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COMPARATIVE VIEWS OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE BRITISH EMIPIRE. 2 fºur BRITISH EMPIRE IN 1603. ' Do. 1713. 3 ſ THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN 1763. l DG. 1837. 4–5. THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN 1905. THE WORLD, BATHY-OROGRAPHICAL. 6 Do. WEGETATION. 7 THE WORLD, TEMPERATURE. & } Do. RAINFALL. 8 THE WORLD, DENSITY OF POPULATION. ſº } Do. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. 9 } ERITISH EXPORT TRADE. * Do. IMPORT TRADE. BRITISH ISLES AND EUROPE ſ ROMAN BRITAIN. lANGLO-SAXON BRITAIN. I }: OF WESSEX. 10. EMPIRE OF CANUTE. - 12. BRITAIN AFTER NORMAN CONQUEST. 13. ANGEVIN EMPIRE, 1189 A.D. 14. Do. 1360 A.D. 15. PERIOD OF EARLY VOYAGERS, 1492. 16. MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES, 1740. 17. Do. 1905. INSETs — IONIAN IsLES, GIBRALTAR, CYPRUS, HELIGOLAND. 18. BRITISH ISLES, VEGETATION. MALTA, 19. Do, COAL AND IRON. 20. Do. INIDUSTRIES. 21. Do. POPULATION. 22. ENGLAND AND WALES, OROGRAPHICAL. 23. Do. POLITICAL. 24. SCOTLAND, OROGRAPHICAL. 25. Do. POLITICAL. 26. IRELAND, OROGRAPHICAL. 27. Do. FOLITICAL, ASIA 28. ASIA, OROGRAPHICAL. 29. CENTRAL ASIA, FRONTIER CHANGES. 30. INDIA, OROGRAPHICAL, 31. INDIA, VEGETATION AND PRODUCTS. ; INDIA IN 1707. - Do. 1765. ( INDIA IN 1805. 33. } Do. 1858, 32. 3 34–35. THE INDIAN EMPIRE IN 1905. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42 43. 44. 45. 46. D0. INSETs—CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, MADRAS. THE FAR EAST, 1803. Do. 1905. THE NEAR EAST, 1905. AFRICA AFRICA, OROGRAPHICAL. DO. VEGETATION. Do. POLITICAL, 1905. | DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA, 1800, 1850. Do. 1865, 1880. BRITISH SOUTH ANI) CENTRAL AFRICA. INSET-CAPE TOWN. DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA. EGYPT AND BRITISH EAST AFRICA, 1905. INSETs—EGYPT, ALEXANDRIA, UGANDA, BRITISH SOMALILAND. DRITISH WEST AFRICA, 1905. INSETs—GAMBIA, SIERRA LEONE, GOLD COAST, NIGERIA. AMERICA NORTH AMERICA, OROGRAPHICAL. NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES, 1755–1763. NORTH AMERICA, 1783. | BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, 1791. 1S-11. 51. DOMINION OF CANADA, 1905. 52. LOWER CANADA AND NEW FOUNDLAND, * 1905. , THE WEST INDIES, 1660. 53. - * ** l Do. 1763. 54. WEST INDIES, BRITISH (;UIANA, ANI) HONDURAS, 1905. INSETs—BERMUDAs, JAMAICA, FALRLAND ISLANDs. OCEAN IA 55. LEADING EXPLORERS OF THE PACIFIC, 56. AUSTRALASIA, OROGRAPHICAL. 63. 64. Do. WEGETATION. AUSTRALIA, POLITICAL, 1905. AUSTRALASIA, 1825. | Do. 1860. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. (NEW SOUTH WALES, VICTORIA. SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND QUEENSLAND. NEW ZEALAND, ISLANDS, 1905. PACIFIC ISLANDS, 1905. CHRONOLOGY AND EXPANSION BRITISH EMPIRE, TASMANIA, AND FIJI () F THIE |5||1352 I N T R O DUCTION RELATION OF GEOGRAPHY TO HISTORY ExcELLENT atlases and maps there are in plenty for the study of the modern geography of the British Empire as a whole or in detail: in various historical atlases and text-books may be found maps to illustrate this or that period of British or imperial history; but the compilers of the present atlas believe that theirs is the first attempt to combine into a single portable volume material which will serve schools, universities, and the general public for a correct and intelligent interpretation of the modern physical and political geography of the British Empire, and will systematically connect that interpretation with, and base it upon, a geographical study of the long historic evolution through which our Empire has passed from the days of the Roman occupation to the reign of King Edward VII. If it be true, and the present editors are profoundly convinced of the truth, that no study of political geography can be satisfactory or educationally valuable which is not based on the study of physical geography; if it be true that for the student of our constitution and institutions “the roots of the present lie deep in the past, and that nothing in the past is dead to the man who would learn how the present came to be what it is,” it is equally true that no student of historical geography will learn what his subject can teach him unless at every stage he brings historical facts into intimate and vital connec- tion with the conditions of modern descriptive and physical geography. There can be no more disastrous mistake than to regard modern and historical maps as belonging to separate and exclusive spheres of geography as a subject of study and a part of all real education. Unless, indeed, geography is to be stripped of all that can make it an essential element of a sound civic training, modern and historical maps must in all cases be mutually complementary. And this is pre-eminently true for the student of the history and geographical structure of the British Empire, and such a study, we are all agreed, is not merely desirable in itself, but a positive duty for every British citizen. (a) Scope of the Atlas.-The Editors, therefore (as the Table of Contents indicates), have endeavoured to provide such assistance in the way of maps as will enable teacher and pupil to examine separately and concurrently the historic, the physical, the economic and the modern political factors in the subject-matter of their study. The modern physical and economic maps will, it is hoped, provide the necessary illustration for the geographical text- book; the historical maps in particular are intended to illustrate the whole course of British history from the point of view of imperial development, and the two together to prepare for an examination of the deeper and more com- plicated problems in government, in politics, and economics which the British Empire alike in the past and to-day so richly provides. As a further help the Editors have included in their plan (Plate LXIV.) a chronological scheme epitomising in graphic form the historical evolution as a whole, and have added not merely the usual index, but a historical gazetteer and a classified and selected bibliography indicating the most useful aids, in their judgment, for more specialised and extended study to be found in other atlases and the chief historical and geographical authorities. In a word therſ, the present atlas aims at providing both a geographical and historical companion to past history and present conditions, at illustrating in a reasonable compass and at a moderate price the origins, development, and form of the British Empire from the earliest times to the present day. (b) The Significance of the Imperial Crown.—No apology is necessary for commencing the historical illustrations with Roman Britain, nor for tracing briefly the varied forms through which the 13ritain of the Teutonic invaders has expanded into the Empire of to-day. Some recent writers, it is true, are content to date the modern British Empire simply from the naval and commercial expansion of England in the later part of the Tudor epoch. Iłut such a date is obviously arbitrary, and the theory ignores the plain conclusion that the dawn of that expansion had been preceded by, and would be meaningless without, the great age of Exploration and Discovery, as well as the fact that the results of that epoch came to Englishmen whose ancestors had been long familiarised with the significance of an imperial crown, and with an Empire beyond the narrow seas of which the Calais just lost in the reign of Mary Tudor was a painful symbol, and to the extent of which the Channel Islands then, as to-day, could bear indisputable and honourable witness. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to assert broadly that since the days of Boadicea there is no period of our history in which the inhabitants of Great 13ritain have not been connected with or lived under a series of national and historic imperial systems—the Roman, the West-Saxon, the Danish, the Norman, the Angevin, until we cross the threshold into the realms of modern history proper. “Edward VII., by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of all the British Dominions beyond the seas, King, 1)efender of the Faith, Emperor of lndia.” (I Edw. VII, c. 15)—so runs the title of our present Sovereign, every word of which contains a complex chapter of history in epitome, but the theory and claims of the modern in perial crown are no pinchbeck creation of the nine- teenth century; they would have been intelligible to the men the chronicles of whose sleepless ambition were written by Hakluyt and Purchas, and the claim had been asserted and exercised long before the keels of John and Sebastian Cabot or of Hawkins, Raleigh, Frobisher, and Drake followed the wake of Columbus, Di Gama, and Magellan across the uncharted seas, before Newfoundland (1583) became the premier colony of the modern British Empire, before even William the Conqueror crossed the Channel to step on to the throne and inherit the traditions of the West-Saxon House. (c) Past and Present-To-day it is sometimes too commonly assumed that the expansion of England is pre- eminently the affair of the Seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, the result of two centuries of inevitable 5 6 INTRODUCTION and continuous war with France. But already for more than two centuries England had been at war with France for an Empire, had “expanded ” long before the search for the North-West Passage, the voyage of the Mayflower, the occupation of Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast, the capture of Jamaica, or the seizure of Gibraltar. Why, how, and with what results that previous expansion took place, the imperial systems which preceded the colonisation of North America, the conquest of Canada, and the growth of an Eastern Empire on the ruins of the Mogul Supremacy, are not merely an irrelevant if interesting prologue to the great drama that follows: they are in themselves a series of vivid and illuminating historical dramas, continuously and organically connected with the enduring movement in world-history which gave Sir J. Seeley the title of his famous book. And just as the student of the modern British Constitution, even if anxious only to understand the system under which the British citizen to-day lives and is governed, finds himself drawn back step by step from a survey of Downing Street, Whitehall, Westminster, and the Law Courts in the Strand, to study the work of Edgar, Henry II, the framers of Magna Carta, Simon de Montfort, and Edward I., as well as that of Henry VIII., Cromwell, and the framers of the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement, so, too, even a superficial examination of historical geography reveals that in the long list of Empire Builders, Edgar the Peaceable, Canute, William the Conqueror, Henry II., Edward I., Edward III., and Henry V., and for what they stood and worked, have also their due place, and that without their names and achievements, their legacies and their ideals, the record must not only be mutilated and incomplete, but positively false and misleading. (d) The Modern Development.—The main features of the strictly modern development, commencing with the colonisation of Virginia, the establishment of the East India Company, the gradual building up of permanent lines of trade through the West African forts with the Hinterlands and the West Indies in the seventeenth century need not be sketched here, even if space permitted the attempt. How and why England united itself with Scotland and finally with Ireland, how the United Kingdom lost Tangier just as it was on the point of becoming a Mediterranean power, how it came into collision with the rival colonial empires of Spain and the Dutch, and at all points—on the Ganges and the Coromandel Coast, on the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi, in the Caribbean Sea and on the Gambia and Oil rivers, not less than at Malta, Port Mahon, and Gibraltar—it found itself confronted by France, are chapters of history written in every text-book. And if there is a lull after Waterloo, the struggle for colonial empire breaks out again half a century later, and presents remarkably similar features. We may have to read Africa and Central Asia as the centre of the scene instead of North America and India, to substitute German and Russian for Spaniard and Dutch ; but France and French statesmen are in the forefront as before, and to the historical student the foundation of British Nigeria, of the East and Central African Protectorates, the supremacy in South Africa, the mastery of the Nile, and the problems presented to-day on the North-West Frontier of India, along the littoral of the Persian Gulf, and in the Farther East are curiously familiar to the student who has appreciated the work of Marlborough, Chatham, Clive, Warren Hastings, Wellesley, and Dalhousie. For Great Britain since the days of Elizabeth there has always been an Eastern Question, though to statesmen of different epochs the East has meant very different things, and will mean very diſſerent things a century hence. And the future to-day, as in the sixteenth century, lies upon the water. (e) Problems of the Present and the Future.—The deeper problems that a study of the evolution of the British Empire opens up are of perennial interest and importance. The meaning and results of sea-power, the connection between naval power and a nation's mercantile marine, the interaction and reaction of commerce upon colonisation and of both on political progress and civic strength and imperial ideals, the value of different systems of colonisation and colonial governments, the methods through which a nation can expand, above all, the conditions by which and the limits under which companies chartered or otherwise can be profitably employed to stimulate national ambitions and aid in achieving national ends, the relations of a colonising people to alien, subject, or inferior races—all these and many others must beset the student's mind at every stage of his inquiry. They are simply a few of the supreme questions to the solution of which history, if liberally and philosophically interpreted, will not refuse indispensable aid. “The glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome”—history can help to justify the claim. Why has the Dritish Empire come into existence? For what has it stood in the past? For what does it stand to-day ? With what right and with what hopes does it face the future ? These indeed are tremendous questions which every British boy and girl, every university student, who must some day be a fully privileged member of that Empire. should not be permitted to evade. Neither historical, physical, political, nor economic geography alone can answer them, but it is certain that without all the help geography can give such questions will simply be baffling and tiresome riddles. ALL SOULS COLLEGE, I 905. N 2-1Barbados, most easterly of West Indies, Ioo m. E. of St. Vincent. Chief THE BRITISH EMPIRE, HISTORICAL AND MODERN GAZETTEER OF COUNTRIES AND POSSESSIONS Abaco, second in size of the Bahamas. See BAHAMAS. Acadia, name for an ancient province in French Canada, represented by the modern Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and ceded to Great Britain \, 1713. First settled by the Scotch, 1622. Aden, at southern extremity of Arabia, acquired 1839. The settlement of Aden includes Aden, Little Aden, Shaikh Othman, Perim, Socotra, and the Kuria Muria Islands. Political Resident under the Bombay Governmen f. Alberta, district in the North-West Territories of the Dominion of Canada. Created 1882. Erected into a Province, 1905. Capital, Edmonton. Aldabra Islands, group in the Indian Ocean, N. of Mozambique Channel. º Dependency of the Seychelles. Amirante Islands, group in Indian Ocean. Dependency of the Seychelles. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, SE. of Bay of Bengal. Annexed I792. Chief Commissionership of Indian Government. * Andros, largest of the Bahamas. See BAHAMAS. Anegorda. See VIRGIN ISLANDS. Anguilla, Leeward Is. Unit in the Presidency of St. Kitt's (q.v.). Ascension, island in S. Atlantic, 700 m. NW. of St. Helena. Annexed I815. AWaval Station under the Admiralty. Ashanti, territory on the W. coast of Africa. Annexed 1901. Chief Com- missioner under the Gold Coast Colony. Assam, a Chief Commissionership in the Government of India, NE. of Bengal. Capital, Shillong. Territory acquired 1825. Assigned to Bengal until 1874. Joined to Eastern Bengal in 1905. (See note at bottom of p, º - Assiniboia, Pºiº in the North-West Provinces of the Dominion of Atlaabasca, Canada. Created 1882 (see mote at botſom of p. Io). Auclaiand Islands, group S. of New Zealand. Dependency of New Zealand since 1842. º Australia, Commonwealth of. A Federation of the six Colonies, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, and Tasmania, created by 63 & 64 Vict. c. 12, Jan. I, 1901. Responsible Federal Self-Government. Aves, islands W. of Windward Is. Annexed 1904. Bahamas, group of islands in the West Indies. Capital, Nassau. Discovered by Columbus. Assigned to Sir H. Gilbert, 1578. First settled, 1612. Definitely assigned to Great Britain, 1783. Crown Colony. / Africa Company. 1895, transferred to Brit. Govt. under Foreign Office. 1904, Commissioner and Consul-General under the Colonial Office. British Guiana, colony in S. America. Capital, Georgetown. Includes Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice. First Eng. Settlement, 1604. Finally ceded to England, 1814. Since 1891 a Crown Colony with a Council partly Alective. IBritish Honduras, colony on E. coast of Central America. Capital, Belize. Discovered by Columbus, 1502; English settlers, 1630-1798; undisputed British possession since 1798; 1862, constituted a colony. Since 1870 a Crown Colony. British New Guinea, SE. part of island of New Guinea. Chief town, Port Moresby. Discovered by Antonio di Abrea, 15II. British Protectorate, 1884; transferred to the Australian Commonwealth, I901. Crown Colony under Governor-General of Australia. British North IBorneo, territory at NE. of island of Borneo. Chief town, Sandakan. Since 1882 under British AWorth Borneo Company. Brunei, Native State between Brit. N. Borneo and Sarawak. Chief town, Brunei. Since 1888 Protectorate under the Governor of the Straits Settlements. Burma, province of a Lieut.-Governor in Farther India under Indian Govern- ment. Comprises Lower Burma (annexed 1825–1852) and Upper Burma (1886). Constituted a Lieut.-Governorship 1888. Caicos Islands. See TURK's and CAICOS ISLANDS. Canada, Dominion of, self-governing Federation of British colonies (save Newfoundland) in N. America, and composed of Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, and the N.W. Provinces (1867–1898). Province of Saskatchewan, Alberta, created 1905. Fedel al capital and seat of Dominion Parliament, Ottawa. Cape Breton Island, an island forming part of province of Nova Scotia (7.7).). Capital, Sydney. Taken from French 1758. Separate colony 1784–1819. Assigned to Nova Scotia 1820. Cape of Good Hope, self-governing colony at S. extremity of Africa. In- cludes twelve islands off Angra-Pequeña (1874), Kaffraria (1879), Walfisch Bay (1878), Griqualand W. (1880), Tembuland (1881), Pondoland (1894), British Bechuanaland (1895). Capital, Cape Town. Dutch settlement, I648 – 1795; 1814, finally ceded to England. A'esponsible self-governing Colony since 1872. Cayman Islands, three islands to NW. of Jamaica. Defendency of Jamaica. Bahrein Islands, group in the Persian Gulf. Capital, Moharek. Protectorate |\Central Provinces (India), province in Central Brit. India under a Chief since 1847. Political Resident (Bushire). Baluchistan, country to the West of India. Divided (1876—1899) into 3 divisions: (1) British Territory; (2) Native states of Kalāt and Las Bela ; (3) Tribal areas. Agent for the Governor-General of India. town, Bridgetown. First occupied, 1605. Crown Colony. Barbuda, Leeward Is. Dependency of Antigua (q.v.). Settled 1661–1662. IBaroda, the most westerly of the four principalities in British India controlled by an Agent of the Governor-General. The head is the Gaikwar. British A’esident since 1780. IBasidu, British port in the island of Kishm, near the entrance to the Persian Gulf. Persian Gulf Political Residency. IBasutoland, territory in S. Africa, SE. of Orange River Colony. From 1871 to 1884 part of Cape Colony. Since 1884 under a Resident Commissioner, under the High Commissioner for South Africa. Commissioner of Govt. of India, and includes the Berars. Created 1861. Ceylon, island off the S. extremity of India. Capital, Colombo. 1507–1658, Portuguese settlement; 1658–1795, Dutch settlement; 1795, annexed by Great Britain. 1801, a separate colony. Crown Colony. Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm, Jethou). An appanage of the Duchy of Normandy. United to Eng. Crown since Io96. Awtonomous government under British Crown. Chatham Islands, group of islands to E. of New Zealand. Dependency of A'ezer Zealand. Christmas Island, 200 m. SW. of Java. Dependency of the Straits Settle- ments since 1889. Cocos Island. See KEELING ISLANDS. Cook Islands, group in the S. Pacific. Dependency of Aew Zealand. Coorg, the smallest province of Brit. India. Capital, Merkara. Annexed 1834. Under a Chief Commissioner. IBechuanaland, territory in S. Africa, divided into colony of British Bechuana->|| Cyprus, island in the Levant. Capital, Nicosia. Under Lusignan family, land, annexed (1895) to Cape of Good Hope, and Protectorate under a Resident Commissioner, Protectorate first proclaimed 1885. Ikengal, Province in British India under a Lieutenant-Governor. Capital, Calcutta. Comprises Behar, Orissa, Chotia Nagpur. Established 1854, Reconstructed in 1905. (See note at bottom of p. Io.) Berbice, district in B. Guiana. Settled by Dutch 1624. Finally ceded to England 1814. Bermudas or Somer's Is., group in N. Atlantic, 360 m. from N. Carolina. Capital, Hamilton. Discovered by Bermudez about 1527. Settled 1609- 1612. Crown Colony. IBhutan, independent State in E. Himalayas. Capital, Punakha. Since 1865, British sphere of influence regulated by treaty and subsidy. Bombay. A Presidency in British India, under a Governor. Capital, Bom- bay. Established as a Presidency I668. British Central Africa, protected country on Shiré River and along W. side of Lake Nyasa. Capital, Blantyre. Protectorate proclaimed 1891. Commissioner under the Foreign Office. IBritish Columbia, province in the Dominion of Canada. Capital, Victoria. Constituted a Crown Colony 1858. Incorporated in the Dominion 1871. British East Africa, Protectorate on the coast of E. Africa. Capital, Mombasa, 1888–1895, administered by Chartered Imperial British East 7 1192–1489; under Venice, 1489–1571 ; under Ottoman Sultan, 1571–1878; transferred by treaty to Great Britain, 1878. Crown Colony. Diego Garcia, the largest of the Chagos group in the Indian Ocean. De- pendency of Mauritius. Dindings, The, or the islands of Pangkor. Ceded 1826. Part of the Straits Settlements. Dominica, Leeward Islands, W. Indies. Capital, Roseau or Charlottestown. Discovered by Columbus, 1493; 1763, assigned to Great Britain. [1778–1783, ºth possession.] Crown Coſony. The Aresidency of the Leeward S/(??? (YS, Demerara, district of British Guiana. Dutch settlement 1624–1814; ceded to Great Britain 1814. East Griqualand, province of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope (7...). ſ Egypt, a State whose territory includes the Libyan Desert. The English occu- pation dates from 1882. The State is governed by the Khedive, nominally dependent on the Sultan of Turkey, subject to the advice of the British Agent and Consul-General, and the rights of Great Britain regulated by Convention of London, 1885, and defined by Anglo-French Convention, I904. British Agent and Consul-General. Virtual Protectorate. 8 Ellice (or Lagoon) Islands, group of nine islands in S. Pacific. High Com- missioner for the W. Pacific, Essequibo, District of Brit. Guiana, Dutch settlement 1624–1814; ceded to Great Britain 1814. Falkland Islands, group in the S. Atlantic, 300 m. E. of Magellan Straits. Discovered by Davis 1592, and finally annexed by Great Britain 1832. South Georgia is a dependency; discovered in 1675, and occupied 1775. Crown Colony. Fanning Islands, N. Pacific. Commissioner of the W. Pacific, Fiji Islands, group, with the dependent island Rotumah, in S. Pacific. Capital, Suva. Discovered by Tasman 1643. Definitely annexed 1874. Crown Colony. Franklin, a district of the NW. Territories in the Dominion of Canada. Created in 1895. Friendly Islands. See TONGA. Gambia, Settlement and Protectorate on the W. coast of Africa. Capital, Bathurst. Iºng. trade connections date from 1588. New settlement, 1816; a separate colony, 1843; 1866–1888, part of the W. African Settlements; separate govt. 1888, l’rotectorate organised, 1894–1901. Crown Colony. Gibraltar, I'ortress at the W. entrance to the Mediterranean. Captured 1704, and ceded to Great Britain 1713. Crown Colony under a Military Governor. Gilbert Islands, group in the Pacific. High Commissioner for the W. Pacific. Gold Coast, colony on the Guinea coast of Africa. Capital, Accra. Eng. trade relations date from 1618. The Royal Africa Company lasted 1672– 1752. 1821–1851, a dependency of Sierra Leone. Finally, 1874, erected into a separate colony. Crown Colony. Gozo. See MALTA. Graham Land, peninsula in the Antarctic Region S. of Falkland Islands. Grenada, one of the Windward Islands, West Indies. Capital, St. George. Discovered by Columbus 1498. French occupation, 1650–1762, 1779-1783; British, 1762–1779, and from 1783. Crown Colony. Grenadines, group of small islands in the West Indies. The largest, Carriacou, is annexed to Grenada, the others to St. Vincent. Griqualand West, district incorporated in the colony of Cape of Good Hope (q.v.) since 1880. IIarvey Islands. See COOK ISI.ANIDS. Hong-Kong, island at the mouth of the Canton River in China, Great Britain, 1841. British Kowloon on the mainland was ceded 1861, and extended 1898. Crown Colony. Haidarabad, the chief of the Mahometan feudatory states in British India. The head is the Nizam. Jºritish /ēesident since 18o3. Ceded to Hudson IBay Company. I’ounded in 1670 to trade to Hudson's Bay (dis-, The company's territories were mainly covered by H. Hudson, 1609-10). transferred to the Dominion of Canada in 1869. India, British, that part of the Indian Peninsula which is under British rule and influence, and includes districts under direct administration and the native states. t 1600-1858, administered by the East India Company. In 1858 the Crown, by 21 & 22 Vict. c. 106, resumed its sovereign rights. The Supreme executive and legislative power in India is vested in the Governor- General in Council, subject to the Secretary of State for India in Council, who is responsible to the Crown in Parliament. In 1876 the Crown of Great Britain took the title of Emperor of India. IsIe of Man, an island in the Irish Sea. Under Norse Parliaments and Norwegian Crown, 890-1265. Rival claimants, 1265–1406. Held by the House of Stanley, 1406–1765. Under British Crown from 1765. Auto- momous self-government by a Governor, with a Council and the House of A eys. Jamaica, the largest of the IBritish West Indian Islands. Capital, Kingston. Discovered by Columbus, 1494. In Spanish possession till 1655, when it was captured by an English force. Crown Colony. Jask, 13ritish port on the Persian coast in the Gulf of Oman. /’0/i/ica / A’esidency. Joliore, native state at S. extremity of Malay Peninsula, Protectorate proclaimed 1885; under the Governor of the Straits Settlements. Persian Gulf Kashmir, a native feudatory state in NW. of British India. Srinagar. /3/7/ish /?o///ica / /Česide/, / since 1846. Keeling (or Cocos) Islands, group about 700 m, SW, of Sumatra. Annexed 1878, and, 1886, made a dependency of Singapore. Keewatin, district in the NW. Territories of the Dominion of Canada. Created 1876. Kermatiec Islands, group in the S. Pacific. Dependency of New Zealand. King Eti wurul VII. Land, a country of unknown extent in the Antarctic regions to the P. of Victoria J..and. IDiscovered 1902. Kowloon. Sec HONG-KONG. Kurla Muria Islands, five islands off S. coast of Arabia. Acquired 1884. Part of the Settlement of Aden (). v.). Capital,. Labrador, coast territory from Cape Chudleigh to Strait of Belle Isle. Dis- covered by Norsemen in ninth century, and by Cabot 1487; ceded to lºng- || land 1763; annexel to Quebec 1773-1809. A'eau/www.d'ſantſ. Ln buian, island off the coast of Brunei, North Borneo. 13ritain 1846. /3ritish AWorth Borneo Company. Since 1809 a Dependency of Ceded to Great It is divided into 9 Provinces and certain minor charges. THE BRITISH EMPIRE GAZETTEER OF POSSESSIONS Laccadive Islands, group of islands 200 m. W. of Malabar coast, Annexed to Madras Presidency. 2 Lagos, island on the Guinea coast of W. Africa, Capital, Lagos. It includes Abeokuta, Yoruba, and Ikorodu. Erected into a separate colony 1886, The Protectorate was formed 1865–1895. Crown Colony. Lantao Island, annexed to Hong-Kong. / Leeward Islands, a group in the West Indies, The English Leeward Islands, in 1871, were constituted a Federal Colony, in five Presidencies— Antigua, Montserrat, St. Kitt's and Nevis, Dominica, the Virgin Islands. Administrative capital, St. John's, Antigua, Crown Colony. Lenna Island. See HONG-KONG. Lord lowe Island, in the Pacific, Lower Canada. See QUEBEC. l U Dependency of New South Wales, Mackenzie, district in the NW. Territories of the Dominion of Canada, Created 1895. |Madras, as the Presidency of Fort St. George, is the oldest of the Provinces of British India. Founded 1639. Under a Governor appointed direct by the Crown, and subordinated to the Governor-General. Malacca, a province of the Straits Settlements (7.w.). Capital, Malacca. Occupied by Portuguese, 1511–1641. Held by Dutch, 1641–1795. Captured by British, 1795. Returned to the Dutch, 1818–1824, then exchanged in 1824 for Sumatra, Malay States, a Federation of Protected Malay States—Perak, Salangor, Negri-Sembilan, Pahang—under the Commissioner for the Straits Settle- ments. Protectorate. Malden Island, coral island in the Pacific. Maldive Islands, group lying 500 m, W. of Ceylon. Dependency of Ceylon, | Malta and Gozo, islands in the Mediterranean, 60 m. S. of Sicily. Capital, , Valetta. I 190-1530, under House of Aragon; 1530–1798, under the Knights of St. John ; 1798–1800, in the hands of the French ; from 1800 British. Crown Colony. Manalhilti Islands, group in the Pacific, Dependency of New Zealand. Manitoba, province in the Dominion of Canada. Capital, Winnipeg. Formerly the Red River Settlement of the Hudson Bay Company. Created a province 1870. º Mashonaland, a district of Rhodesia (Southern) (q.v.). Matabeleland, a district of Rhodesia (Southern) (q.v.). Mauritius, island in the Indian Ocean 500 m. E. of Madagascar. Capital, Port Louis. Discovered by Portuguese, 1509; IDutch, 1598–1712; French º name of Isle of France), 1721–1810; British from 1810. The Chagos slands, the St. Brandon, and Rodrigues are dependencies, Crown Colony. Montserrat, one of the Leeward Islands. Capital, Plymouth. Discovered by Columbus, 1493. French, 1664–1668, 1782–1784; English, 1632–1664, and since 1668. A Presidency in the Crown Colony of the Leeward Islands, Mysore, a native feudatory state in South of British India. Capital, Mysore. Created by British Government in 1799. In 1831 the Rajah was deposed. In ; the State was restored to a native dynasty. British Political A’esident. f * Natal, colony on the coast of South Africa, Includes Zululand (7.w.), Vryheid, Utrecht, and part of Wakkerstroom (1903), Capital, Pietermaritzburg. Constituted a separate colony, 1850. A'esponsible self-governing Colony since 1893. Negri-Sembilan, a Federation of small Malay States, formin Malay States Protectorate (7.w.), organised 1882–18 Nepal, kingdom in the Himalayas. Capital, Katmandu. influence, regulated by treaty since 1815. Nevis, one of the Leewards. Capital, Charlestown. Discovered by Colum- bus, 1498. English since 1628, Part of the Presidency of St. Kitt's (q.v.). New IBrunswick, province in the Dominion of Canada, Capital, Frederic- ton. Formerly part of French province of Acadia (q.v.). Ceded to lºngland 1713. Separated from Nova Scotia 1784. Incorporated in the Dominion 1867. Newfoundland, an island colony at mouth of Gulf of St. Lawrence, Capital, St. Johns. Discovered by John Cabot, 1497; annexed by Gilbert, 1578; settled, 1623; finally ceded to England 1713. Claims to be the Premier Colony of Great Britain. A'esponsible self-government since 1855. See LABRADOR. New Providence, one of the Bahamas (7.7/.). Capital, Nassau. New South Wales, a colony in the E. of Australia, Capital, Sydney, Cook, in 1770, gave it the name New South Wales, l'irst settlement, 1788. Re- sponsible self-government established in 1855. A self-governing State in the ſederal Commonwealth of Australia, 1901. New Zealand consists of North and Middle Islands, with Stewart Island. Capital, Wellington. The Auckland, Chatham, Kermadec, and Cook Islands are dependencies. New Zealand, discovered by Tasman, 1642; circumnavigated by Cook, f/69 ; Sovereignty ceded to Great Britain, 1840; responsible self-government established, 1852. Responsible self-governing g part of the British sphere of British Political Resident, Co/ony. Nicobar Islands, a group of islands S. of the Andaman Islands. Annexed 1869. Together with the Andaman Islands they form a Chief Commis- sionership under the Indian Government. Nigeria. See NORTHERN NIGERIA and SOUTHERN NIGERIA, Norfolk Island, about 900 m. , from Sydney, Discovered by Cook 1774, Pitcairn Islanders removed to it 1859. Dependency of New South Wales, Northern Nigeria, territory on the Benue and Middle Niger, West Africa, Capital, Zungeru, Secured to Great Britain by the Royal Niger Company from 1881, and by international convention, 1885-1898. Administration transferred from the Company to the Crown, 1900. Protectorate under a High Commissioner. North-West Provinces, i * See UNITED PROVINCES AND OUDII. V Y -? º, - THE BRITISH EMPIRE GAZETTEER OF POSSESSIONS North-West Frontier Province (India), an administrative district on NW. frontier of India, composed of Hazara District and four districts, Pesha- war, Kohat, Bannu, Dera Ismail. First established 1901. Agent to the Governor-General of India. Northern Territories, The (West Africa). The territories to the north of Ashanti (q.v.) were constituted a separate district with this title under a Commissioner, 1897, Delimited, 1898, 1899, and 1901-1902. Placed under the Gold Coast Government, 1901. Chief Commissioner. North-Western Territories of Canada, a province in the Dominion of Canada, formerly part of Rupert's Land, and composed of Alberta, Assini- boia, Saskatchewan, Keewatin, Athabasca, Yukon, Mackenzie, Ungava, and Franklin. First formed 1876; re-organised 1882; further re-organised 1895, 1897, and 1905. See note at end. Nova Scotia (with Cape Breton), province of the Dominion of Canada, Capital, Halifax, Discovered by John Cabot, 1497; ceded by France to England, 1713. Cape Breton captured, 1758; added to Nova Scotia, 1819; incorporated in the Dominion, 1867. *g Oman, an independent State in SE. Arabia, Capital, Muscat. In 1856 the Sultanate was separated from that of Zanzibar (7. v.). Since 1856 the Sultan has entered into close relations with the Indian Government, and Oman is claimed as a sphere of British influence. A Political Agent resides at Mus- cat. Persian Gulf Political Residency. ‘Ontario (formerly Upper Canada), a self-governing colony in the Dominion of Canada, Capital, Toronto. province, 1791 ; re-united with Lower Canada, 1840; incorporated in the Dominion as a separate province, 1867. - ‘Orange Itiver Colony, a colony in S. Africa, north of the Orange River, and S. of the Vaal River. Capital, Bloemfontein. Settlement began after 1836. In 1854 the independence of the Orange Free State was recognised by Great Britain. As a result of the Boer War the State was annexed, May 28, 1900, and constituted as the Orange River Colony, 1902. Temporarily a Crown Colony. • orkney and Shetland Islands, a group of islands to the N. of Scotland. Capital, Kirkwall. Under Norwegian jarls, 872–1231; nominally under, the King of Norway, 1231–1471; annexed to Scotland since 1471. ouilh (see also UNITED PROVINCES), formerly a native kingdom, now part of the Lieut.-Governorship of the United Provinces in British India. Capital, Lucknow. Annexed 1856; a separate province until 1877, when it was united with the North-West Provinces, Lieutenant-Governor. Paliang, the largest of the Protected Malay States (q.v.). Pemba, island in the Protectorate of Zanzibar (7.w.). Penang, island, formerly called Prince of Wales Island, and first British Settle- ment in Malay Peninsula. Ceded in 1785. See STRAITs SETTLEMENTs. iPenrylin Island or Tongarewa, in the S. Pacific. Dependency of New 2ealand. ‘Peralt, the most northerly of the Protected Malay States (q.v.). Capital, Kwala Kangsa. British Resident since 1874. - Terim, an island in the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb. Occupied since 1857, and annexed to the Settlement of Aden. Persian Gulf Political Residency. The principal ports are Bander Abbas, Lingah and Bushire. Basidu and Jask are British. Political Agents reside at Muscat and Bushire, and the Gulf is claimed to be a British sphere of influence under the Chief Political Agent for the Persian Gulf to the Government of Bombay resident at Bushire. ‘pitcairn Island, South Pacific. Discovered by Cartaret, 1767–1780. pied by the mutineers of H.M.S. Bounty. British colony by settlement. High Commissioner for the Western Pacific. See Norfolk Island. Prince Edward Island, an island province in the Dominion of Canada. Capital, Charlottetown. Discovered by Sebastian Cabot, 1497. Taken from French, 1758. A separate colony, 1770. ment, 1881. Incorporated in the Dominion, 1873. JPrince Itunert's Land, historic name for the districts assigned in 1670 to the Hudson Bay, Company, of which Prince Rupert was the first It is roughly represented by the North-West Territories in the governor. Dominion of Canada. Province Wellesley, district in the Malay Peninsula opposite Penang (7.2/.). Acquired 1798. ſ º - * - . . Punjab, a province under a Lieutenant-Governor in the NW. of British Roughly conforms to the territories of the former Sikh kingdom. Annexed 1849. India. Capital, Lahore, Quebec (formerly Lower Canada), a self-governing province in the Dominion With Ontario ceded to Great Britain 1763, created a separate province 1791, reunited with Upper Canada of Canada. Capital, Quebec. 1840, incorporated in the Dominion as a separate province 1867. Queensland, colony in the NE. of Australia. Queensland, 1859, when self-government was granted. "esponsible self-governing State in the Federal Commonwealth of Australia. Itajputana, in British India, consists of 19 Principalities, besides Ajmer- Merwara (the chief of which are Mawar, Marwar, Bikanir, Jaipur), under The formation of this political area under British suzerainty and control. British control dates from 1818. (Redonda, one of the Leeward Islands. Antigua (Q. v.). and Bechuq) alaniv., to Congo Free State and Lake Tanganyika. Occu- Capital, Brisbane. Moreton Bay Settlement formed from New South Wales, 1824. Separate colony of Since 1901 a titlaoilesia, térritories in South Africa extending north from the Transvaal Capital, Salisbury. 'Named after Cecil J. Rhodes, founder of British South Africa | t i i Ceded to Great Britain, 1763; a separate | \ Responsible self-govern- Dependency of the Presidency of . /*. Helena, island in the South Atlantic. 9 Company, 1889. The territories were acquired 1889–1901. Organised into Southern Rhodesia (Mashonaland and Matabeleland) and Northern Rhodesia (NE. and NW. Rhodesia). The British South Africa Company. Rodrigues, in the Indian Ocean, 350 m. E. of Mauritius. Dependency of Mauritius. Itotumalı, island in the South Pacific. Dependency of Fiji. Capital, Jamestown. Discovered by Castella, 1502.’ Held by Dutch, 1645–1650 ; by East India Company, 1651–1834. Transferred to the Crown, 1833. Crown Colony. St. Kitt's (or St. Christopher), a Presidency in the Leeward Islands, which includes Nevis and Anguilla, Capital, Basseterre. First settled, 1623, but did not become permanently British until 1713. Crown Colony. St. Lucia, one of the Windward Islands. Capital, Castries. Discovered by Columbus, 1502. First settled by English, 1639. Possession disputed with I'rance, 1642–1802. From 1803 permanently British. Crown Colony. St. Vincent, one of the Windward Islands. Capital, Kingstown. Discovery attributed to Columbus, 1498. First settled, 1722. Possession disputed with France until 1783, when it was assigned to Great Britain. Crown Colony. Sarawak, a State on the W. coast of Borneo. Capital, Kuching. Founded by Sir J. Brooke, 1842, and extended 1861, 1882, 1885. British Pro- tectorate proclaimed, 1888. Aroſectora/e under the A’ajah of Sarawak. Saskatchewan, district in the North-West Territories in the Dominion of Canada. Created 1882. ICrected into a Province, 1905. Capital, Regina. Selangor, one of the protected Malay States. Ariſis/, /ēesidewi since 1874. ! Seychelles, group in the Indian Ocean, 900 m. N. of Madagascar. Capital, Port Victoria, in Mahé, the largest island. Discovered 1505. In French possession 1740–1794, when captured by British. Organised as a British colony 1810, and separated from Mauritius as a separate colony 1903. Crown Colony. Slaetland Islands. See OR KNEY AND SHIETLAND ISLANDs. Sierra Leone, colony on the W. coast of Africa, with a Protectorate attached. Capital, Freetown. Founded 1788, and subsequently extended by a series of treaties. Protectorate over the Hinterland proclaimed, 1896. See also GOLD COAST, GAMBIA, and LAGOs. Crown Colony. SIRKim, Indian Feudatory State in the Himalayas. Proclaimed a tectorate 1889. A'esident British Political Agent. Singapore, island at the S. extremity of the Malay l’eninsula. Occupied in 1819, and, 1826, united with Penang and Malacca as a Presidency under the East India Company until 1867, when it was erected into a separate Crown Colony. Socotra, island about 150 m. E. of Cape Guardafui, I’last Africa. Capital, Tamarido. British Protectorate since 1886, an neved to //le Sc///ement of Aden. - Solomon Islands, group in the Pacific, under British protection, pro- claimed 1893. Choiseul and Isabel are the chief islands. Somaliland (British), territory in NE. Africa. Capital, 13erbera. Pro- claimed a Protectorate 1884. Transferred, 1897, from Indian Government to the Foreign Office. Sommer's Islands. See Bl:RMUDAS. South Australia, colony on the S. coast of Australia. Capital, Adelaide. First Settlement 1836. Responsible Government established 1856. The Northern Territory added 1861–1863. Since 1901 responsible se/.govern- ing State in the Zºederal Commonwealth of Austra/ia. -- *. South Georgia, uninhabited island, S. Atlantic, SE, Islands. Dependency of the Falkland /sland's. South Orkneys, a group of islands in the Antarctic. South Shetlands, a group of islands in the Antarctic north of Graham Land. $outhern Nigeria, territory including Benin and the Oil Rivers, and lying Z between the Lagos Protectorate and the Cameroons. Capital, Old Calabar. British Protectorate proclaimed, 1885; constituted as Southern Nigeria, 1900. Protectorate under a //igh Commissioner. - Štraits Settlements, a Crown colony in the Malay l’eninsula, constituted in 1867, when it was separated from the Indian Government. It comprises Singapore, Malacca, The Dindings, Christmas Island, and the Protectorate of the Malay States. Administrative capital, Singapore. váuian, Anglo-Egyptian, country south of the frontier of Egypt, which in- cludes Darfur and Kordofan. Capital, Khartun. Under rule of lºgypt till 1882; under the Mahdi and Khalifa, 1882–1899. Recovered by Anglo-Egyptian army, 1896–1899. 13ritish rights are secured by the Anglo-Egyptian Convention, 1899. Aldministrative Protectorate wide, a Governor-General. Sungei-Ujong, protected Malay State lan (q.v.). Capital, Kwala Lumpor. Pro- of the Falkland incorporated with Negri-Sembi- | Tasmania, island separated from Australia by the Bass Straits (explored 1797). Discovered by Tasman, 1642, it was called Van Diemen's Land till 1853. Occupied by England, 1803. Responsible government, 1856. Since 1901 responsible self-governing State in the Commonwealth of Austra/ia. Tibet, a State under the suzerainty of China, to the north of British India. Capital, Lhasa. From 1890 to 1903 relations with the Indian Government were regulated by Treatics of 1890, 1893. 1903–1904, the British Tibetan Expedition. A new convention was arranged in 1904 at Lhasa. Tobago, island in the N. Atlantic, 20 m. NE. of Trinidad. Capital, Scarborough. Discovered by Columbus, 1498. , British flag hoisted, 1580. Possession disputed until 1634; when it was declared neutral. 1763-1781, British. , 1781-1793, ºpºſ -T'inally ceded to Great Britain, 1814. Amal. gamated with Trinidºſ, 1889. Crown Colony. & IO Tonga Islands (or Friendly Islands), group in the S. Pacific, to the E. of Fiji. Capital, Nakualofa. High Commissioner for the Western Pacific. Tortola, chief of the Virgin Islands (q.v.). Transvaal Colony, The, extends from the Vaal River northwards to the Limpopo River. Capital, Pretoria. First settled, 1836–1848. Organised as the South African Republic, 1884; annexed to Great Britain, 1877–1881; relations to Great Britain regulated by Conventions of 1881 and 1884, and finally annexed and constituted the Transvaal Colony, 1900. A Crown colony under a Governor until 1905, when a form of self-government is in process of organisation. Travancore, a native feudatory State in the extreme S. of British India. Capital, Trivandrum. Under British protection from 1795. British Political Resident. Trinidad, island north of the Orinoco River, South America. Capital, Port of Spain. Discovered by Columbus, 1498. Spanish until 1797, when it was captured by Great Britain, and was ceded by Spain, 1802. gamated with Tobago, 1889. Crown Colony. Tristan (la Cunha, a small group in the S. Atlantic (Gough's Island, In- accessible, and Nightingale). Occupied between 1816 and 1821. There is no Government, and no crime. Turk's and Caicos Islands, the two SE. groups of the Bahamas, W. Indies. Capital, Grand Turk. Discovery attributed to Columbus, 1493. Claimed by Spain until 1799, when they were annexed to the Bahamas. Constituted a separate dependency of Jamaica since 1848. Uganda, a territory lying N. of Victoria Nyanza. Administrative centre, Entebbe. Protectorate proclaimed 1894, and extended 1896. Railway from Port Florence to Mombasa completed 1903. Commissionership in the British East African Profectorate. Ungava, district in the North-Western Territories of the Dominion of Canada, Created 1805. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, a province under Lieut.-Governor, formerly called The North-West Provinces, as being to the NW. of Calcutta and Lower Bengal. Capital, Allahabad. They became British 1705–1801. Organised as a Presidency in 1833, and then as a Lieut.- Governorship, 1858. Oudh was added in 1877. Upper Canada. See ONTARIO. Vancouver, an island in the province of British Columbia, in the Dominion of Canada. Discovered by Juan de Fuca, 1592. Surveyed by Cook and Amal- | Zanzibar, with Pemba, a Sultanate off the coast of German E. Africa. l THE BRITISH EMPIRE GAZETTEER OF POSSESSIONS Vancouver, 1778–1785. First settlement, 1843. United with British Columbia, 1866. - Wictoria, colony in Australia. Capital, Melbourne. First permanent Settlement, 1834. Created a separate colony, 1851, with responsible government, 1855. Since 1901 a responsible self-governing State in the Commonwealth of Australia. e Victoria Land. The coast of Victoria Land, in the Antarctic region, lies South of the southern extremity of New Zealand, and runs from about 71° to at least 83° S.—i.e. measures about 300 miles. Wirgin Islands, a group in the Leeward Islands. Chief town, Roadtown (Tortola). Discovered by Colombus, 1493. English since 1666. Presidency in the Colony of the Leeward Islands. A* Walſisch Bay, a harbour with adjacent territory in German South-West º º Annexed by Great Britain, 1878. Dependency of the Cape of Good A/ope. Wei-hai-Wei, in the province of Shantung, in China. The port, with its adjacent islands and territory, was leased by China to Great Britain in 1898 . as long a period as Port Arthur should remain in the possession of IS UISSlal, Western Australia, colony occupying the continent of Australia, west of S. Australia. Capital, Perth. First settlement, 1827. The colony was formally established, 1829. Responsible government, 1890. Since 1901 "esponsible self-governing State in the Commonwealth of Australia. Western Pacific, The, a High Commissionership created by Order in Coun- cil in 1877 over all islands in the W. Pacific, not within limits of Fiji, Queens- land, and New South Wales, nor under the jurisdiction of any civilised Power. The Governor of Fiji is the High Commissioner. Windward Islands, a group in the West Indies. They consist of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Barbados, the Grenadines, Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad, See separate notices. Yukon, district in the North-West Territories of the Dominion of Canada. Created 1895. * In 1856 the Sultanate was separated from that of Muscat. The British Pro- tectorate was established in 1890. Protectorate with British Politica? Agent, under the Foreign Office. Zululand, province in the colony of Natal. Annexed 1897. LOST POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWN Anjou, one of the 36 ancient provinces of France. Crown I 154–1204. Aquitaine. This province in France was acquired by Henry II. by his marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine 1152. The title of Duke of Aquitaine was resumed by Henry V. 1418. After many vicissitudes the duchy was definitely lost 1453. Auvergne, a province in France which formed part of the dominions of Henry II. of England between 1158 and 1180. IBencoolen, a settlement in the island of Sumatra. M; Jacºa. Brittany, a duchy in NW. France. in I2O3. - Calais, captured by Edward III. 1347, retaken by the French I 558. Cayenne (or French Guiana), captured by British 1809, and restored to United with the English Exchanged in 1824 for Acquired by Henry II. II59, and lost France 1814. Curaçon, in the Caribbean Sea, captured 1807, and restored to the Dutch 18 I 4. Dunicirić, captured 1658. Sold by Charles II. to Louis XIV. 1662. Fiorida, now one of the States in the United States of America. Ceded to Great 1%ritain 1763, it was re-ceded to Spain 1783. (ascony, a part of the historic Aquitaine (7. v.), S. of the R. Garonne, United with the English Crown 1154; after many changes it was finally lost, I 451. Goree, near Cape Verd in W. Africa. Taken 1758, 1779, 1800, 1804, and finally cºded to France 1814. IIa nover. The Elect rate of IHanover in N. Germany was united with the Crown 1714-1837. IIavana, in the island of Cuba, captured 1761, and re-ceded to Spain 1763. Ireligoland, island in the North Sea, captured from Denmark 1807, ceded to Germany 18, 10. Ionian Isles, captured 1800–1813. Java, in the Eastern Archipelago. thº' ſ )utch I 81.4. Manila (Philippines), 'captured 1761, re-ceded to Spain 1763. * Under British Protectorate until 1863L/ Capitulated to British 1811, restored to Maine, province in the NW. of France. , Seized by William the Conqueror 1169, it was lost I2O4. Held also by Edward III. 1357–1360. Minorca, an island in the W. Mediterranean. Captured 1708, definitely ceded to Spain 1783. Moluccas, the, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. 181o-1814, and then restored to the Dutch. Netherlands, the, united with the English Crown 1689–1701? Normandy, a Duchy in the N. of France, united with the English Crown Ioé6, and held, with the exception of II35–II54, until 1204. Reconquered I418, and partially held until its final loss in 1453. - Poitou, a province in France united with the English Crown 1154–1203, and again 1360–1369. Pondicherry, captured 1761, 1778, 1793, 1803, and restored to France 1815. Portobello, on the isthmus of Panama. Captured 1739, ceded 1748. Itéunion, captured 1810, restored to France 1815. Senegal, captured 1758, 1800, and restored to France 1814. Sumatra, Dutch possessions in the island captured 1811, restored 1816. Surinam (Dutch Guiana), captured 1802, 1804, and restored to the Dutch 1814. g Tangier, on the N.W. coast of Africa. Held by England 1662-1684. Touraine, a province in France united with the English Crown 1154–1203. United States of America. The 13 colonies (New Hampshire, Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, founded between 1609 and 1732) which issued the Declaration of Independ- ence (1776), were definitely separated from Great Britain by the Peace of Versailles (1783) and became the foundation of The United States. West Indies. Various islands in the West Indies have been held by Great Britain. The chief are: Guadeloupe (French), captured and held 1759, 1779, 1794, 1810, 1815. Finally restored to France 1816. Martinique (lºrench), captured 1762, 1794, 1809, 1815, when it was finally restored to France. St. Eustatius, captured 1690, 1781, 1801, 1810, and restored to the Dutch 1814. Held by Great Britain NOTE.-POLITICAL CHANGES IN 1905. InoxiiNION OF CANADA—The organisation of parts of the North-Western Territories of Canada into two new Provinces, as shown on Map 51, has been inaugurated (Sept. 1905): —Alberta (comprising the former Alberta and one-half of Athabasca), S.1-kitchewan, and one-half of Athabasca), capital, Regina. capital, Edmonton ; Saskatchew Wa (Assiniboia, EMPIRE OF INDIA.—The Provinces of Bengal, Central Provinces, and Assam have been re-arranged and reconstructed, as shown bri Maps 34–35. The boundary between 13engal and Central Provinces has been re-adjusted, whilst Assam and the eastern portion of Bengal now “I’lastern Bengal and Assam." § fo. 11, the raw Province of STATISTICS TABLE OF COUNTRIES OF BRITISH EMPIRE COUNTRY. | New Guinea . Fiji Islands . L. g Tonga and Pacific Islands --Gambia. Great Britain Gibraltar Malta . e Hong-Kong . Malay States Labuan . * Wei-hai-wei . Sarawak ſº ASIA . Victoria Queensland . South Austra Tasmania New Zealand Sierra Leone Lagos . — Gold Coast - -- •ed wº North Nigeri TJganda. IRhodesia Bechuanalan Cape Colony | Natal #asutoland - Transvaal -St. Helena Ascension -Canada. —lsahamas *Bermuda. Ceylon . e o Straits Settlements North Borneo New South Wales Western Australia {} Somaliland . South Nigeria | Zanzibar Iºast Africa : Central Africa, and Ireland g 4 × EUROPE . & lia AUSTRALASIA . “L d º Orange River Colony Mauritius and Dependencie | Seychelles AFRICA e º Iłritish Guiana . e Trinidad and Tobago . g e * Falkland Islands and South Georgia. SOUTH AMERICA tº tº º e sº * tº " tºge*&gº&deiºiº =#ewfoundland and Labrado British Honduras --Jamaica and Tºrk's Island tº —£eeward Islands . Windward Islands --Bărbados NORTH AMERICA Cyprus . g e g ſº g e British India (including Native States) tetº&e*&ſº&&tº**ggºtº& dſº*&egtº*d *©&*tºe TOTAL OF JBRITISH EMPIRE Date of Area in Acquisition. Sq. Miles. Population. * - 121,027 42,372,556 1704 2 27,460 1800 117 188,141 121,146 42,588,157 1878 3,584 237,022 1757–1895 1,766,797 294,360,356 1795 25,365 3,565,954 1786–1895 1,472 572,249 1841 406 399,392 1873–95 26,960 735,000 1877 34,000 200,000 1846 30 8,411 1898 285 124,000 1842–91 50,000 600,000 1,908,899 || 300,802,384 1787 310,700 1,359,133 1851 87,884 1,201,341 1859 668,497 496,596 1836 903,690 362,604 1829 975,920 184,124 1803 26,215 172,475 1845 104,471 772,719 1884 90,540 350,000 1874 7,740 120,124 * † 800 30,000 3,176,457 5,049,116 1664-> 3,619 103,811 1787 34,000 76,655 1861 26,700 1,066,141 1662–1872 119,300 1,487,400 1886 60,000 c) 153,000 \ 323,000 20,000,000 1884–96 49,700 tº gº ISSS 1,020 200,000 1890–94 86,000 4,000,000 1888 200,000 4,000,000 1891 42,217 970,000 ISS8 5S0,000 1,000,000 tº tº 3S0,000 130,000 1814–89 276,905 2,404,878 1843–87 36,170 1,040,000 1SS0 10,293 303,000 1900 111,700 1,000,000 1900 50,000 585,000 1810 729 378,195 1S10 148 19,237 1673. 47 3,342 1815 35 400 2,391,073 38,588,059 1627–1760 3,619,820 5,371,315 15S3–1713 162,734 220,240 1786 7,562 37,479 1629 4,404 53,735 1609 19 17,535 1655 4,373 771,853 1632–73 700 127,336 1763–S3 500 160,869 1605 166 195,588 3,800,278 6,955,959 1803–14 100,000 203,958 1768–97 1,868 273,898 1771–1833 7,500 2,050 118,368 569,006 11,516,821 304,553,581 LIST OF LARGEST TOWNS POPULATION ACCORDING TO LATEST CENSUS London . wº o tº . 6,581,372 Amritsar. e & {- o 162,429 Calcutta . * ſº gº . 1,125,400 Dundee . & * > e º 161,173 Bombay . º sº tº e y Jaipur . * > wº e iº 160,167 Glasgow . gº tº sº o 761,709 Bangalore & tº tº & 159,046 Diverpool . . . . 684,958 || Colombo . . . . . 158,228 Cairo te sº e ſº tº 670,062 | Howrah . * tº * o 157,594 Manchester . de © gº 543,872 Aberdeen tº wº e wº 153,503 Birmingham . * tº * 522,204 || Poona e & & tº 153,320 Madras . tº e e e 509,346 Sunderland . * e e 146,077 Sydney * tº * g 496,990 Oldham e & e tº 137,246 Melbourne . & * @ 496,079 Patna . o o * º 134,785 Haidarabad . e © e 448,466 Bareilly . & ſº gº ſº 131,208 Leeds e * * {º e 428,968 Blackburn tº & e gº 129,216 Sheffield . tº º * tº 409,070 Nagpur tº & tº ſº 127,734 Belfast e º e tº 349,180 || Brighton . & g & e 123,478 Bristol * iº e e 329,366 Srinagar . e tº © e 122,618 A leasandria . Gº & e 319,766 Brisbane . * & & ſº 119,428 Edinburgh iº tº ſº 316,837 Surat º g º e 119,306 Dublin . º e & e 290,838 Meerut . * g ſº & 118,219 Bradford . & o e 279,767 ECarachi . tº e * e 116,163 Montreal. & tº & ſe 267,730 Derby . & g tº & 114,848 Lucknow . º tº * cº 264,049 Rhondda . º gº {} * 113,735 Victoria (Hong-Kong) . * 250,000 Preston e • , , © 112,989 Kingston-upon-Hull . º 240,259 | Norwich . & tº * ge 111,733 Nottingham . . . . 239,743 || Birkenhead . . . . 110,915 Rangoon . g & & 234,881 Gateshead & e * ſº 109,888 Salford & wº 220,957 Plymouth º tº ſº e 107,636 Singapore c. . e * > © 220,000 Madura e tº * ſº 105,984 Newcastle-on-Tyne © * 215,328 Halifax * * * & 104,936 Leicester. * © † tº 211,579 Southampton . * } g 104,824 Benares . tº & tº . . 209,331 Trichinopoli . tº tº © 104,721 T)elhi ſº * ſº tº & 208,575 IBaroda . * ſº e º 103,790 Toronto . e tº & e 20S,040 South Shields . © & gº 100,858 Tahore tº gº ge e 202,964 Leyton tº e & © 98,912 Cawnpur . tº * > ſº * 197,17 Burnley ge tº † tº 97,043 Portsmouth . . tº gº 188,133 Peshawar ſº tº * * 95,147 Agra e & tº e * > 188,022 Huddersfield . tº & § 95,047 Ahmadabad . ( * & 185,889 Swansea . g © dº & 94,537 Mandalay e e :* tº IS3,816 Wolverhampton . e º 94,187 Allahabad & tº tº e 172,032 Middlesboro' . e © * 91,302 Bolton g tº & e 168,215 Jabalpur . & ſº º 90,316 Cape Town . e g © 167,000 Merthyr-Tydfil § 69,228 Cardiff . gº ſº & tº 164,333 Hanley . º g * º ($1,599 Adelaide. tº º tº * 163,430 Dudley . * o e e 48,733 THE GROWTH OF A CENTURY THREE ASPECTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 1. —AREA o; . 3 Q = 1850 ! N YEAR 1900 º § g| 4,500,000 sq. M. 11,300,000 square miles * 2. — POPULATION O O 33 1850 | N YEAR 1900 £3 160, OOO,OOO 390,000,000 g 3.—|MPORT & EXPORT TRADE O g º 1850 #3 244,000, 000 |N YEAR 1900. * § :C 421467,000,000 sterling QR II GENERAL INDEX TO PLACE NAMES Map No. Abaco West Indies 54 Abbottabad N. W. Front. Prov. 34 Abeokuta West Africa. 41 Abercorn M. E. Rhodesia, 43 Aberdeen 25 Aberyst with 23 Aboukir Bay Egypt 17 Acadia Nova Scotia 48 AC (“ril West Africa. 41 Achteen Malaysia. 36 Adelaide South Australia 61 Aden Arabia. 38 Ado West Africa. 46 Agincourt 14 Agril United Provinces 34 Agulhase Cape Colony 43 Ahmadnagar Bombay 34 Ajincre Itajputama 32 A kassa West Africa. 41 Akola Central Provinces, India. 34 Akyab Burnſt 35 Albany United States of A merica, 48 Albany West A mustralia, 59 b Albury New Zealand 59 b Alcluyd 10 b Aldabra Islands Indian Ocean 4 Alexandr.l. New Zealand 62 Alexandria Jºgypt 41 Alexandria, Ontario, Canada, 52 A lexandria, Cape Colony 43 Algeciras Spain 17 Alicantſ: Spain. 16 A ligarh North-Western Provinces, India, 33 Aliwal Punjab 33 Aliwal, North Cape Colony 41 Allahal):ld United Provinces 34 Alman Za Spain, 16 Aline 11:1 ra Spa in 16 Aliilor:l North-Western Provinces, India 33 Alney 11 a. Al 11 wick 23 Aul boilia. Malaysia. 36 Ambry 111 New IIebrides 63 A 111 lierst, Nova Scotia, 52 Ain herst!).itrº Upper Canada, 50 a. Almirant g Islands Indian Ocean. 5 Ainril Oti Central Provinces, India. 34 Andama in Is. Bay of Bengal 5 Anti Oyer 23 Andros West Indies b%. A 11 iwil New IIebrides 63 An 11n polis Nova Scotia, 48 Anticosti Quebec 49 Antipodes Island 8 J’acific Ocean 4 Antriini 27 A pi New IIebrideg 63 Apple},y 23 Aquí1: Sulis 10 a. A rh) I’t):lt}, 25 Arcot Madras Presidency 34 A rºghillſ Berar 33 A rºostoli Ionian Island 8 17 Arinagh 27 Arjun:lº 110ſ] Madra & 32 Arinidale New South Wales 58 Arni Madras Presidency 32 Arrah Bengal 35 Arroy W to WW II New Zealand 62 A8-1}}:L West Africa. 46 Ascension Island 5 Ashburton Rango South A ustralia, 58 Ashdow in 10 b Ashford 23 Aşirgil I'll Central Provinces 33 A38:1.11d 1111 11 b Ashaye Haidarabad 33 AşW1111 Eſſ/pt 41 AHynt Egypt 41 Athelney 10 b Athlonſ; 27 Athy 27 Attock Punjab 34 Auckland New Zealand 62 Auckland Island Pacific Ocean Auray Aura Ilga})ad Haidarabad Aurora, Pacific Ocean Australind West Australia, A.Va. Burma. Avalon Newfoundland AVCS West Indies Aylesbury Ayr Ayrshire Rhodesia. Azores, Tho I3ahrein Island Persian Gulf I31 hr-el-Ghazal Sudan, Balambangan North Borneo 13albriggan 13alclutha, New Zealand I3:ulkh Central Asia. Ballachulish I3:ll lin:l. I3:ll linasloe I3:lllin robo I3:ll lymena. 13:llyshannon e Baltimore United States Bamburgh Banana, Queenslamd Banda, United Provinces Banda. We Bandar A))))ns 13andal' Zinda, Persia, Br. Somaliland JBilndon IBhilſ] Bangor Banglley Morth Borneo I3anjermassin Malaysia, I3anks Island New IIebrides Bannockburn Bantry I311'))01-ton TramSv)(tal I31 r1):1008 West Imdies IBarcelona, Bareilly United Provinces IBaroda, Bombay 13arnstaple I3:lrl'io Ontario, Canada IBurriedale South Australia, IBarrow's Crºck Sowth Australia, I}ºrrow-in-I'urness IBºlsidu Persian Gulf I31880in Bombay I3 util IBºlthul'St. West Africa 13:1thull'st New Brunswick I3hth lll:8t Tasmania, Batticaloa, Ceylon, I3attleford Saskatchewan Bay Island IIondwras Bayeux I3ench port South Australia, Beaufort Wost Cape Colony I3caugè IBøhumariS Bedford IBolfaSt. I}clfast, Victoria, IBolize Honduras Bellary Madras Presidency IBellevillo Ontario, Canada, JBen (2001(ºn Malaysia, Bendigo Victoria, IBenin West Africa I3ennington United States of America, I}onsing to Il Benton Newfoundland I}(ºr)) or Sudan, IBºrberà, Br. Somaliland Horwick-on-Tweed Bethlehem Orange River Colony Bethulie Orange River Colony Beverley * Bhartpur Irajputama IBłl ir Haidarabad J3ida. West Africa. I3ijapur Central Provinces, India. Bintulu Borneo Map No. 63 14 34 63 59 b 34 49 54 23 25 43 I2 Map No Birmingham 23 Blandford 23 Blatum Bidgium 10 a. I31enheim New Zealand 62 I31oemfontein Orange River Colony 43 Roemhof Orange River Colony 43 Blore Heath 23 IBluefields Nicaragua, 53 Blythe 23 Bodmin 23 Bokharº, Central Asia, 29 Bolan Pass Baluchistam, 29 Rolton 23 Bonnytown West Africa. 41 BOl' Sudan, 45 l}orati East African Protectorate 45 Rorneo, IBritish North 37 Borraloola. North Australia, 58 IBOshof Orange River Colony 43 I3otany Bay New South Wales 58 Bounty Island Pacific Ocean 63 Bourke New South Wales 58 Bouvines 14 Rowen Queensland 58 I30W more 25 Boyle 27 Braddocks Field 48 lłrandfort Orange River Colony 43 Prandon Manitoba, Canada, 52 IBrandywine Creek 49 Br.), Intford Ontario, Canada, 52 l}rochin 25 IBrecknock 23 l3rcmenium 10 a. I3remensdorp 43 Brontford 23 Bridgnorth 23 Bridgetown West Imdies 53 a. Bridgewater 23 Bridlington 23 I3rihuega, Spain. 16 Brisbane Queensland 61 IB1'istol 23 British Guiana 54 Briton 48 Broadford 25 J31'Ockville Ontario, Canada, 52 I31'oken Hill New Sowth Wales 58 I3roome West Australia, 58 T}runninburh 11 3, I31'unei Borneo 37 I3uale Gold Coast 46 Ruckingham 23 Bulawayo Rhodesia, 41 IBulhal' Brit, Somaliland 45 Bunkor Hill 49 BurnO Brit. Somaliland 45 Burghersdorp Cape Colony 43 Burhanpur Bombay 33 a. Burton-upon-Trent 23 Bury 23 bury St. Ldmunds 23 Bushire Persian Gulf 38 Bussa West Africa. 46 13usselton West Aw8tralia, 58 lbuxar Bengal 32 b Cadiz 16 Cairo 41 Calabar West Africa 46 Calcari'l 10 a. Calcutta, 35 Caledon Cape Colony 43 Caledonia Ontario, Canada, 52 Calgary lberta, 51 Calicult Madras Presidency 34 Callander 25 Callander Ontario, Canada, 52 Cullevil, 10 a. Calvinia. Cape Colony 43 Chimbello Malaysia 36 Cnmbridge 23 Cambuskenneth 14 Camden 48 Camulodunum 10 a. Campbell Island Pacific Ocean 63 Canadore Madras Presidency 32 Map No. Canary Islands 41 Canton Chima 36 Canterbury 23 Canterbury New Zealand 62 Cape Coast Castle West Africa. 46 Cape of Good Hope - Cape Colony 43 Cape Town Cape Celony 43 Cape Verde Islands 45 Carbonear Newfoundland 52 ' Cardifl - 23 Cardigan 23 Cardwell Queensland 58 Carham 12 Carleton Quebec 52. Carlisle 23 Carlow - 27 Cal'narvon Queensland 58 Cal'nal'VOll Wales 23 Carrickfergus 27 Carrick-on-Shannon 27 Carstairs 25 Cashel 27 Castlebar 27 Castlemaine 58 Cataractonium 10 a. Cavan 27 Cawnpore Morth-Western, Provinces, India 33 Cayman Islands West Indies 54. Cephalonia lomiam Isles 17 Ceylon 34 Chagos Island Indian Ocean. 5 Chall17. 13 Chanda, Central Provinces 34 . Channel Islands 14 Chapra Presidency of Bengal 35 Charleston United States 48 Charleville 27 Charleville Queenslamd 58 Charlottetown Prince Edward Island 50 b Chateaugay United States 50 a. Chatham 23 Chatham Ontario, Canada, 52 Chatham Islands Pacific Ocean 63 Chelmsford 23 Cheltenham 23 ° Chepstow 23 Chester 23 Chil) we M.E. Rhodesia, 43 Chilianwallah Punjab. Indio, 33 Chingel put Madras Presidency 33 Chingu N.E. Rhodesia, 43 Chinsurah Presidency of Bengal 32 Chiromo Nyassalamd 43 Chilton Ontario, Canada, 52 Chilton New Zealand 62 Chitral M. W. Front. Prov. 29 Christchurch New Zealand 62 Christianborg West Africa 46 Christmas Island Indian Ocean. 5 Clackmannan 25 Clarkebury Cape Colony 43 Claude Town Sarawak, 37 Clive New Zealand 62 Cloncurry Queensland 58 Clonmel 27 COchin 32 Cockburn Queensland 58 Coconadh, Madras Presidency 34 Cocos Islands Indian Ocean. 5 Xolchester 23 Coleraine 27 Colesberg Cape Colony 43 Collingwood Ontario, Canada, 52 Collingwood New Zealand 62 Concord United States 49 Condon West Aw8tralia, 58 Cootna, New South Wales 61 Corfu 16 Cornwall Ontario, Canada, 52 Cork 27 Cossack West Aw8tralia 58 Coventry & 23 Cowpens United States of * America, 49 Cradock Cape Colony 43 Cramond 10 a. Criefl. 25 GENERAL INDEX TO PLACE NAMES I 3 gº Map No. § was ; ; Map No. M) s §º,...; ; # , ... * | *...". waſ "º" | J - l adras Presi e River :* £1,111111 UI. Map N Cunnamulla 㺠e&idency 33 Feruckab olomy 4. grºßeynet C 16 Jask Ra8.htm?r %; O. §. weensland 58 Ferrol abad ; §. New §§ 43 Jedburgh Persian Gulf 38 UlttàCK º º +. #rah: § (LÚ.628 ºf - §: Presidency of Bengal #3 Fºund Pacific ocean 16 gº. C *; jºy Channel Islamds #; 17 isingai Tasmania, 62 Grahamstown N ape Colony #3 Jhansi Channel Islands 2 Dabha Central Provi firózshah Ontario, Camada, # Granville New sº Zealand 62 jñº l Central India # Bºtan zovinces 34 - I'lint 18, Punjab, India 33 Greenock owth. Wales 61 Jodhpur Baluchistan 38 #; New South Wal 10 b Flodden 23 greenwich . 25 Johannesburg ſłajputaºuat 32 #; ale8 58 Fornham 23 gº The West Indi 23 johnston j d Transvaal 43 #º. *; # Forfar 13 §..." sº." #; # sland Pacific Ocean 4 # * *i; ; £º. # |# *; # Kabul Dambu ombay 32 Yany Greytown ev Zealand 62 Kauiri Afghani IDamietta. Sudan 41 ,, Alexander 48 Gundel Natal 43 Yaſuri Madra ſº 29 Darling Do lºgypt 41 92 Augusta, 50 b Griqui §: West Indies 54. Kaiapoi %. resideneſ 34 i)artmout WI1S Queensland 58 , Charter 48 § *own Cape Colon Kaikoura N. º Zealand, 62 #. x- 23 ,, Qhippewyan 48 § C !/ # # inited Prº *; land 62 Lenbig l Nova Scotia, 62 ,, Grevecoeur 50 b Guine: ourt House Xandah:ur ces, India 34 Denia.” l Cumber 48 ruinea West Afri 49 IKandy Afghanistan, 29 #. º - Spain. 3. . ºna 48 § “...º 46 Kano Ceylon 34 #ºn New South Wales 58 3 5 interprise 48 §. Madras prºft : † }} *::: rica. 46 Dera Queensland 58 2 3 #. e 50 b Gwalior Baluchistan 38 †: Madras pº 34 ; Pwnjab 34 3 * #. 50 2, Gwelo Central India 34 #. ſº Madras f. 33 £º. West Australi 23 3 * jºin % ; Ithodesia, 43 IXash º M.J.'. § # erby : “alia, 58 33 'y *** ºg He Cent," º Devik Nova Scotia, ,, George b0 b st $2. Katsena ºut a 4.8% Hºº Madras Presidency # ,, Goldie B0 b #º Bomb IXau-lun West Africa 46 Devonport 23 , , Halkett 46 ####| wbay 34 Keeling Islands Indi China, 37 ##. New *::::: 62 5 y #es # #. Hill # §. l liam Ocean. 5 irk Hartog Island wnjab 34 , Hill Hali X ventia 25 , James 48 alifax 23 IXermadec Island * , & 23 Digby We; Aw8tralia 58 . Jameson 42 #. %; j. 52 #. slands Pacific Ocean. 63 I)inapur Presid ova Scotia, 52 33 Johnstone 43 Hi milton South Austr łes bj4. Yeswick 27 Dindigal ºf ... " of Bengal 34 ,, Latour 43 #. New %; 61 IXhapa Central Provinces 23 Dindings ;dºgs ºffidely 3% ,, Laird 48 |H *ilton Ontario, Ca and 62 Kharda inces, India 34 Dingwāli raits Settlements 37 ,, Macmur 50 b Ianover Ontari , Canada 52 Khartum Bombalſ 34 Ijiu " al, B 25 33 fºray 51 Harrismith l % º 52 §ºuntu §§ 41 Dixc omba, Necessi 48 !ge tºwer Kheis Nepal 34 Hºove West Af,º, # . Nºt 48 #º A Colony 43 §º % | 43 & º r :l I’ r i w ". twchrista: fºr ºf #. # |# ºf |fº ; ; iongola 27 ,, Prudhomm 51 aVelock N , 23 Khyber Pºss Afghanistan 29 Dorchester Sudam 41 3 * tºº 48 #ºy ontº, 4; 62 Kilo-chau 4Jyhaji tº 29 Douglas 23 ,, Tupert 51 #º , Canada, 52 IXibuta fº China 37 #º New South Wal 23 5 § §: #. ; #. Mº. # b IXibwezi East , ſº 43 Ownpatrick l, W (1,008 . It ights of Abrah: * * Jºº. Bººk ; . St. É. 48 Heilbron *...º. 48 fºre Protectorate 45 indie island St. Louis 32 e 2. Uie J' Sirki 2 Hºa"ºl. # ... s. William # #;"| Čij" 43 | #. Poway 3, #. Pacific Oceam 4 * } ś ; #. Dun # b #. # UIIl Cl (20 25 ,, Severn tlCiti, Bu?” ºilmarnock 7 Dublin ,, Smith 50 b Hernt urma 35 Kilrush 25 Dubrae ; y Toronto 45 Herberton 4|| 29 Kimberley 27 l)umbarton 10 a. ,, Vermillion 48 Herm chaºſ. 61 King's Lynn Cape Colony 43 Fº º 25 3 * Whº § |b #º: slamdā # #. Mountain United Stat 23 Ar; § * C § - e ingst 2 AJ QU S #ine ; Włł. #: Hºy Islands ºf , ; §§ (.. * 3: #ºn 25 Fó William Henry § b #; #: # #. ona!!"! | 61 Tl Il RG llgére 8 Hobkirk's Hi . t Wingst º, Çanada B." # Foxton S New Z 12 #iº, ill New Z 48 Riºn JP'est Indies ; łº N 25 #; º; § #º ealand ; §hºle 27 urham atal 43 'aserburgh !/ Honduras, British Sinsale 25 JDurnovaria, 23 Freetown W. & 25 Honiton 54 Rirkcudbriollt 27 Durobri Fremantl est Africa 46 Hong-Kong 23 IV.irkw: g|Il Bºu # ; iºn Wº: § 58 #;" 37 Sºul . . . .” § DuroVernum IIl 10 a Friendly Islands É. ed States 50 a. Howick Labrador 51 IXlerksdorp Pejian Gull, 33 10 a. I'rontentic § Ocean, 63 Howick - Quebec 52 Klondike Yuko T rºstag! 43 JEastbourne vited States 48 #. Bay Company Matal 43 Kokstadt lſ, § Cºngº 51 #. London Cape Col 23 Gainsb #. § lºude, Queensland ; § olhapur "pºſſ 43 £burn c e UOt,077. Ol'Ollor riuºli •ocº - St01.7.0. Kooring 39mbat y 3 !dmonton (Alber 25 y 4. * Dºle YOWeit Persi ºgypt 41 #º (Albertº 51 Gundo W 27 23 IV ranganur ersian Gulf 38 Iºlandsf y Ganjum Presi est Africa. 46 Rtoonst; e ºf . $ 33 # ºtein Tre. # b § ...! %. al. 34. #ºn West § ange Riº r Colony 43 £lorin wdam. wilgarh ceS 34 dolo est Afri Xuch Behar ransvaal 4 ići Ratif sº # Gayndah Qwe Berar 34 Ilorin Hest 4; #; 1 Behill Presidency of 3 Ellice Islands Persian Gulf 38 Georgia, South South º; 58 Indore West Africa 46 Kudat Bengal 34 #ºur Madr#º,3. 63 §::::::::: West ; s: # nvercargill º India. 34 #. kn West º: 37 £lmina, 'esidency 34 rºtown Prince # # 4. nveraray A'ew Zealand 62 Yuunasi est Africa. 46 I}l Obeid West Africa. 46 I dward Inverness 25 IXunduz. West Africa 46 IEl Sudan, Georgetown . sland 51 In Ruria. Muria. Is Afghttimistan, #held ; §OWIl straitº ; #. Rhodesia, 3. I Iuria Islands Aragº! 38 £nni: ferağıne 7 Oni - Yur (20, #. Orth # b Geraldton w:". Zealand 62 Hºlanº # IXy ſºu Cape Colony : #." 27 Ghazni 4 ... ; ISnbel Isl 23 JBwrmat 35 J. Il Gheriah e fghanistan, I Sla, Ilds Pacific Ocea rmelo Th" 27 G Presidency of B 29 Sandlhant, eam, 63 Iºrnakolam sº Colony 43 §: Islands Pacific 3. al 35 Isch Matal 43 Inbuan Hºwe 7'08 Pres; 34 § Ra8.htmir, #. § #: Silurum 10 a. Hºnd Orange River Fº 37 £Sna, atal 43 slay 10 a. a colle - ºver Colony 43 Iºspiritu Sa * Egypt 41 Gisborne ſe 25 Isle do St 25 Ladysmith Quebec 52 lºstcourt nto United States 48 gº Sowth Aſºº 58 Ispahan Jean 48 Lagos l }}" Natal 46 #ºn British Coli.§ 43 §. (Lºlº, ;: łº Persia, 29 #. hore pºff % º: 43 U1C18), - to 51 g Wory C r l Jamu East African Prote india, 3 #. Springs West Aw8tralia 58 gº British Columbia, ; y Coast West Africa # 8, #: African Protectorate § Wesl tº tl, Il C:\SU(ºl' e #ºn # gººsester 10 a. Jacobsdal Hº. 9|| Canada. § #ºr Ontario, Canad 23 §onda Bombay ; Jaipur al Orange River Colony 43 Fº €70) Brºº 52 Wre - Sowth %; § Gold Const #º. § ºnal Aft; 32 aswari North restº: 17 * €8 & - •l ill Il * * , Q.' incºiſ. " Gondokoro $º. # #ion #; ; #. vinces, India, 33 ! Jamestown # º N Tºmºniq ; 8 Leamington ew Zealand 62 23 * I 4 Map No. le Boeuf 48 Leeds 23 I,eeds Quebec 52 I,eghorn Italy 17 Leicester 23 Lethbridge Alberta, 51 Letocetum 10 Ilewes 23 Lexington United States 49 Leyburn Queensland 58 Leydsdorp Transvaal 43 Lhasa. Tibet 35 Lichtenburg Transvaal 43 Lilnerick 27 Lincoln 23 I, indisfarne 10 b Lindsay Ontario, Canada 52 I, indu in 10 a. I.inja Persian Gulf 38 Linlithgow 25 Lisburn 27 Lisunore 27 Liverpool 23 Liverpool Liverpool Living stonia Nova Scotia, 52 New South Wales 58 I}ritish Central Africa, 43 I, l'uid;1 ff 23 J.okoj”, West Africa 46 London 23 J,011tlon Ontario, Canada 52 Londonderry 27 I longford 27 Lora Afghanistan, 29 Lord Howe Island Pacific Ocean 63 Lough ren 27 I,0uisburg Nova Scotia, 52 I,0uisian:h. Low ('stoft, 23 J,Shri Baluch istan, 38 I , 11 ("k 11 OW Oudh 34 I, nº low 23 l, ugu vallium I, undy's L'ine I, unenburg Lurº; an Lytic ill, urºr Ly intº Itºis Ly in in 2 ton Lyall jºur Lyttº-lton 50 Nova Scotia, 52 2 Transvaal 43 23 Punjab 34 New Zealat nd 62 Lytton Queenslatnd 58 MI:l (‘ao China, 36 YI:1 (::) -S 1 r Matſa usia. 36 Mick: y Queensland 58 M:1e-111:1 rio Harbour T'as mania 58 MI'l cºlu tric Island Pacific Ocean 4 \{ i da 11:11):ll li Madras Presidency 34 VI:1 () ("ir:l 41 YI:11; J’; S \{:lt i ul Ir:l M;1 folk ill ºf Aſaharajpur 34 Malaysia, 36 Bech iſ a ſuſt/and 43 United /’rovinces, India. 4. M-1 li (, M (tal rats 1’,‘esidency 34 Yſ ºr it is! ( ) 11: MI'lit l;l II (l \ſ:, it 1:1 11t Maiw:l 11 | Majorca M:l k'all:1 M : klutsi Mill:10 (;1 M:t 1:1 lit. \I'll div (; Isl:l 11, is M:I (lo II 23 ..Yew, South Watſex 61 ,Soſa // A its!, a liſt 61 Afgha mistan 29 1 7 A rath itſ 38 /3ech iſ a nºt land 43 .Stºtt if & Settle ºne in 18 37 J'unjab 34 India ru Ocean 4 M:l lini i J'ax! A frican, Protectorate 45 Mall:lig 2 \{ i ! ! ( ) W. 27 \ſ;1} f :1 17 M;1 ly;4] li Maſhore 34 \ſ;1} V (, ; 11 3 2 Maua hiki Islands Pacific Ocean 63 \ſ;1 it tº Ji (; ~t “I’ M : i , , , ; l'u ('eſt frºm / / / dirt. 34 M : it ºral, ºr, Madrat 8 Preside ucuſ 34 \{ i Ilij || 1 J’h lippi ſuch 37 M 1 mi), ur A swat wº. 35 VI IIf i < 12 Martinique West / ridies 54 Wſ try 1,01'ou, ſh \! I -1. Tſit'll M 1-11] iſ a til in Madran Presidency 34 Yſ at t k:1 11:1 ..We uſ Zett/ſt ºut 62 M.It jº-fontein Cape ('ulon iſ 43 M:111 it iſ “ini JJ tº ruſt 35 Ma upºrt in 18 M il rit; it- May 11, 10th May town 14 India ru (Jeet n 5 27 Queensland 58 10 a. 27 10 b GENERAL INDEX TO PLACE NAMES Map No. Melbourne Wictoria, 61 Melinde Fast African Protectorate 45 Melrose 25 Melton Mowbray Tasmania 62 Merthyr Tydfil 23 Merton 23 Merv Central Asia, 29 Merwar Rajputama 34 Mhow Central India. 34 Middleburg Cape Colony 43 Middlesborough 23 Middleton 27 Middleton Ontario, Canada, 52 Mildura, Victoria, 61 Milford Hnven 23 Miquelon Island Newfoundland 52 Mirabel 13 Miri Baluchistan 38 Mitchelstown 27 Moffilt, 25 Mold 23 Moltono Cape Colony 43 Mombasa Past African Protectorate 45 Mona 10 a. Moncton New Brunswick, 52 Monda Central Provinces, India 34 Monmouth 23 Montgomery 23 Montren] Quebec 52 Montrose 25 Morpeth 23 Mortinner's Cross 23 Mosquito Const Hondura & 53 Mossel Bay Cape Colony 43 Mponda Jºast African Protectorate 45 Muldlki Punjab 33 Mull, Island of 25 Mullingar 27 Murraysburg Cape Coloniy 43 Muscat, 1’ersian Gulf 38 Mussooree United Provinces, India. 34 Muttra, Oman 38 Nans 27 Ningpur Central Provinces, India. 34 Nili Il 50 b N:lini 'I'll United Provinces, India. 34 Nail'll 25 Nilingtºl, N. W. Rhodesia, 43 Naucowry Micobar Islands 35 Napier New Zealand 62 Naseby 23 Nogalpatºlin & 32 Nellorø Madras Presidency 34 Nelson New Zealand 62 Nelson, Cape Victoria, 58 Neville's Cross 14 Newark United States of America 50 a. No Wark New Amsterdam British Gwiama 54 Now lyridge No WCastlo Newcast le Now castle Newcastle New Hol) l'id (28 New South Wales Nat (tl New Zealand Pacific Ocean, Ne W Norfolk Tasmania New Plymouth Tasmania, Newport New Orleans United States Newry N (; W 18088 News1 (ºld New Westminster No W York United State& Ng:10 East Africant Protectorate Niagara, Nicosiń. Clſprus N in lyi S. Nigeriſt Nootka Sound JBritish Columbia, Norfolk Island Pacific Oceam Norli:lin Nortii:uilton Nortli:illerton Northa in pton Nortlı Shitºl(lH Nor why I House Reewatºm, Norwich Nova Scotia, Nushki Baluchistan, Nylstroom Transvaal Colony Onnaru New Zealand ( )}}}l Il ()ckley - Oglensburg United States 27 23 58 43 62 63 62 62 62 25 10 B 50 8, Old Chitambo Oldham Omdurman Onslow Qrangeville Ontario, Canada. Orkney Islands Ormuz Persian Gulf Oronsay Oswego Oudtshoorn Cape Colony Owen's Spring South Australia Oxford Sudan Oxford House IZeewatim. Pagan Purma, l’ahning Straits Settlements Paisley Palach We Bechuamaland Palmerston South Aw8tralia. Palmerston New Zealand Palmyra Pacific Ocean Panipat North-Western Pro- vimces, India, Pankor Straits Settlements Parramatta New Sowth Wales I’arrsborough JNova Scotia, Parsonstown Patan Bombay Patani Malaysia Patay Putihla, Punjab 1°ntun Bengal, Imdia. IPn. No Ionian Islands PoebloS Pegu Burma. Pellº, Cape Colony Pemaquid Polnbroke Pembroke Ontario, Canada, IPenang Straits Settlements Pensacola, I’en to cost I. New Hebrides Penzance Polºnk Straits Settlements T^erth Perth Ontario, Canada Perth West Australia. Peterborough Poterhoºd Philadelphia, - Phoenix Islands Pacific Ocean Picton New Zealand Pietermaritzburg Natal Pietersburg Transvaal Pine Creck Queensland Pippli Presidency of Bengal Pitcairn Island 1’animota Is. PitSºuni J3echwamaland Pittsburg United States IPlacontin. Newfoundland Plussey Presidency of Bengal Plattsburg IPlymouth I’ly inouth United States Poitier8 Polilur Madras Presidency IPontlicherry Madras Presidency IPO118 AFlii IPO into fruct P()011:1. POl'tildo Will Portarlington Polt. Augusta, Port, Ibliljr Port Clull mel's Bombay South Australia, A mudſtºn ans Mew Zealand |Port Curtis Queenslamd Port Darwin Australia, Port Denison Queensland l'ort lºlizabeth Cape Colony Port lºlliott South Australia. Port lºssington South Australia. I’ort Hunter New South Wales I’ortland 1°01'tland Maine Port, Louis Mawritius I’ort Macquarie JYew South Wales POl't Millhon Mimorca, Nova Scotia, Central Amnerica, I’olºt, Mulgrave I’Ol't') ISøllo l'ortput.rick I’ort of Spain West Indies POl't'ro () Port Roper South Australia Port Royal }}'est Indies l’ort Sºlid Byypt Portsnouth Potchofstroom Th'ams vaſt! I’owoll's Crook South Australiſt I’I'CŞcott Ontario, Canada. |Proston Protol'in. T'n'cºnstract! Priaman Malaysia, Ma M.E. Rhodesia, Strutoga United States of Alºne,'ica, Map No. Prioskſ, Cape Colony 43 Prince Albert JFranklin 51 Prome - Bºtºma 84 Providenco 48 Pudukattai Madras Presidency 34 Punakha, Bhutan. 35. Puniar Central India, 33 l?urulia Presidency of Bengal 35 Appelle A88imiboia, # Charlotte Islands 4. 43 27 JNew Zealand 62 Cape Colony 43 Baluchistan, 29 Tabba, West Africa 46 Radnor 23 Rajkot Bombay 34 Ramnagar United Provinces, • Imdia 34 Rampur United Provinces, 'ndia 34 Ramsgate 23 IRanchi Presidency of Bengal 35 Itangiora JNew Zealand 62 Tangoon Burma, 35 Iłas-el-Hadd Oman, 38 Ra8 ITartak Arabia, 38 Tatao 10 8, Rawal Pindi Punjab 34 Reading 23 Redcar 23 Reginn, Saskatchewan, 51 Regnum 10 8, Renfrew 25 RøInnCS 14 Richibucto Mew Brunswick; 52 Richmond 23 Richmond New Sowth Wales 61 Rimouski Quebec 52 Tingarooma Tasmania, 62 IRiverton New Zealand 62 Roanoke Island United States 49 Iłochdale 23 IROChest(ºr 23 IRomania, Chpe Malaysia, 37 ROScolm mon 27 Rſ)Seil'C8 Iºgypt 45 lºosettn, lºgypt 45 IROSS 23 Tºotherhſunm 23 Hotheshy 25 Iłotumah Island Pacific Ocean, 63 Toxburg h 25 Tºoebourne West Australia, 60 Royal Company Islands 4. Rugby 23 Rullion Green 25 lºupert House 50 b Iłupert's Lºnd . 48 Turki United Provinces, India. 34 IRussell New Zealand 62 IRutupine 10 a. T{yde 23 Rye - 23 Sabaki JEast Africam Pro- tecto)'ate 45 Sackett's Harbour United, States of America 50 a. Sagaing Burma, 35 Sagar Central Provinces, India, - 34. Saidapet Madras Presidency 34 St. Albans 23 St. Andrew's 25 St. Anne Aldermey 12 St. Davids 23 St. Helona, 41 St. Helior Jersey 12 St. Ives 25 St. John New Brumswick, 52 St. John's Newfoundland 52 St. John's Quebec 52 St. Ritts West Indie8 54 Saldaulia Bay Cape Colomºſ 43 Sillo Victo)'ia, 61 Salem Madras Presidency 34 Salford 23 Salisbury 23 Salisbury JMontana, 43 Sillsette Bombay 34 $ºltcoats 27 Stularkand Central Asia, 29 Samoan Islands Pacific Oceam 63 Sandwich Islands J’acific Ocean, 63 49 Map No. §ſurūWak Borneo 37 Sark Channel Islamda 12 Snturil Bombay 34 Sault Ste. Marjo 48 Savannah United States of America, 49 Scarborough 23 Scarborough West Indie8 54 Scarsdale - Natal 61 Schenectady United States 49 Scilly Islands 23 SCOn9 25 Seaford 23. Sedgemoor 23 Selangor Straits Settlements 36 Selby 23 Selkirk 25 Selkirk Manitoba, B1 Sennan r Sudan 45 Seringapatam Madras Presi- ency Seychellos Islands Indian, Ocean 4 Shaikh Othman Arabia, 38 Shanghai Chima. 37 Shanklin 23 Shark Bay West Aw8tralia, 59 Sheerness 25 Sheffield 23 Shēlbourne Mato. 61 Shelburne Nova Scotia, 52 Sheriffmuir 25 Shetland Islands 25 Sholinghar Madras Presidency 34 Shrewsbury 23 Sialkot Punjab, India. 34 Sierra Leone est Africa 46 Silverton New South Wales 61 Simcoe Ontario, Canada 52 Simla, Punjab, India, 34 Singapore Straits Settlements 37 Sitk: Alaska 51 Sit-taung JBurma 34 Skerrioš 27 Skibbereen 27 Skye, Isle of 25 Slave Const West Africa. 42 Sligo - 27 Sobra. On Pwnjab 33 Sokoto West Africa. 46 Solomon Islands Pacific Oceam 63 Solway Moss 14 Somnath Bombay 34 Southampton 23 South WOld 23 Spanish Main, The 53 Spanish Town West Indie8 54 Srinagar I(0.8htmºr 29 Stafford 23 Stamford Bridge 12 GENERAL INDEX To PLACE NAMEs Map No. Stanley Victoria, 61 Stanley Ta&mnania, 62 Stanley Falklands 54 Stellonbosch Cape Colony 43 Stewart Island New Zealand 62 Stirling 25 Stockport 25 Stoke-upon-Trent 23 Stonehaven 25 Stormberg Cape Colony 43 Stornoway 25 Stranraer 25 Stratford-upon-Avon 23 Strome Ferry 25 Suakin Sudan 45 Suez Egypt 45 Sukadana Borneo 37 Surat Bombay 34 Swansea 25 Swindon 25 Sydney New South Wales 61 Sydney Cape Breton 52 Tadoussnc 48 ThInvorth 23 Tamworth New South Waleg 58 Tangier 17 Tanjore Madras Presidency 33 Tantalium Malaysia, 37 Tashkend Central A8ia 29 Tasp Baluchistam, 38 Tilti Matabeleland 43 Thrbert 25 Thungs Bechuamaland 43 Taunton 23 Tauranga New Zealand 62 Tal Vetº, East African Protec- torate 45 Tawao Borneo 37 Teheran Persia, 29 Telegraph Creek British Columbia, 51 Tel-el-Kebir Egypt 45 Tellicherry Madras Presidency 33 Templemore 25 Tenasserim Burma 35 Tennant's Creek South Australia, 58 Tettenhall 11 a. Tewkesbury 23 Thames New Zealand 62 Threo Rivers 48 Thurles 27 Ticonderoga 48 Tinchebrai 14 Tipperary 27 Tokar Sudam. 45 Toulon 16 Townsville Queensland 61 Map No Towton 23 Trilleo 27 Tranquebar Madrag 32 Trentoſ, United States 49 Trim 27 Trillcomalee Ceylon 33 Trillidad 54 Tristan da Cunha, 4. Truro 23 Trull'O Nova Scotia, 52 Tumilm 27 Tullamore 27 Ulundi Matal 43 Umtali Natal 43 IJnwindale 43 Upington Bechuamaland 43 Utrecht Transvaal 41 Val-es-Dunes 12 Valential Island 27 Valettº, 17 Vallum Antonini 10 a. Vail couver British Columbia 50 b Vanun Levu Fiji 63 Van Rhynsdorp Cape Colony 43 Vectis 10 a. Vellore Madras Presidency 33 Venta Icenorum 10 a. Venta Belgarum 10 a. Ventnor 23 Verneuil 14 Verulamium 10 a. Victoria, I'llls Rhodesia 43 Vinegar Hill 27 Vinovia, 10 a. Virconium 10 a. Viti Levu Fiji 63 Vitu East Africam Protectorate 45 Vizagapataill 32 Vryburg Bechuanaland 43 Vryheid Natal 43 Wadelni East African Protectorate 45 Wady Halfa Egypt 45 Willil'Oh, New Zealand 62 Waith l'ºl, New Zealand 62 WilkkerStroom 43 Wilkefield 23 Willkefield New Zealand 62 Walfish Bay Cape Colony 43 Willlarroo South Australia, 58 Wallingford 23 Walldowash Madras 32 Wanga East African Protec- *.. toº'ate 45 Map No. W 111ºlni New Zealand 62 W 111kies Rhodesia, 43 Wantage 23 Will'kworth 23 Warwick 23 Warwick Quebec 52 Wºlter'fort] 27 Wodmore 10 b Wei-hmi-Wei Chºna, 37 Welling horough 23 Wellington New Zealand 62 Wellington New South Wales 61 Wepener Orange River Colony 43 Western Port Victoria, 59 a. Wexfort | 27 Weymouth 23 Whitby 23 Wick 25 Wicklow 27 Wigan 23 Wight, Isle of 23 Wigtown 25 Wilmington 48 Wiltoll 10 b Winburg Orange River Colony 43 Winchester 23 Windsor 23 Windsor Ontario, Canada, 52 Winton Queensland 58 Wolverhampton 23 Woodstock 23 Woodstock New Brunswick; 52 Wurno West Africa 46 Wurren up New South Wales 58 Wyndhaul New South Wales 58 Yille 51 Yanºmon Madras Presidency 32 Yarkand Central Asia. 29 Yarmouth 23 Yarmouth Nova Scotia, 52 Yolº, West Africa 46 York 23 York 51 Yorktown United States of A merica 49 Youghal 27 Zºln to Ionian Isles 17 Znnzi)):ur East African Pro- tectorate 45 Zeehan Tasmania. 62 Zeerust Transpartl 43 Zimbabye Rhodesia 43 Zomba Portuguese I'', Africa 43 Zunger'll Migeria 46 ZWelleudºllah Cape Colony 43 I 5 THE BRITISH EMPIRE BIBLIOGRAPHY HISTORICAL AND MODERN General Bibliographies will be found in O. P. Austin, “Colonial Adminis- tration, 1800-1900" (Bureau of Statistics, Washington): A. Ireland, Tropical Colonisation. See also the catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society. ATLASES. A. IIISTORICAL. “The Clarendon Press Historical Atlas" (ed. It. L. Poole); Colbeck, C., “School Atlas of English History"; Droysen, G., “Allgemciner Historischer Hand-Atlas"; Gardiner, S. R., '''School Atlas of English History"; Labberton, It. II., “Historical Atlas and General History"; Longnon, M. A., “Atlas Historique de la France"; Putzger, “Historischer Schul-atlas”; Iteich, E., “Student's Atlas of English History"; Schrader, F., “Atlas de Géographie His- torique"; spruner-Menke, “Hand-Atlas für die Geschichte"; Vidal Labiache, “Atlas d'Histoire et de Géographie.” B. GENEItAL. Bartholo- mew, J. G., “The Citizen's Atlas"; Stieler, “Hand Atlas." AUTHORITIES. A. GENERAL. IEartholomew, J. G., “Gazetteer of the British Isles" (with maps); Chisholm, G. G., “Handbook of Commercial Geography"; Dawson, C. G., “The St. Lawrence Basin"; Dilke, C., “Problems of Greater Britain"; Egerton, HI. E., “A Short History of British Colonial Policy”; “The Origin and Growth of the English Colonies"; Freeman, E. A., “Historical Geography of Europe" (with I vol. maps); George, H. B., “A Historical Geography of the British Empire"; “Geo- graphy and History"; Greswell, W. P., “Outlines of British Colonisa- tion”; iiuxley, T. H., “Physiography"; Keith Johnston, “Physical, Historical, Political, and Descriptive Geography”; Keltie, J. S., “Geo- graphical Education"; Leroy-Beaulieu, P., “De la Colonisation chez les ſ’euples Modernes"; Lucas, C. P., “Historical Geography of the British Colonies"; Mackinder, II. J., “Britain and the British Seas"; Herman Merivale, “Lectures on Colonisation”; Mill, II. It., “International Geography”; Parkin, G. It., “Imperial Federation"; Itamsay, A., “Physical Geography of Great Britain"; Itéclus, J. J. E., “Nouvelle Géographie Universelle"; Iteinsch, P. S., “Colonial Government"; IRobinson, II. T., “Colonial Chronology"; Seeley, J. R., “The Ex- pansion of England"; “The Growth of British Policy"; stokvis, E., • ‘Manuel de l’Histoire et de Génealogie"; Suess, E., “Das Antlitz der Erde"; Tarr, It. S., “I’lementary Physical Geography"; Wallace, A. R., “The Geographical Distribution of Animals"; The Statesman's year-/ſook (ed. J. S. Keltie); The Colonial Office List ; The India Office List, The Foreign Office List; The Year-Books of the several colonies. /3. AMEIriCA (Biritish). Ikeazeley, C. R., “John and Sebastian Cabot"; Itourinot, S. E., “Canada under British Rule"; IBradley, A. G., Canada in the Twentieth Century"; Bryce, G., “The Hudson Bay Company"; Dickson, S. E., “North America"; Doyle, J. A., “The English in America"; Greswell, w. P., “Geography of the Dominion of Canada”; “A Short History of Canada"; Markham, A. H., “Franklin and the North-West Passage"; Markham, C. It., “John Davis, the Navigator”; Parkman, F., “Historical Works” (14 vols.); Pilot, W., “The Geography of Newfoundland"; Itussell, H. C., “North America"; wingor, P., " Cartier to Frontenac.”; “The English and French in North America, 1689-1763." - I6 C. ASIA. BitTISH INDIA AND THIE NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST. Administration Reports of the Persian Gulf Political Residency. Bartholo- mew, J. G., “Hand Atlas of India"; Chirol, W., “The Middle Eastern Question"; Clifford, H., “Farther India; " Curzon, Lord, “Russia in Central Asia”; “Persia and the Persian Question”; Gardiner, J. S., “The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Islands"; Hogarth, D. G., “The Nearer East”; Iſoldich, Sir T., “The Indián Borderland”; “India” (Regions of the World); IIunter, W. W., “Im- perial Gazetteer”; “The Indian Empire”; Innes, A. D., “Short History of British India"; Keane, A. H., “Asia"; Lyall, A., “The Rise of British Dominion in India"; Sicvers, “Asien"; Smith, G., “Student's Geography of British India"; Statistical Atlas of India. The FAlt EAST. Beineid, II. C., “Handbook of the Federated Malay States”; Birdwood, G., “Report on the Old Records of the India Office”; Curzon, Lord, “Problems of the Far East”; Douglas, lt. K., “Europe and the Far East"; Aſandbook to British North Borneo, Keane, A. H., “An Eastern Geography"; Irichthofen, F. von, “China"; Sievers, W., and Wallace, A. It., “The Malay Archipelago." D. AUSTRALIA AND THE PACIFIC. Barton, C. H., “Outlines of Australian Physiography”; Favence, E., “The History of Australian Exploration"; Gordon and Gotch, “Australian Handbook"; Guille- mard, F. H., “Malaysia and Pacific Archipelagoes”; “Magellan"; Jenks, E., “A History of the Australian Colonies”; Mochstetter, F. von, “New Zealand" (translated by E. Sauter); Itankin, G., “The Federal Geography of British Australasia"; Iteeves, W. P., “The Long White Cloud"; “A History of New Zealand"; Sievers, W., “Australien und Ozeanien”; Thynne, R., “The Story of Australian Exploration”; Thomson, J. P., “British New Guinea”; “The Physical Geography of Australia” (Smithsonian Report); Wallace, A. lt., “Australia and New Zealand.” F. AFRICA (British Possessions in). Brown, W. II., “Africa and its Explorers"; Greswell, W. P., “Geography of Africa South of the Zambesi"; Eliot, C., “The East African Protectorate"; Hertslet, E., “The Map of Africa by Treaty"; Johnston, II. II., “History of the Colonisation of Africa”; “The Uganda Protectorate”; “Livingstone and Central Africa"; “The Nile Quest”; “British Central Africa"; Keane, A. II., “Africa"; Keltle, J. S., “The Partition of Africa"; Lugard, F., “The Rise of our East African Empire"; Marden, MI., “The Geography of Egypt and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan”; Milner, Wiscount, “England in Egypt”; Mockler-Ferryman, “Imperial Africa"; Itankin, G., “The Zambesi Basin”; Theal, G. M., “History of South Africa"; Thomson, J., “Mungo Park and the Niger"; Wingate, Sir It., “England, Egypt, and the Sudan." F THIE WEST INDIES. IBryan Edwards, “History of the British Colonies in the West Indies”; Mill, It. J., “The Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica"; Gibbs, J. It, “British Honduras"; Mark- ham, C. lt., "Christopher Columbus”; lºodway, J., “The West Indies and the Spanish Main." Countries of THE BRITISH EMPIRE DRAWN ON A UNIFORM SCALE OF AREA FALKLAND NIGERIA ISLANDS BRITISH GAMBIA ASHANTI GUIANA SIERRA LEONE GOLD COAST BRITISH JAMAICA WEST INDIES HONDURAS º, . - ** º - .." - º wº- CYPRUS º ADEN & SOMALLAND T BAHAMAS MAURITIUS ºx. *, T.-- - DRAWN ON A UNIFORM SCALE ACCORDING WHITE POPULATION BRITISH ISLES 42 millions NOTE-In this Diagram South, Africa is drawn about 1/40th the size of the British Isles, because the White Population or South Africa is about 1/40th of the population of the British Isles. ºlº Countries of the British Empire º, CANADA 5 millions - º - * * ºvº - TO THEIR BRITISH NEw Guinea. AUSTRALIA 3 millions SOUTH AFRICA 1 million | NEW ZEALAND 3 million EGYPT AND BRITISH EAST AFRICA HONG-KONG AND WEL-HA-WE. * >> BRITISH NonTH Boºgo STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SOLOMON. ISLANDS - Sº * º - - - NEW ZEALAND - TASM.A.N.A , , C T c | * *Bahamas. A r 1 A M T c º, - ------ * | º º - -º-º- - º operl --- ". º, lºan --- THE BRITISH EMPIRE, 1603 |. The British Possessions coloured Red. ºn w d , a w º - - - º, *\ | labrador -1. *AMºA. º THE BRITISH EMPIRE, 1713 - The Bºuah possessions coloured Red. º Jºhn ºn-tº. * - º - - - --- ---- º -- - - º - ºulfº *abama: A T L * * T / C. ſº. | - s º: - º * - o C E 4 N nº º º ſº - º | - - | | | || V. THE BRITISH EMPIRE, 1763.. The British Possessions coloured Red. tºurs nd º | T L ºf ni-- - -, ºn -- * flu; |-º-º-º-º: - - - - - THE BRITISH EMPIRE, 1837 lº The British Possessions coloured Red. y^ | | | | | | º º -- :* : * : | - - -------- Fº ºa lin. Lºo Lºo -- 120 lºo º do -- -- V - - loo --- -º-º- THE BRITISH - - * night 160 abºut 100 * . 120 100 MoRNING 80 60 40 a. *. to East - I II III º II º - *- - - ºnate. ſ New Siberia (º tº * ºw wº 4800 º Q onahn wº- F-> ºn-ºn- ºver º D D- 5. Francisco ºn.” | Coºroº -ºn/ º Cattle, May -º-º: ingº - - ſº º nºnreal. - 41 R. ... …" - - - W ºt...i. - tº E- ºn N a. * * º - - - ºxsº ºcco/Yoºn-º ſº e, S. º --- º Sºpanº. --- hiº º Chi º 2 : an 1. - º, - §§.º. oº: nºmº tº adº - Hºlº, º - % º W. wº * Juan Fernanº- Cºnce |- - wº a lºt º' -* * ºan. * * British Possessions Dark Red spheres or INFLuence Light RED Principal Routes of British Commerce British naval and coaling stations º Railways Telegraph Cables - Caravan Routes other British Coaling ports (Partially defended) a principal Exports shown thus doºm.a. Foreign coaling stations ºr Distances are given in nautical miles Numerals at top of Map show Time of Dau in different parts of the World when woon at Greenwich __ -- - l :: :"...o: : - logota VENT andbahawen º: -wain in- - strº ºf Belle Isle Diamond's ºbºraba. | EMPIRE, 1905. - - - To º Tºº | 20 MID-DAY. | X. º XI I º danaº. º ºn ºrchartºº - º ºr. - - - - º -- - -E- - º yºu Morocco- Motºo - º * º º º ſº -- hºlº - ºn 181,128 * =º º - - - - - º ſº -- º º -- . . .) ºl- - - §§ º -i. ºor & ºn tºu. º: º º or ºf C. ^2, * Tºyºs º % nº lº . º - - ºc. - --- |Mººººººº. º ºn- º tºd --- la Indiaden \! INUARY \, Dambº º tig ſº Q. Ngo start: - * - º ERMAN Inn - Bastø rº, - t chinese ºf b or t Lhasº, c. º - -- ~~ o nºn-o-º-o-ºr * - ºr” -: - - ºARCHIPELAG -- 20 o 20 -) THE WORLD. º 20 - º |BATHY-0 - Rographical features - - Rºº." … … .º- º -- º bo lºº 1-0 º ſº tº - - - - - º, - - - - - - now to landsurface characteristics ºurorºvnº, I loºr stºppe L nºw - “ºfº” [ ] sº [-]wountain noraayº - - - cºa- ºr- —º. nºrt- lº WEGETATION FEATURES - - - . . . . . : -- º -- - -- o -- --- º a- I- 1-2- 1- -- - - THE WORLD -- MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE Regions with Temperature below 32°Fahr coloured Blue. NS -- - - W. 0 CEA - - REFERENCE to Rainfall. Colouring -- 2." ºne than to inches rººm so to 75-inches º MEAN ANNUAL RAINFALL ºl- ºr -tºrs from low as More than 75 ^ WITH LIMITS OF SNOW FALL - 25 to 50 -- The figures indicate the amount of rainfall in inches - 1. . _ 1. - . - l - ºpposed Antakotie C lºº --- 100. ". * * * … ºld _* ": : ..."? -- 3. :* 1-0 The Edinburgh Gºgºl nºte ". .” -, - . - " -Tº-F º - - - - 1. Nº I.A. - W 0 (; E.A. tropic of cºrneº, - + - ºf | | < | Uninhabited Regions Less than 1 person to sq.mile From 1 to 50 - 50 to 100 density of population 100 to 200persons to - 200 to 400 Above 400 sq milo | - --- --- dºn- º * --- * --- º *::/ º - - - --- * --- - - - - - …, - -- º - n--------------ºut-ºf-of-th-y- -º-º-º-º-º-ºpen ºr -º-º-º-º-tºn in winter --- _ - __ - --- --- - - - - --- - _*. -- ::::: '': " : * - -- ------ ------- - - - - - * sº * \ tº re-enland - Sea Land º º -- * 'º ---n º - -º- . -º-, ºw" º ra- ºahºmas 2. º -- *** narrº. B are nºt º º º º - - ſº --- - ºpºl. º -º- - Tau - *"º. º nºn- º I º **** - - - man-l. -º-º-º: * º º - ºf º' - * * * *º- ** - ºvº. - *Georgia. A-1 * , -- Regions at present commercially developed. Capable of development, but as yet only partially or not at all developed. Barren Regions incapable of material development. - - -º-, --- . 1. I - Wike- Lºn --- - -- º º - º º Ido 1-0 1-0 do -T - TRADE OF UNITED KINGDOM. E- Bullion and sº º excluded from countaiºs TOTAL F.OR Import and Export Values. Both diagrams are drawn to the same scale. * possessions, *losºs º 90. c. 3. # 3 2. - Sº - 2. § gº | y - º * * § - | £3. º 2. 3 | º - £152,390,000 2274,864,000 || 2370,083,000 || 2390,019,000 || 3408,345,000 || 3528,391,000 £349,239,000 £273,786,000 || 4:295,968,000 - £297.850,000 £212,657,000 £115,821,000 IMPORTS, COMPARATIVE DIAGRAM_ - - _EXPORTS, CoMPARATIVE DIAGRAM tº Laº-º-º-º-te-II* - - - -|- || og de cae , , , ºſ º |ºttaeſºng · *----6.6-.…ºH− ºg H) ruºaºa ºu, jo uºx se-zoº || suois-e-ul ustaeci - sura ºsº-ºsae . |-x:ssa, jo aeetuº adins israet oº-ºze ſaeuºrdns uerolºw oos-os-| 1 |ſaepemaidns uaequunnion ºsz-soº | kueu uns reoſºolououuo || ~0 55īīīīīīīīī", niſiaeg Noxys-ofiºny os dº dºor : º. sºtinae| | 1 ))) -wa apun, urug suae o-- |ºmaeºs jo suº među, o…-6oz|- și-ºsmu smuluomuvºjo meae s- -umº: mae surup - h zazı erosu, w po suºmeđumºn se-s. -uoniae saenae lº meae surumos, ka memua jo tsºmbuoto sº 'o', ·m·s−ºo smunt jo suonipaedrº -c-s: orº Aueu, uns reoſºolououuo | 1 EMPIRE OF WESSEX. - - o 2 15 10. 5. EMPIRE OF CANUTE. 10. 15 Chronological Summary 371-99 Reign of King Alfred. 886 Treaty of Chippenham ºwed more). 907-40. Recovery of the Danelagh. 912 Foundation of Normandy. 924 Supremacy of Dore. 945 Conquest of Strathclyde. 959–75 Final Supremacy of Wessex. Reign of King Edgar. - - 960-88 Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Jºe Lase Lothian to King of Scots as an English fief. - - º - - º I English Miles 2. * In 20 +0. Fo * / “If S T R L. A N *...*.*. from 913 -º-º-º-º-º-º- The Five Boroughs underlined Red T English Dominions coloured red Chronological Summary Tol-1016 Treaty of Alney. 1015-35 Canute, King of England. 1015-35 -- ... Denmark. 1028-35 1018. Earldom of Wessex (Godwin Norway. - I English Miles loo --> º -o- -- -- º 1031 Lothian ceded as a fief to Malcolm of sºland- - º 1042 End of Danish royal line in England. - - - | 5. - - T. |-> - RC: - 70 --------- BRITAIN AFTER NORMAN CONQUEST. + 2 o 2. 1. T º T REFERENCE TO COLOURING T Possessions of William I. Dominions dependent on William I. - Possessions of the King of France º - - - |-| Dominions dependent on the King of France - - ºn- *- - - º ſ A. N Chronological Summary I A N- º … - S C GNT I. A N Morºcopawa dunnam 1031 Lothian ceded to King of Scots º - º alºndarane 1066-87 Normandy united with English Crown 2. ſº "ºom” 1092 Cumberland added to England - º ſer w/º: - º: A wº- Togº-97 - - -ººººº- 1100-6 ). Normandy separated from English Crown, 2. º 1135-54 \ º / º º- * Aco Pau or punham G. A lºt ow;A Y sº Carfare º 5) º }. (º, Nº. - - narrº - º - !) - º & - - _- 54 7 --~ Nº. º N. Rºon _- *Tº . 2. sº -- - Ó ºm. *ATINE ENRLDo -º-º-, -º - crºsten º 2 N E D D º - - - º º . º º º & lo eaſilt Jºhn - - - or º º - º -- º" º - ºr " - *|52 - - º - - - º - * - º * * Tº " - º - *a* dº v. E. D. º: - § º 2-sº - º!oxrdap ºº ºs Eſºx - Q º - ren - ** - es's 22 º *. %. - Mºon” CŞe º º - º - - º º Mºſſº º º º | - * be nº- º ſº- - " - º - - … º - L. Tº s SURREY *** ** º --~~ - Low- º - sº ºwn - ad.…” --- Yº/ ..., x -º - ſº: ºnº -s U S 5DE X -- tº 0 ----------- lº º Mac - Cotill tº Y - Y º, tº I-ſ ºr ** -º-º-º-º: - º £º weaea. ($ º, "ºs lander s Lof Wight 7 S & s --~~ º º - - 50 - - # - & 8 * - - º' Yºº *** ºa,º Channel - Islands aſ tºy Bºyeurº *Nº, ºaan, contanº- º narº. * NK Q RA ºw/. n º º - 40 Bourbonnais - Auvergne ºr i : * – - -- * 7.- ". ." - - - Jºhn Banholm-º. ANGEVIN EMPIRE, 1189 A.D. º 4. 2 o 2 -- - T T Chronological Summary 1154 Normandy, Maine, Anjou, Aquitaine united to English Crown 1158 Nantes. 1160 Quercy 1169 Brittany 116a Anglo-Norman Settlement in Ireland 1173 Toulouse under Henry II. Isle of Man under independent Norwegian Rulers till 1187 | | º º MoM on 1A º w º Bristol Chaº- sºvº ºunder- jº Hº- ------- - ana i En S. REFERENCE TO COLou RING English Dominions ----- 1-0 |-| English Dependencies - - - - | - | French Dorninions - I - - - - Y -- | - -- *** * L | | French Dependencies - * | | English Miles * Go Tºo Merlºan or 0 cº-h. - Tºº-º-º-º- -- - - - REFERENCE TO COLOUR No. English Dominions - - English Dependencies - - | French Dominions Boundaries of Henry V. | | | | and Henry VI in France. an Milan IR 1 S. H. S. * º Anautara-ºº: tunnu & º - º Brºwlol tº Lundez- ANGEVI - E.A. B R T TMA NY N EMPIRE, 1360 AD. o º I Chronological Summary 1284 Final Conquest of Wales. 1301 Title of Prince of Wales created. 1828 Independence of Scotland recognised. 1860 Edward III, receives Poitou, Gascony, Guienne, (Treaty of Bretigny), 1406 Sovereignty of Isle of Man family (Earls of Derby 1420 Peace of Troyes (Henry V.) 1431 Henry VI, crowned King of France, 1453 English Rº". in France (except Calais) finally lost, !" to Stanley 1290 Isle of Man under protectorate of English Crown, -- - it - º ºwater. ºl * Wºw - - - - º º º, - N G. Jº A N º --- º Wow. - --- º “º - ºverham º ºrrºr- -- - (b.ford ºw. Lº º nymedº' nºwº , º *2 tº º º - º - of Wight *, *tºl N E || tº A N C F * ºarfield. yº, &ſ. ºny bayºu." N 0 R Livranch- - *tºla Rocheme --- N -- (, ºr 1, r" | on tº 1 º' tº OW y Lº - - ºld, wº - ſamplona | N. A. W. A. R. R. E. A - º § - (*. ow. - Mºewanºwº- º nº. 4'- /* 0 Y ~ (lambºy º: º - Morsemes ºld, an or to dº nºw. -º-º-º-º-º-º- = =-)=–) ~=== |ºuetta ſew izgı-sıgı №)|-, --- |ºoººo uwaensenas puv uuor¿№→ ·|× ,, , ) ( ) 7,7 !TT−~−-5*ºr-szºr rºzraea waer ſtººººoººſtos'uozuia 'ºondsøa çısı-zewn|-º, , , , , , , , ,******* I· |-wsząºu! oºſ-"LA (ºpuexºlv ſo tung pedwa ceºl|-, , , , , , , , , ,| 1^ ^ ^| ſºrunds · *** A suaumoo post-zew. P (, , , (7·ſ−—~~~~);ºs•mºm, ºra º aevosrp swaer0-9 "tumeſ) ºp oost. A tºz çı-vºri|-|×|-|- |-|-///|*...|-|----- -------- ºzelo watuotounu est0091-98 til L.|×|- |-| , , ,|+ ' ||||-~~oſºana----- , !&###### ogſ- ºººººtaen ºn aeruah woupra ogaesei || )|-- - -- - ||\|-|- ºsa ºeſo.Aºsuo, …Altrºl-), slº| |-|-~*----+−|-||Tºſſae; |№ſeu uns teoſºolououus//|-|- ----// ±|-||||-)---- -|-|-|-|- -|-- |-||-|----------- |…ſº/ / /|| 1######## - - - ----−−) ſae) · **: ſuae, maes.|- :0.01dae:ortº0-d.…dae… Ā, maes| „º|-|- |-|- |-|- |- ||- |- ----_|- - --------~----------- ||- :-:|- ! |----- : „ ”“”“”“ ( ſ ) , |- | 7 |- | |- · ·:·º·:·º·:· |-*:: - № ---- |- - - -- O N — №tºſ), ºººººaesº, …------- ----ſae;|× |- - - * ... - O O. 1 ---- | --~~~~ ~~ !º-º-º--:-, -er, Lost orv ſosae 26+I (Iv , ºg vrae ost orw (wºnoar · -: TRījāsīON THÌ GŌSŌTŌ55īcī •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - |****** , !!!!! !! 1 ! T !s√≠√asºq | , Ispup/dm ualung puno sºddans | sąsaadae ) spurºj pºgrºmnino puv ssuº ~~~~ (~~~~ ſae ſae,kael ( ſae 0:00 uow (ſººs ſaetº-rºot : : NIINI esil-ºoli paſdmooo Bolu peamqdeo eo-wou!w | £ılı ſąvarų ſą pºpºo troll peumądeo ueſſeuq19 tººl-Z991 qsſaqua ºu=13uel | "BLON ·lae ..………… … 7,5:1. Nnoo NV3N - _ --… …-)-_•=== №t! !c.--~ ----_ *1 + … T ſº ºſ ºſ I : .ae o J. I ſº ſi J. S. ººſ-6001 : usnae : ~~~~); !mae S3TSI NYIN:01 | ~~~~, º |-| bººm-coºl usanae\,----§,*ſae |-||ºtraeaegnoxaereos (),"№~ſaer - -* -- -- --- - || || 0. Nºvºtoºri:H.ſaeuiº,---:| |ºwu Twºalº !|- | |ſnovºgºrºrº º ſº º!!!!!!!!!!!!ſ ºr S --†| |()|(~*~*~º: …-ſite:: - ~----------------~--~~~~ -………………:…----|- | ſº: ***#:#|ſermes:: || |ºtºšºſ·x + x x o ¿:: || | |-----|-| ſae. - |×| ----- _ - _ ·Pae º 0,100 taon. -¿TUTIT”, ººtae twººw ºn ••••••• a drws-uwºnº^ L…ae·ºor·^ ~~~~ ~~~rºwº-· Z88ı ueñaq uoņednooo qºſqaq ºqda33 ( £981-8081 uoſqoºyoua qeņļua ºsºisi uequoſ 818|| aouſº uoſmeđnooo qºſqaq ºsnudaeo 0081 ºouſe qsſaquº; 'enſew | 1Zºll-€9 li qeņķuſ "eououw | № E_lon |----- |- -**** ¿(…) |-……ae, ſº eſae:(\§- ---…-- -Equae|-tt, |×\OEN, ·:·º·:·— ſºſ ..…. |× #!*---- %ſ() {* Łsae07.ºtol ºgūāī£5īīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīī BRITISH ISLES-VEGETATION. d + 2 I - Q CONTINUATION on same scalºr. 2 sºonburgh head English Mu- º-º-º-º-º-º-ºo 0 ºrº-1, - REFERENCE TO COLOUR ING y Shetlé - | Grass and Cultivated Land | | roul tº Woodland ºo - Moorland, Hill Pasture, &c. - - - * | l- - |Wontº - - 58 - +- º º - - sº. - - - - - º ºne sºa. º §2 It maird Head Usionalasha. | Pendºn, wºrn. - - | . PBuchan Ness 3 alwººm greenwich | L. - -- ºf | | A” Z" A. C. - - - - | - | ºn. - * * - - -ºw. of the Tºy - o nona- º º - - C. 4' × A^ *" ..º.º.) - º Fire Nass - colonºwº ſº º - º 'º - l º ..Z º M. * -- § º … º - - *… º. ººl- "º º Aº * º º º: -- ſº , ) . ºf Nº. | | *f; * - "º º, cº-º- # - ſº a º - Mo - | - | *" ( º C nºt r, a - Tºw - º nº A º º ** *, 'ºw, ºf \| nº."" - ?, cºspººn Head | "...º.º. pºlº, º sº... "… . -- Sºº ºn- ). |- 4. º, wº º: - ſº - ººza, * ºn ºlº- º ºn tº º s. Aſ º **, * how? tº º - A - . - - ºf . - - º, * 3: ^. ..., 8vº. * */ º: º ſº hº Wºwow nº S; | A A / toº. . . - ** Braich-y-Pwll ** º gº \, ', y * " - y \%. ** - * - - - - º *~~~ - - º º ºſ ºwn tº - - - º * -- * * º º - - " - * * nº. & - - - - º º *-ºw, º Davida Hº - - -º-º: *- º - º 52. ** woe." sºpraes Bºº º **. º it - º - º - --- wºrd tº w” º - - - º -- Mºr * º * º | car" swans" * Bristo Chaº Lundy 1. - marrºw ºººººº Y, Hartland point- - | º : º **- º º - º-ºo-ºº: º - º - º º *nown narº M º ſ - º * º - - _*_ - Landalend - - 2. al- º * …, Point C // 4. - Sºuy-1- º |Mºnº" *d ºn ºarn, - - --- alarnave Pºd, hºw” channel Guernsey & bºark de N. Lalan .iers -- -- --- - - | :::: *::::::-- - - - - º --- ". .." - Loº ºr 4 rºom ºn wº º COAL & IRON. *Sunderland s rºmato; A hortlepool - - -- Whitehaven, ſº - Mºddlewºº ool---- coal cº-º-º-T 2. o ºngº Miles --- ºn go ºn Tºo go REFERENCE TO colour NG - Coal measures exposed - only The concealed coal measurew are nºted The areas coloured black ºn seortanº ºnande the carbonaeroua ºne-tone coal measures covered by more recent roc Pre-carboniferous rocks | Post-carboniferous rocks S. Submarine coal workings - Ironworks wºn a dºth of 4000 feet from surface ºthy in cº-ºr- - - Shººtield º … nontº ºne Derby ... ?" B ay - ºirming --L-- - - º * " | Readiº marcºte- **/s or south waves---- Br is to 1 ch | Hartland fºr ". unenon culm at a -ººrºº coal- y º wnwickshire - º Weurºborough - ------- NT O R. T - - - ſ howton' sº º º º: - - a º: --> S E A Beacº head REFERENCE - Cotton goods + woollen goods -Silk goods - Leather goods - Metal Working + Shipbuilding - Earthenware - Paper Making - Chemicals | Industrial Regions - Linen and Jute x Machine works | Hull Principal Shipping Ports Scilly tº sº. - brºkerries ſ BRITISH ISLES-INDUSTRIES. º *...* tº-ºn-º-º: Pen ºd º …” ºrmſ. - - Tongue - Stourie -- - - ir - - 3. º RAUllapool C. - wº- Wºodlewe Tai Aghna º | - In º º º ---T-- Marypº º Workingtº º - ..., whitehaven º, wn is ºr sº 4. ſºuth Exmouth portanºº º …º. ºney º Bºdº Bºhº English Mºle- -- -- Tºo Principal Railways steam shºp Distances in Nowºcal Mºles anfleet Mºston Well. º º º º º º \, (? "yº : wool-LEN GOODS -21,517,000 º-º- - NCIPAL MANUFACTURES EXPORTED DURING THE YEAR 1903 - MacHinery E20,065,000 STEEL, Eid. |ºis, ºº,000 | | -| - - BRITISH ISLES-POPULATION, 1901 census. 21 Towns of 10,000 inhabitants and | upwards are shown according to population, and are excluded from density calculations. REFERENCE TO COLOURING Persons per square mile | Iſninhabited From 1 to 64 Towns over 200,000 inhabitants - , , ,, 100,000 -- - -- -- 50,000 -- - - -- 10,000 -- --ºn- Engaiah Miles ºn-º-º-ºº-ºo Principal Railways - GROWTH OF POPULATION IN THE CENTURY, 1801-1901 (DECENNIAL census returns, The dotted lines in each division show the proportion of population as divided between | - | England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland 1871 *! - º 1851 1861 * * . . | | - | Bºl- | | . . . . . ; e.g. š 23 # - -- ºn o -º a B. - - E - | -- | - - - - - - | - - - - - - * 2 #| || || 3 || 5. #: : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; #|| --- - |- - - - - - - ºu lo - º º - - E- º – C. ... P. Gº |m|E|| - ºu lo ºr -- | --- - - - - - |* * ºn º is ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; "| º is = |}| ſº * * * * * * * * | " : " : - - - - - | | || - - - | | | | || | - w - - - - 16,345,846 17,370,000 21,272,187 24,892.485 27,080,450 27,724,055 29,821,288 31.845,379 tºº... ºº 41,605,220 "“” $º :* -: *- - - - - - - - - ". ." --- - - - - hº º º º- - - - - - ENGLAND & WALES.– hical. ED º 2 English Miles 0-10-30 - 30-40 -º-ºn above 2000 feet. lood to 2000 feet - 000 to 1000 feeſ. Sea level to 600 feet universities -- Principal Colleges - **** | | Is L. E. o- |Max Trºnadoe º Bºy 1. * Mawddach Cº-º-Liga w B-1- L C ºr a N N E 1. - - - --- - A N N E. |. - --- - ºridan of 0 tºn-on. __ - - - - --- ENGLAND & WALES.–Political 2% consºn 3 2 I o 1. 2. - T - in -- ºwd-on-Tweed IL. A.V. N. D. -------- … ºntolº English Miles | - --- - - -º-o- º Farm tº º in -- - º - - oleº urgh - "º. County Towns underlined -*. - alºna. Parliamentary Boroughs - - ºquetſ - º al-orth Cathedral Towns - ort ima Principal houlways - - - ºr *- ºlyth - º ºw. T - - - º - - orth Shields. - 1. º: exham º und-rºland CUMººr, D ºf - enºid º lepool - ſº ** - - " * 5 - wºes Cleveland whitby - - Itacºmmand - wºnderºer " N O --" N - R. 1. D - N 0. nº ºuta or- carborough - - - *TI- - - *- º/- º Ripon Malton - * - --- - | - - - º-º-º-º: *—-ºº-º-º- *leetwoo (Rºogº. Yoº East Riº 1 x 0. chº. - - - ---- S. sº º º -- -Weºlitiºn --- -> Blackpool ...: - Beverlº ºl. - - - in-as-a- --- - -- s -- ºn. ºley Ro - - ºnly º Wiga - - - - - ºpºd ºnels ºf º - º º Nº. --- won º wººl - tailuºmaru al-ul-e- º- º Lindsºr. Holyhe º Bir 7. -- - º dudno - --- --- --D Lowa". - Holy 1. - - - - - - - - - |- - y -- - Sºph --- - º §: * --- º ºw, º -II - - - - - - - - --- - -- º º º ºnenb --~~~~- º - alºmeusº Mºna ºn - Ayº --Molaº-M º º L O L - º - - - --- ºw - ºw. G. - - sal ºr Carnarvon B. Nº D #. Wººsanº * *** whº word, . - º - - - º - tº §: - º- ... Kestºs ** – - 53. -- - ------ --- - M. - Bala Langº ºn º *"ºperby's º Tº - ºw- --- ºn - ------ - ºntº- wº-sh - º, ºwn º ºn 5 goºd º ---il- - - - º º º -n. º (spºnding gººm º, * Marada. A. - -- --- *- º ºn - º º - º ---------- º º-ºorºo ºn º CA R D ºf N. ºº: TER - ºn. Nº ºxº º at C. * º" ſºcłsten attlewa swatham * º no. º º - - |-- --- - º ~~ - B.º. - indu- - wich - -- - - º - (- - ºn 1 Mºria M- wºn º * … - - --- Aberyºtwith - -- - cov - --- *** * - - - - -- -º- º - º ºld- º ſº *" - waxena. cºnd - º º º º -ºn- º al. --- - ºlº - - - º - ºw- anº lan | Autº- º º º - Lºº- N - º - - an ºwn ºn. º "ºs Sºº-oº. Aſ ºut tºo Lº ºn-alian - gam - ------ aeaeºbroºººººº. * - - w tº T +. As T. º - . - 3. - - º wº- - "h. -- º º - ºn- º ------ - - - Fo - ºnalnut - -wº Llºyd v- * ºre-lane Her - ºil ºwn \ --- "Sº --- sº nº -Mºd ſº- /- ºn- º ºbuºy -- - 50RE c tºtarºt n Rec. --- run- ºn-li-n- --- ºnto) - --- wn º º - mºdel, -- º o-r ------ º - - - / / º wººs, ſº º ro * colºs ºn- º - º º ouces nºt º' "" - gbºyº s º - º - º º o a. --- - º º º º º Nº. º --- - ------ - º - - - -1. º ord .* º - º Iºta. - cºllºw nute W. - - - º - ºuch º º º - º wº … Wawingſ. *M º wº º º º º man-lanº- º - wº º ºna. - - - - ºn-ºn- ºw - |...} - º stov- - uth of the Thames as º - -nu- º º -- -> --- ºn, - - - - B ºr 5 tº dº ºn Nºve º: D. --- - ºw--- - º * …” 11 ºu º " º "*º * || º *combº- - bal *º y * --- - --- - - - | w - --- º º *"lºn. ºn - ſº SHIRE Goºs. - º a- - * -- I ºna ºr --- m. -ºn-ºwl - -º- º t º º - º - - *...* - - ". - - | ºwº, ºr * - As ºr -- * c - M- thamp º S \u Paulº nº-Nº. º made an l__ l *\ º - Sºº-ººoººº-ºº: º º - - - -- º unpº-N- --- loº. º -º-º: - Poulº- D - - º - ºn - ºn- º º ºtº º º "ov, - --- º * -o- ºf - º º --- - - *-ºſ- -1- ºul - º 1. * º - [. - Bay ºri-law, < ºl. --- - º º º - º, nº tº ºu lºº -- ----- -- º ºn 7 Universities --- Principal Colleges - English Miles - - - -- ºur of Lºw- *rchanp g -- º: Coll. Loch sunº- - Tobºrº. - lº - º tº º -º-º-º-º-º-º: lood to zood feet. odont, house Papa ISLA air iſ º º, poºl. ſºorth n ºnall-hay - kNEY: AND S. ºr. º º sº Andrews Bay ºr Zººks'Andrewe º" ſº º --- ºberfoyle "ºſſº. - º |- E. N. Longitude west of Greenwich SCOTLAND–Political. - º: 7 ºn-a-ſau- County Towns underlined Parliamentary Burghs - Cathedral Towns-- - Bº: ºut of L- - - ºxorºnau- hº 0 roºt -- """ orweven - - ſºSºdº' stronsºr *ºry s 1) S. - - South Loch branadai. Uist Cacho, º E. C - ſ rialay *~~ -- *Barra º - º - B and Isles **) - - " | - º Athlon | Mack tº º, Strontinn n- Ferry or Ferryport - had rock *Andrews Bay ne- * Lor-May Firth or For th pass Rock ir t nº ly de pºda. ºanda ºusa cº- Z tonnonbºw | |R E. Foglº-Males - o-ºo-o-º: Principal Railways - - sº - 3- - - - - Head - º: -- - Longitudewetº **** 7 2 6 IRELAND-0rographical. 10. - º - 8. Malan Head *nºtranuld d º - alºnian L. * * * * º *o lººrſ. *** cº, º ſº - 1. Giant- B º º no º º . - - - º - & English Mile º: º ". º glish - Bloody Foreland N º ". o - -- - D - Buncºna. & * * *- - - - - - ey º a Bay º ºf - - ºrgº * - - * - Foyle sº | Garron tº º ** REFERENCE TO COLOURING º - _ - º-º- º | - -" - - - above 2000 feet. A-ant. - º - º / º 1000 to 2000 feet burtow"º: N º Nº - ë. ºr-l. l - - º - 600 to 1000 feet Gweebarra Bay º º º - - - | º -- - - erº L. : º, Sea Level to 600 feet Loughºo. Morº gianº fºr ºf *: º - 3. -- Universities + -an pº º º º - - º º º º º Principal Colleges - º: º “ - -. - ot-Q, a º - ough/ Pº - - - lieve League - - - LFA - - - - bºa Neagh DB 0. Donegal Bay liºn * Tºuw ray- º ". - º --- º º p: º º Frris. He º: *" - B. - - 4. º ºr- - -: º evºry Dundrum Bay . . . .N. -- - º Biaº. § Amalº- C --- ºn- Achun meadº - - -- *gh -- Čavan. * Dund - - Bay - unavty - she r- º, Nobb - clogher Drogheda. º - Bay - * \namºggan - - º - ay 1. tº º - Dublin Bay UB -º E- - wººd, -- North sound Galway Bay º - -- Black nº º- - * , , , º 2. ºnahmaan dare- - Aran-Islands *A*- “... . º ––?” º º - -o- ºn hº … 'a-º-ºw- - - namºhael Pº - | \ -- º º º cahoreº Ri rºº ºw tºo- Ford Harbou -- - - exfor ex-for- ºr-toº-ºº: º jº Mºrºna” º - - Fºrd º º ºt. ſº * º *º-hoº. | - -n. º Carnaore tº º º º - - * - - º hook-Hº * wantee tº - --- Eaſ º º - º - o º sº º ºº, ºf º º º º "º - ºwaº -- ty. ºnaal-Harbour º - - wº-º-º-º-º-º- º - *. - :*: º * * Bºy - - º º - º, - **, - - T. º º - Longitude wear 8 of Greenwich 7 º º, Mºº- —º-- - - IRELAND–Political. º * *** cº, English Miles - - uº. -d bloody rareland, ". County Towns underlined Parliamentary Boroughs- Cathedral Towns + Principal Italways Donegal Bay ** 2. º sº [+] º O Achill L Clare Clew da O Intehturº Inishbor. Dunmore O - - - - Maui. Bellew º Nº. - Mayº- -- ºel - North sound Gºal way Bay - w tford . º *WICKLöWA- Tuskar Carneare tº a'saucers ºwomania, *... nºn-al- º, *º º as º. º. sº " : Longitude Weat B of Greenwich pe Clear- FTTTTT * - - - - - -- --- John M- !rºws go og nºen $wort|dae09. - | 0 0„¿№ 1 , ! ©_ogſ_cae,ſ.ſeº! ooº o tº, ºs satīſs ſtra.|*** 00:1 º 009 |׺* oooº on oost ~:) 00:09 , 000€ | ** ooozi on oooº ! rººli od 0,1 → adae |---- | |-==№s |-_--_ae --~ ſae aegaeº, º■^', -Tº: —·:·º·:·—Teoſqđēūãoā0–WISW CENTRAL ASIA, SHOWING FRONTIER CHANGES SINCE 1800. | 40 | Russian Advances since 1800 in light yellow, with dates British -- -- -- -- pink -- -- English Miles 15.3 o 73.5 Pº Tº +ºo .#erº º ºsºenº- º ------- --~~ - - - - - - ºr --- - º |-- - - º º - - ºr - . - Longitude ºrºrº -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- INDIA—0rographical. Tº so as as sº - | \ section ACROSS THE DECCAN Aº º º º º sº ºn, º | º º º ( ; ſº º … º - º W -- º --~~~~ - suiciº º - | ºw. -- ºn hadeo º - º - Idual-n- lº Akyabi º º º º Kyºkºy"& Raºur N ºn anº sandwa | º º K. º, of ºn ºutlººr- 5. - --- -- -- idºlºlore Engliº Mºle- --- º º Sea Depths below 100 Fathoms colourº in danker Blue - l - Long-a-ra-i tº or cº-ch º -- ºt. Reference. To colouring º above 18,000 feet. º * 12,000 to 18,000 feet. 0000 to 12,000 feet. 3000 to 6000 feet lºod to audio tact tº D to 1500 feel. *º: - sea level to tºod feat. * - A T L - - - - P J N J A B ºwºw. Caucorra INDIA-Vegetation & Principal Products." al- --- º 5 º º Ohen * “ILºrrº ºauthºran S. 2. º, ºr. N ºn *: III. º - ºw. - ** / º º, º - --- º - - * \º. ºnnºr * A. cº- anºur ºrwººd sº ſº. IL- - *%. - - - **Rov ſº º - - ºnna. - - - 2 º *yº chuacole - º ºpºtaº Longitude raer tº or Greenwich º - - mem. Mal % VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF VEGETATION º M! Everest - La \ - / REFERENCE. To colouring Cultivated Lands wo- a lºn. - - - | | Grassland pe anº ºn-ºt º Siberian Forest Temperate Forest ºr Stepnes º, sºver ºr--- º. -oud | | Sandy deserts & PLAINS or INDIA º Lands | - º º Sººn a 2, .. – “{*}^*:::::::=º - _ __ - - ". .” --" . - " - - - - - - th-ºº. ºpºl nºn- -º- * Only the products which are important articles of Export are here marked INDIA, 1707. INDIA, 176 - - -- - - -- - -- --- -- -- 7- ºu --- - - T as -- Mºgul Empire coloured Green - south of Yellow band subject to Mahratta. “Tribute Chauth" --- - - *-i-wº- - - -- - - - - - - - - º *****sº * f GHANIsrAN tº ----- - --- |-- ---- --- *..." - s .*--- s *... - - w - 5 - - - S. - - C --> E - - - iº - - - - - -- - - º - - -- - | - - 4. T -- SQ | R A J P u + A N a \gº- L E. H. L. Sºgº Yº Laº. - - x d - -º- - - - -- - *-i- U. D. H. - \o u D H º- - - º-aſſor º * - R-4. R. *- <- - * --~~ - - *3. * - o - º- - --> *us M. A. L w - **** • * m a L w a ºn |-- --> - - & _- -- - - - - º A \L - - º - - - - - - B E N G AS-- ". - -- ºf N. º - ºw. Tº ºf A H R A T ºr A - - A R ºr T -- - N- Jº e - 2. & --~~ | - & - __” - - . - * - - E. F. R (1 T R º - - º- - º - Nºur * H. A. N. D. E. s r. - -º- - º B R R | * – 29 B = R A R \ - - - = . . .” __ & ºw. º - * M A. H. F. A T A ** º * \ ^*, * : , , - **,” º - sº - - ~ --- z \ ºz. ..., º - º . -- ** : ºnaon - - - Hºulipazazzº - - Favºurº - - - - H. R. re-kº. - O F _4. - ** - - c Y | B I 4. Nº Yº - B 4. - B . - - - - - Y'S O. R. E. - | S. E. 4. - - Madras B E N G 4. I B | + z º - - ~ - | 12 - sº ºr TTTTT - --- -> idharr: - - - º - - - Q & Laccadive - - Islands Nº. 3 ------ - -- 7 - * --> - º - * * º - - s T- a - 3. - 3. - - -- ". T Chronological Summary – CEYLON - cºlony 1746-48 war in the Carnatic Chronological Summary Note to colouring of º 1751 Siege of Arcot (Clive - - - European Possessions - 1755 Black Hole of Calcutta 1500 Foundation of East India Company -- 1757 Plassey (Clive) 1513 English Factory at Surat Factories and Agencies of E. I. Co. - - | assº ºve - - - - - Maldive 1760 Wandewash Coote) 1615 Roe's Embassy to the Mogul British Territory * - Islands 1761 Capture of Pondicherri ... . i.º.º. founded | | French underlined -- - 1754 Buxar Munro, ºuisitiºn of tºmbay Portuguese 1755 Diwani of Bengal and + H690. Fort William (Calcutta founded - -- - - Northern Circa ired - ? 1702 Union of East India Compani Dutch ... — — — — — – ºjº. - ------ tº Pºº | | Danish ... -- sº 7- 7a. Lºn-rºuze East 80 frºm creenwich --- 88. 72 7s Longitude East 80 from Green-ich 8-|- -8. * ==º-Gº-º-º: L→ Tº F - (-- :) ----pºsitº, maen, wog ae ae,uvººrnae sanae ·! 8********* …, os aerºpaeuer******--> -, og aer·º·:·º·:·º·:·º·:·º. ſueduoto empur usea jo pusa ssel| ſumnw uripui es-aegel №) |pºxºutre upno s sel pºxºutie indºe, puersu eq, ssel| pºxºuuereturna lºwo-i zsel | |pºxºuwe enemes puſe qeſuma srael T - º ºsamºnmuoa|uneºry pueºffre, seriº, essy ºueae en eineſ, pºuſſºpun nouarsi−urassea jo aereau i Lquapuºdapui|paxatue ºroſu el mens pueºffreuzeo ºazos, jossambuco ee… L----ºwne,|uolºogo uopezºu uw gea. ----|-reºu aº u suatuºrum………………º º puosas 5+-8+8.|-- - -Lenne-tiel,||º.!s:ſſſſſſſſſſſſ;ģ:: -ew qxus isu-i ºtº-cººl-|-\!:|ŒĀronſſirºl usulae !!!!!e púis,+8.… |pºxºutre puis strel----|-±----s-· ----u l-in-o 10‰ on ºno|-neure: sºpe: nºw lºpaeae dae, *Av trenºjvrsna zºº-orºsu||-| * ( |o n ºnon||-·terºu aº-lotuaan o sºuffiseri naueae cº-aer *ºuue outrºssetºl pueºu eseuw ºuessy gzºi* Nonae| |-|- --------|- -|--|-- |-********* ez-vzel |·|- ș----9 -|! Alueuuns teoſºolououuo •■ ! ſuomaelemente,N__ ſo wonexºuuv ºuea emeluejº su-zısı| *ºw ºtºnae sw-wielº Aueuuuuns reoſºolououuoſí - _| (_^ …sae ! !!!!!!!!!!! |- Avusaeonſaeuº ·. |- ! 0 a via a a: ſºſ|-|×*** 0\, | §©®. |--№ſſº i Nºſºs a v --~~~~|- ſººſ:**** '8g8ſ ‘WICINI-|-ºg 08ſ ‘WICINI * | INDIAN EMPIRE, 1905. - - - - THE ad º- wa 72 - 76. | - - loo ld. ſº gº - º -- * º-ººººººº- S h a n - ſºng chº". P ssian rrrrºº - - SUMMARY OF RECENT EVENTS. | º \ *TRT - 1858 Government of India by the Crown. 1865 Bhutan War. 1876–8 The Great Famine. 1877 Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India. - * 1878 Second Afghan War. º ( e. ºPºwº. " *** Poſo wº - - - - - - - 1880 Annexation of Quetta and Kurram "ºn, Ra - W. ----- " - Valley. - 1885 The “Penjdeh.” Incident. K. A s ſh 1886. Third Burmese War. Annexation of a Upper Burma. 1888–1891 Hazara Campaigns. nun. 1891 Miranzai and Manipur Campaigns. - - º - ºf Zºº 1893 Delimitation of Afghan Frontier. º w itsu "": ...º. ſºarº-zº. - - - - ºvarº r º - J. T. º. - 1893–5 Suzerainty declared over Hunza, Sº sº ºxyurº lºzhºu..., s ºzºan) u No. R“º - * . . º mº º Gilgit, Nagar, and Chitral. - - * * * * ºlº. ºr: º Wººl - - - - ------- - - - - - -> Irish - s º, , ºxº º ...) .." -": ...! - º - - . - / 1895 Chitral Campaign. Ita. * d.º.º. -Yº, - --> & N. T. - - * -- - º º - B His raw sº tan - !"ºndon). enº- --- - , -- 77 Delimitation of the Pamirs. Woº 1) * 1. an. º - ºrna ºld ºnnºr. A. º - - - - - - th ºr - J. º ...” 1897–8 Tirah Campaign. a wº --- * ow w - "º" *4% - - 28|| "... Nº * v * Mºhawk º º 1901 Formation of North-West Frontier ſu Tºº-- º * | - - º Province. *Aſ ſuch I st a ºr * ºranea” º º - - - ** --~. A. N. ohri. - **-*" R * "º 1903-4 Expedition to Tibet. hº º º - Aſºr ºn, º - - I - AL-L-L- - ºf º Jaisalºº º horr haº º - - ------ - - s ||wikhanp - M. Wanbham: º ink Mºon, - º |_+ ( , - s' R A Jº ſºar. Nº. £gºr. GOVERNORS G Dºž s ſº...ºpm. ... " Harwº º S GENERAL ºil. -- - ºrach roa - º n lººp-ºr sº - º - - ºl. - º --- 1 *-**** - ºradar. ºrmer … ." º º º sº º ºn ºn sº Mills - ºr ºr 1774 Warren Hastings *Wºº [. ſº ºngº gºº". Aſ º/ . - 24 * | *abū. * . 7. º, º - --- º ºn-ºx º " ..Marºº 1785 Sir J. Macpherson. - - daipu | Rºanº !pur "/\}. º ºvanº º - º 1786 Cornwallis. *** | -- - º º, "ºn º Nº. --- - - - -- - a tº - LLºan L. a. - - coſ, º -- - 1793 Sir J. Shore, (Ld. Teignmouth). | | | | \ºsº. V. ºr 3. agaº Tº … . Diſcº _- - -- - º, ºvº, 1798 Wellesley. º ºrº i. abanan * ºnwºr- r º - ºpewa, o sº - - - - - J IA º | A \, \! ºnahpu. ºurnaº 1805 Cornwallis ºul W. a - - "ºſſº. **, whº * lººſanal, ºwnpº V - - - --~. - . . . a- - - - , Sir G. Barlow. *ondº º º º º "Rº" º "º. . "Bil, I Fº "º" " … º - º n - Mºnºnºvºſ"." - - º, º!'ſ J. W. Yº 1807 Minto. ºº: º Yº ſº - -- -- - º-ººººººººº-tral - - _wºnº º 1813 Hastings. 30|- Pºiº ºat 3. - º º I º'." Sºpu, * ºis - --it- - - º …” 1823 Amherst. tº º,...} *R Muganºr ºf jºº ſº - --- * Basim ºvrº º' º |- ſº 1828 Lord William Bentinck. Pºlan º: ºr- an "º - ... - lº ºn tº - ºur º, º, w --in-turn-d 1- - -º-º: 1836 Auckland. - º - #º . Jagdalºr /* \| "Ganjan - - mandaº º . ºr ºil. 1842 Ellenborough. #nbay - .. - . --- ". º - * … W. - - ". - ahºº!" - - ºf . 1844 Hardinge. haba º ... ſºlº ºntana º now- - 1848 Dalhousie. …1 - º' "Wºº Viº - Fº Lºſ Jº I º ſharºa-ºlamatºan nºwn ºngº-Mºle- 1856 Canning. - A W. º, www."ºº-ſºevada - - - - - - - Devº: "º º ºnapura - º wron-º- B A. Y neurai- -- onlf of - - ". adarº. - cinear º - - - - * ſººn º ºr “” *” "\}Masulipata” . - -- Months Wºlſ in Mºrtal" . - - - A "*". º - - --- of the Irawadº --Tiruvatiyur- WICEROYS. *...º - n º hºurnal º … I - otºr- \ Pulee U2 - ſº ...].") ºff." Agº..."...s " O F. Nº. - })}. 1858 Canning - ºf narº ºf "º - | - Red Hillsº º ºf ºdolºrah. - --- ºnner - * honawa, cºunſlºwdoº” ºnen n - lambºhumidt, º - …I . . . º/* º - -II- -- - 1862 Elgin. . ºn º ſº N \ || º | B E N G *...a...au. º cº, \ 0. | | * 1864 Lawrence. º Tium º %. ſlºw ºw Tºport Corrº º * - W º - \\ | \| - - ºil, º --------- --- 1869 Mayo. º Mandalo º º º MADRA*- Middle * * * masseran lie Madra. * - -Thah. 4. - - pºt - daman * * º | * Rºuwa, sº wº º 1872 Northbrook. - - */º": | - - Mºſs º º º ſºlº . -zºº wº, ºpe - - - - - "S", ". corato Oº. 5. --" º ºurº 1876 Lytton. Laccadival. ^* º N º, Yaleul. " - - - ort Blair Aºurº º * s". - º –p...º. min 1880 Ripon. Islands , , • calciº...º. rode ºwn c . | y *pur. (. - º Nº ſº, - Hopw goleº kai º – - - - - Tºulºus - -Tumº'ſ ſº ºr-nºm - º Tri --- Vº - "I - #: . Dufferin. - º a gºal - .." "3 | ºn º º - &olº aſ º º. 1 Landsdowne. Ernal, "tendanaº-strº - - -i. -- -ºººººººoºse 1894 º Cochiº: Mººrºº, / wº Ten pegree channel * Boº ºntº WMADRas º - - Elgin. º Ilam. anº, | bard ant-house - " car. - n 1899 Curzon. * º; ºn land-r'. - ſkiplicane - - º *Turtºorin Trincomali - - - - - º 1904 Ampthill. - * 1. . -T. º Nicobar º wº - º - ºf Manar. - - -- - - 1. C c cowº Lºr º batticulou. - I lands - - ºut-º- - - 1905 Minto º - º º … FIST THOME ºn- º - - rear N The native and Protected states are coloured yellow. - --- * Maldive ---, * - - º -- - Railways open --- Island- - -- non-tructing - - dondºn Kota Raja - -**- -** , | - - - - - :::: ... ... : :- 1 A D 1 4 N. O || || C. E. A. W. - -- - - - - :*:: º: .. . .. - - - - 7- - 7t. "ºº" " " " ("" ba. du -- - - - - - - - - - - ------- John marºº-º- The New Provinces of Bengal and Eastern Bengal and Assam were formed in 1905. - º Re-r-Rence. To coloural nº British Territory coloured Spanish -- Dutch -- Chinese -- Japanese , Siamese , , Corean -- -- - East indian company's starrows underlined Red durch Easr indian co.'s -- -- Yellow --- - -- - nº- & . . . . . | M- - --- - X." I W D I A M - - - - 110 - --- THE FAR EAST, 1803. 120 c H 1 N Es E T A Rºa Rºy pilº" data. Wººd º - - * * * hope H. - - * tº prºno ºw, U I, º tº nº horrºminomaa Marººn. - - -º-º-º-º- º: - n. Jul Vº wº- *. *ſº cº º - º º - Coº" oº:: I * **, *. * - - - … º º, ºr - naº - sº " sº - rado-no-wana- Po -ºwana- *hºnºw. º are wº ºw...” - wº- onlinn ºw- - Parvº tºº. - - "". Arzobispo **, * - - - nºw--- rº-n pººl. º bonin Iº - .. - It 7. e.” Aºmºnº- horodno tº torna, bawlry * * * *- - ºrr, - --------- º, - *… -w º, **. ** w - nº-hºp nº *…*.*.*.*.*.* - *..."º 'º' Nº. - ..º.º., - - **on, Mai Moº w A. Y. R^ 1. volcano tº - indian- i. ------ Peºwidor" ºnwana *hoºl whº ºthºfox- dance chan! ºf-wa-nº- º - ---ºra- -- nazan rº poºla-nº- º - - in - - ſº cºrºano P A C I F ºn, *.. sº." º - - - PPLNE Spanish 1. Catanduanes - - wºn. annon tº Y cº-wºº; ºf ANDs O C E A W. - -*. - -- * . . . . . . . . . - ºna, on MacLenzie. Tº -- - - - … - & Yap - ºn” º -- .. ºnwº ". ; " º, ſºr, ºne-r-" - mal" ſ abºup - 2....” ºn- cºntinouanne - -- º º W º ** - Maywoºd. -won-eral * *Mºngº tº -ºwn-ºn-1. - " - -- -ana- a was sea º 'º" s ºngº ... gavu" sºngwu ºr frow ñ... we Li - * sº - -- º - * * * º y - ºw, ". - º a rºw a a W 3. - GUINE natharat. O C E A W. --- -º-, Longitude East 120 of Greenwich - -º-º: º REFERENCE TO COLOURING - A. *::: - --- British Territory coloured -º- fº ... - º German , -- - - tº "º'ſ - º United States |- Dutch -- French -- Portuguese Japanese , , Siamese , Chinese -- -- TREATY PORTs underlined Swatow … -na-taaa. º 77) was whº - dolo ſº. -- * Avº, nº - - Halºnºatº- - º". - tº º º - - º *… . . º ºr- ºn- º, tºº “º ºnlinº -- - - - - * nº ra Fº º #"º", - - – º -- ºf 4.4%:#} ºf "| || 7 | º º º - . Railways open --- constructing - - - - - - - !… - - - º'-'. º º ºftennamºendº Telegraph Lines & Cables - -- - ºr rº º - - - º -º-º-º-º: - º: º - -- - - Lll- º º ſº ºil *: Steamer Routes --------- º,...…” - ºº.º.º." - º” º rº- - - -. - º º: º, Zºº º - º pºrº. Jºan) "-arzobi ºrra zolnºpº - - -- º, donin-1” ºnaley! º |- - Borodino -- -o-rana - - - - -bºnº wº anºro, º º º º ºranºir. - ºn -- º - dal- wºr-volcano Tº wº-ºº- º- - - - - - º º º [-L, º” - - - º - *- º º ºrrºn-Y. ------------------------ h in e i a g o # º'º", * , ºſhi Pº, a 3 Fº _ | lic *hoºl-toº - -thi ºfoº - - * *:::: h" - - - - - *: ºan- - -- º: - -** º, nazan.r- - - -- pºwlººnr- º --- º ºw tº º --ºbuyan I* 1. . * - nº- -***-- **** º, v. MARLANNE P A C I F | I Cor 1. A Dr ONE * , ºtherman) - 1 ºr AN ps. *HILL PPLNE - spaniah 1. -- - - --- - Pannºn- Catanduanes - - --- -- O C E A1 ** tº ºr Mackenzie tº -T- - -º-º: * Yap *1. º'- - º pºwdinese. ** Pelº . #ºn (Gelr m an º | Prºjected, “” “... anº" -- (G. e run any *9. --- !orrºw i. --tº- * 1. new wº !º º . . . . .N. . "A-º atºn-prº - . a nº-nº - - º - - - - **- º, - nºtatº - --- cº" lº wº- * . . war. Fº º º * ... Kºlº º!". - N ºnwanoº *Y* *ºn 1. I W D I A N. Longitude East 120 of Greenwich 0*£ € S 1,701558, Hsuae ºmae pºłºſaepursºoriae 9çºu aouis ºouangui jo arauds usſa ſig (neosniſ) u euo 1981 ºpuſs uoſq0340) us!!!!!!80 uºpun spureisi ulº-muſeº 9.181 pºxºuluu europos 9881-6181·--------»is en |- U-618ı-oz81. ** **·uuus!x. №ssºesº.: ztrºl-ºcºl qs quae aeq pºidnooo x euex ~~ ssºl pºuļnbow puersi uuquºd tisºl pºxºuue spueſsi eſ un w eſ unx |6281 pºxºuum uºpvº -~ sºſno: uºueº.1s - -------pºpoaſoud|- -----uonomansuo, ut|-. -=uado skewiſ ea BILON| ?ņºwſ-??-?????? :º 12, ºs ºg ºpvos. |- -· · |- |-|-!”|- | || -|-�|- ----|×Iggeſg tº^_^),----||, !_° |-|׺mae·_° ſae ſy *#!*_-¿í º „ſae, ſº ſ "…¿?|-|av Å|- :ſae. èſ....º…)||NI :sºvrº ;Tº!!!º. ſºr IV ---- º ou, {{##, a w ºſº | 7 ſéiſ, : īſā ī N CH ºg 061 (LSW AFRICA–0rographical. wo º *** * 8 E.A. Big of GUINEA, Fº sºrhomas 13 tº --- - - - . - º - - º %. -: º Nº. - - - º, Mºa Sº Equator " º - - º | -a-cension 1. || - - - . . - *Delgadº A T L A N T | I C ) º 'º' | sºlº English Miles - º REFERENCE. To colouring above 12,000 feet. gooo to 12,000 feet - - - 3000 to 6000 feet. - - º - 1500 to 3000 feet º gº º 600 to 1500 teet - - º Sea Level to 600 feet. - C - / - . Depression Sea Depths below 100 Fathoms -- coloured in darker blue - 20 Long Wºof Greenwich 10 10 Long. E. of Greenwich 20 ill- - - - The ºnburgh Geographical ºne Jºhn º' -- _AFRICA-Vegetation. - TRIPOLI - B | - ºcessara Mazda - º' º TRIP oil | Avº º Fezzan - ºvinczuk Taiserbo | Thº |Ghat - ..Busema Daºhua - | - Gatewa. ºn fr a. *Kebabo Khargº A G H - --- Tropic of Çancer A R A B \,\ A Bardaï- R. E. K. Tao " * - - Kawar Tºsºr --- -- - - - º Wºjanga Yoa. - - - sº - - | Bunſan - o º - Sennar - - - - - - ------- razoº wº - - * *sº - lºw &2. Ankobenº º, - º -- --to-nº | Adols anº- *... - -- ºl-º- -- ** ---. º º - - º, º ...” Nº. - * - y Monrovºº, peer up angul "" ºn -4 * Gra. 1. 4 º - & ** -canº º º- N º - º ºanºkorº ſº. *g. º E. gh. - - º old -º-º-º-º-º-º: tº wºº "º, º Tir. ... * º - - RT. T.I.'s H. arriºral º - ºgdishu. --- - - - New Antw sº T - AF R. I. C.A. - - oº: s! ** **śº º " --- -" ,'... 2" Equator ||o - - - y- N - º Kibwayu. º º - º * - ºpºn) º -- ºt. - 4. º CON º- Lamon º * . w º ºte WMalinda. Iºang. º ... º. * "Monbasa. S O U T H. ń. sº - * Tºora canº", |Penºba 1. - Bananaº - - - - "*"Cssakado. . *gº. tºº. | * - º YAmbriz º, east-Arrºr ..","." - - - --- ºwºwa. - --- - s' Paulae Loanda! Loanda --- - º º' " y Kaloa or kilwa Aldabra I, CD --- - - -> _J -º - Lindſ - _* - - Dondo ºa. - - 10. R Liwºngatºniºſ A. L A. N T I C B. eng ela. º - ºrontº -- Comoro) Comorolº C-inha. - L. Lºlo tº |- nºokah A N. G. O L.A. --- | º ſº º …? - ºn Mºnowº tºº, - - º ras º *Cacºnda Mºngºba ontºſ anonesia anuelº / - - it and - - * | WEstº a. º --- | s Mayotto Nossº lºgoşnarº: Kº-ºº: - Rhonºra. Tes º, º ſº #" ſ sahial - -. dº - . --- O C. E. A. N. *Tº sovº. º ºs- & - --> ºlº- - - º, A Balawiyo T & 20 GERMAN ºf # *š. |-- Pala - * - º Tropic of Capricorn hºtº . i. * @ º º – * * * **** * 3. ºº º REFERENCE. To colour-Inc. Dense Forest Savanna with open forest --- | grassland partly with scrub, etc. - an º ºstrºn, º!” * Arºca º Kuruman. ºrange Rºanº ºrinºbolº B.E.C.H.U.A.N.A. Pºst. º SOUTHWEST ºritish Protector ºr bar, º º-corrº-nº- / N º 30 | |Desert - - Mountain flora - cape row nº º - * *: ºn Cap-oººood Hop.” º zo- mo o 1- 17500 - ºn º - - - - - Mountain º |18000 º: Zºº” Fl - --- - … " WERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF VEGETATION ". º 2500 --- 10000 ºl- -- Mountain ºn- \r - in Yond Region lºod / º: -------- C O N G D B A S 1 N º: - --- º - - - \º Upland - with sº and ºpen ----- Savanna with open Forest 2500 tº ºn at Fºr H & on - Tºpical ºn lºº. Čºary ſººn. Palmat º a 1" (Port) ranchº ºv’o Z/ --- ºr. tº … Sºg Lº Sº º - WAsst. º MAN wº º-s, T. &º. º Upper GULF OF Equator ALG E RIA " ºf-ºr-a TRIP 911 - A *Arawa [. agar º º M Al- º arr to hire | lºoktºe.RN Nº. 5 N - º A9 **ony tº º _ - ºv ºory Coast º - º º º iº - -- * * *** - O C REFERENCE TO COLOURING - British Possessions | | French -- | ] German -- | Portuguese , , W. \ 20 10. BRITIs H, 3,360,000 sq. MILes B engūela. * A N G O L.A . cºcºna, ----------- edes. Mossalºne º Rºambo - GERMAN tho nanobod, SouTH west al AFRICA cape town." Yºº Fºod Hop- ºr cent. Arºnic RHonesia Bechuanal and _TRansvaal_ CAP-Colony - Binitian East Arnica Nothia unanda, arc. Sarana and Coast Tºnnºrontes | olitical, 1 *O Kufra. - º -] - FRENGH, 3,770, ooo so. MILes Fnºnch Conqo 905. E. Farafra. Taiserloo ...Baseina Dakhla" PPER A JBANGUI * A º - twº, Yºgo.s º ". duolo & B.E.C.H.U.A.N.A. British was º, f - Kuruman- - - º 3. º - |- | | Tropic of Cancer A R A, B all-tº- yºn Mºnºgº --- vº. - - º -1. 11. ºr Santº. --- Fort Elizabeth wo DIAGRAM SHOWING RELATIVE AREAS OF POLITICAL Divisions in AFRICA GeºMAN, 931, oooºoºrºººººoooſunkish SPANITAL. INDEPENDENT STATEs KAM-nun and Toadl and aenman --- East Arnica Gºnman Pont The Edinburgh Geºgraphical meant- Nºwººl tºo, a G-1- east-Arā19. º * Lºº. concret Comorolº Pºermarkuborg thnºbanx port Natal- Anaola Pont, Guinea, i i sº-w, Arnica | East Ar Rºa --- DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA. wo ad ºu lſº / s. Fezzan Marºn. r. Gr. e.g. t /des erºz Z, a ra or Gre h t des ºvere of - ºades. … S u d a n : narrºr S u d. ºcorrºw - Iſ) sº Heºn. L. Fezzan, - Murzuk Sahara or gren t des Zºº or Fezzan - - - Murzuk a. ºvader. S u wocotra - "guardº Iº ºonwoºoºo. n º º pot" R. Ancension I. *"ºº" S. Paul de Sºleºn I. - º Town - Cºpe or anaº - * 1865 - - -- -- -º-º-º-º- º ad -- - - - - --. . -º- ---- -- - - - - - * * - --- ". .." - Chronological Summary -adr sierra Leone w can bia Crown Colonies. 1a2a Lake Chad discovered. 1951-73. Livingstone's Explorations. 1960-4 Speke and Grant's Explorations. eae daºutoland under dritish Protecturate. John hºnºla- 1825-63-74 Ashanti Wars. 1874-7 Stanley's Explorations. 1863 Lagos a Crown Colony. 1880 Congo Free State founded. BRITISH SOUTH & CENTRAL AFRICA. 43 Lº 20 | Chronological Summary. | 1795 The Cape conquered from the Dutch. 1803 -- restored to -- 1806 -- reconquered and remained British. 1836. The Great Boer Trek. 1856 Natal constituted a separate Colony. 10 Hº 1871 Annexation of Basutoland. 1885 Protectorate of Bechuanaland. 1889 Foundation of British South Africa Company. 1891. Formation of British Central Africa - Protectorate. 1899 Constitution of Northern Rhodesia, 1900 Annexation of the Orange River - Colony and of the Transvaal. … --- º |- " da - º " *..., zºº Fº * I ºn º, whº * : * º * º º º ºf *amasa Fº - - . . º Aº ‘’”2A, - - - - - -- | - R. H. op ºf A -- ºpepo º - uumbangº º … . - - °sitanda º 2. º/ º º . ºf ºl. -ºr- - -º | - "W. E. ******* sºlº * * * ***.*.*.*. | \, , i.am, - - º *Matanº- - -15 Eyº - - º - º Longo- - º - - sº -- º --> - *** *** { *, noººººººººº-ºº: * *) ºz º - Y - sº -- geº- -i. --~~ º º - ozº * Mºnenadº - º º - - -- º º R. H O D. Es I A º - - embwe tº " º, - ºn. - Monze º; - ºngº. º - º - conver, tº º º --- M. ge. º, º ºſº - ºrº- - onye Falls º -- - -- -- s º - ar. º --- º ----. - ** is ſo sº ſº ºff- º: --- - Herald *… in..…., ºat. 2. - “º ſº 'irº ºneºnarºo tºba. Tº º º,...ſº ( a.º.º. " *_^* * 2 enal. º' W. - --- - - - - Muerº ſ \º Me * 7. "ºfºº __ º - vings ne - in a ya, \! ºr ºw º - - --- - - ebeiandara º º - º- *Y m. º º - º º, ). Mashºna Lanº, . º Eulº -- ºcharter --- º ºcial, tº Nº. s T Hºº Rºn ". º - e. - - - - - ºw. º ºr 4 ºr nº o 1 v. - cy ºf Nid dº - . **** Gerº tºwai, ** ºwel º -Iºwatzitzi º º ºtein. …º * > * ... º. M. Kºt A ºr * "º. - -- - * ... º º scºe. º ai/ º d 2. - - - andnama - -- ºu- - -- - 20 º _ - º º --M.-- Nultani - - º º - º i. - --- %. Mºrº *Qº. Gº M. º: - - º tº sº ----------- - Movem; º "- ºu. - lº - Tº ºve Sºº-º-º: - - - --- 1. Nº Darwana. *::::: - Uniº - N. - Nº sh . º - > _* º ---- Lahai - ----- - - - wº madºuai. Boleben, -- º --- *... --- - -- unº º - - -- - ºuanetzi :- - - narch. --- º Zºº, 3,4 Z. -A- ºnsis "º KHAMA Sºtº. ºr- º - Mºrtatsaº Morraiana : * -------- - - - ºnatha-tº-º-º- - |- -- - - Moºn, - º - º: - | C O U N. T. R. . . - a _*-x º - º - -- - lº - - . - - -- " -- ºurº Lºw- -- uº. H.A.M.A. N. G. W.A.To -- - . . º.º. ºº.º.º.º.º. Namko sº ºn…, - Z ~ L- lº tº sºnº lºº., woko ºvoº º - --lii in - a Chawani. Pley hanis º. - - on. - º - - - º - herlººd- - º ºtein º º ----- - º - N T- Mas * ºteºsºma, - - - - - - - sº … - E- - - - - - - - º A II. A liſ A. R. | | | */ / . Hlºža Jºl *okia. Mottokotº, SE - Rºyº-º-º-º- - ---------------- - § - i. B. E. C. H. * ºn- |) E. S. E. R T anºn, Molop - - º º - - - - - - - - IRA. N. S. - - - ºeon º Tº Tº *AN s A. - # * ~ º Mokopon º - atºmº || JA --- ºwnerº - | a Tº - º MONTsº - - roa Bay- peershebº º - - - - º ºpelagº” Beershebº Cº." " .. , fºurº º ... ºf ººº-ººoºrenço Marques º ºuaul, stemſ ">" rºº - cº-º: º º - - Yohann jºurg waxi - Land º, na. a nel, - - ----- --- ºhoº. L. " **** - º WALES --- tº ------- - TA - º - º - º ºn. ºoººº ºb. - TISH BEC ºr. - - - º ſº ſº. . .. - - Mºrºan fºr: º'" - º º) i. - *** \ || || -tint loººoºººº- lºº, º: - - . º Lange bºx º º º * - £º L - - - tad - --- -- - º - Jo urºtional pa. º * zu Lu Sº incial, - W. Sto Goºd on ia. ſºdan, º - . . . - muna, - - --- ngtony- - - - RANGE COLO - * * --- Sº Lucia Bay - ºn- - - º hor - - ºth mºvalos. ſº - --- º ºnman. p - "*- ºf - º º ºn-Waſaru-º Grea. º - colwalal - - - gela R. fºulshman. operto ra. º º - aritzburg - Prº 'orºuwen - ºn pºsºnº, ban. *. - - d t- port Maall c. - ºn. de § - Phill n e º - - ºotrºwy a º hº ol- - - - º - C. - *") º l *a- º º - ºnlºun. º ºulanovero en- i yº a- º º º º º º - ºr-º-o-venor- / / - - - - - - - - - - º - - 3. C E. - º O. - --- - - -- --- º,” / - - ona. º - - º wº. p- wn ºº:: º Fraserbºrº º - ºn, gº innunu º - º n - "ºur R. - - -- - -- .. aheen. - - airwºrth- ºth - - ºncº. n - - - - -- º ºn A- -it-- … - a tº -- - º ho Aſºrt º ºw - º st London - --- - - ºn-Town sº . ºntº - * war .." - º-ºº-ºº. -- -- --- º sºon º ºa. English Miles º . º, - º º - - º d --- --- -- *** - º º ach º, * *...*. " || ||...} : ºº ºf º & " ". - - *...*.* 25 Longitude East of Greenwich º Jºan-º-º-º- - - DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA. Bay º º - | __ -- Boos H U an AS gº - *a. º D.A. Mºa. R A sº N. ourenço - - ºnºra. #:) *I) ºw Pequena º * Dewer of B E C H U A N A S B nº * H.A.M. Bon A as - * (*.men, R. Lawango º º GREAT MAM-ua- ~ *\ Wºº-, * º ** * º *o Wenzo º § --~ ov & - 284.” º 10 orange F cº s"Lucia Bºy Oranger - WNAs < * s”ucia Hº --- | w TAMBºokies *. * 9 NATAL | Little\Namaquas ſ Great º º - º - * * ºf --- - & wo - - Port-M Bushmanji” W O - ſ º º ** º ulifanº - º cº */ohn's hº dlifants rº º ** X º "º - º - ºr egºt. Fººd a \ | - *sº, - Cape Town * - - w. Cape Towns ºf - Cape of Good Hope *. ºr. Cape of GoodHope **, - º c.Agudas **, 1806 Cºulº **, 1837 ) - 7 . - AT - - - A. Tºad * . *Bºlowºyo \ . Żºłhºby Pººna %; ºzº ". Dam an aland º y - wºma. - - - º 2- º, --- % - * °o \ ---, - º * ºssºv- - - - -- º - º **. * al *f; **) - --~~~~ Bay º ºndhoek } "-----> P º N |Bay - - - - - . lsº - Malahari Desert * , ; Malahari. Desert - - hor º, Pieteºbury ºniº Bechuanaland * \ {s}. Bechuanaland ºf Mo Lolº *- Nº. &2 Molonololiº | Lopo - Great? \ * *Totº AN's ** * - º - *- - - - -- - 4. - º A- --- - - NameHualand \, º A Pretorkae ! º Tº. Angra. * f \º - ºs | Angra A * A \º | - Peqiena. - a -- - w - - ºx gº º ſº ºwn: B }_2 - - } ; roß }_* wºrs. _º º - - º ; ſº wº º/* I W - ORAN - Zulu Warmbad º - Orange R. - *- FREE starº and /S"Luciabay *. -º-º- ºnatal, Great Port No. Great Y \, f^^\ºdomºn ºasutº tabury Springbok a. Landº. h Bushman), L* Bushman), Lº º - % up º º º Scottsbury Cabinia. Victoria West olifºrnia C.A. P. E. C. |NYºuenswºrt sºohns º rt errºnt ºn wſſt. tº a ast London. ºpy, - ºamstown Cape Town 'azez. cºp-oº-ºooº-ºop. º - Cape of Good Hope *** *. c.Agumº **, 1860 C. Aguiñas **, abeth. 1880 D. º a nº ------- - --- ºn ---. º - *... - r ºn d Dam a. ºl. º An T-wº - - - º * . ------> indhoek ºn # "ºſsogºsº/ "ſº south s"/ º, & Lºndº º - Malohari Desert - - Kalahari Desert - | Tºº-ſar Rita Y leteºb ... ºuš | \, º Bechuanaland - º Bechuanaland - º Great. - Molopolol N º Molopolo AAL - - wo Managu. and º ſº w! i\ º, w ſ - Prer r -ſº %j. Marones | Anºr- - - - - º º º - - --- fº. º * Mo º British º º Mº British º ohan ** # - --- Vryburg.º. rº. A. º. Vºyburg º Lº - Bechuanaland Vº . Bechuanaland ſº º/* - --- ſ A. - | wºman | -_. W. º - O º .*... - ºw-f - º d_ſs"lucia Bay orange R. - him, - COL º S*Mucia Bay *o-wollar Great º ºrrºwry Port World Great º loe - º - tabury | -ºn-ºngºok º ºn-to-nº Springbok ºf -town - l, | Bushman'." Bushman) Lº --d--- dead-ºn - - ſ dead-dºwn Scottsburg | cabºº Catºniº Y Victoria wº duran- ulifani-Rº. c.A.P. E. ort sºlohns - eld - º - ºr ºt --- ast London. ſº ºn-tº-n *...*mºn | Cape Town ºr a Cape Town º -º-º-º-º- *sa. º | ºr ºnce. To political colouring | ----- Portuguº ºn-an |Duº Rºueuce native states EGYPT & BRITISH EAST AFRICA, 1905. 4.5 ad 35 40 º, - - ..º. º Harºn Anglish Maº * * Y. ----- alºn | -- - º sawa. º Wººd sea. | **er, Aº, - º - - "***, cair - duals of The Fºxy'ſ ALEXANDRIA -- dawi, or bºhor. dawla of rºarafrao | Tºdaendo - Great ºis or -> * \, - º Oases of Kufra. dawla of dal-hu, 10. * - º, * & - rºbab E Y P T-2 Jºſedina L i. b y an. 17. ſº cold act an --- Fº * - º - - º “Y Chronological Summary & rosko v. 1869 Suez Canal opened - 2” dataº *- * * - 1882 British occupation of Egypt began J. 1888. Imperial British East Africa Company ''' n. ºw. 1890 British Protectorate of Zanzibar 20 ºr tº -n. 1895 British East Africa passed to the Crown 20 and and arºudan. 1898-9 Final reconquest of the Sudan gººd sº * - English Miles - - o too zoo soo woo Tºo º -- tº 2 --- - hand, N. × -- --- & º rºti º, L5 - º - - 3. - 113t-e * . Adoº || ". º ºnashº l **) º º -- - º Socotrº: - gº - c tºuardaha -- - - hena. : - - - º § --> has harian 10 - ------ º - - 10. º º: 2 : º º - *" 5 ". - - - 5. - - - le ºld. º . º * - BRITISH º PAST AFRICA. - #. º | Sugora. . º º º - -- - º ºf gº # ºn I N D I A N. - - - - º º lumala. . - o - - º #º-ºº-ºº. * º º ºnce ſººny: - Equator o #. - ºctoria. * º º, * º ºsmºw ºnath. **". | ºport. Durnford - --- |- º, - O C E. A. N | RI ca. "“” tude East 35 of Greenwich Longi º * . Gaza/ Dead } ranº-ºººº… º lºna Alºxaspºº." sea. 2. ºoº-º-º-º-º: ºn º --- *º º, eas º, Nº. º ºo wº- º - s ºwula º º … *** **, tº: \ º - § ----- G. A. As - * Nº - --- - ºn 2, ºpºs s croRAT = | Roset. Damietta 4. riº - * . P Rote ºn tº *...*\º º -- - º nº n- **. le Fayyun. - º º, --- ...] - º, º unsuct - & Cº. Pº Mandeh Raiyan ----- º -n º - a º º ºrºann º - - Jºsha Iº nann…] *. º º *Nº. A 10 E. Nº *ºo ºtbºrº "A - - * - Zeila Oasis ºf Bahriya ºnto - * Iſº , Wºº" Nº. º Lair ſººnwº I. º ºº: - - 4.in clºradº. - - - º - - --" * Montanº - - º ºntº- - -. - . º O of Farafra. §º - º-º-º-º: -- º º - º Asyūtº - * - ºnsese nº - lº - ºranatra. * ºa_sºr ºt. -º-Rºviº *- º E. G. Y. ºw **º: tº ic to r + a - - |- sºº - tººkhmim s º º ºpºrº" ºn Yºung º º ołº, º Wyan.*.*.* ºffsh's Gºrºs. rº - º º, - - Moº . -*. - wº º: bºwº - - ºn- - - - - - """ . Wis - -> -o- ." "...: :" :*: The ºdºº Gºthical Inºue -- - - - Jºhan-la--ca BRITISH WEST AFRICA, 1905. -- 20 15. Lº º o º º - P * Mººn rºyº. A sº-1 - º º Paler. Chronological Summary. º º - --- 1618-1821 English African Companies on Gold Coast. *z, *. ºn, 1662 English Settlements on Gold Coast began. 2 *- - ſº . - 1662-84 Tangier English. ſº - 1787. Sierra Leone founded. ºn. º" 1795-1805 Travels of Mungo Park. 7in7ºn. º - 1886 Foundation of Royal Niger Company, º - 1900 Territories of Royal Niger Co. transferredº º -- º the Crown. * M O R/C -0 ºA.” 1901 Annexation of Ashanti. - \ ºrshir'. t | a_s 1904 Anglo-French Convention, - º -worſ º |A " ' "gº - |- Mºſado * y º ºwº, º, English Miles A * * * * * | | * o' º --- -- -- tº ºn Cºhºº, W. Sºº, A tº - º & º º *}- ºt-fºr-º- Canary Islands,º, ſº M ºntº - ºf Gurara. teneritre ſº ØLanzarote º ſ: - P. º º 3. ºnair- - - -- d I º - º --- - -- - - ºfºndºn. º . ºn, - -- º 1. - - ºrrow sº º º Wºndurº (* | ºr, nºw º - º º * - º - - º º chºr ". A. º - - - - º s | --------- - . y - - º * . --- l - º º - K- * * sº | ºl. - º ---- Tropic of "º --- º §§ - Q º w º º Tºwn. | y, -- yo" º - … -- - - º wa, Nº Ayº T I B E S T 1 A d - ºr N E / 1 tº "A Wº - ||| |R Yºo º 2. ** Q Shinwen º - | - --- ---- º --~~fº - -Inau. A " ": --- -- - || - --- º - * -- ºnarghar -º % ºntainst Kawar | | |- - Wººra. Arayan *W.II: -- º - - hulma. - º Air of Asbe - a probela. S- El-Ho (11) º ºl. - º - | | º º º Agades T in turn in a *g. * de º -i. - - º |- sºloui - º- *Tagana. | -------- | * . % Award 1. º K. a. m. e. m. s Sº E. G-A" L_T" * lº, - - º Kalar ta. Damier8 11 2. - - H lºan-dº | º | º Zindº band; º Man º - -in- Badar-r - º amºnd. Segu - wer s - º Gamel º - | - - - ---, - Kukaº Nº. - º -- S - º ID) hºrnd º *...*. ºf any Nſ F- ºn- Jºse R. f. Tº a B O R Nº. Masseya. - -n - F ºr re's tº , sº * Solº 6 to - ºld Bagh in Mi Bissºgos I º Dºw º T º ſ S N 0 º ERIA *M*M, 8. victor- G D A. - a - Yalkuba, Mud. -º, --------- - º - *ſº sul - tº 1 a -- lo- - - º, y, - - º-) º 7. - -- - - "Tº ºvº- º ºf, / ng */ ... ºnwall, º'- Mº. ºld, lºſ" . * : ſº"...? * ºn ºf Yolº -- Bºal. Tº ... º, ** Togo. ºil, in º - ne, CH Irº-town. E. -- - - º' º * - " ". y: -- º \ ºlco . - 1999", - -- -, * ºw ººººººººººoºw º Adam awa-Hºrrºr Toºl E whenboro i. |-- º, vºo ºr ". phanti - - - - ax … - - -- º jº. - whº, º 'a- Fludd, --- -- "Wººdºº nº Y "º ſº gºast!"ºwn ſº, Tº º *** * º -\, . . º. * ..., Madha a... - * , , º, … ." Monroviº, nºwa 3 ºc oºs iſ ſcºlos, º, *, *, * southe C KAM ERUN ºn | °. ina. : ºr, -- 3. s law” const *ER - º …' -- º - -- "rººm ſºns" . . Fº ºxcaval º º º, to as t sº -o- Bight of lºº, --- ** Ivory " " º'Go Ld. Ben in º' victor, --- º º * *elta. º º º ºrm. - º F. p º, ºe º º - M *|| º º º," - º --tº- L- Bight of Biafra - - § - º - Prº Le heardº Ilokº, ------------ AN - - - - * * #ſº * N ** AL/ - - 5. Mºhan or 0 oreenwich. Carisco º - * * * ** 15 × - º -- o t - Tº - -º-º: - ºn tº R. Tº dº R. N. Z- º Cº. º. º n º "". *...º.º."ºn. Sº 9 **)}#} ºzº S. º. ºf A. -" º, - º ºte" ºf \º º - º º - ºnn. {{ſº} % º º". - º º ºn º buanº D º " ba. º º º º," *º: * * * * º º - - """ º: * º jº " wº - NORTHERN ºntº ºf ººoººººººº..."? --- - T; - --- - º º º º 9&ºlombo º E - - º - º * \º - - bº. Zºº º, º -. - - -i. - --- --- "Tº ſº. , - - (). º ---' - º” º º - - º na, Jº ſº º Nº. lºſ º ºf B. A. Wºº - º Asſis fºr º Ado lºº nº - * || O sº 7- - - * tº coast. - Aſ B E N INºſ. ---. … - º º [[\ Iºnin S. O. . . Kwºn --- ſº - -º - - Asabalºº Cº. NY ºf - * *. º, *. --- - --- w 7 ſº Tº * "º - "...º. º º º *º - º: - - º -- pºrtant dr" tº en rºw -º-º- º \º - T. *. - º - º º ºr º º - ºn - - º: º |X - - - º - º *nglish Muaw Kingdeo º º ºn Mu- ------ º - - º, º ,-,-, º D º - - º --- º - ---- º - - –*::::::::::::- - . - --- ------- - NORTH AMERICA –0rographical. ido - 120 º: ºwn sovº- º º, º rº º º º º - | º º º - . -º | º º - º º ſº º Mi - - - - º -- - --> - º | | REFERENCE to colouring above 12,000 feet 6000 to 12,000 feet. 3000 to 6000 feet 1500 to 3000 feet 600 to 1500 feet Son Lºvel to 600 feet ------ Sea Depths below 100 Fathoms English Miles coloured in darked blue - 8 E. CT 10 N ACR 0-88 UN I Tºl) sº Anºs Rºcky Mº Mºhaw wow, ºnna ºn 1. rºle- Siena Nevada º on-tº-ºo: ------ - - - - - __ - - - - Allºghany Mº- wº- - - The ºre at Central Plain º tº | -oudo-reel -º-º-º- 4.8 _NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES, 1755-1763. 95. ad an --- 7t, no do go nº º - - - I - - --- - - º * --> *(southampton º Tºyº. As º \ REFEREncº to colour Nº. sº tº 1. C º * , 'sº | |British Territory -. º -- ºn, - - - ºvmouth - * * wº ſ | * Q ºf. w - |rºw | French -- & W - ºpiº" ** a , , "...aw ºv- Spanish -- º ſº º sp U - Dutch -- - ſ -º- ſºn g avº N. O. R. T. H. o N - º W Bay Swedish , , U D --- w - - - - Territory east of Mississippi River - - - British from 1763 (subsequent to *W. A. L E S - the Treaty of Paris) - lang-10) J a.m. e's º inal) Ş. Riverº º ºwulº. ! - 1. -- 1524 -- º : ºverraº" º ſº - º ona I. |T- - %. 1. - I - ra -- º º, al º!" - º w º º" º Waw- www. º º L'o u is A N A to Spurlºn France tº ºnar-tº- - - - n ov" na º now." º ſº --- liming” º, Fear" Limit ºf Franchºr" Inº to Idºl F. - manda) - ...] or spaniº - - - - - - - º º prakººl- ºntinº ºº- izio - 30- Chronological Summary 1607. Jamestown founded º 1608 Champlain founded Quebec |25 | Nº 1620. The Mayflower Colonists - - * º 1828-1732 Foundation of North American Colonies 1669-85. Explorations of La Salle 1670 Hudson Bay Co. founded 1713 Hudson Bay and Acadia ceded by France - 1745-58 Capture of Louisburg 1759 Battle and surrender of Quebec | --- " () | G iſ L. F. or M. E. x 1 C { 1760 surrender of Montreal - º 1763 Canada ceded to creat Britain - - - . . . ." -- ---. --- - - -- - - 1. - :*: -- - - - - º, Longitude West go of Greenwich 75 no -- - - _* - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- lºan-law at . 1783. NORTH AMERICA, ºn -- ºrd º º º ad w Reference to colouri nº | | British Territory - | Spanish , , French -- | |united states Wames of the thirteen havoſting states in 1776 underlined red | º - - - 7 an - º "southa ſ - H U D 8 - B A Y º º Lofthe Wood- º º - - º º N - - Nº. ºstol § - º, ...,xº º AN \ ^*. º ethnº". --- T- - - --~~~ º ºº Lºº 300 |mited States 1503 Tº: º \ chronological summary 25 º ". º - - 1765. The Stamp Act (Grenville). º º, a waw 1767 Tea and Paper Duties (Townshend). ". 1- 1774 Congress of Philadelphia. - 1775 War with Great Britain began 1776 Declaration of Independence - ---- 1778. Alliance of the states with trance - - º 1783 September 3-Foundation of the º \ United States by Treaty of Paris. \ - - un º itude West tºo of Greenwich : : :* ::" :*:: - - - _ _ _ -- * ---- - --- - nº REFEREnce. To colouring |British Territory 1938. Durham-R-port maso reunion of Upper and Lower Canada |- __ - - --- - - - -º-º: -- º:- -- - - - - : - -- -- -- - ---- - . - - - - - * * - --- ". -- BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 80 7t, to twº, º an 50 -- t º - - t * - º - º º º * * * s o w w \º º 1791 Y& - Moravia": º - - º W º's |, ...,dard º º" - 55 | ------- --- º - - nricost. - º - - - - "| Sº ſolº *...sº Gulf of - Sºleº º ton) 1. - C. Bre - º rºyale) t º º º º º “Tº º- ºnal º Nº. º * |-:~№gº|- !©®"…--ºr¿C), ſº?&ſúſ,` |ſººſ|×ſāÝſaerſºWºw######3 ·Ķī|-lae!ºrº_-,*ys -·;ſ,&· ,sº!|-----„wº|-! d.|--| ·|- :…S----ſae ș·!\ \-:…………!*|~ *!\Tā,:::|! |×|-sººſ, :·ºffºx· ſº**· ----m._\!!*…·„ºstrºº|!tro| -!----!, \!| 1-:!ºwi|-|!*|· |-* ¿sºnĶÅ|-·|×|-- * ,|-3\,} ",*ſuae º l (SSſºxae, „ºſºvë !|- ----|-·\, …, saes- |-----vae, -·¿|-|·7.|- „**() \,..ſºos? ?|× |-&& (|…"-ſºnº-ſ ºſ|-|-)· |׿º----|-R|-----* -aeis,|=&-·- -|×,,…)|S0111HT· -~~~~ 0•å -----son N.Q{"Tºur, Q! -§§ſuae:|-�Tºwn,Lae ·|-… . ſ.�ſtº*|-**~*~*~·*/º.a.%). № �\,!|- \,\!******--( …,ººººº,…,**$'), ſ.gºoºº re.r.raeae* :Su||×T“g_ ºro,:||-|-|-ſaeS->ſºv, |-... --~~ A,Çy|- - |-·|- |-º«, ºg06) “WOIWNWO (O NOINI/Noq oft |-: ~~ *#;sºſae0lpºwwººzo po za asaw ºpnaeuo'i wz , !Řº.l.08 ſoſiae|TT T----……… ) ·tuonuº, uod uºuºr-1|- ,-:ſae … diſariºſtoffbae| ſººsno ſae)-oſºuy &quonsanö sºuºus, joñuºtuºſaīºs ros.||----|-№|-íſºº |-ºpºnnboe hustuurºmoso arqisu odsax ssel|•,,·!I |-|-·----- |-· ſae|-!!!!:|!!!!!!!!!:L^T: gººººº…gºº …ºtru cºn in jo ºceaa.)||×|ק ſºº|×ſºſ. |--sahawaº |ſ.·)uși|----LI,|-ºthº , , , )/)) - -~). |-*I* --~~~~*pººpºwotnaee unenug neºrojo ſūnuºſºrºdos sızı|-*…****ſae^ ^~- -… !|-ſaer, g. 。 、”ſ!! :º) -ºnzºquo ſarudranſi nºs aeq pauynboe----£®.|********)*%ſººlºnihswaeſº|-№ſſº & IſĀ r. noq eo uqoſ ſą pºwºdoosip puetpunojaº N 15+1|::: ~~~~|-|×|×|??№ a.§),, ,^Lae |---. -|-----·---- puerpunogwºnkºj,��\j!” (S),ſ!!! (!! !! !!!,,,---- W repeume: go uoſuſunod ºtų ug|Ż|×- |-(**)| ()) <!?! / ºorwoza e ºureºq tepêueo iawo : ºqºnõ - 981||-ſ.|-º--[…|-…! ſpanſunºu epeu eo uºđđm pure wawo, otrºſ|- |- )-~~ ~~|- -|- ·louenuo) epeuë o reddn|-aeae|×-ſº,!№. !!***!*® uuong paneredºs lºqanõ) epeue, nºwo, I 1541 , ) _ _ - ſº|- |- kueuuuuns ſeoſºolououuo…*****31---- )ſºſae|-| -·º.|-- I—, ºž$$$$$£§Ē&(?!(šķī£$%^(\ſ*jſ. |-!;----|- |-! ~--~~|-|-- ·ſ.----|-dae || -|×|-!|- .. ·*------------*()_^ 7^ |irrº«. (…|- |×*:)*( |º.:-( …|-:errae!.! preſatrae2. (↓ºº.|-|- () ſºwºeur.|0 |-ººrſ =! !!!pºtºſ):ºgłºsº-A:Sº S- |- ---- |-|------·, |-…|alºriſaiſºnvirºs,----*·|׺º::-:- |-ſºſiaeg|ſ.@ZÝ|-|-sa!|-, ,ſae|-·|- ----ZºT(№−oº********?).…”|-|-~~~~*1. . .----|-ſºſ, --~~ ------ |-|-·|----- -- |;rº&ºg;s~Ķſ.: |:ĶĒģºſºſ?…� |---xeºlº:ſaevae|-**…!!!!!!!!!!!!1_-•••••|- AI №. 2 0Ø!|→ ·rººm:rae|-:: -ſoºleſ,ſ.• s ||ſººſ ºſſ, |~~~~);pºoº (*。、、。№ №ſ \,ſe” ) -|---|-----|-- -|---- | | ≤ i ≤ x ≤ 7, º iſ ,,…„*%)fşĒ#%$§§-|-· · -| rº:), º ºeſ ſae|-|-|×|- ~~~~ ·!-|-|-- || 'r|- ſºt: ºtºkºs----ºrº tro(ºr, |..……… (INVICINDO ĀMA'AN £, ºnºrºlºgº TĘ, | || … :) | ••••) ºtswºtsi· erw w worº!bae THE WEST INDIE - - - A 7. / A W 7" / 6 - - - -- 2 tº º - { - 1609 Bermuda settled. - º, tº 4- 1623 St Kitts colonised. - 1625. Barbados 1623. Nevis ºwhº ...'s soºn 1629. Bahamas ,- | --~~ **, *.*. * *... Al-man ºr - - ºn, 1... ? - Wºm, r - 1632 Antigua . - 1655 Jamaica conquered. - º * - - nº º: , º -- ºw . º º º *: - º Puerto Rico *... - º º º, * * . - - sºvº º Bº *": a pº - Tº grºundinº - - º - º º º care - Nº. yºn m - - Arºu us º ***** ****'. --- - 1713 St Kitts assigned to England Treaty of Utrecht). - O C 1763 º º: º - s ºn-tº- renada and Tobago acquire gºº --- Treaty of Paris). - - na º º ºf a º -- & * 1. -Marºwana. Little Ina, - … " |-ºn- º, sº sº º sº." n- Mºs . . º gº ºfºrº tº º -baº mºn " -" …* - -ºn- * - - **ś * - - - - or tº: - - sº win-en- º - - - º nº Brºs. * - , iſ ºsquito old ºvidence * * * * * * - Riº" - - ..º. - - - - * º s' Sº " + grº 3. ſ N w - - Grana- | Bank sºn. - - tº wº -ºn- ºnall- snail, º - -- - *" º" ºrºgoºn - Kºwl. | | º ºluºtields -- sººn minidad º - it - ºnvia. --~. - º - - --- ºuncil º: - tºº. - yºnº º -- sº - ** "Tº -º- º - - - - --> - - º - - tº º - - - º Longitude West ºr of Greenwich º :: * = - - | British spanish | Dutch (~~~~. :) :) (LNW 'DYTIWA |-- ---- ·„**: § tº-…) --№sſ) | -1suae vºisi saſſos ao svo10 1:1 || sawetsºq, jo uopmodrouetuº tºcºl pºusſioqe ºperų, º aels 1081 pºxa uue put parambuoo eoſquæ a puw oqſmbassº ºureuautºut 1-8081 pauenbuoo seunpuoH usºſuº 86 li paupmbon spueſsi paepukaweoºl-zºli paupmbov spueſsi puu waº 119 li-zººl eopetuer jo asambuco 5991 paraqas sapnuºſa zı-6091 au eu uns teorºorouo-kuo _ - ……• ! ºmae aeuº| 08 || ÆFTā Tā ā ī ū FGI |- |- ~~~~ ~~~~,57 ***§:ſſä: -------|- … 5:8) -·|- |- |-! ***,^ $* -|----------- | 0 0 11 x a ×… … ſo z z z ae, - _| №, №. ~55āF5īīīīīīīīīīīī Nyimº 5ī & F5īīīīīīsāſ LEADING EXPLORERS OF THE PACIFIC. 150 ed º +O I T NOTE chronological summary British Routes — 1513 Discovery of Pacific by Balboa * French , 1520–1 Magellan 1577-80 Sir Francis Drake 1606 Torres - 1615-6 Spilbergen º 1642-4. Tasman ----- § 1701 Dampier 1740-4. Lord Anson 1766-8 Bougainville 1767-78 Cook 1785-8 La Perouse | 1792-5 Vancouver 1872-6 “Challenger” Expedition ---------- º ------- | - - -, -º-º-º-º: line Isl - --------- - olº is - - º ºffs - --- - - * - * Pºrg ... --- P A C I F., IL C ºriº || 0 |C |- | * C - - - - o *... **** ºl. ***. Man- º - \ -Malden --------- S. | º º º *** º * 1- - º --wºº. * …s.º.º. -- tº --- --- --------- - - ------- - -- * - ºsſ- º º . º *::::::::: - º º - ------ - - - --- - -------- - *::: *** sº "" Tº ſº; * | - - "-- -- ------- lºº- º sº tºº sºlº | - *. --- º **** ºne ºr - | s º - - º o: | - º ºne Tº º ------------ :- --- - *** **, ºr a - - - - |-- ... adugºuºus º ** . I - \ 20 - - ... º.º. --- - ". - " * - * *IFTT- ----- - - º - - - * - - * . - &nda.” - - - * - - ºº: . . .” - ºf -------- scººter ºr -- º - |- º - - --- - - - - - | º 7 * * – - º º - º - -º- S_0 U T H E R N 0 C \ E A N - - º - - º -- ~~ T º- -ºo: - - loº 120 Longitude East 140 of Greenwich led 180 leo Longitude west 140 of Greenwich 120 +o Theºlºgº Geºgeºlº-all-tº- |- (ºgſ), №8 ſºn (~), |(~), (º, º gº | | _ 09:1ſpºwrººrlotno, oft aseg ºpmaršao,0:1-0:1utt.| T ----| ----|- | rawun! -3: ae, |-| |· ------|-| rutinos oli hutſioae wołae Laelixo: SS-08:07 No.1,0.ºsºº:::::::)| r. º S.giá .| || |-|! !!§,№|-tºº :( …|- -№Ž№ſſae|- ~~~~ (№ºoºº ſae!sºſ\ §!|-ſae |- . |× ^\$.ſēūšň∂√∞srael(~$ ----ſae:ſaeraeaerºs, º: - ----****** O`№rmae,`…!~ _ |-#-vraevi Nºſaxiſº ,, , ºmaeĶÅ|§§§), ae_. .|×|-ao sitnº på :,: ·ooº·1:1***s rººi oooº !! 00:1 rººi oooº o oooº ! haar oooºtou oooº ! ſººſ odozi ****** ºn ſºnonoºo1 !!!!!!!!!!| º,6 º- ĒĒĒĒĒĒTSTĀTĪSTĪT -→→=)_::: ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ſººmººtº morg ogt is ºg ºpta ſºuotcaetcael --dat - | ~~~~); ∞Œ·=№|×35(TĒTI ºſº ºs º caer • •… -troſ 3 ºù a s a ro a7·! sºtſºttºriºng·~nsº:o) saadaetº ang|×|- ---- -0-0-0+ •••••••••• №, |_----·******l!!!,”s-1-tvodoº-10* -- | 1 7 \!\~~~s/|- |-| 1ſ -…ose, ogenae, svitvºu saw|× -}}|-ſºtaeae --|- ·s.artv~~~~ ~~~~/- |-cinvitwaº was \"“7loooo. , ,VA / \, |(/N0IJLW JL3103 A 40 NOILITAIHOELSICI TWO1LH3A| |-· :’, :’eveztºtooo;w//???: re(s) ≥ |~-|-------_ º:§***o\gaeae ſaeuae---tº-av· ſae!!!!!!!!( ·l_r1.ſ„øquae iſºſae---- ſºnºraeae¿№ ſºvi ſvisarayº ! | §©®. : |- §),|-· ---- _ ººººººººº,E|| || № ºtº…|- ſeseq]~\\*: < .§§§§ |-|-ſºets vae,~~~~T~ ºnº ‘anaeos quae*№ºººººº|- ſae_| „№ž, **). 1.-|- ſsº…o… uaeuno, sºuoa uºdoſ |)*|---- :ſ::§§|- |-(º.\,\!"ºººººººººº -sº-o,ºsuecſ.||||-|× ºn laenoto: 01 3:3:3:2:3:| .ſººſ:|- ----§),ſilaeae �#, 3 NI,0 ſ ºžia,ſae|--||- olt | __ _ ſºwazaziº go ost aseg ºſaſſº aoT g (oſ uoſtų ſąsuolº eſſeumsmſ. Jo qattºmuotnum:00 OO61 ··º pueſsuaanº 6s31 || !uotoo aneredas e se pºpunoj eſtoſoſ. A og 81 || ----qanos 9c-treºu ! pannas eſtensnſ uænse w szer | reſuetuse L. Jo quatuºtąſºs £031 | 'pºpunoj kaupºs selu | …sºmew innos was,, ,sa kuºgog ſexooo ollu | ºuetusel,ſqpara ao osyp ſeguetuse IZtrºl | ºkueuuuuns reoſºolououuo |- ··- ſº ž{!!!!! *****s sº, oſi |-º:I ſººaegſº;Ț37 ſzī ( )„aer” ſë …§. a trae ſ. I e : ?s-a ſi į ſe ? -1 9 ·**º !· ¿?§!? ſº<º # * | Ļ** 9 LI đã giſae |-},ºszºrºwº, ſººººººººzººs,- |ſrael º ſ.r.;º a º gºrº) ſººſ:º?), |grae + º ) : n º ~~~~<|- ••••••ž º šº ſºſy ºg 061 ?|- și ſº : **ğ ſº șnº Hīnos ſaetºr y Rae … ,|- *- ſæ_°, № a-witwae LSm. AustralAsia. --- º º - - º - º - - *** * *. º - Land *z. º - - | *2. an Di ** *...* º-ºud- wº o N. - C. Lºwº unº º - Fºr sººn s #. ºn tº , a *; ***. Geºgraphew, e.” ...ſº - clot- ºw 1708 Bass Strait discovered. 1804 Tasmania founded. 1809-21 Governer Macquarie. 1813 Bathurst Plains discovered. 1817-8 Oxley's Explorations. 1826 Darling River discovered by Sturt. l nº *tº | Tº º: º º º l- ºlon.cº. - - – ſorrº awa º º yº- -º-º-º: "...C. º wº º - - -- *} - g -º-, *% * º *"...# ºr ºf - *...* - - - wº-" " *"…, - Ganº rto - - - Lo - sº ºnly - º - º, o, no " " º . - - Wºr - - -la. - ** *** - s" 1860 A. - *… L - W wn arts ºrther *M** | Dampier º º land - - Lº º Malikolo" ºw. an uº -> |- Pai- a-m - ºut. - I ... " L. * - cºntral wºuww. *... * - monie of ºw” |. R. - Al - ºwn" A. U \ -- -" s º - º - º - - y , , , º, º' wº R A 1- south Australia lº …º.º. _- trainºuer - ſº- * * | | | "…I # § - ºf "º Wº. *º º * - ºydney ***,x,* § §ºlºn **, *. ſº tºº - º ºw "a wº. * º: - - ºr. º - - - - Wºº--ºn- --- º º Chronological summary. Tasmaniº" r 1829 Swan River settlement. º § º - 1836 South Australia founded. ***- º 10 - 1840. Eyre's Explorations, ºr " 1851 Victoria a separate colony. ºn-ºn-ºn- woul I Gold discoveries. y-ºn-ºº-ºº-ºº. 1855 Responsible Government introduced. 1861-2 Explorations of Burke, Wills, Stuart. - - " " " " " " | S () (/, 7 H E LR N 0|| C. - *… --- 1-d --- --- lºw- - * - - - Lu- - - - - - - - - -- ** * * * * - - ºn- "". - :- *—S - - tº rºº :* Junºn-º-º: | British | Dutch | |French -- - ºw. ** Reference to colouring ºDoo to 5000 feel | 2000 to 3000 feet. 1000 to 2000 feet. Sea Level to 500 feet Rowley Mºmoia neer tº holleau º º in-a- º º tº landuane Trevine nge H. ºwner _WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Saruly 1, . Scott's freef" duncudderie P* coates L. Stewarts sº ºrog. ºnaldº |- afºr º º - rt. º'ºrºit Goldfield ſullº Ye tº * 1.º º - ---------- º º º ºorlie relie "nº- run º! southern Cro clf oldfield || º º .*a-n. M!Maddºn - - . ºn------ º *z, º * * // º Irºn- º º N ill Lake The Albert ºnven º' - º, Trº, ºld Spr - L.Augusta. Lºudoll D I wº - º -- allot. - Woodarra. º º Nicºlº” uru. |col" anal d º *hip - Waukortºcarty * paters na. * A wo sº Tropic of sºdel, no. º º º ". sº º wº º Iºn vº a Tanlºn. Wººl º "Nadawa, - - ºn ºramily Well *Mºve wºu. 'apricorn "Patience Wen, 's D e s er t- Mº Margaret sº ºl. ºw!Margaret ſº ºwornemºan- Dund" - "Gºd tº I d - º, P : Mººdley rº ºw!" In ºn Lº Mid- … south boat if - ºlogo of the Recº mºnation 1. - Spiniºns: lee. Sprº. ºurtonha Wºrlemm ing º 2N Iligh Sºndridge N • Limºjuice camp wºn. - (ºr e a t prº Premier Downs Burn, - - - (***'. T A U S T R A J. /4 W 13 ro, English Miles º º º ºve ºngº-- lady Adith Lagoon in d y D e s e r , Wilson ºff, 1. Chºi. topher - | º, Gordon won. - º º ºr. R ºn - º . - Sw ºf, nre." --- *-iſºmo, - Wºnºhole Vic to r i a ne se Railways - NEW SOUTH WALES, VICTORI playſord- ºlºndra stºº ºff" duna. tº - M!Morphet ** Mºhammersley dauhousie 5 T) U tº- T- ºn- investić º de I. SOUTH AU airna º & QUEENSLAND. lºo -º- port ºf Iterald's surprise Diamondº º Mo" s - º º wº Nº '…" W. |- C.G." \ w Eo * / º º º annº ºnnche- M: ſº -on- - " - - - --- - *"... iii, º º § **. - N º w" N º wº I vo --------- º "…Janna nobº º ---------- º "| 1. English Milº º ºn tº Rºlº - o ºn- * toº"— wº w Longitude East 140 of Greenwich º ºw w" le. I' wº - - º i. i. - * º ºuw" ºay º º - wº *"...º. º º º º*ſ *... º & Guginnia. Wºng N In Tomore - a. º a- º wº unºn * - º N º *…, º, *e, ºver- - - Str º, *8. - Pt. - - *en. Q t hench L. º hºw - º - . - - n- - - - f - ------- - - - - Finder, *2% º fºot, ºr 4. Cºyº º ºn” Malay nº anºton ºf L. - and . º - - - --y It ...]” |- - - Sººn 1- ºg ſº ºntº" º Bay Iatana º p. º c. * - * Macquarie S- ſlaven º wouis L. | above 5000 teet lºooo to 5000 tº 2000 to 3000 feet 1000 to 2000 feet 500 to lood feet *ota Bay º Bay tºove * inter ºne, all Sow Level to 500 feet º:- - l - * Lºº ND, TASMANIA, & FIJI ISLANDS, 1905. 14t. 174 170 178 B. A. S. S. - -- - chronological summary, - - -- ºfºrº. ºw" now." 1642 New Zealand discovered by Tasman, - Flinders. º 1769-73 Cook's Circumnavigations. uptiºn. 1349 Treaty of Waitangi. barren. gºooºº- 1842 New Zealand separated from New South Wales. º ºf Island, , Chatham Isles annexed to New Zealand. lºw º: 1. º, º, Auckland Isles -- -- : Pºt º - º "...arett 1845-48 - º: ºussow. 1860-70 } Maori Wars, .."º 1852 Establishment of Responsible Self-Governmen º **ºnal.…, a 1865 Wellington made the Capital. º, tº $.” 1887 Kermadec Isles annexed to New Zealand. . Yºº 1900 Cook Isles -- -- - ---> |- " ºver Bay - - - - - - pawawu Yºkº lº - - - - %. \\ º º Crºº |.. - as olº ºwnfalº lville *ſº -- º it. * Gale .dot. - --- Mºnary 1 º - º Dhanssezőroup ºy B. º ºš. 7- º º T º Manaureau haº §§ º - ºve” North Yº º ; Port W. ºw". Mr. º a Mawa. Ranº - revº" - ISLAND §." º º *a*t cape - - Fºrwar. a.º. º | | TASMANIA ºl. ºwnº. ºn English Miles is borne K- º-ºº-ºo-ºo: Tºo "overºy a Reference to Counties North Laland South Island ºfani. º | Mººnw --- * Colºwood 54 Manuototo fºrwaa. -*** 2-º-º-ººrºo - Wºmen 55 ºnwar -** 21 wº Mº, wounda 56 lake 1. |- - has or raland-º-ºwhua * Marºorowſ 37 ºpe/w * Wºwº, ºn ºf hºowa 50 ºr woe Ba. - nºn-on --tº-nº- ºf theºlor 50 ºtha. ºy º --- ------- wº-lmur- to wouthland * * - *- 40 mandahua tºl warrace - - --ºrana +1 wºulder. tº ºoº- * ºn -- ºn- 4- ºrex tº stewart/s. ºxº- - - yº, - º -tanº- -º-º-º-º: +º, shºw - º - ld ºut- -º-º-º-º: ++ -lkaroa - - than- ºf ºanºkº 45 yetwyn 11-ºn- * Mºaa. 46 tanºon. º - wall- -------- 17 deraldºre ºw…Tº 1* ºn -- ſº- 47-law-mate º -- º: -º-º: 40 Watland. º - º ſ 1. º. * Wºwº, º wºraku. º º tº ºw-nº- -o-º-º- ºn Waimate Mº Mapaiº- Ti- lºw-torna. - Mºrºa ºwn ºne ºy. * - ºlour. ſº Maºtaº 17 wºn- ºraliana. *I wºulouana. º sº $º" - w --hºurt 52 P-nºnau/a. º: Nº ºf º - ºw ºwner. - º - º º º - -- º - a. º }º ſ º º º Z - - Of º W. º º º whº wan. - -- t". Foulwind * º, *..., Z --- 2% º &wamp ºn Lºw - |-4 # eld / e º alw a w Hºorn - ºpo B * Y 179 º lº - - ºvara. winsula. 2 º' Tººrºº'ſ - ºnn. º | "Wºº-º-ºw tº tºwawa. old I? º Wuwºnº º: º º - º º º *lºw-ºn, º º - - sº I 77- *. º . ** - - __ - -Nanulºu I. - ---------- - - - --- |^ *} º º ". - - ºwthala. Iraºlºmºnºala - 1 tº - - |-nº- - -- Lº - - lookout º ºrwºº" ºradiº" º "º. * (ºn" ºr Tºviº ...º.º. Mº 17 tº roup º --- * wonº - º, re-wºº, roup º */, º Yazºº tº E I Lori ng - - - - - ºraſºvº avit -- º ºwn"lin - - - annual ºn Malawi, - - man.” º"...,n. "ºf" *...º.º. ºnwa - - "...º. ...” vº" " " ºr W. Kºrºſ. ºw"º";, - - - - - º ſº Wºl. - - - º º, nandon- * | Varº Varº wº I %);, LAU - * Maununulla un ºvalau nºw - ºğ. Harbour º '''''''''': - - - - ". a una" C O ſº O * OR - º almar … -- - - - . . . - - *}”. º ". - \ - º º ºwarº QTºurº E. As TERN --w - w ." * -- *A GRO Lºw- r ºnvolod º or Nºu c. - - 1- - º º 4 - - .. - Lakevillaº - ned pluſ nº *wan. º, *..., ºnanºordian- - … -- |-ºwn . |- - wº, ontº" amu'. *Mbenghu, Wanº-ſºº. La hºm ba. º I . -- - - ºn- - all - - º Vaul Lai º * Moala º - - drawa- - wº." - - º - ºn 1 - had. wu º, in- º w º nºwn - - windººlanatº - tº- | - * * º ind FIJI. ISLANDS **** - - Nanaº. - ºnale of Mile. nanna, wº * - - | * - i- º - --- a ºn ſo ºn ºn ºn - ºwº- . lº | º ºn tº a tºu- ſºlº". - :- -: -- l | --- Longitude East twº or Greenwich :::: *- :"... : : 17-7 17th 170 ºut wºr-nºw 100 ºr ºr ºn wºn 170 N - __* - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- Jºhn ºn - PACIFIC ISLANDS, 1905. . . . . . . . . . 14-0 150 1-0 170 18.0 170 1-0 - - ºts tº ºil --— i ºr- | - -: º: | - ** sº ..… . - "º, “ . --- *...* Sandwich º - - ºf ºr -– * - ºr Islands º - - Fºº sºap ºf 2^ | gº º, ºr: - - - - - Tº sº. *ºsº. -- T - - --- - - º T T - º: | - --- lºº - * - - | º - - Gaspar A. C - –– I & F - I C *… . . . . . Y - *::::::- º *- ---ºr ºf -º-º- sº º - *** **** - * . - - - Marsh aiſl ºrchipe - *-i-º-º-º-º-º- * lessº. - º *:::: ºnjº- *… 5 . - º º | -- - ---- - - - - * º º º - - º º- - - & * - - - --- Arºra º - *: - - º - - - º' -º-º-º: º - -º- Phoen º sº s wºuld *… º - is ºne * - / º º - º:**** | * - - . | - - - -- -- ºr ºr " º - ºratºrº Talaºu º ºn e-º-º-º: º - **** - ºl. º |-ºf- - -wºr- C. e. n tra 1 ********** Sp or a des Gilbert Hº-land 1. º º "ºne- tº ––ººl-º, ºrigs, º -- - | Fºuator **onouriº - - I - º ºlº - ºu-ºº. -ºr- i- - - s | -- - - - º - - Lae. -º-º- ºr - - - | agºes -º Tokelaur lº- º º- dº Marquesas ºr Mendaña Islands - | --- ºn, i. --- biºceſs. * ". * 1- - - - - - º- *ukuº. ---------- * . Manning islands *:::::: -º- - - ºf 7 Fºº. Tº **!ººds. ††-º-º-º-º- º “ p - -- - º * *º-º- ºf wa-i- - º I sº-º-º-º-º- - - - - - * * --- - - - - - L - -- - - - - … -- -e s vº. - * ... ." - yº- º - | a Espiritusº, # O *C *::: -- E. y A. * º º Vº º | - º * --- - Vanualevº. lºsing: --- - - -o-º-º-º-º: Is - º - º _º * Nº. **:::: º: Tongº Navigator | scº tº º º --- Paumotu or ºr ºl vº" ºr sº ºf ºr -- * 1: . --- -** ºr ºf . tº - * : --" " - . - - --- ------ e º º, A. lºº Ž, ºr wº 6 sº-" - Low Arºpelago º-ºº-º-º-º: * †: Hºº-º-º-mº º' ºr "ºº" - - - - º, Alºyalty it - * * º º º-- - - - nu-ºº. -º- - co 1 - New - * - - *** --- - º ºut 1. --- - -- - *...**** caledoniº. ". - A- Cook is wº- º - --- - ºr - *º- º *- - ***, * º º * -º "º - º º - --- !" * - * - __*stralº-Tubuai is sº - i º - º-º-º- - *º lº -- ºn- . - - - --- - - . º --- English Miles _ - --- - º --- --- º - º ºnadec is - - 150 __ so - 5. 1-0 1. * -- ºn 1 - oukal-º- - - - - - - - ºw-tº- º --- |-o -eſſed anºianº * Fº Keº Pomera - Bougainvilleº- -º-º: º 170 sº --- - ºr . SOLOMON, sº I | chronological summary. Nº ſº º - º - * - º isi. Anns | 1511 New Guinea discovered by De Abrea.N. ºr T-13 May & E 4 gº - "ºisevº. X. Tº º, ºf --- 1643 Fiji Islands discovered by Tasman. . … ---- - ** . - | | |! :: * visited by Cook. - NEw-ZEALAND wº ºn- cº- --- -- -- y --- - º New G º |- 1874. --- --- annexed. - - tº- - º- --- *…** - Malayta l i. 1893 British High Commissionership for º v. 1- asteaux Guad - w - - --- ºuadalcanaell -- | estern Pacific organised. ... ºn- º - - lo- |1899 Convention with Germany and U.S.A. º - sº ºn - San Claims on Samoa renoun º * t toval Friendly Islands Protectorate. *isiº. -tº-1. |\º | - - - - 150 lººd Long-East 170 or creen- -tº-te- 15- º 3. - Teº-G-gº-º-º- | British lºn" states clºna, I german bºa, --- * CHRONOLOGY & EXPANSION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. sovereign. Acquisitions. losses. TREATIES, WARs. STATESMEN. - - - - B.C. B.C. | 55 - - - - - - A.D.100–1– - - - - - - |200|_) Roman occupation - - - - 300 || ". A.D. - - -- - 401 400 - -- 500 49 KINGOOM of KENT - - - - - -- I - _600 1. - --- ool # supremacy of northumania 7 i - --- -- Bool #y supremacy of Mencia 325 p - - |200|*****_ late peace of wedmont - |Anchulshop Dunstan I. º *H --- - - --- *. "T" |1000. - - - | 1016 lot. | * DYNASTY º Norway, DENMARK inal Lothian cºded to scori-And - | 1042 EARL (10 DWINE. - 1050”, EST Saxon I- - - - - - - - 1050. | Bºsiº º - - * Hººdºº. 1074 non-ANDY, MAINE - ARCHBishop LANFriano - wiLLIAM . RANULF FLAMDARD - | 10am ident ARCHHISHOP ANEELM | 100 icº william L_* * _| | | Nohmandy SEPARATED FROM |100 - - HoROWN-I- --- | | 1100 NORMANDY non) enous" crown * : | |- | HENRY L. - - - - - | | Rouen of sausaun- - - 1130 1138. 150 - |MoººsterHEN - - --- !!!” - | | 1150 | 1154. - 1164) ENGLISH chown 116a treaty or wal-Lindford Thomas Becket - º - NORMANDY, MAINE, ANJOU, TOURAINE, AQUITAINE hidhand de Lucy - HENRY II. 117 IRELAND | RANULF DE QLANWILL - . utin LTER - | 1189 1100 THIRD crusade Richard I, HUDERT WA 1200L1199. RICHARD | | -- - - - 1200. | JOHN 1704 Nº. MAINE, ANJOU, stripHEn LANarun 1zie' 1210. MAGNA darita qLorrºrley Fitz Pºrtin | | - Hudent de launch - - - *I. HENRY III, - - - - - - - _|SMONDE MONTORY 1250. - - 12-0 1209 theaty of panis Rodºnt Bunn-LL - 1272 ºntº | AQUITAINE SAVE queMNE and Haishop Peckham - | 1294 FINAL conquest of Wales - ARCHBishop WINCHELsºw Edward I, Tºru. The ATY or AMILNs. - 1300|| || |1299 scorland - - | | |1300 - . | EDWARD || THOMAs of LANCAstºn - 1327 ||1325 INDEPENDENCE OF Scotland 132 a treaty or nonthampton soot-and - 1434 Hundred Y-ARs' WAR - 1350L - --- ----- - | | |1850 Edward III. | 1300 cal-als, quishes, Aquitaine anchbishop stratford - y sm an all rh.possessions save calas!” ”" WILLIAM or Wyke HaM - - BORDEAux, BAYONNE & CHANNEL is JOHN OF CAUNT - |- 'achab I 140011899 - 1400 1413 Henry Iv. 1400 I-L-º-MAM 1422 HENRY v. 1420 Normandy, quienne, succession to FRENoH chown 1420 in-ary or thovia John, Duke of Bedfond - Henry wi canºnial-º-AuroRº |1450 - - - - - - - Taº ALL FREnch possessions save | T --- 1-61 | dauais a channel is. WARs of the Roses - | Edward iv Warwick, the KINGMAKER w --~~ - | ſº EDWARD V. CARDINAL MORTION - 1500 Richard III, - 1400 time on-air intencounse 1500 L1500 HENRY VII. candinal. Wolstºy | - | Henry will -- - the neronmation pan-i-nºr THOMA-CROMWELL -- - 1----way will, Assumes Tit-- or king of Intil AND lºng-loºd the nº in *:::::::: *- º - - --- | | |1550 lºº Bºuloun. # Many tº Cal-Aſs - | Duke of somenset William Cºol L. Lond BURGHLEY. | |ELIZABETH -----wound-MD '... - 00 tº spanish Armada slº Fºols WASNOMAW | 1300 - - - - - - - - 1508 THEATY OF VERWINS 1600 --- | hº unior-o-na-I-H ---or-i-H drown- - - - - - - -- - A, wholm. JaME-1, wi. ºº::" | us! ---------Huº-T- tan- or ºrnarrond | lººd fºod-Lº in-connºotrout, 1440 Maunas, Main- * I bahnados.st, kirts, - win 1650 tº cºntre . 104.4 º |Ruin lan 1043 artiar olvil-wah 11650 -- - - - - - - - - - --- commonweal-TH sº at neuena tº Jamaica, Tube bunknk 1001 FIRST DUTCH WAR -- -1500 - lºw dunkirk - ul-Ivºr ºn DMW.L.L - | tº dowaaw, taxºn, goºd coast, 1902 Qambia, 1993 carolina, 1007 New Yohn twº dunk 1985 second Dutch wan, 1067 peace or Bheda -an- or cº-anandon - CHARLEG-II, º Hui-º-º-º-º- |- Earl of shartºsaurºy º James II too, "" lºw ſandrº iºn war or THE REVOLUTIon william & MARY”. Tº cºur* - - - - 1997 PEACE of Ryswick_ --- 1700 1702 ---------- non nºthinlands 1702 wart of THE spanish succession º, Anne --- Minºn --- 1707 Lºuis-Ative union WITH 800TLAnd *** - |aeonae . --- nºw---------nuh-wick-471-Hanov-n - tria P-act of urhºoHT, Trio Finst Jacouſte RIGINo. wºul/NT 10-INQBROK. 1725 man aroma. - -In Robert Wal-pol- | - 17-9 spanish wan 1750 -º-º-º-IL - 17- ºr cond Jacourt nisinº Hºnny P-LHAM 1750 -1700 ºn Pºlupº-cuna at Lucia. Mantºniºur, duadaloupe. - - Lºud ºn Lucia. MARTINIQUE _* * wians' wan | º, ARL OF CHATRAM --- Fºº" -in-a--- Vºl. ----- ----------- Guadalºur. in-theaty of Pahl- Lond .." - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - tº WAR OF AMERICAN IND-PNDºol admund dunk. - mar awanaudº, nº audiº anº. ºn a Minonda, n. A-rºan ºl-ºn---ºu- tº-atºr or wºul-Lº. º, - ºnº-1. - - -- - WILLIAM plit, THE YOUNGER | 1300 | nº ºn two-ºº: - Co-oº-º-º-ow, ſº nº quana. Tº Tºlºlowº, º HONDURAS Tuºla nº unea rºck was - wannºn Hasinos 1800. ------ º * * * * * * uº. Lº--ºn-Uniºn witH in LAND duke or well-Lindton º ºn Maunº sº, tº ººloº. oºlººls. Tºll ºutana, Iºlº sºon * Cºlºss ºr Vºnna as second place of Paºlº Geonor canMING ---- ---, --------- nºn-RT º }aeonary ------ ** –lº. s|ſt nºn-RT. Pººl. - ºw-law ºv --- - - " " | - - Lond John rus--- 1850 - 140 * ºna, ºntº nºt nº lauan, nº* -- _|"""" - 1850. * - - --- º * * * * - nº onlºn was nº cºlºrs waſ, tºol. Moºn |** "A" ºveroa, * ºn tº ſºlº Tººmºº "ºne emp or india ºn º -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-o-º-º-cººl ºn tºtan of dºll", tº ºu u was W. - al-Amºttºn- 1- --º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: "º wº ºr sal-Isaury - ------ - - - - - ------- º º: º: ------, -ul- ºr- - - - - - - - - ºn tºwawl ºnvºy - --> "..." 1000 tºnation of Auºlº commonwealtº | --- accessions coloured bankmen losses coloured blue. USE only /* III.iii.II .* º -, * * ſ º c. 3 ** {P # * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * - ~ w ſº tº º f º, º Aºtº Cººse. . . as w tº 4. ~ “...ºr * * * * * - * . cºrº , , - p., ºr sº - º ºr ºf ºxº º;