3++ *R* LL.H.4.1 Robinson and his Parents. THE L IT T L E ROBINSON CRUSOE. L O N DO N : TILT & BOGUE, FLEET STREET. (R, , A. *** * *…*, ex-f f. f. º. 43a...! 3-H - 11: J- I,0 BRADBURY AND EVANs, Paſ NTºas, WHITEFRIARS. PREFA CE. THIs instructive and entertaining history was written about one hundred and fifty years ago, by a very ingenious and celebrated person, Daniel De Foe. Before he became an author, he was a hosier, and then a pantile-maker; but in business he did not succeed, 6 PREFACE. and he sunk into great distress. He published many works, of which Robinson Crusoe is the chief. It is said that he derived the idea of this story from the narrative of Alexander Selkirk, a sailor who was left ashore on the island of Juan Fernandez, and was brought away by Captain Rogers, after he had lived there by him- self for many years. Let us hope that this tale of wonderful adven- tures, bitter sufferings, and perilous escapes, will teach our young friends PREFACE. 7 the advantages of a safe and quiet home, and cure them of that sad disorder of the mind, a discontented and restless disposition. THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN SO N C R USO E. ---O- RoBINson CRusoe, according to his own account of himself, was at the age of eighteen a discontented and most unreasonable young gentleman. He had kind parents, a comfortable home, and all the advantages com- monly arising from prosperous cir- cumstances; and yet he was dissatis- fied. He appeared to be weary of good things, and to desire evil things for the sake of the change. You will see that he had more than enough of amazing troubles and disasters in the course of his life to teach him the value of common comforts at home. Our first print represents him sullen and dejected by the fireside, with all Is discontented and unhappy. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 11 things convenient about him ; his sister has hold of his hand and is endeavouring by kindness to persuade him into a good-humour, whilst his parents are representing the advantages he there possessed, and are pointing to the case of a poor beggar at the door to whom a servant has been sent with relief; but who in the mean time endures the pitiless wintry storm and hunger at the same time. Robin- son, however, disregards all that can be said and done to attach him to his home; he becomes ill-tempered and reserved, and would you believe it, he forms the sad resolution of leaving his parents’ house without their leave or knowledge I quite expect to find him in some dreadful situation of distress the next time we hear of him -let us see. 12 ROBINSON CRUSOE. O YEs, here he is on board a ship in a storm, which is just ready to sink! They are getting a boat ready for him and the rest of the crew. I fear it is too small to take them every one, I hope poor Robinson will escape some- how—that is the lad I mean ; the wind has just blown his hat off, do not you see?—Before I tell you what became of him this time, I must ex- plain how he came on board that ship and where it was to have sailed. The case was this. Robinson had stated his discontents to some of his young acquaintances, amongst whom was a sailor-lad whose father owned a vessel trading from Hull in Yorkshire to London. This lad told Crusoe that he would be happy directly if he would but go to sea—a very great mistake indeed, which many a boy finds out too late. However, Robinson 13 Is overtaken by a Storm. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 15 disliked home and regular habits so much that he took this bad advice— ran away from his dear parents and brothers and sisters without even saying Good bye, and got on board this vessel one fine autumn evening in company with his sailor-friend. I am afraid that neither of these lads told the captain of the vessel the truth, or he would not have taken them, but so it was : they sailed out of the river Humber, and very delightful it seemed at first, but in a few hours the wind rose and blew most boister- ously, the waves flew over the ship and tossed it up and down—Robinson was dreadfully sick and could not keep his legs. At last the ship was thrown upon some rocks which knocked a great hole in it, so that they began to sink and were obliged to take to their boat as I said before. 16 ROBINSON C RUSOE. WELL, and so as soon as poor Robin- son and all the people had got into the little boat, the great ship went down l Yes, it sunk down, down, down, into the sea, till at last even the top of the mast was covered by the waves. All the corn and merchandise which were to have been sold in London for thousands of pounds, and all the ship that had cost thousands too, with their boxes of clothes and everything, were all lost at once and never heard of more. But Robinson and the rest of them had no time to think of those things, for they were afraid every Inoment that their little boat with themselves in it would also go down, the weather was so tempestuous, the sea was so rough, and their boat was so overloaded. But it pleased Pro- The ship sinks in the Sea. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 19 vidence to spare all their lives that time. They arrived at length at a place called Yarmouth in Norfolk, weak, and hungry, and frightened, and miserable, I assure you; but the people of the town were very good to them and gave them food, lodging and clothes; was not that very kind 2 Robinson tells us that he had at this time some money in his pocket with which he might have returned home if he had pleased. He had Some thoughts of doing so, but un- happily he felt more ashamed of seeing his friends again and confessing his fault, than of continuing to be a dis- obedient runaway lad. So he pro- ceeded to London, where it appears some relations of his were then living. B 2 20 ROBINSON CHUSOE. RoBINson CRUsoe does not tell us much of his visit to London, but that he was still bent on going abroad, and in fact obtained money of some of his relations for that purpose. Perhaps they thought it better that he should go, unsettled and contrary as his dis- position was, than be forced back again to make his parents miserable by his ill-humour. So after spending some time in London, young Crusoe embarked in a trading vessel, bound for Guinea on the coast of Africa, taking with him a few toys and trifles to deal with the natives for their gold-dust. The engraving represents him offering some strings of beads and a hatchet for some gold-dust, brought to him by a black prince—not the 2] Deals with a Black Prince. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 23 Black Prince of England, please to remember. Robinson says, that this was the only successful voyage he ever made. He gained about £300 in money, and some knowledge of navigation into the bargain. He again returned to Lon- don; but strange to tell, did not visit his parents at York nor take any notice of his other relations. 24 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Robinson had now money enough to become the master of a Guinea trading vessel, and soon set out again to try his fortunes. They were mis- fortunes indeed this time, for his vessel was taken by Moorish pirates; that is sea robbers from Morocco, and he and all the crew were made pri- soners—that is, slaves. See now Robinson Crusoe reduced from pros- perity to slavery—from the condition of a gentleman's son, or a merchant on his own account, to that of a toiling drudge in the house and garden of an African robber Crusoe’s mastersometimes employed him in fishing excursions, and on one of these occasions, when there was nobody but himself, one man and a ©í bºs Escapes from Slavery. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 27 boy on board, Robinson began to entertain the thought of making his escape ; so knowing that this man could swim perfectly well, and that they were no great distance from shore, Robinson shoved him suddenly over- board, and putting out to sea with a fair wind, soon got out of sight of land. He easily persuaded the boy named Xury to become his servant and help him all he could. And so they remained a long time beating about in the Mediterranean, and not knowing whereabouts they were, nor indeed to which place it would be best to go. 28 ROBINSON CRUSOE, As our friend Robinson Crusoe had not fixed in his own mind on any particular place to steer to, being chiefly anxious to keep out of the way of his African master, he was not sorry to keep out at sea till he thought there was no fear of his being pursued. Nor was he sorry at length to come in sight of land, for he and the boy were dreadfully distressed with thirst, having no more water on board. The shore they came to he never knew the name of. They heard the voices of many strange wild beasts at a distance in the woods, which alarmed them exceedingly ; however, they filled their jars with water, and killed a hare, which they had for their din- ner. How they cooked it I cannot 29 Shoots a Lion. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 3] say ; I should think that it was served up without seasoning, sauce, or cur- rant jelly Whilst they were prowling about on this wild shore, they came unex- pectedly on a most terrific sight indeed —it was a very great lion fast asleep ! Happily, Robinson had his gun with him, with which he shot the lion. They then went up to him, took off his skin, and with this returned again to their boat. 32 ROBINSON CRUSOE, 1 suppose that our two wanderers must have sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar without knowing it, for the next we hear of them is, that they were steering southward in the Atlantic Ocean, hoping to meet with some European ship. If Robinson could have found a conveyance then, safely to his father’s house at York, how glad he would been 1 They continued out, at sea some time longer, and being much in want of food, they approached a shore and saw some wild black people, of whom they obtained some supplies, but who seemed very much astonished and not a little frightened at their unexpected guests, who did not wish to trouble them long with their company, and Discovers a Sail a-head. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 35 therefore soon sought and regained their little vessel. Whilst they were driving before the wind in much anxiety as to their fate, Xury sud- denly cried out, “O ! master, a ship— a ship !” They were both overjoyed at the sight, which was evidently a European vessel, and now their chief effort was to make themselves per- ceived ; for the vessel, though in sight, was not sailing towards them. So they hoisted a white flag as high as they could, and at length had the joy of seeing that they were observed, as the vessel now altered her course and came towards them. c 2 36 ROBINSON CRUSOE, WHEN the ship came up to our adventurers, the captain inquired of Robinson, in three different languages, who and what he was ; but unhappily, this young man not having improved his time at school, understood not a word he said in French, in Spanish, or in Portuguese. At last, a Scotch sailor who chanced to be on board, found that Robinson was an English- man, and so got the needful informa- tion out of him ; which when the captain understood, induced him to take the two young men on board with all their goods. The Portuguese captain behaved very well indeed to his new guests, and offered to take them where he was going, that was to the Brazils in Treats with the Portuguese Captain. ROBINSON CHUSOE, 39 South America, and to buy his boat at a fair price of him when he got there. He also offered to take the boy Xury and employ him in his ship, which was a great benefit to both. They had a prosperous voyage to the Brazils. The captain, who was generous as well as just, refused to take anything of Robinson for his pas- sage, and at the same time bought all he had to sell at a very good price— the boat and all that was in it, with the lion’s skin, produced him thus a very useful sum of money; the thing above all things needful in arriving on a foreign shore. 4() ROBINSON CRUSOE, AND now we find Robinson Crusoe in quite a new situation and condition in life. Being recommended by the captain to an honest resident who was master of a sugar plantation, he ac- quainted himself with the manner of cultivating that plant, and of making the sugar itself. At length he pur- chased some land and set up planter. But Robinson began now to reflect that he could have done better than this at home, had he liked to have settled on a farm, or to any other pro- fession or business. In fact, though he was succeeding as well as he could expect, he began to be unhappy and discontented again. At length when he had been about four years in the Brazils, and had considerably increased Becomes a Planter. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 43 his property, Robinson Crusoe deter- mined to sell all off and go to sea again as a merchant; and what trade do you think he fixed upon now to carry forward on the seas?—the slave trade 1 I am sorry to say, that he resolved to sail to the coast of Africa to purchase poor negroes to work in the plantations of Brazil. 44 ROBINSON CRUSOE. BUT our restless adventurer was soon punished for his incurable dis- content, and for his unjust purpose of enslaving his fellow men. He sailed in a good vessel with a crew of four- teen persons, and such articles of traffic as would enable him to purchase slaves of the African chiefs. But they had not been many days out at sea when a violent tempest arose, such as in the tropical seas is called a tornado ; this drove them far away from their in- tended course, and indeed quite out of their knowledge, so that for twelve days they knew not where they were nor whither they were going. Whilst they were in this perplexity and terror, one of the sailors suddenly called out “Land!” That meant that he could 4 5 Is again Shipwrecked. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 47 see land ; but Robinson had no sooner run out of the cabin to look out, than the vessel struck upon a sand-bank; and the motion being thus stopped, the sea broke over with tremendous violence, threatening every instant to wash them all overboard and to break the ship in pieces. At last they did as before, and as is usual in such cases, they got the boat down and embarked in her, although they had little hope that they could thereby escape. At length their worst fears were realised ; the fatal wave came which overset their boat and threw them all into the stormy sea 48 ROBINSON CRUSOE. You would now expect an end of the story, but that you know if they had all been drowned, no one could have told about the storm. Yes, one was saved, and he got to shore without any boat at all. It was Robinson himself, who was thrown out like the rest of them ; but so it happened that the wave which upset the boat bore him on its foaming edge, and at length hurled him with violence on the shore. He had just time to get on his legs and run higher up before the next wave came, which would have carried him back again to the whelming ocean. Poor Crusoe had scarcely escaped this danger when he dropped nearly insensible from the violence, exertion, and fright, he had undergone. 49 Escapes from Drowning. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 51 When he came to himself he looked up and thanked God for his wonderful deliverance. He was the only one saved out of the whole company; he never saw them afterwards, nor any sign of them, but three of their hats, one cap, and two shoes that were not fellows. Robinson cast his eyes to the stranded vessel, which lay at some distance buffeted by the yet rolling sea. It seemed to him a miracle that he could have got on shore. D 2 52 ROBINSON CRUSOE. So our friend Robinson Crusoe is at length landed all alone on an en- tirely unknown shore! What was to become of him now—what should he do? Can you tell me what you would do in such a case—hunger coming on, night approaching, and no food or lodging provided ! I rather think you would wish yourself at home again, as there is no doubt Robinson did on that occasion. In fact he soon began to think that he had but a dreadful deliverance from a sudden to a lingering death. His condition was indeed pitiable. He was wet and had no other clothes, nor anything to eat and drink, nor any prospect but that of perishing with famine or being devoured by wild 53 Climbs a Tree. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 55 beasts. He had no weapon to defend him, or to enable him to procure any animal for his sustenance; he had nothing about him but a knife, and a tobacco-box and pipe, with a little tobacco. He walked about in very great distress and agony of mind, and as night came on he had nothing for it but to climb up into a thick bushy tree out of the way of wild beasts, and here he fell fast asleep. 56 ROBINSON CRºjSOE, The next morning early Robinson awoke in his leafy chamber, and rubbing his eyes wondered not a little where he was. Hunger soon reminded him that he had had no supper, and when he had roused himself completely he could not tell where his breakfast was to come from. This was rather a serious predicament—worse than sit- ting by his father's fireside at York, taking rolls and coffee on a rainy morning. - Before Crusoe descended from the tree he looked out on the ocean. The storm had abated, and he was sur- prised to observe that the wreck of the ship had been thrown higher up and much nearer the shore. This gave him some comfort, and he walked Gets on board the Wreck. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 59 as far as he could towards her, but still found half a mile of water between the vessel and the land. In a few hours, however, the tide had ebbed out so far that he could approach the ship by swimming, and after having paddled round it for some time, he at length found a bit of rope hang- ing from her side, by which he swung himself up and got on board. Now he perceived that if they had all kept the ship that they would all have been safe, and he would have had com- panions in his exile. 6() ROBINSON CRUSOE, WHEN Robinson got on board the vessel, it was a sad sight indeed. She was wedged fast, so that the fore part was secured and whole, but the hind part was greatly damaged and broken, and she was more than half filled with water. All the masts, sails and ropes —which are called the rigging— were gone. Happily, however, for Robinson he found the provision-room but little injured, and the chief of the stores remaining good. O with what a relish did he devour biscuits and bacon, cheese and salt-fish, and how refreshed he was by a drop of good wine from the neck of a broken bottle, though in his eagerness he sadly cut his mouth with the glass 1 He found indeed that he was in danger of in- 6] The ship's Provision-room. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 63 dulging to excess after his long fast, and therefore presently set about another kind of employment. He knew that his very existence depended on his being able to transport these provisions to the shore for his future subsistence, but how was this to be done 2 there was no boat, and the remains of the vessel would not hold together long, strained as it still was by the force of the sea and wind. He could to be sure swim away as he had done, and he could put a biscuit or two in his mouth; but it was needful to hit on some better contrivance than that—what do you think it could be 2 64 ROBINSON CRUSOE. Do you know what a raft is P. It is a platform of pieces of timber fastened together, and which will be sure to float, because any single piece would float by itself. Now it is plain, that if a raft thus made be put on the water and not overloaded, it will answer in some degree the purpose of a boat; and if a man can but keep his place and position upon it, he may proceed with it in safety. So Robinson set to work, and finding plenty of broken timber and scattered rigging about, he corded a quantity together as flat as a floor; and having tied to it a rope of sufficient length to prevent its sailing away, he contrived, by the help of lines and with great exertion, to heave it over the ship's 65 . . . . . . * * is a ~ * * f : * 'l iſ tº 'º Makes a Raft. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 67 side. There was a splash ! So–now the raft has adjusted itself, and lies pretty flat on the water, but bobbing up and down with the waves. But Crusoe soon steadied it a little with some of the seamen’s heavy chests, and with casks of provisions and other things. Whilst he was doing this the tide was rising, and he had the unhappiness to see his coat and waistcoat which he had left on shore washed away by the sea. However, he found others on board the ship ; and having got as much on his raft, of provisions, uten- sils, tools, arms and ammunition, as it could well sustain, he pushed off, and the sea being tolerably quiet, he managed to row himself to land. Look at him in the print; there he is full of business, is he not ? E 2 68 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Robinson did not get to land without hazard and difficulty ; for when his raft touched the ground, the opposite part began to sink in the water, so that he and his wares were very nearly sloped off into the sea. He just suc- ceeded in preventing this, and at length got all his goods up high and dry on the shore. Oh, how thankful he was —there was food enough and other comfortable things for a long time to come—no thoughts of starving now. His next care was to find a place of lodging for himself, and of security for his goods. So, having piled them together as well as he could, he took a gun and some powder, and ascended a high hill at no great distance. Then it was that he discovered this strange Ascends a Hill. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 71 spot to be an island, for he could see the ocean with its waves sparkling all round it. The island itself was of course not very large, nor was it barren; there were woods and grassy vales, and various animals skipping about, but he could not discover the least sign of a human being. You see him there on the top of the hill in the engraving, and there are his casks and chests in a heap below. What has he done with his raft P Oh there it is, tied to a stump driven into the sand 72 ROBINSON CRUSOE. Robinson CRUsor, came down from the hill and walked about to explore the island further, but was greatly afraid of losing sight of his stores. So he did not go a great way that day; but when evening arrived he felt very much fatigued with his exertions, and began to wish much for some quiet lodging in which he might lie secure for the night. However, he could find none then, and therefore he barricaded himself round as well as he could with the tubs, chests, and boards; and having taken his supper, passed the night pretty comfortably. In the morning he again looked towards the ship, and finding she still re- mained, he determined to try and raft over as many more things as he thought 73 IIis Raft upsets. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 75 would be useful to him, and, in fact, went and came on this errand several times, and greatly increased his stores on the island. It was not to be ex- pected that he should do this every time without an accident : on one oc- casion the raft and all that was on it was upset and washed away, and himself narrowly escaped drowning. These expeditions were at length put an end to as he had expected. One morning, when he awoke after a windy night and looked towards the sea, the ship had entirely disappeared ; not a plank was visible, all had been borne away by the curling green waves | 76 ROBINSON CRUISOE. RoBINson CRUsoe, though solitary, was no longer destitute on his little island. Provisions, drink, clothing, tools, materials, arms, gunpowder and shot, with innumerable other articles, not excepting Monry I he had supplied himself with in more or less abund- ance. You will ask, of what use money could be to him in an unin- habited island P. None whatever, cer- tainly; but he prudently thought that if ever a ship came that away, gold would be of use again. Still Robinson was without a habi- tation. He had goods but no lodging, and that was rather awkward; he was also in constant terror of wild beasts issuing from the woods, which might eat his provisions, and perhaps himself 77 {\ a, ; ; # f -*-----º-º-º- is 2}} s º | º Z. ºt. litti, º Ǻ-º-º: ºš Y! §º º R; † sº º Cuts Notches on his Stick. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 79 at last. So he considered what he should do, and resolved to erect him- self a tent with the sails and cordage of the ship, until he could provide himself some more secure habitation. He found that he should soon lose all knowledge of the days, months, or years of his present life, unless he kept some account of their progress; so he got some long sticks, and cutting a notch every day, could at any time count them up and find where he was in the year. 80 ROBINSON CRUSOE. Robinson's tent would not have protected him from the attacks of wild beasts, of which he was so much afraid, if he had trusted to ropes and canvas. To fortify himself to his satisfaction, he enclosed it in a ring fence made with stakes driven firmly into the ground, and so high as not to be mounted by men or animals. He would not even make a door for himself to enter lest he should chance to leave it open, but used a ladder, which he always drew up after him. So he was secure, and at the same time solitary indeed. Within this enclosure, or within his tent, he brought all his various stores and useful articles. This spot was close under the side of a hill, in which he scooped out a cave, which he made his cellar. 81 Fortifies his Tent. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 83 Now, though this young man was for the present in much less distress than might have been expected, he was by no means happy. The thoughts of his native land, and the social comforts he had forsaken without cause, often brought tears into his eyes; and his utter loneliness made him, for the most part, melancholy and wretched. If he had not been obliged to employ himself so much in labo- rious occupations required by his situa- tion, he might have lost his reason altogether. I trust therefore that none of my young readers will envy him, however snug was his tent and cave, and although he was a sort of monarch over the island he inhabited. F 2 84 ROBINSON CRUSOE. It was, according to Robinson’s reckoning, the 30th of September, 1659, when he first set foot on this island. At that period mariners had traversed the seas but little, and there were countless lands and seas which had never apparently been visited by men. It would now be rather difficult to find a solitary island, or even the rocky summit of a mountain above the sea, which has not been seen, named, and laid down in some chart or another. Our adventurer did not neglect to provide himself with pen, ink and paper, books, and nautical instruments, out of the ship's stores; and these relieved his dulness very much, and enabled him to write his history at 85 Writes his Adventures. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 87 full length. What he says in his narrative about this island as an un- known country to all the world, might have been true almost two hundred years ago; but this would not quite do to write as existing to the present day. The print shows Robinson in his tent, writing his history by the light of a lamp. 88 ROBINSON CRUSOE. As this is but a little book, and Robinson Crusoe’s story is a very long one, we cannot give an account of every thing he mentions in his own history, but must content ourselves with noticing the most interesting cir- cumstances. It happened very fortunately for Robinson that the island had no savage or venomous beasts upon it, which was rather surprising for a spot in the torrid zone. He found indeed wild cats and wild goats, both of which he tamed, and made of them a sort of companions. Besides these, there were birds, some of them good for food, and ‘parrots, one of which he caught, and taught it to call him by his name. His provisions brought from the Attends his Goats. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 91 ship would not have subsisted him more than a few months, so that he was very glad to find supplies on the island of some sort. He had the flesh and milk of the goats, of whose skins he made himself clothes; and he found grapes and wild fruits in abundance. There were, besides, hares and rabbits, and fish to be obtained occasionally from the sea. Still he would have wanted corn victuals, if he had not chanced to shake out one of the ship's bags in which a few grains had remained. These sprang up and in time produced him all that he required for himself and his goats. In the print you see him attending those animals. 92 ROBINSON CRUSOE. WE have said that Robinson dug a cave in the side of the hill. He found this so much more cool and comfortable in the heat of the day than his tent, that he set to work to enlarge it for a habitation at certain times. He worked very hard at this for eighteen days, and had just con- gratulated himself on the progress he had made, when a great misfortune happened which had very nearly put an end to all his adventures. The earth from above tumbled down sud- denly and almost buried him beneath it ! With much difficulty he extricated himself, and then had all his work to do over again; taking care now to prop up the ceiling of his cave as he proceeded. After this happened an Recovers from Illness. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 95 earthquake, which made poor Robin- son quake, accompanied by a storm which almost tore his tent from the ground. But a worse misfortune than these, and one that alarmed him much more, was a dangerous illness, an ague that attacked him and confined him to his habitation many days, and which he thought at one time would have ended fatally. See how deplorable he looks, with no attendants near but his cats and his Poll-parrot 96 ROBINSON CRUSOE, It was some time before poor Robin- son recovered his usual health and strength ; he could do little but wander slowly about, trusting to Nature as his only physician. When, however, he became quite well, he determined to make a more extensive survey of the island than he had done before; so he set out one fine morning with such provisions as he could con- veniently carry. , Wandering up by the banks of a brook, he found many pleasant meadows, rich and verdant; and in places were growing many splendid plants and flowers peculiar to the warm climates. The chief of these were aloes, sugar-canes, tobacco-plants, and melons. Proceeding further, he . * * , a •. A # * * ºr'ſ tº > . * . . . u lſº IReturns home laden with Fruit. G ROBINSON CRUSOE. 99 came to woods of mahogany and cedar, with vines and grapes in abundance. When night came on, he climbed into a tree as before : and this seems to be the safest lodging in those countries for travellers on such occasions. The next morning he proceeded and found the country still more luxuriant and delightful, so that he could not help feeling satisfaction at the thought that it seemed to be all his own, and that without dispute. Robinson travelled thus some miles, and at length re- turned home laden with delicious fruits. | 00 ROBINSON CRUSOE. BUT notwithstanding the fruits and the animals Robinson obtained, he found that he must turn farmer or husbandman in earnest, if he would be sure of a certain store of food for the future. So he enclosed a piece of ground, dug it up with much labour, and sowed the grain in the proper season. Do you know that the climate in the torrid zone has only two kinds of weather to mark the year, the rainy season and the dry : thus, it is rainy in our spring and autumn, and dry during our summer and winter. The first time he sowed his corn, he lost his crop for want of knowing this: the dry season came, and it was all parched up, and so perished. I think Robinson Crusoe must have been lOl Turns Basket-maker. -ROBINSON CRUSOE. 103 very well qualified to write a book of trades, he had to undertake so many himself. We find him a sailor, fish- erman, ship-builder, carpenter, farmer, grazier, butcher, basket-maker, pot and pan maker, miller, tailor, and twenty other things, and king of the country at the same time. All this was very curious, and it is certainly entertaining enough to read about; but Robinson would rather have been engaged in any one of those trades in England and no king at all, than shut up in his lone island with nobody but his cats and his parrot to speak to.— What do you think of the matter? 104 ROBINSON CRUSOE. We must now inquire more par- ticularly how our friend Robinson proceeded in some of the employments just mentioned. — Poor fellow ! he tells us that he had no pots or pans to put and carry any liquid in, nor a basket to take provisions with him on a journey. Luckily he found some willow-trees, whose long boughs and tough twigs enabled him to provide himself with baskets both light and strong, though not perhaps very neat or ornamental. He was more troubled to make pots and pans, and would. have given several pieces of his uselesss gold for a good pitcher and a brown dish, such as in England we can get for a few pence. However, he set to work; but he says we should both 105 Turns Potter. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 107 pity and laugh were we to see the awkward, mis-shapen things he made at first. Why, his pots fell in and his pots fell out with their own weight; and as for liquors, they all preferred making the best of their way out, to remaining confined in such ugly apartments. But at length he found out the method of forming these vessels better, and of hardening them too ; for, finding a piece of one of them which had been in the fire acci- dentally baked as hard as a stone, he took the hint, and building up lighted embers round his pots, made them as solid as he wished. 108 ROBINSON ("RUSOE. RoBINson's next concern was to procure the means of grinding or rather bruising his corn, for it was neither convenient nor wholesome to eat it whole. To construct a mill to grind it, was out of the question; though I dare say the island had both wind and water. It was needful to devise some more simple machine, and he could think of nothing better than a pestle and mortar. He spent many a day endeavouring to find a great stone big enough to hollow out for the purpose, but was unsuccessful; and probably if he had obtained one, he could not have cut into it. At last he procured a block of wood hard enough, which he scooped out with fire and labour. It was not very dif- 109 №ſae, 7, №• ! , ! №, ºr )\\ººr) ſººſ: N%).№ ; :::::::. . .{Ņ * * * * *·aeè: ~§, ~ ſº, ... ", , , * * · * * ~); } **, * : * \\\\ \\ | Grinds his Corn. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 111 ficult to form a pestle, or beater, with a heavy knob at the end of the same material. There he is, pounding away and quite busy. I am afraid, with all his labour, his flour was very coarse and husky, so that his bread and puddings must have set him coughing sometimes. 112 ROBINSON CRUSOE. Poon Robinson had a laborious time of it when he turned carpenter; for though he had trees enough, it cost him weeks of toil to cut one down; and then to make them into boards without a saw was sad fatiguing work indeed. He says he was forty-two whole days making one long shelf for his cave; for he had to chop each side flat with his axe, so that you see one tree made but one board ; but a sawyer would in half a day have cut out twenty or more. But he had a more important project in his head than making a shelf, or even a house. What could it be—did he wish to build a church, or a castle, or a tower? Try and think for him, and imagine what it was he desired most of all, 113 Crusoe a Carpenter. ROBINSON CRUSOE. I 15 and at all times—yes, more than all the comforts which a house replete with every convenience could have supplied him in his lonely island. h 2 J 16 ROBINSON CRUSOE, I suppose you must have guessed by this time that the thing Crusoe most desired was a ship, or even a boat, to bear him, if not to England, at least to some land where there were human beings to converse with ! Yes, that was what he longed for— society. How thankful we ought all to be for kind friends and relatives, always at hand to aid or cheer us! Solitude is the greatest punishment almost that can be inflicted on us in this life, and so Robinson found it. As he walked one day by the sea- side full of these thoughts, he saw the large boat belonging to the ship- wrecked vessel lying high up on the beach, where it had been cast, bottom upwards. Now, if half-a-dozen men 117 Finds a Boat on the Shore. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 1}9 could but have lent him a hand for a few minutes, they would have turned it over and brought it to the sea, so as to have floated off at high tide. But there was only poor Robinsom, who, although he got levers and rollers from the wood, found that he could not move the boat a foot | Then he set himself to dig away the sand beneath it; and thus indeed he did alter the position of the boat, but still he was quite unable to move it for- ward; so he was obliged to give the old boat up after he had spent many days about it. 12ſ) ROBINSON CRUSOE, I AM ready to think that it would have been better for Robinson to con- tent himself as well as he could on his island, than to attempt to venture out to sea in a boat by himself, if he had one ready for his use. But he thought differently; and finding that there were no hopes of managing the ship's boat, he resolved to try and make one— he that had been seven weeks making one single board | But so intent was he on this scheme, that he did not even reflect on the possibility of con- veying the new boat to the sea, from the wood where the tree was to be felled. He owns that he acted very much like a simpleton in all this business. However, to work he went, and cut down a cedar tree, almost 121 Builds a Boat. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 123 six feet in diameter—that is, in width straight across at the bottom. It is most surprising that he could ever fall such a tree He says he was twenty days hewing and hacking at it to cut it down ; fourteen more getting the top and branches off. Then it took him a month to shape the outside of the log into something like the fashion of a boat, and three months more to hollow it out with fire and labour. So at last his boat was so far finished, and it was big enough, he says, to have carried six-and-twenty men . In fact, he was quite delighted with it; but does it not look odd to see him ad- miring it so much, lying as it does in the midst of a wood, not a bit of rippling ocean to be seen 1 124 ROBINSON CRUSOE. Robinson tells us that he was highly delighted with his boat: but soon came the sad reflection that it was not in, nor near the water; and it happened, unluckily, that between the boat and the sea there was a hill ! Now he had no more power to move this boat than the other, and the distance was greater. It seems that he never thought of that. At first he tried to cut the hill away; but that was rather too much for him, and there was no railway company to undertake it. Then he thought to dig a canal or dock to let the water up to the spot; and he cal- culated that this would occupy him ten or twelve years at least, there being only two excavators, his right hand and his left, to perform the work. 125 Tries to launch his Boat. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 127 This he thought was too much to attempt, and so he gave up all thoughts of launching this boat, which had pleased him so highly at first. When he had finished this boat, he had been four years on that lonely, unknown island 128 ROBINSON CRUSOE. AND now Robinson tells us a little of his condition. His clothes were nearly worn to rags; his beard re- sembled that of the goats around him ; his shoes and stockings were long ago worn out, nor had he a hat to his head. As to provisions, those ob- tained from the ship of course were all gone ; and what was worse, his powder and shot, with which he pro- cured game, were nearly expended also. His ink too, with which he wrote a daily account of his affairs, was almost gone ; and this want grieved him as much as the others, some of which he could in a sort of way supply. As for clothes, he managed pretty well with his goat-skins and threads of the same to botch himself up a suit; nay, 129 Crusoe in his Dress of Skins. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 131 more, he made an umbrella of the same material to defend him from the heat of the sun : and thus equipped, our engraving represents him walking about his island. His chief employments were, culti- vating his fields and garden; gathering, curing, and packing his fruits; attend- ing his tamed animals; procuring and dressing his food ; with various other operations and labours needful in his situation. Finding, however, that he had still time on his hands, his mind strangely reverted to his former design of escaping if possible from the island. 132 ROBINSON CRUSOE. HE therefore set about making a much smaller and more manageable boat or canoe than the former one, and this task he completed success- fully in about two years. He made a mast and a sail out of the old ship's stores; and having launched his little vessel, was delighted to find that she sailed very well. In this curious canoe Robinson made several short voyages of dis- covery about the island, and at length resolved to go completely round it. So he victualled his ship for the voyage, putting in two dozen loaves of barley bread, an earthen pot full of parched rice, a little bottle of rum, half a goat, and some powder and shot, with mats and skins to shelter him 133 Builds a second Boat, ROBINSON CRUSOE. 135 from the weather. He says that it was on the 8th of November, in the 6th year of his reign, or his captivity, that he embarked on this voyage, not without some apprehensions of the dangers to which he might be exposed. He took a sort of leave of his various dumb acquaintances at his departure from them. See, he is now pushing off from the shorel Take care, Robin- son—your bark is but a frail one, I fear :—I think you had better keep at home ! 136 ROBINSON CRUSOE. RoBINson, it seems, would sooneren- counter adventures, and even dangers, than have dull ease and safety. He soon found that though the island was not large, the ledges of rocks about it forced him a good way out to sea, and he narrowly escaped being thrown upon them. When he had passed these, he came to a furious current, that is, a driving rush of water in the sea, such as you observe" at the sluice of a water-mill. He was now between the rocks and this current, which he feared would carry away his boat and overwhelm it. He continued beating about here for two days unable to return, the wind being contrary, and having only a choice of dangers during that time. Then he thought of his quiet hut and cave on the island, and the provision and other comforts there stored up, and 137 Sails about the Island. RoBINSON CRUSOE. 139 bitterly reproached himself for his restless desire of change. He stretched forth his hands towards the island, and said, “O happy, happy spot, I shall never see thee more | O miser- able creature, whither am I going?” Now was he being driven into the wide ocean, in despair of ever reaching the land again. But just as he had given himself up for lost, a breeze arose towards the island. So on he spread his little sail and plied his oars; and so in the course of two or three hours he regained the island, and falling on his knees when he had stepped ashore, he devoutly thanked Almighty God for this great deliver- ance. He laid himself down in his cave to refresh his weary limbs, and was not a little startled by a voice, which said, “Robinson | Robinson | where have you been P” 140 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Robinson answered his parrot very kindly, and, perhaps for want of other ears, acknowledged to the bird how very foolish he had been. He now made himself more contented at home, and set about improving his condition. He made much better chairs and tables, pots and pans, baskets, and other useful articles, than he had at first. Then he determined to increase his stock of goats as his powder and shot got low, with which he had pro- cured game. So he made pitfalls for the wild goats, in which at last he caught as many as he required. He enclosed for them a spacious meadow, and thus could manage them without inconvenience. His stock increased so, that in about two years he had 141 Surrounded by his Household. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 143 nearly fifty goats, young and old. So he had goat's flesh, and milk too, when he pleased. See him now in his cave, sitting down to dinner. There is his Poll- parrot on one side, looking very knowing, his two cats on the other looking very loving, and an old dog at his feet. I wonder what he has got for dinner? I should think goat- mutton, roast or boiled, and perhaps some of his barley bread boiled in milk for a pudding. Should you not like to dine with him P 144 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Robinson wished very much that some one could have taken a sketch of him, in his walking-dress, as he strolled about the island. He has described it so, that the artist has, I see, accomplished the task. We will explain it in his own words. “I had a great, high, shapeless cap, made of a goat's skin, with a flap hanging down behind, as well to keep the sun from me as to keep out the rain. I had a short jacket of goat’s skin, with long skirts; pantaloons of the same shaggy material; of which also I had socks or buskins, that supplied the place of shoes and stockings. I had a broad belt, in loops of which hung a saw and a hatchet; another belt, having a pouch, swung over my 145 Robinson in his Walking Dress. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 147 shoulder, in which I kept my powder and shot; at my back I carried a basket, on my shoulder a gun, and over my head a great clumsy thing made of goat's skin, like an umbrella, to keep off the sun.” So much for the appearance and condition of our friend Robinson Crusoe : we must now attend to other things, as new events soon opened upon him. “It happened,” says he, “one day about noon as I was walking on the shore, that I discerned, to my unspeakable surprise, the plain impression of a man's foot on the sand!” 148 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Robinson declares that he stood like one thunderstruck; he listened, looked around, mounted a hill, listened again, but could perceive nothing more. At length he sped home as fast as his legs would carry him, fearing an enemy at every turn. He skipped over the wall of his enclosure and drew the ladder quietly after him, and passed a sleepless night. Now again he wished for that undisturbed solitude of which he had complained before. He wearied his brain with conjectures as to who the persons could be whose foot-marks he had seen, and whence they could have come. He continued in this alarm some days, during which time he scarcely dared to peep abroad. When 149 Discovers a Footmark. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 1 51 he did so, he saw nothing of any human beings; but determined to render his dwelling more secure by strengthening the fences round his dwelling, and thus making them answer the purpose of fortifications to his little castle! He, however, passed two years more with- out disturbance of any kind, and the fear of enemies began to subside, till again his solitude was his chief afflic- tion. 152 ROBINSON CRUSOE. AND now poor Robinson thought he might venture abroad again without apprehension, and was walking near the sea-shore, as before, when a sight presented itself, which made his hair stand on end with surprise and horror. The shore was spread with skulls, hands, feet, and other bones of human bodies; and there was a hole dug in which had been a fire, and these human bones, he perceived, had evi- dently been roasted at it! Cannibals had been there ! What are cannibals? I must tell you—they are savage and wicked men, who kill and devour one another " Oh, how dreadful is the thought !—Now I suppose you no longer wish to dwell on Robinson Crusoe’s island? Barbarous uations jº º º W. - Discovers human Skulls. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 155 there were in great numbers, who made a constant practice of eating their enemies whenever they could catch them. Oh, let us be thankful that our lot is cast in happy England, where no such horrid doings were ever known. I am afraid we must not say that the dreadful custom of feasting on human flesh is even now quite disused in all parts of the world. 156 ROBINSON CRUSOE. RoBINson nearly fainted at the dread- ful sight of these human remains, and was in fact made ill by the excess of his feelings and disgust. When he regained his home, he endeavoured to compose himself, and thanked God that he had been brought up, not with such monsters, but in civilised society. He was, however, not quite so much alarmed on account of his own safety as before; for as he had lived on the island eighteen years, he knew that it was inhabited by no human being but himself, and believed that the savages only used the spot as an occasional retreat, for the purpose of enjoying their inhuman repast in greater security. He therefore con- tented himself with avoiding generally Arrival of the Cannibals. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 159 that part of the island where the savages had landed, and made himself as snug and safe as he could in his own dwelling ; he loaded his guns and pis- tols, and kept much at home : but one day, mounting the hill above his cave, he plainly perceived a smoke at no great distance, and thus it was evident that danger was approaching him. He peeped through the bushes a little further on, and saw nine savages dancing round a fire, at which, he doubted not, the flesh of human beings was then roasting ! In a few hours the savages took to their canoes, and then Robinson carefully ap- proached the spot they had left. The remains of their feast were too horrid to describe. 160 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Robinson was now indeed afraid that he should one day fall into the hands of these dreadful barbarians. He, however, passed a year or two without seeing any more of them. But now a surprise of quite a different kind startled him one day as he was musing in his cave. It was the distinct sound of a ship's gun . He started up instantly, and mounting the hill, looked out to sea, and saw a flash of fire, soon followed by the report of a second gun. Now he felt convinced that there was some ship in distress out at sea—for, do you know, that when they are in very great difficulty and danger out at sea, and are afraid of being wrecked, they fire guns every minute to inform any persons who } {}} Kindles a Signal Fire. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 163 may be within hearing that help is wanted. Robinson made a fire as a signal, which was soon answered by another gun; he looked out, and could just see an object out at sea, but the weather was too hazy to dis- cern it distinctly. The next morning he looked out again, and then saw plainly enough the wreck of a ship, cast away on the same rocks as those on which himself had been thrown many years before! L 2 164 ROBINSON CRUSOE, WHEN the sea was calm, Robinson rowed himself to the wreck, and found that not a soul on board was left alive. He obtained from the vessel many articles of which he was much in want, and made many voyages for that purpose as he had done before. Another year or two passed away, and Robinson continued as solitary as ever; but at length it seemed as if he was to have company more than enough, for he saw five canoes full of Savages approaching the island . He fetched the telescope which he had obtained from the ship, and, climbing his hill of observation, he plainly discerned about thirty persons sitting round a fire, and two apparently bound ready to be killed ! One of 16 ictim from the Cannibals, *r s Rescues a ROBINSON CRUSOE. 167 these he presently saw, releasing him- self from his bonds, dart away from his enemies like lightning towards the woods. With such amazing swiftness did he run, urged by hopes and fears for his life, that he left his pursuers far behind, and rapidly approached the spot where Robinson was standing, who now thought it time to interfere. He sprang in between the pursuers and the pursued, and firing off, first a pistol, and then a musket, so despe- rately alarmed the savages, who had never heard fire-arms before, and who saw one of their companions drop dead, that they immediately took to their canoes, and went away as fast as they could ply their oars. 168 ROBINSON CRUSOE, THE young savage who had escaped from his enemies was not less alarmed than the rest, and fell flat on his face before Robinson, who had much ado to soothe him and to persuade him to F1S6. You see this young savage would have been killed and eaten in a very short time, if he had not slipped his cords and run away. He seemed very thankful to Robinson, though of course he could not make himself understood by words ; and, to make short of it, Robinson found him a very excellent companion and assist- ant, when he had taught him a few things and a few words of English. As it was on a Friday that Robinson first saw him, he gave him that name, 169 Friday’s Gratitude. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 171 and you will hear of him now as his man Friday ! He was very clever, expert, obedient, and attached to his master; he soon learned the use of European implements, and could shoot game with a gun exceedingly well. Robinson taught him the principles of religion, made him abhor the savage practices of his own nation, and, in fact, educated him and civilised him completely in the course of time. 172 ROBINSON CRUSOE, RoBINson and his man Friday passed some years together without any particular adventure. It was one morning in the year, which was the twenty-seventh of Crusoe’s captivity in the island, that Friday perceived a number of canoes full of savages ap- proaching the island. The young man was dreadfully frightened, think- ing they were come to seek for him and eat him up ; but Robinson com- forted him, and promised to defend him. When the savages had sat down on the shore, it was soon evident that they were come on their old errand, and meditated another horrid feast. So Robinson and Friday each took as many guns as they could carry, and determined to put a stop to such dreadful proceedings. They They attack the Cannibals. ROBINSON CRUSOE, 175 approached as near as they could without being discovered, and could see plainly about twenty savages feasting away, and two wretched ones bound ready to be killed. Then Robinson determined to fire their guns at the savage men. This they repeated until two or three of the savages were killed, many wounded, and therest most dreadfully frightened, not knowing whence this attack pro- ceeded. In great consternation they jumped up and took to their boats, leaving their prisoners still bound on the shore. One of these, it appeared, was a white man, a Spaniard, who jumped for joy at his deliverance, so happy and so unexpected. Who do you think the other was? I will tell vou presently. 176 ROBINSON CRUSOE, THE other intended victim, thus surprisingly released, was an old man, at whom Friday gazed at first with intense earnestness, and at length, rushing towards him, clasped in his arms his own father It is impossible to describe the mutual joy of parent and child on this occasion. Friday danced about him and showed the utmost degree of filial duty and affec- tion. He rubbed his benumbed hands, brought him drink and food, and had the satisfaction of seeing his father's activity at length restored. Robinson was scarcely less surprised and pleased at this strange event; and now questioned the Spaniard, and found that he too had been cast away, but not on an uninhabited land. He Friday discovers his Father. ROBINSON CRUSCE. 179 had lived some time with the natives, when they were attacked and over- powered by a neighbouring tribe, who took himself and many others pri- soners, who would all have been devoured had they not been delivered by Robinson and his man Friday. Very thankful they were for their escape, and for the food and shelter Robinson gave them. He might now indeed call himself a king, having subjects three in number, who ac- knowledged his authority: but we have more events presently to relate. M 2 180 ROBINSON CRUSOE. MoRE visitors now poured in on Robinson. One morning his man Friday ran and told him that a canoe, such as he had never seen before, was in sight and rowing towards them. Robinson soon perceived that they were Europeans—yes—and how great was his joy to find that they were English too ! Yet he had his fears that these people could be after no good, and there had been no storm to injure any vessel. So Robinson kept on his guard, and now saw plainly an English ship at anchor at no great distance. The boat drew to shore, the men landed, and bore on their shoulders three persons bound as pri- soners. Robinson soon found out what was the nature of the case, and 181 º --~~.-->=* - - - - - - + 3 vs. ... &- 3Ise--ºf-> ---4ssºr: , - - - * * > . . *-*. Releases the English Sailors. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 183 being a man of courage, determined, if possible, to release these prisoners as he had done the others. Whilst, therefore, the sailors were absent ranging in the woods, he and Friday approached, and unbinding the men, who were utterly astonished at their deliverers, bade them defend them- selves and put arms in their hands. These three with Robinson and his companions made seven in all, who, finding the sailors in the woods drunk or asleep, came on them unawares, bound them all with cords, and so made them prisoners in turn l—Was not that well done 9 184 ROBINSON CRUSOE. I cannot describe the surprise and alarm of these men at finding them- selves bound fast, and their prisoners released ; but they were obliged to submit. The fact is, these sailors were mutineers, that is, they had rebelled against the captain and officers of their ship, and had brought them to this island for the purpose of leaving them to perish ; but you see their violent doings were overruled against them. They now implored mercy, for they knew they were in the power of their officers again and had deserved to die. Their captain referred all to Robinson, whom they made judge in this business. He said he could not promise them what he would do for two or three days— I 8 *} Attacks the Mutineers. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 187 then they would find out his inten- tions. This was very cleverly ma- naged; for the people in the ship, won- dering that their companions did not return, sent another boatful to the island, leaving only two or three in the vessel. When Robinson and his men saw them coming, they hid them- selves; and as soon as the men stepped ashore, they rushed upon them so suddenly and with such resolution, that they mastered them every one, and took possession of both their boats. 188 ROBINSON CRUSOE, RoBINSoN and the captain managed matters so well that they got posses- sion of the ship, and granted the men their lives on condition that the worst of them should remain on the island, and the others return to their duty and work the ship back to England. And so you see Robinson had an opportunity of returning to his native land at last. He and his man Friday took leave of theisland and brought the Spaniard away with them. Friday's father went back to his own country, and the rest of the English sailors took possession of Robinson's island with his permission. He arrived in England after thirty years' absence, and found very few of his relatives alive. Robinson was so fortunate as J 89 Sails for England. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 191 to dispose of his plantations in the Brazils for a great deal of money, with which he bought a farm in England, Friday still continuing his most faithful servant. I find that Robinson some years after paid his island a visit, regulated matters there, and again returned to England, where he died, at a good old age. THE END, LöNDON : BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERs, WHITEFRIA RS. TILT'S HAND-BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. —º- LITTLE PICTURE BIBLE, LITTLE PICTURE TESTAMENT, LITTLE BOOK OF BRITISH BIRDS. LITTLE BOOK OF BRITISH QUADRU- PEDS. REGENT'S PARK ZOOLOGICAL GAR- DENS. SURREY ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. COUNTRY WALKS FOR LITTLE FOLRS. LONDON SIGHTS FOR LITTLE FOLRS. LITTLE ROBINSON CRUSOE. Each volume contains 48 pretty Plates, price le. 6d. *** A little leather case, to hold eight of the volumes, lettered in gold “My own LIBRARY,” may be had, price 14s.