State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY MARCUS H. HOLCOMB GOVERNOR rurlantafiult . . . statutes provide that the Governor | shall annually appoint an arbor and bird day to be observed in the schools. In compliance there with I hereby designate Friday, the nineteenth day of April, 1918, as Arlinr attà l'iro ſlau on which day the teachers will read this procla- mation to * scholars and impress upon them that the wanton destruction of song birds and Of their eggs is a crime, and that the planting and preservation of trees benefits them and succeeding generations, and materially adds to the beauties of their state, which is now one of the most attractive states in the Union. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and eighteen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. WAR 1,1919 **¿ ºſvº- ſmiſſiſſimuſ \ ~<ę -*** 3 skłaAlNr.- : H- . NVOIHOIWN 3O \ll