UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ~ G-T C 362 o'll 6 Z II. | | | A-C1 a S” §tate uſ ſilichigant ––––– A- fº Beruratium alth filemurial ſlau 1914 A #rurlantatiutt: Tig the (§muerttur. Nations that do not remember the dead do not remember the living. We scatter flowers over the graves of the “Boys in Blue” because of our love for them, because of our love for the noblest nation in the world, because of our love for the remaining members of the Grand Army of the Republic. The added stars in our flag, the birth of a world-wide patriotism, the solidarity of the United States, the commercial, social and political progress of our country has been made pos- sible through the valor and self-sacrifice of the boys who fought for the Union. We who live today learn our lessons of inspiration, of patriotism and service from these heroes. May this day recall sacred memories, may this day afford us one more opportunity for greeting the “old boys” with a smile, with a hearty hand shake, with a “God bless you.” For the boys who died in the Spanish American War and for the boys who survived we bring like tokens of love and consecration. / Therefore, I, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby issue this my Proclamation and heartily urge the observance of Saturday, May 30, 1914, as Memorial Day-> Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State this eighth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen and of the Commonwealth the seventy-eighth. 2- . By the Governor: Governor. %24.2% */º 44. Secretary of State.