bhagalpur early this morning. Monday, 25th July 1892.-Inspected records in the Collectorate of Banaili-Srinagar settlement; met the Collector, the Manager of the Srinagar Estate, and the new Superintendent of the Banaili Estate, and discussed the difficulties with regard to the settlement records. Tuesday, 26th July 1892.-Continued inspection of the settlement records. Conferred with the Commissioner about settlement matters. Left for Calcutta by midnight train. Wednesday, 27th July 1892.- Arrived at Calcutta. W.C. MACPHERSON, Offg. Director of the Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. CALCUTTA, The 27th July 1892. INSPECTION NOTES, &c., ON RECORDS OF THE SRINAGAR-BANAILI SETTLEMENT. BHAGALPUR COLLECTORATE, 25TH AND 26TH JULY 1892. WITH reference to Commissioner of Bhagalpur's letter No. 1151R, dated 30th June • 1892, I this morning made an inspection of the records of the Srinagar-Banaili settlement deposited in the Bhagalpur Collectorate record-rooms, Only the records of villages which belong to the Bhagalpur district are deposited in the Bhagalpur record-room. 2. I find that the record bundles occupy six shelves of rack No. 14 in the Colleotorate record-room. In an almirah there are a large number of bound volumes which are spoken of as being fair copies of the finally published khewats and khatians, but which appear to me, after examination of the record of mauza Chandrain, to be at least in some cases the finally- published records themselves. In a large steel box are the settlement maps bound in volumes. 3. These record bundles and bound volumes and maps have been coming into the Collectorate record-room from February 1891 to March 1892. None have come since March 1892, when the settlement proceedings ended. 4. Five parganas were under settlement in Bhagalpur, viz., Dhapar, Uttarkand, Khub- khand, Narsingpur Koar, and Chain. The records of Dhapar were received all at one time, but were sent back to Purnea on being called for by the Settlement Officer. They were then again received back complete. In the case of the other parganas, record bundles came in instalments for some villages at one time and for some at another time. With the records came mauzawar lists in the following form :- ( 8 ) સૂિર્ણસી ગોલવાના મિસ લો શાળાને વલોવસી મૌના ચહ્યાળ 0% પાળે પુષ્પ૭ ના છે વાવી . સળ ૨૪૪ ૦૨ Fihrist Goshwara of the Settlements, Records and papers of Mauża Chandrain, Mahal Telhar, Pargana Khubkhand. - . - - મુવન સુમારી ગામ જાળા યા સઈ શાહ નથી. Serial number. Particulars of papers. Number of records. થિી REMARKS. - | મોસ૩ મિસિહ હકૂવી lie., Demarcation misl.) (Here are entered the file numbers of the cases.) શિ. વાળી સિવાળો. (Disputes record.) છે. મોજમાળ વમવનો.. |(Regular suits, record of.) ૫ 0 5 છે. વલોવી- (Settlement record.) (e) (વી) (સો) = (Khewat) ... 6 બેસના પૈમાશી સિલિન.. (Khasra of cadastral survey.) 2 ટસ બજશો (Trace of the map.) ઇ મિળ અસામીવાન (Terij asamiwar.) ૧s | Íીન (Khatian) - નાથો ! | ળ શરૃાા હજૂર .. (Jild safiyat hakuk.) શા માટે ' . ' સેલ દસાણી મોક્રળ a 2 ( 4.) ? 5. On receipt of the records the record-keeper had them entered in a register, which was opened in Hindi in the following form: - 1 Serial number. Tauzi number, . Name of mahal. Number of all cases, suits and objectious. Name of mauza. Demarcation record. Regular suits (number of). Dispute record. Settlement record. Klasra of cadastral survey. Pargana. Register bandobast babat riaiyi, 2.C., the volume containing the record-of-rights. pakuk Terij aga miwar. Name of plaintiff. Name of defendant. Khewat. Map. Khatian, REMARKS, o hos ng co o e e ... 6. I now take the record of Chandrain mauza, one of the villages which is mentioned in the list appended to the Commissioner's letter. The records of this village were sent to the Collectorate in April 1891. The mauzawar list pientioned in my paragraph 4 shows the following contents of the record bundle:- . Demarcation record Disputes record None. Regular suits 75, with particulars of file number. Settlement records 3 (A, B, and C). Khewat None. Khasra of cadastral survey Trace naksha None. Terij asamiwar None. Khatians Jild taeded hakuk (i.e., volume of particulars of rights) A to be kept for ever. 7. I examined the settlement records A, B and C. It was divided into bundles A, B and C in the settlement office. g 12 years. copy for the main a publicatione order sheet, it became evid Aptext order having been pued, and it has the orden At the beginning of record A comes the general fly-leaf, then a fly-leaf of the A papers only. After the fly-leaves comes the notice published under Rule 16 of Chapter VI of the Government Rules, and which is to the effect that attestation would begin on 29th March 1888. The notice is dated 13th February 1888, and is known as Form E. Then come returns to the notice. Then the order-sheet beginning with a proceeding, stating that as records had not come from the survey office, attestation would begin on 8th May 1888. Attestation went on till 11th May when an order stating that it was finished was recorded, and the records were made over to the peshkar. Then on 20th June 1888, the record was put up and order was passed—“Let the terij be prepared, and after preparing it let copy of the parcha be published.” On 4th May 1889 order was passed—“Objections under section 106 have been decided. After correction and arrangement let copy be prepared for the Collectorate, and a copy for the raiyats, and a copy for the maliks, and after comparison be made over to the kanungo for final publication." The next order on the order sheet is dated 19th January 1891, and is to this effect- “ To-day the record having been put up, it became evident that the report of the kanungo of final publication had been received, and it was ordered that it be filed with the record. This is all that the order sheet contains. After the order sheet comes a record in English of evidence with regard to objections as to entries in the khatians. Then comes a list of objections of raiyats and dispute lists. Then a Fard Birar. Then another order list with reference to the entries to be made in various khatians. Then comes a list of non-occupancy raiyats and the year from which they were occupying. Then another dispute list. Then petitions and list of witnesses about the disputes. Then a notice signed by Assistant Settlement Officer, and dated 30th January 1889, to the effect that the settlement papers have been prepared under section 105 of the Tenancy Act, and have been put in the zamindar's cutcherry, where they can be seen for a month. On the back of this notice is a receipt signed by a patwari to the effect that he had received settlement papers prepared according to section 105 to be kept by him for a month. His receipt is dated 31st January 1889. Then follow several petitions with regard to the khatians and report of subordinate officers. Then comes a report by a kanungo, dated 15th June 1890, to the effect that, after sending notice on 7th June, he had gone to Chandrain, and duly read out “ the parcha” in presence of ( 5 ) raiyats and maliks' servants on the date fixed, viz., 15th June, and had distributed parcha to the raiyats, or failing them to the Jeth raiyats. The report is signed in Persian) 6 Adhit Pårshad.” On this an order is passed by the the Settlement Officer, dated 19th is a notice with an illegible seal and signature, dated 7th June 1890, fixing 15th June 1890 WᎾrᎾ raiyats to whom the parcha were distributed. Then comes a Hindi rubakari of the Assistant Settlement Officer, Babu Barhendeo Narain, dated 24th December 1890 (but signed by Mr. Collin) reciting as follows:-“Whereas the survey of mauza Chandrain was completed on 13th February 1888, and attestation under rule 16 was completed on 28th May 1888, and afterwards copy of the khatian was published in draft (ibtidai) under rule 33 of the Govern. ment rules ou 30th January 1889, and after decision of objections under section 106 of Act VIII of 1885 on 15th June 1890 was finally published on 15th June 1890; and whereas nothing remains to be done in connection with settlement of this mauza, it is ordered that this rubakari remain with the misl and the papers of this mauza be sent to the Bhagalpur Collectorate." A duplicate of this rubakari is to be found with the bound volume mentioned in para- graph 2 of these Notes containing the khewat, terij goshwara, and khatian of this village. The terij is also signed by Mr. Collin, and some of the corrections are of entries in the bound volume signed by Mr. Collin (e.9., page 93). 8. The record of B papers chiefly consists of petitions of objection which were disallowed. The record of O papers chiefly consists of returns to notices, lists of kamat lands. 9. I then open a big bundle containing- 1. The original khewat, i.e., the klewat first written (but not as I understand the khewat finally published). 2. The khasra. 3. The milan khasra. 4. The khatians beginning with kamat lands, then come mal lands (beginning at page 67). There is nothing to show how much of this was written in the Survey office, and how much in the Settlement office; but the Survey Department's seal is on nearly every page. I find that page 68, wbich is entirely written in red ink, has not got the Survey Department seal, so no doubt it was entirely written in the Settlement Department. 10. The bound volume for mauza Chandrain (mentioned in paragraph 2 and at the end of paragraph 7 of these Notes) contains, as has been stated above, khewat, terij goshwara and khatian. Prefixed to them all is a duplicate of the Settlement Officer's final rubakari, of 24th December 1890, signed by the Settlement Officer. The grounds on which it may reasonably be concluded that the khewats and khatians contained in this volume are those which were actually published and constitute the binding record are-first, the order of 20th June 1838, which directs that copy of the parcha be published; secondly, the rehearsal in the rubakari of 24th December 1890 that copy of the khatian (c.e. parcha) has in fact been published both in draft under rule 33, and finally under rule 34. I think it may be taken Therefore that these bound khatians were in fact the khatians published, and that they constitute the binding record. No other copy of the khatians made over by the Survey Department and completed by the Settlement Department is to be found among the settle- ment records. 11. At a meeting at the Collector's office, 25th July 1892– PRESENT : H. R. H. Coxe, Esq., Officiating Collector. F. A. SAVI, Esq., Manager of the Srinagar Estate. BABU NIBARAN CHANDRA MUKERJI, Law Superintendent for Banaili Estate. W. C. MACPHERSON, Esq., Offg. Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. 12. The Officiating Director invited Mr. Savi and Babu Nibaran Chandra Mukerji to state the difficulties with regard to the records, and the action which they wished to be taken. · 13. Babu Nibaran Chandra Mukerji said that the difficulties were that the final records contained errors, in that they had not been always written up in accordance with the decrees, or the decrees in accordance with the judgments; that the copies supplied to the landlords did not agree with the original khatians, or with the copies in the bound volumes in the Collectorate; that it could not be ascertained from the Collectorate papers which were the records actually published; that the raiyats' copies do not agree with the landlords' copies. In the Monghyr Sadar Munsifi a suit for rent had been brought by the Raj against a raiyat. The raiyat produced a parcha given from the Settlement Officer, which did not agree with the parcha given to the Raj office by the Settlement Officer. The Munsif had dismissed the suit on account of the discrepancy. The Raj had no idea that a different parcha would be produced. 14. The Director said that he thought that the Raj should have moved the Court to call for the final record deposited in the Collectorate, and that he thought the Court would have been bound to call for the record in order to settle the discrepanoy. maiyathe Monghy Sadished; that the certained from thepices in the bound the landlords and ( 6 ) it would be the subsequent to the officer berament whether pinion that mistar with judg. what were the reduty of the Collector tublication in each' ville would have nothing to ppor 15. Mr. Savi said that he would propose that an officer should be deputed to call in and examine the raiyats' copies of the parchas, and to issue new copies where they do not agree with the binding record. 16 The Director asked whether any other case was known of the raiyats' copies disagree- ing with the landlord's copies. 17. Babu Nibaran Chandra Mukharji said that he had heard of three or four such cases. Mr. Savi did not know of any more cases. Mr. Coxe said that he would ask Mr. Christian, a gentleman residing in the district, to send in his khatians for purpose of comparison. 18. The Director said that it did not appear to him that any case had been made out for generally calling in the riyats' parchas. It was quite possible and probable that some clerical mistakes had been made in the issue of thousands of copies; but on an allegation only that three or four discrepancies had been discovered, he could not recommend that any general enquiry should be made. 19. Mr. Savi said that it was every difficult to get the raiyats to show their parchas. 20. The question of correction of mistakes in the final record, due to omission to give proper effect to judgments, or sulehnamas or decrees was then discussed. The Director said that he would suggest to the Board that the opinion of the Legal Remembrancer should be obtained as to the legality of correcting the final records to give proper effect to judgments, decrees, &c.; also as to the possibility of either party contesting in the Civil Courts on equitable grounds entries in the final record which are not in accordance with judg- ments, decrees, &c. If the Legal Remembrancer be of opinion that mistakes can be corrected, it would have to be decided by Government whether an officer should be appointed for the purpose. But if such an officer be appointed, he would have nothing to do with mutations made subsequent to the final publication in each village. The Director also said that it would be the duty of the Collector to have it made ciear after examination of the papers what were the records finally published, and therefore binding, in cases where there might be any doubt in the record-room, or any doubt felt by parties as to what were the khatians finally published. 21. Mr. Savi said that the estates had been put to great expense over the settlement. If any further expense had to be incurred on account of enquiry necessitated by errors on the part of the Settlement Office, it should not be imposed upon the estates. 22. The Director said that he did not think that a case had been made out for general enquiry. If a sufficient case could be made out for examination of the records of a selected village, he would recommend to Government that such examination be made. If many and serious errors should be found in the records, Government would probably be willing to bear the cost of rectifying the errors; but it was impossible to keep out all error in thousands of khatians and hundreds of thousands of entries. The estate and the raiyats had had two opportunities of rectifying errors, viz., at the time of attestation and at the time of draft publication of the khatians. It was also usual for litigants in Civil Courts to satisfy them- selves as to the correctness of decrees. The Director said that he would examine the record of any village that might be selected. Babu Nibaran Chandra Mukharji asked that the record of mauza Bangaon might be examined. The 26th July 1892. 23. At the request of the Law Superintendent of the Banaili Raj, I made an examina- tion of the record of the village of Bangaon, otherwise called Saifabad Khanpatti. Babu Kisto Pershad Chatterji, a servant of the Banaili Raj, is present. 24. I examined first the settlement misi (which is very much tattered). The notice in Form E fixing 20th February for attestation is dated 16th January 1889. The order sheet contains the following orders:- On 20th February order is passed that whereas bujhárát is not yet finished let 26th February be fixed. On 26th February order is passed for parties to remain in attendance until the assessment is finished. On 7th March adjournment for want of time. On 8th March further adjournment. On 17th March 1889 the attestation was completed, except for the disputed parchas; and the Assistant Settlement Officer records a rubakari to this effect, and orders that after the proceedings have been finished, copy of the parcha be published. On 18th February 1891 order was passed : “To-day this record was put up. First publication for this village having been made and objections having been decided, the records have been corrected (misi safut taiyar hogayi). Let copies of the parcha be made over to the kanungo to be given to the raiyats and maliks under rule 34, and let this record be put up after the kanungo's report comes." With regard to the draft publication, I find a report of kanungo Adhit Parshad, dated 9th December 1889, reporting his difficulties of which (as the report is very interesting) I give a copy, together with copy of the Settlement Officer's orders upon it. The Settlement Officer's orders were clearly proper so far as regards the impossibility of making over the original record to the raiyats for taking copies. that might of decreos. The usual for litiganestation, and at this bar EXTRACT. (Translated from Adhit Parshad Kanungo's report of 9th December 1889.) “At the time of my explaining (the papers) all the raiyats press me so that work cannot go on. The raiyats wish that the parchas should be given to them to read. They remain by me with pens, ink, paper, and pencils and make copies of their numbers (i.e., of the field numbers which concern them). I have only two muharrirs with me. The raiyats make such a clamouring that only 10 or 15 numbers (? khatians) can be explained (? in a day). If I should make over the parchas to them they may be injured......If I at all refuse to give copy of the numbers the raiyats make a noise and go away. Unless Your Honour is present no raiyat will let the explanation go on...... and the work will not be finished in a month.” On this Mr. Collin passed orders :- . “Adhit Parshad must make the best arrangement that he can. It would be well if the Assistant Settlement Officer were to visit Bangaon and give this matter his personal attention. On no account should the original record be made over to the raiyats. E. W. COLLIN. The 14th December 1891. “If the raiyats do not choose to take advantage of the local explanation it is their own fault.” E. W. COLLIN. I do not find the report of completion of the draft publication, but there is a report of the final publication made on the 15th March 1891, as follows: Jánáb Ali. Táríkh, 15th March 1891, ko waste mushtahri akhir ke mauza Bangaon, Pargana Uttarkhand ke Gaya Reyáyán-o-mölázmán eáj ko indrāj kághzāt bändöbāst ko parhkar sunáyá o Samjhádiya. Bád khatam kárráwáí ākhir múshtāhrí ke reyayan ko parchá taksím kardiya. Lālzá report haza maye notice tamil shudah irsál házúr hai. (Sd.) ADIT PRASHAD, KANUNGO. File with the records. (Sd.) E. W.C. The 30th March 1891. According 25. The records of the settlement of this mauza are most voluminous. to the entries made in the record-room register there are- The demarcation misls. Two dispute (tanáza) records. Records of 21 regular suits. A, B, and C, papers of the Settlement Misls. The khewat. The khasra paemaishi. Volumes of Rights (jild hakuk) old (sabek) 4, new (hal) 4. But in fact there are 12 volumes containing khatains, viz. first series, four volumes bound in red karwa cloth, containing the original khatians furnished by the Survey Department, and completed by the Settlement Department; second series, four volumes bound in half-leather, containing the khatians in their second stage, to which an unsigned and unfilled-up rubakari form is prefixed; third series, four volumes bound in half-calf, kept in the almirah which have prefixed to them a Hindi rubakari, dated 10th January 1892, of which I give a transcript in Roman :- Mauzá Saifábàd Khanpålli úrf Bāngáon. Pargana Uttarkhand, Zillá Bhagalpur. Rubakari Kachahri Bandöbast Raj Baneli-o-Srinagar Estate Bhagalpur. Wáqäitárikh 10th Mah January 1892, Ijlas Rai Babu Brham Deo, Narayan Saheb, Assistant Möhtəmin Bahadur. Age is Mauzá ka pāimáish sārve (survey) 1888, men tai pákār bātárikh 16th Máh January 1889, ko Form E hāsāb dāfá 16 Bab 6 Qáyādāh Government Bengál motábig Act VIII, 1885, batáāyun tarikh 20th February 1889, bānāzār tāsdiq tagan-o-hagúq ke ijráy páyá āur tárik 17th July 1889, ko tāsdiqkhâtām kiyagaya. Bahdhú táríkh 23rd November 1889 ko bāsâb dāfā 33 qayādáh Government Bangál-kè-Mauzáházá men någäl khātián-ká-mushtahari-Ibtādai kāräyí gäyí, aur bad tasfiye uzurdári dāfá 106 Act VIII 1885, ke bätāríkh 15th Máh March 1891 ko hasabºdatá 34 gáyâdáh Government Bangál mushtahari akhari húyi. Āb mauzā házá men kõí-kám mutaalāgāh mahkamahi Bändöbāst báqí nāhin rāhā, isliye hukum hua ke rubākārī házáh shamil misl höve-o-kághzát mauzā házá ká mohkāma kalaktāri Zilá Bhagalpur ke dakhil kiyájáye. (Sd.) B. D. NARAYAN, Assistant Settlement Officer, The 11th January 1892. 26. So far I have not been able to ascertain with certainty which of the two series of khatians (2) and (3) mentioned in the last paragraph was, in fact, published under rule 34, and therefore constitutes the binding record; but it seems to me to be probable that the second series of khatians was finally published. ( 8) 27. I now turn to a list of discrepancies relating to this village, which has been presented on behalf of the Banaili Raj. The list is as follows: Mausa Bongong, Pargana Utt'rkhand. ORIGINAL PAROHA. COLLECTORATE PARCIA. Number of ! Parcha. NAM'R OF RAIYAT. Khasra No. REMARKS. Land. Total land. Rent. Land, Total land. Rent. 10 B. K. 0 12 B. K. 3 Ajab Lal Chowdhry 5 2 26 17 1 B. K. SI. 6 3 2 26 2 17 6 i 7 Rs. A. P. 4 9 9 15 9 9 Rs. A, P. 3 13 6 18 2 ...... 2,016 712 6,609 5,89 8,9:9 9,022 Ö 10 12 B. K. SH, 0 0 12 1 d o 0 5 6 no entry 0 4 2 no entry Oria 0 10 12 0 1 4 5 Ajablai Khan 709 no entry 0 50 12,446 711 ditto 0 4 10 12,47 ditto 3 19 18 300 L 0 1 10 1 5 2 11 1 3 13 6 U 6) Achambhit Khan ... . .. 4,244 12,534 4,237 4,239 4,240 4,241 8,950 4,102 4,128 ditto ditto ditto ditto 0 1 16 0 9 4 0 16 10 7 | Ajab Lal Thakur ... 8 Mussamat anupuron Ditto 20 19 18 2 7 5 ... ... 8,766 | no entry 11,499 0 4 4 15 8 3 1 12 6 0 2 6 0 ] 10 0 4 19 0 11 10 3 3 4 no entry ditto ditto 20 1 0 15 12 6 0 4 0 1 2 11 5 1 15 0 no entry of Khita No. 10 at all ; after 9, comes No. 11, not No, 10, which is omitted. 06 4 6 4 12 4 10 9 0.15 4 0 13 0 0 7 9 Khasra No. in Collector's copy is 1180. 0 12 4 1 7 15 1 091248 & L Collectorate copy gives two Purchas. 10 3 14 0 12 lawadh Narain Thakur ... Awadh Narain Aupuchh Jha ... Arrup Jha 18 | Aithan & Batahan ... Initina :::. 079 0 8 9 ::: O 120 3 11 3 5 10 11 20 Musst. Ajanbati.. 6,478 do entry 5 3 4 5,100 ditto 11,808 0 13 0 4,342 I no entry 014 11 4,342 in the Collectorate copy ...... 7,238 0 10 14 4 18 16 11,523 no entry 11,441 0 2 10 9 10 o 11,305 1 1 6 6,156 11,462 nu entry 8,943 ditto 7,485 ditto 1 5 8 7,930 03 4 16 17 9 10,488 0 60 ..... 7 2 0 12 10 6 9 6 0 23 | Ashrafi Khan : 0 10 4 0 11 15 no entry ( 17 6 1 17 10 017 10 1 2 6 0 1 10 no entry ditto 26 : Alik Jha ... . Mussamat Amah Bati 0 15 5 2 3 6 1 6 6 18 8 5 1 0 4 12 () 6 The 28th June 1892. W. C. BOSE. In the first series of khatians I find that Ajab Lal Chaudhri's jama is shown in red ink as Rs. 3-13-6, but the entry, Rs. 3-13-6, is corrected to Rs. 4-9-9 in the second series, and it is also shown as Rs. 4-9-9 in the third series. Plot 2016 in this man's holding is shown as 12 cottahs in the first series, but 12 cottahs is corrected by crossing through in the second series to 12 dhur, and it is shown as 12 dhur in the third series. It is also stated on behalf of the Raj that Ajab Lal Chaudhri's name has been omitted in the decree of 28th October 1889, but that it ought to have been inserted. But the Raj officers should have found this out when the decree was drawn up. It is customary in Civil Courts for the pleaders on both sides to examine and sign the deorees. 28. I next take the case of Ajab Lal Khan; his jama was originally recorded in the khatian volume series (1) as Rs. 16-11. This was corrected in that volume to Rs. 16-2-3. In the volume of the second series Rs. 16-2-3 has been crossed out, and Rs. 15-9-9 is substituted. In the volume of the third series Rs. 15-9-9 is shown. Plot 1712 is shown as 1 bigha 7 cottahs in the first series. In the second series 1 bigha y cottahs is crossed out, and 1 bigha 4 cottahs is substituted. 1 bigha 4 cot- tahs is repeated in the third series. I do not see that there is ground for thinking that any mistake has been made here. Next with regard to this raiyat's jama, the zamindar's servants point out that according to the Settlement Officer's order of 17th September 1889, the jama of this raiyat should have been calculated at 8 annas 63 pie for his sabik zamin, and at 12 annas for excess lands. He points to a statement filed with the records on behalf of the zamindar on 5th February, show- ing that this raiyat had 16 bighas of sabik zamin. He argues that deducting 16 bighas from this raiyat's total area of 26 bighas ? cottahs 17 dhur, as shown in the khatians, his assessment should have been- Rs. A. P. For 16 bighas at 8 annas 6ļ pie ... 8 8 8 , 10 , 12 , ... 7 8 0 2 cottahs 17 dhur ... 0 1 9 Total ... 16 2 5 as against Rs. 15-9-9 entered. ( ) 9 at the zamindar hadice a het objections for the objection post ble that such a mehowever, as aborte much time in sounction was made, the draft publication I point out that the zamindar had opportunity to object when the draft publication was made under rule 33. To this it is replied that objection was made, but that still the khatian was not corrected. I have spent much time in searching for the objection, but cannot find it. The papers are, however, as above stated most voluminous, and it is quite possible that such an objection may be among them. There were 1,800 petitions filed in this mauza. 29. It is not possible for me to give more time to the examination of these records. I am ready to make two recommendations to the Board, viz., (i) That an officer be appointed, preferably one of the Assistant Settlement Officers formerly employed on this estate (Mr. Collin, the Settlement Officer, and Babu Barham.Deo Narain are both on furlough) to examine the records, and if necessary take the affidavits of the kanungos who made the final publication with a view.to certifying in each mauza bundle which of the khatian volumes is the finally published record. It is absolutely essential for the guidance of the record- keeper, and for the information of the courts which may call for the final record, that it should be made clear which is the final and binding record. I have been unable to obtain the attendance of any kanungo or muharrir who can point out to me what papers were actually published. (ii) I will recommend to the Board that the opinion of the Legal Remembrancer be obtained on the points stated in paragraph 20 of these notes. If the Legal Remembrancer advises that the records can be correoted, it will remain to be considered what action shall be taken. But I doubt whether it will be in the general interests either of landlord or raiyats to have any large revision proceedings: W.C. MACPHERSON, Ong. Director of the Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. The 26th July 1892. No. 1151R., dated Bhagalpur, the 30th June 1892. From-0. C. QUINN, Esq., Commissioner of the Bhagalpur Division and Sonthal Parganas, · To_The Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. I HAVE the honour to forward, for your information, a copy of the marginally-noted letter from the Collector of Bhagalpur, with annexures, on No. 535G., dated 9th June 1892 the subject of errors in the records-of-rights relating to the Srinagar and Banaili estates. 2. The Collector's statement of the case is, I think, incomplete, owing to the fact that he has not dealt with the original final, record-of-rights described in clause 2 of section 105, Bengal Tenancy Act, but only with the copies made under Rule 35, Chapter VI of the rules made by the Government of Bengal. It is quite clear that the original record-of-rights published under the second clause of section 105 is the authoritative record, and that no copy, whether it be the landlord's copy or the raiyat's parcha, can prevail against it. The question is whether this original record, the disposal of which is not provided for in the rules, has any existence, and if so, where it is to be found. 3. An inquiry has under my instructions been made into this matter by the Manager of the Banaili estate, Babu Uma Churn Bose, under the Collector's supervision. From this it has been ascertained that in the Collector's office there are filed two records-of-rights, the first of which appears to be the khatian originally received from the Survey Department, and subsequently completed by the Settlement Officer, and made the basis of the draft record published under clause 1, section 105, and the second of which is what Mr. Wace calls the Collector's copy. If any of the so-called copies is the original record as finally published under clause 2, section 105, it seems that this record filed in the Collector's office is it; but there should be no doubt as regards such a matter, and I presume that your office will be able to clear up the point, and to say what record is the original and authoritative one. I may add that, although it is certified in a proceeding attached to the records of each village that the final record-of-rights was published on a certain date, a doubt has been expressed as to whether any such publication really took place. 4. Once the original record has been identified, it should be referred to in any case of dispute, and neither party can, I think, be prejudiced by any error in his copy or in that of the opposite party. The proprietors of the Banaili and Srinagar estates should, I think, be given the opportunity of having their copies brought into accord with the original, and where there is any reason to believe that the raiyats? parchas are also incorrect, they should be given the same opportunity, it being explained that po error in the parchas will be of any advantage to the person concerned, and that it is for the benefit of all parties to have the errors corrected. · The settlement establishments have been abolished, and the only authority under which corrections can now be made is, I. think, that of the Collector, but it will be impossible to compare the documents on a large scale, and correct them without a special establishment. I would suggest that a beginning might be made in the Bhagalpur Collectorate, and that an establishment of, say, two copyists and a comparer might be appointed at the cost of the estates to work under a Deputy Collector. After the experience of a short time, say.a month, a better estimate can be made of the extent of the work and the means necessary for its performance, both in Bhagalpur and in the other Collectorates in which records have been filed. (10 ) who Uno duly Prestol Anthe decisate disputed this The work will, no doubt; be burdensome both to the establishments of the proprietors and to the Collector's office, and will involve some expense: but I agree with the Collector that if the copies of the record are incorrect, they should be corrected. 5. The next point is as regards the correctness of the original record itself, granting that it is found and identified. Mr. Wace has pointed out that the result of the adjudication in disputed cases is not always correctly embodied in the record-of-rights, and the question is whether the record-of-rights can in such a case be corrected, and if so, by whom. Under section 105 the publication of the final record is only conclusive evidence that it has been duly made under the Act, and under section 109 it is only the undisputed entries' which shall be presumed to be correct. It is not said that the final entries in disputed cases shall have any special authority. . On the other hand, the decision of the Settlement Officer under section 107 has the effect of a decree. It appears, then, that disputed entries, if not in accordance with the decree of the Settlement Officer, may be corrected, and this operation might also, I think, be performed by the Collector's office. 6. To go back still a step further, there is the case in which the decree has not been correctly framed in accordance with the judgment. This is case A in the Collector's letter. I confess that I cannot quite see my way to the correction of such errors except by the mutual consent of the parties. The Settlement Officer acted as a judicial officer, and as such is fructus officio and has no successor. I think, then, that the decrees must be accepted as they stand, unless the amendment is formally agreed to by both parties concerned. 7. The whole matter is a very difficult and embarrassing one, and the discovery of these errors is likely to throw discredit on settlements under the Tenancy Act generally. It is also a question with which I am not in a very good position to deal, as the proceedings were not oarried out under my supervision or control. I would suggest that it would be very desirable if you could spare the time to enquire into the matter personally on the spot, The Managers of the Banaili and Srinagar estates are both at Bhagalpur, and would render you all the assistance in their power to afford. * The statements have not been printed. They show for 8. I append statements* showing in 245 raiyats of Srinagar and 241 raiyats of Banaili alleged mis- detail the nature of the errors so far takes in the final khatians or parchas of the settlement with regard to amount of rent payable, discovered. W. C. M. No. 535G., dated Bhagalpur, the 9th June 1892. : From-A. A. WACE, Esq , Collector of Bhagalpur, To-The Commissioner of the Bhagalpur Division. I HAVE the honour to submit herewith a copy of a letter, signed jointly by the Managers of the Banaili and Srinagar Estates, relating to certain inaccuracies that have been discovered in the final records of the survey and settlement lately completed in those estates. I also submit a copy of the Assistant Settlement Officer's order regarding which the protest is made. The statement attached to the letter is voluminous, and I need not trouble you with it, as the totals are abstracted in the Manager's letter. 2. The discrepancies alluded to may be of several kinds (1) the decree may not agree with the judgment; (B) the decree, though correctly framed on the judgment, may have been incorrectly carried to the copy of the khatian given to the proprietor; and this may have occurred in two ways-(a) either by a mere arithmetical mistake; (6) by a clerical mistake in copying ; (C) the proprietor's copy of the khatian may not tally with the Collector's copy or the patwari's copy (if the latter was issued); (D) the raiyat's copy may differ by a clerical mistake in copying from either the proprietor's copy or the Collector's copy. 3. Now the reason for which the Assistant Settlement Officer rejected the Manager's application may be sound as regards discrepancies A and B, though I confess that, considering the heavy expenditure charged on the estates for these proceedings, it seems hardly creditable that there should be so many inaccuracies as there appear to be in the records. Discrepancy (C) would only cause confusion in the event of an appeal being made to the Collector's record by either party on a conflict between the zamindar's khatian and the raiyat's parchas. In such a case the Collector would have to refer back to the record in his office. This matter, therefore, does not seem to require orders. Discrepancy (D) is the most serious matter of all, and as regards this the Assistant Settlement Officer's reply seems to be absolutely irrelevant and to miss the point. The Zamindar had a chance, it is true, of verifying the copy of the khatian furnished to him with the records, but what chance had he of examining the parcha issued to the raiyats within the time fixed by law and rules ? None. He tries to collect Rs. 5 on the khatian issued to him, and the raiyat produces a parcha verified by the same officer putting his rent at Rs. 3. What is he to do? It is absurd for the Assistant Settlement Officer to suggest that the raiyat should come to the Collector and ask that a record which fixes his rent as less than he knows he ought to pay should be corrected. 4. The Assistant Settlement Officer's arguments based on section 107 of the Tenancy Act seems to me also unsound. He has interpreted in his reading of it the word “pending,” which does not exist. A civil court will, I believe, with due notice to the parties, amend a decree found to be not in accordance with a judgment at any time, and if the special officer charged with a settlement is functus officio, I think that any Revenue Officer of the district should correct his mistakes certainly at least as regards discrepancies of class D. For myself ( 1 I think A and B should also be corrected. It seems to me most unfair that we should not give those who paid for this settlement the fullest benefit of it, and make the records as accurate as they were meant to be. I also consider it very bad polioy, in view of the opposition to the cadastral survey of Bihar, that we should leave it in the power of these zamindars to tell their friends that after an expenditure of two and-a-half lakhs they are liable to the loss which, on the Manager's representations, these inaccuracies seem to involve. 5. I have had the records examined by a Deputy Collector in respect of 8 of the mauzas mentioned in the schedule of the Manager's letter. Matters seem not quite so bad as the Managers make out, but even this enquiry shows 15 out of the 34 entries criticised by the Managers to be inaccurate. In 14 of these cases the decree, though correctly drawn on the judgment, was by a mistake in arithmetic incorrectly expressed in the landlord's khatian. The Deputy Collector had not the raiyat’s parchas to compare, and I can hardly hope that no mistakes occurred in them. 6. I think, therefore, that both landlords and raiyats should be free to apply to the Collector of the district in whose office the records have been or may be finally deposited for correction of any inaccuracies which they may find either in the papers furnished to them, or in the records on which those papers are based. On receipt of such an application a notice should issue to the party whom the correction sought would affect, and a Deputy Collector should be empowered, after such notice duly served, whether the opposite party appeared or not, to correct the record khatian or parcha. I regret that the submission of this letter of Mr. Wace has been delayed by my office. H. R. H. Coxe, Collector. • Dated Bhagalpur, the 11th March 1892. From The Managers, Raj Banaili and Srinagar, To-The Collector of Bhagalpur. . We have the honour to represent to you that in the preparation of parchas in the Settle- ment Department, which have been furnished to the Banaili and Srinagar estates, certain clerical mistakes have crept in the matter of addition, which make the amounts put down in the parchas different from the sums adjusted in the judgment and deorees. We are having these mistakes found out, and so far as they have yet been ascertained in respect of 39 villages of pargana Farkya in the Gogri Circle, they have been observed to have occurred in respect of 245 raiyats. 2. We beg to append a statement showing these 245 mistakes. If only these are allowed to exist, the loss to both the estates from these only would amount to Rs. 886-3 per annum, and that to the raiyats would be Rs. 144-1. We are led to believe that there are mis- takes in other villages and parganas also, and the total loss will come to a very large figure. As soon as they are ascertained, we shall submit to you lists showing them. 3. The parchas are supposed to be the final record of the settlement and to be prepared according to the decrees which were passed under proceedings held under section 104, and it is absolutely necessary that they should be corrected, otherwise the estates may be barred by the principle of res judicata, and no civil court may go beyond the parchas, and refer to the decrees which were passed. 4. To correct these mistakes, some applications were made to the Assistant Settlement Officer, but he has rejected our prayer. A copy of his order is annexed. 5. The procedure he has pointed out, namely, that both parties should jointly apply to the Collector in correcting the mistakes, is not possible to be carried out, for in no case where the mistake favours the raiyats will they join the landlords to make such application. 6. We therefore solicit the favour of your moving the higher authorities for directing the Assistant Settlement Officer to correct the mistakes. 7. To avoid the technicalities, although we styled our application as one coming under section 206 to correct a clerical error in the decree, it is really no part of his judicial proceeding, but more an office act to make the final record tally with the judicial orders that have been passed. Unfortunately, these errors could not be detected early. They were found out when the patwaris were engaged in preparing the jamabandis, and we submit it would not be fair to the proprietors to throw out their applications on the ground of delay. As the Settlement Office will be abolished from the 15th of this month, we beg you will be kind enough to take early action in the matter. ORDER. settlement records of pargana Farkya. Such applications can only be received under sections 105 and 106 of the Tenancy Act. Both these sections lay down a limit of time during which petitions like these can be admitted. The time is before the final publication of the records. The records of these villages were finally published more than two years ago, 62 ( 12 ) and deposited in the collectorate about a year ago. The applications are therefore inadmissable under the law. . . It is contended that decrees can be amended at any time under section 206 of the Civil Procedure Code, the rules of the Civil Procedure Code being applicable to proceedings under the Tenanoy Act, as provided in section 107 of that Act. The wording of that section is: “In all proceedings for the settlement of rent under this chapter, the Revenue officer shall adopt the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure for the trial of suits." But when the records have finally been published and deposited in the collectorate, there is no longer any proceeding pending in this Court, and the amendment of the decree is not a trial. For these reasons I consider the grounds urged in support of the applications to be untenable. Settlement Courts are not permanent courts, and if petitions of objections were received at any time, the proceedings would never come to an end. The petitions are aocordingly ordered to be returned, and if they are not taken back they will be filed.. It has been suggested to the petitioners' agents that both landlords and tenants can present joint petitions to the Collectors, stating the mistakes desired to be corrected, and then the mistakes can be corrected in the patwari's office. This order will apply to similar other petitions. B. D. NARAIN. The 29th February 1892. ( 13 ) n rovu cur in the Teħancy Act. But on m No. 923A., dated Calcutta, the 27th October 1892... From-0. W. Bolton, Esq., Secretary to the Board of Revenue, L.P., To-The Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. In continuation of paragraph 2 of this office letter No. 8754, dated 24th September 1892, I am directed to submit, for the C. C. STEVENS, Esq. imformation of Government, the following report in regard to the legality of altering the settlement records of the Srinagar- Banaili estates. 2. The Legal Remembrancer is of opinion that the case is one which is not provided for in the Tenancy Act. But on general principles he sees nothing to prevent the appointment of a Settlement Officer to correct the errors in the record of rights when discovered, so as to embody therein correctly the decrees made on disputed entries, and to make the decrees of his predecessor correspond with the judgment given, where the errors and discrepancies are obvious, such as arithmetical blunders. He adds that where the judgments and decrees are those of the Special Judge, a Settlement Officer cannot correct without reference to the Special Judge. But it appears to the Board that if it is a question of merely correcting the records so as to make them conform with these decrees and judgments, the Judge need not be consulted. 3. The course which the Board would suggest is that Babu Barhamdeo Narayan be recalled to duty, and directed to examine the records of all the villages and take the requisite steps to remove all doubt, as to the record of rights finally published and make the requisite corrections. He should begin at Bhagalpur and proceed thence to other districts where the records similarly require revision. As much of the work was done by himself, and he also had charge of the Settlement Office for some time, he is the officer best suited for the work, and it need not occupy bim long, if he proceeds steadily and systema- tically in examining the village papers. ( 14 ) 3. i No. 519L.R., dated Calcutta, the 31st January 1893. FromT. W. Richardson, Esq., Under-Secretary to the Government of Bengal, "Revenue Department, . : To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, L.P. In continuation of Government Order No. 4182L.R., dated the 1st Decem- ber 1892, I am directed to inform the Board that Babu Barhamdeo Narayan reported himself to this office on the 24th January 1893. He has now been directed to report himself for duty, in the first instance, to the Collector of Bhagalpur as early as possible. 2. In modification of the orders contained in this office letter No. 866T.R., dated the 26th October 1892, to the address of Babu Barhamdea Narayan, á copy of which was forwarded to the Board with this office endorsement No. 868T.R., of the same date, and in consideration of the views expressed in the Board's letter No. 923A., dated the 27th October 1892, in which the Lieutenant-Governor is disposed to concur, I am to say that His Honour accepts the proposals made in paragraph 3 of that letter that Babu Barhamdeo Narayan should examine the records of all the villages and take the requisite steps to remove all doubts as to the record of rights finally published, and make the requisite corrections, and that he should begin at Bhagalpur and proceed thence to other districts, where the records require similar revision. I am to add that. the Deputy Collector should be informed that in these orders corrections of inaccuracies of a clerical nature are contemplated. In case of doubt arising in any case as to whether a correction should or should not be made he should consult superior authority. The Lieutenant-Governor trusts that the Board and the Director of Land Records and the local officers will carefully supervise the proceedings and satisfy themselves that the revision is carried out on correct principles. 3. Copies of this letter have been sent direct to Babu Barhamdeo Narayan and the Collector of Bhagalpur for information and guidance. Nos. 520-21L.R., dated Calcutta, the 31st January 1893. Memo. by-T. W. RICHARDSON, EsQ, Under-Secretary, to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. Copy forwarded to (1) Babu Barhamideo Narayan, and (2) the Collector of Bhagalpur, for information and guidance. ( 15') . . . 'No. 233A, dated Calcutta, the 9th March 1893. From-O. W. Bolton, Esq., Şecretary to the Board of Revenue, L.P., To-The Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. I AM directed to submit, for the consideration and orders of Government, the accompanying copy of a letter from the. THE HON'BLE C. O. STEVENS. NS. Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, No. 2198T.A., dated 3rd December 1892, with enclosuses, contain- ing the final report of the survey-settlement of the Srinagar-Banaili estates under Chapter X of the Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885. 2. Having regard to the length of time which has elapsed since the greater part of the settlement was completed and * No. 2001, dated 7th July 1891. Mr. Collin submitted his report, * and to the fact that the report appears to have been already seen by His Honour the Lieutenant- Governor and utilized for the purposes of the Resolutions published in the Calcutta Gazette of the 18th November and 16th December 1891, the Board presume that the Government will not consider the submission of a full review of the settlement necessary. Mr. Collin's and Babu of See his No. 447, dated 26th March 1892 Barhamdeo Narain'st reports furnish interesting and useful information on many points, and the infor- mation is in a sufficiently concise form, in view of the nature of the subjects treated, to render an abstract in great measure superfluous. The Board will, therefore, only offer brief remarks on points which appear to call for notice. 3. The Commissioner of Bhagalpurf is, no doubt, right in the view that w the settlement has been beneficial to the parties See his No. 2087R, dated 27th September 1892. interested, and that the results have justified the undertaking of the operations, but the time occu- pied, the cost, the comparatively small return for the outlay from the proprietor's point of view, the unsatisfactory disposal of the disputes in 22 out of 29 villages of pargana Akbarabad in the Malda district by ex-parte decisions on the appīication of the landlords, and the non-recovery of a large proportion of the cost payable by the tenants are unfavourable features, which tend to detract from the success of the settlement as a whole. Mistakes have further been lately discovered in the settlement records, which have necessitated the recall of Babu Barhamdeo Narain from leave for the purpose of making the requisite corrections. 4. Mr. Collin's report is full, and his remarks on cultivation and crops, the classification of the area, the holdings and the tenants, the special tenures, . and the average rates of rent are specially interesting. With regard to the lands recorded as the proprietors' referred to in paragraphs 52 and 55, it may be hoped that they have been treated as private lands consistently with the pro- visions of section 120 of the Tenancy Act. It is also not clear what the steps were which the law required the landlords to take, and they failed to take, in order . to admit of the assessment of rent on the invalid rent-free tenures mentioned in paragraph 53. It is certainly unfortunate that the landlord should have failed to establish a right to receive rent from these tenants. The average rates of rent (paragraph 78) are moderate, and it would appear, as stated by Mr. Collin, that the proprietors have in the past acted considerately towards their raiyats. As regards the general result of the settlement on the rental, the Board are dis- posed to agree that there has been a real net increase, much of the demand shown in the zamindars' rent-roll having been fictitious, but it may be doubted whether the proprietors have received all the increase which they might reasonably have expected, in view of the excess cultivation brought to light and the fact that the rents now settled will not be liable to enhancement for 15 years. The rate of 10 annas per bigha recorded for villages of pargana Akbarabad for instance, appears unduly.low. 5. The Director has been asked to submit further reports on the following points:- (a) Maintenance of records.- It is desirable to know whether the late Srinagar ward is making any attempt to keep up the settle- ment records. (* 16 ) ) Recovery of costs from tenants.*„The Board * See paragraph 28 of Babu L Barhamdeo Narain's report. babu have no information as to the action actually taken by the Collector, and the progress made in recover- ing these costs. (c) Balance of costs still due from the proprie. † See paragraph 29. of the same tors.t-Similar information is needed on this report. point. The balance outstanding has probably been largely reduced since. (d) Appeals pending. 1-The result of the vari- See paragraph 22 of the same ous appeals shown to have been pending should be report. reported. That before the Board was disposed of long since. 6. The Commissioner's remarks on boundary § See paragraphs 4 and 5 of his letter of the 27th September 1892. disputes will be considered after the views of the Director in the matter have been obtained. No. 2198T.A., dated Calcutta, the 3rd December 1892. From-W. C. MACPHERSON, Esq., C.s., Offg. Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal, To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Provinces. In continuation of correspondence ending with my letter No. 1113, dated 14th July 1892, I have the honour to submit revised copies of Mr. Collin's report on the settlement of the Banaili and Srinagar estates and of Munshi Barhamdeo Narain's supplementary report; also copy of a letter No. 2087 R., dated 27th September 1892, from the Commis- sioner of Bhagalpur, containing his remarks on the settlement. • I regret that in the midst of much heavy current work connected with the Orissa, Bihar, and Chittagong operations I have had no time to review this report, and I now submit the papers without any comments in order that consideration of them by the Board and by Government may not be further delayed. · No. 2087R., dated Bhagalpur, the 27th September 1892. From-0. O. QUINN, Esq., Commissioner of the Bhagalpur Division and Sonthal Parganas, To-The Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. · WITH reference to your No. 1051T.A., dated the 7th July 1892, and previous correspondence, on the subject of the report on the settlement of the Banaili and Srinagar Estates, I have the honour to forward a copy of the Collector of Bhagalpur's letter No. 1278 of the 15th instant, and to offer the following remarks. 2. The revised copy of Mr. Collin's report and Babu Barhamdeo's supplementary report were not received until July last, which may explain the delay in the submission of the Collector's observations. Unfortunately Mr. Wace, who was the Managing Collector of the Srinagar Estate during the greater part of the settlement proceedings, has since been transferred, and the present Officiating Collector has no personal knowledge of the operations. 3. The only work remaining to be done is the realization of the balance of the cost of settlement from the proprietors of the Srinagar Estate and the raiyats respectively. This matter is now engaging the Collector's attention and will have to be pushed on, The recovery of the share of the costs payable by the raiyats is likely to give some trouble. The task has been undertaken in the first instance by the Tahsildari Establishment of the Srinagar Estate in consultation with the Collector of Bhagalpur, but failing this agency, it will be necessary to file certificates for the balance. 4. The survey had been completed and the settlement was well advanced when I joined the Division. I had no concern in the initiatory measures, all the arrangements having been already made and the lines to be followed baving been laid down. The only portion of the work which has come before me is that connected with disputed boundaries. As will be seen from the figures given in paragraph 99 of Mr. Collin's report, the proportion of cases in which the Settlement Officer's decision was reversed or modified is not large, but, as might be expected, where the inquiry is of a summmary nature, a considerable number of cases were remanded for further inquiry or report. 5. In one of the last cases appealed to the Board of Revenue, the question was for the first time raised whether the provisions of the Survey Act (Act V (B.C.) of 1875] were appli- cable to the survey. It had been all along assumed that the survey was made under that Act, and the Board finally decided to reject the appeal based on the opposite contention. The question, however, is an important one, and the matter should be made quite clear in future surveys and settlements under the Bengal Tenancy Act, as if the provisions of the Survey Act are not made applicable. The boundary disputes between estates brought under settlement ( 17') i thigherto legally want point whenhough of course tsuming and those lying outside this area will be left unsettled, the disputed boundary lines being merely traced on the map; whereas, if the survey is made under the Act, the boundary can be determined according to possession under section 41. . . I think there can be no doubt that these disputes, which are likely to be stirred into activity by the survey proceedings, should, in the interests of the public peace, be at least temporarily disposed of pending a reference to the Civil Court, otherwise the proceedings are likely to be followed by distrubances, each party being desirous to establish possession over as much as possible of the disputed area before going to Court. : 6. The effect of the settlement on the rental is discussed at some length by Mr. Collin, and the results are finally summarised in paragraph 26 of Babu Barhamdeo Narain's report. His conclusions differ from those stated by the Manager in his final report on the manage- ment of the estate, as the latter does not admit that there has been any increase. The explanation is that the Manager treats the rental according to the office jamabandis as the actual rental, whereas the Settlement Officer takes as the “former rent” the amounts admitted by the raiyats, or in disputed cases those ascertained as payable by the settlement proceedings. It is clear that the letter is the correct method, and it may, I think, bo accepted that the increase recorded by the Settlement Officer is a real and bona fide increase over the rent hitherto legally recoverable, though not over the nominal rent entered in the jamabandi. This is an important point when considering the cost and compensating advantages of settle- ment under the Tenanoy Act, though of course the benefit to the proprietor cannot be fully measured by a mere increase of the rental. Assuming the actual rent to be unaltered, the increase in the percentage of the demand, which can be recovered by the ordinary collecting establishment in these estates since the settlement and record of rights, must be taken into account. This increase might, I think, at a moderate estimate, be put as 10 per cent. The actual difference between the percentage of collections before and after settlement is greater. In 1886-87, the year preceding the commencement of the survey, the collections were only 65 per cent. In the following year in which the proceedings were begun they were 70 per cent., while in the year 1890-91, after the settlement had been virtually completed over the greater part of the area, they were over 100 per cent. 7. Additional rent was claimed only for excess areas under section 52 (a) of the Bengal Tenanoy Act, and the difficulty of dealing with such cases owing to the absence of any trustworthy records of the areas covered by the existing rent is explained in the report. The settle- ment in this respect was largely the result of compromise-a mode of settlement which gives the best guarantee of permanence. 8. From an administrative point of view, the settlement, though it may not be altogether free from imperfections and technical defects, has, I think, been à decided success, and has been for the benefit of both landlord and tenant. A difficulty has since arisen, owing to errors and discrepancies discovered in the landlord's and tenants' copies of the khatian jama- bandi. This matter forms the subject of a separate correspondence. It may give some trouble, but cannot, I think, seriously affect the general result of the settlement. Tenancy & the areas was largely to No. 1278G, dated Bhagalpur, the 15th September 1892. From-H. R. H. Coxe, Esq., Offg. Collector of Bhagalpur, To-The Commissioner of the Bhagalpur Division. . With reference to the correspondence ending with your endorsement No. 1390R, dated 23rd July 1892, I have the honour to say that, after carefully going through Mr. Collin's and Babu Barhamdeo Narain's reports, I do not see that I can make any useful comments upon them. As regards the point specially referred to me, viz, the discrepanoy between Mr. Collin's report and the views of the manager of the Banaili Estate as to the effect of the settlement on the rental, I cannot give any opinion on the matter, as I am not in possession of any of the Manager's calculations. The general question whether the rental has increased or not has been fully dealt with in paragraph 85 of Mr. Collin's report. As regards recovery of costs, I am endeavouring to ascertain exactly what is due. I have got from the Accountant-General lists of receipts and expenditure, and have checked these by reference to the Treasury Officers of the districts in which the estates lie. I hope that this checking will be completed before my return from camp, and that we shall then be in a position to state precisely what is due from each part of the estate. I regret to say that at Nowhatta, where the work seems to have been done with special care, I found that the specimen parchas selected by me at random did not correspond at all with what the villagers said to me regarding their fields. I am stating more exactly the result of my enquiries in my diary. No. 447, dated Monghyr, the 26th March 1892. From-BABU BARHAMDEO NARAIN, Assistant Settlement Officer in charge Banaili and Srinagar Settlement, To-The Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. Preliminary.--I have the honour to submit the following report on the completion of the settlement of the Banaili-Srinagar estates in the districts of Bhagalpur, Monghyr, Malda, Purnea, and Dharbhanga. ( 18 ). 2. Brief nature of this report.-Mr. Collin was the Settlement Officer from the begin. ning of the operations in November 1887 to 11th May 1891, when he made over charge to me. He submitted a printed report No. 2004., dated the 7th July 1891, from Darjeeling, while he was on privilege leave. This report was submitted after completion of the bulk of the work, and is meant to be the final report. In it he has given all the requisite information that could be supplied. The report which I have now the honour to the submit will be neces- sarily.confined to a statement of the work that was left to be done by me, and the manner in which it has been done. 3. List of work left when Mr. Collin made over charge.--The following work was left in hand in the beginning of last May, viz:- (1) Settlement of pargana Akbarabad, in the Malda district, containing 29 villages, with an area of 10,329 acres or 17 square miles. (2) Completion of the settlement of pargana Kotwali in Malda containing 20 villages, with an area of 2,040 acres or 31 square miles. (3) The re-settlement of mauza Nowhatta, pargana Kubkhand, with an area of 5,180 acres. (4) Re-writing of the records of two villages, Bungaon and Chainpur, pargana Uttarkhand, with an area of 8,324 acros and 19,169 khasra number in con- sequence of presentation at the time of final publication of the records of 1,600 petitions of compromise for transfers of fields from one purcha to another (5) Preparation of the records for deposit in the Collectorate. (6) Preparation of the village statement showing average size of the holdings of various classes of tenants for five parganas containing 150 villages of the Malda district, and the preparation of the statistical statements 20A to 20F for the two parganas of the same district. (7) The fixing of boundary pillars along the disputed boundaries in 103 villages of the districts of Bhagalpur, Monghyr, Purnea, and Malda according to the terms of the decision arrived at. (8) Preparation of traces for correction of the maps according to the orders passed in course of settlement, and disposal of boundary dispute oases. (9) Adjustment of accounts with the Accountant-General for the whole period of operation, (10) Other miscellaneous work. 4. The settlement of pargana Akbarabad.—The chief work to be done was the settlement , of pargana Akbarabad in the Malda district, comprising twenty-nine villages grouped in five talukas, viz:- Gopinathpur containing by villages. Moostafapur Srinibashpur , Hadinagar and Mahammadpur containing Lakhmipur and Bishnuprasad » The tenants of seven villages in taluka Gopinathpur and fifteen villages in taluka Moos- tafapur refused to attend the settlement proceedings in spite of all efforts made to secure their attendance, and the settlement of these villages had consequently to be done ex-parte. I give below a concise narrative of the circumstances of this pargana, of the efforts made to secure the attendance of the raiyats, and their attitude towards the settlement. 5. The previous history of the pargana.-- The bulk of the raiyats of this pargana belong to a particular clan of Muhammadans called Sershabadya. A section of this community lives in pargapa Akbarabad belonging to the Baneili-Srinagar estates, and the main body lives in pargana Sershabad belonging to Raja Soorjakant Acharji of Mymensingh. The tenants of this class are notorious for their hostile attitude towards the zamindars. The raiyats of pargana Akbarabad, who, like other raiyats of the Baneili-Srinagar estates in the Malda district, have paid rent at the uniform rate of 10 annas per bigha from very ancient time have resisted all attempts of the landlords to assess to rent any newly-cultivated area by a fresh measurement of the village. Whenever the villages were measured, the raiyats, instead of paying enhanced rent, claimed reduction of rent, saying the luggee of the village was much larger than that used. They urged such claims in the civil courts, but the matter was never adjudicated. 6. The attitude of the Akbarabad raiyats towards the settlement.-The settlement of the pargana was taken up by the late Assistant Settlement Officer, Babu Bipin Behari De, in 1890. The first question started was regarding the standard of measurement about which the parties bad been at variance from before. During the pendency of this case, which is called the luggee case, the tenants, as well as the landlords' agents, attended and conducted the case. The tenants claimed the length of the measuring pole to be of 51 cubits, each cubit being of 22 inches. The landlords claimed the standard of 4 cubits, each cubit being of 18 inches according to the standard Bengal bigha. The Assistant Settlement Officer held the standard luggee of the 22 villages comprised in taluka Gopinathpur and Moostafapur to be of 5 cubits, each cubit being of 18 inches. In coming to this conclusion, he was guided by the standard mentioned for these villages in the papers of the revenue survey. Both parties appealed to the Special Judge against this decision, and during the pendency of the appeal, both wished to have the proceedings adjourned. It subsequently transpired that, on the part of the raiyats, this was a mere excuse to delay the settlement to which they were opposed. The appeal was decided in April 1891, and the decision of the Lower Court was upheld, not POP ( 19 ) on the strength of the entries existing in the Revenue Survey papers, but because the recorded areas of the holdings agreed more nearly with a pole of 5 cubits than any other standard. As soon as the appeal was decided, Mr. Collin took up the settlement of the pargana and went into the villages for the purpose. ' The raiyats refused to supply him with any informa- tion and combined to obstruct the settlement. Their attitude is described by him in his letter No. 40, dated the 30th April 1891, to your address. 7. Steps taken by Mr. Collin to secure the attendance of the Akbarabad raiyats.-It was believed that the raiyats fought shy of the settlement proceeding because they were afraid of enhancement of rent by increase of area. In order to remove this apprehension on their part it was arranged, in a conference held at Bhagalpur, that the landlords will not apply for enhancement of rent on account of increase of area. The concession made was communicated to the raiyats, but had no effect on them. They wanted a guarantee of immunity from all future enhancement, and to be declared as fixed-rent raiyats. Mr. Collin fined some of the tenants for disobedience of summonses under the Civil Procedure Code, and committed others to the Magistrate for trial under the Penal Code. The latter also were fined, the ringleader Siraj being fined Rs. 51. 8. Steps taken by the Assistant Settlement Officer to secure the attendance of the raiyats.- When I took over charge, I at first attempted to appease the temper of the raiçats by conciliatory treatment, and instead of summoning them to Court, I went to the houses of some leading raiyats who were reported to be sensible men, and with their aid I assem- bled a certain number of raiyats in the village of Gangaprasad, when I explained to them, calmly and temperately, that they had nothing to lose, but much to gain, by the settlement. They seemed to be impressed for the time being with what I said, but ultimately oscillated to their former attitude. The aid of the Collector of the district was then sought for. He also sent for some leading raiyats and advised them, but with no better results. The matter being reported to the Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, he came to Malda on the 12th June last. More than 100 raiyats appeared to him by previous arrangement. He heard them in presence of the Collector of the district and that of Mr. Collin who had accompanied him, and after holding a conference drew up a memorandum that was fully explained to the raiyats, and a vernacular version was delivered to them on their receipt. The substance of the memorandum was that I should go to the villages and record the status of the raiyats according to evidence, and that, if they did not attend, I should proceed ex-parte, and the proceeding would be binding on them. I accordingly went to the villages again after giving due notice, but the raiyats did not again attend. I again tried persuasion, calling special attention to section 105 of the Tenancy Act, but the raiyats continued to be recusant. All these steps were taken in connection with the preliminary proceeding of Bajharat and attestation of the existing rent. When cases for settlement of fair rent were instituted on the application of the landholders, then summonses were issued for service on each tenant in order that each individual raiyat may have the opportunity of knowing the institution of the case, and of defending it. There were about 2,000 processes issued in this way, and the work entailed heavy labour on myself and the office. Besides the work of writing, issuing and serving the processes, the serving peon and the identifier had to be examined on oath regarding service on each individual raiyat. The summonses were served on the persons of many, and affixed to the houses of others. The latter service was declared to be sufficient under section 82 of the Civil Procedure Code, as it was transparent that the raiyats were intentionally avoiding the service of the summons. It was often reported that the raiyats went into the inner compartments of their houses on seeing the process peons approach them. The majority of those on whom the summonses had been served did not appear, and as they had been summoned also as witnesses to state facts regard- ing their holding, and thus to make their attendance compulsory, some of them were again prosecuted and fined. A few stray raiyats did appear and were examined by court. Even they did not defend the cases, nor stated the particulars of their holdings, but pretended ignorance. They came simply to escape prosecution. It will be seen thus that we have tried all means in our power to secure the attendance of the raiyats. We have tried by turn per- suasion, prosecution and issue of processes, but the raiyats continued to keep aloof. 9. Apparent causes of the apathy of the Akbarabad raiyats to settlement. Following are some of the causes of the apathy of the Akbarabad raiyats to the settlement proceeding. They considered the measurement to be at the instance of the Raj, and as they had rendered the previous measurement by the landlords futile, they wished to do the same again by holding off. They also grow suspicious by the Raj having spent a large sum of money on this survey, and they argued that the Raj could not have done so unless there was some prospect of the increase of rental now or hereafter. Many leading raiyats and some local agents of the Raj cultivate several abandoned holdings without paying any rent for them, and it was to their interest not to allow all this confusion to be cleared up. A uniform rate of rent has existed in all the Banaili Raj villages of the Malda district from time within recollection, though all the tenants are not fixed-rate raiyats, the holdings of many being of recent origin. If the status of the raiyats had been determined by evidence, there should have been two classes of tenants in each village. The raiyats considered this distinction to be very undesirable. It is also possible that the leading man among them, who was entrusted with money raised by subscription to conduct the case, continued to rouse the feelings of the raiyats, and did not allow the matter to be settled from motives of personal gain and influence. I am not in a position to say that if we had persisted for a long time, we might not have been able to secure their attendance, but the delay would have been unreasonable and out of all proportion to the importance of the matter. ssuing anak contailed hic defending it. Maiyat m previouhey also saihat the Raureafter. Mithout paying up. A mu tithin recedent origilasses c2 ( 20 ) 10. Settlement made ex-parte.- Under the circumstances stated above, the settlement of talukas Gopinathpur and Moostafapur were made ex-parte in most cases. The settlement of taluka Gopinathpur was made by Mr. Collin. He recorded only the existing rent, and presumed that to be the fair rent, the landlords having foregone their right of assessment of the excess area. The existing rent was recorded according to the hustabud of the zamindar. After publication of the draft records of this taluka, the landlords presented a number of petitions of objection, saying that several jamas entered in the hustabud did not find place in the settlement records. In course of enquiry in these cases, it came to light that many raiyats of this taluka held very much more or less land than what was entered in the hustabud in their names, and the rent recorded as payable was out of all proportion to the area held by them. This was because the raiyats had altered their holdings without giving information to the landlords' agents for correction of the hustabud. The settlement of taluka Moostafapur was made subsequently by me. In this taluka also there was the same disparity between the area found by measurement and the rent entered in the hustabud. I accordingly fixed the rental of each holding in this taluka according to the area found by this survey at the village rate of 10 annas 8 pies including batta. This village rate had been admitted by both parties, and there was no dispute regarding the rate. 11. Settlement of other talukas of pargana Akbarabad.-The raiyats of other talukas of this pargana readily attended the settlement proceedings. In taluka Srinibashpur the existing rent was correctly recorded according to the unanimous statement made by both parties. The same was held to be fair rent, as no previous measurement papers, according to which the rent had been originally fixed, could be produced for being compared with the present measure- ment. The raiyats of this taluk also claimed to be fixed-rate iaiyats, and as it was admitted by the patwari that the rate and the rent in this taluka had not been altered within 20 years, nor within time under recollection, they were with some exceptions held to be fixed-rate raiyats. The existing rent only was recorded regarding the village of Muhaumadpur, as there was no application for settlement of fair rent by either party ; and although a portion of the village had diluviated, the raiyats, in order to preserve their rights, did not desire a reduction of rent. The whole of Haddinagar had submerged in the Ganges and emerged after two years, when one Babu Bhagwati Churn Roy, the owner of an Indigo factory, who has several villages on the border of Haddinagar, forcibly sowed indigo on the newly-formed land. The dispute was to be tried under the Survey Act between him and the Banaili Raj, but it was compromised by Bhagwati Churn acknowledging the proprietary right of the Banaili Raj, and the latter agreeing to give him a lease of the land at 8 annas per bigha. The old raiyats of Haddinagar contended that their occupancy right in the land had not been extinguished by diluvion, while the landlords urged that they had lost the right by non-pay- ment of the rent. This matter also was compromised by the lands being settled with the old raiyats at 11 annas per bigha. Bhagwati Churn thus becomes the middle-man, making a profit of 3 annas per bigha. In Lakhmipur taluka, comprising two villages, the settlement of Lakhmipur itself was made at the village rate on the area found by this survey, as this village contains deara land and the rent recorded was not found correct with reference to the present area. In the other village, Bishnuprasad, of this taluka the existing rent only was recorded and held to be fair, application for enhancement of the rent having been with- drawn. 12. . Effect of settlement on the rental in par gana Akbarabad. The subjoined table shows the effect of the settlement on the former recorded rental- Name of Taluka. ner Present rental. P. 5 Moostafapur Gopinathpur Srinibashpur Haddinagar Lakhmipur Rs. A. P. 3,923 1 6 2,283 12 0 430 10 283 11 6 1,576 4 3 Rs. A. 4,299 5 2,489 12 431 8 784 10 1,618 6 1 Total 8,496 14 3 9,623 9.9 The increase of rental in talukas Gopinathpur and Srinibashpur is on account of assess- ment of the new holdings. 13. The settlement of pargana Kotwali.-The settlement of pargana Kotwali was made partly by me: but objections under sections 105 and 106 were all decided by me. There was no increase of area in this pargana, and in the majority of the cases the landlords did not apply for settlement of fair rent. The existing rent only was consequently recorded in those cases. In a few cases in which there were applications for settlement of fair and equitable rent, the excess area was assessed after an allowance of 2 cottahs in the bigha, or without any allowance when both parties presented petitions of compromise to that effect. There was no dispute regarding the standard of measurement in the majority of the villages of tbis pargana, ( 21 ) , and the raiyats did not seem to care much about the allowance. The rental of this pargana by the present settlement amounts to Rs. 1,094-13-7 against Rs. 874-14-3, the former rental. It is payable by 1,042 raiyats for an area of 1,637 acres. 14. Settlement of mauza Nawhatta, pargana Khubkhand. In the large village of Nawhatta in pargana Khubkhand, containing an area of 5,180 acres with 1,061 holdings, the Baneili and the Srinagar estates together own 12 annas share. The remaining 4 annas share belong to the resident proprietors of the village, who are the descendants of the former zamindars of the pargana. The settlement of the village was taken up by me in March 1889, when the proprietors of the 12 annas share, namely, the Banaili and the Srinagar proprietors, applied for settlement of fair rent under the second clause of section 104, but withdrew the application without permission to bring a fresh suit. The existing rent only was consequent- ly ascertained under the first clause of section 104; and the draft records were published on: that basis. Both the landlords and the tenants then presented a certain number of petitions of objections under section 106 regarding some entries of the existing rent made in the records, but the landlords also renewed their application for assessment of the excess area. The Assistant Settlement Officer, Babu Jagudas Bhattacharjee, then in charge of the settlement work in pargana Khubkhand, granted the application and assessed the excess area, deciding the question of rate in the same case. An appeal being preferred to the Special Judge, he held the whole proceeding to be void, firstly, because he considered that the Government notifica tion under section 101 did not apply to this village; and secondly, because the 4 anpas pro- prietors had not joined in the application for settlement. It was found subsequently that There had been a special notification of Government regarding this village. An application for review of judgment was accordingly made by the landlords to the Special Judge. He admitted the mistake so far, but did not grant the review on the second ground of the non- joinder of the 4 annas proprietors, observing at the same time that it was open to the Settle- ment Officer to make a fresh settlement. Agreeably to this suggestion, I gave notice to the parties that I would go to the village on the 20th October for a fresh settlement. After three or four days' stay in the village, the representatives of the Raj succeeded in inducing the 4 annas proprietors to join in the application for settlement on the promise that they will not be charged with the cost of the settlement. The necessary processes to the raiyats were issued then, and the trial commenced in the middle of November and lasted until the end of the month. At the termination of the trial the landlords wanted an adjournment to bring a pleader to argue the case. In the meantime I had to come away to head-quarters to write the annual and the half-yearly reports, and to dispose of other works that had accumulated in my absence. The case was ultimately decided about the end of December. The decision was to the effect that the excess area should be assessed after the usual allowance of 3 cottahs in the bigha on account of difference in the system of measurement and exclusion of recorded birur lands (seed-beds). The dispute regarding the rate was with 50 tenants only, and has been decided in their favour, chiefly because the hustatud and the wasil-baki papers of the land- lords were not found to be consistent with each other. In deciding this case, I had to consi- der 2,432 documents that had been produced. As I remained in the village for several weeks, the raiyats availed themselves of this opportunity to ask me to give them access to the records. I gave them free access, and the result was that they presented 283 petitions of objections, some of them being for partal. All these petitions were disposed of in the village in the month of December, some of them as cases under section 106. Since then the orders passed on the petitions have been carried out; the records have been re-arranged for final publica- tion; the terij and the deoree have been prepared; the necessary number of copies have been made for final publication and distribution to the tenants and the landlords. The final pub- lication was also made after the records had been checked and compared by the agents of the Raj. The records were finally classified, and, after preparation of the fly-leaves, were deposit- ed in the Collectorate at Bhagalpur on the 11th instant. Many raiyats of Nawhatta, to whom the parchas had been distributed, brought them up to me for explanation of any matter which they could not understand, or for correotions of mistakes where they were explained to them; and the mistakes where they were found to exist were correoted before the deposit of the records in the Collector's record-room. The total rental of Nawhatta by the present settlement amounts to Rs 6,343 against the former rental of Rs. 6,073. 15. Preparation of their cords of Bangaon and Chainpur, -These are two large villages in pargana Uttarkhand with a total area of 8,324 acresand containing 2,085 raiyati holdings. The inhabitants of these villages are literate and intelligent men of the Brahman caste. They are always on the alert respecting their rights and interests, and have evinced a keen inter. est in the settlement proceedings.' Numerous mistakes of measurement, Ichanapuri and of other kinds were rectified at their instance at the time of bajhurat and after the publication of the draft records. The records were taken to the village for final publication in March 1891. The raiyats again sent up a petition to the Settlement Officer, asking for permission to get fields transferred from one parcha to another by mutual agreement. In order to ensure accuracy of the reeords and to remove all complaints, this request of theirs was granted. They accordingly presented about 1,600 petitions of objection and compromises. They were all disposed of in course of one month, in April 1891, by me; but the changes involved the remoulding and rewriting of the whole records. The records had to be re-arranged, fresh terij and fresh copies of parchas had to be made, and I had personally to see how the orders passed on each petition had been carried out, so that there may not be any further complaint. The records were distributed again in last November in my presence, when I again heard what the raiyats had to say and corrected a few mistakes of copy. The records of these two villages also have been now deposited in the Collectorate. and that had be this opports that they ( 22 ) . 16. Deposit of the Malda records in the Collectorate.-The records of the two párganas Akbarabad and Kotwali were finally published in the first week of October, after which I went away to Nawhatta. During my absence the stock of forms fell short owing to failure of a press that had undertaken to supply them to do so in proper time. The necessary number of the copies were therefore not prepared until the end of November, after which the Manager of the Baneili Raj wrote me a letter asking me to allow his agents an extension of time to check the records, and compare the copies before they took delivery of the same. This request was complied with, and after the records had been checked by the landlords' agents as well as by me, and the fly-leaves had been written and the books bound, they were deposited in the Malda Collectorate in the third week of last January. The other records of Malda had been deposited in the Collectorate before that time. 17. Preparation of the statistical statements.-The statistical statements, 20 to 20F, for parganas Akbarabad and Kotwali, and the village statements prescribed in the inspection memorandum of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor for all the five parganas under settle- ment of the Malda district that were not ready until submissson of Mr. Collin's report, have been prepared since then and submitted to you with this office letter No. 322, dated the 26th January last. 18. Demarcation of disputed boundaries.-Boundary pillars along the disputed boundaries have been fixed in all the villages selected for the purpose, except tuppeh Pratabpur, in par- gana Mahinagar of the Malda district, that was reported by the local agents of the Raj to be covered by thick jungle and unfit to be demarcated in the cold weather. I will leave a man to go there in the first week of April. I have included his pay for that period in the accounts. He will submit his report to the Collector of Malda. In course of fixing the boundary pillars, new disputes arose in four villages only. In two villages, Utesra and Mati- hani, in pargana Farkya, the Raj agents stated that they had pointed out certain lands to the survey amin which they omitted to measure and to include in the map, and that they had dis- covered the mistake at the time of fixing the boundary pillars. In one village, Lewa, pargana Farkya, it was found that the survey map did not correctly describe the course of à river. In the fourth village, Badh Chanr, pargana Farkya, it was contended that the pillars fixed were not according to the decision. The last two disputes have been settled amicably. The petition of the Raj regarding Utesra was at first rejected by me as coming too late, but the Commissioner sent the case back for enquiry as to whether or not the land was included in the khasra. Though excluded from the map, I found that the land was included in the khasra, but an appeal has been preferred to the Commissioner by the opposite party against this finding. I found the disputed land in Matihani to have been neither included in the khasra nor in the map, and as the objection was presented at the close of the work long after the records had been deposited in the Collectorate, I have rejected the petition of objection, but an appeal has been preferred to the Commissioner against this order also. These are the only two appeals pending before the Commissioner. 19. Supply of traces for the correction of the maps. Traces for correction of maps accord- ing to decision in the boundary dispute cases, and according to orders passed in course of settlement for diversion or alteration of fields, have been supplied to the Surveyor-General regarding all the remaining villages, numbering about 165, and all his objections have been removed and explanations given. In some villages, like Bangaon and Chainpur, the pre- paration of the amended map and khasra entailed heavy work, as the alterations were numerous. In the village of Bangaon and Chainpur the number of corrections amounted to 802. 20. Verification of the account.—The accounts have been compared and verified with the Accountant-General up to 31st December 1891, and all the numerous discrepancies have been reconciled and his letters answered. The accounts for the current quarter are simple, but as the quarter has not expired yet, I have not received his quarterly statements. 21. Judicial work done during the period of report. The subjoined table shows the judicial work done during the period covered by this report, viz. from May 1891 to March 1892:- Number of boundary dispute cases decided Ditto cases decided under section 106 Ditto objections decided under section 105 537 Ditto tenants whose rent was settled Ditto tenants whose rent was ascertained 39 22. Statement of appeals pending.—The following appeals are still pending in the several courts mentioned below:- Name of the Court. Number of Description of the case. appeal. High Court Regarding the luggee case of pargana Akbarabad. Board of Revenue 1 Regarding the boundary dispute case of mauza Lakhmipur, pargana Akbarabad. Commissioner Regarding omission to measure certain lands in mauzas Matihani and Utesra, as stated in paragraph 18. Special Judge, Rajshahi ... Regarding the settlement case of taluka Sri- nibashpur. Ditto, Bhagalpur ... Cases under section 106 of Chainpur. ... 2,095 (23 ) ... 655 It will not be necessary to make any alterations in the records if the judgments are upheld, but if any alteration is ordered to be made by the Appellate Court, the Collector of the district to which the case relates might be asked to note the alteration in the records that are in his office. 23. Sise of holdings in mausa Nawhatta.-Mr. Collin has reported on the material condition of the raiyats of the tracts under settlement, and I give below a classification of the tenants of Nawhatta according to the size of their holding, from which some idea can be formed of the pressure of population on the land :- Number of holdings with an area under 5 Bihar bighas Ditto with areas between 5 and 10 Bibar bighas ... Ditto with an area between 10 and 25 Bihar bighas... 93 Ditto with an area between 25 and 50 Bihar bighas... 18 Ditto with areas above 50 Bihar bighas The size of holdings in the neighbourhood of Nohatta is not as large as that of Nohatta, as the inhabitants of Nohatta are traders, Raj servants, Brahminns and Rajputs having influence with the Raj family and Raj officials, Nohatta is the head-quarters of the Raj tahsil cirole of pargang Khubkhand and Utarkhund, and the residents thereof enjoy all the advantages of a strong and influential class of tenants. The raiyats in the other villages of the pargana do not belong to so favourable a class, and their condition is much depressed. 24. Condition of the raiyats in pargana Akbarabad. The condition of the raiyats of pargana Akbarabad and Kotwali is prosperous, except in one taluka, Srinibashpur, of which the soil is comparatively poor, being mostly sandy. The rate of rent in these parganas is about 10 annas per bigha, and the crops grown are mulberry and mangoes that yield more profit than ordinary staple crops. Pue settlement papers do not, however, contain a correct information regarding the size of holdings, as the zamindar's fiscal arrangement of this parana is talukwar, each raiyat holding lands in several villages of the same taluka, but · paying one lump rental for the whole. In the settlement papers, however, the lands held by each raiyat in each village is recorded as a separate holding; and as the lands held by one individual raiyat in several villages have not all been measured in his own name, but some in his own name and others in the names of his relatives, the real size of an individual raiyat's holding cannot consequently be ascertained from the settlement papers. The follow- ing table, however, shows the average size of holdings in parganas Akbarabad and Kotwali for each class of tenant according to the information that is available :- AVERAGE SIZE OF HOLDING. Class of holding Pargana Pargana Akbara- Kotwa- bad. 1. Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at fixed rates Settled raiyats Occupancy raiyats Non-occupancy raiyats Rent-free holdings B. C. C. B.: C, C. 0 4 11 0 17 13 3 1 9 17 11 5 18 14 3 5 1 6 18 10 1 10 9 2 8 4 1 17 3 7 3 1 2 18 0 LA QHA CO 25. Source of information regarding produce per bigha and the price of jute.--I was required to report from what source the information supplied by Mr. Collin, regarding the productive powers of land and the produce per bigha, was derived, and whether the price of jute in the Purnea district was correctly stated in his report. My information is that the produce per bigha was ascertained by enquiry from trustworthy persons, but not by actual weighment of the crop. The price of jute in Purnea in 1889-90 was stated in the report, but it has risen considerably since then. 26. The net expenditure on the Survey and Settlement.--The net expenditure on this survey and settlement amounts to Rs. 3,00,409-14-9, as detailed in the several statements submitted to you with my letter No. 448 of this day's date. Of this sum, Rs. 40,927-5 is payable by the tenants, Rs. 1,50,808-11-1 by the Srinagar Estate, Rs. 1,08,385-14-3 by the Baneili Raj, and Rs. 288-0-5 by the shareholders in mauza Mohanpur and Badh Takhuti; the total amount payable by the proprietors is thus Rs. 2,59,482-9-9. The net increase of rental, acoording to Statement F, now amounts to Rs. 23,637-1-4, of which the capitalized ( 24 ) value at 20 years' purchase would be Rs. 4,72,741-10-8. The proprietors thus make a net profit of Rs 2,13,259-0-11 in the shape of the capitalized value of the increase in the rental, besides obtaining facility of collection and of future enhancements, security of the boundaries, and a complete hold on the conduct of their own employés. The subjoined table shows the net profit of each proprietor:- Share of increase. Capitalized value of increase. Share of cost. Profit. Srinagar Estate Banaili Raj ... Other proprie- tors. Rs. A. P. 15,593 14 0 7,955 9 87 10 1 Rs. A. 3,11,877 8 1,59,111 9 1,752 9 AiOOOO Rs. A. P. 1,50,808 11 1 1,08,385 14 3 288 0 5 Rs. A. P. 1,61,068 12 11 50,725 10 9 1,464 9 3 Total 23,637 1 4 4,72,741 10 8 2,59,482 9 9 | 2,13,259 0 11 27. The total area surveyed is 447,189, and that settled 426,269 acres 1 rood 1 pole. The average expenditure on the area surveyed now comes to annas 10-9 per acre, and on the area settled to annas 11-3 per acre. 28. Recovery of cost from the tenants. - As stated in paragraph 105 of Mr. Collin's report, it was arranged that the Srinagar Court of Wards should collect the contribution due from the raiyats who did not pay the sum at the time of the distribution of the parchas. A certain amount has been realized by the estate according to that arrangement. The estate has now been released from the Court of Wards, and the present managing proprietor, Koer Nittyanund Singh, is unwilling to recover the whole cost from the raiyats, and proposes that the Baniali Raj also should take the burden in proportion-to its own share. The Banaili Raj Manager, on the other hand, declines to have anything to do with the recovery of the cost from the raiyats. As all such matters have been hitherto settled through Mr. Wace, the Collector of Bhagalpur, I have addressed him on the subject. The difficulty pointed out by Koer Nittyanund Singh is that he cannot recover the amount by summary procedure under the Certificate Act as the Court of Wards could. I have suggested that This difficulty can be removed by appointing the Srinagar tahsildars as the agents of Govern- ment to collect the amount due from the raiyats, and by issuing proclamation to the raiyats to pay the amount through the said tahsildar. If any amount is not paid to the tahsildar, the Collector can file certificates after submission by the tahsildar of a list of defaulters. 29. Balance still payable by the proprietors. The balance of cost still recoverable from the several parties is stated below:- Rs. A. P. By the Banaili Raj By the Srinagar Estate on its own account ... ... 15,719 14 1 Amount due from the raiyats and payable through the Srinagar Estate ... 34,978 70 Amount due from the share-holders of Badh Takbuti and Mohanpur 288 0 5 Total ... 50,986 5 6 30. Cause of delay in completion of the work.—Mr. Collin, while submitting the Budget Estimate for the current financial year with his letter No. 552, dated the 4th March last, expected that the work wonld be finished by the end of December. The main portion of the work, namely, the settlement and the disposal of cases and objections, was finished within that time, but the actual winding up of the office, the sending of recoids and things to several offices, the closing of correspondence, and the final apportionment of the cost, has extended to the end of March. This has necessarily resulted in some increase of expenditure over the estimate. The real excess expenditure in consequence of delay in the completion of the work was estimated by me at Rs. 1,545 (ride my letter No. 377, dated the are the chief reasons of three months' delay in the completion of the work. Mr. Collin based his estimate on the supposition that the settlement of Pargana Akbarabad would be completed in May, and then the final publication of the records would be made in October, and the office would be wound up in three months' further time. The settlement of Pargana Akbarabad, however, was not finished in May, and there was no prospect of its early completion when I took over charge in the first week of May. Owing to the recusancy of the raiyats that caused much waste of time in attempts to conciliate them, and necessitated Reference to higher authorities and issue of a large number of processes, the settlement was ( 25 ) completed on the 1st of September. I, nevertheless, strove to complete the work within the time, and completed the final publication in October. The office might have been wound up - in December but for the necessity of making a fresh settlement of Nohatta. The fresh settlement of Nawhatta was a contingency that was not taken into calculation when Mr. Collin submitted his estimate. The decision of the appellate court in the Nohatta case was given in last July, but the result was not communicated to me by the parties. I got the imforma- tion in September when I had made an enquiry about it from the Subordinate Judge. If I had received timely information, it would have been possible to finish even the Nohatta settlement within the estimated time. Besides the chief work stated above, many sundry matters came up for disposal as the work approached completion. The correspondence at the close of the work became heavier than in previous time. No. 2004., dated the 7th July 1891. From-E. W. COLLIN, Esq., Settlement Officer, Banaili Raj and Srinagar Court of Wards' Estates, To-The Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal. I HAVE the honour to submit the following report on the settlement of the Srinagar Court of Wards' and Banaili Raj Estates. 2. I regret that the report is not a final statement of the settlement, but, as previously reported in the correspondence ending with this office No. 133, dated the 26th June 1891, the completion of the settlement is delayed in Malda by the opposition of the raiyats of Akbarabad pargana. The settlement of this pargana was commenced in June 1890, but a dispute as to the standard of measurement arose at the outset. This was judicially decided against the raiyats, who appealed to the Special Judge. While the appeal was pending, hoth the parties applied for the postponement of the settlement. This application was granted. The appeal was not heard until the 20th April, and was adverse to the claims of the raiyats, who then refused to attend for the purpose of checking the entries in the records made by the survey amins, or to attest their rentals. The landlords abandoned any claim to alteration of rentals in the greater part of the pargana, but the raiyats demanded that all should be recorded as having fixed rights, in order to prevent any increase in future. As matters now stand, the work of completing the records is going on in accordance with the rules, and efforts are being made to enforce the attendance of the parties who continue to hold aloof froin the proceedings. The total area of the pargana is 163 square miles, in two-thirds of which the raiyats are giving opposition. In the Kotwali pargana of Purnea, containing 3 square miles, the completion of the settlement was delayed by the necessity of measuring some scattered lands during the last cold season. At the time of the cadastral survey these lands were purposely omitted, with the approval of the managing authorities, as they were of such a scattered character that the survey would not be worth the expense. At the time of settlement, however, the landlords applied for the measurement of the lands, which was accordingly carried out. The settlement of these scattered lands delayed the preparation of the records of the villages to which they belonged, but it has been now completed. In the large village of Nawhatta, in the Khubkband pargana of Bhagalpur, the decision of the Settlement Officer regarding the settlement of rents was upset by the Special Judge of Bhagalpur, on the ground that the village being partly owned by proprietors other than Srinagar and Banaili, did not fall within the terms of the Government notifications bring- ing the estates under Chapter X of the Tenancy Act. As a matter of fact, a special notification was issued regarding this village, but it was not brought to the notice of the Special Judge. An application for review was filed by the estates, and it was fixed for hearing on the 29th June. I have not been informed of the result. It will probably be necessary to re-try some of the cases. The work of completing the settlement has been made over to Babu Barhamdeo Narain since I gave over charge on the 11th May 1891. 3. History of the family.--The founder of the family which now jointly owns the Banaili and Srinagar Raj Estates was Hazari Chowdhari, Tahsildar of the Passara Raja of Purnea. About 1780 A. D. he acquired the Tirakhurdal pargana of Purnea by pur- chase. His son, Doolar Singh, purchased the Bhagalpur and Mongbyr estates. About the year 1800, the Akbarabad estate, containing 150 villages in parganas Dehat and Suja- nagar in Purnea, and in the Mabinagar and Akbarabad Parganas of the Malda district was acquired. Doolar Singh had two sons-Bidianund Singh and Rudranund Singh. The former was the father of Leelanund Singh, the first Raja of the family, and the father of the present Raja Padmanund Singh of Banaili. Rudranund Singh, the second son of Doolar Singh, was the father of Kumar Srinandon Singh, whose sons are the Srinagar Wards. There are three wards—Kumar Nityanund Singh, Kumar Kamalanund Singh, and Kumar Kalkanund Singh. The eldest ward was born on the 13th July 1870, and therefore came of age in the current month. The greater portion of the Wards' estates in held jointly with their second cousin of the Banaili family. 4. The Srinagar Estate was taken under the charge of the Court of Wards in October 1882. The former proprietor, Kumar Srinandon Singh, died The Srinagar Court of Wards' Estate. be on the 17th December 1880, leaving three minor sons and three daughters. He left no will, and there was no adult male member of the family who could administer the estate. On the application of the widows, the District Judge of Purnea took charge of the estate, on the 25th March 1881, under Act XL of 1858. Constant ( ) 26 - No. 1101T-Foto X of the Top of the surveyroceedings Werte, in which page 892). FO voy disputes, however, arose between the widows, and the estates were made over to the Court of Wards in October 1882. 5. At the time that the estate was taken over by the Court of Wards, the total rent demand of the Srinagar share. was Rs. 2,67,943, while the Reasons for the survey and settlement Government revenue and putni rent payments by the estates of the estate. were Rs. 86,060. The arrear demand was Rs. 14,68,440. In 1884 arrears to the amount of Rs. 10,15,036 were remitted, while collections of the current demand amounted to 72 per cent. only. The arrears continued to increase, and in 1885. difficulties arose in the introduction of the Tenancy Act form of rent receipt, which brought to a head the disputes as to rentals and areas of holdings. In 1886-87 the collections of rent and cesses were only 63 and 55 per cent., respectively, and the arrears had increased from 4 lakhs to more than 7 lakhs. It was then resolved to undertake a survey and the preparation of a record of rights of the estate, so as to effect (in the words of the Government orders) “ an adjustment of the rent demand, and to secure system and punctuality in collections.” As stated in the letter of the Government of Bengal, No. 1101T-R, dated the 15th September 1886, an authoritative survey and record of rights, under Chapter X of the Tenancy Act, appeared to be absolutely required by the circumstances of the case. The object of the survey, it was said, was not to make an enhancement, but to ascertain and record existing rents. Proceedings were initiated on an application from the Court of Wards under section 101 of the Tenancy Act, in which Raja Pudmanund Singh, the co-sharer of the Srinagar Wards * Letter from the Government of in the greater part of the property, joined. In August Bengal to the Board of Revenue, No. 2673-946L.R., dated the 30th August i 1887* final orders were passed for the commencement of the 70 1000.nat Orders were passou 101 ble commencement o ne 1887, and notification dated 30th proceedings under Chapter X of the Tenancy Act, which October 1887 (Calcutta Gazette of 1887, should embrace lands in all estates, the exclusive property of the Srinagar Court of Wards, and also in those held jointly + Government notification dated 3rd by the Srinagar Court of Wards and the Banaili Raja. October 1888, vide Part I, page 875, Calcutta Gazette. Orderst were subsequently issued extending the proceedings Governmenti notification dated 31st to three villages in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, December 1889. in which a 4-anna share was held by other proprietors, and to the villages held by the Srinagar estate in Purnea, as putnidar and durpatnidar. 6. The survey was carried out by a professional party under Mr. G. B. Scott, Deputy Superintendent of the Survey of India Department. It was commenced in November 1887, and all the records were made over to the Settlement Department by the end of October 1889. The traverse survey was attended with some difficulty. The traverse of such entire villages as were known to belong to the estates was soon completed, but the estates own a number of cheet lands, i.e., scattered blocks or isolated fields in the villages of other proprietors. The officials of the estates were ignorant of the locality of these lands, and it was a matter of time to get them pointed out. When this was done, it was necessary to fix their position on the maps for purposes of future identification, and traverse lines were drawn round the blocks and were connected by chain lines with some other stations which had already been fixed. The total number of these isolated blocks is 380, scattered in 78 villages, and covering an aggregate area of 41 square miles. The total area traversed was 745 square miles, against 6991 square miles cadastrally surveyed. The excess is accounted for by the traversing of scattered blocks and of a few villages in pargana Tirakhurdah, Purnea, which were found to belong wholly to the Banaili estate, and which were therefore excluded from cadastral survey. 7. An attempt was made to employ patwaris or local men of that class for cadastral survey. Operations commenced in the Khubkhand pargana Agency employed in the survey. age of Bhagalpur, and, with a view to train local men, candidates were promised Rs. 5 per month while in training, on condition that they learnt the work in six weeks. About 50 candidates presented themselves, and those who were first trained were deputed to the survey of the Daphar pargana under the Settlement Officer. The greater number, however, left before they were trained, and the few who could work refused to leave their own pargana. The patwaris of the estates could not be employed as amins, as they were constantly required for the work of the estate. Another difficulty in employing them was that one patwari has several villages in his charge, and he would be required to watch the record-writing in one village and to point out fields in another, in addition to conducting his regular duties for the estate. Local agency was therefore little used, but anins were at first recruited from Tirhut, where men had been trained in the course of the Muzaffarpur survey. After the first three months, when it was found that work was proceeding slowly, a number of amins were brought down from Basti, North-Western Provinces, and they were regularly employed until the close of the operations. As the language current in the greater portion of the estates is Hindi, no inconvenience resulted from the employment of up-country men, except in the Malda district, where the records were first written up in Hindi-Kaithi, and were then translated into Bengali in office. Bengalis, wherever possible, were employed to write the khatians in Bengali, simultaneously with the khasra, in order to secure accuracy in the names of raiyats; but it was found in the course of settlement that much confusion had resulted from the misspelling of names. 8. The total area surveyed by the professional party was 617 square miles. The average size of the field was 73 of an acre. The total cost Cost of professional survey of the traverse survey of 745 square miles and of the cadas- tral survey of 617 square miles was Rs. 1,20,528, or Rs. 197-1-8 per square mile, equal to 4 annas 11 pies per acre. The scale of cadastral survey was 16 inches to the mile. The newmvation, and traverse lines were drawn a presen foss ( ) 27 983,184, or saved labour represented found to system of survey was that laid down in Colonel Barron's Hand-book. All field boundaries were mapped out at the time of record-writing; if a number of contiguous fields were found to be held by one raiyat, under the same tenancy, the interior details were represented by dotted lines, and one number was given to the whole plot. This saved labour in record-writing, and reduced the number of fields from 739,311 to 583,184, or a saving of 25 per cent. The only other alteration in Colonel Barron's system was that areas were extracted on the spot and field boundaries entered in before transmitting the sheets to office. The computation of areas on the ground was appreciated by the raiyats who frequently tested the measurements recorded by the amins with their village poles. 9. Several causes conduced to make the survey expensive. Time was lost at first in trying to train local men. An outbreak of cholera in Causes for the high cost of survey. survey. Monghyr in April 1888, and in Purnea in April 1889, and of fever in November 1888, hindered the work. Though the average size of the fields is on the whole area •73 of an acre, the average size of cultivated fields was •4 of an acre, and in parts of Purnea and Malda the general average was 3 of an acre. The provision of coolies for the amins in eastern Purnea and Malda was estimated by Mr. Scott to cost Rs. 48 per square mile. The scattered character of the area surveyed also added considerably to the cost. 10. The cadastral survey of 81 square miles in pargana Daphar, Bhagalpur, was taken up by the Settlement Department. The work was done Cadastral survey by the Settlement during the first six months of 1888. before records were Department. received from the professional party. The cost of this survey was Rs. 145 per square mile. The survey was conducted on the same lines as that of the professional party, except that local agency was more used. The work done by the local men was unsatisfactory and proceeded very slowly until amins were imported from Muzaffarpur, the carrying out of a small area of cadastral survey in an isolated part of the district was not conducive to economy, and the experiment was not repeated. It was chiefly of value in employing the officers of the Settlement Department, while waiting for records from the professional party. General description of the tract under survey. 11. The total area surveyed was 447,662 acres or 699] square miles. Of this area Area surveyed. 7,654 acres, contained in 11 villages in the Haveli pargana, Purnea, were found not to fall within the terms of the Gov- ernment notification directing the survey under Chapter X of the Tenancy Act, as the Srinagar Court of Ward's Estate held only a small share in them. Thus, though the villages were cadastrally surveyed, they were not taken up for settlement, and are not included in the statements appended to this report. The total area of the lands affected by the survey and settlement is therefore 440,008 acres. The estates are distributed in 5 districts and 23 parganas, as follows :- Acres. R. P. Bhagalpur 157,249 2 24 Monghyr 126,590 3 Purnea 128,518 3 33 Darbhanga 1,351 2 16 Malda 26,297 2 27 Total 440,008 2 26 The appended statements (Appendix A) show the distribution of the estates by parganas. The villages in Bhagalpur and Monghyr lie in comparatively compact blocks, but the estates in Purnea, Malda, and Darbhanga are much scattered. The following is a general descrip- tion of the area affected by the survey operations. 12. The estates in the Bhagalpur district are situated in sis parganas, as follows:- In the extreme north of the district the estates hold 94 villages in the Daphar Pargana. (1) Bhagalpur. The river Kosi passes through the east of the pargana, and (a) Daphar pargana. the villages to the east of it have been recently transferred to the Purnea district. Of these 94 villages, 23 are subject to the inundation of the Kosi, and form islands in the many channels into which that river is divided after leaving the hills. These villages are uncultivated, and are covered with grass and jungle, and it was not thought necessary to survey them. In five of these villages there were considerable areas of cultivation, and these lands were measured by the patwaris of the estate, and the records duly prepared. The total area of the lands surveyed in the parganas is 81 square miles, of which 71 square miles lie to the west of the Kosi, and 10 square miles to the east. The pargana is divided into two portions by an old embankment called the Bhir bund. This embankment extends from the hills in the Nepal Terai to a point about 20 miles south of the frontier. Its history is discussed in Dr. Hunter's Gazetteer, and it is doubtful whether it was a line of fortifications intended to protect the eastern boundary of the ancient province of Maithila, or was an embankment for the prevention of floods either from the Daus river on the east or the Teljuga on the west. It is certain that at some time a river has flowed across the pargana, as beds of shingle are found at many places a few feet below the surface. To the east of the Bhir bund the land is flat and lowlying. It is subject to diluviation from the Kosi river, which has been of late years tending in a westerly direction, and has rendered unculturable large tracts of d 2 ( 28 ) land lying on its western bank. An offshoot of the Kosi, called the Daus, penetrates inland as far as the Bhir bund and fertilises large tracts of rice land. To the west of the embankment, the lands are higher and are suited to a variety of crops. There is a small hill stream called the Demra which fertilizes this portion of the pargana. There are two important market towns at Buluab bazar and Bhirpur. Merchants from Bengal and the North-Western Pro- vinces have settled here, and carry on a large export trade in rice and oil-seed, both from this pargana and from Nepal. The grains are either exported by river or are taken to the Tirhut State Railway at Pertabgunge and Bhaptiahi stations. A Government road connects Nepal and the bazars of Bhirpur and Buluah with Pertabgunge; and there is a second road from Bhirpur to Bhaptiahi station. The rainfall in this pargana is generally plentiful, and there is no artificial irrigation. The supply of drinking water is obtained from cutoha wells, and the water level is about 12 feet below the surface. Fever is very prevalent in November and December, which is attributed to the malaria arising from the Nepal Terai. Outbreaks of cholera frequently occur in April and May. The average size of the villages is over a square mile, and the houses of the villagers are much scattered. Houses are built of grass and thatch, as the soil is not suitable for making mud walls. In the Buluah and Bhirpur bazars the merchants have masonry houses with corrugated-iron roofs as a protection against fire. The pargana lies in the Supaul subdivision of the Bhagalpur district. 13. About ten miles south of the Daphar pargana, the Srinagar estate owns one village in the Harawat pargana with an area of 766 acres. Further (6) Khubkhand pargana. to the south the estates own a connected tract of 82 square , miles in the Khubkhand pargana, which is also in the Supaul subdivision. The pargand is bounded on the west by the Teljuga river, and on the east by the Dumra river. The area consists of a series of depressions suitable for rice cultivation and opening out into jhils, alter- nating with high tracts of sandy soil, much of which is uncultivable grass land. The lands bordering the Teljuga and the Dumra are liable to inundations, and on the banks of the former river are large areas of lands used for the growth of thatching grass. A Government road runs though the centre of the pargana, and there is a considerable market town at Nawbatta, where also is the tahsil office of the estates. A dispensary has recently been estab. lished there by the Court of Wards. An old embankment was in 1890 repaired by the estate, and affords protection to the villages on the banks of the Dumra. To the south are five villages which are specially liable to inundation, and these could not be cadastrally surveyed in the first season. Fortunately the rainfall of 1888 was very deficient, and the villages were surveyed early in 1889. The number of villages in this pargana belonging to the estate is 81, and the average size of the village is about one square mile. The houses are closely packed together on such high ground as is available for village sites, and many of the houses have mud walls and tiled roofs. Drinking water is obtained from wells. Each village has several masonry wells, and the depth of water is about 12 feet. Irrigation from wells is unknown except in the case of garden crops cultivated by raiyats of the Kunjra caste. In the villages bordering the Teljuga and the Dumra, such as Satour, Darhar, Bhelahi, and Aurea Ramonti, there are tracts of clay soil which are irrigated before cultivation with rice. The water is lifted by means of a hollow fallen treo called “dhose” or “krine," and the lands are twice irrigated in April. They are then ploughed and sown broadcast with paddy. Most of the rice is transplanted in the low lands and require no irrigation, but in some villages water is brought in from the rivers by means of “pynes,” which are carefully kept in repair by the villagers. Near the villages of Ekarh and Nawhatta are large areas of mango groves, and much injury is done to crops by monkeys. 14. To the east of the Khubkhand pargana lies the Uttarkand pargana, in which the . estates own 25 villages with an area of 40 square miles. © Uttarkand pargana. The average size of the village is about lå square miles. The largest village is that of Saifabad-Bungaon, containing an area of over 10 square miles. This contains a settlement of Mithila Brahmins, to whom the village originally belonged. There is a police outpost at Bungaon, and the road traverses the pargana connecting it with Supaul on the north and the Monghyr district on the south. The Dumra river bounds the pargana on the west, and considerable tracts are liable to inundation. To the east the lands are higher, and a variety of crops are growi, such as wheat, mustard seed, and indigo. The Talabă river bounds the pargana on the east, and a canal about a mile long has been made by the estate to drain a large jhil in the village of Goburgurha. 15. To the east lies the pargana of Nirsingpur Khoorah, in which the estates jointly own eight villages with an area of 225 square miles. The 1a) wirsingpur-Ahooran pargana. pargana is situated in the Mudhipura subdivision, and the villages appertaining to the Srinagar-Bapaili estates are scattered. The lands are lowlying, and are chiefly cultivated with rice and pulses. To the south of this pargana the estate owns seven scattered villages in pargana Chai with an area of 224 square miles. The tract is liable to (e) Chai pargana. inundations from the river Kosi, and only 37 per cent. is cultivated; about one-tenth of the area consists of jhils, and nearly one-half is grass jungle suitable only for pasturage. 16. In Monghyr the estates jointly hold 124 villages in the Farkya Pargana, and one (2) Monghyr. village, that of Mohubba, in the Balia Pargana. The villages contain 126,590 acres or 198 square miles. The pargana lies on the north bank of the Ganges opposite the town of Monghyr. One-third of the area consists of rich alluvial lands on the bank of the Ganges. This is bounded on the ( 29 ) north by a tract of high land containing a considerable area of mango groves. To the north of this high land is a lowlying tract which is subject to periodical inundations from the Gandak, Teljuga, and Kosi rivers. To the east lie & number of villages on the north of the Teljuga which have suffered from the inundations of the Kosi. The area of cultivated lands has decreased, and there is a large tract of grass land which is used for pasturage. To the north there is a block of villages containing highly fertile rice lands. On the west is a series of villages on the bank of the Gandak river containing fertile high lands. The centre of the , pargana is shown in the old Revenue Survey map as intersected by numerous rivers and covered with jungle. The rivers have now to a great extent silted up, and the jungle has been cleared ; but the lands are still liable to inundation in the rains, and only cold-weather crops can be grown. The tahsil office is at Gogri, the junction of the Gandak and the Ganges. There is a Government road from the Khagaria ghát which runs eastwards to Gogri and thence to the south of the pargana, and a road runs northwards from Munsi to Saifabad- Bungaon in Bhagalpur. The East Indian Railway has an agency at Khagaria, where it receives goods, and there are facilities for transport on the Gandak, Teljuga, and Ganges rivers. The villages are as a rule situated on high lands in compact hamlets, and the houses are well built with mud walls and tiled roofs. A number of villages in the centre of the par- gana are uninhabited. Drinking-water is supplied, as a rule, from masonry wells, and the depth of water is about 30 feet. These wells are specially set apart for the purpose, and are periodically cleaned. There is no irrigation except in the high lands to the west, where a small area of poppy and garden crops is irrigated from wells. 17. In Darbhanga district the Srinagar estate owns solely seven small villages in two (3) Darbhanga. parganas- Fakrabad and Bhaor. These villages are situated near the Jhanjharpur station of the Tirhut State Railway. They contain 1,351 acres, or about 2 square miles. 18. The estates in Purnea lie in eight parganas, each of which have their special charac- teristics. In the north of the district, in the Arrareah sub- (4) Purnea, (a) Tirakhardah pargana. division, is the Tirakhurdah pargana, containing 26 villages, and an area of 37 square miles. This pargana forms part of the fertile belt of land which borders the Nepal Terai. The pargana originally belonged jointly to the Banaili and Srinagar estates, but in 1885 there was a partition, and only the portion allotted to the Srinagar Wards' Estate has been settled. The river Bukra passes Through the east of the pargana, and causes much confusion in the villages along its banks by its yearly diluvion and alluvion. There is a small hill stream called the Burana on the west. A Government road connecting Nepal with the head-quarters of the Arrareah subdivision passes through the pargana, and on the south is an old famine road connecting the pargana with the Forbesgunge Railway Station of the Assam-Bihar Railway. The tahsil office is at Kursakanta, where a considerable market is held every week. 19. In the centre of the district are the Haveli and Shahpur Parganas, in which the estates hold separate shares in 42 villages, as described in the (0) Haveli and Shanpur Parganas. appendix (B). The area appertaining to the estates amounts to 87} square miles, of which 44 per cent. only is cultivated. These parganas appear to have been traversed by the Kosi river on its way from the east of the district to its present course on the west. An old branch of the Kosi river, called the Kurra Kosi, divides the pargana. The lands consist of shallow depressions divided by high ridges of sandy soil, of which the greater portion is unoultivated grass land, held by raiyats for pasturage of cattle. Two main roads traverse the pargana from north to south, and connect the villages with the town of Purnea and the railway stations of Kusba and Purnea. The Soura river is the eastern boundary of the pargana. The villages are scattered in many hamlets, and the houses are for the most part built of grass and bamboo. Drinking water is supplied from the rivers and from wells, few of which are of masonry. The depth of water is about 18 feet. Irrigation is not resorted to except for tobacco and garden crops. The tahsil office is at Srinagar to the north of the pargana, about 15 miles from the station of Purnea. To the east lies the Dharampur pargana, in which the Srinagar estate owns solely scat- tered properties in 11 villages, containing an area of 14 square (c) Dharampur pargana. miles. Only 52 per cent. is cultivated, chiefly with rice and pulses, but wheat, mustard seed, indigo, and tobacco are also grown. 20. To the south are 15 villages in pargama Kadwa. Of these 14 are held solely by the Srinagar estate under putni leases, and the village of (a) Kudwa pargana. Mathour is held jointly under a putni lease by both the Srinagar and Banaili estates. The pargana consists of a lowlying tract of land liable to inundations from the Bishnah river on the west and the Panar river on the east. The area of the villages appertaining to the estates is 8 square miles, of which 58 per cent. is cultivat- ed. A large area is covered with coarse grass and jungle. The villages lie near the police- station at Kadwa, and are connected with the town of Purnea and the Sonali station of the Assam-Bihar Railway by a Government road. 21. On the extreme east of the district, in the Kishanganj subdivision, lies pargana Dehat, in which the estates jointly own four large villages (e) Dehat pargana. with an area of 16} square miles. These villages are situated on the border of Dinajpur, from which they are separated by the Nagur river. The tahsil office is at Goalpokur, and a Government road connects the pargana with Kishanganj. The inhabitants are chiefly Muhammadans, who have large holdings and keep considurable areas in fallow and grass for the pasturage of cattle. been travest. An old shallow depress land, helduth, and cont The Soutats. and then f which 44 pependix (B). The shares in 49 roads trand the railwana. The wäl bambo Puneta y of the built of here of masomi garden partion of Pithe Srins cept fort 15 miles fr pargana, in 11 villaeis cultir the Dharampered proponly 52 pe are also St Of of whichof grasse villages sha and" and connec pasturagedy, soil, so the pa ve ( 30 ) Immediately to the south, in the Tajpur pargana,. the Srinagar estate holds solely a (f) Tajpur pargana. putni of 31 villages with an area of about 12 square miles. The features of this pargana are similar to those of Dehat. 22. To the south-east of the Purnea district is the Sujanagar pargana, containing 60 villages, jointly owned by the two estates, with an area of - (g) Sujanagur pargana. 254 square miles. The Mahanadi river flows through this pargana and fertilizes it with 'annual inundations. There is a Government road traversing the.pargana, which connects the Barsoe station of the Assam-Bihar Railway with the district of Malda. The pargana consists chiefly of open rice lands alternating with high tracts of sandy soil on which mustard seed is grown. There are few trees, but a number of bamboo clumps, and the villages are built on the high lands surrounded with bamboos and jungles. Portions of the lands of the estate are situated to the north of the Assam-Bihar Railway, and have been injuriously affected by the embankment, which has blocked the drainage. 23. In Malda the lands which have been surveyed are situated in five parganas. Of these: the Mahinagur and Sujanagur parganas are situated (5) Malda. to the extreme north of the district, and in them the estates hold 71 villages with an area of about 194 square miles. The villages are liable to inunda- tions from the Mahanadi river, and only 61.8 per cent. is cultivated. There are large tracts of grass land used for pasturage, and also for the growth of thatching-grass, which is sold in the south of the district. During the rains the pargana is only accessible by water. To the north of the civil station of Malda the estates own 20 small villages in the Kotwali pargana, with an area of about 3} square miles. These villages from a portion of the estate of Akbarabad, tauzi No. 65, of which a share of 2 annas has been separately allotted to the Srinagar and Banaili estates. The villages are situated on the southern bank of the Kalindri river, and contain a large area of mango groves and of mulberry lands. The low- lying lands are liable to inundations, and are cultivated with cold-weather crcps, such as kalai and wheat. There is a considerable market at Kotwali, and two Government roads connect the pargana with the civil station of Malda. 24. To the south-west. of Malda the estate owns 30 small villages in pargana Bhatya- Gopalpur, locally known as Bhelbhari Bhatya. These villages form the estate Taluka Gangarampur (tauzi No. 76), and are situated in the northern outskirts of the ancient city of Gour on the banks of the Bhagirathi river. There is a considerable area of jungle and groves, and the mulberry crop is largely grown. There is a road connecting the pargana with the civil station and with the police station of Kaliachak on the south. To the west of the Bhagirathi river lies the Akbarabad pargana, in which the estates jointly own 29 villages with an area of about 17 square miles. Five of these villages are situated on dearas, and were formed when the Ganges receded to its present channel on the west. The other villages are lowlying and are liable to inundations from the Pugla and Bhagirathi rivers. There is a considerable area of mulberry cultivation. The villages are, for the most part, closely packed together on the high land, and the houses are built of grass and bamboos. Drinking water is supplied either from the rivers or from wells. Two Government roads connect the pargana with the civil station of Malda and with the police-station of Kaliachak. Statistical Results. 25. The appended statistical statements 20 and 20D show the classification of the soil and the list of crops in each pargana, and the following is a Cultivation and crops. summary of the results in the different districts in which the estates lie. The following statement shows the classification of the soil in the Bhagalpur district :- PERCENTAGE. : NAME OF PARGANA. Number. Total area. Cultivated. Culturable. Unculturable. Bhadoi. Rabi. Aghani. Double cropped. co 8 o 26 20.6 Daphar Harawat Khubkhand Uttrakhand Nirsingpur Chai :::::: Acres. 45,401 766 57,006 25.426 14,354 14,293 75 85.6 68:4 71.8 73.8 37 19.5 7.4 22:3 20 19:4 51.5 5.5 7 9.3 8.2 6.8 11.5 36.6 22 34.2 53 42:8 62.5 48.5 27 59 47 ( 31 ) (a) Bhagalpur District. --The figures for the Harawat pargana represent only one village, and no conclusions can be drawn from them. Omitting these figures, it appears that the most cultivated pargana is that of Daphar, in spite of the injury caused by the encroachments of the Kosi river. It was more flourishing before the Kosi had advanced so far in a westerly direction, and the percentage of cultivation was in 1875 estimated to be as high as 80. In the Nirsingpur pargana there has been a decrease of cultivation, as in 1875 over 90 per cent. was reported to be cultivated. The pargana. of Nirsingpur and that of Chai have both suffered from the advances of the Kosi river in a westerly direction. The percentage of cultivation in none of the parganas is as high as was found in the Muzaffarpur district. On the other hand it is higher than in Monghyrand Purnea,.except in the parganas of Sujanagar and Tirakhurdah of the latter district. In the Daphar pargana the culturable area consists of new fallow (21.7 per cent.), old fallow (40 per cent.), groves (10.9 per cent.), grass, bush, &c. (27.4 per cent). The large arer of old fallow consists of grass lands subject to floods and suited only for pasturage. Of the uncultivated area, 42 per cent. consists of roads, 18 per cent. of tanks, and 8 per cent. of village sites. In the Khubkhand pargana there is only 11 per cent. of new fallow against 21 per cent. in Daphar. This is due to the practice in the latter pargana of keep- ing lands fallow for wheat cultivation. In the Khubkhand pargana the area of old fallow is 44 per cent. of the culturable area. This includes grass land on the high sandy ridges which has never been cultivated. There is a considerable area of groves, viz., 20 per cent. of the culturable area, or 2.5 per cent. of the total area, but this is exceeded by the Uttarkhund pargana, where the area under groves amounts to 7 per cent. of the total area. In the villages of Saifabad-Bungaon and Chainpur there are dense mango groves covering 13 and 17 per cent., respectively, of the total areas of those villages. These groves shelter numerous monkeys, who do great damage to the crops in neighbouring fields. The villagers will do nothing to stop their depredations, and it is a local tradition that Divine justice in the shape of death by lightning overtook a European gentleman who attempted to destroy them. In both the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand parganas the area of land covered with jheels is considerable, amounting in the former to 76 per cent., and in the latter to 45 per cent. of the unculturable area. These jheels are for the most part formed by the Dumra river which covers a large tract of low-lying land on both banks. In favourable years a crop of bora dhan is obtained from these jheel lands. In the Nirsingpur pargana the greater portion of the culturable area consists of old fallow and grass lands, and only a small area of jheels and rivers. On the other hand, in the neighbouring Pargana of Chai, the area covered with jheels amounts to over 9 per cent. of the total area, and there is a large quantity of grass land suitable for pasturage, amounting to over 42 per cent. of the total area. Cattle are brought here from all parts of the district, and are allowed to graze on payment of a fee of 8 annas per buffalo and 4 annas per bullock. 26. The principal crops grown in the Bhagalpur district are as follows: Pargana Daphar.–Rice (53 per cent.), kurthi (13 per cent.), mustard seed (11 per cent.), marua 07:5 per cent.), linseed (3 per cent.), arhar (1.2 per cent.), and wheat (2.5 per cent.). Pargana Khubkhand.-Rice (57 per cent.), marua (18.7 per cent.), kurthi (6.4 per cent.), mung (4:4 per cent.), barley (3.7 per cent.), wheat (2 per cent.), linseed (2:3 per cent.), mustard seed (1.2 per cent.), sugarcane (7 per cent.). Pargana Uttarkhand. -Rice (41.8 per cent,), múng (58 per cent.), marua (1.7 per cent.), kurthi (1.1 per cent.), wheat (6 per cent.), barley (3 per cent.), mustard seed (2.5 per cent.), indigo (1.5 per cent.), linseed (i per cent.). Pargana Nirsingpur'.—Rice 60 per cent.), marua (12 per cent.). Pargana Chai.Rice (47 per cent.), wheat (18 per cent.), barley (9 per cent.). In the Daphar pargana there are recognized classes of soil for which different rates of rent are paid. They are as follows: Rice land (paying on an average Rs. 2 per acre); Double-cropped land (paying Re. 1-12 per acre); Single-cropped land (paying Re. 1-8 per acre); Land left fallow for wheat (paying Re. 1-4 per acre); Land on which pulses are grown (paying 9 annas per acre); and Pasturage land let at 3) annas per acre. The rice lands, which amount to 53 per cent. of the whole area, are generally very fertile. The produce is estimated to be 23 maunds per acre, which sells at harvest time at 50 seers for the rupee. Some lands are more fertile, and a plot of the proprietor's lands let out in bhaoli has been known to produce as inuch as 70 maunds an acre. The cost of cultivation and the rent is estimated not to exceed Rs. 5-8 per acre. In the case of rain crops grown on high lands, such as marua and other pulses, the cost of cultivation is estimated to be Rs. 2-8 per acre, and the produce to be 12 maunds of grain realizing at the time of harvest Rs. 12. Mustard seed is generally grown after this crop, and produces 51 maunds per acre, realizing Rs. 14 against Rs. 2-8 cost of cultivation. The growth of wheat is not very paying. The land is generally left fallow during the rains, and repeated ploughing and weeding bring the cost of cultivation up to Rs. 4-6 per acre, while the produce will be about seven maunds, which sells at 30 seers to the rupee, or Rs. 9-4. A large area in the pargana consists of lands only suited for the growth of pulses, such as kurthi or kalai. The ( 32 ) popies. In the of Sitapur burtfaloes belowanie 226 celine dapilities for jo pergana keleputs annas people is eithe the Khubkhantronger clay, Ahas the muttyar transplanted. After the seed soil is known as jungla." The cost of cultivation is Rs. 3 per acre, and the produce is about nine maunds, valued at the time of harvest at Rs. 9. 27. Of the population in the Daphar pargana, about 17 per cent. were found in two villages, in which special enquiries were made, to be labourers, while 17 per cent. were dependent on other professions, such as fishing, sheep-rearing, &c. The average area of the holding was 8 acres, but 35 per cent. of the number of raiyats held less than 3 acres. The wages of labourers, which in this pargana are paid in kind, are five kutcha seers or four pucka seers of unhusked rice, or some other coarse grain per day. This amounts to about 1} annas per day. Ploughs are hired at 2 annas a day. The people of this pargana keep large herds of cattle, for which the neighbouring Kosi jungles give facilities for pasturage. In the village of Raghunathpur were found the following: 226 cows divided among 53 persons, 165 bullocks held by 48 persons, 65 buffaloes belonging to 21 persons, 476 sheep, 69 goats, and 4 ponies. In the village of Sitapur were found 566 cows, 274 bullocks, 163 buffaloes, 246 sheep, and 24 popies. In the village of Raghunathpur there were 53 ploughs to 70 raiyats and 434 acres of land. The amount of the indebtedness of the population is not serious. In the Raghu. nathpur village 42 persons out of 70 families were indebted to the extent of Rs. 761, besides loans made in grain, of which no accurate information could be obtained. In the village of Sitapur all but 15 of the raiyats, numbering 268 families, were in debt. The food of the people is either rice or marua bread. *28. In the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand parganas of the Bhagalpur district the soils are divided into muttyar, a stronger clay; dhoras, a mixture of clay and sand; and balua, light sandy upland. The most general soil is the muttyar, which is suited for the cultivation of rice and marua. Rice is either sown broad-cast or is transplanted. The former is the more expensive mode of cultivation. The land is ploughed four times. After the seed is sown, the earth, not broken up by ploughing, is pulverized with the kodali. This process is known as gorbahi. When the seeds have germinated and are growing, the spade is again used for removing weeds, thinning the seedlings, and loosening the earth. This process is called “tamni.” After this comes the weeding, which requires about 20 labourers to the bigha. The total cost of cultivation, including threshing, winnowing, and cost of seed with the rent, is said to be Rs. 6-6 per bigha. The average produce is estimated to be 12 maunds per bigha of 4,225 square yards, which sells at the time of harvest at Re, 1 per maund. When paddy is transplanted, the cost of cultivation per bigha is under Rs. 5-14. The most expensive process is digging up the soil called korni, which requires about 20 labourers per bigha at a cost of Re. 1-6-6. The transplanting of the seedlings costs at least Re. 1 per bigha. When the transplanting is finished, the mud is stirred up by ploughing. This process is called kudwa. The cost for weeding is slight. The average produce per bigha is estimated to be 15 maunds or 16 maunds per acre, against 23 maunds in the Daphar pargana, where the lands are more fertile. These estimates are derived from information as to actual results given by raiyats. The staple crop of the rain harvest is marua, which theoretically requires very careful cultivation. The local proverb is “tin kerowni terah chas, tab karo marua kas," or marua requires three weedings and thirteen ploughings. As a matter of fact, a marua field is generally ploughed eight times and weeded twice, and the total cost of cultivation is about Rs. 5-12 per acre. The average produce is said to be a maunds per acre, which sells at 35 seers for the rupee at the time of harvest. 29. The cost of cultivating rabi crops, for which the soil of the Khubkhand pargana is not well adapted, is about half that of the cultivation of rice and marua. The field is generally ploughed four times and weeded once. A small area of indigo is grown for Mr. Christian's factory at Bungaon. Raiyats willing to grow this crop execute agreements for seven years, and receive advances of from Rs. 3 to Rs. 4 per bigha of 4,225 square yards. The planter supplies the seed, which is sown in November with the mustard crop. When the mustard has been cut, the field is ploughed once and the indigo is allowed to grow. It is cut about Mayor June and the raiyat receives Re. 1 for every five bundles. In good seasons there will be from 35 to 40° bundles per bigha. The system of rotation of crops is simple: bhadoi rice is succeeded by kurthi or other pulses; linseed is sown in lands from which winter rice has been cut; rahar and peas are sown after marua. Lands are often kept fallow for wheat, tobacco, and mustard seed, and for these crops manure such as ashes and cowdung is used. Wages are paid in kind at the rate of 4) kutcha seers (equal to 3 seers 12 chitaks pucka) of coarse grain, such as marua and paddy. If a meal is given, they are paid only 3 seers. The hire of a plough with a pair of bullocks is one anna per day, but there is generally a system of the interchange of ploughs for services. At least 70 per cent. of the population is in debt, and an enquiry in one village with 93 families showed that the amount of debt was Rs. 611 in cash and 85 maunds in grain, The rates of interest for cash loans are 18 per cent. per annum, and for grain 50 per cent. for six months. The number of cattle kept in this pårgana is not so great as in the north. In the village of Paharpur, with an area of 220 acres and 93 families, there were 48 cows, 49 bullocks, 7 buffaloes, and 5 goats. In this district there are no special rights as to fuel. Raiyats are entitled to cut branches of trees on their own lands for consumption, and the poorer classes pick up fuel and cut down jungle which grows in the mango groves. Wealthy raiyats keep special lands for pasturage, and the poorer raiyats graze their cattle on the waste lands and the sides of roads. The selling price of occupancy rights in lands in this pargana is fairly high, and varies from Rs. 15 to Rs. 25 per bigha of 4,225 square yards. ( 33 :) • 30. (6) Darbhanga. The following statement shows the classification of the soil in the small area surveyed in the Darbhanga district:- PERCENTAGE. NAMES OF PAR- GANA8. Total area, Cultivated. Culturable. Unculturable. OTO Bhadoi. | Rabi. l Aghani. Double crop. Bhaor ..., 2005 1,906 25% 68.5 73-2 8905 Fakrabad 6.5 10'8 78 20 19 35 The chief feature of the Bhaor pargana is the large area of mango groves amounting to 11 per cent. of the total area, while of the unculturable area 55 per cent. consists of tanks. The area measured in Fakrabad consists chiefly of uplands, and the rabi harvest amounts to 61 cent. of the total cropped area. The principal crop is barley (23 per cent.), and in both parganas there is a small area of sugarcane. In pargana Bhaor the winter rice crop amounts to 69.5 per cent. of the total cropped area. In both these parganas the area surveyed contains a smaller percentage of cultivation than was found in Muzaffarpur, but the percent- age is higher than in Bhagalpur. The area surveyed is, however, too small for any certain conclusions to be drawn. 31. (c) Monghyr.--The portion of the Monghyr district appertaining to the Banaili and Srinagar estates consists of 125 villages, of which 124 lie in the Farkya pargana and one in pargana Balia. The total area is 126,590 acres, or about 198 square miles. The villages are large and average over 17 square miles. Of the total area, 64:6 per cent. is cultivated, 22:2 per cent. is culturable, and 13:2 per cent. is unculturable. The small per- centage of cultivated land is due to the tract of low-lying land between the Gandak and the Teljuga rivers, and to the east of the pargana. The percentage of cultivation in this traot is only 22. On the other hand, in the alluvial villages to the south, there is 84 per cent. of cultivated land, while to the west, on the banks of the Gandak, the cultivated lands amount to 73 per cent. To the north there is a block of villages with a large area of winter rice land, and the cultiuated area is 81 per cent. It will be seen, therefore, that the pargana has four distinct divisions, of which the alluvial lands to the south are the most fertile. Of the cultur- able area, the largest portion (70 per cent.) is old fallow or grass land. The new fallow only amounts to 5.5 per cent., while groves are found on 6 per cent. of the culturable area. These groves are chiefly situated in the centre of the pargana, near the town of Gogri, while the southern and eastern tracts have few trees. Of the unculturable area 50 per cent. consists of jheels, tanks, and rivers, 11 per cent. of roads, and 9 per cent. of village sites. 32. The harvests are divided as follows: bhadoi 29:9 per cent., rabi 56.5 per cent., aghani 13.6 per cent. There is a great variety of crops, of which the most important are wheat 11.2 per cent., rice 7 per cent., janera 8 per cent., makai 6 per cent., barley 4:3 per cent., oats 2.5 per cent., peas 5.7 per cent., gram 3.9 per cent., mustard 1:3 per cent., and other rabi crops 6 per cent. There are a number of pulses grown, such as kalai, masuri, marua, &c., amounting to 20 per cent. of the cropped area. The only special crops are cotton (3 per cent.), sugai cane (4 per cent), and tobacco (4 per cent.). The locally known classes of soil are “ karari," or high lands, “barari,” alluvial land, - Íhewal,” low land, which is a mixture of clay and sand, "chowran,” low swampy land, and “goera," lands near the village site. In the villages in the portion of the pasgada liable to inundation, the lands are ploughed as soon as the floods recede, and pulses, such as gram and peas, are scattered broadcast. There is no irrigation except for a small area of poppy land in the west, and for garden crops. The average outturn per acre of the principal crops with the prices at harvest time is shown below: Price per maund. Name of crop.. Outturn per acre. at time of harvest. Mds. Rs. A. Indian-corn 0 12 per maund. Wheat 2 8 ditto Kurthi and kalai 0 12 ditto Gram 2 0 ditto Linseed ... 47 30 ditto ... ... ... 16 9 67 It will be seen from this list that the lands are more fertile and produce better crops than in the Bhagalpur district. This is due to the alluvial nature of the soil. There is a sufficient supply of field labourers, and it is the custom for cultivators, even those of high, caste, to work in the fields. The rate of wages is 2 annas per day, and at time of harvest one bundle out of every 16 is given. Eighty per cent. of the raiyats , are estimated to be in debt on account of marriage and funeral ceremonies. The rate of interest is half an anna in the rupee per month for small sums, or Rs. 37-8 per cent. yearly. For larger amounts the rate of interest is reduced to 24 per cent. Grain loans are not common in this pargana. Lands are not kept fallow, except for the cultivation of wheat, and manure is only used for ( 34 ) special crops, such as sugarcane and tobacco and cotton. There is very little land for pastur- age, except in the villages to the north and east. In the alluvial villages on the east and west, where almost all land is cultivated, cattle are carefully muzzled when they are taken out for such grazing as can be found by the side of roads. They are also fed in the cold weather with the green kerao or peas which is grown with barley, and there is a good supply of chaff from wheat and barley straw. Buffaloes are taken away to the grazing grounds in the east, where they are allowed pasturàge on paying a fee of eight annas per head. The raiyats are allowed to plant and cut down trees on their own holdings, and there is no scarcity of fuel. Where trees are soarce, fuel is supplied from the ijjhar bushes grown on the banks of the numerous tanks and jheels. The average selling price of raiyats' holdings is from Rs. 30 to Rs. 50 per bigha of 4,225 square yards. 32. '(d) Purnea. The portions of the estates on the Purnea district are scattered over nine parganas, amounting to 128,518 acres, or 200 square miles. The lands in the different parganas are classified as follows:- PERCENTAGE. NAMES OF PARGANAS. Total area in acres. Cultivated. Culturable. Uncultura- 1 ble. Bhadoi. Rabi. Agbani. Double cropped. I 2 v co # I 16.3 30.67 53 12 10.5 15.9 IP:: 26.5 37 22 28 1. Haveli 2. Shahpur 8. Dharampur Kadwa 5. Tirakhurdah Sujanagar 7. Tajpur 8. Dehat Daphar 55,284 1,353 930 5,579 24,005 16,222 7,769 10,583 6,790 43.9 46.9 67.4 28.6 52 44 58 31 72. 61 18.17 78 62.7 | 32 45 47.3 477 &* పంది 10 21.2 57.6 34 63 60.6 55 49.3 47:3 25 12 26 13.7 17.4 29 11.7 13.4 16 1.9 31.7 33.8 50 18.9 52 19 : The first four parganas mentioned in the list lie in the centre of the district where the country consists largely either of high sandy ridges or of jheels and swamps. Thus in the Haveli pargana, of the 46.9 per cent. returned as culturable, 70 per cent. consists of high grass land suited only for pasturage. In the Kadwa pargana, where 31 per cent. is culturable, but not cultivated, 55 per cent. of this area is grass jungle. In the Haveli pargana, the area of new fallow is 12 per cent., and consists of high sandy soil which is cultivated with bbadoi rice if the rains in May are favourable, but, if not, is left for cold weather crops, such as wheat and barley. Only 4.5 per cent. of the culturable area consists of groves, and the proportion in the other parganas is still less. The unculturable area consists largely of tanks and jheels which cover 500 per cent. of the Haveli and Kadwa parganas. The principal crops grown in these four parganas are as follows: Zaveli pargana.—Rice (58 per cent., of which 29 per cent. is sown in the bhadoi harvest), mustard seed (9 per cent.), wheat (5.3 per cent.), tobacco (4.8 per cent.), linseed (3 per cent.), gram (2:5 per cent.), indigo (1 per cent.), kurthi (7 per cent.). Shahpur pargana.-Rice (71 per cent.), mustard seed (8 per cent.), wheat (5 per cent.), tobacco (3 per cent.). Dharampur pargana.—Rice (43 per cent.), kurthi (5 per cent.), wheat (6 per cent.), mustard seed (7 per cent.), indigo (6.4 per cent.), tobacco (2 per cent.). Kadwa pargana.-Rice (66.5 per cent.), mustard seed (14:6 per cent.), wheat (45 per cent.), kurthi (3 per cent.), indigo (1•6 per cent.). The outturn of produce is smaller than in other parts of the estates. Thus rice is esti- mated to produce 10 maunds per acre, mustard 7 maunds, and wheat 6 maunds. The soil is divided into three classes, chowran or dhanhar (lands suited for rice), bhith or upland, and rakiha or pasturage. Of the waste land used for pasturage, the greater portion is in the pos- session of the raiyats, and is held as part of their holdings at a rate of one anna per bigha. Mustard seed and tobacco are cultivated on the high lands near the homesteads. Tobacco lands are sometimes irrigated from wells, but the supply of water is deficient. Manure, such as cowdung and ashes, is applied to the homestead lands. Lands on which wheat is cultivated are kept fallow for two or three years. In the case of rice lands, bhadoi rice is sown one year followed by a cold weather crop such as kurthi or linseed. In the next year the lands are oultivated with transplanted winter rice, and thus there are three crops in two years. Indigo is grown by the raiyats who execute yearly agreements and receive advances of Rs. 2 per bigha. The seed is supplied by the factory, and the crop is sold at six bundles for the rupee. A bigha of 2,025 square yards in a good year will produce 30 bundles. When the indigo has been ( 35 ) ! cut, other crops such as mustard seed and even rice are grown. The custom of subletting lands is not common in this pargana. There are instances of raiyats, such as Sham Narayan Chowdhari of Sonsa and Hedayat Ali of Khoka, who cultivate over 1,000 bighas with their own ploughs, and in many cases raiyats have holdings of over 100 bighas which they cultivate themselves. There is a sufficient number of field labourers who are paid from 17 annas to 2 annas per day according to the season, and receive one-sixth of the produce at the time of harvest. Women labour in the fields at slightly lower wages than men. There is also a system of yearly service by which a labourer in return for a loan binds himself to service at a nominal rate of 8 annas per month supplemented by extra pay at harvest time and by presents at festivals. It is estimated that 70 per cent. of the raiyats are in debt, but this is not necessarily a sign of poverty, as the debts are contracted for special purposes and on good security. Thus, in the village of Parora, a raiyat with a holding of 200 bighas is in debt to the extent of Rs. 800 at 24 per cent., and another raiyat with a holding of 300 bigbas owes Rs. 1,400 at 18 per cent. The average selling price of holdings in this pargana is low, and in one instance the occupancy rights in a holding of 26 bighas sold for Rs. 15. In other cases 21 bighas were sold for Rs. 3 and 9 bighas for Rs. 2. 33. The Tirakhurdah pargana in the north of the distriot is one of the most fertile portions of Purnea. Of the total area surveyed, 72 per cent. is cultivated, 18:9 per cent. is culturable, and 8.7 per cent. is unculturable. The pargana, therefore, resembles that of Daphar in Bhagalpur, but the area of rice land is greater. Of the culturable area, 17 per cent. is now fallow and 73 per cent. old fallow and grass, most of which is held by raiyats as pasturage land, and 5.6 consists of groves. Of the unculturable area, the greater portion (57 per cent.) consists of tanks and jheels, while 20 per cent. is covered witn roads and 14 per cent. with village sites. The harvests are divided into bhadoi 18-2 per cent., rabi 21.2 per cent., and aghani 60:6 per cent., and the principal crops are winter rice (60 per cent.), bhadoi rice (12 per cent.), jute (4 per cent.), mustard seed (6-7 per cent.), wheat (4.2 per cent.), khesari (2.7 per cent.), and linseed (3 per cent.). A small area of tobacco is also sown. The outturn of jute is estimated to be 10 maunds per acre, which sells at from Re. 1 to Re. 1-8 per maund at the time of harvest. '34. The pargana of Sujanagur in the south-east of the distriot of Purnea closely resembles that of Tirakhurdh. The classification of the soil shows that 78 per cent. is culti- vated, 12 per cent. culturable, and 10 per cent. unculturable. Of the culturable area 9 per cent. is new fallow, 44 per cent. old fallow, 22 per cent. is grass, and less than 10 per cent., groves. There is a considerable number of scattered bamboo clums and trees surounding the village sites. Of the unculturable area, 65 per cent. consists of rivers, tanks and jheels, 21 per cent. of roads, and 8 per cent of village sites. The harvests are divided as follows:- Bhadoi 19 per cent., rabi 26 per cent., and aghani 55 per cent. The double cropped area is 29 per cent. The smallness of the bhadoi harvest is due to the inundations of the Mahanadi river, which occur almost every year. The principal crops are winter rice (55 per cent.), bhadoi rice (14.8 per cent.), mustard seed (14.9 per cent.), jute (4.5 per cent.), pulses (3 per cent.), and wheat (1 per cent.). Wheat is grown on the alluvial lands along the banks of the Mahanadi. Manure, such as cowdung and ashes, is used for jute and mustard seed lands. No irrigation is necessary. The wages of labour in this pargana and in Tirakhurdah are from 2 to 21 annas per day according to the season. 35. The following table shows the classification of the lands in the Tajpur and Dehat parganas, which, as they adjoin each other, can be conveniently taken together :- PERCENTAGE. NAMES OF PARGANAS. | Total area. Cultivated. Culturable. Uncultur- able. Bhadoi. Rabi. Aghani. Double cropped. I . 1 ♡ HA co 31.7 19 Tajpur Dehat 7,769 10,583 62:7 45 49.3 47.3 er 33:8 11:57 13:4 18.9 In both parganas there is a large area of fallow land, part of which is reserved for pasturage. The rest is land kept fallow for rice, the custom being that lands are cultivated with rice for three years, and then are left fallow for three years. Thus in the Dehat par- gana the culturable area is divided into new fallow or land reserved for rice cultivation, 44 per cent., and old fallow or land reserved for pasturage, 42 per cent. In the Tajpur par- gana the proportions of new fallow and old fallow are 37 and 43 per cent. respectively. Rice lands are, in many cases, allowed to lie fallow for three years and then are cultivated for three years. The possession of grazing lands is every year notified by the erection of a bamboo. in the plots belonging to the different raiyats. This is done during the rains when the rights of pasturage are reserved: at other times the lands are treated as common to the whole village. e2 ( 36 ) It is also an intimation that the lands are to be let for pasturage. The area under groves is very small in both parganas, but there is a considerable quantity of bush jungle (amounting to 6 and 7 per cent., respectively, of the culturable area). which furnishes a supply of fuel. The principal crops are as follows:- Tajpur pargana.-Rice (71 per cent.), jute (5.4 per cent.), kurthi (1.7 per cent.), and sugarcane (1.3 per cent.). Dehat pargana.-Rice (59 per cent.), jute (12 per cent.), marwa (2 per cent.), barley (2 per cent.), sugarcane (2.5 per cent.), and tobacco (2.5 per cent.). * 36. Comparing these figures with those ascertained in the course of the survey of the Sunkerpur estate in the adjoining district of Dinajpur, it appears that the area cultivated with rice is between 60 and 70 per cent. in Purnea, against 85 per cent. in Dinajpur, whereas the area under special crops.is greater. Thus in Dinajpur. the area cultivated with jute is only 2.50 per cent. against 12 per cent. in Purnea, and the area of tobacco lands is .4 per cent. against 2.5 per cent. in the Dehat pargana. Raiyats in the Tajpur and Dehat parganas have large holdings and sublet portions to under-raiyats at money rentals. The average rate of rent paid by under-raiyats is Rs. 2-2 per acre against Re. 1-2-4 paid by raiyats in pargana Dehat, and Re. 1-9-6 in pargana Tajpur. The rate of wages is three annas per day at time of harvest. The rate is higher than in other parts of the district, as the supply of labourers is scanty and is supplemented by immigration during the cold weather from Bihar. The selling price of land is also higher than in the other parganas, a holding of 16 bighas selling for Rs. 53. 37. (e) Malda.—The following table shows the classification of the lands in the portion of the parganas which have been surveyed in the Malda district:- · PERCENTAGE. NAMES OF PARGANAS. Total area in acres. Cultivated. Culturable. Uncultur- able. Bhadoi. Rabi. Aghani. Double cropped. co o a co 28 21 28.5 41 Mahinagur Sujanagur Kotwali Bhatiya Akbarabad 12,096 545 2.048 1,278 10,329 60:8 67.6 39.1 20 56:9 30.6 20.9 51.1 53 8.6 11:5. 9.8 27 20 | 33 | 47 31 41 25.5 50.6 23:9 | 38.8 41:3 19.9 38.5 28.07 34.8 22 22 3307 30.5 rass, laithe bus heels chiell bushes sroves The Mahinagar and Sujanagar parganas are situated to the north of the district and are liable to inundations from the Mahanadi river. Of the culturable area, 17 per cent. is classed as new fallow, and 61 per cent. as old fallow and grass lands. A portion of this area is kept for thatching-grass, but the greater portion is jungle lands which have not yet been brought into cultivation. The area under groves is less than 2 per cent., but 5 per cent. of the culturable area is covered with bushes which supply fuel to the residents of the pargana. The unculturable area consists chiefly of jheels and rivers. The principal crops are as follows: Sujanagar Pargana.-Rice (63 per cent.), jute (9 per cent.), khesari (6 per cent.), mustard seed (15 per cent.), and tobacco (1 per cent.). Mahinagar Pargana. ---Rice (63 per cent.), mustard seed (19 per cent.), linseed (4 per cent.), wheat (2 per cent.), khesari (1.8. per cent.), and tobacco (1 per cent.). The Bhatiya, Kotwali, and Akbarabad Parganas are situated in the centre of the district, and consist of high land suitable for the growth of mulberry, and of low clay soil liable to inundations during the rains, and on which bhadoi rice and cold-weather crops such as wheat and pulses are grown. The large percentage shown in the above statement as culturable, but not cultivated, is due to the classification of mulberry lands as groves. If these lands are added to the cultivated lands, the percentage of cultivation in these parganas will be as follows:- 74 per cent. Akbarabad Bhatiya Kotwali 36 32 52 92 The small percentage of cultivation in the Bhatiya pargana is due to the fact that the lands are situated in the outskirts of the old city of Gour, and have only recently been brought uuder tillage: one-fourth of the total area is still classified as old fallow, i.e., waste land capable of cultivation. In the Akbarabad. and Kotwali parganas the area of new fallow is 1.5 and 4 per cent., respectively, of the total area, while old fallow amounts to 7 per cent. and 14 per cent. ( 37 ) 39.3 The principal crops in these parganas are as follows:- Akbarabad Pargana.- Bhadoi rice (32:5 per cent.), urid or kalai (33 per cent.), wheat (1307 per cent.), barley (27 per cent.), peas (9.6 per cent.). Bhatiya Pargana.-Bhadui rice (32:7 per cent.), urid (18 per cent.), wheat (7.9 per cent.), mustard seed (20 per cent.). Rotwali Pargana.-Bhadoi rice (19 per cent.), urid or kalai (25 per cent.), sama (4:3 per cent.), wheat (19.4 per cent), barley (6-3 per cent.), and mustard seed (5.1 per cent.). The soil is either light and sandy, on which bhadoi rice, mustard seed, or barley are grown, or is hard clay subject to inundations, on which wheat and pulses, such as kalai, urid, and peas, are grown. The bhadoi rice grown on the light sandy soil is subject to attacks from a small insect called debuk or dhenth in Hindi and “weo” in Bengali. This insect attacks the roots of the growing rice plant, and, unless early rains fall and stimulate the growth, destroys half the crop. The outturn of dhan is 8 maunds per acre, and of kalai and other pulses 5 maunds per acre. Dhan is sold at time of harvest at Re. 1-8 per maund. The general rate of rent is 10 annas per bigha, or Re. 1-5 per acre, and thus the profits of cultivation would appear considerable, but the cost of cultivation is heavy. The land is ploughed five times, and the weeding is said to cost Rs. 5 per acre. Kalai is sold at Re. 1-2 per maund, and wheat at Rs. 2-8 per maund. 38. Mulberry crops. The most important cultivation is that of the mulberry crop. The following table shows the percentage of lands cultivated with mulberry in these three parganas: Total culti. Percentage of vated area land culti- Names of parganas. in acres. vated with mulberry. Akbarabad 7,697 25 per cent. Bhaitya 424 Kotwali 892 22:4 , Mulberry is grown on high clay soils, in which there is an admixture of sand. The chief object in planting mulberry is to secure that the plant should not be injured by floods or by cattle. For this purpose the fields which are generally about half an acre in size are surrounded by a deep ditch and emhankment. In the Kotwali pargana, on the banks of the Kalindri river, the mulberry fields are constantly raised by excavations from the surrounding ditches, and the country has the appearance of a chess-board with squares of mulberry lands raised about seven feet above the general level of the country, and only accessible by ladders or steps. The crop is propagated by cuttings carefully planted in rows. It does not require to be renewed for six or seven years. It is manured either with cowdung or indigo refuse, if obtainable. Mud and weeds are also brought from jheels, and the soil is constantly renewed by earth taken from the surrounding ditches. The cost of cultivation is heavy, as it is necessary to dig up the earth four times a year after each cutting, and to keep up the embankments. This work is given out on contract at Rs. 3 per bigha, or a total cost of Rs. 12 per annum. Manuring and cutting of the crop raises the cost to about Rs. 18 per annum. If the season is favourable, half a maund of cocoons will be reared from a bigha of mulberry land at each breeding season or bund. The cocoons sell at Rs. 30 to Rs. 35 per maund, and thus in a good season the total outturn will be Rs. 64 per bigha of 2,500 square yards, equal to •516 of an acre, with a cost of cultivation of Rs. 18. The rent is a small item in the cost, being only 10 annas per bigha. The rearing of cocoons, however, is risky, and the bunds often fail, especially those of July and September. The best bunds are in December and March. In good seasons the mulberry plant sells at from Re. 1 to Rs. 2 per maund, each bigha producing 10 maunds. In the rains 4 maunds are sold for a rupee, but the price varies according as the supply of silkworms. In the March bund of the present year the plant was selling at three maunds per rupee, and was also being out for cattle, as the supply of worms had to some extent failed. Taking, however, an average of years, the profits of mulberry cultivation cannot be less than Rs. 25 per bigha of 2,500 square yards equal to Rs. 48 per acre. The cocoons are chiefly sold to European filatures, of which there is one at Bhola hát, but there are 'many small native filatures. A maund of coooons is estimated to make three seers of silk which sells at Rs. 13 per seer, and thus the profits of reeling are about Rs. 5 per maund of cocoons. 39. A feature of the Kotwali pargana is the large area of mango groves on the banks of the Kalindri river, amounting to 10•3 per cent. of the total area surveyed. These mango groves are let at 10 annas per bigha, and in good seasons the fruit on the trees is sold at from Rs. 250 to Rs. 300. Mulberry lands and mango groves fetch a high price. In one instance 41 bighas were sold for Rs. 297. In another instance 1) bighas were sold for Rs. 200. In a third instance a bigha fetched Rs 71. The bigha in these cases is 2,500 square yards, or à little over half an acre. The wages of labour are high. Coolies appear to have adopted the eight-hour movement, and work only half the day, for which they are paid 2 annas and a meal. Labourers from Tirhut work the whole day, and are paid 4 annas or 3 annas and two meals. At the time of harvest, labourers are given two-elevenths of the grain when it has been threshed out. " 40. Of the total area surveyed 62:3 per cent. is cultivated, 26.8 per cent. is culturable, and 10:9 uzculturable. The portions of parganas Daphar and Chai in Bhagalpur and of Litches, and seven feet abopagated by. It is manaume heels, and to cultivationand to keep Rs. 12 one the renewed ud and write surrounding times a year at Rs. 8 perabies bout Rs. bigha of mulhemma to Bepen The crop het above the appearance of a chessalobre a pation income ( 38 ) pargana Farkya in Monghyr, which are liable to inundation from the Kosi, and the unfertile villages of the Haveli pargana in Purnea, account for the large proportion of uncultivated land. The holdings of raiyats contain a fair average of pasturage, especially in the Purnea! district. Of the total settled area, 13 per cent. is waste land held by raiyats. The total area occupied by groves is 2.5 per cent. The Bhagalpur district is the most thickly wooded, con- taining i per cent. of groves, while Monghyr only contains 1:3 per cent., and Purnea 1.2 per cent. The small area measured in Darbhanga contains 10 per cent. of groves. Of the unoulturable area more than half consists of tanks, rivers, and jheels, while 15 per cent. consists of Government and other roads. The various portions of the estates are well supplied with communications. The Tirhut State Railway taps the north of the Bhagalpur district, and there is also communication by road and river with the south. The southern portions of the district are connected by roads with Monghyr on the south and the railway on the north. Boats ply on the Tiljuga and Dumra rivers. Parts of the Farkya pargana are inaccessible except in the dry season, but a Government road traverses the area from north to south and from east to west. There is also easy communication by the Tiljuga, Gunduck, and Ganges rivers. The portions of the estates in Purnea are connected by roads with the markets of Kishanganj, Purnea, Kasba, and Forbesganj, and with the Assam-Bihar Railway. The Mahanadi river affords communication to the Sujanagar pargana. The Mahinagar pargana in Malda is difficult of access by land, but is connected with the civil station by the Mahanadi river. Roads connect the other portions of the estates with the civil station, and the Bhagi- rathi and Kallindri rivers afford means of communication with the Ganges.. 41. Fiscal account of the estate.--A list is appended (Appendix B) showing the estates and putni mahals, of which the Srinagar and Banaili property, affected by the settlement operations, is comprised. The property is contained in 64 revenue-paying estates and three revenue-free estates, and 77 villages are held under putni leases. Of the revenue- paying estates 15 belong solely to the Srinagar Wards' property. In two estates in Bhagalpur, viz., tauzi Nos. 3555 and 3556, shares are held by other proprietors as described in Appendix B. The revenue-free estates belong to the Srinagar Wards' estate. Of the putni estates, two, viz., those of Khunti Dhudhaili, pargana Haveli, Purnea, and Mathour, pargana Kadwa, in the same district, are held jointly by the two estates, while the rest of the putni villages belong solely to the Srinagar Wards' estate. Of the total area set- tled, 83 per cent. is held jointly, and 17 per cent. is held solely by the Srinagar Wards. There is not much to say regarding the history of the property. It has been acquired from time to. time by purchase. The first estates purchased by the family were those of the Tirakhardah pargana, which were acquired by purchase in 1780 A.D. These estates were partitioned under the Butwarra Act in 1885, and only the portion belonging to the Srinagar estate has been settled. The property in the Bhagalpur district consists of 26 estates with a Govern- ment revenue of Rs. 38,987-2. Threo estates in pargana Daphar have been recently allotted by partition to the Srinagar estate. In the Khubkhand pargana shares are held in three villages by other proprietors than the Srinagar Wards and Banaili Raja. The property in Bhagalpur was purchased by the ancestors of the present family in 1792 A.D. and subse- quent years. The estates in the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand parganas formerly belonged to a Rajput family, who, in order to obtain a grant of the lands from the Emperor at Delhi, became Muhammadans. The descendants of the family still reside at Nawbatta, and hold shares. in three villages, but they have become greatly impoverished. The property in Monghyr consists of six main estates and of 14 small mahals, which were originally Government estates reserved as pensions for sepoys. These jagir lands have been bought by the Srinagar · and Banaili proprietors, and are included in other villages which beong to them. The estates in Monghyr originally belonged to a Pathan family, of which Bhawani Singh, an inhabi- tant of Kharakpur, was the founder. The present proprietors have acquired the estates by purchase. The property situated in Darbhanga belongs wholly to the Srinagar Wards' estate. There are five small estates which have been recently separated from those of other proprietors by partition. In Purnea the Srinagar Wards own solely three estates in pargana Tirakhar- dah, as previously described, and one estate in Shapur pargana. In the Haveli pargana the Banaili-Srinagar proprietors hold jointly, but in unequal shares (as described in Appendix B) one estate containing nine villages. These were formerly revenue-free and were resumed by Government in 1841. They were purchased in 1874 by the present proprietors. The rest of the property in this pargana consists of putni mabals as described in Appendix B. There are 21 villages held under putni leases, and six villages under a durputni lease, of which 26 are held solely by the Srinagar Wards, and one village is held jointly. In this pargana are two revenue-free estates, viz., Mirzahbari and Miaḥbazar, which belong solely to the Srinagar Wards. There is also a revenue-free estate, Chuck Harki Jha, in the Dharampur pargana, held solely by the Srinagar Wards. These revenue-free estates are small and contain only 598 bighas. There are two estates in Dharumpur containing six villages, the sole property of the Srinagar estates, and four villages held under putni leases by the same estates. In the Kadwa pargana of Purnea, the Srinagar and Banaili estates hold one village, that of Mathour, jointly under a putni lease, and the Srinagar estate holds solely 14 villages under a putni lease acquired by purchase in 1877. In parganas Tajpur, Purnea, the Srinagar estates hold solely 31 villages under a putni lease acquired in 1875. The rest of the property. qonsists of four estates held on the revenue-roll of Malda, but including two parganas of the Purnea district, viz., Dehat and Sujanagar. These estates were acquired by purchase in 1795 A.D. (39) 42. Incidence of Government revenue. The following table shows the incidence of Government revenue per acre on the total area and on the cultivated area, and the percentage of Government revenue on the raiyats' rental in the different districts :- NAMES OF THE DISTRICTS. Incidence of Government revenue per Incident of Government revenue per acre on the cultivated area. Government revenue on the raiyats' rental. total area. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Bhagalpur 0 6 6 24.9 0 4 1 0 3 10 Darbhanga 0 15 4 15.3 0 5 10 1504 Monghyr Purnea District. Tirakhurdah pargana 26. 0 4 10 0 5 5 Haveli 79. Shahpur 0 6 8 0 13 10 0 11 8 2 1 0 0 14 0 37.8 Dharampur 0 6 2 1 0 0 0 8 6 149. Malda 567. The figures of Dharampur are exceptional, and relate only to two estates with an area of 575 acres. This pargana has been overrun by the Kosi river, and villages have been diluviated. Portions of estates have passed from one proprietor to another, and there is a general con- fusion as to the boundaries of lands belonging to the different estates. One village claimed by the estates has passed into the possession of the Maharaja of Darbhanga. The fertility of the lands has much deteriorated since the settlement of land revenue, and hence the actual payments of revenue exceed the receipts of rental. Excluding this pargana, it will be seen that the incidence of land revenue is highest in Malda and is lowest in Monghyr. The figures for Malda give rise to a suspicion of their accuracy; but I find on reference to the Collectorate records that they are correct. The lands of a portion of the Akbarabad pargana in Malda are very fertile and are cultivated with special crops such as the mulberry, and this probably accounts for the high incidence of Government revenue. At the same time the raiyats are sturdy and independent and have preserved a low rent. In the Monghyr district the low average rate of revenue is due to the fact that the Farkya pargana was at the time of the settlement of land revenue covered with swamps and jungle. Portions of it have only been brought under cultivation in recent years. In Darbhanga the percentage of Government revenue on the rentals is low for the reason that rents have been forced up by competition. In comparing the incidence of land revenue in Bhagalpur and Purnea, the figures for the Tirakhardah pargana must be examined. In this pargana the conditions of raiyats' holdings are similar to those prevailing in Bhagalpur. There are rates of rental and the areas of holdings are periodically ascertained. Under these circum- stances it will be seen that the incidence of the land revenue in both districts is almost identical. On the other hand, where the rents are consolidated as in the Haveli pargana, the inoidence of the Government revenue and its proportion to the rental is much higher. In the Haveli pargana the figures are taken from a series of villages which formed a revenue- free estate which was resumed and assessed to land revenue in 1841. The revenue was assessed, not on the actual payments of rents, but on a rent-roll prepared according to rates deduced from neighbouring villages. The rent-roll contained rentals 30 per cent. in excess of the rents now actually realized, and hence the proportion of Government revenue to the rental is high. The total Government revenue payable by the estates is Rs. 1,13,138-12-7 against receipts from rents (including halhasıli and bhaoli rents and exclusive of rents in the patni villages) amounting to Rs. 4,68,999. ( 40 ) 43. Patni rents.-The profits of estates held under patni leases are not very great, as the following table shows:- NAME OF PARGANA. Name of patni village. Rental paid to superior landlord. Raiyat's rental. 1 - - Rus. Rs. 1,473 2,400 Haveli pargana, Purnea ... | Khuti Dudhali Ditto Khokha Ditto Dhusmar and others.. 2,325 2,821 6,633 11,012 Ditto Shahbaja and others... 4,051 4,134 Kadwa pargana Mathour 581 1,580 Ditto Bhelahi and others ... 1,304 1,717 Tajpur pargana Sripur and others 8,317 9,322 Dharampur pargana Arazi Gangaili 235 213 Total 24,919 33,199 It appears that, as in the case of the land revenue, the Dharampur Pargana does not afford much profit to the landlords. The patni system was introduced into Purnea by the Murshidabad proprietors, and has its origin in the absenteeism of the owner of the estates. Proprietors living in the district prefer to lease their villages for short periods The total profits of the patni villages is 25.3 per cent. 44. Shares of the estates. It is not easy to specify the exact shares in the property which has been settled, owned by the two co-sharers. The shares vary not only in different parganas, but in different estates. Thus in the village of Kohbara the Srinagar estate owns 3 annas 54 gundas and the Banaili estate 12 annas 145 gundas. I have ascertained the pro- portion of each estate for the purpose of fixing the amount of the cost to be paid by the co-sharers, and find that .830 of the settled area is held jointly by the two estates, and .169 is held solely by the Srinagar Ward's Estate. In two estates in Bhagalpur, viz., tauzi No. 3555 and No. 3556, other proprietors as described in Appendix B hold shares, the area of which amounts to 1,733 acres. The following statement shows the shares of the two estates and their rental in the area settled, including the parganas of Kotwali and Akbarabad. The rentals include receipts from halhasili and jaidâdi lands estimated at Re. 1-8 per acre :- las and for the purposettled area imo estate NAME OF ESTATE, Government revenue payable by estate. Patni rent payable by estate. Share of rental, Profit. Share of in. crease of rent Percentage due to settle of increase. ment, REMARKS. ! Rs. Rs. 1,027 23,895 Rs. Rs. A. P. 2,20,559 1,67,746 4 17 2,79,418 1,97,380 8 87 3,511 / 2,320 0 g Rs. A. P. 17,955 5 3 15,593 10 0 87 10 1 400 708 207 Rs. A. P. 1. Banaili Estate 51,785 11 103 2. Srinagar Ward's estate ... 58,142 7 31 3. Proprietors in Estates in 1,190 16 3 pargana Khubkhand, Bhagalpur. Total ... 1,11,119 2 5} 24,922 5,03,488 13, 67,446 13 63 23,636 9 4 4.5 The proprietors, other than the Banaili and Srinagar co-sharers, who hold shares in two estates in pargana Khubkhand, Bhagalpur, are detailed in Appendix B. The Srinagar Wards' Estates gain a larger share of the increase of rental, as the Banaili Raj has no share in the portion of the Tirakhurdah pargana of Purnea which was settled, and from which an increase of Rs. 2,570 was obtained. (41) 45. Area settled.-As described in paragraph 11, the total area surveyed was 447,662 acres. Of this area, 7,654 acres were excluded from settlement in the Purnea district, as explained in the same paragraph. In the course of settlement it was found that proprietors other than the Banaili and the Srinagar estates held lands interlaced with the surveyed area. Lands were also excluded on account of adverse decisions in boundary dispute cases. The total area thus excluded is 9,188-1-36 acres. In addition to the area so excluded, the tract surveyed in Monghyr included a number of separate estates or resumed revenue-free proper- ties settled with parties other than the Banaili and Srinagar proprietors, and containing an area of 4,555 acres. This area was excluded from settlement. The total area thus excluded is 21,397-1-36. Thus the total area settled is 426,265-0-30 acres or 666 square miles, includ- ing the parganas of Akbarabad and Kotwali in Malda. 46. Classification of settled area.--Of the total area settled, 734 per cent. is rent-paying, 3.28 per cent. is held rent-free, and 23:68 is held by the proprietors. Of the latter area, 2:47 is cultivated land held by the proprietors' private lands, and the rest (i.e., 21.21 per cent.) is waste land not settled with raiyats. The proportion of waste land available for settlement and of lands settled with the raiyats varies in each district and pargana, and the following comparative table shows the proportions in the Bhagalpur district :- NAME OF PAR- Percentage Total area settled in acres. Percentage settled with raiyats. Percentage of proprietors' private lands. of Percentage of waste land not settled. GANA. rent-free. 76.5 89 Daphar Harawat Khubkhand Uttarkhand Nirsingpur Chai 44,898 1766 56,791 25,335 14,305 13,864 65.5 81.6 21.1 45.5 Coco Coco 15-5 9.5 23.9 11.2 13:9 54.5 Total 155,959 71.2 4.2 3.8 20.8 per cent. is het per cent. ibu dan ana, Mongh This was lands have been to the co-sharers se pas kämats is These figures may be compared with those of the Farkya pargana, Monghyr district, where, out of a total settled area of 117,680 acres, 68.5 per cent. is settled with raiyats, 107 per cent. is proprietors' private lands, 2:6 per cent. is held rent-free, and 27.2 per cent. is waste land not settled. It will be seen that the area settled with raiyats is slightly less in Monghyr than in Bhagalpur. There is also a smaller area of rent-free holdings and proprietors' private lands, but a larger area of waste, which has been explained previously. The figures for the Khubkhand pargana show only 65'5 per cent. as settled with raiyats and 8:9 as held by pro- prietors. The latter area is, however, held by raiyats, and the proprietors' private lands are only nominally kâmats. They have been acquired either by auction-purchase or by taking over lands similarly acquired by lessees. Most of the villages have been in lease for many years until recently. The lessees gradually acquired private lands by taking up abandoned holdings or by buying up holdings at auction sales. In some cases such kâmats are the result of an attempt to introduce indigo, raiyats having been induced to give up portions of their holdings for a zerat, as in Bihar. This was done in Ekar village, and, when the factory was abandoned, the zerats were retained. These lands have been kept separate from the regular rent-paying portion of the villages, because they appertain to the co-sharers separately, and are settled by them with raiyats separately. The justification for treating them as kâmats is found in section 120 of the Tenancy Act, which refers to custom as one of the means of estab- lishing the right of the proprietor to private lands. These lands are held by raiyats, and at higher rates of rent than other lands of the village. Many of them are held by raiyats on bhaoli terms. The details are given in paragraph 52. The general rate of rent is Rs. 2-10-6 per acre, against the rates of Re. 1-14 for lands outside the kâmats. In the parganas Daphar and Utterkhund the percentage of rent-free holdings is high. In the Daphar pargana the holdings are grants to Brahmans made by former proprietors and of very ancient dates. Nearly all the grants were contested by the proprietors, but were admitted on the production of proofs. In the Utterkhand pargana the rent-free lands are found chiefly in the villages of Chainpur and Bangaon, which formerly belonged to a family of Mithila Brahmins who have retained or acquired lands rent-free. 47. Comparing the figures of Bhagalpur and Monghyr with those ascertained in the Muzaffarpur settlement, the chief difference is in the area of proprietors' private lands. In Muzaffai pur the percentage was 16, whereas in the Monghyr and Bhagalpur districts it is 1.7 per cent. and 4.2 per cent, respectively. This result is only natural, considering that the lands in Muzaffarpur are divided among a great number of proprietors, who endeavour to get as much land as possible into their possession, whereas in a single estate, such as that of the Banaili ( 42 ) and Srinagar Raj, the acquisition of private lands would prove an encumbrance. The area held rent-free in Muzaffarpur was 2:5 per cent. of the settled area, against 3.8 per cent. in Bhagalpur and 2.6 in Monghyr. 48. The classification of lands according to settlement in the Purnea distriot differs considerably from that of Monghyr and Bhagalpur, as will be seen from the subjoined statement:- NAME OF PARGANA, Total area settled. Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of lands settled proprietors' | rent-free with raiyats. private lands. lands. Percentage of waste. 3 4 278 1.8 7.8 5.31 12:4 •4 77.2 70 74 Haveli Shahpur Dharampur Kadwa Tirakhurdah Sujanagar Tajpur Dehat Daphar 54,345 1.325 930 5,488 23,884 16,201 6,562 10,582 6,610 41 3:3 6 ::::::::: 8.4 6:1 5.41 82.2 79.3 86 86 68.6 17:1 29 14:3 11.1 15:1 12:3 11.4 25.4 ...... 1.7 6 ö Total 125,927 80 1:3 6:9 11.8 : The percentage of rent-paying lands in Purnea is 80, against 70-8 in Bhagalpur and 68.5 in Monghyr, while the percentage of waste land not settled with raiyats is only 11.8, against 20.8 in Bhagalpur, and 27.2 in Monghyr. This result is not due to the higher fertility of lands in Purnea, for the percentage of cultivation is lower in Purnea than in the other districts. The explanation is to be found in the fact that the raiyats have extended their holdings beyond the limits settled with them so as to include large areas of waste land. In the parganas of Haveli and Kadwa the raiyats hold as much waste land as cultivated land, and in the whole district the proportion of cultivated land held by raiyats to waste land is as 66 to 34. It is probable that in the Haveli pargana the raiyats are not entitled to all the waste land recorded in their names. The landlords, however, in the absence of any measurement papers or reliable record of areas of holdings, were not in a position to deny the claims of the raiyats. The latter claim large tracts of waste land suitable only for pasturage. In many cases there are the remains of old boundary marks which would appear to show that the lands were once cultivated, and that the soil has deteriorated of late years. This, however, is not the case. The explanation is that the lands being of poor quality are cultivated for a term of years and are then allowed to lie fallow. In the Tajpur and Dehat parganas the custom is to cultivate lands for three years and to allow them to lie fallow for three years. 49. The large percentage of rent-free holdings is a feature of the Purnea district, viz., 6.9 per cent. against 3.1 per cent. in Bhagalpur and 1.5 in Monghyr. The total number of rent-free tenures, or miliks as they are called, in the Purnea district, is 821 against 319 in the Monghyr district. They are most numerous in the Haveli, Shahpur, and Kadwa parganas, and appear to have been made in ancient times under the old Nawabs of Purnea to their dependents for charitable and religious purposes. They have since been transferred to wealthy raiyats, and as no record was available showing the areas or boundaries, the purchasers have been able to increase the areas of the tenures at the expense of the landlords. The custom of giving grant of lands to village officials in exchange for services does not prevail, except in the Sujanagur pargana, where 628 bighas or 3.8 of the settled area are so held. The average size of such service tenures is 2 acres. In the Tirakhurdah pargana a few raiyats hold small portions of land rent-free as khanabari. These rent-free lands appear to have been grants to early settlers in the pargana to induce them to take up lands. There are 58 acres of land held under the title of khanabari. In the Purnea district there are a large number of chit lands, that is to say, land geographically situated within the limit of one village according to the revenue survey are recorded in the landlords' papers as belonging to another village. It appears that in former days raiyats were in the habit of abandoning their holdings in one village and taking up new lands in another. The landlords, when they discovered where the raiyats had settled, assessed their new holdings, but retained their names in the villages where they were originally record- ed as tenants. The total area of these chit lands in Purnea is 2,327 acres, or 1:8 of the settled area. The largest number is found in the Haveli pargana, viz. 1,670 acres, or 3:2 per cent. of the settled area. ( 43 ) 50. The small area surveyed in the Darbhanga district has the following proportion of rent-paying and rent-free lands :- Total area NAME OF PARGANA. | in acres. Percentage Percentage I of Percentage Percentage settled with proprietors' of rent-free of raiyats. private lands. waste land. lands. Bhaor Fakrabad 1,042 254 4.8 15.5 The area in these parganas is too small for any conclusion to be drawn from the above figures. It may be noted that the rent-paying area contains 22:7 per cent. of uncultivated land, most of which consists of mango groves. 51. The following table shows the proportion of rent-paying and rent-free lands in the Malda district:- Total area Percentage Percentage | of rent- of Percentage Percentage NAME OF PARGANA. | settled (in proprietors' of rent-free of acres). paying private lands. waste land. area. lands. Mahinagar Sujanagar Bhatiya Akbarabad Kotwali 12,092 545 1,278 9,438 2,040 66.5 71.9 52:11 88.4 80.2 46.6 25.5 17.8 10.6 15.8 Total 25,393 75.1 2:3 20:1 The percentage of waste land not settled with raiyats is larger than in either Purnea or Bhagalpur. The circumstances of the Bhatya Pargana are, however, peouliar. In the Mahinagar pargana there is considerable room for extension of cultivation. The large area of rent-free lands is due to the custom of paying village officers by grants of land. Lands held rent-free as brahmotar or other religious grants are only 4 per cent. of the total area. 52. Classification of holdings.--The statistical statement (20B) shows the classification of holdings. Of the lands classified, 92:3 per cent. are held by raiyats, 33 per cent. are held by proprietors, and 4.4 per cent, are held as rent-free grants. 'Of the lands held by proprietors, 87 per cent. is recorded as proprietors' private lands and 13 per cent. as in the possession of the proprietors, but not private lands. As previously explained, the largest area of proprietors' private lands is found in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, where for the most part they have been acquired by lessees and have been taken possession of by the proprietors on the expiry of the leases. These lands are not actually cultivated by the proprietors, but are leased out at special rates, which are higher than the prevailing rates of villages, or are let on produce rents. Thus there are 2,931 occupants of the 5,087 acres recorded as proprietors' private lands in the Khubkhand pargana. Of this area 2,105 acres are settled at Rs. 3,990-3-6, or at Re. 1-14-4 per acre; 3,882 acres are held on halbasili tenures; 2,395 acres are held on produce rents, and 195 acres are held by the proprietors. In the Haveli pargana of Purnea, the nij-jote lands, amounting to 996 acres, are chiefly lands retained by the estates near the residence of the proprietors, as in the village of Banaili, and in the village of Khunti Dhudhali, where the Banaili estate holds over 522 bighas and the Srinagar estate 1,345 bighas of private lands. 53: Rent-free holdings. The total number of rent-free tenure-holders is 2,445, with an area of 14,421 acres, or nearly 6 acres for each tenure. The average size of the tenure varies in the different parganas. Thus in the Daphar pargana in the Bhagalpur district, f 2 ( 44 ) the rent-free tenures average 15 acres. In the Haveli pargana of Purnea the average is 13 acres, and in the Tirakhurdah pargana 9 acres. In the other parganas of the estates the average is two acres. The reason of the difference appears to be that the Daphar and Tirakhurdah parganas are outlying portions of the estate, where lands were not formerly much in request and large grants were made for religious purposes. In the Haveli pargana the large size of the rent-free tenures is probably due to the fraudulent extension of the original grants in the absence of any reliable records of measurement. The largest areas of rent-free tenures are found in the following villages in the Haveli pargana, viz., Chandi (1,823 bighas), Chanka (7,202 bighas), Banaili 1773 bighas), Balua (407 bighas), Khokha 1900 bighas), and Jhunikalan (621 bighas). The validity of most of these tenures was tested in the course of the settlement proceedings. It was generally found that, even if the original sanad could not be produced, the occupant could produce proof of acquisition of the lands as a rent-free grant by purchase. In the villages of Sonsa, Bhanbhag, and Parora there are 54 rent-free tenure-holders. These villages had been resumed by Government in 1841 as an invalid revenue-free estate, and at this time the validity of the rent-free grants was tested. They were at that time declared to be invalid, and as they were less than 100 bighas they were made over to the proprietors for assessment. The proprietors took no steps in the matter, but in the course of the present settlement proceedings they claimed that the lands should be assessed. It was shown, however, that the landlords had not taken the necessary steps required by law to resume the invalid grants, and the right to hold rent-free was maintained in the settlement court. The size of many of the grants had increased considerably from what was recorded in the sanads or the old settlement proceedings, but the proprietors were not able to point out where rent-paying lands had been taken into the lakhiraj holding. One value of the present settlement proceedings will be to fix the limits of the rent-free grants and prevent their fraudulent expansion in future. Taking the whole area settled, the percentage of rent-free grants is 4:4 against 4:1 in the area settled in Muzaffarpur. On the other hand, the area of the grants is 6 acres against 1} acres in Muzaffarpur. This difference is due to the great competition for land in the latter district. In the easterly parganas of the Purnea district, where the population is chiefly Muhammadan, the rent-free grants are insignificant. 54. Classification of tenants:— The tenants of the estates were classified as follows:- Cultivating tenure-holders Raiyats Under-raiyats ... 11,128 Raiyats holding under cultivating tenure-holders- Settled raiyats ... 1,045 Non-occupancy raiyats Service tenure ... Tatal ... 73,641 113 ... 60,895 .. ... 459 1 Among the tenure-holders, the proprietors, i.e., the estates are shown as holding 54 tenures with an area of 3,766 acres. These are for the most part holdings bought at auction sales for arrears of rent. The co-sharers buy up such holdings separately and become liable for the rent to the joint estate. The holding is then re-settled by the auction purchaser at higher than the prevailing rate if possible. As the holdings are not bought by the joint estate, the tenant's itterest is not merged in that of the proprietor's, and as the holdings are acquired with the intention of settling them with raiyats, and such raiyats cannot be classed as under-raiyats, the interest of the auction-purchaser has been classed as a tenure. The greater number of these tenures is found in the Duphar pargana of Bhagalpur, where the Banaiļi Raj has bought up the holdings of 80 raiyats with an area of 1,164 acres, and the Srinagar Raj has purchased the holdings of 39 tenants with an area of 425 acres. 55. In the other parganas of the Bhagalpur district such lands have been classified as proprietors' private lands, because they are settled on special terms and have, according to custom, acquired the character of private lands. It appears that in this district there is a difficulty in selling the holdings of raiyats in execution of arrears, and thus the landholders are obliged to buy them in at the auctions. They are to a great extent settled as described in paragraph 52 at produce rents. In the Purnea district the proprietors hold tenures within the villages of which they have putni leases. These tepures were held by the estates in the villages before they acquired the putni lease, and they are classified as tenures, so that if the putni lease should be forfeited, the estate will still preserve the tenures. In the Kudwah pargana the Srinagar estate is shown as holding six tenures with an area of 276 acres, These represent lands which are locally known as “kamats.” The proprietor of the villages gave them to his daughter for her maintenance at a nominal rent. She disposed of her rights in the lands to the Srinagar estates, who afterwards acquired a putni of the villages. The tenure is therefore classified separately, and the lands are let out to raiyats on special terms. If the putni lease were forfeited, the tenure would still remain with the Srinagar estate. 56. Apart from the estates, there are 62 cultivating tenure-holders with an average tenure of 154.7 acres. The number and size of tenures vary in the different parganas. Thus in the Daphar pargana there are three tenure-holders with a tenure of 103 acres, while in the Khubkhand pargapa two tenants have been recorded as tenure-holders with average tenures of ( 45 ) 4! acres. In pargana Nirsingpur the tenures are larger, viz., 68 acres, while in the Uttarkhand pargana there are two tenure-holders with average tenures of 294 acres. The classification of tenures depends to some extent on the view which the Settlement Officer takes of the position of the tenant under the law. In the Bhagalpur Parganas these small tenures have been so recorded on the principle that the tenure-holder has sublet the lands to raiyats, whose status as raiyats would be lost if the superior tenants were not classed as tepure-holders. In the Monghyr district the more correct definition of tenure-holder has been followed, and the 25 tenure-holders have average tenures of 155.6 acres. In the Purnea district only 21 tenants have been recorded as tenure-holders against 25 in Monghyr for nearly the same area. The average size of the tenure is, however, much larger, viz., 231.5 acres. This is due to the fact that relatives of the Banaili Raja and of the Srinagar Wards have been allotted tenures in the villages of Jagaili, Khobara and Bhag Pariag, amounting to over 2,500 acres. In the Tajpur and Dehat parganas of Purnea the conditions approximate to those of Eastern Bengal, and there are 12 tenure-holders with average tenures of 159 acres. The percentage of tenure-holders is only •19 per cent. of the total number of raiyats, against 11.7 in the Sankarpur estates of the Dinajpur district. On the other hand, in the area settled in Muzaffarpur, there were no cultivating tenure-holders. 57. * classes of raiyats. — The total number of raiyats, exclusive of those holding under tenure-holders, is 60,895, who are classified as follows: CLASS OF RAIYATS. Number. Area. Percentagel Average of size of each class. holding. (1) Raiyats at fixed rates. Resident Non resident 189 149 Acres. 1,271-0-9 961-3-2 •21 Acres. 6.72 6.44 Total 338 2,232-3-11 6.60 (2) Settled raiyats. Resident Non-resident 31,669 21,693 183,020-0-1 93,824-0-35 52.0 35.4 5.76 4:32 of Total 53,362 276,844-0-36 87.63 5.18 (3) Occupancy, but not settled raiyats. 419 .68 Resident of Non-resident 2,453-3-17 3,618-1-17 5.85 6:31 573 .94 - Tota! 992 6,072-0-34 1.62 6.12 (4) Non-occupancy raiyats, 2,813 Resident ... Non-resident 4.61 5.56 2.10 2:51 3,390 5,831-3-27 8,541-2-1 14,373-1-28 Total 6,203 10.19 2:31 It will be seen that 89.8 per cent. of the raiyats have occupancy rights. The classifica- tion differs considerably from that found in the Muzaffarpur settlement, where 7.4 per cent. had fixed rights, 85•3 had occupancy rights, and only 6.64 were without such rights, against 10.2 in these estates. The small proportion of raiyats at fixed rates compared with the num- ber of such raiyats in Muzaffarpur is noticeable, but it is to be explained by the fact that in the Muzaffarpur settlement the proprietors of some villages conceded the right to their tenants in return for an immediate advance in the rental. In the present settlement the right to hold at fixed rates was eagerly contested by the proprietors in every case, and few raiyats could establish their claims. In the settlement of the Sankarpur estate in Dinajpur there were only nine raiyats at fixed rates out of 23,967, and it would appear that the right exists to a less degree in Eastern Bongal than in Bihar. The same remark applies to occupancy raigats. Thus in Muzaffarpur the percentage of non-occupancy raiyats ( 46 ) me that at fixed resten uzaffarpusdestriai yrat 11 aprel to he 3-2 aprel til Thus in the Ballonglyr is 6-64. In the Banaili and Srinagar estates it is 10-2, and in the Sankarpur estates of the Dinajpur district it is over 22. In the Malda district of the Banaili-Srinagar estates the percentage of non-occupancy raiyats in 67 villages of the Mahinagar pargana is 17.9. The explanation probably is that in the eastern districts there is plenty of spare land, and raiyats are able to shift their holdings and take up new lands, whereas in Muzaffarpur it is difficult to acquire a new holding on account of the pressure of population. The efforts of the land- lords in Tirhut have been directed to preventing raiyats from acquiring occupanoy rights by shifting their lands; but their intentions have been frustrated by the provisions of the Tenancy Act, which makes settlement in a village the test of occupancy rights. 58. Average sise of holdings.-From the foregoing table it will be seen that the area of raiyats' holdings varies according to their status. Thus the average size of the holding of a raiyat at fixed rates is 55.8 acres, of a settled raiyat 5.1 acres, and of a non-occupancy raiyat 2.2 acres. In the Muzaffarpur district the average holding of a settled raiyat was found" to be 3 acres, and of a non-occupancy raiyat 1} acres. In the Sankarpur estates in the Dinajpur district the average area of a holding is reported to be 3.2 acres. A special feature of the present settlement is the large number of non-resident raiyats. Thus in the Bhagalpur district there are 13,757 resident raiyats, against 9,753 who are non-resident. In Monghyr there are 8,600 resident, against 7,052 non-resident raiyats. In Purnea the proportion is 9,032 resident against 4,618. The proportion of non-resident raiyats in the three districts is 42 per cent. against 33 per cent. in Muzaffarpur. The largest number of non-resident raivats are in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur and the Farkyah pargana of the Monghyr districts, where, on account of the liability to floods, raiyats collect into villages on the high ground. In eleven villages out of 81 in the Khubkhand pargana, and in 33 villages out of 124 in the Farkya pargana, there are no resident raiyats. This shows that, although in estimating the areas of raiyats' holdings some allowance ought to be made for raiyats who have more than one holding, it is not necessary to made so large an allowance as in Muzaffar- pur, where, on account of the subdivision of estates, the number of separate tenancies is much greater than the actual number of raiyats. 59. Classification of raiyats in (a) Bhagalpur, (0) Monghyr.-The preceding table gives a general statement for the whole estate ; but the proportion of the classes of raiyats varies in each pargana and distriot, as will be seen from the following table : RCENTAGE OF RAIYATS. AVERAGE SIZE OF HOLDING OF RAIYATS. NAME OF PARGANA (BHAGALPUR DISTRICT). Total number of raiyats. co | At fixed rates. Non-occupancy. Occupancy. Settled. | At fixed rates. Settled. Occupancy. Non-occupancy. or v o 90.1 1.91 83 Daphar Harawat Khubkhand Uttarkhand Nirsingpur Chai ::::: .8 3,854 153 12,224 4,642 1,814 823 Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 124 11.7 3.4 17 107 34 15 3.5 9 14.1 81.2 95.7 90 83 o novo: 4:4 6.8 2.7 18 8.8 12.9 Total 23,510 | .4 | 88.2 10.6 17.1 001. 5.2 | 61 11.5 Monghyr district .... Darbhanga , 3:1 15,605 584 87.1 | 91.61 9:3 5.2 4.8 1:3 4.6 •3 From this table it appears that, though the figures for the different parganas vary, the percentage of settled raiyats in Bhagalpur and the size of holdings are nearly the same as in Monghyr. It will be noticed that the transfer of holdings by purchase is more common in Monghyr than in Bhagalpur. The custom is not yet fully established in the northern pargana of Bhagalpur, and elsewhere the lands are not sufficiently valuable to attract purchasers, and holdings when abandoned lapse into the hands of the proprietors. Comparing the figures of the different parganas of Bhagalpur, there appears a remarkable difference beteween the percentage of settled raiyats in the neighbouring parganas of the Kbubkhand and Uttarkhand. This is due to the fact that in the Khubkhand pargana there are a number of villages in which lands are held on halbasili and jaidadi terms. These will be explained later on; but it may be noted here that such lands are liable to inundation and are taken up by raiyats on ( 47 ) condition that rent is only paid for so much land as is found to produce a crop. The raiyat for the first year pays a small rate, which rises to the full rate in the the third year, after which the lands may be abandoned and new lands taken up. New settlers, who are unable to obtain lands in the fixed portion of the village, take up small areas in the precarious tracts, and this accounts for the unusually high percentage of non-occupancy raiyats. 'The largest holdings are found in the Daphar pargana, where population is scarce; the smallest holdings are in the Khubkhand pargana, where the area available for cultivation is only 68 per cent. of the total area, and where only 65-6 per cent. is settled with raiyats. On the other hand, in the Nirsingpur and Chai parganas, where population is scarce, but culti- vation is precarious on account of floods, the holdings are large. The small size of the hold- ings in the Darbhanga villages is due to the fact that the lands appertaining to the estates in this district are portions of an estate which has been partitioned, and the raiyats hold in the other portions of the parent estate. 60. Purnea.-The following table shows the classification of holdings in the Purnea district :- RCENTAGE OF RAIYATS AVERAGE SIZE OF HOLDING OF NAMES OF PARGANAS. Total number of raiyats. At fixed rates. Occupancy. Non-occupancy. Raiyats at fixed rates. Settled raiyats. Occupancy raiyats. Non-occupancy raiyats. Settled. co A or 0 o 3.3 1.4 •03 Acres. A cres. Acres. Acres. 10 9.4 | 12 5 32 27 3-5 1.9:23 94.4 86.4 62 42 3.81 Haveli Shahpur Kadwa Dharampur Tirakhurdah Dehat Tajpur Sujanagar osco 2 . :::::::: 4,177 343 627 199 3,372 720 493 3,313 93:3 :::::: 1.7 coa 10 12 ci: 89.8 88.9 90.2 1.4 6 3 6:11 28.7 11 16 3.8 5 2 10.5 9.2 6.6 Total 13,257 90'4 1.8 58 43 The Dharampur pargana may be excluded, as its area is small and the villages are little cultivated. Apart from this pargana, it appears that the percentage of raiyats with settled rights is higher in Purnea than in Monghyr or Bhagalpur. If it were not for the parganas of Tajpur and Dehat, which lie on the borders of the Dinajpur district, the percentage would be still higher. The percentage of raiyats with fixed rates is the same as in the Monghyr and Bhagalpur districts, while the custom of transferring occupancy rights is equally prevalent. In the Haveli pargana the proportion of raiyats who have bought the holdings of occupancy raiyats is over 3 per cent. In the Kadwa pargana the proportion of non-occupanoy raiyats is considerable. This is due to the fact explained in paragraph 55, that the Srinagar estate holds a special tenure in several villages of this pargana in which the lands are leased at holds a speciand for short Peand Sujana ne Shabpur pathoth in the For Snianagar specialiscept in the other districts. and the raiyats holdsharers. In the samples are held in blonber Except in the Shahpur and Sujanagar parganas, the average size of a raiyat's holding is higher than in other districts. In the Shahpur pargana the lands settled form part of an estate which has been partitioned, and the raiyats hold both in the portion now settled and in the portion which has been allotted to the other co-sharers. In the Sujanagar pargana the figures which give the total numker of raiyats are misleading. The villages are held in blocks, and raiyats hold in each of the three or four villages which constitute a block. The qumber of raiyats has been ascertained from each village, and thus a raiyat is shown more than once. This accounts for the fact that the number of the non-resident raiyats is equal to that of the resident. In the Tirakhurdah pargana the lands are fertile, and the proportion of waste is small, and thus the areas of holdings are normal, i.e., about 6 acres. In the other parts of the district the lands are less fertile and the raiyats hold large areas of waste land, and thus the average areas of holdings are over 9 acres. The effect of the provisions of the Tenancy Act in securing the rights of raiyats may be judged from the fact that in 1875 the Collector of Purnea reported that in that district the great mass of the raiyats did not possess occupanoy rights, but held on short term leases or on no leases at all, whereas now over 92 per cent. are found to possess occupancy rights. ( 48 ) 61. (d) Malda.—The following table shows the proportions of raiyats of the different classes in the Malda distriot:- PERCENTAGE OF RAIYATS. AVERAGE SIZE OF HOLDING. NAMES OF PARGANAS. Total number of raiyats. Raiyats at fixed rates. Settled raiyats. Occupancy raiyats. Non-occupancy raiyats. Raiyats at fixed rates. Settled raiyats. Occupancy raiyats. Non-occupancy raiyats. A or o 81.6 90-4 Aores. Acres. Acres. Acres. 2.1 3:3 2.9 Mahinagar Sujanagar Bhatiya Akbarabad Kotwali 1:1 2,850 125 502 3,030 1,042 ܗܶܣܳ ܩܶ 17.8 8.8 48.6 7.6 5.9 | 161 51 1.4. 87.4 27 | 75.3 2.8 ... 5:1 1:6 Total 7,549 1 1.5 15.4 3:3 2.9 1.9 1.5 It is not possible to draw any conclusion from the totals of this table, because the Bhatiya pargana has peculiar features. It is situated in the jungly traot forming the outskirts of the ancient city of Gour, and has only recently been brought under cultivation. In the Mahina- gar pargana cultivation is extending, and there is a considerable proportion of new settlers. The average size of the holding is small for the same reason noted above in the case of Suja- nagar pargana. The villages are divided into blocks or taluks, and raiyats hold lands situated in more than one village. 62. Special tenures, Halhasili-Jaidâdi.--The tenants have been recorded according to the classification prescribed in the Tenancy Act. Raiyats hold either at money rentals or produce rents. The only special tenures are those locally known as halhasili and jaidâdi. Under the halhasili system a raiyat takes up certain lands for which he pays 4 annas per bigha for the first year and 12 annas per bigha for the second year, and the full rate (which varies from Re. 1-12 to Re. 1-4 in the different villages) for the 3rd year. Rent, however, is not paid for the whole holding, but only for such lands as are cultivated and sown with a crop. No consideration is paid to the crop, whether the yield is good or bad, but rent is not paid for any plot left fallow. This tenure is prevalent for lands subject to inundation, and where cultiva- tion is preoarious along the banks of rivers or on sandy high lands of poor quality. The low rates are granted for the first two years in order to induce settlers to take up the lands. After three years the lands, if they require a rest, are abandoned and new lands taken up. The halhasili system prevails in lands near sluggish streams, where theinundations do not seriously affect the crop, while the lands are always moist and fit for cultivation. The jaidâ di tenure is slightly different from the halhasili, but the origin is the same. In the case of jaidâ di tenures, the raiyat only pays rent for the land on which a crop is found at harvest time. Thus, whereas in the halhasili system rent must be paid if the land is sown, in the jaidâdi system rent is only paid if a crop is secured. If the crop of any field is totally lost, the raiyat pays rent for only two kathas or one-tenth per bigha. If the crop has not been injured, the raigat pays rent on nine-tenths of the area. In the Ekarth taluka of the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur a special custom prevails. If the produce is estimated at 114 maunds per bigha, the full rate is charged. If the produce is less, à proportionate reduction is made in the rate. The jaidâdi system is more favourable to the raiyat than the halbasili, and is adopted in lands near the Tiljuga river, which yearly overflows its banks with a rapid current, and, when it recedes, leaves the soil hard and dry. Halhasili lands are peculiar to the Bhagalpur district, and are found chiefly in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, where 10 per cent. of the rent-paying area in 35 villages is so held. In the Uttarkhand pargana the halhasili area is 10 per cent., and in pargana Chai it is 25 per cent. of the total rent-paying area. The jaidâdi system is found only in the Khubkhand pargana, where it prevails in 22 villages, with an area amounting to 10 per cent. of the total rent-paying area. An attempt was made to convert these tenures into holdings at money rentals by the reduction of rates in proportion to the actual payments for a number of years. The conver- sion was effected in only five villages. As a rule, the raiyats preferred to adhere to the old arrangement, and required larger concessions than the landlords were willing to give as an inducement to change it. There was an attempt made to commute this class of rents under section 40 of the Tenancy Act, but the Special Judge ruled that the section did not apply. ( 49 ) 63. Produce rents. The area held on produce rents is 5,090 acres, or 1.6 of the total. rent-paying area. This system is almost entirely restricted to the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, where the estates let out their private lands on bhaoli terms. The area so held in this pargava is 5 per cent. of the rent-paying area. This system in the case of the proprietors' private lands is maintained in order to prevent the raiyats from acquiring occupancy rights in the lands, so that they may be settled when any new raiyat applies for lands at higher tates than those prevailing in the village. 64. Under-raiyats. The number of under-raiyats whose rights have been recorded is 11,128. These under-raiyats have, as a rule, no special rights. They hold lands on produce rents, and are liable to ejectment at any time. They do not hold leases or agreements, and are little more than the field labourers of wealthy raiyats. In accordance with your letter No. 4467A, dated the 25th April 1888, separate khatians of under-raiyats were not prepared, except where they held under a bramotodar or other permanent tenancy. The names of under-raiyats, and the terms on which they hold, were entered in the original khatians against the fields held by then. In the Dehat and Tajpur parganas of Purnea and in the Malda district, under-raiyats appeared to have a higher status and to be able to acquire rights of occupancy. Khatians were therefore prepared and distributed to 369 under-raiyats The rate of rent paid by under-raiyats in Purnea averaged Re. 1-15 per acre against Re. 1-9 paid by the raiyats. As the raiyats have large holdings at consolidated rentals, it is not easy to say what the exact proportion of rent for particular lands is paid by the under-raiyats. In Malda under-raiyats pay generally at the rate of Re. 1-4 per bigha against Re. 0-10-9 paid by the raiyats. 65. Comparison of areas and rates of holdings held by different classes of raiyats. In order to ascertain the position of the different classes of raiyats, as regards the area of these holdings, and the rate of rent paid, I have prepared the annexed statement, showing for each pargana the percentage of each class of raiyat, the average size of their holdings, and the . average rate of rent per acre paid by them. It will be seen that, as was to be expected, the riayats holding at fixed rates are in the best position. They have larger holdings and pay at lower rates than other classes of raiyats. The difference in their favour is especially marked in the Daphar and Sujanagar parganas. This class of raiyats, however, is numerically small, and does not exceed 3 per cent. of the whole number. In the Uttarkhand pargana, where the average holdings are shown in 121 and 71 acres, there are only two raiyats of the class. 66. In the other classes of raiyats it appears that the northerly parganas of Bhagalpur and Purnea, viz., the Daphar pargana and the Tirakhurdah pargana, are the most favourably situated. The number of raiyats in the former pargana with settled rights is over 90 per cent. The holdings average over 7 acres, and the rates of rent do not exceed Re. 1-6 per acre. The reason for these favourable conditions is probably that the parganas have until recently been far removed from connection with other parts of the district, and have an evil reputation for health on account of their situation near the Nepal Terai. The population in the Dapbar pargana is only 348 to the square mile, representing 58 families, whereas the number of raiyats is 53 to the square mile. The pargana is being opened out by improved communica- tions. Bengali traders have opened out the markets, and the Assam-Bihar Railway runs near it. Consequently it is found that new settlers have to pay higher rates for their lands. They, in fact, pay at a rate 50 per cent. in advance of the old rates, and the general average paid by new raiyats is over Re. 1-9 per acre, against Re. 1-5 paid by old settlers.. 67. In the other parganas of the Bhagalpur district it will be seen that the condition of the tenantry is not so favourable. In the Khubkhand pargana, containing 81 square miles, the number of raiyats with settled rights is less than 85 per cent. of the total number, and the average holding of regular rent-paying lands is less than 3 acres. These figures are, how- over, misleading. They do not show how much lands are held on the special tenures known as halhasili and jaidadi, described in paragraph 62. These lands amount to 20 per cent. of the total area, and therefore the average size of holdings must be increased by one-fifth. The actual area held by settled raiyats of both mal and halhasili land is 34,803 acres, and the average size of the holding is thus 3:4 acres. In addition to this, I have already in paragraph 58 remarked on the large proportion of non-resident raiyats found in this pargana, due to the difficulty of finding sites for habitation in some of the villages. The population of the pargana at the census of 1881 was 564:87 to the square mile, equal to about 80 families, whereas the number of holdings is 132 to the square mile. It is evident therefore that many of the raiyats hold in more villages than one, and the size of the holding, instead of being less than 3 acres, will be nearer 5 acres. This in fact is the average in the other three parganas of the district, where the same conditions as to non-residency do not prevail, and where the number of the raiyats corresponds fairly with the number of families as found by the last census. It is not, however, to be denied that the raiyats in the Khubkhand and neighbouring parganas of Bhagalpur are among the least prosperous of the estate. The population, as described above, is 564 to the square mile, and only 68 per cent. of the area is cultivated. The raiyats have smaller holdings, their rights are less secure, their lands are less fertile than elsewhere. The number of raiyats in one of the poorest villages, with holdings less than 4 acres, has been found to be over 75 per cent. of the total number, and the number of the purely labouring class is 16 per cent., while the number of raiyats, who supplement the profits of small holdings by labour, is over 40 per cent. of the inhabitants. In the northern pargana of Daphar, on the other hand, the number of raiyats with holdings of less than 4 acres is 34 per cent., while the percentage of labourers is nearly the same. An examination of the records of six large villages taken at random in the southern pargana of the Bhagalpur noweg, in fact, penyata is over Roal of the Bhael hubkhand part cent of them to figures are now maiyate of Techno noted in partes de nal madition andidadi, dose not showing landshan 85 porgana, comten that the ( 50 ) district shows that, of 1,219 raiyats, 651 or 53.4 hold less than three bighas of 4,225 square yards, 68 or 5-6 per cent. bold between 3 and 4 bighas, 91 or 7.4 per cent. hold between 4 and 5 bighas, while 409 raiyats or 32-5 per cent. hold over 5 bighas. It is clear, therefore, that a large proportion of the inhabitants are badly off, and have to supplement the profits on their holdings by other employments. The usual food of the poorer classes is merua bread, and the general physique of the people is weaker than in other districts. The opinion of Babu Barhamdeo Narayan, Assistant Settlement Officer, who had charge of the settlement of the pargana, was that, though there are a number of well-to-do raiyats, the poorer classes are badly clothed and badly housed, and live as & rule from hand to mouth. 68. Turning to the Monghyr district, although the rents are higher, it is found that the rights of the raiyats are more secure, and the average size of the holdings is greater. The proportion of non-resident ragiats is high, due to the uninhabitable character of some of the villages, and it appears that the raiyats have to some extent more than one bolding. The population is 506 to the square mile equal to 71 families, while the number of holdings is 66 to the square mile. The people of this district are as a rule prosperous, and though the rates of rent are higher than in Bhagalpur, the fertility of the soil is greater. Thus wheat is estimated to produce 9 maunds per bigha against 7 maunds in Bhagalpur, and pulses 7 maunds per bigha against 5 maunds in Bhagalpur. . 69. In Purnea all the parganas, except those of Tirakhurdah and Sujanagar, have consolidated rentals. There is, with the exception of those parganas, no system of soil-rates. The Haveli pargana is the most important, and it will be seen that the average size of the holdings is over 8 ares, while the rent averages less than 12 annus per acre. The population in this tract is sparse, viz., 346 to the square mile, equal to 55 families, while the number of holdings is 48 to the square mile. The low incidence of rental is partly due to the unfertile character of the soil and partly to the extension of holdings by encroachment. It appears that originally lands were settled according to rates, but without any accurate measurement. The raiyats were able to extend their holdings, in the absence of any measurement records and of competition for lands, and all record of rates dropped out. The low rate is to some extent justified by the upfertile sandy character the soils. Less than one-half of the area held by raiyats is cultivated, while in the case of uncultivated land used for pasturage, the nominal rate is 6 pies per acre against 2 annas in the northerly pargana of Tirakhurdah. It will be seen that rates in these parganas are much lower than those paid where a system of soil-rates is in force. In the Tajpur and Dehat parganas, which lie on the borders of the Dinajpur. district, the areas of holdings are large, and a great proportion of the raiyats have settled rights, but the rates of rent are comparatively high, considering that the rents are consoli. dated, and that nearly half the areas of holdings is waste land. This is due to the better quality of the cultivated lands, which are suitable for tobacco, sugarcane, and jute crops, and the rice harvest is less precarious than in the central parganas, 70. In the Sujanagar pargana the average area of holdings, viz. 4 acres, appears low. This, however, is not actually the case, as raiyats hold in more villages than one. This can be seen from the large proportion of non-resident raiyats, and also from the fact that, though the population is only 355 to the square mile, equal to 70 families, the number of holdings per square mile is 135. The average size of the holdings should therefore be doubled in order to show the area cultivated by each raiyat. The same remarks apply to the Mahinagar pargana, which is the largest tract surveyed in North Malda. Here the population is 349 to the square mile, equal to 63 families, while the number of holdings included in the records is 142 per square mile. The average size of the holdings, instead of being less than 3 acres per raiyat, should be over 7 acres. The return for the Bhatiya pargana cannot be compared with those of other parganas, as it consists only of a few scattered villages in the outskirts of the ancient City of Gour, and the raiyats cultivate lands in the villages of neighbouring proprietors. * *71. Taking the general results of this comparison of holdings and rates of rent, it will be seen that the holdings are as a rule large, and that, where the average size of the holding is less than 5 acres, as in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, and the Mahinagar pargana of Malda, the condition of the raiyats is not entirely prosperous: but where there are large holdings and low rates, as in Duphar and Tirakhurdah parganas, the raiyats are well-to-do. The facility with which the raiyats of the Duphar pargana tided over the bad year of 1888 compared with the distress felt in the northern tracts of Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur confirms this fact. Compared with the results obtained in the Muzaffarpur settlement, the position of raiyats in the estates under settlement is more prosperous than in that district, where the average rate of rent is Rs. 3-12 per bigha, and the average size of the holding only 3 acres. It is seen also that where soil-rates exist, the average rate of rent is higher than where there are consolidated rents--a fact which follows from the theory that the latter form of rental only exists in tracts where the soil is unfertile, cultivation backward, and the competition for lands slight. 72. Comparing one class of raiyats with another, it appears that, with a few exceptions, raiyats with settled rights have larger holdings than non-occupancy raiyats. The difference is very marked in the large tracts in the Kubkhund pargana and in Monghyr, where the non- occupancy raiyats hold less than half the area of the settled raiyats. In Purnea and Malda the result is the same for the parganas where soil-rates exist, viz., Sujanagar and Tirakhur- dah, but in the other parganas this uniformity is broken by special cases in Haveli and Tajpur. In the Haveli pargana the difference is due to the settlement of several large holdings at low rates with dependents of the estates, while in Tajpur the uniformity is broken per population is longo proportions caso, as raupnago aroa eta hora ( 51 ) by special settlements in two villages. In Dehat pargana there is no difference in the size of the holdings. In Monghyr there is little difference between the areas held by resident and non-resident raiyats, whereas elsewhere, in the parganas such as Daphar, Khubkhand, Uttarkhand in Bhagalpur, and Tirakhurdah and Sujanagar in Purnea, where the conditions of cultivation are normal, the residents have the larger holdings except in the case of non- occupanoy raiyats. In the parganas where this rule is not maintained it will be found that the number of non-residents is comparatively small, and thus the uniformity is broken by a few such raiyats who have acquired large holdings. In several parganas, such as Haveli and Dehat, there is a marked difference in the areas held by resident and non-resident non- ocoupancy raiyats, the latter having the larger holdings. This result in the case of the Haveli pargana is due to the settlement of a few large holdings with dependents of the estates, and elsewhere it is probable that resident non-occupany raiyats are those who are emerging from the position of labourers, while those raiyats who come from distant villages for land are substantial persons who are able to take up large holdings. The position of the occupancy raiyats, i.e., those who have purchased holdings, is peculiar. As the sale of a portion of a holding is illegal without the landlord's consent, the average areas of holdings of This class should be equal to that held by the settled raiyats. This is found to be the case in Monghyr, but elsewhere the areas are generally less. As a matter of fact, transfers of portions of holdings are very common and are accepted by the landlords. It is also noticeable that there is a great difference in the rent they pay. Thus in Monghyr they pay Rs. 2-9-3 per bigha against Rs. 2-3-6 for settled raiyats. The reason is that it is only in fertile villages that sales of holdings take place, and in such villages the rates of rent are high. It will also be noticed that, except in Purnea district, those who purchase holdings are generally foreigners, who do not settle in their holdings. Thus in Monghyr the majority of the class of occupancy, but not settled, raiyats are purchasers from south of the river. In the Bhagalpur district purchasers of holdings come from the neighbouring district of Darbhanga, and in the Duphar pargana a large holding has been purchased by a European’ lady. It is only in the less cultivated district of Purnea that holdings are purchased with a view to settlement : 73. When the rents paid by the different classes of raiyats are considered, it is found that there is a tolerable uniformity. Raiyats with fixed rates naturally pay less rates than other raiyats. Their rates are in fact less by about 50 per cent. Except in a few special instances, settled raiyats pay less than non-occupancy raiyats. This is particularly noticeable in the Daphar pargana, where there are special rates for new settlers. The same is the case in the Haveli pargana of Purnea, which shows that the low rent-rates which prevail in that part of the district are rising in consequence of the demand for land. In the Mahinagar pargana, Malda, on the other hand, lands are being settled at reduced rates to encourage new tenants. Resident raiyats as a rule pay lower rentals than non-resident, except in special cases. Thus in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, where, on account of the lowlying character of some of the villages, there is little room for houses, non-resident raiyats receive encouragement to take lands in such villages by the grant of lower rates. In the Haveli pargana of Purnea the uniformity is broken by the settlement of lands at low rates with the dependents of the estate. In the Kadwa pargana there are two raiyats who have large hold- ings in several villages at special rates. In Tajpur and Dehat the low rates of non-residents is due to the fact that there are several raiyats who hold large tracts of pasturage land in several villages. Among non-occupancy raiyats it will be seen that, in several parganas, the non-residents pay the lower rates. This is due to the fact that they are to be found in villages where the rates are low, and not that they pay lower rates for the same classes of land. Thus in the Farkya pargana of Monghyr a large area is held by raiyats of this class, in the village of Rohianwa, where the rate is only 10 annas per acre. In the Sujanagar pargana the rate of resident raiyats is raised by the payment of higher rates for homestead lands. ( 52 ) Statement showing the percentage of each class of raiyat, with the average size of the holding and the average rate of rent in each pargana. RAIYATS AT FIXED RATES. SETTLED RAIYATS. OCCUPANCY, BUT NOT SETTLED RAIYATS. NON-OCCUPANCY RAIYATS. RESIDENT, RESIDENT, NON-RESIDENT. NON-RESIDENT RESIDENT. NON-RESIDENT. NON-RESIDENT. RESIDENT. of of of of of of of of REMARKS. NAMES OF PARGANAS. Percentage class. Average size of holding. Average rate of rent per acre. Percentage class. Average size of holding. Average rate per | acre. Percentage class. Average size of holding. Average rate per i Average size of holding. | Percentage class. Average rate per Average size of holding. Average rate per acre, Percentage class. Average size of holding. Percentage class. | Average rate per acre. Percentage class. Average size of holding. Average rato per acre. Percentage Class. Average size ofi holding. acre. Average rate per acre. acre. 26 14 15 22 o 23 24. ... " Bhagalpur Daphar Harawat Khubkhand Utturkhand Nirsingpur Chai Acres. Rs. A. P. •07 24•7 | 0 10 3 | 6.80 140 12103 0 11 6 :gwi Acres. Rs. A. P. / . Acres. Rs. A. P. 07 | 23•70 0 12 0 64.9 93 1 4 8- 771 4773 8 2 1 3•64 1 6 8 | 38.62 480 1 15 0 02 7119 0 70 63.7 5:44 1 9 3 75.5 6.80 2 2 6 62-21 9.06 1 6 10 rivoie Acres. Rs. A. P. 25.141 79 1 5 5 6 6. 8.67 8.67 3 0 10 45- 2 228 1 14 3216 240 1 8 2 14°56.201 1 14 9 27'21 408 1 8 0 E O CON Acres. Rs. A. P. 9•07 1 6 2 2:14 2 30 3.10 1 14 0 12:92 1 ïż 7 90000 ::gco Acres. Rs. A. P. 1.2 126 1 4 291 1.42 1 9 11 41 2'02 1 6 10 •05 2.70 2 6 3 '12 13'31 1 2 8 Acres. Rs. A. P. 4.93 2.7 1 10 10 150 1.55 3 11 5 7.24 0.88 2 1 2 2.52 0•70 2 5 0 6-84 1.91 1 15 0 7.65 278 1 4 4 Acres. Rs. A. P. 3.6 507 1 9 9 1.96 2.35 3 9 0 7083 104 2 1 11 *84 1684 1 15 6 4:02 474 2 09 2067 4.27 1 12 0 A10 Monghyr. Farkya ... *019 24•77 025 9 8 ... 8.2010 1 20 | 50'6 4.99 2 3 11 | 37:13 531 2 4 6 1 093 4.61 2 4 10 1088 5.36 2 4 9 | 6:14 3·10 27 5 307 20851 1 15 1 * Purnea. 70651 0 9 5 | 13:07 | 0 12 3 0 7 9 | 110 | 10.08 .87 *46) 0 10 1 14 1:17 13•721 0 117 0 8 In 1 1 In these pargangs raiyats hold at con- solidated rentals. Haveli ... Shahpur ... Dharampur Kadwa Tirakhurdah Sujanagar ... Tajpur Dehat Dapbar ::: có: ::: 59.87] 8.91 0 11 7 66'41: 2.69 1 7 3 48.74 4.301 0 12 7 57.57 5:52 0 14 3 65-63 6121 7 1 5051) 4.32 1 12 10 62-7 | 12- 0 1 11 8 86.9 930 131 55.67 12.87 0 10 2 31*96 9•63 0 103 25.07 2.70 1 5 7 13.00 2:43 1 1 8 28.8 9.49 0 7 11 2868 5.81 1 1 39.68) 3•77 1 10 1 26.37 92 1 5 3 2-64 35.67 0 15 10 12.80 7.851 097 e tte noget det 1'11 2-23 1 7 10 1*51 4.02 1 7 1 '12 5:36 1 6 1 406 1975 1 9 3 1.6 29• 1 0 15 10 21 5:32 097 Hoowoot s 2.42 1.36 1045 5.64 11.55 2 5 7.04 1:35) 213 80 4.62 2.34 6.67 1764 7036 11•77 21.53 305 •16 1810 1.18). 4.22 09 2:21. 2 10.59 ***42 28*66 11.07 1 0 .1 8 1 2 0 15 1 4 1 14 1 4 3 1 3 0 12 5 1 8 3 1 7 9 110 1 0 10 4 1 5 °83 10:42 0 12 8 1 2-911 322 1 8 5 0. 26.6 2-21 bhaoli 1 5.28 3.02 0 13 10 3 | •86 9•63 1 5 9 8 4.9 2.921 13 2 3 .65 9: 4 1 7 1 13 15.88 1 3 1 19.24 592 0 12 3 4 Ditto Ditto ditto. 18.05 0 11 3 Malda, 12-4 25 co 40 44• 8. 1:3 Mahinagar Sujanagar Bhatiya Akbarabad... Kotwali ... as a 1 4 1 1 14 11 2 7 3 ::::: 41.6 464 15.9 42-3 30.8 426 1'3 12 11 1 127 2 4 8 13 1 4 11 1 07 0 14 2 1 14 0 1 6 4 0 13 10 167 28 :::: o 3.8 108 1 C 35-1 453 446 1 1 0 6 i 6 | 1:9 / 6 सेस 12.2 1'5 10 10 1.3 2-1 The rate per acre of the resident and non-resi. dent raiyats of the Malda district is shewn together, as the same raiyats hold land in the several villages of the pargana, and have a lump rental for the whole 1.8 Darbhanga. .9 2 4 25.93 2 1 2 1•76 0 1.76 0.9 2 5•28 4 0 1 27 2 6 3 7087 | 74.61 Bhaor Fukrubad 2:12 95 2 4 8 | 1918 2:13 2 4 2 3 8 2 23.211 1.381 390 1.53 ... °51 12:07 45 06 2 5 3 10 6 0 ( 53 ) 74. It has been explained that the chief reason for the survey was to clear up confusion in the landlords' rent-rolls. The following were the principal Causes of the confusion in the estates. vode causes of the confusion:- (1) Abatements and remissions on account of absconded raiyats, or raiyats who had died without heirs, had not been noted in the rent-rolls. In the Daphar pargana the rent-roll of the Srinagar estate had not been corrected for over 30 years, with the result that large unrealizable balances were shown. Another result was that abandoned holdings were resettled with new raiyats, while also retained in the former tenant's name, and thus appeared twice in the rent-roll. i Totupors were obsolete. In the will. nection with thes of raiyats entered in. were not to me of Bishunpora Gonorent and thus the landlords' papers were obsolete. In the village of Bishunpore Gonesham, the patwari papers showed 86 raiyats, of whom 44 were not traceable. The landlords at first ölaimed to have the names of raiyats entered in the records, though they had ceased to have any connection with the village, as they feared that otherwise they would have no power of collecting the arrears of rent from them. This led to many disputes as to the name of the tenant to be entered. (3) The patwari papers often did not show the true name of the cultivator. Raiyats were entered by fictitious names. In the villages of Dharumpur and Hempur the patwari's paper contained 54 names of fictitious or “furzi” raiyats. In one village of 196 acres the names of 47 fictitious raiyats were found to be entered. It was found that this practice prevailed in 38 out of 108 villages in the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand parganas. "It was stated that the object was to distinguish between holdings held at money rental and those held on balhasili or jaidadi tenures. It was, however, a matter of great difficulty to find out the name of the real tenant. The same practice prevailed to a modified extent in Purnea, where raiyats held a number of holdings under many names and discarded or retained the tenancies as they thought fit. (4) The rent-rolls were not checked by the landlords' agents. Thus in Belwa Sukhasan village, 54 new tenants were discovered. In Nirmalli 300 bighas of land unassessed to rent were found, which were entered as taufir in the patwaris' papers, but were found to be held by raiyats. (5) Numerous disputes as to rates existed. Many of the villages were formerly leased out, and the lessees tried to raise the rates by the simple expedient of entering higher rates in their rent-rolls. The rates were also in many villages raised by the lessees on the condition that no measurement was made. The enhancements were looked upon by the raiyats as special cesses, but the landlords treated them as real, and tried to retain them after measuring the villages. Thus in Mysurbo the rates were raised in 1274F from Re. 1-10-6 to Re. 1-14 on the understanding that there should be no measurement. In 1278 the village was measured and all lands held by raiyats were assessed at the higher rate, though the raiyats did not accept the enhancement. Disputes of this character were frequent in the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand Parganas of Bhagalpur, and in several villages of Monghyr there were instances of disputed rates on account of illegal enhancements. The difficulty was accentuated when the new form of rent-receipt introduced by the Tenancy Act came into force. The land- lords then would only give receipts with tbe new rentals, and the raiyats would not accept them until the rents were entered at the old recognized rates. In some villages in Bhagalpur, such as the Shahpur taluka, Darhar, Agwanpur and others, there was confusion as to areas · of holdings. The rates had been increased by a lump sum on the understanding that raiyats should be allowed to extend their holdings without measurement. In some cases the landlords had broken through this understanding, and had measured the villages and assessed the newly cultivated lands. The majority of the raiyats would refuse to accept the assessment, but a few would submit, and hence the dispute was kept alive. In cases where no measurement was made, the enhanced rental was calculated on the area of the old holding. When the new form of rent-receipt introduced by the Tenancy Act came into force, a difficulty arose as to what area should be entered. The landlords wished to enter the recorded area and the enhanced rental. The raiyats objected, as this would be evidence of their acceptance of the higher rate. In some villages they were prepared to measure the holdings on the condition that the old rate was preserved, but they would not pay rent, or take the new forms of receipt if they were to show the former areas at the enhanced rentals. Nothing was done to clear up the disputes, and thus arrears of rent landlord he newly cultivent would s the enhance ipt in abanceat, or takelings on form of ruch tenantrietors or 16) In nearly every village disputes arose as to the rates payable by head raiyats or privileged tenants. There were a large number of such privileged raiyats who had rendered services to the proprietors or lessees. The landlords' papers used to show the full village rate against such tenants, but a deduction was made at time of payment of rent. When the new form of rent receipt came into force, the landlords wished to show the rental at full rates on the receipts, while the raiyats would not accept them unless they showed the special rates. In Bhagalpur, out of 14,291 raiyats, rents were disputed in 5,075 cases. In Monghyr 8 per cent. of the rentals were disputed. (7) In Purnea the system of accumulative holdings was a fruitful source of confusion. If any raiyat died without heirs, or abandoned his holding, the patwari woulil assume that his next-of-kin took possession of it without proouring any formal agreement. The holding would be continued in the name of the former raiyat, and certificates for arreurs of rent would be issued in his name. It frequently happened that the new tenant did not take up the holding, or if he did, he added it to his original holding, and then repudiated the addition of ( 54 ) rent. As there were no measurement papers or other trustworthy records of areas, it was very difficult to decide such disputes. (8) There was much confusion in the demarcation of village boundaries in Monghyr and Malda. The situation of some villages, as Mahamedpur Bhelwa in Monghyr, and of a num- ber of scattered villages in Malda, could with great difficulty be discovered. In several cases of boundary disputes in Monghyr there was evidence that the patwaris had entered the names of raiyats as cultivating disputed lands who could not be identified, and an instance recently came to light in the decision of a boundary dispute between Koela and Birbhas villages, where the papers produced by the representatives of the estates are declared by the Assistant Settlement Officer to be forged. 75. The result of the record and settlement of rentals shows that the nominal rent-roll Results of the settlement of rents. has decreased from a demand of Rs. 4,88,715 to Rs. 4,88,319, use or a decrease of Rs. 396, equal to a decrease of .09 per cent. There has been an increase of rental in Bhagalpur and Malda and a decrease in Monghyr, Purnea, and Darbhanga, and the decrease is a decrease in the rent-demand, and is due not to any arbitrary reduction of rent or rates of rent, but to the settlement of disputes as to existing rates. There has been a real increase of Rs. 23,636, that is to say, the total rental, after striking out the disputed claims, has been increased by that sum in consequence of the settlement. The record and settlement of rents has performed two functions : firstly, the rent-roll has been cleared of disputes; and secondly an increase of Rs. 23,636, equal to 4.8 per cent., has been obtained. With regard to the first point, it is to be remembered that the landlord's rent-roll was known to be in confusion, and the rent demand was never collected in full. The object of the settlement was, as pointed out in paragraph 5, to clear up these disputes, and not to effect an enhancement of rents. I have, in paragraph 74, noted some of the causes of the confusion which was greatest in the Nawhatta tahsil of the Bhagulpur district. It arose chiefly from the system of letting out villages in lease, under which the lessees endeavoured to enhance the rates or, at least, to gain an addition to the rental during the period of their leases. Thus in the village of Nahurwar the rent demand was Rs. 806, and the arrears from 1878 to 1887 for the Srinagar share were Rs. 9,796, and for the Banaili share for eight years Rs. 5,288. In 1875 a lessee had attempted to raise the rate of non- resident raiyats from Rs. 2-4 to Rs. 2-10, and of resident raiyats from Rs. 2 to Rs. 2-7. The raiyats never accepted the enhancement, but probably paid some increase so as to satisfy the demands of the lessee. The village went out of lease in 1878, and the raiyats refused to pay the enhanced rate to the proprietors. No collections were made for three years; and, as no effort was made to settle the dispute, arrears accumulated. In the village of Nohatta the demand for six annas share is Rs. 3,400, and the arrears in 1887 amounted to Rs. 30,000. The proprietors claimed a uniform rate of Re. 1-13-1} per bigha, whereas a large proportion of the raiyats, such as Brahmins, early settlers, and relations of the original proprieters, claimed special rates, varying from Re. 1-10 to annas 8 per bigha. In the time of Raja Lilanund Singh there was an attempt made to raise all rates to the uniform standard, but the raiyats appealed to him, and the old condition of affairs was restored. A few years after- wards the rent-roll was again revised, and the disputes broke out afresh. In 1876, after the year of the famine, an attempt was made to clear up the confusion by making remissions, which were said by the proprietors to be remissions of grace in consequence of the bad years of 1874-75, but which the raiyats considered to be remissions of right, and an acknowledg- ment of their claim to hold at special rates. The dispute was not cleared up, and hence there was a large accumulation of arrears. In other villages disputes arose as to the arrears of holdings. Thus, in Bijwar, pargana Khubkhand, Bhagalpur, the demand was Rs. 656, and the arrears for ten years, 1877 to 1886, were Rs. 3,691 on account of the Srinagar share. The lessees, about the year 1872, raised the rates from Re. 1-10 to Rs. 2-1, and the raiyats accepted the enhancement on condition that no measurement was made, and that lands brought into cultivation were not assessed. In 1878 the village went out of lease, and the proprietors made a measurement and attempted to assess all the lands at the enhanced rates. The raiyats disputed this arrangement, and refused to pay more than the old rate of Re. 1-10 per bigha. In some villages there were special causes of confusion. Thus, in a block of four villages in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, there was a dispute as to a tract of land on which thatching-grass was grown. The raiyats accepted an enhancement of rate on condition that they should hold portions of this land free of rent. About 20 years ago the proprietors resumed this right, but allowed the raiyats the privilege of buying the grass at Rs. 2-8 per bigha. In 1884 they further restricted the right, and began to sell the grass at competition rates of Rs. 4 to Rs. 4-8 per bigha. The raiyats resented this infringement of their privileges, and combined to revert to the old rate of Re. 1-9 per bigha, which had been raised to Re. 1-12. In consequence, no rents were collected for three years, from 1884 to 1886. In the Monghyr district the proprietors had in some cases attempted to break the rates by inducing the headmen to sign agreements and to bring over the rest of the raiyats to accept an enhancement. Thus in the villages of Chattersari, Marachi and Jergaon, contain- ing 343 raiyats, agreements to pay at a rate enhanced from Rs. 2-8 to Rs. 2-12 per bigha were taken from two head raiyats, and an attempt was made to impose the enhanced rate upon all the tenants. The attempt, however, failed. In Purnea the proprietors have acquired their property in the Haveli Pargana within the last 40 years. The only rent papers are those received from the previous proprietors, and in the case of patni villages the rent-rolls of the superior landlords form the basis of the demand. These rentals were often disputed, and the system of farming out the villages increased the confusion. The lessees were local men, whose relations held lands as tenants, and who received receipts for rents at favoured rates, ( 55 ) while the rent-roll showed a higher rate. Thus, in one instance, in the village of Parora, the rent demand of a raiyat was shown at Rs 50, whereas he had been granted receipts in full for Rs. 14, and had in fact for a long time never paid more than this amount. In the village of Sonsa the rent of a raiyat was shown in the rent-roll at Rs. 20, whereas he has been granted receipts in full for Rs. 4. The first object of the settlement was to ascertain existing rents and rates of rents. In consequence of the disputes, no collections of rent had been made in some villages for three or four years, and the collections of 1886-87 were only 65 per cent., and those of 1887-88 70 per cent. of the rent demand. Existing rents were most disputed in the Bhagalpur district, where, out of 12,500 raiyats, rents were disputed in 5,075 cases. In Monghyr existing rents were not so much in dispute. Out of 125 villages, rents were disputed throughout in 13 villages. In nearly every village there were disputes as to the rates of the chief raiyats, and those who had obtained privileged rates from former lessees or from the proprietors. The total amount of rental disputed in Monghyr was about Rs. 15,000 or 8 per cont. of the total rent demand. The disputes as to the rates of headmen of villages were very numerous. These men were selected for their influence over the raiyats, and were originally employed to assist in the collections. For their services they received remis- sions of rents varying from 12 annas to 4 annas a bigha. The lessees added to the number of these headmen by granting privileged rates to the more influential raiyatis, as rewards for inducing the other raiyats to accept enhancements. The privileged rates, however, were not shown in the rent-rolls, but were remitted at the time of payment of rent. Thus the rent-rolls showed a fictitious demand which the proprietors, on resuming direct management of the villages, attempted to realize in full. At the time of settlement such privileged rates were not confirmed, if they were shown to have been given by temporary lessees or for special periods; but this failure to conciliate the headmen naturally increased the opposition in the villages. In Purnea the system of accumulative holdings and the confusion in the rent-roll, in which one raiyat is recorded as holding numerous small tenancies under several names, led to many disputes. There was nothing to show what lands belonged to a particular holding in the absence of measurement papers and of any record of successions and transfers. The raiyats often repudiated some of the rentals for which the landlords declared them liable, and in the absence of any evidence connecting them with such rentals, such disputes were generally decided adversely to the landlords. In the villages of Sonsa, Parora, and Banbhag, the rent demand decreased on account of disputes by Rus. 500 out of a total rent demand of Rs. 2,594. 76. It will thus be seen that where there has been a decrease of rent, it is due not to any reduction of rents or rates of rent, but to the disposal of disputes as to the existing rates. The landlord's rent demand was fictitious and contained rentals at rates which the raiyats had never accepted. The determination of the rates was made after enquiries as to the past histories of rates and the inspection of old accounts and rent receipts. The decisions were generally adverse to the landlords, because it could be ascertained that at some previous period a lower rate than that now demanded was accepted by both parties, and there was nothing to prove that the higher rates had been accepted. That the decisions of the Settle- ment Court were not unduly favourable to the raiyats may be seen from the fact that in the Nohatta village, where a decrease of 22 per cent of the rent demand resulted from the decisions of the Settlement Officer, the raiyats have appealed. Similarly, in the villages of Aukabi, Narayanpur, and Nyanagur, the raiyats have appealed, though there has been a reduction of rent demand amounting to 13 per cent. In two villages in paragana Nirsingpur, in Bhagalpur, viz., Belaith and Musebri and in six villages in the Farkya pargana of Monghyr, viz., Baletha, Daroja, Dighone, Gendharson, Mohamedpur-Bhelwa, and Puchrasi, there were real reductions of rates. The lands of these villages have recently deteriorated owing to the inundations of the Kosi river and its branches, and the landlords voluntarily accepted a reduction of the rent-rate. The total reduction of rent on this account amounted to Rs. 2,495. 77.' History of the rise of rents. For the purpose of the record and settlement of rents, the first point is to determine the existing rents, and in cases where an application for settle- ment of rents is made, the applicant must prove the grounds upon which any alteration of existing rentals is sought to be obtained. The chief ground put forward for the alteration of rents was the alteration of the areas of holdings under section 52 of the Tenancy Act. There was thus no necessity for enquiries as to the economic basis of rates or rentals, or as to their fairness with regard to the fertility of the soil and cost of cultivation, and, except in the Daphar pargana of Bhagalpur, no attempt was made to fix the rents according to the classifi- cation of the lands. The existing rents were first ascertained, and these were increased and reduced according as grounds for such iņcrease or reduction were established. As a rule, the rents are not high, and in no case is the average rate per bigha as high as was found in the villages surveyed and settled in Muzaffarpur. Enquiries were made as to the increase of rent-rates. Such increases were not found to have taken place except in the parganas of Khubkand, Uttarkhand, Nirsingpur and Chai in Bhagulpur and in the Monghyr district. The rates are generally uniform for all classes of lands in the village, and the following instances may be given of their increase :-In the village of Hati, pargana Khubkhand, the earliest known rate was Re. 1-4 per bigha. In 1860 the rate was raised to Re. 1-10, which led to an abandonment of the lands. The rate was then reduced to Re. 1-6, but in 1878 it was again raised to Re. 1-10, which is the present prevailing rate. In Narayanpur village the rate about the year 1830 was Re. 1-10 per bigha In 1858 it was raised to Re. 1-13, and about the year 1865 to Re. 1-15. In 1875 the rate was again raised to Rs 2-4-3, which is the present prevailing rate. In Bhagwa village the earliest known rate was Re. 1-10, which men frost point in to the rise of ( 56 ) was raised in 1857 to Re. 1-15 and again in 1868 to Rs. 2-8, the present rate. In Beergaon village the rate up to 1865 was Rs. 2 per bigha. In that year it was raised to Rs.2-8. The enbancement was affected by the lessees who were also mahajans of the village. In the village of Aurea Ramouti, the rate up to 1x43 was Re. 1-4 per bigha. It was then raised to Re. 1-10-6, and in 1871 to Rs. 2-2, the present rate. The increase of rates was obtained by winning over the headmen of the village by the grant of privileged rates at 12 annas less than the prevailing rate. In Asahiputtı village the rate in 1792 A.D., when the village was purchased by the ancestors of the present proprietors, was Re. 1-4 per bigha. About the year 1830 it was raised to Re. 1-10, and between the years 1862 to 1876 it was raised by successive lessees to Rs. 2-4-3 per bigha. The raiyats accepted the enhanced rate on being allowed to cultivate waste land at 6 anpas per bigha. These lands were kept separate from the original holdings, but were afterwards incorporated on a measurement in 1882. In Paharpur village the rate was Re. 1-4 per bigha. About the year 1865 it was raised to Re, 1-10, and in 1874 to Rs. 2-1-6, the present rate. In Ekarh village the original. rate was Re. 1-4 per bigha. In 1853 the rate was raised to Re. 1-11-3, exclusive of the cess of "bhatta" at one and a quarter annas in the rupee. In 1880 this cess was incorporated with the rate, which became Re. 1-13-14 per bigha. In the village of Chativan the earliest known rate was Re. 1-10 per bigha for ordinary raiyats and Re. 1-6 for head raiyats. In 1865 the rate was raised to Rs. 2-1-6 on the condition that the raiyats should bring new lands into cultivation without measurement. In 1878 the village was measured and all lands were rated at Rs. 2-1-6 per bigha. In the Barbara village the earliest known rate was Re. 1-9-3 per bigha. To this were added the cesses known as bhatta and khyali at the rate of 3 annas in the rupee. The raiyats were then allowed to cultivate new lands without measurement for a time, and the rate was raised to Rs 2-3-1) per bigha of the recorded holding. In 1887 the village was measured and all lands were assessed at the enhanced rate. In the village of Tellbar the earliest known rate was Re. 1-10-9, which was raised in 1870 to Rs. 2. This appears to have led to the abandonment of lands, and the rate was in 1872 reduced to Re. 1-15. In Dumrah village the original rate was Re. 1-4 per bigha when the village was acquired by the present proprietors in 1792. This rate was raised to Re. 1-10 per bigha in 1843, and between the years 1853 and 1872 to Rs. 2-6. The latter enhancement was accepted on condition that the raiyats should be allowed to take up new lands without measurement. In 1873 the village was measured and all lands were assessed at a reduced rate of Rs. 2 per bigha. In Bijwar the earliest known rate was Re. 1-10 per bigha. In 1852 the cesses of bhatta and khyali were consolidated with the rental, and the rate became Re. 1-13 per bigha; raiyats were allowed to take up new lands at Re. 1 per bigha. In 1863 the rate was raised by a lessee to Rs. 2-1 per bigha, and newly cultivated lands were treated as lands held on the halhasili tenure. The general result of enquiries as to the progress of rates in the Bhagalpur district, with the exception of the Daphar pargana, shows that up to about the year 1840 the rate of rent was Re. 1-4 per bigha; that from 1840 to 1860 the rate rose to Re. 1-10 per bigha, and after 1860 it has risen to an average of Re. 1-15, or 19 per cent. It also appears that the extent of the enhancement has varied in different villages according as the landlords have been powerful or not. In the Monghyr district the rates of rent appear to have risen within the last thirty years from an average of Re. 1-12 per bigha to Rs. 2-3 per bigha, or an increase of 25 per cent. The greatest increase of rent appears in the villages to the west of the pargana, where the rates are as high as Rs. 4-8 per bigha, the bigha being equal to .873 of an acre. This is said to be due to the competition for land caused by the cultivation of indigo in the neighbouring villages, where the zerat system has displaced the raiyats. In the other parganas in which the estates are situated, there does not appear to have been any increase of the rates of late years so far as the raiyats and the landlords could supply information. **78. Average rates of rent.--I have separately shown the incidence of rent upon the different classes of raiyats. The average rate of rent varies in the different districts as follows: Rs. A. P. Bhagalpur ... 1 10 2 per acre. Monghyr Darbhanga 2 8 1 Purnea 1 1 2 » Malda 1 4 8 the landlords that the oxtent" l S 60 it has risconto that from its shows that rest of rates in ithin the last weerful or not. ancement has Peraga of Re. I 1860 the rata bor acre. ܢܟܬ ܟܬ 3 Mavro 7 ::::: The average rate of rent ascertained in the Muzaffarpur settlement was Rs. 3-12 per acre, while in the Sunkerpur estate of the Dinajpur district the rate is Re. 1-9-3 per cent." It will be seen that the rent-rates in the estates are very moderate, and there is no sign of rack- renting. In fact, the conditions of the estates are such that it would have been impossible to force up rents in the the same way as has been done in Muzaffarpur. The raiyats are, as a rule, aware of their rights, and singularly tenacious of them. They are not subject, as in Bihar, to the attacks of numerous landlords under the system of subdivision of estates. The effect of the lessee system in raising rents has been felt, but not to so great an extent as in Muzaffarpur, chiefly on account of the absence of competition for land. The village system is also in greater force in the estates than in Muzaffarpur, and the raiyats stand by each other in resisting changes of rents. On the other hand the proprietors appear in past years to have acted reasonably, and to have fostered good relations with their tenants, and the name of Raja Lilanund Singh, father of the present Raja of Banaili, is held in great esteem by the raiyats of the estate. ( 57 ) :::::: QOOH On VO ooooooo # The following are the rates in the different parganas of the Bhagalpur district :- Rs. A P. Daphar Pargana ... 1 5 3 per acre.. Harawat ... 3 y 11 Khubkhand .., 1 11 2 Uttarkhand , 1 8 1 Nirsingpur 2 1 3 Chai ... 1 8 5 The circumstances of the Harawat pargina are exceptional. Only one village of 680 acres was measured in this pargana, most of which is rice land settled at a rate of Rs. 3-12 per acre, which is similar to the rates charged in the neighbouring Pargana of Naridigar, where the property of the Maharaja of Darbhanga is situated. The Daphar pargana is situated on the Nepal boundary, and has until recently been difficult of access; and having the unhealthy climate, there has been no competition for lands. The rent-rates are consequently low and have not been raised within living memory. The following are the rates for the different classes of lands: -- Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. (1) Rice lands ... 2 4 0 to 1 14 O per acre. (2) Double-cropped lands ... "" 1 14 0 to 1 9 0 (3) Single-cropped lands 1 13 0 to 1 5 0 0 (4) Lands left fallow for wheat .... 1 5 0 to 1 2 0 55 (5) Lands in which pulses are grown (jungla) (6) Pasturage 0 3 6. (7) Garden ground ... 2 4 6 (8) Groves 2 0 0 Of the foregoing rates the higher are only found in a few villages, and the lower rates are the most common. The pasturage lands amount to one-seventh of the rent-paying area, and the single-cropped and "jungla” lands (classes 3 and 5) are 45 per cent. of the cultivated area. The result is that the average rate of rent per acre is Ķe. 1-5-3. It was formerly the custom to levy cesses in addition to the rents amounting to 6 annas in the rupee, viz., punchait, 3. annas (a cess in lieu of measurement); dák cess, žanna; khyali 1 anna (a cess on the weighment of the produce of the land); “tahreri” (a cess of anna in the rupee for the patwari's fee); bhatta, li annas in the rupee (this cess was supposed to compensate for the difference between Company's rupees and sikka rupees). . These cesses, with the exception of the last, were taken off when the Tenancy Act came into force. It appears that the raiyats by accepting these cases avoided enhancement of the rates. 79. In the Khubkhand pargana the customary rate appears to have been Re. 1-4 per bigha up to about 1810, and from 1840 to 1860 it has been raised to Re. 1-10. The general rate now varies from Rs. 2-4 to Re. 1-10 pėr bigha, or from Rs. 2-9 to Re. 1-14 per acre. There is a considerable area of wasto land in this pargana, and the cultivated lands are liable to injury from floods. There are instances of land having been abandoned when the rates have been raised, and in the absence of competition there has been no great enhancement. This fact is also partly due to the resistance of the raiyats. In every village there are a few independant men of position, and instances have ocourred of attempts to enhance the rents being successfuily fought up to the High Court. In the Uttarkhand pargana the average rate of rent is Re. 1-8 per acre. The average rate before the settlement was Re.- 1-13 per acre. The reason for the change is that there are a number of villages where lands were held on what is known as the hunda tenure, or consolidated rents, that is to say, the raiyats accepted lump additions to the rental on condition that they should bring new lands into cultivation without measurement. The rental thus became fixed or consolidated, but the rates were shown in the landlords' papers as having increased from Re. 1-10 to Re. 1-14 per bigha. The raiyats did not admit this increase of the rates, and looked upon the addition of rent as a coss. When the lands were surveyed, they claimed that the old rate should be restored as the areas for which the enhanced rents were fixed included unmeasured lands, the extent of which had never been ascertained. It was seen that it would be difficult to prove the extent of the increase of the areas for the purpose of an alteration of rents under section 52 of the Tenancy Act, and a compromise was effected by which, in several villages, all the lands were assessed at the old rates, viz., at Re. 1-10 per bigha. Hence the general village of rent is low, although an increase of rental, amounting to Rs. 1,859, was obtained in the pargana. In the large village of Bungaon the rate per bigha was fixed by compromise at 12 annas. The village is inhabited by a setttlement of Brahmans, who were formerly proprietors, and who have always held at low rates of rents. The low rent-rate in pargana Chai is due to the sparse character of the cultivation, only 37 per cent. of the total area being cultivated. 80. The average rate of rents in the Monghyr villages is Rs. 2-3-6 per acre, and is thus higher than in any pargana of the Bhagalpur district There are at least three distinct tracts in the Farkhya pargana of Monghyr: one the low-lying villages to the east, which are liable to inundations, where the average rate is 10 annas per acre; the second tract comprises the alluvial lands to the south, on the banks of the Ganges, where the general rate is Rs. 2-8 per acre; and the third tract comprises the villages to the west, on the banks of the Gunduk, where the average rate of the rent is Rs. 2-14 per acre. So far as the eastern and Western tracts are concerned, the difference of rent is due to the superior quality of the soil and the greater competition for land. In the westerly villages the conditions approximate to those of Bihar. Much of the land in adjacent villages is cultivated with indigo on lands ons as to the sout comprise Res. 2-14 Pole to the subconditions digo on ( 58 ) a for outlying ge. There are, ho rendered servicene rest of the village istance, in the e shape of forcing the proprietors hout Re. 1-6 per big have now no spsome held as proprietor's private lands. The area of land suitable for raiyats is reduced, and hence there is competition for lands in villages where indigo is not cultivated. Thus in the village of Bela Semri, the proprietors have been able, by favourable settlements, to force up the rates in the case of new settlers to over Rs. 4 per bigha, or Rs. 4-9 per acre. These rates are not fixed on the qualities of the soil. There are only three classes of soil in the. village, whereas there are over forty different rates, which vary to the extent of half-anna and bear no relation to the capabilities of the soil. The varieties of rate merely represent the success of the proprietors in making settlements favourable to themselves with new tenants. 81. With regard to rates, it may be noted here that it is only in the Daphar pargana of the Bhagalpur district that rates of rent are found regularly established for the classes of soil. In the rest of Monghyr and Bhagalpur and in the Tirakhurdah and Sujanagar parganas of Purnea, where rates of rent are recognized, there is ordinarily one rate for the whole village and uplands and lowlands are held at this uniform rate. In some villages lands situated in one quarter are rated specially, and in a few cases there are special rates for lands near the home- steads and for outlying lands of poor quality, but the general practice is to have one uniform rate for the whole village. There are, however, special rates for particular raiyats, such as Brahmans and head raiyats, who have rendered services to the landlords, such services generally taking the shape of forcing an enhancement on the rest of the village. In several villages servants and dependants of the proprietors hold at special rates ; for instance, in the village of Hempur, 22 old servants of the Raj hold at Re. 1-6 per bigha, while the village rate is Re. 1-12-4. As a general rule it may be said that the rates have now no special reference to the qualities of the soil. The rates originally must have been fixed on some principle and with reference to the productiveness of the lands, but they have since been raised capriciously where the landlords have been successful in obtaining enhancements. Such enhancements have depended on the influence of the landlords, and not on the increased fertility of the soil or value of the produce. This is evident from the fact that adjacent villages have different rates, though there is no material difference in the quality of the soils. It has not, therefore, been necessary to make any lengthy enquiries into the subject of soil- rates and the classification of lands. The object of the enquiries has been to ascertain by legal evidence existing rentals or rates of rental, and in order to ascertain this it was neces- sary rather to examine documentary evidence, such as collection papers and rent receipts, than to investigate the qualities or classes of soils. 82. The rates of rent in the different parganas of Purnea are as follows:- Rş. A. P. (1) Haveli pargana 0 10 11 per acre. (2) Shahpur 1 6 4 (3) Kadwa ... 0 11 10 (4) Dharampur mm 0 13 5 , (5) Tajpur 1 9 3 (6) Dehat (7) Sujanagar 18) Tirakhurdah 1 y 0 (9) Daphar 9 ... 0 10 4 , In the first six parganas there is no recognised system of rates. The first four parganas are situated in the centre of the district which comprises a tract, half of which only is culti- vated. When the villages were first settled, the amount of culturable land was still less than at the present time. Consequently, large areas are settled with tenants at lump rentals. It is probable that at some time there were rates for the different classes of soil, and specific lands were settled with raiyats at those rates. The raiyats, however, added to their holdings by taking up new lands, and all records of rates have been lost. The raiyats profess to know nothing of them, and the proprietors have no records of any measurements or classification of soils. The low average rate of rent is sufficiently explained by the fact that the raiyats have added to their original holdings, and is justified by the poor quality of the soil and the small proportion of culturable land contained in the holdings. The high rate of rent in the Shahpur pargana is due to a recent settlement made by the Srinagår proprietors after a partition. The average rates in the two parganas, Dehat and Tajpur, which lie on the eastern border of the district, are higher than in the central parganas. The reason appears to be that in the Dehat pargana the lands have long been in the possession of the present proprietors, whereas the central parganas have only been acquired by the estates within the last 30 years, and there is a little doubt but that the rent-rolls in these parganas have been fraudulently prepared in the interests of such of the raiyats who are relations of the former proprietors, or of the lessees who have held the villages from time to time. It will be noticed there is a remarkable difference of rent-rate in the two neighbouring parganas of Tajpur and Dehat. The Tajpur villages have only within the last 20 years been acquired under a putni lease, and the present rents were established under the former proprietor, a zamindar of the Dinajpur district. The average rate of rent in this pargana is the same as in the Sunkerpur estate of the Dinajpur district. In the Dehat pargana the lands are still held by the original settlers, and at the old rates of rents wbich, in the Goalpohur taluka, are under Re. I per acre. 83. In the Tirakhurdah pargana the prevailing rate of rent is Re. 1-4 per bigha for cultivated lands and 3 annas per bigha for pasturage. The bigha is :676 of an acre, and thus the average rate of rent is Re. 1-7 per acre. This rent-rate approximates closely to that of the Daphar pargana of Bhagalpur which is similarly situated on the borders of Nipal. There is no indication that the rates have altered since the lands were brought under cultiva- tion. In the Sujanagar pargana the general rate of rent was annas 13-9 for a bigha of 2,500 ::::::: ::::::::: 1 2 4 1 11 10 OBA co ora e The eve in the Pehte the Goalporining rate en een 676 of ( 59 ) square yards. This rate is uniform for all lands, except for homestead lands and lands on which trees or bamboo clumps are grown. Such lands are rated at 2} annas per katha, or Rs. 3-2 per bigha. In the latter case the land on which the trees or bamboos are growing is not considered part of the raiyat's holding, but each tree or clump of bamboos is supposed to represent a katha of land. The existing rate of rent has prevailed unaltered for a long time, except that two cesses have been incorporated, one called bhatta, or compensation for the conversion of the sikha into company's rupees, and the other called nighabani, or a fee for protection against wild beasts which at one time were numerous in this part of the district. 84. · The average rates of rent in Malda are Re. 1-13-1 per acre in the Mahinagar pargana, and Rs. 2-4-4 in the Bhatiya pargana. The Mahinagar Pargana is situated in a distant part of the district. It is largely uncultivated and is subject to floods. Only 61 per cent. of the lands are cultivated, and 67 per cent. settled with raiyats. The percentage of non-occupancy raiyats is high. Under these circumstances a low rent-rate was to be expected. The Bhatiya pargana is situated near the civil station of the district; and though the percent- age of cultivated lands is low, the soil is fertile and a large area of mulberry crop is grown, The general rate for cultivated land is Re. 1-14 per acre, but homestead lands are settled at Rs. 3-12 per bigha or over Rs. 10 per acre, and lands near the homestead at Re. 1-12 per bigha or Rs. 4-8 per acre. Although the area of such lands is small, these rates sufficiently explain the comparatively high average rent-rate in the Bhatya pargana. 85. Comparison of past and settled rentals. The appended statistical statement 20E shows the results of the record and settlement of rents, and a comparison between past and present areas and rentals in the different parganas is made in the following table:- - - PERCENTAGE OF- PERCENTAGE OF- IE OF DISTRICT. Name of pargana. Increase Decrease Increase Decrease of area. of area. of rent. of rent. 6 L 21 4.5 23.9 Bhagalpur ... 29 2:04 7.3 Darbhanga Monghyr pelen i ii::::::: 2.4 4.5 s Daphar Harwat Khubkhand Utterkhand Nirsinghpur Chai Bhaor Fakrabad Farkya Haveli Shahpur Dharampur Kadwa Tirakhurdah Sujanagar Tajpur Debat Mahinagar Sujanagar Bhatiya Akbarabad Kotwali 6.5 11 16 Purnea is 38 :::: 19.3 Malda I by 10.94 .. 2.8 Total From this statement it will be seen that though the areas of holdings have increased by 8, the net increase of rental has only been •11 per cent. I have in a previous paragraph (paragraph 66) explained that, where there has been a decrease, it is chiefly due to the exclusion of disputed rents. There is a further reason for the decrease in the fact that, in the landlords' rent-rolls, remissions of rents have not been noted when a raiyat has abandoned his holding, while at the same time, if the lands have been resettled with raiyats, the holding has been shown twice, i.e., the abandoned holding is retained and the new holding is entered in the rent-roll. The following explanations are given of the variations of the areas and rentals in the several parganas: In the Khubkhand and Utterkhand Parganas of the Bhagalpur district, the increase of areas amounts to 25-9 per cent., while the increase of rental is only 3.7 per cent. In these Parganas existing rents and rates were much disputed. The disputes were generally decided in favour of the raiyats, and the incrcase of rent is therefore not proportionate to the increase of area. In the Nirsingpur pargana a special reduction of rate, amounting to annas eight per bigha, was made in the case of two villages on account of the deterioration of the lands by Kosi floods. The decrease of rental on this account amounted to Rs. 332. In the pargana of Bhaor, Darbhanga district, the decrease of rental is due to the exclusion of the **T 2 (60 ) cess of bhatta at the rate of one and a quarter anna in the rupee in the village of Basdevpur. In the Monghyr district the increase of area is small. On the other hand, there was a large number of disputed rentals, chiefly in the case of raiyats holding at privileged rates. The result is that, while areas have increased by 2.4 per cent., the rent demand has decreased by 4.5 per cent. There was also an actual reduction of rate in the cases of six villages whose lands had been deteriorated by floods from the river Kosi. The reduction of rent on this. account amounted to Rs. 2,163. In the Purnea district there were no records of measure- ments in any of the parganas, except those of Sujanagur and Tiraklardah. The areas of holdings were taken from old rent-rolls, and the proprietors were unable to show how they had been ascertained. The result is that any comparison of the former areas with those ascertained by survey is misleading. The areas in the Haveli pargana show a decrease of 11 per cent., while those of the Tajpur and Dehat parganas show increases of 25 and 30 per cent. respectively. It is impossible to say how far these figures represent increase or reductions of cultivation. In the six parganas of the Purnea district, where raiyats held at consolidated rentals, viz., Haveli, Shahpur, Dharampur, Kadwa, Tajpur, and Dehat, there was a reduction of the rent demand. The landlords' rent-rolls showed rents at higher amounts than were actually collected, as has been explained in a preceding paragraph (paragraph 66). In the Tirakhurdah pargana there is an increase of area of 20 per cent, and a decrease of rental of 2.7 per cent. This is due to the fact that the rentals in the landlords' papers include the cess of bhatta, or a cess at one anna four and a half pies in the rupee imposed to compensate for the conversion of sikka into Company's rupees, which was struck out in consequence of a judicial decision as to its legality. Hence, in spite of the increase of area, there has been a reduction of rent from the former demand. In the Sujanagar pargana there is a decrease in the areas of holdings on account of diluviation of lands by the Mahanadi river. The raiyats did not apply for a reduction of rent on this account, perferring to retain their claim on the lands in case they should again alluviate. In the Mahinagar pargana of Malda, the increase of rent is not in proportion to the increase of area, as in five villages the rates were increased by four annas in the rupee on account of the rise of prices. The increase of rental on this account amounted to Rs. 453. A further cause of the increase is that, in the landlords' rent-rolls, some lands of this pargana were entered in the villages of the neighbouring pargana of Sujanagar, whereas in the settlement records they have been entered in the villages in which they are geographically situated. This also accounts for the decrease of areas and rentals in the Sujanagar pargana. The increase of area and rental in Pargana Bhatiya is sufficiently accounted for by the fact that only 20 per cent. of the total area is at present under cultivation, and that lands have, within the last iew years, been taken up by the raiyats. 86. Šettlement of rents under section 104 (2), Bengal Tenancy Act. The comparative table of the former and new areas aud rentals given above does not give a true idea of the results of the settlement, because the figures for the areas and rentals in the landlords' papers cannot be relied upon. In order to see the true result of settlement, a statement has been prepared showing the results after the exclusion of disputed amounts of rent and after the determination of disputed rates of rent. There was a settlement of fair rents under section 104 (2) of the Tenancy Act in 73 per cent. of the holdings, and the following statement shows the result:- Statement showing the net results of settlement of rents under section 104 (2) of the Bengal Tenancy Act. PERCENTAGE OF PERCENTAGE OF- NAME OF DISTRICT. Name of pargana. Increase Decrease Increase Decrease of area. of area of rent. of rent. 16 : 10.9 Bhagalpur : : : : 30 13.5 Monghyr 5:5 : 1.2 Purnea Daphar Khubkhand Utterkhand Nirsingpur Chai Farkya Haveli Shapur Kadwa Sujanagar Tirakhurdah Mahinagar Sujanagar Bhatiya Akbarabad Kotwali Total ... :::::::::::::::: 20.1 2.5 Malda 443 36.4 13:2 25.1 26.2 15.6 7.08 ( 61 ) : The result of the settlement under section 104 (2) of the Bengal Tenancy Act is that rents have increased from Rs. 3,33,544-6-15 to Rs. 3,57,180-15-51, or an increase of Rs. 23,636-9-4. The main portion of the increase was obtained in Monghyr, Bhagalpur, and Malda. Thers was no increase of rentals in the Purnea district, except in the parganas of Tirakhardah and Sujanagar. . • In the Haveli, Shapur, Dharampur, Dehat, and Tajpur Parganas of Purnea, the raiyats hold at consolidated rentals, and there was no evidence of the existence of rates, nor of any previous measurement. There was thus no means of ascertaining the alteration of the areas of holdings, nor of making a classification of the lands: existing rents were therefore recorded. : 87. Method of settlement. There were two methods of settlement adopted: one in the Daphar pargana of Bhagalpur, where an entire revision of the rent-roll was made according to the classification of the lands, and the second method for the rest of the tract under settlement, by which rents were altered, under section 52 of the Tenanoy Act, according to the increase or decrease of the areas of holdings. In the case of the Daphar pargana of Bhagalpur there is a regular system of classification of lands as described in paragraph 78, and it was customary to make periodical measurements and to adjust rentals according to the areas and classes of lands. The classification is according to the crops grown, and thus as the quality of lands improve or deteriorate by natural causes, as alluviation or diluviation, or by the action of the cuītivators in bringing pasturage land under cultivation or the reverse, the rates rise or fall. The result of the settlement of this pargana was an increase of 21 per cent in the areas of holdings, and of 16 per cent. in rentals. No record has been kept of the areas of the different classes of soil according to the previous classification, and that ascertained by the present survey: but it would appear that the greater portion of the increase of rent was on account of the extension of cultivation, and not on account of the improvement of the soil. No allow- ance was made in this pargana for the difference in the system of measurement. The bigha is a large one, equal to 8,100 square yards, and the average rate of rent is low. There was no dispute as to measurements, and, therefore, it was not considered necessary to make any allowance for the greater accuracy of the present survey. With regard to the exten- sion of cultivation, it is known that there has been a deterioration of the fertility of the soil, especially in the east, owing to the encroachments of the Kosi river. The new lands brought into cultivation are necessarily inferior to the old, and thus it is found that though the increase of area was 7,556 acres, the increase of rent was only Rs. 9,421. Thus the average rate of the new lands is only Re. 1-3-6 per acre, against an average rent-rate of Re. 1-5-3 per acre throughout the pargana. On the other hand, there has been a con- siderable reduction of the higher classed lands. Thus, there was found to be a decrease of area amounting to 1,509 acres, which corresponds to a decrease of rent of Rs. 3,067, or at the rate of Rs. 2 per acre. It will be seen, therefore, that, as regards the fertility of the soil, there has been an actual deterioration in this pargana. This, as said before, is almost entirely due to the deterioration of lands by the Kosi river. 88. Disputes as to standards of measurement.-With regard to the rest of the tract in which settlements were made, the applications were made under section 52, Bengal Tenancy Act, for alteration of rents on account of the alteration of areas. The first difficulty was to ascertain the standard of measurement according to which the areas of holdings had been calculated when rents were last fixed. In the Bhagalpur district, with the exception of the Daphar pargana, the accepted standard was 62 cubits, but the length of the cubit was disputed. The landlord claimed the standard cubit of 18 inches, while the raiyats asserted that the cubit consisting of a knots (or giras) was equivalent to about 20 inches. They further claimed that the inch was the breadth of a rupee, and not that of a Government pice. The difference in the standard amounts to about one-tenth or two kathas in a bigha. I made local investigations, and after a judicial enquiry came to the conclusion that the raiyats' claim was reasonable. I was, however, unwilling to adopt any other than the standard cubit for the survey areas. Existing rents are presumed to be fair, and therefore when no alteration of rent is sought, it matters little what is the nominal area of the holding. When, however, the past and the present areas are to be compared in order to ascertain for how much land the existing rent was fixed, and what is the present area of the holdings, it is necessary to accurately determine the standard of measurement. In the Bhagalpur district my enquiries led me to the conclusion that the cubit used in the landlord's measurement was longer than the standard oubit, and I decided to give an allowance of 10 per cent. in comparing the former and the survey areas of holdings. This decision was appealed against, and the Special Judge reduced the allowance by one-half. Thus, in the Bhagalpur district, when the survey areas of holdings were compared with former areas, an allowance of 5 per cent. was made. In Monghyr, the landlords claimed a standard of 6 cubits and 6 fingers, and the raiyats claimed 61 cubits, each cubit being of 20 inches. A compromise was effected by which the standard cubit of 18 inches was main- tained, while, for the purpose of comparing former with survey areas, an allowance was made amounting to 15 per cent. on the landlords' claim of 62 cubits. This allowance was intended to compensate for the difference between the landlords' rough measurement and the accuracy of the present survey. In Purnea there were disputes as to standards of measurement in the Tirakhardah and the Sujanagur parganas. In the Tirakhardah pargana the landlords claimed that the standard was of 6 oubits, but that each cubit was of different length, being measured from the elbow to the tip of each figure in succession. Thus the standard pole instead of 9 feet was 8 feet 7 inches. This point had been enquired into and spoon an actual deteriorme seen therefore, that, as regards the fontilin there has been per aero, "It will forresponds to 2 u de teren was found to be abas been a cesto Holt, ho settlements were standard so the Klosi five ona. ( 62 ) ba chthom. ment did ulting from comparlands. mat, the determined by the Collector of the district in the course of recent partition proceedings, and was decided in favour of the landlord's claim. In the Sujanagar pargana the landlords claimed a standard of 4 cubits, against a standard of 5 cubits olaimed by the raiyats. The landlords asserted that the lands were measured with a rope of 100 luggas. The rope was alleged to be tied round the waist of a man at each end, and thus the length was reduced to 90 luggas, and the standard was a lugga of 4 cubits. There was no proof of their claim, and the standard was decided to be 5 cubits. In the Tajpur and Dehat parganas of Purnea, and in the Mahinagur pargana of Malda, there were disputes as to the standard, which, how- ever, were easily settled. In the Kotwali and Akbarabad Parganas of Malda, the dispute was more serious. The landlords claimed a standard of 5 cubits and the raiyats a standard of 57 cubits of 22 inches. The decision of the Special Judge was based on a comparison of past and present areas of holdings made by the Settlement Officer, and the standard of 5 cubits has been maintained. 89. The method of settlement of excess areas was the same as that prescribed for the Court of Wards' estates in Dinajpur. The difficulty was to ascertain what was the amount of the excess area. It was clearly unfair to proceed on a mere comparison of the former areas with the survey areas, for the latter were ascertained with much greater acouracy than in the landlords' measurements. It was the duty of the landlords to prove that the raiyats had increased their holdings by showing that they had taken up now lands. They were not in a position to do this, and it remained to proceed on a comparison of former and survey areas after eliminating all nominal differences resulting from different systems of measurement. Thus, the landlord's system of measurement did not include field boundaries, whereas the survey areas of fields did include them. The survey system was also generally more accurate. Measurement of lands with a chain showed that there was a difference of about 1: kathas per bigha in the areas of fields, that is to say, the measurement with a chain made the areas of fields 15 per cent. greater than the former system of measurement with pole. Adding this difference to the difference in the standard of measurement, I was at first prepared to allow a concession of 29 per cent. in calculating excess areas, and to determine that there should be no alteration of rental unless the new areas exceeded the old by 20 per cent. This would have given an increase of rental of 12 per cent., which in the Khubkhand pargana, where settle- ments first commenced, appeared to be as much as the raiyats could bear. Rent-rates had, it was calculated, risen to the extent of 20 per cent. in the last 20 years, and the enhancements had been accepted because the landlords had not made an accurate measurement of the land. Difficulties were experienced in collecting the present rentals. There had been a considerable extension of cultivation, but lands of inferior quality were being taken up. Under these con- siderations I was of opinion that an increase of rental to the extent of 12 per cent. would be as much as was equitable, and the scale of allowance in the case of excess areas was regulated 80 ds to secure this. In some cases where the circumstances of a particular village appeared to require it, it was proposed to raise the scale of allowance, and in the other cases to lower it. The landlords objected to the amount of the allowance as excessive, and the Special Judge held that, as an increa e in the areas of holdings was proved by a comparison of the survey measurements with the ricords of former measurements, there was no reason why the whole increase (less 5 per cent. for the more accurately defined standard of measure- ment) should not be assessed. This would have resulted in an increase of over 20 per cent. in the rentals. The raiyats contested the decision, and denied that there was any increase of area in their holdings. It therefore became necessary for the landlords to prove in every case that the holding had increased. This would have greatly delayed the settlement, and the landlords were willing, in order to bring about an amicable settlement, to grant a concession of 10 per cent. for large holdings and 15 per cent. for holdings of less than 5 bighas. After some further discussion, the landlords agreed to offer a concession of 15 per cent. to all raiyats. The raiyats seeing that they would get less favourable terms if they fought the cases before the Special Judge, accepted the terms, and the settlements, so far as excess areas were concerned, were then conducted amicably throughout the Bhagalpur parganas. The arrangement was as follows:-If a raiyat at the last measurement held 10 bighas, and at the present survey was found to hold 12 bighas, he would get an allowance of 15 per cent. or 3 kuthas in the bigha on the old area, i.e., 1 bigha 10 kathas were added to the old area, making it 11 biglas 10 kathas, and the balance, viz., 10 kathas, was assessed as an excess area. No attempt was made to alter existing rates, or to reclassify lands. The excess areas were 'assessed at the prevailing rate of the village. If there were several rates (which only occurred in a few villages), and it could not be shown in what particular class of lands increase had taken place, the excess areas were assessed at an arerage of the current rates. The advantage of this system was that it determined by a mechanical process what were excess areas, and it saved the landlords the trouble of establishing by legal evidence the fact that areas had increased in the case of particular raiyats. The resuit was that all small variations were left out of account, and the rentals of such raiyats only were increased who had actually extended their holdings, or whose areas had becn under-estimated at the last measurement. The effect in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur was that, while areas of holdings increased by 26 per cent., rentals increased by 10.9 per cent. In Monghyr the same system was adopted, but here the arrangement was effected on somewhat different lines. The landlords claimed a standard pole of 6 cubits, and the raiyats claimed a pole of a little over 6 standard cubits. A compromise was effected, by which the landlords, in the case of the settlement of excess areas, accepted the raiyats' standard. In the record of areas and rents the standard bigha of 61 cubits was retained, but no excess areas were taken as was equit. In some raise the scent of the ghold ere concerned follows:- If a Tur bighas, he woath as were ad bits. A comprompted the raiyatstained, but no exc ( 63 ) increase of hair lands had kathas einant this reper measu that the Fed that thorance of mais found tundaries, age show into consideration, except where the new areas exceeded the former areas by 71 per cent. This made the allowance 15 per cent. in the bigha caloulated aocording to the standard claimed by the landlords. The allowance was calculated the same way as in Bhagalpur, and the result of the settlement was that (omitting the villages in which rates were reduced by the landlords on account of the deterioration of lands) areas showed an increase of 7 per cent, and rents an increase of 4 per cent. It may be said generally that the result of this system of settlement was that the increase of rental was only half the increase of the area. This result is justified by the faot that the new lands taken into cultivation are of poorer quality than those which first formed the holdings. 90. În the Purnea district a small area only was settled in the Haveli, Shahpur, and the Kadwa parganas. In the Haveli pargana the increase of area is given as 29 per cent. in the few villages where applications for settlements were made. The landlords, however, could not show how the previous areas for which rents were payable were ascertained; the only proof which they had were the entry of the areas in the rent receipts given to the raiyats. It was urged that the raiyats by taking the rent receipts had acknowledged the accuracy of the areas. This method of proof was not accepted either by the Settlement Officer or by the Special Judge, and an increase of rental was allowed only in the case of 18 raiyats in the village of Sarounchia, who accepted a compromise. In the Shabpur pargana there is an increase of area and a decrease of rent. This is due to the fact that the landlords were unable to prove that the increase of area was due to a real alteration of the holdings, while the raiyats in some cases proved that their lands had been taken up for the railway, In the Tirakhurd h pargana of Purnea an allowance of 1} kathas per bigha was given after testing former areas with present measurements. It was found that this represented the actual difference between measurement by pole (inclusive of field boundaries) and measurement by a chain excluding the boundaries. In this pargana the areas of holdings showed a large increase of 26 per cent., which was probably due to the adoption of a standard pole of 8 feet 7 inches instead of a standard of 6 cubits or 9 feet. In order, therefore, to prevent an excessive increase, the percentage of allowance was calculated on the survey area and not on the former area. In the Sujanagar pargana of the Purnea district rents were settled in one-fifth of the holdings, applications only being made where any increase of area appeared. The holdings which were brought under settlement show a decrease, while there is a slight increase in the settled rent. This is due to the fact that the Settlement Officer of his own motion proceeded to the settlement of rents in some cases where the holding showed a decrease. In such cases, however, the raiyats whose lands had been diluviated by the Mahanadi river preferred to have their rentals unaltered, so as to retain a claim on the lands if they should be re-formed, and in the absence of proof as to the alteration of the areas, existing rents were settled as fair. In cases where increases of areas were found, the raiyats accepting an increase of rental after a deduc- tion of 2 kathas per bigha. A similar allowance. was made in the case of the settlements in the district of Malda. 91. It will be seen from the table given above, which shows the percentage of increase and decrease of areas and rentals, that there is considerable variation in the different parganas, which is due to special causes, and is to be explained in the following manner. In the Daphar pargana areas show an increase of 21 per cent., and rentals and increase of 16 per cent. It has already been explained that in this pargana no allowance was given for the difference in the standard of measurement for the reason that rentals show a low average incidence per acre, viz., Re. 1-5-3, and the raiyats have been relieved of a number of cases amounting to 6 annas in the rupee. The method of settlement was to adjust the rentals aocording to the current rates, and according to the classification and areas of lands found by survey. This was the custom of the pargana, and the method was accepted by the parties. The result is that the increase of rental is higher in this pargana than elsewhere. But the general incidence of rental per acre remains the same after settlement as it was before. In the parganas of Khubkhand and Chai, the proportion of increase of rent to increase of area is almost the same as in the neigh- bouring parganas of Uttarkhand and Nirsingpur; the increase of rent is much less than the in- crease of area. The explanation in the case of the Uttarkhand pargana is that there were twelve villages held on the “hunda” or consolidated rent system in which the raiyats had accepted a lump addition to the rate on condition of being allowed to take up new lands without measure- ment. Thus a raiyat who held 10 bighas at Re. 1-10, or a rental of Rs. 16-4, had accepted an increase of 4 annas per bigha, making his rental Rs. 18-12. He would then take up 4 bighas of land without payment of rent, and at the time of survey would be found to hold 14 bighas, while his rate would be recorded as Re. 1-14 per bigha, If his holding were assessed at: Re. 1-14 per bigha, his rental would be Rs. 26-4, which would be obviously unfair in consider- ation of the fact that he had agreed to the enhancement of rate, on condition that his holding should not be measured. In such cases the only fair arrangement was to return to the firmer prevailing rate of Re. 1-10, which would bring his rental to Rs. 22-12 per 14 bighas. Thus, while the area showed an increase of Rs. 40 per cent., the rental was increased by 8.5 per cent. This method of settlement was adopted in several villages, and thus the relative percentage of increase of area and rental is not the same as in the Khubkbund pargana, where such conditions did not prevail, except in 10 out of 81 vi lages. In the Nirsingpur Pargana the percentage of increase of area is 10 per cent., and of increase of rent 2 per cent. This is due to the reduction of rates with the consent of the landlords in two villages, Belaith and Musehri, in which lands had deteriorated by floods from the Kosi river. The reduction was at the rate of 8 annas per biglia. In the Monghyr district the percentage of increase of area is 5.5 per cent., while that of rent is 18 per cent. This is due to the reduction of rate in the villages adorna og unge and the one of tication event accept Bu istom of the parenting her in this pargant is it was before. ( 64 ) of Baletha and Pachrasi owing to the deterioration of lands by the Rosi floods. If it were not for this reduction, the increase of rental would be 2:5 per cent., or almost the same relative increase to the increase of areas as in other parganas. In the Haveli pargana of Purnea exsting rents were settled as fair, as no reccrds of previous measurement were forthcoming, and there was, therefore, no legal ground for the alteration of rents in spite of the apparent increase of area. In the Shahpur pargana the same remark applies, but a few raiyats proved that their lands had been taken up by the railway, and they received proportionate reduction of rental. In the Sujanagar pargana of Purnea it has already been explained that applications were made for settlement of rents by the landlords in those cases only where increases of areas were found. In a number of cases where areas of holdings showed a decrease, the Settlement Officer of his own motion instituted cases for settlement of fair rents. It was found that the decrease of area was due to diluviation by the Mahanadi river, but the raiyats, not wishing to lose the right over their lands in case they should again alluviate, refrained from producing any proof of reduction of area, and the existing rents were settled as fair. Hence, although there has been a net decrease of area, there has been a slight increase of rent in the case of those raiyats whose rentals were settled on the application of the landlords. Iu the Tira- khurdah pargana, as has been already explained, the allowance on account of the different systems of measurement was made by a deduction of lkathas per bigha calculated on the new areas, and not on the old as in the case of other parganas. This was done in exercise of the powers given in section 52 (3) of the Tenancy Act, in order to prevent an increase of rental which appeared inequitable. In the Mahinagar pargaua of Malda, the increase of area is 19 per cent. and rental 20 per cent. The increase of rental is due not only to assessment of excess areas, but villages on the ground of rise of prices The enhancement of rate amounts to 4 annas per bigha of rice land. 92. Cesses. The greater number of illegal cesses were excluded by the landlords from the reut-rolls when the Bengal Tenancy Act was introduced, and the only cess which remained was that of "bhatta ”levied at one anna four-and-a-lialf pies in the rupee as compensation for the conversion of sikka into Company's rupees. This was found iu the Daphar pargana of Bhagalpur, in the village of Basdeopur, Darbhanga, and in the Tirakhurdah pargana of Purnea. The cess had been regularly paid, but I considered it an illegal cess and did not include it with the rental The proprietors appealed, and in the case of Daphar pargana the Special Judge of Bhagalpur decided that the cess was legally recoverable as rent. In the case of the Tirak hurdab pargana of Purnea, the Special Judge decided the cess to be illegal. In the former case the whole of the cess was not imposed, as the landlords, in consideration of the increase of rental obtained in the pargana, were willing to forego half on condition that the liability of the raiyats to pay the whole of it was made apparent on the records. This was done by entering the whole amount of the cess in addition to he rental, and then deducting half the amount so as to show. clearly how much rent and cess each tenant has to pay. The cess is a favourite one with the landlords, and is found in many parganas, but so incorporated with the rental and acknowledged by the raiyats that there was no question as to its legality. It is found in several cases in the Bhagalpur district, and accounts for such rates as Re. 1-13-15 and Rs. 2-4-3 per bigha. It is also found in the Sujanagar pargana of Purnea and in the Malda district, where the rates are Re. 0-13-9 and Re. 0-10-9 per bigha. In these cases the cess is acknowledged as part of the rate, and there was no reason for interfering with it. In the Bhagalpur district and in the Tirakhurdah pargana of Puinea lands used for rice seedlings are by custom exempt from rent. In the former district these lands were ascertained and exempted. In Purnea, an exemption of rent of half a katha in the bigha of all rice lands was given. 97. Case work.--The case work was as follows:- (1) Objection suits under section 106 of the Bengal Tenancy Act 2,852 (2) Suits under section 104 (2) for settlement of rents 632 *:(3) Petitions of objection ... 20,777 (4) Boundary disputes ... 368 was that of Los buhen the Bengal number of illegal o Total 24,629 : The objection suits under section 106 are divided as follows :- Ojections regarding existing rents Ditto occupation of lands... Ditto rent-free holdings ... Ditto status of raiyats ... Other objections as to trees, &c. 1,305 1,072 280 59 136 : Total 2,852 The landlords were the plaintiffs in 1,261 cases and the defendants in 1,074. There were 517 cases in which the landlords were not interested, both plaintiffs and defendants being raiyats. Of the 2,335 cases in which the landlords were engaged, 1,905 came to trial, and in 430 cases the plaints were rejected or dismissed for non-appearance of the plaintiff, or were withdrawn. The number of cases in which the landlords were engaged, and wh ch were compromised, was 162. Of the cases which came to trial, the landlords won 916 and lost 827, ( 65 ) oments had her firstLinas the 100 trial of one of the Of the objection suits as to existing rents, the landlords won 535 and lost 611. Many of these cases included a large number of raiyats, as the dispute was as to the rate of rent of a village. The disputes in which the raiyats alone were concerned were regarding the occupa- tion of lands. Of the suits for settlement of fair rents, 627 were brought by the landlords and five by the raiyats. Of these, 84 were withdrawn, and three dismissed on default. Sixty-eight were compromised or decided on the admission of the defendants without recording evidence. Of the remaining cases, 473 were decided in favour of the landlords, and four in favour of the tenants. Tables are appended (Appendix C) showing the result of the trial of civil suits. The disposal of these suit: caused considerable delay in the work, as the parties were seldom ready for trial on the date fixed. They would then for the first time appoint a pleader if the case were tried at head-quarters, and postponements had to be given to procure evidence and the attendance of witnesses. 98. The number of objection petitions was 20.777, the largest proportion of which, viz., 11,346, were filed in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur. In the village of Bangaon, containing 1,132 raiyats, there were over 900 petitions of objection. The Assistant Settle- ment Officer, Babu Barhandeo Narayan, was camped in this pargana continuously for eighteen months, and every effort was made to make the records correot. The total number of petitions of objection filed is about one-third of the number of tenants on the estate and .9 per cent. of the total number of entries. The 368 boundary disputes are distributed over 675 villages as follows:- Villages. Disputes. Bhagalpur 115 Monghyr 144 Purnea 193 57 Darbhanga .8 Malda 151 48 . ... 198 125 :::: Total 675 368 The largest number of boundary disputes in proportion to the number of villages was in the Monghyr district. This pargana was formerly waste to a great extent, and, at the time of the revenue survey, was intersected by numerous water-courses and branches of the Ganges, Teljuga, and Gandak rivers. When villages were divided by a stream, the revenue survey did not accurately define to which of them the river had appertained. The rivers have now silted up, and the lands are under cultivation. Serious disputes, therefore, arose as to posses- sion. In one case the existence of a whole village of about 500 acres was in dispute. The dispute arose principally on the ground that the records of the revenue survey did not contain a map of the village. As a matter of fact, this was an aocidental omission, as was seen from comparing the maps of adjacent villages. In many cases border lands of jungle were claimed by neighbouring proprietors, and the disputes often extended to hundreds of acres. Each party would enter these lands on their rent-rolls, and produce a number of witnesses to prove possession. The cases were tried under the Bengal Survey Aot, and were decided according to possession where possible, or according to the line of boundary laid down by the revenue survey, which was shown on the cadastral map forwarded to the Settlement Office by the Survey Department. 99. Appeals.- The number of appeals to superior courts is shown below:- CLASS. Total Decision Modi- Revers-Remand- Struck Pend- number. upheld. fied. ed. 1 ed off. ing. 67 27 271 34 | 68 | 13 Appeals to the Commissioner in boundary dispute cases. Appeals to the Special Judge against decisions under section 104(2), and section 106 of the Bengal Tenanoy Act. Thus appeals were filed in 18 2 per cent. of the boundary disputes tried, and the decisions of the lower courts w re upheld in 59 per cent. of the cases. With regard to appeals made to the Special Judge, appeals were preferred in 12 per cent. of the contested cases, and the deci- sions of the lower courts were upheld in 51.6 of the cases. 100. Ascertainment of arrears.-One object of the settlement was to enable the arrears demand to be cleared up. When the estate was taken over by the Court of Wards, the ( ) 66 arrears were nearly 15 lakhs. In the year 1884-85, 10 lakhs were remitted, leaving arrears of 51 lakhs. Owing to the poor collections of the years 1886–89, the arrears again acoumu- lated till they amounted to 85 lakhs. The arrears are due to several causes, such as death or abandonment of holdings, disputes as to rents, and irrecoverable balances owing to limitation. The latter class of arrears was the most numerous. During the progress of the settlement, statements of the arrears of each village bave been compared with the settlement records, and the remissions, which it was proposed to make on account of the decease of raiyats without heirs, or abandonment of holdings, or in accord- ance with the decisions of the Settlement Officer as to disputed rentals, have been checked. It was not possible for the Settlement Office to make out complete statements of the arrears of each raiyat, as the greater portion of such arrears were on account of limitation, regarding which it has no information. The following remissions have been made since the commencement of the settlement operation: Rs. 1888-89 1,728 1889-90 2,00,453 1890-91 1,17,292 Remissions proposed, 1891-92 50,500 Total ... 3,69,973 The balance of arrears is Rs. 4,54,388 against a total of Rs.57,42,645, at the close of the year 1887-88, when the settlement proceedings commenced. Collections of rents have during the last two years been made in accordance with the decisions of the Settlement Department in the case of disputed rentals. The result has been that, while in the three years preceding 1889-90, when the settlement records came into force, the collections only averaged 76 per cent. of the demand, they were 112 per cent. in 1889-90 and 115 per cent. in 1890-91. 101. Maintenance of records.--In order to train the patwaris of the estates in the work of survey, classes were opened at the tahsil office of the Daphar pargana and at Nohutta in Bhagalpur, at Monghyr and at Purnea. Out of 151 patwaris of the Srinagar estate, 48 received certificates of proficiency, and the majority of the others were partially trained. The Superintendent of the Survey Party reported that, though only a small proportion of the patwaris of the estate received sufficient training to be provided with certificates, yet most of them took an intelligent interest in the work while in progress, and the greater number are, in his opinion, quite capable of making corrections and additions to the maps, although unable to make complete original surveys of whole villages. Since the settlement has been in progress, the number of patwaris on the Court of Wards' estate has been reduced by 47. There are now 104 patwaris, of whom 48 have received certificates, and the rest have been partially trained. This makes a provision of one patwari to every 64 square miles, in which the estate owns a half-share. In addition to the patwaris, the manager has appointed a staff of 15 officers who have been selected from employés of the Survey Department, and whose duty is to supervise the patwaris, and to check the records and maps. Each of the proprietors has been supplied with copies of the village maps, and with complete copies of the records, viz., khasra, khatians, and terijes. A set of rules have been drawn up and issued by the Board of Revenue for the maintenance of the records, and there should be no difficulty in carrying out the work if the rules are observed. 102. Attitude of the parties.-The attitude of the landlords and tenants towards the survey and settlement was varied. At first there was considerable opposition from both sides. The local agents of the estates gave little help, and the raiyats were naturally afraid of the proceedings. Matters improved when the present manager was appointed, but a great deal had of necessity to be left to the inferior agents, who often appeared unreasonable in their claims and disposed to press demands which they were unable to prove. The fact that the landlords only gained decrees in 59 per cent. of the contested cases shows that the claims of the landlords were in many cases unreasonable. The raiyats, as a rule, showed no disposition to hold aloof from the proceedings. They readily came to the Settlement Officer's camp to have the entries explained, and appeared to take great pains to have their records correctly prepared. The large number of objections filed is a proof of the interest taken in the pro- ceedings. The Collector of Bhagalpur, who is responsible for the Court of Wards' estate, has throughout the operations rendered me much assistance. The only instance of organized opposition has occurred in the Akbarabad pargana of the Malda district where the proceedings are still delayed in consequence of the refusal of the raiyats to have the entries in the records tested. The dispute arose over the standard of measurement, and when this was judicially decided after an appeal to the Special Judge, the raiyats still held aloof, and claimed that all should be recorded without proof as raiyats at fixed rents. It has been pointed out to them that if they can prove such rights, they will be registered, but few of them are able to do so, and hence they have adopted an attitude of sullen opposition. Measures are being taken by the officer left in charge of the operations to complete the records of the area in dispute, which consists of 22 villages and about 12 square miles. 103. Value of the settlement. The value of the settlement is not to be tested by the increase of rent obtained. This increase is small, amounting to 4:7 of the ascertained rent demand. It gives a return of a little over 7 per cent. on the outlay. The object of the ( 67 ) settlement was, however, not to enhance rents, but to clear up the confusion in the rent-roll, and to enable the rent to be punctually collected. The effect of the decision of disputes as to rents may be judged by the fact that in 1886-87 the rent collections of the Srinagar estate were only 63 per cent. of the demand, whereas in 1889-90 112 per cent. of the demand, and in 1890-91 125 per cent. was collected. Apart from the adjustment of the rent demand, the records will enable the estates to prevent unauthorized encroachments and additions to hold- ings. This result will be especially valuable in the Purnea district, where, in the absence of any records or measurement papers, the raiyats had taken possession of large areas without payment of rent, and in many cases had converted lands into rent-free tenures supported by deeds of sale and other documents, which the landlords were unable to disprove. In future, the proprietors will be in a position to prevent any further accretions to such rent-free tenures as now exist. 104. * Cost of the settlement.--The total cost incurred by the Settlement Department up to the end of May 1891 is Rs. 1,71,495-13-2. Of this amount, Rs. 11,800 are the cost of the survey of the Daphar pargana carried out by the Settlement Department as described in para- graph 10, and Rs. 2,194-2 are the cost of making copies of judgments, &c., which, in accord- ance with your orders, are not debitable to the estates. There are also other deductions, viz., Rs. 466-2-6, the cost of settling two villages in the Muzaffarpur district, which work was carried out by Babu Barhamdeo Narayan during the course of the present settlement. There are also miscellaneous receipts amounting to Rs. 470-3. The total expenditure incurred by the Settlement Department is therefore Rs. 1,56,565-5-8, of which the following are the details : Rs. A. P. (1) Salaries of Settlement Officers 80,350 10 8 (2) Travelling allowance of Settlement Officers 8,624 13 Salaries of establishment 46,873 12 Travelling allowance of establishment ... 866 11 0 (5) Copying of records and binding of volumes 15,318 13 Printing of forms and Government stationery 3,974 12 Boundary pillars 3.207 4 6 Copying fees 2,194 2 0 (9) Contingencies 10,084 13 0 Total 1,71,495 13 2 ::::::::: loooVHOO 000 : Deductions (1) Charge on account of survey (2) Copying fees (3) Charge debitable to the Muzaffarpur survey (4) Miscellaneous receipts 11,800 0 2,194 2 466 2 470 3 0 0 6 0 ... • Total deduction ... 14,930 7 6 Total cost ... 1,56,565 5 8 It is estimated that the settlement operations will be concluded at a cost of an additional sum of Rs. 5,500, and then the total expenditure on settlement will be Rs. 1,62,000, or at the rate of 5 annas 8 pies per acre for an area of 686 square miles which came under settlement. 105. Total cost of survey and settlement. The total cost of the operations will then be as follows: Rs. Cost of survey- (a) By professional party 5) By the Settlement Department 1,20,528 11,800 Total 1,32,328 Cost of settlement 1,62,000 Total 2,94,328 The cost amounts to apnas 10-6 on the total area surveyed, or annas 11-6 on the area settled. The area which was surveyed, but excluded from settlement on account of boundary disputes, ought to be taken into calculation when considering the costs of the settlement, for it involved the trial of many intricate cases and caused great expenditure of time and money. The estimated cost of the survey and settlement was Rs. 2,52,000, and it was hoped that the work would be completed by the end of September 1890.' I have already, in pargraph 9, For final cost see the statements submitted with the Babu Barhamdeo Narayan's report No. 448, dated 26th March 1892, annexed to this report. į 2 ( 68 ) .explained the cause of the high cost of survey.' The following are among the causes which rendered the settlement expensive and have delayed its completion :-- (1) The scattered character of the estates which extend over five districts and an area of about 12,000 square miles, and hence there were delays and expense in moving from one part of the estate to another: (2) Disputes as to the standards of measurement, which delayed the work in almost all the parganas, and rendered it necessary to convert the areas extracted by the Survey Department in one-sixth of the total area. It was not possible to settle these disputes before the survey, as they arose in one district while the Settlement Officers were engaged in another. (3) The number of disputes as to existing rents, especially in the Bhagalpur and Monghyr districts, and the difficulty in deciding on the principle on which excess lands were to be assessed. The latter difficulty caused a delay of four months in commencing settlements in Bhagalpur. (4) The large number of objection petitions filed, viz., over 20,000, and the number of boundary disputes and objection suits under section 106 of the Tenancy Act. The disposal of these disputes delayed the completion of the records and rendered it difficult to get the final copies correct. When they had been copied, it was necessary to carefully check them, and the Settlement Officers personally compared the greater number of objections and suits with the records, so as to see that all the orders had been carried out. (5) The necessity of making a fresh copy of the records for the proprietors. It had been arranged that the copy made for publication of the draft records should after application be revised, and should then be one of the copies to be given to the landlords. It was found, however, that in many records so many alterations in the draft had to be made that it was thought advisable to pre- pare a new copy for the proprietors. (6) The completion of the settlement has been delayed by the remand during 1890 of 14 boundary disputes for retrial. Local investigations were necessary, and they could not be made until January of the present year, as the lands were under water. In Malda an application was made by the proprietors in the last cold weather to have certain lands in the Kotwali pargana measured. It had been arranged that, as the lands were scattered and of small extent, they should be omitted by the Survey Department. It was, however, after- wards decided that they should be surveyed, and the work of settlement of the villages to which the scattered lands belonged were accordingly delayed. I have, in the second paragraph of this report, explained the causes of the delay in the completion of the settlement in the Akbarabad pargana of the Malda district. 106. Realization of costs.—Under the orders of Government (letter of the Government of Bengal to the Board of Revenue, No. 1126 - 442L.R., dated the 25th March 1890), it was decided that the raiyats should pay two annas an acre on the area of their holdings, and that the landlords should pay the balance of the costs according to their several interests. As the operations are not yet concluded, it is not possible to state the exact sum for which the parties will be liable, but the following figures are approximate :- Rs. A. Amount payable by the Banaili Raj estate ... 99,614 8 Amount payable by the Srinagar Ward's estate 1,40,419 8 Amount payable by the co-sharers in estate tauzi Nos. 3555 and 3556 of Bhagalpur (see Appendix B) 1,245 8 Amount payable by raiyats and tenure-holders 53,048 8 Total ... 2,94,328 0 With regard to the recovery of the costs, the amount deposited by the estates up to date is as follows:- • Rs. Banaili Estate 1,03,000 Srinagar Ward's estate ... ... 1,25,052 Total ... 2,28,052 The Collector of Bhagalpur has been addressed regarding the recovery of the additional amount required from the Court of Wards' estates. The return from the increase of rents will give the Wards' estate a profit of 10 per cent. on the outlay, and the Banaili estate a profit of 7.4 per cent. The difference is due to the fact that the Srinagar estate owns solely the Tirakhurdah pargana, in which an increase of Rs. 2,570 was obtained, in which the Banaili estate does not share. With regard to the costs payable by the raiyats, the orders of Government were not received until the copies of the khatians had been distributed to the (69) raiyats in the greater part of the Bhagalpur and Monghyr districts. It was accordingly arranged that the landlords should themselves collect the costs from the raiyats in those districts at the time of the collection of rents, while the Settlement Department should endeavour to collect the costs in Purnea and Malda at the time of the distribution of the khatians. Collections were accordingly made at the time of final publication, amounting to Rs. 5,302-11-8, out of Rs. 11,732 leviable. The raiyats of the Sujanangar, Dehat and Tajpur Parganas paid 90 per cent. of the demand, but in other parganas time was asked for to enable the amount to be paid after the cold-weather crops had been harvested. The undistributed records were made over to the officers of the Srinagar Wards' estates for collection of the costs through the patwaris. In Malda Rs. 773 were collected out of Rs. 1,030 leviable. 107. Officers in charge of the settlement.--I took wharge of the Settlement Department in November 1887, and have since been engaged on the work with the exception of the following periods:- (1) From 1st May 1888 to 15th November 1888, when I was on deputation. (2) From 1st August 1889 to 25th November 1889 when I was on special duty. (3) From the 5th March 1890 to 5th June, and from 15th July to the 8th November 1890, when I officiated as Collector of Purnea, but retained charge of the settlement operations. Babu Barhamdeo Narayan has been employed throughout the operations, except for three months in 1889, when he was absent on sick leave. He was in camp in the Nawhatta tahsil of Bhagalpur from the beginning of 1888 to June 1889, and was engaged in the disposal of objection cases in Monghyr. He also completed the records of the Dehat and Tajpur parganas of Purnea. Mr. D. N. Roy was employed from the beginning of 1887 to the end of 1889. He assisted in carrying out the survey and settlement of the Daphar pargana, and in the preparation of the records of the Monghyr villages. During the cold weather of 1889-90, Babu Joga Dass Bhattacharjya was engaged in the disposal of objection suits in the Nawhatta cirole. Babu Bepin Behari De was appointed in November 1889 to dispose of objection suits in Purnea, and in March 1890 took up the settlement of the Malda villages, where he was employed until January 1891. Mr. D. N, Mukherjee and Mr. D. Dutta were appointed to learn the work of settlement, the former in January 1890 and the latter in May 1890, and remained until the beginning of July 1890. 108. The following papers are appended : (1) Statistical Statements 20, 20A., 20B., 200., 20E., 20F (Appendix A). (2) List of estates and patni mabals (Appendix B). (3) Statements of objection suits under section 106 of the Bengal Tenancy Act (Appendix C). (4) Village statements with abstract for each pargana prepared in accordance with paragraph 3 of the inspection memorandum of His Honour the Lieutenant- Governor, forwarded with your letter No. 568T.A., dated the 4th May 1891. (5) Map showing the position of the estates. ( 70 ) APPENDIX A. Statistical Statement (20) showing the classification of lands in the estates of the Srinagar Court of Wards and Banaili Raj Estates. 12 14 CULTIVATED AREA, CULTURABLE AREA. NAME OF DISTRICT. Serial number. Names of parganas, Area by sum- mation of fields. | Total cultivated area. Bhadoi. Rabi. Aghani. Dofasila. New fallow. Old fallow. Grass. Groves. Bush. i Daphar o ... A 21,368 R. 1 P. 16 A. 34,068 R. P. 1 33 A. R. P. 358 3 21 A. 1,810 B. P. 2 11 2 Harawat ... A. R. P. 45,401 1 27 766 2 39 57,006 2 5 A. R. P. 10,573 3 16 252 221 11,080 37 A. R, P. 8,550 2 3 142 0 21 7,676 3 11 656 2 30 293 1 15 81,279 3 20 A. R. P. 3,541 3 8 24 2 19 5,692 0 33 BHAGALPUR ... | 3 A. R. P. 6,424 1 2 31 1 27 10,996 3 24 7,533 2 7 2,402 3 10 782 0 20 Khubkhand A. B. P. 1,932 3 8 7 0 36 1,453 2 3 886 0 2 300 0 28 557 3 29 5,137 29 11 2 18 2,589 2 14 39,040 2 14 A. R. P. 955 0 39 13 O 34 1,443 0 15 1,786 3 8 377 0 38 249 1 27 26 3 11 5 6 Uttarkhand Nirsingpur Koorah Chai ... ... .. Total 25,426 3 26 14,354 1 19 14,293 2 28 8,838 3,655 574 0 34 3 0 1 2 4,452 1 34 1,872 3 3 2,613 1 12 12,520 7,493 2,958 3 23 2 20 1 22 18,278 0 4 10,619 1 13 5,363 3 38 1,819 0 36 1,501 0 24 6,114 3 24 597 0 3 473 1 18 185 0 8 10 0 31 6 2 17 157,249 2 24 84,975 2 22 25,308 0 4 75,914 1 36 28,171 0 10 108,027 0 12 18,693 3 24 4,215 · 2 2 4,825 0 1 1,854 0 30 MONGIYR .. 1 | Farkya 126,590 3 6 34,136 3 35 64,801 0 35 15,531 0 33 33,433 1 33 81,035 3 30 1,421 3 24 19,644 3 4 4,080 O 35 1,709 2 32 340 0 34 65 188 2 11 04 | 98 . 4 2 32 Qaroo 1,077 3 35 11 3 33 12 i 21 255 3 28 197 3 32 5 2 26 68 1 30 329 3 2 422 0 31 404 0 37 271 0 23 523 1 7 557 2 32 46 1 5 203 1' 13 132 0 20 166 2 20 2 1 1 22 10 15 Total 128,518 3 33 17,224 1 4 21,134 0 3 44,675 2 29 13,401 0 7 69,632 3 29 8,994 2 26 27,309 1 1 5,344 2 28 1,684 3 3 755 0 7 DARBUANGA 2 Bhaor Fakrabad 1,096 254 2 27 3 29 ... 167 0 14 87 2 1 98 1 25 115 020 555 1 15 83 324 65 2 9 100 0 15 19 1 2 2 3 20 54 0 27 11 3 9 62 3 19 7 3 34 117 17 0 3 6 4 0 755 1.5 186 1 30 941 2 35 1 32 Total 1,351 2 16 254 2 15 213 2 5 639-0 39 165 2 24 22 0 22 65 3 36 70 3 13 134 3 10 0 1 32 Akbarabad ... 163 1 " 14 0 11 - Kotwali Mahinagar os Sujanagar ... 10,329 29 1,278 1 20 2,048 0 16 12,096 0 35 545 1 27 3,408 3 12 127 2 3 264 1 5 1,894 0 38 159 0 37 2,325 136 528 3,131 140 3 16 0 23 1 14 3 33 2 35 8,127 0 10 59 1 37 248 1 18 4,431 2 16 212 0 18 8,092 1 32 72 0 22 235 2 30 1,985 2 14 146 3 6 5,769 1 6 251 0 1 800 1 17 7,472 0 33 365 1 4 707 0 10 293 3 31 279 1 0 2,162 3 39 54 0 39 286 2 14 19 2 7 37 2 13 603 1 34 6 1 38 1,991 1 9 197 1.13 616 1 1 65 0 20 13 2 10 0 14 6 205 18 1 23 2 27 1 18 3 25 0 7 Total 26,297 2 27 60 3 26 652 3 30' 21 3 15 913 0 11 16,489 1 14 5,854 0 15 6,263 01 117,719 3 8 8,078 2 19 144,839 0 36 5,532 2 24 80,703 3 18 ! 8 24 Haveli Shahpur | Dharampur ... Kadwa Tirakhurdah Sujanagar ... Tajpur Dehat Daphar 55,284 1 27 1,353 2 14 930 1 31 5,579 1 17 24,005 3 15 16,222 2 12 7,769 0 32 10,583 0 27 6,790 1 18 PURNEA 4,237 1 37 127 0 32 182 1 16 370 i 15 3,780 1 16 3,158 1 31 1,503 3 31 1,854 2 6 2,009 2 20 8,184 1 31 211 2 0 232 04 1,092 1 1 4,466 0 18 4,215 0 5 885 3 25 1,114 022 732 2 17 13,779 1 16 459 0 11 210 0 32 2,403 0 26 12,872 1 12 9,008 2 36 2,331 3 35 2,512 3 24 1,097 3 37 3,341 84 141 530 3,674 3,719 556 729 624 1 20 0 26 0 37 1 9 0 21 0 30 1 34 2 10 2 20 22,859 713 2 17 483 1 15 3,335 1 33 17,444 225 12,663 0 2 4,165 1 17 4,752 0 2 3,215 2 14 3,126 3 31 127 0 108 2 9 418 0 29 854 0 10 194 1 13 787 1 36 2,354 3 9 1,023 0 21 17,281 0 38 306 2 39 211 1 21 900 3 15 2,890 2 31 899 2 39 926 3 20 2,242 3 20 1,648 3 18 2,702 Ź Bhatiya MALDA 3 4 5 GRAND TOTAL 14,658 0 11 274,295 2 37 3,497 1 39 69,211 1 24 953 2 26 14,664 3 24 2,873 2 13 11,227 3 19 · 245 1 20 3,195 1 3 440,008 2 26 92,415 11 2 (Ili ) Statistical Statement (20) showing the classification of lands in the estates of the Srinagar Court of Wards and Banaili Raj Estates-concld. 16 19 21 25 26 27 CULTURABLE AREA. UNCULTURABLE AREA. Serial number. REMARKS. | Village site. Sites of tei ples. Unculturable waste. Tanks. Rivers, Jhils. Government roads. Other roads, Other kinds Total of uncultur- | unculturable able land. area. 1 .. 285 Daphar R. P. 2 27 1 Le 8,884 R. P. 3 34 A. B. P. A. R. P. 209 1 1 A. R. P. 3 1 16 A. 371 R. P. 0 38 A. R. P. 78 0 19 A. 45 R. P. 0 36 A. R. P. 81 2 32 949 3 23 A. R. P. A. B. PL 709 0 35 BHAGALPUR ... 2 0 4 A. R. P. 2,448 0 0 | Excluded as property of other maliks or on ac- count of boundary disputes 63 1 22 A. R. P. 5,211 028 16 1 % 1,961 3 32 87 1 89. 917 1 11 20 0 12 ammo o Harawat Khubkhand Ottarkhand .. Nirsing pur Koorah. Chai ... 1,533 1 5 0 0 31 139 0 18 56 2 27 12,738 2 1 5,099 1 31 2,797 2 23 7,364 2 11 36,941 3 7 11 1 20 123 0 14 257 2 0 119 3 13 4 3 32 666 2 37 800 1 12 123 1 13 3 1 29 4 1 10 22 1 37 73 2 7 8 3 15 102 1 5 58 0 28 28 118 408 280 2 21 2 29 3 11 3 24 3,982 0 19 113 1 33 127 3 9 1,300 1 0 5,568 3 17 | 40 19 193 3 3 248 29 198 1 29 44 2 11 1,398 2 26 6 2 0 22 214 2 37 1,565 0 19 257 1 3 2,215 2 4 Total 723 0 30 5 1 20 214 2 37 2,030 0 1 238 2 12 190 3 21 1,786 2 28 12,156 3 32 123 3 13 253 1 6 4,266 0 0 2,335 2 10 1,334 3 23 1 82 2 8 1,865 0 36 4,615 1 28 16,596 3 30 1,118 i 37 3 3 994 1 18 a 0 32 HHO 0 379 55 13 3,273 1 17 21 3 31 1 3 33 0 11 0 25 8 1 0 28 2 24 3 13 0 5 0 6 3 28 3 15 COMO COM 2 221 24,400 522 1 21 411 1 25 1,747 1 36 4,494 0 30 2,017 2 2,132 0 33 5,310 26 3,240 2 20 2,218 46 1 295 1,035 808 166 119 272 1 20 11 2 25 1 1 22 47 0 0 270 2 25 129 1 12 53 1 5 73 2 19 11 3 17 1 6 0 23 3 37 2 35 0 27 1 13 3 26 0 4 corobo 61 0 708 1 7 18 3 27 4 2 32 112 2 21 298 254 2 60 1 27 123 1 5 177 1 26 121 2 4,750 3 30 95 2 25 35 2 31 494 3 28 1,810 2 31 1,478 1 1 336 1 13 519 2 19 334 0 24 130 24 4 87 17 1 3 9 1 2 0 256 1 9 63 2 29 1,135 1 9 1 0 0 2 17 3 21 2 22 1 27 NOW 3 29 2 26 1 7 169 3 na 0 6 64 3 10 78 1 3 16 1 3 16 188 1 2 44,276 2 27 871 0 25 0 0 6 4,691 2 11 74 0 37 1,219 0 7 342 1 18 1,758 1 29 897 2 18 9,856 1 2 4,753 0 15 DARBHANGA ...3 Bhaor | Takrabad 0 0 2 37 1 17 254 2 40 3 3 4 49 2 35 15 3 24 11 4 *0**O 29 1 2 3 0 6 4 1 10 0 8 14 2 18 3 0 5 17 2 23 81 3 26 27 2 26 4 3 53 0 0 9 6 0 2 . . . Total 1 0 14 295 1 7 65 2 19 0 0 29 15 3 3 10 1 18 109 2 12 11 0 0 455 1 8 8 2 29 7 7 3 2 94 1 29 257 0 3 89 1 19 337 2 39 43 1 7 464 2 28 47 1 2 20 0 32 171 1 30 10 0 21 25 i 9 3 1 11 87 1 22 253 0 36 28 1 37 58 0 3 192 2 35 7 3 11 1,403 0 33 351 1 3 200 2 12 931 2 13 65 3 34 11 0 20 63 3 5 2 0 20 An area of 30 acres 1 rood 34 poles belonging to other estates in this pargana was measured in blocks without speci. fication of crops and has been excluded from this statement as well as statement (20 A) 6,000 1 27. 11 0 27 540 1 2 529 3 22 2,952 2 15 7 3 2 477 2 21 821 3 17 11,874 4 8 713 2 33 3,362 0 12 116 0 2 8,238 39 NAVE OR DISTRICT, Names of parganas. Other kinds. Total culturable area. MONGHYB ... 1 | Farkya 642 235 / 27,839 1 29 1,515 1 12 328 2 27 Haveli Shahpur Dharampur Kadwa Tirakburdah Sujanagar Tajpur .. Dehat ... Daphar 0 10 0 25 118 PURNEA Total 8 1 25 136 2 7 56 3 19 2 0 1 1 | Akbarabad Bbatiya Kotwali Mahinagar 5 Sujanagar MALDA 3,157 0 10 676 0 16 1,047 0 37 3,692 1 29 114 0 29 110 1 3 6 1 34 25 0 36 67 1 22 2 2 15 Total 211 3 30 203 3 12 3,251 1 27 8,687 0 1 118,040 0 31 GRAND TOTAL 3,339 1 0 1 345 1'0 615 3 31 | 5,966 1 18 7,451 3 32 41,672 1 11 E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. ( 72 ) Statement (20 A) of the Banaili Raj and Srinagar Court of Wards' Estates. Classification of total area by fiscal arrangement. - 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 16 TAS RENT-PAYING. NOT RENT-PAYING. CULTIVATED. UNCULTIVATED. | No. Name of pargana. Area which has been excluded from Grand total of settlement on columns 6 and 12. account of houn- dary dispute or otherwise. Cultivated. Not cultivated. Total. Motal of coluuns 7-11. Held by pro- prietor as sir or other- wise, By gift as brahmutar. In lieu of services as garait, Held by pro- prietors as roads, waste lands, &c. Held by raiyats. REMARKS, A. A. B. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. .. . .. A. B. P. 30,557 0 28 R. P. 4,212 1 36 41 1 32 3,686 1 23 3,735 1 12 1,531 038 1,160 1 37 A. B. P. 34,769 2 24 687 0 27 37,272 1 25 20,693 3 1 11,736 0 34 5,923 1 11 464 0 39 14 1 11 5,087 1 37 722 1 19 262 1 0 133 3 1 A. R. P. 3,039 1 30 435 2 30 883 0 32 147 3 20 129 2 4 4,635 2 36 A. R. P. 144 2 28 11 1 4 402 2 17 205 3 29 179 2 10 106 3 23 6,480 3 37 53 3 37 13,436 3 13 2,797 3 20 1,979 I 27 7,542 3 3 156 0 37 32 1 4 28 2 30 217 0 31 10,129 1 14 79 2 12 19,518 3 14 4,6+1 2 24 2,569 017 7,941 2 21 A. R. P. 44,898 3 38 766 2 39 56,791 0 39 25,335 i 25 14,305 1 11 13,864 3 32 155,962 2 24 A. B. P. 502 1 29 215 1.6 91 2 1 4908 428 2 36 1,287 00 14,367 1 18 111,082 2 2 6,684 1 27 32,291 3 17 1,050 3 31 44,880 0 22 MONGHYR... ... 1 Farkya 73,846 1 27 7,050 2 31 940 1 14 31,611 3 14 36,783 1 19 117,680 1 37 8,910 19 627 0 23 19 0 20 Haveli Shapur Dharampur Kadwa Tirak hurdah Sujanagar Tajpur Dehat Daphur 21,478 1 21 615 1 38 471 0 2,930 1 16,636 1 11,915 3 34 3,959 3 1 4,745 3 19 2,994 2 1 80,897 O 18 42,798 2 3 978 3 1 657 04 4,178 3 36 19,631 232 12,841 3 39 5,840 2 27 9,408 1 25 4,536 3 13 21,320 0 22 363 1 3 185 3 24 1,248 2 6 2,995 1 2 976 05 1,880 326 4,662 2 6 1,54% 1 12 2,084 1 1 996 2 3 5 2 24 4 0 25 169 37 18 3 31 41 1 30 1 2 4 4,278 2 21 62 2 15 0 2 29 434 0 6 1,140 09 170 0 37 102 327 PURNEA ... 6,017 1 2 260 1 30 255 0 5 612 320 2,770 3 31 2,422 323 607 1 3 1,104 1 30 1,659 0 26 21 0 23 7 1 15 628 1 23 1,519 3 7 235 2 3 12 2 15 13 2 8 71 2 99 316 0 1 96 0 8 10 1 13 69 1 12 13 2 25 o med hod O ONUNNO 11,547 0 9 346 1 4 273 1 27 1,309 1 25 4,253 17 3,359 0 1 722 07 1,173 2,073 3 23 54,345 2 12 1,325 0 5 930 1 31 5,488 23,884 3 16,201 0 0 6,562 2 34 10,582 0 27 6.610 2 36 nam 938 3 15 28 29 90 S 36 120 8 16 21 2 12 1,206 1 38 1 0 0 179 2 22 . . . ! 401 0 12 Total 65,747 3 36 35,124 3 24 100,872 3 20 1,639 0 16 6,189 O 24 676 0 1 15,715 1 10 838 2 14 25,058 0 25 125,931 0 5 2,587 3 28 ****0 11 MALDA ... ... Bhatira Mahinagar Sujanagur Akbarabad Kotwali 247 6,755 325 5,455 789 3 39 0 15 2 33 0 15 1 7 417 3 14 1,288 1 33 66 1 36 2,892 3 8 848 0 2 665 3 13 8,043 2 8 392 0 29 8,347 3 23 1,637 1 9 110 8 0 0 1 29 0 11 0 20 1 38 3 0 2 302 2 3 8 3 24 16 0 30 24 14 300 1 1 22 2 16 0 0 6 2 2 17 596 0 3 3,091 1 22 97 0 25 1,000 3 10 323 0 31 13 2 2 244 0 1 16 2 2 731 52 0 25 399 2 31 612 27 4,048 2 16 153 0 38 1,089 2 27 402 2 35 6,306 8 8 1,278 1 20 12,092 0 24 545 1 27 9,437 2 10 2,040 0 4 891 3 39 8 0 12 - - Total 13,573 0 29 5,513 2 13 19,086 3 2 119 0 18 353 3 23 325 2 0 5,108 2 11 25,393 2 5 904 0 22 NAME OF DISTRICT. Daphar Harawat Khubkhand Uttarkhand OUTH COACH 645 2 35 33,586 0 2 16,958 1 29 10,204 3 36 4,762 3 14 96,715 0 24 BHAGALPUR Nirsingpur Chai Total DARBHANGA ... *** 1 2 Bhoor Fakrabad 652 0 38 159 1 14 192 38 1 6 0 25 844 2 3 197 1 39 16 24 0 28 3 31 55 1 8 1 0 2 36 1 9 112 0 28 27 3 31 12 4 2 36 0 30 198 57 0 16 1 21 I 1,042 254 2 19 3 20 54 0 0 0 8 9 Total 811 2 12 230 1 30 1.042 0 2 140 0 19 16 3 26 255 1 37 113,283 3 26 GRAND TOTAL 1,297 1 39 4:26,265 0 30 . 41 0 19 10,568 0 1 54 0 17 18,743 1 36 250,694 1 8 55 1 8 12,174 1 25 62,286 3 36 2 0 1,847 3 20 312,981 1 4 84,867 2 31 3,825 3 29 NOTE.-The rent-paying area in column 6 will not agree with total land held by raiyat in column 17 of Statement (20B), as it includes aren held by tenure-holders (Statement 20C). Lands held by raiyats rent-free, as site of houses, &c., are entered in column 11. The area excluded from settlement includes area of interlaced estates of other proprietors and lands excluded on account of boundary disputes. In the case of Mongbyr, the excluded area includes acres 4,556-1-7 jagir lands held by other proprietors under separate tauzi numbers. E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. STATISTICAL STATEMENT (20 B.) OF THE BANAILI RAJ AND SRINAGAR COURT OF WARDS' ESTATES SHOWING THE CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS. ( 74 ) Statistical Statement (20 B.) of the Banaili Raj and Srinagar 1 2 * TTTTTT 10 CLASSIFICATION PROPRIETOR'S PRIVATE LAND. RAITATS AT. FIXED RATES, NAME OF DISTRICT. No. Name of pargana, Mafi by proprietors. Total of rolumus 6 and 7. Proprietor's private land. Held by pro- I prietors. bu pot. private land. Total of colunins 4 and ö. Resident. Non-resident No. A. R. P. A. R. P. 3,039 i 30 No. 251 Doping A. 74 R, P. 0 0 No. DOS a. RP. 70 3 11 42 2,931 BEALGA. PUR, 209 Daphar ... Harawat Khubkband Uttarkhand Nirsingpur Chai 19.141 A. R. P. No. 119 2 35 Ö 0 38 2,932 323 114 0 18 106 28 ROHO A. R. P. 464 0 39 14 1 11 5,087 1 37 722 1 19 262 1 133 3 1 258 1 13 44 2 14 1 11 5,087 0 39 722 1 19 148 0 22 133 3 1 A. R. P. 3,503 2 29 14 1 11 6,679 1 24 1,637 3 15 410 0 20 219 3 35 '323 58 181 221 71 3 27 478 121 691 3 27 915 1 36 147 3 20 158 0 34 0 16 48 36 42 801 142 70 28 Total 3,383 6,450 1 16 56 | 234 0 11 3,439 6,684 1 27 Į 967 4,852 3 27 14,406 11,537 1 14 42 453 1 38 | 54 | 3:24 1 19 MONGHYR ... 1 Farkya ... ... 147 1,521 1 39 48 562 3 2 195 2,084 1 1 319 1,567 1 37 514 3,651 238 33 0 30 13 74 1 12 847 0 16 413 2 37 16 1 209 0 8 34 2 11 ୫୦ ରକ୍ଷ 0 25 OVOOTA CON 1 Hnveli ... Shahpur... Dharampur Kadwa Tiraxburdah Sujanagar Tajpur ... Dehat Daphar ... PURNEA ::::::::: 169 3 6 30 © 14 996 2 3 5 2 24 169 37 18 3 31 11 1 16 41 1 30 1 2 4 1 2 4 286 2 39 401 0 12 477 37| 149 1,639 0 16 | 821 4,297 3 1 02 2 15 0 2 29 455 0 29 1,147 1 24 798 2 20 102 327 8: - Goe về 8,294 1 4 68 0 39 4 3 14 624 3 36 1,160 1 15 8+0 0 10 104 1 31 142 121 307 9 110 30 *16 *16 401"O 12 114" i 136 1,161 1 9 33 Total 6,865 0 25 970 8,504 1 1 64 624 1 37 17 241 2 19 16 0 28 24 8 31 16 24 DAR- BHANGA. Bhaor | 2 | Takrabad 0 28 3 31 24 57 0 0 1 4 1 9 28 5 3 77 9 73 0 32 25 1 0 8 Total 41 0 19 41 0 19 25 57 1 13 33 98 1 32 3 77 3 0 . HOOD 220 MALDA CHA 21 Bhatiye ... Mahinagar 110 1 29 Sujanagar 8 0 11 Akbarabad 0 0 20 Kotwali... 0 1 38 Total 10 | 119 0 18 GRAND TOTAL.. 3,664 9,293 1 21 110 1 29 8,0 11 0 0 20 0 1 38 16 2 0 846 3 5 226 48 0 2 10 88 2 371 25 790 6 57 16 2 4 957 0 34 560 0 13 88 3 17 79 2 4 24 56 166 6 10 / 119 0 18 313 137 1,274 2 20 13,801 10,568 0 1 2,145 1,079 0 14 323 1,198 0 32 14,421 3 36 6,246 24,989 3 37 143 0 28 22 | 116 2 36 79 259 3 24 | 189 1,271 0 9 | 217° Ö 31 28 2 2 72 | 243 2 33 119 961 3 12 For explanation of Variation of column 17 with column 6 of ( 75 ) Court of Wards' Estates showing the classification of holdings. 11 18 14 14 | 15 15 | 16 16 17 18 OF HOLDINGS, SETTLED RAIYATS. OCCUPANCY BUT NOT SETTLED RAIYATS, NON-OCCUPANCY RAITATS. - Total of columns 9 to 16. Total of columns 8 and 17. Resident. Non-resident. Resident. Non-resident Resident. Non-resident. A. A. 299 R. P. 2 5 R. P. 80 ĂN 2 28 180 .H No. 2,502 118 4,722 2,9.11 1,371 512 A. R. P. 23,399 i 361 563 2 16 22,164 3 5 16,123 1 27 9,286 3 4,640 2 12 76,178 3 5 No. • R 969 7,624 3 31 78 0 3 5,526 | 12,639 2 39 1,493 3,566 2 26 263 1.636 0 20 224 989 2 6 8,484 | 26,535 0 5 | 51 1 26 38 2 21 2 30 19 0 37 36 1 3 12 3 27 367 3 32 23 886 117 106 63 497 2 34 38 2 31 783 3 22 82 1 32 202 i 29 175 032 39 A. R. P. 36,650 39 701 1 33 42,942 i 25 21,742 0 37 11,884 3 17 6,215 1 6 19 i 103 R. P.' No. A. R. P. No. 599 3 26 3,854 33,147 0 20 4,105 6 3 17 153 687 0 27 154 1,163 3 39 12,224 37,263 0 4 15,365 63 3 301 4,642 20,104 1 221 5,443 846 2 9 1,814 1 11,474 2 37 1.956 91 30 823 5,923 1 111 '893 2,273 0 1 | 23,510 | 108,599 3 1 27,916 73 13 1 14 22 12,186 54 686 2 39 1,375 | 1,780 1 22 1,212 120,137 0 15 7,900 39,436 2 371 5,79330,774 0 17 | 154 710 0 23 297 1,593 3 27 492 1,405 3 35 959 2,976 1 9 15,602 77,004 2 30 16,116 80,656 1 28 s 2,501 233 665 08 1 1 19 948 0 11 4,177 97 ws Coco ܘܢܕ · ܟܨܢܕܝܙ 1 2 205 22,295 1 15! 1,335 12,862 3 5 640 3 191 86 243 2 417 2 16 26 63 0 33 1,991 3 181 1,717 2 34 13,558 967 5,533 2 23 7,023 3 38 1,287 4,857 1 3,706 2 20 130 1,199 1 38 5,824 2 31 19 077 2 32 3,320 0 101 478 3 6 68,779 3 35' 4,092 27,634 14 29 361 2,213 1,628 309 626 265 180 31 171 2 62 10 2 24 72 150 33 241 0 31 28 0 34 58 3 31 59 2 10 57 0 10 351 1 22 582 0 39 624 0 21 314 2 37 2,317 1 33 361 32 0 117 1 4 99 2 26 105 1 21 470 1 11 169 0 24 158 3 15 260 2 3 38,000 0 26 978 3 11 657 0 3,902 2 391 19,631 2 32 12.841 3 391 5.707 2 271 7,632 2 4,436 237 343 199 627 3,372 3,243 493 720 476 4,533 354 202 769 3,493 3,550 502 720 492 21 1 33 39 2 2 347 0 21 5 1 11 161 43,294 1 30 1,047 0 0 661 3 18 4,527 2 35 20,798 0 7 13,082 0 g 5,812 0 18 7,632 2 O 4,837 39 102,293 2 6 18 53 10 61 57 1 11 103 44 8,238 146 1,300 3 31 116 1,212 1 23 584 398 1,778 0 21 13,650 93,789 i 5) 14,620 277 588 0 1875 137 1 11 5 1 277 6 1 51 21 5 2 23 0 0 3 29 0 36 391 193 841 2 3 197 2 38 160 1 12 60 0 28 220 20 419 198 917 2 35 222 3 33 141 45 421 725 1 29120 5 1 27 6 15 21 5 2 23 1 0 28 584 1,042 1 1 617 | 1,140 2 33 176 1,139 1,186 17 0 14 10 156 58 56 2 321 3,429 3 25 206 3 3,786 2 37 419 011 55 310 0 28 3,480 0 31 168 1 38 3,839 3 2 861 230 1,279 321 1,370 464 11 2 1 40 39 1 2 20 7 3 3 214 289 1 20 502 665 3 13 507 682 1 17 28 2 30 193 2 0 354 $94 0 22 2,850 8,043 2 8 3,076 9,000 3 2 3 0 27 03 26 10 12 3 23 125 392 0 29 135 418 1 2 68 316 113 101 1 19 115 179 1 9 3,030 8,347 3 23 3,055 8,436 30 16 2 30 18 2 38 127 137 0 23 1,042 1,637 1 9 1,099 1,716 3 13 119 0 3 341 322 1 32 | 820 1,512 3 22 7,549 | 19,086 3 21 7,872 20,284 3 34 3,618 1 17 2,813 | 5,831 3 27 3,390 | 8,541 2 11 60,895 | 299,522 2 39 67,141 | 324,512 2 36 41 I 59 50 2,924 / 7,899 0 15 3,204 | 8,660 1 9 31,669 283,020 0 1 21,693 | 93,824 0 85 69 1 24 419 | 2,453 3.17) 573 Statement 20A., see latter statement. Statement (200), Srinagar Court of Wards and Banaili Raj Estate Settlement showing the number of tenure-holders in the Estates. Name of district. Name of pargana. Held by Banali estate as tenure- holder. Held by the Srinagar estate as tenure. holder, Held by other tenure-holders, Total. A. R. P. 1. R. 1,163 3 33 425 2 34 Bhagalpur . R. P. 32 3 17 9 1 21 589 1 19 204 i 5 3,891 0 28 2,956 136 Nonghyr . 1 1 0 671 3 27 Daphar Khubkhand Ulterkhand Nirsingpur Tarkya Haveli Kadva Daphar Tajpur Dehat Mahinagar Akbarabad :!!!10ini: 67 0 32 1,169 8 34 276 0 37 wwNico NW ww bons AB , R. P. 1,622 24 9 1 21 589 1 19 261 1 37 3,892 1 28 4,798 1 17 276 0 37 100 0 26 133 00 1,775 3 25 $3 3 24 13 3 13 Purnea 100 0 26 133 00 1,775 3 25 83 3 24 13 3 13 Malda ... ... Total ... | 28 1,937 1 6 26 1,929 0 17 62 9,690 0 28 116 | 13,556 2 11 E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. 1 2 ( 76 ) CROP STATEMENT. Statistical Statement (200) of the Srinagar Court of Wards' and Banaili Raj Estates. II- - 1 14 15 16 17 BHANOI. NON-FOOD CROPS. FOOD-CROPS. Name of district. Name of district. Serial number. NAME OF PARGANA. Dhan. Makai. Janera. Marwa. Urid. China. Sama and kodo. Kodo. Dhan and kodo. Kowdi. Mung. Other food сгора. Garden food- crops. Sute. . R. A. P. A. R. P. A. R. P A. A. R. P. R. P. A. 7 A. R. P. 3 16 R. P. A. R. P. A, B. P. BHAGAL PUR. A. R. P. 7,311 2 1 285 1 38 819 1 31 1,305 1 36 1,572 2 22 46 0 2 Daphar .. Harawat ... Khubkhand Utterkhand Nirringpur Chai Total 38 3 22 A. R. P. 4 1 3 209 0 19 11 1 5 3 1 22 4 1 6 A. R. P. 3,039 3 11 10 1 9 7,877 0 13 4,471 3 3 1,809 1 11 27 328 17,236 0 35 18 0 36 50 329 0 0 1 15 1 37 A. B. P. 4 1 11 2 07 35 S 19 3 1 14 2 0 32 109 7 0 1 2 20 0 9 0 5 3 14 0 2 40 355 1 23 O 34 0 38 2 8 319 1 32 42 2 1 108 1 27 0 2 29 A. R. P. 5 0 9 3 1 27 9 0 14 903 0 38 n3 36 102 2 30 1,636 39 1,452 1 8 87 3 37 . 1131 20 19 3 30 133 1 10 11,290 92 1 39 2 10 232 120 1 16 3 16 398 1 18 471 0 9 1 47 38 3 22 3 3,177 0 14 3 1,031 1 34 MONGHYR. 1 Farkya 892 0 2 1 7,030 20 ... 9,164 ... 2 26 3,234 0 4 350 3 23 154 2 19 9,907 0 2 16 2,709 1 33 0 21 up 0 12 IC 67 1 39 0 2 43 2 99 0 1 14 82 8 208 1 1 4 0 03 2 39 1 28 2 38 1 32 1 20 VOC : Nii 1 1 35 3,625 3 25 120 1 37 101 3 26 296 2 7 2,709 0 12 2,421 i 4 1,106 1 20 844 3 36 1,718 2 14 2 2 24 0 i 25 120 0 30 19 2 34 21 2 0 101 0 21 169 1 19 2 3 11 2 2 25 .2 06 2 1 10 2 0 29 OS 3 ö 2 28 59 3 12 1 1 3 22 2 5 24 3 20 27 0 33 0 1 34 1 3 11 10 % 0 0 15 8 2 11 *6*2 26 24 0 34 6 2 33 847 2 8 701 0 34 258 0 24 654 2 11 71 1 3 1 3 20 3 1 37 4 2 28 0 0 13 15 00 0 2 0 27 1 32 1 3 28 1 1 19 27 1 19 I 72 12,945 0 11 0 21 643 39 6 3 15 4° 0 14 29 27 1 191 109 2 37 0 3 30 30 201 2,582 0 27 1 25 DAR- BHANGA. D10 i Bhaor 4 0 20 ... 22 0 24 6 0 24 | 122 79 5 0 2 Fakrabad 0 0 0 35 3 30 0 17 2 14. 1 8 0 15 0 0 13 *O***0 16 Total 4 0 20 28 0 0 1 0 13 202 8 1 28 0 0 25 5 2 31 0 16 0 2 13 23 0 18 9 2 36 2,883 106 188 1,672 111 37 038 1 2 27 300 34 1 20 0 32 0 2 3 15 3 15 5 0 8 9 2 23 0 1 31 410 0 20 43 3 13 9 2 18 0 0 35 2 0 38 197 2 5 47 1 22 Total GRAND TOTAL ... PURNEA. 1 Haveli 2 Shahpur ... 3 | Dharampur Kadwa Tirakhurdah Sujanagar Tajpur g Delint ... 9 Daphar . Total ܢܙܟܬ ܩ MALDA. 1 Akbarabad Bhatiya .. Kotwali 4 Mahinagar 5 Sujanagar 23 i 27 YAR 32 3 14 256 3 36 4,962 1 4 80,118 1 5 69 0 19 7,360 1 0 1 0 2 13 9,329 1 9 | 21,316 3 6 15 0 32 493 3 6 1 453 3 33 10,838 1 9 28 1 27 5,200 3 26 589 3 25 | 46 0 29 160 % 29 | 109 2 37 3,770 3 17 37 S 35 2,887 0 23 ( 77 ) Statistical Statement (20D) of the Srinagar Court of Wards and Banaili Raj Estates-continued. - BHADOI-concluded. AGHANI. NON-FOOD CROPS--concluded. FOOD-CROPS. Name of district. NAME OF PARGANA. FOOD-CROPS. Serial number, Total Bhadoi. A. R. P. A. B. P. 4. A. R. P. 87 3 28 R. P A. R. P. Daphar .. A. B. P. | A. R. P. 162 1 27 1 1 18 5 2 2 468 0 23 17 2 24 .. BHAGAL- PUR. A. R. P.) A. R. P. 36 1 10 0 0 2 1 1 7 6 2 14 4 0 17 1 3 13 . Harawat ... Khubkhand Utterkband Nirsingpur Chai A. R. P. 10,573 3 16 252 0 21 11,080 3 7 8,838 0 34 3,655 3 0 574 1 24 34,975 2 22 A. A. P. 15,674 2 31 290 0 22 27,701 3 29 9,499 1 25 6,368 0 33 2,907 3 38 OTA CO A. B. P. 5,304 0 17 2 1 23 3,206 2 33 2,791 3 32 1,105 0 26 50 2 24 A. R. P. 14 2 16 0 1 33 22 3 20 2 1 3 A. R. P. 0 39 0 1 17 9 0 14 190 1 29 13 2 23 1 8 5 2 30 1 27 2 3 A. B. P. 178 36 51 0 19 4 2 31 0 3 27 1 0 1 29 0 0 4 284 3 9 0 3 3 12 0 24 O DU Total 655 0 14 4 0 171 46 0 6 62,442 0 18 12,460 3 35 98 2 14 214 1 12 0 1 33 40 0 32 235 1 15 287 3 10 . MONGHYR, # 1 Farkya ... ... 306 3 21 379 0 18 34,136 3 35 / 8,295 318 3,131 1 28 2,073 3 20 144 2 15 | 1,380 0 20 172 1 16 89 1 21 54 3 10 4 0 0 14 0 35 28 0 21 80 0 1 229 2 36 20 2 23 1 0 28 17 1 28 0 0 38 282 0 26 4 2 32 39 0 21 63 2 21 le 31 0 3 HOND *28' 1 34 OOTA CORO 1 3 0 0 8 PURNEA, Haveli Shabpur ... Dharampur Kadwa Tırakharda 6 | Sujanagar ... Tajpur .. Dehat . 9 Daphar .. cond no wowo 3 1 2 11 1 24 3 35 coo: 4,237 1 37 127 0 32 182 1 16 370 1 15 3,780 1 16 3,158 1 31 1,503 3 31 1,854 2 6 2,009 2 20 11,508 017 448 0 27 151 0 2,256 3 9 12,631 1 30 9,004 3 39 2,243 3 35 2,395 2 38 724 0 7 1,893 1 32 10 0 30 35 2 11 143 3 1 204 3 0 0 1 19 72 1 3 48 0 3 365 0 14 como ő 0 46 220 0 7 0 27 3 5 030 0 3 15 2 1 14 5 3 9 8 2 35 11 2 21 0 3 24 1 0 4 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 26 20 2 25 1 9 0 32 0 0 6 20 3 33 1 097 0° 0 21 43 0 0 2 1 3 1 3 1 19 01... Total 48 1 3 394 1 22 31 0 3 267 071 17,224 1 4 41,364 1 29 2,773 1 33 70 08 81 1 20 231 0 37 5 2 32 12 251 49 1 141 3 0 1 DAR- BHANGA. 1 Bhaorma 12 2 27 167 0 14 87 2 1 | Fakrabad Ö g 650 83 4 3 24 1 31 1 7 . . . 11 ... 0 2 17 0 2 17 Total 1 0 12 12 2 27 254 2 15 633 2 38 4 3 24 10 0 7 29 2 30 201 3 36 2 0 15 3,408 127 264 1,894 159 4 3 13 ***6° 3 16 3 12 2 3 1 5 0 38 0 37 2,918 2 26 59 1 37 242 2 2 36 1 35 4 322 0 18 211 0 7 730 3 1 0 11 10 0 7 29 2 30 5,854 0 15 4,735 0 21 2 0 15 DU TO 11 30 18,382 2 0 3,256 0 20 5,499 0 22 73 3 78 2 35 / Flax, Indigo. | Cotton. Til. I Other non- food-crops. Dhan. Kurthi, Urid. Janera. Methi. Alua. Mung. Bajra. Garden | Other food-crops. food-crops. MALDA. 2 3 4 | Akbarabad Bhatiya ... Kotwali... Mahinagar Sujanagar ... Total ...... GRAND TOTAL | 49 1 15 1,366 1 24 12 2 27 35 0 20 1721 3 21 92,445 2 11 117,471 1 4 440 171 1,611 3 10 255 2 8 1 12 5 376 3 2 345 3 10 ( 78 ) Statistical Statement (20 D) of the Srinagar Court of Wards and Banaili Raj Estates-continued. 42 43 44. 45 AGHANI-concluded. RABI. Non-FOOD CROPS. FOOD-CROPS. Til Total agliani. Arhar. Khesari. Masuri. Wheat. Barley. Oats. Potatoes. Peas. Gram. Jao kerao, China. Garden food-crops. Other | food-crops. P. A. R. P. A. 1,018 R. P 3 13 A. 180 A. 1 R. P. 1 35 R. ... 107 A. B. P.) 0 A. R. P. 36 3 11 2 A. 2 3 R. P. 3 28 A. 252 R. P. | 1 19 R. P. 3 11 BHAGAL. PUR. Daphar Harawat ... Khubkhand Utterkhand Nirsingpur Chai A. R. P. 21,368 1: 16 293 1 15 31,279 3 20 12,520 3 23 7,493 2 20 2,958 1 22 3.37 2 19 A. R. P 582 1 16 133 0 18 41305 812 2 36 271 1 1 A. R. P. | A. R. P. 114 2 26 38 2 32 125 3 10 297 3 23 13 2 18 59 2 26 109 3 2 69 0 37 248 3 17 | 145 0 18 A. R. P. 33 0 28 0 0 21 1,895 1 22 741 3 37 559 0 22 627 0 1 ... | 24 A. R. P. 18 2 15 1 3 24 25 0 37 *1 3 21 1,262 30 1,538 0 39 377 09 1,135 1 6 0 1 33 14 0 27 0 1 33 *0*1 24 170 3 38 58 3 27 40 0 19 147 3 30 1 0 2 2 0 27 53 2 13 119 2 10 44 0 0 11 1 21 0 3 24 0 0 2 741 3.38 42 3 22 49 1 34 0 2 2 25 10 1 0 1 17 1 35 1 23 0 15 1 33 | 75,914 1 36 2,212 1 36 | 642 2 33 603 2 14 5,332 0 27 3 ,756 3 11 47 217 195 1 39 418 1 37 213 0 23 59 0 35 1,087 0 35 75 0 21 MONGIYR. i l'arkya ... ... 188 3 5 15,531 0 33 2,195 0 10 2,871 3 22 2,136 2 19 12,831 3 20 4,945 1 21 | 2,869 1 il 963 2 15 | 6,420 0 14 2,684 3 11 4,553 0 14 1,037 2 27 | 2,781 3 28 . . . 0 1 32 253 0 30 27 2 36 0 3 3 190 18 1 4 Ö 4 ( 10 3 17 HOO #200 100 0 10 6 3 poom WHORO 81 0 30 0 2 1 0 2 10 ....... 70 1 PURNEA. 239 0 12 4 1 23 0 0 37 51 0 25 183 0 10 22 0 29 6 13,779 459 0 11 210 0 32 2,403 0 26 12,872 1 12 9,008 % 36 2,331 3 35 2,512 3 24 1,097 3 37 2 18 2 2 12 8 0 61 64 1 19 0 0 23 44 30 75 3 19 54 0 5 Haveli Shahpur ... Dharampur Kadwa isi Tirak hurda Sujanagar Tajpur die Dehat | Daphar con Potal 357 0341 8 0 37 11 2 7 21 2 21 39 1 11 2 2 13 17 0 23 113 3 9 0 0 36 ...... 31 I 3 28 2 11 0 24 2 7 0 31 3 15 0 21 i 2 3 34 589 1 37 548 0 32 75 3.31 7 1,381 0 31 36 0 16 33 3 10 176 1 84 918 1 33 125 0 1 31 1 35 3 2 8 241 3 30 2,952 3 38 100 647 0 14 42.0 13 1 3 33 35 2 34 149 0 27 37 0 18 26 3 10 3 3 16 6 23 2 1 1 i 27 0 15 i 11 2 5 0 2 0 3 7 3 4 179 3 3 48 0 2 28 1 4 51 1 1 4 2 13 11 5 1 5 2.28 41 0 18 0 1 13 1 . 0 0 6 8 2 32 508 3 14 6 0 2 11 4 0 7 0 1 32 | 41 0 18 44,675 2 29 | 503 1 26 1,559 3 32 571 2 31 82 2 14 168 2 13 77 0 38 943 8 5 1 1 14 31 1 7 517 2 2 39 1 DAR- BHANGA. 1 Bbaor Takrabad 26 27 3 3 3 1 23 3 25 3 5 4 8 2 24 2 22 555 1 15 83 3 24 639 0 39 34 1 28 66 2 5 0 4 2 23 3 39 1 Total 30 1 10 23 3 8 10 1 6 1 3 25 100 3 33 5 2 22 0 1 2 28 5000 6 2 1 28 TU 2 4 82 3 36 2 1 1 1 2 22 SO 22 0 1 28 „.54 15 3 3 30 2 0 2 0 3 6 0 30 10 1 39 8,078 2 10 18 0 18 237 1 28 1 0 1,65€ 0 32407 180103 213 0 181 573 2 8 2 36 25 3 21 32 2 25 0 0 17 0 0 21 34 3 15 3,879 18 4,648 1 18 87 2 31 21 1 32 0 2 13 30 3 1 13 3 4 o 14 66 3 14. 2,965 0 27 NAME OF PARGANA. Name of district. | Serial number. Non-food crops. Total ... (134 0 5 0 MALDA. 1,203 0 21 29 3 18 191 3 0 231 1 13 0 0 20 Akbarabad 3,127 0 10 10 2 14 | 25 0 14 Bhatiya . 59 1 37 2 1 12 Kotwali 248 1 18 0 2 30 23 3 34 Mahinagar 4,231 2 16 7 1 24 192 3 37 22 1 27 Sujanasar 212 0 18 0 2 34 33 028 0 1 33 Total 8 0 18 237 1 29 74 1 0 GRAND TOTAL ... 323 1 2 | 41 2 11 144,839 0 36 4,949 1 20 5,333 3 4 3,333 2 13 35 2 34 14 0 9 53 1 23 0 1 18 239 2 0 1 3 1 37 72 i 4 90 1 0 1 3 38 407 1 39 9,782 1 13 1,656 0 32 22,775 0 22 103 2 4 3,102 3 36 573 2 2 7,489 1 11 10 1 39 90 1 29 41 3 6 | 2,738 1 35 1,336 3 5 ( 79 ) Statistical Statement (20D) of the Srinagar Court of Wards and Banaili Raj Estates-concluded. 50 51 66 RABI—concluded. Name of district. Serial numker. Dolasla. REMARKS. A. R. P. " BEAGAL- PUR, Dapbar " Harawat Khubkhand Utterkhand Nirsingpur Chai A. R. P. 4,449 0 13 8 3 22 699 0 35 611 0 33 159 2 0 165 0 38 76 2 6 A.R.P.1 A, R. P. 15 3 23 385 1 32 7 3 131 13 3 281 A. R. P. A. R. P.1 ...... | 2 0 0 9 3 2 10 2 3 32 142 1 6 . 0 3 39) . 12 3 264 2 20 A. R, P. A. R. P. 1,371 3 141 ...... 1 1,211 3 101 3 1.13 214 0 23 147 1 17 39 3 20 A. R. P. A. R.P. 21 0 13 3 3 3 177 0 23 16 3 20 17 1 3 10 0 261 4 3 10 60 5 2 2 7 0 1 19 222 3 22 430 331 A. R. P. A. R. P. A. B. P. 339 2 201 15 2 24 125 1 391 0 1 13 15 0 36 1 1 01 A. R. P. 8,550 2 3 142 0 21 7,675 3 11 4,452 1 34 1,872 3 3 2,613 1 12 · A. R. P. 40,492 2 35 688 0 17 50,037 1 38 25,811 2 11 13,022 0 23 6,146 0 18 A. R. P. 34,068 1 33 656 2 30 39,040 2 14 18,278 0 4 10,619 1 13 5,363 3 38 A. R. P. 6,424 1 2 31 1 27 10,996 3 24 7,533 27 2,402 3 10 782 0 20 • Total ... 6,093 0 21 76 2 6 423 0 16 249 2 17169 2 12 / 2,985 0 4 3 1 13 497 0 391 0 1 13 1,25,308 0 4 136,198 0 22 108,027 0 12 28,171 0 10 VONGHYR. 1 Farkya ... . 1,705 2 3 13,302 2 30 10 3 011.34 0 14 845 3 20 493 1 1 136 0 35/381 2 38 1,499 3 12| ...... 64,801 0 35 114,469 1 23/ 81,035 330 333,433 1 33 10 1,040 0 33 9 2 121 r... 2 3 I 20 64 1 8 122 2 30 0021 5 1 10 170 7 8 108 636 28 2 281 ...... 0 151 0 8 0 2 34 1 30 1 36 9 2 15 2 25 1,217 3 231 01 1 32 0 36 11 0 8 16 2 38 25 0 14 65 2 24 105 3 371 00 30 2 191 21 151 2 16 7 1 11 127 0 151 0 0 0 24 1 2 14) 79 0 331 0 223 5 0 4 13 0 17 3 26 0 11 1 0 811 2 31 0 8,184 1 31 211 20 .232 04 1,092 1 1 4,466 0 18 4,215 0 5 885 3 25 1,114 0 22 732 2 17 9 13 2 10 26,201 1 4 "797 3 3 624 2 12 3,865 3 2 21,118 3 6 16,382 0 32 4,721 3 11 5,481 2 12 3,840 0 34 0 3 14 5 0 21 22,859 3 24 713 2 17 483 1 15 3,335 i 33 17,44 2 25 12,663 0 2 4,165 1 17 4,752 0 2 3,215 2 14 3,341 84 0 26 1.11 0 37 530 1 9 3,674 0 21 3,719 0 30 556 1 34 729 2 10 624 2 20 62 3 31 (138 0 10 2 24 0 24 1 2 34 17 0 13 125 2 0 1,701 3 35/10 2,038 3 22 206 1 13 10 1 26 5 0 21 1 9| 1,653 0 181 13 2 39 261 0 10 1 1 20 15 1 4 21,134 0 3 1 83,033 3 36 69,632 3 29 13,401 0 7 1 Bhaor Fakrabad Bancabad *** 9 1 33 0 2 30 DARBUAN Gå. I . 0 0 29 SHI 18 1 321 10 2 0 28 3 32 0 1 27 00 0 3 13 0 1 27 0 3 20 98 1 25 115 0 20 820 3 14 286 2 5 755 186 1 5 1 30 Total 9 1 33 0.0 10 0 0 10 65 2 9 100 0 15 165 2 24 0 2 30 0 0 29 00 213 2 5 1,107 1 19 941 2 35 14 1 3 1 0 27 0 201 38 "...on 9.2 35 - 17 1 21 1 0 211 21 3 9 8 2 24 386 1 26 1 1 27 ...... 14 0 2 18 1 1.18 0 5 0 20 3-35 1 25 0 2 113 5 2,325 3 16 136 0 23 523 1 14 3,131 3 33 140 2 35 2 321 1 33| 1 381 2 30 0 1 10 1 0 11 1 6 0 29 0 201 8,861 2 38 323 0 23 1,035 3 37 -9,457 3 71 512 0 10 III.I. 5,769 1 6 251 0 1 800 1 7 7,472 0 33 365 i 4 3.092 1 32 72 0 22 235 9 30 1,985 2 14 146 3 6 8 1 36 ...... | 428 0 5 8 2 23 160 0 35 9 2 35 36 3 23 6,258 0 il 20,190 2 35 14,658 0 11 5,532 2 24 NAME OF PAR- GANA, NON-FOOD CROPS. Mustard. Tari. Sugar- Poppy. Gram and | Linseed linseed. Total-cropped area. Castor oil seed. Gojai, Total area under culiiva- tion. Tobacco. I Cotton. Other non- food crops. cane, Saffron.. Flax. | Total rabi. PURNBA. Haveli Shahpur Dharampar Kadwa Tirakhurda Sujanagar ... Tajpur ... Debat Daphar 1,467 2 63 2 16 46 0 7 450 1 27 1,433 0 33 2,447 3 16 557 1 29 533 1 17 258 1 33 Total 7,257 3 28 92 2 23 67 1 35 MALDA. OTA CORO Akbarabad Bhatiya Kotwali Mahinagar ... Sujapagar ... 9 0 37 66 0 3 1,967 2 13 77 0 32 Total ... 2,042 3 13 237 1 10 15 3 12 GRAND TOTAL ... 17,108 3 18 15,655 1 28 10 3 01808 1 7 1,115 0 974 2 33 5,608 1 3422 1 6 2,173 0 17 449 1 5 2,295 0 14 1 2 33 15 1 4 117,714 8 8 354,999 2 15 274,295 2 37 80,703 3 18 E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. ( 80 ) 18 EM THE AN AGA то TE. STATISTICAL STATEMENT (20E) of the BANAILI RAJ AND SRINAGAR Court of Wards' ESTATE. Comparison of areas and rentals according to the landlords' rent-rolls with those ascertained by Survey and Settlement (1888-90). as 11 12 13 14. 15 NAME OF DISTRICT. Serial met | Namo of pargana. No, Area according Rent according Arena to landlord's to landlord's raing Area according Rent according rent.roll. rent.roll. | to settlement. to survey. Increase of area, Decrease of area. Increase of | Decrease of rent. rent. Halhasili area, Jaidadi area. Bhaoli area. REMARKS. A, R. P. HG Daphar Khubkhand Haruwat ... - Utterkband Nirsingpur Chai BHAGALPUR A. R. P. Rs. A. P. A. R. P. Rs. A. P. A. R. P. 28,738 1 38 38,833 0 34,765 i 25 45,365 7 6,026 3 27 26,955 0 18 61,558 1 3 33,407 0 34 62,814 13 3 6,452 0 16 656 3 3 2,401 10 6 687 0 27 2,403 1 9 30 1 24 15.772 1 34 28,670 1 4 20,387 0 39 30,763 73 4,614 3 5 10,440 1 17 23,973 0 0 11,514 3 31 23,886 0 0 1,074 2 14 3,656 2 8 0,393 90 4,239 0 13 6,574 2 6 582 2 6 86,219 2 38 | 1,61,879 6 10 | 105,001 0 9 | 1,71,807 0 6 | 18,781 1 11 Rs. 4. P.! Rs. A. P. 6,482 7 01 2,806. 3 $ 1,549 6 3 1 73 2,093 5 11 87 0 0 18096 11,663 15 11 1,636 6 0 A. R. P. 4,297 3 4 602 0 6 1,199 1 36 6,099 1 5 A. R. P. 4,001 3 21 10 0 20 A, R. P. 179 1 28 2,424 2 15 377 3 24 326 1 8 665 2 24 3,873 3 14 20 6 Total 4,012 0 1 MONGHYR i Farkya ... ... 79,607 3 20 1,90,226 13 4 81,560 0 26 1,81,607 13 6 1,952 1 6 8,718 16 10 1,034 1 37 1 . LI OTHCO 3 Monate 5,503 S 24 57 3 24 27 1 24 159 20 Haveli Shahpur ... Dharampur Kadwa ... Tirakhurda Sujanagar ... Tajpur . Dehat 9. Daphar ... Total 48,339 0 9 916 2 10 555 i 28 4,067 39 15,970 1 14 13,496 3 5 4,657 1 21 7,227 1 31 4,340 0 14 30,536 15 3 1,505 12 4 457 5 3 3,169 8 6 28,887 9 4 22,170 6 10 9,741 06 11,267 2 7 2,492 40 42,835 0 25 978 3 1 497 2 4 4,320 0 10 19,631 232 12,860 3 35 5,837 2 0 1,152 15 7 144 8 i 38 09 708 6 10 PURNEA 29,383 15 8 ) 1,361 4 3 410 46 3,210 4 3 28,179 2 6 22,255 11 6 9,332 1 9 10,820 10 61 2,978 7 0 252 1 1 3,661 1 18 1,180 0 19 2,198 3 13 266 2 35 40 il 9 85 48 635 3 10 O 408 149 440 8 1 4,606 3 9 486 3 0 612 3 5 ! 99,570 3 21 1,10,228 0 7 100,994 3 0 1,07,940 13 11 7,621 1 37 6,197 2 18 2,899 6 1 186 3 24 011 468 0 4 7,865 2 23 426 X 36 234 721 5 2 Bhatiya ... Mahinagur Sujanagar Akbarabad Kotwali 197 8 9 177 3 25 2 2 15 3 9 MALDA 1,351 3 6 8,910 8 6 935 60 9,417 15 6 2,126 8 0 1,585 8 9 9,631 11 3 753 14 0 10,431 1 3 2,066 2 4. 37 0 22 665 3 13 8,043 2 8 392 0 29 8,347 2 23 1,636 09 19,085 1 2 181 8 0 1,013 1 9 60 6 8 Total 8,760 1 23 23,741 9 6 24,468 5 7 378 1 9 37 0 22 1,968 7 9 L 241 13 8 O Bhaor | Pakrabad ... DARBHANGA 739 0 24 185 0 0 105 6 1 19 1 19 94 2011 The tormer area is not given in the hustabud. The area is not given in the hus. tabud, The cause of decrease in the total rent is that one village, Jote Parsia, borne in zamindar's rent-roll, was not brought under settlement, as the Raj had only a fractional share in this village. ... Total the count is borne not 924 0 24 924 0 24 2,002 10 6 844 2 1,908 8 6 686 10 0 191 1 19 686 10 0 2,595 2 6 4,88,765 2 9 | 307,677 0 19 | 4,88,3194 0 96 2 0 M . 2,689 4 6_1,035 3 22_3, 111 2 38 28,845 0 21 | 6,234 3 0 GRAND TOTAL ... | 275,083 0 6 14,144 11 1 13,590 11 10 2,099 1 5 4,012 0 1 5,095 0 35 NOTE.-The total rent-paying area shown in this statement does not agree with the rent-paying area shown in column 6 of Statement 20A., por with the totals of Statements 20 B, and 20C., because it includes such of the proprietor's private lands as are settled with riyats and pay rent jointly to the two estates. E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. ( 81 ) REVISED STATISTICAL STATEMENT (20F) OF THE BANAILI RAJ AND SRINAGAR ESTATE. Comparison of areas and rentals of holdings of which settlement was made under section 104(2) of the Bengal Tenancy Act. 9 10 10 11 11 NAME OF DISTRIOI Serial number. | Name of pargana. / Former area. | Survey area. Former rent. | Settled rent. | Increase of area. | Decrease of area. Increase of rent. Decrease of rent. REMARKS. o ot e со он Rs. A. P. 38,833 091 48,587 201 22,248 13 1 23,088 3 0 3,725 3 6 Daphar Harawat Khubkhand Uttarkhand 5 Nirsingpur Kura Chai 11 A. R, P. 1,509 2 30 51 3 35 7 2 27 Rs. A. P. A. B. P. 45,236 8 0 7,556 2 5 53,902 6 10 | 5,72339 24,086 5 8 2,532 0 16 23,530 8 6 1,133 1 2 4,229 5 0 643 0 38 A. & P. 28,738 1 38 22,128 2 23 10,938 338 10,243 34 2,155 2 2 74,205 1 23 59,761 1 3 2,514 2 23 386 2 10 Rs. A. P. 3,067 9 11 373 16 0 348 12 1 133 49 Bhagalpur Rus. A. P. 9,421 1 2 5,689 3 10 2,186 48 575 10 3 504 1 6 Total A. R. P. 34,785 1 13 27,800 1 35 13,471 0 12 11,369 1 19 2,798 3 0 90,224 3 39 62,966 O 36 3,252 8 8 413 1 28 198 0 20 19,593 0 0 4,676 i 1 3,923 9 2,362 2 9 0 Monghyr 1,569 1 12 | 18,376 4 5 866 1 30 5,016 11 8 23 12 6 1 Farkya 1,36,532 6 4 1,60,985 20 17,588 3 28 1,40,412 1 4 1,43,066 11 0 4,071 1 23 1,867 10 73 1,891 7 13 738 0 25 584 1 3 581 11 91 26 3 18 271 8 9 1 292 6 11 18 3 32 25,618 6 91 28,188 2 6 4,056 37 8,005 18 7 8,061 11 10 172 3 38 25 6 Haveli Shahpur 3 Dharampur Kadwa 5 Tirak hurdah 9 Sujanagar 7 Tajpur 8 Debat Daphar Purnea 179 0 28 15,536 0 33 4,761 0 5 20 14 2,596 8 255 1 2 0 9 26 12 8 199 3 6 257 3 2 13 1 1 700 7 6 1 11 8 3 Total 271 0 31 3,596 11 11 239 13 6 3,602 2 71 4,503 3 29 27,070 0 26 | 32,737 % 6 431 2 8 622 2 32 6,315 2 27 7,533 0 14 337 2 0 333 2 22 7,650 0 35 731° 0 38 923 1 36 7,815 3 33 17,063 0 19 1,68,852 3 5 2,02,991 3 10 20 792 16 Malda 2,090 2 91 2,779* 20 9242 23 38,437 11 83 41,794 10 13 5,938 1 23 1,008 13 3 1,376 10 6 211 2 25 7,139 0 31 8,581 0 9 2,009 3 5 642 8 9 658 14 3 12 0 22 8,496 14 3 9,623 1 3 874 14 3 1,094 13 → 222 1 17 18,162 2 9 21,334 8 4 2,455 3 29 3,33,544 6 13 3,57,180 15 55' 90,054 2 13 2 1 1 18 0 0 1 1 Bhatiya Malinagar Sujanagar Akbarabad 1 Kotwali Total ... GRAND TOTAL ... 377 2 3 1,610 12 6 43 6 0 1,916 3 3 251 7 10 9 5 0 168 12 0 27 0 6 790 0 3 31 8 6 30 019 868 3 38 3,565 3 3 4,198 15 10 31,188 12 10 1,026 10 3 7,552 3 6 NOTE.-Tbis statement differs from statement 20E, as it includes only such rentals as were actually settled under section 104 (2) of the Tenancy Act, and not such rents as were recorded. E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. ( 82 ) APPENDIX B. List of Estates belonging to the Srinagar Court of Wards' Estate jointly with the Banaili Raji and other proprietors which have come under settlement. i DISTRICT. Pargana. Tauzi num- ber. Share of Share of Share of Name of Estate. Srinagar Banaili lovher pro- Government revenue. estate. estate. prietors. | REMARKS. 1 1 2 As. Gs. Rus. A. P. As. Gs. 80 Bhagalpur ... Khubkhand .. As. Gs. - 8 o 8 14 3554 Taluka Tolhar .. 3555 | Mohunpur Nohut- It tau. OOOS Uttarkhand 3556 Nohutta 3558 Kandaha 3559 Nabarwar, 3566 Kumrouli 3521 Chainpur 3522 Gangora Bebra 3523 Kbanputti 3524 Shahpur CO CO CO CO CO CO CO OOO O 1,520 130 865 12 0 This comprises the vil.' lage of Mohunpur in which Afzul Ali and others are co-sharers. 4 0 19,183 13 0 This comprises, among 92 12 0 other villages, Nohut- 69 5 0 ta and Bad Tekuti, in 77 11 0 which Afzul Ali and 827 12 0 others are co-sharoix. 492 10 0 962 7 0 Includes the survey 341 10 01 village of Saifabad alias Bungaon with tauzi No. 3526. 546 11 0 See tauzi No. 3523. ' 1,895 13 0 Includes Agwanpur, 10 00 Ethairi and Sesai vil. 839 90 lages, 875 3 0 294 4 860 10 0 199 11 0 3 50 2,548 14 0 150 8 0 Nirsingpur K00- rah. 462 3526 Saifabad 3527 Agwanpur 3532 Göburgara 3546 Aukahi Belvali 464 | Bellait 482 Goliya 508 Museuri 526 Chikni 388 Taluka Nayanagar 410 Muzaffarpur IS- mail. 3843 Darphar 3844 Bhimnagar 3872 Parsabi 3876 Roghunathpur 3889 Hoseivabad CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO COOO OO OOO OOO O OOO Chai Daphar ... . CO 8 0 9001 20,353 6 1,182 00 This includes Bhimna. 22 0 0 gar, Setapur and Nir- 514 2 0 malli. 256 14 0 8 Harawat ... Total 38,987 7 0 : ... 16 0 Darbhanga ... Bhaor ... Fakrabad 10371 Basdeopur 1044 | Nirbhaipur 5460 | Bishonpur Fukla 5461 Bishonpur Baiguil 5462 Bishonpur 16 16 16 0 0 0 89 60 56 96 122 11 10 32 13 9 91 2 5 16 0 Total 392 11 6 Malda ... 8 0 ... | Akbarabad Belbari Bhatiya... 8 0 COCO Akbarabad 76 Taluka Gangaram- pur. 528 Poraninagar 568 Mahinagar Poraninagar Mahinagar co 0 Total 23,530 5 0 This estate includes 329 6 0 | Dehat pargana and Sujanagar pargana in Purnea. 605 3 0 This includes 26 vil- 3,537 30 lages in Mahinagar prrgana, i.e., the 28,002 1 0 taluka Gunga Debi and taluka Battris- kola. 7,241 4 131) These two estates form the survey vil- 51 243) lage of Amgachi. 21 12 10 7,314 3 4 Purnea Tirakhurdah 160 7241 Tirekhurdah 1261 Amgachi 1139 Arazi Phoolbari .. Total ... 16 0 Haveli 3 57 12 144 5,365 14 6 * 201 Kobhara Jagaili Kadgama Mankaul Kanti Hasaili Chuk Jitwarpur Sonsa Bhanbhag Parora 616 Sarounchia 2 15 13 5 III 16 0 202 Bhag Pariag . 80 10 5 3 The one-anna portion of this village only is settled, 146 0 2 In this village the estates hold jointly bighas 1,218-18-18. The Srinagar estate holds solely 870 bighas 5 dhurs. The Banaili estate holds solely bighas 841-18-17. Total ... ..... 5,522 3 11 Shahpur Dharampur 1233 | Surrah Kaimi ... 36 Amirpur Hurdas 404 Chukla Kalabar- pur. 16 16 16 0 0 0 515 3 21 This estate comprises 271 7 7 two villages, viz., 306 12 11 | Surah Kaimi and Sadhowli Kalan. Total ... .... 1,0937 83 ( 83 ) Distriot. Pargana. Tauzi num- ber. Name of estate. Share of Share of Share of | Srinagar | Banaili (other pro-|| Government estate. estate. prietors. revenue. REMARKA. so As. GS. Monghyr ... Farkya ... ... 526 541 508 671 653 1823 Rs. A. P. 746 14 0 274 6 0 1 87 0 0 12 2 1,216 60 4 0 0 O CO CO CO CO 0000 ထထ တ ထ ထ ထ ထထထ ထ တ 1826 1854 8 7 0 2 1861 11 14 oo ooo ooo ooooo 1880 18S6 000 2428 Tuppeh Jamalpur Kismat Ghordour amanut Rupowli Sher Chuckla Mohobba ... Than Singh, Havil- dar. Chain Singh, Naik | Gobindram, Jama- dar. Sadik Muhammad Komedan. Sular Singh Sepahi) Durgahi Khan, Ja- madar, Faizulla Khan, Ja- madar, Sher Muhammad Joiabor Singh, Sepahi. Amanat thana Rutton. Amanat Rupowli 8 0 Mahomedpur 8 0 Bhelwa Amanat Setanabad 80 | Ditto thana Parbutta. Gangbarar Madho- 8 0 pur. 00 14 12 14 2 2441 2461 00 2480 00 548 8 0 2531 2682 12 12 292 14 0 0 2714 3085 25 4 0 44 8 0 3,479 80 4421 i Total GRAND TOTAL ... 29,807 0 0 1,11,119 12 53 List of Revenue-free estates which have come under settlement. No. NAME OF DISTRICT. Name of pargana. Name of estate. MARKS. 1 Purnea 2 Do. ... Haveli ... Mirzabari ... This estate comprises 2156. 7k. 9d., and is the sole property of the Srinagar Court of Wards. b. K. d. ... Do. ... Miab bazar ... This estate includes Khalifa Chuck. Area held by the Srinagar and Banaili estate jointly 99 16 3 Area held solely by the Srinagar Court of Wards ... 278 12 3 Total area 378 8 6 | Dharampur | Chuckla Hurki This estate contains 176. 18k. The bigha is 3,600 square yards. 3 | Do. ' Jha. List of villages held under Patni leases by the Banaili-Srinagar Estates which have come under settlement. No. NAME OF DISTRICT. Name of pargana. Names of villages. SHARE HELD BY- Rent pay able by Banaili Srinagar | patnidars. Raj. Raj. REMARKS. Rs. 1 Purnea ... Haveli | Khunti Dudhaili 5 4 10 8 1,473 The village is held under Rai Dhunput Singh Bahadur of Murshidabad. 2 Do. Do. ... Do. Do. ... Khokha Khokha .....! 16 0 2,325 The village is owned by Babu Dhumchand Lall of Purnea (12 annas) and by Mrs. Hayes of Purnea (4 annas). 12 ( 84 ) SHARE HELD BY- NO. NAME OF DISTRICT. Name of pargana. Names of villages. Rent pay. able by patnidars, REMARKS. Banaili , Raj. Srinagar Raj. 1 A. P. 1 A. P. Rs. Purnea Haveli Dhusmar Sontha Khelwarra Sadhowli Khurd Damaili Deoria Dihia Maknaha Kuthua Sarra Bathna Pul Banaili Chandi Mathia Bosi Cbanka Banaili Abdullanagar ... Singhia Bhagta Banaili Basgarra 16 O 6,633 The proprietary right in these villages is held by Rai Dhun. put Singh Bahadur of Mur. shidabad. 4 | Do. Do. ... Dharampur.. Arazi Hurda Satkudaria Bahadurpur... Arazi Gangaili 160 295 The proprietary right in these villages is held by Babu Thunk Nath Chowdhuri of the Maldwar estate, Dinaja pur. | Kadwa ... Mahthour ... ... 8 0 8 0 581 The proprietary right in_this village is held by Babu Thunk Nath Chowdhuri of Dinajpur, 6 Do. .. Do. Do. ... Arazi Bhelahi Bhelabı Bhimraili Bathia Deari Harkbaili Hamsaili Ghoghra Kuchaili Chapra Muthwaul Telas Thapkaul Kalan Thapkaul Khurd 16 0 1,304 The proprietary right in these villages is held jointly by Babu Rai Dhunput Singh, Bahadur, and Babu Thunk Nath Chowdhuri. Do. ... Tajpur 16 O 8,317 The whole property settled in this par- gana, comprising 31 villages and 7,769 acres 32 poles. The proprietary right in these villages is held by the Maha- rani Mujheria of Dinajpur. - - - Villages held under Durputni leases. Purnea Haveli Shahbaja Balua Bhawaninagar... Jhuni Kalan Jhuni Khurd ... Sarra Basethi ... 16 0 4,051 These villages are the proprie- tary right of Babu Rai Dhun- put Singh, Babadur. The puinidar is Mir Mahommad Kazim of Purnea. List of villages in which shares are held on mokurari leases by relatives of the Srinagar and Banaili proprietors. MONGHYR. Pargana Farkya. ... The 18-anna Banaili share is held ... į mokurari by Khusi Maya Dhai alias Khamikhya Dhai. Bela Simri ... . Dudraba ... Tetarabad ... Chuck Tetarabad Chandpur Khurd Munsi ... Sonsarpur ... Hurdas Chuck Chandwa Khurd Mustafapur Parmanandpur Shabpur Bhagwan Sahouri .. Piprail ... Rohua Bengalia Ethairi Mohiuddinpur ... The 8-anna Banaili share is held i mokurari by Punomati Dhai. ... The 8-anna Srinagar share is held mokurari by Buddon Dhai. ( 85 ) BHAGALPUR. Pargana Khubkhand. Shahpur Ramjitolah Bhelahi Mujhoul Guria Lohar Govindpur Guria Kandaha Rusulpur Darhar Hati Murlipur Katiaħi Kuthua Arazi Kuthua Sarouni Mysarho Thanwar Parewa :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: The Banaili 8-anna share is held mukarrari by Chandra Maya Dhai. Nunia.- The Banaili 8-anna share is held by Chandra Maya Dhai. Kamrouli.—The Banaili 8-anna share is held by Chandra Maya Dhai. Pargana Nirsingpur Koorah. Chikni and Khari.-The Banaili share is held mukarrari by Maha Maya Dhai. Golaya. - The Banaili share is held mukarrari by Kushi Maya Dhai alias Khamikhya Dhai. List of propietors holding the 4-anna share in Nawhatta and Bad Tekhutta villages, part of Estate Nawharta, tausi No. 3556, pargana Khubkhand, Bhagalpur. Murdan Ali Khan Afzul Ali Khan Reza Ali Khan Safdar Ali Khan Asgar Ali Khan Asmut Ali Khan Mahtab Ali Khan Share. A. G. E. 0 16 3 0 19 11 1 19 15 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 OOK Total ... 4 0 0 List of proprietors holding 7 annas 6 gundas share in Estate Mohunpur Nawhutta, tauzi No. 3556; pargana Khubkhand, Bhagalpur. A. G. K. Murdan Ali Khan ... 1 5 1 Afzul Ali Khan ... 1 5 Reza Ali Khan 0 ... 1 5 0 Safdar Ali Khan ... 2 0 0 Asmut Ali Khan ... 0 10 1 Asgar Ali Khan ... ( 10 i Mahtab Ali Khan 0 10 1 Total ng 60 E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. ( ) 86 APPENDIX C. . . Statement showing results of surts under sections 104 and 106 of the Tenancy Act in which the londlor ds were the plaintiffs and the tenants defendants. - - - de- DECIDED BY CONTEST. on NATURE OF SUITS. Number Plaint rejected, Dismissed Withdrawa, Lo Compromised. fault. Decreed ex parte, In | Claim admitted, In favour of plaintiffs. In favour of defendants. Total decided. find co food # | | 1 esco ODOTCON For settlement of fair rent under section 104, Chapter 2 Objection regarding existing rent under section 106 Ditto occupancy of land under section 106 Ditto rent-free holdings ditto status under section 106 Other objections under section 106 627 710 263 160 16 112 coco Ditto Total 7 148 1221 30 45 | 157 1 447 1,888 10 Statement showing results of suits under sections 104 and 106 of the Tenancy Act in which the tenants were the plaintiffs and the landlords defendants. For settlement of fair rent under section'104, Chapter 2 Objection regarding existing rent under section 106 . Ditto occupancy of land under section 106 Ditto rent-free holdings ditto Ditto status under section 106 í Other objections under section 106 ... 0 MM Promoci 212 104 21 595 292 120 43 12 24 Total 217 16 12 357 1,079 Statement showing results of suits under sections 104 and 106 of the Tenancy Act in which the tenants were the plaintiff's and defendants. O OTCONN For settlement of fair rent under section 104, Chapter 2 Objection regarding existing rent under section 106 ... Ditto occupañcy of land under section 106 Ditto rent-free holdings ditto Ditto status under section 106 Other objections under section 106 ... ... 135 | 16 4 185 168 617 517 - Total 4 | 35 | 16 41 135 168 517 E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. BHAGALPUR. List of parganas. 1. Daphar 2. Harawat 3. Khubkhand 4. Uttarkhand ... 1 1 Abstract. ( 67 Villages. 1 Village. | 1 Abstract. • 181 Villages 1 1 Abstract. ... 1 25 Villages. 11 Abstract. 8 Villages. 1 Abstract. ... og Villages. 5. Nirsingpur 6. Chai ( 88 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES. Abstract of Duphar parğana, Bhagalpur district. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre, REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 277 8 12 K. D. 9 8 Proprietors' private lands ... 5 Rs. A. P. 1 Of the proprietors' private' lands 1116. 77. are settled with raiyats at Rs. 293-15, and 1666. lk. 12d. are held khas. O 2502 939 Raiyats at fix. Resident ... | ed rates ... Non-resident Settled rai- Resident ... | Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resideut Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats Non-resident B. K. D. 5 8 16 4 6 14 yats. 44 4 19 42 17 17 13,975 2 9 4,551 11 8 172 6 3 346 19 1 286 1 6 353 15 5 14 14 19 14 5 19 5 11 14 4 17 0 5 48 7 10 17 I ll 15 3 0 5 47 4 31 54 3 9 30,050 11 3 10,169 11 0 397 13 8 746 15 01 708 11 91 937 10 0 1 0 2 1 4 0 2 2 4 2 3 9 2 5 2 2 5 2 12 11 2 10 9 10 3 - 0 12 0 1 4 6 | Bhaoli 1 5 5 1 6 2 1 4 7 1 10 10 1991 33 46 180 11 5 6 4 14 10 118 Total ... 25 15 5 Rent-free holdings ... 202 1,816 1 7 8 19 10 There are 38 tenure-holders with 130 raiyats who hold 8886. ik, 3d. at Rs. 1,958-8-3, and 816. 7 k. 18d. bhaoli; standard pole-9 cubits. Total 4076 | 21,868 8 7 43,113 0 1.- Village Dahgama, pargana Duphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. B. K. D. 75 1 16 204 2 0 14 19 2 12 16 10 B. 6. D. 25 0 12 9 5 10 3 14 15 12 16 10 yats. 381 1 26 7 26 10 9 0 9 1 13 10 1 13 11 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 10 7 5 Rent-free holdings 3 16 0 3 16 0 Total area 3696. 8. 19d. In addition to the area described, area held by tenure-holder 350. 19. held by eight raiyats, of wbich 2b. 8k. 10d. bhaoli, and 326. 10k. 10d. , at Rs. 107. Kamat lands are held by three raiyats at Rs. 200-5. Total rental of the village Rs. 741-8-6. Total 31 310 15 8 434 36 2.- Village Arazi Chitoni, parganı Duphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 326. 47. 16d. Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident | cy raiyats. 21 17 1 27 11 28 2 3 2 8 0 15 13 2 8 2 45 9 4 14 4 13 6 0 9 2 1 61 2 1 3 2 96 1 8 6 1 10 0 1 3 3 Total 26 12 4 55 5 3 3.- Village Arazi Rajpur, pargana Duphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 13 4 6 17 Settled ral. Non-resident yats. Non-occupán- Non-resident cy raiyats. Renr-free holdings B. K. D. 55 9 2 1 5 18 5 12 8 Rs. A. P. 93 3 3 7 3 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. 1 11 1 1 0 4 Total area 656. 18k. 16d. 0 5 0 0 3 0 | One tenure-bolder holds 26. 10k. 16d. at Rs. 2-8-9. 1 5 18 2 16 4 ...... · Total ... 16 62 7 8 93 10 6 ( 89 ) 4.–Village Arraha, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. _ · Class of holding. Number of holdings, Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 5 - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ܝܙܝܚܕ B. K. D. 1 ll 14 17 12 10 B. K. D. 1 11 14 17 12 10 17 4 0 100 9 3 0 Total area 1,3796. 2k. 4d. The proprietors' private ladds are held khas by both estates. . Proprietors' private land ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rate, Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non.resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. - Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total . ... &ܗܰܝܙ 843 11 0 145 6 6 5 14 12 9 18 9 1 12 5 14 12 2,029 3 6 344 14 9 14 5 3 2 6 2 6 2 13 6 0 9 1 1 1 5 5 9 9 6 3 ܗ ܗ 16 11 7 21 7 9 201 1 11 3 4 6 6 5 5.9 14 1 48 13 3 61 40 2 15 2 14 1 6 1 12 1 12 6 0 30 144 1,252 16 9 2,515 12 9 5.–Village Balua, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 192 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings ... B. K. D. 2 6 16 448 18 3 60 3 5 3 1 14 30 10 5 0 15 8 2 6 15 3 6 16 3 1 14 30 10 5 0 7 14 5 16 15 976 8 0 131 11 3 8 10 0 47 10 3 '1 12 0 1 Rs. A. P. 2 2 6 2 3 6 2 14 0 1 9 4 2 2 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 7396. 18k. 14d. 1 4 7 | The proprietors' private 1 5 1 lands are held khas. 1 11 6 The resident settled raiyats 0 15 1 hold 26. 14d. bhaoli. 1 4 6 VAAT 17 93 9 16 639 5 17 Total 232 1,166 36 6.-Village Balbhadarpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. 2 B. K. D. 18 0 9 17 14 2 Settled rai- Non-resident - yats. Occupancy Non-resident raigats. B. K. D. 9 0 4 5 180 Rs. A. P. 22 12 6 17 10 9 Rs. A. P. 1 4 2 0 15 0 Rs. A. P. 0 12 3 0 9 0 Total area 906. 17d. Total 35 14 11 40 7 3 OOO 7.- Village Baijnathpur Nauabad, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. 2 3 B. K. D. 83 3 12 109 11 2 2 9 16 9 1 8 17 9 5 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raigats. Non-resident Non-occu. ) pancy rai. Non-resident · yats. B. K. D. 5 17 14 6 3 13 1 4 1 2 5 1 Rs. A. P. 212 8 0 286 13 0 6 6 6 24 7 0 2 2 2 8 9 9 fi OO 000 Rs. A. P. I 8 3 1 8 6 1 9 3 1 10.0 Total area 2536. lk. ld. One raiyat under the Sri- nagar estate as tenure- holder holds 125. 17k. 3d, at Rs. 32-15-. 5 16 1 45 13 6 2 9 8 1 9 0 Rent-free holdings | 5 0 13 15 0 13 Total 226 15 16 576 0 0 :- Village Baijnathpur Sabik, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. 9 16 . . B. K. D. 0 9 16 149 11 16 35 8 6 2 14 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings O COLO 8 6 5 1 2 14 3 1 0 321 11 79 14 8 1 9 0 6 2 2 3 1 3 0 4 0 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 2316. 187. 18d. 1 4 01 The proprietors' private 1 5 9 lands are held khas. 1 11 10 26 19 10 6 14 17 Tota 215 3 8 409 11 3 771 ( 90 ) 9.- Village Basawanpatti, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. II Class of holding Number 1 of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS... ! 3 7 . Rs, A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 2 0 18 326 15 15 687 16 49 3 2 B. K. D. 1 0 9 13 1 8 4 17 12 6 1 17 707 1 6 165 93 . 2 2 10 2 70 ..... Rs. A. P. Total area 4685, 10%. 11d. 1 4 8 1 One tenure-holder with 26, 1 Ï 0 5k. 4d. at Rs. 5-10-6. The proprietors' private lands are held without payment of rent. Total 446 7 11 872 10 9 14. 10.- Village Barhampur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. LA Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. E. D. 127 6 6 14 7 9 0 9 14 6 13 13 5 5 7 PANOO B. K. D. 2 14 3 1 15 18 0 4 17 1 4 8 5 7 Rs. A. P. 200 2 9 26 13 0 1 0 3 17 2 0 Rs. A. P. 1 9 2 1 13 11 2 9 0 1 1 6 Total area 2026. 19%. 13d. One tenure-holder holds 46. 6k, at Rs. 9-10-6. Rs. A. P. 0 14 5 1 1 10 1 10 8 0 10 1 254 2 9 235 2 0 11.- Village Bassantpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. 48 Total area 5376. 4k. 18d. Settled rai. S Resident ..., yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ...! cy raiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 337 19 12 50 9 15 6 10 12 4 17 8 B. K. D. 7 0 16 3 3 2 0 14 10 1 12 9 Rs. A. P. | 646 5 3 103 8 9 14 13 3 16 1 3 Rs. A. P. 1 14 0 1 15 8 2 3 0 3 3 8 Rs. A. P. 1 2 2 1 2 10 1 5 4 1 14 12 Total 399 17 7 780 12 6 12.- Village Bachnu Chackla, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Settled rai. S Residet ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. B. K. D. 108 4 11 19 19 10 6 17 14 B. K. D. 10 16 0 3 13 3 1 14 8 Rs. A. P. 212 9 0 47 12 9 25 8 6 Rs. A. P. 1 15 6 2 6 3 3 9 6 Rs. A. P. 1 2 9 1 72 2 3 5 Total area 1506. 5p. 26. 12k. 16d. bhaoli. 1 16. 87. 12d. bhaoli. IS Total 20 135 1 15 ...... 285 14 3 13.- Village Bahadargunge, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Total area 66. 6c. 4d. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. B. K. D. 3 16 14 O 80 0 0 10 Po ooo B. K. D. 0 5 6 0 4 0 0 0 10 Our Rs. A. P. 7 14 6 1 3 3 0 1 6 Rs. A. P. 1 15 8 2 14 8 3 12 0 Rs. A. P. 1 5 3 1 12 6 2 3 11 IC Total 4 5 4 9 3 3 14.-Village Bahorwa, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident B. K. D. 35 4 16 120 09 69 19 0 B. K. D. 35 4 16 5 9 10 0 16 Rs. A. P. 263 11 3 164 9 0 w a 2 2 2 11 2 9 1 4 10 0 13 11 2 9 8 1 1 8 10 Occapancy Resident ...! raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total .. 260 34 0 13 2 60 | 6 20 34 O 13 Total area 3096. 11%. 2d. Two raiyats under the Banaili Estate as tenure- holders hold 106. 18d. at Rs. 30-14. The proprietors' private lands are held khas. B. K. D.. Bhaoli ... 0 8 10 : 1 9 18 1 261 10 18 434 6 3 ...... ( 91 ) 15.- Pillage Bhagwanpur, pårgana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Average area. Rent. Number of holdings. Area. Average rate Average rate per bigha. I per acre. REMARKS. per holding." 1 Settled yats. rai. S Resident ... . Non-resident B. K. D. 286 11 4 26 16 14 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 6 19 15 554 6 3 3 13 16 155 8 0 Rs. A. P. 1 14 11 2 2 5 . Rs. A. P. 1 2 6 Total area 3736. 16%. 1 4 3 Twenty raiyats under the estates as tenure-holders hold 24b. 5k. 16d., of which 186. 12. 2d. are bhaoli and 56. 13k. 6d. held at Rs. 11-14. Settled raiyats hold 36. 1 1 31 6k. 12d. bhaoli and non. occupancy raiyats hold 95. bhaoli. 3 0 6 1 10 3 1 6 8 6 2 2 8 Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyat. Total 315 8 4 ...... 616 6 9 16.- Village Bhawanipur Tarha, pargana Daphar, District Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 22 19 15 Rs. A. P. 1 0 6 2.8 1 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings ... Total 162 971 139 14 3 10 0 44 6 7 246 15 3 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 22 19 15 23 13 9 4 361 421 96 4 9 18 40 7 6 3 10 0 18 9 0 44 6 7 Rs. A. P. 0 9 9 Total area 3226.5k. 11d. 1 8 1 1 12 11 3 1 10 5 4 6 1 ...... ...... ...... 504 7 9 17.-Village Bhimnagar, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur, B. K. D. 669 4 0 B. K. D. Rs. A. R. 4 15 13 | 1,120 14 3 Rs. A. P. 1 14 1 15 8 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Occupancy Resident ...! raiyats. Non-resident! Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. 1 14 16 18 17 12 0 10 0 1 14 16 6 5 17 0 10 0 3 7 3 37 2 0 100 Rs. A. P. 1 1 11 Total area 6536. 12k. 8d. | This village has been par. 1 3 0 |titioned, and the share 1 3 0 belonging solely to the I 3 2 Srinagar Estate only has been settled. - 111 ♡ 2 0 0 O Total 124 690 6 8 ...... 1,162 7 6 18.- Village Bishunpur Ghonesham, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 2 O 3 Total area 822b. 167, 18d. B. K. D. 1 7 5 3 19 12 0 3 2 3 13 2 Settled rai. S Resident ... gats. Non-resident Non-occupan. | Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total 47 15 9 0 3 2 18 5 il 56 73 86 2 9 0 5 9 31 93 1 3 1 1 ] 4 1 0 OO A co 9 5 9 6 2 3 12 94 17 0 174 90 19.-Village Bishunpur Gulami, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. 7 Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident 15 18 10 76 18 7 153 17 18 :0 3 14 18 11 4 B. K. D. 15 18 10 3 9 2 4 7 11 0 3 14 2 13 0 145 5 3 282 14 91 0 1 0 1 44 3 0 1 14 1 1 0 5 2 6 9 3 9 Total area 4886. 11k. 7d. 1 2 0 The kamat lands are held 1 1 0 khas. U 3 1 1 6 9 1 Total ... 265 9 3 472 8 0 m 2 ( 92 ) 20.-- Village. Bisunpur Seoran, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Proprietors' private land ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats, Non-resident. B, ķ. D. 12 18 296 13 11 '117 1 10 B. E.. D. 4 7 2 4 5 19 4 17 11 Rs. A. P. 749 j1 6 313 10 3 Rs. A. P. 28 o 1 5 8 Rs. A. P. Total area 6106. 12. 9d. 1 7 11 | One raiyat bolds under the 0 13 0 Srinagar estate as tenure. holder 56. 147. 2d. at Rs. 26-13-3. 1 10 11 | The proprietors' private lands are held khas. 2 8 10 2 5 10 23 10 4 23 10 4 2 13 0 Occupancy Non-resident | raiyats, Non-occupan. S Resident ... ·cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings . Total 3 9 16 4 1 16 437 I 1 3 5 1 1 19 3 18 17 68 8 3 15 00 17 39 4 4.41 3 15 4 115 500 11 6 ...... 11,164 Į 9 . 21.-Village Bishanpur Chowdhuri, pargana Tophar, district Bhagalpur... Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 4 13 10 526 0 15 86 4 ] 6 5 13 39 8 10 20 3 6 27 14 7 56 5 8 Proprietors' private land ... Settled .rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 4 13 10 25 7 17 3 90 6 5 13 13 3 3 2 0 3 1 9 7 9 1,185 12 6 221 0 18 8 0 96 4 9 64 0 3 104 1 9 ei oooooh ܢ Rs. A. P. Total area 1,0546. 137. 1 5 5 Under tenure-holders 79%. 1 8 9 13k. 14d. held by 1. 1 10 0 raiyats at Rs. 319-7-6. 1 6 10 The proprietors' lands are 1 14 01 held by the proprietors. 2 3 11 FW: i : CUONNNN: .no ooooo 3 0 ܬ 123 766 15 10 1,689 10 6 22.–Village Chuckla Balua, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Settled yats. rai. S Resident ... Non-resident il temp 6 618 51 ...... | 18 19 ... B. K. D. 1 10 16 5 7 9 B. K. Di 0 15 8 1 15 16 Rs. A. P. 4 0 6 14 ] 3 Rs. A. P. 2 14 9 2 10 6 para Total area 76. ISK. 174. ...... Rs. A. P. 2 1 0 Total area 76. 146. 17d. 1 12 0 Total 23.-- Village Chuckla Nirsingh Buksh, pargana Davhar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 7 16 6 B. K. D. 0 15 6 Rs. A. P. 41 0 0 1 10 Rs. A. P. 5 3 2 Rs. A. P. 3 1 10 Total area 76. 18k. 2d. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Total ... 10 7 16 7 41 0 0 24.- Village Chuckla Hari, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 34 19 6 B. I. D. 5 16 11 Rs. A. P. 88 100 Rs. A. P. 1 2 8 5 Rs. A. P. 1 8 3 Total area 436. 14k. 34d. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... ... Total 0 8 0 10 3 3 16 8 8 1 1 1 6 9 0 2 8 2 10 0 0 1 1 1 0 8 16 0 10 8 6 6 16 42 5 6 6 8 6 3 91 19 25.- Village Chitoni, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. . - Settled Resident ... | laiyats Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 126 11 4 101 18 19 1. 8 7 10 B. K. D. 6 0 10 2 12 0 4 3 18 Rs, A, P. 227 13 3 191 13 9 27 5 0 Rs. A. P. 1 12 0 1 14 0 3 5 0 1 1 0 9 Total area 3266. 77 106. 1 1 11 | Under the Banaili Raj 1 15 9 Estate as tenure-holder is held 16. 8k. 14d. at Rs. 3-10-6. 45 9 1 45 9 1 282 7 0 Total .... 63 447 0 0 ( 93 ) 26.-Village Chodip, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. . Class of holding, Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. B. K D. 0 17 12 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. Rs. A. P. . B. K. D. 0 17 12 17 3 11 60 5 19 12 3 11 OOO a oro Total area 1146.16d. The proprietors' private lands are held khas, 34 7 9 99 13 6 18 12 9 Proprietors' private land ... Settled S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident Taiyats. Non-occupan-Non-resident cy raiyats. Total 3 39 12 3 11 10 12 9 1 15 2 1 10 6 1 8 2 2 2 4 1 2 7 1 0 1 0 14 2 1 4 6 10 12 9 22 12 9 101 3 2 175 14 9 27.- Village Dinbandi, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. 63 B. K. D. 179 1 16 64 2 11 1 15 2 2 1 18 Settled S Resident raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident . · raiyats. Non-resident | Rs. A. P. 2 70 2 15 0 B. K. D. 2 16 17 12 16 10 1 15 2 2 1 18 0 12 14 . Rs. A. P. 440 8 3 188 12 6 4 14 3 4.50 Rs. A. P.) Total area 3256.5%. 19d. 1 7 4 / Under the Banaili Estates 1 12 1 as tenure-holders 326. 18k. 1 10 7 4d. are held as follows: 1 4 0 B. K, D. 1 7 11 | Bhaoli ... 1 1 6 Rent-paying ... 31 16 18 at Rs. 79-9. 0 12 14 11 6 1 11 6 Non-occupan-Non-resident cy raiyats. Total 247 14 1 639 96 IND 28.-Village Dubiahi, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. Por Rs. A. P.) 2 2 Proprietors' private lands ... i Settled ſ Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy | Resident Doc raiyats. Non-resident Non-occu. Resident pancy raiyats (Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... ... nown when - B. K. D. 3 11 14 389 6 7 222 10 10 12 1 16 9 3 2 21 14 13 B. K. D. 1 15 17 5 16 1 14 16 7 4 12 0 4 11 11 1 13 8 943 9 495 10 31 5 24 8 38 2 3 0 6 0 9 mogao Rs. A. P. Total area 8376. 16d. 1 5 7 | Under the Banaili Raj 1 5 4 Estates as tenure-holders 1 8 9 are four raiyats holding 1 9 876.2k. 15d. at Rs. 206-7-9. 1 0 9 | The kamat lands are held khas. . 1 5 0 Y 10 20 5 9 9 1 11 2 9 9 8 9 6 16 9 8 Total 109 677 4 6 1,553 9 3 29.–Village Dumri Malik, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. IC Rs. A. P. B, K. D, 150 7 12 1 17 14 1 1 8 0 2 6 B. K. D. 7 10 7 0 10 18 1 1 8 Rs. A. P. 290 14 3 311 3 2 6 6 Rs. A. P. 1 15 6 1 13 9 1 14 3 1 ] 1 2 1 2 Settled S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. 9 9 2 Total area 2246. 18k. 8d. Under the Srinagar Raj as tenure-holders are three raiyats who hold 276. 16k. at Rs. 52-14-6. 0 0 15 0 4 6 4 14 6 2 14 9 Total 27 153 9 0 297 4 6 30.–Village Futtehpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Settled raiyats. Occupancy raiyats. ( Resident ... Non-resident Resident ... | Non-resident B. K. D. 296 12 15 31 2 15 1 5 8 16 15 13 B, K. D. 5 2 5 3 17 16 1 5 8 16 15 13 1 3 8 5 14 19 3 8 13 Rs. A. P. 730 36 79 13 9 3 1 9 41 i 6 Rs. A. P. 1 7 5 | Total area 4116, 17%. 1 8 1 1 8 10 1 7 7 2 2 6 6 4 4 eo Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident 33 7 3 28 7 6 o 1] 14 1 11 9 18 6 17 6 1 11 2 7 O 2 6 4 .. . 2 ... ugs Rent-free holdings Total ... 82 375 17 16 916 3 3 ( 94 ) 31.–Village Gauspar, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. B. K. D. 369 16 11 1 9 4 B. K. D. 6 19 5 1 9 4 12 18 6 Rs. A. P. 771 4 3 2 6 6 Rs. A. P. 2 1 4 1 9 1 Settled raiyats Resident Occupancy Resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. 1 13 6 Total area 6266. 18k. 14d. 0 15 0 Under tenure-holders is held 186. 2do at Re. 1-8-6. 129 6 17 500 12 12 773 10 9 32.--Dillage Gadaria, pargana Dapħar, district Bhagalpur. B. K D. 22 10 8 158 4 10 2 5 16 Settled rai- 5 Resident . yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings eo B. K. D. 3 4 6 6 1 13 2 5 16 Rs. A. P. 67 7 0 465 0 6 6 14 0 Rs. A. P. 3 1 10 2 11 9 3 2 9 Rs. A. . 1 13 3 Total area 2976. lk. 17d. 1 9 6 Under the Banaili Raj 2 4 6 Estate as under-tenure- holders are held by two ... raiyats 216.4d. at Rs. 56-5. 83 13 2 6 8 0 Total : 47 47 266 13 16 639 5 6 33.- Village Hindolwa, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs, A. P. 13 4 3 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 2 12 0 4ool B. K. D. 15 12 9 4 05 78 11 0 Rs. A. P. 0 13 4 og 3 Total area 2196, lk. 18d. 05 LO 4'0 1 8 Settled rai. Resident .. yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 0 78 11 0 98 3 14 14 12 3 34.- Village Hirdanagar, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 09 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. 7 Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. 315 1 18 12 12 3 6 9 42 9 7 7 2 6 NNNO DO COA T B. K. D. 3 6 3 2 10 8 3 4 12 4 8 3 ll 3 Rs. A. P. 1 627 10 0 26 5 3 10 10 0 74 5 3 16 1 3 si sono Rs. A. P. 1 120) 2 1 10 1 12 4 1 12 4 2 4 0 OO 1 1 1 1 Total area 4236. 87. 18d. under the Banaili Estate as tenure-holders are 8 raiyats holding 116. 187. 19d., of which 96. 10k. 7 d. are held at Rs. 2-6. 4 1 1 5 ܙ ܢ ܗ Total 9 383 14 18 754 15 9 35.- Village Haripur Setapur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. 1 11 B. K. D. 309 5 0 11 14 12 1 18 12 B. K. D. 4 10 19 1 13 10 1 18 12 Rs. A. P. 525 0 3 27 13 0 2 3 3 2 5 Settled rai-Resident yats. Non-resident... Occupancy Non-resident... raigats. Non-occupan. Resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 1 2 2 1 Aj do oo oo Rs. A. P. 1 0 71 Total area 5506. 197. 13d. 1 6 8 011 0 1 4 0 10 6 3 1 4 19 16 37 16 7 365 14 7 2 9 18 9 9 1 ...... Total 565 6 9 36.- Village Jugdispur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. ſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident... Occupancy Resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D.1 ( 9 18 316 4 9 51 18 14 5 1 0 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 09 18 13 3 10 542 0 3 3 1 2 109 7 9 5 1 0 | 18 00 14 18 4 Rs. A. P. 1 11 3 2 2 0 3 9 0 1 Rs. A. P. Total area 4486. 13d. 17%. 1 0 9 The kamat lands are held 1 4 0 1 by the proprietors. 2 4 0 44 14 14 Total 418 8 16 669 8 0 ( 95 ) 37.- Village Kapura, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number holding. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. 4 . Settled. rai. Resident ... ! : yats. : Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy'raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 296 12 11 37 7 0 2 17 3 % 13 8 4 16 16 1 19 16 B. K. D. 5 16 16 7 9 2 2 17 3 2 13 8 4 16 16 1 19 16 Rs. A. P. 669. 36 103 99 7 4 0 11 4 9 18 9 0 1 A. P. Rs. A. P. 30 1 5 0 Total area 38.16. 14d. 2 8 9 1 10 1 2 8 0 1 7 11 2 7 8 3 13 81 2 4 0 1 - - Total 346 6 14 809 150 38.- Village Kamalpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs, A. P. ... Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident .... Non-resident B. K. D. 0 12 8 384 16 16 87 17 1 B. K. D. 0 12 8 4 19 16 3 10 5 883 2 3 221 4 9 4 8 NN 1 1 5 10 7 11 yats. Total area 5796. 12k. 4d. The Banaili Estate holds as tenure-holder 76. 95. 8d. at Rs. 12-3. The kaniat lands are held khas. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy ragats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 43 13 16 1 8 18 9 16 0 8. 14 15 0 14 9 1.09 16 95 3 6 6 3 9 2 2 1 6 4 1 4 1 3 11 1 2 Total 111 528 4 18 1,203 4 0 39.— Village Kusahar, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 2 12 12 Rs. A. P: Rs. A. P. 139 6 3 16 09 25 15 0 1 Rs. A. P. 2 1 4 12 5 2 8 B. K. D. 65 15 11 9 0 9 10 2 11 2 15 8 1 4 13 Settled rai. S Resident yats. 2 Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 0 1 3 11 1 1 3 1 711 2 5 10 11 10 0 7 18 1 4 13 Total area 4016. 18%. 10d. Under the Banaili Raj as tenure-holders are 13 raiyats with 1086. OK. 11d., of which 156. 3k. 16d. is bhaoli, and 936. 5k. 15d. pay Rs. 68-8, There are 8. 8d. held bhaoli by resident settled raiyats and 2k. 4d. held bhaoli by non-occupancy raiyats. Total 42 88 18 12 192 70 40.- Village Kurjain, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 52 6 10 13 12 10 B. K. D. 3 9 15 13 12 10 Rs. A. P. 24 go Rs. A. P. 1 11 9 Rs. A. P. Total area 9296. lk. 4d. Under the Srinagar Estate 1 1 3. as tenure-holder is one raiyat with 536. 97. held 1 3 4 bhaoli. 1 2 11 1 15 8 2 0 4 420 16 176 6 3 14 7 1 8 Proprietors' private lands Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai- < Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- 5 Resident cy rayats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 6 99 3 16 13 3 14 8 5 850 14 362 2 12 6 14 16 35 0 ono 3 6 3 4 13 16 10 151 7 10 2 0 12 1 2 6 1 10 16 5 9 3 2 6 2 11 4 1 7 4 The proprietors' private 1 8 6 1. lands are held by 14 rai. yats at Rs. 93-10, DOC ...... 150 8382 0 1,300 001 41.- Village Lalpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 309 2 19 163 6 2 22 8 10 wold vo? . Rs. A. P. 906 5 6 400 4 3 56 3 0 Settled rai-S Resident .. yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total area 6316. 12k. 13d. B. K. D. 4 17 2 6 5 12 3 7 0 3 0 9 7 3 8 10 1 7 5 1 8 6 2 Bhaoli 19%. 10d. 12 1 17 Total 114 566 19 8 ...... 1,361 129 ( 96 ) 42.- Village Ladmunputti, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. - Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS, Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 0 4 4 615 10 6 397 017 4 13 18 2 1 2 0 1 15 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 8 3 4 11,270 14 6 5 16 2 808 10 9 2 6 1 97 0 0 7 3 1 14 6 13 6 7 17 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings. 4 7 8 own ND 0 5 47 4 0 2 11 2 0 | Rs. A. P. Total area 1,1638. 9%. i 3 11 Under the Banaili Raj as 1 3 6 tenure-holder are four 1 2 10 | raiyats with 156. 11k, 3d. at Rs 49-2. 1 5 0 The proprietors' private 0 11 11 lands are held khas. Non- resident settled raiyats hold 4k. bhaoli; non-resi. dent non-occupancy raiyats hold 26. lk. 18d. bhaoli. 2 1 000 3 4 0 0 LU Total 1551 1,069 17 16 2,096 ou 5 0 ..... 43.- Village Luchmipur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. À Rs. A. P. | Total area 1176. 19%. 12d. ܗ Goor. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... pats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ...! cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Total 54 2 8 0 17 6 6 8 18 8 1 3 12 0 17 3 4 COCO 0 2 6 9 1 Rs. A. P. I 1 9 0 1 14 0 4 4 4 3 5 6 Rs. A. P. 0 14 11 1 1 11 2 8 10 1 12 0 74 5 3 101 70 3 8 0 20 3 6 ܝܕ ܟܨ | 101 13 18 1997 9 44.-Village Mansapur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 3 5 15 61 2 18 97 37 3 2 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 3 5 15 15 1 14 9 14 6 3 2 6 116 8 151 3 5 6 6 6 6 3 1 14 1 8 1 12 1 2 2 0 14 9 3 9 0 Total area 1736. lk. 1d. The proprietors' private lands are held by the proprietors. 1 13 0 1 130 3 14 2 80 1 7 11 Total 17 | 166 7 6 276 09 45.- Village Mohunpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 10 2 14 B. K. D. 5 1 7 Rs. A. P. 13 4 0 Rs. A. P. 1 5 1 Rs. A. P. 0 12 5 Total area 134b. 37. 17d. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 42 14 15 42 14 15 52 17 9 13 4 0 1 46.- Village Madhura, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. B. K. D. 55 14 1 13 18 9 11 19 16 16 Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. 128 2 6 27 13 9 27 9 9 6 19 4 5 19 18 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident! Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan-S Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Total Ai Oo oo Rs. A. P. Total area 1116. 197. 19d. 1 3 5 Under the Banaili Raj 1 5 11 Estate as tenure-holders are two raiyats with 4b. 1 3 5 | 18k. 18d. at Rs. 7-3-9. 1 8 9 7 17 10 3 6 16 0 13 1 13 2 8 15 12 8 9 3 3 2 9 3 92 16 12 207 15 6 47.- Village Mahadebputti, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. A. B. K. D. 8 0 3 B. K. D. 2 0 0 1 Rs. A. P. / 24 1 9 1 Rs. A. P 3 0 2 Rs. A. P. 1 13 6 Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total area 86. 3d. Only the cultivated portion of this village was measured. Total ... 4 8 0 3 ...... 24 1 9 ..... ( 97 ) 48.- Village Matiari, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. 1 Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigba. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. eu 5 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. B. K. D. 5' 16 1 11 12 17 B. K. D. 5 16 1 11 12 17 Rs. A. P. 12 6 9 Rs. A. P. 1 2 0 33 19 10 0 15 3 26 15 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident 7 4 0 0 3 7 1 3 6 14 1 5 0 5 4 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 1176. 37. 15d. 0 10 6 The proprietors' private lands are held khas by both estates. 1 7 6 Resident non-occupancy 1 10 0 1 raiyats hold 26. 10%. 12d. 1 4 3 1 bhaoli; non-resident non. 2 3 3 | occupancy raiyats hold 16. 197. bhaoli. 2 7 6 2 97 2 2 0 3 15 4 10 96 11 9 Total ... 32 | 103 6 9 248 110 49.- Village Nuthputti, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. .. Rs. A. P. 1 4 Rs. A. P. 393 9 6 155 10 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. 5 B. K. D. 1 11 9 185 15 11 89 0 15 0 5 12 B. K. D. 1 11 91 4 5 4 8 18 1 0 2 16 Rs. A. P. 2 2 3 1 1201 4 2 6 9 1 2 0 7 Total area 4616. 4. 10d. The proprietors' private lands are held khas. Resident settled raiyats hold 2k. 8d. bhaoli. The resident non-occupancy raiyats hold 4k. 2d. bhaoli. 0 11 6 7 Rent-free holdings ... 1 12 14 11 12 14 11 Total 289 7 18 549 150 50.-Village Nirmalli, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 21 5 4 B. Ì. D. 10 12 14 Rs. A. P. 23 6 6 Rs. A. P. 1 1 7 Total area 3826. 17. 18d. Rs. A. P. 0 10 6 0 14 11 1 1 1 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free boldings Total 48 | 281 4 13 36 4 10 32 10 15 5 17 3 4 0 10 10 16 18 439 10 65 10 3 6 1 90 1 13 0 371 5 2 528 11 3 51.- Village Nirputputti, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. 1. D. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident 04 6 246 7 5 59 98 0 6 3 4 6 9 18 9 13 534 7 9 111 6 6 2 2 61 1 13 9 Total area 4856. 10k. 17d. 1 4 71 Under the Banaili Estate as 1 2 0 tenure-holders are three raiyats with 446. 8. 3d. held at Rs. 115-1-6. 170 The proprietors' private land is held khas. 1 3 5 4 18 14 11 14 3 raiyats. Occupancy Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 4 18 14 0 18 6 2 14 3 2 0 6 3 0 6 2 1 15 9 Rent-free holdings 66 14 19 16 13 15 Total 64 378 12 18 659 12 3 52.- Village Persahi, par gana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. / B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Total area 696.5k, 4d. 53 4 11 092 5 13 15 Rs. A. P. 66 13 0 0 10 0 6 2 9 4 17 09 2 2 16 17 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 11 9 0 15 9 0 10 3 Now Total 59 7 8 73 9 9 ( 98 ) 53. — Village Pachpararia, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 11 3 3 243 19 3 163 8 4 16 4.13 B. K. D. 11 3 3 5 15 17 5 8 18 16 4 13 6 126 482 14 3 296 40 35 14 3 1 15 1 13 2 3 o º Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. {Non-resident Rent-free holdings 2 • 6 12 • 1 12 4 16 7 8 6 2 9 0 10 0 16 4 16 17 14 0 13 3 3 2 9 6 08 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 5256. lk. 17d. Under the Banaili and Sri. · 1 0 9 nagar Estates as tenure- 1 46 holders are two raiyats holding 396. 127. 3d. at 10 6 Rs. 58-8.3. The proprietors' private Jands are held khas. Resident non-occupancy raiyats hold 46. 19%. 18d. bhaoli, and non. resident occupancy raiyats hold 7k. 4d. bhaoli. 6 9 Total 90 447 15 19 833 12 9 54.- Village Parwaha, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 1 0 14 Rs. A. P. 7 11 20 B. K. D. 1 0 14 340 14 14 107 5 7 2 11 1.2 1 10 3 118 11 0 5 Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled raios Resident ... yats. : Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 7 Rs. A. P. 2 12 0 2 12 9 3 15 6 2 1 3 935 39 300 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 0 5 2 11 12 0 15 1 118 11 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 6326. 6k. 9d. I 10 3 Under tenure-holder are 1 10 9 two raiyats holding 236. 2 99 | 18k. at Rs. 69-7. 0 12 9 The proprietors' private land i is held khas. 2 571 13 10 1,249 29 ...... 55.- Village Permanandpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. D. . 7 5 10 381 7 1 110 1 10 2 14 14 ...... ANO # Rs. A. P. 814 0 6 279 1 9 6 5 0 2 2 2 ~ OHOL 2 8 5 2 7 5 1 1 1 4 8 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan-S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings 5 3 4 0 14 18 2 10 18 69 16 6 0 7 9 .0 16 19 3 9 16 07 0 5 90 ...... 0 9 2 3 ...... 4 0 0 5 1 5 ...... 6 0 Total area 8906. 115. 16d. Under the Banaili Raj as tenure-holder are five raiyats holding 2496. 9k. I d., of which 1b. 4K. 12d. are bhaoli, and 2488. 4k. 9d. are rent-paying at Rs. 403-14. The proprietors' private lands are held khas. Non-occupancy raiyats hold 177. 16d. bhaoli. Total 125 674 10 17 1,105 7 3 ...... ...... 56.--Dillage Piprahiputti Golarai, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. - Rs. A. P. 1 14 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... Total B. K. D. ' 18 8 0 459 14 9 54 7 10 64 8 18 | 3 13 4 0 3 4 ·1 19 0 18 16 8 5 8 32 4 3 13 0 3 1 19 18 16 6 0 4 4 0 8 Rs. A. P. 907 5 0 101 6 0 138 12 6 8 12 6 0 2 6 5 1 9 OOOAA Rs. A. P. Total area 6956. 137. 19d. 1 111 Under the Banaili Estate 1 0 1] as tenure-holder is one 1 3 11 | raiyat with 26. lk. 4d. 1 4 4 held at Rs. 5-9-9. 0 14 4 The proprietors' private 1 7 11 lands are held khas. 1 8 O 621 10 13 1,161 8 3 57.–Village Rajpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 15 Settled rai- Resident yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 62 14 11 53 7 18 0 1 4 B. K. D. 4 3 12 5 6 15 1.4 Rs. A. P. 131 4 6 115 13 0 0 2 6 Rs. A. P. 2 1 6 1 15 6 2 9 8 Rs. A. P. 1 4 6 1 3 3 1 9 2 oa Total area 1236. 13k, 2d. Under the Banaili Estate as tenure-holder is one raiyat who holds 5k. 13d. at annas 13-9. Total ... 26 116 3 13 247 40 ( 99 ) .58.–Village Rampur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. JAverage area Average rato per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raia, Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. B. 6. D. 0 13 8 213 15 14 77 3 10 7 18 14 B. K. D. 0 13 8 613 12 4 6 15 7 16 14 413 70 170 5 6 18 11 6 1 14 11 2 33 2 6 5 1. 2 6 1 15 6 1 7 3 Total area 3286.5k, 14d. The proprietors' private lands are held khas. Total 62 299 11 16 602 8 0 - 59.- Village Ranigunge, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. 1 - Rs. A. P. 1 15 6 Settled rai. ( Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 206 11 18 79 12 0 15 4 15 11 17 10 1 14 3 7 8 12 B. K. D. 6 14 15 5 17 16 3 16 0 5 18 15 0 11 7 1 17 3 | Rs. A. P. 407 8 6 158 14 91 32 6 24 11 9 4 7 6 14 10 3 Rs. A. P. 1 2 9 Total area 3776, 2k. 14d. 1 2 0 1 One raiyat under the Sri. 1 0 4 1 nagar Estate as tenure. holder holds 276. 3k. 18d. 1 8 11 at Rs. 85. 2 1 9 2 9 1 16 7 210 Total 322 8 18 642 10 9 60.- Village Ratanpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 8 5 14 195 11 4 62 15 6 22 3 4 B. K. D. 2 15 5 5 4 13 5 14 1 7 7 13 418 0 0 146 14 0 40 11 6 2 7 2 4 1 13 4 6 6 1 1 1 2 5 1 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-S Resident ... pats. Kon-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan-S Resident ... cy raiyats | Non-resident) Rent-free holdings 6 9 7 Total area 3986. 7. 11d. Under the Srinagar Estate as tenure-holder are two raiyats holding 256. 18k. 4d, at Rs. 46-7. The proprietors' private lands are held khas. 8 19 11 2 10 12 61 19 12 1 9 18 2 10 12 17 6 10 19 10 2 8 6 6 2 1 0 15 9 9 4 2 O 8 9 Total 52 5 3 627 12 6 61.- Village Raghunathpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. - - - O yats. Settled rai. S Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. (Non-resident| Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. wwcom B. K. D. 341 8 0 79 10 5 2 19 6 0 5 0 12 4 0 B. K. D. Rs. A. 4 8 12 843 2 2 5 15 208 2 3 0 19 2 76 0; 5 0 1 1 4 1 11 45 11 0 Rs. A. P. 66 Total area 4696. 8k. 13d. 1 8 6 1 9 0 Onow E WOOO? QUOD 2, INCO 9 2 4 6 Total 119 436 6 11 1,106 7 9 62.- Village Sarunpur, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Settled raie / Resident ... yats. Trion-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. ܚܙܗܪ̈ܗ B. K. D. 11 1 10 40 15 14 176 10 0 29 14 0 B. K. D. 11 1 10 8 3 2 5 17 1 5 18 16 Rs. A. P. 70 99 333 11 91 54 7 9 1 10 1 13 1 13 6 3 9 Rs. A. P. Total area 2876. 19k. 8d. 100 The kamat lands are held | khas by both estates. 1 1 9 Total 258 1 4 458 13 3 63.- Village Satunputti, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 374 5 16 37 11 8 87 18 12 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 8 2 18 3 15 2 29 6 4 Rs. A. P. 859 9 0 84 2 0 Rs. A. P. 2 4 9 2 4 9 Rs. A. P. 1 11 6 1 ll 6 Total area 5276. 11K. 4d. otal | 59 | 499 15 16 ... | 943 2 9 n 2 (100) . 64.- Village Samda, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Number Class of holding. of Area. Average area per holding Rent.. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. holdings. : B. Ki D. 1 11 12 397 16 12 256 17 14 20 10 10 B. K. D. 1 11 12 6 2 8 4 8 11 6 16 16 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. 930 7 9 638 14 6 47 5 0 Rs. A. P. 25 5 2 79 2 4 11 Rs. A. P. Total area 8006. 57. 8d. 1 6 6 Under the Srinagar Estate as tenure-holder are 15 '1 6 3 raiyats holding 236. 67. 18d. at Rs. 55-11-6. The proprietors' private lands are held khas. Resident settled raiyats held 12%. 12a. bhaoli. 40 11 4 13 10 8 Total ... 130 1 717 7 12 1,616 11 3 65.— Village Siripur oorf Siria, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K D. 10 Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... - cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 246 18 4 45 7 11 0 19 0 48 16 14 4 4 4 B. K. D. 6 11 0 4 10 15 0 19 0 12 4 3 0 16 16 Rs. A. P. 568 2 0 125 14 3 - 3 49 14] 7 3 Rs. A. P. 2 4 10 2 12 6 3 76 2 14 3 Rs. A. P. 1 5 9 Total area 3736. 116. 12d. 1 10 6 Under the Banaili Estate 2 2 8 Els tenure-holder is one 1 10 1 raiyat holding 136. at ...... Re. 1-5. Total 346 5 13 838 12 3 66.- Village Sibnagar, par gana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 113 14 7 134 0 13 30 8 16 B. K. D. 5 13 14 7 1 1 3 16 2 Rs. A. P. 242 4 9 308 13 91 Rs. A. P. 2 2 3 1 2 4 10 | Rs. A. P. | Total area 3066. 11k. 9d. 1 4 6 Under the Srinagar Estate 1 5 31 as tenure-holder are two raiyats holding 96. 11k. 1d. at Rs. 32-13. Total 278 3 16 155 2 6 67.-Village Tengri, pargana Daphar, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 1636. 12k. 10d. Settled rai. S Resident ... Fats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... ! cy raiyats. (Non-resident 12 6 10 22 3 6 37 14 6 4 6 14 2 9 1 7 7 2 1 6 16 0 17 1 36 0 58 2 89 14 18 5 Eladow or 0 6 3 0 Occo X 1 10 11 ] 8 10 1 5 10 2 7 10 2 4 2 Total ... 76 10 16 2016 g ... 68.- Village Haseinabad, pargana Harawat, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 118 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident B. K. D. 16 7 1 643 12 13 89 2 0 44 3 14 7 16 10 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 16 7 1 5 91 1,994 5 9 9 17 19 239 6 6 1 18 8 | 143 13 9 2 12 3 1 25 7 9 ea Go Oo nyo Rs. A. P. Total area 8756. 11. 1d. | Only one village was 3 0 10 measured in this pargana 3 11 5 belonging solely to the 3 9 0 1 Srinagar Estates. The standard of measure- ment is ą, pole of 63 cabits. 3 3 2 Total ... 154 801 1 18 2,403 1 9 ( 101 ) Abstract of Khubkhand pargana, Bhagalpur district. ! 1 Average rate. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Rent. per holding. Average rato Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. - B. K. D. 5,827 19 0 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Rs. A. . ! 2932 B. K. D. 19 18 1 Rs. A. P. ...... Kamat lands settled follows:- as B. K. D. 2,412 100 held at Rs. 3,990-3-6 447 2 17 held hal- basili. 2,744 12 5 bhaoli. 213 13 18 held khas. Raiyati lands Halhasili Bhaoli- B. K. D. B. K. D. 44 3 1 6 3 12 71 4 8 ... 3,301 7 10 5 2 14 4,925 0 19 2 15 4 38 50 4722 5526 1 1 6 1 3 10 1 11 1 4 1 6 1 15 0 8 0 .9 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raigats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ...! cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 245 127 136 17 10 22,084 12 18 9,551 16 13 22 0 15 58 7 15 698 5 9 949 15 5 688 2 3 6 9 6 267 14 2 14 14 167 15 6 4 13 10 37,286 39 1 14 11 15,689 13 2 8 19 42 4 1 12 8 82 5 0 15 17 1,227 4 0 19 11 1,706 11 3 4 19 36 OOOO 00 00 AM 1 14 1 6 1 12 1 12 886 o na 957 1987 13 17 4 382 12 16 1 2 10 209 OD Total 8,922 16 7 17 1 12 There is one tenure-holder with 106. 15k. 4d. who has 15 raiyats; 10k. 14d. are settled at Re. 1-4, and 106. 4k. 9d. are held hal- hasili. Standard pole = 61 cubits. Total ... 15365 | 40,263 9 15 ... 56,470 90 1.- Dillage Asahiputti, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... Total B. K. D. 23 5 14 353 14 7 59 11 8 0 5 12 5 6 11 1 18 2 B. K. D. 1 15 0 7 10 10 2 2 11 16 Rs. A. P. 509 4 0 102 13 6 0 6 6 9 10 Rs. A. P. 17 1 1 11 9 1 9 0 1 11 Rs. A. P. Total area 5486. 12k. 1 10 5 46. 6k. 8d. of kamat lands. 1 15 9 settled at Rs. 7-11-3; 1 12 7 186, 9k. 6d, bhaoli. 1 14 11 1 18 2 102 444 1 14 621 90 2.- Village Aurea Ramouti, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 88 120 87 : 1 12 8 B. K. D. 155 0 3 750 3 7 259 14 18 3 14 10 14 17 3 2 11 12 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. Rs A. P. 1 15 4 6 5 0 1,140 3 9 2 19 14 1429 7 0 096 7 11 0 1 70 | 33 4 0 1 5 16 Rs. A. P. 1 8 9 1 10 6 2 90 26 Total area 1,3466.3k. 10d. Kamat lands 1300. 14d. at Rs. 123-6-9. 246. 19%. 9d, bhaoli. 3 2 14 10 2 11 4 316 | 1,186 1 13 1,610 9 9 ...... 3.- Village Angsour, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. - Rs. A. P. B. &. D. 31 12 1 8 16 19 115 16 18 07 3 B. K. D. 2 17 9 0 19 13 1 0 6 73 Rs. A. P. 15 12 3 108 3 0 Rs. A. P. ...... 1 12 6 0 13 4 114 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 3 10 16 1 3 12 138 160 3 17 2 0 ( 15 8 4 Total area 1736, 3k. 10d. Kamat lands 276. 177. 12d. at Rs. 11-7. 36. 14k. 9d. bhaoli. Rents reeorded in Narhar. war No. 57. 123 15 3 ( 102) 4.-Village Arasi Bargaon, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur, Number of holdings. Class of holding Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate | Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. 1, Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | B. K. D. 12 19 18 1 15 1 :: Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates, Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. | 2 11 19 1 15 1 3 1 3 1 12 5 0 19 19 Rs. A. P. Total area 3176. 146. 14d. Rent included with Bargaon No. 22. 1 4 10 Kamat lands, 126. 19%. 18d. held at Rs. 20-2. 2 0 5 281 8 13 81 9 0 19 19 343 10 3 15 1 3 1. 1 124 105 305 5 0 1 358 11 6 5.–Village Arazi Kuthuar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. 6. D. 20 10 15 1 8 2 B. K. D. 14 3 1 8 2 . Proprietors' private lands ..... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... . cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 82 8 17 29 11 5 0 1 7 1 2 4 3 8 1 3 5 8 1 1 14 0 1 7 0 11 2 1 2 13 105 13 36 15 0 1 2 1 6 9 6 3 1 4 6 1 4 0 1 96 1 9 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 1906. 2k. Kamat lands settled 206. 10k. 15d. bhaoli. 175 This forms one taluk with 1 6 10 Kuthuar (No. 40). Rent 1 13 2 of the raiyat at fixed rates 1 12 11 is included in Khuthar. 79 138 10 11 145 0 0 6.- Village Baghwa, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P B. K. D. 89 13 3 473 6 12 B. K. D. 1 19 16 7 17 15 Rs. A. P. 954 3 0 1 15 8 Proprietors' private lands ... Resident ... Settled rai. yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. Total area 807b. 146. 3d. 2 4 4 Kamat lands 796. 16k. 1d. at Rs. 88-12-6; 19b. 177. 2d. bhaoli. 2 6 0 There are nine raiyats 2 6 0 under a tenure-holder with 2 13 8 / 10%. 14d. at Re. 1-4, and 76. 11k. 8d, bhaoli. 107 1 61 4 1 18 1 15 3 1 60 3 6 18 0 9 2 0 11 14 1 60 2:0 13 8 15 4 6 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 2- 8 4 4 0 Total 150 677 4 2 1,198 5 9 7.- Village Birgaon, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 159 B. K. D. 407 14 15 444 10 18 B. K. D. 2 11 6 4 12 12 ä Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Besident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total . Rs. A. P. 238 6 0 215 3 0 23 12 6 3 8 9 101 3 19 11 07 · 1 10 3 2 6 3 3 7 10 0 11 11 0 15 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 5 7 7 7 2 6 7 Total area 1,1036. 177. 18d. Kamat lands 1986. 18%. 2 6 0 1 19d. settled at Rs. 356-2-3, 2 7 5 16. 77. 3d. bhaoli, balhasili 2 10 11 | 2076, 87. 13d. 308 958 6 5 1,180 14 3 8.- Village Buriarpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 46 7 10 B. K. 1 6 D. 10 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. : Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident 98 0 15 167 8 17 9 3 11 49 13 17 8 18 15 2 0 10 | 1 0 7 1 2 il 197 14 290 14 14 11 83 1 0 0 3 9 2 0 3 1 10 8 1 90 1 10 6 Total area 8746. 47. 13d. 2 4 9 | Kamat lands held bhaoli. 1 14 6 Raiyati landsbhaoli area 1 12 7 3k. 16d. 1 14 4 Total 182 370 14 10 ...... 686 90 ( 103 ) 9.- Village Barhara; pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number 1 of boldings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. ' per acre. REMRKS 3. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... i..... 2 3 0 B. K. D. 72 12 19 408 6 3 123 0 9 20 14 5 1 4 12 B. K. D. 1 14 11 4 3 6 1 19 13 1 1 16 0 12 6 776 15 3 262 4 0 44 10 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 6576. 147. 1d. Kamat land 206. 12k. 18d. 2 79 settled at Rs. 45-5-3; 52b. 2 8 7 1 ld. bhaoli. 1 14 2 2 2 3 6 9 6 yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats, bu Rent-free holdings Total 223 625 18 8 ...... 1,083 13 6 10.- Village Berhampur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 0 5 8 Rs. A. P. pooro B. K. D. 0 5 8 2 19 10 1 13 4 Rs. A. P. 11 2 6 117 6 0 2 2 9 1 4 0 1 Total area 1626. 7k. 19d. 9 Kamat lands held by the 6 proprietors. 9 3 1 6 1 6 1 6 8 1 Proprietors' private lànds ... · Settled rais Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 95 8 0 1 14 18 9 17 19 9 17 19 116 4 17 130 11 3 11.- Village Bakaunia, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 138 1 13 Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 3 18 18 Total area 3,1426. 10%. 8d. The kamat lands are held bhaoli. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident 56 228 18 34 369 17 4 592 17 13 20 12 6 51 10 8 6 12 ] 2 11 13 1 2 18 1 10 6 (The lands are all held on jaidadi tenures. 1 Total 371 1,172 19 4 12.- 7illage Balia, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raios Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings · B. K. D. 101 14 15 104 4 14 105 7 12 12 2 9 58 12 2 1 10 Gary ಈ B. K. D. 3 7 16 4 2 0 14 5 1 6 0 1 10 0 OON 247 10 3 196 6 26 09 120 14 0 ...... : waar noosi oorco 2 11 5 2 2 1 2 8 2 2 5 8 Total area 4746. 6k. 7d. Kamat land 846. lk. ld. at Rs. 338-8-3; 176. 137. 14d. bhaoli. This village forms one taluk with Parigaon No. 41, Paranpur No. 65, and Semar No. 76. *.100 fo Total 173 383 11 12 590 15 0 13.- Village Baligaon, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. ks. A. P. B. K. D. 0 9 11 2 17 5 Rs. A. P. | 58 3 9 i 6 2 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at fix- Non-resident ed rates. Settled rai. f Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. D. 0 9 11 42 194 6 2 0 127 16 19 0 11 16 21.1 17 4 201 101 179 16 14 Rs. A. P. Total area 3246. 3k. 3d. 1 9 4 The kamat land are settled at Re. 1-2-3. 1 11 8 | 856. 12k. 3d. halhasili. 1 12 2 1 6 10 0 17 8 1 14 0 0 5 18 10 1 3 196 96 0 12 9 1 10 10 1 8 8 1 4 0 0 18 12 265 11 3 ( 104 ) 14.-Village Bad Tikhuti, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number I of holdings. Area. (Average area per holding Rent. Average area Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. - 1 3 A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. 122 K. D. 6 4 B, K. D. 2 15 12 Settled raiyats Non-resident 44 Total area 2036. 18%. 4d. The lands are all halbasili. Total 44 122 6 4 2 15 12 15.- Village Bhelahi Khurd and Kalan, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. 1 IN LITT LILLA 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. A, P. 133 96 B. 1. D. 197 10 16 674 17 19 40 3 16 16 8 7 B. K. D. 0 19 3 7 0 12 6 14 16 0 17 5 1,380 4 81 15 33 4 0 3 0 1 15 1 15 1 15 8 8 8 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,1196. 117. 6d. Kamat lands 136. 13k, 3d. settled at Rs. 19-11-6; 2 4 4 1 1136, 10%. 13d. bhaoli. HAA ससस Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 2 13 10 1 6 15 257 861 14 8 1,495 7 3 16.- Village Bhelahi, Taluka Shahpar, pargana Rhubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. P. 124 69 125 B. K. D. 150 11 4 259 17 10 254 13 1 2 5 10 10 2 9 B. K. D. 1 4 6 3 15 14 2 0 15 011 7 1 5 6 515 8 9 489 129 4 10 3 1 16 1 14 1 15 Proprietors' private lands. Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occu. (Resident ... pancy rai. yats. (Non-resident Total 8 0 8 Rs. A. P. Total area 8426. 67. 13d. 2 4 4 | Kamat lands settled bhaoli 2 2 5 606. 16k. 7d. hallasili; 16 2 4 4 2k. 13d. bhaoli. 20 15 3 1 15 8 330 677 9 14 1,030 15 0 17.- Village Bhakwa, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 39 50 B. K. D. 70 16 5 259 11 14 6L 2 12 2 12 7 B. K. D. 1 16 5 6 3 16 1 11 6 0 17 9 2 0 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... vats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occu- (Resident ... pancy rai- 3 yats (Non-resident Rent-free holdings 464 13 6 78 7 3 1 4 9 1 12 7 1 14 6 0 7 8 1 1 5 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 5016. 127. 3d. 2 0 9 Kamat lands 576. settled at 7 6 Rs. 56-13-6; 136. 15k. 5d. 0 8 10 bhaoli ; and 326. 16k. 7d. halhasili. 1 80 3 6 6 4 O 19 6 8 9 13 3 3 2 16 8 3 6 12 0 19 6 0 16 13 0 19 6 Total 138 402 8 15 560 15 0 18.---Village Bharwar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. V1 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ...! yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total B. K. D. 0 5 12 20 15 4 48 18 5 2 12 9 6 4 17 | B. K. D. 0 5 12 2 6 2 1 14 18 0 13 2 0 12 9 Rs. A. P. 38 6 3 78 7 0 4 7 6 11 0 8 1 137 1 9 9 1 12 0 1 12 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 1206, 8k, 4d. 2 1 11 Kamat lands held at 71 1 13 5 annas; 136. 7. 11d. hal- 2 0 1 | hasili. 2 08 78 16 7 132 5 5 ( 105 ) . • 19.-Village Bharwar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number 1 of holdings. Areas Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. I per acre. REMARKS. - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. 1 Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... B. K. D. 23 5 13 108 16 7 25 7 3 0 16 11 0 19 6 35 18 7 D. 3 17 12 2 10 12 1 15 15 0 16 11 0 19 6 5 2 12 ...... Total area 2756. 71c. 5d. Ramat lands 36. 57. 17d. settled at Rs. 5; 196. 19%. 16d, halhasili. The raiyati lands are all halbasili and jaidadi, viz., 1126. 10k. 7d. halhasili; 136.9k, jaidadi. Total ... 195 3 7 20.- Village Birjain, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident oy raiyats. Total ... B. K. D. 9 8 18 119 15 6 5 16 13 0 14 19 B. K. D. 9 8 18 1 14 11 0 12 19 0 1 3 238 12 2 6 3 0.3 4 0 Rs. A. P. 1 14 11 2 70 3 0 0 2 3 12 3 6 5 7 9 Total area 3986. 11k. 3d. The proprietors' private lands are held khas by the Banaili Estate. 1096. 9k. 5d. jaidadi. 135 15 16 252 10 6 21.- Village Bijwar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. . UVOD TUA Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 15 . 110 B. K. D. 19 8 7 367 5 11 428 10 18 0 1 7 B. K. D. 1 5 17 3 6 15 2 5 11 0 1 7 188 : 1 536 1 6 700 12 3 0 2 0 1 1 2 Ai ono od Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats, Non-occupan. ( Resident ... ] cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 7 7 7 1 5 3 1 10 9 1 12 10 Total area 1,4346. 12. 15d. Kamat lands 96. 13k. ld. held at Rs. 18-14-9; 96. 15k. 6d. bhaoli; 104b. 19k. 12d. Halhasili. 1 9 2 62 1 7 5 4 5 0 3 1 8 1 6 4 7 1 1 14 122 2 1 6 1 15 Jo.. 0 6 ·1 92 2 4 2 Total 370 884 0 17 1,361 0 9 Village Burgaon, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 11 11 17 0 5 2 B. K. D. 1 13 2 0 5 2 Rs. A. P. 0 14 9 ...... 3 8 1 1 16 Proprietors' private lands ... Raigats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 236 0 10 123 18 0 0 16 17 468 13 6 281 12 6 1 11 0 2 2 4 1 4 9 17 3 18 13 2 16 6 0 16 0 4 12 0 17 9 3 19 15 Rs. A. P. | Total area 5066.8k. 8d. 40 (* Kamat lands 9b. 6k. 12d. held at Rs. 20-9; 26. 5k. 2 3 10 | 5d. held bbaoli. 2 9 5 This includes rents of Bur. 2 6 6 / gaon Arazi (4). * The raiyat at fixed rent 71 bolds 18. 15%. 1d. in 13 8 Arazi Burgaon, and his rent-rate is annas 7-9 per bigha. 1 7 16 5 4 19 11 19 6 5 4 9 11 6 3 3 14 2 1 9 11 : Total ... 128 1 .' 391 47 768 3 6 23.-Village Chilkaur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. 33 B. K. D. 4 2 Rs. A. P. 72 3 0 Rs. A. P. 1 14 01 Rs. A. P. 2 2 5 Total area 436. 15k. ld. B. K. D. 1 2 10 0 10 16 Settled rai. Non-resident. yats. Rent-free holdings 1 12 10 Total Total ... 36 ... 36 • 38 16 12 • 38 16 12 . 72 8001.... 72 3:0 .. ( 106 ) 24.-Dillage Chitkandaha, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. B. K. D. 11 5 12 B. K. D. i 1 17 12 Rs. A. P 17 8 0 Rs. A. P. | 1 7 4 Rs. A. P. 1 10 8 rai. Non-resident Settled yats. Total area 516. 15k. 13d. 406. 107. ld. balhasili. Total 11 5 12 17 8 0 ..... ...... 25.– Village Chaudrain, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 39 167 1 97 B. K. D. 123 17 5 701 11 19 96 9 15 110 18 14 52 6 12 6 16 19 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 3 3 10 4 4 0 1 1,121 12 3 3 17 3 160 3 9 1 7 14 160 96 1 14 17 85 90 1 14 5 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan- | Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings i 10 8 Rs. A. P. .... Total area, 1,5616. lk. 13d. 1 13 3.1 Kamat lands held at Rs. 1 14 6 198-3-6, & 10k. 6d. bhaoli. 1 10 5 Raiyati land 16. 11k, 6d. 1 14 0 bhaoli, 26. 4. 10d. hal. hasili, 56. 8k, 9d. jaidadi. 80 1 30 10 3 Total 345 1,092 1 4 1,528 2 6 - 26.- Village Chatiwan, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 2 15 4 196 19 16 113 10 0 14 19 7 22 6 16 14 15 10 9 15 12 1 0 16 B. K. D. 0 18 8 3 14 15 2 9 15 4 19 15 2 9 12 0 16 8 0 19 11 I 0 16 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ŚResident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ...! cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 360 7 6 207 7 6 30 09 44 15 6 24 11 0 18 3 3 1 13 1 13 2 3 2 0 3 6 6 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 4576. 177. 11d. 2 1 6 Kamat land 16. 27. 4d. held 1 10 at Rs. 2-5-3. 2 8 7 | 16. 13k. bhaoli. 2 4 6 16. 2k. 10d. bhaoli. ind my so * 60 ar 1 14 oro 1 14 376 3 1 685 13 6 27.-Village Darhar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 59 165 B. K. D. 101 130 917 7 6 1 236 0 0 15 7 10 2 9 12 1 15 16 ܘ ܚܙ ܗ ܟܬ Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. s Kesident ... yats. ? Non-resident Non occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 14 0 5 18 9 2 14 0 0 18 1 0 12 8 0 17 18 Rs. A. P. 1 15 8 1 10 3 1,936 0 388 2 46 13 6 12 3 3 6 6 med grov NEW CO Rs. A. P. Total area 2,0506. 9k, 16d. 2 4 4 Kamat lands 106. 127. 6d. 1 14 01 held at Rs. 23-7. 3 8 11 906. 10%. 12d. bhaoli. 3 1 4 10k. 2d. halhasili. 1426. 10%. 1d. jaidadi. 1 . Total ... 11,334 13 4 2,377 12 6 28.-Village Dhanwar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. 18 B. K. D 15 15 5 62 12 14 147 B. K. D. 0 17 5 0 8 10 1.16 7 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Non-resident yats Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total .. Rs. A. P. 92 6 6 10 130 Rs. A. . 1 7 4 174 Rs. A. P. Total area 5446. 6k. 8d. 1 10 8 Kamat lands 166. 11k, 15d. 110 8 Raiyats” lands 26. 112. 8d. bhaoli; 2386. lk. halhasili. bhaoli. 7 5 8 169 85 9 7 103 3 6 ...... ..... ( 107 ) 29.- Village Dharampur, pargina Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. 1 Rs. A. P. 10 11 27 4 9 35 8 0 Raiyats at Resident ... · fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-residen Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-residen Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 9 12 13 19 5 3 26 3 13 18 8 10 0 19 11 0 5 6 7 3 12 B. K. D. 1 1 8 1 4 1 0 13 08 11 0 6 10 0 1 15 1 15 18 · Rs. A. P. 1 2 0 1 6 6 1 5 1 4 1 7 1 1 12 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 2256.7k. 5d. 1 4 6 846. 17. 16d. halhasili. 1 9 9 1 8 11 1 6 10 1 10 5 2 0 1 Lobos do 0 7 3 - Total 81 18 8 98 7 0 30.– Village Dumra, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 70 B. K. D. 186 15 16 94 6 84 4 6 4 6 8 3 14 2 5 4 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ..., yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... ONCOOH B. K. D. 2 13 7 2 15 2 16 2 0 17 5 0 12 7 1 77 WWOO 162 4 143 8 7 13 7 12 3 6 9 0 1 11 6 1 11 3 1 13 10 Rs. A. P. Total area 6706. 14k, 19d. 1 15 6 | Kamat lands 146. 27. 19d. 1 15 2 held at Rs. 28-14-9. 2 2 2 1726. 12k. 17d. halhasili 2 15 10 110. 11. 14d. halbasili. os 11 149 378 11 2 321 6 6 31.-Village Ekarh, pargana Khubhhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-Ş Resident ... 1 yats. Non-resident 132 159 176 B. K. D. 280 15 16 501 0 6 174 19 18 wooo B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 2 2 4 3 3 0 1 688 12 9 0 19 17 92 14 3 1 0 5 10 8 5 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,1356. 7k. 15d. 1 8 11 | Kamat lands 2626. 4k. 14d. 097 | beld at Rs. 423-14. 166. 10%. 10d. held bhaoli; 26. Ok. 12d. held halbasili. Halhasili 905. 10k. 15d. Jaidadi 4426. 18k. 10d. 1 Rents included with Bak. wa (No. 17). 3 Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. { Non-resident Rent-free holdings 6 19 5 1 1 14 2 5 7 2 0 1 6 8 5 8 2 13 H Total 476 967 2 6 781 11 0 32.- Village Enayetpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K, D. 1 16 1 3 17 2 1 8 2 12 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ...! raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 92 13 4 266 5 7 41 17 3 0 19 4 6 6 9 20 19 16 8 4 6 1 18 13 0 19 4 1 5 5 0 19 11 410 11 9 77 3 3 2 1 0 3 5 9 11 6 18 93 NOO Rs. A. P. Total area 524b. 2. 6d. 1 li 7 Kamat lands 546, 7 k. settled 2 0 8' at Rs. 106-10; 306. 6k. 2 77 14d. bhaoli ; 8k. 7d. hal- 0 1 9 hasili. 2 10 6 O 16 0 15 0 13 2 5 3 3 4 3 1 O 0 19 6 Total 172 439 4 12 528 10 61 33.- Village Govindpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 69 13 7 2695 17 104 18 1 0 19 7 11 14 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident B. 1. D. 3 3 6 7 5 11 i 18 0 6 9 1 3 8 17 543 11 9 210 4 6 2 0 0 17 06! Rs. A. P. 1 10 6 2 1.0 2 1 6 1 9 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 5376. 19%. 1.2d. 1 14 4 Kamat lands 76. lk. 6d. i 5 8 settled at Rs. 13.7 628 2 5 9 12k. 1d. bhaoli. 1 12 10 Total ... 126 456 10 18 7730 9 o 2 ( ) 108 34.-Gamirhow, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding, Number of holdings. Area. Average -area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. VO: Total area 1916. 7k. 2d. Kamat lands 26. 5k, 16d. at Rs. 4-7 ; 96. 6k. 16d. bhaoli. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 11 12 12 68 1 17 69 16 0 1 6 9 8 3 12 1 4 6 1 16 1 1 46 1 10 5 1 14 0 0 13 4 2 17 17 0 12 3 0 12 6 1 4 6 153 6 100 7 4 8 9 15 2 14 4 4 6 6 9 6 0) 6 1 10 5 3 15 2 1 6 4 2 11 9 2 10 11 2 VACA 6 120 163 5 3 275 8 9 35.- Village Gurhia Lohar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 41 8 14 178 4 6 34 14 7 B. K. D. 1 1 16 4 11 13 1 14 14 Rs. A. P. Total area 3256. 57c 4d. 2 12 9 | Kamat lands are held bhaoli. 436 10 69 1 Rs. A. P. 2 7 2 1 15 10 6 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 13 4 7 7 19 10 ( 14 13 0 13 5 0 10 18 35 15 15 15 6 0 2 11 7 1 15 10 3 2 1 10 4 6 0 10 18 128 276 2 2 557 10 9 OOO 36.-Village Guria Bundah, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 1 1 0 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 11 5 8 93 15 6 84 2 16 3 10 10 0 4 14 0 11 6 Propriotors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. 1 14 3 1.5 6 wrto AVO 1 7 11 0 5 17 0 4 14 0 11 6 179 11 0 113 15 3 7 4 3 10 8 0 OWOW Rs. A. P. Total area 2216. 19%, ld. 1 15 0 Kamat lands 546. 16k 18d. 1 8 2 held at Rs. 12-7 ; 36. 11%. 2 11 6 6d. held bhaoli; 16. 17k. 2 6 9 1 4d. held by proprietor. Total 1141 193 10 0 301 6 6 37.-Village Hati, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Raigats at Resident ... fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 162 16 3 101 19 6 28 19 12 215 10 3 62 10 8 5 13 12 15 19 19 3 8 8 B. K. D. 1 13 10 20 7 17 7 4 18 5 10 10 2 10 0 011 7 1 6 13 1 14 4 78 12 6 37 3 3 300 66 78 12 9 6 1 6 21 39 0 11 8 1 4 0 1 5 8 1 40 1 0 8 1 4 0 0 13 5 1 6 10 1 8 9 1 6 0 1 3 0 1 6 10 Total area 9046. 15%. 2d. Kamat lands 166. 4k. 2d. 1 beld at Rs. 30-8; 1336.1K.' 12d. bhaoli; 136. 10k, 3d. halhasili. 66. 3k. 12d, bhaoli. 1336, lk. 3d, jaidadi. 1 Total 193 596 17 11 522 8 3 38.- Village Hempur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 3946. 16k. 17d. 56 B. K. D. 3 11 17 114 6 14 9 2 11 118 3 2 30 19 4 1 9 12 0 4 4 1 16 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at s Resident ... fixed rates. / Non-resident Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. D. 3 11 17 6 3 17 1 1 16 2 2 3 0 9 13 0 3 12 007 0 18 0 Kamat lands held at Rs. 5-6, 875, 6k. 3d. halbasili. 152 13 9 12 10 3 184 11 0 36 15 6 2 3 3 0 5 9 1 9 0 Owoh oh OOOO 1 8 4 1 3 1 1. 127 1. 5 10 2 9 1 1 12 7 169 279 12 4 20.0 391 4 6 ( 109 ) 39.- Village Katiahi, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Nomber holdings. Area. Average arca per holding Rent. Average rate (Average rate per bigha.. per acre. REMARKS. 8 B. K. D. 1077 1 8 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai. yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. 1 3 0 1 8 0 0 19 10 0 3 16 Rs. A. P. Ï 46 84 2 9 5 10 0 1 Rs. A. P. ö 14 3 1 3 8 1 6 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 79:6. 175. 1d. Kamat lands are held bha- 1 O 5 l oli. 3060. 13%. 19d. halhasili. 1 6 6 1 9 9 0 19 10 4 05 Total 101 84 2 16 91 1 3 40.- Village Kathuar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 32 3 13 5 96 B. K. D. 0 19 15 2 14 13 B. K. D. 17 3 o Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats 81 Non-resident | fixed rates. Settled S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident 302 19 16 97 17 13 15 3 4 6 14 12 7 7 16 3 3 3 1 1 13 0 16 16 420 124 22 14 2 46 2 COW Rs. A. P Total area 6986. 776. 19d.. 3 11 3 | The rent includes ren't of lands in Kathuar Arazi 1 8 10 1 (No. 5). 1 7 1 Kamat lands 76. Ok. 4d. 1 10 11 bhaoli; 236, 3k. yd. held 2 7 7 khas; 1156. 6. 4d. hal- hasili. This includes rents of lands in Arazi Kathuar (No. 5). co Total, .. 129 460 8 4 598 4 0 ..... 41.-Dillage Karigaon, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 58 6 8 89 14 3 B. K. D. 19 8 16 2 8 9 1 Rs. A. P. 135 12 0 Rs. A. P, 1 7 4 1 10 8 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 20 15 9 0 13 8 33 13 6 1 9 0 1 1 12 7 Total area 2086. lok. 8d. Kamat lånds 16. 5k, settled at Rs. 1-10; 576. lk. 8d. settled bhaoli. Tbis village forms portion of the taluka of Balia (No. 12). Total 168 16 0 169 96 42.-Village Kedliputti, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 161 156 49 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled Resident ... raigats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Nip B K. D. 181 8 7 713 4 19 152 18 16 61 12 14 32 18 17 5 3 17 B. K. D. Rs. A, P. 1 1 18 4 11 8 1,382 7 3 3 2 8 1 273 11 0 1 3 10 115 13 6 ( 17 16 66 6 3 2 11 18 ...... 1 14 1 12 1 14 1 15 Rs. A. P. / Total area 1,4106. 2k, 14d. Kamat lands 5k. 10d. settled at Rs. 7-8-9; 1756. 18k. 7d. 2 0 5 bhaoli. 2 2 5 2 4 4 Raiyats' lands 246.8k, 0 4 0 8 37 457 1,147 7 10 1,838 6 0 43.- Village Karka Telwa, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. 12 LUVU - R. A. P. B. K. D. 39 6 15 23 7 10 B. K. D. 1 8 2 11 13 15 Rs. A. P. 0 8 0 Rs. A. P. 0 9 2 11 11 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled S Resident ... raiyats. (Non-resident Non occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings 1,408 8 14 113 12 8 3 6 9 24 15 16 3 8 19 5 16 17 2,079 50 1 18 10 175 i 0 9 9 5 13 0 1 3 12 25 3 3 1 14 9 i 76 1 8 9 1 11 01 06 Total area 1,8936. 57. 16d. Kamat lands 200. 10. &d. settled at Rs. 29.6; 186. 10%. 7d. bhaoli. 1 10 11 1 12 3 1 15 5 1 2 3 Total 360 1,616 6 10 2,297 6 6 ( 110 ) 44.- Village Khiraho, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. D. 47 18 1 658 13 3 84 5 3 7 1 3 50 2 11 1 13 16 B. K. D. 0 14 19 5 3 9 2 14 0 0 11 15 1 18 11 1 13 16 Rs. A. P. 974 8 3 141 11 6 2 5 6 79 7 0 1 11 11 1 10 10 0 5 3 1 9 4 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,3236. 13k. 8d. 2 0 0 Kamat lands 76. 5k. 17d. 1 14 9 | held at Rs. 3-15; 406. 0 6 0 1 12k. 4d. bhaoli. 1 12 11 Raiyati lands 1636. 11k. 16d. halhasili. 242 749 13 17 1,198 0 3 45.- Village Kodewa, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 77 B. K. D. 259 13 13 7 4 3 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. 3 7 9 1 8 16 Total area 3456.8k. 12d. All lands are halhasili. Total ... 82 266 17 16 ... ..... ... 46.-Village Kamrowli, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K, D. 16 13 3 2 17 19 B. K. D. 2 1 12 1 8 19 Rs. A. P. 1 7 6 162 79 181 2 6 Rs. A. P. 0 8 1 se 135 2 8 133 2 8 0 130 1 1 3 5 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled .rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 2 8 Rs. A. P. Total area 3446. lll. 18d. 0 9 3 Kamat lands are held bhaoli. 1 5 11 1 8 9 Rent included with other raiyats. 180 4 4 9 2 4 11 0 130 0 10 11 2 10 17 2 1 3 1501 A co 1 11 13 10 3 10 Total 110 300 4 1 347 30 - 47.–Village Kandaha, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 24 B. K. D. 2 07 97 13 12 403 12 4 10 6 4 À CO CO CO 154 2 12 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raia Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occu- Non-resident pancy rai- yats. Rent-free holdings Total ... Total area 9026. 127. 19d. Kamat lands are halhasili. | Lands are halhasili and jaidadi, viz. 4366. 12k. halhasili. 826. 7d. jaidadi. ... a 7 5 13 3 12 16 189 520 180 48.- Village Lallpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 9 14 19 B. K. D. 0 12 19 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ....... Total area 1,1546. 5k. 1d. Kamat lands are bhaoli. Raiyati lands, jaidadi 3876, 127. 17d. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... 47 4 9 16 4 6 3 7 18 0 5 10 1 3 10 1 13 14 1 3 3 0 2 8 0 0 10 1 3 10 75 1 3 28 12 0 5 14 6 0 99 ... , 1 96 1 12 6 1 15 6 2 3 3 1 12 2 0 2 3 2 8 9 3 9 os med 78 0 12 110 5 6 ( 111 ) 49.- Dillage Lahuar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. B. K. D. 4 8 12 B. K. 1. 2 Proprietors' private lands ... D. 3 Rs. A. P. ...... Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 3366, 137. 12d. Kamat lands settled at Rs. 6-3; 11k. 12d. bha. oli; 696. 177. 7d. hal. hasili. Settled rai. S Resident ... x yats. Non-resident! Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. 181 4 6 3 2 10 6 2 1 5 3 8 g 0 13 13 0 6 5 288 13 9 10 9 0 4 10 9 1 96 1 11 6 1 16 61 1 13 1 15 2 4 2 6 2 Total - 74 194 o 304 1 6 -Village Mujhowl, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs, A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-resident B. K. D. 14 10 5 162 18 7 60 13 0 1 12 10 0 2 10 B. K. D. 1 2 18 1 4 15 16 [ 1 13 0 16 5 0 2 10 307 12 3 116.5 6 3 6 6 0 1 0 1 14 1 15 6 3 Rs. A. P. | Total area 2996. lk. 1d. Kamat lands 16. 13k. 6d. 2 3 0 l settled at Rs. 2-6 ; 126. 2 3 10 16k. 19d. bhaoli. 2 9 8 0 2 6 2 4 08 IN Total ... 239 16 12 427 9 3 1.- Village Mahisarhow, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... B. K. D. 65 14 1 253 17 6 B. K. D. 0 14 18 2 12 8 Rs. A. P. 437 70 Rs. A. p. 1 1 6 6 1 10 3 2 12 3 yats. Rs. A. P. Total area 4066. 11%. 10d. Kamat lands 146. 13k. 16d. at Rs. 24-10-9; 516. 5d. 1 14 01 bhaoli. 3 2 7 26. 8. 15d. bhaoli; 86. 18% 12d, halhasili. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 4 19 16 7 11 5 0 8 18 14 0 12 9 15 2 0 8 18 8 10 19 7 9 0 Total 204 14 332 11 6 ...... 465 8 9 ...... .- Village Mohua, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. 1. D. 2 11 8 Rs. A. P. : Proprietors' private lands .... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident B. K. D. 56 17 18 191 8 16 166 17 11 76 105 Rs. A. P. 369 8 336 4 Rs. A. P. i 14 6 2 0 3 30 4 9 con on Total area 4826. 6k. 16d. Kamat lands 446. 12. 2d. held at 596. 14k; 126. 5k. 16d. held bhaoli, 00 Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident 0 13 9 5 11 6 2 5 1 15 2 2 8 3 0 7 13 2 19 7 1 0 4 0 1 2 0 19 16 0 10 2. 0 7 Rent-free holdings Total 216 419 11 9 712 6 0 53.–Village Muhammadpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rais Resident ... yats. ' Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident SEILEDERE B. K. D. 31 6 0 53 12 5 27 15 11 2 1 3 6 7 16 B. K. D. 0 19 10 3 16 11 0 16 11 77 93 13 16 0 3 11 9 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 1476. 18%. 9d. Kamat lands 206. 18%. 7d. at 0 7 8 Rs. 23-10-6; 106.7k. 13d. 2 3 11 | bhaoli. Rents included with Ekarh; hence low rates of 2 2 5 rent. A 2 2 12 1 601 1 6 0 2.99 1 14 0 Non-occupan-Resident ... Total ... cy raiyats. 84 | 122 8 16 97 13 9 ( 112 ) 154.-- Village Murlipur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. / per acre. REMARKS. 6 - B. K. D. 16 7 6 0 4 19 Rs. A. P. 0 43 Rs. A. P. | Ï o Proprietors' private lands... Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total ... B. K. D. 49 1 15 04 19 211 7 9 117 4 4 7 16 11 3 3 12 3 17 10 2 1 2 0 19 11 0 10 12 | 353 0 149 3 7 3 4 12 3 3 3 3 1 10 I 4 0 15 1 8 9 3 6 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 8826. 17k. ld. 1 3 5 Kamat lands 366. 13k. 3d. held at Rs. 44-8; 126. 8k. 1 14 7 12d. bhaoli; 2506. 3k. Ad. 1 7 11 halhasili, 1 1 11. 1 12 0 128 , 388 18 10 514 7 3 55.- Village Mohunpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. : . B. K. D. 78 10 14 261 5 19 368 7 5 3 3 7 58 0 14 50 4 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non occupen. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B, K. D. 13 1 15 3 9 13 5 11 12 0 10 11 1 1 9 2 3 13 346 14 0 602 10 9 3 90 82 2 0 Rs. A. P. 1 5 3 10 2 1 3 0 1 6 7 Total area 1,0776. 12K. 9d. Kamat lands are held at Rs. 138-13. 1 8 3 1 13 11 1 5 9 I 9 10 Heroes fonds 230 819 11 19 1,035 3 9 56.–Pillage Nahuch, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P Rs. A. P, .... 2 5 yats. B. K. D. 163 13 3 112 13 14 269 17 10 4 2 16 1 7 14 29 18 7 35 15 2 Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai. S Resident ... (Non-resident Occupancy }Non-resident raiyats. S Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 7 7 17 5 7 6 3 7 6 1 7 12 0 3 19 2 6 0 5 19 3 Rs. A. P. 265 9 573 15 8 8 9 3 5 9 67 1 9 Total area 7016. 4k. 4d. Kamat lands 1656, 5d. held at Rs. 452-14-3; 66. 12k. 18d. bhaoli. Rico may con to w co aag: 2 11 0 2 6 10 2 5 10 2 12 10 2 13 6 152 617 8 6 918 8 3 57.-Village Nahuwrar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. i 14 8 50 1 14 2 3 1 2 2 3 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy } Nm resident raiyats. S Non-occupan-2 cy raiyats. S Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 127 6 8 185 11 3 489 12 14 5 18 0 10 5 7 16 2 3 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 1 19 3 3 14 4 354 9 9 1 14 16 936 9 3 1 9 10 12 6 3 9 12 3 1 6 16 .... 1,313 5 6 Total area 1,0196. 3%. 16d. Kamat lands 456. 19d. held at Rs. 85-5-6; 826, 5k. 9 d. bhaoli. Included with Augsour (No. 3). 2 78 0 14 6 1 0 10 419 .834 15 15 58.- Village Narga, pargạna Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. | 14 10 110 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. S Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 1 2 5 1 3.6 1 1 7 0 5 16 0 11 9 1 15 B. K. D 15 11 19 11 13 9 117 11 0 0 17 8 2 5 17 Rs. A. P. 23 2 9 243 96 1 13 3 4 14 6 9 2 i i Rs. A. P. Total area 3496. 10%. 16d. 2 4 5 1 Kamat lands held bhaoli. 2 5 9 Jaidadi lands 1366. 3k. 11d. 2 5 8 2 7 1 2 1 0 2 2 Total 141 147 19 13 273 8 0 ( 113 ) 59.- Village Nagra, pargana Khubhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holãings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. I per acre. REMARKS. B. Ki D. 9 12 4 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 0 13 0 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Rs. A. P. 14 rai- Non-resident 160 231 5 3 Settled yats. 1 8 18 387 5 3 1 1 10 8 1 1 14 6 Total area 4806. 5k. 6d. Kamat lands 26. 19%. 6d. settled at Rs. 4-13-9; 66. 12k. 15d. bbaoli. There are six raiyats under a tenure-holder who holds 26. 132. ld. bhaoli. 1156.8k. 8d. halhasili. 0 0 15 0 14 6 1 1 14 0 2 2 5 Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total .... 09 2 39 16 1 9 19 0 ... 190 281 2 10 388 3 9 60.-- Dillage Narayanpur, pargana Khubhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 182 7 18 Rs. A. P. 1 Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 2 12 3 Rs. A. P. 69 111 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. 210 1 6 37 15 4 3 14 11 1 17 16 | 0 18 0 3 14 11 407 12 0 71 15 3 7 11 0 1 15 0 1 13 3 2 1 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 9716. 16%. 16d. Kamat lands 26. 7. 16d. settled at Rs 4-3-6; 546. 2 3 7 | 87. 19d. bhaoli; 125b. 117. 2 1 6 | 3d. held by proprietors. 2 5 8 Raiyats' lands 2316. 12k. 15d, jaidadi. OT Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident 0 8 4 30 18 10 0 1 1 1 5 0 1 1 24 0 11 3 | 54 0 31 1 14 01 1 12 0 1 2 2 2 0 5 1 Total 255 465 5 13 542 1 9 61.- Village Nohutta, pargana Khubhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. 82 B. K. D. 252 11 11 19 9 15 B. K. D. 3 1 12 1996 Rs. A. P. 1 4 3 25 4 O 1 5 9 656 6 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Raigats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 3,493 13 9 950 18 17 302 18 13 15 1 270 13 13 207 5 6 9 4 11 17 0 10 19 0 13 15 0 8 5 Total area 5,8146. Ok. 16d. The kamat lands are settled bhaoli. B. K. D. Halhasili ... 95 5 0 Ditto ... 33 0 4,563 1 0 1,269 8 9 41 11 0 1993 1 4 11 1 5 4 1 5 10 i 7 6 بساط با ما | 8 9 0 9 20 Total ... 128 5 1 N.B.—The settlement of this village is not com- plete. Total ... 1,071 5,031 5 4 5,919 20 I . 62.- Village Noula, pargana Khubhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 2 6 7 10 7 7 B. K. D. 80 3 2 798 7 14 42 19 2 32 17 2 3 18 7 0 12 10 4 15 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non occupan-Resident .... cy raiyats. | Non-resident Rent-free holdings 9 1,341 13 9 77 4 0 52 9 0 7 12 ei oooo 0 14 18 3 18 7 0 12 10 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,3386. 4k. 10d. 1 14 3 Kamat lands 426. 11k. 10d. 2 0 11 at Rs. 62-6-3; 376. 1lk. 1 13 7 | 12d. bhaol. 2 3 6 ...... 1 10 6 1 12 9 1 9 11 1 15 6 Total .. 167 958 17 17 ...... 1,479 6 9 C 63.- Village Nonia, pargana Khubhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy reiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 66 9 11 10 6 17 205 18 19 0 2 15 2 11 7 B. K. D. 1 2 18 0 15 18 1 16 0 0 2 15 0 17 2 161 18 13 347 10 0 4 2 14 3 3 0 3 1 13 2 1 10 11 1 14 0 1 1 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 8446. 4k. 17d. Kamat lands 136. 177. 10d. 1 14 91 at Rs. 33-0-6; 626. 12%. 2 2 5 1d. bhaoli 1 3 8 Raiyati landem B. K. D. Halhasili ... 145 6 5 Jaidadi ... 67 5 0 Total ... 236 285 9 9 369 9 9 ...... 1 ...... ( 114 ) 64._.-Village Parewa, parg ana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Olass of holding. Nuinber of holdings. Ares. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acro. REMARKS. 3 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 5 10 15 92 1 2 4 7 13 Rs. A P. 143 6 31 Rs. A. P. I 8 9 14 Proprietors' private land ... Settled raia Non-resident yat. Non-occupan. Non-resident oy raiyat. Total 1 12 3 Total area 1156. 2k. 16d. Kamat lands 26. 12k. 1d. at Rs. 3-1-6; 26. 18k. 14d. bhaoli; 36. 6k. 6d. hal- hasili. 0 7 19 6 7 3 1 4 0 1 6 10 100 101 19 10 148 13 6 65.- Village Paranpur, pargana Khubkhand, distriot Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 85 15 10 89 13.4 B. K. D. 3 14 11 8 19 6 Rs. A. P. 181 14 6 Rs. A P. 205 2 4 11 Proprietors' private lands ... Resident ... Settled rai- yats. (Non-resident Non.ocoupan. ſ Resident ... dy raiyats. Non-resident Total ... Total area 4050. 47. 4d. Kamat lands 796. 6k. 2d. held at Rs. 101-1-6; 96. 9k. 8d. bhaoli. Rents inoluded with Balia. 33 9 6 57 3 6 36 10 19 1 17 3 2 6 14 1 1 9 911 01 113 991 66 6 91 04 71 2 0 0 | 13 0 0 2 2 6 4 1 3 6 3 34 110 302 12 5 ...... 371 10 0 ..... 66.-Village Pastwar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. B. K. D. Rs. A.P. 9 130 169 16 6 115 4 5 COCO 0 10 3 3 13 17 3 2 7 Rs. A. P. 288 8 0 1 1 7 6 Halhasili Proprietors' private land ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-s Resident .... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total ... Rs. A. P. Total area 4806. 5k. 19d. 1 10 11 Kamat lands are held bhaoli ; 1236. 8k. 10 d. held balhasili. 1 10 4 | 46. 147.. 30. held halhasili. 2 2 5 9 5 9 098 1 6 9 0 4 14 13' 3 0 0 13 6 1 17 1 14 01 304 8 8 302 8 6 67-Village Partaha, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Setiled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident | Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Total .... B. K. D. 106 3 7 70 10 0 260 14 9 11 9 19 B. K. D. 3 10 14 5 8 9 2 13 5 0 19 3 Rs. A. P. 144 1 9 514 8 0 22 12 6 2 0 8 1 157 2 0 0 2 2 4 4 3 6 Total area 5066. 16.c. 172. Kamat lands 836. 197. 2d. held at Rs. 59-12; 226. 4k. 5d. held bhaoli. 151 448 17 15 681 6 3 68.- Village Paharpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 5 12 11 252 12 0 108 127 1 8 15 B. K. D. 2 16 6 4 2 11 2 2 11 1 8 15 Rs. A. P. 1 15 6 2 1 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Occupancy rai. Resident ... yats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... ! cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rs. A. P. Total area 4236, 6. 6d. 2 3 11 | Kamat lands let 2 6 61 Rs. 13-9-6. 493 10 9 229 4 6 ...... at 1 3 11 5 16 6 0 1 3.7 9 1 2 10 9 7 3 3 2 0 1 14 6 3 2 2 6 2 1 8 Total 126 375 5 10 735 0 9 ...... n ! ( 115 ) 69.- Village Pundshur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bighà. per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A, P. 1 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 25 16 4 299 18 2 25 18 5 4 10 15 1 2 18 B, K. D. 1 0 12 7 9 19 1 19 17 1 105 1 2 18 479 12 3 45 12 6 8 3 6 2 0 0 1 6 1 16 1 12 1 8 6 3 6 9 R$. A. P. Total area 4086.5%. 19d. 1 9 9 | Kamat lands settled at 2 3 10 Rs, 19.10-9; 5. 1d. hal- 2 0 81 hasili. 1 12 3 Total ... 357 6 4 535 123 111 70.- Village Purkhotimpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 50 10 18 111 17 6 30 15 4 1 9 3 0 17 16 0 4 2 B. I. D. 2 3 19 4 9 1 15 17 0 9 14 0 5 11 0 4 2 213 14 6 58 8 6 3 0 0 1 13 3 Rs. A. P. 1 14 6 1 15 3 2 09 Rs. A. P. Total area 2436.6. 2d, 2 3 0 Kamat lands 506. 10. 18d. 2 3 8 settled at Rs. 81-15- : 86. 2 5 4 107. 15d. halh asili. 2 5 4 Total 78 | 195 14 8! .... 277 4 3 1 ...... ...... 71. Village Pokhurbhinda, pargana Rhubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 10 48 137 B. K. D. 25 05 333 17 10 310 4 14 10 19 2 25 05 1 17 2 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. D 2 10 0 6 19 2 2 40 1 11 6 1 1 15 0 18 11 ...... ...... Total area 8136. 15k. 6d. Kawat lands 16k. selected at Re. 1-12-9; 246. 4. 5d. halhasili, Lands held halhasili. 227 706 18 18 10 72.- Village Rampur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. _ Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total ... B. K. D. 62 18 10 329 19 8 176 8 11 36 10 11 43 5 6 B, K. D. 1 5 3 4 15 12 4 15 4 1 3 11 1 17 12 743 7 0 344 13 6 76 il 3 88 8 3 1 15 1 14 2 1 1 15 8 0 4 8 Rs. A. P. Total area 7646, 18k. 8d. Kamat lands 26. 42. held at Rs. 3-11-3; 600. 18k. 6d. 2 6 0 1 bhaoli. 2 4 4 | Raiyati lands 156. 12k. bhaoli. 210 649 2 6 1,253 8 0 73,-Village Ramjitola, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A.P. På 600 mo . 2 0 B. K. D. 87 1 8 220 6 4 64 10 9 1 11 18 10 8 14 1 11 8 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... 1 3 3 8 0 18 0 6 0 14 1 11 0 5 4 7 6 8 446 2 6 132 0 0 2 5 0 21 8 3 Woow Rs. A. P. Total area 4326. 10%. 6d. 2 4 9 Kamat lands 206, 22. 5d. 2 5 8 1 held at Rs, 41-4-9; 866. 2 0 1 | 19k. 3d. held bhaoli. 2 70 234 385 10 1 601 15 9 P2 ( 116 ) 74.- Village Rusulpur, pargana Khubichand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 111 18 8 275 11 8 1727 19 0 10 8 : He had to B. K. D. 1 9 9 3 1 0 1 16 10 On Rs. A. P. 498 14 9 216 3 3 1 12 10 1 4 1 2 1 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occu- (Resident ... pancy rai. yats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... 1 0 6 11 : : Oui Total area 1,0206.7%. 1d. Kamat lands are held bhaoli. 2696. 1976. ld. jaidedi. Bhaoli 107. 8d. Jaidadi. 1 5 9 0 5 2 6 197 1 2 8 3 98 1 2 8 Ditto. 254 569 16 7 715 2 01 ...... 75.- Village Sapaita, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Proprietors' private iands ... B. K. D. 3 17 12 1 18 16 2 8 17 552 6 3 154 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. Total area 7996. 19k. 3d. Kamat lands held halha- sili - (Lands held halhasili and. jaidadi are as follows :- B. K. D. Halhasili... 569 18 9 Jaidadi ... 25 14 2 0 16 15 3 11 14 2 12 17 9 3 7 36 19 19 55 0 12 - Total ... 179 650 13 3 ..... ...... ..... ..... 76.–Village Semur, paryana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 197 18 13 B. K. D. 3 16 2 Rs. A. P. 1 Proprietors'private lands ... | Rs. A. P. Settled yats. rài. S Resident ... Non-resident | 153 11 10 131 12 4 8 10 12 2 12 13 | 317 165 0 7 0 9 2 1 1 4 6 9 Rs. A. P. | Total area 8046. 15d. Kamat lands- B. K. D. 72 9 15 held at 2 5 10 Rs. 32-11-9. 1 7 1 64 1 12 held bhaoli. 61 7 16 held by the pro- prietors. 2 4 10 halhasili. Rents are included partly 2 4 9 with Barlia village (No. 1 13 11 12), hence the low rate of non-resident raiyats. 41 15 4 69 12 9 1 4 14 83 8 6 112 09 64 Non-occupan-s Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holding Total ... 1 12 2 1 1 5 1 4 14 2 09 1 10 6 --. 211 211 595 14 14 696 14 14 678 1 0 678 10 77.-Village Sataur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 233 16 0 B. K. D. 2 12 15 Rs. A. P. ...... 156 580 16 15 3 14 9 1,120 6 3 1 14 0 [ Resident ... Settled rai- j yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. Total area 2,0056. 2k. 12d. Kamat lands B. K. D. 2 2 5 3 15 16 held at Rs. 4-1-6. 229 19 4. bhaoli. Raiyati lands- | Jaidadi, 3226. 9 . 1d. 2 2 5 2 44 257 2 2 31 14 8 84 3 10 3 2 4 4 0 0 11 19 2 6 15 1 0 14 490 8 3 59 10 9 171 15 0 aa 1 14 0 1 14 0 1 16 8 I Total ... 401 1,190 13 0 ...... 1,842 8 1,842 3 ( 117 ) 78.–Village Sarauni, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding Number of Area. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. I per acre. REMARKS. holdings. 3 B. B.DE B. K. D. 5 0 8 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... 100 8 13 3 8 8 Total area 1,2796. 176. 3d. Kamat lands- B. K. D. 74 12 12 held at Rs. 126-4-3 25 16 i bhaoli. 1 10 5 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-oocupan. Resident ... ·cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 441 3 16 25 70 1 5 17 0 11 12 11 13 0 3 13 2 2 3 17 1 1 1 1 0 11 1 8 0 637 3 9 26 13 9 1 14 6 19 6 9 696 0 7 16 1 5 17 o ll 12 0 12 5 09 2 1 1 18 NO CODE 1 3 3 1 11 5 1 14 6 2 0 11 1 10 7 1 129 300 6 11 jaidadi. 33 00 halhasili. Total 246 586 6 17 692 0 3 79.-Village Shahpur, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. 233 K. D. 4 5 B. K. D. 3 17 14 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. P. 131 1 11 6 1 15 Total area 9176. 14k. 2d. Kamat lands B. K. D. 192 8 2 settled at Rs. 917-14-2. 40 16 3 bhaoli. 439 10 9 134 3 2 9 11 7 4 5 11 21 14 19 3 7 2 741 12 6 1 157 241 8 9 0 6 7 20 1 3 0 9 10 | 97 7 4 19 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdngs 1 13 3 anon 2 1 6 2 6 3 2 11 2 ...... . Total ... 309 842 9 13 1,012 13 9 80.-Village Telhar, pargana Khubkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 78 19 9 B. K. D. 1 9 16 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident 205 114 611 6 7 225 11 15 2 19 12 | 989 8 1 18 6 330 10 6 9 1 9 6 1 5 31 1 12 1 8 9 1 Total area 1,8226. 112. 19d. Kamat lands.- B. K. D. 54 1 10 held at Rs. 94-9-9. 18 10 O halhasili. 23 5 9 bhaoli. 568 2 13 halhasili. BA 15 5 3 8 4 6 22 10 17 Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyuts. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 0 6 19 125 13 0 11 18 15 12 9 4 12 14 111 01 1 16 3 1 14 11 2 3 8 409 961 17 16 1,361 1 3 81.-Village Thanwar, pargana Rhubkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. P. | B. K. D 190 14 13 105 Proprietors' private lands... B. K. D. ' 1 16 6 Rs. A. P. . 20 20 som 3 7 3 10 350 12 16 163 14 19 7 16 13 4 16 16 1 4 2 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... 5 3 2 3 19 17 0 8 14 0 16 2 1 4 2 695 13 9 321 4 3 17 2 3 9 14 3 1 15 1 15 2 7 2 7 18 0 3 0 6 Total area 9446. 15k. 4d. Kamat lands B. K. D. 104 4 19 settled at Rs. 176-0-3. 86 9 14 bhaoli. 12 7 2 13 2 ...... 239 718 19 19 1,044 2 6 ( 118 ) Abstract of Uttarkhand pargana, district Bhagalpur. . Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area, Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate (Average rate per bigba. | per acre. REMARKS. : 1 Rus, A. P. Rs. A. P. 323 0 100 0 6 2,961 1,493 11 B. E. D. 827 10 16 138 5 17 20 19 2 18,147 6 17 3,792 16 7 41 2 15 44 5 6 77 16 19 66 90 1,048 15 0 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 2 114 138 5 17 86 10 9 20 192 7 10 0 6 2 11 24,070 13 6 2 10 15 5,081 96 3 15 11 67 4 2 6 12 55 3 0 13 6 156 6 1 14 2 1 114 7 2 3 18 Proprietors' private lands... Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Non-resident Settled ( Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... | raisats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings 1 1 6 5 1 2 0 11 6 0 0 1 9 3 1 8 2 0 1 6 10 2 5 2 1 15 0 19 117 39 478 Kamat lands 3506. 11k. 18d. settled at Rs. 582-4-3 ; 336. 147. 10d. held halhasili; 3986. 3k. 3d. held bhaoli; 456. 17. 5d. held khas ; 616, 8k, 15d. held halhasi, li; 2926, 5k. ld. hold hal- hasili, and 316, 19k. 4d. held bhaoli. 2936. ld. beld halhasili, 136. 14k. 16d. held halhasili, and 26. 17k. 11d. held bhaoli, 76. lk. 60. held halhasili. Total halhasili 7016 4k. 19d; bhaoli 4326. 19%. 18d. There are two tenure-holders with 6756. 3k. 3d. held at Rs. 541-1. Standard pole =63 cubits. Total 6,443 24,205 7 19 29,640 2 0 1.- Village Agwanpur, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. A Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | B. K. D. 5 15 14 220 15 8 144 17 15 1 15 11 9 18 18 18 19 5 5 3 1 3 3 0 5 6 381 15 264 5 2 14 9 3 9 1 14 3 1 12 11 1 6 5 Rş. A. P. Total area 4716. 12k. Od. 2 2 8 | The kamat lands are seto 3 1 3 1 tled at Rs. 13-3 for 56. 56; 1 97 and 10k, 14d. are bhaoli. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled Resident ... | raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 3 6 6 ...... 96 384 3 6 649 3 9 2.- Village Ankalir, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. VE 109 Total area 1,2376. 9k. 4d. 73 Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 784 5 10 346 18 5 1 9 18 1 12 4 3 8 6 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 7 3 17 1,221 8 6 4 15 0 555 10 0 0 5 19 2 12 9 0 10 14 1 2 13 9 1 14 3 Rs. A. P. 1 7 4 1 9 0 1 14 0 1 10 8 Rs. A. P. 1 10 8 1 12 7 2 2 5 1 14 6 21 192 1,137 14 3 1,782 130 3.-_ Pillaye Araji Balha, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 1 9 7 B. K. D. 204 2 17 0 36 Rs. A. P. 39 1 9 139 03 01 0 1 11 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Non-resident... yats. Occupancy Non-resident... raiyats. Total Total area 2086. 2k. 1d. 0 3 6 | ...os. Rajoura. 140 204 6 3 39 19 ( 119 ) 4. Village Balha Rajoura, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average rate per holding Rent. Average ráte Average rate per bigha. / per acre. EMARKS. - - R. A. P. , Rs. A. P. 99 B. K. D. 399 16 16 433 8 3 3 4 10 R. A. P. 702 2 6 661 5 3 B. K. D. 4 0 15 | 2 1 91 1 12 5 180 1 y 4 Settled Resident ... raiyáts. Non-resident Rert-free holdings Total 1 10 8 Total area 9146. 6k. 15d. Rént óf lands held in áraži. Balha, No. 3, are included in this villáğé. 281 836 9 9 1,363 7 9 5.- Village Bishunpur, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 49 dio 122 B. K. D. 139 6 17 1,041 5 15 47 6 7 3 11 13 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 2 16 18 8 10 13 | 1,836 13 3 1 4 18 83 1 6 3 11 13 6 15 6 o 38. 1 100 1 12 9 1 15 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled. 'ſ Resident .. raiyats. (Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. Total area 1,6426. 3k. 3d. 1 13 9 Of the kamat lands, 936. 2 0 11 15k. 18d. are settled at 2 4 5 Rs. 168-14; and 456. 10%. 19d. are bhaoli. Halhasili 1 9 9 area 1415. 12k. 18d. Bhaoli area 46.1k. 9d. ....... 12 2 6 1 6 6 8 13 6 200 1,242 3 18 8 13 6 2 0 0 ... Total 212 1,939 O 9 6. Village Basauna, pargara Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Proprietors' private lands... Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 32 15 16 415 11 2 148 6 10 1 17 1 B. K. D. i $ 4 7 11 2 3 5 4 0 4 1 Rś. A. P. 758 15 6 225 10 0 3 12 6 Rs. A. P. 1 12 0 í 5 8 2 0 8 0 000 Rs. A. P. Total area $108. 17k. 16d. 2 0 1 1 The kamat lands are settled 1 8 9 1 at Rs. 2-12-3 for 28. 10%. 2 5 3 6d. and bhaoli 306.5k, 10d. Halhasili lands 676. 77. 6d.; jaidadi 116. 11k. 5d.; bhaoli area 6k. 14d. held by settled raiyats, and 16. 18k. 11d. non-occupancy raiyats. 3 11 1 1 3 13 حتتتتتتتتتتتتتتحممنننتلننبتعنيل اكتسامته Total ... 138 602 1 10 988 6 0 7.- Village Bhelwa Sakhasan, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. 101 B. K. D. 3 1 0 1,234 10 9 212 1 15 0 4 19 4 7 6 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 3 1 0 1 4 9 |'1,976 7 9 4 4 347 30 0 0 6 9 Rs. A. P. 1 10 8 1 9 0 1 14 0 1 14 6 1 12 7 2 2 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total Total area 1,6276. 4k. The kamat lands are held bhaoli. 4 7 6 154 1,464 5 9 2,324 8 6 8.- Village Chinpur, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 20 19 2 Rs. A. P. 0 5 0 466 0 13 4 Raiyats at Non-resident. 1 fixed rates. Settled Resideñt ... raiyats. 7 Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 126 Total 2,536 5 10 191 19 16 1 15 13 3 16 4 0 9 3 0 7 10 221 12 6 B. Ř. D. Rs. A. P. 20 19 2 7 10 0 6 8 10 2,067 8 9 1 15 17 | 165 14 0 0 17 16 2 4 6 1 18 2 0 1 10 0 10 0 0 7 10 0 8 3 1 16 3 Rs. A. P. 0 5 9 Total area 3,6956. 17. 3d. There is a tenure-holder 0 13 5 with 1026. 77. 17d. at 0 15 4 Rs, 118-15-6. 1 6 10 | Halhasili lands 2566. 17%. 130. 1 9 3 Bhaoli lands 26. 3. 1d. 1 9 10 1 1 6 6 2 7 711 2,977 5 3 2,244 7 6 (120 ) . 9.–Village Dewana Gopal, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. , Number Class of holding. il of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. 2 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 134 14 11 616 10 9 58 13 7 B. I. D. 33 13 12 2 12 9 3 5 3 235 806 14 3 1 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Rept-free holdings Total 4 9 Rs. A. P. Total area 9446. 4k. ld. 1 7 2 The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 168-9 for 1186, 9d., i and bhaoli area 166. 14k. 2d. 257 809 18 7 806 14 3 ....... 10.- Village Dewari, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. - B. K. D. 20 12 1 404 10 3 33 18 2 2 19 4 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A P. 2 3 10 6 8 8 756 10 6 1 12 0 4 4 0 47 6 6 1 6 6 6 1 9 12 5 7 3 2 13 6 Rs. A, P. Total area 5246, 13k. 8d. 2 0 1 The kamat lands are set- 1 9 9 tled at Rs. 41-7-6.. 3 4 1 | Halhasili lands 26. 12k. Proprietors' private lands ... Seitled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 6 6 17 1 11 14 468 67 809 8 3 11.- Village Gangora Bihra, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Total area 1,9956, 12d. Rs. A. P. 1 5 6 1 11 7 1 11 5 yats. B. K. D. 1,532 5 2 106 17 4 29 11 12 12 10 9 14 12 17 9 9 9 86 6 11 B. K. D. 9 6 16 3 13 13 9 12 2 3 2 9 0 16 5 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... Rs. A. P. 2,364 14 3 183 1 6 50 12 0 22 0 24 15 6 16 11 0 ا لا لا لا 1 14 A. P. 8 7 1 15 0 1 16 4 2 2 5 1 15 2 2 1 0 cwoorv 1 11 1 12 17 3 18 9 1,791 13 4 ...... 2,662 6 6 12.- Village Garia Arazi, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 117 15 5 0 10 0 1 Settled rai. Non-resident1 yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 1 1 8 08 2 Rs. A. P. 83 15 6 0 5 3 Rs. A. P. 011 7 | Total area 1206. 19k. 17d. Rents included with Garia 0 1 11 (No. 14). 0 1 8 1 14 3 1 60 120 15 8 L ...... 1 60 ...... Total · 113 84 4 9 13.-Village Gobergarha, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. : 1 B. K. D. 17 8 1 886 9 10 36 1 12 0 15 1 20 7 14 1 1 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 17 8 1 11 16 7 1,416 7 0 3 1 52 12 3 0 15 1 1 3 0 10 3 17 31 13 0 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Resident .... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- | Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-resident Total ... 9 7 6 5 6 | SEE Rs A. P. Total area 1,2186. 8k. 82. 1 12 10 | The proprietors' private 1 10 8 lands are held bhaoli. 1 12 7 | Bhaoli area 176. 17. 8d. 1 12 7 1 9 1 9 0 86 961 1 18 1,502 3 3 14.- Village Garia, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- | Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Occupanoy Resident ... | raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total Total area 6846. 18k, 6d. The kamat lands are settled at 6 annas. B. K. D. 0 2 15 498 11 16 98 10 12 5 6 8 14 8 14 0 1 14 2 2 0 B. K. D. 0 2 15 6 9 8 2 16 6 1 6 12 2 17 14 0 1 14 871 1 0 158 13 9 5 15 6 21 3 0 0 2 3 1 10 81 1 9 0 1 0 8 1 6 4 1 4 0 1 14 6 1 12 7 1 3 0 1 9 6 1 6 10 1 1 0 ... 124 619 3 19 1,057 3 6 ( 121 ) 15.- Village Hasahakhpara, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Number Class of holding Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. RIMARKS. holdings. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 169 6 12 466 4 9 92 10 18 5 10 11 B. K. D. 3 9 2 9 12 10 4 17 8 5 10 11 Rs. A. P. 599 4 6 119 8 3 wat 1 5 Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- ' Resident .. cy. raiyats. . Rent-free holdings 8 1 4 ....... 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 8595. 4d. 118 9 Of the kamat lands 1246. 16 71 18% 1d. are bhaoli; 46. 8k. are settled at Rs. 80-9, and 396. 10k. 11d. are held 2 2 5 1 by the landlords. The area held by the non- resident occupancy raiyats in halhasili. 42 14 9 1 14 0 22 17 3 1 19 3 1 2 10 15 1 19 3 Total 128 758 8 16 761 11 6 16.-- Village Ethairi, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. | B. K. D. 13 5 2 256 17 0 B. K. D. 1 4 1 2 12 8 Proprietors' private lands .. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident _cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 467 2 9 0 15 9 Rs. A. P. i 12 4 1 2 4 Rs. A. P. Total area 3096. 10k. 5d. 2 0 5 Of the kamat lands, 26. 3k. 2d. are settled at Rs. 5-0-3, 1 4 10 and bhaoli lands 116. 2k. . 0 16 10 4 8 0 0 5 10 2 4 0 1 114 275 6 12 468 2 6 17,- Village Luchminia, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. 1 K. D. 6 19 Rs. A. P. 1 B. K. D. 37 5 1 517 13 4 33 18 7 2 12 0 2 16 10 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rais Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 884 8 9 51 76 4 10 3 10 4 6 ks P. i 11 4 1 8 3 1 12 · 6 1 7 9 Rs. A. P. Total area 6716. 10d. 1 15 3 1 Of the kamat lands, 276. 1 11 8 5k. ld. are settled for 2 0 8 1 Rs. 31-5-6, and the bhaoli area is 96. 12k. 18d. 1 11 10 6 18 14 2 O 3 600 7 9 3 9 1 0 7 1 Total 118 950 15 0 18.–Village Laukahi, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident B. K. D. 71 9 6 518 yll 97 10 14 B. K. D. 1 2 13 6 011 2 14 3 967 6 3 292 8 6 1 13 11 1 15 7 2 4 3 Total area 7795. 15k. 19d. The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 52-14-6 for 26h. 15k. lid. and 446. 13k. 15d. are bhaoli. 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 2 5 8 Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 2 10 15 1 5 7 188 690 1 1 1,160 00 19.- Village Hohunpur Dadhala, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur, Rs. A. P. | B. K. D. 5 10 14 515 10 û 21 j1 9 corto B. K D. 10 14 017 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Rs. A. P. 1 12 9 973 i 6 44 10 11 9 14 2 0 0 14 16 Rs. A. P. Total area 9476. 166. 17d. 2 0 11 | The proprietors' privato lands ara held khas. 2 6 3 Halhasili lands, 112b. 1, 80. . 2 1 9 Bhaoli, 86. 15k. 12d. 2 9 11 216 1 13 6 Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 6.11 9 6 6 18 92 18 16 0 10 19 0 19 9 30 12 18 109 648 96 1,043 7 6 ( 122 ) 20.— Village Nund Lalli, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area por holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre, · REMARKS. 6 Rs. À. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled 5 Resident raiyats. Non-resident ... B. K. D. 74 1 18 840 8 3 26 13 5 B. K. D. 4 18 19 9 6 15 2 8 5 Rs. A. P. 1 10 8 1,413 15 01 33 00 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,1116. 8. 38. 1 14 6 | The kamat lands are settled 176. 11. - 12d. at Rs. 31-7-6, and bhaoli area 566, 10%. 6d, Total ... 116 941 36 1,446 16 0 21.-Village Rohua, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. B. I. D. 11 16 9 228 19 0 7 5 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total G Geܗ ܗܰܝܙ B. K. D. 1 9 11 3 13 17 0 5 16 0 18 14 0 19 1 4 8 13 Rs. A. P. 477 6 3 13 4 6 15 13 6 2 1 13 2 3 ...... 6 3 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 3936. 8k. 12d. 2 5 10 Of the kamat lands 56. 2 5 6 | 37. 8d. are settled at 2 8 3 1 Rs. 10-9-3, and 66. 137, ...... id. are bháoli. Halha sili lands, 236. 2k. 5d. 0 19 1 44 6 14 114 300 16 4 506 8 3 22.- Village Rohnabad, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 1 0 15 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 27 15 6 16 6 2 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Rent-free holdings 8 3 1 Total area 766, 19. 4d. Rent included with Robna. Halhasili lands 256. lk. 10d. Total 44 1 8 ...... 1 23.- Village Saifabad Bangaon, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. 1 Rs. A. P. 0 9 9 1,067 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai- Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 138 5 17 4,473 9 19 / 100 19 16 4 0 5 2 3 8 481 19 15 B. 6. D. Rs. A. P. 138 5 17 | 86 10 9 4 3 17 13,250 9 0 2 14 11 75 10 3 0 3 1 3 2 0 2 3 8 1 10 0 1 2 7 Rs. A. P. 0 11 2 Total area 6,3366. 14k. 7d. There is a tenure-holder 0 13 6 with 5726. 15k. 16d. 0 15 10 | The rent is Rs. 442-1-6. 0 14 8 0 14 6 0 11 9 O 13 9 0 12 9 0 12 6 NON 1 270 Total ... 1,402 5,200 190 3,417 10 0 24.- Village Siradeputti, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur, B. K. D. 1 19 13 Rs. A, P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. B. K. D. 55 7 16 308 19 3 132 13 1 1 17 2 2 10 6 9 2 4 4 2 17 1 17 2 2 10 6 1 0 4 611 7 6 261 30 3 10 3 4 15 6 18 2 3 1 14 1 15 1 4 1 15 6 6 6 6 Total area 6646. 14k. ld. Of the kamat lands 256. 2 2 1 2 2 3 7 7 4 5 0 7 5 2 1 8. 3d. are settled at Rs. 46-11, and the bhaoli area is 395. 19k. 13d. Halhasili 276. 4k. 4d. 2 0 6 Total ... L 121 ! 510 8 12 819 6 6 ( 123 ) 25. Village Sesai, pargana Uttarkhand, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding Number of boldings. Area, Average. area per holding. Rent, Average rate per bigba. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. . 6 B, K, D. 1 8 18 Rs. A. P. Rş. 4. P. Rs. A. F. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rais Resident or yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 0 B. K. D. 35 11 3 313 6 7 225 7 15 25 12 17 2 4 4 uworn to 3 10 18 1 19 9 538 100 442 12 6 45 11 9 1 11 1 11 1 12 6 8 6 1 15 1 15 2 0 8 8 Total area 6876. 117. 14d. The rent of kamat lands is Rs. 1-2-6 for 13k. Ild. and the rest is settled as follows: B. K. D. Halhasili area 33 14 10 Bhaoļi area ... 1 3 2 1 2 2 Total 166 632 2 6 1,027 2 3 Abstract of Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. B. 299 K. D. 9 16 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... 1 B. K. D. 2 16 10 Rs. A. P. 106 | Rs. A. P. The kamat lands are settled as follows: 456. 4k. 2d. at Rs. 84-3-3. 1626. 47. &d. bhaoli. 926. 56. 8. held khas. 446, 17 k. 15d. 1,371 263 2 2 6 10,560 5 15 1,829 9 2 3 1 6 7 14 1 7 2 1 3 1 6 19,473 8 3,040 12 6 0 61 9 0 1 13 1 10 1 15 3 8 3 1 14 2 6 9 3 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy- Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings 106 *73 36 229 18 4 395 15 9 168 17 10 2 5 3 8 7 4 390 11 9 694 4 6 1 11 1 12 2 3 1 15 2 0 0 9 16. 15k. 3d. bhaoli. There are three tepure. holders with 72 raiyats. The area is .2986. 121c. 6dung of which 1336. 127. 10d, are settled at Rs. 280-10-6 and 1645. 19k. 16d., are held bhaoli, Standard pole = 6* cubits. Total 1,956 13,525 17 2 23,605 5 6 E. W. COLLIN, Settlement Officer. 1.- Village Belaith, pargana Nersingpur, district Bhagalpur. SR Total area 7926. 9k. 3d. Settled rain 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 417 0 10 142 13 18 52 19 17 43 18 16 B. K. D. 17 7 10 9 10 5 3 10 13 3 19 17 Rs. A. P. 643 13 6 218 13 3 69 2 9 73 0 3 Rs. A. P. 1 8 8 1 8 6 1 4 10 1 10 8 Rs. A. P. 1 12 2 1 12 0 1 7 9 1 14 6 Total 656 13 i 1,004 13 9 2.- Village Bhelwahi, pargana Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. 1 LU Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 130 6 7 586 9 13 185 13 15 12 17 1 42 17 14 76 12 12 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 2 14 6 6 16 8 1,271 13 3 7 14 14 271 1 6 1 122 27 14 91 21 8 17 100 0 0 6 19 6 Rs. A. P. 2 2 8 1 4 2 2 11 2 5 5 Rs. A. P. 2 7 6 1 10 8 2 79 2 10 8 Total area 1,1956. 2k. 2d. | Kamat lands- 176. 7k. 10d. settled at Rs. 41-15-9. 786. 16k. 6d. bhaoli. 340. 2k. 11d. held khas. Total 179 | 1,034 17 2 1,670 13 61 ..... 3.- Village Golaya, pargana Nirsingpur, distrıct Bhagalpur. NA Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 11 20 170 B. K. 1). 41 10 13 5,040 17 11 627 11 1 9 3 18 B. K. D. 2 0 0 7 1 19 6 13 10 0 6 16 0 17 4 9,322 30 98000 | 16 16 31 1 13 1 13 1 13 7 8 7 2 2 2 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non.occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 1 11 2 0 1 11 Raiyati lands 256. 18k. 13d. bhaoli held by resident settled raiyats. Total area 6,4096. 12c. There are two tenure-holders with 23 raiyats holding 1333. 12k. 10d. at Rs. 280-10-6. 12 10 6 14 848 5,629 9 17 1 ...... 10,319 2 3 ...... 10 ( 124 ) 4.- Village Karhi, pargana Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. · Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 85 15 7 960 19 8 119 1 3 76 13 1 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non resident Non-occu. (Resident ... pancy rai. yats. (Non-resident COM B. 1. D. Rs. A. P. 5 0 18 9 16 2 1,650 10 3 6 12 5 186 10 3 3 17 | 136 3 3 6 6 12 49 10 3 1 115 1 9 0 1 12 5 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,9626. 137. 16d. 1 15 4 | The kamat lands are settled 1 12 7 as follows: 2 0 6 276. 16k, 12d. at Rs. 42-3-6. 576. 187. 16d. Leld khas. | 120 6 31 19 17 1 8 61 Total .. 163 | 1,274 8 16 2,022 8 9 5.- Village Chikni, pargana Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. A. P. 370 B. K. D 2,874 10 10 58 11 13 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 7 15 7 15,436 5 9 7 6 9 | 113 4 3 Rs. A. P. 1 14 3 1 14 11 2 8 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... Non-resident Non-occu- pancy rai. Resident ... yats. Total area 3,4116. 4k. Under tenure-holders are held 306. 47. 16d. on bhaoli terms. 11 3 4 11 0 5 17 6 2 0 1 14 7 2 3 1 Total ... 389 2,936 6 14 5,555 12 0 1 6.— Village Mahunpur Dakhin, pargana Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 29 17. B. K. D. 41 17 9 5:5 15 2 364 3 8 3 1 6 HO 8 12 16 932 4 7 0 1 607 10 1 61 6 0 9 9 0 1 11 10 1 10 8 1 15 5 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan-S Resident ... cy raigāts. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. Total area 1,4476. 167. 13d. 1 15 10 Kamat lands held bhaoli 1 14 6 There is a tenure-holder 2 4 O with 1346. 15k. 6d. held by 48 raiyats bhaoli. 2 1 0 Raigati lands 206. 14k. 5d. 2 1 10 bhaoli. 34 13 11 58 912 46 8 18 2 17 15 | 5 6 6 6 12 14 62 96 107 14 9 1 12 10 1 13 6 166 1,084 9 16 1,716 7 9 7.–Village Mohanpur Chuk, pargana Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. Settled yats. 71 rai. ( Resident ... Non-resident Total B. K. D. 2 10 5 1 2 19 12 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P 0 7 3 1 6 0 | 09 18 0 3 3 Rs. A. P. 0 8 9 0 1 0 Rs. A. P 0 10 (0) 1 Total area 98. 4k. 19d. 0 1 2 Rents are partly included with Mohunpur Dakhin. 113 5 9 171 ... 1 93 ... 8.- Village Musehri, pargana Nirsingpur, district Bhagalpur. Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 142 2 16 467 14 12 40 6 5 218 9 10 35 9 6 B. E. D. 10 3 1 7 13 6 4 9 11 5 1 12 5 18 4 Rs. A. P. 215 0 3 663 10 9 71 12 3 363 ll 0 Rs. A. P. i 8 7 1 6 7 1 12 6 1 107 Rs. A. P. 1117 Total area 1,1086. 127. 1 9 10 2 0 8 1 14 5 133 904 29 ...... 1,314 2 3 - Abstract of Chai, Bhagalpur district. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. : 512 - coi 224 15 9 Proprietors' prirate lands ... Settled raiſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raigats. Non-resident Non-occupan-S Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 59 35 4,098 2 13 655 18 3 13 1 15 15 4 15 54 16 15 18 19 1 · 180 15 16 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 2 1 5 8 0 3 5,561 3 6 2 18 1] | 888 1 13 1 15 19 12 6 15 4 15 15 11 9 0 17 8 61 0 3 0 17 4 28 9 6 4 6 1 1 1 Of the proprietors' private lands, 266. 147. 13d. are settled on halhasili terms, and 666. 17k. 15d. are set. tled on produce rents. 0 7 8 AND coi 8 0 1 8 63 5 8 6 0 1 1 1 12 0 Standard pole-63 cubits. 42 893 5,096 2 3 ...... 6,574 6 6 . . ( 125 ) 1.- Village Barauna, parguna Chai, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding, Rent. Average rate per rate per acre, REMARKS. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Settled yats. rai- Resident ... Non-resident B. K. D. 96 12 14 49 17 16 146 16 9 B. . D. 3 17 7 2 6 7 ..... Total area 4876., These lands are held on halbasili terms. Total 48 / ... ... ....... -2.–Village Bhaghipur Narthua, pargana Chai, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 0 3 12 1,284 4 13 156 15 11 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 0 3 12 8 19 12 | 1,871 39 6 5 8 233 4 : 143 Rs. A. P. 1 5 8 1 9 0 158 Propriétors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occu. (Resident ... pancy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. Total area 1,9736.77. 1 8 9 Kamat lands are held 1 127 bhaoli- Bhaoli 586. 87. 3d. B. K. D. 1 8 9 Bhaoli ... 2 3 18 1 10 8 Total ... 60 12 1 17 17 12 18 19 25 6 1 5 4 9 8 125 126 4 14 15 28 9 6 4 4 7 ...... 183 1,503 6 14 ...... 2,158 13 9 3.--Village Kishanpur Rutwara, pargana Chai, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 500 3 12 B. K. D. 9 1 17 Total area 6,5276. 8k. 4d. 11 219 17 6 56 6 10 5 5 9 13 2 4 These lands are all held on Settled rai. Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Non-occu- Resident ... pancy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total .. 16 0 7 15 8 14 2 14 12 0 8 14 ..... 113 793 3 17 4.--Village Muzaffarpur Ismail, paryana Chai, district Bhagalpur. B. K. D. 614 10 18 106 12 41 2 12 1 B. K. D. | 11 3 9 5 1 10 1 6 0 Rs. A. P. 615 12 9 120 7 6 Rs. A. P. | 0 15 0 1 0 8 Rs. A. P. 1 1 4 1 3 0 Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Total area 8306. 11k. 5d. 78 | 723 16 3 ... 736 4 3 5.- Village Harjharpur, pargana Chai, district Bhagalpur. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 26 14 13 B. K. D. | 4 9 0 Proprietors' private lands... Total area 9728. 4k. 14d. The kamat lands are held halhasili. Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 177 15 17 189 17 18 6 18 18 33 95 41 0 8 14 16.6 - 3 4 4 1 14 14 6 13 17 13 13 9 These lands are all held halhasili. Total 475 16 19 ( 126 ) 6.- Village Nyanagar, pargana Chai, district Bhagalpur. Class of holding. Number 1 of holdings. Average area per Area. Rent. Average rate per bigba. Average rate per acre, REMARKS. holding. - 1 8 _ Rs. 2. P. Rs. A. P. _ 21 139 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. {Non-resident Rent-free holdings 29 B. K. D. 125 17 8 1,493 08 197 7 13 30 4 9 35 19 10 71 8 13 B. K. D. 5 19 18 10 14 16 6 16 2 0 13 2 2 14 3 15 4 2,013 16 300 15 30 3 3 3 0 1 74 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 3,5936. 47. 2d. 1 8 7 Kamat lands 1 10 8 665, 14/. 3d. bhaoli. 1 1 4 596. 37. 5d. held khas. Raiyati lands held bhaoli. Settled resident raiyati 2846. 132. 14d. Non-occupancy resident raiyati 796. LOK. 5d. Non-occupancy non-resident 356. 19%. 10d. Held bhaoli. Total ... 2611,953 18 1 2,345 1 6 7.- Village Shekpur Chumon, pargana Chai, district Bhagalpur. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 706 6 14 195 2 15 13 1 15 16 4 15 6 14 14 B. K. D. 8 10 3 7 4 9 13 1 15 15 4 15 0 14 18 Rs. A. P. 1,060 3 9 233 6 3 19 12 6 15 11 9 5 09 Rs, A. P. 1 7 4 1 2 4 1 5 8 0 15 ņ 0 13 4 Rs. A. P. 1 116 1 5 11 1 12 1 1 3 0 0 14 0 Total area 1,4496. 187. 13d. B. 1. D. 100 5 6 bhaoli. 18 2 8 do. 1 13 11 do 0 5 10 do. 3 12 14 39 19 14 976 10 7 120 6 16 Total 132 ..... 1,334 3 0 2 MONGHYR. Pargana Farkya 1 Abstract. 125 Villages ( 128 ) Abstract of Farkya pargana, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area.' Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 5 1 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... | 195 B. K. D. 2,385 15 10 B. K. D. 12 14 4 38 85 0 10 3 4 9 10 28 7 2 8 19 14 83 1 3 1 0 08 41 0 15 7 Raiyats at 5 Resident ... fixed rate. Non-resident Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 7,900 5,793 154 297 492 959 319 45,008 5 5 35,047 94 810 8 19 1,825 15 15 1,349 10 13 3,069 12 41 1,795 13 8 5 13 17 88,144 6 6 0 19 | 70,017 14 5 5 5 1,636 2 6 2 18 3,942 10 2 14 11 2,712 8 3 6 0 5,225 8 5 13 4 0 9 0 0 9 3 www vw BA Rs. A. P. Of the proprietors' pri- vate lands 1,8606, 6k. 5d. are settled at Rs. 4,240-15.9, and 836. 16. 18d. are held bhaoli; 0961 4416. 13k. 7d. are held 1 2 0 khas. B. K. D. 2 3 11 | 168 19 19 bhaoli. 2 4 6 206 5 17 2 4 10 3 7 5 , 2 7 5 1 0 3 3 , 2 4 7 261 2 2 1 15 11 | 339 19 1 ...... There are 26 tenure. holders with 92 raiyats, holding 4,419h. ll. 13d., of which 4,3378. 14k. 2d. are held at Rs. 5,484-12-9, and Rs. 121-7-11 are held bhaoli. Total ... 16,116 91,415 14 12 1,71,782 10 Standard pole equals 6 cubits. 1.- Village Arazi Rupowli, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. 6. D. 64 5 2 rai. Non-resident 3 K. D. 1 4 Rs. A. P. 152 1 3 Rs. A. P. 2 5 0 Rs. A. P. 2 10 3 Settled yats, Total area 676. 16k. 14d. Total ... 21 64 6 2 162 1 3 0 1 2.- Village Araria, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. m B. K. D. 17 10 14 355 5 2 174 11 10 3 6 16 28 0 3 7 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 8 15 7 6 16 13 6 14 6 1 13 8 1 2 8 0 1 13 1,007 11 3 501 15 9 1 0 9 3 15 9 3 0) 0 3 13 2 14 0 5 3 10 Rs. A. P. Total area 6446. Ok. 12d. 4 6 0 | Kamat lands settled at 3 4 6 1 Rs. 11-7.3. 0 5 9 4 2 3 osos 1 8 13 1 8 13 Total .86 553 8 10 1,514 11 6 3.- Village Afzalpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. o B K. D. 3 7 12 119 18 4 14 4 2 3 13 11 2 11 6 Proprietors' private lands ... ] Settled rai. Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident B. K. D. 3 7 12 5 19 18 7 2 1 13 13 11 2 11 6 i 13 Rs. A. P. 217 4 9 22 6 6 770 5 5 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 1696. 15%. 6d. 2 ] 2 | The kamat lands are 12 6 settled at Rs. 7-3. 2 4 6 2 5 8 yats. 1 90 2 0 0 2 1 0 NAN: Total 25 143 14 15 252 7 3 ( 129 ) 4.-Village Ethairi, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. - Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS, B. K. D. 11 18 4 Settled rai. ( Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. D. 881 9 6 445 19 4 4 3 0 3 8 4 13 5 10 Rs. A. P. 2,016 99 1,120 15 0 6 8 6 9 8 9 8 8 3 0 13 6 1 14 2 4 8 10 A. P. 47 2 8 3 1 90 2 13 0 Rs. A. P. 2 9 8 Total area 1,9056. 11k. 7d. 2 13 11 1 12 7 | Bhaoli 17k. 10d. 3 3 5 wno 140 1,348 5 4 3,153 10 0 5.–Village Bandhera, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A, P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 1,3686. 3k. 10d. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raios Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... _cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... oo co w og B. K. D. 52 13 6 566 3 16 543 7 10 7 17 10 20 2 11 7 13 8 35 6 1 4 16 15 B. K. D. 26 6 13 6 13 4 6 12 3 2 12 10 6 14 3 0 19 3 3 4 3 4 16 15 1.336 1,287 9 47 14 84 1 7 8 8 8 3 6 3 0 0 0 9 2 5 11 1 3 3 2 6 0 1 15 0 2 6 2 Orow or Grip The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 118-5-3. 2 11 0 2 11 3 1 5 0 2 11 5 2 3 3 2 11 6 t 195 1,238 017 2,779 4 6 6.- Village Bahadarpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. - - B. K. D. 89 12 15 B. K. D. 2 8 9 Rs. 4. P. 238 1 0 Rs. A. P. 2 10 0 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Occupancy Resident ... raigats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... _cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total'.. 1 19 1 10 3 5 0 6 6 0 19 10 1 10 6 0 16 6 5 5 4 2 8 11 Nr 6 9 0 1 Rs. A. P. 3 0 0 Total area 1706. 6k. 9d. 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 0 0 2 10 0 ON . 33 9 10 16 14 16 129 16 17 256 4 3 . 7.- Village Bulha, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Sotlod rais Kendent B. K. D. 385 15 7 74 13 0 1 17 3 B. K. D. 6 17 15 4 13 6 1 17 3 Rs. A. P. 873 15 9 174 6 3 Rs. 4. P. | 2 4 0 1 2 5 0 Rs. A. P. 2 9 1 2 10 3 Settled rai- , Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 196 Total area 5376. 13k. 16d. Bhaoli 16. 136. 14d. Total aren 87. 188. 162. 462 5 10 1,048 6 0 8.- Village Baletha, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 27 07 621 2 5 117 19 16 12 14 5 27 07 15 2 19 3 18 13 12 14 5 484 6 116 8 17 15 3 6 3 ( 12 0 15 1 6 5 10 9 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,5156. 166. ld. 0 14 1 1 2 1 The kamat lands are held 1 9 0 1 khas. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 25 11 2 25 195 6 19 6 2 2 3 6 9 7 4 9 13 27 13 32 8 3 0 1 1 6 1 40 1 40 1 6 10 837 6 6 679 3 3 ( 130 ) 9.-Dillage Baisa, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Are&. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 62 19 0 30 0 0 B. K. D. 20 19 13 30 0 0 i i 5 ooo* 27 808 16 180 4 Proprietors' private lands ... Raigats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancyſ Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ( Resident ...! cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total TU Goooooooooo Rs. A. P. Total area 1,4436. 10k, 16d. 1 8 0 One tenure-holder holds 1045. 6. 9d. at 2 12 7 1 Rs. 197-3-6. 3 The kamat lands are settled 2 10 at Rs. 138-9-3. 2 12 2 13 40 30 1,983 8 0 424 6 17 10 71 14 6 0 12 9 5 5 6 op 4 2 29 128 0 6 8 1 18 14 5 13 10 1,126 14 19 Adara 0 19 0 2 16 15 2 12 ő 165 2,543 3 61 10,- Village Badchatar, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 17 17 13 108 6 5 10 2 3 190 3 16 B. K. D. 2 11 0 5 8 0 0 13 0 Rs. A. P. 36 14 6 207 5 5 18 6 9 Rs. A. P. 2 1 0 1 1 14 0 1 13 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 5876. lk. 7d. 2 5 8 2 2 4 2 1 2 Settled rai. S Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 62 3 1 0 352 9 9 1 13 0 2 1 2 104 326 9 17 615 4 5 11 - Dillage Borna, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr, B. 6 K. D. 2 11 Rs. A. P. 0 15 10 Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rents. Settled rai- Resident ... | yats. Non-resident| Rent-free holdings B. K. D. ' Rs. A. P. | 6 2 11 6 2 01 6 14 0 1,624 3 6 6 7 15 908 13 9 2 7 9 Rs A. P. 1 2 2 | Total area 1,8086. 77. 19d. 56. 18k. 18d. bhaoli. 2 00 | 506. Sk. bhaoli. 15 9 923 14 4 562 5 2 80 14 11 1 12 1 3 0 0 34 Total ... 260 | 1,572 16 8 2,599 3 3 12.- Village Beia Nauabad, pargana Faryka, district Along hyr. B. K. D. 1,166 2 111 40 19 7 3 4 13 ! Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. B. K. D. 7 13 1 3 8 5 1 1 11 Rs. A.P. | 1,357 0 6 47 10 3 1 1 6 Rs. A. P. 1 2 9 1 3 0 0 5 6 Rs. A. P. 1 5 5 1 5 9 0 6 3 Total area 2,3546. lk. 14d. Total 178 178 1,210 6 11 ... 1,405 12 3 .... .... 13.- Village Bela Simri, paryana Farkya, district Monghyr. DI - Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident B. K. D. 8 6 11 1,734 13 11 111 15 4 ACA B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 6 11 7 5 11 5,671 14 6 8 11 18 301 9 9 Rs. A. P. 3 4 1 2 8 11 240 Occupancy raiyats. S Resident ... 7 Non-resident 4 47 5 5 16 QUOD 13 3 cow 6 24 1 6 454 14 0 273 06 138 15 9 8 10 17 141 17 8 87 11 9 29 2 12 63 18 10 2,185 16 2 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,9726, 4k, 14d. The kamat lands are held 2 10 1 khas. B. K. D. 3 3 9 Bbanli, settled raiyats (resi- dent) ... 6 1 0 3 8 10 | Bhaoli ... 13 12 18 5 6 11 Totai bhaoli ... 19 13 18 This village forms one taluka with Dadraha No. 35. Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. 7 Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 1 13 13 4 17 2 2 15 3 3 1 10 4 12 1 : oooow 23 S G 340 6,864 8 0 - ..... ( 131 ) 14.-Village Bochahi, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. - Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area. per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 6 Settled yats. rai. Non-resident B. K. D. 752 14 8 / B. K. D.! Rs. A. P. 7 15 4 1,867 1 9 Rs. A.P. | 2 7 0 Rs. A. P. 2 12 7 | Total area 7756. 19%. 19d. Total ... 97 7 52 14 8 1,867 1 9 ...... 15.-Dillage Bhojhua, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai. S Resident ... vats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident raiyats. Non occupan. Resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 35 11 10 60 19 2 9 0 18 3 11 1 B. K. D. 17 15 15 0 16 5 2 5 4 3 11 1 Rs. A. P. 124 10 3 22 4 3 7 6 6 2 2 2 1 7 7 6 6 6 2 5 3 2 13 2 2 13 2 Total area 2206. 19%. ld. The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 51-14. 16. 5k. 15d. 0 12 18 3 8 0 3 1 5 1 5 16 57 11 18 3 11 15 Total 100 168 0 5 157 13 0 1C 16– Village Chattursari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 16 6 11 479 10 18 Rs, A. P. 250 Proprietors' private lands .. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats Non-occupan. Resident ... cy' raiyats. B. K. D. 16 5 11 6 8 0 4 17 0 6 18 0 Rs. A. P. 1,137 9 0 46 10 0 523 7 0 2 7 0 19 11 8 243 2 12 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,0516.5k. 1d. 2 10 3 The kamat lands are held khas. 2 12 6 There are three tenure-hold. ers who hold in Chattur- 2 6 10 soni 1846. lk. 9d., and in Marachi 26. 17k. 14d., and in Jargaon 1256. 19%. 17d. at a total rental of Rs. 385. 10-6. 35 2 2 0 Total ... 114 758 11 5 1,707 10 0 16.-Village Chandwa Khurd, pnrgana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. 6 14 8 109 16 11 10 8 6 28 9 15 B. K. D. Rs. A, P. 3 7 4 3 6 11 279 1 3 | 3 9 8. 27 70 3 3 6 707 01 2 80 2 10 0 270 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,8458. 2k. 1d. 2 13 8 The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 12-4-6. 3 0 0 2 12 7 19k. 17d. bhaoli. Total 47 155 9 0 376 15 3 18.-Village Chucki Baharkhal, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. 1. D. 897 2 2 B. K. D. 9 1 4 Rs. A. P. 2,104 15 3 Rs. A. P. 2 5 0 Rs. A. P. 2 10 3 Total area 9356. 6. 18d. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. 14 17 1 2 19 8 28 4 6 1 14 0 2 2 4 Total = 104 911 19 3 core 2,133 3 9 ...... r 2 ( 132 ) 19.- Village Chuckpariag, pargana Parkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. i 5 B. K. D. 302 2 11 ano B. K. D. 5 16 4 Rs. A. P. 265 5. Rs. A. P. 1 0 1 yats. Settled rai- Non-resident. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ! 7 19 1 4 13 6 2 12 15 12 13 0 Rs. A. P. 0 14 0 0 1 2 0 5 0 0 1 0 5 2 9 Total area 4676. Rents included with Timapur (No. 122), Harinmar (No. 42), and Madhuban (No. 77). 55 13 7 7 18 6 62 10 5 428 4 9 64 ...... 272 15 6 20.- Village Chandwa Kalan, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 263 B. K. D. 1,921 14 16 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 7 6 03,771 126 Rs. A. P. 1 15 0 Rs. A. P. 2 3 6 Total area 2006. 9%. bhaoli 16. 117. 10d. lda 27 16 9 2 2 4 Settled rai- Resident ... / yats. Occupancy Resident ... ! raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 9 5 0 2 18 7 53 3 9 312 6 0 1 14 0 200 156 14 11 2 4 6 Bhaoli 46. 11k, 6d. Total 324 2,106 5 16 ...... 4,137 6 3 1 C Village Chainpur Khurd, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 29 B. K. D. 402 1 18 B. K. D. 13 17 6 Rs. A. 476 13 P.. 0 Settled rai. Resident .. yats. Occupancy S Resident raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident 45 5 11 2 0 13 42 8 6 3 17 17 6 97 1 0 6 2 2 10 3 17 77 50 7 9 3 8 6 49 3 3 4 2 9 Rs. A. P. 1 2 0 1 1 9 1 11 6 1 2 6 10 Rs. A. P. 1 4 6 Total area 8025. 19k. 3d. Rents included with Tetara. 1 4 3 bad (No. 118), and Chuck 1 15 61 Tetarabad (No. 23). 1 5 0 1 3 6 Total 495 15 5 ...... 584 3 3 . . 22.— Village Chichua, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. K. D. 1 0 B. K. D. 30 3 0 493 15 10 2 8 12 91 10 Rs. A. P. 1 0 31 1 0 6 100 31 96 508 14 3 2 10 3 2 8 12 Oo Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raigats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total Rs. A P. 1 2 6 1 2 10 | Total area 8956. 11%. 4d. 1 2 3 There is a tenure-holder with 946. 16k. at 1 3 5 | Rs. 93-10-6. 1 3 1 : 38 45 14 17 112 12 4 3 16 4 2 195 47 15 3 117 70 1 1 0 1 10 9 145 684 14 3 708 8 0 23. ,- Village Chuck Tetarabad, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr, E HE METODE B. K. D. 23 2 6 64 1 14 16 17 8 Sottled rai-2 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occapancy Non-resident Iaiyats. B. K. D 4 12 9 2 18 5 16 17 8 Rs A. P. 10 12 9 28 11 3 Rs. A. P. 070 0 7 0 1 Rs. A. P. 0 8 1 Total area 1436. 197, 2d. | Rent included in Tetara- bad, No. 118, hence the low rates of rent. Rents of occupancy raiyats in- cluded in Chainpur Khurd, No. 21, and Tetarabad, No. 118. Total ! 28 | 104 1 8 ...... 39 8 0 1 . ( 133 ) 1.- Village Dadroju, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Do For B. K. D. 99 18 ? 14 1 19 53 7 19 17 19 7 196 17 15 B. K. D. 99 18 7 2 16 7 4 17 2 3 11 17 3 15 14 15 7 72 6 12 14 120 9 3 0 3 6 I 16 1 5 9 2 8 3 0 99 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,4196, 177. 18d. 1 4 0 The kamat lands are held 1 8 9 1 8 3 Oll 3 khas. ON Total 382 5 7 231 5 0 25.- Viliage Dighone, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident B. K. D. 668 15 5 475 17 0 107 6 14 223 3 13 9 16 14 7 8 14 6 6 5 3. 1 19 Rs. A. P. 433 96 259 8 3 59 14 9 164 2 6 Rs. A. P. 0 10 0 08 0 090 0110 Rs. A. P. oli 6 Total area 6,3416. 4d. 092 0 10 4 0 12 8 Total ... 221 1,475 3 12 917 30 26.- Village Deori, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rais Resident .... yats. Non-resident| Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 7 7 16 288 75 214 0 5 9 14 2 B. K. D. 1 16 19 4 3 11 2 12 8 10 Rs. A. P. 662 15 6 483 10 NOHA co to co 2 2 4 4 9 6 2 10 2 9 0 9 Total area 9016. 177. 19d. The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 15-15-3 for 56. 3k. 14d. Held khas 26. 4. 2d. There are three tendre-holders with 2845. 2k. 4d, at Rs. 373-6-3. Total ... 115 519 98 1,146 0 6 27.-Village Duriapur Bhilwa, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Rent-free holding B. K. D. 1 1 8 71 0 7 44 4 15 256 5 10 B. K. D. 1 1 8 1 10 2 10 15 18 6 2 17 Rs. A. P. 166 13 6 lll 8 6 2 5 2 5 0 0 00: 2 10 2 10 3 3 Total area 4516. 16k. 19d. The kamat lands are held khas. Total ... 80 376 120 278 6 0 28.- Village Deokul, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Proprietors' private lànds ... Settled rai. Non-resident B. K. D. 52 10 15 468 6 10 B. K. D. 17 10 5 5 7 13 Rs. A. P. 277 10 3 Rs. A. P. 0 9 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 5806. 117. 17d. 0 10 0 Kamat lands 526. 8%. 13d. settled at Rs. 113-15-6; 21c. 2d. held khas. Rents of this village are recorded with Khorasan (No. 65), and Shamsuddin- pur (No. 113). yats. Total 520 17 5 277 10 3 ( 134 ) 29.–Village Daryarpur Patpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARES. 8 Settled raiyats. Non-resident B. K. D. 636 2 9 1 B. K. D.! Rs. A. P. 7 13 3 1,142 11 y 1 Rs. A. P. 2 2 0 Rs. A. P. 2 6 10 Total area 5646. 3d. Total 536 2 9 42 11 9 30.— Village Daryarpur Gangbarar, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr.' K. D. 30 12 16 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P B. K. D. 30 12 16 144 14 4 Proprietors' private lands ... Non-occu- Non-resident panoy raiyats. Total area 1976, 13k. 12d. The kamat lands are held khas. Bbaoli. Total 2 175 70 31.---Village Dumaria Bugurg, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. I B. K. D. 52 8 10 Rs. A. P. 103 11 6 B. K. D. 2 0 6 12 1 16 Rs. A. P. 1 15 7 Rs. A. P. 2 4 1 Total area 2436. 97. 10d. Settled Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 189 16 5 243 4 14 103 11 6 32.-Village Dumria Khurd, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. B K. D. 26 B. K. D. 105 3 4 239 14 13 1 5 4 B. K. D. 4 0 17 5 14 3 1 5 4 Rs. A. P. 317 15 6 700 10 0 4 8 0 3 3 3 0 1 9 0 3 3 Rs. A. P. 3 6 9 2 6.0 4 1 3 Total area Bhaoli ... 2 6 1 Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occu. Resident ... pancy raiyats. Rent-free holdings In 2 2 17 17 0 8 5 6 9 6 3 3 0 3 100 52 9 11 Total 401 10 9 1,029 11 0 33.- Village Darias, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 417 3 6 430 14 0 2 4 6 6 10 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 1 18 12 204 16 1 200 4 19 3 3 18 1 6 14 26 18 18 96 3 11 11 14 9 B. K. 1). 1 18 12 13 13 1 6 13 9 3 3 18 1 6 14 1 8 3 16 18 1 19 1 و به لس OG Ei noi Total area 6697. 6k. 16d. The kamat lands are held khas. 27. 6d, bhaoli. Rent included with another raiyat, 3 9 3 52 2 0 192 90 NON CO: NO 0 1 3 4 2 6 6 . Total 546 72 1,096 5 9 34.–Village Dari Ranbhim, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. Rs. A. P. 225 11 3 293 90 15 90 264 2 6 Settled rai- ç Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 118 7 11 164 5 17 12 6 2 139 13 14 24 2 19 A. 1 15 1 12 1 4 1 14 Total area Bhaoli B. K. D. 9 2 2 7 2 17 1 7 7 g 39 12 1 9 P. 0 0 0 0 ... ... Rs, A. Po 2 3 6 2 0 1 6 10 2 2 4 B. K. D. 599 18 17 3 14 14 Total 458 16 3 798 15 9 ( 135 ) 35.-Village Dudraha, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . . . C 12 -- - - Number Class of holding. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMÁİKS. holdings. 1 B. K. D. Settled Tai-s Resident yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... | raiyats Non-resident . Non-occu- f Resident ... cy raiyats ? Non-resident Total 25 6 6 222 8 18 13 4 171 3 4 37 5 4 352 13 18 AAN B. K. D. 25 6 6 4 0 1 13 4 2 15 11 4 1 9 4 4 2 16 Rs. A. P. 54 10 9 104 11 3 38 10 0 150 5 9 115 00 931 13 3 Rs. A. P 2 2 8 1 12 10 2 14 9 0 13 11 3 1 4 2 10 4 Rs. A. 2 1 2 9 3 5 0 15 3 8 3 0 19 P. 6 Total area 1,888b. 97. 0 | 14d. 9 This village with Bela Semri, 9 No. 13, forms one taluka. 3 B. K D. 3 Bhaoli ion 4 3 8 Do. ..o 1 0 14 Total ... 5 4 2 172 82] 11 12 1,692 30 36.- Village Geudharson, par gana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. K. D. 16 2 131 4 3 18 B. 1. D. 16 2 13 37 15 6 26 1 2 22 4 15 69 19 4 Proprietors' private lands... Settied rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-residenti Non-occupan. S Resident :cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total ... NOVOOOOO 17 Rs. A. P. ...... 35 8 9 21 12 3 22 10 53 15 3 Total area 1,1316.7%. The kamat lands are held khas. Rs. A. P. ...... 1 1 9 0 15 9 1 2 3 0 14 0 0 15 6 0 13 9 1 001 0 12 3 م من به 12 172 3 0 133 5 3 37.- Village Gohchari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Settled rai- ( Resident ... yats. 1 Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Total area 6356. 16k. 2d. B. K. D. 363 13 0 176 18 5 8 4 12 1 14 18 B. K. D. 3 19 9 8 7 16 4 2 6 1 14 18 Rs. A. P. 819 1 3 231 8 0 19 8 6 4 4 3 Rs. A. P. 2 5 3 15 2 7 0 4 0 0 1 Oowo Rs. A. P. 1 10 6 1 8 6 2 12 6 4 9 0 Total 113 540 10 15 1,074 6 0 38.-Village Gogri, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. 357 Settled rai- < Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy fResident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 215 14 0 36 0 3 6 19 18 8 5 11 3 17 3 4 19 16 32 10 3 B. K. D. 0 12 1 1 16 0 1 14 19 2 1 7 0 7 0 4 19 16 1 9 11 Rs. A. P. 326 4 3 80 9 12 12 16 11 0 14 1 3 1 4 3 Total area Bhaoli Rs. A. P. so 2 3 0 1 13 0 2 0 4 comomis in Ho of En ő or to B. K. D. ... 398 93 ... 7 12 2 9 14 9 Do. 311 0 0 4 3 0 4 10 Total ... 17 6 11 Total 423 308 6 14 451 10 6 39.- Village Govindpur, Kanhaya Chack, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy. Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 1 16 10 58 18 14 58 15 13 1 7 1 B. K. D. 1 16 10 1 6 15 3 16 15 I 71 104 3 0 94 8 6 2 5 9 Rs. A. P. 1 12 9 1 6 6 1 12 6 Rs. A. A. Total area 4196. 12. 5d. 2 0 10 Kamat lands are held khas ; 1 9 9 3k. 17d. 2 07 243 0 3 | 17 7 7 Total 373 18 1 40.-Village Ghordour, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. ( Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occu- Resident ... pancy raiyats. Que este o ca B. K. D. 8 14 8 287 3 18 11 18 19 5 2 3 B. K. D. 4 78 8 4 2 3 19 13 1 14 1 510 0 6 18 7 33 2 15 6 1 12 1 8 0 9 3 3 7 Rs. A. P. Total area 3576. 19k. 4d. 300 The kamat lands' are let at 1 11 3 Rs. 18-12-3 0 10 11 Rent included with other raiyats. Total 312 19 8 531 7 3 ( 136 ) - 41.–Village Har Pershad, pagrana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of 1 holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 121 1 3 290 19 16 B. K. D. 9 6 4 9 2 14 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raigats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats.. Total area 5156. 19%, 8d.. The kamat lands are lot at Rs. 310-14-6. Rs. A. P. 2 3 3 1 15 8 256 11 3 1 558 13 61 19 6 0 12 7 9 5 11 10 2 18 4 1 14 9 1 11 8 2 011 5 16 8 Total 48 429 0 8 690 il 3 42. — Village Harinmar, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. LU B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 1 4 7 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. 223 12 15 162 12 0 7 17 3 105 14 12 13 3 2 6 12 2 3:18 11 7 11 0 184 16 9 6 9 201 1 3 1 2 0 15 1 14 1 0 5 1 1 4 Total area 5126. 77. 16d. The kamat lands are set. tled at Rs. 518-3-6. Rents included with Tri. nnpur (No. 122), Mudho- bun (NO. 77), and Chak Pariag (No. 19). 2 2 10 Total 62 499 16 10 392.96 43.- Village Hardas Chuck, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 3686. 10%. 190. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. (Non-resident Non-occu- . Resident ... pancy rai- B. K. D. 0 10 13 81 11 13 180 0 8 1 17 17 24 13 12 6 08 12 14 2 9 12 7 B. K. D. 0 10 13 1 18 2 13 1 17 1 15 5 1 5 2 2 2 7 3 4 2 201 4 6 429 9. 9 5 0 0 64 15 6 12 6 0 29 12 0 2 7 2 6 2 10 2 10 2 7 2 4 5 2 1 2 7 6 2 13 2 11 3 0 3 0 2 13 2 9 0 7 1 2 2 8 pats. Nin-resident Rent-free holdings Total 138 316 1 0 742 15 9 44.- Village Hamidpur, parguna Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs A. P. | Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 38 12 6 5 10 1 B. K. D. 19 6 3 5 10 1 3 12 0 ( 11 0 0 12 8 2 11 2 opening 457 90 8 3 7 0 14 7 16 4 16 4 3 15 0 1 13 11 | 1,225 2 9 419 4 6 27 80 3 1 4 5 4 11 3 12 2 o | Total area 7156. 11. 9d. | Tbe kamat lands are let at Rs. 100-5. Rents of Nainpur village (No. 44) included with non-resident raiyats, hence the high rate of rent. 3 4 9 Proprietors' private lands... Raigats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occu- . Resident ... pancy rai- Non-resideut Rent-free holdings Total ... a on 2 14 25 0 10 8 5 3 15 1 0 5 2 8 0 | 12 11 17 6 30 9 8 9 3 3 2 4 2 9 0 3 12 2 2 6 10 137 641 6 14 1,712 13 3 - 45.- Village Hajipur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . 116 20 Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 204 12 1 26 4 0 32 13 16 3 5 16 5 4 14 B. K. D. 1 15 5 1 6 4 2 14 9 1 1 18 1 14 18 Rs. A. P. 509 13 6 67 2 3 84 6 3 10 12 6 Rs. A. P. 2 6 4 2 8 0 2 8 0 3 3 8 Rs. A. P. 211 9 2 9 8 2 13 8 3 11 0 Total area 3896. 8lc. 19d. One raiyat holds under the Bånaili Estate as a tenure. holder 16. 87. 10d. at Rs. 5-11-3. Bhaoli lands 36. 17k. 8d. Total 151 272 O 7 672 2 6 ...... ( 137 ) 46.— Village Ethairi, taluka Gardour, pargana Farkya, district Monghjr. - - - Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate Average rate | per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. . 115lolili Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 16 3 248 12 2 . 35 4 13 19 0 16 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai | Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Total ... B. K. D. 8 3 11 7 2 6 3 19 17 4 16 4 608 00 58 14 6 33 5 9 Rs. A. P. 1 12 0 1 10 0 1 120 Total area 4726. 13k. 18d... The kamat lands are leased at Rs. 34-5-6. 2 0 0 1 13 9 2 0 0 419 4 14 700 4 3 1 7.- Village Jamalnagar, pargana Farkya, district Monchyr. Rs. A. P. 1. B. K. D. 15 1 13 7 17 17 ....... i 1 w: 3 0 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 16 1 13 7 17 17 8 15 8 1 18 1,687 0 4 15 4 1 90 2 0 9 6 1 4 Proprietors' private lands... Raigats at fixed Resident rates. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. ·10 8 190 1 10 8 1 5 8 Total area 1,3366. 11k. 16. 19%. 10d. bhaoli. The kamat lands are leased at Rs. 32. 1,068 14 11 52 7 11 0 18 13 Oowo ANO 1 127 1 14 6 1 8 9 2 ..... 4 16 16 1,149 17 1 4 16 16 ...... 148 1,787 5 9 ...... 48.- Village Jagirgovindpur, pargana Furkya, district Monghyr. 1410 u CG B. K. D. An 15 Rs. A. P. 2 12 9 Total area 1336. 13%. 2d. 8 12 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings oro B. K. D. 71 13. 19 20 11 15 1 11 7 2 5 15 16 5 9 GOOO Rs. A. P. 200 2 53 4 4 5 6 6 OOOO Rs. A. P. 3 3 0 2 15 0 3 3 6 3 2 9 6 5 15 o Total ... 112 8 5 264 3 3 49.- Village Jhanjhara, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 80 6 4 764 8 19 1,082 15 13 152 10 18 Rs. A. P. • 2 2 0 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai: Resident ... pats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 40 3 2 10 12 6 1.657 12 0 11 12 17 | 2,244 6 9 12 14 4 322 6 15 3 4 95 1 0 2 6 10 2 5 8 2 5 7 Total area 3,2876.7k. 17d. There are six tenure-holders with 672b. 17k. 8d., and rent Rs. 895-2-9. The kamat lands are let at Rs. 201-8. 60 12 16 1 9 1 12 7 Total 183' | 2,140 14 10 ... 4,319 9 0 .... 50.-Village Jagua, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 788 10 8 Rs. A. P. 2 14 6 123 Total area 8346. 10d. Rs. A. P. 2 8 91 3 2 11 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 6 8 4 2,008 14 9 1 7 3 12 | 91 5 6 1 1 11 3 3 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyots. Rent-free holdings ... Total ... 9 28 14 0 1 1 11 128 818 5 19 2,100 4 3 ( 138 ) 51.- Village Jeryaon, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS... 1 3 8 . . B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 7 6 16 3 2 5 3 720 128 22 15 13 15 10 0 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 7 6 16 1,457 11 6 8 18 63 120 2 11 18 | 36 136 Proprietor's private lands ...! Settled rai- Resident ... 1 yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total 2 0 9 2 6 6 2 7 3 2 12 0 Total area 1,2206. 127. 15d. The' kamat lands are khas.' There are three tenyre. holders with 125b. 1970 7d., and the rent is includ. ed with Chattusari village (No. 16), 2 12 9 130 769 4 17 1,558. 4 9 52.- Village Jamalpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr, - B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 2 1 2 11 0 Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Noh-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. 1. D. 24 18 15 287 6 0 62 7 4 84 3 3 77 9 11 4 3 10 42 11 91 717 3 0 140 10 9 211 09 19 7 7 190 3 0 3 19 10 6 10 12 17 | 1,269 7 9 nvoo Rs. A. P. Total area 1,0126. lk. 6d.; 2 12 17 | 16. 27. 18d. bhaoli. 3 1 2 The kamat lands are let at 2 13 8 Rs. 46. B. · K. D. 2 12 7 1 8 10 bhaoli. 10 0 12 do. 2 16 14 do. Total bhaoli, 66. 18k. Quan i ....! 1:14 572 19 12 53.–Village Koluara, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 26 10 9 35 3 1-7 B. 6. D. 6 12 12 35 3 17 Rs. A. P: 16° 0 0 vi Proprietor's private lands ... Raiyats at fix. Non-resident ed rates. Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Total 2,390 4 6 551 07 34 19 16 37 ? 13 0 2 16 15,661 15 9 9 6 18 1,277 11 0 47 84 8 9 5 6 91 6 0 0 0 14 ...... Rs. A. P. Total area 3,430%. 16k. 70. 08 3 The kamat lands are let at Rs. 25-15. 2 11 0 2 10 3 2 12 0 2 99 With another raiyat. HA O O O Owne 2 310 3,075 4 4 7,131 9 6 54.- Village Kulesara, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. .B. K. D. 3 8 0 319 ļO 5 112 11 19 B. K. D. 3 8 0 6 10 Rs. A. P. 587 10 6 335 7 01 Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai. Non-resident yats, Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total i 130 2 1 2 Total area 1,0846. 19%. 16d. The kamat lands are held khas. This forms a taluka with Mokra (No. 68). 32 3 10 co 2 15 0 3.5 0 82 435 9 18 923 1 6 55.- Village Karna, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 93 19 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Očcupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... B. ....D. 526 8 5 161 3.8 30 14 3 1 B. K D. 5 13 3 8 9 13 6 2 16 Rs. A. P. 1,322 14 3 494 1.6 82 9 9 Rs. A. P. 2 8 2 3 1 1 2 11 7 Rs. A. P. 2 13 1|Total area 8526. lk. 16d. This includes rents of Par- 3 8 0 1 bata (No. 85) and Sisina (No. 103). 3 1 9 :97. 2. 11d. are jagir from Government held by other proprietor. 117 718 5 16 1,099 7 9 ...... ( 139 ) 56.- Village Kengri, paargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Number: Class of holding of Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. ___ Rs. A. P. Proprietor's private lands.... Settled raios Resident ... yats. Non-resident| Non-odou. Non-resident pancy raiyats. Total ... 142 39 8 B. K. D. 51 1.4 17 1,875 11 10 220 14 15 4 12 14 B. K. D Rs. A. P. 51 14 17 .13 2 18 1 915 9 0 1 16 13 3 105 7 9 0 11 11 Rs. A. P. Od 2 076 0 15 9 Total area 3,0836. 10k. The kamat lands are let at Rs. 18-12-9. 0 9 0 08 6 1 2 0 190 1,152 13 16 1.,024 12 0 ... ..... . 5.7..Village Kabela, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. : .9 16 B. K. D. 13 3 9 5.19 8 18 388 16 3 0 3 1 0.12 8 2 12 8 Proprietor's private lands... Settled rai-Resident ... yats . Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... ay raiyats Non-resident Rent-free holdings 'Total B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 4 7 16 0 1,371 60 5 6 10 1,085 13 9 0 3 1 0 6 3 0 12 8 1 9 3 1 6 4 ...... 2 10 3 2 1: 29 öÔ COC Rs. A. P. Total area 1,0756. 6k. Ad. 0 lk. 4d. bhaoli. 0 The kamat lands are let 2 14 9 at Rs. 3-13-6 for 126. 91 197. 19d., and 3k. 10d. are bbaoli. :mag av av: Oooos ...... 133 924 16 7 2,459 3 3 58.-Village Katgarra Sobhanpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 192 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Oecupancy | Resident ... raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 613 11 .17 60 14 3 29 17 5 20 90 33 4 15 B. K. DI Rs. A. P. 3 3 0 1,532 0 6 5 10 0 136 2 6 4 19 0 1 · 78 4 3 1 3 8 0 35 15 .3 8 6 0 Rs. A. P. 2 14 6 Total area 1,4166. 19%. 2 8 0 14d.; bhaoli 16. 19d. 3 0 0 This village, with Lathara 00. No. 66, fornis one taluka. 2 10 0 qaro ai Total 219 757 17 3 1,782 6 6 - 59.- Village Kohala, pargana Parkya, district Monghyr. 103 area 1,8276. 112c. B. K.D. 627 8 8 386 7 19 16 15 1 17 2 8 Settled rain s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occapan- Resident ... cy. raiyats. (Non-resident Total B. K. D. 6 1 16 7 3.3 0 16 15 2 2 16 Rs. A. P. 1,131 99 7.16 0 0 28 8 0 31 4 9 Total area 12d. Rs. A. P. 1 12 10 1 13 7 1 11 2 1-13 2 Rs. A. P. 2 1 0 2 1 11 1 15 1 .2 1 5 20 185 1,047 13 16 1,907 6.6 ....... 60.- Village Kachouit, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 80. 143 B. K. D. 593 18 5 720 17 14 2 0 0 6 1 10 6 17 9 B. K. D. | 7 8 9 5 0.161 2 0 0 3 0:15 1 2 18 Settled rai. | Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. 686 9 817 13 2 2 0 7 2 3 13 1 6 Rs. A. P. 1 2 6 1 2 9 1 1 0 os cioco! Rs. A. P. 1 5 2 1 5 5 1 3 5 O OUR Total area 2,1826. 8k. 11d. There is a tenure-holder with 14 raiyats holding 4485. 172. 5d. with a rental of Rs. 418-8-0. 4 71 19 12:18 139 12 18 1,367 7 16 Total 233 1,526 12 3 61.- Village Kotwalliah, pargana Furkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A, P. 101 102 B. K. D. 13 10 10 866 11 19 578 13 8 8 19 6 B. K. D. 13 10 101 8 11 11 5 13 7 4 9 13 9 16 2 3 9 970 5 658 8 10 1 27 8 1 1 1 Proprietor's private lands... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. 7 Non-resident Occupancy Resident ...! raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 1 10 2 2 1 10 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,6746. 6k. | The kamnt lands are held 1 5 8 khas. 1 4 4 9 16 2 O 2 12 10 3 3 3 207 1,477 11 5 ......1,666 73 ....... 8 2 ! ( 140 ) 62.-Village Küsmi, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Number Class, of holding. of Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rute per bigha. Average. rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. 1 6 Rio B. K, D. 34 3 11 87 11 2 40 16 9 3 0 6 11 18 1 B. K. D. 8 10 18 6 5 1 10 4 2 3 0 6 3 19 7 Rs. A. P. 1 15 0 1 12 0 Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Total Rs. A. P. 171 15 3 71 8 3 1 - 6 5 0 10 12 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 2046. 10k. 18d. The kamat lands are let at Rs. 33-14-3 for 176. 37. 13d. There are also 166. 19%. 101 18d. bhaoli. Deco oorowi. 0 14 0 - 177 9 9 260 8 6 ...... 63.- Village Kharagpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 0 12 16 22 16 10 | 581 991 0 7 6 Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 2 0 0 2 127 B. K. D. 0 12 16 1 0 14 · 8 11 0 0 2 8 8 8 3 2 2 12 Rs. A. P. i 12 o 2 7 0 ...... 1 13 0 40 70 1,442 5 9 ...... 15 5 9 Total area, 7436. 15k. 14d. The kamat lands are held khas. This raiyat has purchas. ed part of a holding and rent has been recorded in the original holding. 2 1 2 8 4 8 3 5 4 617 18 8 1,498 2 3 ....... ...... . 64.- Village Khamouti, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Total area 3988.5k. 7d. B. K. D. 202 18 15 44 9 12 8 12 4 2 2 5 106 2 7 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... · raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. / 3 11 10 4 0 17 8 12 4 2 2 5 .35 70 Rs. A. P. 2 7 0 27 0 2 3 0 Rs. A. P. 502 13 3 110 5 0 19 5 9 1 - 5 4 ol Rs. A. P. 2 12 7 2 12 7 2 8 0 2 127 27 364 5 3 ...... 637 120 65.– Village Khorasan, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands...) Settled rais Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 27 917 184 15 9 10 7 2 85 11 11 B. K. D. 9 3 5 2 8 12 1 9 11 21 7 17 Rs. A. P. 1,273 4 6 398 14 6 6 14 21 39 8 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 3446.9%. 2d. Kamat lands settled at 7 13 10 | Rs. 131-1-3. 43 14 11 The rents include lands in Deokul, No. 28, and Shamsaddin pur, No. 113. These three villages form one taluk. 308 3 19 1,672 30 66.- Village Lathara, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . A. P. B. K. D. 40 13 12 54 4 5 61 271 Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident raiyats. Total B. & 1 3 5 8 20 D. 9 8 g Rs. A. P. 113 5 6 162 12 6 167 90 Rs. A. P. 2 12 3 3 0 0 2 9 3 ou Go 2 2 6 2 15 Total area 1566. 4d. 6 This includes rent of 9 lands in Katgareah : 0 1 Subhunpur (No. 08). 156 0 4 433 11 0 ...... ...... 67.- Village Laltpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. B. K. D. 40 11 9 45 15 1 0 6 6 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident ... raiyats nov! Rs. A. P. 80 5 3 88 14 0 0 6 6 1 Total area 896. 77. 13d. Wor Rs. A. P. 2 0 0 1 1 15 3 1 4 0 1 Rs. A. P. 2 1 6 2 3 9 1 6 9 Total 11 E6 12 16 169 9 9 ( 141 ) : 68.- Village Mohra, pargand Farkya, district Monghyr. Number Class of holding. of Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. B. K. D. .47 3 10 345 5 2 8 14 1 Proprietors' private lands ... · Settled raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Tao B. K. D. 23 11 15 4 ] 0 8 14 1 3 1 0 Rs. A. P. 470 6 6 14 2 3 128 8 0 Rs. A.P. Rs. A. P. 1 8 0 1.90' 1 12 6 1 5 1 5 0 0 1 8 0 Total area 6206. 17. 4d. Kamat lands-B. K. D. Bhaoli 2 19 1 .. Khas 44. 4 9 . This forms a taluka with Kulesara, No. 54.. 31 94 15 15 • Total 119 495 18 8 612 15 9 69,- Village Mohiuddingant, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B Rs. A. P. B. K. O 6 11 . K. D. 3 5 11 Rs. A. p. 3 1 Rs. A. P. ...... Total area 1,0526. 10d. 2 2 0 The kamat lands 2 3 0 settled at Rs. 7. lk. are Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats.. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ..::: Total 121 nież 16 41 120 16 14 | ..6 12 2 6 11 0 1,480 10 .6 7 3 230 8 6 12 2 6 9 19 1 13 10 1 14 6 143 926 16 3 1,711 3 3 .... 70.-Village Madhopur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. area 1,4826. 13k. 280 B. 6. D. 2 17 1 885 16 8 422 12 15 9 16 8 Total 4d. B. K. D. ! Rs. A. 2 17 1 3 3 0 1,525 2 4 9 0 1 723 2 4 18 0 17 2 fi acos pats. 131 0 1 11 0 1 11 0 1 14 11 1 14 11 1 14 11 Proprietris private lands ... Setilai rai- Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 1 17 14 O 18 17 . 380 1,323 0 6 2,265 7 3 . . : 71.- Village Maharas, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. MIM Rs. A. P. Total area 9216. 16k. 91d. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-5 Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 2 3 2 O 2 11 B. K. D. 26 14 7 665 5 15 24 11 1 1 0 6 3 1 16 7 17 6 728 10 11 2 5 8 Bi coooooo B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 8 18 2 6 19 17 | 1,328 7 6 46 0 0 1 0 6 2 6 6 1 16 6 2 3 7 17 6 ...... 1,383 00 Rs. A. P. 1 14 8 1 12 4 2 6 3 1 15 8 The kamat lands are let at Rs. 53-11-9 for 246. 12k. 15d., and 26. lk. 12d. held khas. 2 4 4 ...... 124 72.- Village Mokeshkhunt, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 1 8 18 710 '14 8 Rs. A. P. 2 1 41 110 1,548 15 3 Settled rai. Resident ... 4 3 165 2 795 18 8 13 13 3 1 1,693 6 8 5 di cooooo 4 0 8 yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats Non-resident Rent-free holdings 4 aw 4 4 2 19 16 14 19 2 14 4 4 2 6 76 3 16 0 10 11 9 41 7 9 ...... - Rs. A. P. Total area 2,4686. 32, 12d. 2 6 0 | The kamat lands are held khas. 2 6 0 There are 17 raiyats 0 9.6 | under a tenure-holder who holds 322b. 47c7d., 2 13 8 of which 756. 13k, 2d. 2 6 01 are bhaoli, while 2466. ilk. 5d. are rent-paying at Rs. 661. Settled raiyats B. K. D. hold 9 16 9 bhaoli, Settled non-re- sidents 1 1 18 Occu- pancy raiyats 0 3 3 11 1 10 Total 289 1,564 18.7 3,302 14 0 ( 142 ) 73.- Village Marachi, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Number Average · Class of holding. of Area. Average rate per holding. Rent. rate per Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. bigha. 8 B. 1. D. 8 10 3 Proprietors' private Tando... Rs. A. . Rs. 1. P. ...... . 38 0 12 Settled fali- Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 695 16 13 6 13 17,1,280 130 2 2 9 22 15 15 4 11 3 57 8 0 2 8.4 24 17 11 13 11 144 7.01 1 13 6 Rs. A. P. Total aroa 770%. %, 9. The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 80-10. . 279 There are three tendre- holders with 25. 17%. 2 2 6 14d., and the rest of the tenure is in Chattursari 2 1 9 Village (No. 16). 1 105 '681 10 11 82 0 74.- Dillage Malia, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. 'D. 11 4 7 200 16 16 B. K. 'D. 2 16 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. 'B. 539 11 3 H:71 6 15 460 5. O Proprietors' private lands ... Resident Settled rai. 3 yats. (Non-resident | Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-:Resident .. cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. D. 2 98 1 12 8 2 11 41 Bhaoli, 2 4 6 250 T9 06 18 52 9 15 0 4 16 1 00 1 4 12 3 142 2:01 i 6 4 ing 9 0 2 8 0 6 13 1 4 12 Total area 5676. 6. 28. The kamat lands are let at Rs. 16-5.9. Rhaoli 36. 16k. 9d. * Inoluded with another raiyão. Bhaoli .... 1 6 15 Total bhaoli ... 34 B. K. D. 2 4 61 2 9 8 ...... 114 617 14 13 1,144 6 91 75.- Village Madhopur, Gungborar, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 99 17 8 1 B. K. D. 6 2 71 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. D Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total Total area 7636.7k. 8d. Bhaoli. - 16 9 9 17 18 76.-Village Madhopyr Påtpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 220 5 0 B. K. D. Rs. A P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. . ..no Total area 4816. 15k. 16d. Bhaoli. Total 1 220 5 ol . 77.-Village Madhuban, pärgana Farkyja, district Monghyr. . 40 . B. K. D. 151 12 16 210 17 1 8 18 12 Rs. A. P. 0.7.0 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. 9. B. K. D. 3 15 0 5 10 0 15 0 Rs. A. P. 67 129 85 5 6 3 7 9 0 0 Rs. A. P. 0 8 1 | Total area 4026. 11d. O 6 11 Bhaoli 13ko 16d. Rent included in Tunapur (No. 122) and Harinmar (No. 42) and Chack Piriaj (No. 19). Total .. 83| 371 8 9 156 10 0 78.— Village Mustaffapur, pargana Farkya, district Monyhyr. B. K. D. 15 4 15 1 18 3 B. K. D. / 2 10 16 Rs. A. P. 39 14 0 Rs. A. P. 2 9 6 1 Rs. A. P. 2 15 2 15 ô lhe 6 Total area 186. 4k. 2d. 2 9 3 4 8 0 2 6 0 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 1 18 3 1 1 1 14 1 1 14 18 4 12 · 44 60 ( 143 ) 79.–Village Matikani, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. : Number of boldings. Class of holding. Average area per holding Area. Average rate per Rent. Average rate per bigha. REMARKS. acre: 1. 3 . 8 B. K. D. 18 1 2 1 B. K. D. 3 12 0 Rs. A. P. 18 091 Rs. A. P. 1071 Rs. A. P. 1 2 11 Total area 696. 7%. 18d. NoņoccupanNon-resident cy raigats. Total 18 1 2 180 ****** *** 80.-Village Mohobba, pargana Balia, district Monghyr. Settled yats. rai. S Resident ... Non-resident, 164 161 *B. . D. 1,661 5 19 924 3 12 B. K. D. 1 Rs. A. P. 10 2 11 4,211 12 6 6 14 16 2,248 16 0 Rs, A. P. 2 8 0 2 9 8 Rs. A. P. Total area 3,3406. 14k. 13d. 2 12 8 B. K. D. 2 15 7 Bhaoli ... 12 11 8 4 16 1 091. Total ... 17 7 9 Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 17 3 11 13 12 12 74 8 4 1 6 8 1 18 19 3 11 6 Bhaoli. 21 366 2,690 13 18 6,460 11 6 81.- Village Munsi, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. 264 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-Resident .. yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiỹats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 21 20 1,034 13 5 48 18 2 33 11 4 29 12 8 4 12 10 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 10 11 0 4 1 9 2,457 9 9 3 1 2 122 15 9 3 14 11 74 14 9 4 4 14 68 12 9 1 3 2 en : Nova Orip ei oors.610 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,448. 13k 4d. 2 12 0 | The kamat lands are let 2 14 6 1 at Rs. 45. 2 11 0 2 10 6 292 1,172 9 9 2,724 50 82.- Village Mahomedpur Bhekoa, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 28 B. K. D. 174 0 4 313 13 3 Rs. A. P. 2 3 0 1 12 0 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats ... Non-resident Total ... orv Bato B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 376 6 3 10 2 0 561 10. 3 9 0 10270 - 5 3 ol 103 7 3 1,143 14 9 Rs. A. P. 2 8 0 Total area 8906. lk. 14d. 2 0 0 Kamat lands 1676. 7%. 18d. settled at 1 8 0 ! Rs. 376-6-3; 66. 12k, 2 8 0 1 6d. bhaoli; íb. 15k. 2d. bhaoli. 74 12 12 46 îl 1 1 2 6 3 0 0 Coco 78. 608 37 0 mg 83,- Dillage Nainpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. : B. K. D. 15 19 4 113 12 4 233 8 12 2 2 14 21 14 14 14 5 10 B. K. D. 7 19 12 7 2 0 2 16 2 2 3 12 9 1 15 14 36 9 0 1 0 2 6 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. " Resident ... yats . Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats ... Non-resident Non-occu. Non-resident pancy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 03 0 Total area 4666. 11k. 9d. The kamat lands are held khas. Rents in- cluded with H mid puz (No. 44). 200 37 19 wi 3 3 1 9 6 1 11 6 17 6 1 15 1 10 6 9 6 107 0 13 16 1 123 400 13 5 93 5 9 w ww.arome. -.- ( 144 ) 84.- Village Utesra, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average. area per holding Rent Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 21 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rais Resident ... yats. (Non-resident B, K. D. 105 1 17 1,413 14 10 276 11 19 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 13 2 4 :,12 2 11 | 1,414 4 6 4 12 41 277 12 0 Rs. A. P. i 0.1 1 1 1 199 60 | 1 2 4 1 3 6 Total area 1,9516. 6k. 4d. B. K, D. Bhaoli .. 0 3 15 Do ... 0 3 0 The kamat lands are held at Rs. 251-3. Total ... 1,795 8 6 . 1,692 0 6 85.-Village Parbata, pargana Farkya, distrtct Monghyr. B. K. D. 4 5 4 B. K. D. 4 5 4 Proprietors' private lands ... Rs. A. P. . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 1 Total area 1,0496. 7k. lld. The kamat lands are held khas. Rents are included in Karna, No. 55. 77. 9d. bhaoli. 149 1 467 7 9 3 19 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident cy raiyats. 156 6 1 272 11 6 26 6 3 28 10 13 3 15 0 oooo wood i 5 0 13 0 illo 1 10 0 1 3 0 0 14 11 1 15 4 1 13 9 1 5 9 3 10 34 14 7 36. 15k. do. ܀ · Total 139 491 147 694 15 1 86.-Village Paura, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. · B. K. D. 7 2 0 18 10 1 B. K. D. 1 8 4 18 10 1 Rs. A. Þ. 1 12 0 Rs. A. 0 1 6 Rs. A. P. 0 1 9 Total area 3,1968. 147. 12d. 2 0 6 The kamat lands are settled 1 15 3 | bhaoli. 187 1 12 1,557 10 0 344 14 19 07 4 8 6 11 2,733 5 16 17 | 597 3 6 6 9 1. 1 11 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai-s Resident ...) yats. Non-resident! Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total wo 1 8 15 66 28 5 117 10 49 2 3 15 8 4 6 6 0 6 1 12 1 12 9 3 ront 2 12 0 Included with 2 0 3 another village. of 2 13 3 311 2,028 29 3,504 2 9 87.- Village Puchrasi, pargana Furkya, district Monghyr. 65 1 B. K. D. 65 3 1 1 435 15 2 32 18 11 28 14 10 21) 3 6 11 16 13 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rais Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. 507 1 9 41 14 6 33. () 9 27 2 6 Rs. A. P. 1 2 3 1 4 6 1 2 0 1 5 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 1,3626. 15k. 1d. 1 4 10 1 7 6 The kamat lands are held 1 4 101 khas. 1 8 7 1 10 4 2 6 609 3 6 88.— Vill:ige Pusraha, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. 29 Total area 3,3396. 15k. 5d. • 148 B. K. D. 39 4 10 1,425 17 11 753 1 19 9 17 19 B. K. D. / Rs. A. P. 1 7 1 9 12 13 2,455 ( 3 7 0 15 1,33; 14 6 9 17 19 16 14 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rs. A. P. 1 10 8 1 10 8 1 10 8 co 107 1 14 1 14 1 14 6 6 6 The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 33-4-6 for 196. 13%. 13d., and bhaoli 196. 10k. 17d. 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 140 1 14 0 2 2 5 E Total ... 286 2,229 20 3,806 10 9 ( 145 ) 89.- Village Patti Lewa, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Number Class of holding.. .. Area. Average rate per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. . 8 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. "Rs. A. P. 8 17 0 7 18 0 138 7 0 8 1 0 2,897 5 3 8 9 14 Rs. A. P. 2 8 0 2 90 2 13 8 B. K. D. 17 15 1 55 7 17 1,124 2 13 8.9 14 39 14 8 139 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled. Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyals. Total ... 2 14 10 Total area 1,5736. 14d. The kamat lands are held khas. Rents held in another village. Bhaoli 2k. lld. 8 4 19 0 99 5 9 2 8 0 2 13 8 157 | 1,245 9 13 ...... 3,135 2 0 90.- Village Puttinundania, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 319 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled Non-resident raiyats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occu. Non-resident pancy raiyats. B. K. D. 92 11 4 2,447 8 19 136 6 19 106 19 2 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 30 17 1 7 7 3 5,859 14 3 6 9 17 347 0 0 3 11 5 240 9 9 Rs. A. P. 2 98 28.01 2 3 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 3,5846. 16k. 11d. 2 9 10 | The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 270-14-9 for 2 5 3 1 836. 5k. 4d., and 96. 6. are held khas. There is one tenure-holder with 11 raiyats who hold 1266. 137.7d., of which 156. 3k. 13d. are bhaoli, and 1116. 8k. 14d. at Rs. 340-15; 12b. 8k. 8d. bhaoli. Total ... 373 2,783 6 4 6,447 80 91.- Village Pitaunjhia, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 494 18 17 27 16 1 79 137 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 10 6 4 1,173 1.1 3 3 9 10 68 99 6 2 11 1893 6 Rs. A. P. 2 3 3 2 8 3 2 6 3 2 8 2 14 2 11 3 0 9 Total area 7176. 10d, Bhaoli 16.5k, 16d. -- Settled Resident ... raiyats. (Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Nou-resident Total ... Oo ooo 13 15 5 1 8 4 1 3 8 17 1 13 14 32 11 01 12 3 0 os os 2 9 12 621 4 17 ... 1,476 6 6 92.- Village Pipra Latif, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Ori Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats, at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled. Resident .... 1 raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident - cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. B. K. D. Rs. 4. P. 53 6 11 13 6 0 19 19 7 19 197 26 14 0 561 2 0 3 17 0 1,345 7 320 3 16 6 6 5 811 12 0 25 9 8 6 7 0 61 11 9 46 10 14 4 4 0 119 8 4 9 8 2 4 0 1 20 4 0 10 15 21 5:50 1,041 15 16 .... 2,385 9 3 ooo OOO Rs. A. P. Total area 1,6986. 167. 10d. i 8 0 1 The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 64-5-3. 2 11 5 There are four tenure- 2 13 8 holders who pay 2 11 61 Rs. 750-10-3 for 4476. 6k. 2 14 10 5 2 2 OOO OO OO O 2 0 lld. 2 Total 219 93.-Village Permanandpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Total area 3706.3k. 9d. B. K. D. 2 17 10 3 12 2 1 2 6 2 132 B. K. D. 89 2 17 191 1 19 1 2 6 21 5 0 512 5 4 1 3 1 2 6 Rs. A. P. 2 13 8 2 10 10 3 2 3 Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ( Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. 223 11 9 490 6 3 3 1 0 56 2 3 15 2 6 13 4 6 Rs. A. P. 2 8 0 2 9 0 2 120 2 10 8 2 11 0 3 4 o ac o co on : 3 1 3 11 2 4 1 1 7 2 1 6 313 7 16 ....... | 801 123 ( 146 ) 94.-- Village Piprail, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr..! Class of holding Number Lof holdings. Area. Average rate per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. - 3 6 7. Non-occupan. Non-resident gy rạiyats. B. K. D. 51 9 19 B. K. D. 1 Rs. A. P. 5 14 8 1 10 0 0 1 Rs. A. P. | Rs. 0 3 6 0 A. P. 3 6 Total area 1696. 1.1%. 14d. | Rents are recorded : with rents . in Sabauri village, No. 110.; Total : 9 9 51 9 19 10 00 95.-Village Madhopur, Patpur Barari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. - _ _ . A B. K. D. 40 00 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | 40 001 100 6 9 Settled yats. rai- Non-resident . Total area 3,2306. 15k. 12d. There is a tenure-holder with 1,1746. 17k. lld. Rs. 456-0-9. Total : 1 40 ... 100 6 9 .... . . . - 96.- Village Rajdhan Burari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . 12 B. K. D. 289 30 B. K. D. | 24 1 18 Rs. A. P. 636 1 0 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. 2 3 0 1 2 8 0 Total area 2896. 3k. Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Total ... 12 | 289 3 0 ...... | 636 10 97.–Village Rahimpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Total area 6936. 17k. 7ď. Settled S Resident ... raiyats. ? Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. D. 134 11 16 218 7 3 17 1 14 29 11 17 10 0 14 B. K. D. 4 13 18 5 6 10 : 8 10 17 5 18 7 6 07 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 277 13 6 2 1 0 421 10 3 1 14 10 42 12 6 1 2 8 2 : 72 0 31 27 0 211 4 Rs. A. P. 2 5 9 2 3 0 2 13 9 2 12 6 3 1 6 2 0 11 2 0 11 411 13 14 841 6 6 98.- Village Rajdhan. Karari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Sam B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 096 B. K. D. 29 17 8 26 10 13 0 6 0 :3 2 13 , 6 0 4 400 Aico 0 0 Rs. A. P. · 46 14 0 .86 13 0 0 10 6 0 2 6 Rs. A. P. 1 12 0 4 11 6 2 8 0 Settled Resident ... | raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy' Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total area 1296. 167c. 12d. Bhaoli 16k. 13d. .' 0 11 17 0 5 2 1 0 0 5 1 3 2 15 0 1 6 0 0 11 2 11 8 ..... B. K. D. Bhaoli 4 6 5, 6 4 Bhaoli total ... 6 7 3 onoto Total 62 9 16 ...... 133' 8 0 99.- Village Rahianxa, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 2,6306. 167, 3d. B. K. D. .0 11 6 118 0 18 325 6 12 17 0 13 333 8 12 Proprietors' private lands... Settled Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. {Non-resident Total .. B. K. D. 011 6 7 00 5 14 3 2 2 0 2 9 0 77 39 173 2 3 | 10 30 204 3 9 Rs. A. P. 0 11 6 0 10 4 0 10 4 0 10 4 0 10 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 90 The kamat lands are held .0 khas. -i 130 213 794 8 1 464 12 9 ...... ( 147 ) 100.- Village Rampur, pargana Farkija, district jonghyr: 1 Class of holding. Number 1 of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigba. Average rate per acre. RÉMARKS: 1 : B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident... ats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 12 13 6 01. 5 13 9 6 18 4 13 19 14 4 7 17 18 1 V-WE wo 0 000 189 8 6 26 8. 6 14 09 42 7 6 Rs. A. P. 3 1 5 2 13 8 3 0 2 2 15 9 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 6 11 5 7 Total area 2926. 14d. The kamat lands are held khas. 7 2 17 18 Total 120 2 4 272 9 3 101.- Village Rupowli, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 4 14 7 153 14 2 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai:Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 4 14 7 1 11 1 | 585 90 1 198 9 1 6 4 17 9 27 12 0 5 11 4 18 6 0 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Total area 6756. 2k. 11d. ..... 3 12 0 446 The kamat lands are held khas. 1 9 0 1.12 7 | This includes the rent's of 5 11 0 .6 7 11 Arazi Rupowli. 3 5 0 3 12 6 1 5 18 3 4 17 9 5 11 4 Total 105 | 174 155 640 12 6 102.-Village Rohiarwa Bungalia, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 161 B. K. D. 0 16 14 942 15 1 128 18 7 9 7 1 B. K. 0 46 14 5 17 2 9 18 3 2 6 0 Total area 1,3326. lk. 16d. The kamat lands are held khas. 1,883 5 3 185 9 3 | 1976 7 4 9 1 25 4 3 1 10 2 5 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 4 8 1 11 0 1 7 0 2 1 0 1 12 0 2 1 0 4 1 13 11 18 12 2 18 6 0 10 5 19 1 9 0 0 3 2 2 0 5 0 8 26.7 k. d. arë bhaoli. - 191 1,100 15 14 2,120 16 0 103.- Village Sisca, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 50 B. K. D. 213 7 4 B. K. D. 4 5 7 | Rs. A. P. 1 212 14 6 Rs. A. P. 1 0 0 Rs. A. P. 1 2 3 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. 45 8 16 5 0 19 53 I 3 1 2.9 1 6 5 Total area 3256. 11%. Rents included in Karna (No. 56) and Pärbäta (No. 85). Total 59 1 258 16 0 265 15 9 104.- Village Sirnia Barari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D. 1 47 15 13 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. 2 Non occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... Total area 1666. 8k. 3d. Lands are bhaoli. 47 15 13 ...... 105.- Village Sadatpur Agwani, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 1 B. K. D. 3 99 Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 3 9 9 543 11 2 Rs. A. . Rs. A. P. 1,001 5 3 125 1 13 5 2 1 8 Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai. r Resident ..., .yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident .. cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings ...l Total ... Total area 9678. 13k. 42. The kamat lands are held khas. Settled raiyats 06. 127. 12d. khas. 46 5 11 6 12 0 .17 7 11 9 5 6 12 2 0 88 3 9 11 13 6 1 14 1 12 6 g 2 2 3 0 0 11 1 1 .... 137 1 617 5 13 1,101 66 ť 2 . ( 148 ) 106.- Village Sansarpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. : . Class of holding. Number of holdings. Numbers Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. MARKS. - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D: 3 17 16 223 1 1 333 19 19 6 5 0 B. K. D. 1 18, 18 4 6 7 6 9 1 3 2 10 536 5 756 13 13 5 3 6 9 ܀ :uܗ ܟܬ 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 7176.6k. 13 01 The kamat lands are settled at Rs. 4-8. 2 6 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Şettled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai: Non-resident. yats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings NONN: ap on ovor 6 11 7 13 16 7 13 7 13 var 1 6 2 15 3 6 5 1 1 14 13 0 31 6 3 ܚܙ ܛ $ Total 600 18 3 1,352 11 9 107.- Village Samarkalan, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 10 13 5 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P: | Rs. A. P. 10 13 5 Total area 6836. 18k, 4d. , There is a tenure-holder with 756. 10k. 7d. at Rs. 56-8. 1 181 6 16 82 12 18 0 10 9 7 17 13 2 19 01 0 10 9 169 15 0 1 16 8 9 0 15 0 1 0 3 910 1 4 3 3 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai- Non-resident yats. Noz-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. 1 3 || Rents included in Samar- khurd, No. 109. 6 16 16 6 16 16 Total 54 282 0 4 U 41 ...... 186 7 8 108.-Village Sohária, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. , B. K. D. 31 9 8 B. K. D. 15 14 14 Rs. A. P. 36 5 9 Rs. A. P. 1 2 0 Rs. A. P. 1 4 7 1 2 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Total area 4666. 18k. 7d. Total . 2 ? 31 9 8 35 6 9 109.- Village Samarkhurd, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. K. D 453 16 10 259 11 9 9 9 13 B. K. D. 11 171 6 6 10 9 9 13 Settted rai- 5 Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai- Resident ... yats. Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rs. A. P. 403 4 3 391 14 6 9 9 6 Rs. A. P. 0 14 6 2 9 0 15 0 Rs. A. P. 1 4 0 Total area 9866. 18k. 7d. 1 5 6 This includes rent of 1 1 9 1 Samarkalan, No. 107. : 9 8 18 3 2 19 17 15 6 1 15 6 Total 86 732 6 10 ...... 732 11 9 110.- Village Sahauri, pargana, Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A, P. Rs. A. P. Froprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai. Resident ... yats. B. K. D. 15 8 3 131 4 10 556 19 17 1 0 10 K. D 8 3 6 5 0 6 8 0 10.10 Rs. A. P. 183 9 0 795 4 3 1 14 61 1 6 1 6 1 13 0 0 0 1 1 2 9 9 1 2 2 2 Total area 1,5796. 3k. 16d. There is a tenure-holder with six raiyats holding 710. 10k. 7d., of which 646. Jik. pay Rs. 84-9-6, and 76.9. 16d. are bhaoli. Settled raiyats hold 5k. 14d. bhaoli. 7k. 4d. bhaoli. 36, 2k. 2d. bhaoli. The rents of non-resident non-occupancy raiyats in- clude rent for lands in Piprail (No. 94). Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident 87 10 0 1 59 2 2 8 15 0 8 13 01 79 4 6 1 153 3 0 0 15 2 9 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 14 Total ... 136 851 5 2 1,213 3 3 ( 149 ) . 111.-Village Seowti, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Class of holding. l Number of. holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 3 B. 2 K. D. 0 10 Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 1 2 0 10 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 8776. 15k. 1d. The kamat lands are held khas. 0 4 9 ) Rents, included with Kuch- out, hence low rate of ) rent. . 112 0 4 1 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy' 'Non-resident raiyats. Total ... 662 6 3 2 6 2 5 18 4 169 60 1 3 1 2 115 666 12 15 169 6 0 112.- Village Sasaili Tuti, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. D. 0 15 17 248 10 17 0 12 16 B. K. D. 0 15 17 | 5 1 2 0 6 8 Rs. 4. P. 011 9 199 7 9 090 Rs. A. P.) 0 15 0 0 120 0 14 0 Rs. A. P. 1 1 3 Total area 5576. 4k. 18d. 0 12 9 1 0 1 Total 249 19 10 200 12 6 113.- Village Samsuddinpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. . Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 26 4 16 | B. K. D. 13 2 8 Proprietors' private lands .... Rs. A. P. 4 14 3 0 0 Rs. A. P. | ...... | Total area 722b. 17k. 12d. Kamat lands settled at Rs. 25-0-6. 0 0 4 Rents of this village are recorded with Khoranan (No. 65), and Deokul - (No. 28). Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 4 216 12 14 | 290 16 7 72 18 6 59 54 3 0 4 18 0 72 18 6 Total 606 12 3 4 14 3 114.–Village Samuspur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 24 13 10 B. K. D. 24 13 10 Total area 1,2836. 177. 14d. The kamat lands are held khas. 475 18 14 6 3 12 | 715 12 0 2 12 9 472 14 0 1 2 14 0 13 8 0 1 1 2 2 7 6 8 4 4 0 1 10 2 11 2 13 8 9 8 B. K. D. 52 13 19 bhaoli. 17 11 19 » 70 5 18 Settled rai- Resident .. yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 5 8 0 0 3 16 78 19 17 1 0 3 3 16 5 16 Rent included in holding of another raiyat. 178 776 15 4 1,202 20 . 115.- Village Sherputti, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. Rs. A. P. 62 B. . D. 1 0 10 294 197 67 11 18 5 4 0 B. K. D 1 0 10 4 15 3 8 8 19 1 5 4 785 14 154 15 13 9 9 0 9 2 10 2 4 2 10 Rs. A. P. Total area 4136. 2k. 18d. 3 0 0 | The kamat lands are held 2 9 il by the maliks. 3 0 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- ( Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ei ooo 0 0 2 Û 14 5.12 6 3 3 5 2 0 14 5 16 14 14 7 8 2 13 0 3 70 19 13 3 14 10 5 15 14 14 7 8 75 390 19 11 980 1 3 . ( 150 ) 116.- Village Shahpur Bhugwán, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Olass of holding. Number of ... holdings. Area. Average area per holding. 1. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. :: REMARKS. . 1 B. K. D. 396 6 18 B. K. D. 5 1 0 Rs. A. P. 1,084 6 6 Settled rai. Non-resident yats... Non-oocupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rs. A. P. 2 11 0 2 13 0 2 12 0 1 3 1 2. Total area 4436: 2k. 18d. 3 3 5 2 2 3 6 11 9 19 13 15 35 14 4 18 8 18 13 3 55 2 9 Total 422 12 2 1,158 6 6 · 117.–Village Sirnia Karasi, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. · Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 1 10 10 718 13 13 110 12 18 0 19 8 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy rniyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. 1 10 10 2 15 10 4 16 4 0 2 8 6 1,686 8 9 267 13 6 2 6 3 2 2 2 6 6 6 Rs. A. P. Total area 4946. 4.2.7d. 2 12 0 | 106. 1 k. 4.d. bhaoli. 2 13 6/ 35, 6%. 28. , 2 6 3 1 20 16 3 L 6 18 14 1 Total 292 852 12 12 1,956 12 6 118.- Villuge Tetarabad, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 162 B. K. D. 854 2 14 34 4 13 18 16 16 warto oo or 2005 Rs. A. P. ,802 4 3 123 8 9 9 1 3 A. P. 3 4 6 3 10 1 075 Rs. A. P. 3 11 11 4 2 4 0 8 6 Total area 1,3246. 2k. 8d. 30 18 12 10 6 4 277 15 3 : Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total o 58 18 6 29 9 3 This includes rents of chak Tetarabad, No. 23, and of Chainpur Khurd, No. 21. The average cannot be correctly given, as the rents are paid for lands in the two above men. tioned villages as well as for this village. 178 997 1 1 . 3,212 13 6 119.- Village Timpta Arazi Putpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 166 Proprietors' private land ... Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. B. K. D. B. K. D. 397 6 14 99 6 13 2,045 6 6 12 6 8 9 11 10 19 21 10 Rs. A. P. 4,598 12 6 21 4 3 Rs. A. P. 2 3 11 2 4 0 Rs. A. P. 2 9 0 2 9 1 Total area 3,0396. 2K lld. The kamat lands are set. tled at Rs. 1,036-9. Bhaoli lands. Settled raiyats 586. 19k. 4d. Total 1712,452 4 10 4,620 09 120.- Village Timpta Karari, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. K. D. V 198 3 11 + b ಉದ 9 ܘܗܝܕ B. K. D. 706 0 10 111 5 10 9 3 14 14 Rs. A. P. 1,645 96 277 3 3 V RU Or 0000 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occu- Resident ... ! pancy rai. yat. Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. 2 11 5 Total area 2,0416. 7%. 2 12 7 1 76. 11%. 6d. bhaoli. 2 13 8 5k. 1d. bhaoli. Homo o ar 4 9 0 1 11 9 1 4 0 a a 15 0 2 1 0 0 : : Total 242 837 12 5 1,936 5 6 : - ( 151 ) 121.–Village Tour alias Nisapur Badle, pargana Farkya, distriot Monghyr. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate Average rate per bigha. per acre. REMARKS. Settled yats. rai. Non-resident 19 B. 6. D. 49 17 9 B. K. D. 2 129 Rs. A. P. 137 0 9 1 Rs. A. P. 2 1 0 Rs. A. P. 2 5 9 Total area 516. 31. 8d. Total 19 49 17 9 137 09 122.-Village Timapur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. Total area 2,4066. 13k. 6d. 133 2 9 0 1 149 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rais Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holding B. K. D. 1 8 10 577 9 3 770 13 17 1.61 8 12 66 17 7 14 17 4 8 12 7 2 7 16 B. K. DI Rs. . P. 1 8 10 4 6 16 1,506 5 0 2,669 13 3 12 8 6 496 13 9 5 11.9 162 13 6 3 14 6 53 0 0 8 12 7 19 15 3 2 7 16 ...... MOO GOGO Gran acov Rs. A. P. ...... 2 14 10 3 14 10 3 7 11 5 9 11 3 ...... The kamat land settled at Rs. 3-12-3. There is a tenure-holder with 322b. 6k. 15dk., of which 236. lk. is bhaoli, and 2996. 5k. 12d. pay Rs. 835-12-6. This includes rents of chack Pariag (No. 19), Harin. mar (No. 42) and Mudho. ban (No. 77). i Total .... 314 1 1,603 14 16 14,908 12 9 123.- Village Zorwarpur Putpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. Rs. A. P. B. K. D, 258 13 16 1,090 18 2 1 7 10 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 3 17 41 577 6 6 11 17 3 2,565 3 9 1 7 10 Rs. A. P. 2 3 0 2 4 8 2 2 8 0 9 10 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-residenti Rent-free holdings Total Total area 18d. 1,7806. 12%. 160 1,350 19 8 ...... 3,142 10 3 · 124.-Village Zorwarpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. B. E. D. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 154 5 1 13 2 15 90 9 Rs. A. P. 298 12 3 192 19 21 4 0 0 9 Rs. A. P. 1 14 0 2 4 0 2 5 0 1 Rs. A. P. 2 2 4 / Total area 3376.3k. 17d. 2 9 1 | Bhaoli 16.3%. 5d. 2 10 3 9 17 17 18 2 15 8 ...... Total ... 137 264 6 3 512 2 0 125.--Village Ramchunderpur, pargana Farkya, district Monghyr. 105 I Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. : 0 12 8 447 8 0 375 6 18 17 5 3 23 00 13 4 16 1 12 14 17 14 2 are B. K. D. 0 12 8 4 5 0 5 17 0 8 12 0 3 16 0 1 07 0 10 0 2 4 4 Rs. A. P. 1 14 0 *1 13 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 9 1 11 0 Rs. A. P. 664 2 0 690 12 0 35 13 9 47 6 0 20 15 6 2 12 9 ..... khas. Rs. A. P. Total area 1,424k. 9h. 2 2 6 7d. 2 1 4 | The kamat lands are heid 2 6 0 2 6 B. K. D. Bhaoli 38 5 17 1 15 Do. 12 17 13 Do. 2 16 13 Do. ... 1 2 13 He had no 1 12 o co _ Total 202 896 4 1 1,461 14 0 Total ... 55 2 16 III LIST OF PAPERS. 1. Haveli 2. Shahpur 3. Kudwah 4. Dharrumpur ... 5. Tirahkardab ... Purnea district. 1 1 Abstract. 121 Village statements. I 1 Abstract. 1 2 Village statements. À 1 Abstract. *** | 15 Village statements. 1 1 Abstract. *** ( 11 Village statements. 1 Abstract. ** 1 26 Village statements. 2 Abstracts. • 1 3 Village statements. 1 Abstract. 31 Village statements. 1 Abstract. *** ( 23 Village statements. 1 Abstract. *** 1 9 Village statements. 6. Dehat 7. Tajpur. 8. Sujanaggar 9. Daphar ( 154 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES. Abstract of Haveli pargana, Purnea district. Average Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per · bigha. REMARKS, rate per acre. . 7 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 54 16 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at s Resident ... fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai- 5 Resident ... | 2,501 yats. Non-resident 1,335 Occupancy ſ Resident ... 66 raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident .. 101 cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 336 Total .. 4,538 B. K. D. 2,381 16 14 988 18 2 499 13 1 53,230 · 7 10 30,743 16 7 1,590 0 14 2,265 17 13 575 17 18 861 2 19 10,271 127 B. K. 'D. .95 5 9 18 6 6 31 2 11 25 5 13 23 0 11 24 1 18 32 16 16 5 14 2 24 12 1 30 11 8 248 13 6 159 15 31 15,754 11 2 8,307 12 10 418 7 31 686 7 8 248 5 9 2828 0 ...... 1 oooooo 3 11 5 1 4 10 4 3 4 2 4 10 me OD 69 11 7 35 5 Rs. A. P. There are 19 tenure-holders 0 9 5 with 11,4686. 1.4k. 12d. at 0 12 3 Rs. 3,267-6-3, and 236.87. : 0117 3d. held bhaoli, of the 0 10 3 khamat lands. 716. 12k. 7 d. 0 10 0 are held at Rs. 9-8, and 2,3106. 4k. 7d. are held khas. 0 12 8 | Resident settled raiyats hold 386.6k. 18d. bhaoli, and 196. 18k. 19d. rent-free. Resi- dent non-occupancy raiyats hold 12k. 6d. rent-free, and non-resident non-occupan- cy raiyats hold 36.15%. 13d. bhaoli, and 66. 177. 12d. unassessed. Standard pole =4. cubits. 1,03,409 3 5 26,107 1 5 ...... 1.-Villaye Abdulianagar, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 110 Total area 2,3876. 187. 11d. 136. 97. 4d. held rent-free. 36 B. K. D. 10 4 4 1,204 18 12 561 7 16 273 5 11 : 22 2 4 182 107 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan-Resident. cy raiyats. J Resident. Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 10 4 4 19 3 15 11 12 | 68 6 7 7 7 8 45 12 12 374 11 9 147 10 0 1 63 15 9 0 4 2 0 9 3 0 3 8. 0 87 070 10 9 9 12 6 1 ....... 168 2,254 8 14 596 2 0 ...... 2.- Village Banaili Basgaon, purgana Haveli, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raios Resident .. yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 64 7 7 601 9 19 326 6 6 59 8 16 B. K. D. 8 0 18 10 7 8 15 10 15 | 19 16 5 Rs. A. P 0 6 4 0 2 6 239 1 0 52 2 0 : OO. Rs. A. P. Total area 1,1166.. 15k. 19d. 1 1 6 16k. 14d. rent-free, 0 5 1 One raiyat holds 36. 1ők. 10d. bhaoli. 21 ...... Total ... 1,051 128 291 3 0 3.- Village Banaili, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. 10 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. ' Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 71 127 214 7 3 1,892 6 16 14 17 4 14 8 12 773 16 6 B. K. D. 17 18 2 5 4 11 20 15 1 3 14 6 14 8 12 40 9 5 Rs. A. P. 100 15 0 588 1 1 11 5 3 4s 5 9 Rs. A. P. 0 7 6 o 4 11 0 12 1 0 4 10 ....... Rs. A. P. Total area 3,9656.7k. 9d. 1 2 1 | The kamat lands are settled 0 11 10 at Rs. 9-8. 1 13 1 0 il 7 160 2,981 7 8 704 11 1 4.- Villages Balua, Jhuni Kalan, Jhuni Khurd, Sahbaja, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 2 146 Proprietors' private lands ... Raijats at Resident .. fixed rates. So Setiled rai-ſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ? Non resident raiyats. S Non-occupan-} Non-resident cy raiyats. Sa Rent-free holdings ... Total B. K. D. B. K. D. 16 6 16 16 6 16 · 296 8 1 148 40 5,142 4 14 35 4 8 2,936 9 14 19 6 7 424 0 2 84 16 0 60 7 1 60 7 1 1,048 17 18 1 49 18 19 9,924 14 6 42 0 0 1,245 8 3 652 3 3 82 5 0 Rs. A. P. ...... 0 2 3 0 3 10 0 3 7 0 3 0 0 6 2 Rs. A. P. ...... 05 4 09 2 0 8 7 0 7 2 ( 14 10 Total area- B. K. D. Balua 3,824 10 14 Jhuni Kallan 4,394 11 9 Jhuni Khurd 1,185 0 10 Sahbaja 1,539 16 14 Total ... 10,943 19 7 23 10 3 ...... 328 2,045 10 9 ( 155 ) 5.-_Village Bosi, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. LAV UT 3- 7A2 AV.CA Class of holding. Number of holdings, Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS, 1 5 Rs. A. P. 119 B. K. D. 206 10 3 3,565 17 19 1,169 18 14 28 9 5 122 3 1 Proprietors' private lands ... | Settled rai. Resident ... yats, Non-resident Occupancy Resident raiyats, Š Rent-free holdings . ... Total B. K. D. Rs. A. P.! 206 10 3 29 19 6 11,156 14 9 21 9 12 355 10 3 7 2 4 10 12 3 20 7 3 Rs. A. P. Ö6 2 0 4 10 060 Total area 5,4586. 2k. Įhd The kamat lands are held by the Srinagar estate. 0 12 5 011 7 0 14 4 ... 4 ogo 184 5,082 19 2 1,523 5 3 6.- Villages Sousa, Banbhag, Parora, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Rus. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 5 4 18 23 7 2 A. P. 4 18 23 7 2 Total area- 8 7 6 :40 0 13 9 Sousa 327 O 0 3 1 B. K. D. 3,855 18 14 3,683 9 1 6,885 17 1 ... 1,262 758 8 22 13 ŏ 2 10 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at} Non-resident fixed rates.) Settled rai-'Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 14 43 1 22 19 2 4 14 O 6,440 18 4 4,177 4 2 137 16 12 4 8 6 87 5 10 37 1 9 1,618 5 10 9 3 5 AMA O Hos 0 7 4 Banbhag 0 6 9 Parora 0 6 4 1 6 0 11 0 8 4 DORA D 096 0 4 10 0 3 6 14,425 4:16 7 12 9 O O MY CO A | 29 15 504 '| 12,531 11 13 7. Village Bhag Pariag, pargana Haveli, district Purrea. Settled B. K. D. 349 14 11 B. K. D. 5 18 11 Rs. A. P. | 94 3 6 Rs. A. P. 0 4 3 rai. Non-resident Rs. A. P. 0 10 3 - yats. 18 18 51 114 11 11 11 0 0 9 10 1 7 7 Non-occupan-Non-resident cy raiyats. S Rent-free holdings ... Total area 2,9306. 18k. There are two tenure- holders- (1) The Banaili Estate, 6756. 8k. 17d., held at Rs. 34-1. . (2) 7856. 13k. 19d. at Rs. 326-5-6. 4 27 2 17 - 6 15 13 ...... Total .. 67 395 15 13 105 14 6 8.- Villages Sarra Basetha, Bhowaninagar, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. 266 Settled yats. rai- 5 Resident ... Non-resident B. K. D. 4,834. 5 15 2,223 4 12 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. 18 3 9 1,628 11 2 36 8 18 777 10 3 Rs. A. P. 0 5 4 0 5 7 Rs. A. P. 0 12 9 1 3 5 Total areas- B. K. D. Sarra Basathi 8,355 3 6 Bhowaninagar 2,092 6 19 Total ... 10,447 9 5 Tot Occupancy raigats. Resident ... (Non-resident oros 334 13 18 3 3 1 8 55 15 10 3 12 13 115 3 27 13 0 0 0 1 5 8 6 8 0 13 3 3 11 2 53 Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-resident 263 5 2 102 5 12 4 18 11 95 14 12 41 40 4 1 3 0 0 0 5 6 9 3 | 0 13 10 0 15 1 There is a tenure-holder in Bhowaninagar who holds 1086. 18k. 19d. at Rs. 77-1. The area and rents have been included in this state. ment, In Sarra Basathi, the Sri- nagar Estatė bolds a tenure of 5726. lk., of which 6106. 17k. 4d. are held by 48 raiyats,-who are includ. ed in this statement, and 616. 3k. 16d. are held by the Srinagar Estate with- out pyment of rent. This area has been excluded. Rent-free holdings 785 8 16 | 23 16 0 Total ... 431 431 8,111 67 2,684 10 8 u 2 (156) 9.- Dillages Chandi, Kathua, Mathia, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. - Class of hofding. Number of holdings: Area. Average aree per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 5 Raiyats at fix. ( Resident ... ed raiyats. (Non-resident B. K. D. 302 6 0 393 15 B. K. D. 8 3 8 28 1 10 Rs. A. p. ! 96 8 6 1 114 16 9 Rs. A. P. 0 5 1 0 4 8 Rs. A. P. 0 12 3 0 11 2 Total areas- ... 3 Chandi Kathua Mathia B. K. D. 5,452 2 16 ... 1,928 4 12 ... 817 8 6 Settled rai. S Resident ... Non-resident 213 3,343 19 6 1,167 7 12 15 13 2 14 4 12 1,126 6 9 1 356 10 61 0 0 5 4 4 10 0 12 9 011 7 yats. 1 Total. ... 8,197 15 14 $ 29 7 12 23 17 13 ņ 0 8 9 3 4 00 Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rent-free holdings 7 6 181 7 194 6 18 13 13 16 13 43 14 17 15 3 9 13 14 7 6 0 3 00 1 3 8 There is a tenure-holder 1 6 4 1 in Chandi who holds 356. 47. 1d. at Rs. 42-13-6, 0 15 10 and in Mathia who holds 0 8 2 106.7k. 78. at Rs. 24-4-6. 17 15 18 13 16 13 6 7 0 3 5 55 2,378 6 9 Bhaoli lands held by raiyats, 116. 18k. Lands held rent- free, 56. 13k. 1d. Total 412 7,669 18 8 1,734 1 3 10.- Villages Jagarli, Chuck Titwarpur, Kadgama, Kunti Hasaili, Munkowl, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. B. K. D. 4 17 6 B. K. D. 4 17 6 Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total areas B. K. D. Jagaili ... 5,836 1 17 Chuck Jitwar- pur 197 13 18 11 5 Kadgama ... 2,209 10 2 il 5 Kunti Hasaili 1,311 47 Mankowl ... 1,563 18 5 Total ... 11,118 1 8 9 Settled yats. rai-S Resident ... (Non-resident 255 120 4,645 9 14 | 1,917 15 3 18 4 7 1,388 1 15 19 11 576 10 7 9 1 0 0 4 4 9 1 9 Occopancy raiyats. Resident ... | Non-resident 45 164 6 21 4 6 1 6 16 9 8 9 8 | 18 22 3 0 0 5 0 0 6 2 4! 2 ha ( 15 2 266.8k. 18d. are held bhaoli 0 5 2 | by resident settled rai. yats. Tenure-holders- B. .K. D. 1 0 2 | Jagaili ... 2,097 11 19 1 9.5 Kadgama ... 290 3 11 Kunti Hasaili 768 16 15 Mankowl ... 15 3 4 Non-occupan. Resident ...! cy raiyats. Non-resident 8 16 6 2 17 10 8 16 6 1 8 15 3 11 1 13 1 13 0 3 1 0 6 0 10 8 1 7 Rent-free holdings 23 634 9 17 | 27 11 15 ... ... 9 23 419 634 9 17 7,423 16 4 27 11 16 ... Total ... 3,171 15 at Ro. 769-5-2. ..... 2,010 8 0 . ..... Total Total 419 .... 11.- Villages Chanka, Singhia Bhagta, Damaili, Maknaha, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ta. Total areas B. K. D. Chanka ... 4,472 4 8 Singhia, Bhag- 3,144 17 11 Damaili ... 1,243 6 5 Maknaha ... 805 7 4 B. K. D 8 i 0 3,013 10 18 2,963 13 8 224 17 13 640 18 17 2 ſ 3 324 2 14 1,114 17 4 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 4 1 10 35 0 1 668 7 2 35 14 2 478 3 0 31 4 18 :0 6 9 64 1 19 · 14ite 3 90 112 0 108 0 18 179 2 3 34 16 15 Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Ś Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- ŠResident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings งง) 0 3 6 0 2 7 0 2 7 0 37 ooooo 085 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 8 7 1 13 7 0 92 OO 0 12 4 Total ... 9,665 15 8 0 3 10 :1 Total 225 8,192 8 17 1,392 111 ...... ( 157 ) 12.-Village Deoria, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 3 . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 4,9966. 11k, 180 Settled rai- 5 Resident .... yats. . . Non-resident Occupancy B. K. D. B. K. D. 2,110 8 3 27 8 2 1,728 18 8 30 6 12 194 8 15 17 13 10 217 34 108 11 12 41 18 8 41 18 8 Rs. A. P. 420 16 6 586 1 9 6726 68 0 0 0 6 11 0 65 056 0 60 1 5 9 0 130 0 13 2 0 12 0 Non-resident _.raiyats. Non-occupan- ? Non resident cy raiyats. S Rent-free holdings Total · 148 4,292 16 18 1,642 39 13.Villages Sutha, Khewarra, Dehia, Dhusmar, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. - - - Rs. A. P. 149 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raia | Resident ... yats. Non-resident 'Occupancy S Resident ... ..Taigats. (Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. / Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total HHH NOT CO B. K. D. 1 1 10 2,316 16 4 2,582 18 2 6 7 10 32 14 11 6 11 0 2 1 0 432 7 8 B. K. DI Rs. A. P. / 1 1 10 15 10 14 | 1,019 10 0 22 9 4 1 918 1 0 8 9 0 19 1 6 6 11 0 4 100 2 1 0 0 1 6 13 2.1 ...... 32 14 Total areas- Rs. A. P. B. K. D. Sotha 2,426 13 9 1 0 11 | Khelwara ... 502 0 7 0 13 7 Dehia ..1,882 17 18 1 5 3 | Dhusmar ... 1,849 10 15 1 6 8 2 0 8 Total „ 6,661 2 9 0 1 9 0 1 0 1 0 58 08 11 096 0 13 8 O 0 9 303 5,380 17 5 ...... 1,965 10 ..... 14.- Village Kobhara, par gana Haveli, district Purnea.' 139 17 B. K. D. 4,093 911 284 14 2 10 3 4 16 12 12 Settled rai. (Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- R Resident ... cy raiyats. Sesident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. Rs A. P. 29 8 lg 1,004 11 6 16 14 19 76 14 0 10 3 4 4 8 3 8 6 6 ...... Rs. A. P. 0 3 11 0 4 4 0 7 2 1 ...... L I- 159 4,414 19 9 1,086 1 9 Rs, A. P. 095 Total area 9,8206. lk. 8d. O 10 4 There are three tenure- 1 1 2 holder's with 305 raiyats. The area of the tenures is 4,5026. 4k. 19d., of which 2:36. 8k. 3d, are bhaoli and 4,4976. 6k. 12d. are held at Rs. 1,218-9-4. These are not included in this statement 36. 9k. 2d, are held bhaoli by settled resi- dept raiyats. This area is included in the statement. 15.- Village Kohka, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 313 Proprietors' private lands Settled rai: S Resident ... yats. (Non-resident raiyats. Resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 107 12 16 6,447 17 19 2,370 19 0 398 10 19 59 10 16 6 17 12 900 16 1 B. K. D. | Rs. A. p. 1 107 12 16 20 120 1,963 46 0 25 9 17 686 101 19 19 11 142 14 6 7 8 17 30 09 1 14 8 27 5 18 0 4 10 0 4 7 0 5 8 0 8 0 Rs. A. P. Total area 12,1446. 7k. 137. 0 11 og 0 10 0 137 1 3 1 : :: Not assessed to rent. : 472 10,292 5 3 2,822 4 3 16.- Village Kunti Dunaili, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. 116 MA B. K. D. ' 1,868 8 10 3,727 13 6 2,3350 4 6 47.7 8 12 357 5 13 0 12 6 2 5 0 119 i 8 Rs. A. P. 0 0 4 1 0 4 4 0 3 8 0 1 6 0 8 6 68 B. K. D. / Rs. A. P. 622 16 3 40 60 32 8 8 1,040 9 0 34 11 3 543 30 95 9 14 45 6 6 32 9 12 193 4 0 O 12 6 2 5 0 1 8 9 13 4 12 Rs. A. P. U 0 9 | Total area 11,2796. 19k, 15). 0 10 11 There is one tenure-holder 0 8 10 with 143 raiyats, and 1,4766. 0 3 71 10k. 5 d. at Rs. 535-14-9. 1 4 3 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. : Non-resident Occupancy's Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... 11 Oo o 0 11 0 1 10 ...... 5 No rent is assessed from this 1. holding. 214 8,902 19 1 1,864 6 3 . ( 158 ) . 17.--Dillage Miahbazar, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate. per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. B. K. D. 87 13 8 40 3 2 83 5 1 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Total . B. K. D. 7 6 2 20 1 11 10 8 2 Rs. A. P. 53 00 16 8 0 53 0 0 Rs. A. P. 099 0 6 6 0 10 2 Rs. A. P. 17 3 0 13 2 1 8 7 Total area 3736. 8k. 6d. 22 211 i 11 122 '80 18.- Village Mirsabari, pargana. Haveli, district Purnea. Settled rai. S Resident ... Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. B. &. D. 96 16 12 67 10 5 14 6 19 B. K. D. 24 4 3 33 11 2 6 19 Rs. A. P. 35 12 0 24 0 0 8 0 Rs. A. P. 0 5 11 0 5 8 07 Total area 2156.7 k. 9d. Rs. A. P. 0 14 2 0 137 1 5 4 yats. S 14 Total '178 13 16 66 4 0 19.–Village Poul Banaili, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. B. K. D. 17 7 17 83 4 14 B. K. D. 17 7 17 83 4 14 Proprietors' private lands... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled raiyats. Non-resident Total ... Rs. A. P. 36 8 0 96 4 1 132 12 1 Rs. A. P. Öro 0 5 10 Rs. A. P. Total area 6216. lk. 12d. 1 0 99 0 14 0 265 5 13 12 12 13 23. 365 18 4 ) ..... 20.- Village Saraunchia, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Total area 6316, 46. 6d. B. K. D. 222 15 1 197 6 18 63 8 9 51 9 9 B. K. D. 10 12 2 13 3 2 12 13 13 12 17 7 Rs. A. P. 153 1 9 85 12 0 47 8 6 33 14 9 Rs. A. P. 0 10 11 0611 0 11 11 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... . yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rs. A. 1 10 1 0 1 12 P. 1 6 9 0 10 7 1 9 3 Total 534 19 7 320 5 0 21.- Village Sarra Bathna and Sadhowli Khurd, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 390 4 1 B. K. D. | Rs. A. P. | 26 0 5 110 5 0 Raiyats at Resident ... | fixed rates. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 0 3 1,119 15 3 1,140 8 17 22 6 2 6 2 2 15 9 12 372 7 437 6 12 10 2 9 5 Rs. A. P. B. E, D. ...... Total area Sarra Bathna ... 1,898 15 7 0 12 5 Sadhowli 0 12 8 Khurd ... 1,092 10 12 0 14 11 Total 2,991 5 19 18 19 11 12 16 6 5 11 10 3 1 1 3 17 8 6 9 0 9 0 6 8 173 | 2,694 5 17 935 70 11 Abstract of Shahpur, pargana Haveli, district Purnea. B. K. D. 10 18 11 68 0 7 · B. K. D. 5 96 Rs. A. P. 1 15 9 0 Rs. A. P. Ö 3 11 63 0 com wi? Rs. A. P. 0 7 9 | There are two villages which belong solely to the Sri. 1 7 3 1 nagar Ward's Estate. 1 5 7 Standard pole=5 cubits. 1 14 8 238 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai. Resident ... yats. Non-occupan-s Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 012 86 1,239 5 11 471 37 2 13 0 5 4 6 5 10 4 0 17 13 934 1 319 3 2 7 0 0 3 54 11 18 61 6 13 121 2 19 0 11 1 0 15 10 O 12 0 12 7 ...... 10 18 6 2 13 9 7 13 3 41 14 48 1 ...... 9 3 1 8 11 i 8 5 Total 354 2,024 1 16 ...... 1,361 4 3 . ( 159 ) 2.- Village Sadhoulikalan, pargana Shahpur, district Purnea. nca. Class of holdings. No. of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. MARK, B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 6 5 3 63 07 B. K. D. 6 5 3 1 6 @ ñ | Rs. A. P. ...... 16 9 0 Rs. A. P. 0 3 11 Total area 1,2896.14k. 16d. : 0 7 7 . 167 Proprietors' private lands... Raipats at fixed Non-resident rates. Settled raiyats S Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy rai. Resident ... yats. Non-occupancy Resident ... _raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 717 3 0 311 0 10 0 8 10 090 4 5 17 5 13 2 04 0 090 552 14 209 6 0 10 9 3 6 0 12 4 0 10 9 1 10 3 36 1 1 0 22 18 16 7 12 18 230 1,121 5 6 779 96 1.- Village Sarra, pargana Shahapur, district Purnea. В. к. р Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 1,2746. 3%. 19d. Proprietors' private lands ... in s Resident ... Deluleu rabyaus Settled raiyats ; Non-resident Occupancy rai- Resident ... yats. Non-occupancy , Resident raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings .B. K. D. 4 13 8 522 2 11 160 2 17 2 4 10 K. D. 4 13 8 7 9 17 5 6 15 1 2 5 381 2 3 109 12 9 1 12 9 40 48 1 3 011 8 0 10 10 O 128 1 1 1 6 9 4 11 8 7 oso oo 54 2 18 61 6 13 98 3 13 1 13 10 14 6 2 13. 16 7 5 0 12 0 12 1 7 | 8 ...... 5 5 Total 124 902 16 10 581 11 9 Abstract of pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. 82 361 181 11 Proprietors' private lands ... to Settled raiyats Resident ... wettled Taiyats Non-resident Occupancy rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupancy S Resident ... Í raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 405 16 5 5,761 1 0 4,105 11 12 37 1 18 43 9 12 142 8 2 238 4 10 1,087 17 12 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. | · Rs. A. P. | 4 18 19 13 3 14 (1,784 14 6 0 6 11 22 13 874 07 0 3 4 5 7 19 23 8 9 0 9 11 43 9 12 14 5 0 0 5 2 56 14 1 0 6 3 86 7 6 0 5 9 1 18 2 10 OOOO Rs. A. P. Village Mahthour (No. 12) 0 14 31 is held jointly by the 0 7 11 Srinagar and Banaili 1 7 10 Raj, and the rest are 0 12 5 held solely by the Sri- 0 15 1. nagar Estate. 0 13 10 i The kamat lands are set- ...... tled as follows:- 4016. 3k. 8d. at Rs. 176-15, and 46. 12. 7d. held 44 4 ܟܝܘ ܪܗ ...... khas. The Srinagar Estate holds 6606.31. 15d. as a tenure- holder, of which 5946, 10k. 14d. are settled with 115raiyats at Rs. 193-2-6, and 657. 13k. ld. are, held khas. Standard pole=4] cubits. Total. . 769 | 10,821 10 11 ....... 2,840 2 15 1.- Village Arasi Bhelahi, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. SResident ... Settled raiyats Non-resident Non-occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Total . B. K. D. 18 9 18 86 4 12 30 5 2 18 9 18 B. K. D. 9 4 19 21 11 3 7 11 5 6 3 6 Rs. A. P. 1 12 0 1 12 0 11 00 4 2 0 0 6 101 0 3 81 0 13 11 0 8 11 Total area 1836. 16k. 2d. The rents are included with Bhelahi (No. 2), and the average cannot be given correctly. 153 9 10 ...... 18 100 ( 160 ) . 2.- Village Bhelahi, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. Class of holdings. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS, 1 . 3 0 10 9 B. K. D. 394. 325 8 2 . 3 9 8 3 7 8 1 Resident ... wettled Talyals Non-resident! Settled raiyats Non Non-occupancy S Resident ... raiyais. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total On a B. K. D. 12 14 6 11 12 8 1 14 19 2 14 8 3 14 0 Ks. A. 112 3 10 117 2 8 0 2 4 0 Rs. A. P. 0 4 6 0 5 9 0 11 6 0 4 6 own Rs. A. P. Total area 9206. 127. 4d. 0 13 9 | The Srinagar estate holds 1 11 5 a tenure of 446. 27. ld.' 0 10 9 settled with 13 raiyats and Rs. 31-3-6, not in- cluded in this statement, 738 13 13 238 15 3 3.- Village Bhirsaili, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. ' . Rs. A. P. Rs. A.P. Proprietors' private lands ... ata Settled raiyats Resident ... wettled Talyats (Non-resident Non-occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 405 15 19 129 5 16 1,028 14 12 16 19 10 5 6 6 303 10 6 B. . D. 5 0 2 2 18 16 68 4 19 4 4 18 2 12 13 20 4 14 54 8 6 128 3 3 88 0 2 12 0 0 0 0 6 9 2 0 6 1 8 41 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,1176.9. 7 d. 1 0 0 1 Of the kamat lands 4016. 0 4 9 3k. 8d. are held by 80 0 14 6 raiyats at a rent of 1 3 11 | Rs. 176-15. Total 161 1,884 119 191 15 9 4.- Village Bathia, pargana Kadua, district Purnea. to Resident ... wettled Tiyats Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 34 14 3 170 14 13 3 2 10 B. K. D. 1 11 3 42 13 13 1 0 16 Rs. A. P. 11 10 0 20 11. 0 1 12 0 Rs. A. P. 0 6 3 0 1 11 0 11 2 36 8 9 10 10 9 Rs. A. P. 0 15 1 Total area 5286. 132. 19d. 0 4 6 This includes the rent of 1 10 71 lands held by non-resi. dent raiyats in Diari. Under the Raja as tenure- holders there are 17 raiyats holding 1506. 77. 12d. at Rs. 52, while 56. 13k. 8d. are held by the tenure-holders as waste lands. Total 244 19 15 34 10 . 5.- Village Diari, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. B. K. D. 97 3 17 2 0 0 21 1 6 194 17 0 Rs. A. P. 22 2 6 1 3 6 7 8 0 B. K. D. 10 15 19 2 0 0 7 0 8 38 19 16 Rs. A. P. 0 37 0 9 9 0 5 9 con Rs. A. P. O 8 9 Total area 4206. 26. lld. 1 7 3 0 13 9 Settled raiyats Resident ... Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total color 315 2 3 30 14 0 1 6.- Village Harkhali, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. . B. K. D. 20 6 6 16 19 3 Rs. A. P. 51 10 6 47 4 0 Rs. A. P. 0 5 7 075 Rs. A. P. 0 13 4 1 1 9 Total area 3286. 17ko 5d. Settled raiyats Resident ... Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total | B. K. D. 146 6 15 101 16 0 11 18 0 259 19 15 5 19 0 1 15 ...... 98 14 ( 161 ) 7-Village Hasaili, pargana Kadwa, district Purica. Number Class of holdings. of Area, Average area per holdings. Rent. Averago rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. Rs. A. P. Settled raiyats SResident... Non-resident Non-occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings LOV B. K, D. 16 14 14 150 16 13 1 7 0 11 18 21 79 9 lõ B. K. D. 3 6 18 21 10 19 1 7 10 1 5 19 1 26 9 18 17 19 0 7 0 2 0 0 Rs. A. P. 0 6 4 0 1 10 0 5 0 i Nowo Rs. A. P. Total area 4566. 13d. 0 15 1 1446. 27. 7d. are held by 0 4 4 | 30 raiyats under the Raj 0 12 0 estate as tenure-holders 0 6 4 at a rental of Rs. 31-7, while 56. 6k. are held by the tenure-holders as waste. ; Total 260 6 14 26 3 9 8.–Village Gohra, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. 16 Resident ... B. K. D. '17 15 19 Settled raiyats B. K. D. 294 15 2 622 1 19 96 3 6 Rs. A. P. 74 10 6 80 7 7 Rs. A. P. 0 37 0 2 0 Rs. A. P. 0.8 6 ( 4 9 settled raiyats (Non-resident Rent-free holdings' Total area 1,3086. 111. 4d. com : 13 14 1.5 Total 33 1,013 0 7 155 2 1 9.-Village Kuchaili, paryana Kadwa, district Purnea. B. K D. 317 12 13 64 19 8 40 8 10 B. K. D. 62 18 15 5 18 2 20 4 5 Rs. A. P. 41 6 3 8 7 0 Rs. A. P. 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 Rs. A. P. 0 4 11 0 4 9 Settled raiyats Non-resident Los Resident ... Rent-free holdings Total Total area 4516. 1k. 5d. i..... 423 011 49 13 3 10.-Village Chapra, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. Rs. A. Pi B. K. D. 172 18 19 446 16 3 43 94 Settled raiyats Non-resident Resident ... Non-occupancy Non-resident. raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 28 16 9 12 13 18 10 17 6 Rs. A. P. 50 2:0 19 5 0 9 4o 04 0 0 0 3 ܕܢ ܗ 8 4 Rs. A. P. 0 10 11 0 1 7 0 7 1.1 4 1 37 11 11 12 10 10 Total area 9466. 177c. 15d. Twenty raiyats hold under the Rajas tenure-holders with 1365. 14k. 12d. at Rs. 35-14, wbile 26..8k. 16d. are waste lands not settled. Total 700 15 17 78 il 0 11.- Village Mutwah, pargana Radwa, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. s Resident ... Settled raiyats Non-resident Non-occupancy Ś Resident ... raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 357 0 1 479 8 19 5 11 17 3 4 14 119 12 15 B. K. D. 22 6 2 17 15 2 1 7 19 3 4 14 14 19 1 Rs. A. P. 108 8 3 119 9 3 3 8 0 - 4G Oow cost 0 4 10 ( 3 9 0 10 0 1 1 0 Rs.' A. P. 01 9 Total area 1,0326. 17. 12d. . 0 8 11 1 7 11 2 15 10 ...... 964 18 6 235 96 - : 12.-Dillage Mahthour, pargana Radwa, district Purnea. Settled raiyats Non-resident B. Ki D. 0 0 6 2,435 15 3 639 10 37 1 18 28 B. K. 0.1 Rs. A. P. 0 0 6 14 4 19 1,110 13 0 22 16 11 347 5 0 5 5 17 23 8 9 0 4 6 0 y 31 2 4 15 ♡ 13 6 17 06 Rs. A. P. Total area 3,4426. 11k. 1 1 41 17d. 1 4 8 1 8. 3 Proprietors' private lands ... les mainata S Resident ... Non-occupancy Resident Occupancy rai- 5 Resident ...! yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. 0 7 3 0 8 8 0 10 2 0 13 10 0 9 3 2 1 0 12 19 13 8 10 102 1 16 1 6 1 222 3,228 5 2 1,49:) 1 6 - .:( 162 ) 13.–Village Telas, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea." . Class of holding. Number I of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. C B. K. D. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 279 13 7 85 3 15 43 9 12 11 13 11 9 9 6 43 9 13 Rs. A. P. 112 2 6 10 9 0 14 5 0 Rs. A. P. 0 6 6 0 1 11 0 5 3 0 15 0 4 0 12 4 6 7 Settled rai- Resident ... · yats. Non-resident Docupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total area 5598. 19%. 13d. There are 3 raiyats under the Raj as tenure-holders with 12. 2k. 8d.' at Rs. 8-12. This includes 116. 132. 18d. bhaoli. 50 14 14 3 16 12 2 16 71 21 6 0 1 18 6 1 12 0 0 0 6 10 ting 6 1 1 0 4 1 1 1 1 Total . 54 462 18 0 160 2 6 - 14.- Village Thapkowl kalan, pargana Kadwa, district Purnea. Å. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled yats. rai- Resident ... Non-resident B. K. D. 13 1 13 4 9 3 | Rs. A. P. 15 14 6 2 5 0 0 4 10 | 04 011 7 097 52 6 15 8 18 6 Į 9 2 15 28 13 18 Occupancy raiyats. S Resident ... Non-resident 4 11 7 7 3 9 1 12 5 4 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 11 07 4 0 6 11 Total area 3876. 12k. 9d. There are 14 raiyats under the Raj as tenure-holders, holding 1076 Ok. 14d. at Rs. 33-14 (who are not included in this statement) and 526. 47. 17d. are part of the tenure as waste land. Rent-free holdings 52 1 1 26 0 10 Total ... 14 161 2 15 25 3 6 .- Village Thapkul Khurd, pargana Radwa, district Purnea. B. K. D. 23 19 12 67 0. Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. 10 12 0 0 7.2 Rs: A P. 1 1 1 Total area 326. 19k. 60. B. K. .D.. 23 19 12 6 7 0 30 6 12 Rent-free holdings Total ... | 2 | 10 120 Abstract of Dharampur pargana, district Purnea. _ Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... 2 B. K. D. 5 11 10 B. K. D. 2 5 15 | 561 13 85 0 7.1 3 5 15 3 5 5 7 330 70 2 4 0 0 1 0 0 9 5 1 0 13 3 Settled rai- Resident ... | yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. I Of the kamat lands 46. 10k 19d. are held bhaoli, and 166. 11d. are held khas. 0 127 1 1 8 The villages belong solely to the Srinagar Estate, 1 2 0 Bhaoli aren 566. 15k. 16d. held bhaoli. Standard pole = 6 cubits. 0 19 19 0 0 13 6 | 22 10 0 157 14 14 0 18 5 0 5 0 18 202 833 7 19 ... | 419 6 o . .. .-Village Arazi Hurda, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. B. K. D. B. X. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. Ai P. Rs. A. P. 2 12 13 52 4 0 0 13 9 1 2 7 2 16 7 1 16 0 0 1 0 15 1 1 4 4 Settled raiyats Resident ... Non-occupancy Resident ... raiyats. 60 11 1 16 18 7 1 Total area 1666. 13k. 100. LA Total ... 29 29 77 98 ... 68 4 0 ( 163 ) 2.- Village Arasi Satkudaria, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. Class of holding Number holdings. of Arodie . Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigbā. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 1 B. K. D. 163 19 10 163 19 10 B. . p. 163 19 10 Settled raiyats Resident ... Rs. A. P. 21 0 0 1 21 21 00 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 0 2 0 0 2 8 ... Total area 1636, 19k. 10d. Tutal ...... ; 3.--Village Arazi Gungaili, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. B. K, D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 1 0 11 73 11 6 17 6 1 Proprietors' private lands... Settled raiſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident Total area 986. 4k. 7d. 3 1 6 1 18 12 Rs. A. P. 107 0 14 9 76 13 0 16 0 0 1 1 6 4 3 10 Total 35 35 / 91:17 18 . 92 13 0 92 13 0 1 1 4.-Village Sihut Arazi, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. - - B. K. D. B. K. D 72 1 1372 1 13 72 1 13 ... Setted raiyats... Resident... Total ... Rs. A. P. 11 0 0 11 ou · Rs. A. P. 0 3 4 1 | 1 Rs. A. P. 0 26 ... I'otal area 726. lk. 13d.. 5.- Village Khutá, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. 24 · B. K. D. 79 13 3 40 10 16 5 11 13 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... 'cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 11 B. K. D. 3 6 7 3 13 14 5 11 13 Total area 1616. 12k. Rs. A. P.) 81 6 9 6 36 3 6 1 3 0 0 Rs. A. P. 1 0 4 0 14 3 0 8 T U Rs. A. P. 1 6. 6 1 3 2 0 7 4 0 18 5 0 18 5 Total 37 126 13 19 120 10 3 6.- Village Amirpur, Hurdas alias Arazi Bacri, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. D. A. P. 1 2 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. ' Non-resident B. K. D. 51 18 12 2 17 14 | 42 9 0 1 11 4. 1 11 4 / 150 2 Rs. 4. P. 0 13.1 0 13 5 1 (Rs, A. P. 1 1 8 1 2 2 Total area 956. 16k. 3d. Total 53 9 16 43 14 01 7.-Village Barma, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. : Rs. A. P. Non-occupan. ( Resident .. cy raiyats. Non-resident B. K. D. 22 13 19 54 0 18 B. K. D. 3 15 13 3 100 The lands in this village are held on produce rent. Total area of village 916. Total 22 76 14 18 lk. Bhaoli. 8.-- Village Bahadurpur, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea, nea, Settled rai. S Resident ... yats.. {Non-resident B. K. D. 59 18 0 25 12 2 B. K. D. 9 19 10 6 8 0 R. A. P. 45 1 3 16 11 6 · Rs. A.P. 0 12 0 0 10 5 Rs. A. P. 103 Total area of village 896. 0 14 1 | 3k. 4d. Total. ... 85 10 2 61 129 20 2 ( 164 ) : : : : 9.- Village Chuck Huri Jha, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. The village contains no cultivated lands. The total area of village is 106. 1k. 7d. which is uncultivated and held by the proprietors. 10.- Village Chuck Huripur, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. LA The village is uncultivated and contains 225. 87c 9d. This is held by the proprietors." 11.-Village Moheshpur, pargana Dharampur, district Purnea. Class of holding Number of l: holdings. Area. Average area per bolding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 1 Proprietors' private lands... B. K. D. 4 10 19 · Rs. A. P. 1 B. K. D. 4 10 19 Rs. A. P.Rs. A. P. The lands in this village are bhaoli. Total area 1376. 16k. 13d. [ { Bhaoli, 1376. 16k. 3d. 10 3 4 3. Non-occupan. 5 Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident 34 1'17 103 13 16 Total 142 6 12 ...... = Abstract of Tirakhurdah pargana, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 'B. K. D. 25 9 7 B. K. D.: 6 7 6 Rs. A. P. I. Proprietors private lands...! 8 4 13 19,389 5 9 1 1 2 Rs. A. P. This pargana belongs | wholly to the Srinagar Ward's Estates. 1 7 1 Tbe proprietors' private lands are held khas. 1 7 1 Standard pole = '8 feet 1 7 1 7 inches. 1 8 3 4 3 Settled rais (Resident ... 2,213 | 18,230 7 3 yats. (Non-resident 967 7,440 4 11 Occupancy Ś Resident .... 276 0 6 raiyats. Non-resident 230 13 0 Non-occupan. S Resident ... 72 76 14 18 cy raiyats. Non-resident . . 141 14 7 Rent-free holdings . ...! 1,552 15 4 Total ... 3,493 27,963 18 19 2 2 51 7 13 17 5 8 4 Ő 15 6 1 1 6 4 17 16 13 3 14 8,017 4 0 296 11 0 259 14 01 72 6 8 143 93 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 15 oooon Į O 117 ... 28,179 2 8 ...... 1.- Village Asraha, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. 83 B. K. n. 690 19 191 491 18 13 15 10 8 1 .B. K. D. 8 6 10 12 12 5 15 10 8 Total area 1,4826. 4k. 17d. Rs. A. P. 824 2 6 601 1 f 16 14 6 . Rs. A. P. 1 3 1 1 0 3 1 1 5 Rs. A. P. 1 9 8 1 5 8 1 7 6 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 3 3 6 co 1 1 8 1 7 9 1 3 9.2 1. 2 16 7 8 ...... 127 1 1,209 19 6 1,345 8 9 2.- Village Amgachi, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. 375 Total area 4,8476. 6k. 15d. : Rs. A. P. 1 0 6 1 1 8 1 2 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident . Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Ront-free holdings B. K. D. 3,351 12 12 576 2 17 43 6 0 92 5 15 30 19 3 15 3 7 50 18 13 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 8 18 14 3,465 4 3 6 3 17 | 618 15 3 8 5 4 50 15 3 6 11 16 101 13 0 1 12 11 27 12 6 3 0 13 16 2 0 10 3 12 no 00 Oslo Rs. A. P. 1 6 3 7 9 1 9 4 1 7 8 i i 0 14 1 0 4 9 va GO Total 516 4,160 8.7 4,280 14 3 ( 165 ) 3.-- Village Bishunpur, pargana, Tisakhurdah, district Purnca. Class of holding Number of boldings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rato per acre. REMARKS. B. K. D. 86 79 247 2 2 10 15 4 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 5 7 19 106 1 9 9 10 11 268 6 0 10 15 4 11 13 6 Rs. A. P. 1 3 8 1 1 4 1 1 7 Rs. A. P. 110 3 1 7 3 1 7 8 Total area 4116. 6. 2d. Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-residentl 26 Occupancy Non-resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident · cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 45 1 | 6 12 3 1 4 5 1 7 7 5 6.15 2 0 1 soil 5 6 15 2 0 2 351 11 2 1 1 393 0 6 4.- Village Bukri Phulwarri, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 920 15 9 · 171 4 0 11 2 9 Rs. A. P. 1 1 0 i lll, 1 1 9 Rs. A. P. 1 6 11 1 8 2 1 7 11 Total area 1,3396.6%. 14d. Settled rai-S Resident ... yais. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan- Resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total .... B. K. D. B. K. D. 884 18 17 10 13 4 156 3 16 9 3 9 10 3 10 10 3 10 : 080 0 8 0 | 130.7 11 9 6 3 | 1,182 1 4 CO 0 8 0 1 1 4 0 1 11 0 116 1,103 14 6 5.- Village Bhumpokhur,, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. B. K. D. .334 10 7 3 5 7 1 Settled rai- Non-resident Occupancy , Resident ...' B. K. D. 7 8 13 3 5 7 yats. Total area 1,4426. 16k. 17d. Rs. A. P. 367 13 3 3 13 6 Rs. A. P. 1 1 7 1 3 0 Rs. A. P. 1 7 8 1 9 7 1 raiyats. · Total - 46 46 l 337 15 4 ... 371 10 9 1 .... 6. Village Bhukra, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Total area 1,293b. 166. 17d. B. K. D. 206 5. 12 949 8 17 6 19 4 Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident' 119 Occupancy Non-résident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings .. 3 Total . 143 143 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 10 17 2 | 233 2 9 1 2 1 7 19 11 1,061 , 2 :9 1 I 10 .6 19 4 7 14 9 1 2 1 5 11 3 17 5 3 11 6 0 1 8 4 1 8 0 1 8 4 1 124 3 5 11 23 8 0 7 16 0 .1,191 12 16 1,309 9 6 casa cum 7.–Village Bhagtira, pargana Tiraſchurdah, district Purnea. B. K. D. 239 13 2 Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. I. Rs. A. P. 206 5 9 1 0 13 91 1 2 7 Total area 3026, 15k. 3d. B. K. D. 12 12 5 11 i9 12 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Rent-free holdings Total · 35 18 17 275 11 19 206 5 9 8.-Village Dainia, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Total area 6666. 19. 6d. Settled rai. ( Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 173 8 2 337 11 19 0 9 9 2.19 14 6 13 5 B. K. D. 3 5 8 21 1 19 0 4 2 2 19 14 6 13 5 Rs. A. P. 190 12 9 306 15 3 0 1 3 3 6 0 Rs. A. P. 1 1 7 0 14 6 0 3 0 1 2 4 Rs. A. P 1 7 8 1 3 6 0 4 0 1 8 6 i i Total ... 73 521 2 9 501 3 3 ( 166 ) :9:- Village Ditora, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. . Class of holding Class of holding Number 1 of 1 holdings. the Area. area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate average rate per bigha. I per acre. REMARKS. 3 B. K. D. 146 5 17 210 14 7 7 6 2 Rs. A. P. 133 6 3 159 12 3 B. K. D. 18 5 14 17 ll 3 3 13 0 Rs. A. P. | 0 14 71 0 12 il Rs. A. P. 1 3 7 1 0 10 Settled raioſ Resident ... yats Non resident Rent-free holdings Total Total area 4176. 37. 8d. 22 | 364 6 6 293 2 6 10.- Dillage Dhunabari, pavgana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea.. B. K. D. 471 2 3 129 8 1 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 9 4 81 460 14 3 ő 17 12 133 6 9 Rs. A. P. 0 15 9 1 5 0 Rs. A. P. 1 5 3 1 6 2 Total area 8306. 3k. 4d. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy raiyats ... Resident ...! Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings : : Total ... 48 3 6 • 0 0 12 50 13 4 8 10 2 6 0 8 1 0 0 12 16 17 14 8 10 2. 42 7 6 0 0 9 60 96 0 14.1 19 0 1 3 1 1 2 11 0 1 3 1 98 10 · 86 707 17 8 ...... 697 6 9 11:-Village Dahipowra, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Total area 5256. 18k. 11d. Rs, A. P. 1 9 6 1 11 5 yats. 37 B. K. D: 321 6 8 43 9 19 11 9 4 Settled rai-Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy raiyats ... Resident Non-occupan. Resident ... ..cy raiyats.. Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 4 17 7 3 6 18 11 9 4 Rs. A. P. . Rs. A. P. 1 378 13 9 1 2 10 55 7 6 1 4 4 14 60 1 4 1 0 1 9 1 4 0 1 11 i 1 11 0 0 1 15 0 104 1 16 7 8 10 8 14 Total 480 14 14 448 13 0 1 12.- Village Kamaldaha, paryana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. 124 *nad B. K. D. 771 2 1 213 17 15 16 16 1 4 14 11 B. K. D. 6 4 7 6 5 11 4 4 0 4 14 11 Rs. A. P. 858 99 239 11 18 8 0 5 6 3 Rs. -A. P. 1 1 9 1 1 11 1 1 8 color Rs. A. P. Total area 1,1486. lk. 14d. 1 7 11 1 8.2 1 5 10 1 8 11 Settled rai- < Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total : Coco 0 '3 17 0 15 6 1 4 0 158 33 6 4 0 111 0 Horo 170 1,040 12 0 11,123 2 9 13- Villagė Kursakanta, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. BE Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. . . B. K. D. 8 3 15 704 11 14 401 15 4 9 4 14 44 0 5 7 1 7 2 1 2 157 19 16 K. D 8 3 15 7 13 1 5 10 1 3 1 4 6 14 1 3 11 1 0 11 9 16 12 Proprietors' private lands Settled rai. S Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyato. Non-resident Non-occupan. President ... cy raiyalis. 2 Non-resident Rent free lioldings . Total 773 3 442 8 10 7 52 3 7 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 9 9 6 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 EN DOWN 6 7 2 0 : Rs. A. P. Total area 1,4936. 15). 5d. 1 77 The kamat lands are held 1 7 8 khas. 1 8 5 1 97 11 1 8 81 ...... NOCO Os 1 5 . 198 1,334 17 17 1,287 14 9 ...... ( 167 ) 14.- Village Kurwakhoh, pargana Terakhurdah, district Purnea. Class of holding Number I of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. B. K. D. 14 6 Total area 1,1846. 18k. 10d. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Ś Resident ... raiyats ? Non-resident: Non-occupan. | Resident ... cy raiyats. / Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 717 7 2 241 8 17 2 13 4 6 4 15 5 7 5 % 3 8 8 17 11 co or more for voor Rs. A. P. 524 15 3 200 8 6 1 12 6 6 10 3 6 4 6 1 13 9 Rs. A. P. 0 11 7 0 14 1 0 10 6 1 1 1 0 15 11 0 14 5 Rs. A. P. 0 16 7 1 3 11 0 14 2 1 70 15 6. 1 3 5 1 1 14 | ...... Total 991 2 2 741 0 9 15.- Village Kuwapohkur, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. B. K. Di co to . 110 5 10 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats Non-resident Occupancy Resident: ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. D. 910 6 13 76 0 14 11 10 12 11 18 11 6 13 11 0 2 13 69 6 0 Rs. A. P. 841 14 6 81 12 6 11 7 9 12 3 6 oro VONN 12 13 9 5 15 6 5 195 0 11 2 0 2 13 9 180 WOOD Rs. A. P. 0 14 9 1 1 2 0 1.5 11 1 0 5 0 14 10 1 4 0 Rs. A. P. | Total area 1,2656. 11k. 5d. 1 3 10 17 1 1 5 6 1.6 2 1.3 11 1 11 0 0 2 140 1,085 18 14 953 3 6 : 16.— Village Kutphur, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. B. K. D. 365 1 3 260 2 15 1 6 18 B. K. D. .7 3 3 | 5 10 13 Rs. A. P. 419 14 9 298.90 Rs. A. P. 1 2 4 i 2 4 Rs. A. P. 1 8 8 1 8 8 Settled rai- , Resident yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... Total Total area 6676.5k. 626 In 16 718 7 9 17.- Village Katehra Magrubi, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. B. K. D. 163 15 13 104 5 14 '5 2 12 B. K. D. 12 11 19 9 9 12 5 2 12 Total area 3756. 19k, 14d. Rs. A. P. 1 1 11 1 111 1 4 0 Rs. A. P. 180 8 9 116 90 6 6 6 14 99 34 0 0 Rs. A. P. 1 8 2 1 8 2 1 11 0 Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy raigats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total ... 12 15 46 1 6 8 12 15 9 4 6 5 1 2 4 0 11 9 1 8 8 0 15 10 332 0 13 ... 352 2 0 .... ......) 18.- Village Kulehra Masragi, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnca. B. K. D. B. K. D. | 574 10 6 10 8 18 153 11 17 5 13 0 2 17 1 2 17 1 1 15 15 1 .. 1 15 15 48 13 16 16 4 12 Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings . Total Rs. A. P. 608 6 6 173 9 9 3 9 2 5 9 Rs. A. P. 10 10 1 0 3 1 2 0 1 1 5 11 Rs. A. P. 16 8 Total area 9126, 19k. 3d. 1 5 11 | One raiyat (non-occupancy 1 8 3 1 resident) holds lk. 10d. 1 12 5 / free of rent. 781 8 15 787 9 9 _ ( 168 ) 19.- Village Liloukhar, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. " Average rate per acre. REMARKS. . - 1 7. Rs. A. P. Ajam Total area 1,0166. 13k. 14d. B. K, D. 742 1 6 83 4 5 26 3 3 9 14 15 5 14 3 7 79 Rs. A. P. 747 15 9 87 4 3 26 1 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... ·cy raiyats. | Non-resident K. D. 6 11 5 4 17 17 5 4 12 9 14 15 011 8 1 16 17 Aj O. GOOOOO A. P. 1 0 1 •1 0 9 0 15 11 1 0 4 0 60 0 13 11 1 1 1 0 1 6 5 6 8 2 7 6 0 1 9 - 2 6 1 4 Total ... 150 874 5 1 879 11 3 20.- Village Majrakh Pirgung, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 2,2016. 14k. 6d. B. K, D. 1,069 10 5 684 4 13 15 13 13 3 2 8 5 4 2 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 7 3 11 | 1,199 6 9 9 17 0 1 628 14 0 . 7 16 16 19 5 9 111 4 4 0 6 0 14 17 L 6 7 6 1 1 Settled rai. S Rosident ... yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 2 1 2 4 2 4 1 7 1 6 1 13 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 2 106 2 9 21 4 5 ... 210 1,783 17 10 1,858 2 6 21.- Village Pahasi, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. B. K. D. 1,106 8 454 92 AGO MAP B. K. D. 14 4 1,249 6 6 6 4 518 1 0 14 1 10 0 4 0 1 0 4 2 12 0 3 3 3 2 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. 7 Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 1 8 1 9 1 9 1 11 Total area 1,8366. 10k. 16d. 3 3 1 0 1 8 * 0 4 28 5 9 5 204 1,590 15 6 1,769 5 9 22.— Village Suksana, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. B. K. D. 5 10 19 5 6 14 • B. K. D. 216 8 4 330 16 13 0 16 11 62 Rs. A. P. 248 13 3 380 6 9 0 15 9 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy.raiyats. Total ... Rs. A. P. 1 2 7 1 2 5 1 2 0 Total area 6066. 18k. 12d. Rs. A. P. 1 9 0 1 8 10 1 8 0 • ...... 102 548 1 8 630 3 9 23.- Village Sijhna, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 0 10 71 350 5 15 24 13 14 18 2 13 B. K. D. 0 10 7 4 9 16 2 9 7 30 0 2 1 3 4 6 395 11 9 28 13 0 19 14 0 ooo Rs. A. P. Total area 4806. 17. 10d. 1 8 3 | The kamat lands are held 1 9 2 khas. i 77 Proprietors' private lands ... Sett.led rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Reut-free holdings Total ... Rs. A. P. 1 2 0 1 J 2 8 1 1 6 1 4 020 111 0 0 2 1 41 16 6 ...... 109 435 10 16 444 8 9 ...... . ...... ( 169 ) : 24.- Village Sunkarpur, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average area per bigba. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. fi O Rs. A. P. 95 B. K. D. 822 18 0 329 12 9 14 14 19 12 3 11 11 127 Settled rai- Ś Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident raiyats. Non-residenti Rent-free holdings Total B. Ki D. 8 13 4 6 6 15 3 13 14 2 8 14 2 6 9 Rs. A. 876 6 368 4 6 16 6 9 15 16 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 10 2 0 3 11 ... Rs. A. P. -1 6 11 Total area 1,3106. 12. 13d. 1 8 0 1 8 3 1 10 11 WON 1,191 1 6 1,276 2 9 25.- Village Tirakhurdah, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. LU Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ... Total 1231 B. K. D. 5 0 11 ) 1,210 1 18 360 14 4 19 120 6 5 6 0 5 6 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... I raiyats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings oonboot B. K. D. 5 0 11 16 15 6 2 10 13 6 5 6 0 2 13 1,367 4 415 6 0 21 13 9 7 1 3 0 5 0 si sono 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 2 9 Rs. A. P. Total area 2,1655. Ok, 22d. 1 8 3 The kamat is held khas. 1 8 5 1 9 3 formed 0 227 18 19 29 15 17 Total 175 1,899 18 4 1,811 14 9 26.- Village Tengapur Pipra, pargana Tirakhurdah, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 234 B. K. D. 11 14 14 1,934 9 17 337 15 17 20 16 17 B. K. D. 11 14 14 8 5 6 10 4 10 8 8 2,176 11 392 10 23 2 6 0 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 7 9 176 190 1 7 9 Total area 2,8596. 17k. The kamat lands are held khas. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... yats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 0 19 11 0 3 18 1 5 6 1 6 1 1 15 9 39 16 15 ..... 358 11 2 2,664 7 18 278 2,593 13 6 Abstract of Benikardar, Rahatpur, Khari, Satbhita, pargana Dehat, district Purnea. B. K. D. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 23 12 15 i 2,220 11 0 1 Rs. A. P. 1 2 2 1 Settled raiyats Rs. A. P. 2 3 3 | These three villages form one taluka, and as the raiyats hold in all three villages, they have now, dendent een iso ravalcu. lating the average rate of rents, been divided into resident and non-resi. dents. There are two tenure. holders who hold 8606, 2k, 7d. 'at a rental of Rs. 432-15. The standard of measure. ment is a pole of 5 cubits. Total ... 83 1,962 0 8 ...... 2,220 il 01 1.- Village Beni Kander Khari, pargana Dehat, district Purnea. B. K. D. B. I. D. Rs. A. P. 665 18 3 151 4 9 288 96 Rs. A. P. 0611 Rs. A. P. 0 13 4 Settled raigats Non-resident Total ... 13 13 665 18 3 288 96 885 188 * 2589 Total area 7656.7k. 17d. Rents included with Beni. kardar. Satbhita and Rabatpur. ( 170 ) 2.-Village. Bemi Kander. Satbheta, pargana Dehat, district Purnea. Number Class of holding of Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. 3 B. K. D. 644 2 16 B. K. D. 21 9 8 Rs. A. P. 1 475 06 Rs. A. P. 1.6 11 ... 30 0.11 9 1 Settled rai. Resident yats. Total area 7546.9%, 10d. Rent included with Beni. kandar, Rabatpur, and Khari. Total ... 30 644 2 16 475 0 6 i . 2.- Village Beni Kander Rahutpur, pargana Dehat, district Purnea. - Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 651 19 9 B. K. D. Rs. 4. P. 16 5.6 1,457 10 Rs. A. P. 3-31 .8 Settled rai. yats ... Resident ... Non-occupan- cy-raiyats ... Resident ... 4 90 Total area 1,6018.-18% 30. There are two tenure-holders with 8606. 2k. 7d. at Rs. 432-15. This includes the rènts of Benikander Satbita. - Total 651 19 9 .... 1,457 1 0 Village Taluka Goalpokhur, pargana Dehat, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 556 B. K. D. 15,594 12 16 1,009 11 17 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 28 1 1 5,205 13 6 168 5 6 | 335 15 9 & 20 20 oo Settled rai- 5 Resident yats. Non-resident Occupancy rai- pats . ... Resident ... Non-occupan.Resident ... cy raiyats ? Non-resident 12 no 1,050 1 17 1,888 ( 11 480 10 13 53 10 87 10 35 12 48 1 3 8 1 348 7 6 746 11 0 190 5 3 0 0 0 Rs. A. P. This taluka contains 26 0 15 10 hamlets. The standard of measurement is a pole of 0 15 10 4 cubits. 1 3 1 | There are 8 tenure-holders 1 3 11 who hold 4,9306. 192. 9d. at Rs. 1,339-11-6. 5 6 6 3 4 4 Total 62720,022 17 14 6,827 5 0 2.- Abstract of Tajpur pargana, Purnea. B. K. D. 2 19 2 B. K. D. 1 9 6 Rs. A. P. | Proprietors' private lands ... Rs. A. P. 0 0 Settled yats. rai-Resident ... Non-resident 309 130 1,276 0 11! 2,322 4 18 23 4 9 16,416 14 9 17 17 61,595 2 9 0 14 3 0 10 11 Rs. A. P. This pargana belongs solely to the Srinagar Ward's estate under a putni lease. The total settled area is 6,562 acres. 1 11 8. There are two tenure-hold. 1 5 3 ers with 2376. 10k. 3d. held at Rs. 249-14. 1 9 3 The kamat lands are held 1 10 1 į khas. | 4 3 Standard pole=5 cubits. 1 7 7 Occupancy , Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... ·cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total .. 0 130 0 13 5 76 38 19 11 8 1,122 8 5 327 9 19 1993 1 38 1 14 19 11 8 34 4 15 18 3 17 28 9 0 62 3 0 16 40 742 9 9 249 16 0 12 502 11,246 0 12 9,082 3 9 1.- Village Baspokur, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 589 1 5 23 14 2 B. K. D. 17 9 6 12 18 0 Rs. A. P. 370 11 3 27 5 0 Rs. A. P. 0 11 1 0 11 6 Total area 8916. 13k. 3d. . 8 1 6 3 Settled rai- < Resident ... yats. Non-resident : Non-occupan- cy raiyats ... Non-resident Total 104 13 3 26 3 5 71 50 0 10 11 | 1 5 3 401 717 8 10 .. 469 5 3 2.- Village Baitkari, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled yats, · B. K. D 126 2 10 1 3. K. D. 15 15 6 Rs. A. P. | 230 6 0 Rs. A. P. | 1 13 0 Rs. A P. 3 8 6 Total area 2466. 167. 12d. yats. rai- Resident ... Total ... 8 126 2 10 15 15 6 230 6 0 ( 171 ) 3.-Village Ohichoria; pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. . Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. REMARKS. rate per acre... I 1 B. K, D. Settled. rai. Resident ... B. 31 K. D. 2 12 Rs. A. P. 149 100 Rs. A. P. 0 9 9 yats. 309 7 19 4 10 16 34 7 11 4 10 16 133 2 3 0 67 Non-occupan. S Resident cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total ... Rs. A. P. 1 1 6 Total area 7686. 2k, 5d. Rent recorded in Maisasur 13 1l village. Rents are also included in Ghoramare village. 562 19 14 282 12 3 4:- Village Dohagachi, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. 12 B. K. 96 11 203 13 99 8 Settled rai. S Resident -... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. . Resident ... cy, rạiyats. Total D. 1 6 0 B. K. D. 19 6 4 16 19 8 16 11 6 Total area 4446. 3. 10d. Rs. A. P. 181 3 0 358 0 0 227 6 0 Rs. A. P. 1 14 01 1 12 1 2 14 71 Rs. A. P. 3 11 6 3 3.9 5 9 2 23 | 399 12 7 766 90 1 5.-Village Dalua, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled rai- , Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-residenti cy raiyats. Total : B. K. 235 18 7 10 16 4 D. 7 9 6 | B. K. D. 19 13 3 7 10 9 16 4 6 Rs. A. P. 210 13 3 7 12 0 8 9 0 1 Rs. A. P. 0 14 6 1 1 6 0 8 31 Rs. A. P. 111 9 Total area 296. 126. ld. 2 2 0 1 0 0 259 13 2 227 2 0 - 6.- Village Dubkoal, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled yats. rai-s Resident ... Non-resident B. K. D. B. K. D. 254 18 81 63 14 12 75 8 17 75 8 17 Rs. A. P. 170 12 0 52 7 0 Rs. A. P. | 0 10 8 0 1 2 Rs. A. P. 1 4 9 | Total area 336. 5k. 1 5 9 1 Totai 5 330 7 5 ...... 223 3 0 ..... ...... 7.-Village Ganga Mela, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. -N ET Settled yats. rai. Resident ... B. 38 K. D. 7 16 | B. K. D. 12 15 18 Rs. A. P. 42 10 0 Rs. A. P. 1 1 9 Rs. A. P. 2 2 6 / Total area 1216. 157. 16d.'. Under a tenure-holder are five raiyats who hold 786. 15k. 19d. at Rs. 69-12. Total ..... 8 Total ..... 31. 38 7 16 38 7 16 142 10.0 4 2 10. 0 . T 8.-- Village Ghoramara, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. - B. K. D. Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. | P Rs. A. P. Rs. A. B. K. D. 106 13 15 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total Total area 2116. 17k. 10d. Tbis includes rent of Chichoria. Rent included in Chichoria. 7 4 2 7 4 2 4 . 113 17 17 34 00 9.- Village Inthia, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan: 5 Resident .... | cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Total al cu or a w B. K. D. 34 5 14 32 11 16 183 18 7 37 2 11 B. K. D. 11 8 11 6 10 5 36 15 13 12 7 10 Rs. A. P. 38 10 0 17 11 0 148 14 0 39 40 Rs. A. P. 1 2 6 93 13 0 1 12 0 Rs. A. P. 2 2 11 | Total area 2926. 14k, 8d. - 1 2 1 1.9 5 3 6 3 287 188 ...... 244 7 0 # 2 ( 172 ) 10.- Village Cherbari, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. , T AN 2ea. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 5 B. K. D. 364 18 13 88 13 13 8 15 17 B. K. D. 21 5 15 4 8 16 to 5 Resident ... webted Mayats Non-resident Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rs. A. P 279 13 0 16 15 0 Rs. A. P. 0 12 3 1 Rs. A. P. 1 8 0 Total area 4786. 15k. 19d. Rent included with Mali- tola. Total 39 462 8 3 296 120 11.–Village Konagachi, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. U Proprietors' private lands ... Settled raiyats to s Resident ... Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident raiyats. Total B. K. D. 2 8 17 125 2 16 15 2 18 0 4 17 B. K. D. 2 8 17 6 19 1 15 2 18 0 4 17 Rs. A, P. ! 172 60 20-11° 0 ] 0 0 Rs. A. P. | 1 5 9 1 5 10 3 15 4 Rs. A. P. Total area 1546. 6k. 15d. 2 10 6 The kamat is held by the 2 10 8 Srinagar estate. 8 4 0 This includes rent of land in Kathalbari. 21 142 18 18 194 1 0 12.- Village Kathalbari, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. 4. P. Settled raiyats Mata S Resident ... Us Non-resident B. K. D. 175 10 18 6 14 9 B. K, D. 87 15 9 6 14 9 Total area 1826. 5. 7d. Rent included with Kona. gachi. Total 182 5 7 13.- Village Kunjibari, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. SResident ... Non-resident Non-resident Total area 4276. 19%. 10d. B. K. D. 12 5 0 340 18 3 19 11 8 B. K. D. 12 5 0 24 7 0 19 11 8 Rs. A. P. 10 4 0 184 120 16 4 0 Rs. A. P. 0 13 4 0 8 10 0 13 3 Rs. A. P. 1 10 3 1 0 6 1 10 0 Settled raiyats Is Occupancy · raiyats. Non-occupancy raiyats. Resident ... Non-resident 24 3 12 17 16 15 24 3 12 17 16 15 18 8 0 10 0.0 0 12 3 0 8 11 1 1 7 1 9 6 Total 414 14 18 239 12 0 14.--Village Kichuktold, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. UUS Rs. A. P. : Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 558 15 18 76 3 8 Settled raiyats Occupancy raiyats. B. K. D. 93 2 13 38 1 14 Resident Resident ... 0 10 Rs. A. P. 373 4 0 62 3 0 8 0 13 1 1 9 5 Totol area 6346. 19%. 6d. This includes rent of lands in Kathalbari. Total 634 19 6 435 70 15.–Village Kamat Solepara, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. - - - Settled raiyats 200 Resident ... Non-resident B. K. D. 432 6 13 550 14 17 B. K. D. .36 0 11 25 12 15 Rs. A. P. 328 1 0 1 451 8 0 Rs. A. P. 0 121 0 13 11 Rs. A. P. 1 7 3 1 9 6 Total area 1,0936. 15d. 10k Total 34 983 1 10 .. 779.9 0 ... ( 173 ) 16.- Village Kantigachi, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. i . 1 Settled raiyats Resident ... B. K. D. 173 9 11 1 B. K. D, I Rs. A. P. 10 4 11 243 6 0 Rs. A. P. 1 6 5 Rs. A. P. 2 11 6 Total area 3636. 127. 12d. There is a tenure-holder who holds 1786, 14k. 4d. at Rs. 180-2. Total I 173 9 11 243 6 0 . 17.- Village Lohagochi, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. nea. B. K. D. 561 4 13 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 80 3 10 | 384 10 0 1 Settled yats. rai- Resident ... Rs. A. P. 0 10 6 1 Rs. A. P. 1 4 3 Total area 5796, 14k. 9d. Total ... 71 661 4 13 ... 384 10 ol ..... 18.- Village Malitota, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. B. K. D. 233 17 15 13 11 2 1 3 4 B, K. D. 15 11 16 13 11 2 1 3 4 Rs. A. P. 286 5 0 18 12 0 Şettled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rs. A. P. 1 3 6 1 6 2 Rs. A. P. 2 6 3 2 11 0 ...... Total area 2626. 8. 18d. Rents included with Mai. · sasur. Total 17 248 12 1 305 1 0 19.–Village Maisasur, pargana Tajpur district Purnea. B. K. D. 125 7 1.6 B, K. D. 15 13 9 Rs. A. P. | 88 1 0 Rs. A. P. | 0 11 21 Rs. A. P. 1 6 0 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Rent-free holdings Total area 1365. 15%. This includes rent Chichoria. of 4 3 Total ... 10 6 8 6 1 131 16 2 3 . 88 1 0 ...... 0 1 20.–Village Madhoperman, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident B. K. D. 108 12 10 36 11 6 15 19 18 | Total area 1716. 4K. B. K. D. 36 4 3 1 7 6 5 15 19 18 Rs. A. P. 99 12 0 45 00 9 0 6 Rs. A. P. 0 14 3 1 6 3 0 9 0 Rs. A. P. 1 12 6 2 10 8 1 1 6 cy. Total ... 9 161 3 14 153 12 6 21.-Village Nargan, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Y Settled rai- Resident ... B. K. D. 213 10 15 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 42 14 31 97 2 0 56 4 0 166 0 0 Rs. A. P. 0 13 8 Rs. A. P. 1 10 2 Total area 8266. 7d. yats. 0 5 10 0 11 6 Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyat. Rent-free holdings 1 449 12 16 156 8 7 819 11 18 156 8 71 ...... .... ...... Total : 263 2 0 C 2.---Village Paijpokharkalan, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. - B. K. D. 15 4 10 B. I. D. 91 7 4 3 17 8 Rs. A. P. 98 11 0 Rs. A. P. 1 1 9 Rs. A. P. 2 1 6 Settled yats. rai S Resident Non-resident Total area 925. 2k. 4d. Rent included with Pyaz Pokhurkhurd. Total 7 95_4 12 | ... 95 4 12 | 98 11 0 .... 10 10 (174) 23.- Village Paijpokhurkhurd, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. i Settled raiyats Resident B. 343 K. D. 2 1 | B. 18 K..D. | 1 3 Rs. A. P. 353.10. O Rs. A, P. 1 0.51 Rs. A. P. 2 0 10. Total area 3506. 46. 9d... 0 4 9 Total ... 19 343 2 1 353 100 24.–Village Pachra Asthal, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. B. K. D. 56 27 153 10 0 B. 'K. D. 18 14 2 25 5 5 Rs. A. P. 37 6 0 117 1 0 1 Rs. A. P. 0 10 9 0 12 6 Rs. A. P. 1 3 5 1 8 0 Total area 2126. 2k. 1d.. Settled rai- < Resident ... yats Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 1 Total 210 1 16 154 7 0 : 25.-Dillage Pachra, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A, P. Rs. A. P. By K. D. Ö 05 888 8 15 159 9 18 6 6 9 Proprietor's private lands Sattled raivata s Resident ... settled Taiyats Non-resident Non occupancy 'Non-resident raiyats. Total ... Total area 1,1396. 16k.: 14d. 24 13 11 1,177 101 il 7 17 144 10 0 6 69 9 0 0 1 5 2 0 14 6 1 6 10 2 9 1 12 2 12 0 0 3 52 1,054 5 7 1,330 11 0 26.— Village Sripur, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 1 413 1 6 Rs. A. P. 1 15 6 co o con B. K. D. 407 6 7 16 13 5 55 12 4 15 3 9 36 6 8 Rs. A. P. 1 02 0 14 0 Resident ... Settled raiyats gaus Non-resident Non-occupancy ſ Resident ... raivats. Non-resident Rent free holdings Total .. B. K. D. 22 12 11 5 11 1 18 10 14 15 3 9 9 1 12 Total area 6286. 6d. Rent included in Loha. gachi. 111.9 1 5 6 0 11 48 11 6 9 11 0 ...... 4718 0 los 531 1 13 27.- Village Sripurtola, pargan Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled raiyats Non-resident B. K. D B . K. D. 32000 320 0 0 Rs. 30 A. P. 0 0 Rs. A. P. 01.6 0 1. Rs. A. P. 0 2 9 Total area 3206. Total 320 0 0 ...... 30 0 ...... 28.- Village Singhnath, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled raiyats 17 B. . D. 213 1 18 3 12 15 B. K. D. 12 10 14 3 12 15 Rs. A. P. 208 90 4 0 0 Rs. A. P. 0 15 6 1 1 7 s Resident ... Non-resident Total Rs. A. P. 1 13 9 1 11 2 Total area 2166, 14k, 13d. 18 216 14 13 212 · 9 0 29.-Village Thakurbari, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. B. K. D. 1 99 13 ll | B. K. D. | 49 16 15 Rs. A. P. | 92 4 0 1 Rs. A. P. 0 14 6 Rs. A. P. 1 12 6 * Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Total Total area 996. 137c. lld. 9 9 13 11 ... 92 4 0 ..... " ( 175 ) 30:-Village Tapsa, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of i noldings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigba. Average rate per · acre. REMARKS. - Settled-rai-Residentin yats. Non-resident B. K. D. 291 2 14 80 1 12 B. K. D. 14 19 12 8 17 9 Rs. A. P. 159 15 0 24 50 Rs. A. P. 9 01 0 4 10 Rs. A. P. 1 1 6' Total area 3766. 37. 6d. 09 6 Total ... 29 | 371 4 8 ... 184 4 ol ..... ...... 31.- Village Tolbari, pargana Tajpur, district Purnea. Settled · yats. rai- 5 Resident ... Non-resident oo B. K. D. 276 0 7 67 11 9 B. K. D. 34 10 0 22 10 13 Rs. A. P. 210 14 0 40 7 0 Rs. A. P. 0 12 2 096 Rs. A. P. 1 7 7 Total area 4026. 102. 13d. 17 2 . Total .. 11 343 12 6 ... 251 6 0 | ... | ... Abstract of Sujanagar pargana, Purnea district. -Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 80 40 213 16 9 B. K. D. 5 0 5 21 7 12 10 126 12 3 0911 1 4 Of the proprietors' private lands, 575, 5k. 3d. are set- tled at Rs. 38-8, and 426. 18k. 17d. are held khas. 1,628 1,287 1 12 10 1 10 1 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai- 5 Resident ..., yats. Non-resident Occupancy Ś Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... ! oy raiyats. ? Non-resident| Rent-free holdings Total 13,598 96 9,404 1 9 41 ll 9 12 16 18 680 6 4 910 i 0 1,546 3 14 8 7 10 4 4 7 1 12,610 15 6 2 7,906 13 7 16 29 1 5 13 10 8 10 14 | 674 0 Coorvo 3 3 9 0 0 Standard pole=5 cubits. 0 14 10 0 13 5 0 11 4 0 12 3 0 15 10 0 15 1 150 161 291 1 13 2 5 6 5 3,550 26,488 0 9 22,217 3 6 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 1 19 8 6 13 17 B. K. D. 1 19 8 2 13 17 3 90 0 10 4 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at s Resident ... fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 153 154 9 1 8 9 1,296 1 6 1,037 12 4. 85 1 5 187 10 12 118 18 10 1,325 15 959 4 91 7 191 8 9 6 9 6 1 0 0 14 1 1 1 0 : arco Rs. A. P. The taluka contains the 1 4 1 / following villages- B. K. D.. 1 15 8 Dakaitpuja ... 196 11 1 1 12 8 Saralpur ... 327 7 13 Chowkharia ... 634 35 8 Balther ... 1,198 16 14 Banskotha ... 589 19 16 Govindpur ... 200 2 12 4 9 2 4 4 Chol? 26 IC Total .. 391 2,733 17 2 2,571 13 6 . . Total ... 3,152 1 1 Liit 2.—Taluka Bangrora, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 119 126 Proprietors private lands ... ! Settled raios Resident ... ) B. K. D. 11 18 11 674 1 0 654 7 2 81 7 0 133 12 15 81 11 13 B. K. D. 11 18 11 5 13 5 5 3 17 3 10 4 5 10 10 4 1 11 616 646 94 100 0 6 5 1 6 6 3 9 0 14 0 15 1 2 0 12 7 9 6 1 Rs. A. P. This taluka contains 1 12 4 B. K. D. 1 14 6 Bapgrora ... 906 5 8 2 3 11 Changachi ... 55 i 3 5 Talwa ... 177 14 11 Jiagachi ... 219 1j. 11 23 24 20 on: yats. Non-resident Non-occupán. ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. 7 Non-resident Revt. free holdings Total 313 1,635 18 1 1,456 14 0 Total ... 1,358 12 13 gur The kamat lands are set. tled at Rs. 11-2-9. ( 176 ) 3.- Village Bairakhor, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of boldings Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... Total B. K. D. 484 14 2 428 4 11 4 18 0 38 38 117 10 16 B. K. D. 8 13 2 7 15 14 . 4 18 0 12 14 9 8 7 7 Rs. A. P. 535 5 9 4 2 130 6 2 0 17 2 9 Rs. A. P. 1 1 8 0 15 3 1 4 0 0 7 2 Come Rs. A. P. 2 2 4 1 Total area 1,3886. 57. 1 13 6 2 6 9 0313 11 -- - 129 1,073 10 17 971 7 6 4.--Village Dharamdangi, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B. K. D. 23 12 18 67 3 4 22 8 2 B. K. D. 5 18 4 5 11 19 4 9 12 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | 31 1 6 1 ' 1 5 5 78 12 9 1 2 9 1 Rs, A. P. 2 9 6 2 4 5 Settled rai- Resident ... / yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total Total area 126 b. 1910d, 113 4 4 109 14 3 L ..... 5.- Village Baldiagachi, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. 10 4 6 B. K. D. 91 18 17 41 2 13 4 8 13 Rs. A. P. 89 14 0 49 11 9 Settled rai. S Resident yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 114 Rs. A. P. 0 15 7 1 1 3 4 Total area 1586. 2k. 4d. 2 5 7 Total ... 137 10 3 139 9 9 ...... ...... 6.- Village Marjadpur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B. K. D. 129 0 14 B. K. D. 6 15 15 1 199 Rs. A. P. 121 11 91 Rs. A. P. 0 15 1 Rs. A. P. 1 13 2 Settled rai- , Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total aroa 1636. 176. 5d. 11 16 16 Total 140 17 10 ...... 121 11 9 7.- Taluka Bhawanipur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B. K. D. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 8 17 This taluka contains-- 65 B. K. D. 137 Proprietor's private lands... Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B. &. D. 08 17 420 13 9 846 7 4 25 7 10 22 0 13 53 10 5 6 99 6 3 11 4 4 11 7 6 17 566 09 443 13 9 21 3 0 22 1 9 15,6 084 0 13 6 100 2 9 1 0 1.10 1 15 8 2 3 0 covo Bhawanipur... 213 7 13 Samaspur ... 315 9 ] Malikpur ... 847 15 5 Nisarputti ... 1999 0 228 1,368 7 18 1,053 3 3 Total ... 1,576 15 8.- Taluka Rota, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 9 14 3 8 2 14 Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 29 29 961 3 3 1,448 16 3 15 16 15 33 5 3 98 19 8 779 11 3 1,251 3 0 12 13 3 23 3 9 2 3 4 0 13 0 12 11 0 13 0 11 1 5 0 6 10 9 14 1 9 1 10 1 9 1 5 1 9 3 7 This taluka contains B. K. D. Kota ...1,309 11 2 Jaharpur ... 97 14 2 Pichara ... 272 1 6 Pichara ... 312 1 4 1,991 7 14 Chandpara ... 1,000 10 4 Tota! ... 2,991 17 18 Total 317 | 2,587 3 1 2,066 15 3 ( 177 ) 9.- Taluka Keshopur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea.. Class of holding Number of holdings. Average area per holding. Area. Average rate per Rent. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. bigha. 1 3 4 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats Non-resident Non-occupan- ſ Resident .... cy raiyats (Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 370 1 12 501 14 18 45 0 19 81 1 6 124 4 19 B. K. D. 8 12 2 10 9 1 5 0 2 8 2 2 7 15 6 Rs. A. P. 371 11 6 435 8 3 44 8 9 76 70 ....... Rs A. P. 1 0 3 0 13 10 0 15 9 0 15 0 Rs. A. P. 1 15 6 1 10 11 1 14 6 1 13 2 ...... This taluka contains B. K. D. Keshpur ... 602' 6 12 Moheshpur 95 3 2 Dighaulia ... 238 2 5 Lodhia ... 274 10 19 Bazitpur 115 9 5 Buzurg. Kismt Go 319' 10 2 rukpur. Total ... 1,645 2 5 Total ..... 126 1 1,122 3 14 928 3 6 10.-- Taluka Khijarpur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B. K. D. 58 11 4 B. K. D. 19 10 8 Rs. A. D. 31 0 3 Rs. A. P. 08 3 Raiyats at fixed. Resident ... rates. Settled rai- 5 Resident ...! yats Non-resident) Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 610 7 13 76 37 207 17 1 37 1 11 101 15 10 7 8 17 5 8 16 78 6 3 14 3 5 1 15 625 15 0 91 1 0 196 1 0 13 15 6 1 0 4 1 3 0 0 15 1 0 15 11 Rs. A. P. 100 This taluka contains B. K. D. 1 15 8 Khijarpur ... 361 11 16 2 6 1 Scwanandpur 953 3 18 1 13 2 Khurd. 1 14 10 168 1,091 16 6 981 0 9 Total ... 1,314 15 14 11.- Taluka Sewanandpur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B. K. D. 1,432 10 12 678 4 11 7 13 2 B. K. D. 7 11 10 53 16 4 3 16 11 Rs. A. P, 1,590 15 9 431 4 9 6 14 3 Rs. A. P. O 15 6 0 10 2 0 14 8 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... 189 yats Non-resident ! . 126 Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... Rs. A. P. 1 14 0 This taluka contains.com 1 39 B. K. D. 1 12 6 | Sewanandpur 916 9. 14 Jathar ... 635 18 2 4 12 9 Jawadpur ... 663 14 10 1 12 8 Bussuntpur 308 12 1 Bairgachi ... 63 14 12 0 16 12 '0 18 12 172 0 10 0 16 12 0 18 12 2 0 0 0 13 01 2 7 10 0 14 9 Total ,357 2,292 3 19 1,831 15 9 Total ... 2,588 8 19 12.- Taluka Sahjana, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B, K. D. 2 7 18 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. 183 B. K. D. 4 15 16 1,087 7 4 761 5 0 30 7 11 16 AOO LOGO Proprietor's private lands ... Settled rai- Resident ... ! yats. 2 Non-resident Ocoupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan-Resident ... | cy raiyats. ? Non-resident! Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. 1,013 4 9 731 9 3 16 12 0 92 co 9 3 16 15 0 14 10 0 15 4 097 1 0 6 1 4 10 1 12 10 1 13 8 1 2 8 This taluka contains- B. K. D. Sahjana ... 1,387 5 9 Bari pokhur 340 11 2 Porala ... 897 9 4 Samserpur ... 76 0 12 68 13 10 127 7 10 130 11 14 4 18 13 6 14 1 5 13 11 71 14 165 6 3 3 wa: 0 8 0 5 Total ... 2,701 67 Total 335 12,210 8 5 1,998 14 6 The kamat lands are held at Rs. 4-14-3. 13.— Taluka Sitgaon, parg ara Sujanagar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 6 2 12 715 12 5 824 11 4 8 9 13 5 9 4 29 1 19 Priprietor's private lands ... Settled rais Resident ... yats. Non-resident | Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident| Rent-free holdings Total ... 0 10 0 10 Cwrong B. 6. D. 3 1 6 12 15 11 9 11 15 8 9 13 5 9 4 9 13 19 484 12 515 2 6 0 3 2 9 3 6 6 si com as fed formed and 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 2 9 5 8 0 11 09 This taluka contains B. K. D. Sitgaon ... 804 4 5 Matra ... 270 7 13 Rasoul ... 141 2 10 Kalianagar ... 770 17 16 0 : 149 1,589 6 17 1,009 2 0 1 Total ... 1,986 12 4 ( 178 ) 14.-Taluka Poal, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. : Class of holding. Namber of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. I Average rate per acre, REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 104 B. K. D. 5 5 11 902 15 5 644 2 11 4 7 19 B. K. D. 2 12 15 8 13 12 9 1 8 4 7 19 602 8 3 577 80 3 7 9 0 10 0 14 0 12 8 4 7 Rs. A. P. 1 4 9 1 11 10 1 8 5 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 1 This taluka contains , B. K, D.' Poal ... 634 5 16 Bajidpur ... .311 15 0 Belwadangi 476 19 6 Total ... 1,423 0 1 43 3 13 8 12 14 183 | 1,599 14 19 1,183 8.0 15.—Taluka Tarapur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. yats. Settled rai. S Resident ... Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. D. 944 5 14 205 7 9 8 18 4 38 3 10 98 0 11 10 17 1 il 9 1 2 5 14 10 6 2 10 Rs. A. P. 731 7 3 174 9 6 4 0 3 23 4 0 Rs. A. P. 0 12 4 0 13 9 07 2 0 9 9 Rs. A. P. 1 7 11 1 10 9 0 13 11 1 3 0 This taluka contains B. K. D. Tarapur ... 629 12 8 Jair ... 625 6 8 .Nechitpur 92 02 Bezedpur ... 694 6 4 16 Total 146 1,294 15 8 933 5 0 Total ... 2,041 5 2 16.-Jalkumar, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B, 'K. D. 106 137 B. K. D. 26 13 6 Rs. A. P. 1 63 6 9 Rs. A. P. 0 9 6 Rs. A. P. 1 2 6 Total area 1,2906. 4k. 2d. 1 15 2 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 482 10 7 316 6 13 60 5 7 87 91 110 12 15 so 10 3 5 0 4 17 5 5 9 8 9 3 7 486 5 6 292 76 57 11 0 87 14 9 1 0 0 14 0 15 1 0 1 9 3 1 6 1 13 1 15 130 1,162 17 10 987 13 6 17.-Jufferpur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. B. K. D 21 17 19 B. K. D. 21 17 19 Rs. A. P. 15 12 6 Rs. A. P. 0 11 6 Rs. A. P. 1 6 5 Total area 7266. 4k. 17d. Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- , Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total wowo 459 14 5 61 19 0 19 3 13 19 13 19 21 12 19 10 17 9 4 14 10 4 15 18 2 16 3 7 4 6 434 15 68 6 20 1 13 12 3 6 0 3 0 15 1 1 1 11 1 0 9 0 11 2 2 2 10 2 0 6 15 9 70 | 603 11 15 ...... 552 16 6 18.-- Naroul, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. nea. B. K. D. 20 0 2 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 20 0 2 1 12 50 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 09 10 1 1 3 2 Total area 4486. 152. 13d. · Raiyats at Resident ...! fixed rates. Settled. rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 272 5 66 0 29 16 9 8 0 10 18 16 6 0 0 256 | 56 28 2 3 1 9 6 9 0 15 0 0 137 0 15 1 1 13 1 10 1 13 0 5 2 10 1 1 5 0 10 Total 44 398 3 0 352 13 0 (179) 19,–Nauranga, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per асте. REMARKS. 8 B. K. D. Rs. A. P. 285 12 6 197 5 9 3 9 9 312 2 9 220 6 19 5 3 16 Total area 6546. 147. 13d. or WO NOW Rs. A. 0 14 0 14 0 11 yats. Rs. A. P. 1 12 4 1 11 10 1 5 11 gitara B. K. D. 10 8 1 5 12 19 5 3 16 5 15 1 6 3 6 36 15 0 1 12 Settled rai-S Resident ... Non-rosident Occupancy Non-resident rayats. Non-occupan Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings . ... Total .... - 6 40 5 9 30 17 13 608 16 6 523 11 0 20.--Jitwarpur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. 3. K. D. 20 10 9 399 18 13 144 6 3 18 6 in B. K. D. 5 1 17 11 8 10 7 11 18 À os e com Rs. A. P. 365" 6 0 124 10 6 4 3 9 Rs. A. P. 0 14 7 0 13 9 1 1 3 Rs. A. P. Total area 6836. 117. 13d. The kamat lands are settled 2 9 0 1 at Rs. 227. 2 1 6 6 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai: 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... | raiyats. Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats, Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total os a 6 11 2 3 14 1 74 0 15 3 0 14 10 2 0 09 2 2 2 11 0 6 1 49 6 11 1 8 4 8 70 639 1 6 516 11 3 21.- Villaye Tiarpara, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. Rs. A. 1 10 3 Total area 2246. 117. 15d. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ſ Resident ..., cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free boldings B. K. D. 94 11 1 46 6 4 6 19 9 42 5 5 5 16 3 B. K. D. 7 5 9 5 2 18 6 19 9 6 0 15 1 12 1 Rs. A. P. 79 12 0 44 13 9 6 2 6 37 9 9 Rs. A. P. 0 13 0 0 15 6 0 14 2 0 14 4 1 14 0 1 11 6 1 11 10 Total ... 195 18 2 168 6 0 22.-Village Jehangirpur, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. Rs. A. Rs. B. K. D. 32 138 16 19 17 2 1 3 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total area 656. 18k. 10d. B. K. D. 3 12 12 1 17 15 1 0 11 1 39 19 6 9 7 0 1 6 0 12 1 2 3 2 P. 2 5 6 Rs. A. P. 1 7 7 2 3 9 6 1 11 1 39 ...... Total . 52 17 17 50 13 01 - 3.- Village Harnaro, pargana Sujanagar, district Purnea. 142 B. K, D. 1,400 8 0 318 4 3 7 5 12 B. K. D. 9 16 0 9 12 17 7 5 12 33 Rs. A. P. 1,391 5 0 300 8 6 8 2 0 Rs. A. p. 0 15 10 0 15 1 1 1 11 Rs. A. P. 1 14 8 1 13 2 2 2 10 Total area 2,0205.9k. 7d. yats. Settled rai-Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total .. 0 16 14 0 11 18 71 13 7 0 4 3 0 11 18 11 18 16 0 11 6 1 0 0 1 0 14 3 1 4 11 1 11 3 0 ...... 8 4 187 1,798 19 14 1,701 11 0 Y 2 ( 180 ) Abstract of pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Number . Class of holding. of Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS, holdings. B. Big Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... B. K. D. 239 12 17 16 265 1 1 61 7 Rs. A. P. 14 19 19 ...... 7 9 13 2,113 1 0 4 13 13 | 287 3 3 3 11 3 6 17 2 10 36 15 9 1.16 10 222 4 9 3 10 10 198 110 Settled rai- ( Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-ocoupan. Resident ... cy raiyat. Non-resident Total 17 1,983 14 8 286 1 7 3 3 11 34 5 0 188 0 133 155 13 17 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 10 4 9 Rs. A. P. Of the kamat land 416. 15k. 12d. are settled at Rs. 44-15-6, and 1976. 17% 5d. aro beld khas. 971 There are three tenure- 0 10 4 holders with 596. 16k. 0 11 3 19d. held at Rs. 71-13-3.. 12 4 The standard of measure- ment is a pole of 9 cubits. 103 44 492 2,890 11' 13 2,161 10 3 1.- Village Arasi Puthraha, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. E ER ENHETER DES B. K. D. 85 1 10 78 13 5 3 10 4 B. K, D. 4 5 1 7 17 6 1 3 8 Rs. A. P. 86 6 9 73 8 9 5 6 6 Rs. A. P. 1 4 0 0 15 0 1 7 3 Rs. A. P. 098 Total area 1986. 132. 19d. 0811 0 13 10 Total 33 167 4 19 165 60 2.- Village Bhindwar, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Total area 5636.117. 18d. 8 9 B. K. D. 4 11 6 133 12 0 38 12 12 77 14 6 6 0 0 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident. Non-occupan. S Resident ... .cy raiyats. | Non-resident B. K. D. Rs. A.P. | 4 11 6 5 6 8 1 122 14 9 6 8 15 26 4 9 2 10 2 75 3 0 0 17 2 6 8 3 Rs. A. P. 0 14 9 0 10 9 0 15 6 1 1 3 : 0 6 7 092 0 10 3 IS Total 260 10 4 ...... 230 14 9 3.- Village Dumarbannah, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. B. K. D. 14 1 13 2 15 19 B. K. D. 1 02 2 15 19 Rs. A. P. 18 6 9 3 10 9 Rs. A. P. 1 5 0 1 4 9 1 Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total ... Rs. A. P. 0 12 7 Total area 166. 177. 12d. | The cultivated area only was surveyed. 15 16 17 12 22 1 6 4.–Village Haripur Ghurna, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. . . Rs. A. P. B. K. D. 151 13 17 14 13 15 B. K. D. 151 13 17 7 6 17 Total area 209. Ok. 2d. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident .... yats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rs. A. P. Ï 7 6 1 7 4 1 5 11 Rs. A. P. Ö 14 0 0 13 11 0 13 1 11 13 8 30 16 14 1 4 3 8 22 0 9 17 8 3 42 7 6 82 0 0 6 2 Total 208 17 14 5.- Village Luchmipur, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. of its B. K. D. 68 6 5 386 12 0 4 12 4 7 9 14 B. K. D. 6 16 12 7 10 2 6 2 0 13 9 1 414 15 5 0 9 9 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 3 10 0 10 3 0 11 0 0 11 11 12 Total area 6736. 87. 6d. The kamati lands are set. tled as follows: B. K. D. 41 15 12 at Rs. 44-15-6. 23 10 3 held khas. Tctal 1 76 467 0 3 429 8 0 ( 181 ) 6.-Village Manikpore, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Red Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P.) Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 9956, 6k. 18d. B. 1. D. 1 4 4 814 1 16 2 18 2 9 6 10 B. K. D. 1 4 4 10 11 1 0 197 9 6 10 1 14 9 1 6 8 864 2 3 3 2 10 0 9 22 3 9 5 11 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-S Resident ... | yats. (Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total 0 3 9 0 10 2 0 10 4 0 10 7 12 20 13 6 5 5 12 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 10 0 10 4 2 853 9 10 905 39 1 7.-Village Moheshputti, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total B. K. D. 11 1 3 23 18 11 14 11 7 1 B. K. D. 11 1 3 2 19 16 1 4 5 30 19 3 3 6 0 1 4 1 4 2 5 0 12 0 12 0 2 Total area 495. 11k. 1d. The cultivated area only was surveyed. 49 11 1 49 6 6 ...... 8.- Village Puthrah, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. 11 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raigats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Total ... ܝܕܛܶܗܰܝܢ ܝܙܚܕ B. K. D. · 2 11 12 356 4 9 60 5 18 3 3 11 24 18 10 27 14 11 96 4 5 B. K. D. 2 11 12 511 5 40 8 3 11 24 18 2 10 8 7. 8 0 393 1 0 69 2 9 3 6 9 26 14 0) 42 3 3 121 2 6 1 1 1 1 7 4 3 1 2 1 1 Rs. A. P. Three raiyats hold under 0 10 6 | the Raj as tenure-holder 0 10 11 69. 16k. 19d. at Rs. 0 10 3 1 71-13-3. Ó 10 3 Total area 8506. 5k. 10d. 0 14 6 0 12 0 Anco 13 106 571 2 16 655 14 3 - - 9.-Village Tope Nowabganj, pargana Daphar, district Purnea. Rs. A. P. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Total area 3936. 3k. 16d. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupancy Resident... · raiyats. B. K. D. 0 4 10 193 8 18 100 19 6 I 5 0 B. K. D. 0 4 10 7 14 15 4 07 0 12 10 208 110 1 8 0 8 9 9 9 1 6 91 1 1 6 1 3 3 0 137 0 10 5 0 11 6 Total 295 17 14 ....... 321 2 3 1. Kotwali 2. Sujanagar List of Papers. MALDA DISTRICT. ( 1 Abstract. ... 120 Village statements. 1 1 Abstract. " I 4 Village statements. 1 1 Abstract. 1 67 Village statements. ( 1 Abstract. *** 30 Village statements. 1 Abstract. 19 Village statements. 1 Abstract. 7 Village statements (Gopinathpur and others). 3. Mahinagar 4. Bhatiya Akbarabad 5. Ditto Ditto | 3 Village statements (Chak Laloo and others). ( 184 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES. • Abstract, pargano Kotwali, district Maida. Number 1 of holdings. Class of holding. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. - 1 1 | - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P B. K, CA. 0 17 13 277 2 14 ... Proprietors' private lands... Raiyats at Resident ... 12 fixed rates. Non-resident | Settled rai-ſ Resident ... 12 1786 yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... 56 2,554 17 15 114 120 B. K. CH. 1 Rs. A. P. 0 17 13 9 17 11 156 10 3 3 5 1 1,656 0 1 1 17 9 49 13 0 1 17 3 203 11 0 2 18 0 093 .0 10 4 0 6 11 0 13 5 1 1 6 1 4 8 0 13 10 The rates in this pargana are various, and the difference in the rate of rent of various classes of raiyats has become more marked in consequence of the excess areas in many cases remaining unassessed with the consent of both parties. mama 1 4 11 312 10 11 162 11 4 Total ... 1,099 3,422 12 9 ...... 2,066 2 4 1.- Village Audumpur, Pargana Kotwali, district Valda. B. I. CH. 7 3 7 B. K. CH. 0 7 9 Rs. A. P. 28 13 0 Rs. A. P. 4 0 3 Rs. A. P. 7 12 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 27 11 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings ... Total 25 19 13 19 5 12 52 9 0 2 17 15 1 18 9 56 8 3 2.- Village Boojrook Sultanpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Rs. A P B. K. CH. 3 14 1 B. K. CH. 1 17 0 Rs. A. P. 1 6 6 238 5 12 Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai- Non.resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 7 8 10 2 6 10 4 15 14 103 12 0 19 13 3 0 6 6 070 0 10 6 Rs. A. P. 016 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 0 13 6 1 4 3 30 6 8 19 13 10 51 291 19 15 121 15 9 3.- Village Chandeepore, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH. 15 3 10 50 2 8 5 70 11 19 0 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total B. K. CH. 1 13 12 1 17 8 1 1 6 1 19 13 Rs. A. P. 10 12 9 32 9 3 3 13 0 5 15 0 Rs. À P. 0 12 0 0 10 3 0 il 6 0 8 0 Rs. A. P. 1 7 3 1 3 9 1 6 3 0 17 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 82 12 2 53 2 3 4.- Village Chuck Hareenarayanpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Rs. A. P. 11 39 Rs. A. P 06 0 Rs. A. P. oll 6 The area is shown in bixhas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settled rai. Resident ... ! Total . B. K. CH. 30 21 55 12 1 2485 14 2 B. K, CH. 302 1 1 13 3 .... 1 1 12 0 yats. 49 15 9 61 36 0 14 6 .... ( 185 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES—continued. 5.- Village Hareenarayanpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area. per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acro. REMARKS. 5 B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 0 4 9 Rs. A. P. 0 14 6 B. K. CH. 7 6 6 77 18 10 1 1 7 10 Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Şettled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. The area is shown in bighas 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 7 6 6 2 13 14 O 13 13 2 2 9 67 9 3 1 3 6 0 11 9 2 3 6 1 0 14 0 2 10 3 TW Total 32 86 12 10 60 15 6 6.- Village Hariyagurh, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K, CH. 16 18 7 B. K. CH. 5 12 13 Rs. A. P. 8 13 3 Rs. A. P. 08 3 Rs. A. P. 1 0 0 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 10 0 1 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai- Resident yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident | Total or not a 77 15 10 14 3 15 3 4 9 3 10 11 1 15 11 1 17 12 47 4 3 711 0 2 6 6 009 0 100 O AD GO mooooo oooo 9 17 8 36 11 8 1 19 8 3 0 15 6 1 9 21 1 6 0 10 0 10 0 3 Į 1 NA 155 12 7 93 6 3 7.-Village Jote-Binode, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. CH. 130 8 2 36 1 5 B. K. CH. 6 4 3 2 8 1 Rs. A. P. 78 2 3 23 5 9 Rs. A. P. 096 0 10 3 Rs. A. P. 1 2 3 1 3 9 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total ... 166 97 101 8 0 1.- Village Jululpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH. 2 6 8 0 18 8 B. K. CH. 39 10 13 13 18 5 08 2 4 19 3 14 0 7 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Rs. A. P. | Rs, A. P. 43 13 9 1 1 9 14 4 6 1 0 3 0 6 0 0 15 0 3 11 3 0 14 y The area is shown in bighas 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. COCO AVON Rs. A. P. 2 2 3 1 16 6 1 13 0 1 12 6 0 16 1 O Total 72 16 14 62 3 6 - Village Kaliyunpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH. 22 15 2 B. K. CH. 4 11 0 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 0 12 3 Rs. A. P. 1 7 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Raiyats at Resident fixed rates. Settled rai-ſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 67 0 14 86 0 2 0 11 11 0 14 12 21 19 3 0 18 14 2 4 5 0 5 14 0 14 12 2 7 11 75 12 0 32 7 6 076 1 2 0 0 60 0 13 0 2 2 0 11 1 9 9 6 0 .. IE Total 127 199 1 12 126 2 3! ...se ( 186 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES--continued. 10.-Village Rubeelnagar, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Class of holding. Number of boldings. umber Area. Area. Aukeren Average area per holding Rent. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. B. K. CH. | 0 7 10 8 10 13 0 1 10 B. K. CH. 0 1 14 0 15 8 0 13 0 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Rs. A. P. 1 11 0 6 5 3 0 10 6 Rs. A. P. 3 13 6 0 120 1.0 90 Rs. A. P. 7 6 9. i 7 3 0 13 6 Total .. 17 1 9 0 1 8 10 9 11.- Dillage Lakhmighat, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Rs. A. P. 84 10 9 Rs. A. P. 0 9 3 B K.. Ch. 150 5 2 1 11 3 6 10 6 15 B. K. CH. 9 7 13 11 3 6 10 6 15 Rs. A, P. 1 1 9 | The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 0 0 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 6 13 9 08 3 ..... 18 18 1 171 15 12 90 8 6 12.- Village Mahadevpur (alias Rameswarpur), pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH. 8 PHLO ORUCO 0 B. K. CH. 100 19 10 118 7 9 2 16 9 35 7 10 6 18 11 Settled rai-S Resident yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings. Total Rs. A. P. 75 2 6 73 11 3 3 2 3 23 0 6 Rs. A. P. 0 11 9 0 100 1 2 0 0 10 6 Rs. A. P. 1 6 6 1 3 3 2 2 9 1 4 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 2 7 1 6 18 11 ... 264 10 1 175 0 6 13.-- Village Mohunpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. - Rs. A. P. 1 0 10 o Rs. A. P. 1 3 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CH. 0 17 13 23 5 7 3 6 10 132 127 12 4 10 3 1 8 18 18 14 7 11 13 B. K. CH. 0 17 13 5 16 6 3 6 10 3 0 5 6 2 5 0 15 6 1 11 9 2 10 9 Proprietors' private lands ... Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. (Non-resident Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Rs. 4. P. 14 9 0 1 0 0 96 6 0 8 5 3 3 3 13 14 0 Hold QOWO 6 3 acror 0 4 3 0 11 6 0 10 0 0 11 0 11 9 O OTC Dwi 1 Oma 1 1 o ono Total 71 201 19 2 ....... 136 5 6 14.- Village Mathupur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH, 136 6 11 308 6 1 1 14 13 B. K. CH. 6 3 15 5 12 13 1 14 14 Rs. A. P. | 80 14 1 180 2 3 0 15 0 Rs. A. P. 096 0 10 0 0 8 6 Rs. A. P. 1 2 3 The area is shown in bighas 1 3 3 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 0 6 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 2 1 0 29 0 14 198 1 0 13 11 2 18 1 4 17 0 1 2 17 10 0 9 08 0 9 1 1 1 2 0 9 1 9 Total 496 16 8 280 12 1 ( 187 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATEScontinued. 15.- Village Pheerozepur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Number Class of holding. Area. Average area per holding · Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. 1 5 B. K, CH. 23 2 6 134 18 1: 2 1 6 12 6 7 B. K. CH. 1 8 14 4 4 5 2 1 6 2 9 4 Rs. A. P. 16 8 9 83 15 0 1 1 6 6 12 9 Rs. A. P. 0 11 6 0 10 0 08 6 O 8 9 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. . {Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... · raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- cy raiyats. Non-resident Reñt-free holdings Total ..... Rs. A. P. 1 6 3 | The area is shown in bighas 1 3 3 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 0 6 1 1 0 1 3 3 2 2 1 5 10 7 10 5 10 1 6 9 0 100 0 13 13 67 176 1 8 ... 109 12 9 16.- Village Sultanpur, paryana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 6 17 5 1 9 0 1 14 3 B. K. CH. 6 17 5 27 11 7 151 2 9 2 18 8 1 2 1 5 0 11 0 6 9 Raiyats at fix. Non-resident i ed rates. Settled, rai-Resident ... ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy. raiyats ... Non-resident Non-occupan- ..cy raiỹats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings : Total The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. mooo oÓ 7 12 0 37 1 9 111 0 6 1 11 6 9 1 9 2 2 9 2 9 6 2 6 9 1 2 0 1 3 3 093 0 10 0 14 11 13 14 3 2 0 19 8 1 12 5 1 14 4 128 216 15 2 166 11 6 17.-Village Sudpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B. K. CH. B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 16 5 12 2 6 8 4 16 0 4 10 13 162 17 7 69 3 12 96 90 45 8 5 11 3 13 9 12 12 · 14 0 14 1 13 15 Rs. A. P. 92 3 9 46 15 0 50 5 6 25 1 6 6 5 3 10 0 3 8 12 3 Raiyats at fix- Resident ... ed rates. Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy ſ Resident ... | raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... Boohoo.co 090 0 10 9 08 3 08 9 di OOOO O OO 1 1 6 The area is shown in bighas 1 4 9 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 0 0 1 1 0 OOO OOO Home On COORD 1 4 2 1 11 3 1 13 15 1 0 0 10 2 1 410 9 14 239 11 6 18.-Village Jote Beroo, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Tublu .... W ten B. K. CH. 100 9 12 46 1 9 3 14" 2 13 5 14 5 5 2 Settled rai. ( Resident yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total .. B. K. CH. 7 3 9 4 3 12 1 411 2 4 5 5 5 2 Rs. A. P. 39 4 6 16 13.3 6 5 3 5 60 ....... Rs. A. P. 0 5 9 0 6 0 1 11 3 0 6 61 Rs. A. P. 1 1 6 1 2 3 5 2 6 1 39 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 168 16 7 67 13 0 1 19.- Village Kalahutta, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. B, K. CH.. B. K. CH. 1 10 4 1 10 4 32 14 0 8 3 8 Rs. A. P. 1 96 20 10 9 4 zo Rs. A. P. 1 0 0 0 10 31 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... - yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. 3 0 3 | The area is shown in Fighas 1 15 01 of 4 cubits to the juggee. 1 8 9 8 13 10 21 5 15 I. 1 7 4 13 1 15 08 3 15 64 3 13 27 11 3 % 2 ( 188 ) : SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-Continued. 20.- Dillage Rajeebpur, pargana Kotwali, district Malda. Class of holding. Number I of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per Average rate per REMARKS. bigba. acre. Rs. A. P. com Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas 1 6 0 1 of 4 cubits to the luggee. yats. 0 9 3 Settled rai. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident | cy raiyats. Total B. K. CH. 34 1 10 9 3 6 5 110 48 16 01 B. K. CH. 2 8 11 2 5 14 1 17 0 Rs. A. P. 13 12 9 5701 3 12 0 096 0 10 9 1 12 2 0 9 6 21 .... 22 15 Abstract, pargana Sujanagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. B. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. Resident ...12 yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 2 15 3 726 9 3 2 11 26 13 6 92 193 B. K. CH. 10 7 9 6 8 9 6 2 11 287 11 12 6 725 8 6 2 130 25 8 6 Rs. A. P. ...... 0 15 11 0 7 4 0 15 3 ...... 1 14 11 0 14 2 0 137 The rate of rent for ordinary cultivated fields payable by all classes of tenants in this pargana is 13 annas per bigha, that for home- stead is Rs. 3-2 per bigha, and the rate for outskirts of homestead. is Re. 1-14 per bigha. The average given is the average rate for all classes of land. The rate of the holding of non- occupancy raiyat comes to annas 7-4, as the existing rent only was recorded in this village, and fair rent was not settled for excess area, Total 135 872 19 10 753 14 0 1.- Village panchala, Pargana Sujanagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. I Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled Resident ... | raiyats. Non-resident|| Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. I Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. CH. B. K. CH. 174 13 11 12 9 7 100 13 11 11 3 11 3 17 2 0 19 14 24 17 15 - 8 6 0 304 2 7/ ...... 30 | 2.- Village Terenda, pargana Sujanagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Sroprietors' private lands ... Pettled ? Non resident raiyats. Shou-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 7 6 10 1 73 12 15 7 12 3 B. K. CH. 7 6 10 4 12 1 7 12 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 88 11 12 3.- Village Gobindbatee, pargana Sujanagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Settled raiyats. ] Non-resident B. K. CH. 33 11 4 6 2 11 0 15 6 Occupancy } Non-resident B. K. CH. 5 120 6 2 11 0 15 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. raiyats. S 10b-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... 8 40 9 5 ( 189 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-continued. 4.- Dillage Daibåttah, pargana Sujanagar, district Malda. Number Class of holding S of Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average area per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. 2. R. A. 2. The No one Rs. A. P. The area is sbown in bighas 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. B. K.ch. 13 8 9 225 11 9 118 6 1 1 13 ] 21 3 3 59 13 11 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings 13 8 9 5 2 8 4 15 4 1 13 1 3 10 8 19 17 14 Total 439 16 2 - Abstract, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs, A. P. B. K. CH. 18 16 14 13,377 19 I 1 4 1 B. K. CH. Rs. A. F'. 2 13 11 5 15 18,700 15 3 5 18 8 47 8 6 4 2 9 | 883 3 6 7 90 Proprietors' private lands... Settled S Resident ... 12 raiyats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... 11 cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings i ... Total 88 129 0 10 4 086 0 6 8 107 0 12 11 610 220 2,105 14 11 1,639 7 5 The general rate of rent in this pargana is 13 annas per bigha, but there was no application for settlement of rent of excess area in several villages, and in some the rate of rent for excess area was reduced by the Appellate Court, hence the average has become less. 3,077 | 17,230 9 8 9,631 11 3 1.- Village Auladeepore, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K.C. 125 15 2 93 2 12 25 10 2 14 13 13 13 14 5 Settled Resident raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupad- 5 Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... B. K. CH. 3 13 15 8 9 5 4 5 0 4 17 15 2 14 14 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 272 16 2 2.- Village Aunandeepore, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Settled raiyats. B. K. CH. 5 9 2 B. K. CH. 1 7 4 Non-resident 4 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee, Total ... 5 9 2 3.- Village Kabulhat, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CA. 90 1 15 22 10 6 18 4 7 6 16 15 Settled Resident ... raiyats. S Non-resident Non-occupan-1 Resident cy raiyats. S, Resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 2 8 11 1 122 1 10 6 3 8 8 Rs, A. P. | The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 137 13 11 4.- Village Kamarpara, pargana Mahinagar, district fiialwa. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. Pol Rs. A. P. B. K CH. 28 15 11 B. K. CH. 4 2 41 Total area is shown in bigh&s of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 2 17 15 8 15 2 2 17 15 9 10 2 9 40 8 12 ( 190 ) . SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-continued. 5.— Village Koongatoola, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. . Number Class of holding. of Average area per holding. Area. Average rate per Rent. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. REMARKS. holdings. bigha. • 1 3 . - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. 1. CII. 16 16 11 19 11 7 0 3 5 B. K. CH. 1 13 9 1 10 1 0 3 5 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... 0 11 3 0 5 11 - 37 1 10 6.- Village Kooreela, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. I Rs. A. P. Es. A. P. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 59 11 15 25 18 8 6 6 3 B. K. CH. 3 8 3 3 4 13 3 3 2 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 91 16 10 7.- Village Khidurpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 102 4 11 20 2 12 1 15 4 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 4 12 15 2 17 8 1 15 4 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 23 2 2 7 14 1 Total 147 4 13 8.-Village Kochbaree, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 80 IO7 B. K. CH. 8 1 5 Rs. A. P. 10 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 24 18 15 4 19 13 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 26 10 6 6 12 10 132 2 12 9,--Village Kheriah, pargana Mahinagar, district Dalda. . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled rai-5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident| Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee, B. K. D. 116 19 11 52 8 4 97 1 11 167 71 19 17 7 B. K. D. 12 19 15 8 14 11 7 95 6 197 9 18 2 Total 453 14 2 10.-- Village Gungadevi, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs, A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 420 12 14 454 97 8 2 2 B K. CH. 10 0 4 10 16 61 8 2 2 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai-Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident Taiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total crear 18 4 15 200 13 2 66 11 1 3 12 15 6 18 6. 11 2 3 124 1,157 13 9 ..... ( 191 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-continued. 11.- Village Gulimpur pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per bolding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 19 Settled yats. rai- Resident ... Non resident B. K. CH. 118 17 1 3 2 3 6 19 12 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. o cu 3 2 3 6 19 12 1 10 8 4 11 cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 9 133 10 9 2.- Village Gopalpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CI. 3 7 5 283 9 11 149 2 2 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. CH. 1 2 7 3 9 5 3 0 14 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total ... | 133 435 19 2 13.- Village Goburunge, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. B. K. CH. 30 5 14 Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 3 0 9 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | The area is shown in bighas of 6 cubits to the luggee. 1 17 5 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 7 9 3 6 17 · 5 2 14 7 47 6 13 1 14 5 1 74 | 1 14.--Village Gobindpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. 10IM Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 137 2 20 9 12 26 0 14 B. K. CH. 3 5 6 5 2 7 1 12 9 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. S Resident ... Fats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 13 0 8 4 6 13 196 18 4 15.- Village Gohulapara, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. I. CH. 110 17 14 243 7 3 0 5 2 18 14 13 4 3 1 Settled rai. S Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CH. 2 12 12 4 7 2 0 5 2 6 4 15 2 1 377 1 8 ( 192 ) - SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES—continued. 16.-Village Gohulapara (Arajee), pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rato per acre. REMARKS. 8 Rs. A. P Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 192 92 97 8 8 15 06 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 6 12 11 10 16 8 5 0 2 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 6 14 . 1 306 6 14 4 14 Total 17.-Village Goureepur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 12 3 13 215 11 6 7 11 1 B. K. CH. 6 1 14 10 15 9 3 15 8 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. TT- 3 5 4 3 5 4 238 11 8 18.- Village Chakrapur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. B. K. CH. 90 16 8 B. K. CH. 3 12 10 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings 3 16 8 10 5 12 1 14 4 1 5 7 Total 110 10 14 19.–Village Chuknulsur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | B. K. CH. 38 12 11 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P Settled rai- Non-resident B. K. CH 6 8 10 10 2 5 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. yats. Rent-free holdings 10 2 5 Total 48 15 0 20.- Village Chundrapara, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 418 14 3 130 8 9 4 16 12 1 12 0 3 7 12 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. | Resident ... cy raiyats. | Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. CH. 10 9 5 3 16 7 1 9 4 1 12 0 3 7 12 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 568 194 21.-Village Chundra, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 585 11 6 161 11 8 23 11 11 58 0 8 328 17 12 Settled rai-Resident ...) yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 10 10 15 6 9 6 3 7 6 3 17 5 41 2 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 120 1,257 12 13 SRINAGAR AND BAŅAILI ESTATES— eontinued. 22.-Village Jote-Chundee, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. · · Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 84 9 13 18 7 11 ..2 3 111 Settled · rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... | B. K..CH. |:: Rs. A. P. | 2 4 7 2 0 12 1 1 13 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. ::: 49 | 105 0 91 ... I ...... ...... ... . . 23.-Dillage Jote-Nayun, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. · Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. B. K. CH. 23 14 3 17 18 1 5 1 1 . 2 10 8 Rs. A. P. ...... Settled rai. Non-resident yats.: Non-occupan: Non-resident | cy raiyats. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total ... 5 28 5 4 24.—Dillage Jot-Lochun, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 34 0 4 45 2 10 1,7 2 8 5 12 Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 8 10 1 4 2 0 09 1 8 5 12 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total • ... 88 15 12 25.-Village Dahooka, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. . Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. 'P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. "134 15 9 9 1 12 B. K. CH. 7 1 14 1 16 6 Settled rai- , Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident ·cy raiyals. Total ... The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 5 1 · 24 · 143 17 5 26.–Village Dhooreebun, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. B. KCH. B. K.C. 81 11 13 | .5 8 12 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 61 12 15 5 12 1 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Reut-free holdings..... Total 1 2 14 7 .2 14 7 145 19 3 ...... 27.- Village Tarapore, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. | 1 3 2 261 15 10 71 11 10 1 3 4 B. K. CH. "1 3 2 6 7 10 7 3 2 1 3 4 Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident .... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... The area is shown in bighas of 6 cubits to the luggee. . 20 3 10 10 1 13 365 17 4 2 a . ( 194 ) . SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES - continued. ... 28.- Village Dilulpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Class of holding. Number of holdings.. : Area. Average area per holding Rent. . . Average rato per. bighas.. Average rate per acre. REMARKS Rs: A. P. ...... B. K.CH. 56 00 18 8 6 1 14 10 12 16 9 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 5 1 13 2 6 0 0.17 5 2 11 5 The area is shown in bigha's of 7 oubits to the luggee. Total 88 19 9 29.-Village Doorgapur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 13 4 8 145 11 11 - 1 7 4 24 2 14 12 15 5 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cg raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... ... Total B. K.CH. 1 13 1 4 17 0 1 7 4 2 3 14 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 2 11 1 55 197 1 10 101 · 30.-Village Dhanjana; pargana Mahinagar, district Malda.. - - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs.A, P. B. K. CH. 3 4 8 10 2 8 1 8 4 Settled rai-S Resident . yats. 2 Non-resident| Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... ... The area is shown in bighas of õ cubits to the luggeo. #0000 Ohce B. K. CH. 174 8 6 132 2 12 4 4 13 2 8 5 33 15 4 346 19 8 5 12 9 Total ..... : 31.- Village Dhanta, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 36 4 12 2 11 10 0 5 10 Settled raiyats-Resident ... Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Total ... B. K. CH. 3 12 7 0 8 9 0 5 10 Rs. A. P. 1. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 17. 39 2 0 . 32.-Village Nikhral, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. & P. | Rs. A. P. | 'Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 37 15 4 60 11 1 4 16 12 B. K. CH. 6 5 14 6 1 1 2 8 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident najvats. Rent-free holdings ... Total -లు 10 3 2 9 9 7 12 112 10 13 33.-- Village Nizamatpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. LI Rs. A. P. | Rs.-A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 129 12 13 4 15 2 Settled raiyats-Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... on Total ... 27 B. K. CH 5 3 11 2 7 9 The area is shown in tighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 134 7 15 ( 195 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES"continued. 34.- Village Pratappur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda, Class of holding Class of holding. W Number of holdings. eber Area. Area. Average area per holding: A verseny Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average . rate per acre. REMARKS. 3 5 Rs: A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. :P. Non-occupan-Non-resident cy raiyats. S 11 B. Ki CH. 6 0 5 10 B. K. CH. 5 9 10 The area is shown in bighas of.5 cubits to the luggee. Total .. 11 60 5 10 35.- Village Pruninugar, pargara Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P... Rs. A. P. | Rs. 4. P. I The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggce. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy y raiyats. Rasi Resident ... 5" Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... .... Total : B. K. CH. 487 12 1 163 18 15 10 3 0 28 4 12 8 14 6 51 1 1 749 14 3 B K. CH. 9 19'0 6 16 9 5 1 8 1 11 6 2 3 9 8 10 2 103 . ..!" - 36.- Village Piplaganj, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled yats. B. K. CH. 0 18 14 19 2 5 rai- | Resident ... Non-resident 110 B. K. CH. 0 18 14 4 15' 9 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total . 20 1 3 37.-Village Bagchard, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A, P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... ... Total B. K. CH. 3 18 5 135 9 8 43 16 6 2 4 14 11 18 8 * 131 17 9 B. K. CH. ( 3 18 5 3 13 2 3 19 10 0 8 15 1 9 13 8 4 14 . 329 5 2 38.–Village Batriscola, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. • Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 202 16 15 B. K. CII. 9 4. 6 4 13 14 Rs, A. P. The area is shown in bighas 1 of 5 cubits to the laggee. Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan: Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings ... Total ... 42 2 1 2 3 81 2 3 8 1 32 247 2 8 39. – Village Bambhooa, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident) Non-occupan- $ Resident ... / cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings . ... Total B: K. CH. 162 2 0 248 11 7 2 13 6 24 7 6 264 13 14 B. K. CH. 4 10 0 7 15 6 1 6 11 2 4 4 26 96 702 8 1 2 a 2 . .:( 196 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-Continued. 40.- Village Bultur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. . Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. .. Arerage rate per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigba. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. · 8 B. K. CH. 187 12 3 B. K. CH. 6.5 11 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A, P. The area is shown in bighas. of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total . 1 10 0 2 16 2 26 9 12 1 10 0 0 18 11 5 5 15 218 8 1 41.- Village Bulrampur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 826 7 6 22 2 11 11 19 6 B. K. CH. 14 9 15 3 3 3 11 19 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. ..... ...... ...... Settled rai-S Resident ... .. yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... ! • raiyats. Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyat. ? Non-residentſ Rent-free holdings Total 39 3 11 21 10 8 27 0 9 4 17 15 7 3 8. 5 8 2 10. 948 4 3 42.- Village Busuntapur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A.P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A., P. ON B. K. CH. 37 15 9 1 21 0 2 0 3.41 B: K. CH. 1 9,0 5 5 01 0 3 41 ..... The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. ...... Settled rai-ſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total .... 35 19 14 7 3 18 14 78 13 6 ..... 43.- Village Basudevpz uqua Bagchara, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ...... med B. K. Ch. 22 12:15 11 4 0 B. K. CH. 22 12 15 11 4 0 20 0 12 The area is shown in bighas of 5.cubits to the luggee. og Settled rai. · Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-residenti cy raiyat. Rent-free holdings Total ... ....., med 20 O 12 .... 3 53 17 11 ...... ....... 44.- Village Birsudevpur (taluqua Batriscola), pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A..P Rs. A. P. 21 B. K. CA. 163 14 10 161 5 15 9 2 11 10 1 10 2 12 7 Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. Non-resident | Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. CH. 7 16 14 8 9 12 3 0 14 2 10 6 2 12 7 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 48 346 17 5 ( 197 ) , SRIN AGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-continued. 45 Village Berudungee, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Average Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Rent. area per holding Average rate per bigha. Average rate per • acre. SMARKS. · 3 6 . Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 112 14 3 16 B. K. CH. 7 0 14 Rs. A, P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings • Total ... 53 3 3 4 3 12 170 1 2 6 12 14 4 3 12 46.- Village Bhugwanpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda.. •Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. , Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. {Non-resident Non-occupan-S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... B. K. CH. 0 14 2 213 19.5 56 15 14, 13 2 11 3 11 11 16 18. O B. K. CH. 0 14 2 4 19 8 2 19 12 1 6 4 0 17 14 5 12 11 10 ... Total 80 305 1 11 47.–Village Makursum, pargana Mahinagar, districit Malda. LE B · 39 K. CH. 8 5 1 B. K. CH.. 4 7 9 Rs, A. Ð. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 16 97 13 6 6 2 Settled rai- Non-resident yats Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 1 . 137 1 11 48.- Village Mathurdpore, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. : wa : B, K. D. ' 17 18 15 136 0 9 0 12 15 18 14 3 7 0 13 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CH. 5 19 10 7 3 3 0 6 7 3 14 13 2 6 15 Settled 'rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings .... Total ... : : : 180 7 7 49.- Village Munohurpore, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs: A. P. B. K. CH. 45 12 14 10 B. K Ça. 4 11 4 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 13 11 10 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats: Total 3 8 0 ...... oo 59 4 8 ....... 50.–Village Mallikpara, pargana Muhinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bigbas of 5 cubits to the luggee. ,10 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- , Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... | cy raiyats. { Non-residenti Rent-free holdings Total B. K. CH. 0 16 11 217 6 6 72 4 8 1 1 11 1 5 3 51 13 10 B. K. CH. 0 16 1:1 5 60 7 4 7 1 1 4 1 5 3 5 14 13 1:::::: 344 8 1 ( 198 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES-continued. 51.- Village Mahunundpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Class of holding. Number I of l • holdings.. . Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CE. 3 15 6 130 15 7 201 15 10 4 18 5 B. K. CH. 3 15 6. 3 4 1. 5 1 12 4 18 5 Rs. A. P. | The area is shown in bighas 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled " rais Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... l. raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ...... 7 91 1 3 0 39 15 15 1 1 4 4 13 3 0 8 7 Total --- | .110 | 389 12 12 | .....: ... .. ... 52.- Village Mahadevpur, pargana Mirhinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled rai-ſ Resident ... yats. Non-residenti Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 18 13 12 4 12 14 2 15 1 B. K. CH. 2.13 6 4 12 14 1 7 8 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 26 1 11 . ••••• • 53.-Village Meerjupur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. *Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 77 4 6 103 18 1 11 10 4 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee, Settled rai-S Resident ... ! yats, Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Rent-free holdings. ... B. K. CH. 3 7 2 9 8 14 11 10 4. 2 16 7 6 3 14 0 14 2 amore 5 12 15 18 11 10 2 2 7 Total 218 19 11 54.–Village Raghoonathpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-s Resident ... 1 cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings • Total ... B. K. CH. 67 3 1 48 17 5 0 3 11 32 0 12 21 15 9 The area is shown in bighias of 5 cubits to the luggee. ܒܗ ܝܙ ܟܬ ܘ 1 -B. K. CH. 4 98 6 2 2 0 3 11 16 O 6 4 7 2 31 170 0 6 ...... 55.- Village' Rajagachhee, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K CH. 5 18 2 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee, Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. CH. 14] 14 13 6 7 1 3 16 6 151 18 4 3 3 8 3 16.6 27 56.-Village Ramkrishnapur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. B. X. (2. 87 19 8 B. K. CI. 7 6 10 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 12. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in, bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai, Resident ... yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident| cy raiyats. Total cor 136 19 · 1 9 2 10 224 18 9 (199) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI Estates-continued.' .. 57.- Village Lakhmipur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. . . A . 1 Class of holding. Number Iof. holdings. Area. Average area per. holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 1 . B. K. CH. 8 18 6 Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggée. yats. I Settled. rai: Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident. raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... B. K. CH. 160 10 10 13 11 3 268 18 12 443 0.9. 13 11 3 7 9.7 • 36 55 58.- Village Loidha, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas. of 5 cubits to the lugġee. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats.. Non-resident Non-occupan- Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 188 6 11 236 8 14 6 1 0 10 1 6 14 14 3 22 15 13 70 14 15 B. K. CH. 4 16 8 6 7 12 6 1 0 10 1 6 2 9 0 5 13 15 7 17 4 Total ... 97 549 2 14 59.- Village Loidha (Chhit), pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. B. K. CH. 5 8 12 | B. K, CH. 2 14 6 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Settled raiyats Resident... The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total • 5 8 12 2 14 6 :-Village Saktiħar, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 4 B. K. CH. 0 2 4 272 13 4 111 3 15 14 07 B. K. CH. 02 4 10 14 6 3 8 1 11 2 Proprietors' lands Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident cy raiyats. Ront-free holdings ... Total ... The area is shown in bighas of 5 çubits to the luggee. ... . 14 17 0 1 412 16 14 61.Dillage Sulumatpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. II GUT Rs. A. P. Rs. A, P. Rs. A. P. ...... ... B. K. CH. 12 0 15 207 13 5 • 28 7 5 Settled rai-S Resident yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CH. 3 0 3 7 8: 5 7 1 13 5 58 *** 2! 10 11 1 Total ... 38 25812 10 ( 200 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES--continued. 62.–Village Sulooka, pargana Mahinagur, distriet Malda. :: Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average rate per holding Rent. Average ratė per bigha. · Average rate per acre. REMARKS, 3 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. B. Rs. A. P. .B. K. CH. 1 5 2 132 7 2 27 7 2 22 10 14 Settled rai-s Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings .: Total ... B. K. CH. 15 2 14 14 2 4 11 3 7 10 5 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 19 183 10 4 63.- Village Shrikrishnapur, pargana Mahinagar, district. Malda. ; B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 391 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. pats. Settled rai. S Resident ... (Non-resident Non-occupan-Resident ... cy raiyats. ' Non-resident Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 183 11 11 36 2 8 1 8 12 1 16 9 21 17 4 WHOVA 云山44BB Total 244 16 12 64.- Village Sadhoohut, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. · Rs. A. P. s. A. P. Rs. A. P. ...... B. K. CH. 10 9 12 151 12 0 15 10 10 | Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident: Rent-free holdings Total ... B. K. CH. 2 1 15 5 10 2 4 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 177 12 6 65.— Village Sharangpur, pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. IU Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ...... 26 1 B. K. CH. · 89 4 8 2 8 6 29 18 2 Settled raia Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings . ... ! Total .. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CH. 3 8 10 2 8 6 5 19 10 32 121 11 0 C 66.- Village Huradayulpur,.pargana Mahinagar, district Malda. '. B. K CH. L 172 1 13 B. K. CH. 4 6 1 Rs. A. P. 40 Rs. A. P. : Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 3 8 3 Settled rai- Non-resident · yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 13 12 12 10 2 8 2 10 10 195 17 1 . 67.-Village Hureean, pargana Mahinagar, district Valda. - Rs, A. P. | Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. CA. - 8 6 0 415 191 14 5 3 B. K. CH. 8 6 0 4 7 9 Proprietors' private lands... Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 15 10 5 14 8. 91 11 15 Total 121 530 3 ( 201 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES--continued. Abstract, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Class of holding Number Lof holdings, Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. yats. Settled rai- $ Resident ... ? Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-residents Non-occupan. ( Resident ... ? cy raiyats. (Non-resident!) Rent-free holdings Total 507 B. K. CE 1,107 10 14 4 18 10 901 13 6 49 19 12 B. K. CH. 4 6 8 2 9 5 3 13 14 9 19 15 Rs. A. P. 899 2 3 3 0 9 683 5 9 ...... Rs. A. P. 1 0 130 0911 0 12 1 Rs. A. P. 2 7 3 1 14 0 2 4 8 The general rates in this pargana are 10 annas per bigha for cultivated fields, Rs. 3-12 for homesteads, and Rs. 1-14 for outskirts, of homestead. owners .. 2,064 2 10 1,585 8 9 1.- Village Hameedpur (alias Tootbaree), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. 2 5 6 Rs. A. P. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 1 B. K. CH. 2 5 6 Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. | ... The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total ...1 ...! 2 56 ..... ...... .... 2.- Village Hameedpur (alias Surkeekota), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. 38 19 12 B. K. CH. 4 6 11 Rs. A, P. Rs, A. P. Rs. A. P. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 38 19 12 3.- Village Singburee, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. 7 6 6 B. K. CH. 7 6 6 Rs. A. p. 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 3 15 1! 3 15 ] 11 DO Total ... ... 1 ...... 4.–Village Roopghat (alias Goughat), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 5 17 6 B. K. CH. 1 19 2 C Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total .. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 3 5 17 6 11 5.- Village Ramchundrapur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 53 6 10 1 19 15 6 14 0 B. K. CH. 1 10 12 1 9 15 0 13 6 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. S Resident ... | yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Total 40 62 0 9 62 0 0 .. ... 26 (202) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES--continued. 6.-Village Rughoonathpur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. L- Class of holding. Number of holdings. amber Area. Area. A vegyen Average area per holding Rent. Rent. Average rate per bigha. de Average rate per acre. date pent ROMARKS. 3 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. p. | B. K. CH. 53 19 8 19 19 4 2 10 3 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. 6 14 15 2 17 0 Rs. A. P.il The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 2 10 3 Total 16 l 76 8 15 7.-Village Meertulee (alias Thanthaniabasar), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. ! Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 39 39 Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 9 9 14 on.... The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident Nón-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. - Total ... 17 | 92 3 5 1 5 8 7 131 6 14 8.-Village Meanhut (alias Gouresvaree), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.: Rs. A. P. Settled rai. Non-resident B. K. CH. 12 10 10 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. yats. B. K. CH. 50 2 8 2 18 1 36 14 7 2 18 Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. 1 5 4 15 - Total ... 11 89 15 0 ... i 9,--Village Matapore (alias Aumuneegunge), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. p. Rs. A. P. 1 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. CH. 5 11 5 1 28 125 B. K, CE. 5 11 5 3 3 9 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. - - - Total -- Total 10 34 34 3 10 3 10 .... 10.-Village Majhugar, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. B. K. CH. 16 3 11 Rs. A. P. Rs, A. P. Rs. A, P, Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Total 3 19 | The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 114 5 13 6 0 6 I 130 9 8 ..O 11.- Village Makairampur (alias Makaramkhunce), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. CH. 39 5 10 B. K. CH. 3 18 9 10 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee, Total 39 5 10 ( 203 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES continued. 12.- Village Baidoghat, pargana Bratiya, district Malda. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre, REMARKS. Automation B. K. CH. 38 16 8 B. K. OH. 3 10 8 Rs. A. P. Rs. A P. Rs. A. B. 11 Non-oecupan. Non-resident og raiyats. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total 11 38 15 8 13.-Village Baikoonthapur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. LA B. K. CA 4 19 4 Rs, A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. 1 B. K. CH. 39 14 5 Rs. A. P. 8 5 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 12 9 4 2 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total o 9 13 13 152 3 9 14.- Village Badootlabaree, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. 9 2 4 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CE. 109 6 15 2 0 9 41 10 2 2 0 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan Non-resident cy raiyats. 9 10 4 3 0 Total 152 17 10 15.— Village Beaspur Dayurampur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 3 3 9 14 3 13 1 3 1 14 7 15 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident , cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total 32 18 6 ... ... ...... ..... 16.-Village Beaspur Patalchandee, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 205 15 15 T. B. K. CH. 6 4 12 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. yats. 69 0 0 4 8 5 Settled rai- Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 24 16 8 24 16 8 299 127 17.- Village Beaspur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. ! Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 30 B. K. CH. 46 6 4 94 4 5 9 8 14 17 13 7 Settled rai- 5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. ſ Resident ... | cy raiyats. (Non-resident The area is shown in biglas of 4 cubits to the luggee. B. K. CH. 3 11 4 3 2 12 0 16 11 1 19 4 Total ... 64 / 64 167 12 14 ...... ............. 2 6 2 ( 204 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES continued.. 18.- Village Buhadoopur Guneshbare, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Number Class of holding. 1. of Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. · REMARKS. holdings. 6 B. K. CH. 3 15 0 B. K. CH. 3 15 0 Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee.. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 11 13 81 3 17 8 Total ... 41 15 8 8 19.-Village Parbutipur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. CH. 65 3 13 B. K. CH. 5 8 10 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 10 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holding Total 1 8 7 45 12 13 5 14 5 1 8 3 10 5 14 7 3 5 27 117 19 6 20.--Village Paneekha (alias Kirtigunge), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. 4. P. Rs. A. P. B. I. CH. 7 7 0 B. K. CH. 3 13 8 Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. 45 0 11 5 12 9 Total ... 10 62 *7 11 ..... 21.- Village Pathurcatta, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. B. K. OH. 9 16.6 B. K. CH. 3 5 7 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Rs. A. P. | The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total ... 9 16 6 22.- Village Punjshala, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. - - B. K. Ch. i 2 18 11 B. K. CH. 2 18 l Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. Settled rai. Non-resident ' yats. Total ... 1 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the loggee. 2 2 18 18 1 1 ... - - 23.–Village, Nischintapur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. 1 B. K. CH. 40 7 8 Rs. 4. P. 1 B. I. CH. 3 7 6 Rs. A. P. | 12 Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 4 12 15 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occapan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 92 18 8 13 2 0 8 13 0 33 141 18 10 Unii ( 205 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES—continued. 24. - Village Tarachandbaree (alias Bejkanee), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. II Class of holding. Number holdings. of Area. Average area per holding. Rent Average area per bigha. Average rate per acre, REMARKS. B. K. CH. 5 6 7 1 B. K. CH.) 1.6 10 1 Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. I- Total ... 417671 25.- Village Jhubragachhee, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 20 11 4 1 1 B. K.CH. 10 0 8 1 1 0 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... ... The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. las 5 24 2 2 26.— Village Jote-Nursing (alias Hubuskhan), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. | 16 B. K. Ch. 64 19 13 33 15 15 B. K. CH. 4 1 4 28 51 Rs. A. P. The area is shown in biglas 1 of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident: yats, Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 30 98 15 12 27.–Village Chandkhan (alias Tarachandbaree), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Non-occupancy Non-resident raiyats. B. K. CH. 1 17 8 1 B. K. CH, 1 17 8 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total .... 1 17 8 28.-Village Gungarumpur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. 1. CH. 44 18 6 49 7 2 7 12 5 5 10 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Total B. K. CH. 1 15 14 3 10 8 0 15 0 0 5 10 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 101 18 14 29.–Village Krishnapur, pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. Rs. A. P. 1 B. K. CH. 24 7 2 Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 24 7 2 Rs. A. P. rai Settled yats. Non-l'esident 1 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total Total .. 11 24 7 2 24 7 2 . ... .. ( 206 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES.---- Continued. 30.- Village Kuligunge (alias Kalapahar), pargana Bhatiya, district Malda. . Class of holding Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average area per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. Rs. A. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai- $ Resident ... yats. i ? Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total B. K. CH. 23 15 9 20 1 13 2 194 46 96 8 5 12 B. K. CA. 3 15 5 0 7 2 19 4 5 16 2 8 5 12 101 11 12 Abstract of pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. _ _ - - - Rs. A. P. | B. K. CH. 0 4 11 .880 2 12 15.751 7 5 B. K. CH. 0 4 11 7 3 1 Rs. A. P. ...... 106 373 4 01 0 6 9 5 18 14 19.589 11 11 0 9 8 1 Proprietors' private lands... Raiyat at 5 Resident ... 12 fixed rates. Non-residents settea la Hesident. ",1} 2649 yats. Non-resident 3 4050 Occupancy Resident ... | raiyats. Non-residenti Š 30 Non-occupan- Resident ...! cy raiyats. (Non-residents Rent-free holdings The general rate of rent for all classes of raiyats in this pargana is 10 annas 8 pies per bigha. The aver. age rates appear different in consequence of excess areas being left unassessed in many cases. 1 1 | 208 0 4 550 6 12 171 14 1 6 18 10 2 8 4 7 3 1 112 3 355 14 1 4 0 1 6 4 1 4 3 6 8 0 10 4 • 1 24 Total 3055 17,561 15 13 10,431 1 3 1.-Village Baikanthpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Settled rai-ſ Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total covo co B. K. CH, 8 6 2 19 8 13 7 2 1 9 4 0 0 12 13 B. K. CH. 2 15 6 1 9 14 1 0 5 3 1 5 0 12 13 Rs. A. P. 7 3 5 0 7 0 4 11 6 5 6 0 Rs. A. P. 0 14 0 0 0 6 0 7 9 0 9 6 Rs. A. P. 1 11 0 The area is shown in bighas 0 0 9 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. O 15 0 1 2 3 44 13 13 17 12 0 2.-Village Birahimpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. | Rs. A. P. 199 3 13 13 2 0 0 B. K. CH. 402 5 9 390 6 6 1 10 7 19 10 3 47 1 6 Rs. A. P.| Rs. A. P. 420) 4 9 1 0 9 37 5 0 0 1 9 1 13 6 1 3 3 13 0 3 0 10 8 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 3 Settled rai. S Resident ..., yats. (Non-resident Non-occupan- 5 Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings Total 6 12 06 1 19 10 3 9 8 4 Rica Coco 2 6 1 4 1 209 860 13 15 472 7 6 3.- Village Bishnu Prasad, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. B. K. CH. 377 16 12 16 8 1 275 14 8 4 7 8 65 4 12 4 70) 60 2 4 12 07 Settled rai-Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-S Resident ... | cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Total ... Rs. A. P. 231 4 6 174 9 6 33 0 3 36 15 6 Rs. A. P. 09 9 0 10 0 08 3 09 9 Rs. A. P. 1 2 9 1 3 6 1 0 0 1 2 9 The area is shown in bighas 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 778 18 4 ...... 475 13 9 ( 207 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES—continued. 4.-Village Chuck Dharumpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Class of holdings. Number of holdings, Area. . Average area per holding, Rent. Average rate per bigha, Average rate per acre, REMARKS. 1 6 . 8 Rs. A. P. 1 49 19 61 Rs. A. P. 1 0 6 Rs. A. P. 2 0 0 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai Non-resident yats, Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total B. K. CH. | B. K. CH. 48 2 5 3 8 14 36 6 14 :36 6 14 1 4 15 14 15 24 3 3 0 10 8 1 47 85 13 2 73 13 9 5.- Village Devipur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Settled rai- Resident ... yats. 2 Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K, CH. 341 8 5 376 4 1 7 13 3 B. K. CI, 7 18 12 4 19 0 1 5 8 1 1 Rs. 4. P. Rs. A. P. 332 14 3 0 14 6 148 13 0 063 3 9 6 LO 76 485 4 9 Rs. A. P. 1 12 3 0 12 0 0 14 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total · 125 725 5 9 6.- Village Dharumpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Settled rai. S Resident ..., yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ...! cy raiyats. 2 Non-resident Total B. K. CE. 149 1 6 162 8 12 4 1 3 13 12 12 B. K. CH. 3 9 5 5 12 0 1 7 1 2 14 9 Rs. A. P. 139 15 9 23 10 3 2 11 6 6 6 3 Rs. A. P. 0 15 0 0 2 3 0 10 9 0 7 6 Rs. A. P. 1 14 0 0 4 6 1 4 6 0 14 6 The area is shown in big has | of 5 cubits to the luggee. 329 4 1 172 11 9 7.-Village Ganga Prasad, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. 113 Settled rai- , Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occnpan- 5 Resident .. cy raiyats. Non-resident B. K. CH. 507 4 2 83 11 11 13 1 10 B. K. OH. Rs. A, P. 4 9 121 725 0 9 2 17 10 78 44 6 3 5 6 1 10 13 0 Rs. A. P. 1 6 6 0 15 0 0 13 9 Rs. A. P. 2 11 6 1 13 0 1 10 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 36 10 12 8 9 1 1 16 2 16 9 6 | 25 96 7 15 6 0 11 31 0 15 0 1 1 5 1 13 9 0 Total 169 648 17 4 848 6 0 8.- Village Hurcepota, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. 133 3 15 B. K. CH. 2 18 0 Rs. A. P. 28 7 3 Rs. A. P, 0 3 9 Rs. A. p. 0 7 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai. Non-resident. yats. Non-occupan Non-resident. cy raiyats. Total , 3 12 5 1 16 2 2 6 3 0 10 8 1 4 6 136 16 4 1 ..to 30 13 6 . 9.Village Jote Domun, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. B. I. CH. 275 3 6 306 8 5 7 5 12 B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. 5 3 14 | 121 10 0 3 14 12 54 3 9 3 12 14 4 13 6 Rs. A. P. 070 0 2 9 0 10 8 Rs. A. P. 0 13 6 The area is shown in bighas 0 5 3 1 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 4 6 Total 137 588 17 7 . 180 180 11 3 ( 208 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES — continued. 10.- Village Jote Kabeel, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. . Number Class of holding. of Area. Average area per Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. holdings. holding B. K. CH. Rs. A. P. 2 5 9 B. K. CF. 164 16 3 350 11 6 7 4 5 12 8 34 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident Rs. A. P. 1 3 6 0 12 9 O 12 6 1 1 Rs. A. P.! 201 96 239 8 6 5 7 3 7 1 9 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 7 8 4 1 4 14 fico ooo 1 8 9 17 3 1 5 3 Total 535 0 12 453 11 0 11.- Village Lakhmipur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. - - Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 270 as to yats. SN The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 178 Settled rai. S Resident ... Non-resident Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. ? Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. ? Non-resident| Total ... B. K. CH. 2,328 10 5 1,012 8 5 13 19 15 12 00 18 5 5 1 15 14 B. K. CH. 8 12 8 5 13 12 3 9 11 2 8 0 6 ( 14 0 17 15 Rs. A. P. 1,213 13 6 379 6 3 7 7 6 6 7 0 10 5 0 0 15 0 08 6 O 8 6 0 9 0 O 8 3 O O OO? WOOOOO! O 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 6 6 NO 3 465 3,386 19 12 ....... 1,618 6 3 w 12.-Village Krishnapur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. LE B. K. CH. 10 8 12 Rs. A. P. 13 15 61 Rs. A. P. 0 10 9 ! ar 3 3 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. Settled rai. S Resident ...! yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total B. K. CH. 20 17 8 23 15 7 134 4 2 2 13 0 7 11 3 34 141 13 1 12 4 3 14 2 13 0 7 11 3 6 0 3 Rs. A. P. 1 4 9 The area is ahown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 2 13 0 2 1 0 1 4 6 1 7 1 1 0 10 3 0 8 189 1 4 192 0 3 13.- Dillage Jote Munsa, pargana Akbarabad, district'Malda. B. K. CH. 140 4 0 Rs. 4. P. 60 4 9 Rs. 4. P. 0 6 9 B. K. CH. 3 12 2 1 13 14 Settled rai. Non-resident yats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... Rs. A. P. ( 13 3 1 4 6 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 13 14 1 2 3 0 10 8 *** 40 | 141 17 14 .. 6170 14.- Village Mastafapur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. 2 15 8 8 8 4 2 0 5 Rs. A. P. 351 9 0 177 8 0 1 5 6 B. K ch. 197 0 14 474 19 14 2 0 5 8 O 13 Rs. A. P. 1 12 6 1 0 6 0 0 10 8 yats. Settled rai. 5 Resident ... Nou-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... ! cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total Rs. A. P. 3 7 0 The area is shown in bighas 0 11 6 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 4 6 1 6 9 1 12 2 5 14 3 07 13 19 10 6 19 13 696 1 8 536 4 9 ( 209 ) SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES continued. 15.- Village Mehera, pargana Akbarabad, district Mulda. Class of holding. Number of holdings. · Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre, REMARKS. 106 40 Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-resident Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. (Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... B. K. CH. 640) 6 11 276 16 14 13 4 7 14 17 3 9 11 6 B. K. CH. 5 1 16 6 18 7 0 17 1.0 2 27 4 15 11 Rs. A. P. 391 2 9 99 6 3 11 7 9 10 6 ...... Ainoa 15 Rs. A. P. 0 11 6 0 6 9 0 14 0 0 11 Rs A. P. 1 6 3 The area is shown in bighas 0 13 3 of 5 cubits to the luggee, 1 11 0 1 5 9 Ooo Total 170 854 16 9 512 6 11 16.-Village Shahpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Settled rai-S Resident ... yats. ' Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. B. K. CH. 80 5 7 22 12 2 2 5 1 B. K. CH. 4 0 4 1 17 11 1 2 8 Rs. A. P. 57 16 3 12 3 9 1 8 Rs. A. P. 0 11 6 0 9 9 0 10 9 Rs. A. P. 1 6 3 The area is shown in bighas 1 2 91 of 5 cubits to the luggee. 1 4 9 GO Total 34 105 2 10 ...... 71 11 3! ..... 17.- Village Shiyamdaspur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. 134 9 1 272 10 11 3 3 6 B. K. CH. 3 16 13 | 3 14 12 1 11 11 Rs. A. P. 117 14 0 54 12 3 2 3 6 Rs. A. P. 0 14 0 0 3 9 0 10 6 Rs. A. P. 1 11 0 0 7 6 1 4 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Settled rai-5 Resident ... yats. Non-resident | Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan-Resident ... | cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings 6 10 12 15 8 8 1 14 11 0 16 6 2 12 9 1 14 11 4 10 5 3 6 0 10 1 2 ...... 6 0 1 2 4 2 3 9 Total ... 126 433 17 1 ... 189 3 31 18.- Village Huddeenagar, pargana Akbarabad, district Maldn. Settled yats. rai- Non-resident B. K. CH. 1,141 6 8 B. K. CH. 40 15 4 Rs. A. P. 784 10 0 1 Rs. A. P. 0 11 3 Rs. A. P. 2 1 9 ! The area is shown in bighas 1 of 4 cubits to the luggee. Total ... 1 28 1,141 6 8 784 10 0 1 . 19.- Village Mahammadgur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. 644 17 8 258 12 15 143 1 13 B. K. CH. 1 Rs. A. P. 25 15 14 167 28 14 12 85 2 35 15 71 78 2 3 Rico J co Rs. A. P. 0 4 3 0 5 3 011 7 Rs. A. P. 0 12 6 The area is shown in bighas 0 15 10 1 of 4 cubits to the luggee. 2 3 0 Settled rai- Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 1 10 4 1 10 41 17 oo 0 15 3 2 14 0 39 1,048 2 8 ...... ... i ..... 20 ( 210 ). SRINAGAR AND BANAILI ESTATES--continued. Abstract of Seven vållages--Gopinathpur and others, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. - Class of holding, Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per acre. REMARKS. 4, 6 7 Proprietors' private landş... Settled pai, Resident ... yats. Non-residents Occupancy S Resident ... raiyats. (Non-residents Non-occupan. S Resident ... 12 cy raiyats. Non-residents Rent-free holdings Tntal B. K. CH. 0 4 11 | 3,417 70 14 19 1 156 6 12 78 2 10 B. K. CE. Rs. A. P. 0 4 11 5 2 14 2,378 15 10 2 2 11 3 0 6 2 1 2 107 11, 9 7 16 4 3,389 12 1 Rs. A. P. ...... 0 11 2 0 3 2 O 10 11 Rs. A. P. ...... 1 5 8 0 6 2 1 5 2 36,667 0 2 1.- Village Gopinathpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. _ Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. ...... 11 B. K. CH. 4 10 1 13 18 6 0 4 3 R. K. CH. 1 2 2 1 5 5 0 4 3 Settled rai. S Resident ... | yats.. Non-resident Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Total 18 12 10 2.- Village Ramanathpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Rs. A. P. | Rs. A. P. Rs. 4. P. B. K. CH. 2 18 7 2 3 0 5 13 1 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. ...... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings B. K. CH. · 2 18 7 66 13 9 5 13 1 7 15 7 10 15 10 93 16 2 1 11 1 3 11 14 Total 3.-Village Gopal Prusad, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Rs. A. P. 1 Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 0 4 11 31 7 13 25 0 1 0 3 4 B. K. CH. 0 4 11 0 19 0 1 15 11 0 1 10 The area is shown in bigbas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Proprietors' private lands ... Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings Total 004 4 10 14 004 1 10 4 61 6 15 4.- Village Joyanteepur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. 295 7 4 B. K. CH. 4 3 3 Rs, A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. yats. Settled rai. Non-resident Non-occupan- Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings ... ... Total | 64 1 jo 32 18 12 95| 3927 10 3 1 0 10 19 9 ...... ..... | - - --- . ( 211 ) SRINAGAR AND BÁNAILI ESPÁTes—continued. 5.- Villagè Noyabad, pargana Akbarábad, district Maldà. Class of holding Class of holding. Number 1 of holdings. Number Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average rate per bigha. Average rate per aore: REMARKS: 1 3 8 . B. K. C. 123 15 13 B. K. ci. 4 15 4 Rs. A. P.! Rs. 4. . ...... Rs. A. P. The area is shown in- bigba's of 5 cubits to the luggee: 4 10 10 Settled rai- Non-resident yats. occupancy Non-resident raiyats. Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Rent-free holdings ... ... Total ... 4 10 10 13 11 12 4 10 9 29 17 61 29 17 6 31 171 15 9 6.–Village Pratappur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. 214, The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. 168 B, K. CA. 9 4 19 7 7 15 1 16 1 ...... B. K. CH. 1,065 6 9 1,241 1 8 3 12 2 19 18 7 32 16 10 Settled rai. | Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ...! raiyats. (Non-resident ..... 1 2 1 16 2 8 Total ... ? 420 2,362 15 41 .... .... .. 7.-Village Chak Pratabpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K 6 16 CH. 1 Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 265 6 8 282 1 1 1 0 0 Rs. A. P.! Rs. &. P. 5 8 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 7 100 Settled rai. S Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-occupan. S Resident ... cy raiyats. {Non-resident Total 0 19 16 19 1 6 0 2 9 8 8 8 ... 101 566 60 Abstract of three villages-Chak Laloo and others, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. B. K. CH. 121 Raiyats at Resident ... fixed rates. { Non-resident Settled rai- ( Resident ... yats. Non-resident Occupancy Resident ... | raiyats. Non-residents Non-occupan-ſ Resident ... cy raiyat. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... Total B. K. CH. 859 5 4 278 17 101 3 1 2 10 10 31 11 15 7 69 14 6 1 10 9 2 2 0 11 15 g Rs. A. p.Rs. A. P. | 359 4 6 0 6 8 66 0 0 0 39 1 15 0 10 10 1 4 8 6 0 6 10 Rs. A. P. 1 0 5 08 1 85 0 10 9 - ...... 133 1,163 9 10 431 12 0 1.- Village Chak Laloo, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 120 2 9 5 136 35 19 12 B. K. CH. 2 17 3 1 17 14 17 18 6 The area is shown in bighas of 43 cubits to the luggee. Raiyats at 5 Resident fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai- Non-resident yats. Occupancy Resident ... raiyats. Non-resident Non-occupan. Non-resident cy raiyats. Total ... 1 10 5 1 10 13 1 19 0 1 10 6 . 1 10 13 0 13 0 52 166 12 3 2 c2 ( 212 ) . . SRNAGAR AND BAINAILI ESTATES--concluded. • 2.-Village Kabirajpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda. Class of holding. Number of holdings. Area. Average area per holding. Rent. Average area por bigha. Average area per acre. REMARKS. | 2 6 Rs. A. P.! Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. 473 19 12 | 122 3 11 Raiyats at Non-resident fixed rates. Settledrai. Non-resident yats. Total ... B. K. CH. 12 9 8 122 3 11 The area is shown in bighas of 4 cubits to the luggee. 1 39 89 596 37 3.- Village Srinibashpur, pargana Akbarabad, district Malda, Rs. A. p. 1 Rs. 4. p. 1 Rs. A. P. B. K. CH. B. K. CH. 146 19 6 11 6 2 112 10 4 4 10 0 120 17 3 | 120 17 3 The area is shown in bighas of 5 cubits to the luggee. Raiyats at Resident .. fixed rates. Non-resident Settled rai. Resident ... yats. Non-occupan. Resident ... cy raiyats. Non-resident Rent-free holdings ... 7 11 7 0 19 12 11 15 7 7 117 0 19 12 11 15 7 1 7 Total 42 400 13 61 **** - BENGAL SURVEY. INDEX TO THE CADASTRAL SURVEY IN THE SRINAGAR COURT OF WARDS AND BANAILI RAJ ESTATES. NAE P . Darjeeling Scale 1 Inch = 15 Miles. LO 20 JALPA 10 30 Miles EEEEEE PER XP HARP TIRAKHARDAH Red portion is area oeld jointly by the Banauli and Srinagar Estates, Green portion is area held solely by the Srinagar Estates. AGURI A NGA AKRABAD OBHAOR Bahadurganj Şupaul DEHLAT Rahikpur Raniganj KHUB KUND TAMPUR HAVELI p ARK AND oDoramadehpura Kosi HASH PR. S PURNEA "Bubhangaon RSVN GHP TI A R B HA A Padri. PERG DA A RAMPUR DHARAMP N “Ναϊρμα o Gondwars CHAT s ogramowany PO KAO SUJANA i ++++ ++ Balla KY A gugaR. . Buhwanipur quonghy Monghya LINAGAR + MAHIN Ρ Α Τ Ν Α : HOM BHAGALPUR Abhaypur Maldah Umba Dighi IT WALL AS KATW OMALDA AKBERABAD Jainui U N A Dara JT LA G A Y A BHAT OR GA N H Bowsi Kalauria s Muhaisri I RH I HA ZA RIBAGH MURSHIDABAD IAL – P A S ON TH Reg. No. 698, Bengal, Rev.-Jan. 95-100. Litzo., S.I.O., Calcutta ( 213 ) Dated Caloutta, the 15th February 1894. From--M, FINUCANE, Esq., on special duty, To-The Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. WITH reference to your No. 603L.R., dated the 3rd February 1894, I have the honour to submit a note, dated the 14th instant, on the maintenance of the records in the Srinagar-Baneli estates, and, as suggested in paragraph 13, would recommend that Babu Barham Deo Narain be posted to Bhagalpur instead of Bankipore on termination of the special duty on which he has hitherto been employed. ( 214 ) 8th February 1894,--Arrived at Bhagalpur on the night of the 8th February. 9th to 12th February 1894.-Saw Babu Wooma Charan Bose, Manager of the Baneli Raj, with Babu Barham Deo Narain in the Bhagalpur Col- Arrangements made in the Srinagar- . lector's office. The manager of the Srinagar estate, Babu Baneli estates for registration of muta- tions, Bishun Chand, was not present, having gone to Allahabad with the mother of the proprietors of that estate. Babu Wooma Charan Bose, Manager of the Baneli estate, informs me that he is endeavouring to keep up registers of mutation in the form annexed :- Consecutive number. Name and residence of · the applicant. Name of mauza. Area of land to be trans- Number in khasra and the parcha. ferred. Jama according to par- cha and hustbood. Area of lands remaining after mutation. Jama remaining after mutation. REMARKS. Under whose order the mutation took place. Amount of fees and H 2 1 3. 1 4 5 6 7 10 One register only is kept up to the present time for one circle (Gogri). 2. I saw and examined this register. The circle contains 126 villages with an area of 198 square miles, 15,602 raiyats, and a rental. of Rs. 1,81,507. In the year 1298F.S., there were only 76 mutations registered,. in 1299F.S, 62 mutations, and 122 in 1300F.S. All these mutations related, the manager informs me, to the transfers by sale of whole holdings or parts of holdings. Transfers by succession are not registered, the names of the original jotedars being allowed to remain on the records. The manager says as long as the rent is paid zamindars do not concern themselves about the names of tenants who have succeeded by inheritance, nor do proprietors care about having all the facts relating to holdings correctly recorded up to date as long as they receive the rent from somebody. It is only when going into court to sue for arrears of rent that the landlords need ascertain the correct state of things up to date of suing. 3. The estate does not keep up a separate establishment for the purpose of finding out on the ground what changes have taken place by succession, by sale, abandonment of hold- ings, or otherwise, but waits till application for mutation is made to the sub-manager by transferees, who produce kewalas or deeds of sale in proof of the fact of transfer. In case the sub-manager is doubtful whether the transfer is bonâ fido, he sends for the patwari and makes enquiries; but ordinarily registers the transfer on payment of the fee demanded, if the transferee agrees to pay up all arrears of rent due from the land. There is no fixed rule as to the amount of mutation fee realized in these cases. On examining the registers I find that fees were realized generally at the rate of 8 annas a bigha, but in some instances the fees were remitted. The registers for 1298 and 1299 are incomplete. In 1299 the area registered as transferred was 240 bighas, and the amount of fees realized Rs. 83. In 1300F.S. the area registered as transferred was 657 bighas with a jama of Rs. 1,381, and the amount of fees realized was Rs. 204. 4. No attempt has been made to keep the maps corrected Maps. up to date. It is apparently hopeless to expect any joint action towards maintaining the records on the part of the Srinagar and Baneli estates. It is now proposed to make a partition of these estates on the basis of the settlement records. If any real attempt is to be made to keep up the records, it must be made by the Baneli estate under the management of Babu Wooma Charan Bose, Manager of Baneli, who is a Deputy Collector. I pointed out to this gentleman that no real attempt is being made to maintain the records and correct the maps, and asked what he would suggest. Ho said he agreed that no effective attempt is being niade to keep up the records; that he personally is of opinion that it would be to the interest of the estate to have them kept up; but added that, unless a special and trained establishment is appointed for the purpose, and unless some legal force is attached to the mutation entries to be made from year to year, he does not see how the records and maps are to be kept corrected. He thinks that the Baneli Raj would not be willing to increase the present establishment in order to have the records kept up to date. force is attached and trained establinterest of the estep up the recomand suggest. He made to ( 215 ) esent establir - eltogod to enter tent Down thing Three , 1 ... 40 = 40 More might be done, however, with the present establishment than has hitherto been done. The manager has now altogether bight men on his establishment who have been trained to survey. Some of Two men on ... 20 = 60 these men were got from the Survey and Settlement Depart- One mani ... 30 = 30 ment, and some are amins who were previously employed by the estate. They receive salaries on the scale noted in the .margin, and are at present employed on miscellaneous work, Total per annum such as enquiries relating to civil suits in parts of the estate which have not been brought under settlement, 5. In an estate of this kind where the proprietors are not working together for their common good, and are unwilling to employ the special establishment requisite for mainten- ance of the records, I despair of being able to suggest any plan of maintaining the records by them or by an agenoy under their exclusive control, and would only look to the operation of the proposed law for the maintenance of land records to effect anything like adequate arrange- ments for the maintenance of the records. 6. Meanwhile I have suggested to the Manager of the Baneli estate that if a copy of the khasra and khatian relating to his village is given to each Suggestions for maintaining the patwari, the latter might be called upon to report annually records. The mutations in the following form :- Serial number. Number of the khatian from which fields are transferred. Name of the recorded tenant and his father's Present jama of the name. holding. Numbers of the plots transferred. Area transferred. Jama of plots transfere Name, father's name, and residence of the person in whose favour transfer made. new Nature of the transfer, i.e., whether by sale inheritance, or settlement. Number of the khatian, new holding is to be amalgamated. Area left in possession of the previously ro. corded tenant. Jama payable by pre- viously recorded ten- ant for arae left in his possession. Fees paid by the succes- sor to the landlords. red. 07 co _ On receipt of this report one of the amins at present emploged might go on the spot and enquire whether the change reported had taken place; if so, the necessary alteration might be made in the khatians in the tahsil office under the sub-manager's order or supple- mentary khatians might be prepared under his directions. This, and the recording of muta- tions as at present reported by the purchasers, might enable the sub-manager to obtain some- thing like a correct record of the existing state of things. All attempts to prepare crop statements by the present establishment must be abandoned. 7. The scheme suggested is of course extremely imperfect, and all that can be said for it is that it is better than the practical abandonment of all attempts to maintain the records. Babu Wnoma Charn Bose says he can have these suggestions carried out so long as he is manager, and has no objection to reporting to the Collector for merely statistical purposes the number of mutations and area transferred by sale, successions, or otherwise. 8. It is to be observed that in the year 1300F.S., when the registration was best, the Remarks on changes recorded. number of mutations registered of whole holdings or parts of holdings was 122 out of 15,602 holdings, or less than one per cent, and that though the fee realized was generally levied at the very high rate of 8 annas per bigha, the total amount realized was only Rs. 204. These figures are of some importance as indicating what might be expected from the proceeds of fees, by voluntary registration of transfers of holdings by sale, under the scheme proposed for the maintenance of the records in Bihar.. Taking the Muzaffarpur district with an area of 3,000 square miles (say 15 times as large as the Gogri circle), and assuming that transfers were to be registered voluntarily on the same scale and at the same rate as they are now being registered in Gogri, the total amount of the fees that might be expected is about Rs. 3,000 per annum. This sum would be realized for registration of transfers by sale. Transfers by succession are not, as already remarked, registered in Gogri at all, and are not, I fear, likely to be registered elsewhere as long as the landlord is willing to accept rent from the successors of deceased tenants, unless an establishment is appointed whose duty it would be to go on the spot and find out what changes have actually taken, place, whether by inheritance, sale, new settle- ments, or otherwise. 9. I am afraid: nothing can be now done to keep the maps corrected. Efforts were made to get the patwaris trained in surveying, but without success. The proprietors are not willing to employ a special establishment of amins for the purpose. The result is that the maps must remain as they are until a Bill for the maintenance of the records is passed. ( 216 ) 10. Correction of the records by Babu Barham Deo Narain.-Babu Barham Deo Narain informs me that he has now completed the correction of the settlement records. There were altogether 2,222 mistakes, classified as follows: (1) Mistakes made by the patwaris or Raj officers in stating former rent or area 314 (2) Mistakes made in transcribing figures from one paper to another ... ... 212 (3) Mistakes of arithmetical caloulation Do. arising from misunderstanding of judgments... 131 Do. made from omission to carry out orders for correction Other kinds 81 453 406 .... Total Mistakes in copying 1,597 625 2,222 Total Classified as to amount, the mistakes stand thus:- Under 1 anna From 1 to 2 annas 2, 4 19 „ 8 annas 1 rupee 5 rupees Rs. 5, 10 , 10 , 25 , , 25, 50 Mistakes not affecting amount of rent 186 131 198 210 233 386 4, nas 81 41 12 744 Total 2,222 The Deputy Collector has made the necessary corrections in the Collector's copy of the khatians and in the landlord's copies, and also in the raiyat’s parchas whenever the latter produced their copies for correction, but many of the raiyats did not produce their parchas. In cases in which the raiyats did not produce their parchas for correction, the Deputy Collec- tor has noted in the Collector's copy that the copy of the khatian in possession of the raiyat is incorrect to the extent mentioned in the order of correction. 11. The procedure adopted by Babu Barham Deo Narain for correction of mistakes was as follows:- When he received objection to the entries made in the records from either land- lord or tenant, he got a report from the office as to whether the alleged mistake appeared to exist, then he issued notice to the opposite party calling on him to attend on a specified date. and where he found a mistake of caloulation or copying, he made the necessary corrections in presence of both parties when they attended, or in the presence of the party who did attend. His final report is now ready for submission. I examined some of the records; the corrections have been made in red ink and are signed by the Deputy Collector. 12. Realigation of the outstanding balance of the costs. There is an outstanding balance due on account of costs of survey and record of rights- Of Rs. 34,978 7 0 from the raiyats. , 14,717 4 2 , Srinagar. Total ... 49,695 11 2 On the other hand, the Baneli Raj has paid Rs. 11,028-12-4 more than its share. The Board in their No. 332A., dated 6th November 1890, sanctioned the entertainment of an establishment by Mr. Rickets, the late Wards' Manager of the Baneli estate, for preparing lists showing the names of tenants and amounts due from them, and for realizing these amounts Mr. Rickets had these lists prepared and collected Rs. 6,261-7-1 from the tenants before the estate passed out of the hands of the Court of Wards; but instead of paying this sum to Government and handing the lists over to the Collector, he deposited it in the Collec- tor's treasury to the credit of the Srinagar estate which drew it from the treasury, and he handed the nominal lists over to the patwaris. It is now necessary to make out new lists. and for this purpose an establishment of six muharrirs on Rs. 15 a month for four months is required at Bhagalpur. Lists will have to be prepared in Monghyr and Malda also. I will ask the Board to sanction this establishment at once. It was proposed by the late Collector, Mr. Marindin, to have the amounts due from the raiyats collected by a kanungo. The Board have already approved of the deputation of a kanungo for this purpose, but nothing has yet been done. . ( 217 ) 13. The balance due from the Srinagar estate is plus Rs. A. P. 14,717 4 2 6,261 lg 1 wrongly drawn by it from the treasury. 20,978 11 3 This amount should, I think, be realized at once by certificate procedure, if necessary. Babu Barham Deo Narain should, in my opinion, be posted to Bhagalpur instead of Bankipore, and he should be put in charge of the realization of the outstanding balance of cost of survey and settlement, and should see to the immediate collection of what is due. Mr. Quinn agrees. 14. I annex a statement, prepared by Babu Barham Deo Narain under my instructions, showing the number of mutations which have actually taken place since 1888 and the number registered in the landlord's office. The Babu visited this village and made enquiries from the raiyats with the settlement maps and records in his hands. I was unable to visit this or any of the Srinagar-Baneli villages myself, as none of them is close to head-quarters, and there are no bungalows situated near them. This statement shows that in 283 holdings there were 69 mutations of some sort since 1888, but that of these only three were registered in the landlord's office. M. FINUCANE. The 14th February 1894. Statement showing changes in the raiyati holdings of mausa Mohesh Phoont, pargana Farakhya, district Monghyr, since the survey of the village in 1888. DESCRIPTION. Number. Area. Amount of rent, REMARKS. Tng Rs. A. P. 3,302 13 6 B, K. D. 1,555 16 17 67 0 19 22 8 4 When a holding is purchased by the landlord, it is designated as kamut, but the lands are not culti- vated by them. They let the lands to other tenants on rugdeo or notoi term. The condi. tion of qugdee settlement is that the new tenant should pay up the decretal money. Total according to settlement ... ... Purchased by landlords , in execution of decree. Purchased by others in execution of deorees. Purchased by private sale ... .. Succeeded by inheritance ... ... Holdings abandoned Total changes Mutation registered by the landlords ... 19 1 13 222 14 6 10 6 9 157 6 3 54 6 9 39 90 467 14 6 22 lõ 0 742 2 6 69 341 11 11 16 14 14 37 10 3 BARHAM DEO NARAIN, Deputy Collector. The 15th February 1894. 2 a ( 218 ) UN No. 1655E.R., dated Calcutta, the 26th March 1894. From--T. W. RICHARDSON, Esq., Under-Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department, To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Land Revenue Department. IN forwarding herewith copy of a note recorded by Mr. Finucane, c.s., dated the 14th February 1894, on the maintenance of the records of the survey and settlement of the Srinagar-Baneli estates, I am directed to request the Board to be so good as to submit a special and early report on Mr. Finucane's suggestions. Deputy Collector Baby Barham Deo Narain bas, by Appointment Department Notification No. 1820A., dated 12th March 1894, been transferred to the head-quarters station of the Bhagalpur district, ( 219 ) suggestions machance of the records iclal establishment it in the remark made No. 457A., dated Calcutta, the 3rd April 1894. From--C. W. BOLTON, Esq., Secretary to the Board of Revenue, L.P., To-The Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. I AM directed to acknowledge the receipt of Government order No. 1655L.R., dated the 26th March 1894, forwarding, THE HON'BLE C. C. STEVENS. SNS for report, a copy of a note recorded by Mr, M. Formonit Finucane, C.s., dated the 14th February 1894, on the maintenance of the records of the survey and settlement of the Srinagar-Baneli estates, and to submit the following report on the subject. 2. Paragraph 5 of the note.- The Board entirely agree in the remark made in this paragraph. Without an official establishment it is hopeless to expect efficient maintenance of the records in estates under private management. The suggestions made in paragraph 6 are, however, likely to secure better results than the action hitherto taken, and it may be hoped that they will be carried out with some care and perseverance by the management. 3. Paragraph 9 of the note.-The Board also agree in Mr. Finucane's remarks regarding the correction of maps. 4. Paragraph 10 of the note.--Mr. Finucane says that the Deputy Collector has made the necessary corrections in the raiyats' parchas whenever they pro- duced their copies for correction, but that many of the raiyats did not produce their parchas. It would have been useful to know how many of the raiyats affected did produce their parchas to have the corrections made. 5. Paragraph 11 of the note.-The Board see no objection to the procedure followed by Babu Barham Deo Narain for the correction of mistakes in the records. 6. Paragraph 12 of the note.---Mr. Finucane states that Mr. Ricketts, the late Manager of the Srinagar estate, collected Rs. 6,261-7-1 from the tenants before the estate passed out of the hands of the Court of Wards; but that instead of paying this sum to Government and banding the demand lists over to the Collector, he deposited it in the Collector's treasury to the credit of the Srinagar estate, which drew it from the treasury. The Collector has subsequently reported on the 2nd March 1894 that he has looked up some of the chalans under which the money was deposited in the treasury, and finds that the officers who realized the money are responsible for having credited it to the Srinagar estate. The money was collected partly by the Settlement Officers and partly by the manager. Two chalans-one signed by Mr. Collin, the Settlement Officer, and the other for him by his head clerk-distinctly state that the amounts tendered to the treasury were “to be credited in favour of the Srinagar ward's estate." The chalans presented by the amla of the Srinagar estates give no information as to the heading under which the amount should have been credited, and in one case at least, rents, cesses and the cost of survey were paid into the treasury under one chalan. There is nothing in the Collector's office to show how Mr. Collin's establishment came to make such a mistake, but a copy of the letter No. 82T., of the 5th May 1890, from the Director of Land Records, Bengal, directing that the amounts realized should be remitted to the Government treasury and credited to Government, having been sent to the Srinagar Manager, it is clear that the mistake of his office is due to want of distinct instructions from him. 7. The establishment of six muharrirs on Rs. 15 each a month for four months has been sanctioned by the Board in their orders, dated the 23rd February last. 2 d 2 (220) 10. No. 2254, dated Calcutta, the 24th April 1894. From-J. H. TEMPLE, Esq., Offg. Under-Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department, To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Land Revenue Department. In acknowledging the receipt of the Board's letter No. 457 A., dated 3rd April 1894, I am directed to request that Government may be favoured with a report, in April 1895, showing what use has been made by the manager of the Baneli estate of Mr. Finucane's suggestions for the maintenance of the settle- ment records. 2. I am also to request that the Board will be so good as to take steps to expedite the submission of the report of Deputy Collector Babu Barham Deo Narain on the correction of errors in the settlement records of the Srinagar- Baneli estates. ( 221 ) 11. No. 1052A., dated Calcutta, the 25th August 1894. From-M. FINUCANE, Esq., Offg. Secretary to the Board of Revenue, L.P., To-The Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Revenue Department. WITH reference to Government order No. 1279L.R., dated the 14th October 1893, I am directed to submit, for the considera- Tax HON'BLE C. C. STEVENS. tion and orders of Government, a copy of the Letter from the Officiating correspondence noted in the margin, regarding the Director of the Department of correction of errors in the records of the Srinagar- Land Records and Agriculture, Baneli estates, and to say that in Mr. Stevens' Penali Bengal, No. 30288., dated the 16th June 1894, and of its enclosures. opinion Mr. Collin appears to be generally right in Letter from Mr. E. W. Collin, maintaining that the arrond which maintaining that the errors which had to be cor- No. 648G., dated the 27th July 1894. rected were clerical errors rather than errors in attestation, and the blame for their not being detected while the proceedings were going on must be assigned to the Managers of the estates. Half the alleged mistakes disappeared on examination, and of the remainder one-third related to mistakes of copying and regarding other matters than those of fair rent. Deducting these, the items below one rupee were two-thirds of the whole. 2. The Board, concurring with the Commissioner, the Officiating Director and Babu Barham Deo Narain, see no reason to question the general success and usefulness of the survey and settlement in these two estates. The Direc- tor, Mr. Macpherson, in his letter No. 2152A., dated the 15th August 1893 (extract paragraph 3 from which was submitted to Government with this office letter No. 895A., dated the 30th idem), also remarked that the figures showing the results of the corrections appeared to him to be “very satisfactory, in so far as they proved the general correctness of the settlement records." 3. As regards the recovery of the cost of the Settlement Officer's deputa- tion, the Board would suggest that, in modification of Government order No. 868T.R., dated the 26th October 1892, the estates may be called upon to pay half. This they think is a sufficiently liberal arrangement. 4. I am to add that the Appendices C and D referred to in paragraph 21 of the Settlement Officer's report, though called for, have not yet been received in this office. 5. The report called for by Mr. Richardson's endorsement No. 2866L.R., dated 31st May 1894, is separately submitted. No. 30288., dated Calcutta, the 16th June 1894. From-E. G. COLVIN, Esq., C.S., Offg. Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal, To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Provinces. I HAVE the honour to forward herewith copy of memorandum No. 423G., dated 19th May 1894, from the Collector of Bhagalpur, and the letter in original to which it gives cover, No. 179, dated 12th February 1894, from Babu Barham Deo Narain, reporting completion of the work of correction of clerical mistakes in the settlement records of the Baneli-Srinagar estates. The appendices mentioned in Babu Barham Deo Narain's report have not been received and have been called for. 2. It will be seen that the number of mistakes actually corrected by Babu Barham Deo Narain is 2,222, which gives a percentage of 3.6 on the total number of tenants for whom rent was either ascertained or settled (60,895). Babu Barham Deo Narain is probably correct in the conclusion stated in his paragraph 22, that the number of mistakes in the records might have been much smaller if copies or extracts from the khatians similar to the parchas and parcha counterfoils now in use had been made over to the parties concerned while the record- writing was proceeding. It is true that this would have caused some additional expenditure of time and money, but the expense would certainly have been less than that which has now been incurred in the correction of the record, which is reported in paragraph 25 of Babu Barham Deo Narain's report to have amounted to Rs. 8,354-9-10. 3. In paragraph 26 Babu Barbam Deo Narain gives reasons for his opinion that this expenditure should be charged to the estates--a question which he states was reserved until Barhamounts, which have causedlose completion of his report. I do not know whether this question is still an open one. In memorandum No. 868T.R., dated 26th Ootober 1892, to the address of the Board of Revenue, the Secretary to the Government of Bengal, in the Revenue Department, stated that “the work should be carried out at the expense of Government, and not of the Srinagar- Baneli estates." I am not aware of any later correspondence modifying these orders, and if this be the case, it would seem that the matter has already been decided. If the question be still open, I think there is much weight in the argument that the proceedings have been unnecessarily prolonged by the tardiness with which the Manager supplied the lists of mistakes which they wished corrected, and I think half the cost of Babu Barham Deo Narain's deputa- tion and of his establishment while employed on this work, might reasonably be added to the sums which are still outstanding against the estates on account of the survey and settle- ment operations. No. 423G., dated Bhagalpur, the 19th May 1894. Memo. by- The Collector of Bhagalpur. FORWARDED in original to the Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal, for information, with reference to his No. 1109S. of the 22nd March 1894. No. 179, dated Bhagalpur, the 12th February 1894. From-BABU BARHAMDEO NARAIN, Settlement Officer, Baneli-Srinagar Estates, To-The Collector of Bhagalpur. I HAVE the honour to report completion of the work of correction of clerical mistakes in the settlement records of the Baneli and Srinagar estates, for which I was deputed by order of the Bengal Government conveyed in the Revenue Secretary's letter No. 866T.R., dated 25th October 1892, to my address, and the Under-Secretary's letter No. 519L.R., dated the 31st of January 1893, to the address of the Secretary to the Board of Revenue. 2. Duration of the original settlement. The settlement of the estates belonging jointly to the Baneli and Srinagar proprietors, was started in November 1887, and it was completed in every way in March 1892, my completion report numbered 447 having been submitted on e moth of that of my deputation Collector's recome in behalf ording to the de longer in my 3. Origin of my deputation.--A few days before the closing of my office, and after the records had been deposited in the Collector's record-rooms of the several districts to which the records belonged, a petition was presented to me in behalf of the landlords, asking me to correot certain mistakes in the khatians of certain villages according to the decrees. I could not deal with this petition even if I had wished it, as the records were no longer in my possession. A representation was than made to the Collector of Bhagalpur, who asked me to report demi-officially on the representation made to him. In my report, while I admit- ted the existence of some mistakes in the records, I presented two views of the case. One view was that it would be setting a bad example to revive proceedings after the records had been finally published and sent to the Collectors of the several districts. Another view was that when there were mistakes in the records it was desirable in the interests of the parties to correct them. I also pointed out that if it be decided to correct the mistakes, the best way of doing it would be to depute a special officer to go from district to district and to correct the records in the record-room of the several Collectorates, instead of reviving the Settlement Office by calling back the records. I closed the office after making this report, and sub- sequently took furlough on medical certificate. Further enquiries were made in my absence. The results of the enquiries are shown in Mr. Macpherson's note of inspection of the settle- ment records at Bhagalpur, of which copy was forwarded to the Board with his No. 1280T.A., dated the 9th August 1892. He inspected the records of two villages, namely, Chandrain and Bungaon. He found nothing wrong in the records of Chandrain. In the records of Bungaon, bowever, he noticed certain apparent anomalies that could not be then explained. In the first place he found three sets of records, and it could not be then positively ascertained which was the one finally published. He found also different rentals entered regarding the holdings of Ajaib Lal Khan and Ajaib Lal Chaudhri. These apparent discrepancies admit. of easy explanation. The first set of the record was the one received from the Survey Depart- ment. The second set without a rubalcari was the one which was taken to the village for final publication. At the time of final publication of the record, the tenants of the village, which is a very large one containing 1,400 holdings, presented numerons petitions of compromise for transfer of fields from one parcha to another. This necessitated a revision of the rentals and rewriting of the records. The third set of the record is the last copy that was ultimately published in the village by me personally, and is the binding record. The entries in this copy must, necessarily differ from those in the previous copies. I was, however, recalled from furlough not only to submit explanations regarding the above-mentioned discrepancies, but and Bungaon. hio f1892. He inspeed was forwarded to fi noto (223) generally to correct all mistakes that may be found, and to identify the finally published records of all villages that were brought under settlement. 4. Procedure.-The details of the work were settled by the Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, and the procedure laid down by him was communicated with his No. 462T.A., dated 14th February 1893. The procedure was that the parties should present one petition regarding each village on an 8-annas stamped paper and after 14 days' notice to the opposite parties. All clerical mistakes if verified should be corrected on all copies of the parchas, and the orders of Government authorizing the correction of the mistakes should be quoted in support of the correction. 5. Delay caused by presentation of petitions by instalments.- In pursuance of the orders quoted in the first paragraph of this report, I reported myself to the Collector of Bhagalpur on the 4th of February 1893. I came here with an understanding that an exhaustive list of mistakes had been either submitted, or was ready for submission, as stated in paragraph 2 of a letter, dated 11th March 1892, from the Managers of the two estates, to the Collector of Bhagalpur, a printed copy of which is appended to Mr. Macpherson's report of inspection of records at Bhagalpur. I found, however, on my arrival at Bhagalpur that only a partial list had been submitted with the letter quoted above, and that no further list had been submitted between the 11th March 1892 and 4th February 1893. A letter was accordingly addressed to the Manager, Baneli Raj, by the Collector of Bhagalpur, calling for an exhaustive list of mistakes. The Manager replied in his letter No. 162, dated 20th-21st February, asking for a month's time to make the necessary arrangements to appoint agents to present petitions as required in the procedure prescribed by the Director, and to prepare an exhaustive list of mistakes. The extension of time applied for was granted. Subsequently, in his letter No. 211, dated 9th March 1893, the Manager wrote as follows:-"Although the time allowed, namely, one month, is about to expire, still I have not yet been able to obtain exhaustive lists. I therefore request the favour of your extending the time to another month." This second extension of time was allowed by the Collector of Bhagalpur with the sanction of the Director of the Department of Land Records, conveyed in his letter No. 9917, dated the 14th April 1892, to the address of the Collector of Bhagalpur. After expiry of this second extension of time, the Manager of the Baneli Raj wrote again as follows in his letter No. 406, dated 1st May 1893:-"I had requested you to grant me one month's extension of time for filing an exhaustive list of mistakes. I did so in the confident hope that I would be able to obtain every necessary information from the mufassal in that time. I 220w find, however, that all the information has not yet come, and the extended time has now passed away. I have caused several and numerous applications to be already presented to the Settlement Officer, but still many applications have yet to be filed. I therefore feel myself constrained to request the favour of further extension of the time to the ond of the month of May current." This third extension was also allowed with the sanction of the Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, conveyed in his letter No. 160T., dated Darjeeling, the 18th May 1893. The sanction was given with a reservation that no further extension of time should be allowed. No further extension of time was applied for after this; but on the 7th July, i.e., after expiry of the third extended time, the Manager of the Baneli Raj again submitted, with his No. 66 of that date, a number of petitions, and asked that they should be admitted and dealt with, as petitions from raiyats were still being received and dealt with. As a rule petitions from raiyats were admitted if presented at any time during my stay in a district, as no notice had been served on them and no time had been fixed for their admission, and the petitions received from the tenants were so few and simple that they could be disposed of the next day after presentation. On receipt of the letter above referred to, the Collector enquired if even the last list exbausted the mistakes, and if the list was not exhaustive, how much more time was wanted to submit a really exhaustive list. The Manager said in his letter No. 806, dated 15th August 1893, that he wanted two months' more time to submit an exhaustive list of mistakes. On the matter being referred to the Board of Revenue, the order received was to the effect that all petitions presented up to the date of receipt of Board's order, should be admitted and dealt with. The Board's letter No. 1284A., dated 22nd September last, was received in the Bhagalpur Collector's office on the 6th October following. No further petitions had been received from the Manager up to the date; but a number of petitions were received on the 13th idem. The Collector did not at first admit these petitions, but it being represented to him that the petitions were ready before the 6th October and were not submitted because the Settlement Officer had not been till then authorized to accept them, the Collector admitted those petitions on the 11th Novem- ber 1893, and directed me to dispose them off. The work has been completed within three months of the admission of the last batch of petitions. The work could have been finished much earlier if all the petitions had been presented immediately after my arrival, for in that case I could have dealt with the work as a whole, and having formed an exact idea of its extent, could have made an adequate arrangement for its early completion, and would have been saved the necessity of taking up the same village and going up to the same distriot over and again. 6. Number of petitions and alleged mistakes--The number of petitions presented by the landlords is 495, that presented by the tenant is 174. The total number of mistakes brought to notice by both parties was 4,418, of which 2,646 related to the district of Bhagalpur, 1,076 to the district of Monghyr, 511' to the district of Malda, and 165 to the district of Purnea. The total number of actual mistakes of all kinds discovered in the four districts is 2,222. I give'a classification of those mistakes according to their nature, district by distriot. . (224) . 7. Classification of the mistakes according to their nature:-- Serial Bhagalpur. Monghyr. Purnea. No. Malda. Total. 314 154 212 Mistakes made by the patwaris in stating the former rent and area. Mistakes made in transcribing figures from one paper to another. Arithmetical mistakes of calculation ... Mistakes arising from misunderstand- ing of judgments by the muharrirs. Mistakes arising from omissions to carry out orders. Other kinds of mistakes 280 106 453 131 281 400 87 Total mistakes in the original records 26 1,078 177 392 110 1,597 625 Mistakes of copy khasra and terij. in the khatian, 170 250 Total ... 1,255 562 45 | 360 2,222 8. Classification of mistakes according to amount.--The original mistakes are thus classi- fied according to the amount:- Serial No. Bhagalpur. Mongbyr. Purnea. Malda. Total. .4 wao 10 133 88 156 163 184 240 39 186 131 198 210 233 29 Under one anna From one anna to two annas From two annas to four annas From four annas to eight annas From eight annas to one rupee From one rupee to five rupees From five rupees to ten rupees From ten rupees to twenty-five rupees | From twenty-five rupees to fifty-five rupees. | Mistakes of copies and regarding other entries than those of fair rent. 35 122 33 386 20 41 0 12 234 227 744 • 250 Total ... 1,255 562 360 2,222 The total increase of rental by correction of mistakes is Rs. 1,511-2-3, and decrease Rs. 1,298.* 9. Corrections how made.-Corrections have been made in the Collector's copies of the khatian and in the two copies of the landlord's khatians with red ink, both in words and figures, and the orders authorizing the corrections have been quoted All corrections have been made after notice to the opposite parties, and this fact has also been recorded in the bound volume of the record kept in the Collectorate. The raiyats' copies were corrected when produced; but when they were not, it has been remarked in the Collector's copy that as far as the raiyats' copy differed from the Collector's, to that extent it was wrong. 10. Chances of mistakes in the records.-- Before entering into the explanation of the. mistake, I consider it necessary to describe briefly the procedure followed in calculating the fair rent settled regarding each tenant in order to give some idea of the numerous chances of mistake to which the records were exposed. The khasra and the khatian were received from the Survey Department. The khasra was received complete; but in the khatian the boundaries of the field, the names of holders, and the areas were entered by the Survey Department. while the columns for entry of former rental, the settled rental, and the status of the raiyats were left to be filled up by the Settlement Officer. On receipt of the records from the Survey Department, one or more munsarims were deputed by the Settlement Officer to go with the records to the village to read out the entries made in the khatian of each tenant to him. This was called the bujharut, and the munsarims had instructions to read out at least 400 khasra numbers each day. At the time of the bujharut, any field claimed by two persons was entered in the dispute list; or if a field was admitted by all concerned to have been entered in the name of a wrong person, it was entered on a separate . * The figures for Malda are not included, but they do not materially affect the net result. In Malda the mistakes were mostly in copies and under one rupee. ( 225 ) . list called Islah khasra, i.e., a list of admitted mistakes in the khasra. Summary orders were passed regarding fields entered on the dispute list, and the fields admittedly entered in the names of wrong persons were, as a matter of course, ordered to be entered in the names of real owners. In the carrying out of these orders was the first chance of mistakes which the clerks were liable to commit. Then, after the orders had been carried out, the areas in the khatians had to be totalled again. Here was a second chance of mistake. Then the not to be assessed like ordinary mal lands. The areas of such fields had to be eliminated and deducted from the total assessable area of the tenants, who had a variety of holdings. There were many such tenants in the Bhagalpur district. There were chances of mistakes in all these calculations. Then again, there were columns in the form of the khatian used for entering and attesting the formal rental; but there was none for showing the former area. This had to be ascertained from the patwari, with reference to the hastabood (rent-roll), and as there were two shareholders in most villages, the hastabood of the one differing from that of the other in respect of area, in consequence of division of holdings having been recognized by one party and not by the other, the patwari' stated the rental at the time of the attestation from one hastabood which the raiyats accepted, as it was correct in itself; but he stated the area of the holding from another hastabood at the time of the calculation of the fair rental. The patwaris had been cautioned to use the same hastabood on both occasions, but sometimes they did not bear this in mind, and the result is that some mistakes of this description have orept into the record. When the materials for calculating the fair rent had been thus 'araanged, and orders had been passed as to how the fair rent should be calculated, the, rent itself had to be calculated in an elaborate way, as shown in the annexed statement (Appendix A). It will appear at once at a glance of this statement that there were chances of mistakes, both in transcribing figures from other records, and in making the various addition, subtrac- tion, and multiplication. The last figure yielded by this elaborate calculation had to be entered in the decree and transcribed again from the decree into the khatian, which gave further chances of mistakes of posting. After the completion of the original record, four copies of the khatians had to be made for the Collector, the landlords, and the tenants. There were chances of mistakes in preparing the copies also. 11. · The temporary nature of the appointment of the clerks.-Another point to be consi- dered is that the settlement records were mostly prepared in camps at Nowbatta, Gagree, and Balua, where the establishment had to be organized generally from among those candidates only who presented themselves in camp. Some of them, and particularly the muharrirs on whom devolved the work of making calculations, were inexperienced, and their appointment being temporary, they could not realize that sense of responsibility which the clerks on a per- manent establishment might have done. The Settlement Officers had to make the best of bad materials with which they had to work. 12. Illustration of the mistakes.- Coming now to the mistakes themselves, I do not think it will be possible, or serve any useful purpose, to describe every mistake singly, or give a separate explanation regarding each. The classification given above shows the nature of the mistakes and how they arose. It may be useful, however, to give one illustration of each kind of mistake. · 13. Misstatement of the former areas of holding by the patwaris.-The existing rent of a holding belonging to Sukuli Gope, in pargana Kubkhund, was admitted by the landlords as well as the tenants to be Rs. 2-3-3. This rent was correct for an area of one bigha only; but the patwari stated the area of this holding to be 1 bigha 6 cottahs. The latter might have been the area of this holding in some past time, but both the area and the rental were reduced by a subdivision, which was not noted in the hastabood from which the patwari stated the area. Mistakes of this kind have been classed as mistakes made by the patwaris in stating the area. 14. Mistakes of posting figures. In mauza Aurea Romaitee, pargana Kubkhund, the rental of the holding of Sheik Leaqat was attested to be Rs. 21-5-3. In carrying over the figure to another paper it was entered as 41 bighas 5 cottahs 3 chitaks. Mistakes of this kind have been classed as mistakes of posting figures. 15. Mistakes of arithmetical calculaticn.-In mauza Aurea Romaitee the former area of the holding of Wahdee was 1 bigha 13 cotahs and 0 chitaks, and the present area by the survey oame to 2 bighas 15 cottahs and 11 chitaks. The excess area came to 1 higha 2 cottahs 11 chitaks. Out of this excess area 4 cotahs 19 chitaks was deducted on account of differe ence in the system of measurement, and 2 oottahs 5 chitaks on account of seed bed that was not assessable. The net excess area came to 15 cottahs 7 chitaks, but it was shown as 1 bigha 15 cottahs 7 chitaks. This was a mistake of calculation in making deduction. Mistakes of this nature have been classed as those of calculation. 16. Mistakes arising from misunderstanding of judgment and orders.-In mauza Teluhar, pargana Kubkhụnd, district Bhagalpur, the decision was that in those cases in which the area by present survey had exceeded the former recorded area, the birar lands or seed beds should be excluded from the excess area, and the net excess area assessed to rent : but in some cases although there was no excess area, the birar lands were excluded, and the former rent was reduced. This was not meant by judgment. The judgments, I find, were correctly translated in the body of the decrees; but the muharrirs still failed in some cases in applying them correctly in making the calculations. Mistakes of this kind have been classed as arising from a misunderstanding of judgments. There are 400 mistakes of this class; but it does not necessarily follow that as many judgments were 'misunderstood. Ono judgment applied of thel5. Mistaklassed as mistras entered as attes pored by prosent su From the excess oures, the birar landno judgme 2e ( 226 ) to many holdings in a village, and the misunderstanding of a single judgment would give rise to many mistakes. In the village of Dharampur therè have been 12 mistakes by a mís- understanding of a single judgment. 17. Mistakes of omission to carry out orders.---The mistakes arising from omission to carry out orders are generally those in which the orders passed were carried out in some papers, but not in all. For instance, when an order was passed on a petition to transfer a field from one khatian to another, the field was so transferred, but the rent in both parchas was not amended according to alteration of the areas. Many decisions of the Appellate Court were not communicated to the Settlement Officers before the records had been finally published and deposited in the Collectorate. The orders in such cases also could not be carried out. 18. Unaccountable mistakes. - I have come across some mistakes that are unaccountable, For instance, the original entries in some cases seem correct, and they have been altered with- out any note being recorded as to why they were altered. Mistakes of this kind are rare; being not more than a dozen. In some cases when the total area in the terij did not agree with the total area in the khasra, and the difference was very slight, being of a few.cottahs and dhurs, the terij writers checked the terij so far as to reconcile it with the khasra. Mistakes of this class also are care. 19. Proportion of mistakes. The total number of mistakes of all kinds in the original records being 1,597, and the total number of the khatians being 67,141, the percentage of mistakes on the number of khatians comes to 2:3. But the mistakes are of various kinds and refer to various papers. In my opinion it is not the right way of finding out the proportion of mistakes to compare the total number of mistakes of all kinds with the number of the khatians only. The right way in my opinion is to consider each kind of mistake separately in relation to the chances of mistake of that particular kind. Thus, the number of mistakes arising from a misstatement of area or rental by the patwaris is 314 against 60,895 tenants, whose rent was either settled or simply ascertained. The percentage comes to .5. This is, however, a sort of mistake for which the Settlement Officers are not directly responsible, though they are for all other kinds of mistakes. The total number of mistakes of posting figures from one paper to another is 212. This is insignificant when it is considered that the figures to be posted were not less than five lakhs. The same remark applies to miitakes of calculation. About a dozen arithmetical calculations had to be made regarding each holding 'whose rent was settled. The number of mistakes arising from arithmetical calculation is 453. The number of tenants whose rent was settled, as distinguished from those whose rent was simply recorded, is about 50,000. The number of arithmetical calculations to be made in those cases come to about six lakhs. The percentage of mistakes of calculation on the number of calculations to be made is hardly worth finding out. The number of mistakes arising from a misunderstanding of orders or omission to carry them out is 531. As generally one decision covered the cases of many tenants, it may be taken that some 100 orders were misunderstood, or not fully carried out. The percentage comes to .2. As I have stated above, the orders were correctly translated, and correct translations are embodied in the decrees. The mistakes of this kind must be attributed to the inexperience and ignorance of the clerks, and to some extent to the hurry with which it must be admitted they sometimes worked. On the whole, having regard to the unusual opportunities given to the parties for detecting and bringing mistakes to notice nearly four years after the publication of the final records and to the extent of work that had to be done, it is rather a matter of surprise that the proportion of mistakes is so extremely small. 20. Opportunities given to the agents of the proprietors to examine the records and bring mistakes to notice.-I have been asked to report whether or not the Managers of the estates had opportunities to examine the records and to bring the mistakes to notice while the settlement operation was in progress. On this point I can say positively and distinctly that from the very beginning of the settlement operations the Settlement Officers gave them free access to the records in their possession, and also gave them copies when copies were wanted. Sometimes the original records were handed over to their authorized agents on receipts being given for the same. Their petitions of objection were accepted even after the time allowed by law had expired; and when the records were finally published, it was arranged through the Collector of Bhagalpur that the Managers should engage men to check the records in the Settlement office before they took delivery of the copies prepared for them. As amatter of fact, they engaged men who checked the records for ten months, from June 1890 to March 1891, and any mistake which they brought to notice was corrected and signed by the Settlement Officer. 21. Explanation of the Managers regarding omission to report mistakes before completion of the work.--By the order of Government the Collector of Bhagalpur required the Managers to explain why the mistakes were not brought to notice when the settlement was in pro- gress. The Manager of the Baneli Raj is the spokesman, as he has always been, ever since the Srinagar estate passed out of the management of the Court of Wards. His explana. tion is contained in his letter No. 1225 of 11th December 1893 (Appendix B). In this he divides the mistakes into two classes – those that occur in making calculations before publica- tion of the draft record, and those that were committed in carrying out the orders passed on objection under sections 105 and 106 of the Tenancy Act. The gist of his explanation regarding the first class of mistakes is that the detailed jamabandi not having been published with the draft records, the mistakes could not be detected, and that he did nut suspect mistakes. His explanation regarding the second class of mistakes is similar, namely, that his men had no opportunity of seeing how the subsequent orders had been carried out. of seeing the sound not be Jamabant (227) . I consider both these explanations to be insufficient and untenable, and they are hardly borne out by facts. In the first place, I do not clearly understand what is meant by detailed jamabandi. The khatians were published, which showed separately, regarding each tenant the area of his holding found by the present survey, his formal rental, and the rental settled by the Settlement Officer, and these khatians were deposited in the villages for the inspection of the Manager and his subordinates for a month. Only the former area of each holding · was not shown in the khatian, as there was no column for it, but this was to be found in the landlord's own office. By detailed jamabandi is probably meant the statement called Icami beshi, which shows the process of caloulation of rent regarding each holding, and of which a specimen is appended to this report as Appendix A. The kami beshi was generally prepared in the presence and with the help of the patwaris. The rules did not require the publication of this statement. It does not form part of the record of rights, and is not a recognized document. It was not absolutely necessary for the landlords to have this statement in order to detect mistakes, though if they had it, then their work would have been easier. But as a matter of fact, they had access to this statement when they required it, and as a matter of fact, they filed several thousand petitions of objections regarding mistakes of calculations, This proves beyond a doubt that the landlords did not labour under disadvantage in detecting the mistakes. If they did they should have asked for the help and advice of the Settlement Officer at the time, which the latter would have gladly given. I am not aware that the Settlement Officers ever refused to accede to any request of the Managers for access to the records or for copies. On the contrary, they were over anxious to comply with all reasonable requests of this kind. I beg to submit, as Appendix O of this report, an extract from some letters on this subject, which will show in a general way how anxious the Settlement Officers were to give all reasonable facilities to the landlords' representatives to see the records. . It is further stated that the Managers did not suspect the existence of mistakes in the records. This also is not intelligible to me in the face of numerous petitions of objections regarding mistakes that were submitted in behalf of the landlords. Whatever it be, when the records were published and objections invited, it was the business of the parties concerned to satisfy themselves that the records were correct, and not to take it for granted that they were so, unless they were prepared to accept without objection whatever entries were made in the record. As regards the mistakes that occurred in carrying out the orders passed after publication of the draft record, I have stated above that the proprietors had deputed their own men to examine the records before taking delivery of the copies of the record, and as a matter of fact they examined the records for ten months from June 1890 to March 1891. The Manager says in his explanation that this arrangement was only for comparing the copies with the original records, and not for finding out mistakes in the latter. I beg to submit extracts (vide Appendix D) from the correspondence on this subject also, from which it appears that the arrangement was for checking the records in a general way without any restriction. An extract from my letter No. 4 of 15th March 1894, to the address of the Collector of Bhagalpur, in which I stated that the Managers had ample oppor- tunities to examine the records, and as a matter of fact their men did examine the records, was also forwarded to the Manager for any explanation he might wish to give. I fully agree with the Manager when he says that the mistakes were of such a nature that they could not be easily detected, and they had to depend on untrained men for their detection. The true explanation of the mistakes, as well as their escape from detection, is to be found in thefact that both the Settlement Officers and the Managers had much to depend on newly appointed men, and the process of calculation was necessarily so cumbrous and complicated that the occur- rence of some mistakes and their escape from detection was unavoidable. The mistakes have been now found out by the patwaris by an elaborate system of checking, extending over a period of three years. The patwaris have had an immense advantage over theclass of men called muharrirs or clerks, in that the work of each patwari has been confined to a limited area of 4 or 5 villages, and he has been assisted by his personal knowledge of each holding. • 22. Precautions suggested by the experience of the Srinagar settlement.--I may be expect- ed to say whether or not, independently of the managers and the patwaris, the Settlement Officers themselves could have avoided these mistakes, or detected them before the final publications of the record, and what precautions and safeguards are suggested by the experience of the Srinagar settlement to avoid similar mistakes in other settlements that are now being carried on. On the first point I must say that to make the records absolutely free from mistakes without the co-operation of the parties, was impossible. The Settlement Officers could examine a certain percentage of the entries only, and make the records correct on the whole. This they did, as has been proved by the test of three years' scrutiny of their records. They could not personally examine every process of calculation from the beginning to end, as this meant the employment of as many Settlement Officers as there were clerks, which was out of the question. At the same time I am prepared to admit, on review- ing the work, that it was possible to reduce the number of mistakes at an additional expense of time and money. The one effective means was to hand over copies or extracts from the · khatians to the parties concerned. This proceeding would have secured accuracy in the records by enabling the parties concerned to read and examine the entries carefully and at leisure, and would have removed all grounds of complaint in future. But the rules as they then stood did not admit of this being done. The efficacy of this method in securing accuracy in the records is illustrated by the fact that the original records of Dhappa pargana were handed over to the agents of the proprietors on their granting a receipt. They checked the records, probably with the help of the patwaris and. the tenants, and submitted all 1 2 e 2 (228) objections in time. The result is that hardly any clerical mistake was left in the original records of that pargana, the numbers of mistakes now discovered being 30 against 4,105 khatians. This procedure, I understand, has been now partly adopted in the Bihar survey and settlement, inasmuch as extracts from the khatians showing the boundaries of the fields, though not the areas, are delivered to the tenants after tho khanapuri. I may be - permitted to say that in my opinion this is not sufficient, for I have found in the course of this settlement that although the boundaries of a field may be correct, the area, plotting, and measurement may not be necessarily correct. In my opinion an abstract slip of the khatian showing the boundaries and areas of the fields, the rent ascertained or settled, and status .. should be supplied to the parties at the time of publication of the draft records, or, better still, slips containing the boundaries and the areas may be supplied before the amin leaves the village, and space may be provided in these slips for entering the rental and the status when the draft record is published. . Another method of minimising the chances of mistakes is to have a separate establishment supervised by a Sub-Deputy Collector or a kanungo, exclusively for checking the records. This much, however, must be said regarding the Baneli- Srinagar settlement, that there has been a pecuniary gain, rather than loss, by the checking of the records being done by the village patwaris. instead of a special establishment. It was superfluous for the Settlement Officer in the Srinagar settlement to organize a responsible checking establishment, when the Manager of the estate had undertaken to do it. In those settlements in which the existing rent only is recorded, and fair rent is not settled, many mistakes are not likely to occur. In the Purnea district of this settlement where such was the case, only 14 mistakes have been discovered in 14,000 khatians. 23. The settlement accepted as a whole by the parties and the Civil Courts, and its effect on the collection of rent.-Notwithstanding the existence of some mistakes that have been now rectified, the settlement records have been accepted as the basis for payment of rent both by the landlords and the tenants. This will appear from the letters of the Managers of the estate, of which copies are annexed as Appendices E and F of this report. I give an extract from one of the letters below: “In all the places in which the settlement operations have taken place, the jamabandis have been based upon the settlement khatians and parchas; but much difficulty is being experienced in consequence of the mistakes that have crept up in the parchas. An Assistant Settlement Officer, Babu Barham Deo Narain, has been deputed to correct these mistakes, and he is going on with the corrections so far as they have been detected. Although, even after these corrections, it is possible that some will continue on, still it is hoped that much of the difficulty will be removed." In a subsequent letter the Manager writes that the list of mistakes submitted by him is exhaustive. Regarding the attitude of the raiyats, he writes: “In almost all the places where the settlement has taken place the raiyats seem willing to accept and go upon the settlement papers. In one pargana, however, in the district of Malda, namely, pargana Akbarabad, the raiyats are unwilling to go upon these, and are making a stand." The special .circumstances of pargana Akbarabad have been stated in the previous reports. Regarding disposal by Civil Courts of rent suits instituted on the basis of the settlement records, the Manager of the Baneli Raj writes: “From a statement prepared by me in the month of June last, I found that by that time the Baneli Raj had instituted about 675 rent suits on the basis of the settlement khatians. Of these about 134 had been decreed cx parte, some 11 cases had been partially decreed in variance with the parchas,' and the rest had been decreed in full. In 2 out of the 11 cases the Baneli Raj had to suffer on account of the discrepancies in the zamindari and the raiyats' parchas. In the other 9 cases the court held against the parchas in respect of the claim for ballah, Although the settlement khatians had entered in them the amount of the ballah as due to the Raj, the courts held that this was an illegal cess, and that the landlords could not get it. Generally, however, the settlement khatians were received by the court with much reliance." The decisions of the 1st courts at variance with the settlement parchas, in consequence of discrepancies between the landlords' and the tenants' copies, were set aside by the Appellate Court, who referred to the decree to settle the difference between the two copies of the parchas. On the question of ballah the Settlement Officer was also of the same opinion at first, namely, that it was an illegal cess; but he was overruled by the Appellate Court. Copies of the decision of the Appellate Court in the two cases of discrepancies in the parchas, were submitted by me to the Director of the Department of Land Records, with my letter No. 4 of 17th July last. With the same letter I submitted also a statement showing the results of the rent suits instituted by the Srinagar estates. The Srinagar estate instituted 1,749 cases, in 12 of which discrepancies between the two copies of the parchas were found. Appeals were pending in 1 of these cases, the judgment having been accepted by both parties in one. On the whole, the result of the decisions of rent suits instituted on the basis of the settlement parchas tend to show that, while the parchas have, as a rule, been accepted by the Civil Courts as a reliable piece of evidence, they have in special .cases exercised proper discretion and discrimination-a thing to be desired rather than deprecated. That the settlement of the Baneli and Srinagar estates has con- tributed to facilitate the collection of rent, is shown in the latter part of paragraph 6 of Mr. Quinn's report No. 2087R., dated 27th September 1892, to the address of the Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture. 24. The special circumstances of a village Golayan. The circumstances of one village, Golayan, in pargana Narsingpur in the Bhagalpur district, are special, and require to be mentioned in this report. This is a very large village with 814 holdings and about 10,000 fields. The tenants themselves •do not sufficiently know the fields of one another. The ( 229 ) measurement was made by several amins, and there were some mistakes of khanapuri in consequence of wrong information having been supplied to them. Many mistakes were reotified at the time of bujharut and attestation, which was done in the village itself ; but some are alleged still to exist, because the raiyats did not take a sufficient interest in the settlement at the time of bujharut, as 8-annas share of the village was in mukarrari lease, and thn lessee was not an applicant for settlement. The existing rent, however, was all attested, without dispute. Cholera prevailed in the village when the draft records were published, and owing to certain prejudices the raiyats would not stir out of their houses. They thus lost the second chance of bringing mistakes to notice. After my deputation for correction of mistakes, the Managers said in their letters, of which copies are enclosed (Appendices E. and F), that they would have the mistakes of this village discovered and rectified by their own agency. They said in the last hour that they would prefer to have work done by the Settlement Officer, and pointed out some mistakes by way of specimen. As the undertaking of this work would have necessitated a revision of khanapuri and the rewriting of the records, and could not be completed in less than six months, the Director has decided that it should not be undertaken --vide copy of a note recorded by the Director and forwarded to you with his No. 3303, dated the 16th December last. The work will now be done by the agency under the Managers of the estate, and they have got copies of the khasra and the map for the purpose. 25. Cost of my deputation for correcting the mistakes. The cost of my deputation for correction of the mistakes is as follows: Rs. A. P. Salary of Settlement Officer 5,090 5 2 Special allowance of Settlement Officer 1.272 9 3 Travelling allowance of ditto 700 4 6 Salary of establishment 1,143 1 5 Travelling allowance of . ditto 148 5 6 Total 8,354 9 10 Out of the sum stated above, Rs. 1,400-3-10 has not yet been drawn from the treasury. 26. Liability of the estate to pay the cost. -The decision of the question whether the cost of my deputation for correction of mistakes should be charged to the estates or be borte by the Government, was deferred until completion of the work and submission of my report I think on the following grounds that the cost should be charged to the estates :- (a) The landlords' agents were allowed free access to the records and liberty to check the records; but failed to bring the mistakes to notice while the settlement was in progress. (6) There was an interval of upwards of a year between the delivery of the bulk of the records to the landlords' agents and the closing of the Settlement Office; but they did not make any mention of the existence of the mistakes until the 12th hour, when the Settlement office had been nearly closed. Even then they did not submit a complete list, but pointed out only some mistakes by way of specimen. () When the Managers of the estates moved the Government, through the Collector of Bhagalpur, to depute an officer to correct the mistakes, they submitted only . a partial list of mistakes, and promised to submit a complete list shortly after. I arrived at Bhagalpur nearly a year after the date of this letter, but complete lists were not submitted until after expiry of nine months from the date of my arrival at Bhagalpur-a circumstance that has greatly retarded the progress of the work. (d) Half the number of the mistakes alleged have not been verified on enquiry, and as a result half of my time and that of my establishment has been wasted in making fruitless inquiries regarding mistakes that did not exist. (e) If the Settlement Officers had engaged a separate establishment for checking the records in addition to the establishment entertained by the landlords, and if the mistakes had beeen discovered by that establishment instead of the patwaris of the estate, there would have been double expenditure for discovery and correction, and no objection would have been then raised to the whole expenditure being included in the cost of settlement. (1) Unless it can be shown that the Settlement Officers omitted to do something which they could have done to ensure accuracy in the records within the limits of the time and money which they spent, there could be no justification for charging the cost of my deputation to the public exchequer. On renewing the work I do not clearly see that there was such an omission, though I am prepared to admit that somewhat better results might have been obtained, if The work had been prolonged further and more money spent on it. If the cost of my deputation is ultimately charged to the estate, it should be appor- tioned in equal shares between the Baneli and Srinagar estates, as hardly any mistake has been found in the records of villages belonging exclusively to the Srinagar estate. ( 230 ) : 27 Identification of the finally published records. Separate reports have been submitted and separate orders have been passed regarding identification of the records that were finally published in the village. In the districts of Bhagalpur and Monghyr the records taken out to the villages were destroyed. In the distriots of Malda, Purnea, and Darbhanga they were made over to the landlords as their copies. The copies.prepared for the Collectors were intended to be the authoritative records and were prepared with greater care; but they were not taken out to avoid risks, and it was considered sufficient compliance with the law to read out the contents of the other copies, both having been compared with the same original. The reading out of the contents of the khatian was, moreover, a formal procedure. The parties seldom attended to it. The tenants read or had read to them the copies that were delivered to them, and the landlords' agents examined them in office. Certificates have been written on the bound volumes of the records (Collector's copies) that they are true copies of the records that were finally published. 28. Average cost per acre. In addition to the duty of identifying the finally published record and correcting clerical mistakes in the records of right, I was directed to execute decréos and to adjust the accounts. I have transferred the few applications for execution of decrees that were made to me to the Civil Courts having jurisdiction, as it was impossible for one officer to execute decrees in four districts, and I had no establishment for this kind of work. The accounts have been adjusted and reconciled. The net cost of survey, and settlement chargeable to the parties according to the final adjustment of account accepted by the Account- ant-General is Rs. 2,98,897-3-1, 'which gives an average of annas 10-7 per acre on the area surveyed (447,662 acres), and of annas 11-2 per acre on the area settled (426,265 acres). The cost of my second deputation for correcting the mistakes is Rs. 8,354-10-1, If this be added to the cost of the original account, then the total cost chargeable to the parties comes to Rs. 3,07,291-13-2, which gives an average of annas 10-11 on the area surveyed and of annas 11-6 on the area settled. This is however, exclusive of Rs. 7,220 that has been borne by Government on acconnt of traverse survey. If this item be also included, then the total cost on all accounts comes to Rs. 3,14,471-13-2 which gives an average of annas 11-2 per acre on the area surveyed, and of annas 11-9 on the area settled, out of which two annas per acre is to be paid by the tenants, annas 9-6 per acre by the zamindars, and 3 pies per acre by the Government. 29. Special circumstances of the Baneli-Srinagar settlement.-In considering the cost and general results of this settlement, the following facts deserve to be noticed :-(a) The property to be surveyed and settled was scattered over five distriots. (6) This was a real settlement, and not a mere record of right, as had been the case in the experimental survey and settlement of Muzaffarpur. (c) The settlement was of a complicated nature, and numerous disputes had to be decided. (d) The Settlement Officers had not the benefit of having before them any report of a similar settlement in Bengal. (e) The parties have been allowed special opportunities of scrutinizing the records and getting mistakes corrected long after the final publication of the records. accountsi acconnt of This is Kerage of anna total cost ob as Rs. 8, 3ded. operty to be surveymara record of right, asent was of a com The Appendices sent with your letter are returned. APPENDIX A. Statement of Calculation of fair rent. 10 11 RECORDED AREA IN THE ZALINDAR'S RENT-ROLL. SURVIY LRKA AS CORRECTED BY TUE SETTLEMENT OFFICER. AREA BY PRESENT SURVEY AS RETURNED BY TEE SUR- VEYING DEPART. MENT, DECREASE OF AREA, IF ANY. INCREASE OF AREA. DEDUCTION OF AREA OF NET ASSESS- AN ASSESS ABLE IN- ABLE LAND, CREASE OF SUCH AS AREA. SEED BEDS. Name of the tenant, his father's name and residence. ALLOWANCE PER BIGHA TROM IN- CREASE OF AREA ON ACCOUNT OF DIFFERENT SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT. Number in the zamindar's rento roll. Number of the khatian Rule at which the excess area is Enbanced rent under section 30. Increase of rent under section 62. to be assessed. Existing rent. Deduction of rent, if any. Fair rent settled. Dhoor. Bigha. Katha, Dhoor, Bigla. Katha, Dhoor. Bigha. Katha. Dhoor. Bigha. Katha. Dhoor, Bigba. Katha. Dhoor. Bigha. Katha, Dhoor. Bigha. Katha. Dhoor. Bigha. Katha. REMARKS, - ( 231 ) APPENDIX B. No. 1225, dated Bhagalpur, December 1893. From The Manager, Raj Baneli, Bhagalpur, To-The Collector of Bhagalpur. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge receipt of your memorandum No, 1786-89, dated the 17th November last, forwarding to me a copy of letter No. 1279T.R., dated the 14th October last, from the Officiating Secretary to the Government of Bengal, to the Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Provinces, calling from the Managers of the Baneli Raj and of the Srinagar Estate an explanation why they did not bring the mistakes in the parchas to the notice of the Settlement Officer, or make objections to him under section 105 of the Bengal Tenancy Act during the course of the settlement proceeding. In compliance with it, I have the honour to Submit the following explanation. I am not aware what report the Settlement Deputy Collector has subpitted as to the Managers having an opportunity of bringing these mistakes to notice during the settlement operations, and consequently I feel difficulty in submitting this explanation. 2.* The letter calls for an explanation on two points, namely, (a) why were not objections under section 105 of the Bengal Tenancy Act made, and (6) why were not the mistakes brought to notice of the Settlement Officer, during the course of the settlement proceedings. An explanation on point (a) has been called for evidently under. some misapprehension of the circumstances. The Settlement Deputy Collector has been at present deputed to correct clerical mistakes only in the Srinagar-Baneli settlement records ; he has not been authorized to decide objection cases. The mistakes that have been placed before him are mainly of a clerical nature. They arose either in making calculations under orders passed under section 10% of the Bengal Tenancy Act, or in carrying out the purport of orders passed under sections 105 and 106 So far as these latter, i.e., matters under sections 105 and 106 were concerned, there were no further occasions for putting in objections under section 105 ; such objections had already been disposed of, and the errors arose in carrying out the order disposing off them : nor had the parties any opportunity to examine how the clerks of the Settlement Office had embodied in the record the purport of those passed by the Settlement Officer, consequently nothing could'be done by the parties about these mistakes. In respect of calculations under orders passed under section 104, the parties had no opportunity to check and detect them, as the jamabandi prepared in the Settlement Office had not been published and the parties had not sufficient time and materials in their hands to enable them to prepare fresh jamabandis for themselves, and to see whether the total rentals published under section 105 had been arrived at by correct calculations or not; they had besides at the time under section 105 as to the inaccuracy of those calculations made in the office of the Settlement Officer. It was not possible for them therefore to present any objections under section 105 on that score. These errors were detected later on at the time when, after the publication of the parchas, detailed jamabandis on the basis of them were prepared at the zamindars' cutcherries, and then steps were at once taken to bring them to the notice of the authorities, and this was done while still the Settlement.Officer had not closed the settlement operations. 3. With respect to point (6), I beg to submit that the reason why the mistakes were not brought to the notice of the Settlement Officer in time consists in the fact that they had not been detected then. As I have represented above, the publication of the draft under section 105 of the Tenancy Act did not include the publication of the detailed jamabandis. From the drafts themselves therefore the proprietors could not make out whether the calculations had been correctly made or not by the clerks of the Settlement Office, In order to ascertain this, there was need of a preparation of fresh detailed jamabandis by the zamindars' people. This would have required more time than the period of limitation prescribed by the law, and there were not then sufficient materials also in the hands of the zamindars. Besides they had no suspicion then that the figures arrived at in the Settlement Office were not all correct. The errors therefore remained undetected at the time, and were found out only when after the parchas had been published, detailed jamabandis were prepared by the zamindurs' people under the basis of them for purposes of collection. 3. Errors also arose in the preparation of the decrees in accordance with the decisious of the Settlement : Officers and also in carrying out orders passed by them on objections preferred by parties after the publi. cation of the draft under section 105 of the Act. They were committed by the clerks of the Settlement Office; and the zamindars' agents had no opportunity of examining them at the time of the preparation of the decrees and other orders and detecting them. An error committed in the preparation of the original decree or order was transcribed over to all subsequent papers and remained undetected therefore, until we prepared our jamabandis on the basis of the parchas for purposes of collection. There was an arrangement made for comparing the zamindars' parchas with the Collector's parchas; but this was not sufficient for detection of the mistakes in the original parcha. Besides the settlement operations commenced in the beginning of the year 1888, and this arrangement for the comparison was made in May 1890, that is after an enormous number of the papers had been prepared, and the work had to be hurriedly gone through under the instructions of the Settlement Officer, in order to arrive at a speedy termination. On the part of the landlords it was suggested that it would be good if their agents would check the Collector's parchas also, but the Settlement Officer thought that there was no need for this, as they had been already sufficiently tesetd by his own clerks. Then again, the work of comparison was ordered to be finished with a great speed, and the proprietors had to entertain a largo ticca or temporary establishment of rather somewhat untrained men at a great cost. These efforts show that the landlords were always attentive and active to do their best in carrying out arrangements that would make the settlement record full and complete ; and if the errors remained undetected it was no fault of theirs. They had been committed by the clerks of the Settlement Office, and the nature of the subsequent arrangement precluded a testing of them by the zamindars' agents. I submit therefore that this explanation will be found satisfactorily to show that it is through no lack of them that it has become now necessary to depute the Settlement Deputy Collector to rectity the mistakes. In conclusion, I beg to submit one word in respect of the time taken in finding out the mistakes. This could not be done so long as the detailed jamabandis had not been prepared, and in preparing these jamabandis materials had to be collected from various sources, and the jamabandis had to be prepared through only such men as were suficiently acquainted with the details of the settlement operations, and their number is naturally very limited. Besides to be able definitely to say that there is a mistake, we had to test it and retest it in order to be sure of our position. Then again, in many instances the calculations have been somewhat intricate for the class of men doing them, so much so, that now when the mistakes are being corrected by the Settlement Office, the clerks of that office have to refer to the zamindars' jamabandis before finally understanding the nature of the error. All these imply time, and as the mistakes have been detected, we have gone on placing them before the Settlement Officer, and the last list was submitted to him in September last. ( 232 ) No. 2062G., dated Bhagalpur, the 17th-21st December 1893. Memo. by-The Collector of Bhagalpur. Copy forwarded to Babu Barham Deo Narain, Special Deputy Collector, in continuation of this office memorandum No. 1786-89G., dated the 17th November last. APPENDIX E. No. 69, dated Bhagalpur, the 26th-27th September 1893. From-BABU PRASANNA KUMAR SEN, Manager of Kumar Nityanand Singh, Bhagalpur, To-The Collector of Bhagalpur. WITH reference to your endorsement No. 1196--1200G., dated the 31st ultimo, and subsequent reminder, on the subject of submission of a report called for by the Director of Land Records and · Agriculture, Bengal, in his letter No. 2114T.A., dated 11th-17th August 1893, on the working of survey and settlement with regard to the Sripagar estate, I have the honour to submit as follows. 2. Referring to point (1) of the Director's letter quoted above, I beg to state that the jamabandis have been based, since the settlement operations took place, upon the settlement khatians and parchas throughout the zamindari. But much difficulty is often experienced owing to the numerous mistakes that have cropped up in the settiement parchas in all the distriets in which the zamindari lies. On being moved, the Government of Bengal has deputed Babu Barham Deo Narain, Assistant Settlement Officer, who is now going on with the correction of those mistakes so far as they have been detected at present; but there is every likelihood of the detection of more mistakes in future, and unless they are all corrected, there will be still confusion, 3. Particularly in mauza Golayan, pargana Nishangpur Kurha, in North Bhagalpur, much confusion has arisen in the record of the holdings of raiyats, where I think there was at the first instance no proper test made of the measurements. It appears now that in many instances plots of holdings have been so carelessly recorded that it is almost impossible to find out at present which plot belongs to which raiyat, in consequence of which I have deputed a manserim on my side to find out the mistakes, so that they may be rectified in due course to avoid confusion in future. 4. In almost all the places the raiyats generally seem willing to accept, and go upon the settlement papers, with the exception of pargana Akbarabad, in the district of Malda, where the raiyats are opposed to the settlement records, and have made a stand, and the collections have stopped thereby. They refuse to accept receipts according to the settlement khatians, though they seem willing to pay rents in accordance with the old jamabandis of the estate. It is now contemplated to bring rent suits upon the settlement khatians against some of the leading raiyats to bring them to their proper senses. 5, With regard to point (2), I beg to submit that I have ordered for the preparation of registers both in the sadar and mufassal for recording the mutations in connection with the settlement khatians, but I see that the mufassal agency is not yet quite up in this work of registration. I hope they will learn this with efficiency in course of time. 6. None of my tahsildars and patwaris is competent to draw maps, and if any alterations are required in the maps, regular amins will have to be engaged for the work. 7. With reference to point (3), I beg leave to state that generally the settlement khatians are received by the Civil Courts with much reliance, though in many instances the estate had to suffer loss owing to the discrepancies in the zamindars' and raiyats' parchas, which I hope will be removed when all the mistakes in the parchas are rectified. 8. In conclusion, I beg to apologize for the delay in submitting this report as I was absent from my head-quarters for nearly three weeks, and only came back day before yesterday. APPENDIX F. 19, No. 961, dated Bhagalpur, the 8th September 1893. From The Manager, Raj Baneli, Bhagalpur, To-The Collector of Bhagalpur. WITH reference to your memorandum No. 1196—1200G., dated the 31st ultimo, forwarding to me a copy of the Commissioner's No. 1652R., to you, dated the 23rd August last, with enclosures, containing letter No. 2114T.A., dated the th August last, from the Officiating Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, I have the honour to report as follows: 2. The correspondence relates to information on these points, namely- (1) The extent to which the settlement khatians have been adopted as the working jamabandis in which rents have been collected ; (2) What has been done to keep the settlement records by the registration of mutations since it was published ; and (3) The extent to which the Civil Courts have decreed rents in the area surveyed in accordance with the survey and settlement record. The second paragraph of the letter of the Director refers to estates under the Court of Wards, and does not therefore concern the Banaili Raj. 3. In connection with the points mentioned above, I beg to state as follows :- (1) In all the places in which the settlement operations have taken place, the jamabandis have been based upon the settlement khatians and parchas. But much difficulty is being experienced in consequence of the numerous mistakes that have cropped up in the parchas, An Assistant Settlement Officer, Baby Barham Deo Narain, has been deputed to correct these mistakes, and he is going on with the corrections so far as they have been detected: Although even after these corrections, it is possible that some will continue on, still it is hoped that much of the difficulty will be removed. In Golayan in North Bhagalpur, where there was originally no proper test made of the measurement, much confusion has arisen in tbe record of the fields of the raiyats, and it appears that in innumerable instances plots of fields have been so wrongly recorded that it has become almost impossible to find out what field really belongs to whom. (233) The Baneli Raj tahsildar of the cutcherry there has represented these matters, and it has been decided by me to have an amin deputed to rectify the mistakes, although this will necessarily change the entries in the settlement record, but it is hoped that the raiyats will agree to the course, and there will be ultimately no difficulty, and I shall have these changes recorded as so many mutations upon the settlement khatians, In almost all the places where the settlement has taken place the raiyats seem willing to accept, and go upon, the settlement papers. In one pargana, however, in the district of Malda, namely, pargana Akbarabad, the raiyats are unwilling to go upon them and are making a stand, and it is in oontemplation to have rent suits instituted against some of the ring- leaders. Even when they seem inclined to pay rents, they refuse to accept receipts contain- ing mention of the settlement plots of lands. (2) I have prescribed regular registers for recording the mutations in connection with the settlement khatians, and I have directed the mufassal agency to cause to have each mutation recorded in the register. I have asked them to submit reports as to the number of mutations already recorded, but it appears that, with the exception of the cutcherry at Gogri in the mutations. In Gogri some 225 mutations have already been made. I find that the mufassal agency as a rule is not yet quite up in this work of registration, and it will take time for them to learn this with efficiency; neither is the tahsildar nor is the patwari competent to make maps, and in occasions for altering the maps, regular amins have to be deputed to do the work. (3) From a statement prepared by me in the month of June last, I found that by that time the Baneli Raj had instituted about 675 rent suits on the basis of the settlement khatians; of these, about 134 had been decreed ex parte, some 11 cases have been partially decreed in variance with the parchas, and the rent had been decreed in full. In two out of the 1l cases the Baneli Raj had to suffer on account of the discrepancies in the zamindari and the raiyats' parchas. In the other nine cases the Courts held against the parchas in respect of the claim for ' batta. Although the settlement khatians had entered in them the amount of the batta as due to the Raj, the Courts held that this was an illegal cess, and that the landlord could not get it. Generally, however, the settlement khatians were received by the Courts with much reliance. No. 648G., dated Howrah, the 27th July 1894. From-E. W. COLLIN, Esq., C.S., Covenanted Deputy Collector, Howrah, To-The Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Proviņces, Calcutta. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 1206A., dated the 21st July 1894, forwarding for remarks certain correspondence regarding the correction of errors in the Srinagar-Baneli settlement records. 2. In reply, I have the honour to refer you to my letter No. 551G., dated February 1894, which was written after a perusal of the report of Babu Barham Deo Narain. I would request that this letter be considered in connection with the question under reference. 3. In regard to the mistakes, I can only repeat that the existence of any mistakes is to be regretted. At the same time, the number of mistakes was small in proportion to the number of entries, and more than half of them were of a trifling character. In calculating a large number of new rentals, it is, I submit, impossible to avoid some mistakes. If the mis- takes were serious and indicated fraud in preparing the figures, it would be a serious matter, but when it is found that the mistakes only affect a few annas, it would have been wiser for the landlords to have accepted the calculations, even though not strictly accurate. The effect on the rent-roll of the correction of mistakes was to bring out an increase of Rs. 219 only in a rent-roll of nearly three lakhs. Such mistakes would not occur in settlements where existing records are merely recorded, but it is difficult to prevent them when new rentals have to be calculated. The calculations were checked and tested by the officer and the landlords' agents when the papers were first prepared, and if mistakes were overlooked, I would refer to the letter of the Manager of the Baneli Raj, No. 1225, dated 11th December 1893, where he admits that in order to ascertain that there was really a mistake, it was “necessary to test and retest the calculation” after “the preparation of new jamabandis, for which the materials had to be collected from several sources.” The bulk of the records was made over to the landlords by March 1891, and it was not until after two and a half years' scrutiny of the papers, that the landlords were able, in October 1893, to file their complete list of mistakes. It was then found that half the mistakes on the list were not mistakes at all, while of the remainder, more than half affected amounts of less than eight annas, and the total percentage of errors in the amount of rentals was 9. I trust therefore that the Settlement Department, which had to carry on the proceedings with as much despatch as possible, and which could not stop to “test and retest calculations by materials collected from several sources,” will be to some extent exonerated from the charge of bad work. 4. As to the charge that the Manager were not given full opportunity to check the records, I have the honour to refer to paragraph 12 of my letter No. 551G., dated the sea February 1894. The Appendioes C and D referred to in aragraph 21 of the report of Babu Barham Deo Narain, (No. 17E., dated the 12th February) pwill show that every facility was given to the landlords. I can only repeat what I said before, that the landlords were allowed to go through the whole of the records and to check every entry by the agency of their own clerks before the records were made complete. The Manager of the Baneli Raj appears to deny this, and to say that the landlords were only allowed to check the copying of the entries, and not the original entries. This is not the fact, as pointed out in paragraph 12 of my letter No. 551, dated th February 1894. 2 f ( 234 ) 5. Again, the Manager of the Baneli Raj, in his letter No. 1225, dated 14th December 1893, urges that the landlords' agents could not check the entries in decrees in suits for settlement of rents or for disposal of objections. I should be glad to know why they could not do this. In all civil suits, the parties test and check the decrees, and no obstacles were put in the way of the landlords doing so in the settlement proceedings. Again, the Manager makes a great point of the detailed jamabandis” not being published. Ho refers here to the papers drawn up for the calculation of new rentals, of which a sample form is given in Appendix A of the papers forwarded by you. These papers, of course, were not published, but they were prepared, and the calculations were made by the Settlement Office, assisted by the landlords' patwaris or agents in every case. In fact, they could not have been prepared with- out their assistance. Some mistakes of calculations were made, but they were not detected until after the records had been for two years in the hands of the patwaris, who “tested and retested them” with a view to find out mistakes, and then only found 2:3 per cent. of the caloulations wrong, and wrong only to an insignificant extent. 6. With regard to the liability for payment, it is for the Government to consider if the deputation of a special officer was originally necessary, and if the bulk of the expenditure incurred by his deputation was not due to the delay of the landlords in filing lists of mis- takes. I would point out, however, that the Officiating Director of the Department of Land Records is entirely in error when, in paragraph 2 of his letter to the Board, No. 30288., dated the 16th June 1894, he states that “the number of mistakes might have been much smaller, if copies of extracts from the khatians, similar to the parchas and parcha counterfoils now in use, had been made over to the parties, while record-writing was proceeding." The mistakes were not mistakes arising in the record-writing. As was pointed out by the Manager of the Baneli Raj in his letter, Appendix D of the papers submitted by you, the mistakes are "mainly of a clerical nature. They arose in making calculations of revised rentals, or in carrying out the purport of orders passed under sections 105, 106.” Such errors would not be prevented by the issue of parchas at the time of khanapuri. A reference to the classification of errors given as Appendix A to my letter No. 551G., dated 3rd February 1894, will prove this conclusively. The issue of parchas may prevent errors in the records where, as I understand is now being done in Bihar, existing rents are only recorded, but it will not prevent errors of calculations of revised rents after a settlement suit, and it is to be remembered that rents amounting to Rs. 2,94,000 were settled in the Srinagar-Baneli estates. The remarks therefore of Babu Barham Deo Narain and the Officiating Director of Land Records as to the issue of parchas is beside the point. I have the honour to earnestly request that it may be remembered that the mistakes which have been brought to light, are almost entirely mistakes of office work. If the officers in charge of the settlement are to blame for their imperfect supervision of this portion of their duties, on the other hand they deserve credit for the faot that though the records have been tested by actual experience for over three years, and have been subjected to the rigid and unfavourable scrutiny of the landlords, few, if any, mistakes have been brought to light affecting the settlement, so far as concerns the field work and preparation of the original record. o&. 1 2,94,000 Namait. I have broughtlement they do the mistakes whiunt, I have the hoting Director of Lantes. The remarks Tents portion of the date of the settlement light, are almost et ( 335 ) 12. ' REVENUE DEPARTMENT. LAND REVENUE. DARJEELING, THE 2ND NOVEMBER 1894. RESOLUTION—No. 4863. READ- (1) A letter No. 233A., dated 9th March 1893, from the Board of Revenue, with enclosures, submitting the Settlement Officer's final report of the survey- settlement of the Srinagar-Baneli estates ; together with a supplementary report by Assistant Settlement Officer, Babu Barham Deo Narain. (2) The Board's letter No. 1052A., dated the 25th August 1894, submitting the final report of Deputy Collector, Babu Barham Deo Narain, on the correction of errors in the settlement records. Read also- (3) A letter, dated the 15th February 1894, from M. Finucane, Esq., on special duty, submitting a note on the maintenance of the settlement records in the Srinagar-Banaili estates. These estates are situated in the districts of Malda, Purnea, Bhagalpur, Monghyr, and Darbhanga, and are owned jointly by Kumar Nityanand Singh, Kumar Kamalanand Singh, and Kumar Kalkanand Singh, of Srinagar, and Raja Padmanand Singh, of Baneli. The Court of Wards took charge of the Srinagar portion of the estates in October 1882, the three proprietors of that · Reasons for undertaking the portion being then minors. No trustworthy rent- survey and settlement. T r oll had been left by the late proprietor, the father of the minors; and the rent demand was never collected in full. The arrear demand when the Court of Wards entered upon the management of the property was Rs. 14,68,440. In 1884 it was found necessary to remit arrears to the amount of Rs. 10,15,036, and in 1886-87 the collections of rent and cesses were only 63 and 55 per cent., respectively, the arrears amounting to seven lakhs. It was therefore resolved that the property should be surveyed and a record of rights prepared under the Bengal Tenancy Act, in order to effect an adjustment of the rent demand and to secure system and punc- tuality in the collections. With this object an application was made by the Court of Wards under Section 101 of the Bengal Tenancy Act, in which Raja Padmanand Singh, the co-sharer in the greater part of the property, joined. Under the orders of 1887, the proceedings were to embrace lands in estates which were the exclusive property of the Srinagar minors, and in those which were the joint property of the minors and the Baneli Raj. The proceedings were subsequently extended to three villages in the Khubkhund pargana of Bhagalpur, in which a 4-anna share was held by other proprietors, and to the villages in Purnea held by the Srinagar estate in patni and darpatni. It may be mentioned here that the Srinagar estate was released from the management of the Court of Wards in July 1891. 2. The following extract from Mr. Collin's report (paragraph 74) gives an account of the principal causes of confusion in the rent-roll which made it incumbent on the Court of Wards to prepare a new and accurate record through the machinery of a survey and settlement under Chapter X of the Tenancy Act: 574. It has been explained that the chief reason for the survey was to clear up confusion in the landlords' rent-rolls. The following were the principal oauses of the confusion :- (1) Abatements and remissions on account of absoonded raiyats, or zaiyats who had died without heirs, had not been noted in the rent-rolls. In the Daphar pargana the rent-roll of the Srinagar estate had not been corrected for over 30 years, with the result that large uprealizable balances were shown. Another result was that abandoned holdings were resettled with new raiyats, while also retained in the former tenant's name, and thus appeared twice in the rent-roll. (2) Changes of tenants by transfer or succession had not been noted in the rent-rolls, and thus the landlords' papers were obsolete. In the village of Bishunpur- anda batements and remis, had not been neu estate had 10€ balances wer 2.f2 ( 236 ) Gonesham, the patwari papers showed 86 raiyats, of whom 44 were not traceable. The landlords at first claimed to have the names of raivats entered in the records, though they had oeased to have any connection with the village, as they feared that otherwise they would have no power of collecting the arrears of rent from them. This led to many disputes as to the name of the tenant to be entered. (3) The patwari papers often did not show the true name of the cultivator. Raiyats were entered by fictitious names. In the villages of Dharampur and Hempur the patwaris' paper contained 54 names of fictitious or "furzi' raivats. In one village of 196 acres, the names of 47 fictitious raiyats were found to be entered. It was found that this practice prevailed in 38 out of 108 villages in the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand parganas. It was stated that the object was to distinguish between holdings held at money rental and those held on halhasili or jaidadi tenures. It was, however, a matter of great difficulty to find out the name of the real tenant. The same practice prevailed to a modified extent in Purnea, where raiyats held a number of holdings under many names and discarded or retained the tenancies, as they thought fit. (4) The rent-rolls were not checked by the landlords' agents. Thus, in Belwa- Sukhasan village, 54 new tenants were discovered. In Nirmalli 300 bighas of land unassessed to rent were found, which were entered as taufir in the patwaris' papers, but were found to be held by raiyats. (5) Numerous disputes as to rates existed. Many of the villages were formerly leased out, and the lessees tried to raise the rates by the simple expedient of entering higher rates in their rent-rolls. The rates were also in many villages raised by the lessees on the condition that no measurement was madě The enhancements were looked upon by the raiyats as special cesses, but the landlords treated them as real, and tried to retain them after measuring the villages. Thus in Mysurbo the rates were raised, in 1274F., from Re. 1.10-6 to Re. 1-14 on the understarding that there should be no measurement. In 1278 the village was measured, and all lands held by raiyats were assessed at the higher rate, though the raiyats did not accept the enhancement, Disputes of this character were frequent in the Khubkhand and Uttarkhand parganas of Bhagalpur; and in several villages of Monghyr there were instances of disputed rates on account of illegal enhancements." The difficulty was accentuated wheu the new form of rent-receipt introduced by the Tenancy Act came into force. The landlords then would only give receipts with the new rentals, and the raiyats would not accept them until the rents were entered at the old recognized rates. In some villages in Bhagalpur, such as the Shahpur taluka, Darhar, Agwanpur, and others, there was confusion as to areas of holdings. The rates had been increased by a lump sum on the understanding that raiyats should be allowed to extend their holdings without measurement. In some cases the landlords had broken through this under- standing, and had measured the villages and assessed the newly cultivated lands. The majority of the raiyats would refuse to accept the assessment, but a few would submit, and hence the dispute was kept alive. In cases where no measurement was made, the enhanced rental was calculated on the area of the old holding. When the new form of rent-receipt introduced by the Tenancy Act came into force, a difficulty arose as to what area should be entered. The landlords wished to enter the recorded area and the enhanced rental. The raiyats objected, as this would be evidence of their acceptance of the higher rate. In some villages they were prepared to measure the holdings on the condition that the old rate was preserved, but they would not pay rent, or take the new forms of receipt if they were to show the former areas at the enhanced rentals. Nothing was done to clear up the disputes, and thus arrears of rent accumulated. (6) In nearly every village disputes arose as to the rates payable by head raiyats or privileged tenants. There were a large number of such privileged raiyats who had rendered services to the proprietors or lessees. The landlords' papers used to show the full village rate against such tenants, but a deduction was made at time of payment of rent. When the new form of rent-receipt came into force, the landlords wished to show the rental at full rates on the receipts, while the raiyats would not accept them unless they showed the special rates. In Bhagalpur, out of 14,291 raiyats, rents were disputed in 5,075 cases. In Monghyr 8 per cent. of the rentals were disputed. (7) In Purnea the system of accumulative holdings was a fruitful source of con- fusion. If any raiyat died without heirs, or abandoned his holding, the patwari would assume that his next-of-kin took possession of it without proouring any formal agreement. The holding would be continued in the name of the former raiyat, and certificates for arrears of rent would be issued in his name. It frequently happened that the new tenant did not take up the holding, or if he did, he added it to his original holding, and then repudiated the addition of rent. As there were no measurement papers or other trustworthy records of areas, it was very difficult to decide such disputes. ( 237 ) (8) There was much confusion in the demarcation of village boundaries in Monghyr and Malda. The situation of some villages, as Mahamedpur Bhelwa in Monghyr, and of a number of scattered villages in Malda, could with great difficulty be discovered. In several cases of boundary disputes in Monghyr there was evidence that the patwaris had entered the names of raiyats as cultivating disputed lands who could not be identified; and an instance recently came to light in the decision of a boundary dispute between Koela and Birbhas villages, where the papers produced by the representatives of the estates are declared by the Assistant Settlement Officer to be forged. 3. The survey was carried out chiefly by a professional party under Mr. G. B. Scott, Deputy Superintendent of the Progress of the operations. Survey of India Department. It was begun in November 1887, and all the records were made over to the Settlement Department by the end of October 1889. Mr. E. W. Collin, C.s., was appointed Settlement Officer. The bulk of the work was accomplished by him, and he submitted the final report of the settlement on the 7th July 1891. What remained to be done was entrusted to Babu Barham Deo Narain, Assistant Settlement Officer, who took over charge on the 11th May 1891, and submitted a supplementary report on the 26th March 1892. Extracts from Mr. Collin's report were published in a Resolution, dated the 10th December 1891, recorded on the results of surveys and records of rights in certain Correction of errors in the wards' estates; but the present review of the settle- settlement records. ment was postponed pending the result of a further enquiry which was rendered necessary by the discovery of errors in the settlement records after the operations had been closed and the records had been deposited in the Collectorates of the five districts concerned. Babu Barham Deo Narain was deputed, in January 1893, to correct any errors which might be brought to light-a duty which occupied him for about one year. The report now forwarded by the Board shows that there were altogether 1,597 errors in the original records and 625 mistakes of copying in the khatian, khasra, and tirij. The former, which alone need be taken into account, were due to the following causes:- (1) Mistakes made by patwaris in stating the former areas and rents of holdings. (2) Mistakes made in transcribing figures from one paper to another. Arithmetical mistakes of calculation. (4) Mistakes arising from misunderstanding of judgments and orders by the muharrirs. (5) Mistakes arising from omission to carry out orders in all papers. Unaccountable mistakes, which were rare. It may be stated that the number of tenancies entered in the khatian amounted to 67,141, that two-thirds of the mistakes relating to the amount of rent payable affected that amount to the extent of less than one rupee, and that the result of the revision was that it increased the rent-roll by Rs. 1,511-2-3, and diminished it by Rs. 1,298. Corrections have been made in red ink, both in words and figures, in the Collector's copies of the khatians, as well as in the copies supplied to the landlords, and in every case previous notice was given to the party adversely affected. The raiyats copies have been corrected where produced, but where they were not produced, a remark has been recorded on the Collector's copy to the effect that, as far as the raiyat's copy differs from the Collector's, to that extent the former is wrong. The total cost of this revision amounts to Rs. 8,354.9-10. . 4. It is gratifying to find that the amount of error which has been dis- covered in the settlement records is far less than was anticipated, and the Lieutenant-Governor thinks that it may safely be said that it is not greater than is likely to creep into a work involving such multiplicity of details, and carried out by an inexperienced staff, however careful the supervision of the superior officers may be. Sir Charles Elliott has little doubt that an equal number of mistakes in copying, in calculating rents, and in entering the results of contested cases, might have been found in any of the settlements with which he himself was connected in the North-Western and Central Provinces, had they been subjected to a similar test, and His Honour wishes emphatically to state that, in his opinion, the discovery of these errors involves no discredit to Mr. Collin or his Assistant, Babu Barham Deo Narain. It is, however, highly satisfactory and advantageous to all parties that the errors have been discovered and corrected even at the cost of so much expenditure and delay. - .. ( 238 ) 11 5. The total area surveyed was 447,662 acres, or about 6991 square miles; but the total area settled was only 426,265 acres, Areas surveyed and settled. or about 666 square miles, the remainder having been excluded from settlement on account of lands belonging to other pro- , prietors having been found interlaced with the surveyed area and for other -reasons. The total area surveyed by the professional party was 617 square miles, while 81 square miles in pargana Daphar in Bhagalpur were surveyed by the Settlement Department. The whole property comprises 64 revenue- paying estates, 3 revenue-free estates, and 77 villages held under patni leases. The revenue-free estates and fifteen of the revenue-paying estates belong solely to the Srinagar share. The remainder are the joint property of Baneli and Srinagar, while in two estates in Bhagalpur other proprietors also hold shares, the area of which amounts to 1,733 acres. Of the patni estates, two in Purnea are held jointly by Srinagar and Baneli, while the rest of the patni villages belong solely to Srinagar. Of the total area settled, 83 per cent. is held jointly, and 17 per cent. is held solely, by the Srinagar estate. The total Government revenue payable by the estates is Rs. 1,13,138-12-71. The estates are distributed in five districts and 24 parganas, as follows: the villages in Bhagalpur and Monghyr lying in comparatively compact blocks, while those in the three other districts are much scattered: Number of Districts. Pargana. villages. 1. Daphar 94 Harawat 1 3. Khubkhand Bhagalpur 4. Uttarkhand 5. Nirsingpur Chai Farkya Monghyr 8. Balia 9. Haveli 10. Shahpur 11. Dharampur 12. Kadwa Purnea ... 13. Tirakhurdah 14. Sujanagar 15. Tajpur 16. Dehat (17. Daphar | 18. Bhaor Darbhanga "19. Fakrabad 20, Akbarabad 21. Bhatiya Malda 22. Kotwali | 23. Mahinagar ( 24, Sujanagar Total 81 25 :::::::::::::::::::::::: ... 696 6. Two methods of settlement were employed. In the Daphar pargana of Bhagalpur an entire revision of the rent-roll Method of settlement. was made, the land held by each tenant being classified in accordance with a system which had become customary in that pargána. Under the second method, which was adopted for the rest of the tract under settlement, rents were altered under Section 52 of the Tenancy Act, according to the increase or decrease of the areas of holdings, an allowance of two cottahs in the bigha being generally made on account of the roughness of the old measurement; enhancement of rent being demanded only when the excess over the old area exceeded this proportion. The settlement in the case of excess areas was largely the result of compromise, but in 22 out of the 29 villages of pargana Akbarabad disputes regarding the length of the laggi (or measuring rod) arose. The Settlement Officer held that the laggi was one of five cubits, each cubit being of 18 inches, and on appeal this decision was confirmed by the Special Judge. Even then the settlement of these twenty-two villages had generally to be made ex parte in the absence of the raiyats, the majority of whom resisted every effort made to induce them to attend. 7. The result of the settlement and the subsequent revision is that the total demand as shown in the fictitious rent-roll kept Increase of rental. up before the settlement, has been lowered from ( 239 ) L . Rs. 4,88,715 to Rs. 4,88,532, or by Rs. 183. But this decrease is apparent only, being due not to any actual reduction of rent, but to the settlement of disputes as to existing rates, the effect of which has been to replace a fictitious by a real demand. The net result of the settlement has been a real increase of Rs. 23,850 in the total rental, which is equal to nearly 8 per cent. on the total outlay, including the cost of revision. The Lieutenant-Governor, however, agrees with the Board in doubting whether the proprietors have received all the increase which they might reason- ably have expected, in view of the excess cultivation brought to light, and the fact that the rents now settled will not be liable to enhancement for 15 years. 8. Government has borne the cost of the traverse survey, which amounts to Rs. 7,220. The net expenditure on cadastral Cost of operations. survey and settlement chargeable to the parties according to the final adjustment of accounts accepted by the Accountant- General is Rs. 2,98,897-3-1, which gives an average of annas 1007 per acre on the area surveyed, and of annas 11.2 per acre on the area settled. It was decided that the raiyats should pay two annas an acre on the area of their holdings, and that the landlords should pay the balance of the costs according to their several interests. As stated in paragraph 3 of this Resolution, the total cost of the correction of errors by Babu Barham Deo Narain amounts to Rs. 8,354-9.10. The Lieute- nant-Governor is satisfied that in the course of the settlement proceedings every facility was afforded to the Managers of the Srinagar and Baneli estates to bring mistakes to notice and to have them corrected. They did not sufficiently avail themselves of such opportunities, and although there was an interval of upwards of a year between the delivery of the bulk of the records to the landlords' agents and the closing of the settlement office, and a similar interval between the latter and the deputation of Babu Barham Deo Narain to bring mistakes to light, still the agents were not ready with complete lists of mistakes when the Deputy Collector began the work of revision, and repeated extensions of time had to be granted to them for their preparation, with the result that Babu Barham Deo Narain's proceedings were unduly prolonged. The Lieutenant-Governor has therefore accepted the Board's resommendation that half the cost of correcting errors should be borne by the two estates, the amount being equally divided between them, as hardly any mistakes have been found in the records of villages belonging exclusively to the Srinagar estate. The other half will be borne by Government. 9. When Babu Barham Deo Narain submitted his supplementary report of 26th March 1892, a sum of Rs. 50,986-5-6 was still outstanding, of which Rs. 15,719-14-1 was due from the Srinagar estate, Rs. 34,978-7 from the tenants, and Rs. 288-0-5 from the outside shareholders. In February last Mr. Finucane visited Bhagalpur for the purpose Realization of the outstanding as of ascertaining what arrangements had been made of balance of cost. containiño what we : by the two estates to maintain the settlement records, and he found then that the amount outstanding against the tenants was still unpaid, and that there was some confusion of accounts between the two with Mr. Finucane's recommendation, Babu Barham Deo Narain was at once posted to Bhagalpur in the regular line, and ordered to realize the outstanding balances with the aid of the certificate procedure, an establishment of six muhar- rirs for four months being sanctioned for his assistance. His Honour hopes that the accounts have now been adjusted, and awaits a report from the Board on the subject. 10. The causes which have rendered the Causes of high cost. settlement expensive and protracted are reported to be- the scattered nature of the estates; disputes as to the standards of measurement and as to existing rents; (3) the large number of objection petitions filed; the necessity of making a fresh copy of the records for the proprie- tors; (5) the remand during 1890 of 14 boundary disputes for retrial; and (6) the recusancy of the raiyats of pargana Akbarabad, which caused much waste of time in attempts to conciliate them and necessi- tated the issue of a large number of processes. VOIS (240) 11. The principal classes of work under this Case-work. head were: (1) Applications for settlement of fair rents under Section 104 of the Tenancy Act ... ... 632 (2) Civil suits for decision of claims, under section 106 ... ... 2,852 Of the fair rent suits five were brought by raiyats for reduction of rent, of which four were successful; the rest were brought by the landlords, and 473 were decided in their favour after contest. The amount of enhanced rent decreed in these cases is not reported. Of the civil suits under section 106, about half were brought by the landlords and half by raiyats, but the informa- tion on the subject is scanty. A set of tables was promised by the Settlement Officer showing the result of these trials, but it has not been sent in. In about 12 per cent. of the contested cases appeals were laid before the Special Judge, and in rather more than half these cases the decisions of the lower Court were 12. The total rent-paying area of the estates is 312,981 acres, of which 250,694 acres are cultivated and 62,287 are unculti- Classification of settled area and u vated. The area on which no rent is paid amounts tenants. to 113,283 acres. The total number of rent-free tenures is 2,445 with an area of 14,421 acres, or nearly 6 acres for each tenure. The tenants of the estates were classified as follows:- Cultivating tenure-holders ... 113 Raiyats ... 60,895 Under-raiyats Raiyats holding under cultivating tenure-holders- Settled raiyats Non-occupancy raiyats ... 439 Service tenure Total 73,641 :: ... 11, 128 ... 1,045 :: The 60,895 raiyats are classified as follows:- CLASS OF RAIYATS. Area for which Average rent is given in No. 1 Area. | size of the tabular state- holding. ment annexed to the report. * Rent. Rate of rent per acre. Acres. (1) Raiyats at fixed rates. Resident ... Non-resident Rs. Rs. A. P. Acres. 6.72 189 149 Acres. 1,271 962 6.44 Total .. 338 2,233 6.60 2,155 2,176 1 0 1 (2) Settled raiyats. Resident ... Non-resident Total. ... 5.76. 4:32 31,669 183,020 21,693 93,824 53,362 276,841 5:18 275,898 424,654 1 8 7 419 1 (3) Occupancy, but not settled raiyats. Resident ... Non-resident Total 2,454 3,618 5.85 6.31 573 992 6,072 6.12 6,060 9,090 1 8 0 (4) Non-occupancy raiyats. Resident ... Non-resident 2,813 3,390 5,832 8,541 2:10 2.51 Total 6,203 14,373 2:31 14,366 20,289 1 6 7 * Rent figures have not been given for parganas Bhaor and Fakrabad in Darbhanga. (241) About 90 per cent. of the raiyats holding 95.2 per cent. of the raiyati area have occupancy rights. Those holding at fixed rates pay much lower rates of rent than the rest, but there is little difference between the rates paid by the settled and the occupancy raiyats, and the non-occupancy raiyats pay at a lower rate than either of these classes. Transfers of portions of holdings are very common, and are accepted by the landlords. The under- raiyats pay their rents in kind, and are generally liable to ejectment at any time, being little more than the field labourers of wealthy raiyats. The total area held on produce rents is 5,090 acres, or 1.6 of the total rent- paying area. 13. Sir Charles Elliott tested the survey and settlement work in two Size of holdings and rates of villages near Purnea and inspected some of Mr. rent. Collin's settlement records in April 1891, and was generally pleased with the way in which the latter had been prepared. His Honour expressed some regret that more had not been done in the way of collecting and recording facts and observations illustrating the economic and agricultural conditions under which the tenants lived with whom Mr. Collin had been occupied. He found that Mr. Collin had prepared a brief English report on each village, showing its past history, prevailing tenures, &c., but in addition to this, His Honour desired that the final report should deal intelligently and compre- hensively with such data as could be extracted from the settlement records. Mr. Collin accordingly gives an interesting analysis of the average size of the holdings and the average rates of rent among the different classes of raiyats in each district in which operations were carried on. The following summary may be quoted from the Report:- A .“ Taking the general results of this comparison of holdings and rates of rent, it will be seen that the holdings are, as a rule, large, and that, where the average size of the holding is less than 5 sores, as in the Khubkhand pargana of Bhagalpur, and the Mahinagar pargana of Malda, the condition of the raiyats is not entirely prosperous : but where there are large holdings and low rates, as in Daphar and Tirakhurdah parganas, the raiyats are well to do. The facility with which the raiyats of the Daphar pargana tided over the bad year of 1888, compared with the distress felt in the northern tracts of Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur, confirms this fact. Compared with the results obtained in the Muzaffarpur settlement, the position of raiyats in the estates under settlement is more prosperous than in that district, where the average rate of rent is Rs. 3-12 per acre and the average size of the holding only 3 acres. It is seen also that where soil-rates exist, the average rate of rent is higher than where there are consolidated rentsa fact which follows from the theory that the latter form of rental only exists in traots where the soil is unfertile, cultivation backward, and the competition for land slight." The average rate of rents varies in the different districts as follows: Bhagalpur Monghyr Purnea Darbhanga Malda ::::: Rs. A. P. 1 10 2 per acre. 2 37 1 1 2 » 2 8 1 1 4 8 » ... Mr. Collin writes :- “The average rate of rent ascertained in the Muzaffarpur settlement was Rs. 3-12 per acre, while in the Sunkerpur estate of the Dinajpur district the rate is Re. 1-9-3 per acre. It will be seen that the rent rates in the estates are very moderate, and there is no sign of rack- renting. In fact, the conditions of the estates are such that it would have been impossible to force up rents in the same way as has been done in Muzaffarpur. The raiyats are, as a rule, aware of their rights, and singularly tenacious of them. They are not subject, as in Bihar, to the attacks of numerous landlords under the system of subdivision of estates. The effect of the lessee system in raising rents has been felt, but not to 80 great an exent as in Muzaffarpur, chiefly on account of the absence of competition for land. The village system is also in greater force in the estates than in Muzaffarpur, and the raiyats stand by each other in resisting changes of rents. On the other hand, the proprietors appear in past years to have acted reasonably, and to have fostered good relations with their tenants, and the name of Raja Lilanund Singh, father of the present Raja of Baneli, is held in great the raisats of mund Singh, he have fostereh go band, the people the raigatie stavidlago 29 (242) 14. In paragraph 85 of his Report Mr. Collin compares past and settled Comparison of past and settled rentals in a statistical table which may be quoted rentals. with the remarks which he adds in explanation:- PERCENTAGE OF- PERCENTAGE OF- NAME OF DISTRICT. Name of pargana. Increase Decrease Increase Decrease of area of area of rent. of rent. - 16 : : 21 4.5 23.9 29 : Bhagalpur opi 2:04 17.3 : 10 cisci coi : : : : 17 2:8 Monghyr 2:4 6.5 11 16 Purnea Daphar Harawat . Khubkhand Uttarkhand Nirsingpur Chai Farkya Haveli Shahpur Dharampur Kadwa Tirakhurdah Sujanagar Tajpur Dehat Bhaor Fakrabad Akbarabad Bhatiya Kotwali Mahinagar Sujanagar :::::::::::::::::::::: 6:1 20 : Zone 25 : : : Darbhanga ... : 10.7 : 17 : Malda : 8.09 19.3 Total 11 by 8, the metho) osplaients. There jents have to have been tred and “ From this statement it will be seen that though the areas of holdings have increased by 8, the net increase of rental has only been •11 per cent. I have in a previous paragraph (paragraph 66) explained that, where there has been a decrease, it is chiefly due to the exclusion of disputed rents. There is a further reason for the decrease in the fact that, in the landlords' rent-rolls, remissions of rents have not been noted when a raiyat has abandoned his holding, while at the same time, if the lands have been resettled with raiyats, the holding has been shown twice, i.e., the abandoned holding is retained and the new holding is entered in the rent-roll." 15. These raiyati holdings are peculiar to the Bhagalpur district, and are prevalent for lands subject to inundation, and Halhasili and Jaidadi tenures. So where cultivation is precarious along the banks of P rivers or on sandy high lands of poor quality. Under the halhasili system a raiyat takes up certain lands for which he pays 4 annas per bigha for the first year, and 12 annas per bigha for the second year, and the full rate (which varies from Re. 1-12 to Re. 1-4 in different villages) for the third year. Rent, however, is not paid for the whole holding, but only for such lands as are cultivated and sown with a crop. After three years the lands, if they require a rest, are abandoned and new lands taken up. The jaidadi tenure differs from the halhasili only in the fact that in the former case the raiyat only pays rent for the land on which a crop is found at harvest time. If the crop of any field is totally lost, the raiyat pays rent for only 2 cottahs or one-tenth per bigha. If the crop has not been injured, the raiyat pays rent on nine-tenths of the area. 16. Mr. Collin gives an interesting account of the cultivation of the mulberry crop, which is grown in parganas Akbar- Mulberry crops. abad, Bhatiya, and Kotwali in the Malda district. ( 243 ) The following table showing the percentage of lands cultivated with this crop is extracted :- Total cultivated area in acres. Percentage of land cultivated with mulberry. Akbarabad . .. 7,697 Bhatiya 25 per cent." 39:3 Kotwali 424 892 22:4 It is stated that, if the season is favourable, half a maund of cocoons will be reared from a bigha of mulberry land at each breeding season, or "bund.” The cocoons sell at Rs. 30 to Rs. 35 per maund, so that in a good season the total outturn amounts to Rs. 64 per bigha of 2,500 square yards, the cost of cultivation being Rs. 18 per bigha. The rent is a small item in the cost, being only 10 annas per bigha. The rearing of cocoons is, however, a risky opera- tion, and the “bunds” often fail, especially those of July and September. The best bunds are in December and March. In good seasons the mulberry plant sells at from Re. 1 to Rs. 2 per maund, each bigha producing 10 maunds. Mr. Collin estimates that, taking the average of years, the profits of mulberry cultivation cannot be less than Rs. 25 per bigha of 2,500 square yards, which is equivalent to Rs. 48 per acre. *17. The enquiry made by Mr. Finucane in February last disclosed that Maintenance of the records. no real attempt was being made to maintain the records and correct the maps. The Manager of the Srinagar estate was absent at Allahabad, but the Manager of the Baneli estate informed him that he was endeavouring to keep up a mutation register, in which it was found that only a small number of mutations relating to transfers by sale had been registered, transfers by succession not being registered at all. Mr. Finucane suggested that copies of the khasra and khatian relating to each village should be given to the patwari, who should be called upon to report the mutations annually in a form devised by him; that an amin should verify the patwari's statements by local enquiry; and that alterations found necessary should be made in the khatians in the tahsil office, or that supplementary khatians should be prepared, under the sub-manager's orders. This and the recording of mutations by sale reported by the purchasers may help to maintain something like a correct record of existing facts, and the Board of Revenue have been requested to submit a report in April 1895, showing what use has been made by the manager of Mr. Finucane's suggestions. 18. His Honour desires to acknowledge the care and ability with which Mr. Collin conducted the operations entrusted to him. Credit is also due to Babu Barhamdeo Narain for the work done by him under Mr. Collin, and subsequently in connection with the correction of errors in the records. ORDER.-Ordered that this Resolution be published in the Calcutta Gazette, and that a copy be forwarded to the Board of Revenue for information and guidance. By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, C. E. BUCKLAND, Secretary to the Govt. of Bengal. . No. 4864L.R. COPY forwarded to the Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Land Revenue Department, for information and guidance. By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, T. W. RICHARDSON, Under-Secretary to the Govt. of Bengal. CALCUTTA, The 2nd November 1894. B, C, M. & others-Reg. No. 3959J-100-11-1.95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 11 SH HT 3 9015 08439 0536 . * 10 S 2 . ALE THE . - u . ma * . with > * Klis Sistem AYAW 2 070 Thy 9X ta WO US . S 2. *** 2 SEKS TX . ki . * . . 22 cy v V C . LETTER . AR De ** * 17 ' Wii * 3. - ; A 4 ICE YA . 29 . Sid 2 S R Tv its . . .:. M AWS . 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