STORAG 4122 B 398204 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS GIVEN ARTES (1837) SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E-PLURIBUS-UNIMT TUFBOR SI-QUAERIS-PENINSULAM AMOENAM ¿CIRCUMSPICE TP. 382 €539 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS AND ALLIED DETERMINATIONS GIVEN Methods for Sugar Analysis and Allied Determinations BY ARTHUR GIVEN, B. S. FORMERLY ASSISTANT CHEMIST, SUGAR LABORATORY, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE; ASSISTANT CHEMIST, NEW HAMP- SHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION; CHEMIST FOR THE CUBAN SUGAR REFINING COMPANY WITH 8 ILLUSTRATIONS LIBRARY MICHUNIV. PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET 1912 ИНСЕЛИГА- 01 УЯЛЯЯТ) COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY P. BLAKISTON'S SON & Co. Printed by The Maple Press York, Pa. PREFACE. This book was undertaken because, as the result of ten years' experience in sugar work and in breaking in inexperienced men both for food and technical sugar analysis, it has become increasingly evident that the present methods as given in many of the books on sugar analysis and in the A. O. A. C. methods are not sufficiently explicit as to the proper method for a particular case, thereby confusing the novice, and making it difficult to secure uniform results, since different men select different methods for the same material; nor even when the proper method is indicated does it go sufficiently into the details of the manipu- lation to enable one without previous experience to carry it through successfully without many repetitions. The methods here presented are not set forth as the only methods applicable, but as those which the author, from long practice on a very large variety of substances, considers to be best adapted for the purposes in hand. Where, for reasons stated, a second method seems desirable, it has been inserted, but this is not often. Because the methods of Allihn for dextrose, Wein for maltose, and Soxhlet-Wein for lactose have been so well known and widely used among chemists everywhere, they have been included, with their respective tables. It is hoped that this book will be useful not only to food chemists, but to all who have occasion to make sugar determinations. Hearty thanks are due Dr. G. L. Spencer for original instruction and for permission to use extracts from his books; and to Mr. A. Hugh Bryan and Mr. M. N. Straughn for assistance in preparing parts of the manuscript and in reading proof. WASHINGTON, D. C. A. GIVEN. 237764 V SECTION 1. Sugar Cane 5a. Sorghum Cane. 6. Sugar Cane Juice. 15. Bagasse 18. Filter-press Cake 20. Sugar Beets 22. Sugar Beet Juice 27. Massecuite 30. Molasses. 35. Raw Sugar. 40. Refined Sugar. 42. Refiners Sirup. 43. Cane Sirup. 44. Sorghum Sirup 45. Maple Sirup 57. Maple Sugar 58. Honey. . · TABLE OF CONTENTS. 75. Commercial Glucose 79. Dextrin 88. Starch. . • 90. Sugars in Cattle Feeds, etc. 91. Lactose in milk · 92. Condensed Milk.. 95. Milk Chocolate 96. Sugars in Miscellaneous Products vii PAGE I 3 3 38 8 8 9 9 IO II 12 13 13 44 14 14 15 18 18 24 24 28 29 30 31 31 32 LIST OF TABLES. SECTION 97. Reagents 100. Properties of Common Sugars 103. Water Content of Sugars by Refractometer 104. Temperature Corrections for Refractometer Readings 105. Geerligs' Table for Dry Matter in Molasses, etc 106. Temperature Corrections for Geerligs' Table 107. Schmitz's Table for Sucrose in Juices • 110. Munson and Walker's Tables for d-glucose, invert sugar, invert sugar and sucrose mixtures, and maltose; and Straughn and Given's tables for lactose, and lactose and sucrose mixtures 112. Wein's Table for Maltose. PAGE 32 36 39 40 41 42 43 53 62 63 114. Soxhlet's Table for Lactose 116. Allihn's Table for Dextrose. 65 67 117. Stammer's Table for Brix, Specific Gravity and Baumé. 118. Gerlach's Table of Temperature Corrections for the Brix Spindle 71 ix ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. Spencer (Crampton) sucrose pipet 2. Automatic pipet for Soxhlet's alkaline solution. 3. Automatic pipet for Soxhlet's copper solution 4. Suction filtering apparatus for reducing sugar determinations 5. Sugar dish 6. Drying oven for 105° C. 7. Flow viscosimeter · . 8. Continuous polariscope tube PAGE 355 79523 xi METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS AND ALLIED DETERMINATIONS. SUGAR CANE. 1. It is impossible to get a sample of sugar cane sufficiently small for laboratory use which will represent with any close approximation the average composition of a field of cane or of the cane as delivered to the mill. Individual canes, however, or several stalks can be analyzed by shredding the stalks in the Warmouth-Hyatt shredder, which reduces the canes to a mass of fine saw-dust and fine fibers. The analytical work must be done quickly as the shredded mass loses water very rapidly. 2. Sucrose.*-Digest 50 grams of the prepared cane in a suit- able tared vessel with 500 cc. of water and 5 cc. of a 5% solution of sodium carbonate during one hour at boiling temperature. After digestion cool and weigh the vessel and contents. Drain off the liquid and determine its degree Brix. Clarify a portion with dry lead subacetate, filter and polarize, using a 400 mm. tube. Example and calculations: Fiber in the cane Fiber in the sample = 50 x 0.12 = 12 % 6 grams Weight of vessel + cane + water 798.5 grams Weight of vessel 243.5 grams Weight of cane + water 555.0 grams Weight of fiber in the cane 6.0 grams Weight of thin juice 549.0 grams Density of thin juice 4.0° Brix Polarization of thin juice (Horne's dry lead method) in 400 mm. tube=6.8°; 6.8÷1.1=6.2; by Schmitz's table this corresponds to *Spencer, Methods of Analysis and Control, page 11, (1911). I 2 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 1.72% or, dividing by 2 to correct for tube length, to 0.86% sucrose in thin juice. The grams thin juice, 549.0, multiplied by 0.0086 =4.72 grams sucrose in 50 grams cane, or 9.44% sucrose in the sample. If it is desired to use the solution of lead acetate instead of the Horne's dry lead, 100 cc. of the solution is clarified with the lead solution, made up to 110 cc., filtered and polarized, and the Schmitz's table used without dividing the polarization by 1.1. A tall copper beaker with a flanged lip ground to receive a metal cover is best adapted for digestion. The cover and flange should be ground to form a tight joint, using small clamps to hold the former in position. A reflux condenser consisting of a long straight glass tube, should be fitted in an opening in the cover. A piece of lead or copper, tared with the beaker, should be used to hold the cane under water. In the absence of the special copper beaker a flask with a large neck may be used. These are inconvenient on account of the breakage and the difficulty in introducing samples. 1 3. The usual method of calculating the sucrose in the cane is from the analysis of the normal juice, i.e., the juice from the crusher or from the first mill in a factory, or that obtained by a hand mill or by pressing the shredded cane in the laboratory; and the per cent. of fiber in the bagasse. The sucrose in the juice is determined as described in ¶ 8 and the fiber as in 4. Then per cent. sucrose in cane = per cent. sucrose in juice times (100-per cent. fiber) ÷ 100. This assumes that the juice remaining in the bagasse is of the same composition as that expressed, which is not strictly true. A more exact method* is, per cent. sucrose in cane = 100 (weight sucrose in raw juice + weight sucrose in bagasse) weight of cane. 4. Moisture. Place approximately 10 grams of the shredded cane in a previously weighed drying dish (e.g., a flat aluminum moisture dish or a 3 inch lead bottle cap), weigh quickly but accurately, and dry to constant weight, or until there is a slight gain, at the temperature of boiling water. Cool in a desiccator and weigh quickly. Calculate the loss as per cent. water. 5. Fiber. Weigh 50 grams of the shredded cane in a tared cylin- der of a very fine copper gauze fitted with a cap of the same material. Suspend the filled cylinder in a vessel containing distilled water at about 75° C. for 10 minutes. Then remove to another vessel of fresh water of like temperature for the same time. Digest in 5 successive portions of boiling water for 10 minutes each, allowing to drain after each digestion. After the last, drain thoroughly, dry at the temperature * Spencer, Methods of Analysis and Control, page 10, (1911). SUGAR CANE JUICE. 3 of boiling water, cool, and weigh quickly. The weight of the fiber multiplied by 2 is the per cent. fiber or marc in the cane. SORGHUM CANE. 5a. The analysis of sorghum cane and sorghum cane juice is carried out in the same manner as that of sugar cane and sugar cane juice, except that, on account of the large amounts of reducing sugars that are liable to be present, it is always necessary to determine the sucrose by the Clerget method, by the method of double reduction, ¶ 12. SUGAR CANE JUICE. 29, or 6. Density or Solids.-Strain the expressed juice into a tall cylinder, allowing it to fill and overflow, and let stand 10 minutes to allow air bubbles to rise. Blow off the foam and insert the Brix hydrometer (spindle) quickly but with care not to wet the stem above the point at which it comes to rest. When the instrument comes to the temperature of the juice, read the density at the level of the surface of the liquid. The tempera- ture of the juice should be noted, and if it differs from 17.5° C. the reading should be corrected by Gerlach's Table, page 71. In as much as hydrometers as purchased are seldom correct they should be carefully tested and standardized by the method given on page 35. 7. The per cent. solids determined by the Brix spin- dle is known as the apparent density, as this method assumes that any solids other than sucrose present in the juice have the same specific gravity as sucrose, which is not strictly true. The true per cent. of solids is determined by the vacuum or absolute method. For this determination a moisture dish is half filled with fine quartz sand or finely broken pumice stone, dried at the temperature of boiling water for 2 hours, cooled and FIG. 1. THE SPENCER (CRAMPTON) SUCROSE PIPET. -A This pipet was devised independently at about the same time by G. L. Spencer and C. A. Crampton. When filled to the mark A, it delivers the normal or double normal weight (26 or 52 grams) of water. The graduations are for degrees Brix, corrected for error of the spindle but not for temperature; and the pipet after filling to the mark corresponding to the degree Brix, will deliver 26 or 52 (26.048 or 52.096) grams of juice according to the standard for which calibrated. 4 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. weighed. Approximately 10 grams of juice are weighed accurately into the dish, and the whole dried to constant weight in the vacuum oven at 70° C. When the weight becomes constant, or a slight increase is noted, the lowest weight is taken as final, and the loss is calculated as water; and 100 -per cent. water = per cent. solids. - 8. Sucrose. Place 26 or 52 grams of the juice in a 100 cc. flask graduated in true cc. at 20° C., add 3 to 5 cc. of a saturated solution of neutral lead acetate and 5 cc. of alumina cream and mix. Fill to the mark with distilled water, shake thoroughly and filter through an 18.5 cm. folded filter. Polarize the solution in a 200 mm. tube, and if 52 grams have been used, divide the polariscope reading by 2. This result is the per cent. sucrose in the juice. The most convenient and rapid method of weighing out juices and other liquids of not over 25° Brix is by means of the Spencer sucrose pipet. (Fig. 1.) This pipet is so graduated that one need simply note the degree Brix of the juice, corrected for error of spindle but not for temperature, then fill the pipet to the corresponding degree marked on its stem. The graduations indicate the volume of juice, of cor- responding densities, which weighs 26 or 52 grams (26.048 or 52.096 grams for 100 Mohr's cc.). 9. Where the greatest accuracy is desired, the polarization should be made at the temperature for which the instrument is adjusted, either 17.5 or 20° C. For this purpose the solution, after adding the lead and alumina cream, should be brought to the standard temperature before making to volume, and if the polariscope is not located in a room at the standard temperature, the solution after filtering should be brought to the correct temperature and polarized quickly; or better still, after having filled the flask at the standard temperature and filtered, a jacketed polariscope tube is used, having water of the correct tempera- ture flowing through the jacket. 10. Purity. The apparent purity is the quotient of the polariza- tion divided by the degree Brix. True purity = sucrose ÷ total solids. Example: The corrected degree Brix of a juice is 17.6 and the polar- ization is 16°. 16÷17.6 X 100=90.9 = coefficient of purity. II. Reducing Sugars.-Reducing sugars in cane products are called glucose in sugar factories; which term should not be confused with commercial glucose, or with the sugar named glucose. Reducing sugars are determined by either gravimetric or volumetric methods. Where the greatest accuracy is desired, the gravimetric method of Munsen and Walker, a modification of Soxhlet's application of Fehling's method, is to be preferred. (page 50.) Precipitate the SUGAR CANE JUICE. 5 сл B A FIG. 2. A FIG. 3. FIG. 2.-AUTOMATIC PIPET FOR SOXHLET'S ALKALINE SOLUTION. This pipet was devised in the Sugar Laboratory, U. S. D. A. with the idea of getting a pipet in which the solution did not remain always in contact with the stop-cock. The rubber tube is connected with the suction, which must be adjusted to be very light. The rubber stopper carrying the pipet has a second hole for the admission of air to the bottle. With the stop-cock closed the tube B is closed with the thumb. The suction fills the bulb to above the end of tube A, when the thumb is removed and the excess runs back into the bottle. Of course, in order to avoid getting the stop-cock stuck the stopper must be removed and the pipet washed out after use. FIG. 3.-AUTOMATIC PIPET FOR COPPER SOLUTION. This pipet is a modification of the usual overflow pipet, and was devised to avoid, first, the loss of solution and, second, the creeping of the copper salts which occurs wherever there is a joint. The pipet holds 25 cc. to the top of tube A. When filling, the excess runs over into the cup, which is kept covered with a watch-glass or beaker, and when 10 or 15 c.c. has accumulated it is run through the side stop-cock into the pipet and so saved. The side-cock is kept closed except when returning the overflow. This pipet is much more rapid than the suction pipet for the alkaline solution, Fig. 2, but the other can be used for any solution, while this cannot be used for alkalies. 6 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. excess of lead from the solution used for polarization with powdered anhydrous sodium carbonate. Powdered sodium oxalate can often be used to advantage if great care is used to avoid an excess. Filter through a 15 cm. ashless filter paper, returning the filtrate until it runs perfectly clear. Test with a small quantity of carbonate, and if any further precipitation occurs, add more of the anhydrous carbonate (or oxalate) and return through the filter. Dilute an aliquot to such a volume that 50 cc. of the diluted solution contains not exceeding 0.25 gram reducing sugar. This amount is best determined approximately by a preliminary test. Place 25 cc. of each of Soxhlet's alkaline and copper solutions in a 400 cc. beaker with 25 cc. distilled water and heat to boiling. Make successive small additions of the undiluted solution from a buret, letting come to a boil after each addition, until all the blue color disappears. The quantity of sugar solution added contains approximately 0.25 gram reducing sugars. Suppose the amount added to be 12 cc.; then 12 cc. contains approximately 0.25 gram reducing sugars. Then the original solution should be diluted so that 50 cc. contains this amount or a little less. The proper dilution in the above case would be 20 cc. to 100 cc. The reduction is made on this dilute solution by the Munson and Walker method, and the result calculated to reducing sugars as invert,sugar. 12. When a polariscope is not available the sucrose may be deter- mined by reduction before and after inversion. In this method the reducing sugars are determined as above by the method suitable under the conditions. Fifty cc. of the deleaded polarization solution are placed in a 400 cc. beaker, and neutralized with acetic acid. Five cc. concentrated hydrochloric acid are added and the whole allowed to stand over night. When ready to make the reduction the next day the solution is neutralized with sodium carbonate, washed into a 100 cc. flask, filled to the mark and thoroughly mixed. The total reducing sugars in this solution are determined as before, the only difference being that the weight of reducing sugars corresponding to the copper sub-oxid is found in the column headed "invert sugar." From the per cent. total reducing sugars as invert found by this second deter- mination, subtract the per cent. reducing sugars first found, and multiply the difference by 0.95, which is the conversion factor from invert sugar to sucrose. The result is the per cent. sucrose by reduc- tion. Example: Reducing sugars before inversion, 7.45%. Reduc- ing sugars after inversion, 28.57%. 28.57 -7.45=21.12. 21.12 X 0.95=20.06% sucrose. . 13. Volumetric Method. The volumetric determination of SUGAR CANE JUICE. 7 reducing sugars is carried out with Violette's solution, exactly as de- scribed under the preparation and standardization of that reagent. The solution is prepared for reduction as described in the previous paragraph. A preliminary test is made on the deleaded solution, add- ing I cc. for the first boiling and boiling only 1 minute. Additions of FIG. 4. SUCTION FILTERING APPARATUS FOR REDUCING SUGAR DETERMINATIONS. The rubber tube is connected with the vacuum pump. The three-way cock serves either to exhaust or admit the air. The filtrate is received in the beaker and is thrown out after each reduction. The rubber packing on the flat surface of the ground-glass plate makes a tight joint. The beaker is kept from being held to the rubber and broken by the vacuum by a section of the rubber, like a cross, 3 inches long being cut out. The side neck is not necessary, though useful in some cases. 1/2 cc. each are continued until the blue color disappears. The sugar solution is then diluted so that 15 to 20 cc. will be required for complete reduction. Thus, if the preliminary test uses 3 cc. of the original sugar solution, this solution should be diluted 6 times, i.e., 10 cc. to The determination is then made on this solution as described. 60 cc. 8 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. If we suppose 15.4 cc. of the dilute solution to be required for complete 0.05 X 60 15.4X10 11 reduction, this 15.4 cc. contains 0.05 gram invert sugar or 0.1937 gram in the 10 cc. of the original solution which was diluted to But this 10 cc. contains 2.6 grams of the juice; so the reducing 0.1937X100 =7.45%. 60 cc. sugars = 2.6 ΙΟ 14. Ash.-The ash in sugar house products is determined by the sulfated ash method. In this method the proper quantity of substance in a shallow platinum dish is saturated with concentrated sulfuric acid, burned to a white ash, cooled, weighed, and 1/10 deducted from the calculated per cent. Ten grams of juice and I cc. concentrated sulfuric acid are placed in a 50 cc. platinum dish, evaporated to sirup on steam bath or in water oven, and gently heated over an open flame until in- tumescence ceases. The dish is then placed in a muffle and the burning completed at low red heat to whiteness, care being taken not to fuse the ash. The dish is cooled and weighed, and the result calculated as above. BAGASSE. 15. Moisture.-Weight 50 to 100 grams of finely broken pieces of bagasse in one of the tared gauze cylinders used for fiber determination on cane, and dry to constant weight. Calculate loss as moisture. 16. Fiber.-Determine as under fiber in cane, ¶ 4. 17. Sucrose.-Determine as under sucrose in sugar cane, ¶ 2. FILTER PRESS CAKE. 18. Moisture.-Dry 5-10 grams to constant weight in water oven. 19. Sucrose.-Weigh out 50 grams, placé in a small mortar and rub to smooth cream with hot water. Wash into a 200 cc. flask, pref- erably a Kohlraush flask, clarify with lead acetate solution and alumina cream, cool, make to volume and polarize. The polariscopic reading is the per cent. sucrose in the press cake. Fifty grams are taken instead of 52 to allow for the insoluble matter in the press cake. Press cake from cane factories using the carbonatation process, and from beet factories, after having been rubbed to cream and cooled, must be treated with carbon dioxid to break up lime-sucrose compounds, then boiled to SUGAR BEET JUICE. 9 expel excess of CO2, then washed into a 200 cc. flask, cooled, clarified, made up and polarized as above. SUGAR BEETS. 20. Sucrose.*-Pellet's Aqueous Method, Hot Digestion. Any good beet rasp or the Warmouth-Hyatt shredder may be used in the preparation of the sample. If the sample is small, i.e., I to 4 beets, especially if the beets are small, the whole sample should be pulped and a sub-sample taken for analysis. If the sample is large, one quarter of each beet should be pulped and a sub-sample taken. For sucrose determination 26 grams are weighed in a sugar dish and washed into a FIG. 5-SUGAR DISH. This style of nickel dish, with its counterpoise, was designed and made in Germany, and is the best thing that has ever been devised for weighing out samples of sugar and sirup. beet flask, 5 to 10 cc. lead sub-acetate solution of 54.3° Brix added, then a few drops of ether to break the foam and water to make about 190 CC. The flask is immersed in a kettle of hot water heated and held at 80° C. for 1/2 hour, adding water as necessary to keep the volume approximately constant. The flask should be shaken with a rotary motion occasionally to assist the escape of air from the pulp. After 30 minutes at 80° C. remove from bath, cool to temperature of polari- scope room, acidify with a few drops of concentrated acetic acid, fill to mark, shake thoroughly and filter, rejecting the first drops of the fil- trate. Polarize in a 400 mm. tube. The polariscope reading is the per cent. sucrose. A beet flask is a Kohlraush flask graduated at 201.2 cc. to compensate for volume of marc or fiber and lead precipitate. 21. Fiber. The fiber is determined exactly as is fiber in sugar cane, ¶ 4. SUGAR BEET JUICE. 22.-The beets are pulped as under ¶ 20, and the juice expressed from the pulp for analysis. Solids.-Determine as under solids in cane juice, ¶ 6. 23. Sucrose.-Determine as under sucrose in cane juice, ¶ 8. * H. Pellet, Neue Zts. Rubenzuckerind., 19, 375, (1887). ΤΟ METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. If the beets are immature or have been siloed or frozen, or if the fil- tered juice is allowed to stand for a considerable time before polarizing, it is very apt to darken so that it cannot be polarized. In this case, add a little powdered sodium chlorid and refilter. If there is not enough lead to cause a good precipitate with the sodium chlorid, add a little dry sub-acetate. Sub-acetate of lead of 54.3° Brix should be used for clarification in order to remove optically active non-sugars which may be present. 24. Reducing Sugars.-Beet juices seldom contain reducing sugars. If desired to test for their presence, 50 cc. of the deleaded solution for polarization may be boiled with 50 cc. of the mixed Soxh- let's solution, and if any reduction takes place, the quantity is deter- mined as under reducing sugar in cane juice, ¶ II. 25. Ash.-Determine as under ash in cane juice, ¶ 14. 26. Purity.-Determine as under cane juice, ¶ 10. MASSECUITE. 27. Solids. Apparent degree Brix. In factory practice it is cus- tomary to express the solids in massecuite and molasses in degree Brix. This gives only the apparent solids, as the inorganic substances present have a higher specific gravity in solution than the sugars, and thus make the solids appear higher than they really are. This error in some cases may amount to several per cent. For the determination of the ap- parent degree Brix a weighed quantity of the massecuite is dissolved in an equal weight of distilled water and the degree Brix determined and corrected as under juice, ¶ 6. This figure multiplied by 2 gives the apparent degree Brix. The true per cent. solids is determined by drying on sand in vacuo at 70° C. The moisture dish is half filled with fine quartz sand or finely broken pumice stone and dried and weighed, including in the weight a small stirring rod just long enough not to fall inside the dish. Approximately 2 grams of the sample are weighed into the dish, 5 to 10 cc. water added, and the whole stirred until the massecuite is all dis- solved and thoroughly distributed through the sand. The dish is then placed in a boiling water oven, remaining until most of the water has evaporated, leaving a pasty mass. This is stirred up with the rod, allowed to cool, and is then placed in the vacuum oven and dried to constant weight, or until there is a slight gain, at 70° C. The per cent. loss is calculated as moisture, the difference being the per cent. solids. See also Stanek's method, page 38. MOLASSES. II 28. Ash.-Approximately 5 grams of the sample are weighed into a platinum dish and the ash determined as under juice, ¶ 14. Use about 1/2 cc. sulfuric acid. 29. Sucrose. Twenty-six grams of the sample are carefully weighed out in the sugar dish, washed into a 100 cc. flask with hot water, thoroughly dissolved by shaking, cooled, and clarified with a satu- rated solution of neutral lead acetate. The contents of the flask are then brought to the temperature of the polariscope, made to volume, filtered, and polarized. The reading is the apparent per cent. sucrose. The true per cent. sucrose is determined by the Clerget method. The polarization solution is freed from lead by the use of anhydrous sodium carbonate as for reducing sugars, T II. Fifty cc. of the lead- free solution are placed in a 250 cc. beaker with a piece of neutral litmus paper and acetic acid added until the solution is acid. Five cc. concentrated hydrochloric acid are then added and the solution al- lowed to stand over night at room temperature. In the morning it is washed into a 100 cc. flask, made to volume and polarized. This reading, which is negative, is multipled by 2, the result being the in- vert polarization of the sample. From the direct and invert readings (a - b) 100 the sucrose is calculated by the formula 142.66- t 2 , a being the direct polarization, b the invert, negative, polarization; and t the observed temperature at which the readings were made, which should be the same for both. If a reduction is to be made on the invert solution, it should be neutralized before washing into the flask and making to volume; and in this case the formula becomes (a - b) 100 t 141.7- 2 MOLASSES. 30. Solids. The apparent degree Brix can be determined approxi- mately by the use of the Brix spindle, but on account of the density and viscosity of the molasses this method is unsatisfactory and the method of half dilution as under solids in massecuite, ¶ 27, is to be pre- ferred. The true solids are determined as in massecuite in the same paragraph. A much more rapid method, which has been found to be very satisfactory in a long series of comparisons is that by the use of the Abbé refractometer.* The table, page 41, reads the per cent. solids *Geerligs, Intern. Sugar J., 10, 69. 12 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. directly from the index of refraction. As Geerligs' Table is for 28° C., the table of temperature corrections must be used, subtracting the cor- rection if below 28° and adding if above. The table of Main* gives the per cent. solids without having to correct, but it is only for 20° C., so is not so generally applicable. 31. Ash.-Determine as under massecuite, ¶ 28. 32. Sucrose. Determine as under massecuite, ¶ 29. Unfortu- nately many samples of molasses are too dark to polarize without con- siderable dilution, which of course multiplies the errors of reading. When the solution is too dark to polarize it is preferable to determine by reduction before and after inversion. Moreover, the large amount of non-saccharine matter present in molasses renders the Clerget determination of sucrose more or less inaccurate, being sometimes as much as 3% out of the way. If there is reason to expect adulteration with commercial glucose or starch sirup, the invert solution should be polarized at 87° C. in a jacketed silver tube. A plus polarization exceeding 3° is indication of glucose, and if over 6° is positive proof of its presence. The per cent. glucose is calculated as follows: Multiply the observed reading by 1.0315 to correct for expansion by heating, and calculate to reading on original solution. Divide the result by 1.63, and express quotient as per cent. glucose. This result is only approximate, but is within 2% or 3% of the true amount. 33. Reducing Sugars.-Determine as under reducing sugars in cane juices, ¶ II. On account of the many non-sugar impurities, especially in final molasses, the copper sub-oxid precipitate is often contaminated by the precipitation of other substances. When this is suspected to have occurred, as is readily observable by the appear- ance of yellowish and greenish colors during reduction, and a notice- able change in the color of the precipitate after drying, the amount of copper in the precipitate should be determined by Low's method,† page 50, and the amount of reducing sugars found in the table corre- sponding to this amount of copper instead of copper sub-oxid. 34. Purity. As under cane juice, ¶ 10. RAW SUGAR. 35. Moisture.-Dry 2 grams for 2 hours in boiling water oven. See also the method of Stanek, page 38, for method of moisture deter- mination in sugars by means of immersion refractometer. * Main, Intern Sugar J., 9, 481. † J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 24, 1082, (1902). REFINERS SIRUP. 13 36. Ash.-Ash 5 grams as under massecuite, ¶ 28. 37. Sucrose. As under massecuite, 29. As the amount of precipitable matter is small in raw sugars of high purity, the addition of a few cc. of alumina cream before making to volume will assist in obtaining a bright filtrate. If the temperature of polarization varies from 20° C,, the true polarization on sugars polarizing over 90° should be obtained by the use of Wiley's correction factor. This correction is 0.03° Ventzke (polariscope scale) for each degree centigrade on a pure sugar solution polarizing 100° V.; and is not applicable where the reducing sugars exceed 3%, as differences in temperature affect the reducing sugars more strongly than sucrose. The correction is applied by adding 0.03 to the polariscope reading for each degree centigrade above the standard temperature for the polarization proportionately to the amount of sucrose present. For example, a solution polarizes 95° at 30° C. If the standard temperature for the instrument is 20°, 30° -20°-10 and 0.03 X10 =0.3° V. correction for a reading of 100°; therefore for a reading of 95° the correction is 0.95 X 0.3° = 0.285 or approximately 0.3°, and the per cent. of sucrose is 95.3. = 38. Reducing Sugars.-As under cane juice, ¶ II. 39. Raffinose. If in examining a beet sugar, the direct polariza- tion is more than 1% higher than the sucrose by Clerget, raffinose is probably present, and the sucrose and raffinose should be calculated by the formula of Creydt, modified by Hertzfeldt: S=0.5124 0.5124 P-I P-S 0.839 - R= 1.85 P = Direct reading. I = Invert reading. S=Per cent. sucrose. R=Per cent. raffinose. REFINED SUGAR. 40. Sucrose. As under raw sugar, ¶ 37. 41. Ash. As under massecuite, ¶ 28. REFINERS SIRUP. 42. Refiners sirup in its crude state is the final product of the sugar refinery, from which all the sucrose possible has been crystalized. When it is to be put on the market for mixing purposes, it is passed through a partially exhausted char filter, and concentrated to the de- 14 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. sired density. It has practically the same chemical characteristics as final sugar-house molasses, and the same determinations are made on it as on molasses. It is distinguished from molasses by three charac- teristics. (1) When viewed by reflected light it is fluorescent like mineral oils. (2) It has a flavor or taste entirely distinctive and unlike any other natural sirup or molasses. This is familiar to the public, as refiners sirup is much used to flavor commercial glucose sirups. (3) The Winton lead number (see maple sirup) is markedly less than that of cane sirup or molasses. Cane sirup and the various grades of cane molasses have a lead number of above 3.00, while refiners sirup has a lead number less than 2.00. CANE SIRUP. 43.-Cane sirup is the clarified juice of the sugar cane which has been concentrated to a water content of not exceeding 30%, without the removal by crystalization of any of its sucrose. The same deter- minations are made on it as upon molasses. Cane sirup is divided into two primary classes according to its method of manufacture, open kettle sirup and vacuum sirup, which names are sufficiently indicative. Open kettle sirup is classified according to the method of clarification used. In those of the Southern States which do not produce sugar, but only sirup, the clarification is by heat alone, the scums formed during the heating and boiling being removed by hand skimming. In Louisi- ana the cane juice is limed and sometimes treated with sulfur dioxid fumes to produce a more complete clarification than heat alone will bring about under ordinary conditions; and a noticeable change in flavor takes place. Also less invert sugar is formed during the boiling. SORGHUM SIRUP. 44.-Sorghum sirup is produced from the juice of the sorghum cane as cane sirup from sugar cane, and like cane sirup, is made by both open kettle and vacuum processes. The clarification in both is by heat alone or by lime and heat. Sulfur is rarely or never used. Sorghum sirup is distinguished from cane sirup (1) by its distinctive taste; (2) by its greatly increased reducing sugar content; (3) by its high ash. Also, sorghum sirup is rarely or never bright and transparent, while good cane sirup usually is; and sorghum sirup is usually darker in color than cane sirup. The same determinations are made on sorghum sirup as on molasses. MAPLE SIRUP. 15 MAPLE SIRUP. 45.-Maple sirup is the sap of the suger maple tree concentrated to a water content of not more than 35% without the removal by crystalli- zation of any of its sucrose. Its value lies in its exquisite flavor; and the great demand on this account together with the high cost of produc- tion, due to the extreme dilution of the sap, which rarely exceeds 3% of sugar, causes its high price in the market, and so incites to many at- tempts at adulteration. It is with the view of detecting this adultera- tion that maple sirup and sugar have been especially studied, and while much remains to be learned, the determinations here given are those which thus far have been most carefully worked out, and which give in- formation in the grosser and more common forms of adulteration. 46. Solids. As under molasses (a) by refractometer, (b) by drying. Should exceed 65%. 47. Total ash.-Approximately 5 grams are carefully weighed in a platinum dish, 2 to 3 drops of oil added to prevent excessive foaming, and the sirup is charred over a small open flame. The dish is then placed in a muffle, preferably electric, and all the carbon burned off at a low red heat. The muffle should not be tightly closed as a slight cir- culation of air aids in burning off the carbon, which, especially in adul- terated sirups, is very resistant. Cool, weigh and calculate as total ash. It should exceed 0.5%. The ash of many maple sirups has a greenish tinge, sometimes extremely marked, due to traces of manga- nese. Where the color is very marked, upon adding water the color changes to purple. 48. Insoluble ash.-To the total ash in the platinum dish 10 to 20 cc. distilled water are added and brought to a boil. This water is then poured on a 9 cm. ashless filter and the dish and paper washed with hot water till the washings amount to 75-100 CC. The paper is then folded and burnt in the dish with great care until the last spark dis- appears, allowed to cool, covering with a watch glass meanwhile, moist- ened with a few drops of 5% solution Na,Co,, dried in water oven and again ignited over gas burner, cooled and weighed. Calculate the re- sult as per cent. insoluble ash. It should exceed 0.15%. The mois- tening, drying, and reignition are for the purpose of binding the ash to the dish, as it is so extremely light that some of it is very likely to be lost unless this precaution is taken. Save the washings. 49. Soluble ash.-By difference. The soluble ash is nearly always greater than the insoluble, and in pure sirup is very apt to be about 2/3 the total ash. 16 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. ΙΟ 50. Alkalinity of the soluble ash.-To the washings from the insoluble ash add 1-2 drops methyl orange, and titrate with n/10 HCl. Express the result as cc. n/10 HCl. Also calculate the result on I gram soluble ash, in order to compare alkalinity of ash of sirups having different content of ash, i.e., suppose a sirup to have a total ash of 0.6% and a soluble ash of 0.4%. The weight of the total ash from 5 grams sirup is then 0.0300 gram, and the weight of the soluble ash is 0.0200 gram. If this soluble ash requires 2 cc. n/10 HCl to neutralize it, the alkalinity of the soluble ash would be 2.00; and the alkalinity of I gram soluble ash 2.00 divided by 0.0200 = 100.0. This value is used in comparing sirups having different ash content, since the ash of adulterants is of different quality from maple sirup ash. 51. Alkalinity of insoluble ash.-After weighing the insoluble ash add 10 cc. n/10 HCl and heat just to boiling. Add 1-2 drops methyl orange, and titrate excess of acid with n/10 NaOH. The difference between the 10 cc. n/10 HCl and the number of cc. n/10 NaOH used is the alkalinity of the insoluble ash, and is so expressed. Also calculate this to alkalinity of 1 gram insoluble ash as under soluble ash. This should be above 200. 52. Sucrose.-Determine by the Clerget method, polarization before and after inversion, as in T 29. The use of lead acetate solution for clarification is not necessary in light colored sirups, but 5 cc. alumina cream should be used to ensure a bright solution. If the sirup is dark use lead acetate solution, and if necessary dilute until a good reading can be obtained; but this last is only rarely required. 53. Reducing sugars.-Determine as under cane juice, ¶ 11, on a portion of the polarization solution or on a separate sample of 10 to 25 grams in 100 cc. Always clarify, filter and remove the excess of lead before testing and diluting for reduction. 54. Winton's lead number.*-This determination and that of ash are the most valuable indications of the purity of a maple sirup. Weigh out 25 grams of the sample, wash into a 100 cc. flask, add 25 cc. Winton's lead sub-acetate, shake well, and let stand 1 to 3 hours. Make to volume, shake and filter, rejecting the first drops of filtrate. Place 10 cc. of the filtrate in a 250 cc. beaker, add 40 cc. distilled water and 10 drops concentrated sulfuric acid, mix thoroughly, add 100 cc. 95% alcohol and let stand over night. Prepare a blank with 25 cc. of the sub-acetate and distilled water, acidifying with acetic acid to prevent formation of carbonate, fill to mark and shake thoroughly. Take 10 cc. of this solution and add water, sulfuric acid and alcohol as * J. Am. Chem. Soc., 28, 1204. MAPLE SIRUP. 17 4 to filtrate from sirup and let stand likewise. Prepare Gooch crucibles as for reducing sugar determinations, heat to low redness in muffle, cool and weigh. Filter the precipitated PbSO, in these crucibles, wash- ing with 95% alcohol, being careful to remove adhering precipitate from beaker with a policeman. Dry in water oven, heat to low red- ness in muffle, cool and weigh. Subtract the weight of precipitate of the sirup from the weight of precipitate from the blank and multi- ply the difference by 27.32, the factor for lead precipitated per cent. sirup. The result is the Winton lead number. Example: A sample of sirup gives a PbSO, precipitate weighing o.1125 grams. The pre- cipitate from the blank weighed 0.1746 grams. 0.1746-0.1125= 0.0621. 0.0621 X27.32=2.17 = lead number. The lowest lead number for a pure sirup of 65% solid content is 1.20. The maximum is above 3.00, with an average of about 1.80. 55. Malic Acid Value.-This is a confirmatory test nearly equal in value to the preceding. Modified A.O.A.C.* method.-Weigh 6.7 grams of the sample in a sugar dish and transfer to a 250 cc. breaker with 15 cc. water. Add 2 drops NH OH (sp. gr. 0.90); shake, add 1 cc. of a 10% solution of CaCl 2, then 60 cc. 95% alcohol; cover with a watch glass and heat on steam bath for 1/2 hour. Allow to stand on steam bath over night with steam turned off. Filter the material through good filter-paper and wash the precipitate with 75% alcohol until the filtrate measures 100 cc., dry and ignite. Add from 5 to 10 cc. n/10 HCl to the ignited residue, thor- oughly dissolve the lime by heating carefully to just below the boiling point; cool, and titrate the excess of acid with n/10 NaOH, using methyl orange as an indicator. One-tenth of the number of cc. of acid neutral- ized by the ignited residue expresses the malic acid value. Run blanks with each set of determinations, using the same amount of reagents, NH,OH, acid, etc., and subtract the result on the blank from the malic acid value obtained. 56. In order to compare samples of varying water content, it is best to calculate all results to the water free basis. The following are the results on 395 samples of sirup from the maple producing regions of the United States calculated to water free basis. Total ash. Soluble ash. Insoluble ash. Malic acid Lead no. Maximum... 1.68 I.23 Minimum.. 0.68 0.35 Average... I.02 0.64 value. Ι.ΟΙ 4.41 1.60 0.23 1.76 · 0.29 0.38 2.72 0.85 *Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 2 18 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. MAPLE SUGAR. 57. On account of the difficulty of getting uniform samples of maple sugar for the various determination, it is best to make a sirup by dissolving the sugar in boiling water and making the same determinations on this sirup as on maple sirup presented as such. About 200 grams of the sugar are placed in an 800 cc. beaker with sufficient water to cover it, placed over a gas burner and heated care- fully to boiling. The sugar dissolves readily, and the solution is boiled. until a thermometer placed in it just clear of the bottom reads 104° C. The resulting sirup is allowed to stand over night and is then strained through a heavy cotton cloth. The cold, strained sirup should contain about 35% water. The same determinations are made on it as on maple sirup bought as such, and the same constants apply. If it is desired to determine the water content of the sugar itself, the method of Stanek for raw sugars, page 38, gives excellent results. HONEY. 58. The methods for the examination of honeys here given are those of the A.O.A.C. as developed by Dr. C. A. Browne, and published in Bulletin 110 of the Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. The only differences are the substitution of the Munson and Walker method for reducing sugars for the Allihn method; and the addition of Fiehe's test for commercial invert sugar, which has been de- veloped since the bulletin was written. If the honey is solid it should be liquefied by heating on steam bath until the sugar are dissolved. Most honeys thus liquefied will remain in this state for some time, but occasionally one begins to crystallize again as soon as cold. Such a sample must be weighed out while still warm. OPTICAL METHODS. 59. Direct Polarization. For the direct polarization of honey, the normal weight, 26 grams, of the liquefied sample is dissolved to 100 metric cc. at 20° C. after the addition of 5 cc. alumina cream. The solu- tion is filtered and immediately polarized in a 200 mm. tube at 20° C. The same solution is again polarized after 18 or 20 hours standing, the second reading being taken as the constant polarization of the honey. The difference between the two polarizations is taken as the bi-rotation. After taking the constant reading at 20° C. the solution is brought to a temperature of 87° C. and again polarized. The temperature in the jacketed silver tube is maintained by a regulated current of hot water HONEY. 19 and constant reading can usually be secured within 5 minutes. The field is never so clearly marked at 87° C. as at 20° C. on account of slight striations produced in the heated liquid, hence readings cannot be made with the same degree of accuracy as at the lower temperature. Nevertheless, consecutive readings can usually be obtained agreeing within 0.1° or 0.2°. 60. Invert polarization. Fifty cc. of the solution for the direct polarization, with 5 cc. concentrated HCl, are placed in a 400 cc. beaker covered with a watch glass, and allowed to stand at room temperature over night. In the morning the solution is neutralized and washed into a 100 cc. flask, filled to mark at 20° C., and thoroughly shaken. It is then polarized in a jacketed silver tube at 20° and at '87° C. The read- ings are doubled to correct for dilution, and these values are entered as the invert polarizations at 20° and 87° C. respectively. 61. Calculation of Levulose.-Inasmuch as the variations in polarizations at different temperatures are due almost entirely to the change in the specific rotation of levulose, it is possible to calculate with a fair degree of approximation the levulose content of any saccha- rine solution. Wiley's* optical method for estimating levulose is based upon this principle. In the method as described by Wiley, it is shown that I gram levulose in 100 cc. shows a variation of 0.0357° V. for each degree centigrade; the variation for 67° C. would therefore be 2.3919. The difference in the direct polarization of the honey at 20° and 87° C. divided by 2.3919 will give, therefore, the grams of levulose in a normal weight of honey; from this the per cent. of levulose may be obtained easily. The above method of calculation, however, only holds for solu- tions which have been made up at 20° and 87° C. The polarization at 87° C. being made on solutions prepared at 20° C. must be corrected for the dilution due to the expansion of the liquid. One hundred cc. of water at 20° C. will expand to 103.15 cc. at 87° C.; the polarization at 87° C. must, therefore, be multiplied by 1.0315 to obtain the reading corrected for this expansion. CHEMICAL METHODS. 62. Moisture. For the determination of moisture in honeys 2 grams of the sample are weighed out in a flat-bottomed aluminum dish 2-1/2 inches in diameter, containing 10 to 15 grams fine quartz sand which has been thoroughly washed and ignited. A small glass stir- ring rod is weighed with the dish and sand, and after the addition of *Wiley, Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis, iii, 267, (1897). 20 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. the honey the latter is dissolved in 5 to 10 cc. of distilled water and thor- oughly incorporated with the sand by stirring with the rod. The dish is then placed in a vacuum oven and dried at 65° to 70°C., under 20 to 24 inches vacuum to constant weight. The average length of time re- quired for drying samples of honey is about 18 hours; with honeys of high purity, such as those of the clover and alfalfa types, 12 hours drying or even less is sufficient, while with low grade honeys of the honey dew class, which are high in dextrins and gums, 36 hours or longer are re- quired to secure constancy in weight. 63. Invert Sugar.-Ten cc. of the solution used for the direct po- larization, 26 grams to 100 cc., are made up to 500 cc. and the reducing sugars as invert sugar determined by Munson and Walker's method. The reducing sugars as dextrose are also found from the proper column in the table, or they may be calculated by dividing the figure for invert sugar by factor 1.044. 64. Calculation of Dextrose.*-The per cent. of levulose sub- tracted from the total reducing sugars as invert will give very closely the per cent. of dextrose if these two sugars are present in nearly equal amounts. If the two sugars differ widely in per cent. an errort is in- troduced into the calculation of invert sugar and hence into the per cent. of dextrose. It is therefore most accurate to reduce the levulose to its dextrose equivalent in copper reducing power by multiplying by the factor 0.915. This subtracted from the total reducing sugar as dex- trose will give the true per cent. of dextrose. 65. Sucrose. On account of the various errors involved in the estimation of sucrose in honeys by the Clerget method of double polari- zation, such as the difference in specific rotation of levulose in neutral and acid solution, the sucrose is determined by the gravimetric method. Ten cc. of the solution used for invert polarization are made up to 250 cc. after neutralizing the free acid with Na, CO,, and the invert sugar deter- mined as before. The difference between the per cent. of invert sugar as found before and after inversion multiplied by 0.95 gives the per cent. of sucrose. 66. Ash.-Five grams of honey, to which have been added a drop or two of vegetable oil, are carefully heated in a platinum dish until in- tumescence ceases, and then ignited at low redness until a white ash is obtained. With impure honeys of the honey-dew class, which are usually high in ash content, it is sometimes necessary first to carbonize the honey and wash out the soluble salts with hot water; this solution is * Browne, Analysis of Sugar Mixtures, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 28, 446, (1906). † von Lippmann, Chemie der Zuckerarten, i, 898. HONEY. 21 added to the ash from the leached char and the whole evaporated and ignited at low redness as before. 67. Dextrin.-Eight grams of honey are transferred to a 100 CC. flask with 4 cc. of water and sufficient absolute alcohol to complete to the mark. A little care is required to affect the complete removal of the honey from the weighing dish without using more than 4 cc. of water. The transference is best made by decanting as much as possible of the liquefied honey into the flask, then adding 2 cc. of water to the dish to take up any adhering honey and again decanting. By using 1 cc. more of the water in two successive washings and adding a few cc. of the abso- lute alcohol each time before decanting, the honey can be completely transferred without the necessity of using more than the 4 cc. Abso- lute alcohol is used finally to rinse out the dish and is then added to the flask with continual agitation until the volume is completed to 100 cc. After shaking thoroughly the flask is allowed to stand until the dextrin has settled out on the sides and bottom of the flask and the supernatant liquid has become perfectly clear, usually in 24 hours. The clear solu- tion is then decanted through a filter and the precipitated residue washed with 10 cc. of cold 95% alcohol to remove adhering liquid, the washings being also poured through the filter. The residue adhering to the flask and the particles which may have been caught on the filter are dissolved in a little boiling distilled water and washed into a weighed platinum dish. The contents of the latter are then evaporated and dried in a water oven to constant weight. Should the amount of precipitate be considerable, it is necessary to dry on sand in vacuo at 70° C. After determining the weight of the dried alcohol precipitate, the latter is redissolved in water and made to a definite volume. The following dilutions are employed in making up solutions: Weight of precipitate, grams. 0.00 to 0.5 0.5 to 1.0 1.0 to 1.5 1.5 to 2.5 Volume, C.C. 100 200 300 500 The sugars are then determined in aliquots from the filtered solution of the alcohol precipitate both before and after inversion. The total precipitate less invert sugar and sucrose gives per cent. dextrin. With honey-dew honey giving a large amount of alcohol precipitate it is found best to take only 4 grams of honey for analysis; in other respects the method of procedure is the same. 22 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. While this method of estimating dextrin in honey gives much more accurate results than the direct weighing of the alcohol precipitate, it cannot be said to give the true dextrin content of the honey, although it is believed that the figures obtained are a close approximation. A small amount of dextrin always escapes precipitation with alcohol; furthermore, no account is taken of the other ingredients which may be occluded in the alcohol precipitate other than the sugars, and no cor- rection is made for the copper reducing power of the honey dextrin it- self. This latter factor, though apparently very small, might prove to be of some importance if much dextrin were present. Notwithstand- ing these limitations, however, the per cent. of dextrin as determined by the method described has been found to have a decided value, espe- cially when it is wished to compare honeys of different origins. 68. Undetermined Matter. The undetermined matter of honey (wax particles, pollen grains, higher alcohols, tannins, essential oils, combined acids, etc.) is estimated by difference. 69. Free Acid. The free acid in honey, expressed as formic acid, is determined by titrating a weighed portion of the sample, after solu- tion in distilled water, with n/10 NaOH, using phenol phthalein as in- dicator. It is customary to express the free acid in honey as formic, although other acids may, no doubt, be present. In soured or fer- mented honeys acetic acid is always formed. 70. Commercial Glucose. Starch sirup resembles liquefied honey in color and consistency, so that the appearance of a sample does not indicate adulteration. It is largely used to improve the appearance of low grade dark colored honeys, and also to modify the taste of the more rank and strongly flavored natural honeys. It is also used for prevent- ing granulation, the addition of only a small amount of glucose checking the crystallization of the honey permanently. One of the quickest and simplest methods of detecting commercial glucose on honey is the test for erythro or amylo-dextrin with-iodin proposed by Beckmann.* A solution of the suspected honey in water (1:1) is prepared and treated with a few cc. of iodin solution. If glucose be present the solution turns red or violet. The depth and character of the color depending upon the quantity and nature of the glucose employed for adulteration. A blank test with a pure honey using the same quantity of iodin solution should be made at the same time for the purpose of securing an accurate comparison of color. Beckmann has made this test even more sensi- tive when only very small amounts are present by first precipitating the *Zts. Anal. Chem., 35, 267, (1896). HONEY. 23 dextrin of the honey with alcobol and applying the iodin test to a solu- tion of this precipitate in a small amount of water. On account of the extreme the quantitative determination ariations in the composition of honeys of commercial glucose is at best very unsatisfactory; and no method has as yet been devised which can be depended upon to give results within several per cent. of the truth, so far from it, in fact, that it is not thought desirable to attempt to give any method so apt to be misleading. 71. Grape Sugar or Commercial Dextrose. There is no abso- lute method for the estimation of added grape sugar; yet the addition of this may often be inferred with a fair degree of certainty. If the dif- ference in the invert polarization of a honey at 20° and 87° C. falls below 20, and the per cent. of reducing sugars is normal and no reaction for amylo- or erythro-dextrin is obtained with iodin, then commercial dex- trose has, in all probability, been added. 72. Invert Sugar.-Commercial invert sugar is becoming a common adulterant of honey and as its sugars are identical with the principal sugars in honey, its detection is very difficult, and becomes possible only in so far as the non-sugars of the honey are modified by the addition of substances added to the invert sugar or produced in the processes of its manufacture. In the Hertzfeld and similar processes of making invert sugar, a small amount of furfural is produced, and a red or pink color is produced by the reaction of this substance with aniline acetate. The method employed in applying this test is as follows: (a) Preparation of Reagent. This should be freshly pre- pared each time before using. Five cc. of chemically pure anilin are shaken up with 5 cc. water and sufficient glacial acetic acid added (2 cc.) to just clear the emulsion. (b) Execution of test:-Five cc. of a concentrated solution of honey (1:1) are treated in a test tube with one or two cc. of the aniline reagent. The latter is allowed to flow down the walls of the tube so as to form a layer upon the honey solution. If the tube is gently agitated a red ring forms beneath the anilin solution, this color becoming gradually imparted to the whole layer, artificial invert sugar is present. 73. Fiehe's Test.-Another, later, and in some respects better, test is that developed by Fiehe.* Ten cc. of 1:1 honey solution is well shaken in a test tube with 5 cc. of ether, and the solutions allowed to separate. The ether solution is poured off into another tube and a few drops of a solution of 1 gram resorcinol in 100 grams HCl, sp. gr. 1.19, added. In the presence of the decomposition products of the manu- *Zts. Unter. Nahr. u. Genussm., 16, 75. 24 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. facture of invert sugar by heat and inversion an orange color appears, which quickly changes to a dark red and then to a red-brown color. 74. Neither of the above tests develop the characteristic color with pure honey, even if it has been heated to a temperature below 100° C. for several hours; but if it has actually been heated to boiling, about 107° C., the color reactions appear. However, it is of rare occurrence to find a honey which has been boiled, and when such a thing happens it is readily distinguished, since a honey so treated loses all its char- acteristic honey odor and flavor. COMMERCIAL GLUCOSE OR STARCH SIRUP. 75. Commercial glucose or starch sirup is made by the incomplete hydrolysis of starch by dilute mineral acids under pressure. The determinations usually made are: Polarization. Thirteen grams in 100 cc. polarized at 20° C. No clarification is necessary for higher grades; for low grade and dark colored glucose, clarify with 2 to 5 cc. of lead acetate and 5 cc. alumina cream. Polarization calculated to normal weight varies from 150° to 175°. 76. Reducing Sugars as Dextrose.-By Munson and Walker's method for reducing sugars. See also reducing sugars under cane juice, 11. Usually 25% to 35% dextrose is present. 77. Ash.-Ash 10 grams with a few drops of oil as under maple sirup, ¶47. Ash varies from 0.05% to 0.2%. 78. Dextrin.-The dextrin may be determined as under dextrin in honey, 67, using 4 grains material. DEXTRIN (BRITISH GUM). 79. Dextrin is manufactured by heating starch to 212° or 275° C. In order to get a dextrin which shall always be uniform and work the same, the following determinations have been established by some of the largest users. Moisture. Dry approximately 5 grams, accurately weighed, for 5 hours at 105° C. (see page 25). Cool in dessicator, weigh and cal- culate loss as moisture. 80. Ash.-Char 5 grams of the sample, to which have been added 2 to 5 drops vegetable oil, in a platinum dish of 100 cc. capacity over an open gas flame, and when intumescence ceases remove to muffle and ash completely. Calculate residue as per cent. ash. If the sample is slow to burn down, remove the dish from muffle, cool, leach the char DEXTRIN, 25 with hot water and burn; add to the ash the leachings, evaporate to dryness, ignite and weigh as ash. 81. Hot Water Insoluble.-Weigh 10 grams in the sugar dish FIG. 6.-DOUBLE-WALLED DRYING OVEN FOR 105° C., OR ANY TEMPERATURE OTHER THAN THAT OF BOILING WATER. The lower ball is two-thirds filled with toluene or any other liquid having the boiling point desired. The gas burner vaporizes the liquid, thus heating the oven. The vapor is condensed by the ball condenser above and returns to the lower ball to be used again. and dissolve in water with the aid of a stirring rod. Wash into a 100 CC. flask and fill to mark. Filter through a tared Gooch crucible, wash with 100-200 cc. hot water, dry and weigh. Calculate increase as hot water insoluble. 26 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 82. Organic Insoluble.-Burn off all organic matter from the residue in the Gooch used for hot water insoluble, cool and weigh. Calculate loss in weight as organic insoluble. 83. Polarization.-Weigh 10 grams in the sugar dish, dissolve in cold water, wash into a 100 cc. flask, add 5 cc. alumina cream and make to volume at 20° C. Filter and polarize. 84. Dextrose.-Determine reducing sugar as dextrose in solution for polarization by the Munson and Walker method. 85. Specific Rotation.-Subtract from the polariscope reading the reading due to the dextrose in 10 grams to 100 cc. One per cent. dextrose in a solution of 26 grams to 100 cc. polarizes 0.8° V. There- fore in a 10 gram to 100 cc. solution, the polarization will be 10/26 of 0.8° =0.30°. This is not absolutely true, as the specific rotation of dextrose decreases with the dilution, but it is true for the small amount of dextrose involved. Calculate the specific rotation of the dextrin by a×66.5,, in which a = 26X pol. dextrin the formula and 66.5=specific 100 ΙΟ rotation of sucrose. Example:-The polarization of a sample of dextrin is 105° and the dextrose content of the sample is 3.50%. 3.5% dextrose in a 10 gram to 100 cc. solution polarizes 1.05°. 105° -1.05° = 103.95°. 103.95 X 26 270.27 X 66.5 ΙΟΟ IO = =270.27=a. =179.73 = specific rotation. 86. Viscosity of Cold Water' Solution. Fifty grams of the sample are weighed out in the sugar dish and placed in a porcelain mortar, 50 cc. cold distilled water added and the dextrin dissolved by working with the pestle. When most of the dextrin is dissolved, the solution is poured into a 250 cc. beaker and 25 cc. water added to the mortar and solution is completed. This is added to the solution in the beaker; and 25 cc. more water used to rinse mortar and wash pestle clean. This is also added to solution in beaker which is then thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand 1 hour. At the end of that time the viscosity is determined in a flow viscosimeter having an orifice 1/8" in diameter. The viscosimeter shown (Fig. 8) is made by cementing a 100 cc. cylinder, from which the base has been cut, into a brass base turned inside to a cone of 60°. The instrument is standardized by filling to the top with distilled water, keeping the finger over the orifice. With a stop watch the time of out-flow is taken, beginning when the meniscus passes the 100 cc. mark, and ending when it passes the DEXTRIN. 27 50 cc. mark. This is usually about 5 seconds for a column of the height and diameter shown. The instru- ment is dried and the time taken in like manner on the dextrin solution. This varies between 15 and 21 seconds. The viscosity is expressed as the quo- tient of the time of outflow of the dex- trin solution divided by the time of. outflow of the distilled water, both at 20° C., multiplied by 100. Example: -The time of outflow for water is 5 seconds, and for a sample of dextrin 19.4 seconds. 19.4 X 100 5 =388=viscosity. The Of course any type of flow viscosim- eter having a sufficiently large orifice can be used in like manner. viscosity determination is repeated on the same solution at the end of 24 hours and 48 hours. It should not change markedly. - 87. Viscosity of Hot Water Solution. Fifty grams of the sample are weighed into a tared 250 cc. beaker provided with a short stirring rod, 100 cc. water added, the beaker covered with a watch glass and placed The ii WATER JACKET. The bottom of the viscosimeter inside is a cone of an angle of 60°. The water jacket can be kept filled with water of any desired temperature at which sam- ples are to be examined. Keeping a on the steam bath where it is heated FIG 7.-FLOW VISCOSIMETER WITH until the dextrin is all dissolved. beaker and contents are again weighed and water added to make up for the loss. The solution is thoroughly mixed and cooled, and the viscosity determined as on the cold water solu- tion, immediately, after 24 hours, and after 48 hours. The viscosity should not vary much from that of the cold water solution, nor should it increase much in 24 and 48 hours. finger over the outlet, the inner cylin- der is filled with the sample nearly to ness, the finger is removed and when the the top. With a stop watch in readi- meniscus passes the 100 mark, the watch is snapped. When it passes the 50 mark the watch is stopped. The time elapsed divided by the time for a standard solution, water for example, is the measure of the viscosity of the sample. 28 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. STARCH. 88. Determination of starch in cattle feeds, roots and other starchy materials. (a) Preparation of malt extract, and correction for its use in starch determinations. Digest 10 grams of fresh, finely ground malt 2 hours at room temperature with 200 cc. water and filter. In each of 2 flasks place 50 cc. water. To each add 20 cc. of the malt extract, heat 1 hour at 55° C. Heat to boiling and cool to 55° C. Add 20 cc. more of the malt extract and heat at this temperature for I hour. Bring to boiling, cool and make up to 500 cc. and filter. Place 200 cc. of the filtrate in a flask with 20 cc. of HCl of 1.125 sp. gr.; connect with an air condenser and heat in boiling water bath for 2-1/2 hours. Cool, neutralize with Na,CO, and make up to Mix thoroughly, pour through a dry filter and determine dextrose in 50 cc. by the Munson and Walker method. The average of these 2 dextrose determinations is to be deducted from the total dextrose as found from the starch in the samples under examination. This treatment is to be carried on simultaneously with the determina- tion on the samples themselves. 250 CC. I 89. (b) Determination.-Extract from 1 to 6 grams of the very finely ground material on an asbestos felt with 5 successive portions of IO cc. of ether. Wash with 150 cc. of 10% alcohol and then with a little strong alcohol. Place the residue in an 800 cc. flask with 50 cc. water. Immerse the flask in a boiling water bath and stir constantly for 15 minutes or until the starch is gelatinized. Cool to 55° C. and add 20 cc. of the malt extract and maintain at this temperature for 1 hour. Heat to boiling for 1 minute, cool to 55° C., add 20 cc. more of the malt extract and maintain at this temperature for 1 hour. Bring to a boil, cool and make up to 500 cc. and filter. Apply iodin test for starch to the residue and if starch is found reject the determination. Place 200 cc. of the filtrate in a flask with 20 cc. HCl sp. gr. 1.125. Connect with an air condenser and heat in a boiling water bath for 2-1/2 hours. Cool, neutralize with Na,CO, and make up to 250 cc. Mix thoroughly and pour through a dry filter. Determine dex- trose in 50 cc. by the Munson and Walker method. From the weight of dextrose from this quantity of solution subtract the correction found in (a). Calculate the difference as per cent. dextrose. This figure multiplied by 0.90 gives per cent. starch. The amount of copper sub-oxid obtained by the reduction should preferably be above 0.30 gram. Use such weights of sample as will give this quantity. SUGARS IN GRAINS, CATTLE FEEDS AND LIKE MATERIAL. 29 SUGARS IN GRAINS, CATTLE FEEDS AND LIKE MATERIAL. 90. On account of the action of enzymes in grains, cattle feeds, etc., the ordinary methods of water extraction of the sugars do not give correct results either in quantity or in composition. Extraction with boiling water can be used in some instances, but this sometimes removes reducing substances not sugars; and, if starch is present in any appreciable quantity, makes a gelatinous solution which cannot be filtered. The following method is the result of exhaustive work on this subject and has been found to give excellent results:-Weigh out 12 grams of the finely ground sample into a 300 cc. graduated flask, add 100 cc. 50% alcohol and boil on steam bath for 1 hour with fre- quent shaking. Use a small funnel in neck of flask to reflux vapor. Cool. (At this point it may safely stand over night.) Make to volume with 95% alcohol, mix thoroughly, let settle and draw off with a pipet 200 cc., which evaporate on steam in a beaker to 10 or 20 cc. (The presence of a trace of alcohol is not harmful. A jet of air playing on the surface of the liquid greatly hastens the evaporation.) The solution should not be evaporated to dryness. (If a short necked, balloon shaped distilling flask and small distilling apparatus is avail- able the alcohol may be recovered for use at 75 to 80% strength by distilling until the residue foams badly. The short neck, about 1 inch, of the flask makes it possible to remove the residue easily. The 100 cc. containing the suspended solid matter may be strained through a cotton bag and the alcohol recovered from the liquid as above. It is very little trouble, and makes a considerable saving where large numbers of samples are run.) Transfer the contents of the beaker (or flask) to a 100 cc. graduated flask, removing all the residue care- fully with a policeman. Add enough saturated solution of neutral lead acetate to produce a flocky precipitate and let stand 15 minutes. (May stand safely over night.) Make to mark with distilled water and filter through folded filter, carefully saving all the filtrate, except the first few drops. Add to the filtrate enough anhydrous Na,CO, to precipitate all the lead. Let stand 15 minutes and filter through a 15 cm. ashless filter. Over 75 cc. filtrate should be obtained. Be sure to test filtrate for lead with a small quantity of Na,CO, and if any is shown add more anhydrous Na,CO, and filter again through the same filter. Use 25 cc. of the clear filtrate for determination of reduc- ing sugars as invert by the method of Munson and Walker. Place 50 cc. of the filtrate in a 250 cc. beaker, add a small piece of litmus paper, make acid with acetic acid, add 5 cc. concentrated HCl and let 30 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. stand over night. (Standing 48 hours apparently does not affect results.) Neutralize with Na,CO,, wash into a 100 cc. flask, make to mark with distilled water and mix thoroughly. Filter if necessary. Use 50 cc. for determination of total sugars as invert by method of Munson and Walker. The amount of copper sub-oxid obtained in both reducing sugar and total sugar determinations represents the sugar contained in 2 grams of the material, so the weight of the sugar corresponding to the weights of the copper sub-oxid when divided by 2 and multiplied by 100 give the respective per cents. of sugar. The average of duplicates of reducing sugars calculated as invert, should be subtracted from the average of the total sugar determinations, calculated as invert, and the difference multiplied by 0.95, giving non-reducing sugars as sucrose. Since the insoluble material occupies space in the flask as originally made up, it is necessary to correct for this volume. It has been found as the result of a large number of determinations, that the average volume of the insoluble matter in 12 grams of feeds mentioned is making the correction factor 0.97 for 12 grams in 300 cc. Therefore, all results calculated as per cent. sugar should be multiplied by 0.97 to give true per cent. in material. LACTOSE IN MILK. 9 cc. 91. Lactose in milk can be determined by the polariscope, but the method is complicated and unsatisfactory. The best method is the official A. O. A. C. method.* (a) Preparation of the milk solution. Dilute 25 cc. of milk with 400 cc. water in a 500 cc. graduated flask and add 10 cc. of a solution of CuSO, of the strength given for Soxhlet's modification of Fehling's solution; add 8.8 cc. n/2 NaOH. After the addition of the alkali solution the mixture must still be of acid reaction and contain copper in solution. Fill the flask to the mark, mix, and filter through a dry filter. (b) Determination. Determine the lactose in the solution as lactose + 1 molecule water by the Munson and Walker method and Straughn and Given table. Calculate the per cent. lactose from the sp. gr. of the milk as determined by a delicate spindle. * Bul. 107, Bu. Chem., U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 119. CONDENSED MILK. 31 CONDENSED MILK. 92. Lactose.-Dilute 25 grams with 400 cc. water in a 500 cc. graduated flask, clarify as in (a) ¶ 91, and determine as under milk, using I lactose 4 sucrose table. 93. Sucrose.-Invert 50 cc. of the solution prepared for lactose. determination with 5 cc. concentrated HCl in the cold; neutralize, make up to 100 cc. and determine reducing sugars as invert. From the result obtained subtract the reducing sugars as invert corresponding to the lactose previously found, and multiply the result by 0.95 for per cent. sucrose. 94. Sucrose in condensed milk is also determined optically by the method of Patein and Dufau.* To 200 grams yellow HgO, with 300 to 400 cc. water in an evaporating dish, add cautiously enough HNO¸ to just dissolve the HgO. Add enough NaOH to make a permanent precipitate, dilute to 1000 cc. and filter. As this solution tends to become more acid with age, by the deposition of basic mercuric salts, it should receive a little alkali from time to time. To 50 cc. of a 20 gram to 100 cc. solution of condensed milk add 25 cc. water and 5 cc. of the Patein and Dufau reagent and shake well. Without delay run in, with constant shaking, sufficient NaOH to just bring the solution to neutrality but not to alkalinity, using litmus paper for indicator; between 12 and 13 cc. usually. Make up to 100 cc., shake well and polarize. Invert 50 cc. by HCl in the cold. Make up to 100 cc., polarize the invert solution, and calculate the sucrose by the Clerget formula, being careful to figure back to original weight of material. Correct for volume of precipitate by multiplying the grams protein present in the 50 cc. original solution used by 0.73; and the grams fat in the same solution by 1.075. Add these results and sub- tract from 100, the result being the true volume of the solution. The per cent. sucrose divided by 100 and multiplied by the above gives the true per cent. sucrose. 95. Milk Chocolates.-The determination of sugars is made on the residue from the fat determination, or upon another por- tion of about 10 grams carefully extracted with ether. or petroleum ether. The extracted residue is macerated with a little distilled water in a mortar to a smooth cream and washed into a 200 cc. flask with about 150 cc. water. Clarify and make up the solution as in ¶ 91 (a), and make the determination as there described, using the I lactose 12 sucrose table for calculating the lactose. The sucrose is determined. as in 93. * Annales de Chim. 7, 128. (1902); or Zts. Unters. Nahr. u. Genussm., 5, 726, (1902). 32 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. REDUCING SUGARS AND SUCROSE IN MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS. 96. Where the nature of the material is such that there can be no enzymic action (jellies, jams, sirups, solid and liquid medicines, candies, mince meat, etc., etc.) weigh out 10 grams and wash into a 100 cc. flask. Dissolve as completely as possible, using heat if necessary, in which case cool to room temperature as soon as solution is complete; add a saturated solution of neutral lead acetate until no more precipi- tate forms, mix, make to mark, shake thoroughly and filter. Remove the excess of lead with anhydrous sodium carbonate or sodium oxalate, and determine reducing sugars before and after inversion by the method of Munson and Walker. The difference between the two results multiplied by 0.95 gives non-reducing sugars as sucrose. Where enzymic action may take place or the solution prepared as above cannot be filtered or will not filter clear (food products con- taining malt preparations, infant foods, etc.) prepare the solution by alcoholic digestion as under sugars in grains, ¶ 90, and make the deter- mination as there directed. 97. Acids. REAGENTS. Acetic, C. P. 99.5%. 10% solution. Hydrochloric, C. P. concentrated, sp. gr. 1.20. Dilute, sp. gr. 1.125. n/10, carefully standardized. n/2, carefully standardized. Nitric, C. P. concentrated, sp. gr. 1.42. Dilute, 1:1. Dilute, HNO, 500 cc., distilled water 1500 cc. Sulfuric, C. P. concentrated, sp. gr. 1.84. Alcohol, absolute. Pure neutral spirits, 95%- Dilute, 75% Dilute, 50%. Alumina cream. Dilute a saturated solution of ammonia alum with 3 volumes distilled water and add strong ammonia till just alkaline. Let stand for 1 hour, decant supernatant liquid and wash by decantation for several days until nearly free from sul- fates. Make to volume of original diluted solution. Shake thoroughly each time before using. REAGENTS. 33 Ammonia, C. P., sp. gr. o.90. Aniline Acetate. 5 cc. c.p. aniline are shaken up with 5 cc. water and 2 cc. glacial acetic acid. Asbestos. Prepare asbestos by combing out with a spatula on a smooth piece of heavy wrapping paper. Cover with a saturated solution of NaOH and let stand for 24 hours. Wash free from alkali, cover with concentrated HCl and let stand for 46 hours. Wash free of acid and suspend in water, using about 100 grams of the moist asbestos in 1000 cc. water. Bromin Water. Saturated solution c.p. bromin in distilled water. Calcium Chloride. C. P. granulated. 10% solution. Ether. U. S. P. Fiehe's Reagent. I gram resorcinol in 100 grams concentrated HCl. Lead Acetate. C. P. neutral salt. Saturated solution in distilled water. I Lead Sub-acetate. Horne's dry salt. Baker and Adamson's. Solution of 54.3° Brix, or prepare by boiling together 430 grams normal lead acetate, 130 grams litharge and 1000 cc. water for 1 hour. Allow to cool and settle, and dilute super- natant liquid to 1.25 sp. gr. with freshly boiled distilled water. Winton's Lead Sub-acetate.-Dilute 1 volume of the 1.25 solution with 4 volumes freshly boiled distilled water. Winton lead number blank should be about 0.1700 gram. Litmus Paper. Squibbs' neutral strips. Malt. Fresh malt, to be ground just before using. Methyl Orange. o.1 gram in 100 cc. distilled water. Use 1-2 drops to 25 cc. solution to be titrated. Patein and Dufau's Reagent. To 200 grams yellow HgO, with 300 to 400 cc. water in an evaporating dish, add cautiously enough HNO, to just dissolve the HgO. Add enough NaOH to make a permanent precipitate and dilute to 1000 cc. and filter. As this solution tends to become more acid with age, by the deposition of basic mercuric salts, it should receive a little alkali from time to time. 3 34 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Potassium Ferrocyanide. C. P. 20 grams in 1000 cc. distilled water. Potassium Iodide. C. P. crystals. Dissolve 300 grams and make up to 1000 cc. with distilled water. Sodium Carbonate. C. P. anhydrous, powdered. Sodium Carbonate. C. P. crystals, fine. 5% solution. Sodium Hydrate. C. P. sticks by alcohol. n/2 solution, carefully standardized. n/10 solution, carefully standardized. Sodium Oxalate. C. P. powdered. Sodium Thiosulfate. C. P. crystals. 19 grams in 1000 cc. distilled water. Soxhlet's Alkaline Solution. (a). 173 grams Rochelle salts and 50 grams NaOH dissolved and made to 500 cc. with distilled water. When preparing this solution in quantity, the Rochelle salts are dissolved to a nearly saturated solution, filtered, as the solution is almost always dirty, and diluted to 37.05° Brix (1.16435 sp. gr.). To each 4.5 liters of this solution 1 pound of NaOH is added and dissolved by stirring. Soxhlet's Copper Solution. (b). 34.639 grams C. P. CuSO4+5H2O are dissolved and made up to 500 cc. with distilled water. When preparing in quantity, CuSO, is dissolved to a strong solution and diluted to 11.3. Brix (sp. gr. 1.04557). O Starch Paste. Boil 2 grams starch with 200 cc. distilled water for 5 minutes. Violette's Alkaline Solution. 187 grams Rochelle salts and 78 grams NaOH dissolved and made up to 1000 CC. Violette's Copper Solution. 34.639 grams c.p., CuSo, dissolved and made up to 1000 cc. For use, 10 cc. of each of these reagents are placed in a 1.5" X9" test tube with 10 cc. distilled water. The The copper should be completely reduced by 20 cc. of invert sugar solu- tion=0.05 gram invert sugar. This solution is prepared by dissolving 2.375 grams pure sucrose (pure white refined sugar will do) in water and diluting to 100 CC. Ten cc. concentrated HCl are added and the whole allowed to stand over night. REAGENTS. 35 CC. It is then exactly neutralized with NaOH and diluted to 1000° The Violette's solution in the test tube is brought to a boil, 5 cc. of the sugar solution added and the whole boiled 2 minutes. Sugar solution is then added a little at a time, bringing to a boil after each addition, until the blue color just disappears. The solution is then tested by filtering a few drops on to a sugar test plate, adding a drop of acetic acid followed by a drop of potassium ferrocyanide. A brown coloration indicates the presence of copper; in which case the cautious addition of the sugar solution as above should be continued till no test for copper is obtained. 98. Standardization of Brix Hydrometers. In as much as hydrometers as purchased are seldom correct, it is best to test each instrument and ascertain its error. This should be marked on the bulb with "diamond ink" or with ammonium fluoride made to a paste with starch and acetic acid. The true reading of the instrument is obtained by preparing a solution of pure sucrose (or pure refined sugar) of such a density that the instrument sinks in it till about one-half the stem is exposed. The reading and temperature correction are taken as usual. Twenty-six grams of the solution are carefully weighed out in the sugar dish, washed into a 100 cc. (true cc. as 20° C.) flask, 2 cc. alumina. cream added; and after the solution is brought to 20° C. the flask is filled to the mark, the solution filtered, and polarized in a 200 mm. tube. The polariscope reading is the per cent. sucrose in the sugar so- lution, which is the true degree Brix. If the polariscope reading is the same as the corrected hydrometer reading, the instrument is correct. If, for example, the corrected hydrometer reading is 17.6° and the polariscope reading is 17.4°, the hydrometer reads 0.2° too high, and the bulb should be marked "Error +0.2." If the hydrometer reads 17.4° and the polariscope 17.6°, the hydrometer reads 0.2° too low, and the bulb should be marked "Error -0.2." When noting the correct Brix reading, the error of the spindle as well as the temperature correction should be taken into consideration. 99. Polariscope.-The polariscope referred to is in all cases the Schmidt and Haensch instrument, or the Fric or Peters having the same constants, adjusted for a normal weight of 26 grams in 100 true cc. at 20° C. or 26.048 grams in 100 Mohr's at 17.5° C. If it is desired to use the Laurent instrument, the normal weight is 16.29 grams in 100 true cc. The Mohr flasks are graduated to hold 100 grams of water at 17.5° C. The description, construction and the theory of the various kinds of polariscopes are very fully discussed in the works of Spencer, 36 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Tucker, Rolfe, Wiechman and others in English; and in many standard German and French works on sugar. 99a. If it is at any time desired to test the purity of any other sugars than sucrose, the specific rotations of which are given in circular degrees, the angular reading corresponding to the reading of the sugar or Ventzke scale is found by multiplying the polariscope reading by 0.3468. From this reading the specific rotatory power of the sugar under examination is found by the formula* [a], a=reading in angular degrees. c=weight substance in 100 cc. l-length of observation tube in decimeters. = 100α cl in which A table giving the empirical formulæ and most important properties of the sugars most frequently encountered follows. For more detailed and extended information one should refer to the works of Tollens, von Lippmann and others. 100. A TABLE OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE MORE COMMON SUGARS. D-glucose, C,H12O6, aldo-hexose, CHOH(CHOH),CHO. Dextrose, grape sugar, starch sugar. Specific rotation 10 % solution at 20° C., 53°.. Reduces Fehling's solution, K=100. Fermentable with yeast. D-mannose, CH 1208' aldo-hexose. Specific rotation 13°. Reduces Fehling's solution, K = 110. Fermentable with yeast. D-fructose, CH,O., keto-aldose, CH,OH(CHOH),CO. CH₂OH. Fructose, levulose, fruit sugar, chylariose. Specific rotation, 25 grams in 100 cc. at 20° C., -91.8°. Rotation diminishes as temperature rises. Reduces Fehling's solution, K=90. Fermentable with yeast. Sucrose, C₁₂H22O11, disaccharide. Saccharose, cane sugar. Specific rotation, 17 grains in 100 cc., at 20° C., 66.5°. Non-reducing. *Wiley, Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis, iii, 116, (1897). REAGENTS. 37 Fermentable with yeast. Inverted in cold with 10% HCl, forming equal parts d- glucose and d-fructose. Lactose, C₁₂H22O11, disaccharide. Specific rotation at 20° C., 52.53° for C12H22O11+H₂O. Reduces Fehling's solution, K =70. Not fermentable by yeast, but is fermented by special fer- ments. Not inverted by 10 % HCl in cold; but on heating hydrolizes to d-glucose and d-galactose. Maltose, C₁₂H22O11, disaccharide. Specific rotation, 10% solution, at 20° C., 138.3°. Reducing Fehling's solution, K=57.5. Fermentable with yeast. Not inverted by 10% HCl in cold; on heating hydrolizes to 2 molecules d-glucose. Raffinose, C,,H3 2018, trisaccharide. C18H320163 Specific rotation 105°. Non-reducing. Fermentable with yeast. Inverted by invertase and 10% HCl in cold, forming d- glucose and d-galactose. Note.-K-ratio of reducing power to that of d-glucose, which is taken as 100. B A FIG. 8.-CONTINUOUS POLARISCOPE TUBE. This tube for the rapid polarization of solutions of about the same density was devised by H. Pellet, but modified and made thoroughly satisfactory by Spencer and Ewell of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. A short rubber tube is attached to one of the curved tubes (A) and a long rubber tube with a pinch-cock to the other (B). After filling the tube with water by suction, to start it, the solutions are siphoned into the tube as required. The fresh solution entering through the bent tube issues from the four passages shown and sweeps the inner face of the cover-glass, flows the length of the tube, carrying the old solu- tion before it, and escapes through the four passages and the bent tube at the other end. The striations where the old and new solutions meet make is impossible to see through the tube as long as any of the old solution remains in the tube, but as soon as that is gone, the tube is clear and the reading can be made. IOI. Continuous Polariscope Tube.-If many samples are to be polarized, much time may be saved by using the continuous tube de- 38 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. signed by Pellet, and modified by Spencer and Ewell, shown in Fig. 8. The tube is first filled with water by suction. The successive samples are drawn into the tube through tube a by the syphonic action of the rubber tube attached to b, which is provided with a pinch cock. The samples completely displace one another, entirely clearing the tube each time. Unless the difference in density is very great, not more than 50 cc. of solution should be required for complete displacement. As many as 500 polarizations per hour can be made with this tube, with- out sacrifice of accuracy. 102. The Estimation of Water in Raw Sugars by Means of the Immersion Refractometer.*-The necessary apparatus for this deter- mination are an immersion refractometer; constant temperature tank; accurate thermometer, divided into tenths of degrees; and specially standardized 100 cc. flasks. The flasks are to be cleaned thoroughly and a mark placed on the neck where 100 grams of recently boiled distilled water at 17.5° C. would bring it. The tables are constructed for this volume, so this part of the work must be accurate. The opera- tion consists in weighing out 20 grams of the sample and transferring it to one of the 100 cc. flasks with water. The flask is placed in the constant temperature bath and allowed to stand 20 to 30 minutes, shaking occasionally. After this time, the volume is completed with water, held in a flask also placed in this bath, shaken, and the reading of the solution taken. The temperature of the solution is taken by a thermometer divided into tenths of degrees, and should be the same at which the flask is filled. If the reading is made at any other tempera- ture than 17.5°, a correction taken from Table 2 is added or subtracted from this reading, depending on whether the temperature of the test is above or below 17.5° C. Having made the correction, the per cent. of water in the sugar is found from Table 1. For Example: A sugar so treated read 90.15 in the immersion refractometer at 15.5° C. The correction for this temperature, Table 2, is 0.58. Then, 90.15- 0.58-89.57. From Table 1, 89.5 =3.025%, and 0.07 moisture content is 2.935%. 0.09%, so the The correction. Another case: A sugar read 88.40 at 21.3° C. for this temperature is 1.15, so 88.40+ 1.15=89.55. 89.55 3.025-0.06=2.965%. The sugar has 2.96% moisture. From Table 1, It is well to check the accuracy of the refractometer and of the flasks by dissolving 20.02 grams of pure dry sugar in a 100 cc. flask and mak- ing the reading at 17.5° C. The reading should be 92. If any other figure is obtained, the difference between this and 92 should be the correction for the instrument, to be applied before using the table. * V. Stanek., Zts. für Zuckerind. in Böhmen., 35, 57, (1910). METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 39 103. TABLE I. Water Content of Raw Sugars. Refracto- meter Per cent. Refracto- meter Per cent. Refracto- Per meter Refracto Per cent. meter cent. reading. water. reading. water. reading. water. reading. water. 88.0 4.900 89.0 3.650 90.0 2.400 91.0 1.150 88.1 4.775 89.I 3.525 90. I 2.275 91.1 1.025 4.650 89.2 3.400 90.2 2.150 91.2 0.900 88.3 4.525 89.3 3.275 90.3 2.025 91.3 0.775 88.4 4.400 89.4 3.150 90.4 1.900 91.4 0.650 88.5 4.275 89.5 3.025 90.5 1.775 91.5 0.525 88.6 4.150 89.6 2.900 90.6 1.650 91.6 0.400 88.7 4.025 89.7 2.775 90.7 1.525 91.7 0.275 88.8 3.900 89.8 2.650 90.8 I.400 91.8 0.150 88.9 3.775 89.9 2.525 90.9 1.275 91.9 0.025 Correction for Hundredths Estimated on Scale. 0.03° estimated on scale = -0.04% water. 0.05° estimated on scale = -0.06% water. 0.07° estimated on scale = -0.09% water. 40 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. TABLE II. Subtracted from Added to 104. Table of Temperature Corrections for Determination of Water in Raw Sugars. Added to Added to Temp. refrac- °C. Temp. ° C. refrac- tometer tometer reading. Temp. C C. refrac- tometer Temp. refrac- °C. tometer reading. reading. reading. 15.0 0.72 17.6 0.03 20.2 0.82 22.8 1.62 15.1 0.70 17.7 0.06 20.3 0.85 22.9 1.65 15.2 0.67 17.8 0.09 20.4 0.88 23.0 1.69 15.3 0.64 17.9 0.12 20.5 0.91 23.1 1.72 15.4 0.61 18.0 0.15 20.6 0.94 23.2 1.75 15.5 0.58 18.1 0.18 20.7 0.97 23.3 1.78 15.6 0.55 18.2 0.21 20.8 I.00 23.4 1.81 15.7 0.52 18.3 0.24 20.9 1.03 23.5 1.85 15.8 0.49 18.4 0.27 21.0 1.06 23.6 1.88 15.9 0.46 18.5 0.30 21.I 1.09 23.7 1.91 16.0 0.44 18.6 0.33 21.2 I.12 23.8 1.96 16.1 0.41 18.7 0.36 21.3 1.15 23.9 I.99 16.2 0.38 18.8 0.39 21.4 1.18 24.0 2.03 16.3 0.35 18.9 0.42 21.5 1.22 24.I 2.06 16.4 0.32 19.0 0.45 21.6 1.25 24.2 2.09 16.5 0.29 19.1 0.48 21.7 1.28 24.3 2.12 16.6 0.26 19.2 0.51 21.8 1.31 24.4 2.15 16.7 0.23 19.3 0.54 21.9 1.34 24.5 2.19 16.8 0.20 19.4 0.57 22.0 1.37 24.6 2.22 16.9 0.17 19.5 0.61 22.I 1.41 24.7 2.25 17.0 0.15 19.6 0.64 22.2 I.44 24.8 2.29 17.1 0.12 19.7 0.67 22.3 1.47 24.9 2.32 17.2 0.09 19.8 0.70 22.4 1.50 25.0 2.35 17.3 0.06 19.9 0.73 22.5 1.53 25.1 2.38 17.4 0.03 20.0 0.76 22.6 1.56 25.2 2.42 17.5 0.00 20.I 0.79 22.7 1.59 25.3 2.45 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 41 Index. Refrac- tion. Per cent dry. Substance. 105. Geerligs' Table for Dry Substance in Sugar-house Products by Abbe Refrac- tometer, at 28° C. (Intern. Sugar J., 10, 69.) Index. Decimals. Refrac- tion. Per cent dry. Substance. Decimals. 1.3335 1.3349 1.3364 I 0.0001=0.05 0.0010=0.75 1.4104 46 2 1.3379 4 I.3394 5 I.3409 6 0.0002 O.I 0.0011=0.8 I.4124 0.0003 0.2 0.0012 0.8 1.4145 0.0004 0.25 0.0013=0.85 1.4166 0.0005 0.3 0.0014=0.9 1.4186 0.0006 0.4 0.0015=1.0 47 0.0005 0.25 0.0006 0.3 48 49 0.0007 0.35 0.0008 0.4 0.0016=0.8 0.0017 0.85 0.0018=0.9 0.0019 0.95 50 0.0009-0.45 0.0020=I.O 1.3424 0.0007 0.5 1.3439 0.0008 0.6 1.4207 1.4228 52 I.4249 53 51 0.0010=0.5 0.0021=1.0 0.0011 0.55 1.3454 1.3469 ΙΟ 06 9 0.0009 0.7 1.4270 54 I.4292 55 0.0001 0.05 1.3484 II 0.00 I=0.05 1.4314 56 0.0002=0.1 1.3500 12 0.0002=0.1 I.4337 57 1.3516 13 0.0003 0.2 I.4359 58 1.3530 14 0.0004 0.25 1.3546 15 0.0005 0.3 1.3562 16 0.0006 0.4 1.3578 17 0.0007 0.45 1.3594 18 0.0008 0.5 I 3611 19 0.0009=0.6 1.3627 20 0.0010=0.65 1.3644 21 0.0011 0.7 1.3661 22 0.0012 0.75 1.4382 59 I.4405 60 1.4428 61 1.4451 62 I.4474 63 I.4497 64 1.4520 65 I.4543 66 1.4567 67 0.00030.I 0.0004 0.15 0.0005 0.2 0.0006 0.25 0.0007 0.3 0.0008 0.35 0.0009 0.4 O.COIO=0.45 0.0011 0.5 0.0012 0.5 0.0013 0.55 0.0014=0.6 0.0015 0.65 0.0016=0.7 0.0017 0.75 0.001=0.8 0.0019 0.85 0.0020=0.9 0.0021 0.9 0.0022 0.95 0.0023=1.0 0.0024 I.O 1.3678 23 0.0013 0.8 1.4591 68 1.3695 24 0.0014=0.85 1.4615 69 1.3712 25 0.0015 0.9 1.4639 70 I.3729 26 0.0016 0.95 1.466 71 1.4687 127 1.3746 27 0.0001 0.05 0.0012 0.6 1.3764 1.3782 1.3800 1.3818 1.3836 0.3854 1.3872 1.3890 I.3909 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0.0002=0.1 0.0013=0.65 1.4711 0.0003 0.15 0.0014=0.7 1.4736 74 0.0004 0.2 0.0015 0.75 1.4761 75 0.0005 0.25 0.0016 0.8 1.4786 76 0.0006 0.3 0.0017=0.85 1.4811 77 0.0007 0.35 0.0018=0.9 1.4836 0.0008 0.4 0.0019 0.95 1.4862 0.0009 0.45 0.0020=1.0 1313 73 0.0001=0.0 78 0.0002 0.05 0.00030.I 0.0004 0.15 0.0005 0.2 0.0006 0.2 36 0.0010 0.5 0.0021=1.0 1.3928 37 0.0011 0.55 1.3947 38 1.3966 39 79 1.4888 80 I.4914 81 I.4940 82 1.4966 1.4992 83 0.0007 0.25 0.0008 0.3 0.0009 0.35 0.0010 0.35 0.0011 0.4 84 1.3984 40 I.4003 41 I.4023 I.4043 1.4063 1.4083 42 0.0001 0.05 0 0012 =0.6 43 44 45 1.5019 85 1.5046 86 1.5073 87 1.5100 0.0002 0.1 0.0013=0.65 1.5127 0.0003 0.15 0.0014=0.7 1.5155 0.0004 0.2 0.0015 0.75 0.0012 0.45 0.0013 0.5 0.0014 0.5 0.0015 0.55 0.0016=0.6 0.0017 0.65 0.0018=0.65 0.0019=0.7 0.0020 0.75 0.0021=0.8 0.0022 0.8 0.0023=0.85 0.0024=0.9 0.0025 0.9 0.0026=0.95 0.0027 I.O 0.0028=1.0 88 89 90 42 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. лоб. Tempera- ture of the prisms in ° C. о Table of Corrections for the Temperature. Dry substance. 5 ΤΟ 15 20 25 30 40 50 бо 70 80 90 Subtract. 20 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.58 21 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.50 22 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.44 23 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.38 24 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 25 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.22 26 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 o. 6 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.14 27 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 Adi. 29 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 30 0.12 0.12 .13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.14 31 O 20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.22 32 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 33 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.38 34 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.44 35 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.50 107. Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose; allowance being made for variations in the specific rotatory power of cane-sugar. Corrected for an increase in volume of 1 /10. Directions for using Schmitz' Table.-Note the degree Brix (not corrected for temperature) of the solution. Measure out 100 cc., add the lead, and dilute to 110 CC. Filter and polarize in 200 mm. tube. Take the number in the table opposite the integral part of the polari- scopic reading and under the degree Brix nearest that observed, and add to it the number corresponding to the tenths as shown in the small table. The sum so obtained is the per cent sucrose in the solution. METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 43 Polari- scope reading. Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose. Degree Brix. 0.5 I.O 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 I 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 2 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 3 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 4 5 6 I. 14 1.13 1. 13 1.13 1.13 1.13 I. 12 I. 12 I. 12 I. 12 I.42 1.42 1.41 1.41 1.41 I.41 1.40 1.40 1.40 I.40 1.70 1.70 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.67 7 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.97 1.97. 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.95 8 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.25 2.25 2.24 .2.24 2.23 9 2.54 2.54 2.53 2.53 2.52 2.52 2.51 ΙΟ 2.82 2.78 II 12 Degree Brix from 0.5 to 12.0. Tenths of the polariscope reading. Per cent sucrose. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O.I 0.03 20 0.2 0.06 21 0.3 0.08 0.4 O. II 0.5 0.14 0.6 0.17 0.7 0.19 0.8 0.22 0.9 0.25 2.82 2.81 2.81 2.79 2.79 3.10 3.38 3.09 3.09 3.08 3.08 3.07 3.38 3.37 3.36 3.36 3.35 3.66 3.65 3.64 3.64 3.63 3.94 3.93 3.92 3.92 3.91 4.21 4.20 4.19 4.19 4.49 4.48 4.77 4.76 4.47 4.47 4.75 5.03 5.02 5.32 5.31 5.58 5.86 44 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose.* (Continued.) Polari- scope reading. Degree Brix. 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 IO.O 10.5 II.O II.5 12.0 H 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.27 2 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 3 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 4 I. II I.II I. II I. II I. II I. IO I. IO I.IO I. IO I.IO 1.09 1.09 5 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.36 1.36 6 1.67 1.67 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 7 1.95 1.95 1.94 I.94 1.93 8 2.23 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.21 2.21 2.20 1.65 1.65 1.64 1.93 1.93 1.92 1.92 2.20 2.19 2.19 I. 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.91 1.91 1.91 2.18 2.18 9 2.51 2.50 2.50 2.49 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.47 IO 2.79 2.78 2.78 2.77 2.76 2.76 2.75 2.75 2.47 2.46 2.46 2.74 2.74 2.73 2.45 2.73 II 3.06 3.06 3.05 3.05 3.04 3.03 3.03 3.02 3.02 3.01 3.00 3.00 I 2 13 3.34 3.34 3.33 3.32 3.32 3.62 3.61 3.61 3.60 3.59 3.31 3.59 3.30 3.30 3.29 3.28 3.28 3.27 14 15 3.90 3.89 3.88 3.88 3.87 4.18 4.17 4.16 4.15 4.15 3.58 3.57 3.56 3.56 3.86 3.85 3.85 3.84 3.83 3.55 3.54 3.82 3.82 16 4.46 4.45 4.44 4.43 4.42 4.14 4.13 4.41 4.40 4.12 17 4.74 4.73 4.72 4.71 4.70 4.69 4.68 18 19 20 5.01 5.00 4.99 4.99 4.97 5.29 5.28 5.27 5.26 5.25 5.57 5.56 5.55 5.54 5.53 4.II 4.II 4.40 4.39 4.38 4.37 4.67 4.66 4.65 4.64 4.63 4.97 4.96 4.95 4.93 4.93 4.91 4.91 5.24 5.23 5.22 5.21 5.20 5.19 5.18 5.52 5.51 5.50 5.49 5.47 5.46 5.45 4.IO 4.09 4.36 21 22 5.85 5.84 5.83 5.82 5.81 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.09 6.08 5.79 6.07 23 6.41 6.40 6.38 6.37 6.36 6.35 24 6.67 6.66 6.65 6.64 6.62 6.33 6.61 5.78 5.77 5.76 5.75 6.06 6.05 6.03 6.32 6.31 5.74 5.73 6.02 6.01 6.00 6.30 6.28 6.27 6.60 6.58 6.57 6.56 6.54 25 6.94 6.93 6.91 6.90 6.89 26 7.22 27 7.45 7.44 7.42 7.41 28 29 30 8.02 8.00 7.99 7.97 7.96 8.28 8.26 8.25 8.23 7.20 7.19 7.48 7.46 7.39 7.38 7.36 7.76 7.74 7.73 7.71 7.70 7.68 7.65 7.65 7.63 7.94 7.92 7.91 8.21 8.20 8.18 6.87 6.86 6.84 6.83 6.82 7.17 7.16 7.15 7.13 6.12 7.10 7.09 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 8.49 8.47 8.45 8.73 8.55 8.54 8.52 8.50 8.83 8.81 8.80 8.78 8.76 8.74 9.09 9.07 9.05 9.03 9.02 9.00 9.35 9.33 9.31 9.28 9.27 9.62 9.60 9.58 9.56 9.54 9.88 9.86 9.84 9.82 10.15 10.13 IO.II 10.09 10.40 10.38 10.36 *For addition for tenths of polariscopic reading, see p. 43 10.68 10.66 10.64 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 45 Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose.* (Continued.) Polari- Degree Brix. scope I 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 3 4 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 1.08 1.08 1.08 5 6 1.09 1.09 1.36 1.36 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.62 1.62 7 8 1.90 2.18 ΙΟ 2.72 1.90 1.89 1.89 1.89 2.17 2.17 2.16 2.16 2.45 2.44 2.44 2.43 2.43 2.71 2.71 2.70 2.70 reading. 9 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.81 0.80 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.35 1.34 I.34 1.62 1.61 1.61 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.87 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.14 2.42 2.42 2.41 2.41 2.40 2.69 2.69 0.81 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.06 I.34 1.34 1.33 1.33 1.61 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.87 1.86 1.86 2.14 2.13 2.13 2.40 2.39 2.68 2.68 2.67 2.67 2.66 II 2.99 2.99 2.98 2.97 12 2.97 3.26 3.26 3.25 3.24 3.24 13 3.54 3.53 3.52 3.51 3.51 14 3.81 3.80 3.79 3.78 3.78 15 4.08 4.07 4.06 4.06 4.05 16 17 18 4.90 4.89 4.88 4.87 4.86 19 5.17 5.16 5.15 5.14 5.13 20 5.44 5.43 5.42 5.41 5.40 21 22 5.71 5.70 5.69 5.68 5.99 5.97 5.96 5.95 5.94 5.67 23 6.26 6.24 6.23 6.22 6.21 5.93 5.91 6.20 24 6.53 6.52 6.50 6.49 6.48 6.46 4.35 4.34 4.33 4.33 4.32 4.62 4.62 4.61 4.60 4.59 4.02 4.02 4.0I 4.00 3.99 4.31 4.30 4.29 4.28 4.27 4.26 4.26 4.58 4.57 4.56 4.55 4.54 4.53 4.85 4.84 4.83 4.82 4.81 4.80 5.12 5.II 5.10 5.09 5.08 5.06 5.05 5.39 5.38 5.36 4.52 4.79 5.66 5.65 5.63 5.62 5.61 5.60 5.59 5.90 5.89 5.88 5.87 5.85 6.18 6.17 6.16 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.40 6.39 2.96 2.95 2.95 2.94 2.94 3.23 3.22 3.22 3.21 3.20 3.50 3.49 3.49 3.48 3.47 3.46 3.46 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.75 3.74 3.73 3.72 4.04 4.03 2.93 2.92 3.20 3.19 5.35 5.34 5.33 5.32 6.45 6.44 6.43 6.41 25 6.80 6.79 6.78 6.76 6.75 6.73 6.72 26 7.07 7.06 7.05 7.03 7.02 6.71 6.69 6.68 6.67 6.65 7.00 6.99 6.97 6.96 6.95 6.93 6.92 27 28 29 30 7.35 7.33 7.32 7.30 7.29 7.62 7.60 7.59 7.57 7.56 7.89 7.87 7.86 7.84 7.83 8.16 8.15 8.13 8.11 8.10 7.81 7.80 7.78 8.08 8.06 8.05 7.54 7.53 7.51 7.27 7.26 7.24 7.23 7.21 7.20 7.18 7.50 7.48 7.47 7.45 7.77 7.75 7.73 7.72 8.03 8.02 8.00 7.98 31 8.44 8.42 8.40 8.39 8.37 8.35 32 33 8.71 8.69 8.67 8.66 8.64 8.98 8.96 8.94 8.93 8.91 8.89 8.87 8.85 8.84 8.82 8.80 8.78 8.33 8.32 8.30 8.28 8.27 8.25 8.62 8.60 8.58 8.57 8.55 8.53 8.51 34 9.25 9.23 9.22 9.20 9.18 9.16 9.14 9.12 9.10 9.09 9.07 9.05 35 9.53 9.51 9.49 9.47 9.45 9.43 9.41 9.39 9.37 9.35 9.34 9.31 36 9.80 9.78 9.76 9.74 9.72 9.70 37 38 39 10.07 10.05 10.03 10.01 9.99 9.97 9.95 9.93 9.91 10.34 10.32 10.30 10.28 10.26 10.24 IO.22 IO.20 IO.18 10.61 10.59 10.57 10.55 10.53 LO.51 10.49 10.46 10.44 9.68 9.66 9.64 9.62 9.60 9.58 9.89 9.87 9.85 10.15 IO. 13 10.42 10.40 10.38 IO.II *For addition for tenths of polariscopic reading, see p. 46. 46 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose.* (Continued.) Polariscope reading. Degree Brix. 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 I 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.26 Degree Brix from 12.5 to 22.5. 2 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 3 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.79 4 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 Tenths of the polariscope reading. Per cent sucrose 5 1.33 1.32 1.32 1.32 6 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.58 7 1.86 1.85 1.85 1.85 O. I 0.03 8 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.II 0.2 0.05 6 2.39 2.38 2.38 2.37 0.3 0.08 IO 2.65 2.65 2.64 2.64 0.4 O.II 0.5 0.13 II 2.92 2.91 2.91 2.90 0.6 0.16 12 3.18 3.18 3.17 3.17 0.7 0.19 13 3.45 3.44 3.44 3.43 0.8 0.21 14 3.72 3.71 3.70 3.69 0.9 0.24 15 3.98 3.97 3.97 3.96 16 4.25 4.24 4.23 4.22 Degree Brix from 23 to 24. 17 4.51 4.50 4.49 4.48 18 4.78 4.77 4.76 4.75 19 5.04 5.03 5.02 5.01 Tenths of the polariscope reading. Per cent sucrose. 20 5.31 5.30 5.29 5.28 21 5.58 5.56 5.55 5.54 O.I 0.03 22 5.84 5.83 5.82 5.80 0.2 0.05 23 6.11 6.09 6.08 6.07 0.3 0.08 24 6.37 6.36 6.35 6.33 0.4 0.10 25 6.64 6.63 6.61 6.60 0.5 0.13 26 6.90 6.89 6.88 6.86 0.6 0.16 27 7.17 7.15 7.14 7.13 0.7 0.18 28 7.44 7.42 7.40 7.39 0.8 0.21 29 7.70 7.68 7.67 7.65 0.9 0.23 30 7.97 7.95 7.93 7.92 31 8.23 8.21 8.20 8.18 32 8.50 8.48 8.46 8.45 33 8.76 8.75 8.73 8.71 34 9.03 9.01 8.99 8.97 35 9.30 9.28 9.26 9.24 36 9.56 9.54 9.52 9.50 37 9.83 9.81 9.79 9.77 38 39 10.09 10.07 10.05 10.03 10.36 10.34 10.32 10.29 * For addition for tenths of polariscopic reading, see p. 46. METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 47 Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose.* (Continued.) Degree Brix. Polari- scope reading. II.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 40 10.93 10.91 10.89 10.84 10.82 10.80 4I II. 18 II. 16 II. 14 II. 12 42 11.46 II.43 II.41 II.39 11.09 11.36 10.78 10.76 10.73 II.07 11.05 II.03 10.71 II.00 11.34 11.32 II.29 II.27 43 44 45 12.25 46 II.71 11.68 11.66 11.64 11.98 II.95 11.93 11.91 12.23 I2.20 12.18 12.50 12.47 12.45 11.61 II.59 11.56 11.54 11.88 11.86 12.15 12.13 11.83 11.81 12. IO 12.08 12.42 12.40 12.37 12.35 47 48 49 13.02 12.74 12.72 12.69 12.67 12.64 12.99 12.97 12.94 12.91 12.61 12.88 13.26 13.23 13.21 13.18 13.15 50 51 52 13.50 13.48 13.45 13.42 13.78 13.75 13.72 13.69 133 53 14.02 13.99 13.96 14.29 14.26 14.23 54 55 56 57 58 *For addition for tenths of polariscopic reading, see p. 46. 14.53 14.50 14.80 14.77 15.03 15.30 15.57 48 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose.* Polari- (Continued.) Degree brix. scope reading. 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 40 10.71 10.69 10.67 10.64 10.62 10.60 10.58 4I 10.98 10.96 10.94 10.91 10.89 10.87 10.85 42 II.25 II.23 II.20 II. 18 II:16 II. 13 II. II 43 II.52 II.49 II.47 II.45 II.42 II.40 11.38 44 II.79 11.76 II.74 II.71 11.69 11.66 11.64 45 12.05 12.03 12.OI 11.98 11.96 II.93 II.91 46 12.32 12.30 12.27 12.25 12.22 12.20 12.17 47 12.59 12.56 12.54 12.51 12.49 12.46 12.44 48 12.86 12.83 12.81 12.78 12.75 12.73 12.70 49 13.13 13.10 13.07 13.05 13.02 12.99 12.97 50 13.40 13.37 13.34 13.31 13.29 13.26 13.23 51 13.66 13.64 " 13.61 13.58 13.55 13.52 13.50 52 13.93 13.90 13.88 13.85 13.82 13.79 13.76 53 14.20 14.17 14.14 14.II 14.08 14.05 14.03 54 14.47 14.44 14.41 14.38 14.35 14.32 14.29 55 14.74 14.71 14.68 14.65 14.62 14.59 14.56 56 15.00 14.97 14.94 14.91 14.88 14.85 14.82 57 15.27 15.24 15.21 15.18 15.15 15.12 15.09 58 15.54 15.51 15.48 15.45 15.42 15.38 15.35 59 15.81 15.78 15.75 15.71 15.68 15.65 15.62 бо 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 16.05 16.01 15.98 15.95 15.92 15.88 16.31 16.28 16.25 16.21 16.18 16.15 16.55 16.52 16.48 16.45 16.41 16.82 16.78 16.75 16.71 16.68 17.03 17.01 16.98 16.94 17.32 17.28 17.24 17.21 17.55 17.51 17.47 17.81 17.78 17.74 18.04 18.00 18.31 18.27 18.63 70 *For addition for tenths of polariscopic reading, see p. 46. METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Schmitz' Table for the Calculation of Per Cents Sucrose.* (Continued.) Polari- Scope reading. Degree brix. 49 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 40 10.56 10.54 10.52 IO.49 IO.47 IO.45 IO.43 10.41 10.38 4 I 10.82 10.80 10.78 10.76 IO.74 10.71 10.69 10.67 10.65 42 11.09 II.07 II.04 II.02 II.00 10.97 10.95 10.93 10.90 43 II.35 II.33 11.31 II.28 II.26 II.24 II.21 II. 19 II. 17 44 II.62 II.59 II.57 II.55 II.52 II.50 II.47 II.45 II.42 45 11.88 11.86 11.83 11.81 11.78 11.76 II.73 II.71 11.69 46 12.15 12.12 12.09 12.07 12.05 12.02 12.00 II.97 II.94 47 12.41 12.39 12.36 12.33 12.31 12.28 12.26 12.23 12.21 48 12.67 12.65 12.62 12.60 12.57 12.54 12.52 12.49 12.47 49 12.94 12.91 12.88 12.86 12.83 12.81 12.77 12.75 12.73 50 13.20 13.18 13.15 13.12 13.09 13.07 13.04 13.01 12.99 51 13.47 13.44 13.41 13.39 13.36 13.33 13.30 13.27 13.25 52 13.73 13.70 13.68 13.65 13.62 13.59 13.56 13.53 13.51 53 14.00 13.97 13.94 13.91 13.88 13.85 13.82 13.79 13.77 54 14.26 14.23 14.20 14.17 14.14 14.II 14.08 14.06 14.02 55 14.53 14.50 14.47 14.44 14.41 14.38 14.35 14.32 14.29 56 57 57 14.79 14.76 15.06 14.73 58 15.32 15.29 15.02 14.99 15.26 14.70 14.96 14.67 14.64 14.61 14.58 14.55 14.93 15.23 59 15.58 15.55 15.52 15.49 14.90 14.87 15.19 15.16 15.13 15.46 15.42 14.84 14.81 15.10 15.07 15.39 15.36 15.33 60 15.85 15.82 15.78 15.75 15.72 15.69 15.65 15.62 15.59 61 16.11 16.08 16.05 16.01 15.98 15.95 15.91 15.88 15.85 62 16.38 16.35 16.31 16.28 16.24 16.21 16.18 16.14 16.11 63 16.64 16.61 16.57 16.54 16.51 16.47 16.44 16.40 16.37 64 16.91 16.87 16.84 16.80 16.77 16.73 16.70 16.66 16.63 65 17.17 17.14 17.10 17.07 17.03 17.00 16.96 16.92 16.89 66 17.44 17.40 17.37 17.33 17.29 67 17.70 17.67 17.63 17.59 68 69 18.23 18.19 18.16 17.97 17.93 17.89 17.86 18.12 17.26 17.22 17.56 17.52 17.48 17.45 17.83 17.78 18.08 18.04 17.19 17.15 17.41 17.74 18.00 17.71 17.67 17.97 17.93 70 71 18.50 18.46 18.42 18.38 18.35 18.76 18.72 18.68 18.65 18.61 18.31 18.27 18.23 18.19 18.57 18.53 18.49 18.45 72 19.03 18.99 18.95 18.91 18.87 18.83 18.79 18.75 18.71 73 74 19.25 19.21 19.52 19.48 19.44 19.17 19. 13 19.09 19.05 19.01 18.97 19.40 19.35 19.31 19.27 19.23 75 19.78 76 77 20.27 20.22 19.74 19.70 19.66 20.00 19.96 19.92 20.18 19.62 19.57 19.53 19.49 19.88 19.84 19.80 19.75 20.14 20.10 20.06 20.01 78 20.49 20.45 79 20.75 20.71 20.40 20.36 20.32 20.66 20.27 20.62 20.58 20.54 80 20.97 20.93 20.88 20.84 20.80 *For addition for tenths of polariscopic reading, see p. 46. 4 50 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 108. Low's Volumetric Method for Estimation of Reduced Copper, Modified.* (a) Standardization of the Thiosulphate Solution. Prepare a solution of sodium thiosulphate containing 19 grams of pure crystals to 1,000 cc. Weigh accurately about 0.2 gram of pure copper foil and place in a flask of 250 cc. capacity. Dissolve by warming with 5 cc. of a mixture of equal volumes of strong nitric acid and water. Dilute to 50 cc. boil to expel the red fumes, add 5 cc. strong bromin water, and boil until the bromin is thoroughly expelled. Re- move from the heat and add a slight excess of strong ammonium hydroxid-7 cc. is about the right amount. Again boil until the excess of ammonia is expelled, as shown by a change of color of the liquid, and a partial precipitation. Now add a slight excess of strong acetic acid (3 or 4 cc. of 80 per cent. acid) and boil for a minute. Cool to room temperature and add 10 cc. of a solution of pure potassium iodid containing 300 grams of potassium iodid to 1000 cc. Titrate at once with the thiosulphate solution until the brown tinge has become weak, then add sufficient starch liquor to produce a marked blue colora- tion. Continue the titration cautiously until the color due to free iodin has entirely vanished. The blue color changes toward the end to a faint lilac. If at this point the thiosulphate be added drop by drop and a little time be allowed for complete reaction after each addition there is no difficulty in determining the end point within a single drop. One cubic centimeter of the thiosulphate solution will be found to correspond to about 0.005 gram of copper. (b) Determination of Copper. After washing the precipitated cuprous oxid, cover the Gooch with a watch-glass and dissolve the oxid by means of 5 cc. of warm nitric acid (1:1) poured under the watch-glass with a pipette. Catch the filtrate in a flask of 250 cc. capacity and wash watch-glass and Gooch free of copper; 50 cc. of water will be sufficient. Boil to expel red fumes, add 5 cc. of bromin water, boil off the bromin, and proceed exactly as in standardizing the thiosulphate. 109. Uniform Method for Determining Reducing Sugars in General (Munson and Walker).† (1) Preparation of Solutions and Asbestos. (a) Solutions. Use solutions (a), and (b), as given on page 34, under Soxhlet's modification of Fehling's solution. * J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 24, 1082, (1902). † J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 28, 663 (1906); 29, 541, (1907). METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 51 (b) Asbestos. Prepare the asbestos, which should be the amphibole variety, by first digesting with 1:3 hydrochloric acid for two or three days. Wash free from acid and digest for a similar period with soda solution, after which treat for a few hours with hot alkaline copper tartrate solu- tion of the strength employed in sugar determinations. Then wash the asbestos free from alkali, finally digest with nitric acid for several hours, and after washing free from acid shake with water for use. In prepar- ing the Gooch crucible load it with a film of asbestos one-fourth inch thick, wash this thoroughly with water to remove fine particles of as- bestos; finally wash with alcohol and ether, dry for thirty minutes at 100° C., cool in a desiccator and weigh. It is best to dissolve the cu- prous oxid with nitric acid each time after weighing and use the same felts over and over again, as they improve with use. (2) Determination. Transfer 25 cc. each of the copper and alkaline tartrate solutions to a 400 cc. Jena or Non-sol beaker and add 50 cc. of reducing sugar solution, or, if a smaller volume of sugar solution be used, add water to make the final volume 100 cc. Heat the beaker upon an asbestos gauze over a Bunsen burner, so regulate the flame that boiling begins in four minutes, and continue the boiling for exactly two minutes. Keep the beaker covered with a watch-glass throughout the entire time of heating. With out diluting, filter the cuprous oxid at once on an asbestos felt in a porce- lain Gooch crucible, using suction. Wash the cuprous oxid thoroughly with water at a temperature of about 60°C., then with 10 cc. of alcohol and finally with 10 cc. of ether. Dry for thirty minutes in a water oven at 100° C., cool in a desiccator and weigh as cuprous oxid. N. B. The number of milligrams of copper reduced by a given amount of reducing sugar differs when sucrose is present and when it is absent. In the tables following the absence of sucrose is assumed except in the two columns under invert sugar, where one for mixtures of invert sugar and sucrose (0.4 gram of total sugar in 50 cc. of solution) and one for invert sugar and sucrose when the 50 cc. of solution contains 2 grams of total sugar are given and in the two columns under lactose for the mixtures of 1 part lactose with 4 parts sucrose and I part lactose with 12 parts sucrose. Explanatory Note: Since this manuscript was first prepared, the lactose table included in the Munson and Walker tables has been found to be incorrect. Mr. P. H. Walker has published this fact* and his corrected table; but as some *Circular 82, Bureau of Chem., U. S. Dept. Agr. 52 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. question has arisen as to the composition of the lactose used by him, Mr. M. N. Straughn of the Sugar Laboratory, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. of Agr., has prepared a pure sugar and made the deter- minations for a new table for lactose, and with the assistance of the author has made the calculations for that table, and in addition the determinations and calculations for a table for a mixture of 1 part lactose and 4 parts sucrose for use on condensed milks, and for 1 part lactose and 12 parts sucrose for use on milk chocolates. In all cases the work was done on lactose of the formula 5 (C12H22O11)+2(H2O), and calculated to the hydrated form, C12H22O11+ H2O, as the only one occurring in nature. These have been substituted for the original Walker tables. Only one maltose column is left, since the sugar as found commer- cially is only in the hydrated form. A METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 53 110.-Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures) and Maltose. (Crystallized.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. 0.4 gram total sugar. Lactose and sucrose. Lactose. 2 grams C12H22O11 + H2O. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. total sugar. I lactose 12 Su- crose. Maltose. C12H22O11 + H2O. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). ΙΟ 8.9 4.0 4.5 1.6 6.3 6.1 6.2 ΙΟ II 9.8 4.5 5.0 2. I 6.9 6.7 7.0 II 12 10.7 4.9 5.4 2.5 7.5 7.3 7.9 12 13 II.5 5.3 5.8 3.0 8.2 7.9 8.7 13 14 12.4 5.7 6.3 3.4 8.8 8.5 9.5 14 15 16 17 18 19 67896 13.3 6.2 6.7 3.9 9.4 9.I IO.4 14.2 6.6 7.2 4.3 IO.O 9.7 II.2 15. I 7.0 7.6 4.8 10.7 10.3 12.0 HHH 15 16 17 16.0 7.5 8.1 5.2 II.3 10.9 12.9 18 16.9 7.9 8.5 5.7 II.9 II.5 13.7 19 5678 9 22222 20 17.8 8.3 8.9 6.1 12.5 12. I 14.6 21 18.7 8.7 9.4 6.6 13.2 12.7 15.4 22 19.5 9.2 9.8 7.0 13.8 13.3 16.2 23 20.4 9.6 10.3 7.5 14.4 13.9 17. I 24 21.3 10.0 IO.7 " 7.9 15.0 14.5 17.9 OH234 12222 20 21 22 23 24 22222 56788 25 22.2 IO.5 II.2 8.4 15.7 15.2 18.7 26 23.I 10.9 II.6 8.8 16.3 15.8 19.6 27 24.0 II.3 12.0 9.3 16.9 16.4 20.4 28 24.9 II.8 12.5 9.7 17.6 17.0 21.2 29 25.8 12.2 12.9 IO.2 18.2 17.6 22.I 5678 9 22222 25 26 27 28 29 33333 OT234 30 26.6 12.6 13.4 10.7 4.3 18.8. 18.2 22.9 31 27.5 13. I 13.8 II. I 4.7 19.4 18.8 23.7 32 28.4 13.5 14.3 11.6 5.2 20. I 19.4 24.6 33 29.3 13.9 14.7 12.0 5.6 20.7 20.0 25.4 34 30.2 14.3 15.2 12.5 6. I 21.4 20.7 26.2 O1234 33333 30 31 32 33 34 33333 56789 35 31.I 14.8 15.6 12.9 6.5 22. I 21.3 27.1 36 32.0 15.2 16. 1 13.4 7.0 22.8 22.0 27.9 37 32.9 15.6 16.5 13.8 7.4 23.5 22.7 28.7 38 33.8 16.1 16.9 14.3 7.9 24.2 23.3 29.6 39 34.6 16.5 17.4 14.7 8.4 24.8 24.0 30.4 5678 8 33333 35 36 37 38 39 +++++ 0123. 40 35.5 16.9 17.8 15.2 8.8 25.5 24.7 31.3 40 44444 56 78 a 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 36.4 17.4 18.3 15.6 9.3 26.2 25.3 32. I 41 37.3 17.8 18.7 16.1 9.7 26.9 26.0 32.9 42 38.2 18.2 19.2 16.6 IO.2 27.6 26.6 33.8 43 39. I 18.7 19.6 17.0 IO.7 28.3 27.3 34.6 44 40.0 19. I 20. I 17.5 II. I 28.9 28.0 35.4 40.9 19.6 20.5 17.9 II.6 29.6 28.6 36.3 41.7 20.0 21.0 18.4 12.0 30.3 29.3 37.I 42.6 20.4 21.4 18.8 12.5 31.0 30.0 37.9 43.5 20.9 21.9 19.3 12.9 31.7 30.6 38.8 44444 56789 45 46 47 48 49 55555 50 51 52 53 54 OH23+ 44.4 21.3 22.3 19.7 13.4 32.3 31.3 39.6 50 45.3 21.7 22.8 20.2 13.9 33.0 32.0 40.4 46.2 22.2 23.2 20.7 14.3 33.7 32.6 41.3 47.I 22.6 23.7 21. I 14.8 34.4 33.3 42.1 53 48.0 23.0 24.I 21.6 15.2 35.I 34.0 42.9 OH234 55555 52 54 55555 56789 55 48.9 23.5 24.6 22.0 15.7 35.8 34.6 43.8 55 56 49.7 23.9 25.0 22.5 16.2 36.4 35.3 44.6 56 57 50.6 24.3 25.5 22.9 16.6 37:1 35.9 45.4 57 58 51.5 24.8 25.9 23.4 17.1 37.8 36.6 46.3 58 59 52.4 25.2 26.4 23.9 17.5 38.5 37.3 47.I 59 56789 60 53.3 25.6 26.8 24.3 18.0 39.2 37.9 48.0 бо 61 54.2 26. I 27.3 24.8 18.5 39.9 38.6 48.8 61 62 55.I 26.5 27.7 25.2 18.9 40.5 39.3 49.6 62 63 56.0 27.0 28.2 25.7 19.4 41.2 39.9 50.5 63 64. 56.8 27.4 28.6 26.2 19.8 41.9 40.6 51.3 64 54 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 0.4 gram 2 grams total total sugar. sugar. 1 Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures) and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. Lactose and sucrose. Lactose. Maltose. C12H22O11 + H2O. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. I lactose 12 Su- crose. C12H22O11 + H2O. 65 57.7 27.8 29. I 26.6 20.3 42.6 41.3 52.1 66 58.6 28.3 29.5 27. I 20.8 43.3 41.9 53.0 67 59.5 28.7 30.0 27.5 21.2 44.0 42.6 40. I 53.8 68 60.4 29.2 30.4 28.0 21.7 44.7 43.3 40.7 54.6 69 61.3 29.6 30.9 28.5 22.2 45.3 43.9 41.3 55.5 70 62.2 30.0 31.3 28.9 22.6 46.0 44.6 41.9 56.3 71 63.1 30.5 31.8 29.4 23. I 46.7 45.3 42.5 57.1 72 64.0 30.9 32.3 29.8 23.5 47.4 45.9 43. I 58.0 73 64.8 31.4 32.7 30.3 24.0 48. I 46.6 43.7 58.8 74 65.7 31.8 33.2 30.8 24.5 48.8 47.3 44.2 59.6 76 777 58789 75 66.6 32.2 33.6 31.2 24.9 49.4 47.9 44.8 60.5 67.5 32.7 34. I 31.7 25.4 50. I 48.6 45.4 61.3 77 78 79 68.4 33.I 34.5 32. I 25.9 50.8 49.3 46.0 62. I 69.3 33.6 35.0 32.6 26.3 51.5 49.9 46.6 63.0 70.2 34.0 35.4 33.I 26.8 52.2 50.6 47.2 63.8 Cuprous THE BENE oxid (Cu2O). 65 66 67 68 69 76 78 79 888888888 80 81 82 83 84 O1234 71. I 34.4 35.9 33.5 27.3 52.9 51.3 47.8 64.6 71.9 34.9 36.3 34.0 27.7 53.6 51.9 48.4 65.5 72.8 35.3 36.8 34.5 28.2 54.2 52.6 49.0 66.3 73.7 35.8 37.3 34.9 28.6 54.9 53.3 49.6 67.1 74.6 36.2 37.7 35.4 29. I 55.6 53.9 50. I 68.0 88888 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 56 788 75.5 36.7 38.2 35.8 29.6 56.3 54.6 50.7 68.8 85 76.4 37. I 38.6 36.3 30.0 57.0 55.3 51.3 69.7 86 77.3 37.5 39. I 36.8 30.5 57.7 55.9 51.9 70.5 87 78.2 38.0 39.5 37.2 31.0 58.4 56.6 52.5 71.3 88 79. I 38.4 40.0 37.7 31.4 59.0 57.3 53.I 72.2 89 90 79.9 38.9 40.4 38.2 31.9 59.7 57.9 53.7 73.0 90 91 80.8 39.3 40.9 38.6 32.4 60.4 58.6 54.3 73.8 91 92 81.7 39.8 41.4 39.I 32.8 61.1 59.3 54.9 74.7 92 93 82.6 40.2 41.8 39.6 33.3 61.8 59.9 55.5 75.5 93 94 83.5 40.6 42.3 40.0 33.8 62.5 60.6 56.0 76.3 94 95 84.4 41. I 42.7 40.5 34.2 63.2 61.3 56.6 77.2 95 96 85.3 41.5 43.2 41.0 34.7 63.8 61.9 57.2 78.0 96 97 86.2 42.0 43.7 41.4 35.2 64.5 62.6 57.8 78.8 97 98 87. I 42.4 44. I 41.9 35.6 65.2 63.3 58.4 79.7 98 99 87.9 42.9 44.6 42.4 36.1 65.9 63.9 59.0 80.5 99 100 88.8 43.3 45.0 42.8 36.6 66.6 64.6 59.6 81.3 100 ΙΟΙ 89.7 43.8 45.5 43.3 37.0 67.3 65.3 60.2 82.2 ΙΟΙ 102 90.6 44.2 46.0 43.8 37.5 68.0 66.0 60.8 83.0 102 103 104 91.5 92.4 44.7 46.4 44.2 38.0 68.7 66.6 61.4 83.8 103 45. I 46.9 44.7 38.5 69.3 67.3 62.0 84.7 104 105 93.3 тоб 94.2 46.0 47.8 45.5 47.3 45.2 38.9 70.0 68.0 62.6 85.5 105 45.6 39.4 70.7 68.6 63.2 86.3 106 107 95.0 46.4 108 95.9 46.9 48.7 48.3 46. I 39.9 71.4 69.3 63.8 87.2 107 46.6 40.3 72.1 70.0 64.4 88.0 108 109 96.8 47.3 49.2 47.0 40.8 72.8 70.6 65.0 88.8 109 ITO 97.7 47.8 49.6 47.5 41.3 73.5 71.3 65.6 89.7 ΓΙΟ 112 113 100.4 49. T III 98.6 48.2 99.5 48.7 50. I 48.0 41.7 74.2 72.0 66.I 90.5 111 50.6 48.4 42.2 74.8 72.6 66.7 91.3 112 51.0 48.9 42.7 75.5 73.3 67.3 92.2 113 114 101.3 49.6 51.5 49.4 43.2 76.2 74.0 67.9 93.0 114 115 102.2 50.0 51.9 116 103.0 50.5 52.4 117 103.9 50.9 52.9 118 104.8 51.4 53.3 119 105.7 51.8 53.8 49.8 43.6 76.9 74.6 68.5 93.9 115 50.3 44. I 77.6 75.3 69. I 94.7 116 50.8 44.6 78.3 76.0 69.7 95.5 117 51.2 45.0 79.0 76.7 70.3 96.4 118 51.7 45.5 79.6 77.3 70.9 97.2 119 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 55 2 grams total sugar. sugar. Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Pres- ence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 mixtures) and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sucrose. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and surcose. 0.4 gram total Lactose and sucrose. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Lactose. Maltose. C12H22O11 + H2O. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. I lactose 12 Su- crose. C12H22O11 + H2O. 120 106.6 52.3 54.3 52.2 46.0 80.3 78.0 71.5 98.0 120 121 107.5 52.7 54.7 52.7 46.5 81.0 78.7 72.I 98.9 121 122 108.4 53.2 55.2 53. I 46.9 81.7 79.3 72.7 99.7 122 123 109.3 53.6 55.7 53.6 47.4 82.4 80.0 73.3 100.5 123 124 IIO. I 54. I 56.1 54. I 47.9 83. I 80.7 73.9 ΙΟΙ.4 124 125 III.O 54.5 56.6 54.5 48.3 83.8 81.3 74.5 I02.2 125 126 III.9 55.0 57.0 55.0 48.8 84.5 82.0 75.I 103.0 126 127 112.8 55.4 57.5 55.5 49.3 85. I 82.7 75.7 103.9 127 128 129 113.7 55.9 58.0 114.6 56.3 58.4 55.9 49.8 85.8 83.4 76.3 104.7 128 56.4 50.2 86.5 84.0 76.9 105.5 129 130 115.5 56.8 58.9 56.9 50.7 87.2 84.7 77-5 106.4 130 131 116.4 57.2 59.4 57.4 51.2 87.9 85.4 78.1 107.2 131 132 133 118.1 58.1 60.3 117.3 57.7 59.8 57.8 51.7 88.6 86.0 78.7 108.0 132 58.3 52. I 89.3 86.7 79.3 Ic8.9 133 134 119.0 58.6 60.8 58.8 52.6 90.0 87.4 79.7 109.7 134 135 119.9 59.0 61.2 59.3 53.I 90.6 88.1 80.5 110.5 135 136 120.8 137 138 122.6 60.4 59.5 61.7 59.7 53.6 91.3 88.7 81. I III.4 136 121.7 60.0 62.2 60.2 54.0 92.0 89.4 81.7 II2.2 137 62.6 60.7 54.5 92.7 90. I 82.3 113.0 138 139 123.5 60.9 63.1 61.2 55.0 93.4 90.7 82.9 113.9 139 140 124.4 61.3 63.6 61.6 55.5 94. I 91.4 83.5 114.7 140 141 125.2 61.8 64.0 62.1 55.9 94.8 92. I 84. I 115.5 141 142 126. I 62.2 64.5 62.6 56.4 95.5 92.8 84.7 116.4 142 143 127.0 62.7 65.0 63. I 56.9 96.1 93.4 85.3 117.2 143 144 127.9 63. I 65.4 63.5 57.4 96.8 94. I 85.9 118.0 144 145 128.8 63.6 65.9 64.0 57.8 97.5 94.8 86.5 118.9 145 146 129.7 64.0 66.4 64.5 58.3 98.2 95.4 87.1 119.7 146 149 130.6 64.5 66.9 65.0 58.8 98.9 96. I 87.7 120.5 147 148 131.5 65.0 67.3 65.4 59.3 99.6 96.8 88.3 121.4 148 149 132.4 65.4 67.8 65.9 59.7 100.3 97.5 88.9 122.2 149 150 133.2 65.9 68.3 66.4 60.2 IOI.O 98. I 89.5 123.0 150 151 134. I 66.3 68.7 66.9 60.7 101.6 98.8 90.2 123.9 151 152 135.0 66.8 69.2 67.3 61.2 102.3 99.5 90.8 124.7 152 153 135.9 154 136.8 67.7 67.2 69.7 67.8 61.7 103.0 100. I 91.4 125.5 153 70. I 68.3 62. I 103.7 100.8 92.0 126.4 154 155 137.7 68.2 70.6 68.8 62.6 104.4 IOI.5 92.6 127.2 155 156 138.6 68.6 71. I 69.2 63.1 105. I I02.2 93.2 128.0 156 157 69.1 139.5 71.6 69.7 63.6 105.8 102.8 93.8 128.9 157 158 140.3 69.5 72.0 70.2 64. I 106.5 103.5 94.4 129.7 158 159 141.2 70.0 72.5 70.7 64.5 107.2 104.2 95.0 130.5 159 160 142. I 70.4 73.0 71.2 65.0 107.9 104.8 95.6 131.4 160 161 143.0 70.9 73.4 71.6 65.5 108.5 105.5 96.2 132.2 161 162 143.9 71.4 73.9 72.1 66.0 109.2 106.2 96.8 133.0 162 163 144.8 71.8 74.4 72.6 65.5 109.9 106.9 97 4 133.9 163 164 145.7 72.3 74.9 73.I 66.9 IIO.6 107.5 98.0 134.7 164 165 146.6 72.8 75.3 73.6 67.4 III.3 108.2 98.6 135.5 165 166 147.5 73.2 75.8 74.0 67.9 I12.O 108.9 99.2 136.4 166 167 148.3 73.7 76.3 74.5 68.4 112:7 109.6 99.8 137.2 167 168 149.2 74. I 76.8 75.0 68.9 113.4 IIO.2 100.4 138.0 168 169 150.1 74.6 77.2 75.5 69.3 114. I I10.9 ΙΟΙ.Ο 138.9 169 170 151.0 75.1 77.7 76.0 69.8 114.8 III.6 101.6 139.7 170 171 151.9 75.5 78.2 76.4 70.3 115.4 112.3 102.2 140.5 171 172 152.8 76.0 78.7 76.9 70.8 116. I 112.9 102.8 141.4 172 173 153.7 76.4 79. I 77.4 71.3 116.8 113.6 103.5 142.2 173 174 154.6 76.9 79.6 77.9 71.7 117.5 114.3 104. I 143.0 174 56 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. sucrose. 0.4 gram total total sugar. sugar. Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures) and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and Lactose and sucrose. Lactose. + H2O. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. 2 grams C12H22O11 I lactose 12 Su- crose. Maltose. C12H22O11 + H2O. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). 175 155.5 77.4 80. I 78.4 72.2 118.2 114.9 104.7 143.9 175 176 156.3 77.8 80.6 78.8 72.7 118.9 115.6 105.3 144.7 176 177 157.2 78.3 81.0 79.3 73.2 119.6 116.3 105.9 145.5 177 178 158.1 78.8 81.5 79.8 73.7 120.3 117.0 106.5 146.4 178 179 159.0 79.2 82.0 80.3 74.2 121.O 117.6 107. I 147.2 179 180 159.9 79.7 82.5 80.8 74.6 121.6 118.3 107.7 148.0 180 181 160.8 80.I 82.9 81.3 75.1 122.3 119.0 108.3 148.9 181 182 161.7 80.6 183 162.6 81.I 83.9 83.4 81.7 75.6 123. I 119.7 108.9 149.7 182 82.2 76.1 123.7 120.3 109.5 184 163.4 81.5 84.4 82.7 76.6 124.3 121.O IIO.I 150.5 183 151.4 184 185 164.3 82.0 84.9 83.2 77.I 125.1 121.7 110.7 152.2 185 187 166.1 82.9 85.8 186 165.2 82.5 85.3 83.7 77.6 125.8 122.4 III.3 153.0 186 84.2 78.0 126.5 123. I III.9 153.9 187 188 167.0 83.4 86.3 84.6 78.5 127.2 123.7 112.5 154.7 188 189 167.9 83.9 86.8 85.1 79.0 127.9 124.4 113.1 155.5 189 190 168.8 84.3 87.2 85.6 79.5 128.5 125.I 113.8 156.4 190 191 169.7 84.8 87.7 86.I 80.0 129.2 125.8 114.4 157.2 191 192 170.5 85.3 88.2 86.6 80.5 129.9 126.4 115.0 158.0 192 193 171.4 85.7 88.7 87.1 81.0 130.6 127. I 115.6 158.9 193 194 172.3 86.2 89.2 87.6 81.4 131.3 127.8 116.2 159.7 194 195 173.2 86.7 89.6 88.0 81.9 132.0 128.5 116.8 160.5 195 196 174.I 87.1 90. I 88.5 82.4 132.7 129.2 II7.4 161.4 196 197 175.0 87.6 90.6 89.0 82.9 133.4 129.8 118.0 162.2 197 198 175.9 88.1 91.1 89.5 83.4 134.I 130.5 118.6 163.0 198 199 176.8 88.5 91.6 90.0 83.9 134.8 131.2 119.2 163.9 199 200 177.7 89.0 92.0 90.5 84.4 135.4 131.9 119.8 164.7 200 201 202 179.4 178.5 89.5 92.5 91.0 84.8 136.1 132.5 120.4 165.5 201 89.9 93.0 91.4 85.3 136.8 133.2 121.0 166.4 202 203 180.3 90.4 93.5 91.9 85.8 137.5 133.9 121.7 167.2 203 204 181.2 90.9 94.0 92.4 86.3 138.2 134.6 122.3 168.0 204 205 182.1 91.4 94.5 92.9 86.8 138.9 135.3 122.9 168.9 205 206 183.0 91.8 94.9 93.4 87.3 139.6 135.9 123.5 169.7 206 207 183.9 92.3 95.4 93.9 87.8 140.3 136.6 124.I 170.5 207 208 184.8 92.8 95.9 94.4 88.3 141.0 137.3 124.7 171.4 208 209 185.6 93.2 96.4 94.9 88.8 141.7 138.0 125.3 172.2 209 210 186.5 93.7 96.9 95.4 89.2 142.3 211 187.4 94.2 97.4 95.8 89.7 143.0 212 188.3 94.6 97.8 96.3 90.2 143.7 213 189.2 95.I 98.3 96.8 90.7 144.4 214 190. I 95.6 98.8 97.3 91.2 145.I 138.6 126.0 139.3 126.6 140.0 127.2 140.7 127.8 141.4 128.4 173.0 210 173.8 211 174.7 175.5 212 213 176.4 214 215 191.0 96.1 99.3 97.8 91.7 145.8 142.0 2.17 218 219 194.5 192.8 193.6 97.5 100.8 216 191.9 96.5 99.8 98.3 92.2 146.5 142.7 129.0 129.6 177.2 215 178.0 216 97.0 100.3 98.8 92.7 147.2 143.4 130.2 178.9 217 99.3 93.2 147.9 144.I 130.9 98.0 101.2 99.8 93.7 148.6 144.7 131.5 179.7 180.5 219 215 220 195.4 98.4 101.7 221 196.3 98.9 102.2 100.8 222 197.2 99.4 102.7 100.3 94.2 149.3 145.4 132.I 181.4 220 94.7 150.0 146.1 132.7 182.2 IOI.2 95.I 150.7 146.8 133.3 183.0 221 222 223 224 198.1 99.9 103.2 199.0 100.3 103.7 ΙΟΙ.7 95.6 151.3 102.2 96. I 152.0 147.5 133.9 148.1 134.5 183.9 223 184.7 224 225 199.9 100.8 104.2 226 200.7 101.3 104.6 227 201.6 101.8 105.1 228 202.5 102.2 105.6 102.7 96.6 152.7 103.2 97.I 153.4 103.7 97.6 154.I 148.8 135.2 149.5 135.8 150.2 136.4 185.5 225 186.4 226 187.2 227 104.2 98. I 154.8 150.8 137.0 188.0 228 229 203.4 102.7 106.1 104.7 98.6 155.5 151.5 137.6 188.8 229 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 57 sugar. 2 grams total sugar. Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures), and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. 0.4 grams total Lactose and sucrose. I lactose 12 Su- crose. Maltose. C12H22O11 + H2O. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Lactose. C12H22O11 + H2O. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. 230 204.3 103.2 106.6 105.2 99. I 156.2 152.2 138.2 189.7 230 231 205.2 103.7 107. I 105.7 99.6 156.9 152.9 138.8 190.5 231 232 206.1 104.1 107.6 106.2 100. I 157.6 153.6 139.4 191.3 232 233 207.0 104.6 108. I 106.7 100.6 158.3 154.2 140. I 192.2 233 234 207.9 105.1 108.6 107.2 IOI.I 159.0 154.9 140.7 193.0 234 235 208.7 105.6 109.1 107.7 101.6 159.6 155.6 141.3 193.8 235 236 209.6 106.0 109.5 108.2 102. I 160.3 156.3 141.9 194.7 236 237 238 211.4 107.0 110.5 239 212.3 107.5 III.O 210.5 106.5 110.0 108.7 102.6 161.0 156.9 142.5 195.5 237 109.2 103. I 161.7 109.6 103.5 162.4 157.6 143.2 158.3 143.8 196.3 238 197.2 239 240 213.2 108.0 III.5 IIO.I 104.0 163.1 159.0 144.4 198.0 240 241 214.1 108.4 112.0 110.6 104.5 163.8 159.7 145.0 198.8 241 242 215.0 108.9 112.5 III.I 105.0 164.5 160.3 145.6 199.7 242 243 215.8 109.4 113.0 III.6 105.5 165.2 161.0 146.3 200.5 243 244 216.7 109.9 113.5 112.I 106.0 165.9 161.7 146.9 201.3 244 245 217.6 110.4 114.0 112.6 106.5 166.6 162.4 147.5 202.2 245 246 218.5 110.8 114.5 113.1 107.0 167.3 163.1 148. I 203.0 246 247 219.4 III.3 115.0 113.6 107.5 168.0 163.7 148.7 203.8 247 248 220.3 III.8 115.4 114.I 108.0 168.7 164.4 149.3 204.7 248 249 221.2 112.3 115.9 114.6 108.5 169.4 165.1 150.0 205.5 249 250 222.1 112.8 116.4 115.I 109.0 170. I 165.8 150.6 206.3 250 251 223.0 113.2 116.9 115.6 109.5 170.8 166.5 151.2 207.2 251 252 223.8 113.7 117.4 116.1 IIO.O 171.5 167.2 151.8 208.0 254 253 224.7 114.2 117.9 116.6 IIO.5 172.I 167.8 152.4 208.8 253 254 225.6 114.7 118.4 117.1 III.O 172.8 168.5 153.I 209.7 254 255 226.5 115.2 118.9 117.6 III.5 173.5 169.2 153.7 210.5 255 256 227.4 115.7 119.4 118.1 112.O 174.2 169.9 154.3 211.3 256 257 228.3 116.1 119.9 118.6 112.5 174.9 170.6 154.9 212.2 25/7 258 229.2 116.6 120.4 119.I 113.0 175.6 171.3 155.5 259 230.1 117.I 120.9 119.6 113.5 176.3 171.9 156.2 213.0 258 213.8 259 260 231.0 117.6 121.4 261 262 232.7 118.6 122.4 120.I 114.0 177.0 172.6 156.8 214.7 260 231.8 118.1 121.9 120.6 114.5 177.7 173.3 157.4 215.5 261 121.I 115.0 178.4 174.0 158.0 216.3 262 263 233.6 119.0 122.9 121.6 115.5 179.I 174.7 158.6 217.2 263 264 234.5 119.5 123.4 122.I 116.0 179.8 175.3 159.3 218.0 264 265 235.4 120.0 123.9 122.6 116.5 180.5 176.0 159.9 218.8 265 266 236.3 120.5 124.4 123.I I17.0 181.2 176.7 160.5 219.7 266, 267 237.2 121.0 124.9 123.6 117.5 181.9 177.4 161.1 220.5 267 268 238.1 121.5 125.4 124. I 118.0 182.6 178.1 161.8 221.3 268 269 238.9 122.0 125.9 124.6 118.5 183.3 178.8 162.4 222.I 269 270 239.8 122.5 126.4 125.1 119.0 184.0 179.4 271 240.7 122.9 126.9 125.6 119.5 184.6 180.1 272 241.6 123.4 127.4 126.2 120.0 185.3 180.8 163.0 163.6 223.8 271 164.3 224.6 272 223.0 270 273 242.5 123.9 127.9 126.7 120.6 186.0 181.5 164.9 225.5 273 274 243.4 124.4 128.4 127.2 121.I 186.7 182.2 165.5 226.3 274 275 244.3 124.9 128.9 127.7 121.6 187.4 182.9 166.1 227.I 275 276 245.2 125.4 129.4 128.2 122.I 188.1 277 246.1 125.9 129.9 128.7 122.6 188.8 183.5 166.8 228.0 276 184.2 167.4 228.8 277 278 246.9 126.4 130.4 279 247.8 126.9 130.9 129.2 123.I 189.5 184.9 168.0 229.6 278 129.7 123.6 190.2 185.6 168.7 230.5 279 280 248.7 127.3 131.4 130.2 124.I 190.9 186.3 169.3 231.3 280 281 249.6 127.8 131.9 130.7 124.6 191.6 187.0 169.9 232. I 281 282 250.5 128.3 132.4 131.2 125.I 192.3 187.6 170.5 233.0 282 283 251.4 128.8 132.9 131.7 125.6 193.0 188.3 171.2 233.8 283 284 252.3 129.3 133.4 132.2 126.1 193.7 189.0 171.8 234.6 284 58 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. total sugar. total sugar. Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures) and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. 0.4 gram 2 grams Maltose. Lactose and sucrose. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. 1 lactose C12H22O11 Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Lactose. C12H22O11 + H2O. 12 Su- crose. + H2O. 285 253.2 129.8 133.9 132.7 126.6 194.4 189.7 172.4 285 286 254.0 130.3 134.4 133.2 127. I 195. I 190.4 173.0 236.3 286 287 254.9 130.8 134.9 133.7 127.6 195.8 191.0 173.7 237. I 287 288 255.8 131.3 135.4 289 256.7 131.8. 135.9 134.3 128. I 196.5 191.7 174.3 238.0 288 134.8 128.6 197. I 192.4 174.9 238.8 289 290 257.6 132.3 136.4 135.3 129.2 197.8 193. I 175.5 239.6 290 291 258.5 132.7 136.9 135.8 129.7 198.5 193.8 176.2 240.5 291 292 259.4 133.2 137.4 293 260.3 133.7 137.9 136.3 130.2 199.2 194.4 176.8 241.3 292 136.8 130.7 199.9 195. I 177.4 242. I 293 294 261.2 134,2 138.4 137.3 131.2 200.6 195.8 178.1 242.9 294 295 262.0 134.7 138.9 137.8 131.7 201.3 196.5 178.7 243.8 295 296 262.9 135.2 139.4 138.3 132.2 202.0 197.2 179.3 244.6 296 297 263.8 135.7 140.0 138.8 132.7 202.7 197.9 179.9 245.4 297 298 264.7 136.2 140.5 139.4 133.2 203.4 299 265.6 136.7 141.0 139.9 133.7 204. I 199.2 198.6 180.6 246.3 298 181.2 247.I 299 300 266.5 137.2 141.5 140.4 134.2 204.8 199.9 181.8 247.9 300 301 267.4 137.7 142.0 140.9 134.8 205.5 200.6 182.5 248.8 3ΟΙ 302 268.3 138.2 142.5 141.4 135.3 206.2 201.3 183. I 249.6 302 303 304 270.0 139.2 143.5 269.1 138.7 143.0 141.9 135.8 206.9 202.0 183.7 250.4 303 142.4 136.3 207.6 202.7 184.4 251.3 304 305 270.9 139.7 144.0 142.9 136.8 208.3 203.3 185.0 252.1 305 306 271.8 140.2 144.5 143.4 137.3 209.0 204.0 185.6 252.9 306 307 272.7 140.7 145.0 144.0 137.8 209.7 204.7 186.2 253.8 307 308 273.6 141.2 145.5 144.5 138.3 210.4 205.4 186.9 254.6 308 309 274.5 141.7 146. I 145.0 138.8 211. I 206. I 187.5 255.4 309 310 275.4 142.2 146.6 145.5 139.4 211.8 206.8 188. I 256.3 310 311 276.3 142.7 147. I 146.0 139.9 212.5 207.5 188.8 257.I 311 312 277.1 143.2 147.6 146.5 140.4 213.2 208. I 189.4 257.9 312 313 278.0 143.7 148. I 147.0 140.9 213.9 208.8 190.0 258.8 313 314 278.9 144.2 148.6 147.6 141.4 214.6 209.5 190.7 259.6 314 315 279.8 144.7 149.1 148. I 141.9 215.3 210.2 191.3 260.4 315 316 280.7 145.2 149.6 148.6 142.4 216.0 210.9 191.9 261.2 316 317 281.6 145.7 150.1 149. I 143.0 216.6 211.6 192.6 262. I 317 318 282.5 146.2 150.7 149.6 143.5 217.3 212.2 193.2 262.9 318 319 283.4 146.7 151.2 150. I 144.0 218.0 212.9 193.8 263.7 319 320 321 285.1 147.7 152.2 284.2 147.2 151.7 150.7 144.5 218.7 213.6 194.4 264.6 320 151.2 145.0 219.4 214.3 195.1 265.4 321 322 286.0 148.2 152.7 151.7 145.5 220. I 215.5 195.7 266.2 322 323 286.9 148.7 153.2 152.2 146.0 220.8 215.7 196.3 267. I 323 324 287.8 149.2 153.7 152.7 146.6 221.5 216.4 197.0 267.9 324 325 288.7 149.7 154.3 153.2 147. I 222.2 217.0 197.6 268.7 325 326 289.6 150.2 154.8 153.8 147.6 222.9 217.7 198.2 269.6 326 327 290.5150.7 155.3 154.3 148. I 223.6 218.4 198.9 270.4 327 328 291.4 151.2 155.8 154.8 148.6 224.3 219. I 199.5 271.2 328 329 292.2 151.7 156.3 155.3 149. I 225.0 219.8 200. I 272. I 329 330 293.1 152.2 156.8 155.8 149.7 225.7 220.5 200.8 272.9 330 331 294.0 152.7 157.3 156.4 150.2 226.4 332 294.9 153.2 157.9 333 295.8 153.7 158.4 156.9 150.7 227. I 157.4 151.2 227.8 334 296.7 154.2 158.9 157.9 151.7 228.5 221.2 221.8 202.0 222.5 202.7 223.2 203.3 201.4 273.7 331 274.6 332 275.4 276.2 334 333 335 297.6 154.7 159.4 158.4 152.3 229.2 223.9 204.0 277.0 335 336 298.5 155.2 159.9 159.0 152.8 229.9 224.6 204.6 277.9 336 337 299.3 155.8 160.5 159.5 153.3 230.6 338 300.2 156.3 161.0 160.0 153.8 231.3 225.3 226.0 205.2 205.9 278.7 337 339 301.1 156.8 161.5 160,5 154.3 232.0 279.5 338 226.7 206.5 280.4 339 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 59 sugar. 0.4 gram 2 grams total total sugar. sugar. Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures), and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. Lactose and sucrose. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. Maltose. I lactose 12 Su-; crose. C12H22O11 + H2O. Lactose. C12H22O11 + H2O. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). 340 302.0 157.3 162.0 161.0 154.8 232.7 227.4 207. I 281.2 340 342 341 302.9 157.8 162.5 303.8 158.3 163.1 161.6 155.4 233.4 228. I 207.8 282.0 341 162. I 155.9 234. I 228.7 208.4 282.9 342 343 304.7 158.8 163.6 162.6 156.4 234.8 229.4 209.0 283.7 343 344 305.6 159.3 164.1 163.1 156.9 235.5 230.1 209.7 284.5 344 345 306.5 159.8 164.6 163.7 157.5 236.2 346 307.3 160.3 165.1 230.8 210.3 285.4 345 164.2 158.0 236.9 231.5 211.O 286.2 346 347 308.2 160.8 165.7 164.7 158.5 237.6 232.2 211.6 287.0 347 348 309.1 161.4 166.2 165.2 159.0 238.3 232.9 212.2 349 310.0 161.9 166.7 165.7 159.5 239.0 233.6 212.9 287.9 348 288.7 349 350 310.9 162.4 167.2 166.3 160.1 239.7 234.3 213.5 289.5 350 351 31.8 162.9 167.7 166.8 160.6 240.4 235.0 214. I 290.4 351 352 312.7 163.4 168.3 167.3 161. I 241. I 235.6 214.8 291.2 352 353 313.6 163.9 168.8 167.8 161.6 241.8 236.3 215.4 292.0 353 354 314.4 164.4 169.3 168.4 162.2 242.5 237.0 216.1 292.8 354 355 315.3 164.9 169.8 168.9 162.7 243.2 237.7 216.7 293.7 355 356 316.2 165.4 170.4 169.4 163.2 243.9 238.4 217.3 294.5 356 357 317.1 166.0 170.9 170.0 163.7 244.6 239. I 218.0 295.3 357 358 318.0 166.5 171.. 4 170.5 164.3 245.3 239.8 218.6 296.2 358 359 318.9 167.0 171.9 171.0 164.8 246.0 240.5 219.2 297.0 359 360 319.8 167.5 172.5 171.5 165.3 246.7 241.2 219.9 361 320.7 168.0 173.0 172.I 165.8 247.4 241.9 220.5 298.7 297.8 360 361 362 321.6 168.5 173.5 172.6 166.4 248. I 242.5 221.2 299.5 362 363 322.4 169.0 174.0 173.I 166.9 248.8 364 323.3 169.6 174.6 173.7 167.4 249.5 243.2 243.9 222.5 221.8 300.3 363 301.2 364 365 324.2 170.1 175. I 174.2 167.9 250.2 244.6 223.I 302.0 365 366 325.1 170.6 175.6 174.7 168.5 250.9 245.3 223.7 367 326.0 171.1 176.1 175.2 169.0 251.6 246.0 224.4 368 326.9 171.6 176.7 175.8 169.5 252.3 246.7 303.6 367 302.8 366 225.0 304.5 368 369 327.8 172.1 177.2 176.3 170.0 253.0 247.4 225.7 305.3 309 370 328.7 172.7 177.7 176.8 170.6 253.7 248. I 226.3 306.1 370 371 329.5 173.2 178.3 177.4 171.I 254.4 248.8 227.0 307.0 371 372 330.4 173.7 178.8 177.9 171.6 255.I 249.5 373 331.3 174.2 179.3 178.4 172.2 255.8 374 332.2 174.7 179.8 179.0 172.7 256.5 250.9 250.3 228.3 228.9 227.6 307.8 372 308.6 373 309.5 374 375 333.1 175.3 180.4 179.5 173.2 257.2 251.5 229.6 310.3 375 376 334.0 175.8 180.9 180.0 173.7 257.9 252.2 230.2 311. I 376 377 334.9 176.3 181.4 180.6 174.3 258.6 252.9 230.8 312.0 377 378 335.8 176.8 182.0 181.1 174.8 259.3 253.6 231.5 312.8 378 379 336.7 177.3 182.5 181.6 175.3 260.0 254.3 232. I 313.6 379 380 337.5 177.9 183.0 182.1 175.9 260.7 255.0 232.8 314.5 380 381 338.4 178.4 183.6 182.7 176.4 261.4 255.7 233.4 315.3 381 382 339.3 178.9 184.1 183.2 176.9 262. I 256.4 234. I 316.1 382 383 340.2 179.4 184.6 183.6 177.5 262.8 257.I 234.7 316.9 383 384 341.1 180.0 185.2 184.3 178.0 263.5 257.8 235.4 317.8 384 385 342.0 180.5 185.7 184.8 178.5 264.2 258.5 236.0 318.6 385 386 342.9 181.0 186.2 185.4 179.1 264.9 259.2 236.6 319.4 386 387 343.8 181.5: 186.8 185.9 179.6 265.6 259.8 237.3 320.3 387 388 344.6 182.0 187.3 186.4 180.1 266.3 260.5 237.9 321.I 388 389 345.5 182.6 187.8 187.0 180.6 267.0 261.2 238.6 321.9 389 390 346.4 183.1 188.4 187.5 181.2 267.7 391 347-3 183.6 188.9 188.0 181.7 268.4 392 348.2 184.1 189.4 188.6 182.3 269. I 393 349.1 184.7 190.0 189.1 182.8 269.8 261.9 239.2 322.8 262.6 239.9 323.6 263.3 240.5 264.0 241.2 390 391 324.4 392 325.2 393 394 350.0 185.2 190.5 189.7 183.3 270.5 264.7 241.8 326.1 394 60 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 0.4 gram 2 grams total sugar. total sugar. Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures) and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. Lactose and sucrose. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. I lactose 12 Su- crose. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O) Lactose. Maltose. C12H22O11 + H2O. C12H22O11 + H2O. 395 350.9 185.7 191.0 190.2 183.9 271.2 265.4 242.5 396 351.8 186.2 191.6 190.7 184.4 271.9 266. I 243. I 326.9 327.7 396 395 397 352.6 186.8 192.1 191.3 184.9 272.6 266.8 243.8 328.6 397 398 353.5 187.3 192.7 191.8 185.5 273.3 267.5 244.4 329.4 398 309 354.4 187.8 193.2 192.3 186.0 274.0 268.2 245. I 330.2 399 400 355.3 188.4 193.7 192.9 186.5 274.7 268.9 245.7 331.I 400 401 356.2 188.9 194.3 193.4 187.1 275.4 269.6 246.4 331.9 401 402 357.1 189.4 194.8 194.0 187.6 276.1 270.3 247.0 332.7 402 403 358.0 189.9 195.4 194.5 188.1 276.8 271.0 247.7 333.6 403 404 358.9 190.5 195.9 195.0 188.7 277.5 271.7 248.3 334.4 404 405 359.7 191.0 196.4 195.6 189.2 278.2 272.3 249.0 355.2 405 407 406 360.6 191.5 197.0 361.5 192.1 197.5 196. I 189.8 278.9 273.0 249.6 336.0 406 196.7 190.3 279.6 273.7 250.3 336.9 407 408 362.4 192.6 198.1 197.2 190.8 280.3 274.4 251.0 337.7 408 409 363.3 193.1 198.6 197.7 191.4 281.0 275.I 251.6 338.5 409 410 364.2 193.7 199.1 198.3 191.9 281.7 275.8 252.3 339.4 410 4II 412 366.0 194.7 200.2 413 366.9 195.2 200.8 365.1 194.2 199.7 198.8 192.5 282.4 276.5 252.9 340.2 411 199.4 193.0 283.2 277.2 253.6 341.0 412 199.9 193.5 283.9 277.9 254.2 341.9 413 414 367.7 195.8 201.3 200.5 194. I 284.6 278.6 254.9 342.7 414 415 368.6 196.3 201.8 201.0 194.6 285.3 279.3 255.5 343.5 415 416 417 370.4 197.4 202.9 418 371.3 197.9 203.5 419 372.2 198.4 204.0 369.5 196.8 202.4 201.6 195.2 286.0 280.0 256.2 344.4 416 202.I 195.7 286.7 280.7 256.8 345.2 417 202.6 196.2 287.4 281.4 257.5 203.2 196.8 288. I 282. I 258. I 346.0 418 346.8 419 420 373.1 199.0 204.6 203.7 197.3 288.8 282.8 258.8 347.7 420 421 374.0 199.5 205.I 204.3 197.9 289.5 283.5 259.4 348.5 421 422 423 375.7 200.6 206.2 374.8 200.1 205.7 204.8 198.4 290.2 284.2 260. I 349.3 422 205.4 198.9 290.9 284.9 260.7 350.2 423 424 376.6 201.1 206.7 205.9 199.5 291.6 285.6 261.4 351.0 424 425 377.5 201.7 207.3 426 378.4 202.2 207.8 427 379.3 202.8 208.4 428 380.2 2033 208.9 429 381.1 203.8 209.5 206.5 200.0 292.3 286.3 262. I 351.8 425 207.0 200.6 293.0 287.0 262.7 352.7 426 207.6 201.I 293.7 287.7 263.4 353.5 427 208.I 201.7 294.4 288.4 264.0 354.3 428 208.7 202.2 295.I 289. I 264.7 355.I 429 430 431 432 383.7 205.5 211.1 382.0 204.4 210.0 382.8 204.9 210.6 209.2 202.7 295.8 289.8 265.4 356.0 430 209.8 203.3 296.5 290.5 266.0 356.8 431 210.3 203.8 297.2 291.2 433 384.6 206.0 211.7 210.9 204.4 297.9 434 385.5 206.5 212.2 211.4 204.9 298.6 266.7 357.6 432 291.9 267.3 358.5 433 292.6 268.0 359.3 434 435 386.4 207.1 212.8 212.0 205.5 299.3 436 387.3 207.6 213.3 212.5 206.0 300.0 294.0 437 388.2 208.2 213.9 213.1 206.6 300.7 294.7 438 389.1 208.7 214.4 213.6 207. I 301.4 295.4 439 390.0 209.2 215.0 214.2 207.7 302.I 296. I 293.3 268.7 360.I 435 269.3 361.0 436 270.0 361.8 437 270.6 362.6 438 271.3 363.4 439 440 390.8 209.8 215.5 214.7 208.2 302.8 296.8 441 391.7 210.3 216.1 215.3 208.8 303.5 297.5 442 392.6 210.9 216.6 215.8 209.3 304.2 443 393.5 211.4 217.2 216.4 209.9 304.9 444 394.4 212.0 217.8 216.9 210.4 305.6 298.2 273.3 298.9 273.9 365.9 442 366.8 443 299.6 274.6 367.6 444 272.0 364.3 440 272.6 365.1 441 445 395.3 212.5 218.3 217.5 211.0 306.3 446 396.2 213.1 218.9 218.0 211.5 307.0 447 397.1 213.6 219.4 218.6 212.I 307.7 448 397.9 214.I 220.0 219.I 212.6 308.4 449 398.8 214.7 220.5 219.7 213.2 309. I 300.3 275.3 368.4 445 301.0 275.9 369.3 446 301.7 276.6 370.I 447 302.4 277.2 370.9 448 303.I 277.9 371.7 449 MALTOSE. 61 Table for Calculating Dextrose, Invert Sugar Alone, Invert Sugar in the Presence of Sucrose (0.4 gram and 2 grams Total Sugar), Lactose, Lactose and Sucrose (2 Mixtures) and Maltose (Crystallized). (Continued.) Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Copper (Cu). Dextrose (d-glucose). Invert sugar. [Expressed in milligrams.] Invert sugar and sucrose. 0.4 gram total sugar. 2 grams total sugar. Lactose. C12H22O11 + H2O. Lactose and sucrose. I lac- tose, 4 sucrose. 12 Su- crose. Cuprous oxid (Cu2O). Maltose. I lactose C12H22O11 + H2O. 450 399.7 215.2 221.1 220.2 213.7 309.9 303.8 278.6 451 400.6 215.8 221.6 220.8 372.6 450 214.3 310.6 304.5 279.2 452 401.5 216.3 222.2 373.4 451 221.4 214.8 311.3 305.2 279.9 374.2 453 402.4 216.9 222.8 452 221.9 215.4 312.0 305.9 280.5 375.I 453 454 403.3 217.4 223.3 222.5 215.9 312.7 206.6 281.2 375.9 454 455 404.2 218.0 223.9 223.0 216.5 313.4 307.3 456 457 405.9 219.1 225.0 281.9 405.1 218.5 224.4 376.7 223.6 455 217.0 314. I 308.0 282.5 224.I 217.6 314.8 377.6 456 458 406.8 219.6 225.5 308.7 283.2 378.4 457 224.7 218.1 315.5 309.4 459 407.7 220.2 226.1 283.9 379.2 458 225.3 218.7 316.2 310. I 284.5 380.0 459 460 408.6 220.7 226.7 225.8 219.2 316.9 310.8 461 285.2 409.5 221.3 227.3 226.4 380.9 460 219.8 317.6 311.5 462 410.4 221.8 227.8 285.9 381.7 461 226.9 220.3 318.3 312.2 463 464 412.2 222.9 228.9 286.5 382.5 462 411.3 222.4 228.3 227.5 220.9 319.0 312.9 287.2 228.1 383.4 463 221.4 319.7 313.6 287.8 384.2 464 465 413.0 223.5 229.5 228.6 222.0 320.4 466 314.3 288.5 385.0 465 413.9 224.0 230.0 229.2 222.5 321.1 215.0 289.2 385.9 467 414.8 224.6 230.6 466 229.7 223.I 321.8 468 415.7 225.1 231.2 230.3 223.7 322.5 469 416.6 225.7 231.7 315.7 289.8 316.4 386.7 467 290.5 387.5 468 230.9 224.2 323.2 317.0 291.2 388.3 469 470 417.5 226.2 232.3 231.4 224.8 323.9 317.7 291.8 389.2 471 418.4 226.8 232.8 470 232.0 225.3 324.6 318.4 292.5 390.0 471 472 419.3 227.4 233.4 232.5 225.9 325.3 319.I 293.2 390.8 472 473 420.2 227.9 234.0 233.I 226.4 326.0 319.8 293.8 474 421.0 228.5 234.5 391.7 473 233.7 227.0 326.8 320.5 294.5 392.5 474 475 421.9 229.0 235.I 234.2 227.6 327.5 321.2 476 422.8 229.6 235.7 295.2 393.3 475 234.8 228.1 328.2 321.9 295.8 394.2 476 477 423.7 230.1 236.2 235.4 228.7 328.9 322.6 296.5 478 424.6 230.7 236.8 395.0 477 235.9 229.2 329.6 323.3 297. I 395.8 478 479 425.5 231.3 237.4 236.5 229.8 330.3 324.0 297.8 396.6 479 480 426.4 231.8 237.9 237.I 230.3 331.0 324.7 298.5 481 397.5 480 427.3 232.4 238.5 237.6 230.9 331.7 325.4 299. I 398.3 482 428.1 432.9 239.I 481 238.2 131.5 332.4 326.1 299.8 399.I 482 483 429.0 233.5 239.6 238.8 232.0 333.I 326.8 300.5 400.0 484 429.9 234.I 240.2 483 239.3 232.6 333.8 327.5 301.I 400.8 484 485 430.8 234.6 240.8 239.9 233.2 334.5 328.2 301.8 486 431.7 235.2 241.4 401.6 485 240.5 233.7 335.2 328.9 302.5 487 432.6 235.7 241.9 402.4 486 241.0 234.3 335.9 329.6 488 433.5 236.3 242.5 241.6 489 434.4 236.9 243.I 303.I 403.3 487 234.8 336.6 330.3 303.8 404. I 488 242.2 235.4 337.3 331.0 304.5 404.9 489 490 435.3 237.4 243.6 242.7 236.0 338.0 331.7 305.I 405.8 490 III. MALTOSE. Place 50 cc. of the mixed copper reagent in a beaker and heat to the boiling point. While boiling briskly add 25 cc. of the maltose solution containing not more than 0.250 gram of maltose and boil for four minutes. Filter immediately through asbestos and determine the amount of copper reduced from the weight of the Cu,O. Obtain the weight of maltose equivalent to the weight of copper found from the follow ing table: 62 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. I12. Table for the Determination of Maltose. [According to Wein.] Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- grams grams of cop- of cu- grams of mal- of cop- grams of cu- grams grams of mal- of cop- grams of cu- grams grams of mal- of cop- grams of cu- grams prous prous prous per. tose. per. tose. per. tose. per. oxid. oxid. oxid. prous oxid. Milli- grams of mal- tose. 33333 12345n 31 34.9 26. I 32 36.0 27.0 33 37.2 27.9 34 38.3 28.7 35 39.4 29.6 8000000,00 86 96.8 74.I 141 158.7 123.3 196 220.7 172.5 87 97.9 75.0 142 159.9 124.2 197 221.8 173.4 88 99. I 75.9 143 161.0 125. I 198 222.9 174.3 89 100.2 76.8 144 162. I 126.0 199 224.0 175.2 90 IOI.3 77.7 145 163.2 126.9 200 225.2 176. I 653090 40.5 30.5 91 102.4 78.6 146 164.4 127.8 201 226.3 177.0 37 41.7 31.3 92 103.6 79.5 147 165.5 38 42.8 32.2 93 104.7 80.3 148 166.6 43.9 33.I 94 105.8 81.2 149 128.7 129.6 167.7 130.5 202 227.4 177.9 203 228.5 204 229.7 178.7 179.6 40 45.0 33.9 95 107.0 82. I 150 168.9 131.4 205 230.8 180.5 41 46.2 34.8 96 108. I 83.0 151 170.0 132.3 206 231.9 181.4 42 47.3 35.7 97 109.2 83.9 152 171. I 133.2 207 233.0 182.3 43 48.4 36.5 98 110.3 84.8 153 172.3 134. I 208 234.2 183.2 44 49.5 37.4 99 III.5 85.7 154 173-4 135.0 209 235.3 184. I 45 50.7 38.3 100 112.6 86.6 155 174.5 135.9 210 236.4 185.0 46 51.8 39. I ΙΟΙ 113.7 87.5 156 175.6 136.8 211 237.6 185.9 47 52.9 40.0 102 114.8 88.4 157 176.8 137.7 212 238.7 186.8 48 54.0 40.9 103 116.0 89.2 158 177.9 138.6 213 239.8 187.7 49 55.2 41.8 104 117.I 90. I 159 179.0 139.5 214 240.9 188.6 50 56.3 42.6 105 118.2 91.0 160 180. I 140.4 215 242. I 189.5 51 52 53 54 55 12345 57.4 43.5 106 119.3 91.9 161 181.3 141.3 216 243.2 190.4 58.5 44.4 107 120.5 92.8 162 182.4 142.2 217 244.3 191.2 59.7 45.2 108 121.6 93.7 163 183.5 143. I 218 245.4 192. I 60.8 46. I 109 122.7 94.6 164 184.6 144.0 219 246.6 193.0 61.9 47.0 I 10 123.8 95.5 165 185.8 144.9 220 247.7 193.9 56 57 58 849 63.0. 47.8 IJI 125.0 96.4 166 64.2 48.7 112 126. I 97.3 167 65.3 49.6 113 127.2 98. I 168 186.9 145.8 188.0 146.7 189.1 147.6 221 222 248.7 194.8 249.9 195.7 223 251.0 196.6 60 66.4 67.6 51.3 50.4 114 128.3 99.0 169 190.3 148.5 224 252.4 197.5 115 129.6 99.9 170 191.4 149.4 225 253.3 198.4 500 500 61 62 63 64 68.7 52.2 69.8 53. I 70.9 53.9 72. I 54.8 119 116 130.6 100.8 117 131.7 ΙΟΙ.7 118 132.8 102.6 134.0 171 173 103.5 174 192.5 150.3 172 193.6 151.2 194.8 152.0 195.9 152.9 226 227 254.4 199.3 255.6 200.2 228 256.7 201. I 229 257.8 202.0 65 73.2 55.7 120 135. I 104.4 175 197.0 153.8 230 258.9 202.9 66 74.3 56.6 121 136.2 105.3 176 198. 1 154.7 231 260. I 203.8 67 75.4 57.4 122 137.4 106.2 177 199.3 155.6 232 261.2 204.7 68 76.6 58.3 123 138.5 107. I 178 200.4 156.5 233 262.3 205.6 69 77.7 70 78.8 59.2 60.1 124 139.6 125 140.7 108.9 180 108.0 179 201.5 157.4 234 263.4 206.5 202.6 158.3 235 264.6 207.4 66666 12345 71 79.9 61.0 126 72 81.1 61.8 127 73 82.2 62.7 128 141.9 109.8 143.0 144. I 181 203.8 159.2 236 265.7 208.3 110.7 182 204.9 160. I 237 266.8 209. I III.6 183 206.0 160.9 238 268.0 210.0 74 83.3 63.6 129 145.2 112.5 184 207. I 161.8 239 269. I 210.9 879 22228 75 76 77 78 79 80 84.4 64.5 130 146.4 113.4 185 208.3 162.7 240 270.2 211.8 85.6 65.4 131 147.5 114.3 186 209.4 163.6 241 271.3 212.7 86.7 66.2 132 148.6 115.2 187 87.8 67.1 133 149.7 116.1 188 90 88.9 68.0 90. I 68.9 134 150.9 117.0 135 152.0 189 117.9 190 213.9 210.5 164.5 211.7 165.4 212.8 166.3 167.2 242 272.5 213.6 243 273.6 214.5 244 274.7 215.4 245 275.8 216.3 81 82 83 84 85 12345 91.2 69.7 136 153.I 118.8 191 215.0 92.3 70.6 137 93.4 71.5 138 154.2 155.4 I 19.7 192 216.2 120.6 94.6 72.4 139 156.5 121.5 95.7 73.2 140 157.6 122.4 168. I 169.0 193 217.3 169.8 194 218.4 170.7 195 219.5 171.6 246 277.0 217.2 247 278.1 218.1 248 279.2 219.0 249 280.3 219.9 250 281.5 220.8 LACTOSE. 63 Table for the Determination of Maltose. (Continued.) Milli- grams of cu- of cop- per. Milli- grams Milli- Milli- grams prous oxid. of mal- tose. of cop- grams of cu- Milli- grams Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- grams grams of mal- of cop- grams of cu- grams of mal- prous per. tose. oxid. per. prous oxid. tose. Milli- Milli- grams grams of cu- of cop- per. prous oxid. Milli- grams of mal- tose. 251 282.6 221.7 264 297.2 233.4 277 311.9 245.I 290 326.5 256.6 252 283.7 222.6 265 298.3 234.3 278 313.0 246.0 291 253 284.8 223.5 266 299.5 235.2 279 314. I 246.9 292 327.4 257.5 328.7 258.4 254 286.0 224.4 267 300.6 236. 1 280 315.2 247.8 293 329.9 259.3 255 287.I 225.3 268 301.7 237.0 281 316.4 248.7 294 331.0 260.2 256 288.2 226.2 269 302.8 237.9 282 317.5 249.6 295 332.I 261. I 257 289.3 227. I 270 304.0 238.8 283 318.6 250.4 296 333.2 262.0 258 290.5 228.0 271 305. I 239.7 284 319.7 251.3 297 334.4 262.8 259 291.6 228.9 272 3c6.2 240.6 285 320.9 252.2 298 335.5 263.7 260 292.7 229.8 273 307.3 241.5 286 322.0 253.I 299 336.6 264.6 261 293.8 230.7 274 308.5 242.4 287 323. I 254.0 300 337.8 265.5 262 263 295.0 231.6 296. I 232.5 275 309.6 243.3 276 310.7 244.2 288 324.2 254.9 289 325.4 255.8 113. LACTOSE. Place 50 cc. of the mixed copper reagent in a beaker and heat to the boiling point. While boiling briskly add 100 cc. of the lactose solution containing not more than 0.300 gram of lactose and boil for six minutes. Filter immediately through asbestos and determine the amount of cop- per reduced from the weight of Cu,O, by factor 0.888. Obtain the weight of lactose equivalent to the weight of copper found from the following table: 114. Table for the Determination of Lactose (Soxhlet-Wein). Milli- grams Milli- grams of cop- of lac- per. tose. Milli- grams Milli- grams Milli- grams of cop- of lac- of cop- Milli- grams of lac- Milli- grams Milli- Milli- grams grams of cop- per. tose. per. tose. per. of lac- tose. of cop- per. Milli- grams of lac- tose. 100 71.6 125 90. I 150 108.8 175 127.8 200 146.9 ΙΟΙ 72.4 126 90.9 151 109.6 176 128.5 201 147.7 102 73.1 127 91.6 152 110.3 177 129.3 202 148.5 103 73.8 128 92.4 153 III. I 178 130. I 203 149.2 104 74.6 129 93. I 154 111.9 179 130.8 204 150.0 105 75.3 130 93.8 155 112.6 1.80 131.6 205 150.7 106 76.1 131 94.6 156 113.4 181 132.4 206 151.5 107 76.8 132 95.3 157 114. I 182 133.1 207 152.2 IC8 77.6 133 96.1 158 114.9 183 133.9 208 153.0 109 78.3 134 96.9 159 115.6 184 134.7 209 153.7 ΠΙΟ 79.0 135 97.6 160 116.4 185 135.4 210 154.5 III 79.8 136 98.3 161 117. I 186 136.2 211 155.2 112 80.5 137 99. I 162 117.9 187 137.0 212 156.0 113 81.3 138 99.8 163 118.6 188 137.7 213 156.7 114 82.0 139 100.5 164 119.4 189 138.5 214 157.5 115 82.7 140 101.3 165 120.2 190 139.3 215 158.2 116 83.5 141 102.0 166 120.9 191 140.0 216 159.0 117 84.2 142 102.8 167 121.7 192 140.8 217 159.7 118 85.0 143 103.5 168 122.4 193 141.6 218 160.4 119 85.7 144 104.3 169 123.2 194 142 3 219 161.2 120 86.4 145 105. I 170 123.9 195 143.1 220 161.9 121 87.2 146 105.8 171 124.7 196 143.9 221 162.7 122 87.9 147 106.6 172 125.5 197 144.6 222 163.4 123 88.7 148 107.3 173 126.2 198 145.4 223 164.2 124 89.4 149 108.1 174 127.0 199 146.2 224 164.9 64 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Table for the Determination of Lactose (Soxhlet-Wein). (Continued.) Milli- grams Milli- Milli- grams Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- grams grams grams grams Milli- grams Milli- of cop- of lac- of cop- of lac- of cop- of lac- of cop- grams of lac- Milli- grams of cop- grams of lac- per. tose. per. tose. per. tose. per. tose. per. tose. 225 165.7 261 193.3 297 221.9 333 250.0 369 279.6 226 166.4 262 194. I 298 222.7 334 250.8 370 280.5 227 167.2 263 194.9 299 223.5 335 251.6 371 281.4 228 167.9 264 195.7 300 224.4 336 252.5 372 282.2 229 168.6 265 196.4 3ΟΙ 225.2 337 253.3 373 283. I 230 169.4 266 197.2 302 225.9 338 254.I 374 283.9 231 170. I 267 198.0 303 226.7 339 254.9 375 284.8 232 170.9 268 198.8 304 227.5 340 255.7 376 285.7 233 171.6 269 199.5 305 228.3 341 256.5 377 286.5 234 172.4 270 200.3 306 229. I 342 257.4 378 287.4 235 173.I 271 201. I 307 229.8 343 258.2 379 288.2 236 173.9 272 201.9 308 230.6 344 259.0 380 289. I 237 174.6 273 202.7 309 231.4 345 259.8 381 289.9 238 175.4 274 203.5 310 232.2 346 260.6 382 290.8 239 176.2 275 204.3 311 232.9 347 261.4 383 291.7 240 176.9 276 205. I 312 233.7 348 262.3 384 292.5 241 177.7 277 205.9 313 234.5 349 263. I 385 293.4 242 178.5 278 206.7 314 235.3 350 263.9 386 294.2 243 179.3 279 207.5 315 236. I 351 264.7 387 295.I 244 180.1 280 208.3 316 236.8 352 265.5 388 296.0 245 180.8 281 209.I 317 237.6 353 266.3 389 296.8 246 181.6 282 209.9 318 238.4 354 267.2 390 297.7 247 182.4 283 210.7 319 239.2 355 268.0 391 298.5 248 183.2 284 211.5 320 240.0 356 268.8 392 299.4 249 184.0 285 212.3 321 240.7 357 269.6 393 300.3 250 184.8 286 213.1 322 241.5 358 270.4 394 301.I 251 185.5 287 213.9 323 242.3 359 271.2 395 302.0 252 186.3 288 214.7 324 243.I 360 272.I 396 302.8 253 187.1 289 215.5 325 243.9 361 272.9 397 303.7 254 187.9 290 216.3 326 244.6 362 273.7 398 304.6 255 188.7 291 217.1 327 245.4 363 274.5 399 305.4 256 189.4 292 217.9 328 246.2 364 275.3 400 306.3 257 190.2 293 218.7 329 247.0 365 276.2 258 191.0 294 219.5 330 247.7 366 277.I 259 191.8 295 220.3 331 248.5 367 277.9 260 192.5 296 221.I 332 249.2 368 278.8 115. Determination Requiring the use of Allihn's Modification of Fehling's Solution. (1) Preparation of Reagents. (a) Copper sulphate solution.-Dissolve 34.639 grams of CuSO4, 5H₂O in water and dilute to 500 cc. (b) Alkaline tartrate solution.-Dissolve 173 grams of Rochelle salts and 125 grams of potassium hydroxid in water and dilute to 500 cc. (2) Gravimetric Method for the Determination of Dextrose. Place 30 cc. of the copper solution, 30 cc. of the alkaline tartrate solu- tion, and 60 cc. of water in a beaker and heat to boiling. Add 25 cc. of the solution of the material to be examined, which must be so prepared as not to contain more than 0.250 gram of dextrose, and boil for two min- utes. Filter immediately through asbestos without diluting, and obtain the weight of copper from the Cu,O. The corresponding weight of dextrose is found from the following table: METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 65 116. Milli- grams of cop- per. Allihn's Table for the Determination of Dextrose. Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- grams grams grams of cu- grams grams of dex- of cop- of cu- grams grams of dex- of cop- of cu- grams of dex- of cop- grams of cu- grams grams of dex- prous prous. prous prous trose. oxid. per. trose. oxid. per. trose. oxid. per. trose. oxid. II 12.4 6.6 12 13.5 7.1 13 14.6 7.6 14 15.8 8.1 15 16.9 8.6 66666 71 79.9 36.3 131 72 81.1 36.8 147.5 132 148.6 67.2 66.7 191 215.0 97.8 192 216.2 98.4 73 82.2 37.3 133 149.7 67.7 193 217.3 98.9 74 83.3 37.8 134 150.9 68.2 194 218.4 99.4 75 84.4 38.3 135 152.0 68.8 195 219.5 100.0 16 18.0 9.0 76 17 19. I 9.5 77 18 20.3 IO.O 78 19 21.4 10.5 20 22.5 II.O 78 79 68890 85.6 38.8 86.7 39.3 136 153.I 137 154.2 69.3 196 220.7 100.5 69.8 197 221.8 IOI.O 87.8 39.8 138 155.4 70.3 198 222.9 IOI.5 88.9 40.3 139 90. I 40.8 140 156.5 70.8 157.6 71.3 199 224.0 102.0 200 225.2 102.6 22222 12345 21 23.6 II.5 22 24.8 12.0 23 25.9 12.5 24 27.0 13.0 25 28.1 13.5 12345 ∞∞∞∞∞ 81 91.2 41.3 141 158.7 71.8 201 226.3 103. I 82 92.3 41.8 142 159.9 72.3 202 227.4 103.7 83 93.4 42.3 143 161.0 72.9 203 228.5 104.2 84 94.6 42.8 144 162.1 73.4 204 229.7 104.7 85 95.7 43.4 145 163.2 73.9 205 230.8 105.3 26 27 28 678 29.3 14.0 86 96.8 43.9 146 164.4 74.4 206 231.9 105.8 30.4 14.5 87 97.9 44.4 147 165.5 74.9 207 233.0 106.3 31.5 15.0 88 99. I 44.9 148 166.6 75.5 208 234.2 106.8 29 32.7 15.5 89 100.2 45.4 149 167.7 76.0 209 235.3 107.4 30 33.8 16.0 90 101.3 45.9 150 168.9 76.5 210 236.4 107.9 33333 12345 34.9 16.5 91 102.4 46.4 151 170.0 77.0 211 237.6 108.4 36.0 17.0 92 33 37.2 17.5 93 104.7 38.3 18.0 94 39.4 18.5 95 103.6 46.9 47.4 105.8 47.9 107.0 48.4 152 171.I 153 172.3 78.1 154 173.4 155 77.5 212 238.7 109.0 213 239.8 109.5 78.6 214 240.9 IIO.O 174.5 79.I 215 242. I IIO.6 3333 + 67829 36 40.5 18.9 96 108. I 48.9 156 175.6 79.6 216 243.2 III. I 37 41.7 19.4 97 109.2 49.4 157 176.8 80. I 217 244.3 III.6 38 42.8 19.9 98 IIO.3 49.9 158 177.9 80.7 218 245.4 I12. I 39 43.9 20.4 99 40 45.0 20.9 100 III.5 50.4 112.6 50.9 159 160 179.0 180.1 81.7 81.2 219 246.6 112.7 220 247.7 113.2 41 46.2 21.4 ΙΟΙ 42 47.3 21.9 113.7 51.4 102 114.8 51.9 162 43 48.4 22.4 103 116.0 52.4 163 44 49.5 22.9 104 117.I 52.9 164 45 50.7 23.4 105 118.2 53.5 165 161 181.3 182.4 82.7 183.5 83.3 184.6 83.8 185.8 84.3 82.2 221 222 248.8 113.7 249.9 114.3 223 251.0 114.8 224 252.4 115.3 225 253.3 115.9 44445 46 51.8 23.9 тоб 47 52.9 24.4 48 54.0 24.9 119.3 54.0 107 120.5 54.5 108 121.6 55.0 166 186.9 84.8 226 254.4 116.4 167 188.0 85.3 227 255.6 116.9 168 189. I 85.9 228 256.7 117.4 49 55.2 25.4 109 122.7 55.5 169 190.3 86.4 229 257.8 118.0 50 56.3 25.9 ΙΙΟ 123.8 56.0 170 191.4 86.9 230 258.9 118.5 55555 12345 51 57.4 26.4 59.7 52 53 54 55 60.8 27.4 27.9 58.5 26.9 61.9 28.4 III 125.0 56.5 171 192.5 112 126.1 57.0 172 193.6 87.9 113 127.2 57.5 173 194.8 88.5 114 128.3 58.0 174 195.9 89.0 115 129.6 58.6 175 197.0 89.5 87.4 231 260.1 119.0 232 261.2 119.6 233 262.3 120. I 234 263.4 120.7 235 264.6 121.2 68888 63.0 28.8 64.2 65.3 66.4 30.3 67.6 30.8 29.3 29.8 116 130.6 59.I I17 131.7 59.6 118 132.8 119 134.0 120 135.I 61.1 176 198.1 90.0 236 265.7 121.7 177 199.3 90.5 237 266.8 122.3 60. I 60.6 178 200.4 91.I 238 268.0 122.8 179 201.5 91.6 180 202.6 92.I 239 269.1 123.4 240 270.2 123.9 61 65 68.7 31.3 62 69.8 31.8 63 70.9 32.3 64 72.I 32.8 73.2 33.3 65898 66 74.3 33.8 67 75.4 34.3 68 69 77.7 35.3 78.8 35.8 70 76.6 34.8 121 136.2 61.6 122 137.4 62.I 123 138.5 62.6 124 139.6 63.1 125 140.7 63.7 126 141.9 64.2 J27 143.0 64.7 128 144.I 65.2 129 145.2 65.7 130 146.4 66.2 181 203.8 92.6 182 204.9 93.I 183 206.0 93.7 184 207.I 94.2 185 208.3 94.7 186 209.4 95.2 187 210.5 95.7 188 211.7 96.3 189 212.8 96.8 190 213.9 97.3 241 271.3 124.4 242 272.5 125.0 243 273.6 125.5 244 274.7 126.0 245 275.8 126.6 246 277.0 127.I 247 278.1 127.6 248 279.2 128.1 249 280.3 128.7 250 281.5 129.2 5 66 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Allihn's Table for the Determination of Dextrose. (Continued.) Milli- Milli- Milli- grams of cop- per. of cu- Milli- Milli- grams grams of dex- of cop- grams of cu- grams grams of dex- Milli- Milli- grams of cu- Milli- grams Milli- of cop- grams of dex- Milli- grams of of cop- Milli- grams cu- prous oxid. prous trose. per. trose. per. oxid. prous oxid. trose. per. prous oxid. Milli- grams of dex- trose. 251 282.6 129.7 305 343.4 159.3 359 404.2 189.4 413 252 283.7 130.3 306 465.0 220.4 344.5 159.8 360 405.3 190.0 253 284.8 130.8 414 466. I 221.O 307 345.6 160.4 361 406.4 190.6 254 286.0 131.4 415 467.2 221.6 308 346.8 160.9 362 407.6 191. I 416 255 287.1 131.9 468.4 222.2 309 347.9 161.5 363 408.7 191.7 417 469.5 222.8 256 288.2 132.4 310 349.0 162.0 364 409.8 192.3 418 257 289.3 133.0 311 350. I 162.6 470.6 223.3 365 410.9 192.9 258 419 290.5 133.5 312 351.3 163. I 366 471.8 223.9 412. I 193.4 259 291.6 420 472.9 224.5 134. I 313 352.4 163.7 367 413.2 194.0 421 260 292.7 134.6 474.0 225. I 314 353.5 164.2 368 414.3 194.6 422 475.6 225.7 261 293.8 135. I 315 354.6 164.8 369 415.4 195. I 262 423 476.2 226.3 295.0 135.7 316 355.8 165.3 370 416.6 263 296.1 136.2 195.7 424 477.4 226.9 317 356.9 165.9 371 417.7 196.3 264 425 297.2 136.8 318 358.0 166.4 478.5 227.5 372 265 298.3 137.3 418.8 196.8 426 479.6 228.0 319 359.1 167.0 373 420.0 197.4 427 480.7 228.6 266 299.5 137.8 320 360.3 167.5 374 421. I 198.0 267 428 300.6 138.4 321 361.4 168. I 481.9 229.2 375 422.2 198.6 268 429 483.0 301.7 138.9 229.8 322 362.5 168.6 376 423.3 199. I 269 302.8 430 484. I 230.4 139.5 323 363.7 169.2 377 424.5 199.7 431 270 304.0 140.0 324 364.8 169.7 485.3 231.0 378 425.6 200.3 432 486.4 231.6 271 305.I 140.6 325 365.9 170.3 379 426.7 200.8 272 306.2 433 487.5 232.2 141. I 326 367.0 170.9 380 427.8 201.4 434 273 488.6 232.8 307.3 141.7 327 368.2 171.4 381 429.0 202.0 274 308.5 142.2 435 489.7 233.4 328 369.3 172.0 382 430. I 202.5 275 309.6 142.8 436 490.9 233.9 329 370.4 172.5 383 431.2 203. I 437 492.0 234.5 276 310.7 143.3 330 371.5 173.1 384 432.3 203.7 438 493. I 235. I 277 311.9 143.9 331 372.7 173.7 385 433.5 204.3 278 439 494.3 235.7 313.0 144.4 332 373.8 174.2 386 434.6 204.8 440 495.4 236.3 279 314. I 280 315.2 145.0 145.5 333 374.9 174.8 387 435.7 205.4 441 496.5 236.9 334 376.0 175.3 388 436.8 206.0 442 497.6 237.5 281 316.4 146. I 335 377.2 175.9 389 438.0 206.5 282 443 317.5 146.6 498.8 238. I 336 378.3 176.5 390 439. I 207. I 283 318.6 147.2 444 499.9 238.7 337 379.4 177.0 391 440.2 207.7 284 445 501.0 239.3 319.7 147.7 338 380.5. 177.6 392 441.3 208.3 285 320.9 148.3 446 502. I 239.8 339 381.7 178. I 393 442.4 208.8 447 503.2 240.4 286 322.0 148.8 340 382.8 178.7 394 287 443.6 209.4 448 504.4 241.0 323. I 149.4 341 383.9 179.3 395 444.7 210.0 288 449 324.2 149.9 342 505.5 241.6 385.0 179.8 396 445.9 210.6 289 450 325.4 150.5 343 386.2 180.4 506.6 242.2 397 447.0 211.2 451 290 326.5 151.0 507.8 242.8 344 387.3 180.9 398 448.1 211.7 452 508.9 243.4 291 327.4 151.6 345 388.4 181.5 399 449.2 212.3 292 328.7 152.1 453 510.0 244.0 346 389.6 182. I 400 450.3 212.9 454 511. I 244.6 293 329.9 152.7 347 390.7 182.6 401 451.5 213.5 294 331.0 153.2 455 512.3 245.2 348 391.8 183.2 402 452.6 214. J 456 513.4 295 332.1 153.8 245.7 349 392.9 183.7 403 453.7 214.6 457 514.5.246.3 296 333.3 154.3 350 394.0 184.3 404 454.8 215.2 458 515.6 246.9 297 334.4 154.9 351 395.2 184.9 405 456.0 215.8 298 459 335.5 155.4 299 336.6 156.0 353 397.4 186.0 352 396.3 185.4 516.8 247.5 406 457.1 216.4 460 517.9 248. I 407 458.2 217.0 461 300 337.8 156.5 519.0 248.7 354 398.6 186.6 408 459.4 217.5 462 520. I 249.3 301 338.9 157. I 355 399.7 187.2 409 460.5 218. I 463 521.3 302 340.0 157.6 249.9 356 400.8 187.7 410 461.6 218.7 303 341.1 158.2 357 401.9 188.3 411 462.7 219.3 304 342.3 158.7 358 403. I 188.9 412 463.8 219.9 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 67 117. Relation of Brix, Specific Gravity, Baumé. 17.5° 17.5° C. (Stammer.) O. I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.00038 0.06 6.6 1.02616 1.00077 O.II 6.7 1.02657 1.00116 0.17 6.8 1.02694 1.00155 0.22 6.9 1.02738 1.00193 0.28 7.0 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 1.02779 3.9 13. I 1.05318 7.3 13.2 1.05361 7.3 13.3 1.05404 7.4 13.4 1.05446 7.4 13.5 1.05489 7.5 19.6 1.08151 19.7 1.08196 19.8 1.08240 II.O 19.9 1.08285 20.0 10.85 10.9 1.08329 II.O II. I 0.6 1.00232 0.33 7.1 1.02819 3.9 0.7 1.00271 0.39 0.8 1.00310 0.44 13.6 1.05532 7.5 20. I 1.08374 II. I 7.2 1.02860 4.0 13.7 1.05574 7.6 20.2 1.08419 II.2 7.3 1.02901 4. I 13.8 1.05617 7.65 20.3 1.08464 II.2 0.9 1.00349 0.5 7.4 I.O 1.00388 0.55 7.5 1.02942 1.02983 4. I 4.2 13.9 1.05660 14.0 1.05703 7.7 20.4 1.08509 II.3 7.8. 20.5 1.08553 II.3 I. I 1.00427 0.6 7.6 I.2 1.00466 O. 7.7 1.3 1.00505 0.7 I.4 1.00544 0.8 1.5 1.00583 0.8 1.6 1.00622 0.9 1.7 1.00662 0.9 1.8 1.00701 1.03024 1.03064 4.3 7.8 1.03105 4.3 7.9 1.03146 4.4 8.0 1.03187 4.2 14. I 1.05746 14.2 1.05789 7.8 20.6 1.08599 II.4 7.9 20.7 1.08643 II.45 14.3 1.05831 7.9 20.8 1.08688 II.5 14.4 1.05874 8.0 4.4 14.5 1.05917 8.0 20.9 1.08733 11.6 21.O 1.08778 II.6 8. I 1.03228 4.5 14.6 1.05960 8. I 8.2 1.03270 4.55 14.7 1.06003 1.9 I 00740 1.0 1.05 8.3 1.03311 4.6 8.4 2.0 1.00779 I. I 1.03352 4.7 1.03393 4.7 2.I I 00818 2.2 I.2 I.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 1.01015 1.4 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 1.01055 1.5 1.01094 1.55 1.01134 1.6 1.01173 1.7 1.00858 1.00897 1.3 2.4 1.00936 1.3 1.00976 1.4 1.03599 9. I 1.03640 9.2 1.03682 9.3 1.03723 9.4 1.03765 9.5 1.03806 5.3 5.2 9.0 8.5 8.6 1.03434 4.8 15. I 1.06176 8.7 1.03475 4.8 15.2 1.06219 8.8 1.03517 4.9 15.3 1.06262 8.9 1.03558 4.9 15.4 1.06306 5.0 15.5 1.06349 14.9 1.06090 15.0 8.4 8.4 8.5 21.8 8.5 8.6 3.I 3.2 3.3 3.4 1.01332 1.9 3.5 1.01371 1.9 1.01213 1.7 9.6 1.03848 1.01252 1.8 9.7 1.03889 5.4 1.01292 1.8 9.8 1.03931 5.4 1.03972 5.5 1.04014 5.55 5.3 9.0 9.9 IO.O 5.05 15.6 1.06392 8.65 5. I 15.7 1.06436 8.7 5.2 15.8 1.06479 8.8 22.3 1.09367 12.3 15.9 1.06522 8.8 22.4 1.09412 12.4 16.0 1.06566 8.9 22.5 1.09458 12.4 16.1 1.06609 8.9 22.6 1.09503 12.5 16.2 1.06653 22.7 1.09549 12.55 16.3 1.06696 9.0 22.8 1.09595 12.6 16.4 1.06740 9.1 1.09640 12.7 16.5 1.06783 9.1 1.09686 12.7 14.8 1.06047 1.06133 8.15 8.2 21. I 1.08824 II.7 21.2 1.08869 II.7 21.3 1.08914 11.8 8.3 21.4 1.08959 11.8 8.3 21.5 1.09004 II.9 12.0 21.6 1.09049 II.95 21.7 1.09095 1.09140 21.9 1.09185 1.09231 12.2 22. I 1.09276 12.2 22.2 1.09321 12.3 12.05 12. I 22.0 22.9 23.0 3.6 Ι. ΟΙ4ΙΙ 3.7 3.8 2.0 2.0 2.I 2.2 4.4 5.0 1.01930 2.7 1.01970 2.8 1.01451 1.01491 3.9 1.01531 4.0 I.O1570 2.2 4. I 1.01610 2.3 4.2 1.01650 2.3 4.3 1.01690 2.4 1.01730 2.4 1.01770 2.5 4.5 4.6 1.01810 2.6 4.7 1.01850 2.6 4.8 1.01890 2.7 4.9 IO. I 1.04055 5.6 IO.2 1.04097 5.7 10.3 1.04139 5.7 10.4 1.04180 5.8 10.5 1.04222 5.8 10.6 1.04264 5.9 10.7 1.04306 5.9 10.8 1.04348 6.0 10.9 1.04390 II.O 1.04431 II. I 1.04473 II.2 1.04515 II.3 1.04557 1.04599 16.6 1.06827 16.7 1.06871 9.25 16.8 1.06914 9.3 16.9 1.06958 9.4 17.0 1.07002 9.4 9.2 23. I 1.09732 12.8 23.2 1.09777 12.8 23.3 1.09823 12.9 17. I 17.2 17.3 17.5 1.07046 9.5 23.6 1.07090 9.5 1.07133 9.6 6.05 17.4 1.07177 9.6 6.1 23.7 23.8 23.4 1.09869 12.9 23.5 1.09915 13.0 1.09961 13.0 1.10007 13.1 1.10053 13.15 23.9 I. 10099 13.2 1.07221 9.7 24.0 I. 10145 13.3 6.2 17.6 1.07265 9.75 24. I I. 10191 13.3 6.2 6.3 17.7 1.07309 17.8 II.4 II.5 4.0464 I 6.3 17.9 6.4 18.0 9.8 24.2 1.07353 9.9 24.3 1.07397 I.. 07441 I. 10237 13.4 1.10283 13.4 9.9 10.0 24.4 I. 10329 13.5 24.5 1. 10375 13.5 5.I 1.02010 2.8 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 1.02051 2.9 1.02091 2.9 1.02131 3.0 1.02171 3.0 11.6 1.04683 II.7 1.04726 11.8 1.04768 II.9 1.04810 12.0 1.04852 6.4 6.5 5.6 12. I 1.04894 5.7 1.0221I 3.I 1.02252 3.2 5.8 1.02292 3.2 5.9 1.02333 3.3 12.2 1.04937 6.55 18.3 1.07574 IO. I 24.8 1.10514 13.7 18.4 1.07618 IO.2 24.9 1.10560 13.75 18.5 1.07662 IO.2 25.0 1.10607 13.8 6.6 6.7 6.7 18.6 1.07706 6.8 18.7 1.07751 10.3 25. I 10.35 25.2 12.3 1.04979 6.8 18.8 1.07795 10.4 25.3 12.4 1.05021 6.9 18.9 1.07839 10.5 25.4 6.0 1.02373 3.3 12.5 1.05064 6.9 19.0 1.07884 IO.5 25.5 7.0 19.1 1.07928 10.6 25.6 7.05 19.2 1.07973 10.6 25.7 19.3 1.08017 10.7 25.8 19.4 1.08062 10.7 25.9 19.5 1.08106 10.8 26.0 6.1 6.2 1.02413 3.4 12.6 1.05 106 1.02454 3.4 1.05149 12.7 6.3 I.02494 3.5 12.8 1.05191 7.1 1.02535 3.6 12.9 1.05233 7.2 6.5 1.02575 3.6 13.0 1.05276 7.2 6.4 1.10653 13.9 I. 10700 1.10746 I. 10793 13.9 14.0 14.0 1.108391 14. I 1.10886 I. 10932 I. 10979 1.11026 14. I 14.2 14.2 14.3 I.I1072 14.35 1.07485 10.0 18.1 18.2 1.07530 IO. I 24.7 24.6 I. 10421 1.10468 13.6 13.6 68 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Relation of Brix, Specific Gravity, and Baumé. (Continued.) Degree Baumé. .14816 18.6 1.14866 18.6 1.14915 18.7 1.11824 15.2 34.1 1.14965 18.7 40.6 1.18253 22.2 1.11871 15.3 34.2 1.15014 18.8 40.7 1.18305 22.3 1. 11918 15.3 34.3 1.15064 18.85 40.8 1.18357 22.3 1.11965 15.4 34.4 1.15113 18.9 40.9 1.18408 22.4 1.12013 15.4 34.5 1.15163 18.95 41.0 1.18460 22.4 41.I 1.18512 22.5 41.2 1.18564 22.5 41.3 1.18616 22.6 41.4 1.18668 22.65 41.5 1.18720 22.7 47.6 1.21964 25.9 47.7 1.22019 26.0 47.8 1.22073 26.0 47.9 1.22127 26.I 48.0 1.22182 26.1 26.1 I.III19 14.4 32.6 I.14227 26.2 I. II166 14.5 32.7 1. 14276 26.3 1.11213 14.5 32.8 1.14325 26.4 I. 11259 14.6 32.9 I.14374 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.1 26.5 1.11306 14.6 33.0 I. 14423 18.15 39. I 1.17481 21.4 39.2 1.17532 21.5 39.3 1.17583 21.5 39.4 1.17635 21.6 39.5 1.17686 21.6 45.6 1.20886 24.9 45.7 I.20939 24.9 45.8 I.20993 25.0 45.9 1.21046 46.0 25.0 1.21100 25.I 26.6 1.11353 14.7 33.I I. 14472 18.2 39.6 1.17737 21.7 46. I 1.21154 25.1 26.7 I. 11400 14.7 33.2 I.14521 18.25 39.7 I. 17789 21.7 46.2 1.21208 25.2 26.8 I.11447 14.8 33.3 I.14570 18.3 39.8 1.17840 21.8 46.3 1.21261 25.2 26.9 1.11494 27.3 1.11682 15.I 27.0 1.11541 14.9 33.5 27.11.11588 14.9 27.2 1.11635 15.0 33.7 33.8 14.8 33.4 I. 14620 18.4 39.9 1.17892 21.85 46.4 1.21315 25.3 1.14669 18.4 40.0 I. 17943 21.9 46.5 1.21369 25.35 33.6 1. 14718 18.5 40. I 1.14767 18.5 40.2 I. 27.4 I.11729 15.I 33.9 27.5 1.11776 15.2 34.0 I.17995 1.18046 22.0 40.3 1.18090 22.I 40.4 1.18150 22.I 40.5 1.18201 22.2 22.0 46.6 1.21423 46.7 1.21477 46.8 1.21531 25.5 46.9 1.21585 25.6 47.0 1.21639 25.6 25.4 25.45 27.6 27.7 27.8 27.9 28.0 47.1 1.2 1693 47.2 1.21747 47.5 1.21802 47.4 1.21856 25.8 47.5 1.21910 25.9 25.7 25.7 25.8 28. I I. 12060 15.5 34.6 1.15213 19.0 28.2 1.12107 15.55 34.7 1.15262 19. I 28.3 1.12155 15.6 34.8 1.15312 19.1 28.4 I. 12202 15.7 34.9 1.15362 19.2 28.5 I.12250 15.7 35.0 1.15411 19.2 28.6 1.12297 28.7 I. 12345 28.8 1.12393 28.9 I. 12440 29.0 1.12488 15.8 35.I 1.15461 19.3 15.8 35.2 1.15511 19.3 15.9 35.3 1.15561 19.4 15.9 35.4 1.15611 19.4 16.0 35.5 1.15661 19.5 22.75 26.2 29. I 29.2 29.3 29.4 1.12536 1.12583 1.12631 1.12679 29.5 I. 12727 16.0 35.6 1.15710 16.1 35.7 1.15760 16.1 35.8 1.15810 16.2 35.9 1.15861 19.7 16.25 36.0 1.15911 19.8 29.8 29.9 19.55 42.1 1.19033 23.0 19.6 42.2 1.19086 23.1 19.65 42.3 1.19138 23.I 42.4 I. 19190 23.2 42.5 I. 19243 23.2 29.6 1.12775 16.3 36.1 1.15961 19.8 1.19295 23.3 29.7 1.12823 16.4 36.2 1.16011 19.9 I. 19348 23.3 1.12871 16.4 36.3 1.16061 19.9 42.8 1.19400 23.4 1.12919 16.5 36.4 1.16111 20.0 42.9 1.19453 23.45 30.0 1.12967 16.5 36.5 1.16162 23.5 42.6 42.7 20.0 43.01.19505 30.5 1.13207 30.I 1.13015 16.6 36.6 1.16212 30.2 1.13063 16.6 36.7 1.16262 20.I 30.3 1.13111 16.7 36.8 1.16313 20.2 30.4 1.13159 16.7 36.9 1.16363 20.2 16.8 37.0 1.16413 20.I 43.1 1.19558 23.55 43.2 1.19611 23.6 43.3 1.19663 23.7 43.4 1.19716 23.7 43.51.19769 23.8 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 31.0 31.I 20.3 41.6 1.18772 41.7 1.18824 22.8 41.8 1.18877 22.9 41.9 1.18929 22.9 42.0 1.18981 23.0 1.13255 16.85 37.I 1.16464 20.35 43.6 1.19822 23.8 16.9 37.2 1.16514 20.4 43.7 1.19875 23.9 37.3 1.16565 43.8 1.19927 23.9 37.4 1.16616 20.5 43.9 1.19980 24.0 37.5 1.16666 20.6 44.01.20033 24.0 1.13304 1.13352 17.0 I. 13400 17.0 I.13449 17.1 20.5 1:13497 17.I 37.6 1.16717 20.6 31.2 1.13545 17.2 37.7 1.16768 20.7 31.3 1.13594 17.2 37.8 1.16818 20.7 31.4 1.13642 17.3 37.9 1.16869 20.8 31.5 1.13691 17.3 38.0 1.16920 20.8 48. I 1.22236 26.2 48.2 1.22291 48.3 1.22345 48.4 1.22400 48.5 1.22455 26.3 26.35 26.4 48.6 1.22509 26.45 48.7 1.22564 26.5 48.8 1.22619 26.6 48.9 1.22673 26.6 49.0 1.22728 26.7 49.1 1.22783 26.7 49.2 1.22838 26.8 49.3 1.22893 26.8 49.4 1.22948 26.9 49.5 1.23003 26.9 49.6 1.23058 27.0 49.7 1.23113 27.0 49.8 1.23168 27. I 49.9 1.23223 27.I 50.0 1.23278 27.2 50.1 1.23334 27.2 50.2 1.23389 27.3 50.3 1.23444 27.3 50.4 I.23499 27.4 50.5 1.23555. 27.45 50.6 1.23610 27.5 50.7 1.23666 27.55 50.8 1.23721 27.6 44.11.20086 24.I. 44.2 I.20139 24.I 44.3 I.20192 24.2 44.4 1.20245 24.2 44.5 1.20299 24.3 50.9 1.23777 27.7 51.0 1.23832 27.7 31.6 1.13740 17.4 31.7 1.13788 17.4 31.8 1.13837 17.5 38.3 31.9 1.13885 17.55 38.4 32.0 1.13934 17.6 38.5 38.1 38.2 1.16971 20.9 I. 17022 20.9 1.17072 1.17123 1.17174 21.0 21.05 21.I 32.1 32.2 38.6 1.17225 32.3. 1.13983 17.7 I. . 14032 17.7 1.14081 38.7 1.17276 17.8 38.8 1.17327 21.3 45.3 1.20725 24.7 1.14129 17.8 38.9 1.17379 21.3 45.4 1.20779 24.8 32.5 1.14178 17.9 39.0 1.17430 21.4 45.5 1.20832 42.8 32.4 51.1 1.23888 27.8 51.2 I.23943 27.8 51.3 1.23999 27.9 51.4 1.24055 27.9 51.5 1.241II 28.0 51.6 1.24166 28.0 51.7 I.24222 28.1 51.8 1.24278 28.1 51.9 I.24334 28.2 52.0 1.24390 28.2 44.6 1.20352 24.35 44.7 I.20405 24.4 44.8 1.20458 24.45 44.9 1.20512 24.5 45.0 1.20565 24.6 21.15 45.1 1.20618 24.6 21.2 45.2 1.20672 24.7 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 69 Relation of Brix, Specific Gravity, and Baumé. (Continued.) 59.1 1.28459 59.2 1.28518 59.3 1.28576 59.4 1.28635 59.5 1.28694 32.05 32.1 59.6 1.28753 32.15 59.7 1.28812 32.2 59.8 1.28871 32.3 59.9 1.28930 32.3 60.0 1.28989 32.4 60.1 1.29048 32.4 60.2 1.29107 32.5 60.3 1.29166 32.5 60.4 1.29225 32.6 60.5 1.29284 32.6 54.I 1.25573 29.3 60.6 1.29343 32.7 54.2 1.25630 29.4 60.7 1.29403 32.7 54.3 1.25687 29.4 60.8 1.29462 32.8 54.4 1.25747 29.5 60.9 1.29521 32.8 54.5 1.25801 29.5 54.6 1.25857 29.6 61.0 1.29581 32.9 52.I 1.24446 28.3 58.6 1.28166 31.6 65.1 1.32050 52.2 1.24502 28.3 52.3 1.24558 28.4 52.4 1.24614 28.4 52.5 1.24670 28.5 52.6 1.24726 28.5 52.7 1.24782 28.6 52.8 1.24839 28.65 52.9 1.24895 28.7 28.75 53.1 1.25008 28.8 53.0 1.24951 53.2 1.25064 28.85 53.3 1.25120 28.9 53.4 1.25177 28.9 53.5 1.25233 29.0 53.6 1.25290 29. I 53.7 1.25347 29. I 53.8 1.25403 29.2 53.9 1.25460 29.2 54.0 1.25517 29.3 58.7 1.28224 31.7 58.8 1.28283 31.7 58.9 1.28342 31.8 59.0 1.28400 65.2 1.32111 65.3 1.32172 65.4 1.32233 31.85 65.5 1.32294 65.6 1.32355 34.95 71.6 1.36101 38.2 35.0 71.7 1.36164 38.2 35.05 71.8 1.36238 38.21 35.I 71.9 1.36292 38.3 35.15 72.0 1.36355 38.3 35.2 72.1 1.36429 38.4 72.2 1.36483 38.4 72.3 1.36557 38.5 72.4 1.36611 38.5 72.5 1.36675 38.6 73.1 1.37059 38.9 73.2 1.37124 38.9 73.3 1.37198 39.0 73.4 1.37252 39.0 73.5 1.37327 39.I 73.6 1.37381 39.I 73.7 1.37456 39.2 73.8 1.37510 39.2 73.9 1.37575 39.3 74.0 1.37649 39.3 31.9 31.95 65.7 1.32417 32.0 35.25 65.8 1.32478 35.3. 65.9 1.32539 35.35 66.0 1.32601 35.4 66.1 1.32662 35.4 66.2 1.32724 35.5 66.3 1.32785 35.5 66.4 1.32857 35.6 66.5 1.32918 35.6 66.6 1.32970 35.7 66.7 1.33031 35.7 66.8 1.33093 35.8 66.9 1.33155 35.8 67.0 1.33227 35.9 72.6 1.36749 38.6 72.7 1.36803 38.7 72.8 1.36877 38.7 72.9 1.36931 38.8 73.0 1.36995 38.8 61.1 1.29640 32.9 54.7 1.25914 29.6 61.2 1.29700 33.0 54.8 1.25971 29.7 54.9 1.26028 29.7 55.0 1.26086 29.8 55.1 1.26143 29.8 55.2 1.26200 29.9 61.7 55.3 1.26257 29.9 61.8 55.4 1.26314 30.0 61.9 55.5 1.26372 30.05 62.0 55.6 1.26429 30.I 55.7 1.26486 30.15 55.8 1.26544 30.2 55.9 1.26601 30.25 56.0 1.26658 30.3 56.1 1.26716 30.4 56.2 1.26773 30.4 56.3 1.26831 30.5 56.4 1.26889 30.5 56.5 1.26946 30.6 56.6 1.27004 30.6 56.7 1.27062 30.7 56.8 1.27120 30.7 56.9 1.27177 30.8 57.0 1.27235 30.8 61.3 I.29759 33.0 61.4 1.29819 33.I 61.5 1.29878 33.1 67.1 1.33278 35.9 67.2 1.33340 36.0 67.3 1.33402 36.0 67.4 1.33464 36.1 67.5 1.33526 36.1 67.6 1.33598 36.2 67.7 1.33650 36.2 67.8 1.33712 36.3 67.9 1.33774 36.3 68.0 1.33846 36.4 74.1 1.37704 39.4 74.2 1.37778 39.4 74.3 1.37833 39.5 74.4 1.37908 39.5 74.5 1.37962 39.6 61.6 1.29938 33.2 1.29998 33.2 1.30057 33.3 1.30117 33.3 1.30177 33.4 62.1 1.30237 33.4 62.2 1.30297 33.5 62.3 1.30356 33.5 62.4 1.30416 33.6 62.5 1.30476 33.6 68.1 1.33909 36.4 68.2 1.33961 36.5 68.3 1.34023 36.5 68.4 1.34085 36.6 68.5 1.34158 36.6 68.6 1.34210 36.7 68.7 1.34273 36.7 68.8 1.34335 36.8 68.9 1.34408 36.8 69.0 1.34460 36.9 74.6 1.38037 39.6 74.7 1.38092 39.7 74.8 1.38167 39.7 74.9 1.38222 39.8 75.0 1.38287 39.8 75.1 1.38352 39.9 75.2 1.38427 39.9 75.3 1.38482 40.0 75.4 1.38557 75.5 1.38612 40.0 40. I 62.6 1.30536 33.7 62.7 1.30596 33.7 62.8 1.30657 33.8 62.9 1.30717 33.8 63.0 1.30777 33.9 63.1 1.30837 33.9 63.2 1.30897 34.0 63.3 1.30958 34.0 63.4 1.31018 34.1 63.5 1.31078 34.1 69.1 1.34523 36.9 69.2 1.34585 37.0 69.3 1.34658 37.0 69.4 1.347II 37.I 69.5 1.34774 37.I 75.6 1.38687 40. I 75.7 1.38743 40.2 75.8 1.38808 40.2 75.9 1.38873 40.3 76.0 1.38949 40.3 69.8 1.34846 37.2 69.7 1.34909 37.2 69.8 1.34962 37.3 69.9 1.35025 37.3 70.0 1.35098 37.4 57.1 1.27293 30.9 57.2 1.27351 30.9 57.3 1.27400 31.0 57.4 1.27464 31.0 57.5 1.27525 31.1 63.6 1.31139 34.2 63.7 1.31199 34.2 63.8 1.31260 34.3 63.9 1.31320 34.3 64.0 1.31381 34.4 70.1 1.35151 37.4 70.2 1.35214 37.5 70.3 1.35287 37.5 70.4 1.35340 37.6 70.5 1.35403 37.6 76.1 1.39004 40.4 76.2 1.39070 40.4 76.3 1.39135 40.5 76.4 1.39201 40.5 76.5 1.39266 40.6 76.6 1.39332 40.6 76.7 1.39407 40.7 76.8 1.39463 40.7 76.9 1.39539 40.8 77.0 1.39595 40.8 57.6 1.27583 31.1 57.7 1.27641 31.2 57.8 1.27699 31.2 57.9 1.27758 31.3 58.0 1.27816 31.3 58.1 1.27874 31.4 58.1 1.27932 31.4 58.3 1.27991 31.5 58.4 1.28049 31.5 58.5 1.28107 31.6 64.1 1.31442 34.4 64.2 1.31502 34.5 64.3 1.31563 34.5 64.4 1.31624 34.6 64.5 1.31684 34.6 70.6 1.35466 37.7 70.7 1.35530 37.7 70.8 1.35593 37.8 70.9 1.35656 37.8 71.0 1.35720 37.9 64.6 1.31745 34.7 64.7 1.31806 34.7 64.8 1.31867 34.8 64.9 1.31928 34.8 65.0 1.31989 34.9 71.5 1.36047 71.1 1.35783 37.9 71.2 1.35857 38.0 71.3 1.35910 71.4 1.35974 38.0 38. I 38.1 77.1 1.39660 40.8 77.2 1.39726 40.9 77.3 1.39792 41.0 77.4 1.39868 41.0 77.5 1.39924 41.0 77.6 1.39992 41. I 77.7 1.40056 41.1 77.8 1.40122 41.2 77.9 1.40198 41.2 78.0 1.40254 41.3 70 METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. Relation of Brix, Specific Gravity, and Baumé. (Continued.) 78.1 1.40321 41.3 80.1 1.41653 42.3 82. I I.43002 43.3 84. I I.44377 44.2 82.2 I.43070 43.3 84.2 1.44435 44.3 82.3 1.43 147 43.4 84.3 1.44504 44.3 82.4 1.43205 78.2 I.40397 41.4 80.2 1.41720 42.3 78.3 1.40453 41.4 41797 42.4 78.4 1.40520 41.5 78.5 1.40586 41.5 78.6 1.40652 41.6 78.7 1.40729 41.6 78.8 1.40785 41.7 78.9 1.40852 41.7 79.0 1.40928 41.8 79.1 1.40985 41.8 79.2 1.41052 41.9 79.3 1.41128 41.9 79.4 1.41195 42.0 79.5 1.41252 42.0 42.1 42. I 42.2 79.6 1.41328 79.7 1.41385 79.8 1.41452 79.9 1.41529 42.2 80.0 1.41586 42.2 80.3 I. 80.4 1.41854 42.4 80.5 80.6 1.41999 42.5 80.7 1.42056 42.6 80.8 1.42123 42.6 1.41921 42.5 43.4 84.4 I.44573 44.3 82.5 1.43273 43.5 84.5 1.44641 44.4 82.6 1.43341 43.5 84.6 1.44710 44.4 82.7 I.43419 43.5 84.7 1.44789 44.5 82.8 1.43488 43.6 84.8 1.44858 44.5 84.9 1.44927 44.6 85.0 1.44986 44.6 80.9 1.42190 42.7 82.9 1.43546 43.6 81.0 1.42268 42.7 83.0 1.43614 43.7 81.1 1.42325 42.8 83.1 1.43682 43.7 81.2 I.42393 42.8 83.2 1.43750 43.8 81.3 1.42460 42.9 83.3 1.43829 43.8 81.4 1.42538 42.9 83.4 1.43887 43.9 1.42595 43.0 83.5 1.43955 43.9 81.5 81.6 1.42663 43.0 81.7 1.42731 43. I 81.8 1.42808 43.I 81.9 1.42876 43.2 82.0 I.42934 43.2 83.6 1.44024 44.0 83.7 1.44092 44.0 83.8 83.9 84.0 I. 1.44161 I.44239 1.44308 44. I 44. I 44.2 85.1 1.45055 44.7 85.2 1.45124 44.7 85.3 1.45193 44.8 85.4 1.45262 44.8 85.5 1.45331 44.9 85.6 1.45401 44.9 85.7 1.45470 45.0 85.8 1.45549 45.0 85.9 1.45619 45.1 86.0 1.45688 45.I METHODS FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS. 71 118. Table for Correction of the Readings of the Brix Spindle when the Read- ing is made at other than the Standard Temperature, 17.5°. Tem- pera- ture. (Gerlach.) [For temperatures below 17.5° the correction is to be subtracted.] Degree Brix of the solution. о 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 75 ° C. O 0.17 0.30 0.41 0.52 0.62 0.72 0.82 5 0.23 0.30 0.37 ΙΟ II 12 0.20 0.26 0.29 0.18 0.23 0.26 0.28 0.16 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.44 0.52 0.59 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.92 0.98 0.72 0.75 I. II I.22 1.25 1.29 0.80 0.31 0.34 0.26 0.29 13 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.31 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.65 0.88 0.91 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.61 0.36 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.47 0.50 0.33 0.34 0.36 0.40 0.46 0.29 0.33 0.35 0.39 0.94 0.53 0.42 14 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.26 0.28 0.32 15 0.09 O.II 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.25 O.II 0.12 0.12 16 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 O.IO O.IO 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 17 For temperatures above 17.5° the correction is to be added. 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 18 19 21 22 24 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.21 0.26 0.29 0.31 0.31 0.32 23 0.27 0.32 0.35 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.32 0.38 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.46 25 0.37 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.53 C.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 O.IO O.IO 20 O.II 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.17 0. 0.18 0.18 0.16 O.IO O.IO O.IO O.IO 0.08 0.06 0.18 O. 19 O. 19 0.18 0.15 O.II 0.25 27 29 30 35 I. IO I.17 I.22 I.24 40 1.50 50 бо 70 .... 3.87 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.90 5.17 5.18 5.20 5.14 5.13 5.10 5.08 5.06 4.90 80 90 100 0.26 0.25 0.22 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.32 0.29 0.25 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.42 0.39 0.36 0.33 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.50 0.46 0.43 0.40 0.54 0.55 0.55 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 26 0.43 0.50 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.66 0.62 0.58 0.55 0.49 0.57 0.61 0.63 0.65 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.70 0.74 0.70 0.65 0.62 28 0.56 0.64 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.76 0.76 0.78 0.78 0.82 0.78 0.72 0.70 0.63 0.71 0.75 0.78 0.79 0.84 0.84 0.86 0.86 0.90 0.86 0.80 0.78 0.70 0.78 0.82 0.87 0.87 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.98 0.94 0.88 0.86 1.30 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.36 1.39 1.34 1.27 1.25 1.61 1.67 1.71 1.73 I.79 1.79 1.80 1.82 1.83 1.78 1.69 1.65 2.65 2.71 2.74 2.78 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.70 2.56 2.51 3.70 3.43 3.41 4.72 4.47 4.35 6.62 6.59 6.54 6.46 6.38 6.30 6.26 6.06 5.82 5.50 5.33 8.26 8.16 8.06 7.97 7.83 7.71 7.58 7.30 6.96 6.58 6.37 10.019.87 9.72 9.56 9.39 9.21 9.03 8.64 8.22 7.76 7.42 0.25 0.26 0.18 2.79 3.82 Example-A sugar solution shows a reading of 30.2° Brix at 30° C. To find the necessary cor- rection for the conversion of this reading to the reading which would have been obtained if the observation had been made at 17.5° C., find the vertical column in the table headed 30° Brix, which is the nearest to the observed reading. Follow down this column until the num- ber is reached which is opposite to the temperature of observation-in this case 30°. The number found, 0.92, is to be added to the observed reading. INDEX. ACIDITY in honey Alkalinity of maple sirup ash Angular and specific rotation of sugars Anilin acetate test for commercial invert sugar. Ash in dextrin PAGE 22 16 36 23 in glucose in honey in maple sirup in massecuite in molasses in raw sugar in refined sugar, in sugar beet juice in sugar cane juice BAGASSE Beckmann, test for glucose Beet flask Browne, honey methods CANE sirup Clerget method for sucrose Commercial glucose Condensed milk · • DENSITY, apparent and true. Dextrin in glucose 24 24 20 15 II 12 13 13 ΤΟ 8 8 2983 18 14 II 24 31 IO 24 24 21 in honey specific rotation Dextrose, Allihn's method and table calculation in honey commercial in honey in dextrin . FIBER in bagasse in sugar beets in sugar cane · • Fiehe's test for commercial invert sugar. GEERLIGS' table for solids in molasses and sirups Gerlach's table of Brix corrections. Glucose, commercial in honey in molasses 26 65 23 22 26 8 9 72 23 41 71 24 22 12 73 74 INDEX. HONEY. Hydrometer tables . Hydrometers, Brix, use Brix, standardization INSOLUBLE matter in dextrin Invert sugar in honey. commercial, in honey KOHLRAUSCH flask . LACTOSE in condensed milk in milk in milk chocolate. table. Levulose, calculation of Low's volumetric method for copper PAGE 18 67 3 35 25 20 23 9 31 30 31 53 14 MAIN, table for dry substance in molasses, ref. Malic acid value. Maltose table Maple sirup sugar Massecuite . Miscellaneous sugar determinations. Moisture in bagasse in dextrin in filter press cake. in honey in raw sugar in sugar cane . Molasses POLARISCOPE • tube, continuous tube, jacketed Polarization of dextrin of honey Purity of sugar beet juice of sugar cane juice of molasses. RAFFINOSE • 50 12 17 62 15 18 IO 32 8 24 8 19 12 2 II 35 37 .4-12 26 18 ΙΟ 42 I2 Raw sugar Reagents . • Reducing sugar tables, Munson and Walker method. sugars in sugar beet juice. sugars in sugar cane juice sugars in glucose. sugars in maple sirup sugars in molasses sugars in raw sugar. • Reducing sugars, Violette's method Refined sugar Refiners' syrup · · 13 I 2 32 53 IO 4 24 16 12 13 .6-34 . 13 13 INDEX. 75 SCHMITZ' sucrose table Solids in maple sirup. in massecuite in molasses . • in sugar beet juice. in sugar cane juice Sorghum cane Sorghum sirup PAGE 43 15 ΙΟ II 93 9 3 Stammer's table, Brix, Baumé and specific gravity Stanek's method for water in raw sugars Starch sirup. Sucrose by double polarization (Clerget method) by double reduction. in bagasse in condensed milk. in filter press cake in honey. in maple sirup in massecuite in milk chocolate in molasses in raw sugar in refined sugar in sugar beets. • . 3 14 67 39 28 24 II 68 31 8 20 16 II 31 I 2 13 13 9 in sugar beet juice. 9 in sugar cane. I in sugar cane juice 4 pipet (Spencer or Crampton pipet) 3-4 9 Sugar beets. beet juice. cane. cane juice cane shredder. Sugars in grains and feeds properties. VISCOSIMETER. Viscosity of dextrin solutions. WILEY'S correction factor for sucrose Winton's lead number. UNIV. OF MICHIGAN, MAY 14 1912 w I-9 29 36 .26-7 26 13 16 SUTTON'S VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS A SYSTEMATIC HANDBOOK By FRANCIS SUTTON, F. I. C., F. C. S. Public Analyst for the County of Norfolk, etc. THOROUGHLY REVISED AND REWRITTEN BY W. LINCOLNE SUTTON, F. I. C. Public Analyst for the County of Suffolk, Norwich, Ipswich, etc. AND A. E. JOHNSON, B. Sc. (Lond.) F. I. C. Associate of the Royal College of Science, Dublin. Tenth Edition. 650 Pages. 122, Illustrations. Numerous Tables. Full Index. Cloth, $5.50. In preparing this edition, the previous one has been critically revised line by line, many sections entirely rewritten in the light of recent A research, a large amount of obsolete matter eliminated, and numerous additions and substitutions made throughout the work. The revisors have been assisted by specialists who have contributed valuable information in various departments of volumetric analysis. All factors and calculations have been re-worked and corrected, where necessary, on the basis of the International Atomic Weights 1911, which, for- tunately, it has been found possible to adopt for this edition. To increase the clearness and adaptability for constant use and reference in the laboratory which has always been valued features of the work, a new type has been selected, all references in the text have been carried to the foot of the page and in many instances a re-arrange- ment of the subject matter has been made. The section devoted to the Analysis of Water and Sewage has been entirely re-arranged, brought up-to-date and specially indexed, Great care has been taken throughout not to alter in any way the general scheme and original features of "SUTTON" which have secured for the work much generous appreciation for so many years past. P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO., PUBLISHERS 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA ALLEN'S COMMERCIAL ORGANIC ANALYSIS Fourth Edition Rewritten and Revised. EDITED BY HENRY LEFFMANN, M. A., M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania; W. A. DAVIS, B. Sc., A. C. G. 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The Lancet, London. the original author himself, it appears, found that the work which he so ably started grew, as it was bound to grow with our advancing knowledge, too large to be managed by a single writer and then his health broke down which culminated in his death in 1904. This did not happen, however, before he had expressed his views as to the plan on which future editions should go. The present editors have met these views admirably; they have chosen the right workers and writers, and there is little doubt that the completed work will occupy, as it has always done, first rank. Analysts will be sorry to abandon the old familiar trust- worthy volumes, but they will be amply consoled by possessing in the new all that is known up to the present date on the subject of accurate analytical methods applied to commercial organic products.' American Chemical Journal, Baltimore, Md. 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