* : * 9 1917 Z. 7tte‘! Iv. of MłęH. *** unºº, • Ste (e (Pºe & CAR NEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH 111] DEBATE INDEX THIRD SUPPLEMENT, JANUARY 1916—MARCH 1917 Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, March 1917 PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1917 § QRIBGE U33AR9 OF PITISBURGH PRESS A=4=. Debate Index Third Supplement January 1916—March 1917 Books Indexed Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Reference lists. Manuscript lists. Chicago University. qr 325 C43 The literacy test for immigrants. Igló. The same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q 325 C43 Debaters’ handbook series. no.32. Johnsen, J. E. comp. Selected articles on unemployment. 1915. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 331 J35 no.33. Beman, L. T. comp. Selected articles on prohibition of the liquor traffic. I915. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 178 B42 no.34. Phelps, E. M. comp. Selected articles on the American merchant marine. I916. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 387 P48 no.35. Reely, M. K. comp. Selected articles on minimum wage. I917. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 331.2 R28a no.36. Van Valkenburgh, Agnes, comp. Selected articles on mili- tary training in schools and colleges. I917. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 355.07 VI7 Duplicate copies of this series may be borrowed for home use from the Lending Department. Debaters’ handbook series, Abridged. Nº no.11. Johnsen, J. E. comp. Selected articles on athletics. 1917. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 371.74 J35 * no. 12. , Parsons, M. P. comp. Selected articles on non-resistance. o 1916. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . . r 172 P26 Duplicate copies of this series may be borrowed for home use from the Lending Department. gº Augustus P. & Hillquit, Morris. r 355.973 G18 Must we arm? I916. QY Independent. Jan. 24, 1916—March 5, 1917. V.85–89. qr of I I24 S; Intercollegiate debates. v.5–7. I915–17. r oz8 P35 .S. Literary digest. Feb. 26, 1916. v.52, no.9. qr ošI L74I'd axim, Hudson, comp. r 355.973 M52 Leading opinions both for and against national defense. I916. The same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355.973 M521 t s#~ * National Child Labor Committee. r 331.3 NI5c Child labor bulletin. Feb. 1916. v.4, no.4, pt.2. National Civic Federation. r 351.8 N15 Shall the government own and operate the railroads, the telegraph and telephone systems? Shall the municipalities own their utilities? I9I5. Oklahoma University. Selling munitions of war. I915. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 341.3 O22 Single tax. I915. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 336.22 O22 Workmen's compensation. I915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 331,823 O22, Oregon High School Debating League. T 374.4 O28' Announcements for the year 1916/17. Taft, William Howard, & Bryan, W. J. r 172 T13 Proposal for a league to enforce peace. Igró. University debaters' annual, 1915/16. roz8 U253 The same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o28 U253 Washington (state) University. r or 6.35507 W27 Bulletin no.20: Military training in the public schools. Igló. Welday, John Oliver. roz8 W47 Debaters' manual. I916. Yale University Debating Association. r 324.3 YI3 Discussion of woman suffrage. IQI4. Topics American women and French women. See French women and Ameri- Carl WOIIle11. Annexation of boroughs. See Cities. Arbitration, Compulsory industrial. Arbitration boards with compulsory power should be provided for by the United States government to settle disputes between employers and wage workers. Welday, p.67: Briefs and references. A compulsory arbitration law should be enacted to settle all labor disputes on railroads and other common carriers. Independent. Nov. 6, 1916. v.88, p.26o: Briefs and references. Army (United States). Increase. The army of the United States should be enlarged. Welday, p. 158: Briefs and references. - The United States should immediately and materially increase the army and navy. Intercollegiate debates, v.7, p.339: Speeches. Athletics. Interscholastic and intercollegiate athletic contests as now carried on in American schools and colleges are desirable. Welday, p.152: Briefs and references. Athletics—continued. Our present system of interschool and intercollegiate athletics is detrimental and its replacement by universal athletics under educa- tional control would be desirable. Debaters’ handbook ser., Abridged, no. II: Briefs, references and selected articles. Bank deposits, Guarantee of. Deposits in state banks should be guaranteed by the states granting charters to these banks, and deposits in national banks should be guaranteed by the national government. Welday, p. Io.4: Briefs and references. Bible in the public schools. The Bible should be taught in the public schools of the United States. Welday, p.33: Briefs and references. Boroughs, Annexation of. See Cities. Cabinet ministers (United States). Members of the president's cabinet should have seats and a voice in the discussions carried on in the United States Senate and House of representatives. Welday, p.5o: Briefs and references. California alien land law. California’s anti-alien land legislation was justifiable. C. L. of P. Reference lists. Capital punishment. Capital punishment is necessary and should be continued. Wel– day, p.38: Briefs and references. Child labor. A brief for the Keating-Owen bill. National Child Labor Com- mittee. Child labor bulletin. Feb. 1916. v.4, no.4, pt.2. China. The United States should insist that the open door policy, as laid down by John Hay, be strictly respected by all nations. Intercol- legiate debates, v.7, p.209: Speeches and references. Church, The. Are the Protestant churches losing their hold on the masses? C. L. of P. Reference lists. The church should be an advocate of social reform. Welday, p.45: Briefs and references. Cities. The annexation of boroughs is beneficial to a city. C. L. of P. Reference lists. City manager plan. All American cities should adopt the Dayton, Ohio, city manager plan of municipal government. Independent. April 3, 1916. v.86, p.40: Briefs and references. The city manager form of government should be adopted by all New England cities of over Ioo,000 population, except Boston. Uni- 5 City manager plan—continued. versity debaters' annual, 1915/16, p.145: Briefs, speeches and refer- € Il C6 S. * The city manager plan of government should be adopted by Ameri- can municipalities. Intercollegiate, debates, v.7, p.III: Speeches and references. Classical education. Are Latin and Greek an essential part of a good education? C. L. of P. Reference lists. Compulsory health insurance. See Insurance, Health. Compulsory military service. See Military service, Compulsory. Compulsory vaccination. See Vaccination. Cookery. Cooking should be taught in the public schools. C. L. of P. Ref- erence lists. Disarmament. Armaments are promoters of peace. C. L. of P. Reference lists. Divorce. The power to regulate marriage and divorce should be granted to the United States government by a constitutional amendment. Wel- day, p.92: Briefs and references. European war. Germany, more than any other European country, is responsible for the great war. Welday, p. 121 : Briefs and references. The proposals of the allies in their reply to President Wilson should be the basis of the terms of peace which will end the great war. In- dependent. Feb. 5, 1917. v.89, p.240: Briefs and references. The United States should now enter the great war on the side of the Entente allies. Independent. May 8, 1916. v.86, p.228: Briefs and references. Express business. Government ownership. See Government owner- ship. Express business. French women and American women. The training given to the French girl produces a better type of womanhood than that given to the American girl. C. L. of P. Ref- erence lists. Government ownership. Shall the government own and operate the railroads, the telegraph and telephone systems? Shall the municipalities own their utilities? National Civic Federation: Addresses. Government ownership. Express business. The federal government should conduct the express business of the country. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p.55: Speeches and references. Government ownership. Merchant marine. See Merchant marine. 6 Government ownership. Railroads. The federal government should own and operate all interstate rail- roads. Intercollegiate debates, v.7, p.387: Speeches and references. The federal government should own and operate all interstate rail- WayS. Intercollegiate debates, v.6, p.381: Speeches. The United States government should own and operate the rail- roads within its boundaries. Welday, p.III: Briefs and references. Government ownership. Telegraphs, telephones. The federal government should own and operate all public service telephone and telegraph systems in the United States. University debaters' annual, 1915/16, p.97: Briefs, speeches and references. The federal government should own and operate the telephone and telegraph systems in the United States. Intercollegiate debates, v.6, p. I : Speeches and references. Health insurance. See Insurance, Health. Immigration. Further restriction of immigration to the United States is desirable. Welday, p.27I: Briefs and references. Granting that further restriction of immigration into the United States is desirable, such restriction should take the form of an illiteracy teSt. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p. I53: Speeches and references. Immigration into the United States should be further restricted by a literacy test. Independent. Feb. I4, 1916. v.85, p.234: Briefs and references. Immigration into the United States should be further restricted by the imposition of a literacy test. University debaters’ annual, 1915/ 16, p.205: Briefs, speeches and references. Immigration to the United States should be further restricted by (I) a test for physical and mental fitness, (2) by a property qualifica- tion requirement, and (3) by a test for illiteracy. Welday, p.27 I : Briefs and references. - Immigration to the United States should be restricted by a test for illiteracy. Welday, p.271: Briefs and references. The United States should adopt a literacy test for all European im- migration. Chicago University, Briefs, speeches and references. Income tax. The tax upon incomes in excess of $3,000 should be maintained by the United States government. Welday, p. 147: Briefs and refer- en CeS. * Inheritance tax. A progressive inheritance tax should be levied by the federal gov- ernment, constitutionality conceded. Welday, p. 142: Briefs and references. Initiative and referendum. See Referendum. 7 Injunctions. * In labor disputes no injunctions should be issued other than against intimidation and acts of violence directed against physical property. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p.33I: Speeches and references. Insurance, Health. Oregon should adopt a health insurance law embodying the essen- tial features of the “standard bill” of the American Association for Labor Legislation. Oregon League, 1916/17, p. 16: References. Insurance, State and compulsory. The states should employ a system of compulsory industrial insur- ance, constitutionality conceded. University debaters' annual, 1915/ I6, p.239: Briefs, speeches and references. A system of compulsory old-age insurance should be put into effect in the United States. Welday, p.61: Briefs and references. International police. An international police force should be established to enforce inter- national treaties and agreements and to preserve international peace. University debaters' annual, 1915/16, p. I : Briefs, speeches and refer- €Il CéS. Jury system. In all jury trials the concurrence of three-fourths or nine jurors should be sufficient for the rendering of a verdict. Welday, p.339: Briefs and references. Trial by jury should be abolished. Welday, p.29: Briefs and references. Labor exchanges. See Unemployed. Labor party. Organized labor in the United States should form and support a labor party separate and distinct from other political parties. Wel- day, p.2 Io: Briefs and references. League to enforce peace. Taft, W. H. & Bryan, W. J. Proposal for a league to enforce peace: Speeches, affirmative (Mr Taft) and negative (Mr Bryan). Legislatures. The several states should adopt a unicameral form of legislature. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p.281 : Speeches and references. Liquor question. Government prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors, except for medicinal, manufacturing, scientific and artistic pur- poses, should be adopted in the United States. Welday, p.227: Briefs and references. The manufacture, importation and sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes should be forbidden by an amendment to the con- stitution of the United States. Independent. Dec. 4, 1916. v.88, p.432. Briefs and references. Liquor question—continued. Prohibition of the liquor traffic should be adopted as a state-wide (or national) measure. Debaters’ handbook ser., no.33: Briefs, ref- erences and selected articles. The sale, manufacture and importation of alcoholic liquors should be prohibited in the United States by United States constitutional amendment, with the reservation to Congress of the right to provide for the sale and manufacture of alcoholic liquors for medicinal, scien- tific and sacramental purposes. University debaters' annual, 1915/16, p. I79: Briefs, speeches and references. Literacy test. See Immigration.—Suffrage. Marriage laws. The power to regulate marriage and divorce should be granted to the United States government by a constitutional amendment. Wel- day, p.92: Briefs and references. Merchant marine. Government ownership would be the best method of building up and operating the merchant marine of the United States. Intercol- legiate debates, v.6, p.2OI: Speeches and references. The United States should have a government-owned merchant marine. Debaters’ handbook ser., no.34: Briefs, references and selected articles. The United States should own and operate a merchant marine. Welday, p.97: Briefs and references. See also Ship subsidies. Mexico. The best interests of the United States call for interference in Mexi- can affairs. C. L. of P. Reference lists. Military preparedness. See National defense. Military service, Compulsory. All able-bodied citizens of the United States should be compelled to perform one year's continuous military service before attaining the age of twenty-five years. Intercollegiate debates, v.6, p.317: Speeches and references. The United States should adopt a system of compulsory military service modelled after that of Switzerland. Intercollegiate debates, v.7, p. 1: Speeches and references.—University debaters' annual, 1915/ 16, p.79: Briefs, speeches and references. Military training. - Military training for able-bodied male students should be a part of the curriculum of American colleges and universities. Welday, p. 185: Briefs and references. A system of compulsory military training in schools and colleges should be adopted in the United States. Debaters' handbook ser., no.36: Briefs, references and selected articles. A system of compulsory military training of the equivalent of not 9 Military training—continued. less than two hours per week should be required in the public high schools of the state of Washington. Washington University, no.2O: References. Minimum wage. Laws establishing a minimum wage should be enacted in the United States. Welday, p. 178: Briefs and references. Minimum wage legislation should be enacted in the United States. Debaters’ handbook ser., no.35: Briefs, references and selected articles. The states should require by law the payment of a minimum wage to women and children employed in industrial and mercantile estab- lishments. Intercollegiate debates, v.6, p.I27: Speeches (negative) and references. Through appropriate legislation a minimum wage scale should be put into operation in the United States. Intercollegiate debates, v.6, p.7I: Speeches. Monroe doctrine. The continuance of the Monroe doctrine by the United States is desirable. Welday, p. 196: Briefs and references. The political interests of the United States demand the abandon- ment of the Monroe doctrine. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p. I : Speeches and references. Mothers’ pensions. Pensions or allowances should be paid from public funds to needy mothers of dependent minor children. Welday, p.190: Briefs and references. Moving pictures. Motion picture theatres offer a desirable amusement. Independ- ent. March 5, 1917. v.89, p.426: Briefs and references. Municipal government. City manager plan. See City manager plan. Municipal ownership. Shall the municipalities own their utilities? National Civic Federa- tion: Addresses. Munitions of war. The sale of munitions of war by neutrals to belligerents is right and expedient. Oklahoma University: Briefs, references and selected articles. National defense. Maxim. Leading opinions both for and against national defense. Preparedness. Literary digest. Feb. 26, 1916. v.52, p.509: Briefs and references. The security of the nation requires an increase of the military force of the United States. Gardner & Hillquit: Speeches. There should be a material increase in the armament of the United States over that obtained or provided for on August I, 1915. Uni- versity debaters' annual, IQI5/16, p.43: Briefs, speeches and references. IO Naturalization. More stringent naturalization laws should be enacted in the United States. Welday, p.2O3: Briefs and references. Navy (United States). Increase. The United States should immediately and materially increase the army and navy. Intercollegiate debates, v.7, p.339: Speeches. Negro suffrage. The fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States is a desirable part of the fundamental law of the United States. Wel- day, p. 171: Briefs and references. Non-resistance and war. The principle of non-resistance should govern the foreign policy of the United States. Debaters’ handbook ser., Abridged, no. I2: Briefs, references and selected articles.—Independent. Jan. I, 1917. v.89, p.40: Briefs and references. Open shop and closed shop. f The demand of organized labor for the closed shop in the United States should receive the support of public opinion. Welday, p.73: Briefs and references. Parochial schools. Parochial schools with a standard of efficiency equal to that of the public schools should receive a portion of the funds raised for school purposes from those who support them. Welday, p.8o: Briefs and references. Peace. See League to enforce peace.—Non-resistance and war. Philippine islands. The permanent retention of the Philippine islands by the United States should be adopted as a national policy. Welday, p.246: Briefs and references. The United States should within the next four years grant the Philippines their independence. Independent. March 6, 1916. v.85, p.344: Briefs and references. The United States should within the next fifteen years grant the Philippines their independence and aid them in establishing a free and independent government. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p.221: Speeches and references. Preferential voting. The preferential ballot should be adopted in the several states of the United States. Welday, p.216: Briefs and references. Preparedness, Military. See National defense. President. Term of office. The president of the United States should be elected for a term of six years and be ineligible for re-election. Intercollegiate debates, v.5, p.399: Speeches and references. I I Presidential campaign, 1916. The Republican national ticket should be elected in November. Independent. Oct. 2, 1916. v.88, p.48: Briefs and references. Price cutting. The manufacturer of a trade marked article should be permitted by law to determine and maintain its retail price. Welday, p. 166: Briefs and references. Prohibition. See Liquor question. Protection and free trade. Protection rather than free trade is desirable as a commercial policy / of the United States. Welday, p.236: Briefs and references. Public defender. * The office of public defender should be created thruout the United States. Independent. Jan. 24, 1916. v.85, p. 140: Briefs and refer- eIl CeS. Recall. All public officials, elective or appointive, should be subject to re- call from office by popular vote. Welday, p.265: Briefs and refer- €11CeS. Recall of judges. Judges should be subject to recall from office by popular vote. Welday, p.253: Briefs and references. Recall of judicial decisions. Judicial decisions should be subject to recall by the people. Wel- day, p.258: Briefs and references. Referendum. The initiative and referendum should be adopted in the United States and in the several states thereof. Welday, p. 134: Briefs and references. Sabotage. Under the present system of production and distribution, sabotage should be resorted to by members of the working class. Welday, p.279: Briefs and references. Secret societies. Fraternities (and sororities) should be permitted in American high schools. Welday, p. 128: Briefs and references. Senate. The abolition of state and national senates is desirable. Welday, p.21: Briefs and references. Ship subsidies. The United States government should grant financial aid to ship- ping engaged in foreign trade and owned by American citizens. Wel- day, p.3.IO: Briefs and references. The United States should subsidize its merchant marine. Inter- collegiate debates, v.6, p.247: Speeches and references. I 2 Short ballot. t The short ballot should be adopted in state, county and municipal elections. Welday, p.284: Briefs and references. Single tax. All “unearned increments” of land values should be appropriated by the state in lieu of all forms of taxation. Oklahoma University: Articles, for and against. The state of Illinois should adopt a system of single tax based on rental values. Intercollegiate debates, v.6, p. I57: Speeches and references. Taxation of land values should be substituted in the United States for all taxes now paid. Welday, p.319 : Briefs and references. Socialism. Socialism as a scheme of social life is practicable and should be adopted in the United States. Welday, p.289: Briefs and references. Socialistic control of the means of production and exchange would be preferable to the present capitalistic system. Intercollegiate de- bates, v.7, p.269: Speeches and references. State constabularies. State constabularies should be established and maintained in the several states of the United States. Welday, p.305: Briefs and refer- eIl CeS. State legislatures. See Legislatures. Suffrage. The right of suffrage should be restricted by a literacy test, or an educational qualification. Welday, p.85: Briefs and references. Theatre. Civic control vs. the syndicate system. C. L. of P. Reference lists. Trade unions. In anti-trust legislation, labor unions should be exempt from con- struction as “combinations in restraint of trade.” Intercollegiate de- bates, v.7, p.45: Speeches and references. The organization of workers into unions, in the United States, has been and is now beneficial to workers so organized and to the country at large. Welday, p.332: Briefs and references. Unemployed. [In times of depression public work should be supplied to the un- employed.] Debaters’ handbook ser, no.32: Briefs, references and selected articles. A national system of public labor exchanges should be established. Debaters’ handbook ser, no.32: Briefs, references and selected articles. Vaccination. Vaccination should be made compulsory by law. Welday, p.56: Briefs and references. I3 Vivisection. Vivisection should be prohibited by law. Welday, p.344: Briefs and references. War. The benefits of war outweigh its harmful effects. Welday, p.357: Briefs and references. War and non-resistance. See Non-resistance and war. Woman suffrage. Equal franchise (or voting) rights for men and women should be, granted by law in the United States. Welday, p.349: Briefs and references. The women of the United States should be given the suffrage on equal terms with men. Yale University Debating Assoc. Handbook no. I : Speeches. Workingmen’s compensation. Compensation for injuries sustained by workmen in the course of their work should be paid from a fund provided by employers and workmen and administered by the state. Oklahoma University: Briefs, references and selected articles. I4 Publications of the Library Now in Print Where two prices are given, the first is that for which the publica- tion is sold at the Library only. All prices are strictly net, except for individual publications ordered in lots of twenty or more. Remittances must be made in advance, payable to Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. All publications not marked * may be had free at the Library, or will be sent postpaid for 5 cents each. *Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. FIRST SERIES, 1895–1902. Igo7. vol. I-3. 3,890 pp. $12.00. SECOND SERIES, 1902–1906. I908. vol. 4-5. 2,020 pp. $5.00. THIRD SERIES, Igo7–1911. Ig I4. vol. 6–8. 3,475 pp. $8.00. Bound in buckram with gilt tops. Include full author and subject indexes. The same [in pamphlet form]. FIRST SERIES, I895–1902. Io parts. I903–07. Part I. General Works. 1907. 67 pp. Io cents, postpaid. Part 2. Philosophy and Religion. 1903. 223 pp. Out of print. 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Igi?. 18 pp. Reference Lists History Books of Interest in Connection with the European War. 1914. 26 pp. Braddock's Expedition. I 1 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1906.) Expedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne. 1908. 20 pp. Expeditions of Colonel Bouquet to the Ohio Country, 1763 and 1764. II pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec. 1909.) Letters of General Forbes; Reprint of 35 Letters Relating to the Ex- pedition against Fort Duquesne. 63 pp. 20 cents, postpaid. (Monthly Bulletin, Feb.-May 1909.) * *Pennsylvania; a Reading List for the Use of Schools, with Special Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pitts- burgh. I9 II. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Pittsburgh in 1816. Ig|6. 75 pp. Washington’s Visits to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Country. I5 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Feb. 1908.) The Whiskey Insurrection. 9 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1906.) Biography Famous Royal Women; a Reading List for Girls. Igo8. II pp. Lives and Letters; a Selected and Annotated List. 1910. 36 pp. *Men of Science and Industry; a Guide to the Biographies of Scientists, Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. I915. I89 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents. Patriots; a Reading List for Boys and Girls. Igi 2. I7 pp. º Sociology Housing. I912. 45 pp. Vocational Guidance. Supplement. Io pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec. 1915.) Debating *Debate Index. 2d edition. I912. 84 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 20 cents. Debate Index. Supplement. IQI3. 23 pp. Debate Index. Second supplement. IQI6. I5 pp. Debate Index. Third Supplement. IQIZ. I4 p. Publications of Interest to Engineers Air-Brakes. I915. 55 pp. Air Conditioning. I914. 58 pp. Brick Manufacture and Bricklaying. 26 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan, IQI2. By-Product Coking. 1915. 49 pp. * Electric Driving in Rolling-Mills and Foundries. I I pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1907.) Electric Heating and Cooking. 1910. I6 pp. Engineering Ethics. Ig|7. 17 pp. Floods and Flood Protection. 48 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1908.) Floods and Flood Protection. Supplement. Igi I. I9 pp. Housing. I912. 45 pp. *Index to Proceedings of the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsyl- vania, Volumes I to 20, 1880–1904; Compiled by Harrison W. Craver. Igoó. I44 pp. $1.00 postpaid. *Index to the Classified Catalogue of the Technology Department. 2d edition. Ig 16. 63 pp. Io cents. - List of Technical Indexes and Bibliographies Appearing Serially. IQIo. I7 pp. *Men of Science and Industry; a Guide to the Biographies of Scientists, Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. I915. I89 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents. Metal Corrosion and Protection. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. 58 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1909.) Mica. 12 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Oct. 1908.) One Hundred Recent Books on Agriculture. Ig Io. 19 pp. Refuse and Garbage Disposal. IQ09. 39 pp. Road Dust Preventives. I916. 39 pp. Scientific and Technical Reference Books. Ig pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. Ig I6.) *Sewage Disposal and Treatment. IQIO. 96 pp. I5 cents, postpaid. Smoke Prevention. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1907.) Sodium Nitrate Industry of Chile. 7 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, March 1908.) Steam Turbines. 21 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1904.) Water Softening. 8 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, June 1904.) Library Work with Children *Catalogue of Books in the Childrens Department of the Carnegie Li- brary of Pittsburgh. I909. 604 pp. 75 cents; postpaid, $1.oo. *Catalogue of Books, Annotated and Arranged, and Provided by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the Use of the First Eight Grades in the Pittsburgh Schools. I907. 331 pp. 35 cents; post- paid, 50 cents. *Annotated Catalogue of Books Used in the Home Libraries and Read- ing Clubs. 1905. IIQ pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Illustrated Editions of Children’s Books. I915. 20 pp. Story-Telling Stories from º: Ballads of Robin Hood; Outlines for Story-Telling. I9 I4. 36 pp. Stories from the Norse; Outlines for Story-Telling. 1914. 22 pp. *Stories to Tell to Children. Igló. 68 pp. 25 cents. Story Hour Courses for Children from Greek Myths, The Iliad and The Odyssey. I906. 32 pp. Reading Lists Famous Royal Women; a Reading, List for Girls. 1908. I 1 pp. “Foreign Lands. Where Wonders Are.” 1911. I4 pp. Patriots; a Reading List for Boys and Girls. 1912. 17 pp. *Pennsylvania; a Reading List for the Use of Schools, with Special Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pitts- burgh. I9 II. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. April 13, 1917. Iliji 39 *...*…,=~&=w* º * * * *-*