State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY GOVERNOR It is significant and a record of which any nation may well be proud that every war in which our country has fought has been a struggle for the noble ideals of liberty and freedom. Greed and oppression have never been our purposes but instead defense and deliverance. Twenty-nine years ago in Havana Harbor, an event occurred which was to be the forerunner of a war fought in the interest of an oppressed people, whose claim on us was only that of a common humanity. To the end that this spirit may be kept alive in our hearts and as a memorial to the men of the navy who died aboard the Maine and to the men who subsequently died or were willing to die, I hereby designate the fifteenth day of February next as and I direct the observance of the occasion in all of the schools of the State by suitable exercises according to law. We should remember that in honoring the first dead of the Spanish-American War we not only commem- orate but reconsecrate ourselves to the great principles for which they died. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-first. By His Excellency’s Command: UNIVERSITY of Mººn, milliºl 3 8039 f