i? an“. JM'M'“ $45“ B Y 'NKMKOOLAP ARITHMETIC ", ~ - 1‘?“ i ERNEST YOUNG, HEAD-MASTER OF THE NORMAL COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, BANGKOK ; FORMERLY HEAD—MASTER OF SOOVVAN KOOLAP SCHOOL. \ STANDARD 11._ * (Qima-gvv ,7, soovxiAN KOOLAP ARI'I‘HMETIO BOOKs BY ' ERNEST YOUNG, HEAD-MASTER. OF THE NORMAL COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, BANGKOK; FORMERLY HEAD MASTER OF SOOWAN KOOLAP SCHOOL. STANDARD 11. ‘ PRICE~3 ~SALUNGS. STORAQ§€ A. m 5 ~V? 1‘, MW? §TOKA&€‘ @*M §QASIA M VMMWF'NMM' “WM. 5 A we ms 1 AEITHMETIO FOR STANDARD II. REQUIREMENTS OF THE CoDE. Finish Notation and N umeration. Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication. Short Division by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Mi , H " wmdg'w w ‘ Mgééflfi PREFACE. IN this, as in the preceding volume, no explanations are given. Explanation and illustration are the work of the teacher. The book is merely a collection of examples suited for Standard 11., in accordance with the requirements of the Government Code for Secondary Schools in Siam. It cannot be too strongly impressed upon the minds of teachers that, in the early stages of arith— metic, the teaching should be as far as possible in the concrete. All the four primary rules in arithmetic should be taught by meansof objects, figures being used afterwards as symbols, by means of which the ' actual operations of addition, subtraction, etc., per- formed by the pupil with collections of matches, marbles, beads, etc., can be expressed. It is also necessary in this early work that all the work done upon slate or paper be neatly and methodically set down; the habits of Vneatness and vi PREFACE. logical arrangement thus fostered being of enormous As an instance; suppose the pupil has to work out the value in the higher stages of arithmetical work. following problem :--~ A father gave 25702 ticals to his children: to each of his three daughters he gave 3450 ticals, and the rest he gave to his son. one daughter? How much more did the son get than It should be set down as follows :--‘ 1 daughter gets 3450 ticals. 3 daughters get 3450 ,, 3 10350 ticals. The father gives away 25702 ticals altogether : He gives 10350 ,, to daughters; 15352 So he gives ,, ‘to his son. The son gets 15352 ticals. One daughter gets 3450 ,, So the son gets 11902 more than one daughter. If this plan be followed out it will undoubtedly add to the mental capacity of the pupil, and indirectly help him also in the clear expression of other thoughts in r PREFA CE. vii ’ English, an end not to be neglected in the Secondary as iWSchools of Siam. That it is not impossible to train even young Siamese boys thus to analyse their arithmetical Work the author can positively assert from his own expe- rience at Soowan Koolap School. ' E. Y. Normal College, Bangkok. 1894. a" 1 1. “411111111011. (1) 98504 (2) 60113 (3) 36935 (4) 86326 (5) 50584 (6) 79517 (7) 60072 (8) 94683 (9) 98056 (10) 77018 (1) 46007 (2) 26435 (3) 73732 (4) 13716 + + + + + + + + + + EXERCISE I. 6703 + 50695 + 459. 6591 + 35938 + 6602 + 31008. 84573 + 7802 + 66628 + 22874. 7007 + 99678 + 76054 + 69391. 77546 + 9569 + 13416 + 27035. 2643 + 70212 + 69324 + 18207. 3912 + 77546 + 10349 + 95638. 4304 + 99678 + 95312 + 53434. 9708 + 35938 + 97982 + 79617. 1041 + 99973 + 52936 + 38412. ‘ EXERCISE II. 8069 + 11722 + 99918 + 59584. 31.05 + 98364 + 60072 + 30109. 8056 + 91954 + 19773 ,+ 64595. 9734 + 68045 + 56462 + 96167. 10 SOOWAN KOOLAP ARITHJIETIC BOOKS. (5) 35452 + 4095 + 98457 + 36935 + 97586. (6) 72142 + 9570 + 60167 + 48378 + 62014. (7) 295545 + 1607 + 64934 + 14163 + 762409.“ (8) 623684 + 2014 + 83505 + 54034 + 30963. (9) 66992 + 81024 +9618 + 99495 + 76953. (10) 56591 + 90193 + 9355 + 95985 + 99403. EXERCISE III. (1) 79358 + 30097 + 9606 + 86545 + 99403. (2) 99916 + 80324 + 5318 + 94436 + 85088. (3) 96113 + 65792 + 6007 + 39654 + 70087. (4) 49604 + 61078 + 9695 + 90093 + 44444. (5) 70583 + 29 + 9876 + 37075 + 99094. (6) 79 + 66648 + 9 + 8005 + 56094. (7) 9406 + 90499 + 99038 + 705 + 94089. (8) 86 + 70492 + 9378 + 70399 + 800004. (9) 51006 + 78 + 92349 + 555 + 470008. (10) 80407 + 95 + 4756 + 506993 + 66055. EXERCISE IV. (1) 90084 + 9606 + 559 + 97688 + 91. (2) 87035 + 958 + 96 + 70077 + 58058. (3) 48059 + 9707 + 99693 + 884 + 94004. (4) 20046 + 997 + 99555 + 8708 + 56433. (5) 20378 + 88 + 61004 + 3869 + 99787. ADDITION. (6) 63063-+ 9958 +-96 +-95555-+ 90476. a) 905 + 98086-+ 3859 +-97657 +~80034. (8) 76-+ 38067-+ 99785-+ 658 +-89673. a» 8008 +-96955 +-95 +-80596-+ 37084. .¢(10) 59059-+ 9584-+ 6079-+ 89 +-50083. EXERCISE V. .3 Add together :— (1) 59,98396,705,99074,57648. (2) 779,59054,68,93087,99846. (3) 18006,907,5555,96868,37. , (4) 959,7088,90494,56536,98383. § (5) 98484,99,20956,9997,45788. ? (6) 6006,99695,888,34587,94004. (7) 48027,9808,39653,67,95875. (8) 59074,969,60803,87595,9008. ,_ _ - (9) 93,5904,90092,4910,80084. a (10) 40606,5009,39452,948,9705. EXERCISE VI. Add together :—-- (1) 40606, 5009, 39452, 948, 9705. 6, 709, 73062, 6304, 9807. (3) 991, 30003,_9505, 96578, 33033. 12 SOOWAN KOOLAP ARITHJIEI’IC BOOKS. (4) 18047, 888, 6103, 25756, 9. ~ ' (5) 403, 6, 51358, 30003, 96005. t 7 (6) 91, 26504, 8007, 32599, 98466. (7) 92184, 55, 53053, 9967, 22322. (8) 92348, 91001, 6097, 95666, 944. v (9) 50191, 60051, 9058 7875g,'666. ~ , (10) 67067, 11184, 9009,798855Qf9707. " EXERCISE VII. Find the total of—- (1) Ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, nine thousand and seventy—five, eighty- four thousand'and eighty-four, ninety~five thousand seven hundred and fifty—nine, five hundred and two. (2) N inety-eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, one thousand four hundred and nine, ninety thousand and fit'ty~eight, sixty-seven, ninety- nine thousand and seventy-three. (3) Eighty-four, five thousand and three, ninety- five thousand six hundred and eighty-five, seventy- seven thousand seven hundred and forty-nine, twenty thousand and two. 1 (4) Fifty thousand five hundred and thirty-three, thirty thousand and eighty-one, two hundred and fourteen, nine thousand and sixty~five, sixty-five thousand eight hundred and seven- ADDITION. 13 Nine, eight thousand and four, forty-seven .43 ‘housand five hundred and thirty-seven, fifty-three, ‘3 ninety-five thousand and fifteen. (6) Eighty-seven, fifty-one thousand and three, nint' thousand and sixty-nine, eight thousand eight seve thousand five hundred and nine, ninety- ,“tp‘tlibusand and eight, nine hundred and twenty- v , thirty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy- (8) Five, eighty thousand six hundred and eighty- six, five thousand five hundred and fifty-five, forty thousand one hundred and seven, thirty thousand and ninety-two. (9) Seventy-five thousand six hundred and eighty- eight, three thousand and three, seventy thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, eighty-eight, forty thousand and forty-four. (10) Ten thousand six hundred and eighty-seven, twenty thousand and ninety-five, nine hundred and seven, eighty thousand and sixty-five, ninety-two. EXERCISE VIII. Find the 45451 of;- (1) Eight thousand and three, nineteen thousand and forty-six, sixty-five, ninety-two thousand one 14 SOOWAN KOOLAP ARITHMETIC BOOKS. hundred and thirty-eight, seventy thousand fou'rstilw' hundred aud four. (2) Sixty-seven, eighty thousand and thirty-five, 94‘; I nine thousand two hundred and Sixteen, forty-eight a thousand five hundred and seventy-two, thirty thou- sand and three. ' ' (3) Four thousand and seventy-eight, eighEy-eight, seventy~three thousand and forty-two, ninety-six 4_ thousand five hundred and three, seven thousand and iii sixty-four. ' i (4) Six hundred and six, ninety-one thousand an eighty-four, six hundred and three, eight thousand and sixty-seven, fifty-nine. 9 (5) Eighty-nine thousand and eighty-nine, fifty- six, five hundred and ninety-three, seven thousand and fourteen, ninetynine thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. (6) Seventy thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, ninety-eight, sixty thousand and six, eighty thousand and seventy, eighty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-three. ~ (7) Six hundred and twenty-three, seven thousand and seven, fifty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, eighty-six, eighty thousand and ninety- eight. (8) Five thousand and five, seven hundred and sixty-four, ninety thousand seven hundred and thirty- eight, ninety thousand and ninety-nine, fifty-eight. a Sixty~seven, ninety-one thousand and fifty- eight, nine hundred and eighty-Six, thirty thousand ADDITION. ' 15 hjfive hundred and ninety-seven, ninety thousand two ighnndred and three. (10) Eighty thousand six hundred and fifty-five, nine thousand and nineteen, seventy thousand and seventy, six hundred and fifty-eight, eighty-seven ‘ thousahdfour hundred and thirty-nine. \-. “I j, EXERCISE IX. Fintigthe total of—- (1)“ SeVenty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen, ninety~three thousand four hundred and eighty-six eighty thousand six hundred and ninety-two, twenty- one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, ninety- four thousand and three, twenty-six thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. (2) Sixty-four thousand three hundred and twenty- one, eighty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty- five, forty-eight thousand and seventy-two, twenty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, twenty-nine thousand one hundred and four, seventy-one thousand four hundred and sixty-three. (3) Eighty-two thousand, nine hundred and ninety~three, fourteen thousand and sixty-seven, six hundred and eighty-two, sixty-nine thousand one " hundred and forty-three, thirty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-four, fourteen thousand six hundred and twelve. (4) Twenty-eight thousand and sixty-four, sixty- fourthousand eight hundred and seven, four thousand 16 300 WAN KOOILAP‘ ABITHMETIC BOOKS. eight hundred and ninety-two, fourteen thousand a1 three, ninety-six, five hundred and eighty-one. i 5 w. 3 4" 3 (5) Sixty-seven thousand ninehundred and twent) 9‘ three, twenty thousand three hundred and forty-eight, nine hundred and nineteen, fifty-eight, three thousand four hundred and sixty-seven, ninety~eight. ” (6) Seventy thousand and; eighty-five;~,tiventy-ysi'x-Q,-h ;'A thousand eight hundred andit fourteen, Sixty-sev‘eh,f,l a '9 four thousand and ninety-three, twenty-six thousand" four hundred and eighty-one, nine hundred and nine. (7) Sixty-four thousand eight hundred anditfiventyn three, seventy-eight thousand and five, twenty'lnine . thousand and six, eight hundred and three, two thousand six hundred and fourteen, ninety-two thousand eight hundred and one. (8) Four hundred and sixty-two, seven thousand and eighty-three, twenty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-nine, eight thousand and sixty-three, two hundred and fourteen, ninety-nine. (9) Seventy-one, five hundred and sixty-three, nine thousand and fourteen, forty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, two thousand one hundred and forty—nine, eighty~seven. (10) Two thousand four hundred and sixty-seven, eighty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and three, forty-eight thousand five hundred and sixty-two, ninety thousand two hundred and fourteen, eight hundred and fifty-nine. NlVEHSITY OF MICHIGAN 1111' I 11111111111111 3 9015 07871 3669