` L GATALQGUE ч l v l'e OF ТПЕ OFFICERS AND GRADUATES (_) F YALE UNIVERSITY „дни... и “щит 1701-1895 CATALOGU E 0F THE OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF ïALE UNIVERSITY IN NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 1701-1895 NEW HAVEN : ТНЕ TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR PRESS 1895 ЦБ (93.26 /8?5 CONTENTS PREFATORY NOTE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - V CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE _ _ _ _ _ Q _ _ _ vii LISTS 0F OFFICERS :_- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-30 Presidents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Fellows _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.4 Secretaries _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Treasurers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Professors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5-13 Directors and Deans _ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 13 Tutors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14-20 Librarians ­ ­ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 Curators _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ­ 21 Oñìcers of the Observatory _ _ _ _ . _ 2I Instructors ._ _ _ _ . ­ _ ­ _ 22-25 Lecturers _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _ 25-27 Assistants _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27—30 Demonstrators _ - - - _ _ - _ 30 Stewards _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30 LISTS 0F GRADUATES :­- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31-242 Bachelors of Arts _ _ x ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 31-153 Masters of Arts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ 154-155 Doctors of Medicine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 156-168 Bachelors of Laws _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ 169-180 Masters of Laws _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 181-182 'Doctors of Civil Law _ _ _ ­ _ _ _ _ 183 Bachelors 0f Philosophy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 184-201 Civil Engineers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 202-203 Mechanical Engineers _ _ _ _ _ _ . 204 Doctors of Philosophy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 205-208 Bachelors of Divinity _ ­ _ _ _ _ ­ ‚ - 209-219 Bachelor of »Fine Arts _ _ ` _ _ _" _ _ _ 220 Bachelors 0f Music _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22o Honorary and ad егта’ет Graduates _ _ _ _ _ 22T-242 INDEX 0F OFFICERS _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ i-v INDEX 0F GRADUATES у _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ vi-civ ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cv SUMMARY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cvii PREFATORY NOTE The earliest printed catalogue/of Yale graduates Was a list appended to the Commencement Theses in 1714: of this no Copy is known t0 be extant. A fragment of a similar broadside for 1718 is preserved; and with 1724 begins the series of separate Catalogues, published triennially. The form 0f the edition was changed from a broadside t0 a pamphlet in 1781. Before 1892 the catalogues were printed in Latin. Until the death of President Stiles (in 1795) the President 0f the College seems t0 have been the responsible editor 0f the publication ; but on the establishment of a professorship of ancient languages (in 1805) the incumbent 0f that chair (Professor Kingsley) assume'd the duty. As Professor Kingsley advanced in years, Mr. Herrick, the Librarian, relieved him,­-the Catalogues after 1844 being Wholly prepared by Mr. Herrick. On Mr. Herrick’s death in 1862, the editorship reverted t0 Professor Thacher, Mr. Kingsley’s successor in the Latin chair; and at Professor Thacher’s request in 1873 it Was transferred to the Secretary of the Cor- poration, Who had already assisted in the preparation of all the Catalogues issued Since Mr. Herrick’s death. The abbreviations employed are those in customary use; as in all the issues Since 1745, the names of ordained ministers of the gospel are printed in italics. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE Meeting of Ministers in Branford, for founding a College, _ _ Charter of the Collegiate School of Connecticut, ­ ­ ­ Organization under the Charter, _ _ _ _ _ Beginning of instruction at Saybrook, _ _ _ _ Кстати to New Haven, _ _ _ _ _ _ The Collegiate School named Yale College, ­ _ _ _ Revised Charter, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Act of the General Assembly of Connecticut by which State Ofñcers became members 0f the Corporation, _ _ _ _ Accepted by the Corporation, _ _ _ _ _ Charter 0f the Medical School, _ ­ _ _ _ Beginning of instruction in the Medical School, _ _ ­ Charter confirmed by new Constitution 0f the State, _ _ Beginning Of instruction in the Divinity School, ­ ­ _ Law School affiliated to the College, _ _ _ _ _ Graduate Courses in Philosophy and the Arts organized, _ _ Scientific section of the Department of Philosophy and the Arts named the Sheffield Scientific School, _ _ _ Act of the General Assembly appropriating the National grant for the benefit 0f Agricultural and the Mechanic Arts tothe Sheffield Scientific School, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Accepted by the Corporation, _ _ _ _ _ Act of the General Assembly providing for the election of six mem- bers of the Corporation by the Alumni, _ _ _ _ Accepted by the Corporation, _ _ _ _ _ Act 0f the General Assembly authorizing the name Yale University, Accepted by the Corporation. _ _ _ _ _ September, October, November, March, October, September, May, May, june, October, October, September, September, September, September, J 1111, June, l 1111, J 1111, J 1111, March, May, 1701 1701 1701 1702 1716 1718 I745 1792 1792 1810 1813 1818 1822 1824 1846 1861 1863 1863 1871 1872 1887 1887 CORPORATION PRESIDENTS [Under the original Charter (1701-1745) the presiding officer 0f instruction was styled Rector, or less frequently President; the oñice was not of itself regarded as entitling the incumbent to the presidency of the Corporation, nor even to membership therein, until after 1723.] Induction Retirement 1701 November 11 ABRAHAM PIERSON, В.А. . . *March 5, 1707 1707 SAMUEL ANDRE W, M.A. [рт гетрсгге) March 24, 1719 1719 March 24 TIMOTHY CUTLER, D.D. . . October 17, 1722 1726 September 13 ELISHA WILLIAMS, M.A. . . October 31, 1739 1740 April 2 THOIIIAS (ШАР, М.А. . . . September 10, 1766 1766 October 22 NAPHTALI DAGGETT, D.D. (pro tempore] March 25, 1777 1778 June 23 EZRA STILES, D.D., LL.D. . . *May 12, 1795 1795 September 8 TIMOTHY DWIGHT, D.D., LL.D. . *January 11, 1817 1817 july 23 fEREMIAH DA У, D.D., LL.D. . October 21, 1846 1846 October 21 THEODOREDWIGHT WOOLSE Y, D.D., LL.D. October 11, 1871 1871 October 11 NOAH PORTER, D.D., LL.D. . July 1, 1886 1886 July I TIMOTHY DWIGHT, D.D., LL.D FELLOWS [А Board of Trustees was constituted by the Charter of 1701, and by an explanatory Act of the General Assembly in 1723 the Rector was made ex-ojïoz'o a Trustee, though this Act was not accepted by the Board until 1728. By the Charter of 1745 the Presidency 0f the Corporation was made into a separate office, and the other Trustees were styled Fellows. By an Act of the Assembly in 1792 the Governor, Lieutenant­G0vernor, and six senior Senators of the State were made ex-ojício members 0f the Corporation; their names are not included in the following list. In 1871 an Act of the Assembly supplied the places of the six Senators by Alumni of the College to be chosen periodically by their fellow-alumni] 1701 October 16 james Noyes, В.А. . . . *December 30, 1719 1701 October 16 Israel С/шишу, М.А. . . . *March 14, 1703 ‘[701 October 16 Т llamas Backing/zam . . . *April 1, 1709 1701 October 16 Aóra/iam Pierson, В.А. . . . *March 5, 1707 1701 October 16 Samuel Mat/zer, В.А. . . . Мау 21, 1724 1701 October 16 Samuel A ndrew, MA. . . . *January 24, 1738 1701 October 16 Timor/zy Woodbridge, M.A. . . *May 1, 1732 1 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1701 1701 1701 1701 1703 1710 1714 1715 1716 1720 1724 1728 1730 1730 1731 1732 1732 1732 1732 1735 1738 1740 1740 41743 1745 1746Y 1746 1748. 1749 1752 1755 1758 îî"1760 1761 1763 1763 1769 1769 1771 1772 1773 1774 I774 1776 1777 1777 1777 1780 1787 1788 1788 1790 ~October 16 October 16 October 16 November 1 1 March 17 September 6 September 8 September 14 October 17 )une 8 May 21 September 11 September 9 September 9 September 8 September 13 September 13 September 13 December 20 September 10 September 17 April _ 2 September 10 September 13 September 11 April 16 September 3 April 6 September 13 September 2o September 10 September 6 September 10 ~luly 21 June 28 June 28 September 13 October 17 September 1 1 September 9 April 27 September 14 September 14 October 23 April 1 September 10 September 10 September 13 September 12 March 4 September 10 September 8 james Bierpont, M.A. Noadiah Russel, M.A. joseph Webb, M.A. Samuel Russel, M.A. Moses Noyes, В.А. Thomas Ruggles,` M.A. john Daz/enport, M.A. Thomas Buckingham, M.A. Stephen Buckingham, M.A. . Eliphalet Adams, M.A. Samuel Whitman, M.A. Elisha Williams, M.A. jared Eliot, M.A. joseph Moss, М.А. Ebenezer Williams, M.A. Samuel Woodbridge, M.A. Samuel Cooke, M.A. jonathan Marsh, B.A. Samuel Whittelsey, M.A. joseph Noyes, M.A. Anthony Stoddard, M.A. Thomas Clap, M.A., President Benjamin Lord, D.D. i Daniel Wadsworth, >M.A. William Russell, M.A. Nathaniel Chauncey, M.A. Thomas Ruggles, M.A. Elnathan Whitman, M.A. Solomon Williams, D.D. Noah Hobart, M.A. Аиде! Woodbridge, M.A. Moses Dickinson, M.A. james Lockwood, M.A. Edward Eells, M.A. jonathan Merrick, M.A. George Beckwith, M.A. . Eliphalet Williams, D.D. . . шаг/шт Williams, M.A., Secretary Richard Salter, D.D. john Trumbull, M.A. Stephen johnson, M.A. Noah Welles, D.D. Nathanael Taylor, M.A. Elizur Goodrich, D.D., Secretary Moses Mather, D.D. Samuel Lockwood, D.D. . Timothy Pitkin, M.A. . . Enoch Huntington, M.A., Secretary josiah Whitney, D.D. David Ely, D.D., Secretary Nathan Williams, D.D.. . . ' Hezekiah Ripley, D. D. *November 22, 1714 *December3, 1713 *September 19, 1732 September 9, 1730 *November 10, 1729 *June 1,1728 *February 5, Y1731 *November 19, 1731 September 10, 1735' September 10, 1740 September 3, 1746 October 31, 1739 *Tiprü 22,1763 ­*January 23, 1732 ЗерцнпЬег13,1749 September 13, 1743 April 16, 1746 September 11, 1745 *April 15, 1752 *June 14,'1761 *September 6, 1760 МаУ9‚1745 September 9, 1772 *November 12, 1747 . *]ипе1,1761 September 20, 1752 *November 20, 1770 ЗериппЬе114‚1774 September 13, 1769 *December 6, 1773 *August 6, 1.758 September 10, 1777 *July 20,1772 *October 12, 1776 October 17, 1769 September 10, 1777 September 10, 1801 *April 4, 1788 September 13, 1780 *I)ecennber 12,1787 *November 8, 1786 *December 31, 1776 *December 9, 1800 *November 21, 1797 September 8, 1790 *june 18,1791 September 13, 1804 September 13, 1808 Septennber 11,1810 *February 16, 1816 Septennber 13,1808 September 9, 1817 1895] EELLO WS 3 1791 September 13 Levi Hart, D.D. September 8, 1807 1798 September 12 james Dana, D.D. *August 18, 1812 1801 September 10 john Marsh, D.D. September 12, 1820 1801 September 10 Noah Benedict, M.A. September 8, 1812 1804 September 13 Nathan Strong, D.D. September 12, 1809 1807 September 8 Andrew Lee, D.D. May 7, 1823 1808 September 13 joseph Strong, D.D. September 12, 1826 1808 September 13 Achilles Mansfield, M.A. *July 22, 1814 1809 September 12 Benoni Прут, D.D. September 9, 1823 1810 September 11 Amos Bassett, D.D. September 11, 1827 1812 September 8 john Elliott, D.D. *December 17, 1824 1813 August 31 Peter Starr, M.A. September 8, 1818 1814 September 13 Elijah Parsons, M.A. September 11, 1821 1816 September 10 Isaac Lewis, .D.D. . September 8, 1818 1817 September 9 William Brintnall Ripley, M.A. *July 25, 1822 1818 September 8 Daniel Smith, M.A. *June 11, 1846 1818 September 8 Andrew Eliot, M.A. *May 9, 1829 1820 September 12 Calz/in Chapin, D.D. October 20, 1846 1821 September 11 Dar/id Smith, D.D. July 23, 1861 1822 September 10 Moses Cook Welch, D.D. *April 21, 1824 1823 May 7 Matthew Noyes, M.A. *September 23, 1839 1823 September 9 Noah Porter, D.D. July 29, 1862 1824 September 8 Daniel Dow, D.D. *July 19, 1849 1825 May 24 Aaron Dutton, M.A. ,à *June 13, 1849 1826 September 12 Abel McEwen, D.D. . *September 7, 1860 1827 September II Diodate Brockway, M.A. *January 27, 1849 1829 September 8 Luther Hart, M.A. . . *April 25, 1834 ' 1834 August 19 Laurens Perseus Hickok, D.D., LL.D. August 15, 1837 1837 August 15 Samuel Rogers Andrew, M.A., Secretary August 17, 1847 1839 October 23 Leonard Bacon, D.D., LL.D. October 20, 1846 1846 August 19 Theophilus Smith, M.A. . *August 29, 1853 1846 October 20 jeremiah Day, D.D., LL.D., President July 16, 1867 1846 October 20 joel Hawes, D.D. . - *June 5, 1867 1847 August 17 joseph Eldridge, D.D. .d *March 31, 1875 1849 August 14 George jefrey Tillotson, M.A. *March 29, 1888 1849 August 14 George Albion Calhoun, D.D. July 26, 1864 1849 August I 14 Edwin Randolph Gilbert, M.A. *April 17, 1874 1854 Мау 10 joel Hervey Linsley, D.D. *March 22, 1868 1861 July 23 john Putnam Gullit/er, D.D. l, July 24, 1866 1861 July 23 Davis Smith Brainerd, M.A. *April 30, 1875 1862 July 29 Elisha Cowles jones, M.A. *March 9, 1872 1864 July ‚ 26 Leonard Bacon, D.D., LL.D. *December 24, 1881 1866 July 24 Hiram Phelps Arms, D.D. March I4, 1882 1867 July 16 Myron Newton Morris, M.A. *July 9, 1885 1867 July 16 Samuel George Willard, M.A. *June I2, 1887 1868 July 21 George Richards, M.A. . . . *October 20, 1870 1871 October 11 Theodore Dwight Woolsey, D.D., LL.D., President October 29, 1885 1872 July 9 Oliver Ellsworth Daggett, D.D. *August 31, 1880 1872 July 10 Alphonso Taft, LL.D. June 27, 1882 1872 July 10 William Maxwell Eva'rts, LL.D. June 23, 1891 1872 July 1o William Barrett Washburn, LL.D. June 28, 1881 1872 July 1o Henry Baldwin Harrison, LL.D. June 23, 1885 1872 July 10 William YValter Phelps, LL.D. June 28, 1892 4 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1888 William Whitman Farnam, M.A. 1872 July 10 Joseph Earl Sheflìeld, M.A. June 25, 1873 1873 June 25 Mason Young, M.A. . June 24, 1884 1874 June 24 joseph Hopkins T wichell, M.A. 1875 June 29 joseph Willes Backus, M.A. 1875 June 29 Amos Sheßîeld Chesebrough, D.D. October 9, 1884 1880 October 26 Charles Ray Palmer, D.D. . 1881 June 28 Frederick John Kingsbury, LL.D. 1882 March 14 Lat/alette Perrin, D.D. . *February 18, 1889 1882 March 14 Nathaniel judson Burton, D.D. *October 13, 1887 1882 June 27 Morrison Remick Waite, LL.D. *March 23, 1888 1884 June 24 Thomas Gray Bennett, PH.B. 1884 October 9 joseph Anderson, D.D. . . 1885 June 23 William Whitman Farnam, M.A. June 25, 1889 1885 October 29 james Wesley Cooper, D.D. 1885 October 29 Burdett Hart, D.D. . 1887 June 27 Theodore Thornton Munger, D.D. 1887 November 1 George Leon Walker, D.D. . 1888 June 26 Chauncey Mitchell Depew, LL.D. 1888 November 9 George Bushnell, D.D. . . 1889 June 24 Edward Alfred Smith, M.A. 1889 June 25 Thomas Chalmers Sloane, M.A. *June 17, 1890 1891 June 23 Edward Gay Mason, M.A. 1891 June 23 Buchanan Winthrop, M.A. 1892 June 28 Henry Elias Howland, M.A. SECRETARIES OF THE CORPORATION [Until 1770 Secretaries were appointed pro tempore] 1770 Warham Williams, M.A. 1776 1777 Elizur Goodrich, D.D. 1788 1788 Enoch Huntington, M.A. 1793 1793 Daz/idEly, D.D. . 1815 1816 Elizur Goodrich, LL.D. 1846 1846 Samuel Rogers Andrew, M.A. *1858 1858 Wyllys Warner, M.A. . . *1869 1869 Franklin Bowditch Dexter, M.A. TREASURERS 1701 Nathaniel Lynde 1701 1701 Richard Rosewell *1702 1702 JohnfAlling *1717 1717 John Prout, M.A. 1765 1765 Roger Sherman, M.A. 1776 1776 John Trumbull, LL.D. 1782 1782 James Hillhouse, LL.D. *1832 1833 Wyllys Warner, M.A. . 1852 1852 Edward Claudius Herrick, M.A. *1862 1862 Henry Coit Kingsley, M.A. *1886 1895] PROFESSORS `5 PROFESSORS DIvINITY [The Professorship, established in 1746, which has from the first included the pastoral charge of the College Church, was originally named the Livingston Professorship, in commemoration 0f a small gift made in 1745 by the Honorable Colonel Philip Livingston. The fund being greatly enlarged by the donations of the Honorable Simeon B. Chittenden in 1863, the Professorship was in consequence re-named the Chittenden Professorship,] 1755 Naphtali Daggett, D.D. . . . . . . . . *1780 1782 Samuel Wales, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1703 1795 Timothy Dwight, D.D., LL.D. (pro tempore 1795—1805) . . . *1817 1817 Eleazar Thompson Fitch, D.D. . . . . . . 1852 1854 George Park Fisher, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . '. 1861 1863 Eleazar Thompson Fitch, D.D., Emeritus . . . . . *1871 1863 William Barker Clarke, M.A. . . . . . . . 1866 1867 Oliver Ellsworth Daggett, D.D. . . . . . . . 1870 1877 William Macleod Barbour, D.D. . . . . . . 1887 MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 1770 Nehemiah Strong, M.A. . . . . . . . 1781 1794 Josiah Meigs, M.A. (by annual appointment] . . . . . 1801 1801 jeremiah Day, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . . 1820 1817 Alexander Metcalf Fisher, M.A., Adjunct Professor 1817-20 . . *1822 1822 Matthew Rice Dutton, M.A. . . . . . . *1825 1825 Denison Olmsted, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1836 MATHEMATICS [The chair of Mathematics in the Sheffield Scientific School, established in 1873, was named the James E. English Professorship in 1891, in recognition of a partial endowment by bequest 0f ex-Governor James E. English.] 1836 Anthony Dumond Stanley, M.A. . . . . . . *1853 1855 Hubert Anson Newton, LL.D. . . . 1871 Eugene Lamb Richards, M.A., Assistant Professor 1871-91 1873 John Emory Clark, M.A. [james E. English] . . . . 1881 Andrew Wheeler Phillips, PH.D., Assistant Professor 1881-9 . . 1882 William Beebe, B.A., Assistant Professor f Mathematics and Astronomy, 1887-j 1894 Irving Fisher, PH.D., Assistant Professor . . . . . 1895 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY [This Professorship was named in 1844 the Munson Professorship, in commemoration of the gifts to the College from the late Israel Munson.] 1836 Denison Olmsted, LL.D. . . . . . . . *1859 1860 Elias Loomis, LL.D. . . . . . . . *1889 1879 Edward Salisbury Dana, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Natural Philosophy 1890 INDUSTRIAL MECHANICS AND PHYSICS [The title 0f this Professgrship, in the Scientific School, was changed in 1872 to the Sheñield Professorship of Astronomy and Physics; in 1884 the chair was limited to Astronomy, Physics being made a distinct chain] 1859 Chester Smith Lyman, M.A., Emeritus 1889 . . . . . *1890 б . YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 _ MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 1871 Josiah Willard Gibbs, PH.D., LL.D. . . . . EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS [Until 1887 the title was Molecular Physics and Chemistry.] 1871 Arthur Williams Wright, PH.D. . . . . . . PHYSICS 1884 Charles Sheldon Hastings, PH.D. . . . . . . 1890 Edward Salisbury Dana, PH.D. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY [This Professorship was joined from 1805 to 1817 with the Professorship 0f Languages ; in 1878 it was named the Titus Street Professorship in honor 0f the father of Augustus Russell Street, from whose estate an endowment was received in that year. 1777 Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . . . *1795 1805 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1817 1861 George Park Fisher, D.D., LL.D. LAw [On account of a small endowment secured from friends and admirers of Chancellor James Kent, the Professorship in the Academical Department was named in 1833 the Kent Professorship. Of the other Professorships (in the Law School) the only one specially named is the Edward J. Phelps Professorship, endowed in 1887 by Junius S. Morgan.] 1801 Elizur Goodrich, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1810 1826 David Daggett, LL.D. (Rent) . . . . . . . 1848 1846 William Lucius Storrs, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1847 1847 Isaac Henry Townsend, M.A. . . . . . . . *1847 1847 Clark Bissell, LL.D. [Kent] . . . . . . . 1855 1847 Henry Dutton, LL.D. (Kent) . . . . . . . *1869 1855 Thomas Burr Osborne, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1865 1872 Francis Wayland, LL.D. 1872 William Callahan Robinson, LL.D. 1872 Simeon Eben Baldwin, LL.D. . . . . . . 1872 Johnson Tuttle Platt, M.A. . . . . . . . *1890 1881 Edward John Phelps, LL.D. (Kent) . . . . 1881 William Kneeland Townsend, D.C.L. (Ест/11742]. Phelps) . 1892 George Dutton Watrous, D.C.L., Assistant Professor 1894 Morris Frank Tyler, M.A. INTERNATIONAL LAW 1878 Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, M.A. CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, AND GEOLOGY [Geology was first added to the title of this Professorship in 1817.] 1802 Benjamin Silliman, M.D., LL.D., Emeritus 1853 . . . . *1864 1895] PROEESSORS 7 CHEMISTRY 1846 Benjamin Silliman, Jr., M.D., Applied Chemistry 1846-53 . . . *1885 1846 John Pitkin Norton, M.A., Agricultural Chemistry . . *1852 1852 John Addison Porter, M.D., Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry . . 1856 1855 George Jarvis Brush, LL.D., Metallurgy . . . . . 1871 1856 John Addison Porter, M.D., Organic Chemistry . . . 1864 1856 Samuel William Johnson, M.A., Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry . 1874 1867 George Frederic Barker, M.D., Physiological Chemistry and Toxicology . 1873 1871 Oscar Dana Allen, PH.D., Metallurgy, andfrom 1874 Analytical Chemistry 1887 1874 Samuel William Johnson, M.A., Theoretical and Agricultural Chemistry 1875 William Gilbert Mixter, M.A. . . . . . . 1882 Russell Henry Chittenden, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry 1885 Herbert Eugene Smith, M.D. . . . 1885 Frank Austin Gooch, PH.D. . . . . 1888 Horace Lemuel Wells, PH.B., Assistant Professor . . 1893 1893 Horace Lemuel Wells, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry and Metallurgy GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY [The Professorship founded in 1850 was named the Silliman Professorship, in honor of Professor Silliman, Senior. Mineralogy was added t0 the title in 1864.] 1850 James Dwight Dana, PH.D., LL.D. (Silliman), Emeritus 1894 1892 Henry Shaler Williams, PH.D., Geology [Silliman] . ‚ 1894 Louis Valentine Pirsson, PH.B., Assistant Professor [Inorganic Geology] M1NERALOGY 1864 George Jarvis Brush, LL.D. . . . . . 1888 Samuel Lewis Penfield, PH.B., Assistant Professor 1888-93 . HEBREW, GREEK, AND LATIN LANGUAGES 1805 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D. . . . . . . 1831 NEW TESTAMENT CRITICISM AND INTERPRETATION [The Professorship of Sacred Literature, established in 1822, was named in 1871 the Buckingham Professorship, in recognition of the gifts (to the Divinity School) 0f the late ex-Governor William A. Buckingham. The title was changed t0 the Buckingham Profes- sorship of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation in 1886.] 1822 Eleazar Thompson Fitch, D.D., Acting . . . . . 1824 1824 Josiah Willard Gibbs, LL.D. . . . . . . . *1861 1858 Timothy Dwight, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . . 1886 1886 George Barker Stevens, PH.D., D.D. _ GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [The Professorship established in 1867 was named the Hillhouse Professorship, in honor of the Honorable James Hillhouse, Treasurer of the College from 1782 to 1832. A partial foundation for a Professorship, to be named the Talcott Professorship, was presented in 1888 by Alvan Talcott, M.D.] 1831 Theodore Dwight Woolsey, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . 1851 1848 James Hadley, LL.D., Assistant Professor 1848-51 . . *1872 1863 Lewis Richard Packard, PH.D., Assistant Professor 1863-67 [Htl/house) . *1884 1879 Frederic DeForest Allen, PH.D. . . . . . 1880 8 YALE шииты]? [1895 1880 Thomas Day Seymour, LL.D., (НИХ/хоте) 1882 Frank Bigelow Tarbell, PH.D., Assistant Professor . . 1887 1888 Horatio McLeod Reynolds, B.A., Assistant Professor 1888—93 (Talcott) 1888 Thomas Dwight Goodell, PH.D., Assistant Professor . . . 1890 Edward Bull Clapp, PH.D., Assistant Professor . . . . 1893 1893 Bernadotte Perrin, PH.D., LL.D. . . LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [A Professorship established by means 0f gifts from members of the Dunham family was named in 1872 the Dunham Professorship.] 1831 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D., Emeritus 1851 . . . . . *1852 1842 Thomas Anthony Thacher, LL.D., Assistant Professor 1842-51 . . *1886 1871 Henry Parks Wright, PH.D., Assistant Professor 1871-76 I Dunham j 1880 Tracy Peck, M.A. . . . . . . . 1891 Edward Parmelee Morris, M.A. HEBREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [Biblical Theology was included in the title of this Professorship from 1866 to 1891. The Professorship was named the Holmes Professorship in 1870, in honor of Mr. Samuel Holmes who furnished a partial endowment.] 1861 Henry Hamilton Hadley, B.A. . . . . . . 1862 1866 George Edward Day, D.D. . . . . . . . 1891 1891 Edward Lewis Curtis, PH.D., D.D. BIBLICAL T HEOLOGY [This Professorship is named the Winkley Professorship, in honor of its founder, Mr. Henry Winkley.] 1885 John Edward Russell, M.A. . . . . . . . 1889 1891 .Frank Chamberlin Porter, PH.D. SEMITIC LANGUAGES 1886 William Rainey Harper, PH.D. _ . . . . . 1891 BIBLICAL LITERATURE [This chair was named by the anonymous donors of the endowment the Woolsey Pro- fessorship, in honor of ex-President Woolsey.] 1889 William Rainey Harper, PH.D. . . . . 1891 1892 Frank Knight Sanders, PH.D., Assistant Professor 1892-94 . THEORY AND PRACTICE 0F PHYSIC, SURGERY, AND OBSTETRICS 1813 Nathan Smith, M.D. . . . . . . . . *1829 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE [This chair Was styled the Professorship of the Theory and Practice of Physic until 1868.] 1829 Eli Ives, M.D. . . . . . . . . . 1852 1852 Worthington Hooker, M.D. . . . . . . . *1867 1868 Charles Linnaeus Ives, M.D. . . . . . . . 1873 1873 David Paige Smith, M.D. . . . . . . . 1877 1877 Lucian Sumner Wilcox, M.D. . . . . . . . *1881 1883 Charles Augustus Lindsley, M.D. . . . . 1892 Louis Shepard DeForest, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine 1895] PROFESSORS 9 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OE SURGERY [Until 1831 the title was the Professorship of Surgery and Obstetrics] 1829 Thomas Hubbard, M.D. . . . . . . . *1838 1838 Jonathan Knight, M.D. . . . . . . . 1864 1864 Francis Bacon, M.D. . ’. . . . . . . 1877 1877 David Paige Smith, M.D. . . . . . . . *1880 1881 William Henry Carmalt, M.D. CLINICAL SURGERY AND SURGICAL ANATOMY 1891 Thomas Hubbard Russell, M.D. OBSTETRICS AND THE DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN [The title was the Professorship 0f Obstetrics until 1867.] 1829 Thomas Hubbard, M.D. . . . . . . . 1830 1830 Timothy Phelps Beers, M.D. . . . . . . . 1856 1856 Pliny Adams Jewett, M.D. . . . . . . . 1863 1864 Stephen Grosvenor Hubbard, M.D. . . . . . . 1880 1880 Frank Edwin Beckwith, M.D. . . . . . . . 1885 1886 ­lames Campbell, M.D. . . . 1894 Benjamin Austin Cheney, M.D., Assz'sz'arzz¢ Professor CLINICAL GYNAECOLOGY “ 1885 Frank Edwin Beckwith, M.D. . . . . . . 1890 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1813 Jonathan Knight, M.D. . . . . . . . . 1838 1838 Charles Hooker, M.D. . . . . . . . . *1863 1863 Leonard Jacob Sanford, M.D. . . . . . . . 1879 ANATOMY 1879 Leonard Jacob Sanford, M.D. . . . . . . . 1888 1888 Samuel Wendell Williston, M.D. . . . . . . 1890 1892 Harry Burr Ferris, M.D., Assistant Professor . PHYSIOLOGY 1879 james Kingsley Thacher, M.D. . . . . . . *1891 1892 Graham Lusk, PH.D., Assistant Professor COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 1875 Sidney Irving Smith, PH.D. MATERIA MEDICA AND BOTANY 1813 Eneas Munson, M.D. . . . _ . . . . *1826 1813 Eli Ives, M.D., Arf/'uml Professor 1813-20 . . . . . 1829 MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS 1829 William Tully, M.D. . . . . . . . . 1841 1842 Henry Bronson, M.D. . . . . ‘ . . 1852 1852 Eli Ives, M.D., Emeritus 1853 . . . . . . . *1861 1853 Henry Bronson, M.D. . . . . . . . . 1860 1860 Charles Augustus»Lindsley, M.D. . . . . . . 1883 1883 Thomas Hubbard Russell, M.D. . . . . . . 1891 1892 Oliver Thomas Osborne, M.D., Алёши! Professor 10 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 BOTANY 1864 Daniel Cady Eaton, S.B., M.A. RHETORIC AND ENGLISH LITERATURE 1817 Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D.D. . . . . . . . 1839 1839 William Augustus [ауте], М.А. . . . . . . *1862 1863 Cyrus Northrop, LL.D. . . . . . . . . 1884 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1871 Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, LL.D. . . . . . 1874 Henry Augustin Beers, M.A., Assistant Professor 1874-80 [English Literature j 1889 Albert Stanburrough Cook, PH.D., L.H.D. . . . . . 1890 Edward Tompkins McLaughlin, B.A., Assistant Professor . . . 1893 1893 Edward Tompkins McLaughlin, B.A., Rhetoric and Belles-lettres . . 9i1893 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY [This Professorship was named at its foundation in 1822 the Dwight Professorship of Didactic Theology, in honor of President Dwight. The title was changed in 1871.] 1822 Nathaniel William Taylor, D.D. . . . . . . *1858 1858 Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D., Acting . . . . . . 1866 1866 Leonard Pacon, D.D., LL.D., Acting . . . . . . 1871 1871 Samuel Harris, D.D., LL.D. HOMILETICS AND THE PASTORAL CHARGE [Homiletics was added to the title of this Professorship in 1865.] 1839 Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D.D. . . . . . . . *1860 1861 `/ames Mason Hoppin, D.D. . . . . . . 1879 1879 William Macleod Barbour, D.D. (pro tempore] . . . . 1885 1885 Lewis Orsmond Brastow, D.D. . ARABIC AND SANSKRIT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE 1841 Edward Elbridge Salisbury, LL.D. . . . . . . 1854 ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1854 Edward Elbridge Salisbury, LL.D. . . . . . . 1856 SANSKRIT LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY [Comparative Philology was added to the title of this chair in 1870] 1854 William Dwight Whitney, PH.D., LL.D. . . . . . *1894 1895 Edward Washburn Hopkins, PH.D., Professor-elect . MENTAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY [The Professorship established in 1846 was named the Clark Professorship of Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics from a foundation given by Sheldon Clark in 1823.] 1846 Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D. (Шаг/ё) . . . . . . *1892 1881 George T rumhull Ladd, D.D. (Clarh) . . . . 1891 George Martin Duncan, M.A., Assistant Professor 1891-94 a 1893 William Fremont Elachman, B.A., B.D., Christian Ethics 1893 Elias Hershey Sneath, PH.D., Assistant Professor 1895] PROEESSOES 11 CIVIL ENGINEERING 1852 William Augustus Norton, M.A. . . . . . . *1883 1884 Augustus Jay DuBois, PH.D. . MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [This Professorship was styled the Professorship Of Dynamical Engineering until 1886. In consequence of a partial endowment received from Mrs. Robert Higgin in 1871, it was named the Higgin Professorship.] 1870 William Petit Trowbridge, PH.D., LL.D. . . . . . . 1877 1877 Augustus Jay DuBois, PH.D. . . . . . . 1884 1884 Charles Brinckerhoif Richards, M.A. . PHYSICAL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY 1863 Daniel Coit Gilman, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1872 MODERN LANGUAGES [A Professorship, established in 1864, was named the Street Professorship from its founder, Mr. Augustus Russell Street.] 1864 Edward Benton Coe, D.D. f Street j . . . . . . 1879 1879 William Ireland Knapp, PH.D. (Street) . . . . . 1892 1883 George Bendelari, M.A., Assistant Professor . . 1888 1891 Arnold Guyot Cameron, PH.D., Assistant Professor [French] 1892 Jules Luquiens, PH.D. (Street) . . . . . 1893 Henry Rosemann Lang, PH.D., Assistant Professor (Romance Languages j GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1872 Franklin Carter, PH.D., LL.D. . . . . . . 1881 1885 Alfred Lawrence Ripley, M.A., Assistant Pro essor . . . _ 1888 1891 Arthur Hubbell Palmer, M.A. . . . 1892 Gustav Frederick Gruener, B.A., Assistant Professor AGRICULTURE [This Professorship was named at its establishment in 1864 the Norton Professorship, in memory Of the Services of Professor John P. N orton.] ' 1864 William Henry Brewer, PH.D. . . ZOOLOGY 1864 Addison Emory Verrill, M.A. . . . . . . MINING 1865 Alfred Perkins Rockwell, M.A. . . . . . . 1868 12 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 HISTORY [The Professorship founded in 1865 was named in 1882 the Durfee Professorship in honor of Bradford M. C. Durfee, who contributed a partial endowment at the time of the foundation.] 1865 Arthur Martin Wheeler, M.A. (Durfee) 1890 George Burton Adams, PH.D. . . 1895 Edward Gaylord Bourne, PH.D., Professor-elect AMERICAN HISTORY [This Professorship was named at its foundation in 1877 the Larned Professorship, in recognition Of a partial endowment received from the estate of Mrs. William A. Larned.] I877 Franklin Bowditch Dexter, M.A. . . . . . . 1888 1888 George Burton Adams, PH.D. . . . . . . 1890 1890 Charles Henry Smith, LL.D. PALAEONTOLOGY 1866 Othniel Charles Marsh, PH.D., LL.D. . . 1892 Charles Emerson Beecher, PH.D., Assistant Professo PATHOLOGY [Prior to 1880 the title of this chair included Histology and Microscopy.] 1867 Moses Clarh White, M.D. PAINTING AND DESIGN [In 1877 this Professorship was named the William Leflingwell Professorship, in honor of the father of Mrs. Augustus Russell Street, who endowed it.] ' 1869 ~lohn Ferguson Weir, N.A., M.A. HISTORY 0F ART [Until 1871 the title was the Professorship Of the History and Criticism of Art.] 1869 Daniel Cady Eaton, M.A., LL.B. . . . . . . 1876 1879 james Mason Hoppin, D.D. DRAWING [This Professorship was named in 1877 the Street Professorship, in honor of its founder, Mr. Augustus Russell Street.] 1871 john Henry Niemeyer, M.A. POLITICAL ECONOMY [The Professorship founded in 1872 included History until 1880.] 1872 Francis Amasa Walker. PH.D., LL.D. . . . . . 1880 1880 Henry Walcott Farnam, R.P.D. . 1891 Arthur Twining Hadley, M.A. . . . 1893 john Christopher Schwab, PH.D., Assistant Professor 1895] PROPESSORS-DIRECTORS AND DEANS 13 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE [This Professorship was named the Pelatiah Perit Professorship in 1885, in commemora- tion of a gift fOr its endowment received in that year from the estate Of Mr. Perit.] 1872 William Graham Sumner, LL.D. . . . . . . 1886 Arthur Twining Hadley, M.A. (Political Science) . . . . 1891 1895 Irving Fisher, PH.D., Assistant Professor (Political Science) CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1877 Samuel Wells Williams, LL.D. . . . . . . *1884 OPHTHALMOLOGY AND OTOLOGY 1879 William Henry Carmalt, M.D. . . . . . . 1881 THEORY OF MUSIC [This Professorship Was named at its foundation in 1890 the Battell Professorship, in recognition 0f the gifts Of the Battell family to the University and especially t0 the Depart- ment of Music.] 1890 Gustave Jacob Stoeckel, Mus D.,Emeritus 1894 1894 Horatio William Parker, M.A. . . . APPLIED MUSIC 1894 Samuel Simons Sanford, M.A. DIRECTORS AND DEANS OF FACULTIES 1853 Charles Hooker, M.D. (Medical School) . . . . . 1863 1863 Charles Augustus Lindsley, M.D. (Medical School) . . . 1885 1869 john Ferguson Weir, N.A., M.A. (Art School) . 1872 George jarvis Brush, LL.D. (Бите/ё зашита School) 1873 Francis Wayland, LL.D. (Law School) . . 1884 Henry Parks Wright, M.A. (Academical Department) 1885 Herbert Eugene Smith, M.D. (Medical School) 1888 680782 Edward Day, D.D. (Divinity School) . . . . 1892 Arthur Twining Hadley, M.A. (Courses of Graduate Instruction) . 1895 1892 Eugene Lamb Richards, M.A. (Gymnasium) . . . 1892 Jay Webber Seaver, M.D., Associate Director (Gymnasium) . 1892 William Gilbert Anderson, M.D., Associate Director (Gymnasium) 1895 Andrew Wheeler Phillips, PH. D. (Courses of Graduate Instruction) I4 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 TUTORS [From 1702 to 1830 each Tutor was responsible fOr all the instruction given t0 the class or section 0f a class committed to his care. From 1830 tO 1884 the Tutors selected, each for himself, in the Order 0f appointment or Of College Standing, a department of instruc- tion. Since 1884 Tutors have been appointed t0 definite work, as specified below.] 1702 Daniel Hooker, B.A. . . . . . . . . 1703 1703 john Hart, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1705 1706 Phineas Eishe, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1713 1707 james Hale, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1709 1709 Azariah Mather, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1710 1710 joseph Noyes, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1715 1713 William Russell, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1714 1714 Samuel Russell, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1716 1715 Benjamin Lord, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1716 1716 Samueljohnson, D.D. . . . . . . . 1719 1716 Samuel Smith, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1718 1716 Elisha Williams, M.A. . . . . . . . 1718 1716 Samuel Hall, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1718 1718 Daniel Browne, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1722 1722 James Pierpont, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1724 1722 William Smith, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1724 1724 Robert Treat, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1725 1724 jonathan Edwards, M.A. . . . . . . . 1726 1725 Daniel Edwards, M.A. . . . . . . . 1728 1728 Elnathan Whitman, M.A. . . . . . . . 1732 1728 Daniel Hubbard, M.A. . . . . . . . 1731 1731 john Sergeant, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1735 1732 William Adams, M.A. . . . . . . . 1734 1734 Samuel Whittelsey, M.A. . . . . . . . 1737 1735 William Wolcott, M.A. . . . . . . . 1736 1736 ­Ahel Stiles, M.A. ' . . . . . . . . 1737 1737 james Lochfzoood, M.A. . . . . . . . . . 1738 1737 Timothy Woodhridge, M.A. . . . . . . . 1739 1738 Chester Williams, M.A. . . . . . . . 1740 1739 Chauncey Whittelsey, M.A. . . . . . . . 1745 1739 Phineas Lyman, M.A. . . . . . . . 1742 1742 ]ohn Worthington, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1743 1743 Thomas Darling, M.A. . . . . . . . 1745 1743 ]0hn Whiting, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1747 1745 Samuel Fisk, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1748 1745 Noah Welles, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1746 1746 Warham Williams, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1750 1747 Alexander Phelps, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1749 1748 William Russell, M.A. . . . . . . . 1750 1749 Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . . . 1755 1750 Timothy Pitkin, M.A. . ‘ . . . . . . 1751 1750 ]ames Abraham Hillhouse, M.A. . . . . . . 1756 1751 Samuel Hophins, D.D. . . . . . . . . . 1754 1754 Jonathan Welles, M.A. . . . . . . . 1756 1755 Elizur Goodrich, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1756 I756`_Richard WOOdhull, M.A.' . . . . . . . 1761 1895] TUTORS 15 1756 Seth Pomeroy, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1757 1756 Nathan Williams, D.D. . . . . . . . 1760 1757 Nehemiah Strong, M.A. . . . . . . . 1760 1760 Benjamin Boardman, M.A. . . . . . . . 1761 1760 Jonathan Lyman, M.A. . . . . . . . 1765 1761 john Storrs, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1762 1761 Noah Parsons, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1761 1762 John Chandler, M.A. . . . . . . . _ 1762 1762 Seth Lee, M.A. . . . . . . . . . 1763 1762 Ebenezer Russell White, M.A. . . . . . . . 1765 1763 Richard Woodhull, M.A. . . . . . . . 1765 1765 Punderson Austin, M.A. . . . . . . . 1766 1765 Diodate johnson, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1766 1766 Ebenezer Baldwin, M.A. . . . . . . . 1770 1766 Stephen Mix Mitchell, LL.D. . . . . . . 1769 1766 ]Ob Lane, M.A. . . . . . . . . *1768 1768 Amos Botsford, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1769 1769 joseph Howe, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1772 1769 Samuel I/Vales, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1770 1770 joseph Lyman, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1771 1770 Buckingham St.]ohn, M.A. . . . . . . . *1771 1771 ~lohn Trumbull, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1773 1771 Timothy Dwight, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . . 1777 1772 Nathan Strong, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1773 1773 John Davenport, M.A. . . . . . . . 1774 1773 Solomon Williams, M.A. . . . . . . . 1775 1773 john Lewis, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1778 1774 joseph Buchminster, D.D. . . . . . . . 1778 1775 Abraham Baldwin, M.A. . . . . . . . 1779 1778 William Robinson, M.A. . . . . . . . 1779 1778 Noah Atwater, M.A. . . . . . . ' . . 1781 1779 William Lochwood, M.A. . . . . . . . 1780 1779 Chauncey Goodrich, M.A. . . . . . . . 1781 1780 Ebenezer Fitch, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1783 f 1781 Josiah Meigs, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1784 1781 Elizur Goodrich, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1783 1781 Zebulon Ely, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1782 1782 Matthew Talcott Russell, M.A. . . . . . . 1786 1783 Thomas Chester, M.A. . . . . . . . 1783 1783 Simeon Baldwin, M.A. . . . . . . . 1786 1783 Henry Channing, M.A. . . . . . . . 1786 1784 Enoch Perkins, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1786 1786 jedidiah Morse, D.D. . . . . . . . 1787 1786 Ebenezer Pitch, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1791 1786 Abiel Holmes, D.D., LL.D. . . . . . . . 1787 1786 ~]`Oseph Denison, M.A. . . . . . . . *1789 1787 Barnabas Bidwell, LL.D. . . . . . . . 1790 1788 Roger Newton, M.A. . . . . . . . *1789 1789 Amos Bassett, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1793 1790 Ebenezer Gay, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1792 1791 Calvin Chapin, D.D. . . . . . . . . 1794 1792 ]Onathan Walter Edwards, M.A. . . . . . . 1794 16 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1793 James Gould, LL.D. 1794 Josiah Stebbins, M.A. 1794 Noah Linsly, M.A. . . 1795 Roger Minott Sherman, LL.D. 1795 jeremiah Atwater, D.D. 1796 Dan Huntington, M.A. 1796 Zechariah Lewis, M.A. 1798 jeremiah Day, D.D., LL.D. 1798 Henry Davis, D.D. . 1799 Ebenezer Grant Marsh, M.A. 1799 Charles Denison, M.A. 1799 Benjamin Silliman, M.D., LL.D. 1800 Warren Dutton, B.A. 1800 Bancroft Fowler, M.A. 1801 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D. 1801 Oliver Ellsworth, M.A. 1802 Moses Stuart, M.A. 1803 James Stedman, M.A. 1803 George HOadly, M.A. 1804 Noyes Darling, M.A. 1804 John Hall, M.A. 1804 Dar/id Austin Sherman, M.A. 1806 Sereno Edwards Dwight, D.D. 1806 Mills Day, M.A. . 1807 Seth Norton, M.A. . . 1808 Thomas Hophins Gallaudet, LL.D. 1808 Edward Hooker, M.A. 1808 Henry Strong, LL.D. 1810 Mills Day, M.A. . 1810 Arcetius Ber/il Hull, M.A. 1810 Matthew Rice Dutton, M.A. 1810 Jonathan Knight, M.D. . 1811 Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D. 1811 john Langdon, M.A. . . 1811 Josiah Willard Gibbs, LL.D. 1812 Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D.D. 1814 Ralph Emerson, D.D. 1814 William Danielson, M.A. 1815 John Witter, M.A. . . 1815 Alexander Metcalf Fisher, M.A. 1815 Denison Olmsted, LL.D. 1816 Elisha Mitchell, D.D. 1816 Frederick Morgan, M.D. . 1817 William Theodore Dwight, D.D. 1817 Horace Hooher, M.A. . 1817 Hubbard Rockwell, M.A. 1818 joseph Dresser Wickham, D.D. 1818 Rufus Woodward, M.A. 1819 William Chauncey Fowler, LL.D. 1819 Edward Bull, M.A. . 1820 Lyman Coleman, D.D. 1821 Henry Dutton, LL.D. I795 1796 1795 1 799 1895] TUTORS 17 1822 John Hiram Lathrop, LL.D. 1826 1822 Sylvester Hovey, M.A. . 1826 1822 Solomon Stoddard, M.A. . . 1826 1823 Theodore Dwight Woolsey, D.D., LL.D. 1825 1823 Alexander Catlin Twining, LL.D. 1825 1823 Henry White, M.A. . 1825 1824 josiah Brewer, M.A. 1826 1825 Luther Wright, M.A. 1828 1825 Edward Beecher, D.D. 1826 1825 Isaac Webb, M.A. . 1827 1825 Aaron Nichols Skinner, M.A. 1829 1826 Milton Badger, D.D. . . 1827 1826 William Moseley Holland, M.A. 1828 1826 Theophilus Smith, M.A. 1828 1827 Simeon [Уст/2, LL.D., D.D. 1829 1827 Amos Pettingell, M.A. . . 1830 1828 Georgejones, M.A. . . 1831 1828 David Lowrey Seymour, LL.D. 1830 1828 Amos Blanchard, D.D. , . 1829 1828 William Augustus Larned, M.A. 1831 1829 Wyllys Warner, M.A. 1829 1829 Sidney Law Johnson, M. A. 1830 1829 Horace Bushnell, D.D., LL.D. 1831 1829 Henry Durant, LL.D. 1833 1829 Robert McEwen, D.D. . 1832 1830 William Carter, M.A. . . . . 1833 1830 Frederich Augustus Porter Barnard, D. D., LL.D. 1831 1831 Edwin Stevens, M.A. 1832 1831 Henry Noble Day, LL.D. 1834 1831 FlavelBascom, D.D. 1833 1831 Alfred Newton, D.D. . 1834 1832 Leverett Griggs, D.D. . . 1833 1832 Anthony Dumond Stanley, M.A. 1836 1832 David Close Comstoch, M.A. 1834 1833 Elias Loomis, LL.D. . . 1836 1833 james Radcliffe Davenport, D.D. 1835 1833 Lyman Ноге/2,655: Atwater, D.D., LL.D. 1835 1833 Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D. 1835 1834 Newton Deming Strong, M.A. . 1835 1834 Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth, M.A. 1836 1834 Elisha Cowlesjones, M.A. 1835 1835 john Owen Colton, M.A. 1838 1835 Seth Collins Brace, M.A. . 1838 1835 William Huntington Russell, M.D. 1836 1835 Alphonso Taft, LL.D. . . 1837 1835 Ebenezer Alfred Johnson, LL.D. 1837 1836 Samuel William Southmayd Dutton, D.D. 1838 1836 Samuel St.JOhn, M.D., LL.D. 1837 1836 Nathan Perkins Seymour, LL.D. 1840 1836 Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey, M.A. 1838 1837 Alfred Emerson, M.A. . 1840 1837 Charles Alonzo Gager, M.A. 1839 2 18 [1895 IC4ILE LÃAÄIPÜEÃÄSIÍ"Y' 1837 john Lord Taylor, D.D. . 1838 John Brocklesby, LL. D. 1838 james Hervey Howe, M.A. 1838 Thomas Anthony Thacher, LL.D. 1839 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 William Davis Ely, M.A. David Benton Coe, D.D. Edwards Pierrepont, LL.D. Daniel Powers, M.A. Edward Strong, D.D. Lewis Joel Dudley, M.A. David Tappan Stoddard, M.A. James Nooney, M.A. . Perhins Kirhland сит, М.А. Joseph Gay Eaton Larned, M.A. Increase [Уди T видах, D.D. Daniel Lewis Rumsey, M.A. John Breed Dwight, M.A. Daniel Parher 1703/ел, М.А. George Richards, M.A. Samuel Brace, M.A. 1844 joseph Emerson, D.D. 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 1848 1848 1848 1848 1849 James McLaren Breed Dwight, M.A. Агат/бай Eldridge, D.D. . James Hadley, LL.D. Charles Long, M.A. Gordon Hall, D.D. Lewis Raymond Hurlbutt, M.D. Edward Whiting Gilman, D.D. William Henry Goodrich, D.D. Edward Warren Root, M.A. James Gardner Gould, M.A. John Grant, M.A. . John Butler Talcott, M.A. 1849 joseph Willes Bachus, M.A. 1849 james Thomas Hyde, D.D. 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1851 1851 Franhlin Woodbury Fish, D.D., LL.D. 1852 William Aitchison, B.A. Henry Blodget, D.D. William Kinne, M.A. U“ Henry Hamilton Hadley, B.A. Francis Louis Hodges, M.A. Timothy Dwight, D.D., LL.D. Joseph Hurlbut, M.A. 1852 james Browning Miles, D.D. 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 Willis Strong Colton, M.A. Hubert Anson Newton, LL.D. Moses Своё Welch, M.A. Daniel Bonbright, LL.D. Robbins Little, M.A. 1854 Thomas Stoughton Potwin, M.A. 1855 1855 Fisk Parsons Brewer, M.A. Evan Wilhelm Evans, M.A. 1839 1840 1840 1842 1842 1840 1841 1842 1842 1846 1842 1844 1845 1847 1844 1844 81843 1847 1845 1848 1848 1847 1848 1847 1848 1850 1849 1848 1850 1849 1850 1851 1853 1851 1851 1851 1853 1852 1852 1852 1855 1852 1854 1854 1856 1855 1855 1856 1854 1858 1858 1856 1895] TUTORS 19 1855 Lebeus Cornelius Chapin, M.D. 1864 1855 William Pope Aihen, M.A. 1857 1856 Charles Cotton Salter, M.A. 1857 1856 Horatio Woodward Brown, M.A. 1859 1856 Carroll Cutler, D.D. . _1858 1857 Lewis Whitmarsh Ford, B.A. 1859 1857 William Hutchison, M.A. 1858 1858 Lemuel Stoughton Potwin, D.D. 1860 1858 John Lawrence Mills, M.A. 1861 1858 Henry Albert Yardley, M.A. 1859 1859 William Hutchison, M.A. 1863 1859 Timothy Keeler Wilcox, M.A. 1861 1859 Levi Leonard Paine, D.D. 1861 1859 Lewis Richard Packard, PH.D. 1863 1860 Wilder Smith, M.A. . . 1861 1860 George Augustus Nolen, M.A. 1865 1861 Henry Swift DeForest, D.D. 1863 1861 Arthur Martin Wheeler, M.A. 1864 1862 Addison VanName, M.A. . 1862 1863 Josiah Willard Gibbs, PH.D., LL.D. 1866 1863 Arthur Williams Wright, PH.D. 1868 1863 Asher Henry Wilcox, B.A. . 1864 1864 Franklin Bowditch Dexter, M.A. 1867 1864 Tracy Peck, M.A. 1867 1865 Charles Pomeroy Otis, PH.D. 1869 1865 Cornelius Ladd Еде/де], М.А. 1867 1865 David Brainerd Perry, M.A. 1867 1866 William Graham Sumner, LL.D. 1869 1866 Egbert Byron Bingham, B.A. 1868 1866 George Spring Merriam, M.A. . 1868 1867 Charles Henry Smith, LL.D. 1869 1867 Robert Porter Keep, PH.D. 1869 1868 Eugene Lamb Richards, M.A. 1871 1868 Alfred Bolivar Miller, M.A. 1871 1869 Tracy Peck, M.A. ` 1870 1869 Theodore Lansing Day, M.A. 1872 1869 William Curtis Wood, M.A. 1870 1869 Anson Phelps Tinher, B.A. 1870 1870 Henry Parks Wright, PH.D. . 1871 1870 David Brainerd Perry, M.A. . 1871 1870 Chauncey Bunce Brewster, M.A. 1871 1870 Isbon Thaddeus Bechwith, PH.D. 1872 1871 James Kingsley Thacher, M.D. 1879 1871 Henry Augustin Beers, M.A. 1874 1871 Edward Heaton, B.A. 1873 1871 Thomas Hooker, M.A. 1874 1872 Edward Gustin Coy, M.A. 1873 1873 Bernadotte Perrin, PH.D., LL.D. 1874 1873 Edwin Horace Wilson, M.A. 1876 1873 Moses Stuart Phelps, PH.D. 1875 1873 Samuel Roseburgh Morrow, M.D. 1876 1874 Isbon Thaddeus Вестой/2, PH.D. 1879 20 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1874 Rufus Byam Richardson, PH.D. 1878 1874 Edward Salisbury Dana, PH.D. 1879 1874 Joseph Alvin Graves, PH.D. 1878 1875 Benjamin Hoppin, B.A. 1875 1875 Herbert McKenzie Denslow, B.A. . . 1877 1876 William Addison Houghton, M.A. . . 1876 1876 Frank Bigelow Tarbell, PH.D. 1882 1876 William Beebe, B.A. 1882 1876 john Punnett Peters, PH.D. 1879 1876 Edmund Zacher, LL.B. . 1881 1877 Andrew Wheeler Phillips, PH.D. 1881 1877 Edward Denmore Robbins. LL.B. 1880 I877 Alfred Beaumont Thacher, B.A. 1879 1878 Bernadotte Perrin, PH.D., LL.D. 1878 1879 Henry Walcott Farnam, R.P.D. 1880 1879 Arthur Twining Hadley, M.A. . 1883 1880 Webster Merrifield, M.A. 1883 1880 Charles Clarh Camp, B.A. 1882 1880 Alfred Lawrence Ripley, M.A. 1885 1881 Oscar Henry Cooper, LL.D. 1884 1882 Ambrose Tighe, M.A. 1885 1882 William Montague Hall, B.A. 1882 1883 William Everett Waters, PH.D. 1887 1883 Horatio McLeod Reynolds, B.A. 1888 1884 William Montague Hall, B.A. 1884 1884 AlfredBull Nichols, B.A. 1887 1884 Walter Ray Bridgman, M.A. . . . 1888 1884 Edward Tompkins McLaughlin, B.A., English 1890 1885 Frank Frost Abbott, PH.D., Latin . 1891 1885 William Price, B.A., French . . . 1887 1887 Eliakim Hastings Moore, PH.D., Mathematics 1889 1887 Horace Dutton Taft, M.A., Latin 1890 1888 Washington Irving Hunt, PH.D., Greeh 1892 1888 Frank Gardner Moore, PH.D., Latin 1893 1889 Gustav Frederick Gruener, B.A., German 1892 1889 Judson Schultze Dutcher, B.A., Mathematics . 1894 1889 Charles Albert Moore, B.A., Latin 1892 1890 Irving Fisher, PH.D., Mathematics 1893 1891 Harley Fish Roberts, M.A., Greeh and Latin 1891 Edward Capps, PH.D., Latin . . 1892 1892 Carleton Lewis Brownson, B.A., Greeh and Latin 1893 Guy VanGOrder Thompson, PH.D., Latin 1893 Joseph Bowden, B.A., Mathematics 1894 James W. D. Ingersoll, PH.D., Greeh 1895] LIBRARIANS-CURA TORS 21 LIBRARIAN S [Until 1805 the duties of the Librarian were discharged by the Senior Tutor for the time being] 1805 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D. 1824 1824 Josiah Willard Gibbs, LL.D. 1843 1843 Edward Claudius Herrick, M.A. . 1858 1853 John Edmands, B.A., Assistant Librarian . 1856 1856 Daniel Coit Gilman, LL.D., Assistant Librarian 1856-58 1865 1865 Addison VanName, M.A. . . 1867 Franklin Bowditch Dexter, M.A., Assistant . 1869 1869 Franklin Bowditch Dexter, M.A., Assistant Librarian ’ 1872 George Edward Day, D.D., Librarian Divinity School 1873 William Woodrupt Atwater, M.A., Librarian Law School . *1874 1873 Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, LL.D., Librarian She/field Scienti c School 1874 David Dwight BaldWin, M.A., Librarian Law School 1875 1875 John Adams Robinson, LL.B., Librarian Law School . . 1894 1876 Sumner Smith, B.A., Ass’t. (Librarian Linonian and Brothers Libr. 1876-94) 1883 Frederick Wells Williams, B.A., Assistant . 1885 1886 Horace Kephart, M.A., Assistant 1890 1890 Annie E. Hutchins, Assistant . . . . . 1894 William Alanson Borden, Librarian Linonian and Brothers Library 1895 William Trumbull, B.A., LLB., Librarian Law School . CURATORS OF THE COLLECTIONS IN NATURAL HISTORY 1865 Frank Howe Bradley, B.A. . . 1867 1867 George Jarvis Brush, LL.D., Mineralog . , 1874 1867 Othniel Charles Marsh, PH.D., LL.D., Geology 1867 Addison Emory Verrill, M.A., Zoology 1874 Edward Salisbury Dana, PH.D., Mineralogy OFFICERS OF THE OBSERVATORY 1879 Leonard Waldo, S.D., Astronomer in charge of the Horological Bureau 1888 1881 Robert Wheeler Willson, PH.D., Assistant Astronomer 1884 1881 Orray Taft Sherman, B.A., Assistant 1883 1882 Hubert Anson Newton, LL.D., Director 1884 1882 Robert Brown, M.A., Secretary . . . . . . 1884 Orray Taft Sherman, B.A., Astronomer in charge of the T hermometric Bureau 1886 1884 William Lewis Elkin, PH.D., Astma/ner 1885 Asaph Hall, Jr., PH.D., Assistant Astronomer 1889 1890 Frederick Lincoln Chase, PH.D., Assistant . 1891 1891 Frederick Lincoln Chase, PH.D., Assistant Astronome 22 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 INSTRUCTORS 1798 Ebenezer Grant Marsh, M.A., Hebrew *1803 1826 Charles Roux, French and Spanish 1823 1828 Charles A. Coulomb, French 1832 1828 José Antonio Pizarro, Spanish . 1830 1830 Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D., Law *1845 1830 Erasmus Darwin North, M.D., Elocution 1833 1830 Robert Bakewell, Drawing and Perspective 1832 1831 Julius Meier, German and French ' . . 1832 1834 François Turner, Litt. B., French, and from 1843 Spanish 1849 1834 Hermann Водит, German . . . . 1835 1835 Robert Bakewell, Drawing and Perspective 1861 1837 Erasmus Darwin North, M.D., Elocution . . 1854 1837 Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles, LL.D., Modern Greeh 1840 1838 George Edward Day, D.D., Sacred Literature 1841 1842 Luigi Roberti, Italian . . 1844 1842 Isaac Henry Townsend, M.A., Law 1846 1844 Sigismond Waterman, M.D., German 1847 1845 Guiseppe Artoni, Italian . . 1847 1847 Luigi Roberti, Italian, and 1852 French 1857 1849 Jean deLucey, French 1852 1855 Mark Bailey, M.A., Elocution . . 1855 Gustave Jacob Stoeckel, MuS.D., Vocal Music 1890 1856 Louis Bail, Drawing . . 1873 1860 Lyman Benham Bunnell, B.A., Gymnastics 1862 1862 Moses Clarh White, M.A., Microscopy 1867 1863 Addison VanName, M.A., Hebrew 1866 1867 Follansbee Goodrich Welch, Gymnastics . . . 1872 1868 Benjamin Stone Roberts, Brigadier-General U. S. A., Military Science 1870 1869 William Callahan Robinson, LL.D., Law 1872 1869 Simeon Eben Baldwin, LL.D., Law 1872 1869 Johnson Tuttle Platt, M.A., Law . 1872 1870 Thomas Raynesford LounSbury, LL.D., English 1871 1870 Oscar Dana Allen, PH.D., Analytical Chemistry 1871 1870 Daniel Halsey Wells, C.E., Civil Engineering 1873 1870 “7111121111 Gilbert Mixter, M.A., Chemistry 1872 1870 Albert Banks Hill, C.E., Engineering . 1871 1870 Eugène Couvens Delfosse, French 1872 1871 Francis Wayland, LL.D., Law . . 1872 1871 Charles Sheldon Hastings, PH.D., Physics 1873 1871 Russell Wheeler Davenport, M.A., Chemistry 1872 1871 Mansfield Merriman, PH.D., Engineering 1872 1872 Albert Sproull Wheeler, M.A., German 1872 Adolph vOnSteinwehr, M.A., Military Science 1873 1872 John Emory Clark, M.A., Mathematics . . 1873 1872 Richard M. Bache, Plane Table Surveying . . 1873 1872 Frederic Robertson Honey, PH.B., Instrumental Drawing 1890 1872 Edward Swoyer Breidenbaugh, M.A., Chemistry 1873 1872 Horace Andrews, C.E., Surveying 1873 1872 Daniel Hobart Pierpont, PH.B., Surveying 1873 1872 Theophil Mitchell Prudden, M.D., Chemistry 1874 1895] INSTRUCTORS 23 1873 Daniel Halsey Wells, C.E., Mathematics 1874 1873 August Hjalmar Edgren, PH.D., French 1880 1874 Joseph Taplin Lovewell, PH.D., Physics . 1875 1874 William Gilbert Mixter, M.A., ‘Chemistry . 1875 1874 Sidney Irving Smith, M.A., Comparative Anatom 1875 1874 Joseph John Skinner, PH.D., Mathematics 1881 1875 Julian Kennedy, PH.B., Physics . . 1876 1876 Dudley Allen' Sargent, M.D., Gymnastics . . . 1879 1877 John Pierrepont COdringtOn Foster, M.D., Anatomy . 1877 Mansfield Merriman, PH.D., Civil Engineering andAstronomy 1878 1877 Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, M.A., Public Law . 1878 1877 Russell Henry Chittenden, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry 1878 1878 James Fairbanks Colby, M.A., Political Eeconomy . . 1881 1878 William Thompson Sedgwick, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry 1879 1879 Carlo L. Speranza, M.A., Italian . а . . 1882 1879 Harrison Wheeler Lindsley, C.E., Architecture 1887 1879 Allen Brewer Howe, PH.D., Analytical Chemistry 1884 1879 Russell Henry Chittenden, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry 1882 1879 William Whitney Hawkes, M.D., Gymnastics . 1881 1880 George Wesson Hawes, PH.D., Mineralogy and Lithology 1881 1881 Charles Hildebrand, M.E., Mathematics . 1884 1881 Samuel Lewis Penfield, PH.B., Mineralogy 1888 1881 William Burr Hill, B.A., Gymnastics . . 1883 1882 Thomas William Mather, M.E., Mechanical Engineering 1894 1882 William H. Treadwell, PH.D. French . . 1884 1882 Herbert Eugene Smith, M.D., Chemistry . . 1885 1883 Arthur Twining Hadley, M.A., Political Science ' . . 1886 1883 Samuel Eben Barney, C.E., Mathematics and Civil Engineerin 1883 Jay Webber Seaver, M.D., Gymnastics . . . 1884 Gottlieb Heness, M.A., German . . . . 1889 1884 John Edward Russell, M.A., New- Testament Biblical Theology 1885 1884 Marrion Wilcox, B.A., German . . . 1886 1884 Joseph Ernest Whitney, M.A., English 1888 1884 William Wallace Nichols, M.E., Mathematics 1885 1885 Gustav Frederick Gruener, B.A., German 1887 1886 Henry Taylor Terry, B.A., Law 1887 1887 Cornelius Ladd камея, М.А., Greeh 1887 William Lee Cushing, M.A., Latin ~ 1888 1887 Frank Goodrich, PH.D., German . 1891 1887 William Price, B.A., French . . . 1888 1887 Robert Francis Harper, PH.D., Semitic Languages 1888 1887 George Wyckoii~ Cummins, PH.D., M.D., Mathematics 1888 1888 Henry Stoddard, M.A., Evidence . 1890 1888 Eugène Bergeron, B.A., French . . . 1892 1888 William Thaddeus Strong, M.A., Modern Languages 1890 1888 William James Comstock, PH.B., Organic Chemistry . 1893 1888 George Martin Duncan, M.A., [Леша] and Moral Philosophy 1891 1888 Percy Franklyn Smith, PH.D., Mathematics . . . . 1894 1889 Charles Adelle Louis Totten, M.A., Lieut. U. S. A., Military Science and Tactics 1892 1889 George Dutton Watrous, D.C.L., Contracts and Torts . 1892 1889 Franh Chamberlin Porter, PH.D., Biblical Theology . 1891 1890 1889 Edward Vilette Raynolds, D.C.L., Municipal Law 24 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1889 Robert Francis Harper, PH.D., Semitic Languages 1891 1889 Herbert DeWitt Carrington, PH.B., German 1892 1889 Carleton Lewis Brownson, B.A., Latin 1890 1890 Frederic Robertson Honey, PH.B., Perspective 1891 1890 Alfred Edward Thayer, M.D., Anatomy 1891 1890 Olaus Dahl, PH.D., Swedish and Danish . 1894 1890 John Christopher Schwab, PH. D., Political Economy 1893 1890 Edward Capps, PH.D., Latin . . . 1891 1890 Edwin Hoyt Lockwood, PH.B., Drawing and Mechanism 1890 Horace Fletcher Walker, B.A., French 1891 1890 Irving Fisher, PH.D., Mathematics 1891 1891 Dwight Loomis, Law . . . . 1893 1891 Charles Emerson Beecher, PH.D., Palaeontology 1892 1891 Louis Shepard DeForest, M.D., Clinical Medicine 1892 1891 Elias Hershey Sneath, PH.D., Philosophy . . 1893 1891 Frank Knight Sanders, PH.D., Semitic Languages . . 1892 1891 Oliver Thomas Osborne, M.D., Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1892 1891 Harry Burr Ferris, M.D., Anatomy . . . 1892 1891 Graham Lusk, PH.D., Physiology . . . . . 1892 1891 Hanns Oertel, PH.D., German, and Comparative Philology from 1893 1891 Robert Orton Moody, B.S., Histo/ogy . . . 1893 1892 John Whitmore, B.A., Physics . . 1894 1892 Harrison Wheeler Lindsley, C.E., Perspective . . 1893 1892 Ralph Olmsted Williams, B.A., English Composition . 1893 1892 Talcott Huntington Russell, B.A., LL.B., Municipal Corporations 1892 Louis vOnEltz, French . . . . . . 1892 John Hoyt Perry, M.A., Evidenc 1892 Samuel Silas Curry, PH.D., Elocution 1892 Edwin Baker Gager, B.A., Mortgages . . . . 1892 James Seymour Pettit, Captain U. S. А.‚ Military Science and Tactics 1892 Louis Valentine Pirsson, PH.B., Geology and Lithology 1894 1892 William Price, B.A., French . . . . . 1893 1892 Edward Wheeler Scripture, PH.D., Experimental Psychology 1892 Alfred John Wakeman, PH.D., Analytical Chemistry 1892 William Lyon Phelps, PH.D., English Literature 1892 William Albert Setchell, PH.D., Biology 1892 Robert Nelson Corwin, PH.D., German . 1892 Edward Grant Buckland, B.A., LL.B., Contracts 1892 Guy VanGOrder Thompson, PH.D., Latin 1893 1892 Herbert Augustine Smith, B.A., English 1892 Walter Irenaeus Lowe, B.A., History 1892 Henry Schuyler Anderson, Gymnastics 1893 David Torrance, M.A., Sales and Evidence 1893 William Henry Bishop, B.A., French and Spanish 1893 Morris Frank Tyler, M.A., jurisprudence 1894 1893 Frederick Wells Williams, B.A., History 1893 Frank Goodrich, PH.D., German 1894 1893 James Johnson Robinson, PH.D., Latin 1893 Warren Austin Adams, B.A., German . . 1893 Benjamin Austin Cheney, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology 1894 1893 Arthur Willis Colton, PH.D., English . . 1893 Henry Andrews Bumstead, B.A., Physics 1893 George Flavius Campbell, PH.B., Chemistry 1894 1895] LECTURERS 25 1893 Paul Klimpke, B.A., German . . . . . . 1894 1894 Gustav Albert Andreen, B.A., German 1894 Robert Longley Taylor, B.A., French 1894 Frederic Elijah Beach, PH.D., Physics . . 1894 William Wallace Nichols, M.E., Ildechanical Engineering 1894 Leonard Mayhew Daggett, B.A., LL.B., Testamentary Law 1894 Wilbur Lucius Cross, PH.D., English . 1894 Arthur Nathaniel Alling, M.D., Ophthalmology 1894 Arthur Fairbanhs, PH.D., Comparative Religion 1894 Philip Embury Browning, PH.D., Chemistry . . 1894 Edward Franklin Buchner, PH.D., Pedagogy and Philosophy 1894 Harlan Creelman, PH.D., Biblical Literature . 1894 John Clayton Tracy, C.E., Civil Engineering and Drawing 1894 Lafayette Benedict Mendel, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry 1894 Arthur Louis Day, PH.D., Physics . . . 1894 Percy Talbot Walden, PH.B., Chemistry " 1894 Clive Hart Day, B.A., German . 1894 Theophilus Nelson, PH.B., Mathematics 1894 William Anthony Granville, PH.B., Mathematics 1894 William Thomas Hildrup Howe, PH.B., Chemistry 1894 Arthur Leslie Wheeler, B.A., Latin . 1894 Isidor Troostwyk, Violin-Playing LECTURERS [The only endowed Lectureships are the Lyman Beecher Lectureship On Preaching, in the Divinity School, which was founded in 1871 ; and the W. L. Storrs Lectureship in the Law School, founded in 1889.] 1820 Eli Ives, M.D., Diseases of Children . . . . . . 1829 1820 Jonathan Knight, M.D., Obstetrics . . . . . . 1829 1824 Eleazar Thompson Fitch, D.D., Homiletics . . . . . 1861 1830 Charles Upham Shepard, M.D., LL.D., Botany . . . . 1831 1833 Charles Upham Shepard, M.D., LL.D., Natural History . . . 1847 1867 Timothy Beers Townsend, M.D., Surgery . . . . . 1868 1871 Leonard Bacon, D.D., LL. D., Church Polity and American Church History *1881 1871 Henry Ward Beecher, B.A., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . . 1874 1871 Abram Marvin Shew, M.D., Insanity . . . . . 1876 1873 Theodore Dwight Woolsey, D.D., LL.D., International Law . . I877 1873 Charles Johnson McCurdy, LL.D., Life Insurance . . . 1875 1873 James Hammond Trumbull, LL.D., Indian Languages of N rth America . 1885 1873 Frederic Henry Betts, M.A., Patent Law . . . . . 1884 1874 john Hall, D.D., LL.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . . 1875 1875 Origen Storrs Seymour, LL.D., judicial Procedure and Practice . . 1881 1875 LaFayette Sabin Foster, LL. D., Parliamentary Law and Legislation . *1880 1875 William Machergo Taylor, D.D., LL.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . 1876 1875 George Bronson Farnam, M.D., Medical jurisprudence . . . 1876 1876 Phillips Broohs, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . . . 1877 1876 William Henry Carmalt, M.D., Ophthalmology and Otology . . . 1879 1876 Samuel Henry Bronson, M.D., Physiology . . . . . 1879 I877 Robert William Dale, D.D., LL.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . 1878 1878 Matthew Simpson, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . . . 1879 26 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1878 Henry Putnam Stearns, M.D., Insanity . . . 1879 William Orville Ayres, M.D., Diseases of the Nervous System 1887 1879 Howard Crosby, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . . 1880 1879 Sherman Hartwell Chapman, M.D., Diseases of the Throat and Ear 1885 1879 Matthew Darbyshire Mann, M.D., Gynecology . . 1881 1880 Theophil Mitchell Prudden, M.D., Normal Histology 1886 1880 Thomas Hubbard Russell, M.D., Surgery 1881 1880 Henry Fleischner, M. D., Food and Poisons . ‚ . 1882 1881 Ezehiel Gilman Robinson, D.D., LL.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1882 1881 Thomas Hubbard Russell, M.D., .Syphilis and Genito- Urinary Diseases 1883 1882 Nathaniel judson Burton, D. D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1884 1882 Samuel Benedict St.JOhn, M.D., Ophthalmology . . . 1882 Henry Fleischner, M. D., Dermatology, and from 1886 Clinical Medicine 1884 Nathan Perkins Seymour, LL.D., English Literature 1885 1884 Donald Grant Mitchell, LL.D., English Literature 1885 1884 Henry Martyn Storrs, D. D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1885 1884 William Edgar Simonds, M.A., Patent Law . . . 1893 1885 ï/Villiam Machergo Taylor, D. D., LL.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1886 1886 Washington Gladden, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1887 1886 William Gibbons Daggett, M.D., Bacteriology . 1888 1886 Edward Vilette Raynolds, D.C.L., Political Science 1891 1886 Henry Charles White, M.L., Political Science . . 1893 1886 Edward Gaylord Bourne, PH.D., Political Science . . 1888 1886 Henry Lawrence Swain, M.D., Diseases ofthe Throat and Ear 1886 Thomas George Lee, M.D., Histology, and 1888 Bacteriology 1891 1887 Thomas Thacher, M.A., Corporate Trusts . . . 1887 James MulfOrd Townsend, LL.B., Transfer of Monetary Securities 1887 Henry Clay Trumbull, D. D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . 1888 1888 john Albert Broadus, D. D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . 1889 1888 Maurice Dwight Collier, M.A., Attachments, judgments, and Executions 1893 1888 George Matthews Sharp, M.A., Insurance . . 1888 Roger Foster, M.A., Federaljurisprudence . . . . 1889 Nathaniel Shipman, LL.D.,jurisdiction of and Procedure in U. S. Courts 1889 A dolphus julius Frederich Behrends, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1890 1889 Elias Hershey Sneath, PH.D., History of Philosophy . . . 1891 1890 Thomas McIntyre Cooley, LL.D., Interstate Commerce (W. L. Storrs) 1891 1890 james Stalher, D. D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . 1891 1890 Cyrus LaRue Munson, M.A., Beginnings of Practice . 1890 Herbert Austin Aikins, PH.D., History of Philosophy 1891 1891 John Forrest Dillon, LL.D., Municipal Law ( W. L. Storrs) 1892 1891 Andrew Martin Fairbairn, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) 1892 1891 Kumato Morita, PH.D., History of Philosophy . 1892 1891 Howard Hoyt Knapp, LL.B., Connecticut Practice 1891 Fritz jacobson, PH.D., History of Philosophy . . . 1893 1892 Daniel Henry Chamberlain, LL.D., Municipal Law (W. L. Storrs) 1892 Morris Woodruff` Seymour, B.A., LL.B., Corporations . 1894 1892 Robert Forman Horton, D. D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . 1893 1892 Arthur Fairbanhs, PH.D., Social Science and Philosophy of Religion . 1894 1892 Edward Franklin Buchner, PH.D., Pedagogy . . 1894 1892 Erwin William Runkle, PH.D., History of Philosophy 1893 1893 Augustus Hall Fenn, M.A., Evidence . . . 1894 1893 Edward Vilette Raynolds, D.C.L., Constitutional Law . 1894 William Wirt Howe, M.A., Municipal Law (W. L. Storrs) . 1894 1895] ASSISTANTS 27 1894 Augustus Hall Fenn, M.A., Pleading . . . . . 1894 David Hummel Greer, D.D., Preaching (Lyman Beecher) . . . 1895 1894 Thomas Calhoun Stearns„M.A., History of Philosophy 1894 Charles Alling Tuttle, M. D., Orthopaedic Surgery 1894 James Pelham Pierpont, PH.D., Mathematics . . 1894 William Sacheus Morgan, B. D., History of Philosophy ASSISTAN TS 1821 Sherlock James Andrews, LL.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1824 1824 Benjamin Douglas Silliman, LL.D., Chemistry . ‘ . . 1825 1826 Burr Noyes, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . . . 1827 1827 Charles Upham Shepard, M.D., LL.D., Chemistry . . . . 1831 1831 Oliver Payson Hubbard, M.D., LL.D., Chemistry . . . . 1836 1836 James Dwight Dana, LL.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1837 1837 Benjamin Silliman, Jr., M.D., LL.D., Chemistr . . . . 1846 1845 Francis Bradley, Practical Astronomy . . . . . . 1847 1848 Mason Cogswell Weld, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . . 1853 1852 William Jarvis Craw, PH.B., Applied Chemistry . . ‘. . 1853 1855 Samuel William Johnson, M.A., Chemistry . . . . . 1856 1855 Charles Hogeboom Porter, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1857 1855 Alonzo Tyler Mosman, PH.B., Engineering . . . . . ~1856 1856 Henry Martyn Seely, M.D., Analytical Chemistry . . . . 1857 1856 William Arnold Anthony, PH.B., Engineering . . . . 1857 1857 Edward Henry Twining, M.A., Analytical Chemistry . . . . 1859 1858 Orson Cowles Sparrow, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1859 1859 John Marcus Blake, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry . . . . 1860 1859 Charles Stewart Kittredge, M.D., Engineering . . . . 1860 1860 Joseph Addison Rogers, C.E., Engineering . . . . . 1863 1860 George Gilman Percival, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1861 1860 Oscar Dana Allen, PH.D., Chemistry . . . . . . 1864- 1861 D. Grenville French, Chemistry . . . . . . 1863 1862 Peter Collier, PH.D., M.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1866 1862 William Chester Minor, M.D., Anatomy . . . . . 1864 1862 Watson Andrews Goodyear, PH.B., Engineering . . . . 1863 1863 Orson Cowles Sparrow, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . ‚ 1864 1864 Beverly Scott Burton, PH.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1868 1864 Edwin Wallace Carpenter, PH.B., Mathematics . . . . 1865 1865 George Frederic Barker, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1867 1865 Frederick Folger Thomas, M.A., Chemistry . . . . . 1866 1865 James Bennett Stone, C.E., Mathematics . . . ' . . 1867 1865 John Jarvis Matthias, M.A., Chemistry . . . . . 1867 1866 Charles Joseph Sheffield, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . . 1868 1867 Volney Giles Barbour, C.E., Engineering . . . . . 1868 1867 Sidney Irving Smith, M.A., Zoology . . . . . . 1874 1867 Daniel Halsey Wells, C.E., Mathematics . . . . . 1870 1868 Wilbur Olin Atwater, PH.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1869 1868 Edward Thomson Nelson, PH.D., Mineralogy . . . . 1869 1868 William Gilbert Mixter, M.A., Chemistry . . . . . 1870 1868 Eugene Stuart Bristol, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . . 1870 28 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1868 Henry Shaler Williams, PH.D., Palaeontology . 1871 1870 Oscar Harger, M.A., Palaeontology . . . êêlâs7 1873 Joseph John Skinner, PH.D., Civil Engineering . 1874 1873 Henry Allen Hazen, M.A., Drawing 1877 1873 George Wesson Hawes, PH.D., Mineralogy 1879 1873 Edgar Camp Savage, PH.B., Mechanical Drawing 1874 1873 Samuel Traquair Tyson, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1875 1874 Augustus Jay DuBois, PH.D., Field Engineering 1875 1874 Mansñeld Merriman, PH.D., Civil Engineering 1877 1874 Charles James Morse, C.E., Surveying . . 1875 1874 Claudius Victor Pendleton, PH.B., Mechanical Drawing 1875 1874 Samuel Fessenden Clarke, PH. D., Zoology 187Ó 1875 Allen Brewer Howe, PH.D., Analytical Chemistry 1876 1875 Russell Henry Chittenden, PH. D., Physiological Chemistry 1877 1875 Charles Hildebrand, M.E., Mechanical Drawing 1876 1876 Frederic Noah Pease, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1877 1876 Hiram Allen Miller, PH.B., Mechanical Drawing 1877 1876 William Hampton Patton, B.A., Zoology 1878 1877 Charles Henry Farnam, M.A., Archaeology . 189I 1877 George Bird Grinnell, PH.D., Osten/ogy . . 1880 1877 Joseph Frederick Klein, M.E., Mechanical Engineerin 1882 1877 Thomas Hubbard Russell, M.D., Surgery . 1879 1877 Joseph Paxson Iddings, PH.B., Surveying . 1878 1877 Samuel Lewis Peniield, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry . 1879 1878 Edmund Beecher Wilson, PH.D., Zoology 1879 1878 Walteî’ Watson, C.E., Surveying . 1879 1879 Samuel Lewis Peniield, PH.B., Mineralogy . 1880 1879 Albert Lowry Webster, PH.B., Surveying and Drawing 1880 1879 Richard Rathbun, Zoology . . . . 1880 1880 Samuel Wendell Williston, M.D., Osteology . . 1885 1880 William James Comstock, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1881 1880 James Henry Emerton, Zoology . . . 1884 1881 Marcus Daty Munn, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1882 1882 Alton Winslow Leighton, M.D., Drawing 1890 1882 Harold Bayless Nye, B.A., Analytical Chemistry 1883 1882 Louis Valentine Pirsson, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1883 1883 Thomas Burr Osborne, PHÍD., Analytical Chemistry . 1886 1884 Frank Henry Wheeler, M.D., Pathology . . 1884 Louis Valentine Pirsson, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1888 1885 George Baur, PH.D., Osteology . . 1890 1885 William Ellison Lockwood, M.D., Chemistry 1886 1887 Charles Edwin Park, M.D., Clinical Surgery 1893 1887 Erwin Starr Sperry, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1891 1888 Charles Emerson Beecher, PH.D., Palaeontology 1891 1888 William Ellison Lockwood, M. D., Physiology 1889 1888 Oliver Thomas Osborne, M.D., Clinical Medicine 1891 1888 Felix Kleeberg, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1890 1889 George Stephen Goodspeed, PH.D., Semitic Languages 1891 1889 Frank Knight Sanders, PH.D., Semitic Languages _ 1891 1889 Clarke Eugene Crandall, PH.D., Semitic Languages 1891 1889 Oliver Cummings Farrington, PH.D., Biology . 1891 1889 Frederic William Mar, PH.D., Chemistry 1891 1895] ASSISTANTS 29 1889 Ernest Ellsworth Smith, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry . . . 1891 1889 John Augustus Hartwell, PH.B., Physiological Chemistry . . . 1890 1890 Louis Shepard DeForest, M.D., Clinical Ilfedicine . . . . 1891 1890 Herbert Cushing Tolman, PH.D., Indo-European Languages . . 1891 1890 Philip Embury Browning, PH.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1893 1890 Arthur Chambers Alexander, PH.B., Physics . . . . . 1892 1890 Ralph Roger Clapp, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry . . . . 1891 1890 Harvey Merrill Lawson, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . 1891 1890 Robert Ellsworth Peck, M. D., Chemistry . . . . . 1891 1891 Ralph Olmsted Williams, B.A., English . . . . . 1892 1891 Charles Jenkins Foote, M.D., Clinical Surgery . . . . 1893 1891 Frederic Elijah Beach, PH.D., Physics . . . . 1894 1891 John Bell Hatcher, PH.B., Geology . . . . . . 1892 1891 Arthur Bronson Adams, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . . 1893 1891 Joseph Hendley Townsend, M.D., Clinical Medicine . . . . 1892 1891 Edward Lydston Bliss, M.D., Chemistry . . . . . 1892 1891 Alfred John Wakeman, PH.D., Analytical Chemistry . . . 1892 1891 William Albert Setchell, PH.D., Biology . . . . . 1892 1891 Langdon Frothingham, M.D.V., Veterinary Science and Bacteriology . 1894 1891 Herbert Augustine Smith, B.A., English . . . . . 1892 1891 Frank Sherman Meara, PH.D., Physiological Chemistr . ‚ . 1892 1891 George L. Amerrnan, B.A., Physiological Chemistry . . . . 1892 1891 Henry Lord Wheeler, PH.B. Analytical Chemistry . . 1892 1891 George Pratt Starkweather, PH.B., Drawing and Applied /Wechanics . 1892 George Stanley Woodward, M.D., Clinical Medicine . . . . 1893 1892 Benjamin Austin Cheney, M.D., Obstetrics . . . . . 1893 1892 Charles Alling Tuttle, M.D., Clinical Surgery . . . . 1894 1892 Leonard Woolsey Bacon, M.D., Clinical Medicine . . . . 1894 1892 Arthur Chambers Alexander, PH.B., Electrical Engineering . . 1893 1892 Frank Russell Rich, PH.B., German . ~ . . 1894 1892 Alexander William Evans, M.D., Chemistry . . 1893 1892 John Clayton Tracy, C.E., Civil Engineering . . . . . 1894 1892 Charles Mallory Williams, PH.B., Physiological Chemistry . . . 1894 1892 Joseph Bowden, B.A., Mathematics . . . . . 1893 1892 Charles Joseph Bartlett, M.A., Physiological Chemistry . . . 1893 1892 George Flavius Campbell, PH.B., Chemistry 1893 1892 Wesley Roswell Coe, PH.B., Biology _ ‚ 1892 Arthur Louis Day, PH.D., Physics . , . 1894 1892 Percy Talbot Walden, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry 1894 1893 Arthur Nathaniel Alling, M.D., Ophthalmology . . . . 1894 1893 Louis Bennett Bishop, M.D., Clinical Surgery 1893 Harlan Creelman, PH.D., Semitic Languages 1894 1893 Ralph Augustine McDonnell, M.D., Dermatology 1893 Charles Bemis Bliss, PH.D., Psychology . 1894 1893 Lafayette Benedict Mendel, PH.D., Physiological Chemistry . . . 1894 1893 John Inglee Phinney, B.A., Chemistry . 1894 1893 Miles Albion Pond, PH.B., Drawing 1893 Francis Mulliken Adams, PH.B., Chemistry 1894 1893 David Albert Kreider, B.A., Chemistry . 1893 Clarence Cicero Wilson, B.A., PH.B., Mechanism . . . 1893 John Williams Coe, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . . . 1894 1893 William Anthony Granville, PH.B., Mathematics 1894 1893 William Thomas Hildrup Howe, PH.B., Chemistry 1894 30 ­YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 _1893 Charles Anthony Ingersoll, PH.B., Descriptive Geometry 1893 Alton William Peirce, B.A., Chemistry . 1893 Joseph Hyde Pratt, PH.B., Chemistry . . . . . . 1893 Alfred Hull Stevens, PH.B., [Иск/251222 Designing . . . . 1894 1893 Charles Bryan Hall, Chemistry . . . . . . . 1894 1894 Leslie Dayton Bissell, B.A., Physics . 1894 Paul 311111` Robinson, M.D., Clinical Medicine . . 1894 Joshua Allen Gilbert, PH.D., Psychology . . 1894 William Crosby Marshall, M.E., Mechanical Engineering 1894 Robert Ellsworth Peck, M.D., Clinical Medicine 1894 Francis Mulliken Adams, PH.B., Physics . . 1894 Bertram Borden Boltwood, PH.B., Analytical Chemistr 1894 Otis Gridley Bunnell, PH.B., French _ 1894 Joseph Hyde Pratt, PH.B., Mineralogy 1894 William Huntington Parker, B.S., Chemistry . 1894 Loomis Burrell, PH.B., Analytical Chemistry . 1894 Everett Bradley Hurlburt, PH.B., Chemistry . . 1894 Willard Gibbs VanN ame, B.A., Physiological Chemistr DEMONSTRATORS 1864 William Chester Minor, M.D., Anatomy . . . . . 1865 1865 William Lockwood Bradley, M.D., Anatomy . . . . . 1877 1877 William Henry Hotchkiss, M.D., Anatomy . . . . . 1883 1883 Charles Purdy Lindsley, M.D., Anatomy . . . . . - 1886 1886 Samuel Wendell Williston, M. D., Anatomy . . . . . 1888 1888 Henry Lawrence Swain, M.D., Anatomy . . . . . 1889 1889 William Ellison Lockwood, M.D., Physiology . . . . 1891 1891 Charles Jenkins Foote, M.D., Bacteriology , _ . 1892 Joseph Hendley Townsend, M.D., Obstetrics . . . . . 1894 1892 Warren A. Spalding, Pharmacy STEWARDS OF THE COLLEGE COMMONS 1718 John Munson . . . . . . . . . , 1721 1721 John Punderson . . . . . . . . 1728 1728 Daniel Edwards, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1734 1734 Samuel Cooke, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1739 1739 Aaron Day, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1747 1747 Daniel Lyman, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1752 1752 Jonathan Fitch, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1771 1771 Daniel Starr . . . . . . . . . 1772 1772 Jonathan Fitch, M.A. . . . . . . . . 1778 1778 Jeremiah Atwater . . . . . . . . 1798 1798 Nathan Beers . . . . . . . . . . 1819 1819 Stephen Twining, M.A. - . . . . . . . *1832 1833 Caleb Mix . . . . . . . . . . 1842 BACHELORS OF ARTS [Until 1767 the names of the members of each class were arranged, not alphabetically, but in the order indicating the social rank of the families represented. When no date is given for the degree of M.A., it is to be understood as having been conferred three years after the first degree] 1702 *Nathaniel Chauneey, also M.A. 1702, Fellow 4‘1756 1703 *john Hari, М.А., Tutor *1731 1704 *John Russen *1757 *Phineas Fishe, M.A., Tutor *1738 *jaeoh Heminway, М.А. 3 *1754 I705 *John Pickett, М‚А. *1738 *Azariah Мата”, М.А., Tutor *1737 *Samuel Whilielsey, M.A., Fellow *1752 *Samuel Coohe, М.А., Fellow *1747 *Samuel Pomeroy 5 *1744 1706 *jared Eliot, M.A. Harvard, Fellow, F.R.S. Lond. *1763 *T {тог/ау Woodhrielge, M.A. *1742 *jonathan Diehinson, M.A., Pres. Coll. Pl Jl 3 *1747 I707 *Samuel Lynde, M.A., Judge Super. Court Conn., Memb: Albany Соп- 5гезз(1754) *1754 *Samuel Welles, M.A. ’1770 *Daniel Chapman, M.A. *1741 *Thomas T ousey *1761 *Daniel T aylor, M.A. 5 ‘1748 1708 *jonathan Russell, M.A. '1759 *john Prout, M.A., Treasurer ‘1776 *Benjamin Allen, М.А. 3 ’1754 I709 *Jeremiah Miller, M.A. ”1756 * William Russell, M.A. , Tutor, Fellow *1761 *Joseph Smith, M.A. *1769 *Nathaniel Burnham, M.A. *1754 *ßenjamin Woolsey, M.A. 1723 ‘1756 *Richard Зашёл, М.А. *1727 *joseph Noyes, М.А., Tutor, Fellow *1761 *Daniel ßoamlman, М.А. ”1744 *Josiah Deming, M.A. 9 *1761 1710 *ßen/amin Сойти, М.А. ‘1759 *john Вёл, М.А. 2 '1742 1711 *john Pierson, M.A. *1770 *John Gardiner, M.A. *1725 *Samuel Andrew, also Harvard 1711, M.A. 3 *1728 1712 *Samuel Russell, M.A., rI`utor *1746 *Samuel Maltby 2 *1751 1713 *Samuel Smil/z, M.A., Tutor *1725 *Daniel Elmer, M.A. *1755 *Daz/ia’ Evans, М.А. 3 ‘1751 I714 *Joseph Haynes *1716 *Nathaniel Clarke *1772 уведёт/2 Buchingham, M.A. i'1720 Benjamin Lora', M.A. 1719 апс1 D.D. 1774, Tutor, Fellow *1784 *Yosef/z Willaed, М.А. and Harv. 1723 *1723 *Joseph Blague, M.A. *1742 *james Wetmore, M.A. ’1760 *Samuel [кг/17:30:12, М.А. and Oxford 1723 and Cambr. 1723, D.D. Oxford 1743, Tutor, Pres. King’s (now Со- lumbia) Coll. *Daniel Biowne, M.A., Tutor *1772 9_‘1723 32 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1715 1721 *Nathanial Mather “1748 *Benjamin Ruggles, M.A. and Harv. '1782 *yoseph Webb, M.A. *1741 *Henry Allyn, M.A. *1753 *Henry Willes, M.A. 3 *1758 *John Howell *1741 *Stephen John Chester, M.A. “1725 *William Brintnall, M.A. and Harv. *1755 *Pe/eg Heath, M.A. and Harv. ‘1748 1716 *Danza Design, М.А. and oxford 8 *SamuelHall, М.А., Tutor *1776 1729 ‚ *174 вешала,” Worthingíon, М.А. *1756 *Thotnas FltCh, М.А., Dep.-Gov, and eeßmjamz'n долгий, M.A. 3 *1749 Chief Just. Super. Court and Gov. * Conn. 1774 *David Hubbard, M.A. *1760 *John Griswold, M.A. *1730 1717 *William Hyde, М.А. *1738 *Daniel Fuller, M.A. *1758 *George Griswold, М.А. *1761 *yO/m Ваш/2, М.А_ *1782 *Hezekiah 10771, М.А- *1761 * William Gager, M.A. I4 *176- *joseph [атм М.А. *1749 *Isaac Burr, М.А. '1751 *Moses Diehinson, M.A., Fellow 5 *1778 1722 *Eóenezer Russell, М.А. ‘1731 *Charles Treat, M.A. *175- 1718 :]опат}1ап Williams *1738 * ames Pierpont, M.A., Tutor ‘1776 *Joh* WIC* _ ,175“ эеёшштщщ М.А. *.723 дож 551,835@ ,1H- ‚1736 *Ehenezer Rosseter, M.A. *1762 ,áe 2 из .Z z löl’ A' ° „172)6 *Isaac Buckingham, M.A. ‘172- „Imac l* es’ ' ' *I7 О *Elisha Lord, М.А. *1725 Seac Butler 8 I7- *Robert Treat, M.A., Tutor *1770 *Timothy Collins, M.A. ‘1777 *Samuel Hophins, M.A. *1755 1723 ее. i sëîíííïfsíííígnìíî/IZA_ *Ichabod Wolcott Chauncey, M.A. *173- девицы Buck, М.А. *1726 ïjoseph Buckingham, M.A. Í1760 a@Joseph Backus, М.А. ’1762 firgscâflífëŕ М.А., Fellow as ' „ * Daniel Nere/ell, M.A. 13 1731 eeNe/œmm/Z Вил, М.А. „1740 < *Abraham Bradley, M.A. *1771 *yonathan Arnold, M.A. and Oxford 1736 *1752 1719 *Thomas Norton ‘1768 *Кёс/ш7’а’ Treat, *I75- *Joseph Morgan *1723 *Joseph Smiths M-A~ *1769 *Ehenezer Gould, M.A. *1778 *John Curtiss *1774 *Nadeau/Haagh, М.А. 11 *1760 *William Smith, M.A., Tutor, Mem- ber Albany Congress (1754), Judge Supr. Court Prov. N. Y. 4 *1769 1724 *yo/¿n ЕЛЬ, М.А. *1785 *Ashhel Woodbridge, M.A., Fellow *1758 1720 *Daniel Russell, M.A. *1764 *Ebenezer Wakeman, M.A. *1726 *Richard Lord *1740 *Thomas White, M.A. ‘1763 *Elisha Mix, M.A. *1739 *William Billings, M.A. ‘1733 *joshua Babcock, M.A. and Brown *Daniel Edwards, M.A., Tutor, Stew- 1774, Chief Just. Supr. Court R. I. *1783 ard, Judge Super. Court Conn. *1765 ` *Thomas Seymour, M.A. *1767 *jonathan Edwards, M.A., Tutor, Pres. *Eóenezer Wright, M.A. ‘1746 (3011, N, j, *1758 *Benjamin Stillman, M.A. ‘1780 *Daniel Kirtland, M.A. *1773 *jeremiah Curtiss, M.A. *1795 *Samuel Mix, м_А_ *1755 *Nathaniel Farrand, M.A. *1766 *Hezekiah Kilborn, M.A. “1755 *Henry Caner, M.A. and Oxford 1736, *Aóraham Noti', M.A. ' D.D. Oxford 1766 ‘1792 *yohn Walton 10 *1764 *Pelatiah Kilborn ‘1780 1895] BACHELORS 0E ARTS, 1715—1731 33 *jonathan Huóóard, M.A. *1765 isamllel ROSeeter 11758 *Thomas Goodssu, М.А. *174б *Ebenezer Юнион, М.А- *к746 *john Goodsell, М.А. a‘1763 „John Browne, М-А- *1758 *Sz'mon ВШИ“, М'А. *1746 Matthew Rockwell, M.A. 1782 *Samuel Arnold 18 *17—— *Samuel Tuff”, М-А- *1757 *Samuel Heaton *1736 *John Patterson, M.A. *1806 1725 *George Eeehwith, M.A., Fellow *1794 *Gurdon Saltonstall, M.A. *1785 ihm” Chai/€677 M~A­ :1765 *Rio/¿ooo лещ, М.А., D.D. 1776 *1778 Joseph Nlghtmgale 12 17- *james Searing, М.А. *1755 *Daniel Trowbridge *1752 *Benjamin Fenn *1731 1729 *52‘ер/шп Munson, M.A. *1730 ,e * *jonathan Illerrieh, M.A., Fellow *i772 „George Wyllys, М'Ач SeCf- СОПП- *1795 alarmes Саши, M.A. *1756 %Epaphras Lord, M.A. *1799 sesamuel Allyn 9 *17_ Ichabod Lord, M.A. 1761 ` *Samuel Whittelsey, M.A. and Harv., Tutor *1768 1726 ïNsrhsniIs; Ноойег, М.А. *1763 . . . „ oseph unt, .A. *1786 îïìrllrilaënvlätlînlgrpůnk М-А- ïìjîohn SoggoońaMMÀA., Тшог *1749 ‚ ’. ' ' ason itc , . . *1734 ”титан, TUÍOI, *1777 *17- . o n en,1 .A. ”Чёт; 323153? М.А-‚ Judge Зирег- ,1753 *jyoooaoo Ртом, М.А. and Со11. Ёуом lVoodhridge, М.А. *1783 sjlïcblïèäâîveu éeîzzïrrrrrllèiselNlï/)lîïtttìlêe1, M.A. ïjohn Pierson, M.A. 221747 ‚ . „ Solomon Palmer, M.A. 1771 *Nathanlel Stanley, M.A. 1761 aEp/¿mZ-mßosíwz'dê M А *1755 . *Daniel Wadsworth, M.A., Fellow *1747 aE/¿S/¿a Kem, М А’ ` ' *1776 ïâîgkgïéêîívggrîî’ůdî' *Isaae Browne, M.A. and Columbia ì *judah Lewis, M.A. *1739 1758 17 1787 *George Clark, M.A. *1754 *Samuel Belden, M.A. *1779 *Ehenezer Punderson, М.А. *1764 1730 *Timoth Porter, M.A. *1780 so - - s *Daniel )Munsom M.A. *1746 siglilìleîmpâílêglsé Tutor *imi *Samuel Sherman M.A. *1769 ss g ’ ' ' s 79 „S И Р М A’ „I 8 `Samuel Cooke, M.A., Steward 1788 „Heemyaëgfàwh-ì ~ „13; ïEdward williams, М.А. ai *Ebenezer Grant, M.A. *1797 ¿ähm АЁЁЮУЁЪЁАМ А *[802 *Abijah Moore, M.A. *1759 ss OS-es L an­s i“ À ' ' *1754 *Cornelius Bennet M.A. 1748 23 *17— anqvld ewls’ ' ' „1783 ’ El1sha Sheldon, M.A. 1779 *Daz/id White, M.A. *1784 * ose h Ashley, М.А. *1797 1727 *Iíraäl Ashley, M.A. *1758 *y0/m ”Штат М-А- *1751 *jonathan Ashley, M.A. *1780 *Daniel Hubbard, M.A., Tutor ’1742 *William Gaylord, M.A. ’1767 *Edmund Ward, M.A. *1779 *Robert Walker, М.А., Judge Super. *Ebenezer Silliman, M.A., Judge Court Conn, *1772 311РеГ- Court СОПП- *1775 *jonathan Earher, M.A. *1783 *Gideon Southworth, M.A. '17-­ *Daniel Grainger, M.A. *1757 *TILHUPÍLÜHS На”, М.А- *1767 *Azariah Dickinson. M.A. *1735 *Joseph Perkins, M.A. *1794 *Moses Bartlett, M.A. 18 *1766 *Abraham Todd, M.A. ’1772 ' *john Smith, M.A. *1771 * l* Eleazar Wales, M.A. IO 1750 1731 1728 *Peter VanBrugh Livingston, M.A., Treasurer N. Y. State ‘1792 *Jabez Hamlin, M.A. ’1791 *Elihu Hall, M.A. *1784 *David Ogden, M.A., Judge Super. *Alexander Wolcott, M.A. ’1795 and Supr. Courts Prov. N. ‘1798 *Simon Horton, M.A. *1786 3 34 YALEZLNIVERSYTY [1895 *Noah Метит, М.А. *1776 *Abner Reeve, М.А. 1755 *1798 *Chiliaó Brainerd, M.A. *1739 *Timothy Mix, М.А. *1779 *Samuel Cole, M.A. *1777 *jacob Baker *1742 *NathanielHunn, M.A. *1749 *Andrew Bartholomew, M.A. *1776 *Jonathan Dickinson, M.A. 13 *17- 1732 *Abraham Davenport, M.A. *1789 *yames Davenport, M.A. and Coll. PJ J- 1749 *1757 *Nathaniel Ruggles, M.A. *1794 *Nehemiah Brainerd, M.A. *1742 *William Burr, M.A. *1769 *Willoughby Lynde, M.A. *Timothy Woodbridge, М.А., Tutor *Stephen Hosmer, M.A. *1751 *William Hart, M.A. *1784 *Bóenezer Devotion, M.A. *1771 *john Prout "1736 *john Pickett *1740 *Timothy Meigs, M.A. *1751 *john Bosch *17- *Daniel Bliss, M.A. and Harv. 1738 '1764 *yonathan Todd, M.A. '1791 *Seth Field, M.A. '1792 *Shubael Conant, M.A. *1775 *Daniel Humphreys, M.A. *1787 *Samuel Sturges, M.A. *1763 *David Rowland, M.A. ‘1768 *Gershom Banks, M.A. *1793 *Nathaniel Кода/15, М.А. 23 *1776 I733 *Samuel Talcott, M.A. *1797 *John Livingston, M.A. ‘1786 *Joseph Platt, M.A. *1777 *Samuel Doty, M.A. *1751 *William Leete, M.A. '1756 *Benjamin Gale, M.A. *1790 *Daniel Lathrop, M.A. *1782 *Daniel Huntington, M.A. ‘1753 *Eherzezer White, M.A. a'1779 *Eleazar Wheelock, M.A., D.D. Edinb. 1767, Pres. Dartm. Coll. *1779 *Benjamin Pomeroy, М.А., D.D. Dartm. 1774 *1784 *Hezehiah Bissell, M.A. *1783 *Ahel Stiles, M.A., Tutor *1783 *Stephen Heaton, M.A. '1788 *Benajah Case, M.A. *1762 *Eóenezer Thompson, M.A. 16 *1775 1734 *Henry Barclay, M.A. 1740, D.D. Ох- ford 1760 *1764 *Dudley Woodbridge *17- *Samuel Treat, M.A. *1773 *William Nicoll, M.A. *1780 *Benjamin Nicoll, М.А. *1760 *Benjamin Throop, M.A. *1785 *Gamaliel Clark, М.А. *176- *William Wolcott, M.A., Tutor *1799 *William Seward, M.A. *1782 *Moses Burr, M.A. *1740 *Samuel Todd, M.A. a$1789 *Ehenezer Dióhle, M.A., D. D. Columb. 1793 *1799 *Joseph Nichols *1760 *Benjamin Strong 14 *1775 I735 *Elisha Williams, M.A. *1784 *Samuel Williams, М.А. a‘1740 *Samuel Whitman, M.A. ”1751 *Samuel Eliot, М.А. *1741 *Chester Williams, M.A., Tutor a'1753 *jonathan Huntting, M.A. *1750 *yonathan Marsh, M.A. *1794 *Samuel Mansfield, M.A. *1775 *john Chatñeld, M.A. 1744 *1801 *Benajah Bushnell, M.A. *1798 *john Roosevelt, M.A. ‘1806 *Daniel Видите/шт, М.А. ’1766 *yames Lockwood, M.A., Tutor, Fellow *1772 *Moses Lyon *1778 *Aaron Barr, M.A., Pres. Coll. N. ‘1757 *Moses Cooley -*1783 *Azariah Horton, M.A. “1777 *Isaac Baldwin, M.A. 1778 *1805 *Daniel Hull, M.A. ‘1740 *Walter Wilmot, М.А. ‘1744 *yohn Trumónll, М.А., Fellow *1787 *John Bunnel, M.A. *1773 *joseph Bellamy, М.А., D.D. Aber- deen 1768 *1790 *Samuel Merriman, M.A. 24 *1757 1736 *Diodate Woodbridge, M.A. '1755 *Hohart Estaárooh, M.A. *1766 *George McNish *1779 *John Gardiner, M.A. *1764 *David Gardiner, M.A. *1776 *Josiah Dwight, M.A. *1768 *David Welles, M.A. *1763 *Isaac Dickerman, M.A. *1740 *Silas Leonard, M.A. 1740 ‘1764 *Stephen White, M.A. *1794 *Peter Pratt, M.A. 4'1780 *Samuel Barker, M.A. *1781 *jonathan Ingersoll, M.A. *1778 *Jonathan Hall, M.A. ’176- *Nathan Birdseye, M.A. ‘1818 *yared Harrison, М.А. *1770 *Richard Салат, М.А. i'1745 *joseph Farnsworth, М.А. ‘1804 *Timothy Allen, M.A. 19 ‘1806 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1732—1742 35 ïBen/'amin Woodhridge, М.А. i'1785 *John siiii Winthrop, М.А. *1776 *Ё,ЁЁЁЁГЁЁ;ЕЬЗ‘ЦПСВУ› М-А- aii798 *Philip Livingston, M.A., Member aiya/m GHZ/mm М А 1759 11174?) Continental Congress *1778 Hohn Woodwárd ' ` *1;91 *Christopher Christophers, M.A. *1775 aE ra Cla M А 6 a 4 *Thomas Adams M.A. *1753 ее Z. p’ ' ` 17 О 1768 „E/Z. Calto” М А ’ „1756 Eliphalet Dyer, M.A. and Harv. 1744, ôeNa/[haniefHiiL .M_A’ *I77I C13787, М.С-‚ Clllef JuSt. Зирег.* *James СНУ1еГ ‘U4- *Peîellrcaârilë' M А 4807 *Nathan Buihiay, М.А. *1793 цезарь ВГ „mi М À .1771? “ЧЁМ”! Silliman, M.A. *1781 .ir-Cf, ­¿. à *Nl Z. ' А * 75 *Timothy Judd М.А. 1761 *1796 a т of ”С т ”ч ~ ' 1787 „Nicholas Hallàm М А ‚1770 'jëhrti Worthington, M.A., LL.D. 1792‘ 8 . . ’ ' ' u OI' *I 00 êŕDIîl'lìlS Sessions, М.А., Dep-Gov. *180 *Tfloînapsíwîzâ M.A. *1777 *Ride Пап *1752 ЁЁеща‘ё‘ш Stlllesd’ *già ï1797 *Timothy yohnes, M.A. 1744, D. D. 1783 *1794 aiJOestârh VÄîìaatIâs М ° 1744 „1732 *Ephraim Strong, M.A. *1802 ai Ib) Í ’M ' ’ ,‚ 7 2 *John Chapman „I7_ ae_?'aco 70 inson, .A. 1763 *1797 „Simon Rhodes М.А. 1755 „[784 ôŕThomas Darling, M.A., Tutor *i789 *Gedaan Maza М.А. *1772 .ai/Mmm* *uw* МА“ 3784 *7‘0/т Norton„ M.A. *1778 John Dlggms’ М'А' ZI 1773 *Marh Leavenworth, M.A. *1797 *Hezekiah Wathins, M.A. *1765 I7 I *Moses Halladay *175- 4 *Samuel Steel, M.A. Harv. 1743 *i779 *William Livingston, M.A., LL.D. *Barzz'llai Dean, M.A. 24 *1746 1788, Member Continental Con- gress, Gov. N. j., Member U. S. Const. Convention *1790 *Stephen Williams, M.A. J"1795 a *Daniel Southma d M.A. *17 *Stephen Wakeman, M.A. 1742 1760 . у ’ ,‚ 54 вес/[аипсеу Whilrígzsgy’ 1у['1,_хчг-ГЦЁОГ «|1787 ïkzfha7dj¥an5ßêldMMÀAq D.D. 1792 *1820 *Daniel Chapman, M.A. *1753 „Thomas ouilgs’ ' ' 1793 *Joshua West M.A. ‘ *1783 SamuelHophzns, M.A., D.D. Brown 8 за. - ’ a 1790 *1 03 *Samuel Buell, М.А., D.D. Dartm. *David Wooaiaŕ, М.А. *i 1791 . 21798 *Elea ar Ma her M.A. *1777 *John Herpm’ М‘А' 179[ Z t › 798 de ­ ­ . . а: *Aaron Day, М'АЧ Steward *1778 Simon Huntington, M.A. 1801 aAmOS Munson ‚1748 *îlfízïmîs Брата М.А. 1757, D. D. Coll. J* *Ph' L М.А. т t * ' » 17 0 1793 4552255257, ЛЁЁЁЁП’ l ’ u or *jonathan yudd, M.A. 1745 *1803 Dean, М.А. 1742 *1782 *_A/Oak И/ЕНЮ, М.А., D.D. C011. N. 1. .I *Shadrach Hathaway, M.A. *1749 *677% angl“ Рейс}: „1772 *Elisha Tracy, М.А. 15 ‘1783 ,ŕ а“ 6 Ster’ ' ' . 180 утер/д Lamson, M.A. and Columbia ae5417/173 G М А *1773 o n rant, . . *i753 *Thomas Lewis, M.A. and Coll. N. *William Williams *1741 1750 *1777 *Samuel Andrew, M.A. *1760 *Reuben 7udd 4‘1753 *Samuel Evans, M.A. *176- *David Ygzmgf *1752 *Solomon Welles, M.A. *1802 *G70/„a ММ” *,7_ ЁЁЁМа/гй? 121262471“ А D D С П N ]*1743 *]аЬег Huntington, M.A. 20 “1786 oses at er, . ., . . 0 . . . 1791, Fellow *1806 *Samuel Newell, M.A. ’1789 1742 96 «i a ÉU* *Jasaph Eliot, М.А. 1746 11762 *Alexander da 16rd _ ю „I 6 *William Peartree Smith, M.A. 1801 y 7 4 *Hendrick Hans Hansen, also Harv. 1742, М.А. and Harv. *i755 I7* о *Joseph Hawley, M.A. а1788 4 *Josiah Wolcott, M.A. *1773 *John Whiting, M.A., Tutor ’1786 *Samuel Fitch, M.A. and Harv. 1766 *1784 *Augustus Eliot, M.A. *1747 *Elizur Hale, M.A. *1790 36 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 ìeÁsher Коллеж М.А. *I 81 ее ~ * *Jared Ingersoll, M.A., Judge Vice 7 aêî'qarâTßìîslolïsä/IEÀM'IIÈS ¿Wg Admiralty Court (Middle Colonies) *1781 *jew/MUM” Со ’ ` ' I *IF/'gz 56.Nehemiah Barher, М.А. ‘1772 p? 5 7 ïEdu/ard Dorr, M.A. *1772 `Nalhaa Slron , М.А. *I *Ísaae 701105, M.A. *1333 ïyûnafka” Lyman, М-А- 11763 a@ William Russell, M.A., Tutor *1775 ееу’о/гаатст Lee, M.A. 1747 *1788 *Warham Williams, M.A., Tutor, ~>êfìfames Cogne/ell, M.A., D.D. 1790 *1807 ‚ Fellow, Secretary *1788 Timothy сайт, М.А. 17 1754 *John Haynes Lord, M.A. *1796 *ll/illiam Sturgeon, M.A. *1770 è*Nathaniel Lloyd, М.А. “1752 *“ШНаш Smith, M.A., Chief just. 1743 Supt. Court Canada *1793 „Nathan Whiting, М.А' *[771 *Thomas Bradbury Chandler, and ’iiElnathan Chauncey, M.A. *1796 Oxford 1753 and Columbla 175.8’ eesolomon Williams *1743 Oxford 1766 and Columbla* 7 ,e . . . 1 0 Eglâäízîzzg.zílgóggîîläìâwand HMV' ,.1803 *Samuel [отита], М.А. and Coll. 9 *Samuel Fisk` Tutor *1749 ее ¿76h D.D. 1789, Fellow ïI7QI *David Burr, M.A. *1773 „yamw/Z Mög’ M'A’ „1785 *Daniel Farrand, M.A. *1764 Дот" a” СОЛО,“ М'А' *1752 *Ca/@i Sme/Z, М.А. *1762 „51mm Ely’ М'А' ,1765 iiEleazar Fitch, M.A. *1796 дед/”ЕЮ” рюши" М'А' „1761 *Joshua Lathrop, М.А. *1807 „Samllel Fleld’ М'А' 1749 *1783 %Sz‘ephen yohnsofz, M.A., Fellow *1786 ,C.ÈÍÈEISILLYmaH’ М‘А" Steward *1788 *Мупдеп Lansing, М.А. *175— * 1 l1 Ушап’ М'А' „1758 ìGershom Clark, М.А. *1752 *ЁЁХЁХЁЁЁЁЁЬЁЁАМ А @im „700% МА and COU' N' 111756 îgO/mzelarliafíyùi/I.A. and Dal-1m. 1772 *153314 „S . * amue ut i *1 14 1721321 М'А' туго/ш Cleat/eland, 1763, М.А. 1763 and* *700 Prudden, М.А. 1763 *1774 „éjyaítmï 278? ,1799 *705/4250180/0’022, М.А. *1813 де at ame ВМФ” 1766 *[сдадш] Cam?, М_А_ *1786 Thaddeus Betts, M.A., M.D. Conn. * êhLIsrael Bunnel, M.A. *1781 ,e Med'hsâc' £7917“ А „1807 *шщ’ Sherman Rowland, М.А. and „105,813. ar e’. ' ' 1778 вант. 1773 *[794 ye? emzah Leamzug, M.A. ­and Colum- * *Aaron Еде/шубу, М`А_ 1747 *1793 ae b1a1765, D.D. Columbia 1789 *1804 rNathan Dewolf, М.А. *1789 ayhíffÀM'A" Fellow .x- -x l , . . Thomas Arthur, M.A. 24 1751 „yO/,m Зиме, М.А. 27 *178; 1744 1746 *Hezekiah Huntington *1747 *Lewis Morris, 1790, М.А. 1790, *Веп]аш10 Woolsey, М.А. *1771 Member Continental Congress *1798 *William Samuel johnson, M.A. and "‘iThomas Fitch, M.A. *1795 Harv. and Columbia 1761, D.C.L. 'xEzra Stiles, М.А. and Harv. 1754, Oxford 1766, LL.D. 1788, judge Tutor, Prof. Eccl. Hist., President, Supr. Court Conn., Member Con-’ D.D. Edinb. 1765 and Dartm. 1780 tinental Congress and U. S. Const. and Coll. N. j. 1784, LL.D. Coll. Convention, Pres. Columbia Со11., N. ]. 1784 : *1795 U. S. Senator *1819 *john .ll/ÍcKiasíry, M.A. *1813 ieEbenezer Rosseter, M.A. “1750 *Епоэ Alling, M.A. . *1779 *Timothy Dwight, М.А. *1777 *John Morin Scott, M.A., Secr. N. Y. *Leverett Hubbard, M.A., M.D. Conn. State, Member Continental Congr. *1784 Med. Soc. 1793, Pres. Med. Soc. *1794 *Thomas Fosdick, M.A. ‘1776 *70/112 Hubóard, M.A. *1786 *Ephraim Judson, M.A. *1751 *Anthony Rutgers, M.A. *1754 *Ebenezer Bassett, М.А. *1758 ~’('Caleb Smith, M.A. *1800 *Pelatiah Wehsler, М.°А. *1795 *Samuel Tracy, M.A. *1798 *yo/zn Brainerd, M.A. and Coll. N. *1781 *Alexander Phelps, M.A., Tutor *1773 i@Wi/¿u Spencer, M.A., D.D. Univ. Pa. *David Wilcox son, M.A. ì'I 793 1782 12 *1784 1895] BACHELÓRS 0F ARTS, 1743—1750 37 1747 *Daniel Stocking, M.A. *1800 *Elijah Lyman *178— *Oliver Wolcott, M.A. 1765, LL.D. *Hobart Mason 1792, Member Continental Соп- *Daniel Bennett, M.A. *1794 gress, Lieut.-Gov. and Gov. Conn. *Elifhalet Ball, M.A. *1797 ex-ojicio Fellow *1797 *Michael Todd, M.A. *1776 *Elisha Whiting, M.A. *1766 *John Hotchkiss, M.A. 1762 and *Timothy Pit/ein, M.A., Tutor, Fellow *1812 Harv. 1765 and Coll. N. j. 1772 and *William Cooke, M.A. *1761 Dartm. 1773 *1779 *Chauncey Graham, M.A. and Coll. *Ebenezer Bogue, M.A. *1767 N. j. 1752 *1784 *Elijah Sill, M.A. *1792 *Jedidiah Mills, M.A. *John Shepard *1749 *John Benedict, M.A. *1814 * oshua Elderhin, M.A. *1801 *Nathaniel Huntington, M.A. *1756 Bhenezer Cleat/eland, 1775, М.А. 1775 *Lyman Hall, M.A., Member Conti- and Dartm. 1775 *1805 nental Congress, Gov. Georgia *1790 *Thomas Paine, M.A. 1754 *1766 ’lì/ohn Маг/иду, М.А. and Coll. N. *1771 *Noadiah Warner *1748 ‘Benjamin Tallmadge, M.A. *1786 *Nayhtali Daggett, M.A. and Harv. *Joshua Chandler, M.A. *1787 1771, D.D. Coll. N. j. 1774, Living- *William Bryant, M.A. 1757 *1783 ston Prof. Divinity, President *1780 *Benjamin Fisk, M.A. *17— *john Darhe, M.A. 1753, M.D. Dartm. *Joseph Clark *1748 1782 *1805 *Isaac Lyman, M.A. *|810 *Nehemiah Стилист, М.А. *1779 *Daniel Sheldon, М.А. *1772 *Moses Gunn, M.A. 36 *1793 *jonathan Elmer, М.А. *1807 *Samuelllangtom M.A. and Harv. 1792 *1 794 ï/Oi suing, М.А. *1751 1749 ohn Huáóard, M.A. *1 „ *{320101 Griswold, М.А. *1333 ,ÍThOmaS 311593611» M'A- ,'803 тот, Reynolds, М'А. 1,750 ¿Samuel D1ck1nson, M.A. 1769 aeTimOthy Todd, М.А_ *,779 Samuel Hopkins, М.А. and Harv. * *Мапыаз Сите, М'А_ *1779 * 1754, D.D. 1802, Tutor 1811 *james Brown, M.A. and Coll. N. *1788 James Abraham Hlllhouse’ M'A" „ *Daniel DeWolf, M.A. *1752 ,L Tutor ,1775 *Aaron Hutchinson, М.А. апс1 Harv. СЕРе‘еГ Buen 1752 and Dartm. 1780 and Coll. N. J. *Sämïduíêffwwds M«A­ and C011- *1783 1794 28 1800 ïAaron Brou/n, M.A. *1775 oseph Stron , M.A. *1803 1748 *Samuel Brovgsrfn, M.A. and Columbia *Richard Morris, 1787, also M.A. 1787, ‘75?’ . iw:- Chief Just. Supt. Court N. Y. State *1810 Ёрш/Ё“, @WIG/l. М-А- and HafV- 1754 *‘7‘35 *Jonathan Fitch, M.A. and Harv. „gm/amm Griswold „WSI 1754’ Steward *1793 %Blijah Lathrop, M.A. *1797 *William johnson, M.A. and Harv. *John Clark’ М'А' 1753 .1822 1753 and Oxford 1756 and Cambr. *Gideon Hau/ley, M.A. and Harv. 1763 *1807 1756 »1756 êeDaniel Osborn, M.A. *1801 *Samuel Байту, М.А. and Columbia *Nathîmlel Porter’ М'А' ‚1775 1761, D.D. Oxford 1777, P. E. *АЦЗЁШ Munson’ М'А' *17— Bishop Сопп. and R. 1. *1796 „Datini WHC/.1» М-А— ,‘732 *John Cornelius Cuyler *1749 „105mb Toppmg ‚17— -xJamiSOn Johnston *1749 êNymphas Marston, M.A. *1788 *Eleazar Porter, М.А. ’1797 Joh? VanHom! М'А' ‚1805 aDaniel Hubbard, М'А. *,765 7¿Deliverance Smith, M.A. ‚1785 *William Smith, М.А. 1753 *17__ Nathaniel Bartlett, М.А. 23 1810 *Solomon Mead, М.А. *1812 *James Wadsworth, М.А., Member 1750 Continental Congress ' 4'1817 *Thomas Williams, М.А. ’1778 *joseph Platt Cooke, M.A., Member *john Ogilvie, М.А. and Columbia Continent. Congr., ело/75020 Fellow *1816 1767, D.D. Columbia 1770 *1774 *Noaa'iah Russell, M.A. *1795 *David Baldwin, M.A. *1784 *Elisha Steel, М.А. 1754 *1773 *John Coleman, M.A. '1769 *Daniel Newell, M.A. *1756 *Reynold Marvin, M.A. *1802 *Samuel Reynolds, М.А. ‘1774 *judah Nash, M.A. 1752 *1805 *Elihu Tudor, M.A., M.D. Dartm. *Israhiah Wetmore, М.А. *1798 1790 and Conn. Med. Soc. 1793 '1826 38 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Thomas Jones, Judge Supr. Court 1753 Province N. Y. *1792 l, * *Ebenezer Dyer, M.A. *1757 „lohn Laws М-А- *177О *Perez Fitch, M.A. *177— îlohn Noyes: М-А- *3767 *Richard На11, М.А. *176— ‘Joseph Lord’ М-А- „1762 *Elijah Blague, М.А. *1762 *Ebenezer Lord, М-А. ,1808 *Plan Townsend, М.А. ‘1816 îlomos Uohor, М.А. ‚1757 eeGeOrge Loomis *1751 `.Elisha Pitkin, M.A. *ISIQ iiNathan Starr *,752 *Seth Ponieroy, M.A. and Harv., Tutor~¥177o *Isaac Isaacs, М.А. *1762 ïlohn Fltch „.1755 *Benjamin Palmer *1784 9lIsaac Burr, М.А. 1759 *feuern/i Snai, М.А. 1754 i7 *1776 EïlîîâarWaloS.M.A.17soaod Dartm. *[794 *Amos Bowler, M.A. *1800 *Nicoll Havens, М.А. 1773 *1783 175]: *Gideon Welles, М.А. *1811 *Eneas Munson, М.А., M.D. Conn. *Richard Law, M.A., LL.D. 1802, Мес1. Soc. 1794, Pres. Med. Soc., Member Continental Congress, Prof. Materia Medica and Bot. *1826 Chief Just. Super. Court Conn., *john Paine ' *1754 Judge U. S. District Court (Conn.) *1806 etJohn В’Ноппецг *17— *Roswell Saltonstall, M.A. *1788 *William Wickham, М.А. 17 *1813 *Hezehiah Gold, M.A. *1790 *Giles Russell, M.A. *1779 *Stephen Munson, М.А. *1800 1754 *Jonathan Welles, M.A. and Harv. 1756, Tutor 792 *Samuel НаП *1755 *Russell Hubbard, NLA` *1785 *john Devotion, М.А. *1802 *Joseph Pierpont, М.А. *1824 *Benjamin Hall, M.A. *1786 *Hudson Blackleach, M_A_ *1784 *William Williams, M.A. *1808 *Thomas Belden, М‚А_ *1782 *Thomas Eyres. М.А. and Brown 1773 *1788 êŕJoseph Belden, М.А. *1762 *Thomas WïCkhami М-А- *179- défoán Hoúkerl M.A. *1777 *Paul MumfOrCl, М.А. 1786, Chief *Nic/wia; ,gn/eef, NLA, *1806 Just. Supr. Court and Dep-Gov. R.I. *1805 *Thomas Moseley, M.A., M.D. Conn. *Rif/¿ard Ely, M.A. *1814 Me@ SOC, 1795, Ргез. Мед. Бос, *1811 *james Greaton, М.А. and Harv. i760 *1773 *Juda/7 Сдатрддщ М.А. *1810 *Ezra L’Homrnedieu, М.А., Member *Тштад Pgfwíng, м_А_ *1802 Continental Congress *1811 делаю; Mix, М.А. *1762 *james Taylor, М.А. *1785 iinlirndd, М.А. i755 *1762 *loohuo Porter, М.А. *1825 ita/lanterna, М.А. *1813 *justas Forward, М.А. *1814 *Seth Norton, М.А. and Harv. 1756 ’1762 *EÍÍS/Za Si”, М-Ао *1808 *Cotton Mai/ier Suu/i, M.A. *1806 *Joseph Burroughs *1757 *Joseph Bissell’ 1761 22 *v_/USEÍÍL Алжир, 1791 and Harv. 1811 16 *1820 I752 1755 *Gurdon Saltonstall, M.A. 1759 *1762 *Ashbel Pitkin, M.A. *1802 *Gold Selleck Silliman, M.A. *1790 *Nat/'ian Williams, M.A., D.D. Coll. *Moss Kent, M.A. 1769 *1794 N. I. 1794, Tutor, Fellow *1829 *James Babcock, M.A. *1781 *Ebenezer Punderson, 1757, М.А. and *Henry Babcock, M.A. *1800 Columbia *1809 *josiah Whitney, M.A., D.D. Harv. *Cyrus Punderson, 1757, M.A. and 1802, Fellow *1824 Columbia *1789 *Caleb Hall, M.A. *1783 *john Eells, M.A. *1791 *Abraham Квит, М.А. and Coll. *Jonathan Babcock *1767 N. *1798 *Luhe Bahcoch, М.А. and Columbia *Elizur Goodrich, M.A., D.D. Coll. 1774 *1777 N. I. 1783, Tutor, Fellow, Secr. *1797 *Nathaniel Hoo/eer, M.A. *1770 *Eleazar May, M.A. *1803 *Thomas Seymour, M.A., ex-oßcio *Stephen Holmes, М.А. 1756 *1773 Fellow *1829 *Richard Woodhull, M.A. 1756, Tutor *1797 *Peleg Chesebrough, M.A. 1759 *1793 *Thomas Wiggins, M.A. 1773 and *Stephen West, M.A., D.D. Dartm. Coll. N. I. 1758 *1804 1792, Vice-Pres. Williams Coll. *1819 *Asa Spalding, M.A. 14 *Simeon Stoddard, M.A. *1765 1895] BA CHBLORS OF А]? TS, 1751—1758 39 *Elisha Baker, M.A. 1765 *1807 *joseph Pynchon, M.A. *1794 *Peter Murdock J"1755 *John Richards *1792 toma Sanford, M.A. *1810 *Medad Pomeroy, M.A. *1819 *Moses Bliss, M.A. *1814 *Samuel Lynde, M.A. *1787 *John Woods, M.A. *1797 *Charles/efry Smz'lh, M.A. 1761 *1770 *Gideon Nohle, M.A. *1792 *_labez Bowen, M.A. and Brown 1769, *John Stoughton, M.A. *1766 LL.D. Dartm. 1800, Chief Just. *Nehemiah Strong, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Super. Court and Dep.-Gov. R. I. *1815 Math. and Nat. Philos. *1807 *Edmund Fanning, M.A. and Harv. *Samuel Cary *1784 1764 апс1 Columbia 1772, D.C.L. Ох- *T/zomas Broo/er, М.А. *1799 ford 1774, LL.D. 1803 and Dartm. *Ephraim Starkweather, M.A. 1787 23 *1809 1803, Lieut.-Gov. Nova Scotia, Gov. Prince Edward’s Island *1818 *Samuel Beach, M.A. *1805 1756 *Ähm/zam Beach, M.A., D.D. Colum- _ bia 1789 *1828 *Winthrop Saltonstall, M.A. 1787 *1811 *Тгшз Новшед м_А_‚ Member Соп_ *Solomon Stoddard, M~A­ :1827 tinental Congress, Judge U. S. *Hafdmg JQHÈS I759 Marit. Court *1780 *ТЬОШЗБ Wllllams, M-A» *1819 *Ebenezer Garnsey, M.A. *1763 9563078? CMM”, M'A- *1812 *George ButtolphHurlbut, M.A. 1761 *1781 *Elnathan Rosseter, M.A. *1798 «John HOPSON, М‚А_ *1814 *l 0h11 СОИОП Rossem, М.А. *1798 *Nathaniel Caldwell. M.A. *1802 *John Owen ‚ *1801 *Timothyjones, M.A. and Harv. 1761 *1800 *Chandler Rohóms, M.A. and Harv. ачзаас 10пе5` М.А’ *1812 1760, D.D. Dartm. 1792 and Edinb. * *Daniel Вотесощ М.А. *1778 1792 I799 *james Soo'z/z'l, М.А. and Columbia *Robert Breek, M.A. *1799 1761 *1808 *Shubael Conant, M.A. *1794 *Ezra Ждет, *1813 *Hendrick Cuyler, М-А- 1769 ï1803 *Noah Parsons, M.A., Tutor *1774 *Samuel Mather, М.А. 1808 *Reuben smith, М.А. 1761 *1804 *Edmund Lewls *Ebenezer Case, M.A. *176- *1атез Church, M~A« *1794 *Andrew Rowland, M.A. and Harv. *Job Lyman, M.A. *17QI 1761 *1802 *НСПГУ Bush, *176* *Еепаз Huggins *1761 *Amos Hallam, M.A. ‘1816 :tí/05 руд—78771, М.А. *1323 *William Roe Miner, M.A. *1780 *wraak ушла-‚доп, М‚А_ *1811 ieEphraim Fitch *1807 *Jeremiah Child *fo/m Stowe, M.A. and Dartm. 1792, *Amos Geer *1821 Титог *1799 *oaf/@f Nal/e, М.А. *1792 *Slmeon Strong, М-Ач LL-D~ Haw» * *Samuel/Indrew Belem, M.A. and Со- 1605 JUSÍ- ЗПРГ- СОЦ“ Ма55- ,|805 lumbia 1761, LL.D. elsewhere (Р) *1826 ‘*Ellphale'â Leonard 18m *Ebenezer Kellogg, M.A. *1817 *Ьетз В11зз‚ М-А. 11768 *ыашашы Webb, М.А. *1814 ieg/03! ßûydwfll» M~A­ ‘8u *Eden Burroughs, M.A. and Dartm. Daniel Sherwood, M.A. *1819 1773, D,D_ вант, 1806 *1813 *fo/m Smalley, M.A., D.D. Coll. N. дед/да], Wemwïe, M_A_ *1796 1800 *1820 *John Реп 40 *Timothy Danielson, M.A. and Harv. ` ¿e 1779 ‚ :1791 1758 %Eheneae¢/fz [gaf/Zzgl. ŕIXLA. 1781 iPlggâ *Israel Stoddard *1782 *]ежтш а)? ' ' ,l О *Samuel Wyllys, M.A. 1762, Secr. Jerome Тор11й` i*1757 Conn. *1823 „ç-{gi} 6317*. ,IS-____ *Ambrose Collins, M.A. *x7- s e emson’ 1757 33 17 *Ephraim Lewis, M.A. *1810 *Daniel Brewer Breek, M.A. ’1799 *Jonathan Ashley, M.A. *1790 *]аЬ62 Huntington, M.A. ’1782 *Samuel Talcott, M.A. ‘1798 *john Ellery, M.A. 1763 *1764 *Gurdon Huntington, M.A. ‘1767 *Zephaniah Leonard, M.A. and Harv. *John Sloss Hobart M.A., LL.D. 1763 and Brown 1793 *1814 1793, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State, *Nathaniel Ruggles, M.A. ‘1793 U. S. Senator, Judge U. S. District *john Ashley, M.A. ‘1799 Court (N. Y.) *1805 *Samuel Cooke, M.A. ‘1783 *Sylt/anus Griswold, М.А. '1819 *Daniel Hopkins, M.A., D.D. Dartm. *Daniel Humphreys, M.A. ‘1827 1809 ‘1814 40 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Mark Hopkins, M.A. 1765 *1776 *Abner Johnson, M.A. *1817 *Shem Burbank, M.A. 1762 *1800 *Abraham Burbank *1808 *Roger Vices *1811 *John Greenough, M.A. and Harvard *Bildad Phelps, M.A. ’1814 1763 *1781 *Philip Burr Bradley, M.A. *1821 *David Manwaring, M.A. *1804 *Seth Warner *1769 *John Phelps, M.A. 1763 *1802 *Roger Newton, M.A., D.D. Dartm. *john Peters ` *1788 1805 “1816 *Lemuel Barnard, M.A. *1817 *John Dibble, M.A. *1815 *Asa Beebe *jonathan Lear/iii, M.A. *1802 *Simon Waterman, M.A. *1813 *Aaron Phelps, M.A. *james Treadway, M.A. ‚ *18- *Bela Hal/hard, M.A. and Columbia *John Chandler, M.A. and Dartm. 1762, D.D. 1504 *1812 1779, Tutor ~ *1795 *Israel Dickinson, also Coll. N. J. *joshua Payne, M.A. and Dartm.1792 *1799 1759, M.A. *1777 *Abishai Semin, M.A. *1782 *Eliphalet Banks, M.A. *1784 *Eóenezer Grosvenor, M.A. and Harv. *Jonathan Lyman, M.A., Tutor *1766 1763 *1788 *Silas Deane, M.A. 1763, Member Continental Congress, U. S. Ambass. to France *1789 *jesse fees, М.А. *1805 *Ebenezer Parmele, M.A. and Co- lumbia 1762 *1802 *Thomas Burgis, M.A. *1799 *Bnl/¿ley Olcoll, M.A. 1765 and Dartm. 1786 *1793 *Clemenl Sumner, M.A. 1763 *1795 *John Gillet, M.A. *18o- *Josiah Case, M.A. *Benjamin Boardman, M.A., Tutor *1802 *Eliphalet Hull, M.A. *1799 *Thomas Niles, M.A. 1762 *1782 *Caleh Turner, M.A. *1803 *Caleb Fuller, M.A. 1762 *1815 *Benjamin Wildman, M.A. *1812 *Thomas Davies, М.А. 1763 *1766 *John Felch 43 *1821 I759 *Simon Bachns, M.A. *1823 *A7/ery Hall, M.A. *1820 *Edmund Grindall Rawson, M.A. *1823 *Ebenezer Devotion, M.A. *1829 *Dyar Throop, M.A. *1789 *Jesse Leavenworth, M.A. *1826 *Nathaniel Hubbard, M.A. *1762 *Bethuel Treat, M.A. *1820 *David Gardiner, also Coll. N. j. 1759, M.A. *Andrew Hill, M.A. *Jonathan Sturges, M.A. 1769, LL.D. 1806, Member Continental and U. S. Congr., judge Super. Court Conn. *1819 *1774 *1769 *Gideon Wakeman . *1797 *Enoch Hnnlingion, M.A., Fellow, Secretary *1809 *Samuel Gilbert, M.A. 1769 *1818 *Seth Lee, M.A., Tutor *1803 *Eliphalel Huntington, М.А. 1763 а‘1777 _ *Lemuel White, M.A. *1780 *Ebenezer Crafts, M.A. and Harv. 1784 *1810 *Malthew Merriam, M.A. and Harv. 1765 ' *1797 *Samuel Sharp Beadle *1762 *joseph Sumner, M.A. and Dartm. 1792, D.D. Harv. 1814 and S. C. Coll. 1814 *1824 *Ephraim Hyde, М.А. and Harv. 1763 *1783 *Ezra Weld, М.А. *1816 *Benjamin Trumónll, M.A.. D.D. 1796 *1820 *Asahel Hathaway, M.A. *1828 *Alexander King *1802 *Samuel Andrews, M.A. Columbia *1818 *Experience Storrs, M.A. *1801 *Noadiah- Warner, M.A. *1801 *Slephen Hawley, M.A. *1804 *Benjamin Dnnning, M.A. 176 3 *1785 *Knight Sexton, M.A. *1792 *Joseph lsham, M.A. *1810 *Fisher Gay, M.A. *1776 *jacob Sherwin, M.A. 49 *1803 1760 *Neziah Bliss *1787 *Richard Crouch Graham *1771 *Ammi Лишила/2 Reines, M.A. *1813 *joseph Moss White, M.A. *1822 *Ebenezer Russell W'hiie, М.А., Tutor *1825 *Andrew Adams, M.A, LL.D. 1796, _ M. C., Chief Just. Super. Court Conn. 1797 *James Fitch, M.A. *1815 *Leni Hari. M.A. and Dartm. 1784, D.D. Coll. N. j. 1800, Fellow *1808 *Benjamin Douglas, M.A. *1775 *Woodbridge Little, M.A. 1765 *1813 *Appleton Robbins, M.A. 1764 ‘1824 *RoherlRohhins, M.A. *1804 *Daniel Collins, M.A. ‘1822 *Jonathan Palmer *1810 *Andrew Storrs, M.A. and Harv. 1765 *1785 *William Lynde, M.A. *1787 *Thomas Lewis, M.A. *1815 *Peter Fleming, M.A. *1823 *Benjamin Goldsmith, M.A. 1765 *1810 *Agur Treadwell, also Columbia 1761, M.A. *1765 *Ebenezer ~lesup *1812 *Benjamin ~lohnson, M.A. *Gideon Granger, M.A. *1800 *joseph Dana, М.А., D.D. Harv. 1801 *1827 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1750—1763 41 *Elijah Abel, M.A. 1764 *1809 *joseph Huntington, M.A., D.D. Dartm. *Eliakim Fish, M. D. Conn. Med. 1780 *179.1r Soc. 1802 ‘1804 *John Canfield, M.A., Member-elect *Oliver Deming, M.A. *1774 Continental Congress ’1786 *Seth Phelps *i 762 *Simeon Hinman, M.A. *1767 *Jared Potter, M.A., M.D. Conn.Med. *john Paterson, M.A. 1779, М. С. *1808 Soc. 1793 *1810 *Gideon Бомжей, М.А. *1793 *DaoidRose, M.A. *1799 *Allen McLean, M.A. *1829 *james johnson *1810 *Isaac Moseley, M.A. *1806 *David Sutton *1812 *Eleazar Storrs, M.A. *1810 *Simeon Bristol, M.A. 33 ”1805 *Simeon Belden, M.A. *1820 *Simeon Miller, M.A. ïWilliam Nichols *1792 Philip Dag ett, M.A. *1783 1761 ' ïëVilliam Joâes, M.A. *1783 ее * ' hauncey Brewer *1830 aîâlîâgâìrf;k’ M'A' 1765 ‚ *£23 *Josiah Hart, М.А. :1812 *Ephraim Avery, M.A. Columbia 1767 *1776 ïMpSeS Hartwell’ М-А- ‚ I769 *William Colt Rie/zare’ C/arhe, 1765, also Columbia *Stephen Babcock, M_A. »,789 1762, M.A. and Columbia 1766 *1824 aeDaVld Ingersoll *1790 *Samuel Field, M.A. *1800 *Адт7шт jan/¿5, M.A., D.D_ 1797 *Punderson Austin, M.A., Tutor *1773 Р. Е. Bishop Сопп_ ’ „1813 *Consider Morgan, M.A. 1768 *1802 *Hadlock Marcy’ M.A. «18m *Theodore Hinsdale, M.A. :1818 *Daniel Hitchcock, M.A. and Brown ЭДЕМ/атм Mtl/S1 M'A' „1785 ‚77, *1777 a@Solomon Wadhams, M.A. *1521 @elena/z Tingzey, M.A. 1765 *1821 „John “пьют М ­A~ ,1789 eel-:fiend Grant »1764 ieJosiah Pomeroy, М.А. a*182i *Benjamin Huntington, LL.B. Dartm. *АШОЗ МОЁШЮР’ М'А‘ „1779 1782, М.А. 1787, М. С., ex-ojïeio Даш? SW1“, М-А- 1775 Fellow, judge Super. Court Conn. *1800 fedzdw/Z Chapman’ М-А' and COIL „ *Ralph Isaacs ‘1799 * N' ,­ ‚18'3 *Be/mjah Phelps, M.A. 1784 *1817 *Dafnd Fuller’ M'A' *1768 *Jedidiah Strong, M.A. '1802 *Ohvçr Fuller _ *1817 aeHeZeklah Goodwin, M.A. *1767 9eBenjamin Halliock i'i763 *William Southmayd, M.A. and Harv. *Dawd Вт'шт?” ,1806 1768 *1778 *Bnrrage Merriam, M.A. i'1776 *Simeon Olcott, M.A. 1765 and Dartm. *Samuel Seward’ М-А- ‚1776 1773, Chief Just. Super. Court N. „W/Ézíma” ‚тайм М-А- 1776 Н., U. S. Senator *1815 *Ещаь Smlth’ М-А° , *Eóenezer Kneeland, ,M.A. Columbia Peter Рт“, М'А° *1800 1769 . *1777 *Ephraim Crocker, M.A. 43 1771 ï/ohn ßliss, М.А. '1790 `john Strickland, M.A. 1765 *1823 *jo/zn Lyon *17— 1763 *David Lambert, M.A. *1815 , i *Een/'onzin Prime *1823 *Phmeas Lyman_ ‚ *1775 *Nathan Brownson, Member Conti- %5a”zu€¿ Woûdómdgev M~A~ ‚1797 mental Congress, GOV. ед *1796 *Eóenezer Mose/ey, M.A. 1768 *1825 *William Sumner *17_ *Moses Bartlett 1810 ati/¿sse Goode”, M_A_ *1776 *Nehemiah Brainerd ‘[807 «Judah Kellogg, М.А. *1820 _ig/ames Е0115, 11805 *Robert Millard 29 Joseph Whiting Marsh 1764 *Jonathan Lee *1814 *Stephen VanRensselaer, M.A. 1769 *1769 1762 *Timothy Stone, M.A. ‘1797 *jonathan Landon, M.A. *1820 *Israel Williams, M.A. *1823 *Hezekiah Brainerd *1805 *Thomas Barber, M.A. 1786 and Coll. *Vine Elderkin, M.A. ‘1800 N. J. 1774 *180— *Cyprien Strong, M.A. 1767 and Dartm. *Thomas Skinner, М.А. 1768 *1796 1797, D.D. 1803 ‘18H *Hezekiah Bissell, М.А. 1766 *1802 *Ebenezer Gray, M.A. and Dartm. *john Henry Livingston, M.A., D.D. 1773 ‘1795 Utrecht 1770, Prof. Theol. Ref. *Ephraim jndson, M.A. ’1813 Dutch Church, Pres. Queen’s (now *Daniel Osborn Rutgers) Coll. *1825 *joseph Kellogg, M.A. i773 *1798 42 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Hezehiah Ripley, M.A., D.D. Coll. N. 1802, Fellow *1831 *Bradford Ripley *1775 *Sanford Kingsbury, M.A. Dartm. 1801 *1833 *Ruggles Kent, M.A. *1790 *Zachariah Chapman *1825 *Salmon Hurlbut, M.A. 1770 *1816 *joseph Trowbridge, M.A. *1793 *Charles Mather, 1781, M.A. 1781 *1823 *Robert Geer *1834 *Joshua Howard *17— *Samuel Munson, M.A. *1814 *Ebenezer Baldwin, M.A., Tutor *1776 *Stephen Mix Mitchell, М.А., LL. D. 1807, Tutor, Member Continental Congress, гас-0175650 Fellow, U. S. Sen., Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn. *1835 *A'mos Botsford, M.A., Tutor *1812 *David Ingersoll, M.A. *1774 *Elisha Rexford, M .A. *1808 *Silas Humpherville *1792 *joseph Denison, M.A. *1770 *Ehenezer Chaplin, M.A. 1767 *1822 *Cyrus Brewster, M.A. 1769 *1823 *William Giles *1766 *William Judd, M.A. 1778 *1804 *Nathan Tuttle, M.A. *17— *Truman Wheeler 42 *1815 1764 *Samuel Whittelsey, M.A. *1776 *Elihu Bartlett *i779 *Chauncey'Whittelsey, M.A. *1812 *Diodatejohnson, M.A., Tutor *|773 *Samuel Ely, M.A. *1795 *Samuel Danielson, M.A. *joseph Kidder, M.A. and Harv. 1768 *1818 *David Noble *1803 *Job Lane, M.A., Tutor *1768 *Enoch White, M.A. *1813 *Bezaleel Woodward, M.A. and Dartm. 1773, Prof. Nat. Philos. Dartm. Coll. *1804 *Titus Smith *1807 *Peter Colt, M.A., Treasurer Conn. *1824 *Samuel Camp, M.A. *1813 *Samuel/ohn Mills, М.А. *1833 *Hezekiah Ripley *1836 *Asahel Hart, M.A. *1775 *jonathan Baseom *1807 *Jeremiah Hedges, M.A. 1779 *1797 *Silas Marsh, 1780, M.A. 1780 *1790 *Eliphalet Steel, M.A. *1817 *Oliver Wells, M.A. *1777 *john Smith *Peter Starr, M.A., Fellow *1829 *John Watson *1824 *Elisha Hall *Shubael Abbe, M.A. *1804 *Henry Jackson, M.A. 1769 28 *1799 1765 *Roger Conant, M.A. 1769 *1776 *Hezekiah Wyllys, M.A. *1827 *Robert Walker, M.A. *Timothy Woodhridge *Samuel ЕЛЬ, М.А. *Samuel Mills, M.A. *joseph Howe, M.A. and Harv. 1773, Tutor *Ralph Wheelock, M.A. and Dartm. 1773 *John Chester Williams, M.A. 1769 and Harv. 1769 *Jonathan Judd, M.A. *Apollos Leonard, M.A. 1770 and Harv. 1786 and Brown 1791 *William Woodbridge *Hezekiah Tomlinson, *Elijah Рит, М.А. 1769 and Harv. 177О . *Ithaóod Lewis, M.A. *Jonathan Bull, M.A. *Thomas Grosvenor, M.A., тотем Fellow *Roswell Grant, M.A. *Samuel Whiting *Gideon Buckingham, M.A. *Ephraim Woodhridge, M.A. 1774 *William Billings, M.A. *1810 *1806 *1808 *1813 *1775 *1817 *1819 *1819 *1799 *i825 *1781 *t788 *1793 *1825 *1825 *1834 *1832 *1809 *1776 *1812 *Isaac Lewis, M.A., D.D. 1792, Fellow *1840 *John Elderkin, M.A. 1769 *Thomas Yale, M.A. *joh Swift, M.A. and Dartmouth 1790, D.D. Williams 1803 ­ *Daniel Brewer, M.A. *Aaron Church, M.A. *Selden Church, M.A. and Dartm. i791 *Joseph Kirby, M.A. *Ela/n Potter, М.А. *Blaehleaeh B urri tt, M. A. *Theodore Sedgwick, i772, M.A. 1772, LL.D. Coll. N. j. 1799 and Harv. 1810, M. C., U. S. Sen., Just. Supr. Court Mass. *Josiah Hale, M.A. *Thomas _Ieduthun Smith, M.A. *Samuel Norton, M.A. 1771 *Seth Coleman, M.A. *Obadiah Pease *john Tyler, also Columbia 1767, М.А. Columbia 1769 *James Hough, M.A. *Star/ing Graf/es, M.A. *john Poot, M.A. *Samuel Orton *hlanasseh Cutler, M.A. and Harv. 1770, LL.D. 1791, M. C. ‚ * T heophilus Chamberlain *Thomas Wells Bray, M.A. ' *Aaron Kinne, М.А. 1774 47 1766 *John Chester, M.A. and Harv. 1775, ex-ojicio Fellow *William Walker *James Lockwood, M.A. *Nathaniel Brown Beckwith, M.A. *i784 *1811 *1804 *1825 *1823 *1802 *1823 Ч794 *1794 *1813 *i808 *1773 *1826 *1816 *1765 *1823 *1794 *1772 *i813 *1819 *1823 *1824 *i808 *1824 *1809 *1768 *1795 *177- 1895] BA CHELOES OE ART S, 1764—1769 43 *George Beehwith, M.A. *1824 *Isaac Knight, M.A. 1783 *1818 *Caleb Rice *176- *Israel Houghton *Thomas Phillips White *1813 *Daniel Moss, M.A. *Jonathan Ingersoll, M.A., LL.D. *Isaiah Potter, M.A. and Dartm. 1780 ‘1817 1817, Judge Supr. Court and *Jonathan Kingsbury, M.A. *1802 Lieut.-Gov. Conn., ex-oyjïeio Fel- *Moses Ashley, M.A. *1791 10W *1823 *Edward Carrington, M.A. ”1795 *Thaddeus Maccarty, М.А. *1802 *Amos Butler, M.A. *1777 *Jared Ingersoll, M.A., LL.D. Coll. *Rufus Hawley, M.A. 1772 *1826 N. J. 1821, Member Continental *Augustus Diggins, M.A. 1771 24 *1810 Congress and U. S. Const. Con- vention,Attorney-Gen. Pa.,]udge U. S. District Court (Pa.) '1822 68 *Jonathan Fitch, M.A. *177— I7 *Dudley Woodbridge, M.A. *1823 *Jonathan Bird, M.A. “1813 *Stephen Whitehead Hubbard,M.A. *1771 *John M’Claren Breed, M.A. and *Andrew Lee, M.A., D.D. Harv. 1809, Coll. N. J. '1798 Fellow *1832 * Thomas Broehway, M.A. '1807 *William Bowen, M.A. Brown 1770 *1832 *David Brooks, M.A. ’1801 *Joseph Bissell Wadsworth *1784 *Joseph Church, M.A. *1777 *jonathan [Игнат/ё, М.А. *1813 *Benjamin Day, M.A. “1794 *William St.JOhn, M.A. *1800 *John Ford *1771 *ЫоаЬ Bulkley, М.А. 1770 *1776 *Aóel Forward, M.A. 4‘1786 *Asa Hall Lyon, M.A. '1735 *Samuel Fowler, M.A. *1823 *Edward SCOVil, М.А. 1773 *1778 *John Augustus Graham, M.A., M.B. *Major Taylor, M.A. *1805 Columbia 1772 *i796 *Thomas Kimbßrly, М.А. *1777 *Josiah Graves, M.A. *1772 *HEM/@dfi Сдай/726272, М-А- “1794 *Jonathan Heart, M.A. 1791 *1791 *David Shepard *1818 *Jehiel Hoadly, M.A. i773 *1810 *Joseph Сашр *1812 *Seth Hunt, M.A. *i779 *Аагоп BlISS, М.А. 1770 *1823 *Thomas Huntington *1835 *Eliud Rockwell, M.A. *1774 *Lemuel LeBaron, M.A. *1836 *Caleb Hotchkiss, M.A. *1784 *Amai Lewis, М.А. *1819 *James Ward, M.A. 1770 *17— *Jesse McIntire *1826 *Caleb BillingS *1817 *Theophilus Munson, M.A. ‘1795 *101m StrOIlg '1815 *Josiah Norton *Israel Moseley *1824 *Allen Olcott, М. A. *1811 *Zadoeh Нит “1801 *John Paddleford *1779 *Robert Woodhouse, М.А. 1771 “1775 it¿raja/2 Parsons, M.A., Fellow *1827 *Moses Graves, M.A. *1813 *See/r Sage, M.A. *1821 *DaVid DiCkirlSOH 37 *1822 *Buckingham St.JOhn, Tutor *1771 *Oliver Stanley, M.A. *1813 1767 *Edmund Wells ‘1826 *Nathaniel West, M.A. *1815 *Samuel Wales,M.A.,D.D. 1782 апс1 *Thomas Wooster, M.A. and Coll. Coll. N. j. 1784, Tutor, Livingston N, 1_ 29 ‘1792 Prof. Divinity '1794 ° *john Trumbull, M.A., LL.D. 1818, Tutor, Treasurer, udge Su r. Court Conn. J р *1831 ' 1769 *Samuel Partridge *1826 *Elisha Allis, M.A. 1773 ‘1835 *Bela Elderkin, M.A. '1829 *David Avery, M.A. and Dartm. 1773 *1818 *Israel Ashley, M.A. 1771 *1814 *Charles Bae/eus, M.A., D.D. Williams *Elisha Williams *1815 1801 *1803 *Samuel Huntting *i777 *Ahner Benedict, M.A. *1818 *Josiah “тает, М.А. 1772 *1788 *Leonard Chester, M.A. ’1803 *John Treadwell, М.А., LL.D. 1800, *Samuel Darling, M.A. *i842 джута Fellow, Lieut.-Gov. and *Asahel Dudley 4'1830 Gov. Conn. '1823 *Timothy Dwight, M.A., D.D. Coll. *Charles Kellogg, M.A. 1771 N. j. 1787, LL.D. Harv.1810,Tutor, *joseph Lyman, M.A., D.D. Williams Pres., Livingston Prof. Divinity ‘1817 1801, Tutor e‘1828 *David Ely, M.A. and Dartm. 1782, *Elias ­lones, M.A. *177— D.D. 1808, Fellow, Secretary ’1816 ‘lg/ehu Minor, M.A. ‘1808 *Phineas Fanning, M.A. ‘i796 Nathaniel Emmons, M.A. 1772 and *Daniel Grosvenor, M.A. and Dartm. Dartm. 1786, D.D. Dartm. 1798 ‘1840 l 1792 ’1834 44 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Nathan Hale, M.A. *John Hall, M.A. 1773 *]аЬе2 Hamlin, M.A. *Robert Hubbard, M.A. *Levi Hubbell *Samuel johnson, M.A. * ohn Keep, M.A. David Il/ÍcClnre, M.A. and Dartm. 1773, D.D. Dartm. 1803 *Thomas Miner, M.A. *joseph Paírich, M.A. *George Phillips, M.A. *William Plumbe, M.A. * William Seward, M.A. *Nathan Strong, M.A., D.D. Coll. N. 1801, Tutor, Fellow *Simeon Tryon, M. A. 26 J 1770 *]038РЁ Enchnzinster, M.A., D. D. C011. N. I. 1803, Tutor *Gershoni Enlhley, M.A. *William Conanl, M.A. and Dartm. 1780 *Isaac Cowles, M.A. *John Davenport, M.A., Tutor, M. C. *Ichabod Ebenezer Fisk, M.A. *Alexander Сёла, М.А. *Andrew Hillyer, М.А. *joshua Knapp *john Lewis, M.A., Tutor *Daniel Lyman, M.A. *Samuel Lyman, M.A., M. C. *Achilles [Ли/(172515624, М.А., Fellow *Seth Paddleford, LL.D. Brown 1798 *Josiah Pomeroy *John Porter, M.A. and Harv. 1777 *Isaac Sherman, M.A. *William Sherman, M.A. *Solomon Williams, M.A., Tutor 19 1771 *joseph Earher, M.A. and Harv. 1782 and Brown 1805, M. C. *Lewis Виде, М.А. *John Brown, M.A. *William Burrall, M.A. *Abiel Cheney, M.A. *Dar/id Close, M.A. *josiah Cotton, M.A. *Thomas Cutler, M.A. 1798 *Henry Daggett, M.A. *William Gould, M.A. *john Hart, M.A. *David Humphreys, M.A. and Coll. N. 1783 and Harv. 1787, LL.D. Brown 1802 and Dartm. 1804, F.R.S. Lond., U. S. Minister Resid. Port- ugal and Commissioner Plenip. Algiers and Spain *Mark Leavenworth, M.A. *Allyn Mather, M.A. *1813 *1790 *1776 *1788 *1772 *1835 *1784 *1820 *1826 *1783 *1802 *1843 *1822 *1816 *177- ‘1812 *1832 *1810 *|791 *1830 *1826 *1828 *1816 ‘1792 *1809 *1802 “1814 *1810 *1812 *|790 *1819 *1789 ‘1834 *1818 *1812 *1784 *Sylvester Muirson, M.A. *1794 *james Nichols *1829 *Daniel Olds, M.A. "173I *Shadrach Winslow, M.A. *1817 *joseph Woodbridge, M.A. 19 *1809 1772 *Abraham Baldwin , М.А. , Tutor, Pres. Univ. Ga., M. C., Member U. S. Const. Convention, U. S. Senator *1807 *Samuel Still Augustus Barker, M.A. *1819 *Jonathan Bellamy *1777 *Elisha Billings *1825 *Daniel Nathaniel Brinsmade, M.A. *1826 *joseph Ezel/en, M.A. 1780 *1825 *Thomas Canfield *1826 *John Chandler, M.A. *1804 *Moses Cobb *1781 *Samuel Ely *1774 *Aaron Hall, M.A. 1789 and Dartm. |788 *1814 *Henry Hill *1827 *William Hull, M.A. 1779 and Harv. 1787, Gov. Mich. Territory, Brig.- Gen. U. S. Army *1825 *Nathaniel Huntington *1774 *Amasa Learned, M.A. 1783, M. C. *1825 *John Morgan, M.A. 1778 *1842 *Dar/id Perry, M.A. 1776 *1817 *Lyman Potter, M.A. Dartm. 1780 *1827 *john Reed, D.D. Brown 1803, М. С. *1831 *joseph Strong, M.A., D.D. Coll. N.]. 1807, Fellow *1834 *Moses Своё Welch, M.A. 1784 and Dartm. 1795, D.D. Dartm. 1811, Fellow *1824 *jonas Whitman *1824 *Samuel William Williams, M.A. 23 *1812 I773 *Roger Alden, M.A. 1778 and Colum- bia 1789 *1836 *Ela/m Алеш, M. A. *1839 *Gamaliel Babcock ’178- *Baruch Beckwith, M.A. 1778 *1778 *Thaddeus Benedict, M.A. 1778 *1799 *Abraham Camp, M. A. *178 1 *William Chandler, M.A. 1777 *1787 *Daniel Cooley *1810 *Samuel Dwight, M.A. 1778 *John Fairchild, M.A. *1777 *Royal Flint, M.A. 1785 and Harv. 1 786 *1797 *Bildad Fowler *1809 *Isaac Gridley, M.A. *1836 ì/ohn Сайгу ’1812 Enoch Hale, М.А. *1837 *Nathan Hale, M.A. ‘1776 *joel Hayes, M.A. 1777 _ *1827 *James Hillhouse, M.A., LL.D. 1823, Treasurer, M. C., U. S. Senator *1832 *Stephen Keyes ’[804 1895] ЗА CHELORS oF ‚не Ts, 1770—1776 45 *Samuel Leonard, M.A. and Harv. 1781 апс1 Brown 1791 *1807 *Gershom Clarh Lyman, M. A., D.D. Middlebury 1812 *1813 *Elihu Marvin *1798 *Thomas Mead, M.A. *1775 *Noah Merwin, M.A. *1795 *Samuel Montgomery *1787 *John Nichols, M.A. *1815 *Lemuel Parsons, M.A. 1777 *1791 * William [Родила/г, М. А.‚ Tutor *1825 *Ezra Sampson *1823 *Ezra Selden *1784 *Benjamin Tallmadge, M.A. 1778, M.C.*I 835 *William Townsend, M.A. 1778 *1822 *Newton Whittelsey, M.A. *1785 *Ebenezer Williams *1777 *Joshua Lamb Woodbridge *john Palsgrave Wyllys, M. A. 1789 36 *1790 1774 *Noah Atwater, M.A., Tutor *1802 *Isaac Baldwin, 1775, M.A. *1830 *A mos Benedict *1777 *Aaronjordan Бодяга, М.А. 1778 *1826 *Jared Bostwick, M.A. *1778 *John Cande, M.A. *1821 *Peabody Clement *1820 *William Eliot, M.A. *1829 *Benjamin Foster, M.A. 1781 and Brown 1786, D.D. Brown 1792 *1798 *Nathaniel Gaylord, M.A. *1841 *William Greenoitgh, M.A. 1778 and Harv. 1779 *1831 *Reichen Holcomh, M.A. 1778 *1826 *Gabriel Hotchkiss, M.A. 1778 *1818 *Timothy Kimball *1786 *Phineas Lewis *I/ï/illiam Lockwood, M.A., Tutor *1828 *james Murdoch *1841 *Nehemiah Rice, M.A. 1778 *179- *Timothy Rogers, M.A. 1778 *1827 *Ezra Starr, M.A. 1780 *1805 *Selah Strong *1837 *Seth Swift, M.A. *1807 *Daz/id Taller, M. A. *1839 *Joseph Walker, M.A. 1781 *1810 *Thomas Welles, M.A. *179- *Jeremìah West, M.A., M.D. Conn. Med. Soc. 1804, Pres. Med. Soc. *1806 *john White, M.A. *1810 *John Whiting *1782 *Enoch Woodbridge, Chief Judge Supr. Court Vt. *1805 *William Wright, M.A. 30 *1821 1775 *Ezekiel Porter Belden, M.A. *1824 *Stephen Row Bradley, M.A. and Dartm. 1756, LL.D. Dartm. 1805, Judge Supr. Court Vt., U. S. Sen. *1830 *james Briggs, M.A. 1784 *1825 *David Bushnell, M.A. *1824 *Jabez Colton, M.A. *1819 *Henry Daggett, M.A. *1843 *Samuel Whittelsey Dana, M.A., M. C., U. S. Senator *1830 *AdanlEdson ‘H833 *Nolte Everett, M.A. and Dartm. 1780 *1819 *Nathan Репа, М.А. *1799 *Aáraham Eowler, M.A. *1815 *Ebenezer Huntington, also Harv. 1775, M.A. 1785 and Harv., Brig.- Gen. U. S. Army, M. C. ‘1834 *joshnajohnsom M.A. *1820 *Adoniram jndson, M.A. and Harv. 1782 *1826 *David Judson, M.A. *1818 *Edmund Mills *1825 *John Mitchell, M.A. *1825 *john Mix, M.A. *1834 *James Morris, M.A. 1781 *1820 *William Moseley, M.A. *1806 *Simeon Newell, M.A. *1813 *John Noyes, M.A. *1808 *William Peck, M.A. “1832 ï/oshaaePerry, M .A. *1812 ` Solomon Porter *1821 *Nehemiah Prudden, M.A. *1815 *Solomon Reed *1808 *Matthew Scrihner, M.A. 1783 *1813 *Philo Shelton, M.A. *1825 *Richard Sill, M.A. 1780 *1790 *Benjamin Welles, M.A. 1780 *1813 *Roger Welles *1795 *Elisha Scott Williams, M.A. and Brown 1806 and Harv. 1822 *1845 *William Wolcott, M.A. *1825 *Nathan Woodhull, M.A. 1788 and Coll. N. J. 1787 35 *1810 1776 *Oliv/er Arnold, M.A. 1792 *1834 *Ashöel Baldwin, М.А. *1846 *Samuel Bird, M.A. *1822 *Elisha Camp, M.A. *1793 *Eleazar Conant *1819 *Benjamin Fearing *1830 *Isaac Foster, М.ГА. and Dartm. 1778 *1794 *Chauncey Goodrich, M.A.,Tutor, M. - С., U.S. Senator, Цепь-6017. Сопп., ex-ojício Fellow *1815 *John Hart *18- *Sherman Hinman, M.A. *1793 *Eleazar Williams Howe *1776 *Simeon Hyde, M.A. 1780 *1783 *John Jones *1776 *Roderick Lawrence, M.A. *1783 *Daniel Lyman, М.А., Just. Supr. Court R. I. *1830 *Eliphalet Lyman *1836 *William Lyman, M.C. '1811 *Samuel Mills, M.A. 1781 *1814 * nstns Mitchell, M.A. *1806 Heathcote Muirson *1781 46 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Joel Northrop, M.A. 1780 *Eliphaz Perkins, M.A. 1781 *Martin Phelps, M.A. *William Phelps, M.A. 1780 *John Porter *Nathan Preston, M.A. *Chauncey Prindle, M.A. *William Andrew Russell, M.A. *Benjamin Stiles, M.A. *Ashbel Strong, M.A. *Augustine Taylor, M.A. *Benoni Upson, D.D. 1817, Fellow *James Watson, M.A., U. S. Sen. 33 I777 *Caleh Alexander, M.A. Brown 1789 *Noah Andrus *john Avery, М.А. *Elijah Backus, M.A. *Dudley Baldwin, M.A. *Jonathan Baldwin, M.A. *Ebenezer Ballentine *John Barker, M.A., M.D. Conn. Med. Soc. 1812 *William Bull *Ebenezer Bushnell, M.A. *john Camp, M.A. *Nathaniel Chipman, LL.D. Dartm. 1797, Chief Judge Supr. Court Vt., Judge U. S. District Court (VL), U. S. Senator, Prof. Law Middle- bury Coll. *Moses Cleaveland, M.A. 1781 *Samuel Cogswell, M.A. *Rozell Coole, M.A. 1781 *Eli Curtiss, M.A. *Joseph Darling, M.A. 1793 *James Davenport, M.A., ex-o/jîcio Fellow, M. C. *john Depeyster Douw *Jabez Dyer *William Edmond, 1778, M. C., Judge Supr. Court Conn. *Ehenezer Fitch, M.A., D.D. Harv. 1800, Tutor, Pres. Williams Coll. *james Hatch *jonathan Nicoll Havens, M.A. 1781, M C *Wsirlliam Hillhouse, М.А. 1781 *Samuel Hopkins, M.A. *Thomas Ives, M.A. *Israel Judson *Levi Lan/aton, M.A. *Elisha Lee *William Little, M.A. and Harv.1786 *Timothy Lyman *William McNeil *jared Mansñeld, 1787, M.A. 1787, LL.D. 1825, Prof. Nat. Philos. U. S. Mil. Acad. *Job Marsh *John May, M.A. 1781 *Samuel Morey, 1779, M. 1781 *William Moseley, M.A. 81 A. 17 *1807 *1828 *1838 *1806 *1822 *1833 *1780 *1817 *1809 *1816 *1826 *1806 *1828 *1780 *1791 *1811 *1794 *1816 *1823 *1813 *1841 *1800 *1821 “1843 *1806 *1790 *1798 *1821 *1850 *1797 *1835 *1779 *1838 *1833 *1791 *1799 *1833 *1782 *1814 *1793 *1843 *1835 *1831 *1792 *18o- *1830 *1797 *1811 *1836 *1824 *Jonathan Gibson Parsons, M.A. 1781 *17— *Joseph Perry *Philo Perry *john Pierce, M.A. 1785 *Solomon Pinto *William Pinto *Samuel Reed, 1779 *Medad Rogers, М.А. *Jared Root, M.A. *Charles Selden, M.A. 1781 *Thomas Youngs Seymour *Samuel Spalding *Henry TenEyck, M.A. 1781 *Daniel Tracy, M.A. *Martin Tuller, M.A. Dartm. 1798 *Nathan Haynes Whiting, M.A. *Jonathan Law Williams *David Wright, M.A. 1782 56 1778 *Joel Barlow, M.A., LL.D. Univ. Ga. 1809, U. S. Minister Plenip. France *Phineas Bartholomew *Abraham Bishop, M.A. *Shubael Breed, M.A. *Aaron Buel, M.A. 1786 *Benjamin Chaplin, also Harv. 1779, M.A. *Ebenezer Daggett, M.A. *John Alexis Dibble, M.A. *Obadiah Dickinson, M.A. *Henry Ely, M.A. *EdmundEoster, M.A. 1786 апс1 Harv. 1784 *Jonathan Frisbie *Ezekiel Gilbert, M.A. 1793, M. C. *Thomas Gold, M.A. *John Goodrich, M.A. *Erederich William Hotchkiss, M.A. *Obadiah Hotchkiss, M.A. *Stephen ­Iacob, M.A. 1788 and Dartm. 1803, Judge Supr. Court Vt. *William johnson *David Judson, M.A. *Aaron Kellogg *Nathan Leavenworth, M.A. 1793 *josiah Meigs, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos., Pres. Univ, Ga., Prof. Exper. Philos. Colum- bian Coll. (Wash.) *Asher Miller, Judge Super. Court Conn., ex-oßîcio Fellow *John Mix, M.A. *joseph Noyes, M.A. *Giles Pettibone, M.A. *Daniel Reed *Ebenezer Sage, M.C. *Noah Smith, Judge Supr. Court Vt. *Asa Spalding, M.A. Harv. 1791 *josiah Spalding, M.A. *Seth Storrs, M.A. *Zephaniah Swift. M.A., LL.D. 1817 and Middlebury 1821, М. C., Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn. *1786 *1798 *1816 *1824 *1847 *1812 *1824 *1820 *1811 *1778 *1795 *1782 *1813 *1801 *1777 *1798 *1812 *18—— *1844 *1840 *18- *1789 *1781 *1796 *1835 *1826 *1804 *1841 *1827 *1800 *1844 *1832 *1817 *1779 *1841 *1830 *1799 *1822 *1821 *1844 *1817 *1811 *1844 *1812 *1811 *1823 *1837 *1823 1895] EA CHELORS 0E ARTS, 1777-1781 47 *Uriah Tracy, M.A., M.C., U. S. Sen. *1807 *Mason Fitch Cogswell, M.A. 1788, *Noah Webster, M.A. and Coll. N. M.D. 1818 and Conn. Med. Soc. 1795, LL.D. 1823 апс1 Middlebury 1810, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1830 1830 *1843 *Daniel Cooke, M.A. *1793 *John Welch, аде-0175110 Fellow *1844 *Worthington Ely, *1803 *lchabod Wetmore, M.A. “1785 *William Fowler *1782 *Alexander Wolcott *1828 *Matthew Griswold, M.A., ex-ojîcio *Oliver Wolcott, M.A., LL.D. 1819 Fellow *1842 and Brown I799and Coll. N.J.1799, *Roger Griswold, M.A., LL.D. 1812 Secr. Treasury U. S., Judge U. S. and Harv. 1811, M. C., Judge Supr. Circuit Court (Conn), Gov. Conn., Court and Lieut.-Gov. and Gov. ex-o/jício Fellow 40 *1833 Conn., гас-айда Fellow *1812 *John Lay, M.A. *1845 *Oliver Lewis, also Harv. 1781, M.A. ”1784 1779 *Thomas Lord, M.A. l *Dar/idAustin M.A. *1831 ïjEneaS MOIòSOn’ M'A' 1852 *William Baldwin, М.А. *1818 КЕШЬЮ“ *den Moseley’ М'А" 1,838 *Een 'amin Bell M.A. 1 8 *18 6 ° ' i ellonjaìhan Braèe M A713791 M.C. 3 ïiamuel Nott, M.A., D.D. 1825 *1852 . ’ ' ’ ’ „ 1mothy Phelps, M.A. 1812 ex-ojïcio FCHOW eeEraStuS М А *1795 *Jeremiah Bradford,also Dartm.1779, * „enamel Potter ’ ` ° ‚1842 a М'А'. Бант“ . 1835 *john Robinson, M.A. and Harv. 1789 *1832 Jeremiah Gates Brainard, M.A., * asamuel Russell, M.A' *1835 „Djïrfiëî Court Conn' „£30 *Jabez Huntington Tomlinson :1849 *Justus Cook M.A *1828 ïWîm-œ! Tyler’ M'A'- . „1810 . . ’ ‘ , illiam Joseph Whiting, M.A. 1794 *Dar/zd Darling 1835 a [l W­ZZ­ М А «u 8 6 *Ozias Eells M.A. *1813 *jo-S «ua Z mms’ ' ­ `­ »I 3 *гедилт Е]? М А Tutor „1824 *Ш1111а1п AugustusWilliams, M.A. 1834 as y’ ‘ Ч „ William Woodbridge, M.A. and tephen Fowler, M.A. 1829 Haw 1789 27 ‚1836 *Elizur Goodrich, M.A., LL.D. 1830, ` Tutor, M.C., Prof. Law, ex-ojïcio Fellow, Secretary *1849 ïSilas Hazeltine *1814 1781 Samuel William ohnson, M.A. and * Columbia 1789 J *i 846 3216350” {412041371 М-А- I794 aAmbrose Kirtland *1784 Simeon Baldwin, M.A., Tutor, M. C., * *Jonathan Malloy’ M.A~ »Iseo a Judge Supr. Court Conn. 1851 aeNleholaS Shelton Masters, moo, Daniel Boardman, M.A. and Coll. * M.A. 1790 . *1795 _Je I- *1833 *Shadraeh Mead »1844 aeSimeon Breed, M.A. *1822 ее „im Noyes, М'А_ *1846 Jonathan Burrall 1805 Elisha Payne, М.А. *1803 *Henry Channing, M.A., Tutor *1840 «Samuel Pitkin *1839 *Daniel Farrand, Judge Supr. Court l *Matthew Talcott Russell, M. A.,Tutor *1828 ,è ч" . 11825 *William Seymour *1843 aElihu Gridley 1822 afa/m Stef/em. »moo Samuel Hinckley, M.A. and Harv. l *Jeremiah Townsend, M.A. *1805 a 1785 . ‚1840 *Samuel Webb »1826 Benjamin Isaacs . 1834 *George Welles *1813 *James Kent, M.A., LL.D. Columbia eeWllllam Welles, М_А_ *1814 i797 and Hary. 1810 and Dartm. *William Wheeler, 1793. M.A. 1793 *1810 1819 and UIÈW' Pa' 1819’ Prof' aeWllllam Whitman, M.A_ *1846 Law Columbia Coll., Chief Just. * *Samuel Whittelsey, M.A. «1838 a Supr. Court and Chancellor N. Y. 4'1847 *Elisha whiniesey, М.А. *1802 ,Jimi/ZJ’ З‘ЁЁЁа’дпммАА 71786 ie ­ *_ от: an zer, ..192 3 Ezekiel Woodruff 34 18 „Samuel Newell ‚1798 *William Noyes, M.A. *Reuben Parmelee, M.A. 1787 *1843 1780 *Enoch Perkins, M.A., Tutor *1828 ‚ *Samuel Dunbar Searle iré/ohn Barnett, M.A. *1837 *Israel Smith, M. C., ChieÍJudge Supr. ,Samuel BOSÍWÍCk, M-A- *1799 Court and Gov. Vt., U. S. Senator *1810 *Stephen Chester, M.A. *1835 *Seth Samuel Smith, 1782, М.А. 1796 *1809 *Thomas Chester, M.A. and Harv. *Stephen Williams Stebbins, M.A. *1843 1784, Tutor *1831 *Daniel Tomlinson, M.A. *1842 48 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Sylvester Wells, M. D. 1816, 244172520 Fellow *John Williams, M.A. 1785 and Harv. 1785 *Joseph Lucius Wooster *Nathan Wooster, M.A. *Elizur Wright, М.А. 27 1782 *Obadiah Bowen *Judson Canfield, M.A. *Wait Cornwell, М.А. *Daniel Crochef, M.A. *Daniel Dana *Israel Fuller *Lemuel Garnsey *St._lohn Honeywood, M.A. *john Hooker, M.A. *Stephen Titus Hosmer, M.A. 1790, LL.D. 1823, ex-ojïeio Fellow, Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn. *Joseph Ives, M.A. * Walter King, М.А. *John Lovett, M.C. *Miles Merwin, M.A. *james Noyes, M.A. *Asher Robbins, LL.D. Brown 1835, U. S. Senator *Ephraim Root *Daz/ia’ Selden, М.А. *Zephaniah Hollisteff Smith, M.A. *Lewis Burr Sturges, M.A., M.C. *William Abdiel Thompson, M.A. *Ezra Wait *Selden Warner, M.A. 1786 *fohn PVillaml, M.A. *Nathan Williams *Samuel Woodruii“, M.A. 26 1783 *SamnelAilstin, M.A. and Coll. N. 1785, D.D. Williams 1807, Pres. Univ. Vt. *Jehu Brainerd *Daniel Brown, M.A. 1791 *Matthew Cole *Abishai Colton *Thaddeus Cook *David Daggett, M.A., LL.D. 1827, ex-o/jîeio Fellow, U. S. Sen., Kent Prof. Law, Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn. *Ebenezer Dimon, 1784 *John Fellows *Andrew Eowlef, M.A. 1793 *jonathan Fuller *Hezekiah Gilbert *Samuel Goodrich, М.А. *Orchard Gould, М.А. *Uriel Gridley *Isaac Griggs *Aôz'el Holmes, M.A. and Harv. 1792, D. D. Edinb. 1805, LL.D. Alleghany 1822, Tutor *1837 *1840 *1796 *1796 *1845 *1793 *1840 *1816 *1831 *1839 *1782 *1798 *1829 *1834 *1825 *1815 *1818 *1793 *1844 *1830 *1813 *180— *1809 *1823 *1799 *1851 *1841 *1844 *1850 *1786 *1785 *1835 1‘1819 *1820 *1816 *1837 *Samuel Russell Jocelin, M.A. *Robert Charles ~Iohnson, M.A. and Columbia 1788 *Ebenezer Kingsónffy, M. A. *Elijah Leonard, M.A. *Seth Lewis, M.A. *Lynde Lord, M.A. *Joseph Lyman, M.A. 1833 *Josiah Masters, M.A., M.C. *Jonathan Merrick *fedieliah Ilíofse, M.A., and Coll. N. 1787, D.D. Edinb. 1794, Tutor *Amos Pearce *Samuel Penñeld *Noah Amherst Phelps *Theodore Pitkin, M.A. *Edward Selden *John Cotton Smith, M.A., LL.D. 1815, М.С., Just. Supr. Court and Lieut.-Gov. and Gov. Conn., ex- ojîeio Fellow *Isaac Stiles, M.A. *Richard Salter Stews, M.A. *john Warner, M.A. *Stephen Weed *Samuel Welles *Charles C. White, M.A. *Stephen Williams, M.A. *Payson Williston, M.A., D.D. Am- herst 1854 *Thomas Goodsell Wolcott, 1784 42 1784 *Joel Augur, M.A. *Stephen Ball, M.A. *jonathan Barnes, M.A. *Amos Валей, М.А., D.D. Williams 1817, Tutor, Fellow *George B1iss,M.A.,LL.D.Harv.1823 *William Bradley, M.A. *William Brown *Harry Caldwell *Henry Caldwell, M.A. 1790 *jacob Catlin, М.А., D.D. 1822 *Russell Catlin *Roger Cogswell *Daniel Cone *Joseph Denison, M.A., Tutor *Henry Packer Dering, M.A. 1791 *Hendricus Dow, М.А. 1790 *Jael Edson *joseph Elliot *Saul Fowler *Elihu Chauncey Goodrich, M.A. *Ray Greene, M.A., Attorney-Gen. R. I., U. S. Senator *Elijah Gridley, M.A. 1797 *Seth Haft *Simeon Hinman *Timothy Hinrnan *Uriel Holmes, M.C. *Thomas Holt, M.A. and Harv. 1793 *Heaton Huggins, M.A. *Jabez Huntington, M.A. 1790 *Ralph Isaacs *1817 *1806 *1842 *1834 *1808 *1813 *1822 “1812 *1826 *1798 *17— *1817 *1829 *1829 *1845 *1795 *1819 *1812 *1785 *179- *1822 *1856 *1847 *182— *1842 *1829 *1828 *1830 *1843 *1803 *1812 *1821 *1826 *1849 *1819 *1786 *1789 *1822 *1814 *1852 *1802 *1849 *1822 *1832 *1810 *1827 *1836 *1794 *1848 *1815 1895] 5A CHELORS 0E ARTS, 1782—1786 49 *Melines Conklin Leavenworth *i 822 *Dyar Throop Hinckley *1847 *Chauncey Дее, М.А., D.D. Columbia *William Hubbard, M.A. *1789 1823 *1842 *William Gold Hubbard *1846 *William Lord ’1852 *David Hull *1834 *William Lyman, M.A., D.D. Coll. *Enoch Huntington, M.A. *i826 N, 1808 *1833 *Samuel Huntington, also Dartm. *William Mansñeld *1816 1785, M.A., Chiefjust. Supr. Court *Silas Marsh, M.A. *18— and Gov. Ohio *1817 *Samuel Mather, M.A. ’1789 *Isaac Ives *1845 *Lemuel Mead *1826 *Calebjohnson, M.A. 1791 *18— *Elisha Munson, M.A. *1841 *Henry Sherburne Langdon, M.A. *1857 *Jabez Peck *1791 *jonathan Leavitt, M.A. *1831 *Jonas Prentice, M.A. *1804 *Micah Jones Lyman *1851 *Benjamin Strong Roe “1795 *John McClellan *1858 *John Punderson Seward (post obit.) *1784 *Matthew Marvin *1842 *jared Spencer *1820 *Charles Mather *1853 *joseph Strong, M.A. *1823 *Return Jonathan Meigs, Chief Just. *john Taylor, M.A. ’1840 Supr. Court and Gov. Ohio, Just. *Andrew Tuttle, M.A. ‘1807 Supr. Court La. District, Judge *James Wakelee U. S. District Court (Mich), U. S. *Roswell Welles, M.A. *1830 Senator, Postmaster-Gen. U. S. *1825 *Deodat Wildman *i 787 *Phineas Miller, M.A. *1803 *Hezehiah North Woodruff, M.A. 1790 ’1833 *DanielNash '1836 *Aaron Woolworth, M.A., D.D. Coll. *Roger Newton, M.A., Tutor '1789 N. 1809 52 *1821 *Matthew Noyes, M.A., Fellow ì’1839 *Zachariah Olmsted, M.A. ’1831 *Benjamin Perkins ’1841 *Samuel Perkins, M.A. *1850 »asamuel James Andrews *1832 *Timothy Pitkin, M.A.,LL.D. 1829, l *Jeremiah Mix Atwater, M.A. *1832 a, M' C~ ‚ _ *1847 afosep/Z Вмиг.” «1846 *Nathaniel Rossiter *1835 тащит: Beebe, М.А. 1789 *1803 Ellhu 13188581811 ,1795 *William Pitt Beers *1810 ÍRObert 5Рышап *1803 *David Belden, 1787 *1832 ;Т110Ч1а5 Stedman *1838 aEbeneZer Bell(nap »[842 *William Taylor, M.A. ч‚1841 *Barnabas Bidwell, М.А. and W11- „Abraham Т0т1т80п *1820 liarns 1797, LL.D. Brown 1805, „Thomas Tousey *1840 Tutor, M. C., Attorney-Gen. Mass. *1833 *В‘ЁСШЗ Wadsworth, M­A~ 1821 *Solomon Elahesley '1835 *Wllhgm Whçeler *Tlllotson Blal(e le «18 Ezekiel Williams, M.A. *1843 S У 35 ,k . . . , *ретег Bulkley »[808 agTlmothy Williams, M.A. 1799 4'1849 *Frederick Butler, M.A. *1843 „Gldeon Woodruff „1846 aCaleb Clap »1787 joel Wright 70 1797 *Abraham Lynsen Clarhe, M.A. 1791 *1810 * ames Ba ne Clarke *1842 *Enos Coojk 1786 *John Devotion *1810 *john Bird, M. C. *1806 *Abraham VanHorn DeWitt *1810 *Tillotson Bronson, D.D. Brown 1813 *1826 *John Dean Dickinson, M. C. *1841 *Samuel Platt Broome, also Coll. *joseph Drake *1794 N. j. 1786, M.A. ’1811 *Roger Eells, M.A. *i790 *Phineas Bruce, M. C. *1809 * ohn Ellsworth *1791 *Samuel Carrington ‘18— Richard Ely, M.D. Conn. Med. Soc. *Lynde Catlin ‘1833 1814 ’1816 *Smith Clark *1813 *Reuben Fairchild 'i788 *Isaac Clinton, M.A. 1807 *1840 *Simeon Field, M.D. 1817 *1822 *Aaron Coohe Collins, M.A. *1830 *Abel Flint, M.A. and Brown, D.D. *Oliver Dudley Coohe, M.A. *1833 Union 1818 *1825 *john Elliott, M.A., D.D. 1822, Fellow ‘1824 *Hezehiah Goodrith, M.A. 1792 ’1812 гони/2072 Ellis *18- *Russell Goodrich, M.A. *1838 'Benjamin Ely *1852 *William Graves, M.A. 1801 *1813 *john Ely, M.A. 1790 *1827 *Pearley Grosvenor ‘1787 *Benjamin joseph Gilbert, M.A. and *Levi Hackley, 1786 *1786 Dartm. 1794 *1849 *Daz/id Hale, M.A. ’1822 *Thomas Ruggles Gold, M. C. '1826 *Joshua Henshaw '1840 *Charles Augustus Goodrich, M.A. *1804 *Daz/id Higgins, M.A. ‘1842 *Nathaniel Grilling ‘1845 4 50 U895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Stanley Griswold, M.A., Secr. Mich. Territory, U. S. Senator, judge Supr. Court Ill. Territ. *William Brenton Hall *Edward Halsey *Asa Hillyer, М.А.1793 and Coll. NJ. 1800, D.D. Alleghany 1818 *Reuben Еде/200012, М.А. 1792 *Reuben I ves *john Kingsbury , *William Leíñngwell, M.A. *Henry Walter Livingston, M.A.,M.C. *Isaac Maltby *Samuel Marsh * Truman Marsh *Calvin May *David Miller * William Fowler Miller, М.А. *Isaac Mills, M.A. 1798 *Abner Moseley *Elizur Moseley *Gad Newell *Elias Perkins, M.A. 1799, М. С., ex- ojìcio Fellow *Edward Porter, M.A. _ * William Brintnall Ripley, M.A. 1792, Fellow *john Saltmarsh, 1795 *George Selden *Samuel Burr Sherwood, M. C. *Elihu Hubbard Smith, M.A. *William Stone, M.A. *Simeon Strong, M.A. *Nathaniel Terry, also Dartm. 1786, М.А. 1798', M. C. *Ambrose Todd *jacob Rutsen VanRensselaer, 1787, Secretary N. Y. State *Calvin White *Frederick Wolcott, M.A. 1796, ex- ojïcio Fellow 51 1787 *Moses Atwater *Azel Bachus, М.А., D.D. Coll. N. 1810, Pres. Hamilton Coll. *Matthew Backus ‘ *Augustus Baldwin *Horace Beardsley, M.A. *joshua Belden *john Bishop, M.A. *Enos Bliss, M.A.. *Francis Bloodgood *Publius Virgil Bogue. M.A. *Eli Bullard, M.A. *Hugo Burghardt, M.D. Harv. 1818 *joseph Eleazar Camp, M.A. 1792 *Silas Churchill, M. А. *Daniel Cook *Joshua Dewey, 1789 *Ebenezer Dutton *Christopher Ellery, M.A., U. S. Sen. *William Ely, M. С. *William Ely *1815 *1809 *1801 *1840 ‘1794 *1 *1810 *Nicholas Evertson *1807 *joseph Foot, M.D. 1816 *1836 *Ebenezer Gay, M.A., Tutor *1837 *Gideon Granger, Postmast.-Gen. U.S.*1822 *Gaylord Griswold, M. C. *1809 *joshua Hathaway '1836 *William Hawley *1854 *Ebenezer Hunt *1808 *David Moody Jewett *1821 *Roswell Judson, M.A. *1835 *“ЧШаш Kibbe *1841 *Liberty Kimberly *1827 *Chauncey Langdon, M.A. Middle- bury 1803, М. С. *1830 *Daniel Lathrop, 1789 *1825 *Elijah Leonard Lathrop *1843 *Gurdon Lathrop, 1789 *1828 *john Hosmer Lothrop, M.A. 1792 *1829 *Richard McCurdy *1857 *Reuben 111055, М.А. 1791 *1809 *Israel Munson *1844 *Abraham Nott, M.A. 1801, М. С., Chief just. Supr. Court S. C. *1830 *Elijah Perkins *1806 *Oliver Pitkin *1849 *Ereegrace Reynolds, М.А. *18 54 *Sylvester Sage, M.A. *1841 *Alexander Sheldon, M.D.Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1812, M.A. Hamilt. 1826 ’ ~ *1836 *Roger Sherman, M.A. -*1856 *Adria Stanley *1825 *Elisha Sterling *1836 *Nathan Stiles *1804 *john Stoddard, M.A. 1796 *1853 *Samuel Sturges *1835 *William Taylor *1838 *Eli Todd, M.D. Conn. Med. Soc. 1813, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1833 *Calvin Tyler *1788 *james Wadsworth *1844 *Roger Whittlesey *1844 *David Howe Williston, M.A, and Dartm. 1793 58 *1845 1788 *Noah Bennet Benedict, M.A. *1831 *DeLucena Benjamin *1789 *john Caulkins *1794 *Calz/in Chapin, M.A., D.D. Union 1816, Tutor, Fellow *1851 *David Chapin *1802 *Michael Chenevard *1801 *Adam Stoddard Clarke *1846 *William Cobb *1812 *Daniel Benedict Cooke, M.A. *1844 *Whit/feld Cowles, M.A. 1793 *1840 *john Eastman *1828 *Benjamin Gale *1825 *Hezekiah Goodrich *1854 *Elijah Gridley *1834 *Prince Briant Hall *18— *Moses Налог/ё *1837 *Lucius Hubbard *1808 *Lynde Huntington, M.A. ’1804 1895] en @Heroes on .4R Ts, 1757-1791 51 *6615110111 Hyde *1801 *Aaron Woodward, M.A. *i 840 *William johnson, M.A. 1792, LL.D. *Israel Beard Woodward, M.A. 30 "18 10 Hamilt. 1819 and Coll. N. j. 1820 *1848 *james Lanman, M.A., U. S. Senator, _ judge Supr. Court Conn. *1841 I7 О *Charles Lathrop *1831 9 *Daniel Wadsworth Lewis *1837 *Silas Long Bingham, M.A. ‘1853 *jeremiah Mason, M.A. 1796, LL.D. *William Metcalf Bliss *1838 Bowdoin 1815 and Harv. 1817 апс1 *john Fay *1809 Dartm. 1823, Attorney-Gen. N. H., *Stephen Реп”, М.А. *1833 U. S. Senator ' ”1848 *john Alfred Foot *1794 *Isaac Porter, M.A. *1844 *john Hart Fowler *1829 *john Salter, M.A. ' *1831 *EdwardDorr Grijîn, M.A. and Coll. *William Shelton, M.A. 1817, M.D. N. j. 1802, D.D. Union 1808, Prof. 1817 *1819 Sacred Rhet. Andover Theol.Sem., *Elnathan Smith *1801 Pres. Williams Coll. *1837 *joshua Stanton, M.A. 1796 *1806 *Samuel Haskell, M.A. Rutgers 1794 *1845 *Daniel Stebbins *1856 *john Ingersoll '1840 *Nathaniel Steele, M.A.Williams 1795 *1795 *Samuel jones, also Columbia 1793, *joseph Strong, M.A. *1812 LL.D. Columbia 1826 and Union *Zachariah Tomlinson, M.A. *1797 1841, Chancellor and just. Supr. *Daniel Wfl/d0, М.А. *1864 Court N. Y. State, Chief just. Supr. *john Woodworth, M.A., LL.D. Wil- Court N. Y. City *1853 liams 1829, Attorney-Gen. andjust. *Samueljudson, M.A. *1832 Supl'. Court N. Y. State 35 *1858 *joseph Kirkland, M. C. *i844 *Benjamin Maverick Mumford, M.A. 1798 “1843 *Thomas Mumford, M.A. 1804 *1831 *Asahel Strong Norton, D.D. Union * 815 *1853 *Dan Bradley 1838 _x. I . * *joel eme/ay, М.А. *1823 ggf@ ¿à ‘* William Brown, M.A. *1854 ,t . ,‚ 3 *Daniel Chapman *1800 Aaron Smlth 1834 *Salmon Сапе М А „18 *Marsh/feld Steele, M.A. *1831 . ’ ' ’ . 34 *Solomon Stoddard *1860 *Giles Hooher Cowles, M.A., D.D. “111- ,es l Th „ 8 Hams 1823 ‚1835 amue ompson 4'i oo . a * Townsend 1838 *Elkanah 000111110 1835 „lässt . Т b П . 8 *jonathan Walter Edwards, M.A., ` *Беп1аш.1п Wîum uM А „1850 Tutor ‚1831 enjamin ooster, . . 24 _ I 40 *Nathan Elliot, M.A. *1828 *William Gay, M.A. *1844 ' Lee Hall *Rufus Harvey ’1817 1791 *Cyrus Hinman *1800 *Platt Bufett *1850 *Asahel Над/Еву, М.А. 1804 “1813 *Amos Cooke, M.A. 1809 *1810 *jonathan Huntington ’1848 *Stephen Elliott, LL.D. 1819 and *Dorance Kirtland, M. C. *1840 Harv. 1822 and Columbia1825, Prof. *Peter Schuyler Livingston, also Co~ Nat. Hist. and Bot. Med. Coll. S. C. *1830 lumbia 1788 and Coll. N. 1788 *Enos Foot *1840 and Harv. 1790, М.А. Columbia ‘1807 *Maltby Gelston, M.A. ~*1856 *Silas Merriman *1791 *james Gould, M.A., LL.D. 1819, *Asahel Morris, M.A. 1795 *1830 Tutor, judge Supr. Court Conn. ‘1838 *jonathan Osborn, M.A. *1796 *Roger Harrison *1853 * onathan Osgood, M.A. *1812 *Samuel Miles Hopkins, 1828, LL.D. Elijah Payne *1846 1828, M. C. ‘1837 *john Thompson Peters, judge Supr. *Erastus Huntington *1846 Court Conn. ‘1834 *Levi Ives '1811 *Stephen Pynchon, M.A. *1823 *Gardiner Kellogg ’1826 *William Augustus Reynolds 'i794 *Lyman Law, M. C. *1842 *john Stearns, M.A., M.D. Coll. *Noah Linsly, M.A. and Williams Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1812, Prof, 1795, Tutor ’i814 Med. Theory and Practice Coll. *Smith Miles ‘1830 Phys. and Surg. W. District N. Y., *Solomon Morgan *1812 Pres. N. Y. State Med. Soc. ’1848 *William Nash *1829 *james Thompson *1844 *Benjamin Parsons, M.A. ’1857 *Uri Tracy, M. C. *1838 l"john Douglass Rerhins, M.A. ‘1847 52 YALE UNIVERSITY *Peter Buel Porter, Secr. N. Y. State, M. C., Secr. War U. S. *Daniel Rose *Eliphalet St.John *Dudley Saltonstall *Barzillai Slosson *Daniel Smith, M.A., Fellow *Josiah Stebbins, M.A., Tutor *Elijah ŕVaterman, M.A. 1811 *John Whittelsey 27 1792 *DeLucena Backus 1 ‚ *William Botsford, M.A. 1796, Chief Just. Supr. Court N. Brunswick *Jonathan Bush *Asa Chapman, M.A. 1817, Judge Supr. Court Conn. *Charles Chauncey, M.A., LL.D.1827 *Timothy Mather Cooley, M.A., D.D. Hamilton 1831 *Enoch Ely, M.A. *James Christie Esten, LL.D. 1825, Chief Just. Supr. Court Bermuda *William Hart *jesse Hedges *Amos Hoyt *Bela Hubbard *Henry Hubbard *David Bryan Ingersoll *Isaatfones, M.A. *Philip Doddridge Keteltas, M.A. 1801 ' *Nathaniel King . *Samuel Lathrop, M.A. 1796, М. С. *Samuel Andrew Law, M.A. and Co- lumbia 1797 and Coll. N. j. 1797 *John McCracken, M.A. 1796 *William Marchant, M.A. , Just. Supr. Court R. I. *Samuel Mather, M.A. 1797 *Donald Grant Mitchell *William Perkins *John Radclift *Samuel Rudd *Thomas Savage, M.A. *Ledyard Seymour *john Sherman *Roger Minott Sherman, M.A., LL.D. 1829,Tutor, Judge Supr. Court Conn. *Asa Spalding *Ephraim Strong *Eli Whitney, M.A. *Solomon Williams, 1793 *feremiah Atwater, M.A., D.D. Dick- inson 1810 and Univ. Pa. 1811 and Univ. N. C. 1813, Pres. Middlebury Coll. and Dickinson Coll. _ *Asa Bacon *Burrage Beach, M.A. *Hernan Berry *Hezekiah Woodbridge Bissell *Samuel Curtis Blackman 34 ‘1844 *1833 *184s *1824 *1813 *1846 ’1829 *1825 *1849 *1794 *1864 *1839 *1825 *1849 *1859 *1818 *1838 *1835 A*1826 ‘1793 *1841 *1794 *1838 *1850 *1845 *1848 *1846 *1845 *1833 *1858 *1857 *1844 *1805 *1802 *1858 *David Sherman Boardman, M.A. *1864 *Hezekiah Brainard ‘1795 *Eliab Brewer, М.А. Williams 1798 *1804 *Pardon Brown *1846 *Per-Lee Brush *1860 *William Pitt Cleaveland *1845 *Increase Cooke *1814 *Benjamin Doolittle *1850 *Daniel Dow, D.D. Williams 1840, Fellow *1849 *Robert Fairchild` ex-ojîeio Fellow *1835 *Diodate Jonathan Griswold *1850 *]оаЬ Griswold *181 I *John Lee *1814 *Hezekiah May “1843 *Michael Olcott *1829 *Amos Parelee *1849 *Peter Manigaalt Реж/Ее? *1802 *David Phelps “1851 *Amasa Porter, М.А. *1856 *David Putnam *1856 *Peter Radclift, M.A. 1799 “1840 *joseph Russell, M.A. *1861 *Winthrop Saltonstall, M.D. Colums bia 1796 *1802 *John Sargeant *1829 *Samuel Shepard, M.A. 1798, D.D. Union 1819 *1846 *Iehahoa' Lora7 Skinner, M.A. *1852 *George Washington Stanley, M.A. *1854 *Grosvenor Tarbell, M.A. 1806 and' Harv. 1810 *1822 *Isaac Miles Wales *1825 *joseph ИЛИ/2122772, М.А. *1805 *Ezra Witter 37 *1833 1794 *John Punderson Austin, M.A. *1834 *Ezekiel Bacon, M. C. l'1870 *Elijah Bates *1850 *Timothy Burt, 1795 ”1811 *feha Clar/e, M.A. *1839 *Daniel Dunbar, M.A. Williams 1798 *1841 *Josiah Dwight _ '1855 *John Elliott, M.A., U. S. Senator *1827 *Elias White Hale *1832 *Benjamin Hleyward *1796 *Dan Huntington, M.A. and Williams 1798, Tutor *1864 *Aaron Kinne, M.A. 1798 *1815 *Isaac Lewis, M.A., D.D. Del. Coll. 1844 *1854 *Zechariah Lewis, MTA., Tutor *1840 *Stephen Mix Mitchell *1820 *Hervey MulfOrd *1847 *Benjamin Douglas Perkins, M.A. *1810 *Samuel Andrew Peters ‘1854 *Oliver Leicester Phelps, M.A. *1813 *Daniel Putnam Tyler *1798 *Thomas Scott Williams, LL.D. 1834, М.С., СЫеЦиз’с. Super. Court Conn. *1861 *Andrew Yates, M.A. and Union 1798, D.D. Middlebury 1814, Prof. Latin and> Greek also ~Moral Philos. and Logic Union Coll. 22 ‘1844 1895] BA CHELORS" oF ARTS, 1792-1797 53 1795 *Thaddeus Fairbanks *1815 Al] h Ad M А LL D 8 *Bancroft Fowler, М.А. and Williams ' 0 р l ams’. _ ­ ч - - 1 54, l 1800 and Middlebury 1805, Tutor, ¿è РГШШРа1 PhlulPS Acad- Andover *1863 Prof. Sacr. Lit. Bangor Theol. Sem. *1856 „längs lîcllgalpds, _M.A. ,1340 *Edward Horriolr (portoni.) *1796 * w n I ro ­x­ o *Jolscelîlî Bellden1 ‘1825 *lqohn 1H Oïelrlb d *IÈIS *Oliver Bliss *1824 *Joigirgiîiîrm uhroars м А *ЁзЁЁ *Oliver Bray, M.A. and Bowdoin 1806 *1823 *William HänryÚáneg ' ‘1861 ïîiîlglxueldîcugdñrinlìrush ïsoznon King, М.А. 1801 :1839 ôŕsamuaerî Сёоко ‘Igßâ êelrtïlhn I-larl'l/ILyndeNI D 8 Р 1817 omas , r . . ‚ e . *jeremiah Day, M.A. and Williams, Conn. Meälesroc. I IQ Г s *1841 1817,D.D.UÍ1IOI1 *Joseph Parker l *1810 1818 and Harv. 1831, Tutor, Prof. *William Prince *1317 Math. and Nat. Philos., President, i’ *Levi Robbins’ 1846’ M_A_ 1846 *1866 .*JFÃÍIOWI D Гц] *186g *Thomas Eohóins, also Williams 1796, о a ves i e 1 ­ ­ ° *Jonatïlïlap ватага” ‘Iggy’ and Williams, D.D. Harv. *1856 ïgrvlálf/ZQÍÍZÚÉHÜZZejlQ М.А.. 1819 :1861 *15аа? 56.81857’. MHA’ 1809 “1833 _ŕ _911135 @Wel .1844 *Benlamin Silliman, M.A., M.D. ,èällìlêïrulèllää Marsh М А Instr 1846 Bowdoin 1818, LL.D. Middlebury и r ~ ц - i 1826, Memb. Geol. Soc. Lond. and * НСЬГЭ‘ЩЁПЮГ *1803 Soc. Geol. de France and Nat. Acad. *ЖЁПЁГЙ’ЁПСЬСП 325249 Sci., Tutor, Prof. Chem., Mineral. lla ungef 1 23 апс1 Geol. *186 *Nal/no Рет'т, М.А. ‘1842 *Gold solloolr Silliman, М.А. '186i *Samuel Phelps, 1831, М.А. 1831 *1841 *Elisha Stearns *1850 156213?“ Portef, М.А- :1847 *Asahel Hooker Strong ‘1818 *EîlílïitîímjlâzêyeiìolldqsA *Fanning Tracy, M.A. :i857 _l i ­ о * ‘John Harvey Tucker 1868 ¿logged SSCÄaUtOH *ïâSß *Samuel Porter Í/Villiams, M.A. 34 “1826 iver erman i 20 *Daw'a' Smith, M.A., D.D. Hamilton 1830, Fellow `‘1862 *Matthias Burnet Talmadge, M.A. 1797 gf?, Judge U' S' ВЫП“ СОЦ" „1819 *josiah Brr/iop Andrews, M.A. 1802, *Stephen Thacher, М.А. 1829 01859 Ь’Ё.2. C011. Phys. and Surg. N18. . ì 8 *GeorgeTod,M.A.,JudgeSuprßourt ,ŕ I I. ,I 53 Ohio 4.18 I David Atwater 1805 .х. r 4 *Henry Baldwin, LL. D. 1830 and Jef- Thomas Tracy 1806 f (Р 8 И С S *Stephen Twining, M.A., Steward *1832 êrsonÚ aS) I 43’ l ' " Just' upf’ . 8 ïElÍSlla Gregson Whiting '1797 тж agri/ar M А 1809 D D I 44 William Trumbull Williams, M.A. 1839 Middlebury 12518, Pres. and Prof. 33 Theol. Lane Theol. Sem. '1863 1796 *William Benedict *1819 *Joseph Billings ’1850 ïîgilprlnêìggells Allis *Ezra lBiëadley d :Iâ 5 3 п 4 ^ srae rainer I 54 ïárehziŕald gassett ‘1859 *Diodate Eroehway, M.A., Fellow *1849 eze iah elden ` *1849 *Bennet Bronson *1850 *jonathan Belden, M.A. and Dartm. *Rufus Bunnel *1826 8 «l * ~ l» *TIinîdthy Bishop *ŕEllslzîliliîlCCtlâFlrçrèan ‘lâgê ïCharlesCBostwick “1852 îSytr/rraf Dana, M.A. Dartm. 1801 ‘i849 t . . *EalilllîisChaaliirîìrelg M.A. 1806 “1847 ‘ TIIÍîrDalsIâlììïSî/ërîtaâgâogdlhams’ ‘1855 *Ii/ängy Bär/is, М.А. and Williams, ` *Warren Dutton, M.A. and Williams, . . nion 1810, Tutor, Prof. Tutor ’1857 Greek Union Coll., Pres. Middle- *Timothy Field, M.A. 1805 ‘1845 bury Coll. and Hamilton Coll. ‘1852 *Samuel Augustus Foot,M.A.,LL.D. *Crìlarles Denison,M.A.and Williams, ‘ 1834‚М. С., U. S. Sen., Gov. Conn., utor ' ‘1825 ex-ojiez'o Fellow ‘1846 *David Edmond, M.A. Middlebury *William Lambert Foot, M.A. ’1849 1811 “1824 *Charles Goodrich '1871 54 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *George Griffin, LL.D.Columbia1837 ‘1860 *()liver Ellsworth, M.A., Tutor *1805 *Ira Hart, M.A. *1829 *Alanson Hamlin, M.A. 1804 *1839 *Homer Hine *1856 *William Soranzo Hasell, M.A. *1815 *jirah Isham ‘1842 *Thomas Hill Hubbard, M.A. 1807, 8 *Ezra Ives *1818 M. C. *I 57 *Betheljaa'd,M.A.,D.D. Trinity 1831, . *Eli Ives, M.A., M.D. Conn. Med. Pres. St. john’s Coll. (Md.) *1858 Soc. 1811, Prof. Mat. Med. and Bot. *Asa Lyman, M.A. *i836 also Med. Theory and Practice *Sylvester Maxwell *1858 also Mat.. Med. and Therapeut., *james JWnrdoe/e, M.A., D.D. Harv. Lect. Children’s Diseases, Pres. 1819, Prof. Greek and Latin Univ. Amer. Med. Assoc. *1861 Vt. and Sacred Rhet. and Eccl. Hist. *James Luce Kingsley, M.A., LL.D. Andover Theol. Sem. ‘1856 Middlebury 1831, Tutor, Librarian, * ohn -Niles *1812 Prof. Есс1. Hist., Hebrew, Greek William Page, M.A. 1822 *1850 and Latin *1852 *Horatio Seymour, M.A. and Mid- *Charles McEwen ~*1836. dlebury 1811, LL.D. 1847, U. S. *Oliver Mather, M.A. *1820 Senator *1857 *Henry Meigs, M.A. and Univ. Ga. *Theodore Sill *1836 1804, M. C. *1861 *Richard Smith *1859 *Roger Newberry, M.A. 1807 *1838 *Seth Perkins Staples, M.A. 1801 *1861 *Jeremiah Osborn *1826 *Theodore Strong ' .*1855 *Matthew Perkins, М.А. Williams *Ephraim Treadwell твой/ил, М.А. *1859 1803 "1808 37 *Sidney Platt ’1807 *Godfrey Scarborough *1867 *Elias Shipman, M.A. 1807 *1833 *IPIoses Staart, M.A., Tutor,PrOf.SaCr. ,e Ak. „ Lit. Andover Theol. Sem. ‘1852 _„gïêlrîly Arlrrrìì ¿ggg *Thaddeus Burr Wakeman *1848 эхе ­ * *Henry Harramond Bacot, M.A. ’1834 John шит 26 1820 *Amos Baldwin, M.A. *1839 *William Bristol, ex-oplîeio Fellow, 1800 Judge Supr. Court Conn., ~Iudge „ U. S. District Court (Conn.) ` *1836 ïgïslmŕîlsvârîìamsr M-A­ ¿gig *Enos Bronson, M.A. *i823 „ »alarmes Burnet’ M_A. *1806 ïShnhael Bartlett, M.A. *1854 *William Powoll Farrand, М.А. Coll. „Amos Berledlct ,1816 N. J’ 1802 *1839 *Jesse Smith Bradley l'1833 *Daniel Fuller­ *1849 *ЁЁЁЮЁ ЁЮЬРР Рюшп_ . F П 3222 *Clandzas Herrie/ë, M.A. ‘1831 *Н lla Cahrrmg on, fx oía@ е 0W „185I *Horatio Hickok, Prof. Agric. and ё‘Г‘ЁеУ ase „I 57 Polit. Econ. Trinity Coll. *1845 грим” СИМ“, NLA’ „1833 *Ebenezer Learned, M.A. *1858 „Ésaph Dunäîr „1814 *Thomas Lewis, M.A. 1803 *1804 . „Havld ‚Шут ‘A’ 1804 „1857 тише! Parker, М.А. апс1 Wiliiomo ,Jaîälglëllbeîtsg 1806 *1834 ' „ *Jonathan Remington *1851 ïrlgägënhaslíîìîgîâly Grosvenor, М- С. *David Bradford Ripley *1839 * ` *Тьеодоге Sedgwick «1839 ïMoses Hatch, M.A. i.1820. aCharles Shepherd *1821 9ejsoseph Howland, M.A. 1804 .1827 *David Brinsmade Wilcoxson, M.A. *1801 *Säïää îâîlìésHuntmgton’ M'A' 9€' ­ ' «x» *ЁЁЁЁЬХЖЁЁЁШЗ’ М'А' 1861 21 *Philander Judson ‘1806 *Giles Crouch Kellogg ‘1861 *Hugh Knox ‘1858 1799 *Prentice Law *1811 *В В в ïElisha Phelps, ex-ojîeio Fellow, M.C. ‘1847 enjamin urritt *1827 Lewis St.John *1821 ïgzehielïjoçzës Chapman, M.A. *1866 *Elisha Sheldon, M.D. Coll. Phys. eter e itt ‘1851 and Surg. N. Y. 1818 *1832 *Joel Doolittle, M.A. Middlebury, *Henry Smith “1813. Judge Supr. Court Vt. *1841 *John Stevens ïgânjamin Woolsey Dwight, М.А. *1850 *Abiram Stoddard *1855 mund Dwight *1849 *Thomas Barnard Strong ‘1863 *james Eells, M.A. Hamilton 1819 *1856 *Erastus Swift i'1843 *Andrew Eliot, М.А., Fellow *1829 *Giles Wade ’180- 1895] BA CHELORS OP ARTS, 1798-1802 55 *joel Walter, M.A. *1833 *Ralph Isaacs Bush *1860 *Lemuel Whitman, M. C. *1841 *Levi Hubbard Clarke, M.A. *1840 *Chauncey Whittelsey, M.A. *1834 *Leni Collins, M.A. *1859 *Thomas Williams, M.A. Brown 1814 *1876 *Jesup Nash Couch, M.A., Judge 36 Supr. Court Ohio *1821 *John Alfred Davenport *1864 *john Dwight *1803 1801 *Achilles Henry Elliot *1856 ' *Jeremiah Evarts, M.A. *1831 *Stedman Adams, M.A. 1809 *1811 береты Dun/gy Field, M.A., D.D. *Ralsaman C. Austin '1840 Williams 1837 *1867 *Roswell Bailey '1850 *Thomas Ford *1840 *Isaac Baldwin *1844 *Eleazar Foster, M.A. *1819 *Samuel Sacket Baldwin *1854 *Hezekiah Frost *1827 *Henry Bates *1847 *lohn Hall, M.A., Tutor a'1847 *Thomas Kimberly Brace, M.A. *1860 *Elisha Hammond ‘1851 *Erastus Fitch Brown *1807 шаманит/1, М.А., Pres. Univ. Vt. *1848 *Elijah Clark at1330 *Simeon Hecock, M.A. a'1849 *Noyes Darling, M.A., Tutor, ex- *Silas Higley, M.A. *1853 ojïtio Follow ì'1846 *john Hough, M.A. and Williams 1806 *Josiah William Dunscomb and Middlebury 1807, D.D. Middle- *Henry Dwight, М.А. 1811 *1857 bury 1845, Prof. Greek and Latin *Martin Ellsworth *1857 also Theol. also Engl. Lit. Middle- *George Fitch, M.A. *1824 bury Coll. *1861 *Asahel Hathaway, М.А. *1829 *Samuel Hubbard, M.A., LL.D. 1827 *Alcis Evelyn Heart 4'1805 and Harv. 1842, Just. Supr. Court *Peter Hitchcock, M.A., LL.D. Mari- Mass. *1847 etta 1845 and W.Reserve 1849,M.C., *Nathan Johnson, M.A. 1808 апс1 Chief Just. Supr. Court Ohio *1853 Наш, 1827, @oo_oâîcz'o Fellow *1852 *George Hoadly, M.A., Tutor *1857 *Sherman/ohnson, M.A. *1806 *Samuel Holbrook ‘1849 *john Keep, M.A. *1870 *William Law *1818 *Sheldon Clark Leavitt *1860 *Henry Lord, M.A. *1834 *Roswell William Lewis, M.A. *1829 *Jehu Russell Minor, M.A. *1854 *John Nelson Lord *1841 *Matthew Minor, M.A. *1839 *Jonathan Huntington Lyman, М.А. *1825 *Henry Nichols *William Maxwell, M.A. Pres. Hamp- *Thomas jackson Oakley, LL.D. den-Sidney Coll. *1857 Union 1853, М. С., Attorney-Gen. *Marh Mead, M.A. 4'1864' 'N_. Y. State, Chief Just. Super. *Samuel Метит, М.А. *1856 Court N. Y. City *1857 *Howard Mitchelson ` *1817 *John Webster Perit *1845 *Ebenezer Moseley *1854 *Royal Phelps, M.A. ‘1831 *Cyrus Pearce *1802 *Azariah Scofield, M.A. ‘1853 *Pelatiah Perit, M.A. *1864 *Frederick Scofield, M.A. *1841 *Charles Hobby Pond, Lieut.-Gov. *Jared Scofield, M.A. *184i and Gov. Conni, exfoßîcio Fellow *1861 *Henry Stanley, M.A. 1808 '1820 *Charles Prentice *1838 *Truman Starr *1848 *Aaron Burr Reeve *1809 *James Stedman, M.A., Tutor *1856 *Erastus Seranton, M.A. *1861 *2а1шоп Storrs *1867 *Ulysses Selden ’1812 *Joseph Trumbull, LL.D. 1849, M.C., *Charles Shelton a'1832 Gov. Conn., выдало Fellow. *1861 *Nathan Shelton, M.D. 1835 *1864 *William VanDeursen, M.A. 1810 l‘1833 *Daz/id Austin Sherman, M.A., Tutor, *John Wales, M.A., Secretary' Dela- Pres. E.­Tenn. Coll. i'1843 ware, U. S. Senator '1863 *junius Smith, M.A., LL.D. 1840 *i853 *Joseph Wood ’ 38 '1856 *William Smith, M.A. ч*1813 *Ephraim Starr I'1828 * William Lightoourn Strong, also Mid- 1802 dlebury 1804, M.A. '1859 l *Roswell Randal Swan, M.A. ’1819 *Truman Baldwin, M.A. and Middle- l *Christopher Tappan '1830 bury 1807 ‘1865 *Gideon Tomlinson, M.A. 1808, LL. D. *Isaac Chapman Bates, M.A., M.C., Trin. 1827, Gov. Conn., гас-4175520 U. S. Senator ‘1845 Fellow, M. C., U. S. Senator ‘i854 *Henry Bigelow, M.A.and Middlebury *William Trescott *1817 1811 *1832 l *Ira Webster, M.A. ‘1859 *William Fowler Brainard, M.A. *1844 l *Richard Williams, M.A. *1844 56 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Selak Strong Wood/lull, also Coll. N. j. 1803, М.А. and Coll. N.].,‘ D.D. Union 1822, Prof. Mental Philos. Rutgers Coll., Prof. Есс1. Hist. and Pol. N. Brunswick Theol. Sem. 56 1803 *Samuel Forbes Adam, M.A. *Cornelius Adams *Elisha Deming Andrews, M .A. *Boyle Van-Brugh Baldwin *Hosea Beckley, M.A. *ï/Villiam Belden, M.A. 1813 *George Bloom, M.A. 1814 *Rinaldo Burleigh, M.A. *Thomas Davies Burrall, М.А. *Thomas Philotus Chiiïelle *Samuel Church, LL.D. Trin. 1847, ex-oßîeio Fellow, Chief _]ust. Supr. Court Conn. *Thomas Darling, M.A. *William Shelden Darling *Mills Day, М.А., Tutor *Littleton Purnell Dennis, M. C. *Aaron Dutton, М.А., Fellow *Sereno Edwards Dwig/zt, М.А., D.D. 1833, Tutor, Pres. Hamilton Coll. *Elisha Ely, М.А. *John Fitch *Henry Eord, M.A. ' *George W askington Hall *Joseph Harrington, M.A. 1816 *Zerah Hawley, M.A. 1808 *Norman Hickok ' *Horace Holley, М.А., LL.D. Cincin- А nati Coll., Pres. Transylvania Univ. *George Hubbard, M.A. 1825 *David Humphreys, M.A. *Elz' Hyde, M.A. and Middlebury 1833 ‚ *fo/zn Hyde, M.A. *Jacob Bond Ion *Isaac Edwards Judson, M.A. *Jonathan Warren Kellogg, M.A. *Joshua Kennedy *Jonathan Law ч *Addin Lewis, M.A. Univ. Ga. 1806 *Nathan Mansfield, М.А. *Charles Mitchell *Minott Mitchell, М.А. *James Morris *Pelatiah Webster Perit, M.A. *George Perkins ­ *Jacob Porter, M.A. ­ *Noa/L Porter, M.A., D.D. Dartm. 1828, Fellow . *Nicholas Pike Randall, M.A. *John Taft Reed, M.A. *Thomas Rice ' *William Sackett *James St.John *David Sanford *Jared Scarborough, M.A. 1811 *Henry Sherman, M.A. *Set/i Smit/L, М.А. Williams ‘1826 *1854 *1806 *1852- *1843 *1861 *1824 *1872 *1828 *1854 *1861 *1812 *1834 *1849 *1850 *1846 *1845 *1848 ‘1868 “1852 *1856 *1841 *1827 *1853 *1809 ‘1856 *I ' *Dirck *Solomon Smith *Elias Starr *George Washington Strong, also Coll. N. 1804. М.А. and Coll. N. j., LL.D. Univ. Vt. 1837 *Charles Augustus Stuart *William Augustine Taylor, M.A. *Samuel Wkittelsey, М.А. 1804 *Parker Adams *Daniel Ckapman Ватт, М.А. *John Harvey Beach *foaó Brace, М.А.1808, D. D. Williams 1854 *David Brush *Naboth Buckingham *John Caldwell Calhoun, LL.D. 1822 and Hamilton 1821 and Columbia 1825, М. C., Secr. War, Secr. State, Vice-Pres. and Senator U. S. *fo/zn C/zester, M.A., D.D. Union 1821 *Gerardus Clark, M.A. 1808 *Ckester Colton *George Colton *Matthew Dickinson, M.A. *Mark Doolittle, also Middlebury 1804, М.А. Middlebury *Ezra Stiles Ely, М.А., D.D. Wash- ington Coll. (Tenn.) *Sumner Ely, M.D. Hobart 1837, Pres. N. Y. State Med. Soc. *John Myers Felder, M. C. *Henry Frost, M.A. *Ckristopker Edwards Gadsden, D.D. S. C. Coll. 1815, Р.Е. BishopS. C. *john Gadsden, M.A. 1817 *David Gardiner *fokn D. Gardiner *_/lfoses Gillett *Benjamin Franklin Hampton *john Preston Hampton, Just. Supr. Court Miss. *Royal Ralph Hinman, M.A. 1811, Secretary Conn. *fos/tua Huntington, M.A. and Harv. 1808 *fonat/zan Huntting *Timothy Jones *Curtis Judson, also Middlebury 1804 *Walter Raleigh Kibbe *Francis King, М.А. *William Kinne, M.A. . Cornelius Lansing, М.А. Union, D.D. Williams 1826, Prof. Sacred Rhet. and Past. Theol. Au- burn Theol. Sem. *Alel McEwen, М.А., D.D. Union 1846, Fellow *jo/zn Mars/t, M.A., D.D. Jefferson Coll. (Pa.) 1852 ' *Reuben Smith Morris, M.A. 1814 *Amos Northrop` M.A. _ *Seth Norton, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Languages Hamilton Coll. *1832 *1855 «1835, *1844 *1839 *1861 *1858 *1842 *1850 *1829 *1860 *1850 *1858 *1809 *1855 *1861 *1857 *1859 *1843 *1852 *1831 *1844 *1849 *1848 *1829 *1868 *1819 *1850 *1841 *1804 *1864 *1837 *1848 *1857 *1860 *1868 *1832 *1812 *1818 1895] BA CHELÓRS 0F ARTS, 1803-1806 57 *John Pellet *1809 *Walter King, M.A. *1852 *john Pierpont, М.А. 1820 and Harv. *James McBride *1817 1821 *1866 *John Morin Scott McKnight, 1846, *David Plant, Lieut.-Gov. Conn., ex- M.A; 1846, Ml), elsewhere *1848 ojïeio Fellow, M. C. l'1851 *Allen McLean, M.A. *1861 *George Plummer, M.A., ex-ojïeio *Еут’ет'ддг Мат/2, М.А. *1873 Рено“? *1872 *Robert Moore *1854 *Horace Potter *1841 *George Olcott, M.A. *1864 *Thomas Punderson, M.A. *1848 *Joel Page *1832 *Heusted Reynolds *John Owen Pettibone, M.A. *1876 *Samuel Rich *1845 * Thomas Ruggles *1836 *William Robinson *I8o4 *William Mather smith, М.А. “1864 *Newton Skinner *1825 Spencer *1819 *eC/“Wks 5km* 572010073” а*1825 *Gardiner Spring, M.A., D.D. Hamil- *Mlcah Sterling, М. С- i'1844 , ton 1819, LL.D. Lafayette 1853 *1873 *Willlam Stoddard *1818 *Samuel Stevens, also Coll. N. *Henry Randolph Storrs, M.A., M. C. *1837 1805, М.А. *1844 *Eliphnlol Swift *1857 *Earl swift, M.D. 1830 *1869 ÍHCUTY Swift, M­A~ 1811 ‘1866 *Zachariah Tomlinson *1838 *Agur Tomlinson *William Welch *1811 *5mm* 7311873 М-А-‚ 111). Middlebury *Salmon Wheaton, M.A„ D.D. Trinity 1823, Pres. Dartm. Coll., Pres. and 1835 *1844 Prof. Christian Theol. E. Windsor *faim [шит W/zz'fm, D_D_ соц N_]_ Theol. Sem. *1858 1848 *1856 *Stephen П133011 *1824 *joshua Lewis Williams, M.A. 42 *1832 *Jeremiah Vanderbilt *1851 *Jacob Adrien VanHeuvel, М.А.1808 *1874 *John Carrington Warner, M.A. 1808 “1828 *Charles Henry Wetmore *1868 ïAmos Hawley Wheeler *1841 1806 Amos Whitehead *1808 il ­ i *Francis Bayard Winthrop, M.A. *1841 *ЁШЁЗЁЬЁЁЙШЗ’ M'A' ‘3€- ’ ' -l John Stlll Wlnthrop, M.A. 1855 *Curtis Atwood *1854 âŕ_JOSCPll VVTlgl'lt, *1864 *David Bacon *1823 *Clark Bissell, LL.D. 1847, Gov. and Judge Supr. Court Conn., eoe-oyjieio 1805 Fellow, Kent Prof. Law *1857 *Edmund Bliss *1821 *Charles Atwater, M.A. *1825 *George Whiteñeld Bowles, M.A. *1858 *Samuel Badger, M.A. *1866 *Ichabod Brewster *1813 *Samuel Bellamy Beach *1866 *Rawlins Lowndes Brown *Nehemiah Веси/г Eeardsley *1868 *Thomas Bull *18 50 *Sheldon Candee, M.A. *1821 *Henry Judson Canfield *1856 *Henry Chapman *1823 *Henry Carleton, Just. Supr. Court *Simon Couch *1826 . La. *1863 *Leonard Cowles, M.A. *1861 *Benjamin Smith Carnes *John Austin Crocker, 1806 *1816 *Rufus Chandler, M.A. *1837 *Rodotphus Dickinson *1863 *Nathaniel Chauncey, M.A. *1865 *Harvey Elliot, M.A. 1810, M.D. Coll. *John Clark *1854 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817 *1824 *Simeon Colton, D.D. Delaware Coll. *Ziba Foot *1806 1846, Pres. Mississippi Coll. *1868 *Nathaniel Freeman, M.A. *1854 *Samuel Shepard Conner, M. C. *1820 *Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, M.A., *John Paris Cunningham ‘1809 LL.D. W. Reserve 1851, Tutor *1851 *John Darrington ‘1855 *John McKinnie Gilmour *1807 *Samuel Huntington Devotion *1862 *Timothy Goodwin, M.A. *1818 *Charles/ohn Doughty, M.A. “1844 *Ebenezer Gray *1844 *joseph Edwards *1863 *Edward Hooker, M.A. and Middle- *Isaac Mills Ely, M.A. *1844 bury and S. C. Coll., Tutor *1846 *Henry Fish, M.A., M.B.Dartm.ISIo, *Robert James Houstoun, M.A. '1817 M.D. 1826 ‘1850 *Heman Humphrey, M.A., D.D. Mid- *Royal Fowler, M.D. Berkshire Med. dlebury1823, Pres. Amherst Coll. *1861 inst. 1826 ’1849 *Samuel Formar fart/is, M.A., D.D. *James Gadsden, M.A. 1815, U. S. Univ. Pa. 1819, LL.D. Trin. 1837, Minister Plenip. Mexico '1858 Prof. Oriental Lang. Trinity Coll. *1851 *Thomas Ruggles Gold ‘1829 *Aaron Hervey Kelsey ‘1863 l *George Goodwin *1878 58 , YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Shubael Flagg Griswold *Charles Horatio Havens *John Hazen *Alfred Hennen, M.A. 1826, Prof. Law La. State Univ. i ` *John Maurice Heron *Lyman Hicock *Russell Hubbard, M.A. *Jabez Williams Huntington, M. C., Judge Supr. Court Conn., U.S. Sen. *Nathaniel Gilhert Huntington, М.А. 1833 ` *Timothy Langdon, M.A. *Edmund Law *James Lockwood *Charles Marvin *Louis Mitchell *Homer Moore *Charles Moseley, M.A. *Daniel Mulford, M.A. *Hernan Norton *Chauncey Pettibone *Seth Pierce *Caleh Pitkin, M.A. *Royal Robbins *James Root *Hezekiah Rudd, M.A. *Joseph Silliman *Lucius Smith *Henry Strong, M.A., LL.D. 1848, Tutor, ex-ojïeio Fellow *John Strong, M.A. ` *John McCurdy Strong *Josiah Bartlett Strong *William Todd, M.A. *Phineas Lyman Tracy, M. C. *Leverett Hubbard Trumbull *William Tully, M.A., M.D. 1819, Pres. and Prof. Theory and Practice Castleton Med. Coll., Prof. Mate- ria Medica and Therapeutics *Hezekiah Gold Нут/(1, М.А. 1820 * William Bowler Ушёл, М.А. *Thomas Glasby Waterman *Martin Welles, M.A. , esc-officio Fellow *Willard Welton *Robert Wilkinson, M.A. 1842 *Ebenezer Young, ex-ojîeio Fellow, M. C. 7o 1807 *Joel Adams, also S. C. Coll. 1808 *William Weston Adams, also S. C. Coll. 1808 *Samuel Rogers Andrew, 1817, M.A. 1817, Fellow, Secretary *William Atwater *John Morse Austin *Abraham Dudley Baldwin, ex-ojîeio Fellow *john Bartlett, M.A. *Benjamin Bassett *Joseph Bennett, M.A. 1812 *1826 *1829 *1843 *1870 *1833 *1816 *1810 *1847 *1848 *1811 *1864 *1838 *1826 *1811 *1815 *1811 *1847 *1838 *1881 *1864 *1861 *1875 *1868 *1850 *1847 1852 *1834 *1806 *1850 *1831 *1876 *1807 *1859 *1863 *1865 *1862 *1863 *1866 *1849 *1851 *1859 *1831 *1858 *1833 *1863 ‘1862 *1866 *1858 *1837 *Thaddeus Betts, Lieut.-Gov. Conn., ex-ojîeio Fellow, U. S. Senator *John Boyle *Aristarchus Champion *Henry William Channing, M.A. *Eleutheros Dana Comstock, M.A. *Holbrook Curtis, M.A. *Sheldon Clark Curtiss, M.A. 1812 *John Paine Cushman, М'.А. Union 1816, M. C., Judge Circuit Court N Y *Leonard Augustus Daggett, M.A. *John Denniston *David Raymond Dixon *William Dubose, also S. C. Coll. 1808, Lieut.-Gov. S. C. *John Dunwody *Henry Field *James Fowler, M.A. *Robert Smith Gardiner *Richard Edwards Goodwin, M.A. *Thomas Smith Grimkê, LL.D. 1830 *Ebenezer Grosvenor *1840 *1810 *1871 *1866 *1859 *1858 *1836 *1848 *1867 *1810 *1861 ‘1855 *1858 *1873 *1824 *1838 *1834 *1817 *Amos Potter Hall, also Williams 1807 *1813 *David Hanford *Luther Hart, M.A., Fellow *James Howard *Areetius Bet/il Hull, M.A., Tutor *Daniel Huntington, 1816, M.A. 1816 *William Jay, LL.D. Kenyon 1858 *Algernon Sidney Jones *John Kell *Ezra Kellogg *Lionel Henry Kennedy, M.A. 1811 ' *Lester Kimberly *William Coit Lefñngwell, M.A. 1811 *Stephen Lockwood *A masa Loomis *Justus McKinstry *Darius Mead, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1809, ex-ojîeio Fellow . *Samuel Thomas Mills, M.A. 1811 *Isaac Hubbell Osborn *Guy Richards *Samuel Root, M.A. *1844 *1834 *1811 *1826 *1858 *1858 *1858 ‘1828 *1812 *1847 *1811 *1833 *1827 *1824 *1849 *1864 *1853 *1843 *1873 *1868 *Augustus Sherrill, also Williams 1807 *1853 *William Stebbins, 1826, М.А. 1826 *Alexander Hodgdon Stevens, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1811, LL.D. Regents Univ. N. Y. State 1849, Prof. Sur- gery and Pres. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y., Prof. Surgery Rutgers Coll., Pres. N. Y. State Med. Soc. and Amer. Med. Assoc. *Henry Rieree Strong, M.A. Univ. Vt. 1817 *Jacob Sutherland, LL.D. Columbia 1836, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *Charles Wiley Taylor *Nathaniel William Taylor, M.A., D.D. Union 1823, Dwight Prof. Didactic Theol. *john Lewis Tomlinson *Jonathan George Washington Trum- bull *james Wakefield Tucker, M.A. *1858 *1869 *183s *1845 *1865 *1858 *1853 *1853 *1819 18951 BA CHELORS 0F ARTS, 1807-1810 59 *Leonard Eugene Wales, M.A. *1823 *William Mason Smith, M.A. 1815 and *Curtis Warner *1813 Hamilton 1815 . *Ely Warner, M.A. ‘1872 *job Staples ‘1861 *William Avery Whelpley, M.A. 63 ‘1828 *Timothy Tuttle, M.A. *1864 *Septimius Tyler, M.A. 1813 '1817 18.08 *Charles Wheeler, M.A. 1827 *1858 *Comfort Williams, M.A. 50 *1825 *Ebenezer Baldwin, M.A. ‹ *1837 *Milton Barlow *1867 *Charles Isaac Battell, ud e Super. Court Indiana J g *1868 1809 *Timothy Phelps Beers, M.A.` M.D. *Burr Baldwin, M.A. 1814 *1880 1824, Prof. Obstetrics '1858 *Daniel Ban/ès, M.A. ‘1827 *joseph Hart Bellamy, M.A. *1848 *Samuel Brown Barrell, M.A. *1858 *Burr Bradley *1849 *Jacob Bockee ‘1810 *John Brainard, M.A. *1851 *Garrett Garnsey Brown ’1870 *Henry Brown *1849 *John Burch *john Chandler *1875 *Hezekiah Bradley Chaffee, M.A.1817 *1864 * onathan Edwards Chaplin, M.A. *1847 *Charles Ezra Clarke, M. C. *1863 Noa/z Coe, M.A. *1871 *St.George Deane, M.A. 1813 *1834 *jonathan Cone, M.A. *1850 *Edwin Wells Dwight, M.A. *1841 *David Lewis Daggett ‘1810 *Theodore Eames, M.A. *1846 *joseph Delaůeld *1875 *Howland Fish *1862 *Matthew [еле Dutton, M.A., Tutor, *Josiah Willard Gibbs, M.A. and Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. *1825 Harv. 1818, LL.D. Coll. N. ]. 1853, *Justin Dwinell, M.C. *1850 Tutor, Librarian, Prof. Sacred Lit. *1861 *Erastus Edgerton '1809 *Alfred Heyliger ‘1863 *Daniel Fuller *1856 *Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, M.A., *Henry William Gibbs, M.A. LL.D. 1842, Tutor, Instr. Law ‘1845 *William Gibson *William Hungerford, LL.D. 1856 *1873. *Timothy Jones Gridley, M.A., M.D. дерма/шт *1874 Dartm. 1812 and Vt. Acad. of Med. *fo/zn Langdon, M.A., Tutor *1830 1839 *1852 *Gurdon William Lathrop *1832 *Charles Griswold, M.A. *1839 * onathan Lee “1866 * William Hanford *1861 Edward Blake Lining, M.A. ‘1849, *joseph Harvey, M.A., D.D. Amh.1835 ‘1873 *Benjamin Clarh Meigs, M.A. 1814 ’1862 *Nathaniel [Ат/51, D.D. Amherst 1830 *1867 *Alfred [РЕЙ/де” ’1831 *James Abraham Hillhouse, M.A. *1841 *AsahelNettleton, D.D. Hampd.-Sidn. *Benjamin Simmons Hort 1839 and ~lefli. Coll. (Pa.) 1839 *1844 *Ralph Isaacs Ingersoll, M. C., U. S. *Charles Goodrich Olmsted *1865 Minister Plenip. Russia *1872 *John Still Winthrop Parkin *1866 *Preserved Jennings *1838 *Phi/ander Parmele *1822 *John Thomas ­Iones *Lemuel Purnell *1818 *jonathan Knight, M.A., M.D. 1818, , *john Parker Rice, M.A. ‘1875 Tutor, Prof. Anat. and Physiol. also *Hugh Robinson *1855 Surg., Lect. Obstetrics, Pres. Amer. ‘ *Hezekiah Sanford, M.A. 1817 Med. Assoc. *1864 *Benjamin Franklin Shelton *1826 *Garrick Mallery, LL.D. Lafayette *Moses Aaron Simons '1822 1840 i'1866 *Charles Smith *1840 *Josiah Hinman Minor *1820 *Ebenezer Smith *1830 *John Bates Murdock *1815 *Sophos Staples ‘1826 *Amasa Parker, M.A. *1855 *Elisha Beebe Strong ‘1867 *james HillParmelee,M.A. Coll.N.]. *Henry Matson Waite, LL.D. 1855, 1814 *1872 Chief ~lust. Supr. Court Conn. ‘1869 *William Seward Pierson,M.A. , M.D. *Samuel Dexter Ward *1871 Dartm. 1813 '1860 *Gaylord Wells, M.D. 1827 *1870 *Theodore Pomeroy, M.D. Berkshire ‚ *William Henry Winthrop *1860 Med. Inst. 1849 *1860 ,' *Alexander Wolcott *1830 *Lyman Speneer Rexford,M.A. Hamil- f *Simeon lVoodruÍ, M.A. 1815 43 ‘1839 ton 1819 ’1843 *SJilas Webster Robbins, M.A. 1845, Y udge Supr. Court Ky. *1871 f *Charles Fox Roberts ’1836 1810 *Henry William Rogers ‘1819 i *Nathaniel Adams *1837 *William Silliman *1861 l *Ethan Allen Andrews, М.А. 1823, *Abraham Miller Smith l‘1839 . LL.D. 1847, Prof. Lang. Univ. N.C. ’1858 60 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Edward Avery, ­ludge Supr. Court O. *Hezekiah Hervey Baldwin *Jonathan Barnes *Isaac Stockton Keith Bennett *Asa Blair _ / *Chauncey Booth, M.A. 1814 *Dyar Throop Brainard, M.D. 1826 *Joseph Bulkley, М.А. *Sylvester Bulkley, M.D. Dartm. 1813 *Royal Bullard, M.A. *Samuel Griswold Chaffee, M.A. 1818 *Christopher Champlin '*Alpheus Dimmick , *Henry Leavitt Ellsworth, M.A., U. S. Comm’r. Patents *William Wolcott Ellsworth, LL.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1838, Prof. Law Trinity Coll., M.C.,Gov. and judge Supr. Court Conn., ex-opïcio Fellow *Elias Hubbard Ely, M.A. *Eleazar Thompson Fitch, M.A. 1817, D.D. Univ. Pa. 1828, Livingston Prof. Divinity, Lect. Homiletics *ChaunceyAllen Goodrich, M.A., D. D. Brown 1835, Tutor, Prof. Rhetoric also Pastoral Charge *Ralph Granger *Paul Chaplin Grimball, 1828, M.A. 1828 *Frederick Grimkê, Court Ohio ~ *Frederick Gunn - *Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck, M.A. 1819, LL.D. Columbia 1840 and Union 1841, M. C., Pres.,Rutgers Coll. *Augustus Lucas Hillhouse, M.A. *George Hinckley, M.A. 1818 *josiah Holbrook, M.A. *James Hooker *john Hooker, M.A. 1816 *John Howard *Ebenezer Kellogg, M.A. 1814 and Williams 1815, Prof. Greek and Latin ÑVilliams Coll. *Daniel Kissam *Simon Larned *A mmi [тайгу *Thomas Lyman *Daniel Ferguson McNeil, M.A. 1814 *Nathaniel Mather *Samuel Finley Breese Morse, M.A. 1816, LL.D. 1846, Prof. Paint. and Sculpt. Univ. City of N. Y. *Lot Newell, M.A. *Edward Nicoll е*Бй'а’зеуе Glover Nohle, M.A. *David Hillhouse Raymond *Asher Robbins *Daniel Robert *Joseph Pynchon Rossiter, M.A. *Luther Spaulding, M.A. 1822 *Hert/ey Talcott, M.A. 1817 *Asahel Thomson, M.D. 1859 *Walker Todd *joseph Treat, M.A. Judge Supr. *1866 *1826 *1861 *1822 *1823 *1851 *1863 *1851 *1857 *1846 *1864 *1811 *1865 *1858 *1868 *1874 *1871 *1860 *1843 *1864 *1863 *1852 *1879 *1818 *1854 *1858 *1857 *1849 *1846 *1810 *1873 *1832 *1837 *1872 *1864 *1820 *1848 *1820 *1846 *1878 *1826 *1825 *1865 *1866 *1840 *1841 *Samuel Turney *[823 *Ralph Wells *1837 *Othniel Williams 54 *1832 1811 *George Baldwin *1826 *Roger Sherman Baldwin, M.A., LL.D. 1845 and Trinity 1844, Gov. Conn., ex-ojício Fellow, U. S. Sen. *1863 *Solomon Baldwin, M.A. *1816 *Milo Lyman Bennett, LL.D. Dartm. 1851, ~[udge Supr. Court Vt. *1868 *Abiel Kent Botsford *1844 Eurchard *1866 *Moses Chapin, M.A. *1865 *James Clarke Cooke *1827 *William Danielson, M.A. 1816, Tutor *1819 *William Deming *1865 *Jonathan Eastman, M.A. *1830 *Ralph Emerson, М.А. 1816, D.D. 1830, Tutor, Prof. Eccl. Hist. An- dover Theol. Sem. *1863 *Henry Collins Flagg *1863 *jonathan Foote *1846 *Alexander Forbus, M.A. *1856 *William Ripley Gould, M.A. Univ. Ohio 1825 *1867 *Francis Granger, 1831, ‘M.A. 1831, M. C., U. S. Postmaster-General *1868 *Ezra Haskell *1858 *William Franklin Hodges, M.A. '1821 *1837 *Henry William Huntington, 1814, M.A. 1814 *1854 *Lez/erett Israel Foote Huntington, ‘ M.A. Coll. N. I. 1815 and Union 1815 *1820 *Solomon Lathrop, M.A. *1862 *Judah Lord, М.А. 1820 *1839 *Edward Carrington Mayo 1u'1852 *Dar/id Meauhec [Игл/ж]! *[869 *Levinus Monson, M.A. 1818, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *1859 *Sidney Edwards Morse, M.A. *1871 *SamuelNichols, M.A. Columbia 1818, D.D. Williams 1880 “1880 *Samuel Bird Northrop, M.A. ‘1826 *Isaac Parsons, M.A. 1816 *1868 *Edward Perot, M.A. 1861 *1066 *Samuel Shethar Phelps, M.A. Mid- dlebury, Judge Supr. Court Vt., U. S. Senator *1855 *Ephraim Pease Prudden *1836 *Nathan Sherman Read, M.A. *1821 *Henry Rohinson, M.A.1817 and Bow- doin 1817 ­ *1878 *Edward Selden *1823 *Dar/id Marsh Smith, M.A. 1826 *1880 *Joseph Spencer *1823 *SamuelSpring,1821, M.A. 1821, D.D. Columbia 1858 *1877 *Nathan Stark *1858 *ju/ius Steele a'1849 *Byam Kerby Stevens, M.A. *1870 1895] ßACHELORS OF ARTS, 1811—1813 61 *Selah Brewster Strong,M.A., M. C., *William Rumsey, M.A., M.D. Univ. Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State ‘1872 Pa. 1817 *1871 *Frederick Augustus Tallmadge,M. C. *1869 *Ahaz Sanford *1813 *John Thomas, 1814, M.A. 1814 *1866 *Abraham Curtis Sheldon *1834 *joseph Vai/l, M.A., D.D. Amh. 1851 *1869 *George Smith ’1827 *Elisha Dana Whittlesey, M.A. *1823 *Ward Staffora', M.A. ‘1851 *William Channing Woodbridge,M.A. *1845 *Augustus Russell Street *1.866 *Joseph Emerson Worcester, M.A. *Theodore Strong, M.A. Hamilton, and Harv. 1820, LL.D. Brown 1847 LL.D. Rutgers 1835,Prof.Math. and and Dartm. 1856 49 *1865 Nat. Philos. Hamilt. also Rutgers Coll., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1869 1812 *John Wagner, M.A.,M. 0.1818, Prof. Surgery Med. Coll. S. C. *1841 *Ciwy/gy Austin *1849 *Andrew Ferdinand Warner, M.A. ‘1825 *Elihu Whittelsey Ealdwin,M.A.,D.D. *Julius Wilcoxson ’1852 Hanover (Ind.) 1837, Pres. Wabash *JOhH Witter, M~A­, ТПЮГ *1858 Со11_ “1840 *Caleb Smith Woodhull, M.A. 1822 *1866 - *Elijah Baldwin, M.A. *1819 50 *Hezekiah Selleck Beach *Alexander Bliss *1827 È *George Bliss ‘1873 i *William Whiting Boardman, M.A. i 1813 Trin. 1845, LL.D. Trin. 1863, ex- ` *George Allen '1883 oßîcio Fellow, M. C. '1871 l *Nathaniel Allen, M.D. COll. Phys. *Solyman Brown, M.A. 1817 *1876 j and Surg. N. Y. 1817 ‘1822 *William Platt Buffett *1874 l *Aaron Arms, M.A. 1818 ‘1848 *Ca/vin Colton, 1813, M.A. 1832, LL.D. *Russell Atwater Hobart 1852, Prof. Pol. Econ. Trin. *john Avery, M.A. 1817, D.D. Univ. Coll. *1857 N. C. 1833 *1837 *Platt Hiram Crosby ‘182- *Frederick Fanning Backus, M.D. *john Стат/шит, М.А. *1818 1816 '1858 *John Davis, M.A. 1822, LL.D. Harv. *George Edmund Badger, 1825,M.A. 1834, M. C., Gov. Mass., U. S. Sen. *1854 1825, LL.D. 1848 and Univ. N. C. *Benjamin Day ‘ _ I *1872 1834, Judge Super. Court N. C., *Edward Delafield, M.D. Coll. Phys. U. S. Senator and Secr. Navy *1866 and Surg. N. Y. 1816, Prof. Obstet- *Anderson Bagley ‘1813 rics and Dis. Women and Children чтим Smith ~Barstow, M.A. and and Pres.Coll. Phys.and Surg.N.Y. ‘1875 Hamilton, D.D. Dartm. 1849 ’1873 *Theodore Dexter *1849 *Dudley Pettibone Bestor ’1813 *Thomas Dunlap, M.A. ’1864 *James Beebee Brinsmade *1856 *John Worthington Dwight *1836 *Moses Bristol, M.D. 1816 ‘1869 *Nathaniel Dyke i *Ebenezer Brown,­M.A. Harv. 1822 '1872 *Samuel Lynson Edwards. M.A. 1834 *1877 *Norris Bull, M.A. 1818, D.D. Union *Robert Gibson *182- 1846 *1847 *Char/es Augustus >Goodrich *1862 *Stephen Mitchell Chester '1862 *Nathan Guilford ‘1854 *William Cone ’1819 *Edward Holden *Sherman Converse '1873 *Stephen Farrar Jones ‘181- *Elias Cornelius, M.A. 1818, D.D. *Dennis Kimberly *1862 Dartm. 1829 *1832 *Ezra L’Hommedieu *1819 *John Crane *1860 *Richard Harrison Long, 1813 *James Cuthbert, M.A. *Samuel Coit Morgan ‘1876 *Henry Daggett *1837 *Richard Cary Morse, M.A. and Mid- *Thomas Erederich Davies, M.A. '1865 dlebury 1825 ’1868 *Nicoll Havens Dering, M.A., M.D. *Charles Nichols *1865 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817 *1867 *Joseph Noble '1819 l *Thomas Pollock Devereux, M.A. *Daniel Noyes ‘1852 , 1817 and Univ. N. C. 1818 ‘1869 *George Payson, M.A. 1819 ’1825 5 *Abram Dixon *1875 *Nathaniel Shaw Perkins, M.A.,M.D. *David Bates Douglass, M.A. and 1829 ‘1870 д Coll. N. 1819 and Union 1825, *Thomas Shaw Perkins, M.A. '1844 Í LL.D. 1841 and Hobart 1841, Prof. *David Prentice, M.A. and Columbia i Math. also Civil and Mil. Engin. 1833, LL.D Union 1839, Prof. Greek U. S. Mil. Acad., Prof. Nat. Philos. and Latin Hobart Coll. ’1857 and Civ. Architect. Univ.CityN.Y., *Isaac Trimble Preston, M.A. Just. à Pres. and Prof. Intellect. and Mor. Supr. Court La. ‘1852 ­ Philos., Logic and Rhet. Kenyon 62 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY Coll., Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Hobart Coll. * William Theodore Dwight, M.A., D.D. Bowdoin 1846, Tutor *Louis Dwight *Ambrose Eggleston *George Augustus Elliott * William Ely ’jé/'oy Hamlet Fairchild, M.A. 1817 Benjamin Fenn *Alexander Metcalf Fisher, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. *John Douglass Fowler, M.A. * Thomas Downs Frost *Joseph Winborn Hand *Charles Hawley, M.A. 1817, Lieut.- Gov. Conn., ex-ojïcio Fellow *Minor Hotchkiss, M.A. *Richard Hubbard *David Lathrop Hunn, M.A. 1817 *Lemuel Ingalls *James Dei-ham Johnson, M.A. *Elias Kent Kane, 1825, M.A. 1825, Secr. Illinois, U. S. Senator *William Kimball *Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, М.А. Univ. Ga. 1823, LL.D. 1841, Judge Super. Court Ga. ,Pres. Emory Со11., Univ. Miss., and S. C. Coll. *Stephen Mack *Hiram Foot Mather *Gideon John Mills *Elisha Mitchell, М.А., D.D. Univ. Ala. 1838, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos., also Chem., Mineral. and Geol. Univ. N. C. *Frederick Morgan, M.A., M.D.1817, Tutor *James Morris *Milo Linus North, M.D. 1834 *Denison Olmsted,M.A.,LL.D.Univ. City N. Y. 1845, Tutor, Prof. Chem. Univ. N. C., Prof. Math., Nat. Philos. and Astron. *Russell Parish *Silas Parher, 1817 *Charles Perkins *Reuben Sherwood, M.A. 1817, D.D. Hobart 1840 *john Singletary, 1814 *Roger Sherman Skinner, M.A. *Josiah Spalding *John Austin Stevens *George Sumner, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1817, Prof. Bot. Trinity Coll., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Henry Wythe Tabb', M.A. 1826 *Jeremiah VanRensselaer,M.A.,M. D. Vt. Acad. Med. 1823 *John William Weed,M.A. 1821,M.D. Regents Univ. N. Y. State 1847 *Samuel Weed, M.A. *Jonathan Ashley Welch *John Mumford Woolsey, M.A. 1820 *William Cecil Woolsey, M.A. 1817 70 “1849 ‘1865 ’1854 *1865 ‘1870 *1850 *1859 *1869 *1822 ’1817 '1819 *1844 *1866 *1825 *1839 ‘1888 ‘1819 *1860 *1835 *1823 *1870 *1868 *1825 *1857 *1877 *1826 *1856 *1859 *1855 *1856 *1856 *1846 *1838 *1852 *1874 *1855 *1871 *1875 *1820 *1859 *1870 *1840 i 1814 *Isaac Adriance *1862 *Ehhvard14hkn *1846 *Thomas Pinckney Alston *1861 *Anson Seth Atwood *1866 *John Mulliken Atwood, M.A. 1818 *1873 *Elisha Averill, M.A. *1824 *William Rufus Babbitt *1817 *George Belden *1855 *A mzi Benedict *1856 *Archibald Burgess *18 50 *William Barron Calhoun, M.A., LL.D. Amherst 1858, M. C., Secre- tary Mass. *1865 *Charles William Capers,M.A. , M. D. S. C. Coll. *1835 *Henry Dwight Chapin, M.A. *1862 *Donald Chester, M.A. *1838 *Richard Peter Christophers *1829 *Theodore Clapp *1866 *Nathaniel Coles *1843 *James Cooley *1828 *Alexander Copland *1841 *James Hamilton Couper, LL.D. Mercer Univ. 1848 *1866 *Austin Denny, M.A. 1822 ‘1830 *john Dic/ason, М.А., Prof. Moral Philos. S. C. Coll. *Samuel Henry Dickson, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1819, LL.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1853, Prof. Med. Institutes and Practice Med. Coll. S. C. and Univ. City N. Y. and Jeff. Med. *1847 Coll. (Pa.) *1872 *Joseph Heatly Dulles *1876 *Alexis Daniel Durand *1843 *Theodore Dwight, M.A. *1866 *David Shelton Edwards, M.D. 1817, M.A.1863 ‘1874 *Augustus Floyd *1878 *Henry Gibbs *1855 *Charles Backus Goddard, M.A. ‘1864 *Horace Goodrich, M.A. 1818 *1872 *Ralph Wells Gridley, M.A. *1840 *Minor Hallock *Hugh Halsey *1858 *Asa Hammond “1843 *Lowman Hawes *1831 *Alfred McKinnie Hobby *George Hooker, M.D. 1817 *1884 *Charles Hopkins *1816 *john Benedict Hoyt *1862 *Hezehiah Hull, M.A. 1818 *1823 *Jedidiah Huntington ' *1870 *John Jarvis Ingersoll, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817 1830 *Charles Jesup, M.A. *1837 *John Kintzing Kane,M.A. ,Attorney- Gen. Pa., Judge U. S. District Court (Pa.) _ ‘1858 *Charles James Lanman '1870 *John Law, M.A., Judge Super. Court Ind., M.C. 873 *joshua Leavitt, M.A., D.D. Wabash 1854 “1873 1895] 63 BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1814-1815 *LuciusWooster Leñingwell, M.A. 1825 *1875 *Daniel Lord, M.A. 1820, LL.D. 1846 *1868 *john Erskine Lovett, M.A. 1831 “1847 *Whitman Mead, M.A. *1833 *John Daggett Meers *1877 *Anson Moody, M.D. 1840 ‘1855 *William Johnson Rysam Mulford *1865 *William Woolsey Mumford *1848 *Ebenezer Munger, M.A. ‘1857 *Frederick Augustus Norton *1846 *Jesse Oakley *1848 *Dar/ía’ Longa/ortiz Ogden, M.A. *[863 *James Potter *1862 *Samuel Punderson, M.D. 1834 *1870 *Frederick Allen Richards *1846 *Abraham Topping Rose, M.A. *1857 *Isaac I/Va/eelee Ruggles *1857 *Samuel Bulkley Ruggles, LL.D. 1859 *1881 *Ebenezer Seeley 71866 *Edward Peter Simons *1823 *William Smith ‘1839 *George Evans Spruill, M.A. ’1845 *James Landon Stark *1868 *Hernan Stebbins *1838 *fosep/z C/ay Sti/es, D.D. Transylvania Univ. 1846, LL.D. Univ. Ga. 1860 *1875 *William Lucius Storrs, M.A.,LL.D. W. Reserve 1846, М. С., Chiefjust. Supr. Court Conn., Prof. Law Wes- leyan Univ., Prof. Law *1861 *Joseph Platt Taylor, M.A. ‘1825 *John Titsworth, M.D. 1818, M.A. 1820 *1873 *Cornelius Tuthill, M.A. ‘1825 *George Augustus Wasson ‚ “1849 *John Bliss Watson, M.A. 1825 *1843 *Nat/zanz'e! S/ze/don W/zeaíon,.M.A., D.D. 1833 апс1 Colby Univ. 1832, Pres. Trinity Coll. '1862 *Thomas Sendder W z'eées ’1876 *Leonard Риг/267231012, М.А. 1821, D.D. Bowdoin 1850 82 ”1885 1815 *jacob Motte Alston *1818 *Stephen Goodwin Austin, M.A. 1831 '1872 *Julius Steele Barnes, M.D. 1818 ‘1870 *Samuel Birdseye Beardsley ’1873 *John Gardiner Calkins Brainard ‘1828 *Levi Brooks *1878 *james Treadwell Burr *1832 *Edwards Clarke, M.A. Hamilton 1818 ’1868 *John Middleton Clayton, LL. D. 1846, U. S. Senator and Secr. State, Secr. and Chief just. Supr. Court Del. *1856 *William Codman, M.A. 1819 ‘1848 *George Cooke *1871 *james Davis ’1822 *George Pollock Devereux ‘1837 *Abraham Jacob Duryee, M.A. 1819, M.D.Coll.Phys. and Surg.N.Y.1819 ‘1822 *Henry Edwin Dwight, M.A. '1832 *John Dicks Eccles *Edward Fellows Ensign *Elisha Rexford Fenn *Orz'n Fowler, M.A., M. C. *William Edgar Gallaudet *Thomas Gray *1856 *1865 ‘1852 *1821 “1860 *Horatio Gridley, M.A. 1820, M.D. 1833, ex-ojîez'o Fellow *Charles Henry Hammond, M.A. *Edward Harleston *Elijah Hartshorn, M.A. 1824 *john Hastings *Roger ConanzL Hate/z, M.A. *Jeremiah Hine *C/zar/es james Hinsdale, M.A. 1822 *Isaac Edward Holmes, M. C.~ *Horace Hoof/eer, M.A., Tutor *Josiah Hooker, M.A. *A ndrezo Huntington *William Jessup, LL. D. Hamilt. 1848 *Henry Kellogg, M.A. Williams 1824 *Simeon Terry Kibbe *Charles Leavenworth *John Sullivan Lee, M.A. *john Bassnett Legarê, M.A. *John Berwick Legarê *William Lockwood, M.A. *1864 *1850 *1871 *1840 *1886 *1868 *1838 *1871 *1867 a*1864, *1870 *1872 *1868 *1873 *1825 *1829 *1819 *1826 *1850 *1827 *Thomas Alexander Marshall, LL.D. 1866, M. C., Chief Judge Supr. Court Ky. *James Henry Mitchell *1871 *1873 *Alfred Shepard Monson, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1819 *George Washington Morris *Erasmus Norcross *Alexis Painter, M.A. 1821 *1870 *1838 *1874 *1867 *james Gates Percival, M.D. 1820. Prof. Chem., Mineral. and Geol. S. Mil. Acad. *John Pope *William Smith Robert *Hubbard Rockwell, M.A., Tutor *John Sill Rogers *William Sidney Rossiter *Ezekiel Sanford, M.A. *Israel S/zaz'ler *Nathaniel Benedict Smith *Truman Smith, M. C., U. S. Senat II. *1856 *1865 *1877 *1871 *1860 *1852 *1822 *1869 *1881 or *1884 *Wil/¿am Bue!! Sprague, M.A. 1819, D.D.Columbia 1828 апс1 Harv.1848, LL.D. Coll. N. 1869 *1876 *Rando/plz Stone, M.A. 1821, Prof. Engl. Lit. and Hist. Ohio Univ. *Woodbridge Strong, M.D. 1818 *Giles Hallam Swan *Thomas Turner *Jacob VanBenthuysen *ÑVilliarn Courtney Wetmore rederick White *Sims White *Edmund Fanning Wickham *1840 *1861 *184— *1846 *1880 *1839 *1855 *1843 *joseph Dresser ¿Vick/Lanz, M.A., D.D. Middlebury 1861, Tutor *Jesse Smith Woodhull, M.A. 1822 *joseph Youle *1891 *184.1 7o *1819 64 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1816 *Thomas Mather Smith, M.A., D.D. Bowdoin 1850, Prof. Systemat. Div. ` *Isaac Bird,’M.A. *1876 and Pres. Kenyon Coll. *1864 *Eli Whitney Blake, M.A., LL.D. 1879 *1886 * Walter Smith *1871 *Reuben Booth, Lieut.-Gov. Conn., *Samuel Stiles Stebbins, M.A. *1860' ex-ojîcio Fellow *1848 *Charles Stewart , *John Steinmetz Brinton *1825 _*George Swift *1845 *Edward Bull, M.A., Tutor al1869 *Henry Wyllys Taylor, M.A. 1829, *Charles Frederick Butler *1866 LL.D. 1869, ­lust. Supr. Court N. Y. *1888 *Epaphras Chapman *1825 *Asa Thurston, M.A. *1868 *William Pitt Cleaveland, M.A. *1841 *John Stephenson Walsh, M.A. 1828 *1857 *Joseph Lord Coit, 1820 *1836 *Russell Canfield Wheeler, М.А. 1828 *1847 *John Hyde Coley *1865 *Luman Whittlesey *1868 *John Alexander Cuthbert` M.A. *William Augustus Whittlesey, M. C. *1866 *George Younglove Cutler, M.A. 1826 *1834 *ОНУСГ Ellsworth Williams *1870 *Ashbel Dart, M.D. 1818 *1844 *Wil/iam Williams, M.A. 1822 *1860 * William Henry Foote, M.A. 1821, *George Winchester, just. Supr. Court D.D. Hampden-Sidney 1847 *1869 Miss. *1852 *William Chauncey Fowler, M.A. and *Rufus Woodward, M.A. and C011. Middlebury 1837, LL.D. Lafayette N. J. 1821, Tutor 61 *1823 1861, Tutor, Prof. Chem. and Nat. - Hist. Middlebury Coll., Prof. Rhet. and Oratory Amherst Coll. *1881 1817 *james Angel Fox, M.A. 1826, Pres. jefferson Coll. (Miss.) *1881 *Augustus Alden, M.A. *1870 *john ¿Metcalf Garfield, M.A. Trinity *Ebenezer Andrews *1864 1827 *1872 *Ebenezer Bailey, M.A. and Harv. *Abiel Booth Glover, M.A. *1825 1822 *1839 *William Tracy Gould, M.A. *1882 *john Beard *1876 *Frederick Gridley, M.A. *1871 *John Phelps Beers *1819 *George William Griswold *1867 *Ebenezer Blackman *1863 *George Hill Y *1871 *Nehemiah ßrown, M.A. *1876 *Uriel Holmes *1818 *Chauncey Bulkley, M.A. *1860 *Charles _lohn johnson *1843 *Augustus Lyman Chapin *1878 *John Henry Kain, M.A. 1828, M.D. *George Chase Jefferson Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1837 *1849 *Robert John Chesebrough, M.A. *1870 *Aratus ­Kent, M.A. 1822, Pres. Beloit Willard Chi/d, M.A. and Middlebury Coll. *1869 1831, D.D. Univ. Vt. 1848 *1877 *joseph Kerr, M.A. *1823 *Smith Clark *1876 *james Kimball *1821 *William Lawrence Clark, M.A. I821 *1865 *Harz/ey Freegrace Leavitt, M.A. Will- *Lyman Coleman, M.A. and Middle- iams 1820 and Middlebury 1837 *1874 bury 1833, D.D. Coll. N. I. 1847, *Sheldon Lemon *1853 Tutor, Prof. Germ. Coll. NJ., Prof. *George McClellan, M.D. Univ. Pa. Ancient Lang. Lafayette Coll. *1882 1819, Prof. Surgery Jefferson Med. *William Heathcote DeLancey, M.A., Coll. (Pa.) and Pennsylvania Coll. *1847 D.D. 1828, LL.D. Union 1847, *Fleming Bowyer Miller *1874 D.C.L. Oxford 1852, Provost Univ. *James VanCortlandt Morris *1843 Ра., P. E. Bishop W. N. Y. *1865 y *William Abbot Moseley, M.A. Ham- *ßaxter Dic/einson, M.A., D.D. Am- ilton, M. C. *1873 herst 1838, Prof. Sacr. Rhet. and *William Nevins, D.D. Coll. N. J. Past. Theol. Lane and Auburn 1834 *1835 Theol. Sems. *1875 *Charles Olcott *1857 *Joseph William Edmiston, M.A. *Hawley Olmstead, M.A., LL.D. 1862 *1868 Transylvania 1824 *1834 *jared Whitfield Pardee, M.D. 1818 *1867 *Joseph Fowler, M.A. *1825 *Francis Parsons *1861 *William Cushing Gay, M.A. *1833 *Charles Perot / *1870 *Charles Champion Gilbert *1844 *George Edmond Pierce, M.A., D.D. *john Grammar, M.A. 1826, D.D. Middlebury 1838, Pres. W. Reserve Washington Coll. (Va.) 1853 *1871 Coll. ‘ *1871 *Jared Griswold, M.A. *1835 *Timothy Dwight Porter, M .A., M.D. *Jonathan Prescott Hall *1862 1820 *1880 *William Backus Hart *1863 *Whiting Sanford *1817 *Robert Hartshorne, M.A. *1872 *John Gibbs Shoolbred *1859 *Isaac Augustus Hawley *1867 *Peter Smith *1823 *Loammi foes Hoadly, M.A. *1883 *Phineas Smith *1839 *1876 *A nson Hubbard 1895] BACHELORS OE ARTS, 1816—1818 *Rufus Huntington *Samuel Bridge Ingersoll, M.A. *Joel Jones, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1848, Chief Just. District Court Philad. County, Pres. Girard Coll. *james Harvey Linsley, M.A. *Peter [даёте/0027, М.А. *David Nevins Lord, M.A. *Wyllys Lyman', LL.B. Harv. 1820 *Charles Johnson McCurdy, LL.D. 1868, может Fellow, Lieut-Gov. and Judge Supr. Court Conn., U.S. Chargé d’añ’aires Austria *George Marvin, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1821 *James Fitch Mason *Samuel Hanford Mead, M.A. 1831 *Abraham Ogden *Thomas Burr Osborne, LL.D. Wes- leyan Univ. 1856, М. С., Prof. Law *Robert Bridges Patton, also Middle- bury 1818, M.A. Middlebury, PH.D. Göttingen 1821, Prof. Greek and Latin Middlebury Coll. and Coll. N.J., Prof. Greek Univ. City N. Y. i *Benjamin Edmond Payne *Samuel Huntington Perkins, M.A. 1823 *Horace Southworth Pratt, M.A. 1825, Prof. Engl. Lit. Univ. Ala. *jared Reid, M.A. *Samuel Robinson, M.A. 1822 *Edward Rutledge, M.A., Prof. Moral Philos. Univ. Pa. *jonathan Silliman,­ M.A. *Nathan Ryno Smith, M.D. 1820, LL.D. Dartm. 1875, Prof. Anat. and Physiol. Univ. Vt. and Jefferson Med. Coll. (Ра.), Prof. Anat. also Surg. Univ. Md. *Rufus Paine Spalding, M.A., Judge Supr. Court Ohio, M. C. *Lewis Rogers Starr, M.A. *NVilliam Bostwick Stillson *Roswell Stone, M.A. 1821 *Edward Taylor *ÑVilliam Ustick Titus, M.A. *Richard ÑVarner, M.D. 1821, Pres. Ff Conn. Med. Soc. *Thomas Tucker Whittlesey, M.A., M. C. *Edmund Wilkins *Robert Walker Withers. M. D. Univ. Pa. 1820 61 1818 - *Cyrus Hall Beardsley *Samuel Borrowe, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1822 *David Eats ford *Eleazar Erainard, М. A. *joseph Hunt Erech *Oliver Bronson, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1825 *1825 *1820 *1860 *1843 *1882 *1880 *1862 *1891 *1874 *1836 *1854 *1849 “1869 *1839 Ё1874 *1840 *1866 *1832 *1885 *1877 *1886 *1833 *1856 *1845 *1853 *1868 *1867 *1852 *1827i *1822 *1854 J *1880 Е *1875i *Charles Buford *Francis Bugbee, Judge Supr. Court Ala *Anson Burgess *Orlando Canñeld *Alfred Chester, М .А. *Henry Clary, M.A. *john Cal/eins Coit *1866 ‘ *1877 *1838 *1860 *1871 *1829 *1863 *Francis Hiram Cone, M.A. 1822, Judge Supr. Court Ga. *James Jamieson Cordes *James Warham Crooks, M.A. *Richard David Davis, 1819, М. С. *Caleb Day *James Keith Duke *Henry Dutton, M.A. 1822, LL.D. 1854, Tutor, Kent Prof. Law, Gov. and Judge Supr. Court Conn., ex- oplício Fellow *Edward Gere joseph Morgan Gilbert *Roger Wolcott Griswold *Samuel Griswold, M.A. *Ralph Randolph Gurley *Richard Haughton, M.A. 1823 *Reuben Stedman Hazen, М.А. 1824 *Horatio Hubbell *James Starr Huggins, M.A. *Hector Humphreys, M.A. 1825, D.D. Trinity 1833, Prof. Greek and Latin Trinity Coll., Pres. St.John’s Coll. (54d) ~ *Samuel Howard Huntington, M.A. and Trinity 1845 * oseph Hurlbut, M.A. homas Harmer Johns *John Nelson Jones *Alfred Kellogg, M.D. 1843 *David Kimball, M.A. *Pickett Latimer *Earl Loomis *Romeo Lowrey, esc-oficio Fellow * William Mitchell, M.A. and Middle- bury 1833 *Sheldon Moore *Richard Rutherford Morris *joel Worthington Newton, M.A. 1844 *Richard Tapping Nott, M.A. *Charles Hyde Olmsted, M.A. and llarv.185o *Isaac Orr, М.А. *Thomas Clap Perkins, M.A. *Seneca Pratt - *James Raymond *Robert Riddel. *George Stillman Robbins *john Williams Salter *Richard Ely Selden, M.A. 1822 *Henry Sherwood *Thomas Leßingwell Shipman, M.A. *Horace Smith, M.A. *Leni Smith ' *George Spalding, M.A. *James Stuart *John Smith Talmadge *Henry Birdsall Titus, M.A. *1867 *1871 “1873 “1863 *1869 *1832 *1824 *1878 “1875 *1872 ‘1841 *1864 *1875 *1872 “1857 *1880 5 66 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895. *Edward Turner, M.A. and Middle- bury 1825, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Middlebury Coll. *1838 *Henry Vaughan *Lewis Weld, M.A. *1853 *Frederick Whittlesey, M. C., Vice- Chancellor and Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State ‘1851 *Gouverneur Morris Wilkins, M.A. 1822 *1871 *Spencer Wood, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1822 67 *1875 1819 Y * ames Аде”, М.А. *1868 Noyes Billings, Lieut-Gov. Conn., вас-0775650 Fellow *1865 *Elijah Bishop, M.A., M.D. 1823 *1870 *Jonathan Humphrey Bissell “1845 *David Booth, M.A. ì'1884 *Wil/iam Lewis Зажги, M.A. *1856 *Ichabod Bulkley *1837 *Norman Bull, M.A. at1830 *Edward Chapin, M.A. *1868 *Graham Hurd Chapin, M. C. *1843 *David Gardiner Coit *1837 *Joshua Coit *1881 *jonathan Edwards *1875 *George Washington Ewing *1838 *Elnathan Gridley *1827 *Joseph Alston Hill *1835 *Sylvester Hovey, M.A. and Williams 1828, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Williams and Amherst Coll. *1840 *Samuel Dickinson Hubbard, LL.D. Wesleyan 1854, M. C., U. S. Post- master-General *1855 *Asahel Huntington, M.A. *1870 *Robert Kortright, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823, M.A. 1829 *1842 *John Hiram Lathrop, M.A., LL.D. Hamilton 1845, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. also Ethics, Law, Civ. Pol. and Hist. Hamilton Coll., Pres. Univ. Mo.' and Ind. State Univ., Chancellor Univ. Wisc. '1866 *Walter Livingston *1872 *Horatio Miller, M.A. ’1860 *Jeremiah Parkhurst *1843 *Samuel Holden Parsons, also Harv. 1821, М.А. *1871 *fos/ina Payne Payson 4‘1871 *Theodore Woolsey Porter, M.A. *1855 *Edward Henry Purcell *1845 *Freeman Riddell *1826 *john Harleston Rutledge *1822 *George S/zeldon *1873 *JamesMongin Smith, also Coll. N. I. 1819, M.A. ’ *1859 *Pinckney Spring ‘1820 *Maltby Strong, M.D. Bowdoin 1822 *1878 *S/zaa'rac/z Terry *1841 *William Thomas '1836 *William Wolcott Turner, also Coll. N. 1821, М.А., PH.D. National i Deaf-Mute Coll. 1870 *1887 *Henry Dana Artemas Ward, M.A. *1827 *Elias William Williams, M.A. and Harv. 1822 39 *1828 1820 *Leonard Bacon, M.A. ,D.D. Hamilton 1842, LL.D. Harv. 1870, Fellow, Acting Prof. Revealed Theol. , Lect. Church Polity and Amer. Church liist. *A Мстят Baldwin *George Newton Bigelow, M.A. 1824 *Cornelius Robert Bogert, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824 *john Hall Brockway, M. C. *Mason Brown, LL.B. Transylvania 1825, LL.D. Transylv.,]udge Super. *1881 *1826 *1867 *1877 *1870 Court and Secretary Ky. *1867 *JohnMortimer Catlin, M.A. *1881 *Henry Augustus Chesebrough *1886 *John Tucker Collis, M.A. '1870' *Theodore Chapman Cone - *1831 *C/zarles C/zauncey Darling, M.A. *1887 *Francis Bureau Deshon *1825" *Daniel Noble Dewey, M.A. *1859 *James Gilbert Dow *1821 *Garnett Duncan, M.A. Transylvania 1826, LL.D. Transylv., Prof. Law Univ. Louisville, M. C. *1875' *Walter Edwards *1882- *Jared Foot, M.A. *1873 *Horace Foote *1884 *Edward Frost, 1840, M.A. 1840 *1868 *Plzilip Gadsden *1870 *George Calvin Goddard ‘1871 *Charles Hooker, M.D. 1823, Prof. Anat. and Physiol., Dean Med. School *1863* *William Joseph Hubbard. M.A. *1864 *Joseph Hyde ‘1824 *C/zesíer Islaam, M.A. *1825 *Daniel Hedge /o/znson *1852- *Henryfones, M.A. *1878 *Richard Henry Lee *1853 *Edward McCrady *1892 *James McElhenny. M.A. “1843 *Samuel Barnum Mead *1880 *Matthew Eliot Mitchell ~ *1827 *Washington Murray, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824 *Robert Orr *Set/z Birdseye Paddock, M.A. and Trin- *1828 *1830- ity 1846 “1851 *John Parke Custis Peter *1848 *Jeremiah Halsey Pierson *1851 *James Smiley Prather *1860 *Nathaniel А lp/Lezcs Pratt, M.A., D.D. Oglethorpe 1854 ‘1879 *Zaodiel Rogers '1852 *Francis Hager Ruíledge, D.D. Hobart 1844, P. E. Bishop Fla. *1866, 1895] 67 BA CHELORS OE AR TS, 1819—1822 *Peleg Phelps Sanford, M.A. *1871 *George Augustus Shelton *1863 *Elisha Noyes Sill, M.A. *1888 *Samuel Kirhy Sneed *1876 *Stephen ÑVilliam Starkey *1864 *John Montgomery Sterling, M.A. *1880 *Thomas Sill Sterling, M.A. 1831 *1839 *Solomon Stoddard', M.A. and Middle- bury 1838, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. also Greek and Latin Middlebury Coll. '1847 *Edward Pomeroy Terry, M.D. 1823 '1843 *William Watson Tudor *1872 *Alexander Catlin Twining, M.A. and Middlebury 1839, LL. D. 1865, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Mid- dlebury Coll. *1884 *Daniel VanMatre ‘1860 *Gail Fitch Wheeler *1838 *Chauncey'Whittelsey, M.A. *1826 *John Limbrey Wilkins ”1843 *John Payson Williston *1829 *Theodore Bwight Woolsey, M.A., LL. D.Wesleyan 1845 and Harv. 1886, D. D. Harv.1847, Tutor, Prof. Greek, President, Fellow, Lect. Internat. Law, Pres. Amer. Oriental Soc. 58 *1889 1821 *George Eliashih Adams, М.А. 1825, D. D. Bowdoin 1849, Prof. Sacred Lit. Bangor Theol. Sem. *1875 *john RifleyAdams, M.A., D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1864 *1866 *Augustus Alvey Adee, M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824, M.A. 1833 *1844 *Adam Leopold Alexander, M.A.I828 *1882 *Charles Richard Alsop, M.A., ex- ojîcio Fellow ‘1865 *James Anderson *1839 *Charles Atwood, M.A. *1887 *DwightBa/dwin, М.А., M.D. Dartm. 1859 *1886 *David Walker Benjamin Barton, M.A. *1863 *Lemuel Whittelsey Belden, M.A., M.D. 1826 *1839 *A lanson Benedict, M.A. *1833 *William Williams Billings *1887 *Nathaniel Blanchard *1836 *Nathaniel Bouton, M.A., D.D. Dartm. . 1851 *1878 ~ *john Boyd, еда/72:20 Fellow, Secre- tary Conn. *1881 *Joseph Habersham Bradley *1887 *josiah Brewer, М.А., Tutor ’1872 *Waldo Brown, M.A. *1877 *НепгуБа38е11 Bulkley, M.A., M.D. 1830 *1872 *William Case, М.А. ’1858 *Paine Wingate Chase, M.A. ‘1826 *Simeon Chase *1822 *Asa Child *1858 *Peter Fleming Clark, M.A. *1875 *Thomas Winthrop Coit, M.A. 1831, D.D. Columbia 1834, LL.D. Trinity Transylvania Univ., Prof. Eccl. Hist. Trinity Coll. and 1853, Pres. Berkeley Div. School *George Cowles, M.A. *Samuel Hooker Cowles, M.A. *George Fowler Davenport, M.A. *Lucius Campbell Duncan, M.A. *Ornan Eastman, M.A. .*Isaac Esty *joseph Goodrich *Roswell Goodwin *John Goulding, M.D. 1824 *David Greene, M.A. 1825 *john Flat/el Griswold, M.A. *john Anthony Hempsted, M.A. 1834 *Theodore Hinsdale *Enoch Huntington, M.A. Trin. 1846 *A Идет: j udson *Asa Howe King, M.D. Bowd. 1824 *Rodolßhus [шпаг/гит *William Lester, M.A. 1830 *Thomas Parson Little *Flr/Íderick William Lord, M.D. 1828, С *William Budd McCullough *Erastus fida/thy, M.A. *john Mitchell, М.А. *Isaac Rech, M .А. *Henry Bliss Porter, M.D. 1824 *Sanford jacob Ramey, M.A. 1841 *john Richards, D.D. Dartm. 1845 *Loren Rohóins, M.A. 1829 *Charles Robinson, M.A. *Edward Rockwell, M.A. *Israel Gurley Rose, M.A. *Oliver Aóhot Shaw, M.A. *Eli Smith, M.A., D.D. Williams 1850 *john Smith, M.A. *Horatio Nelson Spencer, M.A. 1835 *Joseph Stansbury, M.A. *Edward Augustus Strong, M.A. *Edwin Bulkeley Taintor, M.A. *John Adams Taintor, M.A. *Alfred Terry *Edmund Brooke Vass, M.A. *Henry White, M.A., Tutor *Phineas Bacon Wilcox *Lewis Pugh Williamson 69 1822 *Elijah Murdock Avery *Osmyn Baker, M.A., M. C. *Edward Fort Barnes *Isaac Bartholomew Edward Beecher, M.A., D.D. Marietta 1841, Tutor, Pres. Illinois Coll. *Henry Benedict, М.А. *Judah Lee Bliss, M.D. Berks. Med. Inst. 1825, M.A. 1833 *George Thomas Bowen, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Philos. Univ. Nashville *1866 *1866 *1859 *1866 *1876 *1874 *1842 *1857 *1874 *1880 *1882 *1870 *1862 '1860 ‘1839 *1880 ‘1863 *1865 *1836 *1875 *1825 *1822 *1868 ‘1873 ‘1828 68 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Jonathan Dorr Bradley *Joseph Hungerford Brainerd *joseph Marsh Brewster *Horatio Nelson Brinsmade, M.A., D . D. [Inion 1842 *Asa Butts _ *A lhert Barlow Camp, M.A. *George Carrington, M.A. *Francis Hiram Case, M.A. *Charles Taylor Catlin, M.A. and Columbia 1828 *Sumner Gallup Clapp *Benjamin Billings Coit, M.A., M.D. Jeiferson Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1826 * Walter Colton, M.A. *Sherman Croswell *William Croswell, M.A. Trinity I827, D.D. Trin. 1846 *Simeon Field Dixon, M.A. *Sutherland Douglas, M.A. *Andrew Murdock Fanning *Nathaniel Frederick Felder *Joseph Reed Fowler *James Wrentville Frisbie *Francis Griffin, M.A. *Henry Cyprian Hart, M.D. 1826 *Henry Herrich, M.A. *John Milton Holley, M.A., M. C. *Thomas Gray Hubbard, M.D. 1825 *Thomas Earl Ives *John Reynolds Knox, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1827 *William Lathrop, M.A. *_lohn Stevens Law *William Henry Law *Edward Henry Leñingwell, M.D. 1824, M.A., Prof. Chem., Nat. Hist., and Geol. Univ. Mo., Prof. Chem. and Toxicol. Memphis Med. Coll. *Increase Sumner Lincoln, M.A. *Solomon Lyman *john Maltby, M.A. *Arthur Alexander Morson *Lot Norton, M.A. *Harvey Prindle Peet, M.A., LL.D. Regents Univ. N.Y. State, PH.D. Nat. Deaf-Mute Coll. 1871 *Ithamar Rillshury *Amasa Gaillard Porter *Eli Reed, M.D. Middlebury 1825 *Maro McLean Reed, M.D. Middle- bury 1826 *“7211161 Reynolds *John Riley Richmond *George Burbank Ripley *James Watson Robbins, M.D. 1828, M.A. 1850 *John Arnold Rockwell, M.A., ex- ojjîcio Fellow, M. C. *William Rockwell, M.A., just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *Albert Russell *George Sheaffe *William John Sheaffe *William Sheldon . *Elizur Goodrich Smith, M.A. *1862 *1879 *1833 *1879 *1824 *1866 *1843 *1872 *1870 *1869 *1867 *1851 *1859 *1851 ‘1867 *1831 *1829 *1822 *1861 *1852 *1831 *1895 *1848 *1863 *1843 *1887 *1825 “1877 *1881 *1888 *1890 *1860 *1864 *1880 *1873 *1862 ‘1879 *1827 *1877 *1844 *1830 *1858 *1879 *1861 *1856 *1844 *1836 *1839 *1826 *1873 *Timoth l Stillman, D.D. Yellow Springs (Iowa) Coll. 1857 *1885 *Giles Taintor *1882 *Landon Addison Thomas *1889 *Edward Gardiner Thompson, M.A. *1835 *john Todd, M.A., D.D. Williams 1845 *1873 *Isaac Henry Townsend, M.A., Instr. ' and Prof. Law ’ *1847 * T homasEdward Vermilye, 1867, М.А. 1867 and Union 1828, D.D. Union 1838 and Rutgers 1838, ЬЬ.1).]е1Тег- son (Ра.) 1857 and Columbia 1875 *1893 *jared Bell Waterhury, D.D. Union 1841 *1876 *Thomas T ileston Waterman, M.A. *1873 *Isaac Webb, M.A. 1826, Tutor *1842 *Charles Huntington Weld ‘1871 *Frederick Whittlesey *1854 *William Leeds Wight, M.D. Univ. ЁРа.1825 ` *1873 *William Webb Wilkins *185- *john Worthington Williams *1837 n *Luther Wright, M.A., Tutor, Princi- pal Williston Sem. *1870 *Guilford Dudley Young 77 *1825 1823 *Bela Allen *1870 *George Ashmun, M. C. *1870 *Milton Badger, M.A., D.D. Middle- bury 1844, Tutor *1873 *Martin Bull Bassett, M.A. *1879 *Talcott Bates, M.A. *1832 Samuel Bissell . *George Washington Blagden, M.A. 1843, D.D. Union 1849 and Harv. *1884 1850 *Frederick William Henry Boardman, M.A. *1882 *Edwin Brewer, M.A. ‘1859 *David Buck, M.A. *1875 *Anthony Wayne Butler *1824 *William Douglass Cairns, M.A. *1850 *john Wurts Cloud *1851 *Oliver Coles *1854 *Daniel Crosby, M.A. *1843 *Edward Dickinson, M.A.,LL.D .Am- herst 1863, M. C. *1874 *Richard William Dichinson, М.А., D.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1842 *1874 *John Nicholson Duncan *1841 *Joshua Beal Ferris, esc-officio Fellow *1886 *John Alfred Foot *1891 *Nathan Gallup *1827 *Edward Goodwin *1883 *Frederick William Hamilton *1853 *George Manson Hanners, M.A., M.D. 1827 ' *1884 *Simeon Hart, M.A. *1853 *Robert William Haxall, M.D. Univ, Md. 1826 *1872 *Gordon Hayes *1874 *Samuel Hayes *1866 1895] 69 BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1823—1824 *Whitmill John Hill *Eleazar Holt *Hiram Wildman Husted *Robert Jameson *Edwards Johnson, M.A. *George jones, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Belles-Lettres U. S. Naval Acad. *Thorn Sell Kingsland, M.A.y *David Mack *A lexander I/I/'ashington [тат/За ll, D. D. Middlebury 1851 *Charles Marvin, ex-ojîcio Fellow *Joseph Edward Maxwell *Ebenezer Mead, M.A. *Walter Hanson Jenifer Mitchell, M.A. *Handel беж/10772 Nott, M.A. *Henry Edward Peck *Edward William Peet, M.A., D.D. Kenyon 1859 *Stephen Peet, M.A. *Dudley Phelps, M.A. *Norman Pinney, M.A.,Adjunct Prof. Ancient Lang. Trinity Coll. *LeRoy Pope, M.A. Charles Leven Powell, M.A. 1860 *Edmund Luther Reed *Samuel Нардам: Riedel, M.A. 1868 *Joseph Ripley *Timothy Rogers, M.A. 1827 * udson A doniram Root, M.A. ` ŕIenryAugustus Rowland, M.A. , D.D. Union 1853 *John Denison Russ, M.D. 1825 *Aaron Nichols Skinner, M.A., Tutor, esc-oficio Fellow *Sidney Smith *Charles Stetson, M.A. 1843, M. C. *Ezra Stiles, M.A. *William Starling Sullivant, LL.D. Kenyon 1864, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *William Turner *James DeLancey Verplanck, M.A. *ÑVilliam Gordon Verplanck *Addison Hayes White *Daniel Wordsworth Whiting *joseph l/Vhiting, M.A. 1827, Prof. Ancient Lang. Univ. Mich. *John Wight, M.A. *Horace Wilder, Judge Supr. Court Ohio *Samuel IVIcCu/loch Williamson *Henry Hopkins Woodbridge * Thomas john Young 72 1824 *John Turvill Adams, M.A. Trinity *Hiram Phelps Arms, M.A., D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1864, Fellow *Thomas Belden James Berdan, M.A. *1871 *1835 *1868 *1838 *1873 *1870 *1859 “1878 *1876 *1883 *1886 ‘1848 *1870 *1873 *1858 *1882 *1855 *1849 *1862 “1870 '1855 *1876 *1877 *1829 ”1855 *1859 *1881 *1858 *1883 *1844 *1873 ‘1866 *1881 “1879 “1873 ’1832 ‘1845 '1889 ’1846 *1844 ’1852 ‘1882 '1882 5 ‘1833’ ’1884 *Eliab Brewer *Eliphalet Adams Bulkeley, ex-ojîcio Fellow *Stephen Elisha Burritt *Linus Child - - *Tertius Strong Clarhe, M.A., D.D. Iiannüton 1856 *Richard Ealley Стишата! *Robert Crozier *Edgar Burr Day, M.A. *Jeremiah Townsend Denison, M.A., M.D. 1828 *John Miller Edwards, M.A. *Samuel Hazzleton Fletcher *David Johnson Gardiner, M.A. *George Goodyear, M.A. *James Reeve Gould, M.A. *George Grifñn *George Griswold, M.A., M.D. Coll. ' Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1826 *Willis Hall, Attorney-Gen. N. Y. *A masa Austin Hayes *John Pierpont Herrick, M.D. 1828 *William Moseley Holland, M.A.. Tutor, Prof. Ancient Lang. Trinity Coll. *Austin Osgood Hubbard, M.A. 1831 *Jonathan Trumbull Hudson *William Edward Hulbert, M.A. * ames Il/Iurdoch H untting, M.A. Matthew Ives, M.A. *Ebenezer Jesup, M.A. 1832 *Fredernńc Joseph Judson, hdd). 1820 *Elias Warner Leavenworth, M.A., LL.D. 1881 and Hamilton 1872, Sec- retary N. Y. State, M. C. *Frederick Baldwin Leonard, M.D. 1828 *James Lewis *James Lowrey *Charles Lewis Mills, M.A. *Hamilton Murray, M. A. *George Nichols, M.A. *john Cutler Nichols *Bennett Fairchild ¿Vorthrop *BurrNoyes, M.D.1827, Asst. Chem. *Milton Pardee Orton, M.A. 1829, M.D. 1830 *George William Рифт: *Samuel Perry *Timothy _Stone Pirineo, М.А., M.D. Ohio Med. Coll. 1843 *Dennis Platt, M.A. Hamilton 1844 *Stephen Reed, M.A. *William Hayden Rockwell, M.A. Trinity 1829, M.D. 1831 *Mason Fitch Sanford, M.D. 1827 *Origen Storrs Seymour, M.A. , LL.D. 1873 and Trinity 1866, M. C., Judge Super. Court and Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn., Lect. Judic. Proced. and Practice *Justus Sherwood, M.A., M.D. 1827 *Moses Aaron Sherwood *Charles Denison Shoemaker “1829 *1872 “1870 ‘1848 *1842 *1858 *1852 ‘1845 *1882 *1855 *1861 *1862 *1887 *1872 *1830 *1875 “1845 ’1866 *1841 *1868 *1830 ‘1881 ‘1878 ’1848 *1863 70 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Jabez Brooks Hubbard, M.A. ‘1856 Benjamin Douglas Silliman, M.A., *Oliver Ellsworth Huntington, M.A. *1877 LL.D. 1874 and Columbia 1873, *Nathan Beers Ives, M.A. and M.D. Asst. Chem. 1828, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1869 *Ashbel Smith, M.A., M.D. 1828, Тех. *Lorenzo James, M.A. *1888 Minister Engl. and France, Secre­ *Algernon Sidney Kennedy, M.A. *1841 tary Tex. *1886 *William McCrackan Lathrop, M.A. *1876 *T тиф/251253 Smith, M.A., Tutor, Fe1~ *Sanford Lawton ' *1882 low *1853 *Charles Octavius Livingston, M.A., *joseph Heister Spayd ‘1865 M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829 *1832 *Henry Daniel-Sterling *1830 *John Bayly McDowell, M.D. Univ. *Alvan Talcott, M.A., M.D. 1831 *1891 Md. 1828 ` *1868 *joel _Talcott *1871 * ohn Charles March, M.A. *1846 *William Heyward Trapier *1872 Samuel Augustus Maverick ‘1870 *Selah Burr Treat ‘ '1877 *Zaehariah Mead, M.A. “1840 *William Patterson VanRensselaer, William Henry Mills M.A. ' ‘1872 *joseph Нити—2! Nichols, M.A. and *William VanWyck, M.A. ‘1867 Trinity 1851, Prof. Rhet. and Engl. *Charles Walker *1855 Lit. Racine Coll. *1862 *Spencer Whiting, M.D. Middlebury *Simeon North, 'M.A., LL.D. W. Re- 1826 *1827 serve 1842, D.D. Wesleyan 1849, *Chauneey Wilcox, M.A. *1852 Tutor, Prof. Ancient Lang. and *Dexter Witter 68 *1884 Pres. Hamilton Coll. *1884 *Ebenezer Parker, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1829 *1833 *Benjamin Perkins *1868 1825 *William Thompson Peters, M.D. 1830*1885 *Amos Pettingell, M.A., Tutor *1831 *Elisha Smith Abernethy, M.A. '1869 *William Smith Porter, M.A. *1866 ' *John Jay Abernethy, M.A., M.D. *Edward Elliot Pynchon, M.A. *1868 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1828 “1879 *Henry Augustus Raymond *1878 *Ripley Perkins Adams, 1837, M.A. *JWoses Raymond, 1826, M.A. *1875 1837 *1870 *Samuel Rothwell, M.A., вас-атак) Fel- * ason Atwater, M.A. *1860 low *1880 Josiah Barnes, M.A. , M.D. Univ. Pa. * Thomas Зажгите Saz/age, M.A., 1829 *1871 M.D. 1833, D.D. Delaware 1876 *1880 *William Gelston Bates, M.A. *1880 *Isaac Gurdon Seymour *1862 *Joshua Belden, M.A. ‘1870 *Charles Bowler Sherman *1868 *Lorenzo ТЬотрзопЬ’еппег‘г‚М.А. 1831, *Thomas Slidell, Chief Just. Supr. D.D. Trinity 1866 ”1889 Court La. *1864 *Chester Birge, M.A. *1861 *Richard Smith, M.A. *1878 *William Bliss, M.A. *1886 *john Starhweather ‘1865 *Thomas Hinckley Bond, M.A. *1882 *John Adams Taft *1832 *EhenezerEoyden, М.А. *1891 *George fefrey ТЕХ/023072, М.А. 1830, *William Brooks Bristol *1876 Fellow *1888 *John Simpkins Butler, M.A., M. D. *Stephen Торгаш: М.А. *1875 Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1828 ‘1890 * William Twining, М.А., Prof. Math., *Eber Carpenter, M.A. *1867 Nat. Philos., and Astron. Wabash *Abijah Catlin, M.A., вас-чтем Fellow *1891 Coll. *18 84 *Ahner Pomeroy Clarh *1835 *Edward [год/(111 Tyler А *1848 *Daniel Tyler Coit,M.A., M.D.]effer- *Isaac Moreau Ward, M.D. Geneva son Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1828 ‘1880 Med. Coll. 1828, М.А. 1831, Prof. *Isaac Dubose ‘1832 Obstetrics and Med. Jurisprud. Pa. *Alexander Duncan, M.A. and Brown and N. Y. Homoeop. Med. Coll. *1895 1843 '1889 *Chester White *1868 *Joseph Ellsworth *1860 *Williams Howe Whittemore, M.A. *1885 *Charles Ely, 1867, M.A. 1867 *1883 *joseph Whittlesey, M.A. *1887 *William Bennett Fleming, 1829‚М.А. Stillman King Wightman, выдало 1837, Judge Super. Court Ga., M.C. *1886 Fellow *Seabury Ford, Gov. Ohio *1855 *Stephen Clay Williams, M.A. *1887 *William Fuller, M.A. *1881 *Huhhard Winslow, M.A., D.D. Ham- *William Mayo Fulton, M.A. ’1853 ilton 1858 *1864 *William Rutherford Hayes *1852 *George Catlin Woodruff, M.A., M. C. *1885 *Worthington Hooker, M.A., M.D. 7I Harv. 1829, Prof. Med. Theory and Practice *1867 1895] 71 EACHELORS OE ARTS, 1825—1826 1826 *John Glover Adams, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1830 *1884 *Moses Atwater *1864 *Eldad Байт, М.А. *1871 *James Maxwell Barker, M.A. *1882 *Elijah Porter Barrows, M.A., D.D. Dartm. 1858, Prof. Sacred Lit. W. Reserve Coll. and Andover Theol. Sem., Prof. Hebrew Oberlin Coll. *1888 *Isaac Closson Beach ‘1873 *Henry Curtiss Beardslee, M.D. 1829 *1884 *Ebenezer Huggins Bishop, M.D. 1829 “1890 *A mos Elanchard, M.A.,D.D. Williams 1852, Tutor *1870 *William Henry Bogart *1836 *Frederick Bridgman, M.D.Harv. 1830 *1850 *jesse Bronson, M.D. 1829 ”1831 *Thaddeus Brown, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1830 *1839 *William Peter Buel, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1830 *1888 *Edward Coleman Bull, M.A. *1894 *James Fitch Bunnell *1874 *William Porter Burrall *1874 *james Dyer Chapman, M.A. *1854 *Ebenezer Church *1833 *Edwin Eleazar Clark *1873 *Reuben Holmes Close, M.A. *1891 *Josiah Collins, M.A. *1863 *Frederick Tyler Cone *1834 *Jefferson Cooley *1840 *Elijah Cowles, M.A. 859 *I *Henry Cowles, D.D. Hillsdale (Mich.) 1863, Prof. Ancient Lang. also Есс1. Hist. also Sacred Lit. Oberlin Coll. *1881 *fohn Phelps Cowles, M.A., Prof. Sa- cred Lit. Oberlin Coll. ‘1890 *Eliezer Crane ‘1860 *Sylvester Dana, M.A. 1838 “1882 *Sherman Day, M.A., Prof. Mine Con- struct. and Surv. Coll. Cal. *1884 *Richard DeCharms *1864 *John DeForest, M.D. 1829 “1885 *Zina Denison *1852 * ames Taylor Dichinson, M.A. *1884 William Courtland Dwight *1851 *William White Dwight, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1830 *1861 *Winthrop Earle *1828 *James Cogswell Fisher, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1831, Prof. Chem. and Mineral. Univ. City N. Y. *1880 *Charles Bezaleel Fisk ‘1866 * ames Hanmer Francis ’1863 Sidney Smith Franklin *1886 *Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Gale *1838 *Samuel Gaylord *1826 *Arad Gilbert, M.A. *1886 *Charles Goddard, M.A. *1883 *Horatio Nelson Graves, M.A. ’1852 *James Burr Griswold *1829 *David Adams Grosvenor '1866 *Selden Haines, D.D. Maryville 1872 *1886 * William Harlow *1893 *Samuel Hassard *1847 *Alexander Thomas Hawkins, M.A. *Henry Zachariah Hayner, Chief Just. Supr. Court Minn. Territory *Reuben Hitchcock *Asa Theodore Барит, М.А. 1834, “1874 *1883 D.D. Hamilton 1847 *1847 *Stephen Hubbell, М.А. *1884 *Everton fudson, M.A. *1848 *William Augustus [аи/пес], М.А., Tutor, Prof. Rhet. and Engl. Lit. *1862 *John Riley Lee, M.D. 1829 *jared Linsly, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1829 *1887 *Thomas Griswold Mather, M.A. *1891 *William May, M.D. Berkshire Med. *1884 Inst. 1829 *1865 *Stephen Walbridge Meech *1857 *Asahel Phelps Mills *1826 *Sidney Mills *1874 *Allen Clay .ll/[organ *1838 *Cincinnatus Newton *1886 *William Otis Norcross *1863 *james Creighton Odiorne, also Harv. 1827, M.A. and King’s Coll. (Nova Scotia) 1873 *1879 *Aurelius Dwight Parker *1875 *Edward Waring Parker *1873 *William Parmelee ’1856 *Hugh Peters *1831 *Amos Augustus Phelps, M.A. *1847 *Isaac Gleason Porter, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1833, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Mark Pratt, M.D. 1831 *William Preston, M.A. Trinity 1855, *1892 D.D. Kenyon 1860 *1875 *George James Pumpelly, M.A. *1873 *Charles Marsh Putnam *1870 *Robert Gozman Rankin, M.A. 1830 *1878 *Thomas Ritter, M.A., M.D. 1829 *1876 *William Robinson, M.A. 1842 *1856 *Charles Rothwell, M.A. *1882 *Julius Rockwell, M.A., M. C., U. S. Senator, just. Super. Court Mass. *William Frederick Rowland *Alden Scor/el, M.A. *David Lowrey Seymour, M.A., LL.D. Hamilton 1866, Tutor, M. C. * ames Allwood Smith, M.A. James Malcolm Smith, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1832 *Thomas Lee Smith, M.D. Coll. Phys. *1888 *1849 *1887 *1867 ‘1882 *1848 and Surg. N. Y. 1834 '1862 *William Smith ‘1829 *John Wright Stanley ’183- *Harlow Lowndes Street *1835 *Ephraim Tanner Sturtevant *1881 *julian Il/Ionson Sturtez/ant, M.A. , D. D. Univ. Mo. 1848, LL.D. Iowa Coll. 1871, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. also Mental and Polit. Sci. and Pres. Illinois Coll. *Andrew Thompson *1886 *1871 72 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 l*Philip Stephen VanRensselaer, M.A. 1830 *1871 * Wyllys Warner, M.A., Tutor, Treas- urer, Secretary *1869 *Elizur Timothy Washburn, M.A. *1831 *Richard Salter Williams, 1844, М.А. 1844 *1854 *Elizur Wright, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. W. Reserve Coll. Ior *1885 1827 *William Adams, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1842, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1869. Prof. Sacred Rhet. and Pres. Union Theol. Sem. *1880 *Alldis Samuel Allen, M.D. 1830 *1833 *William Atwater *1877 *joseph Bloom yield Baldwin, M.A. *1886 *Theron Baldwin, M.A. 1831, D.D. Marietta 1862 *1870 *Nelson Beardsley, M.A. *1894 * Walter Hilliard Bidwell *1881 *Virgil Dryden Bonesteel, M.A. *1865 *George Brinkerhoff *1846 *Albert Gallatin Bristol, M.D. 1830 *1873 *Horace Bushnell, M.A., D.D. Wesl. 1842 and Harv. 1852, LL.D. 1871, Tutor *1876 *john Marshall Clagett *1830 *joseph Platt Cooke, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1833 *1835 *Adam Tunno Cox *Zebulon Стада”, М.А. *1847 *Joseph Cushing, M.A. *1879 *james Darrach *1889 *Samuel Sherwood Day, M.A. *1885 *George Edwin решит, М.А. 183! *1861 *Ebenezer Denison *1869 *Allen Monroe Бетон *1838 *John Dickinson *1860 *Henry Durant, M.A., LL.D. Roches- ter Univ. 1871, Tutor, Prof. Greek California Coll., Pres. Univ. Cal. *Timothy Edwards Dwight *Henry Pierrepont Edwards, Just. *1875 *1833 Supr. Court N.Y. State *1855 *Stiles French *1881 *Joseph Henry Gallup *1861 *Maltby Gelston, M.A. *1893 *William Gere, M.A. *George Gould, ~lust. Supr. Court N. Y. State *1868 *Charles Payson Grosvenor ‘1893 *JlIason Grosvenor,M.A.,D.D. Ill.Coll. 1877, Prof. Moral Philos. Ill. Coll. *1886 *Charles Griswold Gurley '1828 *Albert Hale, M.A. ‘1891 *Robert Alexander Hallam, M.A. and Trinity 1845, D.D. Trin. 1853 *Philip Rogers Hoffman, M.A., M.D. Univ. Md. 183I *Henry Hogeboom, M.A., Rutgers 1870, Just. Supr. N. Y. State *1877 *1873 LI„I). Court *1872 ­ 1859 *Elijah Nickerson Train, M.A. *Richard Hoo/eer *1857 *John Loomis Howard *1830 *Samuel Howe, M.A. *1874 *William Wilson Hudson, 1830, М.А., Prof. Math. Univ. Ala., Prof. Math., Physics, and Astron. also Pres. Univ. Mo. +1859 *George Huntington *1828 *Sidney Law Johnson, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Law Univ. La. *1887 * William Kirby, M.A. *1851 *Samuel Lee, M.A. *1881 Anson Little *Robert McEwen, M.A., D.D. Amherst 1858` Tutor *1883 John Blair McPhail, M.A. *William Edward Mead *1834 *David Jackman Merrill, M.A. 1866 *1891 *Timothy Taylor Merwin, M.A. *1885 *Frederick Ira Mills *1830 *Silas Mix, M.A. *1882 *Roger Sherman Moore, M.A. *1893 *William Bowditch Oaks, M.A. 1831 *1841 *Charles Tarbell Parker '1833 *George Gilbert Parker *1852 *Charles Cooke Parmelee *1882 Alfred James Perkins *john McCurdy Strong Perry, M.A. *1838 *Charles Milton Pope, M.A. *1849 *Robert Kerr Richards, M.A. ’1874 *Stephen Thomas Robinson, M.A. *1884 *Alanson Saunders, M.A. T1853 *Charles Grandison Задаю/ё, М.А. 1836 1e1884 *Forrest Shepherd, also Dartm. 1827, М.А. W. Reserve 1848, Prof. Econ. Geol. and Agric. Chem. W. Reserve Coll. *Ephraim Simonds, M.A., Prof. Greek *1888 and Latin Transylvania Univ. *184— *Ralph Dunning Smyth *1874 *john Bethune Staples *1884 joseph Hardy Towne, D.D. Marietta *1838 *Asa Turner, M.A. *1885 *Cortlandt VanRensselaer, M.A., D.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1845 *1860 *Willard Henry Walker, M.A. *1836 *Charles Walsh *1828 *William Henry Welch, Chief ­lust. Supr. Court Minn. Territory *1862 * William W hittlesey *1890 *Simon Alexander Wickes, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1831 *1834 *John Stoddard Williams *1848 *Nathaniel Parker Willis 80 *1867 1828 Thomas Gold Alvord, Lieut-Gov. N. Y. State *Ebenezer White Arms, M.A. *Erederich Augustus Porter Barnard, M.A., LL.D. 1859 and Jeff. (Miss.) *1877 1895] BACHELORS OE ARTS, 1827—1829 73 Coll. 1855, D.D. Univ. Miss. 1861, *james DavisLewis *1854 L.H.D. Regents Univ. N. Y. State *john Nitchie Lewis, M.A. *ISÓI 1872,D.C.L. King’s Coll.(Nov.Scot.) *Thomas Oliver Lincoln, M.A., D.D. 1887, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Colgate Univ. 1856 *1877 Philos. also Chem. Univ. Ala., Prof. Math. and Astron. and Pres. and Chancellor Univ. Miss., Pres. Columbia Coll., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1889 *Romulus Barnes *1846 *David Ely Bartlett, M.A. *1879 *Elavel Bascom, M.A., D.D. Beloit 1869, Tutor *1890 *Sheldon Beardsley, M.A., M.D. 1831 *1872 *Levi Swift Beebee, M.A. ‘1863 *George Beecher *1843 *Horace Binney, M.A. *1870 *Alfred Blackman *1880 *George Frederick Bull * William Bushnell, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1855 *1879 *Benjamin Silas Bynum ‘1830 *Walter Carpenter *1830 *William Carter, M.A., Tutor 4'187t *joel Titus Case, M.A. 1854 *1868 *Edward William Casey, M.A. *1872 *Erederich William Chapman, M.A. *1876 *Charles Chauncey *1831 *Gurdon Saltonstall Coit, M.A., D.D. Trinity 1853 *1869 *Orson Cowles, M.A. '1860 *Rodney Curtis ‘1829 *Oliver Ellsworth Daggett, M.A.,D. D., Hamilton 1853, Chittenden Prof. Divinity, Fellow *Henry Noble Day, M.A., LL.D. Iowa State Univ. I877, Tutor, Prof. Sacred Rhet. also Past. Theol. W. Reserve *1880 Coll. *1890 *Peter Cornelius DeWint *183r *George Henry Douglas, M.A. 1835 *1837 *David Robinson Downer *1841 *john Ershine Edwards di£873. *Tryon Edwards, M.A., D.D. Wabash 1848 *1894 *Sherman Finch *1873 *Lemuel Foster *1872 *Thomas Emlen Franklin, LL.D. Franklin and Marshall 1874, Attor- ney-Gen. Pa. *1884 *Henry Gleason, M.A. 1832 *1839 *Levi Hart Goddard, M.A. *1862 *Thomas Hutson Gregorie, M.D. S.C. Med. Coll. 183i *1886 *George Brice Hotïman *1879 *Hiram Holcomb *1840 *Platt Tyler Holley, M.A. ‘|889 *William Warner Hoppin, M.A., Gov. R. I. *1890 oliver Payson Hubbard, M.A. and Dartm. 1873, M.D. S.C. Med. Coll. 1837, LL.D. Hamilton I8ôt, Asst. Chem., Prof. Chem., Mineral., and Geol. Dartm. Coll. *Peter Lanman Huntington *Joseph Jenkins *Edward Henry Carroll Long, M. C. *1865 *James Chaíiee Loomis, ex-ojício Fel- low *1877 *Joseph Lyman *1882 *Charles McDermott ’1884 *Darius Mead, M.A. *1885 *Miles Tomlinson Merwin *1865 *Volney Metcalf, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1831 *1852 *Christopher Morgan, M. C., Secretary N. Y. State *1877 *Alfred Newton, M.A., D.D. Hamilt. 1861, Tutor *r878 *Alexander Youngs Nicoll,M.D. N.Y. ‘1839 *Samuel Chandler Paine, M.D. 1831 *1888 *Ezra Palmer, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1831 *1878 *John Cleveland Palmer, M.A. *1873 *John Otis Payson *1830 *Silas May Penniman *1832 *George Perkins *1874 *Frederick Adolpus Porcher, Prof. Belles Lettres and Hist. Charleston Coll. i'1888 *Francis Porter *1829 *Thomas Robinson *1853 *Aristides Spy/eer Smith, M.A. Univ. Ala. 1847, D.D. Univ. N. C. 1879 ”1892 *Horatio Nelson Smith, M.A. *1854 *Edwin Stevens, M.A., Tutor *1837 *George Washington Strong ‘1829 William Strong, M.A., LL.D. 1870 and Lafayette 1867 and Coll. N. J. 1870, M. C., Just. Supr. Court Pa. and U. S. *Isaac William Stuart, M.A., Prof. Greek and Latin S. C. Coll., ex-ojïcio Fellow 4'1861 *Pitch Waterman Taylor, М.А. ‘1865 *Robert Tolefree, M.A. 1832, Prof. Nat. Science Randolph-Macon Coll. and Mercer Univ. (Ga.) *Henry Abraham Tomlinson, M.D. *1850 1832 o *Daniel Jenkins Townsend, M.D. S. C. Med. Coll. 1831 *1885 *John VanBuren, Attorney-Gen. N. Y. ‘1866 *Coburn Whitehead, also Univ. Pa. 1825, М.А. and M.D. Univ. Pa. 1831 *1858 *Robert Hammett Wickham, M.A. *1837 *Sidney Brainerd Willey, M.D. 1831 *1853 *William Wolcott, M.A. *1877 *Horace твоей/ад: М.А. *1858 *Henry A {Ат Worcester 82 *1841 1829 *George Henry A pthorp, M.A. e‘184.4 * William Perhins A pthorp, M.A. ’1883 *Oliver Baker ’1834 * ohn Abeel Baldwin ’1886 "Charles Jacob Baltzell ‘1849 74 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Silas Dillings, M.A. *1881 *Henry Augustus Boardman, M.A., D.D. Marshall Coll. 1844 *1880 *John Francis Boardman, M.D. Jeffer- son Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1836 “1847 *Thomas Bronson *1851 *Bernard Moore Carter *1878 *Fairfax Catlett .*1843 *John Barker Church *1875 ч *William Frederick Clemson *1879 *Mason Fitch Cogswell, M.D. Coll. ' Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833 *1865 *Melancthon Howe Colton *1886 *Albert Sinclair Cowles *1857 *Thomas Cowles ‘1884 Leman Woodward Cutler, eac-officio Fellow *Robert Dixon *185- *Asa Drury, M.A., Prof. Greek and Lat. Cincinn. Coll. *1870 *Aaron Hardy Dutch *1830 *Warren Затих Dutton, D.D. Union 1857 *1874 *Benjamin Edwards (post ooit.) *1829 *josef/z Eldridge, D.D. Marietta 1856, Fellow *1875 *Joseph Merrick Ely­ *1873 *William Lord Fisk, M.D. 1833 *1834 *Stephen G. Galatti, B.C.L. Univ. Paris 1833 *1876 *Edwin Randolph Gilbert, М.А.1869, Fellow ‘ *1874 *Matthew ­lames Gilbert *1848 *Francis Gil-lette, U. S. Senator *1879 *Leverett Griggs, M.A.,D.D. 1868,Tutor*1883 *Richard Sill Griswold, M.A. 1833 *1849 *George Edward Hand, M.A. *1889 *Asa Josiah Hinckley *1850 *John Mills Hubbard, M.A. *Thomas Robinson Hubbard, M.A. *1885 *George Jones, M.A. *Philip Platt Kissam, M.A., M.D.1832 *1891 *George jones Kollock, M.A. *1894 *fo/zn Francis Доживет, М.А. 1834 *1867 *John Lathrop *1870 *Charles Augustus Lewis *1883 *George Richards Lewis *1853 *fames Woods McLane, M.A. 1833, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1852 *1864 *William John Mastin, M.A. *1845 *George Salmon Meredith *1843 *Robert Alexander Nicoll, M.A. *1887 *William Henry Norris *1890 *William Norton, M.A. 1870 *1885 *Amos Allison Pettengill *1882 Samuel Porter, M.A. 1833, Prof. Men- tal Sci. and Engl. Philol. Nat. Deaf- Mute Coll. *Constantine Theodore Ralli, B.C.L. Univ. Paris *188- *julius Alexander Reed, D.D. Iowa Coll. 1889 *1890 *Tapping Burr Reeve (post ooit.) *1829 *john Brownlee Robertson, M.D. Charleston Med. Coll. 1831, М.А. Trinity 1852, Secretary Conn. *1892 *Alexander Charles Robinson, M.D. Univ. Md. *1871 *Charles Drake Robinson _ *1893 *C/zarles William Rogers, M.A. *1861 *William Horsey Rogers *Nicholas Harleston Rutledge *1836 *David Sanford *1866 *Henry Sherman, M.A. and Trin. 1850 *1879 *William Bonney Sherwood, M.A. *1845 *James Hamilton Shorter, M.A. 1833, Chief Just. Supr. Court Territ. N. Mex. *1846 *Thomas Adam Spence, M. C., Attor- ney»Gen. Md. ' *1877 *George Champlin Tenney, M.A. *1880 George T /zomson Todd *josef/z Dennie Tyler, M.A. 1833 *1852 *Daniel Ullmann, LL.D. Colgate 1861 *1892 *Alfred Washington VanDyke *1831 *Henry Augustus Walker *1854 *Asa Holman Waters *1887 William Watson *Nathaniel Wells, M.D. S. C. Med. Coll. *1864 Francis Whiting *Sidney Phoenix Williams, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833 *1845 *James Wood . 77 *1831 1830 *John George Anderson *1858 *john Whiting Andrews, M.A., LL.D. Kenyon 1877 *1893 James Archer, M.A. 1834 *James Root Averill *1875 *Daniel Dudley Avery, M.A. 1841 *1879 *fo/zn C/zester Bac/eas, D.D. Hanover (Ind.) 1848, LL.D. Coll. N. I. 1875 *1884 *William Nelson Baker, M.A., M.D. Univ. Md., Prof. Anat. Univ. Md. *1841 George Goddard Barclay, M.A. Henry Barnard, M.A., LL.D. 1852 and Union 1852 and Harv. 1853, L.H.D. Columbia 1887, Chancellor Univ. Wisc., Pres. St. John’s Coll. (Мс1.)‚ U. S. Commr. Educ. *Alexander Hamilton Bis/iop, M.A. *18 54 *John Burke Bispham, M.A. *1852 *Samuel Barr Sherwood Bissell *1894 *Timot/zy Green Brainerd, M.A. *1894 *Thomas Legarê Burden, M.A. 1840 *1854 *Norman William Henderson Butler *1886 *Edward Church *1832 *George Rush Clarke, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1833 *Robert Clarke *1860 *David Close Сетное/г, М.А., Tutor *1887 *William Russell Cone *1890 james Radcliffe Davenport, M.A., D.D. Columbia 1878, Tutor *Samuel Worthington Dorsey *1875 *Richard Griswold Drake *18 58 1895] BA CHELORS 0F ARTS, 1830-1831 75 * oshua T rowhridve Eaton *1888 *{Лйчег EllsworthÓ *1841 1831 * oseph Emerson *1885 *James Hopkins Adams, Gov. S. C. *1861 *William Henry Melvin Fanshaw *1833 *James Uriah Adams *Pantoleon G. Galatti William Watson Andrews, M.A. 1845 *john Montgomery Gordon *1884 *john GuestAtteróury, М.А. 1843,D.D. *Elijah Phelps Grant, М.А. *1874 Marietta 1863 *1887 *David Greig '1847 *Lyman [Юге/идём" Atwater, M.A., D.D. *Eli Hall, M.A., M.D. 1835 *1880 Coll. N. I. 1851, LL.D. 1873, Tutor, *Edward Hammond, M. C., Judge Prof. Metaphysics, Moral Philos., Circuit Court Md. *1882 *Frederick Augustus Hanford, M.A. *1846 *Thomas Archer Hays *1868 *David Jackson Hillard ‘1846 *Alfred Hough, M.A. l"1839 *Melancthon Hoyt, M.A. 1836 *1888 *Edward Barker Jones, M.A. *1848 *james Knox, LL.D. Hamilton 1862, М.С. *1876 *Benjamin Lockwood *1880 *Elias Loomis, M.A., LL.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1854, Tutor, Prof. Math., Nat. Philos., and Astron. W. Reserve Coll. and Univ. City N. Y., Prof. Nat. Philos. Coll. N. j., Munson Prof. Nat. Philos. and Astron., Mem- ber Nat. Acad. Sci., Royal Irish Acad., Royal Meteorol. Soc. (Lond), and Soc. Meteorol. Ital. *1889 *Enoch Mead, M.A. 1870 *1892 *William Ridgley Morris *1889 *John Rogers Murray, M.A. *1881 *Lorenzo Neeley *1862 *Benjamin Duflield Neill, M.A., M.D. _ Univ. Pa. 1833 *1872 *William Whiting Newell, M.A. 1840, D.D. Hamilton 1859 *1891 *Abraham Pratt Nott *1835 *Ray Palmer, M.A.,D.D. Union 1852 *1887 *Charles Hays Patton *1866 *Alfred Elijah Perkins, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1833, М.А. 1834 *1834 *Charles Floyer Pond *1867 *Pandias Theodore Ralli 1882 *Edmund Smith Rhett *1863 *Joseph Wayne Saunders *1837 *Marius Schoonmaker, M.A. 1840, M. C. *1894 *Charles Elliott Scoville, M.A. *1859 *John Cotton Smith, M.A., U.S. Min- ister Resid. Bolivia *1879 *Anthony Dumond Stanley, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Math. *1853 *William Morrison Tallman, M.A. *1878 *Albert Thompson *183— *Henry Turner, M.A. *1857 *Richard Athil Udall, M.A. *1883 * William Bouton lVeed ‘1860 *Thomas Norton YVelles *1855 *Henry Whitney, M.A. *1856 Henry Rogers Winthrop, MLA. *Lewis Bartholomew Woodruff, M.A., LL.D. Columbia 1860, Just. Super. Court N. Y. City and Court Appeals N. Y. State and U. S. Circuit Court 69 *1875 and Polit. Sci. Coll. N. *1883 *Pierre Teller Bahóit, M.A. Trinity 1849, D.D. Hobart 1868 *1881 *David Francis Bacon, M.D. 1836 *1865 *Otis Baker *1834 *David Nelson Bliss *1841 *James McHenry Boyd *1847 *Alvin Chase Bradley *1881 *William james Breed, M.A. 1850 ‘1869 *Henry Bates Camp, M.A. 1855 ”1880 *George Champion *1841 *Orlando Chester *1840 *John Milton Clapp *1857 *Samuel White Clark, M.A. 1839 Thomas March Clark, M.A. Trinity 1851, D.D. Union 1851 and Brown 1860, LL.D. Cambr. 1868, P.E. Bish- op R. I. . *William Ward Cutler, M.D. Harv. 1838 *1870 *George Frederick DeForest *1883 *Samuel Southmayd DeForest *1838 *William Brintnall DeForest, M.D. 1840 *1887 *Thomas Douglass, M.A. 1842 *1895 *Thomas Lawrence Evans, 1832 *1844 *James Richard F ayerweather *1877 *Lewis Foster *1839 * ames Henry Bowles, M.A. 1838 *1854 'Dar/id Short Goodloe *1859 *Wellington Gordon, M.A. 1869 *1888 *Ninian Edwards Gray, M.A., LL.B. Transylvania Univ. 1833 *1859 *Junius Hall, M.A. *18st *Hugh Thompson Harrison, M.A. 1839 *1872 зуд/т Clark Hart *1871 Jansen Hasbrouck, M.A. ‘1891 *George Payne Holeman, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1835, М.А. 1841 *1891 *Seth Craige Huston, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1835 ‚ *1867 ­*Edward Ingersoll, M.A. Trinity 1834, D.D. Hobart 1856 ‘1883 *Elisha Cowles jones, M.A., Tutor, Fellow ‘1872 *Samuel Beachjones, D.D.,N. 1851 ‘1883 *William Hemphill Jones, M.A., Secr. Delaware *David Plant Judson *William Ingraham Kip, M.A. and Trinity 1846, D.D. Columbia 1847, ’1880 ’1869 LL.D. 1872, Р. Е. Bishop Cal. *1893 Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth, М.А., Tutor *Ebenezer Learned, M.A. ’1887 *Isaac Stockton Keith Дедам", М. А. "1838 i'187.4 76 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 * W {Мат Beale Lewis *1849 *Rufus Allen Lockwood *1836 joseph Selden Lord *Hector McNeill *Seagrove William Magill, D.D. Mid- dlebury 1875 *1884 *John Line Mayer, M.A. 1839 *1874 Milo North Miles *Thomas Nicholson Morgan ‘1844 *Staats Smith Morris *1888 *Chester Newell ‘1892 *Peter Barker, M.D. 1834, М.А. 1858, U. S. Commissioner China *1888 *Francis Vergnies Bike *1843 *Trusten Polk, M.A. 1845, Gov. Mo., U. S. Senator *1876 . *Noah Porter, M.A., D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1858, LL.D. W. Reserve 1870 and Trinity 1871 апс1 Edinb. 1886, Tutor, Clark Prof. Moral Philos. and Metaphys., President *1892 *John McPherson Pringle *1837 *William Francis Quenichet, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1835 *1835 *Luzerne Rae, M.A. ‘1854 *Hezekiah Gold Rogers, M.A. 1850 *1882 James Hervey Sanford, M.A. *Rollin Sanford *1879 *Ephraim Dod Saunders, M.A. 1841, D.D. Lafayette *1872 *Thomas Seddon (post obit.) ’1831 *Alexander joseph Sessions, M.A. 1845 *1892 Dwight III. Seward, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1862 *jonathan Stoddard *William Hughes Stokes, M.D. Univ. Md. 1834, М.А. 1845, Prof. Obstetr. and Diseases Women and Children Wash. Univ. (Md.) *1893 *Newton Deming Strong, M.A., Tutor *1866 *James Clark Stuart, M.D. Berkshire Med. Inst. 1837 *1870 *Alexander Baldwin Thompson *1859 *John Augustus Totten, M.A., M.D. 1835 *1862 *Edward Waln, M.A. *1887 *Horace Bush Webster, M.A. *1843 *Alpheus Starkey Williams, M.A., U. S. Minister Resid. S. Salvador, *1855 М. С. “1878 *Edward Winthrop, M.A., Prof. Sa- cred Lit. Ky. Episc. Theol. Sem. *1865 *William Edgar Withrow, M.A. 1855 *1886 *Augustus Wynkoop 81 *1862 1832 Henry Wilson Archer, 1879, also Union 1831, М.А. 1879 * William Warner Backus *1892 *Samuel George Baker, M.A., M.D. Univ. Md. 1835, Prof. Materia Med- ica and Therapeut. Univ. Md. *john Bowers '1841 *1863 Seth Collins Brace, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Math. Delaware Coll. *Samuel Rohóins Brown, M.A., D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1867 *Henry Thorp Bulkley, 1879,I also Rut- *1880 gers 1832, M.A. 1879 *1881 *James Madison Bunker, LL.B. Harv. 1835 ­ *1873 *Allen Taylor Caperton, U. S. Sen. *1876 *Edward Carrington, 1879, also Mid- dlebury 1832, M.A. 1879 *1891 james Harrison Carruth, M.A. 1852 Cassius Marcellus Clay, LL.D. Tran- sylvania Univ., U. S. Minister Plenip. Russia *Edward Cleveland, M.A. *1886 *Erastus Colton, M.A. *1892 ïjohn Owen Colton, M.A., Tutor *1840 Henry Alfred DeForest, M.A., M.D. 1835 *1858 *A masa Dewey *1840 *Charles Dickson, M.A. *1881 *Edward Osborn Dunning, M.A. *1874 *John ~Iacob Astor Ebbetts 'ISÓI *Henry Eddy, M.A., M.D. 1851 ë1872 George William Edwards *Frederick Steinman Ernst *1854 *John Jay Evarts *1833 *Benjamin Francis Farley *1892 *Richard Simpson Fellowes, M.A. and Brown 1.837 *1884 *William Cullen Foote, M.A. 1840 *1888 *William Frazier, 1879, LL.B. Univ. Va. 1834, М.А. 1879 *1885 *James Edwards Frisby *1838 *Horace Bunch Gould, 1880, М.А. 1880 *1881 Alfred Hebard *Henry Lawrence Hitchcock, D.D. Wil- liams 1855, President and Prof. Theol. W. Reserve Coll. ë1873 *john Francis Hof, 1879, also Univ. Pa. 1_833, M.A. 1879, D.D. William and Mary 1870 Samuel Miles Hopkins, 1835, also Arn- herst 1832, M.A., D.D. Amherst 1854 and Union 1858, Prof. Eccl. Hist. Auburn Theol. Sem. William jones Hoppin, 1879, also Middlebury 1832, LL.B. Harv. 1835, М.А. 1879 Joshua Huntington, M.D. 1838 *Elihu Parsons Ingersoll, Prof. Sacred Music Oberlin Coll. *1887 *Theodorejohn Keep, 1879, M.A. 1879 *1889 *Martin Kellogg, M.A. 1851 *1879 *George Theodore Kingsley, M.A. *1842 *Cortland Lucas Latimer, 1879, also Rutgers 1832, М.А. 1879 *1881 *1885 «John Hampden Lewis, 1880, M.D. La. Med. Coll. 1836 and Univ. Paris 1839, М.А. 1880 « *Robert James Livingston, 1879, М.А. 1879 *1891 *Joseph Longworth *1883 *Ephraim Lyman *1880 1895] BA CHELORS OF AR TS, 1832-183,5’ 77 *John Angus Manning, 1879, also Rutgers 1832, М.А. 1879 and Rutgers 1839 *1891 *Lucius Horatio Minor, 1833, M.A. 1841 *1863 *Abner Neal, M.A. *1874 *William Henry Noble, M.A. *1894 *Augustus Theodore Norton, D.D. Wabash 1868 *1884 *John Stuart Patterson, 1879, also Rutgers 1832, М.А. 1879 *1886 *Isaac William Plummer *1881 *William Power, M.D. Univ. Md., Prof. Theory and Practice of Physic Univ. Md. , *Charles Theron Prentice Edward Elbridge Salisbury, M.A., LL.D. 1869 апс1 Harv. 1886, Prof. Arabic and Sanskrit, Pres. Amer. Oriental Soc. , *George Schley. 1879, М.А. 1879 *Walter Welles Seymour, M.A. *john Derby Smith, M.A. 1836, M.D. Univ. Md. 1846 *Corydon Stillman Sperry, M.A. *Nathaniel Winthrop Starr, 1879, М.А. *1890 *1889 *1884 *1856 1879 *1892 Alfred Stille, 1850, also Univ. Pa. 1832, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1836, M.A. 1850, LL.D. Pa. Coll. 1876, Prof. Med. Theory and Practice Pa. Coll. and Univ. Pa. *Collins Stone, M.A. *1870 *Rollin Sidney Stone *1895 *Eleazar Pomeroy T alcott ‘1832 *William Jewett Tenney ‘1883 *Charles Tracy, M.A. *1885 *Peter Anthony Van Bergen, 1879, also Rutgers 1832, M.A. 1879 and Rutg. *1881 *John Spencer Wallis, M.A. ‘1887 *Isaac Welton Warner *1883 *William Craig W'harton, 1879, M.A. 1879 “1891 *Charles ArchibaldWinthrop, 1879, М.А. 1879 *1884 *james Lockwood Wright *1871 *Edward Wurts, M.A. 73 *1885 1833 *Rufus Abbott, M.D. Univ. Louisville 1839 - *1873 *Epaphroditus Champion Bacon, M.A. *1845 *Michael Baldwin *1839 *josiah Ballard *1863 *Shubael Fitch Bartlett, M.A., M.D. 1839 ’1849. *Samuel Henshaw Bates *1879 *John Campbell Beach, M.A. *1856 *Stanton Belden, M.A. *1890 *Noah Bishop, M.A. ’1869 *Edward Anthony Bradford, LL.B. Harv. 1837 *1872 *Elishama Brandegee, M.A., M.D. 1838 *1884 Samuel Giles Buckingham, M.A., D.D. 1868 *William Adolphus Butler, M.A., M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1837 *1843 *Amasa Brainard Campbell *1884 *Robert Carver . *1863 *Josiah Clark, M.A. 1845, LL.D. 1875, Principal Williston Sem., Prof. Ancient Lang. Smith Coll. *1878 Noah Barber Clark, M.A. *John Oliver Colt *1858 *John Crump *1835 *John Morrill Currier, M.D. Castle- ton Med. Coll. 1839 ' *1844 *James Dwight Dana, M.A., LL.D. Amherst 1853 and Harv. 1886 and Edinb.1889,PH.D.Munich 1872,'Asst. Chem., Silliman Prof. Geol. and Mineral., Member Kgl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., K. Svenska Vetensk. Akad., K. Gesellsch. Wiss. (Göttin- gen),`K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Acad. Sci. Imper. Petrop., Magyar Tudom. Akad., Reale Accad. Lincei, Roy. Irish Acad., Acad. Sci. (Inst. de France), Nat. Acad. Sci., F.R.S. Lond. and Edinb. john Sidney Davenport, M.A. *Benjamin Franklin Davis, M.A. George Edward Day, M.A., D.D. Marietta 1856, Instr. Sacred Lit., Prof. Sacred Lit. Lane Theol. Sem., Holmes Prof. Hebrew and Biblical Theol., Dean Divinity School„Mem­ ber Asiatic Soc. Japan *189s *1853 *Hiram Doane, M.A. *1863 Abi/'aft Barnum Dunlap, М.А. 1853 *William Mason Durand, M.A. *1841. *Samuel William Southmayd Dutton, M.A., D.D. Brown 1856, Tutor *1866 *William Woodward Eells, M.A. *1886 *Zabdiel Rogers Ely, M.A. *1839 *Brown Emerson *1887 *Barnabas Maynard Fay, M.A. ` *1885 *Samuel Field '1858 *Robert Dixon Gardner, M.A. 1"1874 *John Calvin Goddard '1843 *Alfred Kimball Gould ‘1835 *Rufus Erastus Hart, M.A. Marietta 1843 *1891 *George Benjamin Hawley, M.D. 1836 *1883 *Zerah Kent Hawley *1869 *Abel Knapp Hinsdale *1842 *Silas Holmes, M.D. Harv. 1836 *1849 *Cheney Howe, M.A., M.D. Ohio Med. Coll. 1848 1"‘1850 *Ebenezer Kingsbury Hunt, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1838, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. John Hustis, M.A. *Ebenezer Alfred Johnson, M.A., LL.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1867 and L.H.D. 1888, Tutor, Prof. Latin Univ. City N. Y. *1889 *1891 78 YALE UNI rERsfrY [1895 *William Patrick Johnston, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1836, 1844, Prof. Surg. also Obstetrics Columbian Univ. (Wash.) *1876 *Samuel Chamherlain К err *1861 *Edward Ruggles Landon, M.A. *1883 * Thomas Hansoome legare', 1841, M.A. 1841 *1885 *Asahel Hooker Lewis,_M.A. 1841 *1862 *Christopher Raborg McClellan, M.D. Univ. Md. 1835, M.A. *1887 John McClellan, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1836 *Samuel Davies Marshall ' *1854 Frederick Ellsworth Mather, M.A. 18 *Willißam Newton Matson *1876 *Hernan Mead, 1870, М.А. 1870 *1890 *Marshall Meriam *1887 *Phineas Timothy Miller, M.D. 1835 *1850 *Charles Spotswood Mills, M.D.Jef- ferson Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1836 *1891 *Nathaniel Schuyler Moore *1833 *George Jackson Morgan, M.D.. Univ. Pa. 1837 *1840 Edward Strong Moseley, 1870, М.А. 1870 *James Emlin Newbold _*1859 *Alfred Perkins *1840 *Dar/id Charles Berry, M.A. *1885 *joseph Peííee *1891 *John Phelps *George Lemuel Potter, M.A. *1877 *Stephen Atwater Potwine *1834 *Robert Robertson *1845' *john Rurnell Rohins, M.A. 1837 *1867 *William Huntington Russell, M.A., M.D. 1838, Tutor *1885 *James Tuttle Sherman, M.A. *1862 *Jeremiah Smith *1853 *joshua Smilh *1865 *John Henry Southard *1872 *John Marshall Fayette Stoddard *1837 *Moses Brown Stuart *1835 *Dorson Ebenezer Sykes, M.A. *1880 *Alphonso Taft, М.А., LL.D. 1867, Tutor, Judge Super. Court Cincinn., U. S. Secretary War and Attorney- Gen.,Fellow, U. S. Minister Plenip. Austria also Russia *1891 *David T ilíon *1869 *Charles Turner Torrey, M.A. 1839 *1846 joshua Thomas Tucher, M.A. 1873, D.D. Iowa Coll. 1875 jonaíhan Baldwin Turner, MJA., Prof. Rhet. and Belles Lettres 111. Coll. *Cornelius VanSantvoord, M.A. 1841 *1892 *Hiram Wheeler, M.A. 1849 *1887 *Alexander Backus Whiting, M.A., M.D. 1838 *1868 *Leonidas Willson *1892 *Samuel Wolcott, M.A., D.D. Marietta 1863 ' *1886 George Ingersoll Wood 90 1834 * William Henry Adams, M.A. *1888 *Charles Atwater, M.A. *1891 John Phelps Atwater, M.D. 1837 jeremiah Root Barnes, M.A. 1892 *George Anson Oliver Beaumont, M.A. 1841 *1845 *Lewis St.John Benedict, M.A. *1884 *Oliver Bec/¿with Bidwell, M.A. at188I Thomas Jefferson Bradstreet, M.A. *Davis Smith Brainerd, M.A., Fellow *1875 * William foes Budingíon, M.A., D.D. Amherst 1856 *1879 *William Shedden Burr, M.A. *1858 *Henry Chalker *1874 *james Augustus (Лаг/ё, М.А. *1881 *Churchill Coiiing, M.A. *1873 *John Daves Collins *1862 *Chauncey Deming Cowles, M.A. *1881 Amos Croc/eer, M.A. Colgate Univ.1853 Henry Bushnell Eldred, М.А. *Henry William Ellsworth, M.A., U. S. Charge d’Aii`aires Sweden Alfred Emerson, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. W. Reserve Coll. *1864 *Eleazar Kingsbury Foster *1877 *joseph Bowler *1857 *Henry Sewall Gerrish French *1842 *Reuben Gaylord, M.A. Ill. Coll. 1837 *1'880 James Gilmore *Job Swift Gold, M.A. *1844 *Alexander Blucher Gordon *1861 *Daniel Emerson Hall *1852 *Welles Hawes *1891 *james Alexander Hazen, M.A. ‘1862 John Wallace Houston, M.A., M. C., Secr. and Judge Super. Court Del. *Jarvis Cutler Howard, M.A. *1892 *John Vandenheuvel Ingersoll *1846 *William Stoddard Johnston *1839 *William Judson *1868 *john Robinson Keep, M.A. *1884 *John Newton Kendall *1877 *Henry Coit Kingsley, M.A., Treas. *1886 *James Nelson Lea, Just. Supr. Court La. *1884 *Billings Peck Learned *1884 *William Leverett *1874 *Amasa Udolphin Lyon *1878 Daniel Deeius T omp/eins Имаму/21172, М.А. *William Thomas Minor, LL.D. Wes- leyan 1855, Gov. and Judge Super. Court Conn., гас-0171110 Fellow *1889 *John Murdoch, М.А. *1861 *John Noyes, M.D. 1836, M.A. *1854 *Henry Pornroy *1858 *Nathaniel Smith Richardson, M.A. Trinity 1838, D.D. Racine 1857 *1883 *Eiga/z .Frinh Roehwell, M.A., D.D. Univ. N. C. 1882, Prof. Nat. Hist. also Latin Davidson Coll. *Samuel St.John, M.A., M.D. Castle- ton Med. Coll. 1840 and W. Reserve *1888 18951 ßAcHEzoescnrnnrsganaqag 79 1881 and Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857, LL.D. Georgetown (Ky.) 1849, Tutor, Prof. Chem. and Mineral. W. Reserve Coll., Prof. Chem. and Geol. Kenyon Coll., Prof. Chem. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Nathan Perkins Seymour, M.A., LL.D. Kenyon 1867, Tutor, Prof. Greek and Latin W. Reserve Coll., Lect. Engl. Lit. *William Nathan Harrell Smith, М.А., LL.D. 1881 and Univ. N. C. 1880, M. C., ChiefJuSt. Supr. Court N.C. *1889 *Samuel Gray Southmayd, M.D. 1836 *1877 *George Gilman Spencer, M.A. *1885 *William Henry Starr *1876 William Walher Taylor, M.A. *James Bates Thomson, M.A., LL.D. Hamilton 1853 and Univ. Tenn. 1882 ‘1883 *George Tomlinson *1876 *Thomas Henry Totten, M.A., M.D. *1874 *1891 *1876 *1891 1837 *John Hubbard Tweedy, M. C. *William Henry ÑVashington, M.A. 1830, М. С. "1860 *Allen Hayden Weld, 1835, М.А. 1838 “1882 *Charles Roger Welles *1854 *Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey, M.A., Tutor ' ‘1847 *Thomas Wickes, M.A., D.D. ÑVabash 1864 65 *1870 1835 *John Stearns Abbott, M.A. 1842 Josiah Abbott, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. W. District N. Y. 1840 Daniel Lucius Adams, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1838 *Ebenezer Banks Adams, M.A. *1877 Edwin Alexander Anderson, M.D. 1837, M.A., Pres. N. C. Med. Soc. *Jared Augustus Ayres, M.A. 1855 *1886 *1852 *Aaron Crowell Beach, M.A. *1881 William Church Bissell *Edward Spencer Blahe, M.A. '1881 *James Calvin Briggs, M.D. Castleton Med. Coll. 1839 *Louis Bristol *John Brocklesby, M.A. and Trin. 1845, LL.D. Hobart 1868, Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Trin. Coll. а *Edward Buck, M.A. *William Gaston Bulloch, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1838, Prof. Surg. Savannah Med. *1856 *1882 *1889 *1876 Coll., Pres. Ga. Med. Soc. ’1885 *Nehemiah Bushnell ‘1873 *Daniel Butler ’1893 Amos Бите/11 Cheseórough, М.А., D.D. 1885, Fellow *Henry Шаг/ё, М.А. *1894 Aaron [Ilerrich Colton, М.А. Amherst 1840 *Christopher Christian Cox, M.A., M.D. Wash. Med. Coll. (Md), LL.D. Trin. 1867, Lieut.-Gov. Md., Prof. Med. Jurisprud. Georgetown Med. Coll *1882 *John Davis *1844 *Samuel Rodney Dar/is, M.A. *1868 *Howland Dawes ‘1846 *Theodore Dimon, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1838 *1889 john Varich Dodge, M.A. Edmund Dwight, M.A. *Joseph Brush Fenton, M.A. ‘1848 *Samuel Ware Fisher, D.D. Miami Univ. 1852, LL.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1866, Pres. Hamilton Coll. *1874 *Charles Alonzo Gager, M.A., Tutor *1841 Samuel Henry Galpin *Samuel L’Hommedieu Gardiner, M.A. 1852 '1885 *Ashbel Bradford Haile, M.A., M.D. 1843 *1880 *Charles Louis Heguemhourg *1875 *Joshua Hill, M.A. 1843 *1860 *Oran Reed Howard, M.A. 1839, D.D. Hobart 1868 '1893 *James Hervey Howe, M.A., Tutor '1849 `Nathaniel Saltonstall Howe, M.A. *1885 Porter Ingram, M.A. 1847 *Alexander Smith Johnson, M.A., LL.D. Hamilton 1859, Chief. Just. Court Appeals N. Y. State, Judge U. S. Circuit Court *1878 *Frank Johnston, LL.B. Harv. 1839 '1863 *Osbert Burr Loomis *1886 *William McLellan '187g *George lVilson McPhail, M.A. 1841, D.D. Jeff. Coll. (Pa.) 1857, LL.D. Univ. Miss. 1868, Pres. Lafayette Coll. and Davidson Coll. *1871 *Charles Lewis Mills *1884 *Ethelbert Smith Mills, M.A. *1873 *George Lewis Mills, M.A. 1868 *1876 *Algernon Sidney Mitchell *1874 George Warner Nichols, M.A. and Trin. 1852, D.D. St. Stephen’s 1889 *Horatio Smith Noyes *1883 *George Washington Olney *1850 *George Alexander Ooiaít, M.A. 1842 '1887 *Ariel Parish, M.A. *1885 *William Hinchman Platt, M.A. 4‘1883 *George Peler Prudden *1872 *John Chandler Rafferty, 1837 *1880 Abraham Hazen Robinson, M.A. 1867, M.D. 1867, Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. *John Edward Seeley, M.A., M. C. l‘1875 *John Forman Seymour, M.A. ‘1890 *Hugh White Sheifey, LL.D. 1880 and Wash. Univ. (Va.) 1877, Judge Cir- cuit Court Va. ’1889 Charles Selden Sherman *Edward ÑVilliam Smith, M.A. *1841 *Henry Smith, M.A. *1846 *John Cotton Smith *1837 *Aaron Snow, M.A. ‘1880 *Gustavus Spencer '1886 8o YALE UNIVERSITY USQS *Caleb Strong, M.A. *Alfred Stubbs, M.A., D.D. Columbia 1856 *1882 *Thomas Benedict Sturges *1887 *john Lord Taylor, M.A., D.D. Mid- dlebury 1868, Tutor, Prof. Theol. and Homilet. Andover Theol. Sem. ‘1884 *Thomas Anthony Thacher, M.A., LL.D. West. Reserve 1869, Tutor, h847 Prof. Latin . *1886 ' *Hugh Walsh, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1841 *1859 *Edward Warner *1866 *William Wallace Wilcox, M.A. *1841 *Charles Wright *1885 *William Wright, M.A. 75 *1887 1836 Joel Milton Acker *Asa Giles Alexander *1865 *Edward Elias Atwater, M.A. *1887 *Charles Pumpelly Avery *1872 *Franklin Thomas Backus *1870* *Henry Wright Bacon, M.A. i‘1845 *Thomas Bailey *1850 ffewton Barrett, M.A. 1840 *William Beach *1860 *John Wood Black *1892 *George Morgan Browne *1895 *Frederic/ê Buel, M.A. *1873 *Josiah Mason Carter, M.A. *1868 , *Eli Benedict Clarh, M.A. *1889 *Edward Pitkin Cowles, M.A., Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *1874 *William Cleaveland Crump ‘1883 *Dan Collins Curtiss, M.A. *1883 Thomas Darling, M.A. *James McKinlay Daves *1838 *josiah Gardner Лап/55, D.D. Dartm. 1866 *1894 Horace Day, M.A. *Ralph Dayton *1868 Edward Close Delavan, M.A. *Henry Champion Deming, LL.B. Harv. 1839, LL.D. Trin. 1861, M. C. *1872 *Henry Hatch Dent, M.A. *1872 *Edgarjared Doolittle, M.A. *1883 *John Lewis Dunkel *1894 *james Bulloch Dunwody *1891 Frederick Lewis Durand, M.A. 1843 *William Hackett Eaton Pinckney Webster Ellsworth, M.A., M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1839 William Davis Ely, M.A., Tutor *James Ferguson, M.A. 1841 *1854 *Oscar Fisher, M.A. ‘1882 *Arthur Fletcher, M.A. *1885 *Jonathan Grout *1866 *Henry Reeder Harris *1894 *James Harrison, M.D. S. C. Med. Coll. 1840 *1871 *Edward Lucas Hart, M.A. *1876 *Daniel Higbie *1867 *Arthur Moseley Hopkins. *1865 *Jacob Thompson Hotchkiss, M.A. 1842, M.D. 1842 *1850 Il/Ioses Hoge Hunter *John Codman Hurd, M.A., LL.D. 1877 *1892 Austin Isham, M.A. *sylvester jaaa *1853 Rascal Paoli Bembrohe Kidder Javis McDuñie, Prof. Math. U. S. ' Naval Acad. *Charles Затих McLean, M.A. *John Griffith Martin, LL.B. Transyl- *1873 Vania 1838 *1846 *George Lockwood Marvin *1882 *Frederick Davis Mills, M.A. *1847 George Mixter, M.A. ~ *Samuel Moseley *1845 *Charles Edward Murdoch *1843 *Daniel Bigelow Barhhurst *1842 *Joshua F. Pearl, M.A. *1879 *Julian Vail Pettis, M.A. *1888 *William Seward Pierson, M.A. *1879 ‚*Т/готш Clap Rithin, M.A. Trinity 1848, D.D. Hamilton 1856 *1887 Giles Meigs Porter *Henry Kirk Preston *1854 *Charles Prindle, M.A. *1841 *William Sherman Rowland *1856 *Joseph Forman Sabine *1874 Thomas Porter Scovell *Frederick Roger Sherman, M.A. *1892 *Ebenezer Clark Smith *1892 *Theodore Stanley, M.A. *1891 *John Morton Swift *1887 William Thompson ` *Albert Todd, Prof. Law Washington Univ. (Мо.) *1885 *James Wakefield Tucker, M.A. *1888 George Palmer Tyler, D.D. Middle- bur 1864 *James Clark Walkley, M.A. *Nelson Wheeler, M.A. 1840 and Brown 1849, Prof. Greek Brown Univ. *1855 *Dillon Williams, M.A. ‚ *1879 Richard Hooher Wilmer, M.A. 1846, D.D. William and Mary 1857 апс1 *1890 Univ. South 1878, LL.D. Oxford 1867 and Univ. Ala. 1880, P. E. Bishop Ala. *Lucius Harrison Woodruif, M.A. *1852 *James McAlpin Wray, M.A. 1841 *1850 *Henry Wright 81 ‘185g 1837 *Joseph Conkling Albertson *1858 Owen Brainerd Arnold, M.A. 1845 *William Orville Ayres, M.D. 1854, Prof. Theory and Practice Toland Med. Coll., Lect. Nerv. Diseases * William Thompson Bacon *1887 ‘1881 1895] BA CHELORS OE ARTS, 1836—1837 81 *Henry Harramond B_acot, M.D. S. C. *Walter Thomas Lenox '1874 Med. Coll. 1840 ‘1882 *Chester Smith Lyman, M.A. Beloit Moses Mears Bagg, M.D. Geneva 1864, Prof. Industrial Mech. and Med. Coll. 1840, M.A. Hamilton Phys., also Astron. *1890 1856 *Benjamin Nicholas [Маг/272, М.А., *William Barlow Baldwin *1853 D.D. Columbia 1862, L.H.D. Re- *Thomas Allen Barnard *1842 gents Univ. N. Y. State 1869, Prof. *William Metcalf Birchard *1883 Rhet., Philos. and Logic Univ. City *Phineas Blaheman *1870 N. Y. i’1883 yoab Brace, M.A. 1841 *1845 *John Perkins Cushing Mather, M.A., Charles Buck, M.A. *1845 Secretary Conn. *1891 *William Gaston Caperton *1852 *Oliver Wolcott Mather, М.А. *1870 *Edwin Osgood Carter, M.A. *1881 *Samuel John Mills *1882 *Aaron Lucius Chapin, M.A., D.D. Williams 1853, LL.D. Regents Univ. N. Y. State 1882, Pres. Beloit Coll. *1892 * Walter Clar/ee, D.D. Williams 1853 *1871 *David Benton Coe, M.A., D.D. Middle- bury 1857, Tutor “1895 *Frederick Augustus Coe, M.A. *1870 *William Coit "1891 Elisha Woodbridge Coo/e, M.A. 1845 *George William Cooke, M.A. 1847 *1892 James Cowles *Philip Allen Davenport, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1841 *1857 ; *Arnold Vanderhorst Dawson *1871 Thomas Mills Day, M.A. *William Smith Deming ' ’183g *George ратей], М.А., D.D. КПОХ 1871 *1888 *Aaron Rice Dutton, M.A., LL.B. 1843 *1885 *Thomas Rice Dutton *1866 *William Pierce Eaton, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1844 *1857 William Maxwell Evarts, M.A., LL.D. 1865 and Union 1857 and Harv. 1870, Attorney-Gen., Secr. of State and Senator U. S., Fellow *George Yates Gilbert *1888 *William David Gillison, M.D. S. C. Med. Coll. 1840 *1887 *Chauncey Goodrich, M.A. *1868 *Frederick William Gunn *1881 *Samuel Birch Hall, M.A. 1844 '1867 * Willard Mason Harding, M.A. *1880 Walter Tilden Hatch, M.A. * ames Augustus Hawley '1868 Orlo Daniel Hine, M.A. *1890 *Leander Smith Hobart, M.A. *1890 John Hooker, 1842, M.A. 1842 * ohn Gould Hull *1844 a(/oseph Darling Hull, M.A. ‘1889 Addison Lyman Hunt, M.A. ’1845 ­*JU/lilo Ruggles Hurd, M.A., D.D. Oli- vet 1870 '1895 *Robert Underwood Hyatt, 1839, LL.B. Harv. 1840 “1843 *Alfred Eaton Ives, 1847, M.A. 1847 *1892 *Isaacjennings, M.A. '1887 Charles Andrew Johnson, M.A. * ames Kilbourn, 1851, М.А. 1851 ”1883 William Fabian Law, M.A. i*1891 *Robert Coit Learned, M.A. ‘1867 *Sheldon Leavitt '1876 *Myron Newton Morris, M.A., Fellow *1885 *George Beale Morse *1883 *William Bartlett Morse *1886 *Christopher Musgrave *John Augustus Noyes, M.A. *Allen Ferdinand­ Owen, M. C. Robert Hamilton Paddock, M.A., M.D. Castleton Med. Coll. 1843 and Berks. Med. Inst. 1844, Prof. Anat. and Physiol. Willoughby Med. Coll. and Berks. Med. Inst., Prof. Анат. and Chem. Starling Med. Coll. *Coddington Billings Palmer *1852 *Lemuel Sprague Parsons, M.A. 1841 *1864 *john Hancoch [движке/1, М.А. *1887 *Edwards Pierrepont, M.A., LL.D. and Columb. Univ. (Wash.) 1871, D.C.L. Oxford 1878, Tutor, Just. Super. Court N. Y. City, Attorney-Gen. U. S., U. S. Minister Plenip. Grt. Brit. *1892 *Silas Fisher Plimpton, LL. B. Harv. *1843 ' *1865 1839, M.A. *1867 *Daniel Powers, M.A., Tutor *1845 *Ambrose Pratt, M.A., M.D. Columb. Univ. (Wash.) 1843 *1891 *John Phelps Putnam, LL.B. Harv. 1839, M.A.,Just. Super. Court Mass. ‘1882 William Randolph Randall, M.A. *Abel Bellows Robeson, M.D. Cas- tleton Med. Coll. *1853 *Ebenezer Platt Rogers, 1844, M.A. 1844 and Amherst 1845, D.D. Ogle- thorpe 1853 *1881 * William Russell . i’1889 William Smith Scarborough, M.A. *George Задает, M.A.. *1852 *William Wilson Selfridge *1875 *John Whitman Seymour, M.A. *1889 *William Henry Sheldon *1841 *Benjamin Silliman, M.A., M.D. S. C. Med. Coll. 1849, LL.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1884, Asst. Chem., Prof. Chem. and Toxicol. Louis- ville Univ., Prof. Chem., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1885 *Azariah Smith, M.A., M.D. 1840 '1851 *Charles Billings Smith, 1847, M.A. 1847, D.D. Wabash 1859 *1890 *Frank Southall ‘1853 *William Alexander Sparks,M.A.1842 ’1849 George Tiley Spencer Joseph Austin Spencer *John Stacy, M.A. 1844 *1889 6 82 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Charles Woodward Stearns, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1840 *Andrew Leete Stone, M.A., D.D. Am- *1887 herst 1861 ’1892 *Owen Street, M.A., D.D. 1882 and Bates 1882 *1887 *Thomas Tallman, M.A. *1872 *Edmund Terry, M.A. *1890 *Samuel Jones Tilden 1875, LL.D. 1875, Gov. N. Y. State *1886 *Adrian Rowe Wadsworth ‘1891 *Morrison Remick Waite, M.A.,LL. D. 1872 and Kenyon 1874 and Ohio State Univ. 1879 апс1 Columbia 1887, Chiefjust. Supr. Court U. S., Fel- loW ‘1888 *James Davenport Whelpley, M.D. 1842 *1872 *Seth Tryon Wilbur *1838 *Henry Williams *1878 Stephen Yerkes, M.A. 1846 and ~leffer- son Coll. (Ра.) 1847, D.D. LaGrange (Tenn.) 1857, Prof. Ancient Lang. Transylvania Univ. and Bibl. Lit. and N. T. Exegesis Danville Theol. Sem. 104 1838 *Daz/id Avery Aóóey *1865 *John McNaughton Adams *1846 *George Allen, 1844, М.А. 1844 *1864 *Francis Bacon, M.A. ‘1849 *John Knowlton Bartlett, M.D. 1841, Pres. Med. Soc. Wisc. *1889 Richard Ellis Butler, M.A. *Charles Chamberlain Campbell *1884 *George Washington Campbell *1853 *Lorenzo Carey *1857 *Lot Curran Clark, M.A. *1880 *Perkins Kirkland Clark, M.A., Tutor *1872 *Rufus Wheelright Clark, M.A., D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1862 *Roóert Bet/¿ell Claxton, D.D. Kenyon 1849, Prof. Homiletics and Pastoral Care P. E. Div. School (Philad.) *John Buchanan Coburn, M.A., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1843 *Samuel Goodrich Coe, М.А. - William Frierson Cooper, LL.D. 1890 and E. Tenn. Univ. and Univ. Nash- ville, ~Iudge Supr. Court Tenn. *1886 “1882 *Almon Dar/id Corlìyn, M.A. *1855 *james Burnett Crane *1868 *Edmund Lovell Dana, M.A. *1889 *Sanders Лёг/тат], М.А. 1849, D.D. Jefferson Coll. (Рад) 1859 *1884 *Albert Dodd *1844 *George T hurlow Dole ‘1884 William Thomas Doubleday *Lemuel Tyler Downing, M.A. *1882 Lewis Joel Dudley, M.A., LL.B.1847, Tutor Chester Dutton, M.A. *Edward Strong Dwight, M.A., D.D. 1 4 “1890 *Benjamin Stephenson Edwards, M.A., Judge Circuit Court Ill. *1886 *Elisha Fitch *1839 William Stuart Fleming, Judge Super. Court Tenn.­ *Seth Fuller, M.A. ‘1844 Theodore Sedgwick Gold, M.A. *David Elmor Goodwin *1842 v *joel Grant, M.A. 1843 “1873 Henry Parsons Hedges, M.A. *Charles Bingley Hosmer ~ *1891 *Seaborn Augustus Jones, M.A. 1843 ‘1856 *Thomas Marshall Key *1869 *William Lyon Law ‘1839 Samuel Harper Lea, M.D. 1843 *Charles James Lynde, M.A. *1841 *William Pitt Lynde, Attorney-Gen. Wisc. Territory, M. C. *Charles Eirey McCauley, D.D. Frank- *1885 lin and Marshall 1872 *1892 *james llÍeC/zain *1869. *Anson MeLoud *1883 *Edward Ralph May *1854 *James Nooney, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. W. Reserve Coll. ’1895 *Whitman Peek, M.A. 1868 *1894 *Samuel Washington Polk ’1839 *Carlos Fernando Ribeiro, M.A. and M.D. 1841 *Charles Rich, M.A. William Woodbridge Rodman, M.A., M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1844, Prof. Physiol. N. Y. Homœop. Med. Coll. *1889 *1862 *Edwin Diekinson Seward *1890 *George Washington Sill, M.A. *1866 *Ebenezer Spalding, M.A. *1866 *Dar/id Tappan Stoddard, М.А., Tutor *1857 Edward Strong, M.A., D.D. Hamil- ton 1864, Tutor *William Strong, ~Iudge U. S. District Court Oregon and Wash. Territ. *1887 *Thomas Grosvenor Talcott, M.A. *1870 *joseph Parrish Thompson, M.A. , D.D. Harv. 1856, LL.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1868 *1879 james Tufts *William Holme VanBuren, 1364, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1840, М.А. 1864‚‚ LL.D. 1879, Prof. Анат. Univ. City N. Y., Prof. Surg. Bellevue Hosp. Med. C011. ‘1883 *joseph Bradley Varnum, M.A. *Joseph Knox Walker *Israel Perkins Warren, D.D. Iowa Coll. 1868 *1892 *Charles Chauncey Whittelsey, M.A. *1875 *Thomas Scott Williams, M.A. *1842 *Thomas Wheeler Williams, M.A. *1861 *Curtiss Woodruff *1887 *William Walter Iowa Coll. 1879 Woodworth, D.D. 7o *1890 1895] Ь’А CHEZ ores 0F Ale Ts, 1838—1839 83 1839 *John Thomas Andrew, M.A. ‘1887 David Fisher Atwater, M.D. 1842 *Matthew Darbyshire Bagg, M.A. Hamilton 1850 *1881 *Samuel Wordsworth Bailey *1891 * William .Barnes ’1890 *Robbins Battell, M.A. “1895 *John Sheldon Beach, M.A., LL.D. 1887 *1887 *Thomas Bradish Biddle *1850 *Lorenzo Dow Bird *1862 *Henry Newton Bissell *1891 *Eli Whitney Blake, M.A., M.D. 1842 *1873 *William Richards Boardman, M.D. 1843 *1843 *Charles Astor Bristed, also Cambr. 1845, М.А. 1848 *1874 *Daniel Brooks, M.A., M.D. Castle- ton Med. Coll. *1861 *David Judson Burr *1876 Enoch .Fitch Burr, М.А., D.D. Arn- herst 1868 *Zalmon Earlow Burr, M.A. *1892 *Philander Button, M.A. 1845 *1878 *John Catlin *1894 *William Henry Chandler, M.A. *1888 William Bestor Coróyn, M.A. and Trinity 1864, D.D. St.Paul’s (Мо.) 1861, Pres. St.Paul’s Coll. *John Thomas Councilman, M.A. 1843, M.D. Univ. Md. 1844 *1891 *Rufus Putnam Cutler *1877 David Lewis Daggett, M.D. 1843 Henry Laurens Dawes, M.A. 1849, LL.D. 1889 and Williams 1869, M. C., U. S. Senator *Thomas Day, M.A. *1870 *Martin Dudley *1892 *Joseph Heatly Dulles ‘1894 Eugene Edwards *Charles St.John Eldredge *1840 Augustus Greele Eliot, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1843 *Daniel Gordon Estes, M.A., D.D. St.Paul’s (Mo.) 1861 *1873 *William Fairman, M.A. '1854 *Endress Faulkner, M.A. 1846 *1852 *Levi Wells Flagg, M.A., M.D. Coll. ' Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847 ‘1884 *Samuel Fowler *1888 *John Morris Gilbert ’1840 *John Mason Grant, M.A. '1878 *Abraham Evan Gwynne, M.A. '1855 *David Nichols Hall *1851 Lewis Hall *Willard Preble Hall, M. C., Lieut.- Gov. and Gov. Mo. *1882 *Charles Hammond, M.A., LL.D. Iowa Coll. 1877 *1878 *William Fairchild Hubbard,M.A. 1844 *1880 /ohn Niles Hubbard *Richard Dudley Hubbard, M.A. Trinity 1851, LL.D. 1877, M.C., Gov. Conn. , ваг-0175050 Fellow ’1884 *Alva Abraham Hurd (post obit.) Henry Rootes Jackson, M.A. Univ. Ga. 1848, Judge Circuit Court Ga., U. S. Minister Resid. Austria and Minister Plenip. Мех. *Isaac Pendleton Langworthy, M.A., D.D. Iowa Coll. 1878 *1888 *Joseph Gay Eaton Larned, M.A., *1839 Tutor *1870 * Theodore A dgate Leete *1886 *Watts Sherman Lynde *1841 Augustus Rodney McDonough, M.A. *Ebenezer Porter Mason *1840 *Henry Terry Mason ‘1847 *John Francis Mason *1842 *Justus Smith Masters, M.A. *1855 *Samuel/ohn Mills Merwin, M.A. *1888 *John Yale Mills *1841 Charles Huntington Morse *Henry Child Morse *1890 *William Herhert Norris, M.A. 1843 "1880 *Francis Allyn Olmsted, M.A., M.D. 1844 ~ *1844 *Cullen Packard ‘1853 *Eliphalet Parker i‘1854 Horace Clark Peck, M.A. *Frederick T renck Perkins, M.A. *1893 *Charles Henry Porter *1841 James Csborne Putnam, 1865, M.A. 1865, U. S. Minister Resid. Belg. Richard Elisha Rice, M.A. *Daniel Lewis Rumsey, M.A., Tutor *1848 *Julius Eliada Sanford *1847 George Sherman, M.A. *John Sherwood *1895 *John D. Sherwood *1891 *Richard Sill 71886. Hamilton Lanphere Smith, M.A., LL.D. Trinity 1871, Prof. Astron., Nat. Philos. and Chem. Kenyon Coll., Prof. Astron. and Nat. Philos. Hobart Coll. *Levi Ward Smith, M.A. 1863 *1863 Sylvester Southard Charles Janeway Stillê, M.A. 1866, LL.D. 1868, Prof. Hist. and Engl. Lit. and Provost Univ. Pa. *Charles Taintor '1840 *Increase Niles T arhox, M.A., D.D. 1869 and Iowa Coll. 1869, Tutor ’1888 *Silas Flourney Trotter *185- *George Washington *1894 *John Marsh Watson *1849 Edward Wells, M.A. *Hervey Eliphaz Weston, M.D. Harv. 1844 ‘1882 *Francis Wharton, М.А. 1856, LL.D. Kenyon 1865 and Univ. Edinb. 1883, D.D. Kenyon 1866,Prof. Logic, Rhet., Engl. Lit. and Hist. Kenyon Coll., Prof. Eccl. Pol., Homilet. and Past. Care Episc. Theol. School (Mass), Prof. Crim. Law Columb. Univ. (Wash.) Josiah Dwight Whitney, LL.D. 1870, Prof. Chem. and Mineral. Iowa ’1889 84 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 State Univ., Prof. Geol. Harv. Univ., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *Levi Dibble Wilcoxson, M.D. 1842 *1890 *William Perkins Williams ‘1841 Elizur Wolcott *John Beach Woodford, M.A. *1891 *William Sturges Wright 94 *1885 1840 Levi Abbot, M.A. 1844 . *John Burroughs Alley, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1844 *Basilius Argyras *William Eyre Ashburner, M.A. Garwood Harvey Attwood, M.D. 1844 Edward Morehouse Avery *James Staunton Babcock, M.A. 1844 *1847 *Peter Richard Beasley *1844 *Christopher James Beirne *1868 *Theodore Hutson Benedict, M.A. *1862 *1866 *1847 1844 *188 5 Henry Booth, LL.B. 1844, LL. D. Univ. Chicago 1870, Prof. Law Univ. Chicago, Judge Circuit Court Ill *1880 ”1850 *1890 *1862 *William Bartlett Brinsmade *Simeon Charles Bristol *William Augustus Bronson, M.D. 1843 *John Bruyn Curtis Field Burnam, LL.B. Transylv. 1842, M.A. 1846, LL.D. Central Univ. (Ky.) 1873, Prof. Law Central Univ., Asst. Secr. Treas’. U. S. *William Chauvenet, M.A., LL.D. St. John’s(Md.)18óo, Prof. Math. and Astron. U- S. Nav. Acad., Prof. Math. and Astron. and Chancellor Wash. Univ. (Мо.), Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1870 *Enoch Long Childs *1881 *Bagenal Colclough ‘1848 . *George Hooker Colton *1847 *Josiah Curtis, 1860, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1843, M.A. 1860 * William Bronson Curtis Charles Day, M.A. *Giles Henry Deshon, D.D. Trin. 1871 *1883 *John Devereux *1893 *Henry Martyn Dexter, M.A. and Brown 1863, D.D. 1880 and Iowa Coll. 1865, LL.D. 1890 *1890 *1883 ‘1888 *Richard Varick Dodge, M.A. *1885 *John Mason Doubleday *1894 ï/ohn Waldo Douglas, M.A. 1860 *1883 `John Breed Dwight, M.A., Tutor “1843 *jonathan Edwards, M.A. *1894 Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston, ASSOC. Prof. Rhet. Williams Coll. *joseph PewSmith, М.А., D.D. Со- lumbia 1855,'Prof. Sacred Rhet. Auburn Theol. Sem. *1888 *stuart waking Fisk, М.А., LL.B. Harv. _1843 *1862 Lucius Wooster Fitch, M.A. Stephen Clark Foster *Thomas Edwin Foster, M.A. *1851 *John Bray Gardiner, M.A. _ *1881 *Henry Martyn Goodwin, D.D. Olivet 1876, Prof. Engl. Lit., Rhet. and Logic Olivet Coll. *1893 *Samuel Gregory, M.A. 1845 *1872 *joseph [Ига/Мат Grout, M.A. *1855 *john Putnam Gulliver, M.A., D.D. Iowa Coll. 1867, LL.D. Iowa State Univ. 1869, Fellow, Pres. Knox Coll., Prof. Christianity and Sci. Andover Theol. Sem. *1894 *John Lawrence Hamelin, 1844, M.A. 1844 *1886 *James Porter Hart *1877 John Frazier Head, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1843 *Ambrose Newton Hitchcock *1842 *Gustavus Adolphus Holcombe, M.A. 1855 *[879 *Gideon Hiram Hollister, M.A. 1855, U. S. Minister Resid. Hayti *1881 John Clark Hollister, M.A. james IlIason Hoppin, LL.B. Harv. 1842, M.A. 1862, D.D. Knox 1870, Prof. Homilet. and Past. Charge also Hist. Art * William Addison Houghton *1891 *Joseph Gibson Hoyt, M.A., LL.D. Dartm. 1859, Chancellor Wash. Univ. (Мо.) *1862 *Chauncey Henry Huóóard *1876 * Timothy Dwight Hunt *1895 *Elijah Baldwin Huntington, 1851, M.A. 1851> *1877 Thomas Spencer Huntington Thomas Sellrnan Iglehart Charles Roberts Ingersoll, LL.D. 1874, Gov. Conn., esc-oficio Fellow *Horacejames, M.A. *1875 *James Riley Jesup, M.A. *1890 Chauncey Parkman Judd *John Smith Kelley *1844 *John Kilbourn, 1854, M.A. 1854 and Pa. Coll. 1851 ‘1889 *jared Owen Knapp, M.A. *1860 *David Lamb *1849 *George Darwin Lamont, 1841, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State ‘1876 Amos Edward Lawrence, M.A. 1849 William Solomon Leavitt, M.A. *William Harrison Long, M.A. '1886 *Henry McCall, M.A. *1886 Daniel March, M.A., D.D. Western Univ. (Pa.) 1864 *Loring Bradlee Marsh '1891 *Charles James Miller *1859 *DeWitt Clinton Morris, M.A. *1868 William Norris *Daniel Parker Noyes, M.A. 1844, Tutor *1888 *Oscar Theodore Noyes *1854 1895] BACHELORS OE ARTS, 1840—1841 85 *Orin Fowler Otis ‘1883 *Charles Henry Clark *1873 Lewis Baldwin Parsons, M A., LL.B. *William Henry Clarke, M.A. *1877 Harv. 1893 *David Burt Colton *1853 *Cale Pelton, M.A. *1853 John Curwen, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. *John Perkins,LL.B. Harv. 1842, M.C.*1885 1844, LL.D. Jeff. Coll. (Pa.) 1862 *William Perkins, LL.B. Harv. 1843 *1854 *David Вагу/070 Davidson *1886 *Lava/ette Perrin, D.D. 1869, Fellow *1889 *Gilbert Dean, M. C.,Just. Supr. Court Frederick Augustus Pratt, M.A. 1847 N. Y. State '1870 *Henry Martyn Proctor *1841 *Edward Erastus Rankin, M.A., D.D. Rutgers 1863 *1889 *George Richards, M.A., Tutor. Fellow *1870 *Charles Joseph Ruggles, M.A. 1847 '1849 *Charles Smith Shelton, M.A., M.D. 1847 ‘1879 *Lazarus Denison Shoemaker, M. C. '1893 *James Smith, LL.B. Harv. 1843 *1846 *Nelson Smith *George William Steere *1849 *Lewis Stirling George Henry Swift *George Terry *1889 *George Thacher, D.D. Knox 1871 and Iowa Coll. 1871, Pres. Iowa State Univ. *1878 *Egbert Abiel Thompson *1879 *William Henry Tiffany *1880 *George Chapman Waite, M.A. ‘1849 *Elias Hewitt Williams, M.A., Chief Just. Supr. Court Iowa *1891 *Theodore Burg VVitmer *1856 *William Woodbridge, M.D. 1844 *1888 *Edward Wright 104 *1852 1841 *Francis Mayrant Adams ‘1884 Horace Andrews *William Wynn Arnold *1853 *Philip Hiss Austen, M.A., M.D. Univ. Md. 1845 *1878 *Elijah Baldwin, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1845 William Baldwin Joseph Folger Barnard, LL.D. 1894, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *Samuel Weed Barnum, M.A. *1891 *William Taylor Sullivan Barry, M. C. *1868 *Ephraim Tucker Barstow *1845 Luther Fitch Beecher, M.A. 1846, D.D. Union 1850 *Ebenezer Banks Belden, M.D. 1847, M.A. 1847 *Jacob Weber Bollinger Lucien Birdseye, M.A., Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State Sherman Miller Booth, M.A. 1891 *1888 *1888 '1844 *Samuel Brace, M.A., Tutor '1883 ïjoseph Brown, M.A. '1878 Jackson Jones Bushnell, M.A. WV. Reserve 1846, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Beloit Coll. *Louis DeOnis Champlin Edmund Parker Chase ‘1873 l *1871 ; l *Henry Waldo Denison, LL.B. 1844 *1882 Flavel Athington Dickinson john Camden Downer, M.A. Henry Edwards, M.A. Trinity 1847 *Azariah Eldridge, Tutor, D.D. Hamil- ton 1863 *1888 joseph Emerson, M.A., D.D. 1880, Tutor, Prof. Anc. Lang. Beloit Coll. *William Tappan Eustis, M.A., D.D. Amherst 1880 *David Irvine Field, LL.B. Transyl- vania Univ. 1844 *Maunsell Bradhurst Field, M.A.'1846, Asst. Secr. Treasury U. S. Sidney Fletcher Edmund Pendleton Gaines, M.A. *Gershom Clarke Hyde Gilbert, M.D. *1888 '1859 *1875 1844 s *1889 William Hinman Gilbert, M.A. *Augustus Canfield Gillett, M.A. *1856 *Ezra Hall Gillett, M.A., D.D. Ham- ilton 1864, Prof. Polit. Sci. Univ. City N. Y. *1875 *Frederic Hall *1857 Daniel Addison Heald, M.A. Charles Philip Helfenstein, 1880, M.A. 1880 *George Whitefield Ives, M.D. 1846 4"1874 *Abel Burritt Jacocks, M.A. *1889 *Stephen Dodd Law, M.A. '1886 George Washington Lay John Foote Lay *Edmund Leaf, M.A. ‘1891 William Law Learned, M.A. 184 LL.D. 1878, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State, Prof. Law Union Univ. *Edward Mills Charles Sherman Minor Donald Grant Mitchell, LL.D. 1878, Lect. Engl. Lit. William Henry 1110070, М.А. Eñîngham Howard Nichols, M.A., LL.D. Univ. South 1886 Birdsey Grant Northrop, LL.D. Williams 1872 Alhert Paine William Pearson ' *Thomas Il/IcClure Peters, D.D. Trin. 1865 ’1862 M.A. 1853, *1893 *John Morrison Pinkerton, M.A. 1845, LL.B. Harv. 1845 '1881 * William Henry Porter *1861 *John Dale Powell, LL.B. Harv. 1843, М.А. 1848 ’1850 *Henry Hunter Raymond, M.A.,­ LL.B. Harv. 1845 ‘1876 *YVilliam Erigena Robinson, M.A., LL.D. St.John’s (N. Y.) 1890, M. C. *1892 86 YALE UNIVERSITY. [1895 *Pompeo Ascenco de Sá *1879 *Henry Sargent, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1847 *1858 William Templeman Sawyer, M.D. Univ. La. 1860 *Guy Bryan Schott *1871 *james Monroe Smith, M.D. Castle- ton Med. Coll. 1843 *Hezekiah Sturges *1884 Stephen Cummins Upson *James Wadsworth, M.A. '1891 *Horaee Dean Walher, M.A. *1885 *John Nicholson Washington *1869 Richard Storrs Willis *Henry William Wood *1873 ' William Grey Woolfolk Thomas Cojín Yarnall, M.A., D.D. Univ. Pa. 1868 79 1842 *John Henry Adam *1870 *Horatio Bingley Alden, M.A. *1887 *Joseph Henry Alter *1854 *Horaee Cowles Atwater, M.A. *1879 *Edward Law Baldwin, LL.B. 1844 *1848 *James William Baldwin, M.A. *1889 *Allen Bangs, M.A. *1853 *Theodore .Philip 807007, М.А. Trin. 1855, D.D. St.John’s (Md.) 1875 *1893 Daniel Beers Beach, M.A., LL.B. 1845 *Frederick Dan Beeman *1860 *Thomas Nelson Benediet *1886 *Robert Benner., M.A. ‘1891 *joseph Augustine Benton, M.A., D.D. 1870, Prof. Bibl. Lit. also Homilet. and Past. Theol. Pacific Theol.Sem. *1892 *Gideon Bingham, M.A. *1850 *Douglass Boardman, M.A. Hobart 1849, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *1891 joseph Brewster, M.A. and Trin. 1852 *Joseph Venen Brown *_/ohn Curtis Burroughs, M.A., D.D. Univ. Roch. 1858, LL.D. Colgate 1869, Pres. also Chancellor Univ. Chicago George Bushnell, D.D. Beloit 1879, Fellow *Albert Barnes Buttles, LL.B.1844, *1893 M.A. *1872 *Albert Bentley Capwell, M.A. *1880 *William Carman', M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1846 *1890 *Leonard Case *1880 ваг/0501012 Chandler, M.A. *1892 Edwin Nesbit Chapman, M.A., M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1845, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut. L. I. Coll. Hosp. *1888 A lescanderI Huntington Clapp, M.A., D.D. Iowa Coll. 1868 Gideon Colton Clarh *Odle Close *1894 *Robert Coleman, LL.B. Harv. 1844 *1878 *Francis Edward Cornwell, M.A. ‘1869 Samuel Witt Eaton, D.D. Beloit 1883 *Newton Edwards *1855 William Ellis Y *james Ensign *1883 *Charles Fabrique, M.A. ‘188g Robert Wasson Forbes, M.D. 1845 Calvin Frost ‘ *Hugh Brodie Gardiner *1874 *Robert T. Gill, M.A., M.D. Jeffer- son Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1846 *1873 *Edward Young Gould *1843 * William .Poste/l Gready, M.A. *1882 Lewis Grout *James Hadley, M.A., LL.D. Wes- leyan Univ. 1866, Tutor, Prof. Greek, Pres. Amer. Orient. Soc., Member *1872 Nat. Acad. Sci. Charles Henry Hall, M.A. Trinity 1847, D.D. Hobart 1860 and Columbia 1861, Doctor of Canon Law Trinity 1891, LL.D. 1892 Burdett Hart, M.A., 1887, Fellow *William Davison Hennen, 1880, M.A. 1880 Daniel Henshaw, M.A., D.D. Gris- wold 1881 *Isaac Ellmaker Heister, M. C. *1871 *jesse Alexander Higginbotham,M.A. *1849 *Murray Hoiïman *1890 George Boardman Huhhard, M.A. *William Sidney Huggins, M.A. 1847 *1862 D.D. Ripon *1883 *Henry Plumer Keyes *1894 *Sylvester Larned *1893 *Porter LeConte, M.A. *1847 . *Charles Long, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Greek and Lat. Delaware Coll. *Samuel Lynes, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1846 *1878 *Henry Strong McCall, Prof. Law Union Univ. ‘1893 *Alexander Mae I/Vhorter, M.A., Prof. Metaphys. and Engl. Lit. Troy Univ. *1880 Albert Mathews, M.A. ’1856 *John Harbeck Meeker, M.A. 1850 *1889 *Caleb Buffum Metcalf, M.A. *1891 *Samuel Buel Mulford ‘1863 *William Rufus Nelson *1864 *John Jay Orton, M.A. *1885 *Charles Collins Parker *1848 *jacob Perkins *1859 Nathaniel Shaw Perkins John Andrew Peters, LL.D. 1893 and Colby 1884 and Bowd. 1885, Attor- ney-Gen. Maine, M. C., Chief just. Supr. Court Me. *Cyrus Pitts *John Webb Platts *John Addison Porter, M.A., M.D. 1855, Prof. Rhet. and Mod. Lang. Delaware Coll., Prof. Applied Chem. Brown Univ., Prof. Analyt. and Agricult. Chem. also Organic Chem. ` *1880 *1874 ‘1866 1895] ВАСИЕЬОКЗ<Л2А02$3100400 87 Julius Howard Pratt, M.A. *James Merit Randall *1861 *Steuben Rexford *1850 Andrew Richmond, M.A. * William W illshire Robinson *1 850 Theodore Runyon, M.A. 1862, LL.D. 1882 апс1 Wesleyan 1867 and Rut- gers 1875, Chancellor N. l., U. S. Ambass. Plenip. Germ. *Henry Austin Scudder, M.A. 1874, Just. Super. Court Mass. Daniel Lyman Shearer *David Gould Sherman, M.A., Prof. Ancient Lang. Howard Coll. (Ala.) ‘1868 Samuel Wolcott Skinner, M.D. 1846 Augustus Smith *1892 *fra Harvey Smith, M.A. *1883 *Russell Smith, M.A. *1866 *Charles Stewart Stone, M.A. 1847 *1889 *Seth Bradley Stone, M.A. '1877 *Asher Miner Stout, M.A. *1860 *John Calvin Strong *1879 *jared Reid Swift *1850 *Henry Reed Talmage *1880 А10070 Kendall Teele, D.D. Middle- bury 1874 *James Mitchell Thacher, M.A. 1846, M.D. ­lefierson Med. Coll. (Ра.)1849 ”1853 *Dar/ia’ Trumbull, D.D. 1884 and ln- diana State Univ. 1866 *1889 James Hammond Trumbull, 1850, М.А. 1850, LL.D. 1871 апс1 Harv. 1887, L.H.D. Columbia 1887, Secr. Conn., Lect. N. Amer. Ind. Lang., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. Sylvester Wooster Turner, M.D. 1846 ° *1865 *Leander Elmer W ahe yield *Edward Carey Walker *1894 Henry Dana Artemas Ward *William Edgar Waterhouse ' *1885 *Henry Kirke White Welch, M.A., LL.B. 1850 *1870 *Charles Kimball Wells, M.A. *1892 Eliphalet Whittlesey, М.А. 1847, D.D. Howard Univ. 1882, Prof. Rhet. and Orat. Bowd. Coll., Prof. Rhet. and Engl. Lit. Howard Univ. Nathan Witter Williams, M.A. *Glen Wood *Robert William Wright '1893 106 ’1885 1843 800070 Aikman, M.A., D.D. Coll. N. 1874 *Samuel Worcester Andrew, M.A. *Daniel Sidney Appleton W' i lliam I/V a 11000 A tteróury, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1888 Wyllys Atwater Charles Kellogg Atwood john Aver *Julius Adolphus Baratte William Beeson M.A., ’1859 Joseph Everett Bennett, M.A. 1868 * William Austin Benton *1874 *Hervey Minor Booth ‘1893 *johnjaeoó Brandegee, D.D. Hamilton . 1863 and Hobart 1863 *1864 *Marius Brandegee, M.A. ‘1885 George Andrew Bryan *William Burroughs, M.A. “1861 *William Lyon Chambers *1889 George Henry Clarh, D.D. Trin. 1863 *William Alfred Collins *1891 *Charles Cramer *1876 *James Perrine Cutler *1851 Lemuel Sanford Davies, M.A. *Philotus Dean, M.A. 1849 *1871 *ez/ames Horton Dill, M.A. a’1863 james Bogardus Donnelly *1855 William Augustus Durrie, M.A., M.D. 1846 Benjamin Tucker Eames, M.A., M. C. Edward Eells, M.A. *Hallam Eldridge ’1893 David ~ludson Ely *Ísaae Mills Ely *1880 *Charles Nicholas Gachet *1863 Mills Bordwell Gelston, M.A. *james Burnet Gibbs *1850 Edward Whiting Gilman, M.A., D.D. 1874, Tutor *William Henry Goodrich, М.А., D.D. W. Reserve 1864, Tutor *1874 *Christopher Grammer *1889 *Gideon Granger, M.A. *1868 Gardiner Greene, LL.B. Harv. 1845, М.А. *Gordon Hall, M.A., D.D. Amherst 1864, Tutor *187g *Roswell Hart, M. C. *1883 *Daniel William Har/ens *1889 Sylvester Hine *Joseph Stillman Hubbard, M.A., Prof. Math. U. S. Naval Observ- atory, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1863 *Cyrus Huntington, M.A. *1883 *John Myers Huntington *1864 Lewis Raymond Hurlbutt, М.А., M.D. 1850, Tutor Williamjesupjennings, M.A. *Alexander Johnston ‘1875 *Charles Jones, M.A. 1850 *1892 *Anthony Quinton Keasbey, M.A. 1863 ц1895 *Sanford Brown Kellogg, M.A. *1893 *]0Ьп Kendrick, M.A. *1877 *Josiah Torrey King, M.A. ‘1849 William Lathrop Kingsley, M.A., Litt. D. 1892 *Alfred Lambert, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1846 4'1885 *William Griswold Lane *1877 *Frederick Moore Lathrop *1860 *John Abram Lent *1863 *James Minor Linsley *1889 *Timothy Linsley '1864 George Clarh Lucas, M.A. *Edward McLean ‘1886 88 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 George Appleton Meech *Thomas Hudson Moody *185— *Edward Munroe *1851 Erederich Munson *Robert Wesley Nelson, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1846 *1863 George Brigham Newton, M.A. *Hubert Franklin North, M.A. *1862 James Hamilton North, M.A., M.D. Pa. Med. Coll. 1857 *John Frederick Nourse, M.A. *1854 Samuel Miller Parsons, M.A. * William Stedman Bec/e, М.А. *1849 George Taber Pierce \ *Charles William Quich, M.A. *1894 *Horace Hall Reid, М.А. Trinity 1846 *1860 *John Hunter Robb *1864 Edward Wright Robbins, M.A. *Lucius Franklin Robinson, M.A., 'LL.B. 1845 ~ *1861 *Eli Sims Shorter, M. C. *1879 john Monroe Sibley *John Warburton Skinner *1889 Burritt Augustus Smith, M.A. 800070 Palmer Stanton, М.А. Asahel Augustus Stevens, M.A. 1852 *Henry Stevens, M.A., Fellow Lond. Soc. Antiquaries *1886 *Samuel Worcester Strong, M.A. 1851 *1856 *Franklin Taylor *1844 *Philip T 00002220 *1891 Douglas Kellogg Turner George Welton Warner, M.A. *Henry Astor Weeks, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848 *1891 *Asa Wellington, M.A. 1853 *1892 *Ira Day Whittelsey, M.A. 1847 _ *1849 /ohn Wiches, M.A. 96 1844 *Marshall Bullard A ngier, M.A. *1894 Isaac Atwater, Chief Just. Supr. Court Minn. Edward Henry Avery 870007000` Denison Avery, M.A. Samuel Augustus Badger *Myron Barrett, М.А. ' *1876 *Abraham Bowen Batterson, M.A. *1864 Delos White Beadle, also King’s Coll. (Toronto) 1845, LL.B. Harv. 1847 Ezekiel Porter Belden, M.A. Richard Dobbs Spaight Bell *Henry Clay Birdseye *1847 *Edward Bissell _ *1894 *Charles William Blincoe, M.A. 1854 ‘1859 William Ely Boies, M.A. 1850 Edward Andrews Breed Samuel Miles Brown, M.A. Trinity 1849 *Henry Wadhams Buel, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1893 Edwin Adolphus Bulhley, M.A., D.D. Univ. Vt. 1868 *james Smith Bush *1889 *Henry Byne Charles Whittlesey Camp, D.D. Beloit 1894 *Nathan Colton Chapin_ *1892 *john Townsend Coit, M.A. 1849 *1863 Augustus Aurelius Coleman Theron Gaylord Colton, M.A. *Charles Henry Crane, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1847, Surgeon-Gen. U. S. Army *1883 *James Linton Cunningham ,*1847 *Christopher Cushing, М.А., D.D. Am- herst 1871 *1881 John Adams Dana, M.A. *Oswin Hart Doolittle *1851 *john Welsh Dulles, М.А. 1853, D.D. Coll. N. j. 1871 *1887 *Henry Postlethwaite Duncan, M.A. *1879 *William Horace Elliot, M.A., LL.B. 1847 *1852 *Rockwell Emerson ‘1878 *john Henry Felder *1861 *Ortis Sanford Ferry, esc-oficio Fellow, M. C., U. S. Senator *1875 William FewSmith, M.A. *Robert Farris Fisk. LL.B. Harv. 1846, М.А. *1863 *Samuel Augustus Fisk, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1846, М.А., Pres. Mass. Med. Soc. *1884 Thaddeus Foote *Charles Foster *1877 *Wait Robbins Griswold, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1863 *1887 *William Hollister Guernsey *1850 *Henry Huntley Haight, Gov. Cal. *1878 Alfred Hasbrouck, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848 *John ~lackson, M.A. *1877 *William Claiborne Kain *1894 *Henry Kinney, M.A. *1854 Alexander Chalmers Lanier Ira Lewis, also King’s Coll. (Toronto) 1845, B.C.L. King’s 1848 *Charles Little, М.А. 1858 *1892 *joseph Lovell, M.A. 1853 ‘1872 *Charles Rollin Lynde *1894 james Henry McKee john McLeod, M.A. *William Allen Macy, М.А. *1859 Charles Augustus Maison, D.D. Univ. Pa. 1882 › Virgil Maro Dow Marcy, M.D. Univ. Md. 1847, М.А. 1848 *Samuel Dexter Marsh John Porter Marshall, M.A., Prof. Math. and Physics also Chem., Min- eral. and Geol. Tufts Coll. Charles Henry Meeker *Joseph King Merritt, M.A., M.D. '1853 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848 *1882 james Roe Mershon _ *William Frederick Miller *1881 *Samuel Minor, M.A. *1895 *John Contee Mullikin, M,A. *1858 1895] BA CHELORS 0F ARTS, 1844-1845 89 *Edward Norton *1894 *Alexander Fisher Olmsted, M.A. *1853 *Denison Olmsted *1846 *Edward Artemas Raymond *1873 Abner Rice, M.A. James Madison Robb Charles Henry Rogers, M.D. 1847 Samuel Towner Rogers, Prof. Math. and Nant. Philos. Wash. Coll. (Md.) *Edward Warren Root, M.A., Tutor *1882 *Hollis Russell, M.A. *1850 *Augustus Sammis, M.A. *1855 George Slocum Folger Savage, D.D. Iowa Coll. 1870 Edward David Selden, M.A. *James Austin Sheldon *1877 *John Wesley Shepherd, M.A. Henry DeWitt Smith, M.A. *Howard Smith, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1847, Prof. Materia Med. Univ. La. *1892 *William Smith *1850 William Manlius Smith, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. |849 *Hannibal Lowe Stanley, М.А. *1883 *Edward Sweet *1888 *Nathaniel William Taylor, M.D. 1846, M.A. *1875 *Thomas Merritt Thompson *1894 *james Ellison VanBohhe/en, M.A. 1848*1850 Joseph Burbeen ÑValker, M.A. 1891 and Dartm. 1883 Arthur Ward, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847 *William Barrett Washburn, LL.D. Harv. 1872, M. C., Gov. Mass., Fel- low, U. S. Senator *1887 *Joshua Whitney Waterman *1892 William Jones Weeks John Walcott Wetherell, LL.B. Harv. 1846, М.А. , Jonathan White 110070022 Kellogg Í/Vhittlesey, D.D. Illi- nois Coll. 1877 Hugh Brady Wilkins, M.A. Cyprian Porter Willcox, M.A., Prof. Mod. Lang. Univ. Ga. *William Minor Williams, M.A. *1855 *Archelaus Wilson, M.A. *1862 *Frederick Augustus Woodson *1874 Edwin Wright, М.А. 104 1845 *William George Anderson ‘1892 *Joseph Snowden Bacon, M.A. ‘1890 *John Dorsey Bald, M.A. *1890 à *John Southard Belcher, M.A. ‘1883 *William Burr Bibbins, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1849 *1871 *William Augustus Bigelow *1846 William Binney, 1866, M.A. 1866 and Brown 1856 *Samuel Sitgreaves Bowman *1846 *James Noaille Brickell ’1877 *James Beebee Brinsmade *1884 Henry Beebee Carrington, M.A., LL.D. Wabash 1871, Prof. Military Sci. Wabash Coll. *William Thomas Casto *1862 *Daniel Chadwick, ex-ojicio Fellow *1884 *Charles Thomas Chester *1880 Alexander Croc/eer Childs *Lemuel Parker Conner, 1876 *1891 *William Gustine Conner *1863 Oliver Crane, M.A. 1864, M.D. Eclectic Med. Coll. N. Y. 1867, D.D. Univ. Wooster 1880, LL.D. Westminster Coll. (Мо.) 1889 *Josiah Bissell Crowell *1845 *Isaac Lafayette Cushman *1857 *Winston Jones Davie, M.A. 1877 *1887 Thomas Kirby Davis, M.A. *Guy Bigelow Day, M.A. *1891 *Henry Day ‘1893 *James Jarman Dean, LL.B. 1849 *1893 *Andrew Flinn Dichson, M.A. ìŕ1879 William Elijah Downes *Basil Duke, LL.B. Transylvania Univ. 1847 *1885 Jonathan Sturges Ely *Ward Emigh *1869 Constantine Canaris Esty, M.A., M. C. George DeForest Folsom *Calvin Luther Goddard, M.A. *1895 George Willard Goddard, M.A. *James Gardner Gould, М.А., Tutor *1854 *John Grant, M.A., Tutor *1878 William Broohs Greene john I/I/heeler Harding, M.A. 1849 *William Riddle Harper, M.A. *1855 *George Dana Harrington, M.A. *1879 *Carter Henry Harrison, LL.B. Tran- sylv. 1855, М. С. *1893 George Canning Hill ­ *Willard Hodges, M.A. *1889 *Alvan Pinney Hyde, M.A. *1894 *Francis Ives '1895 *Thomas Kennedy, M.A. 49 *Augustus William Lord, LL.B. 1847 ‘1875 *john Talmadge Marsh, M.A. *1884 Orrick Metcalfe, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1853, Prof. Lang. Jefferson Coll. (Miss.) *James Monroe, M.A. *1861 *aF/ames 111070022 *1894 George Crawford Murray, M.A. ‘1884 Sereno Dwight Nickerson, LL.B. Harv. 1847, M.A. *Lyman Decatur Norris, M.A. Univ. Mich. 1869 ‘1894 Edward Olmstead, M.A. *John Howard Olmsted *1846 Isaac Lewis Peet, M.A. 1849, LL.D. Columbia 1872 *Robert Rankin ‘1859 *James Redfield, M.A. ‘1864 William Thomas Reynolds, М.А. *Charles Miner Runk, 1864, LL.B. Harv. 1847, M.A. 1864 *1885 90 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Isaac Munroe St.John, M.A. *1880 Silas Richards Selden, M.A. *George Washington Sheffield, M.A. *1893 *James Bailey Silkman *1888 *Timothy Dwight Sprague, M.A. *1849 James Camp Tappan *Richard Taylor *1879 Leonard Eugene Wales, Judge Super. Court Del. and U. S. District Court (Del.) *David Blair Watkinson *1846 *Ira Benjamin Wheeler, M.A. ‘1857 *Nathan Fox Wilbur *1878 *William ' Burnham Woods, LL.D. 1883 and W. Reserve 1881, Judge U. S. Circuit Court, Just. U. S. Supr. Court *1887 *George Terry Wright 74 *1852 1846 *Charles Goldthwaite Adams, M.D. Harv. 1849 *[852 Walter Franklin Atlee, M.A., M.D. Univ.,Pa. 1850 *William Т/Уооа’г’идг Atwater, M.A., Librarian Law School *1874 [озер/2 Willes Bachus, M.A., Tutor, Fellow Nathaniel Rurdy Bailey, M.A., D.D. Blackburn 1872 *Albert Henry Barnes, M.A. 1866, PH.D. Lafayette 1871 *1878 *Edward Griffin Bartlett, M.D. Univ.- City N. Y. 1850 *1889 *Frederic Peter Bellinger '1849 /ohn Woodbridge Birchmore, M.A. and Trin. 1872 *Charles Loring Brace *1890 John Ball Brisbin *William Батат! Capron, M.A. *1876 *Wilson Cary Nicholas Carr *1886 *Henry Case '1884 *George Foot Chester, M.A. 1853 *1889 *Henry Childs, M.A. *1885 *Robert Cochran, M.A. *1880 *James Jonathan Coit, M.A. *185- *Isaac Clinton Collins *1879 *John Butler Conyngham *187i James McLaren Breed Dwight, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1861, Tutor *William Spencer Eakin, M.A. *1880 *Calvin Morgan Fackler *1865 *Thomas Isaac Franklin *1848 Ziba Gay, M.A. John Henry Glover, ‚М.А. Charles Joseph Gobrecht, M.A. 1868 Joseph Franklin Griggs, M.A. 1862, Prof. Greek Western Univ. Pa. Israel Hopkins Harris ' Henry Baldwin Harrison, M.A. , LL.D. 1885, Fellow, Gov. Conn. Levi Wells Hart, M.A. David Hawley George Edwards Hill, M.A. Южным Holmes, M. A. Benjamin Balch Hophinson *William Walter Horton *Jefferson Franklin Jackson, M.A. William Boyd Jacobs, M.A. 1850 *Edwin johnson l *Isaac Nelson Keas Stephen Wright Kellogg, M.A., M. C. Archibald Kennedy *1865 *1862 *1883 *185- Frederick John Kingsbury,M.A. ,LL. D. Williams 1893, Fellow *Edward VanSchoonhoven Kinsley, M.A. 1850 ‘ *Jonathan Homer Lane, M.A. 1850, Member Acad. Nat. Sci. *Stephen Duncan Linton Morris Wakeman Lyon, M.A. *George McChain *William Minor, M.A. *David Humphrey Mulford *Samuel Southworth Murfey Rensselaer Russell Nelson, Just. Supr. Court Minn. and U. S. Dis- trict Court (Minn.) *William Russell Nevins Frederick Henry North, M.A. *Charles Josiah Pennington, M.A. *George Washington Thomas Perkins T almon Cornelius Ferry, M.A. *Elihu Phinney, M.A. Bernard Anthony Pratte, M.A. 1850 *Jared Reid, M.A. *Samuel Thomas Richards *Chester Newell Righter, M.A. *Samuel Robbins, M.D. N. Y. 1852 *James Giles Rowland, M.A. y *Josiah Savage *Elisha BaconShapleigh, M.D. Univ. 'Pa. 1849 *Thomas DuBois Sherwood, M.A. Milo Marcellus Smith, M.A. 1851 Robert Hall Smith *Rufus Smith *John Spaulding, 1874, LL.B. Harv. 1850, M.A. 1874 *Frederic Starr, M.A. 1853 *Henry Thornton Steele, M.A. *Albert Everett Stetson, M.D. Harv. 1849 *Joseph Stiles, M.A. *Orson William Stow, M.A. 1850 John Butler Talcott, M.A., Tutor *Abijah Hull Thompson Charles Hooper Trask, M.A. Charles Peaslee Turner, M.A., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1851 Daniel Meigs Webb, M.A., M.D. 1849 Lorenzo Wesson *Samuel George Willard, M.A., Fellow . 83 1847 *Samuel Perkins Allison John Carpenter Angell *William Henry Babcock *1888 *1880- *1867 *1889 *1853 *1890 *1887 *1881 “1877 *1855 *1892 *1886 *1881 *1856 ‘1869 *1853 *1849 *1892 *1875 *1847 *1893 *i867 *1890 *1857 *1851 *1883 *1876 *1887 *1858 *1888 1895] BA CHEL ons о}? AR Ts, 1846—1847 91 *Benjamin Wisner Bacon ‘1848 *Anthony Wayne Baker *i 854 *Roger Sherman Baldwin, M.A. *1856 *George Gardner Barnard, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *1879 Lewis Barnes, M.A., M.D. Buffalo Univ. 1850 *Benjamin Franklin Bassett, M.A„ ъл.[).1851 *1875 *Thomas Levingston Bayne *1891 *Ebenezer White Beckwith, M.A. *1865 *John Macdonough Berry, Just. Supr. Court Minn. ’1887 Charles Thompson Blake Henry Martyn Brace William Edward Brodnax Calvin Mason Brooks *Benjamin Gratz Brown, U. S. Sena- tor, Gov. Mo. *1885 Charles Henry Bullard *John Christopher Burch *1881 Swift Byington, M.A. *John Dutton Candee, LL.B. 1849 *1888 William Wells Carpenter, M.A. *Seth Ely Case, M.A. *1864 Henry Barton Chapin, M.A., PH.D. Coll. N. J. 1868, D.D. N. J. 1891 *George Nehemiah Cleaveland, M.A. *I877 *james Bradford Cleaveland, M.A. *1889 *Frederick Whittelsey Cogswell *1893 Luther Hart Cone, M.A. John Coon, M.A. 1857 Frederick Augustus Copp, M.A. *John Cotton *1848 *Simeon Allen Craig, M.A. 1855 *1879 *George Washington Cumings, also . Wash. Univ. (Va.) 1846 *1859 *Amos Smith Darrow *1877 *Othniel DeForest ‘1864 *Andrew Clarh Denison, M.A. ’1890 Samuel Robinson Dimoch John Edmands *Stukely Ellsworth, M.A. *1876 RobertRerry Farris, D.D. Westminster Coll. (Мо.) 1866 Thomas Monroe Finney James Fitch *Emlen Franklin *William Henry Gilman James Presley Gray, M.A. 1857 *Horatio Wells Gridley, M.A., M.D. *1891 *1860 1850 *1851 *William Gunton, M.A. *1854 *Henry Hamilton Hadley, Tutor, Prof. Hebrew, Prof. Hebr. Union Theol. Sem. *Dugald Cameron Haight, M.A. George Washington Hart *William Hallock Hayden ’1891 *Francis Louis Hodges, M.A., Tutor *1853 Frederick William Mackey Holliday, Gov. Va. *George Washington Hollister *William Henry Howe *james Thomas Iíyde, M.A. 1870, D.D. 1870 and Beloit 1870, Tutor, Prof. *1864 *1852 *1855 '1864 Pastoral Theol. also N. T. Lit. and Interpret. Chicago Theol. Sem. *1886 Nathaniel Alden Hyde, M.A., D.D. Marietta 1876 *Angelo Jackson ‘1878 *Lewis Burr Jennings *1853 *Edwardjessup, M.A. 1865 and Trinity *1872 Henry Стишата/25241), М.А., Prof. Nat. Hist. Dartm. Coll. *Robert Porter Johnson, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1850 *1890 *Henry Christian Kutz, M.A. 1857 *1862 *James Theodore Latta, M.A. *1865 *William Henry Lyman *Lucius Holly Lyon *1853 *William Stewart McKee *1854 *Philemon Ferdinand McLallen *1853 *Charles Heyward Manigault *1856 *Nathaniel Williams Manning *1848 *Hezekiah Davis Martin *1863 Sylt/anus Rratt .Marr/in, M.A. *Nathaniel Matson, M.A. *1851 *Benjamin Stevens Miller, M.A. 1852 *1859 Alfred Mills William Eves Moore, M.A., D.D. Marietta 1873 *John Munn *1850 *Charles Augustus Nichols *1877 *Daniel Temple Noyes *1862 *John Hull Olmsted, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852 *1857 Charles Theodore Hart Palmer *Francis Henry Palmer, М.А. I'1884 *Edward Griñin Parker, M.A. 1857 *1868 *Elisha Franklin Paxton *1863 *Robert Peck *1888 William Peet Alfred Plant ‚ *William John Powell, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1859 *Andrew Tully Pratt, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852 *1872 Lewis HubbardReid, M.A., D.D. Univ. N. C. 1890 '_ *Thomas Waltham Renshaw *1890 George Appleton Robbins, M.A. *John Robinson ‘1882 *Charles Frederick Sanford, M.A. 1858, Judge Super. Court N. Y. City *1881 *Edward Isaac Sanford, LL.B. 1849, M.A. , ex-oßicio Fellow, Judge Super. Court Conn. 893 Lauren Sylvester Scott, M.A. *William Sharp *1876 Edward Shaw *Thomas Young Simons, M.A. *1878 Thomas Peter Simpson ' *Elbert Jones Smith *1884 John Donnell Smith *Linus Burr Smith, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1851 *1854 *Henry Sherwood Steele, M.A. 1851 *1857 Joseph Steele *John Reynolds Sturges ‘1862 *Sidney Tennent *1873 Nathaniel Macon Trezevant 92 ` КАДЕКЪМ1ИЕК5[ТУ П895 *3ашие1 Сорр Waring, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1851 *1854 *Sereno Watson, M.A., PH.D. Iowa . Coll. 1878, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1892 ’iŕGeorge Gideon Webster, M.A., LL.B. 1850 “1874 Franklin Wheeler, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852, M.A. 1867 iiMartin VanBuren Wilcoxson *1874 aeHenry Fairchild Wildman *1849 Horatio Wildman, M.A. Gouverneur Morris Wilkins %Wallace Cornwell Willcox, M.A. *1890 George Clinton Williams, M.A. 7Élohn Wilson *1857 *Matthew Gregory Wing, M.A. *1860 Henry Trowbridge Wiswall, 1875, M.A. 1875 AíŕCyrus Elisha ÑVorrell *1874 Daniel Thew Wright, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1850, Judge Supr. Court Com- mission О. *Antonio Poma Yancey, M.A. 124 *1854 1848 Edward Payson Abbe, M.D. Harv. 1852 %Frea’erz'eh Randolph Abhe *1889 *William Aitehz'son, Tutor *1859 *Аизйп Arnold *1850 Samuel Estey Baldwin, LL.B. Harv. 1850 "’ŕjohn Allen Barnard *1870 eejames Nathan Barnes *1892 eeJohn Bates *1859 ]аше5‚В1гс1, М.А. 1858 Henry Taylor Blake Henry Blodget, M.A., D.D. 1872, Tutor *John Nelson Borland, M.D. Harv. 1851 *1890 ' *John Ferree Bri'nton, M.A. ‘1878 ¿*Clinton Capers Brown *1852 Ebenezer Buckingham David Samuel Calhoun, вас-0175610 Fellow *John Peyton Clark *1878 'yfHenry Martyn Colton, M.A. 1867 at1872 *Charles Condit, M.A. *1876 *СЬаПез Theodore Cotton, M.A. *1877 Charles Mason Cullen, Judge Super. Court Del. Homer Northrop Dunning _Samuel Emerson, M.A. 1854 ‚ *Samuel Armstid Ewing ' » *1864 *Benjamin Fearing, M.D. Jeilerson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1851 *1889 *МагзЬаП Mason Fitch, 185x, M.A. *1854 rDwight Foster, M.A., LL.D. 1871, Attorney-Gen. Mass., Just. Supr. Court Mass. *1884 à‘Frederick Cone Fuller *1863 Franklin Richard Grist 6eJames Griswold *1892 Daniel Francis Gulliver, M.A., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1852 Charles Samuel Hall, LL.B. 1850, M.A. *John Randolph Harper *1865 e“Edward Burr Harrison, M.A. *1852 ieHenry Condit Hedges *1859 *Еёш Brewster Hillard, M.A. *1895 james Crane Hinsdale, M.A. Henry Hitchcock, LL.D. 1874, Prof. Law Wash. Univ. (Мо.) *Shelton Hollister *1855 Daniel Holmes, M.A. Univ. Roches- ter 1853 . ]0/272 Parkinson Ягдташ], М.А. Francis Townsend Jarman ÑVilliam Kinne, M.A., Tutor Caleb Lamson, M.A. 1894 George Langdon %Benajah Leûîngwell, M.A. *1866 *Charles Lowrey *1877 *Jacob Kerlin McKenty, LL.B. 1850, M.A., M. C. *1866 *Richard Smith Mesick *1893 *David Sanford Mowry *1858 *George Goundry Munger *1895 *Isaac Sprague Newton *1889 Arthur Dimon Osborne i@Frederick Packard *1862 Henry Martyn Parsons Т honzas Ruggles Gola7 Peeh Samuel Clarke Perkins, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1852, LL.D. 1888 Thomas Cicero Pinckard, M.A. 1857 eiFranklin Lafayette Plimpton *1849 Tz'nzothy Hophz'ns Porter, M.A. _lohn Hollenback Pumpelly ŕlsaac Turner Rathbone *1849 *Charles Olnzstea7 Reynolds *1880 *Robert Martin Richardson *1855 joseph Rowell *Benjamin Huger Rutledge *1893 Charles Selden, M.A. %Samuel Hart Selden *189r Nathaniel Shipman, M.A., LL.D. 1884, Judge U. S. District Court (Conn.) and U. S. Circuit Court, Lect. ­Iurisdict. and Proced. U. S. Courts è"'¿Íohn Thomas Shoener *1860 *Henry Slack, M.A., M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1852 *1886 Samuel Selden Spencer *Edmund Denison Stanton, M.A. *1873 *Samuel Alexander Strickler *1872 *Charles Dimon Sturges, M.A. *1868 James Hedden Trumbull, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852 and Univ. Chili 1855 *Edwin Tyler *1868 Thomas Smith Wallace *John Richard Watrous, M.A. *1861 *Cyprian George Webster *1850 Sidney Webster, LL.B. Harv. 1850, M.A. 1853 *Оеогде Arthur Wetherell *1858 George White, LL.B. Harv. 1850, M.A. 1895] BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1848—1849 93 Giles Buekingham Willcox, D.D. Univ, City N. Y. 1881, Prof. Past. Theol. Chicago Theol. Sem. *Theodore Winthrop, M.A. Michael Augustus Withers Ben D. Young ‘ 87 *1861 1849 Enoch George Adams, M.A. 1867 *Edward Augustus Arnold` M.A., M.D. Univ. Md. 1852 *1877 James Henry Atkins, M.A. *john Light Atlee, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1853 *1885 *john Andrew Baer, M.A. *1889 *Thomas Ridgway Bannan, M.A. *1878 Horace Barnard, M.A.,LL.B. Harv. 1853 *Robert Paddock Barnard *1888 *Lorin Barnes « *1894 *Sheldon Clark Beecher, M.A. *1864 *George Benedict, M.D. 1851, М.А. *1887 “ТПНаш Darius Bishop, M.A., M. C. Oscar Bissell Здании/гид Bourne *Levi Barnes Bradley *1892 Augustus Brandegee, M. C. *Charles Lewis Brent, M.A. *1882 Benjamin Swan Bronson Edwin Augustus Buck l*John Catlin Bull, М.А. 1857 *1880 *Charles Greene Came *1879 [saae Bddy Carey *William George Chandler, M.A. *1862 \Villiam Lawrence Clark William Barker Clarke, M.A., Chit- tenden Prof. Divinity Bela Horton Colegrove *Hamilton Couper *1862 George Douglas *Franklin Asher Durkee *1881 Timothy Dwight, M.A., D.D. 1886 and Chicago Theol. Sem. 1869, LL.D. Harv. 1886 апс1 Coll. N. J. 1888, Tutor, Buckingham Prof. Sacred Lit., President Ellsworth Eliot, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852 *Stephen Fenn, M.A. Francis Miles Finch, LL.D. 1889 and Hamilton 1880, judge Court Appeals N. Y. State, Prof. Hist. Law Cornell Univ. Franklin Woodbury Fisk, M.A., D.D. 1886 and Olivet 1865, LL.D. Beloit 1888, Tutor, Prof. Rhet. and Engl. Lit. Beloit Coll., Pres. and Prof. Sacred Rhet. Chicago Theol. Sem. *Charles Henry Foote ’1857 *Rufus Austin Ford, M.D. Univ. *1875 Louisville 1852 “1875 *Littleton Purnell Franklin *1888 Philip Gleason Galpin - *Charles Rush Goodrich, ’1855 *George Anderson Gordon, ’1872 Albert Gallatin Green Elial Foote Hall Y _lohn Lawyer Hanes *Francis Edwin Harrison *1887 *Henry Mills Haskell *1855 *Rufus Alexander Henson, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1852 *1892 Henry Hastings Hill Theodore Henry Hittell *Horace Hollister, M.A. *1853 *Edward Clement Hough, M.A. *1872 Thomas Scranton Hubbard *Joseph Hurlbut, M.A., Tutor *1855 *Charles josiah flutehins *1887 William Huntting Jessup, M.A. *jacob Brown Kirby, M.A. *1860 William Brown Lee, M.A., D.D. Univ. Washington 1888 Frederick St.John Lockwood, M.A. *Aaron Lyon *1858 Corydon Charles Merriman, M.A. Henry Laurens Metcalfe *james Browning llfiles, D.D. Beloit 1873, Tutor *1875 john Belden Mitchell Mark Burnham Moore, M.A. Edward Dafydd jlfforris, M.A., D.D. Hamilton 1863, LL.D. Maryville 1885, Prof. Church Hist. also Sys- tematic Theol. Lane Theol. Sem. *Washington Murray, LL.B. Harv. 1851, M.A. 1854 *1867 *Romeo Ezekiel North, M.A. *1880 John Oakey *Dar/id Beek, M.A. *1874 *Hugh Florien Peters, M.A. *1856 *William Frederick Poole, 'M.A., LL.D. Northwestern Univ. 1882 *1894 Charles Augustus Lewis Riehards, M. D. Jefferson Med. Со11.(Ра.) 1852, D.D. Griswold Coll. 1883 *Walker Richardson *1875 George Frederick Robinson _]ohn Rockwell ' *Samuel Newell Rowell, M.D. 1852 *1893 *Thomas Rogers Shearon, LL.B. Harv. 1855 *1887 Alfred Loring Skinner *Edward Parmelee Smith, Pres. How- ard Univ. *1876 Job Lewis Smith, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1853, Prof. Child. Diseases Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. *Nathan Seymour Starr *1861 Thomas Hunton Swope _*William Craig Swope, LL.B. Tran- sylvania 1852 y *1867 Benjamin Т alhot, M.A. *Andrew Upson *1864 *Augustus Walker, M.A. ’1866 *William Wallace Ward, M.A. *1868 *Charles Bill Waring, М.А. a‘1'2354 *John Waties ’1873 *Erastus Hay Weiser *1872 *james Lawrence Willard, M.A., D.D. Maryville 1884 *1894 94 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY john Willard *Moses Winthrop Wilson *Silas Wodell _ *Curtiss Trowbridge W водицу: М.А. and Trinity 1868 94 1850 *John Isaac Ira Adams, M.A. Stephen Adams *George Arnold, M.A. 1856 Leonard Woolsey Bacon, 1852, M.D. 1856, D.D. 1879 *Abraham DeWitt Baldwin, M.A. William Augustus Baldwin * William Elliott Bassett, M.A. *Edward Warren Bentley, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1877 Champion Bissell *Joel Sherland Blatchley Robert Bliss William Root Bliss James Lewis Blodget David Huntington Bolles Daniel Bonbright, M.A., LL.D. Law- rence Univ. 1878, Tutor, Prof. Latin Northwestern Univ. Albert Booth, M.A. 1854 Cyprian Strong Brainerd John Hiram Brewer, M.A. Oli'oer Brown, Prof. Latin Drury Coll. *Samuel Watson Brown, M.A. Charles Edward Brownell, M.A. 1855 William Brush, D.D. Wesleyan Univ. (Iowa) 1869, Pres. Upper Iowa Univ. *Clinton Camp Robert Hett Chapman Henry Chase *Edward Payson Clarke Robert Coit, M.A. Willis Strong Colton, M.A., Tutor Albert Pierson Condit, M.A. George Sherman Converse, M.A. 1860, D.D. Trinity 1891 Thomas Dyer Conyngham *George Walter Crane Henry Martyn Dechert *Charles Chauncey Dillingham, LL. B. Univ. Pa. 1852, M.A. [ohn Day Easter, M.A., PH.D. Hei- delb. 1854, Prof. Nat. Philos. and Chem. Univ. Ga. *Samuel Henry Edwards *William Thompson Farriham, M.A. *Joseph Forward Foote *George Lombard Frost Edwin Hall, M.A. *Chauncey Meigs Hand, M.A. Curtis Justin Hillyer Benjamin Jason Horton *Thomas Heber Jackson, M.D. Jeffer- son Med. C011. (Ра.) 1853 *Ей’шага’ Miles jerome, LL.B. 1852, .A. *1894 *1861 *1887 *1857 *1865 *1880 *1881 *1886 *1874 *1866 *1853 *1853 *1850 *1867 *1862 *1893 *1883 *1879 *1865 *1884 *1891 Samueljohnson, M.A. and Drury 1876 Martin Kellogg, M.A., LL.D. 1893, Prof. Math. and Lat. Coll. California, Prof. Ancient Lang. also Lat. and Pres. Univ. Cal. *Richard Lamb *1852 *Nathan Appleton Lee, LL.B. 1852, M.A. *1863 William Ludden *Joseph Bardwell Lyman, LL.B. Univ. La. 1856 *1872 *Garrick Mallery, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1853, Secr. Va. *1894 *Newton Spaulding Manross, PH.D. Göttingen 1852 *1862 *Patrick Cabell Massie *1877 John Robert Mills *Edward' Duchman Muhlenberg *1883 Sylvanus Sanford Mulford, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1855 Hubert Anson Newton, M.A., LL.D. Univ. Mich. 1868, Tutor, Prof. Math., Director Observ., Member Nat. Acad. Sci., F.R.S. Lond. and Edinb. *William Henry Orsborn, M.A. Benjamin Parsons, M.A. 1854 Frederick Beecher Perkins, M.A. 1860 Sidney Phoenix *Gardiner SpringPlumley, M.A., D.D. 1889 *William Haughton Richards Erastus Lathrop Ripley Ellis Henry Roberts, M.A., LL.D. 1884 and Hamilton 1869, M. C. Henry Phelps Sanford, M.A. *Franklin Shaw *Robert Smith *Cordial Storrs *Philemon Tracy Henry Martyn T upper, M. A. *James Johnston Waring, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1862, Prof. Physiol. also Ob- stetr. Columb. Univ. (Wash.) *jaeob Kent Warner, M-.A. Moses Cook Weleh, M.A., Tutor *Lucian Sumner Wilcox, M.A., M.D. 1855,‘Prof. Med. Theory and Pract. *1881 *DanielEllis Willes, 1855, M.A. 1855 *1885 *1865 1860, *1894ь *1855 *1882 *1855 *1891 *1862 *1888 *1885 *Úswald Langdon Woodford, M.A. *1870 john lpheus Woodhull 79 1851 William Felix Alexander Y *William Augustus Atlee, M.A. *1892 *Charles Alfred Baer, M.A. 1861 *1863 *Hernan Asbury Battles ‘1880 Everett Wade Bedinger, D.D. King’s Coll. (Tenn.) *Henry DeWitt Beman *1891 Edward Bissell, LL.B. 1853 *Horatio Walsh Brinsmade *1852 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1850—1852 ' 95 John Boardman Brooks James Stelle Brownson *James Budlong, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1854 *1860 *Andrew Jackson Burnham ‘1857 Augustus Hart Carrier, D.D. Wabash 1885 *Calvin Holmes Carter, M.A. *1887 *Edward Walter Cone, M.A. *1886 *Rufus Cowles Crampton, M.A., LL.D. Illinois Coll. 1882, Prof. Math. and Astron. Ill. Coll. *1888 NVilliam Buck Dana, M.A. William Kirtland Douglas, M.A. Trinity 1854, D.D. Columbia 1875, Prof. Lang. and Pres. Jefferson Coll. (Miss.) *Timothy Campbell Downie, M.A. ’1875 James Edward Estabrook, M.A. *Evan Wilhelm Evans, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Nat. Philos. and Astron. Marietta Coll., Prof. Math. Cornell Univ. '1874 John Walker Fearn, M.A. 1891, Prof. Span. and Ital. Tulane Univ., U. S. Minister Resident Roumania, Servia and Greece Walter Frear, M.A. Asa French, LL.B. Harv. 1853 james Austin Gallup Frederick Gaylord *George William Gordon *1888 James Lewis Gould, M.A. *Douglass Gray *1864 Erastus Root Green *Joseph Perkins Griswold *1860 *Richard Jacobs Haldeman, M. C. *1885 *William Charles James Hall ‘1887 William Taylor Harlow, M.A. *Byron Hart, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1854 *1864 *Charles Haskell '1853 *George Granbery Hastings, 1854 *1873 *Erskine joel Hawes *1860 *Charles Gordon Hayes *1878 *Albert Hebard (post obit.) ’1851 John William Hendrie, M.A. 1861 *James Richard Hills *1882 David Frederick Hollister, M.A. 1866 *George Hopkins *1853 *Virgil Maro Howard, M.A. *1890 *james Seymour Hoyt, M.A., D.D. Oli- vet 1876 *1890 George Reginald Heber Hughes Edward Hungerford, M.A. Univ. Vt. 1858, Prof. Chem. and Geol.Univ.Vt. /onathan Lear/itt jenkins, M.A., D.D. Williams 1889 Grove Phillips Jenks Henry Harrisjessup, M.A., D.D. Coll. N . 18 *Dayid Lewis Judson ’1858 Thomas Goddard Kent *julius Yale Leonard '1893 Francis Richard Lincoln, M.A. 1858, M.D. Med. Coll. О. 1860 Robbins Little, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1870, Tutor, Sup’t Astor Library _ .Henry Loomis *George Washington Lyon, M.A., s M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856 *1875 *Salmon McCall *1889 *William Jackson Maltby, M.A., Prof. Mod. Lang. Bowdoin Coll. *1860 William DeForest Manice, M.A. *Benjamin Franklin Martin ‘1852 George Washington Mead, LL.B. 1853, M A Bennett Warner Morse, M.A. 1864 Theodore Thornton Munger, D.D. Illi- nois Coll. 1883, Fellow John Willock Noble, LL.D. 1891, Secr. Interior U. S. Robert Barfe Peet Thomas Stoughton Potwin, M.A. 1855, Tutor *William Pitt Riddell, M.A., Prof. Chem. La. State Univ. ‘1872 *James Lewis Rowland Joseph Sheldon, LL.B. 1853, M.A. *John Milton Slade, M.A. ' *1890 *David Paige Smith, M.A., M.D. Jeif. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1854, Prof. Med. Theory and Pract. also Surg. *1880 Horace Montague Smith *Noah Smith *1853 Daniel Hiram Solomon ‚ *James Madison Spencer, M.A. *1862 *Frederic Morton Stevens, М.А. 1855 ‘1870 *Richard Cresson Stiles, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1854, Prof. Physiol. and Pathol. Univ. Vt. also Berks. Med. Inst. Enos Nelson Taft, LL.B. 1853 David Perry Temple, M.A. john Rogers Thurston *Edwin Burr Trumbull George Starr Tuckerman *James VanBlarcom, M.A. james Gardiner Уже, М.А. 1858,'D.D. Brown 1874, Prof. Rhet. and Orat. Amherst Coll. *Strong Wadsworth Roger Welles, M.A. *Henry Dorrance Wells, M.A. Henry Dyer White, M.A. *Emerson Cogswell Whitney John Henry Wingñeld, M.A. William Woolsey Winthrop, LL.B. 1853, Prof. Milit. Jurisprud. U. S. Milit. Acad. 93 *1873 *1875 *1876 *1887 *1870 *1851 1852 *Myron Oliver Allen, M.D. Pa. Med. Coll, 1854 *Edward Jessup Alvord, M.A. *James Atwood *john Gunn Baird ‘ *Dou lass Ridgway Bannan, M.A., M.B. Univ. Pa. 1856 '1861 ‘1868 ‘1854 *1891 *1871 96 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Charles Henry Barrett, M.A. *Goodloe Bowman Bell, M.A, *1894 *Albert Bigelow *1892 David Skinner Bigelow joel Foote Bingham, M.A., D.D. W. Reserve 1869 *Henry Clay Blakeslee, M.A. *1857 Charles Miller Bliss, M.A. *William Boies, M.A. *1872 *Fisk Parsons Brewer, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Greek Univ. N. C. and Iowa Coll., Prof. Anc. Lang. Univ. S. C. *1890 Edward Buck *Lebeus Cornelius Chapin, M.A., M.D. 1864, Tutor *1885 *Miers Clark Conwell *1885 /aeob Cooper, PH.D. Göttingen 1854, ` M.A., J.C.D. Jena 1873, D.D. Co- lumbia 1874, Prof. Greek Centre Coll. (Ky.), Prof. Greek also Logic and Metaphys. Rutgers Coll. William Wallace Crapo, M.A., LL.D. 1882, M. C. *Hamilton Creighton, M.A. ‘1868 Charles William Curtiss Ephraim Cutter, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1856 and Univ. Pa. 1857, LL.D. Iowa Coll. 1887 *Robert Elijah Day *1894 *William Rice Donaghe, 1859, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1852, M.A. 1859 ’1866 *John Bannan Douglass ‘1889 John Coertland DuBois, M.A., M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1857 Lucius Campbell Duncan, LL.B. Univ. State La. 1854, М.А. 1857 Henry Edwin Dwight, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1867, D.D. Wash. and Lee Univ. 1882 *james Harrison Dwight, M.A. /ohn Elderkin, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1863 Daniel Coit Gilman, M.A., LL.D. 1889 and Harv. 1876 and St. John’s (Md.) 1876 and Columbia 1887 and Univ. N. C. 1889, Librarian, Prof. Physical and Polit. Geogr., Pres. Univ. Ca1.andJohns Hopkins Univ., Pres. Am. Orient. Soc. *jonathan Elbridge Отстав, 1855, М.А. *1895 *David Bright Green *1893 Charles Augustus Griswold, M.A., M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856 *Franklin Grube, M.D. Univ. Pa. *1872 1854, M.A. *1869 Cyrus Lyman Hall *Reginald Heber Hall, M.A. *1872 Henry Clay Hallowell, M.A. Francis Willard Hardy *Charles Downs Helmer, M.A. *1879 John Baker Hendrickson, M.A. Edward Houghton *Lewis Howe, M.A. *1857 *David Greene Hubbard *1894 *William Flintoff Humphrey, M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1854, M.A. *1865 *George Edward Hurd *1858 *Charles Linnœus Ives, M.D. Jeffer- son Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1854, M.A., Prof. Med. Theory and Practice George Edwards Jackson, M.A., Prof. Latin Wash. Univ. (Мо.) William Preston Johnston, LL.D. Wash. and Lee Univ. 1875, Prof. Hist. and Engl. Lit. Wash. and Lee Univ., Pres. Univ. State La. and Tulane Univ. John Johnston Jones, M.A. *Henry Lord Page King, LL.B. Harv. 1855 *1862 Henry Jacob Labatt, 1865, M.A. 1865 *Sanford Lawton, M.A., M.D. 1857 Alonzo Norton Lewis, 1866, M.A. 1866 and Trinity 1872 Cooke Lounsbury, M.A. Marcus Lyon Henry McCormick, M.A. *Lawrence McCully, Just. Supr. Court *1879 *1882 Hawaiian Isl. *1892 Alexander Cogle McKissack Vincent Marmaduke William Carrington Mayo *Francis Miller, M.A. *1888 *David Ogden Morehouse *1854 Barron Clinton Moulton, M.A. *George Starr Mygatt *1866 *Angelo Wood North *1853 Jonathan LovejoyNoyes,M.A.,L.H.D. Nat. Deaf-Mute Coll. 1889 William Hammond Odell, M.A. *John Salford Parsons, M.A. 1‘1862 *Oliver Nichols Payne *18 3 *Dudley Peet, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856 *1862 *Henry Edward Phelps, M.A. *1877 *Edward Reilly *1889 William Augustus Trin. 1853, M.A. *Samuel Curtis Robinson, M.D. 1855 *1891 *Nathaniel William Taylor Root, 1863, Reynolds, also M.A. 1863 *1872 William Baldwin Ross, uLL.B. Harv. 1854, M.A. William Leonard Rowland George Blagden Saford, M.A., D.D. Univ. Vt. 1878 Charles Cotton Salter, M.A., Tutor Henry Seymour Sanford, M.A. *Christopher Dicran Seropyan, M.A., M.D. 1856 *1874 George Griswold Sill, M.A., Lieut.- Gov. Conn., ese-oficio Fellow Moses Smith, M.A. Homer Baxter Sprague, M.A. , PH.D. Regents Univ. N. Y. State 1874, Prof. Rhet. and Orat. Cornell Univ., Pres. Univ. N. Dakota *William Stanley, M,A. Edward Sterling, M.A. William Morris Stewart, 1865, M.A. 1865, U. S. Senator *1893 1895] BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1852—1853 97 Melancthon Storrs, M.D. 1853, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Frederick Booth Swift, M.A. Adrian Terry, PH.B. 1854 Charles Edwin Vanderburg, Just. Supr. Court Minn. *Joseph Frederick Waring George Augustus Wilcox, M.A. *James Andrew YVood, LL.B. 1854, M.A. 95 *1894 ‘1890 *1876 1853 * William Pope Aiken, M.A., Tutor *1884 *Joshua Anderson, LL.B.1855, M.A. *1864 William Frederick A rms Henry Harper Babcock Theodore Bacon, M.A. *Benjamin Franklin Baer George William Baldwin William Frederick Vincent Bartlett, 1856, M.A., D.D. Central Univ. (Ky.) 1876 Henry Silliman Bennett *Edward Coke Billings, LL.B. Harv. 1856, 'LL.D. 1890, Judge U. S. Dis- trict Court (La.) Hiram Bingham, M.A., D.D. 1893 and W. Reserve 1893 Albert Webb Bishop, M.A., Pres. Ark. Industrial Univ. William Bissell, M.D. 1856 *Joseph Warren Blachly, M.A. Henry Isaac Bliss Henry Richardson Bond *Henry Roswell Bradley Edward Payson Bradstreet, M.A. William Cullen Brewster Isaac Hill Bromley, 1868, M.A. 1868 *Charles Brooks David Wheelock Brooks Charles Wesley Bunn, M.A. *Hudson Burr, M.A. *Samuel Mills Capron, M.A. .*Julius Catlin, 1856, М.А. Lynde Alexander Catlin, M.A. Edson Lyman Clark *Oliver Ellsworth Cobb, M.A. joshua Coit Thomas Frederick Davies, M .A. and Trinity 1860, D.D. 1891 and Univ. Pa. 1871, LL.D. Hobart 1889, Prof. Hebrew Berkeley Div. School, P.E. Bishop Mich. *William Scott Denniston, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856 John Coffey Douglass, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1857 Charles Ferdinand Dowd, 1856, M.A., PH.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1888 Andrew Cheves Dulles, M.A. Frank Wayland Fellowes, M.A. *Joseph Shelton French, M.D. 1856 *Randall Lee Gibson, M. C., U. S. Senator *1875 *1893 *1860 *1870 *1866 *1891 *1874 *1893 *1891 *1862 *1890 ‘1892 William T [ЦК/287 Gilbert *James Metcalf Gillespie *1892 *William Henry Gleason, M.A., D.D. Rutgers 1881 *1892 *Delano Alexander Goddard, M.A. *1882 *James Raymond Goodrich, M.A. *1859 Jeremiah Evarts Greene *Alfred Grout *1866 *Timothy Dwight Hall *1875 Charles Harding, M.A. 1869 Edward Harland, M.A., гас-0172650 Fel- low *Augustine Hart, M.A. *1892 Austin Hart, M.A. *Albert Farley Heard *1890 Cornelius Hedges, M.A. William Lamson Hinman *Isaac Holt Hogan *1854 Theodore james Holmes, M .A. jesse I/VinegarHoug/t, M.A., D.D. Iowa Coll. 1877 Henry Thatcher Hoyt, M.A. William Miller Hudson, M.D. Jeffer- son Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1855 *Thomas McKinney Jack *George Asbury Johnson, Judge Cir- cuit Court Ind., Attorney-Gen. Cal. *1894 Josiah Stoddard Johnston, Secr. Ky. *John Andrew Williamson Jones Albert Emmett Kent *George Washington Kline *1889 Sherman Willard Knevals Charlton Thomas Lewis, M.A. 1859, PH.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1877, Prof. Math. also Greek Troy Univ. *Robert McCurdy Lord, M.A., MLD. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857 James McCormick, M.A. Charles Gardiner McCully *Horace Henry McFarland ’1895 Wayne MacVeagh, LL.D. Amherst 1881, U. S. Minister Resid. Turkey and Attorney-Gen. and Ambass. Italy *1880 *1893 ‘1894 *Thomas Prather Nicholas *1870 Joseph Olds, LL.B. Harv. 1856 George Palfrey *1891 *James Lanman Penniman, M.A. *1890 *Benjamin Kinsman Phelps, M.A. *1880 *Samuel Adams Lyons Law Post *1873 Henry Cornelius Robinson, M.A., LL.D. 1888 *Edward Woodruff Seymour, M.A., M. C., Judge Supr. Court Conn. ’1892 George Shiras, LL.D. 1883, Just. Supr. Court U. S. *Arthur Eugene Skelding ‘1888 George Washburn Smalley, M.A. Joel Sumner Smith, Asst. Library Samuel Brigham Spooner, M.A. Henry Putnam Stearns, M.D. 1855, M.A., Lect. Insanity Edmund Clarence Stedman, 1871, M.A. 1871 and Dartm. 1873, L.H.D. Columbia 1892, LL.D. 1894 Alexander David Stowell, M.A. 7 98 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Luther Goulding Tarbox, M.A. *1878 Charles Lloyd Thomas. M.A. John Greene Thomas Salathiel Harrison Tobey, M.A. *Charles Townsend *1877 *Abner Leavenworth Train, M.A. *1891 Kinsley Twining, D.D. 1884, L.H.D. Hamilton 1893 А Richard Waite *Edward Walden *1854 з[оэерь Warren, M.A. George Henry Watrous, LL.B. 1855 *1889 *William Rankin Webb, M.A. *1862 Joseph Ashley Welch Theodore Weston ` Andrew Dickson White, M.A., LL.D. 1888 and Univ. Mich. 1867 апс1 Сог- nell Univ. 1886, L.H.D. Columbia 1887, PH.D. Jena 1889, Prof. Hist. and Engl. Lit. Univ. Mich., Pres. Cornell Univ., U.S. Minister Plenip. Germany also Russia [ames Morris шит, PH.D. 1861, Principal Williston Sem. *Charles Henry Whittelsey, 1865, M.A. 1865 ‘1871 Andrew jackson Willard, M.D. Univ. Vt. 1877 *William Loag Williamson, M.A. Asa Burr Woodward, M.A., гас-отдав Fellow Robert Semple Young *1885 108 1854 Charles Tripler Alexander, M.D. Jell". Med. Coll. (Ра.) 1856 *Aoram [Лёша Baldwin '1886 Henry Baldwin, M.A. john Swartwout Barkalow *Charles Henry Barrett, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1858 *1869 *Samuel Curtis Blackman *1864 Bennet Jason Bristol, M.D. L.I. Coll. Hospital 1866 Horatio Woodward Brown, M.A. 1865, Tutor Edward Payson Buífett, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857 *Jedidiah Kent Burnham Thomas Wyllys Catlin, M.A. 1866 ~Ionathan Tillotson Clarke, M.A., LL.B. 1857 *Carroll Cutler, M.A. West. Reserve 1862, D.D. Marietta 1872, Tutor, Prof. Philos. and Rhet. and Pres. *1887 W. Reserve Coll., Prof. Theol. Biddle Univ. *1894 *Erastus Lyman DeForest, PH.B. 1856, М.А. 1867 1'1888 Thomas Denny *John Samuel Donelson *1863 *Lester Morse Dorman *1890 William Drake, M. A. . *Jacob Brown Harris Edward Cornelius DuBois Austin Cornelius Dunham, M.A. Charles Analdo Dupee, M.A. William Buck Dwight, M.A., PH.B. 1859, Prof. Nat. Hist. Vassar Coll. William Reed Eastman, M.A. Thomas Egleston, M.A., PH.D. Coll. N. J. 1874, LL.D. Trinity 1874, Prof. Mining and Metallurgy Columbia Coll. William Henry Ferm, D.D. 1884­ *Willard Cutting Flagg, M.A. Lewis Whitmarsh Ford, Tutor Samuel Chester Gale *Lewis William Gibson, M.A. William Washington Gordon Alexander Hunter Gunn, M.A. “1878 *1894 *1875 Reuben William Hent, M.A. 1859 James King Hill Augustus Stebbings Hitchcock Elizur Hitchcock, M.D. W. Reserve Med. Coll. 1860 *John Worthington Hooker, M.A., M.D. 1857, Prof. Hygiene and Phys. Educ. Amherst Coll. *Henry Horton George Rogers Howell, M.A. 1885 *joseph Raynor Howell Henry Elias Howland, LL.B. Harv. 1857, М.А. 1893, Judge Marine Court N. Y. City, Fellow Henry Lynes Hnooell, M.A., D.D. Galesville Univ. (Wisc.) 1882, Pres. Lake Charles (La.) Coll. *James William Husted, M.A. *William Нага/255072, М.А., Tutor Edward Wilberforce Lambert, M.A., M.D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857 Marcus Dwight Larrowe *Luther Maxwell Lee Charles Henry Leeds, M.A. *James Kittredge Lombard, M.A. *1889 `George DeForest Lord, M.A. *1892 *Robert Miller McClellan, M.A. 1859 *1887 *William Stephen Maples _ *1861 `/ames T/zomas Matt/zeros William Augustus Meloy, M.A. John Thomas Miller Luzon Burritt Morris, 1858, М.А. 1858, Gov. Conn., ex-ojîeio Fellow *George Frederick Nichols Starr Hoyt Лёд/го]: William Henry Norris _lames Brown Olney, 1887, M.A. 1887 Charles Conrad Palfrey, M.A. William Henry Palmer, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1859 Ira Welch Pettibone, M.A. *Leander Hubbell Potter *1879 *William Sherman Potts, M.A. *1868 Lemuel Stoughton Potzoin,.M.A., D.D. 1886, Tutor, Prof. Latin also Engl. W. Reserve Univ. David Cogswell Proctor, LL.B. Harv. 1856, М.А. *1863 *1865 *1855 - *1892 *1885 *1869 '1863 1895] BACHELORS OF AR TS, 1854—1855 99 *John Proctor *1891 William Frederick Causey, Secr. Del. *Charles Thomas Purnell *1866 *Calvin Goddard Child, M.A. *1880 *James Edward Rains *1862 Linus Mason Child, M.A., LL.B. *George Wolf Reily, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1858 Univ. Pa. 1857 *1892 Henry Treat Chittenden *James Clay Rice, М.А. *1864 *Sterne Chittenden *1887 Thomas Gardiner Ritch, M.A. Cornelius Christie, M.A. ~lohn Chapin Sanders, M.D. W. Re- Isaac Edwards Clarke, M.A. serve Med. Coll. 1848, М.А., Prof. Henry Лис/ив Cobb, M.A., D.D. Rutg. Obstetr. and Pres. W. Homoeop. 1878 Coll. (О.) Elijah Cone, M.A. Edward Sanford Edwin Corning, M.A. Jacob Fridley Seiler, M.A., PH.D. *james Спасёт/шлёт, M.A. *1889 Lafayette 1872 George А róa Die/herman john Cochem/ille Shaehelford, M.A. 1869 Henry Anderson Die/¿inson William Steele Shurtleff, 1866, М.А. fûlm King Вт“? 1866 john Edgar *Francis Henry Slade *1890 Martin Baum Ewing, M.A. *joseph Morgan Smith *1883 *Augustus Benjamin Fitch, M.A. *1880 *Orson Cowles Sparrow, PH.B. 1858, William Moore Gay, M.A. M.D. L. I. Coll. Hospital 1864, Asst. Hart Gibson Chem. ‘1877 John Albert Granger, M.A. Alexander Henry Stevens, M,A_ *LaFayette Washington Groves *1872 *William Woodruff Stone, M.A. *1888 *Josiah William Harmar, LL.B. 1857, Robert Eveleigh Taylor, M.A. *1867 *Chauncey Minott Thompson, M.A. *1884 Hiram Lowell Howard _ *Albert Haller Tracy *1874 VanBuren Hubbard, M.A.,M. D. Belle- *Charles Edward Trumbull *1856 V116 HOSp. Med. C011. 1862 Alexander Stevenson Twomhly, M.A., *AUgllSÍllS БеВег1<81еу Hughes *1875 D.D. 1883 David Low Huntington, M.D. Univ. Adrian VanSinderen, M.A. Ра- 1857, М-А- *Samuel Walker, М‚А‚ *1881 *Simeon Thomas Hyde, M.A. 1870 *1877 *Jared Clark Warrier ­ *1855 *John Rodolph ­larboe, M.A. *1893 *Lewis Ledyard WVeld, М‚А‚‚ Seer_ Charles Frederick Johnson, M.A. Colorado Territ, *1865 1885, Asst. Prof. Math. U. S. Naval Charles Atwood White, M.A, Acad., Prof. Engl. Lit. Trinity Coll. Ershine Norman White, M.A., D.D. НСПГУ W€b5t€f JODCS. M.D. 1858, Univ. City N. Y. 1874 M,A. 1860 I Matthew Noyes Whitmore, LL.B. 1875 Wllllam Sheldon. Kerrulsh *Edward Payson Whitney, М‚А_ ­ George Alvah Klttredge, M.A. *Joseph Warren Wilson, M.A. *1887 GeOrge LampSOn *Elizur Wolcott, M_A_ *1873 *James Tyson Lane, M.A. *1885 /ohn jl/Íilton Wolcott, M.A. TheOdOre Ъушап Yung Wing, LL.D. 1876, Chinese *Alexander McDonald Lyon *1869 Minister U, S, 100 George Thomas McGehee, M.A. *james MeHose ‘18611 Jarvis King Mason, M.A. 1859, M.D. Harv. 1861 Alfred Bolivar Miller, M.A. 186 ‚ 1855 Tut... 5 William DeWitt Alexander, M.A., John Lawrence Mills, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Greek and Pres. Oahu Coll. Prof. Math., Nat. Philos; and Charles James Fox Allen Astron. also Latin Marietta Coll. _Frederick Alf/ord *William Lewis Morris *1859 *Judson Boardman Andrews, M.A., *Elisha Mulford, M.A., LL.D. 1872 *1885 M.D. 1863, Prof. Med. Psychology Buffalo Med. Coll. john A идеи”, M.A. William Ledyard Avery, M.A. Leonard Abram Bradley, M.A. Lyman Dennison Brewster, M.A. Samuel Lathrop Bronson Edmund Woodward Brown George Bulkley, M.A. Nathaniel Willis Bumstead, M.A. *john Higley Case *1894 *1890 Frederick Webster Osborn, M.A. Charles Ray Palmer, M.A., D.D. 1889, Fellow john Caldwell Parsons, M.A. john Henry Piatt Granville Toucey Pierce, M.A. 1860 Giles Potter, M.A. George Pratt, M.A. Alfred Perkins Rockwell, PH.B. 1858, M.A., Prof. Mining, Prof. Mining Mass. Inst. Technol. IOO D895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Franklin Austin Seely, M.A. *1895 Robert Charles Shoemaker *Henry Richmond Slack *1890 Oscar /ldoses Smith, 1859, М.А. 1859 *Emil Spanier, M.A. 1872 “1872 *Andrew Jackson Spring *1865 Lewis Elliot Stanton Charles Pierce Stetson Thomas Shepard Strong, M.A. *George Stuart *1863 *George Talcott *1871 Leander Allen Tallmadge, M.A. 1869 William Howell T aylor john Edwards Todd, M.A. 1870, D.D. 187 Luthegr Henry Tucker, 1858, М.А. Charles IlIellen Tyler, M.A. 1890, D.D. 1892, Prof. Hist. and Philos. Religion and Christian Ethics Cor- nell Univ. Pliny Fish Warner Alfred T ileston Waterman *William Wheeler, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1860 Williams Clark Whittemore, M.A. *Andrew Jackson Willets, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858 *1870 *William Thomas Wilson, M.A. '1890 William Reed Woodbridge, M.A. Patrick Henry Woodward Stanley Trott Woodward William~Cutler Wyman, M.A. *Henry Albert Yardley, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Homilet. and Christian Evi- ’1864 dences Berkeley Div. School 91 *1882 \ 1856 Matthias Hollenback Arnot *George Blagden Bacon, 1866, М.А. 1866, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1872 *1_876 Gilbert Field Bailey *Robert Milton Байт *1884 Benjamin Eranhlin Barber, M.A. *George Payson Barker *1868 Andrew Jackson Bartholomew *Nelson Bartholomew *1861 Robert Lindsey Brandon David Josiah Brewer, M.A., LL.D. 1891 апс1 Iowa Coll. 1884 and Wash- burn 1888, Just. Supr. Court Kansas and U. S. Circuit and Supr. Courts, Prof. Corporation Law Columb. Univ. (Wash.) Horatio Nelson Brockway Henry Billings Brown, LL.D. 1891 апс1 Univ. Mich. 1887, Just. Circuit Court Mich. and U. S. District (Mich.) and Supr. Courts *John Mason Brown *1890 Theron Brown n'George Wolf Buehler, M.A. ‘1891 *Charles Edwin Bulkeley, M.A. '1864 William Aldrich Виз/же, М.А. 1862 Wolcott Calhins, D.D. Hamilton 1877 *William Harvey Willson Campbell Charles Taylor Catlin, M.A. John Denison Champlin, M.A. 1866 *1892 Isaac Clar/e, Prof. Theol. Howard Univ. *Alfred Coit, LL.B. Harv. 1858 *1879 Stephen Condit Edward Orson Cowles, M.D. 1862 james Otis Denniston Chauncey Mitchell Depew, LL.D. 1887, Secretary N. Y. State, Fellow Arthur Dickinson George Morris Dorrance Virgil Maro Dow, M.D. 1864 Hasbronch DzcBois ‘ *Robert Chotard Dunbar *1863 George Cary Dunham *Ira Dunlap, M.A. *1876 *Emmet Alexander Eakin, 1857 *1864 Charles Edward Fellowes *Francis Fellowes *1871 Luke William Finlay Louis Christopher Fischer John Minot Fiske, M.A. 1872 Joseph Richardson French, M.A. 1872 Julius Gay, PH.B. 1858, M.A. Theodore Parsons Hall Alexis Wynns Harriott, PH.B. 1859, М.А. William james Harris, M.A., D.D. Trinity 1872 Frank Hodge, M.A., M.D. Buffalo Univ. 1859 Frederick Street Hoppin, M.A. W ilbzcr johnson Seneca McNeil Keeler, M.A. Wyllys Seymour King *Roland Kinzer ‘1866 *William Tilden Kittredge ‘1892 *William Lamson, M.A. *1864 Grove Pettibone Lawrence Gustave Adolph Lemêe *Henry Martyn McIntire *1863 Benjamin Drake Magruder, Judge Supr. Court Ill. Charles Addison Mann Justin Martin *Lewis Este Mills ‘1878 john Monteith, M.A. *John Morehead '1873 Sidney Edwards Morse, M.A. *Edward Payson Nettleton *1889 *Lewis Richard Packard, М .А., PH.D. 1863, Тиюг‚ Hillhouse Prof. Greek *1884 Levi Leonard Paine, M.A., D.D. 1875, Tutor, Prof. Есс1. Hist. Bangor Theol. Sem. *Henry Edwards Pardee, M.A. George Eleazar Holt Pease *Frank Henry Peck Samuel Lyman Pinneo John Thomas Price James Lyman Rackletf, M.A. David Plunket Richardson, M. C. *Clarke Righter, M.A. *1889 *1864 *1887 1895] BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1856-1857 101 *Elijah Robbins *1889 James Brewster Cone, M.A. *George Chester Robinson *1863 *John Thomas Croxton, U. S. Minis- *Donald Douglas Shaw *1859 ter Resid. Bolivia *1874 Edward Alfred Smith, M.A. 1889, John Calvin Day, M.A. 1865 Fellow Henry Swift DeForest, M.A., D.D. Be- *Charles Goodrich Southmayd *1885 loit 1881, Tutor, Pres. Talladega Andrew Jackson Steinman, M.A. Coll. *John Butiington Stickney, M.A. Stephen Decatur Doar, M.A., M.D. 1870 *1882 Med. Coll. S. C. 1860 John Wager Swayne, LL.D. Kenyon David Stuart Dodge, M.A. 1864, Prof. 1879 Mod. Lang. Syrian Prot. Coll. *Charles Albert Swift, M.A. 1871 ‘I877 William Emil Doster, LL.B. Harv. *Oliver Starr Taylor *1874 1859, М.А. 1864 Edward Cornelius Towne Solomon johnson Douglass *William Elisha Turner, M.A. *1868 *Albert Waldo Drake *1862 Augustus Hall Walker Edward Louis Duer, M.D. Univ. Pa. *Edward Ashley Walher, M.A. 1862 *1866 1860, М.А. 1867 Benjamin Webb, M.A. *Henry Melzar Dutton, LL.B. 1859 *1862 James Lyman Whitney, M.A. 1865 Charles Brochway Dye, M.A. *Timothy Keeler Wilcox, M.A., Tutor 7L1863 Daniel Cady Eaton, M.A., S. B. Harv. Ahab George Wilkinson, M.A. Co- 1860, Prof. Botany lumb. Univ. (Wash.) 1859, PH.D. Alfred Lewis Edwards, M.A., LL.B. Columb. Univ. 1878, Asst. Prof. Harv. 1861 Mod. Lang. Univ. Mo. Edmund Ducrê Estilette Edward Franhlin Williams, M.A., *Edward John Evans, M.A. ‘1880 D.D. Illinois Coll. 1883 Douglas French Forrest, M.A., D.D. John Dunn Wood William and Mary 1879 *Samuel Fay Woods, M.A. *1864 *Henry Luse Foules *1864 Henry Edgar ÑVootton Samuel Martin Freeland, M.A. *John Hunter `Worrall, М.А., PH.D. Simeon Taylor Frost, M.A. 1862 97 *1892 *Edward Thurston Fuller *1859 Azariah Thomas Galt, M.A. *James Henderson Grant *1880 *George Seaman Gray, M.A. 1864 *1885 ames Payne Green 1857 *Richard Henry Green, M.D. Dartm. Whittlesey Adams, M.A. 1864 *1877 Edmund Thompson Allen, M.A. *John Griswold *1862 *Orrin Frink Avery *1870 Joseph Newton Hallock, M.A. David Dwight Baldwin, M.A. 1874, Alfred Hand, M.A. 1866, Just. Supr. Librarian Law School Court Pa. Benjamin Franklin Barge, M.A. 1864 Volney Hickox, M.A. Edwin Barrows, M.A. Edward William Нас/20011, М.А., Augustus Field Beard, M.A., D.D. D.D. Hamilton 1879 Syracuse Univ. 1875 Lyman Davis Hodge *Miles Beardsley *1887 Levi Holbrook, M.A. James Preston Beck Stephen Holden Theodore William Ely Belden *john Milton Holmes *1871 Charles Seymour Blackman james Waheman Hubbell, M.A., D.D. Eli Whitney Blake, M.A. Univ. Vt. Marietta 1890 1867, Prof. Physics and Industr. William Edward Hulbert, M.A. Mech. Cornell Univ., Prof. Physics Henry Strong Huntington, M.A. Brown Univ. Smith Harris IJyde John Quincy Bradish, M.A. Joseph Cooke Jackson, LL.B. Univ. Lester Bradner City N. Y. 1859 and Harv. 1860, М.А. Robert Brown, M.A., Secr. Observa- там/т С/шрре11]02205, М.А. tory Bela Peck Learned *Joseph Payson Buckland ‘1879 l Joseph Taplin Lovewell, PH.D. 1874, Jacob Staats Burnet Instr. Physics, Prof. Physics and *Francis Eugene Butler, M.A. *1863 Chem. Washburn Coll. William Cullen Case l *Henry Porter McCoy *1860 Myron Newton Chamberlin, M. D. i jamesfldarshall, M.A., D.D. elsewhere, 1866 Í Pres. Coe Coll. *Joseph Alonzo Christman ‘1888 *Lewis Emmons .Matson *1868 *Frederick Nathaniel Church *1859 ' Almon Baxter Merwin, M.A. George Wetmore Colles l *joseph Lyman Ilíorton *1867 102 ' YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *George Augustus Nolen, М.А., Tutor *1875 Cyrus Northrop, LL.B. 1859, LL.D. 1886, Prof. Rhet. and Engl. Lit., Pres. Univ. Minn. *Jonathan Eugene Palmer *1895 *Norman Carolan Perkins, M.A. *1895 David Gustavus Porter, 1863 *Edward Leighton Porter *1863 Henry Bowers, I 860 *George Pratt *1875 *Henry Cleveland Pratt, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1860 *1893 Louis Emile Proiilet *George Washington Roberts, M.A. *1862 Michael Waller Robinson, M.A. 1872 Edson Rogers, M. A. *Edwin Francis Sandys *1875 William Henry Sav/ary Samuel Scor/ille *Henry Maurice Seely *1894 Storrs Ozias Seymour, M .A. and Trinity 1866 *James Judson Smith, M.A. *1862 Joseph Ledyard Smith *Wilder Smith, M.A., Tutor *1891 Warren Kellogg Southwick *Israel Selden Spencer *1878 Augustus Hopkins Strong, D.D. 1890 and Brown 1870, LL.D. Bucknell Univ. 1891, Prof. Bibl. Theol. and Pres. Roch. Theol. Sem. ­ George Brinton Thomas, M.A. *William Arad Thompson, Harv. 1860 - Luther Stephen Trowbridge, 1866, M.A.1866 ` George Tucher, M.A. 1867 and Trinity 1867 Moses Coit Tyler, M.A. I863, LL.D. Wooster 1875, L.H.D. Columbia 1887, Prof. Rhet. and Engl. Univ. Mich., Prof. Amer. Hist. and Lit. Cornell Univ. Manning Case Wells, M.A. Nathan Dana Wells Arthur Martin Wheeler, M.A. 1887, Tutor, Durfee Prof. Hist. *Nathan Willey, M.A. 1862 William Boyd Wilson Ephraim Morgan Wood George Morris Woodruff, M.A. LL.B. *1876 *1874 107 1858 *Montelius Abbott, M-.A., LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1862 Thatcher Magoun Adams, 1866, M.A. 1866 ­ ' Walter Scott Alexander, 1861, M.A., D.D. Beloit 1880 *Volney Stamps Anderson, LL.B. А1- bany 1860 George Pierce Andrews, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State *1877 ”1894 l William Nevins Armstrong, Attorney- Gen. Hawaiian Isl. William Plumb Bacon, M.A. john Taylor Baird, M.A. 1866, D.D. elsewhere *Edward Payson Batchelor, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1862 *1876 *Robert Marshall Beale *1866 *David Marhs Bean *1884 *William Comstock Bennett, M.D. Co- lumbia 1860, M.A. 1864 *Edward Foster Blake, M.A. George ¿Wills Boynton, D.D. Middle- bury 1888 Daniel Garrison Brinton, M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1860, M.A., LL.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. 1891, Sc. D. Univ. Pa. 1893, Prof. Ethnol. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci., Prof. Amer. Archaeol. and Linguistics Univ. Pa. Orlando Brown *Samuel Caldwell Matthew Chalmers, M.A., M.D. Co- lumbia 1861 *Addison Lewis Clarke, M.A. 1866 Sanford Hoadley Cobb Abner YVeyman Colgate Ralph Hastings Cutter Isaac Delano, M.A. 1867, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1875 *Louis Dembinski, M.A. 1867 *Martin Smyser Eichelberger *1886 *1862 *1872 *1888 *1886 *1893 . Edward Thomas Elliott, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1861 *Lemuel Riley Evans George Mayer Franklin, M.A. 1866 DeLancy Freeborn, LL.B. Albany 1864 William Russell Frisbie, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Keokuk 1879 Robert Macy Gallaway, M.A. 1868 Jeptha Garrard, LL.B. Cincinn. 1859 Josiah Willard Gibbs, M.A., PH.D. 1863 and Erlangen 1893, LL.D. Wil- liams 1893, Tutor, Prof. Mathemati- cal Physics, Member Nat. Acad. Sci., Cambr. Philos. Soc., Lond. Math. Soc., K. Gesellsch. Wiss.(Göttingen), K. Akad. ÑVetensch. (Amsterdam), . Holland. Maatsch. ÑYetensch. *Sheldon Goodwin Edward Dromgoole Grant Moses Merritt Greenwood William Torrey Harris, 1869, M.A. 1869, LL.D. Univ. Mo. 1870, PH.D. Brown Univ. 1893, U. S. Comm’r. Educ. Robert Chandler Haskell, M.A., Prof. Math. Oahu Coll. *Edgar Laing Heermance, M.A. Frederick Charles Hewitt Arthur Nelson Hollister, M.A. Leavitt Howe William Stone Hubbell, D.D. Hamilt. 1884 *William Fletcher Ingerson '1870 *1881 ‘1888 *1895 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1858—1850 103 *Charles Napoleon Johnson *1867 *Theodore Woolsey Twining, LL.B. Augustus Turner Jones, M.A. 1862 1862 *1864 Chauncey Seymour Kellogg *Thomas Gilbert Valpey, M.A. 1862 John Edwin Kimball, M.A. and Trinity 1871 *1890 William _Allen Lane Addison VanName, M.A., Tutor, Samuel Henry Lee, M.A. 1894, Prof. Instr. Hebrew, Librarian Polit. Econ. Oberlin Coll. Gideon Wells John Lovewell *Henry Albert Wells, M.A. *1871 William Allen McDowell, M.A. 1868 *Charles Boardman Whittlesey *1864 George Boardman Maclellan, M.A. Albert Byron Wilbur, M.A. 1866 Charles Henry Williams, M.A. 1871 William Alexander Magill, M.A. 1864 Charles Hornblower VVoodruíi, LL.B. *Edward Augustus Manice, PH.B. Columbia 1861, M.A. 1865 1860, M.A. *1877 *William Herrick Woodward 103 *1893 George Robert Marble, 1866, M.A. 1866 Arthur Mathewson, M.D. Univ. City ` N. Y. 1861, M.A. 1865, Prof. Ear Diseases L. I. Coll. Hospital 1859 Daniel Augustus Miles, M.A. Edward Milo Mills *Edmund Bridges Allis *1861 Elawson Carry More, LL.B. Cumber- William Henry Anderson land Univ. 1861 Joseph Hyde Andrews, LL.B. Cin- *William Dare Morgan, M.A. *1887 cinn. 1860, M.A. Robert Morris, LL.B. Columbia 1861 Felix Ansart, M.A. Horace Neidê *Edwin Spencer Beard *1891 Frederich Alphonso Noble, D.D. W. Re- Edward Rockwell Beardsley serve 1872 Charles Hodge Boardman, M.D. Univ. *Dewees Ogden *1863 Ра. 1862 Luther Hills Peirce Henry Martyn Boies, M.A. *Benjamin Franklin Penny, M.D. N. *Daniel Bowe *1862 ` Orleans Med. School 1861 *1873 *Ziba Nichols Bradbury *1893 Thomas Albert Perkins Thomas Chalmers Brainerd *joseph Worthy Ric/sett, also Allegheny *Henry Lincoln Breed *1886 1855, M.A. Allegheny *1879 Louis Henry Bristol Walter Stanley Pitkin Harry Brodhead, LL.B. Columbia 1864 *Edward Clarhe Porter, M.A. *1876 Pitts Harrison Burt Daniel Tertius Potter, M.A. 1863 Carlos Clement Carpenter, M.A. 1867 Electus Abijah Pratt, LL.B. Columb. *Robert John Carpenter *1879 Univ. (Wash.) 1883 *Edward Carrington, LL.B. Columbia Henry Andrews Pratt 1862 *1865 Charles Frederick Pumpelly *Benjamin Spencer Catlin, M.A. and Channing Richards, LL.B. Cincinn. M.D. 1862 *1871 1859, M.A. 1868, Prof. Law Cincinn. Hashet Derby Catlin, M.A. Coll. Green Clay, LL.B. Harv. 1861 *Isaac Riley *1878 *George Henry Сожгу! *1885 _Leslie Robison l John Lee Cole Henry Royer l Apollos Comstock, M.D. Columbia 1873 Eben Greenough Scott, M.A. 1863 à Nathaniel Barto Cooke, LL.B. Colum- *Edward Seymour, M.A. ' *1877 | bia 1861 .v ­ Brinley Dering Sleight Joseph Aldrich Cooper, M.A. 1863 *George Fairlamb Smith, M.A. 1864 *1877 Lawrence Voorhees Cortelyou, M.D.­ Normand Smith, M.D. Columbia 1861 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1864 William Henry Steele, M.A. *Peter Vivian Daniel _ *1863 Frederic William Stevens, LL.B. Co- William Bradford Darrach, M.A. ~ lumbia 1864 l *Thomas Bradford Dwight *1878 George Edward Street ‘ *Charles Easton *1863 *Preston Irving Sweet, LL.B. Albany l Edward Taylor Fairbanhs, D.D. Univ. 1859, M.A. *1879 î Vt. 1892 *Henry Edwards Sweetser *1870 James Faulkner *Edmund Morse Taft *1858 i *Lester Bradner Faulkner *1890 *Elisha Smith Thomas, M.A., D.D. l *Samuel Dorr Faulkner ‘1878 1887, Prof. Bibl. Exegesis and He- } Gilbert Otis Fay, М.А., PH.D. W. Re- brew Seabury Div. School (Minn), f serve 1880 P. E. Bishop Kansas lé1895 *George Whiteßeld Fisher, M.A. *1884 Charles Tomlinson, M.D. 1862 l Edwin Bancroft Foote, M.A. 1866, *Henry Holmes Turner *1893 LL.B. Columbia 1871 - 104 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 William Pierce Freeman Russell Woodbridge Gridley, M.A. Charles Heebner Gross l William Kittredge Hall, M.A. 1874, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1882 *Diodate Cushman Hannahs Burton Norvell Harrison *Samuel Slawson Hartwell, M.A. 1870 *1883 *Charles Henry Hatch, LL.B. Colum- *1862 bia 1862 *1888 Henry Eugene Hayward John Haskell Hewitt, M.A. 1867 and Williams 1888, Prof. Latin Olivet Coll. and Lake Forest Univ., Prof. Latin and Greek Williams Coll. Edward Strong Hinckley Henry Rose Hinckley, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1864 *John Coiiing Holley, M.A. *1865 joeljachson Hough, D.D. Whitman 1894 Francis Henry Houston *Elijah Franhlin Howe [022205 Mascarene Hubbard Frank JohnstonJones, LL.B. Cincinn. 1865 George William Jones, M.A., Asst. Prof. Math. Cornell Univ. Edwin Leander Kirtland Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, M.A. 1887, LL.D. 1892 and Harv. 1893, Instr. and Prof. English William Thompson Lusk, 1872, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1864, М.А. 1872` LL.D. 1894, Prof. Phys- iol. L. I. Coll. Hosp., Prof. Obstetr. and Diseases Women and Children and Clin. Midwif. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Charles Northrop Lyman 1110505 Lyon *1887 *Theodore McDonald *1880 *Rudolph McMurtrie *1870 *William Henry Mather, M.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1862, M.A. 1866 *1888 *john Car/arly Middleton, M.A. and tranny 1868,[1[).Ъ10Ьа111878 *1888 Charles Addison Miller John Calvin YVebster Moore, M.D. Bowdoin 1865 *Robert Seney Moore *1866 Homer George Newton, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1863, M.A. 1868 Charles Ledyard Norton Samuel Davis Page Truman Augustus Post John Benjamin Rector, Judge U. S. District Court William Henry Rice, М .А. 1864 *William Jay Roberts *Charles Fran/¿lin Robertson, M.A., D.D. Columbia 1869 and Univ. South 1883, LL.D. Univ. Мо. 1883, Р. Е. Bishop Mo. ThomasEdwin Ruggles *Eugene Schuyler, PH.D. 1861, LL.B. Columbia 1863, LL.D. 1885 and *1870 l l *1886 J Williams 1882, U. S. Minister Resid. Roumania, Servia and Greece if189o *Charles Wheeler Sharp ÍISSO *Edward Chase Sheñield 1r1861 *Henry Kent Sheldon, LL.B. Albany 1861 *1866 *John Onins Slay *1872 Charles Bohn Slingluff, LL.D. Coll. Mt. St. Mary’s 1879 Eugene Smith, LL.B. Albany 1861 Albert Arnold Sprague *Alexander Hamilton Stanton Robert Stiles William Augustus Stiles Joseph Tabor Tatum, LL.B. I'Vash. Univ. (Мо.) 1866, М.А. 1869 Alfred Judd Taylor, LL.B. Albany 1861, M.A. 1871 joseph Hophins Т wichell, M.A. 1886, Fellow *1870 Henry Upson *George Franklin Vose *1867 *Hezekiah Watkins, LL.B. Albany . 1860 *1884 John Shelly Weinberger, M.A. 1865, Prof. Greek Ursinus Coll. '- George Philip Welles, M.A. 1866 *Thomas Buch/in l/Vells, M.A., D.D. Kenyon 1878 *Charles Mortimer Wheeler Roger Sherman White, M.A., LL.B. 1862 Asher Henry Wilcox, Tutor Charles-Pollock Wilson, M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1863 Henry Winn *Arthur Burr Wood, LL.B. Albany 1861 Arthur Williams Wright, PH.D. 1861, Tutor, Prof. Nat. Philos. and Chem. Williams Coll., Prof. Molecular Phys. and Chem. also Experimental Physics, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. Edwin Henry Yundt 106 *1891 *1863 *1895 1860 *George Waterman Arnold Alonzo Brayton Ball, M.D. Columbia 1863 Edwin Randolph Barnes, M.D. Co- lumbia 1863 Henry Elbert Barnes, D.D. Iowa' Coll. 1887 Erastus Chittenden Beach, M.A. Ferdinand Beach, M.D. 1864 y John Werley Beckley George Louis Beers, M.A., M.D. Co- lumbia 1865, Prof. Materia Med. and Therap. Kansas Med. Coll. Linus Blahesley, D.D. Washburn 1892 *Charles Alfred Boies *Edward Boltwood William Edward Bradley, M.A. 1864 *1862 *1863 *1878 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1800 105` William Lockwood Bradley, M.D. Winfield Scott Keyes 1864, Demonstrator Anat. Oliver Addison Kingsbury, D.D. else- William Merrick Bristoll, M.A. where *Richard Baxter Brown, M.D. Colum- William Ingraham Kip, M.A. bia 1864 *1894 josiah Edwards Kittredge, D.D. Univ. *Thaddeus Howe Brown *1868 City N. Y. 1884 Lyman Benham Bunnell, Instr. Gymn. Marcus Perrin Knowlton, Just. Super. *Henry Ward Camp *1864 and Supr. Courts Mass. *Oscar Mortimer Carrier, M.A., Prof. Orlando Leach Latin Olivet Coll. *1865 Alba Levi Parsons Loomis George Lynde Catlin William McAlpin, M.A. *Henry Champion, M.A., LL.B. 1863 *1867 Edward DeCost McKay, M.A., LL.B. Frederich Leonard Chapell, M.A. Columbia 1882, PH.B. Columbia Joseph Clay 1883 Frederick Henry Colton, M.A., M.D. Othniel Charles Marsh, M.A., PH.D. L. I. Coll. Hospital 1864 Heidelb. 1886, LL.D. Harv. 1886, joseph Leonard Daniels, D.D. 1894, Prof. Palaeont., Curator Geol. Col- Prof. Greek Olivet Coll. lection, Pres. Nat. Acad. Sci., Mem- Lowndes Henry Davis, LL.B. Louis- ber Geol. Soc. Lond. and Germ., ville Univ. 1863, M. C. Roy. Irish Acad., K. Bayer. Akad. Robert Stewart Davis Wiss., Acad. Roy. Denmark and Francis Delañeld, M.D. Columbia Belgium 1863, LL.D. 1890, Prof. Pathol. and Henry Grimes 1110750011 Pract. Med. Columbia Coll. *William Wisner Ilfortin *1865 Daniel Denison Edward Gay Mason, M.A., Fellow Samuel Dunham *john Moses Morris *1873 Clarence Edward Dutton, Member Nathaniel Norton, LL.B. Columbia Nat. Acad. Sci. 1863 Daniel Cady Eaton, LL.B. Albany *Frederick Callender Ogden *1864 1862, M.A. 1865, Prof. Hist. Art Charles Hunter Owen, M.A., LL.B. *Daniel Riker Elder *1875 Harv. 1863 *George Engs, M.D. Columbia 1863 *1887 *Alfred Conrad Palfrey 7‘1879 Henry Clay Eno, M.A., M.D. Co- *John Russell Parsons *1869 lumbia 1864 William Pennington, LL.B. Columbia Horace Lewis Fairchild 1863 *Edgar Augustus Finney, M.A. 1867 *1872 *George Dwight Phelps, LL.B. Co- William Edward Foster lumbia 1863 *1883 Charles Dougharty Foules *William Walter Phelps, M.A., LL.B. *William Fowler, LL.B. Albany 1861 *1874 Columbia 1863, LL.D. 1890 and Everett Parker Freeman Rutgers 1889, Fellow, M. C., U. S. Edward Brown Furbish, M.A. Minister Plenip. Austria also Ger- *Edward Linus Gaul, M.A. *1894 many, Judge Court Errors N. J. *1894 *George Walter Giddings 5‘I88I *Isaac Joseph Post, M.A. 1866 *1885 *George Nelson Greene, M.A. *1894 George Rice, M.D. 1861, M.A. 1865 *George Herman Grifïn *1894 Charles Herbert Richards, D.D.o Beloit David Lewis Haight, M.A., M.D. 1882 Columbia 1863 Eugene Lamb Richards, M.A. 1887, William Henry Hale, LL.B. Albany Tutor, Prof. Math., Director Gymn. 1861, М.А., PH.D. 1863 *Jacob Wadsworth Russell *1875 *Henry Lewis Hall '1869 *james Henry Schneider *1864 Henry Elmer Hart *John Frank Seely, LL.B. Cincinn. Henry Eugene Hawley 1862 *1865 *Daniel Hebard *1862 Henry Ward Siglar, M.A. Luciusl Hophins Higgins *Calvin Harmon Smith I *1866 Edward Goodman Holden William Thayer Smith, M.A. 1874, Ephraim Lindsley Holmes M.D. Dartm. 1878 and Univ. City John Howard N. Y. 1879, Prof. Physiol. Dartm. *Theodore Lewis Buffett Howe 1‘1863 Coll. *Thomas Gordon Hunt *1891 Pierre Sythoff Starr, M.D. Columbia William Henry Hurlbut, M.A. 1862 _ Henry Larned Johnson *Joseph Lord Taintor, M.A. 1864 *1881 *PVilliam Curtis johnston *1862 î Charles Henry Vana'yne Luther Manard Jones, LL.B. Colum- ` julius Hammond Ward, M.A. Trinity bia 1865, M.A. 1868 l 1867 *Sidmon Thorne Keese, LL.B. Co- Samuel Reed Warren lumbia 1862, М.А. *1880 t *Francis Roscoe Way *1868 106 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY Xenophon Wheeler Thomas Howell White, M.D. 1862 Lemuel Tripp Willcox, M.A. Edwin Sidney Williams, M.A. Oberlin 1868 Robert Newton Willson *Morris Woodruff, 1874, M.A. 1874 *1894 Lewis Nicholas Worthington, M.A., M.D. Paris 1875 Mason Young, M.A. 1871, Fellow 109 1861 Ebenezer Andrews, M.A. ‘ James Bruyn Andrews, LL.B. Colum- bia 1863, M.A. *Hubbard Arnold, M.A. ‘1876 Charles Winter/feld Baldwin, M.A. Simeon Eben Baldwin, M.A., LL.D. Harv. 1891, Instr. and Prof. Law, Judge Supr. Court Conn. Theron Baldwin, 1862 *John Newell Bannan *1863 George Buc/eingham Beecher Samuel Arthur Bent, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1865 George Bernard Bonney Franklin Seymour Bradley, M.A. James Harry Brent, Judge Circuit Court Ky. Hubert Sanford Brown *Milton Bulkley *18 George Chalmers, LL.B. Columbia 1863, M.A. *Robert Linton Chamberlain, M.A. Albert Henry Childs JamesGardner Clark, M.A. *William Bardwell Clark Peter Collier, M.A., PH.D. 1866, M.D. Univ. Vt. 1870, Asst. Chem., Prof. Chem., Mineral., and Metallurgy Univ. Vt. ` Ebenezer Buckingham Convers, M.A. , LL.B. Columbia 1866 *William Cook, Asst. Prof. German Harv. Univ. *John Alfred Davenport, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1866, Asst. Prof. Math. U. S. Nav. Acad. *Frederick Stanton Davis Moulton DeForest George Delp, M.A. Franklin Bowditch Dexter, M.A., Tutor, Asst. Librarian, Secretary, Larned Prof. Amer. Hist. Henry Rees Durfee, M.A., LL.B. Albany 1864 David William Eaves, M.A., J.U.D. Heidelb. 1864 *Clarence Eddy William Couch Egleston, M.A. *William Cleveland Faxon, M.A. 1869 *1890 Robert Hughes Fitzhugh *1888 *1864 1‘1886 *1890 *1863 “1891 Joseph Nelson Flint Samuel Hanna Frisbee, Prof. Physics, Math. and Chem. and Pres. Coll. St. Francis Xavier Milton Frost, M.A. 1860 William Henry Fuller, LL.B. Colum- bia 1863 Walter Hanford, M.A. Amasa Franklin Haradon, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1866 *James Lanman Harmar, M.A. Alfred Hemenway, M.A. William Henry Higbee, M.A. Anthony Higgins, LL.D. 1891, U. S. Senator *Charles Borland Hill James Nevins Hyde, M.A. 1865, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1869 and Rush Med. Coll. 1881, Prof. Dermatol. Chicago Med. Coll. and Rush Med. Coll. Brayton Ives - *Henry Norton Johnson, M.A. *William Martin Johnson Frederick Rowland Jones Walter Franklin Jones *Francis Edward Kernochan, LL.B. *1880 *1873 Columbia 1863, М.А. 1866 *1884 *John Coddington Kinney, M.A IS72 *1891 Harvey Sheldon Kitchel, М.А. 1866 Samuel Hinckley Lyman Isaac Slayton Lyon Oliver McClintock, M.A. 1865 Edward Pascal McKinney James Woods McLane, M.D. Colum- bia 1864, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. also Obstetr. Columbia Coll., Pres. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. John Ellis Marshall Charles Griswold Gurley Merrill, M. D. 1863, М.А. 1866 Nathan Tibbals Merwin John Hanson Mitchell, M.A. Nathaniel Schuyler Moore, M .A. Leonard Fisk Morse Stanford Newel, М.А., LL.B. Harv. 1864 *Daz/idjudson Ogden, B.D. 1868 *Charles Pomeroy Otis, M.A., PH.D. 1873, Tutor, Prof. Mod. Lang. Mass. Inst. Technol. *Webster Park William Edwards Parh, D.D. Mari- etta 1888 Edward Phillips Payson John Barnard Pearse Tracy Peck, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Latin Cornell Univ., Prof. Latin George Austin Pelton *1891 *1888 *1881 *George Clap Perkins, M.A. 1865 *1875 *James Pepper Pratt *1864 *Charles Robinson *1869 Alexander Porter Root Francis Ritter Schmucker, M.D. N. Y. Homoeop. Med. Coll. 1873 1895] BA CHELORS OF AR TS, 1801—1802 107 Lorenzo Sears, M.A. Trinity 1887, Litt. Edward Benton Coe, D.D. 1885 and D. Trin. 1892, Prof. Rhet. and Engl. Rutgers 1881, LL.D. Rutg. 1893, Lit. Univ. Vt. and Brown Univ. Street Prof. Mod. Lang. *Sextus Shearer *1869 ` Charles W'oolsey Coit *Sidney Fortescue Shelbourne *1887 James Henry Crosby Winthrop Dudley Sheldon, М.А., B.D. Melville Cox Day 1868, Prof. Greek and Latin C010- Heman Pachard DeForest rado Coll., Vice-Pres. Girard Coll. Henry Martyn Denniston, 1892, M.A. *Joseph Lucien Shipley *1894 1892 *Edward Rowland Sill, Prof. Engl. *James Alfred Dunbar, M.A. *1876 Lang. and Lit. Univ. Cal. *1887 Horace Dutton *William Edward Sims *1891 Sherburne Blake Eaton Fielder Cross Slingluff Charles Wright Ely, M.A. Charles Thompson Stanton, M.A. James Foley *Gilbert Miles Stocking *1865 Harrison Belknap Freeman Heber Samuel Thompson, M.A. 1871 *William Wilson Gandy *1868 *George Makepeace Towle, LL.B. Arthur Goodenough, M.A. Harv. 1863 *1893 Henry Haven Gorton John Dresser Tucker Richard Henry Greene, M.A., LL.B. *John Curtis Tyler *1880 Columbia 1865 *John Reuben Webster *187- Henry Josiah Griswold James Harvey White, M.A. *Eben Thomas Hale, M.A., LL.B. Ralph Olmsted Williams, Asst. and Harv. 1865 *1868 Instr. English Elliot Chapin Hall *George Worman *1864 Henry Holt, LL.B. Columbia 1864 Theodore Stephen Wynhoop, M.A. *William Watson House *1863 97 Charles Eustis Hubbard John Wesley Johnson, Pres. Univ. Oregon William WoolseyJohnson, M.A. 1868, 1862 Prof. Math.,Civ. Engin. and Astron. Kenyon Coll., Prof. Math. St.John’s Albert Egerton Adams, M.A. Coll. (Md.) and U. S. Nav. Acad. Frederic Adams Henry Phelps Johnston, Prof. Hist. *Ira Rush Alexander *1863 Coll. City N. Y. John Wesley Alling, M.A. Albert Francis Judd, LL.B. Harv. William Dexter Anderson, M.A., 1864, М.А., LL.D. 1894, Chief Just. M.D. 1865 Supr. Court. Hawaiian Isl. Henry Samuel Barnum Charles Nichols Judson, LL.B. C0- Xyris Turner Bates, M.A., M.D. lumbia 1864 Albany Med. Coll. 1867 William Platt Ketcham, LL.B. Co- Heber Hamilton Beadle lumbia 1864, М.А. *George Miller Beard, M.D. Colum- *William Russell Kimberly, M.A. *1872 bia 1866, M.A. 1867 *1883 *Hiram Hollister Kimpton, LL.B. *James Pierrepont Blake *1865 1864, М.А. *1885 Samuel Robinson Blatchley, M.A. Thomas Burgis Kirby Jacob Smith Bockee, M.A. Cornelius Ladd Kitchel, M.A., B.D. Francke Huntington Bosworth, M.A., 1867, Tutor, Instr. Greek M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. l Frederick Irving Knight, M.A. 1866, 1868, Prof. Throat Diseases Bellevue l M.D. Harv. 1866, Clin. Prof. Laryn- Hosp. Med. Coll. gol. Harv. Univ. Isaac Bowe, M.A. 1867 l William Lampson, LL.B. Columbia Charles Frederic Bradley J 1867 . ` James Franklin Brown, M.A. l *Charles Henry Lewis, M.D. 1867 ’1885 James Plummer Brown, LL.B. Harv. п Elisha Stiles Lyman 1864, М.А. l Walter Lowrie McClintock *Buel Clinton Carter *1886 William Rutledge McCord Arnold Welles Catlin, M.A., M.D. Franklin MacVeagh, LL.B. Columbia Univ. Pa. 1865 l 1864 Daniel Henry Chamberlain, LL.B. *Harrison Maltzberger, LL.B. Harv. Harv. 1864, LL.D. Univ. S.C. 1873, 1864, M.A. *1893 Attorney-Gen. and Gov. S. C., Lect. William Lewis Matson, M.A., LL.B. Munic. Law Columbia 1865 Robert Fergusson Chapman, M.A., *Israel Minor, LL.B. Columbia 1864, M.D. Univ. Md. 1865 M.A. *1893 james Balloch Chase д Richard Cary 1110750, М.А. 108 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Marion Francis Mulkey, М.А.1869 *1889 William Henry 8010022, М.А. апс1 Thomas Dungan Murphy Univ. Mich. 1869 PVilliam Henry Harrison Murray Henry Belin, M.A. *Thomas Webb Osborn, M.A., LL.B. *Jacob Berry, M.A. 1871 *1881 Albany 1863 *1893 *George Washington Biddle, M.A. ``1886 *Merritt Cicero Page *1877 *Egbert .Byron Bingham, Tutor *1891 Thomas Hubbard Pitkin, 1863, М.А. Daniel Moshel Birmingham, S.T.B. 1866 _» Boston Univ. 1865, М.А., D.D. `loseph Fitz Randolph, M.A. Central Tenn. 1892, Prof. Hebr. and. George Coit Ripley, M.A. N. T. Greek Central Tenn. Coll., John Smith Robert Prof. Greek and Lat. Napa Coll. Charles Nelson Ross, M.A., Treasurer *Edward Gould Bishop, M.A., LL.B. N. Y. State Harv. 1867 *1870 *Charles Henry Rowe, M.D. 1864 *1867 John Hoye Bishop . William Wallace Seely, M.A., M.D. Erastus Elaheslee, 1864, М.А. Med. Coll. 0. 1864, Prof. Ophthal- *Charles Carroll Blatchley *1887 mol. and Otol. Med. Coll. О. and *Harvey Harris Bloom *1864 Dartm. Coll. Edward Munson Booth, Prof. Rhet. William Clilz Sexton, B.D. 1867 State Univ. Iowa Albert Benjamin Shearer, M.A. *Frank Howe Bradley, Curator Nat. *Andrew Freeman Shiverick *1863 Hist. Collections, Prof. Nat. Sci. *Richard Skinner *1804 Hanover Coll. and E. Tenn. Univ. *1879 Henry Hamlin 510001225, D.D. Hamilt. Edward Flint Brown, M.A., LL.D. 1883 St.John’s (Md.) 1893 *Francis Norton Sterling *1862 *james Eleazar Bulkley *1864 *Edward Collins Stone, M.A. *1878 *Cornelius Wade Bull, M.D. 1867 *1876 Charles 82271 Sumner *Orlando Franklin Bump, M.A. 1876 *1884 [0022 Phelps Taylor, M.A. 1867, Prof. Horace Bumsíead, M.A., D.D. Univ. Bibl. Hist. Andover Theol. Sem. City N. Y. 1881, Prof. Nat. Sci. also *Henry Wolcott Thayer ‘1867 Latin and Pres. Atlanta Univ. *Matthew Hueston Thorns, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 1865 апс1 Columb. 1876 *1890 *Thomas Gairdner T 022751022 *1884 Roger Sherman Tracy, M. D. Columbia 1868 Levi Penñeld Treadwell Oliver Ferdinand Treadwell, M.D. 1865 /ohn Vroom-an Frederic Augustus Ward, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1864, М.А. *Robert Kelley Weeks, LL.B. Со- lumbia 1864 Pierce Noble Welch Charles Phelps Williams, 1893 Buchanan Winthrop, LL.B. Columbia 1864, М.А., Fellow *George Lee Woodhull *Robert Galbraith Woods *1876 *1870 100 *1873 1863 Walter Allen, M.A. 1893 Charles Jesup Arms, 1875, М.А. 1875 George Washington Atherton, 1864, M.A., LL.D. Franklin and Marshall 1883, Prof. Hist., Pol. Econ. and Law Rutgers Coll.. Pres. Pa. State Coll. George William Baird, 1864 George Wallace 8022125 Frederick Jones Barnard, ' М.А., LL.B. Harv. 1866 George Hawkins Bundy, M.A. *Francis Reed Butler John Haskell Butler Leander Trowbridge Chamherlain, D. D. Univ. Vt. 1879 Daniel Brewer Childs, LL.B. Albany1884 *Joseph Platt Cooke ' *Henry Edwards Cooley, M.A. Edwin Henry Cooper, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1865 *Samuel Erwin Cooper *Adrian Voorhees Cortelyou, LL.B. Columbia 1865, M.A. 1867 George Langford Curran George Brooks Curtiss, M.A. Henry Clay DeForest Henry Farnam Dimock, M.A. _[0022 Eirge Doolittle *Samuel lVilloughhy Dujíeld *William Burr Dunning, M.D. Co- lumbia 1871 Holder Borden Durfee, M.A. Morton William Easton, M.D. Co- lumbia 1867, PH.D. 1872, Prof. Anc. Lang. also Compar. Philol. and Mod. Lang. E. Tenn. Univ., Prof. Com- par. Philol. also Greek Univ. Pa. *Jonathan Edwards, M.D. Columbia 1867 Benjamin Eglin, M.A., LL.B. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1867 Thomas А 10071 Emerson ' *Julius Emmons, M.A. john Safford Fiske Eleazar Kingsbury Foster, Judge Cir- cuit Court F1a. *1890 879 *1877 *1864 *1873 *1887 *1888 *1886 *1871 1895] EA CHELORS 0E ARTS, 1863 109 *Horace Webster Fowler, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1867 *1888 Cyrus West Francis, M.A., B.D. 1867, Prof. Ethics and Christian Evi- dences Atlanta Univ. Thomas Hart Fuller, M.A. Albert Stone Garland, M.D. Harv. 1866 Artemas Wiswall Gates-Fairbanks, M.A. [oseph РЛС/и Gaylord, M.A. Charles Miles Gilman, LL.B. Colum- bia 1865, М.А. Edward Brodie Glasgow, М.А. George Scovill Hamlin, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1865 *Frederick Fanning Harral, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1868 *1881 Willabe Haskell, M.A., PH.D. 1876 John Lewis Heck Thornton Mills Hinkle, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1865, M.A. 1894, Prof. Med. Jurispr. Cincinn. Homoeop. Med. Coll. *George Hoffman, LL.B. Columbia 1865 *1885 *Samuel Shorey Hollingsworth, M.A., Prof. Law Univ. Pa. Samuel Huntington, LL.B. Columbia 1865 Henry Hulbert Ingersoll, M.A. , LL.D. Wash. Coll. (Tenn.) 1890, Judge Supr. Court Tenn. *Wilbur Ives, M.A. Josiah Jewett, M.A. John Johnston, LL.B. Albany 1864, М A *1894 *1870 Thomas Aiguier Kennett, M.A. Joseph Frederic Kernochan, LL.B. Columbia 1865 Edward Lawrence Keyes, M.A., M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1866, Prof. Derma- tol. also Cutan. and Genito-Urin. Diseases Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. *Howard Kingshury ’1878 George Edward Lounsbury Кадет! George Stephen McNeille, M.A., B.D. 1870 ‚ *Edwin Macomber *1863 *Dwight Marcy ’1887 *Henry Smith Merchant, LL.B. Al- bany 1865 *1866 *James Slade Millard, LL.B. Colum- bia 1865 *1890 James Buchanan Mitchell, M.A. *George Worthington Moore, M.A. '1887 Joseph Naphtaly, M.A. *Erastus New, M.A. 1869 *1886 George Wilson Osborn, M.A. Harlan Page Parmelee Oliver Hazard Payne, 1878 John Hyde Peck, M.A. Dar/id Влияет! Perry, M.A., B.D. 1867, Tutor, Pres. Doane Coll. Henry Selden Pratt, M.A. William Churchill Heade Henry Pynchon Robinson George Bliss Sanford, 1883 Erastus Huntington Saunders *Henry Whitney Scott, M.A. George St.John Sheffield, M.A. Charles Stuart Sheldon, M.A., M.D. Buffalo Med. Coll. 1867 and Colum- bia 1868 ‚ Edward Payson Sheldon, LL.B. Al- bany 1864, М.А. Charles Upham Shepard, M.D. Göet- tsingîen 1867, Prof. Chem. Med. Coll. *1871 *Walter Hebert Smyth *1863 George Champlin Shepard Southworth, LL.B. Harv. 1865, M.A., Prof. Belles-Lettres and Hist. Kenyon Coll., Prof. Engl. Lang. and Lit. Case School Sci. *Thomas Clarh Steele, M.A. ' 1‘1877 Lewis Atterbury Stimson, M.D. Belle- ­vue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1874, Prof. Physiol. also Анат. also Surg. Univ. City N. Y. Charles Edward Sumner, М.А. William Graham Sumner, LL.D. Tenn. Univ. 1884, Tutor, Pelatiah Perit Prof. Polit. and Soc. Sci. Herbert Leslie Terrell, M.A. Frederick Folger Thomas, PH.B. 1865, M.A., Asst. Chem. *Samuel Reading PH.B. 1865, M.A. William Rutherford Hayes bridge, M.A. 1867 Julius Twiss, LL.B. 1865, М.А. _ Irving Goodwin Vann, LL.B. Albany 1865, M.A. 1870, LL.D. Hamilton 1882, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State Hamilton Wallis, LL.B. Columbia 1865, M.A. *Edmund Asa Ware, M.A., Pres. Atlanta Univ. '1885 Edward Lyman Washburn, M.D. 1865 Henry Загиб/[ай Waterman, LL.B. Chicago Univ. 1865, B.D. Chicago Theol. Sem. 1869, D.D. LaGrange Throckmorton, . *1880 Trow- Coll. 1890 *Charles Webster '1865 *Charles Howland Wesson, LL.B. Columbia 1865 ‘1873 Cortlandt Whitehead, M.A., D.D. Union 1880, P. E. Bishop Pitts- burgh *William Halliday Whitin *1893 William Collins Whitney, M.A., LL. D. 1888, Secr. U. S. Navy Joel Tuttle Wildman, M.A. John Hermon Woodruff Amos li/orman Alexander Hamilton Wright, LL.B. Columb. Univ. (Wash.) 1866 Samuel Amos York, LL.B. Albany 1864, M.A. Thomas Young, LL.B. Albany 1866 125 по YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Frank Henry Hooker 1864 Thomas Hooker Edward Augustus Anketell, LL.B. Theodore Weld Нардам, also Oberlin 1866, М.А. 1865, M.A., Prof. Eccl. Hist. Chi- Charles Larned Atterbury William Augustus Ayres William Edward Barnett, LL.B. Al- bany 1867 Walton Wesley Баден/гам MLA., D.D. Union 1878 *john Wichlzße Beach, M.A., B.D. 1869 Edward Wells Bell, LL.B. Columbia 1870 *George Whitefield Eenjamin, M.A., M.D. 1869, B.D. 1874 *Joseph Ritner Benjamin, M.D. Co- lumbia 1868, M.A. 1874 Frederic Henry Betts, LL.B. Columbia 1866, M.A. 1871, Lect. Patent Law *Thomas Kast Boltwood, LL.B. Al- bany 1866 ° ‘1872 *Charles Edward Booth, 1866 *1870 Matthew Chaloner Durfee Borden, 1867 Henry Payne Boyden Franklin Barnes Bradley *Robert Matlock Browning Albert Henry Buck, M.D. Columbia 1867, Clin. Prof. Ear Diseases Co- lumbia Coll. Charles Henry Burnett, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1867 William Jessup Chandler. M.D. Co- lumbia 1868 *Albert Barnes Clark, M.A. *Daniel Lathrop Coit Clinton Levering Conkling Peter Rouse Cortelyou, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1867 . Abraham Beekman Cox *Timothy Farrar Crane Samuel Carter Darling, LL.B. Albany 1866, M.A. Orson Gregory Dibble, M.A., M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1869 George Douglass John Jacob Edic, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1867 т Charles Winthrop Eijíeld, B.D. 1871 rI`heodore Fitch, M.A. 1868 Charles Dana Townsend Gibson, M.A. , M.D. Columbia 1868 Edmund Trowbridge Hastings Gibson, M.A. Frederick Elizur Goodrich Lewis Gregory Timothy Miller Отшив, LL.B. Albany 1866, M.A. Charles Horace Hall *Timothy Haughee, M.D. 1868 Thomas Browning Hewitt, M.A. 1871 Charles Alldis Hiller, M.A. George Nicholas Hitchcock, LL.B. Harv. 1867 Daniel Judson Holden, LL.B. Colum- bia 1866 *1887 “1893 *1885 *1875 *1883 *1865 *1866 *1872 cago and Auburn Theol. Sem. james Phillips Hoyt, M.A., B.D. 1870 Charles Dennis Ingersoll, LL.B. Al- bany 1866, M.A. Robert Shoemaker Ives, M.D. 1866, M.A. Huntting Cooper Jessup Frederick Arthur Judson Walter Judson, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1870 *Elias Lofiborough Kerr, LL.B. Al- bany 1865 /oseph Lanman David Gilbert Lapham, M.A. George Frederick Lewis, M.D. 1866, M.A. 1868 Francis Englesby Loomis, PH.D. 1866, M.A., PH.D. and M.A. Göttingen 1869, Prof. Phys. and Industr. Mech. Cornell Univ. *Edward Whittlesey Lowrey, M.A. David Brainerd Lyman, LL.B. Harv. 1866, M.A. 1874 William McAfee, M.A. Charles Fraser McLean, PH.D. 1866, J.U.D. Berlin *Edward Taylor Mather George Spring Merriam, M.A., Tutor A'lanson .Douglas /Vfiller Ehrman Syme Nadal, M.A. 1874 Wilfred Ernest Norton LL.B. 1867 Henry Elijah Owen, M.D. Columbia 1867 Olof Page, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1867 and Univ. Chili 1869 *Horace Daniel Paine *William Henry Palmer, M.D. Colum- bia 1867 Roswell Parish, M.A. *Julius Leonard Parke, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1863 William Gaylord Peck, M.A. Arthur Phinney, M.A. Stephen Condit Pierson *Howard Eben Pratt William Hall Brace Pratt, M.D. Co- lumbia 1867 Isaac Platt Pugsley, M.A. Guillermo Colesberry Purves, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1867 *Gilbert John Raynor, LL.B. Columb. Univ. (Wash.) 1860 Charles Greene Rockwood, PH.D. 1866, M.A. and Bowd. 1869, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Bowdoin Coll., Prof. Math. and Astron. Rut- gers Со11._‚ Prof. Math. Coll. N.J. Thomas Edward Satterthwaite, M.D. Columbia 1867, Prof. Pathol. and Gen. Med. N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. School *Murray Colegate Shoemaker, LL.B. Columbia 1866 *1871 *1893 *1870 *1867 *1871 *1868 *1865 *1874 *1885 1895] BA CHELORS 0E ARTS, 1864—1865 III John William Sterling, LL.B. Colum- Elbert William Brown bia 1867, М.А. 1874, LL.D. 1893 *Henry Armitt Brown, M.A. *1879 Ledyard Stevens John Campbell Brown Charles Ruggles Strong, LL.B. Albany Thomas jeferson Brown, D.D. Hamil- 1866, M.A. ton 1880 Selah Brewster Strong, LL.B. Albany *Morris Mumford Budlong, LL.B. 1865, M.A. Columbia 1868 *1891 Charles Phelps Taft, LL.B. Columbia *Alexander Clark Buell, LL.B. Al- 1866, М.А., J.U.D. Heidelb. 1867, bany 1867 *1880 M. C. ­ *Tuzar Bulkley . “1867 *john William Teal, M.A., D.D. La- Oscar Roger Burchard fayette 1884 *1894 William Benedict Bushnell James Clarke Thomas, M.A., M.D. Roderick Byington Columbia 1868 T oliver Eranhlin Сих/Еву _ *Edward Royall Tyler, LL.B. Columb. James Edward Chandler, LL.B. Al- Univ. (Wash.) 1866 *1891 bany 1867 *fames Brainerd Tyler, M.A., B.D. Adelbert .Putnam Chapman 187r *1872 Charles Meigs Charnley Albert Harrison VanEtten, M.A. James Charnley James Harvey VanGelder, M.A., Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, LL.B. LL.B. Albany 1873 Columbia 1868, М.А. 1872 *Alfred Eastman Walker, M.D. 1867 *1873 Henry Churchill Edwin Force Warren, M.A. James Wait Clarke Edgar Thaddeus Welles, M.A. Henry Rarh Collin, M.A. Clarence Lincoln Westcott William Tompkins Comstock, M.A. Ralph Wheeler, Judge Super. Court Everett Howard Converse Conn. /ames Wesley Cooper, 1879, М.А. 1879, OlÍVCI’ Sherman White, M.A., LL.B. D.D. Olivet 1886, Fellow 1873 John Dalzell, M. C. Lewis Frederick Whitin, M.A. George Sherwood Dic/herman, B.D. Henry Mitchell Whitney, M.A., Prof. 1868, М.А. Rhet. and Engl. Lit. Beloit Coll. William Henry Drury, M.A. -Charles Mills Whittelsey Edward Dummer Edward [Идите Williams, M.A. George Philip Dutton, M.A. Job Williams, M.A. Whitehead Cornell Duyckinck Moseley Над/ёж Williams, M.A. 1874 George Henry Ely, M.A. John Almer Williamson, LL.B. Al- john Lewis Ewell, Prof. Church Hist., bany 1865, M.A. Hebrew and Greek Howard Univ. *Henry Wilson *1871 George Tod Ford Henry Rayner Wood, M.A. Charles Robert Forrest Orson Sumner Wood Marshall Richard Gaines, M.A., B.D. Francis Eben “тощий` 1883 _ *Albert Smith Wurts III *1867 *Charles Hyde Gaylord, B.D. 1868, M.A., M.D. 1871 *1885 Lyman DeHufi` Gilbert, M.A. James Glynn Gregory, M.D. Colum- bia 1868 John Warren Hicks 1865 Julius Adelbert Hoag Elmer Bragg Adams Miles Goodyear Hyde, M.D. Geneva Simeon OlmstedAllen, M.A., B.D. 1868 Med. Coll. 1868, М.А. 1869 *Charles Douglas Anthony *1865 *Thomas Chester Ingersoll, LL.B. Wilbur Russell Bacon, LL.B. Colum- Albany 1866, M.A. 1873 *1884 bia 1867 *joseph Henry lsham, B.D. 1876 *1884 Arthur Arnold Barrows, M.D. Colum- bia 1870 *Joseph Appleton Bent Josiah Hooker Bissell, M.A. *Charles Edward Blake, M.D. Pacific Med. Coll. 1873 *Charles Rinchney Blanchard, M.A. 'Edward Bennet Bronson, M.D. Со- lumbia 1869, Prof. Dermatol. N. Y. Polyclinic John Edward Brooks, LL.B. Colum- bia 1867 Robert Porter Keep, PH.D. 1869, Tutor James Hutchison Kerr, M.A. 1878, Prof. Chem. and Geol. Colorado Coll. Charles Kimberly, LL.B. Albany 1866, M.A. Jacob Dives Kirkhuff Courtney Smith Kitchel, LL.B. Al- bany 1866 Francis William Kittredge, M.A. Cyrus Austin Leland 112 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY Charles Henry Leonard, M.D. Colum- bia 1868, M.A. 1871 Charles Edward Lockwood, M.D. Co- lumbia 1868 *Henry Clay McCreary *Allen McLean, B.D. 1868, M.A. Edward Augustus Sarmiento Man, LL.B. Univ. P'a. 1867, М.А. Sanford Smith Martyn, B.D. 1868 Payson Merrill, LL.B. Columbia 1868 *Michael Taylor Newbold, M.A., LL.B. Albany 1868 ' *1890 James Sager Norton Charles Lathrop Osborn John Kerr Payne, also Marietta 1865, М.А., Prof. Math. Tenn. Univ. Samuel Jones Peck Willis Long Reeves, Judge Circuit Court Ky. *Benjamin Clapp Riggs, M.D. Colum- bia 1869 William Bruce Rogers William Henry Sage William Walker Scranton, M.A. 1869 *John Sharp, M.D. Columbia 1868 Stacy Biddle Shreve Charles Edgar Smith Charles Henry Smith, LL.D. Bowd. 1894, Tutor, Prof. Math. also Hist. and Polit. Sci. Bowdoin Coll., Larned Prof. Amer. Hist. ' Sidney Vanuxem Smith *Walter Buchanan Smith, M.A. Henry Alhert Stimson, M.A., D.D. 1893 and Ripon 1885 Manning Force Stires, M.A. 1871 William Stocking, M.A. William Stone Louis Stoskopf, M.A., M.D. 4Colum- bia 1869 and Rush Med. Coll. 1871 Corydon Giles Stowell, M.A. Charles Newhall Taintor, M.A. 1874 Henry Ellsworth Taintor, 1866 Gouverneur Morris Thompson, LL.B. Albany 1866 *George Edwards Treadwell, LL.B. 1867 Henry Waterman “Танец William Lamb Warren George Unangst Wenner, M.A., D.D. Pa. Coll. 1888 Edwin Horace Wilson, M.A., Tutor William Clitus Witter, LL.B. Colum- bia 1867. John Brandegee Wood, LL.B. Colum- bia 1868 William Atwater Woodworth, LL.B. Albany 1866 Edward Marshall Wright, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1869 100 *1869 *1882 *1883 *1875 *1875 *1890 l l 1866 Lewis Lowe Abbott Charles Hemmenway Adams Alexander Dwight Anderson, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1868 Henry Burr Barnes, M.A. 1870 Edward Brown Bennett, M.A. William Henry Bennett, LL.B. Al- bany 1868 Edward Richmond Betts *Charles Penrose Biddle Gilhert Livingston Bishop, M.A. Marcellus Bowen /ames Brand, D.D. Iowa Coll. 1884 George Ficklen Britton Edward Payson Brooks Charles Frank Brown, Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State John Buckingham Lucius Duncan Bulkley, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1869, Prof. Skin Diseases Post-Grad. School N. Y. William George Bussey Henry H. Butler Edward Alexis Caswell, M.A. 1871 Frank Smith Chapin *Daniel Chase Chapman, M.A. Sherman Hartwell Chapman, M.D. Columbia 1869, М.А. 1870, Lect. Throat and Ear Diseases *Charles Converse Chatñeld, M.A. *1876 Cassius Marcellus Clay Edmund Сети, LL.B. Columbia 1868 *Hamilton Cole Maurice Dwight Collier, M.A., LL.B. Wash. Univ. (Mo.) 1869, Lect. At- tachments Charles Avery Collin, M.A., Prof. Law Cornell Univ. ' James Hewlett Cornwall, M.A. James Lewis Cowles, LL.B. 1888 John Kennedy Creevey George Frederick Darrell, M.A. John Sidney Davenport, LL.B. Harv. 1869 ' Gustavus Pierrepont Davis, M.D. Co- lumbia 1869 Frederick Nevins Dodge, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1868 Harrison Downes, LL.B. Columbia *1890 "*1892 *1889 1871 Charles Atwood Edwards, M.A. William Whitman Farnam, М.А. J.U.D. Heidelb.1868, LL.B. Colum bia 1871, Fellow, Treasurer *Henry Ward Foote. M.A. 1870 Austin Brainerd Fuller, M.D. 1892 Ferdinand VanDerz/eer Garretson [годен Proud/it Gihson Edward Elizur Goodrich, LL.B. A1- bany 1867, M.A. *Edwin Curtis Gormly, M.A. james Taylor Grat/es Y William Lester Griswold, LL. B. Al- bany 1868 9 *1873 *1880 1895] BA CHEL ORS 0E AR TS, 1866—1867 1 1 3 Albert Francis Hale, M.A., B.D. 1870 John Manning Hall, Judge Super. Court Conn. Lovell Hall. M.A.. LL.B. Columbia 1870 *Albert Barnes Herrick, LL.B. А1- Ьапу 1868 Edward Young Hinchs, M.A. 1883, D.D. 1885, Prof. Bibl. Theol. An- dover Theol. Sem. *Henry Perrin Holmes George Chandler Holt, LL.B. Colum- bia 1869 ` Frederick Thornton Hunt *Daniel Wesley Ingersoll, LL.B. А1- Ьапу 1867 Frederick Newton Judson, M.A. Eugene Kingman, M.D. Columbia 1870 Lewis Lampman, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1893 Leslie Lewis, M.A. George Augustus Lochwood Theodore Akerly Lord, LL.B. Colum- bia 1868 Joseph McKeehan McClure Thomas Edwin MacKinlay HenryBurnham Mead, M.A., B.D. 1869 John Epaphras.Miller, M.A. 1870 Charles Langdon [УЛУС/26,11, М.А. 1874 William Greenly Nicoll, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1868, M.A. *William Satterlee Packer, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1871 '1893 George Shipman Payson Isaac Pierson *Benjamin Poole Abner Post, M.D. Harv. 1870 *Roland Redmond *Henry Roberts, M.A. Henry Treat Rogers, M.A. Charles Havens Royce, M.A. Darius Parmalee Sackett, M.A. Samuel Benedict St.John, M.D. Со- lumbia 1870, Lect. Opthalmol. Frederick' Stephen Salisbury, M.A. 1874 *Ernest Schroeder, M.A. Morris Woodruíî Seymour, 1876, LL.B. Columbia 1867, Lect. Corporations Henry Thompson Sloane, 1868 *Richard Edward Smyth Charles McLellan Southgate Siegwart Spier Edward Comfort Starr, B.D. 1870 James Ulysses Taintor, M.A. 1874 Frederick Stanley Thompson ’ Robert Wild Todd, M.A. Thomas Sedgwick VanVolkenburgh, LL.B. Columbia 1868, M.A. 1874 ‘1882 *1866 *1869 *1882 *1894 *1873 ’1874 *1868 *Levi Clifford Wade *1891 Arthur Clarence Walworth, M.A. William Egbert Wheeler, M.A. George Edward White, M.A. 1870 *Henry Ulis Whitney i‘1870 *John Hampden Wood, LL.B. Albany 1867, M.A. 1873 ’1884 George William Young, M.A. 1872 97 1867 *Arthur Herman Adams, M.D. 1874 *1879 George Augustus Adee, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1870, M.A. 1871 Robert Henry Alison, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1869, М.А. 1873 *Beverley Allen *1876 Cornelius Lansing Allen, LL.B. A1- bany 1869 James Monroe Allen *Thomas Allyn, M.D. Harv. 1872 Frank Lee Baldwin, M.A. Henry Beach Beard Eugene Francis Beecher *Charles Wyllys Betts, LL.B. Colum- bia 1869, М.А. 1871 William Henry Bishop, Instr. French and Span. Arthur Douglas Bissell *William Edward Bliss, 1878 George Cotton Brainerd, M.A., LL.B. Harv. 187i Joseph Judson Brooks William Alexander Brother Anselm Byron Brown, B.D. 1870, M.A. *Leonard Treat Brown Wallace Bruce Dam'djames Burrell, D.D. elsewhere EdwinStone Butterfield Charles Kinsey Cannon, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1870 George Rice Carrington Jacob Andrew Cartwright John Henry Chapman, M.A. Henry Abel Chittenden, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1870 Abel Stanton Clark, M.A. *Elbert Willett Clarke Charles Goodrich Coe, LL.B. Colum- bia 1869 *Charles Terry Collins Strong Comstock, M.A. Lester Curtis, M.D. Chicago Med. *1882 *1887 *1880 *1880 *1882 *1883 Coll. 1870, Prof. Histol. Chicago Med. Coll. _ *Theodore Lansing Day, M.A., B.D. 1871,’Tutor *1885 Robert Elliott DeForest, M. C. IlIorton Dexter, M.A. Ira Seymour Dodd *Frederick Richard Seward Drake, 1883, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1871, Prof. Clin. Med. Univ. City N. Y. ‘1888 John Jay DuBois, LL.B. Columbia 1869, M.A. 1872 Albert Elijah Dunning, D.D. Beloit 1887 Henry Turner Eddy, PH.B. 1868, M.A., C. E. Cornell 1870, PH.D. Cornell 1872, Asst. Prof. Math. Cornell Univ., Prof. Math. Coll. N. J., Prof. Civil Engin. and Astron. Univ. Cincinn., Pres. Rose Polytechnic Inst., Prof. Mech. and Engin. Univ. Minn. 8 114 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Charles Samuel Elliot, M.A. James Greeley Flanders, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1869 А * ames Matthew Gamble harles Holmes Goodman, M.D. Hah- nemann Med. Coll. Philad. 1869 William Henry Goodyear *Thomas Greenwood, LL.B. Columbia 1872 Wilder Bennett Harding, M.A. 187t Orlando Metcalf Harper, 1892, М.А. 1892 /ohn Milton Hart joseph William Hartshorn, B.D. 1870 Frank Henry Hathorn Thomas Hedge, LL.B. Columbia 1869 Nelson Powell Hulst, PH.B. 1869, PH.D. 1870 William Henry Ingham Charles Bulkley Jennings, M.A. *Alexander Johnston, B.D. 1871 Samuel Keeler Luther Hart Kitchel, M.D. Univ. Buffalo Albert Eugene Lamb *Henry Gardner Landis, M.A., M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1870, Prof. Obstetr. Starling Med. Coll. Frank Libbey Matthew Darbyshire Mann, M.A. 1871, M.D. Columbia 1871, Lect. Gynae- col., Prof. Obstetr. and Gynaecol. Buffalo Univ. /ames Eishe Merriam James Alexander Moore, M.D. Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1883 *Charles Leslie Morgan William Henry Morse, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1870, M.A. 1873 Alfred Eugene Nolen, M.A. *Louis Lambert Palmer, LL.B. Chi- cago Univ. 1869 *john Warren Partridge *Henry Willson Payne, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1870 William Adorno Peck, M.A. George Henry Perkins, PH.D. 1869, Prof. Zool., Bot. and Geol. Univ. Vt. Peter Brynberg Porter, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1869, М.А. *Edward Sheldon Reynolds, M.A. 1872 *1895 *Ernest Robinson, M.A. *1870 Horatio Seymour, M.A. 1871 George Preston Sheldon, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1869 Henry Clay Sheldon, M.A., S.T.B. Boston Univ. 1871, Prof. Historical Theol. Bost. Univ. John William Showalter, Judge U. S. Circuit Court *Frank Lewis Skeels, M.A. 1873 Frederic Isaac Small, LL.B. Columbia 1869 Benjamin Smith, M.A., Prof. Logic, Mental and Moral Philos. Swarth- more Coll. *1888 ‘1894 *1876 ‘1886 *1895 *1887 *1889 “1878 *1891 James Magoffìn Spencer, LL.B. Al- bany 1860, M.A., Prof. Math. Nat. Deaf-Mute Coll. Ernest Gordon Stedman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1869 *William Lewis Stevenson *1879 *Ebenezer Fowler Stoddard *1887 *Moses Strong v *1877 James Andrews Swan, M.A. ' *Peter Rawson Taft, M.A. *1889 James Hazelton Tallman William Thomsen Edgar Abel Turrell, LL.B. Columbia 1869, М.А. Boyd Vincent, M.A. 1873, D.D. Trinity 1889, Р. Е. Asst. Bishop Southern O. Charles Swan Walher, M.A., B.D. 1870, PH.D. Amherst 1885, Prof. Mental and Polit. Sci. Mass. Agric. Coll. *Henry Weyman Walker, M.A. 1873 *1876 Albert Warren, B.D. 1882 Homer Weston ‚ George Peabody Wetmore, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1869, M.A. 1871, Gov. R.I., U. S. Senator Isaac Jocelyn Wild, M.A. Francis Henry Wilson, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1875, М. С. Richard William Woodward George Lathrop Wright, M.A. 1871 103 1868 James Whitin Abbott, rPH.B. 1870, МА Edwin Lee Allen, M.A. *Russell William Ayres, LL.B. Harv. 1870, M.A. William Turner Bacon, M.A., M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1871 Stephen Goodhue Bailey, M.D. Bos- ton Univ. Y1880 Isbon Thaddeus Введи/2712, PH.D. 1872, Tutor, Prof. Greek Trinity Coll. Coburn Dewees Berry, M.A. *Algernon Sydney Biddle, M.A., Prof. '1873 Law Univ. Pa. *1891 Charles William Bingham, M.A. *Herbert Boardman, M.D. George- town Med. Coll. 1872 *1875 Edward Green Bradford William Chittenden Bragg Chauncey Bunce Brewster, M.A., Tutor Joseph Scribner Burns, M.A. 1872, M.D. Columbia 1873 *_i/'ohn Marv/in Chapin *1872 Timothy Pitkin Chapman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1870 *1875 Elihu Leach Clark John Coats, LL.B. Columbia 1871, М‚А. 1874 James Coffin 1895] BA CHELORS OE ARTS, 1868—1869 115 LeBaron Bradford Colt, LL.B. Colum- bia 1870, М.А. Brown 1882, Judge U. S. District Court (R. 1.), Judge U. S. Circuit Court Horace Stevens Cooper, M.A. George Hubert Cowell, LL.B. Colum- bia 1869 Frank Cramer ­ Silas Augustus Davenport, M.D. Co- lumbia 1873 . /ohn Kinne Hyde DeForest, B.D. 1871, D.D. 1889 Charles Augustus deKay William Palmer Dixon, LL.B. Colum- bia 1870, М.А. Cornelius DuBois, M.A. William Durant, D.D. Union 1894 George Eastburn, M.A., PH.D. Coll. N. 1890 Albert Henry Esty, M.A. Charles Henry Farnam, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1871, Asst. Archaeol. William Henry Ferry George William Fisher, M.A. Benjamin Austin Fowler Joseph Warren Greene, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1870 Ira Cole Hall *William Abbott Hamilton, M.D. Columbia 1876 *1881 *Oscar Harger, M.A., Asst. Palaeont. *1887 Horace Adams Hicks Beach Hill _ James Winthrop Holcomb, M.A. 1873 Henry Freeman Homes, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 Edward Frederick Hopke Robert Allen Hume, M.A. Jonathan Ingersoll, LL.B. Albany 1869, М.А. *Edward Alexander Lawrence, M.A. 1873, D.D. Beloit 1893 Eranh Bradley Lewis, M.A. George Henry Lewis, M.A. and Iowa Coll. 1871 John Lewis William Alexander Linn Donald MacGregor, M.A. William Allison McKinney, LL.B. Columbia 1871 *Charles Clark Marsh, M.A. *Edward Spencer Mead, M.A. David McGregor Means, Prof. Polit. Sci. and Mental Philos. Middle- bury Coll. Elisha Wright Miller, B.D. 1872 Frank Moore Oliver Cromwell [Жопе George Albert Newell, M.A. Charles Page Samuel Parry, M.A. William Parsons, LL.B. Albany 1869 Horace Phillips Thomas Wilson Pierce, M.A. Stephen Pierson, 1888, M.D. Colum- bia 1869, М.А. 1888 *1893 *1890 *1894 Edward Kirh Rawson, Prof. Math. U. S. Navy Richard Austin Rice, M.A. Williams 1883, Prof. Lang. Univ. Vt., Prof. Mod. Lang. also Amer. Hist. and Lit. Williams Coll. Thomas Hamlen Robbins, M.A. Julius William Russell Francis Eugene Seagrave Charles Edwin Searls, Secr. Conn. William Roumage Shelton, M.A. 1872 William Merrick Slay *Thomas Chalmers Sloane, M.A., Fellow *1890 *Charles Edwin Smith, M.A. 1873 *1880 Mase Shepard Southworth, I877, PH.D. Tübingen 1872, M.A. 1877, Prof. Chem. Williams Coll. Edward Leavitt Spencer, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1872 Calvin Daniel Stowell, M.A. *Henry Stuart Swayne *James Kingsley Thacher, M.D. 1879, Tutor, Prof. Physiol. *Nathaniel Phillips Smith Thomas, *1893 *1891 LL.B. Columbia 1870 *1890 *Anson Phelps Tinher, Tutor *1886 James Trimble Samuel Tweedy *Edward Jefferson Tytus *1881 *Spencer Reynolds VanDeusen *1881 John Leonard Varick James McCall Varnum, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1871 Sheldon Thompson Viele, M.A. Douglas Dousman Walcott Henry Lucius Washburn, M.A. Samuel Watson, LL.B. Harv. 1870 John Howard Webster, M.A. Gideon Higgins Welch, LL.B. 1870 Thomas Clayton Welles, M.A., B.D. 1872 Thomas Fenner Wentworth Frederic Wesson, 1888, M.A. 1888 Samuel H. ÑVheeler Roger Butler NVilliams, М.А. Thomas Hanse Williams John Howard Wilson, M.A. James Henry Wood, LL.B. Columbia 1870 *William Curtis Wood, M.A. 1872, Tutor *1875 *Enoch Day Woodbridge, M.D. Co- lumbia 1872 *1887 Henry Collins WoodruÍ Henry Parks Wright, M.A., PH.D. 1876, Tutor, Dunham Prof. Latin, College Dean Horatio Green Yates 108 1869 William Gaul Alger, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1876 Earlliss Porter Arvine, LL.B. 1871 116 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *William Wallace Audenried *1888 Alfred Ely Austin *Arthur Hoyt Averill *1894 Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg, M.A. Henry Clay Bannard Charles William Bardeen Alfred Bartow Henry Augustin Beers, М.А. 1887, Tutor, Prof. Engl. Lit. William Lyon Bennett, LL.B. 1871 Wilson Shannon Bissell, M.A., LL.D. 1893, Postmaster-Gen. U.S. Silliman Blagden, LL.B. Columbia 1871 *Alexander Lardner Brown, M.A. *Sylvester Foristall Bucklin Franklin Sheder Buell *Charles Henry Bullis, LL.B. Colum- bia 1872 Henry Harrison Burnham Edward Jonathan Burrell Alexander Cameron Charles Роде: Canedy, M.A. 1874 Nelson Garrison Carman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1874 Frank Russell Childs, M.A. William Chalmers Clarke *Lewis Elliot Condict *Frederick Gray Conkling Andrew James Copp, M.A. William Amasa Copp, M.A. Edward Gustin Coy, M.A. 1873, Tutor Augustus Montague Cunningham, M.A. 1873 Samuel Howard Dana, D.D. Illinois Coll. 1888 Edward Ritzema DeGrove, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1871, M.A. Frank Benjamin Denton, M.A. Cornelius Thomas Driscoll, LL.B. 1871, М.А. Henry James Dutton Louis R. Ehrich, M.A. *John Eliason, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1873 John Chester Eno ‘ Allen Wardner Evarts, LL.B. Colum- bia 1871, М.А. *Alexander Hamilton Ewing John Pierrepont Codrington Foster, M.D. 1875, Instr. Анат. Henry Varnum Freeman, M.A. 1874 James Horn Gilbert, LL.B. Columbia 1872 ч Samuel Dutton Gilbert, M.D. 1871, M.A. Scott DuMont Goodwin, LL.B. Albany 1870 John Cowles Grant, M.A. Charles Edward Gross, M.A. William King Hall, LL.B. Columbia 1871, М.А. Frank Harwood Hamlin, LL.B. Al- bany 1870 y *George Edward Hand *George Torrence Harrison, M.A. 1873 *1892 *1880 *1886 *1881 *1871 *1873 *1890 ’1874 *1893 i l l ì l l i Erederich Smith Hayden, B.D. 1873, D.D. Illinois Coll. 1891 *Edward Heaton, Tutor *Edwin Hedges Charles Brown Herrick *1884 *1881 ` John TenBroeck Hillhouse, M.D. Columbia 1877 William Henry Hinkle, M.A. 1873 John Marshall Holcombe, M.A. Thomas Hooker, M'.A., Tutor William Henry Hotchkiss, M.D. 1872, Demonstrator Анат. Charles Aurelius Hull Ely Israel Hutchinson *John Beach lsham, M.A. 1873, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1874 *Beverly Jones *1894 *1881 l James Joy Henry Hamilton Kerr Gardiner Lathrop, also Univ. Мо. 1867, М.А. апс1 Univ. Mo., LL.B. Harv. 1873 ‚ George Henry Lawrence, M.A. Henry Lear, M.A. William Henry Lawrence Lee, LL.B. Columbia 1871 Adrian VanSinderen Lindsley William Lawrence McLane *Charles Douglas McNaughton *1869 *Dennis Alexander McQuillin, M.A. *1886 David Manning Henry Clay Missimer, M.A. 1873 James Edgar Moore Jesse Lathrop Moss John Olendorf, M.A. Bernadotte Perrin, PH.D. 1873, LL.D. W. Reserve 1893, Tutor, Prof. Greek W. Reserve Univ., Prof. Greek *Moses Stuart Phelps, PH.D. 1874, Tutor, Prof. Mental and Moral Philos. Smith Coll. *1883 Franklin Porter, M.A., LL.B. Colum- bia 1872 Theodore Philander Prudden, M .A., B.D. 1873, D.D. Illinois Coll. 1890 Henry Warren Raymond, LL.B. Co- lumbia1871, M.A. Robert Livingston Reade, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1872 Mitchell Davison Rhame, Prof. Civil Engin. Univ. Minn. Rufus Byam Richardson, PH.D. 1878, B.D. 1883, Tutor, Prof. Greek Ind. State Univ. and Dartm. Coll. Thomas Jefferson Ritch Howell Williams Robert Talcott Huntington Russell, LL.B. Columbia 1871, Instr. Munic. Law Austin Scott, M.A. Univ. Mich. 1870, PH.D. Leipz. 1873, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1891, Assoc. in Hist. Johns Hopkins Univ., Prof. Hist., Pol. Econ. and Law and Pres. Rutgers Coll. George Stanley Sedgwick Edward Clarkson Seward 1895] BA CHELORS OE ARTS, 1869—1870 117 Richard Knowlson Sheldon, M.A. *Orlando Cope *1871 Arthur Shirley, M.A., B.D. 1883 Eranhlin Countryman Charles Henry Smith Nathan Brown Coy, M.A. Hanover Willard Gardiner Sperry, D.D. Yank- Coll. (Ind.) 1873 ton 1894, Pres. Olivet Coll. Neville B. Craig, PH.B. 1873 *Cornelius Sullivan *1878 Arthur Power Crane, LL.B. Columbia *Thomas Walter Swan *1878 1872 *Henry Winter Syle, M.A. and Trinity Jotham Henry Cummings 1875 *1890 *John Elliott Curran, LL.B. Columbia *Frederic Peet Terry, M.A. *1874 1873 *1890 HenryTaylor Terry, Prof. Law Univ. Edward Salisbury Dana, M.A. 1874, Tokyo and Metrop. Law School PH.D. 1876, Tutor, Curator Miner- (N. Y. City), Instr. Law al. Collection, Prof. Physics, Mem- John Mowry Thayer, Judge Super. ber Nat. Acad. Sci. Court Conn. Robert Weeks deForest, LL.B. Co- John R. Thayer lumbia 1872, M.A. Aaron Smith Thomas Charles Henry Dix John Hendrick Traynham George Egglestone Dodge Edward Tinker Waite *1889 *George Washington Drew, LL.B. Stanley Perkins Warren, M.D. 1874 Columbia 1874 ‘1884 William Parsons Watson Horace Webster Eaton, M.A. Charles Theodore Weitzel, M.A. Willard Eddy, М.А. Theodore Frelinghuysen Welch Elisha Jay Edwards, LL.B. 1873 Eli ÑVhitney, M.A. *Henry Jackson Faulkner *1888 *Edward Payson Wilder, LL.B. Co- Henry Parker Fellows, LL.B. Boston lumbia 1871 *1890 Univ. 1873 *Francke Sherman Williams, M.A., Joshua Milton Fiero, M.A. LL.B. Columbia 1872 ‘1882 Ira Emory Forbes *Orin Merwin Williams *1876 Charles Woodward Gaylord, M.D. William Hunter Workman, M.A., 1872 M.D. Harv. 1873 116 Charles William Gould, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1872, M.A. Daniel Jones Griffith George Bird Grinnell, PH.D. 1880, Asst. Osteol. 1870 William Curtis Gulliver, M.A. 1874, LL.B. Columbia 1874 Frederick Allis, LL.B. Columbia 1872 Washington Hesing, M.A. *John Wallingford Andrews, LL.B. John Henry Hewes Columbia 1874 *1880 Lewis Wilder Нит, М.А. William Henry Backus *Frederick Hodges Hoadley, M.D. *Robert Baldwin, M.A., LL.B. Univ. 1876 *1895 Мс1. 1873 ‘ ‘1894 Walter Scott Hull Walter Rogers Beach, M.A., LL.B. Edward Затей! Hume, M.A. 1892 Columbia 1873 George Lewis Huntress George Lucius Beardsley, M.A., M.D. Henry Learned Hutchins, B.D. 1873 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. George Walker Jenkins, M.A. 1873 Frank Fanning Jewett, M.A., Prof. Morris Beach Beardsley Chem. Univ. Tokyo, Prof. Chem., Charles Shafer Belford, M.D. Univ. Pa. Mineral. and Physiol. Oberlin Coll. 1873 *Ross Johnston, M.A. *1885 William James Betts,' M.A. David McCoy Bone Walter Buck *Zachary Taylor Carpenter, LL.B. Co- lumb. Univ. (Wash.) 1872, M.A. Norman White Cary, M.A. [ohn Scudder Chandler, M.A., B.D. 1873 *Charles Hosmer Chapin Edward Chapin George Chase, LL.B. Columbia 1873. Prof. Law Columbia Coll. and N. Y. Law School Delamer Edward Clapp Edward Perkins Clark *Henry Augustus Cleveland ’1891 ‘1871 l l ’1873 l Cassius William Kelly, PH.B. 1872 Robert Kelly, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1873 John Calvin Kendall, M.D. Columbia 1875 Dwight Whitney Learned, PH.D. 1873, Prof. Doshisha Theol. School (Japan) William Henry Lee Edwin Augustus Lewis, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1873, Prof. Anat. L. I. Med. Coll. Hosp. George Francis Lincoln, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875 Philip Lindsley Walter Seth Logan 118 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY Joseph Edwin Lord, M.A., LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 Thompson McClintock james Gore King McClure, D.D. Lake Forest 1888, Pres. Lake Forest Univ. Samuel St.John McCutchen, LL.B. Columbia 1872 Francis Norton Mann, LL.B. Albany 1872 Henry Elisha Martin Henry Burrall Mason, LL.B. Colum- bia 1874 Edward Fiske Merriam George Dickson Metcalf George Douglas Miller Samuel Roseburgh Morrow, M.A. 1874, M.D. Columbia 1878 and Al- bany 1883, Tutor, Prof. Anat. and Orthoped. Surg. Albany Med. Coll. Benjamin Matthias Nead John Reed Nicholson, LL.B. Colum- bia 1873 Charles Edward Perkins John Hoyt Perry, LL.B. Columbia 1872, M.A., Instr. Evidence Joseph Ferris Perry, M.A. 1874 Carrington Phelps, M.A. *Edward Haight Phelps, C.E. Univ. ' Vt. 1872, M.A. Univ. Vt. 1883 Sands Fish Randall, LL.B. Columbia 1873 Samuel Atwater Raymond Charles McCormick Reeve, M.A. Joshua Bartlett Rich, M.D. _Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1874 *Henry Augustus Riley, LL.B. Colum bia 1874 *George Alexander Robinson John Alexander Ross James Matson Russell Lauriston Livingston Scaife, М.А. Edward Hearrt Schell, LL.B. Colum- bia 1873 *Frank Reamer Schell Edward битл Selden John Waldo Shattuck Charles Edward Shepard Benjamin Silliman, M.A. Randall Spaulding Edward Russell Stearns, M.A. Charles Hall Strong, M.A. Noah Haynes Swayne, M.A. Roderich Terry, D.D. Coll. N. 1882 Edward Beers Thomas *Thomas Joseph Tilney, LL.B. Colum- bia 1872 Perry Trumbull Morris Frank Tyler, M.A., LL.B.1873, Instr. and Prof. Jurisprud. William Haight VanSchoonhoven Arthur Henry Warren Henry Pitt Warren Greenleaf Cash Wattles, M.A. William Henry Welch, M.D. Columbia 1875, Prof. Pathol. Anat. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., Prof. Pathol. *1884 Johns Hopkins Univ., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *Edward Spencer White Nathaniel Eugene Wordin, M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1872, M.A. 1874 113 *1895 1871 Samuel Worcester Andrew Robert Wodrow Archbald Frank Arnold *Frederick Lawton Auchincloss, M.A. *1878 Henry Baldwin, M.A. James Banks Clarence Edwin Beebe, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1873, М.А. Seelye Benedict, M.A. John Gordon Blanding, LL.B. Colum- bia 1873 *Orville Justus Bliss *Charles Howell Board Albert Porter Bradstreet, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1873 Joseph Arthur Burr, LL.B. Columbia 1873 Walter Hatch Charnley Frederick Sidney Chase, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1873 Charles Hopkins Clark, M.A. Frederick Collin, M.A. Edgar David Coonley, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1877 Albert Westervelt Cooper Edward Cramer, M.A. Cornelius Elting Cuddeback, LL.B. Columbia 1873 Albert Wakefield Curtis O’Hara Darlington *William Edward Davidson, M.A., LL.B. Boston Univ. 1876 Isaac Dayton Decker Charles Benjamin Dudley, PH.D. 1874 Henry Rutherford Elliot Joseph Fewsmith, M.D. Columbia 1874 Isaac Henry Ford, LL.B. 1873 Luther Fuller, M.A. Edward Gray, M.D. Columbia 1875 Edward Buckingham Guthrie Charles Hezehiah Hamlin Azel Farnsworth Hatch, also Oberlin 1871 William Tweedy Hazard Alfred Franklin Henlein John Andrew Himes, also Pa. Coll. 1870, M.A. Pa. Coll. 1873, Prof. Engl. Lit. Pa. Coll. Charles Daniel Hine, LL.B. State Univ. 1878 john Wood Hird Dexter Hitchcock, M.D. N. Y. Ho- mœop. Med. Coll. *1875 *1871 *1894 Iowa 1895] BA CHELÜRS 0E ARTS, 1871—1872 119 James Henry Hoffecker John Kasson Howe Schuyler BrinckerhoffJackson, M.A. William Marshall Janes Allen EgbertJanvier, 1881 Charles Samuel Jelley George Cheeverjewell Francis Johnson James DanaJones,LL.B. Columbia 1874 Herbert Evelyn Kinney, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1874 Lewis Bartz Landmesser Charles Rockwell Lanman, PH.D. 1873, Assoc. in Sanskrit Johns Hop- kins Univ., Prof. Sanskrit Harv. Univ. *Robert Brinkley Lea Charles Lyman, M.A. James MacNaughton, M.A. Howard Mansfield, M.A., LL.B. Co- lumbia 1874 Alfred Bishop Mason, M.A. Robert Peachy Maynard Frederick Mead, M.A. William Dolsen Mills, LL.B. Colum- bia 1877 *William Shaw Moody (post obit.) William Morris, M.A. Joseph Bulkeley Morse, M.A., LL.B. 1876 *Albanus Avery Moulton Joseph French Page *Frank Monroe Parsons Charles Huntington Pech, M.A., B.D. 1882 *Wilbert Warren Perry, LL.B. Colum- bia 1877 *Edmund Luther Columbia 1876 Howard Walter Pope, B.D. 1874 Francis Caleb Potter, B.D. 1875 Charles Reed, М.А., LL.B. 1874 Benjamin Sheldon Richards Warner Bradley Riggs Arthur Ryerson, LL.B. Univ. Chicago 1872 and Columbia 1873, M.A. John Stevens Sanborn Albert Seessel, M.D. Leipzig 1876 Lucius Adelno Sherman, PH.D. 1875, Prof. Engl. Lit. Univ. Nebraska Philip Case Smith, M.A. Watson Robertson Sperry, U. S. Min- ister Resid. Persia *Thomas Campbell Sproat Charles Hensley Starling Lyne Starling *john Wolcott Starr, M.A., B.D. 1874 *1875 Charles Edmund Steele George Randolph Stelle, М.А. Gustave Mozart Stoeckel, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1874 George Arthur Strong *Charles Morris Swann, M.A. Edwin Forrest Sweet Thomas Thacher, M.A., LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875, Lect. Corporate Trusts *1895 *1871 *1888 *1877 *1895 M.D. *1881 Pettingill, *1881 *1877 Alwin Ethelstan Todd, B.D. 1875 William Townsend William Kneeland Townsend, LL.B. 1874, M.L. 1878, D.C.L. 1880, Е]. Phelps Prof. Contracts and Torts, Judge U. S. District Court John Bethell Uhle, M.A. *Jonathan Wales, M.A. *Willis Ephraim Walker Rush Benjamin Wheeler Nathan Hart Whittlesey, B.D. 1875, D.D. Illinois Coll. 1890 *Robert Edwards Williams, C.E. Univ. Mich. 1874 *1887 George Potter Wilshire, M.A. Edward Allen Wilson, PH.B. 1873 Cortland Wood, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1873, M.A. Isaac Ogden Woodruff, M.A. 104 *1884 *1886 1872 William Holt Averell Thomas Rutherford Bacon, B.D. 1877, Assoc. Prof. European Hist. Univ. Cal. Frederic Harrison Baldwin, LL.B. Columbia 1875 David Nelson Beach, B.D. 1881 Pascal Pratt Beals William Constantine Beecher, LL.B. Columbia 1875 Edgar Frost Belding Waller Bennett Otis Munro Bigelow *Eranh Whitney Bla/ee Lucius Sylvius Boomer William Harrison Bradley Osborne Frank Brannan Frank Thurston Brown John Knox Brown Edward Warner Cady, LL.B. Colum- bia 1874 *Clarence Campbell, LL.B. Columbia 1874 Erastus Ely Case, M.D. Homoeop. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1874 John Curtiss Chamberlain Harry Griswold Chapin Russell Chapman Howard Saxstone Clapp *James Henry Clendenin Edward Benedict Cobb, LL.B. Colum- bia 1874 *Robert Elmer Coe Oscar Henry Cooper, 1876, LL.D. Peabody Normal Coll. (Tenn.) 1892, Tutor *Edward Luman Cowles Harry ‘Wilton Cragin, LL.B. Colum- bia 1874 Albert Marshall Curry, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1875 Leonard Eager Curtis, LL.B. 1874 *1875 *1883 *1884 *1872 *1891 120 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY William Lee Cushing, Instr. Latin Charles Orrin Day David Bryson Delavan, M.D. Colum- bia 1875, Prof. Laryngol. N. Y. Polyclinic . Charles Clerc Deming, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 Clarence Deming Henry Champion Deming Frederic Shepard Dennis, M.D. Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1874, Prof. Surgery Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Francis Urquhart Downing, PH.B. 1873, M.E. 1875 Frederic Thomas DuBois, U. S. Sen. Jesse Kilgore DuBois, M.D. St.Louis Med. Coll. 1875 Samuel Franklin Emerson, PH.D. Amherst 1885, Prof. Greek and Mod. Lang. also Hist. Univ. Vt. Charles Herbert Ferry Joseph Alvin Graves, PH.D. 1878, Tutor Samuel Watson Grierson, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1880 George Bliss Griggs Ely Ransom Hall ` ­ Frank Lorenzo Hall. LL.B. Columbia 1874 Dana Harmon William Edward Hart George Wright Heck George Louis Hemenway *fohn HowardHinchs, B.D. 1876, Dean Atlanta Univ. *David Sumner Holbrooh, B.D. 1875 Edmund Wales Holmes, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1880 Benjamin Leggett Holt, M.D. Colum- bia 1875 Benjamin Hoppin, Tutor Henry Ward Beecher Howard Gerald Livingston Hoyt Elbert Hamilton Hubbard Henry William Jameson Edward Hopkins Jenkins, PH.D. 1879 *James Stone Jones *1873 Hiram Yoder Kaufman Robert Roy Kendall, B.D. 1876 Greene Kendrick, LL.B. 1875 James Wilson Kirkham *Frank Abner Langworthy, M.D. Co- lumbia 1877 Edwin Stevens Lines . ’ Frederick Morton Littleñeld, LL.B. Columbia 1874 Henry Peirce Mallory George Edward Martin, B.D. 1878 *Pascal Martin Alexander Ross Merriam, Prof. Pract. Theol. and Christian Sociol. Theol. Inst. Conn. Edward DeWitt Merriman George Roszel Milburn, LL.B. Nat. Univ. (Wash.) 1880 M.A. 1882, ‘1894 '1881 *1884 *1882 George Eoot Ildoore, M.A. 1883, D.D. Marietta 1885, Prof. Hebrew Ando- ver Theol. Sern. Artemas Allerton Murch, B.D. 1878 Charles Addison Northrop james Oahey, B.D. Chicago Theol. Sem. 1875 James Olmstead, M.D. 1874 George Alexander Oviatt, M.D. Co- lumbia 1875 Edward Thomas Owen, Prof. French Univ. Wisc. Leonard Woods Parish, M.A. 1892 *Lewis Greene Parsons Henry Silas Payson, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Edward Henry Peaslee, M.D. Colum- bia 1875 Henry Saunders Potter Dwight Nelson Prentice, B.D. 1879 Charles Benjamin Ramsdell Charles Henry Reed, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1878 George Richards, LL.B. Columbia 1876, M.A. 1893 Ralph Reamer Rickly Abram Heaton Robertson, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1874, M.A. Trin. 1894 Willard Ламе]! Robinson, 1880 Frank Douglas Root ­ Charles joseph Hardy Ropes, D.D. 1894 and Bowdoin 1894, Prof. N. T. Lang. and Lit. Bangor Theol. Sem. Henry Martin Sanders, D.D. Univ. Rochester 1891 William Fiske Sandford John Sanford, M. C. George Pliny Sawyer Francis Schell, LL.B. Columbia 1874 Edward Naman Sheppard Charles Sherwood, LL. B. Columbia 1874 *1875 *Gustavus Adolphus Slade *1880 John Payson Slocum *Eranh Hunt Smith *1879 Frank Sullivan Smith George Atherton Spalding, M.D Co- lum-bia 1875 George Thorncliffe Sperry Charles Cummings Stearns, M.A. 1879 *John Tweed Stewart *1888 John Ward Stimson Frank Gerrard Bond Swayne Howard A runah Talbot Edward Stanley Thacher Robert Fingland Tilney, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 David Maydole Totman, M.D. Syra- cuse Univ. 1876 Samuel William Weiss, LL.B. Colum- bia 1874 John Wesley Wescott, LL.B. 18_76 Christopher Wetherill William Bailey Wheeler *Clement Brooke White David Johnson Halsted Willcox, LL.B. Columbia 1874 *1881 1895] IZI BA CHELORS 0F ARTS, 1873 Edward Higginson Williams, Prof. Metallurgy Lehigh Univ. *Richard Dana Willson *William Platt Wood, LL.B. Colum- bia 1874 *Edwin Christopher Woodruff Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, LL.B. 1876, M.A. 1877, Instr. Public Law, Prof. Internat. Law Frederick Augustus Wyers, 1878 ‘1874 *1885 *1886 129 1873 Frederick William Adee, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875 Philip Henry Adee, LL.B. Columbia 1875 Eben Alexander, PH.D. Maryville 1886, LL.D. Univ. N. C. 1893, Prof. Ancient Lang. Tenn. Univ., Prof. Greek Univ. N. C., U. S. Minister Resid. Greece, Roumania and Ser- vra Arthur Huntington Allen Frank Dewey Allen, LL. В. Boston Univ. 1875 Leonard Ballou Almy, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1876 Clarence Degrand Ashley, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1880, Prof. Law Metrop. Law School (N. Y. City) Alfred Terry Bacon William Townsend Barber William Beebe, Tutor, Asst. Math. and Astron. *William Wade Beebe, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 Joseph Hull'Bennett George Francis Bentley Arthur Biddle, M.A. 1893 Charles Emerson Bigelow George Theodore Bliss Albert Barnes Boardman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875 Clarence Winthrop Bowen, M.A. 1876, PH.D. 1882 Simeon Leonard Boyce Edward Anthony Bradford, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1876 Algernon Thomas Bristow, M.D. Co- lumbia 1876 William Webb Browning, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1884 William Oscar Buck, LL.B. 1875 *Ebenezer Hartwell Buckingham Norman Hammond Burnham Leslie Carter Prof. *1886 *1877 l James Irvin Chamberlin *John Franklin Chase, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 *1876 l Salter Storrs Clark, LL.B. Columbia ‘ i 1876 *Jeremiah William Cfemens a‘1894 James Augustus Clemmer Atwood Collins Robert William Conant, M.D. Ho- moeop. Med. Coll. Chicago 1879 *Edward Sheffield Cowles, PH.D. 1876 *1883 William Douglas Crocker Rensselaer Wilkinson Daniels Daniel Davenport Jeremiah Day, LL.B. Albany 1878 Herbert McKenzie Denslow, Tutor Samuel Train Dutton Samuel James Elder Edward Everett Gaylord, M.D. 1878 john Calvin Goddard *Frank Cowen Goode Joseph Wadsworth Gott, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875 Gardiner Greene, LL.B. Columbia 1877 James Hayward, LL.B. Washington Univ. (Мо.) 1875 John Oxenbridge Heald Charles Samuel Hemingway William Addison Houghton, M.A. 1889, Tutor, Prof. Engl. Lit. Univ. Tokyo, Prof. Rhet., Engl. Lit. and Hist. also Latin Univ. City N. Y., Prof. Latin Bowdoin Coll. Charles Livingston Hubbard Joseph Crofoot Hubbard, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875 i Dwight Williams Huntington Lewis Whiteman Irwin Edward Rodolph Johnes, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 Walter St.John Jones, LL.B. Cincinn. *1887 1875 Isaac Nichols Judson Reuben Knox Herbert William Lathe Charles Percy Latting, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 Charles Lehmer Eugene Howard Lewis, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 Hart Lyman Willis Fisher McCook Albert Washington McIntire, LL.B. 1875, Judge District Court and Gov. Colorado Philander Judson Mallory, LL.B. Al- bany 1874 Schuyler Merritt, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Henry Meyer Elliot Sanders Miller John Beale Mills, LL.B. 1876 Solomon Carrington Minor, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1892 Arthur Boothby Morrill Plato Mountjoy Joseph Pacificus Ord, LL.B. Colum- bia 1877 Frank Palmer Frederick Sheldon Parker, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 John Treadwell Perry 122 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 [Olm Punnett 1300071, PH.D. 1876, Tutor, Prof. О. Т. Lit. and Lang. P. E. Div.> School Philad., Prof. Hebrew Univ. Pa. James Perry Platt, 1892, LL.B. 1875 _lohn Murrell Poston Samuel Oscar Prentice, LL.B. 1875, Judge Super. CourtConn. Andrew James Reynolds [ames Ниа’юп Кода/251, B.D. 1876 ­:lames Adam Robson, LL.B. Colum- bia 1876 Charles Addison Russell, Secretary Conn., M. C. Holmes Elias Sadler, LL.B. Alban)T 1874 *Isaac Reed Sanford, M.D. 1875 Daz/¿cl Salzley Schaf, D.D. Ill. Coll. 1891 John Ekin Shaw, LL.B. Columbia 1875 Frederick Job Shepard james Wessell Smit/z, LL.B. Columbia 1875 ~ William Towle Souther, M.D. Harv. 1878 - Frank Elisha Sprague Seth Thayer Stewart, LL.B. Columbia 1875 William Clarke Stewart Henry Adgate Strong, LL.B. Albany 1874 ` Ullman Strong ‚ Everett Mayhew Swift, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875, M.D. Homoeop. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1879 Frank Bigelow Tarbell, PH.D. 1879, Tutor, Asst. Prof. Greek, Prof. Class. Archaeol. and Greek Epi- graphy Univ. Chicago *Edward Tatum, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1886 *1891 Charles Henry Thomas, M.D. Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1875 Thomas Pitman Vaille [00205 Hearrt Vanßmfen Gustavus Henry Wald, LL.B. Harv.1875 Arthur Watson Frederick Charles Webster William Efner Wheelock, M.D. Co- lumbia 1876. LL.B. Columbia 1885 *Samuel Nelson White, LL.B. Colum- bia 1875 William Henry Whittaker Frederick Stanton Wicks, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 Robert Williams Schuyler P. Williams *Seth Weston Williams, M.D. Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1876 Frank Herbert Wright *1892 *1885 *1879 114 1874 Thomas Means Adams Owen Franklin Aldis William Lathrop Bailey Henry Baldwin Pearce Barnes, LL.B. Columbia 1876 George Lincoln Beaver George Willis Benedict, M.D. Colum- bia 1878 aeThomas Armstrong Bent Charles William Benton, Prof. French Univ. Minn. William Burger Bininger Samuel F airbank Blodgett Edward Alexander Bouchet, PH. D. 1876 William Cutler Bowers, M.D. Colum- bia 1877 Edward Thomas Bradstreet, M.D. Co- lumbia 1877 faim G. Бпш’у Henry Dayton Bristol George Selah Brown, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Joseph Unangst Brown George Vanderburgh Bushnell Samuel Clay/ée Eur/mall, B.D. 1877 Robert Spier Bussing, LL.B. Colum- bia 1878 Wellington Campbell, M.D. Columbia 1877 Horace Hatch Chittenden, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 Frederick Addison Cline, LL.B. Washington Univ. (Мо.) 1876 William Anderson Coffin Edward Lewis Curtis, PH.D. Hanover Coll. (Ind.) 1886, D.D. 1891, Prof. О. Т. Lit. and Exegesis McCormick Theol. Sem., Holmes Prof. Hebrew Thomas DeWitt Cuyler *Clark Dewing, 1875 George Lewis Dickerman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 George Edward Dimock Arthur Murray Dodge *George Fingland Doughty Jacob Abramse Robertson Dunning Thomas Grier Evans, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Henry Wolcott Farnam, M.A. 1876, R.P.D. Strassburg 1878, Tutor, Prof. Polit. Econ. Walter Penrose Fell Frank Wade Foster, 1875 William Foster. LL.B. 1876 Herbert Green Fowler George Levi Fox, LL.B. 1885 Hollis Eur/ee Erissell ‘*Thomas Williams Grover, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 George Miles Gunn, LL.B. 1878 William Stewart Halsted, M.D. Со- lumbia 1877, Prof. Surg. Johns Hop- kins Univ. Wallace Kasson Harrison, M.D. Ben- nett Med. Coll. Chicago 1877 апс1 Coll. Phys. and Surg. Chicago 1884 Charles Sidney Hartwell, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1877 “1876 ”1895 *1882 1879, М.А. *1893 1895] ВА CHELORS 0E ARTS, 1874—1875 123 Henry Prescott Hatch George Milton Stearns William Hedges, B.D. 1878 Robert Brown Stimson, B.D. 1873 William Olin Henderson William Earl Dodge Stokes John Brown Herron Ambrose Everett Stone, LL.B. Colum- DeWitt Clinton Holbrook bia`1878 Daniel Robinson Howe George Woodward Stone, LL.B. ­"'Charles Edward Humphrey, LL.B. Cincinn. 1876 Columbia 1876 ` ‘1881 *Edward Emerson Swallow, M.D. ~lef- Francis Gregory Ingersoll, LL.B. 1877 ferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1880 *1887 *Charles Ives, LL.B. 1876 '1883 Charles Lasselle Swan, LL.B. 1877 Henry Ammon James, LL.B. 1878 Levi Sanderson Tenney Frank Jenkins Alfred Beaumont Thacher, Tutor Charles Fred joy, M. C. James Mulford Townsend, LL.B. Co- Robert Weeks Kelley lumbia 1876, Lect. Monet. Securi- William Kelly, M. E. Columbia 1877 ties David Andrew Kennedy, PH.D. 1878 Burt VanHorn, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Alfred Quinton Kennett Russell Walden, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Everton Judson Latimer Charles Rumford Walker, M.D. Harv. John Leal 1878 Theodore Frelinghuysen Leighton Cornelius Royal Wallace Lorenzo Leland William Nelson Washburn Eldridge Merick Lyon Cameron Davenport Waterman Valentine Marsh, LL.B. Columbia *Harvey Weed, LL.B. Albany 1876 *1892 1876 Henry deForest Weeks, LL.B. Co- Leoni Melick lumbia 1876 Ellz's Mende/l, B.D. 1877 Ralph Wells Charles William Minor, LL.B. Colum- *John Bowen Whiting, LL.B. Colum- bia 1876 bia 1876 *1895 Edward Parmelee Morris, M.A. Wil- liams 1884, Prof. Math. Lake Forest Univ., Prof. Greek Drury Coll., Prof. Lat. and Germ. Williams Coll., Prof. Latin Gilbert Gates Moseley George Edmund Munroe, M.D. Co- lumbia I877 Alexander Brown Nevin *Frank Howard Olmsted, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 William Parkin, LL.B. Columbia 1876 *Franklin Wells Patten, LL.B. 1876 *1890 John Wesley Peck, PH.D. 1878 Rutherford Hayes Platt, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 Peter Augustus Porter Henry Harger Ragan Edgar Mead Reading, M.D. Bennett Coll. Med. Chicago 1877, М.А. Northwestern Univ. 1886, Prof. Bennett Med. Coll. George Darius Reid Edward Denmore 1879, Tutor Edwin Forrest Rouse Whipple Owen Sayles, LL.B. Colum- bia 1876 Moses McIlvain Sayre john Lewis Seudder James Cadwallader Sellers Thomas Townsend Sherman, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Wayland Spaulding, B.D. 1884 Henry Bidleman Bascom Stapler, LL.B. 1876 Chauncey Clark Starkweather, 1875, LL.B. Columbia 1877 *1886 Robbins, LL.B. Arthur Dexter Whittemore Thomas Parmelee Wickes, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1876 Ап51еу Wilcox Roderic Williams *Jared Willson, M.D. Columbia 1877 *1889 Frank Spencer Witherbee John Seymour iWood, 1875, LL.B. Columbia 1876 Edmund Zacher, LL.B. 1878, Tutor 122 1875 *Louis Edward Alter Edward Storrs Atwater Charles Hammond Avery Henry Seymour Barnes Samuel Ложке Eornunz, B.D. 1879 Alonzo Glover Beardsley Howard Parry Bell, LL.B. Columbia 1878 George Henry Benton Samuel Rossiter Betts, LL.B. Colum- bia 1877 *1887 t Henry Blodget, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1880 ~ . Clarence Edelbert Bloodgood NVilliam Lee Bond Eugene Bouton, M.A. 1881, PH.D. Syracuse Univ. 1882 James Wilton Brooks, LL.D. St.John’s (Md.) 1890 Alpheus Tompkins Bulkley _lames Hopkins Carrington Carl Thurston Chester, LL.B. Colum- bia 1877 124 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Charles Washburn Clark, 1883, М.А. *William Drummond Page *1893 1884, J.U.D. Göttingen 1886, PH.D. John Patton, LL.B. Columbia 1877, Columbia 1889, Bachelier-en-droit U. S. Senator Paris 1889 *Edward Strong Pech *1883 *Thomas Slidell Clarke, LL.B. Co- John Augustus Post, LL.B. Columbia lumbia 1877 *1883 1879 *Charles William Cochran *1883 Lewis Fuller Reid, M.A. 1886, PH.D. *George Collin *1887 Syracuse Univ. 1887 john Chamberlain Collins, B.D. 1878 William Rogers Richards, D.D. Univ. James Hazelton Cook, LL.B. 1876 City N. Y. 1892 Charles Forrest Cutter Edward Henry Rogers, LL.B. 1877 *Joseph Warren Dart, M.D. Bellevue *Charles Trumbull Russ, LL.B. Co- Hosp. Med. Coll. 1881 *1886 lumbia 1878 *1881 Timothy Davenport, LL.B. 1877 Henry Downes Sellers Benjamin Wood Davis, LL.B. Harv. Tilden Russell Selmes 1878 John Sammis Seymour, LL.B. 1878, Robert Webster Day U. S. Commr. Patents *Francis Dudley *1883 William Wotkyns Seymour, M.D. Horatio Townsend Fairlamb Harv. 1878 *Wilbur Allen Fuller *1877 Albert York Smith *William Sigerson Fulton *1881 Charles Robinson Smith, LL.B. Со- John Anson Garver, LL.B. Columbia lumbia 1878 1877 Edward Curtis Smith, LL.B. Colum- Moses Sanborn Gordon bia 1877 Joseph Alden Griñin Erederie Elhanah Snow, B.D. 1878 *Frank Lansing Grinnell *1875 Edward Wells Southworth, LL.B. Co- Morton Grinnell, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. lumbia 1877, M.L. 1878 Med. Coll. 1881 Melville Alvord Stone Henry Strong Gulliver, LL.B. Colum- *Charles Taylor Tillinghast, M.A. bia 1879, М.А. 1893 1880, M.D. Savannah Med. Coll. Henry McLellan Harding 1881 *1886 Harry Higbee George Рви]! Т orrenee Edwin Allston Hill Reuben Archer Torrey, B.D. 1878 James Hillhouse, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Robert Donaldson Townsend, LL.B. William Henry Hotchkiss 1878 Guy Howard George Underwood Clark Phelps Howland Henry Moses Walradt, LL.B. 1879 *Frank Elijah Hubbard *1879 Edwin Henry Weatherbee, LL.B. Co- William Sumner Hungerford lumbia 1879 *Samuel Johnston Huntington *1891 *Harmanus Madison Welch *t 877 Samuel Isham Eugene Wolcott Whitney, M.D. Rush Almet Francis Jenks, LL.B. Colum- Med. Coll. 1878 bia 1877 Hamilton Mercer Wright, LL.B. 1877 Dwight Arven Jones, LL.B. Columbia John Yard, LL.B. Columbia 1878 go 1877 Frank Hatch Jones, LL.B. Union Coll. Law Chicago 1878 William Sloane Kennedy 1876 William Stuart Kenny Edward Hunter Landon, LL.B. Co- John deWitt Hamilton Allen lumbia 1877 Frank VanDyke Andrews, LL.B. Tinzothyfonathan Lee, B.D. 1879 Cincinn. 1878 Henry Bradford Loomis *John Wolcott Andrews *1887 Hugh Johnston McBirney Frank Thompson McClintock Newell Martin, LL.B. Columbia 1877 Cortes Maxwell Augustus Torrey Metcalf Franklin Benjamin Mitchell, LL.B. Columbia 1877 Charles Albert Myers Charles Дог/тор Noyes *Henry Aûgustus Oaks, M.D. Colum- bia 1878 *1885 Alfred Edward Okey, M.D. Chicago Med. Coll. 1881 William Arnold, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Archibald Alexander Austin Otto Tremont Bannard, LL.B. Colum- bia 1878 Charles Lefńngwell Bartlett Bradbury Bedell, LL.B. Albany 1877 Charles Benner, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Frank Sherman Benson, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 Charles Willard Bird, B.D. 1880 Thomas Noyes Birnie, M.D. Colum- bia 1882 *Walker Blaine, LL.B. Columbia 1878 *1890 1895] BACHELORS OE ARTS, 1876 125 Elisha Slocum Bottum David Walker Brown, PH.D. 1878 William Marlin Erown Horace Riverside Buck, Judge Dis- trict Court Montana Louis Frederic Burchard, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1878 Allen Shaw Rush, B.D. 1879 George Ensign Bushnell, PH.D. 1878, M.D. 1880 Henry Maynard Butler Frank Chamberlin *Lowell Lawrence Clapp Edward Smith Clarke, LL.B. Colum- bia 1881 George Eaton Coney, LL.B. Columbia ' 1880 Robert Johnston Cook Dan Burr Cushman, LL.B. Columbia *1879 1878 Chester Mitchell Dawes Henry Wheeler deForest, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1878 James Brooks Dill, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1878 William Shearman Doolittle Augustus Wynkoop Dunning John Ewing Durand William Augustus Durrie, M.D. Но- moeop. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1878 Stanley Dwight, LL.B. Columbia 1879 *Henry Clay Easton *1876 William DeLancey Ellwanger Arthur Howard Ely Edward Stiles Ely Robert Brown Fleming Charles Newell Fowler, 1888, M. C. William Nimick Frew Michael Furst, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Franklin Augustus Gaylord John Flavel Gaylord, M.D. 1878 John Blanchard Gleason *Jacob Goodman Arthur Twining Hadley, M.A. 1887, Tutor, Instr. Polit. Science, Prof. Polit. Science also Polit Econ. Philip Hale Stephen Decatur Harrison, M.D. Co- lumbia 1879 *Charles DeForest Hawley Charles Edwin Hill, M.D. Harv. 1879 William Lansing Hodgman, LL.B. Albany 1880 Durbin Horne Elmer Parker Howe Joseph Sexton Hunn Thomas Hunt, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Dwight Williams Hunter, M.D. Co- lumbia 1879 Augustus Moën Hurlbutt, M.D. Co- lumbia 1879 William Waldo Hyde, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1878 Isaac Morton Jackson John Joseph Jennings Robert Johnson Jessup *1891 *1893 *Colles Johnston, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1878 Julian Halsted Kean, LL.B. Columbia 1880 *David Hyde Kellogg John B. Kendrick Edgar Jay Lake William Buehler Lamberton Francis Augustus Leach Joseph Charless LeBourgeois *Arthur Augustus Lockwood Edward Lewis Lockwood Frank Clifford Lyman, LL.B. Colum- bia 1882 *Oliver Ellsworth Lyman, LL. B. 1878 *1884 George William Amos Lyon, M.D. Ohio Med. Coll. 1880 Everett James McKnight, M.D. Co- lumbia 1879 ' *Joseph Howard Marvin, LL.B. Co- *1886 ‘1887 *1888 lumbia 1878 *1887 *Henry Frank Mather, LL.B. 1878 *1883 Louis William Maxson Robert Louis Mintie *Frank Montgomery ‘1885 John Francis Nelson, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Henry Evans Northrop John Howard Packard Frederic Werden Pangborn William Hampton Patton, Asst. Zool. Winthrop Hoyt Perry, LL.B. 1882 Myron Henry Phelps, LL.B. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1884 and Colum- bia 1885 ' John Harold Philip ` Franklin Williams Pierce, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1879 John Porter ~/aines George Rodger George Mills Rogers George William Rollins Jacob Livingston Roseboom, M.D. Columbia 1880 Philip Gray Russell, LL.B. 1878 Leveritt Hyslip Sage Charles Palmer Sanford, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1878 Louis B. Schram, LL.B. Columbia 1879 Benjamin Berry Seelye, B.D. 1892 Lewis William Shaffer Rufus Biggs Smith, Judge Super. Court Cincinn. Charles Miller Stabler, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1880 George Loomis Sterling, LL.B. 1880 Lispenard Stewart, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Nelson Hooker Strong William Thaddeus Strong, M.A. 1881, Instr. German Charles Clinton Swisher, 1882, LL.B. Columbia 1882 *David Trumbull Nathan Peabody Tyler, M.D. 1879 ’1878 126 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY Frank Waldo Vaille Horace Cheney Wait William James Wakeman, M.D. 1879 *Lewis Jonathan Warren, M.D. Harv. 1879 George Creighton Webb, LL.B. 1878 John Adams Wells, M.D. Columbia 1879 Frank Erastus Wheeler Charles Henry Willeox, B.D. 1881 Francis Joseph Woodman, M.D. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1885 Edwin Dean Worcester, LL.B. 1878 *Fred Norman Wright Herbert Stanley Young 123 . 1877 Nathan Davis Abbott, Prof. Law Univ. Mich. and Northwestern Univ. and Leland Stanford Univ. Charles Landon Alvord James Parkhill Andrews, LL.B. 1879 John Birdsye Atwater Eugene Voy Baker Arthur Umney Bannard Charles Wheeler Barnes, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1880 William Milo Barnum, LL.B. Colum- bia 1879 John Kimberly Beach, LL.B. 1879 Allen Everett Beeman, M.A. Trinity 1881 Walter Irving Bigelow Willis Anson Briscoe John Wolcott Bristol, LL.B. 1879 Walter Brooks Edgar Stickney Buffum Charles Clarh Camp, Tutor, Prof. N. Т. Exegesis and Lit. Seabury Div. School (Minn.) Jesse Lewis Case, LL.B. 1880 joseph Hayes Chandler Charles Fred Chapin Henry Sabin Chase Robert Goodsell Chidsey Frank Edgar Clark William Hurley Clark Charles Melville Clarke Arthur Wells Cole Richard Morse Colgate William Welch Collin Elbridge Clinton Cooke Israel Towne Cowles James Pierpont Davenport Frederick Wendell Davis Charles Porter Dickinson Edwin Ruthven Dillingham Samuel Lewis Eaton, M.D. Hahne- mann Med. Coll. Chicago 1882 Gustavus Eliot, M.D. Columbia 1880, M.A. 1882 George Thomson Elliot, M.D. Univ. La. 1881 ‘1893 *1886 Samuel Augustus Fisk, M.D. Harv. 1880, M.A. 1884, Pres. Colorado Med. Soc., Prof. Ment. Diseases and Nerv. System Univ. Denver George Ward Foote James Stephen Foote, M.D. Columbia 1881 Cleaveland Forbes William Jehiel Forbes, LL.B. Colum- bia 1879 William Hall Ford, LL.B. Columbia 1879 Kennedy Turner Friend Russell Frost Edwin Baker Gager, Instr. Mortgages Edwin Burpee Goodell, LL.B. 1880 Thomas Dwight Goodell, PH.D. 1884, Prof. Greek Frank Daniel Goodhue Lewis Edward Goodier Henry Dickinson Green Arthur Huntington Gulliver Orlando Hall John Ruggles Hatch A lpheus Clarh Hodges James Birchard Howard Albert Hoysradt Arthur Hancock Ingraham Eric Harrison Johnson Harry Meyer Johnson, LL.B. Colum- bia 1879 John Herbert Johnston Ardon Legrand Judd, LL.B. 1879 John Frisbee Keator, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1879 John Everett Keeler William Hoyt Kelsey Arthur Reed Kimball George Edward Langdon *William Penn Macomber George Edward Matthews Benjamin Maurice Webster Merrifield, M.A. 1892, Tutor, Prof. Greek and Latin and Pres. Univ. N. Dakota Charles Sumner Меж/{пе Timothy Dwight Merwin Charles Sumner Miller, LL.B. Colum- bia 1879 Frank Wisner Murray, M.D. Colum- bia 1880 James Boyd Neal, PH.B. 1879, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1883 Roheri Gilherl Osóorn, LL.B. 1879 Frank Whitney Paige Theodore Peet Frederic Bosworth Percy, M.D. Bost. Univ. 1880 *Edwin Oscar Perrin Frank Hinchman Platt, LL.B. Colum- bia 1879 Joseph Gilpin Pyle Orville Reed Clarence Ledoux Reid Henry Roberts, LL.B. 1879 Henry Martyn Rood *1885 *1888 1895] .BA CHELORS 0F ARTS, 1877—1878 127 Frederieh Rufus Sanford Joshua Montgomery Sears Frank Holmes Shaffer, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1881 Charles Henry Shelton, M. D. Homœop. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1880 George French Shelton Daniel Dennis Sherman Orray Taft Sherman, LL.B. Harv. 1892, Asst. Astron. Observ. Morris Shotwell Shipley Gerrit Smith, LL.B. 1880 Thomas Edward Vermilye LL.B. Columbia 1879 Charles .Haley Ster/ens Frederick Julian Stimson, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 Charles Hamot Strong John Seymour Thacher, M.D. Colum- bia 1880 *George Huntington Thomas, LL.B. 1879 *1887 James Smith Thompson, LL.B. 1879 Lewis Frank Tooker George Montgomery Tuttle, M.D. Co- lumbia 1880, Prof. Gynaecol. Co- lumbia Coll. Charles Cadwell Tyler, LL.B. Colum- bia 1882 William Henry Upton, LL.B. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1879, M.L. Со- lumb. Univ. 1880, M.A. 1891, Judge Super. Court Washington *Andrew Britton VanHorne, M.D. Co- lumbia 1880 *1888 Nathaniel Upham Walker Samuel Morris Waln Frank Woodruff Wheaton John Meek Whitehead William Erving Whitney Alexander Martin Wilcox, PH.D. 1880, Prof. Greek Univ. Kansas Arthur Williams William Pierrepont Williams, LL.B. Columbia 1879 Philip Johnson Wilson Frederic Seymour Winston, 1878 117 Smith, 1878 William Martin Aber, Prof. Lang. Univ. Deseret *George Clarence Ackerman Henry Alexander Barling Harlan Page Beach *Eranh Armstrong Вес/йоге]: ’1885 Frederick Jason Beckwith, M. D. Harv. 1882 William Passmore Belden Edwin Austin Benton Douglas Putnam Birnie Edward Wilkinson Blodgett Isadore Nathan Bloom, M.D. Harv. 1881 *1880 Charles Edwin Briggs *Oliver Winslow Brown Alexander Jay Bruen George William Burton Treat Campbell, 1883 Charles Francis Carrer Arthur Dickenson Chandler Paul Charlton John Proctor Clarke, 1884 Hollis William Cobb Henry Clark Coe, M.A. 1881, M.D. Harv. 1881 and Columbia 1882 Henry Eugene Coe, LL.B. Columbia 1880 Granville Corning Andrew Fay Currier, M.D. 1880 and Columbia 1881 George Louis Curtis Arthur Payson Dana *Archibald Alexander Dershimer Stanley Walker Dexter William Lowry Dickson Charles Hawkins Dilley *Walter Erskine Dimmick, LL.B. Columbia 1880 William Victor Downer Frederick Bennett Dubach George Benjamin Edwards Charles Adams Feick, LL.B. Colum- biaJ88o Albert Baldwin Fiñeld Edward Willis Flagg, M.A. 1890 Roger Foster, LL.B. Columbia 1880, M.A. 1883, Lect. Fed. Jurisprud. *Charles Minor Gilbert *George Edwards Gilbert William Thurston Gilbert, LL.B. Co- lumbia1880 William Brown Glover, LL.B. Colum- bia 1880 William Walker Green, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1880 Edward Platt Hickox Joseph Wood Hill, M.D. Willamette Univ. 1881 Wallace Worth Hite Howard Clark Hollister Louis Hood, LL.B. Columbia 1880, M.L. 1881, D.C.L. 1882 Henry Martyn Hoyt, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1881 *Burgess Scott Hurtt William Knowles James Tudor Storrs Jenks, LL.B. Columbia 1880 John Gould Jennings Carlton Rogers Jewett, M.D. Colum- bia 1881 Ernest Clifton Johnson John Quincy Adams Johnson, LL.B. Columbia 1880 Philip Keller Clarence Hill Kelsey, M.A. 1880 George Tapscott Knott Henry Winslow Lamb, 1881, LL.B. 1880 *1886 *1881 1880, *1882 *1881 ‘1879 ’1888 128 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY James McCormick Lamberton Frederick Benjamin Lathrop William Henry Law, LL.B. 1880 Henry Bruce McCarroll, M.D. Colum- bia 1881 John Prouty McCune Frank Virgil McDonald, also Harv. 1879 John Irving McDonald James Briggs McEwan Walter Lee Merwin Philip Washburn Moen Royal Садит Moodie Samuel Merrill Moores, LL.B. Central Law School (Ind.) 1880 Edward Lind Morse Thomas Ephraim Mower George Smith Palmer Charles Parsons John Northrup Peet James Protus Pigott, LL.B. 1880, М. С. John Addison Porter Frederick Potter, LL.B. Columbia 1880 Warren Aaron Ransom Alfred Lawrence Ripley, M.A. 1888, Tutor, Assist. Prof. German William Ruggles Sanborn, LL.B. 1880 Lau/renee Henry Schwab William Benton Scranton, M.D. C0; lumbia 1882 *Edward Howard Seely, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1880 *1894 Charles Herbert Shaw, LL.B. Colum- bia 1885 Charles Sidney Shepard, LL.B. Ham- ilton 1879 Allton Harvey Sherman Walter Gaston Shotwell, also Frank- lin (O.) 1877, М.А. Franklin 1880 Edward Weir Smith, M.D. McGill Univ. 1882 Edwin Whittier Smith Charles Langford Spencer Clinton Spencer, LL.B. 1881 *Walter Squires *1886 Charles Martin Stone Edgar Heathcote Stone *Theodore Chester Strong (post obit.) *1878 William Howard Taft, LL.D. 1893, Judge Super. Court Cincinn., U. S. Solicitor-Gen., Judge U. S. Circuit Court Inajiro Taneka Tajiri, Prof. Polit. Econ. Univ. Tokyo *Arthur Bailey Taylor William Henry Taylor, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1881 William Howard Taylor Joseph Irving Tayntor Edmund Roderick Terry [шеф/2 A lmon T {сенат George Trowbridge, M.D. Columbia 1881, M.A. 1882 John Trumbull, M.D. Harv. 1883 and Univ. Chili 1884 *1886 l James Riedell Tucker, 1892 Cyrus Calhoun Turner Harold Sheffield VanBuren William Allen VanBuren, LL.B. Cen- tral Law School (Ind.) 1880 Ambrose Lee Wager George Richard Walker William Everett Waters, PH.D. 1887, Tutor, Prof. Greek and Compar. Philol. Univ. Cincinn., Pres. ÑVells College (N. Y.) Benjamin Rush Wendell, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1882, M.A. 1883 Frank Baldwin Wesson Edward Baldwin Whitney, LL.B. Hamilton 1880 George Patten Whittlesey, LL.B. Co- lumbian (Wash.) 1881 Marrion Wilcox, LL.B. Hamilton 1880, Instr. German Reynold Webb Wilcox, M.A. Hobart 1881, M.D. Harv.1881, LL.D. Mary- ville 1892, Prof. Clin. Med. Post- Grad. School N. Y. Charles Putnam Woodbury, LL.B. 1881 Clarence Samuel Woodruff Thomas Cook Wordin Rudolf Wurts William Lawrence Ross Wurts 127 1879 Charles Francis Aldrich, M.A. 1884 Otis Elihu Atwater Hugh Dudley Auchincloss William Ward Bailey, LL.B. M.L. 1882 Ralph Barker Thomas Rossiter Barnum Augustus Wood Bell Poultney Bigelow Edward Tyler Blair Louis Norman Booth Edward Augustus Bowers, LL.B. 1881 Lloyd Wheaton Bowers, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1882 ‘ Lorenzo Cary Brooks William Livingston Bruen, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1881 Henry Austin Bufïum Jonathan Bulkley Lucien Francis Burpee Henry Allen Bushnell, D.D. Knox 1894 Augustus Stiles Carrier, M.A. else- where, Adj. Prof. Bibl. Theol. and Prof. Hebrew and Cogn. Lang. Mc- Cormick Theol. Sem. Ernest Carter Elie Stacey Charlier *Chun Lung Martin Clark, 1890 Aaron VanSchaick Cochrane Macgrane Coxe, 1887, LL.B. Colum- bia`1881 1881, '1889 1895] BA СЛЕД ons 0F AR Ts, 1879 129 Oliver Turnbull Crane, M.A. Rutgers 188 Henry? Cooper Crouch, M.A. 1882 John William Curtiss Julian Wheeler Curtiss David Daggett Louis Shepard DeForest, M.D. Jena 1885, M.A. 1891, Asst., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Clin. Med. Henry Herbert Donaldson, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1885, Asst. Prof. Neurol. Clark Univ., Prof. Neurol. Univ. Chicago James Webster Eaton Newell Avery Eddy Gerard Morris Edwards, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1883 John Villiers Farwell *David F leischman, Med. Coll.1881 Samuel Peters Fosdick, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1881 George Forris Foster Samuel Monell Foster Edward Stacy Fowler John Milton Fox, LL.B. Columbian Univ. (Wash.) 1881 /ohn Lester Eranhlin, B.D. 1882 Henry Sherwood Green Robert Ryers Griswold *Otis Clay Hadley, LL.B. Central Law School (Ind.) 1880 Amos Lawrence Наше“ ay William Whitney Hawkes, M.D. 1881, Instr. Gymnastics Howard Wortley Hayes, LL.B. Co- lumbia1882 Edwin Cooper Haynie, LL.B. 1881 [ohn facoh Hill, B.D. 1882 James William Hillhouse, LL.B. Со- lumbia 1881 Henry Hitchcock Louis Howland Frank Eldridge Hyde, LL.B. 1881 Lewis Huntington Hyde Walter Belknap James, M.D. Colum- bia 1883, Prof. Clin. Med. Columbia Coll. Thomas Allen Frank Jones Elisha Eroohsjoyce, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. 1884 Bruce Smith Keator, 1894, M.D. N. Y. Homœop. Med. Coll. 1880 George Morrill Kimball, M.D. Harv. 1884 Samuel Ayer Kimball, M.D. Harv. 1882 George Washington Kirchwey, Prof. Law Albany Law School and Colum- bia Coll. Gilbert Dimock Lamb Charles Henry Leete Chaŕles Herbert Levermore, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1886, Prof. Hist. Mass. Inst. Technol. George Lester Lewis M.D. Albany *1892 *1892 George Sigmund Linde *Edmund Pendleton Livingston George Lodowick McAlpine Hugh Copeland McCord, M.D. Co- lumbia 1883 Malcolm McIvor McKenzie Henry Hubbell McNair Henry Maltzberger Frank Wanzer Marsh, LL.B. 1882 Thomas Brunton Marston *I1/an Matthias Marty Charles Loveland Merriam Wêlliam Carter Merritt, Pres. Oahu oll. James Stetson Metcalfe, 1891, M.A. 1891 Charles Miller George Douglas Munson Robert Hallam Munson Howard Dunlap Newton Edgar Barlow Nichols Edward McArthur Noyes, B.D. 1882 William Newton Parker Charles Booth Peck, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1883 - Isaac Rech Charles Rollin Pence William Warner Pentield John Orlando Perrin Lewis Alfred Platt Adrian Suydam Polhemus, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1882 *Thomas Edward Rochfort, LL.B. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1882 Robert Simpson Rodman Henry Lincoln Rowland, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1882 Henry Chauncey Savage William Graydon Seeley Severyn Bruyn Sharpe *Albert William Shaw John Woodruff Shepard Frederick Thomas Simpson, M.D. Bowdoin 1884 Frederick Sumner Smith, M.D. 1882 George Waldo Flint Smith William Henry Smith Alpheus Henry Snow, LL.B. Harv. 1883 John George Christopher Sonn *Edward Southworth, M.D. Columbia 1882 Louis Lee Stanton Thomas Wells Stiles Frederic Abbot Stokes ÑVillis Edson Story *1888 *1889 '1894 *1890 *1882 *Delevan Sumner Sweet ’1881 *Louis Judson Swinburne *1887 Louis DuPont Syle, M.A. 1888, Prof. Polit. Econ. and Hist. Univ. Colo- rado *Henry James TenEyck ‘1887 Arthur Hutchinson Terry, M.D. Co- lumbia 1883 John Taylor Terry, LL.B. Columbia 1881 9 130 124125 LLAÃIPCÈY?¿LIY"P’ [1895 OliVCI’ David Thompson Ambrose Tighe, M.A. 1891, Tutor James Duncan Torreyson, Attorney- Gen. Nevada Winston John Trowbridge, LL.B. 1881 Otis Harvey Waldo George Dutton Watrous, LL.B. 1883, M.L. 1884, D.C.L. 1890, Instr. and Asst. Prof. Contracts and Torts Benjamin Webster John Theodore Wentworth Holland Stratford Whiting Harry Kellogg Willard Samuel Porter Willard Frederick Wells Williams, Asst. in Library, Instr. Hist. John Eastman Wilson, M.D. N. Y. Homœop. Med. Coll. 1883 Mardon Dewees Wilson Mountford Samuel Wilson Stephen Carroll Wood Timothy Lester Woodruff. 1889, M.A. 1889 136 1880 Henry Wilbur Aiken, LL.B. 1883 William Lafayette Allen William Palmer Allen John Arnold Amundson Wilmore Anway, LL.B. Columbia 1883 William Cooper Asay Cecil Kent Austin, M.D. Paris 1890 Frank Hamilton Ayer William Ransom Barbour, LL.B. 1882 Charles Platt Barker, LL.B. Columbia 1882 William DeLuce Barnes Willis Benner, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Edward Manross Bentley Conrad Berens, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1883 William Darius Bishop Charles Franklin Bliss William Bishop Boomer Frank Wilson Booth Frederick Brooks George Artemas Brown, M.D. Colum- bia 1883 Walter Hull Buell, M.A. 1883 /ohn Edward Bushnell, B.D. 1883 Walter Chauncêy Camp Donald Yorke ampbell, LL.B. Univ. Cal. 1883 Frank Parker Chamberlain Walter Henry Chapin, M.D. Columbia 1883 Irving Hall Chase George Henry Clark William Gibbons Daggett, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1884, Lect. Bacteriol. Elias Wyman Davis, M.D. 1892 William Emery Decrow Arthur Cushing. Dill, M.A. Univ. City N. Y. 1892 John Marshall Douglass Asa John Farwell Walter Bixby Ferguson Peter Flint Frank Goodrich, PH.D. Halle 1893, Instr. German, Prof. Germ. Lang. and Germ. Hist. Williams Coll. Nathaniel Gordon *Henry Lee Gower *1884 Edmund Frank Green, LL.B. Colum- bia 1884 Charles Willard Haines Edwin Caesar Malan Hall, M.D. N. Y. Homoeop. Med. Coll. 1883 *William Montague Hall, Tutor, Prof. Polit. and Soc. Sci. Colorado Coll. *1894 John Slosson Harding William Hudson Harper William Thorn Haviland, LL.B. 1882 John Philip Helfenstein, LL.B. 1883 Charles Adams Holbrook *Alfred Edwards Hooker, PH.B. 1882, M.D. Columbia 1885 *1887 Franklin Whetsone Hopkins, M.A. 1891 John Tomlinson Hubbard, LL.B. 1883 William Forrest Hutchison William Reynolds Innis Walter Jennings, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Frederic William Keator, LL.B. 1882 *Dana William Kellogg *1880 William Swift Keyser Preston King *Edward Weston Knevals, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1883 *1890 Samuel Waldron Lambert, PH.B. 1882, M.D. Columbia 1885 David Charles Lines Cadwallader Edwards Linthicum, also St.John’s (Md.) 1879, PH.D. Cornell Univ. 1888 Wilson Cary McHenry Robert Delos Martin, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Remsen Varick Messler Simon Charles Metzger Frederick Stillman Morrison Thomas Robert Morrow, LL.B. 1882 William D. Murray, LL.B. Columbia 1882 John James Nairn James Edward Newcomb, M.D. Co- lumbia 1883 Alfred Bull Nichols, B.D. Cambr. Episc. Theol. School 1892, Tutor Edward Parish Noyes Henry Choate Ordway, LL.B. Colum- bia 1882 Norris Galpin Osborn, 1886, M.A. 1886 Wilbur Parker Sidney Catlin Partridge LeRoy Bliss Peckham, LL.B. Univ. ` Pa. 1884 William Allison Peters Smith Franklin Phillips 1895] BA CHELORS 0F ARTS, Isso-[ssl 131 John Bliss Porter, LL.B. 1882 William .Ansel Purington William Russell Purple Charles Newton Ransom Horatio McLeod Reynolds, Tutor, Talcott Prof. Greek Dickinson Woodruff Richards, LL.B. Columbia 1882 *Charles Henry Richardson Alphonso Paine Sawyer Doremus Scudder, M.D. Chicago Med. Coll. 1884 Jay Webber Seaver, M.D. 1885, M.A. 1893, Instr. Gymnastics *Robert William Selden Samuel Swanton Sewall John Foster Shepley *Charles Langdon Sherman William Hazard Sherman, M.D. Co- lumbia 1884 Frederick Platt Skinner Charles Robert Smith Frederic Morse Smith, M.A. Harv. 1887 *Grant Alexander Smith *Edward Curran Spencer, M.D. Minn. Hosp. Coll. 1882 Frank Otho Spencer Max Stern, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Henry Waters Taft John Butler Coles Tappan, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1882 *Henry Trowbridge *1894 *Stephen Trumbull, M.D. Harv. 1884 *1886 Eugene Winston Walker, LL.B. 1882 Wirt Dexter Walker Arthur Eugene Walradt, LL.B. 1883 Paul Walton, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Edwin Carrington Ward, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1882 James Herbert Watson, LL.B. Colum- bia 1882 David Collin Wells, Prof. Hist. and Polit. Sci. Bowdoin Coll., Prof. Soc. Sci. Dartm. Coll. TenEyck Wendell, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Frank Henry Wheeler, M.D. 1882 Wilson Curtis Wheeler, B.D. 1886 George Dana White, LL.B. Columbia 1883 Hernan Charles Whittlesey Lawrence Wilkinson, LL.B. Columbia 1882 Walter Crafts Witherbee John Francis Woodhull Charles Pemberton Wurts 122 *1894 '1881 *1893 *1887 *1891 1881 ­ Edwin Morgan Adee *Frederic Adler Eawin Edgerton Айва, B.D. 1884 Benjamin Wisner Bacon, B.D. 1884, М.А. 1892, D.D. W. Reserve 1893 John Hampton Barnes ‘1885 Danford Newton Barney Philip Golden Bartlett *Russell Anson Bigelow, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1884 Arthur Elmore Bostwick, PH.D. 1883 *John Eliot Bowen, PH.B. Columbia 1883, PH.D. Columbia 1886 *Edward Paul Brandt William Joseph Brewster Walter Ray Bridgman, M.A. 1892 and Miami 1891, Tutor, Prof. Greek Miami Univ. and Lake Forest Univ. Otis Hayford Briggs, LL.B. 1883 Isaac Bromley Herbert Stanley Brown, B.D. 1886 ~/oseph Dunn Burrell, M.A. 1893 Daniel Arthur Carpenter, LL.B. 1883 Clarence Franklin Carroll Harry Quinton Cleneay Charles Porter Coffin John Caldwell Coleman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1883 John Burnett Collins Howard Junior Curtiss, LL.B. 1883 Ephraim Williams Dixon John Mowe Drysdale Andrew Penrose Lusk Dull Henry Strong Durand, M.D. Harv. 1888 John Stewart Durand, LL.B. Colum- bia 1883 Charles Abbott Schneider Dwight *ÑValdo Chapin Eames Levi Abraham Eliel Edward Thomas Evans, LL.B. 1883 Sherman Evarts Henry Rupert Ewing, LL.B. 1883 Frank Miller Fargo Paul James Fenu George Park Fisher Nathaniel Campbell Fisher Grant Fitch Charles Joseph French Philo Carroll Fuller Henry Parsons Garland Edward Hooker Gilbert Roscoe Rush Giltner Edward Buttrick Graves, LL.B. 1884 William Milne Grinnell Freeman Clark Griswold, LL.B. Harv. 1884 Nathaniel Taylor Guernsey, LL.B. 1883 Webster Hakes John Dixon Hall Reuben Post Halleck William Lammon Harkness Ernest Eldred Hart Louis Bevier Hasbrouck, LL.B. 1883 Louis Condit Hay *1890 *1890 *1882 *1894 *Charles Arthur Н еа1с1 (post obit.) ’1880 Frederic Duncan Helmet *Cyrus Foss Hill ’1889 William Burr Hill, LL.B. 1883, Instr. Gymnastics Robert Clark Hine, LL.B. Columbia 1883 132 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Harry Hitchings *1894 *Charles Wittenberg Holzheimer *1888 George Henry Hubbard, B.D. 1884 George Edward Ide James Warren Ingalls, M.D. Colum- bia 1884 George Snow Isham Henry Ives Henry Pierson Johnes, LL.B. Colum- bia 1883 George Marsh Judd, LL.B. Columbia 1883 Benjamin Bissell Lamb *James Leighton Allen Bennett Lincoln Frank Newton Loomis, M.D. 1883 William Maltby Lovering Frank Benjamin Lucas Calvin Stewart McChesney, LL.B. 1884 Richard Hays McDonald, also Harv. 1882 John Ryan McKee Frederick Arnold Manning, M.D. Co- lumbia 1884 John Wesley Manning John Francis Merrill Albert Henry Moulton, LL.B. 1883 Thaddeus Halsted Myers, M.D. Co- lumbia 1885 William Wilson Kirchhofer Nixon Thomas Burr Osborne, PH.D. 1885 Sheldon Pharis Patterson Richard Augustus Peabody William Emerson Peck Frederick Pickersgill, LL.B. 1883 Wilson Howard Pierce, LL.B. 1885 Leonard Hayes Poole George Barclay Preston *1883 *Francis Esty Rice *1894 Harris Richardson, LL.B. Univ. Wisc. 1883 *Arthur Heyward Ripley *1882 Lawrence Rolfe Charles Burton Schram, M.D. Harv. 1885 James Sheldon, LL.B. Columbia 1883 George Bliss Silliman, LL.B. Colum- bia 1883 Edward Lewis Simonds, LL.B. Univ. La. 1883 John Clark Smith Henry Hezekiah Sprague Frederick Haile Stebbins Arthur Griffin Stedman, M.A. 1891 Willis Betts Sterling Isaac Thomas, M.A. 1884 Norman Frederick Thompson Francis Herbert Tichenor, LL.B. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1883 Edward Staats DeGrote T omphins Henry Nelson Tuttle Edward Lambert Twombly, M.D. Harv. 1886 Edwin Stewart Underhill Adrian Sebastian VandeGraafï, Prof. Law Univ. Ala. .. Frederic Richardson Vernon Howard Talbot Walden, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1883 William Reid Walker George Martin Wallace, LL.B. 1884 Everett Warren *Eben Hale Wells George Wakeman Wheeler, LL.B. 1883, Judge Super. Court Conn. Sherman Leland Whipple, LL.B. 1884 Arthur Eli White, 1891 Henry Charles White, LL.B. M.L. 1884, Lect. Polit. Sci. Lasell Hayden White Charles Осип/1115 Whitmore George Woolsey, M.D. Columbia 1885, Prof. Anat. Univ. City N. Y. James Edwin Zunts 1883, 128 1882 Frank Frost Abbott, PH.D. 1891, Tu- tor Latin, Prof. Lat. Univ. Chicago James Ferguson Allen Martin Smith Allen Albert Hoffman Atterbury, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1884 Walter Irving Badger, LL B. Boston Univ. 1885 William Elder Bailey Harry Rudolph Baltz Erwin Hinckley Barbour, PH.D. 1887, Prof. Nat. Hist. Iowa Coll., Prof. Geol. Univ. Nebr. Floyd Julius Bartlett Mortimer Stratton Bate Robert Parker Bates Morgan Hawley Beach, LL.B. Univ. Va. 1884 John Fred Beede Samuel Bennett Cyrus Bentley, LL.B. Chicago 1884 Charles Kingsbury Billings, LL.B. 1886 Charles Edward Blumley George Shepard Boltwood, LL.B. 1885 Benjamin Brewster, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1888 Ferree Brinton, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1885 Fred. John Brockway, M.D. Columbia 1887 Nathaniel Richardson Bronson, LL.B. 1884 Wayland Irving Bruce, M.A. 1888 *James Alexander Campbell, LL.B. Harv. 1888 David Anderson Chenault William Churchill Stephen Merrill Clement Edwin Bradford Cragin, M.D. Colum- bia 1886 Bryan Cumming *George Edward Curtis, M.A. 1887, Prof. Math. Washburn Coll. *1884 *1890 *1895 1895] BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1882—1883 133 *Theodore Cuyler *1883 William Pollock Frederick Orren Darling Julius Howard Pratt, PH.D. 1887 Edwin Lynde Dillingham _James Quackenbush Rice, LL.B. Co- Franklin Maynard Eaton, M.D. Harv. lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1884 1885 Charles Edward Richards James Richard Ely George Parker Richardson William Phelps Eno, 1894 Robert Mayo Rolfe Frank Cooley Farwell John Rossiter Augustine FitzGerald Benjamin Huger Rutledge Carlton Alexander Foote Daniel Sammis Sanford, M.A. 1885 Wilbur Harvey Nash Ford Arthur Scranton ` Burnside Foster, M.D. Harv. 1885 Charles Locke Scudder, PH.B. 1883, Asa Palmer French M.D. Harv. 1888 Joseph Emanuel Friend Caleb Wright Shipley Henry Chambers Fries à‘1886 Levi Ives Shoemaker, M.D. Univ. Pa. Frank Runyon Gallaher 1886 › Henry Washburn Gardes *Charles Mather Sholes *1889 Charles Burr Graves, M.D. Harv. Edward Vernon Silver, M.D. Colum- 1886 bia 1885 George Heber Graves Lewis Mann Silver, M.D. Bellevue Herbert Stanton Griggs, LL.B. 1884 Hosp. Med. Coll. 1885 *Alfred Chapman Hand *1892 Clarence Austin Smith, M.D. Colum- John Russell Hanlon bia 1887 Charles Burnell Hawkes, LL.B. 1883, Frank Hiram Snell M.L. 1887 Henry Spe/ee Snyder, B.D. 1885 Charles Samuel Hebard Charles Stillman Theodore Holland, LL.B. Columbia Charles Bigelow Storrs, LL.B. Co- 1884 lumbia 1884, Prof. Law Univ. Tokyo Samuel Cornell Hopkins Howard Peck Sweetser Henry Clarke Jeñ'erds, M.D. Philad. Bernard Titche 1885 William Grandin Vought *Barclay Johnson *1885 Tracy Waller Frank Albert Kellogg, LL.B. 1885 *Daniel B. Weaver, M.D. Univ. Pa. John Prescott Kellogg, LL.B. 1885 1885 *1892 James Henry Kingman, M.D. Colum- Edward Odell Weed bia 1885 _ Archibald Ashley Welch, 1891 Alfred Beard Kittredge, LL.B. 1885 Martin Welles, LL.B. Columbian Howard Hoyt Knapp, LL.B. 1884, Univ. (Wash.) 1884, M.L. Columb. Lect. Conn. Practice Univ. 1885 George William Lay, B.D. Gen. Theol. John Lewis Wells Sem. (N. Y.) 1886 *Thomas McDonnell Wentworth, Charles Henry Lewis, M.D. Bellevue (post obit.) *1882 Hosp. Med. Coll. 1884 *Joseph Ernest Whitney, M.A. 1890, Charles Jonas Long Instr. English *1893 Seymour Crane Loomis, LL.B. 1884 Charles Albert Wight Martin Lovering *Emmet Smith Williams *1886 Fred Messenger Lowe, M.D. Harv. Harry Lucien Williams 1885 *Franklin Eldred Worcester, PH.B. Chester Wolcott Lyman 1884, M.E. 1886 *1891 Wilber McBride Harry Chapman McKnight Daniel Walton McMillan Herbert Lyman Moodey Charles Newton Morris, M.A. 1887 Walter Murphy, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1884 Arthur Sherwood Osborne, LL.B. 1884 Frank Edward Page Josiah Culbert Palmer, LL.B. Colum- bia 1884 William Scranton Pardee, LL.B. 1884 Samuel Maxwell Parke William Henry Parsons Chauncey Howard Pember Richard Henry Pierce, S.B. Mass. Inst. Technol. 1885 Henry Barstow Platt Arthur Bethuel Wright, LL.B. 1884 121 1883 John Lanson Adams, MID. Columbia 1886 *Loring William Andrews (post obit.) ’1882 Francis Gibbons Beach, LL.B. 1885 Edward A. Beddall Frank Herbert Beede Nelson ÑVilliam Bell, LL. B. Colum- bia 1885 Richard Mervin Bissell 134 [1895 1241дЕ'слАсг72572575717 *Philo Carpenter Black, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1886 Lucius Boltwood, LL.B. 1886 Edward Increase Bosworth, B.D. Ober- lin 1886, Prof. Engl. Bible also N.T. Lang. and Lit. Oberlin Coll. George Hill Bottome, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. (N.Y.) 1889 Edward Gaylord Bourne, PH.D. 1892, Lect. Polit. Sci., Prof. Hist. W. Re- serve Univ., Prof. Hist. Henry Eldridge Bourne, B.D. 1887, Prof. Hist. Women’s Coll. Cleve- land Arthur Eugene Bowers Austin Lord Bowman George Ernest Bowman David Hillhouse Buel Charles Winslow Burpee George Lorenzo Burton, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1886 Frederic Sanford Calhoun Henry Warner Calhoun, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1886 Woolsey Carmalt, LL.B. Columbia 1885 Albert Carr George Prentiss Carroll, LL.B. Bos- ton Univ. 1886 Henry Carver, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1886 Francis Davis Chamberlain, LL.B. 1885 Henry Morton Chase, 1893 Samuel Beresford Childs Charles Cameron Clarke Gilbert Colgate Charles Farnham Collins, M.D. Co- lumbia 1887 Robert Harrison Cornish, M.A. 1887 Arthur Bradford Cornwall Charles Rogers Corwith George Cromwell John Franklin Crowell, Litt. D. Univ. N. C. 1889, Pres. Trin. Coll. (М.С.) Frank Cunningham, LL.B. Columbia 18 85 Arnold Guyot Dana Laurent Clerc Deming Edward Nelson Dingley, LL.B. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1885 Maurice Edwards Dunham, M.A. 1886, Prof. Greek Univ. Colorado Everett James Esselstyn, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 _ Seward Henry Fields Arthur Lyman Fisk, M.D. Harv. 1889 Henry Edward Fisk Henry Titus Folsom Charles Jenkins Foote, M.D. Harv. 1887, M.A. 1890, Asst. Clin. Surg., Demonstrator Bacteriol. Charles Seward Foote Henry Anthon Forchheimer Robert Aldrich Fosdick Elihu Brintnal Frost, LL.B. Columbia 1885 ‘1889 Herbert Loring Frost, M.D. W. Re- serve Univ. 1886 John William Galbraith, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1885 Stephen Leonard Geisthardt, LL.B. Columbia 1885 Chauncey Milton Griggs William Irwin Grubb Charles Harris Hall Charles Halsey, LL.B. Columbia 1885 Clifford Dudley Ham Charles William Harkness Benjamin Vincent Harrison Irving Warren Hart Frederic William Havens Samuel Newhall Hawkes, LL.B. 1885 Victor Emanuel Helleberg Henry Roberts Hillard ' Lord Butler Hillard Tuthill Reynolds Hillard Horace George Hoadley, B.D. 1887 *William James Holly, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1886 Wilbur Eugene Houpt Henry Martyn Hoyt Louis Kossuth Hull, LL.B. 1885 Thomas D. Husted *William Alfred Jackson George Conkling Jennings Samuel Rountree Jewett George Washington Johnston Francis Bartlett Kellogg, M.D. 1886 *Fred William Kellogg Clifford Stephen Kelsey Charles Martin Kendall Sheldon Quayle Kerruish Daniel Stimson Knowlton Harry Woodville Latham, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1885 Fred Churchill Leonard, M. C. Carll Andrews Lewis *Joseph McKeen Lewis *Allyn Cooke Loomis Charles Loughridge George Henry Anderson Lyford George Stanley Lynde, M.D. Colum- bia 1887 *Edward Tompkins McLaughlin, Tu- tor English, Asst. Prof. Engl., Prof. Rhet. and Belles-Lettres William Hutchinson Merrill, M. D. Co- lumbia 1887 Kier Mitchell Cleveland Langston Moffett Eliakim Hastings Moore, PH.D. 1885, Tutor Math., Assoc. Pr'of. Math. Northwestern Univ., Prof. Math. Univ. Chicago John Atwood Moore Marcus Morton . Joseph Horton Nelson Walter Eben Nettleton Isaac Burkett Newton Henry Herbert Palmer *1893 *1888 *1883 *1887 *1884 ‘1893 Joseph Robinson Parrott, LL.B. 1885 Dudley Phelps, LL.B. Columbia 1883 1895] BACHELORS 0E ARTS, 1884 135 John Jay Phelps `/ohn Pierpont, B.D. 1886 Samuel Ball Platner, PH.D. 1885, Prof. Latin W. Reserve Univ. Austin Roe Preston, LL.B. Columbia 1885 William Price, Tutor and Instr. French, Prof. French Trinity Coll. (N. С.) . James Frank Raymond David Farnam Read Frederick William‘ Rogers, LL.B. Bost. 1886 Robert Cameron Rogers *Joseph James Rose Charles Edward Sackett Edward Barteau Sargent Linton Satterthwait Andrew Linn Sawyer, 1888, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1889 Frederick David Shaffer Stanley Shaffer Charles Colebrook Sherman Henry Warner Slocum, LL.B. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1885 Clarence Melbury Smith, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1885 Edward Everett Smith, LL.B. 1885 Herbert Rodgers Smith Warren Weston Smith Thomas Shepard Southworth, M.D. Columbia 1887 Frank Penrose Sproul, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1886 William Kerper Stevens William Hamilton Stockwell Horatio Odell Stone Henry Hastings Strong Albert Edmond Symington, LL.B. Со- lumbia 1887 Horace Dutton Taft, M.A. 1893, Tutor Latin *Yew Fun Tan Sherman Day Thacher, LL.B. 1886 Henry Czar Merwin Thomson oseph Parker Trowbridge illiam Trumbull, LL.B. 1889, Libr. Law School Denison Baldwin Tucker Harold Vernon Frederic Denison Ward John Elton Wayland, LL.B. Columbia 1885 William Warren Weeks Clarence Wetherill Wilson John Butler Woodward Charles Halsted Yates Morrison Waite Young 149 “1893 *1883 1884 Frederic Sturges Allen Wallace Steele Allis Allison Vincent Armour Frank Oliver Ayres Charles Edwin Bedell Gabriel Isidore Behrisch Nelson Pendleton Bigelow George Reddington Blodgett Samuel Albert Booth Wilbur Franklin Booth, LL.B. 1888 Charles Eastman Botsford Frank Davis Bowen Robert Munro Boyd, M.A. and LL.B. Columbia 1886 William Benjamin Bristow, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1886 ' Henry Buist John Miller Burnam, PH.D. 1886, Prof. Latin and French Georgetown Coll. (Ky.), Prof. Latin Univ. Мо. James William Cain, M.A. 1893, Prof. Engl. St.John’s Coll. (Md.) Willson Carpenter *Charles Eugene Carr Neville Hart Castle Edward Mortimer Chapman, B.D. 1890 George Marvin Cheney James Milton Claggett George Eugene Cohen Edward Huntington Coley William Bradley Coley, M.D. Harv. 1888 Harris-Dunscomb Colt, LL.B. Colum- bia 1886 Frederick Connell Charles Wilson Copeland Edmund Petrie Cottle, 1885 Henry Bowman Cromwell Frederick Kingsbury Curtis, LL.B. Columbia 1886 Leonard Mayhew Daggett, LL. B. 1887, Instr. Testament. Law Henry Laurens Dawes *1888 ‘1888 *James Martin Dawson Fred Herbert Dodge Julius Tyler Andrews Doolittle *Frederic William Doringh ‘1888 Charles Edwin Eaton, LL.B. Colum- bia 1886 Ellsworth Eliot, M.D. Columbia 1887 Maxwell Evarts Arthur Lincoln Farwell George Washington Flowers William F osdick Reginald Foster, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1886 ' Gerard Fountain Edward Chenery Gale, M.A. Harv. 1887 Gustav Frederick Gruener, Instr. and Tutor and Asst. Prof. German John Rogers Halsey Robert Walbridge Hamill Horace Edward Hand James Smith Havens Howard Haines Higbee Roderick Whittelsey Hine John Holden Joseph Glasby Holliday, LL.B. Wash- ington Univ. (Мо.) 1886 136 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Charles Elmer Holmes James Bronson Reynolds, B.D. 1888 Henry Caleb Hopkins Clinton Ross Sidney Wright Hopkins, LL.B. Co- Henry Jacob Ryder, LL.B. 1886 1ишЬ1а 1886 *Henry Gilbert Samson ‘1890 Edmund Otis Hovey, PH.D. 1889 Frank Campbell Hughson William Hugh Hyndman, 1894 Paul Emott'Jenks Charles Jesup Jennings ReinertAugustfernberg, B.D. Chicago Theol. Sem. 1887, Prof. Danish-Nor- weg. Dept. Chicago Theol. Sem. William Henry Jessup Daniel Albion Jones, D.M.D. Harv. 1889, M.D. 1892 Frederic Scheetz Jones, Prof. Physics Univ. Minn. George William fudson, B.D. 1887 *Ernest Buckingham Kimberly David Kinley, PH.D. Univ. Wisc. 1893, Prof. Pol. Econ. and Soc. Sci. Univ. Ill. Newell Clark Knight Yung Kwai .Alexander Lambert, PH.B. 1885, M.D. Columbia 1888 *Thomas Garnet­ Lawrance (post obit.) *1883 *Edward Ashton Lawrence *1884 Ве11пе Lay Ernest St.George Lough Robert Hunt Lyman George John McAndrew, M.A. 1893 John Osborn McCalmont Samuel Plumer McCalmont Edwin McClellan Henry McCormick Henry Clay McDowell Oliver McKee William Charles McMillan George Hudson Makuen Isaac Henry Mayer Charles Abernethy Mead Edwin Albert Merritt Alexander Newton William Theophilus Nichols James William Oakford George Wakeman Osbórn, M.D. Co- lumbia 1887 Harry McMahon Painter, PH.B. 1885, , M.D. Columbia 1888 Charles Laban Pardee George Washington Patterson, S.B. Mass. Inst. Techn. 1887, M.A. 1891 Frank Dunlap Pavey, LL.B. 1886, M.L. 1889 - Vincent Charles Peck Benjamin Hbrn Pendleton James Hosmer Penniman Charles Pierpont Phelps Clarence Nathaniel Platt, M.D. N. Y. Homœop. Med. Coll. 1888 Edwin Lewis Porter Edward Wright Potter Albert Henry Pratt Harry WoodrufIProuty, LL.B. Albany 1885 *1887 Edward Isaac Sanford, LL.B. 1887 William Henry Sanford Ward Webster Savery Benjamin Scharps James Foster Scott, M.B. and C.M. Edinb. 1888, M.D. Edinb. 1893 Charles Scott Seeley Henry Tweedy Shelton, LL.B. 1886 Oliver Taylor Sherwood John Ira Souther William McMurtrie Speer` Selden Palmer Spencer Sidney Stein Frank Burton Stevens John Henry Stevenson, LL.B. Colum- bia 1886 Frank Strong, M.A. 1893 William ‘Lord Strong John Trumbull Swift William Ambrose Taylor Joseph Tomlinson Ray Tompkins Frank Dean Trowbridge Joseph Nathaniel Tuttle Henry Bancroft Twombly Harry Raup Wagner, LL.B. 1886 Charles Morehead Walker Dean Augustus Walker, B.D. 1889, М.А. 1890 Charles Ansel Watrous Albert Foote Wells Arthur Brattle Wells, M.A. Columbia 1886 Edward Wells, MIA. Columbia 1886 Henry Lincoln Whittlesey, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1886 Amos Parker Wilder, PH.D. 1892 Nathan Gallup Williams William Williams, LL.B. Harv. 1889 Herbert Walter Wolcott Henry Milton Wolf Joseph Wood, LL.B. and M.A. Co- lumbia 1886 Henry Augustus Worcester Edward Augustus Wright 151 1885 Ernest Rufus Adee Clifford Butler Allen, LL.B. Wash- ington Univ. (Мо.) 1887 Henry Burrall Anderson John Hulett Arnot Francis Pech Bacheler Lucius Olmsted Baird, B.D. 1890 Henry deForest Baldwin, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1887 ~ Walter Sterrett Baldwin Frederic McLeod Barbour Frederic Barnard 1895] BA CHELORS 0R ARTS, les; 137 Jonathan Barnes VSamuel Reading Bertron Joseph Augustus Blake, PH.B. 1886, M.D. Columbia 1889 John Henry Booth, LL.B. Columbia 1887 *Robert Seymour Bradley, M.D. 1887 ‘1890 Frank Bosworth Brandegee John Cloyse Bridgman ' John Horatio Briggs Oliver Percy Bright, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1888 ‚ John Laidlaw Buel, M.D. Columbia 1888 Colin Sherman Buell, M.A. 1889 Lewin Eranh Buell, B.D. 1888 Samuel Davis Capen Charles Lyman Carhart William Merle Carhart, M.D. Colum- bia 1889 - William Scoville Case Edward Herrie/e Chandler Henry Goodnow Chase Richard Collins Colt Henry Buckelew Cosgrove Augustin Averill Crane, M.D. 1887 Wilbur Lucius Cross, PH.D. 1889, Instr. Engl. Chaŕles Elbridge Cushing Colman Ward Cutler, MID. Columbia 1889 William M. Derby George Stuart Dickinson -Charles Stuart Dodge *Herbert Lionel Doggett Wilfred Ernest Eaton Richard Ellis, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1888 Albert Hernan Ely, M.D. Columbia 1888 William David Evans Walter Farwell John Dennis Ferris Henry Richmond Flanders John Couch Flanders Charles Northrop Flint *Lambert Foster Walter Francis Frear, LL.B. 1890, Judge Supt. Court Hawaiian Isl. Henry Fresenius Harlow Stearns Gale John William Gavin Edward Augustus George, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1891 Lafayette Blanchard Gleason Sands Kenyon Gorham Herbert Ridgway Green William Gregory Green Charles Edward Harris, M.A. Colum- bia 1886, B.D. 1893 Henry Knabb Harrison *Benjamin Kaye Heaton Edward N eblett Hidden Charles Buxton Hobbs, LL.B. Colum- bia 1887 Philip Parley Hubbard *1894 ”1890 ’1885 William Jarvis James Richard Joy, M.A. 1891 James Benjamin Keogh, LL.B. 1887 Robert Bage Kerr Herr/ey DeLoss Leland George Thomas Linsley John Loman John McHenry Guy Ward Mallon Louis Austin Mansñeld William Maxwell James Alfred Merrill William Procter Morrison David Winfield Mulvane John Andrew Myers, 1886 Charles Dwight Napier, M.D. Colum- bia 1890 Edwin Eranhlin Norton, M.A. Syra- cuse Univ. 1888, Prof. Rhet. and Mod. Lang. Olivet Coll. Atherton Noyes Manly Dayton Ormes, B.D. 1889 John Stone Pardee *John Palmer Parsons *1890 Lyman Plimpton Beet, B.D. 1888 ~ William Fellows Peet Edward Bunnell Phelps Robert James Pitkin, LL.B. 1888 John Winthrop Platner David Plessner Oramel ÑVhittlesey' Pratt Eugene Lamb Richards Edwin Wales Robertson, LL.B. Univ. S. C. 1887 Lucius Franklin Robinson George Augustus Sanderson, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1887 Robert Alfred Sands, M.D. Columbia 1888 Еш11е Adolfe Schultze, LL.B.' Columb. 1887 - Conrad Shamel Sheive, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1888 Eranh Robinson Shipman, B.D. 1889 Joseph Cornelius Smith George Fitch Stacy Carrington Riverius Stiles Richard Salter Storrs Otis Strong Wyllys Terry Arthur Lloyd Tomes William Thomas Tomlinson, Columbia "1887 Joseph Hendley 'Townsend, M.D. 1887, Asst. Clin. Med., Demonstrator Obstetr. Eranh VanAllen, M.D. 1887, B.D. 1888 George Edgar Vincent Charles Lewis Way Paul Irving Welles Theodore Winthrop Weston William Taylor Glidden Weymouth *Herbert Henry White, M.A. 1838, LL.B. Prof. Latin and Greek Gates Coll. *1893 *Levi Olmstead Wiggins, M.D. Co- lumbia 1888 ‘1891 138 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Charles Samuel Wiley Robert Bradford Williams, 1891, also New Zealand Univ. 1889 Wolf Willner, M.A. 1887 George Heber Woodhull, B.D. 1888 Wilfred James Worcester 121 1886 Charles Francis Adams, M.D. Colum- bia 1890 John Charles Adams Norman Ilsley Adams Warren Austin Adams, Instr. German ¿oseph Lincoln Adler achariah Nelson Allen, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 Arthur Nathaniel Alling, M.D. Co- lumbia 1891, Instr. Ophthalmol. Henry Semple Ames, LL.B. Washing- ton Univ. (Mo.) 1888 Paul Kimball Ames, M.A. Columbia . 1887, LL.B. Columbia 1888 William Burrall Anderson Benjamin Harris Anthony Robert Appleton Bartlett Arkell Edward Sawyer Bacon, 1887 Harvey Brown Bashore, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1889 Everett Alanson Bates, M.D. Harv. 1890 John Beadle, PH.D. 1894 Porter Beardsley Eli Beers, B.D. 1889 Daniel Doane Bidwell Louis Bennett Bishop, M.D. 1888, Asst. Clin. Surg. George Hathaway Bixby Edward Newton Brandegee William Partridge Brandegee, M.D. 'Columbia 1889 Samuel Kimball Bremner, M.D. Harv. 1889 Sharswood Brinton Cornelius Gardner Bristol Henry Stanford Brooks, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 William Adams Brown, M.A. 1888 Carl Darling Buck, PH.D. 1889, Assoc. Prof. Sanskrit and Indo-Europ. Comp. Philol. Univ. Chicago Wilson Lee Cannon William White Capron ' Theophilus Ransom Carter, M.D. Co- lumbia 1890 Wilson Catherwood Francis Asbury Christian, 1887 Lawrence William Churchill Charles Eranhlin Clarhe, B.D. 1889 ` Charles Nelson Codding, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 Austen Colgate Sidney Morse Colgate Michael Francis Connor Francis Rexford Cooley John Joseph Corkery Gibbons Gray Cornwell Alfred Cowles Stanford Tappan Crapo William Randall Crawford William Williams Crehore, PH.B. 1888 Thomas Darling ’ Benjamin joseph Dar/is Thomas Mills Day, LL.B. 1888 Calvin Dickey, M.A. 1888 Judson Schultze Dutcher, Tutor Math. Percy Edgar George Edwin Eliot, M.A. 1888 Abraham Lincoln Fellows *George Otis Fellows *1891 Richard Thomas Francke William Morgan Gallup Arthur Goebel Nicholas Minor Goodlett, LL.B. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1888 Chauncey William Goodrich William Burton Goodwin Willis Horace Goodyear Louis Moen Grant Walter Greenwood Graves John King Gritiîth Charles Jared Griggs, LL.B. 1888 Lewis Birely Hamilton Charles Edward Hellier, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1889 Ralph Hickox, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1890 . Henry Ewing Hord . Frederick Buell Hungerford LL.B. 1889 *Washington Irving Hunt, PH.D. 1892, Tutor Greek *1893 Charles Livingston Hyde Herbert Armstrong Jaggard Charles Henry Jeffras *George Lyle Kingsley *1890 Willey Lyon Kingsley, M.D. Harv. 18 91 Wallace Percy Knapp, LL.B. Colum- bia 1888 David Denison Lambert, M.A. 1888 Elliot Cowdin Lambert Dudley Leavitt, 1890, M.D. Columbia 1890 James Wright Lee Charlton Miner Lewis, LL.B. Colum- bia 1889, Instr. Engl. *William McElroy, LL.B. Albany 1887 *1893 Charles Thompson Mathews, PH.B. Columbia 1889, М.А. 1892 Charles Hale Matthews Charles Albert Moore, Tutor Latin Daniel Agnew Moore Frank Gardner Moore, PH.D. 1890, Tutor Latin, Assoc. Prof. Latin ­ Dartm. Coll. Frederick Wightman Moore, PH.D. 1890, Adj. Prof. Hist. and Econ. Vanderbilt Univ. 1895] BA CHELORS 0E ARTS, 1886—1887 139 Edward Broadbent Morgan Charles Rockwell Morley George Rudolf Mosle Henry Townsend Nason, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 William Ebenezer Nichols Charles Frederick Odell John Henry Painter William Henry Parks, PH.D. 1888 Edward Wright Peet, M.D. Columbia 1890 Frank George Peters Arthur Stevens Phelps, B.D. 1889 Edward Johnson Phelps, M.A. 1888 Sheñield Phelps Charles Wheeler Pierson, M.A. 1888 Robert Latimer Redfield *Edward Winthrop Reid (post obit.) Arleigh Dygert Richardson John Frederic Roache William Alfred Robbins, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 _ Harry Leighton Rollins, LL.B. Boston Univ. 1889 Lucius Chester Ryoe John Christopher Schwab, M.A. 1888, M.A. and PH.D. Göttingen 1889, Instructor and Asst. Prof. Polit. Econ. Samuel Washington Scott Frederic Norris Sewall Henry Dusenbury Shelden Porter Sherman Arthur Leñ'ingwell Shipman, LL.B. 1888 Edward Colhoun Smith Edward Lincoln Smith, B.D. 1890 Floyd Robinson Smith George Clark Smith, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892 William Cromwell Sprague, 1887 Thomas Calhoun Stearns, M.A. Univ. N. Y. 1892, Lect. Hist. Philos. *Walter Gay Stebbins, M.A. and M.D. Harv. 1892 Philip Battell Stewart, M.A. 1888 Edgar Crane Stiles William Martin Strauss, LL.B. Albany 1887 Frederick Cumings Truslow Rollin Usher Tyler, LL.B. 1893 Francis Joseph Vernon Henry Stephens Washington, M.A. 1888, PH.D. Leipzig 1893 *Thomas Glasby Waterman John Whitmore, PH.D. 1892, Instr. Physics F rank Edward Wing Dudley Winston, 1892 Frederick James Winston, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1888 Evans Woollen, M.A. 1889 139 ’1885 ‘1893 *1889 1887 William Maitland Abell Charles Adams Chandler Parsons Anderson James Archbald Arthur John Arn, B.D. 1892 Willoughby Maynard Babcock, LL.B. 1889 Rpdmond Vernon Beach, LL.B. 1889 Gerald Hamilton Beard, B.D. 1890, PH.D. 1892 *John Bennetto, M.A. 1889, LL.B. 1890. *1892 *Elmer Fox Berkele, M.D. Columbia 1890 *1892 Lewis Sherrill Bigelow, LL.B. 1889 Leslie Dayton Bissell, Asst. Phys. Edward Lydston Bliss, M.D. 1891, Asst. Chem. Allan Blair Bonar, M.D. Columbia 1890 Dwight Eliot Bowers, LL.B. 1893 Arthur Wolfe Brady William Sinclair Brigham Wilson Brooks Carleton Lewis Brownson, Instr. Latin, Tutor Latin and Greek Edward Lathrop Burke William Savage Burns Ernest LeRoy Caldwell Middleton Arnold Caldwell, Columbia 1889 Victor Bush Caldwell Schuyler Casemate Carlton, LL.B. Co- lumbia1890 Walter Boughton Chambers Frederick Starkweather Chase Francis Cameron Clarke Sanford Ellsworth Cobb F rank Cochrane Alfred Coit, LL.B. 1889 Ira Clinton Copley William Aaron Cornish Robert Nelson Corwin, PH.D. and M.A. Heidelb. 1894, Instr. Germ. William Hutchinson Cowles, LL. B. 1889 Alexander Brown Coxe John Cullinan Joseph Thomas Cunningham John Hubbard Curtis Thomas Hamlin Curtis Henry Alexander Dann John Caspar Diehl Willard Robinson Douglass, LL.B. 1889 Clarence Clark Ferris, LL.B. Columbia 1892 Harry Burr Ferris, M.D. 1890. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Anat. Frederic Wilson Francis Bernard Francis Gaíney Robert Alexander Gardiner Andrew Frink Gates, LL.B. 1889 John Minor Gillespie, M.D. Columbia 1891 LL.B. 14o [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Clarence Glisan, M.D. Columbia 1890 *1893 Edward Winchester Goodenough, M. D. 1893 Madi on Grant, LL.B. Columbia 1890 Robert Beers Gray George Henry Guernsey William Jessup Hand Henry Earl Hard Clinton Larue Hare ` .Frederic Wells Hart Horace Sedgwick Hart, PH.B. 1888, M.D. Columbia 1893 Clifford Wayne Hartridge, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1889 George Griswold Haven Robert Forbes Hawkes, M.D. Colum- bia 1891 Frederick Trevor Hill, LL.B. Colum- bia 1889 George Edwin Hill, LL.B. 1891 Charles Mills Hinkle Clarke Wesley Holly Frank Clifford Howe John Howard Hume Albert Gay Hunt *De Witt Clinton Huntington Louis Kepler Hyde Obed Wilson Irvin Henry Ivison Robert vIrving Jenks Charles Bulkley Jennings Oliver Gould Jennings, LL.B. Colum- bia 1889 Allen Wardner Johnson Charles Keeler John Bassett Keep *William Burrage Kendall William Kent Henry Belden Ketcham, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1889 john Scott K ing John ‘Henry Kirkham Charles Asher Knight, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1890 ­ Samuel Knight, LL.B. Columbia 1889 Yan Phou Lee ~ Alfred Leeds Frank Dodge Lefiingwell, PH.B. 1889 John Leverett, M.D. Columbia 1891 Robert Hart Lewis ' Charles Henry'Ludington, M.A. 1889 William Howard Ludington Harry Lyne James McCormick William McCormick Robert Maxwell Henry Lawton May Frank Adams Meacham, M.D. Univ. Va. 1889 Joseph Weed Middlebrook Clarence Tomlinson Morse, 1890 Richard Dana Morse, LL.B. Colum- bia 1889 George Francis Nesbitt Edward Hiram Norton Homer Tomlinson Partree, M.D. 1892 *1889 ‘1893 Louis Harman Peet Arthur Reed Pennell, LL.B. 1889 Thomas Henry Penney, LL.B. 1889 Thomas Norwood Penrose, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1889 Arthur Perkins Herbert Farrington Perkins George Daniel Pettee William Lyon Phelps,l PH.D. 1891, M.A. Harv. 1891, Instr. Engl. Lit. Frederic Smith Pickett, M.D. Colum- bia 1891 Robert William Playford John Norton Pomeroy, M.A. LLFB. Univ. Cal. 1891 Thomas Wyman Porter Albert Richard Pritchard John Rogers, PH.B. 1888, M.D. Co- lumbia 1891 Benjamin Romaine, LL.B. Columbia 1889 Edward T allmadge Root, B.D. 1890 Grant Isaac Rosenzweig Charles Otis Scoville William Albert Setchell, M.A. Harv. 1888, PH.D. Harv. 1890, Asst. and Instr. Biol. Lewis Seymour James Rockwell Sheffield Walter Bradley Sheppard John Calhoun Simonds Frank Clifton Smith ' Paul Spencer, M. E. Stevens Inst. 1891 Frederick Sprague Edward Staehlin, M.D. Columbia 1890 Maximilian Lincoln Stein William Pirrie Taylor William Larned Thacher Richard Simms Thomas, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1889 *Joseph Lyle Thornton Charles Louis Torrey Howard Crosby Tracy, LL.B. Colum- bia 1889 г Elford Parry Trowbridge Francis Bacon Trowbridge, LL.B. 1890 William Rutherford Hayes Trowbridge Frank Day Tuttle *James Johnston Waring William Xenophon Weed Frederick Roger Whittlesey Frederick Searle Woodward George Stanley Woodward, PH.B. 1888, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1891, Asst. Clin. Med. George Hurlbut Young 149 1889, ‘1890 *1887 1888 Edmund Allen Joshua Wilson Allen, 1889 Hallock Calvin Alvord *Edward Francis Ayres, M.A. 1890, LL.B. Columbian Univ. (Wash.)1892 *1894 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1888 141 Leonard Woolsey Bacon, 1894, M.D. 1892, Asst. Clin. Med._ Charles Francis Baldwin William Pitt Baldwin, M.D. 1890 and N. Y. Homœop. Coll. 1891 Harry Beecher Jesse Hatch Behrends Francis Bergstrom William Bascom Bissell, M.D. Co- lumbia 1892 Henry Whiting Boies Clayton Harcourt Brigham William Barrett Brinsmade, M.D. Co- lumbia 1892 George Olney Brott *Louis Righter Brown (post obit.) Henry Barnard Brownell, LL.B. Georgetown Univ. 1890, M. L. Georgetown 1891 Philip Dibble Bunce, M.D. Colum- bia 1891 Winthrop Grant Bushnell, 1890 Arthur Kennard Buxton William Campbell Laurance Johnson Carmalt /ohn Franhlin Carter, B.D. Cambr. Episc. Theol. School 1891 Benjamin Austin Cheney, M.D. 1890. Asst., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Obstetr. and Women and Child. Diseases William Spencer Clark Harlan Ward Cooley Charles Edward Cornwall Willis Gaylord Cosad Henry Hall Covell, M.D. Harv. 1892 Samuel Monod Cross Thomas Burnham Enders, M.D. Co- lumbia 1891 Edward Sherman Farrington, M.D. Co- lumbia 1892 Edward Colton Fellowes, B.D. 1891 Dudley Ferguson Irving Fisher, PH.D. 1891, Instr. and Tutor Math., Asst. Prof. Math. also Polit. Sci. William Howard Fitzgerald George Barber Fowler, LL.B. 1890 Hervey Richards Franklin Asa Oran Gallup George Metcalf Gill William Clarh Gordon, B.D. 1891 Harold Russell Griffith Henry Huntley Haight, LL B. Univ. Cal. 1891 Alfred Hand, PH.B. 1889, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1892 Daniel Bailey Hardenbergh, M.D. Co- lumbia 1891 Eugene Wendell Harter, M.A. 1891 Frank Rufus Herrick James Ormerod Heyworth Frank Wells Hubbard, LL.B. 1890 Dorr Albert Hudson, B.D. 1891 Richard Melancthon Hurd Orland Sidney Isbell, LL.B. 1890 John Couzu Kebabian *1888 Charles Allen Klots John Jacob Kutz Wolcott Griswold Lane, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1891 Jesse Thomas Lazear Theodore Lochwood Leverett Solomon Oliver Levinson, LL.B. Lake Forest 1891 Clarence Wyman Lincoln, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1893 William Loving Henry Weber McCauley Charles Berghaus McConkey Joseph McElroy, LL.B. Univ. Va. 1890 James Howard McMillan Frederick William Mar, PH.D. 1891, Asst. Chem. Gard Maynard Duncan Salisbury Merwin, B.D. 1892 Charles Meyer Frank Vincent Millard Arthur Lewis Moore David Whipple Morison Charles Neave, S. B. Mass. Techn. 1890, M.A. Harv. 1892 Harold VanMeter Ogden Irving Olmstead, 1893 Frederic Holmes Paine, M.A. 1894 Lucius Noyes Palmer, PH.B. Colum- bia 1890, LL.B. Columbia 1892 Franh Ilsley Paradise, 1892 William Andrews Parshall, Union Univ. 1889 Edwin Parsons George Madison Pavey, LL.B. 1890 Harrison Gray Platt Frederic Hopkins Pomroy Charles Edward Pond Philip Pond, LL.B. 1890 Herbert Warren Porter, M.D. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1892 Alfred Raymond, PH.B. Columbia 1891 Thomas Emerson Ripley Samuel Sidney Breese Roby Thomas Frederic Sanford James Robert Seeley, LL.B. 1891 William Henry Seward Fred Palmer Solley, PH.B. 1889, M.D. Columbia 1892 Amos Alonzo Stagg, Assoc. Phys. Culture Univ. Chicago Leo Stein Bernard Christian Steiner, M.A. 1890, PH. D. Johns Hopkins 1891, LL.B. Univ. Md. 1894 Henry Ebenezer Stevens Edward Albert Stevenson Frederic Augustus Stevenson Henry Lewis Stimson, M.A. Harv. 1889 William Stephen Stone, M.D. Colum- bia 1891 John Hudson Storer, M.D. N. Y. Homœop. Coll. 1891 Henry Strunz Inst. LL.B. Prof. 142 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 ` *Thomas Walter Buchanan Eliphalet Bradford Terry Edward Seymour Thomas, B.D. Cambr. Episc. Theol. School 1894 Hector William Thomas Frank Lincoln Thompson Frank Burr Tibbals, M.D. Univ. Mich. 1891 Edward Montclair Tillinghast Elbert Reynolds Tillinghast Herbert Cushing Tolman, PH.D. 1890, Asst. Indo-Eur. Lang., Prof. Greek Univ. N. C. Winthrop Turney, LL.B. 1890 Willard Lamb Velie Fred Ayer Verplanck Morison Remich Waite, LL.B. Univ. Cincinn. 1890 Samuel Johnson Walker, M.D. else- where Brownlee Robertson Ward, PH.B. 1889, M.D. Columbia 1892 William Drew Washburn Asher Miner Wellman Monroe Nichols Wetmore Arthur White Porter Gouverneur Willett Frank Lincoln Woodward, LL.B. 1890 Ephraim Miller Youmans 124 1889 Burr Reeve Abbe William Pope Aiken, LL.B. 1892 William Whitney Ames William Lucius Armstrong, PH.B. 1890, M.D. Columbia 1893 Henry Cornelius Atkins Arnold Plumer Austin ' Freeman Donald Baerman John Wallace Banks, LL.B. 1893 Clifford Webster Barnes, B.D. 1892 Donald McLean Barstow, M.D. Co- lumbia 1892 Horace Bennet Bartholomew John William Beckwith Ernest Smith Bishop, M.D. Columbia 1892 Lester Bradner, PH.D. 1891 Walter Shaw Brewster Charles Twing Brooks, LL.B. Harv. 1894 Philip Embury Browning, PH.D. 1892, Asst. and'Instr. Chem. *1892 Hillhouse Buel Augustus Coburn George Coggill Albert St.Clair Cook Howard Copland William Herbert Corbin Safford Arnold Crummey Thomas Mitchel Cullinan, LL.B. 1891 John Havemeyer Daniels, PH.D. 1892 William Chester DeForest Dickinson, M.A. 1892 Thomas Elliott Donnelley George Perkins Douglas Eugene Henry Dupee Frederick Wesley Ellis, Prof. Greek Washburn Coll. Joseph Ralph Ensign, M.A. 1891 Joseph Grant Ewing Samuel Herbert Fisher Claude Lamot Forbes Leopold Joseph Francke Albert Myrick Freeman John Randolph Galt Edward James Gavegan, LL.B. 1891 Charles Otis Gill Porter Beach Godard, LL.B. 1891 John Cornelius Griggs, Mus. D. Leip- zig 1893 Thomas Hanlon Edward Barrett Hinckley, LL.B. Harv. 1892 Howland Hoadley Leverett Lord Hull Robert Watkinson Huntington Arthur May Hyde, M.A. 1894 Baruch Israeli *Benjamin Willard Jacobs Arthur Edmands Jenks James Henry Keefe Charles Foster Kent, PH.D. 1891 Charles Sherman King George Lyman Lamphier, M.A. 1894 Charles Chandler Griswold Lane Charles William Lefler Milton Marshall Lerner Elmer Francis Letcher Frederick Nye Lindsay, B.D. 1894 Arthur Mitchell Little, B.D. 1891 Edward Olaus Loe, B.D. 1892 Joseph Wilson Lucas Robert Lee Luce Eugene Emile McCandliss Joseph Sprigg McMahon William Adolphe McQuaid Henry Eager Mason William Ross Matson Mark Edward Merrifield John Fuller Appleton Merrill William Clifford Moore Augustus Henry Mosle, LL.B. Harv. 1892 Henry Ford Noyes ohn Ball Osborne, M.A. 1894 illiam Herbert Page Edward Lambe Parsons Charles Cook Paulding George Clarhe Rech Israel Hyman Peres, LL.B. 1891 Gordon Brainerd Pike Gifford Pinchot Robert Treat Platt, LL.B. 1892 Samuel Newman Pond Harry Lathrop Reed Charles G. Reynolds Oliver Huntington Richardson ‘1894 1895] ЗА CHELORS 0E ARTS, leeg-.rego 143 Henry Seymour Robinson William Hayden Rockwell, M.D. Co- lumbia 1892 James Gamble Rogers Henry Judson Sage Frederic Henry Sanford William Davis Sawyer Ferdinand Schwill Edmund Daniel Scott, M.A. 1892 Frederick Andrew Scott, LL.B. 1891 Edward Ewing Sears Thomas Gaskell Shearman Charles Hitchcock Sherrill, M.A. 1892 Charles Sanford Skilton Herbert Augustine Smith, Asst. and Instr. English Samuel Lewis Smith Langdon Trufant Snipe, M.D. Colum- bia 1893 Horace Sheldon Stokes, M.D. Colum- bia 1892 Lewis Austin Storrs Joseph Parsons Tuttle John Underhill Charles Abernethy Valentine Howard Wills Vernon *Horace Fletcher Walker, French Frederic William Wallace Thomas Pinckney Waring, M.D. Co- lumbia 1892 Charles Milnor Washington Lewis Sheldon Welch Hubert Wetmore Wells Philip Patterson Wells DeWitt Clinton West Edmund Burr White James Thomas Whittlesey Howard Hunter Williams Andrew Ludwig Winters George Washington Woodruff Horace Wylie, LL.B. Harv. 1892 124 Instr. *1894 1890 Jacob Jay Abt George L. Amerman, PH.D. 1892, Asst. Physiol. Chem. Edgar Ames Maximilian Baird Roger Sherman Baldwin, LL.B. 1893, M.L. 1894 , James Robertson Barbour Harry Jenkins Bardwell Thomas Francis Bayard William Hale Beckford Frederick Bedell, PH.D. Cornell 1892, Asst. Prof. Physics Cornell Univ. Albert Bingley Bennett Frank Stymets Bishop, LL.B. 1892 Herbert Morton Bishop, LL.B. 1892 Charles Bemis Bliss, PH.D. 1893, Asst. Psychol., Asst. Prof. Exper. and Physiol. Psychol. Univ. City-N. Y. Charles Wright Boltwood, LL.B. 1892 Charles Cranston Bovey Frank Eli Bradley John Williams Brady Edward Brooks Frank Terry Brooks, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1893 William Thurston Brown, 1892 George Henry Capen Bert Francis Case, B.D. 1893 . Amasa Day Chaffee, M.D. Columbia 1893 Howard Dennis Collins, M.D. Colum- bia 1893 Arthur Willis Colton, Instr. English Walter Joseph Connor John White Corwith Howard Elmer Crall Robert Dillon Crane ` Albert Cushing Crehore, Asst. Prof. Physics Dartm. Coll. John Crosby George Henry Danforth Arthur Pomeroy Day Walter Allen DeCamp Andrew Glassell Dickinson Clayton Chauncey Dorsey George Wells Dupee Hamilton Hill Durand Clark Terry Durant Charles Dussler Wolcott Webster Ellsworth Arthur Espy John Dorrance Farnham Horace Cheney Foote Henry Thatcher Fowler George William Gedney George Hills Gilman Rodney Lawrence Glisan, M.A. Co- lumbia 1893 William Sherman Greene Elihu Marvin Griswold Charles Humphrey Hamill Bert Hanson Reginald Fairfax Harrison, M.A. Co- lumbia 1891 Robert Hartshorne Charles Houston Haskell Lewis Scofield Haslam, LL.B. 1892 George Collier Hitchcock George Day Holmes Roland Holt Addison Hills Hough May Humphreys George Arthur Hurd, LL.B. Harv. 1893 Otis King Hutchinson ‹ John DeCourcy Ireland Robert Livingston Ireland James Monfort Irvin, 1891 John Day Jackson Norman James Elliott Proctor Joslin, PH.B. 1891 Charles Poole Kellogg, LL.B. 1893 Ryland Morris Kendrick, also Univ. Rochester 1889 Chester Henry Keogh PH.D. 1893, 144 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Yale Kneeland Stephen Hurlburt Kohler William Alfred Korn, M.D. 1892 George Newton Lawson, M.D. 1892 Harriman Willis Lee Charles Fitch Lester Thomas Jay Lloyd James Locke, 1892 Walter Irenaeus Lowe, Instr. Hist. William Chittenden Lusk, M.D. Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Coll. Abram Garrison McClintock William Appleton McConnel Donald McCormick Ralph Augustine McDonnell, M.D. 1892, Asst. Dermatol. Thomas Edward McEvoy, M.D. 1892 John Francis McGuire Henry Smith Mathewson, M.D. Со- lumbia 1893 Solomon Cristy Mead, LL.B. 1892 Frank Sherman Meara, PH.D. 1892, Asst. Physiol. Chem. Robert Hale Merriam Knowlton Mixer William Greenwood Morris Sidney Nelson Morse Harry Loomis Munger Edward Lyman Munson, M.D. 1892, M.A. 1893 Ashbel Barney Newell George Nathan Newman Henry Opdyke Willard Parker Herbert Parsons Richard Truman Percy George Frederick Peter Stowe Phelps Robert Eston Phyfe Eugene Rockwell Pike Nathan Todd Porter Harry Elbridge Pratt George Wadsworth Raynes Charles Eliphalet Robbins Frederick William Robinson Stuart Henry Rowe Henry Manning Sage Leonard Cutler Sanford, M.D. 1893 David Scharps Henry Leo Scheuerman, LL.B. N.Y. Law School 1892 Ernest Lynde Selden Howard VanDoren Shaw Ralph Martin Shaw Thomas Bond Shaw ì Charles Alexander Sheldon Edward Minor Shelton John Howard Sherwood Wallace Delatìeld Simmons Charles Francis Small William Henry Smith, LL.B. 1892 William Howard Smith ‚ Регсу Hamilton Stewart, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1893 john Henry Strong, also Univ. Rochester 1889 John Francis Sullivan, M.D. Colum- bia 1894 James Willcox Thompson Ralph Thompson Albert Arthur Tilney Evarts Tracy Henry Veeder James Allen Warner George Swift Welch William White Albert Jason Willson Joseph Lafon Winchell Lewis Bartholomew Woodruff, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892 Henry Sterne Woodward 'George Dallas Yeomans Samuel Albert York, LL.B. 1892 146 1891 Edward Walter Abell Hildreth James Ackroyd George Irving Adams Thomas Gove Adams Alfred Lawrence Aiken Matthias Charles Arnot Grosvenor Atterbury Gurdon Franhlin Bailey Albert Ruggles Baker Ernest Hickok Baldwin Cecil Kittredge Bancroft Albert Hampton Barclay John Sanford Barnes James Foote Barnett Walter Alden Barrows William Tenney Bartley Frank Sheridan Benninghoff, LL.B. 1893 Louis Frederic Holbrook Betts, LL.B. Harv. 1894 David Lane Billings William Edward Billings Walter Kissam Birdsall Frank Sanford Blair James Kingsley Blake, LL.B. 1893 Elijah George Boardman . John Alden Bovey Joseph Bowden, Asst. and Tutor Math. Wiuiam Lewis Bradley George Stephenson Brewster James Wallace Broatch Charles Marshall Brown Francis Theodore Brown John Henry Buck John Lee Bunce Curtis Clark Bushnell Gouverneur Calhoun Charles Gibbs Carter Ernest Chadwick Starling Winston Childs Alfred Mainwaring Coats Duane Phillips Cobb ' Samuel Colgate Charles Parsons Cooley 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1891 145 William Russell Cone Corson *John Joughin Cox Frank Crawford, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1893 Harvey Williams Cushing William Sage Dalzell Edgar William Danner, M.A. 1891 Henry Murray Dater, M.A. Columbia 1892, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 Carroll Preston Davis Clarence Seward Davis, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 William Beach Dean Lyle Alexander Dickey Frank Ayer Dillingham, LL.B. Colum- bia 1894 John Wesley Doane Edward Payson Drew Henry Dunnell *Louis Cazenove duPont Richard Bancker Duyckinck, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 Charles Russell Ely Joe Garner Estill James Eugene Farmer, M.A. 1894 Harry Tristam Ferris, 1892 Parnell Ellis Fisher, M.D. Columbia 1894 Russell Kennedy Forsyth Raymond Hilliard Gage, M.A. Coll. N. J. 1893 Nathan Glicksman DeForest Grant Frederic William Grau William Phillips Graves Ashbel Green Paul Ecoff Greer Franklin Underwood Gregory, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 Hippolyte Washington Gruener, PH. D. *1892 *1892 1893 Thomas Hackett Guy, LL.B. Union Univ. 1892 Edwin Victor Hale Charles Howard Hall Lewis Carroll Hall Lane Scofield Hart Theodore Stuart Hart, M.A. 1891 Perry Williams Harvey George Pickard Hawkes, LL.B. 1894 Joseph Eugene Hedges George Henry Hefllon oseph Rogers Herod illiam Thurston Hincks, LL.B. 1893 George Walter Hodges Herbert Wolcott Holcomb Louis Lawton Hopkins Gerard Beekman Hoppin Edward Franklin Horr, M.D. Colum- bia 1894 Hampton Pierson Howell, M.D. Со- lumbia 1894 Charles Prentice Howland, M.A. 1894, LL.B. Harv. 1894 James Coleman Ford Huntington Robert Palmer Huntington Francis deLacey Hyde Leland Ingersoll Charles Samuel Ingham Edward Swift Isham Stuart Dodge Jessup Sherman Skinner Jewett, M.A. Co- lumbia 1893, LL.B. Columbia 1894 Frederick Morgan Johnson Vertner Kenerson, M.A. 1893 Edward Learned Kernochan Frederick Strong Kimball Howard Thayer Kingsbury, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 Lewis Taylor Knox, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 Howard LaField Albert Lee William josiah Leverett Theodore Nelson Lillagore Joseph Potts Lloyd Edward Nathaniel Loomis Archibald John Frederic McBean Norman McClintock Walter McClintock Robert Gardner Harv. 1894 Malcolm MacLear, LL.B. 1893 Edward Augustus Manice Charles Capron Marsh, LL.B. Colum- bia 1894 Arthur Marvin Lafayette Benedict Mendel,PH. D. 1893, Instr. Physiol. Chem. William Revell Moody Samuel Wylie Black Moorhead Richard Bartholomew Moriarty Samuel Benjamin Morison Sherman Morse Wallace Simon Moyle, LL.B. 1893 Winthrop Sargent Gilman Noyes Frank Richard Oastler, M.D. Colum- bia 1894 Harry Leroy Pangborn Amasa Junius Parker, LL.B. Union Univ. 1893 Willis Nathaniel Parker Charles Orrin Penfield John Franklin Plummer Robert Watson Pomeroy William Frederick Poole Albert Merriman Reed Adelbert Lee Reynolds William Castle Rhodes James Caffrey Richardson George Phelps Robbins Allan Gold Robinson, LL.B. Colum- bia 1894 William Drown Rorer Arthur Benedict Russell Erastus Dean Ryder Francis Williams Sacket William Henry St.John Daniel Seales. LL.B. 1893 John Barry Sears Ira Emanuel Seidle, also Muhlenberg Coll. 1890 McClung, LL.B. IO 146 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Samuel Carter Shaw Henry King Sheldon Edward Francis Simms William Erskine Simms Hubbard Taylor Simpson Francis Louis Slade Clement Grubb Smith George Ferguson Smith Herbert Knox Smith Ray Burdick Smith George Howard Street Egerton Swartwout George Sherman Talcott Daniel Gleason Tenney *William Nevin Thatcher Samuel Clifton Thompson, M.E. Co- lumbia 1893 Edward Allen Thurber John Quillin Tilson, LL.B. 1893, M.L. 1894 John Barnes Townsend Alliene Wetmore Treadwell Luther Henry Tucker, M.A. 1894 Harry Hallam Tweedy Cliford Gray T wombly, B. D. Cambr. Episc. Theol. School 1894 Horace Garfield Waite Frederic Collin Walcott Leonard Eugene Wales George Stewart Walton, LL.B. 1893 Hanford Smith Weed Henry Crofut White, M.A. Columbia 1892, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893 Frederick Harrison Williams Henry Lane Williams Charles Strong Witbeck Glen Wright Ira Platt Younglove 185 *1891 1892 Harry Allen Grant Abbe Bernard Melzar Allen Benjamin Latham Armstrong *Clarence Willis Austin George Sherwin Clarke Badger, M.A. 1894 Andrew Jackson Balliet Frank Melville Barber Arthur Seth Barnes Charles Joseph Bartlett, M.A. 1894, Asst. Physiol. Chem. Hugh Aiken Bayne Howard Morton Biscoe Frederic Courtney Bishop Edward Clarence Bissell Walter Phelps Bliss Edward Boltwood, LL.B. 1894 William Bradford Bosley, LL.B. 1894 Herbert Ovid Bowers Arthur Stone Brackett, M.A. 1894, M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1895 Fred Clark Gallup Bronson Oliver Hart Bronson *1895 Preston Brown Stanley Gano Burt James Trowbridge Carr Alfred Bruce Chace Howell Cheney Knight Dexter Cheney Paul Ripley Clark Ezekiel Field Clay George Lawton Coit George Wetmore Colles Richard Storrs Colton, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 Elisha Hilliard Cooper *Benjamin Lewis Crosby James Stevens Darcy Arthur Louis Day, PH.D. 1894, Asst. and Instr. Physics Clive Hart Day, Instr. German Albert Grant Dingley Edward Howard Dodd Richard Gardner Eaton Percy Coe Eggleston Roy Knight Farwell Percy Finlay, LL.B. 1894 Wilbur Parkhurst Fish Otis Harrison Fisk Edward Henry Floyd-Jones Hiram Fobes Everett Dwight Francis William Buel Franklin Harrison Barber Freeman, LL.B. 1894 Charles Hamilton Frost Pierpont Fuller, LL.B. 1894 Merrill Williams Gallaway, LL. B. N. Y. Law School 1894 George Herbert Girty, PH.D. 1894 Frederick Everett Grant Henry Solon Graves Francis Hayt Grifhn, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 Ferdinand Albert Häuslein Stansbury Tiffany Hager Charles Sherman Haight William Cuthbert Hall Henry Saunders Haskell William Stockbridge Haskell, LL.B. 1894 Donald Rose Hinckley Henry Barrett Hinckley Frederick Wallis Hinkle, LL.B. Cin- cinn. 18 4 Charles Revell Holden Burton Page Hollister, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 George Buell Hollister Sidney Hosmer Arthur Carter Hume, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 Daniel Trumbull Huntington Howard Huntington James William Husted, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 William James Hutchins James W. D. Ingersoll, PH.D. 1894, Tutor Greek William Crane Ivison Pierre Jay *1892 1895] BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1892—1893 147 Isaac Hallam Jenney Edward Stevens Sanborn Elliot Grant Johnson Otto Adolph Schreiber Frank Arthur Keller Charles Augustus Schumaker, PH.D. Harry Howell Kennedy 1892 Henry Martindale Kidd Charles Brown Sears William Lloyd Kitchel Frank Wright Seymour, LL.B. 1894 George Gray Knowles Arthur Wynne Shaw James Hall Mason Knox, PH.D. 1894 Augustus Farnham Shaw Sidney Locock Lasell F orfest Shepherd Philip Reynolds Leavenworth Emanuel Frank Snydacker Arthur Franklin Lewis Elmer Haynes Spaulding John Frederick Lorance Alfred Lawrence Spencer Daniel Lord Edwin Obed Stanard Arthur Lovell Walter Ralph Steiner Harry Winters Luce Eben Foster Stevens Harry Stoddard Lyman Herbert Anson Stocking Cloyd North McAllister Alfred Harris Swayne, LL.B. N. Y. Thomas Lee McClung Law School 1894 Henry Buehler McCormick *Harlan Henry Tamtor *1893 Daniel Edgar Manson Arthur Merwin Marsh Elliott Marshall Levi Winfield Marshall Loren Pinckney Waldo Marvin, LL.B. 1894 Edward Hopkins Mason William Messick Abraham Meyer, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 Ernest Boyd Millard George Redington Montgomery, LL.B. 1894 Francis Miner Moody James Albert Moore, M.D. 1894 Stanford Newel Morison Charles Dennis Morris Robert Wallace Morris Edward Buffett Mowbray, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 Thornwell Mullally, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 Marshall Paul Noyes David Raphael O’Donnell Allen Cromwell Orrick Frank Burton Otis Robert Allan Paddock, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 *Alfred Barnes Palmer (post obit.) Lewis Rathbone Parker Edward Walker Pease, Mus.B. 1894 William Grymes Pettus John Inglee Phinney, Asst. Chem. Charles Peabody Pierce Horace Tracy Pitkin Ralph Carr Powell Frank Julian Price Henry Riggs Rathbone Matthew Ambrose Reynolds, LL.B. 1894 Paul Stanley Richards Erman Jesse Ridgway Isaac Woodbridge Riley William Goodsell Rockfeller William Nelson Runyon, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1894 George Emery Russell *1892 Harrison John Teller, LL.B. 1894 George Davis Terry Alfred Clark Thompson John Knox Tibbits Howard Rockwell Townsend Frederick Deming Tucker James Archibald Turnbull Ralph Richard Upton Newton Foster Vail, also Hobart Coll. 1890 Warren Gookin Waterman Henry Goodwin Webster Stuart Webster Irving Comstock West James Everett Wheeler, LL.B. 1894 Junius Wheeler Albert Lavine Whittaker Norman Clark Whittemore Abram Case Williams Clarence Cicero Wilson, PH.B. 1893, Asst. Mechanism Frank Tobey Winslow Charles Lawson Wooding Frederick Sanford Woodruff John Sitcher Woodruff Harry Woollen William Burnet Wright Herbert James Wyckoff William Denison Young 179 1893 Franklin Jones Abbe Henry Crosby Allen John Weston Allen Lafon Allen Joseph Anderson Christopher Lester Avery John Whitney Avery James Addison Babbitt Henry Selden Bacon Henry Burr Barnes Ellery Alphonso Bates Henry Colwell Beadleston George Palmer Beebe 148 YALE UNIVERSITY ' [1895 William Reynolds Begg Ralph Birdsall Harry Llewellyn Bixby Clifford Douglas Bliss William Bradford Boardman Gerald Mark Borden Charles Wilder Bosworth Harry Howard Bottome Howard Sidney Bowns Henry Dana Bradley William Edwin Breckenridge Thomas Hamilton Breeze George Justus Briggs Theodore Louis Bristol Frank James Brown Lawrence Edward Brown Wendell Greene Brownson Cornelius Sanford Bull Ross Burchard Frank Howard Button Harvey Peter Butz, and Muhlenberg 1892 Nehemiah Candee William Thomas Capps Otho Granford Cartwright Thomas Ives Chatfield Alvah Stone Chisholm Charles Walker Clark John Darling Clarke James Barclay Cooke John Smith Cravens George Mason Creevey Beecher Maynard Crouse Elliot Stone Curtis Howard Dorrance Day Robert Kerr Dickerman Jonathan Boynton Dill Frank Edward Donnelly Francis Oswald Dorsey Richard Edward Dunham Henry Rutherford Dwight Winthrop Edwards Dwight William Walton Eccles Charles Brown Eddy John Percival Edmison Charles Hull Ewing Archer Linwood Faxon Charles Jarvis Fay Irving Bruce Ferguson Henry Horlbeck Ficken John Howe Field ‘ George Ernest Folk, M.A. 1894 and Newberry Coll. (S. C.) 1892 George Mark Foos James Charles Fox Edson Fessenden Gallaudet Thomas Augustus Gardiner Frank Edwin Gatchel Rufus Macqueen Gibbs Giles Frederic Goodenough James Edward .Grafton Charles Andrew Graham Lawrence Greer William Henry Hackett Donald Cameron Haldeman Montgomery Hare Clarence Clifford Harmstad Allyn Fitch Harvey Frank William Hastings Logan Hay Theodore Woolsey Heermance Charles Ralph Hickox Frederick Asbury Hill James Norman Hill John Payson Hobbie Ben Hodge Richard Thayer Holbrook John LeRoy Hurlbert Shubael Cady Hutchins Sherwood Bissell Ives Harry Benjamin Jepson, Mus.B. 1894 Jesse Breland Johnson, and Baylor Univ. 1891 Alfred Henry Jones Charles Davies Jones Riverda Harding Jordan Homer Thrall Joy Walter Parmelee Judson Paul Klimpke, Instr. German Adrian VanSinderen Lambert Edwin Ruthven Lamson William Judson Lamson Irwin Boyle Laughlin Burton Emerson Leavitt, Mus.B. 1894 Frederick Merwin Lloyd Arthur Power Lord Irving Phillips Lyon William James McKenna Stuart McKnight William Maffitt Arthur James Martin George Greene Martin Walter Rumsey Marvin Edward Thomson Mathison Alfred Kindred Merritt Charles William Mills George Edward Mills Franklin Arthur Moore John Stanley Moore John Hill Morgan Albert Hooker Morse William Henry Murphy Alfred Goldstein Nadler Emerson Root Newell William Lewis Newton William Allan Osborn William YVhite Wilson Parker Francis Parsons George Leete Peck Alton William Peirce, Asst. Chem. Albert Wells Pettibone Charles Macauley Pope Albert Hutchinson Putney Harry Campbell Quintard Gerald Laurence Rathbone George Howard Rice John Trumbull Robinson Joseph Roby Derby Rogers Robert Edwin Rowley Louis Barcroft Runk Herbert Irving Sackett 1895] BA CHELORS OF ARTS, 1894 149 William Clement Scott ­Samuel Scoville Hubert Merrill Sedgwick Albert Judson Shaw George Theron Slade William Warren Smith George Brown Spalding Samuel Reid Spencer Henry Crosby Stetson Robbins Battell Stoeckel Wendell Melville Strong, M.A. Cornell Univ. 1894 Carlyle Edgar Sutphen Noah Haynes Swayne Moses Taylor William Stoutenborough Terriberry John Booth Thomas Herbert Gorden Thomson _ Dexter Edgar Tilley Horace Gates Torbert Edward Holman Tracy Robert Storer Tracy Thomas Carin Trask Charles Gallaudet Trumbull Harry Selden Vaile *William Henry Vanderbilt (post obit.) *1892 Isidore Wachsman Robert Buchanan Wade Richard Charles Wells Wadsworth Alexander Hamilton Wallis John Dorrance Warnock Lemuel Aikin Welles Carl Westerfeld Arthur Leslie Wheeler, Instr. Lat. Webster Wheelock Albert Beebe White John Harvey )Nigginton Walter Dwight Wilcox Morris Woodruff Alfred Charles Woolner Wilbur Seaman Wright Frederick Washburn Yates 184 1894 Samuel Stokes Allen William Boyd Allison Gustav Albert Andreen, and Augus- tana Coll. 1881, Instr. German Thomas Shaw Arb uthnot Raymond Holbrook Arnot William Bacon Bailey Harry Samuel Bandler Alexis Painter Bartlett William Spencer Beard André Alden Beaumont Albert Anson Bigelow Charles Benjamin Bishop Clinton Spencer Bissell Samuel BurrnSherwood Bissell Edward Richmond Bosley Frederick Merrell Boyer Albert Simmons Briggs Edward Harold Bronson Samuel Palmer Brooks, and Baylor Univ. 1893 Alphonso Bickford Brown James Crosby Brown James Elwyn Brown Pratt Anthony Brown, and Mercer Univ. 1892 Albert Henry Buck Charles Herbert Buell Henry Walter Bunn Frank Scott Bunnell Calvin Burr John Cadwalader, and Univ. Pa. 1893 Walter Reid Callender James William Cantwell, and Baylor Univ. 1893 Ira Merrill Carley George Bowen Case Patrick Joseph Cassidy John Payson Chamberlain Frederick Shepard Chapman Frank Herbert Chase ÑVilliam Genung Chase William Henry Clark Ward Robinson Clarke Alexander Sessums Cleveland, Univ. South 1893 and ‘William Davis Cleveland, and Univ. South 1893 Thomas Cochran Joseph Platt Cooke William Clayton Crafts Erastus Milo Cravath Charles Frederic Crawford George Marshall Crawford Frederick Swift Crosley’ Walter Barnes Cruttenden Thomas Frederick Davies Henry Shepherd Dawson Edward Marvin Day Charles I. DeBevoise Allen Ross Defendorf Arthur Gillespie Dickson Alexander Samuel Diven Bayard Dominick George Francis Dominick George Elias Dorland Winthrop Hillyer Duncan Casselberry Dunkerson Harry Westbrook Dunning Frederick Dwight’ George Francis Eaton Theodore Eaton Thomas Long Ellis Arthur Wells Elting Henry Lane Eno Wilber Leslie Evans, and Knox 1893 John Mackintosh Ferguson Albert Nelson Cheney Fowler George Howard Fox Clinton Hart Furbish Fred D. Gallup Winfred Ernest Garrison, and Eureka Coll. 1892 Edward Joseph Garvan Charles Henry George 150 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Merwin Jephtha Gibbons Louis Packard Gillespie Thomas Warrington Gosling John Henry Goss Allen Greeley Gervase Green Nathan Williams Green Warren W. Guthrie Charles Henry Hall John Loomer Hall Frank Manson Haradon Meredith Hare Amos Thompson Harrington James Anderson Hawes Fidelio Sharp Henry George Cooley Hixon Ralph Winthrop Holmes Hamilton Holt Edward Olaf Holter Walter Deyo Hood Lloyd Mortimer Howell John Howland Charles Nelson Hulburt Ralph Squire Hull Caleb Samuel Jackson Robert Campbell James James Sinclair Jenkins Nathan Hall Jewett Lawrence Bullard Jones Arthur Judson Frederick Love Keays Sarkis Couzu Kebabian Herbert Humphrey Kellogg Jacob Fry Kempfer, and Pa. Coll. 1893 Charles Garfield King Rufus King Edward Kirkland Ernest Knaebel Charles David Kyle Clarence Hinman Lake George Bigelow Bartlett Lamb Howard Asa Lamprey John Edward Lane Edward Herman Lay NVilliam Henry Leete James Patrick Linahan Albert William Lindeke Charles Pleasants Lineaweaver Raymond Lloyd Frederick Ayres Lockwood Ralph Longenecker Ralph Reed Lounsbury Walter Whitney Lounsbury Charles Noyes Loveland Dean Belden Lyman Frederick Henry Lynch George Day McBirney William Wickliffe McCandless Edward Hill McCray Hall Park McCullough Frank Elmer McDuffee Buell McKeever Winthrop McKim Kirk Crawford McKinney Harry Brent Mackoy Philip Hamilton McMillan Sanford Bouck Martin, LL.B. 1892 John Albert Matthewman Guy Bryan M-iller Pendleton Miller Winlock William Miller Arthur Mitchell William Russell Moorhouse Joseph Elias Morgan John Edward Morley Henry Perkins Moseley Oliver Clayton Mosman Walter Fletcher Murray Robert Hastings Nichols Alvin Probasco N ipgen Henry Shore Noon George William Olmsted Samuel Lowry Orr Y Charles Grosvenor Osgood Ralph Delahay Paine Frederick Curtis Perkins Henry Bishop Perkins Frederick Torrel Persons Ansel Phelps Isaac King Phelps Decius Latimer Pierson Frank Lyon Polk Alfred Macauley Pope Alonzo Potter James Tracy Potter Warwick James Price Ralph Prindle, and Monmouth 1893 Edward Franklin Raymond William Miner Raymond Edward John Redington Edward Bliss Reed Harry Simeon Richardson Ernest Lauren Robinson Philip Fletcher Rogers ‚ Charles Philemon Rowley Albert Thorpe Ryan George Hope Ryder William Henry Sallmon Walter Edward Sanders Charles William Saunders James Cowan Sawyer Origen Storrs Seymour Joseph Earl Sheffield Harry Shevelson Silverstein Eugene .Wilson Skelton Charles Rives Skinker Charles Albert Smith Howard Franklin Smith Leonard Bacon Smith Letchworth Smith Rest Fenner Smith Charles James Sniffen John Beach Solley Carl Frederic Stahl Walter Eugene Stewart Leland Stanford Stillman Alfred Worthington Stone Edward Merrell Stothers Andrew Sandford Taylor James Henry Taylor Edward Russell Thomas William Edward Thorns 1895] ЗА CHEL ORS 0E AR TS, 1095 1 William Josiah Tilson William Todd Ralph Tousey George Marcy Townsend James Rutherford Trowbridge Henry Brownell Tucker Willard Gibbs VanName, Asst. Phy- siol. Chem. George Finch VanSlyck William Stuart Walcott James Alexander Waller Milton Jones Warner Walter Abbott Waterman Frederic Jabez Waters Harry Little Welch Shelton King Wheeler Larz Augustus Whitcomb, and DePauw 1893 Ellsworth Daggett Whiting Jay Edmund Whiting Harry Payne Whitney James Dawes Williams Nathaniel Niles Wilson William Wallace Woodruff Charles Francis Word Richard Hardesty Worthington William Runk Wright 235 1895 [Candidates for the degree, june, 1895] Daniel Crouse Adams George Townsend Adee Benjamin Chauncey Allen Walter Hinds Allen George Buell Alvord Henry Andrew Baker Edward Chauncey Baldwin Roger Sherman Baldwin Ulysses Simpson Grant Bassett George Ezra Batcheller William Langdon Beadleston Willoughby Pierce Beam Anson McCook Beard Samuel Fayerweather Beardsley Edward William Beattie Julian Cone Bingham Walter Stanton Brewster John Henri Brown George Clark Bryant Hiram Arthur Bryant Edward Taylor Buckingham Mortimer Norton Buckner Arthur Bumstead Frederick William Burge Ralph Houghton Burns George Eli Butler Frank Seiler Butterworth Harold Edgar Buttrick Benjamin Stickney Cable Gustaf Birger Carlson Arthur Fuller Carpenter William Carson Walter Frederick Carter Julian Ingersoll Chamberlain George Peabody Chandler Gordon Baldwin Chase Charles Bolmar Cheyney Ulysses Grant Church Alexander Ray Clark Clement George Clarke Charles Frederic Clemons Clarence Edward Clough Leonard Atwood Comstock Mortimer Smith Comstock Ezra Hoyt Connell Clifford Semple Cook Walter Evans Cooke James Earnest Cooper William Maltby Copp Parker Corning Benjamin Frank Corwin Abraham Beekman Cox Percy Waldron Crane Henry Stoddard Curtis, and Olivet 1894 George Everett Darling Samuel Boyd Darling Benjamin Davis Thomas McElrath Debevoise Frederick Marcy DeForest William Adams Delano William Lester Dench Lindsay Denison John Watson Dixon, and Univ. Nebr. 1894 Lamont Dominick James Avery Draper Henry Peck Driggs John Joseph Dunn Benjamin Harrison Dwight Thomas Dyer William Spencer Eakin Stillman Witt Eells Arthur Hibbert Eggleston John Elliott Elmore Franklin Elmore Philip Saffery Evans Samuel Alexander Everitt Henry F arnam William Henry Ferris Edward Ridley Finch Sherman Knevals Foote William Kingsley Fowler Frederick Steinman Franklin Lewis Fox F rissell Frederic Ruthven Galacar Charles Sumner Gale Michael Gavin George Jay Gibson Elwin Hayes Gleason John Edward Good Fred Chapman Goodwin George Hinman Gurnee Clarence Wells Halbert Hugh Tyler Halbert Laurens Hamilton Fred Holcomb Hamlin George Wright Hamlin 152 YALE UNIVERSITY Charles Newberry Hammond Frank _lohn Harris Francis Burton Harrison john Heermans Yandell Henderson Burton Jesse Hendrick Louis Hewlett Shirley Tredway High Charles Lyon Hill Frank Augustus Hinkey Everett Winslow Hobart Louis Halsey Holden Joseph Bernard Hone James Fisk Hooker Frank Winñeld Hubby Alfred Burdette Hughes ­lohn Louis Hunt John Llewellyn Hutchins Charles Cheney Hyde Henry Neal Hyde Frederic Ives George ~Iacobus Frederick Pitkin James Edward Clinton ­Iones Isaac M. Jordan George Dwight Kellogg Edward Gridley Kendall James Malcolm Kendall, and Buck- nell Univ. 1894 ' Рап1 Kennaday Norton Adams Kent Мах Howard Kershow William Keyser Charles Adams Kimball Frederick Augustus King Charles Kingsley Louis Williams Ladd Franklin Lawrence Lee Howard Barnes Lee John Aloysius Lee Albert David Levi David Mosely Levy George Augustus Lewis Edwin Carlyle Lobenstine John Lewis Lockwood Thomas Brown Lockwood Harry Frank Loomis Dorance Bertel Lothrop, and Bates 1893 Lloyd Lowndes Richard Tasker Lowndes David Brainard Lyman Edward Branch Lyman John MacGregor Lanier McKee John Dun McKell Guy Richards McLane Russell Almeron Marks Roswell Bertram Mason David Bartine Melick Eugene Isaac Meyer Henry Giles Miller David Diamond Mitchell john Grant Mitchell Phelps Montgomery John King Moore Thomas Carlisle Moore William Arthur Moore Charles Gould Morris Robert Cecil Nesbit Julian St.John Nolan Joseph Ripley Noyes Herbert Chester Nutting Alfred Townsend Osgood Ervin Edward Osgood Henry Douglas Parmelee Henry Ivison Parsons William Edward Parsons William Knapp Payne Rowland Gardiner Paynter Augustus Stephen Peabody Howard Whiting Pease Josiah Henry Peck Tracy Peck Robert Augustine Peet James Herbert Perrin Samuel Peterson George Alexander Phelps Ziba Bennett Phelps James Mease Potter, and Wash. and Jeff. 1894 Frederick Holbrook Rawson Charles Howard Remington William George Reynolds james Harris Richards William Martin Richards George Chalmers Richmond Henry Williams Sage Nelson Walling Sayles Harry Sargeant Scarborough Alfred Egmont Schermerhorn William Herbert Scoville Arthur Behn Shepley Alburn Edward Skinner William Sloane Horace Mann Snyder Eugene Nathan Solomon John Bissell Speer Benjamin Ives Spock Howard White Starr John Keim Stautîer Ernest Guy Stevens Thomas Horace Stevenson Harry Lockman Street George Stedman Sumner, and Pomona Coll. 1894 joseph Rockwell Swan John Gardner Talcott _lohn Frelinghuysen Talmage Emerson Gifford Taylor Harry Knous Taylor Hartley Wales Thayer George Herbert Thomas Hermann Thomas Ford William Thompson William DeForest Thomson Charles Storey Thurston Herbert Ladd Towle George Frederick Truesdell Ralph DeForest Tucker Roger Walker Tuttle Fred Sylvester Tyler 1895] BACHELORS OF ARTS, 1895 153 Samuel Tyler Selden Williams Tyler Cornelius Vanderbilt Harry Stephen Vorhis George Knight Budd Wade Fred Uri Wadhams James Jones Walworth Allen Wardwell Spencer Kellogg Warnick George Howard Warrington John Roach Wathen Charles Heald Weller Edward Moffat Weyer Charles Augustus Wheeler _lohn Walker Wheeler William Mills Wheeler Roger Widdrington Whinñeld Raymond Sandford White William Neill Whitelaw George Parker Wiley Robert Wilkinson John Reed Williams Herbert Witherspoon 248 MASTERS CF ARTS, upon examination [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1876 Clarence Winthrop Bowen, B.A. 1873 Henry Walcott Farnam, B.A. 1874 2 1877 ~lames Fairbanks Colby, B.A. Dartm. 1872, Instr. Polit. Econ., Prof. Law and Polit. Sci. Dartm. Coll. 1878 Carl Edwin Epler, B.A. Illinois Coll. 1876 James Hutchiïon Kerr, B.A. 1865 2 1879 George Washington Dungan, B.S. Iowa Coll. 1875 Charles Cummings Stearns, B.A. 1872 2 1880 Clarence Hill Kelsey, B.A. 1878 *Charles Taylor Tillinghast, B.A. 1875 2 *1886 1881 Eugene Bouton, B.A. 1875 Henry Clark Coe, B.A. 1878 Herbert Russell Gibbs, B.A. Williams 1871 William Thaddeus Strong, B.A. 1876 4 1882 Henry Cooper Crouch, B.A. 1879 Gustavus Eliot, B.A. 1877 Charles Booth Peck, B.A. 1879 George Trowbridge, B.A. 1878 4 1883 Walter Hull Buell, B.A. 1880 Roger Foster, B.A. 1878 Benjamin Rush Wendell, B.A. 1878 3 1884 Charles Francis Aldrich, B.A. 1879 Charles Washburn Clark, B.A. 1883 Samuel Augustus Fisk, B.A. 1877 Isaac Thomas, B.A. 1881 4 1885 George Levi Fox, B.A. 1874 Daniel Sammis Sanford, B.A. 1882 2 1886 Maurice Edwards Dunham, B.A. 1883 Lewis Fuller Reid, B.A. 1875 2 1887 *George Edward Curtis, B.A. 1882 *1895 Robert Harrison Cornish, B.A. 1883 Charles Newton Morris, B.A. 1882 Woll?r Wittner, B.A. 1885 4 1888 William Adams Brown, B.A. 1886 Wayland Irving Bruce, B.A. 1882 Calvin Dickey, B.A. 1886 ' George Edwin Eliot, B.A. 1886 Edie/ara’ Augustus George, B.A. 188 5 David Denison Lambert, B.A. 1886 Edward Johnson Phelps, B.A. 1886 ­lohn Christopher Schwab, B.A. 1886 Р11111р BattellStewart, B.A. 1886 Louis DuPont Syle, B.A. 1879 Henry Stephens Washington, B.A. 1886 *Herbert Henry White, B.A. 1885 12 “1893 1895] MASTERS OF ARTS, 1876—1804 1889 *John Bennetto, B.A. 1887 Colin Sherman Buell, B.A. 1885 William Addison Houghton, 1873 Charles Henry Ludington, B.A. 1887 John Norton Pomeroy, B.A. 1887 Evans Woollen, B.A. 1886 6 В.А. 1890 *Edward Francis Ayres, B.A. 1888 Edward Willis Flagg, B.A. 1878 Charles Jenkins Foote, B.A. 1883 Bernard Christian Steiner, B.A. 1888 George Malcolm Stratton, B.A. Univ. Cal. 1888 Dean Augustus Walker, B.A. 1884 *Joseph Ernest Whitney, B.A. 1882 7 *1893 1891 Louis Shepard DeForest, B.A. 1879 Joseph Ralph Ensign, B.A. 1889 Eugene Wendell Harter, B.A. 1888 Franklin Whetstone Hopkins, B.A. 1880 James Richard Joy, B.A. 1885 George Washington Patterson, B.A. 1884 Arthur Griíiîn Stedman, B.A. 1881 Ambrose Tighe, B.A. 1879 William Henry Upton, B.A. 1877 9 1892 Benjamin Wisner Bacon, B.A. 1881 James Henry Breasted, B.A. North- Western Coll. 1890 l í 1 l 1 ’ t 1 í William Chester DeForest Dickinson, B.A. 1889 James Crawford Lester, B.A. Amherst 1890 Charles Thompson Mathews, B.A. 1886 Leonard Woods Parish, B.A. 1872 Edmund Daniel Scott, B.A. 1889 Charles Hitchcock Sherrill, B.A. 1889 8 1893 Arthur Biddle` B.A. 1873 joseph Dunn Burrell, B.A. 1881 James William Cain, B.A. 1884 Benjamin Franklin Cohely, B.A. West- ern Coll. 1889 Edgar William Danner, B.A. 1891 Т11000010 Stuart Hart, B.A. 1891 Vertner Kenerson, B.A. 1891 George John McAndrew, B.A. 1884 Edward Lyman Munson, B.A. 1890 Jay Webber Seaver, B.A. 1880 Frank Strong, B.A. 1884 11 1894 Yokichi Aoki George Sherwin Clarke Badger, B.A. 1892 Charles ~Ioseph Bartlett, B.A. 1892 Arthur Stone Brackett, B.A. 1892 Schmucker Duncan, B.A. Gettysburg Coll. 1891 James Eugene Farmer, B.A. 1891 George Ernest Folk, B.A. 1893 Charles Prentice Howland, B.A. 1891 Arthur May Hyde, B.A. 1889 George Lyman Lamphier, B.A. 1889 John Ball Osborne, B.A. 1889 Frederic Holmes Paine, B.A. 1888 Luther Henry Tucker, B.A. 1891 13 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1814 *Elijah Alexander, also Dartm. 1815 *1817 *Jonas Cutter, B.A. Dartm.1811,M.A. 1814 *1820 *John Talcott Smith 3 *1819 1815 *Asaph L. Bissell *1850 *Philip Hall *1880 *Benjamin Franklin Heywood, B.A. Dartm. 1812 *Selah Kirby *Jared Potter Kirtland, LL.D. Wil- liams 1861, Prof. Med. Theory and Practice O. Med. Coll. and W. Re- serve Coll., Pres. 7O. Med. Soc., *1869 *1819 Member Nat. Acad. Sci. 5 *1877 1816 *Frederick Fanning Backus, B.A. 1813 *1858 *Abraham Blatchly *1860 *Russell B. Botsford *1855 *Josiah Bowers *1868 *Moses Bristol, B.A. 1813 *1869 *Harvey Campbell *1877 *Hartwell Carver *1875 *James Watson Cotton *Lyman Foot *1846 *Miles Goodyear *1870 *Samuel J. Gregory *1835 *Ephraim Houghton *182— *Willoughby Lynde Lay *1859 *Moses Pierce *Alexander Read, B.A. Dartm. 1808, M.B. Dartm. 1811 *1849 *David Solon Chase Hall Smith *1859 *Huckins Storrs *1832 *Richard Proctor Tracy 18 11871 1817 *Nehemiah Cutter, B.A. Middlebury 1814 859 *David Shelton Edwards, B.A. 1814 '1874 *George Hooker, B.A. 1814 “1884 *Melines Conklin Leavenworth *1862 *Charles Miller *Ellice Murdock, B.A. Union 1814, M.A. Union б *1870 1818 *Julius Steele Barnes, B.A. 1815 *1870 *Zebulon Perkins Burnham “1861 *John Alfred Cornwall *1825 *Ashbel Dart, B.A. 1816 *1844 *William Sewall Goodhue, B.A. Union 1816 *1826 *Jabez G. Hardyear *1822 *John P. Kimball *1844 *Jared Whitñeld Pardee, B.A. 1816 *1867 *Woodbridge Strong, B.A. 1815 *1861 *John Titsworth, B.A. 1814 ro *1873 1819 ` *Thomas Richardson Boutelle *1869 *Benjamin Franklin Bowers *1875 *David Brinsmade Brooks *1830 *William Pierce Eaton *1867 *Nathaniel Ives *1852 *Earl Knight *1832 *John Locke, Prof. Chem. O. Med. Coll. *1856 *John S. Matson *1841 *Hollis Monroe *1861 *Frederick Morgan, B.A. 1813 *1877 *James Norris *Joseph T. Waldo *1857 *Reynold Webb 13 *1856 1820ñ *David Ebenezer Hall *1872 *Elisha Hayward, B.A. Brown 1817 *1868 *William Henry Morgan *1839 *James Gates Percival, B.A. 1815 ”1856 *Timothy Dwight Porter, B.A. 1816 *1880 *Nathan Ryno Smith, B.A. 1817 *1877 *William Webb 7 *1847. 1895] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE, 1814-1826 157 1821 *Alanson Abbe *1864 *Eldad Alexander *1859 *Charles Byington *1857 *Joseph Chadwick *1841 *Friend Cooke, B.A. Union 1819 *1857 *Erastus Curtiss *1843 *Levi Dickinson *1828 *Lewis French *1828 *Horatio Asa Hamilton *1839 *Silas James, also Brown 1820 *1850 *Joseph Peabody *1853 *Alfred Cowles Thomson *1829 *Richard Warner, B.A. 1817 13 *1853 1822 *Talcott Banks *1833 *Arza Canfield *1826 *Charles Chauncey Cook *1863 *Richard F. Floyd *1833 *George Alfred Gilbert *1865 *Hermon Jackson Hotchkins *1832 *Nelson L. Hurd *182— *Oliver Kingsley Isham *1872 *Hezekiah Tomlinson Judson *1851 *James Gale Knight *1826 *John Adams McLean *1883 *Oliver Pomeroy Newell *1877 *Alfred Paige *1862 *Dan Platts *1842 *Theodore S. Slocum *1827 *Charles Steele Thomson 16 7L1890 1823 *Elijah Bishop, B.A. 1819 *1870 *Austin Brainard “1849 *Samuel William Brown, M.A. 1826 *1862 *Austin Church *1879 *William Henry Cleveland ‘1852 *William Henry Cogswell, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1876 *Edward Dickinson ’1866 *Timothy Dimock, ex-ojíeio Fellow *1874 *Hovey Everitt ‘1860 *Horatio Nelson Fenn ‘1871 *Increase Harrison, x824 *1836 *David Sherman Hart, B.A. E. Tenn. Coll. 1821, М.А. 1875 *1885 *Johnson C. Hatch ’1854 *Henry Hewitt *Charles Hooker, B.A. 1820 *1863 *Elisha Huntington, B.A. Dartm. 1815, Lieut.-Gov. Mass. *1865 *John Beaufain Irving *1881 *Henry Sullivan Lee *1875 *Samuel McClellan, also Castleton Med. Coll. 1829, Prof. Obstetr. Jef- ferson Med. Coll. (Ра.) *1854 *Ulysses W. Mather ‘1832 *Solyman Russell ‘1828 *David Booth Shelton *Abraham Lines Smyth *1832 *William Olmsted Talcott *1831 *Edward Pomeroy Terry, B.A. 1820 *1843 *Benjamin Welch *1873 *Alexander Wolcott *1842 *Wyllys VVoodruti` 28 *1842 1824 *Augustine Prevost Beers *1831 *Zaccheus Waldo Bingham *Nelson Carpenter *1872 *Hiram Cleveland *1858 *John Goulding, B.A. 1821 *1860 *Edward Henry Letiingwell, B.A. 1822 ’1888 *Garry Hinman Minor *1882 *Orson Osborn *1835 *Henry Bliss Porter, B.A. 1821 *1866 *James Purcell *Charles Rowland *1879 *George Taylor *1881 *George Washington Walcott *1854 *Thomas Wilbur *1857 *Thomas Smith Williamson, B.A. Jef- ferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1820 15 *1879 1825 *Bezaleel Cary Allen *Charles Baldwin *James Baldwin *1883 *Daniel Homer Boardman ”1834 *Joel Gillett Candee *1870 *Andrew Castle *1861 *David Davis ‘1857 *Hosea Edwards ‘1865 *Charles Miles Fay *1868 *Theodore Gilbert *1884 *David Harrison *1856 *Henry Holmes, also Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1831 *Thomas Gray Hubbard, B.A. 1822 *Ira Hutchinson, Pres. Conn. Med. *1870 *1863 Soc. *1881 *Hiram Moses *1885 *Francis Myers *Daniel W. Northrop *1872 *Samuel Chesebrough Noyes '1865 *Edward Elisha Phelps, M.A. Univ. Vt. 1835, LL.D. Univ. Vt. 1857, Prof. Anat. and Surg. Univ. Vt., Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut. also Med. Theory and Practice Dartm. Coll. ‘1880 *Guy Rowland Phelps ‘1869 *John Gilkey Pierce '1862 *Wolcott Richards ‘1871 *John Denison Russ, B.A. 1823 *1881 *Charles Smith *1848 *William Wheeler ‘ 25 1826 *Peter Lothario Armstrong *Samuel Beach *1853 158 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Lemuel Whittelsey Belden, B.A. 1821 *Benjamin Bissell *Henry Hiram Bissell *Henry Clinton Brown *Lyman Case *George Ives Cowles *David Stuart Dodge *Asa Johnson Driggs ‚ *Charles Hubbard Dutton *Edwin Dwight Ely *Warren Austin Fuller *Charles Gustavus Green, B.A. Dartm. 1823, M.A. Dartm. *Edward Wing Greene *Henry Abijah Hart *Henry Cyprian Hart, B.A. 1822 *Surville Hebert *Josiah Fuller Hunt *Daniel Lacy *Charles Barney McCarty *Bostwick Obadiah Miller *Denison Billings Palmer *Leonard Pierce *Federal Vanderburgh *Ames Walbr-idge *John Burr White *George Irving Winslow *Theophilus Emmons Wood *William WoodruiiL~ 30 1827 *Otis Abercrombie, B.A. Williams 1823, M.A. Williams­ *Arza Andrews *Marcus Aurelius Andrews *Henry Bronson, M.A. 1840, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. ’ *Charles Richard Cooper *Pierre Louis DeSt. Croix, M.A. Union 1845 *George Dyer, B.A. Brown 1824 *Jonathan Prescott Fay *George Manson Hanners, B.A. 1823 *Christopher Edward Hill *Norman Landon *John Miller *Burr Noyes, B.A. 1824 *Manly Peters *Albert Franklin Roberts *Mason Fitch Sanford, B.A. 1824 *Justus Sherwood, B.A. 1824 *Jarvis Johnson Smith *Horatio Thomson *Gershom Welles 20 1828` *William Barker *George Birch *Thomas Belden Butler, ex-ojîcio Fel- low, M. C., Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn. *1839 *1858 *1868 ‘1879 *1839 *1869 *1878 *1836 *1831 *1843 *1866 *1869 *1828 *1831 *1843 *1859 *1867 *1843 *1868 *1869 *1871 *1893 *1851 ‘1852 *1893 *1871 *1878 *183— *1884 *1874 *1830 *1834 ‘1830 ‘1864 *1841 *1827 *1878 *1863 *1866 ‘1858 *1846 ‘1873 *Edwin Wells Carrington *1851 *Joseph Nelson Cowles *1830 *Reuben Crandall *1833 *Jeremiah Townsend Denison, B.A. 1824 *Joseph Adam Denison, B.A. Univ. *1879 Vt. 1825, M.A. Univ. Vt. *1848 *Jared Fuller *1829 *Isaac Hartshorn ­ *1877 *Jethro Hatch *1850 *John Pierpont Herrick, B.A. 1824 *1848 *Elisha Hutchinson *1862 Nelson Isham *Nathan Beers Ives, B.A. 1825 *1869 *Edward Augustus Leonard *1837 *Frederick Baldwin Leonard, B.A. *- *1872 1824 *Frederick William Lord, B.A. 1821 *1860 *Joseph Priestley Peters *1842 *John Thomas Plummer *1865 *Daniel Porter *1863 *James Watson Robbins, B.A. 1822 *1879 *Ashbel Smith, B.A. 1824 “1886 *James Morven Smith *1853 *Phineas Stevens *1830 *Alexander Hamilton Vinton, М.А. Brown 1836, D.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1843 and Harv. 1853 *1881 *John Alexander Walcott *George White, B.A. Amherst 1825 *1834 *Nanning Visscher VVinne 29 *1858 1829 *Samuel A. Andrews *1853 *Henry Curtiss Beardslee, B.A. 1826 *1884 *Chauncey Belden *1845 *Ebenezer Huggins Bishop, B.A. 1826 *1890 *Jesse Bronson, B.A. 1826 *1831 _*Elijah Fowler Bryan *1893 *Alexander Ralston Chase *1887 *James Beakes Coleman, Pres. N. J. Med. Soc. *1887 *Chauncey Lewis Cook *1878 *John DeForest, B.A. 1826 *1885 ' *Edward Fields ` *1867 *Horace Cornelius Gillette *1878 *Josiah Cosmore Goodhue *1847 *Ira Gregory *1872 *Almon Hawley *1876 *Joel Edwin Hawley, Prof. Surg. Geneva (N. Y.) Med. Coll. *1859 *Denison.Hale Hubbard *1874 *Samuel Johnson *1879 *Frederick Joseph Judson, B.A. 1824 *1862 *John Riley Lee, B.A. 1826 *1884 *Erastus S. Marsh *1849 *Dirck Lansing Mather, B.A. Union 1826 ‚ *1831 *Elias French Maynard *1869 ' *Sylvester Mead *1894 *John E. Newcomb *1860 *William Parsons *1830 *Jerome Bonaparte Pomeroy ‘1866 *Thomas Ritter, B.A. 1826 ’1876 1895] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE, 1827—1835 159 *Josiah Warren Robinson *1886 *Joseph Lawrence Shaw *Seth Shove *1878 *Freeman Burr Smith *1831 *Chauncey Stewart *Andrew Thompson *Horace Kemper Willard *1883 *Allen Wilson 36 1830 *George Haskell Abernethy ‘1844 *Alldis Samuel Allen, B.A. 1827 *1833 *Albert Gallatin Bristol, B.A. 1827 *1873 *Henry Daggett Bulkley, B.A. 1821 *1872 *Myron Downs *1887 *John Fyler ‘1862 *George Washington Griswold *Theodore Cantield Hurd *1845 *Thomas Goodrich Lee *1836 *Milton Pardee Orton, B.A. 1824 ‘1864 *William Thompson Peters, B.A. 1825 *1885 *Lewis Riggs *1862 *Edmund Wilson Roberts *1865 *John Todd Tuttle *1870 *John Vermilyea *Samuel Betts Whiting *1833 *Albert Alfred Wright 17 *1880 1831 Chauncey Ayres *Sheldon Beardsley, B.A. 1828 ‘1872 *George Chandler, B.A. Union 1829 *1893 *Junius Leavenworth Field ‘1867 *George Lane Keeney *William Ozias Loomis *1836 *Elisha Gaylord Marshall *1855 *Alexander Le Baron Monroe *1879 *John Quincy Osborne *Samuel Chandler Paine, B.A. 1828 ‘1888 *Virgil Maro Palmer *1839 *Jeremiah Nathaniel Peabody *1872 *Mowry Smith Peckham ‘1835 *Titus William Powers *1863 *Mark Pratt, B.A. 1826 *1875 *I/Villiam Hayden Rockwell,B.A. 1824 *1873 *Richard Henry Salter, M.A. Kenyon 1854 *1893 *Theodore Sill *1853 *Alvan Talcott, B.A. 1824 ’1891 *Adrian Russell Terry, M.A. Trinity 1836, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Bristol Coll. (Pa.) '1864 *Edwin Augustus Tweedy ’1881 *Sidney Brainerd Willey, B.A. 1828 ’1853 22 1832 *William Nelson Blakeman ’1890 *Anthony Benjamin Burritt *1886 *Isaac Pearson Coleman ’1869 *Edward/ohn Darhen *1852 *Christopher Columbus Hoagland, B.A. Rutgers 1828, M.A. Rutgers *1869 *Alanson Hodges Hough *1886 *Oliver Kingsley *1847 *Philip Platt Kissam, B.A. 1829 “1891 *LaRue Lerner *1876 *Daniel Hartshorne Moore *1849 *David Pritchard ‘1868 *Ebenezer Hazard Rockwood _ *1888 *Asa Leñingwell Spalding, also Berk- shire Med. Inst. 1833 *1864 *Henry Abraham Tomlinson, B.A. 1828 *1840 *Roderick Adams White *1887 *Ашо5 Wright, 1891 16 *1892 1833 *Noah Bennet Benedict ‘1863 *Lewis Bliss Bradley '1869 *David William DeForest ‘1837 *William Lord Fisk, B.A. 1829 *1834 *Samuel Lloyd *1861 *Eli Todd Merriman ’1867 *Erasmus Darwin North, B.A. Univ. М.С. 1826, Instr. Elocution ‘1858 *Charles Osgood ‘1881 *Henry Harmon Rising *1870 *Thomas Staughton Saz/age, B.A. 1825 ‘1880 *John Holmes Simmons, ex-ojîeio Fel- low *1891 *Ralph Smith, B.A. Williams 1830 ‘1867 *Theodore Henry Wadsworth ‘1843 *John Wright 14 *1846 1834 *Nathan Adams *1888 *Epaphras Josiah Arnold *1857 *Cornelius Simonson Baker *1884 *Noah Henry Byington '1877 *William Watson Ely, LL.D. Univ. Rochester 1869 *187g *David Brinsmade Wilcockson Hard '1881 *David Hull Nash ‘1882 *Peter Parher, B.A. 1831 l‘1888 *Noble Bennet Pickett ‘1884 *William Henry Richardson *1878 *George Washington Scranton '1853 *Theodore Botsford Shelton *1894 *Frederic William Shepard *1860 *John VanAllen 14 *1879 1835 *Jeremiah Parker Bliven '1887 *Joseph William Camp ‘1894 *Joseph A. Corwin '1893 *Daniel Bateman Cutter, B.A. Dartm. 1833 ‘1889 *Henry Alfred DeForest, B.A. 1832 '1858 *Eli Hall, B.A. 1830 1 *1880 *Daniel Holt ‘1883 160 YALE UNIVERSITY П895 *John Metcalf Hooker, B.A. Middle- bury 1831 *1835 *George Hubbard, B.A. Amherst 1829 *1889 William Adams McCormick *Elijah Beach Middlebrook *1889 *Phineas Timothy Miller, B.A. 1833 *1850 *Andrew Murray *1854 *Henry Vincent Padmore *Benjamin Bacon Spalding *1874 *Morgan Stuart *1883 *John Augustus Totten, B.A. 1831 *1862 *Alvan Hyde Turner 18 *1867 1836 *David Francis Bacon, B.A. 183r *1865 *Michael Dunning Benedict *1885 Woodbridge Bodwell *William Young Chamberlain *1863 *Anson Owen Hard *Benjamin Franklin Harrison, M.A. 1872 *1886 *George Benjamin Hawley, B.A. 1833 *1883 Henry Wightman Hough *John Edward Morris *1850 *John Cole Norton *1851 *john Noyes, B.A. 1834 *1854 *Joseph Palmer, B.A. Trinity 1833 *1876 *Samuel Thurber Salisbury *1874 *Samuel Gray Southmayd, B.A. 1834 *1877 *Thomas Stoddard *1887 *Ira Xenophon Walker *Aron Wright *1885 *Levi Daniels Wright - 18 *1883 1837 Edwin Alexander Anderson, B.A. 1835 john Phelps Atwater, B.A. 1834 *Nathan Clark Baldwin *1885 *Artemas Bell *1877 *Joseph Washburn Clark *1878 *Samuel Farrand Clarke *Robert Cephas Cone *1879 Jacob Norcrossl Keeler *John Lounsbury Y *1895 *Joel Bacon Merriman *Daniel Morgan, Prof. Diseases Wo- men and Children Evansville Med. Coll. *1879 *Elisha Bourne Nye, B.A. Wesleyan 1835, Pres. Conn, Med. Soc. *1889 *Charles Edmund Parker, B.A. Dartm. 1834, М.А. Dartm. *1882 *Edward Rowland, B.A. Amherst 1832 *1845- Gurdon Wadsworth Russell, B.A. Trinity 1834, M.A. Trin., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *John Langdon Sullivan, M.A. Harv. 1807 . *1865 *Thomas Henry Totten, B.A. 1884 17 “1874 1838 *Horatio Marsh Baldwin *1842 *Lucius Nichols Beardsley *1880 *Hanford Nichols Bennett *х868 *Charles Botsford *1845 *Clement Botsford *Elishama Brandegee, B.A. 1833 *1884 *Charles Huntington Fuller *1854 Frederick Albert Hart *William Harrison Hopkins *1890 James Alexander Hovey Joshua Huntington, B.A. 1832 *Levi Ives *189r *Moses Willis Osborn *1863 *Gideon Lucian Platt, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Ralph Henry Pratt *William Huntington Russell, B.A. *1889 *1875 1833 *1885 Silvanus Stuart *Alexander Backus Whiting, B.A. 1833 18 *1868 1839 *Ebenezer Bingham Allen *1873 *Shubael Fitch Bartlett, B.A. 1833 *1849 Horatio Bryant, B.A. Union 1836, М.А„Ппйоп *Elijah Wells Clark *1882 Henry Gassett Davis *joseph Durfey *1864 *Asa Witter Fuller *1877 *Otis Deming Goodrich *1850 *James Lawrence Hall *1853 *Allyn Merriam Hungerford *1883 DeWitt Clinton Jayne ~Ioäio Francisco Lima *Sidney Haskell Lyman *1877 *Augustus Mitchell а3878 *Nathan Strong Perry *1855 *Benjamin Franklin Smith *1865 *William Wickham Welch, M. C., ex-ojïcz'o Fellow 17 ”1892 1840 Francis Augustus Brewster *William Conant Catlin *1886 * William Brz'nmczZZDeFOfesZ, B.A. I83I *1887 Francis Lemuel Dickinson *Myron Reed Hubbard *James Howard Hutchins *Pliny Adams Jewett, B.A. Trinity 1837, М.А. Trin., Prof. Obstetr., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1884 *James Edward Fisher Macdonough *1851 *Edmund Randolph Peaselee, B.A. Dartm. 1836, М.А. Dartm., LL.D. Dartm. 1859, Prof. Ariat. and Phys- iol. also Gynaecol. Dartm. Coll., Prof. Anat. and Surg. Bowdoin Coll. , Prof. Physiol. and Pathol. also Obstetr. N. Y. City Med. Coll., Prof. *1848 *1879 1895] DOCTORS OE MEDICINE, 1836—1846 161 Gynaecol. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. *1878 Felippe Franco de Эй, *Azafz'a/z Smit/z. B. A. 1837 *1851 Samuel Gillett Smith, B.A. Union 1837, М.А. Union Louis Watson Daniel Webb *Francke Williams 1 5 *1871 1841 John Howe Arnold Ashbel Ward Barrows, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. John Knowlton Bartlett, B.A. 1838 *Frederick Norman Bennett *1885 *Hamilton Brewer, B.A. Wesl. 1838 *1855 *Timothy Langdon '1874 *Carlos Fernando Ribeiro, B.A. 1838 *1889 John Yale 8 1842 David Fisher Atwater, B.A. 1839 *Eli Whitney Blake, B.A. 1839 *1873 Horace Burr *Otis Cooper Philo Nichols Curtis *William Mark Curtis *1890 *Joel Fuller Erving *Alonzo Fuller *1886 *Samuel Brown Fuller ‘1847 William Henry Goode *Edwin Everett Gordon *1851 *Ashbel Bradford Haile, B.A. 1835 *1880 *Roswell Hawley *1867 *Jacob Thompson Hotchkiss, B.A. 1836 John Tyler Lillibridge *Edward Phelps Lyman *Fenner Harris Peckham, Pres. R. I. Med. Soc. *James Davenport Whelpley, B.A. 1837 *1872 *Levi Dibble Wilcoxson, B.A. 1839 19 *1890 *1850 *1882 *1887 1843 *William Coley Betts *1871 *William Richards Boardman, B.A. 1839 *1843 *William Edmund Booth *1859 *Joseph Rowland Briscoe *1848 *Linus Pierpont Brockett, M.A. Am- herst 1857 iP1893 *William Augustus Bronson, B.A. 1840 4E1890 George Whiting Burke, B.A. Wes- leyan 1839, M.A. Wesl. *William Taylor Clark '1864 *Alfred Washington Coates *1880 *Elias Frank Coates *1886 Robert Crane David Lewis Daggett, B.A. 1839 Munroe Judson Samuel Harper Lea, B.A. 1838 George Page, B.A. Middlebury 1840 *George Edwin Perkins '1876 *Charles Barnes Whittlesey 17 *1878 1844 Garwood Harvey Attwood, B.A. 1840 *Nehemiah Banks *1890 Edwin Curtis Bidwell, B.A. Williams 1841 *Nathan Taylor Bliven *Abner Hartwell Brown, also Berks. Med. Inst. 1847, В.А. Dartm. 1839, Prof. Chem. Willoughby Univ., Prof. Mat. Med. and Med. Juris- prud. Berks. Med. Inst. *1851 *Henry Lewellen Wakeman Burritt *1888 Christopher Smith Fenner *Gershom Clarke Hyde Gilbert, B.A. 1841 *1889 *Norman Knox Johnson *1854 Austin Lord *William Strickler McCorkle *1864 *George Anson Moody ‘1877 *Francis Allyn Olmsted, B.A. 1839 *1844 *David Atwater Tyler *1885 *Charles Lewis Uhlhorn *1857 *John Freme Wells a'1871 *William Joseph Whiting *1889 *William Woodbridge, B.A. 1840 18 *1888 1845 James Austin, B.A. Union 1842 *Gardner Barlow *1853 Edward McEwen Beardsley *Joseph Edgar Clark J *1864 Robert Wasson Forbes, B.A. 1842 *Benjamin Maltby Fowler *1858 *Hiram Holt Lummis *1860 `William Henry Rossell *John Hansen Thompson *Edward Goodrich Ufford *1889 *Enoch Tenney Winter 11 '1871 1846 *Josiah Hall Beecher *1873 Jacob Thompson Buckley *Judson Candee *r87o William Augustus Durrie, B.A. 1843 ' Samuel Augden Hills *John Wesley Hubbell *1853 *George Whitefield Ives, B.A. 1841 *1874 *Job Kenyon, Pres. R. I. Med. Soc. ’1889 *Jeremiah King ‘1863 *DeWitt Clinton Lathrop *1862 *Joseph Josiah Meigs 4‘1887 *Edwin Avery Park ’1879 *Seth Pease ’1892 1 1 162 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY *Frederic William Perry Samuel Wolcott Skinner, B.A. 1842 *1862 *Nathaniel William Taylor, B.A. 1844 Charles Thomas '1875 Sylvester Wooster Turner, B.A. 1842 Andrew Judson White, M.A. 1894 19 1847 *Timothy Phelps Beers *Ebenezer Banks Belden, B.A. 1841 Edwin Bidwell *William Rufus Blakeman *David John Hollis Chubbuck Charles Cullen Cone *1860 *1888 *1848 *1880 *Nathaniel Bowen Cooke, B.A. Brown 1840, М.А. Brown *Thomas Cuddeback * ohn Deacon *Isaac Shafer Hunt Graham Lee *Frederick Oscar Leñingwell *Samuel Erskine Maynard *Alfred Patten Monson *James O’Reilly Charles Henry Rogers, B.A. 1844 *Charles Smith Shelton, B.A. 1840 ' William Edward Sparrow *John Luman Wakefield William Henry Williams Albert Brownell Worthington 1848 *John Adams Betts *1871 *1893 *1877 *1875 ‘1857 *1882 ‘1894 *1849 *1879 *1874 21 l *1890 *William Lathrop Bliss, B.A. Wesleyan 1842, M.A. Wesl. Benjamin Franklin Bradford ­ *George Elliott Budington *Nathan Bulkley *Philander Phelps Humphrey Lebbeus Eaton Marsh Elisha Smith Peck *Henry Clinton Porter John Quincy Smith *Edward Brown Sprowl *1850 *1848 ‘1862 *1877 *1853 Sigismond Waterman, Instr. German 1849 *Gaylord Giles Bissell *Samuel Hall Catlin *James Chauncey Donaghe *Lucius Dwight Isham *Silas Foster Lindsey *Roger Smith Olmstead Moses Harrison Perkins William Henry Sage 12 *1879 *1866 *1855 *1883 *1885 *1878 *1874 *Austin Denison Shoemaker, B.A. Lafayette 1845, M.A. Lafayette Daniel Meigs Webb, B.A. 1846 George Steele Williams *1857 II 1850 *Amos Cranmer Blakeslee *1882 Henry Clinton Bunce *Alpheus Bryant Clarke ‘1869 *Henry Augustus Collins *1884 Richard Pierce Evans *Henry Hawley Foote ‘1859 *Horatio Welles Gridley, B.A. 1847 *1851 *Dixon Scipio Hall ‘1863 Charles Clifford Holcombe Lewis Raymond Hurlbutt, B.A. 1843 *Henry [обеды], В.А. Amherst 1849 *Henry Wylly Edmund Matthews, '1855 B.A. Trinity 1847, M.A. Trinity *1875 *George Hammond Rogers *1861 *Henry Smith *1873 Joel Washington Smith *William Cook Williams 16 *1894 _ 1851 *Benjamin Franklin Bassett, B.A. 1847 ’1875 *Warren Parker Beach *1852 *George Benedict, B.A. 1849 *1887 Orlando Brown, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *David Silliman Burr *1865 Samuel Catlin *Henry Eddy, B.A. 1832 *1872 Francis Coles Greene *Jonathan Jones Howard *1853 Robert Hubbard, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. Matthew Turner Newton William Soule 12 1852 *Richard Miles Buell James Hart Curry *Jonathan Edwards Doolittle Nathaniel Marston Freeman *Pierre Robeau Holly Charles Augustus Lindsley, B.A. Trin. 1849, M.A. Trin., Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeutalso Med. Theory and Pract., Dean Med. School, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1883 “1853 *1877 *John Shute Moody *1868 George Benjamin Parsons *Samuel Newell Rowell, B.A. 1849 *1893 *Welles Hamilton Sellew *1876 *Zebulon Wanton Thomson, B.A. Hamilton 1849 ` *Ezequiel Uricoechea, PH.D. Göttin- gen 1854, Prof. Arabic Univ. Brus- sels *1880 Noah Blakeslee Welton Samuel Allen Wilson *1876 I4 1895] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE, 1847—1860 163 1853 *Charles Clinton Latimer *1874 Cyrus Brownlee Newton, Pres. Conn. Francis Bacon, Prof. Surgery, Pres. Med. SOC. 0.01111- Med. 50C- ì, Henry Wheeler Painter *Ellas Campbell Baker 1883 Stephen Franklin Pomeroy William Tomlinson Booth, B.A. *James Austin Richards «1858 “шпат? 1850, Wnllafns *Christopher Dicran Seropyan, B.A. Joseph Bailey Elliott ä 1852 '1874 *Reuben Warner Judson 1855 Samuel Brace Shepard 18 William Huntington Leonard *Ransom Perry Lyon *1836 Charles Augustus Neale 1857 Charles Edward Sanford _ . *Harmon William Shove *1892 Asa НОР1<1п$ Chnfehlll Paul Cheessborough 5km’ George Clary, B.A. Dartm. 1852 aeLuCius Anthony Smith »1894 Cortlandt VanRensselaer Creed Melancthon Storrs, B.A. 1852 ïJohn Foote :1884 *Almon Pease Ticknor *1858 *Davld Anson Hedges *1387 Martin Ebenezer Winchell 0h? VgoithlrtlgtonBHíoîâä, В.А. 181543223 ату-11- W 1t W 1 IÓ *Ig * an or aw on, . . 2 1 2 1 1am а он OO Sey 57 *Charles Roe Osborne, B.A. Hamp- den-Sidney 1852 ’1861 Homer Lee Parsons 1854 . . Ozias Willard Peck Burr Reeve Abbe Ezra Smith *William Orville Ayres, B.A. 1837 ’1887 *John Witter *1891 Erastus Bradley Bills Samuel Russell Wooster 13 *John Kenney Downes *1858 *Josiah Griiiin Ely *1886 *Horatio Nelson Howard *1895 1858 John Nicoll s . . . *Henry Pierpont »1892 JpálgiSnOMartin Aimes, B.A. Columbia“188I *Joseph Henry Wakeman *1892 . . МЮ“ Clar* White’ В’А' Wesleyan gteÍFgelei¿Agi11lalrndgeteîiri1 ElïhUniv France 1845, M.A. Wesl., Instr. Microscopy, ’1848 ’ ' ’ ' Prof' Pathol' IO Daniel Armstrong DeForest Henry I/Vebster Jones, B.A. 1855 1855 *Timothy Beers Townsend, Lect. Surg. б *1893 Edward Henry Bartlett *Henry Davis *1893 Francis Manton Holly 1859 *Hobart Кеезе *1871 Frederic L. Dibble Walter Seward Munger . *James Hyatt Harriott *Samuel Curtis Robinson, B.A. 1852 *1891 -ieJOhn William Lawton «1874 Henry Pntnaïn Stearns» В-А- I853 *Jonathan Hamilton Lee *1881 George Washington Strong *Samuel White 5 *1867 Edwin George umner *William Henry Trowbridge ‘1882 *Lucian Sumner Wilcox, B.A. 1850 11 *1881 1860 *Lewis Henry Alling *1864 1856 Leonard Woolsey Bacon, B.A. 1850 William Bissell, B.A. 1853 George Beriah Bouton Oliver Hayden Bronson *Edward Bulkley *1880 Luther Clarke Cox *William Deming, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. '1891 *Henry Lewis Fitch ‘1858 Richard Foote *Joseph Shelton French, B.A. 1853 ’1890 *Elijah Gregory *1877 David Carlisle Ainey John William Barker Abel Carter Benedict Timothy Huggins Bishop Evelyn Lyman Bissell Platte Edward Brush, also Univ. Pa. 1866 Samuel Farnam Chapin Nelson Gregory Hall Charles Henry Hubbard Aaron Shimer Oberly *John Benjamin Welch *i 862 *John Burns Williams *1860 Edward Prindle Woodward 14 164 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1861 1864 *Edward Ai/een, B.A. Dartm. 1851, *Augustus Huggins Abernethy *1884 M.A. Dartm. *1890 Jonathan Knight Bacon *Benjamin Thayer Allen *1870 Ferdinand Beach, B.A. 1860 *George Whitefield Avery *1893 George Washington Beach Neilson Abeel Baldwin, B.A. Lafay- ette 1858 _James Augustus Bigelow Henry Williams Foster *Elmore Charles Hine, Prof. Nat. Hist. Girard Coll. ‘1895 *Henry Augustus Hoyt *1884 Joel Wilbur Hyde *Samuel McClellan *Samuel Hawley Olmstead John Pitkin Henry Plumb Horace Philo Porter George Rice, B.A. 1860 *George Augustus Ward Ebenezer Witter 17 *1886 *1893 *1882 1862 *Benjamin Spencer Catlin, B.A. 1859 *1871 Edward Orson Cowles, B.A. 1856 Frederick Augustus Dudley *Nathaniel Wells French Edwin Latham Gardner Robert Grey Hassard Jairus Francis Lines Rollin McNeil *Charles Woolley Shefïrey Jeremiah Wadsworth Terry *ÑVilliam Henry Thomson Charles Tomlinson, B.A. 1858 Thomas Howell White, B.A. 1860 13 *1863 *1892 *1893 1863 *Judson Boardman Andrews, B.A. 1855 ”1894 *Albert Gordon Browning *1888 *Henry Sylvester Cornwell *1886 Marcus Brutus Fisk *Newton Bushnell Hall *1878 Thomas Morton Hills, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Cyrus Edward Humiston *1863 Charles Griswold Gurley Merrill, B.A. 1861 William Chester Minor, Asst. and Demonstrator Anat. *William Burritt North *1866 *Winslow Lewis Perkins *1864 *Charles Joseph Tennant *1880 *Frederick Starr Treadway ’1870 Frank Benjamin Tuttle Charles Samuel Ward 15 *Leopold Albert L. Angles William Lockwood Bradley, B.A. 1860 John Dutton Brundage Lebeus Cornelius Chapin, B.A. 1852 *1885 Virgil Maro Dow, B.A. 1856 Frank Gallagher *William Henry Hine Napoleon Bonaparte Kenyon George Parkinson Stephen Cambreleng Powell *Charles Henry Rowe, B.A. 1862 Durell Shepard Henry Stewart Turrill Sutherland Douglas Twining, PH.B. *1866 *1867 1859 John Hernan Tyler 18 1865 William Dexter Anderson, B.A. 1862 James Gulick Birch, also Harv. 1866 Herbert Martin Bishop George Boice Durrie John Claudius Herrick Daniel Carroll Leavenworth George Francis Lewis Malcolm Macfarlan William Anderson Mitchell, B.A. Co- lumbia 1863 David Gracey Overand Henry Augustine Page Oliver Ferdinand Treadwell, 1862 Edward Lyman Washburn, B.A. 1863 William Witter 14 В.А. 1866 “1879 *1887 *James Judson Averill ‘1879 *Stephen Chalker Bartlett *Stephen Henry Bronson, Lect. Phys- iol. ‘1880 Myron Newton Chamberlin, B.A. 1857 *Cornelius Jay DuBois, LL.B. Colum- bia 1861 *Albert Coberg Hallam Seth Hill William Edwin Hitchcock Robert Shoemaker Ives, B.A. 1864 George Frederic Lewis, B.A. 1864 *Dexter Louis [саммиту Albert Eugene Merrill Z. Rojas deMolina Charles Ferris Morgan Fenner Harris Peckham George Rubens Shepherd *Francis James Young *1880 *1895 *1879 18 *1893 1895] DOCTORS 0F MEDICINE, 1861—1876 165 1867 Albert joseph Ainey Theobald Baird Daniel Tyler Bromley *Cornelius Wade Bull, B.A. 1863 ‘1876 'George Edward Cragin *Charles Henry Lewis, B.A. 1862 *1887 *Thomas Taylor Minor *1889 Theodore Richards Noyes Julian Newell Parker *Henry Potter *1880 *Alfred Eastman Walker, B.A. 1864 *1873 William Virgil Wilson 12 1868 Franklin Hamilton Fowler, B.A. Trin- ity 1861, М.А. Т1111. Robert Beardsley Goodyear lohn Henry Granniss *Thomas Haughee, B.A. 1864 Henry Martin Rising James Langford Weaver 6 *1872 1869 John Frederick Barnett *George Whítßjíela’ Benjamin, В.А. 1864 “1893 David Crary *George Bronson Farnam, Lect. Med. ~lurisprud. '1886 John Morgan Byron Wooster Munson *Daniel Poll Gould Abijah Shelton, M.A. 1891 *Hanford Lyon Wixon Luther Hodges Wood, PH.B. 1867 10 *1877 *1877 1870 Willis George Alling Frank Edwin Castle 2 1871 Walter Russell Bartlett Norman Brigham Bayley *Frederic Porter Blodgett *Charles Hyde Gaylord, В.А. 1864 Samuel Dutton Gilbert, B.A. 1869 Robert Lauder Thomas Neal McLean George Bacheler Peck, B.A. Brown 1864, М.А. Brown Ozro Edwin Powers *Frank Wheeler Tucker Wilbur Fisk Witter 11 ‘1893 ’1885 1872 Frederick Bellosa Charles Woodward Gaylord, B.A. 1870 Elias Buel Heady William Henry Hotchkiss, B.A. 1869 *Joseph Mansfield Homiston 5 *1879 1873 Hermann Baumann `lohn Herman Eden, 1879 William Brinton Hall Calvin Sloane May Frederick Olin White 5 1874 *Arthur Herman Adams, B.A. 1867 Edward Ames Wilbur Hiram Booth *Henry Colman Charles Wellington Fitch Edward Solomon Meers James Olmstead, B.A. 1872 Ernest LeRoy Thomson Stanley Perkins Warren, B.A. 1869 o *1879 *1893 1875 Charles Lambert Blake George Byron Chapman Franklin D. Clum john Pierrepont Codrington Foster, B.A. 1869 William Howard Samuel Ernest Morgan Elisha Munger James Jerome Newcomb Theophil Mitchell Prudden, PH.B. 1872 Thomas Hubbard Russell, PH.B. 1872 *Isaac Reed Sanford, B.A. 1873 Bayard Thomas Smith _lames Sullivan Charles Dearborn Wiggin, B.A. Brown 1868, М.А. Brown 14 *1892 1876 *Francis Henry Drew Edward Strong Dwight Frank Gorham George Robinson Henderson, M.A. Lincoln Univ. (Pa.) *Frederick Hodges Hoadley, B.A. 1870 *1895 Samuel Henry Huntington Laban Hartwell Johnson *Hernan Bangs Smith *Egbert Randal Warner Edward Hubbard Welch Io ‘187- *1891 *1891 166 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1877 Kansas Agric. Coll., PH.D. 1885, Asst. Osteol., Demonstrator and Wallace Harlow Dean Prof. Anat., Prof. Анат. апс1 Pale- *Franklin Wilson Hall *1888 от. Ищу. Капз. 12 George Michaelian, B.D. 1876 Curtiss Hinman Osborn William Henry Rand William 0011111 Welch 6 1881 William Henry Brinley *George Marland Bush ‘1892 1878 Charles Warren Dana William Whitney Hawkes, B.A. 1879 Henry Fleischner, Lect. Dermatol. and Walter Lonsdale Lea Clin. Medicine Charles Edwin Park, Asst. Clin. Surg. Edward Everett Gaylord, B.A. 1873 Dwight Alphonso Richardson _lohn Flavel Gaylord, B.A. 1876 James Ebenezer Stetson John Philip Henriques Caryl Fenelon Seely White Charles Purdy Lindsley, PH.B. 1875 Walter Churchill Whiting 10 Herbert Warren Little Max Mailhouse, PH.B. 1876 james Michael Reilly 1882 Dudley Allen Sargent, B.A. Bowdoin 1874, Instr. Gymnastics, Asst. Prof. Frederick Sumner Smith, B.A. 1879 Physical Training Harv. Univ. Frank Henry Wheeler, B.A. 1880 2 Walter ~lohn Smith Io 8 1883 I 79 *William Henry Chittenden *1883 George Jacob Augur Charles Manville Downs, PH.B. 1881 Scott Robert Baker George Foster Fiske, B.A. Amherst James Conquest Barker 188]: Е11 Percival Flint *Charles Frederick Linquist *1889 Robert jackson Gibson, PH.B. 1876 Andrew Bennett Gorham *George Henry Hammond, also Univ. City N. Y. 1880, B.A. Wesl. 1877 *Thomas Backusjewett Alton Winslow Leighton, PH.B. 1877 William Snow Miller George Orrin Robbins *Charles Theodore Roberts *1890 *Charles Grenville Surridge *1888 *James Kingsley Thacher, B.A. 1868 *1891 Nathan Peabody Tyler, B.A. 1876 William _lames Wakeman, B.A. 1876 16 “1881 *1885 1880 George Ensign Bushnell, B.A. 1876 ~jeremiah Francis Calef, B.A. Wes- leyan 1877 Andrew Fay Currier, B.A. 1878 Henry Holbrook Curtis, PH.B. 1877 LOICII True Day Henry Doutteil Charles Hubbard Howland C/zez/rZei` Edward McGowan, B.A. St. ­Iohn’s (N. Y.) 1877, M.A. St.John’s Edward Kilbourn Roberts, PH.B. 1878 William Spencer Russell *Leonidas Curtin Vinal Samuel Wendell Williston, B.S. Kansas Agric. Coll. 1872, М.А. *1885 Frank Newton Loomis, B.A. 1881 Arthur John Tenney, PH.B. 1877 John Edward West Thompson, U. S. Minister Resid. Hayti 7 1884 Denis William Barry David Chester Brown George Tilton Doolittle George Frederick Lewis, B.A. Trinity 1877 Oliver Thomas Osborne, Asst. Clin. Med., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut. Frederick Sefton ~Iohn Gale Stevens Henry Lawrence Swain, Demonstra~ tor Anat., Lect. Throat and Ear Dis- eases George Samuel Wright 9 1885 Charles Frederick Dibble William Ellison Lockwood, PH.B. 1883 Edward George Madden ~lames William Sears jay Webber Seaver, B.A. 1880 Charles Worthington Vishno 6 1895] DOCTORS OE MEDICINE, 1877—1893 167 1886 Charles Henry Brockett Henry Osborn Carrington, PH.B. 1880 Louis Edward Cooper, PH.B. 1884 *Robert Ogden DuBois, PH.B. 1883 ”1895 Francis Bartlett Kellogg, B.A. 1883 George Howard Pierce, B.A. Bowdoin 1882 6 1887 *Robert Seymour Bradley, B.A. 1885 “1890 George Frederick Converse Augustin Averill Crane, B.A. 1885 Edward Michael McCabe, B.A. Man- hattan 1884 Warren Chamberlin McFarland Stephen John Maher Joseph Hendley Townsend, B.A. 1885 Frank Van Allen, B.A. 1885 8 1888” Edward Charles Beach Louis Bennett Bishop, B.A. 1886 Thomas Matthew Cahill Charles Ross Jackson Moses Kleiner Henry Ranney Stiles William Harvey Stowe 7 1889 Thomas Stoddard Bronson, PH.B. 1886 William Joseph O’Sullivan, LL.B. 1890 ' _ 2 1890 Edward Robinson Baldwin William Pitt Baldwin, B.A. 1888 William Patrick John Burke Benjamin Austin Cheney, B.A. 1888 Harry Burr Ferris, B.A. 1887 George Washington Lawrence Charles Alling Tuttle, PH.B. 1888 7 1891 Frank Judson Bardwell John Steele Barnes Edward Lydston Bliss, B.A. 1887 Frederick Oscar Chamberlain, B.L. and B.S. Paris 1888 Harry Alfred Elcock Henry Floyd Gamble, B.A. Lincoln Univ. 1888 *Charles Winthrop Hartwell Samuel Wellington Irving Reuben Arthur Lockhart James Henry McInerny Paul Skiíi` Robinson, PH.B. 1889 Shiukichi Shigemi, PH.B. 1888 Clarence Edward Skinner Richard Ward Westbrook George Herbert Williams 15 *1892 1892 Leonard Woolsey Bacon, B.A. 1888 (1894) George Newton Bell Richard Francis Brown Elias Wyman Davis, B.A. 1880 Alexander William Evans, PH.B. 1890 Timothy John Foley Austin Brainerd Fuller, B.A. 1866 Frederick George Graves Joseph Barnard Hall John Augustus Hartwell, PH.B. 1889 Moses Jacob Husinsky George Henry/aclaran, B.D. 1891 Daniel Albion Jones, B.A. 1884 William Matthew Kenna, PH.B. 1890 William Alfred Korn, B.A. 1890 George Newton Lawson, B.A. 1890 Ralph Augustine McDonnell, B.A. 1890 — Thomas Edward McEvoy, B.A. 1890 Edward Lyman Munson, B.A. 1890 Homer Tomlinson Partree, B.A. 1887 Alexander Rovinsky Hyman Solomon Shlevin 22 1893 Ambrose Kirk Brennan Rollin Blackman Chatiield Arthur Sanford Cheney, PH.B. 1889 Frederick Stanley Cowles Wilton Elias Dickerman, B.A. Amherst 1890 Alejandro Garcia-Aragón, B.A. and PH.B. San Luis Gonzaga 1888 Frederick Carl Goldstein Edward Winchester Goodenough, B.A. 1887 Franklin Lyman Lawton, PH.B. 1890 Robert Ellsworth Peck, PH. B. 1890 Isaac Napoleon Porter, B.A. Lincoln Univ. (Pa.) 1890 ' Leonard Cutler Sanford, B.A. 1890 Martial Adolph Scharton Morris Dore Slattery Frederick Benoni Sweet William Charles Wurtenberg, PH.B. 1889 16 168 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1894 Ernst Herman Arnold Jerome Samuel Bissell Charles Porter Botsford Charles Ellsworth Bush Charles Franklin Craig Simon Philip Goodhart, PH.B. 1892 Miles Remond Gordon Edward Lyman Kingman Edward Brooks Marston Robert Orton Moody, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1891 James Albert Moore, B.A. 1892 Edward Seymour Moulton, B.A. Oberlin 1891, М.А. ОЬ611111 Fürchtegott Horst Richard Oertel Frederick Noyes Sperry William Francis Verdi 15 . 1895 [Candidaíes for the degree, fune, 1895.] Charles Joseph Bartlett, B.A. 1892 Frederick Courtney Bishop, B.A. 1892 Charles Gardner Child James Henry Joseph Flynn Albert Lewis House John Lawrence Kelly, B.A. Coll. Holy Cross 1892 Vertner Kenerson, B.A. 1891 Е111161 Arthur Lawbaugh, PH.B. 1893 Harry Breed Rising Myron Potter Robinson William Joseph Sheehan, B.S. Man- hattan Coll. 1892 Louis Mayer Smirnow Abram Case Williams, B.A. 1892 Thomas Herbert Young 14 BACHELORS OF LAWS [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following l~ist,­­t~h|eir full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1843 *Aaron Rice Dutton, B.A. 1837 '1885 *Homer DeGrasse Ives 2 *1867 1844 *Edward Law Baldwin, B.A. 1842 *1848 Henry Booth, B.A. 1840 *Albert Barnes Buttles, B.A. 1842 *1872 *Henry Waldo Denison, B.A. 1841 *1882 Richborough Galliard *Henry Gould Lewis *1891 *William Stoddard *1858 Anthony VanWyck John W. 7Webster 9 1845 Daniel Beers Beach, B.A. 1842 *Wilson Hart Clark, ex-ejiez'o Fellow *1887 *Charles L. C. Giiïord *1877 *Edward Zecharia/z Lewis, B.A. Со- lumbia 1843 ‘1875 *Lucius Franklin Robinson, B.A. 1843 ’1861 *Samuel Watson Royston 6 *1855 1846 *Joseph Martin Barr ‘1876 *Joseph Emerson Brown, Gov. and Chief. Just. Supr. Court Ga., U. S. Senator Tilton Edwin Doolittle, B.A. Trinity 18 Frederick William Geissenhainer, 1856, B.A. Univ. City N. Y. 1841, М.А. 1856 and Univ. City N. Y. Isaac Louis Kinzer ‘1894 *John B. Lambert '184g *James Montgomery Woodward *1873 William B. Wooster, ex-ojïez'o Fellow *David Augustus Wright, B.A. Co- lumbia 1851 9 “1887 1847 *Franklin Hulse Clack, B.A. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll. 1845 *1864 Samuel James Clarke, B.A. Trinity 1845, M.A. Trin. *Nathaniel Ackley Cowdrey ‘1885 Lewis Joel Dudley, B.A. I838 *William Horace Elliot, B.A. 1844 *1852 Gurdon Hewitt *Dougal Cameron Hyde ‘1892 *Augustus William Lord, B.A. 1845 *1875 *Quinces Robert Nolan *1876 *James Alexander Ruthven ‘1889 Marcellus T. Simonton *Aaron Ely Stone *1859 Joseph R. Turner James Winship 14 1848 Nathan Augustus Chedsey *George Charles Wilcox Hammond, B.A. West. Reserve 1846 *Jeremiah Loder, B.A. Columbia 1846, M.A. Columbia *Andrew Augustus Richmond *Dexter Russell Wright, B.A. Wesl. 1845, M.A. Wesl. and Trin. 1853 5 *1886 *1870 *1890 “1861 1849 Willis Rogers Austin . *John Dutton Candee, B.A. 1847 *James Jarman Dean, B.A. 1845 William F. C. Gregory *Solomon Leche *1857 *Edward Isaac Sanford, B.A. 1847 6 *1893 *1888 ‘1893 1850 Stanley G. Fowler Charles Samuel Hall, B.A. 1848 Richard William Hart Jarvis, B.A. Trinity 1848, M.A. Trin. *Jacob Kerlin McKenty, B.A. 1848 ‘1866 Dennis Tuttle James Thayer Vandeventer . *George Gideon Webster, B.A. 1847 ’1874 *Henry Kirke ÑVhite Welch, B.A. 1842 ’1870 *Tompkins Westervelt, B.A. Colum- bia 1847 9 *1882 170 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1851 Charles S. Andrews *William Thomas Marsh Lyman Ezra Munson, Just. Supt. Court Montana Terr. Asa N. Overall . Alexander John Robert, B.A. Brown 1849, M.A. Brown ~ Francis Wayland Robert Joseph Andrew Treat 7 *1862 1852 Curtis Sylvester Bushnell Frederick Salmon Giddings, B.A. Illinois Coll. 1847 *Edward Milesjerome, B.A. 1850 *Nathan Appleton Lee, B.A. 1850 *Peter Warren Rousse, B.A. Rutgers 1850, M.A. Rutg. *William Keeler Seeley *1891 *1863 *1887 6 *1891 1853 *Benjamin Harrison Bassett, Prof. Law Univ. Texas *Thomas Jefferson Bassett Edward Bissell, B.A. 1851 ames R. Brown James Davis Devin, B.A. Marietta 1850 *1866 *John Day Ferguson, B.A. Trinity 1851, М.А. Т1111. *Peter Martin Heitler Robert Morris Marshall George Washington Mead, B.A. 1851 Joseph Sheldon, B.A. 1851 Enos Nelson Taft, B.A. 1851 *Nathan Upham William Woolsey Winthrop, B.A. 1851 13 *1893 *1885 *1877 *1871 *1894 1854 Benezet Hough Bill George Schuderer James Andrew Wood, B.A. 1852 3 1855 *Joshua Anderson, B.A. 1853 *George Brown Dusinberre, B.A. Wesleyan 1852, M.A. Wesl. Nathan Thomas Fitch Angus McDonald, B.A. Union 1851 Henry Mills Miller Warren G. Ransom Ralph Partridge Emilius T Izar/zer, M.A. 1870, B.D. Harv. 1882 *George Henry Watrous, B.A. 1853 8 *1889 *1864 *1884 1856 *Lewis Beach, M. C. George Ruggles Gold *Jesse H. Goss, Judge Circuit Court Fla *1886 . *1890 Oliver Perry Shiras, B.A. Ohio Univ. 1853, M.A. Ohio, LL.D. 1886, Just. U. S. District Court (Iowa) 4 1857 *Alwin Alonzo Alvord, B.A. Coll. City N. Y. 1855 *1875 *Addin Lewis Bishop, B.A. Trinity 1855, M.A. Trin. Jonathan Tillotson Clarke, B.A. 1854 *Josiah William Harmar, B.A. 1855 *1867 Samuel Henry Orwig, M.A. Bucknell Univ. 1862 Robert Henry Richards *1863 *George Willis Smith '1890 Jeremiah Evarts Tracy 8 1858 Henry Stuart Bidwell *Henry William Coit *1862 *William Benton Culbertson *1891 *Gustavus Rose Elliot *1869 Charles Henry Wyman 5 1859 Ezra Leander Brainerd *Henry Melzar Dutton, B.A. 1857 *1862 Richard Zina Johnson, Attorney-Gen. Idaho Terr. Samuel Couch Keeler *Milton Kinkead *1871 John Latta, Lieut-Gov. Pa. Cyrus Northrop, B.A. 1857 7 1860 *Newton Isaac Behan, B.A. Ohio Univ. 1857 *1882 Francis Churchill Burgess Franklin Clinton Griswold Hart Lynde Harrison, вас-орёт) Fellow *Thomas Henry Merry William Clayton Page Waldo Grey Perry Horatio Nelson Warner 8 *1863 1861 Charles Holt Fowler Timothy Frank Neville, B.A. St.John’s (N. Y.) 1859 1895] 19A CHELORS 0F LA WS, 1851—1871 171 Jay Edward Russell Adam Stanley Ulrich Washington Frederick Willcox, M. C. 5 1862 *Samuel Taylor Birdsall *William Frederick Croswell '1865 *William Downes ‘1869 George Austin Fay *Henry Rogers '1889 *Theodore Woolsey Twining, B.A. 1858 Roger Sherman White, B.A. 1859 Charles Peter Whittemore *1864 1863 Horace Atwell Brown *Henry Champion, B.A. 1860 John Palmer Ellis *Joseph George Morton Richard Thompson Semmes Lucius Bement Tuttle 6 *1867 *1863 1864 Austin Nichols Botsford *Isaac Wayland Cook Edward Walter Dawson *James Hamilton Grover, B.A. St. James (Md.) 1863 *Benjamin Harris Harrington, B.A. Washington Coll. (Md.) 1862 *William Whittingham Kehler *1868 *Hiram Hollister Kimpton, B.A. 1862 *1885 James Betts Metcalf, B.A. Williams 1862, M.A. Williams DeWitt Clinton Sprague 9 1865 *Stephen Henry Bradley, B.A. “721511- ington Coll. (Md.) *1875 Delphin M. Delmas *William Law Foster *1881 Florimond DeRance Fyler *Silas Wright Geis *1880 *Wilbur Griswold Howarth ‘1869 *George C. Porter ’1890 Julius Twiss, B.A. 1863 8 1866 Edward Augustus Anketell, B.A. 1864 Richard Handy Chittenden Chester Dwight Cleveland *Hiram Little Jones Charles Swift Joslyn, also Columbia 1867 ‘1882 Bradley David Lee Andrew Clark Lippitt Enos Frisbie Phelps William Edgar Simonds, M.A. 1890, М. C., Lect. Patent Law, U. S. Comm’r. Patents, Prof. Patent Law Columbian Univ. (Wash.) 1867 Augustus Binswanger Angus Cameron John Morrison Davis Morris Goodhart Alva A use! Hurd *William Thompson Moore Wilfred Ernest Norton, B.A. 1864 William Rattle Plum Edwin Purrington, 1870 *George Edwards Treadwell, B.A. 1865 ro *1873 *1890 1868 Cephas Willard Ainsworth *David Beveridge Brown Edward Francis DeForest *Zimri Seth Mastin Henry Hart Wolf 5 *1870 *1877 1869 William Cheek *Vincent Modesto Cuadra Timothy John Fox *John Bernard Reilly Olin Rensselaer Wood 5 ‘1873 '1869 1870 Charles Kimberly Bush *James Ingersoll Hayes Gideon Higgins Welch, B.A. 1868 3 ‘1887 1871 Earlliss Porter Arvine, B.A. 1869 Conrad Gustavus Bacon William Lyon Bennett, B.A. 1869 *Michael Edward Downes Cornelius Thomas Driscoll, B.A. 1869 Аагоп Benedict Gardinier *Seymour Dwight Hall, 1872 William Henry Kenyon Patrick Francis Kiernan Jerome Bonaparte Luckè John Adams Robinson, B.S. Dartm. 1855, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858, Libr. Law School William Starkey 12 *1876 ‘1892 172 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1872 *Adolph Asher Henry Chalmers Baldwin Albert Hiram Chadbourne William Grece, PH.B. Würzburg 1869 Henry Franklin Hall Charles Pomeroy Ives Henry Gleason Newton, B.A. Wes- leyan 1870 Frank Allyn Robinson *William Fitch Swift *1894 William Alvin Wright 10 а. *1884 1873 Frederick William Babcock Charles Frederick Bollman Owen Peterson Bricker Julius Colton Cable Thomas Henry Dewey Elisha Jay Edwards, B.A. 1870 Isaac Henry Ford, B.A. 1871 Curtis Hoopes Hannum Hobart LeGrand Hotchkiss Rufus Starr Pickett Joseph Rothschild ' *Henry Dwight Russell Morris Frank Tyler, B.A. 1870 Charles Russell Whedon Oliver Sherman White, B.A. 1864 15 “1894 1874 James Bishop Ebenezer Burr Leonard Eager Curtis, B.A. 1872 *Hugh Dailey Henry Fowler'English *James Francis Fitzpatrick ÑVilson Lindsley Gill Ей Edwz'n Hall, B.A. Illinois Coll. 1838, M.A. Ill. Charles Storrs Hamilton, B.A. King’s Coll. (Nova Scotia) 1871 Thomas Daniel Kennedy Philip VanNess Myers, 1890, В.А. Williams 1868, М.А. Williams LL.D. elsewhere, Pres. Belmont Coll., Prof. Hist. and Polit. Econ. Univ. Cincinn. Robert LeRoy Penney Joseph Daniel Plunkett - Charles Reed, B.A. 1871 Erederz'ek Stanley Root, M.A. Bowdoin 1890 Henry Rucker Simeon Straus Thomas James Swift William Kneeland Townsend, B.A. 1871 *William Curtis Wildman Frederick Gustavus Woodford 21 '1892 *1880 *1877 B.D. 1879, *1880 *1883- 1875 Samuel Winchester Foote Andrews Herbert Elmore Benton William Oscar Buck, B.A. 1873 Lucian Buckley Edwards Levi Hite ‚ Greene Kendrick, B.A. 1872 Russell Wolcott Livermore Albert Washington McIntire, B.A. 1873 Levy Maybaum Cyrus LaRue Munson,­ M.A. 1891, Lect. Legal Practice John Wilbur Parrott James Perry Platt, B.A. 1877 (1891) Samuel Oscar Prentice, B.A. 1873 Charles Hooker Russell George Matthews Sharp, M.A. 1889, Lect. Insurance John Payne Studley, M.A. 1892 Matthew Noyes Whitmore, B.A. 1854 17 1876 William Caldwell Anderson, B.A. Lafayette 1873 Austin Augustus Canavan *Jocelyn Plant Cleaveland James Hazelton Cook, B.A. 1875 ­ *Julian Baldwin Crenshaw, B.A. Beth- any 1869, М.А. Bethany William Foster, B.A. 1874 Alexander Rieman Hack, 1877, also Univ. Md. r875, M.L. 1877 1880, “1881 *1884 *Charles Ives, B.A. 1874 *1883 John Thomas McGraw *Samuel Arthur Marsden *1883 Levy Mayer Victor Howard Metcalf John Beale Mills, B.A. 1873 Е11 Mix *Charles Theodore Morse, PH.B. 1873 *1889 Joseph Bulkeley Morse, B.A. 1871 Albert Lee Murray ‚ ­ . Francis Hubert Parker, B.A. Wes- leyan 1874 *Franklin Wells Patten, B.A. 1874 '1890 Eugene Benjamin Peck Benjamin Jonson Shipman *Cornelius Sleight *1881 Bryan John Smith Henry Bidleman Bascom Stapler, B.A. 1874 David Strouse Benjamin Franklin Tolson, M.D. Jef- ferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1872 John Henry Tuttle George Arnold Tyler Simeon Harrison Wagner, PH.B. 1874 *Hollis Thayer Walker John Basil Ward John Wesley Wescott, B.A. 1872 John Howard Whiting, D.C.L. 1878 *1891 1895] EA CHELORS OE LA WS, 1872—1880 173 Eljen Kossuth Wilcox John Charles Talcott, M.L. 1881 Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, B.A. Robert Donaldson Townsend, B.A. 1872 1875 Walter Roscoe Yates 36 Charles Lewis Ullman Henry Moses Walradt, 1879, В.А. 1875 George Creighton Webb, B.A. 1876 8 Edwin Dean Worcester, B.A. 1876 I 77 Edmund Zacher, В.А. 1874 26 Alvin Driggs Ayres Arthur Gordon Bill John Parker Bronk, B.A. Wesl. 1875 1879 George Rufus Cooley, PH.B. 1875 ‚ Timothy Davenport, B.A. 1875 James Parkhill Andrews, B.A. 1877 Lucius Parmenius Deming .lohn Klrnberly Beach, B-A» 1877 Cal-llon Fyler Drake Alfred Umsted Bean Charles Rowland Dudley _James Henry Brewster, PH.B. 1877 Leverett Camp Hinman John Wolcott Bristol, B.A. 1877 Justus Street Hotchkiss, 1893 George Murray Brooks Francis Gregory Ingersoll, B.A. 1874 Ansnn Ira Bush *Richard Henry Johnson *1891 .lohn Wnlrarn Coogan Edward Lee Linsley, M.L. 1878 Walter Goodman Cowles John Sheldon Maxwell, B.A. W. Re- .lohn Breed Dollglas Seme 1875 Wallace Bruce Fenn, PH.B. 1877 Edward Franklin Meeker George LeYl Fox, В-А- 1874 William Joseph MillS Lloyd William Harmon Edward Henry Rogers, B.A. 1875 Albert Foster Jones Charles George Root Агат] Legrand Indo, ВА- I577 Charles Lasselle Swan, B.A. 1874 КОИ” СМИ?” 05д07’72‚ В—_А- 1877 Albert Marion Talmadge, B.A. Wes- Edward Denmore Robblns, В-А— 1874 leyan 1874 Henry Roberts, B.A. 1877 Nathaniel Brooks Walker John Maron Sweeney James Henry Webb, B.S. Mass. Agric. *George Huntlngron Thomas, В-А- coli. 1873 1877 0 *1887 Alfred Newton Wheeler, РН.В. 1875 lomos South Thompson, В.А. 1877 Sterne Wheeler .*OSÑVII'I Tuttle 22 *1880 Granville Moss White, M.D. Colum- bia 1884 Frank Henry Willenburg 1880 Hamilton Mercer Wright, B.A. 1875 , _ 27 William John Beecher Amos Avery Browning, PH.B. 1875 ' George Lafayette Camrn 1878 Samuel Leonard Tilley Carvell Jesse Lewis Case, B.A. 1877 *Richard Charles Ambler *1891 John Wallace Childs James Russell Bennett William Russell Booth, B.A. Emory and Henry (Va.) Charles Andrews Colley Leonard Daniels ‘ - Charles Sherman Everest, B.A. Trin- ity 1871 Daniel Joseph Griffin George Miles Gunn, B.A. 1874 Henry Ammon James, B.A. 1874 Haydn Clark Kelly, B.A. Rutgers 1876, M.A. Rutgers Theodore Kepner Long *Oliver Ellsworth Lyman, B.A. 1876 ’1884 Burton Mansfield, PH.B. 1875 *Henry Frank Mather, B.A. 1876 Robert Brinsmade Middlebrook David Thomas Roberts Philip Gray Russell, B.A. 1876 *1883 John Sammis Seymour, B.A. 1875 Charles Suiïern l Will Vanlier Childs William Henry Everett Edwin Burpee Goodell, B.A. I877 Hadlai Austin Hull Bernard Keating William DeWitt Kellogg, M.L. 1881 Henry Winslow Lamb, B.A. 1881 William Henry Law, B.A. 1878 Robert Alfred Lowe James Hodge McLean, M.L. 1881, — D.C.L. 1882 John Martiri Murdoch Charles Henry Northrop Miner Gibbs Norton, PH.B. Mt. Union Coll. 1878, M.L. 1881 James Protus Pigott, B.A. 1878 Orlando Belknap Pond Edwin Archer Randolph Edward Lyon Robinson James Rosenthal William Ruggles Sanborn, B.A. 1878 174 YALE UNL VEESLT Y [1895 Gerrit Smith, B.A. 1877 George Loomis Sterling, B.A. 1876 Albert Lewis Talcott, PH.B. Mt. Un- ion Coll. 1877 Charles Martin Taylor Ezra Armstrong Tuttle James Eugene Walsh John George Wilson Charles Eggleston Woodruff 33 1881 William Ward Bailey, B.A. 1879 *John Barrett John Pomeroy Bartlett, PH.B. 1878 Edward Augustus Bowers, B.A. 1879 Sidney Elbridge Clark Livingston Warner C1eaveland,M.L. 1888 Murray Corrington, B.A. Knox 1879 Willard Anthony Davis, M.L. 1882 Peter Doyle, Secretary Wisc. Willis Ira Fenn *Emerson Young Foote, PH.B. 1879 *1892 Norman Norton Fowler, PH.B. 1879 Oswin Hart Doolittle Fowler, PH.B. 1878 Abraham Lincoln Frisch John Currier Gallagher, PH.B. 1879 William Arthur Gardner, B.S. Chicago Univ. 1878 Henry Alvan Hall Edwin Cooper Haynie, B.A. 1879 William Tarpley Hutchings Frank Eldridge Hyde, B.A. 1879 Charles Barton Matthewman Allan Wallace Paige Terah Haggin Patterson, M.L. 1882 Epaphroditus Peck *Walter James Scott Edwin Allan Smith, M.L. 1882 Clinton Spencer, B.A. 1878 Winston John Trowbridge, B.A. 1879 Harry Hinman Wadsworth, M.L. 1882 С11ар111 На11 Wetmore Charles Putnam Woodbury, B.A. 1878 31 *1895 *1888 1882 William Ransom Barbour, B.A. 1880 Jacob Edward Emery, PH.B. 1880 Eugene Lionel Gilbert, M.L. 1884 Henry Charles Gussman Robert Edward Hall William Thorne Haviland, B.A. 1880 *Sherman Hartwell Hubbard Walter Simeon Judd Frederic William Квит, В.А. 1880 Frank Wanzer Marsh, B.A. 1879 Thomas Robert Morrow, B.A. 1880 Winthrop Hoyt Perry, B.A. 1876 Edward Freeman Porter, PH.B. 1880 John Bliss Porter, B.A. 1880 “1892 Mercer Leyburn Robertson Nelson Royal ' Friend William Smith John Alden Stoughton Arthur Mortimer Taft Eugene Winston Walker, B.A. 1880 Edwin Carrington Ward, B.A. 1880 21 1883 Henry Wilbur Aiken, B.A. 1880 Harry Washington Asher, PH.B. 1879 Charles Henry Ayer *Walter Thompson Baggs Cormac Francis Bohan Otis Hayford Briggs, B.A. 1881 Charles Wellington Brown Daniel Arthur Carpenter, B.A. 1881 James Cooney Howard Junior Curtiss, B.A. 1881 Edward Thomas Evans, B.A. 1881 Henry Rupert Ewing, B.A. 1881 William Lawrence Green Nathaniel Taylor Guernsey, B.A. 1881 Carter Henry Harrison ’ Louis Bevier Hasbrouck, B.A. 1881 Charles Burnell Hawkes, B.A. 1882 John Philip Helfenstein, B.A. 1880 William Burr Hill, B.A. 1881 John Tomlinson Hubbard, B.A. 1880 Charles Kleiner Daniel William Lawler, B.A. George- town 1881, M.L. 1884 Henry Samuel Miller, B.A. Univ. Wooster 1881 Albert Henry Moulton, B.A. 1881 Marcus Doty Munn, PH.B. 1881 William Pitt Niles Charles Booth Peck, B.A. 1879 Frederick Pickersgill, .B.A. 1881 ÑValter Pond George Lewis Sargent, PH.B. 1881 Bernard Joseph Shanley, PH.B. 1881 George Shiras, PH.B. Cornell Univ. 1881 George Merrick Sinclair Richard C. Teift *Ricardo Lindsay Trumbull, PH.B. 1881 Frank Hebbard Wadsworth Arthur Eugene Walradt, B.A. 1880 Willard Douglass Warren George Dutton' Watrous, B.A. 1879 Sain Welty, B.A. Illinois Wesleyan Univ. 1881 George Wakeman Wheeler, B.A. 1881 Henry Charles White, B.A. 1881 Charles William Willett 43 *1889 *1894 1884 Louis Whittier Baldwin Christopher Morris Brandon 1895] BA @HEL OES 0E LA WS, 1551-1557 175 William Britton Nathaniel Richardson Bronson, B.A. 1882 Alfred Michael Downes Arthur Courtland Ely, PH.B. Cornell Univ. 1882 George Nelson Frazine Richard Gleeson Edward Buttrick Graves, B.A. 1881 Herbert Stanton Griggs, B.A. 1882 Charles Hequembourg Hubbell John Prescott Kellogg, B.A. 1882 Jacob Bernard Klein Howard Hoyt Knapp, B.A. 1882 Seymour Crane Loomis, B.A. 1882 Calvin Stewart McChesney, B.A. 1881 Walter Parcells McCrory Frank Harbottle McIntosh Albert McClellan Mathewson, M.L. 1891 James Thomas Moran, M.L. 1885 Oscar Forrest Murdock Arthur Sherwood Osborne, B.A. 1882 William Scranton Pardee, B.A. 1882 Charles Calloway Pavey, B.A. Univ. Wooster 1882 Winfield Kennedy Shiras, PH.B. Cor- nell Univ. 1882 Henry Stuart Stearns, B.A. Williams 1882 William Ellsworth Talcott, B.A. Mt. Union Coll. 1882, M.L. 1885 Albert Morris Thomas, B.A. Fisk Univ. 1882 Jason Parker Thomson George Martin Wallace, B.A. 1881 Dennis Thomas Walsh Frank Hyde Waters Sherman Leland Whipple, B.A. 1881 John Greenleaf Willis . Arthur Bethuel Wright, B.A. 1882 John Wurts 36 1885 Francis Gibbons Beach, B.A. 1883 George Shepard Boltwood, B.A. 1882 Edmund Butler, B.S. Kansas State Univ. 1883 William Euston Butler Francis Davis Chamberlain, B.A. 1_883 Joseph Walter DelaCour Andrew James Ewen John Francis Fitzpatrick Sterling Price Gilbert, B.S. Vander- bilt Univ. 1883 Henry Freeman Guerin Samuel Newhall Hawkes, B.A. 1883 Clifton Earl Holland, B.S. Iowa Wes- leyan Univ. 1880, M.S. Iowa Wesl. Charles King Holliday, B.A. Wash- burn Coll. 1883 Louis Kossuth Hull, B.A. 1883 George Pratt Ingersoll, B.A. Trinity 1883 Stiles Judson John Watts Jump Frank Albert Kellogg, B.A. 1882 Edward James Kenny Alfred Beard Kittredge, B.A. 1882 Fred Brainerd Mitchell Samuel Clinton Morehouse, M.L. 1886 Joseph Robinson Parrott, B.A. 1883 Wilson Howard Pierce, B.A. 1881 Herman Daniel Pryibil Edward Everett Smith, B.A. 1883 Hugh Capner Stover James Henry Taylor John Grant Tod William Waldo Twaddle, B.A. Bates 1882 Charles Fremont Watts, B.A. Univ. Wooster 1884 31 1886 Louis Lawrence Barnum, PH.B. 1889 Charles Kingsbury Billings, B.A. 1882 Clement Stevens Bissell Lucius Boltwood, B.A. 1883 Charles Francis Davies Ralph James Gluckler Raymund Hoagland Alice Rune Jordan, S.B. Univ. Mich. 1885 John McKean William Charles Mueller Frederick Adriance Osborn Frank Dunlap Pavey, B.A. 1884 Philip Neri Robinson Henry Jacob Ryder, B.A. 1884 Henry Tweedy Shelton, B.A. 1884 Sherman Day Thacher, B.A. 1883 Harry Raup Wagner, B.A. 1884 Benjamin Streeter Warren Edward Livingston Wells James Clark Work 20 1887 Visscher Vere Barnes Charles Russell Burnham William George Buteau James Nicholas Cannon Prentice William Chase George Ashbille Clark Leonard Mayhew Daggett, B.A. 1884 Edward Downes Horace Shermon Eaton Jacob Philip Goodhart, PH.B. 1885 - John Harrison Charles Henry Hayden Frederick Whittlesey Hilliard Carleton Edson Hoadley lBenjamin Franklin James, B.A. Univ. Chicago 1884 176 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 James Benjamin Keogh, B.A. 1885 Frank James Lawler, B.A. George- town 1885 Orison Perry Lee Warner Thornton McGuinn, B.A. Lincoln Univ. 1884 James Henry O’Rourke Edward Isaac Sanford, B.A. 1884 Bradley Varnum Sargent, B.A. Santa Clara Coll. 1884 Shunzo Sawada Henry Morgan Stanley Eli Frank Thompson *Eben Whitney, M.L. 1888 Frederic Meeker Williams Isaac Wolf 28 *1892 1888 Allen Charles Alderman Frederick Augustus Bartlett Benjamin D. Beekman, B.A. Oregon State Univ. 1884 John Marvin Blakeley, PH.B. 1886 Wilbur Franklin Booth, B.A. 1884 Adria Guernsey Bowen Hubert Wilson Butler ~ Jonathan Wright Chapin James Lewis Cowles, B.A. 1866 Clarence Eugene Cundall Thomas Mills Day, B.A. 1886 Allen Boyd Forbes, LL.B. North- western Univ. 1886 Charles Jay Greene Charles Jared Griggs, B.A. 1886 Stephen Michel Hoye James Fawcett Hunt Patrick Kane Frank Harrison Kelley William Krieger, LL.B. Univ. Louis- ville 1887 Daniel Everitt Leary, M.L. 1889 Thomas Patrick McCue Frank Hayes McFarland, Cumberland Univ. 1887 Kojiro Matsugata, M.L. 1889, D.C.L. 1890 Robert Vaughn Montague *Matsuo Ogura Charles Herbert Peck Robert James Pitkin, B.A. 1885 William Elisha Prentice, B.L. Univ. Rochester 1884 Clement Darling Rinehart, M.L. 1889 George Washington Robinson James Edward Russell, B.A. St.John’s (N. Y.) 1886 Arthur Lefringwell Shipman, B.A. 1886 Robert Wright Stewart Lyman Twining Tingier *SoichiTsuchiya, M.L. 1889, D.C.L. 1890 Васоп Wakeman Howard Nichols Wakeman 37 LL.B. *1890 *1890 1889 Herbert Gorse Andrews Willoughby Maynard Babcock, B.A. 188 Austin Ira Batcheld'er Rodmond Vernon'Beach, B.A. 1887 George Emerson Beers, B.A. Trinity 1886, M.L. 1890 Lewis Sherrill Bigelow, B.A. 1887 Henry Brant Andrew Julius Brown James Joseph Buchanan Edward Grant Buckland, B.A. Wash- burn 1887, Instr. Contracts Alfred Coit, B.A. 1887 William Hutchinson Cowles, B.A. 1887 John Wright Cox, LL.B. Univ. Ga. 1885 Henry Maurice Danneel John Ambrose Doolittle Willard Robinson Douglass, B.A. 1887 Harris Gilbert Eames Antoine Joseph Ferrandini Andrew Frink Gates, B.A. 1887 James Henry Hayden, PH.B. 1887 Frederick James Holmes Frederick Buell Hungerford, B.A. 1886 SelklChl Iwasaki Frank Dyer Jackson, B.A. Beloit 1884, М.А. Beloit Edwin Kerrison Daniel Andrew McWilliams William Reuben Mattison, B.A. Am- herst 1886 John Lewis Morehouse Toshitake Okubo Arthur Reed Pennell, B.A. 1887 Thomas Henry Penney, B.A. 1887 Arthur Perkins, B.A. 1887 Richard Paul Rendler V ¿rgz'l Eugene Коте?” Oliver Perry Scaife *William Dick Shupe, B.S. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1887 Charles Hotchkiss Storrs, B.A. Wes- leyan 1887 ` Elmer Ellsworth Thomas, B.A. Nat. Normal Univ. (O.) ~ William Trumbull, B.A. 1883 James Albert Wilson 4o *1894 1890 *William Andrew Andrew Frank Baker *John Bennetto, B.A. 1887 Nathaniel Wheeler Bishop James Patrick Bree George Walter Bristol Warren Henry Bristol Edwin Frank Bugbee *1892 *1892 1895] .BACHELORS OF LA WS, 1888—1892 177 Thomas Lamar Camp, B.L. Univ. Tex. John Aaron Hoober, M.L. 1892, D.C.L. 188 ' 1893 John 9 Alexander Campbell, PH.B. Samuel Stone Hotchkiss Drake Univ. Paul Robinson Jarboe Wilfred Adams Clark Percy Lincoln Johnson, PH.B. Wes- Stephen Leland Dows _ leyan 1889 Charles Gavin Бабу Sukehide Kabayama, M.L. 1892, Louis Bassial Eppstein D.C.L. 1893 George Barber Fowler, B.A. 1888 George Aaron Kellogg, B.A. Arn- Walter Francis Frear, B.A. 1886 herst 1889, M.L. 1892 Andrew Miller Freas Albert James Kenyon Allan Arthur Gilbert Robert Jacob Lewis Frank Hewitt Hinckley William Mitchell Lewis Wilhelm Peter Hofferbert John Wesley Lutz . John Ireland Howard Henry Hokixina Lyman *1893 Frank Wells Hubbard, B.A. 1888 Robert Hughes McCreary, B.A. Cen- ' Orland Sidney Isbell, B.A. 1888 tral Univ. (Ky.) 1888 Louis Jacobs William Koontz Meyers John Willard Keerans Richard White Miller, B.A. Central Edward Everett Longan, L.B. Univ. Univ. (Ky.) 1888 State Mo. 1886, ДМ. Univ. Mo. . Robert Douglas Millholland 1889 Joseph Richard Morgan, PH.B. But- Robert Clark Morris, M.L. 1892, ler Univ. 1889, M.L. 1892 D.C.L. 1893 Frederick Eli Mygatt, M.L. 1892 Porter Cooper Moulton Roger Samuel Newell Keiichi Nosawa Burton Louis Newton William Joseph O’Sullivan, M.D. 1889 Allen Penñeld Nichols George Madison Pavey, B.A. 1888 Wallace Olmstead Robert Seney Pelletreau Frank Lee Owen, PH.B. 1889 Lyman Ormond Perley, B.S. North- Israel Hyman Peres, B.A. 1889 western Univ. 1887 William Hollis Pond Philip Pond, B.A. 1888 Hyacinthe Archibald Ringrose Henry Strunz, B.A. 1888 John Wilber Roby, M.L. 1894 Edgar Montgomery Thacker Frederick Andrew Scott, B.A. 1889 Jeremiah Dean Toomey James Robert Seeley, B.A. 1888 Francis Bacon Trowbridge, B.A. 1887 James Madison Self, B.A. Coll. Mon- Winthrop Turney, B.A. 1888 tana 188g ' Leonard Truman Waldron Corwin Sheridan Shank Thomas Clifford Waterous Charles Hitchcock Sherrill, B.A. 1889 Frank Lincoln Woodward, B.A. 1888 William Harrison Stafford 42 Albert Brodie Stone, B.A. Univ. Mich. 1889 Charles Edwin Thorn Susumu Uchida 1891 Harry Mighel Verrill, PH.B. 1889 54 George Washington Adams George Woodburn Andrew, M.L. 1892 George Leslie Armstrong ` 18 2 Orren William Bates, B.A. Haverford 9 1884 William Pope Aiken, B.A. 1889 Charles Patrick Bohan Frank Stymets Bishop, B.A. 1890 Joseph Patrick Brennan Herbert Morton Bishop, B.A. 1890 Stephen Brophy Charles Wright Boltwood, B.A. 1890 Reuben Louis Cates Francis Patrick Brett Benjamin Hynes Charles, B.A. West- John Zachariah Brickley minster Coll. (Mo.) 1885 John Frederic Carpenter Henry Graham Crocker, M.L. 1892 John Francis CunL` Thomas Mitchell Cullinan, B.A. 1889 John Mansfield Douglas William Henry Davies *Joseph Edley England, B.A. Coll. George Henry Ennis Christian Bros. *1894 Fitz Daniel Ermentrout Edward James Gavegan, B.A. 1889 Porter Beach Godard, B.A. 1889 Frank Edwin Hawkes George Edwin Hill, B.A. 1887 Morgan John Flaherty Charles Cleveland Ford Lewis Scoñeld Haslam, B.A. 1890 John James Healey William Thomas Henry 12 I78 _ YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 l Herbert Augustus Hill, B.A. Wes- leyan 1889 ' John Francis Holohan Henry Arthur Huntington Jesse William Johnson Richard Harvey Johnson Howard Clifford Joyce Henry Thomas King Franklin Leonard Harry Wills McIntosh, PH.B. Western Univ. (Pa.) 1890 George Robert McKenna Augustine Francis Maher, B.A. Man- hattan Coll. 1890 William Henry Marlatt, B.A. Nat. Normal Univ. (O.) 1889 James Bernard Martin Sanford Bouck lMartin, B.A. Pa. Coll. 1890, M.L. 1893 Solomon Cristy Mead, B.A. 1890 Louis Jackson Morgan, PH.B. But- ler Univ. 1888 William James Neary, B.A. Coll. Holy Cross 1890 Robert Treat Platt, B.A. 1889 John Henry Roemer, B.A. Marietta 1887 ' Linford Fenn Root William Henry Smith, B.A. 1890 James Robert Spurgeon George Peabody Steele Francis Willcox Treadway, B.A. ­ Worc. Polytechn. Inst. 1890 Lebbeus Redman Wilfley, M.A. Cen- tral. Coll. (Мо.) 1891 Rollin Chappell Wooster Alfred Northam Wright ' William Morris Wylie Samuel Albert York, B.A. 1890 44 1893 William Doolittle Bailey, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1891 Roger Sherman Baldwin, B.A. 1890 John Wallace Banks, B.A. 1889 Charles Roderick Beers Frank Sheridan Benninghoif, B.A. 1891 Julian Jedediah Bishop James Kingsley Blake, B.A. 1891 Dwight Elliot Bowers, B.A. 1887 Elmer Ray Brady Charles Dudley Burnes Lawrence Marshall Byers, B.A. Penns. Coll. 1890, М.А. Haverford 1891 Wilson Lee Camden, B.L. W. Va. Univ. 1891 Ernest Wells Campbell, M.L. 1894 Jeremiah James Caporale Alfred Wellington Carter John Joseph Clerkin, B.A. Coll. Holy Cross 1877 - James Tobias Coogan Homer Stille Cummings, PH.B. 1891 George Milton Curtis ‚ Cornelius Joseph Danaher Samuel Allen Davis - Harry Goodyear Day, PH.B. 1890 James Dudley Dewell Dana Pitt Foster, B.A. Colby 1891 Daniel Fred Fowler Katsutoro Fukushima Robert Miles Gignoux Bernard Gilpin Arthur Collins Graves, B.A. Trin. 1891 Lee Gray Frank David Haines Frank Edward Healy William Thurston Hincks, B.A. 1891 John Hone, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1891 Jesse Wheeler Hubbard George Henry Huddy Frank William Igo Milton Cleaveland Isbell, PH.B. 1891 Richard Everett Jeffery Charles Poole Kellogg, B.A. 1890 Ulysses Simpson Grant Kendall, B.S. Nat. Norm. Univ. (O.) 1890 Thomas Francis Lawlor Waddy Daniel Leeper James St.C1air McCall Haines Allen Machesney Malcolm MacLear, B.A. 1891 David Thomas McNamara William Brayton Mann Charles Herbert Mathews , Harry Nelson Moon, B.S. Mass. Agric. Coll. 1891 Wallace Simon Moyle, B.A. 1891 John Hall Musgrave Leslie Wickham Newberry John Thomas O’Keefe Daniel Louis Parsons David Whitman Parsons, B.A. Colby 1891 Wilfred Montressor Peck Alfred Horace Phelps, B.A. North- western Univ. 1891 Bamford Albert Robb Alexander George Morison Robert- son Paul Russo Daniel Seales, B.A. 1891 Redford Brian Tunstall Sharpe Walter Campbell Shoup George Howard Stanton а Isadore Abraham Stein Jesse Adelbert Stewart John Dewell Swain John Quillin Tilson, B.A. 1891 Rollin Usher Tyler, B.A. 1886 George Stewart Walton, B.A. 1891 James Parsons Woodruff, B.A. Am- herst 1891, M.L. 1894 Brent Kelley Yates 73 1895] BA CHELORS OF LA WS, 1893—1895 179 1894 William Roderick Adams Alfred Carleton Baldwin Gabriel Henry Baum, also Univ. S. C. 1893, B.A. Univ. S.C. 1892 Edward Boltwood, B.A. 1892 William Bradford Bosley, B.A. 1892 “George Preston Breckenridge Robert Barmby Buckham, B.A. Univ. Vt. 1889 Timothy Francis Callahan John Charles Clark Thomas Drake Coulter Howard Ambrose Couse, B.A. Alle- ghany Coll. 1891 Jesse Wallen Crain Harry Irwin Cromer Rowe Francis Donovan Thomas Francis Farrell Henry Edgar Ferris Percy Finlay, B.A. 1892 William Frederick Foster Harrison Barber Freeman, B.A. 1892 Pierpont Fuller, B.A. 1892 Jo Clarence Goodman George Fauvel Gouraud Harmon Sheldon Graves, B.A. Trin. 1892 George Elisha Hall Herbert William Hamlin, PH.B. 1892 Thomas “Тет Hardy William Stockbridge Haskell, B.A. 1892 George Pickard Hawkes, B.A. 1891 Robert Cairns Hayden Benjamin Franklin Hedden Jo Ralph Jacques Midori Komatz John William Larkin, B.A. Coll. Holy Cross 1892 Josiah Woolf Levy Edward Joseph Maher Loren Pinckney Waldo Marvin, B.A. 1892 Oliver Perry Merritt George Redington Montgomery, B.A. 1892 Albert Alfonzo Moore Henry Morgan George Frederick Mull, PH.B. De- Pauw 1893 James Emerson O’Connor George Owen Redington Matthew Ambrose Reynolds, B.A. 1892 Frank Wright Seymour, B.A. 1892 Arnold Watson Sherman Alfred Willoughby Smith Harrison John Teller, B.A. 1892 James France Torrance Richard Henry Tyner Charles Weiser, PH.B. 1893 James Everett Wheeler, B.A. 1892 Charles Boardman Whittlesey Fritz William Whyte Arthur Hubbard W'ood Robert ÑVright 56 1895 [Candidates for the degree, fune, 1895.] Robert Adair Spencer Lionel Adams, B.A. Cornell Univ. 1893 George Patrick Ahern Joseph Anderson, B.A. 1893 Leroy Delevan Ball Elmore Sherwood Banks Albert Hampton Barclay, B.A. 1891 Alvin Louis Bauman John Adam Bellis John Edmond Bishop Thomas Hamilton Breeze, B.A. 1893 Frank James Brown, B.A. 1893 William Bartholomew Brown Edwin Higbie Brownell Wendell Greene Brownson, B.A. 1893 Samuel fos/ma Bryant, B.D. 1876 Herbert Spencer Bullard, PH.B. 1887 Edward Martin Burke, B.A. Union 1893 Henry Clarence Burroughs Michael John Byrne George Winton Carey Terrence Francis Carmody Thomas Francis Carroll, B.S. Lehigh Univ. 1894 Hervey Merriam Cheney Frederick Chunn Dennis William Coleman Louis Edgington Conner George McCobb Coombs William Henry Cox, B.S. Geneva Coll. (Pa.) 1893 Charles Thomas Coyle Leo Davis Frank Edward Donnelly, B.A. 1893 Samuel Solomon Doroff David Edward Fitzgerald Archibald Graham James Stephen Green Henry Albert Levi Hall ­ William Roland Hall, B.L. Univ. Ala. 1894 Newton Megrue Harris Paul Wolcott Harrison Harry Waterbury Hawley Charles Vincent Henry Frederick Asbury Hill, B.A. 1893 Benedict Michael Holden William Perry Hopkins William Churchill Hungerford, PH.B. 1893 Joseph Almeron Johnson Frederick Darwin Keeler Daniel Boyle Kelly George Lawrence King William Lloyd Kitchel, B.A. 1892 George Washington Klett Eugene Kraemer ÑVilliam Stephen Levens Ernest Mayo Long, B.L. Richmond Coll. 1894 Bernard Eugene Lynch 180 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 William Stephen McCaughey Samuel John Marsh Edward Lewis Medler Melville Bascom Mendell William Charles Meyer, B.A. Univ. W. Va. 1893 Ambrose Irving Moriarty Frederick Merritt Peasley George Leete Peck, B.A. 1893 John Wayland Peddie _Joseph Strass Peery John Newell Piatt Charles Elliott Pickett Stuart Eldred Pierson Fred Clark Rector, B.A. Ohio Wesl. Univ. 1893 Henry Seymour Sanford William Scott Edward Lawrence Seery Benjamin Slade Dutee Roy Smith Herbert Knox Smith, B.A. 1891 Daniel John Snyder, B.A. Heidelberg Univ. (Ohio) 1892 William Fletcher Thetford, B.A. Univ. Ala. 1893 Edwin Stark Thomas George Edgar Tilton Edward Holman Tracy, B.A. 1893 Charles Milnor Washington, B.A. 1889 Howard Curtis Webb Larz Augustus Whitcomb, B.A. 1894 John Harvey Wigginton, B.A. 1893 Allyn Bancroft Wilmot Alfred Charles Woolner, B.A. 1893 Frank Clement Wright Bennie A. Younker 89 MASTERS OF LAWS [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1877 Alexander Rieman Hack, LL.B. 1876 1878 Kazuo Hatoyama, LL.B. Columbia 1877, D.C.L. 1880, Prof. Law Univ. Tokyo Edward Lee Linsley, LL.B. 1877 George Gluyas Mercer, B.A. Haver- ford 1877, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1877, D.C.L. 1879 Edward Wells Southworth, B.A. 1875 William Kneeland Townsend, B.A. 1871 « 5 1879 Isaac Franklin Russell, B.A. Univ. City N. Y. 1875, LL.B. Univ. City- N. Y.I877, M.A.Univ. N. Y.,D.C.L. 1880, LL.D. Dickinson 1880, Prof. Munic. Law Univ. City N. Y. 1880 Wallace Bruce Fenn, PH.B. 1877 Edwin Burritt Smith, LL.B. Union Coll. Law (Ill.) 2 1881 William Jerome Davis, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1880 Louis Hood, B.A. 1878 William DeWitt Kellogg, LL.B. 1880 James Hodge .McLean, LL.B. 1880 Miner Gibbs Norton, LL.B. 1880 John Charles Talcott, LL.B. 1878 6 1882 William Ward Bailey, B.A. 1879 Willard Anthony Davis, LL.B. 1881 Terah Haggin Patterson, LL. B. 1881 Edwin Allan Smith, LL.B. 1881 Henry Hinman Wadsworth, LL.B. 1881 5 1883 Alfred James Brockschmidt, LL.B. Chaddock Coll. (Ill.) Thomas Davis Ross, LL.B. Univ. Va. 1882 2 1884 Eugene Lionel Gilbert, LL.B. 1882 John Herrimon Holt, LL.B. George- town Coll. 1881 Daniel William Lawler, LL.B. 1883 Edward Vilette Raynolds, PH.B. 1880 George Dutton Watrous, B.A. 1879 Henry Charles White, B.A. 1881 6 1886 Demus Riley Gale, LL.B. Columbian Univ. (Wash.) 1885 Frank Anthony Meyer, LL.B. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1885 Samuel Clinton Morehouse, LL.B. 1885 3 1887 Henry Philip Farnham, LL.B. Nat. Normal Univ. (O.) 1885 Charles Burnell Hawkes, LL.B. 1883 John McKean, LL.B. 1886 Seijiro Sho, LL.B. Univ. Tokyo 1885 Erwin Llewellyn T harpe, B.A. Baker Univ. 1877, LL.B. Iowa State Univ. 1879, M.A. Baker, PH.D. Syracuse Univ. 1885, B.D. 1888 5 I888 Livingston Warner Cleaveland, LL.B. 1881 *Eben Whitney, LL.B. 1887 2 ‘1892 1889 Daniel Everitt Leary, LL.B. 1888 Kojiro Matsugata, LL.B. 1888 Frank Dunlap Pavey, B.A. 1884 Clement Darling Rinehart, LL.B. 1888 *Soichi Tsuchiya, LL.B. 1888 5 *1890 182 YALE UNIVERSITY 1890 George Emerson Beers, LL.B. 1889 Saburo Koya, LL.B. Univ. Tokyo 1889, D.C.L. 1891 2 1891 Albert McClellan Mathewson, LL.B. 1884 William Wallace Phelps, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1890, D.C.L. 1894 2 1892 George Woodburn Andrew, LL.B. 1891 Henry Graham Crocker, LL.B. 1891 Hidei Fukuoka, LL.B. Cumberland Univ. 1891 John Aaron Hoober, LL.B. 1891 Sukahide Kabayama, LL.B. 1891 George Aaron Kellogg, LL.B. 1891 Joseph Richard Morgan, LL.B. 1891 Robert Clark Morris, LL.B. 1890 Frederick Eli Mygatt, LL.B. 1891 Andrew Wilson, M.A. Kansas Normal Coll. 1890, M.L. Georgetown Univ. 1891, D.C.L. 1893 Akira Yamamato, LL.B. Columbian Univ. 1891 11 1893 Edwin Franklin Hall, LL.B. 1893 William Angus Hamilton, LL.B. Cor- nell Univ. 1889, D.C.L. 1894 Sanford Bouck Martin, LL.B. 1892 Richard Frank Price, LL.B. Univ. Iowa 1889 4 1894 Roger Sherman Baldwin, B.A. 1890 Ernest Wells Campbell, LL.B. 1893 John Wilber Roby, LL.B. 1891 John Quillin Tilson, B.A. 1891 James Parsons Woodruff, LL.B. 1893 5 DOCTORS OF CIVIL LAW [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1878 John Howard Whiting, LL.B. 1876 1879 George Gluyas Mercer, M.L. 1878 1880 Kazuo Hatoyama, M.L. 1878 Isaac Franklin Russell, M.L. 1879 William Kneeland Townsend, B.A. 1871 3 1882 Louis Hood, B.A. 1878 James Hodge McLean, LL.B. 1880 2 1885 Edward Vilette Raynolds, PH.B. 1880 1890 Kojiro Matsugata, LL.B. 1888 *Soichi Tsuchiya, LL.B. 1888 *1890 г George Dutton Watrous, B.A. 1879 3 1891 Sabura Koya, M.L. 1890 1893 John Aaron Hoober, LL.B. 1891 Sukehide Kabayama, LL.B. 1891 Robert Clark Morris, LL.B. 1890 Andrew Wilson, M.L. 1892 4 1894 William Angus Hamilton, M.L. 1893 William Wallace Phelps, M.L. 1891 2 BACHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1852 William Phipps Blake, M.A. Dartm. 1863, Prof. Mineral. and Geol. Coll. Cal. William Henry Brewer, M.A. 1859, PH.D. Wash. and Jeff. Coll. 1880, Prof. Nat. Sci. Wash. Coll. (Pa.) and Coll. Cal., Norton Prof. Agric., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. George Jarvis Brush, M.A. 1857, LL.D. Harv. 1886, Prof. Metall. and Mineral., Curator Mineral. Collec- tion, Director Shefïìeld Sci. School, Member K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Geol. Soc. Lond. and Edinb., Im- per. Mineral. Soc. (St. Petersb.) and Nat. Acad. Sci. William Jarvis Craw, Asst. Applied Chem. William Arthur Shepard, Prof. Chem. Randolph-Macon Coll. *Mason Cogswell Weld, 1858, Asst. Chem. *1887 *George Washington Weyman, PH. D. Göttingen 1855 7 *1864 1853 Charles Francis Chessman William Batcheler Cochran Daniel Farrand Henry Benjamin Cutler Jillson, M.D. else- where, PH.D. Lafayette 1870, Asst. Prof. Chem., Mineral. and Geol. Cumberland Univ., Prof. Nat. Sci. Western Univ. (Pa.) *William Henry McRuer ' 1858 Gilbert Ezekiel Palen, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1855 *Albert Bowman Rogers 7 *1889 1854 *Stephen Lyford Crosby *1875 *John Antoine Duvillard *1865 Rafael Espinosa Alonzo Tyler Mosman, Asst. Chem. David Ball Parsons George Bowen Pierson Adrian Terry, B.A. 1852 7 1855 Frederick Hoyt Allen *James Clarence McGregor Ira Moore Howell W. St.John Onofre Vengohechea George D. Walcott Thomas A. Wilcox 7 *1890 1856 Armand Boisblanc Joseph Hill Brinton Nathan Smith Bronson Gideon Horace Candee *Erastus Lyman DeForest, B.A. 1854 *I888 George Franklin Fuller George W. Lyle Louis Peck Morehouse Isidro Plata Henry Martyn Seely, M.D. Berkshire Med. Inst. 1857, M.A. 1860, Asst. Anal. Chem., Prof. Chem. and Toxicol. Univ. Vt. and Berks. Med. Inst., Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Middlebury Coll. *Matthew Watson *1864 Lewis Williams 12 1857 Edward Curtis John King Gilbert *Charles Harger *1875 Edmund Perlee Herrick Alexander Hamilton Kent *David Bigum Martin *1869 *George Harrison Meade *1890 William Henry Pike *Selden Silliman Richards 9 ‘1883 1858 *Demetrio Thomas Arosmena '1880 George Frederic Barker, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1863, Asst. Chem., Prof. Nat. Sci. Western Univ. (Pa.), Prof. Phyiol. Chem. and Toxicol., Prof. Physics Univ. Pa., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. 1895] EA CHEL OES 0E PHILOSOPH Y, 1852—1867 185 John Marcus Blake, Asst. Anal. Chem. Julius Gay, B.A. 1856 *Henry Kelley Hodges Horace Kendall King Charles Stewart Kittredge, C.E. 1860, M.D. Columbia 1863, Asst. Engin. Fidel Pombo Alfred Perkins Rockwell, B.A. 1855 *Edward Sackett ‘1861 *Orson Cowles Sparrow, B.A. 1854 *1877 John Davenport Wheeler 12 *1879 1859 Franklin Booth, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1864 Henry Augustus DuBois, M.D. else- where William Buck Dwight, B.A. 1854 Alexis Wynns Harriott, B.A. 1856 George Dallas Seely *George Hazard Smith *1889 Sutherland Douglas Twining, M.D. 1864 7 1860 *Clifford Coddington *1892 Alfred Williams Hearn, M.D. Paris *Edwin Hutchinson, M.D. Columbia 1866 *1887 Edward Augustus Manice, B.A. 1858 *1877 Joseph Addison Rogers, C.E. 1861, Asst. Engin. Walter Scott Sheafer 6 1861 Oscar Dana Allen, PH.D. 1871, Asst. Chem., Instr. Anal. Chem., Prof. Metallurgical and Anal. Chem. Hezekiah Bissell, 1881 Charles W. Burrage José Filomeno Cifuentes Salome Martinez *Gideon Emmett Moore, PH.D. Hei- delb. 1870 Carrington Howard Raymond *Joshua Sands '1895 8 *1892 1862 Charles Henry Bunce John Griñan Clarence King, LL.D. Brown 1890, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *Daniel Smith Mead Samuel Parsons Hubert Cowles Ward 6 '1888 1863 *Watson Andrews Goodyear, Asst. Engin. *1891 Arnold Hague, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. Henry Starr Manning, 1888 *Ignacio M. Megia 4 *1865 1864 Charles Bill Robert Long Brownfield Beverly Scott Burton, PH.D. Würzb. 1881, Asst. Chem., Prof. Chem. Univ. Tenn. ­ Edwin Wallace Carpenter, Asst. Math. Ellsworth Daggett Frederick Farnsworth, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1867 Albert Hiller Roffe Henry Dyer Tiffany Arthur VanHarlingen, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1867 9 1865 William Henry Glenny Charles Holt Francis Jedidiah Leavens Albert Parsons Massey Alexander Smith Palmer Sanford Robinson Henry Rogers *Theron Skeel, C.E. 1866 William Wheelwright Skiddy, 1886 James Bennett Stone, C.E. 1866, Asst. Math. Frederick Folger Thomas, B.A. 1863 *Samuel Reading Throckmorton,B.A. - 1863 “1880 Martin VanHarlingen I3 *1878 1866 George Douglass Coit Robert Livingston Crooke, 1892 *Adrian John Ebell, M.D. Albany Med. School 1869 *1877 Charles Henry Gauss Wilford Linsly, 1880 *Alexander Ufford McAlister James Allen Macdonald, 1892 *John Jarvis Matthias, B.A. Univ. City N. Y. 1862, M.A. Univ. City N.Y., Asst. Chem. 8 *1888 ‘1874 1867 Volney Giles Barbour, C.E. Univ. Vt. 1887, Asst. Engin., Prof. Civ. Eng. Univ. Vt. 186 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 John Kennedy Beeson Alfred Caldwell, Attorney-Gen. W. Va. Samuel Hosmer Chittenden, C.E. 1875 *Lyman Stewart Ferry *Peter Houtz Grove Robert Michael Grove Charles Henry Hubbard William Gilbert Mixter, M.A. 1887, Asst., Instr. and Prof. Chem. William Harmon Niles, Prof. Geol. and Geogr. Mass. Inst. Technol. Charles Joseph Sheffield, 1872, Asst. Chem. Sidney Irving Smith, M.A. 1887, Asst. Zool., Instr. and Prof. Compar. Ariat., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. Wedworth Wadsworth, 1890 Daniel Halsey Wells, C.E. 1868, Asst. Math., Instr. Civ. Engin. and Math. Joseph Thompson Whittlesey Luther Hodges Wood, M.D. 1869 16 *1869 *1875 1868 Wellington Miles Andrew Leonard Strong Austin George Franklin Bailey Samuel Atkins Barbour Frederick Converse Beach James DeTrafford Blackstone Eugene Stuart Bristol, Asst. Chem. Albert Gardiner Clark Henry Marchant Dudley Henry Turner Eddy, B.A. 1867 Barton Darlington Evans Edward Forsyth Finney James Fowler, 1869 Frank Morton Guthrie `John Corey Hersey George Anson/aeèson, M.A. 1887 Joseph Scott McKell Charles Kinney Needham, C.E. 1869 Frederick George Noonan Lyman Bradley Parshall William YVallace Redfield Alexander Renick *Joseph Perkins Rockwell *1885 *Lewis Bridge Stone ‘1871 Samuel Swift, M.D. Columbia 1872 Henry Shaler Williams, PH.D. 1871, Asst. Paleont., Prof. Geol. and Paleont. Cornell Univ., Silliman Prof. Geol. 26 1869 *William Greene Abbot ‘1889 William Richardson Belknap Roman Augustus Bissell Charles Augustus Brinley Francis Dudley Buck, M.D. Columbia 1876 Andrew Dwight Chidsey *Clarence Marcellus Clarke *1890 Frederick Smillie Curtis Augustus Jay DuBois, C.E. 1870, PH.D. 1873, Aeet. Field Engin., Prof. Civ. and Mech. Engin. Lehigh Univ., Higgin Prof. Dynam. Engin., Prof. Civ. Engin. ' Joseph Robinson Folsom Albert Banks Hill, C.E. 1870, Instr. Engin. _Joseph Courten Hornblower Nelson Powell Hulst, B.A. 1867 *Edward Whiting Johnson *1878 Joseph Goodhue Kendall *Charles Byron Koon *1885 Houston Lowe Henry Hoyt Perry Charles Henry Pope Joseph John Skinner, C.E. 1874, PH.D. 1876, Asst. Civ. Engin., Instr. Math. Robert Schuyler VanRensselaer Charles Alvah Weed William Robert White Horace Franklin Whitman Willard Wendell Wight Frederick Everett Willits 26 1870 James Whitin Abbott, B.A. 1868 Henry Moore Bailey Charles Thruston Ballard ` Thomas Gray Bennett, M.A. 1895, Fel- lo w Townshend Stith Brandegee Daniel Seymour Brinsmade Charles Peter Brooks Thomas Elwood Calvert *Frederic Hosea Churchill, LL.B. Harv. 1875 Dorr Clarke ’ Alfred Ronald Conkling, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 Justus Herbert Grant Charles Sheldon Hastings, PH.D. 1873, Instr. and Prof. Physics, Assoc. Prof. Physics _Johns Hop- kins Univ., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. William Alfred Hinds Edward VanBuren Hoes William Rufus Hopson Henry Correll Humphrey Augustus Washington Littleton *Francis Asbury Lowe William Dennis Marks, C.E. 1871, Prof. Mech. Engin. Univ. Pa. Arthur Woods Rice George Douglass Roseberry Alfred Stanton Clarence Augustus Warren John George Watson 25 *1881 *1883 1895] BA CHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY, 1868—1874 187 1871 Theophil Mitchell Prudden, M.D. 1875, Instr. Chem., Lect. Normal Horace Andrews, C.E. 1872, Instr. Hlstolu Prof_ ратном Columbia Surveying Coll. Edwin Faxon Bacon Luther White Burt James Clark Bush, 1890 George Benjamin Chittenden, C.E. 1873 Russell Wheeler Davenport, M.A. Harv. 1894, Instr. Chem. William Cecil Durand Charles Hascall Dwinelle Charles Addison Ferry, C.E. 1891 Charles Henry Green *Charles Woodford Griswold John Nichols Judson, 1891 George Macculloch Keasbey Joseph Frederick Klein, M.E. 1873, Asst. Mech. Engin., Prof. Mech. Engin. Lehigh Univ. George Granville Lobdell Thomas William Mather, M.E. 1873, Instr. Mech. Engin. Mansfield Merriman, C.E. 1872, PH.D. 1876, Asst. Civ. Engin., Instr. Engin. and Astron., Prof. Civ. and Mech. Engin. Lehigh Univ. Alfred Louis Moore *Daniel Hobart Pierpont, Instr. Sur- veying *Ferdinand Eugene Powell John Franklin Quigley Frederick Lockwood Sanford Henry Bradford Sargent Edward Clinton Terry Harry Degen Ziegler 25 *1878 *1874 *1872 1872 Jacob Jackson Abbott, C.E. 1874 James Peter Bogart Wheeler DeForest Edwards, B.A. Coll. City N. Y. 1871, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1874 Joseph Ridgway Gawthrop William Saunders Greene *George Wesson Hawes, PH.D. Hei- delb. 1880, Asst. Mineral., Instr. Mineral. and Lithol. Daniel Webster Hering, C.E. 1878, Prof. Physics Univ. City N. Y. Charles Louis Johnson Cassius William Kelly, B.A. 1870 *Samuel Trevor Knapp *Harrison Wheeler Lindsley, C.E. 1873, Instr. Architect. and Perspect. ‘1893 Frank Oscar Maxson, C.E. 1882 Robert Douglass Milholland Maxwell George Noyes Miller *Charles Theodore Morse, 1873, LL.B. 1876 ‘1889 *Thomas Perkins Nevins ’1875 *1882 ‘1889 Thomas Hubbard Russell, M.D. 1875, Asst. and Lect. Surgery, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut. also Clin. Surg. and Surg. Анат. Charles A шт: T zooals *Daniel Wardwell Wardwell '1878 *Frederic Floyd Weld *1890 William Brenton Welling Thomas Wallace Wright, M.A. To- ronto Univ. 1871, C.E. 1882, Prof. Applied Mech. Union Univ. 23 1873 John Winthrop Auchincloss Edgar Henry Summerfield Bailey, PH.D. Ill. Wesleyan Univ. 1883, Prof. Chem., Mineral. and Metal- lurgy Univ. Kansas Alvah Weed Brown *Moses Bulkley a‘1892 Fillmore Cogswell “Птахи Righter Comings William Allen Cowles *Charles Adams Cragin *1878 Neville B. Craig, B.A. 1870 Robert John Currey Francis Urquhart Downing, B.A. 1872 Harry Taylor Gause Edward Julius Hall Henry Sheañ” Hoyt, LL.B. Columbia 1878 Robert Jaffray William Hampden Jenks, M.E. 1875 George Christopher Moore *William Josiah Parks Andrew Wheeler Phillips, M.A. Trin- ity 1875, PH.D. I877, Tutor, Prof. Math., Dean Grad. Courses *1892 *Benjamin Pomeroy *1875 Samuel Rockwell Amory Edwards Rowland *Edgar Camp Savage, Asst. Mech. Drawing *1891 William Lucien Scaife, C.E. 1877 Alfred Lewis Sellers *Charles Thompson Smith '1891 *Lewis Rodney Taylor *1882 Edward Allen Wilson, B.A. 1871 Henry Goodrich Wolcott, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1877 29 1874 Henry Prentiss Armsby, PH.D. 1879, Prof. Agric. Chem. Univ. Wisc. Nathan Edward Beckwith Alexander Hagob Bezjian, Prof. Phys. Sci. Centr. Turkey Coll. 188 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Charles Cook Brewster William Alexander Christie, 1876 Edward Brush Arthur Eugene Clark, 1876 Arthur Bucklin Claflin George Rufus Cooley, LL.B. 1877 Franklin Edwards Chambers McKibbin Craig Charles Howard Fitch, M.E. 1877 *James Cunningham *1890 Edwin Horace Forbes Charles William Fenn *LeRoy Gale, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. *Charles Hamilton Fox *1876 Med. Coll. 1877 *1883 *James Freeland ‘1880 Jacob Houtz Grove Luther Henry Gager Vincent Gilpin Hazard Livingston Gifford, LL.B. Columbia Frazier Davenport Head, 1876, LL.B. 1877 Columbia 1882 William Cornelius Hall *Frank LeRoy Holt *1890 Henry Mortimer Hastings Allen Brewer Howe, PH.D. Strassb. 1879, Asst. and Instr. Anal. Chem. Henry Hun, M.D. Harv. 1879, Prof. Psychol. Med. Union Univ. Lorenzo Medici Johnson, C.E. 1879 Henry Jarvis Kellogg Charles Hittell Killinger *Beverly Livingston, M.D. Columbia 1877 *1883 *William Pitt Lynde *1887 William McGrath Charles James Morse, C.E. 1877, Asst. Surveying *George Smith Needham *1891 Eugene Ernest Osborn, LL.B. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash.) 1876 Richard Deane Arden Parrott Claudius Victor Pendleton, Mech. Drawing Walter Brewster Platt, M.D. Harv. 1879 George Collin Power William Spencer Pratt William Henry Reynolds William Rockwell, LL.B. Columbia 1877 William Arthur Rogers John Muirhead Stewart Francis Hill Stillman *William Richardson Upham, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1877 Simeon Harrison Wagner, LL.B. 1876 *John Charles Weber Mercelon Sylvester Wilson 39 Asst. *1882 *1881 1875 *Charles Henry Alling Launcelot Winchester Andrews, Prof. Chem. Iowa State Agric. Coll. and State Univ. Iowa Moses Bradstreet Bradford John Gilbert Bramley George Loomis Brownell Amos Avery Browning, LL.B. 1880 Charles Stuart Bunce Francis Taylor Chambers Edward Benjamin Chandler Russell Henry Chittenden, PH.D. 1880, Asst., Instr. and Prof. Physiol. Chem., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1890 Alfred Pell Haven Charles Hildebrand, M.E. 1877, Asst. Mech. Drawing, Instr. Math. William Read Howe, LL.B. Colum- bia 1880 Thomas Douglas Hoxsey Julian Kennedy, Instr. Physics Edward Austin Kent George Reinard Kleeberger *Wells Cushman Lake Charles Purdy Lindsley, M.D. 1878, Demonstr. Анат. *Blanchard Lynde, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1883 Clarence Fake McMurray Burton Mansfield, LL.B. 1878 John Charles Olmsted Edward Day Page Frederick Noah Pease, Asst. Anal. Chem. *Dwight Edward Pierce, C.E. 1880 William Arthur Pratt William Shugard Righter W aller Coe Кадет: Richard Sharpe Clarence Hoyt Stilson Jared Sidney Torrance Frederick Moncrieff Turnbull, M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1877 Samuel Traquair Tyson, Asst. Anal. Chem. *George Leland Upham, 1876, LL.B. Columbia 1880 Alonzo Earl Wemple William Rodman Wharton Alfred Newton Wheeler, LL.B. 1877 Henry Stacy Whipple *Edward Luther White George Horace Wilcox Kenjiro Yamagawa, Prof. Phys. Univ. Tokyo 53 *1876 '1889 *1885 *1882 *1893 1876 *David Root Alden Halsey Warren Allen Evelyn Marcelon Andrews Charles Eben Bacon Charles Loring Brace Frank Elwood Brown, C.E. 1890 William McCulloh Brown *1882 1895] BA CHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY, 1875—1877 189 William Browning, M.D. Leipz. 1881 Hermon Beardsley Butler, 1889 Walter Cleveland Butler Lloyd Joseph Caswell John Henry Chapman Sidney Williams Clark John Moffat Cunningham Frederick Perkins Dewey George Cornwell Dunham Stanley Forbes Edward Livingston Ford Porter Dwight Ford Edward Jasper Francke Robert Jackson Gibson, M.D. 1879 Edward Gillette, 1890 Jack Hays Hammond James Lawrence Houghteling Randell Hunt Edward Hine Johnson Solomon Kohn James Tewksbury Law, LL.B. Colum- bia 1878 ` Thomas Howard Linsley John Francis Luby, M.D. Columbia 1878 Calvin Morgan McClung, B.A. Univ. Tenn. 1874 Albert Sutton Macgregor Max Mailhouse, M.D. 1878 *Howard Meyer Frederick Plumb Miles Hiram Allen Miller, Asst. Mechan. Drawing William Mayo Newhall, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 John Robert Paddock William Beach Palmer Edward Larned Ryerson *William Babcock Sawyer Charles David Seeberger Andrew Gilbert Sheak Gordon Edward Sherman Thomas Ewing Sherman George Watson Smith, M. C. Frank Augustus Terry Frederick William Vanderbilt *Charles Williams VanVleck Charles Alexander Watson Frederick Wood Henry Ellsworth Wood, 1884 Thomas Yeatman 51 *1890 *1880 ‘1880 1877 William Whittlesey Abbott William Henry Backus George Henry Bartlett Morris Burke Belknap Bernard Berens, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1880 *Arthur Lewis Betts Frank Lewis Bidwell James Henry Brewster, LL. B. 1879 John Edwards Buddington '1891 Frank Caldwell, M.D. Med. Coll. O. 1882 _Joseph Gilbert Calhoun Frederick Leonard Cowles Henry Holbrook Curtis, M.D. 1880 Judson Amos Doolittle Wallace Bruce Fenn, LL.B. 1879, M.L. 1880 Burr Kellogg Field *Joaquin John Francke William Edgar Gard John Elisha Morpeth Hall, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1879 William Stanley Hine Walter Holcomb Horace Cobb Howard Joseph Paxson Iddings, Asst. Sur- veying, Assoc. Prof. Petrol. Univ. Chicago Charles Maples Jarvis Lawrence Kneeland, LL.B. Columbia 1881 *Elijah Thien Foh Laisun Frank Cooper Lawrance, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1880 Alton Winslow Leighton, M.D. 1879 Charles James Luck Ferrier John Martin Charles Knox Mixter James Blair Murray Samuel Lewis Penfìeld, Asst. Anal.- Chem., Asst., Instr. and Prof. Min- eral. *Willard Nourse Pratt Nathaniel Chapin Ray, 1878 Francis Rawlinson Read Lucius Waterman Robinson Thomas Fitch Rowland James Alvin Scott William Thompson Sedgwick, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1881, Instr. Physiol. Chem., Prof. Biol. Mass. Inst. Technol. Charles Dwight Smith George Smith Walter Snowdon Smith Henry Ling Taylor, M.D. Columbia 1881 ‘1894 *1889 *1894 Arthur John Tenney, M.D. 1883 Allan Mason Thomas, M.D. Columbia 1880 William Gilman Thompson, M.D. Co- lumbia 1881, Prof. Physiol. Univ. City N. Y. Thomas Alfred Vernon, 1894 John Abeel Weeks Horace Lemuel Wells, Prof. Anal. Chem. and Metall. James Harold Wickersham Albert Daniel Wilson George Leverett Wilson, C. E. 1885 *Edwin Young, LL.B. Columbia 1879 *1893 54 190 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1878 William Day Allen Seymour Landon Alvord John Pomeroy Bartlett, LL.B. 1881 John Luis Blackmore Edward Everett Brewster Fayette Williams Brown, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1881 William Tyler Browne, M.D. Harv. 1882 Lucian Lowber Burrows Charles William Canfield Robert Williams Chapin, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1881 William Grover Chapin Charles Samuel Churchill Samuel Fessenden Clarke, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1879, M.A. Wil- liams 1891, Asst. Zool., Prof. Nat. Hist. Williams Coll. Walter Linsley Cowles . Augustus James Emery, M.E. 1880 Granger Farwell , Oswin Hart Doolittle Fowler, LL.B. 1881 Cadmus Zaccheus Gordon Leonard Vassall Greene Ralph Augustus Harman Walter Tillman Hart George Stewart Hegeman, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1880 Charles Betts Hillhouse Robert Samuel Hulbert Thomas Mastin Jacks Fred Beckwith Jillson Edward Charless LeBourgeois *1881 *George Webb Mason *1881 William James Perry Moore Frank Turner Moorhead *George Henry Potts *1881 Edward Townsend Reed Charles Theodore Richmond Edward Kilbourn Roberts, M.D. 1880 Edward Hubbard Russell Edward Herndon Smith William Annin Vliet Ebin Jennings Ward, C.E. 1880 Edmund Beecher Wilson, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1881, Asst. Zool., Prof. Biol. Bryn Mawr Coll., Prof. Zool. Columbia Coll. Francis Dana Winslow 4o 1879 Frederick Innis Allen, 1889 Harry Washington Asher, LL.B. 1883 William Montgomery Atwater Nathaniel Terry Bacon Samuel Eben Barney, C.E. 1885, Instr. Math. and Civ. Engin., Asst. Prof. Civ. Eng. George Frederick Hunter Bartlett, M.D. Univ. Buffalo 1883 Joseph Bidleman Bissell, M.D. Co- lumbia1883 Malcom Booth William James Comstock, Asst. Anal. Chem., Instr. Organic Chem. Albert William Congdon н John Howard Cromwell, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1889 *George Clarence Egan '1886 *Emerson Young Foote, LL.B. 1881 *1892 Norman Norton Fowler, LL.B. 1881 John Currier Gallagher, LL.B. 1881 William Wesley Gibson Frank Hanson Harrison, M.D. Co- lumbia 1882 Frank Hillhouse, 1882 Charles DeVilliers Hoard *Charles Perry Hull *John Jewett Alfred Dennis Lewis George Walker Meeker Kakichi Mitsukuri, PH.D. Johns Hop- kins 1883, Prof. Zool. Univ. Tokyo James Boyd Neal, B.A. I877 Edward Delavan Nelson Walter Nordhoff Frederick Wallace Paramore Robert Wilson Patrick, LL.B. Colum- bia 1882 Harold Roorbach, LL.B. Columb. 1882 George Augustus Saunders William Seth Silsby Rufus Henry Skeel Herbert Eugene Smith, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1882, Instr. and Prof. Chem., Dean Med. School Thaddeus Henry Spencer Isaiah Kidder Stetson Daniel Eddie Stone *Arthur Stoddard Van Voorhis, LL.B. Columbia 1881 John Thomas Waring Walter Watson, C.E. 1882, Asst. Surv. Albert Lowry Webster, C.E. 1893, Asst. Surveying and Drawing Charles Seward Wilcox *ÑValter Smith Williams *1887 *1883 *1884 43*1890 1880 Daniel Sidney Appleton Charles Rufus Ayres Charles Backus Ball Rogers Clark Ballard-Thruston Harry Banning Bradford Henry Osborn Carrington,M. D. 1886 *Joseph Arthur Chanute George Huntington Clark Arthur Baylies Coffin, M.D. Columbia 1883 *1895 1895] EA CHELORS OE PHILOSOPHY, 1878—1882 191 Edward Allen Colby Frank McAlpine Collin Charles Mabie Crouse Charles Thompson Dodd Arthur Dodge Thomas Edward Doolittle Jacob Edward Emery. LL.B. 1882 George Edward Goodspeed John Warren Hardenbergh *Louis Maynard Higginson Walter Hitchcock, M.D. Columbia 1883 Theodore Lanahan Hooper Colin Macrae Ingersoll Martin Edward Jensen *David Brown Lewis Ernest Theophilus Liefeld Willey Solon McCrea John Moorhead Carl Eugene Munger, M.D. Columbia 1883 Edward Butler Needham George Benjamin Phelps, M.D. Co- lumbia 1883 Dwight Porter, Assoc. Prof. Hydrau- lic Engin. Mass. Inst. Technol. Edward Freeman Porter, LL.B. 1882 Edward Vilette Raynolds, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1882, M.L. 1884, D.C.L. 1885, Instr. Munic. Law, Lect. Polit. Sci. also Const. Law. Edwin McNeil Rogers *George Bliss Rogers Edward Rupert Sargent ÑVilliam Bartlett Schofield Henry Starkweather Adrian Rowe Wadsworth William Candee Warren Adolph Frederic Wehner George Goodwin Williams 42 *1890 *1888 ’1886 1881 Charles Francis Adams Ethan Allen Andrews, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1887, Assoc. Prof. Biol. Johns Hopkins Univ. Edward Bailey Frank Lewis Bigelow George Frederick Bosworth Lester Paige Breckenridge Charles Sheldon Burnham Howard Field Chappell Charles Manville Downs, M.D. 1883 John Slade Ely, M.D. Columbia 1886. Prof. Histol. and Pathol. Woman’s Med. Coll. N. Y. George Sherman Folsom Seymour Francis F rasick Albert Moses Gerstle Henry Holbrook Gladding, C.E. 1886 William Loomis Griswold, M.D. Co- lumbia 1885 Frederic Jonathan Hiller Samuel Higgins Blain Jamison Jeme Tien Yow Benjamin Franklin Koons,B.A. Ober- lin 1874, Princ. Storrs Agric. School Edmund Parker Lord Richard Becker Lyon Silas Metzger Edwin Kirtland Morse Marcus Daty Munn, LL.B. 1883, Asst. Anal. Chem. Marvin Olcott Owyang Keng Francis Stuyvesant Peabody Oliver Phelps Addison Alexander Righter George Lewis Sargent, LL.B. 1883 Louis Jacob Schiller Bernard Joseph Shanley, LL.B. 1883 Frank Augustus Smith ‹ John Heyward Trumbull, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1884 and Univ. Chili 1884 *Ricardo Lindsay Trumbull, LL.B. 1883 Howard VanRensselaer, lumbia 1884 Frank Charles Warner Robert William Watson William Meeker Wood Arthur Burnham Woodford, M.A. Ind. Univ. 1886, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1891, Prof. Economics Ind. Univ., Asst. Prof. Pol. Econ. Univ. Pa. Clark Wright, M.D. Columbia 1885 Willis Benton Wright 43 1882 Horace Ellsworth Andrews Alfred Warner Armstrong Charles Noyes Batcheller Henry Jonathan Biddle Francis Hayes Blake Nathan Gross Bozeman, M.D. Co- lumbia 1885 Frederick Casper *William Anson Chamberlin William Henry Crocker James John Drummond Richard Lawrence Everit Herbert Waldron Faulkner, M.E. 1884 William Alanson Hall *Alfred Edwards Hooker, B.A. 1880 *1887 Alexander Bryan Johnson, M.D. Co- lumbia 1885 Frederick William LaForge *Frank Judson Lambert Samuel Waldron Lambert, B.A. 1880 Norman Smith Latham Cassius Samuel Lyman Sheldon Elton Minor Edward E. Paramore Louis Valentine Pirsson, Asst. Anal. Chem., Asst. Prof. Inorg. Geol. ’1893 ‘1888 192 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Henry Smith Pope Robert Browning Rood Charles Edward Stockder Fred Moore Strong Henry Taber, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1888 Arthur Grahame Thompson Edwin Thorne Thomas Pearsall Thorne *Walter Joy Vought, M.D. Columbia 1885 *1893 Edward Loder Whittemore Alfred Buckingham Willcox Chauncey Pratt Williams Samuel Lawrence Williams 36 1883 Paul Whitin Abbott John Alpheus Allen Benjamin Safford Barrows George Andrew Barrows John Bartholomew Frederic Robinson Bartlett Frederic Elijah Beach. PH.D. 1893, Asst., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Physics Frederick Truman Bradley Charles Sumner Brown, M.E. 1894 Charles Milo Carpenter Horace Raymond Carpenter Samuel Myron Chase Henry Nelson Covell Wayne Darlington Edward Bradford Dench, M.D. Colum- bia 1885, Prof. Otol. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Henry Kelsey Devereux *Robert Ogden DuBois, M.D. 1886 Edward Peers Eastwick Horatio Southworth Frazer Charles Lockwood Gold Charles Stewart Hall George Vance Harper William Harper Allen Hubbard Sarkis Levonian John Elmer Lockwood William Ellison Lockwood, M.D.1885, Asst. Chem. also Physiol., Demon- strator Physiol. James Lyman John Henry Mann John Edmund Newell Henry Curtis Nutt George Shipman Payson Edward Wells Penneld David Murdoch Pratt Willie Sherman Randall, M.D. Colum- bia 1886 Albert William Robert Charles Lansing Sayre Charles Locke Scudder, B.A. 1882 Horace Lee Simpson, M.D. Columbia 1886 *1895 Ebenezer Hubbard Skinner Joseph Allen Skinner Edward Irving Stone John Edwards Stryker, LL.B. Colum- bia 1885 Chuan Lok Wing Alexander Jay Wurts Robert Hawthorne Wylie 46 1884 Gustavo Alfonso Elwood Harvey Allcutt Lawrence Vincent Benet *Edward Blake Chauncey Rea Burr, M.D. Harv. 1888 Albert Park Campbell Herbert DeWitt Carrington, German William Brainard Coit *Clifford Lawrence Colton Louis Edward Cooper, M.D. 1886 George Wyckoff Cummins, PH.D. 1887, M.D. Columbia 1890, Instr. Math. Charles Percival F arquhar Arthur Bixby Ferguson Davenport Galbraith Morgan Augustus Guinnip Calvin Lin sley Harrison, M.D. Colum- bia 1887 John Bell Hatcher, Asst. Geol. Samuel Brown Hawley Edwin Musser Herr James Henry Jennings *Henry Clay Johnson Thomas Crossley Johnson Edson Keith, LL.B. Columbia 1889 Duane Judson Kelsey, M.E. 1887 Albert Lucas *Luther James Martin, M.D. L.I. Med. Coll. Hosp. 1886 George Edgar Moulthrop William Wallace Nichols, M.E. 1886, Instr. Math. also Mech. Engin. Albert Anderson Noye *Herbert Lincoln Noyes Joseph Powell Joseph Warren Rogers Walter Allen Sadd William Godfrey Sage Russell Sargent *Clarence Wellington Sheldon, M.D. Columbia 1887 William Tuttle Shepard John Prentice Terry Chester Thorne James Henry Warner Elmore Abram Willets Andrew Lincoln Winton ­ *Franklin Eldred Worcester, B.A. 1882 ч 43 *1891 *1893 Instr. *1889 *1887 ‘1886 *1889 *1894 1895] BACHELORS OE PHILOSOPHY, 1883—1886 193 1885 Arthur Bronson Adams, Asst. Chem. Grenville French Allen Philip VanWyck Anderson James Arthur Atwood John Frank Babcock Paul Daily Bernard Clarence Blakeslee Robert Neill Brace Clarence Russell Britton Fred Spencer Bullene Merritt Mead Clark Wallace Sherman Clark Arthur Chandler Coates William Ledlie Culbert, M.D. Colum- bia 1888, PH.D. Univ. Omaha 1890 John Joseph Flather, Prof. Mech. Engin. Purdue Univ. William Holt Gale Irving Cook Gladwin Jacob Philip Goodhart, LL.B. 1887 Charles Lord Griihth John Venable Hanna John Ethan Hill David Leavitt Hough Percy Jackson, LL.B. Columbia 1887 Edwin Young Judd Amos William Kimball Henry D. Kohn Ira Lamb Alexander Lambert, B.A. 1884 Percy Lyford Lang William Heath Lyon, LL.B. Colum- bia 1886 Charles Pond McAvoy William Adair McDowell James Minor Maghee` M.D. Columbia 1887 Daniel William Maher Daniel Delevan Mangam William Edward Martin Edward Alexander Meredith Deane Miller Лег/бег! Lincoln [Ибис/де]! James Jacob Morgan William Alpheus Nettleton Truman Handy Newberry Isaac Norris George Washington Norton Henry Oliver John Cunningham Oliver Abbott Chandler Page Henry McMahon Painter, B.A. 1884 Willis LaFayette Perkins Royal Watson Pinney, M.D. Columbia 1888 Daniel Tuthill Pratt Sidney Armour Reeve, M.E. 1887 Willard Crawford Reid John Rice ’William Todd Ross Charles Gideon Rupert Frank Elbert Sands Louis Milton Schmidt James Alward Seymour, M.E. 1890 Murray Shipley Joseph Godfrey Snydacker Frank Jerome Stevens William VanSchoonhoven Thorne Curtis Chauncey Turner, M.E. 1887 George Elliot Verrill Frederick Brewster Wheeler Henry Howard Whitehouse, M.D. Co- lumbia 1889 Edward Simpson Wilson Benjamin Elizur Wright 69 1886 Gilbert Lincoln Husted Arnold William Wallace Atterbury Silas Warren Bartlett, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892 Henry William Blake Joseph Augustus Blake, B.A. 1885 John Marvin Blakeley, LL.B. 1888 Howard Cone Bolton Percival Ranney Bolton, M.D. Colum- bia 1890 Louis Whitford Bond Thomas Stoddard Bronson, M.D. 1889 Henry Lockwood Burns Lewis Emerson Cadwell Theodore Newton Case John Chamberlain Frederick William Darlington Alexander Harrison Davis John Edwin Doane Joseph Osterman Dyer Harvey Farrington Joseph Essex Fitzsimons Robert Elder Forster William Washington Gordon, LL.B. Columbia 1889 James Eugene Greenebaum Everett Mason Grimes Harry Cloyd Hamill David Neil Harper Frank Sperry Harrison . Willis Benjamin Herr, LL.B. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1887 Jay Russell Hickox William Barlow Hill Abraham Lincoln Howes William Evelyn Hutchings Morison Thomas Hutchinson, M.D. Columbia 1889 Abraham Lincoln Hyde William David John_son Thomas Coggeshall Knowles Harrie Sheldon Leonard Cornelius Fay Lynde Mahlon Henry Marlin Frederick Anderson Marsh Conrad Henry Matthiessen Edwin Frank Meyer *George Perkins Miller ‘1892 Henry White Patten George Eustis Potts I3 194 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 William Acker Rice Harris Smith Reynolds Arthur Jones Richmond John Robert Wheaton Sargent Samuel Bostwick Robbins William Marcelin Scaife Reginald Ronalds Oscar Harmon Short Alexander Holley Rudd Edward Arthur Smith Henry Rustin Francis Timothy Smith Emanuel Frank Selz Frink Mansfield Smith Edwin C'oupland Shaw, 1887 Erwin Starr Sperry, Asst. Anal. Chem. William Sanders Tevis Merton Pierpont Stevens John Metcalfe Thomas Arthur Peale Summers Calvert Townley, M.E. 1888 . Alfred John Wakeman, PH.D. Leipz. *George Pollok Devereux Townsend ’189 1894, Asst. and Instr. Anal. Chem. *Henry Lee Townsend *1894 Frank Otto Walther Thomas Brodhead VanBuren Nathaniel P. Washburn Henry Hayes Wadsworth Frank Warren Wentworth " Charles Willcox, M.D. elsewhere Charles Percy Willcox, B.S. Swarth- *Rockwell Amasa Williams *1889 more 1886, LL.B. Univ. Pa. 1891 Willis Stoughton Williams 63 Edward Gilbert Williams George Henry Wood Robert McKnight Woods 57 l1887 Henry Frederick Adams, M.D. else- 1888 where Robert Clayton Augur John Childe Anderson *Elmer Ellsworth Bennett *1892 Joseph Albright Archbald Herbert Spencer Bullard William Hill Bean Richard Augustus Chapman *Charles Bart Berger *1891 William Henry Coburn George Bart Berger Henry Fitch Coleman William Tillinghast Bull Lewis Atterbury Conner, M.D. Colum- George Robert Carter bia 1890 William Clarke Catlin David Mark Cummings James Henry Coleman Julius Gilbert Day George DavidColton William Greenhow Doane William Williams Crehore, B.A. 1886 Edward Warburton Durant Charles Edward Curtis Isadore Dyer, M.D. elsewhere Richard Sidney Curtiss, PH.D. Würz- Arthur Mansfield Everit burg 1892 Raymond Thomson French Jesse Chase Dann Francis Frederic Georger Henry Lewis Davis Robert Fisher Gibson George Howard Davison Charles Joseph Goldmark William Henry Davol Wilfred Elizur Griggs, also Columbia Carlton Melville DeWolf, LL.B. N. Y. 1889 Law School 1892 George Conradt Ham Robert Russel Dickey Harry Leon Hamlin, 1888 John Eufemio Dockendorff Edgar Burton Harger Henry Hays Ellis Herbert Leopold Hart John Feeter Esterbrook James Henry Hayden Frank Harold Farquhar William Brisbane Hickox John Ellis Field Marvin D. Hubbell, M.D. elsewhere Richard Huntington Franchot Joseph Cooke Jackson Deane Funk Lawrence Bates Jenckes *George Francis Garneau, B.A. St. Leonard Abbot Jenkins Louis Univ. 1886 *1890 Charles Sherman Jewett, M.D. Co- lumbia 1890 Frederick Sheffield Kellogg Grayson Guthrie Knapp Edward Linsley Maltby Harley James Morrison William Partridge Ordway Edmund Bishop Patterson Frank Adelbert Paul Charles Eugene Phillips William Thomas Rainey Henry Kellogg Goetchius James Douglas Gold, M.D. Columbia 1891 ' Franklin Moses Gray Howard Greer Matthew Griswold Fred R. Hamlin Horace Sedgwick Hart, B.A. 1887 Charles Merritt Heminway Noble Foster Hoggson Howard Livingstone Isbell 1895] EA CHELORS 0E PHILOSOPHY, 1887-Iss@ 195. Henry Garrybrant Jenner Cyrus Field Judson George Converse Kimball Felix Kleeberg, Asst. Anal. Chem. Edward Lambert Leeds Thomas Albert Legler Louis LeSassier Edwin Hoyt Lockwood, M.E. 1892, Instr. Drawing and Mechanism Samuel Harkness McCrea George Grant Mason William Smith Mason Charles Griffin Miller Edward Steward Moore James Augustus Nelson Charles Norris, M.D. Columb. 1892 Elbert Ellsworth Norton Selden Yale Osborn Franklin T. Parlin John Erskine Patrick Francis Cole Pratt John Goodell Prouty George Erineherhojr Riehards Edwin Wright Robinson John Rogers, B.A. 1887 Henry Charles Schwab Charles Kirtland Shelton Philemon Tecumseh Sherman, B.A. St.Louis Univ. 1886 Shiukichi Shigemi, M.D. 1861 Ernest Ellsworth Smith, PH.D. 1891, Asst. Physiol. Chem. Percy Franklyn Smith, PH.D. 1891, Instr. and Asst. Prof. Math. Ralph Hebert Smith Frederick William Spanutius Charles Weaver Stewart, M.D. Colum- bia 1891 Howard Canning Taylor, M.D. Colum- bia 1891 William Conquest Tucker, C.E. 1891 Charles Alling Tuttle, M.D. 1890, Asst. Clin. Surg., Lect. Orthopaed. Surg. Morgan Walcott, C.E. 1890 Ralph McIntosh Wilcox Frank Clark Woodruff George Stanley Woodward, B.A. 1887 77 1889 Arthur Chambers Alexander, Asst. Physics also Electr. Engin. William Belknap Allen James Bradshaw Bailey Louis Lawrence Barnum, LL.B. 1886 William Bartlett Beckley William Dennison Breed William Francis Breeze George Tyler Burroughs Henry Studley Burroughs Frank Arthur Busse Perry Moore Caldwell Arthur Sanford Cheney, M.D. 1893 William Shinn Clawson William Hillard Conyngham Frank Marcus Cooper Louis Julius Curtis Arthur Herbert Day Edward Hangary Day Edwin Kirke Dillingham Louis Coert DuBois Frederick Howard Ellsworth Harootune Enfiajian Edward Everest William Irving Ferrey Theron Rockwell Field Lewis Brown Gawtry George Frank Goodale Louis Montrose Haight Henry Pierce Hall Alfred Hand, B.A. 1888 John Augustus Hartwell, M.D. 1892, Asst. Physiol. Chem. А *Leland Howard ‘1890 *Arthur Grant Huntington *1891 Arthur Wiswell Jepson John Henry Klock Frank Dodge Leffingwell, B.A. 1887 George Alfred Lund David Lyman Boynton Wells McFarland, C.E. 1891 Kingsley Walton Martin, M.D. Colum- bia 1892 Ferris Jacobs Meigs George Wellington Miles John Raymond Mitchell Augustus Rene Moen Edwin Morrison William Brewster Morrison William Belknap Newberry Roger Samuel Newell, LL.B. 1891 Frank Lee Owen, LL.B. 1891 Kenyon Vickers Painter William Henry Pierce Edwin Read Irwin Rew Henry Work Rianhard Paul Skiff Robinson, M.D. 1891, Asst. Clin. Med. Paul Sheafer Arthur Bertram Skelding Fred Palmer Solley, B.A. 1888 Charles Emerson Stone Danford Newton Barney Sturgis Lewis Hobart Sweetser Henry Hutchins Sykes Oren Edward Taft Abraham Louis Thalheimer Charles Newman Traver Clarence Beecher Twitchell Henry Mighels Verrill, LL.B. 1891 Brownlee Robertson Ward, B.A. 1888 Robert Taylor Wheeler, M.D. Colum- bia 1892 Guthrie Minor Wilson Julian Vallette Wright William Charles Wurtenberg, M.D. 1893 72 196 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1890 Philip Allen ÑVilliam Lucius Armstrong, B.A. 1889 Cyrus Morgan Arnold George Perkins Bissell Theodore Whitney Blake Wendell Phillips Brown Horace Ray Burritt William Harper Butler *Robert Lockwood Casement Horace Bushnell Cheney John Platt Cheney Ralph Roger Clapp, Asst. Anal. Chem. Clarence Beverly Davison Harry Goodyear Day, LL.B. 1893 Nelson Lloyd Deming, M.D. else- where Walter Dodge, M.D. Columbia 1893 Harrison Irwin Drummond Julian DuBois Alexander William Evans, M.D. 1892, Asst. Chem. Ralph Schuyler Goodwin, M.D. Co- lumbia 1893 Neil Gray Everett Gallup Griggs Charles Newton Gunn Lawrence Heyworth Theodore Dudley Irwin *Adrian Muller Isham Walter Tracy Ives William Francis Judson Elbridge Byron Keith William Matthew Kenna, M.D. 1892 Charles Louis Kirschner Harvey Merrill Lawson, B.D. 1893, Asst. Chem. Franklin Lyman Lawton, M.D. 1893 Eugène Lentilhon Oliver Smith Lyford Herbert McBride Frank Dunlevy McCaulley John Carter Machale Henry Porter McKnight Frank Aloysius Maloney Frederick James Mann William Crosby Marshall, M.E. 1894, Asst. Mech. Engin. James Moorhead Murdoch Paul Nash Edgar Burr Northrup Alfred Walling Ogden Charles Augustus Otis Gaius Foster Paddock Robert Ellsworth Peck, M.D. 1893, Asst. Chem. also Clin. Med. John Frederick Pennell John Conover Powell Frank Russell Rich, Asst. Germ. Charles Talbot Richmond William Sterling Roby Charles Francis Rogers Amos Leibensperger Schaeffer, B.A. Franklin and Marshall 1889 Ernest Elisha Severy *т894 *1890 Chester Burdell Shepard William Alexander Simms, 1891 *George Jarvis Spencer Walter Tuttle Spencer Charles Bailey Spruce John Clayton Tracy, C.E. 1892, Asst. and Instr. Civ. Engin. and Drawing Albert Milford Turner Henry Lord Wheeler, PH.D. 1893 65 *1892 1891 William Adams Frederick Max Adler Harris Walton Baker Willis James Black Burton Dickinson Blair Arthur Eli Booth, C.E. 1893 Joseph Douglas Brown, M.D. Colum- bia 1893 Sterling Haight Bunnell, M.E. 1893 Brown Caldwell DeLancey Allen Cameron Robert Hanna Carnahan Henry Albert Carpenter Francis Allen Clark Noyes Dwight Clark, C.E. 1894 Robert Lewis Coleman Lehman Adams Cooper Benedict Crowell Homer Stile Cummings, LL.B. 1893 Laurence Andrew Dodsworth Robert Metcalf Dodsworth Frederick James Easterbrook George Sherwood Eddy Wyatt Collier Estes George Chandler Forrest Albert Francke Frank Hamilton Funk Edward Everett Gates Willis Blake Goodwin Henry Whitmore Gregory Lewis Winters Gunckel David Alexander Hays Walter William Heffelfinger Edwin Guy Helm John Williamson Herron Robert Gibson Hilton Robert Massonneau Hoffman Thomas Osborn Horton Robert Schuttler Hotz David Lynde Huntington Milton Cleaveland Isbell, LL.B. 1893 Frederick William Jones Elliott Proctor Joslin, B.A. 1890 George Coburn Kohler Augustus Frederick Kountze George Marcellus Landers Clifford Walter Leavenworth Daniel Alden Loring Charles Nassau Lowrie George Eldredge McClellan, Columbia 1894 David Magie Meeker M.D. 1895] BA CHELORS OE PHILOSOPHY, 1890—1892 197 George Wylie Mercer Harral Mulliken Gustave Munzesheimer John Stevens Murdock Warren Bynner Nash John Colwell Neale Nathaniel Read Norton, M.D. Colum- bia 1894 Stanley Hawken Pearce Arthur Chapin Pease, C.E. 1893 William Horace Pelton George Nathaniel Prentiss Walter Gray Preston Milton Holley Robbins Eugene Boutelle Sanger, M.D. Co- lumbia 1894 Ennis Newton Searles John David Shattuck, C.E. 1893 Harry Hudson Shepard George Monroe Sidenberg George Milton Smith Thomas Cullen Bryant Snell Lewis Edwards Sparrow George Pratt Starkweather, M.E. 1894, Asst. Drawing and Appl. Mech. George Fetter Stickney Charles Ferris Sturtevant Edward Owen Sutton Issa Tanimura Amasa Trowbridge Edward VanIngen Clark Greenwood Voorhees, M.A. Columbia 1893 Arvine Wales William Ernest Walker Edward Young Ware Robert Karl Wehner Rudolph Michael Weyerhaeuser Henry Wick Aras James Williams Charles Morgan Wood Pierre Jay Wurts 88 1892 Francis Mulliken Adams, Asst. Chem. also Physics Wallace McKinney Alexander Herbert Burr Atha Fred Murray Ayres Walter Stanton Bailey William Atwater Baldwin Francis Edward Barbour Frank Harrison Tefft Barbour Joseph Bulkley Barnes William Nicholas Beach Charles Edmund Beeson ­ Bertram Borden Boltwood,Asst. Anal. Chem. Sherman Hoyt Bouton Waldo Clayton Briggs *YVilliam Henry Philips Bronson (post ooit.) Otis Gridley Bunnell, Asst. French *1892 Lucius Lucine Button *_Walter Lord Caldwell George Flavius Campbell, Asst. and Instr. Chem. Willard Rowe Carrol Walter Ellsworth Coe Wesley Roswell Coe, Asst. Biol. Harry Cone Collins Egbert Wheeler Cornwall Wilbur Fisk Day Thomas Denny Duncan Stuart Ellsworth Samuel Fray Claude Gignoux Simon Philip Goodhart, M.D. 1894 George Arthur Gordon J. Avery Gould Joseph Sutton Green *Harry Priest Greene (post ooit.) Thomas Strong Grilling David Cullen Griggs Herbert William Hamlin, LL.B. 1894 John Henry Hammond Josiah Harmar Norman Dwight Harris Samuel Atkinson Harsh Thomas Simmons Ho-mans Henry Dwight Hunt Gustave Erwin Huttelmaier Harry Helmer Jackson Theodore Caldwell Janeway Edward Wilson Johnstone Walter Woodruff Keith James Hugh Kimball James Moffatt Knapp Charles Thomas Kountze Henry Edgar Lane Walter William Law Joseph Lesinsky Edward McVickar *1894 1*1892 .James Stephen Maher Denis James Maloney Frank Edwin Mandel Richard Fisher Manning, M.E. 1894 Robert Valentine Massey Gardner Meeker Charles Wilson Merrels Reuben Miller Fred Mold Theophilus Nelson, Instr. Math. Edward Sherman Nettleton Charles Henry Nichols Richard Francis Pearce Montague Elias Perkins Miles Albion Pond, Asst. Drawing John Keeler Punderford Harry Ralston Quinn Charles Cornwell Ramsdell George Wolf Reily William Reynolds Ricketts Albert B. Rogowski William Parker Sargent Charles Howard Saunders Albert Leslie Sessions Edward Helfenstein Simmons, 1893 Arthur Jarvis Slade 198 YALE UNIVERSITY e [1895 ` Ralph William Sprague Alix Welch Stanley Paul Sterling Harry Taylor Stoddart James Graham Stokes Worthington Smith Telford Isaac Biddle Thomas Charles Stewart Towle Percy Talbot Walden, Asst. Anal. Chem., Instr. Chem. Lauren Kellogg Warnick Isaac Weil Charles Weiser, LL.B. 1894 Alfred Pelton Wheeler Edward Lancaster Whittemore Charles Mallory Williams Philip Keeney Williams John Baker VVinstandley Walter Abbott Wood William Bassett Woodward Edward Vanuxem Wurts Vincent Jay Youmans Clarence Clark Zantzinger 103 1893 Roger Cook Adams Mortimer Harmount Alling William Marvin Armstrong James Howard Bailey Anson Baldwin Joseph Henry Bamberg Donn Barber Morris Hugus Beall James Beach Beckett Charles Pool Belden William Bart Berger Walter Spencer Billard Oliver Chandler Billings Orland Rossini Blair Laurence Thornton Bliss Harry Lattimer Bloodgood Joseph Judson Brooks Walter Frank Brown Nelson Beardsley Burr Alexander James Campbell James Edward F. Campbell Sheldon Cary George Clifford Clark Herman Daggett Clark John Williams Coe, Asst. Chem. William Garrard Comly Henry Failing 'Conner Lester Wiggins Day James Laird deVou Leroy Church Dupee Ernest Bradford Ellsworth Jason Evans Mark Ewing Joseph Brooks Fair Howard-Judson Fish Marc Milton Fishel Frederick Luther Ford George Congdon Fouse Edward Levi Fox Richard Garlick Albert Dewitt Gibbs William Anthony Granville, Asst. and Instr. Math.A Gaston Hunter Robert Ezra Hall Ogden Haggerty Hammond Samuel Mowbry Hammond Thomas King Hanna . Howard Joseph Haslehurst Arthur Stephen Hawley Charles Borland Hill Louis Warren Hill Frank Elijah Hine Charles Wilcox Hitchcock Sidney Stone Holt William Thomas Hildrup Howe, Asst. and Instr. Chem. Hampton Howell Phelps Buttolph Hoyt William Churchill Hungerford George Albert Hutchinson Charles Anthony Ingersoll, Descr. Geom. Huson Taylor Jackson Harry Churchill January William Rankin Johnston Charles Oscar Kalman John Hume Kedzie William Lansing Elmer Arthur Lawbaugh Burton Leonard Lawton Louis Cicero Lawton Harry Blakeman Lewis Thomas Henry Lewis Frank Allen Little Samuel Whiter McCaulley Vance Criswell McCormick Clifford Whiting McGee William McKell Charles Eugene McLane Fred Bogart McMullen Herbert Yarwood McMullen Leonard Mandel Harold Chauncey Matthews Edward Anthony Mitchell Lysander Royster Moore John P. Munson, B.S. Univ. Wisc. 1887 Henry Hotchkiss Murray Oliver Peter Nicola Herbert Leroy Potter Joseph Hyde Pratt Harry Parks Ritchie Allan Appleton Robbins Edward Olin Smith Frederick Clarence Spencer Alfred Hull Stevens William Petheric Stevens Raymond French Stoddard Bradley Stoughton Frederick Enos Stow ' Richard Pearson Strong Richard Schoonmaker Suydam William Buffum Thompson *Albert Leverett VanHuyck Asst. *1894 1895] BA CHELORS OP PHILOSOPHY, 1893—1804 199 McLane VanIngen John Henry Vought Robert William Whitehead Howard Dudley Wiggins Ira Edward Wight Clarence Cicero Wilson, B.A. 1892 Wallace Charles Winter Ernest Strong Witbeck 109 1894 Ralph Albree Frank Willson Aldrich William Bradford Allen' Richard Clough Anderson John Lorillard Arden Orville Elias Babcock Harry Ives Bartholomew Willard Bayliss George Alexander Berry Louis Mark Bishop Gershom Burr Bradley `Clifford Brewster Brainard Henry Brewer George Richard Brewster Robert Edward Brooke Morgan Prout Brooks Charles Barto Brown Edward Manning Brown Frederick Zerban Brown Harold Winthrop Buck Loomis Burrell, Asst. Anal. Chem. Alexander Byers Paul Worthington Carhart Sheldon Catlin Jerome Stuart Chaffee Charles McLure Clark William Irving Clock Samuel Gilbert Colt Frederick Clifford Cooke Edward Vermilye Cox Charles Eliab Coy Charles Howard Daly Hughes Dayton James Milan Dickson Harry Perry Disbecker *Arthur Malcolm Drummond Ralph Elliott Dusinberre Charles Milton Edwards John Leffingwell Eliot Hernan Ely Albert DeWolf Erskine Frederick Philip Farnsworth Harry Warner Farnum Smith Farley Ferguson Ernest Rudolph Folger Robert True Fowler Arthur Graham Freeland William John Gies, B.S. Gettysburg Coll. 1893 John Thomas Gillespie William Henry Glenny James Barnett Goodwillie Archibald Bauford Gwathmey *1895 Edward Clifton Hall Paul David Hamilton Edward Herbert Hart Harrie Emile Hart Maxwell Stansbury Hart Isaac Morris Heller Harold Edmunds Hewlett Herbert Crary Hill Henry Hobart Holly Howard Parker Hotchkiss Charles Wilson Hoyt George Moulthrop Hubbell ' Everett Bradley Hurlburt, Asst. Chem. Frederick Thomas James Clifford Stebbins Jennings Charles Stoddard Johnson Frederick Allen Johnson Howard Spafard Johnson Harry Lee Joyce Arthur Tryon Kemp Irvine Keyser Frederick Wilkinson Kilbourne Charles Rufus Knapp Arthur James Ladd Frederick Martin Lande Burton James Lee Frank Lee Frederic Henry Lee Tracy Samuel Lewis Mitchell Campbell Lilley James Whiting Maples Eugene Lawrence Messler James Hoyt Miller John Crannell Minor Jerome Alfred Clinton Morse Frederick Searles Munger Arthur Samuel Nathan Francis Irving Nettleton Thomas Keaton Norris Fred. Elmer Northrop Frederick Erskine Olmsted Thomas Bucklin Owen Henry Francis Parmelee Silas Beach Patterson John Crist Peck - George Hoyt Penfield Alois John Joseph Pfeiffer George Washington Pike Charles Biddle Pinney William Spencer Pope Joseph Hersey Pratt William Procter Abram Nave Ranney Chauncey Brewster Rice Ralph Stewart Robinson Alexander Parker Rogers George Frederick Root Samuel Moorhead Russell John Sargent Wilfred Willis Savage George Sheffield Frederick Nichols Sinks James Dudley Skinner Cotton Atwood Smith, B.S. Mass. Agric. Coll. 1893 Edward Page Smith 200 YALE UNIVERSITY USQS Chester Stowe Spencer Harry Merriman Steele Robert Curtis French Stoddard Edwin Howard Thomes Victor Corse Thorne Frederick Eugene Toquet Louis Downer Tracy Charles Rogers Treat Elisha Grant Trowbridge Edward Lewis Uhl James Ashman Veech Sanford Hosea Wadhams Joseph Patten Wales _lames Walker Francis Castleman Waller Francis Downs Warming William Morris Weller, B.A. W. Md. Coll. 1889 Benjamin Glyde Wells Lynde Phelps Wheeler Dudley Phelps Wilkinson Samuel Porter Williams Meyer Wolodarsky Edward Taylor Wright Lawrence Yates 142 1895 [Candidates for the degree, _]zme, 1895] Carlton Nisbet Aborn Thatcher Magoun Adams Grosvenor Noyes Allen Robert Anderson Richard Armstrong Bayard Barnes William Samuel Barnes Albert Raymond Barton Rensselaer Wardwell Bartrarn William Cooke Beers john Eastman Belding Paul Beck Belin Henry vanderVeer Bergen William Ross Black ` John Armine Bookwalter Sydney Cecil Borg Roscoe Egbert Bronson Frank William Brown Edward Erle Brownell Edward Lawrence Brownell Robert Carmichael Burchard Ernest Hyde Cady Alexander Cahn William Goshorn Caldwell Luther Milo Case Hendon Chubb George Clinton Clarke Harry Trumbull Clifton Henry P. Coburn George Harvey Coe Herbert Conyngham Clarence Edwin Coolidge Richard Teller Crane Carl Atwater Curtiss Frank Delano Cushing James DeWolf Cutting Alfred Warner Dater john Staige Davis Harry Vallett Day Laurence Nelson DeGolyer Philip Dowell, B.A. Augustana 1885 William King Duckworth Francis Ireneé duPont Leonard Henry Eicholtz Horatio Nelson Emmons Auguste Berthold Ewing Charles Henry Farnam lohn Arthur Farwell Edward Galligan Fennelly Harry Alexander Fields Richard Holden Follis Harry Ward Foote George Snaphel Frank john Jay Fredericks Henri Comstock Garneau, B.A. St. Louis Univ. 1893 Isaac Wheeler Geer r' Andrew _lames Gilmour John Campbell Greenway Theodore Wright Griggs Whitman Gunther Allan Everett Hall James Spencer Hall James Willet Hall Robert William Hall Sherman Rogers Hall Willis Mullings Hall Robert Austin Hamlin Louis Fredrick Hart Leon Sturges Hawley William Orville Hickok David Arthur Hill Henry Steadman Hitchcock Harry Clifford Holcomb Louis Davis Hopkins George Merriam Howard Frederick Maxfield Hoyt Augustus Zerega Huntington Samuel Michael Israeli Irvine Sinclair ­Iackson joseph Frederic Jackson Frederick Israel Jansen Walter Barry Jennings Alexander Johnson Levi Arthur Johnson «Rankin Johnson Frank Winthrop Jordan Thomas Kernan _lames Dawson Layng Norman Leeds Ernest Abraham Limburger Carl Robins Lindenberg William Walker Little ~lames Alexander McCrea William McEnerney Henry Pierre McQuaid Egbert Marsh Y ­ Frank Thompson Marsh George Bragg Massey Charles Edward Meigs 1895] Y BACHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY, 1895 201 Henry Warner Merwin Louis Rochat Metcalfe `Robert Reitzell Miller, B.S. Gettysburg Coll. 1893 Walter Louis Mitchell George Webber Mixter George Norris Morgan Charles Augustine Morrogh Frederick Edwin Newton Robert Allen Niggeman John Richard North Francis Henry Oldershaw Charles Hotchkiss Osborn Paul Octavius Owsley Walter Warner Palmer Frank Judson Parker William Usher Parsons Clarence Bardwell Peck John Smith Phelps William Wallace Pike Joseph Ridge Quimby Richard Foster Rand Daniel Leasure Raymond Herbert Calhoun Reed Louis Condict Richards Charles Leonard Frost Robinson Henry Holdship Robinson Henry Hollister Robinson Joseph Wickham Roe Stephen Bogert Roe Frederick Rustin Louis Saxon Ernest George Schurig George Harvey Seward George W. Shaw Frederick Deming Sherman Lloyd Waddell Smith George Harry Southard Charles Sing Stephenson Frank Bryan Stephenson Guy Ernest Stevens Philip Tracy Stillman James Terry ‚ Reuel Harvey Thayer George Edwin Thompson Francis Harrison Todd James Rockwell Torbert Theophilus Titus Vandergrift Edgar Albert VanderVeer George Washington VanSlyke William Hoag VanSlyke Frederick Herman Verhoeff Oscar Harry Vieths Harrison Grow Wagner Harry Selden Waite Charles Clearman Walbridge Cleveland Elmer Watrous Halsey Albert Weaver Harry Gideon Wells William Arthur Whitcomb, also De Pauw Univ. 1894 David Urquhart Wilcox William Hodges Wilcox George W'illiam Lane VVoodruiî 161 CIVIL ENGINEERS [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1860 _ Charles Stewart Kittredge, PH.B. 1858 1861 Joseph Addison Rogers, PH.B. 1860 1866 *Т1161011 Skeel, РН.В. 1865 James Bennett Stone, PH.B. 1865 2 *1878 1868 Daniel Halsey Wells, PH.B. 1867 1869 Charles Kinney Needham. PH.B. 1868 1870 Augustus Jay DuBois, PH.B. 1869 Albert Banks Hill, PH.B. 1869 2 1871 William Dennis Marks, PH.B. 1870 1872 Horace Andrews, PH.B. 1871 Mansfield Merriman, PH.B. 1871 2 1873 George Benjamin Chittenden, PH.B. 1871 *Harrison Wheeler Lindsley, PH.B. 1872 2 *1893 1874 Jacob Jackson Abbott, PH.B. 1872 Joseph John Skinner, PH.B. 1869 2 1875 Samuel Hosmer Chittenden, 1867 Lorenzo Medici Johnson, PH.B. 1874 2 РН.В. 1877 Charles James Morse, PH.B. 1874 . William Lucien Scaife, PH.B. 1873 2 1878 Daniel Webster Hering, PH.B. 1872 1880 *Dwight Edward Pierce, PH.B. 1875 *1885 ЕЬ111 Jennings Ward, PH.B. 1878 2 1882 Frank Oscar Maxson, PH.B. 1872 Walter Watson, PH.B. 1879 Thomas Wallace Wright, PH.B. 1872 З 1885 Samuel Eben Barney, PH.B. 1879 George Leverett Wilson, PH.B. 1877 2 1886 Henry Holbrook Gladding, PH.B. 1881 1890 Frank Elwood Brown, PH.B. 1876 Morgan Walcott, PH.B. 1888 2 1891 Charles Addison Ferry, PH.B. 1871 Boynton Wells McFarland, PH.B. 1889 William Conquest Tucker, PH.B. 1888 3 1895] CIVIL ENGINEERS, 1860—1894 203 1892 John Clayton Tracy, PH.B. 1890 1893 Arthur Eli Booth, PH.B. 1891 Arthur Chapin Pease, PH.B. 1891 John David Shattuck, PH.B. 1891 Albert Lowry Webster, PH.B. 1879 4 1894 Noyes Dwight Clark, PH.B. 1891 MECHANICAL ENGINEERS [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree] 1873 Joseph Frederick Klein, PH.B. 1871 Thomas William Mather, PH.B. 1871 2 1875 Francis Urquhart Downing, B.A. 1872 William Hampden Jenks, PH.B. 1873 2 1877 Charles Howard Fitch, PH.B. 1874 Charles Hildebrand, PH.B. 1875 2 1880 Augustus James Emery, PH.B. 1878 1884 Herbert Waldron Faulkner, PH.B. 1882 1886 William Wallace Nichols, PH.B. 1884 *Franklin Eldred Worcester, B.A. 1882 2 “1891 : 1887 Duane Judson Kelsey, PH.B. 1884 Sidney Armour Reeve, PH.B. 1885 Curtiss Chauncey Turner, PH.B. 1885 3 1888 Calvert Townley, PH.B. 1886 1890 James Alward Seymour, PH.B. 1885 1892 Edwin Hoyt Lockwood, PH.B. 1888 1893 Sterling Haight Bunnell, PH.B. 1891 1894 Charles Sumner Brown, PH.B. 1893 Richard Fisher Manning, PH.B. 1892 William Crosby Marshall, PH.B. 1890 George Pratt Starkweather, PH.B. 1891 4 DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in this catalogue under the head of the earliest degree.] 1861 *Eugene Schuyler, B.A. 1859 /afnes Morris W/iiíon, B.A. 1853 Arthur Williams Wright, B.A. 1859 3 *1890 1862 i‘John Hunter Worrall, B.A. 1856 *1892 1863 Josiah Willard Gibbs, B.A. 1858 William Henry Hale, B.A. 1860 *Ь67715 Richard Packard, B.A. 1856 3 '1884 1866 Peter Collier, B.A. 1861 Francis Englesby Loomis, B.A. 1864 Charles Fraser MacLean, B.A. 1864 Charles Greene Rockwood, B.A. 1864 4 1867 William Neff/z Rice, B.A. Wesl. 1865, LL.D. Syracuse Univ. 1886, Prof. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Wesl. Univ. 1869 NVilbur Olin Atwater, B.A. Wesleyan 1865, М.А. Wesl., Asst. Chem., Prof. Chem. Wesleyan Univ. Robert Porter Keep, B.A. 1865 Edward Thomson Nelson, B.A. Ohio Wesleyan 1866, Asst. Mineral., Prof. Biol. O. Wesl. Univ. George Henry Perkins, B.A. 1867 4 1870 Nelson Powell Hulst, B.A. 1867 1871 Oscar Dana Allen, PH.B. 1861 Bernard James Harrington, B.A. Mc- Gill 1869, Prof. Metallurgy also Chem. and Mineral. McGill Univ. Henry Shaler Williams, PH. B. 1868 3 1872 Isóon Т naddens Beckwith, B.A. 1868 Morton William Easton, B.A. 1863 Richard Chapman Weldon, M.A. Wesleyan Coll. (N. Brunswick), Prof. Public Law Dalhousie Coll. 3 1873 Augustus Jay DuBois, PH.B. 1869 Charles Sheldon Hastings, PH.B. 1870 Charles Rockwell Lanman, B.A. 1871 Dwight W/zitney Learned, B.A. 1870 Jules Luquiens, B.D. Univ. Lausanne 1866,Assoc. Prof. Mod. Lang. Mass. Inst. Technol., Prof. Mod. Lang. James Irving Manatt, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1869, М.А. Iowa, LL.D. Iowa 1886, Prof. Latin Denison Univ., Prof. Greek Marietta Coll., Chancellor Univ. Nebr., Prof. Greek Lit. and Hist. Brown Univ. *Charles Pomeroy Otis, B.A. 1861 Bernadotte Perrin, B.A. 1869 ‘1888 1874 Charles Benjamin Dudley, B.A. 1871 August Hjalmar Edgren, PH.B. Cor- nell Univ. 1871, Instr. French, Prof. Mod. Lang. and Sanskrit also Ro- mance Lang. Univ. Nebr. Joseph Taplin Lovewell, B.A. 1857 *Moses Stuart Phelps, B.A. 1869 4 *1883 1875 Neander Nicholas Cronholrn, B.A. Pa. Coll. 1873, LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1876 206 YALE UNIVERSITY William Rainey Harper, B.A. Muskin- gum 1870, М.А. Muskingum, B.D. Bapt. Union Theol. Sem. 1881, D.D. Colby Univ. 1891, LL.D. Univ. Nebr. 1893, Prof. Hebr. and Orient. Lang. Bapt. Union Theol. Sem., Prof. Semitic Lang. and Woolsey Prof. Bibl. Lit., Pres. Univ. Chicago Nathan Willard Harris, B.A. Bates 1873 Lucius Adelno Sherman, B.A. 1871 4 1876 Edward Alexander Bouchet, B.A. 1874 iiEdward Sheffield Cowles, B.A. 1873 *1883 Edward Salisbury Dana, B.A. 1870 Willabe Haskell, B.A. 1863 Mansfield Merriman, PH.B. 1871 fohn Punnett Peters, B.A. 1873 Joseph John Skinner, PH.B. 1869 Henry Parks Wright, B.A. 1868 8 IS77 John Cary Boals, B.A. Macon 1869 William Eaflon Rayne, B.A. Е. Tenn. Univ. 1873 Andrew Wheeler Phillips, PH.B. 1873 *Anton Sander, B.A. Luther Coll. 1874 *1881 Thomas Alexander Smith, B.A. Mus- kingum, Prof. Math., Nat. Philos. and Astron. Beloit Coll. George Willard Wood, B.A. Bates 1875 6 1878 Julian Willis Abernethy, B.A. Mid- dlebury 1876 David Walter Brown B.A. 1876 George Ensign Bushnell, B.A. 1876 Joseph Alvin Graves, B.A. 1872 David Andrew Kennedy, B.A. 1874 John Wesley Peck, B.A. 1874 Rufus Byam Richardson, B.A. 1869 7 1879 Henry Prentiss Armsby, PH.B. 1874 Edward Hopkins Jenkins, B.A. 1872 Frank Bigelow Tarbell, B.A. 1873 3 1880 Thomas Marcus Blakslee, PH.B. Col- gate Univ. 1874, Prof. Math. Univ. DesMoines James Raymond Brackett, B.A. Bates 1875, M.A. Bates, Prof. Compar. and Engl. Lit. and Greek Univ. Col- orado Russell Henry Chittenden, PH.B. 1875 George Bird Grinnell, B.A. 1870 Alexander Martin Wilcox, B.A. 1877 5 1882 Clarence Winthrop Bowen, B.A. 1873 Edmund Morris Hyde, B.A. Trinity 1873, М.А. Т1111.‚ Prof. Latin Lehigh Univ. 2 1883 Arthur Elmore Bostwick, B.A. 1881 1884 Thomas Dwight Goodell, B.A. 1877 Thorstein B. Veblen, B.A. Carleton 1881 2 1885 Jefferson Engel Kershner, B.A. Frank- lin and Marshall 1877, Prof. Math. Franklin and Marshall Coll. Charles Newton Little, B.A. Univ. Nebr. 1879, М.А. Univ. Nebr., Prof. Civ. Engin. Univ. Nebr., Prof. Math. Leland Stanford Univ. Eliakim Hastings Moore, B.A. 1883 Thomas Burr Osborne, B.A. 1881 Samuel Ball Platner, B.A. 1883 Samuel Wendell Williston, M.D. 1880 6 1886 John Miller Burnam, B.A. 1884 Edward Bull Clapp, B.A. Illinois Coll. 1875, Prof. Greek Illinois Coll. and Univ. Cal., Asst. Prof. Greek Arthur Pinkney Hall, B.D. 1884 3 1887 Erwin Hinckley Barbour, B.A. 1882 George WyckoffCummins, PH.B. 1884 Julius Howard Pratt, B.A. 1882 William Everett Waters, B.A. 1878 4 1888 Clarence Fassett Castle, B.A. Denison 1880, M.A. Denison, Prof. Greek Bucknell Univ., Asst. Prof. Greek Univ. Chicago 1895] DOCTORS OP PHILOSOPHY, 1876—1893 207 Marle Wilson Chnnn, B.D. 1886 William Henry Parks, B.A. 1886 James Johnson Robinson, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1884, Instr. Latin 4 1889 Charles Emerson Beecher, B.S. Univ. Mich. 1878, Asst., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Paleont. Carl Darling Buck, B.A. 1886 Wilbur Lucius Cross, B.A. 1885 Asaph Hall, B.A. Harv. 1882, Asst. Astronomer ` Edmund Otis Hovey, B.A. 1884 Priez jacobson, B.A. Augustana Coll. 1885, Lect. Hist. Philos. William Otterbein Krohn, 1890, В.А. Western Coll. (Iowa) 1888, Asst. Prof. Psychol» Univ. Ill. William Ward McLane, B.A. Black- burn Univ._187r, M.A. Blackburn, D.D. Blackburn 1882 Rikizo Nakashima, B.D. 1887 Eranh Chamberlin Ром”, B.D. 1886 Frank Knight Sanders, B.A. Ripon 1882, М.А. Ripon 1888, Asst., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Semitic Lang., Wool­ sey Prof. Bibl. Lit. George Stibitz, B.A. Ursinus 1881, М.А. Ursinus 1887, Prof. Latin also Hebrew and O.T. Lit. Ursinus Coll. Alfred Mandy Wilson, B.A. Denison Univ. 1881, B.D. Bapt.Union Theol. Sem. 1884 13 1890- Edwin Linton, B.A. YVash. and Jeii". Coll. 1881, Prof. Agric. Wash. and Jeff. Coll. Frank Gardner Moore, B.A. 1886 Frederick Wightman Moore, B.A. 1886 Hanns Oertel, M.A. 1888 Gaylord Hawkins Patterson, B.A. Ohio Wesleyan Univ. 1888 Ehen Charles Sage, B.A. Shurtleff 1878, M.A. Shurtlelf, B.D. Bapt. Union Theol. Sem. 1882 George Scott, B.A. Alfred Univ. 1877, M.A. Alfred Univ., Prof. Latin Otterbein Univ. Elias Hershey Sneath, B.D. 1884 Herbert Cushing Tolman, B.A. 1888 9 1891 Frank Frost Abbott, B.A. 1882 Herbert Austin Aikins, B.A. Univ. Toronto 1887, Lect. Hist. Philos., Prof. Logic and Philos. Trin. Coll. (N. C.), Prof. Philos. Women’s Coll. Cleveland [влет Bradner, B.A. 1889 Edward Capps, B.A. Illinois Coll. 1887, Instr. and Tutor Latin, Asst. Prof. Greek Univ. Chicago ‚ Frederick Lincoln Chase, В.А. Univ. Colorado 1886, Asst. Astronomer Clarke Eugene Crandall, B.A. Milton Coll. 1883, М.А. Milton, Asst. Semitic Lang Olaus Dahl, B.D. 1889 George William Davis Carl Elofson, B.A. Augustana 1888 Oliver Cummings Farrington, B.S. Maine State Coll. 1881, M.S. Maine State Coll. 1888 Irving Fisher, B.A. 1888 William Griffiths, B.D. 1889 Charles Foster Kent, B.A. 1889 Frederic William Mar, B.A. 1888 William Lyon Phelps, B.A. 1887 Daniel Shepardson, B.A. Denison Univ. 1888 . Ernest Ellsworth Smith, PH.B. 1888 Percy Franklyn Smith, PH.B. 1888 James TenBroeke, B.A. Middlebury 1884 YVilbert Webster White, B.A. Univ. Wooster' 1881, М.А. Wooster Kichiro Yuasa, B.D. Oberlin 1888, Prof. O. T. Lit. and Hebrew Dosh- isha Theol. School (Japan) 21 1892 George L. Amerman` B.A. 1890 Gerald Hamilton Eeard, B.A. 1887 Lars Herman Beck, B.A. Augustana Coll. 1885 Edward Gaylord Bourne, 1893, В.А. 1883 Philip Embury Browning, B.A. 1889 John Havemeyer Daniels, B.A. 1889 Charles Davidson, vB.A. Iowa Coll. 1875, М.А. Iowa *ÑVashington Irving Hunt, B.A. 1886 *1893 Morihoro Ichihara, Prof. Doshisha Coll. (Japan) Frank Sherman Meara, B.A. 1890 Frank Justus Miller, 1893, В.А. Deni- son Univ. 1879, М.А. Denison, Asst. Prof. Latin Univ. Chicago Kumato Morita Francis qWayland Shepardson, B.A. Brown Univ. 1883, М.А. Denison John Whitmore, B.A. 1886 Amos Parker Wilder, B.A. 1884 15 1893 Frederic Eliiah Beach, PH.B. 1883 Charles Bemis Bliss, B.A. 1890 l Carl August Blomgren, B.A. Augus- tana Coll. 1885 208 YALE UNIVERSITY Edward Franklin Buchner` B.A. Wes- tern Coll. (Iowa) 1889, Lect. Peda- gogy, Instr. Pedagogy and Philos. Arthur Willis Colton, B.A. 1890 Hippolyte Washington Gruener, B.A. 1891 Jeremiah K. Light, B.A. Franklin and Marshall 1889 Lafayette Benedict Mendel, B.A. 1891 Edward Заеду Pollard, B.A. Richmond C011. 1886 Artemas Ward Reynolds, B.A. C01- gate Univ. 1885 Erwin William Runkle, B.A. Western Coll. (Iowa) 1890, Lect. Hist. Philos. 1890 Edwin Alonzo Warfield, B.D. 1890 Henry Lord Wheeler, PH.B. 1890 13 1894 John Beadle, B.A. 1886 Harlan Creelman, B.D. 1889 Arthur Louis Day, B.A. 1892 Jean duBuy, J.U.D. Heidelb. 1889 Joshua Allen Gilbert, B.A. Otterbein 1889, А551. Psychol. George Herbert Girty, B.A. 1892 Elizabeth Deering Hanscom, B.A. Bost. Univ. 1887, М.А. Bost. 1893 Victor Harald Hegstrom, B.A. Augus- tana Coll. 1890 James W. D. Ingersoll, B.A. 1892 James Hall Mason Knox, B.A. 1892 Clinton Lockhart, B.A. Ky. Univ. 1886, M.A. Ky. 1888 William/ames Мига/г, B.D. 1885 Margaretta Palmer, B.A. Vassar 1887 Charlotte Fitch Roberts, B.A. Welles- ley 1880 Cornelia Hephzibah Bulkley Rogers, B.A. Wellesley 1884 Sara Bulkley Rogers, B.A. Columbia 1889, М.А. С0111611 Univ. 1891 Charles Augustus Schumaker, B.A. 1892 ‚ Магу Augusta Scott, B.A. Vassar 1876, М.А. Vassar 1882 Guy VanGOrder Thompson, B.A. Univ. Colorado 1888, Instr. and Tutor Lat. Laura Johnson Wylie, B.A. Vassar 1877 20 BACHELORS OF DIVINITY [In the case of persons who have received more than one degree from Yale University, and whose names are included in the following list, their full record will be found in the catalogue under the head of the earliest degree.] 1867 Cyrus West Francis, B.A. 1863 Cornelius Ladd K itchel, B.A. 1862 Daz/id Brainerd Perry, B.A. 1863 William Clitz Sexton, B.A. 1862 4 1868 Simeon Olmsted Allen, B.A. 1865 George Sherwood Dicherman, B.A. 1865 *Charles Hyde Gaylord, B.A. 1865 ‘1885 *Allen McLean, B.A. 1865 *1882 Sanford Smith Martyn, B.A. 1865 *David/udson Ogden, B.A. 1861 *1891 Winthrop Dudley Sheldon, B.A. 1861 7 1869 *john Wichlife Beach, B.A. 1864 Henry Burnham Mead, B.A. 1866 2 '1877 1870 T homas Dougal Barclay, B.A. Mon- mouth 1867 Anselm Byron Brown, B.A. 1867 A lbert Francis Hale, B.A. 1866 joseph William Hartshorn, B.A. 1867 james Phillips Hoyt, B.A. 1864 Кадет! George Stephen IIIcNeille, B.A. 1863 Edward Comfort Starr, B.A. 1866 juóa Howe Vorce, B.A. Middlebury 1865 Charles Swan Walher, B.A. 1867 9 1871 Cornelius Beach Bradley, B.A. Oberlin 1868, М.А. Oberlin, Prof. Rhet. Univ. Cal. *Theodore Lansing Day, B.A. 1867 john Kinne Hyde DeForest, B.A. 1868 Charles Winthrop ртам, В.А. 1864 Lauren Matthew Foster, 1887 Edward Pierrepont Нита-‚ё, 1887 Alfred Уставе/е johnson, B.A. Univ. City N.Y. 1867 *Alexander Johnston, B.A. 1867 *1885 ’1876 l Daz/idEz/anjones, 1887 *james Brainerd Tyler, B.A. 1864 William Woodmansee, B.A. Oberlin 1868 11 *1872 1872 Edwin Bailey Burrows George Augustus Parsons Gilman Elisha Wright Miller, B.A. 1868 Austin Hull Norris Rufus Byam Richardson, 1883, B.A. 1869 Arthur Shirley, 1883, B.A. 1869 Thomas Clayton Welles, B.A. 1868 Cyrus Baxter Whitcomö, 1874, LL.B. Iowa State Univ. 1885 1873 Augustine Barnum, B.A. Oberlin 1870 George Lee Beach, B.A. Oberlin 1870 john Seudder Chandler, B.A. 1870 Roswell Chapin, B.A. Oberlin 1870 Truman D. Childs, B.A. Oberlin 1870 Charles Burritt Curtis, B.A. Beloit 1870, М.А. В61011 john Pentyrch Evans Charles Newton Fitch, B.A. Oberlin 1869 Franhlin Solomon Fitch, B.A. Oberlin 1870, D.D. Oberlin 1804 Henry Lyman Grzfîn, B.A. Williams 1868, М.А. Williams Frederich Smith Hayden, B.A. 1869 Henry Larned Hutchins, B.A. 1869 Henry David Kutz George Clark Lamó, B.A. Wabash 1878, М.А. Wabash Theodore Philander Prudden, B.A. 1869 * john Alun Кодам: * William Edward Salford, B.A. Ober- lin 1870 Edward Payson Salmon, B.A. Beloit 1870, М.А. В61011 Robert Brown Stimson, B.A. 1874, M. A. Wabash 1890 john Thomas George F. Waters, B.A. Oberlin 1870 ZI '1889 ‘l’ I4 210 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1874 *George WhitefieldBenjamin, B.A. 1864 *1893 Homer james Broadwell Samuel EdwinBusser, B.A. Pa. C011. 1871 Newell Meeker Calhoun, M.A. 1887 *William Burhe Danforth, B.A. I)arun. 1871 [Мат/ш” Richard Gaines, 1883, В.А. 1865 William Greenwood, B.A. Amherst 1871, M.A. Amherst 1891 Simon Byron Hershey, B.A. lOberlin 1870 ` . Aaron Merritt Hills, 1871 ` /oel Stone Ives, B.A. Amherst 1870, M.A. Amherst james Clarhson McNaughton johnston, B.A. Westminster (Pa.) 1868 George Edwin MacLean, B.A. Williams 1871, М.А. Williams, PH.D. Leipz. 1883, Prof. English Univ. Minn. *john Newton McLoney, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1871 *Charles [Уйдите Mallory, B.A. Arn- herst 1871 George Michael, B.A. Pa. C011. 1871 *James William Morris, B.A. Lincoln Univ. (Pa.) 1871 Howard Walter Pope, B.A. 1871 Roswell Olcott Post, B.A. Wabash 187I, M.A. Wabash, D.D. Ill. C011. 1888 Stephen Henry Robinson Richard Bailey Snell, B.A. Iowa C011. 1870 *john Wolcott Starr, B.A. 1872 /ohn Philander Trowbridge 22 *1875 В.А. Oberlin *1884 *1890 *1876 *1875 1875 Allison Dwight Adams, B.A. Beloit 1871 George Crawford Adams, B.A. Am- herst 1871, M.A. Amherst, DD. Illi- nois Coll. 1888 Arthur jared Benedict, B.A. Amherst 1872, M.A. Amherst /acob Albert Biddle, B.A. Oberlin 1870 Andrew Lewis Büttner, B.A. Wabash 1871 William Patrich Clancy, B.A. Amherst 18 2 Solonhon Melville Coles, B.A. Lincoln Univ. (Pa.) 1872 Quincy Lamartine Dowd, B. A. Ober- lin 1870 Edward Dwight Eaton, B.A. Beloit 1872, М.А. Beloit, D.D. Northwest- ern Univ. 1887, LL.D. Univ. Wisc. 1887, Pres. Beloit Coll. Oren Dennis Fisher, B.A. Olivet 1872 [oseph Allen Freeman, B.A. Dartm. 1872 . Lorin Samuel Gates, B.A. Williams 1871 *Charles Whittlesey Guernsey, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1871 George Edward Hall, B.A. Oberlin 1872, D.D. Dartm. 1893 *George Harris, also Harv. 1874 *1875 *SamuelLee Hillyer, B.A. Oberlin 1872 *1877 *David Sumner Holbrooh, B.A. 1872 *1881 Albert Barnes Irwin, B.A. Knox 1871, M.A. Knox William Тащит/Ветви, В.А. Western Coll. (Iowa) 1864, PH.D. Univ. ­Mich. 1879, Prof. Engl. Lit. and Rhet. Western C011. john Andrew Haley, B.A. Wittenberg 1873 Henry Martin Ladd, B.A. Middlebury 1872, M.A. Middlebury, D.D. Mid- dlebury 1882 Lucius Orren Lee, B.A. Oberlin 1872 Charles Lincoln Morgan, B.A. Beloit 1871, M.A. Beloit *1878 - *Charles Fitch Morse, B.A. Amherst 1872 *1876 *Marshall Reuben Pech, B.A. Dartm. 1870, M.A. Dartm. *1876 Lester Beach Platt, 1883, B.A. Oberlin 1872 Francis Caleb Potter, B.A. 1871 Frederic Brown Pullan, B.A. Beloit 1871, M.A. Beloit Edward Payson Root, B.A. Amherst 1871 john Ogilvie Stevenson, D.D. Tabor 1892 AlbertHenry Thompson, B.A. Amherst 1872 Alwin Ethelstan Todd, B.A. 187I Hibbird Austin Tucher, B.A. Beloit 1872, M.A. Beloit, D.D. elsewhere Nathan Hart Whittlesey, B.A. 187I Sedgwich Porter Wilder, B.A. Beloit 1871, M.A. Beloit 35 1876 A ndrew Webster A rchibald, Union 1872, D.D. Union 1891 Doane Rich Athins, B.A. Amherst 1873 Frederich Elisha Bangs, B.S. Lawrence Univ. 1873 David Nelson Beach, 1881, B.A. 1872 Samuel joshua Bryant, B.A. Oberlin 1873 Rolla George Bugbee, B.A. Dartm. 1871 Ezra Bailey Chase, B.A. Marietta 1873 john ‚Махал Dutton, B.A. Dartm. 1873 David Gochenauer, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1868 ' George Herbert Grannis, B.A. Oberlin 1872 /ames Lyman Harrington, B.A. Wil- liams 1872, M.A. Williams B.A. 1895] BA CHELORS OF DIVINITY, 1874—1879 211 Lemuel Spencer Hastings, B.A. Dartm. 1870 1878 *john Howard Hinehs, B.A. 1872 *1894 *Ira Buell Allen (post obit.), B.A. Be- john Wesley Horner loit 1874 *1878 William Tucher Hutchins Edward PaysQn Armstrong, B.A. Am- ­"'/oseph Henry Isham, B.A. 1865 *1884 herst 1875 joseph Brainerd Ives john William Best, B.A. Westminster Robert Roy Kendall, B.A. 1872 (Ра.) 1875 Gregory Michaelian, B.A. Beloit 1873, ¿Malcolm Cameron M.A. Beloit, M.D. 1877 William Carr, B.A. Dartm. 1875 William Dexter Mosman, B.A. Am- George Herbert Cate, B.A. Harv. 1874 herst 1870, M.A. Amherst 1876, joseph Brayton Clarhe, B.A. Dartm. Prof. Latin and Nat. Sci. Biddle 1873 Univ. *Franh Woodbury Cobb, B.A. Bates Frederick Wesson Newcomb, B. A. 1873, M.A. Bates *1880 Dartm. 1872 john Chamberlain Collins, B.A. 1875 Charles Henry Oliphant Thomas Whitney Darling, B.A. Mid- james Hudson Roberts, B.A. 1873 dlebury 1874, M.A. Middlebury Herbert Melville Tenney, B.A. Middle- *Henry Orton Finch, B.A. Univ. Vt. bury 1873 24 1874 ~ *1879 Charles Francis Graves, B.A. Univ. Vt. 1874 Ambrose Daniel Gring, B.A. Franklin 1877 апс1 Marshall 1875 William Hedges, B.A. 1874 George Burton Adams, B.A. Beloit Charles LVilliam Hill, B.A. Bowdoin 1873, M.A. Beloit. PH.D. Leipz. 1875 1886, Prof. Engl. Lit. and Hist. Phaon Silas Kohler, PH.D. Wooster Drury Coll., Larned Prof. Amer. 1886 Hist., Prof. Hist. George Edward IlIartin, B.A. 1872 Thomas Rutherford Bacon, B.A. 1872 *Marcus Whitman Montgomery, B.A. Loren Foster Berry,B.A. Bowdoin 1873, Amherst 1869, М.А. Amherst 1877 *1894 M.A. Bowdoin jonathan Edwards Bissell, В.А. Univ. Mich. 1871 Edwin Munsell Bliss, B.A. Amherst 1871 George Christopher Booth Samuel Clarhe Bushnell, B.A. 1874 Ezra Porter Chittenden, B.S. Ripon 1873 Clarence Finster, B.A. Cornell Univ. 1873 T aral T ery'esen Frichstad 'William Hamilton, B.A. Miami 1866 Рит/ё T heodosius Lee, B.A. Oberlin 1874 /ohn Nathaniel Lowell, B.A. Bowdoin 1873, M.A. Bowdoin Ellis Mendell, B.A. 1874 facob Glasser Nef, B.A. Ursinus 1874 Moses Peters, B.A. Ursinus Coll. 1874, M.A. Ursinus, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Ursinus Coll. Chauncey jerome Richardson, B.A. Dartm. 1873 Henry Thorne Sell, B.A. Wesl. 1873 Henry Levi Зам/ё, В.А. Dartm. 1872, M.A. Dartm. ­ Albert Temple Swing, B.A. Oberlin 1874, Prof. Есс1. Hist. Oberlin Coll. *George Sanford T hrall, B.A. Amherst 1874 Foster Russell Waite, B.A. Amherst 1874 22 ‘1886 Daniel Marshall Moore, B.A. Amherst 1875 *Christian Mowery, B.A. Marietta 1875 *1887 Artemas Allerton Murch, B.A. 1872 -Gurney [Ил/Ест Orvis, B.A. Oberlin 1875 Harlan PageRoberts, B.A. Oberlin 1875 Floyd Emerson Sherman, B.A. Amherst 1873 Woodford Demaree Smoch, B.A. Ober- lin 1872 Frederic Elhanah Snow, B.A. 1875 Thomas Snyder, M.A. Syracuse Univ. 1879 *Fran/e Hudson Taylor, B.A. Oberlin 1874 ’1884 Reuben Archer Torrey, B.A. 1875 Lewis Williams Theodore Booth Willson, B.A. Univ. Mich. 1872, M.A. Mich. 1876 *Melvin Clinton Wood *1888 William Henry Young 33 1879 Milan Church Ayres Samuel Horace Barnum, B.A. 1885 Franh Anson Bissell, 1880, В.А. W. Reserve 1876 Allen Shaw Bush, B.A. 1876 Alva Lawrence DeLong, B.A. Otter- bein 1875, M.A. Otterbein 1877, Prof. Engl. Lit. YVestern Coll. (Iowa) 212 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY William Lee Douglas joseph Perry Dyas, B.A. Beloit 1876, M.A. Beloit Frederick William Ernst, B.A. Dartm. 1876, M.A. Dartm. . Charles Edward Garman, B.A. Am- herst 1872, M.A. Amherst, Prof. Mental and Moral Philos. Amherst C011. William Bailey Hague, B.A. Knox 1871, M.A. Knox john Francis Humphreys Timothyjonathan Lee, B.A. 1875 Lanman James Nettleton, B.A. Ober- lin 1875, Prof. Latin Tabor Coll. Edwin Clarence Офису, В.А. Univ. Mich. 1875 Dwight Nelson Prentice, B.A. 1872 William Arthur Remele, B.A. Middle- bury 1876 Charles Henry Лафет, В.А. Amherst 1876 Frederich Stanley Root, LL.B. 1874 ClarenceSpalding Sargent, B.A. Dartm. 1876, D.D. Univ. Mich. 1894 *James Edmond Wolfe 20 *1889 1880 Howard Витает, В.А. Wittenberg 1887 Charles Willard Bird, B.A. 1876 Lemuel Ballantine Bissell, B.A. W. Re- serve 1876 William Fremont Blachman, B.A. Oberlin 1877, PH.D. Cornell Univ. 1893, Prof. Christian Ethics Franh Theodore Clarh james Oscar Emerson, B.A. Bates 1876 Walter Berhley Floyd Archibald Hadden, B.A. Oberlin 1877 William Warner Hibbard, M.D. Harv. 186 Franli9 Sargent Hoffman, B.A. Am- herst1876, M.A. Amherst 1884, Prof. Mental and Moral Philos. Union Univ. , William Pari Huws William White Leete, B.A. Amherst 1877 Alfred Moses Masenheimer Luman Augustus Pettibone, B.A. Be- loit 1877 Thomas T alwyn Phillips George William Reynolds, B.A. Am- herst 1877 John Edward Russell, B.A. Williams 1872, M.A. 1885, Instr. N. T. Bibl. Theol., Winkley Prof. Bibl. Theol., Prof. Mental and Moral Philos. Williams Coll. Benjamin St.john, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1876 Charles Albert Savage, B.A. Dartm. 1871 Henry Clinton Scot/ford, B.A. Olivet 1873, M.A. Olivet George Barher Stevens, B.Ar Univ. Rochester 1877, PH.D. Syracuse Univ. 1883, D.D. Jena 1886, Buck- ingham Prof. N. T. Crit. and Inter- pretation Henry Tarrant Evan Thomas, B.A. Denison Univ. 1876 Edward СИМ? Winslow, B.A. Amherst 1870, M.A. Amherst, Prof. Latin Wabash C011. ~ 24 1881 jabez Вас/ёж, В.А. Univ. City N. Y. 1878 Frederich Alberto Balcom, 1884, B.A. Williams 1878 *George W. Bothwell, B.A. Adrian 1875, D.D. Adrian 1887 ’1891 Alden Buel Case, B.A. Tabor 1878 Pliny Barnard Fish, B.A. Univ. Vt. 1877 George William Стати/2 William Beardsley Hubbard, B.A. Be- loit`1876, M.A. Beloit David Dyyfrynogjenhins Edward Duncan Kelsey, B.A. Marietta 1874 *Charles Sumner Leeper *1894 Isaac Althaus Loos, B.A. Otterbein 1876, М.А. Otterbein, Prof. Hist. and German Western Coll. (Iowa), Prof. Polit. Sci. State Univ. Iowa Ivan Nicholas IlIatinchejr George Edward Nichols, B.A. Bucknell Univ. 1878 john Richard Reitzel john Benjamin Saer Charles Wellington Shelton, 1884 William Herbert Thrall` B.A. Am- herst 1877, M.A. Amherst 1882 George Washington Trimble, 1883, В.А. Beloit 1878 *Albert MarionY Wheeler, B.A. Oberlin 1878 *1886 Charles Henry Willcox, B.A. I876 20 1882 Wilbert Lee Anderson, B.A. Oberlin 1879 Edward Haughton Ashmun, B.A. Ta- bor 1878 Arthur Dart Bissell, B.A. Amherst 1879, M.A. Amherst 1885 George Francis Сошлют, В.А. Brown 1879, M.A. Brown Charles Everett Dealand Amos Trout Fox, LL.B. Bethany 1880 1895] BA CHELORS OF DIVINITY, 1880—1884 213 john Lester машет, В.А. 1879 George Washington Henderson, B.A. *Winthrop Butler Нашёл В.А. Mari- Univ. Vt. 1877, M.A. Univ. Vt. etta 1878 i'1885 Anthony Howells johnjacob Hill, B.A. 1879 William Edwardjejfries John Michael Holzinger, B.A. Olivet Hohannes Krikoryan, Prof. Central 1879 Turkey Coll. Frederic Van Wie Hoyt, B.A. Olivet Daniel Miles Lewis, B.A. Marietta 1879 1878, M.A. Marietta Newton Irving jones Edmund Simon Lorenz, B.A. Otter- William Wells/ordern, B.A. Marietta bein 1880, M.A. Otterbein, Pres. 1879 Lebanon Valley Coll. Nestor Light, B.A. Oberlin 1879 james Leslie McCollum, B.A. Berea George Lindsay 1879 Donald McDougall Oscar Garland McIntire, B.A. Dartm. William Gerry Mann, B.A. Colby [878 1880 William McCracken Milroy, B.A. Levi Marshall, B.A. Wooster 1880 Geneva Coll. (Pa.) 1876, PH.D. Lycurgus Elmer Pangburn, B.A. Ta- Johns Hopkins 1891, Prof. Latin bor 1879 Geneva Coll. Milton Sargent Phillips, B.A. Drury William Augustine Munson, B.A. 1880 Wesleyan 1867, M.A. Wesl. Frederich joseph Pohl Edward McArthur Noyes, B.A. 1879 Henry Lewis Richardson, B.A. Univ. Clarh Chester Otis, B.A. Olivet 1879 Wisc. 1880 Charles Huntington Pee/e, B.A. 1871 *Herman Mourus Schermerhorn *1889 Richard Evans Peregrine Robert Mann Strickler James Amos Porter, B.A. Univ. Henry Albert Todd, B.A. Monmouth Wooster 1879, М.А. Wooster 1880 AlfredPlayfair Powelson, B.A. Adrian Henry Whitby 26 1875 William Grafton Roberts, B.A. Adrian 1872 1884 ClzfordHayes Smith, B.A. Dartm. 1879 о David Espy Todd, B.A. Illinois Coll. Edwin Edgerton Aileen, B.A. 1881 1877 Samuel Sumner Aihman john Ellery Tuttle, B.A. Amherst 1879, Benjamin Wisner Bacon, B.A. 1881 М.А. Amherst 1887, D.D. Amherst Charles Newman Curtis, B.A. Drury 1893, Prof. Bibl. Lit. Amherst Coll. 1880, Prof. Greek and Latin Iowa Francis Hubbard Viets, B.A. Brown Wesleyan Univ. 1879 Samuel Whiting Delzell, B.A. Drury Albert Warren, B.A. 1867 1881 Charles Edgar Wilbur, B.A. Adrian Charles Henry Dichinson, B.A. Arn- 1877, Prof. Hist. and Polit. Econ. herst 1881 Adrian Coll. 32 George Richardson Dichinson, B.A. Amherst 1881 George Martin Duncan, B.A. Univ. 1883 City N. Y. 1881, М.А. Univ. City N. Y., Instr. and Prof. Philos. john Henry Albert, B.A. Western Charles Lyman Goodrich, B.A. Amherst Coll. (Iowa) 1877 1879 William Irons Beatty, B.A. Western Arthur Pinkney Hall, B.A. Drury Coll. (Iowa) 1880 1878, PH.D. 1886, Prof. Latin Drury john Edward Bushnell, B.A. 1880 Coll. Milton Erastus Churchill, B.A. Knox *Isaac Thomas Hott *1888 1877, Prof. Greek and German George Henry Hubbard, B.A. 1881 Illinois Coll. Henry William Hunt, B.A. Olivet 1880 james Alexander Craig, B.A. McGill Newton Brachen Kelly, B.A. Mt. Un- Univ. 1880, PH.D. Leipz., Asst. ion Coll. 1881 Prof. Bibl. Lit. Lane Theol. Sem. William Hammond McDougal Myron Parsons Dichey, B.A. Dartm. *Hector Alexander McIntire, B.A. MC- 1874, M.A. Dartm. Gill Univ. 1881 *1893 Nicholas T illinghast Edwards, B.A. Knox 1878 Elisha Smith Fishe George Stewart Fullerton, B.A. Univ. Pa. 1879, M.A. Univ. Pa., Asst. Prof. Mental and Moral Philos. Univ. Pa. Donald Alexander MacLean John Cyrus Mitchell Ursinus Olevianus Mohr, B.A. Frank- lin and Marshall 1880 David Collins Reid, B.A. Coll. N. 1880 ` 214 YALE UNIVERSJTY [1895 Elias Hershey Sneath, B.A. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1881, M.A. Leb. Vall., PH.D. 1889, Lect., Instr. and Asst. Prof. Philos. . Isaiah Witmer Sneath, B.A. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1881, PH.D. Boston Univ. 1892 Wayland Spaulding, B.A. 1874 Edmund March Vittum, B.A. Dartm. 1878, M.A. Dartm. Charles Wadsworth, B.A. Univ. Pa. 1880, М.А. Univ. Pa. Francis Woodard, B.L. Indiana Univ. 1881 26 1885 Thomas Milton Beadenhopf, B.A. Johns Hopkins 1880 Charles Russell Bruce, B.A. Amherst . 1879 Enoch Hale Burt, B.A. Amherst 1882 Clement Claude Campbell, B.S. Ripon 1882 Edwin Stutely Carr, B.A. Knox 1882 jeremiah Clinton Cromer, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1882, M.A. Coll. N. J. George Rudolph Freeman, B.A. Pa. Coll. 1876, M.A. Pa. Coll., Prof. Hebrew and O. T. Lit. Meadville T heol. Sem. Cyrus Daniel Harp, B.A. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1880, M.A. Leb. Vall. Melvin Elijah Hedding Edwin Knight Holden, B.A. Univ. Wisc. 1882 Edmund Lyman Hood john Davis jones William joseph Charles Luther Kloss, B.A. Highland Univ. 1882 john Bouton Lawrence, B.A. Dartm. 1882 Harry Chapman McKnight, B.A. 1882 William Henry Medlar, B.A. Muhlen- berg 1882 Albert _President Miller, B.A. Fisk Univ. 1878 David William Morgan, B.A. Marietta 1882 Williamjames Мига/2, В.А. and B.L. Univ. Wise. 1882, PH.D. 1894 jairus Lee Nott, B.A. Drury 1882 George Evan Решите, В.А. Olivet 1882 George Thomas White Patrick, B.A. State Univ. Iowa 1878, PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1888, Prof. Philos. State Univ. Iowa Arthur Gooding Pettengill, B.A. Bow- doin 1881 William George Poor, B.A. Dartm. 1882 Charles Warren Preston, B.A. State Univ. Iowa 1882 Charles Herbert Small Silas Levi Smith, PH.B. Hillsdale 1882 Henry Spehe Snyder, B.A. 1882 Arthur Willis Stanford, B.A. Amherst 1882, M.A. Amherst 1886, Prof. O.T. Lit. and Exegesis Doshisha Theol. School (Japan) john Andrew Stemen, B.A. Ohio Wes- leyan Univ. 1880 Frederic Lorenzo Stevens, B.A. Olivet 1882 Thomas Pierce Thomas, B.A. Marietta 1882 Frederich Wells T ucherman, B.A. Со- lorado Coll. 1882 Thomas Marchs Yundt, B.A. Muhlen- berg 1882 35 1886 Henry Rolfe Baher, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1882, М.А. Iowa Henry M ountfort Bowden Charles De W olfe Brower, B.A. Oberlin 1883 . Herbert Stanley Brown, B.A. 1881 Marh Wilson Chunn, B.A. W. Md. Coll. 1882, PH.D. 1888 Thomas Vaughan Davies jacob Graver Dubbs, B.A. Muhlenberg 1883 William Waters Dumm, B.A. W. Md. C011. 1883 Henry Изделий, В.А. Amherst 1883 *Frederick Arthur Gaylord, B.A. Am- herst 1880, M.A. Amherst *1887 Clarence De Vere Greeley, B.A. Wash- burn 1883 CharlesEdwardHitchcoch, B.A. W. Re- serve 1883 Clinton Dorsey Hoover, B.A. Pa. Coll. 1883 Idrysjones Утер/2 Morgan jones *1888 ’Franh Roland Kahler, B.A. Pa. C011. 1881, M.A. Pa. Coll. *1890 William Harrison McKinney, B.A. Roanoke 1883 Samuel Melancthon MacNeill, B.A. Ripon 1883 Solomon Greasley Merrich, B.A. Leb- anon Valley Coll. 1883 Cornelius Howard Patton, B.A. Am- herst 1883 George Hazard Perry, B.A. Washburn 1883 john Pierpont, B.A. 1883 Norman Plass, B.A. Williams 1882, M.A. Williams Franh Chamberlin Porter, B.A. Beloit 1880, М.А. Beloit, PH.D. 1889, Instr. and Winkley Prof. Bibl. Theol. Edward Roberts 1895] _BACHELORS OF DIVINITY, 1885—1889 215 Peter Roberts William Sandbrooh Robert Walter Sharp, B.A. Lafayette 1880 Alonzojohn Тат/Не, В.А. Wittenberg 1883 Í/Vilson Curtis 147/гелем В.А. 1880 30 1887 james Wilson Bix/er, B.A. Amherst 1882, М.А. Amherst 1887 Avedìs Mesrob Boolgoorjoo Henry Eldridge Bourne, B.A. 1883 Howard Allen Bridgman, B.A. Arn- herst 1883 james Fran/¿lin Cross, B.A. W. Reserve 1884 James Wallace Dow john Dunlap, B.A. Coll. N. 1882 Walter March Ellis, B.A. Tabor 1882 Henry Martyn Herrie/e, B.A. Amherst 1884, M.A. Amherst Horace George Hoadley, B.A. 1883 John Morris James George William judson, B.A. 1884 Franhlin Pierce Lynch, 1888, В.А. Bucknell Univ. 1884 John McKee, B.A. Butler Univ. 1884 George Raynolds Mathews, B.A. W. Reserve 1884 Robert Calfe Ildorse, B.A. Knox 1884 john Henry Muller, B.A. Lebanon Valley 1884 Rikizo Nakashima, B.A. W. Reserve 1884, PH.D. 1889, Prof. Psychol., Eth. and Logic Imper. Univ. Japan Edward Smith Parsons, B.A. Amherst 1883, M.A. Amherst, Prof. English Colorado Coll. George Foster Prentiss, B.A. Amherst 1884 Orrin Lucius Robinson, B.L. Carleton 1883 Dwight Clinton Stone Ward Taylor Sutherland, B.A. Univ. Rochester 1878 Ervin Llewellyn Thorpe, 1888, M.L. 1887 Henry Seibels Wannamaher, B.A. Wof- ford 1884 Charles T errill Whittlesey, B.A. Am- herst 1883 26 1888 Lewin Рит/ё Buell, B.A. 1885 Empson Cory, B.A. Wabash 1885 William Watts Davidson, B.A. Yad- kin 1880 Henry Davies Charles Allen Dinsmore Литий: LaDu Ferguson Frederick Davis Greene, B.A. Amherst 1885, M.A. Amherst john Edward Herman Doctor Melancthon james, B.A. Ran- dolph-Macon 1881 . Lewis Franhlinjohn, B.A. Otterbein 1883 Franh Fales Lewis, B.A. Beloit 1884 Charles Wilson Loomis, B.A. Amherst 1882 Franh Ranney [змеем B.S. Cornell Univ. 1882 Robert Luvern Marsh, B.A. Univ. Nebr. 1884 Philip Hannibal /l/Iason, B.A. Carle- ton 1883 Alexander Milne Henry Harvey Il/Iorse, B.A. Amherst 18 85 Lyman Plimpton Peet, B.A. I885 James Bronson Reynolds, B.A. 1884 Charles Nichols Severance Franh Varnum Stevens, B.A. Carleton 1884 Lucius Harrison Thayer, B.A. Arn- herst 1882 john Oliver Thrush, B.A. Lebanon Valley 1884 Franh VanAllen, B.A. 1885 Henry Horace Williams, B.A. Univ. N. С. 1883, М.А. Univ. N. C. john Churchwood Wilson, B.A. Am- herst 1885, M.A. Amherst George Heber Woodhull, B.A. 1885 27 1889 Theodore Davenport Bacon Eli Beers, B.A. 1886 Clay Dent Chunn Charles Franhlin Clarhe, B.A. 1886 Harlan Creelman, PH.D. 1894, Asst. Semit. Lang., Instr. Bibl. Lit. William Luhe Cunningham, B.A. Rutherford Coll. 1888, PH.B. Ill. Wesleyan Univ. 1889, D.D. else- where ‘ Olaus Dahl, B.A. Luther Coll. 1885, PH. D. 1891, Instr. Swed. and Dan. George Pomeroy Eastman, B.A. Am- herst 1884 William Griffiths, PH.D. 1891 Albert Wellman Hitchcoch, B.A. Am- herst 1882, M.A. Amherst Robert Murray Hogue, B.A. Univ. Pa. 1886 George IIenryjachson, 1891, M.D. 1892, M.A. Shaw Univ. 1892 Lewis Henry Keller William Henry Klose, B.A. Roanoke 1886 ' Luther Kendall Long, PH.B. Adrian 1883 216 YALE UNIVERSITY Winfield Scott Manship, B.A. Wesley- an Univ. 1886 Joseph Fairbanks Morse, B.A. Arn- herst 1884 john Frederic Nicholas, B.A. Muhlen- berg 1886 Manly Dayton Ormes, B.A. 1885 Manasseh Garabed Papazian, B.A. Central Turkey Coll. 1882 Wallace Claire Payne, B.A. Bethany 1886 Charles Benjamin Franklin Pease, B.A. Williams 1886 George Petry, B.A. Univ. Pa. 1886 Arthur Stevens Phelps, B.A. 1886 james Gibson `Robertson, B.A. Williams 1886 Frank Robinson Shipman, B.A. 1885 Henry Staufer Glen Albert Taylor, B.A. Williams 1885 James Hayden Tufts, B.A. Amherst 1884, M.A. Amherst 1890, Assoc. Prof. Philos. Univ. Chicago. Henry William Tuttle, B.A. Williams 1886 Howard Ridgway Vaughn, B.A. Wes- leyan 1886 Dean Augustus Walker, B.A. 1884 William Wiedenhœft, B.A. Oberlin 1886 Charles Newton Zeublin, PH.B. North- western Univ. 1887 34 1890 Edward Benjamin Bagby, B.A. Ky. Univ. 1887 Lucius Olmsted Baird, B.A. 1885 Frank Clyde Baker, B.A. Oberlin 1886 Gerald Hamilton Beard, B.A. 1887 Edwin Victor Bigelow, B.A. Univ. Wash. 1887, M.A. Harv. 1891 jesse Levi Bright Daniel Emery Burtner, B.A. Lebanon Valley 1886 Robert Coit Chapin, B.A. Beloit 1885 Edward Mortimer Chapman, B.A. 1884 Charles Dow Crawford, B.A. Drury 1887 Arthur Hill Daniels, B.A. Olivet 1887 William Davies Hugh Latimer Elderdice, B.A. W. Md. Coll. 1882 Edward Torrey Ford Lincoln Archer Holp Edward Payson Holton, B.A. Amherst 1887 George Ellsworth Hooker, B.A. Amherst 1883, LL.B. Columbia 1885 Herbert Bacon Hutchins, B.A. Harv. 1886 Frederic William Macallum, B.A. Mc- Gill Univ. 1888 Julius Adolph Meckel james Wilbur Moulton, B.A. Bates 1887 john Thomas Nichols, B.A. Harv. 1884 Stephen Beasley Linnard Penrose, B.A. Williams 1885, Pres. Whitman Coll. Perry Oliver Powell, B.A. Ky. Univ. 1887 john Harrison Reid Edward T allmadge Root, B.A. 1887 T heophilus Huntington Root, B.A. Harv. 1885, M.A. Harv. 1891 Claudius [Идти Severance, B.A. Mid- dlebury 1883, М.А. Middlebury Elmer Ellsworth Smiley, B.A. Syra- cuse Univ. 1885 EdwardLincoln Smith, B.A. 1886 joseph jansen Spencer, B.A. Otterbein 1884 William Austin Trow, B.A. Amherst 1886 Edwin Alonzo Warfield, B.A. W. Md. Coll. 1882, PH.D. 1893 Eugene Carroll Webster, B.A. Harv. 1887 Morrison Weimer, B.A. Lebanon Val- ley 1887 Schuyler Sampson White, B.A. Harv. 1884 john Sheridan Zelie, B.A. Williams 1887 37 1891 joseph Marion Adams, B.A. DePauw 1868, M.A. DePauw George Page Anderson, B.A. Whitman Coll. 1886 Jacob Cornelius Bergmans Claus Alfred Bergström, B.A. Brown 1888 Edward Ernest Bradley, B.A. Wil- liams 1885 George Atwood Brock, B.A. Harv. 1888 Albert Shepard Bromer, B.S. Ursinus C011. 1888 Harvey Safford Bush, B.A. Univ. Mich. 1888 Chester Merrit Clark, B.A. Knox 1886 james Romeyn Danforth, B.A. Arn- herst 1888 Arthur Ernest Davies Elmer Addison Dent, PH.B. Univ. Ohio 1888 Calvin Ursinus Olevianus Derr, B.A. Ursinus Coll. 1888 Charles Hatfield Dickerson, B.A. Ober- lin 1889 Edward Colton Fellowes, B.A. 1888 Mosheim Ross Fishburn, B.A. Pa. Coll. 1887, М.А. Ра. Coll. 1895] BA CHELORS 0F _of VINJT Y, lego-feg; 217 Fenwick Williams Fraser, M.A. Coll. N .J. 1890 Thomas Arthur Frey, B.A. Roanoke Coll. 1888 Edward Augustus George, B.A. 1885 William Clark Gordon, B.A. 1888 Harvey Bartlett Greene joseph Wallace Gunn, B.A. Carleton Coll. 1886 Tasuku Harada Dorr Albert Hudson, B.A. 1888 George Merriam Hyde, B.A. Amherst 1888 David Lyman Kebbe, B.A. Amherst 1888 Allen Alonzo Keene, B.A. Amherst 1887 Arthur Mitchell Little, B.A. 1889 john Jldortimer Lydgate, B.A. Univ. Toronto 1880 Edward LesterMarsh, B.A. Amherst 1888 Frederick Howard Means, B.A. Harv. 1888 Frederick Warren Oakes, B.A. Bates 1888 Harry Ernest Peabody, B.A. Harv. 1887 Edgar Allen Potts, B.A. Randolph- Macon 1882, M.A. Rand-Mac. Frederick Bates Richards, B.A. Am- herst 1885, M.A. Amherst George Samuel Richards Frederick Cowles Taylor, B.A.Amherst 1884 William Brown Thorp, B.A. Amherst 1887 Arthur Clarence Townsend, B.A. Bates 1888 Clyde Weber Votaw, B.A. Amherst 1888, M.A. Amherst 1892 Samuel Weyler, B.A. Knox 1888 Elbridge Cutler Whiting, B.A. Am- herst 1888 Benson Newell Wyman, B.A. Oberlin 1886 43 1892 Edward Scribner Ames, also Drake Univ. 1891, B.A. Drake 1889 Arthur John Arn, B.A. 1887 Joseph Henry Artopê, B.D. Wilber- force Univ. 1889 jesse Bailey, B.A. Bates 1887, M.A. 'Bates rCliford Webster Barnes, B.A. 1889 john Bigham, B.A. Amherst 1887, М.А. Amherst and Harv. 1893, PH.D. Harv. 1894 4Thomas Cutler DesBarres, B.A. Univ. Toronto 1889 julius Wilbur Eggleston, B.A. Wes- leyan 1889 Frank Lewis Garfield, B.A. Amherst 1888 Frank Oscar Hellier james Hunter Frank Lovejoy johnston, B.A. Whea- ton 1889 Sumantrao Vishnu K armarkar K evork Harutune K стоп/Ест james Harvey Keeling, B.A. Rutgers 1889 William Albert Korn, B.A. Ursinus Coll. 1887 lVilliam Gilbert Lathrop, B.A. Brown 1889 Edward Olaus Loe, B.A. 1889 Claire Franklin Luther, B.A. Amherst 1889 William Henry Manss, B.A. Witten- berg 1887 Duncan Salisbury Merwin, B.A. 1888 Harry Roberts Miles, B.A. Harv. 1888 Charles Duncklee Milliken, B.A. Dartm. 1887 Frank Alvin Morgan, B.A. and B.D. Drake Univ. 1888 ~ William Sacheus Morgan, Lect. Hist. Philos. Herbert Arthur Mosser, B.A. Olivet 1889 Roscoe Nelson, B.A. Bates 1887 Richard Owen, B.A. Marietta 1889 Charles Eugene Ozanne, B.A. W. Reserve 1889 Dryden William Phelps, B.A. Brown 1877, M.A. Brown Morgan Everett Powelson, B.A. Lafay- ette 1889 jeferson Davis Ritchey, B.A. Drury 1888, M.A. Drury Benjamin Berry Seelye, B.A. 1876 Edward Parsons Seymour, B.A. Arn- herst 1884 David Lewis Thomas, B.A. Marietta 1889 Irving Francis Wood, B.A. Hamilton 1885, M.A. Hamilton Samuel Hetherington Woodrow, B.A. Bates 1881 37 1893 Otis Webb Barker, B.A. Amherst 1884 Edgar Franklin Blanchard, B.A. Bates 1888 Edward Shepard Bromer, B.A. Ursinus Coll. 1890 Reginald Victor Bury, also St. Stephen’s Coll. 1894 Bert Francis Case, B.A. 1890 Samuel Davies Albert Putnam Davis, B.A. Amherst 1887 Boothe Colwell Davis, B.A. Alfred Univ. 1890 Frank Butler Doane, B.A. Amherst 1890 218 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 Evan Evans, B.A. Marietta 1890 Charles Edward Ewing, B.A. Amherst 1890 George Henry Ewing, B.A. Amherst 1890 / George Henry Flint, B.A. Williams 1886, М.А. Williams 1890 Henry Martin Goddard, B.A. Middle- bury 1890 Lincoln Baker Goodrich, B.A. Am- herst 1888 Charles Edward Harris, B.A. 1885 Fosdick Beach Harrison, B.A. Arn- herst 1890 Richard Henry Hughes Edward Everett Keedy, B.A. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1889 John Lincoln Keedy, B.A. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1889 Harvey Merrill Lawson, PH.B. 1890 James McLaughlin, B.A. Brown 1890 James Brittain Miller, 1894 Warren Joseph Moulton, B.A. Arn- he'rst 1888 Robert Paton, B.A. Oberlin 1888 Frank Curtiss Putnam, B.A. Amherst 1890 Harry Elmer Small, B.A. Amherst 1890 Wilson Reed Stewart, B.A. Wittenberg Coll. 1890 Charles Prest Wells, B.A. Victoria Univ. 1890 Herbert Pekin Woodin, B.A. Amherst 1888 William Michael Zumbro, B.A. West- ern Coll. (Iowa) 1888, М.А. Univ. Mich. 1889 31 1894 Henry Cartledge William Watt Dornan Hugh Shaw Dougall, B.A. Victoria Univ. 1892 William Llawdaog Evans Orishatukeh Faduma August Frederick Fehlandt, B.A. Univ, “Изо. 1891 Albert Louis, Grein, PH.B. Oberlin 1891 Jacob Lewis Hartsock Charles Stillman Haynes, B.A. Wil- liams 1891 Samuel George Heckman, B.A. Univ. Cincinn. 1891 Godfrey August Holzinger, B.A. Oli- vet 1887 William Fleetwood Ireland, B.A. Ober- lin 1891 Clifford Benjamin Keenleyside, B.A. Victoria Univ. 1892 Harry William Landfear, B.A. Am- herst 1890 Edwin Jones Lewis, B.A. Marietta 1891 Frederick Nye Lindsay, B.A. 1889 Abraham Lincoln McClelland, B.A. Oberlin 1889 Sandford Edwin Marshall, B.A. Vic- toria Univ. 1892 Harry Chamberlain Meserve John Winslow Norris, B.A. Univ. Vt. 1891 Frank Park, B.A. Univ. Iowa 1889 ­Carroll Perry, B.A. Williams 1890 Aurelian Post, B.A. Hamilton 1891 Henry Hugh Proctor, B.A. Fisk Univ. 1891 Charles Edwin Reeves Anders Sandbo, B.A. St.Olaf 1890 Gilbert Augustus Shaw James Alexander Solandt, PH.B. Ober- lin 1891 Charles William Thomas Strasser, B.A. Muhlenberg 18.91 Robert john Thomson William Marsh Tinker, B.A. Thiel Coll. 1887 ~ George Durand Wilder, B.A. Oberlin 1891 32 1895 [Candidates for the degree, june, 1895] William Frederick Bade, also Morav. Theol. Sem. 1894, В.А. Moravian Coll. 1892 ’ Raymond Cummings Brooks, B.A. Tabor Coll. 1891 William Thurston Brown, B.A. 1890 Samuel MacIntosh Cathcart Evore Evans Spencer Evan Evans, B.A. Marietta 1891 Samuel John Evers, B.A. Lebanon Valley Coll. 1891 ' ­ George Seymour Godard, B.A. Wesl. Univ. 1892 Y Frederic Louis Grant Lathrop Campbell Grant Harry Linwood Hartwell, B.A. Bost. Univ. 1892 John Hans Hjetland Harry Woodruff Johnson, B.A. Wil- liams 1891 John Owen Jones Sen Joseph Katayama, B.A. Iowa Coll. 1892 Milton Royce Kerr, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1884 Joseph Benjamin Kettle, B.A. Colo- rado Coll. 1892 . Frank Oscar Krause, B.L. Carleton Coll. 1892 Adam Ruth Lutz, B.A. Franklin and Marshall 1886, М.А. Frankl. and Marsh. 1895] BA CHELORS 0E DIVINIT Y, 1894—1805 Leslie Wilbert Morgan, B.A. Drake Univ. 1893 Cyrus Alvin Osborne, B.A. Beloit 1891, M.A. Beloit Jenichiro Oyabe Edward Walker Pease, B.A. 1892 George William Phillips John Wesley Rice, B.A. Harv. 1891 Wallace Eugene Rollins, B.A. Univ. N. С. 1892 Edward Stevens Sanborn, B.A. 1892 Charles Nelson Sperling, also M0- ravian Theol. Sem. 1894 Charles Snow Thayer, B.A. Amherst 1886 John Barton Toomay, B.A. Otterbein Univ. 1892 Hiram VanKirk, B.A. Hiram Coll. 1892 Parley Paul Womer 32 BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS 1891 Josephine Miles Lewis BACHELORS OF MUSIC ____-___*- 1894 Harry Benjamin Jepson, B.A. 1893 Virginia Brisac Moore Burton Emerson Leavitt, B.A. 1893 Edward Walker Pease, B.A. 1892 4 HON ORARY GRADUATES AND GRADUATES OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS ADMITTED TO THE SAME DEGREE (AD EUNDEM СВАЛКА/И) HERE 1702 Stephen Buckingham, B.A. Harv. 1693, M.A., Fellow *1746 *Salmon Treat, B.A. Harv. 1694, M.A. *1762 умер/2 Coit, B.A. Harv. 1697, М.А. '1750 joseph Moss, B.A. Harv. 1699, M.A., Fellow *1732 1705 David Parsons, B.A. and Harv. 1705, M.A. Harv. 1715 *1743 1719? *joseph Morgan, M.A. *175- 1723 *Daniel Turner, M.D. *1741 1724 *David Yale, M.A. *1730 1725 *Samuel Mather, B.A. Harv. 1723, M.A. and Harv. and Glasgow 1731, D.D. Harv. 1773 “1785 *Gilbert T ennent, M.A. *1764 1730 *John Hubbard, M.A. *1773 1732 *Thomas Tyler, B.A. Harv. 1730, M.A. and Harv. ‘1770 1733 *Philemon Robbins, B.A. Harv. 1729, M.A. and Harv. ’1781 l I 1737 *Anthony Davis, B.A. Harv. 1735, M.A. and Harv. *john Graham, B.A. Glasg. 1714, M.A. ’1774 1740 *Elisha Marsh, B.A. Harv. 1738, M.A. and Harv. and Dartm. 1773 *1784 1741 *Thomas Balch, B.A. Harv. 1733, M.A. and Harv. *1774 *1775 *Thomas Williams, M. A. 1750 *James Bowdoin, B.A. Harv. 1745, M.A. and Harv.,LL.D. Harv. 1783 and Edinb. 1785, Gov. Mass. F.R.S. Lond. *Nathaniel Coffin, B.A. Harv. 1744, M.A. and Harv. *Samuel Cooper, B.A. Harv. 1743, M.A. and Harv., D.D. Edinb. 1767 *Thomas Cushing, B.A. Harv. 1744, M.A. and Harv., LL.D. Harv. 1785, Lt.-G0v. Mass., Memb. Continent. '1790 *1780 *1783 Congr. *1788 *William Ellery, B.A. Harv. 1722, M.A. and Harv., Dep.-Gov. R. I. *1764 *Stephen Greenleaf, B.A. Harv. 1723, M.A. and Harv. *Ebenezer Storer, B.A. Harv. 1747, *1795 М.А. and Harv. ‘1807 *Royall Tyler, B.A. Harv. 1743, M.A. and Harv. ’1771 1751 *Andrew Oliver, B.A. Harv. 1749, M.A. and Harv. l'1799 1752 *joseph Green, B.A. Harv. 1746, M.A. and Harv. ' *Edward Ii/igglesworth, B.A. Harv. 1749, M.A. and Harv., D.D. Harv. 1786, Prof. Divinity Harv. Univ. 1768 ’1794 222 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 1753 *William Cushing, B.A. Harv. 1751, M.A. and Harv., LL.D. Harv. 1785, Chief Just. Supr. Court Mass.,Just. Supr. Court U. S. *jonathan Dorby, B.A. Harv. 1747, *1810 M.A. and Harv. *1754 *john Ellis, B.A. Harv. 1750, M.A. and Harv. *1805 *Samuel Fayerweather, B.A. Harv. 1743, M.A. and Oxford 1756 and Cambr. 1756 and Columbia 1758 *Benjamin Franklin, M.A. and Harv. 1753 and Wm. and Mary 1756, J.U.D. St. Andrew’s 1759, D.C.L. Oxford 1762, Member Continental Congr. U. S. Ambass. France, Pres. Pa., Member U. S. Const. Conven- tion,F.R.S. Lond. and Edinb., Mem- ber Acad. Roy. Sci. (Paris), Acad. Sci. Imper. Petrop., K. Gesellsch. Wiss. (Göttingen) *George Leonard, B.A. Harv.1748, M.A. and Harv., LL.D. Brown 1804, *1781 *1790 M. C. *1819 *joseph Palmer, B.A. Harv. 1747, M.A. and Harv. *1791 *Grindall Rawson, B.A. Harv. 1741, M.A. and Harv. *1794 *Nathaniel Robbins, B.A. Harv. 1747, M.A. and Harv. *William Williams, B.A. Harv. 1751, M.A. and Harv., Member Continent. Congr., ex-ojïcio Fellow *1795 *1811 1754 *james Beard, B.A. N. 1750, M.A. *Samuel Epes, B.A. Harv. 1751, M.A. and Harv. *Perez Marsh, B.A. Harv. 1748, M.A. and Harv. *1784 *John Mascarene, B.A. Harv. 1741, M.A. and Harv. *1779 *Robert Ross, B.A. Coll. N. 1751, M.A. and Coll. N. J. ‘1799 *1760 1755 *Francis Alison, M.A. and Coll. N. 1756, D.D. Glasgow 1758, Vice-Pro- vost and Prof. Ancient Lang. and Metaphysics Coll. Philad. ‘1779 *joseph Perry, B.A. Harv. 1752,’M.A. and Harv. *1783 1757 *Mather Byles, B.A. Harv. 1751, M.A., D.D. Oxford 1770 *Samuel Clark, B.A. Coll. N. 1751, M.A. and C011. N. J. *1775 *1814 *Sylvanus Osborn, B.A. Coll. N. 1754, М°А° l‘1771 *Edward Walker, B.A. and Harv. 1757, M.A. Harv. ‘1801 1758 *Benoni Bradner, B.A. C011. N. 1755, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1804 *William Patten, B.A. Harv. 1754, M.A. and Harv. *1775 1759 *John Avery, B.A. and Harv. 1759, M.A. Harv. *1806 *Thaddeus Burr, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1755, M.A. and Coll. N.J. *1801 *John Crocker, B.A. Harv. 1743, M.A. and Harv. *1815 *Justin Ely, B.A. and Harv. 1759, M.A. Harv. *1817 *Lemuel Hedge, B.A. and Harv. 1759, M.A. Harv. *Ephraim Otis, B.A. Harv. 1756, M.A. and Harv. *1816 *Benjamin Pickman, B.A. and Harv. 1759, M.A. Harv. *1819 1760 *Samuel Barrett, B.A. Harv. 1757, M.A. and Harv., LL.D. Edinb. 1797 *1798 *Noah Benedict, B.A. Coll. N. 1757, M.A., Fellow *joseph Montgomery, B.A. Coll. N. 1755, M.A. and Coll. N. J. and Coll. Philad. 1760, Member Continent. Congr. *1794 *Benjamin Youngs Prime, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1751, M.A. and Coll. N. J., *1813 М.1). Leyden 1764 *1791 *Henry Wells, B.A. Coll. N. 1757, M.A., M.D. Dartm. 1803 *1814 1761 *Benjamin Chapman, B.A. Coll. N. 1754, М.А. and Coll. N. '1786 1762 *William Cornelius George, B.A. and Columbia 1762 *176- 1763 *William jackson, M.A. and Utrecht and Columbia 1761 and N. J. 1771 *1813 *John Kimberly, M.A. *1773 1895] 223 HONORARY GRADUATES, 1753—1773 1764 *Noah Wadhams, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1754, M.A *1806 I765 *Nathaniel Battelle, B.A. and Harv. 1765, М.А. Harv. *1816 *Thomas Bridgman, B.A. Harv. 1762, M.A. and Harv. ‘1771 *Moses Hubbard, B.A. and Harv. 1765, M.A. Harv. *1822 *joseph Lee, B.A. and Harv. 1765, M.A. Harv. *1819 *jonathan Il/Ioore, B.A. Harv. 1761, ` M.A. and Harv. *1814 *josiah Sherman, B.A. Coll. N. 1754, M.A. and Coll. N. J. and Harv. 1758 *1789 *Samuel Taylor, B.A. C011.N. J. 1757, A M. . *josiah Thacher, B.A. Coll. N. 1760, ` M.A. *1799 *Joshua Upham, B.A. and Harv. 1763, M.A. Harv., Judge Supr. Court N. Brunswick *joseph Willard, B.A. and Harv. 1765, M.A. Harv. *1808 *1828 1766 *josiah Dana, B.A. Harv. 1763, M.A. and Harv. and Brown 1790 and Dartm. 1794 *1801 *Daniel Leonard, B.A. Harv. 1760, M.A. and Harv., Chief Just. Supr. Court Bermuda *1829 *Josiah Quincy, B.A. Harv. 1763, M. A. and Harv. ‘1775 *Jesse Root, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1756, M.A. and Coll. N. J., LL.D. 1800, Member Continent. Congr., Chief Just. Supr. Court Conn. '1822 1768 * William Hanna, Columbia 1759, М.А. and Columbia 1765 *Samuel Kirkland, B.A. Coll. N. 1765, M.A. and Dartm. 1773 ‘1808 *Hugh Knox, B.A. Coll. N. 1754, М.А. and Coll. N. J., D.D. Glasgow '1790 *Roger Sherman, M.A., Treasurer, Judge Supr. Court Conn., Member Continent. Congr. and U. S. Const. Convention, U. S. Senator ’1793 *J0hnWendell, B.A. Harv. 1750, M.A. and Harv. and Dartm. 1773 ‘1808 1769 *Thomas Brattle, B.A. Harv. 1760, M.A. and Harv. and N. J. 1769 '1801 l l *jonathan Edwards, B.A. Coll. N. 1765, M.A. and Coll. N. J., D.D. Coll. N. J. 1785, Pres. Union Coll. *1801 *John Hancock, B.A. Harv. 1754, M.A. and Harv. and Coll. N. J., LL.D. Brown 1788 and Harv. 1792, Pres. Continent. Congr., Gov. Mass. ’1793 *Nehemiah Williams, B.A. and Harv. 1769, M.A. Harv. *1796 1770 *Isaac Foster, M.A. ‘1807 *Jonathan Graham, B.A. and Colum- bia 1770 *Nathaniel Hazard, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1764, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1798 *Jedidiah Huntington, B.A. Harv. 1763, M.A. and Harv., Treasurer Conn. *1818 *Solomon Kellogg, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1766, M.A. 1771 *john Close, B.A. C011. N. 1763, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1813 *William Mills, B.A. Coll. N. 1756, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1774 1772 *David Greene, B.A. Harv. 1768, M.A. and Harv. *1812 *Ezra Horton, B.A. Coll. N. 1754, М.А. 789 *David Howell, B.A. C011. N. J. 1766, M.A. and Coll. N. J. and Brown 1769, LL.D. Brown 1793, Prof. Nat. Philos. also Law Brown Univ., Member Continent. Congr., Judge Super. Court and Attorney-Gen. R. I., Judge U. S. District Court (R. I.) '1824 *Hezekiah Smith, B.A. Coll. N. 1762, М.А. апс1 C011. N. J. and Brown 1769, D.D. Brown 1797 *1805 *Samuel Whiting, B.A. Harv. 1769, M.A. ‘1819 1773 *Benjamin Church, B.A. Harv. 1754, M.A. and Harv. 777 *William Gordon, M.A. and Harv. 1772, D.D. Coll. N. J. 1777 ‘1807 *David Huntington, B.A. and Dartm. 1773, М.А. Dartm. *1812 *Richard Jackson, LL.D. i'1787 *Seth Williams, B.A. Harv. 1765, М.А. and Harv. *Solomon Williams, B.A. Harv. 1719, M.A. Harv., D.D., Fellow '1776 224 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY 1774 *Andrew Eliot, B.A. Harv. 1762, M.A. and Harv. *1805 *Dan Foster, M.A. and Dartm. 1774 *1809 *john Marsh, B.A. Harv. 1761, M.A. and Harv., D.D. Harv. 1806, Fellow '1821 *Nathan Perkins, B.A. C011. N. 1770, M.A. and N. J., D.D. N. J. 1801 *1838 1775 *Samuel Gray, B.A. Dartm. 1771, M.A. * and Dartm. 1836 1776 *Alexander Mac Whorter, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1757, M.A. Coll. N. J., D.D. *1807 *Royall Tyler, B.A. and Harv. 1776, M.A. Harv. and Univ. Vt. 1811, Prof. Law Univ. Vt., Chief Just. Supr. Court Vt. *1826 I777 *DanielFarrand, B.A. Coll. N. 1750, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1803 *john Smith, B.A. Dartm. 1773, M.A. and Dartm. and Harv. 1780, D.D. Brown 1803, Prof. Ancient Lang. Dartm. Coll. *1809 1778 *Samuel Haven, B.A. Harv. 1772, M.A. and Harv. *1830 *David Kellogg, B.A. Dartm. 1775, M.A. and Dartm., D.D. Dartm.1824 *1843 *Nathaniel Macclintock, B.A. Harv. 1775, M.A. and Harv. *Samuel Stebbins, B.A. Dartm. 1775, M.A. and Dartm. *Ezra Stiles, B.A. and Harv. 1778 and Dartm. 1778, M.A. 1781 *1780 *1821 *1784 1779 *John Bartlett, M.D. *Charles Chauncey, M.A., LL.D. Mid- dlebury 1811, Judge Super. Court Conn. ‘1823 *Conrad Alexandre Gérard, LL.D., French Minister Plenip. U. S. *1790 *Matthew Griswold, LL.D., Judge Super. Court, Dep.-G0v. and Gov. Conn. ‘1799 *Samuel Huntington, M.A., LL.D. 1787 and Coll. N. J. 1780, Pres. Con- tinent. Congr., Chief Just. Super. Court, Dep.-Gov. and Gov. Conn., ex-ojïcio Fellow '1796 *John Leverett, B.A. Harv. 1776, MA. and Harv. *aF/ohn Thayer, B.A. Jonathan Trumbull, B.A. Harv. 1727, М.А. Harv., LL.D. and Edinb. 1785, Chief Just. Super. Court, Dep.-Gov. and Gov. Conn. '1829 *1815 *1785 1780 *William Rogers, B.A. Brown 1769, M.A. and Coll. Philad. 1773 and Coll. N. 1786, D.D. Univ. Pa. 1790, Prof. Orat. and Engl. Lang. Univ. Pa. *1824 *Solomon Southwick, B.A. Coll. Phil- ad.1757,ld„A„ '1797 1781 *John Brooks, M.A. and Harv. 1787, M.D. Harv. 1810, LL.D. Harv. 1817, Pres. Mass. Med. Soc., Gov. Mass. *1825 *William Channing, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1769, M.A., Attorney-Gen. R. I. *1793 *Samuel Emery, B.A. Harv. 1774, M.A. and Harv. *1838 *Enos Hitchcock, B.A. Harv.1767, M.A. and Harv., D.D. Brown 1788 *1803 *Samuel Holden Parsons, B.A. Harv. 1756, M.A. and Harv., Judge Supr. Court N. W. Territ. *1789 *Ebenezer Pemberton, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1765, M.A. and Coll. N. and Dartm. 1782 and Harv. 1787, LL.D. Alleghany Coll. 1817, Princ. Phil- lips Acad. Andover *Richard Price, D.D. Aberdeen 1769, LL.D., F.R.S. Lond. *Josiah Read, B.A. Brown 1775, M.A. and Brown and Harv. 1785 *Seth Read, B.A. Brown 1770, M.A. and Brown and Harv. 1781 and Dartm. 1786 *George Washington, LL.D. and Harv. 1776 and Univ. Pa. 1783 and Brown 1796 and Washington Coll. (Мёд, Chancellor Coll. Wm. and Mary, Member Continent. Congr. and U.S. Const. Convention, Commander-in- Chief Amer. Army, Pres. U.S. *Abel Whitney, B. A. Harv. 1773, M.A. and Harv. 1777 *Peter Woodward, B.A. Harv. 1776, M.A. and Harv. *1799 *1807 *1811 1782 *Ebenezer Crosby, B.A. Harv. 1777, M.B. Univ. Pa. 1780, M.A. and Harv. 1782, Prof. Obstetrics Colum- bia' Coll. '1788 1895] HoNoEAE Y @EAD UA TES, 1774-17s@ 225 *Samuel Crosby, B.A. Harv. 1777, M.A. and Harv. *1802 * I/Valtcr Lyon, B.A. Dartm. 1777, M.A. and Dartm. *1826 *James Mann, B.A. Harv. 1776, M.A. and Harv. and Brown 1783, M.D. Brown 1815 *1832 *john Cosins Ogden, B.A. Coll. N. 1770, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1800 *Seth Payson, B.A. Harv. 1777, M.A. and Harv., D.D. Dartm. 1809 1*1820 *Asa Piper, B.A. Harv. 17.78, М.А. and Harv. *1825 *Timothy Reed, B.A. and Dartm.1782, M,A. Dartm. *1813 *Richard Salter, B.A. Harv. 1739, M.A. Harv., D.D., Fellow *1787 1783 *Joseph Philippe Letombe, LL.D. and Paris, M.A. Brown 1791 *18— *Samuel Stanhope Smith, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1769, M.A. Coll. N. J. D.D., LL.D. Harv. 1810, Pres. Hampden- Sidney Coll., Prof. Moral Philos. also Theol. and Pres. Coll. N.J. '1819 *Francesco dalVerme, Conte Zavat- tarelli, LL.D. *18— *jacob LVood, B.A. Dartm. 1778, M.A. and Dartm. *1790 1784 *Ebenezer Beardsley, M.A. *1791 *Lemuel Hopkins, M.A. *1801 *Erastus Sergeant, M.A., M.D. Harv. 1811 *1814 1785 *.Matthias Burnet, B.A. Coll. N. 1769, M.A. and Coll. N.J., D.D. Coll. N.J. 1802 *1806 *john Davenport, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1769, M.A. and N. J. and Brown 1805 *1821 *George Литий, Coll. N.J. 1752, М.А. î Coll. N.J., D.D. *1790 *Daniel Everett, M.A. ‘1805 *George Milne, M.D. and Aberdeen *1822 *William Patten, B.A. Dartm. 1780, M.A. and Dartm. and Brown 1787, D.D. Brown 1807 *1839 *Henry Wight, B.A. Harv. 1782, M.A. and Harv. and Brown 1811, D.D. Brown 1824 1’1837 *james I/Vi'lson, M.A. and N. J. 1785 *1799 *john Witherspoon, D.D. Aberdeen 1764, LL.D., Pres. and Prof. Divin. Coll. N. J., Member Continent. ‚ Congr. *1794 g ‚- 1:› 1786 .*john Bassett, B.A. and Columbia 1786, M.A. Columbia, D.D. “711- liams 1804, Prof. Hebrew Rutgers Coll. *Thomas Jefferson, B.A. Wm. and Mary 1762, LL.D. and Wm. and Mary 1782 and Harv. 1787 and Brown 1787 and Coll. N. J. 1791, G0v.Va.,Member Continent.C0ngr. , U.S. Minister Plenip. France, Secr. State, .Vice-Pres. and Pres. U. S. *Andrew Law, B.A. Brown 1775, M.A. and Brown, LL.D. Alleghany 1820 *1821 *William Mackinnen, LL.D. *1824 *1826 *Adonijah Strong, M.A. *1813 *Samuel Williams, B.A. Harv. 1761, M.A. Harv.,LL.D. and Edinb. 1785, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Harv. Univ. *1817 1787 *Flamen Ball, B.A. *1816 *Lewis Dunham, M.D. *1821 *Ephraim Kirby, M.A. *1804 *joshua Paine, B.A. Harv. 1784, M.A. and Harv. *1788 *William Frederick Rowland, B.A. Dartm. 1784, M.A. and Dartm. *1843 *Samuel Ward, B.A. Brown 1771, M.A. and Brown *1832 1788 *John Adams, B.A. Harv. 1755, M.A. Harv., LL.D and Harv. 1781 and Dartm. 1782 and Brown 1797, Mem- ber Continent. Congr., Chief Just. Supt. Court Mass., U. S. Minister Resid. Holland, U.S. Min. P'lenip. France also Grt. Brit., Vice-Pres. and Pres. U.S. *john Erskine, D.D. and Glasgow *1826 1766 *1803 *Sylvester Gilbert, B.A. Dartm. 1775, M.A. and Dartm., M. C. *1846 * eremiah Hallock, M.A. *1826 Eldad Lewis, M.A. and Williams 1806 *1819 *Robert Rogers, B.A. Brown 1775, M. A. and Brown *1835 1789 *Arthur Breese, M.A. ’1825 *Samuel Sidney Breese, B.A. *1848 *Charles Kilby, M.D. *1816 *David Ramsay, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1765, M.A. Coll. N.J., M.B. Coll. Philad. 1773, M.D. and Univ. Pa. 1780, Member Continent. Congr. *1815 226 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Moses Robinson, M.A. and Dartm. 1796, Chief Just. Supr. Court and Gov. Vt.. U. S. Senator *Zep/zania/z Willis, B.A. Harv. 1778, М.А. and Harv. *1813 *1847 1790 *Elias Boudinot, LL.D., Pres. Contin- ent. Congr. *1821 *Moses Brown, B.A. and Brown 1700 *1791 *Oliver Ellsworth, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1766, LL.D. and Dartm. 1797 and Coll. N.J., еде-0775550 Fellow, judge Supr. Court Conn., Member Con- tinent. Congr. and U.S. Const.Con­ vention, Senator and Chief Just. Supr. Court U.S., U. S. Minister Plenip. France *1807 *William Sherman Hart, B.A. Dartm. 1786, М.А. and Dartm. *1834 *John Clark Nightingale, B.A. and Brown 1789, М.А. 1795 and Brown *1806 *Chandler Robbins, В.А. Harv. 1782, M.A. and Harv. and Dartm. 1786 *1834 *Erastus Wolcott, M.A., Judge Supr. Court Conn. *1793 1791 *john Allen, M.A., M. C. *1812 *Josiah Lyndon Arnold, B.A. Dartm. 1788, М.А. and Dartm. and Brown *1796 *Francis Childs, M.A. and Univ. Vt. 1812 *1830 *William Green, B.A. and Dartm. 1791 *1801 *Benjamin/adel, M.A. *18— *Samael Масс/6721002, В.А. Coll. N.J. 1741, М.А. Coll. N.J. _and Harv. 1761, D.D. *1804 *]о!т MeKnig/zl, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1773, М.А. Coll. N.J., D.D., Pres. Dick- inson Coll. *1823 *fames Muir, D.D. *1806 *William VVhitridge, M.A. , M. D. Harv. 1823 *1831 *Josep/2 Willard, B.A.Harv. 1765, М. А. Harv., D.D. Harv. 1785, LL.D., Member K. Gesellsch. “Пес. Göt- tingen, Pres. Harv. Univ. *1804 1792 *Elijah Brigham, B.A. Dartm. 1778, M.A. and Dartm. and Harv. 1794, М. С. *1816 *Thomas Murray Clark, B.A. and Brown 1792 *Daniel Dewey, M.A., M. C., ~Iust. Supr. Court Mass. *1815 *William Emerson, B.A. Harv. 1789, М.А. and Harv. and Dartm.1792 *1795 *1811 *William Hillhouse, M.A., ex-ojîeio Fellow ‘1816 . *William Hyslop, M.A. and Coll. N.J. 1766 “1796 *fos/ma Leonard, B.A. Brown 1788, М А *1843 *Henry Marchant, M.A. Harv. 1762 and Coll. Philad. 1762, LL.D., Attor- ney-Gen. R.I. Colony,Member Con- tinent. Congr., Judge U.S. District Court (R. I.) *Samuel Miller, Univ. Pa. 1789, М.А. and Univ. Pa. and Coll. N.J. 1792, D.D. Univ. Pa. 1804 and Union 1804 and Univ. N.C. 1811, LL.D. Washington Coll. (Pa.) 1847, Prof. Есс1. Hist. Princeton Theol. Sem. *1850 *Thomas Moore, B.A. Dartm. 1787, М.А. and Dartm. *Josiah Quincy, B.A. and Harv. 1790, М.А. Harv. and Coll. N.J. 1796, LL.D. Harv. 1824, М. С., President Harv. Univ. „ *Isaac Senter, M.A. Brown 1787, M.D. and Harv. 1793 *John Eugene Tyler, B.A. Harv. 1786, М А *1840 *1864 *Roye/l Tyler, В.А. Dartm. 1788, М.А. and Dartm. *1826 1793 *Moses Fiske, B.A. Dartm.1786, M.A. and Dartm. *Roger Newberry, M.A., выдало Fel- low *1843 *1814 1794 *Heman Ball, B.A. Dartm. 1791, М.А. and Dartm., D.D. Union 1816 *Clare Erown, B.A. and Brown 1797 and Harv. 1797, M.A. 1797 and Dartm. 1799 and Brown 1803 and Harv. 1811 . ` *Eeria/z Hole/¿kim M.A. *james Richards, B.A., M.A. Coll. N.J. 1801, D.D. 1815 and Union 1815, Prof. Christian Theol. Auburn Theol. Sem. *William Mackay Теппеш’, В.А. Coll. N.J. 1763, M.A. Coll. N.J., D.D. *1821 *1817 *1829 “1843 *1810 I795 *Amos C/zase, B.A. Dartm. 1780, М.А. and Dartm. *1849 ï/osep/z Field, B.A.Dartm.1792, M.A. *1866 Abijah Hart, M.A. *1829 *Ebenezer Porter, B.A. Dartm. 1791, М.А. апс1 Dartm., D.D.Dartm.1814, Prof. Sacred Rhet. and Pres. Ando- ver Theol. Sem. -*1834 *Nathaniel Smith, M.A., M. C., Just. Supr. Court Conn. *1822 1895] HONOR/IR У GRAD UA TES, 1700—1804 227 _________________.__——’—- 1796 *Samuel Blatehford, M.A., D.D. Will- iarns 1808 *Jeremiah Wadsworth, M.A. Dartm. 1792, М. С. *Job Wight, B.A. Harv. 1784, M.A. and Harv. 1797 *1828 and ‘1804 *1809 I797 *.Daoid Osgood, B.A. Harv. 1771, M.A. Harv., D.D. *Benjamin Woolsey Rogers, M.A. *john Smith, B.A. Dartm. 1794, M.A. and Dartm., D.D. Dartm. 1828, Prof. *1822 ‘1859 Theol. Bangor Theol. Sem. *1831' *Daniel Storey, B.A. Dartm. 1780, M.A. and Dartm. *1804 *Hernan Swift, M.A., ex-oßíeio Fellow ‘1814 *Jonathan Trumbull, B.A. Harv. 1759, М.А. Harv., LL.D., M. C., U. S. Senator, Dep-Gov. and Gov. Conn. ex-ojíeio Fellow *Richard Watson, B.A. Cambr. 1759, М.А. СатЬг., D.D. and Cambr. 1771, F.R.S. Lond., Prof. Chem. also Theol. Univ. Cambr., Bp. Landaff *1816 *1809 1798 *Richard Alsop, M.A. *1815 *John Coffin, B.A. Dartm. 1791, М.А. and Dartm. and Coll. N. j. 1795 and Columbia 1795 *1852 *Theodore Dwight, M.A., M. C. *1846 *Peter Augustus jay, B.A. Columbia 1794, M.A. and Columbia, LL.D. Harv. 1831 and Columbia 1835 *1843 *Bezaleel Pinneo, B. A. Dartm. 1791, М.А. and Dartm. *184g *john lfl/oodhull, B.A. Coll. N. 1766, М.А. Coll. N. J., ‘1824 1799 *John Ward Gurley, M.A. '1808 *William Howe, B.A. Dartm. 1794, M.A. and Dartm.. *jaóez Mansell, B.A. Dartm. 1704, *1828 M.A. *1832 *Francis Johonnot Oliver, B.A. Harv. 1795, М.А. and Harv. *1858 1800 *Vinson Gould, B.A. Williams 1797, М.А. and Williams ’1841 *Azel Roe, В.А. Coll. N. 1756, М.А. Coll. N. j., D.D. *1815 *Philo Ruggles, M.A. *1829 *Hezekiah Wright Strong, M.A. ‘1848 *Holland Weeks, B.A. Dartm. 1795, M.A. and Dartm. ‘1843 1801 *jonathan Bartlett, M.A. *1858 *Samuel Miller, M.A. *1810 *jonathan Law Pomeroy, M.A. *1836 *Amos Garrett T hompson, М.А. ‘1801 1802 *john Codman, B.A. and Harv. 1802, M.A. Harv. and Brown 1814, D.D. Coll. N. I. 1822 and Harv. 1840 ’1847 *john Player Crosby, B.A. and Co- lumbia 1802 ‘and Coll. N. j. 1802 *1806 *John Mico Gannett, B.A. and Harv. 1802, M.A. Harv. *1855 *Asa King, M.A. '1849 *Simeon Lyman, B.A. and Dartm. 1801, M.A. Dartm. ‘1832 *Eliphalet Pearson, B.A. Harv. 1773, М.А. Harv., LL.D. and Coll. N. j. 1802, Princ. Phillips Acad. Andover, Prof. Orient. Languages also Engl. Harv. Univ., Prof. Sacr. Lit. An- dover Theol. Sem. *Leverett Saltonstall, B.A. and Harv. 1802,M.A. Harv. and Bowdoin 1806, LL.D. Harv. 1838, М. С. *Nathan Strong, B.A. and Williams *1826 *1845 1802, M.A. 1805 and Williams ‘1837 1803 *joseph Warren Grossman, B.A. Brown 1795, М.А. ’1812 *Nathan Metcalf Hale, B.A. and Wil- liams 1803, M.A. Williams *1813 *Thomas Rich, B.A. Dartm. 1799, М.А. *1836 *John Wadsworth, B.A. and Wil- liams 1802 *1815 *john Willard, B.A. Harv. 1751, М.А. Harv., D.D. *1807 1804 *Andrew Faller, M.A. Brown 1796, D.D. and Coll. N. J. 1796 *Benjamin Goodhue, B.A. Harv. 1766, M.A. and Harv., M. C., U. S. Sen. ’1814 *Samuel Orne, B.A. and Harv. 1804 and Bowdoin 1806, M.A. Harv. '1830 *Timothy Stone, М.А. *1852 *Ichabod Tucker, B.A. Harv. 1791, M.A. and Harv. and Bowdoin 1806 ‘1846 *James Talcott Watson, B.A. and Co- lumbia 1804 and Coll. N. ]. 1804 *Daniel Appleton White, B.A. Harv. 1797, М.А. and Harv., LL.D. Harv. 1837, M. C. ‘1861 *1815 ‘1839 228 YALE Ulli/'VERSITY [1395 1805 *Aaron Austin, M.A., еле-офис Fellow *1829 *john Ambourloin Brimmer, B.A. Harv. 1802, М А. and Harv. *Samuel Cary, B.A. and Harv. 1804, М.А. Harv. *George Thomas Chajbman, B.A. and Dartm. 1804, M.A. Dartm., D.D. Transylvania Univ. 1824, Prof. Hist. Transylv. Univ. *David Stoddard Greenough, B.A. and Harv. 1805, M.A. Harv. *John Wheelock Smith, B.A. and Dartm. 1804, M.A. Dartm. *Robert Smith, B.A. and Harv. 1805 “1807 ‘1815 ‘1872 *1830 ‘1814 H847 1806 *Elizur Goodrich, B.A. and Williams 1806 *1868 *Robert Hare, M.A., M.D. Harv.1816, Prof. Chem. Univ. Pa., Prof. Nat. Philos. and Chem. Coll. Wm. and Mary '1858 *Samuel Kendal, В.А. Harv. 1782, M.A. Harv., D.D. ‘1814 *Frederick Perry, B.A. Williams 1802, M.A. and Williams *James Watson Robbins, B.A. Wil- liams 1802, M.A. and Williams *George Vaux, M.A. *1875 *1847 *1836 1807 *William Fitch Backus, B.A. Wil- liams 1802, M.A. and Williams *Joseph Green Cogswell, B.A. and Harv. 1806, М.А. Harv. 1814, PH.D. Göttingen 1819, LL.D. Trinity 1842 and Harv. 1863, Prof. Mineral. and Geol. Harv. Univ., Supt. Astor Li- brary *Alexander Hill Everett, B.A. and Harv. 1806, M.A. 'Harv., LL.D. Univ. Vt. 1826 and Middlebury 1839, U. S. Minister Plenip. Spain, Pres. jefferson Coll. (La.) *Elias Gallup, B.A. Dartm. 1804, М.А. and Dartm. *Francis Parhman, B.A. and Harv. 1807, M.A. Harv., D.D. Harv.1834 *1852 *john Pye Smith, D.D., LL.D. else- where, F.R.S. Lond. *james Stevenson, B.A. and Williams *1818 *1871 “1847 *1829 *1851 1807 *1852 *Danie1.Tyler, B.A. Harv. 1771, М.А. and Harv. '1832 1808 *Davidßogue, M.A. Edinb. 1771, D.D. *1825 *Saul Clarh, В.А. Williams 1805, М.А. *1849 *William Crafts, B.A. Harv. 1805, M.A. and Harv. *Dar/id Юге/21072, М.А., D.D. 1821 and Edinb. 1824 *1842 *George Gibbs, M.A. and Brown 1800 *1833 *George Leonard, B.A. Dartm. 1805, M.A. and Dartm. *1834 *Nathan Smith, M.A., U. S. Senator *1835 *William Davies Sohier, B.A. Harv. 1805, М.А. ап0 Harv. *Elijah Gardiner Welles, B.A. Wil- liams 1805, M.A. *Luhe Wood, В.А. Dartm. 1802, М.А. and Dartm. *1826 *1868 *1855 *1851 1809 *William Barrett, B.A. and Williams 1809 *David Deming, B.A. and Williams 1809, M.A. 1812 *Chester Dewey, B.A. Williams 1806, M.A. and Williams, M.D. 1825, D.D. Union 1838, LL.D. Williams 1850, Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Wil- liams Coll., Prof. Chem., Bot. and Nat. Philos. Berks. Med. Inst., Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Univ. Rochester *Thomas Brattle Gannett, B.A. Harv. 1809, M.A. Harv. *George Hayward, B.A. and Harv. 1809, М.А. Harv., M.D. Univ. Pa. 1812, Prof. Surg. Harv. Univ., Pres. Mass. Med. Soc. *1863 *Euanjohns, М.А. *1849 *Samuel Rowland, M.A. ‘1837 *Samuel William Southmayd, M.A. *1813 *Reuben Taylor, B.A. Williams 1806, *1857 М.А. *1825 *1823 *1827 *1867 *1851 and *Abraham Wild, B.A. and Harv. 1809, M.A. Harv. 1810 *john Porter, B.A. and Williams 1810 *1874 *Jonathan Edwards Porter, B.A. Harv. 1786, M.A. and Harv. 1790 *William Storrs, B.A. Dartm. 1788, М.А. and Dartm. *Samuel Willard, B.A. Harv. 1787, M.A. and Harv. *1821 *1824 *1821 1811 *SamuelNeu/ell, B.A. Harv. 1807, M.A. and Harv. 1811 *1821 1812 *Hubóel Loomis, M.A. and Union 1809 *1872 *Asa A/l/ÍeEarland, B.A. Dartm. 1793, М.А. Dartm., D.D. *1827 1895] HONORAR Y GRAD UA TES, 1805—1810 229 *Benjamin Rush, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1760, M.A. Coll. N. J., M.D. Edinb. 1768 and Conn. Med. Soc. 1794, LL.D., Prof. Chem. also Med. Theory and Pract. Univ. Pa., M. C. *1813 *Elisha Fuller Wallace, B.A. and Dartm. 1811 '1870 1814 *Abner Phelps, B.A. Williams 1806, M.A. Williams and Brown 1813, M.D. and Brown 1814 ‘1873 1815 *Àïathaniel Dwight, M.A. and Wil- liams 1801 *1831 * Cornelius Bradford E aerest, B. A. Williams 1811, М.А. ‘1870 ’ii/esse Fisher, B.A. Harv. 1803, М.А. *1836 Charles Goddard, B.A. and Williams 1815 '1838 *Eosdich Harrison, M.A. *1858 *Benjamin Niles, B.A. Dartm. 1811, M.A. *1828 *james Porter, B.A. Williams 1810, М.А. ‘1856 *Samuel Rockwell, M.A., M.D. 1820 ‘1836 *james [Репа/222 Willson, В.А. Jeffer- son Coll. (Pa.) 1805, M.A., D.D. Western Univ. Pa. *1853 1816 *John Bestor, M.D. *Grove Lawrence Brownell, B.A. Univ. Vt. 1813, М.А. 2110 Univ. Vt. *Jesse Carrington, M.D. *Eher Liscom Clarh, B.A. Williams 1811, M.A. *1857 *Elisha Baldwin Coohe, В.А. Williams 1811, M.A. *Leonard M. Davis, B.A. Williams 1813, M.A. *Solomon Everest, M.D. *Jehiel Judd, B.A. Dartm. 1787, M.A. *1825 *1855 *1827 '1823 *1856 *1822 2110 Dartm. ’1826 *John Owen Miner, M.D. *1851 *Joseph Palmer, M.D. *1825 *Nathaniel Perry, M.D. *1820 *Calvin Waite, B.A. Dartm. 1811, М.А 2110 Dartm. 1817 *William Czar Bradley, M.A., LL.D. Univ. Vt. 1851, M. C. *1867 *Henry Champion, M.A., ex-ojício Fellow *1836 *Harry Croswell, M.A., D.D. Trin.1831 '1858 *Israel Day, M.A. *1831 *Ezra Eis/e, B.A. Williams 1809, М.А. and Williams, D.D. Hamilton 1825 *1833 *Penuel Hutchins, M.D. '1839 *Elisha Pope Swift, B.A. Williams 1814, M.A., D.D. Jefferson Coll. (Ра.) 1837 *Joseph Gardiner Swift, M.A. and Brown 1811 and Harv. 1812, LL.D. Kenyon 1843, Supt. U. S. Mil. Acad. *1865 *Hart Talcott, B.A. Dartm. 1812, М.А. *1836 *Philemon Tracy, M.D. *1837 *1865 1818 *joshua Bates, B.A. Harv. 1800` М.А. Harv. and Brown 1813, D.D., Pres. Middlebury Coll. *Merritt Bradford, B.A. Union 1814, M.A. *Philip A. Cannon, B.A. Union 1815, M.A. *1846 *Thomas Coit, M.D. *1840 *Jonathan Dorr, M.D. and Berkshire *1854 *1845 Med. Inst. 1831 *1840 *Avery Downer, M.D. *1854 *Warren R. Fowler, M.D. *1826 *Francis Lister Нага/21, В.А. Univ. N. C. 1815, M.A., D.D. Columbia 1832, LL.D. Univ. N. C. 1847, Prof. Divinity Trin. Coll., Pres. Univ. La. *1866 *EdwardHitchcoch, М.А., LL.D. Harv. 1840, D.D. Middlebury 1846, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. also Nat. Theol. and Geol. and Pres. Amherst Coll., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *Nathan Howard, M.D. *Thomas Hubbard, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc., Prof. Surg. and Obstetr. *1838 *David Hunt, M.D. *1837 *John McCurdy, B.A. Union 1810, M.A. *1847 *John Young Mason, B.A. and Univ. N. C. 1816, LL.D. Univ. N. C. 1845, М. С., Secr. Navy and Attorney- Gen. U. S., Judge U. S. District Court (Va), U. S. Minister Plenip. France '1859 *William Orr, B.A. Dartm. 1815, M.A. *1828 *John Samuel Peters, M.D., LL.D. Trinity 1831, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc., '1864 *1838 Lieut.-Gov. and Gov. Conn., esc- ojício Fellow *1858 *Ralph Ward/aw, D.D. *1853 *John R. Watrous, M.D. and Conn. Med. Soc. 1804, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Miron Winslow, B.A. Middlebury 1815, М.А., D.D. Harv. 1858, LL.D. Middlebury 1864 *1843 *1864 1819 *jasper Adams, B.A. Brown 1815, M.A. and Brown, D.D. Columbia 1827, 23o USQS YALE UNIVERSITY Prof. Math. and Nat. Philos. Brown Univ., Prof. Moral Philos. and Pres. Coll. Charleston, Pres. Но- bart Coll., Prof Ethics U. S. Mil. Acad. *John Sherren Bartlett, M.D. *Hiram Bingham, B.A. Middlebury 1816, M.A. *Charles A dolphus Boardman, M.A. *William Buel, M.A. Williams 1810, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Thomas Bulfinch Coolidge, B.A. and Harv. I819, M.A. Harv. *1850 *James Alexander Craig, B.A. Univ. N. C. 1816, M.A. *Epaphras Goodman, B.A. Dartm. 1816, M A. *1841 *1863 ‘1862 *1856 *1882 *William Graham, В.А. Jefferson Coll. (Pa.) 1816, M.A. *William Samuel Johnson, B.A. Union 1816, M.A. *Enoch Thomas Parsons, B.A. and Union 1818 *1830 *George Henry Snelling, B.A. and Harv. 1819, M.A. Harv. *1892 *John William Sterling, M.D. *1881 1820 *Alexander Backus Converse, B.A. Union, 1816, M.A. *Ezra Stiles Gannett, B.A. and Harv. 1820, M.A. Harv., D.D. Harv. 1843 *1871 утер}; Hughes, D.D. and Brown ISII *1833 Oren Hyde, B.A. Middlebury 1812, M.A. *George Washington Jacobs, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1817, M.A. and N. J. *jonathanjudd, M.A. *Nicholson Ross Morgan, B.A. Coll. *1822 *1873 *1838 N. J. 1817, M.A. and Coll. N. J. *1881 *john Owen, D.D. *1822 *Joseph Palmer, M.D. *1839 *Samuel Wells, B.A. Dartm. 1813, M.A. *1864 1821 *Robert Wormsted Alden, B.A. and Alleghany 1821 *Timothy Fox Alden, B.A. and Alle- ghany 1821, M.A. Alleghany ` *Peter Gilchrist Clarhe, M.A. *Nathaniel Leech Hooper, B.A. and Harv. 1819, M.A. Harv. ’1831 *Ansel W. Ives, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1814, M.A. *Horace Sessions, B.A. and Hamilton 1821 *1826 *Martin Snell, B.A. Brown 1818, M.A. *1848 *William Elnathan Whitman, B.A. and Middlebury 1820 _ *1856 *1860 *1838 *1875 1822 *Samuel Carter, M.D. *Thomas Goodsell, M.D. and Regents *1853 Univ. N. Y. State 1842 *1864 *Samuel Parkes, M.A. *1825 *Elijah Fitch Reed, M.D. '1847 *Nathan Tisdale, M.D. *1830 *Stephen VanRensselaer, B.A. Harv. 1782, LL.D., Lt.-Gov. N. Y , M. C .*1839 *Francis Waters, M.A., D.D. else- where, Pres. Washington Coll. (Md.) *1868 *Francis Osborn Watts, B.A. and Harv. 1822, M A. Harv. *1860 *Edward Wigglesworth, B.A. and Harv. 1822, M.A. Harv., LL B. Harv. 1825 *1876 *Jehiel Williams, M.D. *1862 *Samuel Bayard Woodward` M D. *1850 1823 *jared Andrus, M.A. *1832 *Gurdon Huntington Backus, B.A. Williams 1806, M.A. and Williams *Joseph Battell, B.A. and Middlebury 1823, M.A. 1871 and Middlebury *Richard Varich Dey, B.A. Columbia 1818, M.A. and Columbia *Josiah Fuller, M.D. *Silas Fuller, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Levi Hedge, B.A. Harv. 1792, М.А. Harv. and Brown 1808, LL.D., Prof. Logic and Metaphys. also Nat. Re- ligion, Moral Philos. and Civil Pol. Harv. Univ. *Isaac Insign Hough, M.D. *james McFarlane Mathews, B.A. Union 1803, М.А. Union, D.D., Chancellor Univ. City N. Y. *Austin Olcott, M.D., ex-ojîcio Fel- low *john Frederich Schroeder, BA. Coll. N. J. 1819, M.A. and Coll. N. J., D.D. Trinity 1836 *1857 *John Torrey, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1818, M.A. and Williams 1825, LL.D Amherst 1845, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Coll. N. J. and U. S. Mil. Acad., Prof. Chem. and Bot. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *Alexander Young, BA. Harv. 1820, *1831 *1874 *1837 *1841 *1847 *1844 *1852 *1870 *1843 *1873 M.A. and Harv , D.D. Harv. 1846 *1854 1824 *Elisha Cushman, M.A. *1838 *Elijah Hedding, M.A., D.D. Union 1837 and Univ. Vt. 1840, Bishop M. E Church *1852 *Thomas Carlton Henry, B.A. Middle- bury 1814, D.D. *1827 1895] HONORAR Y GRAD UA TES, 1820—1829 231 *Andrew Huntington, M.D. ‘1837 *Allyn Hyde, M.D. *1855 *Noah A. Lacey, М D. *1875 *Henry Mitchell, M D., M. C. *1856 *Edward Palmer, M.A. *1882 *Smith Thompson, B.A. Coll. N.J. 1788, M.A. Coll. N. J., LL.D. and Harv. 1835 and Coll. N. J., Chief Just. Supr. Court N. Y. State, Just. Supr. Court and Secr. Navy U.S. *18.13 *Amórose Seymour Todd, M.A., D.D. Columbia 1844 *1861 *Herman Landon Vaill, M.A. *1870 1825 *Roswell Abernethy, M.D. *1852 *Gideon Beardslee, M.D. *1826 *james Bennett, D.D. *1862 *George William Burnet, B.A. and Cincinn. Coll. Cincinn. *Truman Coe, М.А. *Robley Dunglison, M.D. and Lond. 1819 and Erlangen 1823, LL.D. elsewhere, Prof. Med. Theory and Practice Univ. Va., Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut. Univ. Md., Prof. Inst. Med. and Med. Jurisprud. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) *John M. Glover, B.A. Columbia 1822, М.А., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1826 *Robert Gracie, Columbia 1818 and Harv. 1818, M.A. and Columbia *Colby Knapp, M.D. *James McConechy, M.A. *Royall Ross, M.D. *Ithiel Town, M.A. *1844 *Thomas Thompson Wells, M.D. 1823,hd„A„ 1829 and *1859 *1858 ‘1869 1826 Philip Battell, B.A. and Middlebury 1826, M.A. Middlebury *James Bowdoin, B.A. Bowdoin 1814, M.A. and Bowdoin and Harv. 1818 *1833 *A hner Brundage, M.A. ’1877 *Samuel Buel, M.D. *1854 *Chauncey Colton, B.A. and Amherst 1826, M.A. Amherst, D.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1835, Pres. Bristol Coll., Prof. Past. Theol. Kenyon Coll. *Samuel Glover, B.A. Hamilton 1820, *1876 M.A. and Hamilton *1862 *Isaac Goodsell, M.D. '1864 *Andrew Harris, M.D. l'1840 *Eleazar Hunt, M.D. *1867 *William Beach Lawrence, B.A. Со- lumbia 1818, M.A. and Columbia 1823, LL.D. Brown 1869, D.C.L. Regents Univ. State N. Y. 1873, Lieut.-Gov. R. I. ‘1881 *Eliphalet Price, M.A. *1849 * William Augustus Ster/ens, B.A. and Jefferson Coll. (Pa.) 1825 *1834 *Samuel Hurd Walley, B.A. and Harv. 1826, M.A. Harv., M. C. *1877 *William Young Warren, B.A. and Middlebury 1826, M.A. Middlebury *1833 l1827 *john Adams Albro, M A., D.D. Bow- doin 1848 and Harv. 1851 '1866 *John Andrews, M.D. '1866 *Elijah Baldwin, M.D. ’ *1867 *Daniel Comstock, M.D. *1848 *Timothy Dwight, M.A. *1844 *justin Edwards, B.A. Williams 1810, D.D., Pres. Andover Theol. Sem. *John Brain Foulke, B.A. Columbia 1823, M.A. and Columbia *Jacob Green,B.A. Univ. Pa. 1807 and Rutgers 1812,M.A.Rutgers and Coll. N. J. 1815, M.D., LL.D. Jeif. Coll. (Pa.) 1835, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Coll. N. and Jeff. Coll., Prof. Chem. Jeff. Med. Coll. (Pa.) *Chester Hinman, B.A. and Middle- bury 1822 *1830 *Charles Anthony Ingersoll, M.A., Judge U. S. District Court (Conn.) *1860 *Archibald Mercer, M.D. *1850 *James Otis Pond, M.D. *1881 *john Witherspoon Scott, B.A. Wash. Coll. (Ра.) 1823, M.A., D.D. Au- gusta Coll. (Ky.) 1840, Prof. Math. Wash. Coll., Prof. Math. and Nat. Sci. Miami Univ., Prof. Nat. Sci. Hanover Coll. (Ind.) *Samuel Simons, M.D., M. C. *1853 *1841 *1892 *1847 1828 *John Alsop, M.A., ex-ojîcio Fellow ’1841 *Conant Catlin, M.D. '1830 *Joshua Cornwell, M.D. *1831 *Isaac Jennings, M.D. ’1874 *Luther Manning, M.D. *1835 *William Robinson, M.D. ‘1845 *Isaac Smith, M.D. ‘1839 *Jabez Loomis White, M.D., ex-ojïcio Fellow, Treasurer Conn. *1844 *Henry Woodward, M.D. ’1832 1829 *Christopher Cotes, M.A. *Bela Farnham, M. D. *1857 *Darius Hutchins, M.D. '1839 Samuel Percy McDonald, B.A. and Hobart 1829, M.A. Hobart *Charles Pomeroy Otis, M.A. *Caleó jewett Tenney, В.А. Dartm. 1801, M.A. Dartm., D.D. *1837 '1847 232 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *Luther Ticknor, M.D. and Berkshire Med. Inst. 1827, Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *Elisha Yale, M.A. and Williams 1806, D.D. Union 1839 *1853 *1846 1830 *Alexander Dallas Bache, M.A., LL.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1837 апс1 Harv. 1851, Member Acad. Sci. (Inst. de France), F.R.S. Lond., Pres. Nat. Acad. Sci., Asst. Prof. Engin. U. S. Mil. Acad., Prof. Nat. Philos. and Chem. Univ. Pa. *1867 *Sel/z Вёл, М.А. '[879 *William Augustus Brewster, M.D. *1858 *Ezekiel Forman Chambers, B.A. Wash. Coll. (Md.) 1804, М.А. апс1 Wash., LL.D. 1833 and Delaware Coll. 1852, U. S. Senator, judge Supt. Court Md., Pres. Wash. Coll. *1867 *Samuel Hart, M.D. *1863 *Robert Charlesjohnson, B.A. Union 1827, М.А. апс1 Union *John Judson, M.D. *1839 *Henry Gilóerzl Ludlow, M.A. and Will- iams 1827 ­ *1867 *Benjamin Tallmadge, M.A. *1830 *Rufus Turner, M.D. *1852 *Daniel Tyler, M.A. *1882 1831 *Mowry Burgess, M.D., ex-ojïcio Fel- low *1856 *joseph Comstock, M.D. *186- *Elias Pratt Ely, B.A. and Trin. 1831 *1834 *James Ely, M.A. *1890 *Ezra Fairchild, B.A. Amherst 1822, М.А and Amherst 1826 ”1854 *Andrew French, M.D. *1852 *Daniel Fuller, M.D. *1843 *Samuel Henderson Harper, M.A., Judge U. S District Court (La.) '1837 *William Fenn Hopkins, M.A., LL.D. Hobart 1853, Prof. Nat. Philos. and Chem. Coll. Wm. and Mary, Prof. Nat. and Exper. Philos. U. S. Naval Acad. ‘1859 *Peler Kanouse, M.A. '1864 *Norman Lyman, M.D. ‘1850 1833 *Hezekiah Augur, MÃA. *1858 *Caleb Hopkins Austin, M D. 1866 William [leafy Веет“, M.A. *Gustavus Fellowes Daz/is, M.A. and Colby 1827, D.D. Wesleyan 1835 *1836 *Horatio Dow, M.D. *1859 *Eleazar Butler Downing, M.D. *1870 *Henry ÑVaggaman Edwards, B A. Coll. N.J. 1797, LL.D., M.C., U.S. Senator, Gov. Conn., ex-ojïcio Fel- low ’1847 *Richard Eells, M.D. *1846 *Edward Everell, B.A. Harv. 1811, М.А. Harv., PH.D. Göttingen 1817, LL.D. and Harv.1835 and Cambr. 1842 and Dublin 1843 and Dartm. 1849, D.C.L. Oxford 1842, Member Acad. Sci Mor. et Polit. (Inst de France), Prof. Greek Lit. and Pres. Harv. Univ , M. C., Gov. Mass , U. S. Minister Plenip. Grt Brit. and Secr. State and Senator *Richard William Green, M.A. *Asa Miller Holt, M.D. *Chester Hunt, M.D. *Sardis Brewster Morley, B A.\/Villiarns 1829, М.А. and Williams *Lyman Parker, M D. *Nehemiah Perry, M.D. *William T. Shelton, M.D. ‘1868 *Léon Auguste Joseph Vaîsse, M.A. *1884 *Cornelius Cornell Vanarsdalen, B.A. ‘1865 *1846 *1870 *1869 Rutg. 1828, M.A. and Rutg. 1832 *1856 *Gordon Winslow, M.A , D D. St. John’s (Md.), M.D. N Y. 1863 *1864 *Theodore Lyman ÑVright, M.A. *1881 1834 *Joseph Barratt, M.D. *1882 *Eoóerl Eire/z, B.A. Dickinson 1829, M.A. and Dickinson ‘1842 *Erastus Cole, M.A. *1862 *Remus Marcus Fowler, M.A. *1879 *Hiram Holt, M.D. *1870 *Еа’шат’]д/т .IY/ES, M.A. ’1861 *Abijah Ladd, M.D. *1855 *Gideon Algernon Mantell, LL.D , F.R.S. Lond., Member Geol. Soc. Lond. *1852 *james Matheson, D.D. *1846 *Andrew Reed, D.D. *1862 *Lloyd Seeley, M.D. *Joshua Austin Spencer, M A. and Hamilton 1827, LL.D. Rutgers 1847 *1857 *Benjamin'Franklin Stoddard, M.D. '1847 *Claiborne A. Watkins, B A. Univ. Ga. 1823, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1825, M.A. and Univ. Ga *Henry “ИКОН, В.А. and Union 1832 *1884 1835 *Nal/'ian Burton, M.A. ‘1859 *Lyman Catlin, M.D. ‘1836 *William McKee Dunn, B.A. Indiana Univ. 1832, М.А., LL D. Hanover Coll. (Ind.) 1877, Prof. Math. Han~ over Coll., M. C. *1887 *Charles Eldridge, M.D. ‘1838 1895] ~ HoNoeAfa у GRAD UA TES, 1830—1844 2 33 *Benjamin Munro ffill, M.A., D.D., Colgate Univ. 1852 *William Hyde, M.D. *George Washington Lay, B.A. Harn- ilton 1817, M.A., M. C. *1881 *186— *1860 1836 *Charles Allen, M.A., LL.D. Harv. 1863, М. C., Chief just. Super. Court Mass. ‘1869 *Samuel Grandon Johnston DeCamp, M.D. *I *Samuel Wadsworth Gold, B.A. Will- iams 1814, M.D., выдало Fellow *1869 *Gardiner Kellogg, B.A. Bowdoin 1827, М.А. and Bowdoin *1841 *Benajah Ticknor, M.D. and Berks. Med. Inst. 1838 *1858 *Lucius Tyler, M.D. *1847 *Archibald Welch, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. *1853 871 1837 *Jonathan Messersmith Foltz, M.D. Jeii’. Med. Со11.(Ра.) 1830, М.А. *lames Rogers, M.D. *1851 *Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles, M.A. and Harv. 1847, LL.D. W. Re- serve 1862 and Harv. 1868, Instr. Mod. Greek, Prof. Greek Harv. Univ. ‘1883 *William Henry Stiles, M.A., M. C. *1865 *Charles Woodward, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc ‘1870 1838 *Ralph Carter, M.D. *1854 *Edward Claudius Herrick, M.A., Librarian, Treasurer *|862 *Benjamin Welch, M.D. *1849 1839 *ßhn Dennison Baldwin, M. A. , M. C. *1883 * €115 Beardsley, M.D. ‘1860 *Emery Bissell, M.D. ‘1849 *Thomas Clark Brinsmade, M.D., Pres. N. Y. State Med. Soc. ’1868 *Sturges Bulkley, M.D. ‘1857 *Richard Spaight Donnell, B.A. and Univ. N. C. 1839, М. С. ‘1867 *Christopher Dunkin, B.A. Harv. 1834, M.A. and Harv. 1860 '1881 *Thomas Stevenson ­Iacocks, B.A. and Univ. N. C. 1836 *Lorenzo Marcy, M.D. ‘1875 *William W. Miner, M.D. '1875 *William Charles Redfield, M.A. *t 857 *Reuben Hyde Walworth, LL.D. and Coll. N. I. 1835 and Harv.1848,]ust. Supr. Court and Chancellor N. Y. State, M. C. *1867 1840 *John William Allen, M.A., M. C. *1887 *Benjamin Hopkins Catlin, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. ‘1880 *John Clark, M.A. ‘1865 *Arthur Granger, M.A. *1845 *Samuel jones, M.A. and Coll. N. j 1831, M.D. jeff. Med. Coll. (Ра.)1843 *1864 *Mason Manning, M.D. *1883 *Austin Putnam, M.A. *1886 *Asa Witter, M.D. ‘1868 *Orson Wood, M.D., eac-oficio Fellow *1874 1841 *Cyrus Brewster, В.А‘: *I888 *Eli Hall, M.D. *1856 *Joseph Franklin Jewett, M.D. *1860 *Eleazar Litchfield, M.D. *1848 Augustus Charles T hompson, M.A., D.D. Amherst 1860 1842 *john Watson Alvord, M.A. *1880 *Virgil Maro Dow, M.D. Vt. Acad. Med. 1832, М.А. *1851 *Peleg ~Iohnson, M.D. *1859 *Samuel Sumner Marcy, M.D. ‘1882 *Roswell Smith, M.A. *1875 *David Lowry Swain, LL.D. and Coll. N. j. 1841, Judge Super. Court and Gov. N. C., Pres. Univ. N. C. *1868 *Uriah Turner, M.D. '1847 *William Chauncey Williams, M.D. '1857 1843 *Jehiel Abbott, M.D. *Aòrahanz Chittenden Замша, В.А. Bowdoin 1827, M.A. and Bowdoin ’1887 *William Farmer, B.A. Harv. 1819, ’1872 М А. and Harv. ‘1862 ifo/zn Greenwood, M.A. *1879 Cyrus Hutchins, M.D. '1845 *Vine Smith, M.D. ‘1852 *john Thompson, M.A., M. C. ’1890 *Datus Williams, M.D. ’1867 1844 William Вёл], В.А. and Dartm. 1844, M.A. 1856 *Rufus Choate, B.A. Dartm. 1819, М.А. Dartm., LL.D. and Harv. 1835 and Dartm. 1845 and Amherst 1848, М. С., U. S. Senator ‘1859 n4 YALE UWVVERSLTY USQS * ohn Churchill, M.A. *1880 illiam Cecil Dwight, M.A. '1853 *James Glynn, M.A. and Trinity 1828 *1871 *Edward Robinson, B.A. Hamilton 1816, M.A. Hamilton, D.D. Dartm. 1832 and Halle 1841, LL.D., Prof. Sacr. Lit. Andover and Union Theol. Seminaries, Pres. Amer. Ori- ent. Soc` *t863 Benjamin Lincoln Swan, IVI.A. *Roóert S. Thomas, M.A., Prof. Rhet. Univ. Mo. *1859 1845 *George Blackman, M.D. *1874 *Oliver Billings Butterfield, *1849 *Stephen Dodd, M.A. n *1856 *Edward Hall, M.A. *1875 *Thomas D. James, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1826, М.А. and Coll. N. J. *1883 *Samuel Julius Learned, B.A. and Arn- herst 1845, M.A. Amherst *1892 *Robert Alexander Manwaring, M.D. ‘1890 *Samuel Sherwood Noyes, M.D. ‘1877 *Stephen 0lin, B.A. Middlebury 1820, М.А. Middlebury, D.D. Middlebury 1832 and Wesleyan 1834 and Univ. Ala. 1834, LL.D., Prof. Mor. Philos. and Rhet. Univ. Ga , Pres. Ran- dolph-Macon Coll. and Wesleyan Univ. *1851 *Benjamin Rogers, M.D. *1859 *Gamaliel Hunt St.John, M.D. *1877 James Melville Saunders, B.A. Co- lumbian Univ. (Wash) 1842, M.A. and Columbian Univ. and Bowdoin 1859, LL.D. Newton Univ. 1854, Pres. Central Coll. (La) *Thomas P. Wattles, M.D. *1855 *Orin Witter, M.D. ’1869 1846 *Charles William Bradley, M.A., LL.D. Hobart 1846, Secretary Conn. *1865 *Chauncey Burgess, МЮ. '1850 *Joseph Clark Dowe, M.D. *1857 *George Oglevia Jarvis, M D. *1875 *John Pitkin Norton, M.A., Prof. Agric. Chem. *1852 *George Oliver Sumner, M.D. ’1877 1847 *Joel Canfield, M.D. *1877 Samuel Coohe, M.A., D.D. Columbia 1857 and Univ. City N. Y. 1857 William Cothren,B.A. Bowdoin 1843, М.А. and Bowdoin *David Smith Cowles, M.A. *1863 *Daniel Alfred Hovey, M.D. *1878 *Mahlon Long, B.A. Coll. N. 183g, M.A. and Coll. N. J., PH.D. Coll. N. J. 1869 *1892 *Francis Spalding Palmer, M.A. *1852 *George Washington Schenck, B.A. Coll. N. 1831, M.A. and Coll. N. J. and Williams 1847 *1849 *Orrin Chester White, M.D. *1867 1848 *Alfred Louis Baury, M.A., D.D. Nor- wich Univ. 1865 *1865 *Joseph Pride Converse, M.D., ex- ojicio Fellow ‘1888 *William Darlington, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1804, LL.D., M.C. *1863 *Samuel Griswold Goodrich, M.A. and Williams 1836 *1860 *john Foote Norton, M.A. *1892 *Nathaniel Sawyer, B.A. Dartm. 1805, М.А. and Dartm. *[853 1849 *William Nelson Clarke, M.D. *I888 *William Thaddeus Harris, B.A. Harv. 1846, LL.B. Harv. 1848, M.A. and Harv. and Amherst 1849 and Williams 1849 William Hillhouse, M.D. Univ. City N. Y.1845, M.A. *James Napoleon McElligott, M.A. Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, B.A. Brown 1844, M.A. and Brown, D.D. Colgate H854 `*1866 1854 Frederick Sedgwick, M.A. *Ezehiel Shinner, M.D. *1855 *Caleb Wright, M.A. *1869 1850 *jonathan Brace, B.A. Amherst 1831, M.A. and Amherst 1850, D.D. Am- herst1858 *1877 *Charles Pech Bush, M.A. and Lafa- yette 1852, D.D. Hamilton 1867 ’1880 *Horace Benjamin Colton, M.A. “1862 Nathaniel Cothren, B A. and Bowdoin 18m; Gurdon Evans, M.A. *Adonijah White, M.D. *1853 *Merrill Whitney Williams, M.D. *1873 1851 Bronson Burton Beardsley, M.A. *Samuel Sparks Fisher, B.A. John Edward Parsons, B.A. Univ. City N. Y. 1848, M.A. and Univ. City N. Y. “874 *Thomas Reed Walker, BA. Hamil- ton 1824, М.А. and Hamilton *1880 1895] НОА/ОА’АК У GRADUA TES, 1845—1858 235 1852 Sabin Stocking, M.D. and Berkshire _ Med. Inst. 1836 *Erastus Brigham Bigelow, M.A. and *Warren Thrall, M.D. *1864 Williams I845 and Бант 1854 and. *Justus Denslow Wilcox, M.D. *1871 Harv. |86t, LL.D. Amherst 1867 _ 1879 *Ashbel Woodward, M в. and Вши *Edward W- B Cannmgs. W11' doin 1829, Pres Conn. Med. Soc. ’1885 liams 1834, M.A. and Williams *1890 *Albert Ensign Church, M.A. Coll. N.J. 1837 and Trinity 1840, LL D., 1856 Prof. Math U. S. Mil. Acad. *1878 *Archibald Falconer Gould, M.A. and Edward W. Chester, B.A., M.D. else- Williams 1851 where David .Murdoch B.A. Union 1845, Seth Hastings Grant, M.A. M.A. and Union, D.D. Union 1867 *Chester Hamlin, M.D. *1872 *William Burr Nash, M.D. i'1872 *Gilman Kimball, M.D. and Dartm. *William Henry Potter, M.A. *1887 1827 and Berkshire Med. Inst. 1837 апс1 Vt. Acad. Med. 1840, M.A. Dartm. 1839, Prof. Surg. Vt. Acad. Med. and Berks. Med. Inst. *1892 1853 *Alonzo Groesbeek Shears, M.A. and James Gaston Barnwell, B.A., M.A. Trinity 1856 and Columbia 1577,* elsewhere у ¿è M.D. N. Y. Med. Coll. 1860 1888 David Nelson Camp1 M.A. 'Charles Sumner, B.A. Harv. 1830, *Moses Culver, М.А,у Judge Super. LL.B. Harv. 1834, LL.D. and Am- Court Conn. *1834 herst 1856 and Harv. 1859, U. S.. Joseph Samuel Ropes, B.A. Univ. _‚ Senator _ ,1874 SL Petersburg 1841, МА, *John Atwood Tomlinson, M.D. à‘t862 *Joseph Thomas, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1837, *lames МОГПБ Whlton» M'A- 1857 М.А., LL.D. Univ. Pa. 1872 and Coll. N.J. 1873 *1891 *james PValher, B.A. Harv. 1814, M.A. garv., D.D. HParv. 1835, LL.D. ­and „Ralph Deming’ M_D. ‚1877 Pâîffsf Sá' gigli *geälgmá eeDwi@ Вешние Duffield, М.А. ’189: Р ' Н ‘ . 1 1 o' an . Samuel William Johnson, M.A., Asst. *e* aw’ Umv’ 1874 Chem Prof Anal and A ric Chem Horatio Thomas Wells, M.A. 1 Lŕh ‘t А g ’Ch ' /ohn Wortabet, M.D., Prof. Анат. and ‘rit/ISO b {где 'Aand S .gnc' em" Physiol. Syrian Prot. Coll. Ch em er* at’ C* ` C1' arles Hogeboom Porter,M.A., M.D. Albany 1861, Prof. Chem. and Med. Jurisprud. Albany Med. Coll. 1854 *Henry Rogers Selden, LL.D., Lieut.- 9Ёпайеэ Smith Lester, M.A. (Sigg/and Judge Court,AppeaIs N'Y'.,885 ohn Wesle Olmstead, M.A., D.D. /Univ­ коей/“тег 1863 „1891 Charles Warner Thomas, М—.А. *William Henry Seward, B A. Union 1820,M.A. Union, LL.D. and Union 18 8 1866 апс1 Univ. N. c. 1867, Gov. 5 N.Y., U. S. Senator and Secr. State *1872 Israel Бетон Andrews, M.A. *William Frederich Williams, M.A., *George A. Benedict,. M.A. 't876 D.D. Hamilton 1870 *1871 Г *Marshall Spring­ Bidwell, LL.D. and *William Lamont Wood, M.A. *1865 Union 1843 *1872 *William Smiley Halsey, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1850, M.A., 1855 Prof. Surg. Pa. Coll. « ’1874 Leonard Jacob Sanford, M.D. Jeffer- *Henry Aldrich, M.D. *1886 son Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1854, M.A., *Erastus Bancroft, M.D. and Berk- Prof. Anat. and Physiol. ‚ shire Med. Inst. 1854 '1873 Louis Stadtmüller, PH.B. *James Stewart Eaton, M.A. '1865 *William F. Stearns, Prof. Law Univ. *Samuel Waldo Hart, M.D. ‘1891 Miss., LL.D. *Lewis Richards, M.D. ’1880 Lyman Trumbull, LL.D. and Shurtleff *Sidney Williams Rockwell, M.D. *1890 1852 and Northwestern Univ. 1870, Henry Alanson Russell, M.A. Secretary and Judge Supt. Court *Charles Harrison Stedman, M.D. Illinois, M. C., U. S. Senator Harv. 1828, M.A. 'i 866 *Charles Moore Wheatley, M.A. *1882 236 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY 1859 Samuel Jones Burr, M.A. Henry Mills Day, B.A. and W. Re- serve 1859 *John Boardman Trask, M.D. ‹ *Orlando Williams Wighŕ, M.A. *188— *1888 1860 William Arnold Anthony, PH.B., Asst. Engin., Prof. Chem. and Mineral. Antioch Coll., Prof. Industrial Physics and Mech. Cornell Univ. *Cornelius Conway Felton, B.A. Harv. 1827, M.A. Harv., LL.D. and Amherst 1848, Prof. Greek and Pres. Harv. Univ. Stephen Grosvenor Hubbard, M.D. Dartm. 1843, М.А., Prof. Obstetr. and Diseases Women and Children *Matthew Hall McAllister, M.A. *John Charles Mitchell, M.A. John Duane Park, M.A., LL.D. 1878, Chief. Just. Supr. Court Conn. *1862 *1888 *1891 1861 Henry Allen Grant, B.A. Hamilton 1858, LL.B. Columbia 1860, М.А. and Hamilton William P. Haisley, B.A. and McKen- dree 1861 William Hanna Thomson, M.A. and Wabash 1858, M.D. Albany 1859. LL.D. Univ. City N.Y. 1885, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therapeut. Univ. City N.Y. *Oliver Wetmore Treadwell, B.A. Univ. N.C. 1826, M.A. *1879 1862 *Agénor Étienne, Comte de Gaspari”, LL.D. *1871 éeHarnais Sears, B.A. BroWn 1825, 1 М.А. Brown, D.D. Harv. 1841, LL.D., Prof. Lang. Hamilton Theol. Sem. (N.Y.), Prof. Christ. Theol. and Pres. Newton Theol. Inst.,Prof. Moral Philos. and Metaphys. and Pres. Brown Univ. *1880 1863 *Thomas Hill, B.A.. Harv. 1843, М.А. Harv., D.D. Harv.1860,LL.D.,Pres. _ Antioch Coll. and Harv. Univ. *1891 5атие/_]елир‚ М.А., D.D. СОН. N.J. 1891 . 1864 ie_Iohn Gross Barnard, M.A. Univ. Ala. 1838, LL.D.,Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. *1882 Frederick William Corliss, B.A. Union 1861, М.А. and Union,LL.D. elsewhere *Henry Augustus DuBois, B.A. Co- lumbia 1827, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1830, LL.D. *1884 *Ашшй Giddings, M.A., ex-ojíeio Fel- low *1882 Gustave Jacob Stoeckel, Mus. D., Instr. Vocal Music, Battell Prof. Music ' 1865 NelsonY Simmons Cobleigh, BA. Mc- Kendree 1862, М.А. and McKen- dree and Wesleyan Univ. 1866 Landon Ketchum, PH.B. Harv/ey Dennison Еде/ив], В.А. Mid- dlebury 1835, М.А. and Middlebury, D.D. Middlebury 1858, Pres. Mid- dlebury Coll. Charles Риме/ё Shields, Bethel 1857, М.А. and Bethel, Prof. Latin and Greek Bethel Coll. *Rie/lara' Salter Storrs, B.A. Williams 1807, М.А. and Williams, D.D. Williams 1835 and Amherst 1835 *Noah Haynes Swayne, LL D. and Dartm. 1863 and Marietta 1863, Just. Supr. Court U.S. 'iŕAlfred Howe Terry, M.A. Pierre Washington Wildey, Columbia 1860, LL.B. Columbia 1863, М.А. and Columbia *1873 1866 *William Alfred Buckingham, LL.D., Gov. Conn., ex-ojîeio Fellow, U.S. Senator *Levi Wells Hall, M.A. famesfaseph Диет, В.А. and Center Coll. (Ky.), 1865, M.A.Center 1872, D.D. elsewhere James Merrill Safford, В.А. Ohio Univ. 1844, М.А. Ohio 1848, PH.D., M.D. Univ. Nashville 1873, Prof. Chem. Univ. Nashville, Prof. Nat. Hist., Chem. and Geol. Cumberland Univ., Prof. Nat. Hist. and Geol. Vanderbilt Univ. Henry Clay Trumbull, M.A., D.D. Lafayette 1882 and Univ. City N.Y. 1882, Lyman Beecher Lect. Preach- *1875 *1881 ing Stewart Lyndon Woodford, B.A. Со- lumbia 1854, M.A. and Columbia 1866 and Trinity 1869, LL.D. Trin. 1870 and Dickinson 1889,D C.L. Syra- cuseUniv. 1894. Gov. N. Y., M. C. 1895] HONORARY GRADI/.4 TES, 1859—1870 237 1867 John Gray, M D. _ ,i Cornelius Ambrose Logan, M.D. *Robert John Locke_Aust1n, M.A. 1875 Miami Med. СОН. 1853 ада Мед. *James George Barnett» MuS-D- 3885 Coll. ohio 1855 and Bellevue Heep. *Roswell Бишь Burrows. M-A» 1879 Med. Со11. 1868, М.А., LL.D. Univ. George Parh Fisher, B.A. Brown 1847, М.А. and Brown, D.D. Brown 1866 and Edinb. 1886 апс1 Harv. 1886, LL.D. Coll. N.J. 1879, Livingston Prof. Divinity, Titus Street Prof Есс1. Hist. *William Augustus Norton, M.A. and Univ. Vt. 1840, Prof. Nat. Philos. Univ. City N. Y., Prof. Math and Nat. Philos and Pres. Delaware Coll, Prof Nat Philos. and Civ. Engin. Brown Univ., Prof. Civ. En- gin., Member Nat Acad. Sci. *Alexander Rizos Rangabé, LL.D. and Columbian Univ. (Wash) 1867, Member Acad. Inscr. (Inst. France) and K. Akad. Wiss (Berlin), Prof. Archaeol. Univ. Athens, Greek En- voy Extr. U. S., France and Germany *1892 james Alexander Robert, M.A. *Edwin McMasters Stanton, LL.D. and Union 1865 апс1 Iowa Coll. 1865 апс1 Кепуоп 1866, Attorney-Gen. and Secr. War and Just-elect Supr. Court U. S. Addison Emory Verrill, SB. Harv. 1862, М.А ‚ Prof. Zool., Curator Zool. Collection, Prof. Compar. Anat. and Entomol. Univ. “Изв, Member Nat. Acad. Sci. Epher Whitaher, B.A. Delaware Coll. 1847, М.А., D.D. Delaware 1877 *William Dwight Whitney, B.A. Wil- liams 1845, М.А. and Williams, M.A. and PH.D. Breslau 1861, LL.D. Williams 1868 and Wm. and Mary 1869 and Harv. 1876 and Edinb. 1889, J.U.D. St.Andrew’s 1874, L.H.D. Columbia 1887, Member Nat. Acad. Sci., Roy. Asiat. Soc. Grt. Brit and I., Asiat Soc. Bengal, Asiat. Soc Japan, Deutsche Mor- genl. Gesellsch., Roy. Irish Acad., Philol. Soc. (Lond), Acad. Lugd. Bat, Reg Soc. Sci. Upsal., Finska Vet. Soc., K. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), Acad. Soc. Imp. (St.Petersb.), R. Accad. Sci (Turin), R. Accad. Sci. Lincei (Rome), Acad. Inscr. (Inst. France), Kt. Pruss. Order of Merit, Pres. Amer. Orient. Soc., Prof. San- *1883 *1869 skrit and Compar. Philol. *1894 1868 *George Brinley, *1875 Elisha Carpenter, М.А. and Trinity 1872, judge Supr. Court Conn. ­lames Terry Gardiner, PH.B. Chili 1885, U. S. Minister Plenip. Chili and Minister Resid. Centr. Amer. I Daniel Bennett St.John Roosa, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1860, M.A , LL.D. Univ. Vt. 1881, Prof. Diseases Ear and Eye Univ. City N. Y. and Post- Grad. School N. Y. *George William Trow, M.A. *]osLeph White, B.A. Williams 1836, L ‚В. *1872 *1890 1869 *Ezra Abbot, B.A. Bowdoin 1840, М.А. Bowdoin and Harv. 1861, LL.D. and Bowdoin 1878, D.D. Harv. 1872, Asst. Librarian and Prof. N. T. Crit. and Interpr. Harv. Univ. ‘1884 *Porter Cornelius Bliss, B.A. Hamil- ton 1862, М.А. *1885 Charles Henry Luzenberg, B.A. Coll. N. 1857, М.А. апс1 Coll. N. I., LL.B. Univ. La. George Frederic Shrady, M.D. Coll., Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858, М.А. *Lewis Henry Steiner, B.A. Marshall Coll. 1846, М.В. Univ. Pa. 1849, М.А. апс1 Marshall and St.James (Md.) 1854, LL.D. Delaware Coll. 1884, Litt. D. Franklin and Marshall 1887, Prof. Chem. Columbian Univ. (Wash.) . Eli Whitney, B.A. Coll. N. J. 1841, М.А. апс1 Coll. N. j. *1892 1870 James Goodwin Batterson, M.A. and Williams 1868 *Rogers Birnie, M.A. *john Еа’а’у Chandler, М.А. Charles William Eliot, B.A. Harv. 1853, M.A. Harv., LL.D. and Coll. N. J. 1869 and Williams 1869, Asst. Prof. Math. and Chem. Harv. Univ., Prof. Anal. Chem. Mass. Inst. Tech- nol., President Harv. Univ. *Nathaniel Drake Haight, M.D. *Eugene Keteltas, B.A. Union 1822, М.А. Thomas Bond Raynolds, M.A. Thomas Day Seymour, B.A. and W. Reserve 1870, М.А. W. Reserve, LL.D. W. Reserve 1894, Prof. Greek WY. Reserve Coll., Hillhouse Prof. Greek *1891 ’1894 *1879 *1876 238 YALE UNIVERSITY [1895 *William Petit Trowbridge, M.A. and Univ. Roch. 1856, PH.D. Coll. N j. 1879, LL.D. Trin. 1880 and Univ. Mich. 1887, Prof. Math. Univ. Mich , Higgin Prof. Dynam Engin., Prof. Civ. Engin. Columbia Coll , Member Nat. Acad. Sci. ‘1892 George Leon Walher, M.A Middlebu 1858, D.D., Fellow ­ *William Henry Willcox, M.A., Prof. Math. U. S. Naval Acad. *1870 1871 *Henry Аден, D.D. and St.Andrew’s 1885 ‘1892 Edward Thomas Barber, M D. and Toland Med. Coll. 1866 *Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, M.A., M. C. *1889 *Bradford Matthew Chaloner Durfee, M.A. *1872 *Henry Farnam, M.A. *1883 *William Gamble, M.A. ‘1886 John Brown Harmon, M.A. Andrew Jackson Howe, B.A. Harv. 1853, M.D. Worcester Med. Inst. 1854, М.А апс1 Harv. 1871 *Charles Nichols, M.A. *1879 *Joseph Earl Sheffield, M.A., Fellow *1882 Curtis Thompson, M A. John Turner Wait, M.A. and Trinity 1851, LL.D. Howard Univ 1883 and Trinity 1886, eer-oficio Fellow, M C *James Craig Watson, BA. Univ. Mich. 1857, M.A. Univ. Mich , PH.D. and Leipzig 1870, LL D. Columbia 1877, Prof. Physics also Astron. Univ. Mich., Director Astron. Ob- serv. Univ. Wisc., Member Nat Acad. Sci. *1880 John Ferguson Weir, M A., William Leíiingwell Prof. Painting and De- sign, Director Art School 1872 *Charles Francis Adams, B.A. Harv. 1825, М А. Harv., LL.D. and Harv. 1864, M. C., U. S. Minister Plenip. Grt. Brit. *1886 *Elihu Burritt, M.A. and Amherst 1841 *1879 Isaac Newton Carleton, B.A. Dartm. 1859, M.A. and Dartm. Charles Cleveland Dodge, M.A. Samuel Harris, B.A. Bowdoin 1833, M.A., D.D. Williams 1855, LL.D. Bowdoin 1871, Prof. Systemat. Theol. Bangor Theol. Sem., Pres. Bowdoin Coll , Dwight Prof. Sys- temat. Theol. *Gottlieb Heness, M.A., Instr. Germ. ‘1890 Herman Krüsi, M.A. William Mason, Mus D. *Adolf Wilhelm August Friedrich von Steinwehr, M A. Russell Sturgis, B.A. Coll. City N.Y. 1856, М А. and Coll City N. Y., Prof. Architect. Coll City N. Y. * William MaeKergo Taylor, M.A. Glas- gow 1848, D.D. and Amherst 1872 and Wash. and Jeff. Coll. (Pa.) 1888, LL D. Coll. N. j. 1883, Lyman Beecher Lect. Preaching Ezra Tin/zer, B.A. Colgate 1869, М.А. and Colgate Charles Dudley Warner, B.A. Hamil- ton 1851, _М.А. and Hamilton and Dartm 1884, L.H.D. Hamilt. 1886, D.C.L. Univ. South 1889 *Henry Sergeant West, M D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1850, M.A. *1887 *1895 ‘1876 1873 John Emory Clark, B.A. Univ. Mich. 1856,` M.A. and Univ. Mich, Prof. Math. and Physics Antioch Coll., Instr. Math., James E. English Prof. Math. Mordecai Cubitt Cooke, M.A., LL.D. elsewhere *James Edward English, M.A., M. C., Gov. Conn., ex-ojîez'o Fellow, U. S. Senator '1890 *George Vail Gould, B.A. and Will- iams 1873 *1887 Riehara7 Gleason Greene, M.A. *Marshall Jewell, M.A., Gov. Conn., ex-ojîeio Fellow, U. S. Minister Plenip. Russia and Postmaster-Gen. *1883 *Johnson Tuttle Platt, LL.B. Harv. 1865, М.А., Instr. and Prof Law Nathaniel Matson Terry, B.A. Am- herst1867, M.A. and Amherst, Prof. Chem. U. S. Naval Acad. [oseph Henry Thayer, B.A. Harv. 1850, М.А. Harv. 1864, D.D. and Harv. 1884 and Dublin 1892, Prof. Sacr. Lit. Andover Theol. Sem., Prof. N. T. Crit. and Interpr. Harv. Univ. Henry Clay Townsend, M.A. Francis Amasa Walker, B.A. Amherst 1860, M.A. and Amherst, PH.D. Amherst 1875, LL D. 1881 and Arn- herst 1881 апс1 Harv. 1883 and Co- lumbia 1887 апс1 St.Andrew’s 1888 апс1 Dublin 1892, Prof. Pol. Econ. and Hist., Pres. Mass Inst. Technol., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. *1890 1874 Jairus Harvlin Carpenter, M.A., LL.D. Univ. Wisc. 1876, Prof. Law Univ. “Иве. 1895] HOA/'ORARY GRADUATES, 1871—1880 239 Franklin Carter, B.A. Williams 1862, William Melleod Barbour, B.A. Ober- M.A. and }eiîerson Coll. (Pa) 1864 1in 1859, D.D. Bowdoin 1870, М.А , and Williams, PH.D. Williams 1877, Prof. Sacr. Rhet. also Systemat. LL D. Union 1881, Prof. Latin and Theol. Bangor Theol Sem , Chit- French and President Williams tenden Prof. Divinity, Principal Coll., Prof. German Congregational Coll. Brit. N. A. *Rufus Ellis, B.A. Harv. 1838, М.А Jacob Dolson Cox, B A. Oberlin 1851, Harv., DD. *1885 LL D. and Univ. N. C. 1865 and John Daniel Hodges, B.A. and Trin. Denison Univ. 1865, Gov. O., U. S. Coll. (N. C.) 1873, Prof Greek and Secr. Interior, Prof. Law Cincinn. Mod. Lang. Trin. Coll. Coll. *Richard William Hubbard, M A. *1888 *Robert William Dale, M.A. London *Charles Ives, M.A. '1880 Univ. 1853, D.D., LL.D. Glasgow John Macnie, M.A., Prof. French and 1883, Lyman Beecher Lect. Preach- German Univ. N. Dakota ing` *1895 John Henry Niemeyer, M.A., Street Artemas Martin, M.A., PH.D. Rutgers Prof. Drawing 1882 *Launt Thompson, M.A. *1894 ]аЁе$ Parsons, M.A., Prof. Law Univ. a. *Samuel Wells Williams, LL.D. Union 1848, М.А., Prof. Chinese, Pres. Am. 1875 Orient. Soc. *1884 Robert Percy Alden, M.A., LL.B. Co- lumbia 1875 Hubert Howe Bancroft, M.A. 1878 Simon Newcomb, S-B- НМ"- 1858э ~/oseph Anderson, СОН. City N. Y. 1854, LL.D. and Columbian Univ. (Wash.) DD“ Fellow 1874 and Harv. 1884 апс1 Со1ишЬ1а *Edward Wag/„y Ваши, М.А. *1887 1887 and Edlnb~ 1891» Маш— М; and Sherburne Wesley Burnham, M.A., PH-D- Leyden 1875: РН-В- Нешеф- . Astronomer Lick Observ., Prof. 1886, S~D­ Опыт 1892, Nat» P11113 Pract. Astron. Univ. Chicago D. Padua 1892, Member Acad. Scl. “шпат Bliss Hincks, M А. (Inst- de France), К- _Akad “7155- *Dwight Morris, B.A. Union 1838, Berlin, Acad. Imp. Scl. (St. Peters- M.A” Secretary Conn. »1894 burg), K. Svenska Vet. Akad., K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., K. Gesell sch. Wiss. (Göttingen), Royal Soc. Lond., 1879 Edinb., and Dublin and Nat. Acad. Sci., Prof. Math. U. S. Naval Ob- Frederic DeForest Allen, В.А Ober- serv., Prof. Math. and Astron. lin 1863, M.A. and Oberlin, PH.D. Johns Hopkins Univ. Leipzig 1870, Prof. Anc. Lang. Univ. Edwin Pond Parker, B.A. Bowdoin Tenn. and Univ. Cincinn., Prof. 1856, D.D. Greek, Prof. Class. Philol Harv. *Oliver Henry Perry, M.A., Secretary Univ. Conn. „ ’1882 *John Wylie Barrow, M.A. *1885 *Henry Ward Poole, M.A. ‘1890 Asaph Hall, PH.D. Hamilton 1878, *Timothy Tredwell, M.A. ’1891 M.A. Harv. 1879, LL.D. and Harv. Frank Vincent, M.A. 1886, Member Acad. Sci (Inst. de France), Acad. Imp. Sci (St. Petersburg), Roy. Astron. Soc. Lond., and Nat. Acad. Sci, Prof. 1876 Math. U. S. Naval Observ. Hier platt, M.A.’ M_ Q_, Charles Jeremy Hoadly, B.A. Trin. заём 1851, Maand Trin., LL D. Trin. eiclieiles Reed, Knight, LL.D. '1881 1889. ЫЬгапап Colm Alexander Duncan Savage, M.A. *William Tecumseh Sherman, LL.D. and Dartm. 1866 and Coll. N. J. 1880 1878’ General U' s' Arm) 1891 Samuel Arthur Galpin, LL.B. Colum- bian Univ. (Wash.) 1872, M.A. *Rutherford Birchard Hayes, B.A. 1877 Kenyon 1842, M.A. Kenyon, LL B. Harv. 1848, LL.D and Kenyon 1868 *Lyell Thompson Adams, B.A. Coll. and Harv. 1877 and johns Hopkins N. j. 1857, М.А. and Coll. N. j. ’1892 188}, Gov. O., M. C., Pres. U. S. *1893 240 [1895 YA ¿E UNI VER sfr i/ William Ireland Knapp, B.A. Colgate Univ. 1860, М.А. and Colgate 1862, PH.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1867, LL D. Colgate 1889, Prof. French and German Colgate Univ., Street Prof. Mod. Lang., Prof. Romance Lang. Univ. Chicago Selah Merrill, D.D. Iowa Coll. 1875, M.A., LL.D. Union 1884 Alexander Moss Merwin, B A. Williams 1863, M.A. and Williams Alfred Mitchell, M.A. William Augustus Rogers, M.A., LL.D. Colby 1891, Prof. Physics and Astron. Colby Univ., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. Joseph Shortlidge, M.A. and Wesl. Univ. 1866, Pres. State Coll. (Pa.) Theodore Thomas, Mus. D.and Ham- ilton 1881 Leonard Waldo, B.S. Marietta 1872, М.А. апс1 Marietta 1877, SD. Harv. 1879, Astronomer Horol. Bureau 1881 Thomas Bailey Aldrich, M.A. Frank Edwin Beckwith, M.D. Coll` Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1871, М.А., Prof. Obstetr. and Dis. Women and Children also Clin. Gynaecol. William Henry Carmalt, M.D. Colum- bia 1861, М.А., Lect. and Prof. Oph- thalmol. and Otol., Prof. Surgery *Austin Flint, M.D Harv. 1833, LL.D. and Louisville (Ky.), Prof. Med. Theor. and Pract. Buiïalo Med. Coll. and Rush Med. Coll. and Univ. Louisville and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., Prof. Pathol. Buffalo Med. Coll. and L. I. Coll. Hosp, Pres. Amer. Med. Assoc. ’1886 *Henry Honeychurch Gorringe, M.A. ‘1885 *Alexander Hannay, D.D. *1890 William Dean Howells, M.A. and Harv. 1867 George Trumbull Ladd, B.A. W. Re- serve 1864, М.А. and W. Reserve, D.D. W. Reserve 1881, Prof. Mental and Mor. Philos. Bowdoin Coll., Clark Prof Mor. Philos. and Meta- physics *George Absalom Peters, M D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1846, М.А. and Williams 1850 '1894 Edward John Phelps, B.A. Middle- bury 1840, LL D. Middlebury 1870 and Univ. Vt. 1887 апс1 Harv. 1889, М.А., Kent Prof Law, U. S. Minis- ter Plenip. Grt Brit. W illiam Callahan Robinson, B.A. Dartm. 1854, LL.D. Dartm. 1879, М.А., Instr. and Prof. Law Francis Wayland, B.A. Brown 1846, M.A. and Brown, LL.D. Univ. Rochester 1879 and Brown 1881, Lieut-Gov. Conn., Instr and Prof. Law, Dean Law School 1882 William Eliot Barrows, M A. Joshua Twing Brooks, M.A. *Nathaniel judson Burton, B.A. Wes- leyan Univ. 1850, M.A. and Wes- leyan, D.D. Wesleyan 1870, Fellow, Lyman Beecher Lect. Preaching Marcial Martinez, LL.D., Chilian Minister U. S. and Grt. Brit. *1887 1883 Thomas Francis Bayard, LL.D. and Harv. 1877 and Dartm. 1882 and Univ. Mich. 1891, U. S. Senator and Secr. State and Ambass. Grt. Brit. George Washington Cable, M.A., Litt. D. Washington and Lee 1882 *Benjamin Dean Pettengill, M.A. *Henry Berton Sands, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1854, M.A., Prof. Surgery Columbia Coll. *1888 David Torrance, M.A., ~Iudge Super. and Supr. Courts Conn., Instr. Sales and Evidence Thomas McDonald Waller, M.A., Gov. Conn. john Williams, B.A. Trin. 1835, М.А. Trin., D.D. and Union 1847 and Trin.1849 апс1 Columbia 1851, LL.D. Hobart 1870, Pres. and Prof. Hist. and Lit. Trin. Coll., P. E. Bishop Conn., Dean and Prof. Doctr. and Past. Theol. Berkeley Div. School Edward Oliver Wolcott, LL.B. Harv. 1875, M.A., U.S. Senator *1887 1884 *Edward Rockwell Chapin, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1842, M.A. *1886 Richard Crain Dean, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. (Pa.) 1854, М А. George Hoadly, B.A. West. Reserve 1844, LL.D. and Dartm. 1887, Gov. ­ Ohio, Prof. Law Cincinn. Coll. Charles Brinckerhoiï Richards, M.A., Higgin Prof. Mech. Engin. Charles Ferdinand Southmayd, LL.D. 1885 Lewis Orsmond Erastow, B.A. Bow- doin 1857, DD. Bowdoin 1880, M.A. Prof. Homilet. and Past. Charge 1895] HONORAR Y GRAD UA TES, feel-ieee 241 George F risbie Hoar, B.A. Harv. 1846, LL.B. Harv. 1849, LL.D. and Wm. and Mary 1873 and Amherst 1879 and Harv. 1886, M. C., U. S. Sen. Frederic Robertson Honey, PH.B., Instr. Instrumental Drawing also Perspect. *Edward Mordecai Reed, M.A. ‘1892 1886 *Sidney Burr Beardsley, M.A., judge Super. and Supr. Courts Conn. *David Hillhouse Buel, B.A. Bristol Coll. (Pa.) 1836, M.A. and Univ. City N. Y. 1840, D.D. elsewhere *John Guy Crump, M.A. Melville Egleston, B.A. Williams 1870, М.А. ]озер1'1 Roswell Hawley, B.A. Hamil- ton 1847, LL.D. and Hamilt. 1875 апс1 Trin. 1894, Gov. Сонара-орто Fellow, M. C., U. S. Senator Dwight Holbrook, B.A. Hamilton 1875, М.А. and Hamilton Oliver Wendell Holmes, B.A. Harv. 1861, LL.B. Harv. 1869, LL.D., Prof. Law Harv. Univ., just. Supr. Court Mass. Charles Hopkins, M.A. and Colgate Univ. 1859 *Elbert Brinckerhoíl' Monroe, B.A. Univ City N.Y. 1854, M.A. Thomas Mather North, B.A. Williams 1847, M.A. Edward Payson Vining, M.A. Edwin Saxton Wheeler, M.A. '1890 *1893 *1894 ’1894 1887 Albert Barnes, M.A. ohn Brown, D.D. illiam Bates Davenport, M.A. Frank Austin Gooch, B.A. Harv. 1872, PH.D. Harv.1877, M.A.,Prof.Chem. Zephaniah Swift Нетто/ё, М.А. Francis Greenwood Peabody, B.A.Harv. 1869, S.T.B. Harv. 1872, D.D., Prof. Theol. also Christ. Morals Harv. Univ. Orville Hitchcock Platt, LL.D., Secr. Conn., U. S. Senator ~lohn Randolph Tucker, LL.B. Univ. Va. 1844, LL.D. and Harv. 1891, Attorney-Gen. Va., Prof. Law Washington and Lee Univ., M. C. 188ЕБ Alvey Augustus Adee, M.A. Charles Griswold Bartlett, M.A. George Bendelari, B.A. Harv. 1874, M.A., Asst. Prof. Mod. Lang. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, M.A. Caspar Frederick Goodrich, M.A. William Todd Helmuth, M.D. Hahne- mann Med. Coll. (Philad.) 1853 and Hahnemann Med. Coll. San Fran- cisco 1866 and Regents Univ. N.Y. State t877, LL.D., Prof. Anat. Hahnemann Med. Coll. (Philad.), Prof. Ariat. also Med. Theory and Pract. also Surg. Homœop. Med. goll. N.Y., Pres. Май. Нотоеор. ос. William Henry Jordan, M.A. *Stanley Matthews, B.A. Kenyon 1840, LL.D., Judge Super. Court Cincinn., U. S. Senator and Just. Supr. Court Hanns Oertel,M.A., PH.D. 1890,1nstr. German and Compar. Philol. Francis Landey Patton, D.D. and Han- over Coll. (Ind.) 1872, LL.D. Univ. Wooster 1878 and Univ. Toronto 1894, Prof. Didact. and Polem. Theol. Presb. Theol. Sem. Chicago, Prof. Princeton Theol. Sem., Prof. Ethics and Pres. Coll. N.J. Elias Benjamin Sanford, B.A. Wes- leyan Univ. 1865, M.A., D.D. Wes- leyan Univ. 1894 Henry Stoddard, LL.B. Albany 1864, M.A., judge Super. Court Conn , Instr. Evidence ‘1889 1889 Morgan Gardiner Bulkeley, M.A., Gov. Conn. Albert Stanburrough Cook, S. B. Rut- gers 1872, S.M.Rutgers 1875, PH.D. Jena 1882, М.А. and Rutgers 1882, L.H.D. Rutgers 1889, Prof. Engl. Lang. and Lit. Univ. Cal., Prof. Engl. Lang. and Lit. _ A ndrew Martin Eairbairn, B. A. Edinb. 1860, М.А. Oxford 1887, D.D. and Edinb. 1878, LL.D. Aberdeen 1894, Principal Mansfield Coll. (Oxford), Lyman Beecher Lect. Preaching Augustus Hall Реви, М.А., ­Iudge Super. and Supr. Courts Conn., Lect. Evidence also Pleading Willard Preble Hall, M.A., ­ludge Supr. Court Mo. John Sloane, M.A. William Douglas Sloane, M.A. Paul Petter Waldenstrâm, PH. D. Up- sala 1863, D.D. Horatio C. Wood, M.D. Univ. Pa. 1862, LL.D., Prof. Bot. also Thera- peut. also Dis. Nerv. System Univ. Pa , Member Nat. Acad. Sci. I5 242 [1895 YALE UNIVERSITY 1890 Adolphus julius Frederich Behrends, B.A. Denison Univ. 1862, D.D. and Richmond 1873, Lyman Beecher Lect. Preaching Stephen Smith Burt, M.D. Columbia 1875, M.A., Prof. Phys. Diagnosis and Clin. Med. Post-Grad. School N.Y. Loomis Joseph Campbell, B A. Ham- ilton 1856, M.A., LL D. Hamilt. 1892 oseph Benjamin Dimmick, M.A. alter Edwards, B A. Williams 1855, М.А. and Williams *Dorsey Gardner, M.A. Frederic Byron Hall, Super. Court Conn ~lohn Kean, M.A., M. C. _lohn Knowles Paine, M.A. Harv. 1869, Mus. D , Prof. Music Harv. Univ. Elihu Thomson, M.A., PH.D. Tufts 1894 “Sui M.A., Judge 1891 James Madison Barker, B.A. Will- iams 1860, M.A. Williams, LL.D., Just. Super. and Supr. Courts Mass. Edward Bement, LL.B. Columbia 1874, М.А. James Campbell, M.D. Univ. Vt.1871, M.A., Prof. Obstetr. and Diseases Women and Children *Henry Augustus Coit, M.A. St. James (Md.) 1852, D.D. Trinity 1863 and Columbia 1887, LL.D. Morris Ketcham Jesup, M.A. Robert Underwood Johnson, B.A. Earlham C011. 1871, PH.D. Earl- ham 1889, М.А. William James Linton, M.A. Arthur Hubbell Palmer, B.A.W. Re- serve 1879, М.А. and W. Reserve, Prof. German W. Reserve Univ., Prof. German Hiram Sterling Pomeroy, M.D. Leip- zig 1885, M.A. _ james ЗИМ”, М А. Edinb. 1869, D.D., Lyman Beecher Lect. Preaching *1895 1892 Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft, B.A. Dartm. 1860, M.A. Dartm., PH.D. Regents Univ. State N. Y. 1874, Litt. D. Williams 1891, LL.D., Prin- cipal Phillips Acad. Andover *Theodore William Dwight, B.A. Hamilt. 1840, M.A. Hamilt., LL.D. and Rutgers 1859 and Columbia 1860, Prof. Law Hamilt. and Co- lumb. Coll. Tryon Holkar Edwards, M.A. Ebenezer Hill, M.A., M. C. Laurence Hutton, M.A. '1892 Frederick Wolcott Jackson, M.A. ~Iosephjefferson, M.A. W'alter William Law, M.A. Donald Alexander Smith, Knight, LL.D. and Cambr. 1887. Pres. and Chancellor McGill Univ. james Stoddard, В A. Trin. 1871, М.А. and Trin. ’ 1893 Charles Bartlett Andrews, B.A. Amh. 1858, LL.D. and Wesl. 1879, Gov. and Chief Just. Supt. Court Conn. William Loring Andrews, M.A. Daniel Hudson Burnham, M.A. and Harv. 1893 Sylvester Clarhe, D.D. Univ. of South 1888, M.A., Prof. Homilet Univ. South and Berkeley Div. School, Prof. Есс1. Hist. Faribault Theol. Sem. William Lewis Elkin, PH.D. Strassb. 1880, M.A., Astronomer Observ., Member Nat. Acad. Sci. George A ngier Gordon, В.А Harv. 1881, D.D. and Bowdoin 1893 Allen Maxcy Hiller` M.A. Robert Forman “Ногти, В.А. Oxford 1878, M.A. Oxford, D.D., LL.D. Amh. 1893, Lect. Preaching ~lohn Francis Logie, M.A. Alexander Caldwell McClurg, B.A. Miami 1853, М.А. George Manierre, M.A. Frank Arthur Mitchell, M.A. Frederick Law Olmsted, M.A. Harv. 1864 and Amh. 1867, LL.D. and Harv. '1893 Theodore Gordon Peck, M.A. James Bradford Ryder, M.A. josephjoachim Synnott, B.A. St. Fran- cis Xav. 1882, D.D. Innsbruck 1888, M.A., Prof. Moral Theol. and Canon Law Seton Hall Coll. 1894 Ношег Franklin Bassett, M.A. Francis Brown, B.A. Dartm. 1870, M.A. Dartm., PH. D. Hamilt. 1884, D.D. and Dartm. 1884, Prof. Hebr. Union Theol. Sem. ­lohn Chipman Gray, B.A. Harv. 1859, LL.B. Harv. 1861, M.A. Harv., LL.D., Prof. Law Harv. Univ. Charles Luedeking, PH.D. and M.A. Leipz. 1885, М.А. Horatio William Parker, M.A., Bat- tell Prof. Theory of Music Samuel Simons Sanford, M.A., Prof. Applied Music Nikola Tesla, M.A.,LL.D.Columb. 1894 Cornelius Vanderbilt, M.A. INDEX OF OFFICERS Abbott, Frank F. 20 t Beach, Frederic E. 25, 29 Brown, Robert 21 Adams, Arthur B. 29 Beckwith, Frank Е. 9 Browne, Daniel r4 Adams, Eliphalet 2 l Beckwith, George 2 Browning, Philip E. 25, 29 Adams, Francis M. 29, 30 Beckwith. Isbon T. 19 Brownson, Carleton L. zo, 24 Adams, George B. 12 Beebe, William 5, 20 Brush, George I. 7, I3, 21 Adams, Warren A. 24 Beecher, Charles E. 12,24, 28 Buchner, Edward F. 25, 26 Adams, William 14 Beecher, Edward 17 Buckingham, Stephen 2 Aiken, William P. 19 Beecher, Henry Ward 25 Buckingham, Thomas I Aikins, Herbert A. 26 Beers, Henry A. 10, 19 Buckingham, Thomas 2 Aitchison, William I8 Beers, Nathan 3o Buckland, Edward G, 24 Alexander, Arthur C. 29 Beers, Timothy P. 9 Buckminster, Joseph 15 Allen, Frederic DeF. 7 Behrends, Adolphus F. 26 Bull, Edward 16 Allen, Oscar D. 7, 22, 27 Bendelari, George 11 Bumstead, Henry A. 24 Alling, Arthur N. 25, 29 Benedict, Noah 3 Bunnell, Lyman B. 22 Alling, John 4 Bennett, Thomas G. 4 Bunnell, Otis G. 30 Amerman, George L. 29 Bergeron, Eugène 23 Burrell, Loomis 3o Anderson, Henry S. 24) Betts, Frederic H. 25 Burton, Beverly S. 27 Anderson, Joseph 4| Bidwell, Barnabas 15 Burton, Nathaniel I. 4, 26 Anderson, William G. 13 Bingham, Egbert B. 19 Bushnell, George 4 Andreen, Gustav A. 25 Bishop, Louis B. 29 Bushnell, Horace 17 Andrew, Samuel 1 Bishop, William H. 24 Calhoun, George A., 3 Andrew, Samuel R. 3, 4 Bissell, Clark 6 Cameron, A. Guyot 11 Andrews, Horace 22 Bissell, Leslie D. 3o Camp, Charles C. 20 Andrews, Sherlock I. 27 Blackman, William F. 10 Campbell, George F. 24, 29 Anthony, William A. 27 i Blake, John M. 27 f Campbell, James 9 Arms, Hiram P. 3 Blanchard, Amos I7 Capps, Edward 20, 24 Artoni, Guiseppe 22 Bliss, Charles B. 29 Carmalt, William H. 9, 13, 25 Atwater, Jeremiah 30 Bliss, Edward L. 29 I Carpenter, Edwin W. 27 Atwater, Jeremiah 16 Blodget, Henry 18 Carrington, Herbert DeW'. 24 Atwater, Lyman H. 17 Boardman, Benjamin 15 Carter, Franklin 11 Atwater, Noah 15 Bokum, Hermann 22 Carter, William 17 Atwater, Wilbur O. 27 Boltwood, Bertram B. 30 Chamberlain, Daniel H. 26 Atwater, William W. 21 Bonbright, Daniel 18 Chandler, John 15 Austin, Punderson 15 Borden, William A. 21 Channing, Henry l5 Ayres, William O. 26 Botsford, Amos 15 Chapin, Calvin 3, 15 Bache, Richard M. 22 Bourne, Edward G. 12, 26 Chapin, Lebeus C. 19 Backus, Joseph W. 4, 18 Bowden, Joseph 20, 29 Chapman, S. Hartwell 26 Bacon, Francis 9 Brace, Samuel 18 Chase, Frederick L. 21 Bacon, Leonard 3, 10, 25 Brace, Seth C. 17 Chauncey, Nathaniel 2 Bacon, Leonard W., Jr. 29 Bradley, Francis 27 Chauncy, Israel 1 Badger, Milton 17 Bradley, Frank H. 21 Cheney, B. Austin 9, 24, 29 Bail, Louis 22 Bradley, William L. 30 Chesebrough, Amos S. 4 Bailey, Mark 22 Brainerd, Davis S. 3 Chester, Thomas 15 Bakewell, Robert 22 Brastow, Lewis O. IO Chittenden,RussellH.7,23,28 Baldwin, Abraham 15 Breidenbaugh, Edward S. 22 Clap, Thomas I, 2 Baldwin, David D. 21 Brewer, Fisk P. 18 Clapp, Edward B. 8 Baldwin, Ebenezer 15 Brewer, Josiah 17 Clapp, Ralph R. 29 Baldwin, Simeon 15 Brewer, William H. 11 Clark, John E. 5, 22 Baldwin, Simeon E. 6, 22 Brewster, Chauncey B. 19 Clark, Perkins K. 18 Barbour, Volney G. 27 Bridgman, Walter R. 20 Clarke, Samuel F. 28 Barbour, William M. 5, Io Bristol, Eugene S. 27 Clarke, William B. 5 Barker, George F. 7, 27 Broadus, John A. 26 Coe, David В. 18 Barnard, Frederick A. P. 17I Brocklesby, John 18 Coe, Edward B. 11 Barney, Samuel E. 23I Brockway, Diodate 3 Coe, john W. 29 Bartlett, Charles I. 29 Bronson, Henry 9 Coe, Wesley R. 29 Bascom, Flavel 17 Bronson, S. Henry 25 Colby, james F. 23 Bassett, Amos 3, 15 Brooks, Phillips 25 Coleman, Lyman 16 Baur, George 28 i Brown, Horatio WV. 19 Collier, M. Dwight 26 INDEX 11895 Collier, Peter 27 Colton, Arthur W. 24 Colton, John O. 17 Colton, Willis S. 18 Comstock, David C. 17 Comstock, William J. 23, 28 Cook, Albert S. 10 Cooke, Samuel 2 Cooke,.Samuel 30 Cooley, Thomas M. 26 Cooper, James W. 4 Cooper, Oscar H. 2o Corwin, Robert N. 24 Coulomb, Charles A. 22 Coy, Edward G. 19 Crandall, Clarke E. 28 Craw, William J. 27 Creelman, Harlan 25, 29 Crosby, Howard 26 Cross, Wilbur L. 25 Cummins, George W. 23 Curry, Samuel S. 24 Cushing, William L. 23 Curtis, Edward L. 8 Cutler, Carroll 19 Cutler, Timothy 1 Daggett, David 6 Daggett, Leonard M. 25 Daggett, N aphtali 1, 5 Daggett, Oliver E. 3, 5 Daggett, William G. 26 Dahl, Olaus 24 Dale, Robert W. 25 Dana, Edward S. 5, 6, zo, 21 Dana, James 3 Dana, James D. 7, 27 Danielson, William 16 Darling, Noyes 16 Darling, Thomas 14 Davenport, Radcliffe I7 Davenport, John 2 Davenport, John 15 Davenport, Russell W. 22 Davis, Henry 16 Day, Aaron 3o Day, Arthur L. 25, 29 Day, Clive H. 25 Вау, George E. 8, 13, 21, 22 Day, Henry N. 17 Day, Jeremiah 1, 3, 5, 16 Day, Mills 16 Day, Theodore L. 19 DeForest, Henry S. 19 DeForest, Louis S. 8, 24, 29 Delfosse, Eugène C. 22 Denison, Charles 16 Denison, Joseph 15 Denslow, Herbert M. 20 Depew, Chauncey M. 4 Dexter, Franklin B. 4) 12, Ig’ Dickinson, Moses 2 Dillon, John F. 26 Dow, Daniel 3 DuBois, A. Jay 11, 28 Dudley, Lewis I8 Duncan, George M. Durant, Henry Dutcher, Judson S. Dutton, Aaron Dutton, Henry Dutton, Matthew R. Dutton, Samuel W. S Dutton, Warren Dwight, James M. B. Dwight, John B. Dwight, Sereno E. Dwight, Timothy Dwight, Timothy Dwight, William T. Eaton, D. Cady Eaton, Daniel C. Edgren, August H. Edmands, John Edwards, Daniel Edwards, Jonathan н и \IU1 14. 30 Edwards, Jonathan W. 15 Eells, Edward 2 Eldridge, Azariah 18 Eldridge, Joseph 3 Eliot, Andrew 3 Eliot, Jared 2 Elkin, William L. 21 Elliott, John 3 Ellsworth, Oliver 16 Eltz, Louis von 24 Ely, David 2, 4 Ely, William D. I8 Ely, Zebulon 15 Emerson, Alfred 17 Emerson, Joseph 18 Emerson, Ralph 16 Emerton, James H. 28 Evans, Alexander W. 29 Evans, Evan W. 18 Evarts, William M. 3 Fairbairn, Andrew M. 26 Fairbanks, Arthur 25, 26 Farnam, Charles H. 28 Farnam, George B. 25 Farnam, Henry W. 12, 20 Farnam, William W. 4 Farrington, Oliver C. 28 Fenn, Augustus H. 26, 27 Ferris, Harry B. 9, 24 Fisher, Alexander M. 5, 16 Fisher, George P. 5, 6 Fisher, Irving 5, 13, 20, 24 Fisk, Franklin W. 18 Fisk. Samuel 14 Fiske, Phineas 14 Fitch, Ebenezer 15 Fitch, Eleazar T. 5, 7, 25 Fitch, Jonathan 30 Fleischner, Henry 26 Foote, Charles J. 29, 3o Ford, Lewis W. 19 Foster, John P. C. 23 Foster, LaFayette S. 25 Foster, Roger 26 Fowler, Bancroft 16 Fowler, William C. 16 French, D. Grenville 27 Frothingham, Langdon 29 Gager, Charles A. I7 Gager, Edwin B. 24 Gallaudet, Thomas H. 16 Gay, Ebenezer 15 Gibbs, Willard 6, 19 Gibbs, Josiah W. 7, 16, 21 Gilbert, Edwin R. 3 Gilbert, Allen 3o Gilman, Daniel C. 11, 21 Gilman, Edward W. 18 Gladden, Washington 26 Gooch, Frank A. 7 Goodell, Thomas D. 8 Goodrich, Chauncey 15 Goodrich, Chauncey A. 10, 16 Goodrich, Elizur 2, 14 Goodrich, Elizur 4, 6, 15 Goodrich, Frank 23, 24 Goodrich, William H. 18 Goodspeed, George S. 28 Goodyear, Watson A. 27 Gould, James 16 Gould, James G. 18 Grant, John 18 Granville, William A. 25, 29 Graves, Joseph A. 20 Greer, David H. 27 Griggs, Leverett 17 Grinnell, George B. 28 Gruener, Gustav Е. 11, 20, 23 Gulliver, John P. 3 Hadley, Arthur T. 12,13,2o,23 Hadley, Henry H 8, I8 Hadley, James 7, 18 Hale, James 14 На11, Asaph 21 На11, Charles B. 30 На11, Gordon 18 На11, John 16 На11, John 25 Hall, Samuel 14 Hall, William M. 2o Harger, Oscar 28 Harper, Robert F. 23, 24 Harper, William R. 8 Harris, Samuel Io Harrison, Henry B. 3 Hart, Burdett 4 Hart, John 14 Hart, Levi 3 Hart, Luther 3 Hartwell, John A. 29 Hastings, Charles S. 6, 22 Hatcher, John B. 29 Hawes, George W. 23, 28 Hawes, Joel 3 Hawkes, William W. 23 Hazen, Henry A. 28 Heaton, Edward 19 Heness, Gottlieb 23 Herrick, Edward C. 4, 21 Hickok, Laurens P. 3 Hildebrand, Charles 23, 28 Н111, Albert B. 22 1895] INDEX III Hill, William B. Hillhouse, James 4 Hillhouse, James A. Hitchcock, Samuel Hoadly, George Hobart, Noah 2 Hodges, Francis L. 18 Holland, William M. 17 Holmes, Abiel 15 Нопеу, Frederic R. 22, 24 Hooker, Charles 9, 13 Hooker, Daniel 14 Hooker, Edward 16 Hooker, Horace 16 Hooker, Thomas 19 Hooker, Worthington 8 Hopkins, Edward W. 10 Hopkins, Samuel 14 Hoppin, Benjamin 20 Hoppin, James M. Io, 12 Horton, Robert F. 26 Hotchkiss, William H. Houghton, William A. Hovey, Sylvester 17 Howe, Allen B. 23, 28 Howe, James H. 18 Howe, Joseph 15 Howe, William T. H. 25, 29 Howe, William W. 26 Howland, Henry E. 4 Hubbard, Daniel 14 Hubbard, Oliver P. 27 Hubbard, Stephen G. 9 Hubbard, Thomas 9 Hull, Arzetius B. Hunt, W. Irving Huntington, Dan Huntington, Enoch 2, 4 Hurlburt, Everett B. 30 Hurlbut, Joseph 18 Hurlbutt, Lewis R. 18 Hutchins, Annie E. 21 Hutchison, William 19 Hyde, James T. 18 Iddings, Joseph P. 28 Ingersoll, Charles A. 30 Ingersoll, James W. D. 2o Ives, Charles L. 8 Ives, Eli 8, 9, 25 Jacobson, Fritz 26 Jewett, Pliny A. 9 Johnson, Diodate 15 Johnson, Ebenezer A. 17 Johnson, Samuel 14 Johnson, Samuel W. 7, 27 Johnson, Sidney L. 17 Johnson, Stephen 2 Jones, Elisha C. Jones, George Keep, Robert P. Kennedy, Julian Kephart, Horace Kingsbury, Frederick 4 Kingsley, Henry C. Kingsley,James L. 6,7,8,16,21 Kinne, William 18 Kitchel, Cornelius L. 19, 23 Kittredge, Charles S. 27 Kleeberg, Felix 28 Klein, Joseph F. 28 Klimpke, Paul 25 Knapp, Howard H. 26 Knapp, William I. 11 Knight, Jonathan 9, 16, 25 Kreider, David A. 29 Ladd, George T. 10 Lane, Job 15 Lang, Henry R. 11 Langdon, John 16 Langstroth, Lorenzo L. 17 Larned, Joseph G. E. 18 Larned, William A. Io, 17 Lathrop, ohn H. 17 Lawson, arvey M. 29 Lee, Andrew 3 Lee, Seth 15 Lee, Thomas G. 26 Leighton, Alton W. 28 Lewis, Isaac 3 Lewis, John 15 Lewis, Zechariah 16 Lindsley, C. Purdy 3o Lindsley, Charles A. 8, 9, 13 Lindsley, Harrison W. 23, 24 Linsley, Joel H. 3 Linsly, Noah 16 Little, Robbins 18 Lockwood, Edwin H. 24 Lockwood, James 2, 14 Lockwood, Samuel 2 Lockwood, William Lockwood, William E. 28, 3o Long, Charles 18 Loomis, Dwight 24 Loomis, Elias 5, 17 Lord, Benjamin 2, 14 Lounsbury, Thos. R. 10,21,22 Lovewell, Joseph T. 23 Lowe, Walter I. 24 Lucey, Jean de 22 Luquiens, Jules 11 Lusk, Graham 24 Lyman, Chester S. 5 Lyman, Daniel 30 Lyman, Jonathan 15 Lyman, Joseph 15 Lyman, Phineas 14 Lynde, Nathaniel 4 McCurdy, Charles J. 25 McDonnell, Ralph A. 29 McEwen, Abel 3 McEwen, Robert 17 McLaughlin, Edward Т.10, 20 Mann, Matthew D. 26 Mansñeld, Achilles 3 Mar, Frederic W. 28 Marsh, Ebenezer G. 16, 22 Marsh, John 3 Marsh, Jonathan 2 4 Marsh, Othniel C. 12, 21 Marshall, William C. 3o Mason, Edward G. 4 Mather, Azariah 14 Mather, Moses 2 Mather, Samuel 1 Mather, Thomas W. 23 Matthias, John J. 27 Meara, Frank S. 29 Meier, Julius 22 Meigs, Josiah 5, 15 Mendel, Lafayette B. 25, 29 Merriam, George S. 19 Merrick, Jonathan 2 Merrifield, Webster 20 Merriman, Mansfield 22,23,28 Miles, James B. 18 Miller, Alfred B. 19 Miller, Hiram A. 28 Mills, John L. 19 Minor, William C. 27, 30 Mitchell, Donald G. 26 Mitchell, Elisha 16 Mitchell, Stephen M. 15 Mix, Caleb 30 Mixter, William G. 7,22,23,27 Moody, Robert O. 24 Moore, Charles A. 20 Moore, Eliakim H. 20 Moore, Frank G. 20 Morgan, Frederick 16 Morgan, William S. 27 Morita, Kumato 26 Morris, Edward P. 8 Morris, Myron N. 3 Morrow, Samuel R. 19 Morse, Charles J. 28 Morse, Jedidiah 15 Mosman, Alonzo T. 27 Moss, Joseph 2 Munger, Theodore T. 4 Munn, Marcus D. 28 Munson, C. LaRue 26 Munson, Eneas 9 Munson, John 30 Nelson, Edward T. 27 Nelson, Theophilus 25 Newton, Alfred 17 Newton, Hubert A. 5, I8, 21 Newton, Roger 15 Nichols, Alfred B. 20 Nichols, William W. 23, 25 Niemeyer, John H. 12 Nolen, George A. 19 Nooney, James 18 North, Erasmus D. 22 North, Simeon 17 Northrop, Cyrus 10 Norton, John P. 7 Norton, Seth 16 Norton, William A. 11 Noyes, Burr 27 Noyes, Daniel P. 18 Noyes, James 1 Noyes, Joseph 2, I4 Noyes, Matthew 3 Noyes, Moses 2 Nye, Harold B. 28 Oertel, Hanns 24 IV [1895 INDEX Olmsted, Denison 5, 16 Osborne, Oliver T. 9, 24, 28 Osborne, Thomas B. 6, 28 Otis, Charles P. 19 Packard, Lewis R. 7, 19 Paine, Levi L. 19 Palmer, Arthur H. 11 Palmer, Charles R. 4 Park, Charles E. 28 Parker, Horatio W. 13 Parker, William H. 3o Parsons, Elijah 3 Parsons, Noah 15 Patton, William H. 28 Pease, Frederic N. 28 Peck, Robert E. 29, 3o Peck, Tracy 8, 19 Peirce, Alton W. 30 Pendleton, Claudius V. 28 Penfield, Samuel L. 7, 23, 28 Percival, George G. 27 Perkins, Enoch 15 Perrin, Bernadotte 8, 19, 20 Perrin, Lavalette 4 Perry, David B. 19 Perry, John H. 24 Peters, John P. 2o Pettingell, Amos 17 Pettit, James S. 24 Phelps, Alexander 14 Phelps, Edward J. 6 Phelps, M. Stuart Phelps, William L. Phelps, Wm. Walter 3 Phillips, Andrew W. 5, 13, 20 Phinney, John I. 29 Pierpont, Daniel H. 22 Pierpont, James 2, 14 Pierpont, `James P. 27 Pierrepont, Edwards 18 Pierson, Abraham 1 Pirsson, Louis V. 7, 24, 28 Pitkin, Timothy 2, 14 Pizarro, José A. 22 Platt, Johnson T. 6, 22 Pomeroy, Seth 15 Pond, Miles A. 29 Porter, Charles H. 27 Porter, Frank C. 8, 23 Porter, John A. 7 Porter, Noah 3 Porter, Noah 1, 10, 17 Potwin, Lemuel S. 19 Potwin, Thomas S. 18 Powers, Daniel 18 Pratt, Joseph H. 3o Price, William 2o, 23, 24 Prout, John 4 Prudden, T. Mitchell 22, 26 Punderson, John 30 Rathbun, Richard 28 Raynolds, Edward V. 23,26,27 Reynolds, Horatio M. 8, 20 Rich, Frank R. 29 Richards, Charles B. 11 Richards, Eugene L. 5, 13, 19 Richards, George Richardson, Rufus B. Ripley, Alfred L. Ripley, Hezekiah Ripley, William B. Robbins, Edward D. Roberti, Luigi Roberts, Benjamin S. Roberts, Harley F. Robinson, Ezekiel G. Robinson, _James J. Robinson, John A. Robinson, Paul S. Robinson, William Robinson, William C. Rockwell, Alfred P. Rockwell, Hubbard Rogers, Joseph A. Root, Edward W. Rosewell, Richard Roux, Charles Ruggles, Thomas Ruggles, Thomas, Jr. Rumsey, Daniel L. Runkle, Erwin W. Russel, Noadiah Russel, Samuel Russell, John E. Russell, Matthew T. Russell, Samuel Russell, Talcott H. Russell, Thomas H. 9, 26, Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William H. St.John, Buckingham St.John, Samuel St.John, Samuel B. Salisbury, Edward E. Salter, Charles C. Salter, Richard Sanders, Frank K. 8, 24, Sanford, Leonard J. Sanford, Samuel S. Sargent, Dudley A. Savage, Edgar C. Schwab, John C. Scripture, Edward W, Seaver, Jay W. Sedgwick, William T. Seely, Henry M. Sergeant, John Setchell, William A. Seymour, David L. Seymour, Morris W. Seymour, Nathan P. Seymour, Origen S. Seymour, Thomas D. Sharp, George M. Sheilield, Charles J. Sheilîeld, Joseph E. Shepard, Charles U. Sherman, David A. Sherman, Orray T. Sherman, Roger Sherman, Roger M. з, 18 20 11,20 2 З 20 22 22 20 26 24 21 30 I5 6, 22 11 16 18 8, 2. 25, Shew, Abram M. 25 Shipman, Nathaniel 26 Silliman, Bengamin 6, 16 Silliman, Bengamin, Jr. 7, 27 Silliman, Benyamin D. 27 Simonds, William E. 26 Simpson, Matthew 25 Skinner, Aaron N. 17 Skinner, Joseph 23, 28 Sloane, Thomas C. 4 Smith, Charles H. 12, 19 Smith, Daniel 3 Smith, David 3 Smith, David P. 8, 9 Smith, Edward A. 4 Smith, Ernest E. 29 Smith, Herbert A. 23 Smith, Herbert Е. 7, 13, 23, 29 Smith, J. Sumner 21 Smith, Nathan 8 Smith, Percy F. 23 Smith, Samuel 14 Smith, Sidney I. 9, 23, 27 Smith, Theophilus 3, 17 Smith, Wilder 19 Smith, William 14 Sneath, Е. Hershey 10, 24,26 Sophocles, Evangelinus A. 22 Spalding, Warren A. 30 Sparrow, Orson C. 27 Speranza, Carlo L. 23 Sperry, Erwin S. 28 Stalker, James 26 Stanley, Anthony D. 5, I7 Starkweather, George P. 29 Starr, Daniel 30 Starr, Peter 3 Stearns, Henry P. 26 Stearns, Thomas C. 27 Stebbins, Josiah 16 Stedman, James 16 Steinwehr, Adolph von 22 Stevens, Alfred H. 3o Stevens, Edwin 17 Stevens, George B. 7 Stiles, Abel 14 Stiles, Ezra 1, 6, 14 Stoddard, Anthony 2 Stoddard, David T. 18 Stoddard, Henry 23 Stoddard, Solomon 17 Stoeckel, Gustave 13, 22 Stone, James B. 27 Storrs, Henry M. 26 Storrs, John 15 Storrs, William L. 6 Strong, Edward 18 Strong, Henry 16 Strong, Joseph 3 Strong, Nathan 3, 15 Strong, Nehemiah 5, 15 Strong, Newton D. 17 Strong, William T. 23 Stuart, Moses 16 Sumner, William G. 13, 19 Swain, Henry L. 26, 30 1895] INDEX v Taft, Alphonso 3, 17 Upson, Benoni 3 Whittelsey, Chauncey 14 Taft, Horace D. 20 VanName, Addison 19,21, 22 Whittelsey, Samuel 2, 14 Talcott, John B. 18 VanName, `Willard G. 3o Whittelsey, Samuel G. 17 Tarbell, Frank B. 8, 20 Verrill, Addison E. II, 21 Wickham, Joseph D. 16 Tarbox, Increase N. 18 Wadsworth, Daniel 2 Wilcox, Asher H. 19 Taylor, John L. 18 Waite, Morrison R. 4 Wilcox, Lucian S. 8 Taylor, Nathanael 2 Wakeman, Alfred 24, 29 Wilcox, Marrion 23 Taylor, Nathaniel W. 10 Walden, Percy T. 25, 29 Wilcox, Timothy K. 19 Taylor, Robert L. 25 Waldo, Leonard 21 Willard, Samuel G. 3 Taylor, William M. 25, 26 Wales, Samuel 5, 15 Williams, Charles M. 29 Terry, Henry T. 23 Walker, Francis A. 12 Williams, Chester 14 Thacher, Alfred B. 2o Walker, George L. 4 Williams, Ebenezer 2 Thacher, James K. 9, 19 Walker, Horace F. 24 Williams, Eliphalet 2 Thacher, Thomas 26 Warner, Wyllys 4, 17 Williams, Elisha 1, 2, 14 Thacher, Thomas А. 8, 18 Washburn, William B. 3 Williams, Frederick W. 21,24 Thayer, Alfred E. 24 Waterman, Sigismond 22 Williams, Henry S. 7, 28 Thomas, Frederick F. 27 Waters, William E. 20 Williams, Nathan 2, 15 Thompson, Guy V. 2o, 24 Watrous, George D. 6, 23 Williams, Ralph O. 24, 29 Tighe, Ambrose 20 Watson, Walter 28 Williams, S. Wells 13 Tillotson, George J. 3 Wayland, Francis 6, 13, 22 Williams, Solomon 2 Tinker, A. Phelps 19 Webb, Isaac 17 Williams, Solomon 15 Tolman, Herbert C. 29 Webb, Joseph 2 ÑVilliams, Warham 2, 4, 14 Torrance, David 24 Webster, Albert L. 28 Williston, Samuel W. 9,28, 3o Totten, Chas. A. L. 23 Weir, John F. 12, 13 Willson, Robert W. 21 Townsend, Isaac H. 6, 22 Welch, Follansbee G. 22 Wilson, Clarence C. 29 Townsend, James M. 26 Welch, Moses C. 3 Wilson, Edmund B. 28 Townsend, _Joseph H. 29, 3o Welch, Moses C. 18 Wilson, Edwin H. 19 Townsend, T. Beers 25 Weld, Mason C. 27 Winthrop, Buchanan 4 Townsend, William K. 6 Welles, Jonathan 14 Witter, John 16 Tracy, John C. 25, 29 Welles, Noah 2, 14 Wolcott, William 14 Treadwell, William H. 23 Wells, Daniel H. 22, 23, 27 Wood, William C. 19 Treat, Robert 14 Wells, Horace L. 7 4 Woodbridge, Ashbel 2 Troostwyk, Isidor 25 Wheeler, Albert S. . 22 Woodbridge, Samuel 2 Trowbridge, William P. 11 Wheeler, Arthur L. 25 Woodbridge, Timothy 1 Trumbull, Henry Clay 26 Wheeler, Arthur M. 12, 19 l Woodbridge, Timothy 14 Trumbull, J. Hammond 25 Wheeler, Frank H. 28 Woodhull, Richard 14, 15 Trumbull, John 2 Wheeler, Henry L. 29 Woodward, George S. 29 Trumbull, John 4, 15 White, Ebenezer R. 15 Woodward, Rufus 16 Trumbull, William 21 White, Henry 17 Woolsey, Theodore D. Tully, William 9 White, Henry C. 26 1, 3, 7, 17, 25 Turner, François 22 White, Moses C. 12, 22 Woolsey, Theodore S. 6, 23 Tuttle, Charles A. 27, 29 Whiting, John 14 Worthington, John 14 Twichell, Joseph H. 4 Whitman, Elnathan 2, 14 Wright, Arthur W. 6, 19 Twining, Alexander C. 17 Whitman, Samuel 2 Wright, Henry P. 8, 13, 19 Twining, Edward H. 27 Whitmore, John 24 Wright, Luther 17 Twining, Stephen 30 Whitney, J. Ernest 23 Yardley, Henry A. 19 Tyler, Morris F. 6, 24 Whitney, Josiah 2 Young, Mason 4 Tyson, Samuel T. 28 Whitney, William D. 10 Zacher, Edmund 20 INDEX OF GRADUATES [In this index the names of Bachelors of Arts are entered with no distinguishing mark except the year of graduation. To the names of other graduates italic letters are ap- pended, on the following scheme :­-a, Masters of Arts (upon examination); d, Bachelors of Divinity ; dp, Doctors of Philosophy; f, Bachelors of Fine Arts ; h, Honorary and ad eundem graduates ; l, Bachelorsof Laws ; m, Doctors of Medicine ; ml, Masters of Laws ; mus, Bachelors of Music ; p, Bachelors of Philosophy. In case a graduate has received from the University more than one degree, the earliest degree only is indexed] o-o- Abbe Abercrombie 1800 Thomas 1886 John C. 6 5h b l 182 Ops, 1801 Stedman 1886 Norman I. из: Alänîân т 7 1 т 1803 Cornelius 1886 Warren A. 1848 Edward P_ Abernethy 1804 Рта?” 1887 Charles 1848 Fyedefíf R. 1825 Elisha S. 1806 Daniel 1887 Henry F. p 1854 Burr R. т 1825 John J. 1807 Joel. 1891 George I. 1889 ВПП к. 1825 Roswell lz 1807 William W. 1891 George W. l Н А G ' 1810 Nathaniel 1891 joseph М. d 1892 апгУ - - 1830 George H m Franklin ' 1819 jasper/z 1891 Thomas G. 1893 .l- 1864 Augustus H. m . . 1878 Julian W d? 1821 George; E. 1891 Williamp Abbey ‘ 1821 john R. 1892 Francis M.p 1838 шт? «t Ahorn ÍÉÈÉ lil-.151.; ‘P ÍÉÈ?. infringir” i Abb t 1895 Carlton Np 1826 Jenn G. 1895 Daniel с. 8 R-f ° l Abt 1827 Warum 1895 spencer L. z 1 33 П US 18 1 ames H. 18 Thatcher M. 1840 Levi 1890 Jacob J. 1831 James U. 95 р 1869 Еда/5 1834 Nathan m Adee 1869 Wnhefn G­P Acker 1834 ~William H. - 1321 Augustus A. 18 6 IM, 1835 DenielL- 186 Geor eA. Abbott 3 Joe ‘ I835 Ebenezer В- 187; РгеаЁгйс W. 1835 Jenn 5- l Ackerman 1838 Jenn 1873 Philip H. 1835 Josiah 1878 Geor e С 1841 Francis M. 1381 Edwin М. 1843 Jehiel h g ‘ 1846 Charles G. 1885 Ernest к. 1858 Montelius 1849 Enoch G. 1388 Augustus A. )l 1866 Lewis L. Ackroyd 1850 John i. i. 1895 George T, 1868 James W. 1891 Hildreth J. 1850 ‘Sèephen 1872 Jacob J. p 1857 hittlesey Acner 1877 Nathan D. ` Ad 'r 1858 Thatcher M. . 1877 william w. p 8 R b а: l s 1862 Albert Е. îäâgelfllî 1882 Frenk F. I 95 O er 1862 Frederic 18 I Fredlêń k' M 1883 Раи1 W.p ' 1865 Elmer B. 9 С -P Абат 1866 Charles H. Adriance Abel 1803 Samuel F. 1867 Arthur Н. 1760 Elijah 1842 John H. 1872 Charles F. h 1814 Isaac ' 1874 Thomas M. Ah Adams 1875 Allison D, a’ ern Abell 1730 William 1875 George C. d 1895 George P. l 1819 faînŕfs 1737 Thomas 1877 George B. d 1887 W1111am M- 1877 Lyell T. h ~ Aiken 18 i Edward w 1740 Joseph 9 ° 1760 Andrew 1881 СЬЁПЁЗ F-e 1853 Wanna E. 1788 Jenn /z 1883 JO п - 1861 Edward т 1878 william M. 1795 Ruine 1886 Charles F- l 1881 Edwin E. 1895] INDEX vii 1889 William P. 1821 Adam L. 1884 Frederic S. Alvord 18 1 Alfred L. 1821 Eldad m 1885 Clifford B. 9 8 6 А G 1885 G 'il F ¿i *800 Saul 1 3 sa . renvi e . 828 Th Q_ Aikins 1851 William F. 1886 Zachariah N. ig@ fuyiîzmâpsi 7Z 1891 Herbert A. op 1854 Charles T­ 1888 Edmund 1852 Edward J. 1855 William D. 1888 Joshua W. 1855 finden-¿7, Aikman 1858 Walter S. 1889 William В; ”1857 AlWin A_ 1 1843 Raben, 1862 Ira R. 1890 Philipp 1877 Charles L_ 1884 Samuels a, 1873 Eben 1892 Bernard M. 1878 Seymour L_? ° 1889 Arthur C- e 1893 Нету С. 1888 Hallock c. Aimes 1892 .Wallace McC.p 1§93 Jolfin W. 1895 George В. 1 93 a ori 1858 lohn М- 7” Alfonso 1894 Samuel S. Ambler _ I88 G stavo 1894 William B.p . . Ainey 4 n Р 1895 Benjamin С. 1878 Richard C. l 1860 David C. m Algei- 1895 Grosvenor N. p А merman 1867 Albert J. m 1869 William С. 1895 Walter H. 1890 George L_ Ainsworth ­ Alley _ Alison 1868 Cephas W. l _ . 1840 John B. Ames 17э5 FWHM“ /Z 1874 Edward m Aitchison 1867 Robert H. Alling IgienlrllfçS. 1848 штат Allcutt 1746 Enos 1889 “там; W 1860 Lewis H. m ’ » 1884 Elwood H.p ' 1890 Edgar Akins 1862 John W. Is 2 Ea, ¿S d i 8 lohn 1870 Willis G. m 9 шаг ' 79 Allen _ _ 1875 Charles H.p Amunds n Albert 1708 гей/шт 1886 Arthur N. 88 _ h А ° I729 0 n 18 Mortimer H. I О e n о 1883 foies’. o' 1736 „тому 93 f 1791 John h Allis Anderson Albertson 1806 fam, _ 1821 James 18 7 Jose h C 8 G 'o 1769 Ellsha 3 р ' I I3 ¿mog . 1796 Thomas W. 1830 .lohn С- 1813 Nathamel 1859 Edmund B. 1835 Edwin А. А1Ьгее 1814 Edward 1870 Frederick 1845 William Q_ 1894 Rnlphr1j 1823 Bela 1884 Wallace s. 1853 Joshua 1825 Bezaleel C. т 1858 Volney 5_ Albro 122g êllldlls 5) Allison 1859 William H. 1 З / al” e5 l ' 1862 William D. 1827 faim A" [L 1838 Geefge 1847 Sanllŕel P' 1866 Alexander D. Alden 1839 Ebenezer В. т 1894 Wllham B' 1876 William с. l 1840 John W­ l* 1878 joseph h il? ìîgïst s 1852 Myron 0- A119“ 1882 WilbertL. o' 182; Roll-Simi, ,_ 1855 Charloo J- F- 1871 Нету/ё 1885 Henry B. 1821 T_moth à. 1855 Frederick H.p 1885 philip v_? 18 2 HotatiOYB ­ 1857 Edrnnnol T- Allyn 1886 William B. 1845 Коьеп Р 'Il 1861 Вещатт T» т 1721 Henry 1887 Chandler P. 1876 David R' 1861 Oscar D-ß 1725 Samuel 1888 John C.p 7 'P Iââs glaner О 1867 Thomas 1891 George E. o' 1 5 zmeon . 1893 Joseph Alderman 1867 Beverley Almy 1894 Richard C. p 1888 Allen C. l 1867 James M. . 1873 Leonard B. - Edwln Andreen is 1873 Arthur. H. 1874 Owen E 1873 Frank В. _Alsop 1894 Gustav A. 1876 Halsey w. р 1798 Rlohard /l Aldrich _i876 lohn в. Hn 1821 Charles R. _. Andrew 1855 Нет, [l 1878 Ira В. d 1828 .lohn Il I 1711 Samuel 187 Chargés F 1878 William D. p ! 1739 Samuel 188? Thomas „l 1879 Frederic D. h Alston 3 1807 Samuel R. 18 4 Frank W ' 1879 Frederick I.p 1814 Thomas P. l 1839 John T. ' 9 ‘Í’ l 1880 William L. 1815 _Jacob l 1843 Samuel W. t 1880 “Птахи Р. 1868 Wellington M.p Alexander 1882 James F. Alter l 1871 Samuel W. 1777 Caleb i 1882 Martin S. 1842 Joseph H. l 1890 William A. l 1814 Elijah m l 1883 John A.p 1875 Louis E. l 1891 George W. l VIH INDEX [1895 Andrews Aoki Arnold Atha 1759 Затие! 1894 Yokichia 1723 Лжи/Ест 1892 Herbert В.р 1785 Samuel _]. 1724 Samuel 1ё97 Appleton 1776 JOlir/eâ L h Atherton I 03 2.9 za . 18 Dan'el S_ 1791 os1a . ‘ 1810 Ethan A. 18g?) Daniel s_p 1834 Epaphras j. m 1863 George W' 1817 Ebenezer 1886 Robert 1837 Owen B. Atkins 1827 Arza m 1841 john H. m . 1827 John /i Apthorp 1841 William W. 1773 Elu/Za 1827 Marcus A m 1848 АПЗПП 1849 James Н' 1829 Samuel А: т 1829 Gëqfigó’ Н 1849 Edward AN 1876 Doane R. a7 Iâßo W 1829 Wzl/16N” P. Iââo george W 1889 Henry I 31 z гат ‚ I О COfge . 1841 Horace Arbuthnot 1861 Hubbard Atlee I85I Charles S. l 1894 Thomas S~ 1871 Frank 1846 Walter F. 1855 Judson В, 1876 William 1849 John L. 1858 George p` Archbald 1886 Gilbert L. H.p 1851 Wrlliam A. 1858 Israel D. 12 1871 Robert W. 1890 Суше М!) 1859 Joseph H. 1887 James 1894 Ernst H. m Atterbury ~{gîbenezlâr I888 ~loseph A. 79 А t 1831 _[о/т G. ames ­ m0 1843 William W. 1870 John W- Archer 1856 Matthias H. 1864 Charles L. 1871 Horace р 1830 James 1885 John H. 1882 Albert H. 1875 Ъаипсе1оП’7.р 1832 Нет—у W, 1891 Matthias C. 1886 William W.; Èîfäuel 1227-1017. Z 1894 Raymond H. 1891 Grosvenor УП 1 ­ Archibald îgâgkvëï- 1876 ¿www W. d Arosmena Attwood 1877 James 1858 Demetrio Т._р 1840 Garwood H. ' Arden 1881 Ethan А._р . А 1882 Horace Ер 1894 john L. р fthuf Atwater rêsß Iñorirrg w. А _ 1743 Поти 1774 Nar/r f I 89 erbert G. l rgyfas 1781 jason 1293 ähîllrles B. /z 1840 Basilius Artopé 17Ё5 _llweremiah M. I 93 1 iam _L à 18 2 ose h H. a’ I7 7 OSes.' А d Arkell 9 J ' р 1793 ¿eremiah n rus . 1797 avi 1777 Noah 1886 Bartlett Arvine 1805 Сдам“ 1823 fared /z Armour 1869 Earlh-SS P' 1807 William . 1813 Russell Angell 1884 All1son V. Asay 1825 jawn 1847 John С. Arms 1880 William C. äïlslîasm _ ` 1798 Pliny 1831 L man H. Angler 1813 Аагоп Ashburn“ 1834 Cl/xarles 1844 Мат/щ]! В. 1824 Hiram Р. 1840 William E. 1834 John P. 1828 Ebenezer W. 1836 EdwardE. .Angles 1853 William F. Asher 183 David F. 9 1866 ЬеОРОША. Lm 1863 Charles j. 1872 Adolph Z 1342 äoîflice C. Anketell Armsby 1876 Harry WJ) Isâyacys 18 Hon Р. 1846 William W. 1855 /0/212 74 ry р Ashley 1869 Wilbur 0. d; 1864 Edward А. Armstrong 1730 Israel 1875 Edward S. 1826 Р t L. 1730 John 1877 John B. „ Ansa“ 1858 Weilllarrr 1730 fami/fa” 1879 (”Р.Е— 1859 Felix 1873 Edward Р. a’ 1730 fof? 1879 Wllham М? 1882 Alfred W. p 1758 JO n ' ‚ Anthony 1889 William L. 1758 Jonathan . Atwood n _ 1767 Israel . 1860 wlulam А /Z 1891 George L» l I 6 Moses 1806 0111115 ' 1892 Benjamin L. 7 7 1814 Anson S. 1865 Charles D. . . 1873 Clarence D ­ . 1893 William М._;› ' 1814 John M. 1886 Benjamln H. . 1895 Richardp — 1821 Charles A Ashmun 1843 Charles K. “тау АТ“ 1823 George 1852 James 1880 Wilmore 1887 Arthur j. 1882 EdwardH. о! 1885 James А.р 1895] IX INDEX Auchincloss 1871 Frederick L. 1873 john W. p 1879 Hugh D. Audenried 1869 William W. Augur 1784 joel 1833 Hezekiah h 1879 George J. m 1887 Robert C.p Austen 1841 Philip H. Austin 1762 Punderson 1779 Dar/¿e 1783 Samuel 1794 ­lohn P. 1801 Ralsaman C. 1805 Aaron h 1807 John M. 1812 Charles 1815 Stephen G. 1833 Caleb H. h 1845 James m 1849 Willis R. l 1867 Robert L. h 1868 Leonard S.p 1869 Alfred E. 1876 Archibald A. 1880 Cecil K. 1889 Arnold P. 1892 Clarence W. Averell 1872 William H. Averill 1814 Elisha 1830 James R. 1866 ~lames ]. m 1869 Arthur H. 1895 Frederick L. l Avery 1759 John h 1761 Ephraim 1761 John 1769 Daniel 1777 john 1810 Edward 1813 john 1822 Elijah M. 1830 Daniel D. 1836 Charles P. 1840 Edward M. 1843 john 1844 Edward H. 1844 Frederick D. 1855 William L. 1857 Orrin F. 1861 George W. m 1875 Charles H. 1893 Christopher L. 1893 john W. Ayer 1880 Frank H. 1883 Charles H. l Ayres 1831 Chauncey m 1835 jared A. 1837 William О. 1864 William A. 1868 Russell W. 1877 Alvin D. l 1879 Milan С. a’ 1880 Charles R.p 1884 Frank O. 1888 Edward F. 1892 Fred M. Babbit 1831 Pierre Т. Babbitt 1814 William R. 1893 _lames A. Babcock 1724 Joshua 1752 Henry 1752 James 1755 Jonathan 1755 Luhe 1761 Stephen 1773 Gamaliel 1840 James S. 1847 William H. 1853 Henry H. 1873 Frederick W. l 1885 john F. p 1887 Willoughby M. 1894 Orville E. p Bache -1830 Alexander D. Bacheler 1885 Franez's Р. Backus 1718 Joseph 1724 Simon 1759 Simon 1769 Charles 1777 Elijah 1787 Azel 1787 Matthew 1792 DeLucena . 1807 William F. h 1813 Frederick F. 1823 Gurdon H. h 1830 john C. 1832 William W. 1836 Franklin T. 1846 joseph W. 1870 William H. 1877 William H.p 1881 jaheza' Bacon 1793 Asa 1794 Ezekiel 1796 _lohn 1806 David 1820 Leonara7 1831 David F. 1833 EpaphroditusC. 1836 Henry W. 18 37 Í/Vz'llz'am Т. 1838 Francis 1845 Joseph S. 1847 Benjamin W. 1850 Leonara’ W. 1853 Francis m 1853 Theodore 1856 George В. 1858 William P. o 1864 Jonathan K. m 1865 Wilbur R. 1868 William T. 1871 Conrad G. l 1871 Edwin F. p 1872 Thomas l?. 1873 Alfred T. 1876 Charles Ер 1878 Edward W. h 1879 Nathaniel T.p 1881 Benjamin W. 1886 Edward S. 1888 Leonard WV. 1889 Theodore D. cl 1893 Henry S. Bacot 1798 Henry H. 1837 Henry H. Bade 1895 William F. a’ Badger 1785 joseph 1805 Samuel 1813 George E. 1823 Milton 1844 Samuel A. 1882 Walter l. 1892 George S. C. Baer 1849 _lohn A. 1851 Charles А. 1853 Benjamin F. Baerman 1889 Freeman D. Bagby 1890 Edward B. a’ Bagg 1837 Moses M. 1839 Matthew D. 1869 Lymar'rsH. Baggs 1883 Walter T. l Bagley 1813 Anderson Bailey 1801 Roswell 1817 Ebenezer 1836 Thomas 1839 Samuel W. 1846 Nathaniel Р. 1856 Gilbert F. 1868 George F.p 1808 Stephen G. 1870 Henry M. p 1873 Edgar H. S.p 1874 William L. 1879 W. Ward 1881 Edwardp 1882 William E. 1889 james B.p 1891 Gurdon F. 1892 jesse a’ 1892 Walter S.p 1893 ~lames H.p 1893 William D. l 1894 William­ B. Baird 1852 john G. 1858 john Т. 1863 George W. 1867 Theobald m 1885 Lucius О. 1890 Maximilian Baker 1731 ­Iacob 1755 Elisha 1822 Osmyn 1829 Oliver 1830 William N. 1831 Otis 1832 Samuel G. 1834 Cornelius S. т 1847 Anthony W. 1853 Elias C. m 1856 Robert М. 1877 Eugene V. 1879 Scott R. m 1886 Henry R. a’ 1890 Frank l 1890 Frank C. a' 1891 Albert R. 1891 Harris W. p 1895 Henry A. ÍNDEÄÍ [ 8 I 95 Balch 1861 N ’ eilson A, I741 Thomas/z 1861 Simeon E. т IB AlBlangS Barge ISórTheron 42 en 18 В » . Balcom 1867 Frank L_ 1876 Ёта’егёсё Е. a' 57 ещашш F' 1881 Frederick А, d 1870 Robert видаю“, 1871 Henry Banks John S Bald I§72 ërederic H, 17ЗЁ ЁЗГБЬот ' 1 72 enry С. Z I75 liphalet 1845 John D. 1874 нету 1804 Daniel с. I 6 SBarker l 1884 Louis W, Z 1807 Danie! 734 amuel, Baldwin 1885 Henry del?l 1822 Talcott т I742 ”тети/2 1726 Henry 1885 Waller S, 1844 Nehemiah т 1771 1056?” 1735 Isaac 1888 Charles F, 1863 Geafgg W, I772 Samuel S, A, 1748 вата 1888 William P, 1871 James Ig?? John 1763 Штат 1890 EdwardR. т 1889 Jehrr W. 1823 Jain?? М. 1772 Abraham 1890 ROger S. 1895 Elmore S. Z 82 Wüllam. т 1774 Isaac 1891 Ernest H, 1856 Вгщатт Р. 1776 Ashbel Iâgz William A, р Bannan gëgrge I777 Dudley I 93 Anson? 1849 Thom rg@ -ß I777 Jonathan 1894 Alfred C. 1852 ПоиЁЁЁЗЁ £60 John W’ т 1779 William 1895 Edward с. 1861 Jehrr N ° 879 James C' т 1781 Simeon 1895 Roger S, ` I 79 Ralph 1787 Augustus B . 1880 Charles P' 1795 Michael Ball 86 Наша“ £91 foams M- /l 1797 Henry 1748 Eliphalet ­ I 9 enry C’ 93 [и W’ d 1798 Amos 1784 Stephen 1876 Otto T, 1801 Isaac 1787 Flamen /z 1877 Arthur U’ Barling 1801 Samuel S, 1794 Нежат /Z 1878 Henry A, 1802 T гитст 1860 Alonzo B. Baratte 1803 Boyle V. 1880 charles B. ,e 1843 Julius А. Barlow 1807 Abraham D. ,1895 Leroy D Z 1778 j 1 IÉOS Ebenezer . Barber 1808 I 09 Burr 1810 Hezekiah H Bénard 1730 107142724” 1845 Gardner т 1811 George ­ 1833 _forza/z 1762 Thomas 18H Roger S_ 1870 Charles 1,15 1826 Eldaa’ Barnard 1811 Solomon Ван d ‚Г 1842 Theodore Р. I759 Lemuel 1812 51712“ W. аГ - hruston 1871 Edward T, /z 1828 Frederifè А. Р. 1812 Elijah 1880 Rogers (3.1) 1873 William T, 1830 Henry 1320 Abra/mm _1892 Frank М. 1837 Thomas _A, Iêzr @wig/ir Ballentirre 1893 Donn? 1341 JGOSCPh F. I 25 harles т 1 Eb I 47 @Orge G. 1Ё25 llames т 777 enezer Barbour £48 äh“ А‹ I 27 lijah/z . 186 V 49 огасе 1827 1058р/2 В. Balllet Saorìllîleeï Ё'р Robert P. 1827 темп 1892 Andrew J­ 1877 таит .arpa 1863 Frederick Je 1829 faim А. 1830 William R ' 1864 ,lohn G. /z 1833 Michael. Вани 1882 Erwin Н. ­ 1885 Frederic 1837 Nathan C. т 1882 Harry R 1885 Frederic M ¿Wiliam B, ' 1890 James R. ' Barnes Огайо М- т 1892 Francis E 1784 lonath 1839 fo/m D. ¿l Baltzell -ß an 1841 Elijah 1829 Charles J. 1892 Frank H' Т'Р lglliathasn 1841 рушат Ba l 1822 Edvärd'F 1842 Edward L, l Bamberg I H rc ay 1825 Josiah 0 1842 James W' 1893 Joseph H р 57534 ату 1828 {готшш I843 Abraham С. /z ° I 30 George G' 1834 feinem' Í R 1847 Roger s. 1870 772077245 D. d 18 Wwfaz ° 1848 Samuel E. Bancroft 1891 Albert H, 1822 А]; из; 1850 Abraham D_ 1855 Erastus /z ` 1847 Levîîg ’ 1850 William/i, I875 Hubert H. lz Bardeen 1848 James N George W. 1891 Cecil K. ChafleSW Lorin ~ Éófílîîl E, 1892 C3527 Р. Íl ° 1860 R I 54 Эту ' 1860 H ’ 1227 David D. Bandler 18 gafdwe“ 1866 НЁЁЁЁ/Ё I I Charles W‘ 1894 Harry S. 1892 Parri J' 1874 Pearce 9 fan 1.772 1875 Henry S, 1895] INDEX XI 13? $711Ё11е5 1ЁЁ2 wllìglïilliam ELS/z Bartl-am Batterson 1 о 1 iam . 1 3 enjamin .р 1881 John Н. 1883 George А“? 1895 Кеп55е1ае1\7\1р £44 Abraham B. 70 James G. /z 1885 Jonathan 1891 Walter A. Bascom 1887 Albert 12 1887 Visscher V. Barry гага?” 18 HBattleì §28? algo?? И/- 1841 William T. S. 51 этап ' 1831 %8Ь2 8: т 1884 Dems W. т Bashore Baum 31:25:51? р Barstow 1886 Harvey B. 1894 Gabriel H. 1 1893 Непгу B: ЁЮЁЁЁ/Ё Bassett Bauman 1895 Bayard? 18g() Dînald M ' 1746 Ebenezer 1895 Alvin L. 1 Barnett ` Bartholomew ”825017212 ¿d Baumann - 179 гс z a 18 Н 1780 [01222 Ing ’gäfìfew 1807 Benjamin 73 ermann т 1864 William E. Isaïeas 1823 Martin B. Вашу 1867 james G. /z 1847 Benjamin F. . 1869 John F. т ЁЕЁЁЁУЪ 1850 Wil/¿am Е. 1848 ¿4Z/7m, L' lz 1891 James F. 1853 Benjamin H. 1 John? Thomas J. Z Bayard Barney 1889 Horace в. 1894 Homer в /z 1883 Thomas F. 12 Samuel EL? Harry 1'? Ulysses S. G. 1890 Thomas F. 1881 Danford N. 7 jlÉartlett Batchelder 8 NBayley В 1 30 oser - 1 1 Orman . т 1841 SBa-I'HIÈTHW 1749 Nat/mme! 1889 Austin I. 1 7 amil@ . _ 1862 Нет»); S, lè/Iïâs Batcheller Bayliss 1873 Augusíz'nea’ 1882 Charles N. р 1894 Willard? 1875 Sam ZH 1779 Lim/Z 8 G Е , Ё” ° 1800 522221222! I 95 @Orge - 1Ё77 )12521113111 1801 jonathan 12 Ваупе Iggä L omai l' 1807 .fa/m Batchelor 1847 Thomas L. I Culs ­ 1819 John S. /z 1858 Edward P. 1392 Hugh А_ 8 8 D ’d E. Ватт“ iaâg siîgiliael F. Bate Beach 1853 ames G. 12 1838 01111 К. - ‘ ­ I 1846 .lidward G. 1882 М0111те1 S. 1721 faim Barr 1853 Wil/¿am F. V, Bates glow/zalm 8 1855 Edward H. т .. amue I 46 Joseph М' l 1866 Stephen C. т 1794 Ehlah 1793 Впггаяе в tt 1871 Walter R т 180! нету 1804 lohn H- arra 1876 Charles 1802 Isaac C' 1805 Samuel B- 1834 Joseph /l 1877 Gem e Н' 1818 fof/ma h 1812 Hezekiah s. 18 8 Johngp 'p 1823 TaZCUÍÍ 1826 [тис С. . Barren 1839 Gem ¿I? Н 1825 William G. 1826 Samuel т 1809 Samuel B. 1881 РЬШЁ G ' 'p 1833 Samuel H. 1833 John C. 1882 Floyd 1848 Joh? 1835 Aaron С. Barrett 1883 Frederic Кр 1232 ЁУЁШ 1836 William 1760 Samuel 12 1886 Silas W. р ЁЗЗЁ E0 er“ A- 1839 10111} 5- 1809 William 12 1888 Charles G. 12 8 over@ W -Z 1842 Daniel B. 1836 Newton 1888 Frederick А. z 1891 Effe“ A' 1851 Wafîe“ Р. И 1844 Мути 1892 Charles I 93 ery ~ 1856 Lewis 1 1852 Charles Н. 1894 Alexis P. 1860 ЕШ5Ё‘15 С- 1854 Charles Н. Battell 1860 Ferdinand 1881 John Z Battle 1808 Charles I. 1864 George 1? т 1 ‚ _ y 1823 Joseph a 1864 f. Woo/217€ Barrow 1891 Wlulam Т- 1826 Р11111р /z 1268 ¿geiler? с. р 839 Robbins I 70 afer ­ 1879 John W. 12 В 1 . arton 1872 Dama' N. ­ 8 " 6607 ¿L a' Ban-OWS 1821 David W. B. Battelle I 7J â' ~ .. ­ 1877 John K. Iâzô {Жгучее i 1895 Albert Кр 1765 Nathaniel 12 1878 Нами” Р. 1 41 s e . т 1882 Mo H. 1857 Edwin Bartow Battefshau 1883 F raliâzzirsl G. 1865 Arthur A. 1869 Alfred 1864 Walton W. 1883 Frederick Ер хп INDEX [1895 1887 Rodmond V. 1870 Morris B. 1759 Asa Behrisch 1888 Edward C. т 1875 Alonzo G. 1771 Lewis 1884 Gabriel 1_ 1892 William Н.р 1886 Porter 1785 рае/222 L. 1886 Sidney Ё 1871 Clarence Beirne Beadenkopf 1895 Samuel F. 1873 William ­ . . 8 Ch t he . 1885 Thomas JW. d 1873 Wllham W~ I 40 HS Op Г] Beasley 1893 George P. Belcher Be d1 8 Р t R. 1759 ЗашЁв1е$ I 40 e er Beebee 1845 John S. 1844 Delos “д Beattle 1828 167/15. Belden 1862 Небе? Н. 1895 Edward “д . 6 S 1 1886 John Ё tt Beeßhef {323 ea У 1797 [ушат Beadleston 1883 William I. a' 1822 Edward Jrìsoeâîs 1893 Henry С— 1828 свече 1762 Simeon ' ' Beaumont 1833 Wzllzam H. Ь . 1895 William L E l Р - 1775 zelr1e . 1834 George А_ О. 1841 Lut/¿er F. I 85 Ваша, Веа1е 1894 André А. 1846 Josiah Н' т 1387 Joshua 8 8 R b 1849 Sheldon C. h I 5 О en М' В r 1861 Geoffgë В. 1795 Josep ­ eaVe 1867 Eugene F 1796 Hezekiah ВеаП George L. 1872 (E. fÜÍîaÍ/Zan M ` H. ­ ­ ° 1803 Wzllzam 1893 Oms р Beck gâlrlrlam J’ Z 1814 George 1872 Pascal P. 1892 Lars H. а’р ' 1824 Thomas Beede 1825 Joshua Beam Beckett 1829 Chauncey т . a 1882 John F. Stanton 1895 Willoughby P. 1893 James В.р 1883 Frank Н. 1841 Ebenezer В_ . 18 Ezekiel P. Befm Beckford Beekman 182; Т11еос101е W.E. 1858 Dama’ М. 1890 Wllllam H. 1888 Benjamin B, l 1863 William H. 1879 Alfred U. l ­ . 1878 William P. 1888 Willram Н.р Beckley Beeman 1893 Charles P, р 8 H ' Beard 1822 701153112. ìâiî. ЁЕЁЁЁЁЁ D' Belding 1754 james ÍZ 1889 William B. р 1872 Edgar F, I7 101111 _ Beers 1895 John Е.р 1857 Аидщгш F. Beckwith 1785 William Р. 1859 Шт” 5- 1728 бете 1808 Timothy P. Belfofd 1862 George M' ’ 1766 66072? 1817 John P. 1870 Charles S. 1867 Нет? B' 1766 Nathaniel В- 1824 Augustine P. т 1231 1ё73 Ёёгисп W 1847 Timothy P. т Вв11п ' 1 47 eHeZef « 1860 George L. 186 Нет ‘895 Anson то 1268 @big ТЕ 1869 Henry А- 1892 Paula? Beardslee РЁМЁПА- .P Gldorge E. l Belkna 1825 Gideon Ь 1878 Frederick j. Charles R, Z р 1893 1785 Ebenezer 1826 Henry C. Ь 1895 William о], 1869 William Ru? Beardsley 9 . Beeson 1877 MQIIÍS В.р 1784 Ebenezer Ь Bedden r343 Щипала Вен 1787 Horace 1883 Edward A. 1867 John K_Íj , . 1805 Лешам Б. 1892 Charles в. р figg fîffggggm 1815 Samuel B. Bedell 1 _ 1818 Суд-115 Н. Bradbury RlChaI'd S. 1827 Nelson 188 Charles E ° ° 1852 6004103 В"? 4 - 1893 Wlllram R. 186 Edward W 1823 Shelden 1890 Frederick 4 ` 1838 Lucius N. т Beh-‘an 1875 Howard P’ IS Wells à . I879 Augustus W. 39 Bedtnger » 1860 Newton I. l 1883 Nelson W. 1845 Edward M. т 8 Е ‚Л W 1851 370223022 В. Ь I 51 шт e ' 1892 George N’ т 1857 Miles i Behrends 1859 Edward R. Beebe 1888 ~lesse H. Bellamy 1870 George L. 1745 fame; 1890 Adolphus ].F./z 1735 Josep/z 1895] INDEX XIII 1772 Jonathan Bennett Bergmans Bidwell 1808 Joseph H’ 1748 Daniel 1891 Jacob C. a’ 1740 Adom'ja/z B l. 1807 Joseph 1785 Barnabas e linger 1810 Isaac S. K. Bergström 1827 Walter Н. 1841 Jacob W. 1811 М11° L' 3 С] 1834 052/67’ B­ 1846 Frederick P. 1825 fames /Z I QI aus A’ d 1844 Edwin С. 02 1825 [0702220 Т. ­ 1847 Edwln т Bellis 1838 Hanford N. т Bergstrom 1858 Henry S. I ­ 1895 John А I 1841 Ргедепск N. т 1888 Francis 1858 Marshall s. /r ­ äsephSE. 1877 Frank Ьр 3 enr . ­ Bellosa 1858 Willigm C. 1887 ЕЁеЩеЁе 1886 Damel D' 1872 Frederick т 1866 Edward B. mer ° ~ ' 1866 William H. 8 Eigelow ' ' I 02 6727)/ _ Beman 1869 William L. Bernard 18 Th 1820 George N. 1851 Henry D. 1832 Waîlrgîs G' р 1885 Paul up 1845 William A. 1873 Joseph H. B 1852 Albert Bement 1878 James R. 1 effY 1852 Davld S. 1891 Edward [l 1882 Samuel 1793 Нетап 1852 Erastus B. Ь 1887 Elmer EU? 18É7 %ohnbM. IÉÓI ¿athis/IA. т ‚ Ig О Albe {В 18 3 aco I 72 tls . Bendelan 9 r 1868 Coburn D. 1873 Charles Е. 1888 George 12 Bennett() 1877 Loren F. a' 1877 Walter, I­ . 1887 John 1894 George А.р 1879 Poultney Benedict 1881 Frank L. р 1747 John Benninghoñ- Bertron 1881 Russell А. 1884 Nelson Р. 1720 323161111 1891 Frank S. 1885 Samuel R' 1887 Lewis S. 373 ТЬЁЁдеЦЗ 1890 Edwin V. a’ I Benson Best 1894 Albert A. 774 Amos 8 Ó F . 1788 Noah В_ 1 7 rank S. 1878 jo/m W. a’ . 1797 William B Blgham 1800 Amos ent Bestof 1892 _fo/ma.’ 1814 Атгд 1861 Samuel A. 1813 Dudley р. 1821 Alanson 1865 Joseph А- 1816 h ` lo п Ь Bill 1822 Henry 1874 Thomas А. 8 В 1833 Noah B. т I 54 enezet H. Z 1834 Lewis S. Bentley Betts 1864 Charles? 1836 Michael D. т 1850 Edward W. 1745 Thaddeus 1877 Arthur G­ l 1840 Theodore Н. 1873 George F. 1807 Thaddeus . 1842 T/wnzas N. 1880 Edward М. 1843 Wdhdm С- 7” Billard 1849 Овоще 1882 Cyrus 1848 John т 1893 Walter 5°? 1358 George А. д 1864 Frederlc H. 1860 Abel C. т Benton 1866 Edward но . . 1871 Seelye 1842 joseph А. 1867 С.'\111у11у$ Billings 1874 Овоще W. 1843 Wiz/¿em А. 1870 Wdham J- 1720 Wil/¿am 1875 АН/гш’]. d 1874 Charles W. 1875 Samuel R' 1765 William 1875 Овоще Н. 1877 Arthur L? 1766 Caleb Benet 1875 Herbert E. z 1891 Lows F- Н- 1772 îEliShah 18 8 Edwin A. 1797 Озер 1884 Lawrence V.; 7 Bezjian 1819 Noyes Berdan 1821 William W. Benjamin 1824 James 1874 Alexander H'P 1829 Silas DeLuCena B'bb' Edward С- 1864 George W, Berens .1 _ ms 1882 Charles K. 1864 ­loseph R. 1877 Bernard? 1845 Wllham B' 1891 David Ъ— 1880 Conrad 1891 William E. Benner B Biddle 1893 011781 С. [2 1842 Robert ergen 1839 Thomas В. 1876 Charles 1895 Нету V-í’ (Cìäorìge Wg. Billman 1880 Willis I аг CS . „. 888 СЁеЧЁегВ 1868 Algernon S. 1880 Нац/ат"! 1 ar es .р 1873 Arthur Bennfît 1888 Овоще В.р 1875 ]атд А, d Bills 1726 Cornellus 1895 William B. р 1882 Henry J. р 1854 Erastus B. т xiv INDEX' [1895 1879 Rogers Ь 1876 Thomas N. 1878 Douglas Р. 1869 Roman А.р 1869 Wilson S. 1877 forzar/ian Е. ¿l 1879 Fran/ê А. a' 1879 Edward T. 1891 Burton В.р 1891 Frank S. 1893 Orland R. р Bingham Biscoe 1879 Joseph B. р Blake 1790 Saar L. 1892 Howard M. 1880 Lemuel В. d 1816 Е11 W. 1819 Hz'ram 12 1882 АТМ?” В. d 1835 Edward 5. 1824 Zaccheus W. m Bishop 1883 Rlchafd M» 1839 Е. Whitney 1842 Gideon 1778 Abraham 1886 Clement S-Z 1847 Charles T. 1852 [170020 1787 John 1887 1468116 D. 1848 Henry T. 1853 [Jzram 1796 Timothy 1888 Wllllam B' 1852 William Р.р 1863 Egbert В. 1819 Elijah 1890 George Р- Р 1857 Е11 W. 1868 Charles W. 1826 Ebenezer H 1892 Edward С- 1858 Edward F. 18 5 Julian С. ‚ ° Cllnton S. John MU? 9 1830 А lexaaale? H. S 1833 Noa/z 1894 Jerome ­ т 1862 _lames P. Biningef D. Samuel S’ С11а11в5 Е. 1874 Williarrl B 18 Albert W ­ 1872 РИМ W ~ ` 53 ­ ' ' Blxby 1875 Charles L m 1857 Addin L. l ‚ ­ ' Binney 1860 Timothy H. т 1886 George H. 1882 Francis H. р 1828 Horace 1863 Edward G. 1893 Harry L. 1884 Edwardp . . 863 John Н 1885 Joseph A. 1845 Wllham I ' Bixler 1886 Непгу W. р 1865 Herbert M. 222 Т W Binswanger 1866 arranger” 1887 forear W. o .£98 183322356 -P 86 А Z Wllllam Н. 9 i I 7 ugustus 1874]а111в5 l Blachly B1 k l Birch 1880 Joseph W. a' е ey 1886 Louis B. 1886 _lohn М.р 1828 Овоще т 1889 Ernest S’ Black 1834 К00022‘Ь 1890 Frank 3_ 1836 John W Blakeman 1858 George “д 7” 1890 Herbert М. 1883 Philo C' 1832 William N. 222 1865 James G' т 1890 Nathaniel W. 2 1891 Wiuis J' 1, 1837 P/zz'aeas 8 F d ' С. - ­ ' ' ' Birchard Jlrîiaîlrijo l 1895 Wrllram R.lj 1847_Wllliam R. 222 1837 РУ2°11222222 М. 1Ё94 Е11а11еЁ/1В. Blackleach Blakeslee 1 94 ouis . . Н d 1850 Amos C. 222 Birchmore 1895 john E. l I75I d son 1852 Нету Q_ 1846 fûá” И]. _ Blackman 1863 Erastus _ Bispharn 1885 Clarencep B d 1793 Samuel C. 1r 18^0 John В 3 ' 1817 Ebenezer 1768 Jonathan 1828 Alfred Blakesley Ugg Sarmuel Bissell 1845 George Ь 1785 Solomon Ígró Ё)“; 1733 Hozela'a/z 1854 Samuel C. 1785 Tillotson 18 Lore о D 1751 joseph 1857 Charles S. 1860 Liam 39 . I.” - 1762 Hezekiah 1880 Walmart a 1844 Wzllzam Ь Н . W i 1848 James 1793 @Zeklah ­ B1 k Blakslee 1876 Charles W. 1‘806 Clark ас more 1880 Thomas M. а’р ISIS îsaptlrll Ь. Ё 1878 john Lp Birdsall I 19 Опа 21“ ’ Z 1823 Samuel Blackstone Blanchdrd 1862 Samuel T“ 1826 Benjamin т 868 d Т 1821 Nathaniel 1891 Walter K. 1826 Henry H. т I .lomos o ­P [826 Amas 1893 Ralph 1830 Samoa В. s. Bra den 1865 C/zarles P. . 1835 William C. g 1893 Edgar F. a’ Birdseye 1839 Emery /Z 1823 George W. ‘ 1841 Lucien 1844 Edward 1844 Henry C. 1849 Gaylord G. m Blague 1871 John G' 1849y Oscar 1714 Joseph Birge 1850 Champion 1750 Elijah Blatchfofd 182 С; f 1851 Edward , 1796 Samuel/z 5 ¿es e?, 1853 William Blame Birmingham 1860 губу]? m 1876 Walker вымыв), 1863 Daniel М. riesziâhlîr Р Blair 1850 Joel S. 186; Arthur D. 1810 Asa 1862 Samuel R’ Bifnie I Charles С. Blatchly 1816 Abraham m 1895] INDEX xv Blincoe Blumley Bollman 1874 Wilbur H. 222 . Ch 1 E. 8 Ch 1 F. 2 1877 @weee C- d 1844 Charles W 1882 ar es 1 73 ar es 1878 William F. l Bliss Boals Bolton Iâ79 Ё”? N- 1 а corn I7IO _fo/m, 1877 john C. др 1886 Howard С.р Iggg Frank I732 Dame! 1886 Percival В.р 88 S 1A 1755 M0565 Board 1884 Vâlïlbue F' I756 LCWÍS Boltwood I 4 l ur ‘ . 1871 Charles H. 1885 John H. 1760 Nezlah 1860 Edward ~ 1761 ]0Ь22 d 86 Th К 1891 Arthur Е.р 1766 Aaron Boar man 1 4 omas . 1784 George 1709 Danae! . 1ЁЁ2 Ёеогёе S' Borden 1787 Enos 1758 Вен/5202272 is (3) Cäâläles W 1864 Matthew C. D. 1790 William M. I781 Damel 9 r s ' 1893 Gerald M. 1795 oliver 1793 David S. 1892 Bertram В.р 1806 Edmund ‘§12 äiuiîmìv-h 1892 Edward BordWell 8 d l IQ СИ’ ¿S . 1812 Geîìëë er 1823 FrederickW.H. Benet 1756 foe! 1822 у. Lee 1825 Daniel H. т 1887 Allan B. Borg W11' 1829 Henry А. . Sei/¿12m 1829 john F. Bonbright 1895 Sydney С-Р 1831 David N. 1839 Wllllam R- 1850 Daniel Borland 1848 William L. т 1842 Douglass 1850 Robert 1859 Charles H. Bond 1848 John N. 1850 William R. 1868 Herbert 1825 Thomas H. 1852 Charles M. 1873 Alpert В- 1853 Henry R. Beffewe 1853 Henry 1. 1891 Шугай G­ 1875 William L. 1818 Samuel 1867 William Е. 1893 Wllllam В. 1886 Leurs W. р 1869 Porter C. Ь Bosch 1871 Orville j. Bockee Bone I 2 John 1873 George T- 1809 Jacob 1870 David M. 73 1877 Edwz'n Л]. d 1862 ‚1аС0Ь S- 1880 Charles F. В d п Bonesteel Bosley 1887 Edward L. 0 т. 182 Vir il D 1892 William B. 1890 Charles B. 1836 WOOdbfldge т 7 g ° 1894 Edward R. 1892 Walter P. 1893 011110111 D. Bogart Bonney Bostwick 1893 Laurence T_p 1826 William H. 1861 George B. Í ‚ 1872 James Р.р 1729 2702722 Bliven B Bontecou 1762 ЁЗСЁЕЁЛ 1835 eremiah P. 222 Ogen 1757 Daniel 1774 .are 1844 ¿Jarman Т, т 1820 Cornelius R. 1782 ëelllmulel Bookwalter 179 ar es Blodget Bogue 1881 Arthur Е. 1895 john A. р 1848 Henry 1748 Ebenezer 1850 James L, ~1774 Aaron/Í Boolgoorjoo Bosworth 1875 Henry 1787 Риыгш V- 88 А d. М а, 1862 Francke H. 1808 David/l I 7 Ve 15 ' 1881 Овоще Р.р Blodgett В h Всюшег 1883 Edward I. 1871 Frederic P. 222 o an ‚ 1893 Charles W. 1874 Samuel F. 1883 Cormac F. Z 1872 Luçlns S. Edward W. 1891 Charles P. Z 1880 WZ/lzam В. 1884 George R' Bgies Booth 1881 George W. d Blomgfen 1844 William Е. 1810 Chauncey 1893 Carl A. 22’р 1852 William 1816 Reuben Botsford 1859 Henry M. 1819 David 1763 Amos Bloodgood 1860 Charles А.‘ 1840 Henry 1792 William 1787 Francis 1888 Henry W. 1841 Sherman M. 1811 Abiel K. 1875 Clarence _ 1843 Hervey M. 1816 Russell B. т 1893 Harry L. р Bolsblane 1843 William Е. 222 1818 Dar/¿d 1856 Агшап0р 1850 Alóerá 1838 Charles 222 Bloom 1853 William T. 222 1838 Clement 222 1803 Овоще Belles 1859 Ргап1111пр 1864 Austin N. 1 1863 Harvey H. 1806 Овоще W. 1863 Edward M. 1884 Charles E. 1878 15а0огв N. 1850 David A. 1864 Charles Е. 1894 Charles P. 222 Xvr INDEX [1895 Bottome Bowman Bradley 1818 îleazar 1883 George H. 1845 Samuel S. 1723 Abraham I823 U.Stm т 1893 Harry H. 1883 Austin L. 1758 Philip B. 1894 Cllffeïd В- Р 188 G e E. I St h R. . Bottum 3 eorg Weiîllliaîrrr1 Brefnefd Ig 6 Elisha 3. Bowns 1789 Dan 1731 C/zz!zaó_ 7 1893 Howard S. 1789 fw! I732 »7W/¿Emme Bouchet t 127397 JEZfa S 17:64??? 30 ee Ioo esse . I73_eu 1874 Edward A’ 18 S Ley d 1808 Burr 1797 Israel Вешним: 73 ‘ Omar 1817 William C. lz 1822 Joseph H. ЕГ I Boyd 1821 Joseph H. 1830 Tzmoíhy G. 1790 las 2 1822 Jonathan D. 1834 Davis S. IÉZI John М 1831 Alvin C. 1850 Cyprian S. Bourne Isgï ¿angest 1833 Lewis B. т 1859 Ezra L. I 1849 S/zearjas/zuò I 4 О er ’ 1846 C/zarles W, n 1859 Thomas C. 1883 Edward G. B0 den 1849 Levi B. 1867 George C. 1883 Henry Е. 1825 И У ISS?, Eenry ¿LA B l же?” 1 55 eonar . ram ey Boutelle 1864 Нету Р. 1860 William E. 1875 John а? 1819 Thomas R т В 1860 Wllllam L. ' Oyef e 1861 Franklin S. Brand Bouton 1894 Frederick M. 1862 Charles F. 1866 james 1821 мамаш] 1863 Frank 18 6 Ge r e B т Boyle 1864 Franklm В' Brande ee 85 Е 0 g ­ 1807 John 1865 Srephee H. z _ g 1 75 Ugene Ig I come@ s 1833 Е11511а1па Sh Н 7 n В. d 1892 @man »25 Boynton 1872 William H. 1843 ЛИ Т - а 1883 Frederick T. р 1843 Manus Bovey 1858 George М. 1885 Robert s. 1849 Augustus 1890 Charles C, В 1890 Frank E. . 1870 Townshend 5.15 ША- a ...irme ae irma. I 2 а an ~ Р 18 1 William L. 1 War ~ Bowden B 1833 Нету D. 1886 William P. 1886 Henry M. d гасе 1894 Gershom В.р 1891 Joseph 1779 Jonathan Brandon 1801 Thomas К, Bradner 1856 RObCrt L. Bowdoin 1804 forzó 1758 56mm' /Z 1884 Christopher MJ 1750 James /z 1832 Зет C- 1857 Lester 1826 James e ёЁ‘ЁЁиы 1889 [тег 1881 ЕЁЁШЁЁР Bowe 1846 ЁЬайеэМЬ. Bradstreet B 1859 Daniel 1847 enry . 1834 Thomas 0 rannan 1862 Isaac éûńïrílîînL/Zp 1853 Edward 1872 Osborne F. ’ 1871 Albert P. I îgwen 1885 Robert М.р 1874 Edward T. 188 Brackett Brady 9 3 1782 Obadiah 1880 j. Raymond aga 1874 шт G Brastow 1822 George 1892 Arthur 188 А th 1885 LEZUÍS ÍZ 1866 Mareel/ns 8 7 rh “6? ° 1873 Clarence W. Bradbury 1890 {âmïèr l Brattle 1881 John Е. 1859 Zilla N. 93 ' 1769 Thomas /r 188 Frank D. regg Adda G. z Bfadfßrd efegg Вт}! 1779 Jeremiah 1868 Wllllam e- 1765 T/zanzas W. Bowers 1818 Merritt n ‚ 1795 Oliver 1816 Josiah т 1833 Edward А. Bfamafd 1819 Benjamin F. т 1848 Benjamin F. т 1763 Hezekiah Breasted 1832 falen 1868 Edward G. 1763 Nehemiah 1892 James H. a 1874 William C. 1873 Edward A. 1779 Jeremiah G. B k 1879 Edward A. 1875 Moses В.р 1793 Hezekiah TCC 1879 Lloyd W. 1880 Harry В.р 1802 William F. 1756 Robert 1883 Arthur E. _ 1808 John 1758 Daniel B. 1887 Dwight E. Bra-¿Ish 1810 Dyar T. 1761 George 1892 Herbert О. 1857 john Q. 1815 John G. C. 1818 josef/'z H. 1895] XVII INDEX Breckenridge 1881 Lester P. р 1893 William E. 1894 George P. Z Bree 1890 James P. Z Breed 1768 John M. 1778 Shubael 1781 Simeon 1831 шлют]. 1844 Edward A. 1859 Henry L. 1889 William D. р Breese 1789 Arthur /z 1789 Samuel S. /z Breeze 1889 William F. р 1893 Thomas H. Bremner 1886 Samuel K. Brennan 1891 Joseph P. Z 1893 Ambrose K. т Brent '1849 Charles L. 1861 James H. Brett 1892 Francis P. l Brewer 1762 Chauncey 1765 Danie! 1793 ЕНаЬ 1821 fosz'a/z 1823 Edwin 1824 Eliab 1841 Hamilton т 1850 John H. I852'Fisk P. 1852 William Н.р 1856 David j. 1894 Henry? Brewster 1763 Cyrus 1806 Ichabod 1822 fosep/z М. 1830 William A. /z 1840 Francis A. т 1841 Cyrus /z 1842 fosep/l 1853 William C. 1855 Lyman D. 1868 C/zazmeey В. 1874 Charles C. р 1877 James H. р 1878 Edward В.р 1881 William j. 1882 Benjamín 1889 Walter S. .1891 George S. 1894 George В.р 1895 Walter S. Brickell 1845 James N. Bricker Owen P. Z Brickley 1892 john Z. Z 1873 Bridgman Thomas /z 1826 Frederick 1881 Walter R. 1885 John C. 1887 Howard/1. a' 1765 Briggs 1775 `[aimes 1835 James C. 1878 Charles E. 1881 Otis H. 1885 John H. 1892 Waldo С.р 1893 George J. 1894 Albert S. Brigham 1792 Elijah /z 1887 William S. 1888 Clayton H. Bright 1885 О. Регсу 1890 fesse L. o’ Brimmer 1805 John A. /z Brinckerhoñ' 1827 George Brinley 1868 George /L 1869 Charles A. р 1881 William H. т Brinsmade 1745 Danie! 1772 Daniel N. 1813 James B. 1822 Horatio N. 1839 Thomas C. /z 1840 William B. 1845 James B. 1851 Horatio W. 1870 Daniel S. р 1888 William B. Brintnall 1721 William Brinton 1816 John S. John F. 1856 joseph H. р Daniel G. Ferree Sharswood Brisbin 1846 John B. Briscoe 1843 Joseph R. т 1877 Willis A. Bristed 1839 Charles A. Bristol 1760 Simeon 1798 William 1813 Moses 1825 William B. 1827 Albert G. 1835 Louis 1840 Simeon C. 1854 Bennet j. 1859 Louis H. 1868 Eugene S. р 1874 Henry D. 1877 John W. 1886 Cornelius G. 1890 George W. Z 1890 Warren H. Z 1893 Theodore L. Bristoll 1860 “Птахи М. Bristow 1873 Algernon T. 1884 William B. Britton 1866 George F. 1884 William Z 1885 Clarence R. р Broadwell 1874 Homer/Í a' Broatch 1891 ­lames W. >_‚___.____.__. Brock 1—891 George А. o’ Brockett 1843 Linus P. т 1886 Charles H. т Brocklesby 1 83 5 John Brockschmidt 1883 Alfred 1. т! Brockway 1768 Thomas 1797 Diodaŕe 1820 john H. 1856 Horatio N. 1882 Fred J. Brodhead 1859 Harry Brodnax 1847 William E. Bromer Albert S. o’ Edward S. o’ 1891 1893 Bromley Isaac H. Daniel T. т Isaac 1853 1867 1881 Bronk 1877 ~lohn P. Z Bronson Tillotson Bennet Enos Oliver 1826 _lesse Henry т 1829 Thomas 1840 William A. 1849 Benjamin S. Samuel L. Nathan S. р OlÍVCI' H. т Edward B. S. Henry т Nathaniel R. 1886 Thomas S. р Fred C. G. Oliver H. 1892 William H. Р.р 1894 Edward H. Roscoe E. р Brooke Robert E. хшп INDEX [1895 Brooks 1817 Nehemiah 1892 Preston Brush 1755 Т/ютш 1820 Mason 1892 Richard F. т 1793 Репьев 1768 David 182‘ Waldo 1893 Frank .l- 1795 Samuel S. 1781 john h 1823 Samuel “д 7” 1893 Lawrence Е. 1804 David 18,5 Levi 1826 Henry C. т 1893 Walter F. р 1850 Wig/¿am 1819 David в. т 1826 Thaddeus 1894 Alphonso B. 1852 Georgeyp 1839 Daniel 1832 Бате! К. 1894 Charles B-e ‚1860 Platte Е. 722 1847 Calvin M. 184I foreßk 1894 Edward M- Р ° 1874 Edward? 1851 John B. 1842 Joseph V. 1894 Frances /z 1853 Charles 1844 Abner H. т 1894 Frederick Z. р BruynL 1853 David W. 1844 Samuel M- 1894 Jemee C- 1840 John 1865 John E' 1846 ~loseph E. l 1894 James E. 1366 Edward р_ 1847 BenJamin G. 1894 Pratt A. 1863 Joseph J. 1848 Clinton C. 1895 Frank W. р Bryan 1870 Charles Р.р 1850 Шт” 1895 John H. 1740 Joseph 1875 James W. 1850 Samuel W. 1895 William B. l 1829 Elijah F. т 1877 Walter 185l Orlando т 1843 George/l. 1879 George M. l 1853 131106513. Í Browne 1879 Lorenzo C. 1854 Наши" W' 1714 Daniel Bryant 1880 Frederick 1855 Edmund ИЛ 1728 john ­ ~ . 8 o Н В 1747 William 1882 Twing Íl I 5 еПГУ ~ 1729 [шас- 8 H . 8 6 John M. I 39 oratio т 1886 Henry S. l 5 1836 George M. . 8 o 772 ‚ _ 1876 Samuelf. d 1887 Wilson r 5 ”о” 1878 William Т.р 1889 Charles T. 1857 Robert . 1395 Éçorgef' 1890 Edward 1858 Orlando Brownell l 95 пат ° 1890 Frank Т. 1860 Richard B. 1816 GMWL Il 18 Jose h y? 1860 Thaddeus Н. ° Buchanan 93 Р 86 Н b S 1850 Charles E. 1894 Morgan Р-Р I I u Crt ‘ 1875 George L 1) 1889 James l' Z 1894 Samuel P. 1862 James F- I888 Нету B.' 1889 Thomas W. 1895 Raymond d 1862 James 18 5 Edward L 1) 1863 Edward F. 9 . ° ‚ Н 1895 Edwin Н. l Buchner Broome 1863 orace A. l 1865 Elbert W. 1893 Edward В"? 1736 Samuel P. .1865 Нету А_ Brownñeld В h 1865 _lohn C. 1864 R'Obefl L? Buck fol’ Y 1865 Латаю/- . . 1718 Daniel 1891 Stephen l 1866 С. Frank Browning 1823 David 1867 Anselm В. 1863 Albert G. т 1835 Edward Brother 1867 Leonard T. 1864 Robert M. 1837 Charles 1867 William А. 1868 Devld В. l 1873 William W. 1849 Edwin А. 1869 А. Lardner 1875 Amos А.р 1852 Edward Brott 1â72 JFrânkKT. 1876 William р 1864 Albert H. 1 72 0 n ­ 1889 Phili E. 186 Francis D. 1888 George О. Iâ” Знай “gp P 1873 Walter 1) Brower I 74 @Orge ‘ Brownson 1873 William О— 886 С] Z D a, 1874 Joseph U. 6 N th 1876 Horace R. 1 zar es . т876 Davld W_ I7 1 a .an 1886 Carl D. 1376 Frank Е? 1762 Daz/Zd 1891 John H. Brown 1876 ’il/iam М. I85I lames S‘ 1894 Albert H, 1747 james 187б Willie-rn MCC'? 1887 Carleton L' 1894 Harold “др 1749 Adam 1878 Fayette W.; 1893 WondollG~ Samuel GIIVCI' W. Buckham 1771 John 1880 George A. Bruce 8 R b {В Z 1783 Daniel 1881 Herbe” S» 1786 Phineas I 94 “О er ' 1784 William 1883 Charles 5.15 1867 Wallace ‚ 1789 Wiz/¿am 1883 Charles W. l 1882 Wayland i. Buekmghem 1790 Moana /i 1884 Deylfl 0 т 1885 C/zafles R. d 1702 .Siep/Zea /i 1793 Рагс10п 1886 И/шшт А. 1714 fedz'elz'ah 1794 Clar/e h 7 .ía/lll "ZR Bruen 1718 Isaac 1800 Daniel B. 1 ours ~ 1723 Joseph 1801 Erastus F. 1889 Andrew l- l £78 âäîiîäldï J' 1735 Daniel 1806 Rawlins L. 1890 Wendell P-e 79 ­ 1765 Gideon 1808 Henry 1890 Wllham Т— 1804 Naboth 1809 Garrett G. 1891 Charlos M­ Brundage 1833 Samuel G. 1812 Зов/тат 1891 Francis Т. 1826 Abner h 1848 Ebenezer 1813 Eóeuezer 1891 Joseph D'P 1864 John D. т 1866 John 1895] INDEX xix 18366 gilliam АЙЬ 1819 ¿ät/haga Bullard Burchard 1 73 enezer . 1854 War . 1787 Е11 ISU El), 1895 Edward Т- 1810 Royal 1865 Oscar R. Buffum 1847 Charles H. 1876 Louis F. Buckland 1877 Edgar 5. 1887 Herbert s. р 1893 Ross 1857 Joseph P. 1879 Нету А. 1895 Robert С.р 1889 Edward G. l Bullen Buckley Buford 1772 fewo/L Buffle“ 18 6 1818 Charles 1830 Themas L- 4 jacob T. т Bullene , 885 Fred s. p Berge Bucklin Bugbee I 8 F d ' 1869 Sylvester F. rârâ Érezlzncë d Bullis I 95 т enck W. I 7 o a . B Buckminster 1890 Edwin F. Z 1869 Charles H. 1814 (47:25:52, 1770 joseph B _ t Bulloch 1818 Anson В k “15 1835 William G. 1831 Мету 12 uc ner 1884 Henry 1846 Chauncey Ь 1895 Mortimer N, Bump 1860 Francis C. l Buddington Bnlkeley 1863 Orlando F. Burghardt 1824 Eliphalet A. I 8 Н 1877 lohn E? 1856 Charles E. Bumstead 7 7 ege Budingion 1889 Morgan e' h 1855 N- Willis Burgis 18 I/V'll'a I 1863 Нога“, 1758 Thomas 1828 СеёгъёпЕ..т Bulkley 1895 Arthur 1726 lohn l Bunce Burke Budlon 1737 Nathan 18 G W 1851 James g 1766 N 02111 13230 à?? СН’” юг; Eîlîvrîied Lf т 1865 Morris М, 1770 Gers/¿0m I 2 ar es ' р 1890 William Р. т Peter СЬаг105 5.? 18 5 Edward M 'y Buehler 1810 Joseph 1888 Philip D. 9 ­ 1810 Sylvester 1891 lohn L' Burlei h 1856 George W’ 1817 Chauncey 8 R. 1 g Buel 1819 Ichabod Bundy I 03 ша do 1821 Непг D. 186 Geor e H. 1778 АаГОП 1832 НепгёТ. 3 ’ g Бита—т 1819 William ll 1839 Sturges h Bunker lâêlo îllhrllSMF» 1826 Samuel h 18 Едут/1. 1 4 o n . 1826 William P. ISÍÉ Nathan т 1832 lames M' 1336 (178078755; 1855 George Bunn Burnes 1 44 enrY ­ I8 6 Edward т 1883 David Н. 1821 Milton 1853 Charles W_ 1893 Charles D. l 1885 _lohn L. 1363 James Е. 1894 Henry W. 1886 рта! Н. Ь 1865 Tuzar Burnet 1889 Hillhouse 1866 Lucius D. видны 1785 Matthias Ь 1873 Mosesp I735 Jenn 1798 .lames Buell 1875 Alpheus т. 1743 Israel 1825 George W. h 1741 Samuel 1879 Jonathan I797 Rufus 1857 Jacob Si 1 Р t 749 8 er Bunnell Burnett 1852 Richard M. т 1865 Alexander C. 1869 Franklin S’. 1880 Walter H. 1885 Colin S. 1885 Lewin F. 1894 Charles H. Büttner 1875 Andrew L. a' Buñett 1761 Platt 1812 William P. Bull 1723 l'fe/zemz'a/z 1765 Jonathan 1777 William 1806 Thomas 1813 .Norris 1816 Edward 1819 Norman 1826 Edu/ara' C'. 1828 George F. 1849 lohn C. 1863 Cornelius W. 1888 William T. р 1893 Cornelius S. 1826 lames F. 1860 Lyman B. 1891 Sterling H. p 1892 Otis G. p 1894 Frank S. Burbank 1758 Shem 1759 Abraham Burch 1809 _lohn r847 lohn С. 1864 Charles H. Burnham 1709 Nathaniel 1818 Zebulon P. т 1851 Andrew l. 1854 _ledidiah K. 1869 Henry H. 1873 Afore/Zan Н. 1878 Sherburne W. h 1881 Charles S.p 1887 Charles R. l 1893 Daniel H. Ь XX 11895 INDE X Burns 1868 Joseph S. 1886 Henry L. р 1887 William S. 1895 Ralph H. Burpee 1879 Lucien F. 1883 Charles W. Burr I7I7 Isaac 1732 William 1734 Moses . 1735 Aaron 1743 David 1753 Isaac 1759 Thaddeus Ь 1815 James T. 1834 William S. 1839 David 1. 1839. Enoe/z F. 1839 Zalman В. 1842 Ногасет 1851 David S. m 1853 Hudson 1859 Samuel 1. Ь 1871 Joseph A. 1874 Ebenezer l 1884 Chauncey R. р 1893 Nelson В.р 1894 Calvin Burrage 1861 Charles W. р Burrall 1771 William 1781 Jonathan 1803 Thomas D. 1826 William P. Burrell 1867 Daz/idf. 1869 Edward 1881 /esep/z D. 1894 Ъ00ш15р Burritt 1765 Blaeèleae/z 1799 Benjamin 1824 Stephen E. 1832 Anthony B. m 1844 Henry L. W. m 1872 Elihu Ь 1890 Horace R. р Burroughs 1754 joseph 1757 Eden 1842 jolzn C. 1843 William 1889 George T. 1889 Henry S. 1895 Henry C. l Burrows 1867 Roswell S. Ь 1872 Edwin В. а’ 1878 Lucian Lp Burt 1794 Timothy 1859 Pitts H. 1871 Luther “др 1885 Enae/z Н a' 1890 Stephen S. Ь 1892 Stanley G. Burtner 1890 Daniel Е. d Burton 1835 Nat/ian Ь 1864 Beverly S. р 1878 George W. 1882 Nal/zanielf. Ь 1883 George L. Bury 1893 Reginala7 V. a’ Bush 1756 Henry 1792 Jonathan 1802 Ralph I. 1844 james S. 1850 Clzarles Р. Ь 1870 Charles K. l 1871 1ап1е5 С.р 1876 Allen S. 1879 Austin I. l 1881 George M. m 1891 Harvey S. a’ 1894 Charles E. m Bushee 1856 William А. Bushnell 1735 Benajah 1775 David 1777 Ebenezer 1827 Нотсе 1828 William. 1835 Nehemiah 1841 Jackson 1. 1842 Geóî'ge 1852 Curtis S. l 1865 William B. 1874 George V. 1874 Samuel С. 1876 George E. 1879 Henry А. 1880 _fo/zn E. 1888 Winthrop G. 1 891 Curtis C. Busse 1889 Frank A. р Busser 1874 Samuel Е. a’ Bussey 1866 William G. Bussing 1874 Robert S. Buteau 1887 William G. z Butler 1722 Isaac 1767 Amos 1785 Frederick 1816 C/zaflesF. 1823 Anthony W. 1825 101111 S. 1828 Thomas B. m 1830 Norman W. H. 1833 William A. 1835 Daniel 1838 Richard E. 1857 Francis E. 1863 Francis R. 1863 101111 H. 1866 Henry H. 1876 Henry M. 1876 Hermon В.р 1876 Walter C. р 1885 Edmund l 1885 William E. l 1888 Hubert W. l 1890 William Н.р 1895 George E. Butterfield 1845 Oliver В. Ь 1876 Edwin S. Butterworth 1895 Frank S. Buttles 1842 Albert B. Button 1839 Philander 1892 Lucius L. р 1893 Frank H. Buttrick 1895 Harold E. Butts 1822 Asa Butz 1893 Harvey P. Buxton I888 Arthur K. Byers 1893 Lawrence M. l 1884 Alexander? Byington 1821 Charles m 1834 Noah H. m 1847 Swift 1865 Roderick Byles 1757 Mai/zei’ Ь Вупе 1 844 Henry Bynum 1828 Benjamin S. Byrne 1895 Michael 1. l Cable 1873 Julius C. l 1883 George W. Ь 1895 Benjamin S. Cadwalader 1894 John Cadwell 1729 Jacob 1886 Lewis В.р Cady 1872 Edward W. 1895 Ernest Н.р Cahill 1888 Thomas M. m Cahn 1895 Alexander р Cain 1884 James W. Cairns; 1 823 William D, Caldwell 1757 Nathaniel 1784 Harry 1784 Henry 1858 Samuel 1867 Alfred p 1877 Frank? 1887 Ernest L. 1887 Middleton A 1887 Victor B. 1889 Perry М; 1891 Brown? 1895] XXI INDEX 1892 Walter L. р 1895 William 6.75 Calef 1880 1. Francis m Calhoun 1804 101111 C. 1814 William B. 1848 David S. 1874 Newell М. d 1877 Joseph G. р 1883 Frederic S. 1883 Henry W. 1891 Gouverneur Calkin 1725 James Calkins 1856 Wolcott Callahan 1894 Timothy F. l Callender 1894 Walter R. Calvert 1870 Thomas E. р Camden 1893 Wilson L. l Came 1849 Charles G. Cameron 1867 Angus l 1869 Alexander 1878 Maleolm a' 1891 DeLancey A._75 Camm 1880 George L. Z Camp 1743 [сЬаЬоа’ 15764 Samuel 1766 Joseph 1773 Abraham 1776 Elisha 1777 _[о/т 1787 _[озфЬ E. 1822 Albert Б. 1831 Henry E. 1835 Joseph W. m 1844 Charles W. 1850 Clinton 1853 David N. Ь 1860 Henry W. 1877 1880 1890 1816 1833 1838 1838 1856 1872 1874 1878 1880 1882 1884 1885 1888 1890 1890 1891 1892 1893 1893 1893 1876 1774 1805 C/iarles C. Walter C. Thomas L. l Campbell Harvey m Amasa B. Charles C. George W. William H. W. Clarence Wellington Treat Donald Y. James A. Albert P. р ClementL C. d William 101111 А. l Loomis 1. Ь james Ь George Р.р Alexander р Ernest W. l james E. F. р Canavan Austin A. l Cande john Candee Sheldon 1825 joel G. m 1846 Judson m 1847 l 1856 1893 1869 ohn D. Gideon H. р Nehemiah Canedy C/zarles E. Caner 1724 Henry I 736 Rie/lard 1739 1762 Canñeld Thomas John 1772 Thomas 1782 Judson 1806 1818 1822 1847 l 1878 1852 1818 1867 Henry 1. Orlando Arza m oel Ь Charles W. р Canning Edward W. B. Ь 'Cannon Philip А. Ь Charles K. 1886 Wilson L. 1887 _lames N. l Cantey 1796 james Cantwell 1 894 1аше5 W. Capen 1885 Samuel D. 1890 George H. Capers 1814 Charles W. Caperton 1832 Allen T. 1837 William G. Caporale 1893 jeremiah 1. l Capps 1891 Edward dp 1893 'William T. Capron 1846 William E. 1853 Samuel M. 1886 William W. Capwell 1842 Albert B. Carey I 8 38 Lorenza 1849 [лаг E. 1895 George W. l Carhart 1885 Clear/es L. 1885 William M. 1894 Paul “др Carleton 1806 Henry 1872 Isaac N. Ь Саг1еу 1894 Ira M. Carlson 1895 Gustaf B. Carlton 1887 Schuyler C. Carmalt 1881 'William H. Ь 1883 Woolsey 1888 Laurance 1. Сагшап 1842 William 1869 Nelson G. Carmody 1895 Terrence F. l Carnahan 1891 Robert Н.р Carnes 1806 Benjamin S. Carpenter 1824 Nelson m 1825 Eber 1828 Walter 1847 William W. 1859 Carlos C. 1859 Robert 1. 1864 Edwin W. р 1868 Elisha Ь 1870 Z. Taylor 1874 Jairus H. Ь 1881 Daniel A. 1883 Charles М.р 1883 Horace R.; 1884 Willson 1891 Henry А.р 1892 101111 F. l 1895 Arthur F. Carr 1846 Wilson C. N. 1878 William d 1883 Albert 1884 Charles E. I885 Edwin S. d 1892 james T. Carrier 1851 Augusíus Н. 1860 Oscar M. 1879 Augustus S. Carrington 1767 Edward 1786 Samuel 1800 Abijah 1816 ~lesse Ь 1822 George 1828 Edwin W. m 1832 Edward 1845 Henry B. 1859 Edward 1867 George R. 1875 James H. 1880 Henry С.р 1884 Herbert Вашу Carrol 1892 Willard R. р XXII [1895 INDEX Carroll 1881 Clarence F. 1883 George P. 1895 Thomas F. l Carruth 18 32 james H. Carson 1895 William Carter 1822 Samuel Ь 1828 William 1829 Bernard M. 1836 Josiah M. 1837 Edwin О. 1838 Ralph Ь 1851 Calvin H. 1862 Buel С. 1873 Leslie 1874 Franklin Ь 1878 Charles E. 1879 Ernest 1886 Theophilus R. 1888 George R. ? 1888 j. Eranhlin 1891 Charles G. 1893 Alfred W. l 1895 Walter F. Cartledge I 894 H enry d Cartwright 1867 1асоЬ А. 1893 Otho G. Carvell 1880 SamuelL. T. l Carver 1816 Hartwell m 1833 Robert 1883 Henry Cary 1755 Samuel 1805 Samuelh 1870 Norman W. 1893 Sheldon? Case 1733 Eenajah 1757 Ebenezer 1758 Josiah 1821 William 1822 Eraneis EL. 1826 Lymanm 1828 joel Т. 1842 Leonard 1846 Henry 1847 Seth E. 1855 101111 H. 1857 William C. 1872 Erastus E. 1877 10550 L. 1881 Alden В. d 1885 William S. 1886 Theodore N.? 1890 Bert E. 1894 George B. 1895 Luther M. ? Casement 1890 Robert Др Casey 1828 Edward W. Caskey 1865 Toli'oer E. Casper 1882 Frederick ? Cassidy 1894 Patrick 1. Castle 1825 Andrew m 1870 Frank E. m 1884 Neville H. 1888 Clarence F. d? Casto 1845 William T. Caswell 1866 Edward A. 1876 Lloyd 1. р Cate 1878 George H. d Cates 1891 Reuben L. l Cathcart 1895 Samuel M. d Catherwood 1886 Wilson Catlett 1829 Fairfax Catlin 1779 Daniel 1784 jacob 1784 Russell 1786 Lynde 1820 101111 M. 1822 Charles T. 1825 Abijah 1828 Conant/z 1835 Lyman Ь 1839 John 1840 Benjamin H. h 1840 William C. m 1849 Samuel H.m 1851 Samuel m 1853 julius 1853 Lynde A. 1854 Thomas W. 1856 Charles T. 1859 Benjamin S. 1859 Hashet D. 1860 George L. 1862 Arnold W. 1888 William C.? 1894 Sheldon _? _ Caulkins 1788 101111 Causey 1855 William F. Chace 1892 Alfred B. Chadbourne 1872 Albert H. l Chadwick 1821 Iosephm 1845 Daniel 1891 Ernest Chaffee 1809 Hezekiah B. 1810 Samuel G. 1890 Amasa D. 1894 Jerome S. ? Chalker 1728 [мае 1834 Henry Chalmers 1858 Matthew 1861 George Chamberlain I 765 Theo?hilus 1836 William Y. m 1861 Robert L. 1862 Daniel H. 1863 Leander Т. 1872 101111 C. 1880 Frank P. 1883 Francis D. 1886 John? 1891 Frederick O. m 1894 101111 Р. 1895 Julian I. Chamberlin 1857 Myron N. 1873 James I. 1876 Frank 1882 William A.? Chambers 1830 Ezekiel F. Ь 1843 William L. 1875 Francis T. ? 1887 Walter B. Champion 1751 judah 1807 Aristarchus 1817 Henry h 1831 George 1860 Henry Champlin 1810 Christopher 1841 Louis DeO. 1856 101111 D. Chandler 1745 Thomas E. 1747 Joshua 1759 101111 1772 101111 1773 William 1806 Rufus 1808 101111 1831 George m 1839 William H. 1842 jose?h 1849 William G. 1864 William 1. 1865 1аше5 Е. 1870 john E. Ь 1870 john S. 1875 Edward В.р 1877 jose?h H. 1878 Arthur D. 1885 EdwardŕI. 1895 George P. Channing 1781 William h 1781 Henry 1807 Henry W. Chanute 1880 Arthur? Chapell 1860 Erederieh L. Chapin 1788 Calz/in 1788 David 1811 Dioses 1814 Henry D. 1817 Augustus L. 1819 Edward 1819 Graham H. 1837 Aaron L. 1844 Nathan C. 18 95] INDEX XXIII 1847 HenryB Ch _- ° arnle 1852 Lebeus C. 1865 Charles gi Cheney 1880 .lohn W~ l 1820 Samuel F, т 1865 James ­ 1771 АЬ101 1889 Will V, 1 18 6 Frank S. 1871 Walter Н 1884 George М. 1883 Samuel B, 1868 john Ill, ­ 1888 B. Austin 1891 Starlin W 8 с g ° 1870 Eharles H, Ch 1889 Arthur Эр ..32 Hin?. . А 1293 tirar Be Chipman 1Ё73 Коза/{ЛЬ 1832 Hîitzroríeîr 1832 1-1)0171;011.]9 1777 Nathaniel I l 1838 ÉÈÈÉÃSVITÍ р (Häirlîew 1838 z Chisholm 1888 william 6.1? 1821 Simeon . . 1893 Alvah S' I о alter Н.° 18 Ch 1884 Edward R. Ь 182? ЁЁЁЁЁЁЁК т 1755 Pîeïbrough Chittenden 1888 Jonathan W. l 1850 Henry . 1817 КоЬЁП] 1855 Henry T, 1890 120136“ C' d' 1862 james В. 1820 НепгуА‘ 1225 Ётегпе 1870 Geor 18 ' 1 5 Ímeon B, Chaplin 1871 Fredëfick S_ 35 Ат“ S- 1866 Richard H. z 1763 Ehenezer 1873 101111 F, Chessman 1867 Henry A. Benjamin EZVd а’ l F Samuel 1808 jonathan E, 1877 Нету S, ar es 'p 1871 George B, _р 1880 Irving H' Ch t 1871 Simeon B. Ь Chapman 1883 Непгу M_ es ef 1874 Ногасе Н. 1707 Ваше! 1883 Samuel NL? 1721 Stephen 1. 1875 Russell Н.р 1737 John 1885 Henry G. 1766 John I877 Ezra P° d 1738 Daniel 1887 Frederick S. 1769 Leonard 1883 William Н- 773 1761 Benjamin h 1887 Prentice “А Z 1780 Stephen 1762 1891: Frederick [др Thomas Choate 1763 Zachariah 1894 Frank H' 8O4 01m 1844 Rufus /L 1766 Hezehia/z 1894 William G, l I3 Stephen M- 1789 Daniel 1895 Gordon B, gêmaílíd Christian 1792 Аза 8 f” 1886 Francis A 1797 Е11511а Chatñ 1d I 3‘ Orlando ' . e 1845 Charles T, . . [799 Ezehzelj, 1735 John 1846 George F Chflstle ЁЁЗЁ ginge Т. Ь 1866 Charles C, 1856 Edward А 1855 Cornelius 1816 Egg/gms £93 âgllm Bim 1875 Carl Т. 1875 William 11.7) 93 omas 1826 james D. ° ' 1828 Frederic/e W, Ch Cheyney 8 Christman 1842 Edwin N. N аипсеу 1895 Charles B. I 57 Joseph А- 18 о Rob t 1702 athaniel _ 1822 Robîît 1723 Ichabod W, Chidsey Christophers 1865 Adelbert Р. l740 Nathaniel 1869 Andrew В.р I737 Christopher C» in e Р- I ‚ а t аГ CS 1867 John ifell 1792 Charles Chiffeue Chubb ЁЁЁЁ 111231? P' ÍÃÉÉ ЁЁЁЁШЫ '8°3 Thomas P­ 1895 нет”? 0 îelîrgů В. „z 1828 Charles Chubbuck о n Jeremiah David H. 772 §34 âdzäard M, Chauvenet 1817 IWI/am’ 18 7 Рюаагё А. 15 1840 William 1821 Asa Chun 94 re erlck S. 1224 Linus 1879 Lung I 55 Calvin G 18 3 N th 1 55 Linus M. Chunn 1881 Howard E? 4 а an A’ l 1895 Charles G. m 1886 ¿Warh W, d charles cheek Childs £89 ¿lay 1): e 18 t Be ­ ­ 1869 William 1 . 95 fedeflck I 9 HJamln H. l 1791 Francis h _ 1840 Enoch L. Church Charlier Chenault 1845 Alexander C, 1756 James 1879 Elie S. 1882 David А. 1846 Нету 1765 Aam. 1861 Albert H. 1765 Selden Charlton Chenevard 1? anìlîlRB' l768 Joseph 1878 Paul . 9 ran , I В ­ . 1788 Michael 1873 Truman D. d läää Sïâllîäïln l; ххш INDEX [1895 1823 Austin т 1801 Elijah 1894 Charles McLp 1866 Cassius M. 1826 Ebenezer 1804 Gerardus 1894 John C. Z 1892 Ezekiel F. 1829 John B. 1806 John 1894 William H. 1830 Edward 1808 Sau! /z 1895 Alexander R. Clayton 1852 Alberi E. la 1816 Еда—Ь. /z 1815 John M 1857 Frederick N. 1817 Smith Clarke ` 1895 Ulysses G» 18W William L» 1714 Nathaniel Cleaveland ISZÍ Peter F. Joseph Churchill 1825 Адпег Р. 1762 IWC/zam, 1745 fûó/m 1787 Silas 1826 Edwin Е- 1785 Adm/zam L. 1738 1844 _fo/m Л 1831 Samuel W“ 1785 James B. I7 7 “7-11' Р 1857 Аза Н. 772 1831 T/ïqmas M» 1788 Adam S. Wâuìgä P' 1865 Henry 1833 Joslah 1797 Asahel 182 [штампы 1870 Frederick H. р 1833 Noah В- 1802 Levi H. 184; Gem e N' 1878 Charles В.р I834 fami@s A» 1809 Charles Е. 1847 famßgß ' 1882 William 1835 Нету 1815 Edwards 1876 10661 n 'P l 1883 Milton E. a’ 1836 Eli Б- 1821 Feier G. /a 1881 штузюд W Z 1886 Lawrence W. 1837 Joseph W» т 1824 Tertius s. g ‘ 1838 LOÍQ- 1830 George R. Clemens Cifuentes 1â3â ¿fîmfl/Iíî» 1830 Robert 1873 Jeremiah W I и HS . ' 1861 José Р-Р [ggg Elijah W’ т ЁЁЁЁЗ F' т 1888 Samuel L. /z 1840 john /z ' ' Clad? 1841 Charles H. Spízïííîëînljï Clement 1847 Frankh“ Н- Z 1842 GMM” С- 1849 штат В. 1774 Peabody C1 ñ. G@?7’ge Н. 1850 Alpheus В. 772 1882 Stephen М. a» 1n 1843 William T. т 1850 Edward Р. 1874 Arthur B. р 1845 joseph E. т 1854 Jonathan Т_ Clemmer 1845 Wilson Н. l 1855 15аас E. 1873 James А Clagett 1848 John Р- 1858 Addison L. ` 1827 John M. 1849 William L' 1865 ]аше$ W. Clemons 1849 William N. li 1867 Elbert W_ 18 Charles F Claggett ffm L 1869 Clarence М.р 95 ` S ¿ZC ' ’ 1884 James M. 1861 James С“ gàlrlrla; C' Clemson Clancy 1861 William B. 1875 Thomas 3_ 1829 William F» 18 WU. Р a, 1864 Albert В. 1876 Edward s. . 75 2 шт . 1867 Abel S_ 1877 Charles M_ Clendenin 1868 Albert 6.15 1878 John Р. 1872 James Н. С1ар 1868 Elihu L. 1878 Josep/z В_ d i740 Ezra 1870 Edward Р‘ 1873 Samuel В]? С1епеау 1785 Caleb 1871 Charles 1883 CharlCS 88 Н 1373 Isoîitn ES- 12 1886 Czar/aa F. l I any Q' i 73 а er . ‚ 3 ~ _ Clapp 1875 Anhui» Е. 19 Íâgg ЁЁЁСЁР Clerkin 1814 7726007076 1875 Charles W» 1893 Sylvester /z 1893 John I ‘§22 jsuánníä G' 187Ó Sldnsy WJ’ 1894 Ward R. 1 31 0 П - 18 Frank E. 1842 Amande' Н. 183; William H. Íâgê CIÈVFIand 1870 Delamer Е. 1879 Martin ' g ' 1823 William H. т 1872 Ношат’ S. 1880 Frank Т. a' 1824 Hiram т 1876 LOWsU L» 1880 George H. Clary 1832 Ефим, 1886 Edward B. а’р 1880 George H_p 1818 Henry 1866 Chester D. Z 1890 Ralph R. р 1331 Sidney Е, g 1857 George т 1870 Henry A. 1885 Manin M. р 1894 Мешает s- Clark 1885 Wallace S. р Clawson 1894 Wllham D’ 1887 George A. Z I ­ ­ gâglraglîel 1888 William S. 889 Wllham S' р Clifton 1743 Gershom 1890 Wilfred Í Claxton 1895 Harry р 1747 Joseph 1891 C/zesîeî' М. a’ IS 8 Roóenß 1749 John 1891 Francis А.‚» 3 - Cline 1756 fesse 1891 Noyes В.р 18 F d ‚ kA т757 Sammel h 1892 Paul R. С1ау 74 re enc ‘ 1786 Smith 1893 Charles W» 1832 Cassius M. ‚ 1792 Thomas M. ,il 1893 George С.р 1859 Green Clinton 1794 /e/m 1893 Herman D-ß 1860 Joseph 1786 15аас 1895] INDEX XXV .Clock Codman 1837 William Colgate 1894 W1111am 1. р 1802 jana/i 1844 foil” T- 1858 АЬпег W. 1815 William 1846 1ашез]. ­ C1 8 R 1877 Richard M. ose 1 50 Obert 1883 Gilbert 1771 Dan/in' C06 1853 /UMW 8 1886 Austen 1771 101272 /z 1808 мм I 56 Alfred 1886 Sidney M. 1826 Reuáen H. 1825 Тгитап /z 1858 Henry W' I 1891 Samuel 1842 odle 1837 Davia’ В. 1862 @bailes W- 1837 Frederick A. 1864 ваше] L' Colles Cloud 1838 Samuel G. ‘GNqîlllge 1857 George W 8 1862 Ed 1 lam ° ' I 23 _[0/172 W. Alfred 1892 George W. Clough 1872 Robert E- 1891 Нант/А‘ à Colle 1895 Clarence E 1878 нету C’ 1892 George L' 8 8 Ch y . 1878 Нету Е. I 7 arles A. Z спит 1892 Walter Е. р С°1<е1У С 11. 8 F _ 11892 Wesley R, р 1893 Вен/атм F. n ° 1“ I 75 ranklin D. т 1893 John “др 1861 Peter О Coates 1895 George Н-Р Colardeau 1866 М' DWlght 1Ё43 Alfred W. т‘ CoH-ey 1858 St.Fêlix т Collin I 43 Elias F. т 8 186 Нет, Р. 1885 Arthur С.р I 59 66071?? Н. Colby 1862 Charlyes A. со t согни 1877 lames В a 1371 Frederick а S . 1880 Edward A. 1 75 George 1750 Nathaniel /z р - ­ 1Ё68 Ãtlnëin 1798 John il Iâ? gilliam W. I 91 red M­ 1866 Edmund Colclough I О rank М'р 1868 _lames 1840 Бадена} ~ Cobb 1874 William A. çollms 1772 Moses 1880 Anhui B. р Cole 1718 TMW/2y 1788 William 1881 Charles P. 1758 Ambrose 1853 Olm/er Е. 1731 Samuel 1760 Ваше! 1855 Нету N, Cofñng Ig83 ÈíattheWk 1786 Aaron C. 1858 Зет/оп; Н_ . 1 34 rastus 1795 Alexander 1878 [руст/ё т. а, Coggill 1866 Hamilton 1826]051аЬ 1878 Hollis W. 1877 Arthur W- 1834 J 0h11 D» 1887 Sanford Е. 1889 George 1843 William A. 1891 Duane P. со Swell Colegrove 184б 153аС С. ‚ g 1849 Bela H. 1850 нету A' т С0Ь1е18-1-1 1742 {атм 1867 Charles Т. 186 N1 1777 amuel 1873 Atwood 5 е so“ S' [L 1780 Mason F. Coleman 1875 faim C. Coburn 1784 Roger 1748 John 1881 John B. 18 8 John B 1807 Joseph G, /L 1765 Seth 1883 Charles F. 1837 Щипала Н 1823 William Н. т 1817 Lyman 1890 Howard D. 188 Au «ß 1829 Mason Е. 1829 James B. т 1892 Harr)T С.р 18 9 Н gustës 1847 Frederick W. 1835 ISam? P- т 95 еПТУ «ß 1873 шитые]; 1842 Robert Collis 1844 Augustus A. 8 .Simian 1221 Сг I 2° И“ Т" o er I е . . 88 G 7 11Ч’ -P Iê53 William B. р I 4 Sorge Е" 1888 James H. р 18 Hcolman 1 75 Charles W. С . 1891 Robert L.; 74 @my т 1894 Thomas oit 1895 Dennis W. Z r 1702 joseph Íz Colt Cochrane 1761 William Coles 1764 Peter 1816 h L. 8 ai? aan? V- S- 522212. 1823 таз-п в. 1818 Thomas /z 1Ё23 21?“ 1884 Harris D. Coáding .lIDailrlid G. I 75 0 ото” M' d 1Ё85 gicharîlg. 9 05 ua I 94 amue . 1886 Charles N. 1821 „от: W' Coley Р . 1822 Benjamin B. 1816 John H. Colton Sóocofîdmg'foß 1825 Daniel T. 1884 EdwardH. 1710 вещами 1 Clifford р 1828 Garden S. 1884 William B. 1737 EZz' XXVI INDEX [1 895 1745 jonat/zan 1808 jonathan Cook Сооп 1756 George 1813 William 1777 Код,” 1847 john 1775 ]аЬе2 1818 Francis H. 1779 Justus 1783 Abir/¿oi 1820 Theodore C. 1783 Thaddeus Cooney 1804 Chester 1826 Frederick T. 1785 Enos 1883 James Z 1804 George 1830 William R. 1787 Daniel 1806 Simeon 1837 Robert C. т 1795 Samuel Coonley 1812 Cali/in СЬаг1е$ С. m 1822 Charles С. „l al. D 1871 g . 1822 Wfl/¿W 1847 ¿uf/167” ff- 1829 Chauncey L. т 1826 Chauncey/z 1851 EdWard W. 1837 Еда-да W. Cooper 1829 Melancthon H. 1855 ВМФ 1861 William 1750 Samuel'lz 1832 Етл‘ш 1857 »lames В' 1864 15аас W' Z 1827 Charles R. т 1832 fok” 0' С ‘875 lames H' 1838 William F. 1835 Aaron М. ОпеУ 1876 Robert J. 1842 ous т 1840 George H. 1876 George E. 1889 Аню“ S' 1852 jaeoo 1841 Davld В, 1889 Alpert Я! 1859 'loseph 1844 ТЁИ’М G Congdon 1895 Clifford S. 1863 Edwin Н' 1848 Лету M' 1879 Albert We 1863 Samuel Е. 1Ё5° ЁЁЁСЗЗВ' lz Cooke 1865 james W. I 50 z zs- ° Conkling 1705 Samuel 1868 Horace S. 1860 Frederick H. _ 1884 Clifford L_? 1864 Clinton L. 1730 Samuel 1871 ÁÍÚWÍ W- 1888 George Di? 1869 Frederick G. 1747 WilliairlnP 1890 Arthur W’ 1870 Alfred Кр èäîrîiliel ' 1883 Frank M?? 1892 Rlchard S' Connell 1780 Daniel 1891 ЁЁЭЬЪПШЁА.Р - - ' 8 2 is a . Comings 1884 Frederick 1786 012т В. 1 9 B. I8 ames E. 1873 William R. р 1895 Ezra Н. 2211331 - 95 J 1793 Increase Cope Comly Connleg 1811 lames C» 1870 Orlando 1893 William G. р 1806 Samuel 1815 George 1845 ЪеРпРе o 1816 EZz's/za В. le Copeland Comstock IÉÉS gmini. ' 1821 Friend т 1884 Charles W. 1807 Eleutheros D. is 7 На? ila-2; 1827 ]озер11 Р. 1827 Daniel /z 93 .Y ‘ 1837 George W. Co land 18 о раж: с 1895 Lows Е- l 1847 Nathaniel В. 772 Р 1831 дверь); 1847 Samy/¿dh 1814 Alexander 1859 Apollos çonnor 1859 Nathaniel B. 1889 HOWafd 1865 “шпат Т. 1886 Michael F. 1863 Joseph n Co le 1867 Strong 1390 Walter _l- 1873 Mordecai C. lo Р Y 1879 William 1.1) 1877 Elbridge C. 1887 Ira C. 1882 George F. o Соте“ 1893 lomos В- 1895 Leonard A. 1861 Ebenezer В. 1894 Frederick C. р Сорр 1895 Mortimer S. 1894 .lOSePh Р. 1744 jonathan Converse 1894 Walter Е- 1847 Frederick A. Conant 1813 Sherman 1869 Andrew j. 1732 Shubael 1820 Alexander B. h Cooley 1869 William A. 1756 Shubael 1848 ~loseph Р. /z 1735 Moses 1895 William M. 1765 Roger 1850 George S. 1773 Daniel _ 1770 Wil/¿am 1865 Everett H. 1792 Тати/2}, M_ Corbin 1776 Eleazar _ 1887 George F. т 1814 James 1889 William H. 1873 Robert W» 1826 ~lefíerson . Conwell 1863 Нету Е. Corbyn Conduit 1852 Miers C. 1875 George В.р 1838 Alma” D~ 1869 Lewis E, 1886 Francis R. 1839 И/дшат В Conyngham 1888 Harlitn Condit 1846 John В. 1891 Char es . Cordes 1848 Charles 1850 Thomas D. rd 1818 James I. 1850 Alberi 1889 William H. р Coo 1 go 1856 Stephen 1895 Herbert? 1819 Thomas B. n Corkery 1895 Clarence В.р 1886 lohn l. Cone Coogan С l. 1784 Daniel 1879 John W. z Coombs 0f {SS 1789 Salmon 1893 _lames T. Z 1895 George M. Z 1864 Frederick W. /L 1895] INDEX XXVII Cornelius Cottle 1873 William A. р Crampton 1813 Elias 1884 Edmund P. 1877 Frederick L? 1851 Rufus с. 1877 Israel T. Corning Cotton I878 Walter В.р Crandall 1855 Edwin 1771 [та/2 ggg G- l 1828 Reuben т 1878 Granville 1816 James W. т . . 1891 Clarke E. а’р 18 5 Parker 1847 John 1887 Wllham Н' 9 1848 Charles Т 1893 Frederick S. т Cornish С Сох Mcrîfîe 1883 Robert H. Ouch 1747 att las 1887 William A. 1802 Jesup N. 1827 Adem Т- 1813 loll“ 1805 Simon 1835 Christopher С. 1826 Eliezer Cornwall 1856 Luther C. т 1838 james В. 1818 n А Coulter 1864 A. Beekman 1843 Robert т 866 JO n 8 Th D l 1877 Jacob D. /z 1844 Charles H. 1883 krrïârá I 94 Omas ­ 1389 Vgn z 1845 Ohr/ef ~ _ 1 91 о n . 1850 George W. 1388 ghafles E» Councilman 1894 Edward V. р 1864 Timothy F. 1 92 abe“ W-ß 1839 John T. 1895 Abraham B. 1870 Arthur P. 1895 William H. l 1879 Oliver T. Cornwell Countryman 1885 Augustin A. 1782 Wait 1370 [эти/2173” Сохе 1890 Robert D. 1228 {Toshuî} ¿E 1879 Macgrane 1Ё95 ЁЁГЁУ :agg Hfârîlrîîss ­ Couper 1887 Alexander B. I 95 1C af -P . ’m 1814 James H. GlbbOnS G. Hamilton Coy Crapo . 1869 Edward G. 1852 William W. “шлёт“ Couse 1870 Nathan B. 1886 stanford т. 1881 Murray Z 1894 Howard A. z 1894 Charles Е-р Crary Wçofson Степ Coyle 1869 David т 1891 Imam R' C’ 1883 Henry М.р 1895 Charles T. Z CortelYOu 1888 Henry H’ С ft Cravath 1859 Lawrence V. Cowdrey 1759 Ebêa s 1894 Erastus М' 1863 Adrian V. . _ {югег 1864 Peter R. 1847 Nathaniel A. Z 1303 худцат /¿ Cravens 1894 William C. Corwin Cowen 1893 john S. 1835 Joseph А. т 1868 George H. Cragin Craw 1887 Robert N. 1867 George E. т 8 WM. 1895 Benjamin F. ICowles 1872 Harry “А I 52 1 iam р 1770 saac 1873 Charles A.; Corwith 1788 Машем 1882 Edwin B. Cfëfwfofd 1883 Charles R. 1789 бё/ез'Н. 1886 William R. 1890 John W. 1800 Рит Craig 1890 Charles D. d 1305 Iéeonard 1819 James A. [l 1891 Frank ст 182 Síîá'ííi н 1847 Simeon А- 1331 ЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁ' 1883 Етрдтд 1826 Elijah ' 1870 Neville В. ' 1826 Овоще I. т 1875 Chambers M' р С d Совал 1826 Нет? 1883 james А. a’ fee 1888 Willis G 1826 fok” Р. 1894 Charles F. т 1857 Cortlandt V. т ' 1828 Joseph N. т . « С 1828 Orson Cram Cfeelman 1885 Hgîrg;oge газет? S. 1894 Jesse W. l 1889 Harlan a’ . as 1834 Chauncey D. Crall Creeve Cotes 1836 Edward P. y 1829 Christo her Il 1837 James 1890 Howard E. 1866 John K.1v р David Il GCOI'gC -1. 1856 Edward О. Cramer Стёпе” 1866 James L. 1843 Charles Crehore 1847 William /z 1872 Edward L. 1868 Frank 1886 \Villiam W. 1850 Nathaniel h 1871 Edward 1890 Albert C. 1873 Edward S. XXVIII INDEX [1895 Creighton Crouch Cumings 1887 Thomas H. 1852 Hamilton 1879 Henry C. 1847 George WV. 1888 Charles E? 1889 Louis 1.? Crenshaw Crouse Cumming 1893 Elliot 3- 1876 Julian B. l 1880 Charles M.? 1893 George М‘ Z 1893 Beecher M. 1882 Bryan 1895 Henry S’ Crocker _ . John h Crowell Сити-111185 Cuftlss 1762 Ephraim 1845 ]051а11 B. 1870 J- Henry 1719 lohn . 1782 panna; 1883 John F, 1887 David M. р 1724 Лггтш 1805 John A. 1891 Benedict? 1891 Herner S-ß 1740 Peter 1827 гашиш 1777 Е11 Amos Croxton Cummins 1Ё07 1Silfleldofl С. В. 188 G W. I 21 IaSÍUS 772 1882 William H. ¿i 1857 lohn T' 4 Gorge р 1236 âne W 1891 Henry G. l Crozier Cundall Geäîgeâß ' Cromer 1824 Robert 1888 Clarence Е- Z 1879 johnDW. 1Ё85 Ёттшд C' d Cruickshanks Cunningham liudiîzrilrdlv I arry 1° Z .langes 1806 John Р. Richard 1844 James L. 1895 Carl A.? Cromwell Crukshanks 1869 Augustus М- 1879 ,lohn HJ? 1812 l 1875 James? CurWen 1883 George jam 1876 John NL? 1841 John 1884 Henry B. 1883 Frank Crummey 1887 Joseph T ­ Cronholm 1889 Safford А- 1889 Wiz/¿om 'L o’ Täushmg/ 1875 Neander N. rl? 1750 «Omas z Crump Curran Ig53 ìNilliaìrln h I 27 osep Crooke {ёжит С 1863 Georg@ L. 1844 С/тёп‘ор/гег 1866 Roberi L. р 1886 John G [Z ­ 1870 John Е. 1872 William L. . ' 1885 Charles E. 8 8 CrookâI Cruttenden 8 КСЁГГЭУ Igor IP-larvEyDW. 1 1 James _ 1894 Walter В. 1 73 o ert 1.? I 95 ran .? 1782 ЕЁЁЕЁЁ; li Cuadra' 8 СЁГГЁЁГ 1807 Íilllisnhlgan ­ I о . - 1782 Samuel ,il 1869 VlnCent M. l 18ââ ànâlrew F' 1824 Elisha /Z 1802 John Р. /z 1845 Isaac L. 1812 Plan H. Cuddeback Curr 1876 Dan B. 1823 Daniel 1847 Thomas т y 1854 Stephen Др 1871 Cornelius E. 1852 lames H’ т Cuthbert 1862 1аш65*Н_ 1872 Albert М. 1813 James 1890 lohn Cuff 1816 John A. 1892 Benjamin L. Curtis 1892 John F. l 1807 Holbrook Cutler Croslfìy Culbert 1Ё28 кофту 1765 [Штангу 1894 Frederick S. . . I 40 logia. 1 71 Thomas 1885 William Др 1840 Wz/lzam В. g б G Y Cross 1842 Philo N. т ÍSÄQ Lgrîlfagrfw 18 2 William M. т . . ' 1885 Wilbur L. 8 ЗЁЁРЁЁЙЗЁ Z 18217 ватага], 1831 Wllllarn W- ]amgs F. a7 I 5 l lam . Lester .Ruff/¿5 Р. 1888 Samuel M. 1869 Frederick S.? 1843 James P' Cullen 1871 Albert W. 1854 сит” Grossman 1848 Charles M. 1872 Leonard E. 1885 Colman W’ 1873 C/zarles В. а’ 1803 JOSEP@ W. ÍZ Cullinan Боги/аул, Cutter 1877 H. Holbrook? 1814 Jonas т Croswell Jrîllèrrlnas М 1878 George L. 1817 Nehemiah т 1817 Harry /r 9 ­ 1882 George Е. 1835 Daniel B. т 1822 Sherman 1884 Charles N. d 1852 Ephraim 1822 Wil/¿rom Culver 1884 F. Kingsbury 1858 Ralph H. 1862 William F. l 1853 Moses lz 1887 John H. 1875 Charles F. 1895] INDEX XXIX Cutting Danforth Darrach 1891 William H. l 1894 James В.р 1874 William B, d 1827 James 1893 Samuel a’ С l 1890 Овоще H. 1859 [штат В. 1894 Thomas F. uy er 1891 _fames R. a7 _ 1737 James ‚ Darrell Davis 1748 John С. Damel 1866 Овоще F. 1737 Антону l» 1756 Hendrik 1859 Peter V. 1396 fín@ 1874 Thomas D. Darrin t0n 1 12 о 11 1882 Theodore Daniels 1806 John g 1812 ¿ames d M 1860 ж e L. 131 sonar ­ /l Daggett 1873 Déenjjsselaer W. Darrow Èäìliîìrîzu 1748 Na Мал 18 8 Leonard l . . I762 Phíip 18g() John H. 1847 Amos S’ 1833 Вещашш F. 1771 Henry 1890 Arthur H. a’ Dart JGÃÍÃWW R [Z Eääîgzer _ 1816 Ashbel 1835 Samuel R. 1783 David D.amelson 1875 Joseph W. 1836 feria/z G. 1756 TImOÍhY 1839 Henry G. m 1807 Leonard A. 1808 David L. 1764 581111961 Dater 1845 Thomas К. 1813 Henry 1811 Wllllam 1891 Henry lvl~ Henry 7)@ 1828 шт Е. 1895 Alfred W. р 1320 Iáognfîess Н. 1839 David L. Вапп I 0 O er. ­ 1864 Е115ш01’111р 1887 Henry A. Davenport êregçrlck S' 1879 Da_vifì 1888 Jesse С.р 1732 Abraham 186 'h lìreîom ‘§30 {Шт 1732 fm 1872 leinïami.. W I 4 eonar ° Danneel 270%3215 1877 Frederick W. Dahl 1889 Henry M. 1 17g john ‚2 1880 Elias W. 881 Willard А l 1802 John А. I . . ­ 1889 Olaus d Banner 1821 Овоще F. X/'lllhamdj' Ё! . 1891 Edgar W. 1830 j. даёт}? 188 Задан.“ ‘р Dailey 1833 john S. I б enjammf. 1874 Hugh l Barbe 1837 Philip А. 1888 Нету L? 1861 John А 1891 Carroll P. Dale 1748 faim 1866 John S’ 1891 Clarence S. ­ ' 8 1 Овог e W a’ 1868 SzlasA. I 9 g ’ р 1877 Robert W. /z Darcy 1871 Russell ‘N.? £93 êlbîìrlt all] 1892 ~lames S. 1873 Daniel 93 OO 6 ° Daly 8 T- h 1893 Samuel A. l I 75 1mm у 18 5 Ben'amin 1894 Charles р Darken 1877 James 9 J 1887 Winiam В /z 1895 10h“ 5-1’ Dalzell 1832 Edwardf. m ° 1895 Leo l l Daves ~ 1865 John ­ Davison 1891 William s. 1740 Tläîïïg 1836 James М- 1888 Овоще H. р . Папа I769 ваш“? Davidson 1890 Clarenœ В? 1760 fasep/z äaszîlîí 1341 %6{Ёё61 5E Davol 1766 _farla/z h 1801 Noyes lsgâ d 1888 Wllllam 1775 Samuel W. 1803 Thomas 18 С}: îama, ° 1782 Daniel 1803 William S. I 92 ar es р Dawes 1797 Sylvester 1820 сдала; С. _ 1835 Howland 1826 Sylvester 1836 Thomas Dame 1839 Henry L. 1833 James D. 1864 Samuel C. 1845 Winston ]. 1876 Chester M. 1838 Edmund L. 1878 T/zomas W. a’ 1884 Henry L. 1844 john A. 1882 Frederick О. Davies 1851 William B. 1886 Thomas 1758 Тиши Dawson 1869 Samuel Н. 1895 Овоще Е. 1813 Т/ютшр 1837 Arnoldus V. 1870 Edward S. 1895 Samuel B. ’ 36 Ed d W Z 1843 Lemuel S. I 4 Wal' ­ 1878 Arthur P. 8 1881 Charles W m ­ 1853 Thomas F' I 84 James M' ‚883 Arnold G ° Daflmgtßn 1886 Charles F. z 1894 Нету S- ' 1848 William /L 1886 Thomas V. d 1871 О’Нага 1888 Henry a’ Day Danaher 1883 Wayne р 1890 Wz'llz'am d 1738 Aaron 1893 Cornelius l 1886 Frederick “Др 1891 Ari/zur E. d I 7 56 fefemz'a/î XXX [1895 INDEX 1768 Benjamin 1795 jeremiah 1797 Thomas 1803 Mills 1812 Benjamin 1817 Israel lz 1818 Caleb 1824 Edgar B. 1826 Sherman 1827 Samuel S. 1828 Henry N. 1833 George E. 1836 Horace 1837 Thomas M. 1839 Thomas 1840 Charles 1845 Guy В. 1845 Henry 1852 Robert E. 1857 john C. 1858 Henry M. h 1862 Melville C. 1867 Theodore L. 1872 Charles О. 1873 Jeremiah 1875 Robert W. 1880 Loren T. m 1886 Thomas M. 1887 Julius G. р 1889 Arthur H. ,o 1889 Edward H. р 1890 Arthur P. 1890 Harry G. р 1892 Arthur L. 1892 Clive H. 1892 Wilbur F. р 1893 Howard D. 1893 Lester W. р 1894 Edward M. 1895 Harry 17.15 Dayton 1836 Ralph 1894 Hughes? Deacon 1 847 John m Dealand 1882 Charles Е. a' Dean 1737 Barzz'llaz' 1738 Set/z 1841 Gilbert 1843 Philotus 1845 james J. 1877 Wallace H. m 1884 Richard C. h 1891 William B. Deane 17 58 Silas 1809 St. George De Bevoise 1894 Charles I. 1895 Thomas M. DeCamp 1836 Samuel G. j. lz 1890 Walter A. DeCharms 1826 Rie/lara' Dechert 1850 Henry M. Decker 1871 Isaac D. Decrow 1880 William E. Defendorf 1894 Allen R. DeForest 1826 _lohn 1831 Овоще F. 1831 Samuel S. 1831 William В. 1832 Henry A. 1833 David W. m 1847 Othniel 1854 Erastus L. 1857 Henry S. 1858 Daniel A. m 1861 Moulton 1862 Hemarz Р. 1863 Henry C. 1867 Robert E. 1868 Edward F. l 1868 jo/m К. H. 1870 Robert W. 1876 Henry W. 1879 Louis S. 1895 Frederick M. DeGolyer 1895 Laurence М.р DeGrove 1869 Edward R. deKay 1868 Charles A. DelaCour 1885 Joseph W. l Delañeld 1808 Joseph 1812 Edward 1860 Francis DeLancey 1817 William Н Delano 1858 Isaac 1 895 William A. Delavan 1827 George E. 1836 Edward C. 1872 David B. Delmas 1865 Delphin M. l DeLong 1879 Alea/z L. a’ Delp 1861 George Delzell 1884 Samuel W. a’ Dembinski 1858 Louis Deming 1709 ~Iosiah 1760 Oliver 1809 David /z 1811 William 1836 Henry C. 1837 William S. 1856 William m 1857 Ralph l2 1872 Charles C. 1872 Clarence 1872 Henry C. 1877 Lucius P. l 1883 Laurent C. 1890 Nelson L. р Dench 1883 Edward В.р 1895 William L. Denison 1756 jesse 1763 joseph 1784 ~Ioseph 1796 Charles 1824 ­leremiah T. 1826 Zina 1827 Ebenezer 1828 Joseph A. m 1841 Henry W. 1847 Andrew C. 1860 Daniel 1895 Lindsay Dennis 1803 Littleton P. 1872 Frederic S. Denniston 1807 John 1853 William S. 1856 james О. 1862 Henry M. Denny 1814 Austin 1854 Thomas 1892 Thomas? Denslow 187 3 Herbert М. Dent 1836 Henry H. 1891 Elmer A. a’ Denton 1869 Frank B. Depew 1856 Chauncey M. Derby 1885 William M. Dering 1784 Henry P. 1813 Nicoll H. Derr 1891 Calvin U. О. a’ Dershimer 1878 Archibald A. DeSt.Croix 1827 .Pierre L. m DesBarres 1892 Thomas C. a’ Deshon 1820 Francis B. 1840 Giles H. Devereux 1813 Thomas P. 1815 George P. 1840 John 1883 Henry K. 15 Devin 1853 James D. l 1895] INDEX XXXI Devotion Dickerman Diggins Doane 1732 Ebenezer 1736 Isaac 1740 101111 1833 Hiram 1754 john 1855 George А. 1767 Augustus 1886 101111 Е. 19 1759 Ebenezer 1865 George S. 1887 William 6.1) 1785 john 1874 Овоще L. Dill 1891 101111 W. 1806 Samuel H. 1893 Robert K. 1843 james Н_ 1893 .Frank В. а’ 1893 Wilton E. т 1876 James B_ del/011 _ 1880 Art/mr C. Шаг 1893 James L. р Dickerson 1893 Jonathan B. 1857 Stephen D. 1891 Char/es H. d Dewell Dilley Dockendorff I893 James В. l Dickey 1878 Charles H. 1888 John Е— Р 1883 Myron Р. а" Dewey 1886 Calvin Dillingham Dodd 1787 Joshua 1888 Robert Rop 18 о Charles С 1838 Albert 1792 Daniel Ь 1891 Lyle A' 18,?? Edwin R ° 1845 Siep/¿en Ь 1223 Síïíêî lí?. 1882 Edwin L- ìêâä éîiläa т. р 1832 Amasa Dickinson 1889 Edwm К-Р 1892 Edward H. 1873 Thomas H. Z 1706 jonathan 1891 Frank A' 1876 Frederick Р.р 1717 Moses _ ‚ Dodge Dimmick Dewing 1874 Clark DeWint 1828 Peter C. DeWitt 1785 Abraham V. 1799 Peter DeWolf 1743 Nathan 1747 Daniel 1827 Allen M. 1888 Carlton M. р Dexter 1812 Theodore 1840 Henry М. 1861 Franklin B. 1867 Morton 1878 Stanley W. Dey 1823 Rie/tara’ V. Ь D’Honneur 1753 lohn Dibble 1734 Eáenezer 1758 101111 1778 john A. 1859 Frederic L. т 1864 Orson G. 1885 Charles F. т Dick 1895 101111 M. a' 1730 Azariah 1731 Jonathan 1749 Samuel 1758 Israel 1766 David 1778 Obadiah 1785 `lohn D. 1804 Matthew 1805 Rodolp/ms 1817 Harfe/f 1821 Levi 7n 1823 Edward 1823 Edward т 1823 [Bie/zare! W. 1826 james Т. 1827 john 1840 Francis L. т 1841 Flavel A. 1855 Henry А. 1856 Arthur 1877 Charles P. 1884 Char/es H. a’ 1884 George fr’. a’ 1885 Овоще S. 1889 William C. D. 1890 Andrew G. Dickson 1808 Dar/ia’ 1814 john 1814 Samuel H. 1832 Charles 1845 Andrew F. 1878 William L. 1894 Arthur G. 1894 james М.р Diefendorf 1838 Sanders Diehl 1887 ~lohn C. 1810 Alpheus 1878 Walter E. 1890 1. Benjamin Ь Dimock 1823 Timothy т 1847 Samuel I?. 1863 Henry F. 1874 George E. Dimon 1728 Ebenezer 1783 Ebenezer 1835 Theodore Dingley 1883 Edward N. 1892 Albert G. Dinsmore 1888 Charles А. a' Disbecker 1894 Harry P. р Diven 1894 Alexander S. Dix 1870 Charles H. Dixon 1807 Dewar?. 1813 Abram 1822 Simeon F. 1829 Robert 1868 William P. 1881 Ephraim W. 1895 John W. 1826 David S. т 1835 jo/zn V. 1840 Rie/lara’ V. 1857 Davia’ S. 11866 Frederick N. 1870 Овоще Е. 1872 Charles C. Ь 1874 Arthur M. 1880 Arthur? 1884 Fred H. 1885 Charles S. 1890 Walter? Dodsworth 1891 Laurence A. р 1891 Robert M. р Doggett 1885 Herbert L. Dole 1838 George Т. Dominick 1894 Bayard 1894 George F. 1895 Lamont Donaghe 1849 James C. т 1852 William R. Donaldson 1879 Henry H. Donelson 1854 John S. Donnell 1839 Richard S. Ь XXX1I INDEX [1_395 Donnelley Doty Downer Drury 1889 Thomas E. 1733 Samuel 1818 Avery Ь 1829 Asa 1828 Dar/¿d E. 1865 William H. Donnelly Doubleday 1841 joan C. 1895 Frederick W. р 1843 Jamón В“ 1838 Wiz/¿am Т. 1878 Wlulam V' 1893 Frank E. 1840 _lohn M_ Drysdale Downes 1881 John M. Donovan 1845 William E. Dougall Ig R e Р. l 1854 John K. т Dubach 94 0W 1894 Hugh S. d 1862 William 2 ‚873 Frederick В. Doolittle 1866 Harrison . . Doughty 1871 Michael Е. l D bb 1716 Ben/aman 188 Alfred M Z u S 1789 Elkanah 1806 CMN“ f. 1884 Edward l' 1886 jaaa G. a 1793 Benjamin 1874 George F. 7 1795 Jotham I. ­ ­ 1799 10в1 Douglas I_)Owme 8 DlîlBêls 1804 Mark 1760 Benjamin 1851 Timothy C. 1852 115% П С 1836 Edgaïf­ 1822 Sal/zerland . ЁЗБЁ HWÓÈ; è' 1844 OSWÍH Н- 1828 Овоще Н. Downmg 85 На: 2X 1846 Tilton E. l 1840 _fo/„z W_ 1833 Eleazar B. Ь 1829 Нету А'% 1852 jonathan Е. 772 1849 George 1838 Lemuel T. 1852; Cenfyl. ' 1863 jo/zn В. 1851 Wz'yz'am К. 1872 Francis U. 186 Olîne lus т 1876 William S. 1379 lohn B_ 7 186g ¿o n -lî 1877 Judson A. р 1879 Www,” L_ d Downs 1869 АОГЁЁ’Ёз 1880 Themas Е- Р 1880 101111 M. 1830 Myron т 1872 Flederic т. 1884 George То 7” 1889 Овоще Р. 1881 Charles М.р 1872 lesse к. 1884 Julius T. A. 1889 101111 A. l Dorby I 753 jonat/zan Ь Doringh 1884 Frederic W. Dorland 1894 Овоще Е. Dorman 1854 Lester .MÍ Dornan 1894 William W. d Doroff 1895 Samuel S. l Dorr 1742 Edward 1818 Jonathan Ь Dorrance 1856 George M. Dorsey 1830 Samuel W. 1890 Clayton C. 1893 Francis О. Doster 1857 William E. 1892 101111 М. l Douglass 1813 David B. 1831 Thomas 1852 101111 В. 1853 _lohn C. 1857 Solomonj. 1864 Овоще 1887 Willard R. .Doutteil 1880 Henry т Douw 1777 101111 D. Dow 1784 Hendricus 1793 Daniel 1820 _lames G. 1833 Horatio Ь 1842 Virgil M. Ь 1856 Virgil M. 1887 james W. d Dowd 1853 C/zarles F. 1875 Qaz'ney L. d Почте 1846 joseph C. Ь Dowell 189 5 Philip р Dows 1890 Stephen L. l Doyle 1881 Peter l Drake 1785 Joseph 1830 Richard G. 1854 William 1857 Albert W. 1867 Frederick R. S. 1877 Carlton F. l Draper 1745 Nal/zanz'el 1895 James A. Drew 1870 Овоще W. 1876 Francis H. т 1891 Edward P. Driggs 1826 Asa rn 1895 Henry P. Driscoll 1869 Cornelius T. Drummond 1882 1а111е51.р 1890 Harrison I. р 1894 Arthur M. р 1883 Robert 0.19 1889 Louis С.р 1890 Julian? Dubose 1807 William 1825 Isaac du Buy 1894 jean dp Duckworth 1895 William K. р Dudley 1769 Asahel 1838 Lewis 1. 1839 Marlin 1862 Frederick A. т 1868 Henry М.р 1871 Charles B. 1875 Francis 1877 Charles R. l Duer 1857 Edward L. Dufñeld 1785 George Ь 1837 George 1857 D. Bethune Ь 1863 Samuel PV. Duffy 1890 Charles G. l 1895] INDEX D XXXIII 1818 Jamelskî( Iââó Ira D . I u ° 1845 Basil 7 faim d 1843 ШПИЁГА £13 ё’т’ат T' . i D Dunn 1865 George В“ т I8_4 Hheodore all 1835 щп- 1876 William А 5 ‘me’ Е- 1881 Andre 1 lam MCKJZ ° 18‘5 Naf/zaniez/Z w P. L 1855 дм К 18 ' ' ‘ 18 . Du 26 Wllllam Q_ Dunes 95 John 18 гуее 1826 William W 1814 Joseph Н D 15 Abraham l, 1827 Timothy n' 1839 Jose h H' 8 unnen D _ 1827 Timothy E. 1844 [О/тРРУ ' I 9‘ Нету “Smbeffe 1835 Edfnnnd 1853 Andro 'C D - 1855 George B. z 1838 Edward S. W ~ ___ В unnmg 1894 Ralph Е, 1, 1:40 ¿ähm B, 59 en' ‘ I 44 ill' Dumm 1832 Edámîîzzfn Du l 1846 Jamlanll/[C' h 1886 Wol, 18 8 а? Q_ SS er 8 _ CS ‚ В_ 2 шт W, d _SÉ @omer N, 1890 Charles 1849 Timor/zy 3 1111аш в, 52 Нету Е. Dummef 1867 .el/daar E Dutch 1852 farnes Н, 1865 Edward 1874 Jacob А, R_ 182 А 1854 William B. 1876 Augustus W 9 am“ H' 1859 Thomas B Dllnba 1894 Нагг W С I876 Edward S o f У . Dut h . т I794 Daniel 88 с er 1876 Stanley 1800 Asaph Dunscomb I 6 Judson 5. 1881 C/zorlm А. S 1856 Robert С 1801 JOSiah W 1892 Theodore W: ]¿ 1862 James А . . Dutton Henry ‘ Dunwody 1787 Ebenezer 1893 Winthrop Е_ Duncan 1807 _lohn 1797 Warren 1394 Freqerick 1820 Garnett 1836 janzes В 1803 Aarau I 95 вещают H' 18m Lucius С - 1803 Malí/¿ew R. . 1823 lohn N ° Dupee 1818 Henry Dwinell 1825 Alexanàer 1854 Charles А (âlllarles H. т 1808 Justin 1844 Не 188 « ‘ ат’” В. 1852 Lugiliyslëf 189?) Gëäîgn; Ёатш! И/. S. Dwinelle 1854 George M. a’ I893 Leroy C. ° 183 ТЁЮП R' 1871 Charles H-ß 1894 Schmucker р 8 7 Omas R’ 1894 Winthrop duPont is?? gîìsrïäw Dyas Dungan Èouisp, 1860 Clarence ‘E 1879 ]03ф/2 Р. a’ 187 G 9 Гапшз L? 1862 Нога“, 9 eorge W. a 1865 George Р. Dye __ Durand 1869 Henry 1857 С/гаЛеу В. Dunglison 1814 Alexis D, 1873 Samuel Т. 1825 Robley a 1833 William M_ 1876 foon M, d Dyer 1836 F rederiolr L. 1740 Eliphalet Dunham 1871 Wllliam (Др Duvillard I750 Ebenezer 1787 Lam. l, 1876 lohn Е. 1854 John А 1777 1аье2 I854 Austin Q_ Нету S. ° р 1827 George nz 1856 George C. 18 I 10h95' внушать ‘886 Joseph 0.15 1Ё60 Samuel 90 Hamilton H_ 1865 Whitehead С 1Ё87 15а<10гер ЁЗЁЁ Ё’ЕЁЁГЁЁЗСЁР Durant 1891 Richard B_ ° I 95 Thomas 1893 Richard Е: 1827 Нету Dwi ht Dyke 1868 William g 1812 N ' Dunkel 1887 Edward W р lgzâ _Daniel athaniel ­ 3 osiah 1836 lohn L_ 1890 Clark Т. 1724 Timothy 18 Ó “ТЕ-англ 17 9 Timor/Z 1 4 illiam S Dunkerson Durfee Í773 qam 18 o n ь ие1 5 Emmet A, 1894 Casselberry §22" Ёепгу R. 1794 Josiah 1895 William 5, 187? В Older В. I798 Theodore l; Dunkin radford М.С.]; 1399 Ёепзашгп W, Eames 1839 Chr-St I 99 dmund 1809 The d 1 Ophef Íz Durfey l 1801 Hanf), Bença 01:6 18 18 J mm Т. Dunlap 39 Joseph т l 02 Jolla 1881 Waldo с 1812 Thomas l 1803 Sereno Е. l 1889 Harris G: 1 18 Ab.. Durkee l 1809 »Edîülnn W. l 33 ’Jail В Ig F . | 1812 John W 49 капищ А_ l 181 [о . - l Earle 3 ш: l 8 . 1 26 Winthrop XXXIV INDEX [1895 Eastburn 1870 Willard 1857 Alfred L. Elderkin 1863 George 1879 Newell A. 1863 ~lonathan 1748 JOS/ma 1891 George Sp 1866 Charles A. 1763 Vine Easter 1893 Charles B~ Iâ70 айда}; D F р 1765 John I 72 ее el' e . I 6 Bela 1850 jah” D' Eden 1874 Franklin? lgsg fO/m 18 ohn H_ т 1875 Lucian B. l 8 Eëstärbfolsk 73 l 1878 George B. Eldred 1 . 91 Те enc .l ß Edgar 1879 Gerard M. 1834 Нет?! В. Е t 1855 fû/m 1883 Лида/а: Т. a' as man 1886 Percy 1890 Walter /z Eldredge 1788 John 1892 Tryon H. /L 1£8511 _loonathan Edgerton 1894 Charles M. 1) 1839 Charles SLI' 1183 ¿Q_ 1808 Erastus Eells Eldridge 1889 George Р. d Edgren 1724/01“, lêzo _éoâepl/z l 1 01272 1 35 al' 65 ß Easton 1874 August H. dp 'james 1841 neme/z 1859 Charles _ 1765 Samuel 1843 Hallam 1863 Morton W. Ед“? 1779 Ozias _ 1876 Henry C. 1864 _lohn I. 1785 Roger 131195011 В 1: ° k Ed d I'8799 ­I/{qmlîs d l 1869 John as `яте man s 1 33 1c ar z Ed d р. 8 h 1833 Í/Vz'llz'anz W. Eliel 1883 War р l 47 JO n 1843 Edward 1881 Levi A. Eaton Edmison . I895 Stillman W- 1819 William P. nz 1893 John P. Eliot 1830 fos/¿na Т. Egan 1706 fared 1836 William H. Edmiston 1879 George C? 1735 Samuel ÍÉÉÄ 7921132? ¿il 1817 Joseph W' Eggleston 1312 ЁЁЁЁЁЩЗ 1855 james S. /z Edmond 1813 Anzórose 1774 Andrew /z 1857 Daniel C. 1777 “шпат 1892 Julius W. d 1774 William 1860 D. Cady I б D .d 1892 Percy C. 1799 Andrew 1862 Sherburne B. 79 а“ 1895 Arthur H. 1839 Augustus G. 1870 Horace W. 1849 Ellsworth 1875 Edward D. d Edson Egleston 1870 Charles W. 'lz 1877 Samuel L. 1775 Adam 18 o N ¿lz JH. I877 Gustavus 1879 James W. 1784 Jael 18214 Thaonîázsœ 1884 Ellsworth 1882 Franklin M’ 1861 William C. 1886 George E' Iââßt gîhîfrleâ Edwards 1886 Melville /z 1894 John Le Ёзвг НЁгЁЁе s 'z 1720 Daniel ­ Е11<1п 18 2 Richard 1720 fendt/mn Eglm _ _ 189 Geor е F ' 1769 fondi/¿an k 1863 Benjamin 1893 Wlulam L- /ß 1894 ТЬеО‘ЁОГе' 1789 Jonathan W. ` 94 1806 fosep/z EhriCh Ellery Eaves 1812 Samuel L. 1869 LouiS к 1750 William /z _ 1814 David S. 1758 _lohn 1861 Davld W~ lâro {Äonlîthan Eichelberger 1787 Christopher 1 2 а er . Ebbetts 1822 John M. 1858 Martin S. Elliot 1832 John J. A. 1825 Hoseanz Е- h 1 1784 Ioseph tz ­ 1827 Henry P. 1c о 1789 Nathan Ebell 1827 [шт /z 1895 Leonard Но Р 1802 Achilles H. 1866 Adr’an . 1828 fdl” Е- 1805 Harvey 1 J р 1828 Tryon Elcock 1844 William H. Eccles 1829 Benjamin 1859 Harry A. nz 1858 Gustavus R. Z 8 2 Geor e W. 86 Charles S 8 h D. I 3 g 1 7 - 1812 {gilîliam W 1833 Henry W. Íz Elder 1871 Henry R. 9 ' 1838 Ёещашйп S. 1860 Daniel R 1877 George T. 1839 ugene ' Eddy 1840 fanart/26m [873 Samuel J' Elliott 1832 Henry 1841 Henry Bld _ 1786 _fo/zn 1861 Clarence 1842 Newton “(псе 1791 Stephen 1867 Henry T. 1850 Samuel H. 1890 Hugh L. d 1794 John 18 95] INDEX XXX». :ze :ze 1â58 Edward T. 1800 David 1892 Joseph Е' l 1888 .lohn Р. Р 1 h ' 95 JO n 333 English Estes Ellis 1804 Sumner 1873 James Е- lz 1839 Daniël G. 1753 film 12 1806 Isaac M. 1874 Henri’ F' l 1891 Wyatt С. р 1736 ]дш„‹/ш„ 1810 Elias H. _ 1842 William 1813 William Engs Estilette 1863 John р, g 1825 Char-_les 1860 George 1857 Edmund D. lagern ïiäóidwliar E. E 1 1c ar 9 озер . 0 still Заде?” М. d 1331 flirty Р. /L 1860 Henry C. 1891 Joe G 1 enry H_ I 31 ames /z 1882 Will'a P. i 1889 Frederick 1833 ZaÖdZ'eÍ R. 188 JohnlCn _ _ 9 ­ Esty 1834 William W. 1n 1894 Henry L. Euswdrth 1836 Williaiil D» ' @mi t' C 18 D ­ _ . onsanrne . 1785 fri/.zn 1843 [лица/1} Enms 1868 Albert H. 1790 gltver /z 1815 Jonathaŕl S 1891 George H. l 1 c о 1252? 1854 J' Grimm т Ensi n Eustls Henry L Charles ‘1V’ g Wi/ÍÍÚÍÍZ Т. 1810 William 'W 1865 George H- 18‘5 Edward F' ‘ 1825 Jose h ° 187б Arthur Н. 1842 James l Evans _ Р 18 6 Е 1889 Jose h R. . 1830 Ohver Sgl dhwaëd S' р 1713 Dar/zd 1232 are Щ iimìs if Вт пеу _ ° 1740 0e 1847 Sinkel).7 ‘Ãlrêhurg' Z 1754 Samuel /Z 1831 Thomas L. 1889 Frederick Н. 19 18 5 Ch @it Ё Е l 1850 Gurdon /i 1890 тиши W, 891 Н af es « P ef 1850 Richard P. т 1892 Duncan Sp 1 94 erman? 1878 Carl Е- (1 1851 Evan W. 1893 Ernest В.р _ 1857 Edward j. 1894 Thomas L_ Emerson Eppstein 1858 Lemuel R. 1792 штат a 1890 Louis B. l 1868 Barton D- e Ellwanger 1811 Rain/z 1873 jenn Р. d 1876 William D. 1830 Лир/2 Егтетгоит I874 Thomas G. 1833 Brown 1891 Fitz D. z 1881 Edward Т— Elmer 1834 Alfred 1885 William D. 1713 Danie! ‘§41 Ёж]? Ernst 1290 Èlexander “Т'Р r t; l 44 ос well . 1 93 @and 747 fana um 1848 Samuel £32 ‘gingen-î a, 1893 Jason Р Elmore 1863 772077262: А. 79 т „и ' I894 Wilber L. 1872 Samuel F. ~ ` 1894 William L. d’ 1895 Elmore F' 1880 james О. d Erskine 1895 Evore d El f 1788 ]о/т /z 1895 Philip S, о son Emery 1894 Albert D. р 1895 Spencer Е, a' [891 Carl d? l 1781 Samuel/z Erving Elt. ì 1878 Augustus 1.1) 1842 Joel F т Evarts ing 1880 Jacob E0? ~ 1802 Jeremiah Arthur W. i Espinosa 1832 John J. Е . 1837 William M. Ely 18 W “ägh 1854 Rafael р 1869 А11еп W. S. 45 ar 1881 Sherman ‘745 limon Espy 188 М 11 1754 Rie/nzrd Emmons 1890 Arthur 4 aXWe ¿grigia/z 1767 Nar/zanael Everest x769 Daw-d l 128563 _älhus Esselstyn l 1815 Cornelius В. ÍL 1772 Samuel î I 95 Oran@ N­P 1883 Everett I. l 1816 Solomon lz 1778 Henry 1878 Charles Í 17g@ ¿bazin | Enders Estabrook 1889 Edward р 17 о ort ington 1736 Нддт’г‘ l [785 Richard î 1888 Thomas B. 1851 James Е } Е 1786 Ben'amin l u I “не“ 1786 _fo/zig I Enñajìan Esten l 1775 NOM? . . l 1785 вашем 1787 William 1889 Harootum l р 1792 James C. l 1807 Alexander H. 12 XXXVI INDEX [1895 1833 Edward /z Fairchild 1777 Danie! /z Felßh 1880 William H. 1 1773 John 1781 Daniel 1758 John Е . 1785 Reuben 1798 William P. ‚ ver“ 1793 Reberr Felder 1882 R1chard L. p 1813 joy H. Farrell 8 h 1887 Arthur М.р 1831 Ezra /L 1894 Thomas F l I 04 JO n М-` 1860 Horace L ° 1822 Nathaniel F. Everitt Farrington 1844 John Н' 1823 Hovey 773 Fairlamb 1886 Harvey р F 1895 Samuel А. 1875 Horario Т. 1888 Edward s. e 1891 Oliver C. ap 1874 Walter Р. Evers F airman 1895 Samuel J. a' 1839 William Farris F¢110Wes Robgyf Р. 1832 RlChaId S. Evertson Fanning 1853 Frank W. 1787 Nicholas 1757 Edmund FafWell IâSâ $113168 Е. 1769 Phineas 1878 Gran er I 5 ran Ewell 1822 Andrew M. 1879 ­IohngV. р 1888 Edward C~ 1865 ]д;т ¿_ 1880 Аза]. Fanshaw 1882 Frank C. FellOWS Ewen 1830 William H. M. 1884 Arthur L 1783 John 1885 Andrew J. z 1885 Walter 1870 Нету Р- Fargo 1892 ROY К. 1886 Abraham L, Ewing 1881 Frank М. 1895 John A.j§o 1886 George О. 1819 George W. Faulkner 1848 Samuel А- Falrleì.' 183 Endress Felton 1855 Martin В_ 1832 Вещашш F_ 1853 James 1860 Cornelius C. /z 1869 Alexander Н. 1859 Lester В 1881 Henry R. Farmer 1859 Samuel Ferm 1889 Joseph G. 1843 William /z 1870 Henry j, . 1725 Benjamin ЁЁЗЁ и’ 1891 James E- 1882 Herbert W. р 1775 Nar/ran ~ 1790 Step/zen £93 füge H» e’ Fern-‘rm Faxon 1813 ßen/21min 89 А Р В 1866 Willlarn W. 1361 William С. I815 EllSha R- 1 95 “guste -P 1868 Charles H. 1893 Archer L 182З Horatio N» т 1869 George B. т . 1849 Siep/¿612 Eyres 1871 Henry h Fay 1854 William H. 1754 Thomas 1874 Henry W» I7 О Joh 1875 Charles W­Z§ 1895 Charles H. р 9 n 1877 W. Brucep . 1895 Нету 1825 Charles M. т 1881 Paul J Fabrlque 1827 Jonathan P. т 1881 Willis l 1842 Charles Farnham êägîîtóaòr М- 1889 Augustus H. /z 1829 Bela/z 86 G ~ ° Faclcler 1850 William T. ÍSQÈ Cääïlgees Z Fennelly 1846 Calvln M. 1887 Henry P. т! 1895 Edward Q_ р 1890 _lohn D, Faduma Fayerweather Fe ne . Farnsworth r753 Samuel Il n r 1894 Orishatukeh a’ 1736 Joseph 1831 James R, 1844 Christopher 8.772 . 1864 Frederick Fair 1894 Frederick р Fearing Fenton 1893 Joseph В- Р 1776 Benjamin 1835 _lOSCPh B. F . b _ Fal-num 1848 Benjamin a1r alrn 18 Harr W. Fer 1889 Andrew М. lz 94 у р Fearn 1836 Jamîïson _ Farquhar 1851 J. Welker 1853 John D. z Falfbank 1884 Charles P. р 1880 Walter В- 1886 Henry a’ 1888 Frank Н.р Fehlandt ЁГТЬПГ В.р 18 Au ust F. a7 I “шву, Fairbanks Farrand 94 g 1388 Frank/zn L. aî 1796 Thaddeus 1724 Nathaniel Feick 1859 Edward T. 1743 Daniel 1878 Charles A. 1894 Smith F. р 1895] INDEX XXXVII Ferrandini 1878 Henry О. a7 1883 Henry E. ‚‚ Flaherty 1889 Antoine j. l 1895 EoWurd R- 1892 0115 Н- 1892 Morgan I. l Ferrey LFlínlîÁìï' i Fiske Flanders 1889 William 1.15 1856 u е ° 1704 Рыж“ 1867 ames G. 1892 Percy l 1793 Moses /z 1885 %1ешу R_ Ferris F, l rêâo .lohn M- 1885 john C. h В mney 1 3 John S. 1885 John D. 1847 Thomas М. 1883 G 25 “3 S- d Flather 1887 Clarence C. 1860 Edgar А— I 3 @Orge F' т 1885 John р Harry B. F. р l 1891 Harry Т. _ l Fitch Fleischman 1894 Henry Е- Z Fmster 1721 Thomas 1379 David _ 1895 William H. 1877 Clarencea’ 1729 Mason Perf Fischer l I742 Isállmuel Fleischner 1844 Orris s? 1856 Louie C. l Eig Theârîrîrrs 1878 нету т 1867 Lyman S. j 1748 Jonathan . 1868 William Н? Fish 1750 Perez б Fleming 1871 Charles А. 19 6 Ш. k. 1 1753 John ‘7 ° Pere? 1872 Charles H. I7 О la 1m 1756 Ephraim 1825 William B' 1806 Henry l 1760 Mmes 1838 Willlam S. Fewsmith 1809 Holwlanrŕl) 1765 ’Eh-jah 1876 Robert B. 1840 joseph 1392 g1 burd ­ у 1766 Jonathan 1844 William 1 93 owar 1.19 1777 Ebenezer Fletcher I87I Joseph . 1801 George 1824 Башне! H. Fishburn 1803 john 1836 Arthur Ficken 1891 Mer/ram R. a 1318 ëllçaâar Т. 1841 Sidney 1 3 15 a 1893 :Henry 1840 LUCÍLIS W. . 8 Field 1893 Marc М.р 184ё {ЁЁЁЁаП М 1773 Royal I732 Seth 18215 Au ustus 1785 Аде! 1745 Samuel Fisher 1855 Найди Т. l. ¿gisîgháw° 1722 êumuol 1813 Alexander M. 1856 НСПГУ L- т 1880 Peter 17 5 lmeînÍ 1815 fesse la 1864 Theodore 1881 Austin /Z 1795 ¿etw? ¿hz 1826 James C. 1373 @MHH/W a' 1885 Charles N. 112211211 1232 W- 1233 err/MHS; Н- а’ ~ 1 3 scar 4 аГ @S ­ i3?? 1 т fr 1211 822165“ т тот 1833 Samuel leg? @Zigi 11.12 1884 George W' [841 David I. 868 G W ­ 1841 Maunsell В. 1875 Oîgrïgâ. a’. 8 Тигегщ Floyd 1877 Burr K' Р 1881 George P. 18r4 Augustus John Е' .p 1881 Nathaniel С. 18 David Е 1822 Richard т 1889 Theron Н.р 1833 Irving 95 ° 1880 Walter В. a’ 1393 .lohn Н- 1889 Samuel H. F, h h Fields 1891 Parnell 86 Rltbz ugIrì Floyd-Jones 1829 Edwardm F. k I I о en ' 1892 Edward H. is 188 Seward H. ‘ ’ 1892 Harry A? ,743 Samuel- Fitzpatrick F1 ynn 1747 Benjamin 1874 James F. l [Il д ¿E 88 h F 1895 James H. I. m шею la? 15.5.2. ­ I 510 n - 1870 Joshua M. 1826 Charles B. Fitzsimons Fobes 1829 William L. f 1892 Hiram Едем 1840 Stuart W. l 1886 Joseph Е'р 8 Robert F 1 1864 C/zarles W. l I 44 ° F1 Foley 1878 Albert B. f Èaïlïâl.A’W I [800 Не ЁЕЬ l 1862 _lames l sgg „И? 272B ' 8 Н Z lâ 1892 Timothy т Fineh 1 187; ёаЁЁЁА' т l le; ' l 1828 Sherman 1881 Pliny В. l 1854 “7111а1с1С. ì Folger 1849 Francis M. 1883 Arthur L. 1878 Edward W. 1894 Ernest R. р XXXVIII INDEX [1895 Folk Forbus 1874 Frank W. 1893 Daniel F. 1 1893 George E. 1811 Alexander 1874 William 1894 Albert М. С. 1878 Roger 1894 Robert T. р Follis Forchheimer George F. К. _ 1883 Нет А 1879 Samuel M. 1895 Rlohafd Н- Р у ' 1882 Burnside Fowles 1884 Re inald Folsom 1768 Jorînord 1885 Laëlbert 1831 james H' 8 56,07, 8 r 1893 Dana P. 1 ÍBÉS Joseghjàrp 1802 Thomas 1894 William F. FOX 9 G р S 1803 Henry 1816 jamesA. Iêâl HeorgeT ° Р 1825 Seabury Foules I. Z I 3 еПГУ - 1849 Rufus A, 8 Н L 1874 George L. 1854 Lewis W. 1827 СЁП?’ - 1875 Charles Н. р Foltz 1865 George T_ I О ar es D° 1879 john M. 18 7 onathan M. 12 1871 Isaac Н. 1882 Amas T. d 3 J 1876 Edward L. р Foulke 1893 Edward L. р Foes 1876 Porter В.р 1827 lohn В- /2 1393 .lames С- 1877 William H. 1894 George H- 1893 George M’ 1882 Wilbur H. N. Fountain 1890 Edward T. a' 1884 Gerard F ranchot Роо’с 1892 Charles С. l 1888 Richard H. р 1765 fall” 1893 Frederick Др Fouse 1787 joseph 1893 George C. р Francis 1790 John А Forrest ' 1826 james Н. 1791 Enos 1857 Douglas F. Foutch 1863 Суп“ W_ I797 Samuel А. I’565 Charles R» 1895 Adelbert E. a' 1887 Frederic W. 1797 William L_ 1891 Овоще С. р 1892 Everett D. 1805 Zlba F t Fowler 1816 Lyman т OTS er I F k fast/:pá Ганс e .lârleldA 1886 Robert В.р 1753 Amas 1876 Edward 1_? ~ F 1768 Samuel 1877 Joaquin ].р Orsyth 1773 Bildad 1886 Richard T. Fogte 1891 Russell K. 1775 Адт/Еат 1889 Leopold l. 1811 Jonathan 1779 Stephen 1891 Albert? 1816 „fz-wam Н. Forward 1780 William 1820 Horace 1754 jmmr 1783 Andrew Frank 1832 William C. 1768 Abel 1784 Saul 1895 Овоще Sp 1844 Thaddeus 179О .fo/m Н- 1849 Charles FOSdÍCk 1796 Бди/2570]? Franklin 1850 Henry H. т I 6 Th mas 1809 Royal _ _ 74 О 8 1 к Ben amm /z 1850 Joseph F- 1879 Samuel P. I 07 James 7°3 s l 1856 Richard т 1883 Robert А. 1813 Joli“ D- 1826 ldney S' 1857 John т 1884 William 1815 Oran' 1828 Thomas Е. 1859 Edwin В. 1816 WzZZzrmz C. 1846 Thomas 1- 1866 Henry W. 1817 Joseph 1847 Einle“ 1877 George W. Foster 1818 Warren R. /z 1849 Llttloton P» 1877 James 5_ 1770 [мае /z 1822 Joseph R. 1858 George М- 1879 Emerson Yr? 1774 Benjamín 1834 forep/z 1879 fO/’m L. 1832 CarlrOn А. 1774 Вам /z 1834 Remus M. à 1888 HerYCV R. 1883 Charles 1776 Isaac 1839 Samuel 1892 “711112111! В- 1883 Charles S_ 1778 Edmund 1846 Benjamin M. т 1895 Fredeflck 5- 1890 НоГасе C_ 1802 Eleazar 1850 Stanley G. Z 1895 Harry Wr? IgzS Éemael Iêgo ÑéVhillilam Н Z Fraser I 31 вши I I ar es . ­ 1895 Sherman K' 1834 Eleazar K. 1863 Horace W. 1891 Fenwlck WJ d 1840 Stephen C. 1868 Benjamin A. _ Forbes 1840 Thomas E. 1868 Franklin H. т Ffaslck 1842 Robert W. 1844 Charles 1868 James? 1881 Seymour Р.р 1870 Ira E. 1848 Dwight 1874 Herbert G. 1874 Edwin Н.р 1860 “711119111 Е. 1876 Charles N. Fray 1876 Stanley? 1861 Henry W. т 1878 Oswin H. В.р 18 2 Sa 1 1877 Cleaveland 1863 Eleazar K. 1879 Edward S. 9 mue р 1877 William j. 1865 William L. 1 1879 Norman М.р 1888 Allen B. 2 1869 John P. C. l 1888 George B. Frazer 1889 Claude L. 1871 Lauren М. a’ l 1890 Henry T. 1883 Horatio В.р 1895] INDEX XXXIX Frazier Friend 1838 Seth Galacar 1832 William 1877 Kennedy T. 1839 Аза W» т 1895 Frederic R. 1882 Joseph Е. 1Ё42 êlonzrï "Bl Fra lne I 42 amue ‚т - z Fries 1848 Frederick C. Сдай“ 1884 George N­ Z 3 6 G F 1829 Stephen G. 1882 Henr C I 5 eorge 'P У - 1857 Edward т. 1830 Pantoleon G. F rear Frisbee 1861 William H. О 1851 Weller 1863 Thomas H. Galbraith Walter F. ISÓÍ Samuël Н. В_ John . . 71 u el’ 188 D t Freas FrrSbre 1875 Wilbur А. 4 avenpor р 8 А d М l 1722 Josiah 1881 Philo C. G 1 I 90 n ю“, ' 1778 Jonathan 1892 Pierpont .a е_ ‚ 1822 James W. 1733 Benlamin Fredericks 1858 William R. Fullerton lgßâ gâmîlmië P ‚ 18 ohn _ a I 2 ar es . . 95 J J Р Frisby 1883 Семье S. a’ Iâ54 îaläuel С. 1 74 е ОУР Freeborn 1832 James Е. Е111ЁОП 1884 Edward C. 1858 DeLancy Frisch 1825 “ТЩНЁШ М, 1885 Harlow S. 1875 Wzl/zam S. 1885 William H_ р Freeland 1881 Abraham L- ’ — Funk 1886 Demus R. т2 ÍÉZÍÉSÉM. Frissen 1888 Deane? 1895 Charles S. 1894 Arthur G. р 1891 Frank Н'р Gallagher F 9 ' Furbish 1864 Frank т 8 Nte/em?? Frost 1860 Edward В. 1879 John C' 1’ 1805 Naírîanfel M 1802 Hezekiah 1894 Clinton H. I 52 at .anie ‚т 1804 Нету Gallaher 1859 ‘évúllam 1813 T/zomar D. Furst 1882 Frank R. 1860 Verçtt ° 1820 Edward 8 6 М. h l 1862 garrison B. 1842 Calvin I 7 IC ае Gallaudet 1869 enry V. 1850 George L' 180 T/zomas Н 1875 foseßlz А- d 1857 Simeon T. Fylof 1815 William E' IÉSS îîâfgolë“ d 1861 Milton 1830 john т 18 З Edson F ° 18 9 Н e.“ ‘B 1877 Russell 1865 Florimond D. l 9 ' I 92 атЗОП - 1883 Elihu B.- 1883 Herbert L. Gachet Gallaway FrenCh 1892 Charles H. 1843 Charles N 1358 Robert M, 1821 àeîivis т F k k ' 1892 Merrill W. 1827 ties 11 110 а 1831 Andrew o 1892 Hidei mi Gadsden G u. d 1834 Henry S. G. 1804 Christopher E. _a lar 1851 Аза Fukushima 1804 John 1844 Rlchbofough l £5?) Joseprlïlsa' 1893 Katsutoro l 1222 ¿gy/QS 5 Josep i . I zz гр Gallup 1862 Nathaniel W. т 180 Elias [l Iêâl îharîaes J’ Fu? 1er Gaffney 182; Nathan §88? Râîrmc'md Т Р 8535] 1887 Bernard F. 1827 Joseph H. 1762 Daniel 1851 (‚ЗЙЁЗА'М Fresenius 1762 Oliver Gage Alulâm ° 1782 Israel 1891 Raymond H. I sa ' 1885 Henry 1783 JMU/“m 1894 Fred D. Вап1е1 Ga er .Flew l 1804 Andrew lz 1721 WUZÍlm Galpin 1876 William N. £08 Danieli;L 1835 Charles A. 1835 Samael Н. F 1833 ¿35211; [L 1875 Luther 11. р läge Ighmp lGÀ [L re ° 1 о am e . 18 1 T/¿omaîA d 1825 William 1877 Edwm В. u 9 ' 1826 Warren A. т , _ 1828 Jared т Games Galt FrrCkSrad 1831 Daniel l. 1841 Edmund Р. 1857 Azariah T. 1877 Тат! Т. e' ‘ 1838 Charles H. т 1865 Митинг. 1889 Jehu R. хь INDEX [1895 Gamble Garneau Gay Gibbons 1867 James M. 1888 George Р.р 1759 Fisher 1894 Merwin j. 1871 William Ь 1895 Henri С.р 1787 Ebenezer 1891 Henry F. т 1789 William Gibbs Garnsey 1817 William C. 1308 George д Gandy 1757 Ebenezer 1846 21139. 1808 Henry W. 1862 William W. 1782 Lemuel 1855 дуг/[шт M- 1809 Josiah W. Jullus 1814 Henry Gannett Garrard l d 1843 James B. 1802 John M. Ь 1858 ]ер111а Gëxor 1858 J- Willard 1809 7720772“ 5. д 1730 таит 1881 Herbert R. a 1820 Ezra S. 12 Garretson 1739 îìlîïlïanâïîf IâQß êlbfeftů­ß . 1774 а mme 1 93 u us . García-Aragón 1869 Ferdmana’ 17.0. 1826 Samuel l 18 А1е.апс1ю т _ 1834 Кеидеп Gibson 93 1 8 garfnsârîì Iââï Èfedîfîg 1808 William 1 94 in fe о I 3 “дР - 1812 Robert Gard 1865 Charles H. 1853 Randall L. 1877 William Е.р Gardes 1882 Henry W. Gardiner 1711 John 1736 David 1736 John 1759 David 1795 Jonathan 1804 David 1804 ja/z/e D. 1807 Robert S. 1824 David J._ 1835 Samuel L’H. 1840 John B. 1842 Hug/z В. 1868 James T. Ь 1887 Robert A. 1893 Thomas A. Gardinier 1871 Aaron B. 1 Gardner 1833 Rober! D. 1862 Edwin L. т 1881 William A. l 1890 Dorsey Ь Garñeld 1816 ]0Ь22 М. 1892 Frank L. d Garland 1863 Albert S. 1881 Henry P. Garlick 1893 Richard р Оагшап 1879 Charles E. d Garvan 1894 Edward I. Garver 1875 John A. deGasparin 1862 Agênor É. Ь Gatchel 1893 Frank E. Gates 1875 Lorifz S. a’ 1888 Andrew F. 1891 Edward В.р Gates-Fairbanks 1863 Artemas W. Gaul 1860 Edward L. Gause 1873 Harry Т.р Gauss 1866 Charles Н.р Gavegan I 889 ~Edward . Gavin 1885 _lohn W. 1895 Michael Gawthrop 1871 Joseph В.р Gawtry 1889 Lewis B. р 1870 Charles W. 1873 Edward E. 1876 Franklin A. 1876 John F. 1886 Frederick A. a’ Gedney 1890 Овоще W. Geer 1757 Amos 1763 Robert 1895 Isaac W. р Geis 1865 Silas W 2 Geissenhainer 1846 Frederick W. 1 Geisthardt 1883 Stephen L. Gelston 1 7g 1 Машу 1827 [Ил/ту 1843 Mil/s Б.- George 1762 William C. Ь 1885 Еа’шш’а’А. 1894 Charles H. Georger 1887 Francis Р.р Gérard 1779 Conrad А.Ь Gere 1818 Edward 1827 William Gerstle 1881 Albert М.р 1854 Lewis W. 1855 Hart 1864 Charles D. T. 1864 Edmund T. H. 1866 Robert Р. 1876 Robert I. р 1879 William W. р 1887 Robert Р.р 1895 Овоще]. Giddings 1852 Frederick S. 1 1860 Овоще W. 1864 Ammi Ь Gies 1894 William J. р Gifford 1845 Charles L. CJ 1875 Livingstonp Gignoux 1892 Claude? 1893 Robert M. 1 Gilbert 1759 Samuel 1778 Ezekiel 1783 Hezekiah 1786 Benjamin 1788 Sylvester Ь James 1817 Charles C. 1818 [озер/Ь М. 1822 Овоще А. 222 1825 Theodore т 1826 Arad 1829 Edwin I?. 1829 Matthew j. 1837 George Y. 1839 ~lohn M. 1841 Gershom C. H. 184I Wil/¿am Н. 1853 Wil/¿am Т. 1857 John К.р 1895] XLI INDEX 1865 Lyman D. 1869 James H. 1869 Samuel D. 1878 Charles M. 1878 Овоще Е. 1878 William T. 1881 Edward H. 1882 Eugene L. 1 1885 Sterling P. 1890 Allan A. l 1894 Allen а’р Giles 1763 William Gill 1842 Robert T. 1874 Wilson L. 1 1888 George M. 1889 Char/es О. Gillespie 1853 James M. 1887 John M. 1894 John T. р 1894 Louis P. Gillet 1758 John 1770 Alexander Gillett 1804 Moses 1841 Augustus C. 1841 Ezra H. Gillette I 829 Francis 1829 Horace C. т 1 876 Edward р Gillison 1837 William D. Gilman 1843 Edward W. 1847 William H. 1852 Daniel C. 1863 Charles M. 1872 George A. Р. d 1890 Овоще Н. Gilmore I 8 34 James Gilmour 1805 John M. 1895 Andrew ].р Gilpin 1893 Bernard l Giltner Roscoe R. Girty 1892 Овоще Н. Gladding Henry H . р Gladwin 1885 Irving С.р 188 |- 1881 Glasgow 1863 Edward B. Gleason 1828 Henry Wil/iam H. 1876 john B. 1885 Lafayette B. Elwin H. Gleeson I 884 Richard 1 Glenny 1865 William H. р 1894 William H. р Glicksman I 89 I Nathan Glisan 1887 Clarence 1890 Rodney L. Glover 1816 Abiel B. 1825 john M. Ь 1826 Samuel h 1846 John H. 1878 William B. Gluckler 1886 Ralph j. I Glynn 1844 James h Gobrecht 1846 Charles _1. Gochenauer 1876 David d Godard 1889 Porter B. 1895 George S. d Goddard 1814 Charles B. 1815 Charles H. 1820 George C. 1826 Charles 1828 Levi H. 1833 John C. 1845 Calvin L. 1845 Овоще W. 1853 Delano A. 1873 john С. 1893 Henry M. d Goebel 1886 Arthur Goetchius 1888 Henry К.р Gold 1751 Hezehz'ah 1778 Thomas 1786 Thomas R. 1806 Thomas R. 1834 job S. 1836 Samuel W. Ь 1838 Theodore S. 1856 George R. l 1883 Charles L. р 1888 james В.р Goldmark 1887 Charles ].р Goldsmith I 760 Benjamin Goldstein 1893 Frederick C. т Gooch 1887 Frank A. Ь Ооос1 1895 john E. Goodale 1889 George Р.р Goode 1842 William H. т 1873 Frank C. Goodell 1761 _fesse 1877 Edwin B. 1877 Thomas D. Goodenough 1862 Art/zur 1887 Edward W. 1893 Giles F. Goodhart 1867 Morris l 1885 Jacob Р.р 1892 Simon P. р »v_- ___ _~_-a__._. Goodhue 1804 Benjamin Ь 1818 William S. т 1839 josiah От 1852 Elbridge 1877 Frank D. Goodier 1877 Lewis E. Goodlett 1886 Nicholas M. Goodloe 1831 David S. Goodman 1819 ЕрарЬтз Ь 1867 Charles H. 1876 Jacob 1894 Jo C. 1 Goodrich 1752 E/z'zur 1776 Chauncey 1778 John 1779 Elizur 1783 Samuel 1784 Elihu C. 1785 1ЧегеЬ2аЬ 1785 Russell 1786 Charles A. 1788 Hezekiah 1797 Char/es 1806 Elizur Ь 1810 Chauncey A. 1812 Char/es A. 1814 Horace 1821/oseph 1837 Chauueey 1839 Otis D. т 1843 Wil/¿am H. 1848 Samuel G. Ь 1849 Charles R. 1853 James R. 1864 Frederick E. 1866 Edward E. 1880 Frank 1884 Char/es L. d 1886 Chauncey W. 1888 Caspar F. h 1893 Lincoln B. d Goodsell 1724 _fo/zu 1724 Thomas 1822 Thomas h 1826 Isaac Ь Goodspeed 1880 George EJ’ Goodwillie 1894 James В.р х Ш INDEX [1895 GOOdWlIl Gott . ` Grannis 888 F ° 1761 Hezek h I ranklm M, 1805 Timotlìîr 1873 Joseph W. 1876 George if, d 1290 гей; р 1806 Оеог e _ I 93 ее 1807 Richagrd Е, I 2 Eóûould Granniss 1894 John С. Ь 1821 Roswell I7 3 Wfîîlîezey 1868 John H» т 1823 Edward 1%1 Orl ¿angl Gready 1238 gar/¿d E, 1793 Газе? агат; 1842 Wil/¿em P, I 40 en?? М- ' - 1726 Ebeneze 1858 Sheldon ig?? ggz/jgîm/ZR 1741f0/m Г Greaton 1869 SCW? D­ 1816 william TÍ 176‘ Friend 1754 fam“ 1286 gilliam B. 1824 James R. 1765 Roswell 183? 1327 Овоще гнут P' Grece . oe . . 1895 Fred C’ ißââ Íůiìfieiis' 1839 John M. 1872 Wllham/ 1842 Ed., d ' 1845 _lohn Goodyear IamveasrG-Y' Hastings /z Greeley 1816 Miles т 1851 james L. 1857 James H, 1886 Clarence D. d 1824 Gear д 1852 Aydzz'óald 1858 Edward D. 1894 Allen .ST E. Ь 86 1863 ÑVatson А.р 1870 Charles W, 1861 Henry A. Ь 1867 “7111121111 н. 1873 George v, /z 1873 QH Green ilvîiiisrtHB' т 1892 I' Avery? 1886 ЬОЁЁЗМ 'P 1752 fw??? il , Gould. 1887 Madison 1791 Wzl/zam Ь mg 1891 DeForest 1826 Char/es G' т Gordon 1821 John _ 1892 Frederick Е Iig-26 {lacob Ь 1773 Wel/¿e 22 3 ­ ° I 33 ichard W. Ь 1830 John Gouraud I 95 Frederic L. d 1849 Albert G. 1831 Wellington 1894 George F. 1 Granville 1851 Erastus R, 1834 Alexander B, 18 Will` А 1852 Davld B’ 1842 Edwin Е. т Gower 93 1am -Р 1857 James P. 1849 George А, 1880 Henry L, 1857 Rlchafd Н. 1851 George W. Grau 1871 Charles H, р 1854 William W, Gracie 1891 Frederic W. 1877 НЁпЁУ D' 1875 Moses S. 1825 Robert h 1878 Wllham W' 1878 Cadmus Z, р Graves 1879 Henry S- 1880 Nathaniel Grafton Sja j' 1880 Ed.m.und F’ 1886 William “др 18 1766 МОГ mg 1883 Wllllam L. l 1888 Wiz/¿em @_ 93 James E. I 63 .ses 1885 НегЬвпК, 1892 Овоще А. р G 1 138 дуг/53311 l 1885 William G, 1893 George/1. Ь raham ì 1822 Ногаггтм l 189I Ashbel 1894 Miles R. т 1737/0/122Ь ' 1866 j “Т ~ | 1892 108613118. _2 1740 john I 1872 Jgfsfîfh i 1Ё94 (gervase 1747 Chauncey 1 р ~ 1 94 athan W, Gorham l 1760 1ere/ieee с, 1 Iâ? СМИ“ д а’ ì 1895 James s, 2 1Ё76 graâik т l 1768 John A. » 188; ëîllwzirrd 1 79 11 rew B. т 1770 onathan h l ar es ° l 1885 Sands к_ I 1819 jpl/¿wam /L 1882 Овоще Н_ I. l 2 DGreene ‚ 1893 Charles А. l ‘§86 wat.“ G- ,gg Râvld la Gormly 1895 Archibald l l I QI ”На“? P’ 8 4 у- 86 ‚ l 1892 Frederlck О. „2 l I 2f Dama' I 6 Edwm С. I Grain e l 1892 Нету S' t 1826 Edward W, т . g r 1393 Arthur С. Z 1843 Gardiner Gerriege l 1730 Damel l 1394 Harmon 5, 1 l 1Ё45 PWN/mm1?, 1881 Н I 51 rancis C. т впгу Н. Ь l Grammer i Gray l 1853 J, Evarts G ‚ 1817/0272 I 6 Е l 1860 Gfvfge N. Orton . 1843 Christopher 7 3 benezel' l 1862 Richard H. 1862 HenryH_ l 1575 Samuel h ‘l 1868 joseph Щ, l Granger Ъ îsîs ëäenezef 1872 William $.р Gosling 1760 GideOn 183? NirîilïâsE i 1873 Gardiner 1894 Thomas W' 1187 ЁШ‘Ю“ 1847 James P' з ЁЁЗЗ 535528” 1 10 а1р11 l ‘ r .р G ISU Francis gouglasss l 1888 Charles J. Z oss 1840 Aff/m7 /z 186.87 ehofge ~ 1888 Frederic/ë D. d i256 газе}? l 1843 Gideon 1871 lŕlodvrvlaŕd 1390 gmiam S' 94 on , Ig ‚ 191 arr/e 3.a’ 55 J. Albert ­ 1887 Robert В_ I 1892 На“)??? 1895] INDEX ШП 886Greenebìzum Grierson 1875 Morton Grove I . . James . р 1872 Samuel W. 1881 Wllham M. 1867 Peter Н_ р Greenleaf Griffin Grist îafèlèìrtâ/I.P 1750 Stephen /2 1790 Edward D, 1348 Franklin R. .p G 1797 George . Grover reenrnan 1822 Francis Griswold 1864 James Н l 1748 Ne/zemz'alz 1824 George 1717 Сет/а ° 1860 Geúrge Н. 1721 Johrîf 1874 Thomas W. Greenough ífenryhLÁa’ 1747 Daniel Groves osep . 1749 .Ben атм ЦЗЗ дрёёёёшт 1878 Daniel 1.1 1757 Sgr/¿anus 1855 LaFayette W- 1805 David S. [Z 1892 Francis H. 1lt/Iflazlt/Éllllevv la Grubb 0 а eW G Gfifñng 1780 Roger I. тент-У °1786 Nalhaolol 1786 жатву 1895 John с. р 1864 Timothy M. 1787 Gaylord Grube 1892 Thomas 5.19 1793 Diodate I, 1852 Franklin Greenwood 1793 loab 1843 fdl” á Griffith 1206 Shubael F. Gruener 1858 Moses М. 1742 Timor/zy 1808 Charles 1884 Gustav F. 1868 Thomas 1870 Daniel J. 1816 George W- 1891 Hippolyte W. 1874 [fl/illiam d 1881 George W. a’ 18W Jared 1885 Charles Lp léogeryw Guerin Greer 1886 .lollll K- 1821 (зли; 1885 Henry F. l 1888 Harold R. fom ­ 1888 Howard? 1824 George G 1891 Paul Е. Griŕñths 1826 James В, uemsey 1893 Lawrence 8 ‚ _ 1829 Richard S, 1844 William H» I 89 W1ll1am d 1830 George W. т 1875 Charles W. a' Gregorie G _ 1844 Wait К 1881 Nathaniel T. figgS 18 8 а 1887 George H. 1828 Thomas H 4 J mes ' 1783 15аас 1851 Joseph P. _ 1829 Leverett 1852 Charles А. Guilford Gregory 1846 joseph F. 1857 John 1812 Nathan 18,6 Samuel М. 1872 George В. 1860 Franklin C, Z 1829 Ira т 1882 Herbert S. 1862 Henry J. Guinni 1840 Samuel 1883 Chauncey M. 1866 William L, 8 p 1849 William Е. С. l 1886 Charles 187! Charles W, Р I 84 Morgan А- Р 1859 Elijah т 1887 Wilfred E.; 1879 Robert R. 1864 Lawa 1889 John C. 1881 Freeman C, Gulliver 1865 James Q_ 1890 Everett С.р 1881 William L? 1840 _fo/m Р, 1891 Franklin U_ 1892 David С.р 1888 МапЬешр 1848 Daniel F. 1891 Нету “др 1895 Theodore “Др 1890 Elihu M_ 1870 William C. _ 1875 Henry S. Greig Grimball Gross 1877 Arthur Н. 1830 David 1810 Paul С. 1859 Charles Н. G . 1866 Charles E. Gunckel . rimes ~ 18 I Le W. Grem 1886 Everett M. р GfOSVeIlOI’ 9 WIS р 1894 Albert L. d _ 1759 Eóenezer Gunn G _d1 Grimké 1765 Thomas I 8 М f1 ey 1807 Thomas s. 1769 Daniel IÃÍO F Offs. k 1773 Isaac 1810 Frederick 1785 РеаГ1еУ 8 Fre eric I781 Elihu 1800 Thomas Р. I 37 redenck W' 1783 (мг! Grinan 1807 Ebenezer lâ54 êlexander H, 1784 Elijah 1862 John 1826 деп/МА. 1874 Ceorge М'. 1788 Eli/ah Р | 1827 @aaa/ap. I 90 hafles N-e 1808 Timothy G ­ i 1827 Махал 1891 Josep/z W’ d 1814 [ваш W, “ng l 1815 Horatio 1878 Amm“ D' d ' Grout Gunter 1816 Frederick î 18 3 Gaston 1819 .Elnathan Grinnell ¿222112? 9 Р IS47 Horatio W. 1870 Geor e B. 8 т ‘ i ° G 1859 Russell W 8 g I 42 [вши unther ° I 75 Frank L' l 1853 Albert 1895 Whitman р XLIV INDE Х [1895 Gunton 1870 Nathaniel D. ía 18 ­ ~ ~ ­ 1847 William 1888 Henry H. ISiä îglàältllllâfâ Р 1892 William C. 1889 Levis М; 1821 David Е 772. 1893 Robert E? Gurley 1892 Charles S. 1824 Willis u £94 gäarleä 1773 [от ‚ 1830 Eli 894 G War 'p ` Halle ­ I 94 @*Orge Е. Z 1799 John W, la 1831 _lunlus 1894 John L 1818 мы А 1835 Ashbel B. 1834 Daniel Е. 1895 А11ап É ¿i 1827 Charles G. 1837 Samuel В. 1895 Henr L Í Haines 1839 David N. 1895 JameêïS 'p . Gurnee 1826 Selden 1839 lames L~ т 1895 lames Zi 1895 George н. 1880 Charles W. 1839 Lewis 1895 Robert W. p 1893 Frank в, l 1839 Wlllard P. 1895 Sherman В.р Gussman _ 1841 Е11/г ‚ 1895 William R. z 1882 Hem. C. Z Halsley 1841 Frederlc 1895 Willis M. У 18 2 C/ 'l Н р 1861 William Р. /z 84 Gm’ @i ~ Guthrie I 43 ordm Hak 1845 Edward lz Halladay 1868 Frank М.р es 1848 Charles S. 1737 M0565 1871 Edward B. 1881 Webster 1849 Ellal F- 1894 Warren 1850 DÍXOD т Hallam Halbert 1850 Ест/т I N. h 1 Guy 1895 Clarence W. 1851 William C. J, 17357) A1C О аз 1891 Thomas Н. 1895 Hugh Т- 1852 Cyrus L- 12427 ЁЁТЁЁЁА 1852 Reginald H- 1866 Alberi c' Gwathmey Haldeman 1853 T imothy D. ° т 1894 Archibald B. [851 Richard . 1856 Theodore Р- p 1893 Donald 1859 Wil/iam K. нанес}: Gwynne £20 geßlwy L, 1881 Reuben P. 1839 Abraham Е. Hale 1863 т . 1742 Elizur 1863 NeWtOD'B Hallloek 1765 JOSlall 1864 Charles Н. „l 1762 Benjamlli Hack 1769 Nathan 1866 John М ' 1876 Alexander R. Z ggg/Z 1866 Levi il Hallock х lan l ‚ ­ Hackett 1785 В‘Ёш’ licavêl.1 _ÉÍÜÍZÍMÍZ lz 1893 William H. 1794 Eihas W“ 1869 William К. 1814 Miner 1803 l\athan M. /z 8 182 Aló »t I 7I Seymour D. l 1857 Joseph N. Hackley 1862) ШйЁйаш Н 1872 my R' 1785 LGVÍ 1862 ЕЬеп Т. . ä-Irällrîf 1 Hallowell Hadden F. ад???“ Í 1852 нему С. . . 3 1 1am . 1880 Aïchzòa/dd 189! Edwin V. 1874 Е. Edwm ¿m Halsey Hadley Hall gliillïîmicîíp ЁЁЁЁ ЁЁЁЁШ 1842 James 1716 Samuel 1877 Franklin W. т 1858 William s /a 1Ё47 Нету Н. 1727 Theophilus 1877 Jelle Е. М? 1883 Charles ' 1 76 АгРЬиг Т. 173; Elihu 1877 Orlando 1884 John R. 1879 ОПЗС. 1736 ¿onathan ЕЁ?) ЁЁарЬ /z .. . 1737 iCe 1 lO Win C. M. Hausleln 1747 [души 1880 William M. 18 „дёгтю 1892 Ferdinand А. 1750 Richard 1881 Henry A. Z 74 1 1am 5- 1752 Caleb 1881 _lohn D. Hager 1754 Benjamin 1882 Robert Е. I Ham 1892 Stansbury T. 1754 Samuel 1882 Wllliam ¿ï? 1883 Clifford D. 1759 Angry 1883 Charles H. 1887 George C. р Hague 1764 Elisha 1883 Charles S, р 1863 Arnold? 1769 _lohn 1884 Arthur P. a’ Hamelin I877 Wi”. В a, 1772 Amon 1889 Asaph dp шт . 1786 William 1889 Henry 1840 John Hai Prince B' Р. /Z g Lee 1890 FICdCIÍC à 1844 Непгу Н. 1802 John 1891 Charles H. 88 R b lâ? Выдаёт). 1803 George W. 1891 Lewis C- las?) На???) О l am ' 1807 Amos Р- 1892 Joseph B' т 1891 Charles H. 189g] _Hl/'DH grav Hamilton 1808 Wil/¿afa Hardyear Harrington 1821 Horatio A. т 1830 Frederlck А- 1818 ]аЬе2 G. т 1803 Joseph 1823 Frederick W. 1861 Walter 1845 George D. 1868 William A. Hare 1864 Benjamin H. l 1874 Charles S. l Hanlon 1806 Robert д 1871 Bernard j. игр 1877 William a’ 1882 John R. 1887 Clinton L_ 1876 james L. a7 1886 Lewis B. 1889 Thomas 1893 Montgomery 1894 Amos T. 1893 William A. т! 1894 Meredith _ 1894 Paul D. р Наппа Harriott 1895 Laurens 1768 1721/шт /z Harger 1856 Alexis W. . 1885 _lohn Ир tg Charles 1859 _lames H. т Hamlm 1893 Thomas К-Р 1858 Oscar р _ 1728 ]аЬе2: 1887 Edgar В], Harris 1769 331362 Наипаьэ 1826 Andrew /z 1799 anso“ 18 Diodate C. 18 6 Henr R. 1856 Chester lz 59 Hêrlmess 1826 IsraelyH. 86 Geor e S_ 1881 William L. ­ . I 3 g t Hannay 1883 Charles“, 1849 William T. /z 1869 Frank Н’ 1881 Alexander /z ‘ 1854 1390]? В- 1871 C/zar/es Н. 1856 Wzl/zam 1887 Harry L. р Hammers Harland 1858 William T. 1888 Fred В.р G M 1853 Edward 1872 Samuel /z 1892 Herbert “Т.р I823 @Orge ' 1875 George a’ 1895 Fred H. H 1875 Nathan W. ap 1895 George W. Hanfmm arleston 1885 Стати Е. 1895 Robert А. 1) 1873 Curtis H. 1 1815 Edward 1892 Norman D, p 1895 Frank J. Hammond Hanscom Harlow 1895 Henry W. 1802 Elisha 1894 Elizabeth D. a'p 1826 Wil/¿am 1895 Newton M. l 1814 Asa 1851 William T. _ 1815 Charles H. Hansen Harrison 1230 lägwë/lfd 1742 Hendrick H. Harman 1736 farm’ 1 39 af es 1791 Roger 1848 JGetîcrg-eî C. W. l Hanson 1878 Ralph А' Р 1815 Fosdick /z 1876 ac .p 1823 Increase т 1878 George H. т 1890 Bert Harmar 1825 David т 1892 John Н.р 1855 Josiah W. 1831 Hag/z Т. 1893 Ogden Н.р Harada 1861 James L. 1836 Benjamin F. т 1893 Samuel М.р 1891 Tasuku a’ 1892 Josiah? 1836 James 1895 Charles N. 1845 Carter H. Haradon Harmon 184б Henry B- Halflptfm 1861 Amasa F. 1871 John B. /z 1848 Edwaïd B’ 1804 Вещатт F- 1894 Frank M. 1872 Dana 1349 grant-Imst? 180 ohn P. 1 59 “Г ОП ~ 4 J Hard 1879 Lloyd W' I 1860 Hart L. l Hancock 1869 George T. I 6 John [l 1834 David B. NV. т Harmstad 1874 Wallace K. 7 9 1836 Anson O. т 1893 Clarence C. 1876 Stephen D. Hand 1887 Henry E. 1879 Ргарс1$.Н.р 18 3 J s h W Harp 1883 Benjamin V. I 0 ЭР - 188 С t H. l 1829 George Е. Hardenbergh 1885 Сути D. d 1882 Câfvîrrl L Р M’ 1880 _lohn W. р ' 1850 Chauncey _ 1335 Henry к. 1857 Alfred 1888 Damel B' Нагрег 1886 Frank s. р 1869 George Е- ‚ 1831 Samuel H. il 1887 John 1 1882 Alfred С- Hardmg 1845 William R. 1890 R. Fairfax 1884 Н9гёсе E- l 1837 Willard/lí. 1848 John R. 1893 Fosdick B. a 1887 Wllllam t 1845 faim W. 1867 Orlando M. , 1895 Francis B. 1888 Alfred t 1853 Charles 1875 William R. dp t 1895 Paul W. l 1867 Wilder B. 1880 William H. Hanes | 1875 Henry M. 1883 George Ир t Harsh 1849 John L. 1880 John S. 1883 William; 1892 Samuel Arp 1886 David N. р l Hanford t Hardy I Hart 1800 Enoch t 1852 Francis W. Harral ' 1703 _fo/'m 1807 David I 1894 Thomas W. l 1863 Frederick F. l 1732 William XLvi INDEX [1895 1760 Lm' Hartwell Hatcher Hawley 1762 Josiah 1762 Moses 1884 John В.р 1742 loseph 1764 Ада/181 1859 Samuel S. 1749 'Gz'flewz lOÈE 1874 Charles S. Hathaway 1759 Step/zen 0 1889 John А.р 8 Sh h 1767 Rufus 1784 Sgr/¿_ 1891 Charles W. т 173 adrac 1787 William 1 о William S /z 1759 Asahel 1332 “шпат . 1895 Harry L. a’ 1787 Joshua râogräeíràalli s ­­ 801 Asahel 3 r e I795 Abllath /r Harvey I 1817 Isaac A. 1797 [т I 82 Almo r l 789 Rufus Hatheway I 9 П 7” £97 В 1808 joseph 1879 Amos L’ 1829 ]ое1 Е. 722 1823 Henry С ' 1891 Perry W. 1Ё33 (george В- 1823 David S. т 1893 Allyn F' найди“ fixer IS-IiêrllerolnA т Hasbrouck 1867 Frank H. А 1842 gosrvell т 1830 Samuel Il 1210 Abraham B­ Hatoyama Hìglgr Е. 1831 for” C» I 31 Janse“ 1878 каше т! 1876 Charles D. 1833 Rufus Е- 1844 Alfred 188 Samuel B р 1836 EdWard L- 1881 Louis В' Haughee 188g joseph R011 18 8 Frederick A. т ` Р. a@ a@ S' 1846 Levi W. Haskell 1313 Richard Нахап 1847 George W~ I7 о Samuel 1851 Byron ‚ 1822 Daniel Haven 1823 RObertW' I853 Augllstme 1811 Ezra 1778 Samuel lz 1853 Austin 1349 Не„т‚м_ 1875 Alfred р'р Нау 1855 Samuel W- Il 1851 (Маг/е: 1887 George G. 1881 Louis C. 1860 Henry Е- 1858 Robert C. 1893 Logan 1867 Лён/И- 1863 Willabe Havens 1872 Wllllam E 1890 Charles H. . Hayden 1878 Walter Т.р 1892 Henry S. 1753 NICOU t _ 1881 Ernest E. 1892 William 5 1777 Jonathan N­ 1847 Wllham H‘ 1883 Irving W. ° 1806 Charles H. 1869 Frederick S. 1887 Frederic W. Haslam 1843 Daniel W. 1887 Charles H. l 1887 Herbert L.jbY 8 о L . S 1883 Frederick W. t 1887 James Н.р 1887 Horace S. I 9 ems ‘ 1884 james S. г 1894 Robert C. l 1891 Lane S. 1291 Ё geodoîrîI S. 1893 11:53:22??? Haviland Hayes 1 94 War .p - - о t 1894 Harrie В? 1880 William T. . агат а Well S. Hassard 3 1894 М X Р Н 1823 Samuel 1895 LOUÍS 1816 Samuel aWeS 1824 АтадаА 1862 Robert G. т 1814 Lowman 1825 William Harter Н t_ gÃl/ìâîe] 1851 Charles G.. 1888 Eu ene W. ' as ings ' 187О .lames I- Z g "l 1815 john £72 GaîäëîeAW' р 1879 Howard W. Hartridge 1851 George 94 »l ' 1880 Rutherford B./z 1870 Char es ‚р 1887 Clifford W. 1875 Henry M. р Hawkes Herner 1876 Lemuel S. d 1879 William W. 1826 Нет Z 1893 Frank W' 1882 Charles B. у ' Hartshorn 1883 Samuel N 1815 Elijah Hatch ° Haynes 1828 15аас 7” 1777 james Fraîilìńäsl 1714 Joseph 1867 /05"Р/‘ W- 1800 Moses 1891 George P. 1894 Charles S. a’ 1815 Roger C. Hartshorne 1823 johnson С. 772 Hawkins Haynie 1828 ethrom ­ 1817 Robert 1826 Alexander T. 1879 Edwin C. 1890 Robert 1237 щам? TÈ 1 59 ar es . 1871 Azel F. Hawks Hays Hartsock 1874 Нету P, 1818 Francis L. /z 1830 Thomas A. 1894 Jacob L. a’ 1877 John R. 1882 Wint/zeep В. a' 1891 David A. р 1895] INDEX XLVII Hayward Hebert Helleberg Henry 1809 George 12 1826 Surville т 1883 Victor E. 1824 Thomas C. 12 1820 Elisha т 1853 Daniel Р.р 1859 Henry E. Heck Heller 1892 William T. 1 1873 James 1863 John L. 1894 Isaac M. р 1894 Fidelio S» 1872 George W. 1895 Charms V» Í Hazard Hellier 1770 Nathaniel 12 Heckman 1886 Charles Е. Henshaw 187I “шпат T» 1894 Samuel G. d 1892 .Fran/ê 0. а’ 1785 Joshua 1874 Vincent G. р " 1842 Dalziel H M_ Hecock Helm .aze me 1802 Simeon e 1891 Edwin О.р Henson 1779 Silas 1849 Rufus A. Н Hedden Helmer azen 1894 Benjamin F. z 1852 Char/es D. Не“ 1806 John 1881 Frederic D. 1854 Reuben W. 1818 Reuáen S. Hedding 1834 fam“ A' 1824 Elija/z 12 Helmuth Hequembourg Head 1885 Ме/ш'п Е. 22’ 1888 William T. Íz 1835 C/zar/es L. 1340 ¿Ph? RD Hedge Hemenway Hering. I 74 ramer ‘ß 1759 Lemuel 12 1861 Alfred ~ c 1872 Daniel W. р Head 1823 Levi le 1872 George L. ‚ y 1867 Thomas 1872 Ellas B. т Hemingway Herman Hedges 8 Ch 1 1888 _fo/m Е. d Heald 1764 Jeremiah I 73 ar es S’ j 1895 Frederick W. d 1841 Ваты A- 1792 jesse Heminway l 1873 John О- 1838 Henry P. 1704 jamá I Herod 1831 Charles А. 1848 Henry С- 1888 Charles М 19 1891 Joseph R. Healey 1853 Cornelius ' | 1857 David A. 772 Н t 1892 John j. l 1869 Edwin 8 ìmîls ed ` Heron 1874 Wil/¿am I 21 1” п - 1806 Jehu М. Healy 1891 Joseph E. 18 Frank Е l Henderson Herpin 93 ~ 8 W'll' о Неегшапсв 1 74 1 lam ° 1741 john ' 1827 George R. т Heard 1858 Edgar L. 18 Т Woolse 1883 George W. a’ 1853 Albert F. 93 ­ У 1895 Yendell He“ 1884 Edwin М.р‘ Hearn 8 Heâfmans . Hendrick 1886 Willis B. р 1 1860 Alfred W. р 95 JO n 1395 Вити J- H . Heffelñnger Hendrickson 1 6 ЕдЁЕЁЁ Heart 1891 Walter WV. р 79 ~ 1852 John B. 1798 Gaudens 1768 jonathan 1822 Нет), 1801 А1С1$ Hemon Hendrie 1824 John С 8 G H. 188Ed ard .le Heath I 91 @Orge ‘851 John W’ 1827 вашим P. р 1721 Peleg Hegeman Heness 1865 John C. т 18 8 Оеог в s 18 2 Gottlieb 12 1866 Albe“ B' Heaton 7 g "p 7 1369 22mm; d 1 1 war . Egg ЁЁЗЁЁ Hegstrom Henlein 1887 Henry М. d 1863 Edward I 1894 Victor H. др 1871 Alfred F. i 1888 Frank R. 1885 Benjamin K. _ l ` Heitler Hennen ; Herron Hebard l 1853 Peter M. 1 1806 Alfred : 1874 John 1832 Alfred Ё . 1842 Wllliarn D. 1891 john ‚р 1851 Albert l Helfenstem g 1860 Daniel l 1841 Charles P. Henriques l Hersey 1882 Charles S. 1880 John P. 1878 John P. т t 1868 John С.р XLVIII INDEX [ 1895 18 ershey навет 1893 Cha 1 в 74 2772012 В. a’ 1842 Isaac E. 1893 ГгеЁвЁЁСК.Ё 1290 Frank Н' l Hesing . 1893 James N. ° 1892 Вещи R' 1870 W h. Hlgbee 1893 Louis W p 92 @my В- as ington 1861 William H, 1894 Herbert C? H­ HCW 1875 Harry 1895 Charles L, щеке es 1884 Howard H. 1895 David А р 1866 Edward У. 1870 John Н, 1895 101111508“? d 1872 faim H, i Higbie ' 1878 Штаты В. /L Нет“; 1836 Danie] 1891 Wllliílm 1808 Naf/zam?! 1830 David , H . Higginbotham 1843 Elia; В. Hmds eWltt 1842 Jesse А 1883 Нету В. 1870 William А‚р 1823 Henry 772 ° 1883 Lord B. 1847 Gurdon z Higgins 1883 Tuthill R. Hine 1Ё58 Frederick C. 1785 Danie! _ I797 Ношег Íaâg Jrohn H. 1860 Lucius Н вшег 1815 Jeremiah 4 homas B. 1861 Anthony' 1334 Charles A, £37 gri@ ¿Q_ 1881 S I I Fred ' 43 ylvesíer Hewlett amuelp 1893 А. M2123; р 1861 Elmore C. т 1894 Harold E. р Higginson I 1864 William H’ 7” 1895 Louis 1880 L ' Hillhouse 187I Charles D, OulS М. р 1749 James А 1877 William В.р Heyliger Hi h I773 James . 1881 Robert C. 1809 Alfred , g 17 W-l ~ 1884 Roderick W’ 18 5 Sh 1 77 111am 18 9 1T @Y 1792 Ь Frank Heyward ­ 1808 Jam@ А Hlgley s r Hink I794 Ben'a ° ­ 1810 AugustuS L. ey J mln 1802 Silas 1229 William /z 1895 Frank A. . I h 1815 §§Y_W0od Hildebrand 1872 lâmresrr. В. Hinkle njamm F. т 1875 СЬаг1взр 1878 Charles В. р 1863 Thornton M, Heyworth u 1879 Frank р 1869 William H, 1888 Jam О Н111 1879 _lames W. 1887 Charles М. 1890 La es ' 1737 Nathaniel , 1892 Frederick W. Wrencep 1759 Andrew H1lliard ­ I772 Henry 1887 Frederick W 1 Hinman 188 H.1b.bafd 1816 George . 1762 Simeon о W1111am W. d 1219 {Ac/gseph A, Hills 1776 Sherman ‚ I 23 Ьпшш ‚ 1846 Sa 1784 Simeon H1ckok 1827 ChristophggrEßz 1851 jaïèlselRA' т 1784 Timothy 1798 Horatio 1835 Вен/атм М, h 1863 Thomas т 1789 Cyrus 1803 Norman 1835 Joshua 1874 Асы—оп М 1804 ROYal R. 1895 Wllliam O, р 1845 George C. ' 1827 С/гел‘ег /z _ 1846 George Е. Hillyer 1853 William L» Hickox 1849 Henry H. 1770 And 1877 Leverett C. 1 1857 Volney 1854 ‚12111165 К. 1786 Asa rew » . iëäâ idwrd Р- 132; 31122251- 6 ау . 5 18 . 17 2 07 1886 Ralph р ТЁЁЗ 56111772 75 Samuel L d 1815 Chg/e?? 1387 William B.25 186 llîîeach Hilton 1821 Theodore 1893 Charles R. 1872 Е (11355; ì? ‚891 Robert G р 1833 Аде/К. Hicks iâyg Charles É, н_ - 1848 James с. I 7 C/zarles W. d “nes - 1 68 Horace A, 1879 Jahn] ~ ~ 1871 _fa/m W, 1870 Lewis W. 1881 С I . Xrus F' Hinckley . ¢ 1881 William B, 1781 S Hitchcock Hicock 1885 John В.р 178 Dannuel 1761 Daniel 1806 Lyman 1886 William В]; 1812 Ggâ'r T' ~ 1781 Enos /z 1887 Frederick ‚Г. 182 AS rg@ 1786 Reuben Hidden 1887 George E, 8 9 al’ 1801 Peter 1892 Eb I 59 EdWard S. 180 S 1885 Edward N 18 enezer] 12 1859 Нету R 9 ашие1 . 92 Herbert А. l 1889 Edward 1818 Edward/z — 1826 Reuben 1895] XLIX 22119252( 1832 Henry L. 1840 Ambrose N. 1848 Henry 1854 Augustus S. 1854 Elizur 1857 Edward ZV. _1864 George N. 1866 William E. т 1871 Dexter 1879 Henry 1880 Walter? 1886 C/zar/es Е. d 1889 Albert [317.11 1890 George С. 1893 Charles “7.15 1895 Henry 5.16 Hitchings 1881 Harry Hite Levi 1 Wallace W. Hittell Theodore H. 1875 1878 1849 Hixon George C. Hjetland 1895 John H. d Hoadley Frederick H. Horace G. Carleton E. 1 Howland Hoadly 1768 Jehiel 1801 George 1817 L. Ives 1879 Charles J. 12 1884 Овоще /z 1894 1870 1883 1887 1889 Hoag 1865 Julius А. Hoagland 1832 Christoph. C. т 1886 Raymund 1 Hoar 1885 Овоще F. 12 Hoard 1879 Charles В.р Hobart 1757 John S. 1837 Leander S. 1895 Everett W. a’ Hobbie 1893 john P. Hobbs 1885 Charles B. Hobby 1814 Alfred M. Hodge 1856 Frank 1857 Lyman D. 1893 Ben Hodges 1811 William F. 1845 Willard 1847 Francis L. 1858 Henry K.]§ 1874 John D. /z 1877 Alp/zeur C. 1891 George W. Hodgman 1876 William L. Hoes 1870 Edward V. В.р Hoff 1832 ]о1ш F. Hoffecker 1 871 James H. Hofferbert 1890 Wilhelm P. 1 Hoffman 1827 Philip R. 1828 Овоще В. 1842 Murray 1863 Овоще 1880 Frank S. d 1891 Robert М.р Hogan 1853 Isaac H. Hogeboom 1827 Henry Hoggson 1888 Noble Р.р Hogue 1889 Robert M. d Holbrook 1801 Samuel 1810 Josiah 1857 Levi Dar/¿d S. DeWitt С. Charles A. Z. Swift /z Richard Т. Holcomb Reaoeîz Hiram James W. ÑValterp Herbert W. Harry C. р Holcombe 1840 Gustavus A. 1850 Charles C. т 1869 John М. Holden Edward Stephen Edward G. Daniel J. John Edwin К. d Charles R. Benedict M. 1 Louis H. 1872 1874 1880 1887 1893 1774 1828 1868 1877 1891 1895 1812 1857 1860 1864 1884 1885 1892 1895 1895 Holeman George P. Holland 1824 William M. 1882 Theodore 1885 Clifton Е. 1 Но11еу 1795 Лаг/гите! 1803 Horaee 1822 John M. 1828 Platt Т. 1859 John C. Holliday 1831 1847 Frederick W.M. 1884 Joseph G. 1885 Charles K. 1 Hollingsworth 1863 Samuel S. Hollister 1840 Gideon H. 1840 john С. 1847 Овоще W. 1848 Shelton 1849 Horace 1851 David F. 1858 Arthur N. 1878 Howard C. 1892 Burton P. 1892 George B. l l Holly 1852 Pierre R. 272 1855 Francis M. т 1883 William J. 1887 Clarke W. 1894 Henry Н.р Holmes 1752 Step/zen 1783 Aoiel 1784 Uriel 1815 Isaac 722 1816 Uriel 1825 Henry т 1833 Silas 1846 Fran/¿Zire 1848 Daniel 1853 Theodoref. 1857 fo/zn ZW. 1860 Ephraim L. 1866 Henry P. 1872 Edmund W. 1884 Charles E. 1886 OlÍVCI W. 11 1889 Frederick I. 1 1890 Овоще D. 1894 Ralph W. Holohan 1892 John F. 1 Но1р 1890 Lincoln А. d Holt 1784 Thomas 1823 Eleazar 1833 Asa M. 12 1834 Hiram 12; 1835 Daniel т 1862 Henry 1865 Charles? 1866 George C. 1872 Benjamin L. 1874 Frank Lp 1884 _lohn H. ml 1890 Roland 1893 Sidney S. р 1894 Hamilton Holter 1894 EdwardàO. Holton 1890 Edward Р. d Holzheimer 1881 Charles W. Holzinger 1882 _lohn M. d l 1894 Godfrey А. d L INDEX [1895 Homans Hopkins 1772 Ezra /z Houpt 1892 Thomas S.p 1718 Башне! 1846 ШЁЩаш.“7. 1883 Wilber E. 1741 Samuel 185О Вещатт Homes 1749 Sav/me.’ 1854 Нету House 1868 Henry F. 1758 Dame! 1891 Thomas О? 1862 William W. 1758 Mark 1893 [Задел F’ /l 1895 Albert L. 712 Homiston I7g7 Íamuell'/ Hosmer I7 4 @mue l Ho ton 1872 Joseph M' т r791 Samuel M. 1732 Stephen us . 1834 John W. Home 1814 Charles 1757 Titus 8 F . Н 1826 Asa Т. 1782 Stephen T. I 59 rams ' 1893 John l 1831 William F. /z 1838 Charles B. H 1895 Joseph В 1832 Samuel М. 1892 Sidney oustoun 1836 Arthur М. 1805 Robert]- НопеУ 1838 William H. т Hotchkin 1885 Frederic R. /z 1851 George 1794 ¿Wm/Z /Z Hovey 1864 T/zeodore W. 1819 Sylvester Honeywood Itââo 1; rankllinCW. Hotchkins 1838 JDames1 fîlz 1782 St.John Ёж: НЁЕЁ;С ° 1822 Hermon J. т Eârrälemd 'Оа ag г891 .lohn A' Z 1891 Louis L. 1748 John 1763 Joshua H d 1895 Louis D.p 1766 Cale? 1807 James oo Z Gabrlel 1810 John Louis .FTEÃZÍÉTÍCÉ W. 1818 Nathan /Z L. d Hopkinson 182 John L 1894 Walter D' 1846 Benjamín В. ЁЁЁЁГТ 1831 Jarvis Hooker . 1869 William H. 1835 от” R' Hoppin 1851 Jonathan J. т 1723 Wimam 1828 William W 1873 НЧЬ?“ L­ l 1851 Virgil M. 1729 Nathaniel 1832 William] ° 1875 “шпат H' 1854 Horatio N. т 1751 _fo/m 8 М ` 1877 Justus S’ 1855 HiramL ­ I 4О fam“ _ ° 1891 Samuel S. l ' 1755 Nat/mme] 1856 Fredenck S. 18 4 Howard P р 1860 John ¿(3261 1872 Benjamin 9 ` Iâ? ЁЗПГУ W- B~ ‘ 1891 G. Beekman I 5 uy 1796 John Hott 1875 William т 1205 Edward Hopson 1884 Isaac Т. d 1877 Horace с. p I ...is la? Jorn. н . agg tardi' 1814 George 1870 Wllham R'P о Z 1890 .John I l 1815 Ноге“? 1891 Robert George. М.р 1815 Josiah Нога 1820 Charles 1886 Henry E. Hough Howarth 1825 WOIÍhÍngIOH 1765 _James 86 W.1b G l 1827 ЖМИ“! Hornblower 1802 /0/т I 5 1 ur I 1835 John M. т 86 h С 1822 Isaac I. 12 1837 ]о11п I 9 Josep 'P 1830 Alfred Howe 1354 lohn W­ 1832 Alanson H. т 1765 _[05ер/г 1864 Frank H. Home 1836 Henry W. т 1776 Eleazar W. 1864 ThOmaS 1876 Durbin 1849 Edward C. r799 William lz 1869 Thomas 1853 fesse W, 1827 Samuel 1880 Alfred Е. Horner 1859 joel/_ 1833 Cheney 1890 George Е. d 1895 James F. Hooper 1821 Nathaniel L. lz 1880 Theodore L. p Hoover 1886 Clz'fzlou D. d Hopke 1868 Edward F. 1876 _fo/m W. d Horr 189 I Edward F. Hort 1808 Benjamin S. Horton 1731 Simon 1735 Azaria/z 1885 David Др 1890 Addison H. Houghteling 1876 James Др Houghton 1767 Israel 1816 Ephraim т 1840 William А. 1852 Edward 1873 William A. 1835 james H. 1835 Nathaniel S. 1847 William H. 1852 Lewis 1858 Leavitt 1859 Elija/ì F. 1860 Theodore L. B. 1871 Andrew J. le 187r John K. 1874 Allen B. p 1874 Daniel R. 1875 William R. p 1876 Elmer P. 1895] INDEX Lr 1887 Frank C. 1748 Daniel 1826 Step/¿ea Hulst 1893 William T. H.p 1751 Russell 1846 John W. m 1867 Nelson Р. 1758 Bela 1854 Henry L. Howell 1759 Nathaniel 1857 james W’. Humo I 21 ohn 1765 Moses /z 1858 William S. 1372 ¿avid /Z 1766 Stephen W. 1884 Charles H. l 1795 Thomas 1769 ltooerl 1887 Marvin D.p 1887 John Н 1854 George R- 1785 мчат 1894 George M'? 1892 Arthur C. 1854 Joseph R. 1785 Willlam G. l 1891 Hampton Р. 115212115 НиЬЬу Humiston 18 ^ Ham t n 9 т 1832; Lloyälìb/LP 392 El??? 1895 Frank “. 1863 Cyrus E. m 95 1 а . Howells 1796 Rujggles Huddy Humpherville 1881 William D. e 1799 Thomas Hf 1893 George H- l 1763 Salas 188 Arzt/zon d 1802 Samuel 3 у 1803 George Hudson Humphrey 1806 Russell 130 Лета” Hawes 1813 Richard 1824 Jolla-than T' 1848 Philander P. „2 Abraham 1817 Аид-072 1827 Wllham W' 18 F 18 штат M. 52 1 lam ­ 1818 Thomas /z 53 s 1870 Нет-у С.р Howland 1819 Samuel D» 1888 рт 7 A' 1874 Charles E. 1800 Joseph 1820 William J. ~ 1854 Henry E. 1822 Thomas G. Huggms Humphreys 1875 Clark P. 1824 Austin О. 1757 Zenas 1732 дат-е! 1879 LOUÍS 1825 Jabez B. 1784 Heaton 1757 Daniel 1880 Charles H. m 1828 Oliver P. 1818 James S. 1771 David 1891 Charles P, 1829 Denison H. т 1842 Wil/¿am S. I7 o John 1894 John 1829 John M. 1823 David 1232 22122?- Hughes 18 o/m F. d 1875 Thomas D. e 1839 film N' fGOÃÉÍÍ/¿o/ZR H 1833 á’1dr 1839 Richard D. {825 Augâstus'D ’ HOY@ §23?, FJ., 1893 Río/mrd H. n' Hungerford 1888 Stephen М. Í 1820 Мугон 1895 Alfred B. 1809 William Ho stadt 1842 George В. 1839 Allyn M' т y 1843 Joseph S. Hughson 1851 1877 Albert 1848 ]д;т Р. 1884 Frank С 1875 Willlam S. 1849 Thomas 5. ' 1886 Frederick B. Hoyt 1851 R'obort т 1893 W1111am C. p 1792 Amos 1852 David G. Hulbert 1814 jo/m В. 1855 VanBuren 1824 William E. Hun 1830 Метим/2072 1859 james М. 1857 William E. 1874 Henryp 1840 Joseph G. 1860 Charles H. m 1878 Robert S. p 1851 james S. 1860 Stephen G. lz Hunn 1853 Henry T. 1862 Charles E. Hulburt 1731 Лад/дате] 1861 Henry A. m 1867 Charles H. p 1766 Zadœk 1864 james Р. 1872 Elbert H. I894 Charles N' 1813 Daw'd L' 1872 Gerald L. 1873 Charles L. 1876 Joseph S_ 1873 Henry S.p 1873 Joseph C. Hull 1878 Henry M. 1874 Richard W. /z 1735 Daniel Hunt 1882 Frederze V. d 1875 Frank E. 1758 Eliphalet 1729 Joseph 1883 Henry M. 1880 John T. I ­ . 772 Wlllram 1768 Seth 1893 Phelps В.р 1881 George H. I 8 David I 8 Ebenezer 1894 Charles W.p 1881 Wz'llz'am В. d 1505 Áyœtíus В Iglg David [l 1895 Frederick M.p 1882 Sherman Н. l 1811 Нежить ° 1826 Eleazar „L 1883 А“??? 1837 _]о/т G. 1826 Josiah F. m Hubbard 131111112 1837 josep/z D. 1833 Chester /L 1721 David l 18 ¿asus XV 'l 1869 Charles A. 1833 Ebenezer K. 1724 forzar/zon l I 93 J s ’ 1870 Walter S. 1837 Addison L. 1727 Daniel , 1879 Charles P.p i 1840 Тётоту D. 1730 John la ; Hubbell 1880 Hadlai A. l î 1847 Isaac S. m 1744 joan i 1723 Nat/:amel 1883 Louis K. ~ 1860 Thomas G. 1744 Leverett ’ 1769 Levi l 1889 Leverett L. 1866 Frederick Т. 1747 jo/m l 1818 Horatio l 1894 Ralph S. Í 1876 Randellp LII [1895 INDEX О 1876 Thomas 1884 Henry W. a’ 1886 W. Irving 1887 Albert G. 1888 James F. l 1892 Henry D.p 1895 John L. Hunter 1836 Moses H. 1876 Dwight W. 1892 _lames a’ Huntington 1733 Daniel 1741 Jabez 1741 Simon 1743 Samuel 1744 Hezekiah 1747 Шаг/дате! 1757 Gurdon 1758 Jabez 1759 Eliphalez' 1759 Enoch 1761 Benjamin 1762 joseph 1768 Thomas 1770 Jedidiah h 1772 Nathaniel 1773 Dama’ h 1775 Ebenezer 1779 Samuel h» 1784 Jabez 1785 Enoch 1785 Samuel 1788 Lynde 1789 Jonathan 1791 Erastus 1794 Dan 1800 Samuel G. 1804 joshua 1806 Jabez W. 1806 Nathaniel G. 1807 Daniel 1811 Henry W. 1811 Leverett f. F. 1814 Jedidiah 1815 Andrew 1817 Rufus 1818 Samuel H. 1819 Asahel 1821 Enoch 1823 Elisha m 1824 Andrew h 1825 Oliver E. 1827 George 1828 Peter L. 1832 Joshua 1840 Elijah В. 1840 Thomas S. 1843 Cyrus 1843 ­lohn M. 1855 David L. 1857 Henry S. 1863 Samuel 1873 Dwight W. 1875 Samuel J. 1876 Samuel H. m 1887 De РУЛИ С. 1889 Arthur G.p 1889 Robert W. 1891 David Др 1891 James C. F. 1891 Robert P. 1892 Daniel T. 1892 Henry A. l 1892 Howard 1895 Augustus Z.p Huntress 1870 George L. Huntting 1735 Jonathan 1767 Samuel 1804 jonalhan 1824 james hf. Hurd 1822 Nelson L. m 1830 Theodore C. m 1836 John C. 1837 Phi/o l?. 1839 Alva A. 1852 George E. 1867 Alva/:1. l 1888 Richard M. 1890 George A. Hurlbert 1893 John L. Hurlburt 1757 George B. 1894 Everett B. р Hurlbut 1763 Salmon 1818 joseph 1849 Joseph 1860 William H. Hurlbutt 1843 Lewis R. 1876 Augustus M. Hurtt 1878 B. Scott Husinsky 1892 Moses I. m ` Husted 1823 Hiram W. 1854 James W. 1883 Thomas D. 1892 James W. Hustis 1833 John Huston 1831 Seth C. Hutchings 1881 William T. l 1886 William E. p Hutchins 1817 Penuel h 1829 Darius h 1840 ~lames H. m 1843 Cyrus h 1849 Charles 1870 Henry L. 1876 1890 Herbert B. a’ 1892 William 1893 Shubael C. 1895 John L. Hutchinson 1747 Aaron 1825 Ira m 1828 Elisha m 1860 Edwinp 1869 Ely I. 1886 Morison T.p 1890 Otis K. 1893 George A. р Hutchison 1854 William 1880 William F. Huttelmaier 1892 Gustave E. р Hutton 1892 Laurence h HuWs \ 1880 Wil/iam Р. a’ Hyatt 1837 Robert U. Hyde 1721 William 1759 Ephraim 1776 Simeon 1788 Gershom 1803 Eh' 1803 john 1820 Joseph 1820 Oren h 1824 Allyn h 1835 William h 1845 Alvan P. 1847 Dougal С. l 1847 james Т. 1847 Nathaniel/1. 1855 Simeon T. 1857 Smiíh H. 1861 James N. William Т. a7 1861 1061 W. m 1865 Miles G. 1876 ÑVilliam W. 1879 Frank E. 1879 Lewis H. 1882 Edmund M. a’p 1886 А. Lincolnp 1886 Charles L. 1887 Louis К. 1889 Arthur M. 1891 Francis de L. 1891 George M. a’ 1895 Charles C. 1895 Henry N. Hyslop 1792 William h Hyndman 1884 William H. Ichihara 1892 Morihoro а’р Iddings 1877 joseph P.p Ide 1881 George E. ' Iglehart 1840 Thomas S. Igo 1893 Frank W. l Ingalls 1813 Lemuel 1881 James W. Ingersoll 1736 jonathan 1742 Jared 1761 David 1763 David 1766 Jared 1766 Jonathan 1790 John 1792 David B. 1808 Ralph I. 1814 john J. 1817 Samuel Б. 1827 Charles A. h 1831 Edu/ara’ 1832 Elihu Р. 1834 John V. 1840 Charles R. 1863 Henry H. 1864 Charles D. 1865 Thomas C. 1866 Daniel W. 1868 jonathan 1874 Francis G. 1880 Colin M.p 1895] LIII [ZVDEX 1885 George P. l 1891 Leland 1892 James W. D. 1893 Charles A. p Ingerson 1858 William F. Ingham 1867 William H. 1891 Charles S. Ingraham 1877 Arthur H. Ingram 1835 Porter Innis 1880 William R. Ion 1803 Jacob B. Ireland 1890 John De C. 1890 Robert L. 1894 William F. a’ Irvin 1887 Obed W. 1890 James M. Irving 1823 John B. т ‘ 1891 Samuel W. in Irwin 1873 Lewis W. 1875 Alberi В. a7 1890 Theodore D. p Isaacs 1750 Isaac 1761 Ralph 1781 Benjamin 1784 Ralph Isbell 1888 Howard L.p _1888 Orland S. 1891 Milton C.p Isham 1759 Joseph 1797 Jirah 1820 Chester 1822 Oliver K. т 1828 Nelson т 1836 Ansŕin 1849 Lucius D. т 1865 joseph H 1869 John B. 1875 Samuel 1881 George S. 1890 Adrian M. p 189 I Edward S. Israeli 1889 Baruch 1895 Samuel M.p Ives 1758 fesse 1777 Thomas 1782 Joseph 1785 Isaac 1786 Renoen 1791 Levi 1797 Ezra 1799 Eli 1819 Nathaniel т 1821 Ansel W. Ь 1822 Thomas Е. 1824 Matthew 1825 Nathan B. 1834 Еа’шат’]. Ь 1837 Alfred Е. 1838 Levi т 1841 George W. 1843 Homer D. l 1845 Francis 1852 Charles L. 1861 Brayton 1863 Wilbur 1864 Robert S. 1872 Charles P. l 1874 Charles 1874 Charles Ь 1874 ]ое! S. a7 1876 _fosep/i В. a’ 1881 Henry 1890 Walter T.p 1893 Sherwood B. 1895 Frederic Ivison 1887 Henry 1892 William C. Iwasaki 1889 Slikichi l Jack 1853 Thomas M. Jacks 1878 Thomas M.p Jackson `1703 штат /Z 1764 Henry 1773 Richard Ь 1839 Henry R. 1844 John 1846 Jefferson F. 1847 Angelo 1850 Thomas H. 1852 George Е. 1857 Joseph C. 1868 George/Lp 1871 Schuyler B. 1875 William Т. a' 1876 Isaac M. 1883 William A. 1885 Регсур 1887 Joseph C. p 1888 Charles R. 1n 1889 Frank D. l 1889 George H. a’ 1890 John D. 1892 Frederick W. Ь 1892 Harry H.p 1893 Huson T.p 1894 Caleb S. 1895 Irvine S. p 1895 Joseph F.p Jacob 1778 Stephen Jacobs 1820 George W. Ь 1846 William B. 1889 Benjamin W. 1890 Louis Z Jacobson 1889 Fna op Jacobus 1895 George Jacocks 1839 Thomas S.p 1841 Abel B. Jacques 1894 JO R. l vJaffray 1873 Robert p Jaggard 1886 Herbert A. James 1821 Silas 7n 1825 Lorenzo 1840 Horace 1845 Thomas D. Ь 1874 Henry A. 1878 William K. 1879 Walter B. 1887 Benjamin F. l 1887 John M. o’ 1888 D. Melandlzon il 1890 Norman 1894 Frederick T. р 1894 Robert C. l 1895 Frederick P. l l l l Jameson 1823 Robert 1872 Henry W. Jamison 1881 Blainp Janes 1871 William M. Janeway 1892 Theodore C.p Jansen 1895 Frederick Lp January 1893 Harry C.p Janvier 1871 Allen E. Jarboe 1855 John R. 1891 Paul R. l Jarman 1 848 Francis T. Jarvis 1761 Alfa/'zam 1805 Samuel F. 1846 George О. Ь 1850 Richard W. H. l 1877 Charles M.p 1885 William Jay 1798 Peter A. Ь 1807 William 1892 Pierre Jayne 1839 DeWitt C. т Jefferds 1882 Henry С. Jefferson 1786 Thomas Ь 1892 Joseph Ь Jeffery 1893 Richard E. i Jeffras 1886 Charles H. Jeffries 1883 W illiaen Е. a7 LIV INDEX Е 8 1 Jelley 88 1871 Cha l Jerome 1744 William S r es S. 1850 Edward M. 1748 РИМ ~ 1894 Charles 5,? am 1894 Frederick А. I759 Aimer 8 Р .lerne Jessu 1 6 ­ ­ I 94 H8W81d s? 1881 T' p 7 О Бещашш 1895 Ale d le“ YOW? 1815 William 1760 jaaan 18 Н “И er? 1847 Edward 1764 Díadale 1888 any W’ d .lenckes 1Ё49 gilliam H. 1769 Samuel lggê {ììeäh Z 188 L 1 51 enr Н. 1775 os/zua .' 7 8888888 В. 8 1888 âaffzziíeglz 1778 {Villiam 1885 капищ?) . 1 4 111111111 (3, 1779 Samuel w, 1828 1811111115 1876 RQbertj8, 1783 Robert C. ‘18888108 Joseph 1884 William н, 1785 Caza@ 1748 1аппзоп I851 jenen/lan L, 1891 Stuart D, 1788 William 1833 William P. 1870 George W. 1802 Nathan 1834 William 5. 1872 Edward H. Jesup 1802 Sherman 1835 Frank 1874 Frank 1760 Ebene 1813 James D 1843 Alexander 1881 Dama' D. a' 1814 Chaiflezs8F 1816 Charles j 1852 William P. 1887 Leonard Аир 1824 ЕЬепе2е 1819 William S. Ь 1853 Josiah S' 1894 _lames s. 1840 James R1 1820 рапде1Н.' 1860 Wil/¿11m С- 1847 Нету G: 1883 Edwards 1888 нету Р. Jenks 1891 Morris K /1 1827 Sidney L. I 3 18h“ 1851 Grove Р . 1829 Samuel т 1267 Alexander 1873 William-11.? Jewell 1830 Robert C. /z 1870 ROSS , 1875 Almet F 1871 G » 1833 Ebenezer A, 1 74 fam“ С. 111. а’ 1878 Tudor SI 1873 ¿gigli 1835 Alexander s, 187б С01165 1884 Paul Е . 8 а 1837 Charles A. 1878 18h11 H' 188 R ' 1842 Pele ‚а 1877 Rlchard 14,1 7 Obert I. Jewett g 88 1889 Arthu E 1844 Norman K т 1 3 G6018@ W. Г ~ 1787 David M, 1846 Edwin ' 1892 Fran/1- L. a’ 1840 Pliny A, т 1847 Robert р 1893 William R, р Jenner 1841 joseph F, д 1850 Samuël ° 1888 Henry G.; 1863 1081811 1853 George А Johnstone 1870 Frank F. 1855 Charles F', 1892 Edward W Jamey §73 готы? к. гёзб SW1-[aa -P 13 11 1 57 amuel W. 92 Isaac H. 1879 Thomas В. т 1858 Charles N д Jones _ 1883 samuel R. 1859 Richard Z' 7 1742 [так Jennings 1887 Charles 8,75 1860 Henry L ' 1750 Thomas 1808 Preserved I891 Sherman 5, 1861 Henry N­ 1756 Harding 1828 leaae a 1894 Nathan Н. 1861 william м 1757 Вт 1837 Isaac 1862 Jolm w, ° 1757 Timothy 1843 дуг/Лат]. JillSOn 1862 William W 1762 William 1847 Lewis B, 1853 Benjamin С р 1869 Edward “Т'Р 1767 Elias 1867 Charles в, 1878 Fred 13.11 ' 1871 Аут; V. 'C o' I776 John 1876 John 1_ 1871 Francis ’ 1790 Samuel 1878 John G- JOCelin I872 Charles L. р 1792 15?“ 1ЁЁ0 Walter 1783 Samuel R. I874 Lorenzo М‚р 1796 William H. I 3 George С. 1876 Edward Н р 1800 Samuel 1884 Charles j, Joh 1876 Laban H 1804 Timothy 1884 James Н.р _ n 1877 Eric H 1 1807 Algernon S. 1887 Charles B, 1888 Lew” F' d 1877 Harry 1808 .lohn Т. 1887 Oliver G' 1878 Ernest C’ 1812 Stephen F. 1894 Cliiford 5.1; JOhnes 1878 Jolm Q, À I817 1061 1895 Walter Ер I737 Timor/zy 1882 AlexandenB р 1818 .101111 N. 1873 Edward R, 1882 Barclay ° 1820 Henry Jensen 1881 Henry P, 1ЁЁ4 ‚ЕЁЁЩУ С'Р george 188 A ­ 1 4 omas C, €018@ о Маш“ E? Johns 1886 William Dj; 1830 Edward B. 1809 Evan/z 1887 Allen W' 1881 Еду/ш C’ 8 188888 1818 Thomas Н 1891 Frederick M. 1831 SWW В- 1 89 A11lmr W, р - 1891 Регсу д l 1831 William H. 1893 Harry B, 1891 Robert U. h 1838 Seaborn A. l Johnson 1892 Elliot G. 1840 Samuel/1 Jernberg l 1714 Samuel 1892 Jesse W_ 1 1843 Charles 1884 ReineríA 1 1740 ./11150ó 1892 Richard H. Z 1882 »10h11 .1' ­ 1 1743 Step/2m 1 1893 Jesse В. 1853 John А. W, 1855 Henry w. 1895] LV INDEX 1857 Franklin С. 1858 Augustus T. 1859 Frank 1859 George W. 1860 Luther M. 1861 Frederick R. 1861 Walter F. 1866 Hiram L. l 1869 Beverly 1871 Daz/io’ E. d 1871 James D. 1872 James S. 1873 Walter St.J. 1875 Dwight A. 1875 Frank H. 1879 Albert F. l 1879 Thomas A. F. 1882 Newton f. a7 1884 Daniel A. 1884 Frederic S. 1885 jo/zn D. a7 1886 Ídrys a7 1886 joseph М. a7 1891 Frederick W. р 1893 Alfred H. 1893 Charles D. 1894 Lawrence B. 1895 Edward C. 1895 John О. a’ Jordan 1882 шаг/шт W. o’ 1886 Alice R. l 1888 William H. lz 1893 Riverda H. 1895 Frank W. р 1895 Isaac M. Joseph I 88 5 W z'llz'arn a’ Joslin 1890 Elliott P. Joslyn 1866 Charles S. l Joy 1869 James 1874 Charles F. 1885 James R. 1893 Homer T. Joyce 1879 Еду/ш В. 1892 Howard C. l 1894 Harry L. р Judd 1737 Timothy 1741 jonal/zan 1741 Reuben 1763 William 1765 Jonathan 1791 Benjamin /z 1797 Bethel 1816 Jehiel lz 1820 jonal/zan Íz 1836 Sylvester 1840 Chauncey P. 1862 Albert F. 1877 Ardon L. 1881 George M. 1882 Walter S. l 1885 Edwin Y.ß Judson 1738 Dar/ía’ 1746 Ephraim 1763 .Ephraim 1775 Adonz'ram 1775 David 1777 Israel 1778 David 1787 Roswell 1790 Samuel 1800 Philander 1803 Isaac E. 1804 Curtis 1809 „(В/2270 1821 Alóâïf 1822 Hezekiah Т. 772 1824 Frederick J. 1826 Everíon 1830 John /z 1831 David P. 1843 Munroe т 1851 David L. 1853 Reuben W. т 1862 Charles N. 1864 Frederick A. 1864 Walter 1866 Frederick N. 1871 John N.p 1873 Isaac N. 1884 George W, 1885 Stiles l 1888 Cyrus F. р 1890 William Ер 1893 Walter P. 1894 Arthur Jump 1885 John W. l Kabayama. 1891 Sukehide l Kahler 1886 Frank R. a’ Kain 1816 John H. 1844 William C. Kaley 1875 jo/zn А. d Kalman 1893 Charles О.р Капе 1813 Elias K. 1814 John K. 1888 Patrick l Kanou'se 18 31 Peter /z Karmarkar 1892 Sarnanŕrao V. el Katayama 1895 Sen J. o’ Kaufman 1872 Hiram Y. Kazanjian 1892- Kever/e H a7 Kean 1876 Julian H. 1890 John le Keas 1846 Isaac N . Keasbey 1843 Anthony Q. 1871 George М.р Keating 1880 Bernard l Keator 1877 John F. 1879 Bruce S. 1880 Frederz'e W. Keays 1894 Frederick L. Kebabian 1888 John C. 1894 Sarkis C. Kebbe 1891 Davia’ L. ol Kedzie 1893 John H. р Keedy 1893 Edward E. a’ 1893 John L. a’ Keefe 1889 James H. Keeler 1837 Jacob N. en 1856 Seneca М. 1859 Samuel C. l 1867 Samuel 1877 John E. 1887 Charles 1895 Frederick D. l Keeling 1892 jarnes Н. a7 Keene 1891 Allen А. a Keeney 1831 George L. т Keenleyside 1894 Clifford B. a’ Keep 1769 jo/zn 1802 jolzn 1832 Theodore/_ 1834 jo/’zn I?. 1865 Robert P. 1887 John B. Keerans 1890 John W. l Keese 1855 Hobart nz 1860 Sidmon T. Kehler 1864 William W. l Keith 1884 Edson р 1890 Elbridge B. р 1892 Walter “др Kell 1807 John Keller 1878 Philip 1889 Lewis Н. a7 1892 Frank A. Kelley 1840 John S. 1874 Robert W. 1888 Frank H. l Kellogg 1757 Eóenezer 1761 Judah 1763 Joseph 1767 Charles 1v1 INDEX [1895 1770 Solomon /z 1895 Edward G. Kernochan Kidder I778 АаГЧП 1895 lames M- 1861 Francis E. 1764 josef/a 1778 David/1 1863 J. Frederic 1836 PasealP. P. 1791 Gardiner Kendrick 1891 Edward L 1800 Gnee С. 1843 John Kiernan 1803 Jonathan “Т. 1872 Greene Kerr 1871 patrick F_ 7 1807 Ezra 1876 Jenn В- 1816 Joseph ЁЖ?“ 1890 Ryland M» 1833 Samuel C. Kilborn 186 Elias H. ' 1818 Alfred Kenefson 1862 James H. 1720 Hezel-uah 1832 Мапш 1724 Pelatiah 1836 Gardiner lz 1891 Vertner 1869 genry 1843 Sanford B. Kenna £85 фен ' Knboufn 95 Milton R. a’ 1846 Stephen W. 18 О Wumm М 1837 james 1850 Marlin 9 l 'P ­ 1840 John 1858 Chauncey S Kernson 1874 Henry J. р 8 Ёепга'дау I889 Edwin Z Kilbourne I876 DaVÍd H» I 95 au f ~ 1894 Frederick W р 1880 Dana W. Kerrulsh v 1880 William D. l Kennedy 1855 TèlVilliam S. Kilby 1882 Frank A. 1803 Joshua 1883 heldOH Q­ 1882 John P. 1807 Lionel H. 1789 Charles /z 1883 Francis B. 1825 Algernon S. KefShnef Killin er 1883 Fred W. 1845 Thomas 1885 Jefferson El d? g 1887 Frederick 5.1) 1846 Archibald 1874 Charles H‘ Íj 1890 Charles P. 1874 David A. Kershow . 1891 George А. z 1874 Thomas D. z 18 5 Мах Н КППЬаП 1894 Herbert H. 1875 Julian? 9 ' 1774 Timothy 1895 Daniel B. l 1875 William S. Ketcham 1813 William 1895 George D. 1892 Harry H. _ _ 1816 James I862 Wllllam P. 1818 Daw'd Kelly Kennett 1887 нету B- 1818 John P. m 1870 Cassius W. 1863 Thomas A. 1856 Gilman /Z 1870 Robert 1874 Alfred Q. Ketchum 1858 .lohn E' 1874 Landon /L .âïtlllll' :lâ/Í 1878 Haydn C. l Kenny I 79 eerge ~ 1884 Леши” Б. а: 1875 William S. Keteltas 1879 Samuel A. 1895 John L- т 1885 EdwardJ 1 1752 Атм“ 1885 Amos “И” ' 1792 Philip D. 1Ё88 geoâgqî-ë Kelsey Kent 1870 Eugene le 1 9T- Те erle ­ 1805 Aaron H. El' 7 1892 Iames'H'p . . I729 “ш Kettl 1895 Charles A. e Wllllam Н. 1752 MOSS С1а1'епсе Н. Ruggles Joseph B’ d Kimberl 1881 EdwardD. a 1781 James у 1883 Clinord S. 1816 Атм, Key 172?) lrìhn e 1884 Dunne l? 1851 îllrtomas GI 1838 Thomas M. 387 L'iboerïltîfs 1853 ert E. Kemp 1857 Alexander lip Keyes Èìîltrîirs 1894 Arthur Т. 3) 1875 ‘nvdñfêfd Ан? 1773 Stephen 1862 William R. 1887 1 1am 1842 Henry P' 1865 Charles Kempfer 1889 Charles F. 1860 Winñeld S. 1884 Ernest в. 1894 Jacob F 1895 Norton A. 1863 Edward L. ` Kimpton Kenyon дерет . 1862 Hiram H. Kendal 1846 ,lob т 1880 Wllllam S. 1806 Samuel le ‘Nvîůoâemli-IBÈ m 1394 {âvlilnep King 1m . 1 5 i iam Kendall 1891 Albert Z 9 1759 Alexander 1782 Wdlíëf 1834 John N. Keo h Q _ 1792 Nathaniel 1869 Joseph G. р g 1787 “111121111 1796 Salmon 1870 John C. 1885 James B' 1804 Welter R» 1802 Asa /z 1872 [Баден R. 1890 Chester Н' I815 Зины)” Т' 1804 Francis 1883 Charles M. ‚ ‘ 1805 Walter 1887 William B. ` кета“ КЦШ 1821 Asa H. 1893 Ulysses S. G.l 1895 Thomas? 1892 Henry M. 1843 Josiah T. 1895] INDEX LVN I188.42 Illeremizìh т Kinzer Kleeberger 1884 New@11 С ° P' Isaac L. Z George R р Charles А: 1828 Наги); 1856 Rolorrd ' 1887 samuel ` 1862 Clarencej'fß Kip Klein 1880 Preston 18 W.” 1871 Joseph F- Р Knott 1887 fúlm S. 31 _2 гит!- 1884 Jacob в; 1878 George Т. 1889 Charles S. 1860 Wllllarn I. 1892 Henry Т. Z K. Kleiner Knowles ghzflrles G. 1765 Joqelgllîy 1883 Charles l 1886 Thomas С.;› 11 US ~ 1888 М 8 G 1895 Frederick А. 1787 Ephraim Il oses т 1 92 eorge G. 1895 George L. Z ISI5 Selah т Klett Knowlton 1827 И/гтат ' 1895 George W_ 1 1860 Marcus P. Km m 1849 Jacob В- . 866 Е g an 1862 Thomas В K1 k 1883 Daniel S. I ugene . ` im e £82 {Earnes H. Kirchwey 1893 Раи1 р Knox 94 (ward L. т 1879 George W. . I768 Hug/’i д _ Kline 1800 Hugh 176 Iëinïsbâiry кишат 1853 George W. £21125- 3 an or 1767 Jonathan @72 James W' KIOCk 1873 Reuben 8 Ед Ibg7 lohn Н- 1891 Lewis Т 178?) ¿naar 1889 John Н.р 1892 James Н' т 1846 lfîorrlloriok j Kirkhuff О 1860 шт А. ° 1865 Jacob D. 88 Ё‘?“ Kohler 1863 Наши ‚ I 9 шт?” H- a' 1878 там S. o’ 1891 Howard T Klrkland 1890 Sie heil Н ' 6 Kloss р ' 17 8 Samuel/L 1891 George С‚р Kingsland 1790 Joseph C/ZílV/ÉS L. d 1823 Thorn 5 1894 Edward K Kohn ° K, h lots 1876 Solamonp Kin l irsc ner 1888 Charles А. 1885 Henry D.; g5 8У 1890 Charles L. р 182 are к- r1 d “за“ К°"°°“ _ rge . 1r an 1894 Ernest 182 Geol» д 1332 gllvef fg 1720 Danie! 9 g J. roîâ Wîïîiâ'm 1 1779 Ambros@ Knapp кстати 1886 George L ° 1789 Domme 1770 105722“? 1894 Midori I 1886 Wine Ъ. 1815 Jarod P. т 1825 Colby Ь 1895 сьапёэ » 1859 Edw1n L. 1840 _fared О. кооп ‘ 1872 5ашпе1 ’Pp 186 Ch 1 В _ Kissam 1880 William I. h 9 ar es 'p Klnkead 1810 Daniel ' 1882 Howard H. Koons 1859 Milton Z 1829 Philip P, 1886 Wallace P. . . _ 1887 Grayson Gp 1881 Вещаппп Ер К1п1еу Kitchel 1892 James М, р David 1861 Harvey С11а11еэ R, р Korn 1862 Corneliuo“ L. 1890 William А. . 1865 Courtney 3. Kneeland 1892 William А. a' 6 Kinne 1865 Напишу р_ lIL 1761 Ebenezer 17 5 Антон 1867 Luthor H. 1877 Lawrence? Kort ' Ig94 агаты 1892 William L. 1890 Yale 1819 Robeîlght 1 04 i iam 1848 William Kittredge Knevals Ko t 1855 George А. 1853 Sherman W, f. un Ze Kinney 1856 william T. r88o Edward W. ”91 Augustus F' 1’ 18 Н 1858 Charles 5.1) 1892 Charles T’ р 185; ”Ю 1860/0181212 Е. - john C. . т Knight 1871 Herb t Е 1865 Francis W, Koya ef ­ 1882 Alfred B. 1767 Isaac 18 o sabu 7 1808 Jonathan ì 9 ю т Kin l 1819 Earl т ‘ s ey Kleebefg 1822 James G. т Kfaemef 1846 Edward V. 1 888 Felix р 1862 Frederick I. 1895 Eugene I LVIII INDEX [1895 Krause 1878 Henry W. Landon Larkin 1895 Frank О. a’ 1879 61113?“ D­ 1763 ]опа1Ьап 1894 John W. I ­ 1881 BCHJÄmin В. 1827 ‘Norman т Kneger 1885 ha? 1833 Edward R. Larned 1888 William Z 1894 George В. B- 1875 Edward H. 1810 Simon . 1826 Wil/¿am А. Kfïknfyan Lambert Lane 183g Joseph G. E. 1883 Hohannes d I761 Ваша I764 .lob 1842 Sylvester 1843 Alfred 1843 William G. Krol-m 1846 John B. Z 1846 J. Homer Lan-Owe . . 1854 Edward W. 1855 j. Tyson 1889 W1111am О. dp 1880 Samuel W. 1858 William А. 1854 Marcus D. .. ­ 1882 Frank ].р 1888 Wolcott G. Kmsl 1884 Alexander 1889 Charles C. G. _Lasell 1872 Herman [1 1886 David D. 1892 Henry Е.р 1892 Sldn‘ï’y L- 1886 Elliot C. 1894 John E. Katz 1893 Adrian V. S. Latham 1847 Henry C. Lang 1882 Norman З.р 1873 нету D~ d Lamberton 1885 Percy L. р 1883 Harry “Т- 1888 John j. . . Wllllam В. L Kwai 1878 James M. Langdon a' e 88 Y 1781 Timm/zy 1873 Набег! W. 1 4 ung Lamont 1785 Henry S. L h 18 О Geor 6D 1787 Chauncey at rQP Kyle 4 g ’ 1806 Timothy 1733 Daniel 1894 Charles D. _ 1809 _fo/m 1743 joshua 1лифты 1841 TÍmOÍhY т 1749 Eiga/1 Labatt 1889 George L. 1848 George 1754 joseph 1852 Непгу J. 1877 George Е. wär EleniâlL L 17 7 11a . Lace ampman Langstfoth Gurdon Y 1866 1.11 11 U L 1788 Charles 1824 Noah A. Ь 1831 [0787220 - Lamprey 1392 CSïramduel W Lacy Langton 1 09 ur on . 1826 Daniel т 1894 Howard А’ 1747 Samuel Ladd Lamps@ машину 122? 385128 м. 1834 Abijah Ь 1855 Gîoäge 1839 [шаг Р. 1829 161111 1875 Henry М. а’ 1862 Wllham 1872 Frank А- 1843 Frederick M. 1881 George Т. Ь _ 1846 DeWitt C. т 1894 Arthur ].р Lamson Lanier 1869 Gardiner 1895 LOUÍS W- 1741 foreplz 1844 Alexander C. 1878 Frederick B. 18 8 Caleb 1892 Wil/¿am G. d . 4 ЬаР1е1с1 1856 William Lankton . 1891 Howard 1893 Edwin R. L ‚ Laumer L F 1893 William j. I777 @w 1818 Pickett a' orge I L 1832 Cortland L. 1882 Frederick W. р Lande ¿mman 1856 Charles C, т 8 F d ° k M. 1788 .lames 18 Everton . Laisun I 94 re enc р 1814 Charles I. 74 J 8 l" h T. F. 1864 joseph I 77 Е 11a р Landers 1871 Charles R. Latte' 1891 George М.р 1847 James T. Lake Lanneau 1859 John Z 1875 Wells С-Р Landfear 182 I F 1876 Edgar J. 1821 [гольф/аж 9/02” ' Latting 1894 Clarence H. 18 НаГ1Г W d 1873 Charles Р 94 У ' Lansing ' Lamb . 1743 Myndert 1717 fünf/vz Landls 1804 Dz'rek С. Lauder 1840 David 1867 Henry G. 1893 William? 1871 Robert т 18 o R' h d . 18€.; Айва Е. Landmesser Lapham Laughlin 1873 George C. a’ 1871 Lewis B. 1864 David G. 1893 Irwin B. 1895] INDEX LIX Law 1882 George W. Leavitt Leeds 1751 Richard 1884 Benn@ 1745 Freegraœ 1854 Charles H. 1755 John 1894 Edward Н- 1758 jouez/un 1887 Alfred 1786 Andrew h 1785 Jonathan 1888 Edward L. р 1791 Lyman Layng 1802 Sheldon C. 1895 Norman p 1792 Samuel A. 1895 James D.p 1814 joshua 1800 Prentice 1816 Harvey F. Leeper 1801 William Lazear 1837 Sheldon 1831 Сдам“ 5_ d 1803 Jonathan 388 ‘T 1840 William S. 13 Wadd D_ g 1806 Edmund I Jesse ‘ 1886 Dudley 93 у 1814 John Lea 1893 Burton E. Leete 1822 _lohn S. 8 N I7 William 1822 William H. I 34 James ‘ LeBaron 33 1837 William F. 1838 William L. 1841 Stephen D. 1876 _lames T. р 1878 William H. 1892 Walter W. Ь 1892 Walter W.p Lawbaugh 1893 Elmer A. р Lawler 1883 Daniel W. l 1887 Frank J. l Lawlor 1893 Thomas F. l Lawrance 1877 Frank C. р 1884 Thomas G. Lawrence 1776 Roderick 1826 William B. Ь 1840 Amos Е. 1856 Grove P. 1868 Edward А. 1869 George H. 1884 Edward A. 1885 john В. a’ 1890 George W. т Lawson 1890 George N. 1890 Harz/ey М. р Lawton 1825 Sanford 1852 Sanford 1859 _lohn W. т 1890 Franklin L.p 1893 Burton Др 1893 Louis С.р Lay 1780 john 1816 Willoughby Lhn 1835 George W. h 1841 George W. 1841 ~lohn F. 1838 Samuel H. 1871 Robert B. 1881 Walter L. т Leach 1860 Orlando 1876 Francis A. Leaf 1841 Edmund Leal 1874 John Leaming 1 745 feremz'ah Lear 1869 Henry Learned 1772 Amasa 1798 Ebenezer 1831 Ebenezer 1834 Billings P. 1837 Robert C. 1841 William L. 1845 Samuel j. Ь 1857 Ве1а P. 1870 Вишу/2! W. Leary 1888 Daniel E. l Leavens 1865 Francis ].р Leavenworth 1737 Mark 1759 Jesse 1771 Mark 1778 Nathan 1784 Melines C. 1815 Charles 1817 Melines C. 772 1824 Elias W. 1865 Daniel C. т 1891 Clifford W.p 1892 Philip R. _1768 Лешие! LeBourgeois 1876 ~loseph C. 1878 Edward C. p Leche 1849 Solomon l LeConte 1841 Porter Lee 1742 _/опш‘Ьсш 1759 Seth 1763 Jonathan 1765 `/oseph h 1766 Andrew 1777 Elisha 1784 СЬаиш'гу 1793 lohn 1809 [отл/лап 1815 John S. 1820 Richard H. 1823 Henry S. т 1826 _lohn R. 1827 Samuel 1830 Thomas G. т 1847 Graham т . 1849 Wz'llz'urn В. 1850 Nathan A. 1854 Luther M. 1858 Samuel Н. 1859 jonathan H. т 1866 Bradley D. l 1869 William H. L. 1870 William H. 1875 Lucius 0. а’ 1875 Tz'nzothyf. 1877 Franh Т. о! 1886 _lames W. 1887 Orison P. l 1887 Yan Phou 1890 Harriman W. 1891 Albert 1894 Burton].p 1894 Frankp 1894 Frederic H. p 1895 Franklin L. 1895 Howard B. 1895 john A. 1839 Theodore А. 1879 Charles H. 1880 William W. d 1894 William H. Lefñngwell 1786 William 1807 William C. 1814 Lucius W. 1822 Edward H. 1847 Frederick 0. т 1848 Benajah 1887 Frank D. Leñer 1889 Charles W. Legaré 1815 john Bassnett 1815 John Berwick 1831 [sane 5. К. 1833 Thomas Н. Legler 1888 Thomas A. р Lehmer 1873 Charles Leighton 1874 Theodore F. 1877 Alton W.p 1881 James Leland 1865 Cyrus A. 1874 Lorenzo 1885 Herr/ey D. Lemée 1856 Gustave A. Lerner 1832 LaRue т 1889 Milton M. Lemon 1816 Sheldon Lenox 1837 Walter T. 1.x INDEX [1895 Lent Levy 1894 Tracy S. р 1870 Philip 1843 John A. 1894 Josiah “г. g 1895 George A. 1872 Harr1son “7.15 1895 David М. _ 1875 Charles Р.р ьепшьоп L’Hommed1eu _ 1890 Eugène? . 1754 Еда Lmeaweaver Lewis 1812 Еда 1894 Charles P. Leonard 1726 _furia/z _ . 1736 SUM 1730 David Libbey Lines 1753 George /z 1741 Thomas 1867 Frank 1862 Jairus F. т 1756 Elíphalet 1756 Edmuild ‚ 1872 Еа’шт S. 1753 Zephaniah 1758 1113111211111 Liefeld 1880 David C. 1765 Apollos 1760 Thomas 1880 Ernest Т.р 1766 Daniel 12 1765 ММ“! Lining 1773 Samuel 1765 да“. _ Light 1809 Edward B. 1783 E/¿j'a/l 1768 Атм 1882 Nestor a’ 1792 fos/wa /z 1770 joh.” 1893 Jeremiah K d? Linn 1808 6807186 /Z Рщпеаз . 8 8 А 1824 FredeflCk 1780 Ohver Lillagofe I б 1 lam . 1828 Edward А. 772 Seth. 8 d N , . 1851 ]идш У. 1788 Ваше] W, I 91 eo ore . Lmqmst 1853 William Н. 772 1788 Eldad Í’ . 1883 Charles F. „e 1865 Charles H. 1794 [mac [диву 1883 Fred C. 1794 Zechariah 1894 Mitchell C. р Linsle 1886 Harrie Sp 1798 Thomas . . . ­ y 1892 Franklin Z 1802 Rosvvell W. Lillibridge 1810 Ámfm 1803 Addm 1842 ~lohn T. т 1817 james Н" LeSassier 1824 James 1843 Jaimes М' 1888 Loui 1828 james 1). Lima 1843 Tlmothy s? 1828 [Olm N, ~ 1876 Thomas Н.р . 1829 Charles A. 1839 Joao F' т 1877 Edward L. Z Lesmsky 1829 George R_ _ 1885 George Т. 1892 Joseph р 1831 William В. Llmburgef 1832 John H. 1895 1311165111? Linsly Lester 1833 Asahel Н. _ I7 I Noah 1821 William 1344 гепгу G- Z Lmahan 1836 Jared 1854 Charles S. /z 1 44 Ш 18 ашез Р. ' 1891 Charles F. 1845 541047652. Z 94 I 1866 Wllfordp 1892 James C. a 1852 A707220 Ш. Lincoln Letcher 1889 Elmer F. Létombe 1783 Joseph P. lz Levens 1895 William S. Z Leverett 1779 John /z 1834 William 1887 John 1888 T/zeodore L. 1891 Wz'llz'arzf. Levermore 1879 Charles H. Levinson 1888 Solomon О. Levonian 188 3 Sarkis р 1853 C/wam Т. 1862 Charles Н. 1864 George F. 1865 George F. т 1866 Leslie 1868 Fran/e В. 1868 George Н. 1868 _lohn 1870 Edwin A. 1873 Eugene H. 1879 Alfred Il? 1879 George L. 1880 David 3.1) 1882 Charles H. 1883 Carll A. 1883 Dame! М. а’ 1883 Joseph M. 1884 George F. т 1886 Charlton M. 1887 Robert H. 1888 Fran/t’ F. a’ 1891 Josephine M. f 1891 Robert ]. Z 1891 William M. Z 1892 Arthur F. 1893 Harry B. р 1893 Thomas H. р 1894 Edwin j. a’ 1822 Increase S. I828 T/zomas О. 1851 Francis R. 1870 George F. 1881 Allen B. 1888 Clarence W. Linde 1879 George S. Lindeke 1894 Albert W. Lindenberg 1895 Carl R. р Lindsay 1882 George d 1889 Frederick N. Lindsey l 1849 Silas F. т Lindsley 1852 Charles A. m 1869 Adrian V. S. Linthicum 1880 CadWallader E. Linton 1846 Stephen D. 1890 Edwin 61,7) 1891 William lo Lippitt 1866 Andrew C. Z Litchñeld 1841 Eleazar /z Little 1760 Woodbridge 1777 William 1821 Thomas P. 1827 Anson 1844 C/zarles 1851 Robbins 1878 Herbert W. т 1885 Charles N. dp 1889 Arthur M. 1893 Frank A.; 1895 William “Др 1895] LXI INDEX Littlefield 1872 Frederick M. Littleton 1870 Augustus W. р Livermore 1875 Russell W. l Livingston 1731 Peter VanB. 1733-10Ьп 1737 Philip 1741 William 1762 johu H. 1786 Henry W. 1789 Peter S. 1819 Walter 1825 Charles О. 1832 Robert 1874 Beverly? 1879 Edmund P. Lloyd 1745 Nathaniel 1802 John N. 1833 Samuel m 1890 Thomas J. 1891 Joseph P. 1893 Frederick M. 1894 Raymond Lobdell 1850 Henry m 1871 George G. ? Lobenstine 1895 Edwin C. Locke 1819 John т 1890 James Lockhart 1891 Reuben A. m 1894 Clinton d? Lockwood 1735 james 1745 Samuel 1766 James 1774 William 1806 James 1807 Stephen 1815 William 1817 Peler 1830 Benjamin 1831 Rufus A. 1849 Frederick St.J. 1865 Charles E. 1866 680788 А. 1876 Arthur A. 1876 Edward L. 1883 John Ер 1883 William Е; 1888 Edwin H.? 1894 Frederick A. 1895 John L. 1895 Thomas B. Leder 1848 Jeremiah l Loe 1889 Edward О. Logan 1868 Cornelius A. h 1870 Walter S. Log'ie 1893 John F. Ь Loman 1885 John Lombard 1854 james К. Long 1812 Richard H. 1828 Edward H. C. 1840 William H. 1842 Charles 1847 Mahlouh 1878 Theodore K. l 1882 Charles 1889 Luther K. d 1895 Ernest M. l Longan i 1890 Edward E. l Longenecker 1 894 Ralph Longstreet I 8 1 3 А uguslus Б. Longworth 1832 Joseph Loomis I750 George 1807 Amasa 1812 Huhhelh 1818 Earl 1828 James C. 1830 Elias 1831 William О. m 1835 Osbert B. 1851 Herz-ry 1860 Alba L. Р. 1864 Francis E. 1875 Henry B. 1881 Frank N. 1882 Seymour C. 1883 Allyn C. 1888 Charles W. a’ 1891 Edward N. 1895 Harry F. Loos 1881 111261624. a’ Lorance 1892 John F. ' Lord 1714 ßen/'amen 1717 Hezehz'ah 1718 Elisha 1724 Richard 1729 Epaphras 1729 Ichabod 1745 John H. 1753 Ebenezer х7эз1озерь 1780 Thomas 1783 Lynde 1784 William 1801 Henry 1811 Judah 1814 Daniel 1817 David N. 1821 Frederick W. 1831 jose?h S. 1844 Austin m 1845 Augustus YV. 1853 Robert M. 1854 George D. 1866 Theodore A. 1870 Joseph E. 1881 Edmund P.? 1892 Daniel 1893 Arthur P. Lorenz 1883 Edmund S. a’ Loring 1891 Daniel A.? Lathrop 1762 John 1787 John H. 1895 Dorance B. Lough 1884 Ernest St.G. Loughridge 1883 Charles Lounsbury 1837 John m 1852 Cooke 1859 Thomas R. 1863 George Е. 1866 Dexter L. m 1894 Ralph R. 1894 Walter W. Loveland 1 894 Charles N. Lovell 1844 Joseph 1892 Arthur Lovering 1881 William M. 1882 Martin Lovett 1782 John ' 1814 John E. Lovewell 1857 Joseph T. 1858 John Loving I 888 William Lowe 1869 Houston? 1870 Francis A. ? 1880 RobertA. l 1882 Fred M. 1890 Walter I. Lowell 1877 john N. a’ Lowndes I 1895 Lloyd 1895 Richard T. Lowrey 1818 Romeo 1824 James 1848 Charles 1864 Edward W. Lowrie 1891 Charles N.? Luby 1876 John F. ? Lucas 1843 George C. 1866 jamesj. Ь 1881 Frank B. 1884 Albert? 1889 Joseph W. Luce 1889 Robert L. 1892 Harry W. LXII INDEX [ 8 I 95 Luck I .. 748 Е11 al 1877 Charlesyp 1756 job] 1 Íäêä @30186.5- McBride L k` 1758 Jonathan' Omehus F'p 1805 James 8 I uc e îhlnelas Lyne 1882 VVilber 1 7l erom B, @se 18 e Z 1770 Dariiál 1887 НаПУ 90 Herbert? Luckey 1770 Samuel McCabe 1888 F, 1773 Gershom C~ Lynes rauh R. a’ 1776 Danie1 1842 Samuel 1887 Edward M. m Ludden ¿xgiäêaleí McCall 1850 William 7 -1 шт Lyon 18 0 Н 1777 Tlmothy 1735 Moses 184 emr Lu . 1783 Joseph 1761 ja/m 42 Нету S. drington 1784 Wzllzam 1766 А Н 1851 5017720” 1887 Charles H 1785 Micah] 18 sa ‘ 1893 James St C l 1887 William 1797 Asa ­ живут? l i 1802 Jonathan H. 1846 Moîâas McCalmont Ludlow 1802 Simeon Ь 1847 Lucius Н. 1884 101111 О. I830 Henry G. Ь 1810 Thomas 1849 Аагоп l 1884 Samuel Р- I817' WYHYS 1851 George W Luedeking 5010772072 1852 Marcus u MCCandleSS 1894 Charles/z 182 {ТОЭЗРЬ 1853 Ransom P. т 1894 William W. 183; 15021111111 Ь 1855 Alexander M_ т-ишшаэ ai. 1329 Mecandliss 8 . 0 l’ . I I saac S, 188 Е 1 45 Нпаш Н. m )Silâivrêeydl-lŕ т 1874 Eldridge M. 9 ugene E Lund 1847 Willêlrm H' т gicïgedvig' А' Macarro“ ‹ a 1889 George A. р llfílsepâl B. 1885 Wllllaim 11,@ 1878 Нету В. Luquiens 1853 Chaîîlegî/îi 1893 Irving Р' Maccarty ules d 1861 Samuel H, Thaddeus I Р 1862 S. Mcê'fee 1826 Charles B т Lusk I864 David B. 1864 Wllham . . . 871 Chal M C 185 will I fes - С aughe 1893 Williâï 1873 На“ MCAhStef 1895 William sy; ° 1Ё72 granit C, 1866 Alexander U.? ° Luther I 7 hvçr E' . MCCaliley 1892 clama. a' 8v? McAllister 1838 “тир- 1883 121111056; o 1860 Matthew Н' h 1888 Непгу W~ Lutz 1884 Robert Н 1892 С1оус1 N. 1891 John W. l 1889 David? . McCauuey 1894 Adam R. d 1891 Henry H. z Масапит 1890 Ffank De L b Iâgz Ёаггу S. 1890 Frederz'e W. a' 1893 Samuel W-P uzen erg 1 94 еап В. 1869 Charles H. Ь 1395 David В. MCAlpin Mechain 1 95 Edward B. 1860 William 1838 james` Lydgate L h 1846 George 1891 ohra M. a' ync ~ j 1887 Fraahliu Р. d 18 g1 CAlpme MCChesney Lyford gredefiàïk Н. 79 Gorge L' 1881 Calvin S. 9 ernar E, Z 1883 GeofgeH А McAndr . ° - ew 1890 Oliver 5.19 Lynde 1884 George I, ~ McClellan 1707 Samuel Iggâ ähm L le ' I I €018@ 1856 Georye W ¿ïìïlîälghby McAvoy 1823 Samuel m g и?) 1760 Win. 1885 Charles в]; 1833 Christopher R L Johrîaůn John o yman 1838 Charl ° McBean 1854 Robert М. 1738 Phineas 18 8 VV'll'es 18 I А h- 1861 Samuel т 1742 Iman/la” 1889 Wzllttlêwê1 P' 7 IC таи I’ F' 1884 Edwin 1 D ’ ° 8 Elailiilel gvhîlr-les R. McBirney I 91 George В? 1747 [saac I4 1 lam Р'р 1875 Hugh . M 1875 Blanchard? 1894 Georgèl D cclelland ~ 1894 Abraham L, d 1895] ПИЛ??? LX­ 111 Macclintock McCrackan McDougal McGrath 1778 Nathaniel Ь 1792 John 1884 Wz'llz'am Н. a’ 1874 Williamjb 1781 Samuel Ь ` McCrady McDougall McGraw MCCIlntOCk 1820 Edward 1882 Dona/aa 1876 John T. 2 1861 Oliver 1862 Walter L. McCray McDowell McGregor 1870 ТЬОШРБОН 1894 Edward H. 1825 John В. 1855 James C р 1875 Fïank T» 1858 William A. £9? êbîam G» McCrea 1884 Henry C. MacGregor 1831 “от???“ 1880 gvilleylsŕïp 1885 Wllllam A-ß 1868 Donald 1888 ашие ‚р 1876 Albert 5.12 McClung 1895 James А.р MCDuŕfee 1895 John 1376 Calvin М-Р McCreary 1894 Frank Е. McGuinn 1891 Robert G’ 1865 Henry C MCDuŕñe 1887 Warner Т l 1892 Thomas L' 1891 Robert H. l 1836 Javis l McGuire I б gicçaîufe МсСгогу МсЕ111еппу 1890 John F. Igóg Joîïgh М 1884 Walter P. l 1820 James ’ Machale 1870 fam” G' K' McCue McElligott 1890 John Q_ р MCChu-g 1888 Thomas P. l 1849 James N, /z М сНепгу Alexander С. il 1880 _Wilson С. McCollum 1221 gilllliapm B. 1886 William 1885 ­lohn 1883 james L. a’ I 94 а ' 1888 Joseph Machesney McConechy МССЦПУ MCEnefneY 1893 Haines A. l 1852 Lawrence 1895 William? 1825 James Il 1853 СЬаг’Хез‘ G. МсНове McConkey McCune 18 O Tnggîzsê 1855 james 1888 Charles B. 1878 john P. 9 ° McInerny 8 H. McConnel Mccufdy McEwan I QI James т 1890 William А_ 1787 Richard ‚ 1878 James B’ MCIntÍre 1817 Charles J. M Е Jesse McCook 1818 John /l Chc Степ 1856 Henry M. . . 1799 ar CS 1873 Albert W. 1873 “711115 F- Месиъспеп 1804 Аде! 1883 om” a. a McCord 1870 Samuel SLI. 1827 R058” 1884 Hed” A' d 1862 William R. Macfarlan MCIntOSh McDermott 1879 Hugh C. 1828 Charles 1865 Malcolm т 1884 Frank H. l С 1892 Harry W. l Мс orkle 8 “ГЦ. S McDonald McFarland Mack I 44 1 1am c т 1829 Samuel P h 1812 Asa [Z 181 Ste he M ° 1855 Angus I 1853 Нот“ Н“ 1823 Daäidn cCorm1ck 185 Th d 1887 Warren C. т 3 . _ 9 eo ore 1835 W1111am A. т 1866 James A? 1888 Frank H'] M K 1852 Henry Frank V. Boynton VV.? С ау 1853 James 1878 John I. 1860 Edward D. 12:21 гашу 1881 Richard H. МсОее McKean 1 7 ames ­ 1887 William 1893 стыд W'? 1886 John 2 1890 Donald McDonnell 1892 Henry B. 1890 Ralph А- McGehee l McKee 1893 Vance C? 1855 George Т' l 1844 ]аше5Н Macdonough l 1847 William Ё. МССОУ 1839 Augustus R. McGowan , 1881 10h11 R. 1857 Henry P. 1840 james E. F. т 1880 Charles Е. 772 1 1884 Oliver LXIV INDEX [1895 1887 John a’ 1893 Charles E. р McNamara Madden 1895 Lamer 1895 Guy R- 1893 David T. z 1885 Edward G. т McKeever McLaughlin McNaughton маты 1894 Bueu 1834 дате] D' T- 1869 Charles D. 1893 William 1883 Edward T. 1871 James McKell 1893 james a7 Maghee 1868 ­loseph 5.75 McNeil 1893 William? McLean 1777 William 1885 James Мф 1895 191111 D’ Igóz 22611 1810 Daniel F. Magill 1 O5 ea ' ~ к McKenna. 1822 John A. т 1862 КОПШ т 1831 Seagwz"'e M7' 1892 George R. l 1893 William McKenty 1848 Jacob К. McKenzie 1879 Malcolm M. McKim 1894 Winthrop Mackinlay 1866 Thomas E. Mackinnen 1786 William lz McKinney 1861 Edward P. 1868 ÑVilliarn A. 1886 William H. a7 1894 Kirk C. McKinstry 1746 _fo/zn 1807 ­Iustus McKissack 1852 Alexander С. McKnight 1791 faim lz 1805 John M. S. 1876 Everett 1882 Hai/ry С. 1890 Henry Р.р 1893 Stuart Mackey 1894 Harry B. McLallen 1847 Philemon F. McLane 1829 james т 1861 James W. 1869 William L. 1889. William W. dp 1836 Charles Б. 1843 Edward 1865 Allen 1871 Thomas N. т 1880 james H. l MacLean 1864 Charles F. 1874 George Е. a’ 1884 Donald/i. a7 MacLear 1891 Malcolm McLellan 1 83 5 William Maclellan 1858 George B. McLeod 1844 jo/m McLoney 1874 _fo/¿a N. a7 McLoud 1838 А топ McMahon 1889 Joseph S. McMillan 1882 Daniel W. 1884 William C. 1888 James H. 1894 Philip H. McMullen 1893­ Fred B. р 1893 Herbert У.р McMurray 1875 Clarence Ер McMurtrie 1859 Rudolph McNair 1879 Henry H. McNeill 1831 Hector MacNeiu ` 1886 Samuel М. a7 McNeille '1863 Rollen’ G. S. Macnie 1874 John le McNish 1736 George Macomber 1863 Edwin 1877 William P. McPhail 1827 John B. 1835 George W. McQuaid 1889 William A. 1895 Henry Р.р McQuillin 1869 Dennis A. McRuer 1853 William Н.р MacVeagh 1853 Wayne 1862 Franklin McVickar 1892 Edward р McWhorter 1776 Alexander le I 842 А [ехапа’ег McWilliams 1889 Daniel A. l Macy 1844 William А. 1858 William A. Magruder 1856 Benjamin D. Maher 1885 Daniel “др 1887 Stephen т 1892 Augustine F. l 1892 James 8.75 1894 Edward j. l Mailhouse 1876 Max р Maison 1844 Charles А. Makuen 1884 George H. Mallery 1808 Garrick 1850 Garrick Manon 1885 Guy W. Mallory 1872 Henry P. 1873 Philander J. 1874 C/eafles W. a’ Maloney 1890 Frank A. р 1892 Denis ].р Maltby 1712 Samuel 1747 faim 1779 Jonathan 1786 Isaac 1821 Eraslus 1822 jolm 1851 William J. 1887 Edward L. р Maltzberger 1862 Harrison 1879 Henry 1895] INDE Man l Х 1865 Edward А. S Мапзоп LXV М - 1892 Daniel Е_ ì7g7 Job 18— “а“ хёз‘ё 51“ 1889 Кишат 13 Irving а?!) Mauss 1786 Samuel 1892 James В Z 'p I 1892 William Н d I7 Truman 1892 Sanford 'B ¿ Mandel ' 1895 Ebenezer G 1893 Arthur] ’ 1292 Frank Ер Mantel] 1821;г {rpo/m . 1 1893 George I 93 Leonard? l 1834 Gideon А [Z 1829 Eîâíîîlzfès ° ' 1840 L Í. S .m Martin M ‚ 0727208 eZ 1885 D angam l I Manilvarmg 1844 Samuëllj 1861 Salomép аше1 D 759 Davld 1845 _/о/г ' 1882 Marc' 1 'p 1 l 1845 Robert А l 1848 Lebíîjeyï 1a д Manic r ' а 1851 W­ . us Е. 772 1851 шаг 6 Ма 1 1860 01111?“ Т. И Marty 1858 Ed lam D- 18 . ‚р es 1868 51111161@ 1879 [Шт/И 1891 Е Ward А_ I854 Wrllram 5. 18 harles С. ' dward А. 94 JameS “Т'Р 1833 qÈïïllellìtine Martyn _ ran “Д I 18 Машегге 8 Маг Ёгедегйск Ар 865 Зет/оп! S, 93 George /r 1 88 Frederick W 1891 CligeîíL d M . ' 18 I .f es C. arvin I8 Manlgault Marble 1832 Ё???“ L- d Í748 ReYrlold ‘17 Charles H. 1858 George R. 1895 ЕдЬеЁёрМ 11121111111 M 1895 Frank Т 1806 Câtthew апп March 1895 sa ° Р 18 arles ]аше5 ,Iz 1825 fû/’Zn С muel J' Z gâorge 1827 giggles А_ I840 Danie; 8 Marshall 1836 Geâïêees 1870 FrancîgvND. March Ígês Themas А_ £47 Зугщщ Р 1882 И;- . о I ant 3 Alexander 76 Jose h ­ 188 “дат G. d 792 Нет-у ßZ 1831 Elisha G W' 1891 Arthp Н' 1893 _%011п ll? 1792 William 1833 Samuel 15772 1892 Loreur ‚893 Vëâîerlck 1, р 1844 John р_ ' 1893 ШаНЁгРЁ W' 1am B. l 176 НМагсу ЁОЬец М l ' . I adlock ¿177265 1 M 18 Manning 1839 Lorenzo /L 1860 Heafy G 175 aSCarene 28 Luther Ь 1842 Sŕlfïluel S 1861 .lohn Е ' 4 »101m д îâßZ JOhn 1844 М 1883 Lâvz' a’ 1 40 Mason /Z 1863 Dwi h ' ' 1890 William Masenhei 1863 НЁШаПЗЫ W. 1832 Elllott 1880 Alfred M d 1869 Dagirä 5‘1’ 1870 „Merke 1894 55352“ 1381 Frede . 189 12г71111аш D. р 0ГС1 Е. d Mason 1881 John ¿ack A. 5 u55611 А. М 1744 Elija/z Richard.F M 174 N Hobart e .8 . Timers ae Jeremiah M... 9 плат HJ ‚8 e стае в. e James r. 1850 N ross 94 Edward В. 772 1818 John Y. fr eWÍOn 8 Marlin Ebenezer P 1 86 Mahlon Н Martin 1839 Нету T» 1 Матвею ‚Р, 1756 Штат I839 lohn в 1730 Moses Marmaduke 1836 John G 1855 Jarvis K. 1735 Sam I852 V’ 1837 Бег ’ °' 60 Edward G 1741 Re дне] шест 1847 Н шт” N- 1870 Нет в ' 177О Acclziâlrd M 185I Beerîçkla-h D‘ 1871 Alfreä B' 1777 ед агздеп 18,6 1ат1п F. 1872 Will' ’ Jared 1876 5 а _lustm 1am /r 1784 Will- l ­ Arthur 1 1857 Da ' 1878 George W 1803 Na Наш 1860 1888 Geol, e G 'p 1871 Hetwîlrld 1 Marsh I870 W' 1888 ”5159 Н ‚а? 1875 Burton р ' 1735 fondi/Zan 1872 060731715 §38 Wilriam's р 1885 Loui А 1739 Сути 1872 Раз ° 9 Нету Е 1 s ’ l 1740 Elly/¿a ,'Z 1875 Neçgäl 1892 Edward Маты Perez ,fZ 1877 Artemas il 1895 Roswell В: 1889 Winfr 1р l 1763, JS(°)se1)111 W' 1277 Fem“ l? e d 5- e’ 1774 das l lago Robert D. Massey .lO/liz lz l, 188? Luther 1_? 1865 Albert Р l э William Е 1892 Reb ‘f1 189 G 6ft ‘ДР 5 eol'ge B.; t? ьхш INDEX [1895 Massie 1847 Nathaniel Mayer Meec'h 18 o Patrick C. 1857 ¿gnu/¿.5 Е— 1831 01111 L. 1826 Stephen W. 5 1862 ШЁПЁаш L» 1876 Levy! 1853 George A. Masters 1889 Wllllam В. 1884 15аас H. 1779 Nicholas S. Meeker 1783 Josiah Maŕëugata Maynard 1842 John H. 1839 Justus S. 1888 КОНГО Z 1829 Elias F, т 1844 Charles H. 1847 Samuel E. т 1877 Edward F. Z Mastin Matthewman 1871 Robert P. 1879 George W. р 1829 шипаш j, 1881 Charles В. I 1888 Сага 1891 David М. 19 1868 Zimri s. 7 1894 J 01111 А. 1892 Gardner!) Mayo Mather Matthews 1811 Edward C. Meefs 1705 Azarz'a/z 1850 Henry ш. E- т 1852 William C. 1814 John D. 1715 Nathaniel 1854 james Т. 1874 Edward S. т 1725 Samae//z I877 George Е. Meacham 1726 Samuel gtlàarlléîS/H­ 1887 Frank A. Megia I738 Eleazar n у Z 186 1 nacio M. 1739 1,105“ 1893 Harold С.р Mead 3 g р 1756 Samuel . . 1763 Charles Matthias Eig @3553” _Mags 1771 АИ” 1866 John j Th 1732 ТШЁОТЬУ S 1 'p 1773 Omas 1778 Jos1ah 1784 Cîlmlîe 1779 Shadrach 1785 Return] £82 Saâîlâls Matthiessen 1784 161111161 1799 Нету ' 1739 Oliver 1886 Conrad Н._7> £3; 1809 Benjamín С. 1810 Nathaniel _ 1814 Whitman %`<êsrî%nsh1]. т 1813 Hliram Mattlson 1817 Samuel H. 1892 СЬаГ1еЗ.Ё р 1823 U YSSCS ­ 7” 1889 Wllliam R. Z 1820 Samuel B. ' 1826 Thomas’ G. 1823 Едепегт, . ЁЁЁЁ ЁЁЁЁЁ’ЁЁ’ Maurice 1325 @iq/IW@ 187 LMelfck ° ­ ­ 1 27 1 1am . 4 eon1 133; 1031.111 P-WC' 1877 вещают 1828 Darius 1895 David B. I 3 27/87 . 82 S 1 t 1859 william H. Maverick 1832 ¿gf/Í erf” Мету 1864 Edward Т- 1825 Samuel A. 1833 Hernan 18 Wilra А 1871 Thomas W45 1851 George W“ 54 1 ш - 1876 Henry Maxson ganielâ.p Mendel I @ary _ Matheson 1868 Edward S. 1891 Lafayette B. 1834 james/L 7 ' 1871 Frederick 188 Ch l A. Mathews Maxwell 189g Solaorrrîân C. 1874 Elëzînden 182 те: М. /i 1797 Sylvester . 1843 ¿albert 12g ìviuialînE Meade 1895 Melvlue B' Z 1886 Charles T. 1 056Р ­ › George R’ a? 1872 Robert D. M. р G. Hafflsonf Mercer 1893 Charles H. z 1875 Cortes 1827 Archibald /i 1877 John S. Z Means 1878 George G. т! Mathewson 1885 William 1868 David M. 1891 George “др 1858 Arthur 1887 Robert 1891 Frederick H. d 1884 Albert M. Z Merchant 1890 Henry S. May Meara 1863 Нету S. 1752 Eleazar 1890 Frank S. Mathis“ El?. 83311 Mefedifh M k l 1893 Edward T. 1793 Heze/¿mh 18 1ЁС à d 1285? (ÉâorgedSÀ _ 1826 William 90 1“ "15 - I 5 “т о]? Matmcheff 1838 Edward R. _ 1881 [van N. a’ 1873 Calvin S. т Medlaf Мепаш 1887 Henry L. 1885 Wil/iam H. a’ l 1833 Marshall Matson 1819 ­IohrrS. т Maybaum Medlef Merrels 1833 William N. 1875 Levy I 1895 Edward L. Z я 1892 Charles “др 1895] INDEX Merriam 1 LXVH 839 Samuel [И . 1759 Matt/261” 1857 Almon 1 Mlddleton 18 Р 1762 Buïïagg 1861- Л 185 á endleton 86 G .af/m” Т- 9 fa ’l С. 1894 Winl I 4 @Orge S 1877 T1 h ОС]; “7. 1867 f2 ° m01 У D- » 1895 Непг G 1870 Edie1 1878 Waltef L- Mllburn 1895 КОЬЭЗ'ГЁ 1872 Агехёдеэк Ёгщпа’е” f”- д 1872 George R. 'P 1879 CIZ I - d . ипсап S_ I M. 1890 R01l1>1e11ln 1893 Henry W- Р Miles 18 111110111111111 1 M 1791 Smil/L 91 11011811 D“ l Merrick eserve 1831 ¿1111/0 N. . . 1725 jmmr/um 1894 НШУ C- 1849 laf/225 В. М11111<еп 1731 Noa/z . I858 Danie/A. 1892 СМИ/[ед D. a’ 1783 Jonathan Meslck 1Ё7б Frederick Ер 1886 502077207; G d 1848 Richard S, 1833 georgeRW. р Mills ' . ‘Wy ­ ‘l’ I722 ea'r'af' ; Merriñeld 18 11.85.5161* Milla ri 1737 817501711 а 1877 Webster 92 Wllham I б R г 1738 Едепеяет 1889 Mark Е g I 019811 1747 Iedidiah . MeSsler _Fines S, 1762 Benjamín Men-ill 1880 Remsen V_ 18 2 Efank V. 1764 Зажил]. 1827 David] 1894 Eugene 14,19 9 111651 B- 1765 Samug/ 1861 Charles 'G G M- 1771 Wfl/¿m /l 1865 PâYSOn 1 1 MetCalf 11181' I775 Еа’тгта’ 1866 Albert Е т 1828 Volney 1709 Jeremiah 1776 Samuel 1886 веха/211 ° 1842 Caleb в, 1762 ЗШЮОП 1786 18880 1881 John г. 18641атез в z 1778 Asher 1807 ниш! Т. 1883 William н 1870 George Ь 1781 ./WZfZÍÍmn 1813 Gideon I, 1885 James А ' 1875 Augustus'T 1785 Phlneas 1824 Charles L. 1889 lOhn F 1876 Victor H l. 1786 David 1825 William H. . ' ­ ­ 1786 ЁУЛ/г'ат р. 1222 êsahal р_ Merriman Metcalfe 1792 атш/ /1 1 2 шт? 18 18 - 17Ё5 Ёашие1 £45 grrick 1812 ЁЁПЁЁЗ В 186; 11311121116111115111 1 ' . . 1833 1211111 7 1878 12111111211Í 1817 Charles т 1835 Charles L' 183 . n 18 5 LO . ' 1819 Horatio 1835 Ethelbert S. 1846 11300111 то 9 111s R' р 1828 BOstwick 0 т 1835 Geofge L 1y 011 . 18 ' 18 - ' 1871 Mansfield р Metzger Iââg а“ т 1836 Ёгеаепск D I872 Ed d 188 S' meas Т. 7 31111161 1— War D. 0 1111011 С, 1840 Charles] 1839 John Y M . 1881 Silas ¿j 1844 William F`_ 1841 Edward’ “и“: 1847 Benjamin S 1847 Alfred 1844 Joseph K. Meyer I852 Francis ` 1850 John R 1873 Schuyler 1873 Henry 1854 John Т_ 1855 John L: 1ê79 Wzl/2am С. 1876 Howard? 1855 Alfred B_ 1856 Lewis Е. 1884 Edwln А. 1886 Edwin Р'Р 1855 Henry М. l 1858 Edward М, I 93 Allred к. 1886 Frank А, М 1859 Charlas А_ 1871 William D, 1894 Ollver P. l 1888 Charles 1864 Álansmz D. 1873 JOhn В, 1892 Abraham 1866 John в. 1877 William 1_ 1 Merry 1895 Eugene I, 1868 Elisha W_ 1893 Charles W. 1860 Thomas A. l 1895 William С. l 1870 George D, 1893 George Е_ 1872 Geerge Nuß Mershon 18 V‘1;’18yers g1g? Milne 91 '11' m . 1844 fame; Е, 1 1am K. l 1877 Charles SÍp 2170111@ fr . Michael 1879 Charles ехала,” d Mervlne 1874 Gear d 1879 William S. т ‚ 1877 Char/ar S, g” Íêâß Eânry S. l 88 Mllfoy ­ . 5 е z I 2 W’ ' M _ MlChaellan 1885 Deageí' d 11113111 M. d erwm 1876 Gregor a' 1886 G l 173,3 ¿Vaak у 1888 Cigîîgâslêpp Miner I 2 1 . . ' l ’ l W» 1827 Timothy Т 1835 Elijah B. т ' 1892 121111111 d? 1789 Tho/1116111 К. 1828 ¿Wiles Т. ° Robe“ В- l l 1834 611115111115118 1796 Thoma; 7 Joseph W. 1894 диез-Н 1816 Jahn o~ k a? ~ . 39 VVllllam W. /L ьхшп INDEX [1895 Minor 1895 John G. Montgomery 1892 Lames 1767 ]е;ш 1895 Walter Др 1760 ]ддер;д h 1893 hrânkslln A. 1801 Jehu R. _ 1773 Samuel 1893 JO n ­ 1801 Matthew Mltchelson 1876 Frank 1893 Lysander R- Р 1808 Josiah H. 1802 Howard 1878 Mai/rus W. o’ 1894 АфЧГЁА- Z 1824 Garry H. 1n 1892 George R. 1894 Vlfglma В- ”И“ 1832 Lucius H. Mitsukuri 1895 Phelps С 18 William T. - ­ ‚ ‚ - 183141 Charles S. 1879 КМЫСШР Moodey I895 “шпат А- 1844 Samuel Mix 1882 Herbert L. 1846 William S 1 Moores 1862 Israel Eîirïllìl; Moodie 1878 Samuel M. 186 William C. т . 186; Thomas T. т 1731 Timothy 1878 Raya! C' Moorhead 1873 Solomon С. 1751 JaheZ Mood 1878 Frank Т.р 1874 Charles NV. 177253 John y 1880 John? 1882 Sheldon ЕР Igp] да n 1814 Anson 1891 Samuel W. B. 1894 John Q_? 1 27 1_а5 1843 Thomas H. 187б Ell Z 1844 George A. т Moorhouse ‚ ‚ _ 1852 _lohn S. 1n _ _ Mintle Mixer 1871 William S. 1894 William R. 1876 Robert L. 1890 Knowlton 1891 William R. 1892 Francis M. Moran Missimer 8 Ó GrMixter 1894 Robert 0. т 1884 James T. l r e 1869 Henry С- Ё8Ё7 Wçiîligam Q_ р Moon More 1877 Charles K. р 1893 Harry N. l 1858 Elawson C. Mitchell 1895 George W. р 1763 Stephen M. Moore Morehead 1775 lohn Moen 1726 Abijali 1856 John 1776 jmmr 1878 Philip W. 1741 _fo/in 1792 Donald G. 1889 Augustus R. р 1763 jonathan Ь MOrehOHSe 1794 Stephen M- 1792 Плоти/2 1852 David 0. 1795 Walter Moffett 1805 Robert 1856 Louis Р.р I803 Charles 1883 Cleveland L. 1806 Homer 1885 Samuel C. l 1803 Minott 1818 Sheldon 1889 John L_ g 1806 Louis Mohr 1827 Roger S. 1809 Alfred ‚ 1832 Daniel H. т M01-ey 1811 022227111. 1884 UHmm 0. а’ 1833 Nathaniel s. 1777 Samuel 1813 EÍZ'SÍM 1841 William H. 1815 James H. Mold 1847 William E. 1818 Wiz/¿am 1892 Fred р 1849 Mark в, Morgan 1820 Matthew Е. 1855 Irap 1719 josef/z Ь 1821 ]0Ьп deMolina 1859 John C. W. 1723 joseph 1823 Walter H. j 1824 Henry Ь 1835 Algernon S. 1839 Augustus т 1841 Donald G. 1849 John B. 1860 John C. Ь 1861 John H. 1863 James B. 1865 William A. т 1866 СЬаЛезЬ. 1875 Franklin B. 1880 Alfred Ь 1883 Kier 1884 John C. d 1885 Fred B. l 1885 Heroerl L. р 1889 John Кр 1893 Edward A. р 1893 Frank A. Ь 1894 Arthur 1895 David D. 1866 Z. Rojas т Monroe I819 Hollis 7n 1831 А1ех. LeB. т 1845 james 1886 Elbert B. Ь Monson 1789 jEneas 1811 Levinus 1815 Alfred S. 1847 Alfred P. 1n Montague 1888 Robert V. l Monteith 18 56 fo/zn 1859 Robert S. 1861 Gideon E. р 1861 Nathaniel S. 1863 George W. 1867 William T. l 1867 _lames A. 1868 Frank 1869 James E. 1871 Alfred Lp 1872 George F. 1873 George С.р 1878 Daniel М. o’ 1878 William j. Р.р 1883 Eliakim Н. 1883 John A. 1886 Charles A. `1886 Daniel A. 1886 Frank G. 1886 Frederick W. 1888 Arthur L. 1888 Edward 5.р 1889 William C. 1762 Consider 1772 _lohn 1791 Solomon 1812 Samuel C. 1813 Frederick 1820 Nic/zolson R. Ь 1820 William H. т 1826 Allen C. 1828 Christopher 1831 Thomas N. 1833 George j. 1837 Daniel 1n 1858 William D. 1866 Charles F. 1n 1867 Charles L. 1869 _lohn т 1875 Cnarles L. a’ 1875 Samuel E. т 1885 Dai/¿d W. d 1885 1ашез].р 1886 Edward B. 1891 Joseph R. l I895] INDEX 1892 Frank/1 d 1892 Louis 18'! 1887 Harley Ъ? I8 8 LXIX 1892 Wiz/¿am 5 d 1889 Edwin ¿i 83 Samuel 8 1893 John н_ ' 1889 Williaml B1? 1874 Gllbert G. Mulf 1894 Henry g 94 Henry P, 1791 fame; /Z 1894 _loseph Е' Morrogh 1295 George N, р I895 Charles A.; Moses Muirson I 95 LCSlÍe W. d 1825 Hiram т 1771 SYIVeSter . MOrroW 1776 HeaÍhCOle 8 мопаг’су 1870 Samuel R Mßsle ism ìlchard B. 1880 Thomas R. £36 George R. Mulfofd QS mbrQSe 1_ Z 9 А› Henry 1794 НЕПТеу М . Morse 1806 Daniel Orlson 1814 J. R 1888 DaVid`W. 1810 Samuel F В 1854 А1оп20 Т 8 1842 Samuel B. . 1891 Samuel В. 1811 Sidney Е ° ’ ”276627772 b d DaVíd Н. 1892 Stanford N. 1812 Richard 1894 ОНуегС. ' 1850 Sylvanus S. 1837 George B: 1855 Elly/za 8 Merita 1837 William в, MOSS I 92 Кита’ю d? Í839 gharles Н. 1702 _/05ер/д /Z 186 Mulkey 839 ßnfy С. I767 Daniel 2 Marion F. Morley 185I B_ennett W_ 1787 Reuben 1833 5878,88 В. 8 1826 Sidney E, 1869 Jesse L_ Mull 1886 Charles R 1881 Leonard В 1894 George F l 1894 John Е ° 2 RZf/¿anz' С. MOSSer ' ' 1867 Wllliam H 1892 Н 6 М ll 1868 Ozie/ei» с ' @r МА. a' u аНУ Morrill 18 ‘ 1892 Thor 7I Joseph В М nwell Arthur 1872 Charles Oulthfop c 1874 Charles I 4 Georg@ E. р Mulhken Morris §75 Charles F. d M 1891 Нагга1р 1746 Lewis 1888 1Édward L~ I8 Oulton 1748 Richard 1881 Ватт к. р 1852 8Élarron c, Mullikin I775 James 1887 Clarence т, 18? Albanus А. 1844 lohn c 1789 Asahel 1887 Кишат D_ I8 I 1Ьепн_ ’ 1803 James 188273 [ММ C' a' 1890 {ватт W a' Mnl 1804 Reuben S 188 Henry Н. d 1890 Orter С. Z 188 .Vane 1813 James ° 8 9 Joseph F. at 893 Warren 1_ d 5 David W. 1815 George W 1890 51С1пеу N_ I 94 Edward S, т 1816 James Vane 1891 Sherman Mumford 1818 Richard R ° 1893 Albert Н, Mûuntjoy 1754 paul 1830 William R' 94 Jerome A, C. р I873 Plato 1790 Benjamin М 1831 Staats 5. ° М 1790 Thomas ‘ 1 36 John E. т 8 Orson Mowbray 1814 William W 1837 [шутим I 22 Arthur А_ 1892 Edward В . 1840 Dewitt c', ` Mn 1849 Edward D Morton М u nger 18 L ° О‘Нет I795 E11 ah 54 uzon в 1845 fan 1 8 . . - l“ 1878 Th 1814 Eb Í858 gllllam L I857 josef/LL Omas E. 1848 Geenezeé 5 Obert ` 1 63 Jose h orge . 1860 М. 1883 Maräus . Í IVIO“,ery ¿Ilfûdm'ß 1871 William 1878 672,- ­ 55 alter S. т 1874 Edward p ~ Mosel “та” 62’ 1875 Elisha т 1874 James w ’al 1751 Th ey M 1880 Carl E? 1878 Dwight а. 1782 I omas Owry 1890 Harry L. 1882 672627165” 176 ¿gmc 1848 David S' 1894 Frederick S Р I890 Robert C_'g 1768 Isrîêtlz” u . 1290 С}. Mûyle Munn I 92 Charles D. 1777 Will' 1891 Wallace S 1847 Johannes 1892 Robert W 1780 1am ­ 1881 Маге 1895 Charles G' I 86 Jonathan О, us D’ Й . 1388 Éllfner Mueller М _ izur 1886 W1 ­ unroe мод-“ЗОН 1802 Ebenezer I887 faìzîlzìîëfn 'l 1843 Edward 1880 Frederick S 1806 Charles ° 1874 George F 1885 William P ' 1816 William А, м h ‘ ' 1833 Edward S_ u lenbefg M 1850 Edward D uIlSell ' 1799 fall/‘ez 1; LXX INDEX [1895 Munson 1893 Henry H. р Neale New 1725 Step/'zen 1894 Walter F. 1891 John С.р 1863 Erastus 1726 Daniel 1738 Amos' Musgrave Neary Newberry 1749 Апзтт 1837 Christopher 1892 William l. z 1726 Roger 1751 Stephen 1893 ~lohn H. l 1793 Roger 7, I76553 Eneasl M h Neave 1799 Roger Í76g ТЁтшЬЧ ‚иге 1888 Charles 1885 ТГРТЁШП Н‘Р 78 ЕГЗЁР 1 us I885 Williamf. a' 1889 W1111am В.р I IS ia' Needham 1465116 W. Z 7 7 Sra@ I Myers 1851 Lyman Е. l 1825 РПЁЧСЮ т I874 George 8.? ew 1869 Byron “д т 1874 Philip V. N. l 1880 Edward BU? 1833 James E. 1875 С LaRue Z 1875 Charles A. 1865 Michael T. 1879 G'eorge D 1881 Thaddeus H. Neely 1879 Robert H. 1885 John А‘ 1830 Lorenzo NeWCQmb 1882 штат А. d M tt 1829 John E т 1890 Edward L. 8 G Yga S Neff 1Ё75 ¿emes lz. т 18 Ohn Р. 1 52 @Orge . I ImOD 93 J р 1891 Frederick E. l 1887 [amó G' d 1876 Frederick W. il Munzesheimer N d l Neidé 1880 James Е- 18 1 Gustave a a 9 р 1864 Ehrman S. 1858 Horace Мечте] Mul-Ch g Neill 1861 Stanford 1872 Ademas А. Nadler 1830 Benjamin D. N п 1893 Alfred G. в?“ Murdoch _ Nelson 1718 дате! 1834 John Мани 1842 William R. 17%() ¿awa? 1852 David/z 1880 JOhfl I. 1843 Robert W. 1730 АЁПЁЗ 1880 John M. l _ 1846 Rensselaer R. 1751 S. e 1890 James M. р Nakashma 1869 Edward T. d? 1775 “neon . . 1781 Samuel 1887 Riku@ d' 1876 John F. I 86 Gad Murdock 1879 Edward Пр Iglo Lot 1755 Peter Ыг‘РЬ’СШУ 1883 Joseph H' 1811 замши I766 fomit/26m 1863 Joseph 1888 James А' р 1822 Oliver P. т 1774 james 1892 Roscoed 18 О рулит W 1797 лиг“ _ 1892 ТЬеорЬПиэр 83 С; Í . 1808 John В Napler I âï G es er А 1817 Ешсе m' 1885 Charles D. Nesbit Jälîâgë р“ 1836 672617165 Е. 1895 Robert C. 1889 Roger à? 1884 Oscar Р. l Nash . 1890 Ashbel B. 1891 John Sp 1748 /udail Nesbitt 1893 Emerson К 1785 Daniel 1887 George F. Muffey 1791 William Newhall 1846 Samuel S. 1834 David H. т Nettleton ­ ­ 1852 William B. 1; 1809 Атм 1876 Wllham М'р Murphy 1890 Paul? 1856 Edward P. _ Newman 1862 Thomas D. 1891 Warren B' р I879 Lanman d _ 1890 George N. 1882 Walter 1883 Walter Е. 1893 William H. Nason 1885 William А.р N t 1886 Henry Т. 1892 Edward S» Р u.” on Muna 1894 Francis I. р I740 CÉWSÍÜÉÍZW У 1758 Roger 1820 Washington Nathag Neville 1785 Roger 1824 Hamilton 1894 Arthur .p . 1818 foe! W. 1830 ~lohn R. 1861 Tlmothy Р' Z 1826 Cincinnatus 1835 Andrew т меад N ­ 1828 Alfred 18 Geo е C. ­ -­ evm 8 G B. Igïfâ Wasîängton 1870 Benjamin M. 1874 Alexander B. 1522283 1862 William Н. Í-Í. ‚ 1850 Hubert A. 1876 Albert L. z Neal Nevms 1851 Matthew Т. 772 1877 Frank W. 1832 Abner 1816 William 1856 Cyrus B. т 1877 James В; 1853 Charles A. т 1846 William R. 1859 Homer G. 1880 William D. 1877 James B. 1872 Thomas P. р 1872 Henry G: l 1895] LXXI INDEX 1879 Howard D. 1883 Isaac B. 1884 Alexander 1891 Burton L. l 1893 William L. 1895 Frederick E. р Nicholas 1853 Thomas P. 1889 fohn F. a’ Nichols 1734 Joseph 1762 William 1771 ~/ames 1773 John 1801 Henry 1811 Samuel 1812 Charles 1824 George 1824 john C. 1825 joseph H. 1835 George W. 1841 Elhngham H. 1847 Charles A. 1854 George F. 1854 Starr H. 1871 Charles h 1879 Edgar B. 1880 Alfred В. 1881 6807578 Е. a7 1884 William T. 1884 William W. р 1886 William E. 1890 john Т. а’ 1891 Allen P. l 1892 Charles H. р 1894 Robert H. Nicholson 1870 lohn R. Nickerson 1845 Sereno D. Nicola 1893 Oliver P. р Nicoll 1734 Benjamin 1734 William 1810 Edward 1828 Alexander Y. 1829 Robert A. 1854 lohn m 1866 William G. Niemeyer 1874 lohn H. h Niggeman 1895 Robert A. р Nightingale 1728 Joseph 1790 _lohn C. h Niles 1758 Thomas 1797 /ohn 1815 Benjamin h 1867 William Н.р 1883 William P. l Nipgen 1894 Alvin P. Nixon William W. K. Noble Gideon Oliver David Birdseye G. 1812 _loseph 1832 William H. 1851 lohn W. 1858 Frederieh A. Nolan Quinces R. l _lulian St.]. Nolen George A. Alfred Е. 1881 I755 I757 1764 1810 1847 1895 1857 1867 Noon 1894 Henry S. Noonan 1868 Frederick G. р N ooney 1838 _lames Norcross Erasmus William O. Nordhoŕf Walter р 1815 1826 1879 Norris 1819 _lames m 1829 William H. 1839 William H. 1840 William 1845 Lyman D. 1854 William H. 1872 Austin H. a’ 1885 Isaac р 1888 Charles; 1894 lohn W. a’ 1894 Thomas К.р North Milo L. Simeon Erasmus D. m Hubert F. lames H. Frederick H. Romeo E. Angelo W. William B. m Thomas M. h lohn R. р 1813 1825 1833 1843 1843 1846 1849 1852 1863 1886 1895 Northrop 1762 Amos 1776 joel 1804 Amos 1811 Samuel B. 1824 Bennett F. 1825 Daniel W. m 1841 Bz'rclsey G. 1857 Cyrus 1872 Charles A. 1876 Henry Е. 1880 Charles H. l 1894 Fred. Е.р Northrup 1890 Edgar B. р Norton 1723 Thomas 1737 faim 1751 Seth 1765 Samuel 1768 Josiah 1790 Asahel S. 1804 Seth 1806 Hernan 1814 Frederick A. 1822 Lot 1829 William 1832 Augustus Т. 1836 _lohn C. m 1844 Edward 1846 lohn P. h 1848 john F. h 1859 Charles L. 1860 Nathaniel ’ 1864 Wilfred E. 1865 james S. 1867 William A. h 1880 Miner G. l 1885 Ea'roin F. 1885 George W.p 1887 Edward H. 1888 Elbert E. р 1891 Nathaniel R.p Nosawa 1890 Keiichi l НОН: 1720 Ahraham 1780 Samuel l 1787 Abraham 1818 Richard T. 1823 Handel G. 1830 Abraham P. 1885 Лиги: L. a7 Nourse 1843 lohn F. Noye 1884 Albert А.р Noyes 1709 joseph 1726 lames 1753 _lohn 1775 john 1778 Joseph 1779/0/m 1781 William 1782 /ames 1785 ./Wallhew 1812 Daniel 1824 Burr 1825 Samuel C. m 1834 lohn 1835 Horatio S. 1837 lohn A. 1840 Daniel Р. 1840 Oscar T. 1845 Samuel S. h 1847 Daniel Т. 1852 Jonathan L. 1867 Theodore R. m 1875 Charles L. 1879 Edu/ara' М. 1880 Edward P. 1884 Herbert L. р 1885 Atherton 1889 Henry F. 1891 Winthrop S. G. 1892 Marshall P. 1895 Joseph R. Nutman 1727 john Nutt 1883 Henry С.р Nutting 1895 Herbert C. Nye 1837 Elisha B. m Oakes 1891 Frederich W. a’ Oakey 1849 _lohn д 1872 failles LXXH [jl/'DEX [1895 Oakford Olcott A Ord 1893 William A. 1884 lames W. 1758 Bulhley 1873 joseph P. 1895 Charles Н.;› 1761 Simeon Oakley 1768 Allen Offlwey Osborne 1301 Thomas j, 1793 Mlchael 1880 Henry C. 1817 Thomas B. 1814 lesse 1805 George 1887 William Р.р 1831 lohn Q. m 1879 Edwín C. a1 1816 Charles 1848 Arthur I)° 1823 Austin h @Reilly 1857 Charles R. m Oaks 1881 Marvin? 18 James т 1881 Thomas B. 182 William B 47 1882 Arthur S. 8 7 Не А ' Oldershaw Ormes 1884 Oliver Т. 7n I 75 my ' 18 Francis H 1889 lohn B- 95 'P 88 М z 1 5 any D- 1895 Cyrus A. d Oastler Olds k R. Orne 1891 Fran I77I.Danie1 18 S 1] Osgood Oberly 1853 _loseph O4 amîœ l 1389 _ginalíïuín ‚ 1 9 am z 1860 Aaron S. m тенден- 887 D§)Routí-lïîe! 1233 gäarîes „Gi ‚ 1 ames . 1 94 ar es . О Connor 1869 John 1895 Alfred T. 1894 lames E. l Olin Orr 1895 Ervin E. 1818 [aa Odell 1845 Siep/Zen [l 1818 Vógtillciam д O’Sullivan шаг glillilam Oliphant 1320 êòbert1 L 1889 William l. m 18 af es ~ 1876 Charles Н. e I 94 am@ ­ Otis Odiorne Oliver Orrick 1759 Ephraim h 1826 James С. 1751 Andrew il С. 1229 Р. Il 1 f» se @sie Р O’Donnell 1885 Henry р Orsborn 1882 СИМ С d- 1892 David R. 1885 John с'р 1850 Wllham Н' 1890 Charles А.р Oertel Olmstead Orton 1892 Frank B. 1816 Hawley 6 S l O ll 1888 Hanns h I7 5 атпе Vera 1845 Edward 82 M'lt Р. 1894 F. HOISt R. m 1849 Roger S. т Ё84Ё 1011111031. 1851 Asa N. l 1854 john W. h Ogden 1861 Samuel Н. m О . Ovërand 1728 David 1872 James à rvtS 1865 Ваша G. m 1782 ]д;т С. [Z 1888 Irving 1878 Gurney ZW. d . 1814 Dar/id L. 1891 Wallace l Oviatt 1817 Abraham OrWig 1835 George A. 1858 Dewees Olmsted 1872 George A. 1860 Frederick C. 1861 Dar/idf. 1888 Harold V. 1890 Alfred W. р Ogilvie I 748 john Ogura 1888 Matsuo l O’K_eefe 1893 lohn T. l Okey 1875 Alfred E. Okubo 1889 Toshitake l 1785 Zachariah 1809 Charles C. 1813 Denison 1818 Charles H. 1839 Francis A. 1844 Alexander F. 1844 Denison 1845 lohn H. 1847 lohn H'. 1874 Francis H. 1875 _lohn C. р 1893 Frederick L. h 1894 Frederick E. р 1894 George W. Olney 1835 George W. 1854 _lames B. Opdyke 1 890 Henry 1859 Samuel H. l Osborn 1749 Daniel 1757 Sylt/anus h 1763 Daniel 1789 Jonathan 1799 leremiah 1807 Isaac H. 1824 Orson т 1838 Moses W. m 1855 Frederick W. 1862 Thomas W. 1863 George W. 1865 Charles L. 1874 Eugene E. р 1877 Curtis H. m 1877 Robert G. 1880 Norris G. 1884 George W. 1886 Frederick A. l 1888 Selden Y.; Owen 1756 lohn 1820 john h 1837 Allen F. 1860 Charles H. 1864 Henry E. 1872 Edward T. 1889 Frank L. р 1892 Richard d 1894 Thomas B. р Owsley 1895 Paul С.р Owyang 1881 Kengp Oyabe 1895 _lenichiro a' 1895] INDE 1892 Cîzanne 188 Х arles E. d 1884 Harry М. . 18 6 John Н р LXMH Packard 89 Kenyon'v I arde@ 183 С 793 A’477205 ­ 18 З Jullen 1816 Ja Рапид I 4 Frederick palen 18 б red W- 1809 JOhn S 856 L . 18 . 5 Hen 18 . W CVVIS К. Gllbert Е 1882 {у . John Н- 'p 1884 Chlhîm S' Ран 188 7’ т L. Parki Packer 185З Geor rey 5 John S_ 1864 Geo nson 185 С ge rge 772 lam S 4 harles С . P d . 1860 Alfred С ' 1813 RPa'nsh Parkman 1 6 а dieford ° 183 Ап-Ззе11 1807 дат 1; 8 John Рантег 1862 Rnd s lz 70 1729 Salam 1872 LOSWell Parks P 1750 вещай. @Guard W, 1873 William 1820 addock 1753 Мер/ь 1? 1886 William Ё? 1837 ¿EZ/z В. Ígóo JOnathan 1846 Е Park ­ 1876 Obert H_ 1816 Joseph /Z 1860 dWln A. т Рагнп John R 20 Jose John D 1888 F 188 G ­ р 18 ph il 1861 - /L rank1' 1883 Свежее Е, d 18% Edward ,Z 1861 ‘lg/ebs@ ш т]? 1892 КЁЪПЗ Ер 1828 Ёепйэоп В. т 1881 Chil/zam Е. Parmele еп А, 1828 Jozlfa 1894 РГЁГЁЁЗ Е. „2 I758 Ebeneze Padmor 1830 1342111 C' d ìggï Reuben r 1835 Не е 1831 viy ­ р 09 Рима?” my V’ т 1836 JOëällhM' т 1864 .afke Pa 1837 Codä' т 1882 ¿1111115 L. Parmelee I . ge 18 mg'fOm В атие1 М 1808 7 - 47 Ch ~ ­ james 1897 Wlulam 1847 F arles Т- Н 1826 W'11­ H' 805 Joel 18 rancis H. ° Ра k 1827 С}: 1am I 43 G 47 Fran ­ 1' er arles C 1859 Sgîârgfî т 1254 Williâlrîlsñń Реле? 11,1— 1263 Harlan P' UC I . . . 1860 щшаш1ё. I855 mams R 1798 Joseph 1894 Нету В? 1862 М . . Z Jonath 9 007228! Henry D 1864 Olefrltt С. 1864 Will. ап [Q_ 1808 Amas . 186 of 1865 А] 1am Н- 1813 вага а Pa 5 Henry А 18-6” @Xander S 1825 Е 5 18 ffott ìâgß ïharles ~ т 187; {501115 L' 1826 Abenlezer 18;? ~îichard D А р 1 OS rank ure ius Ohrl W ' ' 335 gâêäîdpů р Ёппаш В р ЁЁЁЁ äwîfd vla' 1883 Joseph iz! 5 плат D' 18 eUrge S ' 18 af es T ' ' . 8 . ­ 2 G . £32 Frank Е 138Ё {qoslah С, 183: peorge G- Parry 5 Abbot ' епгу Н 18 @ÍET S 1889 WilliaîlqcffÚ £88 Lucius N' 1833 Ёушап Ь “И“ . 91 Arthu ­ han@ . 182 183 E' SE'm P Риге 1834 ñlffed в_ 1842 @flip/Zal“ 1868 arsha'n ¿[882 А ar а arles С lfred 13 g retta а: 18 . О an B 1877 Fr т 95 Walter W р 18Ё7 Edward G 1888 Wllliam ‚15 п . . ' Z 18 РаРгЬогп 1875 5232521? 5. Parsons Paine „76 Frederick 1376 Fra , . h 1705 ртам 1748 Tk IÖQI Нап- L W' 1879 VV' n­cls Н- Í 1729 fon t] Johamas у . 1880 _Wìlllam N. Noahlaìl 1787 fils; Pa 1890 Wëlbur 1768 El; lz 1828 L ngbufn 1891 Aäl'afd Leb/Zig! ЁЁЁЁ jlb” C' ”шт др 1291 “ЧЁЁЗЬЁ' E? ¿Onathan G ¿WiL I 92 L ' ' I ¿Inu ‘ 1864 НОГаС- Papazian 1893 “ÍYIÈS R. 1791 Вен-ае1_Н. lz 1888 Fred QD. 1889 Man 1894 H1 1am W, W 1811 [ша] mm 18 О enck Н иле/2 а а, , 18 Огайо xv ' 1816 F с . 9 John K [l ° ь l Frank ’ h 1.'ЁЦЁ1С15 Rai h ‘ Pa . 1 1'? 1819 Enoch р D' 1888 radis@ ï 1819 Sam Т' Il . Fî'dîzè ]_ Parkes 1829 W. 1,191 Н, Рани; 18 1111аш 1815 . ef к 22 Samuel/z Lemu 712 Н @XIS Paramore l r 1840 Lew_ el enrYW 1879 F . ŕ 1843 5 ls B- ' т 183 fedenck W Parkhu 8 amuel М 2 Edward Е 1819 Jer _ rst I 48 Лену}, Л! ' 'p * 1336 D emlah 1850 Вен/тж ' “те! В. 4:51 John Вт; 1 ­ z LXXIV INDEX [1895 1Ё52 Ёьцазв 1875 John Pearse Peckham 1 54 avi ‚р 1876 William H. 7 1855 ~lohn C. 1886 Corne/.ius Н. a’ 1861 John В. ¥eonv1ïgr Ё?” Ё‘ЁЁЭЁ L' т 1888 РИМ“ L' l’ Pearson 1866 Fenner H. т 1862 ватаг], Paul 1802 „игр/шея /r 1880 LeRoy B- 1868 William 1887 Frank А 15 1841 Wllham Peddie 1871 Frank M. ‘ 1872 Lewis G. P 1d» Pease 1895 lohn W' Z 1877 James la 88 Câul ШЁ 1765 Obadiah 1878 Charles I 9 ar es ' 1846 Seth т Peery Iâëz ÈÑillliagi H. Pavey 1856 George Е_ H_ 1895 Joseph S. Z 1 5 o n . 8 F d ` k N. ' 1887 Edward S. d 1884 Charles С. l leeg czîrïrlîa. Rg' Peet rêâs Emea, lëëìrìkeDM 1891 Arthur с. р 1822 Harvey P. 9 шт L. g ~ 1892 Edward W. 1823 Edward W. Igâäliiârï Z Paxton 1895 Howard W. 12ga?, iStep/zeíî . . i 45 saac . ìâgâ IFqréarilnrcisI 1847 Elisha F. Peaslee 1847 Wiólliairë? 1835 WilliârmÈ. Payne 1340 Éämunddë’ т jrIgouâlefy ' 1895 William Пр 1726 Set/z I 72 War ’ 1877 Theodore I h a 1878 John N. Partree {тэта Ред—51337 188 5 Lyman Р. 1887 Horner T. 1789 Elijah 1895 Frederick M. Z 1885 William F. . 1817 Benjamin Е. 1886 Edward W. Perrrrdge 1852 Oliver N. Peek 1887 Lows H. 1729 William 1863 Oliver H- 1775 William 1895 Robert А- 1730 Oliver 1865 .lohn К- 1784 ]аЬея ­ 1767 Samuel 1867 Henry W. 1821 [шаг Peirce 1867 f0/m W. 1877 Wil/¿am B- d? 1823 Henry E. . 1858 Luther Н- 1880 Sidney C. 1889 Шаг/{асе С. а’ 1838 Whitman 1893 Alten W. 1895 Wllllam K- 1839 Horace C. Paterson 1843 Way/¿am 5, Pell 1762 John Payntef 1847 Robert 1757 John ~ 1895 Rowland G. 1848 Elisha S. т _ Paton 1848 Ёдтщ R. G. Pellet 8 д Ра son 1849 deze’ 8 h 1 93 R0 erta’ 1782 Зету/2 1856 Рщпк Н. 1 04 lo n Patrick 1812 Gggygg âmes W- т Pelletreau 1769 fasep/z 1819 fos/¿ua Р. 1861 JäââyH 1890 Robert S. Z 1879 Robert W-zß 1828 John О- 1863 WilliamG - 1885 George т, w_ d 1861 Edward Р. 186: Samuel 1_’ Peirerr 1888 John Ер geg? 1867 William А. 1840 Cale P tt 18g Georgeá 1871 Char/Z651?. 1861 Сайге—4. 8 W3?. enè 3 e »ß 1871 George 13. т 1891 William H. 15 175 z шт 18 0h W. 1785 Wil/¿aw /z Peabody regg ¿regard 5. РетЬег }2ЁЁЁ2Ё2Ы т 1Ё7Ё ЁИат/шХЁЗК2а7 1882 Chauncey H. ‘ _ - 1 7 ugene . Íêêï gralrllßlâ il? 1879 Charles B. Pemberton 1 ic ar . 18 j Patterson 1887 Рит“ G. Il 79 Ema@ 0 1781 Ebenezer lz 1728 John 8 Н Е d 1881 Raphroditusl 1832 John S. 1891 Aaïïy ‘ S 1881 William Pence 1881 Sheldon P I 95 ugustus ’ 1884 Vmœnt C' 8 ch 1 R 1881 Terah Н_ Z' 1888 Charles H. z 1 79 af es ­ 1884 Geor eW. Pearce 1889 680753 С‘ 1887 Edmrgrrrd В. р 1783 Amos 1890 Robert E? 8 ländâetonv 1890 Gaylord H. d? 1802 Cyrus 1893 George L- is? В au. “1.5 Н? 1894 Silas B. р 1891 Stanley Н.р 1893 Theodor@ G' e 4 ещашш ' 1892 Richard 1893 Wllfl'ed M. Í P “on 1894 John С.р Penñeld а Р l 1895 Clarence В.р 1783 Samuel £17 ëlobelrt ВЙ еа—Г 1895 Josiah H. 1877 Samuel L. р 3o ar es . 1836 ~Ioshua F. 1895 Tracy 1879 William W. 1895] INDEX 1883 Edward W LXXV . ­ 81 Ch 1 1891 Charles О Р I 3 ar es 1870 05 1894 George H, ¿r gig 1871 lNilîiIelrlrŕw, Реи“ 1824 G s ’ 1873 John T. Ie36 Julian V, Perraell 1825 ВЁ‘ЩЁЁПЁЁ- 1875 @liver H. la ' £887) Arrhrrr R, r827 Alfred J. унтер Н. Petrus 9 John F, р 1828 George 8 ¿Orge H, ¿i 1892 William G. 1830 Alfred Е, I 94 Carroll e’ 1874 крапиву 1Ё33 Alfred Pers 8 Pfeiffer 0 ert L. Z 1 39 Frederick Т ons I 94 Alois . 1887 Thomas H, 1840 john ° 1894 Frederick T, I L? P о 1340 llvllliarrr P Phelps enninian 42 acob eter 1744 Alexa d 1828 Silas М, 1342 Nathaniel S, 1820 JOhn P. C. 1758 A@Ironn er 1883 James L. 1842 george E. т 18oo George F, 1758 Bildad 1 4 James H. 1818 Sârîlrgî т. P 1789 Jehrr P _ 184 М 118 . eters I7 О Seth n ellmngton 18 9 F OSes8H. т 1757 ЗатиЛА. I761 Венам/2 1846 Charles J. 18?; Nredeflek В. 1759 lohn 1776 Martin 1860 William 1858 ,norman C, 1789 John T. 1776 Wllliem 1888 G omas A. 1794 Samuel A, 1780 Tlmothy Penny 888 Weerge Q_ 1818 lohn 5. h 1783 Noah A, Benjamin F G 1I'lSlOW L, 772 1825 . 1870 Câgrlge 1826 Hugh :18394 (311176: Ь. _ f_eS l. I 27 Manl 95 anzug] Penrose 1885 Willis L? 1828 Jose yhm 1800 Elisha 1887 Thomas N 1887 Arth р P' т 18 1890 зиме В ' 1887 Н ьшг 1841 Thema,v М. 01 R01/af п .Lal 18 8 Mer ertF. 1842 John А. 1811 Samuel 5_ Pere’ 1 189 F Omegna E'I’ 1849 Hugh F. 1814 Abr1er lz 181 Iva. 1831 HI'Cderick С, 1873 faim ¿v_ Iêzß Dudley 5 ~lames G. епТУ В. 1877 .Moser d I 25 Ватага Е. 722 P 1880 William A, 1825 GUY R» т erley 1881 George A. k 1826 147720514. I§77 Frederick B, 1890 Lyman О. Z 1886 Frank G, £33 John I 90 Richard T. 849 5. Dryden /r P 8 Perot Peterson Ёещу Е— е ' 1 1 en ‘ 88 .fegfllle 188818 Edward 1895 Samuel 1860 Geol-amg K' I 2 Rza/mrd Е. d пап“ 1860 Wm gâv l' P Perri 8 Petry 1866 Erree F alter егез 18 n I 89 George d 1869 М. Stuaïrt 1889 Israel H, Sgo Law/elfe 1870 Carrin t0n I Í8 9 Ёегцааопе Pettee 1870 Edwarä Н Peflt dWlIl O, fûygp/z Myron H ~ 1801 John W. 1879 10h11 О. 1887 George D, 1880 George B' р 1802 Pelatiah 95 James Н- 1881 Edward I.. /z 1803 Pelariah W. Pe'Ltengill 1881 oliver? Perry 1829 Amos A, 1ЁЁЗ Dudley Perkins I755 foray/r /z 1883 Benjamin D /Z I 3 John J. 1727 Jose h I772 Dar/id 1885 Art/1m» G d' 1884 Charles P. 1774 Nat/zpan /Z I775 fOr/ma ' 1885 Edward B. 1776 Ell ha I777 Joseph P “Ъ 1886 Aff/zur S. 1781 Errächz 1777 Рта Ё ’ “ne 1886 Edward J. 1785 Ben' ~ 1806 Frederick /L 1778 61165 1886 Sheffield 1785 S8mlarî11n 1816 Nathaniel 8 1805 John O, 1887 William L. 1786 Elia;1 e 1824 Samuel 1806 Chauncey 1890 Stowe 1787 F8888 1827/0127211] S 1855 Ira w. 1891 William W т; . 1781 jo8188D 1833 Ваш; 6, ° 8880 81mm. А. d 1892 Dryden ИЛ}! 1792 William 1833 Nehemiah /z 93 Ibert “7- 1893 Alfred H. I 1794 Benjamin D 1839 Nathan S. т . 1894 AIlsel 1795 Nef/ran ’ 1846 Frederic W. т Рштгеп 1894 Isaac K- 1799 @Ia/[th 1846 Taiwan С 1825 Amos 1895 George А. 1803 Gear gew 1860 Waldo Gf; 1837 john H 1895 John S-P 1812 Nathganiel S gawd В. ° 1895 Z- Bennett 1812 Thomas S, 1873 1ОЁ111П1’37НН.р 8 Pettingill Philip ' I r Ed 7 mund L. 1876 john Н. 11ХХ'хг1 . ÍNDEX 1769 GPhlllips 1854 Н бог 6 1868 НОГЁЁ 1871 Dagifâflfîîí P. . [1895 1873 Andrew W 1833 jûlm .p I о ukm £20 Smith F 'P ¿Unai/2y 188 Р1е55пег о T/ZÚ ‘ Pi ÍSha 5 Da ' 1883 MUÃZZSST' d 1837 ЕЁггерощ 1755 Ashbel “а ёёёз 95 George al Pierson Silas Ph, 1711 jO/„z 1787 oliWer У 48 Franklin L. 18 6 _ mney 1729 _fü/m 1806 Сайд ШЁ Ehhu 1808 Willi@m S 1836 77207 Plum 92 John I. 1336 William SH' 1861 John ,fz S' ' l I 54 Geor ' 1862 Т110 Plumb 8 Phoenix 1864 Stepâëfèß 1885 RobglrîsJH. 1861 Нет, I 50 Isaac ­ 1892 НОГ ~ у 712 у 1868 Stephen асе T' Plu b 18 . т е 18 8 Pitts 90 Robert Е SecluS L. I 42 Cyrus P . tuart Е_ 1 Р1ит1еу iatt . Pixl 1850 G — £55 John H, 18 8 Pigot/C 1780 Efastuesy Mdm” S. 95 John N_ Z 7 ,lames Р. Plummer ~ ­ P1 1804 Ge 1881 Ёпцкегвгйп 1831 F,P1k.e 1804 Daviîlnt 1828 JofîîgTe т rederick 185,. véŕuzfzs 1847 Alfred 1832 [заас- ‚ 1886 G11-11am Н‚]> 1891 John F I 1705 1890 Ё. Plass . 0 п 1 е . 11 1732 John 1232! âgoïge “д Р 1886 татам d 1374 Josenllîett lâgg ЫОЫе B т 111mm “Т'Р р D. Z 5 jmp/z ` ~ P1 P 56 ­ 18 ‚ , 1887 Ргеёёгёё 1822 [тащат 151аюр 83 ржёт/гм]. а’ 1895 Charles Е '¿ ­ P1 Polh . ' 188 вишь“ 1883 s amer 187 А ~emus I Plckman 9 G1íf0rd 1885 Jâgluel В. 9 С1пап S_ . 18 1nßkard I Т 01k Р1егсе 48 Thomas C Platt 183g smSten ° u . Joseph W. I Gea ч I 41 Oh 24 Den”. 1816 Мозг; I п М. 1835 X/Villiâîn Н 8 Poll 1825 John G 7; Pinneo 1238 GideOnL .7; I 69 Daniel т ÍÍQ'Ó 1лопата Ä, 1798 Зет l 1873 James P.' Z 1875€ george T, 1824 TimotîlyhS Ша lìohnson T. /z 18 Pollard 1868 TäìlërîâlslîNT. 1856 Samuel L,° 1874 Witlltlâïfêrd Н_ 93 Edward В, d? §75 Dwight Е ‘ Finne lâ” Lest” В. 'f Pollock 76 Franklin 1823 N y 76 Thomas С Í 1882 W-u» 1881 Wilson Н - 188 Котят 1877 Frank Н ~ 2 1 1am 1882 Richard H' 1892 Саш “7-2? 1879 Lewis A' p ìââó George Н . arles B_à75 {Зету B' 1858 FdOmbo 9 Will- ‘m . . 4 laren ' 1 8119 1892 Charlîlerïlï-LÍ Pinto 1887 OIVÍlleClç-IN/'Z ° 1777 Solo 1888 На ' ' P ' W, R rrlson G. Plefpont llllam 9 Obert T. I705 Samug/ 1718 Jam@ . 1733 Ваш . I S P I j mz” 718 Saving] 1 8 Iper Flatts 753 Sei/z I727 Benjamin 7 2 Asa д 1822 Dan ш I757 Medad из: Joseph 1842 John W 1762 JGSiah 04 /olm 8 Pirsson ` ёж ,lOSiah I 82 LOuîS V. р 1808 L. h 1887 Robe 182 Ore rt W, 9 Jerome В IS515 St 'm @phen Е‘ т 1895] ÍNÜEX LXXVII l 1873 Benjamin? 1819 Theodore W. 1884 Edward ИЛ I 1858 Henry A. 1887 john N. 1821 Henry B. 1893 Herbert L. р п 1861 james P. 1891 Hiram S. /z 1822 Amasa G. 1894 Alonzo I 1863 Henry S. 1891 Robert W. 1825 Wil/¿am S. 1894 James T. 1864 Howard Е. 1826 Isaac G. 1895 ]атез°М. 1864 William H. B. Pomfoy 1828 Daniel т Í 1874 “7111121111 5.1) 1834 Нету 1828 Francis Potts l 1875 William A. р 1888 Frederic H. 1829 Samuel 1854 William S. 1877 Willard N.; 1831 Noa/l 1878 George H‘ р I 1882 ~IuliuS H. Pond 1836 Giles [Р]. 1886 George Ер 1883 David M. р 1839 Charles H. Ig I Edoar А d 1884 Albert H. 1802 Charles H a ­ ­ 9 c « . ' 184! WzZZzrwz H. 1885 Danlel T. р 1827 James О' lz 1842 lohn A. р ' 1885 Oramel W. 1830 Charles F. 8 8 'H С otWln F ­ С 1880 Orlando B. Z 1848 çmy/ Е? 1851 Т/ютш` S. ' 18 HranclsE ’p W Iter Z I 4 Тгтог‘гу . 1854 Lemme] S. t 1 90 arry . Chaarles Е 1857 Charles H. /z 1893 Joseph Н.р 1888 Philip 1257 Dav1d G. Potwine 1894 Joseph Н.р 57 Edward L. 1889 5381961 N~ 1858 Edward C. 1751 Т йота: Pratte 1861 Winlam Н- l 1861 Horace P. т 1833 Stephen А. 1846 Bernard А 1892 М11е$ А.р 1865 George С_ I P u I . 1867 Peter B. Owe ~ Poole 1869 Franklin 1823 Charles L. « 8 Prentlœ 1840 William F. 1874 Peter A. 1841 john D. Ig'4 163ml? 1866 Benjamin 1876 John 1847 William j. 1802 Dlwfcîs 1875 Нету W. д 1878 Jahn А. 1864 S.Cambreleng77z 1812 62“. Т 1881 LGOHafd Н. 1880 виды]; 1871 Ferdinand E. р 1832 D а“? 1891 William F . 1880 Edward F. р 1884 Joseph p 1872 S w88 ’í O' 1880 John B. 1890 John C. р шёё Vâiîìlle Е' Z Poor 1882 James A. d 1890 Perry О. d l 1am ' 1885 Wil/¿am G. d 1884 Edwin L. 1892 Ralph C. Р t. 1886 Рта/е С. d . fen ‘SS Pope 1887 Thomas W. Powelson l 1887 6607186 F- ‘l’ 1815 Jahn 1888 Herbert W. 1882 Атм: Р. d 1891 George N -e 1823 LeRoy 1890 Nathan Т. 1892 Morgan E. d 1827 Charles M. 1893 Isaac N- т Preston 1869 Charles H. р power 1776 Nathan 1871 Haward W. P0515 1832 William 1812 Isaac'T. 1882 Henry 3.15 1853 Samuel A. L. L. 1874 George C р 1826 William 1893 Charles M. 1859 Truman А, ' 1836 Henry K. 1894 Alfred M. 1860 Isaac 1_ Powers 1881 George B. 1894 William S. р 1866 Abner ‚ W 1883 Austin R. 1874 Коте” О. d 1331 TDltuë»l -т 1885 Charles W. e Porcher 1875 ~lohn A. НЕЁ; 1891 Walter С-Р 1828 Frederick A. 1894 Aufellan a' 1871 ОНО Е. т Price porter Poston 1781 Rie/mrd l» 1726 John ‘NL Prather 1826 Ellpńalêt h 1748 Eleazar 1820 ­lames S. 1856 ohn T. 1749 Nathaniel P01161' 1383 F llliiaîm 1754 joshua 1760 ~Iared Pratt 1892 Кёёгагё'г т] 1770 John 1765 Elem 1736 Peíer 1893 W . k ' 1775 Solomon 1767 Isaia/z 1762 Peter 94 arme J’ 1776 John 1772 Lyman 1817 Harare S. Prime 1786 Edward 1780 Daniel 1818 Seneca 1788 [мае 1804 Ногасе 1820 Nathanz'eZA. 1718 Едгггеггг; 1791 Peter B. 1814 James 1826 Mark 1760 Вещатщ Y- Íl 1793 Amasa 1833 George L. 1837 Ambrose 1761 Бди/шт” 1795 Ebenezer /z 1852 William H. /z 1838 Ralph H. т ‚ 1795 Robert 1854 Leander H. 1840 Frederick А. Prince 1803 jacob 1855 Giles 1842 julius H. 1769 William 1803 Nea/z l 1858 Daniel T. 1847 Andrew Т. _ 1810 John /z I 1867 Henry т 1855 George l Pflndle 1810 ­Ionathan Е. k 1871 Francis C. 1857 George i 1776 Chauncey 1815 fame: /z l 1872 Henry S. 1857 Henry C. l 1836 Charles 1816 Timothy D. 1878 Frederick 1858 Electus A. 1894 Ralph LXXVIII INDEX [1895 Pringle Purington Radclift Rathbone 1831 John M. 1880 William A. 1792 john 1848 Isaac Т. r _ 1793 Peter 18 2 Henr R. Pritchard Purnell 1833 бегай L. 1832 David т 1809 Lemuel Rae 1887 Albert R. 1854 Charles T` 1831 Luzerne Rawson 1 Grz'rzdall /z Procter Purple Rafferty Edmund G. 1894 William!) 1880 William к 1835 John C. 1868 Edward К. 1895 Frederick H. Proctor Purrington Ragan . 1840 Henry M. 1867 Edwin z 1874 Henry Н. Ray ~ 1854 David C, 1877 Nathaniel C.; 1854 John Purves Rainey 1894 Henry H. a’ 1864 Guillermo С. 1887 William T. р Raymond . 1810 David H. Proñlet Putnam Rains 1818 James 1857 Louis E. 1793 David 1854 James Е. 1Ё25 Henry A. 1 25 Moses Prout £26 Сдам? М- Ralli 1841 Henry H. 1708 John Isäg :gings 1829 Constantine T. 1844 EdWa-fd A­ 1732 John 1840 Ашдт lz' 1830 Pandias T. 1221 Ёаггшёёгп Н-Р 1 9 enry . Prouty 1893 Frank C. d Ramey 1370 JSamuel А, 188 Н и]. 18 S f 0 1 83 ames F. 188g JOÍIIÃYG.P Putney 2r an Ord] 1888 Alfred 1893 Albert H. Ramsay 1894 Edward F. Рикше“ 1789 David [l 1894 William M. 1743 fob Pyle 1895 Daniel L. ; I775 Nehemiah 1877 Joseph G. Ramsdell 1811 Ephraim P. 1872 C/zarles В. 18 о 61233 neîrv gezag; Р.р Pynchgn 1892 Charles C.; 9 ge ° 60 078 . 1872 т. Mitchell р 1757 Joseph R Raymlds 1789 Stephen and 1870 Thomas B /z Pryibil 1825 Edward E. gëltlläerrâl т 1880 Edward V. р 1885 Herman D. I ­ 9 ‚Р Quenlchet Randall Raynor 18 1 VV`ll` F. ` рае—51”, 3 1 lam 1803 Nicholas Р. 1864 Gilbert 1864 Isaac P. Quick I§37 “шпат/[К- Read 1 2 ames . Pullan 1843 Сдана: W. юго JSarrdS F. 1781 Josiah Íl 1875 Frederic В. a' 1883 Willie S-ß 1781 Seth lz Quigley 1811 Nathan S. Pumpelly 1871 John E? Randolph 1ê16 râlexarlder т 1826 George J. 1862 Joseph F­ i887 ВЁЕЁЮЁКР 1848 Jenn H. Quimby 1880 Edwin А- l 1883 Edwin ` 1858 Charles E. 18 h R 9 f 95 Josep ­ Р Rangabé Reade Punderfcrd Quincy 1867 Alexander R­ 12 1863 Weleda C. 1892 John K.; 1766 Josiah /Z Rankin 1869 Robert L. Punderson 1792 Joslah lz l 1226 ЁЗЬепа’СЁ Reading ‚ . ‘ I 40 war . Quinn l 1845 Robert 1874 Edgar М' 1755 Ebenezer 1892 Harry R.; Ranney Rectal, 1804 Thomas 1814 Samuel отмыл U 1894 Abram Nn? {älëä Z Pure u 1893 Harry C. Ransom ° e 18 W G. Redfield 1819 Edward H. Reckleff regg А. Z 1839 William с /z 1824 James т 1856 James L. 1880 Сдана N. 1845 James l 1895] LXXIX INDEX 1868 wiiuam w. p 1886 Robert L. Redington 1894 Edward ]. 1894 George О. l Redmond 1866 Roland Reed 1772 john 1775 Solomon 1777 Samuel 1778 Daniel 1782 Timothy h 1803 John T. 1822 Eli 1822 Elijah F. h 1822 Maro M. 1823 Edmund L. 1824 Stephen 1829 /ulz'us А. 1834 Andrew h 1871 Charles 1872 Charles H. 1876 Charles h 1877 Orr/ille 1878 Edward T. р 1885 Edward M. h 1889 Harry L. 1891 Albert M. 1894 Edward B. 1895 Herbert C. р Reeve 1731 Abner 1757 Ezra 1802 Aaron B. 1829 Tapping B. 1870 Charles MCC. 1885 Sidney A.; Reeves 1865 Willis L. 1894 Charles E. a’ Reid 1817 jared 1843 Horaee .Hà 1846 Jared 1847 Lewis Н. 1874 George D. 1875 Lewis F. 1877 Clarence L. 1884 Dar/ía’ C. a7 1885 Willard С.р 1886 Edward W. 1890 john H. a’ Reilly 1852 Edward 1869 john B. l 1878 James M. m Reily 1854 George W. 1892 George W. р Reitzel 1881 john I?. a7 Remele 1879 William А. а’ Remington 1798 Jonathan 1895 Charles H. Rendler 1889 Richard P. l Renick 1868 Alexander? Renshaw 1847 Thomas W. Rew 1889 Irwinp Rexford Elisha Lyman S. Steuben 1763 1808 1842 Reynolds John Samuel Freegraoe William A. William Heusted Walter РУД/{ат Т. Charles О. William S. E. Sheldon Andrew William H. р George W. aÍ Horatio M. James B. Harris S. р Charles G. Adelbert L. Matthew A. Artemas W. а’р William G. I747 1750 1787 1789 1795 1804 1822 1845 1848 1852 1867 1873 1874 1880 1880 1884 1887 1889 1891 1892 1893 1895 Rhame 1869 Mitchell D. Rhett 1830 Edmund S. Rhodes 1737 Simon 1891 William C. Rianhard 1889 Henry W. р Ribeiro 1838 Carlos F. Rice 1766 Caleb 1774 Nehemiah 1803 Thomas 1809 _lohn P. 1839 Richard E. 1844 Abner 1854 ~Iarnes C. 1859 Wz'llz'am H. 1860 George 1867 William N. rlp 1868 Richard A. 1870 Arthur W.p 1881 Francis E. 1882 james Q. 1885 John р 1886 William Ар 1893 George H. 1894 Chauncey B. р 1895 John W. a’ Rich 1803 Thomas h 1804 Samuel 1838 Charles 1870 Joshua B. 1890 Frank R. р Richards 1743 Aaron 1745 john 1757 john 1794 james h 1807 Guy 1814 Frederick A. 1821 john 1825 Wolcott m 1827 Robert K. 1840 George 1846 Samuel Т. 1849 Charles А. L. 1850 William H. 1855 Lewis h 1856 James A. m 1857 Robert H. l 1857 Selden 3.19 1858 Channing 1860 Charles H. 1860 Eugene L. 1871 Benjamin S. 1872 George 1875 lVz'llz'am R. 1880 Dickinson W. 1882 Charles Е. 1884 Charles B. h 1 1885 Eugene L. 1888 George В. 19 1891 Freaerz'eh В. a7 1891 George S. a’ 1892 Paul S. 1895 James H. 1895 Louis C. р 1895 William M. Richardson 1834 Латая/2661 S. 1834 William H. m 1848 Robert M. 1849 Walker 1856 David P. 1869 Rufus B. 1877 Chaunceyj. a7 1880 Charles H. 1881 Dwight A. m 1881 Harris 1882 George P. 1883 Henry L. a’ 1886 Arleigh D. 1889 Oliver H. 1891 James C. 1894 Harry S. Richmond 1822 John R. 1842 Andrew 1848 Andrew A. l 1878 Charles T. р 1886 Arthur 1.1) 1890 Charles T. р 1895 George C. Ricketts Charles H a’ William R. р Rickly Ralph R. Riddel Robert Samuel H. Riddell Freeman William P. 1879 1892 1872 1818 1823 1819 1851 Ridgway 1892 Erman J. Riggs Lewis m Benjamin C. Warner В. 1830 1865 1871 Righter Chester N. Clarke William S. р Addison A. р 1846 1856 1875 1881 LXXX INDEX [1895 Riley 1796 Levi Robeson Robson 1858 [saac 1796 775077345 1837 Abel B. 1873 James A. 1870 Нету А. 1806 James W. h 1892 Isaac w. 1202 /Slaralw Robins Roby 1 o las . Rinehart 1810 Asher 1833 fall” P' Wilnlilaerh SS 1888 Clement D. 2 ggf@ 5‘ Robinson 1Ё91 Jobo i Rin rose 1822 Jamos w. 1773 William I 93 Josep а 1843 Edward W. 1780 john R hf rt 1891 Hl'aomlho A» I 1846 Samuel 1789 Moses h ОС 0 . 1847 George A. 1804 William 1879 Thomas Е- Ripley 1856 _soya/a 1809 Hugh 1749 Doue 1868 Thomas H. 1811 Нету Rockefeller 1763 Bradford 1874 Edward D. 1817 Samuel 1892 William G. 1763 Hezehiah 1879 George О. m 1821 Charles 1764 Hezekiah 1886 Samuel В.р 1826 William Rockwell 1786 William Б. 1886 William A. 1827 Stephen T. 1728 Matthew 1795 Erasius 1890 Charles E. 1828 Thomas 1766 Ehud 1798 Dar/ia’ В. 1891 George P. 1828 William h 1815 Hubbard 1822 George B. 1891 Milton H. р 1829 Alexander C. 1815 Samuel 71„ 1823 Joseph 1893 Allan А.р 1829 Charles D. 1821 Edward 1850 Erastus L. 1829 10$1а11 W. m 1822 Juhu А. 1862 Goorgo С. Robert 1835 Abraham Н. 1822 William 1878 Alfred L. _ 1841 William Е. 1824 william H. 1881 Arthur H. 1810 Dalllol 1842 William W. 1825 Samuel 1888 Thomas E. 1815 William S- 1843 Lucius F. 1826 ¿yam/¿u 1831: А18ХЗПС16Г]. l Башен/ай 1826 Julius Rising 1851 Francis W» l 1847 John 1834 soya/a F. 1833 Henry H. m 1862 John S' 1849 George F’ 1849 ,lohn 1868 Herrr M т 1867 ffl?"el А. hl 1852 Samuel C. 1855 Alfred Р 18 НаггУВ 'u 1869 Howell W 1853 Нету С. 1855 Sidnoyw e 95 у ° 1883 Albert W.]> 1856 George C. 1868 Joseph Р .P высь 1227 ё’ЁСЪгЫ W» 1873 Samuel?. 1 1 al" es 8 William 1854 Thomas G. Roberts 6 I 74 ‚ _ Р 1869 Thomas 1. 1732 Шаг/шт! 553225 1889 Wllllam Н- 1808 С11а11ез F. 1867 Ernest R k d Ritchey 1827 Albert F. m 1870 George А_ Ос W00 1892 jejeysûn D’ a7 1830 W. т 1871 John А. Z 1832 EDSIICZCÍ H. 772 1850 Ellis H, 1872 Frank А Z 1864 Charles G. . . 1857 George W. 8 — ` НЕМ]? 1859 William J- 18312; gg/Ziïhdg'a Rodger 1893 3113’ о? 1866 Henry 1877 Lucius Wr? 1876 james G. . 1873 fam“ Я 1880 Edward L. l Rlttef _fa/272 ¿Í 1881 h Rodman 1826 Thomas 1875 ИМИ (le 1885 Looios F. 1838 william w. 137g gearàfT Z 1886 Philip N. z 1879 Robert s. Road-1e I 7 а“ ° 1887 Orrin L. a7 1878 Edward K» e 1888 Edwin W Roe 1886 John F' 18 8 Harlan Р a’ 'p 7 ­ 1888 George W. l r 8 Ben-¿min S 1879 Charles T. m 1888 lame d 7 4 l - ­ ­ Si- .a 1800 .eau/a Robb 1882 William G. a7 1889 Henry S_ 8 h W 1843 Jobo H. 1886 Edward’ a’ 1889 Paul s. р 1895 àîâeäen В'-” 1844 James M. 1886 Pfff” d 1890 Frederick W. 95 р 'p 1893 Bamford A. l 1894 Charlotte F- d? 1891 Allan G. s Roemer 1893 10h“ T' 18 a Jobo H 2 Robbins Robertson I§94 âfllleâl 9 ' . 1 94 а p . р 1733 Philemon h 1829 101111 B. 1753 Nathaniel h 1833 Robert £95 ЁьаЁег (113.17 ‘р Агат: 1756 Chandler 1859 Charles F. 1895 H' Horrst 1P? 1864 be“ Н-Р 1760 Ammi R. 1872 A. Heaton 1895 М' О Ё er? 1760 Appleton 1882 Mercer L. l 95 УГОН ° 7” Rogers 1760 Roherl 1885 Edwin W. _ 1774 Timothy 1782 Asher' 1889 james G. a’ Roblson 1777 Medea 1790 Chandler h 1893 Alex. G. M. l 1 1858 Leslie 1780 William h 1895] INDEX Lxxxr 1788 Robert 18 Roosa Rossell Royce 1790 Aww _ 1868 Daniel B. sel/i 1845 William H. т 1866 Charles H. 1797 Вещашш W. /z 1808 НЗПГЁШ— Roosevelt Rosseter Royer 201;; Z' 1735 1011п 1718 Едепежг’ 1858 Henry 182 ТЁШЁЁЬ 1728 Samuel ChaïlesyW; 1742 Ashe?, 1829 William Е. 1766 Jesse /z 1744 Ebenezer 1845 Samuel W. Z 1831 Hezekiah G. 1777 Jared 1756 Heathen Ebgngzgy _P. 1782 John C' Rucker 18 ames /z 1790 lames В- . 18 Henr 1 1821 uCharles H. 1806 „lames Rossiter 74 у 1844 Samui-«,111 1807 Samuel 1785 Nathaniel Rudd 18 Веп'ашш h 1823 fudson А. 1810 Joseph P. iai-È?) Geoige н, т 1844 Edward W. 1815 William s. ggg ägäïah 1853 Albert В. р 1852 Nathaniel W'. Т. 1882 101111 1886 Alexander Н р 1857 Edson 1861 Alexander P. ' 1860 ose h A. 1872 Frank D» Rothschild ` 1862 'II-lempy 1 р 1874 Frederic/ë S. Z 1873 Jose h Z Ruggles 1865 1-1епгур 1875 Edu/am’ P. e' Р 1721 Вен/тж 1865 William B. 1877 Charles G- l 1723 ”от“. 1866 Нешгу Т. 1887 Edward Т Rouse 1732 Nathaniel 1874 William А‚ р 1890 Т/георЫтзН а’ 1874 Edwin F. 1758 N aîhanlel 1875 Edward н, 1892 Linfeid L. l ‘ 1800 PhlïO /L 1876 George M. 1894 George F. р Rousse 1805 7710772615 1880 М р 1814 1562626 1880 George Ropes 1852 Peter Z . 1814 Samuel B. 1880 William A. h 1853 Joseph 5, h . _ £40 gäafles JÉ 1883 Frederick W. 1872 ¿Valdes/_ Д Rovmsky 59 Omas ­ 1883 Robert С. 1892 Alexander т R 1884 Joseph Wwe Rorer 8 Wïlrflsey 1887 John 188 V. .ZE Z Rowe 1 12 1 1am 9 2752 . . 1889 James G' 1891 William D. 1862 Charles H. 1839 Damel L' 1890 Charles Р.р 1893 Derby 1890 Stuart H. кинь 1894 Alexander Р.р к?“ 1845 Charles M. 1894 Cornelia Н.В.а?_;5 1760 Dat/za’ R0W€11 1893 Louis B_ 1894 Philip F. 1791 Daniel 1848 joseph 1894 Sara B. а’р ISM AbrahaGm T. 1849 Samuel N. Выпив 1 21 Maf . . ' 18 Erwin W. a’ Rogowski 1883 Joseph 1. Rowland 93 Р 1892 Albert B. р R b 1732 David Runyon Rolfe Ose @ffy 1743 Davia’ S. 1842 Theodore 1870 George Пр 1757 Andrew 1892 William N. 1881 Lawrence 1787 штат F. /1 1882 Robert M- Roseboom 1809 Samuel k Rupert 182 Нет, А. Rollins 1876 Jacob L, 1822 chaff/es т 1885 Charles 6.15 1876 George W. 1826 William F. R h 1886 Harry L. Новации“ 1836 William s. 8 В .us . ‚2 1895 Wallace E. d 1880 james Z 1837 Edward т I IZ enlamm 1846 James G. R Romaine Rosenzweig 1851 James L. 8 J h “Ё ' ‘ 18 2 William L. 1 23 0 Il ~ 1887 Вещашш 1887 Gram l. 18% Amory E р 1875 Charles Т_ Ronalds Ross Iâ” ghomaîF'? Russell . 1 79 enry . К681па1С11’ l Roógyzch 1704 John ' 1825 Royall /z Rowle 1708 [опа/шт „ , Rood ì 1852 William B. ,‚ R b 11}; 1709 William Ib77 Henry M' |'1862 Charles N. Íâgâ Cgaâîës 1712 Samuel 1882 RCbeI't В.р 1870 John А. ° 1722 Eáenezey l 1883 Thomas D. т! 1724 Danie! Rombach I 1884 Climee КОЗЫ 1745 William 1879 Harold р ' 1885 William Т.р i 1882 Nelson 1 1749 Thomas LXXXII INDEX [ 8 I 95 1750 Noafíz'a/ 1751 Giles l Ryerson 1866 Samuel B. Sand 1776 William A' 1871 Arthur 1880 Benjamín a’ 88 G erson 1779 Matthew T. 1876 Edward L? 1891 William Н. I 5 eorge А' 1780 Samuel ` f ­ Sandford 1793 josep/z de sa Sallsbur ~ _ 1822 Albert 1840 Felippe F. т 1832 Edwardìlâ 1872 Wllliam F' 1823 SOlyman т 1841 Pompe@ А. 1836 Samuel T_.m 1833 William H, 1866 Frederick S, Sands 1837 Gurdon W. т Sabin 1861 JOShuap Zij/¿fam 1759 ÄÖÜ/ggz' Sallmon 1223 ЁСПГУ В. /z д ¿s ~ 18 “7-11- I 5 rank Е. 1825 {Jemig/â' h Sabine 94 1 lam H’ 1885 Robert A? о асо , 1861 Jay Е. Z 1836 Joseph F. 18 Salmon Sandys 1868 Julius W, Sa k t 73 Edward P' d 1857 Edwin F 1869 Talcott H, ‚ с е ~ 1870 James M. 1709 RZC/mm' Salter Sanf d 1872 Thomas H.P 1891 Francis W. 1782 Rickard/z I D .or 1873 Charles A, 1788 john IggS Daz/gd 1873 Henry D_ g Sackett 1818 _fo/m W, 1803 HaVld. 1875 Charles Н. l 1803 William 1831 Richard H. т 1812 Aäzeklah 1876 Philip G. 1858 Edward р 1852 СМИ“ C- 181 Е al? 1878 Edward H, р 1866 Darius Р. 1812 “,Zůtlel 1879 Isaac F. mi 1883 Charles E, Saltmarsh 1 mg 1880 101111 Е. ¿i 1893 Herbert I. 1786 101111 1820 1516168 Р. 1880 SI 772 1823 F. KÍÍIÍÍIEÉZ 88 Wslaldd запит“ 1831 James H ­ I a t А. ° ' 1292 george Е- 4 er р (118831211 111311112 В I 94 amuel Мир Sadler 1752 Gurdon 1847 Charles Russo 1873 Holmes в. 1756 gigfhrop 1347 Edward I. 1 I r 1893 Paul l 179 Wl? le) 1850 Нету Р. Saer 793 mthrep I 52 Henry s, низин 1881 john В d 1802 Leverett l; 1353 gäarles E, т ' 1 54 Ward 1886 Henry? Sammis 1858 Leonard j, /z 1895 Frederick? Банта 1844 Augustus 1863 George B. 1852 @gorge B. 1871 Frederick In? Rutgers Iâôô James М. il Sampson 1272 101111 1744 Anthon I 73 Wil/¿am E. a' I 73 saac R, У 1773 Ezra 1876 Charles P. Ruthven Sage Samson Iâ? gymîWù/e R» 1847 James A. 1 1768 Бег/2 1884 Нет—у Q_ 1882 1778 Ebenezer ° - ` Rutledge 1787 Sygvesíe?, S b glllllam H_ 8 Wu, an orn zas В. /z 1217 Edward 1821;() W11 1am H. т 1871 John S 1888 Thomas F 1 ‘ . . 1819 101111 Н. 18 â L 111а3гп Н. 1878 William R. 1889 Frederic Н. 20 Битва: H. 7 eVeUÍÍ H- 18 2 Ед 1890 Leonard C 1829 Nicholas H. 1884 William G­2> 9 Ward S‘ 1894 Samuels 'lz 1848 Benjamin H. 1889 Нету l» S db 1895 Henry S 'f 1882 Benjamin Н. 1290 färben C, d? 18 4 А ein o . I 90 enr M, 9 П ersa7 R an 1895 Hen yW Sanger y ry ’ S 1891 Eu ene B 1894 Albert T, S 1886 ¿ef/brook g . р tjohn 2 ¿am d S Ryce 1766 William I7 Jag-geant 1886 Lucius C. 1768 Buckingham Sander 93 о n 1791 Eliphalet I877 Anton а1р Ryder 1300 Lewis Sargent 1 03 lames Sande 1841 Нету ЁЁПГУ I' 1834 Samuel 18 h rs 1871 нету 31? 51115 D, 18 G . . 54 Jo пС. 18 8 D 1893 James В /z 1812 Isîälcalll/Íl Н. à 1872 Hmm/M 1879 C/ïdley 1; 8 - , 188 ‘ rence , I 94 George H. 1855 Howell W. р 1892 513181112. d? 1880 Edward КР - 1881 George Ь.р 1895] INDEX LXXXIII 1883 Edward B. р Scaife Schott Scovel 1834 Russell? 1870 Lauriston L. 1841 Guy B. 1826 Aldea 1887 Bradley V. Z 1873 William Ъ.р 1887 101111 R. W-ß 1887 \Villiam M. р Schram Scovell 1892 Wlulam Р'Р 1889 Oliver P» Z 1876 Louis B. 1836 Thomas P. 1894 John? S b h 1881 Charles B. S l _ саг oroug covi Satterthwalt 1799 Godfrey Schreiber 1757 jamai 1883 ЪШТОП 1803 Jared 1892 Otto А. 1766 Edward _ 1837 William S. Saäefthwìlte 1895 Harry S. schroeder scavilla 1864 Omas - 1823 fa/m F. l» 1830 Charles E. Schaeffer 1866 Ernest 1857 Samuel Saunders 1890 АШОЗ L» ,Ó 1887 Char/es О. 1827 Ammon Schuderer 1893 Samuel ¿Eamezs s h ' Schultze Scranton I “И М ­ С a1Ps 1885 Emile А. 1795 Jared 822155818 ' 18 o David h 1; 1 34 @Orge «m 1894 Charles “д 9 8 SCCh “Та Aer 1865 William W. Sava e Schafton I 92 ar es ° В. 1792 Thomaî 1893 Martial A. Были-18 1882 Arthur 1825 771077205 S. Schell Ernest G’ р Scribner 18 Geom е S. F. Isig Josiâl 1870 Edward Н. Schuyler 1775 май/МЮ 1873 Edgar С.р 1870 ЕШШЁК' 1859 Eugene вещие, 1876 Alexander D. /z 1872 Francls 1842 Нету А 8 Н С. h ' lagig ¿far/)25 А a' Schenßk Sc ab 1874 faim L' 18 Wilfred 1837 Gear 0 1878 [шт тег H' 1880 ломти”? 94 ‘P I8 G6056 W Í 1886 lohn с. 1882 Charles L. Savary 47 g ~ l 1888 Henry С.р Seab 1857 WMZ-am H. Schermerhorn Schwul my 1883 Herman М. a’ 88 F d. d 1748 Samuel Savery 1895 Alfred E. I 9 er man Seagrave 1884 Ward W' Schaum-man SCûñeld 1868 Francis Е. Sawada 18 o Hen L. 1801 Azariah 1887 Shunzo l 9 ry 1801 Frederick Seales Schiller 1801 Jared 1891 Daniel Sa er 1881 Louis . . 1841 шиши Т J р Scotford Seafmg 1848 Nathaniel /z Schley 1880 Нет? С- d 1725 james 1872 George P. 1832 George 1876 William B. р Scott jîeafle 1880 AlphonSO P. Schmidt 1746 John M 1745 д n ‚ ' 8 1 . 1333 #gferg 1885 Louis м. р 1827/шт W. a ‘7 I Same D 1 9 1 1am ­ 1847 Lauren S. 1894 James C. Searles Saxon 1895 Louis р Sayles Whipple О. Nelson 1N. 1874 1895 Sayre 1874 Moses M. 1883 Charles Ь.р Schmucker 1861 Francis R. Schneider 1860 james Н. scha/riale 1880 William B. р Schoenmaker 1830 Marius 1858 Eben G. 1863 Henry W. 1869 Austin 1877 James A. р 1881 Walter 1. Z 1884 James F. 1886 Samuel W. 1889 Edmund D. 1890 George др 1893 William C. 1894 Mary A. др 1895 William 1 1889 Frederick A. 1891 Ennis М.р Searls 1868 Charles E. Sears 1861 Lorenzo 1862 8077205 il 1877 J. Montgomery 1885 ­lames W. m ' 1889 Edward Е. LXXXIV INDEX [18 5 9 1891 John I G . 1892 Charles B. rgdz Ulglsîâs Severance Зин“ 18H Edward 1888 Charles N. d 1815 [Sme] Seavef 1818 Richard E’ 1890 Claudius М. a’ 1880 Jay W, Edward D. s I 45 ilas R. every 8 - 8 TSeddon (SÈharles 1890 Ernest Ер I 91 COrWm S' l 1 31 homas 4 amuel H, 1857 Нету к lZ затаи 1881 Bshanlây Sedgwick же Édu/ani G, 1880 Samuel S етаг l? Egg Ёеойоге 1893 IYV- 1886 Frederic N. Shapleigh eo ore ­ . läge êrederiek 1r Self Seward 1846 Ellsha B' I 9 eor eS. . , 1877 Williâm T. р 1891 James М. l 1734 Wzl/mm Sharp 1893 Hubert M. 1762 Samuel 1847 Wruiam selfridge 1322 IPI/¿llaga läge {жми W. See 8 - ~ 0 п . 1 5 о n 1876 СЬаЁгггЁг 1 37 W1lliam W. 1831 Dwig/rr M_ 1875 George M_ g es 'P Sen 1838 Edwin D, 1886 Robert W. d s 1854 William H. lz eeley 1877 Henry Т. а’ 1869 Edward C. Sharpe 1796 Isaac 1888 William H, 187 R- h d ig?? Eìendezler Selleck 1895 GeOrge Н.р 1873 561363}; РВ 4 о , - 1335 Johll Ef 1827 “И“ G- Sexton 1893 Redford B. т. z 1 2 W'll’ 1879 Wlllläâ Iâ: Z Sellers 1759 Knight Shattuck 1884 Charles S. 1873 Alfred Др 1862 И/шшт С- 1870 .lohn W- 1888 James R. 1874 James C. 1891 ]о11п Пр 1875 Henry D. Seymour Seely I724 Thomas Shaw 1Ё55 Franklin А. Sellew I755 IrÍÍhOrnas 1221 ÍUz'r/er/l. I 56 Непг M_ 18 2 Well 1777 homas Y, 1 29 OSeph L. т 1Ё57 Herm; М.р 5 es H' т 1779 William I§47 Edward I 59 George D, 1792 Ledyard I 50 ranklin 1860 `lohn F. р 8.6111165 I797 Horatio 1856 Donald D, 1862 William W’ 1875 Tilden R. 1824 Origen S. 1873 John E, 1878 Edward H. 1825 Isaac G, 1878 Charles H, 5612 râze David L. Iâgg êlîberr W. seelye 1886 Етап 1 I 32 Walter W. I Win С.р 1876 Bee/'amaba В ue F' р 1834 Nathan Р. 1890 Howard Van D, ° S 1835 John F. 1890 Ralph M. веет Iemmes 1837 John W. 1890 Thomas B. 18 Ed y 1863 Rlchard т. z 1853 Edward W. 1891 Samuel C» 95 Ward L. Z 1857 Siam О. 1892 Arthur W. S l Senter 1858 Edward 1892 АЦЗ'ПБШЗ F. ееззе] l 1792 Isaac lz 1866 Morris w. 1893 Albert J. 1871 Albert 1267 Horatio I§94 (gilbert A. d 1 70 Thomas D, ,ì 1 95 €01ge W.; Sefton I Sergeant 1875 Jehu. 5- 1884 Frederick т 729 fO/MZ 1875 W1111am W, Sheafer 1784 Erastus /z 1885 James А. 15 1860 Walter эр _ 1887 Lewis 1889 Pauly Seidle l Seropyan 1892 Edward P, d 1891 [Га Е. 1852 Christopher D. £92 ärïlnk W' Sheaffe s _l 94 ngen S« 1222 George e1 er - 1 ' ’ 1854 Jacob F l 1737 âîîismns Shackelford l, 22 “шпат J' ' u 1821 Hamas’ /z 1854 ‘fü/m C' Sheak Selden j 1831 Alexander j, 1876 Andrew Gr? 1773 Ezra I 1892 Albert L. р Shaffer I757 gharles t ÈeWilî Shearer 17 2 ат'а’ | Setchell ran ­ 1842 Daniel L 1783 Edward l 188 ‚ _ 1883 Frederick D 8 ' . 7 “7111 А. . 1 61 Sextus lam 1883 Stanley ' 1862 Albert B. 1895] LXXXV INDEX Shearman 1889 Thomas G. Shearon 1849 Thomas R. Shears А 107220 G. /z Sheehan bVilliam т Sheffey Hugh W. Sheŕñeld George W. Edward C. 1863 George St.]. 1867 Charles I. р 1871 Joseph E. /z 1887 James R. 1894 Georgep 1894 Joseph E. Sheffrey 1862 Charles W. т Sheive 1885 Conrad S. Shelbourne 1861 Sidney F. Shelden 1886 Henry D. Sheldon 173o Elisha 1747 Daniel 1787 Alexander 1800 Elisha 1812 Abraham C. 1819 George 1822 William 1837 William H. 1844 _lames A. 1851 Joseph 1859 Henry K. 1861 Winthrop D. 1863 Charles S. 1863 Edward P. 1867 George P. 1867 Henry C. 1869 Richard K. 1881 ~lames 1884 Clarence W.p 1890 Charles A. 1891 Henry K. 1856 1895 1835 1845 1859 Shelton Philo William 1775 1788 1802 Charles 1802 Nathan 1809 Benjamin F. 1820 George А. 1823 David B. т 1833 William T. le 1834 Theodore B. т 1840 Charles S. 1868 William R. 1869 Gould A. т 1877 Charles H. 1877 George F. 1881 C/zarles W. a’ 1884 Henry T. 1888 Charles K. р 1890 Edward M. Shepard John David 1793 Samuel 1834 Frederic W.m 1852 William А.р 1856 Samuel B. т 1863 Charles U. 1864 Durell т 1870 Charles E. 1873 Frederick J. 1878 Charles S. 1879 John W. 1884 William Т.р 1890 Chester B. р 1891 Harry Н.р 1748 1766 Shepardson Daniel а’р Francis W. а'р Shepherd . Charles Forrest John W. George R. т Forrest Shepley John F. Arthur B. 1891 1892 1798 1827 1844 1866 1892 1880 1895 Sheppard Edward N. Walter B. 1872 1887 Sherman 1726 Samuel 1765 _fosz'a/z /z 1768 Roger /ì 1770 Isaac 1770 William 1787 Roger 1792 fo/zn 1792 Roger M. 1795 Oliver 1802 David/1. 1803 Henry 1825 Charles B. 1829 Henry 1833 james T. 1835 C/zarles S. 1836 Frederick R. 1839 George 1842 David G. 1871 Lucius A. 1874 Thomas T. 1876 Gordon Е.р 1876 T/zomas Ер 1876 William T. /z 1877 Daniel D. 1877 Orray T. 1878 Allton H. 1878 FloydE. a7 1880 Charles L. 1880 William H. 1883 Charles C. 1886 Porter 1888 Philemon T. р 1894 Arnold W. l 1895 Frederick В.р Sherrill Augustus Charles H. 1807 1889 Sherwin 1759 faeoó Sherwood 1749 Samuel 1756 Daniel 1786 Samuel B. 1813 Reuóefz 1818 Henry 1824 ­Iustus 1824 Moses A. 1829 William B. 1839 John 1839 John D. 1846 Thomas D. 1872 Charles 1884 Oliver T. 1890 John H. Shields 1865 Charles Р. lz Shigemi 1888 Shiukichip Shipley joseph L. Morris S. Caleb W. Murray р 1861 1877 1882 1885 Shipman Elias T/zomas L. Nathaniel Benjamin l 1799 1818 1848 1876 1885 FranÃ’ R. 1886 Arthur L. Shiras 1853 George 1856 Oliver P. l 1883 George l 1884 Winfield K. l Shirley 1 869 А rt/zar Shiverick 1862 Andrew F. Shlevin 1892 Hyman S. т Sho 1887 Seijiro wzl Shoemaker 1824 Charles D. 1840 Lazarus D. 1849 Austin D. т 1855 Robert C. 1864 Murray C. 1882 Levi I. Shoener 1848 _]ohn T. Sholes 1882 Charles M. Shoolbred 1816 John G. Short 1887 Oscar Н.р Shorter 1829 James H. 1843 Eli S. Shortlidge 1880 Joseph la Shotwell 1878 Walter G. Shoup 1893 ÑValter C. l Shove 1829 Seth 1853 Harmon NV. т Showalter 1867 john W. LXXXVI INDEX [1895 Shrady Simmons Skilton Slocum 1869 George F. /z 1833 john H. т 1889 Charles S. 1822 ThCOdOre 5. т 1890 Wallace D. 1872< John P. .e Shreve 1892 Edward H. р Sklnkel’ 1883 Henry W. 1865 Stacy B’ Simms 1894 Charles R' Slosson Shupe р 6 TSlkinner 1761 Barzillai . . ‚ . ­ 17 2 omas 1889 Wllllam D» l 1891 William E. 1793 [C/zaóúd L. Small _ 18 N l ' . Shuftleff Sïmfmds 18??,l RcîgjeînS. Ё/ЁЁЁЁЕЁ a’ 1854 William S, 1827 Ephraim 1823 Aaron N. 1890 Charles F. 1866 William E. l 1842 Samuel W. 1893 Harry E. a1 Sibley 1881 Edward L. 1843 John W. 1887 John С. 1849 Alfred L. Smalley 1843 John M. r ` 1849 Ezekzel lz 1756 fok” Sd Simons 1862 Richard 1853 Geol-ge W, 1 enberg 1809 Moses A. 1869 Joseph ‚Г? 1891 George М.р 1814 Edward P. 1880 Frederick P’ S 'l 1827 Samuel h 1883 Ebenezer H. р m1 ey заём: 1847 Thomas Y. 1883 Joseph А“? 1890 Elmer E. a’ 1860 Hem W 1891 Clarence E. 772 У ' Simonton 1894 James D. р Smirnow замша“ 1847 Marcellus т. z 1895 Album E' 1895 Louis М. I845 .lames B' Simpson 848 Hslack Smith 1 enry sin 1847 Thomas P. 1855 Н en ry R. 1709 joseph И 1879 Frederlck Т. 1713 Samuel 1748 туги/2 1883 Horace Lp 1877 Нету L' d 1719 joseph I754 Elisha 1891 Hubbard T 171 William 1775 Richard ° Slade 1723 _fo/zu 1797 Theodore sims 1851 John М. 1742 william P 1820 Elisha N. ­ ­ 1854 Francis Н. с м ° 1861 Will1arn E. 1743 a е 123ё gheodore т 1872 Gustavus А- 1744 Caleb I 3 ¿orge W . . 1891 Francis L. “П ‘ 1839 Richard Smm“ 1892 Arthur le gli 1852 George G. 1883 George М' Z 1893 George Т- 1749 Delioerauee 861 Edward R. 18 5 Ben'amin l ‘ ‘ I Singletary 9 l 1750 fedzalzaâ 1751 Colton М. Silliman 1813 _fo/zu Slatlîery 1757 672717735]: 1727 Ebenezer Sinks 1893 Moms D' т ЁЁЗЁЗЁП ëgîâïts 1894 Frederick N. р Slay 1764 John 1796 Benjamin Sk l 1859 .lohn о. 1764 Tm“ 1796 Gold S. ee 1868 Wllliam M. 1765 Thomçs 1806 Joseph 1865 Theron? 1772 Heze/rrza/z la 1808 William 1879 Rufus H. р Sleighl'. 1777 .fo/m iz 1817/„mman 1858 Brinley D. гола 1824 Benjamin D. Skeßls 1876 Cornelius l 1781 Ssrallles 1837 Benjamin 1867 Frank L. 78 Zell’ ­. I l 1870 Benjamin Slidell 1782 eäzmêmz Z 1881 George В. 1825 Thomas {gîñïluells' [l 1853 Arthur E. 1785 Elihu P. silsby 1889 Arthur Вт Slingluff 1786 Elihu H. 1879 William 5.р 1859 Charles B. 1788 Elnathan Skelton 1861 Fielder с. 1790 Aare.“ s_l 1894 Eugene W. 1791. Бате! 1 ver 1795 Daz/ia’ 1882 Edward V. skiddy Sloane 1795 Nathaniel /r 1882 Lewis М. 1865 William W’ р 1866 Henry T» 1797 fûlm /l ìlgilpmîs C. 1797 ärchard . . . п z 1 oo enr Silverstein Sklff 1889 William D. /r 1802 Iuniuys 1894 Harry S. 1853 Paul C. т 1895 William 1802 William 1895] INDEX LXXXvlI 1803 Seth 1842 Roswell h 1878 Edward H. р Sneath 1803 Solomon 1842 Russell 1878 Edward W. 1384 Е. Hershey ¿g 1805 ­lohn W. h 1843 Витай/1. 1878 Edwin W. 1884 [шт/д W' d 1805 Robert h 1843 Vine h 1878 Walter j. т 1805 William M. 1844 Henry D. 1879 Frederick S. sneed 1806 Lucius 1844 Howard 1879 George W. F. 18 S Z K 1807 /ohh Р. h »1844 William 1879 Herbert Е.р 20 amm ‘ 1808 Abraham M. 1844 William M. 1879 William H. S п 1808 Nathan a 1846 Milo M. 1880 Charles R. n_e 1808 william M. 1846 Robert H. 1880 Edwin B. mz 1821 Meren h 1809 Charles 1846 Rufus 1880 Frederic M. 1874 R26/zam' В. а’ 1809 Ebenezer 1847 Elbert j. 1880 Grant A. 1882 Frank Н- 1811 Ваш/М М. 1847 John D. 1881 Edwin A. l 1891 Thomas C» В-Р 1812 George 1847 Linus B. 1881 Frank А.р _ 1814 John T. т 1848 John Q. т 1881 John C. Snellmg 1814 William 1849 Edward P. 1882 Clarence A. 1819 George H. h 1815 Nathaniel B. 1849 Job L. 1882 Clzford H. d 1815 Truman 1850 Henry т 1882 Friend W. l Затеи 1816 David 5.С.Н.т 1850 061 W. т 1883 Clarence M. 1816 Peter 1850 ¿Robert 1883 Edward E. 1894 Charles J' 1816 Phineas 1851 David P. 1883 Herbert R. Snipe 1816 Thomas М. 1851 Horace M. 1883 Warren W. 88 L d Т 1816 Woher 1851 Noah 1885 joseph С. I 9 ang О“ ~ 1817 Nathan R. 1852 Moses 1885 Silas L. a’ s 1818 Horace 1853 j. Sumner 1886 Edward C. now 1818 лет 1853 Lucius А. 772 1886 Edward L. 1835 Актив. 1819 ]ат65.М. 1854 joseph M. 1886 Floyd R. 1875 Ргеа’тс Е. 1821 Eli 1855 Oscar М. 1886 George С. 1879 Alpheus H» 1821 john 1856 Edward А. 1887 Edward А.р 1822 E. садит/1 1857 Ezra т 1887 Francis T. р 511011111811 1823 Sidney 1857 George W. l 1887 Frank C. 1804 Charles В. 1824 Ashbel 1857 _lames I. 1887 Frink M. р 1824 Т/геор/шш 1857 Joseph L. 1888 Ernest Е. 19 Snydacker 1825 Charles т 1857 Wilder 1888 Percy Р.р 1885 Joseph G_Z, 1825 Rlchard 1858 George F. 1888 Ralph Н.р 1892 Emanuel В 1826 james А. 1858 Normand 1889 Herbert A. 1826 james M. 1859 Eugene 1889 Samuel L. Snyder 1826 Thomas L. 1859 George Н.р 1890 Wm. Henry 8 8 Т]; d 1826 William 1860 Calvin H. 1890 Wm. Howard 18g Н ”тай; 1827 ­Iarvis т 1860 William T. 1891 Clement G. 18 2 Dem-gl1 ' Z 1828 Алтаю s. 1865 Charles Е. 1891 George F. 1895 Наше JM 1828 Horatio N. 1865 Charles H. 1891 George М.р I 95 (Пасе ' 1828 Isaac h 1865 Sidney V. 1891 Herbert K» s h- 1828 james M. т 1865 Waltfîf B. 1891 Ray B. ‚о, ler 1829 Freeman B. т 1867 Benjamin 1892 Denald А. h 1808 Wlulam D~ /l 1830 John C. 1867 Sidney 1.р 1893 Edward 0. р 1832 [о/т D. ' 1868 Charles Е. 1893 william w. Solandt 1833 Jeremiah Í 1869 Charles H. 1894 Alfred W. Í 1894 james A. d 1333 fOS/îwl l 1871 Philip C. 1894 Charles A. 1833 Ralph т l 1872 Fran/e Н. 1894 Cotton A. р Solley 1834 William N. H. 1872 Frank‘S. 1894 Edward Р.р 1888 Fred_ p, 1835 Edward W. l 1873 Charles Т.р 1894 Howard F- 1894 John B_ 1835 Henry 1873 james W. 1894 Leonard B. 1835 John с. l 1875 Albert Y. 1894 Le1ehw011h Solomon 1836 Ebenezer C. : 1875 Charles R. 1894 Rest F» 8 D . 1H 1837 Azarz'ah . 1875 Edward с. 1895 Duree R. l 1851 Ваше .e 1837 Charles В. f 1876 Bryan j. z 1895 Lloyd w. р I 95 “gene l ­ 1839 Ben'amin F. т' 1876 Geor 6 W. 1339 HaIÍJIÜÍOD L. x 1876 Hemän B. 52 Smock Sonn 1839 [т W. I 1876 Rufus в. 1878 том/ом D. a' 1879 10h11 С. С- 1840 ]а11165 ‘ 1877 Charles 1).р 1840 Nelson 1877 George р Smyth Sůphocles 1840 Samuel G. т 1877 Gerrit 1323 Abraham L. т l 1837 EvangelinusA.h 1841 James M. 1877 Walter $.р 1827 Ralph D_ 1842 Augustus 1877 Thomas A. dp 1863 Walter H. l Soule 1842 [ra H. l 1877 Themas Е- V» 1866 Richard Е. l 1851 1William т LXXXvlll INDEX [1895 Southall Spaulding Spock Stagg 1837 Frank 1846 ,Lohnd 1895 Benjamin I. 1888 Amos A. 1870 an all 8 Isîlutlgfd 1874 Wayland Spooner Stahl 1 33 o n . 1892 Elmer H. 1839 Sylvester 1853 Samuel B. 1894 Carl F. 1895 George H. р 8 JSpaädH Sprague Stalker I 24 ‚0561? ~ 1815 William В. 18 1 amesh 8 ёзчшег 1845 Timothy D. 9 f 1 73 1118111 Т- Speel' 1852 Homer B. Stanard 1884 10h11 I» 1884 Wllllarn M. 1859 Albert A. 1892 Edwin О 1895 101111 B. 1864 DeWitt C. l ' Southgate 1873 Frank Е 1866 Сдам“ M- Spelman 1881 Henry Stînford S Robert С. А7ЁИ/И W. ¿27 outhma'yd 1887 Frederlck St l 1741 Daniel Spence 1892 Ralph w. р а“ CY 1761 William 8 Th А 1726 Nathaniel 1809 Samuel W. h I 29 Omas ' Spring 1768 Oliver 1834 Samuel G' 1805 Gardiner 1787 Adna 1856 Charles G. spencer 18H 5mm 1793 George W» 1884 Charles F. /r 1746 Eli/zu 1819 pinckney 1801 Нету _ 1784 Jared 1855 Andrew j. 1826 John W» Southwlck 1805 Elihu Iâgg Ёшзпу D. 1 80 Solomon h 1811 Joseph S t I 3 eo ,Ore 12557 Warren к, 1821 Horario N. Proa 1844 Наши/За! L. 1834 George G. {Жму C 1852 Wllllam sonrnworrn 18341озьиа А. o 7 От ­ 1387 gemäht. 2 1727 Gideon 1835 Gustavus s mul I 92 1X р 1863 George C S 1837 George Т' 88 F pk Р о l I . 1868 Mase S. Iâ3g àosephlê» 3 fao Stansbury 1875 Edward W. 184 апшем' Sprawl 1821 Joseph 1879 Edward 185; s ° 18 8 Edw d B st t 1883 Thomas S. 1827 James 4 ar ­ т an 011 Spaldìn 1868 Edward L. Spruce ¿pîsóìlïíap g 1877 Charles L. 18 o Charles B 8 8 Bd dD 1752 Аза 1878 Clinton 9 'p 184 L щи“ ' 1777 Samuel 1879 Thaddeus Hr? Spruill I855 А???“ Н I'778 Asa I880 Edward C. 1829 Ch Xîn fît ' I778 fvwm/Z 1880 Frank О. 1814 George Е' I I ar-es ° 1792 Аза 1884 Selden P. 1867 Edin“ M' Il 1810 Luther 1387 paul Spurgeon Íêflîiesdg 1813 Josiah 8 G 1892 ames R. a’ ' 1817 Rufus P. за?) faîëïî/_Jgß J 1893 George H. l 1818 George 1890 Walter T.p Squires Sta 1er 1831 Asa_L­ l.” 1892 Alfred L. 1878 Walter p 1835 Benjamin B. m 1893 Frederick Q_? 1874 Henry B» В- âîeneêeÄ 1893 Samuel R. Stabler Staples org ~ 8 Ch t S. 1893 George B. I 94 es er Р 1876 Charles M’ 1797 Seth P. . 1808 ob Spanier Sperling Stacy 180 JSC hos 18 Cb l N e 8 lr 9 р 1855 Emil 95 af es ~ .èìoïëge F 1827 John B. Spanutius Sperry St dt „п Stark 1888 Frederick W.p 1832 Corydon S. а „щи er 1811 Nathaniel 1869 Willard G. 1858 LOUIS lh 1814 james L. Sparks 1871 Watson R. ‚ 1837 William А. 1882 George T. I Staehlln Stal-key . l 1887 Erwin Sp 1887 Edward 1820 Stephen W. Sparrow Fredeflck N. 772 I 1871 1847 William E. m _ l Stafford 1854 Orson C. БРЮТ 1812 Wam’ Starkweather 1891 Lewis Е.р 1 866 Siegwart 1891 William H. l 1 75 5 Ephraim 1895] INDEX LXXX Х 1 1825 o/zn ' 1874 Chauncey C. Elllzêbîllzîzlet Stetson ваши 1880 Henry p 1823 Charles 1889 George ele 1891 George Rp Steele 1Ё46 Albert Е. 1788 Nath ` 1 1 55 СЬЁЦ’ПЭБ Р. Stickney Sterling 1790 ММЁЁЁЫ ggg Ешь К'р ’856 John B' 1871 Charles H. 1811: juzr'ur 189; £33557 т 1891 George Р.р 1871 Lyne 1846 Henry Т. 3 . S 1847 Henr S. tiles Starr- 1847 1056315; Stevens [722 [глас 1750 Nathan 1858 William H. I779 fOÍm 1733 Аде! 1764 Режет 1863 Тддтад а 1800 John 1740 ВепЗашйп I774 Ezra 1871 Chef/@r Е. 1805 Samuel 1746 Ezra 1801 Truman 1892 George P. Z 1807 А1ехап<16г Н 1776 Benjamin 1802 Ephraim 1894 Harrv М. р 1811 Вуаш К ° 1778 Ezra 12 1803 Elias ° 1813 John А . 1783 Isaac 13.1 W sreefe 1328 Wiz/mè A. /r 1787 N ашап . .ame . 18 О G I 28 Edwin 1314 fûse Íz С. 1834 Wrllrerrr H. 4 @Orge W' 1828 Phineas т 1823 Ещё 1846 Frederzck Stein 1843 Asa/zelf! 1837 William Н il 1849 Nathan S. 1843 Henry I 1846 Joseph ° 1860 Pierre S. îâfigîârT L 1851 Frederic M. 1851 Richard C. 1866 Edward C. 1 1an ­ 1854 Alexander Н. 1859 Robert 1871 _fo/m W 1888 Le@ 18 8 F d ° 18 W'll' 1895 Howard.W 1893 Isadore А. Z 5 ге eric 59 1 1am A, . 1Ёб4 Iéîdyard Iâgg ëhomas W. . 1 77 ¿wf/gril, I 5 arrington R Stauffer Stemer 1880 6607 ­ . gg d Edgar Hgnyy d LeWIS à К. НСПГУ т 1895 John K. 1888 Bernard C. 1884 Frank B_ St 1892 Walter R. Iâârl %го}1п1{61 т Stillé earns ~ I 5 Гап 18 2 Alf d 1789 John Stemman 1885 Frederz'f L. d 1839 Chg-îles Elisha Andrew J'. Merton Р.р 1837 Charles W. Ёж” d Stillman 1853 Нешур. vonst . enry . . . 1858 William F. 1; 8 А emwehr 1892 Eben F' ig? ЁЁПЮЁШ 1870 Edwin R. 1 72 dolfW.A.F./z 1893 Alfred H. p 8 2 "WU 1872 Charles C. 1895 Eme“ G‘ 1884 grams H' j) 1874 George M. Stelle 1895 GUY ЕР ig 2 Lhlarlîîss 1884 Henry S. l 1871 George R. 183g Pâiîiî Т) 1886 Thomas C. St Stevensgn ~ ' emen 1807 james lz St'll Stebbins ~ — l son 188 /z 186 W11 ‚ - - 1778 Samuel /z 5 jo и А. d 187gf0/1ìnmOmdll 1817 Wllham B' 1781 „щит W. 188 h H 1788 Deeie1 8 Sêîlphenson 188g geërgerd A, Stils” 1791 Jeereh ÍSQS F arles SP r888 Frederre А. 1875 Clarence H. р 1807 W1111am 95 rank В-Р 1895 Themes H 1814 Hernan . ° 1816 Samuel S. Sterling Stir-nscn 1862 Henry Н. Elisha ' LCWIS А. 1881 Frederielr H. 1804 Micah 1816 Charles 1865 Нету А‘ 1886 Welter G. 1819 Jehrr W, i. 1829 СЬаипсеу т 1872 John W' 1820 John M_ 1852 William М. 1:73 ЁОЬЗГ‘В- d Stedman 1820 Thomas S, 1872 ~lohn T. 1877 redenck 1801 James 1852 Edward 1873 William C. . 1853 Edmund C. 1864 Francis N. l 1874 Jçhn М'р Stlres 1855 Charles Н. /z 1864 John “п 1876 L1s_p_enard 1865 Manning F. 1867 Ernest G. 1876 George L_ 1886 Philip В. 1881 Arthur G, r88r Willie B. l 1888 Charles W-ß этил 1892 Paul? i 1888 Reberr W. z . g Steer , Ig@ гашу?! 1840 Lm | 1 93 esse. . I l 88 “Stem l 1893 ИМИ” R' d l вискам ‚ I о l ах l 1894 “Тане: Е. ‘ 1882 Charles Ер хс INDEX [1895 Stocking 1875 Melville А. Stowe 1803 George W. 1748 Daniel 1878 Charles М. 1888 William H. т 1806 Нашу 1855 Sabin /e 1878 Edgar Н. 1806 John М 1861 Gilbert M. 1879 Ваше1 E-.e вести 1806 Jo .nh Ё 1865 William 1833 Edwaîd L? 1853 Alexander D. 1306 hlm. P' 1892 Herbert A. 1883 НОГЁШО O» 1365 Corydon G, I 07 16.72€), В' 1887 DWS/2f C' d 1868 Charles D 1809 Е 1813' ' Stockwell 1888 William S. ' 1811 Selah В- 188 W'll' H 1889 Charles E'ÍÓ Strasser 1812 Theodor? 3 1 шт ' 1891 Albert B. l 18 Charles W Т a, 1815 шоогьшде Stßddafd 1894 Alfred W' 94 Eâëalìd A. 1755 gemeen Stofer 5111111011 1828 George W. 1756 010111011 18 0 Geor e M. a 1828 William 1758 Israel ìîoblïîzler il 9 g ` 1831 Newton D. 1787 ¿ehn ‘ straus 1835 Celeb d 17 0 o omon ' 18 8 Edwar 1830 Abiram StQfey 1874 зщеоп Z 1858 William 1804 ÑVilliam 1797 Daniel/2 Strauss 1842 John C. 1820 Solomon . . М 1843 Samuel LV. 1831 Jonathan Storrs Wllllam . George „Z 1832 John M. F. 1756 john S 1855 Thomas S. 1834 Benjamin F. h 1759 Experience .treet 1857 Augustus H. 1836 Thomas т 1760 Andrew 1751 IVN/wld@ 1864 Charles l?. 1838 Deze/¿d T. 1762 Eleazar 1812 Augustus R. 1864 Selah В. 1844 William l 1778 Seth 1826 HaflOW L. 1867 Moses 1867 Ebenezer F. 1783 Richard S. 1837 Owen 1870 Charles H. 1888 Henryh 1801 Zalmon 1858 630785 E» 1871 George A. 1892 james h 1804 Henry R. 1891 George H» 1873 Henry A. 1893 Raymond Р.р 1810 rre/¿eem h 1895 НаГГУ L' 1873 Ullman 1894 Robert C. Р.р 1814 William L. _ 1876 Nelson H. 1816 Huckins т Strickland 1876 William T. Stoddart 1850 Cordial 1761 john 1877 Charles H. 1392 Harry Т.р 1852 Melancthon 1878 Theodore C. 1865 R16/lam' 5- /Z Strickler 1882 Fred М.р Stoeckel 1882 Charles B. 1848 Samuel А. 1883 Henry H. 1864 Gustave J. /e 1885 Rlchard 5- 1883 Rgbert M, a' 1884 Freak 1371 Gustavo M, ‚ 1889 Charles H. l 1884 William L. 1393 Robbins В. l 1889 Lewis A. Strong 1885 Otlils Н l 1734 Benjamín Iêqo {QO- 1111 др Stokes l Story Е h ­ 1 93 IC 211 «25 . . . . 1737 р шип 1893 Wendell M. 1831 William H. 1879 Willis E. 1740 Thomas ­ 1874 William Е. D. 1742 Nathan Strouse 1879 Frederic A. Stoskopf 1745 David ‚ 1889 Horace S. 86 L . 1747 [об 1876 DaVld l 1892 James С.р I 5 @WIS 1749 joseph 1755 Nehemiah Strunz Stone Stothers 1756 Simeon 1888 Henry 1763 Tz'marhy 1894 Edward M. 1761 Jedidiah 1786 William 1763 Cy ruw Stryker 1804 Timothy /l Stoughton I766 .l 01111 1883 John E. р 1815 Randolph 1755 John 1709 Naf/m” 1817 Roswell l 1882 JOhnA I 1772 ¿wier? Stuart 1832 Collz'fzs ' 1774 e а 1832 Rollin S. 1893 Bradley? I776 Ashbel @âges А_ 1837 Andrew L. 1784 JUMP/Z" 1818 James 1842 Charles S. Stout 1786 Adonllah /l 1328 Isaac W 1842 Бег/г В. 1842 Asher M. 1786 Simeon 1831 James С: 1847 Аагоп Е. l 1788 Joseph 1833 Moses B. 1854 William W. Stover 1792 ЕрЬгапп 1835 Morgan „z 1862 Edward C’ 188 H h C l 1796 Asahel Н' 18 8 S lVanus т 5 ug ° The dore 3 у 1865 _lames B. р 1797 0 _ 1855 George 1865 William 1800 Hezekiah W.h 1868 Lewis Ер l 510W l 1800 Thomas B. St bb 1874 Ambrose E. l 1846 Orson W. l 1802 Nathan h u S 1874 George W. 1893 Frederick Е. р 1802 Wzllzam L. 1835 Alfred 1895] .INDEX хс1 Studley Sutton 1800 Erastus Taintor 1875 Jenn P. 1 1760 David 1804 Ehphaler 1821 ваты В. 1891 Edward 0. р 1804 Нету 1821 john A. Sturgeon S d Iâîâ lâafl 1822 Giles 1 rre/aaa uy ат I 6.01€@ 1839 Charles 745 7 18 Richard S 1817 Elzsha Р. h rgoo Jose h L_ 93 45 1818 Jose b G a р Sturges . 1836 101111РМ ~ 1865 Charles N. 1732 5211111101 swam 1840 George Henry 1759 Jonathan 1842 David L. h 1842 farm' ¿Q_ 1882 ämfs H 1782 Lewis B. 1884 Henry L. m 1852 Frederick В_ ar an ' 1787 Sewer! 1893 Jehrr В. l 1856 Charles A. Там 1835 Thomas В. 1868 Samuel? ­. 1841 Hezekiah Swallow 1372 William F. 7 1878 1115111“) т. 1847Jehr1 R- 18 Ee dE 8 Е tt M 1848 Chanee D. 74 War ' 1832 ТХЁЁаЗ J" Z Talbei , Swan 1884 John T. 1849 Benjamí” Sturgis 1872 Haze/ara’ A. I802 Roswell R. . 1872 Russell h 1815 Giles Н_ Swinburne 1889 Denferd N -B-ß 1844 Bea/amm L. a 1879 Lenie l. Такой 1867 James A. 1733 Samuel выйдут“; 1869 Thomas W. Swing 1757 Samuel 1825 Ephraim T. 1874 Charles L. 1377 Albert ff. d 1810 Herr/ey 1826 /ulz'an JW. 1895 Joseph R. 1817 Hart h 1891 Charles F. р Swisher 1823 William 0. т Swann 1824 Alvan 18 б Ch le C. Suffern 1871 Charles M. 7 ат s .läd Р 18 8 Charles l Это е eazar ‘ 7 Swartwout IS Thomp H 1838 Thomas G. ' 18 1 Е erton 49 W' ° as ' 1846 John В' Sullivan 9 g 1849 llliam C. 1855 George 1837 John L. m 1878 John C. l 1869 Cornelius Sway“ Sykes 188e Alben L. z 1890 lebn F. 1856 J­ Weser 1833 Dereen Е. 1884 William Е. z 1865 N03h f1 1889 Henry Н.р 1891 George S. Henry Se John G. _ _ 1870 Noah Н. 1823 Wlulam S» 1872 Frank G. B. 1892 Alfred Н 1869 Henry ИЛ Tallmadge Summers 1893 Noah H. 1879 Lows DuP' 1;;7 ¿enfamífz ‚ 1 3 enlamin 1887 Arthur Р.р Sweatland 188 Sigglmiglëon 18H greqeńçk/ŕ' 3 er . 30 ещатш Sumner 1740 Peter 1855 LeanderA. 1758 Clement SW Synnott eeney 1759 frere/r 18 a .le Tallman 1761 William 1879 Jehrr M- l 93 Лир f 18 О WilliamM 1813 George ' Tabb 183 Thomas . 1846 George О' Il Sweet 181 Hen W 182;7 James H 1855 Edwin G. т 1844 Edward 3 ry ° 7' ` 1856 Charles h 1858 Preston I. 1862 Charles В. 1871 Edwin F. Taber Talmadge 1863 Charles E. 1879 Delevan S. 1882 Henry? 1795 Matthias A. 1863 РИУ/{ат G'. 1893 Frederick B. т 1818 John S. 1895 George S. Taft 1877 Albert M. l Sweetser 182, John А Surridge 1858 Henry Е. 183Ё А1р1юп'50 Talmage 1879 Charles G. m 1882 Howard Р- 1851 Enos N. 1842 Henry R. 1889 LEWIS Н'р 1858 Edmund M. 1895 ~lOhIl F- Suthefland Charles P. 1807 Jafiob 1762 labeeJ l Tan 1887 Ward Т. d f 1765 ]06 1880 Henry W. Il 1883 Yew Fun l 1774 Seth 1882 Arthur M. l l ‚ 51111111911 l 1778 Zephaniah 1883 Horace D. l Tammufa 1893 Carlyle Е. 1797 Hernan h 1889 Oren Е. 1) l 1891 Issa р хсп INDEX [1895 Tappan 1894 James H. 1840 George Thomas 1802 Christopher 1895 Emerson G. 1852 Adrian 1811 john 1825 James Q_ 1895 Harry K. 1862 ].Wadsworthm 1819 William 1880 John B. С. 1865 Alfred Н. Ь 1822 Landon А. Tayntor 1869 Frederic P. 1844 Кадет: 5_ /¿ Tarbell 1878 Joseph I. IÉÖQ ЁЗЁПХ 1846 gäarles riz 1 70 0 @NC 18 ar es . ¿ggg gggggegof Tear 1871 Edward с. .a 1823 Joh.. G, ' .fo/Mz W. Nathaniel М. â Joseph /Z Tal-box 1876 Frank А-Р 1857 C/zarles W. Ь Тее1е 1373 Edmund R- 1857 George B. 1839 Increase N. 18 2 Albert А, 1879 Arthur H. 1858 Еду/ш S. 1853 Luther G’ 4 ° 13g() §01?? 1863 Frederick F. I 4 0 n ­? 1864 James C. Tarrant .Tem 1885 Wyllys 1868 Nathaniel P. s. 1880 Henrya’ 1883 Rlchafd C~ Í 1888 Ehphalet B. 1869 Aaron S. 1892 George D. 1870 Edward B. Tatum Telford 1895 lames? 1873 Charles H. 1356 Joseph T` 1892 WorthingtonS.p 1873 _fg/m d 1873 Edward Tesla 1877 Allan М.р Teller 1894 Nikola [l 1877 George H. Taylor 1892 Нагпзоп]. 1880 Evan a’ « . 1880 Theodore/z 1707 .Zìamel Temple TevlS 1881 Isaac 1745 латание! . 1886 Winiam 5.15 1884 Albert M. 2 1754 james 1851 Davld P. Т] Р a, 1765 Samuel Ь 1885 ïmîì ' 1762 Major TenBroeke Thachef »Ilzîcäard'g 1776 Augustine 18 I James d? 1765 feria/z Ь 7 ' 9 1888 Edie/ara’ S. 1784 _fo/zn 1795 Stephen 1888 HCCÍOIW 1785 William TenEyck 1835 Thomas A. 188 Elmer Е 1787 William 1 Henrr 1840 GMW 18 g D 112112 1803 William А. 1577 Не 5, 1842 James M. 89 I а” B’ 1807 Clzarles W. 79 т) 1855 Ralph P. Е. l 1892 SìacB'? 1807 Nat/maf W. Tennant 1868 James K. I 93 lo n ­ 1809 Reuóeri Ь 1814 Joseph P. 1816 Henry W. 1817 Edward 1824 George т 1828 Fife/z W. 1834 William W. 1835 fo/zrz L. 1843 Franklin 1845 Nathaniel W. 1845 Richard 1854 Robert E. 1855 William H. 1856 Oliver S. 1859 Alfred J. 1862 folla P. 1872 William М. Ь 1873 Lewis R. р 1877 Henry Др 1878 Arthur B. 1878 Fran/a H. a’ 1878 Wm. Henry 1878 Wm. Howard 1880 Charles M. l 1884 William A. 1885 ~lames H. l 1887 William P. 1888 Howard C. р 1889 Glen А. a’ 1891 Frederie/a С. a7 1893 hdoses 1894 Andrew S. 1863 Charles т Tennent 1725 Gillette Ь 1794 William М. Ь 1847 Sidney Tenney 1829 Саш]. Ь 1829 George C. 1832 William J. 1874 Levi S. 1876 Herbert М. a' 1877 Arthur 1.16 1891 Daniel G. Terrell 1863 Herbert L. Terriberry 1893 William S. Terry 1786 Nathaniel 1819 Shadrach 1820 Edward P. 1821 Alfred 1831 Adrian R. т 1837 Edmund 1871 Thomas 1872 Edward S. 1874 Alfred B. 1877 John S. 1883 Sherman D. 1887 William L. Thacker 1890 Edgar M. l Thalheimer 1889 Abraham L. р Thatcher 1891 William N. Thayer 1779 _fo/zn Ь 1862 Henry W. 1869 _lohn M. ’1869 _lohn R. 1873 Henry Ь 1888 Lucius H. a’ 1895 Charles S. a’ 1895 Hartley W. 1895 Reuel H. р Thetford 1895 William F. 2 1894 Edward R. 1895 Edwin S. l 1895 George H. 1895 Hermann Thomes 1894 Edwin Н.р Thompson 1733 Ebenezer 1782 William A. 1789 james 1790 Samuel 1801 Amos G. Ь 1822 Edward G. 1824 Smith Ь 1826 Andrew 1829 Andrew т 1830 Albert 1831 Alexander B. 1836 William 1838 `[mep/z P. 1840 Egbert A. 1841 Augustus С. Ь 1843 ~lohn Ь 1844 Thomas M. 1845 John H. т 1846 Abijah H. 1854 Chauncey M. 1857 William A. 1861 Heber S. 1865 Gouverneur M 1895] XCIII INDEX 1866 Frederick S. 1871 Curtis Ь 1874 Launt Ь 1875 Alberi H. a’ 1877 William С.р 1877 _lames S. 1879 Oliver D. 1881 Norman F. 1882 Arthur С.р 1883 _lohn E. W. т 1887 Eli F. l 1888 Frank L. 1890 _lames W. 1890 Ralph 1891 Samuel C. 1892 Alfred C. 1893 William B. р 1894 Guy V. 1276 1895 Ford W. 1895 George E. р Thoms Matthew H. William E. 1862 1894 Thomsen 1867 William Thomson Asahel Alfred C. m 1822 Charles S. m 1827 Horatio m 1834 James B. 1852 Zebulon l/V. m 1861 William H. Ь 1862 William H. т 1874 Ernest L. R. m 1883 Henry C. M. 1884 ­Iason P. l 1890 Elihu Ь 1893 Herbert G. 1894 Robert el 1895 William De F. 1810 1821 Thorn 1891 Charles E. l Thorne l l l l 1882 Edwin р l 1882 Thomas Р.р l 1884 Chester? I 1885 William V. 5.1), 1894 Victor C. р l Thornton 1887 Joseph L. Thorp Waard В. а’ 1891 Thorpe 1887 Erwin L. ml Thrall 1855 Warren Ь 1877 George S. a’ 1881 PVilliam H. a’ Throckmorton 1863 Samuel R. Throop 1734 Benjamin 1743 William 1759 Dyar Thrush 1888 john 0. а’ Thurber 1891 Edward A. Thurston 1816 Asa 1851 john It’. 1862 Thomas G. 1895 Charles S. Tibbals 1872 Charles A. р 1888 Frank B. Tibbits 1892 john K. Tichenor 1881 Francis H. Ticknor 1829 Luther Ь 1836 Benajah Ь 1853 Almon P. m 1878 joseph A. Tiffany 1840 William H. 1864 Henry Dp Tighe 1879 Ambrose Tilden 1837 Samuel I. Tilley 1893 Dexter E. Tillinghast 1875 Charles T. 1888 Edward М. 1888 Elbert R. Tillotson George j. Tilney Thomas I. Robert F. Albert A. Tilson John Q. William j. Tilton Dar/ia’ George Е. l 1825 1870 1872 1890 1891 1894 1833 1895 Tingier 1888 Lyman T. l Tingley Pelatiah Tinker A . Phelps Ezra Ь 1761 1868 1872 1894 Tisdale Nathan Ь Titche Bernard 1822 1882 Titcomb 1842 Philip Titsworth 1814 John Titus 1817 William U. 1818 Henry B. Tobey 18 53 Salathiel H. Tod 1795 George 1885 John G. l Todd 1727 Abraham 1732 jonalhau 1734 Samuel 1747 Timothy 1748 Michael 1751 Eli 1786 Ambrose 1787 Eli 1806 William 1810 Walker 1822 /o/zn William M. a’ 1824 Ambrose S. h 1829 George Т. 1836 Albert 1855 jo/m Е. 1866 Robert W. 1871 Alwin E. 1882 Davia’ E. a’ 1883 Henry A. a’ 1884 William 1895 Francis H. р Tolefree 1828 Robert Tolman 1888 Herbert C. Tolson 1876 Benjamin F. l Tomes 1885 Arthur L. Tomlinson 1744 Agur 1765 Hezekiah 1780 ]аЬ02 H. 1781 Daniel 1785 Abraham 1788 Zachariah 1802 Gideon 1804 Agur 1805 Zachariah 1807 john L. 1828 Henry A. 1834 George 1856 john A. Ь 1858 Charles 1884 Joseph 1885 William T. Tompkins 1881 Edward S. D. 1884 Ray Tooker 1877 Lewis F. Toomay 1895 John B. d Toomey 1890 Jeremiah D. l Topliŕf 1756 Jerome 1825 Stephen Topping 1749 Josiah Toquet 1894 Frederick Ер xcrv INDEX [1895 Torbert 1885 loseph H. Treat 1806 Leverett H. 1893 Horace G. 1886 George Р- D« P 1702 Salmon h 1807 10ПЁЁЁ1ШП G- “д 1895 lames R. p 1886 Henry L-P 1718 Robert 1842 дата’ 1891 Arthur C. d 1719 ¿pù/¿amv 1842 l. Hammond Torrance 1875 jared S.p 1883 David h 1894 lames E. l Torrence 1875 George P. Torrey 1823 _lohn h 1833 Charles T. 1875 Reuben A. 1887 Charles L. Torreyson 1879 _lames D. Totman 1872 David M. Totten 1831 lohn A. 1834 Thomas H. Tousey 1707 Thomas 1785 Thomas 1894 Ralph Towle 1861 George M. 1892 Charles S. p 1895 Herbert L. Town 1825 Ithiel h Towne 1827 joseph H. 1856 Edward C. Townley 1886 Calvert p Townsend 1750 Platt 1773 William 1779 _leremiah 1790 jesse 1822 Isaac H. 1828 Daniel 1853 Charles 1858 T. Beers т 1871 William 1871 William K. 1873 Henry C. h 1874 _lames M. 1875 Robert D. 1891 lohn B. 1892 Howard R. 1894 George M. Tracy 1738 Elisha 1744 Samuel 1777 Daniel 1778 Uriah 1789 Uri 1795 Thomas 1796 F anning 1806 Phineas L. 1816 Richard P. m 1817 Philemon h 1832 Charles 1850 Philemon 1854 Albert H. 1857 Jeremiah E. l 1862 Roger S. 1887 Howard C. 1890 Evarts 1890 lohn C. p 1893 Edward H. 1893 Robert S. 1894 Louis D.p Train 1827 Elijah N. 1853 Abner L. Trapier 1824 William H. Trask 1846 Charles H. 1859 lohn B. h 1893 Thomas C. Traver 1889 Charles N.p Traynham 1869 _lohn H . Treadway 1759 james 1863 Frederick S. m 1892 Francis W. l Treadwell 1760 Agur 1767 lohn 1861 Oliver W. h 1862 Levi P. 1862 Oliver F. 1865 George E. 1891 Alliene W. 1722 Charles 1725 [Видал] 1734 Samuel 1759 Bethuel 1810 joseph 1824 Selah В. 1851 _loseph A. l 1894 Charles R.p Tredwell 1875 Timothy h Trescott 1802 William Trezevant 1847 Nathaniel M. Trimble 1868 lames 1881 George W. d Trotter 1839 Silas F. T row 1868 George W. h 1890 William A. d Trowbridge 1725 Daniel 1763 joseph 1855 William H. m 1857 Luther S. 1863 William R. H. 1870 William P. h 1874 john Р. d 1878 George 1879 Winston l. 1880 Henry 1883 _loseph P. 1884 Frank D. 1887 Elford P. 1887 Francis B. 1887 William. R. H. 1891 Amasa p 1894 Elisha G. p 1894 lames R. Truesdell 1895 George F. Trumbull 1735 johu 1759 _Benjamin 1767 _lohn 1779 jonathan h 1790 Benjamin 1797 _lonathan h 1801 _loseph 1848 _lames H. 1851 Edwin B. 1854 Charles E. 1858 Lyman h 1866 Henry С. h 1870 Perry 1876 David 1878 _lohn 1880 Stephen 1881 lohn H. p 1881 Ricardo L. p 1883 William 1893 Charles G. Truslow 1886 Frederick C. Tyron 1769 Simeon Tsuchiya 1888 Soichi l Tucker 1796 _lohn H. 1804 Ichabod h 1807 james W. 1833 joshua T. 1836 _lames W. 1855 Luther H. 1857 George 1861 _lohn D. 1871 Frank W. т 1875 Над/Загс! А. a’ 1878 lames R. 1883 Denison B. 1887 _lohn R. h 1888 William С.р 1891 Luther H. 1892 Frederick D. 1894 Henry B. 1895 Ralph DeF. Tuckerman 1851 George S. 1885 .Frederic/e W. d Tudor 1728 Samuel 175o Elihu 1820 William W. Tufts 1838 james 1889 _lames H. d Tuller 177er Davia' 1777 ¿Varlin 1895] XCV INDEX Tully 1806 William Tupper Henry lll. Turkle Alonzo d Turnbull Frederick M.p ' _lames A. 1850 1886 1875 1892 Turner Daniel h Caleb Thomas Edward William W. William Asa 1723 1758 1815 1818 1819 1823 1827 _ 1830 Henry 1830 Rufus h 1833 jonathan В. 1835 Alvan H. m 1842 Sylvester W. 1842 Uriah h 1843 Douglas K. 1846 Charles P. 1847 loseph R. l 1856 William E. 1858 Henry H. 1878 Cyrus C. 1885 Curtiss C. p 1890 Albert M.p Turney Samuel Winthrop Turrell Edgar A. 1810 1888 1867 Turrill 1864 Henry S. m Tuthill Samuel Cornelius 1745 1814 Tuttle Moses Nath an 1 784 An drew 1808 Timothy 1745 1763 1830 lohn T. m 1850 Dennis l 1863 Frank B. m 1863 Lucius B. l 1876 lohn H. l 1877 George M. 1879 Oswin H. l 1880 Ezra A. l 1881 Henry N. 1882 johnE. d 1884 loseph N. 1887 Frank D. 1888 Charles A.p 1889 .Henry W. d 1889 loseph P. 1895 Roger NV. Twaddle 1885 William W. l Tweedy 1831 Edwin A. m 1834 lohn H. 1868 Samuel 1891 Harry H. TWichell 18 59 joseph H Twining 1795 Stephen 1820 Alexander C. 1825 William 1853 Ежу/ед! 1858 Theodore W. 1859 Sutherland D.p Twiss 1863 lulius Twitchell 1889 Clarence B. p Twombly 1854 Alexander S. 1881 Edward L. 1884 Henry B. 1891 `Clzford G. Tyler 1732 Thomas h 1750 Royall Ь 1765 john 1776 Royall h 1780 Лешие! 1787 Calvin 1792 lohn E. h 1792 Royall h 1794 Daniel P. 1804 Вещие! 1807 Daniel Ь 1808 Septimius 1825 Edward E. 1829 joseph D. 1830 Daniel Ь 1836 George P. 1836 Lucius Ь 1844 David A. m 1848 Edwin 1855 Charles lll. 1857 [Идут С. 1861 lohn C. 1864 Edward R. 1864 james В. 1864 lohn H. m 1870 Morris F. 1876 George A. l 1876 Nathan P. 1877 Charles C. 1886 Rollin U. 1895 Fred S. 1895 Samuel 1895 Selden W. Tyner 1894 Richard H. l Tyson 1877 Samuel T.p Tytus Edward Uchida Susumu l Udall Richard A. Ufford Hezehiah G. Edward G. m Uhl Edward L. p Uhle lohn B. Uhihorn Charles L. m I 1868 1891 1830 1806 1845 1894 1871 1844 Ullman 1878 Charles L. l Ullmann 1829 Daniel Ulrich 1861 Adam S. l Underhill 1881 Edwin S. 1889 lohn Underwood 1875 George Upham 1765 loshua Ь 1853 Nathan l 1874 William R. p ‘ 1875 George Ь}? l Upson 1776 Benoni 1804 Stephen 1841 Stephen C. 1849 Andrew 1859 Henry Upton 1877 William H. 1892 Ralph R. Uricoechea 1852 Ezequiel m Usher 1753 lames Vail 1892 Newton F. Vaile 1893 Harry S. Vaill 1806 William E. 1811 joseph 1824 Herman L. h Vaille 1873 Thomas P. 1876 Frank W. Vaisse 1833 Léon A. l. Ь Valentine 1889 Charles A. Valpey 1858 Thomas G. VanAllen 1834 lohn m 1885 Рит/ё Vanarsdalen 1833 Cornelius C. h VanBenthuysen 1 8 1 5 lacob VanBergen 1832 Peter A. VanBlarcom 1 8 5 1 _lames Vanbokkelen 1844 james E. Xcvl INDEX [1895 VanBuren VanHorne Varick Verrill 1828 lohn 1877 Andrew B. 1868 lohn L. 1867 Addison E. h 1838 William H. 1885 George E.p 1873 james H. VanHuyck Varnum 1889 Henry M. p 1878 Harold 5- 8 А1Ь t L. 8 8 ll B. 1878 william A. I 93 er р 1828 1251155 M. Viele 1886 Thomas В. _75 Vanlngen 1868 Sheldon T. 1891 Edward p V355 . van die Graaff 1893 MCLanep 1821 Edmund B. Vleths 1881 Adrian S. 1895 Oscar _ l VanKirk Vaughan _ Vanderbl t 1895 Hiram 1818 Нету Vlets 1804 Jeremlah 1758 Roger 1276 äïrlîîierlcIkIW. р VanMatl-e Vaughn 1882 Francis Н. a 1 93 1 lam . . 1894 Cornelius k 1820 Ваню] 1889 Howard R. d чана] 1895 Cornehus Vann Vaux 1880 Leonidas C. m Vanderburg 1863 Irving с, 1806 George Ь Vincent 1852 Charles Е' VanName Veblen 1867 Boyd ` ‘ 18.8 Thorste' B. d 1875 Frank /Z Vanderburgh £58 âvîäâîîìnG 4 1n Р 1885 George Е. 1826 Federal m 94 ° Чегем Vandergrift VanRensselaer 1894 James А, 15 Vmmg _ Т 1763 Stephen 1886 Edward P. h 1895 Theophllus .p 1786 Jacob R. уведет Vinton 1813 Jeremiah 18 о Непг Van ‘lef veel 1822 Stephen /l 9 у 1828 Alexander H. т 1895 Edgar А-Р 1824 William P. velle V h 1826 Philip S. ­ is no Vanneursen 1827 607’1‘1617261’!‘ 1888 Wluard L' 1885 Charles W. m 1801 William 1869 Robert S. p V h 1881 Howard p engo echea’ Vittum VanDeuSen 1855 Onofre? 1884 Edmund M_ d 1868 Spencer R. Vansantvoofd 1833 Cornelius Verdi Vliet Vandeventer 1850 lames T. l VanDyke 1 829 Alfred W. Vandyne 1860 Charles H. VanEtten 1864 Albert H. VanGelder 1 864 lames H. Van Harlingen 1864 Arthurp 1865 Martinp VanHeuvel 1804 Jacob A. VanHorn т749 l 0h11 1874 Burt VanSchoonhoven 1870 William H. VanSinderen 1854 Adrian VanSlyck 1894 George F. VanSlyke 1895 George W. p 1895 William H. p VanVleck 1876 Charles W. p VanVolkenburgh 1866 Thomas S. VanVoorhis 1879 Arthur S.p VanWyck 1824 William 1844 Anthony l 1894 William F. m Verhoeff 1895 Frederick H.p dalVerme 1783 Francesco h Vermilye 1822 Thomas E. Vermilyea 18 36 John m Vernon 1877 Thomas A.p 1881 Frederic R. 1883 Harold 1886 Francis J. 1889 Howard W. Verplanck 1823 James D. 1823 William G. 1888 Fred A. 1878 William A. р Voorhees 1891 Clark G. p Vorce 1870 juba Н. d Vorhis 1895 Harry S. Vose 1851 james G. 1859 George F. Votaw 1891 Clyde W. d Vought 1882 Walter l.p 1882 William G. 1893 John H. p Vrooman 1862 john 1895]` INDEX п XCVII c. Wachsman Wakeñeld Walker * Waln 1893 Isidore ì 1842 Leander Е. I730 Robert 1831 Edward d ~ 1847 John L. т 1727 Édgafd /ß 1877 Samuel M. . Wa. e I7 5 0 @Il 1800 Giles Wakelee Walfadt 1866 Levi с. 1784 James 1774 JOSePh 1875 Нету М- Robert B 1824 Charles 1880 Arthur Е. George В Wakeman ! 1827 - D . I 1720 Ebenezer 1829 Henry A’ Walsh Wadhams 1738 Stephen 1232 Ira 1816 101111 S. 1762 Solomon 1759 Gideon 183 {ёёер D' 1827 Charles 1764 Noa/z Ь 1799 Thaddeus В- 18T“ Eâmœd Ó 1835 Hugh 1894 Sanford H. р 1854 Joseph H» "l 1842 Wai В ' 1830 James Е- l rg 5 Fred U 1876 William 1, I 44 Josep ‘ 1884 Dennis T. l 9 . 1887 A1 fre d J р 1849 Augustus ° 1851 Thomas R. Ь Wadsworth 1888 Bacon l 8 l l Walter ‚ . 1888 Howard N. z 1 53 fm“ г ‚300 JO 1' 1726 JDa/zzel 1854 Samuel 6 1748 ames ` - 1856 Augustus H. 1766 Joseph B. Walbndge 1856 Еа’шат’А. Walther 1785 Decius 1826 Ames т 1864 Alfred E, 1887 Frank 0.15 ЗЕЁПЁЁЁаЬ l 1895 Charles С.р 1227 êkaygeswî W 1t 1 1 г 1 7 enry ‚ а on 1803 John Ь Walcott 1870 Georgel.. 12 1720 fo/„Z 1833 Theodore H. т 1824 George W. т 1871 Willis E. 1880 Paul 1837 Adnan R. 1828 101111 А. т 1873 Francis A. Ь 189; George 3. 1841 James 1855 George Пр 1874 Charles R. 1851 Strong 1868 Douglas D. 1876 Hollis T. l I Walworth 1867 Wedworthp 1888 Morgan? 1877 Nathaniel B. Z 18 Reube Н l 1880 Adrian Кр 1891 Frederic C. 1877 Nathaniel U. А th ПС ' Z IÈSI {Зету Z 1894 William S. 1878 George R. 2895 Jarmeusrj ' I 83 rank .Z 1880 Eu ene W. ' 1884 Char/es d Wald i 1880 Wiët D. W n k 1886 На11у`Н.р 1873 Gustavus Н_ 1881 William R. а “ama er 1893 Richard C. W. 1884 Charles M. 1887 [Чешу S' d - Walden 1884 Dean A. . Wanmn Wager 1853 Edward 1888 881111181], F ° g 1878 Ambrose L. 1874 Russell 1889 Н9ггзсе F­ 1394 fanCIS D-ß 1881 Howard Т. 1891 “7111121111 Е. р Waggoner 1892 Percy T. р 1894 James-p Ward 1895 William Н d 1727 Edmund ' Waldenström Walkley 1726 jsames1 l Wagner 1889 Paul Р- д 1836 James C' 1801; 522321 D ' 8 Н . Íâi/ìì Jsïìlêon Н_ р Waldo Wallace _ l 1823 [ЗЁЗЁУМР' А 1384 Harry К 1788 Dauz'e! 1812 Elisha F. Ь ' 1842 Нету D_ А. 1895 Harrison G. р 1819 Joseph 1. т 1848 Thomas S. 1844 Arthur ‘ 1879 0115 Н. 1874 Cornelius R. 1849 William W. Wait 1880 Leonard Ь 1881 George M. 1860 julius H «I 82 Е 1889 Frederic W. 1861 George A. т Ig I 15:11 Т h Waldron 1862 Frederic A. 1836 Horace’C . 1890 Leonard T. l Waller 1862 Hubert C- ß ° 1882 Tracy ISóâ Charles S. т Waite Бугаев д 1883 Thomas М. Ь 172 ¿azar f 18 F ° C. ­ ' 1809 Henry M. 175; Eleazar r 1831 JarrîilecslîA. р 1880 Еатпр° 1816 Calvin Ь 1767 Samuel } 1883 Frederic D. 1837 Morrison R. 1793 Isaac М, . l W п 1888 Brownlee R. 1840 George C. 1801 John l . а ey 1853 Richard 1807 Leonard В ‘ 1826 Samuel Н. Ь Wardlaw 1869 Edward T. 1845 Leonard E, î 1818 Ralph Ь 1877 Faster R. d 1871 jonathan 2 Wallis 1888 Morison R. 1891 Апгйпер 1832 John S. Wafdweu 1891 Ёогасе G. . 1891 Leonard °E. í 1863 Hamilton 1872 Daniel “Т.р 1895 апу S.; 1894 Joseph Р.р 1893 Alexander H. 1895 Allen Xcviu IFWLLEÄ( [1895 Ware 1883 Will.ard_D. l Watkins 1863 Edmund А. 1886 Бещашш S' l 1737 Hezekiah 1891 Edward Y. р . 1834 Claiborne A. Ь Warrington 1859 Hezekiah Warfield 1895 George H. О 1890 Edwin А. d Watkmson Washburn 1845 David B. Waring 1793 ]01ерЬ 1847 Samuel 1826 Watfous 1849 Charles B. 1844 Wlulam B' 1818 john R. Ь 1850 ­lames J. 1863 Edward L' 1848 Jenn R. 1852 Joseph F. 1868 Н‘ЁПЁУ L' 1853 George H. 1879 101111 Т.р 1874 Wlulam, N’ 1879 George D. 1887 James 1887 Naithfìmel P’ Р 1884 Charles A. 1889 Thomas P. 1888 Wllham D' 1895 Cleveland Е.р ` Warner Washington Watson ­ 81 George Ь 1748 Noad1ah 17 ‚ , 1764 101111 1758 Seth 1834 Wllham H“ 1776 James 1759 Noadz'ah 1839 George 1797 Richard/z 1782 Selden 1841 John N' 1804 james T. Ь 1783 john 1886 Нету S' 1814 101111 B. 1804 101111 C. 1889 Charles M’ 1829 William 1807 Curtis 1839 101111 M. 1807 Ely Wasson 1840 Louis т 1812 Andrew F. 1814 George A. 1847 Sereno 1817 Richard 1856 Matthew р 1826 Wy/Iys Waterbury 1868 Samuel 1832 Isaac W. 1822 farm' _Q_ 1869 William P. `1835 Edward 1870 John С.р 1Ё43 ЁСОЁЗЁШ- Waterhouse 1§7I ¿amis С- /2 150 (zee . ­­ 173 rt ur 1854 Jared C. 1842 Wllham Е' 1876 Charles А.р 1855 Ргту F. 1879 Walterp 1860 Horatio N. Z Waterman 1880 James H. 1872 Charles D. Ь 1759 SW?" 1881 Robert W. р 1876 Egbert R. т 1791 Elea/ß 1881 Frenk c. р gomas Wattles 1884 James H'P Omas ' 18 Thomas P. Ь 1890 .lames А. 1844 19511“ W' 1818 Greenleaf C. 1894 Milton 1848 Slglsmond т 1855 Alfred Т. Watts Warnick 1863 Нету 3- . 1874 Cameron D. 1822 Francls О. Ь 1892 Laufen Ё!) 1886 Thomas G. 1885 Charles F. Z 1895 Spencer ' 1892 Warren G. W 1894 Walter A. ау Warnock 1860 Francis R. 1893 John D­ Waterous 1885 Charles L. 18 о Thomas C. Z WafrrenY Í 9 Wayland 1826 Wllllarn . z Waters 1881 Francis/l 1838 Israel Р. 188 John Е 1853 joseph 1822.ŕ%anc¿sk. 3 ’ _ 1860 Samuel R. 1829 Asa H. Weatherbee 1864 Edwin F. 1873 George F. d 1 . 1865 Henry w. 1878 William Е. 1875 Шт“ Н. 1865 William L. 1884 Frank H. Z 1867 Albert 1894 Frederic 1. Weaver 1869 Stanley P. 1868 121113195 L- 7” 1870 Arthur H. щам-деп 1882 gaîllel В- 1870 Clarence А.р R 1895 а 5937 А.р 1870 Henry P. 1895 John ' 1876 Lewis _ Webb 1880 wiuienn c. р Watles 1715 jmp/r 1881 Everett 1849101111 1757 Nathaniel I779 1819 1820 1822 1840 1846 1853 1856 1876 1877 1895 1874 1738 1741 1746 1778 1802 1831 1844 1847 1848 1848 1861 1863 1868 1873 1879 1879 1890 1892 1892 1783 1813 1813 1830 1869 1874 1882 1887 1891 1800 1843 1844 1862 1874 1877 1883 1891 1880 1892 1890 Samuel Reynold т William т Isaac Daniel т Daniel M. William R. Benjamín George С. _lames H. Z Howard C. Z Weber 101111 С. р Webster Elisha David Pelaíz'a/z Noah «Ira Horace B. 101111 W. Z George G. Cyprian G. Sidney 101111 R. Charles 101111 Н. Frederick C. Albert L. р Benjamin Eugene C. d Henry G. Stuart Weed Stephen 101111 W. Samuel William В. Charles A. р Harvey Edward О. William X. Hanford S. Weeks Holland Ь Henry A. William 1. Robert К. Henry deF. 101111 A. р William W. Robert К. р Wehner Adolph F. р Weil Isaac р Weimer Мог/715072 d 1895] ÍNDÈX Xcní Weinberger 1741 Noa/z 1894 Benjamin G. ¿ú Wetherell 1859 John S_ 1751 jonathan 1895 Harry G.p 1844 John W_ 1753 Gldßon 1848 George A. Weir 1774 Thomas Welton 1775 Benjamin 1806 Willard Wetherill 1871 john F. a âgâîgre 1852 Noah В. 773 1872 Christopher Weiser 1779 William щеку W t 1849 Егазтиз Н. 1783 Samuel . е more 1892 Charles? 1784 Roswell 1883 Sam Z 1714 ]атг’$_ 1806 Martin 1748 лимит Weiss 1808 [гида/ъ G. le Wemple 1757 ”от 1872 Samuel W. 1827 Gershom т 1875 А10П20 E? 1778 Ichabod 1830 Thomas N. 1804 Charles Н. Wenzel 1834 Charles R. Wendell Iâês gdhamPC. ‚ 1851 Roger 1768 john А I 7 @Orge ­ 1869 C/zafles Т. 1859 George Р. 1878 Benjamin R. 1881 Chapin H. Z Welch 1864 Edgar Т_ 1880 TenEyCk 1888 Monroe N. . 868 Т. CZ t I7â9 €522.25/ l882 Martitlzly ш Wenner Weyer 17 2 z man . 8 Е ‘ 1772 Moses C, îâälluìl А 1865 George U. I 95 dward M 1788 john ' 1805 William а Welling Wentworth 8 Wlfâyerhlaîluser 1813 Jonathan A. . ‚ 1868 Thomas F. I 91 udo Р М—Р 1823 Benjamin т 1872 Wllllam В- р 1879 John T. 1827 William Н- W п. t 1882 Thomas M. Weylef 1836 Archibald /z е mg o“ 1887 Frank We 1891 Samuela’ 1838 Benjamin /z 1843 Аза W ' ° . tt HVêlrllîfmKWÑV??? Wellman 18 2 JohîlSW 8 ¿Helm? 1850 Мои с. 1888 Апьцг м. 7 ' I 52 @mae -e 1853 Joseph A. Wesson 1860 John В. 772 Wells 1846 Lorenzo 88 “ëïfwulël G 1862 Pierce N. 1760 Henry/Z 186 Charles Н 1 5 1 шт . . Gideon 1764 Oliver 3 . ° 186 Theodore F 68 Ed d 1868 Fredenc Wharton 9 ‘ 17 mu“ 1878 Frank B. 1870 William H. 1875 Harmanus M. 1876 Edward H. т 1877 William C. т 1882 Archibald A. 1889 Lewis S. 1890 George S. 1894 Harry L. Weld 1759 Ezra 1818 Lewis 1822 Charles H. 1834 Allen H. 1852 Mason C. р 1854 Lewis L. 1872 Frederic F. р Weldon 1872 Richard C. а’р Weller 1894 William M. р 1895 Charles H. Welles 1707. Samuel 1736 David 1739 Solomon 1781 Sylvester 1809 Gaylord 1810 Ralph 1820 Samuel /z 1825 Thomas T. /z 1829 Nathaniel 1839 Edward 1842 Charles K. 1844 John F. т 1851 Henry D. 1853 Horatio T. /z 1857 Manning C. 1857 Nathan D. 1858 Gideon 1858 Henry A. 1859 Thomas В. 1867 Daniel H. р 1874 Ralph 1876 _lohn A. 1877 Horace L. р 1880 David C. 1881 Eben H. 1882 john L. 1884 Albert F. 1884 Arthur B. 1884 Edward 1886 Edward L. Z 1889 Hubert ИЛ ì 1889 Philip P. 1893 Charles P. a’ West 1738 Joshua 1755 Siep/zen 1768 Nathaniel 1777 Jeremiah 1872 Henry S. /z 1889 DeWitt C. 1892 Irving C. Westbrook 1891 Richard W. т Westcott 1864 Clarence L. Westerfeld 1893 Carl Westervelt 1850 Tompkins Z Weston 1839 Hervey E. 1853 Theodore 1867 Horner 1885 Theodore WV. 1832 William C. 1839 Francis 1875 William 12.15 Wheatley 1858 Charles M. /z Wheaton 1805 Salmon 1814 NaI/taaie! S. 1877 Frank W. Whedon 1873 Charles R. Z Wheeler 1763 Truman 1779 William 1785 William 1804 Amos H. 1808 Charles 1816 Russell C. 1820 Gail F. 1825 William т 1833 Hiram 1836 Nelson 1845 Ira B. 1847 Franklin 1855 William С [1895 Í 2V DE X 1857 Arthur M. 1858 John D.p 1859 Charles M. 1860 Xenophon 1864 Ralph 1866 William E. 1868 Samuel H. 1871 Rush B. 1872 William B. 1875 Alfred N.p 1876 Frank E. 1877 Sterne l 1880 Frank H. 1880 Wilson C. 1881 Albert M. il 1881 George W. 1885 Frederick В]? 1886 Edwin S. h 1889 Robert T. p 1890 Henry L.p 1892 Albert P.p 1892 James E. 1892 Junius 1893 Arthur L. 1894 Lynde P. p 1894 Shelton К. 1895 Charles A. 1895 John W. 1895 William M. Wheelock 1733 Eleazar 1765 Ralph 1873 William E. 1893 Webster Whelpley 1807 William A. 1837 James D. Whinñeld 1 895 Roger W. Whipple 1875 Henry S. p 1881 Sherman L. Whitaker 1 867 [ip/zer Ь Whitby 1883 flenry d Whitcomb 1872 Cyrus В. a’ 1894 Larz A. White 1720 Thomas 1730 Davia’ 1733 Ebenezer 1736 Step/zen 1759 Lemuel ‚1760 Ehenezer R. 1760 Joseph M. 1764 Enoch 1766 Thomas P. 1774 John 1783 Charles C. 1786 Calz/in 1804 Daniel A. Ь 1815 Frederick 1815 Sims 1821 Henry 1823 Addison H. 1825 Chester 1826 John B. m 1828 George m 1828 Jabez L. Ь 1832 Roderick A. т 1844 Jonathan 1846 Andrew m 1847 Orrin С. h 1848 George 1850 Adonijah Ь 1851 Henry D. 1853 Andrew D. 1854 Charles A. 1854 Erskine N. 1854 Moses C. m 1859 Roger S. 1859 Samuel m 1860 Thomas H. 1861 James H. 1864 Oliver S. 1866 George E. 1868 Joseph Ь 1869 William R. p 1870 Edward S. 1872 Clement B. 1873 Frederick О. m 1873 Samuel N. 1875 Edward L.p 1877 Granville M. l 1880 George D. 1881 Arthur E. 1881 Caryl F. S. m 1881 Henry C. 1881 Lasell Н. 1885 Herbert H. 1888 Arthur 1889 Edmund B. 1890 Schuyler S. (l 1890 William 1891 HenryC. 1891 Wilbert WV. rlp 1893 Albert B. 1895 Raymond S. Whitehead 1804 Amos 1828 Coburn 1863 Corzflanflil 1877 John M. 1893 Robert W. p Whitehouse 1885 Henry H.p Whitelaw 1895 William N. Whitin 1863 William H. 1864 Lewis F. Whiting 1726 John 1740 John 1743 Nathan 1747 Elisha 1765 Samuel 1772 Samuel h 1774’John 1777 Nathan H. 1780 William J. 1795 Elisha G. 1823 Daniel W. 1823 joseph 1824 Spencer 1829 Francis 1830 Samuel B. т 1833 Alexander­ B. 1844 William m 1874 John B. 1876 John H. l 1879 Holland S. 1881 Walter C. m 1891 Elhrielge C. a’ 1894 Ellsworth D. 1894 Jay E. Whitman 1726 Elnaihan 1735 Samuel 1772 Jonas 1779 William 1800 Lemuel 1821 William E. Ь 1869 Horace F. p Whitmore 1854 Matthew N. 1881 Charles О. 1886 John Whitney 1752 josiah 1781 Abel h 1792 Eli 1830 Henry 1839 Josiah D. 1851 Emerson C. 1854 Edward P. 1856 James L. 1863 William C. 1864 [Лету/М. 1866 Henry О. 1867 William D. Ь 1869 Eli 1869 Eli Ь 1875 Eugene W. 1877 William E. 1878 Edward B. 1882 Ernest 1887 Eben l 1894 Harry P. Whiton 1805 john M. 1853 james M. 1856 James M. Ь Whitridge I 791 William Ь Whittaker 1873 William H. 1892 Albert L. Whittelsey 1705 Samuel 1729 Samuel 1738 Chauneey 1764 Chauncey 1764 Samuel 1773 Newton 1779 Samuel 1791 John 1800 Chauncey 1803 Samuel 1820 Chauncey 1834 Samuel C. 1838 Charles C. 1843 Ira D. 1853 Charles H. 1864 Charles M. 1867 Joseph T.p Whittemore 1825 Williams H. 1855 Williams C. 1862 Charles P. l 1874 Arthur D. 1882 Edward L.p 1892 Edward L. p 1892 Norman C. Whittlesey 1779 Elisha 1787 Roger 1811 Elisha D. 1816 Luman 1816 William A. 1817 Thomas T. 1818 Frederick 1822 Frederick 1825 joseph 1827 William 1842 Eliphaleŕ 1843 Charles B. т 1844 ./l/[aríin К. 1858 Charles B. 1871 Лактат fil. 1878 George P. 1880 Hernan C. 1884 Henry L. 1887 Charles T. a’ 1887 Frederic R. 1895] 1889 а ' “94 ЁЁЁЁЕЁ [МЕХ . Z W' I 8 24 Oibur а . ‚ 1894L Fritz W £37 Seth TS т 18 Wllñey Ci ­ ‘858 AlbÄa“ F- eus R. 2 William 172 “дек 1882 Суш 51B. Wilk, 1722 Jon s Ißgî ähn 7' 6’5 Е. d 1817 Ed 1115 1730 Edvîâhân @my Р Wilcox £18 боже? ЁЁЁЁ gime; . 1821 ­ 20 oh neuf M liSh “Пены—311 1824 РЪ1пеа5 в. 1822 ¿Nuff L. ‘ I735 Samua 1877 Ja am 18 Chaume 1844 I 11am W 1739 W_1 _ 61 тез Н. 35 Willi у 18 il‘8h в ' 174: 1 “ат Р 1850 Luciïm W, 47 G0uver- 17M ЁЁр/‚т 18 Wlckes 185 George А W- . ' 1743 EZZ' mas h I 5 о 1‘ 4 TÍZ 5 JuSt Ilkln 174 [at 1827 S. Omas S. us D’ /Z 1806 R I 3 Solomo 1843 foggia; 1859 А??? К 1880 Ц‘Ёеоще 1721235 агент? 18 18 I 7' . n 18 Гепс . 74 Thomas Р 1875* 825161 183? Ездит 5. f» Её: ”58:23; 0 ° 1 . Гав @rt - Wi ’ 1876 Ellen KH’ 75 I756 тата” Mexgnder М 171 Illard 17 2 Israel nl 18 8 аГГ1Оп - 4 ]056фё Joh 181 Omas 7 Reyn 1765 /0 1767 Е . П С. 1812 ЁдтПпдР £79 Charlcêld W, 1782 7071371 Il 1769 дуем ob 18 М. 18 6” /l è 070m Crt Н 93 Wal Р 03 f 1772 072 ° 1Ё95 СеоЁЁГ D' 1810 SÃ/ÍÍ [l 1773 Ё‘Ёшщ W ‚ 1 . е D_ ue] v е _ ' . 18 WlckS I895 Dzïvld U d l 1229 Horace [l I773 SethneZel 73 Fred ­ 95 W111°. ­í> » 46 5 К. 7„ 177 ÍL Спек S 1:1111 Н 18 [Milne] G ' 3 50[0то W~ ' w- ф 1873 Ё?” L. ' ‘ 335 дат/3” 188 1Ёбепьей I7 llcnoxson 1 Аггиг, ‚Топатъаг; L 9 I/VZ’ 44 Dav 18 ‘7761 Ат - z [262771 a? паук;— i Harry Р 1780 1752 Т 1881115 1839 Levi D ’ 1732 Nathan 18 homas 47 Ma ~ ' “Пне 7 З Sig 85 L ­ щ1:1 V 18 0х 178 ß/èen 1893 Hìvl О. . `~ an В. 181; Wprian Р 1782 %гекйе1 Ward D-ß Wild 1848 Стасе С. 1786 Sunothy 0 1809 А 18 2!д58 ' I [Huug] l W1 . 186 braha бо Lem . 792 S01 д 1893 gglnîîon 7 Isaac m Ь 1861 W 1161 Т. 1794 Th Отоп John H- J. 1870 Wäîhingtofl F 1 1795 Wfl);mas S~ . 8 1М] Н ‚ ' 17 6 шт Т W­ W1 172ва. ./l 95a( . 52 Еагш 1823 Н lah 1882 А] 6s fj. 1800 T/z р 1822 afd/l 186 Grace fred B 180 onzas Ward /z 9 Edw Ch2111 'ß 2 Rif/2a S ard P @Sp 1805 jo è 7d W, d arles? 1808 CUS “а L. 1785 Н ight mos P- ‘ Will 1810 ОгЁг/Е’п enïy h . F enburg 1816 Ol, nlel 1822 Íz Wilde rank Н I 1816 Е. 1823 11113111 L 1865 Pierre в); С 1819 Егглшт 185 John n ‘ /l I 1822 J W. Urlandû 7I5 Нет, 1822 в 161 Ã! 9 W­1 W. 12 W'1 1850 ’.J” John W 18 11@lfd W 1 dm Da, 182 ‚ 1832 щади/1 . р pgs Вещи” «'fln щ! Е. 182?) Ёерьеп С . z ‘ . 3 I” Ер 157;. 4 Deodafze” Wille 1827 ‘Chard S. F' i EindreÑT J. Sidney.P . JO 10 more А 1 8 ' 5 Sill] 18 el Т ° 15 l 36 D' s S man K- 74 Williagn С Will t ; 1837 H270” l ­ 1 f 188 г t 18 Ury W' : 3 Cha 38 Th@ 1834 Henlkoff Wile IS88 Portrêîs W. 1 1238 ТЬОЁЁЗ S. ry Íz, 1885 Ch Y i G. д 39 Willi 5 W_ 1895 G arles i W. i 1840 Elia ат Р. ' 135 ‘dney B l 1842 N “cker” 7 Nathan ­ i ‘Vailíl/‘ÈÜÍZ 18, 13m С ' 43 Datus Il . /z 611 [1895 INDEX 1844 William M. 1847 George C. 1847 William H. т 1849 George S. т 1850 Merrill W. /z 1850 William C. т 1854 William F. /z 1856 Edward F. 1856 Lewis p 1858 C/zarles H. 1860 Ест/572 S. 1860 john B. т 1861 Ralph О. 1862 Charles Р. 1864 Edward [У]. 1864 Job 1864 ./Wosele)l H. 1868 Henry S. p 1868 Roger B. 1868 Thomas H. 1869 Francke S. 1869 Ürin M. 1871 Robert E. `1872 Edward H. 1873 Robert 1873 Schuyler P. 1873 Seth W. 1874 Roderic 1877 Arthur 1877 S. Wells Ã1 1877 William P. 1878 Lewis d 1879 Frederick W. 1879 Walter S. p 1880 George G. p 1882 Chauncey P. p 1882 Emmet S. 1882 Harry L. 1882 S. Lawrencep 1883 _fo/m /z 1884 Nathan G. 1884 William » 1885 Robert B. 1886 Rockwell A. p 1886 Willis S.p 1887 Edward G. p 1887 Frederic M. l 1888 Henry H. d 1889 Howard H. 1891 Aras p 1891 Frederick H. 1891 George H. т 1891 Henry L. 1892 Abram C. 1892 Charles M. p 1892 Philip K. p 1893 Edward M. 1894 James D. 1894 Samuel P. p 1895 ­lohn R. Williamson 1821 Lewis P. 1823 Samuel М. 1824 Т komas S. т 1853 William L. 1864 John A. Willis 1788 Zep/zanz'a/z h 1827 Nathaniel P. 1841 Richard S. 1884 _lohn G. l Williston 1757 Noa/z 1783 Payson 1787 Dar/¿d Н. 1820 john P. 1880 Samuel W. т Willits 1869 Frederick E. p Willner I 88 5 Wolf Willson 1815 james I?. /z 1833 Leonidas 1860 Robert N. 1872 Richard D. 1874 Jared 1878 T/zeoa'ore В. a’ 1890 Albert J. Wilmer 1836 [fie/¿ard If. Wilmot 1735 Waller 1895 Allyn B. l Wilshire 1871 George P. Wilson 1785 [атм h 1829 Allen т 1844 Archelaus 1847 John 1849 Moses W. 1852 Samuel A. т 1854 Joseph W. 1855 William Т. 1857 William B. 1859 Charles P. 1864 Henry 1865 Edwin H. 1867 Francis H. 1867 William V. т 1868 John H. 1871 Edward A. 1874 Mercelon S.p 1877 Albert D.p 1877 George L. p 1877 Philip j. 1878 Edmund В]? 1879 ~lohn E. 1879 Mardwz D. 1879 Mountford S. 1880 John G. l 1883 Clarence W. 1885 Edward S.p 1888 _fo/m С. а’ 1889 Alfred М. dp 1889 Guthrie Mlp 1889 James A. l 1892 Andrew т! 1892 Clarence C. 1894 Nathaniel N. Winchell 1853 Martin E. т 1890 Joseph L. Winchester 1 8 1 6 George Wing 1847 Matthew G. 1883 Chuan Lok p 1886 Frank E. Wingñeld 1851 john H. Winn 1799 J 01111 1859 Henry “Папе Nanning V. т Winship 1847 James l Winslow 1771 Shadrach 1818 Miren /z 1825 [Íuóáard 1826 George I. т 1833 Gordon /z 1878 Francis D.p 1880 Edward C. d 1892 Frank T. Winstandley 1892 John B. p Winston 1877 Frederic S. 1886 Dudley 1886 Frederick J. 1828 Winter 1845 Внос/2 Т. т 1893 Wallace C. p Winters 1889 Andrew L. Winthrop 1737 John S. 1804 Francis B. 1804 john S. 1809 William H. 1830 Henry R. 1831 Edward 1832 Charles A. 1848 Theodore 1851 William W. 1862 Buchanan Winton 1884 Andrew L. p Wiswall 1 847 Henry T. Witbeck 1891 Charles S. 1893 Ernest S. p Witherbee 1874 Frank S. 1880 Walter C. Withers 1817 Robert W. 1848 Michael A. Witherspoon 1785 fa/m д 1895 Herbert Withington I 8 I 4 Leonard Withrow 1831 William E. Witmer 1840 Theodore B. Witter 1793 Ezra 1812 ~lohn 1824 Dexter 1840 Asa /z 1845 Orin /z 1857 john т 1861 Ebenezer т 1865 William т 1865 William C. 1871 Wilbur F. т Wixon 1869 Hanford L. т Wodell 1848 Silas Wolcott 1731 Alexander 1734 William 1742 Josiah 1747 Oliver 1895] INDEX C111 1881 William M. p 1884 Joseph Wooding i 1892 Charles L. 1822 Samuel B. /L ’ 1828 Henry h 1775 William 1887 George H. p Woodman 1837 Charles le 1778 Alexander 1889 Horatio C. lz 1876 111111111151. 1846 James M. l 1778 Oliver 1891 Charles M.p 1853 Asa B. 1783 ThOIHaS G~ 1892 %”{728 d Woodmansee 1855 ЁЫЁЭЫ Íl ~ 1786 Frederick 1892 ater .p ­ . 1855 . enry 1790 Erastus /L 1894 Arthur H. l 1871 Wzllmm d 1855 Stanley T. 1809 Alexander Woodrow 1858 William H. 1823 Alexander m Woodard 1860 Edward P. m 1828 Wiz/¿am 1884 „(шт „и 1892 58112118117- а’ 1867 Richard W. 1833 Samuel 1883 John B. 1839 Elizur l Woodbridge golgdfuff 1887 gredericsk S. 1354 ШЁЁПЁИ l 1706 “тот 1782 553133 ЁЁЁЁ 155581" i854 H6621 o - 1724 АЗЫ"! 178 Неве/111111 N 18 о Hen s' 73 y 'p 1726 faim 4 . ' 9 . ' 1883 Edward О. /z . 1785 Gideon 1892 William B. p 1884 Herbert W. 1732 gmâîêky 1797 Ephraim T. Dgodaìtre 1809 Simeon Woodworth Wolf 1740 ,Benjamin 1823 Wyuys т I788 John 1868 Henry H. z 1763 „Чите, 1825 G9018@ С. 1838 William W. 1884 Henry M. 1765 ¿lp/„111771 1826 Wllham т 1865 William A. ’ 1765 Tz'moí/zy 1228 {4107853 Wolfe 1765 William 1 30 @W15 ­ Woolfolk 1836 Lucius H. . . JgàrâîsZE. a’ ilêîìñly 1838 Curtiss 1841 William G. 1849 Curtiss T. 1773 Joshua L. Woollen Wolodarsky 1774 Enoch gââïïs 1886 Evans 1894 Meyer? а ‘;80 жжёт С 1880 Mans ' 1892 Harry ъ is Hèsmn ­ т н- Womer 18 â “низы ' 1864 Francis E. тощи“ 1895 Раг1су Р. a ISÉS Wiz/¿am Ã, 1868 Нету c. 1893 Alfred c. 1868 Enoch D ° 1871 Isaac О- Wood ‘ 1Ё7Ё (Fêïlwin С.З Woolsey 1783 fawó ’l l Woodbury i839 Tiìiâilhcf Lf ’BQÄÍÃÍ'ÃQ Ваз/гр; i 1878 charles P. 1880 Charles E. z 1813 Johá М. 1818 Spencer 1 1888 Frank С-Р 1813 William С. 1826 The() Вниз Е „2 WOOdfOfd 1889 6801283 W' 1820 Theodore D. р ' 1890 Lewis B. 8 W­11­ W 1829 James 1839 John B. . I 53 1 lam ­ т 1833 George 1. 1850 01m/d L. ‘§92 Ffädeëlck S' 1872 Theodore S- 1840 015011 /1 1866 stewart L. 1 1892 JO n ­ 1881 George . 1 93 James P. l 1841 Henry W. 18g4 jlîlrederirlzsk G. l 1893 Morrls тощими" 1842 Glen 18 I rthur .p 18 . . 94 William W. h W dh 1895 George W. Др 1784 Aam” с oo ouse 1856 John D. Wooster 1857 Ephraim М. l i766 Robert Woods 1738 David 12g() ЁПЬПГЁ- Woodhun 1ё55 В 1768 Thomas 1 4 6111)’ ­ I45 113m ­ 181 osehL. 1864 Orson S. 1752 Richard I 1856 Samuel F. 1381 119111133111 1865 John B. 1775 Nathan 1862 Robert G. 1790 Benjamin 1866 John H. î 1798 _fo/m /z 1887 Robert M.p 1846 William B_ l 1867 Luther H.p 1 1802 Selah S. 1357 Samuel К т 1868 .lames H~ l 1812 îaleb S. Woodson 1892 Rollin C. l 1868 William C. 1 1815 esse S. . 1869 oiin R. 1 1850 fa/m А. 1844 Fredenck А- Wootton 1871 Cortland 1862 George L. ' 1872 William P. f 1880 John F. Woodward 1856 нету E’ 1874 John S. I 1885 George Н. I 1740 John 1876 Frederick p I 1764 Bezaleel Wofœstef 1â76 genry läÑpdp l тоста 1721 581er lz iâiê gsephAE. I 77 Borge . I7 9 aren 1 2 enry _ 1878 мети С. d ‘893 Нет” P' d 1789 тает. 1876 Edwin D. 1879 Stephen C. I 1816 Rufus 1882 Franklin E. 1884 Henry A. ' 1885 Wilfred J. CIV INDEX 8 Word [I 95 1845 Geor 1894 Charles Е 1846 Вешайте?! Wyman Youn . l 1847 Daniel T_ 1855 Шиит с. 8 ‚ g Wordm 1848 Dexter R 7 l 1858 Charles H 1 1898 Davld 1870 Nathaniel Е_ l 1849 Caleb /Z ° 1891 Benson N 'd 1806 Ebçnezer 1878 Thomas С. 1859 Arthur W ' I 22 Gullford D, 1863 Alexander H ’ Wynkoop фетиши l; Work l 1865 Edward M“ ° 1831 August 8 3 [гати]. 1886 1867 George L . 1861 The d us 1 48 Ben D­ James с. z 1868 Henry Р ' l д о” S» 1853 Robert 5, 1872 Thomas р Yale 1860 Mason Workman Ъ 1872 шиит А 'Z l 1724 D _ rêóß Thomas 1869 William Н. i 1873 Frank H. . Ъ 176 Тёща lr 1866 Franc1s j. 772 | 1875 Наш‘п 5 .Omas I 66 George W. 1 on M. 1829 Elm/m [z 1876 Не b Worman 1876 Fred N» 18 I h ‘ 8 Г .en S' 86 1881 Clark? 4 Jo n т I 77 Едина]; 1861 George 1881 Willis в 1878 И/шг'ат Н, d I 3 Ат“ 1882 Arthur È? l Yamaga'wa' 1883 Morrison У“ 1884 Edward l 1875 Kenjirop 1887 George H_ Worrell 1884 George S_ ‘m I 1292 William D_ 1856 John H. 1885 Benjamin E~ ¿Ó l Ушишигиёо I 95 Thomas H. т I889 ­llllian УПР 1892 Akira т] Y Worrell 1891 61611 l o‘111g10ve 1847 С Е I892 Alfred N, g l Yancey 1891 Ira P. yrus . 1892 William B 1847 Antonio Р 18 W' ’ ’ Y W 93 llbur S_ Oungs ,.ifîb“ ìââîi Yard lli; @gf/fd 7l ег l 18 0111 1Ё94 william К 75 john as Worth’ I 94 illiS М. Younk . 111ЕЁО11 Frank l Yardley [8 В . el’ I7IÓ Wzllzam 1855 Нету/1. 95 епп1еА‚ l 1740 John Wurtenbe 1ЁЁ7 îlbert B. ш 1889 Will. Crg Yarnau 8 Yuasa I O N. _ I I K» ‚ I894 Richard H. W rt р 1841 Т 120772115 С. 9 mmm d? Ц S Y ч Yates “ndt W 1832 ¿dif/£21707 18 Е . 1836 J my 1864 Albert s, 1794 Awww rag? 7331“ Н- ames M, Rudolf äOI-atio G. тау M. d 1878 William L alter R. Z Wright 1880 Charles pj R­ Iêeß Charles Н. 18 WYlmg 1724 Едгпегег ' 1883 А1ехапс101].р 1893 Brent K' Z 54 mg 1757 fab 1884 John Z 1893 Frederick W. Z I774 William 1891 Pierre р I 94 Lawrence? ¿Cher 1777 David 1892~Edward Vp Y 1874 Edmund I731 Elizur W 8 6 Caiman I ÍÃOS ~lOel 8 yCkoff 7 Thomas р Zantzinger 4 Joseph I 92 Herbert] 1892 Cl Iâzâ Èuther l YCOmans arence C­ 12 I 2 lizur 1890 Geol. 1830 Albert A. т I 18 Wyelîs ge D. гене 1232 Amos т 72 Fredenck A. Yerkes 1890 _fg/m S. d 1 32 james L, 18 1333 Jrîihn т Wylie 37 Step/26” Zeublin 1 33 oodore L, k 1883 Robert H 1835 Charles l 1889 Horace .p 186 S York 1889 Charles N~ d 1835 William i 1892 William M Z 18 (3) Samuel A. . 1836 Aron т 1894 Laura J dp' 9 ашие1 А. Ziegler 1836 Henry ­ 1871 Harr D 1836 Levi D. т Wylly 8 Youle У .ß 1839 ifi/'ZZ' 1 s 1 15 ose h 1840 505111233 S' ' 1729 George J р ¿Umbro 1ê42 Robert W i Èlrrlulîl Youmans 1893 Wllliam М. d 1 Ed ­ ’ eze iah . 44 Wm , 1773 John P, 1888 Ephralm M. Z 1892 Утесы] р ants ' 1881 James Е. Page \I\r4> oom-b Ч О 89 91 92 94 102 125 160 ADDITIONS `AND CORRECTIONS Class 1770 1834 ` 1834 1835 1835 1844 1847 1847 1848 1850 1857 1876 1835 *lili Íësè *IY.19.lïńíMaí ~ *D. D. Т. MoLang/z/z'n *А. M. Colton *Р. Ingram *J.VV.Shepherd Т. М. Finney. D.D. Southern Univ. (Ala.) I87O W. E. Moore, LL.D. Lake Forest Univ. 1891 *В. F. Gulliver *W. Brno/z *1. L. Smith *R. L. Mintie *W. A. McCormick *1810 *189s *1895 *189s *1894 *1894 *1895 *1895 *1894 *1895 *1893 EïlïßulßMIŕilìfiï WHOLE NUMBER OF GRADUATES ­ _ _ BACHELORS OF ARTS, _ _ _ _ MASTERS OF ARTS, 0n examination _ ­ DOCTORS OF MEDICINE _ _ _ _ BACHELORSCW~LARS _ _ MASTERS 01~` LAWS _ _ _ _ DOCTORS OF CIVIL LAW _ _ _ BACHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY _ _ _ CIVIL ENGINEERS ­ _ _ _ _ MECHANICAL ENGINEERS _ _ _ _ DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY _ _ _ BACHELORS OF DIVINITY _ _ _ _ BACHELOR