G. T. A q ^ S. A 2. P4 cºcoa ºw štate uſ ſilirligant flathers' flag #rurlantatium 1914 A #rurlăutatiuit: ſlig fire (ßmuerttur. The mother is the queen of the home and the home is the ante-room to Heaven. Industry, thrift, honesty, self- sacrifice, sobriety, virtue, sympathy and love are fostered in the home. The home is the bulwark of our glorious nation. Every influence that stimulates the founding of homes adds to the nobility of manhood and womanhood, “Breaking Home Ties” is one of the most pathetic, yet one of the most beautiful pictures in the world of art. The boy or girl bidding good-bye to Father and Mother, receives a holy benediction that can never escape memory. Out of the shadows and out of the sunshine comes Mother's face, Mother's voice, Mother's love. On Mothers' Day, I urge every boy, every girl, every man, every woman in Michigan to pay a tribute of love and devotion to the living Mother. Just read her last letter once more, then write her a joyous letter telling her of your loyalty and abiding love. On the grave of the sleeping Mother scatter flowers mingled with your tears. Yes, the greatness and glory of a nation is in the hands and hearts of the mothers. THEREFORE, I, Woodbridge N. Ferris, ask that the people of Michigan set apart (the second Sunday in May (the 10th) as Mothers' Day. As far as possible, let parents in their homes and both young and old in public meetings discuss the theme of Mother with that enthusiasm and sin- cerity which should characterize all loyal Americans. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State this twenty-seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen and of the Commonwealth the seventy-eighth. & - / ‘S) By the Governor: s Governor. %24.2/ */º 44. x Secretary of State. TY OF |ill 3 9015 08038 9912 080