*ºr #**.:-*...&: -: *}*s.*:::...*&§:Sº*. : wº- -*** filagiariutgeftā. by H IS H O NO R - EBEN S. DRAPER, Lieutenant Governor, Acting Governor. In accordance with the provisions of section sixteen of chapter fifty- three of the Revised Laws, I designate Saturday, April the twenty-fifth, as Arbor Day. - - - The Commonwealth is spending large sums of money to save its trees from the ravages of gypsy and brown tail moths; is giving a great deal of attention, work and money to reforestration; and is distributing forest tree seeds and seedlings to large numbers of schools and land owners. It is estimated that practically a million or more forest seed- lings will be set out in Massachusetts this spring. Literature has been sent out by the State Forester and great interest has been taken by the Commonwealth in the most important works of planting and improving the trees. - º - - I take this opportunity to call the attention of the city and town governments to the desirability of taking such favorable action as they may toward improving the shade trees in quality and increasing their number. I ask the people of the Commonwealth to act in co-operation and sympathy with this idea, and suggest that any time they may give as individuals to help this cause Will be well spent. Any persons who do assist in this good work will deserve and receive the thanks of their “children's children.” - - Given at the Executive Chamber, in Boston, this thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-second. . . EBEN S. DRAPER. By HIs HONOR THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, ACTING GOVERNOR, - WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. (ºut $aue the (Juntutulturalth mf flaggarſutaetta.