(Ulpe (Juntutulturalth uf ſilagºariutgeftā. BY HIS EXCELLENCY EBEN S. DRAPER, In 1905 the Legislature provided that the Governor should annually issue a proclamation setting apart the twelfth day of February as L IN CO L N DAY This year is the one hundredth anniversary of Lincoln's birth, and not merely in Massa- chusetts but throughout the whole country proper observances commemorating his great life are to be held. In this Commonwealth I am sure much more notice will be taken of the day than at any previous time and I believe it is well that it should be so. I trust, however, that the usual services in commemoration of the day will be held. Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest men of our country and of the world. Being denied all the advantages of an early education, he surmounted every obstacle and became learned in the law, eloquent in speech and a master of classic English ; but what made him really great was his large heart and marvelous judgment. He realized that this country could not live half free and half slave and was willing to make any sacrifice of blood and treasure that was necessary to preserve the Nation. In doing this he was so great that, although the head of a large army carrying on a tremendous war, he never had an unkind feeling toward those on the other side. Had he not been blessed with a great sense of humor, it does not seem possible that he could have lived through the terrible trials of the great conflict. It is most fitting, therefore, that exercises in his memory should be carried out in all proper ways. It is especially important that exercises should be held in our public schools commemo- rating his life and career, so that the children who are being educated as the American citizens of the future may have an opportunity to learn of his character and greatness, that his life may be an example for them to follow. EBEN S. DRAPER. WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. (§un gaue (Ulpe (Juntmuntutealth mf ſilagáàriutgefta. • *- * * * ~ cº- - - -- - …& x, * -s - -- ; ** ** ** *. -- *. - * …º. 3 F.Wºº. § --- ºw".º.º. t to a ſm or ºr " UNIV. UF mucti, 4-44 5 DEG 8 isos , Az *— Pa C 362 o'll L || —/ UNIVERSITY OF MICH | I | |