ºrrºwn W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywy w w y WWW w Y # Tappan Presbyterian ASSOClation : LAIR R A PV : . B 425567 3.” ; Presented oy HUN. D. BETHUNE DUFFIELD. #'ſ. From Library of Rev. Geo. Duffield, D.D. i 3: sº º Sº, , , , ... - “sº. SEMPER ( ( - ... 2 4 «- 2 , $ºzyrow Jºo 13 S (24-7 kT tº-12. THE NAME AND NUMBER OF THE BEAST. L. AND J. sesley, Thames pitton, surney. :* AATEINOx, ; LATEINOS ; OR, THE ONLY PROPER AND A PPE L L ATIVE N A M E OF THE M A N, whose PROPHETICAL NUMBER IN GREEK NUMERALs, is x83', or 666; Rev. xiii. 18; DEMONSTRATED TO BE THE ECCLESIASTICAL MARK or NAME of the BEAST, WHO HAD “TWO HORNS LIKE A LAMB, AND HE SPAKE AS A DRAGON ; ” Rev. xiii. 11—18; BEING NONE OTHER THAN THE POPE OF ROME : Whose CHURCH, and KINGDOM are, even NOW, INTRINSICALLY, and APPELLATIVELY, L A T I N. “LATEINOS NoMEN habet SExcento Rum SExAGINTA SEx NUM ERUM : ct valide veris IMI LE est, quoniam Noviss IM U M REGNUM HOC Han ET Vocabulu M. LATINI enim sunt qui Nu Nc REGNANT.” IRENAE. Lib. v. Cap. xxx. p. 440.—Edit. GRAB E. Zmºre?re, Kai Eö9%aere. MATT. vii. 7. BY THE REV. REGINALD RAB ETT, A. M. OF QUEEN’s college, CAM BRIDGE, AND VICAR OF Thop Nron, LEICESTERSHIRE, & * * * --- - - - - -–tº–- PUBLISHED BY R. B. SEELEY AND W. BURNSIDE : AND SOLD BY L. AND J. SEELEY, FLEET STREET, LONDON. MDCCCXXXV. º * s rt3* ,tº- t - , \ - . .) *. - •'. ar, ‘’’’ ‘’’ A. Z., • '. 3. "/? 3 2 PREFATORY ADDRESS TO PROTESTANTS. It is not a new subject to which I now invite your spe- cial attention, but the establishment of an old one ; yet the Barrier of prejudice is as high as Babel, and Jnbelief is as in the days of Jerusalem, so that men will not believe a Matter, though a Man declare it unto them. Nevertheless, the Word of God is true, and changeth not, and the wisdom of Solomon testi- fieth, that, "“It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing; but the honour of Kings is to search out a Matter.” Now the secret of the * Number “ 666 '' is “a Matter” not only befitting the Ministers of the Gospel to understand, and “search out,” or limited to the Apostolic Age : but it most especially con- cerned the “ten Kings” (and Kingdoms) which had * “one mind” and “gave their power, and strength, and Kingdom unto the Beast,” namely, the Papal ! Prov, xxv. 2–5. * Rev. xiii. 18. 3 Ibid xvii. 13, 17. # PREFATORY ADDRESS Roman Hierarch, during the predicted period of * “1260 Days” of Prophetical years. We know, then, that Protestant England was formerly one of the “Ten Kings” and Kingdoms, which supported the Ecclesiastical Tyranny of Papal Rome, but that she has been providentially broken off from the galling yoke and dominion of the Papacy for upwards of three centuries past, and has protested, (solemnly, and nationally protested,) against the Theocratic and Despotic Power, (both temporal and spiritual,) of the Sovereign Roman Babylonish Pontiff, as Luther, Calvin, Wickliff, Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, and a Host of Reformers and Martyrs have wit- messed by a good confession before God, and before “a cloud of Witnesses,” even unto the Death. O, then, that it might be the good pleasure of our Sove- reign Lord, the King of Great Britain, with his Counsellors of State, and the Nobles of these Realms, (as it was of KING JAMES I. in his “Premonition,” and of * Lord John Napier, Peer of Marchiston, in the year 1593,) to “search out this Matter,” and to see whether Protestantism or Popery can stand the Test of Scriptural Investigation. Since the days of the GLoRious REFoRMATION, THE BIBLE has been the joy of our Land ; it has been the bright resplendent SUN in our Religious Firmament; dis- pelling the dark clouds of Popery, Ignorance, and barefaced Infidelity: it has been a Light of Glory * Revelations xii. 6, 14. - * “A plain discovery of the whole Revelation of St. John, &c. By John Napier, Lord of Marchiston.” Fifth Edition. Edinburgh. 1645. TO PROTESTANTS. to those who sat in darkness and the Shadow of Death ; its genial Rays have been shed in rich abun- dance (not only over the British Isles, but over the whole surface of the Globe,) by the agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Missionary, and many other religious Societies; the Holy Scrip- TUREs having been Translated (not into the Latin Vulgate for the [Now] Church of Rome, but) into upwards of 160 different Languages and Dialects. The British Reformation Society is lending its Salutary aid for Ireland, a Country, the People of which, if moderately instructed in the Holy Scriptures, would, by the grace of God, presently discover the Horrors and Deformities of Popery, cast away its galling chains, which are infinitely worse than the fetters of Africa, (for the fetters of the soul, are worse than those of the body,) and leave its dark, deluding, and mysterious Priesthood, as the People of England did at the glorious Reformation, and also in the well-known Period of 1688, since which, (TILL Now,) Popery has hid her Dragon Mouth in ENGLAND, Scotland, and WALEs, and skulked off to the unhappy shores of IRELAND, and this, this is the cause of Ireland's woes. Ye cannot serve God and the Pope / Shall we, then, as Protestants of Great Britain, in this enlightened and religious Age, assist in bringing back the “Dark Ages” of Popery P Shall we allow the Word of God again to be “clothed in sackcloth,” that is, limited to the Language of Popery, which is LATIN ? Shall we 1 Revelations xi. 3. # * PREFATORY ADDRESS foster the “cunningly devised Fable,” that the Pro- testant Religion and Popery are the same in sub- stance 2 No, my Protestant friends, this is the “ device of Satan,” causing you to “ BELIEVE A LIE” as you will easily perceive in St. Paul’s fore- warning to the Thessalonians, which, when you have read, Remember that is the eract Portrait of the Pope and Popery as drawn by the Pen of Inspi- ration : * (“for whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope l’’) * “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. LET No MAN DECEIVE You BY ANY MEANS : for that day shall not come, Except there come A FALLING Away first, and that MAN of SIN be revealed, the SoN of PERDITION ; who opposeth and evalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that HE As GoD sittETH in the TEMPLE of GoD, shewing himself that HE Is GoD. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things 2 And now ye know what witholdeth that HE might be revealed IN HIS TIME. For the MYSTERY of INIQUITY doth already work : only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall THAT WIcked be * Romans xv. 4. * 2 Thess, ii. 1–12. TO PROTESTANTS. wevealed, whom THE Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming : even HIM, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish ; BECAUSE they received not THE Love of THE TRUTH, that they might be saved. And For THIS CAUSE GoD SHALL sEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, that they should BELIEVE A LIE : that they all might be damned who BELIEVED NOT THE TRUTH, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” We see then the Reason why the Papal Antichris- tian Power has arisen ; namely, to verify this prediction, and others coincident with it, as set forth in the Book of the Revelation of St. John ; for, as the Primitive Christian Church was founded on “THE TRUTH,” so it was foretold by St. Paul that the time would come when a “falling away” from “THE TRUTH " would “FIRST’ take place; “ because they received not the love of THE TRUTH.” “And for this cause God shall send them STRoNG DELU- SION, that they should BELIEVE A LIE.” Now what “STRONGER DELUSION" could be “sent” to any man, or Nation, than the “belief’ that the Pope of Rome is the true Vicar of Christ, at the same time that he is the TRUE ANTICHRIST 2 What greater “LIE * can be “believed?” what greater “deceivableness of unrighteousness” can be set forth to men, than their “believing” that the Pope of Rome, who is the “Mystery of Iniquity,” is the PREFATORY ADDRESS “Mystery of Godliness” and the representative of Christ 2 when at the same time St. Paul calls him in the above words; “The Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” “the Mystery of Iniquity,” “that wicked,” to be revealed, who opposeth and ea'alteth himself above all that is called God, or that is wor- shipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, (viz. St. Peter's at Rome,) “shewing himself that he is God.” And will ye not believe that the Pope is very Antichrist 2 If ye will not, may I not well say unto you, what Christ said to the Jews on another occasion: “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures 2" for the Event has followed the Pro- phecy as clearly as the Sun at noon-day, and this Prophecy of the coming of the “Man of Sin” is accordingly fulfilled by the Revelation of the Pope at Rome, he being the Beast with “* Two HoRNs like a LAMB, and HE SPAKE as a “ DRAGON ; ” a character most clearly foretold, but not fully re- vealed 'till the sirth Century, that is, in the Reign of the Emperor Justinian, A. D. 533. Those, there- fore, who consent to purchase the pardon of their Sins from the Pope for money, or from his Cardinal Legates, or from the Priests of his Roman Church, and those who remit them at such a price, are not “the children of God,” but of Simon Magus, the Magician, and will receive his Reward, ” “because they think that the Gift of God may be purchased with money : ” and “ because God hath sent them strong delusion to believe this lie.” * Revelations xiii, ll. * Acts viii. 20. TO PROTESTANTS. Lend your Ears, then, Protestants of England, and consider attentively that it is “the Honour of Kings,” as the “nursing Fathers of the Church,” to understand and “search out ’’ the “MARK,” or “NAME” of the “MAN’’ whose Number is “666,” to avoid his Punishment; for it is written by St. John, “If any man worship the Beast and his Image, and receive his Mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation ; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb : and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the Beast and his Image, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of his NAME.” Remember, then, that the ‘‘MARK’’ or “NAME’’ of this Beast, is, LATEINos; forasmuch as Papists have canonized the LATIN Language for the special use of the CHURCH of Rome, at the Council of Trent; and all Europe knows that they Latinize in every thing of an Ecclesiastical mature, and that, not of Command- ment from Christ, or his Apostles, but from their own free choice: wherefore, those who are the strict followers of the Pope “worship” him, by kissing his Foot, which is an indispensable ceremony at Rome; they acknowledge Him, and none other, as their rightful Sovereign ; they adopt his Latin Language, (which is the Mark of unity among * Revelations xiv. 9—ll. PREFATORY ADDRESS Papists,) and pronounce him to be the true Vicar of Christ: therefore, as the Pope is the successor of the Pagan LATIN or Roman Emperors in their literal Kingdom, and Office of “Pontifer Marimus,” and as he has canonized their Latin Language, in preference to the Italian, and GREEK original, so is the Pope in every possible sense the Image of old Rome; for Papal Rome has adopted Image-worship without end, and those who do not literally “worship” the Person of the Pope by kissing his foot, acknowledge his right to this “worship” and therein “receive the Mark of his Name,” and consequently come under the above condemnation. Let History then furnish us with the melancholy details of the Life and death of Car- dinal Beaufort, for one example; and of the great Cardinal Wolsey, for another, of those miserable and infatuated beings who have “strengthened themselves in the strength of the Pope, and trusted in the shadow of Rome,’ and who have most implicitly “received” the Latin Ecclesiastical “ Mark,” and say if Papal Rome can give infallible comfort in a dying hour? Did not “ God send them STRONG DELUSION that they should believe a lie?” in despite of all that Papists have endeavoured to persuade Protestants to the contrary, saying, “ there is no salvation out of the Church of Rome?' Wolsey's own signature was ‘Card”. Ebor. Miserrimus ; ' and this would be the general, the universal signature of Papists, (“Mis- errimus—the most wretched,’) if the heart would speak out: for they have not “subscribed with their * Isaiah xliv, 5. TO PROTESTANTS. hand to the Lord, saying, I am the Lord's ; ” but to the Pope, their Sovereign Pontiff, who is the “ MAN ?” who hath “Two HoRNs like a LAMB, and HE SPAKE as a DRAGON ; ” who “deceiveth them that dwell upon the Earth: ” yet his Name is LATEINos and his Number “666.” ”If “Paul's spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city" (Athens) “wholly given to IDolatry;” or, as it is in the margin, “full of IDols: ” and Athens was at that moment in a Pagan state; how would the Apostle's spirit be stirred in him, if he were to behold the City of Rome in its Papal state 2 for it is “wholly given to idolatry,” and “full of idols : ” would he not brand it with “Amathema Maran- atha 2 ° * Be it known unto you, therefore, my Protestant friends, that under the Reign of Popery, the clouds of divine vengeance hung over England thickening with wrath, as was manifestly the case in the Reigns of Queen Mary and the Stuarts; and are not Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Infidel France, exhibited to our view as specimens of the miseries of Popish Aingdoms in our time? If they be not, tell me where they may be found? Shall we presume to say that Ireland is an eaception ? Can any good thing come out of Rome? Did any country of Europe ever prosper under Popery 2 The man who can believe it, is ignorant of his Bible, of History, and of himself, and is an Infidel in principle, and a liberal in heart, and would as soon patronice the * Rev. xiii. 1 1, 12. * Acts xvii. 16. PREFATORY ADDRESS KoRAN as THE BIBLE. The Church of Rome is a Church of Blood, as St. John predicted of her : * “I saw the woman drunken with the Blood of the Saints, and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus.” *“And IN HER was found the Blood of Prophets and of Saints, and of all that were slain upon the Earth.” Does not the History of the infernal Tribunal and Prison-House, called by the Pope and his Councils, the “Holy INQUISITIon,” furnish us with the foul fact 2 Do not the bloody Papal wars and massacres of hundreds of thousands of Christians throughout all Europe Exceed the blood shed in the wars of nations for national conquest ? If then Protestant England expects the continuance of peace and pros- perity, temporal and spiritual, she will away with Popery as with the Plague, by prayer to God on the one hand, and by every legitimate means on the other; for the Protestant Throne of England can never be established in righteousness by the friends of the Papacy, for they are the secret, dark, and deadly enemies of God and the King, as the Jesuits have ever proved to England and the surrounding nations. Look at her children in our British Houses of Par- liament / are they not impudent children, answerable to their Mother, Rome 2 who is called by St. John, by way of eminence, * “MYSTERY, BABYLoN THE GREAT, THE MoTHER of HARLOTS AND ABOMI- nations of The EARTH.” This was the theolo- * Rev. xvii. 6. * Ibid. xviii, 24. * Ibid. xvii. 5. TO PROTESTANTS. gical opinion of King James the First, as set forth in his Royal ‘ Premonition’ to Protestants, pages 309, 310, in these words, “This place,’ (viz. Rev. xvii. and xviii.) says the King, ‘doth clearly and un- deniably declare that RomE is, or shall be THE SEAT of that ANTICHRIST. For no Papist now denieth that by BABYLoN, here, Rome is directly meant,” &c. What is it then which Irish Papists demand from the Protestant Government of England? Re- ligious toleration? No, they know not toleration ; for Rome Papal has ever been, and will always be INToler ANT. PERSECUTION is the essence of her evistence; for this is her sovereign remedy for those whom she denominates Heretics. The evil Spirit of Antichrist is in her, and therefore, she “goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom she may devour : ” for seeing that she “received not the love of the truth,” “God hath sent her stroNG DELUsion that she should BELIEVE A LIE : ” and now she propagates the “lie ’’ which her unbelief produced, by “the working of Satan with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of un- righteousness.” Nevertheless, God hath not left him- self without a witness in these times, for wheresoever the Gospel is faithfully preached, Popery can never take deep root, nor raise her scarlet banner; for though she may howl and roar, yet “the Lion of the tribe of Judah '' is our defence, and He it is who * Sec Bishop Moreton's Church of Rome. Chap. iv. sect. 15. page 74. Second edition, London, 1628. PREFATORY ADDRESS giveth us “ the victory over the Beast, and over his Image, and over his Mark, and over the Number of his Name.” Ignorance is the fruitful soil of Papists, as weeds grow most luxuriantly where cultivation is neglected, and this remark is abundantly true with reference to the Irish peasantry; but give these poor people the Bible, in their own Native Language, which the Popish Priests have so long and rigidly kept from them, with the same liberty of conscience which Protestants have in England, and the Priests of Rome will soon perceive, as when St. Paul preached at Ephesus, that their Papal * “craft is in danger,” for they know that “ by this craft they have their wealth.” The Ecclesiastical Polity of Rome is, to keep the Bible as a sealed book; to which end they have it in the Latin Language, which is unknown to any but the learned ; and therefore poor and igno- rant Papists look upon the Bible as a Book of Mys- teries, which none but the Priests of Rome can possibly understand or unfold. However, St. Paul, who was a free-born Roman, and the chief Apostle of the Gentiles, and wrote the Epistle to the Romans, would not suffer the Apostles to speak in an “un- known tongue’’ (which Latin is), “ in the Church ; ” and England, better instructed since THE REFORMA- Tion, has followed the precept of St. Paul, by giving the people THE BIBLE in their own native Tongue, which has immortalized our Nation above every other Nation in Europe. And I feel pleasure in stating, (though I hope I shall be excused for expressing it * Rev. xv. 2. * Acts xix. 25, 27. TO PROTESTANTS. here,) that one of my Ancestors, in the time of James the First, was engaged in the present Translation of our English Protestant Bible, as set forth in the general Introduction to Bishop Mant's Bible in the following words— “In the conference held at Hampton Court in 1603, before King James the First, between the Episcopalians and Puritans, Dr. Reynolds, the Speaker of the Puritans, requested his Majesty that a New Translation of the Bible might be made,’ &c. ‘The names of the Persons, and places where they met, together with the portions of Scripture assigned to each Company, were as follows, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, º 4th, 5th, 6th. To the last mentioned Company (the 6th), consisting of seven individuals, the Epistles of St. Paul, and the other canonical Epistles, were assigned at Westminster, namely, 1st. Dr. William Barlow, of Trinity Hall in Cambridge, Dean of Chester, afterwards Bishop of Lincoln ; 2nd Dr. Hutchinson; 3rd. Dr. Spenser; 4th. Mr. Fenton; 5th. Mr. Rabbet ; 6th. Mr. Sanderson ; 7th. Mr. Dakins. The work was begun in the spring of 1607. It does not appear to me that any one Commen- tator has ever placed the subject of the Number 666 beyond the possibility of future Controversy, for old Dr. Henry More, after he had so clearly esta- blished the ancient use of the Diphthong, or Broad ei, in Lateinos, has followed after, and approved the Square Root System of Mr. Potter, thus leaving the only Proper and Appellative Name LATEINos to the PREFATORY ADDRESS attack of Papists and others, by involving the subject in new speculations and difficulties, which have mul- tiplied so greatly and continuously, that there appeared to be no end to them ; but there can be only one successful person, and that was IRENAEUs, who lived in the second century, and who was almost con- temporary with St. John, being the Disciple of Polycarp. If it should be thought by any that I have been too severe in my animadversions on any Individuals whose Names are set forth in this work, I can only say, that (excepting Popery) it has been far from my intention ; but that as the Persons herein mentioned have publicly written their opinions on this Number 666, which are now before the world, therefore, it became necessary for me, in the vindication of Irenaeus, to bring forward their Names, and to show how inconsistent their various speculative opinions are with each other, and with the words of St. John. If truth be not distinguishable from error, of what use is God's word to any Nation or Individual 2 But as the Holy Spirit has expressly assured us, concerning the Book of Revelations, that, “ If any Man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this Book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this Book:” on the contrary, it is said by St. John, ““Blessed is he that * Rev. xxii. 18, 19. * Ibid. i. 3. TO PROTESTANTS. readeth, and they that hear the words of this pro- phecy, and keep those things which are written therein : ” wherefore, to say the least, it must be more eaſpedient to honour God by the confirmation of that which HE hath spoken, by his inspired servant St. John, seconded as it is by the Christian Father IRENAEUs, than that which any man hath written, whether negatively, positively, or injudiciously against it. If then I have been led to a more perfect under- standing and clearing of this Number xás', 666, from its manifold polemical incumbrances, as weeds that surround a choice plant, and prevent its appearance and growth; it is because GoD hath enabled me more diligently to “search out the matter,” and to “show the interpretation ” of this Mystical “MARK" or “NAME,” which is, LATEINos. To GoD, then, be the glory, and to his Name the praise, for this “wis- dom” and “understanding.” That this Treatise on the Number 666, may be made useful to the serious inquirer after TRUTH, and the turning of many from the Kingdom of Papal darkness, to the Kingdom of God's dear Son, is the earnest prayer and desire of your humble servant for Christ's sake, § REGINALD RABETT. Bramfield Hall, Suffolk, June, 1835. INTRODUCTION. As so many eminent Authors have already preceded me with their various opinions (and I might say endless speculations) concerning the Proper and Appellative Name of the Beast, which is declared by St. John to be that of “a MAN,” and the “ Number of his Name *— “ Sir Hundred Threescore and Siv,” [in Greek character, x{q,] it might perhaps be supposed, either that the NAME of the MAN could not be ascertained by the means of “ Wisdom" and “ Understanding; " or, that the subject has been already so far exhausted, that nothing more could possibly remain to be stated by any future writer. Such, an inference, however, may rather be expected from those who heedlessly adopt the speculations of fanciful men, than from the careful Investigator of Religious Truth. Pilate indeed said to Christ, ” “What is TRUTH 2." but he did not wait for an ANswer. May I then be * Rev. xiii. 18. 2 John xviii. 38. vi INTRODUCTION. allowed to hope that such inconsistency and such want of candour will be carefully avoided by all my readers? Should the Subject of the NAME and NUMBER of the MAN be deemed by any UNIMPoRTANT, I must then shelter myself under the auspices of ST. John the Divine . . . and of the pious and learned IRENAEUs: of Hyppolytus Martyr... Aretas ... Feuardentius ... Ticonius ... Primasius ... Wi- tringa ... Bengelius... Piscator... Grotius... Fun- gerus ... Vignier ... Broughton ... Potter . . . Mede ... Poole ... Diodati... Down ... Dr. Henry More ... Bishop Newton. . . Lowman ... Daubuz . . . Leigh ... Brightman... Durham ... Whiston... Dr. Fulke ... Pyle ... Kershaw ... Bishop Dounhame. ... Gal- loway... Jurieu... Dr. Wells... Dr. Cressener... Dr. Hales ... Dr. Gill... Dr. Wall... Reader... Lord Napier ... Archdeacon Wrangham... Matthew Henry ... Burkitt ... Flemming ... Dr. Doddridge ... Dr. Guise . . . Scott ... Fuller . . . Bicheno . . . . Kett . . . Dr. Adam Clarke ... Faber . . . Professor Lee... Wm. Cuninghame, Esq. . . Fry. . . Gauntlett ... Jones ... Butt ... Simpson ... Keith . . . Croly. . Dr. Parry . . . Dean Woodhouse . . . Thurston . . . Archbishop Laud... Cardinal Bellarmine ... Bishop Walmesley . . . . Bishop Bossuet . . . Calmet. ... and many other writers whose Names I have omitted, for these may surely suffice to show the importance of the subject in the esteem of men who have thought it worthy their careful investigation; although their conclusions have generally been more in accordance with their own favourite views, than consistent with INTRODUCTION. vii those of Holy Writ. Much instability of opinion must necessarily have been produced by successive publications of men distinguished by an equal variety of sentiment and versatility of talent: in proof of this position I will venture to adduce the following illustrative examples. The confession of MR. CRoly, in the year 1827, is the following. * “It may have been known to the reader, that the Number of the Beast, “the 666,” has evercised more intellects than perhaps any on E problem, sacred or profane, that ever perplewed the human mind. Whole treatises have been written upon it. It occupies a considerable space in almost every Commentary on the Apocalypse. The inquiry and the FAILURE began so early as IRENAEUs, in the second century, and have been perpetuated to our days by a multitude, among whom were many of the most undeniable learning and sagacity; HITHERTo No SATISFACTORY solution HAS BEEN GIVEN.’ The foregoing remarks of Mr. Croly are compara- tively true: but IRENAEUs evidently had the Proper and Appellative Name of the MAN, [LATEINos, upon his lips when he said, ” “LATEINOS NoMEN HABET SEXCENTORU M SEXAGINTA SEX NUM ERU M . et valde verisimile est, quoniam movissimum Regnum Hoc habet Vocabulu M. LATINI enim sunt qui * CRoly on the Apocalypse, “The Vision of the Church.' page 222. London, 1827. * I RENAF. Adver. Haeres. lib. V. cap. xxx, page 449. Edit. Grabe. Oxon. | 702. b 2 viii INTRODUCTION . NUNc REGNANT ; ' and although this Christian Father has conjectured Three Names, viz. TEITAN, LATEINos, and ETANeAx, before the Event [Ante Eventum, that is, before the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the LATIN PAPAL CHURCH of Rome, which had neither place nor power to rise till after the downfall of the old Rom AN IMPERIAL Power, which was jlourishing in the SEconD CENTURY, in which IREN- AEUs lived and wrote. Yet AFTER the Event, [Post EventuM,] that is, after the full Revelation of the “MAN of SIN,” the “SoN of PERDITION,” in the year A. D. 533, according to the ' Imperial Edict of Justinian to Pope John, the old Pagan Roman Power being already destroyed by Barbarians, the PAPACY began to rise out of the Roman or LATIN EARTH : and what IRENAEUs only conjectured in the Second, is manifest enough in the Nineteenth Century, inasmuch as the Appellative Name Aarévos is every way applicable to the Roman or LATIN ‘ PontiFEx MAXIMUs, as well as to every individual Papist through the whole duration of the LATIN PAPAL KINGDoM, and, therefore, Mr. Croly is mistaken in his assertion concerning ‘the FAILURE of IRENAEUs,' who has, on the contrary, given us the true Appella- tive of the numbered MAN in the proper and descrip- tive Name, LATEINos. It is here worthy of remark, how very far superior the conjecture of IRENAEUs on this Name and Number 666, was (even before the Rise or Ea'istence of the PAPAL HIERARCHY), to that of any other writer who * CUNINGHAME on the Apocalypse, page 201, second edit. London, 1817. INTRODUCTION. ix has succeeded him ; so much so, that those who have followed him have invariably traced the numbered Beast to RomE ; while all others who have gone into devious labyrinths and foolish speculations, have lost his proper and descriptive Name, in their failure to convince themselves that the iota circumflewed, as tº, is equivalent to the Diphthong or broad ev or , in LATEINos, which it certainly is, according to the best Ancient Orthography both among the GREEKS and LATINs, as Aarévvos, Azrqvos, Aari vos. For autho- rities, see CHAPTER XV. . t .. I shall next transcribe the opinion of the learned VITRINGA concerning the No. 666, as set forth by Mr. Croly with the observations of the latter; for I believe that, in point of intrinsic wisdom and research, the former takes the precedence of almost all other Authors since the time of Irendºus ; although I have certain objections to VITRINGA himself concerning the Name DPYTN3, ADoNIKAM, inasmuch as in that View he follows not the erample of IRENAEUs. | ‘VITRINGA, undoubtedly a man of understanding, and of the most extensive learning, approaches it with an almost superstitious awe. His apostrophe is solemn and eloquent.’ ‘‘‘Here is wisdom, let him that hath understand- ing count the Number of the beast.” Yes, here is wisdom. Let the man, gifted by grace with such gifts, here display the acuteness of his genius, the clearness of his sagacity, the depth of his spiritual knowledge, things, which fall to the lot of few ; but * Croly on the Apocalypse. Pages 223–225. X INTRODUCTION. for which he who by grace possesses them, will here find abundant exercise. If I have made any progress in the knowledge of divine things, which might be supposed from my long study and labour, and from the office, publicly conferred upon me; I still dare not presume so far upon my ability and knowledge, as to arrogate that highest rank of intelligence and sagacity, (supremum illum intelligentia et perspica- citatis gradum,) which the Holy Spirit seems to demand in those who are destined to explain the ‘ number.” For nothing can be more evident, than that an intellect of a higher and more divinely awakened kind, (divinioris et praºstantioris mentis acumen,) is here demanded, than in interpreting any other part of this book of prophecy.’ “He proceeds to say, that he might “modestè declinare,” give up the attempt from a justified feeling of humility ; but that the reader naturally expects some elucidation. He then goes through a crowd of the conjectures of his predecessors, names, Hebrew, Greek, Latin ; numbers squared and cubed ; dis- proves them all, and finally rests upon the extraordi- nary guess opy">, for the equally extraordinary reason that Adonikam is said in Ezra,” to have had a family of sia hundred and sixty-siv.’ My 1st Objection to the NAME, ADoNIKAM, is, that although it is the Name of a MAN, nevertheless it ought to have been written in GREEK LETTERs, as Ačovik&p, and not in HEBREw, as DDºSTS, accord- ing to the ORIGINAL TEXT of St. JoHN . . . xàº;', ! Ezra ii. 13. INTRODUCTION. xi and the ea'ample of IRENAEUs, whose THREE Names are all of them written in Greek Characters, as Tèvrav, Aarévvos, Evav%as. My 2nd Olyection is, That although ADoNIKAM is the name of a MAN, it cannot be applied in an APPELLATIVE or DESCRIPTIVE SENSE to any TEM- PORAL Or ECCLESIASTICAL POWER, or KINGDOM whatsoever, either in St. John's time or since ; and that the individual Hebrew Letters of the Name of this Man are very far from producing the Number 666. The hypothesis of VITRINGA seems rather to set us upon finding the Number of a Hebrew Family consisting of 666, than the Greek Number of a Man's Name; for the Family of Adonikam, after their return from Babylon, were registered by Ezra at 666, but by Nehemiah, at #667, therefore, it will be necessary to decide which of the two Prophets was the best Registrar. But the individual Letters of the Hebrew Name Adonikam produce the Number 765, consequently there is an end to the Name at once, in reference to the words of St. John which is to “count the Number” contained in the Name, and that Number is 666. Mr. CROLY may anticipate my objection to his hypothesis from my answers to FABER . . LEE . . and CLARKE–and may I not add Mr. Croly's own observations, viz. that 8 “The FIRST ERROR of the comMENTATORs” “ has arisen from their DISREGARD of the PLAIN MEANING of the ORIGINAL.” This Mr. Croly tells us in the year 1827; and it had been * Ezra ii. 13. * Neh. vii. 18. & Croly on the Apocalypse. Page 226. xii INTRODUCTION. well had he only attended to “THE PLAIN MEANING of THE origiNAL” as IRENAEUs has done, whose Testimony is subversive of Mr. Croly’s “INQUISI- Tion,” although Mr. Croly informs us, that, * “The words LATEINos and Rom11th are USELEss; and belong to THE HEAP of MERELY cuRIOUS coinci- DENCEs.” If the two latter Names “belong to the HEAP of MERELY cuRIOUs coincidences,” where shall we class Mr. Croly's story of “THE INQUISI- TION ?” Shall we venture to affirm that IT is a “FAILURE 2'' It is plain enough that the word “INQUISITION" is not a GREEK but ENGLISH word: nor is it the NAME of A MAN : nor does it contain the No. 666, according to “the plain meaning of the Original” Teat, and, therefore, it cannot subserve the purpose intended by St. John, which is, by the means of “wisdom” and “understanding” to dis- cover the name of a MAN the individual Greek Letters of whose Name must (when counted) exhibit the evact Number x&g' or 666, and, withal, it must be a Name descriptive of the mysterious character of the MAN, otherwise there can be no “coincidence” between the Name of the Man and the “ Number of his Name.” I may now add— The confession of the Rev. G. S. Faber, in the gear 1828, in his * “Sacred Calendar of Prophecy.” “Many have been the speculations, relative to the Name thus darkly propounded ; some very plausible, and others very absurd : but we shall vainly hope | Croly on the Apocalypse. Page 228. * Ibid. Page 227. * Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy. Vol. iii. b. v. p. 226. INTRODUCTION. xiii for success in explaining the sacred enigma, UNLESS we ATTEND Most STRICTLY to THE TERMs in which it is conveyed.” Notwithstanding this confession of Mr. Faber, he has bewildered both himself and others, by endeavour- ing to reconcile contradictions : whereas, if he had only contented himself with his own RULE, as above, (which he had followed pretty closely in his first work, entitled “A Dissertation on the Prophecies relative to the Great Period of 1260 years,” wherein he confirms the name Aargavos with all his might,) he would have done well ; because, it was consistent with the “terms” of St. John, and “most strictly” corroborated by the early testimony of the Christian Father . . IRENAEUs, who lived in the second century, and who evidently believed “the NUMBER of a Man” to imply the ‘ name of a MAN, which latter cannot be said in any respect concerning Mr. Faber's hypo- thesis of ApostATÉs, because it has not the least semblance to the Name of any MAN. The confession of Dr. Burton in his Notes on the Greek Testament [Rev. xiii. 18, concerning the very numerous speculations relative to the mystic Number 666, is as follows: [“Tov apºpov.] Irenaºus mentions the word Aarévvos, the Letters of which make up the No. 666: but the same number has been eaſtracted from so many other words, that it is USELESs to ATTEMPT the SoLUTION.” - . The Confession of Calmet in his Dictionary under * Faber's Dissertation on the Prophecies, &c. Vol. ii. p. 328,335. xiv INTRODUCTION. the head ANTICHRIST, (after mentioning a variety of Names, Epithets, Words, and Sentences, in which the Number 666 is supposed to have been discovered,) is to the following Effect : “Almost all Commentators have tried their skill, without being able to say PositiveLY, that any on E has succeeded, in ascertaining the TRUE MARK, or the NUMBER of HIs NAME.” The Confession of Dean Woodhouse in his “An- notations on the Apocalypse” in the Year 1828, con- cerning the Number of the Beast, is as follows, “The Number of the Beast.” “The consideration of this article has been kept back, and assigned to this its present place, because I felt it out of my power to pursue it with the same hope of success as those that have gone before. For I MUST STILL conFEss, as I did in my former work, MY INABILITY TO Solve THIS ENIGMA.” The Dean then observes, “With respect to the methods of interpretation hitherto employed, the first instance that occurs is that of Irendeus, who by the assortment of the Letters, of the Greek Alphabet, used numerically, obtained the names of Aarévvos, Evav02s, and Tévrav. He preferred the first of these, but had little or no reliance upon it. His object must have been the idol- atrous Rom AN or LATIN EMPIRE. Bishop Newton, and many others among the commentators, have adopted this word” (Aarévos) “as involving the * Woodhouse's Annotations on the Apocalypse, p. 304, 306, 307. INTRODUCTION. XV discovery required, applying it to the Latin Church and Papal Hierarchy.” “But this mode of calculation has fallen into discredit, by the fact, resulting from experience, that there is no end to the multitude of names which may be composed by such fabrications; and that not only the antichristian Chiefs, but the most eminent of our reformers may be, and have been thus designated by their adversaries.” “Archdeacon Wrangham has the merit of dis- playing in a very small compass, a learned and critical view of many attempts in the ancient lan- guages, and by various modes of calculation, to devise names applicable to the mystery of the Number of the Beast. The facility with which these adapta- tions are made, has occasioned an infinite number of them. “Scarcely,’ says he, “ has a single contro- versy started up, in which this accommodating num- ber (666) may not be ranged on either side.’” “And we may add,” says the Dean, “that NoNE of them afford that satisfactory conviction which attends the PERFECT Discovery of an HIDDEN MYs- TERY. There is wanting that flash of illumination, that lively sense of having passed from darkness to light, which so delightfully affects us upon the solu- TION of a well-ForMED ENIGMA.” “However, the learned Archdeacon has not yet thought proper to relinquish entirely the mode of computation practised by Irendeus, and has presented us with the word Arogatns, thus acquired.” It had been well if Dean Woodhouse had confined xvi INTRODUCTION. himself to the terms of his own CoNFESSION.— “I MUST STILL conFess,” says the Dean, “as I did in my former work, MY INABILITY TO SOLVE THIS ENIGMA; ” but he should not have thrown a direct STUMBLING-Block in the way of * “STUDENTS IN PROPHETICAL scripTURE,” by insinuating that the “ MoDE of cALCULATION '' (used by IRENAEUS) “HAs FALLEN INTo DiscREDIT.” I would not in- vidiously wish to inquire by whom, or through whom, ‘‘ THIS MODE OF CALCULATION HAS FALLEN INTO DiscREDIt ; ” but I would only here observe, that as St. John wrote his “Book of THE REveLATION’’ in the GREEK LANGUAGE, and “ the NUMBER of THE MAN,” is written in GREEK CHARACTERS, x{c', so the presumption is that the NAME of the MAN must likewise be written in GREEK CHARAc- TERs answerable to the GREEK NUMBER—and as IRENAEUs was the Disciple of PolycARP, and Poly- CARP of St. JoHN–and that IRENAEUs was con- fessedly a GREEK FATHER of great distinction, who has left us his opinion in the writing of THREE Names in GREEK LETTERS, viz. Aarévvos, Tewtav, and Evzvºas, we are therefore justified in believing that the Hebrew, Arabic, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian, English, and all other Languages must be out of this Question. Further; “THE MoDE of cALCULATING " GREEK NAMEs and NUMBERS does not stand upon the sole opinion of IRENAEUs; but was well known before St. JoHN's time, or that * Woodhouse, page 304. * See the Dean's Title Page to his Annotations on the Apocalypse, INTRODUCTION. xvii Apostle would not have thus written the No. 666, by xàº'; wherefore, this present “ MoDE of cALCU- LATION" remains unassailable until we are favoured by the Discovery of a better “ MoDE of cAL- CULATION.” The GREEk Version of the OLD TESTAMENT called “the SEPTUAGINT,” was written long before the commencement of the CHRISTIAN AFRA, and we find that the Number 666 occurs Twice in that Version written at full length, ifaxário tºnkovra gº, [See EzRA ii. 13 ; 1 KINGs x. 14,] hence it is clear that the GREEKs had a MoDE of cAlculating at that time, or how could they have expressed those Numbers in writing? In proof of this position Dr. S. T. Bloomfield in his English Notes appended to the GREEK TESTAMENT, on this GREEK NUMBER xás' has quoted HEINRICH. Rev. xiii. 18. Tºy 3plºy rºw ºváparoc.] “This (says Heinrich) is to be explained from the Cabbala of the Jews, and that part of it called Gematria. It means the number which is made up, by reducing the numeral power to each of the LETTERs of which the name is composed, and bringing it to a sum total. That ART, now held in merited contempt, was IN THE TIME of the ApostLE held in GREAT Honour not only among the Jews, but also the GREEKS, as we may collect from ARTEMI.D. ONEIR. i. 12.” See more “in HEINRICH's elaborate Ea'cursus IV. on the whole passage.” - Consult also the following authorities, SCAPULA in Append. ad Leavicon. “DE GRAE- xviii INTRODUCTION. coruM NOTIS ARITHMETICIS com PENDIUM, Ex HA- DRIANI AMERotis scriptis,” and “HERODIANI DE IISDEM TRACTATUs.” Bishop Dounhame: “De Antichristo.” Lib. vi. Cap. 4. as quoted in Dr. H. More's Works. Page 594. Dr. Adam Clarke's Commentary on the 18th verse of the xiiith chapter of the Revelations, wherein are set forth a great variety of ancient evamples of the ‘mode of calculating’ among the Greeks. St. JeroME's Commentary on Amos concerning the mode of calculating 2.Épača, and geºga;, also on Zechariah concerning the mode of calculating errakiaxeduovº and Xºtatiovov;. [See Hierony, Cap. 3. Comment. in Amos c. 3. and ibid. Comment in Zachariah. c. viii.] LAMY's apparatus Biblicus. – “Concordantia: Litterarum Hebraicarum et Graecarum. P. 349. Edit. LUGDUNI. 1723. See the Table of the 24 Greek Letters, with the Three erurmaa, considered arithmetically, and a Table of the Combination of Numbers, set forth at the end of this work, and in almost every Greck Grammar. See also other evamples of GREEK NUMERALs set forth in the viith CHAPTER of the REvelATION of St. John, in the following (with many other) Edi- tions of the GREEK TESTAMENT, as 'pub' for 144 and 2 g’ for 12. * Rev. vii. 4. * Ibid 5–8. INTRODUCTION. xix Novum Testamemtum Graece. ARGENToratium. Apud Wolfium. A. D. 1524 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graecum. VENETIIs. Melchioris Sessae... A. D. 1538 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graece. BAsiles. Apud Nicholaum Brylingerum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. D. 1548 . Graecum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. LUTETIAE. A. D. 1549 . . . . . . Graece et Latinë. Ad Romanae correctionis amussim LUGDUNI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. D. 1612 ... . . . . . Graecum Variantes Lectiones tam ex manu- scriptis quam impressis Codicibus col- lectae, &c. Studio et Labore Stephani Curcellaei RAPHELENG11... . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. D. 1658 © Added to which our Lord Jesus Christ is, by St. John styled A and 0, i. e. “THE FIRST’’ and “THE LAST,” inasmuch as 2xpo (A,) being the FIRST Nume- ral Letter of the Greek Alphabet, is, with peculiar propriety, applied to our Lord Jesus Christ; and opeya (0) being the LAST Letter of the Greek Alphabet is, with equal propriety, applied to CHRIST, as being “THE LAST.” ‘Eyw espa tº Akºl rºo, & IIPOTOx kai: ExXATOx Rev. i. 8, 11 ; xxi. 6; xxii. 13. Wherefore, we may very properly annex to these facts, certain other words of St. John, viz. “THY Word Is TRUTH.” John xvii. 17. And last of all I shall instance : The Confession of Professor Lee, as exhibited in his “ Dissertations on Prophecy” in the Year 1830, wherein he expresses a doubt, whether this Number Xàs' is not a “false reading.” - The Professor thus writes: - 1 “Whatever the NUMERALs 666 may mean, we cannot have the least difficulty in ascertaining the scope of the passage. Irendºus gives (AATEINox) | Lee's Dissertations on Prophecy. Rev. xiii. Diss. ii. Sec. iii. p. 328. XX INTRODUCTION. Lateinos among other interpretations, and this he applies to the Roman power, which, according to the numerical character of the Greek Letters, com- posing it makes up the number 666. Various other attempts have been made to ascertain these Numbers, and to fix the Person here meant, which I pass over; because I Doubt whether ANY RELIANCE whATEveR can be placed on such A METHoD of DEDUCTION: and, when I BELIEVE that the PAssage can be satisfactor ILY made out witHout IT, MY op1NION Is, that we NEED NOT TROUBLE ourse Lves conceRNING IT. I am not without My Doubts, however, whether THIS is not A FALSE READING, and whether IT has not been INTRod Uced by some EARLY copyist, for the purpose of filling up what HE might have supposed to be ELLIPTICAL. The passage Now is: &piðº, yāg &věpárov čari, kai 3 &pišpº; &vrov Xès': and, TAKING Away the NUMERALs, we shall have kai ; 3pºpº, atrºv, parallel to the same Evangelist in Chap. viii. 44. kai 3 rathp &vrºv, which has given abundance of trouble to the Commentators.” It is true that Professor Lee has (in the foregoing words) alluded to IRENAEUs from the mention of his Name, and that of LATEINos; but can we reasonably suppose, therefore, that the Hebrew Professor had carefully read over, or studied, what that Greek and Christian Father had written on the subject of the Number 666, when he expressed his “ Doubts con- cerning the authenticity of it, by insinuating that it is “A FALSE READING,’ and questioning whether ANY RELIANCE whATEveR can be placed on SUCH INTRODUCTION. xxi a METHoD of DEDUCTION ?’ Surely he could not; because IRENAEUs has given us the THREE identical GREEK NUMBERS Xàs', in the precise manner in which they are set forth in the Text of all the authentic copies of the Greek Testament : *karaxxâxos $vy kål rô #vopaz &vrov čes rºw &piðpºv xás'. And not only has IRENAEUs given us the THREE Greek Numerals xàs', but he has likewise assured us in the most unequivocal Terms that the Number 666, was delivered by those who had seen St. John ‘face to face,’ as well as set forth in ALL THE ANCIENT, the MOST APPROVED, and old ScripTUREs, and that it was the true Number of the Beast : * His autem sic se habentibus, et IN OMNIBUS ANTIQUIs et PROBATISSIMIs et VETERIBUS Scripturis NUMERö Hóc Positó, et Testimonium perhibentibus his, qui FACIE AD. FAC1EM JoANNEM v1.DERUNT, et ratione docente nos, quoniam NUMERUs NoMINIs BESTIAE secundum GRAECORUM ComPUTATIONEM per LITERAs qua in Eo sunt, SExcENTOs hahebit, et SEXAGINTA, et Sex.' Furthermore, as if with a view to remove all possible Doubts which might be subsequently en- tertained concerning the PERFECTION of the Number 666, and to guard us against any spurious NUMBER, we have his testimony in affirmation of the former, in opposition to the latter: ** Oportet itaque tales discere, et ad VERUM recurrere Nominis NUMERUM : wt NoN IN PSEUDoPROPHETARUM Loco DEPUTENTUR. Sed scIENTES FIRMUM NUMERUM qui à ScRIPTURA * Irenae. lib. V. cap. xxix. p. 446. * Ibid. cap. xxx. p. 447. * Ibid. cap. xxx, p. 448. C xxii INTRODUCTION. ANNUNTIATUS EST, id est, SExcENTORUM SExAGINTA SEx,' &c. Moreover, having summed up the Iniquity and Apostacy of the Numbered Beast, IRENAEUs con- cludes by saying, in the words of the Ancients : * * Et propter hoc IN BESTIA vENIENTE recapitulatio sit Universae Iniquitatis et Omnis Doli, ut in EA (scil. BESTIA) confluens et conclusa Omnis Virtus Apostatica, in caminum mittatur ignis. CoNGRU- ENTER autem et NoMEN EJUS, habebit NUMERUM, SExcENTos SExAGINTA SEx,' &c. IRENAEUs has still further certified to us by three several Examples that the NuMBER Qf the Beast is 666, as he says: * * EYANeAx enim NoMEN habet NUMERUM de quo quaeritur : ' . . . . * Sed et LATEINos NoMEN habet SExcENTORUM SExAGINTA SEx NUMERUM,' &c.: ... * Sed et TEITAN,' &c. &c. As then IRENAEUs was one of the Christian Fathers who wrote ea pressly AGAINST ALL HERESIEs, (* contra omnes Haereses,') surely it is charging Irenæus, and THE HOLY SPIRIT with deliberate falsehood to * DouBt,' * whether THIS NuMBER x£ς', or 666, is mot A FALSE READING.' MEDE is mot simply content with the words of St. John, but inserts parenthetically (lest we should be unmindful of the Divine Agent who indited these Numerals) * INqUIT SPIRITUS.' . . . ** Hic est sapientia.' (INQUIT SPIRITUS) * Qui intelligentiam habet, computet Numerum Bestiæ : numerus enim hominis est ; et Numerus ejus 666." Shall we then excuse the Professor for his mom ' Irenæ. lib. V. cap. xxix. p. 446. * Ibid. cap. xxx. p. 448, 449. 3 Rev. xiii. l8. | NTROI) UCTION. xxiii eramination of this subject? What can we say ? It is most extraordinary that one so highly gifted with the knowledge of many languages should not have perceived the Truth of this Number, so plainly exhibited before his eyes in the reiterated words of IRENACUs, and so very often referred to by the earliest and best Commentators who have written upon the Number 666. I most assuredly thought that the Professor of Hebrew had more veneration for this Christian Father than to relinquish his Testimony upon so important a point, without a sufficIENT vouchER, but that Voucher is evidently wanting, and therefore, I must leave the Professor (as I have done in another part of this work) to second Reflections, more substantial and satisfactory. As I have answered Professor Lee more at large con- cerning the SPURIOUS NUMBER xus', or 616, so I must refer my Reader to that place. [See CHAPTER XIII.] As Mr. Potter's hypothesis concerning the Square Root of the Number 666 has been so greatly extolled by the learned Dr. Henry More, Mede, and many celebrated Divines, I shall notice it in this place, and endeavour to show that it is untenable upon scriptural grounds, and that an Algebraical or Geometrical solution of the Number xfº' is foreign to the Interpretation. St. John informs us that the * “NAME of the Beast ’’ “Is the NUMBER of a MAN,” “ and HIS NUMBER is 666.” Now as we * Potter's Interpretation of the Number 666. Printed at Oxford. 1647. * Rev. xiii. 17, 18. C 2 xxiv INTRODUCTION. have already established from IRENAEUs the correct- ness of the Number 666; so we can equally establish the incorrectness of Mr. Potter's hypothesis; for, as the Number 666 is not a perfect Square Number, so no perfect Square Root can be eartracted from it. It is manifest that the Method pursued by Mr. Potter is merely to find the nearest Square Number to the Number 666, which he would blindly lead us to suppose is 625, the Square Root of which being 25. Thus, by Multiplying the Square Root (25) into itself, and adding 41, we shall have the Number 666, which is true enough. But be it remembered that the Number 676 is a Square Number, the Root of which is 26, and which, when multiplied into itself, with 10 subtracted, will produce the Square of 666. And because the Number 666 is not a perfect Square of any Integral Number, and that the Number 26 is nearer to the Square Root of 666 than the Number 25, therefore, the Number 26 is to be preferred to the Number 25, if the Square Root system be allowed to prevail. But what, I would inquire, has St. John said about the Root of the Number 666.2 or, what concerning the Cube Root of the Number 666 ° or, what concerning the Square Root of the Number 666.2 The Apostle merely says, “ Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count THE NUM- BER of the Beast; for it is THE NUMBER of a MAN, and HIs NUMBER is Six HUNDRED THREEscor E AND SIx.” We are plainly instructed by the Holy Spirit in these words in what way our “wisdom" and 1 Rev. xiii. 18. INTRODUCTION. XXV “understanding” are to be exercised, viz. to “count” THE NUMBER: ” not to extract the Cube or Square Root of the Number 666. Is it possible to imagine that St. John could intend that the “NUMBER of the MAN,” or the “NUMBER of HIs NAME,” should be written upon a stone of 25 Cubic Inches, or 25 Square or Solid Feet, or 25 Furlongs 2 Or, is it possible that the inspired Apostle could allude to the Perimeter, Altitude, Thickness, or Breadth of the “ MAN ?” Strange as such questions may appear, yet they are involved in the solution of the Number 666, by means of the Cube and Square Root / If the hypothesis of Mr. Potter be correct, then the Number 25, being the Square Root of the Number (666—41,) the Number 25 (as the object sought) must become the substitute of the or IGINAL NUMBER 666, the Number 666 being of no other apparent use, than to ExTRACT the SQUARE Root of the Number 625, and to add the Fraction . The result of such an hypothesis must be this, That as the two Greek Numerals we are equal to the Number 25 ; because k' = 20 and e = 5; so the two Greek Numerals xe' squared, must be equal to, or become the Re- presentatives of the Three Greek Numerals xàs', or 666, the admission of which hypothesis would be to allow our adversaries the Romanists, double and treble vantage ground, because such a Cabbalistical Mode of Calculation is nothing more than they would desire, for they know full well that the adoption of this Square Root System, would be in effect to root up the Truth of St. John's hypothesis concerning the xxvi INTRODUCTION. Number 666, inasmuch as no perfect or settled NAME of a MAN could be thence derived, no sound conclu- sion be drawn from such Algebraical deduction, such immeasurable and indeterminate Premises. Ex. Gr. If 41 must first be subtracted from the original Number 666 of St. John, the square Root produced from that Number, not being an integral Number, but Frac- tional, it is therefore, incomplete, and it is certain that there is no way of making the Number 25, the Square Root of the Number 666, but by the addition of a Fraction of #: so we are left in this deplorable dilemma at last, that 25 is NOT the square Root of 666, neither indeed can it be, because of the Imper- fection occasioned by the necessary subtraction of 41, from the original Number 666. If the Num- ber 25 were the genuine square Root of the Number 666, we should nevertheless be subject to this difficulty of Decision, as to which of the Two Greek Numbers xé, or x&g', should be accounted for the genuine Number of the Beast P that is to say, whether the Root of the Number 666, which (according to Mr. Potter's hypothesis) would be zé, should be the Key to the interpretation, because wé is the Root of 625, being equal to 25 ; or, the origiNAL NUMBER xàº. 2 If we should say the former Greek Number, then the latter must be evcluded; if the latter, then the former must be e.vcluded : So that we shall have arrived at no cer- tainty at last, by the adoption of the square Root of the Number, for the Number itself. If Mr. Potter had endeavoured to prove, by the production of INTRODUCTION. xxvii examples, that the Square Root was practised by the Greeks when they sought to “count THE NUMBER” of a Man's Name, then we could have discovered how far such a system harmonized with ancient Greek custom, in reference to the subject under consideration; but as we know before-hand that no such Mode of calculation was ever used by the Greeks, or alluded to by St. John, when calcu- lating the Number of the Name of a Man, so we are bound by the inspired words of St. John, and the example of Irenaus, &c. &c. as well as the autho- rity of the Greeks themselves, to reject such an Algebraical and Cabbalistical Mode of calculation and interpretation; for St. John merely instructs us to . . . * “ count the Number” (not to extract the Square Root) of the Beast’s Name.” Ex. Gr. If I were asked to “count the Number” 1000, would any one suppose that I should be led to understand by such a plain requisition, that I was to eartract the Square Root of that Number? It would be the height of absurdity 1 and yet this is the sum and substance of Mr. Potter’s renowned hypothesis. What analogy can there be between ‘the Name of a Man, and the Number of his Name,’ and the Square Root of a Number which is not a perfect Square P A greater perversion of Mathematical Knowledge, as connected with the Holy Scriptures, could not have been set on foot. I have elsewhere noticed that the three Numerals which St. John had used to denote the Mumber 666, were Greek, as * Rev. xiii. 18. xxviii INTRODUCTION. xás', and that the Name of the Man, corresponding with them, must likewise be written in Greek Letters, as Irematus has certified, and, therefore, the Method of calculating Greek Names, which was in common use among the Greeks, in the time of St. John, must for ever exclude the Square Root System. In the sequel it will appear that the Square Root hypothesis has evidently been introduced by Mr. Potter to accommodate (not what St. John has said concerning the Number of the Beast, which is 666, but) an idea relating to certain supposed coincidences between the sia following matters pertaining to the Church of Rome, and the Square Root of 625, which is 25. * “ 1. Five and twenty Gates, whether taken literally, or mystically for Churches to baptize in. “2. Five and twenty Angels, that is, Pastors. “3. Five and twenty Titles or Parishes. “4. Five and twenty Cardinals. “5. Five and twenty thousand Furlongs, the Perimeter of which Cube is the Circuit of Rome, as the Perimeter of the Cube twelve thousand Furlongs is the Circuit of Jerusalem. “6. Five and twenty Articles of the Creed which should be the Food of the Tree of Life to all Believers.” But I have already shown that the Number 26 is nearer the Square Root of 666 than the Number 25, and that the Number 666 is not a perfect Square of any Integral Number, and, therefore, to accommo- date this Idea of Mr. Potter, with the Square Root hypothesis, we shall have this ludicrous result. 1 See More's Works. Book v. Chapter 16. Sect. 8, p. 135. London, 1708. INTRODUCTION. xxix 1. 25 Gates, plus the Fraction of a Gate or Church to baptize in. 2. 25 Angels or Pastors, plus the fraction of an Angel or Pastor. 3. 25 Titles or Parishes, plus the fraction of a Title or Parish. 4. 25 Cardinals, plus the fraction of a Cardinal. 5. 25 Ibid. 6. 25 Ibid. We conclude, therefore, that as 25 is the Square Root of the Number of 625, and not of 666, so the Square Root hypothesis of Mr. Potter, (ingenious as it may appear,) vanishes; for it is not tenable even upon Mathematical Principles, much less upon Scrip- tural ground. I shall conclude my observations on Mr. Potter's scheme by a brief Memoir of the Author and his Treatise on the Number 666, which is written in Pencil by some one on the inside cover of a copy of his work in my Possession. “Francis Potter, born in Wiltshire, educated at Oaford, succeeded his Father in the Living of Kil- mington, Somerset, 1637. He was elected F. R. S. for a curious hydraulic engine he presented to that learned body : he was eminent as a Painter, but his Treatise on 666, Oaford 1642, does not reflect much credit on him as a Commentator, rejecting, as he did, the obvious Name Azrévvos, and having recourse to a Surd Root, which is absurd.” Daubuz has rejected the celebrated Name AATEINox and preferred the two Hebrew words nºr)" signifying XXX INTRODUCTION. Roman, and mno signifying Mystery (avg-ipo) both which words produce the Number 666, according to the numerical value of the Hebrew Letters of which they are composed; but as ‘RoMAN and ‘MYSTERY” are not Names of Men, so they must both be re- jected on that account, according to the Text of St. John ; “The Name of the Beast, or the Number of his Name " . . . “ is the Number of a Man.” More- over: the Name of the Man must not be sought after in the Hebrew Language, but in the Language in which St. John wrote his Book of the Revelation, which was GREEK, and the Number 2.Ég', which is Greek, must be counted according to the Mode of Greek calculations which existed in St. John's time, of which many examples have been adduced. How far the Hebrew word nºrm may serve for identifying the Kingdom of the ‘Roman Ecclesiastical Beast, is another point; but it is certain that it is not the NAME of a MAN, and, therefore, the Number 666 cannot be established without it be accompanied with some special proper Name. Besides which it is so palpably absurd to have a Greek Number given us, as x&g', and then to turn to the Hebrew Language to explain it. If it were a Hebrew Number which was given us by St. John, as DD, then a Hebrew Name would have sufficed for the interpretation ; but a Greek Number must have a Greek Name, as ante- cedent and consequent. If any two Names of Men could be found in the same Language in every respect applicable to the “Mark,” “ Name,” and “Number of the Beast," it would be an argument why twenty I NTRODUCTION. xxxi or fifty Names might be found for the same purpose; but there is only one Name of a Man which can fully and satisfactorily unfold the AEnigma, whosoever may be the discoverer of it, and it must be in ‘GREEK not in Hebrew (characters,) as Irenaeus testifies. I have merely mentioned the Names of Croly . . . . Vitringa . . . Faber . . . Dr. Burton. . . Calmet . . Dean Woodhouse ... Professor Lee ... Potter . . . and Daubuz in this part of my Work, with an intent to show that in the very nature of their Opinions and Confessions the subject of the Number 666 was not incontrovertibly settled, although noticed and written upon by them, and also to demonstrate, that as long as any one additional writer of fair pre- tensions can be allowed space enough to conjecture some new name, in any Language which is not Greek, with any tolerable hope of success; or, invalidate the Number xãº" by the production of an opposite one, or the Mode of calculating it by some Cabbalistic art of the Square or Cube Root; so long the Number of the Man, which prima facie, imports the Name of the Man, cannot be declared by any to rest beyond the reach of future disputation. If then what Irenaus wrote conjecturally in the second Century, be not enough to convince us of the certainty of the Name LATEINos in the nineteenth, (and his Testimony has been corroborated again and again by subsequent writers in every age,) vain must be the attempt of any Modern Writer to begin the Task ; for the MAN, * Irenae. lib. V. cap. xxx. p. 447. edit. Grabe. Oxon. 1702. and chap. xiv. p. 167. line 14, &c. of this work. xxxii ge INTRODUCTION. (whose enigmatical Appellative Name is by the hypo- thesis Aarévos, and his Number xàº' or 666,) began his ecclesiastical Reign, at Rome, A. D. 533, and, consequently, the “1260 Days” of Years expired A. D. 1792. Those, therefore, who upon eaſisting evidence will not acknowledge the Name Aarévvos to be the true Appellative of the Numbered Beast, may as reasonably Question the Fact whether the City of Jerusalem be really destroyed, or not, even though the Event has verified the prediction. It would, I repeat, be equally inconsistent to Question the fact whether the PAPAL-ANTICHRIST, who is “ the Man of Sin,” “revealed,” be actually revealed at Rome, or not, although a stream of concurrent Testimony, beginning with Christ, St. Paul, and St. John, and followed by Irendºus, has flowed down to us in the course of those remarkable Events which constitute the fulfilment of the prediction, according to the time appointed. Surely, then, we may with the same certainty look for the destruction of that Papal-City, Rome, in which the Papists glory so much, as the Apostles awaited the destruction of Jerusalem, or any other predicted Event. It is most grievous to notice the numerous specu- lative errors which have from time to time arisen, and been most extensively circulated through the medium of men of Talent, concerning the Number 666, causing the almost eatinction of the ort Ho- GRAPHY . . NAME . . NUMBER . . and GREEK MODE of CALCULATION, if we suffer ourselves to be distracted by the conflicting testimony of Faber . . . Wrang- INTRODUCTION. xxxiii ham . . . Clarke . . . Bellarmine . . . Grotius. . . and Bossuet, for the orthography : of Calmet . . . Dr. Burton . . . and Croly, for the NAME: of Professor Lee and Archbishop Laud, for the NUMBER ; and of Dean Woodhouse . . . Potter . . . Daubuz and others, for the MoDE OF CALCULATION. But happily we are not bound by their opinions, being exhorted by St. Paul to “prove all things,” (that is, not to take them upon trust without sufficient examination,) and then to “hold fast that which is good.” The more steadily, therefore, we look into the word of God, the more plainly we shall perceive the truth of these words : “one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass” . . . “till all be fulfilled.” Neither then the NUMBER nor the NAME of the Beast shall in any wise pass away, till the Time of his predicted reign be fulfilled, and HIS PROPER NAME fully discovered, and applied in an appellative sense to the MAN and HIS KINGDom which are the special subjects of the prophetic Num- ber 2.Ég' or 666. It is most certain that many scriptural words, names and Teats have been so perverted from their original meaning and intention ; that instead of esta- blishing the Truths they were intended to convey to the mind, they have been cunningly laid as a Foun- dation for the most serious Heresies and destructive Errors. Wherefore it is most necessary that we pay the strictest regard even to the value of LETTERs, as well as words, &c., when such fearful consequences have resulted from too easy an acquiescence in those matters which on a little investigation are found to xxxiv. INTRODUCTION. be palpably wrong, and equally subversive of Reason and Holy writ and which ought never to have gained Credence till their merits had been more fairly canvassed. Many have been the unavoidable interruptions which I have met with since the commencement of this work in the year 1830, arising from Parochial Duties and other Engagements. That such a Work, however, was wanted may be reasonably inferred from the confessions of some writers, and the pal- pable failure of others. But whether the good Providence of God has enabled me to place the subject of the Number 666 in that intelligible and unanswerable point of view, which is so desirable, is another question. That it is the Proper Name of a MAN, which is here demanded, is an ariom which cannot be denied. “The NAME of the Beast ’’ ‘‘ is the Number of a MAN ; and his NUMBER is Six HUNDRED THREE Score AND SIx:” and that, that Name is A&révvos, is, I believe, equally clear. I can, however, conscientiously affirm, that my sincere and sedulous study has been to set the subject of the “Name” and “Number” beyond the possibility of alteration, and to effect the paramount establishment of the Name of “a MAN,” namely, LATEINos, as the true and on LY appellative of the Numbered Beast, (Rev. xiii. 18.) and having strenuously at- tempted this, I must leave it to the candour of my Readers in general, and the supporters of Religious Truth in particular, to give their unbiassed Verdict according to the umerring and unchanging Word of INTRODUCTION. XXXV God, THE STANDARD to which I have constantly appealed in Confirmation of what has been advanced. As the Promise of God made to Daniel the Pro- phet was, that, at '“THE TIME of THE END"— “KNowLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED ;” so may this promise abide with God's people and be believed ; for He is a God who cannot lie : and they who wait on Him shall know assuredly that this sacred Enigma was written by the finger of God, at the hand of St. John, to the intent that Papal Rome, the Mystic Babylon of the Revelations, might come into remem- brance before God, at “THE TIME of THE END,” viz. the “1260 Days” of Years, which are Now FULFILLED. * Daniel xii. 4. C O N T E N T S. PA O. E. INTRODUCTION . g & g . iv to xxxv CHAPTER I. The subjecT proposed g © e l—8 CHAPTER II. Introductory Remarks on Mr. Faber's hy- pothesis of Apostates, with objections 9–23 CHAPTER III. OBJECTIONs to Mr. Faber's hypothesis continued, with Observations on the EPISEMON g’ and the contRACTION g . 24–39 CHAPTER IV. Further observations on the numerical CYPHER denominated errangov Tav, or V, or G, or g', as used to denote the NUMBER 6, and to supply the vacuum occasioned by the absence of the obso- LETE AEOLIC DI-GAMMA . e . 40–50 d xxxviii CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. On the Result of that Branch of Mr. FABER's hypothesis, which IDENTIFIES the EPISEMON 5' with the contRAction g CHAPTER VI. On the THREE EPISEMA, with a numerous selection of authorities for the use of the MARK [•] over the EPIs EMON or CYPHER g’ CHAPTER VII. On the PROPER USE of the MARK or AC- cENT, when placed above or below the errankov Tav, or CYPHER g’, with the probable origin and use of the said EPIs EMON CHAPTER VIII. Containing allusions to the ANCIENT nu- merical use of the D1-GAMMA, as connected with the subject of the EPIsłMon g’ PA Glº. 51—-60 61–72 73–82 83–89 CONTENTS. xxxix CHAPTER IX. On the proper DISTINCTION to be observed BETweeN the use of the THREE EPIsèMA, viz. eriankov Tav, Kornia, and Xaviru, and the 24 LETTERs of the GREEK Alphabet, in the designation of NAMEs and NUM- BERs ; together with some remarks on the necessity of retaining the ExACT NOTATION OF HOLY WIRIT CHAPTER X. Two TABLEs illustrative of Mr. FABER's word APOSTATEs, exhibiting its pal- pable inconsistency with the true Num- ber xãº", or 666 CHAPTER XI. Examples proving the want of IDENTITY in the word ApostATES, as applicable to any ONE PARTICULAR LAPSED CHURCH or PERSON ExcLUsiveLY CHAPTER XII. Containing a REFUTATION of Dr. ADAM CLARKE's hypothesis of n Aarovº 32a weta “The LATIN KINGDOM ' 90–100 . 101–107 . 108–143 . 144–158 xl CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER XIII. Remarks on the SPURIOUs Number xus', or 616, which is mentioned by Professor LEE e G g ſº © . 159—165 CHAPTER XIV. Five REASONs drawn from IRENAEUS, esta- blishing the moral certainty of his or- thography in the NAME Aarévvos, with further remarks on the opinions of Archbishop LAUD and Professor Lee . 166–178 CHAPTER XV. Observations on the DIPHTHONG, or the BROAD, or CIRCUM FLEXED IOTA in the Name Aarévvos, Aardvos, Aari vos, that is, et, or d, or . ſº g e . 179–192 CHAPTER XVI. Of the authenticity and propriety of the Name Aarévvos, as applied to the MAN, s whose NUMBER is xãº", “666.”. . 193—222 CHAPTER XVII. The general argument for the Name Aztévvos as definitively and ExCLU- siveLY DEscRIPTIVE of “The MAN of SIN,” further confirmed. * . 223—234 CONTENTS. xli PAGL CHAPTER XVIII. RomanisM summarily conFRONTED with Holy Scri PTURE . e e . 235–259 CHAPTER XIX. The subject recapitulated, with a brief notice of the various LATIN TITLES assumed by the PAPACY . e . 260–273 CHAPTER XX. An historical account of the ELECTION, PROCLAMATION, and CoRoNATION of PoPE INNocent XIII. (as recorded by Edward WRIGHT, Esq.) illustrating the GENIUS of Pope RY . e Q . 27.4—306 I. Table of Numerals. II. Scale of Combinations. THE NAME AND NUMBER OF THE BEAST, LATE IN O S. “Tº ONOMA rā 9mptov’”—“APIGMOx ANePOTIOT gari, kai 3 APiemox Attor xàs'.” - “The NAME of the beast”—“ is the NUMBER of a MAN ; and his Number is 666.”—Rev. xiii. 17, 18. - CHAPTER I. THE SUBJECT PROPOSED. SINCE the time of IRENAEUs, who was a contemporary with PolycARP, the disciple of St. JoHN, the true investigation of the secret name but given number of THE MAN which the Apostle has propounded for our solution by the means of “wisdom ' and “under- standing,” has always been a subject deeply interest- ing, though perplexing, to the minds of the most learned and pious Commentators of Divine Revela- tion, as the numerous works extant on this particular point will clearly demonstrate. St. John, however, says plainly '—“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath * Rev. xiii. 18. B 2 CHA PTER I : understanding count THE NUMBER of the beast : for it is the NUMBER of a MAN ; and HIS NUMBER is six HUNDRED THREE score and six,” or “666.” Thus from the Apostle's eahortation “Let him that hath understanding,” and his expression, "“Here is the mind which hath wisdom,” (as well as from the ea amples of IRENAEUs, HIPPolytus MARTYR, and others,) we know that a sober attempt to solve this scriptural enigma is perfectly justifiable. As “the Number of a MAN ?’ must necessarily (ac- cording to the ancient mode of Greek calculations and of St. John's expression) imply the NAME of a MAN ; the Apostle has made them coincident.” Tº ONOMA rā 9mpſe # rºy APIeMON rà ONOMATOX ATTOT. * The NAME of the Beast, or THE NUMBER of HIS NAME: *-and this NAME and NUMBER of the Beast he declares to be “ the NUMBER of a MAN.” * APIeMOX .... ANOPOTIO'ſ earl. “It is the NUMBER of a MAN.” Kai : APIeMox Artor xfs'. “And HIS NUMBER’’ [or the Number of Him] “666.” That is to say, “The Number of a Man,” is, by a proper ellipsis, put for ‘the Number of the Name of a Man,” according to the opinion of Irenaeus. Therefore, it will be absolutely necessary to abide by THIS APosTolic RULE in the investigation of the NAME of the MAN, the alphabetical LETTERs of which, when taken separately, (according to the mode of Greek compu- tation), must contain the given arithmetical Number of the Beast in the strictest possible manner, in order that a stop may be put to the multiplicity of vague ! Rev. xvii. 9. * Rev. xiii. 17. * Ibid. 18. THE SUBJECT PROPOSED. 3 speculations, which have gone forth into the world during the present age of the Church, through the fertile imaginations of various learned writers on Prophecy. And such is my purpose, with the firm hope of supplanting, by the means of scriptural truth, by sound argument, by classical and ancient Arithmetical Authorities, all those Words, Names, Epi- thets, Titles and Sentences, (excepting Aarévos) which have hitherto been produced in favour of the Number 666; but which are as foreign to the “Wisdom" and “Understanding ” of which St. John speaks, as they are orthographically, hypothetically, and otherwise incorrect. For at the outset it is evident, not only from the words of ST. John, that the characteristic ‘MARK' . . . of the Beast must be the PRoPER NAME of some “MAN, '' (implied in His enigmatical Number, 666); but St. Paul also speaks in an especial manner of “the MAN of SIN "—“the SON of PERDITION,” to “be revealed in his time.” . . . . # ANGPoſiox rà, duapita;, & TIOX rā; 3roxetz; ; which character most fully portrayed the Person of the Pope of Rome. Thus as CHRIST is the Name of A MAN 2 (; xPixTox), so also similarly the Appellative of his great Opponent is that of a MAN, as we know from the masculine prefix of the definite Article” & ANTIXPIXTox, and, therefore, if we can find the proper name of a MAN, which is answerable also in an Appellative sense, to the descriptive MARK, NAME, and NUMBER xàs', or 666; as also characteristic of * 2 Thess. ii. 3. * “The Man Christ Jesus,” 1 Tim. ii. 5; Rom. v. 15. * 1 John ii. 22, B 2 4 CHA PTER I : “ the MAN of SIN "–“ the SoN of PERDITION ; ” and kar’ &oxy, ‘ the ANTICHRIST ; ' then, let us not doubt of full success : as we may be assumed to have the “Wisdom” and “ Understanding ” requisite for dis- covering as decisively as possible, the secret name of that scriptural enigma, which is brought to light in the Proper Name Azrāvoc, LATEINos ; for it contains the true NUMBER, Xès', or 666—is the NAME of a MAN, and exhibits the indelible MARK of the Beast, which is LATIN. I. I purpose to commence this subject, or Treatise, by some critical Remarks on the opinion of the Rev. George Stanley Faber, relative to the Number xfs', or 666, the enigmatical Name of which he imagines he has discovered, to a moral certainty, in the Greek word Amroç-atºm; [APOSTATEs, as he writes.” “I am much inclined to think, that, even independently of other objections, the very phraseo- logy of the Apostle shuts out every Name which has been adduced as the Name of the Beast, save on LY the single Name ApostATEs.” But Mr. Faber knew well, at the very time he was recording this opinion for publication, that the Word (not ‘Name ’) Apos- TATEs, would, most clearly and unequivocally produce the far greater (and much more legitimate) Number 1160, which completely destroys the certainty of the lesser Number 666, the former being by 494 above the Number mentioned by St. John ; and it is most evident that ApostATEs cannot by any possible | Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. Chap. iv. Page 237. THE SUBJECT PROPOSED. 5 means be converted into the Proper Name of a MAN. It is, moreover, monstrous to suppose that Apos- TATÉs can be limited to contain the true Number 666, and also eatended to the much greater Number 1160, at the same moment, and, therefore, the word APostATEs lies open to a twofold objection. 1st. That Apost ATEs is not the PRoPER NAME of a MAN, but a word of the most indefinite signi- fication, and therefore cannot contain the Number of a MAN, or be the proper Appellative of the Num- bered Beast, because such a word might be rendered applicable to every Apostate or Apostacy. 2ndly. That ApostATEs does produce LETTER BY LETTER, the true and undoubted Number 1160, and is, therefore, plainly irreducible to the far inferior Number 666; because “things which are equal to the same, are equal to one another.’ This word Arorarnº, therefore, must be as remote from conclusiveness, upon a point so long the subject of Theological Controversy, as the Number 1160 is, from the Number 666. II. I intend to prove that the opinion of the learned Dr. Adam Clarke, who supposes that he has fully deciphered the Proper Name of the numbered Beast, or MAN, in the words or sentence, n Aarwn Bariñeta,” “THE LATIN KINGDOM ; ” (which words or sentence, by computation of the LETTERs of the Greek Alphabet, Letter by Letter, will produce the ea act number xfs', or 666; but NoT the Proper Name of a MAN,) must be rejected, as Not being answerable to the “wisdom" * Dr. Adam Clarke's Commentary on Rev. xiii. 18. 6 CHAPTER I : } and “ understanding ” of which St. John speaks in reference to “the NAME of the Beast,” which “is the Number of a MAN.” III. I shall then show that the theory of Professor Lee of Cambridge, who doubts the correctness of the Number xfs', or 666; because “ In the times of IRENAEUs ANOTHER Number was found—616, or xus': ' is not supported by earlier or better authority than that of ARCHBishop LAUD, and the ** Codices ' of ‘ PETAVIUS.’ It may be necessary to offer something in this place, by way of apology for troubling the Public with the revival of an old, and, what may appear to many, a worn out subject. But, as the three preced- ing Authors, some of the most recent writers of note in the present age, who have ventured to differ from IRENAEUs, in reference to the orthography of the NAME Aarévvos, as well as the Number itself, all of them differ in their opinions from each other, so they cannot ALL be correct, however learned and ingenious their separate systems may be. Consequently, until some on E leading Name of a MAN be found, which can bid defiance to alteration, both in point of ortho- graphy, number, and identity, the true solution of the enigmatical Number and Name of the Beast, must remain doubtful, and liable, in some way or other, to objection, alteration, and fresh speculations. To establish a specific Name of a MAN, upon the * Lee's Dissertations on Prophecy, Diss. II. Sec. iii. Chap. xiii. Page 329. * See Wetstein Notae Criticae, Canon xxiii. P. 36 and 37, appended to Greek Testament, Amsterdam, 1711. THE SUBJECT PROPOSED. 7 surest and most conclusive Premises, is therefore my OBJECT and anxious desire in this little work; which object, I most firmly believe, I have ultimately attained, through much patient investigation of the subject, and the help of many classical and ancient Authorities, fairly admissible and conclusive on this point, as will appear in the sequel of this Treatise. I must here be allowed to remark, that, with all due respect for Mr. Faber, I cannot comprehend how “Homogeneity,’ ‘The System of Counter Ele- ments,’ ‘The Doctrine of Chances,’ the arbitrary substitution of certain words for others of opposite meanings, the reciprocal use of a Greek erigºpov, or cypher, for a Greek stenographical contraction, or Ligature of two distinct Letters ; assertions without proof, unfair quotations, and the parallelisms of texts, which, by comparison, are obviously different in their significations are allowable or necessary, in the elucidation of the Names and Numbers exhi- bited in the Prophecies of the Holy Scriptures. Yet such is the ingenious, or rather ambiguous and complex style which Mr. Faber has adopted in his endeavour to establish his favourite word APOSTATEs, to the rejection of the ancient and generally approved NAME Aarévvos, [LATEINos] as used by Irenaeus in the second century, which Name, when written in Greek Letters, is, I firmly believe, the oNLY proper Name of a MAN, that will (when used as an Appellative) satisfactorily exhibit the Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast. It not only identifies the descriptive character of the ‘MAN, whose Number is 666, but 8 CHAPTER I. every individual Member of the LATIN Papal kingdom, each of whom may very properly be styled a Latin, inasmuch as every Papist is bound, in his allegiance to the Pope, to acknowledge the Divine and Canonical uses of the LATIN Language in the public service of the Roman Church ; notwithstanding its being a Dead, and (according to the words of St. Paul) “an Unknown Tongue,” to the common people, and there- fore antichristian, and to be denounced as an Anti- apostolical and Heretical practice. CHAPTER II. INTRODUCTory REMARKs on MR. FABER's HYPOTHESIS of APOSTATES, witH objecTIONs. I shALL now commence with the word Atos-arms, (APosTATEs,) or the hypothesis of the Rev. George Stanley Faber concerning the Number xàs', or 666; to which end I shall proceed to consider the ‘Four distinct Articles, under which (Mr. Faber informs us) ‘the terms descriptive of the sacred enigma are set forth : they are as follow— ‘’ The NAME of the Beast is a certain Mark, or Stigma or Character: which is figuratively said to be impressed upon him, which exhibits the component Letters of his Name, and by which he is emphatically distinguished.” º ‘The NAME of the Beast is the NAME of BLAS- PHEMY." ‘The NAME of the Beast compreh ENDs the NUM- BER of the Beast : and that NUMBER is declared to be 666.’ * Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. Ch. iv. P. 227, 10 CHAPTER II : * The NUMBER of the Beast, or the NUMBER 666 produced by the LETTERs of his NAME, is the NUMBER of a MAN.” To the first and third of the foregoing ‘Articles' I am not unwilling to give my assent; but the Second Article affirms that ‘ the NAME of the Beast is the NAME of BLASPHEMY ; ' and we are further in- structed by Mr. Faber, that, ‘BLASPHEMY denotes Apostacy,” “But even in the ordinary language of the Gospels,’ says he, “no less than in the Prophetic language of the Apocalypse, BLASPHEMY denotes Apostacy. The NAME, therefore, of Blasphemy Is the NAME of ApostAcy: ' ' Accordingly, Apostacy is the appellation prophetically bestowed upon it by St. PAUL.’ ‘The Name, then, of the Beast, being the Name of Blasphemy or Apostacy, must be a Name descriptive of the Apostatic worship foretold by St. Paul.’ ” “Hence we may conclude, that the Name of the Beast, or the Name expressive of Blasphemy, must be some such Greek word as is equivalent in English to THE BLASPHEMER or THE APOSTATE.’ ** Now there are two Greek words, which bear the requisite signification, BLASPHEMUs and ApostATEs. [8Azapnuo; and Arosarns.] But merely to bear the requisite signification is not alone sufficient. To determine the point, whether either of these two words be the intended Blasphemous Name of the Beast, we must resort to what the Prophet remarkably * Faber’s Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. ch. iv. p. 231, 233, 234, 239, 240. 2 Ibid 233. * Ibid 234. ON M R. FABER's HYPOTHESIS. 1 1 calls the wisdom of calculating or of summing up their respective arithmetical Letters.’ * With respect to the word BLASPHEMUs, when mechanically subjected to this process, for it admits not of any particular wisdom in calculating, it brings out the Number 1051. Hence it must be rejected : because, though it answers to the test exhibited in the Second Article, it is found incapable of answering to the test exhibited in the Third Article.’ “But the word ApostATEs, when (as the Prophet speaks) wisely and not superficially subjected to the same arithmetical process : that is to say, when calculated, as written contractedly in its less obvious Greek form, and not as written uncontractedly in its more obvious Greek form, brings out the precise Number 666.’ * And Mr. Faber winds up his Argument by saying— - * “The Number of the Beast is the Number of the Beast's Name: whence, analogously, the Number of a MAN is the Number of the intended MAN's Name. But the Number of the Beast's Name is 666 : and this same Number 666 is declared to be also the Number of a MAN. Therefore the Number 666, which is comprehended in the Name of the Beast, is also comprehended in the Name of the particular MAN to whom the Prophet alludes. Now the Name of the Beast, being the Name of Blasphemy, is not a Proper Name, but a Descriptive Name. Therefore, analogously, the Name of the MAN must be a De- * Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, vol. iii. p. 239, 240. 12 CHAPTER II : scriptive Name, exhibiting his Character, not a Proper Name specifying his Personal Individuality. ‘Such being the joint nature both of the Beast's Name and of the MAN's NAME, it is evident that the descriptive Name of the one must be identical with the descriptive Name of the other: at least, on what is called the DocTRINE of CHANCEs, the PRE- SUMPTION is so strong as to AMoUNT to a MoRAL CERTAINTY. The NAME, therefore, of THE MAN, like the Name of the Beast, Is APOSTATES : ’ &c. It is highly favourable to my opinions that Mr. Faber has drawn the conclusion of his Argument from “THE DocTRINE of CHANCEs,’ and I think, by a candid examination of the subject, it must appear that the premises are of the same nature, according to such presumptive Mode of Reasoning as that exhibited in the foregoing words; for, the truth of such an un- qualified Assertion as that which is set forth in Mr. Faber’s Second Article, viz. That ‘ the Name of the Beast is the Name of Blasphemy: ' and else- where, that ‘ BLASPHEMY denotes Apost Acy'—is * PRESUMPTION enough ; because it must depend upon the PRoof of Three Things, whether or not such an Argument amount to a Moral Certainty.’ 1st. Whether “ BLASPHEMY denotes A Post Acy.’ 2ndly. Whether Blasphemy or Apostacy are either of them the Descriptive Name” of the Numbered Beast or MAN, even if it cAN be proved that the latter word Atos-arms, in its contracted form, contains the true Number 666, which is most doubtful. ON MR. FABER'S HYPOTHESIS. 13 If it be allowed for the sake of argument, that Atos-arms “ when written contractedly, in its less obvious Greek form,” is equal to 666, yet when written ‘ uncontractedly ’ (Aroa rarms) in its more obvious Greek form,” it is invariably equal to 1160; therefore, the same word is both equal to the Number 666 and the Number 1160 : which is preposterous, because it is contrary to sound reasoning and ortho- graphy, and more than Mr. Faber would admit, in reference to the NAME Aargavos ; or any other Name, or word, at variance with his own hypothesis. Moreover, it is evident that if the word ‘Blasphemy' can be proved to ‘ denote Apostacy,” still Apos- tacy cannot be proved to denote the NAME OF A MAN, and the Number would be of no possible use, unless the Name of the MAN were first found, for even according to Mr. Faber's fourth Article, the Number must be elicited by the individual ‘Letters of the Name.’ ‘The Number of the Beast, or the Number 666 produced by the LETTERS of His NAME, is the Number of a MAN.’ - 3rdly. Whether it be legitimate to use the Greek stenographical contraction of sigma and tau s or ar, and the stenographical episémon, or cypher, s' or ‘i, called by Greek Grammarians era muoy Tav, in the same manner ; for the contraction s is never used to denote Numbers of any kind, and its equivalent LETTERs ( ; and r ) are equal to 500; but the episemon s' is only used as a stenographical cypher to denote the Number 6, without any ne- cessary reference to the LETTERs of the Greek l4 CHAPTER II : Alphabet. [See the Tables at the end of this Work.] It is manifest enough that EACH of the THREE fore- going points is eatremely doubtful; so much so, that they may ALL be fairly and legitimately dis- puted; and yet the whole force and strength of Mr. Faber's argument hangs upon their separate and con- joint validity: and why, therefore, should the ancient and correct orthography of Irenaeus concerning the Diphthong or et be impugned or discarded for such novelty and uncertainty as that which Mr. Faber has proffered to us as a substitute for Aarévvos ? From Mr. Faber's fourth Article it appears that he has literally refuted his own Argument; for he says, “The Number of the Beast, or the Number 666 produced by the LETTERs of HIs NAME, is also the NUMBER of a MAN.' Now it would not be suspected from Mr. Faber's fourth Article, that he did not intend to adhere strictly to the individual LETTERS of the Greek Alphabet, but it is a FACT that the whole force of his argument depends upon an uncer- tainty, that is, whether it be legitimate to use an eriankov, or cypher, in the place or room of two dis- tinct letters, viz. the errankov Tav, or cypher s or G, in the same manner as the Greek contraction s or ar; and until this point is cleared up in the most satis- factory manner possible, his whole argument is liter- ally good for nothing, because it wants proof, which is “the one thing needful” in the case. Who then is to be the Umpire to decide whether or not we must be compelled, in obedience to Mr. Faber's ipse divit, ON M R. FABER'S HYPOTHESIS. 15 to use the word Arosarnº, according to the strictest rules of orthography, ALways in its contRACTED FoRM, when calculating the NUMBER of THIS worD? If the contraction s and the episèmon s' are proved to be synonymous in terms and equivalent in value, in refer- ence to the Number 6, THEN the said word APostATÉ's in its contracted form is equal to 666: but the word Aroazzºn; in its UN contRACTED for M is without any condition, restriction, or limitation, universally equal to the Number 1160, which is 494 above the given number of the Beast. [See Table on Arorarnº, Chapter X.] If it can be proved that the ortho- graphy of Irenaeus is incorrect, (which I think im- possible, see Chapter XV. concerning the Diphthong ei or 3) still his MoDE of eliciting the number is by taking the individual Greek LETTERs of the NAME, as they appear in the Greek alphabet, separately, and Not contractedly, leaving the three erianka, or cyphers, and all stenographical contractions or Ligatures of letters in their respective places: and if we are to decide the merits of the question by the EXAMPLES of Irenaeus, Hippolytus Martyr, Aretas, &c. which are supported by Mede, Dr. Henry More, Bishop Newton, Dr. Adam Clarke, and all the learned com- mentators, THEN Mr. Faber's hypothesis must, of necessity, fall to the ground. - . It appears to me that Mr. Faber's scheme is objec- tionable in the following particulars, which will be more clearly seen by referring to his ‘Sacred Calendar of Prophecy,” [Vol. iii. from page 225 to page 242] as compared with the following remarks. 16 - CHAPTER II : Objection I. That as ApostATEs is not the Name of a MAN, therefore, it cannot contain the NUMBER of a MAN, and, consequently, cannot be the Appel- lative of the Numbered Beast; and this is corrobo- rated by Mr. Faber's own words, viz. That ‘The Number of the Beast is the Number of the Beast's Name; whence, analogously, the Number of a MAN is the intended MAN's NAME. But the Number of the Beast's Name is 666 ; and this same Number 666 is declared to be also the Number of a Man. There- fore the Number 666, which is comprehended in the Name of the Beast, is also comprehended in the NAME of the PARTICULAR MAN to whom the Pro- phet alludes.' But how can Apostates be proved to be “the NAME of the particular MAN to whom the Prophet alludes,' if no MAN ever bore such a parti- cular NAME? What analogy can there be between the NAME and NUMBER of a MAN, where no proper or definite NAME is given of him whereby his Identity and ‘Descriptive Character' may be discovered ? An ANoNYMoUs or nameless MAN is therefore the character portrayed by Mr. Faber, which is absurd. Objection II. That Mr. Faber has asserted in his second Article that “ The Name of the Beast is the Name of Blasphemy.' [Page 229.] But the Apostle John merely says that “ upon his ’’ seven “heads " were the Names or “ Name of Blasphemy,” Rev. xiii. 1. Besides which 8xagºngo; neither contains the Number of the Beast, nor is it the Name of a MAN ; and if it be true, as Mr. Faber asserts, that, ‘The Name of the Beast is “ the Name of BLASPHEMy," ON M R. FABER's HYPOTHESIS. 17 consequently the Greek word BLASPHEMos must contain the Number 666 of the Beast : but it has already been acknowledged by Mr. Faber [Page 234], that ‘ Baagønuo; brings out the Number 1051. Hence it must be rejected; because though it answers to the test exhibited in the second Article, it is found in- capable of answering to the test exhibited in the third Article.’ Objection III. That the word 8×arpnpos is made “homogeneous ' with Anos-arms, without any sufficient scriptural or other authorities, beyond the ipse dia.it of Mr. Faber, who declares that ‘Blasphemy denotes Apostacy,” although it is certain that a Man may be a blasphemous character without Apostatizing from the faith of Christ; for no man can be said to be an Apostate from the Faith, who never embraced it; neither can a Man be an Apostate from Judaism, Romanism, Mohammedanism, or any thing else which he never professed to believe; and although Pagan Imperial Rome, (which is represented by the first secular or Blasphemous Roman Beast,) persecuted the Apostles and primitive Christians to death, during the three first centuries of the Christian AEra, yet is she not chargeable with Apostacy, but only Idolatry, Persecution, and Blasphemy. - Objection IV. That if ApostATEs be admitted as the ‘homogeneous' substitute of BLASPHEMOS, still the former word cannot, either in its contRACTED or uncontracted form, produce the Number 666, because of a necessary numerical HIATUs occasioned by the spurious introduction of the enignuoy or cypher s for C . - 18 CHAPTER II : the Number 6, among the LETTERS of the word ApostATEs, but which is not the Stenographical Ligature or Contraction of sigma and tau, s or ar, but merely a cypher:-And, because of a REDUN- DANcy of Numbers occasioned by the uncontracted numerical use of the Two separate LETTERs, sigma and tau, which are unitedly equal to 500, instead of 6. [See my Table on Apostates, Chapter X. as also the Table of the 24 Greek Letters, with the 3 eruangz at the end.] - Objection W. That the word ApostATEs is an epithet or title far too general and indefinite to answer the purpose intended by the “wisdom * and “ under- standing ” of which St. John speaks, in reference to the NAME of the Beast, which unless it be the PRoPER NAME of a MAN, and applicable in every other respect to the character of the Beast, cannot be the Proper (or Appellative) Name of the Beast, whose specific Number in Greek numerals is 666, or xàs'. Oljection VI. That in calculating the LETTERs in the word Arorarms, by the mystical ‘ calculative’ use of the Greek stenographical contraction s (which is equivalent to two distinct Letters, viz. sigma and tau,) as if it were synonymous with the Greek eriangov or cypher sº, and equal to 6, contrary to the custom of every Greek writer extant, and the example of Irenaeus, which was to calculate the LETTERs of the NAME of the MAN, or Beast, Letter by Letter, according to the established custom of the Greeks, Mr. Faber has departed from the plainest rules of Grecian ortho- graphy, and numerical calculations. ON MR. FABER's HYPOTHESIS. 19 Objection VII. That if it be legitimate to use the contraction s as the representative of the Emanuov Tav, or cypher s (of which practice we have no example on record) much more is it legitimate to use the sigma and tau, UNCONTRACTEDLY, according to the universal custom of the ancient Greeks, when calcu- lating the Names of Men, cities, or words of any kind, after the manner of Irenaeus, Hippolytus Martyr, Aretas, &c. [See Dr. Adam Clarke's observations, in his Commentary, relative to the Mode of Calcu- lating the Greek numerals, Revelations xiii.; also Parkhurst's Greek Lexicon; Lamy's Apparatus Bibli- cus, Book II. Chap. v. Page 311. See also the Tables at the end of this work, and the authorities. Quoted in my Preface in answer to Dean Woodhouse.] Objection WIll. That the exiangov Tav, or stenogra- phical cypher s', is not only made the representative of the Greek contraction s or ar, in calculating the Number 6, without any classical or grammatical au- thority for such supposed ‘homogeneity;” but, more- over, the little Mark () over the exiangº (s") is prudently omitted; which mark clearly “denotes it to be a cypher, and not the Greek contraction of sigma and tau : for when the mark is above the exampov, then it denotes sir—as sº = 6; but when the said mark is below the episémon, then it denotes sia thousand, as s = 6,000 : Mr. Faber has therefore been guilty of a very serious omission. Objection IX. That the two numerical episemons, (or entanua), which by Grammarians are called Korra and Xava, the characteristics of which are s or ; ; C 2 20 - CHAPTER II : and 2', are by Mr. Faber termed, ‘ two Conven- TIon AL MARKs,’ which is no proof of the integrity or fidelity of his orthography; and even when the Names of these two episèmons are given him by grammarians, he prefers inventing other terms to explain them. However, if the terms “ two CoNVEN- TIONAL MARKS ’ may with propriety be applied to the two episèmons Korra and Xavri, it follows as a consequence, that, as the entangov Tav, or sº, is equally distinguished by its given appellation, so the latter is also a THIRD “Convention AL MARK,' and, there- fore, according to Mr. Faber's own opinion it is no Letter, nor the contraction of sigma and tau. But it is well known that these three characters, or cyphers, viz. eriankov Tav.... Korra.... and Xaviri, have been severally introduced among the 24 letters of the Greek Alphabet to make up units, tens, and hundreds, and not as ligatures of certain distinct letters. [See Table of the 24 Greek Letters, with the three erranga, considered arithmetically at the end.] Objection X. That the fatal consequence of ad- mitting Mr. Faber's opinion to be correct, in render- ing “homogeneous” the episemon s' and contraction s will be that we shall have the new style of making 6 equal to 500, and 666 equal to 1160, which is well worthy of what Mr. Faber terms, ‘The wisdom of calculating,’ ‘ wisdom in computation,’ ‘ calculative wisdom,’ &c. &c. [See Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Pages 234, 235, 237.] Objection XI. That Mr. Faber has not proved that | Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. chap. iv. p. 236. ON M R. FABER's HYPOTHESIS. 2 l the Greeks did anciently use the contraction of sigma and tau, s, with which to express the Number 6. Nor has he on any on E occasion, throughout his Two publications on the word Arosarns, used the term erianwov, or enriankov Tav, concerning the character or cypher s” or G, upon which so much is built, that the ‘Sacred Calendar of Prophecy’ has been thought worthy to supersede another work, which he had for- merly published, in two volumes, on the ‘ 1260 Days of Years; ' and now he has added a third to establish the second, which is entitled “Recapitulated Apostacy.’ Objection XII. That the epsilon (e) in Azriyos, is re- jected by Mr. Faber, upon the authority of Lycophron, and his commentator Tzetzes, as Mr. Faber says: * “As for the word LATINUs, it cannot be the name of the Beast; for, in the first place, it is not a de- scriptive name of blasphemy; and, in the second place, it does not contain the fated number 666. That number can only be elicited from it, by writing it with the broad es, Aarewog. But I much incline to believe, that no instance can be found, in which it is ever thus expressed by a Greek writer. The form employed, is, I believe, uniformly Azrivos. If Lyco- phron writes ºrép Azriyov, his commentator, Tzetzes, subjoins &rº Aarlyov. Lycoph. Alex. 1254.’ * My objections to the above mode of reasoning are as follows:– 1st. Mr. Faber calls the proper Name LATINUs, ‘the word Latinus; ” but because Latinus is the * Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V chap. iv. p. 237, and 238. 22 CHA PTER II : Proper Name of a Man, (and not simply ‘a word,”) therefore it can be the Name of the Beast, inasmuch as St. John informs us that “ the NAME of the beast . . . . is the number of a MAN.” And this is corro- borated by the testimony of Irenaeus, who has made use of the name LATEINos, and two other proper IlameS. 2nd. Mr. Faber tells us that LATINUs cannot be the name of the Beast, because it is not a descrip- tive name of Blasphemy; but as BLASPHEMY is not a proper name of a MAN, so it cannot be the proper name of the Beast; besides which Mr. Faber has confessed that 8×arpngo; does Not contain the number 666, but the number 1051. 3dly. Mr. Faber informs us that LATINUs cannot be the name of the Beast, because ‘it does not con- tain the fated number 666; but in this Mr. Faber is also much mistaken, (as will hereafter appear,) for a circumflewed iota ( ; ) is generally, if not always, equivalent to a diphthong or broad ei or 3 ; and as old ENNIUs, who lived before the Christian AEra, wrote the name LATINUs by ‘Popolei tenuere LA- TEINEI,' so his authority (though LATIN) is tanta- mount to certainty, and justifies the orthography of Irenaeus. As Mr. Faber had previously written on the number 666, in favour of the name LATEINos, in his work entitled ‘The Great Period of 1260 Years,” Vol. II. from Page 330 to 335; he must have known that Dr. Henry More and Bishop Newton had already quoted old ENNIUS, and other * * Numerus Hominis' being put for ‘Numerus [Nominis] Hominis.” ON MR. FABER's HYPOTHESIS. 23 writers, in favour of the use of the diphthong or broad e, or d, as used by Irenaeus. However, many more authorities will be hereafter produced, to establish the diphthong beyond all possibility of future contro- versy. Moreover, the iota in Azrivos is written by Mr. Faber with an acute accent, as ( ; ), instead of a circumflew accent, as ( ; ), which is contrary to all Greek precedent; because the iota in Aarivos is, by all ancient Greek authors, written with a circumflew accent ; and a circumflex accent, over a vowel, gen- erally, if not always, indicates the contraction of a diphthong, as , e, or 7. Eusebius writes the name of Irenaeus, by beginning it with the Diphthong et, Espywatos. Objection XIII. In wrongly quoting Irenaeus, con- cerning the name Tăray, by writing it Tºray, and so leaving out both the epsilon (e) and circumflew accent (" ), and substituting an acute accent, as ( ' ) which denotes an incorrect, or at least a careless mode of quotation, on the part of Mr. Faber: which is scarcely excusable in writing polemically on a NAME and NUMBER which have been so much and so long the subject of interminable speculations. CHAPTER III. oBJECTIONS To M.R. FABER's HYPOTHESIS continued, witH observations on THE EPISEMON sº AND THE CONTRACTION Sr. Even if the ancient use of the diphthong or broad ei, or d, instead of the iota circumflewed, as ( ; ) in the name Azrivos, be considered sufficient, on the ground of modern orthography to set aside the legitimate establishment of that proper name of a Man, for the number 666; what critic would not object to the manifold inaccuracies of Mr. Faber, in reference to the word APostATEs, &c. &c. as stated in the thirteen preceding Objections ! With every wish to allow all due merit to the observations of Mr. Faber, I cannot for a moment suppose that Irenaeus, who professedly wrote ‘against all Heresies,’ (‘contra omnes Hae- reses,’) would have deliberately made choice of two names out of three, viz. TEITAN and LATEINos, each of which contains the diphthong or broad e, or d, if such orthography were inadmissible in his day, OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 25 or earlier, either among the ancient GREEKS or ROMANs, and, therefore, I must conclude that, as that Greek and Christian Father has made no apology for the two-fold use of the diphthong or broad sº, that his orthography is correct in these two Names ; and that Dr. Henry More, Bishop Newton, and others, have judiciously fol- lowed his example, and quoted Ennius as an autho- rity for such usage. It is my intention to bring forward, in my remarks upon the name Azrewos, a multiplicity of proofs, both Greek and Latin, in favour of the ancient use of the diphthong “ or 3; seeing beforehand how impossible it is to retain the word APOSTATEs under any circumstances, the noun being too general with regard to identity — the orthography being spurious, and utterly inapplicable as the name of any Man; and thus wholly at variance with the words of St. John. In the only legitimate manner of calculating it as a word (for name it is not), the number produced by its individual Greek letters will amount to 1 160, instead of the number 666. Although Mr. Faber says that, ‘‘ even in the or- dinary language of the Gospels, no less than in the prophetic language of the Apocalypse, Blasphemy denotes Apostacy: and consequently the name of Apostacy describes the peculiar nature of the Beast's religion: yet is it abundantly evident, even if it can be proved that ‘Blasphemy denotes Apostacy, that, still | Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. chap. iv. p. 231. 26 CHAPTER III : neither Blasphemy nor Apostacy denotes the name of a MAN, and, consequently they must be rejected, ac- cording to the words of the Apostle John, who says that, “the NAME of the Beast” is “ the NUMBER of a MAN.” Hence it is apparent that IRENAEUs has followed the literal words of the Apostle, by the use of three proper names, viz. Lateinos, Teitan, and Euanthas : while the utmost that can be said of such words as Bazoºnºo; and Arosarn, is, that they are Titles or Epithets of opprobrium, and not names of men; for where do we read of a Pagan, Jew, Mohammedan, Christian, Roman Catholic, &c. whose name was either Apostates or Blasphèmos ? How then can either of them “denote ’ the Proper name of any ‘particular man'? And without the Name, ‘ the number of the man' (which is de- clared to be 666), cannot be properly ascertained; for ‘the number of a man’ must necessarily imply his name, or he would be an anonymous, or nameless character, and the absurdity of suppos- ing that there ever was a man of celebrity in the world without a name is too palpable to need a remark. St. John, therefore, consistently with the “wisdom" and “understanding” of which he speaks, makes the name of the man, or number of his name, synonymous; because, the name of the Beast is evidently the proper and appellative name of some particular man, whose name is identical with the given number 666, or xfs'. Even the Papists of the traitorous Seminary at Rheims, have consented that the name of ANTICHRIST shall be that of ONE special OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 27 MAN, and of a peculiar name, after the following manner. They thus expound. * Rev. xiii. 18. “It is the number of a Man.” ‘A MAN he must be, and not a Devil or Spirit, as here it is clear, and by St. Paul, 2 Thess. ii., where he is called “ the MAN of Sin,” (and in the same paragraph, the Rheimists say,) ‘ANTICHRIST, who by his description here, and in the said epistle to the Thessalonians, must be on E special MAN, and of a PARTICULAR PROPER NAME, as our LoRD JESUS IS." To whichever of the * two Beasts the MARK, NAME, and NUMBER belong, it must be noted that neither 8×arpnº, nor Arosarns is an appropriate word; for neither of them contains the alphabetical number 666, much less does either of these words import that species of “homogeneity’ which can make it appropriate to the name of a MAN, a point that calls for the exercise of that “ wisdom" and “ un- derstanding ” in regard to the discovery of the enigmatical NAME of which the Apostle speaks. Hence, however exact the arithmetical number in Aroazarn; may seem to be for 666, (supposing withal that the errango, or cypher s' and the contraction s, may be reciprocally used for the number 6,) still it is evident that even then it cannot prove the point at issue, and, therefore, must be rejected. Even should it be admitted, for argument's sake, that ‘ Blas- phemy denotes Apostacy,” and that APOSTATES con- * Dr. Fulke's Annotations on the New Testament. Rhem. 9. Rev. xiii. 18. * Rev. xiii. 1, 11. 28 CHAPTER III : tains the true number 666; it would not follow as a consequence that Apostates denotes the Name of a Man, and if not the Name, the Number itself can be of no avail, for the number must imply the name also ; for if it would, then it must follow, as cause and effect, that every Greek word, when ‘subjected ' to some mechanical' or fabricated arithmetical “process' similar to that which Mr. Faber has acknowledged and adopted, must produce the number 666, and become ‘ descriptive’ of the MARK, NAME, and CHARACTER of the numbered Beast. This, however, would be to admit a degree of latitude which St. John has not allowed us; for the Apostle has restricted “ the NAME of the Beast ’’ to “the NUMBER of a MAN,” which is declared to be “ 666,” and this is the ne plus ultra of the matter. Therefore, whenever the imagination of any one would wander from this particular “ wisdom " and “understanding,” it is highly justifiable to call such an one to order for a palpable digression and of such a deviation Mr. Faber is certainly proved guilty. I have already noticed that by Mr. Faber's 4th Article, &c. he has literally refuted his own hypothesis by the unsoundness of his premises which are utterly unten- able, because inconclusive. In opposition, therefore, to Mr. Faber's opinion, I affirm, in unison with the words of St. John and the e.vample of Irenaeus, that it is the NUMBER and NAME of a MAN for which we must seek, and not an in- definite Epithet or Title of Opprobrium, such as ApostATEs, which is far too general a characteristic OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 29 to be admitted as canonical, even by the Rheimish College of Jesuits, who would soon retort the charge and character of Apostates upon ALL National Churches not in strict communion with their own Mother Rome ; of which Bellarmine, Baronius, Arnoua", and others have given us special proofs. Even Bishop Bossuet has not been unmindful of the supposed value of this word APOSTATES in its ‘contracted form,” for he had used the con- traction *s as if it were the errangov or cypher s', in a similar manner with Mr. Faber and Arch- deacon Wrangham, long before it made its unin- telligible appearance in the “ Sacred Calendar of Prophecy.’ But the number 666, or x&s', must decidedly be elicited from some Proper and Appellative Name (i.e. of one common to MANY MEN of the SAME ORDER and degree, such as the PAPAL SUcces- SION,) which is both the NAME of a MAN, and will contain the number 666; for the Apostle says— Qöe XO'DIA £arív: O & Xav NOTN lºngia dºro roy APIOMON rºv Gºplov. APIGMOX yap ANOPOTIOT ori, kai 3 Ap,0p8; ATTOT Xès'. “ Here is wisdom. Let him that hath under- standing count the number of the Beast: for it is the NUMBER of a MAN, and his number is SIX HUNDRED THREE score AND six.” Unless then the proper NAME of the Beast, will, by the individual LETTERS of HIS NAME, produce the exact number 666, and afterwards become the proper-APPELLATIVE * * See also a work published at Lyons, in 1817, entitled, “Les Précurseur de l’Antichrist.’ 30 CHAPTER III : of some certain cecelesiastical MAN, whose character in a descriptive sense fully corresponds with that of the Beast, there can be no real identity between his number and his name, which is absolutely ne- cessary according to the words of St. John. But if in the NAME Aarewo, we can find the only Appel- lative of a MAN, which can with strict propriety be applied to a professed Ecclesiastical Man, we shall have attained our object; for there must be an entire correspondence between the Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast, or why should the Apostle John have mentioned them conjointly 2 ! “ The MARK, or the NAME of the Beast, or the NUMBER of HIs NAME?” . . . . “Is the NUMBER of a MAN ; and HIs NUMBER is sia hundred threescore and sia.” Now in the Succession of Popes we have an eccle- siastical Hierarch of the Highest Possible Degree, a self-exalted MAN, the very LATIN MAN, who vaunteth himself to be the ‘ PontiFEx MAxIMUs,' and who "“sITTETH in the TEMPLE of GoD,” at Rome, even 3 “the MAN of Sin,” “the SoN of Perdition,” who is also seated on the * “ seveN MoUNTAINS ’’ of Rome, and whose temporal and ecclesiastical ‘Imperium in Imperio’ has been coeval with the predicted “ 1260 Days” of Years (com- mencing with A. D. 533, and ending A. D. 1792), i. e. * “a thousand two hundred and threescore days” or “a Time, and Times, and half a Time; ” Or, 1 Rev. xiii. 17, 18. * 2 Thess. ii. 4. 8 2 Thess. ii. 3. 4 Rev. xvii. 9. * Rev. xii. 6, 14. and xiii. 5. compared with Ezek. iv. 6. OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 31 “forty and two months.” The character of the Pope also is in the highest sense applicable to the predicted # Aroraatz of St. Paul, though ApostATES is neither his figuratively impressed NAME, nor does it contain his enigmatical Number 666, for he is a LATIN Antichristian, Autocratical and Theo- cratical MAN, *“whose coming is after the working of Satan with ALL power and signs and lying wonders, and with ALL deceivableness of unrighteousness,” even HE who hath * “Two HoRNs like a LAMB, and SPAKE as a DRAGON.” Furthermore, I would contend although Mr. Faber has asserted that, ‘ even in the ordinary lan- guage of the Gospels, no less than in the prophetic language of the Apocalypse, BLASPHEMY denotes APOSTACY,” that he is perfectly unauthorized in em- ploying the word A.PostATEs as the substitute or representative of BLASPHEMos, because he has given us no substantial parallel passages from the Holy Scriptures (to which he would appear, in terms both general and particular, to “refer his Readers), nor from Dictionaries of acknowledged authority, to prove that these Two words are ‘homogeneous” or sy- nonymous in signification. Confessedly, however, very much depends upon the propriety of such arbi- trary usage; for if no limits were assigned to the real and specific meanings of words and names, there would soon be an END to their established usage * * 2 Thess. ii. 3. * 2 Thess. ii. 9, 10. * Rev. xiii. 11. * Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. chap. iv. p. 231, and Vol. i. Book I. chap, i. p. 17. 32 CHA PTER III : altogether; and an inappropriate signification should be a sufficient reason for the rejection of any word or NAME, without contending about its orthography in respect of ‘ calculative wisdom,” (an expression which Mr. Faber has adopted in this difficult case), or, indeed, any other wisdom. In my humble opinion, there is no more reason for the commutation of the word BAzapnºo; for Atros-arms, or the conversion of sigma and tau into the contRACTION s (which is subsequently identified with the stenographical eriangov or cypher s',) than there would be for the production of any other Greek word framed with the aforesaid Greek contraction, which although it might contain the precise number 666, would never- theless be fatally distant from the NAME of the MAN. Mr. Faber's argument, therefore, savours more of ingenuity than grammatical correctness, or of sound reasoning. It is manifest enough that although Mr. Faber has asserted - that ‘Blasphemy denotes Apostacy,’ and has deliberately substituted the one word for the other, viz. Atos-arm; for 8A2a-pnºos—but by what metamorphosing Rule I must leave him to explain, and finally adopted APOSTATES as a word more suited to his own taste, (for Blasphèmos he neces- sarily acknowledges will not produce the Number 666 of the Beast), he immediately rejects as insuff- cient the ancient and generally approved NAME Azrivos, as used by IRENAEUs, on account of a supposed orthographical error, that is, upon the surmise that the ( , ) in Aarºvos is redundant; although it will be OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 33 proved hereafter by many classical and ancient ex- amples, that it is not redundant ; and although Mr. Faber has brought forward ‘ Lycophron and his com- mentator Tzetzes in support of such rejection, and thereby silenced, as he supposes, the authority of Irenaeus, as a bad grammarian, he begins de novo by instituting a specimen of incomparable orthography, namely, by endeavouring to establish the promiscuous use of the sigma and tau, contractedly, (s, or ar,) with the CYPHER or chARACTER T, or sº, called by grammarians exiangov Tav, or episemon s'; whereas the LETTERS of the Greek stenographical contraction s, if taken separately in calculating numbers, (which is the only legitimate method of using them,) are equal to 500, because sigma (a ) is equal to 200, and tau ( t ) is equal to 300; but the enlankov Tav, or CYPHER s', is only equal to 6; and the difference between 500 and 6 is obvious enough—because the whole is greater than its part : * but how can an exignpoy or stenographical CYPHER, which is numer- ically equal to 6, possibly rank with, be equal to, or used for Two distinct LETTERs of the Greek alphabet, which are equal to 500 2 Yet this is the conclusion to which we must come, if we admit Mr. Faber's Statement. * “I cannot,” (says Mr. Faber) “refrain from no- ticing the very singular manner in which the con- traction or cypher s came to be employed for the purpose of expressing the Number 6.’ *Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. ch. iv. p. 238. D 34 CHAPTER III : Thus while he most carefully avoids all mention of the TERM eria mºov, Or eria"Mov Tav, the distinguishing appellation of the Greek stenographical cypher sº, which is no contraction at all, but upon which the whole of his hypothesis is built; he classes the Greek contraction of sigma and tau ( ; ) with the steno- graphical era nuov, or cyphers', as if they were one and the same character. However, he admits that the character in question, which represents the number 6, is a ‘CYPHER ; ' but if it be a cypher or eriangow, it is mo LETTER, nor a contraction of LETTERs: for a regular Greek contraction or ligature is an abbre- viated or stenographical form of writing two or more betters. Mr. Faber has very prudently abstained from advancing a single example of this ‘very sin- gular manner’ of employing the ‘contraction or cypher’s, “ for the purpose of ea pressing the number 6; ' neither can he prove that such ortho- graphy was admissible in ancient times among the Greeks : for this episémon s', and the contraction s, has each of them its proper appellation and ap- pointed situations. As a substitute for the ancient AEolic digamma to denote the Number 6, the cha- racter s is placed between the letters e and g; it is one of the three episèmons, introduced in each of the three ranks of the 24 Greek Letters, on account of their deficiency to make up UNITS, TENs, and HUNDREDS, viz. erua mºov Tav . . . . . Korra and Xavits. But the contraction s is universally placed among the Greek contractions between p and v, it being an abbreviation of the two letters, sigma and tau, OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 35 consequently such Greek contraction of two letters can have nothing to do, (as a contraction,) with the separate or individual letters of the Greek Alphabet, among which it never has any place, and, therefore, cannot by any possible means be entitled to any numerical value, unless the said stenographical contraction s be proved to be of one and the same import with the exiangov Tav, or cypher sº, which is impossible ever to be done. It is therefore evi- dent that neither the enlankov Tav, or cypher sº, nor the contraction s were ever used in the calculation of NAMEs or words; for it would be contrary to common sense and to their known orthographical and numerical uses, to remove them out of their respec- tive places for purposes so fictitious and illegitimate, and it would be as reasonable to call the LETTER O, in the English language, and the CYPHER 0, or the LETTER I and the FIGURE 1, by the same appellation, on account of their apparent similarity. But this similarity does not constitute their ‘homogeneity,’ because their offices are different, the one being em- ployed in orthography, and the other in calculation, so that when we see the one among Letters, and the other among figures, we are able at once to distin- guish their respective uses and appellations, and the same thing may be said of the era wow Fav (s") and the contraction (s). It is certain then that there is more reason for retaining the (e) in the name Aarévos, than there can be for Mr. Faber's process of identifying BLAS- PHEMos with APOSTATEs, converting sigma and tº ID 2 36 CHAPTER III : (a7) into the contraction (s) in the word Arcalarnº, writing it contractedly Atos-arms, and finally using the said contraction s, as if it were the errangov or cypher s', for each LETTER must be taken SEPARATELY and NoT contractedly, in calculating words or names, according to all Greek authorities extant, and the ex- ample of Irenaeus; and to depart from this established custom or rule approaches nearly, in my opinion, to an impeachment of God's perfect word. For if such spurious orthography, etymology, homogeneity, &c. as Mr. Faber has introduced on the present subject, be allowed to pass current for orthodoxy, whilst Irenaeus is overlooked in silent contempt; the result must be that there will be an END to all ancient authorities and established rules of calculating Greek NAMEs, words, &c. although there must have existed some known and STANDARD RULE, as well in the time of St. John as of Irenaeus, or why has the Apostle furnished us with the sacred number xàs', 666, and exhorted us to “count the NUMBER 2 ” I will readily admit that there is a legitimate pro- priety in using the era nuov Tav, or cypher sº to denote the number 6, in unison with the 24 LETTERS of the Greek Alphabet, when calculating NUMBERs, but NEveR when calculating the NAMEs of MEN, nor even words of any description; and I say so for this plain and obvious reason—that an enignuov, or cypher, is no LETTER or LETTERs ; or why should it be de- signated by Greek grammarians errangov Tav, or errankov only 2 It were useless to have given this character or cypher a distinct appellation and form, if it were OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 37 not for a specific use; and not to preserve this distinc- tion is to introduce confusion among the 24 GREEK LETTERs, the THREE exiangz, and the general Greek CONTRACTIONS Or LIGATURES. I will also admit that one form of the enlankov Tav, or cypher s', bears a singular resemblance to the form of the regular contraction of sigma and tau, or s ; but this is likewise the case with the cyPHER nought 0 and the LETTER O, in the English lan- guage ; yet it would be preposterous to admit that because the Greek or English characters before men- tioned resembled each other in form and appearance, that, therefore, they must be synonymous with each other, which is contrary to FACT; because they were originally designated by different appellations, which they retain to the present day. Mr. Faber must therefore search into the Records of Antiquity to disprove the existence of such a truism. And until it is settled beyond dispute that the aforesaid eriankov or cypher s is synonymous with the regular Greek contraction s (or aſ); or that it may be or- thographically and numerically used As the represent- ative of sigma and tau, when written contRACTEDLY, there must ever remain an ambiguity on the subject ; for it is most obvious from all Greek grammarians and lexicographers who have noticed this stenographical cypher sº, that, whatever resemblance it may bear to the Greek contraction s, the former has a peculiar definite situation and appellation allotted to it, in order to distinguish its numerical Use, Form, Name, and Locality, as well from that of the contRAC- 38 CHAPTER III. : Tion s, as from the regular LETTERS of the Greek Alphabet, among which the episèmon s' has no positive station, neither has it any place whatsoever among the stenographical contractions or ligatures of the Greek Letters, of which there are very many— and when the errangov Tav is used in unison with the 24 Greek Letters of the Alphabet, to denote the Number 6, then it is immediately placed between e and g in the numerical space occasioned by the absence of the obsolete AEolic Di-gamma, which was anciently used to eaſpress the Number 6, but the LocalſTY of which was FAR ENough R.E.Moved from sigma and tau. Therefore, until this ambiguity is cleared up, Arorarn, can never, by the spurious and unorthodox use of the episèmon s', as if it were the numerical representative of the contraction s, produce the genuine Number 666. Consequently, after all the pains and labour which Mr. Faber has taken, which are certainly very great, in order to confirm the use of the word Apostates as the sup- posed figuratively impressed name of the numbered Beast or Man, it is most unequivocally true that Mr. Faber’s orTHogRAPHY, ETYMology, Homogen EITY, &c. are infinitely more objectionable than those of Irenaeus, whose testimony he has so complacently rejected : for the word ApostATEs is not only erro- neous because of a necessary HIATUs produced on the one hand by the spurious introduction and use of the episèmon s'; and a redundancy of numbers, occa- sioned by the calculating of the individual Letters of the word on the other: but the word itself, which is OBJECTIONS CONTINUED. 39 certainly not the NAME of any MAN, admits of far too general an application to any lapsed church or schism, which is in a state of Apostacy from the Faith, (aroalaria Tng rivews) though totally distinct from, and unconnected with the Roman or LATIN Church, of which I shall give sundry examples hereafter, leaving it to the candour of Mr. Faber and my other Readers, to judge whether there be sufficient force in my Remarks. CHAPTER IV. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE NU MERICAL CYPHER DENOMINATED etia nºoy T, OR V, or G, or sº, As USED TO DENOTE THE NUMBER 6, AND TO SUPPLY THE V ACU U M OCCASION ED BY THE ABSENCE OF THE OBSOLETE AEOLIC DI-GAMMA. I SHALL now proceed more particularly to point out the marked and necessary distinction existing: between the extankov Tav, or stenographical cypher sº, and the contraction or ligature of sigma and tau, s. In truth, I cannot imagine any thing more pre- posterous than an attempt made, in this age to prove that an errankov or stenographical CYPHER, or INDE- FINITE CHARACTER may be ORTHOGRAPHICALLY used as the legitimate representative of Two DISTINCT LETTERS of the Greek Alphabet in the formation of the NAME of a MAN, or indeed of any word, words, or sentences, which are simply composed of LETTERs, unless it be first of all admitted that the said errangov observations on THE THREE GREEK CYPHERS. 41 or stenographical cypher may and ought to have assigned to it a numerical value equal to that which those Two distinct LETTERs, (contractedly,) are supposed to represent in calculation. For ex- ample: If the episemon or cypher g' may be legiti- mately used as the representative of sigma and tau, contractedly, g, as in the word Atos-arms; then it follows as a natural and necessary consequence, that the said errankov, or cypher s', being of the self-same power as the said two Letters sigma and tau, the con- traction g must be equal to the said numerical power in calculating those two Letters uncontractedly aſ, i. e. 500; for it is useless to affirm that the errangoy or cypher g' is allowed for the purpose of representing the two Letters x and T at one time, and yet that it has not the same power as those two Letters at another time, which would be a palpable contradic- tion in terms, and, therefore, if the errangov or cypher g" may in every case be considered as equal to, or used in the same manner as the contraction or liga- ture ; or 21, then the errankov or cypher 5' must in every way be equal to the contraction g : but the ettanºoy or cypher g' is not in any possible case equal to the contraction g, because the former is equal to the Number 6, and the latter (in its contracted form) signifies no number, but in its uncontracted form is equal to 500 ; therefore, if the episèmon s' is the supposed representative of sigma and tau < or gl, as the latter Two LETTERS are equal to 500, so must the former (as the representative of the latter,) be equal to 500; because “things which are equal to 42 CHAPTER IV : the same are equal to one another.' But as the exiangov or stenographical character º' is a cypher, and no letter, or letters, of the Greek alphabet, and is used for the number 6: so it cannot possibly be the true representative of the well known contraction or ligature g, either in Letters, Identity, Utility, or orthographical appellation, because of its distinct locality, appellation, and numerical uses, as set forth in the Greek grammars. The episèmon g’ is never classed with the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet, nor is it to be found among the numerous Greek contrac- tions or ligatures of certain definite letters, and the only place where it is to be found is in the UNIT Class of Numerals, which consists of this Cypher, with the Eight First Letters of the Alphabet. It must be observed then that the cypher g', called by grammarians eriangov Tav, or episèmon g is used as a numerical character, that it existed in St. John's time, and was invented to supply the place of the obsolete AEolic di-gamma or double gamma, anciently used for the number 6. The three char- acters or cyphers denominated extankov Tav, 6. . . . extankov Kotta, 90... and entia nºoy Xavits, 900, have been collaterally used not As, but in unison with the Letters to make up their deficiency, for the purposes of common calculations, and not for the unintelligible and unor- thographical use of making the word Arorarn; subserve the object of Mr. Faber's hypothesis, which would * See three examples of this numerical episemon s' in Irenaeus, lib. V. c. xxix. p. 446 and 447. Edit. Grabe, Oxon. 1702. OBSERVATIONS ON THE THREE GREEK CYPHERS. 43 convert the cypher G', equal to 6, into the contraction g equal to nothing, though its component Letters are equal to 500. If it could ever be established that the erionºv or cypher, or character g', may be used in the same manner as sigma and tau, contractedly and wncontractedly, (as it may be without doubt, if it can be proved equal to, or homogeneous with the contraction g,) that is, first with the power of 6, or 6,000;-them, 500, or 500,000, just as it may suit the taste of the writer, (and if it be possible that the two letters of the contraction 3 or aſ may be used separately when the number of any name is to be cal- culated; for names are always composed of Letters, and Not Cyphers,) then there would be no end to the vain and frivolous speculations which must ensue from such arbitrary use of a quadruple power, and consequently, no Greek word, or name of a Man, which had the Greek contraction g in it, could ever produce any specific or satisfactory number, on account of the capricious use thus made of the episèmon g’, as identical with the contraction g. For as the episèmon g is already equal to 6, and 6,000; if the episèmon g’ be equal to the contraction g, the latter is also equal to 500, and 500,000, because sigma and tau, which are equal to the contraction g, are separately or uncontractedly equal to the latter numbers, according as the Mark (similar to an acute accent, as ',) is placed above or below them. [See the Table at the end. J Who, then, on these data is to decide the merits of the question at issue? Mr. Faber? or Grecian antiquity ? Surely the latter | | | 44 - CHAPTER IV : The three Episèma or Stenograghical Cyphers have no necessary or specific affinity, reference to, or dependence upon the 24 Greek LETTERs, either in contracted or uncontracted form, being totally inde- pendent of them, because the latter are alone used in calculating Names, &c.; nor are the three erianka any of the regular contractions, or abbreviations, or ligatures of certain Greek letters ; as is manifest by their distinct appellations and irregular ev-alphabet- ical situations, when they are used among the Greek letters for the purpose of calculation. Mr. Faber, with all his ingenuity and logic, cannot find the Two stenographical cyphers, Korra, which is denoted by the characters T...s...} and Xavri, which is written 2', either among the regular Greek contractions of letters themselves, in any Greek Learicon or Grammar extant: for each of these stenographical cyphers has a certain definite and independent appellation, which it most distinctly retains, when used among (not for) the letters of the Greek Al- phabet in calculating numbers, and this is their only legitimate use, for they have nothing to do with the genius of the Greek language or of Grecian ortho- graphy; nor indeed are they ever seen in any Greek words or names of any kind, and therefore must be rejected from such equivocal position, because if they are once made to correspond with, represent, or usurp the places of the LETTERs, they are no longer of that specific use for which they were primarily invented and adopted as numeral characters or cyphers. OBSERVATIONS ON THE THREE GREEK CYPHERS. 45 Moreover, if the emangov or cypher g' were in truth the same character as the Greek contraction of sigma and tau, or g, why then is the former called extankov Tav, or episèmon g’, by Grammarians? Is it not for the sake of distinction, and that we may avoid such a confusion of orthography as that which Mr. Faber, Archdeacon Wrangham, Bishop Bossuet, and others have introduced in the spurious use of the episèmon g’ for the contraction g in the word Arorarnº, by supposing them to be of one and the same numerical value? The truth is, the episèmon g" is a cypher and numerically equal to 6, or 6,000; but the stenographical contraction of sigma and tau, g, is of no numerical value whatsoever; for if it were equal to the latter in Letters, it would also be equal to it in numbers, i. e. 500, or 500,000, which we know from all grammarians and lexicographers is not true. Moreover, if the episèmong" were derived from the stock of the ancient AEolic di-gamma, “ by rounding off its angles,’ as the learned Dr. Marsh, Bishop of Peterboro’ (although combated by Mr. Faber,) concludes, from its being used in thesivth place among the letters, when calculating the Number 6 by means of one single cha- racter; (instead of the two separate letters, alpha and epsilon, (2é) or béta and delta, (88) which are commonly used to denote 6 in names;) then it proves worse than nothing for Mr. Faber's very whimsical argument, which rests upon a mere PRO- BABILITY ; and this even according to his own admission. I consider, therefore, that Mr. Faber has asserted much, but proved nothing satisfactorily: 46 CHAPTER IV : and that it would have been far better if he had left this numerical enigma as he had stated it in his' first work on this subject, in which he very properly sanctioned the opinion of Irenaeus concerning the name Aarévos. It would, I repeat, have been better if he had not commenced de novo, by introducing the subject in a most unintelligible point of view in his * “Sacred Calendar of Prophecy,” by the use of the word Aroa rarms, which, in my humble opinion, is the most unsatisfactory substitute which he could have chosen, knowing, as he must have known, how much polemical discussion had been already ventured to no settled purpose on this sacred enigma. There is reason to admit that the era nuov, or Steno- graphical cypher r", is very properly used to denote the number 6 in calculating numbers indifferently, and, that, in one form of it out of four, it bears some tolerable resemblance to the contraction g; it may be likewise noticed that one form of the SIGMA (s) out of four has also a tolerable resemblance to the contraction g, as well as the episèmon s', but they are not very difficult to distinguish ; besides which, the meaning of the Greek word errnuov, if I mistake not, implies, I might say determines, that it ought to have a mark (similar perhaps to an acute accent) either above or below it (s' or ;) as its distinguishing characteristic, and with which it is, * Dissertation on the Prophecies relative to the great period of 1260 Years. Vol. ii. p. 335. * Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. chap. iv. from p. 240, to 242. observations on Trie Three GREEK CYPHERS. 47 or ought to be, invariably written, so that it may be described in Latin phraseology—“Signum, in quo aliqua sunt signa, quibus ab aliis discernitur.” This SIGN or MARK Mr. Faber has very prudently omitted in the same way that he has left out the circumfler accent () over the iota in the name Aarévvos after having rejected the epsilon ()—he has also omitted the epsilon and circumflew accent over the iota in the name Tºrray by writing it Tºray, which shews at once that he is more ready to reject a letter ... circumflea- accent .... and mark ... merely because he wishes that they should not be there, than he is to bring for- ward authorities to prove that his orthography is legitimate. But I never can admit, without very substantial proof, the propriety of metamorphosing the eriangov or cypher g' into an identity with the Two LETTERs x and T, of which the contraction g is decidedly composed, and then using them ad libitum ; for how can an episèmon or cypher be wrested into an equa- lity with two Letters but by a forgery of Ortho- graphy 2 since it is evident that two stenographical characters which are decidedly different in their appellations, meaning, use, and numerical value can never be one and the same character at the same time; but the moment it is the one, it ceases to be the other: so that either the extankov or cypher & Is the regular contraction g (or aſ) or it Is Not. Now the era nuov or cypher with the mark above it (3') is equal to 6; and the same errankov by a subjoined mark (s) is equal to 6,000; and the regular contraction 48 * CHAPTER IV : g being equal to two separate letters a and r, which, when used separately or uncontractedly in calcu- lating names, words, &c. (the method always adopted by the Greeks in reference to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet) are equal to the combined numbers of 500, or 500,000; but the contraction of a/, i. e. g., is never used to denote any number, and therefore, whatever resemblance the episémon may bear to the contraction, or the contraction to the episemon, they are in reality no more assimilated to one another than the Cypher nought 0 is to the Letter O. It must therefore be difficult to conceive how con- cinity, homogeneity, or any similar process can amalgamate these two distinct characters together; for every Greek student must know that the contrac- tion g is an abbreviation or ligature of two letters; but that the era nºoy Tav, or cypher g’, is merely an arbitrary character occasionally introduced between E and z to represent 6, in lieu of the obsolete AEolic di-gamma, and as the substitute for A and E (26) when it is more convenient to represent the number 6 by ONE NUMERICAL CHARACTER or cypher than by Two separate letters ; which letters (viz. a and e) are generally used for the number 6, when the cypher g' is not employed. Moreover, if the exianuov Tav be used by grammarians as a double letter belonging to the Greek Alphabet, then of course it must be the ancient AEolic di-gamma revived in some * See the Table of Numbers at the end of this work. OBSERVATIONS ON THE THREE GREEK CYPHERS. 49 stenographical form of it; but it is certain that it was anciently used for 6, being put in the 6th place among the letters, viz. between e and g, and this circumstance would not in the least facilitate Mr. Faber's argument, because T or TT, and s or aſ, are obviously different from each other. It is evident, therefore, that the enignuoy Tav, or Cypher s”, with a MARK over it similar to an acute accent, demon- strates that it is a cypher, and nothing but a cypher, and numerically equal to 6; but to make the stenographical episèmon g’, synonymous with the abbreviation of sigma and tau <, which is unquestionably equal to two separate letters, is to make 6 equal to 500, and 6,000 equal to 500,000, a result preposterous enough where “wis- dom” and “ understanding” are to be in special exercise. And as Mr. Faber has so ingeniously dis- covered that “Blasphemy denotes Apostacy,” per- haps he can equally demonstrate in what manner the two letters x and T may be made to denote the emangov Tav or cypher sº, a discovery which very happily has not yet been made by the learned in the past or present generations; although the ingenuity and subtilty of the learned Bishop Bossuet and other Romanists have been employed in order to produce such a belief among the credulous. How- ever, the Apostle Paul exhorts Christian men to “ Prove all things” ... and then ... to “hold fast that which is good,” and by this rule, Bishop Bossuet, and an anonymous writer who has pub- 1 1 Thess. v. 21. E 50 CHAPTER IV. lished a work, entitled “Les Précurseurs de l’Anti- christ,” at Lyons in 1817, Mr. Faber, his coadjutor, Archdeacon Wrangham, and others, must re-examine their premises, which are founded on FICTION and 720t 072 FACT. CHAPTER V. ON THE RESULT of THAT BRANCH of MR. FABER's HYPOTHESIs, which IDENTIFIES THE EPIsèMon s' WITH THE CONTRACTION Sr. To set up and establish de novo, that because one form of the episemon G', and the contraction g, are somewhat similar in appearance, they are therefore the same in utility and purpose, is to do violence both to common sense and experience. It is contrary to all grammatical precedent as it respects orthography, and decidedly tends to undermine and vitiate the Integrity of the Greek characters, by confusing the LETTERS, CYPHERs, and ContRACTIONs together, which have for generations past been preserved distinct, as well in use as in appellation. Moreover, such a commixture would lead the divinity student into the most useless and perplexing ambiguities upon SETTLED Points; and here I shall perhaps be excused for introducing some remarks upon the futility of Dr. Adam Clarke's endeavours to prove E 2 52 CHA PTER V : from the ARABIc tongue that the original" HEBREw word tº machash, which the SEPTUAGINT trans- lators have rendered by "opis, was not the SERPENT, but the APE or OURAN-ouTANG. How preposterous truly are the modern criticisms vented both on a NAME and an EPIs EMON, against the most indubitable testimonies of Holy-writ, Grammar, and long-esta- blished use ! How arrogant and contemptible the ingenuity, arguments, and assertions of learned men, who aspire to the appearance of more wisdom than ever the Spirit of Inspiration vouchsafed to Moses, or to CHRIST, and his ApostLEs, who, in allusion to the words of Moses, have applied the” word "opis (which has no other meaning than that of SERPENT,) to the DEv1L and SATAN. Whatever respect then, or deference may be due to the learning, piety, gifts, and opinions of Dr. Adam Clarke as an oriental scholar, Biblical critic, and commentator, it is nevertheless evident that the unprecedented latitude which the learned Doctor has taken in explaining the HEBREw word tºrſ, NACHAsh, "opis, or SERPENT, which tempted.” Eve, has not contributed to the satisfaction of the religious world, any more than pleased those of his own communion. The Doctor, to supply a fancied deficiency in the HEBREw Original, has, by recourse to the ARABIC and its derivatives, (because IT seemed more to serve his particular purpose,) sacrificed truth to a vain ima- gination. To this end he has put his etymological * Gen. iii. i. 4. * Matt. x. 16. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Rev. xii. 9; xx. 2. * Gen. iii. 1, compared with 2 Cor. xi. 3. OBSERVATIONS ON THE NACHASH. 53 genius to the stretch to find out meanings never contemplated by the sacred penmen. But as the Greek Septuagint has rendered the Hebrew word win; by opi; or SERPENT, and the Greek Tert of the New Testament has admitted the same reading— &; ; OTIX Etav čánwárnaev čv rā travovpyiz abrā,-“As the SERPENT beguiled Eve through his subtilty,” &c. it must be the imperative duty of every Christian to receive this sure and infallible testimony of the Holy SPIRIT by the hand of the Apostle PAUL, who, although he wrote his Epistles to the primitive Chris- tian churches in Greek, was nevertheless, a JEw, as he says, in comparing himself with other apostles— “I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles.” “Are they HEBREws? so am I. Are they ISRAELITES 2 so am I. Are they the seed of ABRAHAM 2 so am I.’” —And concerning circum- cision, and the Tribe from which he sprung and the Sect to which he belonged—he says, “Circumcised the eighth day, of the Stock of IsrAEL, of the TRIBE of BENJAMIN, an HEBREw of the HEBREws; as touching the LAw a PHARISEE.”* Moreover, St. Paul in declaring his Conversion, has informed us of the name of the city in which he was born, the person by whom, and the manner in which he was educated, from which we may infer that he was learned in the “LAw of the FATHERs,” and in his defence of the Gospel he declares himself a Jew, and spoke to the people in the HEBREw Tongue, after the following manner, “And when there was made * 2 Cor. xi. 5, 22. * Philip. iii, 5. 54 ty. CHAPTER V . a great silence, he spake unto them in the HEBREw Tongue, saying, Men, Brethren, and Fathers, hear ye my defence which I make now unto you, (and when they heard that he spake in the HEBREw Tongue to them, they kept the MoRE sileNCE ; and he saith,) I am verily a man which am a JEw, born in TARSUs, a City in C1LICIA, yet brought up in this City,” (viz. Jerusalem) “at the feet of Ga- maliel, and TAUGHT according to the PERFECT MAN- NER of the LAw of the FATHERs,”’ &c. Now then it is most unreasonable to suppose that St. Paul, who was a Jew, and an inspired Apostle—and who calls himself an “HEBREw of the HEBREws” —and de- clares that he was “taught according to the PERFECT MANNER of the LAw of the FATHERs,” could have been ignorant of the 3rd Chapter of the Book of Genesis, wherein the Original Curse was pronounced upon the tº Nachash or "opis, or Serpent: seeing that the same Apostle wrote his EPISTLEs to the CHURCHES in GREEK, with which LANGUAGE, there- fore, he must necessarily have been thoroughly con- versant. It is clear enough what was the opinion of St. Paul concerning the Nachash or Serpent,” and to disbelieve his Testimony is to invalidate the TRUTH of GoD's WoRD, which is a hazardous ev- periment. Furthermore—as ALL the APOSTLEs were endued with the miraculous GIFT of Tongues” by the Agency of the Holy SPIRIT, under whose imme- diate influences they spake with New Tongues on the day of Pentecost, and by whose instrumentality * Acts xxi. 40; xxii. 1–3. * 2 Cor. xi. 3. * Acts ii. OBSERVATIONS ON THE NACHASH. 55 they were subsequently enabled to write the NEw TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES, (and ALL ScripTURE is given by INSPIRATION of God,” “) so THEY would have been able, in enditing the Gospels, EPISTLEs, and the Book of Revelation, to have discerned what was “the MIND of the SPIRIT,” in reference to the word tº Nachash, which, by the Septuagint, is translated "opis, and to suppose the contrary of this, is to believe MAN rather than GoD, and to place Dr. Adam Clarke upon higher scriptural ground of INSPIRATION and INTERPRETATION, than CHRIST or his ApostLEs ; for, if the Holy Scriptures be the STANDARD of divine knowledge and truth, then it is clear enough that the novel Opinion of the learned Doctor is GROUNDLESS; for it not only comes under the class of “ Doubtful DISPUTA- TIONS ;’” but under the censure of God himself, con- cerning whose sacred “ or AcLEs “ St. Paul says," “Let God be true, but every man a liar.” Again: St. John in his Revelations has afforded us an additional testimony to the word Obix as being originally applicable to the NACHASH or SERPENT." K&t 36Affºn 3 Apákov 6 p.éya;, & Obſ2 & 3pxãios, 3 kaºuevo, As4éoxos, kai : Xaravās, 3 radºvāv rºw oikovkévny any, .... Kai ... 3 Oºix, &c. “And the great DRAGON was cast out, that old SERPENT, called the Devil, and SATAN, which deceiveth the whole world: ”—“And” ... “ the SERPENT,” &c. Also the same evangelist has re- peated his testimony on this subject in similar words,” 2 Tim. iii. 16; 2 Peter i. 19—21. * Rom. viii. 27. * Rom. xiv. 1. * Rom. iii. 2 and 4. - * Rev. xii. 9, 15. * Rev. xx. 2. 56 CHAPTER V. Kai ékpārna e rºw Apakovra, rov OblN row Apxàov, 3, £ar, Algéoxo; K& Xarayås-“And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old SERPENT, which is the Devil and SATAN.” Moreover, Christ admonished his Disciples to be"— ppävipas &; 3. OfFIX—“Wise as SERPENTs,” no doubt in allusion to the expression of Moses; and can it be doubted that He knew the character and proper designation of THE NACHASH 2 To do so would be scepticism indeed! We have then the concurrent testimony of CHRIST, St. PAUL, and ST. JoHN; and to deny their threefold testimony (as well as that of the Septuagint,) concerning “the old Serpent’” is to make the Holy SPIRIT the author of falsehood. CHRIST imputes to the orix or SERPENT—“ Wis- dom.” ST. PAUL “guile” and “subtilty,” and St. John “deceit; ” but Dr. Adam Clarke has not ad- vanced any proof in favour of the imaginary wisdom of the Monkey species ABove the SERPENT. Where- fore, as the Greek word Oºix never means an Ouran- outang, but only a SERPENT, and Dr. Adam Clarke has not proved his point in the least degree from the HEBREw, surely the ARABIC meanings can never be considered conclusive, while they are AT v ARIANCE with the origiNAL TEXT of the GREEK TESTAMENT: for if we admit that the ARABIC derivation ought to be preferred to the HEBREw use, we shall pre- sently establish the PAPAL SYSTEM, of preferring the LATIN translation to the HEBREw and GREEK ORIGINALs. - I now leave the Nachash of Dr. Clarke to its fate, * Matt. x. 16. observ ATIONs on The CYPHERS CONTINUED. 57 and proceed more at large to consider the complete inconsistency of Mr. Faber in the very erroneous view he has taken of the exiangov Tav or cypher g', which demonstrates his orthography to be utterly spurious, and indefensible before the correctness of IRENAEUs whose orthography MUST stand, until some far more accurate grammarian than Mr. Faber shall arise to supplant it. - It is evident that Mr. Faber has carelessly or intentionally omitted an important point (to which I have already alluded) connected with the enlankov or cypher g', viz. that it ought always to have an accent or Mark of distinction placed above or below it : how else are we to know its numerical value? When the Mark is placed above, it is equal to 6; but when the Mark is placed below, it is equal to 6,000—thus Xés' is equal to 666, but x&s to 666,000, the proof of which I have shown more clearly in an Alphabetical and Arithmetical Table at the end of this work. How then the literary world can know when the entangov or cypher g' used without the Mark denotes 6, and when 6,000, remains for Mr. Faber to demonstrate | | And little as may be thought of this omission, the fact is, that it destroys the stability of his argument; for when the THREE eruanaa or CYPHERs are used numerically among the Greek LETTERs, then this Mark is the distin- guishing characteristic of each in calculation, with- out which there would be no means of ascertaining the precise number belonging to any NAME, word, &c. unless the number were written in words at full 58 CHAPTER V : length, as ičakário ##covra £5, instead of the numerals / xás. Indeed there is no satisfactory reason which can be given for the use of any one of the three erranko, or cyphers, in lieu of the regular LETTERs of the Greek alphabet, when calculating the number contained in the NAME of any MAN, Woman, City, Church, Kingdom, &c. : for the same reason which would admit one eriankov to such ALPHABETICAL use and order, would likewise admit the other Two : but happily no instance or evidence can be adduced for such promiscuous use among the ancient Greeks, nor was ever dreamed of till the Rev. George Stanley Faber, Archdeacon Wrangham, Bishop Bossuet, and others, invented this unintelligible scheme; and their authorities are sufficiently mo– derm, and co-eval with Dr. Adam Clarke's in- terpretation of the triº Nachash, and in my opinion quite as absurd. I would therefore plainly put the question to Mr. Faber, and ask him how the numerals xºrr' could possibly produce the number 666 ° and this is surely coming to the point | He would answer, no doubt—Put s and r together, and make a contRACTION of them—thus g ; but when this is done the contraction g must remain a con- traction, and (whatever resemblance the EPIsèMon g' may have to the contRACTION g) the errankov con- tinues an errangoy from the nature of its use. And it has been proved that the contRACTION & is equal to the Two separate LETTERs ar, and the two separate letters at are equal to 500, therefore the contraction, OBSERVATIONS ON THE CYPHERS CONTINUED. 59 if used as a numeral, is equal to 500—add to each the letters xf—and “if equals be added to equals the wholes are equal'... xfor is equal to xàº; ; but x£at is equal to 1160, therefore xຠis equal to 1160, and by Mr. Faber's hypothesis x&g' is equal to x£g ... therefore 666 is equal to 1160, ‘the less to the greater which is absurd' ... therefore the CYPHER or EPISBMon is Not equivalent to the contRACTION : and thus we PRove that the conclusion of Mr. Faber is not founded upon true premises. Moreover, as the ancient AEolic D1-GAMMA for- merly occupied the 6th place among the LETTERs of the Greek alphabet, so it was then used numerically for sia, and possibly for this reason, that as the single gamma (being the third LETTER) was used for the number 3, so the di-gamma was used for 6, because twice 3 = 6. Furthermore, as the di-gamma was originally put in the siath place among the Letters to denote 6, so it is more than probable that the episémon g’ which has occupied the 6th place (of the obsolete di-gamma) must be equal to 6. And on the same ground, if, (as Mr. Faber supposes,) the contraction g be the same character as the episèmon s'—then the contraction g is also equal to 6. But I have shown that a and T in their UN contRACTED form are equal to 500, and 500,000, and that the episémon g’ or sº, is equal to 6, and 6,000, and therefore some mode of clearing up these glaring incongruities, and of establishing their quantities and qualities according to some consistent rule, must be sought ... this Rule Mr. Faber has either overlooked or rejected. 60 CHAPTER V. After sundry other observations, Mr. Faber very complacently instructs us in the following manner:— ** IV. At the close of these remarks, I cannot refrain from noticing the very singular manner in which the contRACTION OR CYPHER g came to be employed for the purpose of expressing the Number 6.’ If Mr. Faber himself ‘ cannot refrain from noticing the very singular manner in which the contRACTION OR CYPHER g came to be employed for the purpose of expressing the Number 6; how can we refrain from noticing ' his most astonishing singularity in coupling the exiangov Tav, or CYPHER g’, with the contRACTION of a and r, or g, and omitting the MARK over the EPIsèMon G', as if no such Mark had ever existed, which Mark however denotes it, in the clearest manner possible, to be the EPIsemon or cyPHER g’, and NOT the contraction of a and t or g. Mr. Faber has also left out the e both in Aarévos, and Tétrav, together with the circumflew accent, Aarivo:... Tºray, and has written them each with an acute accent as Aartyo;... Tºray, contrary to the ex- ample of Irenaeus, and all the other Greek writers. He has also converted BAzapnuo; into Atos-arm;; and, lastly, he has employed the errankov Tav, or cypher g’ as the representative of the contRACTION g in the word Aroazzºns. Hence we infer that there is no sort of fairness, either in his argument or orthography. * Faber’s Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, Vol. iii. Book V. Ch. iv. P. 238. CHAPTER VI. on THE THREE EPISEMA, witH A NUMERous SELECTION OF AUTHORITIES FOR THE USE OF THE MARK () over THE EPISEMON OR CYPHER G'. THERE are two other erianwa or cyphers, (besides the era nºoy Tav. V. G. or g") the first of which is called Korra, the characters are thus written T. G or /, with the Mark above , it is equal to 90 ... and below , to 90,000 . . . and the second cypher is the eriankov Xavri, the character of which is 2' (so called because composed of the ancient rºyuz inverted, with a part of the greek ºr enclosed) and with the Mark above 2 it is equal to 900, but below 2 it is equal to 900,000. Now then as the Apostle John wrote his Revelations in the Greek Language, in which Book the number x&g' or 666 is found, and as he informs us there that Jesus Christ is “the Axpa” (A) and opeya (0) * Rev. i. 8, 11, 17; xxi. 6; xxii. 13. 62 CHAPTER VI : “The FIRST and the LAST,” therefore we conclude that the two LETTERs, A and 0, were the First and Last Letters of the Greek Alphabet in the days of St. John ; but the era wºoy or cypher called Xavir. 2' is evidently placed by Grammarians after o, which is the last Letter of the Greek Alphabet, and, therefore, though apparently composed of two separate Letters, yet we know that it cannot be used for such two letters, inasmuch as that it is neither to be found in the Greek Alphabet, nor among the numerous greek contractions, and that it is always placed after Queya; it must therefore be a forgery to attempt the inser- tion of this character within the limits of the greek alphabet in the present day. As for the episémon Korra. . . . T. s or , it is clear enough that it has neither the appellation of, nor resemblance to any Greek Letters, or Contractions whatsoever, and consequently cannot be admitted among either of them, but is only used occasionally to denote 90, or 90,000. It may be observed here that the last form of the Korra is somewhat like the Hebrew 2 lamed. Why then should Mr. Faber be so zealous as to prefer one particular form of the exiangov Tav, or cypher g' when it has, I believe, three other forms, and it would be difficult, if not impossible, for him to decide which of them approximated the nearest to the original character ? If however he could determine the point to the greatest possible nicety, still the era wºov would continue to be the era nºoy or cypher g' to the last. I should be glad therefore to learn from Mr. Faber what double letters of the observ Ations on THE CYPHERS CONTINUED. 63 greek alphabet the two last mentioned emanga (viz. Korra and Xavn) may be entitled to hold in the alpha- betical scale of the greek LETTERS or table of con- TRACTIONs 2 For if the substitute of the obsolete 84-yappa, which is now styled eriankov Tav, or g" may be revived with the established novel power of two distinct letters—aiyua and raw . . contracted—why may not the other two strianka or cyphers assume the form and value of double letters, or the ligatures of such? (viz. Korra, the characters of which are q. G or . . . . and Xavri, the character of which is 2".) Till the precise and individual value of these two latter emignao be established beyond con- troversy, I conceive that Mr. Faber's argument proves nothing for the “homogeneous' interchange of 8Azapnko; and Arorarns, and his subsequent calcula- tion of the enignuov or cypher g' as if it were the true and undeniable Representative of the contraction gº or at ; which is most absurd, because the errankov or cypher g has not been proved to be the legitimate and orthographical representative of the contraction in calculating names of Men, cities, words, &c. For the same reason that would raise the era nuov Tav or cypher g' to the rank and numerical value of the contraction g, which is equal to two Letters, would also raise the extankov Korra. . . . and exiangov ×awr, to a similar rank and numerical value with certain con- tractions or Ligatures of certain other Letters. Such a system however must inevitably do away with the present order and established value and intention of the three era muz or numerical cyphers, which were 64 CHAPTER VI : merely introduced for numerical purposes and to supply the deficiency of the Greek Alphabet which consists of twenty-four Letters. If Mr. Faber had wished to make a complete NAME of a MAN, answerable to the “wisdom '' and “ understanding ” of which St. John speaks, it is certain that he would have had recourse to the twenty-four LETTERs of the greek alphabet, and to them only, in the same manner Irenaºus has, by the production of three proper names as Evav02; . . . Aarčivo; . . . and Tsiray . . . and in which method IRENAEUs has been followed by HIPPoLYTUs MARTYR . . . ARETAs . . . and all judicious commen- tators who have written upon the Number 666; but to render the word Bazapnaos synonymous with Arosarnº, and then to convert the errangov Tav or cypher s' into the contraction g, is no mark of a scholar; for after all is said and done, APOSTATES must remain an indefinite and ANoNYMoUs character, having nothing whatever to do with the name of a MAN–whereas it must be remembered that it is the NUMBER con- jointly with the NAME of a MAN of which St. John speaks; for the NUMBER of a MAN must imply the NAME of a MAN, and the NAME of the MAN must imply the LETTERS of HIS NAME, and the LETTERs of HIS NAME must contain “the NUMBER of HIS NAME * which is declared to be x86-' or 666, but of which a numerical exia nuov or cypher can be no legiti- mate PART ; because, by the spurious use of the episèmon G' as the supposed representative of the contraction of at or ; in the word Arosarn, an HIATUS observations on THE CYPHERS CONTINUED. 65 is thereby produced by the ABSENCE of THE con- TRACTION & which is equal to two letters; viz. o and t: or a REDUNDANCY of NUMBERs is pro- duced by the retention of the said two Letters in their UN contRACTED form, whereupon comes the destruction of Mr. Faber's opinion . . and, therefore, the indefinite word Arorary; or Atroalarm; in its Con- TRACTED or UN contRACTED form, can have nothing to do with the NAME or NUMBER of THE BEAST, which is that of a MAN, whose proper and Appella- tive Name has been better conjecTURED upon more authentic PREMISEs by St. Irenaeus, &c. It may be noted here that when any of the fore- going along, are used in unison with the LETTERs of the greek alphabet, they INVARIABLY specify NUMBERs and not LETTERS or contRACTIONs of any sort or description, and that therefore, according to the Greek mode of calculation, they ought to have a small Mark, similar to an acute accent, over them as g’ or UNDER them as s and so with the other two €ºria’ſpºo, (viz. Kotta and Xavri) in order to shew their distinct numerical power, i. e. whether they are meant to denote 6, or 6,000 . . . 90, or 90,000 . . . 900, or 900,000. And this little Mark, or Dot, or Accent (, , -) in whatever form it may be made is enough, not only to distinguish the episemon s' from the contraction g (which latter has no such Mark, or Dot, or Accent belonging to it at any time, and consequently no such number as the episomon G', because the Mark is the distinguishing character- istic of the number represented by it) but it equally F 66 * * CHAPTER VI : demonstrates the insufficiency of Mr. Faber's argu- ment and orthography; for the omission of this Mark renders them null and void, [see my remarks annexed to the TABLE of the GREEK LETTERS, &c. at the end of this work], and if this subject were propounded to the most learned Grecians for their impartial decision, I have not the smallest shadow of a doubt that they would immediately give their verdict in favour of retaining this distinctive Mark. At all events IRENAEUs in the three following instances uses the MARK ABOVE the EPISEMON g’. * karaXMAw; oty k&l rô ºvop.o. o.ºrºv čes tºy &pièpºv xés'. And in speaking of the height and breadth of Ne- buchadnezzar's image, he writes— - Méxpt; 3 Å rāv Našovzobovča'ap &vaşağärz eiköy, firi, tºo; pºv, éixe tºxãv čákovra, eſpo; 8: rnxów º'. And in expressing his opinion concerning what the Number of the Name of the Beast should represent, in whom all apostacy, and injustice, and wickedness, and false prophecy, and deceit, would concentrate, he says— rºw &piºpºv, 3; #ipnroºi, a nºo.ſvovari ră ăvăporos, ét; ây avykepa Aasrat Töv - érôv Träora &tos-20 ſo, kai 38trix, Kai Tovmpia. See also the Works of GALEN in 3 vols. folio, (Greek,) published at BASIL 1538, wherein the episemon g (with the Mark over it) is of frequent OCCUlrren Ce. * IRENA. Lib. V. cap. xxix. p. 446,447. Edit. Grabe. London, 1702. AUTHORITIES For THE MARK (‘). 67 GREEK GRAMMARS. The following GREEK GRAMMARs have the Mark, or Dot, or Accent placed above the episemon G', when denoting the Number 6, viz. The Port Roy AL GREEK GRAMMAR. A most copious Greek Grammar, entitled, “ UNI- vERSA GRAMMATICA GRAEcA. Per Alexandrum Scot, Scotum. LUGDUNI, 1614.’ Page 637. . . . g' • . . . ekºm- A very copious GREEK GRAMMAR, published in PARIs, 1655, entitled, “ Nouvelle Méthode pour apprendre facilement LA LANGUE GRECQUE.’ Livre I. page 16, 17. A GREEK GRAMMAR, published at PARIs, 1649, entitled, “Les Declinaisons Grecques.’ Page 226. A GREEK GRAMMAR, published at Goud A, in South Holland, in 1684, by Joannes Verwey. Page 10. * A WesTMINSTER GREEK GRAMMAR, printed by Bonhamus Nortomus, 1634; another by John Red- amayne, 1647; another by Edward Leedes, Master of the Grammar School at Bury in Suffolk, 1690; all of which, with many others, have the Mark over the episemon g’. 68 - CHAPTER VI : GREEK LEXICONS, &c. Also : in ScAPULAE LExicon," under the head “ De Gracorum Notis Arithmeticis compendium ex HADRIAN1 Amerotis scriptis” ... and ...... ‘‘ HE- RodiANI de iisdem tractatus :” we have the epise- mon g’ with the mark, or accent, or dot over it as in the following examples, wherein the said episèmon, when used to denote the Number 6, or any GREATER number connected with SIx, is so written. III.<' é8 . . . . . . VI. 6. sex. AIII.is' ekkaiºeka. XVI. 16. sexdecim. AAIII.ks' eikoa, if... XXVI. 26. viginti SeX. AAAIII.As-' . . . . . . . . XXXVI. 36. AAAAIII-tº-' . . . . . . . . XLVI. 46. |A|III.v." © º O O e º 'º º LVI. 56. (AAIII.5' ........ LXVI. 66. |A|AAIII.os.' ... ..... LXXVI. 76. [AAAAIII.xx' ........ LXXXVI. 86. Also: in a Learicon entitled, “Padagogus Gracus, sive LEXICON Latino Graccum,” &c. by Jacobus Bayer. (Editio Quarta.) MogunTIUM. 1741. In Appendia. Tabula et Notae Numerorum. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. Also : Stephens's Greek Concordance of the New * ScAPULA in Appendix ad Lexicon. Edit. Genevae. An. 1616. / 69 AUTHORITIES FOR THE MARK ('). Testament—** Stephani CoNcoRDANTIÆ Graeco- !atinæ Testamenti Novi.” (Editio secunda.) GE- Nevae. 1624, has the- mark over the episèmon, as s'. GREEK TESTAMENTS. So also : the following EDITIoNs of the GREEK TeSTAMENT, British and Foreign, have the mark placed over the episèmom q' in the number x£s' |Novum Testamentum Græcè. ARGENToRATiUM. Apud Wolfium. A. d. 1524 .................. Græcum. VENETius. Melchioris Sessæ.. A. D. 1538 ................. Græcè. BASILEAE. Apud Nicholaum Brylingerum. . . . . . . . . o • o • o • e e • • • • . . A. D. l548 .......... . . . . . . . . Græcum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. LUTETIAE. A. D. 1549 • • ........ . . . . . . . . Græcè et Latinè. PARISIis. Apud Ro- bertum Granlon. . . . ............ . . . . A, D. 1549 Testamentum Novum, &c. Bezæ Annotationes. Genevae... 1564 c * A • D. 1589 Novum Testamentum Græcum. Excudebat. Henricus Stephanus A. D. 1576 ...... ........ . . . . Græcè et Latinè. Ad Romanæ correctionis amussim LUGDUNI. . . . . . . . . . . . . , • • • • A. D. 1612 ... .. .. ........ Textui Græco conjuncta est versio Latina Vulgata, summorum Pontificum, Sixti V. et ClEMENTis VlII. LUTETIAE PA- RISIORUM. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . • • • • • • A. D. 1628 • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . cum Versione Latina Ariæ Montani, auc- tore Johanne Leusden. AMstelodAM I. A. D. 1698 • • • . . . . . . . Græcè. Joannis Gregorii, &c. nuper Archi- Diac. Glocestriensis. OxoNlI. . . . . . . • A• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Græcè. Wetstenius. AMstelAEDAM t . • A. Novum Testamentum Græcum. Christianus Schoettgenius. VRATISLAviae, vel JLIPSIAE . . . . ... . . . . A. d. l 765 Yo , 1703 ID Also ; the Greek Testaments of ERASMUs, MILL, GRIESBACH, BLooM FIELD, VALPY, with many other editions, have the mark over the episèmon q'. 70 CHAPTER VI : So that upon the whole we may rest satisfied, from the unanimous authorities of GRAMMARIANs, LEXICOGRAPHERs, New TESTAMENT Editors, and a three-fold use of the episémon by IRENAEUs, that this Mark, similar to an acute accent, would have been obsolete or suppressed had it been immaterial to the designation of the eriankov or cypher s' as distinct from the contraction & ; but its past and present retention (even in PAPAL EDITIONs of the Greek Testament), is conclusive enough for my argument. Furthermore, this episemon g is PLACED by Grammarians BETweeN e and 3, when used as a numeral to express 6; but if it be true that it is none other than the contraction g (or a 7,) how is it that we do not find the episèmon g’, placed BETweeN p and v in the regular TABLE of GREEK contRAc- TIONS 2 What, then, can be clearer than that this episemon g’ is not the same as the contraction g? Can it be consistent with reason to suppose that its true place is BETweeN Epsilon (e) and Zeta (,) at one time, and between Rho () and Upsilon (v) at another? I must confess that such loco-motive arrangements are beyond my comprehension, yet Mr. Faber uses the “ contRACTION OR cyPHER” as synonymous; but Lycophron and his Commentator Tzetzes, must settle this point with him. It is certain that the same thing cannot be predicted of the other two erianuz—viz. Korto, and 22virt, for they are no where to be found among the twenty-four GREEK LETTERs of the Alphabet, nor in the TABLE of the GREEK ContRActions, and, therefore, they observations on The cyPPfers continued. 71 must remain stationary. I would further observe, that when the episémon s' cannot be used for the Number 6 among the Letters for calculating Names, &c. then the letters a and e are its equivalents in number—as (aé;) because aſ equals 1, and é equals 5 ; or else 88 or y/ would equally produce the Number 6. And if neither the episemon s', nor the LETTERs 2é, &c. are used to denote the number 6, then the "monosyllable # is its legitimate substitute ; so that there is no sort of difficulty in making the Number 6 with the Letters of the Greek Alphabet, without having recourse to the episemon g’. In short, the 24 LETTERs of the Greek Alphabet are always suffi- cient to calculate any numbers contained in Names of Men, Cities, Kingdoms, &c. without the intro- duction of the three enºrmºz, which are used only in calculating NUMBERs. The simple circumstance of the episémon g’ having been numerically placed BE- TweeN the 5th and 7th Letters of the Greek Alphabet to denote 6, shews most clearly that it is neither one, nor two Letters, nor the power of either; but a distinct character introduced into the va- cuum of the di-gamma, arbitrarily filled up, when it is more convenient to express the Number 6 by one cypher, than by two separate letters, which are equal to it in point of numerical value—viz. zé' or 88' or yy'. - Mr. Faber has not produced one single example of the assumed use of the exiangov or cypher g’ for the contraction s, which, in truth and reason, he ought to have done in order to satisfy the old school 72 CHAPTER VI. of Divines, as well as to ground an Argument for discarding the Epsilon () in Aarévvos; and when he has done so, we shall be better prepared to agree with him about the further propriety of inter- changing the word Baagønuo; with Arorarns, for which I cannot see any justifiable reason, either on scrip- tural or on classical ground. CHAPTER VII. ON THE PROPER USE OF THE MARK OR ACCENT, WHEN PLACED ABOVE OR BELOW THE emornwov Tav, or, CYPHER g’, witH THE PROBABLE ORIGIN AND USE of THE SAID EPISEMON. FROM the abundant evidence given in the preceding Chapter, it may be considered conclusive, that the MARK being placed A Bove the EPIs EM on g’, when it denotes 6 among the Letters of the Greek alphabet is then the CHARACTERISTIC distinguishing it from the form of the stenographical contraction of a and r, or g, which never has, nor can have, any such Mark either over it or under it at any time or place ; for it is always the same in form and value wherever you may find it in words, whether in the beginning or middle of a word. It is only one form of the enlankov or cypher g', which has induced Mr. Faber to suppose it to be of the same import with the contraction g, but the other three forms of it T. V. G. are so totally dissimilar to the unchanging form of the contraction g, that there is not the slightest room 74 CHAPTER VII : for comparison or confusion. Moreover, as I have said before, all grammarians place the well-known contraction g in alphabetical order, among the sigmas, i.e. between Rho and Upsilon, and Not between Epsilon and Zeta, as is always the case when the episémon or cypher s is brought forward to denote 6, and consequently put in the 6th place; and it may therefore be concluded, from the sITUA- TION of the episèmon, when used among the letters, that it is either derived from the AEolic Digamma, and ought to be pronounced—Episémon Gau ... Tav ... Tav ... as a Classic of great reputation supposes: or it is a stenographical form of the Di-gamma F, by ‘rounding off its angles, in the writing of running-hand; and ARoSE out of the original form of the di-gamma,’ which is the opinion of the learned Dr. Marsh, Bishop of Peterboro’; and I am inclined to believe that both these opinions are correct, be- cause the episémon T or g' occupies the very place of the ancient Digamma, and is used for the same numerical purposes, namely, to denote 6—and that EveRY CAPITAL LETTER in the Greek Alphabet, (of which the Digamma was formerly one) has a sm ALL chARACTER to represent it, and generally two or three others: (vide Greek Grammars) besides, the Greek term extankov being annexed to it, demonstrates that it is different in appellation from any of the GREEK LETTERs, or CoNTRACTIONS, for although every small Greek Letter, as 2, 8, y, 8, &c. is entitled to a Mark above and below it for arithmetical pur- poses, yet we are never accustomed to call them, THE PROBABLE ORIGIN OF Tav. 75 episemon a' ... or episémon 6' ... or episemon Y ... or episémon 8', &c. It appears to me that the av (which may be omitted) is put after the episèmon by Gram- marians to give it a hard or long sound—to distin- guish it from the single gamma—and to give us the proper pronunciation of the character, as Gau, Tav, Tav. The Latins have sometimes used the AEolic Di- gamma T, by turning it upside down to express the LETTER V, and it is very probable from this circum- stance that the AEolic Digamma (designated by Grammarians Episèmon T or Episèmon Tav) has obtained its present Grammatical appellation of ... Tav ... both from its similarity to the Roman Letter F, and its being occasionally used to represent the Letter V. I will here give one example from Hubert Goltzius’ Thesaurus," for such ancient usage—‘ I, Digamma AEolicum, pro V. ut AMPLIAJIT TERMINAHIT Q. DIGII. JUCIENTUTI. OCTA&I.A. VII. HIR EPULON. XV. HIR. s. F. Adverte hic AFolicum digamma i, con- tineri ea figura, quali ab Imp. Ti. Claudio adjectum tradit Priscianus. Claudius enim prioribus litteris tres adjecit, teste Suetonio, qui in vitā ipsius ita refert: Novas etiam commentus est litteras tres, ac numero veterum, quasi maximè necessarias, addidit. De quarum ratione cum privatus adhuc, volumen edidisset, mox princeps, non difficulter obtinuit, ut in usu quoque promiscuo essent. Extat talis scrip- tura in plerisque libris, ac diurnis titulisque operum.” * Goltzius. Thesaurus Rei Antiquaria. P. 285. Edit. Antwerp, 1644. 76 CHAPTER VII : It may be presumed then that the episémon g' is some distinct character of an arbitrary form, in- troduced for arithmetical purposes, and for arithme- tical purposes only : for what reason can be given that the said episèmon should have two different appellations, and occupy two distinct situations 2 Can it be supposed that amid such a vast variety of stenographical Contractions or Ligatures of Letters, the Contraction g was the only proper cha- racter to represent the errangov Tav, or Cypher g'? when, before the introduction of the said episèmon— the Di-gamma was used to denote the number 6– and as or 38', or yº' would at any time specify 6, as far as it respects the LETTERs of the Greek Alphabet. It is evident that as the errangov or Cypher g' is the local representative of the Di-gamma in calculations, and that the Di-gamma or its representative is no part of the contraction & ; so there can be no more reason alleged for choosing the contRACTION & (which is most certainly and unequivocally composed of, and equal to Two DISTINCT LETTERs,) than there would be for choosing ae', which are Two DISTINCT LETTERs, to denote 6, for this plain reason, that if Mr. Faber's hypothesis were true, then the con- traction g would not only denote the Nos. 6 and 6,000, but since the contraction g is equal to the Two SEPARATE LETTERS aſ, the contraction 5 would also denote 500, and 500,000, which is most ridi- culous, because the contraction g is never used for arithmetical purposes. As for the two stianuz or Cyphers Korra and Xavir, they are evidently not in a THE EPIsèMon & Not A contRACTION. 77 form common to any known Letters or Contractions, but distinct characters—and the episèmon xan, 2. is wholly supplementary to the Greek Letters and Contractions, and is neither one Letter nor two Letters, though perhaps compounded in form of parts of two. It must therefore be acknowledged that the two episèma, or Cyphers, Korra and Xavir, which are occasionally used amongst the Letters, have been admitted into alphabetical (or rather ev- alphabetical) order, for no other than arithmetical purposes ; that is, to denote TENs, and HUNDREDs; and consequently that the extankov Tav, or Cypher sº, which has been adopted for arithmetical purposes only, viz. to denote UNITs, can be no more necessary to the framing of a Word, or Name of a MAN, than either Korra or Xaviri would be, which is not at all. Therefore I am bold to say, that Mr. Faber will scarcely venture to try the experiment with the two latter era muz, though he imagines he has succeeded so well with the former. So much then for those probabilities which Mr. Faber informs us, amount to “ moral certainties.” It is highly probable that the eriangov Tav, or Cypher g', has been formed from the ancient di-gamma T by ‘rounding off its angles,” (as Dr. Marsh thinks); but if not, there is no more reason why we should marvel at the similarity of the episèmon gº to the contraction g, than at the dissimilar forms which anciently existed between the same Letter; for example, take Sigma, X, a.s., c. It were just as reasonable and necessary to endeavour to account for the already-evisting difference between 78 CHAPTER VII : the four several forms of the sigma, as between the four several forms of the episèmon Tav, that is, T. W. G. s. Custom having fully confirmed their optional use and value, which is enough so far as concerns Antiquity and Orthography. We shall perceive then, at one glance, the proper use of the Mark or Accent, when it is placed, first. above and then below the episèmon g’ or s, as also when applied to the small Letters of the Greek alphabet with regard to the NUMBER • Xès' or 666, whereby we shall see the defect and inconclusiveness of Mr. Faber’s argument. 1st. With the two Greek Letters x and 5 *}: x8-’ = 666. below x5s = 666,000. D º above xia' = 1,160; below x{al = 1, 160,000. [. l the episemon s', with the Mark . . . . . . 2nd. With the 2 Greek Letters x and 5, and the Letters which represent the con- traction sº, viz. a7, with the Mark.... 3rd. With the 2 Greek Letters x and 8, º: x82e' = 666. ith the 2 l * ~~~ : W1 etters ae’ will produce, below x525 = 666,000. ! [. with the Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thus it is evident that although Mr. Faber has exchanged 8Aarºnkos for Arorarms, with a view of ob- taining the number 666 of the MAN, yet, on account of the difference existing between the episémon g’ and the contraction s, both as to their proper epithets, local situations, and numerical product, the word ApostATEs, when fairly or UNcontRACTEDLY written in GREEK LETTERs bids defiance to the legitimate establishment both of the NUMBER 666, and the NAME of A MAN, which cannot certainly be made REFUTATION of Bishop BossueT, &c. 79 out by any rendering of the word. It therefore must be entirely rejected, as erroneous in regard to ortho- graphy, numerical value, and every other quality which is essential for its reception. But Aarévos, which is the true name of a MAN, and every way answerable to the Number 666, remains as firm as ever, notwithstanding the ingenuity which Mr. Faber has exercised with a view of supplanting it by the indefinite word APostATss. Furthermore; I naturally recoil from this mode of giving our enemies, the Romanists and others, so important a vantage ground, which we undoubtedly should, were we tacitly to give up such, or any other material point in orthography or divinity. For allowing the followers of Socinus to reject the De- Jinite Article 3 and to substitute the Indefinite, (see Bishop Middleton on the Greek Article; ) or per- mitting Bishop Bossuet, and other Romanists, the vicarious, arbitrary, or indiscriminate use of the eriankov or cypher g' (as if it were actually and truly the contraction g or a], and used to denote 6,) would be a similar point of concession, and much too important an one for us to yield. Let us recollect that as Protestants we have nationally separated ourselves from the Church and Communion of Papal Ičome, and that on account of this our National and Ecclesiastical Separation, the Church of Rome has most summarily branded us with the appellation of ApostATEs and HERETICs, &c. Yet surely an Ecclesiastical separation from the Church of Rome *eeds not imply Apostacy or Heresy on our part, 80 CHAPTER VII : retaining as we do every jot and tittle of the OLD and NEw TESTAMENTs, together with the Liturgies, Formularies, &c. of the ancient Greek and Chris- tian Churches, rejecting nothing but the false and base traditions of Men, even the dross of their LATIN or Papal superstitions, and thus using the pure word of God (in plain English) in a Language fully understood by the common People, -as did the primitive Christians. The Roman or LATIN Church (for so she is proved to be at this very hour— ‘LATINI enim sunt qui NUNC Regnant,') will meet with an insurmountable difficulty in attempting to apply the Name Aarévvos to Us, for wF LATINIZE in nothing ; but she in every thing of an Ecclesiastical Nature and Purpose. And thus because we have renounced all civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction with Papal Rome and her LATIN Hierarch, there- fore, we are as a French Roman Catholic would say, ‘De hors de l'Eglise’—without the pale of the Church. If, however, we are desirous of finding out the true Name of the MAN, whose given arith- metical Number is xás", or 666, we must search for the NAME of such a MAN, and then having disco- vered such Name, we must endeavour to apply it to the ‘Number of his Name” by just arithmetical computation, that is, by placing every individual Letter of the Name, as each stands in its regular order in the Table or Scale of the Greek Alphabet, with the precise Number of each Letter severally annexed, which will then decide whether the name of the MAN will produce the given number xàs', or STRICT AD HERENCE TO THE LETTERS. 81 666; and if it will Not produce the precise Number by the individual Letters of his Name, it must be rejected as insufficient, and this is the simple process to which EveRY NAME must FIRST be subjected. But to introduce an episèmon or cypher as the re- presentative of two distinct Letters in a Man's name, is to produce an Hiatus or Vacuum in the LETTERS of THE NAME, and thereby destroy the validity both of the name and the number of the Man. It is most curious that out of the two Greek Letters x5 and the oNE episémon G', xãº", Mr. Faber should have chosen to convert only the episèmon or cypher g’ into two Letters and then leave the Two genuine LETTERs x5' to shift for themselves, as though the episèmon or cypher sº had more to do with establishing the authenticity of the name of the Man, than the regular Greek Letters, which com- pose his name, and this directly at variance with the established rules of Greek orthography and numerical calculations. It is evident therefore that we must, in the first instance, have recourse to the 24 Letters of the Greek Alphabet, and to them only; for the Name of the Man must contain the LETTERs of his Name, and those Letters the NUMBER of his Name (what- ever that Name may be) in the same legitimate Mode of Calculation as earhibited by IRENAEUs, of which he has given us Three Evamples, and to do other- wise is to act in opposition to his high authority and every other Greek precedent. If however it were merely an arbitrary number UNconnecteD with the NAME of A MAN, &c. then we might exercise the G 82 UH A PTER VII. discretionary power of using freely and unrestrict- edly the THREE exiangz in conjunction with the 24 Letters of the Greek Alphabet, the former of which are merely introduced to make up Units, Tens, and Hundreds. I have already shown that there are three different ways in which to denote the Number 6. First, by means of the cypher, called by Gram- marians etruo-mºzov Tav, or sº. Secondly, by means of the monosyllable éé. Thirdly, by means of the Letters—ae, or yy', or 98’, any two of which may be used in the names of Men, &c. to denote six. What then can be clearer, more intelligible, and satisfactory 2 And yet Mr. Faber is not content to go on in the straight road of Greek orthography, but prefers rather to plunge into a labyrinth of obscurity into which no one can safely follow him. CHAPTER VIII. CONTAINING ALLUSIONS TO THE ANCIENT NU MERICAL USE OF THE DI-GAMMA AS CONNECTED WITH THE SUBJECT of THE EPISEMON s'. IF Mr. Faber had discovered the Name of a Man, in which there were Two GAMMAs, yy, or y/, and had then resorted to the expedient of using the A-yappa T, for the said two single gammas, there might have been something plausible in the argument, because the ancient Di-gamma was formerly put in the sixth place among the regular Greek Letters, and had the power of sia in calculating numbers; but to attempt the admission of two dissimilar Letters (sigma and tau, sº or a 7) in lieu of it, is so foreign to the purpose, that if we were to try the proof we must in the end acknowledge that 6 is equal to 500, and 6,000 equal to 500,000. It must be admitted then, that if this Episèmon s' be any thing beyond a Cypher, it must be some one stenographical form of the ancient G 2 84 CHAPTER VIII : AEolic Di-gamma; and this admission would put an end to Mr. Faber's argument, which, by his own confession, rests upon supposition, or doubt, or rather ‘the Doctrine of Chances.” If the ancient Di-gamma were revived according to its primitive form, place, and use, it would be numerically equal to six, but could not make the two Letters a and r, contractedly, or uncontractedly, because double gamma, as T, or two gammas, as, yſ, yy, &c. would never denote s or a 1: but the Letters aſ and t are positively and undeniably equal to the Greek con- traction s because the contraction g contains the Letters or and T, and, as Letters which are equal to the same Letters are equal to one another, both in numbers and in every other reference; by the same rule of argument, contractions which are equal to the same contractions are also equal to one another. But the numerical exionpoy or cypher s being no letter, nor Letters, nor the regular contraction of Letters, can neither be equal to the contraction g nor its representative Letters ; for were it otherwise, the episémon s' having been once acknowledged as the stenographical ligature of a and T would imme- diately cease to be a cypher by becoming a contrac- tion, (as may be seen by considering its common appellation, position, and numerical use,) and conse- quently must cease to be employed for the Number 6. But I have already shown that the episèmon or cypher G' is not only used for the Number 6, but that the same episémon (with the Mark below) sis also used to denote 6,000 : what then is the use of THIE NU MERICAL USE OF THE DIG AM M A. S5 insisting on the similarity of the episémon gº to the contraction g, but to confound the two characters by endeavouring to produce a belief that they ARE, or may be used As synonymous terms or characters ? Much in the same manner as we are told that ‘Blas- phemy DENOTES Apostacy.’ Whereas, by retaining the ancient individual use of the 24 Letters of the Greek alphabet, with their several numerical values attached to each letter, there can be no possible mistake concerning the number of the name of any Man / / As we find the place of the ºriankov Tav or cypher g' to be between e and g, and Not between p and v, in the Table of Greek Contractions ; so we may fairly conclude that it is an arbitrary character, just as easily as we can that the Two EPISEMA Korra and Xawns are arbitrary characters, because they are neither of them to be found among the contRActions or LETTERs. If we permit the exiangov Tav, or cypher s', or G, to pass current in orthography for the well known contraction of a and t, or g, we must in reason admit the other two cyphers, Korra, T, S, or ;", and Xavri, 2', to an equal rank and numerical value among the LETTERs, so that they also may assume the specific Form and Power of certain known Letters in the Greek Alphabet, which is too prepos- terous to admit; for, as I have already shewn, they are both of them supplementary to the 24 Letters, and resemble none of the regular Greek contractions of LETTERs, but are placed in the three Ranks of numerals, ea-alphabetically; therefore to attempt 86 CHAPTER VIII : their admission among them now, would be like the conversion of the Nachash or Serpent into a Monkey or Ouran-outang, (as Dr. Adam Clarke has done in the nineteenth century of the Christian aera, to the astonishment of the religious world,) and thus there would be no end to the useless ambiguities and con- fusion thereby introduced in the value of the Greek Letters by the arbitrary admission and vicarious sub- stitution of the three Episèma for regular letters. As the three Episéma have never been so used in ancient or modern times—viz. Letters for Cyphers, and Cyphers for Letters, so there can be no suffi- cient reason given why they should now, for the first time, be admitted to such arbitrary use, unless it be to accommodate Mr. Faber's opinion ; for he argues with more plausibility than truth, there being a simi- larity in one form between the enignuoy or Cypher g', and the contraction g. But Grammatical Inves- tigation will show the positive necessity there is for drawing a broad line of distinction between the one and the other, when an instance of orthography is to be determined. It is obvious that one form of the avywa (s) is somewhat similar to the Contraction g, as also to the episèmon s'; but they are easily to be distinguished from each other; the episèmon g’ being always used with a Mark, and never without it, because it is a numerical Cypher. The Contraction g is never seen with a Mark—and the sigma (s) is known by the top part of it being somewhat shorter than the two former characters, and it has a Mark appended to it only when used as a numeral. THE NUMERICAL USE of THE DIGAMMA. 87 1st. The Character or Cypher called by Grammarians etruo-mp.ov Tav, Or g T. V. G. s'. 2ndly. The Contraction of the two letters, sigma and tau, º, as seen in the Table of Contractions - - - 27 g. 3rdly. The Four several formations of the sigma. tº º tº - X. a. C. g. Therefore it will be absolutely necessary, not only to preserve an apparent distinction in point of Form, as set forth in the Greek Grammars, but likewise their several and well-known appellations, situations, and numerical value, by which they are always dis- tinguished from one another, and to act otherwise is to introduce ambiguity and confusion in the place of that orthographical order and Harmony which existed before, and this derangement is but a poor apology for that indeterminate species of Orthography which Mr. Faber has propounded to us in the word Atos-arms, a word thus proved to be totally inapplicable and inadequate for those purposes and intentions for which it has been in these aftertimes, brought for- ward by him, to supplant the most ancient and gene- rally approved name of a MAN, even Aarévvos. Furthermore—as not one of Three Episéma has, as far as I know, ever been admitted into the Alphabet of any Greek Grammar extant—or into the Tables of the Greek Contractions or Ligatures of the Letters, not even into Mr. Valpy's Greek Grammar which has the ancient Di-gamma (F) so conspicuous on the Title Page, we may safely conclude that the extankov Fav, or Cypher º' is not considered by Gram- 88 CHAPTER VIII: marians as a contraction of two Letters of any kind, but merely a stenographical character introduced into the sixth place for the obsolete Di-gamma, by which to denote six under one character, when calculating Numbers, instead of ač or any other two letters as y or 88–which will equally produce the number six in names of Men &c. &c. It is therefore manifest that the Three ºrianka are numerically used (conjointly with the twenty-four letters of the Greek alphabet) for the obvious purposes of calculating numbers but not for NAMEs, seeing that they can never be requi- site for that purpose. Therefore, as the ancient Grecians never used the three Episèma in the same manner as Mr. Faber has introduced on E of them, he has therein acted contrary to all Greek precedent concerning the use of the episèmon g’, which he has so ingeniously foisted into the word Atos-arms, but which has, in every point of view proved less than nothing for his opinion, which is most ambiguous and inconclusive if the Greek Letters only are to decide the merits of the Question at issue: that they ought so to decide is palpably evident from the sound and orthodoar erample of IRENAEUs. How much soever, therefore, Arosarns may serve for any other point, it most certainly does not contain by the indi- vidual arithmetical computation of the LETTERs, the NUMBER mentioned by St. John, which is xàs' or 666, or “ Sir hundred Threescore and Sia: ;” and therefore it cannot be the true Mark or Name of the MAN, because it does Not produce the NUMBER of his Name, which point is the sine quá non of the THE NUMERICAL Use of the DIGAMMA. 89 subject. It matters little what Mr. Faber has written against the orthography of the NAME Aarºo; as set forth by Irenaeus, which may nevertheless be termed the Stereotyped appellative Name of the MAN, and contains by PROOF of the most indisputable orthography, the true Number of the Beast, and is illustrated in all other respects by the strong clear light of scriptural allusion, and therefore I will ven- ture to say by way of happy and exulting anticipation, “ Wirescit vulnere VERITAs 1 ° and that although, “ Tempora mutantur, Mutantur Homines,” yet— “WERITAs eadem Manet! !!” CHAPTER IX. ON THE PROPER DISTINCTION TO BE OBSERVED BETweeN THE USE OF THE THREE EPISEMA, viz. era nuov Tav . . . Kotºro. . . A ND Xavri-AND THE 24 LETTERS OF THE GREEK ALPHABET IN THE DE- SIGNATION OF NAMES AND NUMBERS ; TOGETHER WITH SOME RE MARKS ON THE NECESSITY OF RETAINING THE EXACT NOTATION OF HOLY-WRIT. As the enignuov Tav, or Cypher g’ appears to be placed in the Revelations of St. John, (chap. xiii. v. 18) with a Mark over it, xfs', such mark is clearly meant to denote that it is a numerical character, (for so the very word exiango, by derivation seems to imply, viz. er, in addition, and anºz, a sign or mark,) and Not the contraction of sigma and tau. I have before noted that the contraction g can never have a Mark over it in the beginning or middle of words, Names, &c. Moreover, the contraction g (because of its locality in the Table of contractions, between p and v,) is NOT an episemon any more than the episémon s' can be a CLASSIFICATION of THE THREE EPISEMA. 91 contraction, (because of its locality between e and g and its distinguishing appellation when used among the Letters.) Therefore, wherever the marked exiangov or Cypher s is found (as in the present in- stance) in the No. 666. Xäg', or in any other GREATER or less number, ending with the episemon s' with the Mark above it signifies six, and with the Mark below 5, 6000; but the separate letters of the con- traction g with the Mark above, equal 200 and 300, as with the Mark below they equal 200,000, and 300,000; and by the combination of such a variety of numbers as 6 . . . 6000 . . .200. .300 . . 200,000 . . 300,000 attached to the same character, (and its representative Letters) no one would venture to decide upon any given number; and therefore it will be absolutely necessary to observe the Rules of Gram- mar on this subject in order to distinguish the true number of the episèmon, from the spurious one allotted to the contraction. I will venture to affirm, that there is no evample on record (except in Mr. Faber's and Archdeacon Wrangham's use of the episèmon g for the contraction g in the word Aro-arms, and in which their adversaries the Roman Catholics had PRECEDED them, for the same use of the epise- mon; it is impossible to prove such a thing ! Will Mr. Faber, or Archdeacon Wrangham, undertake to prove that "7 are equal to, or may be used to denote six in calculating Numbers ? Let us see how the novelty looks I See also the TABLEs illustrative of the fallacy of Mr. Faber's word APosTATEs, CHAPTER x, of this work. 92 CHAPTER IX : A’= . . I ºr’— . 8 0 o'- . 7 O a 7'- . . 6 a' = . . 1 7’— 3 0 O n’= . . 8 s'— 2 0 0 6 6 6 Every person well acquainted with the ancient Mode of Calculation among the Greeks, must know that no two Letters so low down in the Greek Al- phabet as a and t can possibly be used to denote sir, because the lowest Number that is allotted to a is 200, and the lowest that is allotted to r is 300 ; and, therefore, how the said two Letters together can be made equal to the small number 6, must be matter of great astonishment, and require explanation. Yet such is the ratiocination of Mr. Faber (with his coadjutor Archdeacon Wrangham), because he com- placently uses the episèmon g’ as though it were the legitimate or orthographical representative of the contraction s (‘ the contRACTION OR cyPHER,”) which it certainly is not, inasmuch as the episémon or cypher 3 could not be admissible in the calcula- tion of the Name of a Man, or any other Name, where LETTERs alone are concerned. It seems then that Mr. Faber must have prejudiced his under- CLASSIFICATION of THE THREE EPISEMA. 93 standing against this view of the subject, because it would be as easy for him to prove that aſ is equal to 6, as that the contraction g is equal to 6, inasmuch as they both lie open to the same objections as regard orthography; for, the same reason that would make the FIRST equal to 6, would make the Second equal to 6, because Letters which are equal to the same Letters are equal to one another; but this method of equalizing the contraction and episèmon, must necessarily introduce what may be well termed a * System of Counter Elements,’ because it is equally subversive of common sense and evperience. If Mr. Faber should still insist on the legitimacy and propriety of the indiscriminate use of the enignpo, Tav or cypher g’ for the regular contraction g, then I must have CLASSICAL ExAMPLES and authorities for such arbitrary use among the ancient Greeks, (but Mr. Faber’s “Sacred Calendar of Prophecy’ does not furnish us with one such evample,) and then having produced such examples as a preliminary step, I should also desire to have an explanation of the orthographical use of the two other episéma, viz. Korra and Xaviri, which have hitherto been employed to denote Numbers, but not as a component Part of the LETTERs of any PRoPER NAME. If the episémon or cypher g’ be the acknowledged Repre- sentative of the contraction ºr or a 7, then it may with equal propriety be thought that the episèma Korra and Xavri, may also, by some ingenious process, be made to represent certain Diphthongs or Letters : so that by acknowledging Mr. Faber’s argument to 94 CHAPTER Ix : be grounded on sound principles, and to have its full weight in regard to the arbitrary use of the cypher g' for the contraction ºr, it will be very difficult, I may say impossible, to decide on the precise value of the other two Episèma ; otherwise than they are at present determined by Grammarians and Lexico- graphers. Surely then it is evident, according to evisting orthography, that the three erranga are arbi- trary numerical signs, Hieroglyphical characters, or Stenographical Cyphers, occasionally introduced among the 24 Greek Letters, for the sole purpose of denoting particular numbers, (and this provision is made on account of a deficiency in the Greek Al- phabet,) but they are by no means the representatives of Letters, having nothing to do with them, which is clear from the ex-alphabetical situations they Occupy. My principal object in insisting so strongly on the preservation of the essential and apparent distinction between the three erianga and the 24 Letters, is, that there may not hereafter be any further doubt con- cerning their respective uses; but that when NAMEs of MEN, &c. are calculated, the LETTERs only may be used; and when Numbers are to be calculated then the three episema and Letters may be conjointly used. Thus we shall preserve a decided distinction between the three numerical episèma and the 24 regular Greek Letters, with the various contractions or ligatures of those Letters; so that holding their respective places, order, value and appellation, they will not be mistaken, or usurp the rank of each other cLASSIFICATION of THE THREE EPIsèM.A. 95 in the long established scale, use, and station in the Greek Alphabet, Table of Contractions, and the three ranks of Numerals, which Mr. Faber's opinion had begun to disturb. The “wisdom " and “un- derstanding,” of which St. John wrote, [Rev. xiii. 18.] in reference to the discovery of the Name of the MAN, from his enigmatical Number xís' or 666, must be in accordance with the then known RULES of numerical orthography, or why should Mr. Faber take upon himself to object to the orTHoGRAPHY of IRENAEUs by the rejection of the e in the NAME Aarévos, as though it were redundant? It can only be upon the supposition that Irenatus was a bad Grammarian in using the Diphthong or broad et or q, instead of the CIRCUMFLEX iota, ; ; but the latter is generally, if not always, equivalent to a Diphthong. If Mr. Faber, Dr. Adam Clarke, Cardinal Bel- larmine, Grotius, and a variety of other critical writers are justified in publishing to the world that it is not legitimate orthography to write, or use the Diphthong or broad d or et, in the name Aarévos, although numerous authorities from the Classics and Fathers can be adduced in vindication of its common wse both among the ancient GREEKS and Romans; much more are we justified by informing Mr. Faber, Archdeacon Wrangham, Bishop Bossuet, &c. that the contraction s is Not the numerical Representa- tive of the emanpov Tav or cypher g', until sufficient classical authorities are adduced to prove their coin- cidence. The Scholar's guide to the solution of this subject is the examination by comparison of the two 96 CHAPTER IX : characters, according to their established use, as set forth in the different Greek Grammars, Lexicons, Testaments, Commentators, &c. That PAPIsts, especially the JESUITs, should en- deavour to uphold their own spurious anti-apostolic, anti-catholic, or LATIN Church, by such novel inventions as the one to which Mr. Faber has resorted, is not much to be wondered at ; because the said Latin Church tolerates (in the broad day- light of Literature, and in the meridian Sun-shine of Religious Liberty,) the APOCRYPHAL Books as equally CANoNICAL with the Books of the OLD and New TESTAMENTs, which is more than the Jews themselves have ever admitted at their very worst period. But such a papistical precedent is no argu- ment for a Protestant or Christian Minister; for the Jew is still a living witness against such apo- cryphal admission, even though he be ignorant of the true SHILoh. Is not the eria wºow Tav Or Cypher s' an Apocryphal character according to Mr. Faber's view of it? Surely it is, because it cannot be two characters at the same time! And is not the con- traction 3 tantamount to canonical ? that is to say, a Character concerning which there is no sort of doubt evisting " It appears very evident to me that Mr. Faber has given his enemies, the Romanists, more vantage ground than he has taken for himself in his whimsical argument, because the word Arorarns is NOT the Name of a Man, does not contain the number xàs' or 666, and that the Romanists may turn round upon us, as Bishop Bossuet, and others cLAssi FICATION of THE THREE EPISEMA. 97 have done, and declare that every Church which is not in their Latin Communion is an ApostATEs. If Mr. Faber had considered more of the MAS- SoFA or Masoretic System of the ancient Jewish Doctors, whereby they have numbered the Sentences or Verses;–the words; and every one of the Letters of the Hebrew Teat: he must have known the extreme tenaciousness of the Jews as to the alteration of a single Jot or Pod (the least of all the Hebrew Letters,) or even Tittle or vowel point (~). And it was no doubt with reference to this well known and established Rabbinical Doctrine or System, that Christ said to the Jews, (in accommodation to their traditional Integrity of every individual Letter of the Hebrew Scriptures,) “Till heaven and earth pass, one Jot or one Tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled.” And the wonderful manner in which the whole of the Old Testament Scriptures have been preserved through so many Generations, amidst such a variety of Jewish Wars, Bondages, Captivities, National Revolutions, and Dispersions, may well be accounted as the work of God and one of the greatest of miracles ; for it most clearly manifests the power and watchfulness of JE- Hova H over his own sacred word even to the very LETTER or TITTLE of it. If the Jews then have been so punctilious in pre- serving entire every LETTER and Tittle of the HE- BREw Scriptures, shall we, as Christians, be less punctilious in the preservation of every LETTER and * Matt. v. 18. H 98 CHAPTER IX : CHARACTER of the GREEK TESTAMENT TEXT 2 God forbid | Has Christ said—“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away : ” and shall it not come to pass? Yea, verily we know then by parity of Reasoning, that there is as much need and propriety of retaining as strictly as possible the true value of each one of the Greek Letters, and Contractions, and the numerical Episèmon g’, with their proper Marks and appellations, set forth in the original Greek Testament Scriptures, as there was for the retention of every individual Hebrew Letter of the Old Testament writings; for without this accuracy, the fidelity of the Number 2.Ég' or 666, could never be fully and satisfactorily deter- mined by the Church of God, (whose guide is wisdom and understanding.) And supposing the THREE numerical Episèma, or Cyphers, could have an indefinite meaning allowed them, first intending one thing and then another—first Cyphers and then Letters and contractions—and vice versa, as the case may seem to require, or as the fanciful imagination of each individual writer may lead to their adoption, then indeed they would be constantly exposed to alteration, and consequently to objection. Thus the ablest interpreters of Prophecy would always be at issue as to the true NAME and NUMBER of the Apoca- lyptic “MAN”—who is “ The Man of Sin,” “The Son of Perdition,” even when the true Name of the Beast was found, the existence of which uncertainty is too abundantly evident from the endless specula- tions already eatant concerning the mystical Name cLAssi FICATION OF THE THREE EPISEMA. 99 of the Numbered Man. If, however, the orthography of IRENAEUs had been more fully vindicated concern- ing the DIPHTHONG or BROAD et or d in Aardvos, No other Name of a MAN would have been demanded, because it is every way suitable to the character spoken of by St. Paul and St. John. It will there- fore be seen in the sequel of this work, how impor- tant it is to attend to the most minute points in any matters relating to the Holy Scriptures, and that Orthography forms no inconsiderable part in the establishment of the Name of the Man whose proper and descriptive Name is unquestionably and indisputably Aarévvos. If the episemon g were written in any one of the Three following allowed forms to denote the Number 6, viz. G. V.T. it would materially alter the com- plexion of the cypher G' and place Mr. Faber in a dif- ficult position to determine its provimity to the con- traction g which has only one form, and which Mr. Faber has purposely overlooked, or carelessly rejected, together with the established adoption of the Mark or Accent (), which at once denotes that it is an episemon, and used for 6, and Not the contraction s. These, with many other omissions, have ruined the credibility of his argument, which Rests upon the Presumption that the word Arorary; may be substi- tuted for 9Xarºnaos, and that the episèmon g is the literal and numerical representative of sigma and tau, contractedly, which it is not. . I take it for granted then, that any one of the four following forms of the same character T. W. G. g' H 2 100 CHA PTE [º IX. (whether it be the Æolic Digamma, or the episèmon, its stenographical and numerical representative) may severally and individually be used to denote the No. 6, and from which, by a comparison with the Letters s and r uncontractedly, and contractedly, it will therefore be my endeavor to show to the Reader in the following ScALE or TABLE of the word Apos- TATEs ; first with the LETTERS and contraction, and secondly, with the LETTERs and the Four several forms of the said digamma or episémon, that Mr. Faber's argument is not substantial, but wholly defective, inasmuch as ApostATEs is a word which does not even contain the Number 666, and I have already shown that it is not the Name of a Man, and likewise that it is too general or Indefinite a word to answer the purposes intended by the Apostle. There- fore as a matter of course, it must be entirely rejected. There cannot be a sufficient reason given why the Digamma or Stenographical erronao, or cypher g’ (in this individual Form of it,) should be preferred to any one of the other three forms, in reference to any NAME, any more than that it would not be legitimate ortho- graphy to retain some one form of the rºyaa (x. a. s.c.) to the Rejection of the other three forms, and therefore we must content ourselves with the rights and privi- leges of Antiquity which are abundantly sufficient, and they are truly subversive of Mr. Faber's specula- tion. - CHAPTER X. TWO TABLES ILLUSTRATIVE OF MR. FABER's word APOSTATES, EXHIBITING ITS PALPABLE . IN CONSISTEN CY WITH THE TRUE NUMBER Xès' or 666. or nothing. I. An arithmetical TABLE of the word Aroorarm, with the Mark above. 1st. with the two Letters a and r", uncontractedly; and 2ndly. with the said two Letters contractedly, A . . . . a' = . . 1 P . r' = .. 80 O . . . . o' = .. 70 S .... <' = . . 200 T .... r" = ... 300 A . . . . a' = 1 T .... r" = ... 300 É . . . . .' = . . 8 S .... <' = . . 200 1160 Subtract the No. of the Man 666 494 Remainder too many by Remainder too many by aS, St. A e e e e a' – º 1 P . Tr' = 80 O e © º o' – © 70 QN w 200 ST. . . . ar' = } 300 A a’ = I T o º r’ == 300 E . . . . n' = . . 8 S e s' F • e 200 1160 Subtract the No. of the Man 666 494 ºmº- A o tº G a' := e e I P . . . . r" = .. 80 O e o' F e e 70 ST. • e e S = • 500 A . a' = . . T T º T' F e e 300 É e e º & º' F • e 8 S e e o & c’ – e. e. 200 1160 Subtract the No. of the Man 666 Remainder too many by 494 II. An arithmetical TABLE wherein is shown the Inconsistency and moral Impossibility of using the eriornºov Tao, or Cypher s” as the literal and numerical Representative of a yua and raw contractedly (;) in the word Atros-arms. 3rdly. with the Letters, and 4 different forms of the same Episémon, in lieu of the 2 Letters o' and t'. A . . . . a' = . . 1 A . . . . & F • e I A . . . . d - e e 1 A . . . . a' F • e al P . . . . ar' = Q Q 80 P e e e Q m’ = © e 80 P . . . . ar' = © O 80 P e e º Q Tr' F • e 80 O © e º e o' = O © 70 O © º O e o' = © e 70 O e e º 0. o' = ... • 70 O to e º e o' - e. e. 70 g' - e. e. 6 G’ F • * 6 T F • e 6 V F • e 6 A. tº e o e a' = © o I A . a' = 4- © I A © O. a’ = © 0. I A . . . . a' F • I T © e º O r’ - e. 300 T o e - e. r’ = e e 300 T © e o º r' = e G 300 T e e º O +/ - e e 300 E tº º m’ = ſo 8 E Q Q @ & n' = © 8 JE Gº O C & º' = 8 E © O © & n' = © C 8 S © º ç’ = . 200 S © C. g’ - e e 200 S e e º 0 ;' = O 200 S o o o $ - o 200 G66 666 - 666 666 Subtract the episèmon -', 6 Subtract the episèmon 6 Subtract the **) 6 Subtract the **) 6 because it is not ar.. G as before . . . . . º T as before . . . . . . V as before . . . . . and there will be a de- fici f Si d a defici f Six 660|and a defici f Six 660 ficiency of Six . . . . . . 660 and a deficiency of Six 660 and a deficiency of Six and a denciency of Six 104 - CHA PTER X : As the first of the foregoing Tables, including three forms of the word Apostates, presents us with LETTERs arithmetically redundant, that is by 494; so are the four latter evamples DEFICIENT, in the second Table, (not in Numbers, but in LETTERS,) to the amount of 6, which consequently destroys the Integrity of the Number of the Man which is declared by St. John to be 666 and Not 660: and, therefore, it must be obvious that all words or Names of Men, &c. are composed of LETTERs, and LETTERS on LY ; for without the LETTERs there could be no production of a compleTE word or NAME OF A MAN, according to the earisting rules of Grecian Orthography; because the introduction of the exiangov or numerical cypher g’ among the Letters of the Word (or Name) would thereby pro- duce a chasm or HIATUS to the destruction of the said Word (or Name.) Ex. Gr. Apog’ATEs.... APOSATES .... APO'FATES .... APovATEs, &c. &c. Furthermore, if it can once be proved that it is legitimate orthography to introduce one episémon into a MAN's NAME, I will venture to prove also that it is equally legitimate to introduce the whole three episèma in like manner. Suppose, for example, that a certain number was proposed from which a Name was to be elicited, but in which were three Letters and the three episèma, as a 3 x 2 g’—which would collectively (with the Mark above and below) pro- duce the number 1002; would any person in his senses attempt to find the Name of a Man, or any other Name composed of Greek Letters from this given IN CONSISTENCY of ApostATEs. 105 Number 4 37 2 , ;", or 1002, by the use of the Three Letters a 3% in conjunction with the three episema 2 || " ? It would surely be more reasonable at least to metamorphose the number x&g' into the Name of a Man / And why has Mr. Faber selected the episémon G' and not used the Two real Letters x and $ in the word Arortary; 2 Is it not because the two Letters x and 8 have nothing to do with the NAME, but on LY the NUMBER of the MAN. The Number xàº' consists of two Letters and one episè- mon, which are numerically put to represent— X # g’ ef {{akāa to {{nkovro. £8. that is, “Sia. Hundred Threescore and Sia: ; ” but x and 8 have nothing whatever to do, either in ap- pearance or reality with any one Letter, or two Letters, in the word Aroazarns, and yet the episémon ç' must be torn from its numerical station to make a FRACTION of the word Atos-arms. Why then should we not add the two Letters x and 5 which compose the greater part of the Number 666? For in truth, if it can be legitimate orthography to use the episèmon s' in the Name of a Man, so it must be to use the two Letters x and * with the other three forms of the episèmon, viz. T, V, G, as also the other two episema, viz. Korra and Xavir. But I have already shewn the impossibility of such admission. And therefore it is extremely strange to observe the extravagancy to which men will run, in order to attempt to prove a point which never can be proved 106 CHAPTER X : by sound argument and orthography, which are alone sufficient; for such only are consonant with “wis- dom” and “understanding.” The following small Table exhibits the Number xés' of St. John, and demonstrates the necessity of using the Mark above the episèmon g’ which is then equal to 6; but if we have the Mark below the episémon sº the result will be that we shall produce the far greater Number 6,000,” and thereby produce by ONE SINGLE CHARACTER, or episémon, 5334 more than the Number 666. Ex. gr. 5334+ 666 = 6000, and by placing the Mark below the whole Number 2.É; we shall have 665,334 MoRE than the origiNAL NUMBER 666. xás' x{s x = 600 x = 600,000 # = . 60 # = . 60,000 s' = .. 6 * = .. 6,000. T666 666,000 And if we allow the episèmon s' in the Number xés' to be used for the contraction of at, or s, we shall have this additional result, that as the episèmon g" is the representative of the contraction g, so is the contraction g the representative of g7, and con- sequently we shall see at once the incongruity of such supposed numerical equality; because the word Aroglavns, uncontractedly, with the Mark above and below is 494 beyond the given Number 666, and * Sec the Table of Apostates. INCONSISTENCY of ApostATES. 107 the same word, uncontractedly, with the Mark below, is 1,159,334 beyond the Number 666, and therefore the contraction g in the word ApostATES must be given up according to the established Rules of Grecian orthography as connected with the Mode Qf ALPHABETICAL Numeration. x£at' x867 x. = 600 x = 600,000 # = . 60 f = . 60,000 a' = 200 º = 200,000 T' = 300 * = 300,000 cºmmºns mºsº ºmºmºmº 1,160 1,160,000 CHAPTER XI. EXAMPLES PROVING THE WANT OF IDENTITY IN THE worD APOSTATES, AS APPLICABLE TO ANY ONE PARTICULAR LAPSED CHURCH OR PERSON EXCLUSIVELY. THE following examples may suffice to illustrate that there is no sort of Identity between the word APos- TATES and any one particular lapsed Church, or Man, but such as is likewise applicable to, or syno- nymous with many Apostacies, and therefore Apos- tates cannot be either the Proper, or Descriptive, or Appellative Name, wherewith the Latin Roman Pontiff (with every individual in his Latin Church) is to be Marked or Named; for HE is in truth as much an ANTICHRIST as he is an Apostates or Blas- phēmos, embodying the three characteristic Titles put together, with many other scriptural attributives, such as, “ The Man of Sin,” “The Son of Per- dition,” “ The Wicked One,” “ The Mystery of Iniquity,” &c. JEWISH CHURCII THE MOTHER CHURCII. 109 I. That the Jewish Church," or CHURCII OF JERUSALEM,” was the Primitive Christian or Mother Church of all Churches in the world, in the Days of our Lord Jesus Christ, and his Apostles, is evident from the testimony of INSPIRATION ; for it was in the CITY of JERUSALEM that Christ first planted his Gospel, and gave a Commandment to his Dis- ciples that it should be from thence preached among ALL Nations,” “ beginning at Jerusalem,” and in unison with this Commandment we read of the Apostles Paul and Barnabas enjoining, in the strictest manner, the implicit observance of this Divine In- junction given them by their Lord and Master, as it is written,* “It was NECESSARY that the word of God should FIRST have been spoken to YoU, (i. e. the JEws.) And it is an undoubted truth, that no Gentile was federally admitted into the Christian Church till after St. Peter was commanded in the * Vision of the great sheet knit at four corners to go to Caesarea and instruct Cornelius in the gospel, as we read.” “They travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to NoNE but unto the Jews on LY: ” so that the Jewish Christian Church (of which the primitive Apostles were the 'lively stones, pillars, and foundations,) was the * Acts xi. 19, 22. * See ‘The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of Jerusalem, being the I,iturgy of St. James, compared with the Account given of that Liturgy by St. Cyril in his fifth Mystagogical Catechism, and with the Clementine Liturgy, &c." London: Printed by James Bettenham. 1744. * Luke xxiv. 47. * Acts xiii. 46. * Acts x. * Acts xi. 19. * 1 Pet. ii. 5. Gal. ii. 9. Rev. xxi. 14. Matt, xix. 27, 28. Luke xxii. 28–30. 1 10 CHAPTER XI : only Church for some time, and She it was who became instrumental in the conversion of the Gentile Nations to God, and therefore was, (in priority of Time,) the Mother Church to them all ; but the same Church may now (as for centuries past) be styled 8 Il Apos tates from the Faith (Atro-acta rā; IIſrews), because the Jews have nationally rejected Christ and renounced Christianity, and, therefore, God has destroyed their magnificent city JERUSALEM, in which they gloried so much, and given them up, for an allotted period, to Judicial blindness, according to the words of St. Paul ; * “But seeing that ye put it from you, (the word of God,) and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the GENTILEs.” However this APOSTATES is not final, for our Lord has limited the time by saying, * “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” So also the Apostle Paul says, in addressing the Gentile Christians of Rome in a way of caution, that, * “If the FALL of them be the Riches of the World, and the DIMINISHING of Them the RICHEs of THE GEN- TILEs ; how much more THEIR FULNESS 2"–“ If the cASTING Away of Them be the Reconciling of the World, what shall the RECEIVING of THEM BE, but LIFE FROM THE DEAD 2 ”—“They also, if they abide not in unbelief, shall be graffed in : for God is able to graff them in again. Blindness in part is hap- pened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be * Acts xiii. 46. * Luke xxi. 24. * Rom. xi. 12, 15, 23, 25, 26, 32. RESTORATION OF JEWISH CHURCH. 1 11 come in. And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, There shall come out of Sion THE DELI- VERER, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” “God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.” As the Jews were confessedly the FIRST, so it is to be believed that they will be the Last Harbingers of Messiah’s glory; for although Christ was given as 1“a Light to lighten the Gentiles; ” he was nevertheless to be the “GLORY of HIS PEOPLE Israel:” and this latter event has not 3yet come to pass, nor indeed the former but in a limited sense ; and, therefore, we may fairly conclude that there is much good reserved for this ancient people of God, when * “ the Vail shall be taken away,” for Babylon and Zion must shortly change places, it being said to the former, * “Come down and sit in the dust; ” but to the latter, “Arise, shine; for thy Light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” “In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all Languages of the Nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you: ” and then, 5 “The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” * II. The GREEK, or GENTILE CHRISTIAN CHURCH was, in the days of the Apostles, a true Catholic and Apostolic Church, and second in order of Time and * Luke ii. 32. * 2 Cor. iii. 16. * Isaiah xlvii. 1; lz. 1. * Zech. viii. 23. * Hab. ii. 14. I 12 CHAPTER XI : Dignity; nevertheless her past and present lapsed (I might say semi-barbarous) state, constitutes her an ApostATEs from genuine Christianity, even though she is separated from the communion of the Latin Church of Rome, because she has left her primitive Faith, and the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ, by being turned to “Old Wives' Fables.” More- over, it does not certainly appear that Rome was even the First Gentile Church. Add to this, that in the time of ConstanTINE the GREAT, the Greek Church of Corinth (which was under the Ecclesias- tical jurisdiction of the Roman Emperor,) claimed ascendancy over the Church of Rome, a circum- stance which seems strongly to corroborate the belief that the Greek Church was Antecedent to the Roman or Latin. And that the GREEK Church was prior to the LATIN is fairly confirmed by the circumstance, that the New TESTAMENT (the far greater portion of it at least) was originally written in GREEK for her use: As therefore we believe that the Jewish and Greek Churches preceded the Latin, the Church of Rome instead of being the Mother Church of Chris- tendom, as she impudently professes herself to be, is no more than the THIRD, and not literally that, be- cause she has seceded from the primitive Christian Church of Rome, both in Faith and Practice, by pub- licly teaching the People in an “unknown Tongue,” namely in LATIN, contrary to all Apostolical custom and injunction. The Church of Rome is not men- tioned in St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, nor is SHE once named throughout the whole of the New RISE OF PA PAL CHURCH. 1 13 Testament, unless she is meant by “the Church at Babylon,” which is nothing in her favour; and as for the Name of St. Peter it does not occur in the salutation of St. Paul in his xvith Chapter to the Romans, wherein the Names of many Persons are mentioned, and which, (among numerous others,) is a tacit Proof, that neither the Church of Rome, nor the Name of St. Peter there, were objects of such special veneration as they are now made to appear by the spurious Latin Church of Rome; besides which, during the three first Centuries of the Christian AEra, Rome did not take the precedence of other Christian Churches; but “the falling away,” or breaking up of the Old Roman power, prepared the way for the “falling away" of the Christian Church, which took place according to thc predic- tion of St. Paul in his Epistle to the Thessalonians, by the Rise, Progress, and establishment of the second or Papal Roman Beast in the same SEAT and CITY which the first or Pagan Roman Beast occupied be- fore him, of which the Pope is now the Sovereign Representative, being by profession the “PontiFEx MAXIMUs '' of the Romans—“ Vicar of Jesus Christ upon earth”—and “RULER of THE WoRLD." III. That the LATIN CHURCH (or CHURCH OF RoME,) which is more commonly known by the appellation of Roman CATHoLic, (though Catholic in no other sense than LATIN,) is also a complete ApostATEs from the Church of Christ, which ex- * 1 Peter v. 13. I 1 14 CHAPTER XI : isted at Rome in the days of St. Paul, and to which the Apostle addressed his inspired Epistle. This LATIN (not Apostolic) Church, began to rear her lofty Head from the dust of ecclesiastical obscurity, (i. e." out of “the EARTH"—the Roman Earth) in the time of Constantine the Great, who granted some temporal advantages and ecclesiastical immuni- ties to the then Bishop of Rome, (though that Chris- tian Emperor never intended, nor suspected that his early patronage would be so vilely perverted in after- times, to such sacrilegious purposes as it has been) and this Latin, Papal, Antichristian and Apostate Bishop of Rome, was fully established in his Hierar- chical Seat, in the Reign, and * by the EDICT of the Emperor JUSTINIAN, A. D. 533, to Pope John, and afterwards confirmed by the unhallowed instrumen- tality of the Edict of the Regicide-Emperor and Usurper Phocas, to Pope Boniface, about A. D. 606; and this was the origin, this the unhallowed Found ATION of Papal Supremacy in subsequent ages, which has been exercised to so great an extent during the predicted period of “1260 Days” of Pears, that we may say, the Papal Roman Beast has exercised” “ALL the power of the first " (Roman Imperial) “ Beast.” The Apostle Paul, in his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Chap. ii. 3rd and 6th verses, prophetically warns them of the Rise, Pro- * Rev. xiii. 11. * See the Edicts of the Emperors, Justinian and Phocas, quoted by “Cun- inghame on the Apocalypse,' from p. 202 to 208. See also, “Drue Cres- sener's judgments of God upon the Roman Catholic Church,' p. 54. * Rev. xiii. 12. PROGRESS OF PAPAL ERROR. | 15 gress, and Establishment of the Theocratic Power of “the Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” who would “be revealed in his Time,” and that they (the Thessalonians) knew what withheld His rising, viz. the eatistence of the Imperial Roman Sove- reignty, but that when “the Man of Sin ’’ was fully “ revealed,” he would then be seen “SITTING IN THE TEMPLE of God,” to which St. Peter's Church at Rome, and the character of the Pope as the pretended Vicar of Jesus Christ, (or rather, Ruler of the World,) bear the most circumstantial and con- vincing Proofs at this very Hour. However, the same Apostle tells us, that the Revelation of the “Man of Sin” would not take place,” “Except there come a FALLING Away FIRST,” ºr &y tº ºn Aroraatz rpärov, and accordingly we find that after the Seat of the Imperial Government at Rome was earchanged for that of ConstanTINopLE, and the ancient Roman power began to decline and fall, under the hands of Barbarians, then by craft and usurpation the Old City Rome, by gradual and almost imperceptible degrees, fell into the possession of the Bishop of Rome, and, from his subsequent conduct in “For BIDDING MARRIAGE * to all the clergy of his Latin Church, and “Command ING” the Laity “To ABSTAIN FROM MEATs " on Fridays and Satur- days throughout the year, the Papacy by these characte- ristic Decrees, has verified to the Letter the words of the Holy Spirit.” Tº 8: IIvăvua pārā; Aéyet, ºr 3, talápot; ! 2 Thess, ii. 3. * 1 Tim. iv. 1. I 2 1 16 CHAPTER XI. kapāl; Aroºrov/zíTINEX rº, IIſrea;. “. Now the Spirit speaketh eagressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith: ” By— “For BIDDING to MARRY, and commANDING to abstain from MEATs,” which interdicts continue in force in the Papal Roman Church, even at this day, and, therefore, we know that the Spirit of God has expressly declared, that her conduct in such matters is a full and direct “ departure from the Faith ” of Christian Men; and consequently Rome, furnishes the TINEX to whom St. Paul refers as Apostatizing & talápot; kapots. So also the character of “the Man of Sin” is equally portrayed by St. Paul, and one reason (among many others) why the Pope may be designated “the MAN of sIN,” is, that he professes to have absolute power to “forgive sins,” ” a prerogative which be- longs to God only; and for the exercise of which the Jews stoned Christ, and afterwards put him to Death. Yet the Pope from his Ecclesiastical Chancery issues his Indulgences at a market price to every applicant, whether residing in the City of Rome, or the Anti- podès of his pretended universal kingdom, and there- fore, He, as the Dur Gregis of Romanists, is “The Son of Perdition,” even as Judas Iscariot,” (who sold his Lord and Master) is so called, “none of them is lost, but THE SON of PERDITION.” * We conclude, therefore, that the ExISTENCE of the Pagan Imperial Power was the true and undoubted Barrier to the previous Rise of the Pope, who is doubtless in the plenitude of his character and Ministerial 1 Tim. iv.3. * Mark ii. 7, compared with John x. 33. "Johnxvii. 12. THE POPE THE MAN OF SIN. 1 1 7 exaltation; the “” MAN" alluded to by St. John, and foretold by St. Paul, *even “the Man of Sin,” “The Son of Perdition ; ” The Roman or LATIN Pontifical MAN ; for two such Potentates as the Roman Emperor and the Pope could never have reigned together in the same City, at the same time; but soon after the decline of the Imperial Dignity at Rome, then the Latin, or Roman, or Italian Hie- rarchy began to arise, the Bishop of Rome having succeeded to the very Seat and Government of the ancient Roman Emperors, and withal using the Pagan Imperial Title of “PontiFEx-MAXIMUs,” whereby we know that HE is THE ANTI-CHRIST, in- asmuch as the Church of Rome has most impudently exalted herself above the Jewish and Greek Churches (which were both of them prior to her in point of Ecclesiastical Antiquity, and Spirituality of Mind,) by a pretended Right to Supremacy, Infallibility, CEcumenical Power, and vaunting Herself to be the Mother Church of the whole Universe. Thus SHE (infinitely more than the Jews of old) has “made void the Word of God,” not only “by her “Tradi- tions,” but by limiting the Use of the Holy Scrip- tures to the LATIN language, among those of Her communion, and by thundering out her LATIN Papal anathemas, from the Rom AN VATICAN PALACE, against all Emperors, Kings, Princes, and Poten- tates, who may dare to impugn her Latin (or rather Blasphemous) innovations. APOSTATE, however, as this LATIN-CHURCH is from everything which is fairly * Rev. xiii. 18. * 2 Thess, ii. 3. 1 18 CHAPTER x1 : denominated Christian, yet in vain will such a word as ApostATES be expected to produce the true Number or characteristic name of the Second Beast, which must be that of a MAN, for nothing else will suffice, and therefore, neither Words, nor Sentences in Greek, which seem to be peculiarly appropriate, (such as the following,) and which contain the ea'act Number 666, can be admitted, for the plainest Reason, that mone of them can be converted into the PRoPER NAME OF A MAN, and, therefore, cannot be the true MARK of the NUMBERED BEAST, and consequently must be rejected as insufficient, even as the word Arorains has been rejected for a similar Reason. Exxxnario. Iraxiko. Italian Church. H Aaruyn Baarixeia. The Latin Kingdom. Geog eupal emu yams- I am God upon Earth. Kako; Oomyos. Bad Guide of the way. I NAP PROPRIATE SENTENCEs, &c. 1 19 E’ = . . 5 º k' 2- . 20 ". = ... 8 k’ = .20 A = . 30 A’ -: . 30 * •. - ... I / sº-º- & *" = .. 8 THE . = 300 a’ – 200 & – ... 10 I t” – e v’ - . 50 TALIAN ..., 10 LATIN ...,' 8 Cº., = . . I ; := e e I’ = — . .2 CHU º ... 10 º © RCH. r' = 300 KING- a' = ... 1 a' -: • - 1- a’’ -- 200 * — / = * = . 30 dom. , ... 10 * = . 10 “ x' = .30 K' = .20 e' = .. 5 a' = ... 1 º = . 10 a' = ... 1 666 666 / e = .9 ‘. = . . 5 O = . 70 I AM s' = 200 / E - ... 5 i' = . 10 GOD tº' = . 40 K’ = . 20 ** = . 10 2' = ... 1 UPON e" := • .. 5 & ** = . 20 ºr’ – . 80 o” == . 70 * — & = Earth. ... Tº". bad . . . T' = ... 3 of = .70 a' = 3 = = . . 1 ... 4 * GUI tºº ,' = . 10 DE. º' * ... 8 / = ... 8 y º-sº ... 3 g’ = 200 * = .70 ogg ;" = 200 666 120 CHAPTER. XI : Many other examples of Greek Names, Words, and Sentences might be adduced, which contain the Number 666, but they are not applicable to the general scope of the Prophecy under consideration, such as– Tetray, Titan ... Ovarios, i. e. Ulpius Trajanus ... Tevampixos, Gensericus ... Eva,0as, Euanthas... Maoperts, Maometis ... Beyeburros, Benedictus ... Apwoupe, Nego ... Aapºrers, Resplendens ... & Nikarns, i. e. Victor ... IIaxa. Backayos, Jam olim invidus ... Ayreºog, ... AA767; 8A2.Éepos, Were nocens ... Apwo; Abikos, Agnus nocens, &c. &c. The Hierarchy of Rome is built upon an apparent “homogeneity' between the Greek name IIérpes, PETER, and the word IIérpa, Rock, in the address of Christ to his Servant Peter in the following words—l “I say unto thee, That thou art PETER, and upon this Rock I will build my Church, &c.”—but there need not much penetration to discover from the English Language the dissimilarity between PETER and Rock, for every Letter is manifestly different, though in the original Greek, as well as in the Latin, French, and Italian Languages, they have some resemblance to each other. In each of these Languages, however, the one is always written in the Masculine, and the other in the feminine gender, the first being the Name of a Man, the second that of a Rock or Stone, importing the firmness and strength of FAITH in Christ, which is very justly compared to so durable a substance as Rock or 1 Matt. xvi. 18. PETER NOT THE ROCK. 121 Stone, (as it is elsewhere to Iron, viz. an Anchor). I will give them separately : “Xi is IIérpos, kāl Św, raûrm rº Ilérpg,” &c. “Tues Petrus, et super hanc Petram,” &c. “ Tues Pierre, et sur cette Pierre,” &c. — Pietro — Pietra. “Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock,” &c. Note then, that it was Faith in Christ which JPeter confessed, and Not the NAME or PERson of PETER which is here meant: for our Lord did not say—‘THou art Peter, and upon THEE, Peter, I will build my Church: * but Thou art PETER, and upon THIS Rock (viz. FAITH) I will build my Church.” That our Lord spake of FAITH in Him under the motion of a House built upon a Rock, is evident from the concluding words of his Sermon on the Mountain.” “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his House upon A Rock,” (ºr rºy IIérpay :) “ and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that House ; and it fell not ; for it was founded upon A Rock.” (ºri rºy IIérpay.) And St. Paul illustrates this in the following words addressed to the Ephesians”—“Ye are built upon the Founda- tion of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the CHIEF CoRNER Stone: in whom all the BUILDING fitly framed together groweth unto an holy TEMPLE in the Lord : in whom ye also are builded together for an HABITATION of God through * Matt. vii. 24, 25; kukc vi. 47, 48. * Ephes. ii. 20–22. 122 CHAPTER XI : 25 the Spirit: ” and to the Corinthians he writes"— “For we know that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an House not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our House which is from Heaven.” St. Peter himself testifies that believers in Christ the “Living STONE” are “lively stones,” built up a spiritual House,” “To whom coming, as unto a LIVING STONE, (Aſºo gåvra) disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, ye also, as lively stones (Aſºo gåvres) are built up a spiritual House (ºikos ºvevaarikº.) an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” “Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold I lay in Sion a chief CoRNER- STONE, (Aíðoy &kpoyoviaiov,) elect, precious: and he that BELIEVETH on HIM shall not be confounded. Unto you therefore which BELIEVE He is precious, but unto them which be disobedient, THE STONE (Aſºor) which the builders disallowed, the SAME (vros) is made the Head of the Corner, and a STONE of stumbling, and a Rock of offence. (K& Aido, ºpogkipparos, K&t IIérpa. rkavčáAov.) St. Paul thus writes to the Hebrews,” “ Christ as a Son over HIs own House; whose House are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of THE HoPE firm unto the end.” - St. Paul in writing to the Romans, says,” “That "2 Cor. v. 1, 2. * 1 Peter ii. 4–8. 3 Heb. iii. 6. "Rom. ix. 30–33. CHRIST THE ROCK, 123 THE GENTILEs, which followed not after righteous- ness, have attained to righteousness, even the right- eousness which is of FAITH. But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by FAITH, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that Stumbling-Stone; as it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a Stumbling-Stone and Rock of offence: (Aſ8ow rpookéºparos, k&s IIérpay akavö4×ov) and whosoever BE- LIEveTH on HIM (Atôow ká IIérpow) shall not be ashamed.” Now the true Rock, or Stone, or Found Ation on which believers must build their House or HoPE of Salvation, is the Spiritual Rock—CHRIST-and Christ alone (and not Peter IIérpos, neither the Latin Papal Church of Rome,) as is evident from the words of St. Paul to the Romans (as above), and his address to the Corinthians in the following words!—“Moreover, brethren, I would not that YE should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and did all eat the same spiritual "meat, and did all drink the same spiritual drink; for THEY drank of that spiritual Rock (8k rvevkarikºi, IIárpaº) that followed them: and that Rock was CHRIST.” (# 8: IIérpa iv 3 Xpiarás.) Here, then, we notice that the rvevpariko IIárez, the spiritual Rock (CHRIST) was with HIS CHURCH in the wilderness * I Cor. x. 1–4. 124 CHAPTER XI : before PETER (IIárpoº) was born, and although Simon had the , name CEPHAs (which is a Chaldee and Syriac word,) given him by Christ, without any testimony to Jesus as the Messias, in these words"— “Thou art Simon the son of Jonas: thou shalt be called CEPHAs, (or Kephas,) which is by interpreta- tion, a STONE.” Yet, Peter, after the death of Christ his Master, fully and publicly declared before the Jewish” Rulers, and Elders, and Scribes, and Annas the High Priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the High Priest,” who “were gathered together at JERUSALEM,” that He (Peter) was Not the Stone on which Christ would build his Church, as his own defence witnesseth : * “Then PETER, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye Rulers of the people, and Elders of Israel, if we (Peter and John) this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the NAME of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by HIM doth this man stand here before you whole. This is THE STONE (; Aſºvº) which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the Head of the Corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NoNE oTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Neither is there any other Mediator,”—“There is ONE GoD, and ONE * John i. 42. * Acts iv. 5, 6. 3 Ibid, 8–12. * 1 Tim. ii. 5. CHRIST THE ROCK. 125 MEDIATOR between God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus.” Nor is there any other Foundation,”—“For OTHER Found ATION can no man lay than that is laid, which is CHRIST JESUs.” And, therefore,” as the Stone (; Atºos) which the builders rejected,”— “ is become the Head of the Corner,” so “ whoso- ever shall fall on this Stone (in rºw Aſtov rávroy) shall be broken; but on whomsoever IT shall fall, it will grind them to powder.” It is clearly seen that the Scriptures do not furnish us with one single instance of the word IIárpa, Rock, being applied to PETER as the IIárpos, or foundation stone, of Christ's Church militant; but that IIérpa and Atºos are everywhere used to denote Christ, and him only, both before and since his Incarnation, therefore, if IIérpo, were meant to denote the founda- tion stone of Christ's Church, there would conse- quently be Two Rocks, or Stones, or Foundations; for if THE CHURCH were built on the NAME or PERson (rather than the FAITH) of PETER, then it would be St. Peter's Church of Rome, and not Christ's. It is equally clear by what subtile artifices the name of the Servant has been put for that of the MASTER, which is a direct forgery: for that which was only spoken in a spiritual sense to Peter, is taken in a literal sense by the Sovereign Pontiffs. When Christ told Peter that his * “ kingdom was not of this world,” but spiritual; then Peter believed Christ, and preached the Gospel. On the other hand, the Popes erect a Temporal Kingdom, and * I Cor. iii. 11. * Matt, xxi, 42, 44. * John xviii. 36. 126 CHAPTER XI : preach, saying, that Rome is the Mother Church of all Churches in the world; but Rome is called * “MYSTERY-BABYLoN THE GREAT, THE MoTHER OF HARLoTs,” because seATED on “SEVEN MoUN- TAINs: ” therefore, as the Pope claims the * Power of the Keys,” as well as the NAME of PETER, we know that they are the Keys of Earth and the Bot- tomless Pit, and that he ranks with * “the Prince of this World,” because he is Not IN SUBJECTION to the Powers THAT BE, as was Peter; but his preten- sions are above all earthly sovereignty. We cannot but see the folly of allowing that IIérpo; and IIárpa are synonymous, the results being so fatal to the spread of Christianity, as to sap the only foundation STONE, which is laid in Sion. Let us therefore take heed how we allow things small in appearance to be given up, or substituted; whether they be Words, Names, Letters, or even Cyphers, until we know whether they are sMALL : for the whole Power of Papal Rome has been laid upon the Name of Peter, viz. IIérpos, or Kºpås. May we not then, in the full assur- ance of Revealed Truth, take up the language of Moses, and declare to Papists, that * “ Their Rock is not as our RocK, even our enemies themselves being Judges?” Peter's question, with our Lord's answer to him, will decide that Peter was not in- tended by Jesus to be the Pope of the Christian Church, neither the Stone or Foundation thereof. * “Then answered Peter, and said unto him, Behold, * Rev. xvii. 5, and 9. * Matt. xvi. 19. 3 John xii. 3 l ; xiv. 30. 4 Deut. xxxii. 31. * Matt, xix. 27, 28. Luke xxii. 28–30. EQUALITY OF THE APOSTLES. 127 we have forsaken all, and followed THEE ; what shall we have therefore? And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that YE which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit in the Throne of His Glory, YE also shall sit upon Twelve THRoNEs, judging the Twelve TRIBES of Israel.” St. John confirms the same thing in these words, * “And the wall of the City had Twelve Found A- TIONs, and in them the NAMEs of the Twelve APOSTLEs of the LAMB.” St. John also represents the equality of their Commission. ” “ Then said Jesus unto them again, Peace be unto you : (ºpiº) as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you (Suá). And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them ; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are re- tained.” The sitting on Thrones is spoken in refer- ence to a glorified state, which the Apostles would receive when they had finished their Testimony, and entered into the Glory of their Lord: but the Popes, wishing to be beforehand, have taken the Mitre of High Priesthood, and the Triple Crown besides, and sat down in the Temple of God at Rome, as the * “ Lords over God's heritage.” Wherefore they are Apostates according to the Canon of Inspiration, which they profess to believe. - * Rev. xxi. 14. * John xx. 21–23. Matt. xviii. 18. xxviii. 16–20. Mark xvi. 15–20. * 1 Pet. V. 3. 128 - CHAPTER XI : IV. That the MoHAMMEDAN CHURCH, the Me- tropolitan of which is ST. SoPHIA at Constantinople, is the largest in its area of any ecclesiastical edifice in Europe, or the world, it being so spacious as to contain (as I have been credibly informed) in its vast interior 100,000 persons at one time; whereas the magnificent Roman (or Papal) BASILIQUE, called St. PETER's can only contain 75,000 persons. The Mohammedan Church (or rather Imposture) was nearly co-eval in its Rise with the Roman Catholic; the former commencing about July 16th, A. D. 622, and is as much an APOSTATES from Roman ISM, (witness the Koran,) as Rom ANISM is from CHRISTIANITY. And because MAoMETIs is the Name of a Man, —who was a professed Prophet, and whose Church or Imposture exists at this hour, and whose Name when written with the foregoing Greek Letters (al- though I cannot admit the propriety of it being so written, because of the total dissimilarity of the Language from whence it is derived, viz. Arabic,) LATIN THE LANGUAGE of THE PAPACY. 129 will produce the evact Number 666, therefore APOSTATEs, which is not the Name of a Man, can- not be a suitable appellative Name for identifying the Numbered Beast. But it is well worthy of remark, that Constantinople was once the Seat of the Im- perial Roman Government, and professedly a Chris- tian City, though now Apostates by reason of the successive barbarous incursions of the Saracens, Moors, Turks, and Arabs, who have kept possession of it ever since, and have set up the KoRAN in lieu of THE BIBLE. And although the Koran has never been published in LATIN, nor is it the Living Ver- nacular Language of that Apostacy, (as it is of Mystic Rome at the present moment); it must nevertheless be accounted as an inexplicable Mystery, that whilst the LATIN has been a Dead Language throughout the whole of Europe for several centuries, even in Italy and Rome, the very Seat of the Latin, or Roman, or Italian Church and Hierarchy, that it should be, notwithstanding this indisputable fact, the MoTHER Tongue, the Living Universal Lan- guage of the CHURCH OF ROME, wheresoever her tyrannical power and influence have hitherto been extended ; and she impudently professes herself to be the original Root of the primitive Christian Church, the Mother Tongue of which was GREEK, but which she has discarded by preferring the Latin Vulgate Translation to the GREEK ORIGINAL. Mr. Faber, in his little volume entitled ' ' Re- * Faber's Rccapitulated Apostacy, from page 42 to 46. K 130 CHAPTER XI : capitulated Apostacy,” may be consulted with ad- vantage on the Arabic Name of the Impostor Mohammed, for one special reason which he gives— “Scarcely two occidentals, except by previous concert, will express a Hebrew or an Arabic word perfectly alike in Greek or Roman Letters.” The subjoined are the whole of his remarks on the subject. “The name MAOMETIS’(says Mr. Faber) “may rejoice in the rare felicity of having been adduced, at diverse times, both by Protestant and by Popish Expositors. Yet, even independently of the falseness of the principle upon which they work, we may well ask: Where is the indisputably final authority, even for writing at all, still less, therefore, for earclusively writing, the Arabic name of the impostor with the precise Greek Letters which compose the word MAOMETIX 7 * . ‘By the Popish expositor Bishop Walmesley (who clumsily fancies, however, that his MAOMETIX will be some yet future personal Turkish Antichrist as- suming or bearing the name of the Arabian Impostor') we are told: that The word is thus written by Euthymius and Zonaras and Cedrenus.’” * “Walmesley proceeds upon the wild fancy, that we may expect a future and as yet unrevealed personal Antichrist, who will wear out the saints and lord it over God's heritage during the exactly defined term of 1260 literal or natural days.” * “Walmesley's General History of the Christian Church, chap. x. p. 320. Feuardentius, so far as I know, was the first who struck out MAOMETIX or MOAMETIX as the name of the beast. Annot. in Irenae. page 486. But, with wise caution, he hesitates between the false prophet Mohammed and the false prophet Luther: for he finds that, provided only we write Martin Luther MARTIN LAUTER, we shall equally produce the desired number 666. REMARKS ON BISHOP WALM ESLEY. 13] ‘Now, even if Walmesley were accurate in his statement: what then? Other historians of the later empire express the name of the prophet of Mecca in various other forms. Why, therefore, for the purpose of arithmetical calculation, are we bound to take the alleged MAOMETIx of Euthymius and Zonaras and Cedrenus, rather than the MOAMEA of Nicetas or the MEXMETHz of Chalcocondylas, or the MAXEMET of Joannes Cantacuzenus, or the MExeMET of Ducas Michael, or the MoAMEe and the MAxorMETHz of Joannes Cananus 2 ° “By reason of the essentially different principles of alphabetic writing which severally prevail in the East and in the West, scarcely any two occidentals, except by previous concert, will express a Hebrew or Arabic word perfectly alike in Greek or Roman let- ters. Consequently, since, down to the present day, the name of the grand impostor has been written in almost an endless variety of forms: those, who seek the number 666 in his name expressed in Greek letters, ought first to demonstrate, that the particular form MAOMETIx must, from some inherent necessity, be critically adopted, and that all the other forms must, from some inherent necessity likewise, be critically rejected. In fine, any person, acquainted with Hebrew or Arabic, will, from the very genius of those languages, readily perceive the utter impro- bability, that the enigmatical name, alluded to in the Apocalypse, should be an Arabic word written and numbered in Greek characters: because such a cir- cumstance would make the absolute strictness of an K 2 132 CHA PTER XI : arithmetical calculation to depend upon the inherent laxity of an alphabetical expression.’ ‘Such would be the immediate objection to the word MAOMETIx, even if Bishop Walmesley had been correct in his allegation: but, where the interests of their church either are, or are supposed to be con- cerned, the assertions of the Romish Priesthood must in no wise be implicitly received. Cedrenus writes the name MOTXOTMET : Zonaras writes it MQAMEG : and Euthymius, like Zonaras, also writes it MoAMEe, or (as it appears in a manuscript of the Panoplia left by Bishop Fell to the Bodleian Library) MoAMEA. Not one of them writes it MAOMETIx, though Bishop Walmesley assures his wondering readers that such, with rare unanimity, is the orthography of them all.” - To the foregoing observations of Mr. Faber, in answer to the Romish Bishop Walmesley, we may add another, which is, that the TERMINATION of the Name Macperk, as written by the said Bishop, is a LATIN TERMINATION, and not Greek ; for if it were the latter, it ought to be written with os or nº, as Mackeros or Mackerns, and then the one would produce the Number 726, and the other 664, neither of which would correspond with the sacred Number 666, and this circumstance alone is sufficient to eject the Name Maoperts from further use—the ORTHoGRAPHY being spurious. *, Though MoHAMMED was a vile Impostor, cruel Tyrant, an open and grand Enemy to the spread of Christianity by the blasphemous publication of the MOHAMMED NOT THE MAN OF SIN. 133 KoRAN, and in these particulars, (with many others,) an ANTI-cHRIST and APOSTATE, inasmuch as he professed himself to be IIapáºros, the Paraclete, or Comforter, or Holy Ghost, and caused the KoRAN to be written in proof of his Mission, yet He is Not “ the Man of Sin” spoken of by St. Paul, nor the Numbered Beast of St. John : for neither the loca- lity of his Kingdom, or Throne, are answerable to the words of . St. John in reference to its being sEATED 1 on “Seven MoUNTAINs,” nor is the MANNER of his * “SITTING in the TEMPLE of God,” correspondent with a pretended THEocRACY ; nor are his pretensions to Supremacy, Universality, Infallibility, CEcumenical Power, commensurate with those of the LATIN PAPAL MAN. …” V. and VI. That? SocINIANs and UNITA- RIANs are both of them APosTATEs from Chris- tianity is evident, because they profess to believe in Christ, as a good man, and a Prophet of the highest character, and yet they deny His Atone- ment, the belief of which, according to “the word of God,” is absolutely necessary to every Christian man's Salvation. To admit that a man is a good 7man, and not to believe that what he said of himself was strictly true, is at variance with Truth, and 1 Rev. xvii. 9. - * 2 Thess. ii. 4. * For a refutation of their heterodox principles see Dr. Wardlaw's Dis. courses on the Socinian Controversy. Dr Magee (late Archbishop of Dublin) on the Atonement, and Dr. Middleton, (late Bishop of Calcutta) on the Doc- trime of the Greek Article applied to the Criticism and Illustration of the New Testament, edited and revised by the Rev. James Scholefield, Regius Professor of Grcck in the University of Cambridge. 134 CHAPTER XI : common sense: yet such is the unpardonable incon- sistency and persevering obstinacy of SocINIANS and UNITARIANs. St. John says,” “He that comETH FROM ABove is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth, and no man receiveth his testimony. He that hath received His TESTI- Mony hath sET to HIS SEAL that God is true: ” but this seal, this signet is wanting in the Socinian and Unitarian schemes, by rejecting the Atonement, and, therefore, THEY have “neither part nor lot in this matter,” for to reject the major, and adopt the minor points for which the Son of God was made “manifest in the flesh,” is to reject Christ and his Gospel, and to render “His TESTIMONY " of none effect. The Jews stand convicted upon this very ground, and their magnificent Temple and City, which were for ages, the * “Joy of the whole Earth,” have, for the last eighteen centuries been a “ Deso- lation,” and they themselves * “an astonishment, a proverb, and a by-word, among all nations,” for their Apostacy. The destruction of Jerusalem with its Temple and Service, and the subsequent disper- sion of the Jews, were foretold by Christ, before they came to pass, and were all the fatal conse- quences of denying the Testimony of Jesus and his Atonement; for the Jews said, when they crucified the “Lord of Glory,” “ “His Blood be on us, and on our Children,” and “ his blood" is still on their children, wrath having come upon them to the * John iii. 31, 32, 33. * Psalm xlviii. 2; Lamen. ii. 15. * Deut. xxviii. 37. * Matt. xxvii. 25. OBSERVATIONS ON SOCINIAN ISM. l 35 uttermost, according to the sign which Jesus showed them.” “Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” This is confirmed by Josephus, the Jewish historian, an inflewible enemy to Christ and Christianity, who says, that, 1,300,000 Jews perished in the siege of Jerusalem. Poland, the country of SocINUs, and the hot-bed of Soci- nians has drunk the cup of bitterness from the hand of the Lord, almost to the dregs, by the instrumen- tality of the Russians, even as the Jews did by the instrumentality of the Romans. If it be a high affront to say of a mere man, that he does not speak the Truth, how much more to say of HIM, who “ spake as never man spake,” that His word is Not TRUTH | Such an Impeach- "ment of HIM, who is TRUTH ITSELF, if it be not direct “Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost,” I know not to what to compare it. To the woman of Samaria, Jesus testified, saying”, “I that speak unto thee am He,” viz. “MESSIAs.” To the Jews, Jesus said, “Pour father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY : and he saw it, and was glad. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.” “No man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the SoN of MAN which is in heaven.” “I am the Son of God.” “He that hath seen ME hath seen the FATHER. “I and MY FATHER are ONE.” “I am the LIGHT * Matt. xxiv. 21. * John iv. 26: viii. 56,58; iii. 13; x. 36; xiv. 9 : viii. 12; xi. 25. 136 CHAPTER XI : of the world.” “I am the Resurrection and the LIFE.” And when adjured by the High Priest, in the name of God, to say whether he were THE CHRIST, THE SoN of God, he confessed that he was both.” “And the High Priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee, by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be THE CHRIST, THE SoN of GoD. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: never- theless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” From the circum- stance of the High Priest rending his clothes, and declaring that Jesus had “spoken blasphemy,” and from another passage of scripture we know in what sense blasphemy was applied to Jesus,” “The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.” As Jesus proved his divine power and origin, by the Mi- racles which he performed in the presence of multi- tudes, and declared himself without reserve to be “God manifest in the flesh,” (and this is the view which the Jews took of the matter,) so we are bound to believe that ALL he said was true; or mone: for there is no medium in the case. Christ was the Son of God or he was not the Son of God. He was equal with his Father, or he was not. Those who deny his Divinity are in precisely the same case as the Jews, and the same punishment which awaited them, awaits those who take a particle from his * Matt. xxvi. 63, 64. 2 lbid. 64. 9 John x. 33. OBSERVATIONS ON SOCINIAN ISM. 137 glory. That the word of God is true, we have strong evidence from the fact that it has been trans- lated into 157 Languages and Dialects already. St. John writes thus,” “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the Witness of God which He hath testified of his Son. He that believeth on the Son of God, hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a Liar; because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son. And this is the Record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” . . . “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know HIM that is TRUE, and we are in HIM that is TRUE, even in his SoN JESUS CHRIST. THIS is the TRUE GOD, and ETERNAL LIFE.” To adopt then a line of argument which would place terms and things which are totally dissimilar upon a co-equality is to follow the eaſample of Soci- nians and Unitarians, for they assume to themselves the proper Title of CHRISTIANs, which belongs onLY to those who believe in the Atonement. But as” “ the Disciples were called Christians first in An- tioch,” and not ‘ Unitarian’ or ‘Socinian Chris- tians,” so we know from the page of Holy Writ that the terms Unitarian and Socinian are superfluous, and only brand them with Apostacy. And because THEY deny the Atonement, therefore “their Rock * 1 John v. 9–12, 20, * Acts xi. 26. 138 CHAPTER XI : is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges: ” for their speech is to the ear of a Christian what the “speech of Ashdod” was to the ear of Nehemiah, and as easily to be distin- guished. And, consequently, to attempt the identift- cation of such ‘ counter-elements,’ as these, without Reason or Precedent, is to introduce uncertainty into every thing, by nullifying the established laws of Order in Language, Orthography, and the plainest Scripture Truths. It is still further manifest, that Apostates, which is not the proper name of a Man, cannot, for the same reason, be the proper or Appellative Name of the numbered Beast whose Name is declared by St. John to be that of a MAN, and to contain the precise Number xàº' or 666; since Apostates is too indefinite an appellation for the Beast, it does not contain the Number 666, and can never be converted into, or substituted for the Name of a Man, and, therefore, must be rejected, as the most useless, be- cause the most inconclusive of all pretended Names. For example—If we were to speak of the Emperor JULIAN who is proverbially and emphatically styled THE APOSTATE, yet it would be necessary to use the Name—Julian—because it is the Proper Name of this Man ; for were we to omit his Name, no one would of a certainty conclude that Julian the Apos- tate was meant; but probably Antiochus Epiphanes might be intended, or Absalom, or Ahithophel, or Rehoboam, all of whom were in their turns Apos- * Nehem. xiii. 24. INVALIDITY of The word APOSTATES. 139 tates from “the Commonwealth of Israel; ” or per- adventure Judas Iscariot, who is emphatically called “The Son of Perdition,” and therefore Apostate, because he betrayed Christ and perished in his Anorarta rā, IIſrews. Not of necessity, therefore, should The Popes of Rome be conjectured from the mere indefinite Appellation of ApostATEs, which is appli- cable to other Churches and other Individuals, and which is totally inapplicable to the Name of any Man ; for the Popes have severally and successively their proper Names as Men, as well as the Titles which are given them by way of Distinction and Eminence upon their ELECTION and establishment on the PAPAL THRONE, even as the Apostate Julian had ; and, therefore, on this additional ground of objection Apostates will not serve the purpose in- tended by Mr. Faber. - As we have already noticed several leading Apos- tacies from Christianity, ex. gr. the Jewish, Greek, Latin, Mohammedan, Socinian, Unitarian, together with sundry examples of Civil and National Apos- tates : how shall we be able to prove that the chief burden of Apost Acy ought primarily, appellatively, and summarily to be laid upon the Latin Church of Rome, so as to distinguish Her by Character and Name as she ought to be distinguished from ALL other Apostates ? I would answer, not by means of the word Apostates, but by adhering in the strictest manner to the “ wisdom'' and “ under- standing” of which St. John speaks, which is, in the given Greek Number x&s' (or 666) to find the 140 CHAPTER XI : NAME of a MAN written in Greek Letters, which will produce by Greek Alphabetical Numeration or Computation the appropriate “Mark,” appellative “ Name,” and enigmatical “ Number 666° of the Beast; and having thus discovered the Name of a Man, (written in Greek characters,) then we must apply it to the Rule laid down by St. John, which is this,” “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath under- standing COUNT THE NUMBER of the Beast;” that is to say, “The NAME of the Beast, or the NUMBER of his NAME,” which is the “NUMBER of a MAN ; and his Number is Sir Hundred Three- score and Sia.” And by following this Rule, after the evample of Irenatus, the result will be manifest. To which end we must have resort to the original Greek Tert of the New Testament, the testimony of the early Fathers, of ancient Greek Grammarians, Lexicographers, and Classical Writers; and the opinions of the most learned and pious men, as cor- roborating the whole; whereby we shall prove, in the clearest and most indisputable manner that the very ancient name AATEINox, (Lateinos,) as used by Irena us in the Second Century, is in truth the Name of a Man, which contains the ea'act Number 666, and is applicable in every particular to the character of the Numbered Beast as described by St. John. Moreover, we shall find that the ancient use of the Diphthong, or broad d or ē, in Aardvos or Aarévos was perfectly correct in regard to ortho- graphy, and also the truth of the conjectures * Rev. xiii. 17, 18. INVALIDITY of THE word APOSTATES. 14 l of Irendºus and Tertullian (concerning the LATIN or Roman Ecclesiastical Power made by them some centuries before the Events came to pass) will be evident. For, after the division of the old Empire into Ten Kingdoms, and the subsequent Rise, Pro- gress, and Establishment of the Papal Dominion had brought to light the truth of a hidden Mystery, viz. that the Papacy after its establishment was found SEATED in the old IMPERIAL CITY of Rome; had adopted the Pagan Casarean Title of ‘Pon- TIFEx MAxIMUs; ” had retained its ancient LATIN Language, with its Pagan sacrificial Rites and ceremonies, modified to a professed Christian Stan- dard, and finally claimed UNIVERSAL Power and Dom INION, both SPIRITUAL and SECULAR, and thereby Evidenced ITSELF to the whole world to be the GREAT ANTICHRISTIAN Power, or in the words of Scripture, “THE ANTICHRIST,” “THE MAN of SIN,” “THE SoN of PERDITION,’ ‘THE WICKED ONE ;’ then that which was Prophesied by St. John and St. Paul, conjectured by Irematus and Tertullian, was confirmed by succeeding Events to which the whole current of Ecclesiastical History bears ample testimony. - It must be evident, from what has been already advanced respecting the word (not Name) APOSTATES, that it does not contain in the INDIVIDUAL LETTERS of that word the true Number 666, or xís', but rather l 160, which is 494 more than the number mentioned by St. John ; neither is it an appropriate word in any rendering of it; for it is as much too 142 CHAPTER XI : general a Term whereby to express the Proper and Appellative name of the Beast, as the word Catholic is too universal a Term whereby to identify the Roman Catholic, or LATIN Church; for the Term CATHolic is an UNIVERSAL TERM, but the adjective Roman is a PARTICULAR Term, and distinguishes it from the Jewish, Greek, Christian, Mohammedan, and all other real or professed Churches in the world, and by which peculiar LATIN “ Mark or Name” we know, to a demonstration, that the LATIN Church of Rome is neither the Original, nor True, nor Universal Church ; but only UNIvERSAL as it respects the mystical use and incaplicable Retention of the LATIN Language, which is ALL that we want for our argument in favour of the Name Aarévos, Lateinos. If the Roman Catholic were the true Christian Church, (as she impudently professes herself to be,) then, the Term Catholic, being an universal term, would suffice to express the whole Christian Church to the utmost limits of the globe; but the adjective Roman (“Sacra RomanA Ecclesia,'— “Sanctum Roman UM Imperium') being annexed, we have at once both the Identity and self-prescribed LIMITs of the Roman or LATIN Papal Church and King- dom, founded upon the ruins of the ancient city and empire of Imperial Rome, which persecuted the Apostles and Primitive Christians under the tyran- nical reigns of the Emperors Nero, &c. but where, in the days of St. Paul, there was a Christian Church of which LINUs was appointed the first ! IRENAEus, Lib. iii. cap. 3. and Eusebius, Lib, iii. Hist. Eccles, cap. 2. T ISCREPAN CIES OF THE V U LGATE. 143 Bishop, ANACLET the second, and CLEMENT the third. Moreover, as the GREEK (not Latin) was the Mother Tongue of the true Catholic and Apos- tolic Church, why has it not continued such, if indeed some one particular Language must needs be retained on account of Church Unity, &c. 2 The Greek, which is the original Language of the New Testament, has been most impiously laid aside by Papal craft and authority, and has been sup- planted (without the least shadow of a command in Holy Scripture for such substitution) by the LATIN Vulgate Version or translation, of which there have been SEVEN revised and amended Papal editions, and between the two editions of Pope *SIXTUs the Vth. and CLEMENT the VIIIth. there are about 2000 different Readings: and not only has the LATIN Version been substituted for the Greek original, but it has literally superseded the Vernacular or Vulgar Tongue of Modern Rome and Italy, which is ITALIAN. Let, therefore, the Pope of Rome glory in his LATIN-Ecclesiastical Universality, Dominion, and Power; for by How Much HE hath the GREATER Authority, by so Much surer argument is HE that LATIN BEAST or MAN, whose proper and Appellative NAME is Aarévos, and His enigmatical Number xés, or éézkoa tos éénkovla áč, or 666. * See James's ‘Bellum Papale,’ &c. London, 1678. CHAPTER XII. CONTAINING A REFUTATION OF DR. ADAM cLARKE's HYPOTHESIS OF H AATINH BAXIAEIA. HAviNG now fully discussed the demerits of Mr. Faber's favourite word Atos-arms, Apostates, as neither contractedly nor uncontractedly containing the true Number x&g', or 666, nor the name of any Man— and having also established that the numerical exionpoy Tav, or cypher sº, which has been brought forward by Mr. Faber to represent the contraction of a and + (g) is spurious orthography,-and finally, that the word Apostates itself contains no sufficiently definite signification, —I gladly leave both the Theory and the Theorist, and proceed to consider— II. The Hypothesis of the learned Dr. Adam Clarke, concerning the Number xás", which he affirms to be— H AATINH BAXIAIEA," THE LATIN KINGDOM. * See Dr. Adam Clarke's Commentary on Rev. xiii. 18. ST. JoHN AND DR. clarke contRASTED. 145 This opinion of the learned Doctor (against the orthography of Aarévvos) will soon be seen to stand on very slender ground, though backed by much learning and ingenuity, and the aid of Cardinal Bellarmine. To this end it will only be necessary to contrast, or bring in opposition the words of the Apostle John with those of Dr. Clarke, to see how well they agree. St. John says, “THE NAME of the Beast, or the Number of His NAME.” “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count THE NUMBER of the beast: for it is THE NUMBER of a MAN ; and HIS NUMBER is Sia, hundred threescore and Siar,” or “ 666.” whereas the “wisdom" and “ understanding ” evinced by the learned Dr. Clarke is to the following effect, “ The Name of the Beast, or the Number of his Name.” Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the Number of the Beast; for it is the NUMBER of THE LATIN KINGDOM ; “ and his number,” (i.e. of the LATIN KINGDOM) is “ Sir hundred Threescore and Siv.” Now then, it must be evident to all reasonable men that the NUMBER of A KINGDoM and “the NUMBER of A MAN ?’ can never be construed to mean the same thing, unless it can first be proved that MAN and KINGDOM are synonymous terms, which is impossible, and, therefore, whatever amount of learning, talent, and ingenuity has been displayed by the Doctor on this subject, it is nevertheless wholly irrelevant to the subject proposed for our consideration by St. John, * Rev. xiii. 17, 18. I, 146 CHAPTER XII : which is from the given Number x;', to find the NAME of a MAN, written in Greek characters, an- swerable to the Number 666; and not only must the Name of the Man contain the precise given number, but it must likewise portray the general and par- ticular character of such a MAN as is described in the xiiith Chapter of the Revelations from ver. l l to wer. 18, inclusive. And however nearly Dr. Clarke may have arrived in idea at the given Number from the sentence # Aaron Bagºsia, “ The Latin Kingdom,' yet from the simple Facts that this sentence does not denote the Name of a MAN, and that there is another sentence of similar and equal importance, which contains the same number 666, viz. Ekkamata Iraxxa, ITALIAN CHURCH ; the Doctor's hypothesis is more fanciful than real, and must of necessity be dis- puted, as we shall proceed to demonstrate. For if the sentence n Azriyn Barıxeiz, THE LATIN KINGDOM will produce the Number of the Beast, so also the sentence Exxxºria Iraxika, ITALIAN CHURCH will pro- duce the same number: but as neither of them con- tains the Name of a Man, so they must both be rejected, not on account of the Number, which is correct, but because they are inapplicable. - f - * 1N APPROPRIATE senteNCEs, &c. 14? CHURCH. / E’ = .. 5 * = .. 8 K' = . 20 A’ = .30 K' = . 20 a’ = ... 1 X’ = .30 +’ = 300 n' = .. 8 THE , = . 10 * = 200 y = .50 i’ = . 10 . LATIN n' = .. 8 IT ALIAN a' = ... 1 = ... 2 I' = . 10 KING- a' = 1 T' E 300 a’’ - 200 * = ... 1 t’ = . 10 X’ = .30 DOM. X. .30 s' = . 10 e' = 5 k' = . 20 i' = . 10 a' = . . 1 a' = ... 1 666 666 As Piscator, Brightman, and others, have given us the sentence Ekkºnata Iroxtrº, ITALIAN chURCH, which will produce the Number 666 in a legitimate manner; what advantage has the learned Dr. Adam Clarke derived by the adoption of the sentence n Aarºn flag Xela—THE LATIN KINGDom ? for it is evident that both, “THE LATIN KINGDom ' and “ITALIAN CHURCH, when written in GREEK LETTERS will severally produce the same Number 666, yet as neither of these sentences can exhibit the Name of Piscatoris Commentarii Novi Testamenti. Scholia in cap. xiii. Apoca- lyps Johannis, ver. 18, p. 1549. Ed. Herbornæ Nassoviorum, 1613. Bright- . man on Rev. xiii. 18. Amsterdam 161 l. & L 2 148 CHAPTER XII : a Man, they cannot properly be said to represent the Number of a Man, but are both spurious : because St. John says most plainly that, “the NAME of the Beast,” “ is the Number of a MAN : ” now the words KINGDom,” or ‘CHURCH,” or “APOSTATES,' are none of them the Names of Men, and as the WoRD of God is to be our GUIDE to the interpreta- tion of the sacred numerical enigma, and not the learning of Dr. Clarke, or Mr. Faber simply con- sidered, therefore, their authority must bow in sub- mission to that SUPREME authority, as being the in- fallible guide to, and Fountain of all revealed Truth. And although neither “ The Latin Kingdom,’ nor * Italian Church,” are suitable sentences to prove the point at issue, yet I must confess that Dr. Adam Clarke has used much greater fairness than Mr. Faber, in his search after the Number 666, in the sentence n Azrivn Bagweiz, inasmuch as the Doctor has strictly confined himself to the well known numerical wse of the 24 Greek Letters, without running wild after an episémon to prove it equal to the contraction of two Letters ; it is however abundantly certain that the Doctor's argument cannot be sound, although the said sentence may be considered in a comparative point of view, as strengthening the long existing arguments against Romanists or Papists, but not 7more so than the sentence Ekkanaia Iraaika, ‘ Italian Church,’ which is more appropriate for the Papacy. Yet after all I feel satisfied (yea, I might say positive) that the only one proper and Appellative Name of a MAN, which, when written in Greek Letters, can LATINUs A MAN's NAME. 149 furnish us with the precise arithmetical ‘Number,' appropriate Mark,' and appellative Name” of the number Beast, is Aarévos, Lateinos, the ortho- graphy of which is proved to be correct, and to be in every other respect answerable to the general scope of the Prophecies of St. John and St. Paul; being the Proper Name of a Man, namely, LATINUs, who was King of Latium or Italy, and the founder of the ancient Kingdom of the Latins, called after his Name, Latium, (and afterwards Rome,) whence comes the Latin NAME, Race, and Language, which was formerly spoken throughout all Europe; and more Proof than this is not necessary in any argument. It is absolutely indispensable that the Name of the Man should in all particulars identify the character of the second Beast (as the true Image of the First,) who is an acknowledged 2 Ecclesias- tical Superior of the very Highest Order and Degree—the pseudo-Christian ‘Pontifex MAXI- MUs' even the Man of the Latin, or Roman, or Italian Church and Kingdom, who ““SITTETH " (according to prediction) “in the Temple of God” (at Rome) “shewing himself that HE is God; ” of ancient Roman Idolatries, of Heathen Mythology, impudently introduced into the Church under Chris- tian names; that He is the God-Man of Romanists —their Idol, their Image, their Pope, Papa, or Father; that He is the ecclesiastical founder of modern Hierarchical Rome with its present Papistical ! Virgil. Æneid. Lib. vii. line 45. ibid. Lib. I. line 6. * Rev. xiii. 1 1. * 2 Thess. ii. 4. 150 § CHAPTER XII : form of Government, a similar form to which has never before eaisted in the known world. That He, therefore, is “ the Man of Sin,” “The Son of Perdition,” “ The wicked one,” spoken of by St. Paul, The Antichrist of St. John, and the very MAN, whose enigmatical Number is xfs', or “Sir hundred threescore and sia.” And, therefore, not- withstanding the number of profound Greek authors who have been quoted by Dr. Adam Clarke with an intent to nullify the orthography of Irendºus in his use of the DIPHTHONG or broad et or d in the Name Aarévvos, he has utterly failed. The learning of Cardinal Bellarmine moreover has been added to the List of his authorities:—‘ Bellarmine the Jesuit (as the Doctor writes) objected against Aatévvos being the Name intended in the prophecy from its orthography; for, says he, it should be written Aarºvos. That the objection of the learned Jesuit has very great force, is evident from every Greek writer evtant, who has used the Greek word Latinus, in all of whom it is uniformly found with- out the diphthong. See Hesiod, Polybius, Dio- nysius of Halicarnassus, Strabo, Plutarch, Dio Cassius, Photius, the Byzantine historians, &c.’ From this array of ancient classical authors, sup- ported by Bellarmine, it would appear, at first sight, morally impossible to advance any thing further towards establishing the name Aarévvos ; but the question at issue is not whether any of the before named Authors have ever used the diphthong or broad et or d when writing the Name Aarºvos ; but whether such LEGITIMACY OF THE DIPHTHONG. 151 orthography was acknowledged as legitimate among the ANCIENT GREEKS and ANCIENT Rom ANs in NAMEs of MEN, &c. ? That it was both customary and legitimate to use the Diphthong or broad et or & can be proved by a number of the most in- disputable ancient authorities. Therefore it matters not in the least whether any such authors as those named by Dr. Clarke have ever used the Diphthong or not. The simple fact to be established is, whether such orthography was considered genuine in the time of Irenaeus ; and, if it ever was legitimate, we may suppose it probable in his Days, because he has un- hesitatingly used the diphthong, or broad et, or 3 in two several NAMEs out of THREE, pertaining to the same number “ 666, viz. Aarévvos and Tévrav, and as IRENAEUs (the beginning of whose name is written by Eusebius with the Diphthong et, Epºwocios,) was one of the Christian Fathers, and wrote professedly “Contra omnes Hareses,” it would seem a gross inconsistency for him to select Two Names out of Three, the orthography of which was disputable. It will be therefore my grand object to bring forward such ancient authorities under the head of the Diph- thong et vel d as shall establish the com Mon Use of the broad et or d beyond all further doubt or con- troversy: for that which the Amcients used, and which can be proved incontrovertibly from many classical Authors extant, from Learicons, from Medals, &c. cannot be set aside by modern Com- 'mentators, let their learning be ever so great. When Dr. Clarke and others have proved that the authorities 152 CHAPTER XII : produced in favour of the Diphthong or broad 4 or et are not sufficient, nay even abundant, to establish the ancient uses of the Diphthong in the name Aarévvos, it will be time enough to give up the Point; till then, I shall consider myself fully justified in vindicating the Orthography of Irenatus in the ancient classical use of the epsilon (e) with the iota () as et or d, or the iota circumflered as ū, (which latter is generally, if not always, equivalent to a Diphthong,) against the various pseudo-opinions of Dr. Adam Clarke, Mr. Faber, Cardinal Bellar- mine, Grotius, and a host of other writers. That Dr. Clarke should have selected Cardinal Bellar- mine, the most subtle of all Jesuits in the world, the very mouth piece of the Pope of Rome, with the intent to nullify the orthography of Irenatus in the use of the e in Aarévvos, is most astonishing, (much more so indeed than that Professor Lee of Cambridge should have chosen the subtle demi-papistical Arch- bishop Laud, with a view to set aside the Number xćs', 666, by confronting it with the spurious Num- ber 2013', 616). Because Bellarmine had a special self-interest to support at Rome, as Cardinal Secre- tary of State to the Pope, in which he could not more effectually serve His Holiness,’ and the whole “ Church of Rome,” than by endeavouring to set aside the orthography of Irenaeus on THIS Point ; for this Arch-Jesuist had most assuredly found out that if the orthography of this all-im- portant Name Aarévos were once established BE- Yond contRoversy, the consequences would be that PAPAL coronATION TITLES, &c. 153 It could apply to NoNE other church in the world than his own LATIN CHURCH and usurped HIERAR- CHY, and that it would, according to prediction, lead to its downfall. Bellarmine, therefore, could not be looked upon as a disinterested Man, especially when it is duly considered that the LATIN or Roman Church claims to herself, universality, and will admit of no ecclesiastical Rival or Superior; for, what is said by Papists of the Church of St. John Lateran at Rome, is equally said of the Pope at his Installation and Coronation—“ Omnium in Urbe atque in Orbe Ecclesiarum Mater atque Caput.” Of all Churches in the City and the World—The Mother and the Head; so upon the Papal Corona- tion are these presumptuous Titles of Blasphemy conferred—‘Accipe Tiaram, tribus coronis orna- tum, et scias TE esse Patrem Principum et Regum, Rectorem Orbis, in Terrá Vicarium Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi: cui Honor est, et Gloria in Saecula Sae- culorum. Amen.” “Receive Thou the Tiara, adorned with THREE CROWNS, and KNow THYSELF to be FATHER of PRINCEs and of KINGs, RULER of THE WoRLD, upon Earth Vicar of our Saviour Jesus Christ : to whom be Honour and Glory for ever and ever. Amen.” - It is evident to me that Irenaºus never doubted for one moment the integrity of the orthography of the Name Azrévvos, because he has made use of a second Name Tetray, TEITAN, which is liable to the same orthographical objection respecting the Dipthong or et, and were there no other authorities extant to 154 CHAPTER XII : prove the use of the Dipthong & in his day, the double use of it by a Christian Father ought to carry more weight than any thing which Dr. Clarke, Mr. Faber, Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, or other writers of a recent date can advance to the contrary. The Field, however, will be left to them no longer, but it will be proved beyond all doubt that Irenaeus was not only a much better Grammarian than they, but also that he came so much nearer to the true Name of the Man, as to have literally furnished us with it. “LATEINos momen habet Seaventorum Sea- aginta sea numerum : et valde verisimile est, quo- niam, novissimum Regnum Hoc habet vocaBULUM.” And the Reason why we know of a certainty that his conjecture was true, is this, that “LATINI enim sunt qui NUNC Regnant.” For THEY are ‘LATINs (i. e. Papists,) who Now Reign.’ And although Dr. Clarke has declaimed so much against the orthography of Irendeus, with regard to his use of the diphthong in the name Aztérvos, the Doctor has nevertheless noticed three things rela- tive to the Number “ 666 '' which are worthy of observation, because they tend greatly to strengthen my own opinion. 1st. That it is the GREEK LANGUAGE from which the Name of the Beast must be elicited, as he says, “Having shown that it was a practice in the Apos- tolic age, and subsequently, to count the number in words and phrases, and even in whole verses, it will be evident that what is intended by 666, is that the GREEk NAME of the Beast, (for it was in the Greek DR. CLARKE's APPRov AL of IRENAEUs. 155 Language that Jesus Christ communicated his Reve- lation to St. John,) contains this Number.” The 2nd point worthy of observation is, the very high Terms in which the Doctor speaks of the Name Agreavos and of Irendeus its Author, or setter forth. “Many NAMEs,” says the Doctor, “ have been proposed, from time to time, as applicable to the Beast, and at the same time containing 666. We will only notice on E example, that famous one of Irenaeus, which has been approved by almost all commentators who have given any sort of tolerable eaposition of the Revelation. The word alluded to is Aarévos, the LETTERS of which have the following numerical values. A = 30. a = 1. T = 300. s = 5. w = 10. v = 50. o = 70. s = 200 ; and if these be added together, the sum will be found to be equi- valent to the Number of the Beast. This word was applied by Irenaeus, who lived in the second Century, to the existing Roman Empire; for, says he, “ They are LATINs who now reign.” The 3rd particular which the Doctor notices, is the sentence # Aaron Bagwela, ‘THE LATIN KINGDOM.’ His observations are as follow : * No other Kingdom on Earth can be found to contain 666. This is then the # copſa, “ the wisdom, or demonstration.” The Doctor continues. “A Beast is the symbol of a Kingdom ; THE Beast has been proved, in the preceding part of this Chapter, to be the LATIN Kingdom ; and # Aarwn Baaixia, being shown to contain, e.vclusively, the Number 666, is the demonstralion.” 156 CHAPTER XII : On the two former observations of the Doctor, we are pretty well agreed; but respecting his third remark I must be allowed to differ from him ; for if it can be proved—that “ No other Kingdom on Earth can be found to contain 666; ” and that “A Beast is the symbol of Kingdom : yet the # ropſ, of St. John is not to find “ the Symbol of a Kingdom : ” BUT “the Number of a MAN,” which must imply his Name, and therefore St. John tells us in the 17th verse of the xiiith chap. that “the NAME of the Beast, or the NUMBER of his NAME,” must be sought after and then counted; and as I have already shown that MAN and KINGDoM are NoT synonymous terms, and that the sentence exºxnawa Iraxxx, “ITALIAN CHURCH,’ will produce the same number as the sentence # Azrivn Bariñeiz ‘ THE LATIN KINGDom,’ therefore ‘The Latin Kingdom ' and “ Italian Church' must both of them give place to the Proper name of the Man of Latium or Rome, viz. Aarévvos (LATINUs) of which it may with much greater propriety be affirmed that “ No other Name of a Man on Earth can be found suitable to, and illustrative of the Roman Papal Beast but Aarévvos; because it contains the true Number 666, and is fully answerable to the general scope of the Prophecy. And, although, Dr. Clarke has quoted Cardinal Bellarmine, and eight classical Authors against the orthography of Aarévvos, namely, Hesiod, Polybius, Dionysius of Halicar- massus, Strabo, Plutarch, Dio Cassius, Photius, the Byzantine Historians, &c. &c. : yet I will pledge myself to confront these with many more authorities DR. CLARKE YIELDS To BELLARMINE. 157 of equal antiquity and celebrity for the ancient use of the diphthong 4 or it, and what then can be said after the production of such numerous authori- ties? Why, they must necessarily cause a surrender of Dr. Clarke's hypothesis, because the question to be decided is not (as we have before remarked) whether the epsilon () is to be found in any of the eight be- fore mentioned Authors when writing the Name Aarévvos , but whether it was considered sound ortho- graphy in the time of Irenaus, who lived in the 2nd Century, and whether it was THEN legitimate to write the Diphthong or broad 4 or it. [See the Authorities for such uses, Chapter XV.] It is evident, therefore, that Dr. Clarke, without taking the trouble to investigate the merits of the Diphthong, broad or circumflea, i, et, or d, in the Name which may be written in any of the three following ways, as Aztévvos, Aardvos, Aarivos, has tacitly, and I might say ignorantly, ceded the palm To CARDINAL BELLARMINE, and thereby LosT the most answerable NAME EXTANT, concerning the Number 666, agreeably to the Doctor's own obser- vation. ‘Many NAMEs,’ says he, “ have been pro- posed from time to time, as applicable to the beast, and at the same time containing 666. We will only notice that on E example, viz. that famous one of Irenaeus, which has been approved of by almost all commentators who have given any sort of tolerable eaposition of the Revelation. The word alluded to is Aarévvos,’ &c. However I doubt not that what has been already advanced concerning the ortho- 158 CHAPTER XII. graphy of Irendeus, in reference to the Diphthong. in the Name Aarºwos can never be overthrown by any Classical writers, and if this Name of Axteuvos were FAMoUs in times past, it will be still MoRE FAMoUs for THE TIME To come. I am free to confess, that, although there are multitudes of men more competent than myself to undertake this eluci- dation, yet from the sophistry which has been dis- played by so many learned and pious Authors, I felt most anxious, if possible, to arrive at the CERTAINTY both of the NAME of the MAN, and the NUMBER of his NAME, the latter of which has been impeached by Professor Lee and Archbishop Laud, and the former has been misconceived by many writers. Of one thing I can assure my Readers, that, since the year 1829, I have used much patient investiga- tion in my endeavours to establish the Mystic Name; and that the Motive which prompts me to the publication of this little work is a love of and zeal for the elucidation and final establishment of TRUTH, which is evidently the self-same Motive which moved Irenaus to write on this Sacred Num- ber x&g', or “666,” as he says, Propter timorem erga Deum, et ZELUM VERITATIs. As it is truly painful to see so many gigantic Authors at a polar distance in their opinions on this subject, it seems expedient as far as practicable, to arrest the progress of so many glaring errors as must spring out of such a discrepancy. CHAPTER XIII. REMARKs on THE SPURIOUS NUMBER xus', or 616, WHICH IS MENTIONED BY PROFESSOR LEE. HAvi Ng proved, as I believe, the fallacy of Dr. Adam Clarke's hypothesis with reference to the sentence n Aarwn Baqixeia, as also of the similar sem- tence Ekkamatz Iraxika, I now proceed to notice, III. The opinion of Professor Lee' of Cambridge, which is, that the Number x2' or 666 is disputable, for the Regius Professor of Hebrew informs us that, “In the times of Irenaeus another Number, viz. xus', 616, was also found, which is sufficient to shew, that liberties had been taken with this passage: and I cannot help adding the words of Archbishop Laud: ‘Numeralis illa theologia—non mihi placet— non sapit spiritum apostolicum.’” - I believe, however, that all New Testament com- mentators upon this Number x£g', 666, are fully * Lee's Dissertations on Prophecy. Rev. xiii. Diss. II. Sec, III. Page 329. . 160 CHAPTER XIII : agreed concerning its authenticity and integrity; even Cardinal Bellarmine, the Jesuit, who objects to the orthography of Irenaeus, in his use of the Diphthong 4, in Azrévos does not object to the NUMBER xés', 666, and, therefore, should it be still further objected that not only was the orthography of Irenatus incorrect respecting the diphthong d, but that a doubt exists about the correctness and validity of the Number ×{s', 666, as Professor Lee has insinuated in his “ Dissertations on Prophecy,” then it will be proper to examine the force of such objection in order to ascertain whether it can stand the Test of critical investigation; and if it cannot, it must be rejected as irrelevant and inconclusive. In replying to the above sentiments of Professor Lee concerning the pseudo-prophetic Number xus', 616, backed by the equivocal opinion of Archbishop Laud, I will endeavour to shew from the genuine words of Irenaeus, that this solitary rival of the Number x:4', 666, was never sanctioned by that Christian Father, but originated with some author (most likely contemporary,) whose writings were never considered equally orthodox with those of Irenaeus, otherwise the Professor of Hebrew would not have failed to have given us his Name, the precise time when he wrote, and when this Number first made its appearance. For although the Professor has not hesitated to remark—that, “ In the times of Irenaeus another number, viz. Xug', 616, was also found, which is sufficient to shew, that LIBERTIES had been taken with this Passage; ” yet he cannot suppose REMARKs on THE SPURIous NUMBER x15". 161 that we are to infer from the expression, ‘The Times of Irenatus,’ that IRENAEU's ever favoured such an opinion; for the production of his own three Names Tºray, Aarºvos, and Eva,0a;, as well as his reasoning on the subject, are totally subversive of such an idea, because each one of these Names con- tains the precise Number 666. As to the statement that this Number 616, Xug', is “sufficIENT to shew, that liberties had been taken with this passage; it can only prove that on E liberty had been taken with it, and this is the very utmost that the Professor can produce, or he need not have resorted to the dubious opinion of Archbishop Laud, who merely says, ‘Numeralis illa theologia. . . non MIHI placet;" as people generally express themselves, when they do not understand any particular subject—‘non mihi placet,’ ‘it does not please me; ' and as for the Archbishop's assertion—“mon sapit spiritum Apos- tolicum,’ it seems to me altogether to want proof. It is evident from the simple circumstance that the Professor has used the term ‘ LIBERTIES,’ that HE is not satisfied with the ORIGINALITY and authen- ticity of the Number xus', 616, or why does the Professor say, “liberties 2' We may infer, there- fore, from the off hand words of Archbishop Laud, * Numeralis illa theologia. . . . non MIHI placet. . . . non sapit spiritum Apostolicum,’ that they no more sanction the rejection of the Number x&g', 666, than the authority of Cardinal Bellarmine, quoted by Dr. Adam Clarke, (and a worse could scarcely have been adduced,) can operate to the rejection of the M 162 CHAPTER XIII : e in the Name Aarévvos. And this I say because of the Cardinal’s attachment to the LATIN or Roman Church, and that he has been proved not to be so good a Grammarian or Antiquarian as IRENAEUs. Professor Lee's observations on the Number xug', or 616, were, I presume, induced by his Theory concerning the Completion of the whole Prophecy of the Book of Revelation, thus given in the Title Page to his “ Dissertations on Prophecy.’ ‘The second (DISSERTATION) on the interpreta- tion of Prophecy Generally, with an Original Ex- position of THE Book of REvelATION ; shewing that the whole of that remarkable Prophecy has LoNG Ago been FULFILLED.' Now, with deference to the Professor, I would remark, that the Roman or LATIN PAPAL CHURCH, which is a Principal Subject of that Prophecy is still in existence, as also the MoHAMMEDAN CHURCH, or Imposture, which is another subject of the same Prophecy, that is, “ The Beast,’ and “ The false Prophet,’ and while these Two great Antichristian Churches con- tinue, it cannot be literally or figuratively said, that “ BABYLoN is fallen, is fallen, that GREAT CITY.” And the Reason why it cannot be so said is, that the predicted Antecedent to the Event has not yet fully come to pass, namely, * “I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to Preach unto them that dwell on the EARTH, and to EveRY NATION, and * Rev. xiv. 8. - * Rev. xiv. 6. REMARKs on the spurious NUMBER x16', 163 KINDRED, and Tongue, and People.” And as the everlasting Gospel had been in the first instance “preached in all the world for the obedience of Faith,” Before the Time that St. John's Revelation was generally known, we may conclude that these grand Events belong Not to “ the things which ARE ; ” (or happened in St. John's time;) but to that epoch of his Vision which relates to * “the things which shall be HEREAfter.” Besides which the Jews have not been nationally converted to Christianity; neither has * “Ethiopia stretched forth her hands unto God; ” nor is the * “EARTH filled with the Knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” And, therefore, the whole of that remarkable prophecy cANNOT, in its fullest eatent, have been FULFILLED. See Rom. xi. 12, 15, 23, 25, 26, &c. . As Irenaeus himself has set forth three several Names, viz. Evay823, Aarávos, and Tāraw, each of which contains the precise Number x{s', 666, nothing can be advanced from the writings of this ancient Greek Father, in favour of the Number xus', or 616, so as to make it worthy of the least credence ; because Irenatus wrote professedly against all Heresies, and was contemporary with Polycarp, who was the Disciple of St. John. It would therefore be folly to allow this Christian Father, after the unequivocal declaration he has made, “Sed scientes FIRMUM NUMERUM qui à SCRIPTURA annunciatus est, id est, * Rev. i. 19. * Psalm lxviii. 31. * Hab. ii. 14. Isaiah xi. 9. * IRENEUs, Lib. V. cap. xxx. p. 448, edit. Grabe. M 2 164 CHAPTER XIII : SExcENToRUM SExAGINTA SEx,’ &c., to be deemed ignorant of the true Number 666. And yet Professor Lee has ventured (upon his own ipse diarit, and that of Archbishop Laud, and the Codea of Petavius, the French Jesuit,) to set aside such ancient authority, by bringing forward the spurious Number xus', or 616, and thereby has left the learned world in com- plete ambiguity concerning the Number xás', or 666. We have already shewn that Dr. Adam Clarke, the Rev. George Stanley Faber, Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, and others, affirm that the orthography of Irenaeus is incorrect, and thus the NAME Aarévvos, as well as the NUMBER x86', 666, of St. John have Both been seemingly invalidated. Who then will venture to become Umpire among such discordant Theologians? Who will play the man, in raising Irenaeus from the dust of such theological controver- sialists? Nay, behold! Irenatus lives again / for, “ he, being dead, yet speaketh” to us in his writings! Yes, he shall come forth from his shrouded mantle of obscurity to confront these learned men, and as their senior, in point of time, in accuracy of investigation, in fidelity of orthography, and in soundness of argu- ment, shall settle the point at issue; that is to say, without a figure, succeeding events have become the literal Interpreters of the NAME of the MAN, which has been so long veiled under an enigma; hence we KNow that what IRENAEUs only conjecTURED in the . Second CENTURY of the Christian AEra, is most manifestly fulfilled in the NINETEENTH, and that no | Heb. xi. 4. REMARKs on THE SPURious NUMBER xts'. 165 further doubt can remain on the subject in the minds of those who will undertake the easy task of com- paring his conjectures with matters of Fact. Let us therefore take good heed to the words of Father IRENAEUs, whose ancient, learned, and pious testimony is invaluable; for he has given to Protes- tants the Master Key to Popery, and has thereby constructed for the Christian world, a Bulwark of Defence against the innovations and usurpations of the LATIN PAPAL MAN, whose Latin titles are— ‘ Pontifex Marimus,’ ‘ Sanctissimus Pater,’ &c. and especially to the following FIve Points the moral certainty of which Irendºus has established beyond refutation. CHAPTER XIV. FIVE REASONS DRAWN FROM IRENAEUS ESTABLISH- ING THE MORAL CERTAINTY OF HIS ORTHOGRAPHY IN THE NAME Aarévvos, witH FURTHER REMARKs on the opinions of ARCHBishop LAUD AND PROFESSOR LEE. IRENAEUS. I. THAT the “wisdom" and “ understanding ” of which St. John spake concerning the solution of the enigmatical Number xàg', 666, was, that “ The NUMBER of a MAN,” must necessarily imply the NAME of A MAN ; i. e., “Numerus Hominis,” being put for “Numerus Nominis Hominis; ” and therefore Irendºus, in explaining the words of St. John, has, without hesitation, supplied the manifest Ellipsis, and given us THREE several examples of proper Names written in Greek Letters, viz. Eva,0a;, Azteivos, and Tāray. II. Irenatus has established the correctness of the THE TESTIMONY OF IRENÆUS. 167 Number x£s' by his own use. of it in Greek Nu- merals,' kozraAA%λως δvv x&v TO ONOMA ATTOT άζει τῶν âpi$μὸν χές'; and each of those Three proper Names which he has given, exhibits the evact Number 666. Thus he says,* 'Ev πάσι τόις στουδαίοις κὰι αρχαίοις άντιypóροις τοῦ APIeMom TomTom KEIMENO», &c. ** IN oMNIBUS ANTIQUIS et PROBATISSIMIS et VETERIBUS SCRIPTURIS NUMERÖ HÖc PosITÖ, et TESTIMo- NIUM perhibentibus his, QUI FACIE AD FAciEM Jo- ANNEM vIDERUNT,” (in all the Ancient and most approved and . old Scriptures THIS NUMBER is placed, and the Testimony attributed to them who had sEEN John face to face,) ** et ratione docente mos, quoniam NUMERUS NOMINIS bestiae («ατὰ τῶν τ&ν EAAHN0N Jípov,) secundum GRÆCORUM computa- tionem per LITERAs quæ in Eo sunt, sExcENTos habebit, et sExAGINTA, et sEx,” &c. And further on in the same chapter he says respecting the Number 666,° ** Oportet itaque tales discere, et ad vERUM recurrere NoMINIS NUMERUM : ut nom in PSEUDO-PROPHETARUM loco deputentur. Sed sci- ENTES FIRMUM NUMERUM qui à SCRIPTURA (from ScRIPTURE) annunciatus est, id est, SExcEN- ToRUM SExAGINTA Sex,” &c. ; and in page 449 of the same Chapter, he sets forth the Name Aarêvvos as containing the Number 666,* ** Sed et LATEINos momen habet SExcENToRUM SExAGINTA SEx mu- merum : et valde verisimile est, quoniam NovIssI- MUM REGNUM Hoc habet VocABULUM. LATINI i 1 R ΕNÆ. lib. V. cap. xxix. p. 446. * Ibid. cap. xxx. p. 447. 3 Ibid. cap. xxx. p. 448, * Ibid. p. 449. 168 CHAPTER XIV : enim sunt qui nunc Regnant,” &c. And having summed up, in Chapter XXIX., the Iniquity and Apostacy of the Numbered Beast, (deduced from the opinions of the Ancients concerning the Number xãº" or 666,) in whom would concentre ALL un- righteousness, Irenaeus exclaims— * “Et propter hoc in BESTIA veniente Recapitu- latio sit universa. Iniquitatis et omnis doli, ut in EA (scil. BESTIA) confluens et conclusa omnis virtus Apostatica, in caminum mittatur ignis. Congruenter autem et NoMEN EJUs habebit NUMERUM, SExcEN- ToruM SEXAGINTA SEx, recapitulans in semetipso omnem qua fuit antediluvium, malitiae commixti- onem, quae facta est ex Angelica Apostasia.” And such Testimony may suffice as PROOF in favour of the TRUE NUMBER xàs', 666, set against the spu- rious Number xug', 616, brought forward by Pro- fessor Lee ; inasmuch as the latter number would be classed by Irenatus with the ipse divit, “PSEUDo- PROPHETARUM,” i.e. of False Prophets. III. Irenaeus has established to a moral certainty the ancient and legitimate uses of the Diphthong, Broad, or Circumfleared iota as , et or ; , by his own use of it in Two several Names pertaining to the self-same subject, viz. AATEINOx and TEITAN, and as he wrote “Contra omnes Haereses,” it is most unreasonable to suppose him ignorant of the ortho- graphy of such Names, and as to his Grammatical correctness see Chapter XV. of this work; besides which a circumflewed iota i is generally, if not * I RENAE. cap. xxix. p. 446. COMPUTATION BY GREEK LETTERS. 169 always equivalent to the diphthong d, or et, and therefore the Rev. Geo. S. Faber, Dr. Adam Clarke, Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, and others, are con- victed of ignorance touching the ancient orthography of the Diphthong or Circumflered Iota in the Name Aarévos, and Irenatus is thus proved to be the best Grammarian. IV. Irenatus has moreover established to a moral certainty that the Proper and Appellative Name of “The Man of Sin,” “The Son of Perdition,” the “MAN " whose Number is xfg', 666, is Aarévvos, for what he wrote conjecturally in the second Cen- tury (ante Eventum) may, with the strictest pro- priety, be spoken in the nineteenth Century, (post Eventum,) that, “LATINI sunt qui nunc Regnant.” ‘THEY are LATINs who Now Reign.’ See Chapters XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. and XX. of this work. V. Irenaus has yet further established that it is. with the individual Greek Letters, which compose the Name of the MAN (according to Greek Compu- tation) that his Number x35' must be found to agree, as he says, “Quoniam NUMERUs NoMINIS Bestiaº secundum GRAEcoRUM compUTATIONEM per LITTERAs quae in Eo sunt, SExcENTos habebit, et SEXAGINTA, et Sex,” &c. and therefore, we con- clude that the calculation is effected neither by the means of the Three exionpa, nor any of the numerous Greek Contractions or Ligatures of Letters, but by LETTERs on LY, separately and individually taken, which was the only established METHOD of calculating the Names of Men, &c. among all Greek writers, 170 CHAPTER XIV : and to depart from this Alphabetical Rule is alto- gether contrary to sound Orthography. We may here also remind our readers, that as St. John wrote his Gospel, Epistles, and the Book of the Revelation in the Greek Language, as the Number xàs', 666, is written in Greek Characters, it may most plainly be inferred that the NAME of the “ MAN,” which is answerable to the Number xás', must likewise be written in GREEK LETTERs. We may conclude from the foregoing observations why the universal Opinion concerning the integrity of the mystical Number x&g' did not please Arch- bishop Laud, (Numeralis illa Theologia non MIHI placet,) which is no great marvel when we consider that many earlier, more learned, sound, and pious polemical writers than his Lordship (both at home and abroad,) had found as great perplexities as he did, in attempting to solve to their entire satisfaction this mystical numerical Enigma of “ 666,” and hence his Lordship's assertion concerning the Num- ber, “non sapit spiritum apostolicum,’ indicates his vexation at not being able to comprehend the Name of the Man, or “the Number of his Name,” ac- cording to his own limited views, and he therefore cuts the matter short by a most startling and dog- matical assertion, “non sapit spiritum Apostoli- cum : ” putting his Archiepiscopal veto upon the Number 666 as unsound or doubtful: however, as the said Archbishop was more than half a Papist, there need be no wonder at his Lordship's brevity and manner of Decision ; but, be it remembered, THE AUTHORITY OF GREEK MSS. 171 that Irenatus was one of the earliest and most authentic of the Christian Fathers, and has handed down to us the most probable Appellative Name of the “MAN,” (Lateinos,) for the reasons which he there assigns, and his Number by (“Sexcentorum Sexa- ginta Sex,”) and has denounced all Pseudo-Pro- phetic Numbers, (“ut non in Pseudo-prophetarum loco deputentur, sed scientes firmum. Numerum qui à SCRIPTURA annuntiatus est, id est, SExcENToRUM SExAGINTA SEx: ”) and there can be no Reason for the establishment of the Pseudo-prophetic Num- ber xic' or 616, until the Apostolic NUMBER xàs', 666, be FIRST disproved, which I firmly believe can never be effected by honest means; nor can the Mode of eliciting the Number from the individual Letters of the Man's Name ever be doubted, so long as the writings of Irenaeus are eartant. Besides all this, the best and earliest Greek Testament, M.S.S. Codices, LECTIONES; VERSIONES, (except the single Codex of Petavius the Jesuit, which is lodged in the Vatican Library,) have written the Number in the TEXT by the Three Characters x{g' according to Irenaeus ; but more modern writers have sometimes written this Number at full length by the three words expressive of the said Number, viz. taxorio &nkovſz &, and our English Version has rendered the said Number by the words “Six hundred THREEscore AND Six.” Moreover, Cardinal Bellarmine, although at the very time a thorough Papist, disputing against the ortho- graphy of Irenaus, in his use of the Diphthong, or broad 4 or et in the name Aarévvos, has nevertheless 172 CHAPTER XIV : allowed the Number x&g', or 666, to be the true Reading, according to the opinion of Irenatus: thus (after the multiplicity of examples quoted in the VIth Chapter of this work) there will be infinite difficulty in admitting the solitary and pseudo-apostolic cita- tion of the Number xus' 616, brought forward by Professor Lee, backed by the demi-papistical opinion of Archbishop Laud. It is evident that the Hebrew Professor felt some difficulty in producing on E learned sanction for the use of the Number x13' 616, and that which he has produced must be rejected, if the Opinion of Irendºus be true, for that Christian Father has appealed to the Holy ScripTUREs in the most unequivocal manner for confirmation of the Number x&g', or 666, in the following words,- ‘Oportet, itaque tales dicere, et ad VERUM recurrere NoMINIS NUMERUM : ut non in Pseudo-prophetarum loco deputentur. Sed scientes FIRMUM NUMERUM qui à ScRIPTURA annunciatus est, id est, Searcen- torum Seavaginta Sea: ; as well as to “those who had seen the Apostle John face to face.” Qui facie ad faciem Joannem viderunt.” It will be evident upon a little consideration, that by the discovery of the true NAME of the MAN, whose NUMBER is declared to be xàs', or 666, we shall find the DESTINIEs of the Babylonish CHURCH OF ROME, or in other words, the LATIN CHURCH, inasmuch as the “ 1260 DAYs” of Years, have already eaſpired, and, consequently, She * is “OLD’’ and “ready to vanish away.” * Rev. xii. 6, 14. 2 Heb, viii. 13. ARCHBISHOP LAUD AND IRENAEUs comparED. 173 St. Paul has given us a criterion whereby to judge righteous judgment, when he says, that “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him ; ” (non sibi placet) “neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” Now, though Archbishop Laud asserts, concerning the prophetic Number xás", “non sapit spiritum Apostolicum : ” it is evident from the general style of Irenaeus, as well as from what he has particularly written on the Number x86', that his writings savour much more of the Apostolic Spirit and wisdom, than those of Archbishop Laud, (witness the Christian age in which Irenaeus lived, and that he was the Disciple of Polycarp, the latter of whom was the Disciple of St. John,) and therefore a comparison between the Spiritual or Theological wisdom of the Two Bishops (Irenatus and Laud) would afford a mighty contrast, for example, Irenaeus was confessedly One of the earliest and most authentic of the Christian Fathers; but can the same thing be predicated of Archbishop Laud? we know that it cannot, but the very con- trary / and, therefore, I think we are bound by Christian obligation to prefer the pious and learned Testimony of father Irenaeus, with regard to the fidelity of the Number xfg', or 666, which he has so clearly given us, rather than the Pseudo-prophetic or Pseudo-apostolic Number xus', or 616. Besides, if we believe that his Lordship had ever read Irenaeus “Contra omnes Hapreses,” Chapters 29 and 30 of * I Cor. ii. 14. 174 CHAPTER XIV : the Vth Book, yet his egotism, in expressing his opinion, is so palpable, that it scarcely needs a re- mark; for his words are evidently meant to imply as much as, that because a Theological Numeral did not please him, therefore it did not emanate from the wisdom of the Apostolic Spirit, (an Inference which, if admitted, would be fraught with most dangerous consequences, both to the Word of God, and the Christian Church.) “ Numeralis illa theologia, mon MIHI placet ... NoN SAPIT SPIRITUM APOSTO- Licum.” But who will venture to affirm, that be- cause this Theological Numeral did not please the then Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, therefore, the words of St. John and of Irenaeus respecting this Number x:g', were not true? or that they did not savour of the Apostolic Spirit 2 Yet such is the necessary inference we must draw from the assertion of the Archbishop, if we are to consider his Lord- ship's Opinion on this Number of paramount autho- rity. But that it is not worthy of credence has been proved in a variety of particulars, wherefore, until Professor Lee can furnish us with more substantial marks of orthodoxy, than those exhibited in his “ Dis- sertations on Prophecy,”respecting the bare assertion of Archbishop Laud, “non Sapit spiritum Apostoli- cum,” weare bound to reject them as Pseudo-prophetic, and Pseudo-Apostolic and Pseudo-Archiepiscopal, ac- cording to the veritable Opinion of Irenatus. Con- sequently the learned Professor of Hebrew must seek a little further for a better authority with which to invalidate the integrity of the Number x&g' as written IRENAEUS VINDICATED. 175 by St. John, and confirmed by Irenæus. In truth he must retrace his steps to seek for a better Champion of Truth than a Demi-Papist ; for however Arch- bishop Laud may be admired as a learned polemical writer, the unsoundness of his opinion concerning the number 666, is at variance with the acknow- ledged Canon qf Scripture, as well as the Testimony Qf Papists. See ** m Kawn Aia6n«m. Novum Jesu Christi Domini nostri Testamentum. TexTUI GRaeco conjuncta est versio Latina Vulgata, Summorum Pontificum, SixTI V. et CLEMENTIS VIII. autoritate edita et recognita. Tomus III. Lutetiæ Parisiorum, Apud Nicholaum Buon. &c. 1628,” wherein the Number 666 is written in Greek numerals by ** y£5',” and the Latin Vulgate by ** Searcenti Sevaginta Sea .” - We may partly judge of the meek and Christian Spirit in which Irenæus sought to find the Name qf the Man, according to his given arithmetical Number x£s', from the following words, “ Quoniam autem non propter inopiam nominum habentium numerum ejus dicimus hæc, sed propter TIMOREM ERGA DEUM, et ZELUM vERITATIS : ETAN©Ax enim NoMEN habet NUMERUM de quo quæritur : sed nihil de eo qffirma- mus. Sed et LATEINos NoMEN habet Sexcentorum Sexaginta Sex mumerum : et valde verisimile est, quoniam novissimum Regnum hoc habet vocabulum. Latini enim sunt qui nunc regnant: sed mon in hoc nos gloriabimur.” It is presumed, therefore, that Irenæus was perfectly correct with regard to the Number X£s', 666, and in the idea that 176 CHAPTER XIV : the proper and Appellative Name of the Beast must be the Name of some particular MAN, and also in his most wonderful conjecture, (which was conceived centuries before the EVENT came to pass) concerning the Proper or Appellative Name Aardvos, which is the Name of a Man ; the ortho- graphy of which, in reference to the Diphthong d or ev, is INDISPUTABLE, it being of too classical a nature to present a doubt to the mind of any Greek scholar. [See Chapter XV. of this work.] It is equally presumed, therefore, that as Irenaeus was right in his conjectures, so Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, Archbishop Laud, Dr. Adam Clarke, Rev. George S. Faber, and Professor Lee, are palpably wrong in their several hypotheses ; and this is little enough to say of their versatility, for it is extremely wonderful to observe Men eminent for very high literary acquirement, and for Talents far surpassing my own, not only differing from each other in the widest degree when writing on the same given sub- ject, but also palpably erroneous with regard to the plainest points of orthography; and this wonder is heightened in the case of Dr. Adam Clarke, who, (as all England attests, was most highly gifted in the knowledge of ancient manuscripts; and the manner of deciphering them,) having written so much in favour of Irenaeus, has nevertheless sought the Name of the Beast in the Sentence, n Azrivn Baa Asia, (the Latin Kingdom) instead of, in the Name Azretvos, which latter is the well known historical Name of the MAN, who was the founder of LATIUM, (from THE TRIUMPH OF IRENAEU.S. 177 whence sprang the LATIN RACE,) and which is so generally approved by Commentators, that I shall give the Doctor's own opinion concerning it. “Many Names,” says the Doctor, “ have been proposed, from time to time, as applicable to the Beast, and at the same time containing 666. We will only notice ONE Example, that famous one of Irenaeus, which has been approved of by almost all Commentators, who have given any sort of tolerable earposition of the Revelation. The word alluded to is Aotévvos.” &c. Surely it may in truth be affirmed, that all Com- mentators and writers on this Number xãº", who have preferred their own Chimeras to the irrefutable Opinion of IRENAEUs, have most miserably mistaken their subject; for it is by the individual LETTERS which compose the Name of the Man, that his Number 666 must be found to harmonize, and thus alone can an end be put to all strife. At length, how- ever, the Triumph of “well done good and faithful” IRENAEUs shall be re-echoed through the Christian world, to the confusion of the Pope and his spurious LATIN Church. There can be little doubt entertained that Professor Lee, noticing the vast variety of speculations which had been ventured on, relative to the Number 2.Ég' or 666, and knowing that they were utterly irreconcilable , with the words of St. John, has chosen the shortest method of settling the business, namely, by discard- ing the Number altogether, even as Archbishop Laud * Rev. xiii. 18. N 178 CHAPTER XIV. had done before him. However, it is most easy to place the whole matter beyond the possibility of future doubt or disputation, as will be seen by at- tending to the following Ancient and Classical Authorities in favour of the Diphthong, or Broad, or circumfleaſed iota, as et, or d, or 7 in Aarévvos, and by showing why the Name LATEINos (which is the point in question) has been so often rejected, and that is, because the Orthography of the Diphthong was not generally acknowledged or understood, al- though IRENAEUs, Dr. Henry More, Bishop Newton, and many others, had led the way for its establish- ment. CHAPTER XV. observations ON THE DIPHTHoNG, or THE BROAD, OR CIRCUMFLEXED IOTA IN THE NAME Aarévvos, Aarºvos, Aari vos, THAT is, et, or d, or . It has been already proved that the following Epithets, Names, and Sentences, are wholly insuf- ficient for establishing the NAME of a MAN, namely Atros-arms, Maoperts, 7 Aaruyn Baaiketa, Ekkamata, Itaxika, &c. and that neither Professor Lee, nor Archbishop Laud are justified in their rejection of the Number xfs'. We now proceed (in maintaining the Name Aarévvos,) to the production of those authorities (hitherto too much wanting) for the genuine use of the Diphthong, or Broad, or circumflewed iota, eu, º, or ü, which will lay a foundation for the full establishment of the Orthography of IRENAEUs, which has been so un- ceremoniously and unjustifiably assailed by the ipse divit of Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, The Rev. George Stanley Faber, Dr. Adam Clarke, and N 2 180 CHAPTER XV : others, the former of whom has displayed his Jesuit- ical cunning for the preservation of his despotic LATIN or Papal Church, as the three latter have evinced their Ignorance of Antiquity, both with respect to the prevalence of the Diphthong or et, and to the circumstance of the circumfleaved iota, º, being generally, if not always equivalent to a Diphthong. It will only be necessary, therefore, to produce a sufficient number of Classical and ancient examples for the frequent use of the Diphthong, Broad, Long, or Circumflexed Iota, and thus silence all further doubts or disputes respecting the Name Aarévos, in this point of view. The simple fact that Irenaus has used two Names, pertaining to the elucidation of the numbered Man, viz. Aztévvos and Teſray, in each of which the e is expressed, (and not Aati vos and Tºray without the e as written in modern times) might be considered a sufficiently ancient authority for the use of the Diphthong or Long et, in the Name in question, as he lived in times when the said Diph- thong was in common use, both among the Greeks, and Romans, or Latins. But as this matter has been heedlessly questioned by Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, Rev. G. S. Faber, Dr. Adam Clarke, and others, I would beg to call the attention of my Readers to the following notable authorities, and if they can be overthrown, I will then give up the point, but not till then. * ENNIUs is, perhaps, one of the most ancient * Ennius, Lib. vi. 26. See Dr. Henry More's Works, p. 595, and Bishop Newton's Dissert. II. p. 299. QUoTATIONS FROM ENNIUS AND VARRO. 181 LATIN authors who has given us the name LATEINOS with two diphthongs in it, and not only so, but he has set forth five examples of the broad E1, (as in common use among the Romans,) in one single line, * Quam prEImum cascEI PopoleI tenuere Latein.E.I.' Also in the seventh Book of his Annals, as quoted by Dr. Henry More, we have the two following examples ; the same Author assuring us that in ENNIUs there are infinite ea'amples of a similar use of the Diphthong, and in this opinion Dr. More is followed by Bishop Newton, * Quorum virtutEI bellEI fortuna pepercit, * Horundem me leibertateI parcere certum est.’ also : * Poine1 sunt soliter sos sacrificare puellos * Dive1s: ’ to which I shall add another, ‘ Cive1s Roman EI tune factEI sunt Campanel. ‘Nos sumu' Roman EI, qui fuvimus ante RudineI. ‘ Omneſs mortalEIS sese laudari exoptant. ‘FortEIs Roman.EI, quanquam Coelus profundus.’ * M. TERENTIUS WARRo is another very ancient writer, who has given us so many examples of the broad E1, that from the Ivth to the Ixth Book in- clusive, concerning the Latin Tongue, “De Linguá Latind,” I have counted 1060 at least, a few of which I shall here produce :- * Quae ideo videtur à Latin EIS, Juno Lucina dicta,' | M. Terentii Parronis Opera in Lib. de Ling. Lat, edit. Parisis, 1585, 182 CHAPTER Xv. &c. p. 19. * Castoris nomen Græcum et Pollucis à GræcEis in LatinEIs litterEIS veteribus nomen,' &c. p. 20. * Sunt etiam animalia in aqua, quæ in terdum in terram exeunt alia GraecE18 vocabulEIs, ut Polypus, &c. alia LatinEIs, ut Rana,' &c. p. 21. * Nisi à GræcEIs, quòd AthenEIs in librEIs sacrorum scriptum est,' p. 25. Lepus, quòd è SiculEIs quidam GræcEI dicunt,' p. 26. * Sic hic quòd erat post diem quintum Eidus, Quinquartus.' * Megalesia dicta à GræcEIs, quòd ex libris SybillinEIs,' &c. * In Tus- culanEIs sacrEIs est,* p. 47. * Similiter, Latinæ feriæ dies conceptivus dictus à Latineus populeis, quibus ex Albano monte ex sacreIs carnem petere fuit jus cum Romaneis : à quibus LatinEIs Latinæ dictæ,' p. 49, also Atellam EIs, ArgivEIs, LybycEIs, LucanEIs, PuteolEIs, TuscEIs, SabinEIs, AthenEIs, SyracusEIs, QuiritEIS : also PalentEI, GræceI, Argei, AristarchEi, dandEI, vocandEI, appellandEI, dicendEI, jungendEI, adminiculandEI, nominandEI, augendEI, lavandEI, nummEI ; also hEIs, quEIs, nonEIs, illeis, suEIs, treis, iEIs, eEIs ipsEIs, hEIc, illEIc, hEisce, hEI, &c. I shall conclude these examples of the Diphthong out of VARRo, with one from * ScALIGER. * Jovis Pater, si mihEI es autor, urbi popo'loque Rom. Quiritium, hæc sane sartéque esse, uti tu nunc mihEI bene sponsis, beneque volueris.' * PLAUTUS in his Comedies makes frequent use of the broad EI. ' Josephi Scaligeri conjectanea in Lib. quint. M. Terentii Varronis. de Linguâ Latinà, p. 85, 86. l 3 1'lauti Comædiæ. Edit. Aldus, 1522. QUOTATIONS FROM PLAUTUs, quintil 1AN, &c. 183 ‘Is advenienteis servom, et dominum frustra habet, p. 1. * Vox mihi ad aurEIs advolavit,” p. 6. * Illiscae praefeci Cephalum magni DEIonel filium.’ p. 17. “Suspicabar, atq ; insonteis miseras cruciabam.’ p. 31. Sese alternas cum illo nocteis hanc frui, nam in impetro,” p. 32. * AFquas habemus partEIs.’ p. 236. * Ne dormienters quidem sinunt quiescere, p. 237. Volgo adse omneſs,’ p. 284. 1 QUINTILIAN, testifies that Lucilius would have us to write puerEI, mendace1, furEI, although now accustomed to write it pueri, mendaci, furi. *SCAPULA, who was a good Greek Grammarian and Lexicographer, and whose authority is received by the Learned, has remarked that the Letter I long was written and pronounced among the ancient Romans, as the diphthong d, that is to say st; and had an s enclosed, as was constantly the case in the time of CICERo. ‘I, t, i. ‘IOTA, Iota trissyllabam ab Hebræo Iod, t prod usurpato, respondet i Latino. * Cacilius hanc literam vocat pumilionem, quðd * QUINTIL. Institut. Orator. De Orthographia. Lib. i. cap. 7. Edit. Parisiis, 1543. * ScAPULA in Append. ad Lexicon: de Veteri et Recta Graeca. Linguæ pronuntiatione. 184 CHAPTER XV : omnium et figura et sono tenuissima sit et minima: et si quidem zováypauwos. PLATO indicat accommodam esse ad exprimendas res subtiles et penetrabiles, quod declarant, ut ait, itvat, ligba, ac similia. Itaque planè aliter sunt proferenda nv et ov u, quam u: ne inter legendum incidamus in lavaktopcov et woAviora, quae orationem faciunt exilem, enervem, pipientem et confusam. Neque enim xpsºs sonandum ut xpns 8s: neque kadv ut kvdv, wnkpvv longum, ut pakpov parvum.' * HUBERT GoLTzIUs in his “ Thesaurus rei Anti- quariae' has given us 227 instances of Greek inscrip- tions of the Medals of Roman Emperors and Empresses, most of which are written with the diphthong d or et, and with the ancient sigma C instead of 2, as Agrippina, ATPIIIIIeINA ... Sabina, CABeINA .... Plotina, IIAQTIeINA .... Antoninus, ANTON€INoc .... Faustina, d'ArcTeINA .... Crispina. KPICII€INA .. Niger, NeITPoc .. Septimus, CETITeIMIoc ... Albinus, AABeINoc ... Macrinus, MAKPeINoc ... Maximinus, MAEIMeINoc ... Balbinus, BAABeINoc ... Sabina Tranquillina, CABeINA TPANKTAAeINA .... Marinus, MAPeINox ... Salonina, CAAoNeINA ... Sa- turninus, CATTPNeINoC ... Carinus, KAPeINoc ... Constantinus, KoNCTANT€INOC .... AAEEANAPeoN MHTPOIIOA€1ToN ... AM pIIIoAeIToN ... Ariminum, APIMeINEON. And at page 284, he remarks that et is put for 1, as “ E1 pro I, ut EIdus pro Idus ... “ LEI- bertas pro Libertas ... SeruEIlius pro Seruilius, et in multis aliis.' ' Huberti Goltzii Thesaurus rei Antiquariae, edit. Antverpiae, l 644. quotATIONS FROM GoLTzius, MoTRAYE, &c. 185 The SIEUR A. DE LA MoTRAYE, in his Voyages to the Chersonesus and Adrianople, has exhibited several examples of the ancient use of the broad et, in the MEDALs of the Emperor ANToNINUs and of his wife FAUSTINA, which are thus written, ANTONEINOC and eEIA (ArcteinA. See Voyages D. & D. L. Motraye—Chersonese, Tome I. Chapitre XX. pag. 425. Figure No. xxviii. Médailles 19 et 26.-Idem, Tome II. Chapitre V. pag. 157, Figure No. VII. Médailles 2, 3, 18, et 19. * Joseph DE L'EscALE, or ScALIGER, whom RAYMond calls (not without cause) the worthy Son of the great Julius, the Eye of Europe, and the marvel of LETTERs, tells us that the Greeks write their Letter iota in the diphthong et, when they pro- duce it before an N, as Avroveſvos, Xačeſvos, Azreivos, in Irenatus. That which custom therefore has esta- blished, not only is it no fault (says he) to write it so ; but it would appear necessary to make it so. St. JERoME. It is obvious from this Christian Father that the custom of writing the diphthong or broad et for t, was not only adopted before the N, but also before other Letters, as when Irenaeus wrote Tèvrov for Tirav, when the ancients wrote Meſºas Meithras for Mºpa; Mithras, which is the Name of the SUN among the PERSIANS: upon which also * Voyage D'a. D. L. MoTRAYE: Chersonese et Adrianople. * REMOND. Chap. 39. de l’Antichrist. ScALIGER, animad. ad Chron. EUSEB. p. 106. 186 CHAPTER XV : depends the understanding of that passage of ST. JEROME, which mentions that Basilidès calls | GoD . by this prodigious Name ačpačac, and he says, that, according to the GREEK LETTERs, and the number of courses of the year which were contained in the Cycle of the Sun, and which the Pagans under the same number of other Letters, call peºpa; and not ºv0px; as we read in the common examples. For peºpa; and 28pača, render the one and the other by their individual Letters 365, which is the Number of Days in the Year, as will be seen below: whereas ºv0.92; will produce by its individual Letters the much greater Number 750. a' = ... 1 Pºſ = . 40 É' = ... 2 e' = .. 5 p' = 100 1' = . 10 a' = ... 1 6' = . . 9 # = . 60 p' = 100 a' = ... 1 a' = ... 1 .." = 200 .." 200 365 365 *Edward WRIGHT, Esq. in his ‘Travels through France, Italy, and Florence, &c. in the years 1720, 1721, and 1722, has made the following “observa- tions,’ which may throw some light on the foregoing words of St. Jerome, in reference to 28pača, and peºpas. * HIERoNY. Cap. 3. Comment in AMos, c. 3. * WRIGHT's Hist. of Florence, &c. Vol. ii. p. 415. London, 1730. --> AUTHORITIES FROM TALISMANS. 187 “I saw several Talismans,” (says Mr. Wright) “and the other magical Stones called Abraa'as, with various Inscriptions, some in GREEK Letters, but the words CHALDEE ; at least so Signor Bianchi told us: I pretend not to understand that Language; but of Greek signification I am sure they were not.’ - “The Magical Stones called Abravas are engraved Stones, used by the AEGYPTIANs and PERSIANs to represent the Chief Deity who made the Heavens, which they reckon three hundred and sixty-five in number, answerable to the Days in the Year; and in the several Greek numeral Letters of that Name added together, that Number is found, as will be seen by what immediately follows.’ - º i : : ‘The same was also signified by Mithras, writing it with an [E] before the [1], MEIePAX, as here under:— 188 CHAPTER XV : . 4 0 . 5 . 1 0 . . 9 1 0 O ... 1 2 0 () : : 3 6 5 * Talismans are often, if not for the most part, in metal: both these were supposed to have great efficacy in charming away Diseases, putting to flight evil Spirits, prolonging Life, and doing abundance of other Feats. The Gnostics, particularly those of the school of Basilidès, being much addicted to Magick, did believe there was a great Virtue in this sort of thing.’ ScALIGER says that the Ancients ordinarily write xixia by xixia, (which signifies a thousand,) in his remarks on a passage of St. Jerome, who, allego- rizing on the seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee before Baal, by which, says he, is to be understood the Christians, adds moreover, that be- cause we have said that the number of seven thou- sand relates to the name of Christians we compute in Greek words, érrakia Xàixtov; (not by x·xious) xpigliavovº, and you will find in the two words a corresponding number and sum, that is to say one thousand mine * HIERoNY. Comment in Zachariah, c. viii. SCALIGER's REFERENCE To ST. J.EROME. 189 hundred and forty-one, (not forty-sia, as we com- monly read it). For irrakiazäxtovº, which signifies seven thousand, and the word xpializvov; render this number of 1941, even as we can see here, which reference though somewhat forced and out of the intention of the Text, nevertheless proves the legiti- mate use of the Diphthong et, ei, instead of the I long. E’ = .. 5 Tr' . 80 * = 300 a' = ... 1 K' = .20 x = 600 s' = . 10 p' = 100 a' = 200 * = . 10 x' = 600 a' = 200 e' = .. 5 r' = 300 s' = . 10 * = . 10 A = .30 a' = T * = . 10 * = .50 * = .70 o' = .70 v' = 400 W = 400 3 = 200 s' = 200 1941 1941 The SIBYLLINE ORACLES afford us an Example of the Name of CHRIST (xpiro) being written with the Diphthong E1, in the following manner, 190 CHAPTER XV : IHzotz xPEixtox eBor xothp xTATPox. Jesus CHRIST of God SAviour CRoss in an "Acrostic which is among the Oracles attri- buted to the Sibylls. * EUSEBIUs, a Christian and Greek Father of the fourth Century when writing the NAME of IRENAEUs in Greek Letters, begins it with the Diphthong et, EI, as Eſpywatos. * *IRENAEUs. From the previously cited examples for the ancient and general use of the Diphthong, both among the Greeks and Romans, as well as from many other ancient authors whose names might easily be added to this catalogue, IRENAEUs is clearly acquitted of all grammatical incorrectness concerning the orthography of the Names Aarévos and Tévrav, as he wrote them agreeably to the general custom of the Age in which he lived, and therefore ‘Litera scripta manet.’ Had the Rev. George Stanley Faber, Dr. Adam Clarke, Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, and others, only been content with the well-known classical or- thography of the Diphthong, Broad, Long, or Circumflewed, et, or º, for the ancient use of which, both by the Greeks and Romans, there is such abundant evidence, as has been already adduced, then a different Result must have ensued, and I had * SibyllinA ORAcula. Imprimez à Paris, l’An. 1599. * EUSEB. Eccles. Hist. Lib. iii. cap. viii. p. 109. Edit. Cantab. 1720. * IRENAE. Lib. V. cap. xxx. p. 449. Edit. Grabe. Oxoniae, 1702. ORTHOGRAPHY OF IRENAEUS CONFIRMED. 191 been spared the pain and trouble of so much animad- version on their fruitless exertions. But when I beheld the Truth of God's Word neutralized, in reference to the Number 2.Ég', or 666, by their pro- duction of Words, Sentences, and Epithets, in lieu of the Name of a MAN, and falsified by the opinion of Professor Lee, aided by a Quotation from Arch- bishop Laud, the orthography and testimony of IRENAEUs impeached and rejected by the crafty-pole- mical discussions of Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, and Archbishop Laud, I could no longer refrain from endeavouring to evonerate both St. John and the Christian Father Irenaºus from such Papistical indignity; and in doing so, it appeared to me to be of the greatest importance to RETAIN and ESTABLISH both the orthography and TESTIMONY of IRENAEUs in reference to the DIPHTHoNG d or et, as well as the Name Aarévvos, which is in every respect appro- priate, inasmuch as it is the NAME of a MAN ; contains the ‘NUMBER of HIS NAME’ which is “666,” and is in every other point of view answer- able to the LATIN Church of Rome, and to HER oNLY ; for SHE on LY has locked up the Word of God for centuries past in the LATIN LANGUAGE, without any better Sanction than that of her LATIN Papal MAN (called the Pope,) and his Colleagues (the College of LATIN Cardinals) in their Inquisi- torial Councils. From the twofold use of the Diphthong by Irenaºus in the Name Aarévvos and Tétraw, and the general use of the CIRCUMFLEx AccENT over the iota, as 192 CHAPTER XV. [*] in the Name A&ti vos which may be seen, not only in the Greek Levicons and Latin Dictionaries, but likewise in Greek Authors, corroborated by the classical Authorities (both Greek and Latin), which have now been produced in favour of the ancient use of the DIPHTHONG et or 4, for circumflewed, it must be allowed (if ANTIQUITY be any Sanction) that there is a DECIDED BALANCE in favour of the retention of the ancient Orthography of Irenaus, notwithstanding the contrary Opinions of all his Opponents. And here I must repeat that a cIRCUM- FLEX AccENT is generally, if not always, EQUIVA- LENT to a DIPHTHONG, as t, d, or ú, to wit Aarévvos, Aardvos, Aari vos. On these legitimate grounds, . therefore, I have ventured to differ from Mr. Faber, Dr. Clarke, Bellarmine, Grotius, and others, on the subject of the Number x:g', or 666; not indeed for the sake of singularity, or the vanity of Author- ship, but because I wish to see a better conclusion drawn from the genuine Premises laid down by St. John ; for to make an assertion is one thing, and to prove a matter is another. Having therefore shown that the ANCIENT ORTHOGRAPHY of IRENAEUs in his use of the DIPHTHONG was perfectly legitimate in both the Names Tévr&v and Azrévvos, I shall pro- ceed by other arguments to prove that the latter NAME is the only appropriate solution of the Apostolical enigma. CHAPTER XVI. of THE AUTHENTICITY AND PROPRIETY of THE NAME Aarévvos, AS APPLIED TO THE MAN, WHOSE NUMBER Is Yés", “666.” AATEINOX. As the Orthography of Irenaeus, in his twofold use of the Diphthong E1, or ei has been proved to be Clas- sically and Grammatically correct, according to its ancient use, both among the Greeks and Romans, so likewise the Name Aztévvos, though only conjec- TURED by him in the Second CENTURY, is, in the NINETEENTH, demonstrated by the concurrent Testi- mony of History's every page, to be the true Appel- lative of the Numbered Beast ; for the Apostle John has not only furnished us with the precise NUMBER of the Beast's NAME, which is declared to be “Siw Hundred Threescore and Siw : ” but also with the NUMBER and LoCALITY of his KINGDom in these * Rev. xiii. 18. O 194 CHAPTER XVI : words:— “Here is the Mind which hath Wisdom. The Seven Heads are Seven MoUNTAINs, on which the woman siTTETH.” Now the locality of of the ‘Seven MoUNTAINs is answerable to RomE, because that renowned City was very anciently deno- minated in the page of History,” “ The City of the Seven Hills,” or Mountains, which environed it, which description cannot be said to apply signally to the Locality of ANY OTHER CITY of Renown in the World, and certainly Papal Rome is a most marvel- lous Antitype of Ancient Babylon, which is cer- tainly referred to in this xviith Chapter of the Revela- tions, under the Title of “MYSTERY, BABYLoN THE GREAT.” This we conclude from the description given of this meretricious Beast by St. John, and from the declaration of the Apostle in the same Chapter con- cerning that “ GREAT CITY,” which can be none other than Rome, Mystical, because the literal “BABYLoN THE GREAT’’ was destroyed many Ages before St. * Rev. xvii. 9. - * “Hanc Remus et Frater; sic fortis Etruria crevit; Scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma, Septemq; una sibi muro circumdedit Arces.” Virgilii Georg. Lib. II. v. 6, 7, 8, a fine. ‘Sed, quae de Septem totum circumspicit orbem Montibus, Imperii Roma Déum que locus.’ Ovid. Trist. Lib. I. El. V. v. 69, 70. Argentoratium 1778. “Dumque suis victrix septem de Montibus orbem Prospiciet domitum Martia Roma, legar.” Ibid. Lib. III. El. VII. v. 51, 52. * Septem Urbs alta jugis, toti quae praesidet orbi, Faeminias timuit territa Marte minas.” Propertius, Lib. III, El. XI. v. 57, 58. Lipsiae. 1777. THE RISE OF THE MAN OF SIN. l 95 John wrote his Revelation, and because ancient Babylon was neither seated on, nor surrounded by, nor celebrated for its “SEven HILLs,” or Moum- tains, but on a plain. And as long as Imperial Rome continued to be the Mistress of the world, the Papacy could have no political nor spiritual Power to “Come up out of the EARTH,” that is, the Roman or LATIN EARTH, nor to establish a Tem- poral Kingdom there; but when the SEAT of the Imperial Dignity was removed from Rome to Con- STANTINoPLE, the ancient Seat of the Empire became Vacant. Thus with the Change of Cities, and sub- sequent overthrow of the Roman or Latin Kingdom by Barbarians, the * * Aroazzaſz spoken of by St. Paul, took place soon after by the increasing secular Power of the Bishop of Rome; and then the Second, or Ecclesiastical Roman Beast (concerning whom it was predicted that he would” & ré gavrot kaupg, “ in his time,” “eatercise ALL the Power of the FIRST BEAST,”) began to “Rise up” from among the “SEVEN MoUNTAINS ’’ or HILLs, in the vacant Seat of old Rome, in the reign of Justinian, A. D. 533. There has the Papal Ecclesiastical PontiFEx MAXIMUs,' or Latin Man, “the Man of Sin,” “ the Son of Perdition,” been seated ever since in the professed.* “Temple of God,” dedicated to St. Peter, at Rome. Thus the remarkable Prophecies, both of St. Paul and St. John, have had their clearest and most literal fulfilment in those unexampled coin- * Rev. xiii. 1 1. * 2 Thess. ii. 3. * 2 Thess. ii. 6 compared with Rev. xiii. 12. * 2 Thess. ii. 4. () 2 196 - CHAPTER XVI : cidences of successive Events, which are the surest Interpreters of Prophecy, and comprise ALL that is requisite to demonstrate the Truth of that which was predicted concerning the Numbered Beast. Of this there can be no possible doubt existing in the Present Age, that is, with respect to his Mark, Name, Number, Identity, Locality, Babylonish Attire, with all other characteristics of his Mysterious Rise, Progress, Establishment, and final Destruction, as set forth by St. John and St. Paul; add to this, that St. John has given us the exact period of the Reign of the Second Beast, or Antichrist, viz. “A Thou- sand two hundred and Threescore Days,” or “A Time, and Times, and Half a Time.” So that the NAME, SEAT of temporal and spiritual GOVERNMENT, and REIGN of the LATIN or Roman or EccLESIASTICAL BEAST are ALL NUM- BERED : that is to say, the NUMBER xàs' or 666, for his enigmatical, proper, and Appellative NAME, which is LATEINos. The “seveN MoUNTAINs,” for the SEAT of his KING|Dom, which is Rome, the Antitype of Ancient Babylon, that.” “GREAT CITY which (Now) REIGNETH over the KINGs of the EARTH.” And the “ 1260 DAYS ’’ of YEARS, for the allotted Period of his Reign, which have been hitherto ful- filled by the long duration of the Papal or Latin Hierarchy of Rome, according to Prediction. If LAMY the Papist, in his “ Apparatus Biblicus,’ had cause to say in the seventeenth Century, “In * Rev. xii. 6, 14. * Rev. xvii. 18. Rome THE soverEIGN PONTIFICAL EMPIRE. 197 Italia Roma condita, olim cAPUT totius MUNDI NUNc RELIGIONIs.” “In Italy Rome is built, once the HEAD of the whole World, Now of Religion : ’ how much more may we bring down the conjectural words of IRENAEUs from the second to the Nine- teenth Century, and say with him, ‘LATEINos NoMEN habet sea centorum seraginta sea numerum ; et valde verisimile est, quoniam Novissimum REGNUM hoc habet vocabulum. LATINI enim sunt qui NUNc REG NANT." The Name LATEINos has the Number 666: and it is very much like, since ‘the LAST KINGDom has this Number. For they are LATINs who Now REIGN.” As the old Roman or Latin Pagan Empire has been succeeded by the present Roman or LATIN Papal Hierarchy, which latter has been acknow- ledged by all the crowned Heads of Europe for cen- turies past as the Sovereign Pontifical Empire, the HEAD of which has revived and adopted the original Language of Old Rome, viz. LATIN, and vaunteth himself to be (in the words of Lamy the Papist) the * HEAD of ALL Religion in the world; therefore, his Papal Kingdom may, in the words of Irena us, be justly styled, “Novissimum Regnum,” the last King- dom; for the same Reason which Irenaeus advanced in favour of the name Aarévvos by applying it to Pagan Rome, in the 2nd Century, is most abun- dantly true at this moment, with reference to Papal Rome, viz. that ‘ they are LATINs who Now Reign.’ “All true Papists acknowledge the Power of the Pope to be supreme, and the Result of his Councils 198 CHAPTER XVI : (called acumenical) to be decisive in all things, whether pertaining to the affairs of the See of Rome generally, or to the deposition of Kings; and that, the LATIN is the vernacular Language of the Holy Roman Church throughout the world, and those who will not acknowledge the Pope's power, are anathema.” “The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, Mother and Mistress of all other Churches without which there is no salvation :” is on E of the ARTICLES of the Roman CREED. It is here well worthy of remark that the Apostle Paul in speaking of the “Man of Sin,” “The Son of Perdition,” says that he ” “sitTETH" (Kastaal) “ in the Temple of God; ” a Posture by which the Pope is peculiarly known to the people of RomE, both in St. PETER’s CHURCH, and when he is carried in State. Also St. John in his Interpretation of the * Seven Heads and Ten Horns,' uses the same ex- pression as St. Paul, “Here is the Mind which hath wisdom. The Seven Heads, are Seven Mountains on which the Woman” sitTETH ;” (kᚺra) and, therefore, St. John represents the Beast as saying,” Káðnual Bagtaiga'a “I SIT A QUEEN.” And in common par- lance the people of Rome are wont to say after the death of their Pope, and till the election of the new one; ‘SEDE Vacante : * * The vacant SEAT ; ' that is, both of the Spiritual and secular power: and when the Pope is carried in State from the Vatican Palace to St. Peter's Church, and back again, the * See “Bishop Moreton's Church of Rome,' London 1628. * 2 Thess. ii. 4. 3 Rev. xvii. 9. * Rev. xviii, 7. TESTIMONY OF THE SR. A. DE LA MOTRAYE. 199 vehicle on which HE SITs, and is borne on the shoulders of men, is called' ‘SEDIA Gestatoria,’ * The Carried SEAT : ' and this subject will receive further confirmation and illustration from the words of the Sieur A. De La Motraye, who says, * “ La premiere fois que je vis le Pape en public, ce fut dans la Grande et Magnifique Eglise de St. Pierre, le 28 de Juin, veille de la Fête de ce Saint. Ce Pontife y Étoit déja quand j'y arrivai, et assis- toit aux premieres Vépres, Assis sw un TRöNE, avec une riche MITRE sur sa Tête, la Falda, (espece de jupe à longue queué, qui s' attache à la ceinture,) attachée à sa Ceinture, revètu de la Chappe Pontificale, faite d'une belle étoffe Rouge, dout on use aux Fétes des Martirs. Cette chappe étoit relevée d'une riche broderie, et attachée par une espece de crochet, ou de bouche d’or appelléepectoral, qui étoit enrichie de pierreries, estimečs plus de 50 Mille écus.’ ‘The first time I saw the Pope in public was in the GREAT and MAGNIFICENT CHURCH of St. Peter the 28th of June, the Eve of the Fête of this Saint. This Pontiff was already there when I arrived, and was seATED on a THRONE, assisting at the first Vespers, with a Rich Mitre on his Head, and the Falda (a sort of Pet- ticoat with a long train) attached to his Girdle. He wore the Pontifical Cope made of fine Red stuff, which is used at the Fête of Martyrs. This Garment was turned up with a rich embroidery, and fastened | Edward Wright’s Travels through Italy, &c. Vol. i. p. 191. London 1730. * Sieur A. De La Motraye, Tom. i. Chap. ii. page 21, 22. A La Haye 1696. 200 CHAPTER XVI : by a kind of hook or buckle of Gold, called pec- toral, which was enriched with precious stones, estimated at more than fifty thousand crowns.” The Sieur A. De la Motraye, in one of the fourteen particulars which he mentions relative to the Pontifical Procession, tells us in the tenth, of the SEAT, and manner of the Pope being carried on the Day of his CoRoNATION. * X. LE SouverAIN PontiFE, avec la méme Thiare, et les mémes habillemens qu'il avoit la veille. Iletoit sur un Riche et Magnifique SIEGE, porté par huit hommes en longues robbes Rouge,” &c. ‘X. The Sovereign PontiFF, with the same TIARA, and the same habiliments which he wore on the Eve of St. Peter. He sat upon a RICH and MAGNIFICENT SEAT carried by eight Men in long RED Robes,’ &c. The same Author (Motraye) remarks that the SEAT, and prodigious stretch of SPIRITUAL Power of the Rom AN PontiFF was such, that it was commonly said of Rome in his day, that it had gained by RE- LIGION, that which it could not formerly conquer by Arms, as we may see by the verse following. The original words are from Prosper, Lib. de ingratis, Cap. 2. " * SEDES Roma PETRI, quae pastoralis honoris Facta CAPUT mundo, quicquid non possidet Armis RELIGI one TENET.’ * Rome the See or SEAT of Peter, which is made to the world the HEAD of Pastoral Honour, whatever it does not possess by ARMs, it holds by RELIGION.” * Voyages du Sr. Motraye, Tom. I. chap. i. page 4. TESTIMONY OF HISTORY. 201 The same writer informs us, that the Pontiff ranks himself with Emperors as a Temporal Prince; but he places himself ABove them by the Quality of a Spiritual Prince, and this fact is practically acknow- ledged in words and DEEDs—in worDS by Pope ** Leo THE GREAT.’ - * Persacram D. Petri SEDEM, Caput orbis effecta, (Roma) latius praesides religione diviná, quamvis enim multis aucta victoriis, Jus Imperii tui, terra marique protuleris, minus tamen est, quod tui belli- cus labor subdidit, quam quod pax Christiana sub- jecit.” That is, ‘By the holy See or SEAT of St. Peter (0 Rome), thou being made the Head of the World, commandest further by divine Religion, than by earthly domination : for albeit, being augmented by many victories, thou hast extended the power of the Empire both by sea and land, yet that is less, which the labour of war hath subdued to thee, than that which Christian Peace hath brought under subjection.’ - In DEEDs, when they have literally kicked the crown from the heads of *EMPERORs, and caused KINGs to stand barefoot at their gates, as in the cases of the Emperor HENRY the VIth, whose crown Pope CELESTINE, with his foot, spurned from off his head, to show, that it was in his power to take the Empire from him, and to pull off his crown; and of 's Leo Magnus, Serm. I. De Natali Apostolorum. See Durham on the Revelations, chap. xiii. page 562. Amsterdam, 1660. * See “ The Buckler of the Faith,” by Peter du Moulin, from page 522 to 544; and ‘Bishop Jewell's Apology for the Church of England,” by Isaacson, page 270 to 276. 1829. 202 CHA PTER XVI: Henry the IVth of France: King John of England: Henry the IInd, and Prince Henry the VIIIth : so that there is a complete coincidence between the words of St. Paul and St. John, in reference to the locality of the “ GREAT city " and “ Temple of God,” in which this LATIN Papal MAN sitTETH, and to the unqualified power which he exerciseth, being no less than “ALL the Power of the FIRST BEAST.” Moreover, The pretended chAIR of St. Peter, in which the Sovereign Pontiff sIts enthroned on the HIGH ALTAR in ST. PETER’s BASILIQUE, when he is crowned, as well as when he receives adoration from Emperors, Kings, and their Emi- mences the Cardinals, &c. is so well known to all Europe as scarcely to need a remark. The French would say of the City and SEAT of the Pope's juris. diction or dignity, ‘ Le Saint SIEGE,” “Le SIEGE de Rome.’ The Holy SEE or SEAT of Rome.’ And St. John crowns the whole by saying that “THE DRAGON gave him his Power, and his SEAT, and Great AUTHoRITY.” It is an astonishing Fact, and scriptural coincidence, that the most magnificent of all the Triple Crowns, or Papal Tiaras, is one which was made by order of Pope JULIUS the IInd, and that Pope GREGoRy the XIIIth, removed the simple cross which was formerly upon the top of it, and replaced it by a most brilliant EMERALD, supported by two gold DRAGONS, causing his own Arms to be quartered therewith, and then placed his own Name and Title upon it in Letters of of Diamonds, after the following manner— THE DRAGON TIARA . 203 GREGOR, XIII. PONT. OPT. MAX. So that the Title of ‘ PontiFEx MAxIMUs.' * The greatest Priest,’ was not a sufficient Title of distinc- tion for Pope Gregory the XIII. but ‘OPTIMUs,' “THE BEST,” must be added, and then, as if the Papal Tiara were hitherto incomplete, two gold DRAGONS were placed on it, to give grandeur to the Diadem. In a word, when Pope Gregory the XIIIth had re- moved the simple CRoss, and voluntarily placed two gold DRAGONS upon the top of his Tiara, and at the bottom placed his own Name and Title in Letters of Diamonds, and quartered them with his Coat of Arms, THEN he designated himself by the Title of ‘ PontiFEx OPTIMUs MAXIMUs,’ ‘THE GREATEST AND BEST PRIEST.’ Is not this an Heraldic and Hereditary, (I might say scriptural) acknowledgment of the SEAT of the DRAGon ? of whom it is written that “The DRAGON gave him his Power, and his SEAT,” (viz. Rome,) “ and great Authority.” A very large and splendid engraving of this TIARA may be seen in the Voyages of the Sieur A. De La Motraye, Vol. I. chap. ii. page 32. plate IV. than which no Kingly Crown can be more magnificent, if we may be allowed to judge from appearances. The following is the Court account of it as set forth by the Sieur Motraye, page 30. ‘La plus prétieuse des THIAREs fait par l'ordre de JULES II, Genois de Nation, l'an 7me de son Ponti- ficat, et representée à la Planche IV, dont le fond est tout couvert de belles perles. Les cercles sont d'or 204 CHAPTER XV I : battu : sur celui du bas sont le Nom, la Dignité, et la Patrie de ce Pape en Lettres de Diamans, en ces termeS :- « IVLIVS LIGVR II. PONTIFEX MAXIMUS ANNO SEPTIMO PONTIFICATVS. * Les autres sont admirablement bien émaillées et garnies de quantité de diamans, de rubis, d'emerauds, d'hyacintes, de saphirs et de topases, et toutes en un ordre qui plaît beaucoup. Dans l'espace qui regne au dessus du cercle d'en bas, sont trois escarboucles admirable pour leur grandeur et leur éclat, avec un gros saphir très parfait, et un autre de même gran- deur. Sur la partie opposée, il y a aussi çà et là diverses perles d'une grosseur extraordinaire, et de très belle eau, qui sont disposées avec une admirable simetrie, entre de gros diamans. Toutes les plus grosses pierreries sont d'ailleurs attachées en pende- loques, ce qui leur donne un jeu qui augmente beaucoup leur éclat. * Sur le haut de cette Thiare, où étoit auparavant une simple cRoIx, regne une EMERAUDE d'une couleur parfaitement nette et vive, supportée par deux DRA- GoNs d'or, que Gregoire XIII. y fit mettre avec ses Armes et son Nom autour, en cette maniere :- * GREGOR. XIII. PONT. OPT. MAX. If the Gold Dragons, the Enamel, the Diamonds, the Rubies, the Emeralds, the Hyacinths, the Sap- PAPAL RoME THE MYSTICAL BABYLON. 205 phires, the Topazes, the Carbuncles, the Pearls, which adorn the Papal Tiara: if ‘the Pontifical Cope, made of fine RED or SCARLET STUFF, and worn by the Pope on the Eve of St. Peter, (the Titular Saint of Rome) with a rich Embroidery, and fastened by a kind of Hook or Buckle of Gold, called Pectoral, enriched with Precious Stones estimated at more than Jifty thousand crowns :" if the scarlet colour of his Cardinals, as well as of the Eight Men in long RED or ScARLET Robes, who bear the ‘Sedia Gestatoria,’ and the Palfrey whereon the Pope rides, covered with scarlet cloth ; be not enough to illustrate to the very Letter, the words of the Holy Spirit—“"I saw a woman sIT upon a scarlet coloured Beast,” and “arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones,”—in vain shall we search for the fulfilment of the words of St. John. As therefore St. John has veiled the NAME of the Beast under an Enigma, but given us the Number xt, ', or 666, to discover it; so has he given us the Interpretation of the “Seven Heads,” which are “Seven Mountains,” (or RomE) to find the locality or SEAT of the KINGDoM of the Beast, from whence his NAME might be discovered, leaving it to the “wisdom * and “understanding ” of which he speaks to apply the Mystical Title of “ BABYLoN the GREAT’’ to some Ecclesiastical City, the PotentATE of which would be “* Revealed in his time” at Rome, applicable to the whole scope of his Prophecy. * Rev. xvii. 3, 4, * 2 Thess. ii. 6. 206 CHAPTER XVI : And such a MAN is the Pope of Rome, for no other Ecclesiastical PotentATE, CITY, STATE, or KING- Dom, hath HITHERTo arisen answerable to the Prophecy. Therefore, as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, that “the Mystery of Iniquity did already work,” so also we may fairly conclude, that, as Eighteen Centuries have since rolled away, the “Mystery of Iniquity” has been fully “RE- VEALED.” And it is equally evident from Roman History, and the words of Tertullian, that the then eristence of the Roman Imperial Power was the preventing cause which “LET’’ or “WITH HELD" the Rise of the “Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdi- tion,” “the Mystery of Iniquity,” “the Wicked One,” at RomE, even as TERTULLIAN, who lived in the second century, rightly conjectured concerning the hidden Mystery of ANTICHRIST, before the ful- filment of the Event, in these extraordinary words— ** Jam enim arcanum Iniquitatis agitatur, tantum qui nunc Tenet, Teneat; donec de medio fiat. QUIs, NIsI Romanus STATUs? cuius ABscEssio in DE- CEM REGEs dispersa ANTICHRISTUM superducet. Et TUNc REVELABITUR INIQUUs, quem Dominus Deus interficiet Spiritu Oris Sui, et evacuabit, apparentiá Adventus sui.’ ‘Even now indeed the Mystery of Iniquity is working; only He who now restrains, will restrain until he be taken out of the midst. What is this but the Rom AN STATE 2 the division of which among TEN KINGs will introduce ANTI- 1 Thess. ii. 7. * Tertullian De Resurrect. Carnis. page 397. edit. Ilutet. PAPAL Rome THE MYSTICAL BABYLON. 207 cHRIST. And THEN the Wicked One will be revealed, whom the Lord God will slay with the Spirit of his Mouth, and destroy by the appearance of his coming.’ How literally then has the Event followed the Predic- tion or Conjecture ? as truly as if Tertullian had been an Eye-witness of the Destruction of the Ancient Roman Imperial Power, its subsequent Division into Ten Kingdoms, and the Papacy (the Anti- christian Power,) rising supremely above the whole. There is nothing clearer in all History than that the destruction of the PAGAN IMPERIAL, made way for the gradual Rise and Establishment of the PAPAL, PoNTIFICAL, or ANTICHRISTIAN Power, which con- tinues at RomE to this Day. And as St. Paul speaks of “ the Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdi- tion,” and “Mystery of Iniquity,” as an Eccle- siastical Character, who “ siTTETH in the Temple of God; ” which is most clearly fulfilled in the PERson of the Papal ‘PontiFEx MAXIMUs’ who sITTETH in the superb BASILIQUE of St. PETER’s at RoME ; so the Angel said unto St. John : “I will tell thee the Mystery of the Woman, seated upon a scarlet-coloured Beast, having seven heads and ten horns. The Seven Heads, are Seven Mountains on which the Woman sitteth.” And the Angel then says, “The Woman which thou sawest Is that GREAT CITY, which [Now] reigneth over the KINGs of the EARTH ; ” the appellative of whose forehead is “ MYSTERY, BABYLON the GREAT ; ” that is, the “ GREAT CITY” before mentioned, the ‘ PURPLE' * Rev. xvii. 18. 208 CHAPTER XVI : and ‘ScARLET Colour of which, are as literally Now the Royal Insignia of PAPAL ROME, as they were in her Imperial CAESAR's time. So then THE MYSTERY of “INIQUITY” is discovered by indisputa- ble Facts, shadowed forth by the Holy Scriptures, and confirmed by History ; and that which was ANTE Eventum with Irenaeus and Tertullian, is Post Eventum with us. By the same Rule, the MystERY of the * “ 1260 Days,” or, “a Time, and Times, and Half a Time,” has been proved, by the lengthened Reign of the Papal ANTICHRISTs in succession, Not to be LITERAL DAYS, as was supposed ANTE Eventum, but prophetical Days, or 1260 years, as is evident, Post Eventum, and this is precisely the view which IRENAEUs had of Pro- phecy in general, and which he has given us in these words,” “Omnis Prophetia, priusquam habeat effi- caciam, AENIGMATA et AMBIGUITATES sunt homi- nibus. Cum autem venerit Tempus, et evenerit quod prophetatum est, tunc Prophetiae habent Liqui- dam et certam Ewpositionem.” All Prophecy, before it has its accomplishment, are RIDDLES and AM- BIGUITIES unto Men : “But when the Time is come, and that which was prophecied is come to pass, then have the Prophecies a CLEAR and cERTAIN Exposi- TION.’ And as the Character of ANTICHRIST could not be exactly understood before he was revealed, only as far as other prophecies had been known in their fulfilment at the predicted time; so, to this * Thess. ii. 7. * Rev. xii. 6, 14. * IRENAE. Advers. Haeres. lib. iv. cap. XLIII. p. 342, 343. Edit. Grabe. THE MAN OF SIN REVEALED. 209 purport Christ, in his instructions to his Disciples on the Use of Prophecy, says, “And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.” It is well known that until the end of the third Century, and even later, there was no “falling away” of the old Roman Empire, or of the primi- tive Christian Church ; because during the existence of the Pagan Imperial Sovereignty at Rome we could scarcely expect the Rise, Progress, and Esta- blishment of the Papal Power, and, accordingly, it did not begin to Rise till after the Removal of the Ancient Imperial Seat of Government from Rome to Constantinople. This is doubtless what is implied in the words of St. Paul,” “Now YE KNow what witHHoldeth that He’’ (‘the Man of Sin,’ ‘the Son of Perdition,’ ‘the Mystery of Iniquity,” “the Wicked One,') “might be Revealed in His TIME; ” for it was evidently the continuance of the Imperial Power in the City of Rome, which “withheld’ the Revelation of the “Man of Sin,” and, thereby, embarassed the Judgment of Irendeus, and led him to Conjecture rather than Determine the NAME; because the Event, which is the fulfilment of Pro- phecy, had not then come to pass, and because in his Day there was no semblance of a LATIN or Roman HIERARCH, or Sover EIGN PontiFF in the then visible Christian Church at Rome, nor indeed till long after his time. Nevertheless, how literal has been the accomplishment of the extraordinary pro- * John xiv. 29. * 2 Thess. ii. 6. P 210 CHAPTER XVI: phecy under consideration 1 for no sooner had the “falling away ” of the Empire taken place, (called by Gibbon “the Decline, and Fall”) than it was presently followed by “a falling away” (à &rograzia) in the Christian Church, and the City of Rome being vacated by the Roman Emperor, made way for St. John's second Beast, which he saw “ coming up out of the EARTH ; and HE had two Horns like a LAMB, and HE SPAKE as a DRAGON.” By the “EARTH " is evidently meant the Roman EARTH, because ROME was in St. John's time called “SEPTI-Collis,' or ‘the CITY of SEVEN-HILLs, and he says, “Here is the Mind which hath wisdom. The Seven Heads are Seven Mountains on which the Woman Sitteth.” And the Beast which had “Two Horns like a LAMB” evidently means some Ecclesiastical character; and every one knows that the word EccLESIA (or CHURCH) is a feminine Noun, and that a Woman and a Lamb are Symbolical of a Christian Church and Character: but inasmuch as the “Two Horns like a Lamb” gave to the Beast the eaſternal sem- blance of a LAMB ; yet because he had also the “speech of a Dragon,” we know that he is not of Christian but ANTICHRISTIAN Origin. Thus the Pope of Rome, although he honoureth himself with the humble and mock Title of ‘Servus Servorum Dei.’ ‘ Servant of the Servants of God,' yet is he much better known by his supreme Titles of ‘’Sanc- tissimus Pater,’ ‘ Vicarius Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi in Terrá,’ ‘ Eminentissimus et Reverendissi- * Rev. xiii. 1 1. THE POPE THE SUccessor of THE FIRST BEAST. 21 1 mus Pater ac Dominus,’ ‘Pater Principum et Regum: Rector Orbis,’ ‘ Pontifer Optimus Marimus,’ ‘Epis- copus Orbis,' ‘Vice-Deo super Terram.” We know, therefore, that inasmuch as the Pope exerciseth the SUPREME Power in a TEMPORAL KINGDom ; and that Christ said, “My Kingdom is not of this world; ” and the Pope preacheth not the Gospel as St. Peter did, (according to the Commandment of Christ ;) but “sitTETH,” (as it is written of him) “ in the Temple of God, shewing himself that HE Is God,” by the divine ADoRATIon which he receiveth and requireth from ALL who approach him; of which the Pagan Roman Emperor CALIGULA's was but a shadow; that we have thereby a full, “clear and certain eaposition’ of all those marks which were predicted concerning him and his Kingdom, for they have literally “ come to pass”. in his Person and Office: hence, he who runneth may now read, and say, Behold I (in the Mysterious Character of the Pope of Rome) “ the Man of Sin,” “The Son of Per- dition,” “The Mystery of Iniquity,” The Wicked One, The “Antichrist,” even the “MAN,” whose Appellative Name is (from his universal Ecclesiastical and Canonical use of the LATIN Language,) Aarévvos, and HIs NUMBER x} or 666.” It is moreover written concerning the Lamb-horned Beast, that, “He exerciseth ALL the Power of the First” (Pagan Imperial Roman) “Beast,” whose! “IMAGE” he bears, and whose Successor he is in the CITY of Rome, rather than of St. Peter the apostle of Christ, * Rev. xiii. 14. P 2 212 CHAPTER XVI : who, most probably, never entered the precincts of the Latin Capital. The Pope, I repeat, “ea:erciseth ALL the Power of the FIRST BEAST" by his Latin Papal Edicts, Anathemas, Bulls, from the Vatican : Denunciation of all Emperors, Kings, and Princes who will not render him their homage: by the Power of the Temporal Sword: by the Eatirpation, Spolia- tion, Confiscation of the Persons and Properties of those whom he is pleased to denominate Heretics, whom also he has punished with all possible Tortures by means of ‘the Holy Inquisition ; ' by his mur- derous Crusaders; by the Jesuits ; by the Spanish Armada ; by the St. Bartholomew's Massacre, and by a continued course of Espionage and Popish Plots. Who then is so fit a Character as the Pope to receive the combined Titles prophetically bestowed on the ‘Man of Sin,’ ‘the Son of Perdition,’ and the very * Antichrist' to Perfection ? As the Evidences which can be produced in favour of retaining the NAME Aarévvos, are so many and so great, it becomes our well-grounded alternative to abide by them, because the proper understanding of that Name of a MAN brands the whole LATIN Church and Sovereign Pontifical Empire of Papal Rome; and, therefore, to give up FIRST the Authenticity of the NUMBER x};", or ‘666' of St. John, and THEN the Orthography of IRENAEUs and his Testi- mony, without a due consideration and Investigation of the subject, opens the Flood-gates to our Enemies, by throwing down ONE of the most stupendous Bul- warks of defence against the influence of Popery THE POPE ANTICHRIST. 213 which has been discovered since the Apostolic Age, and which the good Providence of God has given us by the Inspired Pen of St. John, and his faithful servant Irenaeus, who has followed in the steps of the Apostle. Thus, which way soever the CHURCH of Rome may turn her brazen front, this LATIN “MARK, NAME, and NUMBER, will cling to Her, till, “like a Mill-stone, She is cast into the Sea,’ as it is written of Her, “BABYLoN is fallen, is fallen, that GREAT CITY: and shall be Found No MoRE AT ALL.” Dr. FULKE in his ANNOTATIONS on REv. xiii. 18, has well answered the RHEIMISTS concerning the Name of Antichrist; for the Doctor has supported the Name Azteuvos, (as used by IRENAEUS,) in a masterly manner, and he has shewn, that, in the JUDGMENT of IRENAEUs, it was as proper to apply the Name LATEINos to the Pope as to the Rom AN EMPEROR, which may serve as a LESSON to those Authors, who have invented FEIGNED NAMEs, which are nothing to the Purpose of the MARK or NAME of the MAN, but only productive of UNCERTAINTY; which is no furtherance to the understanding of the Number 666. * ANTICHRIST’S NAME.” ** Rev. xiii. 18. THE NUMBER 666. It is true that MANY NAMEs may be INVENTED, whose LETTERS * Rev. xviii. 2, 10, 21. * FULKE 10. 214 CHAPTER XVI : make THIS NUMBER, but the SPIRIT of GoD speaketh not of FEIGNED NAMEs, nor biddeth men to FAINE NAMEs that have THIS NUMBER in it, for THEREoF can come nothing but UNCERTAINTIE. But he willeth him to compt the Number of his Name, which THEN the BEAST HAD : which NAME many of the faithful BEFoRE IRENAEUs’ time JUDGED to be Aaréevos : And IRENEUS, affirmeth that “it was very like to be so indeed, because the most true Kingdome hath that name. For they be Latines” (saith he) “which now do Raigne, lib. 5.” By which we note FIRST that HIs JUDGMENT was, that ANTICHRIST should be No SINGULAR MAN, but an ORDER and Succession of MEN. SEcon DLY, that THE BEAST THEN REIGNED in the HEATHEN EM- PERORS which AFTERw ARDS SHOULD REIGNE IN ANTICHRIST. The Toy of LUTHER's Name is wor- thy to be laughed at, seeing it is no hard matter to drawe any Man's name almost to it: IF you may CHANGE the LETTERs at your pleasure, and take upon you to know a Man's Name better than him- selfe. But you say it is most absurd folly to apply the word Lateinos to the Pope. And why so I pray you, is not HE a LATINE, as well as the Roman E EMPERour 2 Your reason is, that neither the whole orDER, nor any PARTICULAR Pope was so called. For any particular Pope we strive not, but is not the Pope HEAD of the LATINE CHURCH, as the EMPEROUR was of the LATINE EMPIRE * There- fore IF the EMPEROUR might be cALLED LATINOS, (by IRENAEUs’ JUDGMENT) much more the Pope, HIS APPELLATIVE NAME LATEINOS. 215. who is so MUCH a LATIN, that HE will allow no. exercise of Religion, BUT in LATINE. That HE con- DEMNETH the GREEK CHURCH, because it will not be subject to HIS LATINE LAw. Which hath caused all private men to PRAY IN LATINE. Which alloweth no TRANSLATION of the scripture as Au- THENTICAL, BUT His LATINE, No Not the OR1- GINALL of HEBRUE and GREEKE, which he blas- phemeth to be coBRUPTED: and, therefore, MUST GIVE PLACE TO HIs LATINE. Insomuch that THE SETTER FORTH of the CoMPLUTENSE EDITION, in his PREFACE to him, saith, “HE placed the LATINE TExT BETween the HEBREw and the GREEK, as CHRIST between Two thieves.” Finally, when it is so notorious that HE is the HEAD of the LATINES, that the ignorant people knowe no other proper difference of His Religion, but that IT is LATINE. That IRENAEUs applied THAT NAME to the STATE of the HEATHEN EMPEROURs, IT was RIGHT, for THEN the sixTH KING REIGNED ; and ANTICHRIST the sEventh HEAD of the LATINE BEAST was Not come, as HE is Now seen in the PAPACIE. That he preferreth the Name TEITAN, it was because he 8AwÉ Not the FULFILLING of the PRoPHECIE in the CoMING of ANTICHRIST, the accomplishment where- of, he willed men to waite For, that they BE NOT Deceived by the conjecTUREs of DIVERs NAMEs. But Now that ANTICHRIST IS come and Disco- VERED, we see PLAINELY that LATEINOS is HIS NAME. Yea, we see that nºrmºn, the HEBREw NAME of the BEAST signifying Roman E, hath the SAME 216 - CHAPTER XVI : NUMBER: and it is NOT BY CHANGE that EccLESIA ITALICA in the Account of the GREEKE LETTERs, FULFILLETH the SAME NUMBER.’ It was the avowed opinion of Pope GREGORY, that ‘whosoever should style himself by the Title of UNIVERSAL BISHoP, would be ANTICHRIST,” and this is the self-adopted Title of the Pope of Rome, viz. “EPIscoPUs ORBIs,’ ‘BISHOP of the World,” and ‘ PontiFEx optiMUs MAXIMUs,’ ‘The BEST and GREATEST HIGH PRIEST,’ &c. Thus then have we discovered by Papal Testimony, that, The UNIVERSAL Bishop is ANTICHRIST ; But the Pope of ROME is THE UNIVERSAL BISHOP : Therefore the Pope of RomE is ANTICHRIST. Thus have we caught this Lamb-horned Ecclesias- tical Beast, ‘The UNIVERSAL BIshop,” with his dragon-like speech, at Rome, where his Sovereign Pontifical THRONE and SEAT of EMPIRE have been fixed for “ 1260 DAYs of Years,’ commencing with the Reign of Justinian, A. D. 533, and let him. extricate himself from our grasp if he can ; but no ; his NAME is Numbered, his TIME OF ContinuancE is NUMBERED, and the PLACE OF HIs ABODE is NUMBERED, and his Pseudo-Apostolic Reign is now too short to deceive the Nations of the World any longer as to who or what he is ; for the same “ Kings” of the Pseudo-Apostolic Roman Earth, who “ gave power” to this Sovereign Pontifical Tyrant of Christendom, are to take it away from him, as England, France, Germany, &c. have done THE POPE THE LATIN CHURCH MAN. 217 already, and Spain, Portugal, and Italy, with the Remaining Crowned Heads of Papal Europe will do: for His Hour seems well nigh come. We may then rest satisfied, from the consideration of a succession of unparalleled Events which have taken place on the platform of the old and new Roman Earth, beginning with the Days of the Apostles, that St. John in the xiiith Chapter of his Revelation, (ver. 1 and 11,) has, under the character of two Beasts, (the one Secular, the other Ecclesias- tical and Secular,) figuratively described the two-fold Empire of the most cruel Tyrants and Persecutors of Christ's Spiritual Kingdom, sitting and ruling in the same City, Rome ancient and modern; the first Beast on the Pagan Imperial Throne: the second on the Sovereign Pontifical Throne, the latter of which has been well described as ‘ Imperium in Imperio,” “An Empire within an Empire; ’ and most commentators are agreed that the first of these Beasts represents the Pagan Roman Empire with its Emperors, as Nero, Domitian, &c.: and the Second the Sovereign Ecclesiastical Em- pire and its Popes, known and distinguished by the Epithets of ‘The Papal States’ and ‘The States of THE CHURCH :’ also “Sacra Romana Ecclesia,” * The Holy Roman Church,” and “Sanctum Roma- num Imperium,’ ‘The Holy Roman Empire:’ which Holy Roman Church and Empire, we discover in the very same City and Kingdom of Pagan Imperial Rome, and continuing unto this Hour, of which Church and Empire the Pope of Rome is the Sove- 218 . CHAPTER XVI : reign Pontiff. And because the LATIN Language has been approved by the Pope and his Councils as the sacred Language of the whole Church of Rome, and has been Canonized for her use, at the Council of Trent, in lieu of the ITALIAN, which is the Ver- macular Tongue of ITALY, or of the GREEK, which is the Mother Tongue of the Primitive Church of Christ and his Apostles ; consequently, as the Papacy Latinizes in every thing of an Ecclesiastical nature; viz. Mass, Prayers, Hymns, Liturgies, Canons, Decretals, Bulls, Councils, Holy Scriptures, &c. &c.; so is that Church, in the proper sense of the word, a LATIN CHURCH, and by parity of Reasoning the Pope, as the HEAD of that LATIN CHURCH, is a LATIN Church MAN, answerably to his LATIN Tongue. Irenaeus then was not far out of the Track when he conjectured the Name of the Beast to be Aarévvos. For the Reason which he assigned for that Conjecture is, “LATINI sunt qui NUNC regnant ; ” which statement was at that time perfectly correct, because it is the Name of the first Pagan Roman Beast to whom the Number belonged; but is now appropriated to the Second Papal Roman Beast, who is the veritable “IMAGE,” Representative, and Successor of the first Beast ; inasmuch as it may be said, in an Ecclesiastical sense, that “ They are LATINs who Now Reign; ” for in the 19th Century, the Church of Rome vaunts herself to be the true Christian Church throughout the world, and yet contrary to all precedent has adopted the LATIN Vulgate to the eaclusion of the Vernacular THE PAPISTs IMPROPRIATED LATINS. 219 Tongue of Italy, or the GREEK original. Behold, then, the self-infatuation of the “Man of Sin,” “ the Son of Perdition 1’’. Behold with Astonish- ment the “Mystery of Iniquity /?” who can unravel the Mystery of the “MAN ?” Why, his own LATIN SPEECH, by self-adoption and infatuated appropria- tion, “beurayeth HIM,” that HE is the MAN, even the LATIN Bishop of Rome : He, The MAN, whose descriptive “ MARK,” Appellative “NAME,” and enigmatical “Number,” are all LATIN ; (to wit LATEINos). Thus has he locked up the Holy Scrip- TUREs in the LATIN (unknown, or unspoken) Tongue, authorizing it to be the Living Vernacular Tongue of his Latin, Papal, Roman Church and Kingdom. Wherefore, we have an indisputable Right to desig- nate him by that Proper and Appellative Name, (Lateinos,) which he alloweth to be Ecclesiastically and Canonically true, as his Council of Trent wit– nesseth. Or why doth the Pope so scrupulously adhere to the Latin dead Language, seeing that it has not been spoken in all Europe for Centuries past? And here I would by the way remark that the sense in which, during the times of Ancient Rome its Pagan Rulers were termed LATIN EMPERORs, may fairly apply, with an improved significancy to the Sovereign Pontiffs of the Ecclesiastical Roman Empire; for the EMPERORs of Rome spake LATIN as their native Language, but the Popes, centuries after it has ceased to be spoken either in ITALY or EUROPE, have commanded ALL PAPISTs to have the formularies of their Church Service in none other 220 & CHAPTER XVI : Ilanguage than LATIN, throughout the world, there- jore, the PAPIsTs are, to all intents and purposes, LATINs by self-appropriation, and are living wit– messes to the Mysterious Fact. * As the NEw TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was originally written in GREEK, (and not in Latin,) what Scriptural Argument of Com- mandment can be advanced by this Mystical, Latin, Pontificial, Roman MAN, and that of his Councils, for the promulgation of the Holy Scriptures through- out the world in the LATIN Language? Is it not in truth permitted by Providence, that by this SPECIAL, this adopted, this branded LATIN “MARK’’ of Mystical and Ecclesiastical Distinction, this self- appropriated LATIN Language, Christians might be able, after the full Revelation and Establishment of the Popedom, to trace the “Man of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition” the “Mystery of Imiquity,” to ROME 2 and thence propound from the Volume of Inspiration, as compared with the clearest historical Facts, that from the aggregate Evidence of his Mys- tical Character, and most Mystical use of the LATIN Tongue in the Roman CHURCH, HE might merit the Proper and Appellative Name LATEINos, as the Founder of a NEw KINGDom on the Ruins of old Rome, and as reviving the old Latin Language, and using the Papal Casarean Title of “PontiFEx MAXIMUS” which is engraven on his MITRE and TRIPLE CRowN, as also the introduction of various Pagan Customs and Ceremonies into his Roman Basilique. Plain then indeed, is the Evidence that LATIN THE STIGMA OR MARK OF POPERY. 221 to the Roman or Latin Pontiff, whose entire Eccle- siastical Language is LATIN, this Latin imprinted “MARK,” “NAME, and NUMBER 666 ° belong, because it is a Name most descriptive of his charac- ter, Sovereign Pontificial Empire, and LATIN Apostate (not Apostolic) Church of Rome. If ANT1aulty be any thing, (and this Point the Roman Catholics esteem of special importance,) if the Holy Scriptures must of Imperative Necessity be promulgated in some on E Particular Language, then of course the GREEK ORIGINAL would take precedence of the LATIN Vulgate, which latter is only a Translation, as the Romanists well know. Moreover, no Scriptural argument can be adduced by the Pope and his College of Cardinals, why the Holy Scriptures should be circulated through the whole world in the LATIN Language, rather than the Greek original: for neither Christ, the Evangelists, nor any of the inspired Apostles, have left us any such commandment in the Gospel, and the Latin Language has not been spoken by any one Nation, Kingdom, or People, in any City, or Town, or Province in all Europe for centuries past, no, not even in Italy, Latium, or Rome, the SEAT of the Roman or Latin ‘ Pontifer Marimus.” Wherefore, as notwithstanding the LATIN has been adopted and canonized by the Popish Councils for the sole uses of the Roman Church, and is the Living Universal Language of that Church among all the Nations of Europe at this hour; so she bears, as a Stigma incurred by such adoption and canonization, the 222 CHAPTER XVI : LATIN NAME branded upon her CHURCH and KING- Dom, and it will anathematize Her to all future genera- tions. For though she has the consummate impu- dence and affrontery to style Herself kar’ tºoxy, and exclusively, THE CATHoLic CHURCH, yet is she not Catholic in any other sense than from the Catholic use of the Latin Language throughout her Latin Communion. What, I would ask, becomes of the great intent of the Pentecostal gift of Tongues—viz. That * “EveRY MAN might hear in his own Tongue or Language, wherein he was born, the wonderful works of God; ” if the Holy Scriptures were in- tended to be locked up, and evclusively circulated in the Latin Tongue? Where, then, is the obedience of this Latin Church of Rome and its members to the emphatical injunction of our Lord, * “Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of ME 2'' How in the breast of a Roman Catholic, can that noble spirit, which characterized the Bereans, expand and grow 2 Of whom we read, that they “were “more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they’” “searched the Scriptures daily f' * Acts i. 7–11. * John v. 39, S Acts xvii. 11. CHAPTER XVII. THE GENERAL ARGUMENT FOR THE NAME Aarévvos AS’ DEFINITIVELY AND EXCLUSIVELY DESCRIPTIVE } of THE “ MAN of SIN,” FURTHER confirm ED. St. PAUL's observations relative to speaking in an “ unknown Tongue’’ “in the Church’” are worthy of especial notice, inasmuch as they summarily and beyond appeal condemn the Opinions and Decisions of the Papal Council of Trent, and pronounce the Doom of such an Heretical Council. “I thank my God,” said St. Paul, “I speak with Tongues more than ye all: yet IN THE CHURCH I had rather speak FIVE words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an UNKNowN Tongue.” What, however, is the LATIN, but an “UNKNowN Tongue’’ in every part of Europe, and even in Rome itself? It is well worthy of remark that although there are millions of individuals belonging to each of the * 1 Cor. xiv. 18, 19. 224 CHAPTER XVII : three following apostate Churches ; viz. the Jewish, GREEK, and MoHAMMEDAN, and although the two former of these Churches were prior in ANT1- QUITY to Papal Rome, yet not one of them has, at any period since the commencement of the Chris- tian AEra, imperiously required the Religion they profess to be promulgated in the LATIN Language; nor has either the Jewish or Greek Church, though persecuted by the Papal power, ever consented to the ‘Council of Trent,’ in reference to the adoption of the Latin Language. Oh no ! LATIN is the peculiar characteristic MARK of the Papal Roman Church, and she shall have the proper Name Aarévos, as her deservedly imprinted Stigma and Character. St. Paul having also denounced those who spake in an “un- known Tongue” “ in the Church,” it may thence be inferred that the CHURCH of Rome is Not the TRUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH to which the Apostle addressed his Epistles; but the spurious offspring of the Roman Apostolical Church after the “FALLING Away” of the true Church (and old Roman Empire,) being . Now mired up with Jewish Ceremonies, Pagan Idolatry, Heresies, Blasphemies, as set forth in her Latin Books of Dogmas, Missals, &c. &c. She has also by her Latin Papal Bulls and Edicts, in Ecclesiastical Affairs, and by the ‘forbidding to Marry, and commanding to abstain from Meats,’ excluded herself from the common Rights and Pri- vileges of Christianity, and * “seared her conscience with a hot iron,” the imprinting of which can never ! 2 Thess. ii. 3. - * 1 Tim. iv. 2. ST. PAUL AND THE Pope contRASTED. 225 be obliterated but by her Destruction, which, at its greatest distance, must be near at hand. She must therefore carry on her forehead, not only the Pagan Imperial Title of ‘PontiFEx MAXIMUs,' but also the indelible MARK of her Mystical Name, LA- TEINos, until, like Babylon of Old, she has “filled up the Measure of her Iniquity,” and is “cast into the sea:” and, oh, what tribulation, anguish, and wrath must await her for her bloody ‘INQUISITION,’ Tyranny, and matchless Persecutions, and for having dared to Lock up the Holy Bible, the Book of God, in an “unknown Tongue,” or dead Lan- guage, by which procedure she has taken away the * “Key of KNowLEDGE * from the Common People of all the Countries of Europe. Give ear then, O Christian, to the MIGHTY contRAST between the great Apostle St. Paul, who was a truly Inspired Man, and who wrote most of the Epistles of the New Testament to GENTILE Christian Churches, whose Labours, Dangers and Sufferings are set forth in the Acts of the Apostles 1 and the great Papal Pseudo- Apostolic Roman, or Latin, “Man of Sin,” who is seated at Rome, and whose HEAD is adorned not only with an Episcopal Mitre, but also with a TRIPLE CRowN ; and who, instead of writing to the distant Churches in his Communion, Epistles of * “Grace, Mercy, and Peace, from Jesus Christ,” (whose ‘VICAR upon EARTH he professes to be,) sends out of his Treasure House, the VATICAN PALACE, at Rome, his thundering Bulls, and Amathemas to the * Luke xi. 52. * 1 Tim. i. 2. Q 226 CHAPTER XVII : Crowned Heads of Europe, and to all subjects within their Dominions, who will not acknowledge Him as the Liege Sovereign Pontiff of the Latin Earth, which extends over the Old and New World, de- nouncing all such as Heretics, who are to be De- posed, Ea'communicated, their property Confiscated, and themselves burnt or tortured by Inquisitors of the “..Holy INQUISITIon.” It is well known that though the Greek Septuagint Translation of the Hebrew Bible, completed in the Reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, was never commanded by God, or any of his servants the Prophets to be received by the Gentile Nations as the Standard Version of the Old Testament ; yet it was in truth the most authentic of all Translations extant of the Hebrew Tert, and is often quoted by Christ and his Apostles in the Greek Testament: there was, there- fore, as much authority for the adoption and general use of the Greek Septuagint Translation for the Gentiles, under the Mosaical Dispensation, as there is for the Latin Vulgate Translation under the Christian Dispensation, which in fact amounts to none at all. There have been at least SEVEN different Papal Revisions of the Latin Vulgate, and the last is worse than the first, to say nothing of the numerous corruptions introduced by the Papists themselves into the TEXT to support their Dogmas, which are set forth in two thick volumes octavo, besides mistrans- lations, omissions, &c. Indeed it is most remarkable that between the two editions of Pope SExTUs the Vth. and CLEMENT the VIIIth there are about 2000 THE ApocrypHA cANoNized BY PAPISTs. 227 different Readings. [See a Work entitled ‘BELLUM PAPALE, sive Concordia Discors SixTI QUINTI, et CLEMENTIs Octavi circa Hieronymianam Editionem. Auctore Thoma James Novi Collegii in Alma Aca- demia Oxoniensi socio, et utriusque Academiae in Artibus Magistro. Londini, 1678.] * * * The Books called ApocrypHA, (although they pertain to the History of the Jewish wars, &c. &c., and have many things excellent in them,) have never been found in the HEBREw LANGUAGE, but only in the GREEK, and some of them only in LATIN : they were never received by the Jews themselves into the CANoN of Holy WRIT ; and are acknowledged by them to be ApocRYPHAL; yet they are now fully admitted among the CANONICAL Books of the OLD TESTAMENT by the LATIN apostate CHURCH of Rome, upon no better authority than that of the Pope and his pretended infallible Councils. In this point then the Rom ANISTs have outstripped the Jews in HERESY by rendering those Books CANoNICAL under the CHRISTIAN, which were always accounted Apocryph AL under the MosaicAL DISPENSATION. It will be clearly seen from what has been said by St. John in the Book of Revelations (Chap. xiii. 11th and 18th verses.) compared with historical Evidence of the clearest nature, that the Apostle has not led us vaguely to seek for the mystical NAME of the MAN, whose Number is 666, either among the Jews, GREEKs, or MoHAMMEDANS ; because, there is not a sufficiency of Sovereign EccLESIASTICAL IDENTITY in any one of them with reference to the Q 2 228 - CHAPTER XVII : proper Name of the Beast, or the Locality of his mystical Kingdom; his character; or the extreme power and authority with which the second or Papal Beast, (who is the Successor of the first or Pagan Roman Beast) is said to Rule; who, though he was to “come up out of the EARTH," that is, from a 1ow and obscure state, was nevertheless to “eavercise ALL THE Power of the FIRST BEAST:” that is, Supreme Power and Dominion, accompanied with "matchless tyranny towards all Christians, even sur- passing his Predecessors, the Pagan Roman Em- perors, who were unquestionably the First Beast. (Rev. xiii. 1–11.) Therefore, till we have decidedly found some matchless Ecclesiastical MAN, whose universally acknowledged character is answerable to the whole portraiture drawn of Him by St. Paul and St. John, it will be useless to attempt to deter- mine the Appellative Name of the Numbered Beast. But as Ecclesiastical Rome has! “Lorded it over God's heritage” for upwards of twelve centuries past, in the most astounding manner in the face and defiance of all Europe, contrary to the commands of Christ, and the Apostolic Injunction of St. Peter, whose veritable Successor the Pope professes to be, though it is manifest enough, by such usurpation, that He is the Successor of SIMon MAGUs; and the words of Christ are made void, who said to his own Disciples,” “My kingdom is not of this world;” “now is my Kingdom not from hence.” The Pope has thus set up an Earthly Kingdom at Rome, and 1 1 Peter v. 3. * John xviii. 36. PERSECUTIONS OF POPERY. 229 instead of' feeding Christ's Sheep and Lambs, (which was the special and last charge given to St. Peter,) He, with his ** Dragon Mouth,” has devoured both Sheep and Lambs by horrible Tortures of his Infernal “INQUISITIon ;” by his Crusades against the Waldenses and Albigenses : his bloody Massa- cres of the Protestants in the Netherlands by the command of the Duke of Alva, the Papal Massacres in France, England, Germany and Ireland: his persecution of the Huguenots: his attempted invasion of England by the Spanish Armada ; the Gunpowder Plot, with a thousand untold horrors too awful to relate, and therefore it was that St. John said:* “I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus,” &c. If Rome Pagan has slain her thousands of Martyrs, Rome Papal has slain her tens of thou- sands and hundreds of thousands. The Inquisition has destroyed about three Millions. St. John expressed no astonishment at the persecutions of the first Roman Beast, because it was Pagan ; but when he beheld the “scarlet coloured Beast,” who is the Beast with two Horns, “like a Lamb; ” and a professed Ecclesiastical Power persecuting the Church of Christ, it is said that the Apostle “won- dered with great admiration. And the Angel said unto him, Wherefore didst thou Marvel? I will tell thee the Mystery of the Woman.” “Here is the mind which hath wisdom. The Seven Heads * John xxi. 15–17. * Rev. xiii. 11. * Rev. xvii. 6. 230 * CHAPTER XVII : . are seven Mountains on which the woman sitteth :” which have been proved to denote Rome. Although Mr. Faber and others have exerted all their talents to establish such words as Aroorarms, &c., and to subvert the orthography of Irendeus in his twofold use of the Diphthong, or broad so or 4, they have nevertheless failed in both attempts. Thus the Appellative Name Aarévos stands forth pre-emi- nent to our view, for it is answerable in every way to the “MARK,” the “NAME,” the “NUMBER,” the CHARACTER, the LANGUAGE, the SEAT and the EccLESIASTICAL KINGDoM of the “MAN,” who is the Sovereign Hierarch of Rome, and (by self- assumption) of the world. The history of all this may be found to range within the SEE or CITY of modern PAPAL RoME, or Mystic BABYLON, where indeed this Sovereign Ecclesiastical Latin Pontifical MAN, has most imperiously seated himself in the superb Basilique, or “Temple of God” at Rome, called after the Name of St. Peter; there shewing himself to all the Potentates of Europe that He sits a King confessed . . . a Divinity . . . a God . . . as St. Paul characterizes his Earaltation, and that in a vast variety of ways by requiring from all his sub- jects, whether high or low, rich or poor, learned or . wnlearned; the most servile homage and genuflexion," even from Emperors, Kings, Princes, Nobles, &c. &c., as members of his Latin Church We have only to revert to such instances as those of HENRY the IV. of France . . . KING John of England . . . ' ' See “the Buckler of the Faith, by Peter Du Moulin; ' p. 542 to 544, PAPAL ARROGANCE AND BLASPHEMY. 231 and the Emperor HENRY the VIth, whose Crown Pope Celestine with his foot spurned from off his head, to shew that it was in his power to take the Empire from him, and to pull off his crown, &c. Also, their Eminences, the Cardinals, and all others under his Ecclesiastical authority, profoundly bend and Kiss the Foot of this Papal Idolatrous Latin “Man ; ” and then, as if the Godhead were in him, this wicked “Pontifer Marimus’ pretends to have absolute power to forgive sins, which, agreeably to His assumed Infallibility and Universal Episcopal Authority, he exercises with a high and mighty hand by the sale of plenary Indulgences all over the world to Individuals whom he never saw, nor is ever likely to see. Whereas, St. Peter, the true Apostle of Christ, would not allow his foot to be kissed, nor his body worshipped by Cornelius, the centurion, who when he met Peter,” “fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter took him up, saying, “Stand up; I myself also am a Man.” So the Angel refused to be worshipped by St. John, to whom he had just delivered the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.” “And I, John, saw these things and heard them; and when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel which shewed me these things. Then said he unto me, See thou do it not ; for I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren, the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this Book: worship God :” from which words we may conclude that the Pope is | Acts x. 25, 26. * Rev. xxii. 8, 9; xix. 10. 232 CHAPTER XVII : neither the true follower, nor evenplar, nor suc- cessor of St. Peter or St. John, because he has assumed to himself the Right of divine worship, which Peter, refused from Cornelius, and the Angel from St. John. - - As Christ never entrusted any One of the Twelve Apostles with more power than another as to the forgiveness of Sins; so neither did he set apart St. Peter, (the Pope's pretended Predecessor,) to that special office: nor did He choose him as the Chief of the Apostles. This may be inferred from the following words:"—“And the Apostles who were at JERUSALEM '' (not Rome) “hearing that SAMARIA had received the Word of God, sent to them PETER and JoHN.” Here then we perceive that the Apostles collectively had power to send both Peter and John from Jerusalem to Samaria to those converts who “ had received the Word of God,” and from the obedience of Peter we know that he was no Pope; because he would in that case have sent other Apos- tles from Jerusalem; and would have continued in that City himself as the CHIEF Apostle. Besides, Peter has most solemnly condemned what the Popes have openly allowed, viz. the unbounded sale of Indul- gences as the supposed pardon and absolution of men's sins. For it was Simon Peter who said to Simon the “Magician,” and dealer in sorcery and witchcraft. * “Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast Thought that the GIFT of GoD may be purchased with money.” Now what is the “forgiveness of | Acts viii. 14. * Acts viii. 20. ST. PETER AND THE POPE contRASTED. 233 sins” but the “gift of God" through Jesus Christ? as well as the other gift of the Holy Ghost 2 Are they not both of them mentioned together in these words of St. Peter f * “Then Peter and the other Apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to GIVE repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so also is the Holy Ghost, whom God hath GIvEN to them that obey him.” Nu- merous other Texts might be adduced to the same purpose. . Wherefore, we may rest assured that if Simon the magician was so greatly condemned by St. Peter for the expression alone of the THought which was in his heart of purchasing the gift of God with money, that the Apostle declared he had “neither part nor lot in this Matter; ” with how much heavier condemnation would the same Apostle have pronounced an irrevocable Sentence on the Popes, the pretended Vicars of Christ, for their infamy in selling Indulgences and the pardon of men's sins by wholesale, at a Market-price, over all the world, whereby he maketh Merchandize of men's souls and they are cast into Perdition ? Is not the Appellative of the Pope, therefore, rightly signified by the “ Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” “the Mystery of Iniquity,” “the Wicked One º’ But | Acts v. 29–32. 234 CHAPTER XVII. we notice that it was for the exercise of the Divine Right in the forgiveness of sins that Christ was stoned and afterwards put to Death by the Jews, for they said, “How doth this Man thus speak blasphemies : who can forgive sins but God only 2” And if the Jews considered it Blasphemy in “the Man Christ Jesus,” who, as the “Son of Man * had “power on Earth to forgive sins ; ” and evi- denced his High and Divine Commission by a public e.vhibition of his Miracles in attestation of the Truths which he taught, what shall we say to this vile Papal Impostor, this Antichrist, this Man of Sin, this Son of Perdition, this Mystery of In- iquity P Shall we not say, without hesitation, that this Latin Papal Roman Man speaketh BLASPHEMIEs? Yea, verily, we fear not to charge upon the Pope and the conclave of his Latin Cardinals confederate, with the whole College of Jesuits, the blood of Saints and Martyrs for Jesus' sake, whose blood crieth from the ground for that vengeance which will shortly be awarded to this “Man of Sin,” “whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” * 2 Thess. ii. 3, 8. CHAPTER XVIII. ROMANISM SUMMARILY CONFRONTED WITH HOLY SCRIPTU R.E. It was a common saying of old, “ Ubi Imperator, ibi Roma,” “Where the Emperor is, there is Rome;’ and can we not with equal propriety say at this time, Ubi Papa, ibi Roma P ‘Where the Pope is, there is Rome 2 ' Yes, indeed; for nothing can be clearer than that the Proper and Appellative Name Aztevos most fully unfolds the whole secret of the Mystical Enigmatical Number xàs', or 666, and brings us into acquaintance with the “ wisdom.” and “un- derstanding” of which St. John speaks, and of which we have been in search. To this we have now attained in the most satisfactory and unequivocal manner, insomuch that it may be truly affirmed that there is none other Name of a MAN so suitably de- scriptive of, and Identical with, the Roman Sovereign Pontiff, who Latinizes in every Ecclesiastical * Rev. xiii. 18. 236 CHA PTER XVIII : Matter. Moreover, if the adjective Roman be sub- tracted from that of Catholic, we might be in some little difficulty about the manner of appropriating the Latin Name to the Roman Sovereign Pontiff, because the term Catholic would apply to the Universal Church of Christ upon Earth, wheresoever dispersed, the term Catholic being a universal Term ; but by the retention of the adjunct “Roman' (as the Papists themselves have acted by reviving the use of the old Latin Tongue,) we have thereby both the identity and limit of this Roman, Latin, Italian, or Mystic Babylonish Church. Doubtless she herself has given us her own proper and approved Appella- tions in these words, “Sacra Rom ANA Ecclesia,” and “Sanctum Roman UM Imperium,’ and, there- fore, as she has styled herself by the Titles of the * Holy Roman Church, and the Holy Roman Em- pire,’ (which is ‘Imperium in Imperio,) and that the Latin vulgate is the canonized Mother Tongue of the aforesaid Roman Church, so the Appellative Name Aarévos, Lateinos, is engraved upon her Battlements, and the Hebrew word nºn-n, Romiith, which likewise contains the Number 666, confirms the signature, which cannot be obliterated by all the sophistry of the whole Order of Jesuits, or the thunders of the Vatican itself. Having fully established the orthography of Irendºus concerning the Diphthong st or d, and shown the strict propriety of retaining the Name Aarévvos in preference to all Indefinite and inappropriate Titles, Sentences, or Names of Men, I must now leave the LATIN CANONIZED BY PAPISTS. 237 subject to the calm and impartial consideration of my Readers, as to whether any other NAME has been conjectured, or can be found equally appropriate to the terms of the Prophecy. And I fear not the Result, with reference to this “ STRONG-Hold * against Romanism, the wisdom and understanding of which St. John speaks, being to find the Name of a Man, producing by the individual LETTERS of the Name, the true Number 666: as also his de- scriptive “MARK,” all of which harmonize in the Name LATEINos, "and, therefore, to set aside the Proper, descriptive, and Appellative Name Aarévvos, as the Rev. Mr. Faber, Dr. Adam Clarke, &c., have done, by rejecting the Orthography and Testimony of Father Irenaeus, and as Professor Lee has done by insinuating an uncertainty concerning the authen- ticity both of the Number, and the verse which con- tains the Number xàº'; and Dean Woodhouse, by the Mode of Calculation, would be (what the Sailors would say,) to let go the Sheet Anchor, and thereby to incur certain Shipwreck. What further doubt then can we have upon the subject of the NAME in Question ? when the Papists themselves have literally adopted the Epithet Roman, both for their CHURCH and Empire, and have Cano- nized the LATIN as the MoTHER Tongue of their ITALIAN, Rom AN, or LATIN CHURCH, whereby the Pope has established the use of the Roman and LATIN as his self-approved MARKS of Distinction 2 Wherefore let nºnin and Aarévos divide the spoil between them ' ' 238 CHAPTER XVIII : Let us therefore proceed summarily to suggest the following queries: I. Why is it that the Kingdom of modern Rome is designated by the Papists, at this very hour, ‘Sanctum Roman UM Imperium,’ ‘The Holy Roman Empire;’ if the Sovereign Pontifical EMPIRE be no AT ROME 2 * II. Why is the Church of Rome denominated by the Papists themselves, ‘Sacra RomanA Ecclesia,” * The Holy Roman Church ; * if that Church be not the Roman CHURCH to all intents and purposes 2 III. Why does the Pope of Rome, as a professed Christian Bishop, adopt the Pagan Imperial Title of “PontiFEx MAxIMUs,” upon his TRIPLE CRowN or TIARA, if it be not with the intent of identifying himself with the old Pagan HIGH PRIESTHood of JUPITER, which office and Title were commonly held by the Roman Emperors? IV. Why has the Latin Vulgate Translation of the Holy Scriptures been substituted and canonized by the Papal Council of TRENT,’ instead of the HEBREw and GREEK Originals; if it be not intended by the said Papal Council, that the Church of Rome should, after the most mature Deliberations, be con- sidered as a LATIN CHURCH 2 V. Why is it that the Pope of Rome, as the pro- fessed VIcAR and HEAD of Christ's Church upon Earth, RENou Nces both his BAPTISMAL and SUR- NAME, and assumes (upon ascending the Pontifical Throne) some fictitious Title of Eminence, such as ROMAN AND LATIN PAPAL SYNoNYMS. 239 LEo the Xth. SExTUs the Vth. INNocent the XIIIth. CLEMENT the VIIIth. PIUs the VIIth. &c. if the character of the PopeDom be not DIFFERENT from ALL other Kingdoms upon Earth, and if it be not in direct imitation of the LATIN Imperial Titles on the one hand, and of the LATIN, ‘ Pontifea. Maa- imus,' on the other ? It follows surely, as a matter of course, that, as the adopted Appellative Name of the Italian Sove- reign Pontifical Empire is Roman, “Sanctum Ro- MANUM Imperium;’ and the adopted Appellative Name of the ITALIAN CHURCH is Roman, ‘Sacra RomanA Ecclesia;' and that the canonized Lan- guage of the Italian Church; her Masses, Prayers, Hymns, Litanies, Canons, Decretals, Bulls, Coun- cils, Edicts, Holy Scriptures, are all in LATIN ; and the self-appropriated Title of her HIGH PRIEST is LATIN, (viz. “PontiFEx MAxIMUs,') so the Pope as the visible and acknowledged HEAD (by all the monarchs of Europe) of the “Holy Roman Empire,’ and Holy Roman or Latin Church—(for Roman and LATIN are herein used as Papal synonyms, the former being used to denote the Kingdom of the Pope, the latter exhibiting the Language or Speech of his Church,) is a Roman and LATIN HEAD, and consequently, that his Appellative imprinted NAME must correspond with the Proper Name of his Kingdom, and the Living Language of his Church ; with his Pagan Latin Title affixed to his TRIPLE Crown, as the Mysterious “MARK" of his Sove- reignty, all of which may be comprehended in these 240 CHAPTER XVIII : two following Appellatives, both of which contain the sacred Number 666. nºn and Aarévvos. nºnym, Rom IITH, Rom ANA, and Aarévvos, LATEINos, LATEINUs. It is a most remarkable circumstance, which may here be noticed that there is not a single ea'ample to be found in the entire of the Old Testament Scrip- tures (except in the corrupt period of the Maccabees), relative to the Jewish Dispensation of a conjunction of the HIGH PRIESTHooD with the KINGLY Gover N- MENT, similar to that of the Sover EIGN PONTIFF of RomE: for in the Primitive Ages of the CHURCH of GoD, (under the Law,) JEHovAH himself was the KING of ISRAEL, Moses was the deputed Law- giver, and AARON was the High Priest. In later times, SAUL was the King of Israel, and SAMUEL the anointed Prophet; afterwards DAVID was the King, and ABIATHAR the High Priest; and in the time of CHRIST, HERod was the King, and CAIAPHAs was the High Priest : and then, “CHRIST the END of the LAw”...” “The Law and the Prophets were until John ” the Baptist. So that through the whole of the Mosaic dispensation, and the Aaronic or Levitical High Priesthood, we read not of any one man among the Jews who was legally anointed to be King and High Priest at the same moment. Moreover, Christ has not made mention of the * Rom. x. 4. • * Luke xvi. 16. NO SUPREMACY AMONG THE A POSTLES. 24 h continuance of the High Priesthood under the Gospel Dispensation, but the very contrary; which we infer from his reproof of his Disciples, who disputed re- specting supremacy. “And he came to Caper- naum; and being in the house, he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? But they held their peace; for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the GREATEST. And he sat down, and called the Twelve, and saith unto THEM, IF ANY MAN desire to be FIRST, THE SAME shall be LAST of ALL and sERVANT of ALL.” Now we know that St. PETER was one of the Twelve, and, from the words of Christ it is evident, that, as the office of the High Priesthood merged in the spiritual and eternal Priesthood of Messias; so there is equal reason to believe that it was totally inconsistent with the spiritual doctrine of Christ to establish an EARTHLY KINGDom, according to his own declaration to PILATE, * “MY KINGDom is not of this world; ” and his conduct was in accordance with this declara- tion, for although he was “Born KING of the Jews,” yet "“when Jesus perceived that they would come and take him by force, to “make him a KING, he departed again into a mountain himself alone: ” nevertheless, the Pope, as the pretended WICAR of Jesus Christ, is the literal KING of the Territories of Rome, and the ‘ PontiFEx MAXIMUs' of the whole world. But by what means did the Pope of | Mark ix. 33–35. Luke ix.46; xxii. 24–26. Matt. xxiii. 11. * John xviii. 36. * John vi. 15. R 242 CHAPTER XVIII. Rome become possessed of his Earthly Kingdom P Even by the agency and instrumentality of SATAN, “ the god of this world,” as St. John informs us— * “And the DRAGoN gave him. HIs Power, and His SEAT, and GREAT AUTHoRITY.” But if it be ob- jected that this Power, Seat, and great Authority was given to the “First (Roman) Beast,’ we prove that it was likewise given to the ‘Second (Ecclesi- astical Roman) Beast,’ of whom it is written, that * “He ea'erciseth ALL THE Power of the FIRST Beast ; ” for * “HIs coming is after the working of SATAN, with ALL Power,” &c.; and it is an histo- nical Fact that the SEAT of the second Beast is the same as that of the FIRST, viz. RomE, and it is specially said of the Second or Lamb-horned Beast of the EARTH, that * “he SPAKE as a DRAGon; ” all of which corresponds with the imperious character of the Sovereign Roman Pontiff, as has been de- monstrated in a variety of particulars throughout this work, in reference to his dragon-like persecu- tions of the Saints. And what can establish the character of the Pope as ANTICHRIST so strongly as his real Assumption of the TRIPLE CRowN with the EPIscoPAL MITRE 2 in doing which he has manifested to all the Earth, that the origin of his Kingdom is "“ of the EARTH EARTHLY,” (as St. John predicted concerning it, "“And I beheld another Beast coming up out of the EARTH,”) and not Christian: moreover, his impudent Transition * Rev. xiii. 2. * Rev. xiii. 12. 3 2 Thess. ii. 9. * Rev. xiii. 11. * John iii. 31. 6 Rev. xiii. 1 1. THE Pope's Assumption of Divi NE TITLES. 243 from the lowest Christian Title of ‘Servus Servo- rum Dei–Servant of the Servants of God,” to those of the highest grade, as, first, ‘Vicarius Salvatoris nostri Jesus Christi in Terra; ' then, the Pagan Title of ‘PontiFEx OPTIMUs MAxIMUs; then, Universal Bishop, or Bishop of the World, ‘Epis- CoPUs ORBIs; ’ and “ Eminentissimus et Reveren- dissimus Pater ac Dominus; ' then a Deputy-God upon EARTH, as PAUL the Vth. styled himself, ‘VICE-DEo super TERRAM ; ' then, “Father of Princes and Kings, RULER of THE WoRLD ' (that is, the ‘Holy Roman Empire,') Pater Principum et Regum, RECTOR ORBIs ; and not satisfied with all these Titles of superlative distinction, he must have an Attribute peculiar to God; Most Holy Father; “Sanctissime Pater:” all which arrogance manifests that He is the “MAN of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition”, who “ sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that HE is God,” “even Him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all Power, and signs and lying wonders;” and who is so infatuated with his IDOLATRY that he “forget- teth what manner of MAN he is ;” but HE is verily a LATIN, as appears by his adopted LATIN Language, as HE is also a Roman by Election. Yea, so great a veneration hath this compound Roman and LATIN MAN for the Holy Scriptures, that, (by the edict of his Council of Trent, &c.) he has locked them up in the Latin Tongue of old Pagan Rome, and deposited them, together with the “Power of the Keys' of St. Peter, in the Ark of the Roman and R 2 244 CHA PTER XVIII : Latin Covenant, between himself and his Latin Car- dinals. What an uncommon respect, this MAN, this PoNTIFEx MAxIMUs, has for the Memory of LATINUs the ancient Founder of LATIUM and the LATIN KINGDom ; so much so, that he has made choice of that particular Country for his PopeDom, and the Language for his CHURCH. And there can be no better proof of his reverence for ANTIQUITY, than his predilection of the LATIN Vulgate, ABove the HEBREw and GREEK Originals, or, the vernacular tongue of ITALY, which is ITALIAN. There is another most remarkable fact illustrative of the conduct and character of the Roman or LATIN Pontifea. Marimus, and that is, that the Popes at their election and coronation, not only assume to themselves particular TITLEs of distinction, such as have been referred to already ; or such as are cus- tomary, as Leo Xth. INNocent XIIIth. but that they relinquish entirely their own Proper Names, both BAPTISMAL and surn AME : so that nothing of their Baptismal or Family Names remains to them: for example, a Cardinal whose Name before time was called Hippolitus Aldobrandinus is created Pope by the fictitious title of CLEMENT the VIIIth. So that to be created a Pope, his Baptismal and Surname must Both be renounced. This is a pretty example of the Baptismal Covenant, in the pretended HEAD of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH,-the MAN who calls himself the Vicar of Jesus Christ upon Earth, and the veritable Successor of St. Peter. It is well known that all the Emperors, Kings and Princes RENUNCIATION of BAPTISMAL NAME. 245 who have been, or are Members of the Latin Church of Rome have universally retained their Baptismal Names; but the Popes, who have ea'alted themselves Above the Imperial Dignity, must be different from all Mankind in this Particular 2 Did the Jewish High Priests, under the Law, change their own Proper Names from AARON to CLEMENT Ist. ; from ABIATH AR to INNocent IInd., or from CA1A- PHAs to Leo the IIIrd, or did the Apostle PETER originate this ANoNYMoUs Custom for the Popes of RomE 2 Alas ! how can we account for such Magic, such Mystery, such Sophistry, such Jesuitry, such Art, such Deception in the pretended VICAR of Jesus CHRIST 2 What Apostolic precept, what Scriptural erample can be shown, why the CHIEF APOSTLE of CHRIST should become a NAMELEss, an ANoNYMoUs MAN ? Surely there is hardly any thing which the Pope says or does, but it is entirely contrary to all Scripture precedent, and connected with the deepest MYSTERY, which indeed is an Appellative that is allotted to, and well bestowed by St. Paul and St. John on this Mystic Character, viz.: “The MYSTERY of INIQUITY ;” “MYSTERY BABYLoN,” &c.; “Mys- TERY of the Wom AN.” Wherefore, to style Hippo- litus Aldobrandinus by the Title of CLEMENT the VIIIth., is all the same as if he had been created Pope by the highly significant Title of Hocus-Pocus the VIIIth. ; but of course the Pope, (and his Infal- lible Counsellors,) cannot ERR in such a trivial matter as that of renouncing his Baptismal Name ! To prevent all possible palliations which might 246 CHAPTER XVIII : be grounded by Papists on the substitution of the Name of Simon for that of Peter, and of Saul for that of Paul, as a scriptural sanction for the Popes doing the same thing, it may be observed, upon the clearest Testimony of Holy Inspiration that the Names of SIMON and SAUL were not relinquished, EsPEcIALLY that of SIMON, (the Pope's pretended Predecessor,) and that neither Peter nor Paul ever assumed feigned Names or Titles, which are only befitting Impostors. St. PETER thus commences his Second Epistle. “SIMON PETER, a Servant, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ,” and it is certain that PETER had reached the climaa of his Apostleship when he wrote this Epistle, for he alludes to his expectation of Death in a short time, in these words: * “ Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. Moreover, I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance :” And St. Paul was called to the work of the Ministry under the Name of SAUL, by the immediate Agency of the Holy Spirit, and was “filled with the Holy Ghost,” when he wrought the Miracle of blindness on Elymas, the Sorcerer, as we thus read. * “The Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabas and SAUL for the work whereunto I have called them.” “So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia,” &c. Then SAUL, (who also is called PAUL,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, (viz. Elymas,) * 2 Peter i. 1. * Ibid. xiv. 15. * Acts xiii. 2–4, 9–11. ASSUMPTION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES. 247 “And said, O full of all subtility and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteous- ness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord ž And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season.” As the Holy Spirit has attested these things concerning PETER and PAUL so the Popes have not imitated the Apostles but Osporco, (the interpretation of which Name is, Pigmouth) who, on account of his low origin, changed his name to Sergius. It is well worthy of observa- tion, that, although the Popes make so much ado about the NAME of PETER, and that almost every Pope assumes some new Title, not ONE of them has ever assumed the NAME of SIMON or PETER, as may be seen in the Chronological Table of the Succession of Popes set forth by PETAvius the Jesuit : although the Names of Paul and John are not unfrequent. However, the Proper and Appellative Name Aargavos is virtually written upon the Papal King- dom, which will very shortly be taken from this LATIN and Roma N Usurper and Autocrat, because the “Thousand Two Hundred and Threescore Days” of Years have expired, and because the Ten Kings or Kingdoms of the LATIN or Roman EARTH, who, for the Time allotted by God, had “one MIND,” and gave their power and strength unto this Beast, are to take it away as soon as “the words of God shall be * Petawii Rat. Temp. Tom. Il, p. 129, usque 152. Edit. Parisiis. 1703. 248 CHAPTER XVIII : fulfilled,” as we read. "“The Ten HoRNs which thou sawest are TEN KINGS, which have received No KINGDom As YET ; but RECEIVE Power as Kings one Hour with the Beast. THESE have ONE MIND, and shall Give THEIR Power and STRENGTH unto the BEAST’’ . . . * “And the TEN HoRNs which thou sawest upon the Beast, THESE shall HATE the whore, and shall make Her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For GoD hath put in their hearts To FULFIL HIs will, and to AGREE, and GIVE THEIR KINGDom unto the BEAST, UNTIL the words of GoD shall be FULFILLED.” Furthermore, If God spared not the NATURAL BRAN- cHEs of his ancient Church, the Jews 1 nor the MAGNIFICENT TEMPLE of JERUSALEM ; (which was called “The Joy of the whole Earth,” which was the Seat of the Holy Prophets of God, and of the Inspired Apostles of Jesus Christ : was the very Temple to which Christ came, and where he wrought many of his mighty works, and preached the Gospel, the CITY and TEMPLE over which he wept ; and where he suffered Death upon the Cross ;) much less will he spare thee, O Rome, or have respect to thy MAGNIFICENT BASILIQUE ; or thy Roman, thy Latin, thy Babylonish Pontiff. . We further notice that as there is no parallel in Holy Writ between the High Priesthood of Aaron and that of the Papal Roman, “Pontifer Maarimus,” with regard to the conjunction of the Monarchy with the High Priesthood; so neither is there any * Rev. xvii. 12, 13. * Ibid l 6. ANTISCRIPTURAL IMPOSITIONS. 249 parallel between retaining the Proper Names of the Jewish High Priests, and renouncing the Papal Proper Names for fictitious Titles of ANoNYMous signification. And here perhaps, I may without any improper digression remark that there is no parallel in the conduct and decretals of the Papacy with reference to the Institution of Marriage; for among the Jews, the HIGH PRIEST was always permitted to marry. St. PETER, the Pope's boasted predecessor, was a married man, for, as we read in the Gospels," “Jesus entered into the House of Peter’s wife’s . mother, who lay sick of a fever.” St. Peter, there- fore, was evidently no Pope. Moreover, St. Paul tells us that ” “marriage is honorable in ALL,” &c. And again : “that, * “If a man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth a good work. A Bishop, there- fore, must be blameless, the HUSBAND of one wife.” Of Deacons he observes, * “Let the Deacons be the HUSBANDs of one wife,” and had St. Peter ‘for- bidden Marriage’ to the Disciples, and commanded believers in Christ to abstain from Meats, he would have “Departed from the Faith,” for * “THE SPIRIT speAKETH ExPRESSLY, that in the latter Times some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and Doctrines of Devils: speaking lies in hypocrisy ; having their conscience seared with a hot Iron : Forbidding to MARRY, and commanding to abstain from MEATs, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them 1 Matt. viii. 14, Mark i. 30. Luke iv. 38. * Heb. xiii. 4. 3 l Tim. iii. 2. * Ibid. 12. * 1 Tim. iv. 1–3. 250 CHAPTER XVIII : which believe and know the Truth.” And did not our Lord himself with an Emphasis, that appears to be almost prophetic of the LATIN heresy, declare “MEATs defile not the Body ?” Nor can any thing be clearer than that “ the Spirit speaks eaſpressly,” by the instrumentality of St. Paul, that “ some should depart from the Faith,” and that the Evi- dence of such Departure from the Faith would be signalized by “ Forbidding to MARRY, and com- manding to abstain from MEATs : ” for which Two Interdicts the LATIN CHURCH of Rome is notorious in the Page of Ecclesiastical History, and, therefore, we conclude, that, as there is Apostolic Authority for “ Bishops * and “ Deacons” to Marry; and that all Believers in Christ who know the Truth are permitted to Eat MEATs at their own option: “for every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving ; for it is sanctified by the word of God and Prayer: ” so also it is manifest that the Latin Church of Rome is denounced by St. Paul, in the eaſpress words of the Holy Spirit, as being “seared with a hot iron ’’ for Her “departure from the Faith,” in the latter Times" of which departure she is proved guilty by such a Prohibition. As, then, we have the express authority of Christ and his Apostles for MARRIAGE in ALL, and the unrestricted use of MEATs, so have we the Holy Spirit's eagress conDEMNATION of Those who forbid the same: such are the Pope and his Councils. How can the Church of Rome clear | 1 Tim. iv. 3—5. ARROGANT TITLES OF THE POPES. 251 Herself from this charge of Apostacy 7 Who will have the impudence and inconsistency to contradict the Fact? Perhaps a MAN who has publicly and officially renounced his own Baptismal and Family Name to take a Hocus-pocus Title (such as Leo X. GREGORY XVI.) for no better Reason than to become the Pope of Rome, may have such effrontery; for HE who has forbidden Marriage to the whole Body of his Clergy, and commanded Believers in Christ to abstain from Meats on every Friday and Saturday throughout the year, (besides Lent and numerous other Fast-days,) contrary to the ExPRESS words of the Holy SPIRIT, would, in the words of St. Paul, “speak Lies in Hypocrisy; ” by endeavouring to establish a belief, that HE has the most unlimited and independent Power to act so without the Sanc- tion of the Holy Scriptures, or any Apostolical Voucher or Precedent. It is particularly mentioned by St. Paul that this species of Departure from the Christian Faith, (i. e. Forbidding to Marry, and com- manding to abstain from Meats,) would be associated with “speaking lies in hypocrisy” and “ lying wonders” which have been verified to the Letter; for when the Pope calls himself the ‘Vicar of Jesus Christ upon Earth,’ and “Servant of the Servants of God,' we know that it is Hypocrisy, and that He is a Liar; because his TRIPLE CRowN sheweth that He pretends to be King of all Earthly Kings, and the Lord of all Earthly Lords, and his followers call him Our Lord God the Pope; and because his general speech is that of the DRAGON, as the Holy 252 ..CHAPTER XVIII : 9 Spirit declares, “He spake as a Dragon,” even though he wears the “ two Horns like a Lamb,” the external semblance of an Ecclesiastical Dignitary. Furthermore, because the Pope calls the most horrible, devilish, and bloody INQUISITIon by the Title of the “Holy INQUIsITIon,” we know from the Holy Scriptures that it is nothing but a “ Lying Wonder,” such as no MAN, who is not himself, the “Son of Perdition,” would either venture to utter or believe, and, therefore, when the Pope is called “His Holiness,” and “Most Holy Father,” and his Church “The Holy Roman Church,” and the States of his Church, “The Holy Roman Empire,” and when the common Titles which the most furious Popes have assumed are those of PIUS, CLEMENT, INNocent, &c. we fearlessly declare that it is no- thing else than “speaking Lies in Hypocrisy; ” for the Lives of the Popes in general, as set forth by PLATINI, Bower, and others, are too well known to suffer us to suppose that Popery is any thing less than the “MystERY of INIQUITY.” We prove likewise from Holy Scripture that the Papal “Pon- TIFEx MAXIMUs,’ cannot be the Vicar of Jesus Christ, because he hath an EARTHLY KINGDom, and Christ said most explicitly to his Disciples, “ My kingdom is not of this world.” Such a Temporal and Spiritual Kingdom as the Popedom, such an Imperium in Imperio, is in open hostility to the public Peace and Happiness of 1 Rev. xiii. 1 1. ROME IDENTIFIED WITH BABYLON. 253 Europe; even as King Louis the XII. (surnamed, Le Père du Peuple,) had formerly evinced to Pope Julius II. who, when he was thundered at by this Pope, overthrew Him and his Adherents in a Battle at Ravenna; and at Pisa assembled a Council against the Pope, causing cerTAIN CRowNs of GoLD to be stamped with this superscription, “PERDAM NoMEN BABYLoNIs,” “I will DESTROY THE NAME of BABYLoN : ” thereby testifying to the whole world his firm belief, that, Rome Papal is the * Mystic BABYLoN of the Revelations. Here then is King Louis XIIth, one of the 3 “TEN HoRNs” or KINGs of the Papal Roman Earth, purposing to destroy the Name of Babylon; first, by a defeat of the Pope and his Adherents in Battle; then, by call- ing a Council of the Nation to witness his Royal intentions against the Pope and Popery : and, then, finishing the whole matter by causing the impress of his intentions to be put on the Gold Coin of the Realm ; and Buonaparte was evidently possessed with the same belief, when he compelled Pope Pius VI. to sign the Renunciation of His TEMPORAL Power, which he did, beginning with these words: * “In sequito degli ordini superiori si denuncia a tutte le persone dello stato Ecclesiastico di qualunque grado, e condizione, &c. “G. Della Porta, Tresoriere Generale.” 1 See Peter Du Moulin's Buckler of the Faith. Second Edition, p. 543. * Rev. xvii. 5. 3 Ibid. 12. * See Duppa's Journal. Sec. iv. p. 35, 36. London, 1799. 254 CHAPTER XVIII : “Yielding to the orders of our Superiors, we denounce all Persons of the EccLESIASTICAL STATE, of whatever RANK or ConDITION, &c. &c. “G. Della Porta, Treasurer General.” And when this Deed of Renunciation and Denun- ciation was signed, it was said that the Pope under- signed these words, “Noi cediamo l'autorità nostra agl'ordini superiori. Pio Sesto.” We cede our Authority to force.—Pius the Sirth.” Buonaparte then expelled Pius Seatus from Rome, and sent him to Tuscany, Sienna, and Florence, and ransacked the Vatican, with every other Palace, and Church in Rome, &c.; and, on another occa- sion the Emperor brought Pope Pius the VII. a state Prisoner to Fontainbleau, and asked him how he reconciled his TEMPORAL KINGDoM with the words of Christ, “Mon Regne n'est pas de ce Monde,” “My kingdom is not of this world.” But there is only one Answer to this inquiry, which may be summed up in the words of Christ to his Servant St. Peter, whose Successors the Popes pretend to be, in reference to the Ecclesiastical Office and Dignity. * “All they that take the Sword shall perish with the Sword: ” But the Popes of Rome “take the Sword; ” Therefore the Popes of Rome “shall perish with the Sword.” Richard Duppa's Journal of the most remarkable 1 John xviii. 36. * Matt. xxvi. 52. John xviii. 10, 11. compared with Rev. xiii. 10. PRocession of RELics AT Rome, 1798. 255 occurrences that took place in Rome, upon the sub- version of the Ecclesiastical Government, in 1798, (second edition) will throw much light on this sub- ject. The more than absurd infatuation of Pope Pius VI. is ridiculous in the extreme; for to prevent the downfal of his Earthly Kingdom, he issued an Edict for a Procession of the most sacred Relics, which were carried in a solemn manner through the streets of Rome. Mr. Duppa writes as follows—' ‘As the interposition of miracles in the Catholic world has always been a very powerful agent to promote the interest of the Church, so upon this occasion, they were not wanting to oppose the impending danger that so imminently threatened the destruction of her Temporal Power.’ * The Pictures of the Virgin Mary had opened their eyes in different Parts of the Town, which, by favourable exposition, was supposed to be a mani- festation of her peculiar grace and favour to the Roman People. This miracle, however futile or false it may seem to men of reflection, had so powerful an influence over the minds of the multitude, as to produce an enthusiasm little short of madness. The constant processions, night and day, illuminations, Ave-Marias, and Litanies, were attended with so much clamour and tumult, that it was thought prudent for the Missionaries to recommend to the people to abate their fervour, as the Government became fearful lest it might pass the limits of restraint, and riot succeed to the vehemence of devotion.’ * Duppa's Journal, sect. ii. p. 13–16, . 256 CHAPTER XVIII : * It was now, however, when no Embassy from foreign Courts brought hope of assistance, and THE STATE felt the near approach of its inevitable fall, that, as A LAST REsource, His Holiness issued an Edict for a solemn Procession to be made of THREE of the most sacred Relics of the Christian Church. The first was a Portrait of Jesus Christ, called il Santo Volto, supposed to have been painted by super- matural agency. This picture was never shown to the people, or carried in procession, but at times of the greatest national calamity and distress. In the year 1709, it was exhibited, to avert the consequences of a dreadful earthquake; since which, till now, it had never been exposed to the public. The seeond was a celebrated Portrait of the Virgin Mary, of Santa Maria in Portico. And the third was the chains with which St. Peter was fettered when in Prison, and from which the angel freed him when he was set at liberty.' As the “1260 Days" of years were fulfilled about the year 1793, so the Dark Ages of Papal Superstition were ended, and, therefore, the exhibition of Pictures and the chains of St. Peter, with an intent to avert the Judgments of God against the Roman Church were of no avail, the Hour being then come to expose to public odium and execration, the wicked- ness of confiding in such “superstitious vanities,” such “refuges of lies,” such “Satanic devices,” on the part of the Pretended Vicar of Jesus, whose Edict was more characteristic of the High Priest of Jupiter, than the Head of the Church. “Let no THE POPE EX OFFICIO ANTICHRIST. 257 man deceive you by any means” that the Pope is, ev officio, “Antichrist,” the “Man of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition,” not only to “be revealed in his Time,” but likewise “destroyed,” whom St. Paul tells us, “The Lord shall consume with the spirit of his Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming : ” and, that, as the word of God is true concerning the Time of the second Beast's con- tinuance, (i. e. 1260 years,) so Napoleon Bonaparte finished, in the Reign and Person of Pope Pius VI. what King Louis the XII. had begun, by obliging the Pope to sign the Renunciation of his Temporal Power, and leave Rome and its Treasures forthwith : and although a shadow of the Papal Sovereignty still exists, it is only a shadow, and those who look for any other Name than LATEINos for a solution of the Mystical Number x&g', or 666, will be as much dis- appointed as Pope Pius the VIth, his Cardinals, and the deluded People of Rome were, when they found that the sacred Pictures and the Prison chains of St. Peter were of none effect to save his Holiness or his kingdom from that long predicted vengeance against the Kingdom of Antichrist, of which the Pope is the Supreme Head ; even 2 the “MAN,” who “ had two horns like a Lamb, and HE SPAKE As A DRAGON.” As the Rise of the Papal Power may be dated from the "Edict of the Emperor Justinian, in favour of Pope John, A. D. 533, so we may date the commence- * 2 Thess. ii. 8. * Rev. xiii. 11, 18. * See the Edict of Justinian, quoted by Cuninghame on the Apocalypse, p. 202, &c. Second edit, 1817. S 258 CHA PTER XVIII: ment of the 1260 Days of Years from that time, which would consequently end with A. D. 1793; and it is a fatal coincidence, that in the Reign of Pope Pius Seatus, A. D. 1798, the Papal Ecclesiastical Govern- ment was completely overthrown, and this Pope com- pelled to sign the Resignation of his Temporal Power, and go into banishment. Here then is History illus- trating and confirming the fact that the 1260 Days of Years foretold by St. John, had fully ended, A. D. 1798, and what is still more remarkable, that the Papists themselves had an existing persuasion, be- fore the event happened, that the Roman Ecclesias- tical State would be destroyed in the Reign of a SExTUs, as may be inferred from their own voluntary Satire on this Title, which was assumed by Car- dinal Braschi, at the time of his election to the Pope- dom, and as set forth in a Note in the Journal of Mr. Duppa. "“The Romans (says Mr. Duppa) have a credulous prejudice amongst them, that THE STATE must ever be ruined when governed by a SExTUs ; and when Cardinal Braschi was elevated to the Pontifical Honours by the Title of Pius the SixTH, the day after his election, this elegant and severe satire was to be read on the corners of the streets, and in every public Piazza in Rome— ‘Tarquinius Sextus, Sextus Nero, Sextus et Iste; ‘In Seactis semper perdita Roma fuit.” The power which the Emperor Justinian gave to Pope John, A. D. 533, Napoleon Bonaparte took * Duppa's Journal, sect. i. p. 1. BON APARTE DESTROYS TIIE POPEDOM. 259 away from Pope SExTUs, A. D. 1798, agreeable to the Prophecy of St. John, “God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their Kingdom unto the Beast, UNTIL the words of God shall be FULFILLED.” The “ 1260 Days” of Pro- phetical years having expired A. D. 1793, we conclude that the “words of God are fulfilled,” and this fact is confirmed by the Pope being compelled to put his Pontifical Roman Signature to his Downfall,—‘ Pio SESTO,’ to which we may add the x&gayaz of his Kingdom, which is, LATEINos. * Rev. xvii. 17. S 2 CHAPTER XIX. THE SUBJECT RECAPITULATED, WITH A BRIEF NOTICE OF THE WARIOUS LATIN TITLES ASSU M ED BY THE PA PACY. HAVING already shown that LATINUs (in Greek Aarévvos) is the NAME of a MAN, and that the ancient Orthography of IRENAEUs in his two-fold use of the Diphthong or Broad 4 or et, was esteemed perfectly classical in his time; also that the said Proper Name contains the true “ Number of a Man,” which is x86', 666; and having also reminded my readers that the universal and canonized Language of the Church of Rome (in lieu of the Italian, or Greek,) is LATIN, which constitutes the Pope a LATIN HEAD ; that the Pope who is the HEAD of the CHURCH of Rome is both the SoverEIGN of Rome and “PontiFEx MAXIMUs,” wearing the TRIPLE TIARA or CRowN as the Emblem of the former, and the EPIscoPAL MITRE of the latter; THE Two-Fold sover EIGNTY OF THE POPE. 261 and, that, by exercise of this two-fold Sovereignty, the Pope is a Roman Sovereign and Latin High Priest : that the SEAT of the Papal Latin Empire is Rome, which was the ancient Capital of the Roman Emperors, (whose Language was Latin,) and to whose CITY and KINGDom the Popes have gra- dually succeeded by craft and usurpation after the breaking up of the old Roman Empire, and the change of the Seat of Government from Rome to Constantinople; that the Pope (in the character of the “Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,”) “sitTETH in the Temple of God,” and is worshipped by all the People of Rome as a God, according to the prophecy of St. Paul to the Thessalonians," “Let no man deceive you by any means; for that Day shall not come, Except there come a FALLING Away FIRST, and that MAN of Sin be Revealed, the SoN of Perdition; who opposeth and ea'alteth him- self above all that is called God, or that is wor- shipped; so that He as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that He is GoD ; ” that the Pope has not only adopted the LATIN Language for the use of the Church of Rome; but has taken to Himself, as an appendage to his TIARA, (in Letters of Diamonds,) the Pagan Casarean Latin Title of “ Pontifer Optimus Marimus,” as the Pagan Roman Emperors did, who sacrificed to JUPITER, whose High Priests they were: that the Papal Jatin Church of Rome claims to be the Mother and Mistress of all Churches in the world: this is | 2 Thess. ii. 3, 4. 262 CHAPTER XIX. obvious from the ‘Roman Catechism' and ‘Trent Confession of Faith,’ in these words, “ Ecclesia Romana, quae omnium Ecclesiarum, Mater est et Magistra,” &c. that the Church of Rome “forbids Marriage” to her Priesthood, and “Meats” to her Laity, thereby fulfilling the ea press words of the Holy Spirit concerning Apostacy, 1 Tim. iv. 1, 3, and also ‘speaks in an UNKNowN Tongue in the Church, viz. LATIN, which latter Heresy, if it stood alone, proves her “falling away” or “de- parture from the Faith : that there is none other City in the world, seated on Seven MoUNTAINs or HILLs of classical or historical celebrity, but Rome; or, over which Rome does not claim Eccle- siastical ascendancy; and, therefore, the Pope is clearly seen to be the Mystical Babylonish MAN, or Ecclesiastical Abomination, which St. John saw in Vision as the great corrupter of Christ's Church, seated upon the “Seven Mountains " which indicate the locality of Rome; for, as the Euphratean Ba- bylon was destroyed before the Christian AEra ; so there can be no doubt that Rome is intended by the figure,” “MYSTERY, BABYLoN THE GREAT,” “that GREAT CITY, which reigneth over the KINGs of THE EARTH.” This opinion is pointedly confirmed to us by the words of * King Louis the XIIth, when he had overthrown Pope JULIUS the IInd, and caused certain CRowNs of GoLD to be stamped with this * Bp. Jewell's Apology, p. 33. Edit. Isaacson. * Rev. xvii. 5 and 18. * See “The Buckler of the Faith,” by Peter Du Moulin, p. 543. RoME THE SEVEN-HILLED CITY. 263 superscription, “PERDAM NoMEN BABYLONIs.” ‘I will DESTRoy the NAME of BABYLoN.” How sound, therefore, and conclusive are the remarks of Dr. Henry More on this point! No one, indeed, who will give a moment's attention to the subject, can fail of perceiving their force and pertinency. The Doctor remarks,” “The Woman which thou sawest is that Great City which [Now Reigneth] over the Kings of the Earth.” For it is in the PRESENT Tense, and spoken in St. John's time, when there was no seven-hilled City that reigned over the Kings of the Earth but old Rome. And, therefore, of NECESSITY it is she.” To which remarks I would add the parallel opinion of Irendeus for his production of the conjectured Name LA- TEINos, wherein he calls the Latin, or Roman Em- pire, “ Novissimum REGNUM,” “ the Last King- dom; ” and then gives his Reason, “LATINI enim sunt qui NUNc REGNANT : ” “ For they are LATINs who Now REIGN.” And, by the revival of the Latin Language by the Papacy, in the City of Rome, and throughout the States of the Church of Rome, we know that the Sovereign Pontifical Empire is, (as far as it regards the LATIN,) “ Novis- simum Regnum,” “ The Last Kingdom ; " and that Rome, therefore, is “ MYSTERY, BABYLoN the GREAT ; ” “ that GREAT’’ (Ecclesiastical, Seven- Hilled,) “CITY, which [Now] reigneth over the Kings of the Papal Roman Earth.” * Dr. H. More's Works. Fol. p. 593, London, 1708. 264 * CHAPTER XIX . Dr. More further remarks, “But why do I go about so industriously to prove that which our very Adversaries do not deny, as Ribera and Cornelius & Lapide, who both acknowledge Old Rome here meant, and Alcazar also and Bellarmirte upon par- ticular evincement from this verse ? The words of Bellarmine are, “Neque enim alia Civitas est quae Johannis tempore Imperium habuerit super Reges terra quâm Roma, et notissimum est supra septem Montes Romam a dificatem esse.” Which two things joined together are a Demonstration that Rome in Italy here is meant, and no other City.” May we not say then, that the CITY of Rome (“Mystery, Babylon the Great") is all but named by St. John? and that he could not have come nearer to the Name than by saying it is Rome; it is the Latin, or Roman Pontifical City: that “Great” Ecclesiastical “City” which Reigneth over the Kings and Kingdoms of the old Roman Earth, out of which she arose, and into which She succeeded by craft during the vil- lanous Reign of the Usurper and Regicide Emperor” Phocas the IInd. Thus have we discovered by the aid of the Holy Scriptures, the conjectures of Irenatus, Tertullian, and others, subsequent History, and undeniable facts, that the Latin Mark, Latin Name, Latin Number, Latin Language, Latin Church, and Kingdom of Rome, are fully descriptive of this | Dr. H. More's Works, p. 593. See the Confirmative Edict of Phocas, quoted by Cuninghame on the Apocalypse, p. 207. © sº THE ABODE OF THE MAN OF SIN. 265 Mystical, Idolatrous, Papal Latin MAN, the proper Appellative of whom is LATEINos: that the Number of his Name is 666; the time of his Reigning “ 1260 Days" of Years; the situation of his “Great City” upon the “Seven Mountains ; ” all of which concentre in the Roman and Latin Name and City of Rome. To doubt, therefore, any longer upon this subject seems plainly inexcusable, for vain would be the attempt to discover any other Proper and Appel- lative Name of a MAN, which can be Thus applied in almost every possible manner to the PAPAL CHURCH, CITY, KINGDOM, LANGUAGE, TITLEs, &c. &c. &c. wherefore Pope RY is fully characteristic of the “MAN,” who is the “Man of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition,” the “ Mystery of Iniquity,” the “Wicked One,” whose Mystical “ MARK,” or “NAME,” we are exhorted by St. John to seek after, by the means of “wisdom * and “understanding,” and then to “count the “ Number” of his NAME. The “wisdom" then to which we presume we have arrived, is, that by the union of the Papal Mitre with the Triple Crown or Tiara, we have come to the “understanding ” that “the Beast,” who (ac- cording to the very words of St. John) “ had two Horns like a LAMB,” represents the ecclesiastical character and dignity of the Pope, whereof the epis- copal Mitre is the emblem ; and as it is by him said of the second Beast that “ HE everciseth ALL the Power of the FIRST BEAST, and SPAKE as a DRAGON,” we understand the Dragon-like speech to represent the TEMPORAL Power of the Pope, (to 266 CHAPTER XIX : wit, the Triple Crown, which is the Emblem of Triple Sovereignty,) which latter has never been ea- ceeded by the most Tyrannical Pagan Emperors of ancient Rome. Wherefore as Rome PAGAN was the first Beast, so is Rome PAPAL the second Beast, which St. John saw “coming up out of the EARTH :” and, consequently, as Aarévvos is the Name of a Man, according to Irendºus, Virgil, &c. and con- tains the true Number 666, by the individual Greek Letters of the Name, and is in every possible sense applicable to the Mystical Papal Kingdom, so is it the proper Appellative of the Pope of Rome, whose Kingdom, Reign, City, and Name are all Numbered, and whose indelible “ MARK ?? is LATIN. As we have traced the Pope to head quarters, we may presume with tolerable confidence that HE is the “MAN "whose Appellative or Descriptive Name we intended to elicit from the enigmatical Number xás", or 666, and it may throw some additional light on the subject of the mystic Name, to mention a few of the Sovereign Titles and Epithets which the Pope assumes to himself, or which are bestowed upon him by his Conclave of Cardinals, at the time of his Installation, Coronation, &c. which are all of a LATIN complexion, and characterise his dupler power, fulfilling those words of St. John, "“He is the eighth, and is of the seven,” i. e. ‘ Imperium in Im- perio,” namely, “Sanctum Romanum Imperium,’ and ‘Sacra Romana Ecclesia.” * Rev. xvii. 11. TITLES oF THE PoPEs. 267 I. The Sovereign Title Of The Temporal Kingdom. of Papal Rome. * SANCTUM RoMANUM IMPERIUM.' Sovereign Titles given to the Popes, (in lieu of their Baptismal and Surmames) at the time of their Electiom and Coronation ; such as— JULIUS LIGUR. II. VICTOR IV. GREGORIUS VII. FELIX V. SEXTUS V. PIUS VII. CLEMENS VIII. INNOCENS XIII. PAULUS V. LEo X. LUcIUs II. ALEXANDER III. Sovereign Pontifical Titles assumed by the Popes; the first of which is Pagam, the others Blasphemous. ' * PoNTIFEX OPTIMUs MAxiMUs.' * * VICE-DEo sUPER TERRAM.' 3 * PATER PRINCIPUM et REGUM : RECTOR ORBIs. 1 The Title of Gregory XIII. ° Title of Paul V. 3 Coronation Title giwen to Pope Innocent XIII. 268 CHAPTER XIX : II. The Ecclesiastical Title Of - The Metropolitam Church and Spiritual Hierarchy Of Papal Rome. * SAcRA ROMANA EccLESIA.' * EccLESIA RoMANA, quæ oMNIUM EccLESIARUM, MATER est et MAGISTRA. Ecclesiastical Titles Of Supremacy, Universality, Blasphemy, and of mock humility, used by and concerning the Popes. * EMINENTIssIMUs et REvERENDISSIMUS PATER ac DoMINUS.' * EPIscoPUS ORBIS.' * VicARIUS SALvAToRIS NosTRI JESU CHRISTI IN TERRA.' * SANCTIssIMUS PATER.' * SERvUs SERvoRUM DEI.' As all the foregoing LATIN Titles, with very many others, are assumed by or bestowed upon the Popes qf Rome, may we not thence say they savour much more of their Latin pagam predecessors the Romam THE MAGNIFICENT TIARA of JULIUS II. 269 Emperors, whose seat and kingdom they occupy, than of St. PETER the Apostle of Christ 2 For, I would ask, What humble, poor and despised MAN, like St. PETER, would think of assuming to himself such monstrous and blasphemous Titles, whereby to glorify his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and of taking a TIARA, or Triple Crown, or Royal Diadem, in addition, more magnificent perhaps than any of those which were worn by the Emperors and Kings of the Roman Earth, up to the time of Louis the XIIth. [See a splendid engraving of the Papal Tiara of Julius II. with the description of it, as set forth in the Voyages of the Sr. A. De La Motraye, Tom. I. chap. ii. p. 30 and 32.] And then to make yet one more allusion to that most unscriptural prac- tice of inculcating Religion in an “unknown tongue.” Is not LATIN the Mother Tongue of the Papal Church of Rome at this very hour, although it is a Dead Language in all Europe and the World, yea, even in all ITALY and at Rome itself? The Papal “Masses, Prayers, Hymns, Litanies, Canons, Decretals, Bulls, &c. are expressed in LATIN. The Papal Councils speak in Latin. Women themselves pray in Latin. The Holy Scripture is not read in any other Language under Popery, than Latin. The Council of Trent has commanded the Vulgar Latin to be the only authentic Version. The Roman Doctors prefer it to the Hebrew and Greek. Teat itself, which was written by the Prophets and Apostles ; and there- * More's Mystery of Iniquity, Part II. Booki, chap. 15. sect, 8. London, 1706. 270 CHAPTER XIX : fore it is conclusive that as the Papists Latinize in every thing, so the Proper and Appellative Name LATEINos is in every way applicable to Popery. The Pope therefore is the “MAN ?” who carries the Mark or Name of the Beast, or the Number of his Name, having the descriptive Mark of both Beasts, that is, Sovereign and Pontifical; inasmuch as he is a Latin by Language, a Roman by Election : Earer- cises all the Power of the First Beast, and is the Image made to the first Beast; for upon the Creation of the Pope, these words are said: ‘Quem Creant, Adorant,’ ‘whom they create, they adore.’ And if the Speech of poor Peter bewrayed him that he was a Galilean, although he endeavoured to conceal it ; how much rather does the openly professed LATIN Tongue of the Pope bewray HIM that HE is the Mystical Roman or LATIN MAN of the Secular and Pontifical Empire of modern Rome. Look to it, therefore, O Papist, if, peradventure, thou canst recover thy Pope from the deadly wound which the faithful Martyr Irenaus hath inflicted on thy LATIN HEAD, wherewith he hath (by a Bow drawn at a Venture) smitten thy CHURCH and KINGDoM ; thy MITRE and TRIPLE CROWN; thy Latin Roman MAN. Prepare then, O Papist, thy Latin Coffin (for the doom of Popery is come, the “1260 Days” of Years having eaſpired,) and embalm the Effigy of thy Majestic LATIN IDol, and let thy Asbestos be of true Latin Teature, that the Fire of Vesuvius scorch not his LATIN Holiness, for “the smoke of his Tor- ment ascendeth up for ever and ever.” THE BRAND, MARK, LATEINOS. 27 l O LATIN PAPA, the Church of Christ will mourn thy evit: but only as the Jews of old did that of Herod the Great, after they had escaped from the * Circus or Hippodrome at Jericho, in which that Monster had caused them to be imprisoned, com- manding that they should be destroyed immediately after his Death ; and because of those whom THOU hast shut up in thy INFERNAL INQUISITION, hast tortured, burned, and massacred to the number of three Millions, and others whom thou hast anathema- tized and turned out of thy LATIN Roman CHURCH ; (the great Antichristian “SYNAGoGUE of SATAN ;” because of these, and all other, thy horrible Monstro- sities, and “ lying wonders ; ” KNow that “thy latter end shall be worse than the beginning !” As the Pope of Rome has chosen to be styled : ‘The Vicar of our Saviour Jesus Christ upon Earth,’ and yet as he renounces his Baptismal and Family NAMEs, and substitutes the vulgar LATIN, for the vernacular Tongue of Rome and Italy, which is ITALIAN ; so it is evident that HE is an ANoNYMoUs MAN ; wherefore, it is only consistent with the word of God that he should be branded with the characteristic Mark of “the Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” “the Mystery of Ini- quity,” “the Wicked one,” “the Antichrist,” for these, and such like terms, may be fairly associated with his most wonderful descriptive, proper, enigma- tical and Appellative Name Aarévos. Let him, therefore, be allowed in requital of his most Myste- * Joseph. Antiqui, Lib, xvii, chap. vi. 272 CHAPTER XIX . rious Tyranny, the full enjoyment of his Mock and Blasphemous Titles which he has assumed, (“and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of NAMEs of BLASPHEMY,”) that he may appear as Monstrous as he is described by St. Paul and St. John, and that his Proper and Appellative Name may be written in Hebrew, GREEK, and LATIN characters (nºn. AATeiNox. LATEINUs.) upon the Pontifical LABARUM, or Mystical Rom AN STANDARD, and placed in the VATICAN PALACE at Rome, as a STANDARD MEMORIAL of the indubitable NAME of the “MAN,” whose NUMBER is x&g', 666: that all EUROPE may exclaim in mock derision : “ ECCE HOMO ! !” Ecce 1 * “ NoMEN Bestiaº, aut Numerum NoMINIs ejus. Numerus enim HOMINIS est, et NUMERUs EJ US SExceNTA SExAGINTA SEx.” And we may add the words of Irendºus to those of St. John, and say, “LATEINos NoMEN habet Sevcentorum Seva- ginta Sea. Numerum ; et Valde Verisimile est, quoniam novissimum Regnum hoc habet vocabulum. LATINI enim sunt qui NUNC REGNANT: i.e. in the Person and Character of the Pope of Rome, the Appellative of whose Ecclesiastical Kingdom is nºnym Roman ; (“Sacra Rom ANA Ecclesia ; ”) but the NAME of the MAN, (whose “NUMBER is Sia. Hundred Threescore and Siv ") is A&révvos, LATEINUS. AATEINOX. * Revelations xvii. 3. * Revelations xiii. 17, 18. 273 AATEINOX. A - 3 = : = M = With a little attention we may soon discover by the pompous and most unewampled manner which this LATIN ... “Pontifer Optimus Marimus" ascends the Papal Throne; by the nature of his Papal Proclama- tion; with the subsequent secular and Ecclesiastical Titles and Fictitious Name which he so Innocently and modestly assumes, that HE is the “MAN,” whose “MARK,” “NAME,” and “NUMBER” are referred to by St. John ; and thus we are well assured, that the Event is the sure Interpreter of the Prophecy. It will only be necessary, therefore, to give an Historical Account of the Election, Proclamation, and Coro- nation of Pope INNocent XIII, who succeeded CLEMENT XI, (as recorded by Edward Wright, Esq., who was an eye-witness of the Ceremonies,) as conclusive on this subject. CHAPTER XX. AN HISTORICAL Account of THE ELECTION, PRo- CLAMATION, AND CoRoNATION OF Pope INNo- CENT XIII. (As REcoRDED BY EDwARD WRIGHT, Esq.) ILLUSTRATING THE GENIUs of Pope RY. “ ROME.” * “We made the more haste,” says Mr. Wright, from Naples to Rome in expectation of seeing the Ceremonies of the Holy Week; but the principal were omitted, by reason of the Death of the Pope (CLEMENT XI.) which had happened a little before.” ** Clement XI. died the 19th of March, 1721, N. S. after a Reign of twenty years, and about three Months. He was esteemed a Man of learning, and affable Behaviour, and gave patient Audience to the meanest: However, his Subjects thought he had reigned long enough. The Rom ANs please them- selves with the Jubilee of a new Promotion ; the Court Favours are then to run in a new channel, and every Man is in hopes of some Benefit by the change.” * Wright's Travels in Italy, &c. vol. i. p. 189, London, 1730. ” Ibid. 190. ELECTION OF POPE INNOCENT XIII. 275 “The conclave for the Election of the new Pope sate about five weeks, which is reckoned but a short time. It was shut up the 30th of March, and the new Pope was proclaimed the 8th of May by Cardinal Panfilio, who came to the Loggia della Beneditione, over the noble Portico which is at the entrance into St. Peter's Church ; there with a Thundering Voice he spake as follows: ” “Annuncio vobis Gaudium magnum ; PAPAM habemus ; EMIN ENTISSIMUM et Rev ERENDIssi MUM PATREM ac Dom INUM Mich. Angelum, Titulo S. S. Quirici et Julitae SACRE Rom ANAE Ecclesiæ Pres- byterum, Cardinalem de Comitibus, qui NoMEN sibi Assumpsit INNocentiuM XIII.” “I bring you Tidings of great Joy; we have a Pope; the Most Reverend Father and Lord Michael Angelo, Priest of the Holy Roman Church, Car- dinal de Conti, with the Title 1 of S. Quiricus and Julita ; who has taken upon him the Name of INNOCENT XIII.” “This sort of Annunciation to the People seems to have a plain Allusion to that of the Angel to the Shepherds, upon the Birth of our Saviour; “Behold, I bring you tidings of great Joy.” When he had done speaking, he dropt a Paper, which contained the same words, down among the People.” Now to whom, I would ask, did Cardinal Panfilio announce these—“tidings of Great Joy?” Was it not to the People of Rome 2 Yes, truly 1 And what * “Each Cardinal has a Church, of which he is said to be Titolare; and so this of the Saints Quiricus and Julita gave Title to Cardinal Conti.” T 2 276 CHAPTER XX . was the nature of his Annunciation to them? Why, that “we” (Romanists or Papists) “ have a Pope 1" And pray what Order of being is he 2 Why an “Innocent ’’ ‘‘ PontiFex opTIMUs MAXIMUs,” “Priest of the Holy Roman Church,” whose Lan- guage is LATIN, and he a LATIN MAN, who, although his original Name was Michael Angelo, must, upon his Assumption of the Papal Dignity, renounce both his Baptismal and Family Names, and be announced to the world by the assumed, or fictitious Name of INNocent XIII. And pray why does the Pope assume this fictitious Title of INNocBNT 2 Because a Roman Sovereign Pontiff, whose Name was OspoRco, (that the obscurity of his Family might not be known) changed his Name to SERGIO, as the Florentine History informs us in the following words. | “After a few other Bishops,” (says Macchiavel,”) “OSPORco a Rom ANE, aspired to the Papacy; who, for the homeliness of his Name, caused himself to be called SERGIo: which was the beginning why the Names of the Popes were changed at their Elec- tions : " and this elective custom, which originated in Pride, has been continued by all succeeding Sove- reign Roman Pontiffs. And why does this practice continue 2 Because of Antiquity, and that we might be sure that the Pope is elected kar’ story—“The Most Reverend Father and Lord ” “ Innocent XIII.” “Priest of the Holy Roman CHURCH.” Well, tell me what is the meaning of the “Roman 1 See the Florentine History by Nicholo Macchiavelli, translated from the Italian into English by Thomas Bedingfield, Fsq., 1595. ADoRATION of Pope INNocent XIII. 277 CHURCH 2" Why, the CHURCH of Rome to be sure. O Rom AN MAN ; O LATIN MAN ; O PAPAL MAN ; “out of thine own Mouth will I judge thee :” Thou acknowledgest thyself that thy CHURCH is the ‘Rom AN CHURCH,” (“sacra Rom ANA Ecclesia”) and because it us the Rom AN, therefore it is also the LATIN Church ; for LATIN is Roman, and RoMAN is Latin, and LATIN is the canonized living wniversal Language of the Roman Church. But as to the Church of Christ, or of St. Peter the Apostle; KNow, O Pope, that “Thou hast neither PART nor Lot in this Matter;" for although thou hast endea- voured to associate the humble Title of “, Servus Servorum Dei,” with the Pagan Blasphemous Title of ‘Pontifea. Optimus Marimus,' yet canst thou not hide thy cloven Foot, nor thy “Dragon Mouth.” But we proceed with Mr. Edward Wright's obser- vations concerning the Adoration paid to the ‘Pon- tifea. Optimus Marimus.’ “In the Afternoon of the same Day his new Holi- ness went to St. Peter's Church to receive the THIRD ADoRATION of the Cardinals [the two first had been made in the Chapel of Sixtus IV. within the PALAce of the VATICAN) and to give his first Benediction to the People. His Holiness sate on the Great Altar; then the Cardinal Dean (Tanara) beginning to chant the Te Deum, was followed by the Musicians of the Chapel. At the ADoRATION, the Cardinals kiss the Pope's foot, then his Hand, and then his Cheek : the last they call being received ad Osculum 278 CH APTER XX. et Amplevum [to the Kiss and the Embrace;] for His Holiness at the same time Embraces them. As soon as the Adoration was over, and the Prayers usual on the occasion, all was concluded with the Benediction.” It is well remarked by “Dr. Conyers Middleton' in a small work entitled “A Letter from Rome,” that “Of all the Sovereign Pontiffs of Pagan Rome, it is very remarkable that CALIGULA was the first, who ever offered his Foot to be kissed by any, who approached him ; which raised a general indignation through the City, to see themselves reduced to suffer so great an Indignity. Those who endeavoured to excuse it, said; that it was not done out of Insolence, but vanity; and for the sake of shewing his golden slipper, set with jewels. Seneca declaims upon it, in his usual manner, as the last affront to Liberty; and the introduction of a Persian Slavery into the manners of Rome." Yet this servile act, unworthy either to be imposed or complied with by man, is now the standing ceremonial of Christian Rome, and a necessary condition of access to the Reigning Popes; though derived from no better origin, than the frantic pride of a brutal Pagan Tyrant.” From the foregoing verbatim account of Mr. Edward Wright concerning the Adoration of the Pope, which is corroborated by the testimony of Dr. Conyers Middleton, we deduce a most important * Absoluto et gratias agenti porrexit osculandum sinistrum pedem-qui excusant, negant id insolentiae causã factum : aiunt socculum auratum, imo aureum, margaritis distinctum ostendere eum voluisse—natus in hoc, ut mores Civitatis Persica servitute mutaret, &c.” Senec. de Benef. i. 2. 12. INNOCENT XIII. AND CALIGULA CoMPARED. 279. Historical Fact; for therein we not only discover an Evact Parallel between Popery and Paganism ; but also between the words of St. Paul and the conduct of the Popes. The Apostle Paul says, that, the “Man of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition,” oppo- seth and evalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that HE as God, sITTETH in the TEMPLE of God, shewing himself that HE Is God.” And Mr. Wright says concern- ing the Pope that “His Holiness sat on the GREAT ALTAR in St. PETER’s CHURCH ‘’—and—“At the ADoRATION the Cardinals kiss the Pope's foot, then his Hand, and then his Cheek,” &c. whereby we perceive that this Papal “Pontifer Optimus Mawi- mus” is worshipped and adored by his Cardinals, and Courtiers in a more servile manner in St. Peter's Church, (“THE TEMPLE of God’”) at Rome, than the brutal Pagan Tyrant and Emperor CALIGULA was upon his Imperial Throne. Wherefore, the Pope is proved to be incomparably the “Man of Sin,” and the “Son of Perdition,” by the agree- ment of the Event with St. Paul's prediction. Now, is there any ea'ample on Record of St. Peter's kissing the foot; then the Hand; and then the Cheek of CHRIST, before he spoke to his Master; who had a right (if any one had) to expect this sort of homage from his poor Disciple # Or, is there any ea ample of any one of the Apostles kissing the Foot, then the Hand, and lastly the Cheek of St. Peter, before they addressed him as their Sovereign Pontiff’ſ We * 2 Thessalonians ii. 3, 4. 280 CHAPTER XX : know that the Apostle introduced no such abominable and Idolatrous Custom into the “Temple of God.” For in the case of Peter, and Cornelius the Centu- rion, we read, that, “as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet and worshipped him. But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up: I myself also am a Man.” There is no mention of St. Peter's foot being kissed on this occasion, neither do we read that St. Peter was ever SEATED (as the Pope now is) on the “Great Altar” “in the Temple of God,” either at Rome, or JERU- SALEM, or elsewhere: but the Apostle in raising up Cornelius, plainly and honestly assured him that he was only a Man, and not a God to be worshipped. Whatever abundance of Infallibility, Universality, Antiquity, Mystery, or Blasphemous Titles, the Latin Papal Hierarch may heap upon himself 'as Badges of peculiar Distinction, they must, one and all, be brought to the Standard of Divine Truth, and there we have the declaration of Jehovah himself concerning CHRIST's Mission to the GENTILEs,” “I AM THE LoRD : that is MY NAME: and MY GLORY will I not give to ANother,” (viz. the Pope,) “ neither my praise to graven Images: ” to wit, the Image of St. Peter, which is made out of an old Statue of Jupiter, and placed in the Roman Basi- lique, (dedicated to the Apostle,) the toe of which, although of Metal, is nearly worn out by the re- peated kissings of countless Pilgrims, and all Orders of Papistical Devotees. * Acts x. 25, 26. * Isaiah xlii. 8, Idol ATRY OF Pope INNocent XIII. &c. 281 We perceive, then, by every view of the Question; by a Comparison of the Holy Scriptures with the Page of History, that the Latin Papistical “ Pon- tifer Optimus Marimus” has required more homage, more Adoration, more genufletion for Himself, than God, or Christ, or St. Peter, or any of the Inspired Apostles : or even than the Pagan Romans would countenance in the Person of the tyrannical Emperor CALIGULA. The Pope, therefore, as the “ Dua, Gregis’’ of Papists, is surely “ANTICHRIST,” in requiring and receiving divine Honours on the one hand, and Titles which are wholly at variance with Christianity on the other. We have most clearly tracked this Latin Pontifical “Man,” or “Lamb-horned’ Beast of the “EARTH,” to his Latin Ecclesiastical Seat and Sovereign Throne “in the Temple of God” at Rome. And now let this “MAN,” whose Proper and Appellative Name is LATEINos, and “ his Number 666,” be assured of a “fearful looking-for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the Adver- saries; ” for his allotted Reign of “1260 Days” of Years has come to a close. Witness how much was accomplished at the Time of the REForMATION: and how much has been effected by the Instrumen- tality of France since the years 1792 and 1830; for confirmation of the former, see ‘ a Brief Account of the Subversion of the Papal Government, by Richard Duppa. Second Edit. 1798.’ And of the latter, witness the erasure of the VIth Article of the | Heb. x. 27. 282 CHAPTER XX. French Charter, whereby the Popish Church of Rome ceased to be the National Church of France, and the Abdication of the Crown of France by the Popish Priest-ridden Monarch CHARLEs the Xth, (August 2nd, 1830,) at RAMBouilleT, the MANSION of a FRENCH PROTESTANT, who had fled to England, and taken up his Abode in Kent," at the time of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis the XIVth. So that Charles the Xth, the Duke of Bor- deaua, Monsieur, the King's Brother, the Duchess of Berry, the Duchess of Angoulême, and all the old Branch of the Bourbons, ceded their Right and Title to the Popish KINGDom of FRANCE in the House of a FRENCH PROTESTANT Refugee, which was applied for by the living Hereditary Descendant of the House of Rambouillet, after the Restoration of Louis the XVIII. but he was refused his patri- mony by Charles X. According to the Laws of France, the Crown was considered an Hereditary Right, and irreversible, and, therefore, England waged war with Buonaparte and Restored the Bour- bon Line; and by the same Hereditary Law the House and Property of Rambouillet ought to have been Restored to their Rightful Owner. But to return from our digression. Mr. Edward Wright thus continues his description of the Papal Coronation. * “On the 18th of the same month [May] was the CoRoNATION ; before that ceremony a Pontifical * See Christian Guardian for October 1831. * Wright's 'Travels. Vol. i. p. 191. coRONATION AND MASS OF INNOCENT XIII. 283 Mass was celebrated by the Pope himself in the Church of St. Peter; His Holiness sucks the Sacra- mental Wine through a Tube; ALL OTHER PRIESTs and Bishops drink it out of the Chalice.” As there is no foundation in Holy Writ for the Idolatrous custom of kissing the Foot, the Hand, and the Cheek of the Pope, so neither is there for His Holiness (or rather His Wickedness, for so he is called by St. Paul, “the Wicked One,”) to suck the Sacramental Wine through a Tube, because the Primitive Institution of the Lord's Supper, as set forth by St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. Paul, enjoins not upon Christians any such ridiculous practice; for the word “DRINK’’ (and not suck) was the expression used both by Christ and his Inspired Apostles ; and, therefore, let the Reader only be at the trouble to consult with attention that most admirable and unanswerable work of “ Peter du Moulin, on the ANATOMY of the MAss,” wherein he sets forth no less than XXXIV. DIFFERENCEs as existing between the Papal Mass, and the Aposto- lical manner of celebrating the Lord's Supper, and he will no longer wonder why the English of old time used to convert the words, “ Hoc est Corpus Meum ; ” “This is my body: ” into “Hocus- pocus.” But I must now proceed with the Account given us by Mr. Wright of the Ceremony of the Pope's Coronation after the celebration of the Pontifical * ANATOMIE de la Messe. Par Pierre Du Moulin. Chap. II. Cinquiesme Edition. A Charenton. 1647. 284 CHA PTER XX. Mass, wherein we have an additional narrative of Papal Elevation and Adoration. Mr. Wright thus describes the scene: * “As the Pope was carried from the Chapel of St. Gregory (where were performed some Functions preparatory to the Mass) ea'alted in his Chair [the Sedia Gestatoria] with the Baldachino, or Canopy, - over his head, and the Flabelli for driving away the Flies on each side, one of the Masters of the Cere- monies went before him with some Flair tied at the end of a long Cane, and one of the Clerks of the Chapel with a lighted Torch set fire to it; the Master of the Ceremonies at the same time pro- nouncing aloud these words, “ SANCTISSIME PATER, sic transit Gloria Mundi ; ” Most Holy FATHER, thus passeth away the Glory of the World. This ceremony was repeated twice more.” - Thus we notice that the Pope is not only carried in State, and receives divine Adoration from their Eminences the Cardinals, and sucks the Sacramental Wine through a Tube differently from all other Priests and Bishops of the Latin Church ; but permits the Master of the Ceremonies to proclaim aloud (in the hearing of assembled Multitudes) “SANCTIssi ME PATER,” “Most Holy FATHER.’ Thus the Pope tacitly allows himself to be proclaimed by an Attribute peculiar to the Deity, viz. “Most Holy,” and, therefore, is the Pope guilty of down- right Blasphemy. To whom belongeth the lofty attribute of “Most | Wright's Travels. Vol. i., p. 191. BLASPHEMOUS PROCLA MATION OF INNocent XIII.285 Holy,” but to the Lord GoD 2 But the Pope also assumeth the lofty attribute of “Most Holy " to himself: therefore the Pope assumeth an Equality with the Lord GoD. And, consequently, in the person and Ecclesiastical character of the Pope of Rome is fulfilled this pro- phecy of St. Paul, “That HE” (viz. “The Man of Sin,” “ the Son of Perdition,” “the Mystery of Iniquity,” “the Wicked One,”) “as God” (in the character of God “Most Holy ”) “sitTETH in the Temple of God, showing himself that He is God ; ” which the Pope abundantly manifests by the Divine adoration which he commonly receives in St. Peter's Church and at the Vatican Palace, as well as in the public streets of Rome, from their Eminences the Cardinals, from the Emperors, Kings, Princes, and Nobles of the whole Roman earth, and from all persons whatsoever, when they approach near to ‘ His (Sovereign Pontifical) Holiness,” or ‘Most Holy Father.’ This fact is confirmed by the as- sumption of the Divine Attribute “Most Holy,” as well as the Divine Title of “RULER of THE WoRLD,” with many other titles which he most im- piously assumes, as if they belonged to him by divine right : whereas, those bestowed on him by St. Paul and St. John are of a different nature, to wit, “The Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” “the Mystery of Iniquity,” “the Wicked One,” “Anti- christ,” “the Beast,” “the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth,” Dragon Mouth : with 1 2 Thess. ii. 4. 286 CHAPTER XX . a number of other epithets indicative of his utter vileness. But to continue the History of the Papal Corona- tion, as related by Mr. Wright, when the Pope re- ceives the pallium, or pall, from the first Deacon. * “The Pope was carried to the great altar; there, after confession for the Mass, and some usual prayers, he received the pall from the first Deacon, with these words, Accipe PALLIUM, sc. Plenitudinem Pontifici- alis Qficii, ad honorem Omnipotentis DE1, et glorio- sissimae VIRGINIS MARIAE éjus Matris, et Beatorum Apostolorum PETRI et PAUL1, et Sanctae Roman Æ Ecclesia. Receive thou the PALL, namely, the PLENITUDE of the PontiFIcAL OFFICE, to the honour of Almighty God, of the most Glorious Virgin Mary his Mother, and of the blessed Apostles PETER and PAUL, and of the Holy Roman Church.” The receiving of the pall, which is the cloak or mantle of state, may well be termed by Papists the PLENITUDE of the Pontifical OFFICE, since it not only embraces the highest earthly titles, but likewise heavenly, such as “Sanctissimus Pater,’ ‘ Rector Orbis,’ ‘ Vice-Deo,” “ Divina Majestatis,’ &c. &c. It also includes Divine Adoration, and the appro- priating of (what is not in the province of an earthly being to bestow) a divine attribute to the Virgin Mary, by calling her “ Gloriossissima’ (the most Glorious), although the superlative degree is never used concerning her in the New Testament ; and by further calling Mary, “the Mother of Almighty God,” * Wright's Travels, vol. i. p. 192. THE POPE SUPERSEDES CHRIST. 287 (“ad honorem omnipotentis Dei, et Gloriossissimae Virginis Maria, ejus Matris’) which are Titles of Blas- phemy when applied to a mortal being, such as Mary was ; for Jesus thus addressed his Mother in Cana of Galilee, before he had performed his first miracle of changing water into wine, “Wom AN, what have I to do with THEE 2'' and when upon the cross, Jesus said to his Mother, * “Wom AN, behold thy Son 1" Besides which, the NAME of CHRIST is not men- tioned in this ‘plenitude of the Pontifical office to the honour of Almighty God: ' wherefore, by the omission of the NAME of CHRIST, the ‘ Pontifical office’ virtually supersedes that of CHRIST, and the Pope becomes, de facto, ANTICHRIST in office. How ‘the plenitude of the Pontifical office’ can be said to be ‘to the honour of Almighty God,” when the NAME of CHRIST is not mentioned in THAT office, I cannot comprehend, unless it is to be understood that the Pope, as the visible and supreme head of the Holy Roman Church is to be honoured as Almighty God; and certainly no higher degree of adoration can possibly be bestowed on any created being, than that which the Popes require and receive, from the Emperors, Kings, Princes, Cardinals, &c. of the Latin Roman Church, and some of their courtiers have even said in their presence— ** Divinae Majestatis tuae conspectus.” ‘The countenance of thy Divine Majesty.’ * John ii. 4. * John xix. 25, 26. * Orat. Puccii. in Sess. 9. Concil. Lateram. sub Leo X. ap. Sur. ipso limine. 288 -CHA PTER XX . ! ‘Omnem tibi uni in Coelo et in Terrā traditam a Domino Potestatem.’ “All Power is delivered by the Lord to thee alone, both in heaven and upon earth.” * “Tu denique Alter Deus in Terris.’ ‘Another God upon Earth.” * “Nec Deus es, nec Homo ; quasi Neuter Es inter utrumque." ‘ O Pope, thou art not God nor man; thy part ‘Is neither : but betwiat them both thou art.” In corroboration of the above sentences I shall adduce one which I copied with my own hand (during my residence in Paris, in 1830), from a beautifully enamelled tablet of great antiquity, representing a Trinity of Persons. From the exquisite manner in which the whole of it was finished, as well as the abbreviated style in which the Latin words were written upon it, I suppose that it must have been executed when Popery was in its zenith. The three characters which composed this Trinity were, 1st. the Holy Ghost, in the likeness of a dove, with a radiated glory around it. 2dly. Our Lord Jesus Christ in the likeness of a Man, with a radiated glory around his head: this figure is placed on the right side of the Dove. And 3dly. the Pope, dressed in full canonicals, with the Triple Tiara on his head, and the Keys of St. Peter in his hand: this figure is placed on the left side of the Dove. And then the * Orat. Puccii. in Sess. 9. Concil. Lateram. &c. * Orat. Marcell. in 4 Sess. Concil. Lateram. Sub Jul. II. Ap. sur. * Clement. Prooem. in Gloss. prop. fin. THE DEIFICATION OF THE POPE. 289 following words, explanatory of the subject, were placed above and below the hieroglyphic:— * Sancta Trinitas, UNUS DEUs: an Te invocemus; an Te adoremus ; Te laudamus : Te glorificamus ; O beata Trinitas, subnomen DEI UNIUs.” * Holy Trinity, ONE God : whether we invoke Thee; whether we adore Thee ; we praise Thee ; we glorify Thee; O blessed Trinity, under the name of the ONE God.” Thus the Pope became “ as God,” in the mind of the person who designed and executed this antique, representing the Papal Trinity. A Jesuit might say, that ‘ an enemy hath done this,' but the unbounded power which the Popes have assumed and evercised in times past, “over the kings of the earth,” (that is, the Ten Horns), as well as the beautiful manner in which it is finished, would amply justify the in- tegrity of this hieroglyphic, without a comment or gloss upon the subject; for the “Ten Horns” or “ Kings” of the Apocalyptic Roman Earth had then * “ONE MIND, and gave their Power, and STRENGTH, and KINGDoM unto the Beast.” If the Epithets and Attributes assumed by, or bestowed upon the Popes do not justify the belief that the claims of the Papacy are those of Infallibility and GoDLIKE, we shall fail to establish the belief of any fact. But, she does lay claim to them, as her Latin Language wit- nesseth, in terms which cannot be applied to a Being which is not more than mortal. Give ear then to the voice of the Second Roman Beast of the LAT IN * Rev. xvii. 13, 17. U 290 CHAPTER XX : Earth, for 1 “ He had two Horns like a Lamb, and He spake As A DRAGON | | | * * Alter Deus in Terris,' ‘Vice-Deo super Terram,’ ‘Divinae Ma- jestatis tuæ conspectus,’ ‘ Nec Deus es, mec Homo : quasi Neuter es inter utrumque,’ ‘Omnem Tibi Uni in Caelo et in Terrá traditam a Domino Potestatem,” “Sanctissimus Pater,’ ‘Pater Principum et Regum: Rector Orbis,’ ‘ Pontifea. Optimus Marimus,’ * Eminentissimus et Reverendissimus Pater ac Do- minus,’ ‘Episcopus Orbis,’ ‘ Vicarius Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi in Terrá,’ &c. &c. In Italy the Pope is commonly called “Our Lord God the Pope,’ which is in agreement with a Greek Epithet bestowed on him by commentators, eso; eu er yang, ‘ I am God upon earth,’ which latter contains the ea'act Num- ber 2.És', 666. And that the Pope is worshipped ‘as God,” the kissing of his foot is confirmation enough to establish his PRETENDED DIVINITY. What greater adoration can be given or required by the Deity from mortal men than that which is paid to the Pope of Rome, when sitting on the high altar in St. Peter's Church, or the Vatican Palace? Can there be any reasonable doubt as to whom the Apostle St. Paul alluded, when he warned the Thessalonians of the coming of ANTICHRIST in these words, 2 “Let no man deceive you by any means ; for THAT DAY shall Not come, Except there come a FALLING Away FIRST, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition, who opposeth and ea'alteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that * Rev. xiii. 11. - * 2 Thess. ii. 3, 4. THE CHURCH of Rome, MYSTIC BABY LON. 291 He as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that He is GoD 2 ” May we not say in the words of Job concerning Leviathan, “ Upon EARTH there is not His LIKE: he beholdeth all high things : he is a KING over all the children of pride.” Yet frightful indeed as is such language of blasphemy to- lerated by the Pope, what shall we say to the following command addressed by the Abbé Edgworth to Louis XVI. on the scaffold 2 ** Son of St. Louis, ascend to heaven l’ If the Power of an Abbé be such that he can com- mand the departing soul of a KING to ‘ascend to Heaven,’ what must be the Power of the Pope? Reasoning according to the ratio of degrees between an Abbé and the Pope, the power of the latter must be “as God,” and according to prediction, the Pope “sheweth himself that he is God,” and, therefore, we need not question further whether it is “ He that should come 2 * For he is revealed in his time, in the [Now] Church of Rome, which is “ the Syna- gogue of Satan,” and Mystic Babylon, and the Mystical Name LATEINos is put upon him, his Church, and his Kingdom; and let him try the experi- ment of Miracles, to do away with this branded “Mark’ if he be able: but, as the Word of God is infallibly true, so he must surrender up his ecclesias- tical Kingdom, and go to his “appointed place,” the reward of his Apostacy, even as Judas did. But I must now continue with Mr. Wright's de- scription of the Papal Coronation ceremony. * Job xli. 33, 34. * See M. Hue and Clery's Journal, p. 35. U 2 292 CHAPTER XX . ' ' His Holiness (says Mr. Wright) then going up to the altar, kissed it, and blessed the incense in the censer, and incensed the altar, and one of the Car- dinal-Deacons incensed him. He then went and seated himself in his Pontifical Chair, or Throne, which was placed about a dozen yards from the altar, looking towards it, and received the Cardinals again All’Adoratione, or Obedienza, as they more particu- larly call this. The Cardinals kissed his foot and hand, and were all admitted All Amplesso, as before: the Prelates kissed his foot and knee; the Peniten- tiaries of St. Peter his foot only. Then after some hymns and suffrages, His Holiness celebrated the Mass. When that was done, he took the gloves and ring, and twenty-six Julios (about sixpence a-piece), in a rich purse, offered him by Cardinal Annibale Albani, in the name of the Chapter, Pro bene can- tatá Missá [for having chanted the Mass well], which he gave to one of the Cardinal-Deacons. After this, he was carried in the same state to the Loggia della Beneditione, where he sat in his Pontifical Chair, in full view of the vast crowd of spectators, with which the great Piazza below was filled, where all the pomp of Rome was united, in the rich coaches of the No- bility. After some hymns and prayers, one of the Cardinal-Deacons took the MITRE off his head, and another put on the TRIREGNo, or TRIPLE CRowN, with these words (as I was informed afterwards, for he did not thunder it out, as Cardinal Pamfilio did the | Wright’s Travels, vol. i. p. 192, 193. PAPAL CORONATION CONTINUED. 293 Proclamation), ‘Accipe TIARAM, TRIBUS CoRoNIs or NATAM, et scias TE esse PATREM PRINCIPUM et REGUM, RECTOREM ORBIs, in Terrá Vicarium Sal- vatoris nostri, Jesu Christi ; cui Honor est, et Gloria in Saºcula Seculorum. Amen.” “Receive thou the Tiara, adorned with THREE CRowNs, and know THYSELF to be the Father of Princes and of Kings, RULER of the WoRLD, upon EARTH Vicar of our Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom be Honour and Glory for ever and ever. Amen.’ * For two or three nights upon this occasion, the City of Rome was perfectly on fire with illuminations of all sorts; the Nobility and all the people striving who should testify most zeal and joy on this accession, for the new created Pope was a man very agreeable to the people of Rome, as being a Roman born, brother to the Duke of Poli, of a most ancient Family, out of which they reckon twelve Popes to have been, since the Family-Name was Conti, and four more while it was Anicia, the ancient name of it, from which they say it was changed to Conti, from the great number of Counts that were then of it, above a thousand years ago." Here then we have the Nobility and all the people of Rome striving who should testify the most zeal and joy on the Accession of the new Pope, by illumina- tions of all sorts for two or three nights; and from the circumstance of one of the Cardinal-Deacons taking off the MITRE, and then another Cardinal- * ‘Accipe Tiaram,’ &c. For confirmation of these words consult Voyages du Sr. A. De La Motraye en Europe, &c. Tom. i. p. 10. chap. 16. 294 CHA PTER XX : Deacon placing the TIARA or TRIPLE CRowN on the Head of the Pope, accompanied by a distinct Pro- clamation (Accipe TIARAM, TRIBUS CoRoNIS or NA- TAM, &c.), we know for a certainty that the Roman or Latin ‘ Pontifea. Optimus Mavimus’ is both an Ecclesiastical and Temporal Sovereign, and that the Pope has succeeded to the Temporal Kingdom of Rome, and has thus imitated the Idolatrous Custom of the Pagan Roman Emperors who were anciently styled by the Title of ‘Pontifea. Marimus.” Where- fore we have a complete Narrative and Developement of the ELECTION, PRoclamATION, ANNUNCIATION, ADORATION, CoRoNATION, EXALTATION, and EN- THRONEMENT of this compound Mysterious Latin Papal Man, with the Place and Manner of his sitting in state, viz. “ in the Temple of God” at Rome, “shewing himself that he ” (in his ecclesiastical cha- racter and capacity) “is God.” If, (in addition to the customary homage of genuflexion,) kissing the foot, the knee, the hand, and face of a Pope is not Idol ATRY, we shall labour in vain to establish the fact: but we have established it by the opinion of a Pagan, even Seneca, who reproved the Pagan Em- peror CALIGULA most sharply for permitting the Pagan Senators and Courtiers of Old Rome to bow down to, or kiss the Emperor's elegant slipper studded with jewels. But the Papists have an easier way of solution, by dividing the Tenth Commandment (given on Mount Sinai to Moses) into two Parts, and omitting the Second, which relates to the worshipping and bowing down to IMAGEs and Relics, knowing IDOLATRY OF PAPISTS. 295 that Peter refused to be worshipped by Cornelius, and the Angel by St. John, and that the Second Commandment subverts their Idolatrous Practices. In the year 1830, I was in Paris, in the Easter Week, and in the Church of St. Roch, I saw a wooden crucifia exhibited on Good Friday, at the Altar, and several Priests in succession came and bowed down to it, kissing the head, body, and feet of the full-length figure of Christ which was upon it. The Consecrated wafeR in the Papal MAss is bowed down to and worshipped, the people supposing that the Real Presence of Christ is there; whereas, it is nothing but the Pope, and the emanations of his Supremacy and Infallibility, in and over the Latin Church, whose Members act in concert with their Latin Head, doing as Papa and his Councils com- mand. But how a wafer, which is made of flour and water, can be transubstantiated into the literal Body of Christ, is an affair too mysterious to be ex- plained or believed, as the Papists must know; for this Mystical-Wafer Deity is locked up in a Pir, and this God is not known to be such by the people, until a little trumpery bell rings at the High Altar, to announce it to the Congregation, at which time they all fall down and worship this God of paste. As, therefore, it is said of the Pope when he is elected, ‘quem creant, adorant ; ' ' whom they create, they adore;’ so it may equally be said of the consecrated Host (or Wafer) which they preserve in a Pir, ‘quem creant, adorant ; ' ' whom they create, they adore.’ So that Papists first create a Paste God, 296 CHAPTER XX : then they bow down to him and worship him, and afterwards devour him in the MAss, or Roman Sa- crament. This is certain, that if one consecrated wafer becomes the literal Body of Christ, as Papists affirm (“Hoc est Corpus meum,’ ‘this is my body'), so, by the same rule (Transubstantiation), all conse- crated wafers must become the literal Bodies of Christ; and, therefore, according to the Number of Papists who partake of the Roman Catholic MAss, so is the Number of Christs which are devoured (flesh and blood) on every Sabbath Day throughout the year, besides Fast Days, which must be innu- merable, for Papists have as many as seven different MASSEs in one day, and oftentimes without one com- municant. Who cannot see that this is Hocus Pocus work. If the wafer is meant to represent the literal Sacrifice of Christ's body, (and Papists pointedly call their Sacrament, the ‘Sacrifice of the Mass,”) then it is Bloodless, for the Priests deny the Cup to the Laity, by drinking it themselves, which renders the sacrifice of none effect to the Laity. A French Roman Catholic, when soliciting his wife or his friend to partake of the ordinance of the Mass, would say, * Woulez-vous manger le bon Dieu aujourd'hui 2 ‘Will you eat the good God to-day ?’ This is no burlesque, but truth. I recollect a conversation which I had in Paris with a French Roman Catholic Priest, of good sense and urbanity of manner, on the subject of Transubstantiation, which was somewhat to the following effect: I asked him whether he thought that Christ (whilst he sat at supper with his The folly of TRANSUBSTANTIATION. 297 twelve Disciples, which event happened before Christ had suffered death upon the cross,) took up his own literal Body in his hands, and then brake his own literal Body into twelve pieces, and then gave to each of the twelve Disciples a portion of his own literal Body? Because Christ said, "“Take eat; this is my Body.” Or, did he think that Christ gave his twelve Disciples his literal blood to drink, whilst it was yet flowing in his veins 2 For he had not, when he uttered these words, shed his blood upon the cross for man's Redemption. The Priest shook his head, as if the Question was profane. But Christ's blood could have been of no avail before he had offered himself in sacrifice to his Father : for 2 “ Without the shedding of Blood there is no Remission” of sins. The Abbé confessed it was a great Mystery, and I agreed with him that it was so in the literal, or carnal sense in which he under- stood it; but that I viewed the subject in a spiritual sense; for it was the former which staggered the Faith of the Jews, insomuch that “many of his dis- ciples went back, and walked no more with him,” as may be seen in the VIth Chapter of St. John's Gospel; but Christ explained to them his meaning of the terms “ Flesh” and “ Blood * in the 63rd verse of the same chapter, by saying, “It is the Spirit that quickeneth ; the flesh profiteth nothing ; the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life.” And the IXth and Xth Chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews have for ever ! Matt. xxvi. 26. * Heb. ix. 22. 298 CHAPTER XX : set aside all future sacrifices of Christ's Body; as the following words of the Holy Spirit testify. * “Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; neither by the blood of Goats and Calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal Redemption for us.” “Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the High Priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; for then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Him- self. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Again:—“We are sanctified through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all.” “This Man, after He had offered One Sacrifice for sins, for ever sat down on the right hand of God; from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by One Offering he hath perfected for ever, them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us.” So true and convincing are these words that even a Roman Catholic Child in Ireland, when reading them, affirmed, that the Protestants had * Heb. ix. 11, 12; 24–28; x. 10—15. THE CHURCH of Rome, ANTI-CHRISTIAN. 299 placed these two Chapters in the Bible on purpose to do away with the MAss. But whosoever will Read the Bible attentively and with a child-like simplicity (understanding the Tenets of Popery) will confess that such a system is Anti-christian, Satanic and Idolatrous, and that the Bible and Papists cannot both be true, for either the one or the other must be false. But it has been shown already which of them is false, and LATEINos shall be our Day- Star, for the Night of Popish Darkness is passed and “the True Light now shineth,” and will shine, “more and more unto the Perfect Day.” And though the Political Horizon of the British Empire seems to be lowering a little in consequence of the criminal introduction of the dark children of the Roman Church into our Protestant Constitution, yet, be it remembered that, the indelible stigma LATEINos is not only written upon her Roman Babylonish Latin Papal Man, but upon every indi- vidual Papist; and those who cannot see the Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast, must be totally ignorant of the Bible, which the Papists have locked up in the Latin Language to prevent the discovery. IRELAND can never be godly and quietly governed, so long as the principles of the Church of Rome predominate, for they are wholly at variance with christian Peace, and national safety, (as the fiendish Jesuits and Popcs have ever proved to all Europe during the “1260 Days” of Years,) and this is a sure sign that the Church of Rome is Anti-chris- tian. Let Protestants of England regard these true 300 CHAPTER XX : words of God's Holy Spirit concerning the Roman Papal Beast. “And the third Angel followed them, saying, with a loud voice, IF ANY MAN worship the Beast and His Image, and receive his Mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the Cup of his indignation ; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb : and the smoke of their tor- ment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the Beast and His Image, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of His NAME ;” which has been proved to be LATEINos. May we not then with the utmost propriety apply to Romanists the highly-significant words in St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, where the Apostle reasons against PAGAN Roman IDolatry. * “Pro- fessing themselves to be wise,” [viz. Papists of Rome, “they became fools, and changed the Glory of the uncorruptible God into an IMAGE” [the Pope] “made like to corruptible Man: ” [the Pope:] “who changed the TRUTH of GoD into a LIE, and worshipped” [the Pope] “and served the Creature” [the Pope] “MoRE than the CREATOR, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans tells the Gentile Christian CHURCH of RomE (if a CHURCH of Rome there was, in his day, which he does not affirm, as when he writes his Epistles to the Corin- * Rev. xiv. 9–11. * Romans i. 22, 23, 25. ST. PAUL's WARNING To Rome. 301 thians, Galatians, &c. but merely addresses himself to believers in Christ dwelling in the City of Rome, after this manner. “To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be Saints, &c., and after- wards adds these words:—” “I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also,”) of the exceeding great Advantages and privileges of the Jews above the Gentiles —” “ISRAELITES ; to whom pertaineth the Adoption, and the Glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the Service of God, and the Promises ; whose are the Fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.” But he adds, that the former had nationally forfeited all these ancient privileges by reason of their “UNBELIEF.” * “Because of UNBELIEF THEY were BRokEN off.” However, St. Paul reminds the Gentile Christians of Rome, that, because of these ancient Promises of God made to the Israelites, the JEws were the or 1- GINAL and TRUE “OLIVE TREE * from which “CHRIST came * or descended, as Jesus testified 5 “Salvation is of the Jews; ” but that “some of the Branches " were “broken off" in order to the Ingrafting of the Gentiles, (* “I speak to you Gentiles,” viz. of Rome, “inasmuch as I am the Apostle of the Gentiles,”) whom he designates “a wild Olive Tree,” and he then war.Ns the GENTILE Church of Rome, that 7 “If God spared not the Natural Branches, take heed lest He also spare not * Rom. i. 7. * Ibid 15. * Rom. ix. 4, 5. * Rom. xi. 20. * John iv. 22. * Rom. xi. 13. 7 Ibid 21. 302 CHAPTER XX : THEE.” For although God had manifested his seve- rity to the utmost upon the TEMPLE, CITY and NATION of the Jews for their “ UNBELIEF ;” never- theless the Apostle tells the Gentile Christian Church (consisting of “a Congregation of faithful men”) at Rome, that IT only stooD BY FAITH. “THou" [Gentile Church of RomE] “STANDEST BY FAITH,” and that a departure from that Faith would bring upon IT a sentence of severity similar to that which was executed upon the CHURCH of JERUSALEM ; that is, IT should be “CUT OFF.” “Towards THEE, (Gentile Church of Rome,) GooDNess, if THOU continue IN HIs GooDNESS : oth ERwise THOU ALso shALT BE CUT OFF.” That the Papal Church of Rome has “departed from the Faith” has been proved in a variety of particulars, as com- pared with the word of God; therefore, she no longer “STANDS BY FAITH, not having “continued in GoD's GooDNESS,” and consequently “SHALL BE CUT OFF.” In conclusion : that the Reader may not for an instant suppose that I have been speaking in my own spirit, I will place before him the CONDITIONS on which the GENTILE CHURCH of Rome would have continued upon the original Stock of the TRUE Olive-TREE, according to the words of St. Paul in his EPISTLE to the ROMANS. * “I speak to you Gentiles” [viz. at Rome] “inas- much as I am THE APOSTLE of the GENTILEs. If some of the Branches be broken off, and THOU,” * Romans xi. 23. * Ibid 13, 17–22. ST. PAUL's REASONING with Rome. 303 [Gentile Church of Rome, “being a wild Olive Tree, wert graffed in among them,” [the Jews] “and with them partakest of the Root and Fatness of the OLIVE-TREE ; BoAst NoT * [Gentile Church of RoME] “ against the Branches. But if THOU boast, [Gentile Church of Rome, THou bearest not the Root, but the Root THEE. Thou wilt say then,” [Gentile Church of Rome, “The Branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. Well ; because of UNBELIEF they were broken off, and THOU” [Gentile Church of Rome] STANDEST BY FAITH. Be not HIGH-MINDED ; but fear : for if God spared not the NATURAL BRANCHES, [the Jews, “TAKE HEED lest he also SPARE NOT THEE. Behold therefore ” [O Gentile Church of Rome] “the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell,” [the Jews,) “severITY; but towards THEE,” [Gentile Church of Rome, “GooDNess, IF THOU CONTINUE" [these are the CONDITIONS] “IN His GooDNEss: OTHERwise THOU ALso " [Gentile Church of Rome] “sh ALT BE CUT OFF.” Clear thyself then, if thou be able, thou Papal Latin Vatican Monster, from the application of these Prophetic words of St. Paul, to the Pseudo- Apostolic Church of Rome, which are FULFILLED in thy long continued UNBELIEF and Apostacy, viz. 1260 years. Thou hast given GOD the lie till the Heart sickens at THY BLASPHEMY, and I tell thee in His MIGHTY NAME, (for “He is KING of Kings and Lord of Lords,”) that thou art not his Vicar, but the ARch-ANTICHRIST, even the “MAN” whose 304 CHAPTER XX : Appellative “NAME * or “MARK" is Lateinos, and thy enigmatical Number x{s', or 666. Thou knowest (or I will tell thee) that THou hast Not “continued IN GoD's GooDNESS,” but hast signally * “departed from the Faith in the LATTER TIMEs,” by forbidding MARRIAGE and commanding to abstain from MEATs, and instead of Preaching the Faith of Christ crucified, as Paul did at Rome, thou “siTTEST in the Temple of God,” there to be “worshipped.” Thou hast indeed “boasted thyself against the Natural Branches,” as thy thundering Bulls from the Vatican have testified again and again to all Europe. And thinkest thou, O Pope, that thy MYSTICAL Roman CHURCH shall not be “CUT OFF 2° Yea, as certainly as it was predicted con- cerning Jerusalem and her Temple, before the Event had come to pass, that * “there shall not be left one STONE upon another that shall not be thrown down ; ” so likewise the prediction concerning * “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,” “THAT GREAT CITY,” Rome or BABYLoN, is, that she shall be “THROWN DOWN,” and shall “BE FOUND NO MORE AT ALL.” As the Prediction of the former has had its literal fulfilment, so must the latter. “Take heed,” therefore, O Latin Pope of Rome, for God did not spare the Natural Branches, neither will he spare THEE : for thy Latin, Roman, Papal CHURCH and KINGDom ; thy Roman City, with the period of thy Ecclesiastical Reign, are NUMBERED ; * 1 Tim. iv. 1–3. * Matt. xxiv. 1, 2. Mark xiii. 1, 2. * Compare Rev. xvii. 5, 18, with Rev. xviii. 21. THE PUNISHMENT OF THE MAN OF SIN. 305 and the words which the Prophet Daniel addressed to Belshazzar, the proud King of Euphratean Ba- bylon, may be equally applied to Thee, the Proud Sovereign Pontiff of “MYSTERY, BABYLoN THE GREAT ; ” that is to say, “MENE ; TEKEL; ” which, according to the Interpretation of Daniel, is this, “ MENE ; God hath numbered thy Kingdom,” [at “ 1260 Days” of Years, “ and finished it,” [in the reign of Pope “Pius Sixtus,” A. D. 1798.] TEKEL ; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting; ” as thy NAME LATEINOS shall evidence to all generations. Moreover; in another passage of his Inspired Writings, St. Paul speaks of the Punishment of the “ Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” “the Mystery of Iniquity,” (proved to be the Pope of Rome,) after this manner, “That WIcked ONE, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” And St. John tells us of the dire punish- ment and Annihilation of the Beast, whose Eccle- siastical City is upon the “ SEVEN MoUNTAINs of Rome, in the avenging of God's people persecuted by the Blasphemous Latin Papal Tyrannical Baby- lonish Roman Church and “MAN,” whose Appella- tive is LATEINos and his Number “ 666.” And as St. Paul designates this Ecclesiastical Hierarch by' the Title of the “Son of PERDITION,” so St. John says, * “THE BEAST" (whose Number is 666) “Goeth into PERDItion : ” and * “ Her Plagues | Dan. W. 25. * Rev. xvii. 8. * Ibid. xviii. 8. X 306 - ... CHAPTER XX. shall come in one Day, Death, and Mourning, and Famine ; and SHE shall be UTTERLY BURNED with FIRE : for strong is the LORD GoD who judgeth HER..” “And a Mighty Angel took up a Stone like a great Millstone, and cast it into the Sea, saying, THUS with ViblENCE shall that GREAT CITY BA- BYLoN be THRow N Down, and shall be Found No MoRE AT ALL.” Wherefore, the Holy Spirit, speak- ing by the Mouth of St. John, saith, * “CoME out of HER, MY PEOPLE, THAT YE BE NOT PARTAKERS of HER SINs, and THAT YE RECEIVE Not of HER PLAGUES.” - * “Blessed,” then “ is he that Readeth, and they that hear the Words of this Prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein : for THE TIME IS AT HAND.” - * Rev. xviii. 21. * Ibid. 4. . 3 Ibid. i. 3. THE END. I.-TABLE OF NUMERALS. A TABLE exhibiting the numerical value of each of the 24 LETTERS of the Greek Alphabet, with the addition of the 3 Nume- rical Cyphers denominated eriorſpºov Tav, Korra, and Xaviri, distin- guished by a small mark placed above or below them, as [f] and which points out their individual Arithmetical value according to the Mode of Calculation adopted by the Ancient Greeks. N. B. The Cyphers, or Episemons are only introduced to supply a deficiency in the Greek Alphabet, viz. to make up units, tens, and hundreds, &c. If the mark be above the Letter or Episèmon, then the said Letter belongs to the Class of Units, Tens, and Hundreds : if below, to the Class of Thousands, &c. - 1. UNITS. A. & equals 1 B. / F • e o e 2 T. y’ *= e Q e > 3 A. 8' = ... 4 - E. s’ = e Q 5 extankov Fav } = 6 V. G. g' Z. g’ F • e o e 7 H. ºn' F e s e e 8 63. 6/ - e s e e 9 I. THOUSANDS. A. & equals ... 1,000 B. 8 = . . . . . . 2,000 T. y = . . . . . . 3,000 A. : - . . . . . . 4,000 E. : F • . . . . . 5,000 eruankov Tav V s : }=0,000 Z. & = . . . . . . 7,000 H. n = . . . . . . 8,000 ©. 9 = © e o e º e 9,000 . . . . 50,000 II. TENS. I. : " equals ... 10 K. R.' = . . 20 A. X’ == Q º 30 M. p.’ = . . . . 40 N. v' = . . . . 50 E. :’ = • 60 O. o' = . 70 II. ºr' = . . . . 80 K07ſ ºf Cz T.S./- 90 II. TENS of THOUSANDS. I. : equals ... 10,000 K. AC - e s e e 20,000 A. A = . . . . 30,000 M. p = . . . . 40,000 N. v 0 f º smºs- * º wº- - e o e e 60,000 . . . . 70,000 . . . . 80,000 conna T. S. # 90,000 III. HUNDREDS. P. p’ equals 100 X. a' - © Q 200 º T. r" = ... 300 T. v' = . . 400 q>. p' = . . 500 X. x' = . . 600 *P. J/ F • e 700 Q. wº = .. 800 aayr. 2' = 900 P. 2. T. T. $. X. \r. Q. III. HUND REDs of ThousAND8. p equals...100,000 OT = e o e e 200,000 7 F • * ~ * 300,000 w = . . . . 400,000 ‘p - e s e e 500,000 26 - e e s e 600,000 il, F e o e e 700,000 (*) = • , a e 800,000 O'Cºy'ſſ; ? - e. e. 900,000 II.-SCALE OF COMBINATIONS. A TABLE of the CoMBINATION of NUMBERs, as set forth in the Eton, Westminster, Port Royal, and other Greek Grammars, to which I beg to refer my readers for an explanation. a' G' y 3' s' g' & n' 0' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "| 12' 18' ty 13' te' 1;7 ig' wn' 16 10| 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 k'l koz' k8' ky' kö’ ke' kº-' kg." km/ k0' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 x(|x2' >8' Xy' Aö’ Xe' Xº- Ag' An' ſ A6' 30| 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 a'az' eff' Py’ tº ke' es' eg º' º' 40|41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 v' vo.’ w8' vy' vö’ ve' vº-' vg" wn' v9' 50|51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 £' fa’ #8 º’ & ‘e’ &- $g' ºn’ {0' 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 o'loo." og' oy' oë' oe' os- oš' on' o6' 70|71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ºr' tra’ ºrg/ try Trô' re' ºrg- ºrg/ ºrm' w8' 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 #|}<' h;3 º' º' We' ºs- ºg' ºn 9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 900. 1000. / Æ / / / / / / M / p aſ T U (p X t!, (w) 2) CL - From the above Table, the Reader will perceive how the 24 Letters are employed in unison with the 3 Greek Cyphers, called enria nuov Tav, Kowna, and Xaviri, to denote Numbers, and that not one of the numerous stenographical ContRActions or Ligatures of the Letters of the Greek Alphabet appears throughout the whole Scale, (See the Table of Contrac- tions in Greek Grammars,) and therefore, it is clearly ungrammatical to use any of the Three Greek Cyphers, or Episemons, viz. S. h. and 2, as the numerical representatives of any one or two Letters of the Greek Alphabet, in writing the NAME of a MAN, or even in a word of any sort, for to give place to such an idea would be to allow that the Letters and Episémons arc one and the same thing, which thcy are not. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE OR MUTILATE CARD milliºl 135 G sº ~~~ #!!!NJRTNºſſº Zºº Pºr. .*.*.* * E; Nùù |||ſº!!! ſ &n: tº N NJ; (º) º; §§ THE º ºn FFIE 1.3% * ſº LIRRARY - - ſ--- -:) "["II I. ( * l 1."I" ( ) 1." T I I 1. "R". A 1 » "...º N | * 1& 1...s Y." "l" i. 1& I.N. N. .\ss( ) ( " . .V. "I" . ( ) N