GENERAL Liß ºf AFR23 ſºft, State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY MARCUS H. HOLCOMB, GOVERNOR rurlantafiult |IN accordance with an ancient custom, to appoint gº annually, in the springtime, a day upon which all people may unitedly seek the favor of God, in the occasions of the ensuing year, and to select for that purpose the Christian Holy Day, Good Friday, I hereby designate Friday, April the second, as a day of fasting am trager I request that on that day all the people of this State, whatever be their creed or belief, laying aside their usual avocations, humbly bow before the throne of God, in recognition of all His mercy to them and their own undeserving; in thankfulness of heart that He has spared this Nation the dread scourge of war; in earnest supplication for patience, wisdom and courage, that so peace may abide with us; and in sincere prayer for an early cessation of the bloody strife which is rending the nations of the Old World. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-ninth. By His Excellency's Command: CHARLES D. BURNES, Secretary. MARCUS H. HOLCOMB. ~~~~)______ í „ºſºººoºosiose ||||||İ|| SHEAIN/m ~) ~\