. |-|- :::::::::::::::::-- . . . . .-|×|(~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ( ) , AHraeg – ue61ųolw yo Kh!suaalun ! €/9 /18800 G 106 € º E. E. E. sº Es º Tº Fº º E. ſº Dº # E: Eº º-C E. E3 * r º | 2- : * º ſº While intº sºlº, fore mine hºste, or Wilſ one hºnksgiving. 1ſly stormy skill. - ſºise Him whost hºno is the strength ºf the ºf hºst ſhou never, See för CNſ| enºuſ Y’, , Algernon C. Suſºwne. Štrength to Oisseuſer Or strength to spill, 2/ Ç" are notes of joy from he ſºng bird ano Wren ſº the gº ssip ºf sºlows º, 1. ground-squirrel gºy'ſ chirps by his Oen, An & the uſilong |ope a clouds are ºf playin he Azure Space Ano the shed cuſs at playſ º on the bright greeſ º º ſºlo. º "I º !", |W "... º º " Ano ne ſ’0. º Stret chtO {he ſºlic dºg.€ ------------------ ſ\ſo the roºt || 0 || || gú pale. Bºsmºſºmeº Kºtºr hey roll on the toº ge i.e. 2.5 º Hºlº ſhe wºrm roo cloſer tº There peeps the Violet ſolve O hoppy little children s (000 mºde them all ſor OUL . Colie, ſºłer. no 0 houſ sweet they sing y Slºg 10 g|| The hºppy children ſº once agentis spring - º s 2. lºſſº alſo uſe fºr ' through all the rooms º snow ſº ºf the - º C trººms - 1 ºng fºllow ( ) ) i- ſe strenge sweetoeys are here again. | ſhe happy mournful voys; The songs which trembled on our lips Archeſ complainſ hºſprºse. Öuſing robin on the pubºco sprayſ: Ano sing your bliſhest tune;— ||| ſo us across these ſome sickoºs 1gto the joy eſ ſºme [lizabeth Akers - ºngºl- - - - hile filled from ſal CUſos of he hills ſh. ripping Ancing streams ſº Art ſlashing oown through grºss or recºs like Osmonos in their glººms. . Ano etery |#|e pºssing uſ. Jº seems like a laughing tongue - ſºling all the secret loſe of Nature in its song The very stones hosennes cry, and tº ſorºts clap their honos. º ſº in the benison ºf hºſen each liſted jº expºnds. --- --> Christ cometſ, and the earth is glº); earth's |ºrge Stij conscious º A glowing tide of rapture pours through every quickened port. j/ Hugh M. Millen. he Joice of one who gºes before to º - ". . jJune more ſecutiful is ſine. Sweet Mey. || || 6.5 M ------ * - º # *- - - - - tº 5 FIGHT wº -- *: º: L. L. * : * : * ~ * |r F WORL'ſ * - h. Sing the sublous ºf 8 in fuſe, fºrget the rein of yesterdey, ſºw more sums uſill - bring us June, Ano this is Chaucer's month, tis My ſhomes W. Fºrsons A. ſº a white Ooſe glancing across the blue spirit of beauty walks the hills ſº f y G l ſ Or ºn opºl to King (0) \g A spirit of out the plains, ſhe shºouſºre ºrigſ and the sunshine ſills or my soul is oozzled through Aſſo through 1ſt ºr with Aoiomono pºin. Uith the splenoor ºf he Spring Refore my vision the g|ories swim floºſovº Voy"ov. 10 the Cºnce of a tune unheard --- - *WAS11 A Spºf IT OF A BIRA - - QR SIRºy’ſ ſo". º, some pest cauş" "**** TO H&R MATC. WHOM Neve RMOR6 & WOUkD 1s on Angel singing where wood Origitan Amorous bipo fºil º O conſºr the uſole is chorus h the peace ºf ſhe heart of Nature. 10 the skys benediction Above \/ Oh, the light that is not of Oey. - Ano uſe all ºre together lying Why seek it fºr forever º O) ſhe bosom ºf infiniſt loſe Uſhen it cannot be liſted away. *WC &nner ºn (EVºf |ºsscºwºse º *º º ={HøE5HAU-ſha [Rees of *-*-* WooD-R ------- // | | . - ----- ------------- ſº erºelion through the meadowm (Aroyo road wiſh Seels of gold H 4/5 a kes H __ ) hºſhe geogreen leaſes Oh, the happy uſing ºCº, Jelicote frogrence emo helm º ºs- º - º Storm 670 tumult &\\?6, left behind º *. a repture of golden coln. º from Öew'ſ morn to stºry night º ſt iros Sing 5uſeet and strong . ñºf the rºoie ºr sky is filled with light ſhot the 02WS CNſ'é fair A70 long. delio. Who kter. C)09ſ as the elſening shooes preſel * The moon tº es up the Jonorous tole _ſ\no nightly to the listening eartſ º the story of her ºrth /7 Joseph ºison | hº long mont120 molſº that sleep ot } Anó ºnce in the light of the mystºm Juno the Sunshiny ºutterflies come 6 no go - 1 ke beautiful tho ughts moving to ~10 no no & Joºſe ºf their busy wing: 2. 13 wknownto the Spirir hormoſeth all ſºngſ º George V'\c.)\owºo. Fºr ſe groce of the ſending gro SSE5. ſº flush of the Oown-liisky. - ſº scent that lingers aſſo posses When the loiteringuino goes by fºre gushes eno hints of sweetness. * from the unseen Oeeps ejºr- * The foom-toge of ſevens completenesſ Swept outwºre through flower one stor Tºwey Lºrcorn. hom the pillowy green beneath (YC - Yº ſo the ſºthomless blue oboſe, º *~ The creatures of Ó00 are ºpieſ - |11 the worm tº of their Sumner love. ſhe infinite ºiss f Nature 1 feelin every Vein, \ ^ ſº light and ſhe life of Summer." º ſºlossom in heart and brain. Q jj And whennºſis, º ºvºgloud, Obiro in the tree º, Ohird sing out in the sky. - - Ano honey ſees lºcken the cloſer 600 fº |here are none of W00. gloo as [. N º | º [..." .." * f Chhu the world is jºir, is joir º lead us to His side. ' ' Ano on, out the world is sweet 1 will out in the gold of the blossoming mold Puno sit at the Master's feet mö the love my neart would speek I will ſolo in the lily's ºrim 1ºt the lips of the blossoms more pure ono meek. (j) her sing in the ſedgerouſ green 0 fºrusſº Q Skylark sing in the blue Singloud), sing clear, that the King mey heap Anó my sou. Shell sing with you Ina I). Cool brith. Wy ARC ſº Mr Muſºs (N SUCH HASſ | Wy JON? Hey lºß Wº us to our | - - Plfly : | Our lºsons ſº a ou R MEAS ARE - | | Sucº WAsſº : We can º very Wººk ANOTH