\!\ & 3 \%. 3%) A CATALOGUE OF THE FRATERNITY OF q BK, ALPHA OF MASSACHUSETTS. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, 1839. CAMBRIDGE. FOLSOM, WELLS, AND THURSTON, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1839. 3,3 - ...’ - OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. —sº- PR E S T D E N T S. 1781–3 *REv. SAMUEL KENDAL, S. T. D. 1783 HoN. ELIJAH PAINE, L.L. D., A. A. & S. A. S. 1784–7 *REv. SAMUEL KENDAL, S. T. D. 1787 *Rev. JOSHUA PAINE, A. M. 1788–91 Rev. HENRY WARE, S. T. D. & A. A. S. 1791 REv. THADDEUS FISKE, S. T. D. 1792–6 *HoN. DUDLEY ATKINS TYNG, LL. D., S. A., [S. H. & A. A. S. 1796–8 #ABRAHAM BIGLOW, S. A. S. ~ 1798–1807 Rev. JOHN THORNTON KIRKLAND, S. T. [LL. D., A. A., S. A. &. S. H. 1807–9 #REv. JOSEPH M'KEAN, S. T. D., L.L. D. & S. H. 1809–12 HoN. JOSIAH QUINCY, LL. D., A. A. & S. H. 2 1812–15 *Hon. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, A. A. S. 1815–17 *HoN. ISAAC PARKER, L.L. D. & A. A. S. 1817–18 HoN. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, L.L. D., A .A. & [S. H. S. 1819–22 HoN. CHARLES JACKSON, LL. D., A. A. & S. H. S. I822–26 HoN. JOSEPH STORY, LL. D., A. A. & S. H. S. 1826–32 HoN. EDWARD EVERETT, P. D., A.A. & S. H. S., [LL. D. 1832–37 HoN. LEMUEL SHAW, LL. D., A. A. S. 1837 HoN. JOSEPH STORY, L.L. D., A. A. & S. H. S. —sº- WICE-PRESIDENT S. 1792 REv. John THoRNTON KIRKLAND, s. T. D. & LL. D. H 793 *SAMUEL SHAPLEIGH, A. M. 1794-8 *REv. John PIPON, A. M. 1798–1805 * FRANCIs DANA CHANNING, A. M. IS05 Rev. WILLIAM JENKs, s. T. D. 1806 *LOAMMI BALDw1N, A. A. s. 4 1807–9 1809–15 1815–17 1817–19 1819–22 1822–26 1826–27 1827–33 1833–35 1835–38 1838 HoN. ANDREW RITCHIE. *LoAMMI BALDWIN, A. A. s. HoN. SIDNEY WILLARD, A. A. S. John FARRAR, A. A. S. ANDREws Norton, A. A. S. HoN. Edward EveRETT, P. D., A. A. & S. H. S., LL. D. HoN. CALEB Cush ING, A. A. S. REv. JAMEs WALKER, D. D. REv. HENRY WARE, JR., D. D. REv. NATHANIEL LANGDon FROTHINGHAM, D. D. CHARLEs H. WARREN, A. M. CO R. A. ND REC. SEC RETAR IES. 1794–1800 *SAMUEL SHAPLEIGH, A. M. 1800–7 I807 I808–10 1810–13 1813–17 1817–19 1819–21 1821–23 1823–33 1833–38 1838 HoN. SIDNEY WILLARD, A. A. s. REv. PETER Nours E, A. M. *REv. SAMUEL Cooper THACHER, A. A. S. *REv. John LovEJoy ABBOT, A. M. ANDREws NoFTON, A. A. s. REv. SAMUEL GILMAN, A. M. GEORGE BARRELL EMERSON, A. A. S. Joseph GREENE Cogswell, P. D. & A. A. S. CHARLEs Folsom, A. A. s. CoRNELIUS ConwAY FELTON, A. M. FRANCIS Bow EN, A. M. CATALOGU E. 1772. *Joshua Barker, M. M. S. S. Hingham 1777. *Rev. James Freeman, S. T. D., A. A. & Bost Is II. S. posion 1778. *Rev. Aaron Bancroft, S. T. D., A. A. S., Worcester [& S. A. Vice-Praes. O *Rev. Elisha Parmele Lee *Rev. Asa Piper Wakefield, N. H. 1779. *John Hale Portsmouth, N. H. *Thomas Perkins KENTUCKY 1781. Hon. John Davis, L.L. D., A. A. S., S. H. [Pres., S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon., S. P. Boston [A. S. & Judge Dist. Court U. S. Hon. Joseph Hall Do. Rev. Bezaleel Howard, S. T. D., A. A. S. Springfield Hon. Elijah Paine, L.L. D., A. A. & S. A. S. * * * *- :- [Judge Dist. Court U. S. Williamstown, Vt. Hon. Nathan Read, A. A. S. Belfast, Me. *Hon. Dudley Atkins Tyng, L.L. D., A. A., udley II].S *g H. &. S.A.'s Newburyport 1782. *Artemas Baker Dover, N. H. *Hon. Joseph Bartlett Plymouth Samuel Bass Randolph *Abraham Biglow, S. A. S. Cambridge *Ebenezer Bowman Wilkesbarre, Pa. Theophilus Capen Chittenden, Vt. *Richard Codman Boston *Rev. Joseph Estabrook Athol *Edward Gray Boston *Hon. Seth Hastings Mendon 6 Timothy Lindall Jennison, M. D., M. M. S. Soc. *Rev. Samuel Kendal, S. T. D. [ *William Dandridge Peck, A. A., S. H. S., [S. A., S. P. A. S., S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. [Hon. & Prof. Wat. Hist. *Samuel Quincy *Hon. John Jeremiah Van Rensselaer *Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, L.L. D., [S. H., S. A. S. & Lieut. Gov. N. Y. Rev. Henry Wight, S. T. D. 1783. Asa Andrews *Hon. William King Atkinson, Just. Sup. [Court, W. H. *Isaac Baldwin Jeremiah Smith Boies *Tobias Lear, S. A. S. Hon. Harrison Gray Otis, L.L. D., A. A., [& S. A. S. Rev. Asa Packard *Oliver Prescott, M. D., M. M. S. S. Hon. William Prescott, L.L. D., A. A. S. *Hon. John Rowe Hon. Artemas Ward, Ch. Just. Court [Com. Pleas. 1784. John Abbot, Prof. Lang. & Treas. of *Samuel Abbot Rev. Jonathan Burr, S. A. S. Hon. Benjamin Green *Hon. William Greene *Rev. Zechariah Howard *Hon. Silas Lee *John Merrick *Rev. Joshua Paine Hon. Benjamin Pickman, A. A. S. *Hon. William Stedman, S. A. S. *Rev. Samuel Webber, S. T. D., A. A. & [S. P. A. S., Prof. Wat. Phil. & Pres. of Timothy Williams, S. A. S. 1785. *Rev. John Allyn, S. T. D., A. A. & S. H. S. *Charles Coffin *Amasa Dingle *Hon. Paul Fearing, S. A. S. & Just. Sup. [Court, Ohio. Cambridge Weston Harvard University Lenox Greenbush, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Bristol, R. I. Ipswich Dover, N. H. Brookfield Boston Washington City Boston Lancaster Newburyport Boston Milton Boston Bowdoin College Andover Boston Berwick, Me. East Greenwich, R. I. Canton Wiscasset, Me. Concord Charlestown Salem Lancaster Harvard University Boston Duxbury Portsmouth, N. H. New York Marietta, Ohio Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, S. T. D. *John Fleet, M. D. & M. M. S. S. Rev. Jacob Haven Nathan Hayward, M. D. & M. M. S. S. Hon Theodore Lincoln *Hon. Jabez Upham Rev. Henry Ware, S. T. D., A. A. S. & [Holl. Prof. of Theology in Rev. John Andrews, S. T. D. *Hon. Timothy Bigelow, A. A. S. & S. A. Alden Bradford, S. H. S. & S. H. Now. Amos Crosby *Josiah Dwight Rev. Robert Fowle Samuel Pickering Gardner, S. H. S. *Rev William Harris, S. T. D. & S. [S. H., S. L. & P. Nov. Ebor. [Columb. Col. Praes. John Lowell, L.L. D., A. A., S. A., *Hon. Isaac Parker, L.L. D., A. A. [Royall Prof. Law, Har v. Univ., [Chief Just. Sup. Court, Mass. Rev. John Simpkins John Taylor *Hon. Thomas W. Thompson *Tapley Wyeth, M. M. S. S. Hon. John Quincy Adams, L.L. D., A. A., [S. A. S., S. H. Wov. Ebor. S. Hon. Pres. of U. S. Rev. Abiel Abbot *William Amherst Barron, *Benjamin Beale *Hon. James Bridge *Josiah Burge Gardner Leonard Chandler, Hon. William Cranch, L.L. D., A. A. & S. A. S. *Hon. Joshua Cushman Hon. Oliver Fiske, M. D., M. M. S., A. A. *Hon. Nathaniel Freeman Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, S. T. D., [A. A., S. H., S. A. S., & S. H. Nov. [Ebor. S. Hon. West Cambridge Boston Croydon, N. H. Plymouth Dennysville, Me. Brookfield Harvard University Newburyport Medford New Bedford Brookfield Northampton Holderness, N. H. Boston New York Boston Do. Brewster Northampton Concord, N. H. Sherburne Quincy Peterborough, N. H. New York Paris, France Augusta, Me. Hollis, N. H. Roxbury Alexandria, D. C. Winslow, Me. Worcester Sandwich Dorchester *Moses Little, M. M. S. S. Rev. Hezekiah Packard, S. T. D. & V. [Pres. Bowd. Coll. Hon. Samuel Putnam, L.L. D., A. A. S. & [Just. Sup. Court, Mass. Hon. Leonard White 1788. Benjamin Abbot, L.L. D. & S. A. S. *Rev. Thomas Adams *Thomas Bancroft *Oliver Barron Rev. Stephen Baxter *Edward Clarke *James Gardner, M. D. & M. M. S. S. *Ebenezer Grosvenor *Hon. Charles Jackson *Aaron Kinsman, M. M. S. S. *Abner Lincoln *Hon. John Phillips, A. A. & S. A. S. Rev. Daniel Clarke Sanders, S. T. D., [S. A. S. & Pres. Univ. Vt. William Sawyer, M. D. *Charles Adams 1789. *Zaccheus Bartlett, M. M. S. S. George Blake, A. A. S. *Hon. George Bradbury *Rev. Ebenezer Coffin Hon. Charles Cutts *Rev. William Emerson, A. A. & S. H. S. *Thomas Woodbridge Hooper *John Hunt Rev. John Thornton Kirkland, S. T. D., [LL. D., A. A. Vice-Pres., S.A., S. H. S., [S.H.Now. Ebor.S.Hon. & Pres. Harv. Univ. *Levi Lincoln, M. M. S. S. *Samuel Moody Hon. Cushing Otis, M. D. & M. M. S. S. *Rev. Stephen Palmer, S. H. S. *Samuel Shapleigh, Librarian of Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, S. T. D. *Cotton Tufts Hon. George Baxter Upham *Charles Walker 1790. *Hon. Thomas Boylston Adams, A. A. S. *Rev. Samuel Chandler Salem N. Chelmsford Boston Haverhill Exeter, N. H. Camden, S. C. Salem Liverpool, Eng. Western Harvard Lynn Harvard St. Mary’s, Ga. Portland, Me. Hingham Boston Medfield Boston. New York City Plymouth Boston Portland, Me, Newbury Portsmouth, N. H. Boston Washington City Windsor, Vt. Boston Hingham Newbury Scituate Needham Harvard University Lancaster Uxbridge Claremont, N. H. Concord, N. H. Quincy Eliot *Rev. Pitt Clarke *Joseph Dennie Benjamin Hasey Rev. Peter Holt Stephen Moody, L.L. D. Hon. Josiah Quincy, L.L. D., A. A., S. H., [& S. A. S. & S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. [& Pres. of Rev. David Smith *Daniel Staniford, S. A. S. Jonathan Ware *Benjamin Whitwell Samuel Wragg *Zabdiel Boylston Adams *Joseph Bixby *Noah Fearing, M. M. S. S. 1791. Hon. John Harris, Just. Sup. Court, N. H. Hon. Charles Porter Phelps *Thomas Pickman, M. M. S. S. Hon. Thomas Rice *Luther Stearns, M. D. & M. M. S. S. Ichabod Tucker, S. H. S. John Walton, M. D. & M. M. S. S. *Hon. Henry Dana Ward *Calvin Whiting Rev. Peter Whitney *Rev. Jacob Abbot *Rev. Abiel Abbot, S. T. D. Rev. Jonathan Fisher *Rev. James Hawley Levi Hedge, L.L. D., A. A., S. H. & S. A. S. 1792. [& Alford Prof. of Nat. Rel, Mor. Phil. [& Civ. Pol. *Rev. John Kimball Hon. John Locke Rev. William Mason Hector Orr, M. D. & M. M. S. S. *Robert Treat Paine *Willard Peele *Rev. John Pipon Rev. John Snelling Popkin, S. T. D., A. A. [& S. H. S. & Eliot Prof. Gr. Lit. *Joseph Sprague Hon. William Sullivan, L.L. D., S. H. &. [A. A. S. Hon. Stephen Peabody Webster 2 Norton Philadelphia, Pa. Topsham, Me. Exeter, N. H. Gilmantown, N. H. Harvard University Bath, N. H. Boston Pomfret, Vt. Boston Georgetown, S. C. Lunenburg Charleston, S. C. Bridgewater Hopkinton, N. H. Hadley Salem Winslow, Me. Medford Salem Pepperell Columbia, S. C. Needham Quincy Hamptonfalls, N. H. Beverly Bluehill, Me. Pembroke Cambridge Wenham Ashby Bangor, Me. Bridgewater Boston Salem Taunton Cambridge Salem Boston. Haverhill, N. H. 10 1793. *David Phinehas Adams Rev. Charles Coffin, S. T. D., S. A. S., |S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. & Pres, of *Hon. Caleb Ellis, S. A. S. *Hon. Samuel Fiske, S. A. S. *Hon. Joshua Frost, M. M. S. S. Hon. Charles Jackson, L.L. D., A. A. & S. H. S. *Josiah Moore [ *Daniel Peters Rey, John Pierce, S. T. D., A. A., S. H. [& S. A. S. & S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. Thomas Wigglesworth 1794. Rey. Timothy Alden, S. A. & S. H. S., |S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. & Pres. [Alleg. College Hon. Charles Humphrey Atherton, S. A. S. John Atkinson William Biglow Rev. Isaac Braman *Francis Dana Channing Rev. Elijah Dunbar, S. H. Nov. Ebor. [S. Hon. *Rev. Daniel Emerson Rev. David Kendall *Rev. Joseph M'Kean, S. T. D., L.L. D., [S. H. S., S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon., [& Prof. Rhet & Orat. *Joseph Perkins *Rev. Samuel Stearns 1795. Seth Bemis *Nathaniel Bradstreet, M. D. & M. M. S. S. Oliver Crosby *Rt. Rev. Theodore Dehon, S. T. D. [Bishop Hon. Benjamin Gorham *Hon. John Whitefield Hulbert *Hon. John Phillips Samuel Jackson Prescott, S. J. S., & S. H. [Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. *Richard Cutts Shannon, M. M. S. S. Josiah Sturges *Ebenezer Coddington Thayer Rev. Daniel Weston Daniel Woods U. S. Navy Greenville Coll., Tenn. Claremont, N. H. Do. Springfield Boston PENNSYLVANIA Calcutta, E. I. Brookline Boston Meadville, Pa. Amherst, N. H. Bellows Falls, Vt. Cambridge Rowley Boston Peterborough, N. H. T)artmouth Washington, N. Y. Harvard University Salem Bedford Watertown Newburyport MAINE Charleston, S. C. Boston Auburn, N. Y. Andover Boston Saco, Me. New York, N. Y. Braintree Gray, Me. Boston 11 1796. Thomas Barron º *Jotham Bender *William Boyd James Jackson, M. D., M. M. S. Praes., [A. A. & S. P. fl. S., & Prof. Theor. & [Pract. Med. Harv. Univ. Rev. James Kendall, S. T. D. Rev. Thomas Mason Hon. John Pickering, L.L. D., A. A. & [S. H. S. *Charles Pinckney Sumner, S. A. S. Hon. Peter Oxenbridge Thacher, A. A. [& S. A. S. Edmund Toppan *William Tudor, S. H. S. & U. S. Chargé [d'Affaires Samuel Welles William Wells, fl. A. & S. A. S. George Wingate Rev. Leonard Woods, S. T. D., A. A. S., [& Prof. Christ. Theol. 1797. William Abbot Daniel Abbot Moses Adams, M. M. S. S. *Benjamin Allen, L.L. D., & Prof. of Lan- [guages, Univ. Penn. *Daniel Bates Horace Binney, L.L. D., & S. P. A. S. Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, L.L. D., J. A., [S. P. J. & S. R. Lond. & Edin. Soc. Rev. John Hubbard Church, S. T. D. *Elisha Clap, fl. 4. & S. H. S. Samuel Farrar *David Gilbert Joseph Hurd Rev. William Jenks, S. T. D., & S. H. S. *John Joy *Jabez Kimball William Ladd *Leonard Mellen Hon. James Richardson *Hon. William Merchant Richardson, LL.D., [Chief Just. Sup. Court, N. H. *Hon. Asahel Stearns, L.L. D., A. A. S. John Collins Warren, M. D., M. M. S., New York, N. Y. Marlborough Boston Do. Plymouth Northfield Boston Do. Do. Hampton, N. H. Rio Janeiro, Brazil Paris, France Cambridge Stratham, N. H. Andover Bangor, Me. Nashua, N. H. Ellsworth, Me. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston Philadelphia, Pa. Boston Pelham, N. H. Boston Andover Mansfield Charlestown Boston. Do. Haverhill New York, N. Y. Watertown Dedham Chester, N. H. Cambridge 12 [A. A. & S. P. A. S. & Prof. Anat. & Boston [Surg. in Harv. Univ. *Isaac Wellington Waltham Hon. Daniel Appleton White, A. A. S. Salem 1798. Hon. John Abbot Westford *Isaac Adams Newbury Rev. William Ellery Channing, S. T. D., * [A. A. Boston Humphrey Devereux Salem *Rev. Joseph Emerson Weathersfield, Ct. Hon. Samuel Phillips Prescott Fay Cambridge *Rev. Perez Lincoln Gloucester Hon. Stephen Longfellow, L.L. D. Portland, Me. *Josiah Salisbury Boston *Artemas Sawyer Chilicothe, Ohio *William Smith Shaw, S. H., *s". g Boston Matthias Spalding, M. D. Amherst, N. H. Hon. Joseph Story, L.L. D., A. A., S. H. [& S. A. S. & S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon., [Just. Sup. Ct. U. S. & Dane Prof. Law, Cambridge [Harv. Univ. Hon. Richard Sullivan, A. A. S. Brookline Hon. Ebenezer Thatcher Mercer, Me. *Arthur M. Walter Boston Hon. Sidney Willard, A. A. & S. A. S. e [Hancock Prof. dº. **** Cambridge William Williams Louisburg, N. C. 1799. Parker Cleaveland, M. D. & LL. D., A. A. Bowdoin Coll [& S. P. A. Soc. & Prof. Math. &c. owdoin Uollege Hon. Joseph Dane Wells, Me. Hon. Willard Hall, Judge Dist. Court, U. S. Wilmington, Del. *John Harris Boston *Michael Hodge Newburyport Samuel Dunn Parker Boston *Timothy Pickering Luzerne Co., Pa. *Samuel Prescott Keene, N. H. *Luther Richardson Roxbury Rufus Wyman, M. D., M. M. S. & A. A. S. Charlestown 1800. Washington Allston, A. A. S. Cambridge Loammi Baldwin, A. A. & S. A. S. Charlestown Rev. Joshua Bates, S. T. D., Pres. of Middlebury Coll. Wt. *Horace Bean, M. M. S. S. Boston Timothy Boutell Waterville, Me. 13 *Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster, A. A., [S. H. S. & S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. Rev. Timothy Flint *David Ireland Greene Simon Greenleaf, L.L. D., Royall Prof. of Abiel Holbrook Leonard Jarvis John Knapp [Law, in Rev. Charles Lowell, S. T. D. S., A. & [S. H. Soc, *Elias Mann, M. D. Rev. James Morss, S. T. D. *William Pilsbury *Abner Rogers Hon. Lemuel Shaw, Samuel Swett, A. A *John Henry Tudor John Wadsworth LL. D., A. A. S., Ch. [Just. Sup. Court, Mass. . S. Benjamin Marston Watson Benjamin Welles Hon. Charles K. Williams 1801. *John Stevens Abbot Tyler Biglow *Thomas Bond, Samuel Mather Crocker *Jacob Abbot Cummings Edward Cutts *Thomas Dawes *Hon. Timothy Fuller *John Gorham, M. D., M. M. S., A. A. S., [& Prof. Chem. in Harv. Univ. Robert Hallowell Gardiner Moody Kent *Hon. Luther Lawrence *Joseph Mansfield, M. M. S. S. *Hon. Benjamin Peirce, Librarian of *William Bant Sullivan Hon. George Sullivan Hon. Nathaniel Williams 1802. Rev. William Allen, S. T. D., A. A. & [S. A. S. & S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. & [Pres. of Hon. James Trecothick Austin, A. A. S. Boston Alexandria, La. New York, N. Y. Harvard University Alexandria, Wa. Boston Do. Do. Medfield Newburyport Hampstead, N. H. Charlestown Boston' Do. Do. Louisian A Boston DO. Burlington, Vt. Salem Watertown Hallowell, Me. Uxbridge Boston Portsmouth, N. H. Boston Groton Boston Gardiner, Me. Concord, N. H. Lowell Groton Harvard University Boston New York, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Bowdoin College Boston 14 *Henry Babcock James Skidmore Dunning Rev. James Flint, S. T. D. *Levi Frisbie, A. A. S. & Alford Prof. [Nat. Theol., Mor. Phil. & Civ, Pol. Charles Winston Greene Richard Devens Harris Hon. Samuel Hoar, A. A. S. *Rev. Caleb Holmes Jacob Newman Kna Francis Lightfoot Lee Levi Lincoln, L.L. D., A. A. S., & Gov. [of Mass. William Minot, *Asa Mitchell Thomas Rothmahler Mitchell *Timothy Newell Rev. Ichabod Nichols, S. T. D. & A. A. S. Rev. Peter Nourse Hon. Andrew Ritchie *Ebenezer Rockwood Robert Rogers Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, A. A. & S. H. S. 1803. *Hon. Benjamin Ames Rev. Ephraim Putman Bradford Ray Clark Rev. Asa Eaton, S. T. D. John Farrar, A. A. & S. A. S. & Hollis [Prof. Math. & Wat. Phil. L.L. D. *Benjamin Hodges *Samuel Kirkland Rev. David Tenney Kimball *Daniel Newcomb, M. D. *Rev. Nathan Parker, S. T. D. *Winthrop Sargent Hon. James Savage, A. A. & S. H. S. William Bartlett Sewall Daniel Swan, M. M. S. S. Hon. Lewis Strong, S. A. S. *John Man Taylor Rev. Samuel Willard, S. T. D., A. A. & [S. A. S. 1804. Thomas Aspinwall, Consul U. S. *Rev. Samuel Cary, A. A. & S. A. S. Rev. Amos Clarke I. Bourbon, E. I. Goshen, N. Y. Salem Harvard University Roxbury Boston Concord Dennis Bellows Falls, Vt. Alexandria, Va. Worcester Boston Bridgewater Georgetown, S. C. Sturbridge Portland, Me. Ellsworth, Me. Boston Do. Do. Salem Bath, Me. New Boston, N. H. East Greenwich, R. I. Boston Cambridge Salem Boston Needham Boston Portsmouth, N. H. Boston Do. Portland, Me. Medford Northampton Georgetown, S. C. Concord London, Eng. Boston Sherburne 15 Rev. Jaazaniah Crosby William Freeman Ebenezer Greenough Hon. Nathan Hale, A. A. & S. H. S. Joseph Head *John Law Benjamin Merrill, S. H. S. Benjamin Ropes Nichols, S. H. S. Andrews Norton, A. A. S. & Dez. Prof. [Sac. Lit. Rev. Samuel Sewall John Stickney *Rev. Samuel Cooper Thacher, A. A. S. Hon. Ashur Ware, Judge Dist. Court, U. S. 1805. *Rev. John Lovejoy Abbot, S. A. S. Joseph Adams Ebenezer Hunt Beckford Rev. Abraham Bodwell *Benjamin Burge, M. D. Hon. Ward Chipman, Nov. Bruns. Prov. Cur. [Sup. Jur. *Hon. William Crafts *David Stoddard Greenough *Rev. Hosea Hildreth *Stephen Sewall Norton *Rev. Amos Pettengill *Charles Shaw, S. A. S. Robert Smith William Davies Sohier Rev. Benjamin Tappan *Tench Tilghman 1806. *Hon. Samuel Adams Jacob Bigelow, M. D., M. M. S., A. A. & [S. P. A. S. & Prof. of Mat. Med. in [Harv. Univ. Rev. Jonathan Cogswell Joseph Green Cogswell, P. D., A. A. S. & [S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. James Day Alexander Hill Everett, L.L. D., A. A. S. [& Min. of the U. S. to Spain. *Ebenezer Everett William Gordon Rev. Isaac Hurd Thomas Morton Jones Charlestown, N. H. Limerick, Me. Wilkesbarre, Penn. Boston Do. Washington City Salem Boston Cambridge Burlington Boston Do. Portland, Me. Boston Portland, Me. Andover Sanbornton, N. H. Vassalborough, Me. St. John's, N. B. Charleston, S. C. Roxbury Sterling Newburyport Waterbury, Ct. ALABAMA Charleston, S. C. Boston Augusta, Me. Talbot County, Md. Newbury Boston East Windsor, Conn. New York Boston Do. Brunswick, Me. Charlestown, N. H. Exeter, N. H. London, Eng. 16 Daniel Oliver, M. D., A. A. & M. M. S. S. [& Prof. of Theory & Pract. Med. 3 of Cambridge [Mat. Med. & Bot. in Dart. Coll. Hon. William Pitt Preble John Boies Thomas 1807. *Rev. Winthrop Bailey Charles Stuart Daveis *George Bethune English *John Gallison Samuel Jackson Gardner *Nathaniel Appleton Haven, S. H. S. Hon. John Glen King Joseph Lovell, M. D. & Surgeon General [U. S. Army Hon. James Cushing Merrill, S. A. & S. H. S. *William Smith *Joseph Tufts *William White 1808. Samuel Abbot Edward Tyrrel Channing, A. A. S., Boylst. [Prof. Rhet. & Orat. in Richard H. Dana Nahum Houghton Groce *Hon. Stephen Hooper Washington Irving Henry Peirce Benjamin Rand Lloyd Nicholas Rogers Rev. Ralph Sanger Samuel Emerson Smith, Gov. of Maine. 1809. *Horatio Biglow *Samuel Bird *Charles Eliot *William Ellicott Hon. Francis Calley Gray, S. H. [A. A. S. George Hayward, M. D., A. A. & M. S. S. [Soc. Timothy Hilliard, M. D. George Parkman, M. D. & M. M. S. S. *Benjamin Perkins Hon. William Plumer Portland, Me. Plymouth Greenfield Portland, Me. U. S. Navy Boston Roxbury Portsmouth, N. H. Salem Washington, D. C. Boston Do. Charlestown Watertown Ipswich Harvard University Cambridge Westford Boston New York, N. Y. Boston Do. Baltimore, Md. Dover Wiscasset, Me. Pensacola, W. F. Stoughton Boston Beaufort, S. C. Boston Do. Lee, N. H. Boston Lynnfield Epping, N. H. 1 7 *Samuel Stevens Rev. Nathaniel Whitman 1810. *Rev. John Emery Abbot Rufus Bradford Allyn *John Dudley Andrews David Brigham *Rev. Walter Cranston Stephen Fales *Joseph Swasey Farley *Samuel Fisher *Samuel Harris Rev. Joseph Haven *William Gibbes Hunt Hon. Joseph Gowing Kendall James Gore King Frederick Kinloch Hon. Theodore Lyman, S. H. S. Hon. Willard Phillips, A. A. S. Octavius Pickering, A. A. S. Charles Sprague *Edward Strong 1811. Rev. Joseph Allen William Cullen Bryant *John Tudor Cooper Charles Pelham Curtis Rev. David Damon Benjamin Faneuil Dunkin, Chancellor of S. [Carolina. Edward Everett, L.L. D., P. D., A. A. & [S. H. S., Governor. *John Hay Farnham, S. A. S. Rev. Nath’l. Langdon Frothingham, S. T. D. Henry Holton Fuller Rev. Samuel Gilman, S. T. D. Hon. John Chipman Gray *Moses Hunt William Powell Mason Hon. George Morey *Simeon Putnam John Angier Shaw *John Fothergill Waterhouse, M. D. John White Webster, M. D., A. A. S., [Erving Prof. of Chem. & Mineralogy in Andover Wilton, N. H. Salem Belfast, Me. Ipswich Greenfield Savannah, Geo. Cincinnati, Ohio Ipswich Boston Do. Billerica Nashville, Tenn. Worcester New York, N. Y. Georgetown, S. C. Boston Cambridge Boston Do. Northampton Northborough New York, N. Y. Machias, Me. Boston West Cambridge Charleston, S. C. Boston. Salem, Ind. Boston Do. Charleston, S. C. Boston Do. Do. Do. Andover South Bridgewater Philadelphia, Pa. Harvard University 3 18 Adam Lewis Bingaman Henry Peter Coburn Hon. Franklin Dexter Hon. James Henry Duncan Rev. Allston Gibbes Charles Greely Loring Amos Nourse, M. D. 1812. Hon. Peleg Sprague, U. S. Senator Rev. Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, S. T. D. Rev. Henry Ware, jun. S. H. S., S. T. D., [Prof. of Pulpit El. & Pastoral Care, in Hon. John Richardson Adan 1813. Rev. John Brazer, S. T. D., A. A. S. William Fitzhugh Carter Charles Follen, P. D. Samuel Luther Dana, M. D., A. A. S. Charles Folsom, A. A. S. William Williams Fuller John Appleton Haven Edward Hinkley Orville Luther Holley *Rufus Porter Hovey *Rev. Rufus Hurlbut John Richardson Rev. Thomas Savage *William Jones Spooner, S. H. S. *Hon. William Thorndike John Ware, M. D., J. A. S., Hersey Prof. [Theor. & Pract. Med. Harv. Univ. Henry Warren Rev. Andrew Bigelow Samuel Dexter Bradford 1814. Gamaliel Bradford, M. D., S. H. & A. A. S. John Call Dalton, M. D. *George Derby Rev. Orville Dewey Hon. Waldo Flint Benjamin Apthorp Gould Rev. Francis William Pitt Edmund Kimball Rev. Alvan Lamson, S. T. D. Jonathan Porter Greenwood, [S. H. S. William Hickling Prescott, S. H. S., Natchez, Miss. Indianapolis, Ind. Boston Haverhill Charleston, S. C. Boston Hallowell, Me. Boston New York, N.Y. Harvard University Boston Salem Charles City Co. Va. Boston Lowell Cambridge Lowell New York, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Albany, N. Y. Lynn Sudbury Andover Bedford, N. H. Boston. Beverly Boston Bangor, Me. Taunton Boston Do. Lowell Salem New York, N. Y. Leicester Boston Do. Do. Dedham Medford Boston 19 Francis Dallas Quash Charleston, S. C. *Julius Henry Walker Wilmington, N. C. Rev. James Walker, S. T. D., Alford Prof. tº tº [JN'at. Rel., JMor. Phil., & Civ. Pol. in Harvard University John Walsh Salem *Martin Whiting Natchez, Miss. 1815. George Henry Bode, P. D. Gottingen, Germany *George Leonard Chandler Boston *John Brazer Davis Do. *William Havard Eliot Do. *Robert Patishall Farris St. Louis, Miss. Rev. Convers Francis, S. T. D., S. H. S. Watertown Elisha Fuller Lowell Thaddeus William Harris, M. D., A. A. & is 8 [M. M. S. S., Librarian of Harvard University *Arthur Mosely Henderson Nashville, Tenn. Appleton Howe, M. D. Weymouth Rev. George Goldthwait Ingersoll Burlington, Vt. Hon. Gayton Pickman Osgood Andover *Rev. George Otis Cambridge Rev. John Gorham Palfrey, S. T. D., L.L. D., e tº [S. H. S., Prof. of Sacred Literature in Harvard University Theophilus Parsons Boston *Hasket Derby Pickman Salem *Theodorick Tudor Randolph Cumberland Co. Va. Rev. Jared Sparks, A. A., S. H. [S. P. A. S., M*Lean Prof. of flnc. & Harvard University [JMod. Hist. in *William Augustus Warner Boston Samuel Webber, M. D. Charlestown, N. H. 1816. *John Waughan Apthorp Boston Dudley Atkins, M. D. Newburyport Samuel Dana Bell Concord, N. H. John Clark Lowell *Justin Wright Clark Hatfield John Emerson Thomaston, Me. George Frederick Farley Groton William Howard Gardiner Boston Samuel Phillips Newman, Prof. of Rhet. in Bowdoin College Oliver William Bourn Peabody, L.L. B. Boston Rev. William Bourn Oliver Peabody Springfield *Samuel Perry New Bedford John W. Proctor, L.L. B. Danvers Rev. William Ware Cambridge William Rounsville Pierce Washburn, L.L. B. Boston Augustus Whiting, M. D. Haverhill 20 *Azariah Wilson 1817. George Bancroft, P. D., S. H. S. Rev. Ira Henry Thomas Blanchard *Thomas Duncan Carter David Lee Child Hon. Caleb Cushing, A. A. S. Rev. Asa Cummings Samuel Atkins Eliot George Barrell Emerson, A. A. S. William Soden Hastings Rev. Joseph Huntington Jones Caleb Reed Micajah Rogers Samuel Edmund Sewall, L.L. B. Robert Schuyler Charles Henry Warren *Francis William Winthrop Rev. Alva Woods, S. T. D., Pres. of Ala- [bama Univ. 1818. *John Hooker Ashmun, Royall Prof. of [Law, in Charles Beck, P. D., Prof. of Latin in James Barbour Rev. Samuel Barrett *George Chase *Rev. Philander Chase *John Everett Rev. John Fessenden Warren Goddard Joshua Henshaw Hayward, M. D. Abel Fletcher Hildreth John Flavel Jenkins, Prof. of Math. in *Cleland Kinloch *Thomas M’Culloch Grenville Mellen Rev. George Rapall Noyes Sampson Reed Rev. Charles Robinson Daniel Treadwell, A. A. S., Rumf. Prof. in Charles Walker John Hubbard Wilkins 1819. Ephraim Buttrick Charles Shirley Carter Thomas Savage Clay Robert Cross Shrewsbury Boston Natick Newburyport Boston Newburyport North Yarmouth, Me. Boston Do. Mendon New Brunswick, N. J. Yarmouth Baltimore, Md. Boston Rhinebeck, N. Y. New Bedford Boston Tuscaloosa Harvard University Harvard University Orange Co., Wa. Boston Portland, Me. Worthington, Ohio Boston T)eerfield Abington Boston Londonderry, N. H. Trans. Univ., Ky. Georgetown, S. C. Kennebunk, Me. New York, N. Y. Petersham Boston Groton Harvard University New York, N. Y. Boston Cambridge Pr. Wm. Co., Pa. Savannah, Ga. Amesbury 2I Alfred Dwight Foster Worcester James Hayward Boston Walter Rogers Johnson Philadelphia, Pa. John Langdon Langdon-Elwyn Portsmouth, N. H. Edward Ellenborough Law New London, Ct. Charles Carter Lee Alexandria, D. C. John Janney Lloyd Baltimore, Md. Solomon Pearson Miles, A. A. S. Boston Hon. Stephen Clarendon Phillips Salem *John Falcon Steell Baltimore, Md. William Stevens Belfast, Me. Hon. Samuel Baker Walcott Hopkinton 1820. Thaddeus Bowman Bigelow Troy, N. Y. James Gordon Carter Lancaster *Warren Colburn, A. A. S. Lowell *Edward Gardner Davis, M. D. Boston Rev. William Henry Furness Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Ezra Stiles Gannett Boston Rev. Edward Brooks Hall Providence, R. I. David Priestley Hall New York, N. Y. William Byrd Harrison Petersburg, Va. Rev. Benjamin Kent Roxbury Rev. Calvin Lincoln Fitchburg William George Read Baltimore, Md. *William Rufus Smith Natchez, Miss. Enos Stewart Boston Gideon Tucker Saco, Me. Rev. Alexander Young, S. H. S. Boston 1821. Hon. Robert Woodward Barnwell, President Columbia. S. C [of South Carolina Coll. 3 - - - - Allard Henry Belin Charleston, S. C. Henry Bulfinch Boston Rev. Warren Burton Waltham John Milton Cheney Concord Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson Concord Ralph Farnsworth Boston Rev. Joseph Bancroft Hill Tennessee John Boynton Hill Bangor, Me. Henry Lane, M. D. Boston *Joseph Manigault Charleston, S. C. Rev. Mellish Irving Motte Boston Hon. Josiah Quincy, jun. Do. *George Tyng Do. Rev. Charles Wentworth Upham, S. H. S. Salem Rev. William Withington Dorchester 22 Nathaniel Wood 1822. Larz Anderson Hon. Charles Gordon Atherton Rev. Josiah Bent Nathaniel Ingersol Bowditch Thomas Gamaliel Bradford Rev. Theodore Edson George Folsom John Frost Rev. Nathaniel Gage George Augustus Goddard Henry Bromfield Rogers *Norman Seaver Rev. Caleb Stetson James M'Clurg Wickham Edward Wigglesworth, A. A. S. Rev. Samuel Melancthon Worcester 1823. Rev. Asahel Bigelow Frederick Bronson Thomas Denny Thomas Wilson Dorr Levi Fletcher James D. Halyburton Rev. James Augustus Kendall Ellis Gray Loring Rev. William Parsons Lunt Rev. George Ripley Hon. John Paul Robinson *Rev. Samuel Horatio Stearns *Daniel Weld John Wright 1824. Rev. David Hatch Barlow Rev. William Barnwell Rev. George Washington Burnap Elias Hasket Derby *Edward Bliss Emerson Richard Fuller Rev. William Horton Lucius Virgil Hubbard Edmund Lewis Le Breton Rev. Artemas Bowers Muzzey Rev. William Newell Samuel Parker Joseph Lewis Stackpole, L.L. B. Fitchburg Louisville, Ky. Nashua, N. H. Falmouth Boston Do. Lowell New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Haverhill Boston Do. Do. Medford Richmond, Va. Boston Salem Walpole New York, N. Y. Do. Providence, R. I. Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond, Va. Medfield Boston Quincy Boston Lowell Bedford Boston Worcester Windsor, Vt. Beaufort, S. C. Baltimore, Md. Boston Do. Beaufort, S. C. Windsor, Wt. Cincinnati, Ohio Bangor, Me. Cambridgeport Cambridge Philadelphia, Pa. Boston 23 William Gordon Stearns, L.L. B. Rev. Christopher Toppan Thayer Rev. George Whitney Rev. William Augustus Whitwell 1825. Seth Ames *Benjamin Brigham Jonathan Chapman Rev. Francis Cunningham Francis Oliver Dorr William Dwight Rev. Frederick Henry Hedge Francis John Higginson, M. D. Horatio Greenough *Charles Livermore *William Prentiss Thomas Sherwin, A. A. S. Rev. Paul Trapier John Goodhue Treadwell, M. D. Sears Cook Walker Rev. Jason Whitman *Frederic Wilder 1826. Julian Abbot *Rev. Alanson Brigham Rev. Addison Brown *Rev. Hersey Bradford Goodwin Richard Hildreth Omen Southworth Keith *Charles Rollin Kennedy James Ronaldson Leib Cornelius McLean William H. Morgan John Ham Williams Page Rev. Cazneau Palfrey Rev. Andrew P. Peabody Rev. John Charles Phillips Rev. George Putnam Rev. Oliver Stearns Timothy Walker 1827. William Hathorne Brooks Henry Russell Cleveland Edmund Lambert Cushing, L.L. B. Thomas Kemper Davis Epes Sargent Dixwell John Hubbard Eaton James Lloyd English Boston Beverly Roxbury Calais, Me. Lowell Boston Do. Dorchester Troy, N. Y. Springfield Bangor, Me. Grand Rapids, Mich. Florence, Italy Paxton Baltimore, Md. Boston New York, N. Y. Salem Philadelphia, Pa. Portland, Me. Lancaster Westford Meadville, Pa. Brattleborough, Vt. Concord Boston Cambridge Milton Tangier, Morocco Washington, D. C. New Orleans, La. New Bedford Boston Portsmouth, N. H. Weymouth Roxbury Hingham Cincinnati, Ohio Salem Roxbury Boston Do. Do. Boxford Boston 24 Cornelius Conway Felton, Eliot rº, Harvard University Edward William Hook, M. D. Michigan Rev. Alfred Lee New York, N. Y. Charles Cushing Paine Boston Edmund Quincy Do. Rev. William Matticks Rogers Do. Rev. William Augustus Stearns Cambridgeport Rev. Seth Sweetser Worcester Arnold Francis Welles Boston 1828. *Horatio Dawes Appleton Baltimore, Md. Rev. Charles Babbidge Pepperell Arthur Howson Hooe Bernard Fredericksburgh, Wa. *Rev. George Chapman Framingham *Charles Chauncy Emerson, L.L. B. Concord Joseph Hale Greenland, N. H. George Stillman Hillard, L.L. B. Boston Francis Caleb Loring Do. Henry Swasey MºRean Cambridge George Nichols Cambridge Hon. Oliver Prescott New Bedford Edward Sprague Rand, L.L. B. Boston Rev. James Cook Richmond Bloomingdale, N. Y. Samuel Rogers, M. D. Boston Horatio Shipley Lowell Hon. Robert Charles Winthrop Boston 1829. William Brigham Boston Rev. William Henry Channing Cincinnati, Ohio Edward Linzee Cunningham, M. D. Boston Benjamin Robbins Curtis, L.L. B. Do. Rev. Samuel Devens Do. George Humphrey Devereux Salem Rev. Charles Fay Burlington, Vt. Joel Giles, L.L. B. Boston William Gray Do. Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., A. A. S. Do. Benjamin Peirce, A. A. S., Prof. of Math. [& Nat. Phil. in Harvard University George William Phillips Boston Rev. Chandler Robbins Do. Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, Prof. Mod. Lang. in Waterville College Charles Storer Storrow Boston James Humphrey Wilder Hingham 1830. Benjamin Halsey Andrews, L.L. B. Boston Charles Dawes Appleton Baltimore, Md. 25 James Benjamin John White Browne William Eustis Rev. Barzillai Frost Thomas Hopkinson Joseph Lyman Rev. Samuel M*Burney Rev. Albert Clarke Patterson Elisha Reynolds Potter Rev. Jonathan French Stearns Charles Sumner, L.L. B. Charles Stuart Charlemagne Tower *Henry Augustus Walker Samuel Thomas Worcester 1831. Caleb Fletcher Abbot Rev. Nathaniel Tucker Bent Frederick William Brune Rev. Edgar Buckingham Charles Eames *John Giles *Charles George Clinton Hale Rev. Frederick West Holland John George M*Kean Rev. John Hopkins Morison John Lathrop Motley Wendell Phillips, L.L. B. *Francis James Russell George Cheyne Shattuck, M. D. William Hammatt Simmons Henry Cheever Simonds Joseph Ricketson Williams Frederick Augustus Worcester 1832. William Channing Appleton Rev. Charles Timothy Brooks Richard Miller Chapman George Ticknor Curtis William Cushing James Augustus Dorr Rev. Oliver Capen Everett Rev. Charles Mason tº Rev. Samuel Osgood Rev. Harrison Gray Otis Phipps William Richardson Rev. George Frederick Simmons Richard Soule Boston Salem Roxbury Concord Lowell Boston Do. Do. Kingston, R. I. Newburyport Boston New York, N.Y. Waterville, N. Y. Charlestown Norwalk, Ohio Chelmsford New Bedford Baltimore, Md. Cambridge New York, N. Y. Boston New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New Bedford Boston Do. Plymouth Boston New York, N. Y. Boston New Bedford Townsend Boston Newport, R. I. Boston Do. Cambridge New York, N. Y. Northfield Salem Nashua, N. H. Cohasset Boston Mobile, Ala. Duxbury 4 26 Augustus Story Joseph Stevens Buckminster Thacher Rev. Theodore Warland William Williamson Wellington, M. D. 1833. Francis Bowen Luther Clark, M. D. Hiram Keith Curtis John Homer Dix, M. D. Fisher Ames Harding Joseph Harrington Charles Jackson Moses Kelly Rev. Abiel Abbot Livermore Joseph Lovering, Hollis Prof. of Math. in William Mack, M. D. William Mackay Prichard Henry Warren Torrey Charles Alfred Welch William Whiting Rev. Frederick Augustus Whitney 1834. William Le Roy Annin Rev. Henry Burroughs Thaddeus Clapp William Smith Cruft Thomas Cushing Elbridge Gerry Cutter Thomas Donaldson Samuel Morse Felton *Nathaniel Babcock Ingersoll Charles Knower Drausin Baltazar Labranche Charles Mason George Moore Charles Breck Parkman Samuel Parkman Joseph Sargent Joseph Hartwell Williams Robert Wickliffe 1835. Edward Appleton Charles Vose Bemis George Bemis Rev. Harrison Gray Otis Blake Thomas Mayo Brewer William John Buckminster Frederick Augustus Eustis Milwaukie, Wisc. Natchez, Miss. Cambridge Cambridgeport Cambridge Boston Stoughton Boston Detroit, Mich. Roxbury Boston Cleveland, Ohio Keene, N. H. Harvard University Salem New York, N. Y. Roxbury Boston Do. Dorchester Boston Do. Farmington, Me. Baltimore, Md. Charlestown Roxbury Albany, N. Y. St. Charles' Par., La. Cambridge Do Westborough Boston Leicester Augusta, Me. Lexington, Ky. Boston Watertown Do. Worcester Roxbury Framingham Cambridge 27 Francis Alfred Fabens William Frederick Frick Iºbenezer Rockwood Hoar Martin Snow Newton Charles Warwick Palfray Rev. Charles Chauncy Shackford William Henry Shackford Naaman Loud White Elijah Dwight Williams 1836. Robert Bartlett, Tutor in Henry Bigelow James Chisholm Samuel Breck Cruft Frederick William Gale John Healy Heywood George Washington Minns William Minot John Taylor Gilman Nichols George Stanley Parker Daniel Samuel Richardson John Ruggles Israel Munson Spelman Jones Very Samuel Gray Ward Thomas Barnard West 1837. John Bacon Clifford Belcher Manlius Stimson Clarke Charles Henry Appleton Dall Richard Henry Dana, Instructor in William Augustus Davis John Fenwick Eustis Horatio Emmons Hale *Charles Hayward, Jr. *Samuel Tenney Hildreth Nathaniel Holmes John Foster Williams Lane Horace Morison Charles Theodore Russell Samuel Treat, Jr. Charles Stearns Wheeler, Tutor in Henry Williams 1838. Samuel Leonard Abbot Benjamin Franklin Atkins Salem Baltimore, Md. Concord Fitchburg Salem Portsmouth, N. H. Exeter, N. H. Braintree Deerfield Harvard University Worcester Salem Boston Northborough Cambridge Boston Do. Cambridge Boston Cambridge Milton Boston Salem Boston Salem Boston Farmington, Me. Cambridge Do. Harvard University Boston Do. Do. Do. Gloucester Cambridge Boston Peterborough, N. H. Cambridge Geneseo, N. Y. Harvard University Boston Do. Do. 28 William Parsons Atkinson Edward Forbes Barnes James Ivers Trecothick Coolidge Rufus Ellis Henry Lawrence Eustis Nathan Hale, Jr. William Burley Howes George Warren Lippitt James Robinson Peirce William James Rotch Charles Woodman Scates Amos Smith William Cutter Tenney Edward Abiel Washburn James Lloyd Wellington 1839. John Clark Adams Charles Henry Brigham Moses Davis Samuel Eliot Charles Mayo Ellis Samuel Eliot Guild Edward Everett Hale Francis Brown Hayes Frederick Howard Francis Parkman Hurd Justin Allen Jacobs Bela Farwell Jacobs John Kebler Samuel Longfellow Caleb William Loring Nathaniel Holmes Morison Alexander Calvin Washburn IMMEDIATE MEMBERS, Joseph Henry Allen William Emerson Faulkner John Francis Heath John Benjamin Henk Henry Colman Kimball William Goodwin Russell George Partridge Sanger Joseph Coolidge Shaw William Orne White Brookline Marlborough Cambridge Boston West Point, N. Y. Boston Salem Cambridge Dorchester New Bedford South Carolina Boston Newmarket, N. H. Boston Templeton Lyons, N. Y. Cambridge Barnard, Vt. Boston Roxbury Boston Do. South Berwick, Me. Boston Exeter, N. H. Cambridge Do. Roxbury Portland, Me. Boston Peterborough, N. H. Boston Northborough Cambridge Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Penn. Needham Plymouth Dover Boston Salem 29 The following Brethren have officiated as Orators and Poets at the Jìnniversaries of the pH K, Alpha of JMas- Sachusetts. [The names of the poets are printed in italics; and an asterisk is annexed to the names of those brethren whose performances have been published.] A. D. 1782 Elijah Paine 1783 Samuel Kendal 1784 Joshua Paine 1785 Henry Ware 1786 John Andrews 1787 John Lowell Nathaniel Freeman 1788 John Q. Adams” 1789 William Emerson* 1790 Thaddeus M. Harris” Thomas W. Hooper 1791 Joseph Bartlett 1792 John Phillips 1793 Henry D. Ward 1794 Charles Coffinº Josiah Quincy 1795 William Harris 1796 Timothy Bigelow” 1797 George Bradbury Robert T. Paine” 1798 John T. Kirkland” Charles P. Summer 1799 Joseph Bartlett” William Biglow” 1800 Abiel Abbot} James Richardson 1801 Francis D. Channing David Everett 1802 Joseph McKean TWm. M. Richardson 1803 John Pipon William Jenks” 1804 John Allyn John Knapp A. D. 1805 1806 1807 1808 I809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 Oliver Fiske” Thaddeus M. Harris Peter O. Thatcher Thomas B. Adams” Benjamin Whitwell* Theodore Dehon” James Richardson* Joseph S. Buckminster* Joseph Head” William Allen TWashington Allston% John Stickney Jacob Bigelow” James Savage Edward Everett Alexander H. Everett Nath’l. L. Frothingham" George Ticknor William Tudorº Samuel Gilman Francis C. Gray” Henry Ware, Jr. William Crafts” John Ware” Edward T. Channing William H. Gardiner John Brazer Caleb Cushing John Glen King Gamaliel Bradford John C. Gray” William C. Bryant* William J. Spooner” Oliver W. B. Peabody 30 A. D. 1823 Henry H. Fuller George Bancroft” 1824 Edward Everettº Henry Ware, Jr.” 1825 Nath’l. L. Frothingham David H. Barlow 1826 Joseph Story” William B. O. Peabody 1827 James Walker Gamaliel Bradford 1828 Jonathan Porter Frederick H. Hedge 1829 Convers Francis Charles Sprague” 1830 Orville Dewey* Grenville Mellen” A. D. 1831 James T. Austin Benjamin Kent 1832 Jared Sparks Cornelius C. Felton 1833 Edward Everett” Henry W. Longfellow 1834 Wm. H. Gardiner Ralph Waldo Emerson 1835 Theophilus Parsons” Ephraim Peabody” 1836 Francis Wayland Oliver W. Holmes” 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson* William P. Lunt 1838 Caleb Stetson James C. Richmond