Ar D 292.8 578 me be 11-24-25 12396 [ 3 ] THE MEMORIAL T OF THE E of S Stain, John Buoys pre c. 1746? HE March from Afchaffenburg was made entirely without my Knowledge. I got into my Coach in the Morning, refolving to continue there during all the March; but being afterwards informed that the French were paffing the Mayne, and advancing to at- tack us, I immediately mounted on Horſeback, and made all the Difpofition proper for the drawing up of our Army in Order of Battle; which I executed without any Confufion. Meet- ing Count Neuperg foon after, I informed him of the Difpofitions which I had made, and he approved them entirely. This General was of Opinion, that the Enemy's Deſign was not to attack B [4] attack us. Your M- coming up afterwards, I had the Honour to acquaint You with every thing I had done, and You expreffed in ftrong Terms your Approbation of all. I SHALL not take notice of what happened during the Action, Your M knows that my Opinion was, that, without lofing any Time, we ſhould make all the Advantage we could of the Victory we had gained. When the Army ar- rived at Hanaw, I propofed to feize on Hoeckft, and lay a Bridge over the Mayne to paſs that River; and to poft our Army in fuch a manner, as to hinder the Enemy from getting back over the Rhine, which, from what had paffed on the Side of the Danube, I judged would foon hap- pen. I preffed the fame Advice with Your M by the means of General Ligonier. Į am utterly ignorant how it came to paſ that it was not followed. I PROPOSED afterwards to lay Bridges over the Mayne on the Side of Hanaw, that thereby we might be in a Condition to make all poffible Ad- vantages of the Enemy's Conduct, in cafe they fhould think fit to quit that River, THIS being over, I told Your M———— there was ſtill one only Means left of maintaining your Superiority over the French, viz, to em- bark 1 [ 3 ] bank all the Foot, to fend them down the Rhine, and march them with all poffible Expedition to wards Flanders: I cannot help ſtill repeating the fame Advice. I HAVE received feveral Marks of Contempt for my Advices, even in the View of the whole Army, particularly of the English Troops. Pofts of Command that became vacant, and which ufed to be diſpoſed of by the Recommendation of the Commander in Chief, were given away without my Knowledge; and fome particular Generals have been named to command at the Head of the Line, whilft I was there prefent. + I HAVE ferved under the two greateſt Generals of their Time: Their Confidence and Favour have procured' me a Knowledge of the Plans and Difpofitions which they made for Operations. Ar the End of the War I was ſtripped of all my Employments, on account of my Attachment to the Houſe of Hanover. Ar the late King's Acceffion to the Crown, I was fent Ambaffador to the Court of France; Conduct at that Court is fufficiently known. my I HAD the Misfortune not to pleaſe Your M———————'s M———————rs; but this never in the leaft cool'd [ 6 ] cool'd my Zeal for the Advancement of Your Glory and the Public Good, as far as was in my Power. 1 2 IN 1734, I got a Plan delivered to Your M- for forming an Army upon the Mozelle, which could have infallibly made You Arbiter of Europe. When M. Maillebois marched into Bo- hemia, I formed another Plan for affembling an Army in Flanders, with which, if the Plan had been readily put in Execution, it had been eafy to penetrate as far as Paris. 1 No Ambition, or any Hopes of raifing my Fortune, could, at my Age, have engaged me to quit my Retirement; no other Motive but the Hopes of contributing to Your Glory, and of be- ing uſeful to the Public, could have ever drawn me from thence. * I FLATTER myſelf that, in regard of what I have here repreſented to Your M- be pleaſed to think the L S You'll an honeft Man, tho' a Stranger to Art and Cunning. I SHALL leave it to Your M- as my Po- litical Teftament, never to feparate Yourſelf from the Houſe of Austria; if ever You do, France will treat You as he did Queen Anne, and all the Courts that are guided by ho Cols. 1 I HOPE 2 } I I HOPE YOUR M [7] will give me leave to return to my Plough, without any Mark of Your Diſpleaſure. A N. B. L——— S— L- % had offered feveral times before to refign his Command, but his Offers were rejected till he prefented this MEмorial. 廊 ​FINI S.