ilālālīlīlīlīlīlīl. OW/CWOWOWIOTO º - # g L- º lſ ſ ; | # hº | *Nººr-Wººlºº jFairburn's 32bition OF THE WONDERFUL LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF IROBINSON CRUSOE, Of York, Mariner; Giving a full account of his Shipwreck, being cast ashore on an Uninhabited Island, where he lived 28 Years, his Miraculous Deliverance, &c. &c. —sºtéº->- PRINTED FROM AN ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, Written by Himself. -***{{:}º- Illustrated with beautiful Engravings By Mr. CRUICKSHANK. -me{O}939&ºlòle- §Sºlº TNTU \LNL 3Lombon: Printed and Published by J. FAIRBURN, 110, Minories. WWFIºlº'ſ TITITITITITTTTTTT) "; i Tºve .No. *A*\ * 34S2, A2. \ $2– c. - - ----o---- tº - - - - - - - ts nºtches it tº poſt º- Crusoe goes on boar; - the Wreck º: 2 - - º-ºººº. |W | | | 1. --- - | | - Crusoe makes himself a Tent. º tºrºsº shoots goats for subsistance. --> Crusoe walkins: a Canoe. º - º º - - - º Crusoe arrived in England. ºut” ºt the pºint e rescues Friday. ("hºuso . _ __ - *** Jº, 2 - 3 : - sº ſ - t (2-42...] & , ;", . tº 4%, ...t. a- (f 3. 7- - 2-/4-/?z, J- the £ife and abuentures Robinsom Crusoe. =s—º–G- I WAS born of a good family in the city of York, where my father, who was a native of Bremen, had settled after his having got a handsome estate by merchandize. My brain was early filled with rambling thoughts, and when I grew up, my father often persuaded me to settle to some business, and my mother used the tenderest entreaties, yet nothing could prevail upon me to lay aside my desire of going to sea; notwithstanding the extreme uneasiness which my father and mother always shewed at the thoughts of my eaving them. I hardened myself against the prudent and sind advice of my kind indulgent parents: and being one day at Hull, I met with one of my companions, who was going to sea in his father's ship, he easily persuaded me to go with him. On the 1st of September, 1651, I went on board this ship, which was bound for London, and without letting my father know the rash and disobedient step I had taken, set sail; but no sooner was the ship out of the Humber, than the wind began to blow, and the sea to rise in a most terrible manner. Having never been at sea before, I was extremely sick, and my mind was filled with terror. I then began to grow sensible of my wickedness, in disobeying the best of parents. The next day the wind abated, and the sea grew calm; I was no longer sea sick, and my companion laughed at my fears. The weather continued calm for several days, and we at length came into Yarmouth road, where we cast anchor to wait for a wind. On the eighth day in the morn- ing, the wind increased, and we had all hands at work to strike our top-masts, and to cast our sheet anchor 4 LIFE AND ADVENTURES I now began to see terror and amazement in the faces even of the seamen themselves; and as the master passed by me, I could hear him say softly to himself, “Lord be merciful to us, we shall be lost.” When I heard this I was terribly frightened ; such a dismal sight I never before saw, the sea ran mountains high, and broke upon us every three or four minutes. I cannot express the horror of mind I was then seized with. The storm still increased, and I saw (what is but too seldom seen) the master, the boatswain, and several others at prayers, expecting that every moment the ship would go to the bottom. The storm however beginning to abate, the master fired guns for help, and a light ship which had rid it out just a-head of us, ventured a boat out to help us. It was with the utmost hazard that it came near us: and our men casting a rope over the stern with a buoy, they after much labour and hazard got hold of it, and we hauling them close under the stern, got all into the boat. But we had hardly left the ship a quarter of an hour, when we saw her founder. My heart seemed dead within me with fright, horror of mind, and the thoughts of what was yet before me. As it was impossible for the boat to get up with the ship to which she belonged, we endeavoured to reach the shore, and partly by rowing and partly by being driven by the waves, we at last with great difficulty got to land, and walk- ed to Yarmouth. Had I now had the sense to return home, my father would have received me with tenderness: but a weak and foolish shame opposed all thoughts of it; I was afraid of being laughed at among the neighbours, and should be ashamed to see not only my father, but every body else. I had, without blushing committed an action which bore all the marks of folly; but was ashamed of returning, though that was the wisest step I could have taken. I remained some time in doubt what course to take; but having money in my pocket, I travelled to London by land. On my arrival in that city, I happily contracted an ac- quaintance with the master of a ship who had been on the coast of Guinea; taking a fancy to me, told me, that if I would go the voyage with him, I should be at no expence; and if I would carry any thing with me, I should have the advantage of trading for myself. Encouraged by this offer of Robinson crusoe. 5 by the assistance of some of my relations, with whom I still corresponded, I raised 40l. which I laid out in such toys and trifles, as he directed me to buy. But though in this voyage I was continually sick; yet under my worthy friend, I got a competent knowledge of the mathematics, and the rules of navigation; learned how to keep an ac- count of the ship's course, and to take an observation: this voyage made me both a sailor and a merchant; for I brought home five pounds nine ounces of gold dust for my adventure, which yielded me in London, at my return almost 300l. I was now set up for a Guinea trader; but my friend, to my great misfortune, dying soon after his arrival, I re- solved to go the same voyage again, and having left 200l. in the hands of my friend's widow, I embarked in the same vessel. This was one of the most unhappy voyages that ever man made; for as we were steering between the Canary islands and the African shore, we were surprised in the grey of the morning by a Moorish rover of Salee, who gave chase to us, with all the sail she could make. Finding that the pirate gained upon us, and would certainly come up with us in a few hours, we prepared to fight; our ship having twelve guns, and the pirate eighteen. About three in the afternoon he came up with us, and a very smart engagement ensued; but after having twice cleared the deck of the Moors, and lost three of our men, and had eight wounded, we were obliged to submit, and we were all car- ried prisoners into Salee, a port belonging to the Moors. I was kept by the captain of the rover as his own prize, and made his slave. My master having the long-boat of our English ship, had a little state room or cabin built in the middle of it, like a barge, with a place behind it to steer, and haul home the mainsheet, and another before, for a hand or two to stand and work the sails. In this pleasure boat we frequently went out a fishing, and one day he had appointed to go out with two or three Moors of distinction, and had therefore sent over night a larger store of provisions than usual; and ordered me to get ready two or three fusees with powder and shot, which were on board his ship; for that they designed to have sport at fowling as well as fishing. But in the morning G LIFE AND ADVENTURES he came on board, telling me that his guest had declined going, and ordered me, with the man and boy, to sail out with the boat, and catch some fish, for his friends were to sup with him. At this moment the hopes of my deliverance darted into my thoughts, every thing being prepared, we sailed out of the port to fish; but purposely catching none, I told Muley that this would not do, and that we must stand farther off, which he agreeing to, we set the sails, and I having the helm, ran the boat out near a league farther, and then brought her to as if I would fish ; when giving the boy the helm, I stept forwards, and stooping behind the Moor, took him by surprize, and tossed him overboard into the sea ; he arose immediately, for he swam like a cork, and called to me to take him in ; but fetching out one of the fowling pieces, I presented it at him, and told him, that if he came near the boat, I would shoot him, so he turned about and swam towards the land, and as he was an ex- cellent swimmer, I make no doubt but that he reached the shore with ease. When he was gone, I turned to the boy, whom they call- ed Xury, and said to him, Xury, if you will be faithful to me I will make you a great man, but if you will not stroke your face to be true to me, (that is swear by Mahomet and his father's beard) I must throw you into the sea too. The boy smiled in my face, and spoke so innocently, that I could not mistrust him; he swore to be faithful to me, and to go over all the world with me. While I was in view of Muley, I stood out to sea, but it no sooner grew dark, then I changed my course, and steer- ed to the south, I made such sail, that before the end of the next day, I believe, I was beyond the Emperor of Morocco's dominions. Yet so dreadful were my ap- prehensions of falling again into my master's hands, that I would not stop to go on shore, till I had sailed in that man- ner five days; and then the wind shifting to the south- ward, I ventured to come to an anchor at the mouth of a little river. The principal thing I wanted was fresh water. But though I was no less afraid of the savages than of the wild beasts, our necessities obliged us to land, for we had not a pint, The next morning Xury asked for one of the jars, OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, 7 and said he would go and seek for wate. I asked him why he would go. The boy answered with so much affection that I could not help loving him. If wild man comes, they eat me, you go way. Well Xury, said I, we will both go, and if the wild men come we will kill them; they shall cat neither of us. I then gave Xury a dram out of one of the case bottles, and having hauled the boat as near the shore as we thought proper, waded to land, carrying nothing but our arms, and two jars for water. The boy seeing a low place about a mile up the country, rambled thither; and by-and-by I saw him come running towards me, when thinking he might be pursued by some savage, or frightened by a wild beast, I ran to meet him; but when I came nearer, I saw something hanging over his shoulder, which was a creature he had shot, like a hare, and we found it very good meat; but the great joy that poor Xury came with, was to tell me he had found good water, and seen no wild mans. We therefore filled our jars, feasted on our hare, and then set sail. - Several times after we were obliged to go ashore for fresh water; and once in particular, early in the morning Xury called softly to me, and told me, that we had best go farther off the shore; for, says he, look yonder lies a dread- ful monster fast asleep. I looked where he pointed, and saw a great lion that lay on the side of the shore under the shade of a piece of the hill that hung a little over him, upon which, charging my three guns, I took aim at his head, but lying with his foot raised a litttle above his nose, the slug broke his leg. He started up growling, but fell down again; and gave the most hideous roar that ever I heard; but firing again, and shooting him in the head, I had the pleasure to see him drop. I resolved to take off his skin, and going ashore, the boy and I accomplished it. Then spreading it on the top of our cabin, the sun dried it in two days time, and it afterwards served me to lie upon. About ten days after, as I was steering out to sea, in order to double a cape, I had the view of some islands, which I supposed to be those of Cape Verd. I was afraid of venturing so far from the shore, for if I should be taken with a fresh gale of wind, I might never be able to reach again the one or the other. In this dilemma I sat down in the cabin: when on a sudden Xury cried out in a § LIFE AND AſſºRitrºës fright, “Master! Master! a ship,” foolishly imagining that it was his masters ship, come so far in pursuit for us, I jump- ed out of the cabin, and saw that it was a Portuguese vessel, and instantly stretched out to sea with all the sail I could make; they perceived me by the help of their glasses, and shortened sail to let me come up. A Scots sailor on board called to me, and I answered, that I had made my escape from the Moors at Salee. They very kindly took me in and all my goods. - We had a very good voyage to the Brazils, and arrived at All Saints Bay in about twenty-two days. The generous captain recommended me to an honest man who had a plan- tation, with whom I Fived till Hºhad learnt the manner of planting and making sugar, after which I purchased a piece of kand, and became a planter. I had lived here about four years, and had contracted an acquaintance among several merchants. I had frequently talked to them of the method of purchasing negroes on the coast of Guinea, and they being pleased with the project, easily prevailed on me to make a voyage for that purpose. We fitted out a ship of about 120 tons burden, which carried 6 guns, and 14 men, besides the master, his boy, and myselſ. In this vessel I set sail. We had very good weather for about twelve days; but soon after we had erossed the line, a violent hurricane drove us quite out of onr reckoning, and for many days together not any in the ship expected to save their lives. In this distress, one of our men early On 6 morning cried out, “Land " and we had no socner run out of the cabin, in hopes of seeing where we were, but the ship struck upon a shoal. It is not easy to conceive our eonsternation; for as the rage of the sea was great, we supposed that the ship would, in a few minutes, break to pieces. We had a boat on board, which the mate laid hold of, and with the help of the rest of the men flung her over the ship's side, and getting all unto her, committed ourselves to God's mercy. We steered towards land, but after we had rowed, or rather been driven, about a league and a half, a wave, mountain high, came rolling a stern of us with such fury that it overset the boat at once, and se- parated us from one another. This wave carried me vast way towards the shore, and having spent itself, wen back, and left me upon the land almost dry, but half dead. OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. 9. I stood still a few moments to recover breath, till the waters went from me, and then took to my heels, and with all the strength I had left me, ran towards the shore. I got to the main land, clambered up the clifts of the shore, and sat me down upon the grass. Having rested myself I walked along the shore in search of fresh water; having found some and quenched my thirst, I put some tobacco in my mouth, to prevent hunger, and having climbed a tree rested myself till morning. I then found the sea calm, and the tide ebbed so far out that I could come within a quarter of a mile of the ship. The weather being éxtremely hot, I pulled off my clothes, and took to the water; but when H came to the ship, H found no means of getting on board, she lying so high, that I could find nothing within my reach : I swam round her twice, at last observing a small piece of rope hanging down, I got hold of it, and got into the forecastle. Here I found that the ship was bulged, and a great deal of water in the hold; but to my great joy I saw that all the ship's provisions were dry, and being well disposed to eat, I went into the bread room, and slipped on a waistcoat, filled my pockets with biscuit, and eat as I went about other things, I also found some rum in the great cabin, of which I took a dram. As I found several spare yards, I let them down with ropes by the ship's sides, and going down to them, tied them together, and made a raft, placing several pieces of plank upon them crossways, and laid upon it all the pieces of board that came to hand. I next emptied three of the seamen's chests; then lowered them down upon the raft, and filled them with bread, some dried goats's flesh and three Dutch cheeses. I found several cases of bottles, in which were some cordial waters, and about five or six gallons of arrack; these I stowed by themselves, there being no room for them in the chests. I also let down the carpenter's chest, which was worth more to me than a ship load of gold. I next found two good fowling-pieces, and two pistols, with some powder horns, two barrels of powder, and two old rusty swords, all of which I placed on the raft, and with this invaluable cargo resolved to put to sea. - * My raft went very well, and with it I entered a creek, 10 LIFE AND ADVENTURES where I thrust it on a flat piece of ground, over which the tide flowed, and there fastened it by sticking a broken oar into the ground. Thus I stayed till the water ebbed, when I placed my cargo safe on land. At night I barricadoed myself round with the chests and boards I had brought on shore, of which I had made a kind of hut. - The next day I resolved to make a second voyage. My raft being too unweildy, I swam to the ship, and made another, on which I placed two or three bags of nails and spikes, some hatchets, a grind-stone, two or three iron crows, seven muskets, and another fowling-piece, two bar- rels of musket bullets, a large bag of small shot, and all the men's cloaths I could find, a square fore-topsail, a ham- mock, and some bedding; all which I brought safe to land. I now went to work to make a little hut with the sails, and some poles, which I cut for that purpose; and into it I brought every thing I knew would spoil either with the sun or rain; I piled all the empty chests and casks in a circle round the hut to fortify it from any sudden attempº ſrom man or beast; I blocked up the door with boards • and spreading one of the beds upon the ground, laying my two pistols just at my head, and my gun by me, I went to bed, and slept very quietly all night. t Every day at low water, I went on board, and brought away something. On my seventh voyage I brought away a great hogshead of bread, three large rumlets of rum, a box of fine sugar, and a barrel of fine flour. I had been thirteen days on shore, and had been eleven times on board the ship, but in one of these excursions I had the misfortune to overset my raft; but it being in shoal water, and the things being chiefly heavy, I recovered many of them, when he tide was out. Indeed had the calm weather continued, I believe I should have brought away the whole ship, piece by piece: but preparing the twelfth time to go on board, I found the wind began to rise; however, at low water I went ; rummaging the cabin, I dis- covered a locker with draws in it, in one of which I found two or three razors, and a pair of large scissars, with ten or a dozen good knives and forks, and in another about 361. value of gold and silver coin. . At the sight of this money I to myself, and said aloud, O drug what art thou OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, 11 good for ? One of these knives is worth all this heap; I I have no manner of use for thee; e'en remain where thou art, and go to the bottom. However, upon second thoughts, I took it away, and wrapping it all in a piece of canvas, began to think of making another raft, but while I was pre- paring it, the wind began to rise, and to blow off shore; I then found that it was time to be gone, least I should not be able to reach the shore; accordingly I let myself down into the water, and swam to land, which I performed with great difficulty, from the weight of the things I had about me, and the roughness of the water. It blew very hard all night; and in the morning, when I looked out, no more ship was to be seen. I now went in search of a place where I might fix my dwelling, endeavour- ing to chuse one where I might have the advantage of a nealthy situation, fresh water, and security from being sur- prized by man or beast. I found a little plain on the side of a rising hill, which was there as steep as the side of a house, so that nothing could conne down to me from the top : On the side of this rock was a hollow place, like the entrance of a cave, before which I resolved to fix my tent. This plain was not above 100 yards broad, and twice as long, descending to the sea. Before I set up my tent, I drew an half circle before the hollow place, which extended 20 yards, and in this half circle pitched two rows of strong stakes, driving them into the ground like piles; they stood about five feet and a half out of the ground, sharpened on the top. Then I took the pieces of cable I had cut in the ship, and laid them in rows one upon another up to the top ; and this fence was so strong, that neither man nor beast could enter it. The The entrance I made by a short ladder to go over the top, which when I was in I lifted over after me. Into this fence, I by degrees carried all my riches, all my provisions, am- munition, and stores and made me a large tent to secure myself and them from the weather. When I had done this, I began to work my way into the rock, laying all the earth and stones I dug out within my fence, in the manner of a terrace; and thus I had a cave just behind my hut. But before the above works were completed, a sudden storm of thunder and lightning filled me with the greatest terror: for my powder suddenly darted into my mind, and 12 LIFE AND AIXVENTURES my heart sunk within me at the thought, that at one blast it might all be destroyed; on which not only my defence, but the providing of my food entirely depended. No sooner was the storm over, than I laid aside every other work to make boxes and bags, in order to seperate my powder. I put them in holes up and down the rocks, in such a manner, that one parcel could not fire another. While all this was doing, I walked out at least once every day with my gun, as to see if I could kill any thing fit for food, and to acquaint myself with what the island produced. The first time I went out, I had the pleasure to find, that there were goats in the island; but they were so shy, that it was the most difficult thing in the world to come up with them ; but observing that they did not easily see objects above them, I killed them by climbing the rocks, and shooting at those in the valley. I found in the woods a kind of wild pigeons, which built in holes of the rocks; and taking some young ones, I endeavoured to breed them. up tame, but when they grew old they flew away; however, I frequently found their nests, and got their young ones, which were very good meat. - - After I had been about ten or twelve days on shore, it came into my thoughts that I should lose my reckoning of time, and should not be able to distinguish the Sundays from the working days. To prevent this, I set up a large square post on the shore where I first landed, and cut upon it with a knife, I came on shore here the 30th of September, 1659. Upon the sides I cut every day a notch, and every seventh notch was as long again as the rest, and every first day of the month as long again as that long one, and thus I kept my weekly, monthly, and yearly reckoning. I had got from the ship, some pens, ink, and paper; some mathematical instruments, and three good bibles, with several other books, which I carefully secured. I also brought to shore with me two cats, and a dog swam on shore, which was a trusty servant to me many years; may, he was so good a companion, that I was at a loss for nothing that he could fetch me; and he only wanted power of speech to become a most agreeable friend. - When my habitation was finished, I found it far too small to contain my moveables; I had hardly room to turn my- self; so I set about enlarging my cave, and laboured till I OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. 13 had worked sideways into the rock farther than my outside pale, and hewing a way through, made a back door to m store-house. I then made me a table and chair, which were great conveniences; shelved one side of my cave, and knocked up pieces of wood into the rock, to hang my things on. When my gave was set to rights, it looked like a general magazine of all necessary things. What a different situation was I in now, from that I was in when I first landed, when I was afraid of perishing with hunger, or of being devoured by wild beasts. But I had scarcely finished my habitation, when an earthquake had like to have buried me in its ruins. The fear of being swallowed up alive prevented my sleeping in quiet, but the apprehensions of lying abroad were equally terrible, and when I saw myself concealed and safe from every other danger, I was loth to remove. In some little time I recovered from my fright, and after that frequently killed goats for my subsistence, whose fat supplied my lamp, which was a dish made of clay baked in the sun; and for a wick l made use of oakum. In the rummaging among my things, I found a little bag with some husks of corn in it; and wanting it, I shook it out by the side of my fortification. This was just before some heavy rain; and about a month afterwards, 1 saw some green stalks shooting out of the ground; but how great was my astonishment, when some time after I saw about ten or twelve ears of barley ! It was some time before I recollected the bag with the husks; and I thought that they could have been produced by nothing less than a miracle. With this barley there also came up a few stalks of rice; and these were worth more to me than fifty times their weight in gold; and I carefully preserved them for seed. When I had been about a year in the island, I was taken extremely ill, which frightened me terribly, imagining 1 should die for want of proper help. This fit of illness proved a violent ague, which made me so weak, l could hardly carry my gun : and when the fit was on me, I was almost perished with thirst. One night as I was rumina ting on my sad condition, expecting the return of my fit, i occured to my thoughts, that the Brasilians took no physic but tobacco; and I went, directed by Heaven no doubt, to search for some in the chest; and there I found 14 LIFE AN O ADVENTURES a bible ! I brought both that and the tobacco to my table, I steeped some of the last in rum; some l burnt in a pan of coals, holding my head over the fume; aud some I chewed: During the interval of this operation, l opened my book; and the first words on which I cast my eyes were, “Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will de- liver thee.” The words struck me; but I could read no more, for the tobacco made me excessive sleepy. I there- fore went to bed, and falling into a sound sleep, I believe I slept two days; and awoke perfectly recovered. 1 now took a survey of the island; and at about two miles distance from my habitation, found some fine savan- nahs, and a little further a variety of fruit, melons upon the ground, and vines covered with clusters of ripe grapes. I proceeded with my discoveries, and came to an opening that seemed to descend to the west, where every thing was in such constant verdure, that it looked like a beauti- ful garden. I carried some grapes and a few limes back with me; but the grapes were spoiled before I got home. I went the next day and gathered a large quantity of grapes and hung them upon the out branches of the trees, that they might cure and dry in the sun; but as for the limes and lemons, I carried as many as I could well stand under. I was so enamoured with this place, that I built myself a bower, fenced with a double hedge ; and this country house, as I called it, cost me two months labour; but I hardly began to enjoy my habitation, when the rains came on, and I was obliged to retreat to my old one taking with me my grapes, which were now become fine raisins of the SUIII. I had been concerned for the loss of one of my cats; but about this time she came home, and encreased my family with three young kittens; she having bred, as I sup- posed, by a wild cat, of which there were some in the woods, and they soon multiplied so fast, that I was obliged to drive them from me. The rainy and dry seasons now appeared quite regular to me. I dug a piece of ground as well as I could, with wooden spade of my own making, and began to sow m grain ; but as I was doing it, it occurred to my thoughts that I would not sow all, for fear it should not grow, so , reserved about a handful of each sort; and well it was I ÖF ROBINSON CRtjSOE. 1 to did so; for it did not come up till many months afterwards. When I saw it did not grow, I sought for moister ground, and dug up a piece nearer my own bower, which answered to my wishes; and my crop amounted to about half a peck of each kind: by this means I was made master of my business; knew when to sow; and that I might expect two seed times, and two harvests every year; for the corn I set first came up after the next wet season. When the rains were over, I made a visit to my bower, where I found the stakes I set for my defence were shot up into trees, which I pruned, and made as much alike as pos- sible; and they became a complete shade. This was my work in the dry season; and to employ myself when I could not go abroad, I made baskets, having, when a child, taken much delight to see a basket-maker. In one of the dry seasons, I took another ramble, armed with my gun and a hatchet, and guarded by my faithful dog. When I had passed the valley in which stood my bower, I came within view of the sea; and it being a clear day, I plaimly discovered land; but whether island or con- tinent, I could not tell; I guessed that it could not be less than 20 leagues off. I imagined it was some savage coast, and such indeed it proved. In this journey I catched a parrot, having knocked it down with a stick, brought it home with me, and taught it to speak. I found in the lower grounds hares; but as they were not like what I had seen, I was afraid to eat them ; and I had no need to make experiments, as I had goats, pigeons, and turtle, which added to my grapes, Leadenhall market could not have furnished a better table. The shore was covered with innumerable turtles ; though, on my side, I had found but three in a year and a half. Here was also an infinite number of fowls; but I was too sparing of my powder to shoot them. I travelled about twelve miles eastward along the shore, and then setting up a great post for a mark re- turned homeward, designing that my next tour should be the contrary way, till I came to this post, I took a different way home from that I went ; but un- *ortunately lost myself, and wandered about very uncom- ortably; till at last I was obliged to find out the seaside, o seek for my post, being tired to death with the heat of weather and the weight of mv arms. In this iourney my 16 LIFE AND ADVENTURES." dog seized a young kid, and I saved it alive, highly pleased with the hopes of having a breed of tame goats; but as I could not bring it along without difficulty, I left it within the inclosure of my bower. I now rested myself a week, employed in the weighty affair of making a cage for my parrot, which soon became one of my favourites. I now bethought me of my kid and hastened to my bower to bring it home, or to give it food; and the poor creature was so tame by hunger, that it fol- lowed me home like a dog. From that time it became one of my domestics also, and would never leave me. . My corn was now coming up ; and the goats and hares having tasted the sweetness of the blade, lay at it night and day, as soon as it sprang out of the ground, so that it could get no time to shoot into a stalk. To defend it, I sur- rounded it with a hedge, and, in the mean while, shooting some of the creatures by day, I set my dog to watch it by night, which he did so faithfully, that the enemies forsook the place, and the corn grew, and began to ripen apace. When the corn was in ear, I was nearly as much troubled by birds; but having killed three, I used them as we do murderers in England, hanged them in chains, to serve as a terror to the rest. Not a fowl afterwards came near my corn, indeed, near the place, as long as my scare-crows hung there. When my corn was ripe, I made me a scythe with a sword, and cut off none but the ears, which I rubbed out with my hands. At the end of my harvest, I guessed I had a bushel of rice, and two bushels and a half of barley. I kept all this for seed, and bore the want of bread with patience, as I had now a tolerable prospect of having as much as I wanted. g This article of bread was a great difficulty; I had neither plough nor harrow: For the first I made my shovel do; and to supply the place of a harrow, I went over it myself, dragging after me the heavy boughs of a tree: and when I came to make bread, I had innumerable wants: I wanted a mill to grind it, sieves to dress it, yeast and salt to make it into bread, and an oven to bake it. However, I had six months to contrive all these things in. In the mean time I enlarged the enclosure of my arable land. I made nie some mis-shapen pots of clav, that all broke in the sun, OF ROBINSON CRUSOEe 17 except two, which I cased in wicker-work; but I succeeded 'better in little pans, flat dishes, and pitchers, which the sun baked surprisingly hard; but they would not bear the fire so as to hold any liquid, and I wanted one to boil my meat. One day, after I had dressed my dinner, I went to put out my fire, and found a piece of one of my earthen vessels burnt as hard as a stone, and as red as a tile: this taught me to burn my pipkins; and I soon wanted for no sort of earthen vessels: when I found that I had made a pot which would bear the fire, I set it on with a piece of kid, in order to make me some broth, which answered tolerably well. I made me a wooden morter and pestle, and also a sieve out of some of the seamen's neck-cloths, and at length made a sort of oven of a broad shallow earthen vessel, and a tiled hearth. When I baked, I drew the live embers for- wards upon the hearth, till it was ". hot; them sweeping them away, I set down my loaves, whelming the earthen pot over them, which baked my barley bread, as well as the best oven in the world; and I now became a complete pastry-cook. My thoughts often ran upon the land I had seen; and I began to make myself a canoe. I fell a great cedar, but when the impossibility of launching this heavy thing came in my mind, I gave Smyself this foolish answer, “Let me but once make it, and I'll warrant I'll get it along when it is done.” But all my devices to get it into the water failed me, and therefore I gave it over, determining to enjoy what I had, without repining for what I could not get. My cloaths now began to decay: so I made myself two waistcoats out of some watch coats, which lasted me a great while. I made a cap out of a goat's skin, with the hair side outwards, to throw of the rain, and also another waistcoat of the same skin; but l must acknowledge that they were wretchedly done. I made me too a umbrella, which I could shut up, and take abroad with me; and this secured me both from the heat and the rain. I now built me a small boat, intending to go round my litttle kingdom, but in which I had nearly lost my life almost dead with fatigue, I at length arrived at my little castle. I got over the fence, and laid me down to sleep in the shade; but judge my surprize, when I waked by a 18 LIFE AND ADVENTUREs voice calling me by the name several times, Robin, Robin Crusoe, poor Robin Crusee, where are you? where have you been 2 I was so dead asleep at first, that l thought I dreamt some body spoke to me; but as the voice continued to re- peat Robin Crusoe, I awaked dreadfully frightened; but no sooner, were my eyes open, than I saw my Pol sitting on the hedge, and immediately knew that it was he that spoke to me. I immediately called him; and the poor sociable creature came as he used to do, and sat on my thumb crying Poor Robin Crusoe, as if he had been over- joyed to see me again. This dangerous ramble reconciled me to my desolate island, and resigned me to the despensations of Providence. I began now to perceive my powder considerably abated; and this was a want which it was impossible for me to sup- ply. Dreading what would become of me when I could kill no more goats, (for my kid did not breed,) I set snares to catch some alive, and particularly wanted a she goat with kid ; but my snares were broken and my bait devoured. At length I resolved to try pit falls; in one of which I found a large old he goat, and in another three kids, a male and two females. The old one was so fierce that I durst not meddle with him; but the three kids I brought home. It was some time before they would feed; but, however they grew tame, and I had the pleasure to find, that I might sup- ply myself with goat's flesh, when I had no powder or shot left. I inclosed a piece of ground to keep my goats, pro- posing, as my flock encreased, to add more ground to my inclosure; and I had soon not only goat's flesh to feed on, but milk too: for now I set up a dairy, and made myself butter and cheese. It would have made a Stoic smile, to see me and my family sit down to dinner: There was my majesty, all alone like a king, attended with my servants. Pol, my favourite, was the only person permitted to talk to me. My dog, was grown very old, sat always at my right hand, and my two cats, one on the one side of the table, and the other on the other, expecting now and then a bit from my hand, as a mark of special favour. I had at length a great mind to go to the point of the island, to see how the shore lay, and resolved to travel thither by land, And now, reader, I will give thee a short sketch of the figure I made, I had a great high, shapeless OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, 19 cap, made of a goat's skin, a jacket, with the skirts coming down to the middle of my thighs; and a pair of open knee'd breeches of the same with the goats hair hanging to the middle of my leg. Stockings and shoes I had none; but I had made a pair of somethings, I scarce knew what to call them, to flap over my legs like spatterdashes, but of a most barbarous shape; and so indeed were all the rest of my cloaths. I had a broad belt of goat-skin dried; and I hung on one side a saw, and on the other an hatchet. I had another belt, not so broad, fastened over my shoulder. Under my arm hung two pouches, for my shot and powder: On my back I carried a basket; on my shoulder a gun, and over my head, a great, clumsy, ugly umbrella. My beard was cut short, except what grew on my upper lip, which I had trimmed into a pair of large Mahometan whiskers: But as for my figure, I had so few to observe me, that it was of no manner of consequence. In this figure I went my new journey, and was out five or six days. I was exceedingly surprized with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was plainly to be seen in the sand. I listened, I could hear nothing, I wen upon a rising ground, to look farther : but I could see only that one impression. There was plainly a foot, toes, heel, and every part very distinct. I hurried home to my fortifi- cations, looking behind me every two or three steps, and fancying every tree, bush, and stump, to be a man. I had no sleep that night: but my terror gradually wore off; however I strengthened my fortification, and planted a number of stakes on the outside of my wall, which growing, became a thick grove. - After having secured my habitation in the strongest man. ner possible, I sought for a place of security for my live goats; and at length found a piece of ground, rendered al- most inaccessible by nature, so that it cost me but little pains to make it so; and then I removed the she-goats and two he-goats into it - * - After I had thus secured one part of my live stock, I went about the whole island, and rambled more to the western point than I had ever done before... I was presently con- vinced, that the seeing the print of a man's foot, was not such a strange thing in the island, as I had imagined, for on my approaching the shore, I was perfectly confounded, nor 36 ifff: AND Afrvºiſtſ ºf Š is it possible to express the horror I felt at seeing the shore spread with skulls, hands, feet, and other bones of human bodies; and particularly a place, where, as I supposed, there had been a fire made, and a circle dug in the earth for the savage wretehes to sit down to their inhuman feasts. I turried away my face from the horrid spectacle, and left the place as soon as possible. One day when I was cutting some brush wood, I found behind the bush I was cutting, a hollow place, which I was curious to look into ; and getting with difficulty into its mouth, I found it was sufficient for me to stand uplight in : but looking farther into the place, which was perfectly dark, I saw two broad shining eyes, which twinkled like two stars, from a dim light reflected from the mouth of the cave. At this I went out faster than I got in : but pluck- ing up my courage, I took a great firebrand, and rushed in again with it flaming in my hand; when I was almost as much frightened as before; for I heard a loud sigh, fol- lowed by a broken noise, and then a sigh again. I stepped back, struck with such surprize, that it put me in a cold sweat. However I recovered resolution enough to step forward again; and lifting up my light, I saw lying on the ground a most monstrous he-goat gasping for life. I now recovered from my fright, and began to look round me. This cave was but twelve feet over; and I observed, that on the farther side was an opening, into which I crept; but as I had no light, I defered going farther than the entranee till the next day; when I crept about ten yards; after which the roof rose to about twenty feet high, and the wall reflected an hundred thousand lights from the light I car- ried. ..It was a delightful grotto, the floor dry, and level, no damp to be felt. To this place I brought all my powder and all my spare arms, and now kept at my castle only five guns, which stood ready mounted. - Some time after, in the midst of a very stormy night, I was startled at the firing of a #. ; I hastened up to the top of my hill; and heard another. I imagined that these were the signals of a ship in distress; and such it proved, as I discovered the next day. I cannot explain, the emotion I felt at the sight of this wreck, O that there had been but one saved 1 cried I, that I might have had one companion, OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, 21 one fellow creature to have spoken to, and have comforted in his affliction. Under the power of this impression, nothing would serve me, but I must go in my boat to this wreck, which lay at a little distance. I furnished myself with a stock of pro- visions, for fear of being driven out to sea; and havi begun my voyage, I in two hours time reached the ship, which was Spanish built. She stuck fast jammed in be- tween two rocks, and all the stern and quarter were beaten to pieces by the sea. On coming near it, a dog yelped and cried ; but there was no other living creature on board; and all the goods were spoiled by the water. I however took two of the seamen's chests into my boat, without knowing what was in them. When I had got my treasure home, and began to unload, I found several bottles filled with cordial waters, and some neckcloths and shirts, which were very useful to me; 1100 pieces of eight, and about a pound weight of solid gold, but of what use was this to me? I would have given it all for three or four pairs of shoes and stockings. After this acquisition, I lived in my old manner, though terified with fears of the savages. One morning very early, I saw five canoes of them on shore. I clambered up my hill; and, by the help of my perspective, discovered no less than thirty dancing round a fire. I soon after saw two miserable wretches dragged out of the boats; one of whom was immediately knocked down: but the other, starting from them ran with incredible swiftness along the sands to- wards me. I confess I was horridly frightened, when I saw him come my way, imagining he would be pursued by the whole body: however, I kept my station, and quite lost my apprehensions when I found but three followed him. He greatly out ran them, and was in a fair way of escaping them all, when, coming to a creek, he plunged into it, landed and ran on as swift as before. Of the three that followed, but two entered the water, the other returning back. I hastily fetched my guns from the foot of the lad- der; and having a short cut down the hill, I clapped my self in the way between the pursuers and the pursued, hollowing aloud to him that fled, and beckoning then my hand for him to stop : then rushing at once upon the fore- most, knocked him down with the stock of my piece. The 22 LIFE AND ADVENTURES other stopped, as if frightened, but when I advanced to- wards him, I perceived he was fitting his bow to shoot me; upon which I shot him dead directly. The poor savage who had fled was so terrified at the noise of my piece, though he saw his enemies fallen, that he stood stock still, but seemed rather inclined to fly than to come towards me. However, when I gave him signs of encouragement, he came nearer kneeling down every ten or twelve steps; on his coming close again, he laid his head upon the ground and placed my foot upon it. But there was more work to to do: the man I knocked down came to himself, and my savage began to be afraid. I then presented my piece at the man, when the poor fellow, whose life I had saved, made a motion for my sword, which I gave him; and he struck off his enemy's head at one blow, and in a quarter of an hour buried both the bodies in the sand. I then took him away to my cave at the farther part of the island. Here I gave him bread and a bunch of raisins to eat, and a draught of water, which he wanted much; and having re- freshed him, I made signs for him to lie down upon some rice-straw, which the poor creature did, and soon went to sleep. He was a well-made handsome fellow, of about twenty- six years of age, of an olive coloured complexion, with long black hair. He had a small nose, that was not flat: and fine teeth, as white as ivory. After he had slept about half an hour, he awaked again, and came running to me in the inclosure, just by where I had been milking my goats; then falling down again, he laid his head flat upon the ground, and set my other foot upon it, as before; and after this made all possible signs of thankfulness, subjection and submission. I began to speak to him, and to teach him to speak to me; and first, I made him know that his name should be Friday, which was the day whereon I saved his life. I taught him to say Master, and let him know that was to be my name. The next day I gave him cloaths, at which he seemed pleased. As we went by the place where he had buried the two men, he pointed exactly to the spot, making signs that he would dig them up again, and eat them; at this I appeared very angry, and beckoned with my hands to him to come away, which he did im- Hºnº. Ojº RºPºlò SON, GRUSG Ee 23 Having now more courage, and consequently more curiosity, I took, my man Friday, with, me, giving him the sword in his hand, with the bow and arrow at his back, which I found he could use very dexterously. I also gave him a gun to carry; and taking two for myself, away we marched to the place were his enemies had been : when I came there, my blood ran cold in my veins; the place was covered with human bones, and the ground dyed with blood; great pieces of flesh were left here and there, half eaten, mangled, and scorched. I saw three skulls, five hands, and the bones of three or four legs and feet: and Friday, by his signs, made me understand, that they brought over four prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and he, pointing to himself, was the fourth ; and that they had been conquered, and taken prisoners in war. I caused Friday to collect the remains of this horrid carnage; then to light a fire and burn them to ashes. When this was done, we returned to our castle. The next day I made a little tent on the outside of my fortification and at night took in my ladder, that he might not be able to get at me while I slept. But there was no need of this pre- caution; for never man had a more faithful servant, he had the same affection for me as a child has for a father; and I dare say, he would have sacrificed his life to save mine. I was greatly delighted with him, and made it my business to teach him every thing proper to render him useful; especially to speak, and understand me when I spoke; and he was the aptest scholar that ever was : then he was so merry, so diligent, and so pleased when he could understand me, or make me understand him, that he was very agreeable company. After I had been two or three days returned to my castle, I was desirious to bring him off from the relish of human flesh; so I took him out with me one morning to the woods, in order to take a kid from my herd; but as I was going, I saw a she-goat lying down in the shade, and two young kids sitting by her; when making signs to Friday not to stir, I shot one of the kids. Poor Friday, who had at a distance seen me kill the savage his enemy, but did not see how it was done, trembled, and looked so amazed, that I thought he would have sunk down : he did not see the kid I had shot, but ripped up his waistcoat to feel if he was 24 LIFE AND ADVENTURES not wounded, and thought I was resolved to kill him; for he came and kneeled down to me, and embracing my knees, seemed to entreat me not to kill him. . But taking him by the hand, l laughed at him, and pointing to the kid I had killed, beckoned to him to run and fetch it, which he did. The next day I set him to beat out some corn, and sift it; and in a little time Friday was able to do all the work for me, as well as I could do it myself. In short, this was the pleasantest year I had led in the island; for as my man began to talk pretty well, I had some use for my tongue 93.111. *. this time I had a mind to venture over, and see if I could possibly join these bearded men, not doubting but we might find some means of escaping from thence. I was now entered into the 27th year of my captivity, and intended soon to set sail; when one morning I bid Friday go to the sea-shore to see if he could find a turtle; but he had not long been gone gone, when he came run- ning back, and cried, “O Master O Master | O sorrow ! O bad Î" “What's the matter Friday ?” said I. “O yonder there,” said he, “one, two, three! canoe 1 one, two, three “Well, Friday, said I, do not be frightened.” I then took my perspective glass, and went up the side of the hill, when I saw twenty one savages, three prisoners, and three canoes. I bid him see what they were doing: he did so, and told me, that they were all about the fire, eating the flesh of one of their prisoners; and that a beard- ed man lay bound upon the sand, whom he said they would kill next. I had not a moment to lose, for two were stooped down to untie the christian, in order to murder him. Now said I, Friday, do as you see me do. I laid the muskets down, and took one; and then we both fired. Three were killed, and five wounded. The rest jumped up immediately on their feet; but knew not where to run. I resolved to pursue them, and ran to the canoe, calling to Friday to follow me; but I was no sooner in the canoe, than I found another poor creature lie there alive, bound hand and foot. 1 immediately cut the twisted flags; and seeing that he had been bound so tight, that he was almost dead, I gave him a dram, and ordered Friday to tell him of his deliverance; but when the poor fellow looked in his OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, 25 face, and heard him speak, it would have moved any one to tears, to have seen how he kissed, embraced, hugged him, cried, danced, sung, and then cried again. It was some time before I could make him tell me what was the matter; but when he came a little to himself, he said, he was his own dear father. He then sat down by him, held the old man's head close to his bosom, and chafed his arms and ancles, which were stiff with binding. The Spaniard having expressed to me the utmost gratitude for his deliverance, gave me an account of his shipwreck, and the situation of his companions; and it was resolved that Friday's father and the Spaniard, should go in the boat to fetch them over. About eight days after they were gone, Friday wakened me one morning, by crying out “Master they are come !” I dressed and hastened to the top of the hill, and plainly discovered an English ship lying at anchor. - They ran the boat ashore on the beach, and eleven men landed, three of them unarmed, who by their gestures seemed to be prisoners; and one of them I could perceive using the most passionate gestures of entreaty, affliction and despair, while the two others, tho' their grief seemed less extravagant, appeared pleading for mercy. At this instant I saw a villain lift up his arm to kill one of the prisoners; but he did not strike him. The men having left the prisoners and gone into the woods, I went up to them with my man Friday, and said to them in Spanish, what are you gentlemen : they startled at the noise; but prepared to fly. I then said in English, gentlemen, perhaps #. may have a friend near you, whom you little expect. ell me your case. “l was commander of that ship (re- plied one of the prisoners,) my men have mutinied against me, and if they do not murder me, they intend to leave me, and these two gentlemen ashore in this desolate place they are but in that thicket, and I tremble for fear they have seen you.” Having concerted matters with the captain. and armed ourselves, we went to the sailors, and the captain reserving his own piece, the two men shot one of the vil- lains dead, and wounded 'another. He who was wounded. cried out for help, and l goming up, gave orders for sparing their lives, on condition of their being bound hand and feet while they staid in the island. 26 LIFE AND ADVENTURES A little after another boat came. We formed an ambuscade, but one of the principal ring-leaders of the imutiny, with two of the crew coming towards us, the captain was so eager that he let fly, killed two on the spot, the third ran for it. ... I immediately advanced with my whole army, upon which Will Atkins, one of the ring- leaders, called out, for God's sake, captain, spare my life. The captain told him he must lay down his arms at dis- cretion, and trust to the governors mercy, upon which they all submitted. And with their assistance we seized the ship. When I saw my deliverance thus put into my hands, I was ready to sink with surprise; I was not able to answer one word, but a flood of tears brought me to inyself, and a little while after I recovered my speech. I then in my turn embraced him as my deliverer, and we rejoiced together. Having brought the prisoners before me, I asked them what they had to say in their own defence, telling them I had power to execute them there. They pleaded the captain's promise of mercy. I then told them that I intended to go passenger in the ship, with all my men; but that they, if they went, could only go as prisoners; observing however, that they might, if they chose it, stay in the island. This they gladly accepted, and I prepared to go on board the next day. The captain re- turning to the ship, got every thing ready for my reception. When he was gone, I talked to the men, told them my story, and how I managed all my household business; left a letter for the fifteen Spaniards, and made them promise to treat them in common with themselves. The next day I went on board the ship, taking Friday with me: thus I left the island after being on it twenty-eight years, and arrived . safely in England. Sometime after I went to Lisbon, to look after my effects in the Brazils, and found the generous captain, who had been so much my friend, still alive, and he put me in the way of recovering the produce of my plantations. And a few months after there arrrived ships Tagus, with effects for my use, to the amount of 50,000l. besides 1000l. a year which I expected to receive annually from my plantation.