GULLIVER'S TRAVELS INTO THE KINGDOM OF aaSiSiaiPW'iFS RECORDING HIS STRANGE ADVENTURE IN THAT REMOTE COUNTRY. Embellished with neat Engravings on Wood. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY J. SLATER, 42 DIVISION-STREET. <3fi& J MfLucfusil iiHUBBARDI IJMlCHiGAMl He then commanded his General who was an old experienced leader and a great patron of mine, to lead up the troops in close order and march them under me; the foot by twenty-four abreast, and the horse by si* teen, with drums beating, colors flying, and pikes advanced. The body consisted of three thousand foot and a thousand horse. d^s> GULLIYER'S TRAVELS INTO THE KINGDOM OF RECORDING HI1 STRANGE ADVENTURE IN THAT REMOTE; COUNTRY. Embellished with neat Engravings on Wood, NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY J. SLATER, 42 DIVISION-STREET.