-' m t I- \- ROBERT THE HERMIT. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBERT, THE HERMIT OF MASSACHUSETTS, Who has lived 14 Years in a Cave, seclu- ded from human society. COMPRISING, An account of his Birth, Parentage, Suffe^ing^ and providential escape from unjust and cruel Bond- age in early life—and his reasons for be- coming a Recluse. Taken from his own mouth, and published for his benefit. PROVIDENCE: Printed for h. trumbull—1829. Price 12 1-2 Cents. DISTRICT op RHODE T^TAND, to wit; BE ft remfmbm fd Th' 0*0*0 H^irfv.first day ©f Januarv, o e thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, ad in the fifty third year of the Independence of the United States of America, H K.N R Y n\- •* R { i,\ of said Dis- trict, deposited in this office the title of a book, the ri^ht whereof he claims-as author, in the following words, to wit.—" Life and Adven-ures«>t Robert the Hermit • f Massa- chusets, who has lived fo "tee vea'8 in a cave se« hdedl from human society, coinpri .ng a ace -nt of h •• B rth, Pa- rentage, Sufferings and nrov dentialeecape fr--m un'ust and ©rue! Bondage in early life and his,reaso s tor eroming a Recluse. Taken from his own mouth and published for his benefit In conformity to an act of Congress of the United States, entitled" an act for the encou agemenf of learning bv se- curing the copies of maps, charts and books to the authors and pioprietors of such copies during the time therein men- tioned, and also to an act entitled " an act supplementary to an act entitled an act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the time there« in mentioned, and extend ng the benefits thereof to the arte «f designing,engraving and etching historical and other prin^r Witness, Benjamin Cowell, Clerk of &e Rhode Island District LIFE and ADVENTURES OF ROBERT the HERMIT. @ IT is a fact well known to almost eveFf, in- habitant of Rhode Island, that on the summit of a hill, a few rods east of Seekonk river, (within the State of Massachusetts) and about two miles from Providence Bridge, has dwelt for many years, a solitary Hermit, bearing the name of Robert— and, although familiarly known to many of the in- habitants of Providence, and its vicinity, for hh peaceable and agreeable disposition, yet, his history, as regards his birth, the cause of his seclusion, &a has until very recently remained a profound se- cret! having carefully avoided answering any ques- tions relative thereto, of hundreds, who, prompted by curiosity, have been from time to time induced to visit his cave, or cell—and al hough very peaceable and civil in his deportment, he has (with the excep- tion of his occasional excursions to Providence, and the adjacent villages, to obtain food and necessaries) remained almost impervious in his retreat. Many and various have been the conjectures *£ 6 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF the most curious and inquisitive of the Rhode Island- ers, (in the neighborhood of whose State he lives,) respecting this tfc strange and mysterious being,*' and while some few have unjustly harboured an opinion that he had perpetrated crimes of a h^nious nature, far which he was doing penance—others, have a- vowed in opposition to this, that his whole deporU nient was so perfectly calm, and his countenance so serene, that it was impossible that so fair a tenant, could harbour a soul of darkness and criminality. The first information which the writer ever re- ceived of this extraordinary character, was through the medium of one of the Providence prints, con- taining some well written remarks relating to him, and which we hare thought proper here to republish in confirmation of the fact stated, that, until very recently u Robert the Hermit" has uniformly refus- ed to gratify the curiosity of any of his visitors, as regarded his nativity, history, &c. From the Literary Cadet of June 1826, "Beneath a mountain's brow, the most remote ^.nd inaccessible by Shepherds trod, In a deep cave, dug by no mortals hands £n Hermit lived,—a melancholy man Who was the wonder of our wand'ring swains,: Austere and lonely—cruel tp himself They did report him—'the cold earth his bed, Water his drink, hjs food the Shepherd's alms. I went to see him, and my hea^t was touched With reverence ari4 with pity. Mild he spake, And entering on discourse, such stories told, As n\ade me oft revisit his sad cell." songs' dotjoias- '.' On the declivity of a hill, which overlooks the pellucid wafers of the Seekonk River, in a rude cell* resides a Hermit, whose history is as inexplicable as bis affected account of himself is mysterious. His name is Robert, but to what country he belongs* M what are the indqeementts which hav^e led him te ROBERT THE HERMIT. 7 3ead the solitary life of a Hermit, no one knows, and the fact puts conjecture at a hazard. Certain it is, however, that he is not*a native of New-England-^ and that he is not by education or by principle at- tached to our habits or our institutions the whole course of his life, since he has been with us has abundantly proven. It is now about eighteen years, since he first visi- ted us, and took up his abode in a thick pine grove, which threw its luxurious foliage over the brow of Arnolo's Hill, and from that day to this, he has care- fully avoided answering any questions, which might lead to a discovery of his history—or gratify the cu- riosity of the inquirer. Months, years and days paes by him unnoticed and unregarded, and it is only on extraordinary oc- casions, that he emerges from the confines of his so- latary hermitage. In the ' pring he sometimes oc* cupies himself in laborious employment—such as * attending gardens for the neighborhood; but sore*, gardless is he of the things of this world, that he cares not whether his labors are rewaided or not, by those who receive the benefits of them. Unused to the luxuries or extravagancies of life, he contents himself with the s the Hon. Mr. Buboes, the owner of tie estate on which the hef- mita^e is located ; but he rarel\ allows the plants t6 arrive at maturity, before he placka them from tti$ $ LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF earth, and throws them to the cattle that feed arouni his lonely mansion. What should induce him to thus destroy what he has often been at great labor to cultivate, he assigns no reason, nor can any one form a reasonable conjecture. His cell is decorated with van us shells and bones* and is scarcely ca- pable of accommodating himself alone; and the tur- Biture with which it is supplied, consists of a stool, an oaken bench, on which he "repos.es, and two or three pieces of broken delf ware. It is as gloomy, as darkness and solitude can make if, and appear* to be admirably fitted for a misanthrope and a re< luse. In winter he seldom emerges from his solitary mansion, but silently and patiently waits for iimeto introduce the vernal Spting, and to bring about that joyful season, when once more he can rove around the adj icent woodlands and meads. The rays of the sun never enter the portals of his domicil, and at midday it assumes all the darkness of midnight. Content with his situation, and at peace with all, he quietly looks forward for the arrival of that day, when he shall "bid the waking world good night," and find in countries unexplored, that happiness which life has denied him His cell is surrounded by a thick set hedge, wrought of wild briars and hemlock, and displays much ingenuity and taste It is in a most romantic situation, some distance from any human habitation, and not often annoyed by the gaze of the curious, or the mischievous visits of the boys, for they all love poor Robert. It is well worth the trouble of those who are fond of the curious, and are pleased with noticing the excentricities of frail mortality to visit the abode of 'Robert thf Hermit." [O^r* * he preceding are the remarks alluded to, contain*d in the Cadet of 1826, and which we doubt not were from the able pen of the Editor of that paper, at the 4ate mentioned. | ROBERT THE HERMIT. 9 It was not until within a few weeks that the writer was induced to visit the lonely and solitary retreat of '• poor Robert,"—by the urgent solicitations of a few who had long known him, and not without hopes that he might possibly be prevailed upon to disclose some of the most extraordinary incidents of his life, for publication, if assured that he was to reap a benefit thereby (for great indeed are his pre- sent wants,) the writer was induced to visit him for this purpose. It was about 11 o'clock in the fore- noon when I reached his habitation, and on remov- ing a small rough board supported by a leathern hinge, and which closed the only passage to his dark and gloomy cell, I discovered him in about the cen- tre, seated on a wooden block, in an apparent rev- erie. I accosted him in a friendly manner, and he with much civility, bid me welcome; and as if willing to permit me to satisfy that curiosity which he no doubt supposed had alone prompted me (as it "had hundreds of others) to visit him, he with much apparent good humour invited me to enter, and accept of his seat, when, as he observed, I would have a better oppor- tunity to inspect the internal part of his lonely hab- itation—an invitation of which I accepted—and, af- ter making known to him the true object of my vis- it, and with assurances that it was produced by the most urgent solicitations of one or more of his friends, who had expressed, and I believed sincerely felt an interest in his welfare, so far at least as to render his situation more comfortable—I begged that he would gratify me with a brief narration of his life, and inform me what powerful cause had arose to induce him to quit the pleasures of society, and consign his days to voluntary seclusions ?—4o which, after a considerable pause, and with his eyes fixed steadfast upon me, as if to satisfy himself that what I had stated B 10 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF was spoken in sincerity, he made the following re* ply—u that is a relation with which 1 have declined indulging any one, as the enquiry seemed merely made to gratify idle curiosity; but, as you speak as if you could feel sympathy for distress, I will briefly gratify your requesi:— •' 1 was born in Princeton (New Jersey) in the year 1769 or '70, and was born, as was my mother (who was of African descent,) in bondage ; although my father, as has been represented to me, was not •nly a pure white blooded Englishman, but a gentle- man of considerable eminence—I had no brothers and but one sister, who was three years older than myself; but of her, as of my mother, I have but a faint recollection, as I in my infancy was included in the patrimonial portion of my master's oldest daugh- ter, on her marriage to a Mr. John Voorhis, by birth a German. When but four years of age I was conveyed by my master to Georgetown (District of Columbia,) to which place he removed with his fam- ily, atfd never have 1 since been enabled to learn the fate of my poor mother or sister, whom, it is not very improbable, death has long since removed from their unjust servitude. At the age of 14 or 15, my master apprenticed me to a Shoemaker, to obtain if possible a knowl- edge of the art; but making but little proficiency, he again took* me upon his plantation, where my time was mostly employed in gardening until about the age of nineteen. It was at that age, that I be- came first acquainted with an agreeable young fe- male (an orphan) by the name of Alley Penning- ton, a native of Cecil county, (Maryland)—she first expressed her attachment for me, and a wil- lingness to become my partner for life, provided I could obtain my freedom, nor can I say that I felt lesa attachment fay one with whom 1 was confident ROBERT THE HERMIT. M I could spend my life agreeably—she was indeed the object of my first love, a love which can only be extinguished with my existence; and never at any period previous was the yoke of bondage more goard- ing, or did I feel so sensibly the want of that free- dom, the deprivation of which, was now the only barrier to my much wished for union with one I so sincerely and tenderly loved. As my master had uniformly expressed an uawil- lingness to grant me my freedom, on any other terms than receiving a suitable compensation therefor, my only alternative now to obtain it, was to apply to one with whom I was most intimately acquainted, and to whom I thought I could safely communicate my desires, as he had in more than one instance, expressed much regard for me, and a willingness to serve me—to him I proposed that he should pay to my master the stipulated sum (Fifty Pounds,) de- manded for my freedom? and thai the bill of sale should remain in his hands, until such time as I should be enabled by the fruits of my industry to repay him, principal and interest, and allow him a suitable compensation therefor for his trouble—to this proposal he very readily assented, and not onry expressed his willingness but his approbation of my much desired union with my beloved Alley. My request was immediately complied with, the. Fifty Pounds were paid by my good friend (as 1 then sup- posed him,) to whom L was by bond transfered as his lawful property, and by whom I was given to understand that 1 might then seek business for my~ self, and turn my attention to any that 1 should con- ceive the most profitable, and consider myself under no other bondage than as a debtor,, to the amount paid for my freedom. The name of one who had manifes ed so much what 1 supposed real and disin- terested friendship for me> but who finally proved* jg LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF the author of almost all the wretchedness, which I have since endured, ought not to be concealed—it was James Bevens. Feeling myself now almost a free man, I did not, as may be supposed, suffer many hours to elapse before I hastened to bear the joyful tidings of my good fortune, to one, who, as I had anticipated, re- ceived it with unfeigned demonstrations of joy ; and who, so far from exhibiting an unwillingness to full- ifill her promise, yielded her hand without reluctance or distrust—we were married, lawfully married, and more than three years of domestic felicity passed a- way, without a misfortune to ruffle our repose—in the course of which the Almighty had not only been pleased to bless us with two children, but my- self with so great a share of good health, as to have enabled me by my industry, to earn and re- fund a very considerable portion of the fift} pounds paid by Bevins for my freedom—of these sums I had neither made any charge, or took anj receipts—in this I was brought to see my error, but, alas I too late. Bevins, as I have stated, was a man in whom I had placed implicit confidence, and indeed until the period mentioned, supposed him, as regarded my- self, incapable of any thing dishonorable, much less of being the author of as great an act of cruelty and injustice, as ever was recorded in the catalogue of human depravity! It was late one evening, an evening never to be forgotten by me, while sitting in the midst of my innocent and beloved family, amused with- the prat- tle of my eldest child, and enjoying all the felicity which conjugal love and parental affection are pro- ductive of, that this monster in human shape (Bevins) accompanied by another, entered, seized and pinion- ed me 1 and gave me to understand that 1 was intend* ROBERT THE HERMIT. 13 ed for a Southern market!! ft is impossible for me to describe my feelings or those of mjr poor distract- ed wife, at that moment! it was in vain that I in- treated, in vain that I represented to Bevins that he had already received a very greaf proportion of the sum paid for my freedom—to which the ruffian made no other reply, than pronouncing me a liar, dragged me like a felon from my peaceable domtcil—from my beloved family—whose shrieks would have pier- ced the he$u*t of any one bur a wretch like himself! In the most secret manner, at eleven at night, I was huiried on board o£ a Schooner, where addition- al miseries awaited me!—for fear of an escape, I found that irons were to be substituted for the ropes with which they had bound me! and while a person was employed in riveting them, I improved the op- portunity, which I thought probably would be the last, to address the author of my miseries, in words nearly as follows ;-—" are these the proofs, master Bevins, of the friendship which you have professed forme! tell me I pray you, what have 1 done to merit such barbarous treatment from your hands t nothing, no nothing! I have nothing wherewith to re-* proach myself but my own credulity !'*—4o this he made no reply ; shackled and handcuffed, I was pre- cipitated into the hold of the schooner, by the mo- tion of which I perceived was soon under way, and bearing me 1 knew not whither! So far from feel- ing an inclination to sleep, it was to me a njgh£_o£ inconceivable wretchedness I could hef? nothing but the shrieks of my poor disconsolate wife, and the moans of her helpless children! indeed such was my imagination—alas! he alone can have a just conception of my feelings who may have been pla- ted in a similar situation, if such a person can be found on earth In three days (during which no other tood nm ;H LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF allowed me but a few pounds of mouldy bread) th* Schooner reached the port of her destination— Charleston, S. C.—and from which, without being relieved of my irons, I was conveyed to and lodged in prison, where I was suffered to remain in soli- tude five days—from thence I was conducted to a place expressly appropriated to the sale of human beings 1 where, like the meanest animal of the brute creation, I was disposed of at public auction to the highest bidder! Resolved on my liberty, and that I would not let pass unimproved the first opportunity that should present, to regain it, I did not remain with my pur- chaser long enough to learn his name or the price paid for me; who, to win my affections, and the better to reconcile me to my situation, professed much regard for me and made many fair promises, (not one of which it is probable he ever intended to perform,) and the better to deceive me, voluntarily granted me the irdulgence to walk a few hours un- guarded and unattended about the city; supposing, no doubt, that it would be impossible for me to re- gain my liberty, as no coloured person was allowed to proceed beyond the limits of the city, without a well authenticated pass—of this I was not ignor- ant, and therefore sought other and less dangerous means to escape, for I felt that death in its worst forms would be far preferable to slavery. I carlessly strolled about the wharves among the shipping, where I at length was so fortunate as to find a Sloop bound direct to Philadelphia—she had completed her lading, her sails were oosed and ev- ery preparation made to haul immediately into the Stream —watching a favourable opportunity, while the hands were employed forward I unperceived ascended and secreted myself between two casks in the hold—all beneath was soon well secured by the ROBERT THE HERMIT. 1& hatches, and I had the satisfaction to find myself ia less than three hours, from the time that I was pur- chased like a bale of goods at auction, stowed snug- ly away, and with fair prospects of regaining my liberty! it was at that moment that a secret joy diffused itself through my soul—1 found unexpected consolation and fortitude, produced by a firm per- suasion that by the assistance of a divine provi- dences I should accomplish my deliverance. Early in the morning of the fourth day from that of our departure, we were safely moored along side of one of the Philadelphia wharves. During the passage of three days and one night, my only nour- ishment had been about one gill of spirits, contain- ed in a small viol, with which I occasionally moist- ened my lips, for en the third day my thirst had become intolerable. I was as fortunate in leaving the sloop unsuspect- ed or undiscovered, as I had been in secreting my- self on board of her, and as soon as safely on shore, my first object was to procure lodgings and some- thing to satisfy the cravings of nature, at a boarding feouee for seamen. . Representing myself as belong- ing to a coaster, I was not suspected as any other, than a free man. As I had beard much of the hos- pitality of the Quakers (or Friends,) and as a class who were the zealous advocates for the emancipa- tion of their fellow beings in bondage, to one of them, on the very day of my arrival, I made my situation known, concealing nothing ; and begged that he would interest himself so far in my behalf as to advise me what I had best do, to secure my per* son from further arrest by unjust claimants, and t$ restore to me my bereaved and afflicted family. The good man listened with much apparent aU tention to my story, and seemed somewhat affected t&ereby, and so far from exhibiting any disposition J6 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF to discredit any ps selected as a house servant, and consequently exempted from many of the privations to which the other slaves were ex- posed—yet, I became no more reconciled to my situation, nor felt any degree of attachment for him, as I could never harbour a belief but that humtn be- ings, whatever might be thert CGSipisxion, were nil treated equally free; and that it was in direct con- tradiction to the will of the Supreme Being, that one portion of his creatures should be held in bond- age by another, fir no other fault than a difference of complexion!-—and, I must confess, that my bo- som could not but swell with indignation, when pla- ced in a situation to witness the severity with which many of my fellow companions in bondage, at the South, were treated—worn out by constant fatigue, clad in rags, branded with lashes, and otherways treated more like brutes than human beings! Freedom, the gift of Heaven, was too highly prized by me, to permit any thing of less import' tapce to occupy my mind—but, great as were m$ 18 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF desires to enjoy it, with him by whom I was wrong- fully claimed, I spent eighteen months in servitude, before an opportunity presented to obtain it. The means by which I was finally enabled to effect my escape, were very similar to those which I had practiced in my last attempt—I succeeded in secret- ing myself in the hold of a brig ready laden, and bound direct to Boston (Massachusetts,) and without an opportunity to provide myself with a drop of water, or a morsel of food of any kind, on which to subsist during the passage. Although the place of my concealment afforded nothing better on which to repose than a water cask, yet I found my birth not so uncomfortable as one would naturally imagine, and I was enabled to en- dure the calls of hunger and thirst, until the close of the fifth day from that of our departure, when the latter became too oppressive to be longer en- dured—had I then possessed the wealth of the In- dias, it appeared to me, that I should have made, a willing exchange for a draught of sweet water! not however until nearly deprived of my senses, did 1 feel willing to make my situation known to those on board—on the reflection, that should it even cost me my life that an instantanious death would be pre* ferable to a lingering one, I seized a fragment of a hoop, with which I crawled to and commenced thumping upon a beam near the hatchway, at the game time hallooing as loud as the strength of my lungs would admit of—soon I was heard by the hands on deck, and while some broke out in exclamations of wonder and surprize, others ran affrighted to the cabin, to proclain* to the captain the fact that <4 the brig was most certainly haunted, and had become the habitation of bodiless spirits, as one or more were at that moment crying out lamentably in the hold \u\ *-}?0iJileg}9 spirits they no doubt concluded they must ROBERT THE HERMIT. 19 for the hatches being so well secured with a tar- polin, none other, as they supposed, could have ob- tained access. The captain less superstitiously inclined, order- ed the hatches to be immediately raised, but so great was the terrour of the sailors, that it was sometime before any could be found of sufficient courage to ©- bey. * The hatches were no sooner removed than I pre- sented myself to their view, trembling through fear, pale as death, and with hardly stiength sufficient to support myself!—my appearance was indeed such as almost to confirm the superstitious opinion of the sailors, that the brig must certainly be haunted, for in me they beheld, as they supposed,, nought but an apparition ! the ghost, probably, of some unfor- tunate shipmate, who on a former voyage for some trifling offence, had been privately and wickedly pre- cipitated from (he brig's deck into the ocean !—such indeed is the weakness and superstition peculiar to many of that class of people, who follow the seas for a livelihood. Those on board became however a little less in- timidated, when I assured them that I intended them no harm, and was f.o other than one of the most un- fortuaate and miserable of human beings, who had sought that means to escape from unjust and cruel bondage! and then briefly related to them, at what time and in what manner 1 succeeded in secreting myself unnoticed in the brig's hold; where it was my intention to have remained, if possible, until her arrival at the port of her destination—and concluded with begging them for mercy's sake, to grant me a bucket of fresh water! for, indeed, such was my thirst, that a le*s quantity it appeared to me would have proved insufficient to have allayed it. The captain (who very fortunately for me, prov .20 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ed to be a Quaker, and with all the tender feeling pe- culiar to that excellent class of people) gave orders to his men to treat me with kindness, and to assist me on deck, for i had new become so weak and* e- maciated by lon£ fasting, that 1 was scarcely able to help mynelf. ** Thy wants shall be supplied (said the good captain, addressing himself to me) but such is thy present weakness, that thee must eat and drink sparingly, or it ma} be worse for thee !"—this man was truly in practice, as well as by profession, a Christian—for had he been my father he could not have treated me with more tenderness and compas- sion-*-he would allow me but a single gill of water at a draugh, aod that quantity but twice in an hour* although five times that quantity would not have sat- isfied me—and the food allowed me was apportioned accordingly. In two days after we reached Boston, where f was landed, with permission of the captam to proceed whither 1 pleased; not however until he had impart- ed to me some friendly advice, to be cautious with whom I associated on shore, and as I valued my lib- erty, not to frequent such parts of the town as was inhabited by the most vicious and abandoned of the human race—with which he presented me with some change, and bid me farewell, and never to my knowl- edge have I since had the happiness to meet with this good man; who, long 'ere this has probably been numbered with the just, and if so. is now 1 trust reaping the reward of his good deeds in another anart of the time that I was occasionally employed on shore,) eight or nine years—some few of the packet masters with whom I have sailed, and some for Ivhom 1 occasionally wrought on shore, ate still liv- ing. Feeling a strong inclination once more to visit the shores of the south, where 1 had not only been un- justly deprived of my liberty, but where I was in- hum inly forced from a beloved wife and two darling children, 1 took passage (about fifteen years since) On board a sloop for Baltimore, and from thence pro- ceeded direct to Georgetown. As twenty years had elapsed since 1 there left all that I held most dear in life —and so great a change had time effected in my per* sonal appearance, 1 felt httleor no apprehension that I should be recognised or molested by any, if livings who once professed a claim to me. fn this I was not mistaken, for indeed as regarded the town, in- habitants, &e. so great a change bad the twenty years produced, that 1 walked the streets at mid-day un- noti ed and unknown. My old master (Voorhis) and his wifp had been some year* dead, and the survi- vors of ?the family had femoved to parts unknown-* Bevins. the wretch by whom 1 was unj-mly depriv- ed of my liberty, and thereby forever seperated from my unfortunate family, had a few years previous emigrated to the west—but, the principle object of my visit was not answered—of my wife and children I could obtain no satisfactory information—all ihat f could learn, was, that soon after my disappearance* £ 26 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF their Sufferings and deprivations became so great, tha^ my poor wife in a fit of desparation,as was supposed? put an end to her existence, and that her helpless children did not long survive her!—this was enough! yea more than enough, to fill to the brim the bitter cup of my afflictions i—afflictions which had more or less attended me through life !—I then ft It but little desire to live, as there was nothing then remaining to attach me to this world—and it was at that moment that I formed the determination to retire from it— to become a recluse, and mingle thereafter as little as possible with human society. With this determination I returned direct to Rhode Island, and soon after selected a retired spot well suited to my purpose, being an extreme point of uninhabited land (Pox Point) situated a out one mile south of Providence bridge—there I built me a hut and dwelt peaceably therein for several years, and until annoyed and discommoded by the youth of the town, and by labourers employed in levelling the hill in the neighborhood of my dwelling—1 then ap- plied to and obtained the COnseht of the gentleman (Hon. Tristan Burgiss) to whom the land belongs, to build this hut, and permission to improve the spot of ground enclosed during my life—here in solitude I have dwelt more than six years — once or twice a week (and sometimes ofteher I leave my recess, cross o- ver the bridge into Providence, converse a little with those with whom I have become acquainted, obtain a few necessaries, and return again well sat- isfied to my peaceable dwelling." Here Robert concluded his narrative, and which the writer, with very little variation, recorded as he received it from his own lips—in dates, Robert may not have been perfectly correct, as he does not pro- fess to be very positive as to his exact age—but, m ROBERT THE HERMIT. gf every other particular, not a doubt remains on the mind of the writer but thar Robert (according to his best recollection) undeviatingly related facts as they occurred—the writer thinks that he may safely draw this conclusion, from the circumstance of hav- ing visited him three days successively, and that his replies to the most strict enquiries on the third day, agreed perfectly with the particulars of his narration on the first and second—and as he has heretofore manifested an unwillingness to disclose to any one the secret of his adventures, it is not probable that he formed and committed to memory a story with which to deceive the public, and in which there is not a word of truth—no, those who are best ac- quainted with " poor artless Robert" know him in- capable of such a piece of deception. Robert, is apparently about 60 years of age, a little short of six feet in height, inclined to corpu- lency, his features perfectly regular, and of a com- plexion but a shade or two darker than that of many who profess to be and pass for whites—in his early years he states that it was much more fair, but of late years having been so much exposed to the smoke of his cell, has become mnch changed—the lower part of his face is covered with a thick and curly beard, of a jet black, and of uncommon length—his garments (or many of them) are of his own manu- facture, and whenever a breach appears in any one article, it is either closed by him in a bungling manner, with needle and iwine, or a patch is appli- ed without regard to the quality or colour of the cloth. The tattered surtout coat commonly worn by him, in his excursions abroad in winter, in imitation of the military, he has fancifully faced with red, in which (with a cap of the same cloth and with his long beard) it would not be very surprizing if he shoald sometimes be viewed by strangers, as some SB LIFE ANB ADVENTURES OF distinguished embassador from the court of Tom- buctoo, or one of the loyal subjects of the Grand Seniour, c\.\d in the military costume of his coun- try.—[{£7- See Frontispiece.] Robert is remarkab y abstemious and otherwise correct in his habits—n^ver known to he guilty of profanity—is civsi and agreeable in his manners, po- lite and condescending to a 1 who visit him, and al- way willing to gratify the curiosity of such as feel disposed to inspect the internal part of his cell- and ever grateful for presents made him. Reappears perfectly reconciled to and satisfied with his retired situation, and on the writer's expressing some sur- prize that he should prefer a secluded life, to that of the enjoyment of society, he observed that he kad been too long the subject of the frowns and per- secutions of a portion of his fellow beings, to derive that pleasure and satisfaction frorn their society which, the less unfortunate might naturally enjoy. The walls of his cave or cell, are constructed principally of round stones, of inconsiderable size rudely thrown together, and externally have as much the appearance of being the produce of na ure as of art; and although they form- a square of thirty or forty feet in circumference, yet are so thick and mas?)', as to enclose onlv a single apartment of not sufficient size to contain more than two or three persons at a time, and so low as not to admit of their standing erect, and indeed is in every respect of much less comfortable construction than many of our pig pens !—about the centre there is a fire place rudely formed, from which proceeds a flue in form of a chimney —and at the extreme end of his cell Robert has constructed a birth or bunk, in which* filled with rags and straw, he reposes at night— beside the fire-place stands a block, detached from the butt of an oak, which not on4y serves him for ROBERT THF HERMIT. 2$ a seat and table, but bring paiily hollow, inverted, for a mo tier, in which ha occns^oindiy pounds hi& corn, and o! which when sufficiently refined, he man- ufactures his bread—-in cooking utensils Robert is quite deficient—the c-ne half of an iron pot \a tlm only ai tide made use of by him, in which he pre- pares hi* food - a small piece of iron hoop serves him for a knife, and a few articles of damaged dr-lf ware, and an old sea bucket, for the conveyance of water from a neighboring spring, are nearly the whole contents of his wretched hovel!—the materi- als of which the roof is constructed, are similar to those which compose the walls of his cell; and al- though of many tons in weight, is altogether sup- ported by a few slender half decaved props, on the strength of which depends the life of poor Robert, should the* fail, without the possibility of an escape, his hut would instantaniously become his grave !— It is to obtain for him a more safe and convenient: habitation, that has induced the author to issue this work, a great proportion of the profits of which will be devoted to that purpose. To his gloomy cell there are but one or two a per*, tures or loopholes, for the admission of light which in winter are completely closed (as is every crack and crevice) with seaweed—this renders the apart- ment still more dark and gloomy than it otherwise would be, as when the door is closed to expel the cold, Robert remains within, day and night, in almost total darkness. In summer Robert employs a con- siderable portion of his time in the cultivation of a small spot of ground, contiguous to his hut, of 7 or 8 rods square, which he has inclosed in an ingenious manner with small twigs and interwoven branches of hemlock and juniper—the soil is so extremely bar- ren and unproductive, that it seldom produces an- nually more than three or four bushels of potatoes) 30 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF a peck or two of corn, and a few quarts of beans !— yet with this small crop, Robert is apparently bet- ter satisfied and more thankful than many, whose in- satiable thirst for worldly gain, leads them, not to an acknowledgment of gratitude due the Supreme Au- thor of all good gifts, but rather (in imitation of the one of whom we read) to most bitter complaints, that their barns are not of sufficient size to contain their abundant crops! Having been told that Robert devoted a portion cf his time to reading, I offered to present him with a Bible, and some religious Tracts, for which he ap- peared grateful, but informed me that he was already in possession of both—the gift of a pious lady of Providence—which led me to make some enquiries as regarded his religious sentiments—his opinion of the existence of a Supreme Being—of the immortality of the soul—of future rewards and punishments, &c. —to which he unhesitatingly replied, that he never doubted the existence of a Supreme Being, from whom- although invisihle to us, nothing could be concealed and to whom he believed we were all ac- countable beings, and would hereafter receive re- wards or punishments according to the deeds of the body—from this belief he said he derived great con- solation—for, although great had been his trials and troubles in this world, he was not without a hope, that by complying with the terms of the gospel of a blessed Redeemer, he might be permitted in another to participate in those eternal enjoyments which were the promised rewards of the faithful. Humble a >d retired as may be the situation of Robert, if such truly are his sentiments, and such his well grounded hopes, altho' his bed may be straw, and his table a block—he must be acknowledged a hap- py man—and, indeed, infinitely more so than when unjustly held in bondage, and compelled to yield to the commands of a tyrannical task-master—and for* ROBERT THE HERMIT. 31 ftinate no doubt would thousands of his enslaved fel* low beings at the south, conceive thenw Ives, if they were prh'iledged like him, to breathe the pure air of freedom, even in an hovel more gloomy and wretched, if possible, than the one which he now claims as his own. As the narrator has imputed a great portion of his sufferings in early life, to the exercise of what the \ "Republicans" at the south, denominate a " Consti- tutional right'* (to wit.) that of enslaving a por- tion of their fellow beings of that persecuted race, who are so unfortunate as to differ with then. «n the complexion of their skins—the writer begs liberty to mnkp this the subject of bis closing remarks. Our forefathers, persecuted and hunted from their native land, committed themselves to the bosom of the deep, choosing to associate with the monsters of the ocean, and to wander at large amid storms and tempests ; rather than sacrifice their religion and liberties to the inquisition of an inexorable tyrant. Guided by heaven to these solitary shores, nature received them with open arms and joyfully pressed them to her rugged breast. By their tods and per- severance* by that virtue derived from pure religion^ and that industry inspired by liberty, they rapidly increased to a degree of population and opulence which commanded national respectability—and happy should we be could we here add, that such were the principles that continued not only to govern them t# the last, but the generation that succeeded them— But, alas! it is truth too firmly established, that they* 'ere the elapse of many years, as if forgetful of their •wn persecutions, became in their turn the }«,' se- «utors and oppressors of* a portion of their u> offVnd- ing fellow beings! -kidnappirg and consi^' t# slavery the free-born sons of Africa soon ■ ./a traffic, in which some of almost every st-ue i> he iHuott wera engaged-—-and which.was attended i» 32 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF many instances with acts of the most cruel barbarity*! —for no other fault or crime than that of being bore black, in an unsuspecting moment they were serzed, forced from their own country, conveyed to this, where husbands and wives, parents and children, were separated with as much unconcern as sheep and iambs by the butcher, and with the same indif- Terenca disposed of to the highest bidders !—and in bondage were for the most trivial ,^Fences made the subjects of toittire and punishments to a degree that would cause humanity to recoil at a bear recital. But to the great honour of the sons of New-England, 'he it mentioned, tint they soon becnme sensible of the wickedness of this abominable traffic, and a strict prohibition was the consequence—an example of hu- manity, Which was soon followed by the middle states, and in which at the present day wc believe slavery has become totally extinct. But, not so with those who inhabit the southern section of our count y, who, governed more by prin- ciples of self-interest, than of humanity, at the pre^ sent day feast upon the fruits of the toils of thou- sands of their enslaved fellow beings—and by whom in some instances, they are treated with less humanity than what the beasts of the field receive! These (or a portion of them) are those who profess to be the zealous advocates of the fc< rights of man I" and the professed admirers of that admirable production "fcf human wisdom, the Declaration of Independence* wherein it is proclaimed that " all men are born BREE and equal!' "I would not have a slave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while t sleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That sinews, bought and sold, have ever earn'di No —dear as freedom is, and m my heart's Just estimation prized above all'price, 1 had much rathe* be myself a sla\e, JU4 wear the bonds, than ia sten them on hun*** ROBERT THE HERMIT. 33 The heart would sicken at the recital of the punishments inflicted upon and the extreme sufferings of the unhappy slaves of the south—indeed so goard- ing is the yoke of bondage, that while some are driv- en to the desperate act of not only destroying their own lives, but that of their wretched offspring—oth- ers seek to obtain their freedom by secreting them- selves in thick swamps and marshes; where they re- main concealed until they either fall victims to, or are compelled by hunger to return again to their masters, and submit to the punishment which* those unfeeling wretches deem the merited reward of their disobedience! A remarkable instance of the latter, occurred in the State of North Carolina about 14 years ago, and although the particulars appeared in many of our public prints, at that time, yet as they may have escaped the notice of many of our readers, we have thought that it would not be improper to re- publish them—they are from the pen of a respecta- ble gentleman of Petersburgh, communicated to his friend in New-York.—they follow; "While I resided in Newbern, N.C. in 1814, be* ing informed that a Negro woman and two small children, had been that day brought in, who had been runaways for several years, I felt a wish to go and see them particularly as there was something curi- ous connected with their history. My friend ac- compained me to the jail, for they had been lodged there for safe keeping. —We there learned the par- ticulars of the life which they lived, or rather the miserable existence which they dragged out, during the seven years which they had spent in the swamps, in the neighborhood of Newbern. The owner of this woman, about seven years pre- viously, removed to the western country, and car- ried with h«m all his slaves except thi? woman and an infant girl, then in the arms of its mother, F 34 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF who, rather than be separated from her husband, who was owned by another person, timely eloped with her child, and completely avoided the vigi- lance of her pursuers. Those who are acquainted with the lower sec- tion of that state, well know that it abounds in marshes and fens over grown with weeds, and in- terspersed, in some places, wuh clumps of pine trees. In one of those dreary retreats this woman found means to conceal herself for the space o seven years: and to find means also far her sub- sistence, partly by her own exertions and the as- sistance of her husband, who would occasionally make her a visit. Living in this situation, she soon had an additional burthen upon her hands by the birth of another child. The manner in which she concealed herself as well as her children from the discovery, was truly singular. By the strictest discipline she pre- vented them ever crying aloud; she compelled them to stifle their little cries and complaints, though urged to it by pinching hunger, or the severest cold. She prohibited them from speaking louder; than a whisper. This may appear strange to re- late, bat it is certainly true; and as a proof that no deception was used in this case it was satisfac- torily ascertained, that after they had remainecP in town for more than a month, in the company of children who were noisy and clamorous, they were not known in a single instance to raise their voices higher than a soft whisper. At first, it was with great difficulty that they could stand or walk erect, and when they did attempt to walk, it was with a low stoop, the bust inclining forward, and with a hasty step like a patridge. But their favorite position was that of squatting upon their hams. In this posture, they could remain for hours with- ROBERT THE HERMIT. SB out any apparent weariness^ and at a given signal would move one after the other with great facility, and at the same time with so much caution, that not the least noise could be heard by their footsteps. Their method for subsistence was the most ex- traordinary ; sometimes the husband, according to the woman's account would fait to bring them sup- plies; and whether the fear of detection prevented her from intruding on the rights of others, or wheth- er she was prevented by conscientious motives, is not for me to determine—but in this dreadful ex- igence, she would, for the support of herself and children, have recourse to expedients which nothing hut the most pressing necessity could ever suggest. Frogs and terrapins were considered as rare dain- ties, and even snakes would be taken ?s a lawful prize to satisfy the calls of hunger.:—K was the custom, said the woman in the little family, when they made up a fire in the night, and this was done- only in the cold nights' of winter, for one to sit up, while the others slept. The one who* watched had a double duty to perform—not only to do the ordinary duty of a centinel, but to watch for mice; which they contrived in the following manner. The person watching, would spread a little meat on the ground, or a few grains of corn or peas, or for want of these, a crnst of^ bread when they had it; over which an old handkerchief or piece of cloth, was spread, then observing a profound and death* like silence, the mice would creep from their re- treats in order to possess themselves of the bait. —The centinel, true to his post, as soon as the cloth was moved by the vagrant mouse, would; very dexteriously smack down a pair of hands up* on him, and secure him for purposes yet to be mentioned. The flesh, as may be supposed, was- used for food, which they devoured with as little $6 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ceremony as a boy would eat a snow bird j but e- ven the skin was not thrown away: for they being carefully preserved, the hair or fur was picked off, and mixed with wool or cotton for the purpose of making gloves and stockings—and they managed to spin up the materials they could procure, by means of a stick, about six or eight inches in length. —This was held in the left hand, while, with the right, they held the materials to be spun, they gave Us a specimen of their adroitness in this art; and the little boy, who was not above five years old, could manage his stick with surprising dexterity. —Several pair of stockings and gloves were shown, which had been knit by these singular beings, du- ring their voluntary banishment.—They were grotes- que enough in their appearance, and were made up of a greater medly of materials than are general- ly used in the civilized world. How much longer this deluded African, with her two wretched children, would have remained in the comfortless savannahs of North Carolina, is not known, had not the woman been deserted by her husband;--Being deprived of the solace she derived from his transient visits, and the scanty subsistence she received from his hand, her situa- tion became miserable beyond description. At length emaciated with hunger she crept to the road, gave herself up, with her equally meagre looking charge, to the first person she saw, who happened very fortunately to be a man, with his cart going to- wards town—the sight indeed, to the citizen, was a novel one, if we may judge from the number Who crowded to see and determine for themselves.*