. \ Wish, 4‘ 1:); r V k .C .2 n‘ m f w ‘- Aru‘vna .- ,3, _.7. re .7.‘ .J, a > n i _v_%.. w x». i“ ‘I... 1a..‘ ‘ r SUPPLEMENT FOR 1905 TO THE CATALOGUE OF PLASTER CAST REPRODUCTIONS $2’ $3‘ $5 $0 P. P. OAPRONI BROTHER BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1905, By P. P. CAPRONI & BROTHER, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved Qmwuuwmmt INCE the issue of our Catalogue for 1901, we é have acquired, from the museums of Europe and elsewhere, such a large number of addi- tions to our collection of casts, that a list which should include these new acquisitions was urgently demanded by our patrons in all parts of the country. Pending the issue of a new edition of our Catalogue, therefore, we have prepared the supplement which we herewith oflaer to our friends, thanking them for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of their correspondence. We are glad, always, to reply to any inquiries which may be addressed to us, concerning anything in our depart- ment of business. P. P. Capmnz' Broz‘fiei" 161507 CA TALOG UE OF Plate III. CAPRONI’S GALLERIES, MAIN HALL. P. 1’. CAP/80371 6:" BROTHER. 5 Qlfifim'an éculpturc 8. KING HUNTING WILD BULL-S. » I. a .- S‘- i"; _ “ 1* x..- ‘of 10. KING OFFERING LIBATION. f (H, ....,A. ‘i r 4* a,’ -- — _‘ r I V ‘l‘ '— fl’ 1 "- I ‘WM ' ‘4 T a ‘ ‘Fm l3. KING ASHUR-NAZIR~PAL RETURNING FROM BATTLE. I Ch J CA TALOG UE OF ' 7" 1 I. 12. KING ASHUR-NAZIR-PAL some INTO BATTLE. w'r ‘ v» 1_§...(.~..'~_ M I5. KING A'r'mcxmc A Crrv. P. P. CAPROZV] 69s BROTHER. 7 16. KING TAKING A CITY. 17. KING RECEIVING AN ENEMY Sumo FUR PEACE. No. Size, in. Price. 8 King hunting Wild Bulls . . . . . . . 37 x 89 $25.00 Relief in the British Museum. 9 King hunting Lions . . . . . . . . 37 x 89 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. 10 King offering Libation after Lion Hunt . . . . 37 x 89 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. I r, 12 King Ashur-nazir-pal going into Battle . . each 37 x 85 25.00 Two Reliefs in the British Museum. 13 King Ashur-nazir-pal returning from Battle . . . . 37 x 86 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. 14 Royal Chariot . . . . . . . . . 37 x 85 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. 15 King attacking a City . . . . . . . . 37 x 85 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. 16 King taking a City . . . . . . . 37 x 86 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. 17 King receiving an Enemy sueing for Peace . . . . 37 x 85 25.00 Relief in the British Museum. All there re/z'qfl' are from the palace Qf fi'ing Ar/mr-nazir-pm', in the rain: 0] M'mrud (Ca/all). CATALOGUE 0F (15112211 aun lBoman grams ORIGINAL SIZE. 558. HERCULANEA. Height. N0. Ft. In. Price. 556 Niobid. [11 the Louvre 3 4 $25.00 One of the figures from the famous Niobe group. 557 Lemnian Athena . . 6 10 75.00 Attributed to Phidias; head in Museo Civico, Bologna; torso in Royal Museum, Dresden. 558 Herculanea. Inkoyal 7 0 100.00 Zl/luseum, Dresden Found 1709-13, in ruins of Herculaneum; type of third century, B.C.; probably a portrait or commemorative statue. 556. NIOBID. '(YZYHJOHH @[NOHJVJ 'J 'c! 559. ANACREON,SEATEI). 560. GERMAmcUs. ‘a, 561. FAvN, DANCINF. Heighi. N0. Fr. In. Price. 559 Anacreon, seated . . . . . . . . . . [/1 {lie Vii/n Bwgfiese, Rome 5 8 $100.00 Found, in xiv century, at Sabina. 560 Germanlcus . . . . . . . . . . . . [n z‘lw Louvre 6 3 IC0.00 Found in Italy in the xiv century‘. 56! Faun (or Satyr) Dancing . . . . . . . . . . . In 1710 I'i/la Borg/mm 7 3 100.00 10 CATALOGUE OF 562. DANAID. 563. AMAZON. 564. WOLF OF THE CAPITOL. Height. No. . In. Price. 562 Danaid . . . . . . . 1/1 {/16 Vatinm 4 6 $60.00 56 3 Amazon . . . D1 #16 Capitolme Almeum, Rome 7 0 100.00 Fifth century B.C.; date of discovery unknown. 564 Wolf of the Capitol (Romulus and Remus) . . 3 0 100.00 Original of bronze in the Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitol, Rome; artist unk gown. . I’. ,. v r . I I " I a.‘ In‘. ‘Ila 565. Muse PLAYING 0N LYRE. 567. Arm-2m PARTHENOS. Height. Nu. Ft. In. Price. 565 Muse playing on Lyre . . . . . . . . . . . . . In {/12 1.0112112 6 10 $100.00 566 Euterpe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [/1 the Villain/1 4 IO 35-00 567 Athena l’arthenos . . . . ' 1n the A/atiomz! M’ureum, Al/wrzr 3 6 2 5.00 Known as the Varvakeiun statuette; a reduced copy. probably. of the great chryselephantine statue of the Parthenon; found, I880, near the Varvakeion, Athens. 'r‘lEYHZOP/H e‘? [ATOP/JVJ '(l k/ l I CATALOGUE OF 568. Juno. FROM SAMOS. 570. ANACREON, STANDING. P. P. CAPROJVI é" BROTHER. 568 569 57° 571 572 572- FAUN AND INFANT BACCHUS. 571- ]uno, from Samos . . [a the Louvre Found. 1875, near the Temple of Juno, at Samos; original of marble. Charioteer of Delphi . . . From a bronze found, 1896, at Delphi. Anacreon, standing . . . . . . In the jacobsen collection, Copenhagen; formerly in the Borghese, Rome. Faun and Infant Bacchus In the Mzples III/mam: In the Farnese collection, Capo Lavori gallery; a Greco-Roman work. attributed to the time of Hadrian. Found in the Agro Romano, Rome. Caryatide. from the Erechtheum, Acropolis, Athens CARYATIDE. Height. Ft. In. 6 6 6 8 7 0 6 4 7 I 0 Price. $40.00 60.00 65.00 75.00 80.00 14 CATALOGUE OF 834. mutations of (Break arm lBoman étatucs 831. APOLLO. Subjects not illustrated but listed in this catalogue as reductions of certain numbers are shown in our general catalogue of I901. 776 A. DIANA. 6666. PEDESTAL. 8 5 836. HECTOR AND ANDROMACHE. 3 . SATYR WITH INFANT (z). ’. P. CAPROJV c?»- BROTHE/r’. 15 Height. No‘ It In. Price. 764 Nike 0f Samothrace. Red/14112211 Qf All. 529 . 2 4 $9.00 776A Diana of Versailles. Radar/111111 (ff .V0. 503 .1 1 40.00 82 Sophocles. Rrdudian if 524 2 6.00 830 Demosthenes. Redumbn (i525 . 2 6.00 831 Apollo playing on Lyre 2 9 15.00 Original in Berlin Museum. 832 Mercury, seated . . [n .Va/Jler ill/{MIN}! 9 1 2.00 833 Nike of Samothrace. Redurtrbu if 529 5 3 100.00 83,4 Hector and Andromache 3 2 25.00 Original in the Berlin Museum. 835 Satyr and Infant. Original in Rome 3 0 12.00 836 Satyr and Infant. Original in Rome 3 0 12.00 %tatuettes of Eifferent iaeriohs 1565. No. 1563 Female Figure carrying Vase, Zizrmgm 1564 Female Figure carrying Vase, Tanagra 1565 Female Figure, dancing, modern . 1566 Female Figure, seated . Tanagra 1567 Female Figure, arranging her garments Ylumgra 1568 Snowdrop, modern Price. $1.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 16 CATALOGUE OF wumpciian Qtatuettcfl Height. Fr. In. No. Price. 22 10 Silenus carrying a Crown . 2 $6.00 221 1 Satyr, dancing. Radiation (3f 2202 . . . . . 1 5 3.00 2210. SILENUS. muaissamc aun moment atatucfl ORIGINAL SIZE. 2515. JOAN 0F ARC. 2516. SINGING Boys. Florentine. 1’. P. CAI’ROIVI é“ BROTHER. .sqeeaeq l .535 .wQu .mmmm .Smu .§.3€\\ HQ 200.020 :35? .3? 18 CATALOGUE 01" No. 2514 2517 2518 2519 2520 z5r9. BACCHUS. 2520. Washington . . By Ham/m: Original of marble in the Capitol at Richmond. Va. joan of Arc . . . . If)‘ Clan/w Original in the Luxembourg, Paris. Singing Boys . I'Yurenrz'ne Artist unknown. Hebe . . . Ry YVzormz/dren Original in Copenhagen. David By Dnmrz'ellu Original in the National Museum, Florence. Bacchus and Infant Faun . By [tempo Sansar'inr) Original in Marble in the Museo Nazionale. Florence. Horace Mann By Emma Ste/drills (Home, 1863) Original in Bronze, State House Park, Boston. Ft. 6 U1 Home}: MANN. Height. In. 10 N PI'iL'C. 5150.00 60.00 40.00 60.00 40.00 250.00 P. 1’. CAPROlVI 6r’ BROTHER. 19 lfienaissamc aun faoneru fitatuettes aim ificbucttoma 2855. LHRIST. 2856. MARGUERITE. 2858. DANTE. 2857. EVANGELlNI-Z. 2861. CHERUB. 2862. MICHELANGELOIN 2864. WEBs'rEn. 2865. ANDREW. YOUTH. 20 CA TALOGUB OF 2866. FRANKLIN. 3621. No. 2829A Lorenzo de Medici 28411; Hebe. Redurtiun (f 2517 . 28 5 3 Hebe. Radiation of 2 5 1 7 . 28 54 Hebe. Radar/ion (3f 2 5 1 7 . 28 5 5 Christ . . Original in Copenhagen. 28 5 6 Marguerite 2 85 7 Evangeline 2858 Dante . . . 2859 Fisher Boy playing with Turtle 3953- Original of marble in the Louvre. m w éniimnm'm'fi-ai CoLUMNs FROM ROMAN FORUM. 2860 2861 2862 2863 TORSO. 3815. 3816. Height. Fr. In. Bar M'rke/ange/n 1 9 B 1' T lzor'waldsell 6 % B'I' Tbor'wnldsen 3 3 1i 1’ T/mrrclaldseu B l’ T/mrrrw [dry/1 3 2 N I I6 . . 10% 11')’ 113/116.’ 1 II! Cherub, to hang. By I'i'amingo 1 Cherub, to hang. B y f'i'amirrgo 1 Michelangelo in youth Cupid and Psyche. By Car/mu I 11 I») 2 86Jr Daniel Webster. 2865 2866 3621 J B)’ T/lwmms BU], - 6 Gov. John A. Andrew. B)’ jllflffifl Afr/more 2 I }-§ Benjamin Franklin. B)’ 11’. S. Cree/mug]: 2 1 Original sketch for the statue in front of the City Ilall, Boston. ToRsI. Male torso and legs. By Afir/re/auge/n I GARUUYLES FROM No'rRF. DAME. Price. $8.00 1.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 4.00 h) .00 2.00 8.00 12.00 In Villa Carlotta, Cadenabhia; size of base, ‘I I x 24. 1.50 P. P. CAPROIVI BROTHER. 2| 38w. PIPE RACK. 3951. HOMERIC VASE. j‘BIISEBIIaIIBUIIB Height. N0. Ft. In Price. 3799 Lincoln Devil. Bn/(rrgemeni 111’3800 3 5 $I5.00 3810 Pipe Rack, five Indian heads. Length 17 ins. . . 2.00 3815 Gargoyle . Flt-om Notre Dame, Panlr r 1}; 1. 50 3816 Gargoyle . . . From Ain‘re Dame, Paris I 4 2.00 3951 Homeric ‘Case, from Pompeii. Height 4% inches. . 1.50 Original in silver, Museum of Naples. The central figure, in relief, represents Homer transported by Zeus, who has assumed the form of an eagle; on either side are allegorical figures. representing the Iliad and Odyssey. 39 52 Columns from the Roman Forum 2 5 10.00 4054. ARIADNE. 4056. SAPPHO. 4057- ARCHAIC HEAD. CA TALOG UE OF 40 58. PORTRAIT. Nu. 4°54 4°55 4056 4°57 4058 4059 4060 4407i 4407 4408 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 493° 493I 4059. LEMNIAN ATHENA. 151mm, antique—erect am: ilioman In the Vatz'mn [11 fire Louvre [n the Louvre Ariadne Omphale . . Sappho (so called) . . . . Portrait, female head, archaic [u the Brink/z Jlluseum Portrait, female head . . . In Me Brim/z jl/luseum Lemnian Athena, from the head in Bologna Maiden of Pompeii (unknown) . . Found at Pompeii; original in the Naples Museum. 4408. HIPPOCRATES. HHIQH'HNN'” I I GALEN. 'JBIIBtS, Qlttl'qut—Qialll'lltt aim %mall Galen Hippocrates Rel/artful: of 40 1 4 Rm’mftim! (f 4909 Apollo Belvedere. Aesculapius, square base. Homer . . . . Demosthenes. Reduction of 4019 Ajax. Reduction if 4003 . . . Zeus of Otricoli. Reduction 11/ 3999 . (,‘lytie. Redm'tz'on of 4027. . l 0-‘ n i-. :00 0011001? X R Hm Munoz“ -— OO \1-\ I 4060. MAIDEN FROM POMPEII. Price. $12.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 2.50 4927. HOMER. $5.00 5.00 1.50 .50 1.50 1.50 2.50 -75 2.50 1’. P. CAPROlV] 67-’ BROTHER. 23 5473. SCHUBERT. No. 5198 5199 5200 5201 BENEVIENI. 5474. VOLTA. 115mm — iltenaiafiamc Young Girl, Florentine . . Virgin . By Amfrea (tel/a [Bu—Mia, from group 25 13 Benevieni . . . . . By Lara (I'd/11 Robbia David. . By Verrotfizb, from statue 2508 Heig 1. 5475. Wasnnse'rou. 6651. PEDESTAL. F I I l I ht. _‘ Price. 3.50 I 0.00 6.00 6.00 24 CATALOGUE OF 'Bufita — mourn! 5476. MOLIERE. 5477. RACINE. 5478. VICTOR HUGO. 5479. LAPLACE. 5482. WAGNER. 5483. AMBROISE PAUL. 5484. PAUL REVERE. P. 1’. CAPRON'I 15w BBOIHER. 25 5485. MARTIN LUTHER. 5486. Emzasox. 5761. GLADSTONE. N0. Fti—I elghiia. Price. 5 473 Schubert . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 $8.00 5474 Volta, Alexander . . . . . By Coma/11' 2 10 15.00 Noted electrician. 547 5 Washington . . . . From Me lflmrlrm .rialue 2 6 I 2.00 5476 Moliere . . . . . . . By Hulda” 2 9 12.00 5477 Racine . . . . . . . By Honda/1 2 9 12.00 5478 Hugo, Victor . . . . . . By Arrwzr/ef/e 3 4 2 5.00 5479 LaPlace, Pierre de . . . . . . . 2 4 12.00 5480 McKinley, Willia . . . . . By D. King 2 4 12.00 5481 Liszt . . . . . . By T/wmas Ball 2 6 12.00 5482 Wagner . . . . . By F. Srbaper 2 8 12.00 5483 Paré, Ambroise, noted French surgeon (‘1509-1590) . . 1 1 1 10.00 5484 Revere, Paul . . . . By Robert Kraut 3 9 30.00 Original in the possession of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechan- ic Association, Boston. 548 5 Luther, Martin . . . . . By Luau‘ Cm/zark 2 2 10.00 5486 Emerson. Ralph Wald . . By]. C. King (18 59) 2 5 10.00 1011515, Qltahl'nct— jHDDBt‘lt 5761 Gladstone, William E. 1 7 4.00 5762 Webster, Daniel By I. C. King 1 7 4.00 1511512, émall Qlabtnct 1110mm 6018 Revere, Paul By Robert Kraus 1 3 3.00 6019 Revere, Paul By Robert K'raus 1 3 3.00 Reduction of 5451. 6018. 6019. PAUL REVERE. 26 CATAILOGUE OF 6312. 6313. 6314. 6315. BEETHOVEN Llsz'r ScnUMANN WAGNER. 16am, ébmall—Ificnateaame arm inonern Height. No. _ l-‘t. ln. Price. 6309 Dickens. Reduction if 57 5 5 1 1 $1.00 6 3 1 0 Goethe. Rea'urfz'mr (If 5 467 1 1 . 5 0 63 1 1 Christ 1?)‘ YVzarzua/Jsen 1 2.50 63 1 2 Beethoven % ,75 6 3 13 Liszt }/_. .7 5 6314 Schumann 6315 Wagner . 63 16 Prescott. William H. U1 Ln U1 U1 C.» ‘\'- \r' lQ\ l0\ *4 U1 . . -1 u 6311. CHRIS'I‘US. 6662. 6663. P. R. CARROA/"l é.“ BROTHER. 27 6666. 6667. 6668. Ietbtfltalfi No Ft. in. Price. 6662 Pedestal, Roman — Diameter of top 14 in. 2 $800 6663 Pedestal, Ionic~— Diameter of top 9 in. I 8'00 6664 Pedestal, Gothic -— Diameter of top 1 1% 4% 7-06 I 10.00 6666 Pedestal. Square —- Size of top 17% x 25/14’ 6667 Pedestal, Square— Size of top 13 x 17%? . 6668 Pedestal, Square— Size of top 19 x 19 1 0% 15.00 2 10.00 3 4 . . . 3 6665 Pedestal, (Ionic ?)—Size of top 11% x 11% . . 4 2 3 3 O 12.00 15f863ti5 6825 Bracket, for corner, Gothic . . . . . 27 x 30 12.00 6826 Bracket, from the Church of Santa Croce, Florence . . 10% x 7% 4.00 28 ‘ CATALOGUE O!" flattens—antique: (Bath 8111] human ORIGINAL SIZE. Inches. 69 50 The Bronze Relief from Olympia 35 X 145% In file Minimal 11121361071, Athens Original of ‘bronze; found, 1877, at Olympia. $5.00 BRONZE RELIEF 6952. FROM OLYMPIA. 6950. 6953. STELE OF MAIDEN WITH COFFER. Stele of Aristocles . [11 the National Jlureum. Ali/rear Found, 1838, near Mt. Hymettos; probably a work of the sixth cen- tury B.C. Stele from Bceotia . In the 2Vatimm! fliuseum, Af/zenr Date of discovery unknown; place of discovery probably Orchomer nomingbably a. work of early in the fifth or late in the sixth century Stele of Maiden with Coffer [11 tile Berlin Mneum 6951 6952 9655 6954. WEST FRIEZE. STELE FROM B0E0T1A. 78x17 78x24. 56x18 $10.00 12.00 8.00 P. P. CAPROAY 6r BROTHER. 29 6954. I‘lORTH Female. 69 54. Harpy Monument, Reliefs from. [a tire Brink/z Aime/am Found, 1838, at Xanthos, Lycia. This frieze is in four sections, as follow 1— Inches. Price. West frieze . . . . . . . 4r 1: 95 $25.00 South frieze . . . . 41 x 91 25.00 East frieze . . . . . . . 41 x 95 25.00 North frieze . . . . . . . . 41 x 91 25.00 36 CAMLOGUE 0F 6955 B. APOLLO AND THE NYMPHs. 6955 C. Hermes AND THE GRACES. 6955 Apollo and the Nymphs : Hermes and the Graces. In file Lour're . $50.00 Found, 1864, on the site of the ancient Thasos. In three slabs, as follow : — Inches. A Apollo and the Nymphs . . . . 37 x 83 ) B Three female figures, bearing fillets and fruits . . 37 x 37 v C Hermes, followed by one of the Graces . . . 37 x 33 l 6959 Apollo and Victory [/1 {lie Ber/in [Museum 3 1 x 41 10.00 This relief represents a votive offering in amusical contest to the God of Mel- ody. The figures are Victory, Apollo, Latona and Diana, the small statue of Apollo standing on a pillar, with the Temple of Delphi and its sacred plane tree in the background. This work is attributed to the period of Scopas. - ‘ - w_- . a - ““~'- 1 qw- 6959. APoLLo AND VICTORY. P. 1’. CAPROIVI é“ BROTIZBR. 31 @1112 teartbenon dfriese HE famous frieze encircled the Parthenon, at the top of the outer wall of the cella, and at a height of about thirty-nine feet above the floor. The projecting roof of the colonnade, supported by the great doric columns, threw the frieze, to some extent, into the shadow. This cir- cumstance, and the narrowness of the colonnade, rendered it some- what difficult to see the details of the freize from the floor with clearness. The subtlety of the artist to some extent overcame this difficulty by making the upper portion of the frieze in slightly higher relief than the lower. The subject treated by the artist in the frieze is, undoubtedly, the Panathenaic festival. the chief festival of the Athenian people, which was held once in four years, in honor of Athena, the patron goddess of the city. The festival continued for five days, the fifth day being the culmination of the whole in a procession, which passed through the city and up to the summit of the Acropolis, where a new and gorgeously embroidered robe, or peplos, was presented to the image of the goddess, which was enshrined in the Parthenon. It is this procession which is represented in this frieze. It was composed of the officials of the city, youths and maidens, some of whom bore fruits, or led animals, designed for the sacrifice; others who bore olive branches, and still others, these the flower of the young men of the city, who, mounted on horseback, acted as a grand escort. To describe the frieze, one must begin at the southwest corner of the temple, whence the procession, in two portions, proceeds toward the eastern front of the Parthenon. One of these portions runs along the western and the northern walls, the other along the south- ern, the two portions meeting upon the east, or main front, over the great entrance door of the temple. @1112 western dl’tft'tft glib) western frieze represents chiefly the preparations for the starting of the proces- sion. One young man is in the act of arraying himself in his cloak, or chalmys; another is fastening his sandal; others are mounting and riding on to join the procession. which is already under way. One figure (Slab VI) is of a youth, who has alighted to fasten a loosened sandal. His next neighbor in the same slab is evidently a captain or marshal, for he wears a helmet and richly decorated armor. Farther along are others still in the act of mounting, or otherwise preparing to join the procession. @the northern 1mm HIS latter idea still attaches to the first few figures, after we turn the corner and proceed along the northern wall; but soon we find ourselves among the rapidly moving figures of the procession (‘Slabs XLII-XXXI). Young men on horseback are massed closely together and their movement displays much spirit and vigor. The rela- tive distances of the horses and their riders from the spectator is admirably managed. Now come a number of chariots (Slab XIII) drawn by horses in pairs, and warriors with shields. Before them march a group of elderly men (Slab X) evidently officials, pre- ceded, in turn, by musicians, young women bearing jars of wine and oil upon their shoulders (Slab VI), young men with trays of fruits, and men leading sheep (Slab IV) and oxen for the sacrifice. 32 CATALOGUE OF em évoutliem diners ETURNING to the southwest corner of the temple and following the procession, which is represented upon the frieze of the South Wall, we find it, of course, pro- ceeding in the direction opposite to that of the western and northern frieze. This frieze begins with groups of horsemen (Slabs I-XVII), not so closely massed, however, as those upon the north wall. These, again, are preceded by chariots Slabs XXIV, XXV, XXX‘) drawn by horses in pairs. Here, again, appear beasts designed for sacrifice, as the cor- ner of the eastern wall is approached (Slabs XXXIII—XLIV). @1132 eastern iltrt'm @S each portion of the procession is represented as turning a corner and advancing upon the eastern front of the temple, the action of the procession changes. The impression of vigorous movement disappears and in its place, is presented an aspect of dignity and solemnity. In the center of the frieze, above the main door of the temple, is the culmination of the whole, the presentation of the pep/0s to the priest in charge of the temple (Slab XI). On either side of these figures are groups of seated figures, presuma- bly divinities and dignitaries (Slabs VII—XIV). A group of standing figures of elderly men probably represent the officials of the city, awaiting the coming of the procession (Slabs XV—XVI). Beyond, on either side, are female figures approaching the center and bearing vessels and musical instruments designed to aid in the ceremony of the sacrifice. The group of seated figures at the right of the central group are believed to represent Zeus and other high divinities, who have come from Olympus to witness the grand festi- val and sacrifice (Slabs XII-XIII). The original slabs of the frieze of the Parthenon are scattered in various parts of the world. Much of the eastern frieze is in the British Museum, at London, whither it was taken by Lord Elgin; a large portion of the northern frieze is also there, although a con- siderable part of this frieze is still in 5171/, on the Parthenon walls, or preserved in the Acropolis Museum at Athens. Portions of the south frieze are in each of these places. All of the western frieze, except Slab II, is 2'” sim. Considerable portions of this magni- ficent work are destroyed and lost; but, fortunately, a French artist, Jean Jacques Car~ rey, who visited Athens in the year 1674, when the temple was still in much of its origi- nal condition, made drawings of the sculptures of the Parthenon, which drawings are still in existence. From a study of these sketches we may know the frieze practically in its entirety, as it came from the chisel of Phidias. A good reproduction of these drawings can be found in Der Parr/11211021, by Adolf Michaelis, from which the arrangement of the slabs is made. P. P. CARROT/V] és BROTHER. THE PARTHENON AS IT ORIGINALLY APPEARED. .\_r‘ b t; ‘I "j t; i _' aka‘ A!“ THE PARTHENON AT THE PRESENT DAY. 34 CA TAL 06‘ U5 OF western :Il’n'cae of the teartltnmn 16 Slabs. R. 1’. CARR 01V] 62* BROTHER. 0Q 00.0 00...: 00.: OO.N_ OOIN 00.2 00.: 00.2 00-2 00.: 00.: OO.N~ .3. ; U’) ‘A 71 2’: >< K (‘I .+ 1. 0m Sr 2 r. 1. mm. a 1. aim a 1. cm a. 1. arm 0,. 1. cm a 3 mm. x we 0m x. 1 cm. w. 1. mo x 1.. on v. 9r 5 new 7;. as; . in new 3 Ex 02w .. cf . :vm D.m_.£.\, . . . . . . i new. . . . . . . new. . 0: new. . :5 new . . . . . :> 8% . . . . . .H>Qaw . . . . . . ism . . . . . . Zena . . . 22am . . . :fim . . . . . He}. .zozmmazsi 5:. .._c mam-mm 2mm???» .000“ CATALOGUE OF .521, .u 5:335 2: B aataégssanm ‘ 'ezyyzoarar A? [NOHJVJ 1.1 ‘J 1'2 7001 SOUTHERN FTIEZE OF THE PARTHENON. Size. Slab I Slab III Slab VI Slab vIII I Slab 1X Slab X Slab XI Slab XII Slab XIII ' Slab XV Slab XVI '. 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 x 31 X 49}; X 49 x 49 x 48 x 48 x 48 X 49 X 49 X 49 x 49 Price $8.00 12.00 12.00 I 2 .00 12.00 12.90 ' 4 12.00 ~ 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Slab XVII Slab XXIV Slab XXV Slab XXX . Slab XXXVIII Slab XXXIX Slab XL Slab XLI Slab XLII Slab XLIV Size. 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 X43 X43 x48 X49 x56 X44 X47 x48 x56 x35 Price. $10.00 10.00 12.00 [2.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 8Q :10 HA’OO 'JHZ F3 Jtlortlnru dl’titft of the ieartbnmu 26 Slabs 7002 NORTHERN FRIEZE OF THE PAR'I'HENON. Slab IV . Slab V . Slab VI . Slab Vlll Slab X . Slab XVII Slab XVIII Slab XIX Slab XXII 69 'cyyHlzoyâî a@ [NOHJVJ 'J 'J Slab XXIII Slab XXIV Slab XXVI Slab XXVII] .' Slab XXIX Slab XXXI Slab XXXII Slab XXXIII .' Pl'iL't. $10.00 10.00 I 2.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 I 2.00 I 2.00 of JO HHSOTVJVI) Slab XXXIV . Slab XXXV . Slab XXXVI . i _ Slab XXXVII. Slab XXXVIII Slab XXXIX . Slab XL Slab XLI Slab XLII fiortbern arrien of the îâartbennn- Cantz'nued Size. 42x48 42x48 42x48 42x48 42x48 42X51 42x56 422465 Price. 42 x 48;]; $12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 [2.00 P. P. CAPROIVI 6:» BROTHER. menu" 1.x 11.0“ x; x 03:20.0" 041.0,. ~mx “mm mmx 2:" 1. F. a. g 1. A‘ New A.‘ 3. av 020. J\ QN\ u RNJNM X nfim RH 92m 25/ 82m . . . . Z> 02w . . . H> 02w > nfiw >~ 02w _: 02m . . . I aim . . . H 22m .zozmzckem E: 00 HEEL zmwewem moo“ 06:05.39 08 0Q 55“ 533% at JO ZOQOYHZVO Slab XI . Slab XII . Slab XIII Slab XIV Slab XV . Slab XVI Slab XVII Slab XVIII Slab XIX Slab XX . Qlffifittt'll ill'titit 0f the 198ttDm0n~Cmtinwd Size. 42 x 40 42 x 46 42 X 54 42 x 38 42 x 40% 42 X 37 42 X 41% 42 x 28% 42 X 33% Price. $10.00 10.00 1 2.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 P. P. CAPRON] é' BROTHER. 43 lfich'cfs -— (Brash ants ltioman ORIGINAL SIZE. N0. 7°04 7°05 700 5. (three matopcs from t1): qéarthcuou Metope From the Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs. Metope From the Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs. M etope From the Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs. Sue. 52x54 52x52 52x52 N0. 705 7A Niké olis, Athens. 70 57A. Museum. N 1x12. 7088 From the Temple of Niké Apteros,Acrop- Original in the Acropolis Apobate’s Votive Offering for Vic— 7088. APOBATE’S VOTIVE OFFERING FOR VICTORY 1x CHARIUT RACE. ‘Size. 38X17% 16x33 Price. $40.00 40.00 40.00 Price ‘ $5 .00 tory in a chariot race . 5.00 44 CATALOGUE 0F 7089. EAGLE \VITH CHAPLET UF OAK LEAVES. 7090. BACCHIC DANCE. No. 7089 Eagle, with Chaplet of Oak Leaves. From T rajrm’s Forum . 422x 126 $50.00 Original in the Church of SS. Apostoli, Rome. 7090 Bacchic Dance. In f/m Vi!- la Albam', Rome 37 x 49 1: 5.00 7091 Shepherdess Extracting Thorn In [fly/es Alumina . 8 x 1 1 1.00 7091. SHEPHERDESS EXTRACTING THORN. Inches. Price. P. P. CAPROZV] 6:" BROTHER. \I_‘I ' ~..4» ‘*1! MONUMENT 0F HEGESO. 7093. 7092. No. 7092 Monument of Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos Original in .ritu, near the Dipylon Gate, Athens. 7093 Hydrophoros . . . . . . Original in sz'tu, near the Dipylon Gate, Athens. mliefs—ifienaieeamt ORIGINAL SIZE. 8455. MADONNA AND CHILD. 845 5 Madonna and Child, in a wreath of flowers. By Andrea {lei/:1 Robbin Original in National Museum, Florence. 8456 Madonna and Child, with frame of fruits. B _y Andrea delfa Robbin HYDRO PHOROS. Original in the Museo Nazionale, Florence. Oolr thou . 0 Inches. Price_ 38 x 60 $25.00 40 x 70 35.00 17%}: 17% 2. 27 S456. MADONNA AND CHILD. 46 CATALOGUE 0F 3* ///‘-~ ' I ‘l, * _/,‘, - '0 'S-‘L‘ ,- _ _ - .. .. .. /I ‘_ 61¢“ /' ‘ 1' Avjjq ’! ' /(. l J . ,\\r\ _, k“ _ g, \ was: er’, I‘! " A ; ~\~'f£~i (-:*\Q 8457. MADONNA AND CHILD. 8458. MADONNA AND CHILD. 9654. ARMS 0F SPINELLI 8459. MADONNA AND CHILD. 9655. SLAVE HEAD. FAMILY. No. Size. Price. 8457 Madonna and Child, with frame of fruits and flowers. By Andrea dellrz Robbin 28% x 28 % $6 00 Original in the private collection of Signora Barbieri Nani, Florence. 8458 Madonna and Child, with frame of fruits and flowers. By Andrea lie/la Rob/II}! 41 x 41 15.00 Original in the Museo Nazionale, Florence. 8459 Madonna and Child, with frame of fruits and flowers. By Benedetto (la Alrn'ono 40 x 40 15.00 Original of marble in the Church of San Gemignano, 'I‘oscana. MEDIUM REDUCTIONS. 9304 Children playing on Cymbals. Reduction (gr/‘8359 . . 18 x 20 6.00 9312 Bambino. Reduction 0f8362 . . 14 x 18 2.50 9313 Bambino. Reduction 0f8363 . . . . 14 x 18 2.50 9654 Coat of Arms of the Spinelli family By Filippo Brmze/esr/u' 13% x 14 1.50 From a door in the Church of Santa Croce, Florence. 96 5 5 Slave Head (circular) . . . By Aficlzelangelo 6 x 6 .75 P. 1’. CAPROZV/ do’ BROTHER. 47 one @n'umplgal (Entry of Qleranber into I'oahylon HIS frieze was originally executed in the year 1812, for one of the apartments of the Palace of the Quirinal, Rome. Subsequently the Danish government ordered a copy in marble, which was placed in the Museum in Copenhagen, and of which this is a faithful copy. (LThe palm, the symbol of peace and victory, begins the frieze. It overshadows the market place, with a camel and bales of goods. A caravan is supposed to be passing at a distance, which those in the market place are watching. By the river bank is a fisherman, quietly casting his line. The whole is in- dicative of peace. But a merchant hears of the approach of the victorious army of Alex- ander and flees across the river with his merchandise, in the endeavor to save it from fall- ing into the hands of the conqueror. The next panel shows the Genius of the River Euphrates, the flowing urn denoting the inexhaustible flow of the water, the oar the nav- igability of the river, and the ear of wheat the fertility of the region through which it flowed. The inhabitants now endeavor to save their possessions. A shepherd boy drives the flocks from the fields, while the owner and his family stand anxiously by. The people of the city are assembling upon the walls to witness the approaching pageant. At the gate of the city two soldiers are on guard. Through the gate is passing a procession of people, who go to meet the conquering Alexander with the hope of propitiating him. Of this pro- cession, the last to leave the gate is a group of wise men and astrologers, who with their astronomical instruments go to meet the conqueror and to predict for him a prosperous future. These wise men are preceded by wild animals in leashes and a group of Arabian horses, all of which are designed as gifts to the conqueror. These gifts are in turn pre- ceded by musicans, and the city treasurer erects an altar of incense, while maidens strew garlands in the way. Mazaeus, the conquered Babylonian general, goes forward to meet his conqueror, with his five children, supplicating for mercy. The procession of Baby- lonians who have come out of the city is led by the Genius of Peace bearing an olive branch. They now meet the conqueror Alexander and his cohorts. Alexander himself leads the van in his chariot, driven by the Genius of Victory. He is followed by his armor bearers, and they in turn by an extensive cavalcade. Following this comes an elephant loaded with booty, beside which walks a captive Persian chief guarded by a Greek warrior. A final horseman concludes the procession, while at the extremity of the frieze is seen Thor- waldsen, the artist, beneath a palm tree, witnessing the procession which he is to depict. CATALOG UE OF .mmQz5 7.00 “ XX]. 24 x 444% “ VII. 24 x 39 8.00 , ' Price. $150.00 8.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 50 CATALOGUE OF 10046. HAnvEs'rEns. . 28 X 67 $30.00 LJ I 0046 Harvesters P. P. CAPROZV] £9- BROTHER. 51 10712. 10713. 10714. CUPID PLAYING VIOLIN. CUP") PLAYING FLUTE. hlAR'l‘IN LUTHER. MEDIUM SIZE AND REDUCTIONS. N 0. Sue. Price. 10712 Cupid, playing Violin . . . . . . . I4 x I7 $2.00 10713 Cupid, playing Flute . . . . . . 14 x 17 2.00 10714 Martin Luther . . . . By Robert K'raus 15 x 15 1.50 LISZT. WAGNER. MOZART. BEETHOVEN. , GOETHE. ANGELS. S'r. CECILIA. SMALL RELIEFS AND REDUCTIONS. No. Size Price. I 1063 Young Musicians . . 7% x 7% $0.75 I 1064 Liszt . . . 7 x 7 .50 I 1065 Wagner 7 x 7 .50 I 1066‘ Mozart 7 X 7 .50 1 1067 Beethoven . . 7 x 7 .50 I 1068 Schiller . . . 7 x 7 .50 I 1069 Goethe . . 7 x 7 .50 .- I 1070 St. Cecilia at the organ 6% x 6% .50 11063. Yormc MUSICIANS. 11071 Angel Singing from Scroll 6% x 6% .50 52 CATALOG UE OF fllBehallionzi: from 1/26 Medici Collection P. 1’. CAPROA’] 6:» BROTHER. 53 No. _ _ _ Inches Price. 1 1713-1 1736 mcluslve are shown In our general Catalogue of 1901. 1 1737 Francesco Lancilotti, artist unknown . . . . 3 $0.2 5 11738 Taddea, wife of Vittorio Pavoni By Antonio Mrresmm' 3 X .2 5 I 17 39 Giovanni de’ Medici . 1?)’ Franz-arm [In t‘S‘mlgal/u 3 2 11740 Elena Marsuppini, wife of the artist. By Fro/mum d1: Slzugullu 3% 2 11741 Cosimo I, de‘ Medici . It‘)v Frmn'm'u (In Snnga/fi) _ 3% .25 1 1742 Paolo (liovio, Bishop Nucerinus. />’_r I'lraurerm (In Sin/gal!” 33-1 .25 11743 Giovanantonio Guidi, artist unknown 31/2 .25 11744 Nonnina Strozzi, artist unknown . . . . 3% .25 1 1745 Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta By Villa/1'11 l’ismm 3}’; 2 11746 Maria Mucini, artist unknown . . . . . 3% .25 11747 Leon Battista Albertina />’_r flint/m d1.” Jam‘ 3% 2 ,1‘ ‘it mcnalltons — miscellaneous “ 11818 Liszt 4% .25 11818. LISZ'I‘. flrmor ant: =bhirlns 12614. BLuncr-um. 12615. GAUNTLE'I‘, RIGHT. 12616. GAUNTLET, LEFT. 12614 Bludgeon. Length 23 in. $2.50 11615 Gauntlet, right. Length 10 in. 1.50 12616 Gauntlet, left. Length ID in. . 1.50 flm'mals by Earp: 12828 ‘Tiger devouring Crocodile, enlargement of No. 12820 , base 24 x 10 . . . . . . 0 10.00 12829 Tiger, enlargement of No. 12819, base 8 x 31 . 5 15,00 12830 Lion, enlargement of No. 12806, base 8 x 31 5 15.00 54 CATALOGUE OF animals Height. No. Ft. In. Price. 13035 Eagle . . 1 4 $7.00 13035. EAGLE. {Beans of animals I3II9. LION’, GARGOYLE. I3I20. ' TIGER, LIFE SIZE. No. Size. Price. I 3 I 19 Lion, gargoyle . From {/12 72,111,014 (ff Anmm'mzs, Rome 14,1/2 x 1 2 [1/2 2. 50 I3 I20 'l'iger, life Size . . . . . . . 3.00 mafia 1185 13556. HERMES, FROM ANDROS. I3557. CHERUB. FROM STATUE :5“. No. Price. 13556 Hermes, from Andros . . . . . . . [.50 13557 Cherub, from statue 25!! - . 1.50 P. P. CAPRON] 6r‘ BROTHER. 55 @tutu'cs of QDmamcnt ant] architectural mums 18863 A. 18863 B. 18863 c. 18863 D. 18863 Fire Orders of Architecture. 18863;. Corinthian ] . ' 69 x 13 $20.00 1886313 Composite 1 Cogigéplggtrfigmrc i 69 x 13 20.00 188636 nor-lc Capital Column 59 X 13 ‘5'00 188631) Iomc ' nd’Base 55 x 13 13.00 I8863E Tuscan J a ' 47 x 12 10.00 18945 a. FnoM THE WALLS OF THE ALHAMBRA. 1894.5A Fragment . . _ 14mm the walls (j the Alhambra 6 x 26 2.00 56 CATALOGUE OFP. P. CAPRONI 6r BROTHER. 19129. FRAGMENT OF Amvn FROM ALHAMBRA. lt)l30. R1 lSET'I‘E. 3. "5“ g- e: {r 190:3. RENAISSANCE PILAS'I‘ER. 1913i. FRAUMENT 0F CEILING DECORATION. 19023 Pilaster, Renaissance . . . . . 17 x 113 $12.00 19129 Fragment of Arch . From ille- All'zamora 18 x 39 4.00 19I30 Rosette. Fragmentqf 18902 . 15 x 16 2.50 19131 Fragment of Ceiling Decoration . . . . . From t/ze T reamry of Mz'nyns, at Oro/zomenos 23 x 37 4.00 Lincoln in Sculpture SPECIAL CIRCULAR FOR THE LINCOLN CENTENARY, FEBRUARY 12, 1909 P. P. Caproni and Brother, 1920 Washington Street, Boston,Mass. 110.5449 Height2ft.5in. $10.00 M16280 Heightlft.2in. $2.00 P106281 Heightlft. $1.50 M11295 Heightlit-Zin- $2M" COPYRIGHTED No.10064 24in.x18in. $4.00 No.11816 5in.x4}in. s .25 *°-“3f}§mR1;%§‘t§f“5§1 M"13'326L1fem5k “'00 )‘°']i§§ri1i1§“§i“63 " SUGGESTIONS FOR INTERIOR DECORATION 0F SCHOOLS AND GUIDE TO GIFT GIVING," a catalogue ofBopages. containing about 500 half-tone illustrations of sculpture of different periods, is ready for distribution. Sent upon receipt offi cents for postage. Lincoln in Sculpture SPECIAL CIRCULAR FOR THE LINCOLN CENTENARY FEBRUARY 12, 1909 P. P. Caproni and Brother, 1920 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTED N0. 5395 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $20.00 NO. 5394 Height 2 ft. 8 in. N0. 5323 Height 1 ft. 2.00 NO. 6322 Height 1 ft. 2.00 The two busts illustrated above are considered by leading authorities to he the finest likeness of Lincoln in sculpture. No. 5448 Height 2 it. 0 in. $10.00 These plaster Casts are finished in an old ivory tint and they can be mPYRlGHTED readily cleansed with water and No. 2514A Height 6ft. III in. $125.01! " Pcarline." N0. 2883 Height 3 it. i in. 20.00 ,. y , ‘ ‘ :Jf'Hi: Htm'rz‘izuxu'n PRESS _ - ' BOSTON