Trans. His.Coll. HE 151 .A15 no.206 Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company. Charter and bye-laws of the Fayetteville & Western Plank Road Company : incorporated by the General Assembly of North Carolina, 1848-9. Fayetteville [N.C.] : printed by Edward J. Hale, 1849. H % H #E§ = - Zºº - AND I-Bº Yº E - I-L-A-Yº sº - or THE - Intorporated by the General Assembly of North Carolina, 1848–9, - PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS. FAYETTEVILLE: PRINTED BY EDWARD J. HALE. TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY | - &- - - -º- - FAYETTEVILLE & WESTERN PLANK ROAD COMPANY., A N A G TF . TO IN CO R P O R A TE T H E FAYETTEWILLE AND WESTERN PLANK R0AD COMPANY. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, That it shall be lawful to open Books in the Town of Fayetteville, under the direc- tion of George McNeill, James Kyle, A. A. McKe- than, John H. Cook, E. J. Hale, Wm. H. Bayne, Charles Montague, Duncan G. MacRae, Daniel Mc- Diarmid, Henry Elliot, Charles T. Haigh, John T. Gilmore, Benjamin W. Robinson, Thos. N. Came- ron, Duncan Murchison, and John Waddill: And in the town of Salisbury, under the direction of D. A. Davis, John I. Shaver, Joseph F. Chambers, and Calvin S. Brown; and at such other places, and under the direction of such other persons, as the Commis- sioners hereinbefore named to superintend the re- ceiving of subscriptions in the town of Fayetteville shall direct, for the purpose of receiving subscrip- tions to an amount not exceeding two hundred thou- sand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, for the purpose of effecting a communication by means of a Plank Road, from the town of Fayetteville to the town of Salisbury, by the most practicable route, to be determined by the said Company after the same shall have been formed. 2. Be it further enacted, That the times and places . for receiving subscriptions shall be advertised in one or more newspapers printed in the towns of Fayette- ville and Salisbury, and the Books for receiving the 4 same shall not be closed in less than thirty days. And the said Commissioners shall have power to open the Books from time to time, as they may think proper, until the whole number of shares be sub- scribed. - . . . . . ; 3. Be it further enacted, That when the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars shall be subscribed for in manner aforesaid, the subscribers, their executors, administrators, or assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, incorporated into a Compa- ny, by the name and style of “The Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company,” and by that name shall be capable in law of purchasing, holding, sell- ing, leasing and conveying estates, real and personal and mixed, so far as shall be necessary for the pur- poses of said Company, and shall have perpetual succession, and by said corporate name may sue and be sued, and may have a common seal, which they shall have power to alter and renew at plea- sure; and shall have and enjoy, and may exercise, all the powers, rights and privileges which other cor- porate bodies may lawfully do, for the purposes men- tioned in this Act, and may make all such bye-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States, as shall be ne- cessary for the well ordering and conducting the affairs of said Company. 4. Be it further enacted, Upon any subscription of stock as aforesaid, there shall be paid at the time of subscribing, to the said Commissioners or their agents appointed to receive such subscription, the sum of one dollar on every share subscribed, and the resi- due thereof shall be paid in such instalments and at such times as may be required by the President and Birectors of said Company. 5 5. Be it further enacted, That the said Commis- sioners, or their agents, shall forthwith, after the first election of President and Directors of the Compa- ny, pay over to the said President and Directors, all moneys received by them; and on failure thereof, the said President and Directors may recover the amount due from them, or from any or more of them, by legal process in the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, or in the Superior Court of Law, in any county wherein such Commissioner or Commission- ers, their executors or administrators, may reside, or by warrant before a Justice of the Peace for said county. 4 * 6. Be it further enacted, That when twenty-five thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, public notice of that event shall be given by the said Com- missioners at Fayetteville, who shall have power at the same time to call a general meeting of the stock- holders, at such convenient place and time as they shall name in said notice. - * 7. Be it further enacted, That to constitute any such meeting, a number of persons, entitled to a ma- jority of all the votes which could be given upon all the shares subscribed, shall be present either in per- son or by proxy; and if a sufficient number to con- stitute a meeting do not attend on that day, those who attend shall have the power to adjourn from time to time until a meeting shall be formed. 8. Be it further enacted, That the subscribers, at their general meeting before directed, and the pro- prietors of stock at every annual meeting thereafter, shall elect a President and nine Directors, who shall continue in office, unless sooner removed, until the next annual meeting after their election, and until their successors shall be elected; but the said Pre- 6. sident and Directors, or any of thana, may at any time be removed, and the, vacancy thereby occa- sioned be filled by a majority of the votes given at any general meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The President, with any three or more of the Di- rectors, or in the event of the sickness and absence or disability of the President, any five or more of the Directors, may appoint one of their own body President pro tem., shall constitute a Board for the transaction of business. In cases of vacancy in the office of President or any Director, happening from death, resignation, or otherwise, such vacancy may be supplied by the appointment of the Board until the next annual meeting. - 9. Be it further enacted, That the President and Directors of said Company shall be, and they are hereby invested, with all the rights and powers ne- cessary for the construction, repairs, and maintain- ing of a Plank Road to be located as aforesaid, with as many branches diverging from the main stem as they, or a majority of them, may deem necessary, and may cause to be made, and also to make and construct all works whatsoever, which may be ne- cessary and expedient, in order to the proper com- pletion of the said Road and all its branches. . . . 10. Be it further enacted, That the said President and Directors shall have power to make contracts with any person or persons, on behalf of the Com- pany, for making the said Plank Road, together with any branches of the same, and performing all other things respecting the same which they shall judge necessary and proper, and to require from the sub- scribers, from time to time, such advances of money on their respective shares as the wants of the Com- \ pany may demand, until the whole of their subscrip- \,... *. 7 tions shall be advanced; to call, on any emergency, a general meeting of the Stockholders, giving one month's notice thereof, in one of the newspapers printed in each of the towns of Fayetteville and Sa- lisbury; to appoint a Treasurer from among the Stockholders, (but not of their own body,) who shall give bond and security for the faithful discharge of his duty, and duly accounting for all the money which may come into his hands as Treasurer; to appoint a Clerk and such managers and toll gatherers as they may deem necessary, and to transact all the busi- ness of the Company during the intervals between the general meetings of the Stockholders. 11. Be it further enacted, That if any Stockhold- er shall fail to pay the sum required of him by the President and Directors, or by a majority of them, within one month after the same shall have been ad- vertised in one of the newspapers printed in each of the towns of Fayetteville and Salisbury, it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directors, or a majority of them, to sell at public auction and to convey to the purchaser the share or shares of such Stockholder so failing or refusing, giving one month previous notice of the time and place of sale, in manner aforesaid; and after retaining the sum due, and all the charges of the sale, out of the proceeds thereof, to pay the surplus over to the former own- er or to his legal representatives; and if the said sale shall not produce the sum required to be advanced, with all the incidental charges attending the sale, then the President and Directors may recover the balance of the original proprietor or his assignee, or the executor or administrator, or either of them, by suit in any Court of Record having jurisdiction there- of, or by warrant before any Justice of the Peace of 8 the County of which he is a resident; and any pur- chaser of the Stock of the Company, under the sale by the President and Directors, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as the original pro- prietors. . . . 12. Be it further enacted, That if the capital stock of the Company hereby incorporated shall be found insufficient for the purposes of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directors of the said Company, or a majority of them, from time to time, to increase the said capital stock to an amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars, by the addition of as many shares as they may deem ne- cessary, first giving the individual stockholders for the time being, or their legal representatives, the op- tion of taking such additional shares, in proportion to the amount of stock respectively held by them; and opening Books in the towns of Fayetteville and Salisbury, and such other places as the President and Directors may think proper, for any balance of the capital stock created which may not be taken by the stockholders for the time being, or in their behalf; and the subscribers for such additional shares of the capital stock in the said Company, are hereby declared to be thenceforward incorporated into the said Company, with all the privileges and advantages, and subject to the liabilities of the original stock- holders. - .13. Be it further enacted, That the President and Directors, their officers or agents, may agree with the owners of any land over which the said Road or any of its branches is intended to pass, for the pur- chase thereof; and in case of disagreement, or if the owners shall be femme covert, under age, or non com- pos, or out of the State, on application to any two 9 Justices, of the Peace of the County where the lands lie, the Justices shall issue their warrant to the She- riff of said County to summon eighteen freeholders to meet on the land to be valued, on a day expressed in the said warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty days thereafter; and the Sheriff, on receipt of the warrant, shall summon the freeholders accord- ingly, and when met shall draw twelve of them, who, after being duly sworn, will impartially value the land in question, and consider the damages the owners thereof may sustain; and the inquisition, so taken, shall be signed by the Sheriff and the Jury, and re- turned to the Clerk of the County Court to be re- corded. And in all cases, the Jury is hereby direct- ed to describe the land valued, and such valuation shall be conclusive; and the President and Directors shall pay the sum to the owner of the land valued, or his legal representatives; and if neither can be found in this State, or if they should refuse to receive the money, then to the Clerk of the County Court; and on payment thereof, the said Corporation shall be seised in fee of the land, as fully and absolutely as if it had been conveyed to them by the owners. 14. Be it further enacted, That the President and Directors may agree with the proprietor or proprie- tors for any quantity of land not exceeding five acres, at or near each place or station intended for collect- ing tolls, for the purpose of erecting the necessary buildings, gates, &c.; and in case of disagreement, or of any disabilities aforesaid, or the owner or own- ers being out of the State, the same proceedings may be had, and the same conveyances shall follow, as are described in the preceding section. S. 15. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said President and Directors to demand Q *º 10 and receive, at some convenient toll gates to be by them erected, a reasonable toll from all persons using said Plank Road or any of its branehes, which toll so to be collected shall be so regulated that the pro- fits shall not exceed twenty per cent, on the capital of said Company in any one year. X 16. Be it further enacted, That the same Road hereby authorized to be made by the President and Directors, shall not be less than ten feet nor more than thirty feet wide. And that so soon as ten miles in extent shall have been constructed, it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directors of said Company to erect a toll gate, and collect such toll from persons using said Road as may be determined by the President and Directors in accordance with the rates imposed by the fifteenth section of this Act, and in like proportion for a greater extent of road; and if any person or persons shall refuse to pay the toll at the time of offering to pass the place or places designated for their collection, and pre- vious to passing the same, the toll gatherers re- spectively may refuse a passage to the person or persons so refusing to pay; and if any person or per- sons shall pass, or drive through any wheeled car- riage or animal liable to toll, without paying the same, he or they shall be liable to a fine of five dol- lars, which fine may be recovered by a warrant be- fore any Justice of the Peace of the County wherein such toll gate may be situated. 17. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully or maliciously injure, or in any manner hurt, damage or obstruct, or shall wilfully or maliciously cause, or aid, or assist, or counsel and advise any other person or persons to injure, hurt, damage, or obstruct the said Plank Road, toll | 1 gates, or toll houses, such person or persons so of. fending shall be hable to be indicted therefor; and on conviction shall be imprisoned or fined at the dis- cretion of the Court before which said conviction shall take place. 18. Be it further enacted, That the President and Directors shall render distinct accounts of their pro- ceedings and disbursements of money to the annual meetings of the Stockholders, and to the Governor of the State. 19. Whenever, in the construction of said Plank Road, it shall be necessary to cross or intersect any established Road or way, it shall be the duty of the President and Directors so to construct the said Plank Road across such established roads or ways as not to impede the passage or transportation of persons or property along the same. And if, in the construction of said Plank Road, it may become necessary or expedient to occupy or use any por- tion of any established public road or way, it may be lawful for the President and Directors to change the said roads at points where they may deem it necessary so to do; and that for entering upon or taking any land that may be necessary therefor, they shall be, and are hereby authorized to proceed under the provisions of this Act, as in the case of land necessary for the Plank Road: Provided fur- ther, that previous to the making of any such change, the said Company shall make and prepare a road equally good with the portion of the road proposed to be substituted; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to make it incumbent on the Company to keep in repair the portion of any road which they may have changed as aforesaid. 20. Whenever one-fifth of the capital stock of 12 said Company shall be subscribed by individuals or corporations, as herein before provided, the Treasu- rer of the State for the time being shall be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to subscribe one- fifth of said capital stock of said Company for and on behalf of the State; and whenever another fifth of said capital stock shall be subscribed by individ- uals or corporations, as herein before provided, the Treasurer of the State for the time being shall sub- scribe two-fifths more of the said capital stock, for and on behalf of the State; so that the State shall hold an interest of three-fifths of the proposed capi- tal stock of said Company: provided, however, that the State shall not be called on to pay any instal- ments of such subscriptions but as follows: When- ever three-fourths of the first subscription of one- fifth by individuals or corporations shall have been paid or secured, then the State shall pay its first subscription of one-fifth; and whenever three-fourths of the other one-fifth subscribed by individuals or corporations shall have been paid or secured, then the State shall pay its last subscription of two-fifths: the payments, or the fact that the said proportion of the subscription by individuals or corporations is secured, to be first certified by the President and Treasurer of said Company. And provided further, that nothing herein contained shall render the State liable for any additional subscription whatever, should the capital stock of said Company be in- creased. 21. In all general meetings of the Stockholders, the Board of Internal Improvements, or such person or persons as they shall appoint, shall be entitled to represent the stock held by the State, and shall be entitled to give three-fifths of the whole number of 13 votes, which may be present at such meeting, either in person or by proxy. ... " 22. To enable the State to pay her subscription to said stock, whenever the same shall be required as herein before provided, the Treasurer of the State for the time being shall from time to time is- sue bonds or certificates of debt under the great seal of the State, signed by the Governor, counter- signed by the Treasurer, and guaranteed by a pledge of the faith of the State, in sums not less than five hundred dollars, payable in currency of the United States or Great Britain, with interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, payable semi-annually; the principal of which bonds shall be redeemable at the end of twenty years from the time the same shall be issued; but no greater amount of such bonds shall be issued at any one time, than may be sufficient to meet the instalment required to be made by the State at that time. º 23. Whenever it shall be necessary to issue said bonds or certificates of debt, the Treasurer shall advertise in one or more public newspapers, and in- vite sealed proposals for said loan; and it shall be his duty to accept those terms which may be most advantageous to the State; and any premium which may be obtained on said loan, shall be paid into the public Treasury of the State, and invested by the Treasurer, by and with the advice and consent of the Governor, in stocks or other evidences of debt, as a savings fund, to meet the payment of the in- terest on said loan, as the same may accrue. 24. As a security for the redemption of said bonds, the stock held by the State in the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company, shall be, and the same is hereby pledged for that purpose, and any 14 dividends of profit, which may, from time to time, be declared on the stock so held by the State in said Company, shall be applied to the payment of the interest on said loan, but until such dividends of profit may be declared, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay all such interest as the same may accrue, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated. 25. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall be in force from and after the ratification thereof, and shall be regarded as a public Act, and be continued in force for twenty-five years. . Read three times, and ratified in General Assembly, this 27th day of January, 1849. RoR. B. GILLIAM, Speaker House of Commons. CALVIN GRAWEs, Speaker of the Senate. lº Y E = L. A. W. So ARTICLE I. The Annual Meetings of this Company shall be held in the Town of Fayetteville, on the Second Thursday of April in each and every year. ARTICLE II. The Stockholders, at each Annual Meeting, shall elect by ballot a President and nine Directors; and a majority of all the votes given shall be requisite for the election of said President and Di- 15 rectors. And every Stockholder shall be entitled to one ; for each share of Stock he, she or they may respectively ho r re. present. - - ARTICLE III. The President and Directors shall have power to engage the services of a competent Engineer or Engineers. They shall cause the requisite Surveys to be made: secure the right of way: let out the contracts, &c. They shall mark out the various duties of the officers, overseers; surveyors, and other servants of the Company: appoint or remove them or any of them, and appoint others in their places: establish rules of proceedings, and in general to direct all the business of the Company. They shall procure and adopt a Seal for the Corporation, and the President shall, with the appro- bation of the Board, affix the seal to conveyances and other instru- ments, (as the case may require,) and sign the same in behalf of the Corporation. They shall audit or direct the manner of audit- ing the accounts. The Board may adjourn their meetings from time to time; and all questions shall be decided by a majority of the members present, the President giving the casting vote in cases of a tie. ARTICLE IV. The President shall keep his office in the Town of Fayetteville. He shall at his pleasure have power to convene the Board, and it shall be his duty to do so whenever required by any three of the Directors in writing. He shall approve and countersign all orders or checks on the Treasurer. It shall be his special duty to look after and take charge of the varied interests and property of the Company: to see that the different officers and servants of the Com- pany faithfully do their duty. As stock is paid up, he shall, on a surrender of the scrip or receipts, issue certificates of stock to the stockholders; and he shall then take charge of the transfer Books. He shall have a salary of Five Hundred Dollars per annum, and travelling expenses to be paid at the discretion of the Board of Di- rectors, - ARTICLE V. The Board shall appoint a Treasurer, define his duties, fix his salary, and take bonds with good and sufficient security for the faithful performance of his duties, and to account faithfully for all moneys that may come into his hands. And he shall make a full report of the receipts and disbursements during the year, to the 16 St iders at each Annual Meeting, and to the President and L . [ s as often as they may require the same. ARTICLE VI. T Board shall appoint a Clerk, who shall keep a record of the -- ARTICLE VII. a sachuesting of the Stockholders, a Chairman shall be ap. poin d, whose duty it shall be to preserve order; and a Secretary shall also be appointed, to record the proceedings of the meeting. ARTICLE VIII. No Stockholder shall address the Chair unless standing in his place, nor shall any one speak more than twice on the same sub- ject w”hout leave. º ARTICLE IX. s *** t T minutes of each meeting shall be read previous to its ad. journ and if approved, be signed by the Chairman and Se- cret, ry. ARTICLE X. I, all meetings of the Stockholders, the vote on every subject affecting the interest of the Company, (except in the election of Officers, already provided for,) when required by any Stockholder, shall be regulated according to the following scale, that is to say: For every one share and not more than Two shares, one vote: for every two shares above two and not exceeding TEN, one vote: for every four shares above ten and not exceeding THIRTY, one vote: for every six shares above thirty and not exceeding sixty, one vote: for every eight shares above sixty and not exceeding one Hundred, one vote; and for every ten shares above oNE HUNDRED, one vote.