GENERAL LIBRARY, UNHV. QF WA; Cri. NOW 21 1904 STATE OF NMICHIGAN Lºuº P R O C L A NA A T J O N By Aaron T. Bliss Governor Thanksgiving Day November 24, 1904. fº fº. H. f. , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; § sº ** {, }, ... ...} : ; ; : ; ;-à tº ... Sº #sº. # i. ; : * * *, *, *, * * {: 2-y . g ; : : . . * * . . */ '...” ºf ºf . . . 4}s sº § § tº # * * * NOW ºf $39; tº:- § štate uf ſilichigant £xer itfiti e Hep artitt eitf A †rurlantatint lig flir (5uurritur To the People of the State of Michigan, Greeting: . . In pursuance of custom and law and having a due regard for the dependence of man upon God, I do proclaim as Thanksgiving Day, Ulurghalſ, Nuurmber 24, 1914. on this day all lines of demarkation should disappear in a general feeling of thankfulness because of the blessings that are ours. No one P is too rich and no one too poor to soberly and seriously give heed to the lessons of Thanksgiving Day. It has much for him who has waxed strong in health and something for him who has known sickness and suffering, the one that favor has been shown, the other that con- ditions have been no worse. It is a day for the individual, when he shall take measure for himself of the advantages that are his, and render of appreciation accordingly. It is not a day of boasting but of thanks- giving, and every heart will be warmed and cheered if all of the observances of the day are conducted in this spirit. I call upon the homes, the churches and the schools of Nichigan to unite in making the holiday as notable as the unbounded prosperity * **, A fºr: Teº, ſº 3 :** ** *- : ****, *, r*. . . . ſº tº ſº. 3 # , º, ...} : ... y \g # F# = #$$y ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; \* . |- ; ; fl. i. i. ex ºr 4.- : * * * * * : . . ; { }}}.} : "AF Ty F.A Fºº frº 3...? Üß V. {}º fº.ſ.º. * - NOV 3: $334 of the State, and the multiplied advantages bestowed without stint upon the people. NAay Charity walk hand in hand with Thanksgiving. - Given under my hand and the Great Seal of - the State of NAichigan, at the Capitol, in Lansing, this Fifteenth day of No- |GREAT SEAL.] P vember, in the year of our Lord One • Thousand Nine Hundred and Four, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred Twenty-ninth. By the Governor: Governor. Secretary of State. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG Illilill '. 9015 08038 9904 3