ELLY KRICAN OGUE 01-1866 Tel. 7 215 K29 138 SITY HIT THE UNIVERSĮ NIVERSITY § MICHIGAN · OF MICHIGAN PL LIBRARIES THE AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, (ORIGINAL AND REPRINTS,) PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM JAN., 1861, TO JAN., 1866, WITH DATE OF PUBLICATION, SIZE, PRICE, AND PUBLISHER'S NAME. WITH SUPPLEMENT, CONTAINING PAMPHLETS, SERMONS, AND ADDRESSES ON THE CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1861-1866; AND APPENDIX, CONTAINING NAMES OF LEARNED SOCIETIES AND OTHER LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS, WITH A LIST OF THEIR PUBLICATIONS, 1861-1866. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY JAMES KELLY. = NEW YORK PETER SMITH 1938 303 S 869 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, BY JAMES KELLY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. REPRINTED 1938 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !? PREFACE. THE present volume is a continuation of the "Bibliotheca Americana," compiled by the late O. A. Roorbach, the fourth volume of which brought the work down to 1861, and was first announced as the fifth volume of that series, but, objections having been made by the son of Mr. Roorbach, the pre- sent title of "American Catalogue" has been adopted. The period covered by the present volume is one of the most eventful in the history of the United States, commencing in war, ending in peace; during which time all communications having been cut off from the Southern States, made it a difficult task to procure the titles of Southern publications. A list of such as could be obtained is given, and will be found at the end of the Appendix. In collecting the materials for this volume, it was doubted whether it was best to include or omit such war pamphlets as came under notice, but it was finally decided to give them in a collected form, and they are added as a Supplement. The present volume gives 11,307 Titles, the Appendix excepted. The compiler returns his grateful thanks for the special favors conferred on him by all from whom he had occasion to solicit information. He intends to spare no expense or labor in making the future issues of the "American Cata- Jogue" all that can be desired by publishers and literary men. J. K NEW YORK, October, 1866. At the request of some of the publishers, several books published prior to 1861, and omitted in the fourth volume of the "Bibliotheca Americana.”* are here given. EXPLANATIONS. No separate classification of subjects has been made: Authors and Titles have been arranged alphabetically. Law Reports and State Digests will be found under their respective States, except Alabama, which will be found under select cases. The Supplement contains Pamphlets, Sermons, and Addresses on the Civil War, all arranged in alphabetical order. Many of these Pamphlets were issued anonymously, and no date or place of publication can be given. It is proposed, however, to give in each part of the American Catalogue. to be issued annually, such other War-Pamphlets as have been issued and not included in this Supplement, until the list is completed; and in the Appendix will be found a list of all the Learned Societies, and other Literary Associations, with their Publications. { AMERICAN CATALOGUE, | || | | | || Abbey, H. L., May Dreams. 12mo. cl., 75 cts. Abbot, Ezra. See Alger. Abbott, A. A. " BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES, From January, 1861, to January, 1866. (6 แ See Lincoln, A., Life of. The Assassination and Death of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1865. 16mo. pap. 5 cts. N. Y.. A F., Beautiful Songs for Zion's Children. Oblong limp, 25 cts. A. O., Prison Life in the South, during the years 1864 and 1865. 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y... Année W., Impulse and Principle, and other Stories. 12mo. clo., $1 00. N. Y……. B. V., and Abbott, A., A Collection of Forms of Practice and Plead- ing in Actions. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $11 00. N. Y... Digest of New York Statutes and Reports, from the Earliest Period to July, 1863. 6 vols. royal 8vo. sheep, per vol., $6 50. N. Y. " THE • (L COMPRISING (C • (C Jacob, American History. Vol IV. Northern Colonies. Vol. V. Wars of the Colonies. Vol. VI. Revolt of the Colonies. Vol. VII. War of the Revolution. Vol. VIII. Washing- ton. 16mo. cl., per vol, $1 25. N. Y………… "L ABB. N. Y... J Florence Stories. The English Channel; Florence's Return; Visit to the Isle of Wight. 16mo. cl., per vol., $1 00. N. Y...... Abbey & Abbott…….1862 tions. 16mo. pap,, 25 cts. N. Y.. W., Our Sunday-School, and how We conduct It, with an Intro- duction by J. S. C. Abbott. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston.......... Am. News Co....1865 Waterbury, Ct.... Harpers.... Jas. Miller.......1863 J. S. Voorhies. …….1864 66. Harlée Stories (The). 6 vols. 16mo. cloth, per set, $3 00.. John Gay; or, Work for Boys. In 4 vols.-Spring, Sum-. mer, Autumn, Winter. 18mo. cl., per set, $3 40. N. Y.. Hurd & Houghton, 1865 Mary Gay; or, Work for Girls. 4 vols. 16mo. cl., per set, •*3. $3 40. N. Y... .1865 Rollo and Lucy Books of Poetry. 1st Book.-The Rocking- horse. 2d Book.-Carlo. 3d Book.-The Canary Bird. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Phila. J. S. C., History of the Civil War in America. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Per vol., $400. N. Y..... Practical Christianity. 16mo. cloth, $1 00. N. Y.. O., The Davenport Brothers: Their History, Travels, and Manifesta- (6. (6 1864 Sheldon & Co...1862-5 ....1863 แ ..1862-4 1862 ... G. W. Childs....1862 Ledyard Bill...1863-5 Harpers..... 1862 Am. News Co.....1864 H. Hoyt..........1863 2 [AM. OAT. ABE ADD Boston. Abel Drake's Wife. By John Saunders. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y..... Abel Gray. By the Author of "Hannah Lee." 18mo. cl., 50 cts. The Same. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. NY. Abelard and Heloise. By O. W. Wright. 16mo., $1 00. N. Y.. Abercrombie, R. M. (Rev.), The Prayer Book and its Story. 16mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y…. Able to Save; or, Encouragement to Patient Waiting. By the Author of "The Pathway of Promise." 16mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. About, E., L'Homme à l'Oreille Cassée. 8vo. pap., 60 cts.. N. Y.... "Les Progrès. 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y. "Madelon. 8vo. pap., 90 cts. N. Y.. "Nose of a Notary (The). 16mo. pap.. 75 cts. Above her Station; the Story of a Young Woman's Life. By Mrs. H. Philip. From the original of Maria Nathusius. 12mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. Abraham Africanus I., His Secret Life as Revealed under the Mesmeric Infiu- ence. 16mo. pap, 15 cts. N. Y... Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856. By Thos. H. Benton. Vols. XV., XVI. 8vo. cl. Per vol.. $5 00. N. Y.... Abstracted Indian Trust Bonds. 8vo., $1 00. Washington. Account of the Interment of American Patriots, who Perished on Board the British Prison Ships during the American Revolution. With Notes and Appendix. By H. R Stiles, M.D. 8vo. pap., $5 00. N.Y. Achard, A., La Robe de Nessus. 8vo. pap., 40 cts. N. Y... " Le Fils du Fauconnier. 8vo. pap., $1 00. N. Y Le Duc de Carlepont. 8vo. paper, $1 55. N. Y... and De Maistre, Clos, Pominier, and Les Prisonniers du Caucase, in 1 vol. cl., 90 cts. Boston: Acton, W., The Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs in Childhood, Youth, Adult Age, and Advanced Life. 8vo. cl., $300. Phila.. Actress (The), in High Life. An Episode in Winter Quarters. 12mo. cl., 81 50. N. Y.. Acts of Congress relating to Loans and the Currency, from 1842 to 1864. Bvo cl., $1 00. N. Y...... Adams, Genealogy of the Adams Family of Kingston, Mass. 8vo. cl $1 00.. Charlotte. The Errand Boy; or, Your Time is Your Employer's. 16mo. cl. $1 25. Phila.. C. D. G. The Young Ladies' Vocal Album. Oblong bds. $1 50. Boston.. | ||| • A 11' D.. Arithmetic. 12mo. 88 cts. N. Y.. 66 Key to Same, 12mo. 88 cts. N. Y.. E. C., An Outcast. A Novel. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y.. *L The Story of a Trooper. 12mo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y.. H. W. (Rev.,, The Book of Job in Poetry; or, a Song in the Night. 8vo. cl. ex., $3 50. N. Y.. J., Living and Dying unto the Lord. A Discourse delivered at the Funeral of. By Rev. L. M. Glover. 8vo. pamp. Jacksonville. J. Q. (Rev.), Sanctification; or, Growth in Grace. 32mo. cl., 30 cts. Boston. "L M. H. (Mrs), Memoirs of. By her Husband. 18mo. cl., 60 cts. Boston. N. (Rev.), Broadcast. 16mo. cl.. $1 50.. " Li Church Pastorals, Hymns and Tunes. Collected and Arranged by. 8vo. el.. $1 50. Boston.. Evenings with the Doctrines. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Boston. Sable Cloud (The). 12mo. cl., $1 00. Boston... Spelling Book for Advanced Classes. 16mo. bds., 30 cts. or, Secrets of the Great Conspiracy to Overthrow Li- berty in America. By J. S. Dye. 8vo. pap., $100. N. Y... 16mo. Addey, M., "Little Mac," and How he Became a Great General. pap., 75 cts.; cl., $1 50. N. Y... Addie and Her Turtle. By the Author of "Lizzie's Visit to N. Y." 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y... Address at the Inauguration of the Harborough Monument, commemorating the Battle of the Crooked Billet. Delivered in Roller Academy, by Rev. J. Belville. Doylestown….. (6 W. T., A Adders' Den (The); • ... -- • Harpers ..1862 Carlton & Porter..1861 Am. Tract Soc....1861 John Bradburn...1861 Randolph Carters. 1863 Chas. Lassalle. .1864 H. De Mareil. 1864 Chas. Lassalle.....1863 Loring.. Appletons.. A. Hunter. "L • (( • • .... · · Follett, F. & Co....1862 J. F. Feeks... . . . . ..1864 "L • 1863 ..1863 Privately Printed..1865 Chas. Lassalle ....1862 1861 .1861 ...1865 ....1864 S. R. Urbino......1865 Lindsay & Blak’n. 1865 John Bradburn...1863 Bankers' Mag. Offi...1864 Boston.... Perkinpine & H...1863 Ditson & Co.... .1864 Collins.. ..1861 1861 M. Doolady.......1861 Dick & Fitzgerald.1864 The Author.. . . . . Journal Office.....1863 Henry Hoyt..... 1861 N. E. Uni. Pub. H..1865 Ticknor & Fields..1862 .1864 .. ..1864 Gould & Lincoln. 1861 Ticknor & Fields..1863 Brewer & Tileston..1863 The Author.......1864 Gregory.... Evan. Know. Soc..1864 1864 W. W. H. Davis..1862. 1861-66.] 3 ADD——AHN Addy, D. C. (D.D.), Walter's Tour in the East. 6 vols., 16mo. cl., per vol., 90 cts. N. Y.. N. Y....... Aden, Power; or, The Cost of a Scheme. By F. Owen. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. Boston.. Adirondack (The); or, Life in the Woods. By J. T. Headley. New and en- larged ed. 12mo. plates, cl., $2 00. N. Y....: Adjutant General's Report of the State of New York-1862-3-4. 4 vols. 8vo. cl... Adlard, Geo., The Sutton-Dudleys of England and the Dudleys of Massachu- setts, from the Roman Conquest to the Present Time. 8vo. cl, $200. N. Y….. Adventures and Misfortunes of a Saxon Schoolmaster. 18mo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y....... 1 of Captain Brownville (The). By Washington Irving. 12mo. cl., $175. N. Y…... Phila. of a Hymn. 18mo. cl., 85 cts. of Dick Onslow among the Red Skins. A Book for Boys. Edited by W. G. Kingston. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston.... of Gil Blas of Santillane (The). Translated from the French of Le Sage, by T. Smollett. New ed. revised. 3 vols. 16mo. cl., $5 25. Boston.... 16mo. cl., of Philip on His Way through the World (The). By W. M. Thackeray. 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. of Rob Roy (The). By James Grant. 16mo. cl., $1 50. Boston.... Advice to a Mother on the Management of her Offspring. By P. H. Cha- vasse. 6th ed. 12mo., 50 cts., N. Y.. · of a Missionary; or, Rivers of Waters in a Dry Place. $1 25. N. Y.. Y... Esop, Fables of, with Life of the Author. 16mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y………. a new version. By Thos. James. 16mo. cl., $1 50. Phila. and others. Translated by S. Croxall, D.D., 12mo. cl., $1 25. Boston.. Esthetics; or, the Science of Beauty. By J. Bascom. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Boston... Afloat and Ashore. A Sea Tale. By J. Fenimore Cooper. Illustrated from Drawings by F. O. C Darley. 12mo., $1 75. N. Y... African Hunting. From Natal to the Zambes. By W. C. Baldwin. 12mo. cl., $1 60. N. Y... : "L แ After Dark. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins. 8vo. pap., $1 00. Phila.. Icebergs with a Painter. A Summer Voyage to Labrador and Around Newfoundland. By Rev. Louis L. Noble. 12mo. cl.. $2 00. N. Y. Agassiz, Elizabeth C., Seaside Studies in Natural History. 8vo. cl., $3 00.. "Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. Vols. I. to IV., 4to. plates, cl., $48 00. Boston. L., Methods of Study in Natural History. 16mo. cl., $2 00. Boston. Agues Hilton; or, Practical Views of Catholicity. By Mary J Hoffman. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y... of Braunsburg and Wilhelm; or, Christian Forgiveness. A Tale of the Reign of Philip II., and other Tales. Translated from the French, by Mrs. Sadlier. 18mo. pap., 30 cts.; cl., 50 cts. N. Y. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Boston... By Martha Renwick. 12mo. New Practical and Easy Method of Learning the German Language, with a Pronunciation, etc., by J. C. Oehlschlaeger. 2d Course, 12mo. bd., 40 cts. N. Y……… Sheldon & Co.....1864 Burnham. Albany.. C. Scribner.......1864 C. B. Richardson. 1862 P. O'Shea........1864 G. P. Putnam....1861 Am. S. S. U......1865 Tilton & Co.......1863 Little, Brown & Co.1864 Carlton & Porter..1864 ..1862 Harpers .1862 Crosby & A.. 1864 • Harpers. Petersons. 1862-4 Bailliere Bros.....1862 Hurd & Houghton. 1865 Lippincott & Co...1865 Burnham.. .1864 Crosby & Nichols..1862 Hurd & Houghton.1865 .1861 Appletons. Ticknor & Fields..1865 Little, Brown & Co.1862 Ticknor & Fields..1863 J. M. Usher….. J. Leeser. 46 P. O'Shea........1863 Phila. "" of Sorrento. By Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Stanhope; a Tale of English Life. cl., $1 75. Boston. Aguilar's, Grace, Jewish Faith. Pap., $2 00. Spirit of Judaism. 12mo., pap. $1 50. Phila. Ahmo's Plot; or, The Governor's Indian Child. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. 16mo. pap. 10 cts. N. Y.. Ahn's Method of Learning German without the Pronunciation, after the ninth London edition. 1st Course, bd. 50 cts. 2d Course, bd. 50 cts. 1st and 2d Course bound together, 90 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.) St. Louis. F. Saler…………………….1865 Method of Learning German with a Pronunciation, by J. C. Oehl- schlaeger. 14th ed. 1st Course, bd., 60 cts. 2d Course, bd., 60 cts. 1st and 2d Course bound together, $1 00. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.) St. Louis... .1868 ..1862 Sadliers... .1863 Ticknor & Fields…..1862 14 Beadle & Co.. ……… … ….1862 .1864 .1864 1863 … … … ….. . . .1865 E. Steiger.......1865 AĦN—ALE [AM. CAT. Ahn's New Practical and Easy Method of Learning the German Language, with a pronunciation, etc., by J. C. Oehschlaeger. 1st Course: The practical part. 12mo. bd., 60 cts. N. Y……. Y.... Practischer Lehrgang der englischen Sprache von J. C. Oehlschlaeger. I. Course, 12mo., 35 cts. II. Course, 45 cts. I. II. Course bound together, 75 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.) St. Louis. Practischer Lehrgang zur schnellen und leichten Erlernung der fran- Zösoschen Sprache. Verbessert von J. C. Oehlschlaeger. Neue Ausgabe. 1st Course 12mo., 50 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.) St. Louis. Aids to Faith; a Series of Theological Essays. Being a Reply to Essays and Reviews, 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.... Prayer. By Rev. H. W. Beecher. 24mo. cl.. $1 00. N. Y…….. Aikin, Dr., and Barbauld (Mrs.), Evenings at Home; or, The Juvenile Budget Opened. Revised by Cecil Hartley. 16mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y…. G. L., Cynthia, the Pearl of the Points. 4to. pap., 16 cts. Boston. แ Household Skeleton (The). 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y.... Aikman, W. (Rev.), The Moral Power of the Sea. 12mo. cl., 35 cts. Phila. Aimard, G., Flower of the Prairie. 8vo. pap., $100. Phila... "Gold Seekers (The). A Tale of California. 8vo. pap., $1 00. Phila Indian Chief (The). 8vo. pap., 50 cts. Phila. Indian Scout. 12mo. pap., $1 00; cl., 75 cts. Phila. "Pirates of the Prairies. 8vo. pap., $1 00; cl., $1 50. Phila.. Red Track (The). 8vo. pap., 50 cts. Phila.... "Tiger Slayer (The). A Tale of the Indian Desert. A Romance of the Far West. 8vo. pap., 8vo. pap, 75 $1 00. Phila. "Tiger Slayer (The). 50 cts. N. Y.. "Trail Hunter (The). $1.00. Phila... Ainsworth, W. H., The Constable of the Tower. A Novel. cts. N. Y.... Aitchison W. (Rev.), Five Years in China. The Life and Observations of. By Rev. C. B. Bush. 16mo. cl., $1 25., Phila.... A'Kempis, Thos. Imitation of Christ. New ed. 16mo. cl, $200. Boston.. Albany Academy, Celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the, June 23, 1863. 8vo. cl., $1 50. Albany.. (N. Y.) Directory for 1865. 8vo. cl., $1 50. Albany.. Album, for Postage and other Stamps, American and Foreign. Sm. 4to. cl., $3 00. N. Y. " 66 " cts. Alcock, R. (Sir). 66 * Alchemist (The); or, The House of the Claes. From the French of Honoré de Balzac. Translated by O. W. Wright and F. B. Good- rich. 12mo., $1 00. N. Y.. Albertus, M. bewaehrteund approbirte sympathetische und natuerliche egyp- sche Geheimnisse fuer Menschen und Vieh. 12mo. Pp. 75 N. Y.. The Capital of the Tycoon. A Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in Japan. 2 vols. 12mo. cl., $3 50. N. Y... แ • Alcott, L. M. Hospital Sketches. 16mo. Bds. 75 cents. Boston.. 16 Moods. 12mo. Cloth. $1 50. Boston. .. On Picket Duty, and Other Tales. 16mo. Pp. 10 cents. Boston. Rose Family (The). A Fairy Tale. 16mo. Pp. 25 cents. Boston. 66 Alden, E. K. (Rev.) See Drake A. Aldrich, T. B. Out of His Head: a Romance. 12mo. 50 cts. N. Y.... Pampinea and Other Poems. 16mo. 75 cts. N. Y.... Poems. 16mo. B. & G. $1 50. Boston..... Alexander, C. F. The Sunday Book of Poetry. 16mo. Vel. cl., $1 75. Cambridge. 46 ; • 8vo. pap., A Romance of the Forest and the Prairie. • J. A. (Rev.) Gospel according to Matthew (The). 12mo. Cl. $2 00. N. Y. E. Steiger………………..1865 F. Saler.. 66 Appletons. Randolph. "L 66 "L (6 65 Hurd & Houghton. 1865 Elliott, T. & Talbot.1864 Am. News Co.....1865 Seaman's F. Soc...1864 Petersons... ..1862 "6 ..1865 .1862 .1864 1862 1864 .1862 .1862 ...1862 ...1863 E. D. Long & Co..1861 Petersons.. Dick & Fitzgerald..1864 .1862 Pbn. Bd. Pub.....1865 Dutton & Co.... ... 1863 .1865 J. Munsell.... ......1863 Adams, Sam'son & Co'65 Appletons. .1863 " Rudd & Carleton... • W. Radde…………………..1865 Harpers Jas. Redpath.. Loring... Jas. Redpath…………..1864 • 1863 .1863 ..1864 • • G. W. Carleton...1864 Rudd & Carleton..1861 Ticknor & Field...1865 Sever & Francis...1865 Chas. Scribner ....1861 Notes on the New Testament Literature, and Ecclesiastical History. 12mo. cl., $200. N.Y. Chas. Scribner…….. Prophecies of Isaiah (The). Revised Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. cl., $6 50. N. Y. C. Scribner & Co..1865 ....1864 1861-66] 5 ALE———————ALM. Alexander, J. W. (D.D.) Faith Treated in a Series of Discourses. 12mo. cloth. $2 00. N. Y.... Thoughts on Preaching. 12mo. cl. $2 00. N. Y. The Revival and its Lessons. 18mo. cl. 85 cts. N. Y……. ic | || | || | LL แ H. H. J. H. Allibaco, W. A. Alfio Balzani; or, Extracts from the Diary of a Proscribed Sicilian. 12mo. cloth. $1 50. N. Y. Alger, H., Jr. Frank's Campaign; or, What Boys can do on the Farm for the Camp. 16mo. $1 50. cloth. Boston.... Paul Prescott's Charge. A Story for Boys $1 25. Boston.. 16mo. cloth. Third Boston. Alhambra. W. R. A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. Edition. 8vo. cloth. $3 50. Philadelphia..... The Poetry of the Orient. 16mo. cl., $1 75. By Washington Irving. Author's Revised Edition, with Illustrations. 12mo. cl., $2 50. N. Y.. Alice Barlow; or, Principle in Everything. 18mo. cl., 55 cents. N. Y.... The Same. 18mo. cl, 65 cents. Philadelphia..... Field; or, The Work of a Young Life. 18mo. cl., 40 cts Boston. of Monmouth. An Idyl of the Great War, with Other Poems. By E. C. Stedman. 16mo. cl., $1.00. N. Y. Alick and his Blind Uncle. By Maxwell 18mo. cl., 50 cts. Phila... All Saints' Memorial Church in the Highlands of the Navesink. 8vo. N. Y.. Allan, John. A Catalogue of the Library and Antiquarian Collection of— with the names of purchasers, and the price each article sold for, with a few introductory remarks. Royal 8vo. $5 00. New York. Memorial of Royal 8vo., pap. N Y. Cameron; or, The Three Birthdays. By the Author of "Ilverton Rectory." 18mo. cl., 50 cts. NY. Allen, F. A. A Primary Geography on the Basis of the Object Method of Instruction. 4to. hf. bd. 50 cts. Philadelphia.. H. (M.D.) Monograph of the Bats of North America. 8vo. Washington Compendium of Hardee's Tactics. 18mo. 50 cts. N. Y.. Hebrew Men and Times, from the Patriarchs to the Mes- siah. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston The Philosophic and Scientific Ultimatum, etc. 12mo. cl., 2 50. N. Y……. Allie and Ryan; or, The New Bonnet and Dress. 12m. cl., 50 cts. N. Y. Allingham, W., Ballad Book (The), A Selection of British Ballads, edited by. 16mo, vel. cl. $1 75. Cambridge Sever & Francis...1865 Ticknor & Fields..1862 H. Longstreth.....1863 Peterson & Bros...1865 Poems. 32mo., blue and gold, $1 25. Boston. Allinson, W. J., Thoughts about the Right (Lectures). 18mo cl., 75 cts. Phila.. Allworth Abbey. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. 12mo. pap. $1 50, cl. $2 00. Phila………. Allyn, A. A Ritual of Freemasonry. Illus. To which is added a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange, and Odd Fellows' Socie- ties, with Notes and Remarks. 12mo. cl., $5 00. N. Y. Wm Gowans.. ...1865 Almanac, American Baptist, 1865. 12mo. pap., 10 cts. Phila.. Am. Bap. Pub. Soc... '65 Bureau of Nav....1864 Fisher & Bro. Am. News Co. Washington " "C " Farmers', for 1863. 8vo. Phila.. Illuminated, 1865. 4to. pap. 30 cts. N. Y…. Masonic, for 1864. Edited by R. McMurdy. 12mo. pap, 15 cts. Washington. Photographic, for 1865. Edited by John Fowler, M.D. 12mo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y Tract Society, for 1863. 12mo. pap, 6 cts. Boston.. and Hand-book of the Pacific States. Edited by W. H. Knight. 12mo. San Francisco... Army and Navy, and Washington Military Directory for 1863. Edited by B. P. Poore. 16mo. cl., 30 cts; interleaved, 40 cts; Tuck. 60 cts. Washington.. Beadle's, and Year-Book, for 1866. Boston, for 1865. 32mo. cl., 50 cts. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. Boston. Brown's, and Pocket Memorandum for 1864, No. 17. 32mo. pap., 10 cts. Salem. " แ 16 "L แ • • Chas. Scribner....1861 แ Am. Tract Soc....1861 Rudd & Carleton..1861 ..1862 แ Loring...........1864 ..1865 G. W. Childs..... ..1864 Roberts Bros....1865 • G. P. Putnam....1861 Carlton & Porter...1862 Pbn Bd. Pub.. .1863 H. Hoyt.. ..1863 G. W. Carleton...1864 Pbn. Bd. Pub....1864 Baker & Godwin..1865 Wm Gowans......1865 Bradford Club....1864 Am. Tract. Soc ..1864 Lippincott & Co....1862 Smithsonian Inst….1864 M. Doolady. ...1861 Walker, W. & Co. 1861 The Author.......1864 Carlton & Porter..1862 ...1863 ....1865 Chas. Anderson...1864 J. H. Ladd.... ......1865 Am. Tract Soc....1863 Bancroft & Co....1864 Philp & Solomons. 18h3 Beadle & Co......1865 Geo. Coolidge. 1865 Brooks&Bros....1864 ... 6 ALM—ALM [AM. GAT. Almanac, California State, and Hand-book of Statistics for 1863. Compiled by H. G. Langley. 12mo. pap, 50 cts. San Francisco......... Catholic, and Register, for the Diocese of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Erie, in 1863. 18mo., pap. Phila.... Church (The), for 1864. 16mo. pap., 6 cts. N. Y Church, for 1865–6. 12mo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y. Churchman's Calendar, tor 1865. 16mo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y. Illus. Family, for 1865. 16mo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y.. Clark's Vicksburg, and Repository, for 1866. 16mo. pap. Vicks- burg.. Comic, 1866. 12mo. pap., 5 cts. Phila. Commercial, and Business Directory, for 1865. Pa... " | ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ||||| et Directorium Francais des Etats-Unis, pour 1865. 12mo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y. "Evening Journal," for 1864. 1865. Family Christian, for 1865. Farmers', for 1866. 16mo. pap., 5 cts N. Y.. Farmers' and Mechanics' German and English, for 1863. Cincinnati.. Farmers' and Mechanics' German and English, for 1866. cts. Cincinnati.. N. Y. Frank Leslie's Illus., for 1865. 4to. pap., 50 cts. N. Y Comic, for 1865. 4to. pap., 15 cts. N. Y. Lady's, for 1865. 4to. Illus. Pap., 50 cts. Franklin, and Diary, for 1863. Cincinnati. 4to. pap., 25 cts. Hand-Book, for the Pacific States, for the year 1862. By Wm. H. Knight. 160. $1 25. San Francisco.. Housekeepers', for 1863. 12mo. pap., 3 cts. N. Y.. Housekeepers', for 1866. 12mo. pap., 5 cts. Phila.. Hunt's Pittsburgh, for 1863. Hutchin's Improved, for 1866. Illustrated Annual Register of 12mo. pap., 5 cts. Pittsburgh 16mo. pap., 5 cts. N. Y.. Rural Affairs, for 1865. By J. J. • Thomas. 12mo. pap., 25 cts. Albany.. Illustrated Pilgrim (The) for 1861. Boston. Illus. Volks-Kalendar für 1864 to 1866. 12mo. pap., 30 cts. N. Y. Knickerbocker's, for 1866. 16mo. pap., 5 cts., N. Y... Lady's, for 1866. 32mo. cl., 50 cts. Boston. - Leavitt's Farmer's and Miscellaneous Year-Book for 1864. No. 68. 12mo. pap., 6 cts. Concord, N. H....... Merchants' and Bankers,' for 1865 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y. Merchants' and Inventors' for 1861. 32mo. N. Y.... Methodist, for 1866. 12mo, pap., 10 cts. N. Y... Metropolitan Catholic (The), for 1861. 12mo. 25 cts. Baltimore.. Moral (The), for 1864. 12mo. Phila... National aud Annual Record, for the year 1864. 12mo. pap., $1 25; ci., $1 50. Phila.... Phila. • Navigator's, from the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1866. 8vo. pap, 60 cts. Washington.. Old Franklin, for 1865. 8vo. pap., 20 cts. Presbyterian, for 1866. 12mo. pap., 10 cts. Presbyterian Historical and Annual Remembrancer of the Church for 1864. By J. M. Wilson. Vol. IV., 12mo. bds, $2 00. Phila. Protestant Episcopal, for 1864. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y.. Railroad and Insurance, for 1865. 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. Recept Kalender für 1866. 12mo. pap., 5 cts. Phila.... Sadlier's Catholic and Ordo, for 1865. 12mo. pap, $1 00. N. Y... Stadt und Land Kalender für 1866. 12mo. pap., 6 cts. Phila.. .. • Steiger's Illustrirter Volks-Kalender für 1866. 12mo. pap., 30 cts. N. Y.... | English Lutheran, for 1865. 12mo. pap. Baltimore Ephemeris and Nautical, for 1865. "L 16mo. pap. Erie, (C " Royal 8vo., pap., $1 25. Washington...... 12mo. pap., 15 cts. Albany. 12mo. pap., 20 cts. N. Y. 12mo. N. Y.. ·· Sq. 12mo. Pap., 10 Soldier's and Sailor's (The), for 1865. 18mo. pap, 5 cts. N Y.... Sunday School, for 1864. Ed. by F. Forrester. 32mo. pap, 5 cts. N. Y. Tribune (The), for 1865. 12mo. pap., 20 cts. N. Y. H. G. Langley....1638 P. F. Cunningham.1863 Pr. Epis. Tr. Soc..1863 Jas. Pott.. 1864-5 Prot. E. S. S. U....1865 Kelley & Bro.....1865 H. C. Clarke .....1865 King & Baird..... .1865 Caughey, McC. & Co.'64 T. N. Kurtz ....1861-5 • Bureau of Nav.....1864 Lockw'd & Christern. '65 Weed, P. & Co.....1865 Am. News Co.....1865 Am. Tract Soc....1865 Am. News Co....1865 ** U. P. James.....1863 Carroll & Co.... 1865 F. Leslie .1864 ..1864 1864 ( .. • B. F. Sanford....1863 • .. Bancroft & Co....1862 T. W. Strong.. .1863 King & Baird....1865 J. P. Hunt.. . ... . .1863 Am. News Co.....1865 .. L. Tucker & Son..1865 National Mon. O..1861 E. Steiger. .1864-5 Am. News Co....1865 G. Coolidge......1865 • E. C. Eastman....1864 J. S. Homans.....1865 Fowler & Wells...1861 Carlton & Porter..1865 Murphy & Co......1861 Tract Asso. F.....1864 G. W. Childs.....1864 Beau. of Nav..... .1864 A. Winch. ..1864 Pon. Pub. Com...1865 J. M. Wilson.....1864 Evan. Know. Soc..1863, Carleton. .1865 King & Baird. .1865 Sadliers 1865 King & Baird.... ..1865 • E Steiger... .1865 Evan, Know. Soc..1865 Carlton & Porter..1864 Tribune Asso......1865 1861-66.] ALMAMY Almanac, United States, for 1866. 12mo. pap., 5 cts. Phila.. • • By H. J. Howland. 12mo. cl., United States Insurance, for 1863. Edited by G. E. Currie. Vol. VIII. 8vo. pap, $1 00; cl, $1 50. N. Y…………. Universalist for 1863. A. B. Grosh, editor. 16mo. Boston. Webster's Calendar, or the Albany, for 1866. By J. Munsell. 12mo., $1 00. Albany.. Worcester, and Directory, for 1864. 50 cts. Worcester.. Alphabet of Animals. 16mo. pap., 25 cts; linen, 50 cts. N. Y.. Alphabetical Army Register. 8vo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y... Altar at Home (The). 1st and 2d Saries. 2 vols. 12mo. cl., per vol., $1 25. Boston. (The); a Service-Book for Sunday-Schools. By Rev. J. G. Bartholo mew. 18mo. bds.. 25 cts. Boston.. Stones. By the Author of "The Faithful Promiser." 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y. Amber Gods (The) and other Stories. By Harriet E. Prescott. $1 75. Boston. Witch (The). A Romantic Opera 12mo. cl., Written by H. F. Chorley. Composed by W. V. Wallace. 8vo. cl., $5 00. N. Ý. Ambrose Rodman, a Child's Story. 18mo cl, 40 cts. N. Y... America; a Dramatic Poem. 12mo. cl., 75 cts. N. Y.. America before Europe. By Count de Gasparin. Translated by Mary L. Booth. 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y……. American Annual Cyclopædia and Register, 1861-4. Royal 8vo. cl., per vol., $5 00. N. Y... || · Annual Monitor (The) for 1863; or, Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends in America, for 1862. 8vo., 30 cts. N. Y... Art; its Awful Altitude. A Satire. By John Frankenstein. 16mo. pap.. 50 cents. Ciu... Bible Society. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the. 8vo. N. Y. Boy's Book of Sports and Games Illustrated by White, Herrick, Wier, and Harvey. 12mo. cl., $3 50. N. Y... Criticism; or, The "North American Review," and the "Life and Times of John Huss." 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y..... Flag (The). By J. R. Drake. 4to., 25 cts. N. Y……. Historical and Literary Curiosities. Collected and edited by J. J. Smith and J. F. Watson. 6th ed. 4to. cl., $8 00. N. Y... Hoyle (The); or, Gentleman's Handbook of Games. $200. N. Y. 12mo. cl., Lectures. 12mo. Boston. Institute of Instruction. Law of Real Property. By Emory Washburn. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. shp., $15 00.. Lloyd's Register of American and Foreign Shipping for 1865. Ob- long hf. r., $20 00. N. Y... Newspaper Directory (The), and Record of the Press. By D. J. Kenny. 12mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. Pedagogy. 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. Slavery. By Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D. 12mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. Soldier (The); a Pocket Manual for the Use of Recruits and Volun- teers. 18mo. pap., 20 cts. N. Y.. Teachers and Educators. 8vo. cl., $3 50. N. Y Text-Book, containing the Constitution of the United States; the Declaration of Independence, and Washington's Farewell Address. 241o. cl., 25 cts. Phila... Theory of Government with Reference to the Present Crisis (The). 2d ed. revised and enlarged. By P. H. Burnett. 8vo. pamp., 50 cts. N. Y.. Underwriter's Manual (The) and Insurance Directory. By J. B. Ec- clesiue. 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y... Union Shown to be the New Heaven and the New Earth (The). 8vo. pap., 30 cts. N. Y. Americans in Rome. By H. P. Leland. 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y. Among the Pines. By Edmund Kirk. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y. Amy and her Brothers; or, Love and Labor. By the Author of "The Blue Flag," etc. 16mo. cl., 35 cts. N. Y.. Carr, or, the Fortune Teller. By Caroline Chesebro. 16mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y.. King & Baird....1865 E. G. Currie.....1864 Tompkins & Co...1863 J. Munsell H. G. Howland...1864 Sheldon & Co.... .1865 Van Nostrand.... .1863 Walker, Wise & Co.1862 Tompkins & Co...1863 Carters ...1863 Ticknor & Fields..1863 Hall & Son.. Hall & Son......1861 Pro. Ep. S. S. U..1865 Randolph.. .1868 Chas. Scribner....1862 ..1865 •• Appletons... .....1862-5 W. Wood & Co...1863 The Author.. 1864 The Society. .1864 Dick & Fitzgerald.1864 Am. News Co.....1865 Gregory.. ..1861 G. P. Putnam……..1861 Dick & Fitzgerald..1864 Ticknor & Fields..1861 Little, Brown & Co. 1865 .1865 Blunt...... Watson & Co.....1861 F. C. Brownell. Muson Bros.. • …….1861 1861 Abbey & Abbott...1861 F. C. Brownell....1861 • Potter & Co......1865 Appletons........1861 Grierson & Ecclesine.'62 J. Thompson. .1865 C. T. Evans Carleton.. ......1863 ...1863 Am. Tract Soc....1861 Dodd...... ·· 1863 AMY—AND [AM. OAT. Jas. Miller………………….1861 Pbn. Bd. Pub.....1865 Carlton & Porter..1863 Am. Tract Soc....1863 An Act Authorizing the Formation of Corporations for Manufacturing, Min- ing, Mechanical, and Chemical Purposes. 16mo. pap., 50 cts. N.Y. J. S. Voorhies.....1864 Concerning the Rights and Liberties of Husband and Wife. 12mo. pap. N. Y.. J. S. Voorhies....1862 Amy Dean and other Tales By V. F. Townsend. 12mo. cl., $1 00….. Rivers; or, The Girl who did not Know how to Live. By Nellie Grahame. 18mo. cl.. 45 cts. Phila... Amy's New Home and other Stories for Boys and Girls. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. N Y.... New Home, with the Blot of Ink, and the Picture Clock. 18mo. cl., 80 cts. N. Y…. to Secure to Creditors a Just Division of the Estates of Debtors. 12mo., pap. N. Y……….. An Historical Sketch of Paper Money issued by Pennsylvania. Phila. An Only Son. 8vo. pap., 30 cts. Boston. An Outcast. A Novel. By F. C. Adams. 12mo., $1 00. N. Y Anarchiad (The), A New England Poem. Written in concert by D. Hum- phreys, J. Barlow, John Trumbull, and Dr. S. Hopkins. Edited by L. G. Briggs. 16mo. cl., 50 cts. New Haven.... Ancéiot (Mme.), Rénée de Varville. 8vo. pap., 35 cts. N. Y.. Ancient Egypt; its Antiquities, Religion, and History. By Rev. George Trevor. 18mo. cl., $1 10. Boston. Ancient Psalm Melodies. 3d Ed. 8vo. pap., 35 cts. Boston Andercken an den Tag der ersten heil. Communion. Ein Gebet, und Belehrungsbuch fur 's ganze. Leben. bds. in leather, with gilt edge, 60 cts. Imit. Moroc., with gilt edge, 75 cts. (N. Y: E. Steiger.) Andersen, H. C. Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. 12mo. pap., 50 cts. Boston... N. Y…………. 16mo. แ Danish Story-Book (The). 12mo. cl., $1 50. Ice Maiden (The). Translated by Fanny Fuller. cl., 75 cts.; cl. ex., $1 00. Phila.. ་་ "L " ❤ 4 แ and Grimm. and others. Anderson, C. J. J. J. cl., 90 cts. N. Y..... "Books" (The). Tinder-Box, etc.; Naughty Boys, etc.; Goloshes of Fortune, etc.; Wild Swans, etc. 4 vols. 16mo. cl., per vol., 75 cts. German Popular Tales. $1 25. Boston Fairy Books. 4 vols. 16mo. cl., per vol., 75 cts. Boston. Boston.. 4 vols. 12mo. cl., per vol., • The Okavango River. A Narrative of Travel. 8vo. cl., $3 25. N. Y Introductory School History of the United States. 12mo. hf. r., $1 25. N. Y... Pictorial School History of the United States. 12mo. hf. r., $1 25. N. Y.. Mary E. Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands and California. cl., $1 00. Boston 18mo. R (Major). Evolutions of Field Batteries of Artillery. lated from the French. With Plates. 18mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y.... Trans- 2d ed. R. (D.D.) The Hawaiian Islands. 12mo. cl., $2 25. Boston... André, John (Major). The Life and Career of. By W. Sargent. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston Andreana. Containing the Trial and Execution of Major John André. 1780. 4to. Plates. Pap., $15 00. Phila. The Same. 8vo. pap., $7 50. Phila Andreis, Felix (V. Rev.) Sketches of the Life of First Superior of the Con gregation of the Mission in the United States. 12mo. cl. $1 50. Baltimore.... Andrew, J. A. An Address to the Graduating Class of the Medical School in the University at Cambridge, March 9, 1864. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. Boston. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y……….. Hints to Company Officers on their Military Du- ties. 18mo. cl., 60 cts. N. Y……. Andrews' Devotions. C. C., (U. S. A.) .1862 A. C. Kline, Pr...1862 Littell, Son & Co.n. d. M. Doolady... . . . . . . 1861 F. Leypoldt Little Rudy, and other Stories. 12mo. cl., 90 cts. N. Y. Jas. Miller Fairy Tales. 16mo. cl., 1 50. $1 50. N. Y.. Mud-King's Daughter (The), and other Stories. 12mo. J. H. Pease... 1861 Chas. Lassalle……..1862 " Am. Tract Soc....1864 Dutton & Co.......1864 (6 St. Louis. .1862 De Vries, I. & Co..1864 Jas. Miller. ......1864 (1 ،، • "" • ... (6 Tilton & Co......1865 .....1865 1863 .1864 1863 ...1864 ·· ..1865 ..1861 Harpers Clark & Maynard..1865 ..1863 Am. Tract Soc....1865 Van Nostrand....1861 Gould & Lincoln..1864 Ticknor & Fields...1861 H. W. Smith " · 1865 .1865 Kelly, H. & Pict...1861 Ticknor & Fields..1864 H. B. Durand……….1862 Van Nostrand.....1863 1861-66.] 9 ANDANT Andrews, S. The Art of Flying. 8vo. pap, 35 cts. N. Y. ~S. J. Life of Our Lord upon Earth. 8vo. cl., $3 00. N. Y.. Audru De Taverney; or, The Downfall of the French Monarchy. By Alex. Dumas. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Phila.. Andy Hall, the Mission Scholar in the Army. By Caroline E. Kelly. 16mo. cl.. $1 25. Boston... O'Hara; or, The Child of Promise. The Story of a Troublesome Boy. 60 cts. N. Y... Andy's Lesson, and How he Learned it. By the author of "Cosmo's Visit to his Grandfather." 18mo. cl., 35 cts. N. Y……… Anduchtsubungen zum Herligben Herzen Jesu. Pap., 10 cts.; cl., 25 cts. Cinn.. Anfangsgründe der kath. Religion für die untersten Klassen der Elemen- tarschulen. 12mo., 124 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.). Angel of the Battle-Field (The). A Tale of the Rebellion. By W. Brad- shaw. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y... Angel Unawares (The), and other Stories. By Mary Howitt. 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y.. Angel-Voices; or, Words of Counsel for Overcoming the World. New ed. Svo. cl. ex., $200. Boston. Angelina; or, The Life of a Beauty. By the Author of "The Jilt." pap 50 cts. N. Y.. Angeline, the Octoroon. By Alonette. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y…. Angell and Ames on Corporations. Edited by J. Lathrop. 7th ed. shp., $6 50. Boston.. Angelo, Michael Life of. 8vo. 8vo. By H. Grimm. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. 2 vols., cr. 8vo cl., $5 00. Boston. Anglo-American Sabbath. 32mo. cl., 15 cts. N. Y.. Angus, J. (D.D.), The Bible Hand-book. 12mo. cl., $2 50. Phila. Tarlton; or, Illustrations of the Fruits of the Spirit. By A. L. O. E, 18mo. cl., 45 cts. N. Y.... Animals, Sagacity of. The Child's Picture-Book. Sm. 4to., illus., 75 cts. N.Y. Ann Ash; or, Kindness Rewarded. By the Author of "The Broken Arm, &c." 16mo. cl., $1 25. Phila... Anna Cradock, and Little Samuel. By Rev. J. H. Jones. 18mo. cl., 35 cts. Phila 18mo. cl., 45 cts. N. Y. By Jenny M. Parker. 18mo. cl., Lee. 16mo cl., 60 cents. Boston.. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. By an Officer. By an Officer. Phila 8vo. cl., $4 00. of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. III. Account of the Great Comet of 1858. By G. P. Bond. of the Poor. 16mó. cl., 85 cts. Phila.. 4to. • •• of the Rescued. By the Author of "Haste to the Rescue." 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y.. Anne Dalton; or, How to be Useful. 16mo. cl., $1_25. Phila. Annette; or, The Lady of the Pearls. By Alex Dumas. Translated by Mrs. Wm. A. Johnson. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. Phila... Annie and her Master. A Love Story. 16mo. pap., 30 cts. N. Y. and Pierre; or, "Our Father's Letter." 18mo. cl., 80 cts. N. Y... Price; or, Grandmamma's Sunshine. By the Author of "Kitty's Victory." 18mo. cl., 60 cts. Ñ. Y... Annis Warleigh's Fortune. A Novel By H Lee. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y. Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1861-5. By David A. Wells. 12mo. cl., $1 75 per vol. Boston. Regattas (The), of the New York Yacht Club, from its organization to the year 1862. 8vo. pamp. N. Y... Ansorge, C, and Root, G. F., Teachers' Songs. Oblong, pap., 30 cents. Chicago . Ansted, D. T., The Great Stone Book of Nature. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Phila.. Anstie, F. E. (M.D.), Stimulants and Narcotics, their Mutual Relations, etc. 8vo. cl.. $3 50. Phila.. Answers to Ever-recurring Questions from the People. By A. J. Davis. 12mo. cl., $1 25.. Anthem Book. $1 25. N. Y.. Anthology of New Netherlands; or, Translations from the Early Dutch. Poets of New York. With a Memoir of their Lives. Jno. F. Trow………….1865 C. Scribner. ...1863 Petersons. .1862 • H. Hoyt .1864 Carlton & Porter..1861 Pro. Epi. S. 8. U…..'68 Evan. Knowl. Soc..1864 J. P. Walsh…………..1865 St. Louis...... Am. News Co.....1865 Jas. Miller. Ticknor & Fields...1864 F. A. Brady.....1865 T. R. Dawley ....1865 Little, Brown & Cp.1862 ·· .1865 Am. Tract Soc....1864 J. S. Claxton.. ....1865 (L .1865 .1864 Carters. Harpers. Perkinpine & H…….1863 .1861 ..1862 Pbn Bd. Pub.....1864 Mass. S. S. Soc...1863 Lippincott & Co...1863 Welch, Bigelow & Co.'83 Am. S. S. U………….1862 • Carters.. .1861 Perkinpine & H...1863 Petersons... .1868 Reb. Rec. Office...1864 Evan. Know. Soc..1865 Carters Harpers. Gould & Lincoln.1861-5 Amerman, Pr....1863 Root & Cady.....1864 G. W. Childs. ..1868 Lindsay & B......1865 A. J. Davis & Co..1862 Carlton & Porter..1864 .1863 .1864 By H. C. Murphy. Royal 8vo. pap., $12 50. N. Y. Bradford Club....1865 10 [AM. CAT. ANT-ARO Anthon, Henry (Rev.), Tribute to the Memory of. By the Rt. Rev. M. Eastburn, D.D. 12mo. limp, 35 cts. N. Y..... John, Proceedings on Occasion of the Death of, with the Address of J. W. Gerard. 8vo. N. Y... Anthony Waymouth; or, The Gentlemen Adventurers. By W. H. G. Kingston. 12mo. cl., $1.50. Boston. A. S. (Mrs.), The Circus. A Story for Boys. 18mo. cl., 45 cents. Boston. Antoninus, M. Aurelius (Emperor), The Thoughts of. Long. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. Antonio Bishallony. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y... Aphorisms on Education. 8vo. cl., $2 00.. Apple Pie Alphabet. 16mo. pap., 25 cts. ; linen, 50 cts. Apples of Gold in Pictures of .Silver. By Kruna. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. Boston. Appleton, J. L., Nene practische Methode die englische Sprache in kur- zer Zeit. Lesen, Schreiben und Sprechen zu lernen. Mit Angabe der englischen Aussprache und Betonung. 12mo. bd., $1 50. (N. Y. E. Steiger.).. Translated by Geo. cts. N. Y.. N. (Hon), Memoir of. By R. C. Winthrop. 8vo.. Appleton's U. S. Postal Guide, No. 1. 16mo. 25 cts. N. Y……. Apprentices' Library in New York City. Catalogue of. Sept. 1865. 12mo. hf. r. 50 cents. N. Y. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. New Ed. 12mo. cl. $1 75. Boston. Arbor Vitæ; or, The Natural History of the Tree of Life. 8vo. (London, 1741.) Philadelphia... Arcana of Nature; or, The Philosophy of Spiritual Existence, and of the Spirit World. By W. H. Tuttle. 2 vols. 12mo., cl., $2 50. Boston. Being the Story of a Boy who Learned to Feel for Others. By A. L. O. E. 16mo. cl, 40 cents... Of the Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Translated by Rev. J. A. M. Fastre. 12mo. cloth. $2 50. Cincinnati. Archie's Dream. Ardnoudt, P. J. (Rev.) Are you a Christian? 32mo. cl., 15 cents. N. Y. Arithmetical Examples; or, Test Exercises for the Use of Advanced Classes. 12mo. bds. 80 cents N. Y.......... Ivison & Co..... The same; with Answers for Teachers. 12mo. bds. 80 cents. N. Y... Arizona and Sonora; the Geography, History, and Resources of the Silver Regions of N. America. By S. Mowery. Third Ed. Revised and Enlarged. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y. Harpers..... and Prospects. By Hon. R. C. McCormick. 8vo. pap., 23 cents. N. Y... Arizona; its Resources Ark of the Covenant. By Rev. Thos. S. Preston. 18mo. cl., 60 cts. N Y. Army and Navy Hand-book (The). 16mo. bds. $1 00. N. Y. and Cin. Songster. 18mo. pap., 10 cents. (Cincinnati: J. R. Hawley), Indianapolis, Ind.. Life; or Incidents from the Prayer-Meeting and thẻ Field. 18mo. cloth. 50 cents. N. Y…. "L of the Potomac (The). By Prince De Joinville. Translated by W. H. Hurlbut. 8vo. pap., 80 cents..... Pay Digest, and Ready Calculation. 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. Register for 1862. (Official Review.) 12mo., 50 cents. N. Y.. Regulations of 1861. Revised, with Appendix to June 25, 1863. 8vo. cl., $2 00. Philadelphia... Surgeon's Manual (The). By W. Grace. $200. N. Y... Arndt', Johann, Sechs Bucher vom wahren Christenthum. Large 8vo. leather and gilt, with double clasps, $5 00; morocco, Second Ed., 12mo. cl., $7 00. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.)... Arnold, E. S. F. (M.D) Medical Provision for Railroads. 8vo. pap., 25 cents. N. Y.. 1 • BERETNIN • ❤ = Compiled by Maj. E. Webb. H. P. European Mosaic. 16mo., Vel. cl., $1 50. Boston.. M. (Prof.) Essays in Criticism. 12mo., cl, $ 75. Boston. M. Heinrich Heine. 16mo., pap., 25 cts. Philadelphia.. Arno's Vale. A Poem. By William Brodie. 12mo., $1 25. Washington. Around the Manger. By Mrs. J. M. Parker. 18mo., cl., 40 cts. N. Y... • Evan. Know. Soc..1863 Bryant & Co. Prs. 1863 Tilton & Co......1865 Am. Tract Soc....1863 Ticknor & Fields..1863 Am. Tract Soc....1863 F. C. Brownell....1861 Sheldon & Co....1865 Am. Tract Soc....1864 Phila....... Boston. Appletons.. The Society.......1865 Lee & Shepard....1864 Privately Printed..1865 W. White & Co...1863 Carlton & Porter..1864 << .1864 .1861 .1863 J. P. Walsh......1865 Am. Tract Soc....1861 .. ......1864 1864 Van Nostrand. .1865 P: O'Shea.... ...1861 J. R. Hawley & Co. 1864 C. O. Perrinė.....1862 Bd. Pub. D. Church.1863 New York.........1862 Van Nostrand.....1868 ... ...1863 G. W. Childs.....1863 Baillières.. ..1865 Philadelphia......1862 Baillières... * .1868. Little, Brown & Co.1864 Ticknor & Fields..1865 .1868 F Leypoldt.. Philp & Solomons. 1861 Prot. Epis. S.S.U.1861 1861-66.] 11 ARO ATZ F Around the Pyramids: being a Tour in the Holy Land during the Years 1859-60. By A. Ward. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y.. Arrah-Na-Pogue (Arrah of the Kiss); or, the Wicklow Wedding. 8vo. pap., 25 cents. N. Y Arroyo, T. F (Rev.) A Vocabulary or Phrase-Book of the Mutsun Language of Alta California. Imp. 8vo., pap., $2 50 N. Y. Art and Artlessness. By Mrs. M. Leslie. 16mo. cl., $1 50. Boston.... Art of Confectionery (The). 12mo. cl., $4 00. Boston. Art of Conversation (The). With Directions for Self-Education. 12mo. cl, $1 25. N. Y. Art of Flying (The). By S. Andrews. 8vo, pap., 35 cts. N. Y. Art of Sketching from Nature (The). By Thos. Rowbotham. From 23d Eng. Ed 16mo. 50 cents. Boston..... Artemus Ward-His Book. 12mo. cl., $1.50. N. Y (6 || "L แ Artist's Son (The), and the Emigrant's Son. 16mo, cl., $1 15. Boston... Arthur, T. S. Home Heroes, Saints, and Martyrs. 12mo., cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia.. = x " " ve แ } (6 "L. His Travels. Part 1. Miscellaneous. Part 2. Among the Mormons. 12mo. cl. $1 50. N. Y.. Ways of Providence (The); or, "He Doeth all Things Well." 12mo. pap., 50 cents. Philadelphia. What Came Afterwards. A Novel. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. New York.. Woman's Trials; or, Tales and Sketches from the Life around us. 12mo. pap. 50 cts. Philadelphia... Arthur Merton; or, Sinning and Sorrowing. By Caroline E. Kelley. 16mo. cl.. $1 25. Phila..... Arthur's Home Stories. Hidden Wings, Sowing of the Wind, Sunshine at Home. 3 vols. 12mo. cl., per set, $3.00. N. Y. Tales for Rich and Poor. & vols. 16mo. cl., $1 80. N. Y….. Artillery, Manual of, for the Use of Volunteers. 12mo. cl., 75 cts. N. Y.. Artist's Married Life (The); being that of Albert Durer. Translated from German of Schefer. By Mrs. J. R. Stodard. Revised ed. 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y..... Arymaer, H. G. Fragments of American Humor. In 6 Nos. 8vo pap., 25 cts. per No. N. Y.. Asaph; or, the Choir Book. By Lowell Mason. 8vo. $1 50. N. Y………… Assassination, and History of the Conspiracy (The). 8vo. pap., 50 cts. Cincin.. Light on Shadowed Paths, 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y.. Married Life. Its Shadows and Sunshine. 12mo. pap., 50 cents. Philadelphia.. Nothing but Money. A Novel. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N.Y.. Out in the World. A Novel. 12mo. cl, $1 50. N. Y... Two Wives (The); or, Lost and Won. 12mo. pap., 50 cts. Philadelphia... H of President Lincoln (The), and the Trial of the Conspirators. Compiled and Arranged by B. Pitman. 8vo. cl., $8 00. Cincin... Astor, John J. Life of. By James Parton. 12mo. pap., 35 cts. N. Y... Johann J. See Horn. W. O. Von. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, made at the United States Naval Observatory during the years 1861-2-3. Capt. J. M. Gilliss, Supt. 4to. Washington Astronomy of the Bible (The). By O. M. Mitchel. 12ino. el., $1 75. N.Y. At Anchor. A Story of our Civil War. By an American. 12mo. $1 50. N. Y... At Odds. By the Baroness Tantphæus. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Atalanta in Calydon. A Tragedy. By A. C. Swinburne. Boston Atheos; or, the Tragedies of Unbelief. 12mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. Atkin and others, on the Settlement of Losses by Fire. 8vo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y... Classical and Scientific Studies, and the Great Schools of England. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. Cambridge... A Collection of Stories from the "Atlantic Monthly." 12mo. cl., $3 00 Atkinson, W. P. Atlantic Tales. ·· Phila. 16me, cL. $2 00. Carleton.... R. M. De Witt....1865 Cramoisy Press...1863 Lee & Shepard....1863 Tilton & Co. " H. Hoyt. Carleton.. Jno. F. Trow.....1865 Tilton & Co.......1862 Carleton.........1862 .1863 "[ 1865 .1864 Lippincott & Co...1865 Carleton .1863 Lippincott & Co..1864 Carleton. ..1865 ...1865 Lippincott & Co...1864 .....1864 • .. .1865 ..1864 Carleton.... .1865 Lippincott & Co...1864 Garrigues & Co...1865 Sheldon & Co.....1864 Collins & Bro………..1865 Van Nostrand....1862 James Miller….....1862 Am. News Co Masons... Hawley & Co.....1865 .1864 ...1861 Moore, Wilstach & B.'65 Am. News Co....1865 Government Press..1863 Blakeman & M....1863 Appletons... 1865 Lippincott & Co...1868 Ticknor & Fields...1865 Sheldon & Co.....1863 G. E. Currie.....1864 Sever & Francis..,1865 Ticknor & Fields...1865 12 [AM. OAT. ATLAZA Atlantic Telegraph. Proceedings of a Meeting to Further the Enterprise of, Held at the Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, March 4, 1863. 8vo. N. Y.. Atlas, Showing Battles, Engagements, and Important Localities connected with the Campaigns in Virginia. By G. R. Bechler. 4to. 16 Plates, cl, $3 00. Phila... Attic Wit. 12mo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y... Attorney (The); or, Correspondence of John Quod. By John T. Irving. 12mo., $1 50. N. Y... Audubon, J. J., Birds of America. Revised ed. 8 vols. imp. 8vo, hf, mor., $150 00. N. Y………… Birds of America. Revised by J. W. Audubon. 1 vol. folio, plates; and 5 vols. text. Royal 8vo., hf. rus., $250 00. N. Y…. Auerbach, B., Dorfgeschichten. Illustr. 3 vols. 12mo. pap., $2 75; cl., $3 75; leather, $4 50. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.). Aughey, J. H. (Rev.), The Iron Furnace; or, Slavery and Secession. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Phila.... Augier, Emile, Maitre Guerin; Comédie en Cinq Actes et en Prose. pap., 50 cts. N. Y.. 4to. The Same. 8vo. pap., pap., 45 cts. N. Y. La Files de Giboyer, Comédie en Ciuq Actes, en Prose. 8vo. 45 cts. N. Y…. Aunt Agnes. Sq. 12mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. Alice's Library. 10 vols. in case; per set, $2 00. N. Y. Aunie's Rainy Day Stories. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. Betsy's Rule, and How it Worked. 18mo. cl., 55 cts. Phila. Carrie's Budget; or, Fireside Stories By Sarah A. Mayers. 18mo. 55 cts Phila.. |||| | │ แ .. 41 · Fanny's • • Home, and her Talks about God's Works. By Edward. 18mo. cl., 55 cts. Phila... Harriet's Tales about Little Words. By Harriet B. McKewer. cl., 60 cts. Phila... 18mo. Hattie's Stories for Little Folks at Home. 10 vols. cl. in a box, $2 00. N. Y Austin Elliot. By H. Kingsley. 12mo. cl, $1 25. Boston. Jane. Emma. New ed. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston. Mansfield Park. New ed, "L แ (6 12mo. cl, $1 50. Boston... Pride and Prejudice. New ed. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston.. Sense and Sensibility. New ed. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston, Australian (The). By Mrs. R. Lee. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y…………. Autobiography of a London Detective. By "Waters." 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y. of a New England Farm-House (The). By N. H. Chamber- lain. 12mo cl., $1 75. N. Y... Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. By Holmes. 32mno. cl., $1 25. Boston. Autograph Leaves of our Country's Authors. 4to. vel. cl., $600. Baltimore. Automaton Battery (The); or, Artillerists' Practical Instructor. By G. D. Brewerton, U.S A. In box. $1 00. N. Y.. Company (The); or, Infantry Soldier's Practical Instructor. By G. D. Brewerton, U.S.A. In box. $1 25. N. Y……….. Regiment (The); or, Infantry Soldier's Practical Instructor. By G. D. Brewerton, U.S A. In box. $1 00. N. Y..... Autumn Days and their Teachings. 18mo. cl., 35 cts. Phila.. Holidays of a Country Parson (The). 16mo. cl., $1 75. Boston.. Leaves. By S. J. Gardner. 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y Away in the Wilderness; or, Life among the Red Indians and Fur Traders of North America. 16mo. Col'd illus. Bds., 60 cts. N. Y.. Ayer, J. C. (M.D.), The Usages and Abuses in the Management of our Manu- facturing Corporations. 8vo pap. Lowell, Mass... Azarian, An Episode. By Harriet E. Prescott. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. W. Amerman, Pr..1863 F. Leypoldt......1865 Am. News Co.....1868 R. M. De Witt....1861 G. R. Lockwood...1865 Phila. " 46 (C (L แ Martiens.... H. De Mareil. ...186! Chas. Lassalle....186€ " Phila. Ruth's Christmas Present. 18mo. cl., 25 cts. Auntie Ray's Little Library. 10 vols. in case; per set, $2 00. N. Y...... Aunty May's Children: Ernest, Rachel, Christie, Faith. 4 vols. 16mo. cl., $2 25. N. Y. Aurora Floyd. A Novel. By Miss M. E. Braddon. 8vo pap., 75 cts. N. Y. Harpers. ' The Same. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. "" ...1868 Carlton & Porter..186 ..1861 Tag'd & Thompson.1864 Pbn. Bd. Pub.....1864 ...1864 " • • (C แ Carlton & Porter..1862 Am. S. S. U......1861 Carlton & Porter..1861 1861 แ .1863 ..1864 1869 Petersons ..1863 Ticknor & Fields..1864 แ "L "( 66 1861 .....1863 ...1863 ....1864 ..1869 ..1862 ..1862 ..1862 Dick & Fitzgerald.186€ .. .1864 Carleton.. .1864 Ticknor & Fields..1865 Cushing & Bailey.1864 Van Nostrand.....1868 ..1861 ..1862 Pbn. Bd. Pub.....186t Ticknor & Fields. 1864 Hurd & Houghton. 1864 Appletons........1864- Langley & Co....1865 Ticknor & Fields..1864 I : 1861-66.] 13 BABBAL J Babbler (The); a Drama for Boys. In One Act. By Mrs. J. Sadlier. 16mo. pap., 18 cts. N. Y..... Babcock, Rufus. See Peck, J. M. (D. D.) Babe and the Princess (The), and other Poems for Children. By the Au- thor of "I'd Choose to be a Daisy." 18mo. cl., 35 cts. N. Y. Babes in the Basket (The); or, Daph and her Charge. 18mo. cl., 45 cts. Boston Baché, R. M. The Young Wrecker of the Florida Reef Phila... 16mo. cl., $1 50. Rev. J. G. Hall. Bacon, F., Thoughts on Holy Scriptures, Compiled by 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y... "'Works of (The). Collected and Edited by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath. 15 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., $33 75. N. Y. L. (D.D.), Christian Self-Culture; or, Counsel for the Beginning and Progress of a Christian Life. 12mo. cl., $1 00. Boston | | | ** Historical Discourse delivered at Worcester in the Old South Meeting-House, Sept. 22, 1863. With Intro- ductory Remarks by Hon. J. M. Barton. 8vo. pap. Worcester, Mass... (Lord), Personal History of. By W. H. Dixon. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston. W. K., Memorial of. By his Father. 16mo. cl., 50 cts. Boston.. Bacon's Essays, with Annotations by Archbishop Whately. 8vo. cl., $3 00. Boston " Bagioli, A., One Hour of Daily Study for the Acquirement of a Correct Pro- nunciation of the Vowels, which is the only method to be- come a perfect Vocalist. 4to. bds., $3 00. N. Y....... Bags of Gold; or, Christian Conquests. By A. L. O. E. 16mo. cl., 60 cts. N. Y.... Bailey,, Algebra. 12mo., $1 00. N. Y.. G. S. (Rev.), Great Caverns of Kentucky (The). 16mo. cl., 25 cts. Chicago.. "L • L. W. Baily, W. L. Manual of Baptism (A). 16mo. cl., $1 00. Phila. Notes on the New Species of Microscopical Organisms from the Para River, South America. Cambridge. Our Own Birds; or, A Familiar Natural History of the Birds of the United States. 18mo. cl., 75 cts. Phila... Baird, R. (Rev.), Discourse Commemorative of the Late. By W. B. Sprague, D.D. 8vo. pap. Albany. • "L Life of. By H. M. Baird. 12mo cl., $2 25. N. Y.... Baker, A. R. (Rev.) A Question-Book on the Topics in Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Vol. I. for Children; Vol. II. for Youth; Vol. III. for Adults. 18mo. bds., each, 12 cts. Boston. (6 * (6 B. F. Short Anthems and Sentences. 4to. bds., $200. N. Y F. A. (Rev.). Memoir and Sermons of. Edited by Rev. A. F. Hewit. Cr. 8vo. cl., $2 50. N. Y.. P. C. European Recollections. An Address delivered before the N. Y. Typographical Society, on Franklin's Birthday, Jan. 17, 1861. 8vo. pap. N. Y…. Franklin. An Address delivered before the N. Y. Typo- graphical Society, Jan. 17, 1865. 8vo. pap. N. Y.... The Family Pocket Homoeopathist. 32mo., 50 cts chester. Ro- Baldwin, D. A. W. C. • Ball, Eliza C. Ballads of the South. Ballads of the War. " " Ballantyne, R. M. African Hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami and the Kalahari Desert. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y. Balfour, F. Ida Lee; or, The Child of the Wreck. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y. Nellie; or, The Companions of the Chain. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y.. แ Christian Armour. 4to. illuminated, cl. ex., $15 00; mor., $20 00. N. Y.. 32mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y. By G. W. Hewes. 12mo. cl., 75 cts. N. Y.. 32mo. pap. 10 cts. N. Y... Dog Crusoe. 16mo. cl, 75 cts. Boston. Sadliers... Carlton & Porter..1865 Am. Tract Society.1863 James S. Claxton.1865 Carters..... .1861 Hurd & Houghton. 1865 ..1861 Am. Tract Society. 1863 E. R. Fiske, Pr...1864 Ticknor & Fields..1861 Am. Tract Society. 1865 Lee & Shepard... 1865 S. T. Gordon.....1864 Carters... ..1864 Schermerhorn & Co.1862 Church & Goodman, '64 Am. B. Pub. Soc..1864 ·· H. O. Houghton...1861 Assoc. of Friends..1863 Van Benthuysen, Pr.'63 Randolph. 1865 Graves & Young..1863 S. T. Gordon.....1863 L. Kehoe... 16 ..1865 Baker & Godwin..1861 ..1865 Darrow & Bro.... Harpers..... .1863 Am. News Co.. 1865 F. A. Brady......1865 C. Scribner & Co..1865 T. R. Dawley.....1864 G. W. Carleton...1862 T. R. Dawley.....1864 Crosby & Nichols..1862 14 [AM. CA BAL-BAR Ballantyne, R. M. Freaks on the Fells; or, Three Months' Rustication. A Tale of the 16mo. cl., $1 50. Boston. Gascoyne, the Sandal-wood Trader. Pacific. 16mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y. Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Man. citic. 16mo. cl., $1 50... Gorilla Hunters (The); a Tale of the Wilds of Africa. 16mo cl., 75 cts. Boston... A Tale of the Pa- Life-boat (The). A Tale of our Coast Heroes. 16mo. cl., $1 50. Boston.. Red Eric (The); or, The Whaler's Last Cruise. A Tale. 16mo. cl, 75 cts. Boston Wild Man of the West (The). A Tale of the Rocky Mountains. 16mo cl., 75 cts. Boston.. Ballard, F. W. New York City, a Mission Field. An Address before the N. Y. Young Men's Christian Association. 12mo. pamp. NY.. Stewardship of Wealth (The), as illustrated in the Lives of Amos and Abbott Lawrence. A Lecture. 12mo. pap. N. Y... | | | 16 "L แ 44 66 66 แ 46 " 'Ballou, H. (D.D.) Counsel and Encouragement. Discourses on the Con- duct of Life. 2d ed. 12mo, cl., $2 00. Boston..... Baltimore City Directory, for 1865-6. 8vo. hf. r., $4 00. Baltimore.. Balzac, H. de. Alchemist; or, The House of the Claes Translated by O. W. Wright and F. B. Goodrich. 12mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y... Vendetta (The). 16mo. pap, 10 cts. Boston. Bancroft's New Law and Form Book. 3d Ed. Revised. 8vo. shp., $7 50. San Francisco... • Banim, John. Banditti of the Prairies (The). By E. Bonney. 12mo. pap., 50 cts of the Rocky Mountains (The), and Vigilance Committee in Ida- ho. 8vo. pap., 50 cts. N Y. Bangor (Me.) City Directory. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Bangor. Bangs, N., (DD.) Life and Times of. By Abel Stevens, D.D. $1 75. N. Y. Boyne Water (The). A Tale. 16mo. cl., $1 00. Complete Works. Tales of the O'Hara Family. With Notes by M. Banim. Pts. 1 and 2. Per pt., 25 cts. N. Y... Bank Notes; and It's His Way. 18mo. cl., 35 cts. Banker's Secret (The); or Sowing and Reaping. pap, 75 cts. N. Ÿ. Banner Songster (The). 16mo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y. Banting, W. Letter on Corpulency, addressed to the Public. Fifth ed. 8vo. pap., 25 cts N. Y... Banvard, Jas. (Rev.) Story Truths. Baptismal Vows. First Promise. 4 vols. Per set, $1 50. N. Y. 18mo. pap, 14 cts. N. Y. 18mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y. 66 (6 Barchester Towers. 2 vols. 16o. pap., each, 50 Second Promise. Third Promise. 6 cts.. Barbara's History. A Novel. By Amelia B. Edwards. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y.. Barbauld, (Mrs.) Hymns in Prose for Children. Sm. 4to. cl. ex., $5 00; mor., $8 50. N. Y.. By Anthony Trollope. cts. N. N. Y... Barclay's Manual of Medical Diagnosis. 3d ed., 8vo cl., $3 50. Phila. Barlow, C. J. (Mrs.) Helen MacGregor; or, The Conquest and Sacrifice. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Phila... Barnaby Rudge. By Charles Dickens. 3 vols. 16mo. cl., per vol., $1 50. N. Y..... Barnaby, the Sand-tiller; or, The Planter's Ruse. By Dr. J. H. Robinson. 8vo. pap, 25 cts. N. Y... Barnard. H. German Educational Reformers. 8vo. cl. N. Y. 6. 12mo. cl., Boston. New ed. 12mo. pap. • Phila By J. F. Smith. 8vo. German Experience in the Organization, Instruction, and Dis- ciplíne of Public or Common Schools. 8vo. cl., $2 50. N. Y... Military Schools, and Course of Instruction on the Science and Art of War. 8vo. cl., 84 00.. $4 Crosby & A……………..186 3 Carters... Roberts Bros......18€ ¿ Crosby & Nichols..18€ @ Tilton & Co......18€. Crosby & Nichols.18€ " 64 Printed for Assoc..18€ Clayton & Medole..18€ 5 Univ. Pub. House..186 J. W. Woods.....186 .18€. Rudd & Carleton..18€ Jas. Redpath.....186. แ Bancroft & Co....1863 Philadelphia………….. 186 % Wilson & Co....186% W. F..Stanwood...186 Carlton & Porter..1863 P. Donahoe......18€ 66 Sadliers.... 186 Pbn. Pub. Com...186 66 Dick & Fitzgerald. 186 Am. News Co.....186 Mohum & Ebbs...1866 Am. Tract Soc. ...18€ Prot. Epis. S. S.U. 18€ 66 แ (6 " 44 Harpers.. Hurd & Houghton.186 Dick & Fitzgerald..18€% H. C. Lea.... Garrigues & Co...186 Hurd & Houghton. 186 F. A. Brady. .18€ F. C. Brownell... • …….186.2 .. ..18€ % .186. ....18 Lippincott & Co...180* 1861-66.] 15 BAR- -BAR Barnard H. Object-teaching, and Oral Lessons on Social Science and Com- mon Things. 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism. 8vo. cl., $2 50. N. Y... J. G. (Brig. Gen.) C. S. A. (The), and the Battle of Bull Run. แ 8vo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. 111 แ (6 แ แ (1 LC แ (( Barnet, J. The Barnum, H. L. P. T. Barnwell, 16. 66 Barnes, A. (Rev.) The Way of Salvation. 12mo. cl., $1 25. D. M. The Draft Riots in New York, July, 1863. cts.; cl., $1 00. N. Y.. Barnes, J. Wonderful Adventures by Land and Sea, of the Seven Queer Travellers who met at an Inn. 12mo. cl., $1 75. W. (Rev.) Lay Representation in the General Government of the Church Proven to be Unscriptural and Contrary to Sound Policy. 8vo. pamp. Phila. " แ "I เ " * 66 " pap., $2 50. Albany... Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois in the Great Rebellion. Edited by. 8vo. cl., $3 50. Chicago The Spy Unmasked. 16mo. pap., 40 cts. N. Y.. The Humbugs of the World. 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y... Game-Fish of the Northern States of America, and British Provinces. 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y. Memoir of (Printed for Private Circulation.) 8vo. pamp. Cincinnati. Barren Honor. A Novel. By the Author of "Guy Livingston,” etc. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y. Barrett, B. F. Catholicity of the New Church. 12mo. cl., $1 00. E. (Lt. U. S. N.) Dead Reckoning; or, Day's Work. limp, $1 25. N. Y. Barr, M., (Mrs.), · 66 Naval Gunnery Instruction, &c. $1 25. N. Y... Temporary Fortifications, Prepared Naval Service. 12mo. pap., 25 cts. Elizabeth G. B., The Poems of. 12mo. cl., $3 50. N. Y. J. H. Life of A. Lincoln. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Cin.. J. O. The Soldier Bird. A History of "Old Abe." 12mo. pap., 50 cts. Chicago.. W. Old Merchants of New York City (The). 1st, 2d, and 3d se- ries, 3 vols. 12mo. cl., ea., $1 75. N. Y. Vigor. A Novel. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y. Barrington. A Novel. By Charles Lever. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. F. C. Fitz-Hern; or, The Rover of the Irish Seas. 15.cts.. Boston. J. (Sir) Sketches. Bartholomew, J. G. (Rev.) "" Notes on Sea-Coast Defence. 8vo. cl., $200. N. Y... " Peninsular Campaign (The), and its Antecedents. 8vo. cl., $1 00. N. Y.. The Same. 12mo. Cheap Ed. pap., 30 cts. N. Y. and Barry, W. F. (Brig. Gen.) Report of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the Potomac, from its Organization to the Close of the Peninsular Campaign. 8vo. cl., $4 00.. N. Y.. " Phila. 8vo. pap., 50 N. Y.. 8vo. cl. 12mo. cl., for the N. Y. N. Y. 16mo. pap., Sunday-School Companion (The). 18mo. bds., 35 cts. Boston.. Bartnolow, R. Instructions for Enlisting and Discharging Soldiers. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Phila. Bartlett, J. R. 46 Bibliography of Rhode Island, 8vo. bds., $1 50. Providence. History of the Destruction of His Britannic Majesty's Schooner Gasper, on Narragansett Bay, 1772. Imp. 8vo. Providence F. C. Brownell....1861 ....1861 46 Van Nostrand.....1862 (( Ne Plus Ultra (The). 8vo. pamp. Phila. Poems in the Dorset Dialect. 16mo. cl., $1 50. Boston. Crosby & Nichols.1864 Settlement and Early History of Albany (The). 8vo. J. Munsell. 1864 • · • .. `J. Barnet, pr. .1865 G. P. Putnam. ...1864 Carleton...... .. .1865 ....1862 Gazette Pr. Co.....1863 Dick & Fitzgerald.1862 Masons.. ...1863 " 16 Phila..... Potter & Co.....1865 (6 "L (( ..1863 Lindsay & B... ...1863 Baker & Godwin..1863 ..1861 Sherman & Co....1864 "C ...1864 ..1864 ..1864 Carleton.. (( The Author......1864 Van Nostrand....1862 Van Nostrand....1863 Hurd & Houghton.1865 Moore, W. & B………….1864 A. L. Sewell..... ....1865 .1861-4 .1864 .1863 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y. Altar (The). A Service-Book for Sunday- Schools. 18mo. bds., 30 cts. Boston,... Tompkins & Co.... Comforter (The); or the Pastor's Friend. 8vo. Boston... mor., $4 00. แ Harpers... Elliot T. & Talbot...1865 Widdleton. .1865 68. ....1863 .1863 Lippincott & Co...1863 4. Anthony, Pr...1864 A. A. C. Green......1861 16 [AM. CAT. BARBEA Bartol, C. A. (Rev.) The Unspotted Life. A Discourse in Memory of Rev. T. S. King. 8vo. pap., 15 cts. Boston. Barton Todd. By Aunt Friendly. 18mo. cl., 60 cts. N. Y.... Bascom, J. Esthetics; or, the Science of Beauty. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. Basil, the Faithful Boy. 32mo. cl., 20 cts. N. Y……. Baskerville Poetry of Germany. 12mo. cl., $2 00. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.). Batchelder, S. Cotton Manufacture in the United States. 12mo. cl., 60 cts. Boston..... Bateman, C. T. Noah and other Poems. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Cinn………. Bates, E. P. (AM) English Analysis; containing Forms for the Complete Analysis of English Composition. 12mo, 35 cts. Boston... (6 J. A Memorial of, from the City of Boston. r. 8vo. cl., $1 50. Boston. Batiste, E. Fifty Pieces for the Organ. 4to. bds., $3 50; cl.. $4 00. Boston. Gordon's Collection of Organ Voluntaries. Selected from the Works of. 4to. bds., $2 75; cl, $3 25. N. Y.. Battle-Fields of Our Fathers (The). By Virginia F. Townsend. 12mo. cl.. $1 25. · N. Y…. Battle-Fields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh. By an Eng- lish Combatant. 8vo cl., $3 00. N. Y.. Battle of Waterloo (The). By Victor Hugo. By Victor Hugo. 16mo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y.. Military and Camp Hospitals, and the Health of Troops in the Field. Translated from the French by F. B. Hough, M.D. 12mo, cl., $1 25. N. Y... Bawdens, Bauer, L. (M.D.) Lectures on Orthopedic Surgery. r. 8vo. cl., $1 50. Phila. Baumbach, A. Melodica; or, the Art of Playing the Flute made Easy: Oblong, pap., 75 cts. Chicago. Sacred Quartetts; a Collection of Pieces for the Opening. and Close of Services. Oblong folio, cl., $4 00. Boston.. Baunscheidt, Chas. Baunscheidtismus; or, the New Curing Method, im- proved by Dr. J. Firmenich. 8vo. cl., $1 50. Buffalo.. [||] "[ 66 • • " Walker, Wise & Co.1864 Randolph... ..1863 Crosby & Nichols.. 1862 Prot. Ep. S. S. U..1863 Philadelphia......1865 Little, Brown & Co.1863 Moore, W. & B...1865 Crosby & Nichols..1862 Farwell & Co. Prs..1865 Ditson & Co......1865 S. T. Gordon.....1865 Jno. Bradburn……..1864 " (6 Baillières. 1861 Lindsay & B. 1864 · H. M. Higgins....1863 Bausman, B. Sinai and Zion. New ed. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Phila.. Baxley, H, W. (M.D.) What I Saw on the West Coast of South and North America. 8vo. cl., $4 00. N. Y. Baxter, M. (Rev.) Louis Napoleon the Destined Monarch of the World. 12mo. pap., 75 cts.; cl., $1 00. Phila.. W. Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove; or, Scenes and Incidents of the War in Arkansas. 16mo. cl., 90 cts. Cinn..... Baxter's, W. C. (Lt.-Col.), Volunteer's Manual. 2 Parts. 12mo., 25 cts. Phila Bay-Path (The). Bayard, By Timothy Titcomb. (Dr. J. G. Holland.) 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.. (MM.) et Lemoine, G. La Niaise de Saint-Flour, Comedie- Vaudeville en Un Acte. 12mo. pap., 30 cis. Boston S. R. Urbino.....1865 Baylis, C. (Mrs.) The Blessedness of the Righteous Dead. A Funeral Discourse on the Death of Delivered February 11, 1863. By Rev. J. C. French. 8vo. N. Y……. Workmen and their Difficulties. 16mo., 90 cts. N. Y. The Love of Religious Perfection Translated from the Latin. 18mo. cl., 75 cts. Baltimore.... The Testimony of Christ to Christianity. 16mo. cl., 90 cts. Boston. Bayly (Mrs.) Bayma, J. (Father.) Bayne. Peter (A.M.). Beach, Elizabeth T. P. 12mo. cl., $2 00; cl. ex., $3 00; mor,, $5 00: Appletons. Beadle's Comic and Sentimental Song Book. (New No. 1.) 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y…. Pelayo. An Epic of the Olden Moorish Times. Dime Book of Verses. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y…. 66 Nightingale Pocket Songster. (No. 2.) 64mo., pap., 10 cts. N. Y. Pocket Songster. 64mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y. Song Books. (Nos. 1 to 16.) 16mo. pap., each 10 cts. N. Y.. "Tales, Traditions, and Romances of Border and Revolutionary Times. Edward S. Ellis, Editor. 12mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y.. Ten Cent Song Book for the Million. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y., Ditson & Co......1863 Firmenich & Co. 1868 Lindsay & B......1865 Appletons.. Martiens. Poe & Hitchcock...1864 King & Baird.....1864 C. Scribner... ..1862 แ ( ...1863 ....1863 Gray & Green Prs.1863 Carters.. ...1861 Murphy & Co....1865 Gould & Lincoln..1862 " * • "" Beadle & Co......1865 แ ..1863 (6 .1865 .1863 .1864 .1865 .1865 .1865 ·· ...1864 .1863 1861-66.] 17 BEA-BEL Beall, J. Y. The Pirate Spy. By Lieut.-Col. - N. Y... Bear-Hunters of the Rocky Mountains (The). By Anne Bowman. cl, 75 cts. Boston. Beardsley E. E. (D.D.) History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. 8vo. cl., $4 00. N. Y.. Bearing the Cross; or, The Divine Master. Beasley, H. (M. D.) The Book of Prescriptions. The Druggist's Receipt Book. $175. Phila.. Beck, J. B. (M.D.) T. R. (M.D.) - Beatrice. By Julia Kavanagh. 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y. Beatrice Cenci. By F. D. Guerrazzi. 12mo. cl, $1 75. N. Y.. Beaujoint, J. Les Nuits de Paul Niquet. 4to. pap., 50 cts. N. Y. Beauties of Sacred Literature, selected from Various Authors. Edited by a Lay Member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 12mo. cl., $2 50. N. Y. Beautiful Widow (The). By Mrs. P. B. Shelley. 12mo. pap, $1 50.; cl., $2.00. Phila.. Spy (The). By C. Burdett. 12mo. cl., $175. Beauty and the Beast. Illustrated by H. L. Stephens. $1 50. N. Y of Immanuel (The). By Le Roy J. Halsey. Phila Beauvais, J. A. A Statement of Facts respecting a Contract made with Rev. W. Craig. 8vo. pamp. New Bedford. Bechard, F. L'Echappé de Paris. 8vo pap., 40 cts. N. Y. Bechler. G. R. Atlas showing Battles, Engagements, and Important Locali- ties connected with the Campaigns in Virginia. Oblong 8vo. 16 plates, cl., $3 00. Phila Essays on Infant Therapeutics. Third ed., revised and enlarged. 12mo. cl., $1 00 N Y. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. "C Twelfth ed. Revised by C. R. Gilman, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. shp. $12 00. Phila.. Bed-Time Series, 8 vols., 18mo. cl., $4 00. Boston. Bede, C. Nearer and Dearer. A Novelette.. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y... Verdant Green. 12mo. cl, $1 50. N. Y. Bedford, G. S. (M.D.) Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of Women and Children. Eighth ed. Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. cl., $4 00., N. Y.. Principles and Practice of Obstetrics. Third ed. Revised and enlarged. 8vo. cl., $5 00. N. Y. (The). By J. S. Harrison. 12mo. cl., $1 75. San Francisco.. Religious Training of Children in the School, the Family, and the Church. 12mo. cl., $1 75 N. Y. Redeemer and Redeemed. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Boston. Aids to Prayer. 16mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y...... Eyes and Ears. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Boston. Freedom and War. Discourses on Topics sug- Bee-Keeper's Directory Beecher, Catherine E. 16 Beecher, Chas. (Rev.) H. W. (Rev.) "L " I .. แ 12mo. pap., 10 cts. 16mo. · "L 18mo. cl, 75 cts. N. Y... 8vo. cl., $4 00. Phila.. Fifth ed. 12mo. shp., Phila.. Square 12mo. cl., 12mo. cl., 12mo. cl., $1 50. • • T. R. Dawley.....1865 Crosby & Nichols..1862 Hurd & Houghton.1865 Prot. Ep. S. S. U..1862 Lindsay & B.. 1865 แ • Appletons.. Carleton... H. De Mareil.... .1865 • * Kelley & Bro.....1864 Petersons.. .1865 Potter & Co......1865. "" 1865 .1865 Hurd & Houghton .1865 Pres. Bd. Pub.....1861 A. Anthony, Pr...1864 Chas. Lassalle....1863 F. Leypoldt….......1865 W. Wood & Co...1864 น Lippincott & Co...1863 Mass. S. S. Soc...1864 Carleton .1864 .1863 66 gested by the Times. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Boston. Lectures to Young Men on Various Important Subjects. New ed., with additional Lectures. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Boston. Lyman (D.D.). Autobiography and Correspondence of Edited by 2 vols. 12mo. cl, (Rev.) Chas. Beecher. $5 00. N. Y... Life and Services of. By Rev. D. H. Allen, D.D. 8vo. pamp. Cinn... Beginning of America (The). A Discourse delivered before the New York Historical Society, November 17, 1863, by Erastus C. Benedict. 8vo. pap. N Y. Being Somebody. By Miss E. A. Chase. 16mo. cl., 85 cts. Phila. Belcher, J., (Rev.) Sketches for the Young. 16mo. cl., 35 cts. N. Y...... Belding, Pamelia. An Infant Class Manual. 16mo. cl., 75 cts. Cinn.. Belgiojoso, (Princess). Oriental Harems and Scenery. Translated from the French. 12 mo. cl., $125. N. Y. Carleton..........1862 W. Wood & Co...1863 ...1862 Bancroft & Co....1862 ی .1864 Harpers. Lee & Shepard...1865 Randolph.. ..1864 Ticknor & Fields..1862 ..1863 ..1863 Harpers........1864–5 Juhnson, S. & Co...1863 The Society.......1864 Challen & Son....1859 Amer. Tract Soc..1861 Poe & Hitchcock..-1865 18 [AM. CAT. BELBER Belial. A Novel. 8vo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y.... Believer's Refuge (The). By Rev. J. P. Thompson. 24mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y. Belknap, D. P. Probate Law and Practice of California. Second ed. 8vo. shp., $7 50. San Francisco... Bell, Catherine D. Jane Thorn; or, The Head or the Heart. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. Boston. Jenny Carter; or, Trust in God. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. 1 แ "" แ Bellenger, " "L แ (6 แ Boston Ned, the Shepherd Boy. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. Boston... Philip and Bessie; or, Wisdom's Ways. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. Boston.. Bentwright, J. Berard, A. B. Berkeley, Bernhard, W. • .. Trust in God; or, Jenny's Trials. 18mo. cl., 35 cts. Boston... Two Ways (The). 18mo. cl., 35 cts. Boston.. Way to be Happy (The); or, Willie the Gardener Boy. 18mo. cl., 35 cts. Willie and Charlie; or, The Way to be Happy. cl., 40 cts. Boston.. Pleasures of the Intellect. Phila. J. (Rev.) A Man; or, The Highest cl., $1 50. L. (Gen.) See Bouton, J. B. L. V. (Dr.) A Discourse on the Life and Character of. By Dr. J. Ray. 8vo. pamp. Boston... • W. E. Carpentry made Easy. Plates. 8vo. cl., $5 00. Phila.. Bella Burt, the Bushwhacker's Daughter. By E. Willett. 8vo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y... Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison. Written by Herself (Mrs. Hardinge). With an Introduction by G. A Sala. 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y.... • New Guide to Modern Conversations in French and English. New edition. Revised by C, and H. Witcomb. 16mo. cl., $1.00. Phila.. Phila... Bellew, (Capt.). The Young Cadet. A Novel. 8vo. Beu Hamed; or, the Children of Fate. By S. Cobb, Jr. Boston.. Ben. Ross; a Sequel to Rosa Lane. 16mo. cl., 90 cts. Phila. Benedix, R. Obstinacy; or, Who Shall Yield? A Comedy in One Act. Transfated. 16mo. pap., 25 cts. Phila... (( See Wilhelmi, U. Benet, S. V. (Capt.) Treatise on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial. 8vo. shp $4 50. N. Y.... Bengel, J. A. Gnomon of the New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo. cl., $9 00. Benjamin, S. G. W. Constantinople, the Isle of the Sea, and other Poems. 12mo. Boston. Ode on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 12mo. pap., 25 cts. Boston... Song of the Rivers. 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y. H. E. The Gold Robbers. A Story of Australia. 16mo. pap. Boston. Benson, E. Vindication of the Captors of Major André. With Introduc- tion and Appendix. 8vo. N. Y. The Same. 8vo. pap. $2 00. N. Y Bensley. A Story of To-Day. By the Author of "Life Before Him." 16mo. pap., 30 cts..; cl., 60 cts. N. Y. 'Bentley; or, the Spoiled Child. 18mo. cl., 60 cts. Boston. Benton, J. G. (Capt.) Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery. Second Edition. 8vo. cl., $5 00. N. Y. Thos. H. Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1787 to 1856. Vols 15, 16. 8vo. cl., per vol., $5 00. N. Y. American Horse-Tamer and Farrier. 16mo. pap., 50 cts. Cinn... N. Y. Bennett, Emily T. B. • Boston.. 18mo. 12mo. · pap., 50 cts. N. Y. 16mo, pap., 10 cts. • School History of England. 12mo. cl., $1 50. (Bp.) Life of 16mo. cl., $1 00. N. Y. The Book of One Hundred Beverages. 16mo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y... Bernice, the 'Farmer's Daughter. By C. E. Kelly. 18mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. Berriman, M. W. (Maj.) Sword-Play. 12mo. cl. $1 00. N. Y.. Berry, J. S. Comic Song Book. Comic Song Book. 18mo, pap, 10 cts. N. Y... • Harpers.. Randolph. Bancroft & Co....1861 H. Hoyt... "( "( ( • • "L .. 1862 1865 1861 .1861 .1861 Am. Tract Soc....1863 เ ....1863 ..1863 .1861 H. Hoyt. .....1861 Challen & Son...1859 Eastburn's Press..1863 Challen & Son...1858 Am. News Co....1865 Blelock & Co.....1865 F. Leypoldt.. ....1865 F. A. Brady.. 1865 ... Elliott, Thomas &T.1864 Am. S. S. U………….1865 F. Leypoldt.......1865 • Van Nostrand....1862 Perkinpine & H.1860-2 N. J. Bartlett.....1861 • • W. V. Spencer. .1865 Dexter & Co......1865 Elliott, Thomas & T..1865 Privately Printed..1865 Jos. Sabin. ..1865 Gregory.. .1863 Mass. S. S. Soc...1864 Van Nostrand....1862 Appletons........1861 J. R. Hawley & Co.1864 Barnes & Burr....1861 Prot. Ep. S. S. U..1861 .. Dick & Fitzgerald.1862 H. Hoyt.. .1865 Van Nostrand... .1861 R. M. De Witt....1865 1861-66.] 19 BERBIC Berry, M. E. (Mrs.) Mattie Carson's Early Years. 18mo. cl., 70 cts. Boston. Bertha By Mrs. Pierson. 16mo. cl., 68 cts. N. Y.. Bertha Weisser's Wish. A Christmas Story. By M. L. B. cts. Boston.. 16mo. cl., 75 44 Berthet, Elie, L'Oiseau du Désert. 8vo. pap., 75 cts. N. Y.. Der Follsvachter, bearbeitet von H. von Veltheim. 12mo. pap. 50 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.) Bertie Lee. 16mo. cl., 75 cts. N. Y. Besser, W. F. (D.D.) St. Paul, the Apostle. A Biblical Portrait and a Mir- ror of the Manifold Graces of God. Translated by by F. Putmann. With an Introduction by Rev. J. S. Houston, D.D. 12mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y... Bessie Brown, the Soldier's Daughter. By the Author of "Opposite the Jail." 16mo. cl., $1 15. Boston... Gordon. Six Days in her Life. 16mo. cl, 60 cts. Boston. Grey; or, the Value of Little Labors. 16mo. cl., 75 cts. Haren; or, The Little Girl who wanted to Shine. Grahame. 15mo. cl., 60 cts. Phila.. Lane's Mistake. By the Author of "Money." 16mo. cl., $1 25. Phila .. Lovel; or, the Power of Loving Children. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. Am. Tract Soc....1865 Bessie's Visit. By the Author of "The Best Friend." 18mo. cl., 60 cts. Boston. Bethlehem. By F. W. Faber, D.D. Bethune, G. W. (D.D.) (6 46 | | 1 "L " • Beulah. A Novel. By Augusta J. Evans. 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y. Beyond the Lines; or, a Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie. By Capt. J. J. Geer. With an Introduction by Rev. Alex. Clark. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Phila. Bible Atlas and Gazetteer. Sup. r. 8vo. cl., 90 cts. N. Y. An Index to the. With Suggestions for the Proper Reading of the Scriptures. 18mo. pap., 8 cts. Boston... as an Education Power among the Nations (The). By J. S. Hart. 16mo. pap, 25 cts... Class in the Parsonage (The). 18mo. cl., 55 cts. N. Y. Daniel with its Apocryphal Additions. Translated by L. A. Sawyer. 12mo. cl., $1 00. Boston. Lessons in Palestine. By Rev. W. P. Breed. 18mo. bds., $1 25. Phila... (Holy). │I Phila... By Nellie 12mo. cl., $1 50. Baltimore. British Female Poets. 12mo. cl., $3 50. Phila... Phila... Expository Lectures on the Heidelberg Catechism. 2 vols. 8vo. cl., $4 50. N. Y... Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune. 12mo, cl., $1 50. N. Y... The Same. (Holy Catholic). • Containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated out of the Original Tongues. Former Translations compared and revised. 12mo. With ref., $1 30 to $2 50; without ref., $1 20 to $2 40. N. Y………… Pearl 18mo. References, 65 cts. to $1 45. N. Y..... Translated from the Latin Vulgate. Carefully printed from the edition of 1844. Royal 4to. Forty- two parts, each 25 cts. N.Y.. (The Family.) Containing the Old and New Testaments, with Notes, References, and Marginal Readings of the Polyglot Bible. Sup. r. 8vo. Maps. Shp., $5 00; gilt, $6 50. N. Y, Illustrations, being a Storehouse, of Similes, Allegories, and Anecdotes. By R. Newton, D.D. 12mo. cl., $1 50. Phila. Servitude re-examined with reference to Pro-Slavery. By Rev. R. Hatch. 12mo. cl. Cin... Stories in Verse for the Little Ones at Home. By Anna M. Hyde, Sq. 12mo. cl., 81 25. N. Y... Bibliographical Tracts. Number One. Spurious Reprints of Early Books. R. 8vo. pap., $1 25. Bibliothek der gesammten popularen Wissenschaften. Vol. I. "Aus dem Reiche der Naturwissenschaft." Von R. Bernstein. 12mo. pap, 82 50; cl. gilt, $3 50. N. Y.... Bickersteth E. (Rev.) The Devout Communicant. New ed., 48mo. cl., 50 cts. Boston. Mass. S. S. Soc...1864 Prot. Ep. S. S. U.1865 Dutton & Co... 1863 Chas. Lassalle.. St. Louis.... Carters. ....1864 " " ** .1863 • H. Hoyt. .1864 Mass. S. S. Soc...1864 Pbn. Bd. Pub.....1863 .....1863 Harpers... G. W. Carleton. • .. 1864 .1862 Mass. S. S. S....1865 Murphy & Co.....1861 Lindsay & B. ....1861 Sheldon & Co.....1864 " .1865 J. W. Doughaday. 1863 Am. Tract Soc....1862 .1862 ....1863 Garrigues & Co...1862 Carlton & Porter..1863 Walker, W. & Co..1864 Pbn. Bd Pub.....1865 Boston. Am. Bible Soc....1863 (L ....1863 Johnson, F. & Co.1863-5 Am. Tract Soc....1862 Smith, E., & Co...1863 Applegate & Co...1862 Jas. Miller. .1863 .1865 E. Steiger……….....1865 Dutton & Co…... .1864 20 [AM. CAT. BIC BLA Bicknell, G. A. Biddle, J. B. (M.D.) The Practice of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the State of Indiana in Civil Cases. 8vo. shp., $6 00. Cinn... R. Clark & Co...1864 Materia Medica, for the Use of Sudents. 8vo. cl., $3 50. Phila.. Biddy Malone; or, Bundle of Silk. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. Bidwell, G. H. Printer's and Publisher's Hand-Book. limp, 75 cts. N. Y.. W. H. Big Tree (The) Bigelow, E. B. Imperial Courts of France, England, Russia, Prussia, &c. Imp. 8vo., mor. extra, $12 50. N. Y.. Illus. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. Phila. The Tariff Question considered in regard to the Policy of England and the Interest of the United States. 4to. cl., $5.00. Boston... Bilder, Lebende aus Paris. PRO Interessante Erzahlungen und Begebenheiten aus der Neuzeut. 12mo., 30 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.) St. Louis.. Billings, E. On the Date of the recently published Report of the Superin- tendent of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin. 8vo. pamphlet. Madison….. Billy Morris's Songs. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. Boston. Bingham, L. M. (Lieut.) The Young Quartermaster. The Life and Death of. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y. Biographies of Successful Philadelphia Merchants. By S. N. Winslow. 8vo. cl., $1 50. Phila Bird, (Dr.) Calavar; the Knight of the Conquest. 12mo. cl., $200. N. Y.. J. (Rev.) The Martyr of Lebanon. With an Introduction by Rev. J. Hawes. 16mo. cl., 80 cts. Boston... Birks, T. R. (Rew) The Bible and Modern Thought. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Cinn 8vo. pamp. 46 ་ Bisbee, O. The Practical Education of Boys. An Address. Poughkeepsie.. Bishallany, Antonio. Sketch of (a Syrian of Mount Lebanon). By Rev C. Whitehead. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y... . . . . Bishop, A. W. (Lt.-Col.) Loyalty on the Frontier; or, Sketches of Union Men of the Southwest. 12mo. cl. St. Louis.. J. L. (M.D.) History of American Manufactures from 1806 to 1860. 2 vols. 8vo. cl., $6 00. Phila.. J. P. Commentaries on the Criminal Law, 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $15 00. Boston... Y... Commentaries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. 2 vols. 8vo., sheep, $15 00. Boston... P. P. Liberty's Ideal. 16mo. cl., 90 cents. N. Y Seabury and Bishop Provoost; an Historical Fragment. By Rev. W. S. Perry. 8vo. pamphlet. Privately printed... Bishop's Little Daughter (The). 12mo. cl., 90 cents. N. Y.. Bit of Green (The). A Touching Story of Patience under Severe Trial cl.,. 25 cents. Phila.. Bitter-Sweet. A Poem. By J. G. Holland. With Illustrations by G. J. Whitney. Small 4to. Cl. ex, $5 00. Mor. $7 50.. Bivouac and the Battle-field (The). By Capt. G. F. Noyes. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y.. Phila.... 16mo. pap., 50 cts. ; Black Bess; or, Claude to the Rescue. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y Cliff (The), and other Tales on the Parables. By A. L. O. G. 16mo. cl., 60 cts. N. Y.. Hollow; or, the Dragoon's Bride. By A. C. Ivon. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y By Panther (The); or, A Boy's Adventure among the Redskins. Sir C. F. Raxall. 12mo. cl., $1 25. Boston... Ship (The). By John S. Warner. 12mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y... Ship (The). 16mó. cl., 90 cts. N. Y Ship (The) With other Allegories and Parables. 18mo., 90 cts. N. Y.... Blackburn, W. M. (Rev.) " (6 (2 Exiles of Madera. 12mo. cl., 90 cts. Phila. Judas the Maccabee, and the Asmonean Princes. 16mo. cl., 60 cts. Phila... Rebel Prince (The.) 12mo..cl., 90 cts. Phila. Blacksmith's Revenge (The). 18mo., 30 cts. Phila.. K Lindsay & B…………. 1865 Pbn. Bd. Pub………..1864 Raymond & Caulon.1865 W. H. Bidwell....1862 Am. S. S. U......1861 Little, Brown & Co. 1868 F. Saler ….1865 Calkins & Co., Pr..1862 Russell & Co.....1864 Bd, Pub. D. Ch....1864 J. K. Simon......1864 Widdleton........1864 Am. Tract Soc....1865 Poe & Hitchcock...1864 Platt&Schram Prs.'63 Am. Tract Soc...1863 Studley & Co., Prs..1863 G. Young & Co.1861-5 Little, Brown & Co.1865 "L 1864 Sheldon & Co.....1864 • .1862 Prot. Epis. S. S. U. 1863 Am. S. S. V………….1862 C. Scribner......1863 Harpers.. F. A. Brady... Carters..... Beadle & Co......1864 .1864 .....1862 ...1862 .. Burnham.. 1864 Beadle & Co... ..1863 Prot. Ep. S. S. U. 1862 .4. • Carters. .1861 Pbn. Bd. Pub………..1862 " " Am. S. S. U.....1865 1864 1864 1861-66.] 21 BLA—BOD Blackwell, R. S. A Practical Treatise on the Power to sell Land for the non-payment of Taxes. 2d Ed. Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. shp., $6 00 Boston. Blade and the Ear (The). Thoughts for a Young Man. By A. B. Muzzey.. 16mo. cl., $1 60. Boston. Frank Eston; or, The Joy of Believing in Jesus. 16mo. cl., 60 cts. Phila... 12mo. cl., Blake, C. L. (Mrs.) H. N. (Capt.) Three Years in the Army of the Potomac. $150. Boston,. N. Y. Blanchard, C. Religio-Political Physics. 16mo. pap., 20c. N. Y Blanche; or, The Lost Diamond. By S. R. Urban. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. Blanche's Lesson, and other Tales. 12mo. cl., 50 cts. Phila. Bleak House. By Chas. Dickens. 4 vols. lömo. cl., per vol. 1 50. N. Y. Bleecker, L. (Capt.) The Order Book of (Major of Brigade under Gen. Jas. Clinton, 1779). With Introduction and Notes by F. B. Hough, M.D. 4to. pap., $6 00. N. Y.. N. Y........ Jos. Sabin.......1865 Blennerhassett Papers (The). With a Memoir. By W. H. Safford. 8vo. cl, $3 50. Cin. Blessings in Disguise; or, Pictures of some of Miss Haydon's Girls. 12mo. cl., 45 cts.... Blessner, G. Flora Sacra. A New Collection of Church Music. Oblong bds, $1 00. N. Y.. Moore & Baldwin. 1864 Carlton & Porter.1863 S. T. Gordon………..1864 Am. S. S. U. ....1862 Blind Amos and his Velvet Principles. 18mo. cl., 50 cts. Phila.. Annie Lorimer. By the Author of "George Miller and his Mother." 18mo. cl., 60c. Phila... Bartimeus. By Rev. W. J. Hodge, D.D. 18mo. cl., 40c. N. Y Blinn, L. J. A Practical Workshop Companion for Tin, Sheet-Iron, and Cop- Phila.. per Plate Workers. 12mo. cl., $2 50. Boston... Blood, B. Optimism the Lesson of Ages. 12mo. Bloom of Youth (The); or, Worthy Examples. Selected by the late Rev. Joseph Belcher. 16mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y... Blossoms of Spring. By Hudson and Emma Tuttle. 12mo. cl., $100. Boston. Blot, P. What to Eat, and How to Cook it. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y.... Blount, Margaret: A Dangerous Woman. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y.. Downe Reserve; or, The Mystery of Wishing Well. 8vo. pap, 50 cts. N. Y... 66 8vo. Hallow-Ash Hall; A Story of a Haunted House. pap., 25 cts. N. Y. Kitty Atherton; or, a Broken Life. 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y... แ แ • Little, Brown & Co.1864 W. V. Spencer...1864 Pun. Bd. Pub…….. 1864 Lee & Shepard...1865 C. Blanchard.....1861 F. A. Brady.. .....1864 Pbn. Bd. Pub ....1865 Hurd & Houghton. 1865 Pbn. Bd. Pub………….1861 Am Truct Soc.,...1868 1865 H. B. Baird..... Bela Marsh...... .1861 Am. Tract Soc.. .1863 Win. White. .1864 Appletons.. ....1864 F. A. Brady. 1864 F. A. Brady......1864 F. A. Brady.....1864 " # "L Orphan of Chanley (The). 8vo. pap., 25 cts. N. Y. Blue Book (The). Abridged; or, Biennial Register of Officers, Civil, Military, and Naval, corrected to Oct. 1864. Compiled by J. Disturnell. 12mo. pap., 30 cts. N. Y.... Book; or, Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the Service of the United States; corrected to Nov. 1862. Compiled by J. Disturnell. 8vo. cl., $1 50. N. Y…. Flag (The). 18mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y... 18mo. cl., 75 cts. Phila.. Socks (The); or, Count the Cost. Blues and Carmines of Indigo. By F. C. de Dole. Translated from the French, with additions, by Prof. H. Dussauce. 12mo. cl., $2 50. Phila.. Seaside and Fireside Fairies. Translated. By A. L. Wister. 12mo. vel. cl., $1 75. Phila. Liberia's Offering. Being Addresses, Sermons, etc. 8vo. pap... Blum, G. and Wahl. L. Blyden, E. W. (Rev.) Boardman, H. A. (Rev.) The Rook. 12mo., $1 25. Phila. Bob Brant. Patriot and Spy. By E. Willet. 8vo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y.... S. Tousey. Saybrook; or, Faithful unto Death. 16mọ. cl., 65 cts..... Smith's Clown Son and Joke Book. 18mo. pap., 10 cts. Walker; or, The Boy who couldn't get up in the morning.. 18mo. cl., 30 cts. Phila. Bobbin Boy (The); or, How Nat got his Learning. By W. M. Thayer. 16mo. cl., $1 25. Boston. Bodemann, Th. and Kerl. B. A Treatise on the Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mercury. Translated by W. A. Goodyear. 12mo. plates, cl., $2 50. N. Y.. ·· .1863 .1864 Am. News Co ...1864 ..1868 J. H. Colton.. Am. Tract Soc....1881 Am. S. S. U………. .1868 H. C. Baird......1863 Ashmead & Evans. 1864 New York. .1862 Am. S. S. U.. .1861 1864 Bridgman & Childs1865 R. M. De Witt....1865 Pbn. Bd. Pub………….1865 Tilton & Co......1861 .. Wiley & Son.....1865 22 [AM. OAT. BOE-BOO Boehm, H. (Rev.) Bogart, Elizabeth. Bohemians of London (The). Reminiscences of Sixty-four Years in the Ministry. Edited by J. B. Wakeley. 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y. Driftings from the Stream of Life. A Collection of Fu- gitive Poems. 16mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y. CL By E. M. Whitty. With a Notice of the Author. By Dr. R. Mackenzie. 12mo. pap., $1 50; cl., $2 00. Phila. Boker, G. H. Our Heroic Themes. A Poem. 16mo pap., 10 cts. Boston. Poems of the War. 16mo. cl., $1 50. Boston... Bold Scalp-Hunters (The). By L A. Jones. 16mo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y.. 10 cts. N. Y... Bolton, C. W. (Rev.) Keep to the Right. 16mo. limp, 25 cts. N. Y. Bonar, H. (D.D.) Family Sermons 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y.... God's Way of Holiness. 12mo. cl., $1 50. N. Y……………. God's Way of Peace. A Book for the Anxious. 16mo. cl., 60 cts. N. Y ( The Same. 18mo. cl. 60 cts. Phila. Hymns of Faith and Hope. Second Series. 12mo. $1 50. N. Y... Words to the Winners of Souls. 18mo. cl., 45 cts. Boston L'Instructeur de l'Enfance. 12mo. cl., 90 cts. Boston.... Account of the Great Comet of 1858. 4to. cl., $12 00. Cambridge... แ แ Boncoeur, L Bond, G. P. || || " *( | || Thos. E. (M.D.) Practical Treatise on Dental Medicine. Third ed. 8vo., $3 00. Phila.. Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells. Second ed. revised and enlarged. 16mo. cl., 75 cts.. Bonney, Chas. C. Rules of Law for the Carriage and Delivery of Persons and Property by Railway. 8vo. shp., $3 00. Chicago. E. Banditti of the Prairies. 12mo. pap., 75 cts.. S. W. (Rev.) Seaman's Compass and Chart; for Daily Use Afloat and Ashore. 18mo. cl., 75 cts. N.Y.. Bonus, T. (Rev.) The Shadows of the Rood. Revised ed. 12mo. cl., $2 00; hf. cf., $1 50. Cin... Book about Doctors (A). By J. C. Jeaffreson. 12mo. cl., $1 75. N. Y... Hunter (The). By J. H. Burton. With Notes by R. G. White. 8vo. cl., $1 50. N. Y.. of Animals. Illus. Sq. 12mo. 90 cts. 90 cts. N. Y. of Ballads (The). (Bon Gaultier.) By W. E. Aytoun and T. Martin. 8vo. cl., $1 50. N. Y. · • • of Beverages. By W. Bernhard. 16mo. pap., 50 cts. N. Y of Bubbles (The). Oblong plates, cl., $2 00. N. Y. of Common Prayer (The) By Chas. W. Sheilds, D.D. New ed. 16mo. cl., $2 50. Phila.. of Common Prayer (The). 24mo. cl., $1 25: mor., $3 50. Boston. of Days (The). Edited by R. Chambers. 2 vols. R. 8vo. cl., per vol., $10 00. Phila of Golden Deeds (A). By the Author of the "Heir of Redclyffe.' 16mo. vel., $1 75. Cambridge.. of Marks for the Chapter (The), 4to. 100 marks, $2 50; 150 marks. $3 00; 200 marks, $3 50. N. Y.... of Nonsense (A.) By Edward Lear. New ed. Oblong 8vo., bds. $1 50. N. Y. of One Hundred Pictures. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. Phila.. The Same. 18mo. cl., 40 cts. N. Y.. · of Praise (The). Selected and Arranged by R. Palmer. 16mo. vel., $1 75. Cambridge... of Prayer (A) for the Church and the Home. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Boston.. of Psalms (The), in a Series of Questions, Historical, Critical, and Prac- tical. By E. W. Jones. 18mo. bds., 40 cts. N. Y.. Key to Do. 18mo. bds., 40 cts. N. Y.. of Rubies (The). A Collection of Love-Poems. 8vo. cl. ex. $7 00; mor., $10 00. N. Y. of the Prophet Stephen, Son of Douglas. Wherein Marvellous Things are Foretold of the Reign of Abraham. 16mo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y... of the Prophet Stephen, Son of Douglas. Book 2d. 16mo., pap., 15 cts. N. Y.. Carlton & Porter..1865 Hurd & Houghton.1865 Petersons. • .1864 Ticknor & Fields..1865 "6 ..1864 Munro & Co.... ..1865 Randolph. Carter's ..1864 ..1864 64 .1864 • • แ ..1864 Pbn. Pub. Com...1864 Carters. 1864 Am. Tract Soc.. 1865 S. R. Urbine.....1864 • Welch, B. & Co...1862 Lindsay & B….....1863 Lippincott & Co..1865 E. B. Myers. Petersons.. 1864 ..1862 Am. Tract Soc....1862 J. P. Walsh......1862 G. W. Carleton...1864 Sheldon & Co.....1862 Carters... 1864 .1865 Widdleton.. Dick & Fitzgerald. 1862 Endicott & Co....1864 Jas. S. Claxton...1865 Dutton & Co.....1865 Lippincott & Co.1863-4 Sever.& Francis..1865 Clark & Maynard. 1864 .. J. Bradburn.. 1865 Am. S. S. U.....1861 Carlton & Porter..1865 Sever & Francis...1868 Tompkins & Co...1864 Randolph. แ .1864 ...1864 Scribner & Co....1865 U Feeks & Bancker..1863 J. F. Feeks.... ..1864 1861-66.] 23 BOO-BOW Book of School Mottoes. Fol. pap., 75 cts. N. Y.... of Vespers. An Order of Evening Worship. 12mo. cl., $ 50. N. Y. Books of Blessing (The). 8 vols. 18mo. cl., in box, $3 25. N. Y……… Booksellers' and Stationers' Trade List (The). 8vo. ci., $5 00. N. Y... Boone, D. Life of. By C. B. Hartley. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Phila Booth, Mary H. Wayside Blossoms among Flowers from German Gardens. 18mo. bds., $1 00. Phila...... $1-25. By O. S. Sunday-School Hymn Book. 24mo. cl., 50 cts. N. Y.. Border and Bastile. By the Author of "Guy Livingston." 12mo. cl., N. Y. Border Lines of Knowledge in Some Provinces of Medical Science. W. Holmes, M.D. 12mo. cl., 75 cts. Boston. Spy; or, The Beautiful Captive of the Rebel Camp. A Story of the War. By Lieut.-Col. Hazeltine. 8vo. pap., 10 cts. N. Y. Borne, L. Sammtliche Werke. 5 vols. 12mo. bds., $5 00; cl., gilt, $7 00. N. Y... • Boston Business and Copartnership Directory (The). 16mo., 50 cts. Boston. (Mass.) Directory for 1865-6. 8vo. bds., $3 00. Boston. Board of Trade Reports, for 1861, '2, '3, '4, and '5. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston.. แ Boutelle, J. A. Bouton, J. B. • Bostwick, H. L. (Mrs.) Buds, Blossoms, and Berries. 16mo. cl., 75 cts. N. Y. Bote, der kinkende am Mississippi pro 1865. Per doz., 60 cts. (N. Y.: E. Steiger.).. Both, C. (Dr.) A Sketch of the Theory and Cure of Phthisis. 8vo. pap., 50 cts. Boston. Botta, V. Dante as Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet. Cr. 8v. cl., $2 50. N. Y. "Discourse on the Life, &c., of Count Cavour. 8vo., $1 00. N. Y... 12mo. cl., $2 0u. N. Y.. Bonche de Fer. Par Paul Féval. 8vo. pap., 90 cts. N. Y. Boudrye, L. N. Historic Records of the Fifth New York Cavalry, First Ira Harris Guards. 16mo. cl., $2 00. Albany. Bound Girl, and other Stories. By Mrs. M. Leslie. 18mo. cl., 55 cts. Boston Boy, and the Young Soldier. By Mrs. M. Leslie. 18mo. cl., 55 cts. Boston. Bourne, J. A Catechism of the Steam Engine. New and Revised Edition. 12mo. cl., $2 00. N. Y.... Hand Book of the Steam Engine. See Burke, R. A Memoir of General Louis Bell, who fell at the Assault on Fort Fisher, N. C., Jan. 15, 1865. 8vo. N. Y Boutwell, G. S. A Manual of the Direct and Excise Tax System of the United States. 8vo. cl., $2 50; shp. $3 00: Boston. The Tax-Payer's Manual. 8vo. pap., $1 00; cl., $1 50. Boston..... Bovee, C. N. Intuitions and Summaries of Thought. 2 vols. 16mo. cl., $3 00. Boston.... Bowditch, H. J. (M. D.) An Apology for the Medical Profession, as a means of developing the whole Nature of Man. 8vo. pap... ( (6 Consumption in New England. 8vo. Boston... N. J. Suffolk Surnames. 8vo. cl.. Boston. Coal and Coal Oil. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Phila. Creation of the Earth. 12mo; cl., $1 25 F. (Prof.) A Treatise on Logic; or, The Laws of Pure Thoughts. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Cambridge.. Bowen, E 66 11 แ · .. • . G. (Rev.) Daily Meditations. 12mo. cl., $1 75. Philá. J. L. Scouting Dave; or, The Winnebago Renegade. 8vo. pap., 15 cts. N. Y.... • (6 Yankee Scout (The). 8vo. pap, 15 cts. N. Y. Bowes, G. S. (Rev.) Illustrative Gatherings for Preachers and Teachers. First and Second Series. 12mo. el., each $1 75. Phila.... Bowles, S. Across the Continent. A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States. 12mo. cl., $2 00. Springfield Bowman, Anne, Clever Jack, and other Tales. 12mo. cl., $1 25. N. Y….. Bear-Hunters of the Rocky Mountains (The). 12mo. cl., 75 cts. Boston.... (1 Am. Sch. App. Co. 1864 James Miller.....1862 Carlton & Porter..1863 Miller & Hopkins..1863 Potter & Co. Lippincott & Co...1865 E. Goodenough....1864 Pooley & Co......1863 Ticknor & Fields..1862 S. Tousey.. E. Steiger. D. Dudley Adams, S. & Co..1865 • · S. R. Gray. H. Hoyt. " Marvin & Sons. 1861-5 Follett, Foster & Co.1864 St. Louis. .1865 1865 Williams & Co...1864 Scribner & Cc....1865 • Appletons. "L ..1863 ·· G. P. Putnam....1862 Chas. Lassalle....1863