Sunftiana Gander spear 252 Ote A CANDID Α Ρ Ρ Ε Α L From the late DEAN SWIFT TO THE Right Hon. the EARL of 0-7. Abfentem qui rodit Amicum Qui non defendit alio culpante, folutos Qui captat riſus Hominum, famamque Dicacis, Fingere qui non viſa poteſt , commilla tacere Qui nequit, bic niger eft. HOR :: HOMER L 0 N D 0 N: Printed for W.OWEN, at Homer's Head, near Temple-Bar. MDCCLII. Res. Regut 2. Auttard S : A NG & Τ Η Ε L Α Τ Ε. : DEAN 5 W 1 F T is PA To the Right Honourable the ܀ 2 E A RL of a 7. 11 4 T was not in that Hour of Night, When Shades moleſt, and Dreams; af fright I 1 The diſcompos'd unſettl'd Brain, And Darkneſs reaſſumes her Reign, When ( 4 ) When weak Imaginations Dread Uhlocks the Manſions of the Dead: The Sun had haſtined to adorn, The Beauties of the riſing Morn, g And call d forth Nature to furvey The future Labours of the Day ; The Bee fagacious to devour HT The Sweetneſs of the vernal Flower 20 The Herd to graze, the conſtant Dove To tell ſoft Tales of nuptial Love. o O'T di entot When confeious Byłe with wild Surprize 1 mw Saw the ſtern Brow, the ſteadfaſt Eyes, In Angér reď’ning to a Flame, A'nd" as in very Lite the fame, Neglected Dreſs, and careleſs Mien, in swimu L'osolil on Confefs’d the viſionary Dean. elgie I 190 camuftesi elanhoa bu baÀ Excuſe * (5) Excuſe my Lord Lord that I intrude, In Time abrupt, in Manner rude, Forms I abhor you ſee me here To claim the Favour of your Ear, Is there not 0-y a Cauſe To ſcreen from vulgar Eyes the Flaws, To trace with Candour where we can The Failings of a once lov'd Man? Reflect on that forgotten Day When thou, when 0-y could ſay “ To thee dear Swift theſe Leaves I ſend “ The Preſent ſmall, fincere the Friend. Expreſſion happy to impart The Senſe of an ingenuous Heart, Conſpicuous .. * >> > (6) Conſpicuous Friend! The Caſe is clear, 3 Nay to my lateſt Hour finĉere. i Skill'd to adapt obfcurer Praiſe To Numbers low, and feeble Lays, Diſtinguiſhid Cenſure to expoſe In ſmooth epiftolary Proſe. How juſt, how like in every Scene The Portrait to the living Dean! But muſt Vaneſſa's wretched Fame; Reſerv'd for Obloquy and Shame, Muſt harmleſs Sheridan attend. A ſcorn’d, reproach’d, defenceleſs Friend? My Whiteways faithful Story told Inform the World the Dean grows old, Impair'd (7) Impair’d in Health, and loft in Mind, The Scourge and Terror of Mankind. O deeply learn'd in Books and Men! I do allow your Lordſhip’s Pen Deſcribes with exemplary Skill My Death, my Fortune, and my Will; But as to that obliging Hint Of Fondneſs to appear in Print, That Title my good Lord to Fame Is what I never meant to claim, Nor take as my ſuperior Due, What juſtly appertains to you. Ariſe triumphant from the Spoil Ye undeſerv'd Remarks of Boyle! For Virtue's Aid, and Learning's Uſe, Refine elaborate Abuſe, Correct : 18 : ; .... Correct the wrong, reclaim the wild, , And help to form the fav’rite Child Explain good Manners, teach good Senfe, At poor departed Swifi's Expence. What more remains ? A fimple Tale : (Permit an injur'd Shade to rail) Devoid of Humour, Taſte and Wit, But ſhou'd a ſingle Inſtance hit, Let conſcious Thought the Moral tell And then-ungentle Earl farewel ! .... $ Purſue new Tracts with new Delight, The Dean is dead and you may write. A thoughtleſs Clown; -As Stories - fay, Obſerv'd a Serpent in his Way, ... Bedeck'd with many a ſhining Föld. Of Topaz; Amethyſt, and Gold, The i (9) - The little gentle Brute careſs’d, An eaſy, fond, familiar Gueſt. For him wou'd oft his friendly Care Screen the rude Breath of northern Air, . . For him the op'ned Breaſt diſcloſe The tender Seat of ſoft Repoſe. Soon as the faithleſs Mate eſpies His folded Hands his heavy Eyes, Rage, Envy, Bitterneſs conſpire With all the horrid Forms of Ire. In Vain the helpleſs Wretch declaims $ On Love, on Friendſhip (empty Names !) Solicits, hopes, implores, admires, And in the cruel Graſp expires. FINI S. ... ..