C-T 4.41% Williºn #. A "2. r r §§615 080 Pi C 342e'll CF štate of ſºlitijigan * Arlinr attà (Sarheit Bag #rurlantatium 38p the Öobernor in Ø 33rotlantation [] At an earlier day Michigan was the home of magnificent forests of pine and hardwood. We have still enough hardwood trees left to make Michigan the leading hardwood State in the Union, but scarcely a vestige remains of our once splendid pine forests. What can we do today to help restore what has been destroyed? Re- forestation by the State and tree-planting by the individual—that is the answer. Trees mean beauty and blessing. They mean health and wealth. They mean shade and shelter and food. For many years it has been the custom, at this season of the year, for the Governor to issue a proclamation, calling upon the people of the State to observe Arbor Day by the planting of trees and by other appropriate exercises. This year, important as the planting of trees undoubtedly is, there is a still more important matter to engage our serious atten- tion, and that is the planting of gardens. Through none of our own seeking, we have been plunged into war; and we are threatened with the greatest food shortage in our history. It may be that disaster, great and irretrievable, can be averted only by utilizing for planting purposes every available foot of ground. One-quarter of an acre can be made to produce, for example, potatoes enough to supply two or three families, and vacant lots in cities, towns and villages are available for this purpose. PRODUCTION AND CONSERVATION−these should be our two great watch-words this year. * Therefore, I, ALBERT E. SLEEPER, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby designate and set aside friday, £ap fourtſ), 1917, ag girbor and 65atten ſºap, in the hope that both the Old and the young of our people may be impressed with the needs of the situation, and may be stimulated not only to plant trees, as has been our custom on Arbor Day, but to plant their garden plots with potatoes and corn and beans and other nutritious vegetables. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State this twenty-fourth day of April, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine thundred and seventeen, and of the Com- monwealth the eighty-first. By the Governor: Governor. Secretary of State.