TA B5 2/ ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | TUEBOR QUER:S PENINSULAAN AMO NAM CIRCUNSPICE GIFT OF REGENT LLHUBBARD Hubbard Imag. Voy. PR 3724 .G8 1747 TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL REMOTE NATIONS OF THE WORLD. In FOUR PARTS. By LEMUEL GULLIVER, Firſt a SURGEON, and then a CAPTAIN of feveral SHIPS. The FIFTH EDITION, Corrected. LONDON: Printed for CHARLES BATHURST, at the Cross Keys in Fleet-Street. MDCCXLVII. THE CONTENTS. PART I. A Voyage to LILLIPUT. CHA P. I. The Author gives fome Account of himſelf and Family, his firft Inducements to travel. He is fhipwrecked, and fwims for his Life, gets fafe on Shore in the Country of Lilliput, is made a Prifoner, and carried up the Country. CHA P. II. P. I' The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by feveral of the No- bility, comes to fee the Author in his Confinement. The Emperor's Perfon and Habit defcribed. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gains Favour by his mild Difpofition. His Pockets are ſearched, and his Sword and Piſtols taken from him. CHA P. III. P. 12 The Author diverts the Emperor and his Nobility of both Sexes in a very uncommon Manner. The Diverfions of the Court of Lilliput defcribed. The Author has bis Liberty granted him upon certain Conditions. p. 23 CHA P. IV. A The CONTENTS. CHA P. IV. Mildendo, the Metropolis of Lilliput, deferibed, toge- ther with the Emperor's Palace. A Converfation between the Author and a principal Secretary concern- ing the Affairs of that Empire. The Author's Offer 10 ferve the Emperor in his Wars. CHAP. V. P. 31 The Author, by an extraordinary Stratagem, prevents an Invafion. A high Title of Honour is conferred up- on him. Ambaſſadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefufcu, and Jue for Peace. The Empress's Apart- ment on Fire by an Accident; the Author inftrumental in faving the rest of the Palace. p. 36 CHAP. VI. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput; their Learning, Larus, and Customs, the Manner of educating their Children. The Author's Way of Living in that Country. His Vindication of a great Lady. CHAP. VII. P. 43 The Author, being informed of a Deſign to accuse him of High-Treafon, makes his Efcape to Blefufcu. Reception there. CHA P. VIII. His P. 54 The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Means to leave Blefufcu; and, after fome Difficulties, returns fafe to his native Country. PART II. A Voyage to BROBDING NAG, CHA P. I. p. 63 great Storm defcribed, the Long-boat fent to fetch Wa- ter, the Author goes with it to discover the Country. He The CONTENTS. He is left on Shore, is feized by one of the Natives, and carried to a Farmer's Houfe. His Reception there, with feveral Accidents that happened there. A De- fcription of the Inhabitants. CHA P. II. P. 70 A Deſcription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Author carried to a Market-Town, and then to the Metropo- lis. The Particulars of his Journey. CHA P. III. p. 83 The Author fent for to Court. The Queen buys him of his Mafter the Farmer, and presents him to the King. He difputes with his Majesty's great Scholars. An Apartment at Court provided for the Author. He is in high Favour with the Queen. He ftands up for the Honour of his own Country. His Quarrels with the Queen's Dwarf. CHA P. IV. P. 90 The Country defcribed. A Propofal for correcting mo- dern Maps. The King's Palace, and fome Account of the Metropolis. The Author's Way of Travelling. The chief Temple defcribed. CHAP. V. P. 1or Several Adventures that happened to the Author. The Execution of a Criminal. The Author fhews his Skill in Navigation. CH A P. VI, P. 106. Several Contrivances of the Author to please the King and Queen. He fhews his Skill in Mufic. The King enquires into the State of Europe, which the Author relates to him. The King's Obfervations thereon. CHA P. VII. P. 116 The Author's Love of his Country. He makes a Props- fal of much Advantage to the King, which is rejec ed. The King's great Ignorance in Politics. The A 2 Loars The CONTENT S. Learning of that Country very imperfect and confined. Their Laws, and military Affairs, and Parties in the State. CHAP. VIII. p. 125 The King and Queen make a Progress to the Frontiers. The Author attends them. The Manner in which he leaves the Country very particularly related. He re- turns to England. P. 132 PART III. A Voyage to LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRID, and JA- PAN. CHAP. I. The Author fets out on his third Voyage, is taken by Py- rates. The Malice of a Dutchman. His Arrival at an Iland. He is received into Laputa. p. 145 CHA P. II. The Humours and Difpofitions of the Laputians defcribed. An Account of their Learning. Of the King, and bis Court. The Author's Reception there. The Inha- bitants fubject to Fear and Difquietudes. An Account of the Women. CHA P. III. P. 151 A Phanomenon folved by modern Philofophy and Aftrono- my. The Laputians great Improvements in the lat- The King's Method of fuppreffing Infurrections. ter. CHA P. IV. P. 160 The Author leaves Laputa, is conveyed to Balnibarbi, arrives at the Metropolis. A Defcription of the Me- tropolis, and the Country adjoining. The Author hof- pitably The CONTENT S. pitably received by a great Lord. His Converfa- tion with that Lord. CHA P. V. p. 165 The Author permitted to ſee the grand Academy of La- gado. The Academy largely defcribed. The Arts wherein the Profeffors employ themſelves. P. 172 CHAP. VI. A further Account of the Academy. The Author propoſes Some Improvements, which are honourably received. CHAP. VII. p. 180 The Author leaves Lagado, arrives at Maldonada. No Ship ready. He takes a ſhort Voyage to Glubbdubdrib. His Reception by the Governor. CHAP. VIII. p. 186 A further Account of Glubbdubdrib. Ancient and Mo- dern Hiftory corrected. CHA P. IX. P. 190 The Author's Return to Maldonada. Sails to the King- dom of Luggnagg. The Author confined. He is fent for to Court. The Manner of his Admittance. The King's great Lenity to his Subjects. СНАР. Х. p. 196 The Luggnuggians commended. A particular Deſcription of the Struldbrugs, with many Converſations between the Author and fome eminent Perfons, upon that Sub- ject. CHA P. XI. P. 200 The Author leaves Luggnagg, and fails to Japan. From thence he returns in a Dutch Ship to Amſterdam, and from Amfterdam to England. p. 209 PART IV. The CONTENTS. PART IV. A VOYAGE to the Country of the HOUYHNHNMS. CHAP I. The Author fets out as Captain of a Ship. His Men con- Spire against him, confine him a long Time to his Cab- bin. Set him on Shore in an unknown Land. He tra- vels up into the Country. The Yahoos, a ſtrange Sort of Animal, defcribed. The Author meets two Houy- hnhnms. CHA P. II. P. 213 The Author conducted by a Houyhnhnm to his Houfe. The Houfe defcribed. The Author's Reception. The Food of the Houyhnhnms. The Author in Diftrefs for Want of Meat, is at laſt relieved. His Manner of Feeding in this Country. CHA P. III. P. 220 The Author Audious to learn the Language; the Houy- hnhnm, his Master, affifts in teaching him. The Language defcribed. Several Houyhnhnms of Quality came out of Curiofity to fee the Author. He gives his Mafter a fhort Account of his Voyage. CHA P. IV. P. 227 The Houyhnhnms Notion of Truth and Falfhood. The Author's Difcourfe diſapproved by his Mafter. The Author gives a more particular Account of himſelf, and the Accidents of his Voyage. CHA P. V. P. 233 The Author, at his Mafter's Commands, informs him of the State of England. The Caufes of War among the Princes of Europe. The Author begins to explain the English Conftitution. P. 239 CHAP VI. The CONTENTS. CHAP. VI. A Continuation of the State of England. The Cha- racter of a First or Chief Minister of State in Euro- pean Courts. CHA P. VII. P. 246 The Author's great Love of his native Country. His Master's Obfervations upon the Conftitution and Ad- miniftration of England, as defcribed by the Author, with parallel Cafes and Comparisons. His Mafter's Obfervations upon Human Nature. CHAP. VIII. P. 253 The Author relates feveral Particulars of the Yahoos. The great Virtues of the Houyhnhnms. The Educa- tion and Exercise of their Youth. Their general Aſ- fembly. CHA P. IX. Af P. 261 A grand Debate at the General Affembly of the Houy- hnhnms, and how it was ditermined. The Learn- ing of the Houyhnhnms. Their Buildings. Their Manner of Burials. The Defectiveness of their Lan- guage. CHA P. X. P. 267 The Author's Oeconomy, and happy Life, among the Houy- hnhnms. His great Improvement in Virtue, by con- verfing with them. Their Converſations. The Au- thor has Notice given him by his Mafter, that he must depart from the Country. He falls into a Swoon for Grief; but fubmits. He contrives, and finishes a Canoo, by the Help of a Fellow-fervant, and puts to Sea at a Venture. P. 273 XI. CHA P. The Author's dangerous Voyage. Holland, hoping to fettle there. Arrow by one of the Natives. by Force into a Portugueze Ship. He arrives at New- Is wounded with an Is feized and carried The great Civili- ties The CONTENT S. ties of the Captain. The Author arrives at England. CHAP. XII. P. 281 The Author's Veracity. His Defign in publishing this Work. His Cenfure of thofe Travellers who fwerve from the Truth. The Author clears himself from any finifter Ends in writing. An Objection anfuered. The Method of planting Colonies. His Native Coun- try commended. The Right of the Crown to thoſe Countries defcribed by the Author, is juftified. The Difficulty of conquering them. The Author takes his laft Leave of the Reader; propofeth his Manner of Living for the future; gives good Advice, and con- cludeth. p. 290 TRAVELS Plate I. Part I.Page 1. Hogs P. Mintaon. L.Good Fortune. I.Naflow. SUND Sillabar MATRA Straits of Sunday Mildendo Blehifcu. Lilliput. Difcovered A.D. 1999. Dimens Land. } TRAV E L S. PART. I. A Voyage to LILLIPUT. CHAP. I. He is The Author gives fome Account of himself and Fa- mily, his first Inducements to travel. Shipwrecked, and fwims for his Life, gets ſafe on Shore in the Country of Lilliput, is made a Prifoner, and carried up the Country. M Y Father had a ſmall Efiate in Nottingham- fhire; I was the Third of five Sons. He fent me to Emanuel College in Cambridge, at fourteen Years old, where I refided three Years, and applied myſelf cloſe to my Studies; but the Charge of maintaining me (although I had a very fcanty Allowance) being too great for a narrow Fortune, I was bound Apprentice to Mr. James Bates, an eminent Sur- geon in London, with whom I continued four Years; and my Father now and then ſending me ſmall Sums of Money, I laid them out in learning Navigation, and other Parts of the Mathematics, uſeful to thofe who in- tend to travel, as I always believed it would be fome Time or other my Fortune to do. When I left Mr. Bates, I went down to my Father; where, by the Af- fistance of him and my Uncle John, and fome other Re- lations, I got forty Pounds, and a Promife of thirty Pounds a Year to maintain me at Leyden: There I ſtu- died B 2 A VOYAGE died Phyfic two Years and feven Months, knowing it would be uſeful in long Voyages. Soon after my return from Leyden, I was recom- mended by my good Mafter Mr. Bates, to be Surgeon to the Swallow, Captain Abraham Pannell, Comman- der; with whom I continued three Years and a half, making a Voyage or two into the Levant, and fome other Parts. When I came back, I refolved to ſettle in London, to which Mr. Bates, my Mafter, encouraged me, and by him I was recommended to feveral Patients. I took Part of a ſmall Houfe in the Old Fury; and be- ing adviſed to alter my Condition, I married Mrs. Ma- ry Burton, fecond Daughter to Mr. Edmund Burton, Ho- fier, in Newgate Street, with whom I received four- hundred Pounds for a Portion. But, my good Matter Bates dying in two Years after, and I having few Friends, my Buſineſs began to fail for my Confcience would not fuffer me to imitate the bad Practice of too many among my Brethren. Hav- ing therefore confulted with my Wife, and fome of my Acquaintance, I determined to go again to Sea. I was Surgeon fucceffively in two Ships, and made feveral Voyages for fix Years to the Eaft and Weft-Indies, by which I got fome Addition to my Fortune. My Hours of Leifure I ſpent in reading the beft Authors, antient and modern, being always provided with a good Num- ber of Books; and when I was afhore, in obferving the Manners and Difpofitions of the People, as well as learning their Language, wherein I had a great Faci- lity by the Strength of iny Memory. The laft of thefe Voyages not proving very fortunate, I grew weary of the Sea, and intended to ſtay at Home with my Wife and Family. I removed from the Old- Fury to Fetter-Lane, and from thence to Wapping, hoping to get Bufinefs among the Sailors; but it would not turn to Account. After three Years Expectation that Things would mend, I accepted an advantageous Offer from Captain William' Prichard, Maſter of the Antelope, who was making a Voyage to the South-Sea. We to LILLIPUT. 3 We fet Sail from Bristol, May 4th, 1699, and our Voy- age at firſt was very profperous. It would not be proper, for fome Reaſons, to trou- ble the Reader with the Particulars of our Adventures in thoſe Seas: Let it fuffice to inform him, that, in our Paffage from thence to the Eaft-Indies, we were dri- ven by a violent Storm to the North-Weft of Van Die- men's Land. By an Obſervation we found ourſelves in the Latitude of 30 Degrees 2 Minutes South. Twelve of our Crew were dead by immoderate Labour, and ill Food, the reft were in a very weak Condition. On the fifth of November, which was the Beginning of Summer in thofe Parts, the Weather being very hazy, the Seamen ſpied a Rock, within half a Cable's Length of the Ship; but the Wind was ſo ſtrong, that we were driven directly upon it, and immediately fplit. Six of the Crew, of whom I was one, having let down the Boat into the Sea, made a Shift to get clear of the Ship and the Rock. We rowed, by my Computation, a- bout three Leagues, till we were able to work no longer, being already ſpent with Labour while we were in the Ship. We therefore trufted ourſelves to the Mercy of the Waves, and in about half an Hour the Boat was o- verfet by a fudden Flurry from the North. What be- came of my Companions in the Boat, as well as of thofe who escaped on the Rock, or were left in the Veffel, I cannot tell; but conclude they were all loft. For my own Part, I fwam as Fortune directed me, and was puſhed forward by Wind and Tide. I often let my Legs drop, and could feel no Bottom: But when I was almoſt gone, and able to ſtruggle no longer, I found myſelf within my Depth; and by this Time the Storm was much abated. The Declivity was fo fmall, that I walked near a Mile before I got to the Shore, which I conjectured was about Eight a Clock in the Evening. I then advanced forward near half a Mile, but could not diſcover any Sign of Houſes or Inhabitants; at leaſt I was in fo weak a Condition that I did not obſerve them. I was extremely tired, and that, and the Heat B 2 of 4 A VOYAGE of the Weather, and about half a Pint of Brandy that I drank as I left the Ship, I found myſelf much inclined to fleep. I lay down on the Grafs, which was very fhort and foft, where I flept founder than ever I re- membered to have done in my Life, and, as I reckon- ed, about nine Hours; for when I awaked, it was juft Day-light. I attempted to rife, but was not able to ftir: For as I happened to lie on my Back, I found my Arms and Legs were ſtrongly faſtened on each Side to the Ground; and my Hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the fame Manner. I likewife felt ſeveral flender Ligatures a-crofs my Body, from my Arm-pits to my Thighs. I could only look upwards, the Sun began to grow hot, and the Light offended my Eyes. I heard a confufed Noife about me, but, in the Pofture I lay, could fee nothing except the Sky. In a little Time I felt fomething alive moving on my left Leg, which advancing gently forward, over my Breaft, came almoſt up to my Chin; when bending my Eyes down- ward as much as I could, I perceived it to be a human Creature not fix Inches high, with a Bow and Arrow in his Hands, and a Quiver at his Back. In the mean Time, I felt at leaſt forty more of the fame Kind (as I conjectured) following the firft. I was in the utmoſt Aftoniſhment, and roared fo loud, that they all ran back in a Fright; and fome of them, as I was after- wards told, were hurt with the Falls they got by leap- ing from my Sides upon the Ground. However, they foon returned, and one of them, who ventured ſo far as to get a full Sight of my Face, lifting up his Hands and Eyes by Way of Admiration, cried out in a fhrill but diftinct Voice, Hekinah Degul: The others repeated the fame Words feveral Times, but I then knew not what they meant. I lay all this While, as the Reader may believe, in great Uneafinefs; at length, ftrug- gling to get looſe, I had the Fortune to break the Strings, and wrench out the Pegs that faſtened my left Arm to the Ground; for, by lifting it up to my Face, I difcovered the Methods they had taken to bind me, and, to LILLIPUT. 5 and, at the fame Time, with a violent pull, which gave me exceffive Pain, I a little loofened the Strings that tied down my Hair on the left Side, ſo that I was juſt able to turn my Head about two Inches. But the Creatures ran off a fecond Time, before I could ſeize them; whereupon there was a great Shout in a very fhrill Accent, and after it ceaſed, I heard one of them cry aloud, Tolgo Phonac; when in an Instant I felt a- bove an hundred Arrows diſcharged on my left Hand, which pricked me like fo many Needles; and beſides, they ſhot another Flight into the Air, as we do Bombs in Europe, whereof many I fuppofe, fell on my Body (tho' I felt them not) and fome on my Face, which I immediately covered with my left Hand. When this Shower of Arrows was over, I fell a groaning with Grief and Pain, and then ſtriving again to get loofe, they diſcharged another Volley larger than the firft, and fome of them attempted with Spears to flick me in the Sides; but, by good Luck, I had on me a Buff Jer- kin, which they could not pierce. I thought it the moit prudent Method to lie ftill, and my Deſign was to continue fo till Night, when my left Hand being alrea- dy looſe, I could eafily free myſelf: And as for the Inhabitants, I had Reafon to believe I might be a Match for the greateſt Army they could bring againſt me, if they were all of the fame Size with him that I faw. But Fortune diſpoſed otherways of me. When the People obſerved I was quiet, they difcharged no more Arrows: But, by the Noiſe I heard, I knew their Numbers increaſed; and about four Yards from me, o- ver-againft my right Ear, I heard a knocking for above an Hour, like that of People at Work; when turning my Head that Way, as well as the Pegs and Strings would permit me, I ſaw a Stage erected, about a Foot and Half from the Ground, capable of holding four of the Inhabitants, with two or three Ladders to mount it: From whence one of them, who feemed to be a Perfon of Quality, made me a long Speech, whereof I underſtood not one Syllable. But I fhould have men- B 3 tioned, 6 A VOYAGE tioned, that before the principal Perfon began his Ora- tion, he cried out three Times, Langro Debul fan; (thefe Words and the former were afterwards repeated and explained to me). Whereupon immediately about fifty of the Inhabitants came and cut the Strings that faf- tened the left Side of my Head, which gave me the Li- berty of turning it to the Right, and of obſerving the Perfon and Gefture of him that was to speak. He ap- peared to be of a middle Age, and taller than any of the other three who attended him, whereof one was a Page that held up his Train, and feemed to be fome- what longer than my middle Finger; the other two ſtood one on each Side to fupport him. He acted every Part of an Orator, and I could obſerve many Pe- riods of Threatnings, and others of Promiſes, Pity, and Kindness. I anſwered in a few Words, but in the moſt fubmiffive Manner, lifting up my left Hand and both my Eyes to the Sun, as calling him for a Witneſs ; and, being almoſt famiſhed with Hunger, having not eaten a Morfel for fome Hours before I left the Ship, I found the Demands of Nature fo ftrong upon me, that I could not forbear fhewing my Impatience (per- haps againſt the ſtrict Rules of Decency) by putting my Finger frequently to my Mouth, to fignify that I want- ed Food. The Hurgo (for fo they call a great Lord, as I afterwards learnt) underflood me very well. He de- fcended from the Stage, and commanded that feveral Ladders fhould be applied to my Sides, on which above an hundred of the Inhabitants mounted, and walked towards my Mouth, laden with Baſkets full of Meat, which had been provided and fent thither by the King's Orders, upon the firft Intelligence he received of me. I obferved there was the Flesh of ſeveral Animals, but could not diſtinguiſh them by the Tafte. There were Shoulders, Legs, and Loins, fhaped like thofe of Mutton, and very well dreffed, but ſmaller than the Wings of a Lark. I eat them by two or three at a Mouthful, and took three Loaves at a Time, about the Bigneſs of Muſket Bullets. They fupplied me as they could, fhew- ing to LILLIPUT. 7 ing a thouſand Marks of Wonder and Aftoniſhment at my Bulk and Appetite. I then made another Sign that I wanted Drink. They found by my Eating, that a fmall Quantity would not fuffice me, and being a moft ingenious People, they flung up with great Dexterity one of their largeſt Hogfheads, then rolled it towards my Hand, and beat out the Top; I drank it off at a Draught, which I might well do, for it did not hold half a Pint, and tafted like a ſmall Wine of Burgundy, but much more delicious. They brought me a ſecond Hogfhead, which I drank in the fame Manner, and made Signs for more; but they had none to give me. When I had performed theſe Wonders, they ſhouted for Joy, and danced upon my Breast, repeating feveral Times as they did at firſt, Hekinah Degul. They made me a Sign that I ſhould throw down the two Hogfheads, but firit warning the People below to stand out of the Way, crying aloud, Borach Mevola, and when they faw the Veffels in the Air, there was an univerfal Shout of He- kinah Degul. I confefs, I was often tempted, while they were paffing backwards and forwards on my Body, to feize forty or fifty of the firft that came in my Reach, and daſh them againſt the Ground. But the Remem- brance of what I had felt, which probably might not be the Worft they could do, and the Promife of Honour I made them, for fo I interpreted my fubmiffive Behavi- our, foon drove out thefe Imaginations. Befides, I now confidered myſelf as bound by the Laws of Hofpi- tality to a People who had treated me with fo much Expence and Magnificence. However, in my Thoughts, I could not fufficiently wonder at the Intrepidity of theſe diminutive Mortals, who durft venture to mount and walk upon my Body, while one of my Hands was at Liberty, without trembling at the very Sight of fo pro- digious a Creature, as I muſt appear to them. After fome Time, when they`obſerved that I made no more Demands for Meat, there appeared before me a Per- fon of high Rank from his Imperial Majefty. His Ex- cellency, having mounted on the Small of my right B 4 Leg, 8 AVOYAGE Leg, advanced forwards up to my Face, with about a Dozen of his Retinue. And producing his Credentials under the Signet Royal, which he applied cloſe to my Eyes, fpoke about ten Minutes, without any Signs of Anger, but with a Kind of determinate Refolution; often pointing forwards, which, as I afterwards found, was towards the Capital City, about half a Mile dif- tant, whither, it was agreed by his Majefty in Coun- cil, that I must be conveyed. I anfwered in few Words, but to no Purpoſe, and made a Sign with my Hand that was loofe, putting it to the other (but over his Excellency's Head, for Fear of hurting him or his Train) and then to my own Head and Body, to fig- nify that I defired my Liberty. It appeared that he underſtood me well enough, for he fhook his Head by Way of Difapprobation, and held his Hand in a Pollure, to fhew that I must be carried as a Pri- foner. However, he made other Signs to let me underſtand that I ſhould have Meat and Drink enough, and very good Treatment. Whereupon I once more thought of attempting to break my Bonds gain, when I felt the Smart of their Arrows, upon my Face and Hands, which were all in Bliflers, and many of the Darts ftill fticking in them; and ob- ferving likewife, that the Number of my Enemies in- creaſed, I gave Tokens, to let them know, that they might do with me what they pleafed. Upon this, the Hurgo, and his Train withdrew, with much Ci- vility and chearful Countenances. Soon after, I heard a general Shout, with frequent Repetitions of the Words, Peplom Selan, and I felt great Numbers of People on my left Side, relaxing the Cords to fuch a Degree, that I was able to turn upon my Right, and to eaſe myſelf with making Water, which I ve- ry plentifully did, to the great Aftonishment of the People, who conjecturing, by my Motion, what I was going to do, immediately opened to the Right and Left on that Side, to avoid the Torrent which fell with fuch Noife and Violence from me. But be- ; but a- fore to LILLIPUT. 9 fore this, they had daubed my Face, and both my Hands, with a Sort of Ointment very pleaſant to the Smell, which in a few Minutes removed all the Smart of their Arrows. Theſe Circumftances, added to the Refreſhment I had received by their Victuals and Drink, which were very nourishing, difpofed me to fleep. I flept about eight Hours, as I was after- wards affured; and it was no Wonder, for the Phy- ficians, by the Emperor's Order, had mingled a fleepy Portion in the Hogfheads of Wine. It ſeems that, upon the firft Moment I was difco- vered fleeping on the Ground after my Landing, the Emperor had early Notice of it by an Exprefs; and determined in Council, that I fhould be tied in the Manner I have related (which was done in the Night while I flept) that Plenty of Meat and Drink fhould be fent to me, and a Machine prepared to carry me to the Capital City. This Refolution, perhaps, may appear very bold and dangerous, and I am confident, would not be imi- tated by any Prince in Europe on the like Occafion: However, in my Opinion, it was extremely prudent, as well as generous: For, fuppofing theſe People had endeavoured to kill me with their Spears and Arrows. while I was afleep, I fhould certainly have awaked with the firft Senſe of Smart, which might fo far have rouzed my Rage and Strength, as to have enabled me to break the Strings wherewith I was tied; after which, as they were not able to make Reſiſtance, ſo they could expect no Mercy. Theſe People are moft excellent Mathematicians, and arrived to a great Perfection in Mechanics, by the Countenance and Encouragement of the Emperor, who is a renowned Patron of Learning. This Prince hath feveral Machines fixed on Wheels, for the Car- riage of Trees, and other great Weights. He often builds his largest Men of War, whereof fome are nine Feet long, in the Woods where the Timber grows, and has them carried on theſe Engines three or four hundred 10 AVOYAGE hundred Yards to the Sea. Five hundred Carpenters and Engineers were immediately fet at work to pre- pare the greatest Engine they had. It was a Frame of Wood raiſed three Inches from the Ground, about feven Feet long, and four wide, moving upon twenty- two Wheels. The Shout I heard, was upon the Ar- rival of this Engine, which, it feems, fet out in four Hours after my Landing. It was brought parallel to me as I lay. But the principal Difficulty was, to raiſe and place me in this Vehicle. Eighty Poles, each of one Foot high, were erected for this Purpoſe, and very strong Cords, of the Bignefs of Packthread, were faftened by Hooks to many Bandages, which the Workmen had girt round my Neck, my Hands, my Bedy, and my Legs. Nine hundred of the ftrongeit Men were employed to draw up thefe Cords by many Pulleys faftened on the Poles, and thus, in less than three Hours, I was raiſed, and flung into the Engine, and there tied faſt. All this I was told, for, while the whole Operation was performing, I lay in a pro- found Sleep, by the Force of that foporiferous Medi- cine infuſed into my Liquor. Fifteen hundred of the Emperor's largest Horfes, each about four Inches and an half high, were employed to draw me towards the Metropolis, which, as I faid, was half a Mile diftant. About four Hours after we began our Journey, I awaked, by a very ridiculous Accident; for the Car- riage being ftopt a while to adjuft fomething that was out of Order, two or three of the young Natives had the Curiofity to fee how I looked when I was aſleep; they climbed up into the Engine, and advancing ve- ry foftly to my Face, one of them, an Officer in the Guards, put the fharp End of his Half-pike a good Way up into my left Noftril, which tickled my Nofe like a Straw, and made me fneeze violently: Where- upon they ftole off unperceived, and it was three Weeks before I knew the Caufe of my awaking fo fuddenly. We made a long March the remaining Part of that Day, and refted at Night with five hundred Guards to LILLIPUT. II Guards on each Side of me, Half with Torches, and Half with Bows and Arrows, ready to shoot me, if I ſhould offer to ftir. The next Morning, at Sun-rife, we continued our March, and arrived within two hundred Yards of the City Gates about Noon. The Emperor, and all his Court, came out to meet us, but his great Officers would by no Means fuffer his Majefty to endanger his Perfon by mounting on my Body. At the Place where the Carriage ftopt, there ftood an antient Temple, efeemed to be the largeſt in the whole Kingdom, which, having been polluted fome Years before by an unnatural Murder, was, according to the Zeal of thofe People, looked on as prophane, and therefore had been applied to common Ufe, and all the Ornaments and Furniture carried away. In this Edifice, it was determined I fhould lodge. The great Gate fronting to the North, was about four Feet high, and almoſt two Feet wide, through which I could eaſily creep. On each Side of the Gate was a fmall Window, not above fix Inches from the Ground: Into that on the left Side, the King's Smith conveyed fourfcore and eleven Chains, like thofe that hang to a Lady's Watch in Europe, and almoſt as large, which were locked to my left Leg, with fix and thirty Pad- locks. Over-against this Temple, on t'other Side of the great Highway, at twenty Feet Diſtance, there was a Turret at least five Feet high. Here the Emperor af- cended, with many principal Lords of his Court, to have an Opportunity of viewing me, as I was told, for I could not fee them. It was reckoned, that above an hundred thoufand Inhabitants came out of the Town upon the fame Errand; and, in Spite of my Guards, I believe there could not be fewer than ten thouſand, at ſeveral Times, who mounted my Body by the Help of Ladders. But a Proclamation was foon iffued to forbid it, upon Pain of Death. When the Work- men found it was impoffible for me to break loofe, they cut all the Strings that bound me; whereupon I rofe 12 AVOYAGE roſe up with as melancholy a Difpofition as ever I had in my Life. But the Noife and Aftonifhment of the People, at ſeeing me rife and walk, are not to be expreffed. The Chains that held my left Leg, were about two Yards long, and gave me not only the Liberty of walking backwards and forwards in a Semicircle; but, being fixed within four Inches of the Gate, allowed me to creep in, and lie at my full Length in the Temple. CHA P. II. The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by ſeveral of the Nobility, comes to fee the Author in his Confine- ment. The Emperor's Perfon and Habit defcribed. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gains Favour by his mild Diſpo- fition. His Pockets are fearched, and his Sword and Piftols taken from him. WH HEN I found myſelf on my Feet, I looked about me, and must confefs I never beheld a more entertaining Profpect. The Country round ap- peared like a continual Garden, and in the inclofed Fields, which were generally forty Feet fquare, re- fembled fo many Beds of Flowers. Thefe Fields were intermingled with Woods of half a Stang, and the tallest Trees, as I could judge, appeared to be feven Feet high. I viewed the Town on my left Hand, which looked like the painted Scene of a City in a Theatre. I had been for fome Hours extremely preffed by the Neceffities of Nature; which was no Wonder, it being almoſt two Days fince I had lait disburthened *myſelf. I was under great Difficulties between Ur- gency and Shame. The best Expedient I could think on, was to creep into my Houfe, which I accordingly did s to LILLIPUT. 13 did; and fhutting the Gate after me, I went as far as the Length of my Chain would fuffer, and dif- charged my Body of that uneafy Load. But this was the only Time I was ever guilty of fo uncleanly an Action; for which I cannot but hope the candid Rea- der will give fome Allowance, after he hath maturely and impartially confidered my Cafe, and the Diſtreſs I was in. From this Time, my conftant Practice was, as foon as I rofe, to perform that Buſineſs in open Air, at the full Extent of my Chain, and due Care was taken every Morning, before Company came, that the offenfive Matter fhould be carried off in Wheel-barrows, by two Servants appointed for that Purpoſe. I would not have dwelt fo long upon a Circumftance, that, perhaps, at firft Sight, may appear not very momentous, if I had not thought it neceffary to justify my Character in point of Cleanli- nefs to the World; which, I am told, fome of my Maligners have been pleafed, upon this, and other Occafions, to call in Queſtion. When this Adventure was at an End, I came back out of my Houfe, having Occafion for freſh Air. The Emperor was already defcended from the Tower, and advancing on Horfe-back towards me, which had like to have coft him dear; for the Beast, though very well trained, yet wholly unuſed to fuch a Sight, which appeared as if a Mountain moved before him, reared up on his hinder Feet: But that Prince, who is an excellent Horfeman, kept his Seat, till his At- tendants ran in, and held the Bridle, while his Ma- jefty had Time to difmount. When he alighted, he furveyed me round with great Admiration, but kept without the Length of my Chain. He ordered his Cooks and Butlers, who were already prepared, to give me Victuals and Drink, which they puſhed for- ward in a Sort of Vehicles upon Wheels, till I could reach them. I took theſe Vehicles, and foon emp- tied them all; twenty of them were filled with Meat, and ten with Liquor, each of the former af- forded 14 A VOYAGE " forded me two or three good Mouthfuls, and I emp- tied the Liquor of ten Veffels, which was contained in earthen Vials, into one Vehicle, drinking it off at a Draught, and fo I did with the reft. The Emprefs, and young Princes of the Blood, of both Sexes, at- tended by many Ladies, fat at fome Diſtance in their Chairs; but, upon the Accident that happened to the Emperor's Horfe, they alighted, came near his Perfon, which I am now going to deſcribe. He is taller by almoft the Breadth of my Nail, than any of his Court, which, alone, is enough to strike an Awe into the Beholders. His Features are ftrong and Maf- culine, with an Auftrian Lip and arched Nofe, his Complexion Olive, his Countenance erect, his Body and Limbs well proportioned, all his Motions grace- ful, and his Deportment majeftic. He was then paft his Prime, being twenty-eight Years and three Quar- ters old, of which he had reigned about feven, in great Felicity, and generally victorious. For the bet- ter Convenience of beholding him, I lay on my Side, fo that my Face was parrallel to his, and he ftood but three Yards off: However, I had him fince many Times in my Hand, and therefore cannot be deceived in the Defcription. His Drefs was very plain and fimple, and the Faſhion of it, between the Aftatick and the European: But he had on his Head a light Helmet of Gold, adorned with Jewels, and a Plume on the Creſt. He held his Sword drawn in his Hand, to defend himſelf, if I fhould happen to break looſe; it was almoft three Inches long, the Hilt and Scab- bard were Gold enriched with Diamonds. His Voice was fhrill, but very clear and articulate, and I could diftinctly hear it when I ſtood up. The Ladies and Courtiers were all moft magnificently clad, fo that the Spot they flood upon, feemed to reſemble a Pet- ticoat fpread on the Ground, embroidered with Fi- gures of Gold and Silver. His Imperial Majefty fpoke often to me, and I returned Anſwers, but neither of us could underſtand a Syllable. There were ſeveral of to LILLIPUT. 15 of his Priefts and Lawyers preſent, (as I conjectured by their Habits) who were commanded to addrefs themſelves to me, and I fpoke to them in as many Languages as I had the leaft Smattering of, which were High and Low Dutch, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and Lingua Franca; but all to no Purpoſe. After about two Hours the Court retired, and I was left with a ſtrong Guard, to prevent the Imperti- nence, and, probably, the Malice of the Rabble, who were very impatient to croud about me as near as they durft, and fome of them had the Impudence to fhoot their Arrows at me as I fat on the Ground by the Door of my Houfe, whereof one very narrowly miffed my left Eye. But the Colonel ordered fix of the Ring-leaders to be feized, and thought no Punish- ment fo proper, as to deliver them bound into my Hands, which fome of his Soldiers accordingly did, puſhing them forwards with the But-ends of their Pikes into my Reach; I took them all in my right Hand, put five of them into my Coat-pocket, and as to the fixth, I made a Countenance as if I would eat him alive. The poor Man fqualled terribly, and the Colonel and his Officers were in much Pain, eſpecially when they faw me take out my Penknife: But I foon put them out of Fear; for, looking mildly, and im- mediately cutting the Strings he was bound with, I fet him gently on the Ground, and away he ran; I treated the reft in the fame Manner, taking them, one by one, out of my Pocket, and I obferved both the Soldiers and People were obliged at this Mark of my Clemency, which was reprefented very much to my Advantage at Court. Towards Night I got with fome Difficulty into my Houfe, where I lay on the Ground, and conti- nued to do fo about a Fortnight; during which Time, the Emperor gave Orders to have a Bed prepared for me. Six hundred Beds of the common Meaſure were brought in Carriages, and worked up in my Houfe; an hundred and fifty of their Beds, fown together, 16 AVOYAGE together, made up the Breadth and Length; and theſe were four double, which, however, kept me but very indifferently from the Hardness of the Floor, that was of fmooth Stone. By the fame Computa- tion, they provided me with Sheets, Blankets, and Coverlets, tolerable enough for one who had been fo Iong inured to Hardships. As the News of my Arrival fpread through the Kingdom, it brought prodigious Numbers of rich, idle, and curious People to fee me; fo that the Villages were almoft emptied, and great Neglect of Tillage and Houſhold Affairs muſt have enfued, if his Imperial Majefty had not provided, by feveral Pro- clamations and Orders of State, againſt this Incon- veniency. He directed, that thofe who had already beheld me fhould return Home, and not preſume to come within fifty Yards of my Houfe, without Licence from Court; whereby the Secretaries of State got con- fiderable Fees. In the mean Time, the Emperor had frequent Councils, to debate what Courfe fhould be taken with me; and, I was afterwards affured by a particular Friend, a Perfon of great Quality, who was looked upon to be as much in the Secret as any, that the Court was under many Difficulties concerning me. They apprehended my breaking loofe, that my Diet would be very expenfive, and might caufe a Famine. Sometimes they determined to ftarve me, or at leaſt to foot me in the Face and Hands with poifoned Ar- rows, which would foon diſpatch me; but again they confidered, that the Stench of fo large a Carcafe might produce a Plague in the Metropolis, and pro- bably spread through the whole Kingdom. In the Midft of thefe Confultations, feveral Officers of the Army went to the Door of the great Council Chamber, and two of them, being admitted, gave an Account of my Behaviour to the fix Criminals above-mentioned, which made fo favourable an Impreffion in the Breaſt of his Majelly, and the whole Board, in my Behalf, that to LILLIPUT. 17 that an Imperial Commiffion was iffued out, obliging all the Villages, nine hundred Yards round the City, to deliver in every Morning fix Beeves, forty Sheep, and other Victuals, for my Suftenance; together with a proportionable Quantity of Bread, and Wine, and other Liquors; for the due Payment of which, his Majefty gave Affignments upon his Treaſury. For this Prince lives chiefly upon his own Demefnes, feldom, except upon great Occafions, raifing any Subfidies upon his Subjects, who are bound to attend him in his Wars, at their own Expence. An Eſtabliſhment was alfo made of fix hundred Perfons to be my Do- meſticks, who had Board Wages allowed for their Maintenance, and Tents built for them very conve- niently on each Side of my Door. It was likewife ordered, that three hundred Taylors fhould make me a Suit of Cloaths after the Faſhion of the Country: That fix of his Majefty's greateſt Scholars fhould be employ'd to inftruct me in their Language: And, laftly, that the Emperor's Horſes, and thoſe of the Nobility, and Troops of Guards, fhould be frequently exerciſed in my Sight, to accuftom themſelves to me. All theſe Orders were duly put in Execution, and, in about three Weeks, I made a great Progrefs in learning their Language; during which Time, the Emperor frequently honoured me with his Vifits, and was pleaſed to affift my Maſters in teaching me. began already to converfe together in fome Sort; and the firſt Words I learnt were to exprefs my Defire that he would pleaſe to give me my Liberty, which I every Day repeated on my Knees. His Anfwer, as I could apprehend it, was, that this muſt be a Work of Time, not to be thought on without the Advice of Council, and that firſt I muſt Lumos Kelmin peſſo defmar lon Empofo; that is, fwear a Peace with him and his Kingdom. However, that I fhould be uſed with all Kindneſs; and he adviſed me to acquire, by my Patience and difcreet Behaviour, the good Opinion of himſelf and his Subjects. He defired I C We would 18 AVOYAGE would not take it ill, if he gave Orders to certain proper Officers to fearch me; for probably I might carry about me feveral Weapons, which muſt needs be dangerous Things, if they anfwered the Bulk of ſo prodigious a Perfon. I faid, his Majefty fhould be fatisfied, for I was ready to ftrip myfelf, and turn up my Pockets before him. This I delivered, Part in Words, and Part in Signs. He replied, that by the Laws of the Kingdom I muſt be ſearched by two of his Officers; that he knew this could not be done without my Conſent and Affiſtance; that he had fo good an Opinion of my Generofity and Juftice, as to truſt their Perſons in my Hands: That whatever they took from me, fhould be returned when I left the Country, or paid for at the Rate which I would fet upon them. I took up the two Officers in my Hands, put them firft into my Coat Pockets, and then into every other Pocket about me, except my two Fobs, and another fecret Pocket I had no Mind fhould be ſearched, wherein I had fome little Neceffaries that were of no Confequence to any but myself. In one of my Fobs there was a Silver Watch, and in the other a fmall Quantity of Gold in a Purſe. Theſe Gentlemen, having Pen, Ink, and Paper, about them, made an exact Inventory of every Thing they faw; and, when they had done, defired I would fet them down, that they might deliver it to the Emperor. This Inventory I afterwards tranflated into English, and is Word for Word as follows: Imprimis, In the Right Coat Pocket of the Great Man-Mountain (for fo I interpret the Quinbus Fleftrin, after the ftricteft Search, we found only one great Piece of coarfe Cloth) large enough to be a Foot-Cloth for your Majeſty's chief Room of State. In the Left Pocket, we faw a huge Silver Cheſt, with a Cover of the fame Metal, which we, the Searchers, were not able to lift. We defired it fhould be opened, and one of us ftepping into it, found himſelf up to the mid Leg in a Sort of Duſt, ſome Part whereof, % flying to LILLIPUT. 19 Alying up to our Faces, fet us both a fneezing for feveral Times together. In his Right Waiſtcoat Pocket, we found a prodigious Bundle of white thin Subſtances, folded one over another, about the Big- nefs of three Men, tied with a ftrong Cable, and marked with black Figures; which we humbly con- ceive to be Writings, every Letter almoſt half as large as the Palm of our Hands. In the Left there was a Sort of Engine, from the Back of which were extended twenty long Poles, refembling the Palifadoes before your Majefty's Court; wherewith we conjecture the Man Mountain combs his Head, for we did not always trouble him with Queftions, becauſe we found it a great Difficulty to make him underſtand us. In the large Pocket on the Right Side of his middle Cover, (fo I tranflate the Word Ranfu-Lo, by which they meant my Breeches) we faw a hollow Pillar of Iron, about the Length of a Man, faſtened to a ftrong Piece of Timber, larger than the Pillar; and upon one side of the Pillar were huge Pieces of Iron ſticking out, cut into ftrange Figures, which we know not what to make of. In the Left Pocket, another Engine of the fame Kind. In the ſmaller Pocket, on the Right Side, were feveral round flat Pieces of white and red Metal, of different Bulk; fome of the white, which feemed to be Silver, were fo large and heavy, that my Comrade and I could hardly lift them. In the Left Pocket were two black Pillars, irregularly fhaped: We could not, without Difficulty, reach the Top of them, as we ftood at the Bottom of his Pocket. One of them was covered, and ſeemed all of a Piece: But, at the upper End of the other, there appeared a white round Subſtance, about twice the Bignefs of our Heads. Within each of theſe was incloſed a prodigious Plate of Steel; which, by our Orders, we obliged him to fhew us, becauſe we apprehended they might be dangerous Engines. He took them out of their Cafes, and told us, that in his own Country, his Practice was to C 2 fhave 20 AVOYAGE fhave his Beard with one of thefe, and to cut his Meat with the other. There were two Pockets which we could not enter: Theſe he called his Fobs; they were two large Slits cut into the Top of his middle Cover, but fqueez'd clofe by the Preffure of his Belly. Out of the Right Fob hung a great Silver Chain, with a wonderful Kind of Engine at the Bottom. We directed him to draw out whatever was faftened to that Chain; which appeared to be a Globe, half Silver, and half of fome tranfparent Metal: For on the tranfparent Side, we faw certain ftrange Fi- gures, circularly drawn, and thought we could touch them, till we found our Fingers ſtopped by that lucid Subſtance. He put this Engine to our Ears, which made an inceffant Noife, like that of a Water-Mill. And we conjecture, it is either fome unknown Ani- mal, or the God that he worſhips: But we are more inclined to the latter Opinion, becauſe he affured us (if we underſtood him right, for he expreffed himſelf very imperfectly) that he feldom did any Thing with- out confulting it. He called it his Oracle, and faid it pointed out the Time for every Action of his Life. From the Left Fob he took out a Net almoft large enough for a Fiſherman, but contrived to open and fhut like a Purfe, and ferved him for the fame Uſe: We found therein feveral maffy Pieces of yellow Metal, which, if they be real Gold, must be of immenfe Value. Having thus, in Obedience to your Majefty's Com- mands, diligently fearched all his Pockets, we obferved a Girdle about his Waift, made of the Hide of fome prodigious Animal, from which, on the Left Side, hung a Sword of the Length of five Men; and on the Right, a Bag or Pouch, divided into two Cells, each Cell capable of holding three of your Majeſty's Subjects. In one of theſe Cells were feveral Globes, or Balls, of a moſt ponderous Metal, about the Big- nefs of our Heads, and required a ftrong Hand to lift them: The other Cell contained a Heap of certain to LILLIPUT. 21 certain black Grains, but of no great Bulk or Weight, for we could hold above fifty of them in the Palms of our Hands. This is an exact Inventory of what we found about the Body of the Man-Mountain, who uſed us with great Civility, and due Reſpect to your Majeſty's Commiffion. Sign'd and feal'd, on the fourth Day of the eighty-ninth Moon of your Majefty's aufpicious Reign. Clefrin Frelock, Marfi Frelock. When this Inventory was read over to the Emperor, he directed me, although in very gentle Terms, to deliver up the feveral Particulars. He first cailed for my Scymiter, which I took out, Scabbard and all. In the mean Time, he ordered three thouſand of his choiceft Troops (who then attended him) to furround me at a Diſtance, with their Bows and Arrows juſt ready to diſcharge: Eut I did not obferve it, for mine Eyes were wholly fixed upon his Majefty. He then defired me to draw my Scymiter, which, although it had got fome Ruft by the Sea-Water, was in moft Parts exceeding bright. I did fo, and immediately all the Troops gave a Shout, between Terror and Sur- prize; for the Sun fhone clear, and the Reflection dazzled their Eyes, as I waved the Scymiter to and fro in my Hand. His Majefty, who is a moft mag- nanimous Prince, was lefs daunted than I could expect ; he ordered me to return it into the Scabbard, and caft it on the Ground as gently as I could, about fix Feet from the End of my Chain. The next- Thing he demanded, was one of the hollow Iron Pillars, by which he meant my Pocket Pistols. I drew it out, and at his Defire, as well as I could, expreffed to him the Uſe of it; and charging it only with Powder, which, by the Clofenefs of my Pouch, hap- pened to escape wetting in the Sea (an Inconvenience against which all prudent Mariners take fpecial Care to provide) I first cautioned the Emperor not to be afraid, and then I let it off into the Air. The Afto- C & niſhment 22 AVOYAGE niſhment here was much greater than at the Sight of my Scymiter. Hundreds fell down, as if they had been truck dead; and even the Emperor, although he ftood his Ground, could not recover himſelf in ſome Time. I delivered up both my Piſtols in the fame Manner, as I had done my Scymiter, and then my Pouch of Powder and Bullets; begging him, that the former might be kept from the Fire, for it would kindle with the fmalleft Spark, and blow up his Imperial Palace into the Air. I likewife delivered up my Watch, which the Emperor was very curious, to fee, and commanded two of his talleſt Yoemen of the Guards to bear it on a Pole upon their Shoulders, as Dray-Men in England do a Barrel of Ale. He was amazed at the continual Noiſe it made, and the Mo- tion of the Minute-Hand, which he could eaſily difcern; for their Sight is much more acute than ours: And asked the Opinions of his learned Men about him, which were various and remote, as the Reader may well imagine without my repeating; although, indeed, I could not very perfectly understand them. I then gave up my Silver and Copper Money, my Purfe with nine large Pieces of Gold, and fome fmaller ones; my Knife and Razor, my Comb and Silver Snuff - Box, my Handkerchief, and Journal - Book. My Scymiter, Piſtols, and Pouch, were conveyed in Carriages to his Majefty's Stores; but the reft of my Goods were returned me. I had, as I before obferved, one private Pocket which eſcaped their Search, wherein there was a Pair of Spectacles, (which I fometimes ufe for the Weak- nefs of mine Eyes) a Pocket Perſpective, and feveral other little Conveniencies; which being of no Confe- quence to the Emperor, I did not think myſelf bound in Honour to diſcover, and I apprehended they might be loft or ſpoiled, if I ventured them out of my Poffeffion. CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 23 CHA P. III. The Author diverts the Emperor and his Nobility. of both Sexes, in a very uncommon Manner. The Diverfions of the Court of Lilliput deſcribed. The Author has his Liberty granted him, upon certain Conditions. M Y Gentleness and good Behaviour had gained fo far on the Emperor and his Court, and indeed upon the Army and People in general, that I began to conceive Hopes of getting my Liberty in a fhort Time. I took all poffible Methods to cultivate this favourable Difpofition. The Natives came, by Degrees, to be lefs apprehenfive of any Danger from me. I would fometimes lie down, and let five or fix of them dance on my Hand; and, at laft, the Boys and Girls would venture to come and play at Hide and Seek in my Hair. I had now made a good Progreſs in underſtanding and ſpeaking their Language. The Emperor had a Mind, one Day, to entertain me with feveral of the Country Shows, wherein they exceed all Nations I have known, both for Dexterity and Magnificence. I was diverted with none fo much as that of the Rope-Dancers performed upon a ſlender white Thread, extended about two Feet, and twelve Inches from the Ground. Upon which I ſhall defire Liberty, with the Reader's Patience, to enlarge a little. This Diverfion is only practifed by thofe Perfons who are Candidates for great Employments, and high Favour, at Court. They are trained in this Art from their Youth, and are not always of noble Birth, or liberal Education. When a great Office is vacant, either by Death or Difgrace, (which often happens) five or fix of thofe Candidates petition the Emperor to entertain his Majeſty and the Court with a Dance on the Rope, and whoever jumps the higheft, without falling, C 4 24 AYOYAGE falling, fucceeds in the Office. Very often the chief Minifters themfelves are commanded to fhew their Skill, and to convince the Emperor that they have not lost their Faculty. Flimnap, the Treafurer, is allowed to cut a Caper on the ſtrait Rope, at leaſt an Inch higher than any other Lord in the whole Empire. I have feen him do the Summerfet feveral Times together, upon a Trencher fixed on the Rope, which is no thicker than a common Pack-Thread in. England. My Friend Reldrefal, principal Secretary for private Affairs, is, in my Opinion, if I am not partial, the fecond after the Treafurer; the reft of the great Officers are much upon a Par. Thefe Diverfions are often attended with fatal Accidents, whereof great Numbers are on Record. I myſelf have ſeen two or three Candidates break a Limb. But the Danger is much greater, when the Miniſters themſelves are commanded to fhew their Dexterity; for, by contending to excel themſelves and their Fellows, they ftrain fo far, that there is hardly one of them who hath not received a Fall, and fome of them two or three. I was affured, that, a Year two before my Arrival, Flimnap would have infallibly broke his Neck, if one of the King's Cu- fhions, that accidentally lay on the Ground, had not weakened the Force of his Fall. or There is likewiſe another Diverfion, which is only fhewn before the Emperor and Emprefs, and Firſt Miniſter, upon particular Occafions. The Emperor lays on the Table three fine Silken Threads of fix Inches long; one is Blue, the other Red, and the third Green. Theſe Threads are propofed as Prizes for thoſe Perſons whom the Emperor hath a Mind to diftinguiſh by a peculiar Mark of his Favour. The Ceremony is performed in his Majefty's great Chamber of State, where the Candidates are to undergo a Trial of Dexterity very different from the former, and ſuch as I have not obſerved the leaft Refemblance of in any other Country of the old or new World. The Em- peror to LILLIPUT. 25 peror holds a Stick in his Hands, both Ends parallel to the Horizon, while the Candidates advancing, one by one, fometimes leap over the Stick, fometimes creep under it backwards and forwards feveral Times, according as the Stick is advanced or depreffed. Sometimes the Emperor holds one End of the Stick, and his Firſt Minifter the other; fometimes the Mini- fter has it entirely to himſelf. Whoever performs his Part with moſt Agility, and holds out the longeſt in Leaping and Creeping, is rewarded with the Blue- coloured Silk; the Red is given to the next, and the Green to the third, which they all wear girt twice round about the Middle; and you fee few great Per- fons about this Court who are not adorned with one of thefe Girdles. The Horfes of the Army, and thofe of the Royal Stables, having been daily led before me, were no longer ſhy, but would come up to my very Feet with- out ftarting. The Riders would leap them over my Hand as I held it on the Ground, and one of the Emperor's Huntſmen, upon a large Courfer, took my Foot, Shoe and all; which was, indeed, a prodigious Leap. I had the good Fortune to divert the Emperor, one Day, after a very extraordinary Manner: I defired he would order feveral Sticks of two Feet high, and the Thickneſs of an ordinary Cane, to be brought me ; whereupon his Majefty commanded the Mafter of his Woods to give Directions accordingly, and the next Morning fix Wood. Men arrived with as many Carri- ages, drawn by eight Horfes to each. I took nine of theſe Sticks, and fixing them firmly in the Ground, in a quadrangular Figure, two Feet and a half ſquare, I took four other Sticks, and tied them parallel at each Corner, about two Feet from the Ground; then I fastened my Handkerchief to the nine Sticks that ſtood erect, and extended it on all Sides till it was as tight as the Top of a Drum; and the four parallel Sticks, rifing about five Inches higher than the Handkerchief. ferved as Ledges on each Side. When I had finished my 26 A VOYAGE my Work, I defired the Emperor to let a Troop of his beſt Horſe, twenty-four in Number, come and exerciſe upon this Plain. His Majefty approved of the Propo- fal, and I took them up one by one in my Hands, ready mounted and armed, with the proper Officers to exerciſe them. As foon as they got in Order, they divided into two Parties, performed mock Skirmishes, diſcharged blunt Arrows, drew their Swords, fled and purfued, attacked and retired, and in ſhort diſcovered: the beft Military Difcipline I ever beheld. The pa- rallel Sticks fecured them and their Horfes from falling over the Stage; and the Emperor was fo much de- lighted, that he ordered this Entertainment to be repeated feveral Days, and once was pleafed to be lifted up, and give the Word of Command; and, with great Difficulty, perfuaded even the Emprefs herfelf to let me hold her in her cloſe Chair within two Yards of the Stage, from whence fhe was able to take a full View of the whole Performance. It was by good Fortune that no ill Accident happened in thefe Enter- tainments, only once a fiery Horſe, that belonged to one of the Captains, pawing with his Hoof, ftruck a Hole in my Handkerchief, and his Foot flipping, he overthrew his Rider and himſelf; but I immediately relieved them both, and covering the Hole with one Hand, I fet down the Troop with the other, in the fame Manner as I took them up. The Horfe that fell was ftrained in the Left Shoulder, but the Rider got no Hurt, and I repaired my Handkerchief as well as I could; however, I would not truſt to the Strength of it any more in fuch dangerous Enterprizes. About two or three Days before I was fet at Liberty, as I was entertaining the Court with thefe Kind of Feats, there arrived an Expreſs to inform his Majefty, that fome of his Subjects, riding near the Place where I was first taken up, had feen a great black Subſtance lying on the Ground, very oddly fhaped, extended its Edges round as wide as his Majefty's Bed-Chamber, and riſing up in the Middle as high as a Man; that it was to LILLIPUT. 27 was no living Creature, as they at firft apprehended, for lay on the Grafs without Motion; and ſome of them had walked round it feveral Times: That, by mount- ing upon each other's Shoulders, they had got to the Top, which was flat and even, and, ftamping upon it, they found it was hollow within; that they humbly conceived it might be fomething belonging to the Man-Mountain; and if his Majefty pleafed, they would undertake to bring it with only five Horfes. I pre- fently knew what they meant, and was glad at Heart to receive this Intelligence. It ſeems upon my firſt reaching the Shore, after our Shipwreck, I was in fuch Confufion, that, before I came to the Place where I went to fleep, my Hat, which I had faftened with a String to my Head while I was rowing, and had ſtuck on all the Time I was fwimming, fell off after I came to Land; the String, as I conjecture, breaking by fome Accident which I never obferved, but thought my Hat had been loft at Sea. I intreated his Imperial Majeſty to give Orders it might be brought to me as foon as poffible, defcribing to him the Ufe and the Nature of it: And the next Day the Waggoners arrived with it, but not in a very good Condition they had bored two Holes in the Brim, within an Inch and half of the Edge, and faftened two Hooks in the Holes; thefe Hooks were tied by a long Cord to the Harneſs, and thus my Hat was dragged along for above half an English Mile; but, the Ground in that Country being extremely fmooth and level, it received lefs Damage than I expected. > Two Days after this Adventure, the Emperor having ordered that Part of his Army, which quarters in and about his Metropolis, to be in Readineſs, took a Fancy of diverting himſelf in a very fingular Manner : He defired I would ftand like a Coloffus, with my Leg as far aſunder as I conveniently could; he then com- manded his General (who was an old experienced Leader, and a great Patron of mine) to draw up the Troops in clofe Order, and march them under me; the 28 AVOYAGE the Foot by twenty-four in a Breaſt, and the Horfe by fixteen, with Drums beating, Colours flying, and Pikes advanced. This Body confifted of three thouſand Foot, and a thouſand Horſe. His Majefty gave Or- ders, upon Pain of Death, that every Soldier in his March Thould obferve the ſtrictest Decency, with regard Perfon; which, however, could not prevent fome of the younger Officers from turning up their Eyes as they paffed under me. And, to confefs the Truth, my Breeches were at that Time in fo ill a Condition, that they afforded fome Opportunities for Laughter and Admiration. to my I had fent fo many Memorials and Petitions for my Liberty, that his Majefty at length mentioned the Matter firſt in the Cabinet, and then in a full Council; where it was oppofed by none, except Skyresh Bolgolam, who was pleafed, without any Provocation, to be my mortal Enemy. But it was carried againſt him by the whole Board, and confirmed by the Emperor. That Minifter was Galbet, or Admiral of the Realm, very much in his Mafter's Confidence, and a Perfon well verfed in Affairs, but of a morofe and four Complexion. However, he was at length perfuaded to comply; but prevailed that the Articles and Conditions upon which I fhould be fet free, and to which I muft fwear, fhould be drawn up by himſelf. Thefe Articles were brought to me by Skyresh Bolgolam in Perfon, attended by two Under-Secretaries, and feveral Perfons of Diftinction. After they were read, I was demanded to fwear to the Performance of them; firſt in the Manner of my own Country, and afterwards in the Method prefcribed by their Laws, which was to hold my Right Foot in my Left Hand, and to place the middle Finger of my Right Hand on the Crown of my Head, and my Thumb on the Tip of my Right Ear. But, becauſe the Rea- der may be curious to have fome Idea of the Style and Manner of Expreffion peculiar to that People, as well as to know the Articles upon which I recovered ny Liberty, I have made a Tranflation of the whole Inftrument, to LILLIPUT. 29 Inftrument, Word for Word, as near as I was able> which I here offer to the Public: GOLBASTO MOMAREN EVLAME GURDILO SHE- FIN MULLY ULLY GUE, Moft Mighty Emperor of Lilliput, Delight and Terror of the Univerfe, whoſe Dominions extend five Thouſand Bluftrugs, (about twelve Miles in Circumference) to the Extremities of the Globe; Monarch of all Monarchs, taller than the Sons of Men; whofe Feet prefs down to the Center, and whoſe Head ſtrikes against the Sun: At whoſe Nod the Princes of the Earth fhake their Knees; plea fant as the Spring, comfortable as the Summer, fruitful as Autumn, dreadful as Winter. His moft fublime Majeſty propofeth to the Man-Mountain, lately arrived to our Celeſtial Dominions, the following Articles, which, by a folemn Oath, he fhall be obliged to perform: ift, The Man-Mountain fhall not depart from our Dominions without our Licence under our great Seal. 2d, He fhall not prefume to come into our Metro- polis, without our exprefs Order; at which Time the İnhabitants fhall have two Hours Warning to keep within their Doors. 3d, The faid Man-Mountain fhall confine his Walks to our principal high Roads, and not offer to walk or lie down in a Meadow or Field of Corn. 4th, As he walks the faid Roads, he fhall take the utmoſt Care not to trample upon the Bodies of any of our loving Subjects, their Horfes, or Carriages, nor take any of our Subjects into his Hands, without their own Confent. 5th, If an Exprefs requires extraordinary Diſpatch, the Man-Mountain fhall be obliged to carry in his Pocket, the Meffenger and Horfe, a fix Days Jour- ney once in every Moon, and return the faid Meſſen- ger back (if fo required) fafe to our Imperial Prefence. 6th, He shall be our Ally againſt our Enemies in the Iſland of Blefufcu, and do his utmost to deſtroy their Fleet, which is now preparing to invade us. 7th, 30 AVOYAGE 7th, That the faid Man-Mountain fhall, at his Times of Leiſure, be aiding and affifting to our Work- men, in helping to raife certain great Stones, to- wards covering the Wall of the principal Park, and other our Royal Buildings. 8th, That the faid Man-Mountain fhall, in two Moons Time, deliver in an exact Survey of the Cir- cumference of our Dominions, by a Computation of his own Paces round the Coaſt. Laftly, That, upon his folemn Oath to obſerve all the above Articles, the faid Man-Mountain ſhall have a daily Allowance of Meat and Drink fufficient for the Support of 1724 of our Subjects, with free Ac- cefs to our Royal Perfon, and other Marks of our Favour. Given at our Palace at Belfaborac, the twelfth Day of the ninety firſt Moon of our Reign. I ſwore and fubfcribed to theſe Articles with great Chearfulneſs and Content, although ſome of them were not fo honourable as I could have wifhed; which proceeded wholly from the Malice of Skyref Bolgoram, the High Admiral; whereupon my Chains were immediately unlocked, and I was at full Liber- ty; the Emperor him felf in Perfon, did me the Ho- nour to be by at the whole Ceremony, I made my Acknowledgments, by proftrating myſelf at his Majesty's Feet: But he commanded me to rife; and after many gracious Expreffions, which, to a- void the Cenfure of Vanity, I fhall not repeat; he added, that he hoped I ſhould prove a uſeful Servant, and well deferve all the Favours he had already con- ferred upon me, or might do for the future. The Reader may pleaſe to obſerve, that, in the laft Article for the Recovery of my Liberty, the Em- peror ftipulates to allow me a Quantity of Meat and Drink, fufficient for the Support of 1724 Lilliputians. Some Time after, aſking a Friend at Court, how they came to fix on that determinate Number; he told me, that his Majefty's Mathematicians, having taken the Height of my Body by the Help of a Quadrant, and to LILLIPUT. 31 and finding it to exceed theirs in the Proportion of twelve to one, they concluded from the Similarity of their Bodies, that mine muft contain, at least, 1724 of theirs, and, confequently, would require as much Food as was neceffary to fupport that Number of Lilliputians. By which, the Reader may conceive an Idea of the Ingenuity of that People, as well as the prudent and exact Economy of fo great a Prince. CHA P. IV. Mildendo, the Metropolis of Lilliput, deſcribed, together with the Emperor's Palace. A Conver fation between the Author and a principal Secreta- ry, concerning the Affairs of that Empire. The Author offers to ferve the Emperor in his Wars. TH HE firft Request I made, after I had obtained my Liberty, was, that I might have Licence to fee Mildendo, the Metropolis; which the Emperor eafi- ly granted me, but with a fpecial Charge to do no Hurt, either to the Inhabitants, or their Houſes. The People had Notice by Proclamation, of my Deſign to vifit the Town. The Wall, which encompaffed it, is two Feet and a half high, and at least eleven Inches broad, fo that a Coach and Horſes may be driven very ſafely round it; and it is flanked with ftrong Towers, at ten Feet Diſtance. I flept over the great Weſtern Gate, and paffed very gently, and fideling, through the two principal Streets, only in my fhort Waift-coat, for Fear of damaging the Roofs and Eves of the Houfes with the Skirts of my Coat. I walked with the ut- moft Circumfpection, to avoid treading on any Strag- glers, that might remain in the Streets, although the Orders were strict, that all People fhould keep in their Houſes, at their own Peril. The Garret-windows, and Tops of Houfes, were fo crouded with Spectators, that I thought, 32 AVOYAGE I thought, in all my Travels, I had not feen a more populous Place. The City is an exact Square, each Side of the Wall being five-hundred Feet long. The two great Streats, which run crofs, and divide it into four Quarters, are five Feet wide. The Lanes and Alleys, which I could not enter, but only viewed them as I paffed, are from twelve to eighteen Inches. The Town is capable of holding five hundred thouſand Souls. The Houſes are from three to five Stories. The Shops and Markets well provided. The Emperor's Palace is in the Center of the City, where the two great Streets met. It is inclofed by a Wall of two Feet high, and twenty Feet Diſtance from the Buildings. I had his Majefty's Permiffion to ſtep over this Wall; and, the Space being ſo wide be- tween that and the Palace, I could eafily view it on e- very Side. The outward Court is a Square of forty Feet, and includes two other Courts: In the inmolt are the Royal Apartments, which I was very defirous to fee, but found it extremely difficult; for the great Gates, from one Square into another, were but eigh- teen Inches high, and feven Inches wide. Now the Buildings of the outer Court were at least five Feet high, and it was impoffible for me to ftride over them, without infinite Damage to the Pile, though the Walls were firongly built of hewn Stone, and four Inches thick. At the fame Time, the Emperor had a great Defire that I ſhould fee the Magnificence of his Pa- lace; but this I was not able to do till three Days af- ter, which I ſpent in cutting down with my Knife, fome of the largeſt Trees in the Royal Park, about an hundred Yards Diſtance from the City. Of theſe Trees I made two Stools, each about three Feet high, and ſtrong enough to bear my Weight. The People having received Notice a fecond Time, I went again through the City to the Palace, with my two Stools in my Hands. When I came to the Side of the outer Court, I ftood upon one Stool, and took the other in my Hand; this I lifted over the Roof, and gently fet it to LILLIPUT. 33 it down on the Space between the firſt and ſecond Court, which was eight Feet wide. I then stept over the Building very conveniently, from one Stool to the other, and drew up the firit after me with a hooked Stick. By this Contrivance, I got into the inmoſt Court; and, lying down upon my Side, I applied my Face to the Windows of the middle Stories, which were left open on Purpoſe, and diſcovered the moſt fplendid Apartments that can be imagined. There I faw the Emprefs, and the young Princes, in their fe- veral Lodgings, with their chief Attendants about them. Her Imperial Majefty was pleaſed to ſmile ve- ry graciouſly upon me, and gave me out of the Win- dow her Hand to kiſs. But I fhall not anticipate the Reader with farther Deſcriptions of this Kind, becauſe I reſerve them for a greater Work, which is now almost ready for the Prefs, containing a general Defcription of this Empire, from its firit Erection, through a long Series of Princes, with a particular Account of their Wars and Politics, Laws, Learning, and Religion: Their Plants and A- nimals, their peculiar Manners and Cuſtoms, with o- ther Matters very curious and ufeful; my chief Defign at preſent being only to relate fuch Events and Tran- factions, as happened to the Public or to myſelf, du- ring a Reſidence of abont nine Months in that Empire. One Morning, about a Fortnight after I had ob- tained my Liberty, Reldrefal, principal Secretary (as they ftile him) of private Affairs, came to my Houſe, attended only by one Servant. He ordered his Coach to wait at a Diſtance, and defired, I would give him an Hour's Audience; which I readily confented to, on Account of his Quality, and perfonal Merits, as well as the many good Offices he had done me during my Solicitations at Court. I offered to lie down, that he might the more conveniently reach my Ear; but he choſe rather to let me hold him in my Hand during our Converfation. He began with Compliments on my Liberty, faid, he might pretend to fome Merit in D it : 34 A VOYAGE it: But, however, added, that, if it had not been for the prefent Situation of Things at Court, perhaps I might not have obtained it fo foon. For, faid he, as flouriſhing a Condition as we may appear to be in to Foreigners, we labour under two mighty Evils; a vi- olent Faction at Home, and the Danger of an Invafi- on by a most potent Enemy from Abroad. As to the firſt, you are to underſtand, that, for above feventy Moons paft, there have been two ſtruggling Parties in this Empire, under the Names of Trameckfan, and Sla- meckfan, from the high and low Heels of their Shoes, by which they diſtinguiſh themſelves. It is alledged in- deed, that the high Heels are moſt agreeable to our ancient Conſtitution; but, however this be, his Majeſ- ty hath determined to make uſe of only low Heels in the Adminiſtration of the Government, and all Offices in the Gift of the Crown, as you cannot but obſerve ; and particularly, that his Majeſty's Imperial Heels are lower at leaſt by a Drurr than any of his Court (Drurr is a Meaſure about the fourteenth Part of an Inch). The Animofities between theſe two Parties run ſo high, that they will neither eat nor drink, not talk with each other. We compute the Trameckfan, or high Heels, to exceed us in Number; but the Power is wholly on our Side. We apprehend his Imperial High- nefs, the Heir to the Crown, to have fome Tendency towards the High-heels; at leaſt, we can plainly difco- ver that one of his Heels is higher than the other, which gives him a Hobble in his Gate. Now, in the Midſt of theſe inteftine Difquiets, we are threatened with an Invaſion from the Iſland of Blefufcu, which is the other great Empire of the Univerſe, almoſt as large and pow- erful as this of his Majefty. For as to what we heard you affirm, that there are other Kingdoms and States in the World, inhabited by human Creatures, as large as yourſelf, our Philofophers are in much Doubt, and would rather conjecture that you dropped from the Moon, or one of the Stars; becauſe, it is certain, that an hundred Mortals of your Bulk, would, in a ſhort Time, to LILLIPUT. 35 Time, deſtroy all the Fruits and Cattle of his Majeſty's Dominions. Befides, our Hiftories of fix-thoufand Moons make no mention of any other Regions, than the two great Empires of Lilliput and Blefufcu. Which two mighty Powers have, as I was going to tell you, been engaged in a moſt obſtinate War for fix and thirty Moons pait. It began upon the following Occafion: It is allowed on all Hands, that the primitive Way of breaking Eggs, before we eat them, was upon the larger End; but his prefent Majesty's Grandfather, while he was a Boy, going to eat an Egg, and breaking it ac- cording to the antient Practice, happened to cut one of his Fingers. Whereupon the Emperor, his Father, pub- liſhed an Edict, commanding all his Subjects, upon great Penalties, to break the ſmaller End of their Eggs. The People fo highly refented this Law, that our Hiſtories tell us, there have been fix Rebellions raiſed on that Ac- count; wherein one Emperor loft his Life, and another his Crown. Thefe Civil Commotions were conftantly fomented by the Monarchs of Blefufcu; and when they were quelled, the Exiles always fled for Refuge to that Empire. It is computed that eleven thouſand Perfons have at feveral Times, fuffered Death, rather than fubmit to break their Eggs at the fmaller End. Many hundred large Volumes have been publiſhed upon this Controverſy; but the Books of the Big-Indians have been long for- bidden, and the whole Party rendered incapable by Law of holding Employments. During the Courfe of thefe Troubles, the Emperors of Blefufcu did frequently ex- poftulate by their Ambaffadors, accufing us of making a Schifm in Religion, by offending against a fundamen- tal Doctrine of our great Prophet Luftrog, in the fifty- fourth Chapter of the Blundecral (which is their Alco- ran). This, however, is thought to be a mere Strain upon the Text; for the Words are thefe: That all true Believers break their Eggs at the convenient End. And which is the convenient End, fees, in my humble O- pinion, to be left to every Man's Confcience, or at leaſt in the Power of the chief Magiltrate to determine. Now, D 2 36 AVOYAGE Now, the Big-Indian Exiles have found ſo much Cre- dit in the Emperor of Blefufcu's Court, and fo much private Affiftance and Encouragement from their Par- ty here at Home, that a bloody War hath been car- ried on between the two Empires, for thirty-fix Moons, with various Succefs; during which Time we have loft forty capital Ships, and a much greater Number of ſmaller Veffels, together with thirty-thouſand of our beſt Seamen and Soldiers; and the Damage, received by the Enemy, is reckoned to be fomewhat greater than ours. However, they have now equipped a numerous Fleet, and are juſt preparing to make a Defcent upon us; and his Imperial Majefty, placing great Confidence in your Valour and Strength, hath commanded me to lay this Account of his Affairs before you. I defired the Secretary to prefent my humble Duty to the Emperor, and to let him know, that I thought it would not become me, who was a Foreigner, to in- terfere with Parties; but I was ready, with the Hazard of my Life, to defend his Perfon and State against all Invaders. CHAP. V. The Author, by an extraordinary Statagem, prevents an Invafion. A high Title of Honour is conferred upon him. Ambaſſadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefufcu, and fue for Peace. The Emprefs's Apartment on Fire by an Accident; the Author inftrumental in faving the rest of the Palace. ΤΗ HE Empire of Blefufcu is an Ifland, fituated to the North-Eaſt Side of Lilliput, from whence it is parted only by a Channel of eight hundred Yards wide. I had not yet feen it, and, upon this Notice of an intended Invafion, I avoided appearing on that Side of the Coaft, for Fear of being difcovered by fome of the Enemy's Ships, who had received no Intelligence of to LILLIPUT. 37 of me, all Intercourſe between the two Empires having been ſtrictly forbidden during the War, upon Pain of Death, and an Embargo laid by our Emperor upon all Veffels whatſoever. I communicated to his Majeſty a Project I had formed of feizing the Enemy's whole Fleet: Which, as our Scouts affured us, lay at Anchor in the Harbour ready to fail with the firſt fair Wind. I con- fulted the most experienced Seamen, upon the Depth of the Channel, which they had often plummed, who told me, that in the Middle, at high Water, it was ſe- venty Glumgluff's deep, which is about fix Feet of Euro- pean Meaſure; and the reft of it fifty Glumgluff's at moſt. I walked towards the North-Eaſt Coaſt, over-againſt Blefufcu; where, lying down behind a Hillock, I took out my fmall Perfpective glafs, and viewed the Enemy's Fleet at Anchor, confifting of about fifty Men of War, and a great Number of Tranfports: I then came back to my Houfe, and gave Order (for which I had a War- rant) for a great Quantity of the ſtrongeſt Cable and Bars of Iron. The Cable was about as thick as Pack- thread, and the Bars of the Length and Size of a knit- ting Needle. I trebled the Cable to make it ftronger, and, for the fame Reafon, I twilled three of the iron Bars together, binding the Extremities into a Hook. Having thus fixed fifty Hooks to as many Cables, I went back to the North-East Coast, and putting off my Coat, Shoes, and Stockings, walked into the Sea, in my lea- thern Jerkin, about an Hour before high Water. I waded with what Hafte I could, and fwam in the Mid- dle about thirty Yards, till I felt Ground; I arrived to the Fleet in less than half an Hour. The Enemy was fo frightened when they faw me, that they leaped out of their Ships, and fwam to Shore, where there could not be fewer than thirty thouſand Souls. I then took my Tackling, and, faßtening a Hook to the Hole at the Prow of each, I tied all the Cords together at the End. While I was thus employed, the Enemy difcharged fe- veral thouſand Arrows, many of which fluck in my Hands and Face; and, befides the exceffive Smart, gave ; D 3 me 38 AVOYAGE me much Diſturbance in my Work. My greatest Ap- prehenfion was for mine Eyes, which I ſhould have in- fallibly loſt, if I had not fuddenly thought of an Expe- dient. I kept among other little Neceffaries a Pair of Spectacles in a private Pocket, which, as I obferved be- fore, had eſcaped the Emperor's Searchers. Theſe I took out and faſtened as ſtrongly as I could upon my Noſe, and, thus armed, went on boldly with my Work in Spight of the Enemy's Arrows, many of which ſtruck against the Glaffes of my Spectacles, but without any other Effect, farther than a little to diſcompoſe them. I had now faſtened all the Hooks, and, taking the Knot in my Hand, began to pull, but not a Ship would ſtir, for they were all too faſt held by their Anchors, fo that the boldeſt Part of my Enterprize remained. I there- fore let go the Cord, and leaving the Hooks fixed to the Ships, I refolutely cut with my Knife the Cables that fattened the Anchors, receiving above two-hun- dred Shots in my Face and Hands; then 1 took up the knotted End of the Cables to which my Hooks were tied, and with great Eafe drew fifty of the Enemy's largeſt Men of War after me. The Blefufcudians, who had not the leaft Imagina- tion of what I intended, were at firft confounded with Aftoniſhment. They had feen me cut the Cables, and thought my Defign was only to let the Ships run a- drift, or fall foul on each other: But when they per- ceived the whole Fleet moving in Order, and faw me pulling at the End, they fet up fuch a Scream of Grief and Deſpair, that it is almoft impoffible to de- ſcribe or conceive. When I had got out of Danger, I ftopt a while to pick out the Arrows that ſtuck in my Hands and Face; and rubbed on fome of the fame Ointment that was given me at my first Arrival, as I have formerly mentioned. I then took off my Specta- cles, and, waiting about an Hour till the Tide was a little fallen, I waded through the middle with my Car- go, and arrived ſafe at the Royal Port of Lilliput. The to LILLIPUT. 39 The Emperor and his whole Court ſtood on the Shore expecting the Iffue of this great Adventure. They faw the Ships move forward in a large Half-moon, but could not diſcern me, who was up to my Breaft in Water. When I advanced to the middle of the Channel, they were yet in more Pain, becauſe I was under Water to my Neck. The Emperor concluded me to be drowned, and that the Enemy's Fleet was approaching in a hof- tile Manner: But he was foon eaſed of his Fears, for the Channel growing fhallower every Step I made, I came in a fhort Time within hearing, and, holding up the End of the Cable by which the Fleet was faſtened, I cried in a loud Voice, Long live the moſt puiſſant Em- peror of Lilliput! This great Prince received me at my Landing with all poffible Encomiums, and created me a Nardac upon the Spot, which is the higheſt Title of Honour among them. His Majefty defired I would take fome other Oppor- tunity of bringing all the reft of his Enemy's Ships into his Ports. And fo unmeafurable is the Ambition of Princes, that he ſeemed to think of nothing leſs than re- ducing the whole Empire of Blefufcu into a Province, and governing it by a Vice-Roy; of deſtroying the Big-Indian Exiles, and compelling that People to break the ſmaller End of their Eggs, by which he would re- main the fole Monarch of the whole World. But I endeavoured to divert him from his Defign, by many Arguments drawn from the Topics of Policy as well as Juftice: And I plainly protefted, that I would never be an Inftrument of bringing a free and brave People into Slavery. And, when the Matter was debated in Council, the wifeſt Part of the Miniſtry were of my Opinion. This open bold Declaration of mine was fo oppofite to the Schemes and Politics of his Imperial Majefty, that he could never forgive me; he mentioned it in a very artful Manner at Council, where I was told that fome of the wifeft appeared, at least, by their Silence, to be of my Opinion; but others, who were my fecret Ene- D 4 mies, 40 A VOYAGE mies, could not forbear fome Expreffions, which by a Side-wind reflected on me. And from this Time be- gan an Intrigue between his Majefty, and a Junto of Minifters maliciously bent against me, which broke out in less than two Months, and had like to have ended in my utter Deſtruction. Of fo little Weight are the great- eft Services to Princes, when put into the Ballance with a Refufal to gratify their Paffions. About three Weeks after this Exploit, there arrived a folemn Ambaffy from Blefufcu, with humble Offers of a Peace; which was foon concluded upon Conditions. very advantageous to our Emperor, wherewith I fhall not trouble the Reader. There were fix Ambaſſadors, with a Train of about five-hundred Perfons, and their Entry was very magnificent, fuitable to the Grandeur of their Mafter, and the Importance of their Bufinefs. When their Treaty was finiſhed, wherein I did them feveral good Offices by the Credit I now had, or at leaſt appeared to have at Court, their Excellencies, who were privately told how much I had been their Friend, made me a Vifit in Form. They began with many Compliments upon my Valour and Generoſity, invited me to that Kingdom in the Emperor their Maſter's Name, and defired me to fhew them fome Proofs of my prodigious Strength, of which they had heard fo ma- ny Wonders; wherein I readily obliged them, but ſhall not trouble the Reader with the Particulars. When I had for fome Time entertained their Excel- lencies to their infinite Sati-faction and Surprize, I de- fired they would do me the Honour to prefent my moſt humble Respects to the Emperor their Matter, the Re- nown of whofe Virtues had fo juftly filled the whole World with Admiration, and whofe Royal Perfon I re- folved to attend before I returned to my own Country: Accordingly, the next Time I had the Honour to ſee our Emperor, I defired his general Licence to wait on the Blefufcudian Monarch, which he was pleafed to grant me, as I could plainly perceive, in a very cold Manner; but could not guess the Reaſon, till I had a Whiſper to LILLIPUT. 41 Whiſper from a certain Perfon, that Flimnap and Bolgo- lam had repreſented my Intercourfe with thoſe Ambaf- fadors as a Mark of Difaffection, from which I am fure my Heart was wholly free. And this was the firſt Time I began to conceive fome imperfect Idea of Courts and Miniſters. It is to be obſerved, that theſe Ambaffadors ſpoke to me by an Interpreter, the Languages of both Empires differing as much from each other as any two in Eu- rope, and each Nation priding itſelf upon the Antiqui- ty, Beauty, and Energy of their own Tongues, with an avowed Comtempt for that of their Neighbour; yet our Emperor ſtanding upon the Advantage he had got by the Seifure of their Fleet, obliged them to deliver their Credentials, and make their Speech in the Lilii- putian Tongue. And it muſt be confeffed, that from the great Intercourfe of Trade and Commerce between both Realms, from the continual Reception of Exiles, which is mutual among them, and from the Cuftom in each Empire to fend their young Nobility and richer Gentry to the other, in order to polish themſelves by feeing the World, and underſtanding Men and Man- ners; there are few Perfons of Diftinction, or Merchants, or Seamen, who dwell in the maritime Parts, but what can hold Converfation in both Tongues; as I found fome Weeks after, when I went to pay my Refpects to the Emperor of Blefufcu, which, in the midft of great Misfortunes through the Malice of my Enemies, proved a very happy Adventure to me, as I fhall relate in its proper Place. The Reader may remember, that, when I figned thoſe Articles upon which I recovered my Liberty, there were fome which I diſliked upon Account of their being too fervile, neither could any Thing but an extreme Neceffity have forced me to fubmit. being now a Nardac of the highest Rank in that Empire, fuch Offices were looked upon as below my Dignity, and the Emperor (to do him Juftice) never once men- tioned them to me. However, it was not long before But, I had 42 A VOYAGE I had an Opportunity of doing his Majefty, at leaſt, as I then thought, a moft fignal Service. I was alarmed at Midnight with the Cries of many hundred People at my Door; by which being fuddenly awaked, I was in fome Kind of Terror. I heard the Word Burglum repeated inceffantly: Several of the Emperor's Court, making their Way through the Croud, intreated me to come immediately to the Palace, where her Imperial Majefty's Apartment was on Fire, by the Carelefneſs of a Maid of Honour, who fell aſleep while fhe was reading a Romance. I got up in an Inftant; and Orders being given to clear the Way before me, and it being likewiſe a Moon-fhine Night, I made a ſhift to get to the Palace, without Trampling on any of the People. I found they had already applied Ladders to the Walls of the Apartment, and were well provided with Buckets, but the Water was at fome Diſtance. Thefe Buckets were about the Size of a large Thimble, and the poor People fupplied me with them as faft as they could; but the Flame was fo violent that they did little Good. I might eafily have ftifled it with my Coat, which I unfortunately left behind me for Hafte, and came away only in my Leathern Jerkin. The Cafe ſeemed wholly defperate and deplorable, and this magnificent Palace would have infallibly been burnt down to the Ground, if, by a Preſence of Mind, unuſual to me, I had not fuddenly thought of an Expedient. I had the Evening before drank plentifully of a moft delicious Wine called Glimigrim, (the Blefuſcudians call it Flunee, but ours is eſteemed the better Sort) which is very diuretic. By the luckieſt Chance in the World, I had not difcharged myſelf of any Part of it. The Heat I had contracted by coming very near the Flames, and by my labouring to quench them, made the Wine begin to operate by Urine; which I voided in ſuch a Quantity, and applied fo well to the proper Places, that in three Minutes the Fire was wholly extinguiſhed, and the reft of that noble Pile, which had coſt ſo many Ages in erecting, preferved from Deftruction. It to LILLIPUT. 43 It was now Day-light, and I returned to my Houſe, without waiting to congratulate with the Emperor; becauſe, although I had done a very eminent Piece of Service, yet I could not tell how his Majefty might reſent the Manner by which I had performed it: For, by the fundamental Laws of the Realm, it is Capital in any Perfon, of what Quality foever, to make Water within the Precincts of the Palace. But I was a little comforted, by a Meffage from his Majelty, that he would give Orders to the Grand Jufticiaty for paffing my Pardon in Form; which, however, I could not obtain. And I was privately affured, that the Emprefs, conceiving the greatet Abhorrence of what I had done, removed to the most dilant Side of the Court, firmly refolved that thofe Buildings ſhould never be repaired for her Ufe; and, in the Prefence of her chief Confidents, could not forbear vowing Revenge. CHAP. VI. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput; their Learning, Laws, and Cuſtoms; the Manner of educating their Children. The Author's Way of Living in that Country. His Vindication of a great Lady. A LTHO' I intend to leave the Defcription of this Empire to a particular Treatife, yet, in the mean Time, I am content to gratify the curious Rea- der with ſome general Ideas. As the common Size of the Natives is fomewhat under fix Inches high, fo there is an exact Proportion in all other Animals, as well as Plants and Trees: For Inftance, the talleſt Horfes and Oxen are between four and five Inches in Height, the Sheep an Inch and half, more or lefs; their Geefe about the Bignefs of a Sparrow, and fo the feveral Gradations downwards, till you come to the ſmallett, which, to my Sight, were almoft invifible; but Nature hath 44 AVOYAGE hath adapted the Eyes of the Lilliputians to all Objects proper for their View: They fee with great Exactneſs, but at no great Diſtance. And, to fhew the Sharpneſs of their Sight towards Objects that are near, I have been much pleaſed with obferving a Cook pulling a Lark, which was not fo large as a cominon Fly; and a young Girl threading an invifible Needle with in- vifible Silk. Their talleft Trees are about feven Feet high; I mean fome of thoſe in the great Royal Park, the Tops whereof I could but just reach with my Fift clinched. The other Vegetables are in the fame Proportion; but this I leave to the Reader's Ima- gination. I fhall fay but little at prefent of their Learning, which for many Ages hath flouriſhed in all its Branches among them: But their Manner of Writing is very peculiar, being neither from the Left to the Right, like the Europears; nor from the Right to the Left, like the Arabians; nor from up to down, like the Chineſe; but aflant from one Corner of the Paper to the other, like Ladies in England. They bury their Dead with their Heads directly downwards, becauſe they hold an Opinion, that in eleven thouſand Moons they are all to rife again, in which Period the Earth (which they conceive to be flat) will turn upfide down, and by this Means they fhall, at their Refurrection, be found ready ftanding on their Feet. The Learned among them confefs the Abfurdity of this Doctrine, but the Practice ftill continues, in Compliance to the Vulgar. There are fome Laws and Cuſtoms in this Empire very peculiar; and, if they were not fo directly con- trary to thoſe of my own dear Country, I fhould be tempted to fay a little in their Juftification. It is only to be wifhed they were as, well executed. The first I fhall mention, relates to Informers. All Crimes againſt the State are puniſhed here with the utmoſt Severity; but, if the Perfon accuſed maketh his Innocence plainly to appear upon his Trial, the Accufer is immediately put to LILLIPUT. 45 put to an ignominious Death; and, out of his Goods or Lands, the innocent Perfon is quadruply recom penſed for the Lofs of his Time, for the Danger he underwent, for the Hard hip of his Impriſonment, and for all the Charges he hath been at in making his Defence. Or, if that Fund be deficient, it is largely fupplied by the Crown. The Emperor does alfo confer on him fome public Mark of his Favour, and Proclamation is made of his Innocence through the whole City. They look upon Fraud as a greater Crime than Theft, and therefore feldom fail to puniſh it with Death; for they alledge, that Care and Vigilance, with a very common Underſtanding, may preferve a Man's Goods from Thieves, but Honety has no Fence againſt fuperior Cunning; and fince it is neceffary that there fhould be a perpetual Intercourfe of Buying and Selling, and Dealing upon Credit, where Fraud is permitted and connived at, or hath no Law to punish it, the honeſt Dealer is always undone, and the Knave gets the Advantage. I remember when I was once inter- ceding with the King for a Criminal, who had wronged his Mafter of a great Sum of Money, which he had received by Order, and ran away with; and happening to tell his Majefty, by Way of Extenuation, that it was only a Breach of Trult; the Emperor thought it mon- ftrous in me to offer, as a Defence, the greatest Aggra- vation of the Crime: And truly, I had little to ſay in Return, farther than the common Answer, that different Nations had different Customs; for, I confefs, I was heartily aſhamed. Although we ufually call Reward and Funiſhment the two Hinges upon which all Government turns, yet I could never obferve this Maxim to be put in Prac- tice by any Nation except that of Lilliput. Whoever can there bring fufficient Proof that he hath ftrictly ob- ferved the Laws of his Country, for feventy-three Moons, hath a Claim to certain Privileges, according to his Quality and Condition of Life, with a propor tionable 46 A VOYAGE tionable Sum of Money out of a Fund appropriated for that Ufe: He likewife acquires the Title of Snilpall, or Legal, which is added to his Name, but does not def- cend to Potterity. And thefe People thought it a pro- digious Defect of Policy among us, when I told them that our Laws were enforced only by Penalties, without any Mention of Reward. It is upon this Account that the Image of Justice, in their Courts of Judicature, is formed with fix Eyes, two before, as many behind, and on each Side one, to fignify Circumfpection; with a Bag of God open in her Right-hand, and a Sword fheathed in her Left, to fhew fhe is more difpofed to reward than to puniſh. In chufing Perfons for all Employments, they have more Regard to good Morals than to great Abilities ; for, fince Government is neceffary to Mankind, they believe that the common Size of human Underſtandings is fitted to fome Station or other, and that Providence never intended to make the Management of public Af- fairs a Myftery, to be comprehended only by a few Perfons of fublime Genius, of which there ſeldom are three born in an Age: But they fuppofe Truth, Juſtice, Temperance, and the like, to be in every Man's Power, the Practice of which Virtues, affifted by Experience, and a good Intention, would qualify any Man for the Ser- vice of his Country, except were a Courfe of Study is required. But they thought the Want of moral Virtues was fo far from being fupplied by fuperior Endowments of the Mind, that Employments could never be put in- to fuch dangerous Hands as thofe of Perfons fo quali- fied; and at leaſt, that the Miftakes, committed by Ig- norance in a virtuous Difpofition, would never be of fuch fatal Confequence to the public Weal, as the Prac- tices of a Man whofe Inclinations led him to be corrupt, and had great Abilities to manage, to multiply, and defend his Corruptions. In like Manner, the Difbelief of a Divine Providence renders a Man uncapable of holding any public Station ; for, fince Kings avow themfelves to be the Deputies of Pro- to LILLIPUT. 47 Providence, the Lilliputians think nothing can be more abſurd than for a Prince to employ fuch Men as difown the Authority under which they act. In relating theſe and the following Laws, I would on- ly be understood to mean the original Inſtitutions, and not the moſt ſcandalous Corruptions into which theſe People are fallen by the degenerate Nature of Man. For as to that infamous Practice of acquiring great Em- ployments by dancing on the Ropes, or Badges of Fa- vour and Diſtinction, by leaping over Sticks, and creep- ing under them, the Reader is to obferve, that they were first introduced by the Grandfather of the Empe- ror now reigning, and grew to the prefent Height, by the gradual Increaſe of Party and Faction. Ingratitude is among them a capital Crime, as we read it to have been in fome other Countries; for they reaſon thus, that whoever makes ill Returns to his Ee- nefactor, mult needs be a common Enemy to the rest of Mankind, from whom he hath received no Obliga- tion, and therefore fuch a Man is not fit to live. Their Notions relating to the Duties of Parents and Children differ extremely from ours. For, fince the Conjunction of Male and Female is founded upon the great Law of Nature, in order to propagate and con- tinue the Species, the Lilliputians will needs have it, that Men and Women are joined together like other Animals, by the Motives of Concupifcence; and that their Tenderneſs towards their Young proceeds from the like natural Principle: For which Reafon they will never allow, that a Child is under any Obligation to his Father for begetting him, or to his Mother for bringing him into the World, which, confidering the Miferie of human Life, was neither a Benefit in itſelf, or intended fo by his Parents, whofe Thoughts in their Love-Encounters were otherwife employed. Upon thefe, and the like Reaſonings, their Opinion is, that Parents are the last of all others to be trusted with the Educa- tion of their own Children: And therefore they have in every Town public Nurferies, where all Parents, ex- cept 48 AVOYAGE cept Cottagers and Labourers, are obliged to fend their Infants of both Sexes to be reared and educated when they come to the Age of twenty Moons, at which Time they are fuppofed to have fome Rudiments of Docility. Thefe Schools are of ſeveral Kinds, fuited to different Qualities, and to both Sexes. They have cer- tain Profeffors well ſkilled in preparing Children for fuch a Condition of Life as befits the Rank of their Pa- rents, and their own Capacities as well as Inclinations. I ſhall firſt ſay ſomething of the Male Nuferies, and then of the Female. The Nurferies for Males of noble or eminent Birth, are provided with grave and learned Profeffors, and their feveral Deputies. The Cloathes and Food of the Children are plain and fimple. They are bred up in the Principles of Honour, Juftice, Courage, Modeſty, Clemency, Religion, and Love of their Country; they are always employed in fome Buſineſs, except in the Times of eating and fleeping, which are very fhort, and two Hours for Diverfions, confifting of bodily Exercifes. They are dreffed by Men till four Years of Age, and then are obliged to drefs themſelves, although their Quality be ever ſo great; and the Women Attendants, who are aged proportionably to ours at fifty, perform only the most menial Offices. They are never fuffered to converſe with Servants, but go together in finaller and greater Numbers to take their Diverfions, and al- ways in the Prefence of a Profeffor, or one of his De- puties; whereby they avoid thofe early bad Impreffi- ons of Folly and Vice, to which our Children are ſub- ject. Their Parents are fuffered to fee them only twice a Year; the Vifit is to laft but an Hour. They are allowed to kiss the Child at Meeting and Parting; but a Profeffor, who always ftands by on thofe Occafions, will not ſuffer them to whiſper, or ufe any fondling Expreffions, or bring any Prefents of Toys, Sweet-meats, and the like. The to LILLIPUT. 49 The Penfion from each Family for the Education and Entertainment of a Child, upon Failure of due Pay- ment, is levied by the Emperor's Officers. The Nurferies for Children of ordinary Gentlemen, Merchants, Traders, and Handicrafts, are managed pro- portionably after the fame Manner; only thofe, defign- ed for Trades, are put out Apprentices at eleven Years old, whereas thofe of Perfons of Quality continue in their Exercifes till fifteen, which anfwers to twenty-one with us: But the Confinement is gradually leffened for the last three Years. In the female Nurferies, the young Girls of Quali- ty are educated much like the Males, only they are dreffed by orderly Servants of their own Sex ; but al- ways in the Prefence of a Profeffor or Deputy, till they come to dress themſelves, which is at five Years old. And if it be found that thefe Nurfes ever prefume to en- tertain the Girls with frightful or foolish Stories, or the common Follies practifed by Chamber-maids among us, they are publicly whipped thrice about the City, im- priſoned for a Year, and banished for Life to the moſt defolate Part of the Country. Thus the young Ladies there, are as much afhamed of being Cowards and Fools, as the Men, and defpife all perfonal Ornaments beyond Decency and Cleanlinefs: Neither did I perceive any Difference in their Education, made by their Difference of Sex, only that the Exercifes of the Females were not altogether fo robuſt; and that ſome Rules were given them relating to domeſtic Life, and a ſmaller Compafs of Learning was enjoined them: For their Maxim is, that, among People of Quality, a Wife fhould be al- ways a reaſonable and agreeable Companion, becauſe fhe cannot always be young. When the Girls are twelve Years old, which among them is the marriagea- ble Age, their Parents or Guardians take them Home, with great Expreffions of Gratitude to the Profeffors, and feldom without Tears of the young Lady and her Companions. E In 50 AVOYAGE + ! In the Nurſeries of Females of the meaner Sort, the Children are inflructed in all Kinds of Works proper for their Sex, and their feveral Degrees: Thofe, in- tended for Apprentices, are diſmiſſed at ſeven Years old, the reft are kept to eleven. } The meaner Families, who have Children at thefe Nurſeries, are obliged, befides their annual Penfion; which is as low as poffible, to return to the Steward of the Nurſery, a fmall monthly Share of their Get- tings, to be a Portion for the Child; and therefore all Parents are limited in their Expences by the Law. For the Lilliputians think nothing can be more un- juft, than for People, in Subfervience to their own Appetites, to bring Children into the World, and leave the Burthen of Supporting them on the Public. As to Perfons of Quality, they give Security to appro- priate a certain Sum for each Child, fuitable to their Condition; and thefe Funds are always managed with good Husbandry, and the moſt exact Justice. The Cottagers and Labourers keep their Children at Home, their Bufinefs being only to till and culti- vate the Earth, and therefore their Education is of little Confequence to the Public: But the Old and Difeafed among them, are fupported by Hofpitals: For, Begging is a Trade unknown in this Empire. i And here it may, perhaps, divert the curious Rea- der, to give ſome Account of my Domeftic, and my Manner of Living in this Country, during a Refi- dence of nine Months and thirteen Days. Having a Head mechanically turned; and being likewife forced by Neceffity, I had made for myfelf a Table and Chair convenient enough, out of the largeſt Trees in the Royal Park. Two hundred Sempftreffes were em- ployed to make me Shirts, and Linnen for Bed and Table, all of the ftrongeft and coarfeft Kind they could get; which, however, they were forced to quilt together in feveral Folds, for the thickeft was fome Degrees finer than Lawn. Their Linnen is ufually. three Inches wide, and three Feet make a Piece. The 醉 ​; Semp to LILLIPUT. SI Sempftreffes took my Meaſure as I lay on the Ground, one ſtanding at my Neck, and another at my Mid-leg, with a ftrong Cord extended, that each held by the End, while the third meaſured the Length of the Cord with a Rule of an Inch long. Then they mea- fured my right Thumb, and defired no more; for, by a mathematical Computation, that twice round the Thumb is once round the Wrift, and fo on to the Neck and the Wafte; and by the Help of my old Shirt, which I difplayed on the Ground before them for a Pattern, they fitted me exa&ly. Three hun- dred Taylors were employed in the fame Manner to make me Clothes; but they had another Contrivance for taking my Meaſure. I kneeled down, and they raiſed a Ľadder from the Ground to my Neck; upon this Ladder one of them mounted, and let fall a Plum- Line from my Collar to the Floor, which juſt anſwer- ed the Length of my Coat; but my Waſte and Arms I meaſured myſelf. When my Clothes were finiſhed, which was done in my Houſe (for the largest of theirs would not have been able to hold them) they looked like the Patch-work made by the Ladies in England, only that mine were all of a Colour. I had three hundred Cooks to dress my Victuals, in little convenient Huts built about my Houſe, where they and their Families lived, and prepared me two Dishes a-piece. I took up twenty Waiters in my Hand, and placed them on the Table; an hundred more attended below on the Ground, fome with Diſhes of Meat, and fome with Barrels of Wine, and other Liquors, flung on their Shoulders; all which the Waiters above drew up us I wanted, in a very ingenious Manner, by certain Cords, as we draw the Bucket up a Well in Europe. A Diſh of their Meat was a good Mouthful, and a Barrel of their Liquor a reaſonable Draught. Their Mutton yields to ours, but their Beef is excellent. I have had a Surloin fo large, that I have been forced to make three Bits of it; but this is rare. My Servants were aftoniſhed to E 2 fee 3 AVOYAGE تها fee me eat it, Bones and all, as in our Country we do the Leg of a Lark. Their Geefe and Turkies I uſually eat at a Mouthful; and, I must confefs, they far exceed ours. Of their fmaller Fowl, I could take up twenty or thirty at the End of my Knife. One Day his Imperial Majefty, being informed of my Way of Living, defired that himſelf and his Roy- al Confort, with the young Princes of the Blood of both Sexes, might have the Happineſs (as he was pleaſed to call it) of dining with me. They came ac- cordingly, and I placed them upon Chairs of State on my Table, juft over-against me, with their Guards about them. Flimnap, the Lord High-Treafurer, attended there likewife, with his white Staff, and I obferved he often looked on me with a four Counte- nance, which I would not ſeem to regard, but eat more than ufual, in Honour to my dear Country, as well as to fill the Court with Admiration. I have fome private Reaſons to believe, that this Vifit from his Majesty, gave Flimnap an Opportunity of doing me ill Offices to his Mafter. That Miniſter had al- ways been my fecret Enemy, though he outwardly careffed me more than was ufual to the Morofenefs of his Nature. He reprefented to the Emperor, the low Condition of his Treafury; that he was forced to take up Money at great Diſcount; that Exchequer Bills would not circulate under nine per Cent. below Par; that, in fhort, I had coft his Majefty above a Million and a Half of Sprugs (their greateſt Gold Coin, about the Bignefs of a Spangle) and, upon the Whole, that it would be advifeable in the Emperor to take the first fair Occafion of difmiffing me. I am here obliged to vindicate the Reputation of an excellent Lady, who was an innocent Sufferer up- on my Account. The Treafurer took a Fancy to be jealous of his Wife, from the Malice of fome evil Tongues, who informed him, that her Grace had ta- ken a violent Affection for my Perfon; and the Court- fcandal ran for fome Time, that the once came pri- vately to LILLIPUT. 53 vately to my Lodging. This I folemnly declare to be a moft infamous Falfhood, without any Grounds, farther than that her Grace was pleaſed to treat me with all innocent Marks of Freedom and Friendſhip. I own fhe came often to my Houſe, but always pub- licly, nor ever without three more in the Coach, who were uſually her Sifter and young Daughter, and fome particular Acquaintance; but this was com- mon to many other Ladies of the Court. And I ftill appeal to my Servants round, whether they at any Time faw a Coach at my Door, without knowing what Perſons were in it. On thoſe Occafions, when a Servant had given me Notice, my Cuſtom was to go immediately to the Door; and, after paying my Ref- pects, to take up the Coach and two Horfes very carefully in my Hands (for, if there were fix Horſes, the Poftillion always unharneffed four) and placed them on a Table, where I had fixed a moveable Rim quite round, of five Inches high, to prevent Accidents. And I have often had four Coaches and Horfes at once on my Table full of Company, while I fat in my Chair, leaning my Face towards them; and, when I was engaged with one Set, the Coachmen would gently drive the others round my Table. I have paf- fed many an Afternoon very agreeably in theſe Con- verfations. But I defy the Treaſurer, or his two In- formers (I will name them, and let them make their beſt of it) Cluftril and Drunlo, to prove that any Per- fon ever came to me incognito, except the Secretary Reldrefal, who was fent by exprefs Command of his Imperial Majefty, as I have before related. I fhould not have dwelt fo long upon this Particular, if it had not been a Point wherein the Reputation of a great Lady is fo nearly concerned, to fay nothing of my own; though I then had the Honour to be a Nardac, which the Treaſurer himſelf is not; for all the World knows that he is only a Glumlum, a Title inferior by one Degree, as that of a Marquefs is to a Duke in England, although I allow he preceded me in Right of E 3 his $4+ AYOYAGE his Poſt. Theſe falſe Informations, which I afterwards came to the Knowledge of, by an Accident not pro- per to mention, made Flimnap, the Treaſurer, fhew his Lady, for fome Time, an ill Countenance, and me a worſe; and although he were at laſt undeceived and reconciled to her, yet I loft all Credit with him, and found my Intereft decline very faſt with the Em- peror himſelf, who was, indeed, too much governed by that Favourite. CHA P. VII. The Author, being informed of a Defign to accufe him of High-Treafon, makes his Eſcape to Blefuf- His Reception there. cu. Bevin this to an Account of EFORE I proceed to give an Account of my leaving this Kingdom, it may be proper to in- form the Reader of a private Intrigue which had been for two Months forming againſt me. I had been hitherto all my Life a Stranger to Courts, for which I was unqualified by the Meannefs of my Condition. I had, indeed, heard and read enough of the Difpofitions of great Princes and Minifters; but never expected to have found fuch terrible Effects of them in fo remote a Country, governed, as I thought, by very different Maxims from thofe in Europe. When I was just preparing to pay my Attendance on the Emperor of Blefufcu, a confiderable Perfon at Court (to whom I had been very ferviceable, at a Time when he lay under the higheſt Diſpleaſure of his Im- perial Majefty) came to my Houfe very privately at Night in a clofe Chair, and, without fending his Name, defired Admittance: The Chairmen were difmiffed ; I put the Chair, with his Lordship in it, into my Coat-Pocket; and, giving Orders to a truly Servant to ſay I was indifpofed and gone to Sleep, I faftened the Door of my Houfe, placed the Chair on the to LILLIPUT. the Table, according to my ufual Cuftom, and fat down by it. After the common Salutations were o ever, obferving his Lordship's Countenance full of Con- cern, and enquiring into the Reafon, he defired I would hear him with Patience, in a Matter that high- ly concerned my Honour and my Life. His Speech was to the following Effect, for I took Notes of it as foon as he left me. J You are to know, faid he, that feveral Commit- tees of Council have been lately called in the moſt pri- vate Manner on your Account; and it is but two Days fince his Majefty came to a full Reſolution. You are very fenfible that Skyris Bolgolam (Galbet, or High-Admiral) hath been your mortal Enemy al- moft ever fince your Arrival: His original Reaſons I 'know not; but his Hatred is encreafed fince your great Succefs against Blefufcu, by which his Glory, as Admiral, is much obfcured. This Lord, in Con- junction with Flimnap, the High-Treaſurer, whofe Enmity against you is notorious on Account of his Lady, Limtoc the General, Lalcon the Chamberlain, and Balmuff the grand Jufticiary, have prepared Ar- ticles of Impeachment against you, for Treafon, and other capital Crimes. of This Preface made me fo impatient, being confcious my own Merits and Innocence, that I was going to interrupt: When he entreated me to be filent, and thus proceeded : Out of Gratitude for the Favours you have done me, I procured Information of the whole Proceedings, and a Copy of the Articles, wherein I venture my Head for your Service. Articles E A 56 A VOYAGE Articles of Impeachment againſt Quinbus Fleftrin (the W¹ Man-Mountain.) ARTICLE I. Hereas, by a Statute made in the Reign of his Imperial Majefty Calin Deffar Plune, it is enacted, that whoever fhall make Water within the Precincts of the Royal Palace, fhall be liable to the Pains and Penalties of High-Treafon: Notwithſtand- ing, the faid Quinbus Fleftrin, in open Breach of the faid Law, under Colour of extinguiſhing the Fire kindled in the Apartment of his Majefty's moſt dear Imperial Confort, did malicioufly, traiteroufly, and devilishly, by Difcharge of his Urine, put out the faid Fire kindled in the faid Apartment, lying and being within the Precincts of the faid Royal Palace, againſt the Statute in that Cafe provided, c. againſt the Duty, &c. ARTICLE II. That the faid Quinbus Fleftrin having brought the Imperial Fleet of Blefufcu into the Royal Port, and being afterwards commanded by his Imperial Majefty to feize all the other Ships of the faid Empire of Blefufcu, and reduce that Empire to a Province, to be governed by a Vice-Roy from hence, and to deſtroy and put to Death not only all the Big Indian Exiles, but likewife all the People of that Empire, who would not immediately forfake the Big Indian Herefy: He the faid Fleftrin, like a falfe Traitor against his moſt Aufpicious, Serene, Imperial Majefty, did petition to be excufed from the faid Service, upon Pretence of Unwillingneſs to force the Confciences, or deftroy the Liberties and Lives of innocent People. ARTICLE III. That, whereas certain Ambaffadors arrived from the Court of Blefufcu, to fue for Peace in his Majefty's Court to LILLIPUT. 57 Court: He the faid Fleftrin did, like a falfe Traitor, aid, abet, comfort, and divert the faid Ambaffadors, although he knew them to be Servants to a Prince who was lately an open Enemy to his Imperial Majefty, and in open War againſt his faid Majefty. ARTICLE IV. That the faid Quinbus Flefrin, contrary to the Duty of a faithful Subject, is now preparing to make a Voyage to the Court and Empire of Blefufcu, for which he hath received only verbal Licence from his Imperial Majefty; and under Colour of the faid Li- cence doth falfly and traiterouſly intend to take the faid Voyage, and thereby to aid, comfort, and abet the Emperor of Blefufcu, fo late an Enemy, and in open War with his Imperial Majefty aforefaid. There are fome other Articles, but thefe are the moſt important, of which I have read you an Abſtract. In the feveral Debates upon this Impeachment, it must be confeffed that his Majefty gave many Marks of his great Lenity, often urging the Services you had done him, and endeavouring to extenuate your Crimes. The Treaſurer and Admiral infifted that you ſhould be put to the most painful and ignominious Death, by fetting Fire on your Houfe at Night, and the General was to attend with twenty thouſand Men armed with poiſoned Arrows, to fhoot you on the Face and Hands. Some of your Servants were to have private Orders to ftrew a poiſonous Juice on your Shirts and Sheets, which would foon make you tear your own Fleſh, and die in the utmoft Torture. The General came into the fame Opinion; fo that for a long Time there was a Majority against you: But his Majefty refolving, if poffible, to fpare your Life, at laft brought off the Chamberlain. Upon this Incident, Reldrefal, Principal Secretary for private Affairs, who always approved himself your true Friend, was commanded by the Emperor to deliver his Opinion, which he accordingly did: And therein jufti- fy'd 58 AVOYAGE t fy'd the good Thoughts you have of him. He allowed your Crimes to be great, but that fill there was Room for Mercy, the moft commendable Virtue in a Prince, and for which his Majefty was fo jufty cele- brated. He ſaid, the Friendſhip between you and him was fo well known to the World, that perhaps the moft honourable Board might think him partial :, How- ever, in Obedience to the Command he had received, he would freely offer his Sentiments. That if his Ma- jefty, in Confideration of your Services, and purfuant to his own merciful Difpofition, would pleaſe to ſpare your Life, and only give Order to put out both your Eyes, he humbly conceived, that, by this Expedient, Juftice might in ſome Meaſure be ſatisfied, and all the World would applaud the Lenity of the Emperor, as well as the fair and generous Proceedings of thoſe who have the Honour to be his Counſellors. That the Lofs of your Eyes would be no Impediment to your bodily Strength, by which you might fill be ufeful to his Majefty. That Blindness is an Addition to Courage, by concealing Dangers from us; that the Fear you had for your Eyes, was the greatest Difficulty in bring- ing over the Enemy's Fleet, and it would be fufficient for you to fee by the Eyes of the Minifters, fince the greateſt Princes do no more. This Propofal was received with the utmoft Difappro- bation by the whole Board. Bolgolam, the Admiral, could not preferve his Temper; but, rifing up in Fury, faid, he wondered how the Secretary durft preſume to give his Opinion for preferving the Life of a Traitor : That the Services you had performed were, by all true Reaſons of State, the great Aggravation of your Crimes; that you, who were able to extinguifh the Fire, by Difcharge of Urine in her Majefty's Apart- ment (which he mentioned with Horror) might, at another Time, raiſe an Inundation by the fame Means to drown the whole Palace; and the fame Strength, which enabled you to bring over the Enemy's Fleet, might ferve, upon the first Difcontent, to carry it back: That to LILLIPUT. 59 That he had good Reafons to think you were a Big- Indian in your Heart; and as Treafon begins in the Heart, before it appears in Overt-acts, ſo he accufed you as a Traytor on that Account, and therefore infifted you ſhould be put to Death. The Treaſurer was of the fame Opinion; he fhewed to what Streights his Majefty's Revenue was reduced by the Charge of maintaining you, which would foon grow infupportable: That the Secretary's Expedient of putting out your Eyes, was fo far from being a Remedy againſt this Evil, it would probably increaſe it, as it is manifeft from the blinding fome Kind of Fowl, after which, they fed the faſter, and grew fooner fat: That his facred Majefty, and the Council, who are your Judges, were in their own Conſciences fully convinced of your Guilt, which was a fufficient Argument to condemn you to Death, without the formal Proofs re- quired by the ftrict Letter of the Law. But his Imperial Majefty, fully determined againſt capital Punishment, was gracioufly pleafed to fay, That, fince the Council thought the Lofs of your Eyes too eafy a Cenfure, fome other may be inflicted hereafter. And your Friend, the Secretary, humbly defiring to be heard again, in Anfwer to what the Treaſurer had objected concerning the great Charge his Majefty was at in maintaining you, faid, that his Excellency, who had the fole Difpofal of the Emperor's Revenue, might eafily provide against that Evil, by gradually leffening your Establishment; by which, for Want of fufficient Food, you would grow weak and faint, and looſe your Appetite, and confume in a few Months; neither would the Stench of your Carcaſs be then fo dangerous, when it fhould become more than half diminiſhed; and imme- diately, upon your Death, five or fix thouſand of his Majefty's Subjects might, in two or three Days, cut your Fleſh from your Bones, take it away by Cart- Loads, and bury it in diftant Parts to prevent Infection, leaving the Skeleton as a Monument of Admiration to Poſterity. Thus, 60 A VOYAGE Thus, by the great Friendſhip of the Secretary, the whole Affair was compromiſed. It was ftrictly enjoined, that the Project of ſtarving you, by Degrees, fhould be kept a Secret, but the Sentence of putting out your Eyes was entered on the Books; none diffenting except Bolgolam, the Admiral, who, being a Creature of the Emprefs, was perpetually inftigated by her Majefty to infift upon your Death, fhe having born perpetual Malice against you, on Account of that infamous and illegal Method you took to extinguish the Fire in her Apartment. In three Days, your Friend, the Secretary, will be directed to come to your Houſe, and read before you the Articles of Impeachment; and then to fignify the great Lenity and Favour of his Majefty and Council, whereby you are only condemned to the Lofs of your Eyes, which his Majefty doth not queſtion you will gratefully and humbly fubmit to; and twenty of his Majefty's Surgeons will attend, in order to fee the Operation well performed, by difcharging very fharp- pointed Arrows into the Balls of your Eye., as you lie on the Ground. I leave to your Prudence what Meafures you will take; and, to avoid Sufpicion, I must immediately return in as private Manner as I came. His Lordship did fo, and I remained alone, under many Doubts and Perplexities of Mind. It was a Cuſtom introduced by this Prince and his Miniftry (very different, as I have been affured, from the Practices of former Times) that after the Court had decreed any cruel Execution, either to gratify the Monarch's Refentment, or the Malice of a Favourite, the Emperor always made a Speech to his whole Coun- cil, expreffing his great Lenity and Tenderness, as Qualities known and confeffed by all the World. This Speech was immediately publiſhed through the King- dom; nor did any Thing terrify the People fo much as thofe Encomiums on his Majefty's Mercy; becauſe it was obferved, that, the more thefe Praifes were en- larged to LILLIPUT. 61 larged and infifted on, the more inhuman was the Puniſhment, and the Sufferer more innocent. And as to myſelf, I must confefs, having never been defigned for a Courtier either by my Birth or Education, I was fo ill a Judge of Things, that I could not diſcover the Lenity and Favour of this Sentence, but conceived it (perhaps erroneoufly) rather to be rigorous than gentle. I fometimes thought of ftanding my Trial; for, altho I could not deny the Facts alledged in the feveral Ar- ticles, yet I hoped they would admit of fome Extenu- ation. But having in my Life perufed many State- Trials, which I ever obferved to terminate as the Judges thought fit to direct, I durft not rely on fo dangerous a Decifion, in fo critical a Juncture, and against fuch powerful Enemies. Once I was strongly bent upon Refiftance, for, while I had Liberty, the whole Strength of that Empire could hardly fubdue me, and I might eafily with Stones pelt the Metropolis to Pieces; but I foon rejected that Project with Horror, by remembring the Oath I had made to the Emperor, the Favours I received from him, and the high Title of Nardac he conferred upon me. Neither had I fo foon learned the Gratitude of Courtiers, to perfuade myſelf, that his Majefty's prefent Severities acquitted me of all paft Obligations. At laft I fixed upon a Refolution, for which it is probable I may incur fome Cenfure, and not unjuſtly : for I confefs I owe the preferving mine Eyes, and confequently my Liberty, to my own great Raſhneſs, and Want of Experience; becaufe, if I had then known the Nature of Princes and Minifters, which I have fince obferved in many other Courts, and their Methods of treating Criminals lefs obnoxious than myſelf, I fhould with great Alacrity and Readineſs have fubmitted to fo eafy a Puniſhment. But hurry'd on by the Precipi- tancy of Youth, and having his Imperial Majefty's Licence to pay my Attendance upon the Emperor of Blefufcu, I took this Opportunity, before the three Days were elapfed, to fend a Letter to my Friend the Secretary, } 62 A VOYAGE } : Secretary, fignifying my Refolution of fetting out that Morning for Blefufcu, purfuant to the Leave I had got; and, without waiting for an Anfwer, I went to that Side of the Inland where our Fleet lay. I feized a large Man of War, tied a Cable to the Prow, and, lifting up the Anchors, I ftript myſelf, put my Cloaths (together with my Coverlet, which I brought under my Arm) into the Veffel, and drawing it after me, between Wading and Swimming, arrived at the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where the People had long expected me; they lent me two Guides to direct me to the capital City, which is of the fame Name. I held them in my Hands till I came within two hundred Yards of the Gate, and defired them to fignify my Arrival to one of the Secretaries, and let him know, I there waited his Majeſty's Command. I had an Anſwer in about an Hour, that his Majefty, attended by the Royal Family, and great Officers of the Court, was coming out to receive me. I advanced a hundred Yards. The Emperor, and his Train, alighted from their Horfes, the Emprefs and Ladies from their Coaches, and Í did not perceive they were in any Fright or Concern. I lay on the Ground to kifs his Majefty's and the Emprefs's Hand. I told his Majefty that I was come according to my Promife, and with the Licence of the Emperor my Mafter, to have the Honour of ſeeing fo mighty a Monarch, and to offer him any Service in my Power, confiftent with my Duty to my own Prince not mentioning a Word of my Difgrace, becauſe I had hitherto no regular Information of it, and might fup- pofe myſelf wholly ignorant of any fuch Defign; neither could I reaſonably conceive that the Emperor would diſcover the Secret, while I was out of his Power; wherein, however, it foon appeared I was deceived. ; I fhall not trouble the Reader with the particular Ac- count of my Reception at this Court, which was fuitable to the Generoſity of fo great a Prince; nor of the Diffi- culties I was in for want of a Houſe and Bed, being forced to lie on the Ground, wrapt up in my Coverlet. CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 63 : CHAP. VIII. The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Means to leave Blefufcu; and, after fome Difficulties, re- turns fafe to his native Country. Τ' HREE Days after my Arrival, walking out of Curiofity to the North-Eaſt Coaſt of the I- fland, I obferved, about half a League off, in the Sea, fomewhat that looked like a Boat overturned. I pull- ed off my Shoes and Stockings, and, wading two or three hundred Yards, I found the Object to approach nearer by Force of the Tide; and then plainly faw it to be a real Boat, which I fuppofed might, by fome Tempeft, have been driven from a Ship: Whereupon I returned immediately towards the City, and defired his Imperial Majefty to lend me twenty of the talleſt Veffels he had left after the Lofs of his Fleet, and three thouſand Seamen, under the Command of the Vice Admiral. This Fleet failed round, while I went back the fhorteſt Way to the Coaft, where I firft difcovered the Boat; I found the Tide had driven- it till ncarer. The Seamen were all provided with Cordage, which I had beforehand twilted to a fuffi- cient Strength. When the Ships came up, I ftript myſelf, and waded till I came within an hundred Yards of the Boat, after which I was forced to ſwim till I got up to it. The Seamen threw me the End of the Cord, which I faftened to a Hole in the Fore-part of the Boat, and the other End to a Man of War: But I found all my Labour to little Purpofe; for, be- ing out of my Depth, I was not able to Work. Ia this Neceffity, I was forced to fwim behind, and puſh the Boat forwards as often as I could, with one of my Hands; and, the Tide favouring me, I advanced- fo far, that I could just hold up my Chin, and feel the Ground. I refted two or three Minutes, and then gave the Boat another Shove, and fo on, till the Sea was 64 AVOYAG É 譬 ​was no higher than my Arm-pits; and now, the most laborious Part being over, I took out my other Ca- bles, which were ftowed in one of the Ships, and faſt- ened them firſt to the Boat, and then to nine of the Veffels which attended me; the Wind being favoura- ble, the Seamen towed, and I fhoved till we arrived within forty Yards of the Shore, and, waiting till the Tide was out, I got dry to the Boat, and by the Af- fiftance of two thouſand Men, with Ropes and Engines, I made a fhift to turn it on its Bottom, and found it was but little damaged. I fhall not trouble the Reader with the Difficulties I was under by the Help of certain Paddles, which coft me ten Days making, to get my Boat to the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where a mighty Concourfe of People appeared upon my Arrival, full of Wonder at the Sight of fo prodigious a Veffel. I told the Emperor, that my good Fortune had thrown this Boat in my Way, to carry me to fome Place, from whence I might return into my native Country, and begged his Majefty's Or- ders for getting Materials to fit it up, together with his Licence to depart, which, after fome kind Expof- tulations, he was pleaſed to grant. I did very much wonder, in all this Time, not to have heard of any Expreſs relating to me, from our Emperor, to the Court of Blefufcu. But I was after- wards given privately to understand, that his Imperial Majefty, never imagining I had the leaft Notice of his Defigns, believed I was only gone to Blefufcu, in Per- formance of my Promiſe, according to the Licence he had given me, which was well known at our Court, and would return in a few Days when the Ceremony was ended. But he was at laſt in Pain at my long Ab- fence; and, after confulting with the Treaſurer, and the reſt of that Cabal, a Perfon of Quality was dif- patched with the Copy of the Articles againft me. This Envoy had Inſtructions to reprefent to the Monarch of Blefufcu, the great Lenity of his Matter, who was con- tent to punish me no farther than with the Lofs of mine Eyes; i to LILLIPUT. 65 Eyes; that I had fled from Juftice, and, if I did not return in two Hours, I fhould be deprived of my Title of Nardac, and declared a Traitor. The Envoy fur- ther added, that in order to maintain the Peace and Amity between both Empires, his Mafter expected, that his Brother of Blefufcu would give Orders to have me fent back to Lilliput, bound Hand and Foot, to be puniſhed as a Traitor. The Emperor of Blefufcu, having taken three Days to confult, returned an Anfwer, confifting of many Ci- vilities and Excufes. He faid, that, as for fending me bound, his Brother knew it was impoffible; that al- though I had deprived him of his Fleet, yet he owed great Obligations to me for many good Offices I had done him in making the Peace. That, however, both their Majefties would foon be made eaſy; for I had found a prodigious Veffel on the Shore, able to carry me on the Sea, which he had given Order to fit up with my own Affittance and Direction; and he hoped, in a few Weeks, both Empires would be freed from fo infupportable an Incumbrance. With this Anſwer, the Envoy returned to Lilliput, and the Monarch of Blefufcu related to me all that had palt; offering me at the fame Time (but under the ftrictest Confidence) his gracious Protection, if I would continue in his Service; wherein, although I believed him fincere, yet I refolved never more to put any Confidence in Princes or Minifters, where I could pof- fibly avoid it; and, therefore, with all due Acknow- ledgements for his favourable Intentions, I humbly beg- ged to be excufed. I told him, that fince Fortune, whether good or evil, had thrown a Weffel in my Way, I was refolved to venture myfelf in the Ocean, rather than be an Occafion of Difference between two fuch. mighty Monarchs. Neither did I find the Emperor at all diſpleaſed; and I difcovered, by a certain Accident, that he was very glad of my Refolution, and ſo were moft of his Minifters. F Thefe AVOYAGE : Thefe Confiderations moved me to haften haften my De parture fomewhat fooner than I intended; to which the Court, impatient to have me gone, very readily contributed. Five hundred Workmen were imployed to make two Sails to my Boat, according to my Di- rections, by quilting thirteen Fold of their ſtrongeſt Lin- nen together. I was at the Pains of making Ropes and Cables, by twisting ten, twenty, or thirty of the thickeſt and ſtrongeſt of theirs. A great Stone that I happened to find, after a long Search by the Sea-fhore, ferved me for an Anchor. I had the Tallow of three hundred Cows for greafing my Boat, and other Ufes. I was at incredible Pains in cutting down fome of the largeſt Timber-Trees for Oars and Mafts, wherein I was, however, much aflifted by his Majefty's Ship- carpenters, who helped me in frioothing them after I had done the rough Work. · A In about a Month, when all was prepared, I fent to receive his Majeſty's Commands, and to take my Leave. The Emperor and Royal Family came out of the Pa- lace; I laid down on my Face to kifs his Hand, which he very graciouſly gave me; fo did the Emprefs, and young Princes of the Blood. His Majefty prefented me with fifty Purfes of two hundred Sprugs a piece, toge. ther with his Picture at full Length, which I put im- mediately into one of my Gloves, to keep it from be- ing hurt. The Ceremonies at my Departure were too many to trouble the Reader with at this Time. I ftored the Boat with the Carcafes of an hundred Oxen, and three hundred Sheep, with Bread and Drink proportionable, and as much Meat ready dreffed as four-hundred Cooks could provide. I took with me fix Cows and two Bulls alive, with as many Ewes and Rams, intending to carry thera into my own Country, and propagate the Breed. And, to feed them on Board,. I had a good Bundle of Hay, and a Bag of Corn: I would gladly have taken a Dozen of the Natives, but this was a Thing the Emperor would by no Means perrmit; and, befides a diligent Search into my Pockets, hiss to LILLIPUT. 67 His Majefty engaged my Honour not to carry away any of his Subjects, although with their own Confent and Defire. Having thus prepared all Things as well as I was able, I fet Sail on the twenty-fourth Day of September 1701, at fix in the Morning, and when I had gone about four Leagues to the Northward, the Wind being at South-Eaft, at Six in the Evening, I defcried a ſmall Iſland about half a League to the North-Weft. I ad- vanced forward, and caft Anchor on the Lee-fide of the Ifland, which feemed to be uninhabited. I then took ſome Refreſhment, and went to my Reft. I flept well, and I conjecture at leaſt fix Hours, for I found the Day broke in two Hours after I awaked. It was a clear Night. I eat my Breakfaſt before the Sun was up; and heaving Anchor, the Wind being favourable, I fteered the fame Courfe, that I had done the Day before, wherein I was directed by my Pocket compafs. My Intention was to reach, if poffible, one of thofe Iflands, which I had Reaſon to believe lay on the North-Eaſt of Van Diemen's Land. I difcovered nothing all that Day, but upon the next, about three in the Afternoon, when I had by my Computation made twenty-four Leagues from Blefufcu, I defcried a Sail fteering to the South- Eaft; my Courfe was due Eaft. I hailed her, but could get no Anſwer; yet I found I gained upon her, for the Wind flackened. I made all the Sail I could, and in half an Hour ſhe fpied me, then hung out her Ancient, and difcharged a Gun. It is not eafy to exprefs the Joy I was in upon the unexpected Hope of once more fee- ing my beloved Country, and the dear Pledges I left in it. ļ The Ship flackened her Sails, and I came up with her between Five and Six in the Evening, September 26; but my Heart leapt within me to fee her English Co- lours. I put my Cows and Sheep into my Coat-Poc- kets, and got on board with all my little Cargo of Pro- vifions. The Veffel was an English Merchant-man, re- turning from Japan by the North and South-Seas; the Captain, Mr. John Biddel of Deptford, a ve y civil : F 2 Man, AVOYAGE Man, and an excellent Sailor. We were now in the Latitude of 30 Degrees South, there were about fifty Men in the Ship; and here I met an old Comrade of mine, one Peter Williams, who gave me a good Cha- racter to the Captain. This Gentleman treated me with. Kindneſs, and defired I would let him know what Place I came from laft and whither I was bound; which I did in few Words, but he thought I was raving, and that the Dangers I underwent had diflurbed my Head, whereupon I took my black Cattle and Sheep out of my Pocket, which, after great Aftonifhment, clearly convinced him of my Veracity. I then fhewed him the Gold given me by the Emperor of Blefufcu, toge ther with his Majefty's Picture at full Length, and fome other Rarities of that Country. I gave him two Purfes of two hundred Sprags each, and promifed, when we arrived in England, to make him a Prefent of a Cow and a Sheep big with Young. 1 I fhall not trouble the Reader with a particular Ac- count of this Voyage, which was very profperous for the moſt Part. We arrived in the Downs, on the 13th of April 170z. I had only one Misfortune, that the Rats on Board carried away one of my Sheep; I found her Bones in a Hole, picked clean from the Fleſh. The rest of my Cattle I got fafe a-fhore, and fet them a grazing in a Bowling-Green at Greenwich, where the Fineness of the Grafs made them feed very heartily, though I had always feared the contrary: Neither could poffibly have preferved them in fo long a Voyage, if the Captain had not allowed me ſome of his beſt Bifket, which rubbed to Powder, and mingled with Water, was their conftant Food. The fhort Time I continued in England, 1 made a confiderable Profit by fhewing my Cattle to many Perfons of Quality, and others: And, before I began my fecond Voyage, I fold them for fix hundred Pounds. Since my lalt Return, I find the Breed is confiderably increaſed, efpecially the Sheep, which I hope will prove much to the Advantage of the Woollen Manufacture, by the Fineness of the Fleeces. I flayed to LILLIPUT. 69 I ftayed but two Months with my Wife and Family; for my infatiable Defire of ſeeing foreign Countries would fuffer me to continue no longer. I left fifteen- hundred Pounds with my Wife, and fixed her in a good Houſe at Redriff. My remaining Stock 1 carried with me, Part in Money and Part in Goods, in hopes to improve my Fortunes. My eldeſt Uncle John had left me an Eſtate in Land, near Epping, of about thir- ty Pounds a Year; and I had a long Leafe of the Black Buli in Fetter-Lane, which yielded me as much more: So that I was not in any Danger of leaving my Family upon the Pariſh. My Son Johnny, named ſo after his Uncle, was at the Grammar School, and a towardly Child. My Daughter Betty (who is now well married, and has Children) was then at her Needlework: I took Leave of my Wife, and Boy and Girl, with Tears on both Sides, and went on board the Adventure, a Merchant Ship, of three hundred Tons bound for Surat, Captain John Nicholſon of Liverpool, Commander. But my Account of this Voyage must be referred to the Se- cond Part of my Travels. The End of the Firft Part. F 3 TRA [ 70 ] TRAVEL S. PART II. A Voyage to BROBDING NAG. CHA P. I. A great Storm defcribed, the Long-Boat fent to fetch Water, the Author goes with it to discover the Country. He is left on Shore, is feized by one of the Natives, and carried to a Farmer's Houfe. His Reception there, with feveral Accidents that happened there. A Deſcription of the Inhabitants. H AVING been condemned by Nature and Fortune to an active and reftlefs Life, in twa Months after my Return, I again left my native Country, and took Shipping in the Downs on the 20th Day of June 1702, in the Adventure, Capt. John Nicholas, a Cornish Man, Commander, bound for Surat. We had a very profperous Gale till we arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, where we landed for freſh Water, but, difcovering a Leak, we unfhipped our Goods, and wintered there; for, the Captain falling fick of an Ague, we could not leave the Cape till the End of March. We then fet Sail, and had a good Voyage till we paffed the Streights of Madagafcar; but having got Northward of that Ifland, and to about five Degrees South Latitude, the Winds, which in thoſe Seas were obſerved to blow a conftant equal Gale between Plate Part I.Page 70 BROBDINGNAGE Tianfufnic. Lar brulgrad. Difcovered AD.1703. NORTH AMERICA. Straits of Annian CBlanco St Sebaſtian. CMendocino. PostFranc.Draki NEW! ALBION. ST Martin Mount- P.Monterey. AVOYAGE, &c. 71 between the North and West, from the Beginning of December, to the Beginning of May, on the 9th of April began to blow with much greater Violence, and more Wefterly than ufual, continuing fo for twenty Days together, during which Time, we were driven a little to the Eaft of the Molucca fflands, and about three Degrees Northward of the Line, as our Captain found by an Obfervation he took the zd of May, at which Time the Wind ceaſed, and it was a perfect Calm, whereat I was not a little rejoiced. But he, 'being a Man-experienced in the Navigation of thofe Seas, bid us all prepare againſt a Storm, which accordingly happened the Day following: For a Southern Wind, called the Southern Monfoon, began to fet in. + ་ 1 Finding it was like to overblow, we took in our Sprit-fail, and ft.od by to hand the Fore-fail; but, making foul Weather, we looked the Guns were all faſt, and handed the Miffen. The Ship lay very broad off, fo we thought it better ſpooning before the Sea, than trying or hulling. We reeft the Fore fail and fet him, and hawled aft the Fore-fheet; the Helm was hard a Weather. The Ship wore bravely. We belayed the Fore down-hall; but the Sail was fplit, and we hawled down the Yard, and got the Sail into the Ship, and unbound all the Things clear of it. It was a very fierce Storm; the Sea broke ftrange and dangerous. We hawled off upon the Lanniard of the Whipftaff, and helped the Man at the Helm. We would not get down our Top-maft, but let all ftand, becauſe ſhe fcudded before the Sea very well, and we knew that, the Top-maft being aloft, the Ship was the wholfomer, and made better Way through the Sea, feeing we had Sea-Room. When the Storm was over, we fet Fore- fail and Main-fail, and brought the Ship to. we fet the Miffen, Main top-fail, and the Fore top-fail. Our Courſe was 'Eaft North-Eaſt, the Wind was at South-West. We got the Star-board Tacks aboard, we caft off our Weather Braces and Lifts; we fet in the Lee braces, and hawled forward by the Weather- bowlings, F 4 . Then 72 AYOYAGE bowlings, and hawled them right, and belayed them, and hawled over the Miffen-tack to Windward, and kept her full and by as near as fhe would lie. During this Storm, which was followed by a ftrong Wind Weft South-West, we were carried by my Com- putation, about five hundred Leagues to the Eaſt, ſo that the oldeft Sailor aboard could not tell in what Part of the World we were. Our Provifions held out well, our Ship was ftaunch, and our Crew all in good Health; but we lay in the utmoſt Diftrefs for Water. We thought it beſt to hold on the fame Courſe, rather than turn more Northerly, which might have brought us to the North-Weft Parts of Great Tartary, and into the frozen Sea. On the 16th Day of June 1703, a Boy on the Top- maft diſcovered Land. On the 17th, we came in full View of a great Iſland or Continent (for we knew not whether) on the South Side whereof was a ſmall Neck of Land jutting out into the Sea, and a Creek too fhallow to hold a Ship of above one hundred Tuns. We caft Anchor within a League of this Creek, and our Captain fent a Dozen of his Men well armed in the Long-Boat, with Veffels for Water, if any could be found. I de- fired his Leave to go with them, that I might fee the Country, and make what Diſcoveries I could. When we came to Land, we ſaw no River or Spring, nor any Sign of Inhabitants. Our Men therefore wandered on the Shore, to find out fome freſh Water near the Sea, and I walked alone about a Mile on the other Side, where I obferved the Country all barren and rocky. I now began to be weary, and, feeing nothing to en- tertain my Curiofity, I returned gently down towards the Creek; and, the Sea being full in my View, I faw our Men already got into the Boat, and rowing for Life to the Ship. I was going to hollow after them, although it had been to little Purpoſe, when I obferved a huge Creature walking after them in the Sea, as faft as he could; He waded not much deeper than his Knees, and took prodigious Strides: But our Men had the to BROBDINGNAG. 73 the Start of him half a League, and, the Sea there- abouts being full of fharp-pointed Rocks, the Monſter was not able to overtake the Boat. This I was after- wards told, for I durft not ftay to fee the Iffue of the Adventure; but ran as faft as I could the Way I first went, and then climbed up a ſteep Hill, which gave me fome Profpect of the Country. I found it fully cultivated; but that which firft furpriſed me was the Length of the Grafs, which, in thoſe Grounds that feemed to be kept for Hay, was about twenty Feet high. I fell into a high Road, for fo I took it to be, though it ferved to the Inhabitants only as a Foot- Path through a Field of Barley. Here I walked on for fome Time, but could fee little on either Side, it being now at leaft Harveft, and the Corn rifing near forty Feet. I was an Hour walking to the End of this Field, which was fenced in with a Hedge of at leaſt one hundred and twenty Feet high, and the Trees fo lofty that I could make no Computation of their Altitude. There was a Stile to paſs from this Field into the next. It had four Steps, and a Stone to croſs over when you came to the uppermoft. It was im- poffible for me to climb this Stile, becauſe every Step was fix Feet high, and the upper Stone above twenty. I was endeavouring to find fome Gap in the Hedge, when I diſcovered one of the Inhabitants in the next Field, advancing towards the Stile, of the fame Size with him I faw in the Sea, purſuing our Boat. He appeared as tall as an ordinary Spire-Steeple, and took about ten Yards at every Stride, as near as I could guefs. I was ftruck with the utmoft Fear and Afto- niſhment, and ran to hide myſelf in the Corn, from whence I ſaw him at the Top of the Stile, looking back into the next Field on the Right Hand, and heard him call in a Voice many Degrees louder than a Speaking Trumpet; but the Noife was fo high in the Air, that at first I certainly thought it was Thunder. Where- upon, feven Moniters, like himſelf, came towards him with 774 A VOYAGE 4 with Reaping-Hooks in their Hands, each Hook about the Largeneſs of fix Scythes. Thefe People were not fo well clad as the firft, whofe Servants or Labourers they ſeemed to be: For, upon fome Words he fpoke, they went to reap the Corn in the Field where I lay. I kept from them at as great a Diſtance as I could, but was forced to move with extreme Difficulty, for the Stalks of the Corn were fometimes not above a Foot diftant, ſo that I could hardly fqueefe my Body betwixt them. I made Shift to go forward, till I came to a Part of the Field where the Corn had been laid by the Rain and Wind. Here it was impoffible for me to advance a Step; for the Stalks were fo inter- woven that I could not creep thorough, and the Beards of the fallen Ears fo ftrong and pointed that they pierced through my Cloaths into my Fleſh. At the fame Time I heard the Reapers not above an hundred Yards behind me. Being quite difpirited with Toil, and wholly overcome by Grief and Defpair, I lay down between two Ridges, and heartily wished I might there end my Days. I bemoaned my defolate Widow, and fatherless Children. I lamented my own Folly and Wilfulneſs in attempting a fecond Voyage against the Advice of all my Friends and Relations. In this terrible Agitation of Mind I could not forbear think- ing of Lilliput, whofe Inhabitants looked upon me as the greateſt Prodigy that ever appeared in the World: Where I was able to draw an Imperial Fleet in my Hand, and perform thofe other Actions which will be recorded for ever in the Chronicles of that Empire, while Pofterity fhall hardly believe them, although attelled by Millions. I reflected what a Mortification it muft prove to me to appear as inconfiderable in this Nation, as one fingle Lilliputian would be among us. But this I conceived was to be the leaft of my Mis- fortunes: For, as human Creatures are obferved to be more favage and cruel in Proportion to their Bulk, what could I expect but to be a Morfel in the Mouth of the firt among thefe enormous Barbarians that fhould to BROBDINGNA G. 75 fhould happen to feize me? Undoubtedly Philofophers are in the Right when they tell us, that nothing is great or little otherwife than by Compariſon. It might have pleaſed Fortune to let the Lilliputians find fome Nation, where the People were as diminutive with reſpect to them, as they were to me. And who knows but that even this prodigious Race of Mortals might be equally overmatched in fome diftant Part of the World, whereof we have yet no Diſcovery? Scared and confounded as I was, I could not for- bear going on with theſe Reflections, when one of the Reapers, approaching within ten Yards of the Ridge where I lay, made me apprehend, that with the next Step I ſhould be fquafhed to Death under his Foot, or cut in two with his Reaping-hook. And, therefore, when he was again about to move, I ſcream- ed as loud as Fear could make me. Whereupon the huge Creature trod fhort, and, looking round about under him for fome Time, at laſt eſpied me as I lay on the Ground. He confidered a While with the Cauti- on of one who endeavours to lay hold on a fmall dan- gerous Animal, in fuch a Manner, that it may not be able either to fcratch or to bite him, as I myſelf have fometimes done with a Weafel in England. At length he ventured to take me up behind by the Middle be- tween his fore Finger and Thumb, and brought me within three Yards of his Eyes, that he might behold my Shape more perfectly. I gueffed his Meaning, and my good Fortune gave me fo much Prefence of Mind, that I refolved not to ftruggle in the leaft as he held me in the Air, about fixty Feet from the Ground, al- though he grievoufly pinched my Sides, for fear I fhould flip through his Fingers. All I ventured was to raiſe mine Eyes towards the Sun, and place my Hands together in a fupplicating Pofture, and to ſpeak fome Words in an humble melancholy Tone, fuitable to the Condition I then was in. For I apprehended every Moment that he would dafh me against the Ground, as we ufually do any little hateful Animal which we have 76 A VOYAGE have a Mind to deftroy. But my good Star would have it, that he appeared pleafed with my Voice and Geſtures, and began to look upon me as a Curiofity, much wondering to hear me pronounce articulate Words, although he could not underſtand them. In the mean Time I was not able to forbear groaning and fhedding Tears, and turning my Head towards my Sides; letting him know, as well as I could, how cru- elly I was hurt by the Preffure of his Thumb and Fin- ger. He feemed to apprehend my Meaning; for, lift- ing up the Lappet of his Coat, he put me gently into it, and immediately ran along with me to his Mafter, who was a ſubſtantial Farmer, and the fame Perfon I had firft fecn in the Field. The Farmer having (as I fuppofe by their Talk) re- ceived fuch an Account of me as his Servant could give him, took a Piece of a finall Straw, about the Size of a Walking-flaff, and therewith lifted up the Lappets of my Coat; which, it ſeems, he thought to be fome Kind of Covering that Nature had given me. He blew my Hairs afide to take a better View of my Face. He called his Hinds about him, and aſked them (as I afterwards learned) whether they had ever feen in the Fields any little Creature that refembled me: He then placed me foftly on the Ground upon all four, but I got immediately up, and walked flowly backwards and forwards, to let thofe People fee I had no Intent to run away. They all fat down in a Circle about me, the better to obferve my Motions. I pulled off my Hat, and made a low Bow towards the Far- mer. I fell on my Knees, and lifted up my Hands and Eyes, and fpoke feveral Words as loud as I could: I took a Purſe of Gold out of my Pocket, and humbly prefented it to him. He received it on the Palm of his Hand, then applied it clofe to his Eye, to fee what it was, and afterwards turned it feveral Times with the Point of a Pin (which he took out of his Sleeve) but could make nothing of it. Whereupon I made a Sign that he ſhould place his Hand on the Ground. I then to BROBDINGNAG. 77 then took the Purfe, and opening it, poured all the Gold into his Palm. There were fix Spanish Pieces of four Piſtoles each, befides twenty or thirty fmaller Coins. I faw him wet the Tip of his little Finger upon his Tongue, and take up one of my largeſt Pieces, and then another, but he ſeemed to be wholly ignorant what they were. He made me a Sign to put them again into my Purſe, and the Purfe again into my Pocket, which, after offering it to him feveral Times, I thought it beft to do. The Farmer, by this Time, was convinced I muſt be a rational Creature. He spoke often to me, but the Sound of his Voice pierced my Ears like that of a Water-mill, yet his Words were articulate enough. I anfwered as loud as I could, in feveral Languages, and he often laid his Ear within two Yards of me = but all in vain, for we were wholly unintelligible to each other. He then fent his Servants to their Work, and, taking his Handkerchief out of his Pocket, he doubled and ſpread it on his left Hand, which he placed flat on the Ground, with the Palm upwards, making me a Sign to ftep into it, as I could eaſily do, for it was not above a Foot in Thickneſs. I thought it my Part to obey, and, for fear of falling, laid my- felf at Length upon the Hankerchief, with the Re- mainder of which, he lapped me up to the Head for farther Security, and in this Manner carried me Home to his Houſe. There he called his Wife, and fhewed me to her; but the fereamed and ran back, as Women in England do at the Sight of a Toad er a Spider. However, when ſhe had a while feen my Pehaviour, and how well I obferved the Signs her Husband made, the was foon reconciled, and, by Degrees, grew ex- tremely tender of me. It was about twelve at Noon, and a Servant brought in Dinner. It was only one fubftantial Diſh of Meat (fit for the plain Condition of an Hufbandman) in a Difh of about four and twenty Feet Diameter. The Company were the Farmer and his Wife, three Chil- dren, and an old Grandmother: When they were let down, 78 A VOYAG È 1 down, the Farmer placed me at fome Diſtance from him on the Table, which was thirty Feet high from the Floor. I was in a terrible Fright, and kept as far as I could from the Edge, for fear of falling. The Wife minced a bit of Meat, then crumbled fome Bread on a Trencher, and placed it before me. I made her a low Bow, took out my Knife and Fork, and fell to eat, which gave them exceeding Delight. The Mistress fent her Maid for a fmall Dram Cup, which held about two Gallons, and filled it with Drink; I took up the Veffel with much Difficulty in both Hands, and in a moſt reſpectful Manner, drank to her Ladyship's Health, expreffing the Words as loud as I could in English, which made the Company laugh fo heartily, that I was almoft deafened with the Noife. This Liquor tafted like a ſmall Cyder, and was not un- pleafant. Then the Mafler made me a Sign to come to his Trencher-fide; but as I walked on the Table, being in great Surprize all the Time, as the indulgent Reader will eafily conceive and excuſe, I happened to ftumble againſt a Cruit, and fell flat on my Face, but received no Hurt. I got up immediately, and ob- ſerving the good People to be in much Concern, I took my Hat (which I held under my Arm out of good Manners) and, waving it over my Head, made three Huzza's, to fhew I had got no Miſchief by my Fall. But advancing forward towards my Mafter (as I fhall henceforth call him) his youngeſt Son, who fat next him, an arch Boy of about ten Years old, took me up by the Legs, and held me fo high in the Air, that I trembled every Limb but his Father fnatched me from him, and at the fame Time gave him fuch a Box on the left Ear, as would have felled an European Troop of Horſe to the Earth, ordering him to be taken from the Table. But being afraid the Boy might owe me a Spight, and well remembring how mifchievous all Children among us naturally are to Sparrows, Rab- bits, young Kittens, and Puppy-dogs, I fell on my Knees, and, pointing to the Boy, made my Mafter to ; under to BROBDINGNAG. 79 underfland, as well as I could, that I defired his Son might be pardoned. The Father complied, and the Lad took his Seat again; whereupon I went to him and kiſſed his Hand, which my Mafter took, and made him ftroak me gently with it. In the midſt of Dinner, my Miſtreſs's favourite Cat leapt into her Lap. I heard a Noife behind me like that of a dozen Stocking-weavers at Work; and, turn- ing my Head, I found it proceeded from the Purring of that Animal, who feemed to be three Times larger than an Ox, as I computed by the View of her Head, and one of her Paws, while her Mifrefs was feeding and troaking her. The Fierceness of this Creature's Coun- tenance altogether difcompofed me; though I ftood at the further End of the Table, above fifty Feet off; and although my Miſtreſs held her faft, for fear fhe might give a Spring, and feize me in her Talons. But it hap- pened there was no Danger; for the Cat took not the leaft Notice of me, when my Mafter placed me within three Yards of her. And as I have been always told, and found true by Experience in my Travels, that Ay- ing or difcovering Fear, before a fierce Animal, is a certain Way to make it purſue or attack you, ſo I re- folved, in this dangerous Juncture, to fhew no Manner of Concern. I walked with Intrepidity five or fix Times before the very Head of the Cat, and came within half a Yard of her; whereupon the drew herſelf back, as if the were more afraid of me: I had lefs Ap- prehenfion concerning the Dogs, whereof three or four came into the Room, as it is ufual in Farmers Houſes; one of which was a Maftiff, equal in Bulk to four Ele- phants, and a Greyhound fomewhat taller than the Maſ- tiff, but not fo large. When Dinner was almost done, the Nurſe came in with a Child of a Year old in her Arms, who imme- diately fpied me, and began a Squall that you might have heard from London-Bridge to Chelsea, after the uſual Oratory of Infants to get me for a Play-thing. The Mother out of pure Indulgence took me up, and put 80 A VOYAGE put me towards the Child, who preſently feized me by the Middle, and got my Head into his Mouth, where I roared fo loud that the Urchin was frighted, and let me drop, and I ſhould infallibly have broke my Neck if the Mother had not held her Apron under me. The Nurſe to quiet her Babe made ufe of a Rattle, which was a kind of hollow Veffel filled with great Stones, and faſtened by a Cable to the Child's Waſte : But all in vain, ſo that ſhe was forced to apply the laft Reme- dy by giving it Suck. I must confefs no Object ever difgufted me fo much as the Sight of her monstrous Breaft, which I cannot tell what to compare with, fo as to give the curious Reader an Idea of its Bulk, Shape, and Colour. It ſtood prominent fix Feet, and could not be leſs than Sixteen in Circumference. The Nipple was about half the Bignefs of my Head, and the Hue both of that and the Dug fo varified with Spots, Pimples, and Freckles, that nothing could appear more nauſe- ous: For I had a near Sight of her, fhe fitting down the more conveniently to give Suck, and I ſtanding on the Table. This made me reflect upon the fair Skins of our English Ladies, who appear fo beautiful to us, only becauſe they are of our own Size, and their De- fects not to be feen but through a Magnifying-glafs, where we find by Experiment, that the fmootheft and whiteſt Skins look rough and courſe, and ill-coloured. I remember, when I was at Lilliput, the Complexions. of thofe diminutive People appeared to me the faireſt in the World, and talking upon this Subject with a Per- fon of Learning there, who was an intimate Friend of mine, he ſaid that my Face appeared much fairer and ſmoother when he looked on me from the Ground, than it did upon a nearer View when I took him up in my Hand and brought him cloſe, which he confeffed was at firſt a very ſhocking Sight. He ſaid he could diſco- ver great Holes in my Skin; that the Stumps of my Beard were ten Times ftronger than the Briftles of a Boar, and my Complexion made up of feveral Colours altogether difagreeable: Although I muft beg Leave to fay to BROBDINGNA G. 8x fay for myſelf, that I am as fair as moft of my Sex and Country, and very little Sun-burnt by Travels. On the other Side, difcourfing of the Ladies in that Emperor's Court, he uſed to tell me, one had Freckles, another too wide a Mouth, a third too large a Noſe, nothing of which I was able to diftinguiſh. I confefs, this Reflection was obvious enough; which, however, I could not forbear, left the Reader might think thoſe vaft Creatures were actually deformed: For I muſt do them Juftice to fay, they are a comely Race of People; and particularly the Features of my Maiter's Counte- nance, although he were but a Farmer, when I beheld him from the Height of fixty Feet, appeared very well proportioned. When Dinner was done, my Mafter went out to his Labourers, and, as I could difcover by his Voice and Geſture, gave his Wife a ftrict Charge to take Care of me. I was very much tired, and difpofed to fleep, which my Mistress perceiving, fhe put me on her own Bed, and covered me with a clean white Handkerchief, but larger and coarſer than the Main fail of a Man of War. I flept about two Hours, and dreamed I was at Home with my Wife and Children, which aggravated my Sor- rows when I awaked, and found myſelf alone in a vaſt Room, between two and three hundred Feet wide, and above two-hundred high, lying in a Bed twenty Yards wide. My Millrefs was gone about her Houthold Af- fairs, and had locked me in. The Eed was eight Yards from the Floor. Some natural Neceffities required me to get down; I durft not prefume to call, and, if I had, it would have been in vain, with fuch a Voice as mine, at fo great a Diſtance as from the Room where I lay to the Kitchen where the Family kept. While I was under thefe Circumftances, two Rats crept up the Cur- tains, and ran ſmelling backwards and forwards on the Bed. One of them came up almoſt to my Face, where- upon I roſe in a Fright, and drew out my Hanger to defend myſelf. Thefe horrible Aniinals had the Bold- G nefs 82 A VOYAGE nefs to attack me on both Sides, and one of them held his Fore-feet at my Collar; but I had the good Fortune to rip up his Belly, before he could do me any Miſchief. He fell down at my Feet, and the other, feeing the Fate of his Comrade, made his Eſcape, but not without one good Wound on the Back, which I gave him as he fled, and made the blood run trickling from him. After this Exploit, I walked gently to and fro on the Bed, to re- cover my Breath, and Lofs of Spirits. Thefe Creatures were of the Size of a large Maſtiff, but infinitely more nimble and fierce, ſo that, if I had taken off my Belt before I went to fleep, I muſt have infallibly been torn to Pieces and devoured. I meaſured the Tail of the dead Rat, and found it to be two Yards long, wanting an Inch; but it went againft my Stomach to drag the Carcafs off the Bed, where it lay ftill bleeding; I ob- ferved it had yet fome Life, but, with a ftrong Slaſh crofs the Neck, I thoroughly diſpatched it. Soon after, my Miftrefs came into the Room, who, feeing me all bloody, ran and took me up in her Hand. I pointed to the dead Rat, fmiling, and making other Signs, to fhew I was not hurt, whereat fhe was ex- tremely rejoiced, calling the Maid to take up the dead Rat with a Pair of Tongs, and throw it out of the Win- dow. Then the fet me on a Table, where I fhewed her my Hanger all bloody, and, wiping it on the Lap- pet of my Coat, returned it to the Scabbard. I was preffed to do more than one Thing, which another could not do for me, and therefore endeavoured to make my Miſtreſs underſtand that I defired to be fet down on the Floor; which after ſhe had done, my Baſhfulneſs would not fuffer me to exprefs myfelf farther, than by pointing to the Door, and bowing feveral Times. The good Woman, with much Difficulty, at laft perceived what I would be at, and taking me up again in her Hand, walked into the Garden, where fhe fet me down. I went on one Side, about two hundred Yards, and, beck- oning to her not to look or to follow me, I hid myſelf be- to BROBDINGNA G. 83 between Leaves of Sorrel, and there difcharged the Ne- ceffities of Nature. I hope the gentle Reader will excufe me for dwelling on thefe and the like Particulars, which, however in- fignificant they may appear to grovelling vulgar Minds, yet will certainly help a Philofopher to enlarge his Thoughts and Imagination, and to apply them to a Benefit of public as well as private Life, which was my fole Defign in prefenting this and other Accounts of my Travels to the World; wherein I have been chief- ly ftudious of Truth, without affecting any Ornaments of Learning or of Style. But the whole Scene of this Voyage made fo ftrong an Impreffion on my Mind, and is fo deeply fixed in my Memory, that, in committing it to Paper, I did not omit one material Circumſtance : However, upon a ftrict Review, I blotted out feveral Paffages of leſs Moment which were in my firft Copy, for fear of being cenfured as tedious and trifling, where- of Travellers are often, perhaps not without Juſtice, accuſed. CHA P. II. A Deſcription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Au- thor carried to a Market-Town, and then to the Metropolis. The Particulars of his Journey. M Y Miſtreſs had a Daughter of nine Years old, a Child of towardly Parts for her Age, very dexterous at her Needle, and fkilful in dreffing her Baby. Her Mother and the contrived to fit up the Baby's Cradle for me againſt Night: The Cradle was put into a ſmall Drawer placed upon a Hanging-Shelf, for Fear of the Rats. This was my Bed all the Time I ftayed with thofe People, tho' made more convenient by Degrees, as I began to learn their Language, and make my Wants known. This young Girl was fo handy, that, after I had once or twice pulled off my G 2 Cloaths 本 ​A VOYAGE Cloaths before her, fhe was able to drefs and undres me, though I never gave her that Trouble, when ſhe would let me do either myſelf. She made me ſeven Shirts, and fome other Linnen, of as fine Cloth as could be got, which, indeed, was coarfer than Sack- Cloth; and theſe ſhe conftantly waſhed for me with her own Hands. She was likewife my School-Miſtreſs, to teach me the Language: When I pointed to any Thing, fhe told me the Name of it in her own Tongue, fo that, in few Days, I was able to call for whatever I had a Mind to. She was very good-natured, and not above forty Feet high, being little for her Age. She gave me the Name of Grildrig, which the Family took up, and afterwards the whole Kingdom. The Word imports, what the Latins call Nanunculus, the Italians Homunceletino, and the Engliſh Mannikin. To her I chiefly owe my Prefervation in that Country : We never parted while I was there, I called her my Glumdalel ich, or little Nurfe: And ſhould be guilty of great Ingratitude, if I omitted this honourable Mention of her Care and Affection towards me, which I heartily wish it lay in my Power to requite as the deferves, inftead of being the innocent, but unhappy Inftrument of her Difgrace, as I have too much Rea- fon to fear. It now began to be known and talked of in the Neighbourhood, that my Mafter had found a ftrange Animal in the Field, about the Bignefs of a Splacknuck, but exactly ſhaped in every Part like a human Crea- ture; which it likewife imitated in all its Actions; feemed to fpeak in a little Language of its own, had already learned feveral Words of theirs, went erect upon two Legs, was tame and gentle, would come when it was called, do whatever he was bid, had the fineft Limbs in the World, and a Complexion fairer than a Nobleman's Daughter of three Years old. Another Farmer, who lived hard by, and was a par- ticular Friend of my Mafter, came on a Vifit on Purpoſe to enquire into the Truth of this Story. I was to BROBDINGNAG. 85 was immediately produced, and placed upon a Table, where I walked as I was commanded, drew my Han- ger, put it up again, made my Reverence to my Maſter's Gueft, afked him in his own Language how he did, and told him he was welcome, juſt as my little Nurſe.had inftructed me. This Man, who was old and dim-fighted, put on his Spectacles to behold me better, at which I could not forbear laughing very heartily, for his Eyes appeared like the Full-Moon fhining into a Chamber at two Windows. Our People, who dif- covered the Cauſe of my Mirth, bore me Company in laughing, at which the Old Fellow was Fool enough to be angry and out of Countenance. He had the Character of a great Mifer, and, to my Misfortune, he well deferved it, by the curſed Advice he gave my Maſter to fhew me as a Sight upon a Market-Day in the next Town, which was half an Hour's Riding, about two and twenty Miles from our Houfe. I gueffed there was fome Mifchief contriving, when I obferved my Maſter and his Friend whiſpering long together, fometimes pointing at me; and my Fears made me fancy that I overheard and underſtood fome of their Words. But, the next Morning, Glumdalclitch, my little Nurfe, told me the whole Matter, which ſhe had cunningly picked out from her Mother. The poor Girl laid me on her Bofom, and fell a weeping with Shame and Grief. She apprehended fome Miſchief would happen to me from rude vulgar Folks, who might fqueefe me to Death, or break one of my Limbs, by taking me in their Hands. She had alſo obſerved how modelt I was in my Nature, how nicely I re- garded my Honour, and what an Indignity I fhould conceive it to be expofed for Money as a public Spectacle to the meanelt of the People. She faid, her Papa and Mamma had promifed that Grildrig fhould be hers, but now ſhe found they meant to ferve her as they did laft Year, when they pretended to give her a Lamb, and yet, as foon as it was fat, fold it to a Butcher. For my own Part, I may truly affirm, that G 3 86 A VOYAGE that I was lefs concerned than my Nurfe. I had a ftrong Hope, which never left me, that I fhould one Day recover my Liberty; and as to the Ignominy of being carried about for a Monſter, I confidered myſelf to be a perfect Stranger in the Country, and that fuch a Misfortune could never be charged upon me as a Reproach, if ever I ſhould return to England; fince the King of Great Britain himſelf, in my Condition, muſt have undergone the fame Diftrefs. My Mafter, purſuant to the Advice of his Friend, carried me in a Box the next Market-Day to the neighbouring Town, and took along with him his little Daughter, my Nurſe, upon a Pillion behind him. The Box was clofe on every Side, with a little Door for me to go in and out, and a few Gimlet-Holes to let in Air. The Girl had been fo careful to put the Quilt of her Baby's Bed into it, for me to lie down on. However, I was terribly fhaken and difcompofed in this Journey, though it were but of half an Hour. For the Horfe went about forty Feet at every Step, and trotted fo high, that the Agitation was equal to the rifing and falling of a Ship in a great Storm, but much more frequent: Our Journey was fomewhat farther than from London to St. Alban's. My Maſter alighted at an Inn which he uſed to frequent; and after confulting a while with the Inn-Keeper, and making fome neceffary Preparations, he hired the Grultrud or Crier to give Notice through the Town of a ſtrange Creature to be feen at the Sign of the Green Eagle, not fo big as a Spiacnuck, (an Animal in that Country very finely ſhaped, about fix Feet long) and in every Part of the Body reſembling an human Creature, could ſpeak feveral Words, and perform an hundred divert- ing Tricks. I was placed upon a Table in the largeſt Room of the Inn, which might be near three hundred Feet fquare. My little Nurſe ſtood on a low Stool cloſe to the Table, to take Care of me, and direct what I fhould do. Mafter, to avoid a Croud, would fuffer only thirty My People to BROBDINGNAG. 87 People at a Time to ſee me. I walked about on the Table as the Girl commanded: She aſked me Questions, as far as ſhe knew my Underſtanding of the Language reached, and I answered them as loud as I could. I turned about feveral Times to the Company, paid my humble Refpects, faid they were welcome, and ufed fome other Speeches I had been taught. I took up a 'Thimble filled with Liquor, which Glumdalclitch had given me for a Cup, and drank their Health. I drew out my Hanger, and flouriſhed with it after the Manner of Fencers in England. My Nurfe gave me Part of a Straw, which I exerciſed as a Pike, having learned the Art in my Youth. I was that Day fhewn to twelve Sets of Company, and as often forced to go over again the fame Fopperies, till I was half dead with Wearinefs and Vexation. For thoſe who had feen me made fuch wonderful Reports, that the People were ready to break down the Doors to come in. My Mafter, for his own Intereft, would not fuffer any one to touch me except my Nurfe; and, to prevent Danger, Benches were fet round the Table at ſuch a Distance as to put me out of every Body's Reach. However, an unlucky School-Boy aimed a Hazel-Nut directly at my Head, which very narrowly miffed me; otherwiſe, it came with fo much Violence that it would have infallibly knocked out my Brains, for it was almost as large as a fmall Pumpion: But I had the Satisfaction to fee the young Rogue well beaten, and turned out of the Room. My Mafter gave public Notice, that he would fhew me again the next Market Day, and in the mean Time he prepared a more convenient Vehicle for me, which he had Reaſon enough to do; for I was fo tired with my first Journey, and with entertaining Company for eight Hours together, that I could hardly ftand upon my Legs, or fpeak a Word. It was at least three Days before I recovered my Strength; and that I might have no Reft at Home, all the neighbouring Gentle- men from a hundred Miles round, hearing of my Fame, G 4 88 AVOYAGE Fame, came to ſee me at my Maſter's own Houſe. There could not be fewer than thirty Perfons with their Wives and Children (for the Country is very populous;) and my Mafter demanded the Rate of a full Room whenever he fhewed me at Home, although it were only to a fingle Family: So that for fome Time I had but little Eafe every Day of the Week (except Wedneſ- day, which is their Sabbath) although I were not car- ried to the Town. My Mafter, finding how profitable I was like to be, refolved to carry me to the moſt confiderable Cities of the Kingdom. Having therefore provided himſelf with all Things neceffary for a long Journey, and fettled his Affairs at Home, he took Leave of his Wife, and upon the 17th of August 1703, about two Months after my Arrival, we fet out for the Metropolis, fituated near the Middle of that Empire, and about three thou- fand Miles Diſtance from our Houſe: My Maſter made his Daughter Glumdalclitch ride behind him. She car- ried me on her Lap, in a Box tied about her Waiſt. The Girl had lined it on all Sides with the fofeft Cloth fhe could get, well quilted underneath, furniſhed it with her Baby's Eed, provided me with Linnen and other. Neceffaries, and made every Thing as convenient as fhe could. We had no other Company but a Boy of the Houſe, who rode after us with the Luggage. My Maſter's Defign was to fhew me in all the Towns by the Way, and to ſtep out of the Road for fifty or an hundred Miles, to any Village, or Perfon of Qua- lity's Houfe, where he might expect Cuftom. We made eafy Journeys of not above feven or eight Score Miles a Day: For Glumdalclitch, on Purpofe to fpare me, complained fhe was tired with the Trotting of the Horfe. She often took me out of my Box, at my own Defire, to give me Air, and fhew me the Country, but always held me faft by a Leading-String. We paffed over five or fix Rivers, many Degrees broader and deeper than the Nile, or the Ganges; and there was hardly a Rivulet fo fmall as the Thames at London Bridge. to BROBDINGNAG. 89 Bridge. We were ten Weeks in our Journey, and I was fhewn in eighteen large Towns, befides many Villages and private Families. On the 26th Day of October, we arrived at the Me- tropolis, called, in their Language, Lorbrulgrud, or Pride of the Univerfe. My Mafter took a Lodging in the principal Street of the City, not far from the Royal Palace, and put out Bills in the ufual Form, contain- ing an exact Defcription of my Perfon and Parts. He hired a large Room, between three and four hundred Feet wide. He provided a Table fixty Feet in diame ter, upon which I was to act my Part, and pallifadoed it round three Feet from the Edge, and as many high, to prevent my falling over. I was fhewn ten Times a Day, to the Wonder and Satisfaction of all People. I could now ſpeak the Language tolerably well, and perfectly underſtood every Word that was fpoken to me. Befides, I had learned their Alphabet, and could make a Shift to explain a Sentence here and there; for Glumdalclitch had been my Inſtructor while we were at Home, and at leifure Hours during our Journey. She carried a little Book in her Pocket, not much larger than a Sanſon's Atlas; it was a common Treatiſe for the Ufe of young Girls, giving a fhort Account of their Religion; out of this fhe taught me my Letters, and interpreted the Words. CHAP. ga AVOYAGE CHA P. III. The Author fent for to Court. The Queen buys him of his Mafter the Farmer, and prefents him to the King. He difputes with his Majefty's great Scho- lars. An Apartment at Court provided for the Author. He is in high Favour with the Queen. He ftands up for the Honour of his own Country. His Quarrels with the Queen's Dwarf. THE in HE frequent Labours I underwent, every Day, made in few Weeks a very confiderable Change my Health: The more my Mafter got by me, the more inſatiable he grew. I had quite loſt my Stomach, and was almoſt reduced to a Skeleton. The Farmer obferved it, and, concluding I muft foon die, refolved to make as good a Hand of me as he could. While he was thus reafoning and refolving with himfelf, a Slar- dral, or Gentleman-Ufher, came from Court, com- manding my Mafter to carry me immediately thither, for the Diverfion of the Queen and her Ladies. Some of the latter had already been to fee me, and reported ftrange Things of my Beauty, Behaviour, and good Senfe. Her Majefty, and thoſe who attended her, were beyond Meaſure delighted with my Demeanour, I fell on my Knees, and begged the Honour of kiffing her Imperial Foot; but this gracious Princefs held out her little Finger towards me (after I was fet on a Table) which I embraced in both my Arms, and put the Tip of it, with the utmoſt Reſpect, to my Lips. She made me fome general Queftions about my Country, and my Travels, which I answered as diftinctly, and in as few Words as I could. She aſked whether I would be con- tent to live at Court. I bowed down to the Board of the Table, and humbly anſwered that I was my Maſ- ter's Slave; but, if I were at my own Difpofal, I ſhould be proud to devote my Life to her Majefty's Service. She to BROBDINGNAG. 91 She then aſked my Mafter whether he were willing to fell me at a good Price. He, who apprehended I could not live à Month, was ready enough to part with me, and demanded a thouſand Pieces of Gold, which were ordered him on the Spot, each Piece being about the Bignefs of eight-hundred Moydores; but, allowing for the Proportion of all Things between that Country and Europe, and the high Price of Gold among them, was hardly fo great a Sum as a thouſand Guineas would be in England. I then faid to the Queen, fince I was now her Majefty's moſt humble Creature and Vaffal, I muſt beg the Favour, that Glumdalclitch, who had always tended me with ſo much Care and Kindneſs, and un- derſtood to do it fo well, might be admitted into her Service, and continue to be my Nurfe and Intructor. Her Majefty agreed to my Petition, and eafily got the Farmer's Confent, who was glad enough to have his Daughter preferred at Court: And the poor Girl her- felf was not able to hide her Joy: My late Maſter withdrew, bidding me Farewel, and faying he had left me in a good Service; to which I replied not a Word, only making him a flight Pow. The Queen obferved my Coldneſs, and, when the Farmer was gone out of the Apartment, afked me the Reafon. I made bold to tell her Majefty, that I owed no other Obligation to my late Mafter, than his not daſhing out the Brains of a poor harmleſs Creature found by Chance in his field; which Obligation was amply re- compenfed by the Gain he had made in fhewing me thro' half the Kingdom, and the Price he had now fold me for. That the Life I had fince led, was laborious enough to kill an Animal of ten Times my Strength. That my Health was much impaired by the continual Drud- gery of entertaining the Rabble every Hour of the Day. and that, if my Mailer had not thought my Life in Danger, her Majefty would not have got fo cheap a Bargain. But as I was out of all Fear of being ill treat- ed under the Protection of fo great and good an Em- prefs, the Ornament of Nature, the Darling of the World, 92 A VOYAGE World, the Delight of her Subjects, the Phoenix of the Creation; fo, I hoped my late Mafters apprehen- fions would appear to be groundleſs, for I already found my Spirits to revive by the Influence of her moſt au- guft Prefence. This was the Sum of my Speech, delivered with great Improprieties and Hefitation; the latter Part was altogether framed in the Style peculiar to that Peo- ple, whereof I learned fome Phraíes from Glumdal- clitch, while fhe was carrying me to Court. The Queen, giving great Allowance for my De- fectiveness in fpeaking, was however furprifed at fo much Wit and good Senfe in fo diminutive an Animal. She took me in her own Hands, and carried me to the King, who was then retired to his Cabinet. His Ma- jefty, a Prince of much Gravity, and auftere Counte- nance, not well obferving my Shape at firſt View, aſk- ed the Queen after a cold Manner, how long it was fince she grew fond of a Splacnuck; for fuch it ſeems he took me to be, as I lay upon my Breaſt in her Ma- jefty's Right-hand. But this Princefs, who hath an infinite deal of Wit and Humour, fet me gently on my Feet upon the Scrutore, and commanded me to give his Majefty an Account of myſelf, which I did in a ve- ry few Words; and Glumdalclitch, who attended at the Cabinet Door, and could not endure I fhould be out of her Sight, being admitted, confirmed all that had paffed from my Arrival at her Father's Houſe. The King, although he be as learned a Perfon as any in his Dominions, had been educated in the Stu- dy of Philofophy, and particularly Mathematics; yet when he obferved my Shape exactly, and faw me walk erect, before I began to fpeak, conceived I might be a Piece of Clock-work (which is in that Country arrived to a very great Perfection) contrived by fome ingenious Artift. But when he heard my Voice, and found what I delivered to be regular and rational, he could not conceal his Aſtoniſhment. He was by no Means fa- tisfied with the Relation I gave him of the Manner I came . 93 to BROBDINGNAG. came into his Kingdom, but thought it a Story con- certed between Glumdalclitch and her Father, who had taught me a Set of Words to make me fell at a better Price. Upon this Imagination he put feveral other Queſtions to me, and ftill received rational Anſwers, no otherwiſe defective, than by a foreign Accent, and an imperfect Knowledge in the Language, with fome ruftic Phraſes which I had learned at the Farmer's Houſe, and did not fuit the polite Style of a Court. His Majefty fent for three great Scholars who were then in their weekly Waiting, according to the Cuf- tom in that Country. Thefe Gentlemen, after they had a while examined my Shape with much Nicety, were of different Opinions concerning me. They all agreed that I could not be produced according to the regular Laws of Nature, becauſe I was not framed with a Capacity of preferving my Life, either by Swiftnefs, or Climbing of Trees, or Digging Holes in the Earth. They obferved by my Teeth, which they viewed with great Exactnefs, that I was a carnivorous Animal; yet moft Quadrupeds being an Overmatch for me, and Field-mice, with fome others, too nimble, they could not imagine how I fhould be able to fupport myſelf, unless I fed upon Snails and other Infects, which they offered, by many learned Arguments, to evince that I could not poffibly do. One of theſe Virtuofi ſeemed to think that I might be an Embryo, or abortive Birth. But this Opinion was rejected by the other two, who obferved my Limbs to be perfect and finished, and that I had lived feveral Years, as it was manifeft from my Beard, the Stumps whereof they plainly difcovered through a Magnifying-glafs. They would not allow me to be a Dwarf, becaufe my Littleness was beyond all Degrees of Comparison; for the Queen's favourite Dwarf, the fmaileft ever known in that Kingdom, was near thirty Feet high. After much Debate, they concluded unanimouЛly that I was only Relplum Scal- catch, which is interpreted literally, Lufus Naturæ ; a Determination exactly agreeable to the modern Phi- lofophy 94 A VOYAGE lofophy of Europe, whofe Profeffors, difdaining the old Evafion of occult Cauſes, whereby the Followers of Ariftotle endeavoured in vain to diſguiſe their Ignorance, have invented this wonderful Solution of all Difficul- ties, to the unspeakable Advancement of human Know- ledge. After this decifive Conclufion, I entreated to be heard a Word or two. I applied myſelf to the King, and af fured his Majefty that I came from a Country which abounded with feveral Millions of both Sexes, and of my own Stature; where the Animals, Trees, and Houfes were all in Proportion, and where by Confequence I might be as able to defend myſelf, and to find Sufte- nance, as any of his Majeſty's Subjects could do here; which I took for a full Anſwer to thoſe Gentlemens Ar- guments. To this they only replied with a Smile of Contempt, faying, That the Farmer had inſtructed me very well in my Leffon. The King, who had a much better Underſtanding, difmifiing his learned Men, ſent for the Farmer, who by good fortune was not yet gone Out of Town: Having therefore firſt examined him privately, and then confronted him with me and the young Girl, his Majefty began to think that what we told him might poffibly be true. He defired the Queen to order that a particular Care ſhould be taken of me, and was of Opinion, that Glumdalclitch ſhould ſtill con- tinue in her Office of tending me, becauſe he obferved we had a great Affection for each other. A convenient Apartment was provided for her at Court; fhe had a a Sort of Governeſs appointed to take Care of her Edu- cation, a Maid to drefs her, and two other Servants for menial Offices; but the Care of me was wholly appropri- ated to herſelf. The Queen commanded her own Cabi- net maker to contrive a Box that might ferve me for a Bed-chamber, after the Model that Glumdalclitch and I fhould agree upon. This Man was a molt ingenious Ar- tift, and, according to my Directions, in three Weeks fi niſhed for me a wooden Chamber of fixteen Feet ſquare, and twelve high, with Safh-windows, a Door, and two Clofets, to BROBDINGNAG. 95 י Cloſets, like a London Bed-chamber. The Board, that made the Cieling, was to be lifted up and down by two Hinges, to put in a Bed ready furniſhed by her Majeſty's Upholsterer, which Glumdalclitch took out every Day to Air, made it with her own Hands, and, letting it down at Night, locked up the Roof over me. A nice Work- man, who was famous for little Curiofities, undertook to make me two Chairs, with Backs and Frames of a Subſtance not unlike Ivory, and two Tables, with a Ca- binet to put my Things in. The Room was quilted on all Sides, as well as the Floor and the Cieling, to prevent any Accident from the Careleſneſs of thoſe who carried me, and to break the Force of a Jolt when I went in a Coach. I defired a Lock for my Door, to prevent Rats and Mice from coming in: The Smith, after ſeveral Attempts, made the ſmalleſt that ever was feen among them, for I have known a larger at the Gate of a Gentleman's Houſe in England. I made a Shift to keep the Key in a Pocket of my own, fearing Glumdalclitch might loſe it. The Queen likewiſe or- dered the thineft Silks that could be gotten, to make me Cloaths, not much thicker than an English Blanket, very cumberſome, till I was accuftomed to them. They were after the Faſhion of the Kingdom, partly refem- bling the Perfian, and partly the Chineſe, and are a very grave and decent Habit. The Queen became fo fond of my Company, that ſhe could not dine without me. I had a Table placed upon the fame at which her Majefty eat, juft at her Left Elbow, and a Chair to fit on. Glumdalclitch ſtood on a Stool on the Floor, near my Table, to affiit and take Care of me. I had an entire Set of Silver Dishes and Plates, and other Neceffaries, which, in Proportion to thoſe of the Queen's, were not much bigger than what I have feen of the fame Kind in a London Toy- Shop, for the Furniture of a Baby-Houfe: Thefe my little Nurſe kept in her Pocket, in a Silver Box, and gave me at Meals as I wanted them, always cleaning them herſelf. No Perfon dined with the Queef but the 96 AVOYAGE the two Princeffes Royal, the elder fixteen Years old, and the younger at that Time thirteen and a Month. Her Majesty uſed to put a Bit of Meat upon one of my Diſhes, out of which I carved for myſelf; and her Diverfion was to fee me eat in Miniature. For the Queen (who had, indeed, but a weak Stomach) took up, at one Mouthful, as much as a Dozen English Farmers could eat at a Meal, which, to me, was for fome Time a very naufeous Sight. She would crunch the Wing of a Lark, Bones and all, between her Teeth, although it were nine Times as large as that of a full grown Turkey; and put a Bit of Bread into her Mouth, as big as two Twelve- Penny Loaves. She drank out of a Golden Cup, above a Hogfhead at a Draught. Her Knives were twice as long as a Scythe, fet frait upon the Handle. The Spoons, Forks, and other Infruments, were all in the fame Proportion. I remember, when Glumdalclitch carried me out of Curiofity to fee fome of the Tables at Court, where ten or a dozen of theſe enormous Knives and Forks were lifted up together. I thought I had never, till then, beheld fo terrible a Sight. It is the Cuſtom, that every Wedneſday (which, as I have before obſerved, was their Sabbath) the King and Queen, with the Royal Iffue of both Sexes, dine toge- ther in the Apartment of his Majefty, to whom I was now become a great Favourite; and at theſe Times my little Chair and Table were placed at his Left Hand, before one of the Salt-Cellars. This Prince took a Pleaſure in converfing with me, enquiring into the Manners, Religion, Laws, Government, and Learning of Europe; wherein I gave him the beft Account I was able. His Apprehenfion was fo clear, and his Judgment fo exact, that he made very wife Reflections and Obfervations upon all I faid. But I confefs, that af- ter I had been a little too copious in Talking of my own beloved Country, of our Trade, and Wars by Sea and Land, of our Schifms in Religion, and Parties in the State; the Prejudices of his Education prevailed fo får, to BROBDINGNAG. 97 far, that he could not forbear taking me up in his Right Hand, and ſtroaking me gently with the other, after an hearty Fit of Laughing, afked me, Whether Í was a Whig or Tory? Then turning to his Firſt Mini- fter, who waited behind him with a white Staff, near as tall as the Main-Maft of the Royal Sovereign, he obferved how contemptible a Thing was human Gran- deur, which could be mimicked by fuch diminutive Infects as I: And yet, fays he, I dare engage, theſe Creatures have their Titles and Distinctions of Honour, they contrive little Nefts and Burrows, that they call Houſes and Cities; they make a Figure in Drefs and Equipage; they love, they fight, they difpute, they cheat, they betray. And thus he continued on, while my Colour came and went ſeveral Times, with Indig- nation, to hear our noble Country, the Miſtreſs of Arts and Arms, the Scourge of France, the Arbitreſs of Europe, the Seat of Virtue, Piety, Honour, and Truth, the Pride and Envy of the World, fo contemptuoufly treated. But as I was not in a Condition to refent Injuries, fo, upon mature Thoughts, I began to doubt whether I was injured or no. For, after having been accuf- tomed feveral Months to the Sight and Converſe of this People, and obferved every Object upon which I caft mine Eyes, to be of proportionable Magnitude, the Horror I had at firſt conceived, from their Bulk and Afpect, was fo far worn off, that if I had then beheld a Company of English Lords and Ladies in their Finery, and Birth-Day Cloaths, acting their fe- veral Parts in the moſt courtly Manner, of ftrutting, and bowing, and prating; to fay the Truth, I fhould have been ſtrongly tempted to laugh as much at them, as the King and his Grandees did at me. Neither, indeed, could I forbear fmiling at myſelf, when the Queen uſed to place me upon her Hand towards a Looking-Glafs, by which both our Perfons appeared before me in full View together; and there could no- thing be more ridiculous than the Comparifon : So that H I re- 98 A VOYAGE I really began to imagine myſelf dwingled many Degrees below my uſual Size. Nothing angered and mortified me fo much as the Queen's Dwarf, who being of the lowest Stature that was ever in that Country (for I verily think he was not full thirty Feet high) became infolent at ſeeing a Crea- ture fo much beneath him, that he would always affect to ſwagger and look big as he paffed by me in the Queen's Anti-Chamber, while I was ftanding on fome Table talking with the Lords or Ladies of the Court, and he ſeldom failed of a ſmart Word or two upon my Littleness; againſt which I could only re- venge myſelf by calling him Brother, challenging him to wreſtle, and fuch Repartees as are ufual in the Mouths of Court Pages. One Day, at Dinner, this malicious Little Cubb was fo nettled with fomething I had faid to him, that, raiſing himſelf upon the Frame of her Maje- ity's Chair, he took me up by the Middle, as I was fitting down, not thinking any Harin, and let me drop into a large Silver Bowl of Cream, and then ran away as faſt as he could. I fell over Head and Ears, and, if I had not been a good Swimmer, it might have gone hard with me; for Glumdalclitch, in that Inftant, happened to be at the other End of the Room, and the Queen was in fuch a Fright, that ſhe wanted Prefence of Mind to affit me. But my little Nurfe ran to my Relief, and took me out, after I had fwallowed above a Quart of Cream. I was put to Bed; however, I received no other Damage than the Lofs of a Suit of Cloaths, which was utterly fpoiled. The Dwarf was foundly whipped, and, as a farther Punishment, forced to drink up the Bowl of Cream, into which he had thrown me; neither was he ever reftored to Favour: For, foon after, the Queen bestowed him on a Lady of high Quality, fo that I faw him no more, to my very great Satisfaction; for I could not tell to what Extremity fuch a malicious Uichin might have carried his Refentment. very He to BROBDINGNAG. 99 He had before ferved me a fcurvy Trick, which fet the Queen a laughing, although at the fame Time fhe was heartily vexed, and would have immediately cafhiered him, if I had not been fo generous as to intercede. Her Majefty had taken a Marrow-Bone upon her Plate, and, after knocking out the Marrow, placed the Bone again in the Diſh erect, as it flood before; the Dwarf watching his Opportunity, while Glumdalclitch was gone to the Side-Board, mounted the Stool fhe ftood on to take Care of me at Meals, took me up in both Hands, and, fqueefing my Legs together, wedged them into the Marrow-Bone above my Waift, where I ftuck for fome Time, and made a very ridiculous Figure. I believe it was near a Minute before any one knew what was become of me; for I thought it below me to cry out. But, as Princes fel- dom get their Meat hot, my Legs were not fcalded, only my Stockings and Breeches in a fad Condition. The Dwarf, at my Entreaty, had no other Puniſhment than a found Whipping. I was frequently rallied by the Queen upon Ac- count of my Fearfulnefs; and the ufed to afk me, Whe ther the People of my Country were as great Cowards as myſelf? The Occafion was this: The Kingdom is much peſtered with Flies in Summer; and theſe odious Infects, each of them as big as a Dunſtable Lark, hard- ly gave me any Reft while I fat at Dinner, with their continual humming and buzzing about mine Ears. They would fometimes alight upon my Victuals, and leave their loathfome Excrement or Spawn behind, which to me was very vifible, though not to the Na- tives of that Country, whoſe large Optics were not ſo acute as mine in viewing fmaller Objects. Sometimes they would fix upon my Nofe or Forehead, where they ftung me to the Quick, fmelling very offenfive- ly, and I could easily trace that viſcous Matter, which, our Naturalifts tell us, enables thofe Creatures to walk with their Feet upwards upon a Cieling. I had much ado to defend myſelf against thefe deteftable Animals, H 2 and 100 A VOYAGE and could not forbear ſtarting when they came on my Face. It was the common Practice of the Dwarf to catch a Number of theſe Infects in his Hand, as School- boys do among us, and let them out fuddenly under my Nofe, on Purpoſe to frighten me, and divert the Queen. My Remedy was to cut them in Pieces with my Knife, as they flew in the Air, wherein my Dex- terity was much admired. I remember, one Morning, when Glumdalclitch had fet me in my Box upon a Window, as ſhe uſually did in fair Days to give me Air (for I durft not venture to let the Box be hung on a Nail out of the Window, as we do with Cages in England) after I had lifted up one of my Saſhes, and fat down at my Table to eat a Piece of ſweet Cake for my Breakfaſt, above twenty Wafps, allured by the Smell, came flying into the Room, humming louder than the Drones of as many Bagpipes. Some of them feized my Cake, and car- ried it Piece-meal away; others flew about my Head and Face, confounding me with the Noife, and putting me in the utmoſft Terror of their Stings. However, had the Courage to rife and draw my Hanger, and attack them in the Air. I difpatched four of them, but the reft got away, and I prefently fhut my Win- dow. Thefe Infects were as large as Partridges; I took out their Stings, found them an Inch and a half long, and as fharp as Needles. I carefully preferved them all, and having fince fhewn them with fome other Cu- riofities, in feveral Parts of Europe; upon my Return to England, I gave three of them to Gresham-College, and kept the fourth for myſelf. CHAP. to BROBDINGNAG. IOI CHA P. IV. The Country defcribed. A Propofal for correcting modern Maps. The King's Palace, and fome Ac- count of the Metropolis. The Author's Way of Travelling. The chief Temple defcribed. I Now intend to give the Reader a fhort Deſcription of this Country, as far as I travelled in it, which was not above two-thousand Miles round Lorbrulgrud, the Metropolis. For the Queen, whom I always at- tended, never went farther when ſhe accompanied the King in his Progreffes, and there ftaid till his Majef- ty returned from viewing his Frontiers. The whole Extent of this Prince's Dominions reacheth about fix- thouſand Miles in Length, and from three to five in Breadth. From whence I cannot but conclude, that our Geographers of Europe are in a great Error, by fuppofing nothing but Sea between Japan and Califor- nia; for it was ever my Opinion, that there muſt be a Balance of Earth to counterpoife the great Continent of Tartary; and therefore they ought to correct their Maps and Charts, by joining this vaft Tract of Land to the North-weft Parts of America, wherein I ſhall be ready to lend them my Affiftance. The Kingdom is a Peninfula, terminated to the North-east by a Ridge of Mountains thirty Miles high, which are altogether impaffable, by Reafon of the Volcanoes upon the Tops. Neither do the moſt Learn- ed know what Sort of Mortals inhabit beyond thoſe Mountains, or whether they be inhabited at all. On the three other Sides it is bounded by the Ocean. There is not one Sea-port in the whole Kingdom, and thofe Parts of the Coafts into which the Rivers iffue, are fo full of pointed Rocks, and the Sea generally fo rough, that there is no venturing with the fmalleft of their Boats, fo that thefe People are wholly excluded H 3 fron 102 AVOYAGE from any Commerce with the reſt of the World. But the large Rivers are full of Veffels, and abound with excellent Fiſh, for they ſeldom get any from the Sea, becauſe the Sea-Fiſh are of the fame Size with thoſe in Europe, and confequently not worth catching; whereby it is manifeft, that Nature in the Production of Plants and Animals of fo extraordinary a Bulk is wholly con- fined to this Continent, of which I leave the Reafons to be determined by Philofophers. However, now and then they take a Whale that happens to be daſhed againſt the Rocks, which the common People feed on heartily. Theſe Whales I have known fo large that a Man could hardly carry one upon his Shoulders; and fometimes for Curiofity they are brought in Hampers to Lorbrulgrud: I faw one of them in a Difh at the King's Table, which paffed for a Rarity, but I did not obſerve he was fond of it; for I think indeed the Bignefs difgufted him, although I have feen one fome- what larger in Greenland. The Country is well inhabited, for it contains fifty- one Cities, near an hundred walled Towns, and a great Number of Villages. To fatisfy my curious Reader, it may be fufficient to defcribe Lorbrulgrud. This City ſtands upon almoft two equal Parts on each Side the River that paffes through. It contains above eighty-thouſand Houſes, and about fix-hundred-thou- fand Inhabitants. It is in Length three Glomglungs (which make about fifty-four English Miles) and two and à half in Breadth, as I meaſured it myſelf in the Royal Map made by the King's Order, which was laid on the Ground on Purpoſe for me, and extended an hundred Feet; I paced the Diameter and Circumference ſeveral Times bare-foot, and computing by the Scale, meaſur- ed it pretty exactly. The King's Palace is no regular Edifice, but an Heap of Building about feven Miles round: The chief Rooms are generally two hundred and forty Feet high, and broad and long in Proportion. A Coach was al- lowed to Glumdalclitch and me, wherein her Gover- nefs to BROBDINGNA G. 103 nefs frequently took her out to fee the Town, or go among the Shops; and I was always of the Party, car- ried in my Box; although the Girl at my own De- fire would often take me out, and hold me in her Hand, that I might more conveniently view the Houſes and the People, as we paffed along the Streets. I reckon- ed our Coach to be about a Square of Westminster-hall, but not altogether fo high: However, I cannot be ve- ry exact. One Day the Governeſs ordered our Coach- man to ſtop at ſeveral Shops, where the Beggars watch- ing their Opportunity, crouded to the Sides of the Coach, and gave me the moſt horrible Spectacles that ever an European Eye beheld. There was a Woman with a Cancer in her Breaft, fwelled to a monstrous Size, full of Holes, in two or three of which I could have eafily crept, and covered my whole Body. There was a Fel- low with a Wen in his Neck, larger than five Wool- packs, and another with a couple of Wooden Legs, each about twenty Feet high. But the most hateful Sight of all was the Lice crawling on their Cloaths. I could fee diftinctly the Limbs of thefe Vermin with my naked Eye, much better than thoſe of an European Louſe thro' a Microſcope, and their Snouts with which they routed like Swine. They were the firft I had ever beheld, and I fhould have been curious enough to diffect one of them, if I had proper Inftruments (which I unluckily left behind me in the Ship) although indeed the Sight was fo nauſeous, that it perfectly turned my Stomach. Befide the large Box in which I was ufually carried, the Queen ordered a ſmaller one to be made for me, of about twelve Feet fquare and ten high, for the Conve- nience of Travelling, becauſe the other was fomewhat too large for Glumdalclitch's Lap, and cumberſome in the Coach; it was made by the fame Artift, whom I directed in the whole Contrivance. This Travelling- Clofet was an exact Square with a Window in the Mid- dle of three of the Squares, and each Window was lat- ticed with Iron Wire on the Outfide, to prevent Acci- dents in long Journies. On the fourth Side, which had H 4 no 104 A VOYAGE no Window, two ftrong Staples were fixed, through which the Perfon that carried me, when I had a Mind to be on Horſeback, put in a Leathern Belt, and buck- led it about his Wafte. This was always the Office of fome grave trufly Servant in whom I could confide, whether I attended the King and Queen in their Pro- greffes, or were difpofed to fee the Gardens, or pay a Vifit to ſome great Lady or Miniſter of State in the Court, when Glumdalclitch happened to be out of Or- der: For I foon began to be known and efteemed among the greateſt Officers, I fuppofe more upon Account of their Majelly's Favour than any Merit of my own. In Journies, when I was weary of the Coach, a Ser- vant on Horſe-back would buckle my Box, and place it on a Cuſhion before him; and there I had a full Prof- pect of the Country on three Sides from the three Win- dows. I had in this Clofet a Field-Bed and a Ham- mock hung from the Cieling, two Chairs and a Table, neatly ſcrewed to the Floor, to prevent being toffed about by the Agitation of the Horſe or the Coach. And having been long ufed to Sea-Voyages, thofe Motions, although ſometimes very violent, did not much diſcom- pofe me. Whenever I had a Mind to fee the Town, it was al- ways in my Travelling-Clofet, which Glumdalclitch held in her Lap in a Kind of open Sedan, after the Faſhion of the Country, borne by four Men, and attended by two others in the Queen's Livery. The People, who had often heard of me, were very curious to croud a- bout the Sedan, and the Girl was complaifant enough to make the Bearers flop, and to take me in her Hand that I might be more conveniently feen. I was very defirous to fee the chief Temple, and particularly the Tower belonging to it, which is reckon- ed the highest in the Kingdom. Accordingly one Day my Nurfe carried me thither, but I may truly fay I came back diſappointed; for the Height is not above three-thouſand Feet, reckoning from the Ground to the higheſt Pinnacle Top; which allowing for the Diffe- rence to BROBDINGNAG. 105 rence between the Size of thoſe People, and us in Eu- rote, is no great Matter for Admiration, nor at all equal in Proportion (if I rightly remember) to Salisbury Stee- ple. But, not to detract from a Nation to which during my Life I fhall acknowledge myfelf extremely obliged, it muſt be allowed that whatever this famous Tower wants in Height is amply made up in Beauty and Strength. For the Walls are near an hundred Feet thick, built of hewn Stone, whereof each is about forty Feet fquare, and adorned on all Sides with Statues of Gods and Emperors cut in Marble larger than the Life, placed in their ſeveral Niches. I meaſured a little Finger which had fallen down from one of the Statues, and lay un- perceived among fome Rubbiſh, and found it exactly four Feet and an Inch in Length. Glumdalclitch wrap- ped it up in her Handkerchief; and carried it Home in her Pocket to keep among other Trinkets, of which the Girl was very fond, as Children at her Age uſually are. The King's Kitchen is indeed a noble Building, vault- ed at Top, and about fix-hundred Feet high. The great Oven is not fo wide by ten Paces as the Cupola at St. Paul's: For I meaſured the latter on Purpoſe after my Return. But if I ſhould defcribe the Kitchen-grate, the prodigious Pots and Kettles, the Joints of Meat turn- ing on the Spits, with many other Particulars, perhaps I fhould be hardly believed; at leaft a fevere Critic would be apt to think I enlarged a little, as Travellers are often fufpected to do. To avoid which Cenfure, I fear I have run too much into the other Extream; and that if this Treatife ſhould happen to be tranſlated into the Language of Brobdingnag, (which is the gene- ral Name of that Kingdom) and tranfmitted thither, the King and his People would have Reaſon to complain that I had done them an Injury by a falfe and diminu- tive Reprefentation. His Majefty feldom keeps above fix-hundred Horfes in his Stables: They are generally from fifty-four to fixty Feet high. But, when he goes Abroad on folemn Days, 106 A VOYAGE Days, he is attended for State by a Militia Guard of five-hundred Horfe, which indeed I thought was the moſt ſplendid Sight that could be ever beheld, till I faw Part of his Army in Battalia, whereof I ſhall find ano- ther Occafion to ſpeak. CHA P. V. Several Adventures that happened to the Author. The Execution of a Criminal. The Author fhews his Skill in Navigation. Should have lived happy enough in that Country, if my Littleneſs had not expofed me to feveral ridi- culous and troubleſome Accidents: Some of which I fhall venture to relate. Glumdalclitch often carried me into the Gardens of the Court in my fmaller Box, and would fometimes take me out of it, and hold me in her Hand, or fet me down to walk. I remember, before the Dwarf left the Queen, he followed us one Day into thofe Gardens, and my Nurfe having fet me down, he and I being cloſe together, near fome Dwarf Ap- ple Trees, I muft need fhew my Wit, by a filly Allu- fion between him and the Trees, which happens to hold in their Language, as it doth in ours. Whereupon, the malicious Rogue watching his Opportunity, when I was walking under one of them, fhook it directly over my Head, by which a dozen Apples, each of them near as large as a Bristol Barrel, came tumbling about my Ears ; one of them hit me on the Back as I chanced to ſtoop, and knocked me down flat on my Face; but I received no other Hurt, and the Dwarf was pardoned at my De- fire, becauſe I had given the Provocation. Another Day Glumdalclitch left me on a fmooth Grafs plot to divert myfelf, while fhe walked at fome Distance with her Governefs. In the mean Time there fuddenly fell fuch a violent Shower of Hail, that I was immediately, by the Force of it, ftrucks to the Ground: And to BROBDINGNAG. 107 And, when I was down, the Hail-ftones gave me fuch cruel Bangs all over the Body, as if I had been pelted with Tennis Balls; however, I made a Shift to creep on all four, and ſhelter myſelf, by lying flat on my Face, on the Lee-fide of a Border of Lemon Thyme, but fo bruifed from Head to Foot, that I could not go Abroad in ten Days. Neither is this at all to be wondered at, becauſe, Nature in that Country obferving the fame Proportion through all her Operations, a Hail-ftone is near eighteen-hundred Times as large as one in Europe, which I can affert upon Experience, having been fo curious to weigh and meaſure them. But a more dangerous Accident happened to me in the fame Garden, when my little Nurfe believing fhe had put me in a ſecure Place, which I often entreated her to do, that I might enjoy my own Thoughts, and having left my Box at Home to avoid the Trouble of carrying it, went to another Part of the Garden with her Governeſs, and fome Ladies of her Acquaintance. While fhe was abfent, and out of Hearing, a fmall white Spaniel belonging to one of the chief Gardeners, having got by Accident into the Garden, happened to range near the Place where I lay: The Dog, following the Scent, came directly up, and, taking me in his Mouth, ran ftrait to his Mafter, wagging his Tail, and fet me gently on the Ground. By good Fortune he had been fo well taught, that I was carried between his Teeth without the leaft Hurt, or even tearing my Cloaths. But the poor Gardener, who knew me well, and had a great Kindness for me, was in a terrible Fright: He gently took me up in both his Hands, and afked me how I did; but I was fo amazed and out of Breath, that I could not fpeak a Word. In few Mi- nutes I came to myfelf, and he carried me fafe to my little Nurfe, who by this Time had returned to the Place where the left me, and was in cruel Agonies when I did not appear, nor anfwer when ſhe called: She feverely reprimanded the Gardener on Account of his Dog. But the Thing was hufhed up, and never known at Court; for the Girl was afraid of the Queen's An- ger, 108 A VOYAGE ger, and truly as to myſelf, I thought it would not be for my Reputation that ſuch a Story ſhould go about. This Accident abfolutely determined Glumdalclitch never to truſt me Abroad for the future out of her Sight. I had been long afraid of this Reſolution, and therefore concealed from her fome little unlucky Adventures that happened in thoſe Times when I was left by myſelf. Once a Kite, hovering over the Garden, made a Stoop at me, and if I had not refolutely drawn my Hanger, and run under a thick Efpalier, he would have certain- ly carried me away in his Talons. Another Time, walking to the Top of a freſh Mole-hill, I fell to my Neck in the Hole, through which that Animal had caſt up the Earth, and coined fome Lye, not worth remem- bring, to excufe myſelf for fpoiling my Cloaths. I like- wife broke my right Shin againſt the Shell of a Snail, which I happened to fumble over, as I was walking alone, and thinking on poor England. I cannot tell whether I were more pleaſed or morti- fied, to obferve in thoſe folitary Walks, that the fmal- ler Birds did not appear to be at all afraid of me, but would hop about within a Yard's Distance, looking for Worms, and other Food, with as much Indifference and Security, as if no Creature at all were near them. I remember, a Thrush had the Confidence to ſnatch out of my Hand, with his Bill, a Piece of Cake that Glumdalclitch had juſt given me for my Breakfaſt. When I attempted to catch any of thefe Birds, they would boldly turn againft me, endeavouring to pick my Fingers, which I durft not venture within their Reach; and then they would hop back unconcerned, to hunt for Worms or Snails, as they did before. But one Day I took a thick Cudgel, and threw it with all my Strength fo luckily at a Linnet, that I knocked him down, and, feizing him by the Neck with both my Hands, ran with him in Triumph to my Nurfe. How- ever, the Bird, who had only been ftunned, recovering himfelf, gave me fo many Boxes with his Wings on both Sides of my Head and Body, though I held him- at to BROBDINGNAG. 109 at Arms Length, and was out of the Reach of his Claws, that I was twenty Times thinking to let him go. But I was foon relieved by one of our Servants, who wrung off the Bird's Neck, and I had him next Day for Dinner by the Queen's Command. This Lin- net, as near as I can remember, ſeemed to be ſome- what larger than an England Swan. The Maids of Honour often invited Glumdalclitch to their Apartments, and defired fhe would bring me a- long with her, on Purpoſe to have the Pleaſure of fee- ing and touching me. They would often ſtrip me na- ked from Top to Toe, and lay me at full Length in their Bofoms ; wherewith I was much difgufted; be- cauſe, to ſay the Truth, a very offenfive Smell came from their Skins; which I do not mention, or intend, to the Diſadvantage of thofe excellent Ladies, for whom I have all Manner of Reſpect; but I conceive that my Senſe was more acute, in Proportion to my Littleness, and that thofe illuftrious Perfons were no more diſagreeable to their Lovers, or to each other, than People of the fame Quality are with us in England. And, after all, I found their natural Smell was much more ſupportable, than when they uſed perfumes, under which I immediately fwooned away. I cannot forget, that an intimate Friend of mine in Lilliput, took the Free- dom, in a warm Day, when I had ufed a good deal of Exercife, to complain of a ſtrong Smell about me, although I am as little faulty that Way, as moft of my Sex: But I fuppofe his Faculty of Smelling was as nice, with Regard to me, as mine was to that of this People. Upon this Point, I cannot forbear doing Juf- tice to the Queen my Miſtreſs, and Glumdalclitch Nurfe, whofe Perfons were as fweet as thofe of any Lady in England. my That which gave me moft Uneafinefs among theſe Maids of Honour (when my Nurfe carried me to vifit them) was to fee them ufe me without any Manner of Cere- mony, like a Creature who had no Sort of Confequence: For they would ftrip themſelves to the Skin, and put on their TIO AVOYAGE i their Smocks in my Prefence, while I was placed on their Toylet, directly before their naked Bodies, which, I am fure, to me, was very far from being a tempt- ing Sight, or from giving me any other Emotions, than thofe of Horror and Difguft. Their Skins ap- peared fo coarſe and uneven, fo varioufly coloured, when I faw them near, with a Mole here and there, as broad as a Trencher, and Hairs hanging from it thick- er than Pack threads, to fay nothing farther concern- ing the reſt of their Perfons. Neither did they at all fcruple, while I was by, to diſcharge what they had drank, to the Quantity of at leaft two Hogfheads, in a Veffel that held above three Tuns. The handfomeſt among thefe Maids of Honour, a pleaſant, frolicfome Girl, of fixteen, would ſometimes fet me aftride upon one of her Nipples, with many other Tricks, wherein the Reader will excufe me for not being over particular. But I was ſo much difpleaſed, that I entreated Glum- dalclitch to contrive fome Excufe for not ſeeing that young Lady any more. One Day a young Gentleman, who was Nephew to my Nurfe's Governeſs, came and preffed them both to fee an Execution. It was of a Man who had mur- dered one of that Gentleman's intimate Acquaintance. Glumdalclitch was prevailed on to be of the Company, very much againft her Inclination, for fhe was natural- ly tender-hearted: And, as for myſelf, although I ab- horred fuch Kind of Spectacles, yet my Curiofity tempt- ed me to ſee ſomething that I thought must be extra- ordinary. The Malefactor was fixed in a Chair upon a Scaffold, erected for that Purpoſe, and his Head cut off at one Blow, with a Sword of about forty Feet long. The Veins and Arteries fpouted up fuch a pro- digious Quantity of Blood, and fo high in the Air, that the great Fett d'eau, at Versailles, was not equal for the Time it lated; and the Head, when it fell on the Scaffold Floor, gave fuch a Bounce, as made me ftart, although I were at least half an English Mile diftant. } The to BROBDINGNAG. III The Queen, who often uſed to hear me talk of my Sea-Voyages, and took all Occafions to divert me when I was melancholy, afked me whether I underflood how to handle a Sail, or an Oar, and whether a little Exercife of Rowing might not be convenient for my Health? I answered, that I underſtood both very well: For, although my proper Employment had been to be Surgeon or Doctor to the Ship, yet often, upon a Pinch, I was forced to work like a common Mariner. But I could not fee how this could be done in their Coun- try, where the ſmalleſt Wherry was equal to a Firſt- rate Man of War among us, and fuch a Boat as I could manage, would never live in any of their Rivers. Her Majefty faid, if I would contrive a Boat, her own Joiner fhould make it, and fhe would provide a place for me to fail in. The Fellow was an ingenious Work- man, and, by my Inftructions, in ten Days, finiſhed a Pleafure-boat, with all its Tackling, able convenient- ly, to hold eight Europeans. When it was finished, the Queen was fo delighted, that the ran with it in her Lap to the King, who ordered it to be put in a Ciſtern full of Water, with me in it, by Way of Trial; where I could not manage my two Sculls, or little Oars, for Want of Room. But the Queen had before contrived another ProjeЯ: She ordered the Joiner to make a wooden Trough of three hundred Feet long, fifty broad, and eight deep; which being well pitched, to prevent Leaking, was placed on the Floor along the Wall, in an outer Room of the Palace. It had a Cock near the Bottom, to let out the Water when it began to grow ftale, and two Servants could eafily fill it in half an Hour. Here I often uſed to row for my own Diver- fion, as well as that of the Queen and her Ladies, who thought themſelves well entertained with my Skill and Agility. Sometimes I would put up my Sail, and then my Buſineſs was only to fteer, while the Ladies gave me a Gale with their Fans; and, when they were weary, fome of the Pages would blow my Sail forward with their Breath, while I fhewed my Art by fleering Star- 112 A VOYAGE Starboard or Larboard, as I pleaſed. When I had done, Glumdalclitch always carried back my Boat into her Cloſet, and hung it on a Nail to dry. In this Exercife I once met an Accident, which had like to have coft me my Life: For, one of the Pages having put my Boat into the Trough, the Governess, who attended Glumdalclitch, very officiouſly lifted me up to place me in the Boat, but I happened to flip through her Fingers, and fhould infallibly have fallen down forty Feet upon the Floor, if, by the luckieſt Chance in the World, I had not been ſtopped by a Corking-pin that ftuck in the good Gentlewoman's Stomacher; the Head of the Pin paffed between my Shirt and the Waiſtband of my Breeches, and thus I was held by the Middle in the Air, till Glumdalelitch ran to my Relief. Another Time, one of the Servants, whofe Office it was to fill my Trough every third Day with freſh Water, was fo careleſs, to let a huge Frog (not per- ceiving it) flip out of his Pail. The Frog lay conceal- ed till I was put into my Boat, but then, feeing a reſt- ing-place, climbed up, and made it lean fo much on one Side, that I was forced to balance it with all my Weight on the other, to prevent Overturning. When the Frog was got in, it hopped at once half the Length of the Boat, and then over my Head, backwards and forwards, daubing my Face and Clothes with its odi- ous Slime. The Largeneſs of its Features, made it ap- pear the moſt deformed Animal that can be conceived. However, I defired Glumdalclitch to let me deal with it alone. I banged it a good While with one of my Sculls, and at laſt forced it to leap out of the Boat. But the greateſt Danger I ever underwent, in that Kingdom, was from a Monkey, who belonged to one of the Clerks of the Kitchen. Glumdalclitch had lock- ed me up in her Clofet, while fhe went fomewhere up- on Buſineſs, or a Vifit. The Weather being very warm, the Clofet-window was left open, as well as the Windows and the Door of my bigger Box, in which I ufual- to BROBDINGNAG. 113 I uſually lived, becauſe of its Largeneſs and Conveni- ency. As I fat quietly, meditating at my Table, I heard fomething bounce in at the Cloſet-Window, and ſkip about from one Side to the other ; whereat, altho' I were much alarmed, yet I ventured to look out, but not ſtirring from my Seat; and then I ſaw this frolic- fome Animal, frifking and leaping up and down, till at laſt he came to my Box, which he ſeemed to view with great Pleaſure and Curiofity, peeping in at the Door and every Window. I retreated to the farther Corner of my Room, or Box, but the Monkey look- ing in, at every Side, put me into fuch a Fright, that I wanted Prefence of Mind to conceal myſelf under the Bed, as I might have eafily done. After fome Time fpent in peeping, grinning, and chattering, he at laft efpied me, and reaching one of his Paws in at the Door, as a Cat does when the plays with a Mouſe, al- though I often ſhifted Place to avoid him, he at length feized the Lappet of my Coat (which, being made of that Country Silk, was very thick and ſtrong) and drag- ged me out. He took me up in his right Fore-foot, and held me as a Nurſe does a Child fhe is going to fuckle, juft as I have feen the fame Sort of Creature do with a Kitten in Europe: And, when I offered to ftruggle, he fqueefed me fo hard, that I thought it more prudent to fubmit. I have good Reafon to be- lieve, that he took me for a young one of his own Spe- cies, by his often ftroaking my Face very gently with his other Paw. In thefe Diverfions, he was interrupt- ed by a Noife at the Clofet-Door, as if fome Body were opening it; whereupon he fuddenly leaped up to the Window, at which he had come in, and thence upon the Leads and Gutters, walking upon three Legs, and holding me in the fourth, till he clambered up to a Roof that was next to ours. I heard Glumdalclitch give a Shreek at the Moment he was carrying me out. The poor Girl was almoſt diſtracted: That Quarter of the Palace was all in an Uproar, the Servants ran for Ladders; the Monkey was feen by hundreds in the I Court, 114 AVOYAGE Court, fitting upon the Ridge of a Building, holding me like a Baby in one of his Fore-paws, and feeding me with the other, by cramming into my Mouth fome Victuals he had fqueefed out of the Bag on one Side of his Chaps, and patting me when I would not eat; whereat many of the Rabble below could not forbear laughing; neither do I think they justly ought to be blamed, for, without Queftion, the Sight was ridicu- lous enough to every Body but myfelf. Some of the People threw up Stones, hoping to drive the Monkey down; but this was ftrictly forbidden, or elfe, very pro- bably, my Brains had been dafhed out. The Ladders were now applied, and mounted by fe- veral Men, which the Monkey obferving, and finding himself almoſt encompaffed; not being able to make Speed enough with his three Legs, let me drop on a Ridge tyle, and made his Eſcape. Here I fat for fome Time, five hundred Yards from the Ground, expect- ing every Moment to be blown down by the Wind, or to fall by my own Giddineſs, and come tumbling over and over from the Ridge to the Eves: But an honeſt Lad, one of my Nurfe's Footmen, climbed up, and, putting me into his Breeches-pocket, brought me down fafe. I was almoft choaked with the filthy Stuff the Mon- key had crammed down my Throat; but my dear lit- tle Nurfe picked it out of my Mouth with a ſmall Needle, and then I fell a vomiting, which gave me great Relief. Yet I was fo weak, and bruiſed in the Sides, with the Squeezes given me by this odious Ani- mal, that I was forced to keep my Bed a Fortnight. The King, Queen, and all the Court, fent every Day to enquire after my Health, and her Majelly made me feveral Vifits during my Sickness. The Monkey was killed, and an Order made, that no fuch Animal ſhould be kept about the Palace. When I attended the King after my Recovery, to return him Thanks for his Favours, he was pleafed to rally me a good Deal upon this Adventure. He aſked me to BROBDINGNA G. 115 me what my Thoughts and Speculations were, while I lay in the Monkey's Paw; how I liked the Victuals he gave me; his Manner of Feeding; and whether the freſh Air on the Roof had ſharpened my Stomach. He defired to know what I would have done upon fuch an Occafion in my own Country. I told his Majelly, that in Europe we had no Monkies, except fuch as were brought for Curiofities from other Places, and fo fmall, that I could deal with a Dozen of them together, if they prefumed to attack me. And as for that mon- ftrous Animal with whom I was fo lately engaged (it was, indeed, as large as an Elephant) if my Fears had fuffered me to think fo far as to make Ufe of my Hanger (looking fiercely, and clapping my Hand upon the Hilt as I fpoke) when he poked his Paw into my Chamber, perhaps, I fhould have given him fuch a Wound, as would have made him glad to withdraw it with more Hate than he put it in. This I delivered in a firm Tone, like a Perfon who was jealous, left his Courage ſhould be called in Queftion. However, my Speech produced nothing elfe, befides a loud Laughter, which all the Refpect due to his Majefty, from thofe about him, could not make them contain. This made me reflect, how vain an Attempt it is for a Man to endea- vour doing himſelf Honour among thoſe who are out of all Degree of Equality or Comparifon with him. And yet I have ſeen the Moral of my own Behaviour very frequent in England fince my Return, where a little contemptible Varlet, without the leaft Title to Birth, Perfon, Wit, or common Senfe, fhall prefume to look with Importance, and put himſelf upon a Foot with the greateſt Perfons of the Kingdom. I was every Day furniſhing the Court with fome ri- diculous Story; and Glumdalelitch, although the loved me to Exceſs, yet was arch enough to inform the Queen, whenever I committed any Folly that he thought would be diverting to her Majefty. The Girl, who had been out of Order, was carried by her Governeſs to take the Air about an Hour's Diſtance, or thirty I 2 Miles 116 AVOYAGE Miles from Town. They alighted out of the Coach near a ſmall Foot-path in the Field, and Glumdalclitch fetting down my Travelling-box, I went out of it to walk. There was a Cow-dung in the Path, and I muft need try my Activity, by attempting to leap over it. I took a Run, but unfortunately jumped fhort, and found myſelf juft in the Middle up to my Knees. I waded through with fome Difficulty, and one of the Footmen wiped me as clean as he could with his Hand- kerchief; for I was filthily bemired, and Nurſe con- fined me to my Box, till we returned Home; where the Queen was foon informed of what had paffed, and the Footman ſpread it about the Court; fo that all the Mirth, for fome Days, was at my Expence. CHAP. VI. my Several Contrivances of the Author to pleaſe the King and Queen. He fhews his Skill in Mufic. The King enquires into the State of Europe, which the Author relates to him. The King's Obfervations thereon. I Uſed to attend the King's Levee once or twice a Week, and had often feen him under the Barber's Hand, which, indeed, was at firft, very terrible to be- hold: For the Razor was almoſt twice as long as an ordinary Scythe. His Majefty, according to the Cuf tom of the Country was only fhaved twice a Week. I once prevailed on the Barber to give me fome of the Suds or Lather, out of which I picked forty or fifty of the ſtrongeſt Stumps of Hair. I then took a Piece of fine Wood, and cut it like the Back of a Comb, ma- king feveral Holes in it at equal Distance, with as ſmall a Needle as I could get from Glumdalclitch. I fixed in the Stumps fo artificially, fcraping and floping them with my Knife towards the Points, that I made a very tole- rable Comb; which was a ſeaſonable Supply, my own being. to BROBDINGNA G. 117 being fo much broken in the Teeth, that it was almoſt uſeleſs: Neither did I know any Artiſt in that Country fo nice and exact, as would undertake to make me a- nother. And this puts me in Mind of an Amuſement where- in I ſpent many of my leifure Hours. I defired the Queen's Woman to fave for me the Combings of her Majeſty's Hair, whereof in Time I got a good Quan- tity, and confulting with my Friend the Cabinet-maker, who had received general Orders to do little Jobbs for me, I directed him to make two Chair-frames, no larger than thoſe I had in my Box, and then to bore little Holes with a fine Awl round thofe Parts where I defigned the Backs and Seats; through theſe Holes I wove the ſtrongeſt Hairs I could pick out, juſt after the Manner of Cane Chairs in England. When they were finiſhed, I made a Preſent of them to her Majeſty, who kept them in her Cabinet, and uſed to ſhew them for Curiofities, as, indeed, they were the Wonder of every one that beheld them. The Queen would have had me fit upon one of thefe Chairs, but I abfolutely refuſed to obey her, protefting I would rather die a thouſand Deaths, than place a dishonourable Part of my Body on thofe precious Hairs that once adorned her Majefty's Head. Of thefe Hairs (as I had always a mechanical Genius) I likewife made a neat little Purfe about five Feet long, with her Majefty's Name decyphered in Gold Letters, which I gave to Glumdal- clitch, by the Queen's Confent. To fay the Truth, it was more for Shew than Ufe, being not of Strength to bear the Weight of the larger Coins, and therefore the kept nothing in it but fome little Toys that Girls are fond of. The King, who delighted in Mufic, had frequent Concerts at Court, to which I was fometimes carried, and fet in my Box on a Table to hear them: But the Noife was fo great, that I could hardly diſtinguiſh the Tunes. I am confident, that all the Drums and Trum- pets of a Royal Army, beating and founding together 1 3 just Į 118 A VOYAGE juſt at your Ears, could not equal it. My Practice was to have my Box removed from the Places where the Per- formers fat, as far as I could, then to ſhut the Doors and Windows of it, and draw the Window-curtains; after which I found their Mufic not difagreeable. I had learned in my Youth to play a little upon the Spinet. Glumdalclitch kept one in her Chamber, and a Mafter attended twice a Week to teach her: I call it a Spinet, becaufe it fomewhat refembled that Inſtrument, and was played upon in the fame Manner. A Fancy came into my Head that I would entertain the King and Queen with an English Tune upon this Inftrument. But this appeared extremely difficult: For the Spinet was near fixty Feet long, each Key being almoſt a Foot wide, fo that, with my Arms extended, I could not reach to above five Keys, and to prefs them down re- quired a good ſmart Stroak with my Fift, which would be too great a Labour, and to no Purpoſe. The Me- thod I contrived was this: I prepared two round Sticks about the Bignefs of common Cudgels; they were thicker at one End than the other, and I covered the thicker Ends with a Piece of a Moufe's Skin, that, by rapping on them, I might neither damage the Tops of the Keys, nor interrupt the Sound. Before the Spinet a Bench was placed about four Feet below the Keys, and I was put upon the Bench. I ran fideling upon it that Way and this, as faft as I could, banging the proper Keys with my two Sticks, and made a Shift to play a Jigg, to the great Satisfaction of both their Majesties: But it was the most violent Exercife I ever underwent, and yet I could not ſtrike above fixteen Keys, nor, confe- quently, play the Bafs and Treble together, as other Artiſts do; which was a great Diſadvantage to my Per- formance. The King, who, as I before obferved, was a Prince of excellent Understanding, would frequently order that I ſhould be brought in my Box, and ſet upon the Table in his Cloſet: He would then command me to bring one of my Chairs out of the Box, and fit down within three to BROBDINGNAG. 119 three Yards Diſtance upon the Top of the Cabinet, which brought me almoſt to a Level with his Face. In this Manner I had feveral Converfations with him. I one Day took the Freedom to tell his Majesty, that the Contempt he diſcovered towards Europe, and the reſt of the World, did not ſeem anſwerable to thoſe excellent Qualities of Mind he was Mafter of. That Reafon did not extend itſelf with the Bulk of the Body: On the Contrary, we obferved in our Country, that the talleſt Perſons were ufually leaft provided with it. That, a- mong other Animals, Bees and Ants had the Reputa- tion of more Induſtry, Art, and Sagacity, than many of the larger Kinds; and that, as inconfiderable as he took me to be, I hoped I might live to do his Majeſty fome fignal Service. The King heard me with Atten- tion, and began to conceive a much better Opinion of me than he had ever before He defired I would give him as exact an Account of the Government of Eng- land, as I poffibly could; becauſe, as fond as Princes commonly are of their own Cuſtoms (for fo he conjec- tured of other Monarchs by my former Difcourfes) he fhould be glad to hear of any Thing that might deſerve Imitation. Imagine with thyself, courteous Reader, how often I then wifhed for the Tongue of Demofthenes or Cicero, that might have enabled me to celebrate the Praiſe of my own dear native Country, in a Style equal to its Merits and Felicity. I began my Difcourfe, by informing his Majefty, that our Dominions confifted of two Iflands, which compo- fed three mighty Kingdoms under one Sovereign, be- fides our Plantations in America. I dwelt long upon the Fertility of our Soil, and the Temperature of our Climate. I then ſpoke at large upon the Conftitution of an English Parliament, partly made up of an illuftrious Body, called the Houfe of Peers, Perfons of the nobleſt Blood, and of the moſt antient and ample Patrimonies. I defcribed that extraordinary Care always taken of their Education in Arts and Arms, to qualify them for I 1 4 > being 120 AVOYAGE being Counſellors both to the King and Kingdom; to have a Share in the Legiſlature; to be Members of the higheſt Court of Judicature, from whence there could. be no Appeal; and to be Champions always ready for the Defence of their Prince and Country, by their Va- lour, Conduct, and Fidelity. That theſe were, the Or- nament and Bulwark of the Kingdom, worthy Fol- lowers of their moſt renowned Anceſtors, whofe Ho- nour had been the Reward of their Virtue, from which their Pofterity were never once known to degenerate. To theſe were joined ſeveral holy Perſons, as Part of that Affembly, under the Title of Bifhops, whofe pe- culiar Buſineſs it is to take Care of Religion, and of thoſe who inſtruct the People therein. Theſe were fearched and fought out through the whole Nation, by the Prince, and his wifeft Counſellors, among fuch of the Priesthood as were moft deſervedly diftinguiſhed by the Sanctity of their Lives, and the Depth of their Eru- dition, who were, indeed, the fpiritual Fathers of the Clergy and the People. That the other Part of the Parliament confifted of an Affembly called the Houſe of Commons, who were all principal Gentlemen, freely picked and culled out by the People themſelves, for their great Abilities, and Love of their Country, to repreſent the Wiſdom of the whole Nation. And theſe two Bodies make up the moſt auguſt Affembly in Europe, to whom, in Conjunc- tion with the Prince, the whole Legislature is com mitted. I then defcended to the Courts of Juſtice, over which the Judges, thofe venerable Sages and Interpreters of the Law, prefided, for determining the difputed Rights. and Properties of Men, as well as for the Puniſhment of Vice, and Protection of Innocence. I mentioned the prudent Management of our Treafury, the Valour and Atchievements of our Forces by Sea and Land. I computed the Number of our People, by reckoning. how many Millions there might be of each religious Sect, or political Party among us. I did not omit even Our to BROBDINGNAG. 121 our Sports and Paftimes, or any other Particular, which I thought might redound to the Honour of my Coun- try. And I finiſhed all with a brief hiſtorical Account of Affairs and Events in England, for about an hundred Years paſt. This Converſation was not ended under five Audi- ences, each of feveral Hours; and the King heard the Whole with great Attention, frequently taking Notes of what I ſpoke, as well as Memorandums of what Queſtions he intended to aſk me. When I had put an End to theſe long Diſcourſes, his Majefty, in a fixth Audience, confulting his Notes, pro- poſed many Doubts, Queries, and Objections, upon every Article. He asked what Methods were uſed to cultivate the Minds and Bodies of our young Nobility, and in what Kind of Buſineſs they commonly ſpent the first and teachable Part of their Lives. What Courſe was taken to ſupply that Affembly, when any noble Family became extinct. What Qualifications were ne- ceffary in thoſe who are to be created new Lords: Whe- ther the Humour of the Prince, a Sum of Money to a Court Lady, or a Prime Minifter, or a Defign of ftrengthening a Party oppofite to the public Intereſt, ever happened to be Motives in thoſe Advancements. What Share of Knowledge thefe Lords had in the Laws of their Country, and how they came by it, fo as to enable them to decide the Properties of their Fellow- fubjects in their laft Refort. Whether they were always fo free from Avarice, Partialities, or Want, that a Bribe, or fome other finifter View, could have no Place among them. Whether thoſe holy Lords I ſpoke of, were always promoted to that Rank upon Account of their Knowledge in religious Matters, and the Sanctity of their Lives, had never been Compliers with the Times, while they were common Priefts, or flavish prof- titute Chaplains to fome Nobleman, whofe Opinions they continued fervilely to follow, after they were ad- mitted into that Affembly. He 122 AVOYAGE : He then defired to know what Arts were practiſed in electing thoſe whom I called Commoners: Whe- ther a Stranger, with a ſtrong Purſe, might not influ- ence the vulgar Voters to chufe him before their own Landlord, or the moft confiderable Gentleman in the Neighbourhood. How it came to pafs, that People were fo violently bent upon getting into this Affembly, which I allowed to be a great Trouble and Expence, often to the Ruin of their Families, without any Salary or Penfion Becauſe that appeared fuch an exalted Strain of Virtue and public Spirit, that his Majefty feemed to doubt it might poffibly not be always fincere: And he defired to know whether fuch zealous Gentlemen could have any Views of refunding themfelves for the Charges and Trouble they were at, by facrificing the public Good to the Defigns of a weak and vicious Prince, in Conjunction with a corrupted Miniftry. He multiplied his Queftions, and fifted me thoroughly upon every Part of this Head, propofing numberlefs Enqui- ries and Objections, which I think it not prudent or convenient to repeat. Upon what I faid, in Relation to our Courts of Juf- tice, his Majeſty defired to be fatisfied, in feveral Points: And, this I was the better able to do, having been formerly almoft ruined by a long Suit in Chancery, which was decreed for me with Cofts. He afked, what Time was uſually ſpent in determining between Right and Wrong, and what Degree of Expence. Whether Advocates and Orators had Liberty to plead in Caufes manifeftly known to be unjust, vexatious, or oppref- five. Whether Party in Religion or Politics were ob- ferved to be of any Weight in the Scale of Juftice. Whether thoſe pleading Orators were Perfons educated in the general Knowledge of Equity, or only in pro- vincial, national, and other local Cuftoms. Whether they or their Judges had any Part in penning thofe Laws which they affumed the Liberty of interpreting and gloffing upon at their Fleaſure. Whether they had ever at different Times pleaded for and againſt the fame to BROBDINGNAG. 123 fame Cauſe, and cited Precedents to prove contrary Opinions. Whether they were a rich or a poor Cor- poration. Whether they received any pecuniary Re- ward for pleading or delivering their Opinions. And particularly, whether they were every admitted as Mem- bers in the lower Senate. He fell next upon the Management of our Treafury, and faid, he thought my Memory had failed me, be- cauſe I computed our Taxes at about five or fix Millions a Year, and, when I came to mention the Iffues, he found they fometimes amounted to more than double; for the Notes he had taken, were very particular in this Point, becauſe he hoped, as he told me, that the Knowledge of our Conduct might be uſe- ful to him, and he could not be deceived in his Calcu- lations: But, if what I told him were true, he was ftill at a Lofs how a Kingdom could run out of its Eſtate like a private Perfon. He asked me, who were our Creditors; and where we fhould find Money to pay them. He wondered to hear me talk of ſuch charge- able and expenfive Wars; that certainly we must be a quarrelfome People, or live among very bad Neigh- bours, and that our Generals muft needs be richer than our Kings. He asked what Bufinefs we had out of our own Iſlands, unleſs upon the Score of Trade or Treaty, or to defend the Coats with our Fleet. A- bove all, he was amazed to hear me talk of a merce- nary ſtanding Army in the midst of Peace, and among a free People. He faid, if we were governed by our own Conſent in the Perfons of our Reprefentatives, he could not imagine of whom we were afraid, or againſt whom we were to fight; and would hear my Opini- on, whether a private Man's Houfe might not better be defended by himfelf, his Children, and Family, than by half a Dozen Rafcals picked up at a Venture in the Streets, for fmall Wages, who might get an hundred Times more by cutting their Throats. He laughed at my odd Kind of Arithmetic (as he was pleaſed to call it) in reckoning the Numbers of Our 124 A VOYAGE our People by a Computation drawn from the ſeveral Sects among us in Religion and Politics. He faid, he knew no Reaſon, why thofe who entertain Opinions prejudicial to the Public, fhould be obliged to change, or fhould not be obliged to conceal them. And as it was Tyranny in any Government to require the firſt, fo it was Weakneſs not to enforce the fecond: For a Man may be allowed to keep Poiſons in his Cloſet, but not to vend them about for Cordials. He obſerved, that, among the Diverfions of our Nobility and Gentry, I had mentioned Gaming. He defired to know at what Age this Entertainment was ufually taken up, and when it was laid down; how much of their Time it employed; whether it ever went ſo high as to affect their Fortunes: Whether mean vi- cious People, by their Dexterity in that Art, might not arrive at great Riches, and fometimes keep our very Nobles in Dependance, as well as habituate them to vile Companions, wholly take them from the Improve- ment of their Minds, and force them, by the Loffes they have received, to learn and practiſe that infamous Dexterity upon others. He was perfectly alloniſhed with the hiftorical Ac- count I gave him of our Affairs during the laft Centu- ry, proteſting it was only a Heap of Confpiracies, Re- bellions, Murders, Maffacres, Revolutions, Baniſh- ments, the very worst Effects that Avarice, Faction, Hypocrify, Perfidiouſneſs, Cruelty, Rage, Madneſs, Hatred, Envy, Luft, Malice, or Ambition, could pro- duce. His Majefty in another Audience was at the Pains to recapitulate the Sum of all I had spoken, compared the Queſtions he made with the Anſwers I had given ; then taking me into his Hands, and ftroaking me gently, delivered himſelf in thefe Words, which I fhall never forget, nor the Manner he ſpoke them in : My little Friend Grildrig, you have made a moſt ad- mirable Panegyric upon your Country: You have clearly proved, that Ignorance, Idlenefs, and Vice, are the to BROBDINGNAG. 125 the proper Ingredients for qualifying a Legiſlator: That Laws are best explained, interpreted, and applied by thoſe whofe Intereft and Abilities lie in perverting, confounding, and eluding them. I obferve among you fome Lines of an Inftitution, which, in its Original, might have been tolerable; but theſe half eraſed, and the reft wholly blurred and blotted by Corruptions. It doth not appear from all you have faid, how any one Perfection is required toward the Procurement of any one Station among you; much leſs that Men are en- nobled on Account of their Virtue, that Priefts are ad- vanced for their Piety or Learning, Soldiers for their Conduct or Valour, Judges for their Integrity, Sena- tors for the Love of their Country, or Counſellors for their Wiſdom. As for yourfelf (continued the King) who have ſpent the greateſt Part of your Life in Tra- velling, I am well difpofed to hope you may hitherto have eſcaped many Vices of your Country. But, by what I have gathered from your own Relation, and the Anſwers I have with much Pains wringed and ex- torted from you, I cannot but conclude the Bulk of your Natives to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever fuffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth. * CHAP. VII. The Author's Love of his Country. He makes a Pro- pofal of much Advantage to the King, which is rejected. The King's great Ignorance in Politics. The Learning of that Country very imperfect and confined. Their Laws, and military Affairs, and Parties in the State. N° OTHING but an extreme Love of Truth, could have hindered me from concealing this Part of my Story. It was in vain to diſcover my Re- fentments, 126 A VOYAGE fentments, which were always turned into Ridicule ; and I was forced to rest with Patience, while my no- ble and most beloved Country was fo injuriouſly treated. I am heartily forry, as any of my Readers can poffi- bly be, that fuch an Occafion was given: But this Prince happened to be fo curious and inquifitive upon every Particular, that it could not confift either with Gratitude or good Manners, to refuſe giving him what Satisfaction I was able. Yet thus much I may be al- lowed to fay in my own Vindication, That I artfully cluded many of his Quellions, and gave to every Point a more favourable Turn, by many Degrees, than the Strictnefs of Truth would allow. For I have always borne that laudable Partiality to my own Country, which Dionyfius Halicarnoffenfis with fo much Juftice recommends to an Hiſtorian: I would hide the Frail- ties and Deformities of my political Mother, and place her Virtues and Beauties in the most advantageous Light. This was my fincere Endeavour in thofe ma- ny Difcourfes I had with that Monarch, although it unfortunately failed of Succeſs. But great Allowances fhould be given to a King who lives wholly fecluded from the reft of the World, and muft therefore be altogether unacquainted with the Man- ners and Cuſtoms that moſt prevail in other Nations: The Want of which Knowledge will ever produce ma- ny Prejudices, and a certain Narrownes of Thinking, from which we and the politer Countries of Europe are wholly exempted. And it would be hard, indeed, if fo remote a Prince's Notions of Virtue and Vice were to be offered as a Standard for all Mankind. To confirm what I have now faid, and further, to fhew the miferable Effects of a confined Education, I ſhall here infert a Paffige which will hardly obtain Belief. In Hopes to ingratiate myfelf farther into his Majesty's Favour, I told him of an Invention diſcovered between three and four-hundred Years ago, to make a certain Powder, into an Heap of which the ſmalleſt Spark of Fire falling, would kindle the Whole in a Moment, al- though to BROBDINGNAG. 127 though it were as big as a Mountain, and make it all fly up in the Air together, with a Noiſe and Agitation greater than Thunder. That a proper Quantity of this Powder rammed into an hollow Tube of Brafs or Iron, according to its Bignefs, would drive a Ball of Iron or Lead with fuch Violence and Speed, as nothing was a- ble to ſuſtain its Force. That the largeſt Balls, thus dif- charged, would not only destroy whole Ranks of an Army at once, but batter the ftrongest Walls to the Ground, fink down Ships, with a thouſand Men in each, to the Bottom of the Sea; and, when linked together by a Chain, would cut through Mafts and Rigging, di- vide Hundreds of Bodies in the Middle, and lay all waſte before them. That we often put this Powder in- to large hollow Balls of Iron, and diſcharged them by an Engine into fome City we were befieging, which would rip up the Pavements, tear the Houfes to Pieces, burt and throw Splinters on every Side, dafhing out the Brains of all who came near. That I knew the Ingredients very well, which were cheap, and common ; I underſtood the Manner of compounding them, and could direct his Workmen how to make thoſe Tubes of a Size proportionable to all other Things in his Majef- ty's Kingdom, and the largeſt need not be above an hundred Feet long; twenty or thirty of which Tubes, charged with the proper Quantity of Powder and Balls, would batter down the Walls of the ſtrongeſt Town in his Dominions in few Hours, or destroy the whole Me- tropolis, if ever it fhould pretend to difpute his abfo- lute Commands. This I humbly offered to his Majef- ty, as a ſmall Tribute of Acknowledgment in Return of fo many Marks that I had received of his Royal Fa- vour and Protection. The King was ftruck with Horror at the Defcription I had given of thofe terrible Engines, and the Propofal I had made. He was amazed how fo impotent and groveling an Infect as I (theſe were his Expreffions) could entertain fuch inhuman Ideas, and in fo familiar a Manner, as to appear wholly unmoved at all the Scenes 128 A VOY A GÉ Scenes of Blood and Defolation, which I had painted as the common Effects of thoſe deſtructive Machines, whereof, he ſaid, ſome evil Genius, Enemy to Man- kind, muſt have been the firſt Contriver. As for him- felf, he protested, that, although few Things delighted him fo much as new Diſcoveries in Art or in Nature, yet he would rather loſe half his Kingdom, than be pri- vy to fuch a Secret, which he commanded me, as I valued my Life, never to mention any more. A ftrange Effect of narrow Principles and ſhort Views! that a Prince poffeffed of every Quality which procures Veneration, Love, and Efteem; of ftrong Parts, great Wiſdom, and profound Learning, endued with admi- rable Talents for Government, and almoſt adored by his Subjects, fhould, from a nice unneceffary Scruple, whereof in Europe we can have no Conception, let flip an Opportunity put into his Hands, that would have made him abfolute Maſter of the Lives, the Liberties, and the Fortunes of his People. Neither do I ſay this with the leaſt Intention to detract from the many Vir- tues of that excellent King, whofe Character, I am fenfible, will on this Account, be very much leffened, in the Opinion of an English Reader: But I take this Defect among them to have rifen from their Ignorance, by not having hitherto reduced Politics into a Science, as the more acute Wits of Europe have done. For I remember very well, in a Difcourfe one Day with the King, when I happened to ſay there were ſeveral thou- fand Books among us, written upon the Art of Govern- ment, it gave him (directly contrary to my Intention) a very mean Opinion of our Underſtandings. He pro- feffed both to abominate and defpife all Mystery, Refine- ment, and Intrigue, either in a Prince or a Minifter. He could not tell what I meant by Secrets of State, where an Enemy, or fome Rival Nation, were not in the Cafe. He confined the Knowledge of Governing within very narrow Bounds, to common Senſe and Rea- fon, to Juftice and Lenity, to the fpeedy Determination of civil and criminal Caufes ; with fome other obvious 5 Topics, to BROBDINGNAG. 129 Topics, which are not worth confidering. And, he gave it for his Opinion, that whoever could make two Eas of Corn, or two Blades of Grafs, to grow upon a Spot of Ground where only one grew before, would deſerve better of Mankind, and do more effential Service to his Country, than the whole Race of Politicians put together. The Learning of this People is very defective, con- fifting only in Morality, History, Poetry, and Mathe- matics, wherein they muſt be allowed to excel. But, the laſt of theſe is wholly applied to what may be ufe- ful in Life, to the Improvement of Agriculture, and all mechanical Arts; fo that among us, it would be little eſteemed. And as to Ideas, Entities, Abſtracti- ons, and Tranfcendentals, I could never drive the leaft Conception into their Heads. No Law of that Country muft exceed in Words the Number of Letters in their Alphabet, which confifts only in two and twenty. But, indeed, few of them extend even to that Length. They are expreffed in the moſt plain and fimple Terms, wherein thoſe People are not mercurial enough to diſcover above one Interpreta- tion: And to write a Comment upon any Law is a capital Crime. As to the Decifion of civil Caufes, or Proceedings againſt Criminals, either Precedents are fo few, that they have little Reaſon to boaſt of any extra- ordinary Skill in them. They have had the Art of Printing, as well as the Chineſe, Time out of Mind: But their Libraries are not very large; for that of the King's, which is reck- oned the biggeft, doth not amount to above a thouſand Volumes, placed in a Gallery of twelve hundred Feet long, from whence I had Liberty to borrow what Books I pleafed. The Queen's Joiner had contrived, in one of Glumdalclitch's Rooms, a Kind of wooden Ma- chine, five and twenty Feet high, formed like a ſtanding Ladder, the Steps were each fifty Feet long: It was, in- deed, a moveable Pair of Stairs, the lowest End placed at ten Feet Diſtance from the Wall of the Chamber. The Book I had a Mind to read, was put up leaning a- gainst the Wall: I first mounted to the upper Step of K the 130 A VOYAGE the Ladder, and, turning my Face towards the Book; began at the Top of the Page, and fo walking to the right and left, about eight or ten Paces, according to the Length of the Lines, till I had gotten a little below the Level of mine Eyes, and then defcending gradually till I came to the Bottom: After which, I mounted a- gain, and began the other Page in the fame Manner, and fo turned over the Leaf, which I could eafily do with both my Hands, for it was as thick and ſtiff as a Pafte-board, and, in the largeſt Folio's, not above eighteen or twenty Feet long. Their Style is clear, mafculine, and fmooth, but not florid; for they avoid nothing more than multi- plying unneceſſary Words, or ufing various Expreffions. I have perufed many of their Books, eſpecially thoſe in Hiſtory and Morality. Among the reſt, I was much diverted with a little old Treatife, which always lay in Glumdalclitch's Bed-chamber, and belonged to her Go- verneſs, a grave elderly Gentlewoman, who dealt in Writings of Morality and Devotion. The Book treats of the Weakneſs of human Kind, and is in little Efteem, except among the Women and the Vulgar. However, I was curious to fee what an Author of that Country could fay upon fuch a Subject. This Writer went through all the ufual Topics of European Moralifts, fhewing how diminutive, contemptible, and helpleſs an Animal was Man in his own Nature; how unable to defend himſelf from Inclemencies of the Air, or the Fury of wild Beafts: How much he was excelled by one Creature in Strength, by another in Speed, by a third in Forefight, by a fourth in Induftry. He added, that Nature was degenerated in thefe latter declining Ages of the World, and could now produce only fmall abortive Births, in Compariſon of thofe in antient Times. He faid, it was very reaſonable to think, not only that the Species of Men were originally much larger, but alſo, that there must have been Giants in former Ages, which, as it is afferted by Hiftory and Tradition, fo it hath been confirmed by huge Bones and to BROBDINGNAG. +3 and Skulls cafually dug up in feveral Parts of the King- dom, far exceeding the common dwindling Race of Man in our Days. He argued, that the very Laws of Nature abfolutely required we fhould have been made. in the Beginning, of a Size more large and robuft, not fo liable to Deſtruction from every little Accident of a Tile falling from an Houfe, or a Stone caft from the Hand of a Boy, or being drowned in a little Brook. From this Way of Reasoning, the Author drew feve- ral moral Applications uſeful in the Conduct of Life, but needlefs here to repeat. For my Part, I could not avoid reflecting how univerfally this Talent was fpread, of drawing Lectures in Morality, or, indeed, rather Matter of Difcontent and Repining, from the Quar- rels we raiſe with Nature. And, I believe, upon a ftrict Enquiry, thofe Quarrels might be fhewn as ill- grounded among us, as they are among that People. As to their Military Affairs, they boat that the King's Army confifts of an hundred and feventy-fix thouſand Foot, and thirty-two thouſand Horfe: If that may be called an Army which is made up of Tradefmen in the feveral Cities, and Farmers in the Country, whofe Commanders are only the Nobility and Gentry, without Pay or Reward. They are, indeed, perfect enough in their Exercifes, and under very good Difcipline, wherein I faw no great Merit; for how fhould it be otherwife, where every Farmer is under the Command of his own Landlord, and every Citizen under that of the principal Men in his own City, cho- fen after the Manner of Venice by Ballot? I have often ſeen the Militia of Lorbrulgrud drawn out to Exerciſe in a great Field near the City, of twenty Miles fquare. They were, in all, not above twenty- five thousand Foot, and fix thoufand Horfe; but it was impoffible for me to compute their Number, confider- ing the Space of Ground they took up. A Cavalier, mounted on a large Steed, might be about ninety Feet high. I have feen this whole Body of Horfe, upon a Word of Command, draw their Swords at once, and K z brandif 132 A VOYAG E brandiſh them in the Air. Imagination can figure no- thing fo grand, fo furprifing, and ſo aſtoniſhing! 1s looked as if ten-thouſand Flaſhes of Lightening were darting at the fame Time from every Quarter of the Sky. I was curious to know how this Prince, to whofe Dominions there is no Accefs from any other Country, came to think of Armies, or to teach his People the Practice of military Difcipline. But I was foon inform- ed, both by Converfation, and reading their Hiſtories - For, in the Courſe of many Ages, they have been trou- bled with the fame Difeafe to which the whole Race of Mankind is fubje&t; the Nobility often contending for Power, the People for Liberty, and the King for ab- folute Dominion. All which, however, happily tem- pered by the Laws of that Kingdom, have been fome- times violated by each of the three Parties, and have once, or more, occafioned Civil Wars, the laft where- of was happily put an End to by this Prince's Grand- father in a general Compofition; and the Militia, then fettled with common Confent, hath been ever fince kept in the ſtrictest Duty. CHAP. VIII. The King and Queen make a Progress to the Frontiers. The Author attends them. The Manner in which he leaves the Country very particularly related. He returns to England. I Had always a ftrong Impulfe, that I fhould fome Time recover my Liberty, though it was impoffible to conjecture by what Means, or to form any Project with the leaft Hope of fucceeding. The Ship, in which I failed was the firft ever known to be driven within Sight of that Coaft, and the King had given ftri&t Or- ders, that, if at any Time another appeared, it fhould be taken afhore, and, with all its Crew and Paffengers, brought to BROBDINGNAG. 133 brought in a Tumbril to Lorbrulgrud. He was ftrong- ly bent to get me a Woman of my own Size, by whom I might propagate the Breed: But, I think, I ſhould rather have died, than undergone the Difgrace of leav- ing a Pofterity to be kept in Cages like tame Canary Birds, and perhaps, in Time, fold about the Kingdom to Perfons of Quality for Curiofities. I was, indeed, treated with much Kindneſs: I was the Favourite of a great King and Queen, and the Delight of the whole Court; but it was upon fuch a Foot, as ill became the Dignity of human Kind. I could never forget thoſe domeftic Pledges I had left behind me. I wanted to be among People with whom I could converfe upon even Terms, and walk about the Streets and Fields, without being afraid of being trod to Death, like a Frog, or a young Puppy. But my Deliverance came fooner than I expected, and, in a Manner, not very common: The whole Story and Circumſtances of which 1 ſhall faithfully relate. I had now been two Years in this Country; and, about the Beginning of the third, Glumdalclitch and I attended the King and Queen in a Progreſs to the South Coaſt of the Kingdom. I was carried, as ufual, in my Travelling Box, which, as I have already deſcribed, was a very convenient Cloſet of twelve Feet wide. And I had ordered a Hammock to be fixed, by filken Ropes, from the four Corners at the Top, to break the Jolts, when a Servant carried me before him on Horſeback, as I fometimes defired, and would often fleep in my Hammock while we were upon the Road. On the Roof of my Cloſet, not directly over the Mid- dle of the Hammock, I ordered the Joiner to cut out a Hole of a Foot fquare, to give me Air in hot Weather, as I flept; which Hole I fhut, at Pleaſure, with a Board that drew backwards and forwards through a Groove. When we came to our Journey's End, the King thought proper to pafs a few Days at a Palace he hath Dear Flanflafuic, a City within eighteen English Miles K 3 of 134 AVOYAGE of the Sea fide. Glumdalclitch and I was much fatigued: I had gotten a ſmall Cold, but the poor Girl was fo ill, as to be confined to her Chamber. I longed to ſee the Ocean, which muſt be the only Scene of my Eſcape, if ever it fhould happen. I pretended to be worfe than I really was, and defired Leave to take the freſh Air, of the Sea, with a Page I was very fond of, and who had fometimes been trufted with me. I ſhall never for- get with what Unwillingnefs Glumdalclitch confented, nor the ftrict Charge fhe gave the Page to be careful of me, burſting at the fame Time into a Flood of Tears, as if ſhe had fome Foreboding of what was to happen. 'The Boy took me out in my Box about half an Hour's Walk from the Palace towards the Rocks on the Sea- fhore. I ordered him to fet me down, and lifting up one of my Saſhes, caft many a wiftful melancholy Look to- wards the Sea. I found myſelf not very well, and told the Page that I had a Mind to take a Nap in my Ham- mock, which I hoped would do me Good. I got in, and the Boy fhut the Window cloſe down to keep out the Cold. I foon fell aſleep, and all I can conjecture is, that, while I flept, the Page, thinking no Danger could happen, went among the Rocks to look for Birds Eggs, having before obferved him from my Window fearching about, and picking up one or two in the Clefts. Be that as it will, I found myſelf fuddenly awaked with a violent Pull upon the Ring which was faſtened at the Top of my Pox, for the Conveniency of Carriage. I felt my Box raiſed very high in the Air, and then born forward with prodigious Speed. The firft Jolt had like to have ſhaken me out of my Hammock, but afterwards the Motion was eafy enough. I called out feveral Times, as loud as I could raiſe my Voice, but all to no Purpoſe. I looked towards my Windows, and could fee nothing but the Clouds and Sky. I heard a Noife over my Head like the Clapping of Wings, and then began to perceive the woful Condition I was in, that fome Eagle had got the Ring of my Box in his Beak, with an In- tent to let it fall on a Rock like a Tortoife in a Shell, and to BROBDINGNAG. 135 and then pick out my Body, and devour it. For the Sagacity and Smell of this Bird enabled him to diſcover his Quarry at a great Diſtance, though better concealed than I could be within a two-inch Board. In a little Time I obferved the Noife and Flutter of Wings to increaſe very faſt, and my Box was toffed up and down like a Sign poft in a windy Day. I heard feveral Bangs or Buffets, as I thought, given to the Eagle (for fuch I am certain it muſt have been that held the Ring of my Box in his Beak) and then all on a fudden felt myſelf falling perpendicularly down for a- bove a Minute, but with fuch incredible Swiftneſs that I almoſt loft my Breath. My Fall was ſtopped by a terrible Squaſh, that founded louder to my Ears than the Cataract of Niagara; after which I was quite in the Dark for another Minute, and then my Box began to riſe fo high that I could fee Light from the Tops of the Windows. I now perceived that I was fallen into the Sea. My Box, by the Weight of my Body, the Goods that were in, and the broad Plates of Iron fixed for Strength at the four Corners of the Top and Bot- tom, floated above five Feet deep in Water. I did then, and do now ſuppoſe that the Eagle which flew away with my Box was purſued by two or three others, and forced to let me drop while he was defending himſelf againſt the reſt, who hoped to ſhare in the Prey. The Plates of Iron faſtened at the Bottom of the Box (for thoſe were the ſtrongeſt) preſerved the Balance while it fell, and hindered it from being broken on the Surface of the Water. Every Joint of it was well grooved; and the Door did not move on Hinges, but up and down like a Saſh, which kept my Cloſet fo tight that very little Water came in. I got with much Difficul- ty out of my Hammock, having firſt ventured to draw back the Slip-board on the Roof already mentioned, contrived on Purpoſe to let in Air, for Want of which I found myſelf almoſt ſtifled. How often did I then with myfelf with my dear Glumdalclitch, from whom one fingle Hour had fo far K 4 divided 136 AVOYAGE divided me! And I may fay, with Truth, that in the Midit of my own Misfortunes I could not forbear la- menting my poor Nurſe, the Grief ſhe would fuffer for my Lofs, the Diſpleaſure of the Queen, and the Ruin of her Fortune. Perhaps many Travellers have not been under greater Difficulties and Diſtreſs than I was at this Juncture, expecting every Moment to ſee my Box dafhed in Pieces, or at leaſt overfet by the firſt vio- lent Blaft, or a rifing Wave. A Breach in one fingle Pane of Glafs would have been immediate Death: Nor could any Thing have preferved the Windows but the ftrong Lattice-wires placed on the Outfide againft Ac- cidents in Travelling. I faw the Water ooze in at ſe- veral Crannies, although the Leaks were not confidera- ble, and I endeavoured to ftop them as well as I could. I was not able to lift up the Roof of my Cloſet, which otherwife I certainly fhould have done, and fat on the Top of it, where I might, at leaſt, preferve myſelf ſome Hours longer than by being fhut up, as I may call it, in the Hold. Or, if I escaped thefe Dangers for a Day or two, what could I expect but a miſerable Death of Cold and Hunger! I was four Hours under thefe Cir- cumſtances, expecting, and indeed, wiſhing every Mo- ment to be my laſt. I have already told the Reader, that there were two ftrong Staples fixed upon that Side of my Box which had no Window, and into which the Servant who ufed to carry me on Horſeback would put a leathern Belt, and buckle it about his Wafte. Being in this difconfolate State, I heard or at least thought I heard fome Kind of grating Noife on that Side of my Box where the Sta- ples were fixed, and ſoon after I began to fancy that the Box was pulled or towed along in the Sea; for I now and then felt a Sort of Tugging, which made the Waves rife near the Tops of my Windows, leaving me almoſt in the Dark. This gave me fome faint Hopes of Relief; although I was not able to imagine how it could be brought about. I ventured to unfcrew one of my Chairs, which were always faſtened to the Floori to BROBDINGNA G. 137 Floor; and having made a hard Shift to fcrew it down again directly under the Slipping-board that I had late- ly opened, I mounted on the Chair, and, putting my Mouth as near as I could to the Hole, I called for Help in a loud Voice, and in all the Languages I underſtood. I then faſtened my Hankerchief to a Stick I ufually carried, and, thrufting it up the Hole, waved it feveral Times in the Air, that, if any Boat or Ship were near, the Seamen might conjecture fome unhappy Mortal to be ſhut up in the Box. I found no Effect from all I could do, but plainly perceived my Cloſet to be moved along; and in the Space of an Hour, or better, that Side of the Box where the Staples were, and had no Window, fruck againſt fomething that was hard. I apprehended it to be a Rock, and found myſelf toffed more than ever. I plainly heard a Noife upon the Cover of my Cloſet, lile that of a Cable, and the Grating of it as it paſſed through the Ring. I then found myſelf hoilled up by Degrees, at leaſt three Feet higher than I was before. Whereupon I again thruft up my Stick and Handker- chief, calling for Help till I was almoſt hoarſe. In Return to which, I heard a great Shout repeated three Times, giving me fuch Tranfports of Joy, as are not to be conceived but by thoſe who feel them. I now heard a Trampling over my Head, and fome body cal- ling through the Hole with a loud Voice in the English Tongue, If there be any Body below, let them ſpeak. I anſwered, I was an Engliſhman, drawn by ill Fortune into the greateſt Calamity that ever any Creature under- went, and begged, by all that was moving, to be deli- vered out of the Dungeon I was in. The Voice re- plied, I was fafe, for my Box was faſtened to their Ship; and the Carpenter fhould immediately come and faw a Hole in the Cover large enough to pull me out. I answered, that was needlefs, and would take up too much Time, for there was no more to be done, but let one of the Crew put his Finger into the Ring, and take the Box out of the Sea into the Ship, and fo into the Cap- 138 AVOYAGE Captain's Cabbin. Some of them, upon hearing me talk fo wildly, thought I was mad; others laughed ; for, indeed, it never came into my Head, that I was now got among People of my own Stature and Strength, The Carpenter came, and in few Minutes fawed a Paffage about four Feet fquare, then let down a-fmall Ladder, upon which I mounted, and from thence was taken into the Ship in a very weak Condition. The Sailors were all in Amazement, and aſked me a thouſand Queſtions, which I had no Inclination to an- fwer. I was equally confounded at the Sight of fo ma- ny Pigmies, for fuch I took them to be, after having fo long accustomed mine Eyes to the monſtrous Obje&s I had left. But the Captain, Mr. Thomas Wilcocks, an honeft worthy Shropshire Man, obferving I was rea- dy to faint, took me into his Cabbin, gave me a Cor- dial to comfort me, and made me to turn in upon his own Bed, advifing me to take a little Reft, of which Í had great Need. Before Need. Before I went to fleep, I gave him to underſtand that I had valuable Furniture in my Box, too good to be loft; a fine Hammock, an handſome Field-bed, two Chairs, a Table, and a Cabinet. That my Cloſet was hung on all Sides, or rather quilted, with Silk and Cotton: That, if he would let one of the Crew bring my Clofet into his Cabbin, I would open it there before him, and thew him my Goods. The Cap- tain, hearing me utter theſe Abfurdities, concluded I was raving However (I fuppofe to pacify me) he promiſed to give Order, as I defired, and going upon Deck, fent fome of his Men down into my Clofet, from whence (as I afterwards found) they drew up all my Goods, and ſtripped off the Quilting; but the Chairs, Cabinet, and Bedftead, being fcrewed to the Floor, were much damaged by the Ignorance of the Seamen, who tore them up by Force. Then they knocked off fome of the Boards for the Ufe of the Ship, and, when they had got all they had a Mind for, let the Hulk drop into the Sea, which, by Reafon of many Breaches made in the Bottom and Sides, funk to Rights. And, indeed, to BROBDINGNAG. 139 indeed, I was glad not to have been a Spectator of the Havock they made; becaufe I am confident it would have fenfibly touched me, by bringing former Paffages into my Mind, which I had rather forget. I flept fome Hours, but perpetually disturbed with Dreams of the Place I had left, and the Dangers I had eſcaped. However, upon waking, I found myſelf much recovered. It was now about eight o'Clock at Night, and the Captain ordered Supper immediately, thinking I had already fafted too long. He entertained me with great Kindneſs, obferving me not to look wildly, or talk inconfiftently; and, when we were left alone, de- fired I would give him a Relation of my Travels, and by what Accident I came to be fet adrift in that mon- ftrous wooden Cheft. He faid, that about twelve o'Clock at Noon, as he was looking through his Glafs, he fpied it at a Distance, and thought it was a Sail, which he had a mind to make, being not much out of his Courſe, in Hopes of buying fome Bifket, his own beginning to fall ſhort. That upon coming nearer, and finding his Error, he fent out his Long-boat to dif cover what I was; that his Men came back in a Fright, fwearing they had feen a fwimming Houfe. That he laughed at their Folly, and went himſelf in the Boat, ordering his Men to take a ftrong Cable along with them. That, the Weather being calm, he rowed round me feveral Times, obferved my Windows, and the Wire lattices that defended them. That he diſcovered two Staples upon one Side, which was all of Boards, without any Paffage for Light. He then commanded his Men to row up to that Side, and, faſtening a Cable to one of the Staples, ordered them to tow my Cheſt (as they called it) towards the Ship. When it was there, he gave Directions to faften another Cable to the Ring fixed in the Cover, and to raiſe up my Cheft with Pul- lies, which all the Sailors were not able to do above two or three Feet. He faid, they faw my Stick and Handkerchief thruft out of the Hole, and concluded that fome unhappy Man muſt be fhut up in the Cavity. I asked, 140 A VOYAGE I asked, Whether he or the Crew had feen any prodi- gious Bird in the Air about the Time he firſt diſcovered me? To which he anfwered, That, difcourfing this Matter with the Sailors while I was aſleep, one of them faid, he had obferved three Eagles flying towards the North, but remarked nothing of their being larger than the uſual Size, which I fuppoſe muſt be imputed to the great Height they were at; and he could not gueſs the Reafon of my Queſtion. I then asked the Captain, How far he reckoned we might be from Land? He faid, by the beſt Computation he could make, we were at least an hundred Leagues. I affured him, that he muſt be miſtaken by almoſt half, for I had not left the Country from whence I came above two Hours before I dropt into the Sea. Whereupon, he began again to think that my Brain was disturbed, of which he gave me a Hint, and adviſed me to go to Bed in a Cabbin he had provided. I affured him I was well refreſhed with his good Entertainment and Company, and as much in my Senfes as ever I was in my Life. He then grew ferious, and defired to aſk me freely whe- ther 1 were not troubled in Mind by the Conſciouſneſs of fome enormous Crime, for which I was puniſhed at the Command of fome Prince, by expofing me in that Cheft, as great Criminals, in other Countries, have been forced to Sea in a leaky Veffel without Provifi- ons: For although he ſhould be forry to have taken fo ill a Man into his Ship, yet he would engage his Word to fet me fafe a-fhore in the firſt Fort where we arrived. He added, that his Sufpicions were much increaſed, by fome very abfurd Speeches I had delivered at first to the Sailors, and afterwards to himfelf, in relation to my Cloſet or Cheft, as well as by my odd Looks and Behaviour while I was at Supper. I begged his Patience to hear me tell my Story, which I faithfully did, from the laft Time I left England, to the Moment he firſt diſcovered me. And as Truth al- ways forceth its Way into rational Minds, fo this honeſt worthy Gentleman, who had fome Tincture of Learn- ing, to BROBDINGNAG. 141 ing, and very good Senfe, was immediately convinced of my Candour and Veracity. But, farther to confirm all I had faid, I entreated him to give Order that my Cabinet ſhould be brought, of which I had the Key in my Pocket, (for he had already informed me how the Seamen difpofed of my Clofet). I opened it in his own Prefence, and fhewed him the ſmall Collection of Ra- rities I made in the Country from whence I had been fo ftrangely delivered. There was the Comb I had contrived out of the Stumps of the King's Beard, and another of the fame Materials, but fixed into a Paring of her Majeſty's Thumb-nail, which ferved for the Back. There was a Collection of Needles and Ping from a Foot to half a Yard long; four Wafp-ftings, like Joiners Tacks; fome Combings of the Queen's Hair; a gold Ring which one Day ſhe made me a Preſent of in a moft obliging Manner, taking it from her little Finger, and throwing it over my Head like a Collar. I defired the Captain would pleafe to accept this Ring, in Return of his Civilities; which he abſo- lutely retufed. I fhewed him a Corn that I had cut off with my own Hand, from a Maid of Honour's Toe; is was about the Bignefs of a Kentish Pippin, and grown fo hard, that, when I returned to England, I got it hol- lowed into a Cup, and fet in Silver. Lally, I defired him to ſee the Breeches I had then on, which were made of a Moufe's Skin. I could force nothing on him but a Footman's Tooth, which I obferved him to examine with great Curiofity, and found he had a Fancy for it. He received it with Abundance of Thanks, more than fuch a Trifle could deferve. It was drawn by an unskilful Surgeon, in a Miſtake, from one of Glumdalclitch's Men, who was afflicted with the Tooth ach, but it was as found as any in his Head. I got it cleaned, and put it into my Ca- binet. It was about a Foot long, and four Inches in Diameter. The Captain was very well fatisfied with this plain Relation I had given him, and faid, he hoped, when We 142 A VOYAGE we returned to England, I would oblige the World, by putting it in Paper, and making it public. My An- fwer was, That I thought we were already over-ſtock- ed with Books of Travels: That nothing could now paſs which was not extraordinary; wherein I doubted fome Authors lefs confulted Truth, than their own Va- nity, or Intereſt, or the Diverſion of ignorant Readers That my Story could contain little befides common Events, without thoſe ornamental Defcriptions of ftrange Plants, Trees, Birds, and other Animals; or of the barbarous Cuſtoms and Idolatry of ſavage Peo- ple, with which moft Writers abound. However, I thanked him for his good Opinion, and promiſed to take the Matter into my Thoughts. He faid, he wondered at one Thing very much, which was, to hear me ſpeak fo loud, asking me whe- ther the King or Queen of that Country were thick of Hearing. I told him, it was what I had been uſed to for above two Years paft; and that I admired as much at the Voices of him and his Men, who ſeemed to me only to whiſper, and yet I could hear them well e- nough. But, when I fpoke in that Country, it was like a Man talking in the Street to another looking out from the Top of a Steeple, unleſs when I was placed on a Table, or held in any Perfon's Hand. I told him, I had likewife obferved another Thing, that when I first got into the Ship, and the Sailors ftood all about me, I thought they were the moft little contemptible Creatures I had ever beheld. For, indeed, while I was in that Prince's Country, I could never endure to look in a Glafs, after mine Eyes had been accuſtomed to fuch prodigious Objects, becauſe the Compariſon gave me fo defpicable a Conceit of myſelf. The Captain faid, that, while we were at Supper, he obferved me to look at every Thing with a Sort of Wonder, and that I often ſeemed hardly able to contain my Laugh- ter, which he knew not well how to take, but imputed it to fome Diſorder in my Brain. I anſwered, it was very true; and I wondered how I could forbear, when 1 faw to BROBDINGNAG. 143 I faw his Diſhes of the Size of a filver Three-pence, a Leg of Pork hardly a Mouthful, a Cup not fo big as a Nut-fhell; and ſo I went on, deſcribing the reſt of his Houfhold-ſtuff and Provifions, after the fame Manner. For, although the Queen had ordered a little Equipage of all Things neceffary while I was in her Service, yet my Ideas were wholly taken up with what I faw on e- very Side of me, and I winked at my own Littleneſs, as People do at their own Faults. The Captain under- flood my Raillery very well, and merrily replied with the old English Proverb, that he doubted mine Eyes were bigger than my Belly, for he did not obferve my Stomach fo good, although I had fafted all Day; and, continuing in his Mirth, protefled he would have glad- ly given an hundred Pounds to have feen my Cloſet in the Eagle's Bill, and afterwards in its Fall from fo great a Height into the Sea; which would certainly have been a moft aftonishing Object, worthy to have the Defcrip- tion of it tranſmitted to future Ages: And the Compa- rifon of Phaeton was fo obvious, that he could not for- bear applying it, although I did not much admire Con- ceit. The Captain having been at Tonquin, was, in his Re- turn to England, driven North-eastward, to the Lati- tude of 44 Degrees, and of Longitude 143. But, meeting a Trade-wind two Days after I came on Board him, we failed Southward a long Time, and coafting New Holland, kept our Courfe Weft-fouth-weft, and then South-fouth-weft, till we doubled the Cape of Good- Hope. Our Voyage was very profperous, but I fhall not trouble the Reader with a Journal of it. The Cap- tain called in at one or two Ports, and fent in his Long- boat for Proviſions and freth Water, but I never went out of the Ship till we came into the Dens, which was on the third Day of June, 1706, about nine Months after my Eſcape. I offered to leave my Goods in Se- curity for Payment of my Freight; but the Captain proteſted he would not receive one Farthing. We took kind Leave of each other, and I made him promiſe he would 144 AVOYAGE, &c. come to ſee me at my Houſe in Redriff. I hired a Horfe and Guide for five Shillings, which I borrowed of the Captain. As I was on the Road, obſerving the Littleneſs of the Houſes, the Trees, the Cattle, and the People, I began to think myſelf in Lilliput. I was afraid of tram- pling on every Traveller I met, and often called aloud to have them ftand out of the Way, fo that I had like to have gotten one or two broken Heads for my Im- pertinence. When I came to my own Houfe, for which I was forced to enquire, one of the Servants opening the Door, I bent down to go in (like a Gooſe under a Gate) for Fear of ftriking my Head. My Wife ran out to em- brace me, but I ftooped lower than her Knees, think- ing fhe could otherwiſe never be able to reach my Mouth. My Daughter kneeled to aſk me Bleffing, but I could not fee her till fhe aroſe, having been ſo long uſed to ſtand with my Head and Eyes erect, to above fixty Feet; and then I went to take her up with one Hand, by the Waiſt. I looked down upon the Ser- vants, and one or two Friends who were in the Houſe, as if they had been Pigmies, and I a Giant. I told my Wife ſhe had been too thrifty, for I found ſhe had ſtarved herſelf and her Daughter to nothing. In fhort, I behaved myfelf fo unaccountably, that they were all of the Captain's Opinion when he first faw me, and concluded I had loft my Wits. This I men- tion as an Inſtance of the great Power of Habit and Prejudice. In a little Time, I and my Family and Friends came to a right Underſtanding: But my Wife protefted I fhould never go to Sea any more; although my evil Deſtiny ſo ordered, that fhe had not Power to hinder me, as the Reader may know hereafter. In the mean Time, I here conclude the fecond Part of my unfortu nate Voyages. The End of the Second Part. Plate Part II Page 145. Parts unknown. • Straits Balniparbi. aghito. Difcovered AD. 1701. Land- §James B, Robbin I. of Jello. Salmon Bovy. Se of Corta Companys- Land. Laputaz Stats 1 the Uries. Japon Tay Elied pr Bythe p Bimeretes t Ongeluckiy South Maldonad Lugnage. Glangurti. Binje.. Tanacimie Clubdrubdrib Urne. Timul. Clumegnig Plate M. Part III. Laputa. D C E BALNIBARBI. B í. F agado. G Page145 H Maldonada. [ 145 ] TRAVEL S. PART. III. A Voyage to LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, and JA- PAN. CHA P. I. The Author Sets out on his third Voyage, is taken by Pyrates. The Malice of a Dutchman. His Ar- rival at an Iſland. He is received into Laputa. I Had not been at Home above ten Days, when Captain William Robinſon, a Cornish Man, Com- mander of the Hope well, a flout Ship of three- hundred Tons, came to my Houfe. I had formerly been Surgeon of another Ship where he was Maſter, and a fourth Part Owner, in a Voyage to the Levant ; he had always treated me more like a Brother, than an inferior Officer, and, hearing of my Arrival, made me a Viſit, as I apprehended, only out of Friendſhip, for nothing paffed more than what is ufual after long Ab- fences. But repeating his Vifits often, expreffing his Joy to find me in good Health, aſking whether I were now fettled for Life, adding, that he intended a Voy- age to the Eaft-Indies, in two Months; at laſt he plain- ly invited me, though with fome Apologies, to be Sur- geon of the Ship; that I fhould have another Surgeon under me, befides our two Mates; that my Sallary ſhould be double to the ufual Pay; and that having ex- perienced L 146 AVOYAGE perienced my Knowledge in Sea-affairs, to be at leaſt equal to his, he would enter into any Engagement to follow my Advice as much as if I had fhared in the Command. He faid fo many other obliging Things, and I knew him to be fo honeft a Man, that I could not reject his Propofal; the Thirſt I had of ſeeing the World, not- withstanding my paft Misfortunes, continuing as violent as ever. The only Difficulty that remained, was to perfuade my Wife, whofe Confent, however, I at laſt obtained, by the Profpect of Advantage fhe propofed to her Children. We fet out the 5th Day of August, 1706, and arrived at Fort St. George the 11th of April, 1707. We ſtay- ed there three Weeks to refresh our Crew, many of whom were fick. From thence we went to Tonquin, where the Captain refolved to continue fome Time, be- caufe many of the Goods he intended to buy were not ready, nor could he expect to be difpatched in feveral Months. Therefore, in Hopes to defray fome of the Charges he must be at, he bought a Sloop, loaded it with feveral Sorts of Goods, wherewith the Tonquinefe ufually trade to the neighbouring Iflands, and putting fourteen Men on Board, whereof three were of the Country, he appointed me Matter of the Sloop, and gave me Power to traffic, while he tranfacted his Af- fairs at Tonquin. We had not failed above three Days, when, a great Storm arifing, we were driven five Days to the North- north east, and then to the Eaft; after which we had fair Weather, but ftill with a pretty flrong Gale from the Welt. Upon the tenth Day, we were chaced by two Pyrates, who foon overtook us; for my Sloop was fo deep loaden, that the failed very flow, neither were we in a Condition to defend ourſelves. We were boarded about the fame Time by both the Pyrates, who entered furiouſly at the Head of their Men; but finding us all proftrate upon our Faces (for fo to LAPUTA, &c. 147 fo I gave Order) they pinioned us with ftrong Ropes, and, fetting a Guard upon us, went to fearch the Sloop. I obferved among them a Dutchman, who ſeemed to be of fome Authority, though he was not Commander of either Ship. He knew us by our Countenances to be Engliſhmen, and, jabbering to us in his own Lan- guage, fwore we ſhould be tied Back to Back, and thrown into the Sea. I fpoke Dutch tolerably well; I told him who we were, and begged him, in Confi- deration of our being Chriftians and Proteftants of neighbouring Countries, in ftrict Alliance, that he would move the Captains to take fome Pity on us. flamed his Rage, he repeated his Threatenings, and, turning to his Companions, fpoke with great Vehe- mence, in the Japanese Language, as I fuppofe, often ufing the Word Chriftianos. This in- The largeſt of the two Pyrate Ships was commanded by a Japanese Captain, who fpoke a little Dutch, but very imperfectly. He came up to me, and after feve- ral Queftions, which I anfwered in great Humility, he faid we ſhould not die. I made the Captain a very low Bow, and, then turning to the Dutchman, ſaid, I was forry to find more Mercy in a Heathen, than in a Brother Chriſtian. But I had foon Reafon to repent thofe fooliſh Words: For that malicious Reprobate, having often endeavoured in vain to perfuade both the Captains that I might be thrown into the Sea (which they would not yield to after the Promiſe made me, that I ſhould not die) however prevailed fo far as to have a Puniſhment inflicted on me, worfe, in all hu- man Appearance, than Death itſelf. My Men were fent, by an equal Divifion, into both the Pyrate Ships, and my Sloop new manned. As to myſelf, it was de- termined that I fhould be fet a-drift, in a ſmall Canoe, with Paddles and a Sail, and four Days Provifions, which laft the Japaneſe Captain was fo kind to double out of his own Stores, and would permit no Man to fearch me. I got down into the Canoe, while the Dutchman, L 2 ftand- 148 AVOYAGE } ſtanding upon the Deck, loaded me with all the Curfes, and injurious Terms, his Language could afford. About an Hour before we faw the Pyrates, I had taken an Obfervation, and found we were in the Lati- tude of 46 N. and of Longitude 183. When I was at fome Diſtance from the Pyrates, I diſcovered by my Pocket-glaſs ſeveral Iſlands to the South-eaft. I fet up my Sail, the Wind being fair, with a Defign to reach the neareſt of thoſe Iflands, which I made a Shift to do in about three Hours. It was all rocky, however I got many Birds Eggs, and, ftriking Fire, I kindled fome Heath and dry Sea-weed, by which I roafted my Eggs. I eat no other Supper, being refolved to ſpare my Pro- vifions as much as I could. I paffed the Night under the Shelter of a Rock, ftrewing fome Heath under me, and flept pretty well. The next Day I failed to another Ifland, and thence to a third and fourth, fometimes ufing my Sail, and fometimes my Paddles. But, not to trouble the Reader with a particular Account of my Diftreffes, let it ſuf- fice that, on the fifth Day, I arrived at the laſt Iſland in my Sight, which lay South-fouth-east to the former. This Inland was at a greater Diſtance than I expect- ed, and I did not reach it in leſs than five Hours. I encompaſſed it almoſt round, before I could find a con. venient Place to land in, which was a fmall Creek, a- bout three Times the Wideneſs of my Canoe. I found the Ifland to be all rocky, only a little intermingled with Tufts of Grafs, and fweet-fmelling Herbs. I took out my fmall Provifions, and, after having refreſhed myfelf, I fecured the Remainder in a Cave, whereof there were great Numbers. I gathered Plenty of Eggs upon the Rocks, and got a Quantity of dry Sea-weed, and parched Grafs, which I defigned to kindle the next Day, and roaft my Eggs as well as I could (for I had about me my Flint, Steel, Match, and Burning-glafs). I lay all Night in the Cave where I had lodged my Pro- vifions. My Bed was the fame dry Grafs and Sea-weed which intended for Fewel. I slept very little, for the to LAPUTA, &c. 149 the Difquiets of my Mind prevailed over my Weari- nefs, and kept me awake. I confidered how impof- fible it was to preſerve my Life, in fo defolate a Place, and how miferable my End muſt be. Yet found my- ſelf ſo liſtlefs and defponding, that I had not the Heart to rife; and, before I could get Spirits enough to creep out of my Cave, the Day was far advanced. I walked a while among the Rocks, the Sky was perfectly clear, and the Sun fo hot, that I was forced to turn my Face from it: When, all on a fudden, it became obfcure, as I thought, in a Manner very different from what hap- pens by the Interpofition of a Cloud. I turned back, and perceived a vaſt opake Body between me and the Sun, moving forwards towards the Iſland: It feemed to be about two Miles high, and hid the Sun fix or fe- ven Minutes, but I did not obferve the Air to be much colder, or the Sky more darkened, than if I had ſtood under the Shade of a Mountain, As it approached nearer over the Place where I was, it appeared to be a firm Subftance, the Bottom flat, fmooth, and fhining very bright from the Reflexion of the Sea below. I ftood upon a Height, about two hundred Yards from the Shore, and faw this vaft Body deſcending almoſt to a Parallel with me, at less than an English Mile Dif- tance. I took out my Pocket-perſpective, and could plainly discover Numbers of People moving up and down the Sides of it, which appeared to be floping; but, what thofe People were doing, I was not able to diſtinguiſh. The natural Love of Life gave me fome inward Mo- tions of Joy, and I was ready to entertain a Hope, that this Adventure might fome Way or other help to de- liver me from the defolate Place and Condition I was in. But at the fame Time the Reader can hardly con- ceive my Aftoniſhment, to behold an Ifland in the Air, inhabited by Men, who were able (as it fhould feem) to raiſe or fink, or put it into a progreffive Motion, as they pleafed. But, not being at that Time in a Dif- pofition to philofophife upon this Phænomenon, I ra- L 3 ther 150 AVOYAGE ther choſe to obferve what Courſe the Iſland would take, becauſe it feemed for a While to fland ftill. Yet foon after it advanced nearer, and I could fee the Sides of it, encompaffed with feveral Gradations of Galleries and Stairs, at certain Intervals, to defcend from one to the other. In the loweſt Gallery, I beheld fome People fiſhing with long Angling Rods, and others looking on. I waved my Cap (for my Hat was long fince worn out) and my Handkerchief towards the I- fland; and, upon its nearer Approach, I called and fhouted with the utmost Strength of my Voice; and then, looking circumfpe&tly, I beheld a Crowd gather- ed to that Side which was moft in my View. I found by their pointing towards me, and to each other, that they plainly difcovered me, although they made no Return to my Shouting. But I could fee four or five Men running in great Hafte up the Stairs to the Top of the Ifland, who then difappeared. I happened right- ly to conjecture, that theſe were fent for Orders to fome Perfon in Authority upon this Occafion. The Number of People encreaſed, and, in leſs than half an Hour, the Ifland was moved and raiſed in fuch a Manner, that the loweft Gallery appeared in a Pa- rallel of less than an hundred Yards Diſtance from the Height where I ftood. I then put myſelf into the moſt fupplicating Postures, and fpoke in the humbleft Ac- cent, but received no Anfwer. Thofe, who ftood near- eft over-againſt me, feemed to be Perfons of Diftin&ti- on, as I fuppofed by their Habit. They conferred earneſtly with each other, looking often upon me. At length one of them called out in a clear, polite, fmooth Dialect, not unlike in Sound to the Italian; and, there- fore, I returned an Anſwer in that Language, hoping, at leaft, that the Cadence might be more agreeable to his Ears. Although neither of us underſtood the other, yet my Meaning was eafily known, for the People faw the Diftrefs I was in. They made Signs for me to come down from the Rock, and go towards the Shore, which I accordingly did; to LAPUTA, &c. 151 did; and, the flying Iſland being raised to a conveni- ent Height, the Verge directly over me, a Chain was let down from the lowest Gallery, with a Seat faſtened to the Bottom, to which I fixed myſelf, and was drawn up by Pullies. CHA P. II. The Humours and Difpofitions of the Laputians de- fcribed. An Account of their Learning. Of the King, and his Court. The Author's Reception there. The Inhabitants fubject to Fear and Dif quietudes. An Account of the Women. A T my Alighting, I was furrounded with a Crowd of People; but thoſe who ſtood neareft, feemed to be of better Quality. They beheld me with all the Marks and Circumftances of Wonder, neither, indeed, was I much in their Debt; having, never, till then, feen a Race of Mortals fo fingular in their Shapes, Ha- bits, and Countenances. Their Heads were all reclined, either to the Right or the Left; one of their Eyes turned inward, and the other directly up to the Ze- nith. Their outward Garments were adorned with the Figures of Suns, Moons, and Stars, interwoven with thofe of Fiddles, Flutes, Harps, Trumpets, Guit- tars, Harpficords, and many more Inftruments of Mu- fic, unknown to us in Europe. I obſerved, here and there, many in the Habit of Servants, with a blown Bladder faſtened like a Flayl to the End of a ſhort Stick, which they carried in their Hands. In each Bladder was a fmall Quantity of dried Peaſe, or little Pebbles (as I was afterwards informed). With thefe Bladders, they now and then flapped the Mouths and Fars of thoſe who ſtood near them, of which Practice I could not then conceive the Meaning; it feems, the Minds of theſe People are fo taken up with intenfe Speculati- L 4 ons, 152 AVOYAGE = ons, that they neither can fpeak, nor attend to the Difcourfes of others, without being rouſed by ſome ex- ternal Taction upon the Organs of Speech and Hear- ing; for which Keafon, thoſe Perfons, who are able to afford it, always keep a Flapper (the Original is Clime- nole) in their Family, as one of their Dometics, nor ever walk Abroad, or make Viſits, without him. And the Buſineſs of this Officer is, when two or three more Perfons are in Company, gently to ftrike with his Blad- der the Mouth of him who is to ſpeak, and the right Ear of him or them to whom the Speaker addreffeth himſelf. This Flapper is likewife employed diligently to attend his Mafter in his Walks, and, upon Occafion, to give him a foft Flap on his Eyes, becauſe he is always fo wrapped up in Cogitation, that he is in manifeft Dan- ger of falling down every Precipice, and bouncing his Head againſt every Poft; and in the Streets, of julling others, or being juftled himſelf, into the Kennel. It was neceffary to give the Reader this Information, without which, he would be at the fame Lofs with me, to underſtand the Proceedings of thefe People, as they conducted me up the Stairs, to the Top of the Iſland, and from thence to the Royal Palace. While we were afcending, they forgot feveral Times what they were about, and left me to myſelf, till their Memories were again roufed by their Flappers; for they appeared al- together unmoved by the Sight of my foreign Habit and Countenance, and by the Shouts of the Vulgar, whoſe Thoughts and Minds were more difengaged. At laft we entered the Palace, and proceeded into the Chamber of Prefence, where I faw the King ſeated on his Throne, attended on each Side by Perfons of prime Quality. Before the Throne, was a large Table filled with Globes and Spheres, and Mathematical In- ftruments of all Kinds. His Majefty took not the leaſt Notice of us, although our Entrance was not without fufficient Noife, by the Concourfe of all Perfons belong. ing to the Court. But he was then deep in a Problem, and we attended at leaft an Hour, before he could folve to LAPUTA, &c. 153 folve it. There flood by him, on each Side, a young Page, with Flaps in their Hands, and, when they faw he was at Leiſure, one of them gently ftruck his Mouth, and the other his right Ear; at which he ſtarted like one awaked on the fudden, and looking towards me, and the Company I was in, recollected the Occafion of our Coming, whereof he had been informed before. He ſpoke fome Words, whereupon immediately a young Man with a Flap came up to my Side, and flapt me gently on the right Ear, but I made Signs, as well as I could, that I had no Occafion for fuch an Inftru- ment; which, as I afterwards found, gave his Majef- ty, and the whole Court, a very mean Opinion of my Underſtanding. The King, as far as I could conjec- ture, afked me feveral Queſtions, and I addreffed my- felf to him in all the Languages I had. When it was found, that I could neither underſtand, nor be under- ftood, I was conducted, by his Order, to an Apart- ment in his Palace, (this Prince being diſtinguiſhed a- bove all his Predeceffors, for his Hofpitality to Stran- gers) where two Servants were appointed to attend me. My Dinner was brought, and four Perfons of Quality, whom I remembered to have ſeen very near the King's Perſon, did me the Honour to dine with me. We had two Courſes, of three Dishes each. In the firſt Courfe, there was a Shoulder of Mutton, cut into an Equila- teral Triangle, a Piece of Beef into a Rhomboides, and a Pudding into a Cycloid. The fecond Courfe was two Ducks, truffed up into the Form of Fiddles; Sau- fages and Puddings refembling Flutes and Haut-boys, and a Breaft of Veal in the Shape of a Harp. The Servants cut our Bread into Cones, Cylinders, Parallelo- grams, and ſeveral other Mathematical Figures. While we were at Dinner, I made bold to afk the Names of feveral Things in their Language, and thofe noble Perfons, by the Affistance of their Floppers, de- lighted to give me Anfwers, hoping to raife my Ad- miration of their great Abilities, if I could be brought to 154 A VOYAGE to converſe with them. I was foon able to call for Bread and Drink, or whatever elfe I wanted. After Dinner, my Company withdrew, and a Per- fon was fent to me, by the King's Order, attended by a Flapper. He brought with him Pen, Ink, and Paper, and three or four Books, giving me to underſtand by Signs, that he was fent to teach me the Language. We fat together four Hours, in which Time I wrote down a great Number of Words in Columns, with the Tran- flations over againſt them; I likewife made a Shift to learn feveral fhort Sentences. For my Tutor would order one of my Servants to fetch fomething, to turn about, to make a Bow, to fit, or to ftand, or walk, and the like. Then I took down the Sentence in Wri- ting. He fhewed me alfo, in one of his Books, the Figures of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the Zodiac, the Tropics, and Polar Circles, together with the Deno- minations of many Figures of Flanes and Solids. gave me the Names and Defcriptions of all the mufical Inftruments, and the general Terms of Art in Playing on each of them. After he had left me, I placed all my Words, with their Interpretations, in alphabetical Order. And thus, in a few Days, by the Help of a very faithful Memory, I got fome Infight into their Language. He I The Word, which I interpret the Flying or Floating Iſland, is, in the Original, Laputa, whereof I could never learn the true Etymology. Lap, in the old cb- folete Language, fignifieth High, and Untuh, a Gover- nor, from which they fay, by Corruption, was deri- ved Laputa, from Lapuntuh. But I do not approve of this Derivation, which feems to be a little flrained. ventured to offer to the Learned among them a Con- jecture of my own, that Laputa was quafi Lap outed; Lap fignifying properly the Dancing of the Sun-beams in the Sea, and outed, a Wing; which, however, I hall not obtrude, but fubmit to the judicious Reader. Thoſe to whom the King had entruſted me, obſerv- ing how ill I was clad, ordered a Taylor to come next Morn- to LAPUTA, &c. 155 Morning, and take my Meaſure for a Suit of Clothes. This Operator did his Office after a different Manner from thoſe of his Trade in Europe. He firft took my Altitude by a Quadrant, and then, with Rule and Compaffes, defcribed the Dimenfions and Out- Lines of my whole Body, all which he entered upon Paper, and in fix Days brought my Clothes very ill made, and quite out of Shape, by happening to miſtake a Figure in the Calculation. But my Comfort was, that I ob- ferved fuch Accidents very frequent, and little re- garded. During my Confinement for want of Clothes, and by an Indifpofition that held me fome Days longer, I much enlarged my Dictionary; and, when I went next to Court, was able to underſtand many Things the King ſpoke, and to return him ſome Kind of An- fwers. His Majefty had given Orders that the Iſland fhould move North-eaſt and by Eaft, to the vertical Point over Lagado, the Metropolis of the whole King- dom below upon the firm Earth. It was about ninety Leagues diſtant, and our Voyage lafted four Days and an half. I was not in the leaſt fenfible of the progref= five Motion made in the Air by the Ifland. On the fecond Morning, about eleven a Clock, the King him- ſelf, in Perſon, attended by his Nobility, Courtiers, and Officers, having prepared all their muſical Inſtru- ments, played on them for three Hours, without In- termiffion, fo that I was quite ftunned with the Noiſe neither could I poffibly guefs the Meaning, till my Tutor informed me. He faid, that the People of their Iſland had their Ears adapted to hear the Mufic of the Spheres, which always played at certain Periods, and the Court was now prepared to bear their Part, in whatever Inftrument they most excelled. ; In our Journey towards Lagado, the capital City, his Majefty ordered that the lfland ſhould ſtop over certain Towns and Villages, from whence he might receive the Petitions of his Subjects. And, to this Pur- pofe, feveral Packthreads were let down, with ſmall Weights 156 AVOYAGE Weights at the Bottom. On thefe Pack threads the People ftrung their Petitions, which mounted up direct- ly, like the Scraps of Paper faftened by School-boys at the End of the String that holds their Kite. Some- times we received Wine and Victuals from below, which were drawn up by Pullies. The Knowledge I had, in Mathematics, gave me great Affiftance in acquiring their Phrafeology, which depended much upon that Science and Mufic; and, in the latter, I was not unſkilled. Their Ideas are per- petually converfant in Lines and Figures. If they would, for Example, praiſe the Beauty of a Woman, or any other Animal, they deſcribe it by Rhombs, Cir- cles, Parallelograms, Ellipfes, and other geometrical Terms, or by Words of Art drawn from Muſic, need- lefs here to repeat. I obſerved, in the King's Kitchen, all Sorts of mathematical and muſical Inſtruments, af- ter the Figures of which they cut up the Joints that were ferved to his Majeſty's Table. Their Houſes are very ill built, the Walls bevil, without one Right-Angle in any Apartment; and this Defect ariſeth from the Contempt they bear to practi- cal Geometry, which they defpife as vulgar and me- chanic, thofe Inftructions they give being too refined for the Intellectuals of their Workmen, which occa- fions perpetual Miftakes. And although they are dex- terous enough upon a Piece of Paper in the Manage- ment of the Rule, the Pencil, and the Divider, yet, in the common Actions and Behaviour of Life, I have not feen a more clumfy, awkward, and unhandy People, nor fo flow and perplexed in their Conceptions upon all other Subjects, except thofe of Mathematics and Mufic. They are very bad Reaſoners, and vehement- ly given to Oppofition, unleſs when they happen to be of the right Opinion, which is feldom their Cafe. Ima- gination, Fancy, and Invention, they are wholly Stran- gers to, nor have any Words in their Language, by which thoſe Ideas can be expreffed; the whole Com- paſs to LAPUTA, &c. 157 paſs of their Thoughts and Mind being ſhut up within the two forementioned Sciences. Moſt of them, and eſpecially thoſe who deal in the aſtronomical Part, have great Faith in judicial Aſtrolo- gy, although they are afhamed to own it publicly. But, what I chiefly admired, and thought altogether unac- countable, was the ftrong Difpofition I obferved in them towards News and Politics, perpetually enquiring into Public Affairs, giving their Judgments in Matters of State, and paffionately difputing every Inch of a Party Opinion. I have, indeed, obferved the fame Difpofi- tion among moſt of the Mathematicians I have known in Europe, although I could never difcover the leaft Analogy between the two Sciences; unleſs thofe People fuppofe, that, becauſe the ſmalleſt Circle hath as many Degrees as the largeſt, therefore the Regulation and Management of the World require no more Abilities, than the Handling and Turning of a Globe: But I ra- ther take this Quality to fpring from a very common Infirmity of human Nature, inclining us to be more curious and conceited in Matters where we have leaft Concern, and for which we are leaſt adapted, either by Study or Nature. Theſe People are under continual Difquietudes, ne- ver enjoying a Minute's Peace of Mind; and their Dif- turbances proceed from Caufes which very little affect the reſt of Mortals. Their Apprehenfions arife from feveral Changes they dread in the celeftial Bodies. For Inftance, that the Earth, by the continual Approaches of the Sun towards it, muſt, in Courſe of Time, be abſorbed, or ſwallowed up. That the Face of the Sun will by Degrees be encrufted with its own Effluvia, and give no more Light to the World. That the Earth very narrowly escaped a Brush from the Tail of the laſt Comet, which would have infallibly reduced it to Aſhes; and that the next, which they have calculated for one and thirty Years hence, will probably deftroy us. For, if in its Perihelion it fhould approach within a certain Degree of the Sun (as by their Calculations they have Rea on - 158 A VOYAGE Reafon to dread) it will conceive a Degree of Heat ten- thouſand Times more intenſe, than that of red hot glowing Iron; and, in its Abfence from the Sun, car- ry a blazing Tail ten-hundred-thouſand and fourteen Miles long; through which, if the Earth ſhould paſs at the Dillance of one-hundred- thoufand Miles from the Nucleus, or main Body of the Comet, it muſt in its Paf- fage be fet on Fire, and reduced to Afhes. That the Sun, daily spending its Rays without any Nutriment to fupply them, will at laft be wholly confumed and an- nihilated; which must be attended with the Deſtruction of this Earth, and of all the Planets that receive their Light from it. They are fo perpetually alarmed with the Appre- henfions of theſe, and the like impending Dangers, that they can neither fleep quietly in their Beds, nor have any Reliſh for the common Pleafures or Amufements of Life. When they meet an Acquaintance in the Morn- ing, the firſt Queſtion is about the Sun's Health, how he looked at his Setting and Rifing, and what Hopes they have to avoid the Stroke of the approaching Co- met. This Converfation they are apt to run into with the fame Temper that Boys difcover, in delighting to hear terrible Stories of Spirits and Hobgoblins, which they greedily liſten to, and dare not go to Bed for Fear. The Women of the Ifland have Abundance of Vi- vacity; they contemn their Huſbands, and are exceed- ingly fond of Strangers, whereof there is always a con- fiderable Number from the Continent below, attending at Court, either upon Affairs of the feveral Towns and Corporations, or their own particular Occafions, but are much deſpiſed, becauſe they want the fame Endow- ments. Among thefe, the Ladies chufe their Gallants: But the Vexation is, that they act with too much Eafe and Security, for the Hufband is always fo rapt in Spe- culation, that the Miſtreſs and Lover may proceed to the greateſt Familiarities before his Face, if he be but pro- to LAPUTA, &c. 159 provided with Paper and Implements, and without his Flapper at his Side. The Wives and Daughters lament their Confinement to the Iſland, although I think it the most delicious Spot of Ground in the World; and although they live here in the greateſt Plenty and Magnificence, and are allowed to do whatever they pleafe, they long to fee the World, and take the Diverfions of the Metropolis, which they are not allowed to do, without a particular Licence from the King; and this is not eafy to be ob- tained, becauſe the People of Quality have found by frequent Experience, how hard it is to perfuade their Women to return from below. I was told, that a great Court Lady, who had feveral Children, is married to the Prime Miniſter, the richest Subject in the Kingdom, a very graceful Perfon, extremely fond of her, and lives in the fineft Palace of the Ifland, went down to Lagado, on the Pretence of Health, there hid herſelf for feveral Months, till the King fent a Warrant to fearch for her, and fhe was found in an obfcure Eating Houſe all in Rags, having pawned her Clothes to maintain an old deformed Foot-man, who beat her every Day, and in whofe Company fhe was taken much againſt her And although her Huſband received her with all poffible Kindness, and without the leaft Reproach, the foon after contrived to fteal down again with all her Jewels, to the fame Gallant, and hath not been heard of fince. Will. This may perhaps pafs with the Reader rather for an European or English Story, than for one of a Coun- try fo remote. But he may pleaſe to confider, that the Caprices of Women kind are not limited by any Climate, or Nation, and that they are much more uni- form than can be eaſily imagined. In about a Month's Time, I had made a tolerable Proficiency in their Language, and was able to anſwer most of the King's Queftions, when I had the Honour to attend him. His Majelly diſcovered not the leaft Curiofity to enquire into the Laws, Government, Hif tory, 160 A VOYAGE tory, Religion, or Manners of the Countries where I had been, but confined his Queſtions to the State of Mathematics, and received the Account I gave him, with great Contempt and Indifference, though often rouſed by his Flapper on each Side. CHA P. III. A Phænomenon ſolved by modern Philoſophy and Aftro- nomy. The Laputians great Improvements in the latter. The King's Method of fuppreffing Infur- rections. DESIRED Leave of this Prince to fee the Cu- ricfities of the Iſland, which he was graciouſly pleaf- ed to grant, and ordered my Tutor to attend me. I chiefly wanted to know to what Caufe in Art, or in Na- ture, it owed its feveral Motions, whereof I will now give a philofophical Account to the Reader. The flying or floating Iſland is exactly circular, its Diameter 7837 Yards, or about four Miles and half, and confequently contains ten-thouſand Acres. It is three-hundred Yards thick. The Bottom, or under Surface, which appears to thoſe who view it from be- low, is one even regular Plate of Adamant, fhooting up to the Height of about two-hundred Yards. Above it lie the feveral Minerals in their ufual Order, and over all is a Coat of rich Mould, ten or twelve Feet deep. The Declivity of the upper Surface, from the Circum- ference to the Center, is the natural Cauſe why all the Dews and Rains, which fall upon the Ifland are con veyed in fmall Rivulets towards the Middle, where they are emptied into four large Bafons, each of about half a Mile in Circuit, and two-hundred Yards diftant from the Center. From theſe Bafons, the Water is conti- nually exhaled by the Sun in the Day-time, which ef- fectually prevents their Overflowing. Befides, as it is in the Power of the Monarch to raiſe the Iſland above the to LAPUTA, &c. 161 the Region of Clouds and Vapours, he can prevent the Falling of Dews and Rains whenever he pleafes. For the higheſt Clouds cannot rife above two Miles, as Na- turalifts agree, at least they were never known to do fo in that Country. At the Center of the Iſland there is a Chafm about fifty Yards in Diameter, from whence the Aftronomers defcend into a large Dome, which is therefore called Flandona Gagnole, or the Aftronomer's Cave, fituated at the Depth of a hundred Yards, beneath the upper Sur- face of the Adamant. In this Cave are twenty Lamps continually burning, which, from the Reflection of the Adamant, caft a ſtrong Light into every Part. The Place is ftored with great Variety of Sextants, Quad- rants, Teleſcopes, Aftrolabes, and other attronomical Intruments. But the greateſt Curiofity, upon which the Fate of the Ifland depends, is a Loadtone of a pro- digious Size, in Shape refembling a Weaver's Shuttle. It is in Length fix Yards, and, in the thickest Part, at leaſt three Yards over. This Magnet is fuftained by a very ſtrong Axle of Adamant paffing through its Mid- dle, upon which it plays, and is poifed fo exactly, that the weakeft Hand can turn it. It is hooped round with an hollow Cylinder of Adamant, four Feet deep, as many thick, and twelve Yards in Diameter, placed ho- rizontally, and fupported by eight adamantine Feet, each fix Yards high. In the Middle of the concave Side there is a Groove twelve Inches deep, in which the Extremities of the Axle are lodged, and turned round as there is Occafion. The Stone cannot be moved from its Place by any Force, becauſe the Hoop and its Feet are one continued Piece with that Body of Adamant which conflitutes the Bottom of the Ifland. By Means of this Load-ftone, the Ifland is made to rife and fall, and move from one Place to another. For, with Reſpect to that Part of the Earth over which the Monarch prefides, the Stone is endued at one of its Sides with an attractive Power, and at the other with M a re- 162 A VOYAGE a repulfive. Upon placing the Magnet erect, with its attracting End towards the Earth, the Ifland defcends ; but, when the repelling Extremity points downwards, the Iſland mounts directly upwards. When the Pofi- tion of the Stone is oblique, the Motion of the Iſland is fo too. For, in this Magnet, the Forces always act in Lines parallel to its Direction. By this oblique Motion, the Ifland is conveyed to dif- ferent Parts of the Monarch's Dominions. To explain the Manner of its Progrefs, let AB reprefent a Line drawn cross the Dominions of Balnibarbi, let the Line cd reprefent the Loadſtone, of which let d be the re- pelling End, and the attracting End, the Ifland be- ing over C; let the Stone be placed in the Pofition c d, with its repelling End downwards; then the Island will be driven upwards obliquely towards D. When it is arrived at D, let the Stone be turned upon its Axle till its attracting End points towards E, and then the Iſland will be carried obliquely towards E; where, if the Stone be again turned upon its Axle, till it ſtands in the Pofition E F, with its repelling Point downward, the Iſland will rife obliquely towards F, where, by di- recting the attracting End towards G, the Ifland may be carried to G, and from G to H, by turning the Stone, fo as to make its repelling Extremity point directly downward. And thus, by changing the Situation of the Stone as often as there is Occafion, the Ifland is made to rife and fall by Turns in an oblique Direction, and by thofe alternate Rifings and Fallings (the Obli- quity being not confiderable) is conveyed from one Part of the Dominions to the other. But it muſt be obſerved, that this Ifland cannot move beyond the Extent of the Dominions below, nor can it rife above the Height of four Miles. For which the A- ftronomers (who have written large Syftems concerning the Stone) affign the following Reafon: That the mag- netic Virtue does not extend beyond the Diſtance of four Miles, and that the Mineral which acts upon the Stone in the Bowels of the Earth, and in the Sea, about to LAPUTA, &c. 163 about fix Leagues diſtant from the Shore, is not diffuſed through the whole Globe, but terminated with the Li- mits of the King's Dominions; and it was eaſy, from the great Advantage of fuch a fuperior Situation, for a Prince to bring under his Obedience, whatever Coun- try lay within the Attraction of that Magnet. When the Stone is put parallel to the Plane of the Horizon, the Iſland ftandeth ftill; for, in that Cafe, the Extremities of it, being at equal Diſtance from the Earth, act with equal Force, the one in drawing down- wards, the other in puſhing upwards, and confequently no Motion can enfue. This Load-ftone is under the Care of certain Aftro- nomers, who, from Time to Time, give it fuch Pofi- tions as the Monarch directs. They ſpend the greateſt Part of their Lives in obferving the celeftial Bodies, which they do by the Affiſtance of Glaffes, far excel- ling ours in Goodneſs. For, although their largeſt Te- leſcopes do not exceed three Feet, they magnify much more than thoſe of an hundred among us, and, at the fame Time, fhew the Stars with greater Clearnefs. This Advantage hath enabled them to extend their Difcoveries much farther than our Aftronomers in Eu- rope; for they have made a Catalogue of ten-thouſand fixed Stars, whereas the largeſt of ours do not contain above one third Part of that Number. They have likewife difcovered two leffer Stars, or Satellites, which revolve about Mars, whereof the innermost is diftant from the Center of the primary Planet, exactly three of his Diameters, and the outermoft, five; the former revolves in the Space of ten Hours, and the latter in twenty-one and an half; fo that the Squares of their periodical Times are very near in the fame Proportion with the Cubes of their Diſtance from the Center of Mars, which evidently fhews them to be governed by the fame Law of Gravitation, that influences the other heavenly Bodies. They have obferved ninety-three different Comets, and fettled their Periods with great Exactnefs. If this M 2 be 164 A VOYAGE be true (and they affirm it with great Confidence) it is much to be wifhed, that their Obfervations were made public, whereby the Theory of Comets, which at pre- fent is very lame and defective, might be brought to the fame Perfection with other Parts of Aftronomy. The King would be the moſt abſolute Prince in the Univerfe, if he could but prevail on a Miniftry to join with him; but thefe having their Eftates below on the Continent, and confidering that the Office of a Favourite hath a very uncertain Tenure, would never confent to the enflaving their Country. If any Town fhould engage in Rebellion or Mutiny, fall into violent Factions, cr refufe to pay the uſual Tribute, the King hath two Methods of reducing them. to Obedience. The first and the mildeft Courſe, is by keeping the Iſland hovering over fuch a Town, and the Lands about it, whereby he can deprive them of the Benefit of the Sun and the Rain, and confequently afflict the Inhabitants with Death and Difeafes. And, if the Crime deſerve it, they are at the fame Time pelt- ed from above with great Stones, againſt which they have no Defence, but by creeping into Cellars or Caves, while the Roofs of their Houfes are beaten to Pieces. But if they ftill continue obftinate, or offer to raiſe Infurre&tions, he proceeds to the last Remedy, by letting the Iſland drop directly upon their Heads, which makes an univerſal Deſtruction, both of Houfes and Men. However, this is an Extremity to which the Prince is feldom driven, neither, indeed, is he willing to put it in Execution, nor dare his Minifters adviſe him to an Action, which, as it would render them o- dious to the People, ſo it would be a great Damage to their own Eftates, which lie all below, for the Ifland is the King's Demeſn. But there is ftill, indeed, a more weighty Reaſon, why the Kings of this Country have been always a- verfe from executing fo terrible an Action, unleſs upon the utmoſt Neceffity. For, if the Town, intended to be deſtroyed, ſhould have in it any tall Rocks, as ir gene- to LAPUTA, &c. 165 generally falls out in the larger Cities, a Situation pro- bably choſen at first, with a View to prevent fuch a Cataſtrophe; or, if it abound in high Spires, or Pillars of Stone, a fudden Fall might endanger the Bottom, or under Surface of the Iſland, which, although it confift, as I have faid, of one intire Adamant, two- hundred Yards thick, might happen to crack by too great a Choque, or burft, by approaching too near the Fires from the Houfes below, as the Backs both of Iron and Stone will often do in our Chimnies. Of all this, the People are well appriſed, and underſtand how far to carry their Obftinacy, where their Liberty or Property is concerned. And the King, when he is higheſt provoked, and moſt determined to preſs a City to Rubbiſh, orders the Ifland to defcend with great Gentleness, out of a Pretence of Tenderneſs to his Peo- ple; but, indeed, for Fear of breaking the adamantine Bottom; in which Cafe, it is the Opinion of all their Philofophers, that the Load-ftone could no longer hold it up, and the whole Mafs would fall to the Ground. By a fundamental Law of this Realm, neither the King, nor either of his two elder Sons, are permitted to leave the Iſland, nor the Queen, till fhe is paft Child- bearing. CHA P. IV. The Author leaves Laputa, is conveyed to Balnibar- bi, arrives at the Metropolis. A Defcription of the Metropolis, and the Country adjoining. The Author hofpitably received by a great Lord. His Converfation with that Lord. A Lthough I cannot ſay that I was ill-treated in this Inland, yet, I must confefs, I thought my- felf too much neglected, not without fome Degree of Contempt. For neither Prince nor People appeared to M 3 be 166 À VOYAGE be curious in any Part of Knowledge, except Mathe- matics and Mufic, wherein I was far their inferiour, and upon that Account very little regarded. On the other Side, after having feen all the Curio- fities of the Iſland, I was very defirous to leave it, be- ing heartily weary of thoſe People. They were, in- deed, excellent in two Sciences, for which I have great Efteem, and wherein I am not unverfed, but at the fame Time fo abftracted and involved in Speculation, that I never met with fuch difagreeable Companions. I converfed only with Women, Tradefmen, Flappers, and Court-Pages, during two Months of my Abode there; by which, at last, I rendered myſelf extremely contemptible; yet theſe were the only People from whom I could ever receive a reaſonable Anſwer. I had obtained, by hard Study, a good Degree of Knowledge in their Language; I was weary of being confined to an Ifland, where I received fo little Coun- tenance, and refolved to leave it with the firſt Oppor- tunity. There was a great Lord at Court, nearly related to the King, and, for that Reafon alone, ufed with Ref- pect. He was univerfally reckoned the moft ignorant. and ftupid Perfon among them. He had performed many eminent Services for the Crown, had great na- tural and acquired Parts, adorned with Integrity and Honour, but fo ill an Ear for Mufic, that his Detractors reported he had been often known to beat Time in the wrong Place; neither could his Tutors without ex- treme Difficulty, teach him to demonftrate the moft ea- fy Propofition in the Mathematics. He was pleafed to fhew me many Marks of Favour, often did me the Honour of a Vifit, defired to be informed in the Af- fairs of Europe, the Laws and Customs, the Manners and Learning of the feveral Countries where I had tra- velled. He liftened to me with great Attention, and made very wife Obfervations on all I spoke. had two Flappers attending him for State, but never He made to LAPUTA, &♪. 167 made Uſe of them, except at Court, and in Vifits of Ce- remony, and would always command them to withdraw, when we were alone together. I entreated this illuftrious Perfon to intercede in my Behalf with his Majefty for Leave to depart, which he accordingly did, as he was pleaſed to tell me, with Regret: For, indeed, he had made me ſeveral Offers very advantageous, which, however, I refuſed with Expreffions of the highest Acknowledgment. On the 16th Day of February, I took Leave of his Majeſty and the Court. The King made me a Pre- fent, to the Value of about two-hundred Pounds Eng- lih, and my Protector, his Kinfman, as much more, together with a Letter of Recommendation to a Friend of his in Lagado, the Metropolis: The Ifland being then hovering over a Mountain about two Miles from it, I was let down from the loweſt Gallery, in the fame Manner as I had been taken up. The Continent, as far as it is fubject to the Monarch of the Flying Island, paffes under the general Name of Balnibarbi; and the Metropolis, as I faid before, is called Lagado. I felt fome little Satisfaction in finding myſelf on firm Ground. I walked to the City without any Concern, being clad like one of the Natives, and fufficiently inftructed to converſe with them. I foon found out the Perfon's Houfe to whom I was recom- mended, prefented my Letter from his Friend the Grandee in the Ifland, and was received with much Kindness. This great Lord, whofe Name was Munos di, ordered me an Apartment in his own Houfe, where I continued during my Stay, and was entertained in a moft hofpitable Manner. The next Morning after my Arrival, he took me in his Chariot to ſee the Town, which is about half the Bigneſs of London, but the Houſes very flrangely built, and moſt of them out of Repair. The People in the Streets walked faft, looked wild, their Eyes fixed, and were generally in Rags. We paffed through one of M 4 the 168 A VOYAGE the Town Gates, and went about three Miles into the Country, where I faw many Labourers working with feveral Sorts of Tools in the Ground, but was not a- ble to conjecture what they were about; neither did I obferve any Expectation either of Corn or Grafs, al- though the Soil appeared to be excellent. I could not forbear admiring at thefe odd Appearances both in Town and Country; and I made bold to defire my Conductor, that he would be pleafed to explain to me what could be meant by fo many bufy Heads, Hands, and Faces, both in the Streets and the Fields, becauſe I did not diſcover any good Effects they produced; but, on the Contrary, I never knew a Soil fo unhap- pily cultivated, Houſes ſo ill contrived, and fo ruinous, or a People whofe Countenances and Habit expreſſed ſo much Mifery and Want. This Lord Munodi was a Perfon of the firſt Rank, and had been fome Years Governor of Lagado; but, by a Cabal of Minifters, was diſcharged for Infufficien- cy. However, the King treated him with Tenderneſs, as a well-meaning Man, but of a low contemptible Understanding. When I gave that free Cenfure of the Country, and its Inhabitants, he made no further Anfwer, than by telling me, that I had not been long enough among them to form a Judgment; and that the different Na- ions of the World had different Cultoms; with other common Topics to the fame Purpofe. But, when we returned to his Palace, he asked me how I liked the Building, what Abfurdities I obferved, and what Quar- rel I had with the Drefs or Looks of his Domefticks. This he might fafely do; becauſe every Thing about him was magnificent, regular, and polite. I anfwered, that his Excellency's Prudence, Quality, and Fortune, had exempted him from thofe Defects which Folly and Beggary had produced in others. He faid, if I would go with him to his Country Houſe, about twenty Miles diftant, where his Eftate lay, there would be more Leifure for this Kind of Converfation. I told his Ex- cellency to LAPUTA, &c. 169 cellency that I was intirely at his Difpofal; and accord- ingly we fet out next Morning. During our Journey, he made me obſerve the feve- ral Methods uſed by Farmers in managing their Lands; which, to me, where wholly unaccountable; for, ex- cept in fome very few Places, I could not difcover one Ear of Corn, or Blade of Grafs. But, in three Hours travelling, the Scene was wholly altered; we came into a moſt beautiful Country; Farmers Houfes at fmall Distances, neatly built, the Fields enclofed, containing Vineyards, Corn-grounds, and Meadows. Neither do I remember to have feen a more delightful Profpect. His Excellency obferved my Countenance to clear up; he told me, with a Sigh, that there his Eſtate began, and would continue the fame till we fhould come to his Houſe. That his Countrymen ridiculed and defpifed him for managing his Affairs no better, and for fetting fo ill an Example to the Kingdom, which, however, was followed by very few, fuch as were old and wilful, and weak like himſelf. We came at length to the Houfe, which was, indeed, a noble Structure, built according to the beſt Rules of ancient Architecture. The Fountains, Gardens, Walks, Avenues, and Groves, were all difpofed with exact Judgment and Tafte. I gave due Praiſes to every Thing I faw, whereof his Excellency took not the leaft Notice, till after Supper; when, there being no third Companion, he told me with a very melancholy Air, that he doubted he muſt throw down his Houfes in Town and Country, to rebuild them after the preſent Mode, destroy all his Plantations, and caft others into fuch a Form as modern Ufage required; and give the fame Directions to all his Tenants, unleſs he would fubmit to incur the Cenfure of Pride, Singularity, Af- fectation, Ignorance, Caprice, and, perhaps, encreaſe his Majelly's Diſpleaſure. That the Admiration I appeared to be under, would ceaſe, or diminiſh, when he had informed me of fome Particulars, which probably I never heard of at Court, the 170 AVOYAGE the People there being too much taken up in their own Speculations, to have Regard to what paffed here be- low. The Sum of his Difcourfe was to this Effect: That, about forty Years ago, certain Perſons went up to La- puta, either upon Bufinefs or Diverfion, and after five Months Continuance, came back with a very little Smat- tering in Mathematics, but full of volatile Spirits, ac- quired in that airy Region. That thefe Perfons, upon their Return, began to diflike the Management of eve- ry Thing below, and fell into Schemes of putting all Arts, Sciences, Languages, and Mechanics, upon a new Foot. To this End they procured a Royal Pa- tent for erecting an Academy of Projectors in Lagado; and the Humour prevailed fo ftrongly among the Peo- ple, that there is not a Town of any Confequence in the Kingdom, without fuch an Academy. In thefe Colleges, the Profeffors contrive new Rules and Me- thods of Agriculture and Building, and new Instruments and Tools for all Trades and Manufactures, whereby, as they undertake, one Man fhall do the Work of ten, a Palace may be built in a Week, of Materials fo du- rable, as to laft for ever, without Repairing. All the Fruits of the Earth fhall come to Maturity at whatever Seafon we think fit to chufe, and increaſe an hundred Fold more than they do at prefent; with innumerable other happy Propofals. The only Inconvenience is, that none of theſe Projects are yet brought to Perfecti- on; and, in the mean Time, the whole Country lies miferably waſte, the Houſes in Ruins, and the People without Food or Clothes. By all which, inſtead of be- ing difcouraged, they are fifty Times more violently bent upon profecuting their Schemes, driven equally on by Hope and Defpair: That as for himſelf, being not of an enterprifing Spirit, he was content to go on in the old Forms, to live in the Houfes his Anceſtors had built, and act as they did in every Part of Life, with- out Innovation. That, fome few other Perfons of Qua- lity and Gentry had done the fame, but were looked on to LAPUTA, &c. 171 on with an Eye of Contempt and Ill-will, as Enemies to Art, ignorant, and ill Commonwealths-men, pre- ferring their own Eafe and Sloth, before the general Improvement of their Country. His Lordship added, that he would not by any fur- ther Particulars prevent the Pleafure I fhould certainly take in viewing the grand Academy, whither he was refolved I fhould go. He only defired me to obferve a ruined Building upon the Side of a Mountain, about three Miles diftant, of which he gave me this Account : That he had a very convenient Mill within half a Mile of his Houfe, turned by a Current from a large River, and fufficient for his own Family, as well as a great Number of his Tenants. That, about feven Years ago, a Club of thofe Projectors came to him, with Propofals to deſtroy this Mill, and build another on the Side of that Mountain, on the long Ridge whereof a long Ca- nal muſt be cut for a Repofitory of Water, to be con- veyed up by Pipes and Engines to fupply the Mill: Becaufe the Wind and Air upon a Height agitated the Water, and thereby made it fitter for Motion: And becauſe the Water, defcending down a Declivity, would turn the Mill with half the Current of a River, whoſe Courſe is more upon a Level. He ſaid, that be- ing then not very well with the Court, and preffed by many of his Friends, he complied with the Propoſal; and, after employing an hundred Men for two Years, the Work mifcarried, the Projectors went off, laying the Blame intirely upon him, railing at him ever ſince, and putting others upon the fame Experiment, with e- qual Affurance of Succefs, as well as equal Difappoint- ment. In a few Days we came back to Town, and his Excellency, confidering the bad Character he had in the Academy, would not go with me himſelf, but re- commended me to a Friend of his to bear me Compa- ny thither. My Lord was pleafed to reprefent me as a great Admirer of Projects, and a Perfon of much Cu- riofity, and eafy Belief; which, indeed, was not with- out 172 AVOYAGE out Truth; for I had myſelf been a Sort of Projector in my younger Days. CHAP. V. The Author permitted to fee the grand Academy of Lagado. The Academy largely defcribed. The Arts wherein the Profeffors employ themſelves. T HIS Academy is not an intire fingle Building, but a Continuation of ſeveral Houfes on both Sides of a Street, which, growing wafte, was purchaſed, and applied to that Uſe. I was received very kindly by the Warden, and went for many Days to the Academy. Every Room hath in it one or more Projectors; and, I believe, I could not be in fewer than five-hundred Rooms. The firft Man I faw was of a meagre Afpect, with footy Hands and Face, his Hair and Beard long, rag- ged and finged in feveral Places. His Clothes, Shirt, and Skin, were all of the fame Colour. He had been eight Years upon a Project for extrading Sun-beams out of Cucumbers, which were to be put into Vials hermetically fealed, and let out to warm the Air in raw inclement Summers. He told me, he did not doubt, in eight Years more, he fhould be able to fupply the Governor's Gardens with Sun-fhine at a reaſonable Rate; but he complained that his Stock was low, and entreated me to give him fomething as an Encourage- ment to Ingenuity, efpecially fince this had been a ve- ry dear Seafon for Cucumbers. I made him a ſmall Prefent, for my Lord had furnished me with Money on Purpofe, becauſe he knew their Practice of begging from all who go to ſee them. I went into another Chamber, but was ready to haſ- ten back, being almost overcome with a horrible Stink. My Conductor preffed me forward, conjuring me, in a Whif to LAPUT A, &c. 173 a Whiſper, to give no Offence, which would be high. ly refented, and therefore I durft not fo much as ftop my Nofe. The Projector of this Cell was the molt antient Student of the Academy; his Face and Beard were of a pale Yellow; his Hands and Clothes dawb- ed over with Filth. When I was prefented to him, he gave me a clofe Embrace (a Compliment I could well have excufed). His Employment, from his firſt Coming into the Academy, was an Operation to re- duce human Excrement to its original Food, by fepa- rating the feveral Parts, removing the Tincture which it receives from the Gall, making the Ordure exhale, and fcumming off the Saliva. He had a weekly Al- lowance from the Society, of a Veffel filled with hu- man Ordure, about the Bignefs of a Briftol Barrel. I ſaw another at Work, to calcine Ice into Gun- powder, who likewife fhewed me a Treatife he had written concerning the Malleability of Fire, which he intended to publiſh. There was a moft ingenious Architect, who had com- trived a new Method for building Houfes, by begin- ning at the Roof, and working downwards to the Foun- dation, which he justified to me, by the like Practice of thoſe two prudent Infects, the Bee and the Spider. There was a Man born blind, who had feveral Ap- prentices in his own Condition: Their Employment was to mix Colours for Painters, which their Mafter taught them to diftinguiſh by Feeling and Smelling. It was, indeed, my Misfortune, to find them, at that Time, not very perfect in their Leffons, and the Pro- feffor himſelf happened to be generally mistaken: This Artist is much encouraged and efteemed by the whole Fraternity. In another Apartment, I was highly pleaſed with a Projector, who had found a Device of Plowing the Ground with Hogs, to fave the Charges of Ploughs, Cattle, and Labour. The Method is this: In an Acre of Ground, you bury, at fix Inches Diſtance, and eight deep, a Quantity of Acorns, Dates, Chefnuts, and o- ther 174 AVOYAGE ther Maſte, or Vegetables, whereof theſe Animals are fondeft: Then you drive fix-hundred, or more of them, into the Field, where, in few Days, they will root up the whole Ground in Search of their Food, and make it fit for Sowing; at the fame Time manur- ing it with their Dung; it is true, upon Experiment, they found the Charge and Trouble very great, and they had little or no Crop. However, it is not doubt- ed, that this Invention may be capable of great Im- provement. At I went into another Room, where the Walls and Ceiling were all hung round with Cobwebs, except a narrow Paflage for the Artiſt to go in and out. my Entrance, he called aloud to me not to diſturb his Webs. He lamented the fatal Miftake the World had been fo long in ufing Silk-worms, while we had ſuch Plenty of domestic Infects, who infinitely excelled the former, becauſe they underſtood how to weave, as well as fpin. And he propofed farther, that, by employing Spiders, the Charge of dying Silks would be wholly faved; whereof I was fully convinced, when he ſhew- ed me a vaſt Number of Flies moſt beautifully colour- ed, wherewith he fed his Spiders, affuring us, that the Webs would take a Tincture from them; and, as he had them of all Hues, he hoped to fit every Body's Fancy, as foon as he could find proper Food for the Flies, of certain Gums, Oils, and other glutinous Mat- ter, to give a Strength and Confiſtence to the Threads. There was an Aftronomer, who had undertaken to place a Sun-dial upon the great Weather-cock on the Town-houſe, by adjuſting the annual and diurnal Mo- tions of the Earth and Sun, fo as to anſwer and coin- cide with all accidental Turnings of the Wind. I was complaining of a ſmall Fit of the Cholic, upon which my Conductor led me into a Room, where a great Phyfician refided, who was famous for curing that Difeafe by contrary Operations from the fame Inftru- ment. He had a large Pair of Bellows, with a long lender Muzzle of Ivory. This he conveyed eight Inches to LAPUTA, &c. 175 Inches up the Anus, and, drawing in the Wind, he affirm- ed he could make the Guts as lank as a dried Bladder. But, when the Diſeaſe was more ftubborn and violent, he let in the Muzzle while the Bellows were full of Wind, which he diſcharged into the Body of the Pa- tient; then withdrew the Inftrument to repleniſh it, clapping his Thumb ftrongly againſt the Orifice of the Fundament; and, this being repeated three or four Times, the adventitious Wind would ruſh out, bring- ing the noxious along with it (like Water put into a Pump) and the Patient recover. I faw him try both Experiments upon a Dog, but could not difcern any Effect from the former. After the latter, the Animal was ready to burſt, and made ſo violent a Diſcharge, as was very offenfive to me and my Companions. The Dog died on the Spot, and we left the Doctor endea- vouring to recover him by the fame Operation. I vifited many other Apartments, but ſhall not trou- ble my Reader with all the Curiofities I obferved, be- ing ftudious of Brevity. I had hitherto feen only one Side of the Academy, the other being appropriated to the Advancers of fpe- culative Learning, of whom I fhall fay fomething, when I have mentioned one illuftrious Perfon more, who is called, among them, the univerfal Artist. He told us, he had been thirty Years employing his Thoughts for the Improvement of human Life. He had two large Rooms full of wonderful Curiofities, and fifty Men at Work. Some were condenſing Air into a dry tangible Substance, by extracting the Nitre, and letting the aqueous or fluid Particles percolate; others foftening Marble for Pillows and Pincushions; others petrifying the Hoofs of a living Horfe, to preferve them from foundering. The Artiſt himſelf was at that Time buſy upon two great Defigns; the firſt to ſow Land with Chaff, wherein he affirmed the true feminal Virtue to be contained, as he demonſtrated by feveral Experiments, which I was not ſkilful enough to com- prehend. The other was, by a certain Compofition of Gums, 176 A VOYAGE Gums, Minerals, and Vegetables, outwardly applied, to prevent the Growth of Wool upon two young Lambs; and he hoped, in a reaſonable Time, to pro- pagate the Breed of naked Sheep all over the King- dom. We croffed a Walk to the other Part of the Acade- my, where, as I have already faid, the Projectors in Speculative Learning refided. t The firſt Profeffor I faw, was in a very large Room, with forty Pupils about him. After Salutation, obfer- ving me to look earneſtly upon a Frame, which took up the greateſt Part of both the Length and Breadth of the Room, he faid, perhaps I might wonder to ſee him employed in a Project for improving Speculative Know- ledge by practical and mechanical Operations. But the World would foon be fenfible of its Ufefulness; and he flattered himſelf, that a more noble exalted Thought never fprang in any other Man's Head. Every one knew how laborious the ufual Method is of attaining to Arts and Sciences; whereas, by his Contrivance, the moſt ignorant Perſon, at a reaſonable Charge, and with a little bodily Labour, may write Books in Philofophy, Poetry, Politics, Law, Mathematics, and Theology, without the leaft Affillance from Genius or Study. He then led me to the Frame, about the Sides whereof, all his Pupils food in Ranks. It was twenty Feet fquare, placed in the Middle of the Room. The Superficies was compofed of feveral Bits of Wood, about the Bignefs of a Dye, but fome larger than others. They were all linked together by flender Wires. Theſe Bits of Wood were covered on every Square with Pa- per pafted on them; and on theſe Papers were written all the Words of their Language in their feveral Moods, Tenfes, and Declenfions; but without any Order. The Profeffor then defired me to obſerve, for he was going to fet his Engine at Work. The Pupils, at his Command, took each of them hold of an iron Han- dle, whereof there were forty fixed round the Edges of the Frame; and, giving them a fudden Turn, the whole Plate V. Part III. Page 176 从 ​55555 15 • • ぶぶた ​0人 ​ふ ​دازد to LAPUTA, &c. 177 whole Difpofition of the Words was intirely changed. He then commanded fix and thirty of the Lads to read the feveral Lines foftly, as they appeared upon the Frame; and, where they found three or four Words together that might make Part of a Sentence, they dictated to the four remaining Boys who were Scribes. This Work was repeated three or four Times, and at every Turn, the Engine was fo contrived, that the Words fhifted into new Places, as the fquare Bits of Wood moved upfide down. Six Hours a Day the young Students were employed in this Labour, and the Profeffor fhewed me feveral Volumes in large Folio already collected, of broken Sentences, which he intended to piece together; and, out of thofe rich Materials, to give the World a com- pleat Body of all Arts and Sciences; which, however, might be ftill improved, and much expedited, if the Public would raiſe a Fund for making and employing five hundred fuch Frames in Lagado, and oblige the Managers to contribute in common their ſeveral Col- lections. He affured me, that this Invention had employed all his Thoughts from his Youth; that he had emptied the whole Vocabulary into his Frame, and made the ftricteft Computation of the general Proportion there is in Books between the Numbers of Particles, Nouns, and Verbs, and other Parts of Speech. I made my humbleit Acknowledgment to this il- luftrious Perfon for his great Communicativeness; and promiſed, if ever I had the good Fortune to return to my native Country, that I would do him Juftice, as the fole Inventor of this wonderful Machine; the Form and Contrivance of which I defired Leave to delineate upon Paper, as in the Figure here annexed. I told him, although it were the Cuſtom of our Learned in Europe to fteal Inventions from each other, who had thereby, at leaſt, this Advantage, that it became a Controverfy which was the right Owner, yet I would N take 178 AVOYAGE take ſuch Caution, that he ſhould have the Honour in- tire, without a Rival. We next went to the School of Languages, where three Profeffors fat in Conſultation upon improving that of their own Country. The firſt Project was to fhorten Difcourfe, by cutting Polyfyllables into one, and leaving out Verbs and Par- ticiples; becauſe, in Reality, all Things imaginable are but Nouns. The other Project was a Scheme for intirely abo- liſhing all Words whatſoever; and this was urged as a great Advantage in Point of Health, as well as Brevity. For it is plain, that every Word we fpeak is, in fome Degree, a Diminution of our Lungs by Corrofion; and confequently contributes to the Shortening of our ! ives. An Expedient was therefore offered, that fince Words are only Names for Things, it would be more conve- nient for all Men to carry about them fuch Things as were neceffary to exprefs the particular Buſineſs they are to diſcourſe on. And this Invention would cer- tainly have taken Place, to the great Eafe, as well as Health of the Subject, if the Women, in Conjunction with the Vulgar and Illiterate, had not threatened to raiſe a Rebellion, unleſs they might be allowed the Li- berty to speak with their Tongues, after the Manner of their Fore-fathers; fuch conftant irreconcileable Ene- mies to Science are the common People. However, many of the most learned and wife adhere to the new Scheme of expreffing themſelves by Things; which hath only this Inconvenience attending it, that if a Man's Buſineſs be very great, and of various Kinds, he muſt be obliged, in Proportion, to carry a greater Bundle of Things upon his Back, unleſs he can afford one or two ſtrong Servants to attend him. I have often beheld two of thofe Sages almoſt finking under the Weight of their Packs, like Pedlars among us; who, when they met in the Streets, would lay down their Loads, open their Sacks, and hold Converfation for an Hour together; then to LA PUTA, &c. 179 ८ then put up their Implements, help each other to re- fume their Burthens, and take their Leave. But, for fhort Converfations, a Man may carry Im- plements in his Pockets, and under his Arms, enough to fupply him; and in his Houſe he cannot be at a Lofs. Therefore the Room where Company meet, who practiſe this Art, is full of all Things ready at Hand, requifite to furniſh Matter for this Kind of artificial Converſe. Another great Advantage, propofed by this Inven- tion, was, that it would ferve as an univerſal Language, to be underſtood in all civilized Nations, whofe Goods and Utenfils are generally of the fame Kind, or near- ly reſembling, fo that their Ufes might eafily be com- prehended. And thus Ambaffadors would be qualified to treat with foreign Princes, or Minifters of State, to whofe Tongues they were utter Strangers. I was at the Mathematical School, where the Mafter taught his Pupils after a Method ſcarce imaginable to us in Europe. The Propofition and Demonſtration were fairly written on a thin Wafer, with Ink com- pofed of a cephalic Tincture. This the Student was to ſwallow upon a fafting Stomach, and for three Days following eat nothing but Bread and Water. As the Wafer digefted, the Tincture mounted to his Brain, bearing the Propofition along with it. But the Succefs hath not hitherto been anſwerable, partly by ſome Er- ror in the Quantum or Compofition, and partly by the Perverſeneſs of Lads; to whom this Bolus is fo naufe- ous, that they generally ſteal afide, and diſcharge it upwards, before it can operate; neither have they been yet perfuaded to uſe ſo long an Abftinence as the Pre- fcription requires. N 2 CHAP. 180 A VOYAGE CHA P. IV. A further Account of the Academy. The Author pro- pofes fome Improvements, which are honourably re- ceived. I N the School of Political Projectors, I was but ill entertained; the Profeffors appearing, in my Judg- ment, wholly out of their Senſes; which is a Scene that never fails to make me melancholy. Theſe unhappy People were propofing Schemes for perfuading Mo- narchs to chufe Favourites upon the Score of their Wif dom, Capacity, and Virtue; of teaching Minifters to confult the Public Good; of rewarding Merit, great Abilities, and eminent Services; of instructing Princes to know their true Intereft, by placing it on the fame Foundation with that of their People: Of chufing for Em- ployments Perfons qualified to exerciſe them; with ma- ny other wild impoffible Chimæras, that never enter- ed before into the Heart of Man to conceive; and con- firmed in me the old Obfervation, that there is nothing fo extravagant and irrational which fome Philofophers have not maintained for Truth. But, however, I fhall fo far do Juftice to this Part of the Academy, as to acknowledge that all of them were not fo vifionary. There was a moft ingenious Doctor, who ſeemed to be perfectly verſed in the whole Nature and Syftem of Government. This illuftrious Perfon had very uſefully employed his Studies in find- ing out effectual Remedies for all Difeafes and Cor- ruptions, to which the feveral Kinds of public Admi- niſtration are fubject, by the Vices or Infirmities of thoſe who govern, as well as by the Licentiouſneſs of thoſe who are to obey. For Inftance; whereas all Writers and Reafoners have agreed, that there is a ftrict univerfal Refemblance between the Natural and the Political Body; can there be any Thing more evi- dent, than that the Health of both muſt be preſerved, and to LAPUTA, &c. 181 and the Diſeaſes cured by the fame Prefcriptions; It is allowed, that Senates and great Councils are often trou- bled with redundant, ebullient, and other peccant Hu- mours; with many Diſeaſes of the Head, and more of the Heart; with ftrong Convulfions, with grievous Contractions of the Nerves and Sinews in both Hands, but eſpecially the Right: With Spleen, Flatus, Verti- gos and Deliriums; with Scrophulous Tumours full of fætid purulent Matter; with four frothy Ruâlations, with canine Appetites and Crudeneſs of Digeſtion, be- fides many others needleſs to mention. This Doctor, therefore, propofed, that, upon the Meeting of a Se- nate, certain Phyficians thould attend at the three firſt Days of their Sitting, and, at the Clofe of each Day's Debate, feel the Pulfes of every Senator; after which, having maturely confidered, and confulted up- on the Nature of the feveral Maladies, and the Methods of Cure, they should on the fourth Day return to the Senate-houſe, attended by their Apothecaries ftored with proper Medicines; and, before the Members fat, ad- miniſter to each of them Lenitives, Aperitives, Abſter- fives, Corrofives, Reftringents, Palliatives, Laxatives, Cephalalgics, aterics, Apophlegmatics, Acoustics, as their ſeveral Cafes required; and, according as theſe Medicines ſhould operate, repeat, alter, or omit then at the next Meeting. This Project could not be of any great Expence to the Public; and would, in my poor Opinion, be of much Uſe for the Diſpatch of Bufinefs in thofe Coun- tries, where Senates have any Share in the Legiſlative Power; beget Unanimity, fhorten Debates, open a few Mouths which are now cloſed, and cloſe many more which are now open; curb the Petulancy of the Young, and correct the Pofitiveneſs of the Old, rouze the Stupid, and damp the Pert. Again; becauſe it is a general Complaint, that the Favourites of Princes are troubled with thort and weak Memories; the fame Doctor propofed, that whoever attended a firſt Minifter, after having told his Buſineſs N 3 with 182 AVOYAGE with the utmoſt Brevity, and in the plaineft Words, ſhould, at his Departure, give the faid Miniſter a Tweak by the Noſe, or a Kick in the Belly, or tread on his Corns, or lug him thrice by both Ears, or run a Pin in- to his Breech, or pinch his Arm black and blue, to pre- vent Forgetfulness: And, at every Levee Day, repeat the fame Operation, till the Bufinefs were done, or ab- folutely refuſed. He likewife directed, that every Senator in the great Council of a Nation, after he had delivered his Opi- nion, and argued in the Defence of it, fhould be ob- liged to give his Vote directly contrary; becauſe, if that were done, the Refult would infallibly terminate in the Good of the Public. When Parties in a State are violent, he offered a wonderful Contrivance to reconcile them. The Me- thod is this: You take an hundred Leaders of each Party; you diſpoſe them into Couples of fuch whoſe Heads are neareſt of a Size; then let two nice Opera tors faw off the Occiput of each Couple at the fame Time, in fuch a Manner that the Brain may be equal- ly divided. Let the Occiputs thus cut off be interchang- ed, applying each to the Head of his oppofite Party- man. It ſeems, indeed, to be a Work that requireth fome Exactneſs, but the Profeffor affured us, that, if it were dexterously performed, the Cure would be infalli ble. For he argued thus; that the two half Brains be- ing left to debate the Matter between themſelves, with- in the Space of one Scull, would foon come to a good Underſtanding, and produce that Moderation, as well as Regularity of Thinking, fo much to be wished for in the Heads of thofe, who imagine they come into the World only to watch and govern its Motion: And as to the Difference of Brains in Quantity or Quality, among thoſe who are Directors in Faction; the Doctor affured us, from his own Knowledge, that it was a perfect Trifle. I heard a very warm Debate between two Profeffors, about the most commodious and effectual Ways and Means to LAPUTA, &c. 183 Means of raifing Money without grieving the Subject. The firſt affirmed the juftest Method would be to lay a certain Tax upon Vices and Folly; and the Sum fixed upon every Man, to be rated after the fairest Manner by a Jury of his Neighbours. The fecond was of an Opinion directly contrary; to tax thofe Qualities of Body and Mind for which Men chiefly value them- felves; the Rate to be more or lefs according to the Degrees of excelling; the Decifion whereof fhould be left intirely to their own Breaft. The higheſt Tax was upon Men, who are the greateſt Favourites of the o- ther Sex, and the Affeffments according to the Num- ber and Natures of the Favours they have received; for which they are allowed to be their own Vouchers. Wit, Valour, and Politenefs were likewife propoſed to be largely taxed, and collected in the fame Manner, by every Perſon giving his own Word for the Quantum of what he poffeffed. But as to Honour, Juftice, Wiſdom, and Learning, they ſhould not be taxed at all; becauſe they are Qualifications of fo fingular a Kind, that no Man will either allow them in his Neighbour, or value them in himſelf. The Women were propoſed to be taxed according to their Beauty, and Skill in Dreffing; wherein they had the fame Privilege with the Men, to be determined by their own Judgment. But Conftancy, Chaftity, good Senfe, and good Nature were not rated, becauſe they would not bear the Charge of Collecting. To keep Senators in the Interest of the Crown, it was propofed that the Members ſhould raffle for Em- ployments; every Man first taking an Oath, and giving Security that he would vote for the Court, whether he won or no; after which the Lofers had, in their Turn, the Liberty of Raffling upon the next Vacancy. Thus Hope and Expectation would be kept alive; none would complain of broken Promiſes, but impute their Difappointments wholly to Fortune, whofe Shoulders are broader and ftronger than thoſe of a Miniſtry. N 4 Another 184 AVOYAGE Another Profeffor fhewed me a large Paper for In- ftructions for diſcovering Plots and Confpiracies againſt the Government. He adviſed great Stateſmen to exa- mine into the Dyet of all fufpected Perfons; their Times of Eating; upon which Side they lay in Bed; with which Hand they wiped their Pofteriors; to take a ſtrict View of their Excrements, and from the Colour, the Ordure, the Taſte, the Confiſtence, the Crudeneſs, or Maturity of Digeſtion, from 'a Judgment of their Thoughts and Defigns. Becauſe Men are never ſo ſe- rious, thoughtful, and intent, as when they are at Stool, which he found by frequent Experiment: For in ſuch Conjunctures, when he uſed meerly as a Trial to confider which was the best Way of murdering the King, his Ordure would have a Tincture of Green; but quite different when he thought only of raifing an Infurrection, or burning the Metropolis. The whole Difcourfe was written with great Acute- nefs, containing many Obſervations, both curious and ufeful for Politicians; but, as I conceived, not altoge- ther compleat. This I ventured to tell the Author, and offered, if he pleaſed, to fupply him with fome Addi tions. He received my Propofition with more Com- pliance than is ufual among Writers, eſpecially thoſe of the Projecting Species; profeffing, he would be glad to receive farther Information. I told him, that in the Kingdom of Tribnia, by the Natives called Langdon, where I had fojourned fome Time in my Travels, the bulk of the People confiit, in a Manner, wholly of Difcoverers, Witneffes, Infor- mers, Accufers, Profecutors, Evidences, Swearers, to- gether with their feveral fubfervient and fubaltern In- ftruments, all under the Colours, the Conduct, and Pay of Ministers of State, and their Deputies. The Plots in that Kingdom, are ufually the Workmanſhip. of thofe Perfons, who defire to raiſe their own Charac- ters of profound Politicians; to reſtore new Vigour to a crazy Administration; to flifle or divert general Dif- contents; to fill their Coffers with Forfeitures; and raife to LAPUTA, &c. 185 raife or fink the Opinion of the Public Credit, as either ſhall beft anſwer their private Advantage. It is first agreed, and fettled among them, what fufpected Per- fons fhall be accuſed of a Plot: Then, effectual Care is taken to ſecure all their Letters and Papers, and put the Owners in Chains. Theſe Papers are delivered to a Set of Artiſts, very dexterous in finding out the myf- terious Meanings of Words, Syllables, and Letters: For Initance, they can diſcover a Clofe ftool to fignify a Privy-Council; a Flock of Geefe, a Senate; a lame Dog, an Invader; the Plague, a Standing Army; a Buzzard, a Prime Miniſter; the Gout, a High Prieſt a Gibbet, a Secretary of State; a Chamber-pot, a Com- mittee of Grandees; a Sieve, a Court Lady; a Broom, a Revolution; a Mouſe-trap, an Employment; a bot- tomleſs Pit, a Treaſury; a Sink, a Court; a Cap and Bells, a Favourite; a broken Reed, a Court of Juice; an empty Tun, a General; a running Sore, the Admi- niſtration. ; Where this Method fails, they have two others more effectual, which the Learned among them call Acroftics and Anagrams. First, they can decypher all initial Letters into political Meanings. Thus, N fhall fignify a Plot, B a Regiment of Horſe, L a Fleet at Sea: Or, Secondly, by tranfpofing the Letters of the Alphabet in any fufpected Paper, they can lay open the deepeſt De- figns of a difcontented Party. So, for Example, if I fhould fay in a Letter to a Friend, Our Brother Tom has just got the Piles, a ſkilful Decypherer would difco- ver, that the fame Letters, which compoſe that Sen- tence, may be analyſed in the following Words: Re- fift,a Plot is brought Home The Tour. And this is the anagrammatic Method. The Profeffor made me great Acknowledgments for communicating thefe Obfervations, and promifed to make honourable Mention of me in his Treatife. I faw nothing in this Country that could invite me to a longer Continuance, and began to think of return- ing Home to England. CHAP 186 AVOYAGE CHA P. VII. The Author leaves Lagado, arrives at Maldonada. No Ship ready. He takes a fhort Voyage to Glubb- dubdrib. His Reception by the Governor. TH HE Continent, of which this Kingdom is a Part, extends itſelf, as I have Reaſon to believe, Eaſt- ward to that unknown Tract of America, Weftward of California, and North to the Pacific Ocean, which is not above a hundred and fifty Miles from Lagado; where there is a good Port, and much Commerce with the great Iſland of Luggnagg, fituated to the North- weft about 29 Degrees North Latitude, and 140 Lon- gitude. This Iſland of Luggnagg ſtands South-eastwards of Japan, about an hundred Leagues diftant. There is a ftrict Alliance between the Japaneſe Emperor and the King of Luggnagg, which affords frequent Oppor- tunities of failing from one Ifland to the other. Ide- termined therefore to direct my Courſe this Way, in Order to my Return to Europe. I hired two Mules, with a Guide, to fhew me the Way, and carry my fmall Baggage. I took Leave of my noble Protector, who had fhewn me fo much Favour, and made me a generous Prefent at my Departure. My Journey was without any Accident, or Adven- ture, worth relating. When I arrived at the Port of Maldonada (for ſo it is called) there was no Ship in the Harbour bound for Luggnagg, nor like to be in ſome Time. The Town is about as large as Portſmouth. I foon fell into fome Acquaintance, and was very hof- pitably received. A Gentleman of Distinction faid to me, that fince the Ships, bound for Luggnagg could not be ready in less than a Month, it might be no difagree- able Amuſement for me to take a Trip to the little If- land of Glubbdubdrib, about five Leagues off to the South-weft. He offered himſelf and a Friend to ac- company to LAPUTA, &c. 187 company me, and that I fhould be provided with a fmall convenient Barque for the Voyage. Glubbdubdrib, as nearly as I can interpret the Word, fignifies the Iſland of Sorcerers or Magicians. It is a- bout one Third as large as the Iſle of Wight, and ex- tremely fruitful: It is governed by the Head of a cer- tain Tribe, who are all Magicians. This Tribe mar- ries only among each other, and the eldeft, in Succef- fion, is Prince or Governor. He hath a noble Palace, and a Park of about three-thouſand Acres, furrounded by a Wall of hewn Stone, twenty Feet high. In this Park are ſeveral ſmall Inclofures for Cattle, Corn, and Gardening. The Governor and his Family are ſerved and attend- ed by Domeſtics of a Kind fomewhat unufual. By his Skill in Necromancy, he hath a Power of calling whom he pleaſeth from the Dead; and commanding their Service for twenty-four Hours, but no longer; nor can he call the fame Perfons up again in less than three Months, except upon very extraordinary Occa- fions. When we arrived at the Ifland, which was about E. leven in the Morning, one of the Gentlemen, who ac- companied me, went to the Governor, and defired Ad- mittance for a Stranger, who came on Purpoſe to have the Honour of attending on his Highness. This was immediately granted, and we all three entered the Gate of the Palace, between two Rows of Guards, armed and dreffed after a very antic Manner, and ſome- thing in their Countenances that made my Flesh creep with a Horror I cannot exprefs. We paffed through ſeveral Apartments, between Servants of the fame Sort, ranked on each Side, as before, till we came to the Chamber of Prefence, where, after three profound O- beyfances, and a few general Queftions, we were per- mitted to fit on three Stools, near the lowest Step of his Highness's Throne. He understood the Language of Balnibarbi, although it were different from that of this land. He defired me to give him fome Account of 188 AVOYAGE of my Travels; and, to let me fee that I fhould be treated without Ceremony, he difmiffed all his Atten- dants with a Turn of his Finger, at which, to my great Aftoniſhment, they vanished in an Inftant, like Viſions in a Dream, when we awake on a fudden. I could not recover myſelf in fome Time, till the Governor aſ- fured me, that I fhould receive no Hurt; and obferving my two Companions to be under no Concern, who had been often entertained in the faine Manner, I be- gan to take Courage, and related to his Highneſs a fhort History of my ſeveral Adventures; yet not with- out fome Hefitation, and frequently looking behind me, to the Place where I had feen thoſe domeſtic Spectres. I had the Honour to dine with the Governor, where a a new Set of Ghofts ferved up the Meat, and waited at Table. I now obſerved myſelf to be leſs terrified than I had been in the Morning I ftayed till Sun-fet, but humbly defired his Highneſs to excufe me for not ac- cepting his Invitation of Lodging in the Palace. My two Friends and I lay at a private Houfe in the Town adjoining, which is the Capital of this little Iſland and the next Morning we returned to pay our Duty to the Governor, as he was pleaſed to command us. ; After this Manner, we continued in the Inland for ten Days, moft Part of every Day with the Governor, and at Night in our Lodging. I foon grew fo familia- rized to the Sight of Spirits, that, after the third or fourth Time, they gave me no Emotion at all; or, if I had any Apprehenfions left, my Curiofity prevailed. over them. For his Highness the Governor ordered me to call up whatever Perfons I would chufe to name, and in whatever Numbers, among all the Dead, from the Beginning of the World, to this prefent Time, and command them to answer any Questions I fhould think fit to afk; with this Condition, that my Quefti- ons must be confined within the Compafs of the Times they lived in. And one thing I might depend upon, that they would certainly tell me Truth, for Lying was a Talent of no Ufe in the lower World. I made to LAPUTA, &c. 189 I made my humble Acknowledgments to his High- nefs for fo great a Favour. We were in a Chamber, from whence there was a fair Profpect into the Park. And, becauſe my first Inclination was to be entertained with Scenes of Pomp and Magnificence, I defired to fee Alexander the Great, at the Head of his Army, juſt after the Battle of Arbela, which, upon a Motion of the Governor's Finger, immediately appeared in a large Field under the Window, where we ftood. Alex- ander was called up into the Room: It was with great Difficulty that I understood his Greek, and had but lit- tle of my own. He affured me, upon his Honour, that he was not poifoned, but died of a Fever by exceffive Drinking. Next Ï faw Hannibal paffing the Alps, who told me, he had not a Drop of Vinegar in his Camp. I faw Cefar and Pompey, at the Head of their Troops, just ready to engage. I faw the former in his laft great Triumph. I defired that the Senate of Rome might appear before me in one large Chamber, and a modern Reprefentative in Counterview, in another. The firft ſeemed to be an Affembly of Heroes and De- my Gods, the other a Knot of Pedlars, Pick-pockets, Highway-men, and Bullies. The Governor, at my Requeſt, gave the Sign for Cæfar and Brutus to advance towards us. I was ftruck with a profound Veneration at the Sight of Bru- tus, and could eaſily diſcover the moſt confummate Virtue, the greatest Intrepidity, and Firmnefs of Mind, the trueft Love of his Country, and general Berevo- lence for Mankind, in every Lineament of his Coun- tenance. I obſerved, with much Pleaſure, that theſe two Perſons were in good Intelligence with each other; and Cæfar freely confeffed to me, that the greateſt Actions of his own Life were not equal, by many De- grees, to the Glory of taking it away. I had the Ho- nour to have much Converfation with Brutus ; and was told, that his Ancestors Junius, Socrates, Epami- nondas, Cato the younger, Sir Thomas More, and him- felf, igo A VOYAGE felf, were perpetually together: A Sextumvirate, to which all the Ages of the World cannot add a ſeventh. It would be tedious to trouble the Reader with re- lating what vaft Numbers of illuftrious Perfons were called up, to gratify that infatiable Defire I had to fee the World in every Period of Antiquity placed before me. I chiefly fed mine Eyes with beholding the De- ftroyers of Tyrants and Ufurpers, and the Reftorers of Liberty to oppreffed and injured Nations. But it is impoffible to expreſs the Satisfaction I received in my own Mind, after fuch a Manner, as to make it a fuit- able Entertainment to the Reader. CHAP. VIII. A further Account of Glubbdubdrib. Ancient and Modern Hiftory corrected. H Aving a Defire to ſee thoſe Ancients, who were moſt renowned for Wit and Learning, I fet a- part one Day on Purpoſe. I propoſed that Homer and Ariftotle might appear at the Head of all their Com- mentators; but theſe were fo numerous, that ſome Hundreds were forced to attend in the Court and out- ward Rooms of the Palace. I knew, and could diſtin- guiſh thoſe two Heroes at first Sight, not only from the Croud, but from each other. Homer was the taller and comlier Perfon of the two, walked very erect for one of his Age, and his Eyes were the moft quick and piercing I ever beheld. Ariftotle ftooped much, and made Uſe of a Staff. His Vilage was meager, his Hair lank and thin, and his Voice hollow. I foon diſcovered that both of them were perfect Strangers to the rest of the Company, and had never feen or heard of them before. And I had a Whiſper from a Ghoſt, who ſhall be nameless, that theſe Commentators al- ways kept in the inoft diftant Quarters from their Prin- cipals in the lower World, through a Conſciouſneſs of Shame to LAPUTA, &c. 191 Shame and Guilt, becauſe they had ſo horribly mif- repreſented the Meaning of thofe Authors to Pofterity. I introduced Didymus and Euftathius to Homer, and prevailed on him to treat them better than perhaps they deferved, for he foon found they wanted a Genius to enter into the Spirit of a Poet. But Ariftotle was out of all Patience with the Account I gave him of Scotus and Ramus, as I prefented them to him, and he aſked them whether the reft of the Tribe were as great Dunces as themſelves. I then defired the Governor to call up Descartes and Gaffendi, with whom I prevailed to explain their Sytems to Ariftotle. This great Philofopher freely acknowledged his own Miftakes in Natural Philofophy, becauſe he proceeded in many Things upon Conjecture, as all Men muft do; and he found, that Gaffendi, who had made the Doctrine of Epicurus as palatable as he could, and the Vortices of Defcartes were equally explod- ed. He predicted the fame Fate to Attraction, where- of the preſent Learned are fuch zealous Afferters. He faid, that new Syſtems of Nature were but new Fafhi- ons, which would vary in every Age; and even thoſe, who pretend to demonftrate them from Mathematical Principles, would flouriſh but a fhort Period of Time, and be out of Vogue when that was determined. I ſpent five Days in converfing with many others of the ancient Learned. I faw moft of the first Roman Emperors. I prevailed on the Governor to call up Eliogabalus's Cooks to drefs us a Dinner, but they could not fhew us much of their Skill, for Want of Materials. A Helot of Agefilaus made us a Difh of Spartan Broth, but I was not able to get down a fecond Spoonful. The two Gentlemen who conducted me to the I- fland, were preffed by their private Affairs to return in three Days, which I employed in ſeeing ſome of the modern Dead, who had made the greatet Figure for two or three hundred Years paft, in our own and other Countries of Europe; and having been always a great Admirer of old illuftrious Families, I defired the Go- vernor 192 AVOYAGE i vernor would call up a Dozen or two of Kings, with their Ancestors, in Order, for eight or nine Generati- ons. But my Diſappointment was grievous and un- expected: For, intead of a long Train with Royal Diadems, I ſaw in one Family two Fidlers, three fpruce Courtiers, and an Italian Prelate. In another, a Bar- ber, an Abbot, and two Cardinals. I have too great a Veneration for crowned Heads, to dwell any longer on fo nice a Subject. But as to Counts, Marqueffes, Dukes, Earls, and the like, I was not fo fcrupulous. And, I confefs, it was not without fome Pleaſure, that I found myſelf able to trace the particular Features, by which certain Families are diftinguiſhed up to their Originals. I could plainly diſcover from whence one Family derives a long Chin, why a fecond hath a- bounded with Knaves for two Generations, and Fools for two more; why a third happened to be crack- brained, and a fourth to be Sharpers. Whence it came, what Polydore Virgil fays of a certain great Houſe, Nec Vir fortis, nec Fœmina cafta. How Cruelty, Falfhood, and Cowardice, grew to be Characteristics, by which certain Families are diftinguifhed, as much as by their Coat of Arms Who firit brought the Pox into a no- ble Houſe, which hath lineally defcended in fcrophu- lous Tumours to their Poterity. Neither could I wonder at all this, when I faw fuch an Interruption of Lineages by Pages, Lacqueys, Valets, Coachmen, Gameters, Fidlers, Players, Captains, and Pick pockets. I was chiefly difgutted with modern Hiftory. For, hav ng ftrictly examined all the Perfons of greateſt Naine in the Courts of Princes for an hundred Years paſt, I found how the World had been mifled by pro- ititute Writers, to afcribe the greateſt Exploits in War to Cowards, the wifeft Counſel to Fools, Sincerity to Flatterers, Roman Virtue to Betrayers of their Coun- try, Piety to Atheiſts, Chastity to Sodomites, 1 ruth to Informers. How many innocent and excellent Per- fons had been condemned to Death or Baniſhment, by the praifing of great Minifters upon the Corruption of to LAPUTA, c. 193 How mȧ- of judges, and the Malice of Factions. ny Villains had been exalted to the higheft Places of Truft, Power, Dignity, and Profit: How great a Share in the Motions and Events of Courts, Councils, and Senates, might be challenged by Bawds, Whores, Pimps, Parafites, and Buffoons: How low an Opinion I had of human Wiſdom and Integrity, when I was truly informed of the Springs and Motives of great En- terprizes and Revolutions in the World, and of the contemptible Accidents to which they owed their Suc- cefs. Here 1 difcovered the Roguery and Ignorance of thoſe who pretend to write Anecdotes, or fecret Hiſtory; who fend fo many Kings to their Graves with a Cup of Poiſon; will repeat the Difcourfe between a Prince and chief Minister, where no Witneſs was by; unlock the Thoughts and Cabinets of Ambaffadors and Secreta- ries of State; and have the perpetual Misfortune to be miſtaken. Here I difcovered the true Caufes of many great Events that have ſurpriſed the World; how a Whore can govern the Back ftairs, the Back-tairs a Council, and the Council a Senate. A General con- feffed in my Prefence, that he got a Victory, purely by the Force of Cowardice and ill Conduct: And an Admiral, that, for Want of proper Intelligence, he beat the Enemy to whom he intended to betray the Fleet. Three Kings protefted to me, that, in their whole Reigns, they did never once prefer any Perſon of Merit, unleſs by Mitake, or Treachery of fome Miniſter in whom they confided: Neither would they do it, if they were to live again; and they fhewed with great Strength of Reaſon, that the Royal Throne could not be ſupported without Corruption, becauſe that pofitive, confident, reftive Temper, which Virtue infufed into Man, was a perpetual Clog to Public Bu- finefs. I had the Curiofity to enquire, in a particular Man- ner, by what Method great Numbers had procured to themſelves high Titles of Honour, and prodigious E- O Rates 194 AVOYAGE ſtates; and I confined my Enquiry to a very modern Period: However, without grating upon prefent Times, becauſe I would be fure to give no Offence even to Foreigners (for, I hope, the Reader need not be told, that I do not in the leaſt intend my own Country in what I fay upon this Occafion) a great Number of Perfons concerned were called up, and, upon a very flight Examination, diſcovered fuch a Scene of Infamy, that I cannot reflect upon it without fome Seriouſneſs. Perjury, Oppreffion, Subornation, Fraud, Pandariſm, and the like Infirmities were amongſt the most excufa- ble Arts they had to mention, and for thefe I gave, as it was reaſonable, due Allowance. But when fome confeffed they owed their Greatnefs and Wealth to So- domy, or Incet, others to the proftituting of their own Wives and Daughters; others to the betraying their Country or their Prince; fome to poiſoning, more to the perverting of Juftice, in order to deflroy the In- nocent: I hope I may be pardoned, if theſe Diſcove- ries inclined me a little to abate of that profound Ve- neration which I am naturally apt to pay to Perſons of high Rank, who ought to be treated with the utmoſt Refpect due to their fublime Dignity by us, their In feriors. I had often read of fome great Services done to Princes and States, and defired to fee the Perfons by whom thoſe Services were performed. Upon Enquiry, I was told, that their Names were to be found on no Record, except a few of them, whom Hiftory hath reprefented as the vileft Rogues and Traitors. As to the reſt, I had never once heard of them. They all appeared with dejected Looks, and in the meaneft Ha- bit, most of them telling me, they died in Poverty and Difgrace, and the reft on a Scaffold or a Gibbet. Among others, there was one Perfon, whofe Cafe appeared a little fingular. He had a Youth about eighteen Years old ftanding by his Side. He told me, he had for many Years been Commander of a Ship; and, in the Sea Fight at Actium, had the good Fortune to to LAPUTA, &c. 195 to break through the Enemies great Line of Battle, fink three of their capital Ships, and take a fourth, which was the fole Caule of Anthony's Flight, and of the Vic- tory that enſued; that the Youth ſtanding by him, his only Son, was killed in the Action. He added, that upon the Confidence of ſome Merit, the War being at an End, he went to Rome, and folicited at the Court of Auguftus, to be preferred to a greater Ship, whoſe Commander had been killed; but, without any Re- gard to his Pretenfions, it was given to a Youth who had never feen the Sea, the Son of Libertina, who waited on one of the Emperor's Miftreffes. Return- ing back to his own Veffel, he was charged with Neg- lect of Duty, and the Ship given to a favourite Page of Publicola, the Vice-Admiral; whereupon he re- tired to a poor Farm, at a great Distance from Rome, and there ended his Life. I was fo curious to know the Truth of this Story, that I defired Agrippa might be called, who was Admiral in that Fight. He appeared, and confirmed the whole Account; but with much more Advantage to the Captain, whofe Modefty had extenuated or concealed a great Part of his Merit. I was furpriſed to find Corruption grown fo high and fo quick in that Empire, by the Force of Luxury fo lately introduced, which made me lefs wonder at many parallel Cafes in other Countries, where Vices of all Kinds have reigned fo much longer, and where the whole Praife, as well as Pillage, hath been engroffed by the chief Commander, who, perhaps, had the leaſt Title to either. As every Perfon called up made exactly the fame Appearance he had done in the World, it gave me melancholy Reflections, to obferve how much the Race of human Kind was degenerate among us, within theſe hundred Years paſt. How the Pox, under all its Con- fequences and Denominations, had altered every Line- ament of an English Countenance; fhortened the Size of Bodies, unbraced the Nerves, relaxed the Sinews 0 24 and 196 A VOYAGE and Muſcles, introduced a fallow Complexion, and ren- dered the Fleſh looſe and rancid. I defcended fo low, as to defire that fome Engliſh Yeomen, of the old Stamp, might be fummoned to ap- pear; once fo famous for the Simplicity of their Man- ners, Diet, and Drefs; for Juftice in their Dealings; for their true Spirit of Liberty; for their Valour and Love of their Country. Neither could I be wholly unmoved, after comparing the Living with the Dead, when I confidered how all theſe pure native Virtues were proſtituted for a Piece of Money by their Grand- children, who, in felling their Votes, and managing at Elections, have acquired every Vice and Corruption that can poffibly be learned in a Court. CHAP. IX. Sails to the The Author's Return to Maldonada. Kingdom of Luggnagg. The Author confined. He is fent for to Court. The Manner of his Admit- tance. The King's great Lenity to his Subjects. HE Day of our Departure being come, I took T Leave of his Highness, the Governor of Glubb- dubdribb, and returned with my two Companions to Maldonada, where, after a Fortnight's Waiting, a Ship was ready to fail for Luggnagg. The two Gen- tlemen, and ſome others, were fo generous and kind, as to furniſh me with Provifions, and fee me on Board. I was a Month in this Voyage. We had one violent Storm, and were under a Neceffity of fteering Welt- ward, to get into the Trade-wind, which holds for a- bove fixty Leagues. On the 21st of April, 1708, we failed in the River Clumegnig, which is a Sea port Town, at the South-eaft Point of Luggnagg. We caft Anchor within a League of the Town, and made a Signal for a Pilot. Two of them came on Board in lefs to LAPUTA, &c. 197 leſs than half an Hour, by whom we were guided be- tween certain Shoals and Rocks, which are very dan- gerous in the Paffage, to a large Bafin, where a Fleet may ride in Safety, within a Cable's Length of the Town Wall. Some of our Sailors, whether out of Treachery or Inadvertence, had informed the Pilots that I was a Stranger and a great Traveller; whereof theſe gave Notice to a Cuftom-houſe Officer, by whom I was exa- mined very ſtrictly upon my Landing. This Officer fpoke to me in the Language of Balnibarbi, which, by the Force of much Commerce, is generally under- flood in that Town, efpecially by Sea-men, and thoſe employed in the Culloms. I gave him a fhort Account of fome Particulars, and made my Story as plaufible and confiftent as I could; but I thought it neceffary to diſguiſe my Country, and call myſelf an Hollander, be- cauſe my Intentions were for Japan, and I knew the Dutch were the only Europeans permitted to enter into that Kingdom. I therefore told the Officer, that ha- ving been fhipwrecked on the Coaft of Balnibarbi, and catt on a Rock, I was received up into Laputa, or the flying Iſland (of which he had often heard) and was now endeavouring to get to Japan, from whence I might find a Convenience of returning to my own Country. The Officer faid, I muſt be confined till he could receive Orders from Court, for which he would write immediately, and hoped to receive an Anſwer in a Fortnight. I was carried to a convenient Lodging, with a Centry placed at the Door; however, I had the Liberty of a large Garden, and was treated with Humanity enough, being maintained all the Time at the King's Charge. I was invited by ſeveral Perſons, chiefly out of Curiofity, becauſe it was reported that I came from Countries very remote, of which they had never heard. I hired a young Man who came in the fame Ship to be an Interpreter; he was a Native of Luggnagg, but had lived fome Years at Maldonada, and was a perfect 0 3 Mafter 198 AVOYAGE Mafter of both Languages. By his Affiftance, I was able to hold a Converſation with thoſe who came to vifit me; but this confifted only of their Queſtions, and my Anſwers. The Difpatch came from Court about the Time we expected. It contained a Warrant for conducting me and my Retinue to Traldragdubb, or Trildrogdrib, for it is pronouned both Ways, as near as I can remember, by a Party of ten Horfe. All my Retinue was that poor Lad for an Interpreter, whom I perfuaded into my Service, and, at my humble Requeft, we had each of us a Mule to ride on. A Meffenger was difpatched half a Day's Journey before us, to give the King No- tice of my Approach, and to defire that his Majefty would pleafe to appoint a Day and Hour, when it would be his gracious Fleafure, that I might have the Honour to lick the Duft before his Foot-flool. This is the Court Style, and I found it to be more than Matter of Form. For, upon my Admittance two Days after my Arrival, I was commanded to crawl on my Belly, and lick the Floor as I advanced; but, on Account of my being a Stranger, Care was taken to have it made ſo clean that the Duft was not offenfive. However, this was a pe- culiar Grace, not allowed to any but Perſons of the higheſt Rank, when they defire an Admittance. Nay, fometimes the Floor is ftrewed with Duſt on Furpoſe, when the Perfon to be admitted happens to have power- ful Enemies at Court. And I have feen a great Lord with his Mouth fo crammed, that, when he had crept to the proper Distance from the Throne, he was not able to ſpeak a Word. Neither is there any Remedy; becauſe it is Capital for thoſe who receive an Audience, to fpit or wipe their Mouths in his Majesty's Prefence. There is, indeed, another Cuſtom, which I cannot al- together approve of: When the King hath a Mind to put any of his Nobles to Death, in a gentle, indulgent Manner, he commands to have the Floor firewed with a certain brown Powder, of a deadly Compofition, which, being licked up, infallibly kills him in twenty- four to LAPUTA, &c. 199 four Hours. But in Juftice to this Prince's great Cle- mency, and the Care he hath of his Subjects Lives (wherein it were much to be wished, that the Monarchs of Europe would imitate him) it must be mentioned for his Honour, that ftrict Orders are given to have the in- fected Parts of the Floor well washed, after every fuch Execution; which if his Domeſtics neglect, they are in Danger of incurring his Royal Diſpleaſure. I myſelf heard him give Directions, that one of his Pages fhould be whipt, whofe Turn it was to give Notice about Waſhing the Floor after an Execution, but malicioufly had omitted it, by which Neglect, a young Lord of great Hopes, coming to an Audience, was unfortunate- ly poisoned, although the King, at that Time, had no Deſign against his Life. But this good Prince was fo gracious, as to forgive the poor Page his Whipping, upon Promiſe that he would do fo no more, without fpe- cial Orders. To return from this Digreffion; when I had crept within four Yards of the Throne, I raiſed myſelf gent- ly upon my Knees, and then, ftriking my Forehead feven Times on the Ground, I pronounced the follow- ing Words, as they had been taught me the Night be- fore, Ickpling Gloffthrobb Squut ferumm blbiop Mlaſh- nalt Zwin thodbalkuffh Slhiophad Gurdiubh Afht. This is the Compliment etabliſhed by the Laws of the Land, for all Perfons admitted to the King's Prefence. It may be rendered into Engliſh thus: May your cæleftial Majesty out live the Sun, eleven Moons and a Half.” To this the King returned fome Anſwer, which although I could not understand, yet I replied as I had been di- reced: Fluft drin Yalerick Dwuldom proftrad mirpuſh, which properly fignifies, My Tongue is in the Mouth of my Friend; and by this Expreffion was meant, that I defired Leave to bring my Interpreter; whereupon the young Man, already mentioned, was accordingly in- troduced, by whofe Intervention, I answered as many Queſtions as his Majefty could put in above an Hour. 04 I spoke 200 A VOYAGE I spoke in the Balnibarnian Tongue, and my Inter preter delivered my Meaning in that of Luggnagg. The King was much delighted with my Company, and ordered his Bliffmarklub, or high Chamberlain, to appoint a Lodging in the Court for me and my Inter- preter, with a daily Allowance for my Table, and a large Purfe of Gold for my common Expences. I ſtayed three Months in this Country, out of perfect Obedience to his Majefly, who was pleafed highly to favour me, and made me very honourable Offers. But I thought it more confiftent with Prudence and Juftice, to paſs the Remainder of my Days with my Wife and Family. CHAP. X. The Luggnuggians commended. A particular De fcription of the Struldbrugs, with many Conver- Jations between the Author and fome eminent Per- fons, upon that Subject. I HE Luggnuggians are a polite and generous Peo- ple, and although they are not without fome Share of that Pride which is peculiar to all Eastern Countries, yet they fhew themfelves courteous to Stran- gers, efpecially fuch who are countenanced by the Court. I had many Acquaintance among Perfons of the beft Faſhion, and being always attended by my Interpreter, the Converſation we had was not difagreeable. One Day, in much good Company, I was afked by a Perſon of Quality, whether I had feen any of their Struldbrugs or Immortals. I faid I had not; and de- fired he would explain to me what he meant by ſuch an Appellation, applied to a mortal Creature. He told me, that fometimes, though very rarely, a Chik hap, pened to be born in a Family with a red circular Spot in the Forehead, directly over the left Eye-brow, which was to LAPUTA, &c. 201 was an infallible Mark, that it fhould never die. The Spot, as he described it, was about the Compafs of a filver Three-pence, but in the Courfe of Time grew larger, and changed its Colour; for at twelve Years old it became green, fo continued till five and twenty, then turned to a deep Blue; at five and forty it grew coal Black, and as large as an English Shilling; but ne- ver admitted any farther Alteration. He faid thefe Births were fo rare, that he did not believe there could be above eleven-hundred Struldbrugs of both Sexes in the whole Kingdom, of which he computed about fifty in the Metropolis, and, among the reft, a young Girl born about three Years ago: That thefe Productions were not peculiar to any Family, but a meer Effect of Chance; and the Children of the Struldbrugs themfelves were equally mortal with the reft of the People. I freely own myſelf to have been ftruck with inex- preffible Delight upon Hearing this Account: And the Perfon who gave it me happening to underſtand the Balnibarbian Language, which I fpoke very well, I could not forbear breaking out into Expreffions, per- haps, a little to extravagant. I cried out, as in a Rap. ture: Happy Nation, where every Child hath at leaſt a Chance for being immortal! Happy People, who en- joy fo many living Examples of ancient Virtue, and have Matters ready to inftruct them in the Wiſdom of all former Ages! But, happieft beyond all Compariſon are thofe excellent Struldbrugs, who, born exempt from that univerfal Calamity of human Nature, have their Minds free and difingaged, without the Weight and Depreffion of Spirits caufed by the continual Appre- henfion of Death. I diſcovered my Admiration, that I had not obferved any of theſe illuſtrious Perſons at Court; the black Spot on the Fore-head being fo re- markable a Diſtinction, that I could not have eafily overlooked it: And it was impoffible that his Majefty, a moft judicious Prince, fhould not provide himfelf with a good Number of fuch wife and able Counſellors. Yet perhaps the Virtue of thofe reverend Sages was too 202 AVOYAGE too ftrict for the corrupt and libertine Manners of a Court. And we often find by Experience, that young Men are too opinionative and volatile, to be guided by the fober Dictates of their Seniors. However, fince the King was pleafed to allow me Acceſs to his Royal Perfon, I was refolved, upon the very first Occafion, to deliver my Opinion to him on this Matter freely, and at large, by the Help of my Interpreter; and whether he would pleaſe to take my Advice or no, yet in one Thing I was determined, that, his Majefty having fre- quently offered me an Ellablishment in this Country, I would with great Thankfulnefs accept the Favour, and pafs my Life here in the Converfation of thofe fupe- rior Beings, the Struldbrugs, if they would pleaſe to ad- mit me. The Gentleman to whom I addreffed my Difcourfe, becaufe (as I have already obferved) he spoke the Lan- guage of Balnibarbi, faid to me with a Sort of a Smile, which ufually arifeth from Pity to the Ignorant, that he was glad of any Occafion to keep me among them, and defired my Permiffion to explain to the Company what I had spoke. He did fo, and they talked toge- ther for fome Time in their own Language, whereof I underfood not a Syllable, neither could I obferve by their Countenances, what Impreffion my Difcourſe had made on them. After a thort Silence, the fame Perfon told me, that his Friends and mine (fo he thought fit to exprefs himself) were very much pleafed with the judicious Remarks I had made on the great Happineſs and Advantages of immortal Life, and they were defi- rous to know in a particular Manner, what Scheme of Living I fhould have formed to myfelf, if it had fallen to my Lot to have been born a Struldbrug. I answered, it was eafy to be cloquent on fo copious. and delightful a Subje&, eſpecially to me, who have been often apt to amufe myſelf with Vifions of what I fhould do, if I were a King, a General, or a great Lord : And, upon this very Cafe, I had frequently run over the to LAPUTA, &c. 203 the whole Syſtem how I fhould employ myfelf, and pafs the Time, if I were fure to live for ever. That, if it had been my good Fortune to come in- to the World a Struldbrug, as ſoon as I could diſcover my own Happinefs, by underſtanding the Difference between Life and Death, I would first refolve, by all Arts and Methods what foever, to procure myſelf Riches. In the Purſuit of which, by Thrift and Ma- nagement, I might reaſonably expect, in about two- hundred Years, to be the wealthieſt Man in the King- dom. In the fecond Place, I would from my ear- lieft Youth, apply myfelf to the Study of Arts and Sciences, by which I fhould arrive in Time to exc 1 all others in Learning. Lastly, I would care fully re- cord every Action and Event of Confequence that happened in the Public, impartially draw the Cha- racters of the feveral Succeffions of Princes, and great Minifters of State, with my own Obfervations on eve- ry Point. I would exactly fet down the feveral Changes in Cuftoms, Language, Fafhions of Drefs, Diet and Diverfions. By all which Acquirements, I fhould be a living Treafury of Knowledge and Wif- dom, and certainly become the Oracle of the Na- tion. I would never marry after threefcore, but live in an hofpitable Manner, yet ftill on the faving Side. I would entertain myfelf in forming and directing the Minds of hopeful young Men, by convincing them. from my own Remembrance, Experience, and Ob- fervation, fortified by numerous Examples, of the Ufe- fulness of Virtue in public and private Life. But my choice and conflant Companions fhould be a Set of my own immortal Brotherhood, among whom I would elect a Dozen from the moft Ancient, down to my own Contemporaries. Where any of thefe wanted Fortunes, I would provide them with convenient Lodges round my own Eftate, and have fome of them always at my Table, only mingling a few of the moſt valuable among you Mortals, whom Length of Time would 204 AVOYAGE would harden me to lofe, with little or no Reluctance, and treat your Pofterity after the fame Manner; juſt as a Man diverts himſelf with the annual Succeffion of Pinks and Tulips in his Garden, without regretting the Lofs of thofe which withered the preceding Year. Thefe Struldbrugs and I would mutually commu- nicate our Obſervations, and Memorials through the Courſe of Time; remark the feveral Gradations by which Corruption fteals into the World, and oppofe it in every Step, by giving perpetual Warning and In- ftruction to Mankind; which, added to the Itrong In- fluence of our own Example, would probably prevent that continual Degeneracy of human Nature, ſo juſt- ly complained of in all Ages, Add to all this, the Pleaſure of feeing the various Revolutions of States and Empires; the Changes in the lower and upper World; ancient Cities in Ruins, and obfcure Villages become the Seats of Kings; fa- mous Rivers leffening into fhallow Brooks; the Ocean leaving one Coaſt dry, and overwhelming another; the Discovery of many Countries yet unknown. Bar-. barity over-running the politeft Nations, and the most barbarous become civilized. I fhould then fee the Diſcovery of the Longitude, the perpetual Motion, the univerfal Medicine, and many other great Inventions, brought to the utmoſt Perfection. What wonderful Difcoveries fhould we make in A- ftronomy, by out-living and confirming our own Pre- dictions, by obferving the Progrefs and Returns of Comets, with the Changes of Motion in the Sun, Moon, and Stars. I enlarged upon many other Topics, which the natural Defire of endleſs Life, and fublunary Happi- nefs, could eafily furnish me with. When I had ended, and the Sum of my Difcourfe had been in- terpreted, as before, to the reft of the Company, there was a good Deal of Talk among them in the Language of the Country, not without fome Laughter at my Expence. At laft, the fame Gentleman, who had to LAPUTA, &c. 105 had been my Interpreter, faid, he was defired, by the reft, to fet me right in a few Miſtakes, which I had fallen into, through the common Imbecillity of hu- man Nature, and, upon that Allowance, was lefs an- fwerable for them. That this Breed of Struldbrugs was peculiar to their Country, for there were no fuch Peo- ple, either in Balnibarbi or Japan, where he had the Honour to be Ambaffador from his Majefty, and found the Natives in both thefe Kingdoms very hard to believe, that the Fact was poffible; and it appeared from my Astonishment, when he first mentioned the Matter to me, that I received it as a Thing wholly new, and ſcarcely to be credited. That in the two Kingdoms above mentioned, where, during his Refi- dence, he had converfed very much, he obferved long Life to be the univerfal Defire and Wiſh of Mankind. That whoever had one Foot in the Grave, was fure to hold back the other as strongly as he could. That the Oldeft had ftill Hopes of living one Day longer, and looked on Death as the greatest Evil, from which Na- ture always prompted him to retreat; only in this Ifland of Luggnagg, the Appetite for Living was not fo eager, from the continual Example of the Struld- brugs before their Eyes. That the Syftem of Living, contrived by me, was unreaſonable and unjust, becauſe it fuppofed a Perpe- tuity of Youth, Health, and Vigour, which no Man could be fo foolish to hope, however extravagant he may be in his Wifhes. That the Queftion therefore was not whether a Man would chufe to be always in the Prime of Youth, attended with Profperity and Health; but how he would pafs a perpetual Life un- der all the ufual Difadvantages which old Age brings along with it. For although few Men will avow their Defires of being immortal upon fuch hard Conditions, yet in the two Kingdoms before mentioned, of Balni- barbi and Japan, he obſerved, that every Man defired to put off Death, for fometime longer, let it approach ever fo late; and he rarely heard of any Man who di- ed 206 A VOYAGE ed willingly, except he were incited by the Extremi- ty of Grief or Torture. And he appealed to me, whe- ther in thoſe Countries I had travelled, as well as my own, I had not obſerved the fame general Difpofition. After this Preface, he gave me a particular Account of the Struldbrugs among them. He faid they com- monly acted like Mortals, till about thirty Years old, after which, by Degrees, they grew melancholy and dejected, encreafing in both till they came to Four- fcore. This he learned from their own Confeffion; for otherwiſe, there not being above two or three of that Species born in an Age, they were too few to form a general Obfervation by. When they came to fourſcore Years, which is reckoned the Extremity of living in this Country, they had not only all the Follies and Infirmities of other old Men, but many more, which arofe from the dreadful Profpects of never dying. They were not only opinionative, pee- vish, covetous, morofe, vain, talkative; but incapa- ble of Friendship, and dead to all natural Affection, which never defcended below their Grand-children. Envy and impotent Defires are their prevailing Paf- fions. But thofe Objects, againſt which their Envy feems principally directed, are the Vices of the younger Sort, and the Deaths of the old. By reflecting on the former, they find themfelves cut off from all Pof- fibility of Pleafure; and whenever they ſee a Funeral, they lament and repine that others are gone to an Har- bour of Reft, to which they themselves never can hope to arrive. They have no Remembrance of any Thing but what they learned and obferved in their Youth, and middle Age, and even that is very im- perfect. And, for the Truth or Particulars of any Fact, it is fafer to depend on common Traditions, than upon their beſt Recollections. The leaſt miferable among them appear to be thofe who turn to Dotage, and intirely loſe their Memories; thefe meet with more Pity and Affittance, becauſe they want many bad Qualities, which abound in others. If to LAPUTA, &c. 207 If a Struldbrug happen to marry one of his own Kind, the Marriage is diffolved of Courſe, by the Courtesy of the Kingdom, as foon as the younger of the two comes to be fourfcore. For the Law thinks it reaſonable Indulgence, that thoſe who are condemn- .ed, without any Fault of their own, to a perpetual Continuance in the World, fhould not have their Mi- fery doubled by the Load of a Wife. As foon as they have compleated the Term of eigh- ty Years, they are looked on as dead in Law; their Heirs immediately fucceed to their Eftates, only a ſmall Pittance is reſerved for their Support; and the poor ones are maintained at the Public Charge. Af- ter that Period, they are held incapable of any Em- ployment of Truft or Profit, they cannot purchaſe Lands, or take Leafes, neither are they allowed to be Witneffes in any Caufe, either Civil or Criminal, not even for the Decifion of Meers and Bounds. At Ninety they lofe their Teeth and Hair; they have at that Age no Diſtinction of Tafte, but eat and drink whatever they can get, without Relish or Appetite. 'The Diſeaſes they were fubject to ftill continue, with- out Encreafing or Diminishing. In Talking, they for- get the common Appellation of Things, and the Names of Perfons, even of thoſe who are their neareſt Friends and Relations. For the fame Reaſon they never can amufe themſelves with Reading, becauſe their Me- mory will not ferve to carry them from the Begin- ning of a Sentence to the End; and, by this Detect, they are deprived of the only Entertainment, whereof they might otherwife be capable. The Language of this Country being always upon the Flux, the Struldbrugs of one Age do not under- ftand thofe of another; neither are they able, after two-hundred Years, to hold any Converfation (farther than by a few general Words) with their Neighbours, the Mortals; and thus they lie under the Diſadvan- tage of living like Foreigners in their own Country. This 208 AVOYAGE This was the Account given me of the Struldbrugss as near as I can remember. I afterwards faw five or fix of different Ages, the youngest not above two- hundred Years old, who were brought to me at fe- veral Times by fome of my Friends; but although they were told that I was a great Traveller, and had feen all the World, they had not the leaft Curiofity to afk me a Queftion; only defired I would give them Slumfkudafk, or a Token of Remembrance; which is a modell Way of Begging, to avoid the Law that ftric- ly forbids it, becauſe they are provided for by the Pub- lic, although, indeed, with a very fcanty Allowance. They are defpifed and hated by all Sorts of Peo- ple; when one of them is born, it is reckoned omi- nous, and their Birth is recorded very particular; ſo that you may know their Age, by confulting the Re- gifter; which, however, hath not been kept above a thousand Years paft, or, at leaft, hath been destroyed by Time, or public Diſturbances. But the ufual Way of computing, how old they are, is, by afkirg them what Kings or great Perfons they can remember, and then confulting Hiftory; for, infallibly, the laft Prince in their Mind did not begin his Reign after they were fourfcore Years old. They were the most mortifying Sight I ever beheld; and the Women more horrible than the Men. Be- fides the ufual Deformities in extreme old Age, they acquired an additional Ghaftlinefs, in Proportion to their Number of Years, which is not to be defcribed; and, among half a Dozen, I foon diſtinguiſhed which was the eldeft, although there was not above a Cen- tury or two between them. The Reader will eafily believe, that, from what I had heard and feen, my keen Appetite for Perpetuity of Life was much abated. I grew heartily aſhamed of the pleafing Viſions I had formed; and thought no Tyrant could invent a Death into which I would not run with Pleaſure from fuch a Life. The King heard of all that had paffed between me and my Friends up- on. to LAPUTA, &c. 209 on this Occafion, and rallied me very pleafantly; wishing I would fend a Couple of Struldbrugs to my own Country, to arm our People against the Fear of Death; but this, it feems is forbidden, by the funda- mental Laws of the Kingdom, or elſe I ſhould have been well content with the Trouble and Expence of tranſporting them. I could not but agree that the Laws of this King- dom, relating to the Struldbrugs, were founded upon the ſtrongeſt Reafons, and fuch as any other Country would be under the Neceffity of enacting in the like Circumstances. Otherwife, as Avarice is the neceffa- ry Confequent of old Age, thofe Immortals would in Time become Proprietors of the whole Nation, and engrofs the Civil Power; which, for Want of Abili- ties to manage, muſt end in the Ruin of the Public. CHA P. XI. The Author leaves Luggnagg, and fails to Japan. From thence he returns in a Dutch Ship to Am- fterdam, and from Amfterdam to England. I Thought this Account of the Struldbrugs might be fome Entertainment to the Reader, becauſe it ſeems to be a little out of the common Way; at leaſt, I do not remember to have met the like in any Book of Travels that hath come to my Hands: And, if I am deceived, my Excufe must be, that it is neceffary for Travellers, who defcribe the fame Country, very of ten to agree in dwelling on the fame Particulars, with- out deferving the Cenfure of having borrowed or tranſcribed from thoſe who wrote before them. There is, indeed, a perpetual Commerce between this Kingdom and the great Empire of Japan; and it is very probable, that the Japanese Authors may have given fome Account of the Struldbrugs; but my Stay in Japan was fo fhort, and I was fo intirely a Stranger to that Language, that I was not qualified to make any Enquiries. But I hope the Dutch, upon P this 210 AVOYAGE this Notice, will be curious and able enough to fup- ply my Defects. His Majefty having often preffed me to accept fome Employment in his Court, and finding me abfolutely determined to return to my Native Country, was pleaſed to give me his Licence to depart, and honour- ed me with a Letter of Recommendation, under his own Hand, to the Emperor of Japan. He likewiſe prefented me with Four-hundred Forty-four large. Pieces of Gold (this Nation delighting in even Num- bers) and a red Diamond, which I fold in England for eleven-hundred Pounds. On the 6th Day of May, 1709, I took a folemn Leave of his Majefty, and all my Friends. This Prince was fo gracious, as to order a Guard to con- duct me to Glanguenftald, which is a Royal Port to the South-west Part of the Ifland. In fix Days I found a Veffel ready to carry me to Japan, and ſpent fifteen Days in the Voyage. We landed at a fmall Port- Town called Xamofchi, fituated on the South-eaft Part of Japan; the Town lies on the Weſtern Point, where there is a narrow Streight, leading Northward into a long Arm of the Sea, upon the North-weſt Part of which, Yedo, the Metropolis, ftands. At Landing I fhewed the Custom- house Officers my Letter from the King of Luggnagg to his Imperial Majefty. They knew the Seal perfectly well, it was as broad as the Palm of my Hand. The Impreffion was, A King lifting up a lame Beggar from the Earth. The Magiftrates of the Town, hearing of my Letter, received me as a Public Miniſter; they pro- vided me with Carriages and Servants, and bore my Charges to redo, where I was admitted to an Audi- ence, and delivered my Letter, which was opened with great Ceremony, and explained to the Emperor by an Interpreter, who gave me Notice, by his Majefty's Or- der, that I fhould fignify my Request, and, whatever it were, it fhould be granted, for the Sake of his Royal Brother of Luggnagg. This Interpreter was a Perfon employed to tranfact Affairs with the Hollanders; he foon conjectured by my Countenance, that I was an Eu- to LAPUTA, &c. 211 European, and therefore repeated his Majefty's Com- mands in Low Dutch, which he spoke perfectly well. I anſwered (as I had before determined) that I was a Dutch Merchant, fhipwrecked in a very remote Coun- try, from whence I had travelled by Sea and Land to Luggnagg, and then took Shipping for Japan, where I knew my Countrymen often traded, and with fome of theſe I hoped to get an Opportunity of returning into Europe: I therefore most humbly entreated his Royal Favour to give Order, that I ſhould be conducted in Safety to Nangafac: To this I added another Petition, that, for the Sake of my Patron, the King of Luggnagg, his Majesty would condefcend to excufe my perform- ing the Ceremony impofed on my Countrymen, of Trampling upon the Crucifix; becauſe I had been thrown into his Kingdom by my Misfortunes, without any In- tention of Trading. When this latter Petition was in- terpreted to the Emperor, he ſeemed a little furpriſed; and faid, he believed I was the first of my Countrymen, who ever made any Scruple in this Point; and that he began to doubt whether I was a real Hollander, or no; but rather fufpected I must be a Chriftian. However, for the Reaſons, I had offered, but chiefly to gratify the King of Luggnagg, by an uncommon Mark of his Favour, he would comply with the Singularity of my Humour; but the Affair muſt be managed with Dex- terity, and his Officers fhould be commanded to let me pafs, as it were, by Forgetfulneſs. For he affured me, that if the Secret ſhould be diſcovered by my Country- men, the Dutch, they would cut my Throat in the Voyage. I returned my Thanks, by the Interpreter, for fo unufual a Favour; and, fome Troops being at that Time on their March to Nangafac, the command- ing Officer had Orders to convey me fafe thither, with particular Inftructions about the Bufinefs of the Crucifix.] On the 9th Day of June, 1709, I arrived at Nan- gafac, after a very long and troubleſome Journey. I foon fell into Company of fome Dutch Sailors belong- ing to the Amboyna of Amfterdam, a ftout Ship of 450 P 2 Tons; 212 AVOYAGE, &c. Tons. I had lived long in Holland, purfuing my Studies at Leyden, and I ſpoke Dutch well. The Sea- men foon knew from whence I came laft; they were curious to enquire into my Voyages, and Courſe of Life. I made up a Story as fhort and probable as I could, but concealed the greateſt Part. I knew many Perfons in Holland; I was able to invent Names for my Parents, whom I pretended to be obfcure People in the Province of Gelderland. I would have given the Captain (one Theodorus Vangrult) what he pleaſed to afk for my Voyage to Holland; but, underſtanding I was a Surgeon, he was contented to take half the ufual Rate, on Condition that I would ferve him in the Way of my Calling. Before we took Shipping, I was often afked by fome of the Crew, whether I had performed the Ceremony above-mentioned? I evaded the Quef- tion by general Anſwers, that I had fatisfied the Em- peror, and Court, in all Particulars. However, a ma- licious Rogue of a Skipper went to an Officer, and, pointing to me, told him, I had not yet trampled on the Crucifix: But the other, who had received Inftruc- tions to let me paſs, gave the Rafcal twenty Strokes on the Shoulders with a Bamboo; after which, I was no more troubled with ſuch Queſtions. Nothing happened worth mentioning in this Voyage. We failed with a fair Wind to the Cape of Good Hope, where we ftaid only to take in freſh Water. On the 16th of April, we arrived ſafe at Amfterdam, having loft only three Men by Sickneſs in the Voyage, and a fourth who fell from the Fore maft into the Sea, not far from the Coalt of Guinea. From Amfterdam, [ foon after fet Sail for England, in a ſmall Veffel belong- ing to that City. On the 10th of April, 1710, we put in at the Downs. I landed next Morning, and faw once more my na- tive Country, after an Abſence of five Years and fix Months compleat. I went ftrait to Redriff, where I arrived the fame Day at Two in the Afternoon, and found my Wife and Family in good Health. The End of the Third Part. Plate VI. Part IV. Page 213. Nuyts Land 1.St Pieter. Edels Land. Lewins Land, 1. S.Francoi. HOUYHNHNMS LAND. Diſcovered AD.171. Swecs]. 1.Madjuyker. DeWits T [ 213 ] TRAVEL S. PART. IV. A VOYAGE to the Country of the HoUY HN HN M S. CHAP. I. The Author fets out as Captain of a Ship. His Men confpire against him, confine him a long Time to his Cabbin. Set him on Shore in an un- known Land. He travels up into the Country. The Yahoos, a Strange Sort of Animal, de- fcribed. The Author meets two Houyhnhnms. I Continued at Home with my Wife and Children about five Months, in a very happy Condition, if I could have learned the Leffon of knowing when I was well. I left my poor Wife big with Child, and accepted an advantageous Offer made me, to be Cap- tain of the Adventure, a ftout Merchant-man, of 350 Tuns: For I underſtood Navigation well, and being grown weary of a Surgeon's Employment at Sea, which, however, I could exercife upon Occafion, I took a ſkilful young Man of that Calling, one Robert Purefoy, into my Ship. We fet Sail from Portsmouth upon the 2d Day of August, 1710; on the 14th, we met with Captain Pocock, of Bristol, at Tenariff, who was going to the Bay of Campechy, to cut Logwood. On the 16th, he was parted from us by a Storm; I heard, fince my Return, that his Ship foundered, and P 3 nong 214 AVOYAGE none eſcaped, but one Cabbin-boy. He was an ho- neſt Man, and a good Sailor, but a little too pofitive in his own Opinions, which was the Cauſe of his De- ſtruction, as it hath been of ſeveral others. For, if he had followed my Advice, he might have been fafe at Home with his Family at this Time, as well as my- felf. I had ſeveral Men died in my Ship of Calentures, fo that I was forced to get Recruits out of Barbadoes, and the Leeward Iſlands, where I touched, by the Direction of the Merchants who employed me; which I had foon too much Caufe to repent; for I found afterwards, that moſt of them had been Bucaneers. I had fifty Hands on Board, and my Orders were, that I fhould trade with the Indians, in the South-Sca, and make what Diſcoveries I could. Thefe Rogues, whom I had picked up, debauched my other Men, and they all formed a Confpiracy to feize the Ship, and fecure me; whch they did one Morning, rufhing into my Cabbin, and binding me Hand and Foot, threatening to throw me over-board, if I offered to flir. I told them, I was their Priſoner, and would fubmit. This they made me fwear to do, and then they unbound me, only faſtening one of my Legs with a Chain near my Bed, and placed a Centry at my Door with his Piece charged, who was commanded to fhoot me dead, if I attempted my Liberty. They fent me down Victuals and Drink, and took the Government of the Ship to themſelves. Their Defign was to turn Pyrates, and plunder the Spaniards, which they could not do, till they got more Men. But first they reſolved to fell the Goods in the Ship, and then go to Madagaſcar for Recruits, feveral among them having died fince my Confinement. They failed many Weeks, and traded with the Indians; but I knew not what Courſe they took, being kept a clofe Prifoner in my Cabbin, and expecting nothing lefs than to be murdered, as they often threatened me. Upon to the HOUYHNHNMS. 215 Upon the 9th Day of May, 1711, one James Welch came down to my Cabbin, and faid he had Orders from the Captain, to fet me a-fhore. I expoftulated with him, but in vain; neither would he ſo much as tell me who their new Captain was. They forced me into the Long boat, letting me put on my beft Suit of Cloaths, which were as good as new, and a ſmall Bundle of Linnen, but no Arms, except my Hanger; and they were ſo civil as not to fearch my Pockets, in- to which I conveyed what Money I had, with fome other little Neceffaries. They rowed about a League; and then fet me down on a Strand. I defired them to tell me, what Country it was. They all fwore, they knew no more than myſelf, but faid, that the Captain (as they called him) was refolved, after they had fold the Lading, to get rid of me in the firſt Place, where they could difcover Land. They puſhed off immedi- ately, advifing me to make Hafte, for fear of being overtaken by the Tide, and fo bad me Farewel. In this defolate Condition I advanced forward, and foon got upon firm Ground, where I fat down on a Bank to reſt myſelf, and confider what I had beſt to do. When I was a little refreshed, I went up into the Coun- try, refolving to deliver myſelf to the firft Savages I fhould meet, and purchafe my Life from them, by fome Bracelets, glafs Rings, and other Toys, which Sailors ufually provide themſelves with in thofe Voy- ages, and whereof I had fome about me: The Land was divided by long Rows of Trees, not regularly planted, but naturally growing; there was great Plen- ty of Graſs, and ſeveral Fields of Oats. I walked ve- ry circumfpecly, for fear of being ſurpriſed, or fud- denly fhot with an Arrow from behind, or on either Side. I fell into a beaten Road, where I faw many Tracts of human Feet, and fome of Cows, but moſt of Horfes. At laft I beheld feveral Animals in a Field, and one or two of the fame Kind fitting in Trees. Their Shape was very fingular, and deformed, which a little difcompofed me, fo that I lay down behind a PA Thicket 216 AVOYAGE Thicket to obferve them better. Some of them, com- ing forward near the Place where I lay, gave me an Opportunity of diftinctly marking their Form. Their Heads and Breafts were covered with a thick Hair, fome frizled, and others lank; they had Beards like Goats, and a long Ridge of Hair down their Backs, and the Fore-parts of their Legs and Feet; but the reft of their Bodies were bare, fo that I might fee their Skins, which were of a brown buff Colour. They had no Tails, nor any Hair at all on their Buttocks, except about the Anus; which, I prefume, Nature had placed there, to defend them as they fat on the Ground; for this Pofture they ufed, as well as Lying down, and often ſtood on their hind Feet. They climbed high Trees, as nimbly as a Squirrel, for they had ftrong extended Claws before and behind, termi- nating in ſharp Points, and hooked. They would of- ten ſpring, and bound, and leap with prodigious Agi- lity. The Females were not fo large as the Males; they had long lank Hair on their Heads, but none on their Faces, nor any Thing more than a Sort of Down on the rest of their Bodies, except about the Anus, and Pudenda. Their Dugs hung between their Fore-feet, and often reached almoft to the Ground as they walk- ed. The Hair of both Sexes was of feveral Colours, brown, red, black, and yellow. Upon the Whole, I never beheld, in all my Travels, fo difagreeable an A- nimal, nor one againſt which I naturally conceived ſo ftrong an Antipathy. So that thinking I had feen e- nough, full of Contempt and Averfion, I got up, and purſued the beaten Road, hoping it might direct me to the Cabbin of fome Indian. I had not got far, when I met one of theſe Creatures full in my Way, and coming up directly to me. The ugly Monfter, when he faw me, distorted feveral Ways every Feature of his Vifage, and ftared as at an Object he had never feen before; then, approaching nearer, lifted up his Fore-paw, whether out of Curiofity or Miſchief, I could not tell. But I drew my Hanger, and gave him a good to the HOUYHNHNM S. ziz a good Blow with the flat Side of it, for I durft not ftrike with the Edge, fearing the Inhabitants might be provoked against me, if they fhould come to know, that I had killed or maimed any of their Cattle. When the Beaſt felt the Smart, he drew back, and roared fo loud, that a Herd, of at leaſt forty, came flocking a- bout me from the next Field, houling and making o- dious Faces; but I ran to the Body of a Tree, and, leaning my Back against it, kept them off, by waving my Hanger. Several of this curfed Brood getting hold of the Branches behind, leapt up into the Tree, from. whence they began to diſcharge their Excrements on my Head: However, I eſcaped pretty well, by fticking cloſe to the Stem of the Tree, but was almoft ftifled with the Filth, which fell about me on every Side. In the Midst of this Diftrefs, I obferved them all to run away on a fudden as faſt as they could, at which I ventured to leave the Tree, and purſue the Road, wondering what it was that could put them into this Fright. But, looking on my left Hand, I faw a Horfe walking foftly in the Field; which my Perfecutors ha- ving fooner difcovered, was the Cauſe of their Flight. The Horfe ftarted a little when he came near me, but, foon recovering himſelf, looked full in my Face, with manifeſt Tokens of Wonder: He viewed my Hands and Feet, walking round me feveral Times. I would have purfued my Journey, but he placed himſelf direct- ly in the Way, yet looking with a very mild Afpe&t, never offering the leaft Violence. We ftood gazing at each other for fome Time; at laft I took the Boldneſs to reach my Hand towards his Neck, with a Defign to ftroak it, using the common Style and Whiſtle of Joc- kies, when they are going to handle a ſtrange Horſe. But this Animal feemned to receive my Civilities with Difdain, fhook his Head, and bent his Brows, foftly raifing up his right Fore foot to remove my Hand. Then he neighed three or four Times, but in fo different a Cadence, that I almoft began to think he was ſpeak- ing to himſelf in fome Language of his own. While 218 AVOYAGE While he and I were thus employed, another Horfe came up; who, applying himſelf to the firft in a very formal Manner, they gently ftruck each other's right Hoof before, Neighing feveral Times by Turns, and varying the Sound, which feemed to be almoſt articulate, They went fome Paces off, as if it were to confer toge- ther, walking Side by Side, backward and forward, like Perfons deliberating upon fome Affair of Weight, but often turning their Eyes towards me, as it were to watch that I might not efcape. I was amazed to ſee fuch Actions and Behaviour in Brute Beafts; and con- cluded with myſelf, that if the Inhabitants of this Coun- try were indued with a proportionable Degree of Rea- fon, they muſt needs be the wife People upon Earth. This Thought gave me fo much Comfort, that I re- folved to go forward, until I could diſcover fome Houſe or Village, or meet with any of the Natives; leaving the two Horfes to difcourfe together as they pleafed. But the first, who was a Dapple-grey, obferving me to fteal off, neighed after me in fo expreffive a Tone, that I fancied myſelf to underſtand what he meant ; whereupon I turned back, and came near him, to ex- pect his farther Commands; but concealing my Fear as much as I could; for I began to be in fome Pain, how this Adventure might terminate; and the Reader will eaſily believe I did not much like my preſent Situ- ation. The two Horſes came up cloſe to me, looking with great Earnestnefs upon my Face and Hands. The grey Steed rubbed my Hat all round with his right Fore-hoof, and difcompofed it fo much, that I was forced to adjust it better, by taking it off, and fettling it again; whereat both he and his Companion (who was a brown Bay) appeared to be much furpriſed; the latter felt the Lappet of my Coat, and, finding it to hang loofe about me, they both looked with Signs of Wonder. He flroaked my right Hand, feeming to ad- mire the Softnefs, and Colour; but he ſqueezed it ſo hard between his Hoof and his Paftern, that I was forced to the HOUYHNHNM S. 219 forced to roar; after which, they both touched me with all poffible Tenderneſs. They were under great Perplexity about my Shoes and Stockings, which they felt very often, neighing to each other, and ufing va- rious Geſtures, not unlike thofe of a Philofopher, when he would attempt to folve fome new and difficult Phæ- nomenon. Upon the Whole, the Behaviour of theſe Animals was ſo orderly and rational, ſo acute and judicious, that I at laſt concluded, they must needs be Magicians, who had thus metamorphofed themſelves upon fome Defign, and, feeing a Stranger in the Way, was refolved to divert themſelves with him; or, perhaps, were really amazed at the Sight of a Man fo very different in Habit, Feature, and Complexion, from thofe who might probably live in fo remote a Climate. Upon the Strength of this Reafoning, I ventured to addrefs them in the following Manner: Gentlemen, if you be Conjurers, as I have good Cauſe to believe, you can underſtand any Language; therefore, I make bold to let your Worſhips know, that I am a poor diſtreſſed Englishman, driven by his Misfortunes upon your Coaft, and I entreat one of you, to let me ride upon his Back, as if he were a real Horſe, to fome Houfe or Village, where I can be relieved. In Return of which Favour, I will make you a Preſent of this Knife and Bracelet (taking them out of my Pocket). The two Creatures food filent while I fpoke, feeming to liften with great Attention; and, when I had ended, they neighed fre- quently towards each other, as if they were engaged in ferious Converfation. I plainly obferved, that their Language expreffed the Paffions very well, and the Words might with little Pains be refolved into an Al- phabet, more eaſily than the Chineſe. I could frequently distinguish the Word Yahoo, which was repeated by each of them feveral Times; and, al- though it was impoffible for me to conjecture what it meant, yet, while the two Horfes were bufy in Con- verfation, I endeavoured to practife this Word upon my 220 AVOYAGE my Tongue; and, as foon as they were filent, I bold- ly pronounced Yahoo, in a loud Voice, imitating, at the fame Time, as near as I could, the Neighing of a Horfe; at which they were both vifibly furprifed, and the Grey repeated the fame Word twice, as if he meant to teach me the right Accent, wherein I fpoke after him as well as I could, and found myſelf percei- vably to improve every Time, though very far from. any Degree of Perfection. Then the Bay tried me with a fecond Word, much harder to be pronounced; but, reducing it to the English Orthography, may be fpelt thus, Houyhnhnm. I did not fucceed in this, fo well as the former; but, after two or three farther Trials, I had better Fortune; and they both appeared amazed at my Capacity. After fome farther Difcourfe, which I then conjec- tured might relate to me, the two Friends took their Leaves, with the fame Compliment of ftriking each other's Hoof; and the Grey made me Signs that I fhould walk before him; wherein I thought it prudent to comply, till I could find a better Director. When I offered to flacken my Pace, he would cry Hhuun, Hhuun; I gueffed his Meaning, and gave him to un- derſtand, as well as I could, that I was weary, and not able to walk fafter; upon which, he would ſtand a while to let me reſt. CHA P. II. The Author conducted by a Houyhnhnm to his Houſe. The Houfe defcribed. The Author's Reception. The Food of the Houyhnhnms. The Author in Diftrefs for Want of Meat, is at laſt relieved. His Manner of Feeding in this Country. HA Aving travelled about three Miles, we came to a long Kind of Building, made of Timber, ſtuck to the Ground, and wattled a-crofs; the Roof was low, and to the HOUYHNHNMS. 228 and covered with Straw. I now began to be a little comforted; and took out fome Toys, which Travellers ufually carry for Prefents to the favage Indians of Ame- rica, and other Parts, in Hopes the People of the Houfe would be thereby encouraged to receive me kindly. The Horfe made me a Sign to go in first; it was a large Room with a ſmooth clay Flocr, and a Rack and Man- ger, extending the whole Length on one Side. There were three Nags, and two Mares not eating, but fome of them fitting down upon their Hams, which I ve y much wondered at; but wondered more to ſee the reft employed in domeftic Buſineſs: Theſe feemed but ordi- nary Cattle; however, this confirmed my firft Opinion, that a People, who could fo far civilize brute Animals, muft needs excel in Wifdom all the Nations of the World. The Grey came in juft after, and thereby prevented any ill Treatment, which the others might have given me. He neighed to them feveral Times in a Style of Authority, and received Anſwers. Beyond this Room there were three others, reaching the Length of the Houfe, to which you paffed through three Doors, oppoſite to each other, in the Manner of a Vifta; we went through the fecond Room towards the third; here the Grey walked in first, beckoning me to attend; I waited in the fecond Room, and got ready my Prefents for the Maſter and Miſtreſs of the Houſe: They were two Knives, three Bracelets of falfe Pearl, a fmall Looking-glafs, and a Bead Necklace. The Horfe neighed three or four Times, and I waited to hear fome Anſwers in a human Voice, but I obferred no other Returns, than in the fame Dialect, only one or two a little thriller than his. I began to think that this Houſe muſt belong to fome Perſon of great Note a- mong them, becauſe there appeared fo much Ceremony, before I could gain Admittance. But, that a Man of Quality fhould be ferved all by Horfes, was beyond my Comprehenfion. I feared my Brain was difturbed by my Sufferings and Misfortunes: I roufed myfelf, and looked about me in the Room where I was left alone; this 222 AVOYAGE this was furniſhed like the firft, only after a more ele- gant Manner. I rubbed my Eyes often, but the fame Objects ftill occurred. I pinched my Arms and Sides, to awake myſelf, hoping I might be in a Dream. I then abfolutely concluded, that all thefe Appearances could be nothing elfe but Necromancy and Magic. But I had no Time to purſue theſe Reflections; for the Grey Horſe came to the Door, and made me a Sign to follow him into the third Room; where I faw a very comely Mare, together with a Colt and Fole, fitting on their Haunches, upon Matts of Straw, not unartfully made, and perfectly neat and clean. The Mare, foon after my Entrance, rofe from her Matt, and coming up cloſe, after having nicely obſerved my Hands and Face, gave me a molt contemptuous Look; then, turning to the Horſe, I heard the Word Yahoo often repeated betwixt them; the Meaning of which Word I could not then comprehend, although it were the firſt I had learned to pronounce; but I was foon better informed, to my everlaſting Mortification: For the Horfe beckoning to me with his Head, and re- peating the Word Hhuun, Hhuun, as he did upon the Road, which I underſtood was to attend him, led me out into a Kind of Court, where was another Building at fome Diſtance from the Houfe. Here we entered, and I faw three of thoſe deteftable Creatures, whom I first met after my Landing, feeding upon Roots, and the Flesh of fome Animals, which I afterwards found to be that of Affes and Dogs, and now and then a Cow dead by Accident or Difeafe. They were all tied by the Neck with ſtrong Wyths, faſtened to a Beam; they held their Food between the Claws of their Fore-feet, and tore it with their Teeth. The Mafter Horfe ordered a Sorrel Nag, one of his Servants, to untie the largeft of thefe Animals, and take him into the Yard. The Beaft and I were brought clofe together; and our Countenances diligently com- pared, both by Mafter and Servant, who thereupon re- peated feveral Times the Word Yahoo. My Horror and to the HOUYHNÍN MS. 223 and Aftoniſhment are not to be defcribed, when I ob- ſerved, in this abominable Animal, a perfect human Figure; the Face of it, indeed, was flat and broad, the Noſe depreffed, the Lips large, and the Mouth wide: But theſe Differences are common to all favage Nations, where the Lineaments of the Countenance are diftorted, by the Natives fuffering their Infants to lie groveling on the Earth, or by carrying them on their Backs, nuzzling with their Face againſt the Mother's Shoul- ders. The Fore-feet of the Yahoo differed from my Hands in nothing elfe, but the Length of the Nails, the Coarfenefs and Brownnefs of the Palms, and the Hairinefs on the Backs. There was the fame Refem- blance between our Feet, with the fame Differences, which I knew very well, though the Horfes did not, becauſe of my Shoes and Stockings; the fame in every Part of our Bodies, except as to Hairinefs and Colour, which I have already defcribed. The great Difficulty, that feemed to flick with the two Horſes, was, to fee the reft of my Body ſo very different from that of a raboo, for which I was obliged to my Cloaths, whereof they had no Conception: The Sorrel Nag offered me a Root, which he held (after their Manner, as we ſhall defcribe in its proper Place} between his Hoof and Paftern; I took it in my Hand, and, having fmelt it, returned it to him again as civil- ly as I could. He brought out of the Yahoo's Kennet a Piece of Afs's Fleſh, but it fmelt fo offenfively, that I turned from it with Loathing; he then threw it to the Yahoo, by whom it was greedily devoured. He af- terwards fhewed me a Whip of Hay, and a Fetlock full of Oats; but I fhook my Head, to fignify, that neither of theſe were Food for me. And, indeed, I now apprehended that I muft abfolutely ftarve, if I did not get to fome of my own Species: For as to thoſe filthy Faboos, although there were few greater Lovers: of Mankind, at that Time, than myfelf; yet, I con- fefs, I never faw any fenfitive Being fo deteftable on all Accounts; and the more I came near them, the more 224. A VOYAGE more hateful they grew, while I ſtayed in that Country, This the Maſter Horfe obferved by my Behaviour, and therefore fent the Yahoo back to his Kennel. He then put his Fore-hoof to his Mouth, at which I was much furpriſed, although he did it with Eafe, and with a Motion that appeared perfectly natural; and made o- ther Signs to know what I would eat; but I could not return him fuch an Anfwer as he was able to appre- hend; and, if he had underſtood me, I did not fee how it was poffible to contrive any Way for finding myſelf Nourishment. While we were thus engaged, I ob- ferved a Cow paffing by, whereupon I pointed to her, and expreffed a Defire to let me go and milk her. This had its Effect; for he led me back into the Houſe, and ordered a Mare-fervant to open a Room, where a good Store of Milk lay in earthen and wooden Vef- fels, after a very orderly and cleanly Manner. She gave me a large Bowl full, of which I drank very hear- tily, and found myſelf well refreſhed. About Noon, I faw coming towards the Houſe a Kind of Vehicle, drawn like a Sledge, by four Yahoos. There was in it an old Steed, who ſeemed to be of Qua- lity; he alighted with his Hind-feet forward, having, by Accident, got a Hurt in his Fore-foot. He came to dine with our Horfe, who received him with great Civility. They dined in the beſt Room, and had Oats boiled in Milk for the fecond Courſe, which the old Horſe eat warm, but the reft cold. Their Mangers were placed circular in the Middle of the Room, and divided into feveral Partitions, round which they fat on their Haunches upon Boffes of Straw. In the Mid- dle was a large Rack, with Angles anfwering to every Partition of the Manger. So that each Horſe and Mare eat their own Hay, and their own Mafh of Oats and Milk, with much Decency and Regularity. The Behaviour of the young Colt and Fole appeared very modeft; and that of the Mafter and Miſtreſs, extreme- ly chearful and complaifant to their Gueft. The Grey ordered me to ftand by him; and much Difcourfe paffed to the HOUYHN HNM S. 225 paffed between him and his Friend concerning me, as I found by the Stranger's often Looking on me, and the frequent Repetition of the Word Yahoo. I happened to wear my Gloves, which the Maf- ter Grey obſerving, feemed perplexed, diſcovering Signs of Wonder what I had done to my Fore feet; he put his Hoof three or four Times to them, as if he would fignify, that I ſhould reduce them to their former Shape, which I prefently did, pulling off both my Gloves, and putting them into my Pocket. This occafioned far- ther Talk, and I faw the Company was pleaſed with my Behaviour, whereof I foon found the good Effects. I was ordered to ſpeak the few Words I underſtood; and while they were at Dinner, the Mafter taught me the Names for Oats, Milk, Fire, Water, and fome others; which I could readily pronounce after him, having from my Youth a great Facility in learning Languages. When Dinner was done, the Maſter Horſe took me afide, and by Signs and Words, made me underftand the Concern that he was in, that I had nothing to eat. Oats, in their Tongue, are called Hluunh. This Word I pronounced two or three Times; for although I had refuſed them at first, yet, upon fecond Thoughts, I confidered that I could contrive to make of them a Kind of Bread, which might be fufficient, with Milk, to keep me alive, till I could make my Efcape to ſome other Country, and to Creatures of my own Species. The Horſe immediately ordered a white Mare fervant, of his Family, to bring me a good Quantity of Oats, in a Sort of wooden Tray. Theſe I heated before the Fire, as well as I could, and rubbed them till the Hufks came off, which I made a Shift to winnow from the Grain; 1 ground and beat them between two Stones, then took Water, and made them into a Patte or Cake, which I toaſted at the Fire, and eat warm with Milk. It was at firſt a very infipid Diet, though common enough in many Parts of Europe, but grew tolerable by Time; and, having been often reduced to hard Q Fare 226 AVOYAGE Fare in my Life, this was not the firft Experiment I had made, how eafily Nature is fatisfied. And I can- not but obſerve, that I never had one Hour's Sick- nefs, while I ftaid in this Ifland. It is true, I fome- times made a Shift to catch a Rabbit, or Bird, by Springs made of Yahoo's Hairs; and I often gathered wholeſome Herbs, which I boiled, or eat as Salades with my Bread; and now and then for a Rariety, I made a little Butter, and drank the Whey. I was at first at a great Lofs for Salt; but Cuſtom foon recon- ciled the Want of it; and I am confident, that the frequent Ufe of Salt, among us, is an Effect of Luxury, and was first introduced, only as a Provocative to drink; except where it is neceffary for preferving of Fleſh in long Voyages, or in Places remote from great Markets. For we obferve no Animal to be fond of it but Man And as to myſelf, when I left this Country, it was a great while before I could endure the Tafte of it in any Thing that I eat. This is enough to fay upon the Subject of my Diet, wherewith other Travellers fill their Books, as if the Readers were perfonally concerned, whether we fared well or ill. However, it was neceſſary to mention this Matter, left the World ſhould think it impoffible that I could find Suftenance for three Years in fuch a Coun- try, and among ſuch Inhabitants. When it grew towards Evening, the Mafter Horſe ordered a Place for me to lodge in; it was but fix Yards from the Houſe, and feparated from the Stable of the Yaboos. Here I got fome Straw, and, covering myſelf with my own Cloaths, flept very found. But I was in a fhort Time better accommodated, as the Reader fhall know hereafter, when I come to treat more particularly about my Way of Living. CHAP. to the HOUYHNHNMS. CHA P. III. བ། 7 The Author ftudious to learn the Language; the Houyhnhnm, his Master, affifts in teaching him. The Language defcribed. Several Houyhnhnms of Quality came out of Curiofity to fee the Author. He gives his Mafter a fhort Account of his Voyage. M Y principal Endeavour was to learn the Lan- guage, which my Mafter (for fo I fhall hence- forth call him) and his Children, and every Servant of his Houſe were defirous to teach me. For they looked upon it as a Prodigy, that a brute Animal ſhould difco- ver fuch Marks of a rational Creature. I pointed to every Thing, and enquired the Name of it, which I wrote down in my Journal-Book when I was alone, and corrected my bad Accent, by defiring thoſe of the Family to pronounce it often. In this Employment a Sorrel Nag, one of the under Servants, was ready to affit me. In ſpeaking, they pronounce through the Noſe and Throat, and their Language approaches nearest to the High Dutch, or German, of any I know in Europe; but is much more graceful and fignificant. The Em- peror Charles V. made almoft the fame Obfervation, when he ſaid, That, if he were to fpeak to his Horſe, it ſhould be in High-Dutch. The Curiofity and Impatience of my Mafter were fo great, that he ſpent many Hours of his Leiſure to in- ftru&t me. He was convinced (as he afterwards told me) that I muſt be a Yahoo ; but my Teachableneſs, Civility, and Cleanlineſs aftonished him; which were Qualities altogether fo oppofite to thofe Animals. He was moſt perplexed about my Cloaths, reafoning fome- times with himſelf, whether they were a Part of my Body; for I never pulled them off till the Family were afleep, and got them on before they waked in the Morning. My Mafter was eager to learn from whence Q2 I came ; A VOYAGE I came; how I acquired thofe Appearances of Reaſon, which I diſcovered in all my Actions; and to know my Story from my own Mouth, which he hoped he fhould foon do, by the great Proficiency I made in learn- ing and pronouncing their Words and Sentences. To help my Memory, I formed all I learned into the English Alphabet, and writ the Words down, with the Tranfla- tions. This laft, after fome Time, I ventured to do in my Maſter's Prefence. It coft me much Trouble to explain to him what I was doing; for the Inhabitants have not the leaft Idea of Books or Literature. In about ten Weeks Time, I was able to under- ſtand moſt of his Queſtions; and in three Months could give him fome tolerable Anſwers. He was extremely curious to know from what Part of the Country I came, and how I was taught to imitate a rational Creature; becauſe the Yahoos (whom he faw I exactly refembled in my Head, Hands, and Face, that were only vifi- ble) with fome Appearance of Cunning, and the ftrong- eft Difpofition to Mifchief, were obferved to be the moft unteachable of all Brutes. I answered, That I came over the Sea, from a far Place, with many others. of my own Kind, in a great hollow Veffel made of the Bodies of Trees; that my Companions forced me to land on this Coaft, and then left me to fhift for my- felf. It was with fome Difficulty, and by the Help of many Signs, that I brought him to underſtand me. He replied, That I muſt needs be mistaken, or that I faid the Thing which was not (for they have no Word in their Language to exprefs Lying or Falfehood). He knew it was impoffible that there could be a Country beyond the Sea, or that a Parcel of Brutes could move a wooden Veffel whither they pleafed upon Water. He was fure no Houyhnhnm alive could make fuch a Veffel, nor would truſt Yahoos to manage it. The Word Houyhnhnm, in their Tongue, fignifies a Horfe, and in its Etymology, the Perfection of Nature. I told my Maſter, that I was at a Lofs for Expreffion, but would improve as fast as I could; and hoped in a fhort to the HOUYHNHN MS. 229 fhort Time I fhould be able to tell him Wonders: He was pleaſed to direct his own Mare, his Colt and Fole, and the Servants of the Family, to take all Opportu- nities of inftructing me; and every Day, for two or three Hours, he was at the fame Pains himself: Seve- ral Horfes and Mares of Quality, in the Neighbour- hood, came often to our Houſe, upon the Report ſpread of a wonderful Yahoo, that could ſpeak like a Houyhnhnm, and ſeemed, in his Words and Actions, to diſcover fome Glimmerings of Reaſon. Theſe delighted to con- verfe with me; they put many Queſtions, and received fuch Anſwers as I was able to return. By all theſe Advantages, I made fo great a Progrefs, that, in five Months from my Arrival, I underſtood whatever was ſpoke, and could expreſs myſelf tolerably well. The Houyhnhnms who came to vifit my Mafter, out of a Defign of feeking and talking with me, could hard- ly believe me to be a right Yahoo, becauſe my Body had a different Covering from others of my Kind. They were aftoniſhed to obferve me without the ufual Hair, or Skin, except on my Head, Face and Hands; but I difcovered that Secret to my Mafter, upon an Accident, which happened about a Fortnight before. I have already told the Reader, that every Night when the Family were gone to Bed, it was my Custom to ſtrip, and cover myſelf with my Cloaths: It hap- pened one Morning early, that my Mafter fent for me, by the Sorrel Nag, who was his Valet; when he came, I was faſt aſleep, my Cloaths fallen off on one Side, and my Shirt above my Wafte. I awaked at the Noiſe he made, and obſerved him to deliver his Meffage in fome Diſorder; after which he went to my Mafter, and in a great Fright gave him a very confuſed Account of what he had feen: This I prefently difcovered; for going as foon as I was dreffed, to pay my Attendance upon his Honour, he asked me the Meaning of what his Servant had reported; that I was not the fame Thing when I flept, as I appeared to be at other Times ; 23 that 230 AVOYAGE that his Valet affured him fome Part of me was white, fome yellow, at least not fo white, and fome brown. I had hitherto concealed the Secret of my Dreſs, in order to distinguish myſelf, as much as poffible, from that curfed Race of Taboos; but now I found it in vain to do fo any longer. Befides, I confidered that my Cloaths and Shoes would foon wear out, which alrea- dy were in a declining Condition, and muſt be fupplied by fome Contrivance from the Hides of Yahoos, or o- ther Brutes; whereby the whole Secret would be known I therefore told my Mafter, That, in the Country from whence I came, thofe of my Kind al- ways covered their Bodies with the Hairs of certain Animals prepared by Art, as well for Decency, as to avoid the Inclemencies of Air both hot and cold; of which, as to my own Perfon, I would give him im- mediate Conviction, if he pleaſed to command me; only defiring his Excufe, if I did not expofe thofe Parts, that Nature taught us to conceal. He faid I my Dif courfe was all very ſtrange, but eſpecially the laft Part; for he could not underſtand why Nature fhould teach us to conceal what Nature had given. That neither himſelf nor Family were afhamed of any Parts of their Bodies; but, however, I might do as I pleafed. Whereupon, I firft unbuttoned my Coat, and pulled it off. I did the fame with my Waiſtcoat; I drew off my Shoes, Stockings, and Breeches. I let my Shirt down to my Waift, and drew up the Bottom, faften- ing it like a Girdle about my Middle to hide my Na- kedness. My Mafter obferved the whole Performance with great Signs of Curiofity and Admiration. He took up all my Cloaths in his Pallern, one Piece after another, and examined them diligently; he ftroaked my Body very gently, and looked round me feveral Times, after which he faid, it was plain I muſt be a perfect Yaboo; but that I differed very much from the rest of my Spe- cies, in the Softneſs, and Whiteneſs, and Smoothness of my Skin, my Want of Hair in feveral Parts of my Bo- dy2 to the HOUYHNHNMS. 231 dy, the Shape and Shortness of my Claws behind and before, and my Affectation of Walking continually on my two hinder Feet. He defired to fee no more; and gave me Leave to put on my Cloaths again, for I was ſhuddering with Cold. I expreffed my Uneafinefs at his giving me fo often the Appellation of Yahoo, an odious Animal, for which I had fo utter an Hatred and Contempt: I begged he would forbear applying that Word to me, and take the fame Order in his Family, and among his Friends, whom he fuffered to fee me. I requeſted likewife, that the Secret of my having a falfe Covering to my Body might be known to none but himſelf, at least, as long as my prefent Cloathing fhould laft; for, as to what the Sorrel Nag, his Valet, had obferved, his Ho- nour might command him to conceal it. All this my Mafter very gracioufly confented to, and thus the Secret was kept till my Cloaths began to wear out, which I was forced to fupply by feveral Contri- vances, that ſhall hereafter be mentioned. In the mean Time, he defired I would go on with my utmoſt Di- ligence to learn their Language, becauſe he was more aftoniſhed at my Capacity for Speech and Reaſon, than at the Figure of my Body, whether it were covered or no; adding, that he waited with fome Impatience to hear the Wonders which I promiſed to tell him. From thenceforward he doubled the Pains he had been at to inſtruct me; he brought me into all Com- pany, and made them treat me with Civility, becauſe, as he told them privately, this would put me into good Humour, and make me more diverting. Every Day, when I waited on him, befide the Trou- ble he was at in Teaching, he would aſk me ſeveral Queſtions concerning myfelf, which I answered as well as I could; and by thefe Means, he had already re- ceived fome general Ideas, though very imperfect. It would be tedious to relate the feveral Steps, by which I advanced to a more regular Converfation: But the first Q4 232 A VOYAGE firſt Account I gave of myſelf, in any Order and Length, was to this Purpoſe: That I came from a very far Country, as I already had attempted to tell him, with about fifty more of my own Species; that we travelled upon the Seas, in a great hollow Veffel made of Wood, and larger than his Honour's Houfe. I defcribed the Ship to him in the beſt Terms I could, and explained, by the Help of my Handkerchief difplayed, how it was driven for- ward by the Wind. That, upon a Quarrel among us, I was fet on Shore on this Coaſt, where I walked for- ward, without knowing whither, till he delivered me from the Perfecution of thoſe execrable Yaboos. He aſked me, who made the Ship, and how it was poffi- ble that the Houyhnhnms of my Country would leave it to the Management of Brutes? My Anfwer was, That I durft proceed no farther in my Relation, unlefs he would give me his Word and Honour that he would not be offended, and then I would tell him the Won- ders I had fo often promiſed. He agreed, and I went on, by affuring him, that the Ship was made by Crea- tures like myfelf, who in all the Countries I had tra- velled, as well as in my own, were the only govern- ing, rational Animals; and that, upon my Arrival hither, I was as much aſtoniſhed to ſee the Houyhnhnms act like rational Beings, as he or his Friends, could be in finding ſome Marks of Reaſon in a Creature he was pleafed to call a raboo; to which I owned my Re- femblance in every Part, but could not account for their degenerate and brutal Nature. I faid farther, that if good Fortune ever reftored me to my Native Country, to relate my Travels hither, as I refolved to do, eve- ry Body would believe that I ſaid the Thing which was not; that I invented the Story out of my own Head; and, with all poffible Refpect to himfelf, his Family, and Friends, and under his Promiſe of not being of- fended, our Countrymen would hardly think it proba- ble, that a Houyhnhnm fhould be the prefiding Creature of a Nation, and a Yahoo the Brute. CHAP. to the HOUYHNHNMS. 233 CHA P. IV. The Houyhnhnms Notion of Truth and Falfhood. The Author's Difcourſe diſapproved by his Maſter. The Author gives a more particular Account of himſelf, and the Accidents of his Voyage. M Y Mafter heard me with great Appearances of Uneafinefs in his Countenance; becauſe Doubt- ing, or not Believing, are fo little known in this Coun- try, that the Inhabitants cannot tell how to behave themfclves under fuch Circumſtances. And I remem- ber, in frequent Difcourfes with my Mafter, concern- ing the Nature of Manhood, in other Parts of the World, having Occafion to talk of Lying, and falfe Reprefentation, it was with much Difficulty that he comprehended what I meant; although he had other- wife a moſt acute Judgment. For he argued thus: That the Ufe of Speech was to mal:e us underſtand one another, and to receive Information of Facts; now, if any one faid the Thing that was not, theſe Ends were defeated; becauſe I cannot properly be ſaid to underſtand him; and I am fo far from receiving In- formation, that he leaves me worſe than in Ignorance, for I am led to believe a Thing Black when it is White, and Short when it is Long. And thefe were all the Notions he had concerning that Faculty of Ly- ing, fo perfectly well understood, and fo univerfally practiſed, among human Creatures. To return from this Digreffion; when I afferted that the faboos were the only governing Animals in my Country, which, my Mafter faid, was altogether paſt his Conception, he defired to know, whether we had Houyhnhnms among us, and what was their Employ- ment: I told him, we had great Numbers; that in Summer they grazed in the Fields, and in Winter were kept in Houſes, with Hay and Oats, were Yahoo- Servants were employed to rub their Skins fmooth, comb 234 AVOYAGE comb their Manes, pick their Feet, ferve them with Food, and make their Beds. I underſtand you well, faid my Maſter ; it is now very plain, from all you have ſpoken, that, whatever Share of Reafon the Ya- boos pretend to, the Houyhnhnms are your Mafters; I heartily with our Yahoos would be fo tractable. I beg· ged his Honour would pleaſe to excufe me from pro- ceeding any farther, becauſe I was very certain, that the Account he expected from me would be highly difpleafing. But he infifted in commanding me to let him know the beft and the worft: I told him, he ſhould be obeyed. I owned, that the Houyhnhnms among us, whom we called Horfes, were the molt generous and comely Animal we had; that they excelled in Strength and Swiftnefs; and when they belonged to Perfons of Quality, employed in Travelling, Racing, or drawing Chariots, they were treated with much Kindness and Care, till they fell into Diſeaſes, or became foundered in the Feet; but then they were fold, and uſed to all Kind of Drudgery, till they died; after which their Skins were ftripped, and fold for what they were worth, and their Bodies left to be devoured by Dogs and Birds of Prey. But the common Race of Horfes had not fo good Fortune, being kept by Farmers and Carriers, and other mean People, who put them to greater Labour, and fed them worfe. I defcribed, as well as I could, our Way of Riding; the Shape and Ufe of a Bridle, a Saddle, a Spur, and a Whip; of Harneſs and Wheels. I added, that we faflened Plates of a certain hard Subftance, called Iron, at the Bot- tom of their Feet, to preferve their Hoofs from be- ing broken by the ftony Ways on which we often tra- velled. My Mafter, after fome Expreflions of great Indig- nation, wondered how we dared to venture upon a Houyhnhnm's Back; for he was fure, that the weakest Servant in his Houfe would be able to fhake off the frongest Yahoo; or by lying down, and rolling on his Back, fqueefe the Brute to Death. I anfwered, That our to the HOUYHNHN M S. 235 our Horſes were trained up, from three or four Years old, to the feveral Ufes we intended them for; That, if any of them proved intolerably vicious, they were employed for Carriages; that they were feverely beaten, while they were young, for any mischievous Tricks: That the Males, defigned for common Ufe of Riding or Draught, were generally caftrated about two Years after their Birth, to take down their Spirits, and make them more tame and gentle; that they were, indeed, fenfible of Rewards and Puniſhments; but his Honour would pleaſe to confider, that they had not the leaft Tinc- ture of Reaſon, any more than the Yahoos in this Coun- try. us. It put me to the Pains of many Circumlocutions to give my Maſter a right Idea of what I ſpoke; for their Language doth not abound in Variety of Words, be- cauſe their Wants and Paffions are fewer than among But it is impoffible to reprefent his noble Refent- ment at our favage Treatment of the Houyhnhnm Race; particularly after I had explained the Manner and Ufe of caftrating Horfes among us, to hinder them from propagating their Kind, and to render them more fer- vile. He faid, if it were poffible there could be any Country where Yahoos alone were endued with Rea- fon, they certainly must be the governing Animal; be. cauſe Reaſon will in Time always prevail againſt brutal Strength. But, confidering the Frame of our Bodies, and eſpecially of mine, he thought no Creature of equal Bulk was fo ill contrived, for employing that Reaſon in the common Offices of Life; whereupon, he defired to know, whether thoſe, among whom I lived, reſembled me, or the Yahoos of his Country. I affured him, that I was as well fhaped as most of my Age: But the Younger, and the Females, were much more foft and tender, and the Skins of the latter, generally as white as Milk. He faid I differed, indeed, from other Taboos, being much more cleanly, and not alto- gether fo deformed; but in Point of real Advantage, he 236 A VOYAGE he thought I differed for the worſe. That my Nails were of no Uſe, either to my Fore or Hinder-feet; as to my Fore-feet, he could not properly call them by that Name, for he never obferved me to walk upon them; that they were too foft to bear the Ground; that I generally went with them uncovered, neither was the Covering I fometimes wore on them, of the fame Shape, or fo flrong as that on my Feet behind. 'That I could not walk with any Security, for, if ei- ther of my Hinder feet flipped, I mult inevitably fall. He then began to find Fault with other Parts of my Body; the Flatness of my Face, the Prominence of my Nofe, mine Eyes placed directly in Front, fo that I could not look on either Side, without turning my Head: That I was not able to feed myſelf, without lifting one of my Fore-feet to my Mouth: And there- fore Nature had placed thofe Joints to anſwer that Ne- ceffity. He knew not what could be the Ufe of thoſe feveral Clefts and Divifions in my Feet behind, that theſe were too ſoft to bear the Hardneſs and Sharpneſs of Stones, without a Covering made from the Skin of fome other Brute; that my whole Body wanted a Fence against Heat and Cold, which I was forced to put on and off every Day with Tedioufnefs and Trouble. And lastly, that he obſerved every Animal in this Country naturally to abhor the Yahoos, whom the Weaker avoided, and the Stronger drove from them. So that fuppofing us to have the Gift of Reaſon, he could not fee how it were poffible to cure that natural Antipathy which every Creature difcovered against us; nor confequently, how we could tame and render them ferviceable. However, he would (as he faid) debate the Matter no farther, becauſe he was more defirous to know my own Story, the Country where I was born, and the ſeveral Actions and Events of my Life before I came hither. I affured him, how extremely defirous I was, that he fhould be fatisfied in every Point; but I doubted much, to the HOUYHNHNM S. 237 much, whether it would be poffible for me to explain myſelf on ſeveral Subjects, whereof his Honour could have no Conception, becaufe I faw nothing in his Country, to which I could reſemble them. That, however, I would do my beft, and ftrive to exprefs myfelf by Similitudes, humbly defiring his Affiftance, when I wanted proper Words; which he was pleaſed to promiſe me. I faid, my Birth was of honeft Parents, in an Iſland called England, which was remote from this Country, as many Days Journey as the ftrongeſt of his Honour's Servants could travel in the annual Courfe of the Sun. That I was bred a Surgeon, whofe Trade it is to cure Wounds and Hurts in the Body, got by Accident or Violence; that my Country was governed by a Fe- male Man, called a Queen. That I left it to get Riches, whereby I might maintain myfelf and Family when I ſhould return. That, in my laſt Voyage, I was Commander of the Ship, and had about fifty Ya- hoos under me, many of which died at Sea, and I was forced to fupply them by others, picked out from fe- veral Nations. That our Ship was twice in Danger of being funk; the firit Time by a great Storm, and the fecond, by ftriking against a Rock. Here my Mafter interpofed, by afking me, How I could per- fuade Strangers out of different Countries to venture with me, after the Loffes I had fuftained, and the Ha- zards I had run. I faid, they were Fellows of deſpe- rate Fortunes, forced to fly from the Places of their Birth, on Account of their Poverty or their Crimes. Some were undone by Law fuits; others fpent all they had in Drinking, Whoring, and Gaming; others fled for Treafon; many for Murder, Theft, Poyfoning, Robbery, Perjury, Forgery, coining falfe Money, for committing Rapes or Sodomy; for flying from their Colours, or deferting to the Enemy, and moft of them had broken Prifon; none of theſe durft return to their native Countries for fear of being hanged, or of far- ving 238 A VOYAGE ving in a Jail; and, therefore, were under a Neceffity of feeking a Livelihood in other Places. During this Difcourſe, my Mafter was pleaſed to interrupt me ſeveral Times; I had made Ufe of many Circumlocutions, in defcribing to him the Nature of feveral Crimes, for which molt of our Crew had been forced to fly their Country. This Labour took up fe- veral Days Converſation, before he was able to com- prehend me. He was wholly at a Lofs to know what could be the Uſe or Neceffity of practiſing thoſe Vices. To clear up which, I endeavoured to give him fome Ideas of the Defire of Power and Riches; of the ter- rible Effects of Luft, Intemperance, Malice and Envy. All this I was forced to define and deſcribe, by putting Cafes, and making Suppofitions. After which, like one whoſe Imagination was ftruck with fomething ne- ver feen or heard of before, he would lift up his Eyes with Amazement and Indignation. Power, Government, War, Law, Puniſhment, and a thouſand other Things had no Terms, wherein that Language could expreſs them; which made the Difficulty almoſt infuperable to give my Mafter any Conception of what I meant. But being of an excellent Underſtanding, much im- proved by Contemplation and Converſe, he at laft ar- rived at a competent Knowledge of what Human Na- ture, in our Parts of the World, is capable to perform, and defired I would give him fome particular Account of that Land, which we call Europe, but eſpecially of my own Country. CHAP; to the HOUYHNHNM S. 239 CHAP. V. The Author, at his Mafter's Commands, informs him of the State of England. The Caufes of War a- mong the Princes of Europe. The Author begins to explain the English Conftitution. TH HE Reader may pleaſe to obferve, that the fol- lowing Extract of many Converſations I had with my Maſter, contains a Summary of the moſt ma- terial Points, which were difcourfed at feveral Times, for above two Years; his Honour often defiring fuller Satisfaction, as I farther improved in the Houyhnhnm Tongue. I laid before him, as well as I could the whole State of Europe; I difcourfed of Trade and Ma- nufactures, of Arts and Sciences; and the Anfwers I gave to all the Questions he made, as they arofe upon feveral Subjects, were a Fund of Converfation, not to be exhausted. But I fhall here only fet down the Sub- ſtance of what paffed between us concerning my own Country, reducing it into Order as well as I can, without any Regard to Time, or other Circumftances, while I ftrictly adhere to Truth. My only Concern is, that I fhall hardly be able to do Juftice to my Mafter's Arguments and Expreffions, which muft needs fuffer, by my Want of Capacity, as well as by a Tranſlation into our barbarous English. In Obedience, therefore, to his Honour's Commands, I related to him the Revolution under the Prince of Orange; the long War with France entered into by the faid Prince, and renewed by his Succeffor the pre- fent Queen, wherein the greateſt Powers of Chriften- dom were engaged, and which fill continued: I com- puted, at his Requeſt, that about a Million of Fabcos might have been killed in the whole Progrefs of it; and, perhaps, a hundred or more Cities taken, and Ave Times as many Ships burnt or funk. He 24.0 A VOYAGE He asked me what were the uſual Cauſes or Motives that made one Country go to War with another. I anſwered they were innumerable; but I ſhould only mention a few of the chief. Sometimes the Ambition of Princes, who never think they have Land or Peo- ple enough to govern; Sometimes the Corruption of Miniſters, who engage their Mafter in a War, in or- der to ftifle or divert the Clamour of the Subjects a- gainſt their evil Adminiftration. Difference in Opi- nions hath coſt many Millions of Lives: For Inftance, whether Flesh be Bread, or Bread be Flish; whether the Juice of a certain Berry be Blood or Iine; whether Whiffling be a Vice or Virtue; whether it be better to kiss a Poft, or throw it into the Fire; what is the beſt Colour for a Coat, whether Black, White, Red, or Grey; and whether it fhould be long or short, narrow or wide, dirty or clean, with many more. Neither are any Wars fo furious and bloody, or of fo long Conti- nuance, as thofe occafioned by Difference in Opinion, eſpecially if it be in Things indifferent. Sometimes the Quarrel between two Princes is to decide, which of them fhall difpoffefs a third of his Do- minions, where neither of them pretend to any Right. Sometimes one Prince quarrelleth with another, for fear the other ſhould quarrel with him. Sometimes a War is entered upon, becauſe the Enemy is too ftrong ; and fometimes, becauſe he is too weak. Sometimes our Neighbours want the Things which we have, or have the Things which we avant; and we both fight, till they take ours, or give us theirs. It is a very juftifia- ble Cauſe of a War, to invade a Country, after the People have been walled by Famine, deſtroyed by Pef- tilence, or embroiled by Factions among themſelves. It is juftifiable to enter into War against our neareſt Al- ly, when one of his Towns lies convenient for us, or a Territory of Land, that would render our Dominions round and compleat. If a Prince fends Forces into a Nation, where the People are poor and ignorant, he may lawfully put half of them to Death, and make Slaves to the HOUYHNHNMS. 241 Slaves of the reft, in order to civilize and reduce them from their barbarous Way of Living. It is a very kingly, honourable, and frequent Practice, when one Prince defires the Affiſtance of another to fecure him against an Invafion, that the Affiftant, when he hath driven out the Invader, fhould feize on the Do- minions himſelf, and kill, impriſon, or banish the Prince he came to relieve. Alliance by Blood, or Marriage, is a frequent Cauſe of War between Princes; and the nearer the Kindred is, the greater is their Difpofition to quarrel: Poor Nations are hungry, and rich Nations are proud; and Pride and Hunger will ever be at Variance. For thefe Reafons, the Trade of a Soldier is held the moſt honourable of all others: Becauſe a Soldier is a Yahoo hired to kill in cold Blood as many of his own Species, who had never offended him, as poffibly he can. There is, likewiſe, a Kind of beggarly Princes in Europe, not able to make War by themſelves, who hire out their Troops to richer Nations, for fo much a Day to each Man; of which they keep Three- fourths to themfelves, and it is the beſt Part of their Maintenance; fuch are thoſe in many Northern Parts of Europe. What you have told me (faid my Maſter) upon the Subject of War, does, indeed, difcover most admira- bly the Effects of that Reaſon you pretend to: How- ever, it is happy that the Shame is greater than the Danger; and that Nature hath left you utterly inca». pable of doing much Miſchief. For, your Mouths lying flat with your Faces, you can hardly bite each other to any Purpoſe, unleſs by Confent. Then as to the Claws upon your Feet be. fore and behind, they are fo fhort and tender, that one of our Fahoos would drive a Dozen of yours be. fore him. And, therefore, in recounting the Num- bers of thoſe who have been killed in Battle, I can- not but think that you have faid the Thing which is I could not. R 242 AVOYAGE I could not forbear fhaking my Head, and fmiling a little at his Ignorance. And, being no Stranger to the Art of War, I gave him a Defcription of Cannons, Culverins, Muſkets, Carabines, Piſtols, Bullets, Pow- der, Swords, Bayonets, Battles, Sieges, Retreats, At- tacks, Undermines, Countermines, Bombardments, Sea-fights; Ships funk with a thouſand Men; twen- ty-thouſand killed on each Side; dying Groans, Limbs flying in the Air; Smoke, Noife, Confufion, Trampling to Death under Horfes Feet; Flight, Pur- fuit. Victory; Fields ftrewed with Carcafes, left for Food to Dogs and Wolves, and Birds of Prey; Plun- dering, Stripping, Raviſhing, Burning and Deſtroying. And, to fet forth the Valour of my own dear Coun- trymen, I affured him, that I had ſeen them blow up a hundred Enemies at once in a Siege, and as many in a Ship; and beheld the dead Bodies come down in Pieces from the Clouds, to the great Diverſion of the Spectators, I was going on to more Particulars when my Maf- ter commanded me Silence. He faid, Whoever un- derſtood the Nature of Yahoos, might eafily believe it poffible for fo vile an Animal, to be capable of every Action I had named, if their Strength and Cunning equalled their Malice. But as my Difcourfe had in- creafed his Abhorrence of the whole Species, fo he found it gave him a Diſturbance in his Mind, to which he was wholly a Stranger before. He thought his Ears, being uſed to ſuch abominable Words, might, by Degrees, admit them with lefs Deteftation. That although he hated the Yahoos of this Country, yet he no more blamed them for their odious Qualities, than he did a Gunayh (a Bird of Prey) for its Cruelty, or a fharp Stone for cutting his Hoof. But when a Crea- ture, pretending to Reaſon, could be capable of fuch Enormities, he dreaded, left the Corruption of that Faculty might be worſe than Brutality itſelf. He feemed therefore confident, that, inftead of Reaſon, we were only poffeffed of fome Quality fitted to in- creaſe to the HOUYHNHNMS. 243 creaſe our natural Vices; as the Reflection from a troubled Stream returns the Image of an ill-fhapen Body, not only larger, but more diftorted. He added, that he had heard too much upon the Subject of War, both in this, and fome former Diſ- Courſes. There was another Point which a little per- plexed him at prefent. I had informed him, that fome of our Crew left their Country on Account of being ruined by Law; that I had already explained the Meaning of the Word; but he was at a Lofs how it fhould come to paſs, that the Law, which was in- tended for every Man's Prefervation, fhould be any Man's Ruin. Therefore he defired to be farther fa- tisfied what I meant by Law, and the Diſpenſers there- of, according to the preſent Practice in my own Coun- try; because he thought Nature and Reafon were fuf- ficent Guides for a reaſonable Animal, as we pretend- ed to be, in fhewing us what we ought to do, and what to avoid. I affured his Honour, that Law was a Science in which I had not much converfed, further than by employing Advocates in vain, upon fome Injuftices that had been done me; however, I would give him all the Satisfaction I was able. For I faid, there was a Society of Men among us, bred up from their Youth in the Art of proving by Words multiplied for the Purpoſe, that White is Black, and Black is White, according as they are paid. To this Society all the reft of the People are Slaves. Example, if my Neighbour hath a Mind to my Cow, he hires a Lawyer to prove that he ought to have my Cory from me. I must then hire another to defend my Right, it being against all Rules of Law, that any Man fhould be allowed to ſpeak for himſelf. Now, in this Cafe, I, who am the right Owner, lie under two Difadvantages; Firft, my Lawyer, being practifed almoſt from his Cradle in defending Falfhood, is quite out of his Element, when he would be an Advocate for Juſtice, which is an Office unnatural, he always attempts R 2 244 A VOYAGE attempts with great Awkwardness, if not with ill Will. The Second Difadvantage is, that my Lawyer muft proceed with great Caution, or elfe he will be reprimanded by the Fudges, and abhorred by his Bre- thren, as one that would leffen the Practice of the Law. And therefore I have but two Methods to pre- ferve my Cor. The first is to gain over my Adver- fary's Lawyer with a double Fee; who will then be- tray his Client, by infinuating, that he hath Justice on his Side. The fecond Way is for my Lawyer to make my Cauſe appear as unjust as he can, by allow- ing the Cow to belong to my Adverſary; and this, if it be ſkilfully done, will certainly befpeak the Favour of the Bench. Now, your Honour is to know that thefe Judges are Perfons appointed to decide all Con- troverfies of Property, as well as for the Trial of Cri- minals, and picked out from the moſt dexterous Law- yers, who are grown old or lazy, and having been byaffed all their Lives against Truth and Equity, are under fuch a fatal Neceffity of favouring Fraud, Per- jury, and Oppreffion, that I have known feveral of them refufe a large Bribe from the Side where Juftice lay, rather than injure the Faculty by doing any Thing unbecoming their Nature or their Office. It is a Maxim among thefe Lawyers, that what- ever hath been done before, may legally be done a- gain; And therefore they take ſpecial Care to record all the Decifions formerly made against common Juf- tice, and the general Reafon of Mankind. Thefe, under the Name of Precedents, they produce as Au- thorities, to juftify the most iniquitous Opinions, and the Judges never fail of directing accordingly. In Pleading, they ftudioufly avoid entering into the Merits of the Caufe; but are loud, violent, and te- dious, in dwelling upon all Circumftances which are not to the Purpoſe. For Inftance, in the Cafe alrea- dy mentioned: They never defire to know what Claim or Title my Adverfary hath to my Cow; but whether the faid Cou were red or black; her Horns Iong to the HOUYHN HNM S. 245 long or ſhort; whether the Field I graze her in be round or fquare; whether ſhe was milked at Home or Abroad; what Diſeaſes ſhe is ſubject to, and the like; after which they confult Precedents, adjourn the Cauſe, from Time to Time, and in ten, twenty, or thirty Years, come to an Iſſue. It is likewife to be obſerved, that this Society hath a peculiar Cant and Jargon of their own, that no o- ther Mortal can underſtand, and wherein all their Laws are written, which they take fpecial Care to multi- ply; whereby they have wholly confounded the very Effence of Truth and Falfhood, of Right and Wrong; fo that it will take thirty Years to decide whether the Field, left me by my Anceſtors for fix Generations, belongs to me, or to a Stranger three-hundred Miles off. In the Trial of Perfons accufed for Crimes againſt the State, the Method is much more ſhort and com- mendable: The Judge firft fends to found the Diſpoſi- tion of thoſe in Power, after which he can eaſily hang or fave a Criminal, ftrictly preferving all due Forms of Lar. Here my Maſter interpofing, faid it was a Pity, that Creatures endowed with fuch prodigious Abilities of Mind, as thefe Lawyers, by the Defcription I gave of them, muſt certainly be, where not rather encouraged to be Instructors of others in Wiſdom and Knowledge. In Anſwer to which, I affured his Honour, that, in all Points out of their own Trade, they were ufually the moſt ignorant and ftupid Generation among us, the moſt deſpicable in common Converfation, avowed E- nemies to all Knowledge and Learning, and equally diſpoſed to pervert the general Reaſon of Mankind in every other Subject of Difcourfe, as in that of their own Profeffion. R 3 CHAP; 246 AVOYAGE 'CH A P. VI. A Continuation of the State of England. The Cha- racter of a First or Chief Minister of State in European Courts. M Y Mafter was yet wholly at a Lofs to underſtand what Motives could incite this Race of Lawyers to perplex, difquiet, and weary themſelves, and en- gage in a Confederacy of Injuftice, meerly for the Sake of injuring their Fellow-animals; neither could he comprehend what I meant in faying, they did it for Hire. Whereupon I was at much Pains to defcribe to him the Ufe of Money, the Materials it was made of, and the Value of the Metals; that, when a Yahoo had got a great Store of this precious Subſtance, he was able to purchaſe whatever he had a Mind to, the fineſt Cloathing, the nobleft Houfes, great Tracts of Land, the most coftly Meats and Drinks; and have his Choice of the most beautiful Females. Therefore, fince Money alone was able to perform all theſe Feats, our Yaboos thought, they could never have enough of it to ſpend, or to fave, as they found themfelves in- clined, from their natural Bent either to Profufion or Avarice. That the rich Man enjoyed the Fruit of the poor Man's Labour, and the latter were a thou- fand to one in Proportion to the former. That the Bulk of our People were forced to live miferably, by labouring every Day for finall Wages, to make a few live plentifully. I enlarged myſelf much on theſe, and many other Particulars, to the fame Purpoſe: But his Honour was ftill to feek: For he went upon a Suppo- fition, that all Animals had a Title to their Share in the Productions of the Earth; and eſpecially thoſe who prefided over the reft. Therefore he defired I would let him know, what thefe coftly Meats were, and how any of us happened to want them. Whereupon I enumerated as many Sorts as came into my Head, with the to the HOUYHNHNMS. 247 the various Methods of Dreffing them, which could not be done, without fending Veffels by Sea to every Part of the World, as well for Liquors to drink, as for Sauces, and innumerable other Conveniences. I af- fured him, that this whole Globe of Earth muſt be at leaft three Times gone round, before one of our better Female Taboos could get her Breakfaft, or a Cup to put it in. He faid, that muſt needs be a miſerable Country, which cannot furnish Food for its own In- habitants. But what he chiefly wondered at, was how fuch vaft Tracts of Ground, as I defcribed, fhould be wholly without fresh Water, and the People put to the Neceffity of fending over the Sea for Drink. I re- plied, that England (the dear Place of my Nativity) was computed to produce three Times the Quantity of Food, more than its Inhabitants are able to con- fume, as well as Liquors extracted from Grain, or preffed out of the Fruit of certain Trees, which made excellent Drink; and the fame Proportion in every other Convenience of Life. But in order to feed the Luxury and Intemperance of the Males, and the Va- nity of the Females, we fent away the greateſt Part of our neceffary Things to other Countries, from whence, in Return, we brought the Materials of Dif- eafes, Folly, and Vice, to ſpend among ourſelves. Hence it follows of Neceflity, that vaft Numbers of our People are compelled to feek their Livelihood by Begging, Robbing, Stealing, Cheating, Pimping, For- fwearing, Flattering, Suborning, Forging, Gaming, Lying, Fawning, Hectoring, Voting, Scribling, Star- gazing, Poiſoning, Whoring, Canting, Libelling, Free- thinking, and the like Occupations: Every one of which Terms I was at much Pains to make him underſtand. That Wine was not imported among us from foreign Countries, to fupply the Want of Water, or other Drinks, but becauſe it was a Sort of Liquid which made us merry, by putting us out of our Senfes; di- verted all melancholy Thoughts, begat wild extrava- gunt Imaginations in the Brain, raifed our Hopes, and R 4 ba- 248 A VOYAGE banished our Fears; fufpended every Office of Reaſon for a Time, and deprived us of the Uſe of our Limbs, till we fell into a profound Sleep; although it muſt be confeffed, that we always awaked fick and difpirited; and that the Uſe of this Liquor filled us with Diſeaſes, which made our Lives uncomfortable and ſhort. But, befide all this, the Bulk of our People fupport- ed themfelves by furnishing the Neceffities or Conve- niencies of Life to the Rich, and to each other. For Inſtance, when I am at Home, and dreffed, as I ought to be, I carry on my Body the Workmanship of an hundred Tradefmen; the Building and Furniture of my Houſe employ as many more, and five Times the Number to adorn my Wife. I was going on to tell him of another Sort of People, who get their Livelihood by attending the Sick, having, upon ſome Occafions, informed his Honour, that ma- ny of my Crew had died of Diſeaſes. But here it was with the utmoſt Difficulty, that I brought him to ap- prehend what I meant. He could eaſily conceive, that a Houyhnhnm grew weak and heavy a few Days before his Death; or, by fome Accident, might hurt a Limb. But that Nature, who works all Things to Perfection, ſhould fuffer any Pains to breed in our Bo- dies, he thought impoffible, and defired to know the Reaſon of fo unaccountable an Evil. I told him, we fed on a thouſand Things, which operated contrary to each other; that we eat when we were not hungry, and drank without the Provocation of Thirst; that we fat whole Nights drinking ftrong Liquors without eat- ing a Eit, which difpofed us to Sloth, enflamed our Bodies, and precipitated or prevented Digeſtion. That proſtitute Female Yahoos acquired a certain Malady, which bred Rottennefs in the Bones of thoſe who fell into their Embraces; that this, and many other Dif- eafes, were propagated from Father to Son; fo that great Numbers come into the World with compli- cated Maladies upon them; that it would be endleſs to give him a Catalogue of all Diſeaſes incident to hu man to the HOUYHNHNMS. 249 man Bodies; for they could not be fewer than five or fix-hundred ſpread over every Limb, and Joint; in fhort, every Part, external and inteftine, having Dif eaſes appropriated to each. To remedy which, there was a Sort of People bred up among us, in the Pro- feffion, or Pretence, of curing the Sick. And, becauſe I had fome Skill in the Faculty, I would, in Grati- tude to his Honour, let him know the whole Mystery and Method by which they proceed. Their Fundamental is, that all Diſeaſes ariſe from Repletion; from whence they conclude, that a great Evacuation of the Body is neceffary, either through the natural Paffage, or upwards at the Mouth. Their next Buſineſs is, from Herbs, Minerals, Gums, Oils, Shells, Salts, Juices, Sea weed, Excrements, Barks of Trees, Serpents, Toads, Frogs, Spiders, dead Mens Fleſh and Bones, Birds, Beaſts, and Fiſhes, to form a Compofition for Smell and Tate the moſt abominable, naufeous, and deteftable, they can poffibly contrive, which the Stomach immediately rejects with Loathing; and this they call a Vomit: Or elfe, from the fame Store-houſe, with fome other poiſonous Additions, they command us to take in at the Orifice above or belov (juſt as the Phyfician then happens to be difpofed) a Medicine equally annoying and difgufiful to the Bowels; which relaxing the Pelly, drives down all before it; and this they call a Furge, or a Clyfter. For Nature (as the Phyficians alledge) having intended the fuperior anterior Orifice only for the Intromiſſion of Solids and Liquids, and the inferior pofterior for Ejection; thefe Artifts ingeniouſly confidering that in all Difeafes Na- ture is forced out of her Seat; therefore, to replace her in it, the Body muſt be treated in a Manner directly contrary, by interchanging the Ufe of each Orifice; forcing Solids and Liquids in at the Anus, and making Evacuations at the Mouth. But, befides real Difeafes, we are fubject to many that are only imaginary, for which the Phyficians have invented imaginary Cures; thefe have their feveral Names, 250 AVOYAGE Names, and fo have the Drugs that are proper for them; and with theſe our Female Yahoos are always infefted. One great Excellency, in this Tribe, is their Skill at Prognofticks, wherein they feldom fail; their Predic- tions in real Difeafes, when they rife to any Degree of Malignity, generally portending Death, which is al- ways in their Power, when Recovery is not: And therefore, upon any unexpected Signs of Amendment, after they have pronounced their Sentence, rather than be accufed as falfe Prophets, they know how to ap- prove their Sagacity to the World, by a feaſonable Dofe. They are likewife of fpecial Ufe to Hufbands and Wives, who are grown weary of their Mates; to eld- eft Sons, to great Minifters of State, and often to Princes. I had formerly, upon Occafion, difcourfed with my Mafter upon the Nature of Government in general, and particularly of our own excellent Conftitution, deferved - ly the Wonder and Envy of the whole World. But having here accidentally mentioned a Minister of State; he commanded me, fome Time after, to inform him, what Species of Yahoo I particularly meant by that Ap- Fellation. I told him, that a Firft or Chief Miniſter of State, who was the Perfon I intended to defcribe, was a Creature wholly exempt from Joy and Grief, Love and Hatred, Pity and Anger; at leaft, makes Ufe of no other Paffions, but a violent Defire of Wealth, Power, and Titles; that he applies his Words to all Uſes, ex- cept to the Indication of his Mind; that he never tells a Truth, but with an Intent that you fhould take it for a Lye; nor a Lye, but with a Defign that you fhould take it for a Truth; that thofe he ſpeaks worſt of, behind their Backs, are in the furcft Way of Pre- ferment; and whenever he begins to praise you to others, or to yourſelf, you are from that Day forlorn. The wo:ft Mark you can receive is a Promife, efpeci- ally ot the HOUYHNHN MS. 251 ally when it is confirmed with an Oath; after which, every wife Man retires, and gives over all Hopes. There are three Methods by which a Man may rife to be Chief Minifter: The first is, by knowing how with Prudence to difpofe of a Wife, a Daughter, or a Sifter: The fecond, by betraying or undermining his Predeceffor: And the third is, by a furious Zeal in Public Aſſemblies againſt the Corruptions of the Court. But a wife Prince would rather chooſe to employ thofe who practiſe the laft of thefe Methods; becaufe fuch Zealots prove always the moſt obfequious and fubfer- vient to the Will and Paffions of their Mafter. That theſe Minifters, having all Employments at their Dif- poſal, preferve themſelves in Power by bribing the Ma- jority of a Senate or great Council; and at laſt, by an Expedient, called an Act of Indemnity (where of I de- fcribed the Nature to him) they ſecure themſelves from after Reckonings, and retire from the Public, laden with the Spoils of the Nation. The Palace of a Chief Minister is a Serainary to breed up others in his own Trade: The Pa ges, Lac- quies, and Porter, by imitating their Maſter, become Minifters of State in their feveral Diſtricts, and learn to excel in the three principal Ingredients, of Infolence, Lying, and Bribery. Accordingly, they ha ve a Subal- tern Court paid to them by Perfons of the best Rank; and fometimes, by the Force of Dexterity and Impu- dence, arrive, through feveral Gradations, to be Suc- ceffors to their Lord. He is uſually governed by a decayed Wench, or fa- vourite Footman, who are the Tunnels t'hrough which all Graces are conveyed, and may properly be called, in the laft Refort, the Governors of the Kingdom. One Day in Difcourfe, my Mafter, having heard me mention the Nobility of my Country, was pleafed to make me a Compliment, which I could not pretend to deſerve: That he was fure, I muſt have been born of fome noble Family, becauſe I far exceeded, in Shape, Colour, and Cleanlinefs, all the Taboos of his Na- 252 A VOYAGE Nation, although I feemed to fail in Strength and A- gility, which must be imputed to my different Way of Living from thofe other Brutes; and befides, I was not only endowed with the Faculty of Speech, but likewife with fome Rudiments of Reafon, to a De- gree, that, with all his Acquaintance, I paffed for a Pro- digy. He made me obferve, that, among the Houyhnhnms, the White, the Sorrel, and the Iron grey, were not fo exactly shaped as the Bay, the Dapple-grey, and the Black, nor born wth equal Talents of the Mind, or a Capacity to improve them; and therefore continued always in the Condition of Servants, without ever af piring to match out of their own Race, which, in that Country, would be reckoned monftrous and unnatural. I made his Honour, my moſt humble Acknowledg- ments for the good Opinion he was pleaſed to conceive of me; but affured him, at the fame Time, that my Birth was of the lower Sort, having been born of plain honest Parents, who were juft able to give me a tole- rable Education: That Nobility, among us, was alto- gether a different Thing from the Idea he had of it; that our young Noblemen are bred from their Child- hood in Idleness and Luxury; that, as foon as Years will permit, they confume their Vigour, and contract adious Difenfes among lewd Females; and when their Fortunes are almost ruined, they marry fome Woman of mean Birth, difagreeable Perfon, and unfound Con- ftitution, merely for the Sake of Money, whom they hate and defpife. That the Productions of fuch Mar- riages are generally fcrophulous, ricketty, or deformed Children; by which Means, the Family feldom conti- nues above three Generations, unless the Wife takes Care to provide a healthy Father among her Neigh- bours or Domeſtics, in order to improve and continue the Breed. That a weak difeafed Body, a meager Countenance, and fallow Complexion are the true Marks of Noble Blood; and a healthy robuft Appear- ance is fo difgraceful in a Man of Quality, that the World to the HOUYHNHNM S. 253 World concludes his real Father to have been a Groom, or a Coachman. The Imperfections of his Mind run parallel with thofe of his Body, being a Compofition of Spleen, Dulnefs, Ignorance, Caprice, Senfuality, and Pride. Without the Confent of this illuftrious Body, no Law can be made, repealed, or altered; and theſe have the Decifions of all our Poffeffions, without Appeal. CHAP. VII. The Author's great Love of his native Country. His Mafter's Obfervations upon the Conflitution and Adminiftration of England, as deſcribed by the Author, with parallel Cafes and Comparisons. His Master's Obfervations upon Human Nature. TH HE Reader may be difpofed to wonder how I could prevail on myſelf to give fo free a Repre- fentation of my own Species, among a Race of Mor- tals, who are already too apt to conceive the vileft O- pinion of Human Kind, from that intire Congruity be twixt me and their Yahocs. But I must freely confefs, that the many Virtues of thofe excellent Quadrupeds, placed in oppofite View to Human Corruptions, had fo far opened my Eyes, and enlarged my Underitand- ing, that I began to view the Actions and Paffions of Man in a very different Light; and to think the Ho- nour of my own Kind not worth managing; which, befides, it was impoffible for me to do, before a Perfon of fo acute a Judgment as my Mafter, who daily con- vinced me of a thoufand Faults in myfelf, whereof I had not the leaft Perception before, and which, among us, would never be numbered, even among human In- firmities. I had likewife learned, from his Example, an utter Detellation of all Falfhood or Difguife; and Truth appeared fo amiable to ine, that I determined upon facrificing every Thing to it. Let 254 AVOYAGE Let me deal fo candidly with the Reader, as to con- fefs, that there was yet a much ſtronger Motive for the Freedom I took in my Reprefentation of Things. I had not been a Year in this Country, before I con- tracted fuch a Love and Veneration for the Inhabi- tants, that I entered on a firm Refolution, never to re- turn to Human Kind, but to pafs the reft of my Life among theſe admirable Houyhnhnms, in the Contem- plation and Practice of every Virtue; where I could have no Example or Incitement to Vice. But it was decreed by Fortune, my perpetual Enemy, that fo great a Felicity fhould not fall to my Share. However, it is now fome Comfort to reflect, that, in what I faid of my Countrymen, I extenuated their Faults, as much as I durit, before fo ftrict an Examiner; and, upon every Article, gave as favourable a Turn as the Matter would bear. For, indeed, who is there alive, that would not be fwayed by his Byafs and Partiality to the Place of his Birth? I have related the Subftance of feveral Converſations I had with my Mafter, during the greateſt Part of the Time I had the Honour to be in his Service; but have, indeed, for Brevity Sake, omitted much more than is here fet down. When I had anſwered all his Queftions, and his Curiofity feemed to be fully fatisfied; he fent for me one Morning early, and commanding me to fit down at fome Diflance (an Honour which he had never be- fore conferred upon me) he faid, he had been very ſe- riouſly confidering my whole Story, as far as it related both to myſelf and my Country: That he looked up- on us as a Sort of Animals, to whofe Share, by what Accident he could not conjecture, fome fmall Pittance of Reason had fallen, whereof we made no other Ufe, than, by its Afilance, to aggravate our natural Cor- ruptions, and to acquire new ones which Nature had hot given us: That we difarmed ourſelves of the few Abilities fhe had bestowed; had been very fucceſsful in multiplying our original Wants, and feemed to ſpend our to the HOUYHNHN M S. 255 ས our whole Lives in vain Endeavours, to fupply them by our own Inventions. That as to myſelf, it was mani- feft, I had neither the Strength or Agility of a common Yahoo; that I walked infirmly on my hinder Feet; had found out a Contrivance to make my Claws of no Ufe or Defence, and to remove the Hair from my Chin, which was intended as a Shelter from the Sun and the Weather. Laftly, That I could neither run with Speed, nor climb Trees like my Brethren (as he called them) the Taboos in this Country. ? That our Inftitutions of Government and Law were plainly owing to our grofs Defects in Reaſon, and by Confequence, in Virtue; becauſe Recfon alone is fuffi- cient to govern a rational Creature; which was there- fore a Character we had no Pretence to challenge, even from the Account I had given of my cwn Peo- ple; although he manifeftly perceived, that in order to favour them, I had concealed many Particulars, and often faid the Thing which was not. He was the more confirmed in this Opinion, becauſe he obferved, that as I agreed in every Feature of my Body with other Yahoos, except were it was to my real Difadvantage, in Point of Strength, Speed, and Acti- vity, the Shortnefs of my Claws, and fome other Par- ticulars, where Nature had no Part; fo, from the Re- prefentation I had given him of our Lives, our Man- ners, and our Actions, he found as near a Refemblance in the Difpofition of our Minds. He faid,. the Yaboos were known to hate one another, more than they did any different Species of Animals; and the Reafon, ufa- ally affigned, was, the Odioufnefs of their own Shapes, which all could fee in the reft, but not in themfelves. He had therefore begun to think it not unwife in us to cover our Bodies, and, by that Invention, conceal ma- ny of our own Deformities from each other, which would elfe be hardly fupportable. But he now found he had been mistaken, and that the Diffentions of thoſe Brutes, in his Country, were owing to the fame Cauſe with ours, as I had defcribed them. For, if (faid he}) you' 256 A VOYAGE you throw among five Yahoos as much Food as would be fufficient for Fifty, they will, inſtead of eating peace- ably, fall together by the Ears, each fingle one im- patient to have all to itself; and therefore a Servant was ufually employed to ftand by, while they were Feeding Abroad, and thofe, kept at Home, were tied at a Diſtance from each other; that if a Cow died of Age or Accident, before a Houyhnhnm could fecure it for his own Yaboos, thofe in the Neighbourhood would come in Herds to ſeize it, and then would enfue fuch a Battle as I had deſcribed, with terrible Wounds made by their Claws on both Sides, although they feldom were able to kill one another, for Want of fuch con- venient Inftruments of Death as we had invented. At other Times, the like Battles have been fought between the raboos of feveral Neighbourhoods, without any vi- fible Cauſe: Thoſe of one Dißrict watching all Op- portunities to furpriſe the next, before they are prepared. But, if they find their Project hath mifcarried, they re- turn Home, and, for Want of Enemics, engage in what I call a Civil War among themſelves. That, in fome Fields of his Country, there are cer- tain Shining Stones of feveral Colours, whereof the Ya- boos are violently fond; and when Part of theſe Stones is fixed in the Earth, as it fometimes happeneth, they will dig with their Claws for whole Days to get them out, then carry them away, and hide them by Heaps in their Kennels; but ftill looking round with. great Caution, for fear their Comrades fhould find out their Treaſure. My Mafter faid, he could never dif- cover the Reaſon of this unnatural Appetite, or how theſe Stones could be of any Uſe to a Yahoo ; but now he believed it might proceed from the fame Principle of Avarice, which I had afcribed to Mankind: That he had once, by Way of Experiment, privately re- moved a Heap of thefe Stones from the Place where one of his Falcos had buried it: Whereupon, the for- did Animal miffing his Treafure, by his loud Lament- ing, brought the whole Herd to the Place, there mife- rably to the HOUYHNHNMS. 257 rably howled, then fell to biting and tearing the reft; began to pine away, would neither eat, nor fleep, nor work, till he ordered a Servant privately to convey the Stones into the fame Hole, and hide them as before; which when his Yahoo had found, he prefently reco- vered his Spirits, and good Humour, but took Care to remove them to a better Hiding-place, and hath ever fince been a very ferviceable Brute. My Maſter farther aſſured me, which I alſo obſerv-` ed myſelf, that, in the Fields were the Shining Stones abound, the fiercest and most frequent Battles are fought, occafioned by perpetual Inroads of the neigh- bouring Yahoos. He faid, it was common, when two rahoos difco- vered fuch a Stone in a Field, and were contending which of them ſhould be the Proprietor, a third would take the Advantage, and carry it away from them both; which my Mafter would needs contend to have fome Kind of Refemblance with our Suits at Law; wherein I thought it for our Credit not to undeceive him; fince the Decifion he mentioned was much more equitable than many Decrees among us: Becauſe the Plaintiff and Defendant there loft nothing befide the Stone they con- tended for, whereas our Courts of Equity would never have difmiffed the Caufe, while either of them had Thing left. any My Matter, continuing his Difcourfe, faid, There was nothing that rendered the Yahoos more odious, than their undiftinguishing Appetite to devour every Thing that came in their Way, whether Herbs, Roots, Berries, the corrupted Fleſh of Animals, or all mingled together And it was peculiar in their Temper, that they were fonder of what they could get by Rapine or Stealth, at a greater Diſtance, than much better Food provided for them at Home. If their Prey held out, they would eat till they were ready to burſt, after which, Nature had pointed out to them a certain Root, that gave them a general Evacuation. S There 258 A VOYAGE There was also another Kind of Root very juicy, but fomewhat rare and difficult to be found, which the Yaboos fought for with much Eagernefs, and would fuck it with great Delight; it produced in them the fame Effects that Wine hath upon us. It would make them fometimes hug, and fometimes tear one another; they would howl and grin, and chatter, and reel, and tum- ble, and then fall aſleep in the Mud. I did, indeed, obferve, that the Yahoos were the only Animals in this Country fubject to any Diſeaſes; which, however, were much fewer than Horfes have among us, and contracted not by any ill Treatment they meet with, but by the Naftiness, and Greedinefs of that for- did Brute. Neither has their Language any more than a general Appellation for thofe Maladies, which is bor- rowed from the Name of the Beaft, and called Hnea- Yahoo or the Yahoos-Evil, and the Cure preſcribed is a Mixture of their own Dung and Urine, forcibly put down the Yahoo's Throat. This I have fince often known to have been taken with Succeſs, and do freely recommend it to my Countrymen, for the Public Good, as an admirable Specific againft all Difeafes produced by Repletion. As to Learning, Government, Arts, Manufactures, and the like, my Mafter confeffed, he could find little or no Refemblance between the Yahoos of that Coun- try and thoſe in ours. For he only meant to obferve what Parity there was in our Natures. He had heard, indeed, fome curious Houyhnhnms obſerve, that, in moſt Herds, there was a Sort of ruling Yahoo (as, among us, there is generally fome leading or principal Stag in a Park) who was always more deformed in Body, and mischievous in Difpofition, than any of the reft. That this Leader had uſually a Favourite as like himſelf as he could get, whofe Employment was to lick his Mafter's Feet and Pofteriors, and drive the Female Yahoos to his Kennel; for which he was now and then rewarded with a Piece of Afs's Flesh. This Favourite is hated by the whole Herd, and therefore, to protect himfelf, keeps always to the HOUYHN HNMS. 259 always near the Perfon of bis Leader. He ufually con- tinues in Office till a worfe can be found; but, the very Moment he is difcarded, his Succeffor at the Head of all the Yahoos in that Diſtrict, Young and Old, Male and Female, come in a Body, and diſcharge their Ex- crements upon him from Head to Foot. But how far this might be applicable to our Courts and Favourites, and Minifters of State, my Maſter ſaid I could beit de- termine. I durft make no Return to this malicious Infinuation, which debaſed human Underſtanding below the Saga- city of a common Hound, who has Judgment enough to diſtinguiſh and follow the Cry of the ablest Dog in the Pack, without being ever miſtaken. My Mafter told me, there were fome Qualities re- markable in the Yahoos, which he had not obferved me to mention, or at leaſt very ſlightly, in the Accounts I had given him of Human Kind; he faid, thofe Ani- mals, like other Brutes, had their Females in common ; but in this they differed, that the She-Yahoo would ad- mit the Male, while fhe was pregnant; and that the Hees would quarrel and fight with the Females, as fiercely as with each other. Both which Practices were fuch Degrees of infamous Brutality, that no other fenfitive Creature ever arrived at. Another Thing he wondered at in the Yahoos, was their ftrange Diſpoſition to Naftineſs and Dirt ; where- as there appears to be a natural Love of Cleanlineſs in all other Animals. As to the two former Accufations, I was glad to let them pafs without any Reply, becauſe I had not a Word to offer upon them in Defence of my Species, which otherwife I certainly had done from my own Inclinations. But I could have eaſily vindi- cated Human Kind from the Imputation of Singularity upon the laſt Article, if there had been any Savine in that Country (as unluckily for me there were not) which, although it may be a fweeter Quadruped than a Yahoo, cannot, I humbly conceive in Juttice, pretend to more Cleanlinefs; and fo his Honour himſelf must have own- $ 2 ed, 260 AVOYAGE ed, if he had ſeen their filthy Way of Feeding, and their Cuftom of wallowing and fleeping in the Mud. My Mafter likewife mentioned another Quality which his Servants had diſcovered in ſeveral Yahoos, and to him was wholly unaccountable. He faid, a Fancy would fometimes take a Yahoo, to retire into a Corner, to lie down, and howl and groan, and ſpurn away all that came near him, although he were young and fat, wanted neither Food nor Water: Nor did the Servants imagine what could poffibly ail him. And the only Remedy they found was, to fet him to hard Work, af- ter which he would infallibly come to himſelf. To this I was filent, out of Partiality to my own Kind; yet here I could plainly diſcover the true Seeds of Spleen, which only feizeth on the Lazy, the Luxurious, and the Rich; who, if they were forced to undergo the ſame Regimen, I would undertake for the Cure. His Honour had farther obferved, that a Female Yahoo would often ftand behind a Bank or a Bufh, to gaze on the young Males paffing by, and then appear, and hide, uſing many antic Geftures and Grimaces, at which Time, it was obſerved, that ſhe had a moſt of- fenfive Smell; and, when any of the Males advanced, would flowly retire, looking often back, and, with a counterfeit Shew of Fear, run off into fome convenient Place, where ſhe knew the Male would follow her. At other Times, if a Female Stranger came among them, three or four of her own Sex would get about her, and ftare, and chatter, and grin, and ſmell her all over; and then turn off with Geftures, that ſeemed to expreſs Contempt and Diſdain. Perhaps my Mafter might refine a little in theſe Spe- culations, which he had drawn from what he obſerved himſelf, or had been told him by others: However, I could not reflect, without fome Amazement, and much Sorrow, that the Rudiments of Lewdness, Coquetry, Cenfure, and Scandal, fhould have Place, by Inftinet, in Womankind. I ex- to the HOUYHNHNMS. 261 I expected, every Moment, that my Mafter would accuſe the Yahoos of thoſe unnatural Appetites in both Sexes, fo common among us. But Nature, it ſeems, hath not been fo expert a School miſtreſs; and theſe poli- ter Pleaſures are intirely the Productions of Art and Reaſon, on our Side of the Globe. CHA P. VIII. The Author relates feveral Particulars of the Ya- hoos. The great Virtues of the Houyhnhnms. The Education and Exerciſe of their Youth. Their general Affembly. A S I ought to have underſtood human Nature much better than I fuppofed it poffible for my Maſter to do, ſo it was eafy to apply the Character he gave of the Yahoos to myfelf, and my Countrymen; and, I believed, I could yet make farther Difcoveries from my own Obfervation. I therefore often begged his Favour to let me go among the Herds of Yahoos in the Neighbourhood, to which he always very graciouſly confented, being perfectly convinced, that the Hatred I bore thofe Brutes would never fuffer me to be cor- rupted by them; and his Honour ordered one of his Servants, a ſtrong Sorrel Nag, very honeft and good- natured, to be my Guard, without whofe Protection, I durft not undertake fuch Adventures. For I have al- ready told the Reader, how much I was peſtered by thoſe odious Animals upon my firſt Arrival. And I afterwards failed very narrowly three or four Times of falling into their Clutches, when I happened to ſtray at any Diſtance without my Hanger. And I have Rea- fon to believe they had fome Imagination that I was of their own Species, which I often affifted myſelf, by ftripping up my Sleeves, and fhewing my naked Arms and Breast in their Sight, when my Protector was with me. At which Times they would approach as near as S 3 they 262 A VOYAGE they durft, and imitate my Actions after the Manner of Monkies, but ever with great Signs of Hatred; as a tame Jack-Daw, with Cap and Stockings, is always perfecuted by the wild ones, when he happens to be got among them. They are prodigiously nimble from their Infancy; however, I once caught a young Male of three Years old, and endeavoured, by all Marks of Tenderneſs, to make it quiet; but the little Imp fell a Squalling, and Scratching, and Biting, with fuch Violence, that I was forced to let it go; and it was high Time, for a whole Troop of old ones came about us at the Noife, but find- ing the Cub was fafe (for away it ran) and my Sorrel Nag being by, they durft not venture near us. I ob- ferved the young Animal's Fleſh to fmell very rank, and the Stink was fomewhat between a Weafel and a Fox, but much more difagreeable. I forgot another Circumftance (and perhaps I might have the Reader's Pardon, if it were wholly omitted) that, while I held the odious Vermin in my Hands, it voided its filthy Excrements, of a yellow liquid Subftance, all over my Cloaths; but, by good Fortune, there was a ſmall Brook hard by, where I washed myſelf as clean as I could; although I durft not come into my Maſter's Pre- fence, until I were fufficiently aired. By what I could difcover, the Yahoos appear to be the moſt unteachable of all Animals; their Capacities never reaching higher, than to draw or carry Burthens. Yet, I am of Opinion, this Defect arifeth chiefly from a perverſe, reftive Difpofition. For they are cun- ning, malicious, treacherous, and revengeful. They are ftrong and hardy, but of a cowardly Spirit, and by Confequence, infolent, abject, and cruel. It is obferved, that the Red-haired of both Sexes are more libidinous and mifchievous than the reft, whom yet they much exceed in Strength and Activity. The Houyhnhnms keep the raboos for prefent Ufe, in Huts not far from the Houfe; but the reft are fent A- broad to certain Fields, where they dig up Roots, eat feveral to the HOUYHNHN MS. 263 feveral Kinds of Herbs, and fearch about for Carrion, or ſometimes catch Weafels and Lubimuhs (a Sort of wild Rat) which they greedily devour. Nature hath taught them to dig Holes with their Nails on the Side of a rifing Ground, wherein they lie by themfelves; only the Kennels of the Females are larger, fufficient to hold two or three Cubs. They fwim from their Infancy like Frogs, and are able to continue long under Water, where they often take Fiſh, which the Females carry Home to their Young. And, upon this Occafion, I hope the Rea- der will pardon my relating an odd Adventure. Being one Day abroad with my Protector the Sorrel Nag, and the Weather exceeding hot, I entreated him to let me bathe in a River that was near. He confent- ed, and I immediately firipped myſelf ſtark naked, and went down foftly into the Stream. It happened that a young Female Yahoo, ftanding behind a Bank, faw the whole Proceeding, and enflamed by Defire, as the Nag and I conjectured, came running with all Speed, and leaped into the Water within five Yards of the Place where I bathed. I was never in my Life fo ter-. ribly frighted; the Nag was grazing at fome Diſtance, not fufpecting any Harm. She embraced me after a moſt fulfome Manner; I roared as loud as I could, and the Nag came galloping towards me, whereupon the quitted her Grafp, with the utmost Reluctancy, and leaped upon the oppofite Bank, where the flood gazing and howling all the Time I was putting on my Cloaths. This was a Matter of Diverfion to my Maſter and his Family, as well as of Mortification to myſelf. For now I could no longer deny, that I was a real raboo, in every Limb and Feature, fince the Females had a natural Propensity to me, as one of their own Species : Neither was the Hair of this Brute of a red Colour (which might have been fome Excufe for an Appetite a little irregular) but black as a Sloe, and her Counte- nance did not make an Appearance altogether fo hi- $ 4 deous 264 AVOYAGE deous as the reft of her Kind: For, I think, ſhe could not be above eleven Years old. Having lived three Years in this Country, the Rea- der, I fuppofe, will expect, that I fhould, like other Travellers, give him fome Account of the Manners and Cuftoms of its Inhabitants, which it was, indeed, my principal Study to learn. As thefe Noble Houyhnhnms are endowed by Nature with a general Difpofition to all Virtues, and have no Conceptions or Ideas of what is Evil in a rational Crea- ture; fo their grand Maxim is, to cultivate Reaſon, and to be wholly governed by it. Neither is Reafon, a- mong them, a Point Problematical, as with us, where Men can argue with Plaufibility on both Sides of a Queſtion; but ftrikes you with immediate Conviction ; as it muſt needs do, where it is not mingled, obfcured, or difcoloured by Paffion and Intereft. I remember it was with extreme Difficulty, that I could bring my Maſter to underſtand the Meaning of the Word Opi- nion, or how a Point could be difputable; becauſe Rea- fon taught us to affirm or deny only where we are cer- tain; and, beyond our Knowledge, we cannot do ei- ther. So that Controverfies, Wranglings, Difputes, and Pofitiveneſs, in falſe or dubious Propofitions, are Evils unknown among the Houyhnhnms. In the like Manner, when I ufed to explain to him our feveral Syftems of Natural Philofophy, he would laugh, that a Creature, pretending to Reafon, fhould value itfelf up- on the Knowledge of other People's Conjectures, and in Things, where that Knowledge, if it were certain, could be of no Ufe. Wherein he agreed intirely with the Sentiments of Socrates, as Plato delivers them ; which I mention as the higheft Honour I can do that Prince of Philofophers. I have often fince reflected, what Deftruction fuch a Doctrine would make in the Libraries of Europe; and how many Paths to Fame would be then fhut up in the Learned World. Friendship and Benevolence are the two principal Vir- ues among the Houyhnhnms; and theſe not confined to par to the HOUYHNHNM S. 265 particular Objects, but univerfal to the whole Race, For a Stranger, from the remoteft Part, is equally treat- ed with the neareſt Neighbour; and, where-ever he goes, looks upon himſelf as at Home. They preferve Decency and Civility in the higheft Degrees, but are al- together ignorant of Ceremony. They have no Fond- nefs for their Colts or Foles, but the Care they take, in educating them, proceeds intirely from the Dictates of Reafon. And I obſerved my Maſter to fhew the fame Affection to his Neighbour's Iffue, that he had for his own. They will. have it, that Nature teaches them to love the whole Species, and it is Reafon only that maketh a Diſtinction of Perfons, where there is a fu- perior Degree of Virtue. When the Matron Houyhnhnms have produced one of each Sex, they no longer accompany with their Con- forts, except they lofe one of their Iffue by fome Ca- fualty, which very feldom happens: But in fuch a Cafe they meet again; or when the like Accident be- fals a Perfon, whofe Wife is paft bearing, fome other Couple beſtow him one of their own Colts, and then go together again until the Mother is pregnant. This Caution is neceffary, to prevent the Country from be- ing over-burthened with Numbers. But the Race of inferior Houyhnhnms, bred up to be Servants, is not fo ftrictly limited upon this Article; theſe are allowed to produce three of each Sex, to be Domeſtics in the No- ble Families. In their Marriages, they are exactly careful to choofe fuch Colours as will not make any difagreeable Mix- ture in the Breed. Strength is chiefly valued in the Male, and Comeliness in the Female; not upon the Ac- count of Love, but to preferve the Race from degene- rating; for, where a Female happens to excel in Strength, a Confort is chofen with regard to Comeliness. Court- fhip, Love, Prefents, Jointures, Settlements, have no Place in their Thoughts; or Terms whereby to ex- prefs them in their Language. The young Couple meet and are joined, merely becauſe it is the Determi- nation 256 A VOYAGE nation of their Parents and Friends: It is what they fee done every Day, and they look upon it as one of the neceffary Actions of a reaſonable Being. But the Violation of Marriage, or any other Unchaſtity, was never heard of: And the married Pair paſs their Lives with the fame Friendship, and mutual Benevolence, that they bear to all others of the fame Species, who come in their Way; without Jealoufy, Fondnefs, Quarrel- ling, or Difcontent. In educating the Youth of both Sexes, their Method is admirable, and highly deferves our Imitation. Theſe are not fuffered to taste a Grain of Oats, except upon certain Days, till eighteen Years old; nor Milk, but very rarely; and in Summer they graze two Hours in the Morning, and as many in the Evening, which their Parents likewife obferve; but the Servants are not al- lowed above half that Time, and a great Part of their Grafs is brought Home, which they eat at the moſt convenient Hours, when they can be beft fpared from Work. Temperance, Industry, Exercife, and Cleanliness, are the Leffons equally enjoined to the young ones of both Sexes: And my Mafter thought it monftrous in us to give the Females a different Kind of Education from the Males, except in fome Articles of Domeſtic Ma- nagement; whereby, as he truly obferved, one half of our Natives were good for nothing but bringing Children into the World: And to truſt the Care of our Children to fuch uſeleſs Animals, he faid, was yet a greater Infance of Brutality. But the Houyhnhnms train up their Youth to Strength, Speed, and Hardiness, by exercifing them to running Races up and down fteep Hills, and over hard ftony Grounds, and, when they are all in a Sweat, they are ordered to leap over Head and Ears, into a Pond or River. Four Times a Year, the Youth of a certain Diſtrict meet to fhew their Proficiency in Running, and Leaping, and other Feats of Strength and Agility; where the Victor is rewarded, with a Song in his or her to the HOUYHNHNM S. 257 her Praiſe. On this Feſtival, the Servants drive a Herd of Yahoos into the Field, laden with Hay, and Oats, and Milk, for a Repaft to the Houyhnhnms; after which, theſe Brutes are immediately driven back again, for Fear of being noiſome to the Affembly. Every fourth Year, at the Vernol Equinox, there is a Repreſentative Council of the whole Nation, which meets in a Plain about twenty Miles from our Houfe, and continues about five or fix Days. Here they en- quire into the State and Condition of the ſeveral Diſtricts; Whether they abound, or be deficient in Hay or Oats, or Cows or raboos? And wherever there is any Want (which is but feldom) it is immediately fupplied by una- nimous Confent and Contribution. Here likewife the Regulation of Children is fettled: As for Inſtance, if a Houyhnhnm hath two Males, he changeth one of them with another that hath two Females: And when a Child hath been loft by any Cafualty, where the Mo- ther is paft Breeding, it is determined what Family in the Diſtrict ſhall breed another, to ſupply the Lofs. CHA P. IX. A grand Debate at the General Affembly of the Houyhnhnms, and how it was determined. The Learning of the Houyhnhnms. Their Buildings. Their Manner of Burials. The Defectiveness of their Language. NE of theſe grand Affemblies was held in my Time, about three Months before my Departure, whither my Mafter went, as the Reprefentative of our Diſtrict. In this Council was refumed their old De- bate, and, indeed, the only Debate that ever happened in that Country; whereof my Mafler, after his Return, gave me a very particular Account. The Queftion to be debated, was, Whether the la- boos fhould be exterminated from the Face of the Earth. One 268 A VOYAGE One of the Members for the Affirmative offered ſeveral Arguments of great Strength and Weight; alledging, That as the Taboos. were the moft filthy, noifome, and deformed Animal which Nature ever produced, fo they were the moft reftive and indocible, mifchievous and malicious: They would privately fuck the Teats of the Houyhnhnms Cows; kill and devour their Cats, trample down their Oats and Graſs, if they were not continual- ly watched, and commit a thouſand other Extravagan- cies. He took Notice of a general Tradition, That raboos had not been always in that Country; but that, many Ages ago, two of theſe Brutes appeared together upon a Mountain; whether produced by the Heat of the Sun upon corrupted Mud and Slime, or from the Ooze and Froth of the Sea, was never known. That thefe Yahoos engendered, and their Brood, in a fhort Time, grew fo numerous, as to over-run and infeſt the whole Nation. That the Houyhnhnms, to get rid of this Evil, made a general Hunting, and at laſt en- clofed the whole Herd; and, deftroying the Elder, eve- ry Houyhnhnm kept two young ones in a Kennel, and brought them to fuch a Degree of Tamenefs, as an A- nimal, fo favage by Nature, can be capable of acquir- ing; ufing them for Draught and Carriage. That there feemed to be much Truth in this Tradition, and that thofe Creatures could not be Yinhniamsby (or Abo- rigines of the Land) becauſe of the violent Hatred the Houyhnhnms, as well as all other Animals, bore them ; which, although their evil Difpofition fufficiently de- ferved, could never have arrived at fo high a Degree, if they had been Aborigines, or elſe they would have long fince been rooted out. That the Inhabitants, taking a Fancy to uſe the Service of the Yahoos, had very imprudently neglected to cultivate the Breed of Alles, which were a comely Animal, caſily kept, more tame and orderly, without any offenfive Smell, ftrong enough for Labour, although they yield to the other in Agility of Body; and, if their Braying be no agreeable Sound, to the HOUYHNHN M S. 269 Sound, it is far preferable to the horrible Howlings of the Yahoos. Several others declared their Sentiments to the fame Purpoſe, when my Mafter propofed an Expedient to the Affembly, whereof he had, indeed, borrowed the Hint from me. He approved of the Tradition, men- tioned by the honourable Member, who ſpoke before and affirmed, that the two Yahoos, ſaid to be firſt ſeen among them, had been driven thither over the Sea; that coming to Land, and being forfaken by their Com- panions, they retired to the Mountains, and, degene- rating by Degrees, became, in Proceſs of Time, much more favage, than thofe of their own Species in the Country from whence theſe two Originals came. The Reafon of this Affertion was, that he had now in his Poffeffion a certain wonderful Yahoo (meaning myfelf) which moſt of them had heard of, and many of them had feen. He then related to them, how he first found me; that my Body was all covered with an artificial Compoſure of the Skins and Hairs of other Animals: That I spoke in a Language of my own, and had tho- roughly learned theirs: That I had related to him the Accidents which brought me thither: That, when he faw me without my Covering, I was an exact laboo in every Part, only of a whiter Colour, lefs hairy, and with ſhorter Claws. He added, how I had endeavoured to perfuade him, that, in my own and other Countries, the Yaboos acted as the governing, rational Animal, and held the Houyhnhnms in Servitude: That he obſerved in me all the Qualities of a Yaboo, only a little more civilized by fome Tincture of Reafon; which, howe- ver, was in a Degree as far inferiour to the Houyhnhnm Race, as the Yahoos of their Country were to me: That, among other Things, I mentioned a Cuſtom we had of Caftrating Houyhnhnms when they were young, in order to render them tame; that the Operation was eafy and fafe; that it was no Shame to learn Wiſdom from Brutes, as Induſtry is taught by the Ant, and Building by the Swallow 270 A VOYAGE Swallow (for fo I tranſlate the Word Lyhannh, although it be a much larger Fowl.) That this Invention might be practifed upon the younger Yahoos here, which, be- fides rendering them tractable, and fitter for Ufe, would, in an Age, put an End to the whole Species, without deftroying Life. That, in the mean Time, the Houyhn- bnms fhould be exhorted to cultivate the Breed of Affes, which, as they are in all Refpects more valuable Brutes, fo they have this Advantage, to be fit for Service at at five Years old, which the others are not till twelve. This was all my Mafter thought fit to tell me at that Time, of what paffed in the Grand Council. But he was pleaſed to conceal one Particular, which related perfonally to myſelf, whereof I foon felt the unhappy Effect, as the Reader will know in its proper Place, and from whence I date all the fucceeding Misfortunes of my Life. The Houyhnhnms have no Letters, and confequently, their Knowledge is all Traditional. But there happen- ing few Events of any Moment among a People fo well united, naturally difpofed to every Virtue, wholly go- verned by Reaſon and cut off from all Commerce with other Nations; the hiftorical Part is eafily preferved without burthening their Memories. I have already obferved that they are fubject to no Diſeaſes, and there- fore can have no Need of Phyficians. However, they have excellent Medicines compofed of Herbs, to cure accidental Bruifes and Cuts in the Paftern, or Frog of the Foot, by fharp Stones, as well as other Mains and Hurts in the feveral Parts of the Body. They calculate the Year by the Revolution of the Sun and the Moon, but uſe no Subdivifions into Weeks. They are well enough acquainted with the Motions of thofe two Luminaries, and underſtand the Nature of E- clipfes; and this is the utmoft Progrefs of their Aftro- nomy. In Poetry, they must be allowed to excel all other Mortals; wherein the Juftnefs of their Similies, and the Minuteness, to the HOUYHNHNMS. 27 I Minuteness, as well as Exactnefs of their Defcriptions, are, indeed, inimitable. Their Verfes abound very much in both of thefe; and ufually contain either fome exalted Notions of Friendship and Benevolence, or the Praiſes of thoſe who were Victors in Races, and other bodily Exercifes. Their Buildings, although very rude and fimple, are not inconvenient, but well contrived to defend them from all Injuries of Cold and Heat. They have a Kind of Tree, which, at forty Years old, loofens in the Root, and falls with the firft Storm; it grows very ftrait, and being pointed like Stakes, with a fharp Stone (for the Houyhnhnms know not the Uſe of Iron) they flick them erect in the Ground about ten Inches a- funder, and then weave in Oat-ftraw, or ſometimes Wattles, betwixt them. The Roof is made after the fame Manner, and fo are the Doors. The Houyhnhnms ufe the hollow Part, between the Paftern and the Hoof, of their Forefeet, as we do our Hands, and this with greater Dexterity, than I could at firſt imagine. I have feen a white Mare of our Fa- mily thread a Needle (which I lent her on Purpoſe) with that Joint. They milk their Cows, reap their Oats, and do all the Work which requires Hands in the fame Manner. They have a Kind of hard Flints, which, by grinding against other Stones, they form into Inftruments, that ferve inſtead of Wedges, Axes, and Hammers. With Tools made of theſe Flints, they likewife cut their Hay, and reap their Oats, which there grow naturally in feveral Fields: The Yahoos draw Home the Sheaves in Carriages, and the Servants tread them in certain covered Hutts, to get out the Grain, which is kept in Stores. They make a rude Kind of earthen and wooden Veffels, and bake the former in the Sun. If they can avoid Cafualties, they die only of Old- Age, and are buried in the obfcureft Places that can be found, their Friends and Relations expreffing nei- ther Joy nor Grief at their Departure; nor does the dying Perfon diſcover the leaſt Regret that he is leav- ing 272 A VOYAGE ing the World, any more than if he were upon return ing Home from a Vifit to one of his Neighbours. I remember, my Mafter having once made an Appoint- ment with a Friend and his Family to come to his Houſe upon fome Affair of Importance, on the Day fixed, the Miſtreſs, and her two Children, came very late; fhe made two Excufes, firft for her Husband, who, as fhe faid, happened that very Morning to Lhnuwnb. The Word is ftrongly expreffive in their Language, but not eafily rendered into English; it fignifies, to retire to his first Mother. Her Excufe, for not coming fooner, was, that her Huſband dying late in the Morning, fhe was a good while confulting her Servants about a convenient Place where his Body fhould be laid; and, I obferved, fhe behaved herſelf at our Houſe, as chearfully as the reft: She died a- bout three Months after. They live generally to feventy, or feventy-five Years, very feldom to fourfcore: Some Weeks before their Death, they feel a gradual Decay; but without Pain. During this Time, they are much vifited by their Friends, becauſe they cannot go abroad, with their ufual Eafe and Satisfaction. However, about ten Days before their Death, which they ſeldom fail in computing, they return the Vifits that have been made them, by thoſe who are neareſt in the Neigh- bourhood, being carried in a convenient Sledge, drawn by Yahoos ; which Vehicle they ufe, not only upon this Occafion, but when they grow old, upon long Journies, or when they are lamed by any Accident. And, therefore, when the dying Houyhnhnms return thoſe Viſits, they take a folemn Leave of their Friends, as if they were going to fome remote Part of the Coun- try, where they defigned to paſs the reſt of their Lives. I know not whether it may be worth obferving, that the Houyhnhnms have no Word in their Language, to express any Thing that is Evil, except what they bor- row from the Deformities, or ill Qualities of the Ya- boos. Thus they denote the Folly of a Servant, an Omiffion to the HOUYHNHNMS. 273 Omiffion of a Child, a Stone that cuts their Feet, a Continuance of foul or unfeaſonable Weather, and the like, by adding to each the Epithet of Yahoo. For Inftance, Hhnm Yahoo, Whnaholm Yahoo, Ynlhmnd- wihlma Yahoo, and an ill contrived Houſe, Ynholme hamrohlnw Yahoo. I could with great Pleaſure enlarge farther upon the Manners and Virtues of this excellent People; but, in- tending in a fhort Time to publiſh a Volume by itſelf exprefly upon that Subject, I refer the Reader thither. And, in the mean Time, proceed to relate my own faid Cataſtrophe. CHAP. X. The Author's Oeconomy, and happy Life, among the Houyhnhnms. His great Improvement in Vir- tue, by converfing with them. Their Converfa- tions. The Author has Notice given him by his Mafter, that he muſt depart from the Country. He falls into a Swoon for Grief; but ſubmits. He contrives and finishes a Canoo, by the Help of a Fellow-fervant, and puts to Sea at a Venture. I HAD fettled my little Oeconomy to my own Heart's Content. My Maſter had ordered a Room to be made for me after their Manner, about fix Yards from the Houfe; the Sides and Floors of which I plaiftered with Clay, and covered with Ruſh-matts of my own contriving; I had beaten Hemp, which there grows wild, and made of it a Sort of Ticking; This I filled with the Feathers of ſeveral Birds I had taken with Springes made of Yahoos Hairs, and were excellent Food. I had worked two Chairs with my Knife, the Sorrel Nag helping me in the groffer and more laborious Part. When my Cloaths were worn to Rags, I made my- felf others with the Skins of Rabbits, and of a certain T beautiful 274 A VOYAGE beautiful Animal about the fame Size, called Nnuhnoh, the Skin of which is covered with a fine Down. Of theſe I alſo made very tolerable Stockings. I foaled my Shoes with Wood which I cut from a Tree, and fitted to the upper Leather; and, when this was worn out, I fupplied it with the Skins of Yahoos, dried in the Sun. I often got Honey out of hollow Trees, which I mingled with Water, or eat with my Bread. No Man could more verify the Truth of theſe two Maxims, That Nature is very eaſily ſatisfied; and, That Neceffity is the Mother of Invention. I enjoyed perfect Health of Body, and Tranquility of Mind; I did not feel the Treachery or Inconftancy of a Friend, nor the Injuries of a fecret or open Enemy. I had no Occafion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the Favour of any great Man, or of his Minion. I wanted no Fence againſt Fraud or Oppreffion; here was neither Phyfician to deſtroy my Body, nor Lawyer to ruin my Fortune; no Informer to watch my Words, and Ac- tions, or forge Accufations againſt me for Hire: Here were no Gibers, Cenfurers, Backbiters, Pick-pockets, Highwaymen, Houfe-breakers, Attornies, Bawds, Buf- foons, Gamefters, Politicians, Wits, Splenatics, tedious. Talkers, Controvertifts, Ravifhers, Murderers, Rob- bers, Virtuofo's; no Leaders or Followers of Party and Faction; no Encouragers to Vice, by Seducement or Examples; no Dungeon, Axes, Gibbets, Whipping- pofts, or Pillories; no cheating Shopkeepers or Me- chanics; no Pride, Vanity or Affectation; no Fops, Bullies, Drunkards, ftrolling Whores, or Poxes; no ranting, lewd, expenfive Wives; no ftupid, proud Pe- dants; no importunate, over-bearing, quarrelfome, noi. fy, roaring, empty, conceited, fwearing Companions : No Scoundrels, raifed from the Duft, for the Sake of their Vices, or Nobility thrown into it, on Account of their Virtues; no Lords, Fidlers, Judges, or Dan- cing-mafters. I had the Favour of being admitted to feveral Houyhnhnms, who came to vifit or dine with my Maf- ter; to the HOUYHNHNMS. 275 ter; where his Honour graciouſly fuffered me to wait in the Room, and listen to their Difcourfe. Both he and his Company would often deſcend to aſk me Queſ- tions, and receive my Anfwers. I had alfo fometimes the Honour of attending my Maſter in his Vifits to o- thers. I never prefumed to fpeak, except in Anſwer to a Queſtion; and then I did it with inward Regret, becauſe it was a Lofs of fo much Time for improving myfelf: But I was infinitely delighted with the Sta- tion of an humble Auditor in fuch Converfations, where nothing paffed but what was uſeful, expreffed in the fewest and most fignificant Words: Where (as I have already faid) the greatest Decency was obferved, with- out the leaft Degree of Ceremony; where no Perſon ſpoke, without being pleafed himſelf, and pleafing his Companions; where there was no Interruption, Tedi- oufnefs, Heat, or Difference of Sentiments. They have a Notion, That, when People are met together, a fhort Silence doth much improve Converſation: This I found to be true; for, during thoſe little Intermiffions of Talk, new Ideas would arife in their Thoughts, which very much enlivened the Diſcourſe. Their Sub- jects are generally on Friendſhip and Benevolence, on Order and Economy; fometimes upon the vifible O- perations of Nature, or ancient Traditions; upon the Bounds and Limits of Virtue; upon the unerring Rules of Reafon, or upon fome Determinations, to be taken at the next great Affembly; and often upon the various Excellencies of Poetry. I may add, without Vanity, that my Prefence often gave them fufficient Matter for Difcourfe, becauſe it afforded my Mailer an Occafion of letting his Friends into the History of me and my Country, upon which they were all pleaſed to defcant, in a Manner not very advantageous to Human Kind and, for that Reaſon, I fhall not repeat what they ſaid: Only I may be allowed to obferve, That his Honour, to my great Admiration, appeared to underſtand the Nature of Yaboos, much better than myfelf. He went through all our Vices and Follies, and difcovered many T & which 276 AVOYAGE which I had never mentioned to him, by only ſuppoſing what Qualities a Yahoo of their Country, with a fmall Proportion of Reafon, might be capable of exerting; and concluded, with too much Probability, how vile, as well as miferable, fuch a Creature must be. I freely confefs, that all the little Knowledge I have, of any Value, was acquired by the Lectures, I received from my Mafter, and from hearing the Diſcourſes of him and his Friends; to which 1 fhould be prouder to liften, than to dictate to the greateſt and wifeft Affem- bly in Europe. I admired the Strength, Comeliness, and Speed of the Inhabitants; and fuch a Conſtellation of Virtues, in fuch amiable Perfons, produced in me the higheſt Veneration. At first, indeed, I did not feel that natural Awe, which the Yahoos, and all other A- nimals, bear towards them; but it grew upon me by Degrees, much fooner than I imagined, and was mingled with a refpectful Love and Gratitude, that they would condeſcend to distinguish me from the reſt of my Species. When I thought of my Family, my Friends, my Countrymen, or Human Race in general, I confider- ed them as they really were, Yahoos in Shape and Difpofition, perhaps a little more civilized, and qua- lified with the Gift of Speech; but making no other Ufe of Reaſon, than to improve and multiply thofe Vices, whereof their Brethren in this Country had on- ly the Share that Nature allotted them. When I happened to behold the Reflection of my own Form in a Lake or a Fountain, I turned away my Face in Hor- ror and Deteſtation of myſelf; and could better endure the Sight of a common Yahoo, than of my own Perfon. By converfing with the Houyhnhnms, and looking upon them with Delight, I fell to imitate their Gate and Geſture, which is now grown into an Habit; and my Friends often tell me in a blunt Way, that I trot like a Horfe; which, however, I take for a great Compli- ment: Neither fhall I diſown, that, in Speaking, I am apt to fall into the Voice and Manner of the Houy- bahnms, to the HOUYHNHNMS. 277 hnhnms, and hear myſelf ridiculed on that Account, without the leaft Mortification. In the Midſt of all this Happineſs, and when I looked upon myſelf to be fully fettled for Life, my Mafter fent for me one Morning, a little earlier than his uſual Hour. I obferved by his Countenance, that he was in fome Perplexity, and at a Lofs how to begin what he had to ſpeak. After a fhort Silence, he told me, He did not know how I would take what he was going to ſay; that in the laſt general Affembly, when the Affair of the Yahoos was entered upon, the Reprefenta- tives had taken offence at his keeping a Yahoo (mean- ing myſelf) in his Family, more like a Houyhnhnm, than a brute Animal. That he was known frequently to converſe with me, as if he could receive fome Ad- vantage or Pleafure in my Company: That fuch a Practice was not agreeable to Reaſon or Nature, or a Thing ever heard of before among them. The Affem- bly did therefore exhort him, either to employ me like the rest of my Species, or command me to fwim back to the Place from whence I came, That the firſt of thefe Expedients was utterly rejected by all the Houy- hnhnms, who had ever feen me at his Houfe or their own: For they alledged, That, becauſe I had fome Rudiments of Reaſon, added to the natural Pravity of thoſe Animals, it was to be feared, I might be able to feduce them into the woody and mountainous Parts of the Country, and bring them in Troops by Night to deſtroy the Houyhnhnms Cattle, as being naturally of the ravenous Kind, and averfe from Labour. My Mafter added, That he was daily preffed by the Houyhnhnms of the Neighbourhood, to have the Affem- bly's Exhortation executed, which he could not put off much longer. He doubted it would be impoffible for me to ſwim to another Country; and therefore wished I would contrive fome Sort of Vehicle refembling thofe I had deſcribed to him, that might carry me on the Sea; in which Work I fhould have the Affiftance of his own Servants, as well as thofe of his Neighbours. T3 He 278 AVOYAGE He concluded, That, for his own Part, he could have been content to keep me in his Service as long as I lived; becauſe he found I had cured myſelf of ſome bad Habits and Difpofitions, by endeavouring, as far as my inferior Nature was capable, to imitate the Houyhnhnms. I fhould here cbferve to the Reader, That a Decree of the general Affembly, in this Country, is expref- fed by the Word Hnhloayn, which fignifies an Exhor- tation, as near as I can render it: For they have no Conception how a rational Creature can be compelled, but only adviſed, or exhorted; becauſe no Perfon can difobey Reaſon, without giving up his Claim to be a rational Creature. I was ftruck with the utmoft Grief and Deſpair at my Master's Difcourfe; and, being unable to fupport the Agonies I was under, I fell into a Swoon at his Feet: When I came to myfelf, he told me, that he concluded I had been dead (for thefe People are ſub- ject to no fuch Imbecillities of Nature.) I anfwered in a faint Voice, That Death would have been too great an Happinefs; that although I could not blame the Affembly's Exhortation, or the Urgency of his Friends; yet, in my weak and corrupt Judgment, I thought it might confift with Reaſon, to have been leſs rigorous. That I could not fwim a League, and, pro- bably, the neareft Land to theirs might be diſtant a- bove an hundred: That many Materials, neceſſary for making a ſmall Veffel to carry me off, were wholly wanting in this Country, which, however, I would attempt, in Obedience and Gratitude to his Honour, although I concluded the Thing to be impoffible, and therefore looked on myſelf as already devoted to De- ftruction. That the certain Profpect of an unnatural Death was the leaft of my Evils: For, fuppofing I should escape with Life by fome ftrange Adventure, how could I think with Temper, of paffing my Days among Yahoos, and relapfing into my old Corruptions, for Want of Examples to lead and keep me within the Paths to the HOUYHNHNMS. 279 Paths of Virtue. That I knew, too well, upon what folid Reaſons, all the Determinations of the wife Hɔuy- hnhnms were founded, not to be fhaken by Arguments of mine, a miferable Yahoo; and therefore, after pre- fenting him with my humble Thanks for the offer of his Servants Affiftance in making a Veffel, and defir- ing a reaſonable Time for fo difficult a Work, I told him I would endeavour to preſerve a wretched Being; and, if ever I returned to England, was not without Hopes of being uſeful to my own Species, by celebra- ting the Praiſes of the renowned Houyhnhnms, and pro- pcfing their Virtues to the Imitation of Mankind. My Maſter in a few Words, made me a very graci- ous Reply, allowed me the Space of two Months to finiſh my Boat; and ordered the Sorrel Nag, my Fel- low-fervant (for fo at this Diſtance I may preſume to call him) to follow my Inftructions, becauſe I told my Maſter, that his Help would be fufficient, and I knew he had a Tenderneſs for me. In his Company, my firſt Buſineſs was to go to that Part of the Coaft, where my rebellious Crew had or- dered me to be fet on Shore. I got upon a Height, and, looking on every Side into the Sea, fancied I faw a fmall Island, towards the North-eaft: I took out my Pocket-glafs, and could then clearly diftinguish it a- bout five Leagues off, as I computed; but it appeared to the Sorrel Nag to be only a blue Cloud: For, as he had no Conception of any Country befide his own, ſo he could not be as expert in diſtinguiſhing remote Ob- jects at Sea, as we who ſo much converfe in that Ele- ment. After I had difcovered this Ifland, I confidered no farther; but refolved, it fhould, if poffible, be the firft Place of my Banifhment, leaving the Confequence to Fortune. I returned Home, and confulting with the Sorrel Nag, we went into a Copfe at fome Diſtance, where I with my Knife, and he with a fharp Flint faftened very artificially, after their Manner, to a wooden Handle, Ꭲ 4 280 AVOYAGE Handle, cut down feveral oak Wattles, about the Thickness of a Walking ſtaff, and fome larger Pieces. But I fhall not trouble the Reader with a particular Deſcription of my own Mechanics; let it fuffice to ſay, that in fix Weeks Time, with the Help of the Sorrel Nag, who performed the Parts that required moft La- bour, I finifhed a Sort of Indian Canoo, but much larger, covering it with the Skins of Yahoos, well ftitch- ed together with hempen Threads of my own making. My Sail was likewiſe compoſed of the Skins of the fame Animal; but I made Ufe of the youngeſt I could get, the older being too tough and thick; and I likewife provided myſelf with four Paddles. I laid in a Stock of boiled Fleſh, of Rabbets and Fowls; and took with me two Veffels, one filled with Milk, and the other with Water. I tried my Canoo in a large Pond, near my Maſter's Houſe, and then corrected in it what was amifs; ſtop- ping all the Chinks with Yahoos Tallow, till I found it ftanch, and able to bear me, and my Freight. And when it was as compleat as I could poffibly make it, I had it drawn on a Carriage, very gently, by Yahoos, to the Sea-fide, under the Conduct of the Sorrel Nag, and another Servant. When all was ready, and the Day came for my Departure, I took Leave of my Maſter and Lady, and the whole Family, mine Eyes flowing with Tears, and my Heart quite funk with Grief. But his Honour, out of Curiofity, and perhaps (if I may ſpeak it with- out Vanity) partly out of Kindneſs, was determined to fee me in my Canoo; and got ſeveral of his neighbour- ing Friends to accompany him. I was forced to wait above an Hour for the Tide, and then obferving the Wind very fortunately bearing towards the Ifland, to which I intended to fteer my Courfe, I took a Second Leave of my Maſter: But as I was going to poſtrate myſelf to kifs his Hoof, he did me the Honour to raiſe įt gently to my Mouth. I am not ignorant how much I have been cenfured for mentioning this laft Particu lar, to the HOUYHNHNM S. 281 lar. For my Detractors are pleaſed to think it impro- bable, that fo illuftrious a Perfon fhould defcend to give fo great a Mark of Distinction to a Creature fo inferior as I. Neither have I forgot, how apt fome Travellers are to boaſt of extraordinary Favours they have received. But, if theſe Cenfurers were better ac- quainted with the noble and courteous Difpofition of the Houyhnhnms, they would foon change their Opi- nion. I paid my Refpects to the rest of the Houyhnhnms in his Honour's Company; then, getting into my Canoo, I pushed off from Shore. CHAP. XI. The Author's dangerous Voyage. He arrives at New- Holland, hoping to fettle there. Is wounded with an Arrow by one of the Natives. Is feized and carried by Force into a Portugueze Ship. The great Civilities of the Captain. The Author ar- rives at England. I BEGAN this defperate Voyage on February 15, 1714-15, at 9 o'clock in the Morning The Wind was very favourable; however, I made Ufe, at firſt, only of my Paddles; but confidering I should foon be weary, and that the Wind might probably chop about, I ventured to ſet up my little Sail; and thus, with the Help of the Tide, I went at the Rate of a League and a half an Hour, as near as I could guess. My Mailer and his Friends continued on the Shore, till I was al- moſt out of Sight; and I often heard the Sorrel Nag (who always loved me) crying out, Hnuy illa nyba ma- jab Yahoo, Take Care of thyself, gentle Yahoo. My Defign was, if poffible, to difcover fome fmall Iſland uninhabited, yet fufficient with my Labour to furniſh me with the Neceffaries of Life, which I would have thought a greater Happinefs, than to be 6:4 282 AVOYAGE firft Miniſter in the politeft Court of Europe; fo horri ble was the Idea I conceived of returning to live in the Society, and under the Government of Yahoos. For, in fuch a Solitude as I defired, I could, at leaft, enjoy my own Thoughts, and reflect with Delight on the Virtues of thoſe inimitable Houyhnhnms, without any Opportunity of degenerating into the Vices and Cor- ruptions of my own Species. The Reader may remember what I related, when my Crew confpired againſt me, and confined me to my Cabbin. How I continued there feveral Weeks, with- out knowing what Courſe we took; and when I was put a-fhore in the Long-boat, how the Sailors told me with Oaths, whether true or falfe, that they knew not in what Part of the World we were. However, I did then believe us to be about ten Degrees Southward of the Cape of Good-Hope, or about 45 Degrees, Southern Latitude, as I gathered from fome general Words I o- verheard among them, being, I fuppofed, to the South. Eaft in their intended Voyage to Madagafcar. And, although this were but little better than Conjecture, yet I refolved to ftear my Courſe Eastward, hoping to reach the South-West Coast of New-Holland, and per- haps fome fuch Iſland as I defired, lying Weftward of it. The Wind was full Weſt, and, by fix in the Even- ing, I computed I had gone Eastward, at leaft, eigh- teen Leagues; when I fpied a very fmall Iſland about half a League off, which I foon reached. It was no- thing but a Rock with one Creek, naturally arched by the Force of Tempefts. Here I put in my Canoo, and, climbing up a part of the Rock, I could plainly diſcover Land to the Eaft, extending from South to North. I lay all Night in my Canoo; and, repeating my Voyage early in the Morning, I arrived in ſeven Hours to the South-East Point of New Holland. This confirmed me in the Opinion I have long entertained, that the Maps and Charts place this Country at leaſt three Degrees more to the Eaſt, than it really is; which Thought I communicated, many Years ago, to my worthy to the HOUYHNHN MS. 283 worthy Friend, Mr. Herman Moll, and gave him my Reaſons for it, although he hath rather chofen to fol- low other Authors. I ſaw no Inhabitants in the Place where I landed, and, being unarmed, I was afraid of venturing far in- to the Country. I found fome Shell-fish on the Shore, and eat them raw, not daring to kindle a Fire, for Fear of being diſcovered by the Natives. I continued three Days feeding on Oyfters and Limpits, to fave my own Provifions; and I fortunately found a Brook of excel- lent Water, which gave me great Relief. On the fourth Day, venturing out early, a little too far, I faw twenty or thirty Natives upon a Height, not above five hundred Yards from me. They were ſtark naked, Men, Women, and Children, round a Fire, as I could difcover by the Smoke. One of them fpied me, and gave Notice to the reft; five of them ad- vanced towards me, leaving the Women and Children at the Fire. I made what Hafte I could to the Shore, and, getting into my Canoo, fhoved off. The Sa- vages, obferving me retreat, ran after me, and, be- fore I could get far enough into the Sea, diſcharged an Arrow, which wounded me deeply on the Inſide of my left Knee (I ſhall carry the Mark to my Grave). I apprehended the Arrow might be poiſoned, and pad- dling out of the Reach of their Darts (being a calm Day) I made a Shift to fuck the Wound, and dreſs it as I could. I was at a Lofs what to do, for I durft not return to the fame Landing-place, but ftood to the North, and was forced to paddle; for the Wind, though very gentle, was against me, blowing North-Weft. As I was looking about for a fecure Landing-place, I faw a Sail to the North North East, which appearing every Minute more vifible, I was in fome Doubt, whether I ſhould wait for them or no; but, at laft, my Detef- tation of the Yahoo Race prevailed; and, turning my Canoo, I failed and paddled together to the South, and got into the fame Creek from whence I ſet out in the · Morning 284 AVOYAGE Morning, chufing rather to trust myſelf among theſe Barbarians, than live with European Yahoos. I drew up my Canoo as close as I could to the Shore, and hid myſelf behind a Stone by the little Brook, which, as I have already faid, was excellent Water. The Ship came within half a League of this Creek, and fent out her Long-Boat, with Veffels to take in fresh Water (for the Place, it feems, was very well known) but I did not obſerve it, till the Boat was al- moft on Shore; and it was too late to feek another Hiding-place. The Seamen, at their Landing, ob- ferved my Canoo, and, rummaging it all over, eafily conjectured that the Owner could not be far off. Four of them, well armed, fearched every Cranny and Lurking hole, till at laft they found me flat on my Face behind the Stone. They gazed a while, in Admirati- on at my ftrange uncouth Drefs; my Coat made of Skins, my wooden foaled Shoes, and my furred Stock- ings; from whence, however, they concluded, I was not a Native of the Place, who all go naked. One of the Seamen, in Portugueze, bid me tiſe, and aſked who I was. I underſtood that Language very well, and get- ting upon my Feet, faid, I was a poor Yahoo, baniſhed from the Houyhnhnms, and defired they would pleaſe to let me depart. They admired to hear me anſwer them in their own Tongue, and faw by my Complexion, I must be an European; but were at a Lofs to know what I meant by Yahoos, and Houyhnhnms, and at the ſame Time fell a Laughing at my ftrange Tone in Speaking, which reſembled the Neighing of a Horfe. I trem- bled all the while betwixt Fear and Hatred: I again defired Leave to depart, and was gently moving to my Canoo, but they laid hold on me, defiring to know, What Country I was of? Whence I came ? with ma- ny other Queſtions. I told them, I was born in Eng- land, from whence I came about five Years ago, and then their Country and ours were at Peace. I there- fore hoped they would not treat me as an Enemy, ſince I meant them no Harm, but was a poor Yahoo, feek- ing to the HOUYHNHNMS. 285 ing fome defolate Place where to paſs the Remainder of his unfortunate Life. When they began to talk, I thought I never heard or faw any Thing fo unnatural; for it appeared to me as monftrous, as if a Dog or a Cow fhould fpeak in England, or a Yahoo in Houyhnhnm-land. The honeft Portugueze were equally amazed at my ftrange Dreſs, and the odd Manner of delivering my Words, which, however, they underſtood very well. They fpoke to me with great Humanity, and ſaid they were fure the Captain would carry me gratis to Lisbon, from whence I might return to my own Country; that two of the Seamen would go back to the Ship, inform the Captain of what they had feen, and receive his Or- ders; in the mean Time, unleſs I would give my fo- lemn Oath not to fly, they would fecure me by Force. I thought it beft to comply with their Propofal. They were very curious to know my Story, but I gave them very little Satisfaction; and they all conjectured, that my Misfortunes had impaired my Reafon. In two Hours the Boat, which went loaden with Veffels of Water, returned, with the Captain's Command, to fetch me on Board. I fell on my Knees to preferve my Liberty; but all was in vain, and the Men, hav- ing tied me with Cords, heaved me into the Boat, from whence I was taken into the Ship, and from thence in- to the Captain's Cabbin. His Name was Pedro de Mendez; he was a very courteous and generous Perfon; he entreated me to give fome Account of myſelf, and defired to know what I would eat or drink; faid, I fhould be uſed as well as himſelf, and ſpoke fo many obliging Things, that I wondred to find fuch Civilities from a Yahoo. How- ever, I remained filent and fullen; I was ready to faint at the very Smell of him and his Men. At last I de- fired fomething to eat out of my own Canoo; but he ordered me a Chicken, and fome excellent Wine, and then directed that I fhould be put to Bed in a very clean Cabbin. I would not undrefs myſelf, but lay on the Bed- 286 AVOYAGE Bed-cloaths, and in half an Hour ftole out, when f thought the Crew was at Dinner, and getting to the Side of the Ship, was going to leap into the Sea, and fwim for my Life, rather than continue among Yahoos. But one of the Seamen prevented me, and, having in- formed the Captain, I was chained to my Cabbin. After Dinner, Don Pedro came to me, and defired to know my Reafon for fo defperate an Attempt; af- fured me, he only meant to do me all the Service he was able, and ſpoke fo very movingly, that at laſt I defcended to treat him like an Animal which had fome little Portion of Reaſon. I gave him a very fhort Rela- tion of my Voyage; of the Confpiracy againſt me by my own Men; of the Country where they fet me on Shore, and of my three Years Refidence there. All which he looked upon as if it were a Dream or a Vifion; where- at I took great Offence; for I had quite forgot the Fa- culty of Lying, fo peculiar to Yahoos in all Countries where they prefide, and confequently the Difpofition of fufpecting Truth in others of their own Species. I afk- ed him, Whether it were the Cuſtom in his Country, to Say the Thing that was not? I affured him, I had almoft forgot what he meant by Falſehood, and, if I had lived a thouſand Years in Houyhnhnm-land, I ſhould never have heard a Lye from the meaneft Ser- vant; that I was altogether indifferent whether he be- lieved me or no; but however, in Return for his Fa- vours, I would give ſo much Allowance to the Corrup- tion of his Nature, as to anſwer any Objection he would pleaſe to make, and then he might eafily diſcover the Truth. The Captain, a wife Man, after many Endeavours to catch me tripping in fome Part of my Story, at laſt, began to have a better Opinion of my Veracity. But he added, that, fince I profeffed fo inviolable an At- tachment to Truth, I must give him my Word and Ho- nour to bear him Company in this Voyage, without at- tempting any Thing againſt my Life, or elfe he would continue me a Prifoner till we arrived at Lisbon. I gave to the HOUYHNHNMS. 287 gave him the Promiſe he required; but at the fame Time protefted, that I would fuffer the greateſt Hard- ſhips, rather than return to live among Yahoos. Our Voyage paffed without any confiderable Acci- dent. In Gratitude to the Captain, I fometimes fat with him, at his earneft Requeft, and ftrove to conceal my Antipathy to Human Kind, although it often broke out; which he fuffered to pafs without Obfervation. But, the greateſt Part of the Day, I confined myſelf to my Cabbin, to avoid feeing any of the Crew. The Captain had often entreated me to ftrip myfelf of my favage Drefs, and offered to lend me the beft Suit of Cloaths he had. This I would not be prevailed on to accept, abhorring to cover myſelf with any Thing that had been on the Back of a Yahoo. I only defired he would lend me two clean Shirts, which having been wathed fince he wore them, I believed would not fo much defile me. Thefe I changed every fecond Day, and waſhed them myſelf. We arrived at Liſbon, Nov. 5,.1715. At our Land- ing the Captain forced me to cover myſelf with his Cloak, to prevent the Rabble from crouding about me. I was conveyed to his own Houfe; and, at my earneft Requeft, he led me up to the higheſt Room backwards. I conjured him to conceal from all Perfons what I had told him of the Houyhnhnms; becauſe the leaſt Hint of fuch a Story would not only draw Numbers of People to fee me, but probably put me in Danger of being im- priſoned, or burnt by the Inquifition. The Captain per- fuaded me to accept a Suit of Cloaths newly made; but I would not fuffer the Taylor to take my Meaſure; however, Don Pedro being almost of my Size, they fit- ted me well enough. He accoutred me with other Ne- ceffaries, all new, which I aired for twenty-four Hours, before I would uſe them. The Captain had no Wife, nor above three Servants, none of which were fuffered to attend at Meals; and his whole Deportment was fo obliging, added to very good buman Underſtanding, that I really began to to- lerate : 288 A VOYAGE lerate his Company. He gained fo far upon me, that I ventured to look out of the back Window. By De- grees, I was brought into another Room, from whence I peeped into the Street, but drew my Head back in a Fright. In a Week's Time, he feduced me down to the Door. I found my Terror gradually leffened, but my Hatred and Contempt feemed to encreaſe. I was at laft bold enough to walk the Street in his Company, but kept my Noſe well ſtopped with Rue, or fome- times with Tobacco. In ten Days, Don Pedro, to whom I had given fome Account of my domeftic Affairs, put it upon me as a Matter of Honour and Confcience, that I ought to re- turn to my native Country, and live at Home with my Wife and Children. He told me, there was an English Ship in the Port juft ready to fail, and he would furnish me with all Things neceffary. It would be tedious to repeat his Arguments, and my Contradictions. He faid it was altogether impoffible to find ſuch a ſolitary Iſland as I had defired to live in; but I might command in my own Houſe, and paſs my Time in a Manner as reclufe as I pleaſed. . I complied at last, finding I could not do better. I left Lisbon the 24th Day of November, in an Engliſh Merchant-Man, but, who was the Maſter, I never en- quired. Don Pedro accompanied me to the Ship, and lent me twenty Pounds. He took kind Leave of me, and embraced me at Parting, which I bore as well as I could. During the last Voyage, I had no Commerce with the Maſter, or any of his Men; but, pretending I was fick, kept cloſe in my Cabbin. On the 5th of December, 1715, we caft Anchor in the Downs about nine in the Morning, and at three in the Afternoon I got fafe to my Houfe at Rotherhith. My Wife and Family received me with great Sur- prize and Joy, becauſe they concluded me certainly dead; but I must freely confefs the Sight of them filled me only with Hatred, Difguft, and Contempt; and the more by reflecting on the near Alliance I had to them. For, to the HOUYHNHNMS. 289. For, although, fince my unfortunate Exile from the Houyhnhnm Country, I had compelled myſelf to tole- rate the Sight of Yahoos, and to converfe with Don Pe- dro de Mendez; yet my Memory and Imagination were perpetually filled with the Virtues and Ideas of thoſe exalted Houyhnhnms. And when I began to confider, that, by copulating with one of the Yahoo-Species, I had become a Parent of more; it ftruck me with the utmoſt Shame, Confufion, and Horror. laft As foon as I entered the Houſe, my Wife took me in her Arms, and kiffed me; at which, having not been uſed to the Touch of that odious Animal for fo many Years, I fell in a Swoon for almoſt an Hour. At the Time I am writing, it is five Years fince my Return to England: During the first Year, I could not endure my Wife or Children in my Prefence, the very Smell of them was intolerable; much lefs could I ſuffer them to eat in the fame Room. To this Hour, they dare not prefume to touch my Bread, or drink out of the fame Cup; neither was I ever able to let one of them take me by the Hand. The first Money I laid out was to buy two young Stone-Horfes, which I kept in a good Stable, and next to them the Groom is my greatelt Fa- vourite; for I feel my Spirits revived by the Smell he contracts in the Stable. My Horfes underſtand me tole- rably well; I converfe with them at leaſt four Hours eve- ry Day. They are Strangers to Bridle or Saddle; they live in great Amity with me, and Friendship to each other. U CHAP. 290 AVOYAGE CHA P. XII. The Author's Veracity. His Defign in publiſhing this Work. His Cenfure of thofe Travellers who Swerve from the Truth. The Author clears him- Self from any finifter Ends in writing. An Ob- jection anſwered. The Method of planting Colo nies. His Native Country commended. The Right of the Crown to thofe Countries defcribed by the Author, is juftified. The Difficulty of conquering them. The Author takes his laft Leave of the Reader; propofeth his Manner of Living for the future; gives good Advice, and concludeth. T HUS, gentle Reader, I have given thee a faith- ful History of my Travels for Sixteen Years, and above feven Months; wherein I have not been fo ftu- dious of Ornament as Truth. I could perhaps, like others, have aftoniſhed thee with frange improbable Tales; but I rather chofe to relate plain Matter of Fact, in the fimpleft Manner and Style; becauſe my principal Deſign was to inform, and not to amuſe thee. It is eafy for us who travel into remote Countries, which are ſeldom vifited by Engliſhmen, or other Euro- peans, to form Defcriptions of wonderful Animals, both at Sea and Land. Whereas a Traveller's chief Aim ſhould be, to make Men wiſer and better, and to im- prove their Minds by the bad, as well as good Exam- ple, of what they deliver, concerning foreign Places. I could heartily with a Law was enacted that every Traveller, before he were permitted to publiſh his Voy- ages, fhould be obliged to make Oath before the Lord High Chancellor, that all he intended to print was ab- folutely true, to the beft of his Knowledge; for then the World would no longer be deceived, as it uſually is; while fome Writers, to make their Works paſs the better upon the Public, impofe the groffeft Falfities on the to the HOUYHNHNMS. 291 the unwary Reader. I have peruſed ſeveral Books of Travels, with great Delight, in my younger Days; but having fince gone over moft Parts of the Globe, and been able to contradict many fabulous Accounts from my own Obfervation, it hath given me a great Diſguſt againſt this Part of Reading, and fome Indignation to fee the Credulity of Mankind fo impudently abuſed. Therefore, fince my Acquaintance were pleafed to think my poor Endeavours might not be unaccepta- ble to my Country, I impofed on myſelf, as a Max- im, never, to be fwerved from, that I would ſtrictly adhere to Truth; neither, indeed, can I be ever under the leaft Temptation to vary from it, while I retain in my Mind the Lectures and Example of my Noble Ma- fter, and the other Illuftrious Houyhnhnms, of whom I had fo long the Honour to be an humble Hearer. Nec fi miferum Fortuna Sinoncm Finxit, vanum etiam, mendacemque improba finget. I know very well, how little Reputation is to be got by Writings which require neither Genious nor Learn- ing, nor, indeed, any other Talent, except a good Memory, or an exact Journal. I know likewife, that Writers of Travels, like Dictionary-Makers, are funk into Oblivion, by the Weight and Bulk of thoſe who come laft, and therefore le uppermoft. And it is highly probable, that fuch Travellers, who fhall here- after vifit the Countries defcribed in this Work of mine, may, by detecting my Errors (if there be any) and adding many new Difcoveries of their own, juftle me out of Vogue, and ftand in my Place, making the World forget that I was ever an Author. This indeed would be too great a Mortification, if I wrote for Fame: But, as my fole Intention was the PUBLIC GOOD, I cannot be altogether difappointed. who can read of the Virtues I have mentioned in the glorious Houyhnhnms, without being afhimed of his own Vices, when he confiders himſelf as the reafon- U 2 For ing, 292 A VOYAGE ing, governing, Animal of his Country? I fhall fay nothing of thofe remote Nations where Yahoos pre- fide; amongſt which the leaft corrupted are the Brob- dingnagians, whofe wife Maxims, in Morality and Government, it would be our Happineſs to obferve. But I forbear defcanting farther, and rather leave the Judicious Reader to his own Remarks and Applica- tions: , I am not a little pleafed that this Work of mine can poffibly meet with no Cenfurers: For what Ob- jections can be made againſt a Writer who relates on- ly plain Facts that happened in fuch diftant Countries, where we have not the leaft Intereft, with Reſpect ei- ther to Trade or Negotiations? I have carefully a- voided every Fault with which common Writers of Travels are often too juftly charged. Befides, I med- dle not the leaft with any Party, but write without Paffion, Prejudice, or Ill-will against any Man, or Number of Men, whatfoever. I write for the nobleſt End, to inform and inftruct Mankind, over whom I may, without Breach of Modefty, pretend to fome Su- periority, from the Advantages I received by conver- fing fo long among the moft accomplished Houyhnhnms. I write without any View towards Profit or Praiſe never fuffer a Word to pafs, that may look like Reflec- tion, or poffibly give the leaft Offence, even to thoſe who are moſt ready to take it. So that I hope, I may, with Juftice, pronounce myfelf an Author per- fectly blameleſs; against whom the Tribes of Anfwer- ers, Confiderers, Obfervers, Reflecters, Detecters, Re- markers, will never be able to find Matter for exerci- fing their Talents. . I I confefs, it was whiſpered to me, that I was bound in Duty, as a Subject of England, to have given in a Memorial to a Secretary of State, at my firft Coming over; becauſe, whatever Lands are difcovered by a Subject, belong to the Crown. But I doubt whether our Conquefts, in the Countries I treat of, would be as eafy as thofe of Ferdinando Cortez, over the naked Americans. to the HOUYHNHNMS. 293 1 Americans. The Lilliputians, I think, are hardly worth the Charge of a Fleet and Army to reduce them; and I queftion whether it might be prudent or fafe to attempt the Brobdingnagians. Or whether an English Army would be much at their Eafe with the Flying Iſland over their Heads. The Houyhnhnms, indeed, appear not to be fo well prepared for War, a Science to which they are perfect Strangers, and eſpecially a- gainſt miffive Weapons. However, fuppofing myſelf to be a Minifter of State, I could never give my Ad- vice for invading them. Their Prudence, Unanimi- ty, Unacquainted nefs with Fear, and their Love of their Country, would amply fupply all Defects in the Military Art. Imagine twenty thousand of them breaking into the midft of an European Army, con- founding the Ranks, overturning the Carriages, bat- tering the Warriors Faces into Mummy, by terrible Yerks from their hinder Hoofs; for they would well deſerve the Character given to Auguftus: Recalcitrat undique tutus. But, inftead of Propofals for conquering that magnanimous Nation, I rather wifh they were in a Capacity, or Difpofition, to fend a fufficient Num- ber of their Inhabitants for civilizing Europe, by teach- ing us the first Principles of Honour, Justice, Truth, Temperance, Public Spirit, Fortitude, Chaſtity, Friend- fhip, Benevolence, and Fidelity. The Names of all which Virtues are ftill retained among us in moſt Lan- guages, and are to be met with in modern, as well as ancient Authors; which I am able to affert, from my own fmall Reading. But I had another Reafon which made me lefs for- ward to enlarge his Majefty's Dominions by my Dit coveries. To fay the Truth, I had conceived a few Scruples with Relation to the Diſtributive Juftice of Princes upon thofe Occafions. For Inflance, a Crew of Pyrates are driven by a Storm they know not whi- ther; at length a Boy diſcovers Land from the Top- maft; they go on Shore to rob and plunder; they fee an harmleſs People, are entertained with Kindneſs; they 294 AVOYAGE they give the Country a new Name; they take formal Poffeffion of it for their King; they fet up a rotten Plank or a Stone for a Memorial; they murder two or three Dozen of the Natives, bring away a Couple more by Force for a Sample, return Home, and get their Pardon. Here commences a new Dominion acquired with a Title by Divine Right. Ships are fent with the firft Opportunity; the Natives driven out or deſtroy- ed; their Princes tortured to diſcover their Gold; a free Licence given to all Acts of Inhumanity and Luft, the Earth reeking with the Blood of its Inhabitants: And this execrable Crew of Butchers employed in fo pious an Expedition, is a modern Colony, fent to con- vert and civilize an idolatrous and barbarous People. But this Deſcription, I confefs, doth by no Means affect the British Nation, who may be an Example to the whole World for their Wisdom, Care, and Juftice in planting Colonies; their liberal Endowments for the Advancement of Religion and Learning; their Choice of devout and able Paftors to propagate Christianity; their Caution in ſtocking their Provinces with People of fober Lives and Converfations from this the Mother Kingdom; their ftri&t Regard to the Diſtribution of Juftice, in fupplying the civil Adminiftration, through all their Colonies, with Officers of the greateſt Abili- ties, utter Strangers to Corruption; and to crown all, by fending the moft vigilant and virtuous Governors, who have no other Views than the Happineſs of the People over whom they prefide, and the Honour of the King their Maſter. But, as thofe Countries, which I have deſcribed, do not appear to have a Defire of being conquered, and enflaved, murdered or driven out by Colonies; nor a- bound either in Gold, Silver, Sugar, or Tobacco; I did humbly conceive, they were by no Means proper Objects of our Zeal, our Valour, or our Intereft. However, if thoſe, whom it more concerns, think fit to be of another Opinion, I am ready to depofe, when I fhall be lawfully called, that no European did ever vifit to the HOUYHNHNMS. 29.5 vifit theſe Countries before me. habitants ought to be believed. I mean, if the In- But, as to the Formality of taking Poffeffion in my Sovereign's Name, it never came once into my Thoughts; and, if it had, yet, as my Affairs then ſtood, I ſhould, perhaps, in Point of Prudence, and Self-prefervation, have put it off to a better Opportu- nity. Having thus anſwered the only Objection that can ever be raiſed againſt me as a Traveller; I here take a final Leave of all my courteous Readers, and return to enjoy my own Speculations in my little Garden at Reddriff; to apply thofe excellent Leffons of Virtue which I learned among the Houyhnhnms; to inftruct the Yahoos of my own Family, as far as I fhall find them docible Animals; to behold my Figure often in a Glafs, and thus, if poffible, habituate my felf, by Time, to tolerate the Sight of a human Creature: To lament the Brutality of Houyhnhnms in my own Coun- try, but always treat their Perfons with Refpect, for the Sake of my noble Maſter, his Family, his Friends, and the whole Houyhnhnm Race, whom thefe, of ours, have the Honour to refemble in all their Lineaments, however their Intellectuals came to degenerate. I began last Week to permit my Wife to fit at Din- ner with me, at the fartheft End of a long Table; and to anſwer (but with the utmoft Brevity) the few Queſti- ons I aſked her. Yet, the Smell of a Yahoo continuing very offenſive, I always keep my Noſe well ftopped with Rue, Lavender, or Tobacco-leaves. And, al- though it be hard for a Man late in Life, to remove old Habits, I am not altogether out of Hopes, in ſome Time, to fuffer a Neighbour Yahoo in my Company, without the Apprehenfions I am yet under of his Teeth or his Claws. My Reconcilement to the Yahoo Kind in general might not be ſo difficult, if they would be content with thoſe Vices and Follies only, which Nature hath intitled them to. I am not in the least provoked at the 296 AVOYAGE, &c. the Sight of a Lawyer, a Pick-pocket, a Colonel, a Fool, a Lord, a Gameſter, a Politician, a Whore-maſ- ter, a Phyfician, an Evidence, a Suborner, an Attor- ney, a Traytor, or the like: This is all according to the due Courſe of Things: But when I behold a Lump of Deformity, and Diſeaſes both in Body and Mind, fmitten with Pride, it immediately breaks all the Meaſures of my Patience; neither fhall I be ever able to comprehend how ſuch an Animal, and ſuch a Vice, could tally together. The wife and virtuous Houyhn- hnms, who abound in all Excellencies that can adorn a rational Creature, have no Name for this Vice in their Language, which hath no Terms to exprefs any Thing that is Evil, except thoſe whereby they defcribe the deteftable Qualities of their Yahoos, among which they were not able to diftinguiſh this of Pride, for Want of thoroughly underſtanding Human Nature, as it fhew- eth itſelf in other Countries, where that Animal pre- fides. But I, who had more Experience, could plain- ly obſerve fome Rudiments of it among the wild Ya- boos. But the Houyhnhnms, who live under the Govern- ment of Reafon, are no more proud of the good Quali- ties they poffefs, than I fhould be for not wanting a Leg or an Arm, which no Man in his Wits would boaft of, although he muſt be miferable without them. I dwell the longer upon this Subject, from the Defire I have to make the Society of an English Yahoo, by any Means, not infupportable; and, therefore, I here intreat thoſe who have any Tincture of this ab- furd Vice, that they will not prefume to come in my Sight. FINI S. }